EightY -Fourt h Year
Wh.ole Numb er 5987
:~i !I/~e~l('~te:d'ad:n~I- R~~~~e:; 1
Geog. 8:058 :20- 88:20 :40 8 :40- 8 :45 8:45- 9:05
Orul Arithm etic, R, e ading .< fir st group)' R,e st Period, Rendin g (31'<1 gn up)
an d ,
pu Ilctuati on from mOI'n ill!!s , spe lling lesson, 9 ::30- 9 :40 Nature Lesson. 9 :40- 0 :45 Dismiss .
--Miss Helen Welch spent ThursCOLUM BUS The propose d Americ an Educa.t io Week Last [i' n I'iday evening the FireST. MARYS CHURC H Con~titutional amendm ent author- day in Dayton . Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Harts ock ;nen's lub e ntertai ned the Village 1'his week is Amel'iean EducaRev: J. J . Schefl'er, Rector izing issuanc e of seven and onewere Mi s , Campbe ll, Grade 4- Room Cou ncil al a me e tiil Mr. John Staley, of Dayton , is tion week. The school is observi ng Dnyton visitol's Tuesda y. ~ in th e engine Twenty -fourth half million dollars of bonds, the viliitinlf his sistel', Mrs. Maud. this week by having unday after 8, a special prohouse, at which time Mr, W. H. Mr, and MI·S. Myel' Hyman and. Tri nity, Novem ber 15. Church sale of which was to provide ad- Fetter. gl'flm in the afterno on of each 7 :45- 8 :00 Readin g (redbir ds) school lit !l :30, Mornin g Prayer 8:00- 8:20 Music (MI·s. Buerkle ) Carvel', Chief of Fit'e Preven tion so n spent Sunday in Cincin nati. day. ·The program is as follows : ditiona l funds for the State Weiand sermon at 10 :30, Chas. Squud, Edward s Dayton 8 :20-8 lind Novem family, Fire :!J5 Readin ber Depal't of 0- 2 p..01. Rev. Wilg (Bluebi rds) ment, fure Depart ment, was defeate d on Dayton , spent the week-en d with liamson address ed the high 8 :35- 8 :45 Spellin g ( drill and and Mr. Robert Anders on, Chair- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears spent Novem ber 3rd/ by 86 of the 88 relative s. Su nday with relative s in Spring FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T sc study). hool and upper grudes at asman of Fire Preven tion Commi tt;e Valley. countie s in OhIO. Only three coun8:40- 9:05 Spellin g (wI'itte n) sembly. ( Undeno minatio nal) ties, Eric, Hamilt on and Mahoni ng Daylo n Chamb er of CommlJ rce, Wonde selectio n of Chl'ist- Novem ber 10- 2 p. m. Catheri ne 0:05- 0:l0 History (study) . Chester A. William son. Minilte r gave a majorit y of their votes t9 mas Cardsrful Mr. and I\1rs, Alonzo at were 'url Cary's spent the guest speake l's. After the Jewelry Shop Gibbons, Warren County nurse, 9:10- 9:25 Hit-tory (I'ecitat ion) the issue. The unofficial reports Lebanon, The Women's Class will hold 'it'8 with relalive s meeting · th e club touk thlJir guests Saturda y Ohio. . in monthly spoke to the girls. 2 p. m. Secre- 9 :25- 9 :30 Baseme nt period. for the 8,744. precinc ts in Ohio, meeting Friday evening Norwood. to The 9:3 Little Utary 9 Inn, :40 of Ar'ithm the where Y. etic M. Ii 9 (drill) C. A. will gave 491,784 votes for the issue, Novem ber 13,in the church baseMr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers and o'clock dinner 9 :40speak 9 was :45 to sel'ved. Dismiss the boys. a l. Bnd 760,345 votes against the daught er visited Mrs. J ohn Werne r, of Dayton , ment. The men ure invited. In his talk Chief Carvel' gave a issue. Few of t he local bond and dletown , Sunday relative s in Mid- Novem ber 11 , 11 n. m.unday, Novem ber was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Program for brief resume . of Miss the McKins history ey, of Grade fir e 4, Room Taps ..... tax meusur es secured passage . In . Cecil Davi 15 as follows ; ChUl'ch Schoo l at O. Raper, on Saturda y. fighting . Probab ly G. the first qomSilence several municip alities the schools Observe d. by all !) :30 a. m. Lord's Supper and Mr, Mrs. Stanley Rowe, of Invocat ion ... pany fOI' this purpose , he said, was will opel'llte pn reduced schedul es; Cincinand ..... . . Rev. William son 7: 15- 7:30 Study Period. se rlllon at 10:30. Sermon su bject, Call the Waynes ville nati,ca Farmer lled organiz on s' ed MI'. in 7:30W. a German H. 8:00 Recite village EngliRh, in Roll Call .......... Com . Keller Hoak and in at least one city, schools the yeaI' 1677 or 78. He quotcd Exchan ge for New COl'll Meal and " The Unifyin g Power of the Proclam ation . ,. John S. Turner 8:00- 8:15 Spellin g, wi!! not open until Januar y I, Allen Thursd ay. Cross." You are always welcomo figures 8:15from 8:20 the Study Nationa l U nder- pure Buck Wheat F lour. Period. - Americ a ....... Assembly 19 32, unless some new way of at this churc h, Mr. and Mrs. J. p, Fromm and Anthem writer' 8:20Assn. 8:25 Relit Period . to show that the anViolin Solo .. .. .. Donald Gustin l'ai!ling school funds is availab le. Miss Louise Treadw ay, of Midson, Clyde, spent Sunday with Addres nual fire loss in the United States 8:25Readin 9:00 g. s . ...... ... Rev. Dibert ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H relative s in Dayton . is far greater than that in any dletown spent the week·e nd with Benedi ction .... Re\'. William son 9:00- 9:15 Table Drill. Dul'inR: the past two years the MI'. and, Mrs. George Henderson. Rev. Lawren ce B. Mollma nn. other country about $100,00 0,Depart ment of Public welfare has Mrs. Charles Berema n, of Colum No.vember 11;-2 p. m. M~s. HardMr. Young, Grade 5- Room 4. 000 in the past five years, In each First, Third and Fifth Sunday , expend ed and contrac ted for new bus, mg, Juve~lIle officer, Will speak 7 '15- 7 '40 Arithm etic. Depend able Watche s and the Mass at 7 :00 a. is the guest of Mrs. J. O. hundre d industr ial fires, 21 plunts m. Second facilitie s the sum 0'1 $4.,800,000, Cart~ri to the gIrls. latest 2 in p. Jewelry m. E. and ght, this week. L. 7'4.0-8 ' 00 MU I~ic. Novelti es at Fourth Sunday , Mass at 9 :30 a.and suffer great loss of credit, 17 issue aU out of monies approp riated by Shal'on, Scout executi ve o m. f: Cary's : J ewe lry Shop, Lebano n, no stateme nt, 26 suffer great loss Middlet own, will speak to the 8 :OQ- 8 :25 Hisltory . the Genera l Assemb ly. Had the Ohio. Call the Waynes of trade, boys. ville Farmer and 43 s' never resume 8,25- 8,50 Geogra phy. bond issue of $7,600, 000 carried .at Exchan WAYN ESVIL LE M. E. CHURC H ge for new corn meal and Novem ber 12- Night school busines s. But 66 pel' cent 'O'f all the late election it would have pure },luck will 8 :50-9: 15 Hygien e. Leo Sweari ngen, studen t at the Wheat fires occur in homes, where losses Flour. be held and school will be dis- .9 .15- 9.45 Arithm etic. G. C. Dibert, Pastor permitt ed continu ation of the . Bible Semina ry in Cincinn ati, are incune d which no insuran ce missed in the afterno on. state's limited program for the Church School at 9 :30 a. m. visited ----friends Forrest here, over Crane the and policy . daught can replace er . Until the public Fifth Grade New. cal'e of its wards, and would have Marjor ie were Lord's S upper at conclu sion. Sunday guests of can be thoroug hly educate d to the week-e nd. provide d funds which heretof ore Mrs. Maude Hillht School Sch.du le The Fifth grade finished their importa Christi an Endeav or at 6 :30 p. m. Crane and family. nce of, and the most effecthave' been approp riated and paid projt;ct in History , Friday. The ive Mrs. Paul Wright . of Toronto , Erma Sears, leader, Evenin g evan(OO) - Nnmbe r of room. method s for, fire prevent ion, out of regular state operati ng bOY3 made log cabins, ships, forts Ohio, was ca ller at the home of gelistic serv ice at 7 :30 p. m. Serand Mrs. Maynar d Weltz 7 :15 to 7:40-( 12) Lotz, Econ, and guns of the Colonial times. the most. effectiv e fire fighting Mrs. Annaa Kenrick revenue . In the last two years the andMr.childre nnd daught er mon subject , "The Quests 0'1 n equipm visited ent relative should s in be maintai ned. Section twerlQy-two 1; Robbin s, Office; Hat- The gil'ls mad e the people and state ,' instjitut ions Youth ." This evening service will :~t under directio n of the Welfar e Wilmin gton Saturda y afterno on. field, (10) Study; Henkle (17), dressed them in colonial style. The higher this stundar d in any on Friday. be especia lly arrange d as a part of commu nity, the lower the ra tes for Gen. Depart ment, have had an increas e Sc" Section 1.; Westfa ll, (2) After everythin!R' was made they Guy Hocket t is enrolle d in the English y insuran ce are bound to be . The Wayne Town hip Mother s our commu nity llbservance of 8, Sec. 1. of 4,760 patien.t s. built a real Colonia l village on the propert . can Educat ioQ Week." Agricu ltural departm ent of Ohio Mr. Anderson stressed the Club will hold a Thanks giving "Ameri 7 :40 to 7 :50- Home rooms for floor. It was a typical Colonia l presenc e of several compar atively market in GI'ange Hall Wedne sday Prayer meeting and Bible lItudy State Univers ity, for a course of attenda nce check. village with nine log cabins. The new Directo r H. G. Southa rd, M. D., study. each Wedne sday Novem at 7 :30 p. m. ber 26. fire hazards, chief among 7 :60 to 8: 15- Robbin s, office; shin was of the State Depart ment of Health Th e church where' you feel at home the harbor with a them the motor vehicle Crabbe , (22) JI'. & Sr. Voca, Agri; cannon as in with its atstatel! tbat there has beeri a a pl'o,tect Miss Bernyc e Hyman left Friday ion. Mr. and N. A: .King, of Hatfield , (12) Algebra 1; Dennis, gasolin e, oils, greases , etc. materia l .decrea se in the inciden ce Knights town,Mu.Ind., We have stal·ted anothe r con- te ndant In the discuss ion that followe d for Lafaye ttc, Ind., and attende d WAYN ESVIL LE CHU)tC H OF Mr. (8) Typing 1; Henkle , (10) Study test which and death rate of several com- and Mrs. Walter Elzey'Vlslte(l is t() last during the it ",vas brough t up that a fratern ity dance at Perdue CHRIS T tbe first of Westfa ll, (2) Eng, 8, Sec. 11. there was univers munica ble disease s in Ohio in rec- the week. month of ber. It is on the practic ally no fire 'protect ity on Saturda y night. (Unden ominat ional) 8 :20 to 8 :4.5-1:. (17) English 2, ame orderNovem ion on ent yeaI'll; but scarlet fever is not as the lallt one, only the hill, there Cheste r A. William son, Ministe r Sec. 2; Crabbe , (2) Agri. Gr. 8; this time it is being no way of one of them. a race across U. S, Call the Waynes ville Farmer s' There have Kennet h Fromm , who accom- Hatfield , (12) Algebr any pressur e in the m~ins Wedne a 2: Dennis, The Jr. Choir will been 136,806 reporte d' cases since panled .Misses Trillen a and and baCK, starting . at New York getting Exchan ge for New Corn Mel!!..ll np meet in sday: It was also stated that in case Mar- (10) Study: Henkle , (5) Dom , and going to San the ·church at 4 :00 this 1920, with 2,295 deaths due to garet Edward s to Deland , l"rancis pure co. Buck Each Wheat Flour. ~ anythin Fla., aI'g should S Gr happen d 8 W to p, stf the I m. II t c., f Bible stud y and prayer a e ; scar e ever, 60 per cen t 0f 'W hi c h rived home today. e a, (22) W . row represe nting some means of electric current , mains or pumpHistory melltin g at 7 :00 p. m. This week were among childr.en betwee n the travel. Mrs. H. G. ing Emery station and the . two downto 8 :50 ' to wn 9 section :15Robbin we will study the parable of "The ages of two ~nd mne years. Fror;n The fifth grade WOn the flower Mrs. , H. H. William son and 'Latin' 2; Crabbe , (22) Fr. s,& (17) children , of Green Springs , Qhio, Boy Who Stayed at Home," Choir Soph. box this month lind Miss Reeder 's would be as helples s as· the resi- are visiting Januar y unbl Novem ber of thiS .daught ers Misses Mrs. Grace Emery' and dents s Luella parents on the Agri.; , hill, Hatfield , (12) Chemis try; class the picture . It was pointed pructic e at 7 :45 p. m. year 13,867 cases have been re- spent Sunday witb Mr. and MI'. and Mrs, C, H. Hartsoc out that k. Mrs. with Dennis , (8) Typ. 1; Henkle , (5) the purchas e of a Sun day: Sunday school at 9:30 ported. Every case of scarlet fever Paul Hauk at Troy. new chemic al and pumper comDom. Sc., 2; Westfall, (10) Study a. m. Mornin g worship at 10:30. School Paper l&aued howeve r mild, should. be und'!r the Mrs. Will Hapner and bined childre this grave danger of fire n The Americ an Educati on week in ; .9:2.0 9:45-R obbins , (17) care of a co!"pe. tent physlcl~n, The second school paper and; her mothel' , Mrs. Hendric kson which. Mrs. Howard 'Caae and daught er ng. I,to Sec. 1055 could be lessened. special feature s of the con2; Dennis, (12) issued on Novem ber 6, ~ith was becau~e comph~atlOn8 may ar!se Miss Marion , of of six HiIlsbol ·O • CitiZens who witness ed the fire Lebano n, were ng. Lit, Sec. 2' Westfa ll (10) full pages r spent Sunday with tributio n that ed ucat ion is paying affectm g the middle ear, the kld- guests 01 MISS Emma of VUI'IOUS news. Mrs, The An na Kenrick and daught er, to the various phases destroy ed the propert y of Heighw ay, tudY ' , , of Ufe is staff worked vel'y hard trying to that neys, Iymyh glands, tbe- heart or Monday afterno on. Miss Sarah Smith on Sixth street, Miss Bertha. . the jOlnts. Every case being emphas ized. The churche s of sore make I ' t a success , Thl's I'ssue of EI two winters D throat among school or prescho ol ago can (G very d plainly been asked to coopera te in Mr. and Mra. Lee , Mrs. .me.n tary Mr. W . H. Allen was a guest of have epartm ent ra e. the Pep·el' has a fuil page of see the need of this new appara tus childre n s"ould be regarde d with M. L. Parshal l, and Hawke this program , so in our mornin g little Miss the Middle town 6, 7, Rotary 8). With club 'a at large suspicio n. . ,ports, pOl'tion social of the resi· their editoria ls, we will have a. program in Anne Weltz visited ' relative s near 7 :15 to 7 :40- Pyle, (3) Geog. jokeli, events ofnews, noonda y luncheo n at the service - - - -•• - ....- - - the last sch 0 9 l dences of the town situated on the Manche keeping with the plan. Some of Lumbe rton, Sunday a'fterno on . 7, Sec. 1; Fox (4) Eng. 6, Sec. 1: month and a review ster hotel, in hill Middle where town thel'e is practica Uy no the trip to the student s and faculty of the Westfa ll, (2) English 8: Sec. 1. see the r.lay "Hamle t"ofthe W. F. M. SOCIE TY MEETS s protect ion it looks as though a on Tuesda y. High sch ool will have part in . tlie 7:40 to 7:50- Home rooms for Club pay, "Cool KnightsMother Saws filed by machin ery, cut better means ot fire protect ion ," and services. The Junior and Senior Novem ber 4, 1931· the Woman 's cleaner , truer, laater. Also cross-' attenda nce check. W. W, Schatzm an and son, of choirs the High school burglar y. should be maintai ned by the town. will both sing and 7:50 to 8:15-J ames, Foreign Mission ary Society met at cut saws, gumme d, 26, pel' foot. Madiso (1) nville, Mr. and Mrs. The W . .Ful- wHl speak 'on the subjecttheofpastor recentl y organiz ed Fire"The the home of Mrs. J. W. Lotz, with Roy Pigott, at Madden 's Lumbe r Arith. 8, Sec. 1; Pyle, (4) Hyg. 6, Econo!ftiea Cia.... hold Debate . men s Club kerson, of Spring Valley, were Boyhoo have shown their Sunday visitors of Jesus." Epwort h Sec. 1; Fox, (7) Eng. 6, Sec. 1; Mrs. Crabbe and Mrs. Earnha rt as· Yard. at the home of Mr. League .dat 6:30 willingn ess to do all in their power p. h, Preach ing 'ser Ros9, (3) Hist. 7, Sec. 1 & 2; The Econom ic!; classes held in- to give be~ter fire protect L ~"" sistant hostess es. . ion to alid Mrs. W, O. Raper. vice at 7 :30 p. m. The sermon r" ,,Thl! devotio nals were conduc ted Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Stansbe rry, Westfa ll, (2) English 8, Sec. 2. terestin g debates A~onday nlornin 2 Wayne svil1e. Thev have improv ed • subj · t ectR d· , Th a t the equipm be "The Purpos e of 8:20 to 8:4.5-J afJles, (1) Arith b n th e su b lec: by lrJ,rs, Ungles bee, the Isubjec t Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mote and Mrs, esoIve Walter Roberts , who was seri- the Firstwill ent 'by• inspect ing and Epistle of John!' . being, "To talk with God . or the Charles Stansbe rry, of Dayton , 7, Sec. 1; Pyle, (3) Geog. 7, ral'1 roa d s S hou' Id , 1'0 e owne d b y th e seei ng that the same is .kept ously iilJ' ured when he fell fr.om in " u_ . t eres t ' t ",...ny • 111 call to prayer. " visited relative s bere Saturda y Section 2; Fox~_.( 4) rith , 6, Sec. govern men. mg first chiss conditio n. They have the roof of a house several weeks 1; Ross, (7) lust, 6, Sec, 2; points were broulrh t out, the affir- proven their value along with that After a short busines s aeBBion, evening . ago, is improv ing and was re- ST. MARY 'S GUILD MEETI NG Crabbe , (2) Agri. 8. Boys; Hen- mative winnin g in, both classes The of chemica ls, in the few calls Mrs. Dibert gave us a very inthat moved from McClel lan hospita l to ones taking part . w ere kle, terestin g review o.f the Introdu ctas (5) follows Home : thev Ec. have answer ed. 8, Girls. Mrs. Belle his home here, Monday . die, Mrs. St. Mary's Guild met in regular ion to our study book, Christ Leah Strouse andWinwid :50 to 9 :15-Ja mes, (7) Arith Sec, I, Affirm atl've-J ohn Turner , A 1 h h Mr. Paul Savage G, 8Sec. s a session on Thursd ay afterno on, ast t oug t--yo Mary u 'Dorl's may Sall'sbu say: Savage l'y', B ryan P comes to the village. " and 'L 2; Pyle, d b t (l) Geog. 8, Sec. ' h b N spellt Sunday in Dayton , the b er 6,a t th e h orne f M r en ergas , as et her urn, I m cove red with 0 rs. The followi ng program was then guestS of Mrs. Mabel Dinwid 1 & 2: Fox, (4) R~a~ing Sp., Sec Ne~ative-Donal(1 Hawke, WI' nl'- insuran . t men t eend H ovem . an d M1'5. M h promot e d to roa d appOln die an ce " anls but ~e stop Arml'ta and ge think and oser. · f Ralph ' O f I BI'anstr k' h a I, 6; Ross, (3) CIVICS 7, Sec. ~ , 'th a run be t ween given: On to the Village bi six and 'family. T' . tl c er 111 c .' arge th Wl t ure illS mee ng was m to the fact that Ralph the muny things that insuran ce P'Itts b to r. OwinD' & 2. ladies. Song, 'jThe Way 0 the ' ' I f or th e purpOSee 0na .. urg an d D enmson f a dd , on th e 0' t a socta cannot .. replace --'oldt keep-sa kes, P Anna 0' Cross'~-by Society . Tbe Four R 9:20 to' 9:46-( 11 Hist. 8, Sec. Branst rator ' was abaent, 1 R H b ' ' h d t • .. ·11· t th Th~ Woman s AUXIliary of. St. enn. t . . IS ea quar ers w'l mg 0 usmess c, -, th e money ' t 0 b e at P'Itts 2; Ross, (3) Sp. 7, Sec. 2; Buerkle Neal! took his place.q In Section 2, ost Walled Oastle -Mrs. WiUiamso.n. MallY s Ohurch wUl meet on b urg. ---', ..etc., _ _ebe use d feor reasury th e' 1oca I wor k 0 f th e' FrIday (2) Music Affirm ative-M pl. Muelle r, Helen Thanks giving and Armist ice Day afterno on, Novem 6, Sec. 2, ber at two Friend and Mary Jo Millet'" Nega- WAYN E TP. MOTH ER'S church, and a substan tial sum was -Mrs. White., Doxolo gy and ,Creed o'clock at the home of 13, CLUB Mr, and Mrs. Mauric e Silver at· realized . It was an ideal day. Mrs. Emma tive-Le r.oy 'Mor.an. Ruth Cook Grad•• 1 to 5 inclu.iv e tended a family dinner at the bright and clear -by Society . . H. McClur e. and there ,was a The Wayne Townsh ip Mother 's home of Misses Blanch Miss Stephe nson- Grade l - and Ballard Wall.lc e. Our next meetin g will be held e 'a nd Perle good attenda nce. ", _ _ _, _ Room 5 Clu'b met at the Grade buildin g on Riley, on Sunday . The with Mrs, Day. birthda y The Rev. meeting and was Mrs. opened by the Sixtb GR,d. New. J. Schaeffer" '7 '4.- 7"50 Openl'ng Exercl'ses. - -- - - .. last Fl'iday afterno on, The meet- anniver sary 'of Mrs. Lelia Mr. Lnd Mrs. J. O. J.Cartwr ight and . 0 - , Bunnel l Preside nt, Mrs. J. W. Edward s and Monday" Novem ber 9, the sixth ing was opened by the reading Miss May Wright visited Miss 7:50of was honqred 8:10 "A" on this Readin occasio g . n, . all joined in repeat.i ng the Lord's HONOR ED DAUG HTER grade, section .11,. started a con- the Evelyn Cartwr ight at Oxford , Sun- 8:10- 8:20- Phy Educati psalm and prayer by Mrs. on, test in attenda nce. They made it a Johnfirst Prayer. day afterno on. Lamb. During .' the busines 8 :20-8 s Mr. :4.0 and Music, Mrs, Russell Wilson of Mrs. Estella Shaner enterta ined An interes ting program was rule if there was, anyone absent session the annual Thanks 8 :40-8 giv:4.5 Wayhes Rest Period. villc, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- given, the opening numbe r being a n gr01,lp of young people from . Mr. and MrS. J. C. Hawke the row would stay in one inter- ing market was announ ced in for 8 :46-9 dore McIntir :06 "B" e of New Burling ton, piano solo by Mrs. John Gons. Mrs Reading , Dayton over the week-e nd for the compan y with Mr: and Mrs, mission and if thel'e were two they the Wednes day before Thanks Carl 9 :05-9 :20 Phonics . giv- Miss Esther Hunt and Mr. Clair Cadwal lader read pleasur e of her daught er, Ada, of Hawke, of Dayton would stay in two. intermi ssions, ing. Also the sale of Christm extract s from spent Sunday as 9 :20..,....9 Ames :35 N!-lmbers. of Wilmin gton spent Sun- the sermon of Bishop and so on. The rows are named seals for the coming week, Col'lmbuB; who SPlint Saturda y ,with Dr. and Mrs. Ralph n, of Vance Mr. day at ill and around Sin~ing SpTings Washin gton D. C. Freema 9 :35--'-9 :46 LI~er~ture. night. and Sunday at home. MillS college s as follows : \vhich had Young' s room receive d the flower Ohio. t Plain, ,9 '45 DIsmiss ed Shaner ' will make her home in Pleaaan been given 1st TOwthe Sunday be:fore in Y$-Be ulah 'Bel'- box and Miss Reeder 's the picture , . I ' - - -- Columb us for the next several Christ Church , Dayton . A tribute nard, captai n-2 absent. Dr. J. E. Witham waa elected • Miss Reeder , Grade I-Roo for the coming month. The literary RED CROSS ROLL m 1. CALL to the memor y of our beloved 2nd row-O hio State- Reba Ed p'l'ogram was opened by singing months . preside nt and Dr. Mary L. Oook 7 :15-'-7 :25 Openin g Exercis , Bis'hop Reese, written by Rev. E. · Over . night guests Saturda y treasur er e. wards, captai n,-l absent. iJ..lrs. Sackett presidi ng at the of the Warren County 7:25-7 :45 Word Drill. The Fifth Annual Ro1l Call of night include d MiasCJJ Ada and Medica l Society which met 3rd row-O hio Unive rsitypiano. Mrs. Beurkle then favored the Amer'ican Red Cross , will F. Chaunc ey D. D. Rector of Edna Shaner , Thelma Shelley and anon T,uesda y o.f last week. in Leb- 7 :45-8 :05 Numbe r Work. none absent. . Trinity church, Columb them with a violin solo with Mrs, start on Armisti 8 :05'-8 :10 Rest ce Day and end on read by Mrs. W. H, 'Allen.Uli\Onewas Period. Irene Lawren ce" MeBBrs Lawton 4th row- Ohio No}'th ern-Jea n John Gons playing the piano o.f 8 ac· :10-8 Tha.nks :30 givingo Readin Day, " 1931. E. Bolend e!! , .Jo.hn Harring ton, , Mrs. Effie Smith, Mrs. Hannah the most enjoyab le number s on Pennin gton, captai n-none absent comr.ai niment. The 3rd frade, Miss 8:30~ :45 The Phoneb Warren c Work. County Chapte r the program was the recitati on by Kinniso n 5th-W ilming ton-Ea rl Moran, Lile 8 room put on the intertai 1'00UDg and Horace Taylor ,Mrs. FloBB e Carey, MiBB '8:45n- has been assigne d a quota of 1200 9:06 Writing captain ':"'-l absent. Shaner . Edith Harris the beautif ul' . ment as follows : Lucy Emley and Mr. Cheste r Carey 9:05-9 :10 Memor y. Gems. membe l's and it is hoped that the poem "Thoug hts ato'fSunset, Mr. alld Mrs., G. W. Young, p~- were. guests of Mr. and Mrs. ____ _ ",which Sonlf by 3rd grade. patrioti Rusc 9:10-9 citizens :15 Dismiss al, will enroll in this she 'had given sixty-fo ur years ' ent!! of Mr. J[~nnison Young and sell Kerrick in Miamis burg, S••eat ... Gn. New. ago ' ReCitat ion by mllie Melloh, cause as they have always done Sundaught er, 'Bernic e Young and Mr, day. in when she entered the high sChooi "Tnank sgivii¥ Here." th Miss Hartsoc k, Grade 2-Roo m t Mr. Pyle's happy 8eventh ;and Mrs. Robert ,MontalfUe and " from what was then called 'Dialo~ue, seven girls-" Thank sMiss eOpas 'h If f th g raders have orfaJlliZed their class 2. d II Buntin g'" room. ' "daugh ter Zenda all of Belle Center ne 0 e thone 0 ar inner." with officers as oll.ows: Preside nt, g iving Mr, and Mrs. G, J. Waterh ouse, 7 :16-7 :20 Openin g Exercis ., b ers h'aIp goes S t N t' 1 Two well es, mem execute ,Ohit', joined the party at Mrs. M'r and Mrs. d number s o.n a lona Glenna Woolar d, Vice Preside nt, Frye, MillS Lou- 7 :20-7 :40 Music. ROenc'ltabtYI'on3rdbygrRadoeb'ert Osbor n- Headqu arters and0 is e used Shaner s home Sunday mornin g ise Crane andCarl in the piano were given by Miss Betty Gilbert Frye were 7:40-7 55 R d' Evelyn Furnas ; . Secreta ry, Erma "We Thank Thee!' Nat'o al c la 't' nj d f S B d d di Hartsoc k. Mis8 Ma~rjorie Edward s ea mg ec. . an e , ~ye I n a mIles '0 every. nner w Ith th e 11'0Up among thoBe who attende d the 7 :155-8: rer, Erma KakeWakele y ', "'-easu P' I M :10 Readin g Sec. n, The other one half e•, is gave an amusin g recjtati on on lano So 0 by rs. J ohn Gons. scriptio .. - ~ Ohio State-N avy footbal l Itame at 8: 10-8: 15 Rest ,P eriod. A. k t' W ley: News Report er, Erma WakeC t t' b d "Grand ma and the Radio." Ferree During the 80cial hour refresh - h:~e.1O arren oun y 0 e use Payne sang . 8 16:.....8 30 Ph . a little song which was ley. S~COND IN S~~'J'E' CONTEST Columb us, Saturda y. , . ments were served by Mesdam es Th R 8~30~8 l t ::36 d Re~rl~~ They B are riod. getting '11 moch along An)'oyed fine with Hartley Moss, J. L. · R Wade, 'U Milton 6 'H b i teth ece p 8 aBn k ut!towns WI h Mr. and ' M1'8. Vern Fail'l- , of 835 855 ....... th t' thel'r studl'es bec.a use of the good Th A a';iiciou s' lunch was se:Ved , ' .01'S _oon, 04' H arveys b '111'1:, wo 1 Hillsbo ro were ' in Wayn;' ville S 0 arren suppor t of the teacher s. : -: Osborn e, Fre d Ce a t e severa n;u me Ie, h Q are an1" ,won first plae.e - in the Warren Monda y,' on' B 'Ompson dd k , Ch a.r old h' J by the "omml' ttee on ref'rea" me' nts R oun y w buslneBB ass stmg C'Onnec They . m tIS, ted 8:65~ 9:10 Langua ge. ·h ave named their eJup, sJclc ::d' Ha:t~a:~es, .oss Hart' . ~. . co.u nty com husking contest held witb the Fairley Hardwa work, and the citizen s ate 'aaked and all ....departe d feehng "The Live' Wires," and their re Com9:10-9 :15 the afterClean Up. ,. at the Beeket t !arm .near .Wellm an ps"y. Mr, 1i'airley is. to stop in there arid enroll and Ii noon had been well spent• recover in" " M' M . . G 2 R ' 9 motto iSla"Paddl e YI>ur own canoe.~ placed secont\ 10 ,t he ,sta~ contest ~r;" an n.11ellll df . almon receipt. will ibe ·ltiveri. ' thre: - ' - - -- _ _ --'L...,- IS8 ai-tID, rade The c ss cplors.a re, "green ' and oom • cond~cted at Tippec,a noe City on months ' duratio Certain ly Warren n county · should 7 :46-7 :65 Openin g Exercis es. white. '. . Wedne sday of last ,.week. 'JIe was , and drill he ' haa hopes of Waynea . ' flU its ' . quota as it bas always , do.ne . 7:65~ :10 Readin g Section 2. ,Our class meets eve~)' two weelui ville ' coming to the front. .warde d a cash prize ' ot '26 '!for . ... in the .past. BI , 8 :10-8 :26 Readin g Section 1. ' . placing in the' state ,contes t and la ..lI1r. aJ;ld M.rs.• R I' think ,we w.i1J have a 'very ~ood Their ·main , weakne ussell ss en,t was ' in Thel'~ Will , be no. solic,ita tions Qhio's alterna te. l'eprele nta'tlve in and Mrs. I.e.lte Lewis enterta eYa :25-8 :40 ' spellin ;•. '. ' . time ,and like ,all our teacher s by f0)11 shots 'in )Vhich m ~hey lne~ were 8 :40-8 :45' Rest , Period. una- fr9. bouse tb house 111 thlS Oamth' nationa l corn huskln~ contest at , .S unday dinner" Jlrs. thd end· of the year. . ble to make ' a "Iucce8li. They had palgn. • _ ......' _ __ to pe fielil in 'I owa tbi. week Mr. HMustoEl 0Jl' LaHY>tnio, KMy·, Jennie 8 :45i:....J.9 :05 Writing . enou~h ~oul shots to tie ' the' , , Moon Is ellaible to enter the n~tlon · rs. w.. • ..s 0~1 r. :tWar'Marid 9 :05-9 :20 .Art. · . : Waynes ville took one Ion the sCQre and ani ' 'Qperi ones f,rom rs, 9 :20-9 :80 Physica l Exercis e. ' HQNOR S MOTHE~ aI· compet Ition 'and may decide Ball', Conner , Mr. ~d cliin Frlday nflrbt . when, Muon the field to'enough win the ~ame. Mrs, 9:30~9:46 LangU an. . · to enter the compet ltion ' accord l. Vi~~ BuiTls and started the leason by ftwbtin~ Way The ftnal score Wail, Mason 22, ~amilY C!t .Day- ........ " ., < to ~ou'nty Arent Chari.. F. 01_ ·t!ln. nesville of! their feet. Waynes ville '1,(. Th& aeeond team MiD Lile, Grade a-Roo m S. Maon waS itl tiptop condit lon, won a bar~-fought pm. for W. H. Severa l -from Wa~e TOW1i/lblp Ca,,'. Jewel.-y Lebano n, 7 :20-7 :60 Readin e 1 Ii 2. while the. Wayceh a· were not up S. with , a count attende d ,be stawte contellt In Ohtp, wiU celebraShop, of. 14 .to ·lt. te their 40th 7:60~ to :OO form. Reat The Period. 'homll team started Iliaml , eouDty W. H. S. ~la)'1 Haneyl b1iJik at edn..da)', A Aam...e,..". Novem ber 16th to 8:00-- 8:20-E out n,ilah. on the wrong foot IU\d COll- home next Frida)' nleht and hoPR PauJdln ,e county map w.. awarded Deeomber 28th. . 40 beautif ul 8 :20--8 ;26 R..t Pel'ioj. tillU~ to play in that manne r to be on the ,wf~ninl f Hat. fIi'8t p~c.. _ '" ~-:. ~opportuD1t,. for 8 :25-8 :40 oeo. ~• throulb out the ' It Is ho~ed that a lal'P ,roup pen '''1'11, 8:4.0-9 M ... Prl. .1& Mu.tC. - opbalOIl of 119mef alks will COMe to , ... the 81111Mr1be for til. . . . .. GMdte 0IIi. rIl QJftI. that with more 9 :l&-'-
' 'eeI.
))J. . ~
...... . W.,.e, bIIl*to rm. '
upon enchanted waters. milli ~t l'alor o( estate of Mary E. When .John Thurston presllntly Hawell, c;\eceased, and flied bond of Joined onstance, flhe looked l,IP UGOO with J. M. Roland and Anna with a frown. "I wil just thinking L, Rolalld III! sureties. tlhe xplnrned. "That Palm Tre e Sarah Ann Decker, administradue 'n't at all I'eali ~e what Burke trix of estate f· Hel)ry H. Decker, . mo ' be /otetti n~ into hi !> mind. I deceased, fil d his first and flllal b Il ev thl' little framl's quite uccount. Jluff d up ov r · the id ' lI he' s mude George P. Gates, guardian of Probllte Cout't Proce~dinlr. HOllleth inj! (If a COllqUl'st." • arah Ann Decker, incompetent, Thurston unsw(ll'ed Illther ab () n No'bert J . nawu n uqd Paul til d his first and final accoUllt. lIy. "Anyh w," h said, "Burke' s Holt.hnus, ndmin istratol' of estnte J,'rl'd . Bahr and Olive Bohr OVer the id at Hon olulu und o( n. I. John , de,c eas d, fil d t.heir weL' appointed administrators of gone forever.' eNia te of LQrenz Bahr and filed ~ al bil l. • he Ilss ented. George H. mith, ,executor of bund of $10,000 with Rob ert Blair John wa~ sil en t for some time. sLa t e {If .Iizubeth Thumpson, de- an d Edward Blair as s ureties. ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE Then: " I'd lik e t o go, loo," he cca ed, filed his invcntory and all- hurl es Waggoner, J. R. Lllw and burst. ouL " r, I've been trying t o pl'Uisemen t. tcphen Bran e were appointed apopy right b}' Charles Srribner's Sons tell YOU I've taRen your advice : The will of Elm I' 1:. J ones, de- prui sers. Dit\ a Hackett e xecutrix of estate .....,""""""'''''''','Ut..,. . ,''''',. .,'''''''',''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""'''''''' a 'ked her Lo beco n1e my wH"c." ceused was file'd in co u rt. "Y ell," . he an swer d w, thout J::ll a Keys Cook , administra trix of J ohn Hackett, deceased fil ed her HAPTER 1 . further fr om our fixed idea of Il mo\'ing, " I know ." of ' t! ~tate of Emma 111. Keys, de· inven tory and aI'P I·aisement. cutthroat: fierce mou stachios " he t vld yo u'?" he excla im ed. c(,lI~e t!, i!l to pn ~' ('el·ta in acco un ts The wi ll of Surah A. Irwin was "Oh, he adde d with a s hru g~ ing hllwk nose, deepset , piercing, evil " o. You did. " udmitted to pr obate. William Hand ue. J!estu t'e acquired from the natives , ey s. Yet in renl life your coldHe wn ~ c hag rin c(J. " 'uppose ] Hu bert L. Sch uyler, admin istra- kill !;on wus appointed adniinistral'yo u'd ne el' guess--n ver." He blooded, llIurdering brute is quite do lo ok lik th al," he !lBill . to r. No bond. J ohn Conley, Ed, Relll E.tate Tran.fen h esitnt.cd in u dillidence t J'a n!:e to as likcly to be some efTe minate "On the contJ'uI'Y. You 've bl'en tor of estllte o f Rue hel J. Will, rl eonley and C. W. Hendrickson his nature. "But t hink, mi8·. Here youth ' elling 'odu water with a ~ p l end id." Shl' g lu nced UII fri end - c!!a;.cd, filed his firs t and finul uc- were uppointed aPPl'!lisers. E. I. McVay to Wil son and Alice we are maybe, l en, fift en years lisp .. . " ' ly. "B ut 1 . ti ll think it \\' H ~ the cuunt. The bo nd of ' administrators of Brown. II acres in Harlun town' hestc r Sawyer, a dministrutor nev'e r seeing uny woman's face ex.. ove l'," aid Van, "did I hu ve right thing to do. A week 01' two u f ( ~ Late of H. ~; . ltum ey, de- est ate of R. I. J ohn s was reduced sh ip . cept these silly brown critters or soda wate r with a li sp." henc e- ab solu tely 11 0 hupc. Oh. Arthur R. Wilson and Norma fr um ~2 0,OOO to $15,000. perhaps the wife 0' some missionWilso ll to John ' Iat.tery. !l0.38 Palmyra had been w IHj erillg why didn't you spe llk in aliforniu ceased, fill'd hi s first allli final acary 0 1' trader, h ero too lon g-si ck- wh y ever 'one on bon I'd- everyone ,he originully liked yoU bc::;t. I'm co unt. Common Pie .. Proceedinr. acres in Harlan town shi p. aril's H. () nn er is incompetly, pal , done f or. And then, of a exccpt Oscur J. Edwards to Trillena onstanc e - wanted he r s un! of it. Does still. if s he on ly ert'tChand Sadi 'onn er wus uJlpoint' udden, alollg you comes ; a- a to n>arry Van. She saw thnt they kn l' w. Or," onsla nce added rueIn th e case of Clarence Browll Edwu rds and Margaret W. Edt'd b is gu [1I'd ian. 11 e is to be 1.'011vision • . . . . " vel'sus Flot'ence Thomas, et al ward s. 59.} 0 ucres in Wayne town all uid, and she felt that t heir f ully, "wou ld if thll Y'c1 I t her fine d ill the 'u ti onal So ld i rs pal·tition of said real estate is to ship. He stammered in his effort to find reason mll st be good. 'onstance. al one.' Il ome. words that should do justice to his of course, said it was only anc esHe lau ghed with some bil~eTne RS be made. Lucy L. H oward versus Lucy E. Th e first an d fin.al uc co unt of Eu. . cntiment. but no ofTen·d. In ~he cllse of Union Central Smith. Inl ot No. 67 in Frllnklin : tor . Th Tree fumily worshipped "Oh, I know wha t yo u I11l'an." Cad and Caroline Schaub to He fell int o U iludd en petulllnce genc C. Dunhllm" udminislrlltol' of Life In sul'unce Cumpany versus "A:1I pink and white, peaches and the family tree. "A nd Vun," When Thu rsLon spoke ugll in il c8tnte of Lillian J. ' mall, deceas- Chad!!!! F'rnnklin, et aI, leave is Belle H. Thomas. Inlols Nos. cream," he went ou recklessly; "a Constanc e had said commercially, was approved, allowed lind con gl'llnted th e defenda nts to file 334S, 3344 und 3346 in Love land . living being as beautiful as a paint "has the finest lin e o f ancestors wa s nllpuTently in un ('ITol't t o gc l l'11. fi rllled. e d l>icture.. I ain't meaning no put out by any hou se in America .' into Il more c:hee l' ful voin. an>·\\,e l·. Ella. Davi s to Mabel Rittnel' Th e lil'$t allu lfi nal E1count o f R. " Seemingly," Iw said, " I huv e In th " case of state of Ohio ver- Real estate in Deerfield town ' hip. (li sr espect. But that, Miss Tree, It was nothing in Van pel'so null y, II. II ild e bra nt, tlx(:cutor of estute s u ~ John W. McKay, alias J . W. GcoI'ge Lon gst reth, et al., to a s I reckon you'll understand she had added. "John d oes things. another' \\'cll·\\'i ~he r uboanl." With a pock l't nn ~ hlight he mude uf I. N. Miller, \\'us approved, 'al- 1'.1(' K e, the defen dallt was found board of education of Turtlec\'eek just fair knocks us. white and But Van only is thin gs." g uilty and was sentenced to n(,t township. IO Wl'U and confirmed. brown a like, dead in a row." Th e g irl g ot' up restle ssly an d vi ~ ib l e for hel' II smull QlJjec t of G. F . R ogerR to Meta. I R oger R. l ' he fi rst E1 l1d fin ll l nccount of less than one year at the state ' re"But do you really believe stoou at the I'ni l gazing out oVO!' wuve n fibel': a ullrk cOl'd wound Real estate in Wayne township. Palm Tree's pirate has been in the s unset sea. AI! John ThUl'ston round a packe t pel'hJlp: two inches F:lizube th Hickunl, ('xec utl'ix of (' s- f 01 matory at Mansfiel~. lut e of Fl'unk Rick ard, was apIn t he cnse of LeWIS & Drake Curl and Cnrolin e Schaub to gun battles ond all that?" Con- went on to amplify hi s though i s square . '',v hen I carne on dec k thi s pr oved, allow'd lind confirmed. vel'~ u ~ H~nry N. Oram, et aI., t he Sarn h Nadje Spangler. Iniots stan ce 'Crawford was asking. r egar<ting BUI'kc, she g lanced over Th e lhird acount of Boyd S. plaintiff IS granted three days to Nos. 5961 and 6962 iti Loveland. mo rninlC," he explai ned , "()1ive Palmyra now spoke. "It's non- her should e r to scoff. sense to !.ake that little man . Carl and Carolin e Schuub lo "I could chase your bud man incarnated him se lf before me. Hntfigebl'l', tru stee o f estute of file amendment. In the case of ~tate of OhIO veri Beatrice Yonkn. Real estute ill seriou l~," she affirmed. o 'cr the deck with a feather du s- Looked abou t furtiv ely, jerked my William Burton, d eceased, was ap: us Walter Jenll1!lgS, the defend- Loveland. coat-tai ls, up fa st e ned this r ound proved, nll owe d and confirmed. There was a general assent. ter." Th e firHt nnd fi.nnl ·aceoun t of Ar alit was found gutlty and sentencCurl and Cal'oline chaub t o Be"\\> hen he says s uch things," she "l'ln only windjamming, of my wai st. Th en he J!ave me a Lhul' J. Bun.n e ll, administrator of ed to not .Iess .than one year in the at rice Yonka. Inlot No. 6960 in added, "It's like hearing a baby courlle," Thurston laughed. "I friend ly grin a nd vanisht!d .·' "But," she I>u zzled, "whal iR it .' ('state of Anna Graham, deceased stat e pel~ ltentlnry .at hard labor. Lov eland. swear; awful, and you ought to don't doubt our st owaway's a littl e "Inside thel'e's u lJi t of fi ll ' n' ut, was up pr(J\'ed, IlIIlQw'ed and con: The t1'lal of IrWIn Fitch was set Bert C. and Winifred Hartsock be . hocked, but at the same time man, sufficiently blunt as to his for November 18, 1931. Bond is to Dayton Power & Li ~ht Co. The com ic. I delight in his efforts to moral perceptions, but quite seven ha irs and a toolh," - Il good fi rmed. make himself out something harm less, making himself the h el'o luck charm. " .. use of certain real estate in Th e first a nd final Ilccount of fix ed at $500. "But, but why .. " In t he cas~ o.f MIami BUlldmg & Wayne township for lin es. brigand ish." Stanley F. Ri ehle, executor of esof every glol'Y story he picks up, "How s hould I know?" Carlton P. Roush to Dayton tute of George C. Hiehle, deceased Loan A~s~clatlOn vers us Bl!lnche Iohn Thurston had n ot joined ill eager to pose a s a deep sea blld She wns thoughtful. At any rate was approved, Ilillowed and con- ~or b es, It IS ordered that notice of Powe,r alld Light Co. The use of the Ilccord. As he stood holding to man . But still- ." she said finally, "he see m: to be firmed. e ndeney and prayer be made on certam' real estute in Wuyne town the main shrouds, the big muscles During this idle chatter the girl ship for lines. The firs t, final and distributive them. of arm and shoulder swelling hud fe lt, growing with every wishing you good luck," She examined the amulet again .Alvah R. and Alice H. Hartsock under bis coat, he was never quite moment, a fuller perception of with an abse nt attention. Then the acollnt of Alvin H. Driever. execNew Suite utor of estate of Flor ence Z. Drieto Dayton Pow er & Light Co. The the yachtsman on an idle cruise; herself aboard this yatch. Never use of certa in real estllte in atwajys, intangibly, 18 something until IlOW had sh e had a complete smile fa ding from her lip. : "John, ve r, deceased, wns approved, a lMutual Building and Loan Co. Wayne towns hip for lin es. of the ·construction engineer on realization of the intimacy of this promise me you will not leave the lowed and confirm ed. versus Wilbur Frazee and Zelia Th e first and final account of Charles and Mattie Ling lo hia way to the Philippines to take cruise with Van and John; of the Rainbow nt Honolulu_" The yacht was pushing on at her Minnie M. Rehse, administratrix Frozee for money. cha~ge of government work-the incredible nearne ss of th ose two to Lillie Wilson versus John Mor- Dayton Power & Light Co . The best pace, setting up such a lively of estate of William E. Rehse, was gan et al. to quiet title, partition use of certain real estate in Jiainbow to put him aboard a trans her. She had been. all at once, apport at Honolulu, or, possibly. if palIt:d. Thus they would go on stir at her prow ns to IIchie ve the approved, allowed nnd' confirmed. of real estate und equitable relief. Wayne township for lines. sHlull, private rainb ow for which The first and final· account of Birdie Alexander, et al to Daytima permi~ed" at Guam. through every waking hour, n n; Gu y Gll ynor, adrninistrator of eston Power & Light Co. The use of "You're all probably right about escapable in their dc:mand upon she had been named. Marria.. Ucenee. Burke and PalmYl'a were on tate of John B. Mullin, deceased, Burlc:e," be said presently. "But her love. certain real estate in Wayne towndeck- Burke wa quizziclIlIy re- wns npPl'oved, allowed and confirm did you ever think how thoroughly Warren G. Brad.f ord, D. O. of ship for lines. She had a suffocating sense garding the pen sivc PalmYl·/l. ed. we're bound down by the old con- tbat never, for one instant, could Duyton, and Miss lMary A. RetalMary L. Edwards, deceased. to (Continued On Page 3) J. W. Roland was appointed ad- lick , D. O. of Lebanon. ventional monsense in character she protect herself from them and Oscar. J . Edwards, et al. 59.10 l'eadina'-phrenoloa'Y and all that? their problem. And then, as an !leres In Wayne township. A stTipling develops a big square inspiration, it had come to her that J. Wilson and Donna M. Edjaw. Presto-we recognize a de- Pon!lpe Burke should be her refwards to Trillena and Margaret termined character, a human bull- uge. Until she was sure about th e W. Edwards. 28.56 acres in dog. Really, it's only more bone two--oh, so sure 1- she could alWayne township. in biB jaw. And if he bas a broad ways o car J. Edwards to Trill ena a nd fly to him. She'd demand her high, forehead. " Margaret W. Edwnrds. 94.92 acres pirate's stories, and force Van and in Wayne tOWnship. "Solid ivory egain," said Van. John also to sit and listen, no mat. .J. Milton Earnhart and Eliza"Palm's pirate couJan't be ter how rebellious. beth F. Earnhart to Florence She had a sudden curiosity conFritch. Inlot No. 279 in Lebanon. mt\\, t r. \:.(, H.fI cerning this Ponape Burke in her . Florence Fritch to John Albert new depanden e upon him. She Fritch. Inlot No. 279 in Lebanon . was eager to look at him. Alld she GWRtlt '+i1\~\tW~ (;~ t}~ N~ Arthur R. , Wilson alld Norma knew he would be perched on the 'Wilson to John-sranery. 8.38 acres forehatch, his brown man as ever ~\l~i~ :,~ ri\~ I\"J~.~.t\'- GQDIjl? ~T in lIarlan township. at his elbow, silent, motionless, a Oscar J. Edwards to Trillena Ed pagan joss. M\. Rll~\'\l{\ ~~'t, ~ . I)., G"\r()~ t!,uRt;\.U\'l\. wal'ds and Margaret W. Edwards. She whirled around to gaze, 09 ~ 10 acres in Wayne township. c;·CI,lL~T~~, ~'2;E I) 6 .()()() then caught her breath in dismay. Unexpectedly, startlingly, the Bill. Allowed ?l,l' , _; ()~ \)'Xti ~M\'\1: M~\) savage, unbeknown to anyone of them all, had materiaHzed himself Ohio Central Telephone Corpol'8 here, was sitting almost within 40,CJ,OCl HI 'JR\C ~llSt_~ 1() \\t~()\Jl tioll, rents, $55.25; Ohio Central their circle. And his eyes were Telephone Corp'l toUs, $40,65; leveled upon her in a profound 2.0()() C.u~\C '( f.r\' V~ ()~ GR~ti\'it. Kaufmans, sUfphes, 30c ; Westunblinking stare that seemed to ern Star,. lega ads, $99.80; F. A. have been goin£, on for hours. -n'i\f~ \~ -,0 \3:\: ~~t \'M\~~~l Kamp Flooring Co., supplies, Some sixteen days later in Mrs. $101).75; Mrs. Erma Hibnar; serCrawford's' cabin a conference was N~\\()~~L ."t:f;\Cf<.\{\\. \~ vices, $10; Mrs. Mary E, Ennis, under way. services, $10; Kaufmans, sup"But, my dear, my dear," plies, $1.10; M, E. Ross, stamps "'~E ~CR\.t) -- -- Palmyra's mother was protesting, $4; Ohio Penitentiary, Mfg., and "how can you say anythIng's going Sales Dept., dog tags, $49.50; right, when Palm spends most of Stakalta Mfg. Co., supplies, $75.her time listening to that, that 96. miserable stowaway; that--human t oad. Her father is beside himPUBLIC SALE self with anxiety." The man made a deprecatory Having changed the plan of rent sound. in&, the farm I will sell at public "Events," :,laid the hostess imauction on the premises, on the pressive ly, " have bnly too well. Waynesville and New Burlington shown that I, that we intervelled pike, about 2'A1 miles E. of Wayjust in time. Your daughter was nenville and 5 miles S. W, of New ICK Itomaehs, lOur !.It'lrutdu!lM on the verl!'G of fallillg in love Burlin&'ton, on indigestion usually lr.CIIU e.l;t(!-4 with John Thurston." Saturday, No"ember 14, 1931 acid. The stom:1ch 1.It'.lVt'4 :':'f The father uttered a pr o te 8t~ Beginning at 1 :00 o'clock p: m., over-<!ltimulated. "I don't see we've gained any· . t~e followin&, ehattel property toToo much acid makes the l'itom:l-:h thing," Wit: ' and inteat.inea aour. Alkal.i kiU" :id'l ' "But where are your eyes?" deFive head HOlses, 6 head Cattle, inatantlY. The beat form is PLiJ :!)!; manded the hostess. "As I said in one dozen Rhode Island Red Hens MilltofMasnesia, ~L' SC OUt! b~"n, California, Van, with his refined Farming Implements, Harness anal leu doee n.:ulrulir,ra ma ny tim \'~ hI pe1'8onality, fits into the yacht's Household Goods. volume in acid. For 50 y~a.,s the ~I.c.u· cabin like 'The Young King CharTerms made known on day of dard with phyaiciaJlS £',·crywh.·(. les' into a gilded frame. Thurston, sale. Tab a lipoonful ia w:;lec 9!1J lOll. on the contrary, is a great, robust I MRS. WM, P. HAY UDhappy conditioo will pro):.u!,;"· ~l1d being. He looks · well enough W. N, Sears, Auct. in five mipDles. Then YOII Will alwlIY! ashore, but here, in these little Walter Kenrick, Clerk. know what to do. 'Crude ilnd 11.<1',..:.11:: compartments on this narrow deck methods will never appcaJ to.}UU Gc his hallds alld feet seem in the way prove this for your own sake. It ,1\;>'; "Surely, with John jat his worst, I will offer at public sale at ..ve a glUt mllny disagrr..eable hou.! Van at his beat- neea we fear?" my residence, one-fourth mile W. Be SWIe to get lh~ genuine PhJjj Jl~ Meanwhile, Constance Crawford of Mt, Holly, on the Mt. Holly alld Milt of Magnesia prescribed b) was forward at the Rainbow's bow .Middle Run Chureh road, on ph~ ill c:orrec:t.iDB ea:eaa acids sailing through the tropic night TL .....,.. No".at..... 12, 1131 ============================~ -~ : ======~--~==============~==============~======~~~==
By Stanley R. Osborn
per ton
. The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants Be~innill g at 1 :00 p. m. the followi ng : Cumplete Household Goods and Kitchen Uten sils . ' ee large bill ~ ril l' pa l'liculul'S. T erlll s mad e kll own on day of sal '. F HANK 'rHOMPSON K00!tlel' & Stan Icy , A uel. W. E. . O'N ea ll, Cleric .
Sub.c"ibl) for the Miami Gantt. ~#'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
J. E. McClure FU~ERAL
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service Da, or Niabt
Tele"""'e 7
Sight Specialist
30 Year s Experience in Fitting und Making Glasses
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Lebanon, Obio Tue.day, Thur.da)', Saturda,. EXllmination Free LEBANON, OHIO
Odd-But TRUE .
th~ ' Acid
Dr. John Zettel Optometrist RESIDENT
19 N. Broadway LEBANON. OHIO EllamlD" GI..... Fitted R.palr.
Sianley &Koogler Auction·e ers JESSE STANLEY PbODe 320, N.w BurliDatoD, 01110 EARL KOOGLER R. D. 8. X..ta. , 0111_ PbODI De,.toD Co. 54JS
Quick Action Wanted
CLASSIFIED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on Livestock, Chattela, Second Hortgares. Not. bou,h. John Hllrbine, Jr" Xenia. Ohio.
5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eas1 t~.. Allo SurveyiDr and AbItram-In&,. Write alld I wID eaU _lid1.ee you. Sam D. Henld. Wa,. nelVine, Ohio. •J11 FOR RENT FOR RENT- Four rooms with electric lights alld IrIlrage: Chas. Rye. N4.
Poland-China boar PIgs. E. Evans, Lebanon Ohio Pholle 470B, . '.Nl i FOR SALE- $46 New Domestic drop h«:a~ sewing niachine in gO~ eondltlOll, ($16). Telephone 44Fo. NIl FOR S.ALE-White Rock pullets. Inquae Mrs. Joel Stokes, Phone 22F4 .Nll THRESHER SUPPLIES - Belts . pulleys babltt metal, 011 cup,' lDJe~ton, lubricators, Iteam water ,auges, puge iiI.... ollen. , packing, boller fluel, luction hOle taHnkE pumPlt valve. and fttttn": T BOCEiI4ET-KING CO 4.l1 W•.Main St., XeD1a 0., Pho;.'. 880 .FOR SAL~PuJ'l! lbple ,syrup; a flew apple!li Bome timothy hay I DqU re of' Flora Be~hlU. N. PlPES, nlV8I " .attlqi. fol" all
Boold.". JIa. 01
t\.':flDC ".Ji::mb~ AMi'are 411
~lIaba"t..~ 0
THE 1931
B, Jelli. B.
You've sUl'ely seen the derby hatl$, The lut at !ltyle that go s; D. L. CRANE' I I P.IaJi...... SubaQ'ipti_ Prlc.e, $1,50 • Y .... And you will see them percbed above Ollie. ·PItoa .......... ............. No. I1z1 The pug, or Roman nose. R.aicliaec • ........................."" £"t_r.det P".toffiu at Way"_ II. , , ~o. 118 O"/e, ... Second Cia .. M,.ll MeUar This derby hat is haped you know Just like a little dishAnd the feather \vom around th e N9VEMBER 4, 1931. crown, Was grown upon a fi h
The President and the Navy League
"It is on.eo£ those cases," said a g reat British statesman on a notable o.ceaslOn, "when the insignificance of the accuser is lost in ,the magnrt.ude of the accusati'on." . ~helhel' President Hoover had the sa~' inlt in mind or not he c~rta.mI Y acted Upon t~. sentiment of it when he promptly :md VI~OI ously challenged a libelous and insulting statement given out Illst week by .the head of the avy League in which the President was ~ccused o( WIthholding fl'om the country essential information touch109 the record of negotiations and possible commitments preparatory to lh~, London nu~al confcr.e nce or 1930, of designing to "starve the navy, . and decllll'lng he had shown "abysmal ignorance" of the real fu.nctlOn ~f the navy. Referring to this statement the President said. "I w,lI .a pPolDt. a comm ittee including members of the Navy League to w.hom !1genc,es of th e I!'overnm ent will demonst"ate the untruth's and I (hstortJ~n of faeL in Cha irman Gardiner's pronouncem ent. Upon its . c?mpl.etton I !lhalJ expect Mr. GUl'dinel' to mak e public correction of hIS nllstatements and an apology therefor." In some quarter's t he view has been expressed that President Hoover shou ld have ignored the statement oC Chairman Gardiner but ~he j{r~at body o'f hi s countrymen will approve and applaud the flghtIIlg SP I!'lt t.hat pl'omp~ccf. the Prc~ident to resent this assault, not on ly upon IllS pC.rsona l pal'l oh sm and Integrity but upon the policy of econamy to wh,ch the Administl'ution is committed. The .i~cid e n.t is a .vivid illu stration of the determined and powerf~1 o Pl)O~ltl o n WIth whIch t he President has been met at every turn in hi S efforts to "educe f ederal expenditure in order to avoid increased laxation or the people in these t imes. When the budll'et estimate for the Nllvy Department came before him, carrying so mething more than $100,000,000, t he Presid e nt studied it carefully and reached t he con. elus ion tha~ it co uld be reduced by some $60,000,000 and asked that this r.cd~ct . on be mllde. This red uction could be made and t he approptllll.on f~" the navy would sti ll stand at $350,000,000, which is neul'iy three tllllc;" the hig hest figure it reached before the World War. It cou ld be mud e without in the sl ightest degree imparing the efficiency 01' the navy or suspending new construction. But that WII S not satisfactory to the Navy League. That organiza. t,on demands that the appropriation for the coming year should be not less t.hun $750,000,000. That is to say the Navy League demands that !he nppropriation be $350,000,00~ more than the Navy Department Its. '1f dec lared to be necessary. It ,s because he does not s ubscrib e to th, s cxtrllvag-ant program- a program that would not only lay hundreds of milli ons of additional taxes upon the people bet would put the brond of hypocrisy upon all our pleas for world disarmament- that the President is millt'eprcsented, mali gned and insulted. He may well IIwait with calmn ess and confidence the verdict of his countrymen.
Th y ure at'c funny looking things But one clIn not b ' ii, Un l e8~ th ey wear one of ·these hats Regardless, o f lhe fit. I ca ll myselr (Iuite chubb y, Bul som e wou d call me fotNow \voulcln t ] ju st be a ~ cr e alll Beneath 1\ dcrby hat!
And' ha ve yo u seen th ose breeches That our pretty f.:' il'! ~ do wear? With lots of goo ds where it s not n 'cli d, And lhe upp er end so bare. The boys for pantaloon ~ no\\' Wear divided skirtsThey suy th ese thin g!! lire "College Bags, ' They have hi gh-waisle d g irts. And then you kn ow so me of u. have Waist-lines, b ' yond recall; Sti ll we mu st wea l' sOl11 e kind of belt, Or not get there at all.
oh I,t IS U fun':!y s,ght, . When one s shllp ccl like a feal.hm ,bed, . 1 0 ~c e a ~elt below the arm p.ts, And a del by on the helld. But I should wony! so it goesAnd no matter what lhe styles ; I have to wea,' the same old clothes But I can change lilY smiles.
But lhen you know, one cannot tell, A thing 'bout. thi s or that-For I myself, some day ' might sport A dippy del'by hat. CIIIDIN":Ii(JI~
NO. 1:1:'
T o l, r o ll,1111 tt;";I~UO I' I m rrl e III : h " \ ' 1 111 1'1(' o f \\' 1l)" " ' 8V I 11 (>. Slate uf U h l o.
Farm hight 7 alks, NovelJlber 2 The O.
Be It u ('(t u ln e " h y Ih e Coune ll of I I,,· V lll llj{e o f \\· nn1 ,," vll le .• · tate of O hi o: SI·;r "I' ( O !'; l. T hil l II " I I/t) I hf' Ull IlL \\,l lI ' for ' \I II' pH Ro n 'n th Village o r \\" fl)' Il r-!; "I I I e. ,.;rlll" o f O hi o. (0 manufa c l ure. ge U , }' Iu ' h or , lrOnYllo,' t Intpurl, e:q HJ rt , d ... lI\· ~ I ·. 'fu r ni s h, r e -
U. Radio Statioll-WEAO
· {v c , ~iVl' II w ny. pn'SC l"n,,! , IJ0 8H P S H
0 " ad verti se an" Inloxlcat· lI" u (j r ~ . 0 " ~ o ll c ll \l Or r " c e lvc or (G. R. Eastwood, District Supe.rvisor, Presiding) krt o wln g l)' I) I' m l t Ill s ,mpl oye e s to Farm night Melody Makel's. . <olle'l or r "l' Iv!! fro lll u n y \,eNlOI'" e r f oo' Inlox lcn lln /( IQlIOrll, Feeding Fall Pigs ..... ............. .............. .................... . J. S. Coffey ~Jrny",1I'ord e a n), Informatio n o f how (11FILII und ~arly Winte~ Poultry Problems ... ...... . B. H. Edgington Lox lca lin " liquors llIay b e obtained. Full Prunmg of FrUIt Trees . .. .. ....................... J. H. Gourley l' X c p t t18 1" '0 \,1(1 ,,<1 ' (II an oct t o 11I' 0' ~ I" ' t t ,e liquor tra r fl c anr1 Farm Night Melody Makers. ~ n O Wrt rtR S .. tlon (;2 . 2- 13 10 G ~ I ~ - 20 Obstacles to Church Consolidation ..... .............. ... .. ... B. F. Lamb IlI c l" s l\·" . .Ge llt'r:l' ' o d e o r hl o a s Attractive OIothes with 'Less Money .......... .... ~ ... Bertha Baker IIll"'''', . .rRn (lHr), n .I!' ~ U n nu all e nl" lh o'·O l o.. A Moment with the Composers ........ ' .......... .. .. David Larrimer (.mS eEndlll 'j'l N H. It " h a.11 lJe unlRW fu l Fresh Air In-Door.s .. " : ". ... ... :.......... ... .. .... .. Dr. E. R. Hayhurst r ,. n n )' on In t he YllllLll"e of \\rll)' n"I!\'1 Ie . StRlc ot Ohio. t o hav Farmer Elevators 111 Oh,o .. .... .... . ..... .. ........ B. A. Wallace or )'ossesB nn y li (1uor. or pro p e rt y The Fnrmer ImpI'oves His ~iveB~ock Marketing ...; . J. R. Alllq'el' ,. 1! lgn e d (01' th manufllct u r e I1f OhIO LIvestock CooperatIve AssociatIon IIquur. Inl o nl\ Pd Cor u sc (n \'10 )" or lh . Inw or Whi c h h n s L .... cn so Th e Use of Honey in the Home .. ...... ........ .. .... .. ....... '" Virgil Argo tiusC>11 "d.
<o ll c lt.
7 :00 7 :10
7 :20 'i :30 7 :40 7 :50 8 :00 8 :10 8 :20 8 :30 8 :40
8 :50
Red Hair and Blue Sea (Oontinued from page 2) As though defining her very thoughts, he spoke. "Excuse me, Miss," he said. "Those others- " a slightly contemrtuous gesture. "They're tame That's what--tame. But you? Why, you're different. Y'sure wasn't intended for their little 01' birdcage kind 01 .life. Nature meant y'for something lively-like, something up and doing." The girl laughed. "Nature," she said, "meant me for II pirate. It's in my blood," she affirmed. "First a Norseman ravaging the coasts of England. Then, a British admiral ravaging everything else. And lastly, old Captain Ebenezer, with John Paul Jones, descending once more upon the coast of England." Burke grinned in admiration, The girl turned to go'; then paused, laughed back at him over her shoulder .. "You Ponape Burke,'
BAYER ASPIRIN· is always SAl~
she said; "YOU and I- I'm afraid we were born too late." At the rate the Rainbow was sailing, it was evident the yacht must Boon make a landfalL Indeed already eyes were peering through powerful glasses seeking for the first shadowy silhouette of the peeks of Oahu. As the Rainbow raised the panorama of dead crates that stands, rather barren, above the verdant town of Honolulu, none upon her decks was so expectant as Palmyra Tree. For from the chaff of Ponape Burke's narrative she had winnowed the clean train of beauty and romance that is the life of this island world of the palm tree Her imagination was a-glow. Through the gateway of Honolulu she was to sail on into this world where Happiness is queen. She was to sail across the trackless sea as those brown mariners of" old, . As the girl, thus deep in reverie stoqd w~tching the distant peaks, she be~me aware of a presence at her side. Turning, she started upon encountering the ' brown man Olive. He gave tongue to a few syllables, paused perplexed then fell back UPOn pantomime. The hour of departure had come. Soon Burke and he would go over the ' side and forever, into oblivion. Palmyra smiled. She tried to overcome her aversion, to respond to his attempted farewell. As he had done, she moved to speak, found herself helpless, returned the smile. The brown man, thus countenanced, laid the square finger upon her own breast. Having thus identi tied the girl as the being of the dramal he raised his hand, with extendea arm, straight over his head She thought he invoked the One above. But she gave this up when she saw that he waggled, fluttered the fingers. (To be continued)
Tr It Is f o utld Ihat suc h lI'1U I) " 0" ,>rop ' I' t y w"' s 110 "nla wfull y 1)('lri or possess e d or hMI bee n su unln wf"lI y UHf' (I , lh .. l iquor 01' prop rl y u es l/,l' n ep ror th e UJII a;\\'ruI manufa c ture o f IIl1uor. sh a ll b e cl o. tro )· II unle ~ 1I .h o Court s hnll ord e ,· It to b l' dl .posl\t! t a s provi(wd In Pullll ' A c t 66. F d L'ra l Slal. ut p ~ . '- ElCTr N J J I . A n }' p er on who "lolote 8 the pr o \' llIl ons of th l" (" _ dlnoncf' s hn \l be d e m d gu II l\' o f fl Illfsd ent elln o l' IlOft lIpun c o n "i tto n L1t e r eo C "hnll be !i n ed n o t l ess I han $100.00 1I 0 r m a r l' than f&OO.oo. ,\.' '1'O'ON IV. 1'11 18 ord nun C sha ll Ink .. err CL a n d be In fo ~ trom "nd :ttlf' r the enrll c st p l' rlod rt\l o "' <) a Ib y law . T. E. I1()(>EH S.
Ic rk
cottonseed meal, linseed oil meal, soybEan oil meal, gluten, etc., should be added to each of the three suggested l'ations. Only those hig!) protein feeds furnishinb the most pel' dollar invested should be pUl·chased. With mixed hay, 100 to 150 pounds of high protein feed are best added to the rations, and if timothy hay and silage are fed it is well to use fl'Om 150 to 2.50 pounds of high protein feeds with the rations. All grains, the specialists believe, should be ground coarsely or finely craCKed. Fine grinding is neither necessary nor desirable.
of linltallons a.war '" u
GE' "."~]'.NE
A-pl·rt'n. the , ... .. ~ .nil kind dloCtO!'ll prescribe and milliolos of users have proven safe for more th ....'1 thirty years, call easily be o"'entiiied by the name Bayf!( and u , ...e. word gertuine as abo the ,..-nlt··.·nc ~ayer Asp:':n IOs·nfe a"l~ ve ~. U IRlte; always the samt'_ It hu th,e unqualified endcrsement of physlciana and dru£,gists everyWhere. It d~'t. depl'CS'J ta'le heart. No hatmful afU:r.· -"ects fO,How ita we. . - Ba""" A- .; • th ' I actl. yet' nIIpann 18 · e unn-era dote for paiu.of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis CokW· · .Neurap
Sore Throat J.umbqo . Rbeumatilm Toothadae . Aspirin fa '.:be trade-mad. of BsJ"l'
at 1DOIIG&Ce~ r::tei:o~;~t\ ~~I:~~.on wl~
of IIlicyJicldd,
clovei:' and 8 110 .to 100 pound. qf hiP protein . feeds such ..
Dead Stock Wanted
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Harveysburg F~rtilizer
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
_ j
~ ~L!S
~ve · FlrDls No Regrets When Property is Properly Insured
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agey.
You Should ·Kaow
E. S. CONKLIN Insurance Agency
Waynesville, Ohio W. Deli"...
In the matte r of insurance the E. S. Conklin Insurance Agency, operated by Earl J. Coburn, of Lebanon, repreRe nts world known ('om l>ani es with an enviable reputation for promptness, strength and reliability . . But. the success of the E. S. Conklin In surance Agency rests not alone in the fact that they represent well known compani es, but by the SINCLAIR PRODUCtS t'('ason of the fact that they are thoroughly conversant with every feaSOlltb Main St. W.'lloa.iIIe, O. ture of the business in which they are engaged and through honest and Greasing with Alamite Air Gun stl'Uight fonyurd methods this Lebanon company has earned an enviable I·eput.ntion and a clientele that is steadly increasing. Accessories and Anti-Freeze Their wide experience in the insurance business enables them to Cars Re-Docoed Free Parkinlr Day or Night , completely advise patrons as to which policies is best su ited for their needs anel means. They \vill insure YOll with accurate and reasonable priced protectio n. There Clln be no question in this enlightened, "Everyone Should Own Insurance. " . . . . By offering th~ people of i:-ebanon ~nd ~dJollllng tern~ory the ELECTRIC RIC:FRIGERATORS services of underWriters of exper,ence, reliabIlity and expe,·t mformaSee the New Models tion and a number of th e most pl'ominent co mponies in the nulion the E. S. Conklin Insurunce Al!'ency is giving the public metrop olitan service of the very high est character. Tire Co. L~BANON, OHIO R A D 10 SETS
Smith's .Se!rvice Station
Soft Water Laundry t RUG CLEANING-PRESSING I Phon. 279, Lebanon, Ohio I. Wa,.Dea.m. CollectioD on TIl.aeIa,. aDd Frida,. --
Way..esville Senice Sta. Dispensers of Refiner. Gasolin. (all grades), High Quality Oils and Greases, Mobil aQ4 Quaker State Oil. No .. th Man. St., intera.clio. of ·';tate ROllte 73 O. R. UNGLESBY, --~
RATIONS FOR DAIRY COWS Wheat may be SUbstituted for corn in the dairy ration and good results obtained provided not more than 80 per cent of the ration is supplied by this inexpensive grain say dairy extension .specialists in the department of ~nimal husbandry at .the Ohio State University. The :following ratione, they state make good combinations to' feed ' WI'th'l 81 age an d a Ifa I f a ' If neat an d soy b eans are ava ilable: COni and cob meal 800 pounde, wheat 200 pounds, oats 100 'pounds, and soybeans 100 pounds. Their second suggestion is corn and . cob mear 400 poullds, ground wheat 800 p~unda, oats2QO p.o~ndS, 'c ottonseed . meal . 100 pOllnds, and so~_ bea.lla 100 .po.ut)ds. Still another ration consistS of 300 Pounds of .orn and Coli mea1 200 pounds of 1 wheat, 100 POUJ)GB of oats 100 poullds wheat bran; and' lOp pounds cotton.eed meal. . It II beat to vary the amount of
HenwiLh \\I are publiRhing and he did not miss a sin gle inn- ·21 gumeH, lellds the bat~ 1'S who MI'I'l. haR. Madd n received the the batting, . ooring and bllse ing: R. l!;. ( 'fikc) WE'II"r follow- t rJ ()k pa.-t in t ' n or more gamcs, news last w E!k of lhe death of I'unning averages of all the play. d thl r curd very closely by whiJ'e 'Iement (Peck) ,atlertJhher cousin, Mrs. Louisa Sabin cuich'ing ev "y innin g of th e reg- waite hit for .348 in ten games. WI'ight, at the home o'f hel' son, e rs who took part ill t he ·.games ulat· ~am II. 'rhirty-thl'e ol ller Weller scoted th most runs (29), Paltl, in TOI.·o nto , Ohio.. Mrl;. played by the Waynesville Athlet- playe rs had a t lea!lt o ne tim e a t go t th e mOl\t passes (24), and W·right was the widow of the late ic clu b. dering the !;ea 'on just bat at some t ime during .t he sca- ,.tole th mORt. bases (22). Rpy Jonatllan Wrig ht, for thirty years closl'd . During t he season, 29 .1' g- son, and J esse Prenliet'ga, t wa s in Elli s wielde d th bat that drovc'n games . lind ne pract ic:e the line-up of th e Dodd s game, t he mo~ t r un s (lfl), and his 100 11 professor in Wilmington college ular und' at one time Ii teuc;her in the gam (with Dodd) wer e 1>layed. alt hough he g o t no cha nce to bat t im !; ::It ba t was second on I:\, to local high school. The Wrill:hts Ali en M ndenhall wa ' the only lind hat.! 110 fi eld ing chan ce... J ohn Mend nhall , \\'ho wcn t t o tho mod e their hOl1l o here 101' a num- player lo lake part in all 01' Lhe e Gon s, with an a ve rnge of .362 in plate ofli ciall y 120 tim es. bel' of y e ar~ . I rs , Wl'i;:ht WII . bUl'ie'd in Mi sl1Ii i e mqlel'Y Friday, .... .....t:: ~ Novemb e r 6. A, numb el' f l'oll1 <II ... .... 0:::l ... ~ OJ 2 ." VI '0 0 here attend ed ·the funeral .. en ' ices. III CII ;. ... OJ CII ~ '0 ....:::l ...,:::l '" osVI t:: ~ 1/, .... .& .... -; .<:: Mrs. Laura Shidaker li nd Mr ... ~ ::s ~ < CG 0 til s:: ::> U ~ 0 ~ p:: OJ 0 0 t.l Mary Harvey were gll c ~ t s la ~ VI IX! t.I bl> t:: .,IV os ~ rn ~ IV rn C >. 0 <I': "d week-end of Mrs. Td a 11 0 \\"(', in s:: r:.; 0 ,.!t: '" IV <II t:: In ~ . 0.0 CII III VI CJ 0 IV IV I:Q IIJ 5 t.I Dayton. Qj 6 .., t:: IV CII .... .... s:: § 0 'r, Yl .... OS +> :::J 0: 0: '" " B HOJ iii ~0 arl Boga n announc ed th e P I'U t.:) iii OE-<::rl rn p:: p:: ~ ;:r: ' O:los" I=Q P:lr: rn < 0:: I=Q gra!n for the 5th and Oth gl'ades a t asse mblv Fl'iday morning. "O ld Fo cht, L. 2 :1 .1i00 6 2 1 () U () Ulack Joe'; wu.s th e opening song ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 I .500 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 which wa, foll owed by devotio ns Freelall 1 ·0 0 1 Young. W. K. (i 1!l 7 .368 5 2 0 0 0 ] 5 led bv Mode na Powe ll. · Billy Carr 0 0 3 0 0 4 1 3 0 21 80 29 .362 25 4 0 0 I 10 15 2 0 7 2 0 10 23 n lnd e'red a beautiful vi olin solo. A Gons, .J ohn 8 2 Sutierth\ aile, <It) 10 16 .348 13 ;j 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 quartet" compo~ed . of 'Lavone Lush, 1 10 2 2 T. :~ \1 3 .33 3 2 1 0 0 1 U <I 2 0 0 0 0 C!ilvenge l', Helen Rae Thornbury, Thoma ', 0 ]5 2 0 () 0 I :! I .3 33 I II 0 ] 3 0 1 0 0 0 Rich a rd Davis and Harold Deboard Ross, L. 1 0 1 . 0 1 :! 1 .a33 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 ;:; an ~, "'rhe Rhc-ul11atiz.'· They were 0 1 0 0 Compton, M. H ~!l .9 .310 0 1 7 I U II 1 G 0 2 0 0 in costullle and their number was 4 9 4 0 R. E. 2!J !! 5 29 .305 24 4 I 0 2 2!J 1 I ~ .a 3 3 3 1 22 27 ve rv well received. The a ssembly Weller, 9 2 A lIgl:lPUI'ger, R. 17 19 .297 G·I 17 2 0 0 0 12 U 4 I 4 2 1 ~anic "Yankee Do odle," in spirited 2 8 13 1.1 14 III 15 .2!l4 J 1 2 1 l 1 10 12 6 2 5 0 2 munn e!'. A pla y, "Cora's Ca llers," Hartsock, L. 8 13 16 1 Orsborn, H . . 5 14 4 .286 3 1 0 0 2 wa,' give n with characters as ao 120 30 .2 50 26 2 2 0 1 1-10 100 8o · 01 101 11 01 92 242 150 00 fo ll /) w5: Co ra, Minnie umpbell; Mendenhall, A. !) Duke, P. (i 28 7 .250 2 0 0 1 5 -I 2 1 2 0 0 Ma ri e, th e maid. Nellie Mary 3 6 9 1 1 (I ·1 1 .250 1 0 o 0 0 1 0 () 0 0 . 0 Davh; ; Aun t o"nelia, Martha Burton, R. A. 0 0 0 0 10 44 !) !l .205 8 1 o 0 0 10 1 0 3 I 1 4 I\.shlev; G e or l~ e . Wayne Gray; Lovely, A. P. 6 12 1 !) 2 0 1 0 10 18 67 12 .182 8 (J a :1 3 2 0 12 TOIll, 'Kirk Jefferis ; Harry, Junior Hough, F'. J . 8 0 8 33 ;j 6 .182 6 0 o 0 0 0 1 () a 1 u 4 Har tl ey. Supt. Moo" e ann ounced Cran e, E . C. . ' 6 3 0 TUl'ller, Wade 33 9 ' 2 6 .182 1 () 4 0 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 basketball gam es and inl"oduced 7 26 100 18 .180 17 1 o 0 0 15 19 3 1 7 3 1 11 12 25 10 the chee r l e ader ~ for thi s year, r:: lli8, Roy Bu,·ton, E. J. . ... .. I I 45 .1 56 7 7 o 0 0 0 5 G 1 0 5 0 0 4 Miss June Kashn e r and Bob ... 5 14 2 .14a 2 0 o 0 0 I 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 27 33 0a Frnnk en, wh o conducted a pep Hopkins, W. Jacobs, D. 2 7 1 .143 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 meeting. The :lrd and ·1th grades 3 0 8 .127 . 20 62 5 2 o 1 0 8 4 12 0 8 0 1 3 15 21 0 wi ll Lie responsible for this Ramby, E'. HeI singer, J. .. 11 41 5 .1 22 o 0 1 3 2 G 2 3 1 3 :1 0 7 Friday's program. .... .. ... 1 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 81 140 02 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson en- Huff Eldridge . 1 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t ertained over the week-end Mr. raft .. . ] 1 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 und Mrs. H. M . Fite and Jane Burton, T. 1 2 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 01 00 Ellen, of Washington C. H .. Magee ... 1 3 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In the three basketball games Reisin g N . .. 1 3 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 played on the home floor Friday Lansda je 1 4 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 evening wilh CarlisI, our Midgets Darbyshire, E. 1 4 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 won 16 to 9 ; our high school girls HeIsinger, H. 3 12 o .000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 () 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 won 17 to 13, und our high school boys lost 38 to 17. Our boys TEAM 30 1056 250 .237 207 34 5 4 13 149 123 83 15 72 21 11 102 204 187 17 play Waynesville at Waynesville this Friduy and Kings Mills comes here Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordon spent county' s corn husking contest, Mo r.day wilh Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. brought more honor to Massie Hartsock and family near Melvin. t own ship Wednesday when he "iOTARY PUBLIC P. B. Cleaver returned home competed in the state contest at the first of the week from several Tippecanoe City and finished National Bamk daYR' visit with hi!l son, Clyde and !;ocond. Mr. Moon is now eligible to enter the national contest, Willa Drawn • ° Eatat•• S.ttleel family, in Maywo od, Chicago. Miss Kathleen Gray spent the where we are sure he will make a WAYNESVILLE, OHIO week-end with Miss Dena Davis. cl'editable showinll:. On S unday, in company with Mrs, Davjs, they visited in Spring Wiley (trying on hats}-Do you Valley. like this turned down, dellT? ROOT FOR AND COlfSIG~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vand erHubby-How much is it? your Cattle, hogs,' sheep and calve. , voort ant! Jane" of Lebanon, were Wiley-Fifteen dollurs. to Norris-Brock Co., live. wire and Sunday guests ,o f C. D. and Amos Hubby- Yes, turn it down. progressive firm for the highe.at Cook. market prices and good . service: Aaron Freeland, who is a. surUnion Stock Yarela' Cincinnat1 O. gical patient in Miami Valley Tune in on Radio Station WuKY hospital, i reported to be making 12 :30 noon for 'o ur daily market. sati!lfactory progress. reports. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Harris, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harris. . The Massie Township Sunday School conventio n met at the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon. The high school Olrchestra and glee club furnished musical numbers and Rev. Stant on of Wilmington PHONE 8F3 Baptist church gave the address, E. J. Campbell, of Franklin, is Ua, . vi iting his . on. A. B. Campbell HARVEYSBURG, OHIO THE MIAMI GAZETTE and other relatives. Phone 78J For Realllt. Ro s Moon, winner of Warren
MayC)"J' •
Pnss <I NO \' e mb e r 2nd, 193] AlI esl' I .A ~·MON F . H.ATl" rF>LD
Batting, Scoring, Base Running Averages
WEmakes can never be sUre iust what an inCant rcstless, but the remedy can <llw<I "
' hc same. comfort '-bl in every . drop ofd this l I."l' _ , esc... I "hteste preparation, an no " e S I" harm in ita frequent use. As often liS Baby po a fretful spell, is feve! is\l, or cries aQd can't sleep, let Cas'o.na Boothe and quie.t him. :?<>melimc.~ . IL'S a touch of c~Uc_ Sometunes. c.onsllba!jon. m' diarrhea-:a cundluol) 1 at should always be checked wlthout delay. Just keel> Casto~ia hll.ndy, and give il promptly. Relief WlII follow very promptly; if it doesn't, you should call a physician. Good old Castorial "
R. F. HATFIELD Hewett P. Mulford & Co.
MEMORIALS LeballoD" Phone 59
------ - -
EVERETT EARLY Hi~l{ grade Go~1 and Coke, Hi, Lo, Cinderell~ Dixie Gem. and I Killarney Pocahontas, Ask for delivered prices. . GraiB, ' Coal, Ha,., '.ae. Tn.. S... L~TLEt OH}O
----- -
Satisfactory Service sf ce 1912
Ueelllecl Real Eata.. Brok.r _Del Aue.I ....... 1 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Write ' or' Phone-Kolt Reuon. abl, Terms
- Lov'e ly'. . Recreation Parlor M4IDth.lat.d eo••1a Drop. . M......~-Sp..... Cipre.... WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
FrtdKahn Motor Car CHEVRO~T DEAL~R
L.banon, Obio Opeq eveninas till 8 :80 al)d all . day Sunday .
--- - - ----------
'. J:K. SPENCER WASHED ,SAND .t: GRAVEL Hardwood Lumber at Lebanon, Ohio, fUrnished on Order 'Road anll .x-Concrew Gravel -rel.pon. 121 .......... OItio
Bangham Motor Lebanon', Ohio Phone 140 Your Ford Dealer - Genuine Ford Products . W~ECKING SERVICE .
I ""!!!'_"! n, C. Ilutehe ns and W . . Dr. WiIIi.a!!1 A. GallOway! proOl- Miami. =' !"'~""""'!~~~'!!'!!'!~'!!'!!'!!!'!'!~ L. Me.srs. nl·ake. of lation, Ohio hove 11,1 n.t ph>:!llCllill lI~a h i~ t tlr .an. of h~ld their purchllsed the Adams dru. sto re X;",nul
e CIaSS!·fied Ads. Lat =======::=-. FOR SALE
F' It ,AtE- A f~w bU!<hel of ... ·t.ra ni ce Keii(1!' I?cl1r. Al Cl York Imp I'i~l app les .. C. E. Michener. Nil
whi h will bc op rntl'd \lnae'!' th e nall1(, f the Wayn e viti Drug sto re. . Mr. Hutchcn l! has becn in the (Ii'ug bit ill in Ma son severa l ears. Mr. Drake. II l'egiflt red pharma cist, will IlSSUlhe charge of t h !ltor wh.ieh will be restock ed ul1d lJ\ad ~ into On up.to.d ate drug store ' •
~~~~~~~~~'! !'!!'!~'!!'!!'!~'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!~'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!!!!!"'!!'!!'!~ _ •
. .._'_ .
.__ [ SP EC IAL ] _, _ _-.:.
An niv ers ary ,Di nne r Sund ay, Nove mber 15, 1931 60 cent s 50 cent s (By reserva tion only)
S p ec ia l S al e For
101' O. F:. S night du,d lit hiS home m t hllt With lhe fo · elLy atur lay, after all i1ncs:\ of , Worth y Matl'on , results: Ola l1artsoc k; lllUre t hnll a year. Func ml serv ices \r ol,thy Pn tro l1, Henry uylot; As\ held in th P reshy terian llociutc Matron , Lucill Bland; chu rch at Xenia Tue 'day arlel'- sso 'iule Pu tnHi, 1.. . t. J ohn; 110 n und bU1'ial wa. it1 Woodla nd " rellll')", 1\1 inhie Fromm ; '1'1,' 'a>l ' com tery. m'er, Bertie . "'Wls : onductr es . Ednu . Hurtso k; ssociute onFunera l ' (!rvic('~ Ja r 1i S Lizzie duches s, Eurnhlllt; Yl'· E lii-;. aged 72 , who died ullday Trll stee, tu'Mllry 1I11 1\1ilJ el'; 1 yr. Tru smornin g , were. held Tuesduy aItel'- te' J e~sle Ryman . nooli. at the Me lure FUll ,'01 Par' _. - lor, Rev. A mas ook 6fli ciating. . Cntcrnl c nt ' vas rnude in 'hnron ~II rs. Rnpp~r--~1i$s Oldg id says em etery lIeor Kingma n. sheMl·s. il; 25. Do Y') U believe that·! I'ubb - It mu t ue t rue. Rebecco . 1\1eHiLt, of Harvey s- he" stu ck t he sume story aLI burl!. i~tel' (.J. J. Downin g, of t he yetll':; I'v to known her. X Il ia, and Matilda lIdNW ad, of --:-_ _ _ _e_ _______ Hurvey sllurg, Jlassed aw.ly Wed---------nesday mO'l'lIin~, Novelllu er 11 , lit a Leban on hospita l, aged 85 YCIiI'S. he WIIS a life-lon g membe r of FI'iends chul"h lin\! a practicl li hristion woman , l' 'nll e l'ing hel p to th amicte\! wh revel' pos ible, Funera l arran gcmen t · are not yct comp leted.
. Miss Ad nlin e B. Keys, lifel ong residen t of Wnyne sville an d a membe r of one of Wav lle Township's qldest a nd best I,n ow n Iamlies, died at her home On Main at l'ce t, 'l'hursd ny mornin g, after nn extende d illn ess. he wa s the dau ghter of lh e late .Judge J ohll Keys and is 'u l'vived ' by he r brother Horace P. Keys. Funera l :!el'Vi ces were held at. thc residen ce Sa tu rday afterno on, Rev. G. C. Dibert, pDsto r of lhe M. E. hurch, in chan~c. Bu r ial was in Minmi cem elery.
- - --- '- ---
OFFIC ERS INSTA LLED At the regular com mu nication of Wayn esvill e Lodge No. lll3 F. & A. M., Tu esday night. lhe foUowing offic ers were elected and illst.a lled : Verll Armita ge, W. M. ; L. C. 1. J ohn, S. W.; E. C. Crane, Jr. W.; R. H. Hal·t ock, treasur er; F. B. Hend el' on ' ecretar y ; eth Thomas , S. D.; Robert Andrews, Jr. D. ; F. H.' Farr, ty ler ; E. L. Thomas, trustee f'O r three years; C. A. William son , chllpl ain; E. L. Thomn s and Hent·y Saylor, stewards. BRIDC E CLUB MEETS
Satu rday , Nov emb er 14, 1931
The Young Women 's bridge elub met Tuesda y evening at Wayne Villa with Miss Alice Campbe ll hostess. PI'izes wEire awarde d to Mrs. John B. Gons, Mrs. L. H . Buerkl e lind Mrs. M. F . Weltz. Follow mg tbe games d,.inty r efreshm ents were se rved by the hostcss . The n ext meeting of the club will be held Novem ber 24, at thc hom e of Miss Louise Crane.
Thi. i. a Real Barg ain Sale. Look at the list 'given below -won derfu l barga ins! Quar t Galva nized Buck ets
~ ---
Be 4Se 5e 8 Se !t~~ . ~~~....... ... ......... .$4.1S
\t .... ........ ........ .. ........ ,.. .
Smokle ss Powder (Shells ) at .... .. .... 69c
Clothes ·Pins; · dozen it .. :............... .. .. ... .. .. ... ~
22 ShOl' . CartJ'idges at ...... .. ...... :.. .... ......... . ..
65e 15e
Wash Basin, tin at .... .'.......... .. .. .. ........ .... .
Wash Basin, enamel at ..... ... .... .. .. 10c. 12,c
Powd er Gun Shell s
Straine r Pads, 100 at .. .. .. " ........ ........ ".~ 1 Gra.yp
Blue Ename l Percola tors, at .... .. ... ... .. Green Ivory Enamel . Percola tors at .. .... .. .. ..
Alumin un Percola tors at .... ...... .. .. .. .... .... ......... .
Potato Masher s
!foilet P{lpel', per Roll ,( ··r ..•.. ···,.. · .......... .. .... .. · ..
IBlack \
ge ge
Flour Siftcr
it ............. .. ............ ..... ..
Plates Per Set of 6 . at .... ...... ............ .. ,. 5ge
3ge 4ge 4ge 5ge 75e
15e ....
50c Knives Ilt .... ........ ........ ..... .. .. .... . Ball Bats at .... .. .. ...... ......... .. .. .. . ..
50e 25e
Wax Pape~, per 1'011 at ... ....... .. .... .. .. ....... .. .. .. .
4ge ge
~~~:~.. ~a.r.~~ ..... .. ..... 9c
Toy Tops at ..... .. ... ...... ... .. .. ...... .. ..
at .... .. .. ............ .... .. ... .... .
Water Glasses, per dozen .... .. ...... ...... ..... ... ..
Domino es
$5 .0 0
Aluman on Roaster at · .. ... ... ,...... .... ....... .. .. ... .
30x3 Tube
60e ge at ............ .. ...... .. ......... .. 75e 35e .!~x~. :~~. ~~~~........ ~ . ..$1.35 Gallon Crocks ge One lat ..... ...... .. .... .. .. .. ..... .. .. 18c
Cake Tins at .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. lit ........ .. ..... .. ..
Bread Pans at .............. .. ... . , .... .... ..
~:J1 .G,~. I.I. ~.~.,~~~~ ..... .. .. ...$1.41
. . . . . .·. . $1.19
i~ c:~~~~H~.~~
1i\1~.ls "Rob~t.t - B~~~n~t ar~, Rt.~ lI'nd Bobb ' have b: n 8 U ':'tS,
k .
'11 th t· the th en. qUI e l i e ~as ' wcGe WI t e grdl PPI· lit nee ' ray r e .urne . ast week .f rom Pennsylvanlll where he haA hod mploym ent for several
H. F. Co.mpton and daught er, Mrs. Raleigh Bogan ' attende d the funeral of an unCle, Sam'l Jessup near Indiana polis, Wedne sday of last week. The W. F. M. S. was entel·tn ined by Ml·S. ,Munay McMillan on Wedneaday . A son, James Robed, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterso n in YelIow Springs , Novem ber 4. Rev. Scarf of Spring Valley filled the pUlpit of the Friends churC'h Sunday mornin g. Mr. and Mrs. Vern' Wilson and family have moved to Middle ton's corner. , The Y. P. C. R. E. met in the M. E. church here Monday evening Mrs. James McInti re is spend. ing the week with relative s in Jamesto wn. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marris entertaine d on Sunday : Mr. and Mrs Lawren ce Fields and daught ers and J . H. Morris of Columb us.
With Ordinary Roofing!
Chann eldrai n Roofi ng is made of COP.R ·LOY, the Coppe r Alloyed Steel, and protec ted with a highly durable coatin g of pure zinc. Paten ted lap constr uction forms a chann el that drains water from the roof. This protec tion is found only in Cbaon eldrai u and is your ass:u-ance of troubl e-frce roof. ing ser,:ic e. Let us .tell you more about Cbauo eldrai n.
Madden's Lumber Yard Phon e 14
Way nesv ille, Ohi o
Way nesv ine Coal and Ice Co.
Waynesvilfte, Ohio AUll,ori,ccl D4!alu C~enadl4!~ Coal I
·CrC'n.dJ er h
the It~fttllne eouoUda ,l.
't 11I~1'$
. ·"~e.k
Enrollm ent at Ohio State Univer sity this fall is approx imately the same as that of a year ago. Nearly 11,000 are in attenda nce. The registratio n include s tbe 'followi ng from Waynes ville: Macey L. Carter, Gfilrtrude Chandl er. Faith Tomlm son. '
S .. A '.. F 4 E
Look at those sharp -edge d block s of rubbe r on the most famo us tire tread in the worl d. They 're there to SR\'e you troub le;1 pull you thro ugh slippe ry ruts;.' to keep your 'car unde r contr ol durin g the, ~bst "'dangerous drivin g mont hs 'of the year. But they can't do this unles s you put then). on your car now. Come In-tr ade your old tires for safe, new GOO DYE Alk \ ALL-WEATHERS~ .
Smith"s Service Sta tio n S. Main St.
Waynelvilt'e, Ohio
Bowls at .. .. ...... , .............. ;.... ..
Co", '
.WQ 1l. . . . ., ~..Io •:....~~~...~__~~___~___ __~~~;......P.;
Estate of Mary E. Hawe~, de· ceased. . ' . • fIlotice 'is here»y glvep 'that J. W. Roland has beim duly appoint ed and qualifie d <liS Admini stratoe of the .E state of Mary E. Hal:es late of Warren ' County , Ohi.o" Cleceased. . _ Dated this 26th day cif &tolle r ' 1931. W. Z. ROL.L , "Judge of thll Probat e Court, Warren County , Ohio . Frank Brando n, Atty. NU
i ee
.Wit h every. Tra~smission and · I~eferential Drain we will g,ive a
Cups and Saucer s at ............ .... 10c, He,
Six Gallon Jars at . ... .. ........ :... ..... .. .. ... .. -.
~1Il gar t J?hns Hpent Thur~I~f e[nRoth M~h. Mr;- Morns
84c 15e
Fox- I n otice that since Dogget t got ·m arried he doesn't go round so much . . Hunt-- No, since the knot was tied he hasn 't had so much rope.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartsoc k and Mr. and Mrs. WiIlis :Pennew itt and son were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pennew itt. Miss Stella Gibson spent the week-end with Miss Mabel Dakin. Mr ~ . Ada l)akin is spendin g a few duys with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnba rt in Mt. Heilly. Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and daughte r, Eleanor , Pauline and Everett · Bunnel l spent Saturda y eveninJr with MI'. and Mrs. Lew Richard s. of Dayton . Miss Elsie Gibson, Mt'. and' Mrs. Harold Rogers, of Bellbrook, spent Sunday afterno on with Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and family.
IAl co ho l ~t. ?al.lon..~~~~ .... .. ....
\0 II..
Jlt .... .. .... .... .... ... ~ ....... ..
30x31A1 tube
Berry Bowl Seta
Raymo nd HOllgland, owner of the Rumson Farm Kennel s, ot Rumson , N. J., Won the derby of Miami Field Trials at the Collett farm , near Harveysburg Saturda y with his young settcr, R\lm so ~ Farm Betsy, Second place was awarde d to Nuby, white and black setter owned by O. S. Redman of Wellsto n, Ohio, and third went to Valley Brook Girl, a pointer owned by L. C. Rousch, of Point P leasant , W. Va. Sportsm en ft'om all section s of the country !,Ittende d the field trials. '
SA ·1
Butche r Knives , good ones, $1.00 knives at .. ..
I·RU I. Con~~~!um
, - tn
.M' Ad Ch h ' . , IS: 'I a. . ~n.owet of near (~enie?vl Id v18~~llg klltRthe home .~ I. all. ra. an ogers,
passed awny SuMiss nday Elzabet morninhg' Ellis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Colema n where she had been clired tor mor~ than a yeaI'. Funera l se l'vices Tu esday oItel'no on ond burial ut haron. R\!v. H. H. Laffert y is holding specill l meeting s this week a t Morrow, one of his charges . Mr. undo Mrs. Charles Clark Waltcr lark, Mrs. C. A. Thomp : son and MI' . Mary Carmon y were Da. lon visitors Thursd ay. Mrs. J oseph Grassi and ohildren and Mrs. Eva Haines of PiqulI spel1 t 'aturday with the formel"~ grandm other, Mrs. S. H. Raines who~e conditio n remain s about th~ same. MI'. and Mrs. Glenn Johns lind children , Paul and Vivilln of Daytun wcre Sunday guests' of Mr . Margar et Johns. ~r. and Mrs. Byron Rush of Sprmgf ie ld were enterta ined to R£O. U. s. v...':. 011" . Sunday dinner at the home of thl' latter's sister, Ml'S. Belle Scott 'T' and famil y. • I.~ Mr. lind Mrs. Martin Bowe '·or ~ ~ncie, I~d., visited Thursd ay ant! F l'lday WIth the latter's co~u sin Mrs . Frank Rogel'll and family. ' Mrs. Chalme r Reeder is slowl\' improv ing, able to be Up som'c n.ow, after an attack of append iciThe h cuhIt, comfo rt and tiS. Eveni ng callers Sunday of Mrs. Margar et Johns were: Mr. and Mr.' weU.b eing of yom' fami ly- Allen Emrick , Mr. and Mrs. KeBle~: , .. hut nrc they worth in dol. Graham , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre, Mr. and' Mrs. J. B. Jone) and John Preston . tat·s :n ..l cellls? .At the meeting of the Ludie!; Aid Wednes day at the home of. PIny s:!fe thi9w inler- burll Mrs. Wilbur Foulks was decidel l that the ladies would take up the extensi on work, "Care and control *G I'cuml i cl' ConI. of contllgi ous disease s and newer . method s of first aid." The first Grena uier Corll costs a fe" meeting ~iIl ~e at the 110me of . Mrs. Morrrs Miller, Novem ber 19. (~CJ1l B more pell' day thall 0... Sunday .afterno on callers Mrs. S. H. Hames wore: Dr. and of Mrs. eli nary coal. But you'll burl! W. Osburn and daught er, Mrs.C Belle Coon and daught ers, of Daynotlli ng else once you've ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binega of Jamesto wn. Mrs. Ida Christo r tried it. II's prenli ulU coal phe~ and Mrs. Tom Hurst ofSprmgb oro, Mr. and Mrs. Walter sold willi tIle absolu te as Cast o~ Waynesville, Mrs. Charles . l\fullelllx and ~ary .Young tnJl'tlllCe of comp lete heal Rev.. George H. Smith . of thf' Frankh n M. E. Church , preache d a Jlplendi d sermon at Lytle church .ins satisfa ction. Sunday afterno on. Rev. Yeisley of Cincinn ati was also present ana gave a good talk. Rev. Yeisley will preac.:h at Red Lion next Sunday mOI'nmg at .9 :30 and at Springb oro at 10:45.
' Ita t
, Plctu;"" drawh frOID actual . pllou>&I'lIpbI.
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Thes e tw fence rolls, take!. down for shipmen t, we n.t th r.ough tbe Gulf of Mexico Fence Weath er Test . . "Galva n. neale<.l" still al. most like new. Ordin ary gal. vaniz ed 'was ruined. Which wHf. viv'" you mo~t ~ fa; you r fence
Gordon's Servi~e·.~ Phon e 47 "
, .
... ,
sta.· .
W ayne lvill e/ Ohio : .'
" "
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We ~II R~D BRAND "G.alvannealed" FENC E at fair standa rd marke t prices.
29.UI· 2I . N. JI . 3h..,..2l 4 ••' . lIIL'II· 19
·.... as:
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ElICh '
Eaeb la . 1'1U'~
29.UO .2t . ...... . . . . .. :JCk4.50.,lO 3b"~lt
1.45 I.SI,
John Squires was a Dayton visi tor T hursday.
W o man' Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church met13, .o n ut F'I'iduy fll'l noo n, Novemb er lh' ha O llle' of Mrs. Emma H. !\lcClur ... The meE!ting was opened by l\ 11'~ . adwallader who eonducted lhe de votiona l service. Scriptural quotations were given in re ' I) O n ~e lo roll-ca ll. ' At th e clo~e of the tran sacti on of bus in ess the following progl'am was g iven : Reading, "Ala ska Hospital Ha s Phe nomenal Growth ," Mil'S May Wr ight. Re port of lhe Convocation Mee t ing at Xenia- Mrs, D. L. Crane. Reading, 'A rchdeacon Neve Ha s Gold en Jubil ce," - Mrs. Ronald Hawke . Durin g fl deli g htful soc ial hour duinty refres hments were se rved.
Gran;e will be' held at MaIneville November 28, wh'e n the g av,el will be re'turned to Maine'11 JI e.' , ....
~ ~
'. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mainous hod al .their , dinner guests, Wednesda~ Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith S~eaJ'JiB, Ky., and , Mr. an'd Mrs. Vernon Mainous and' lIttle daugh-
0' .,
Mrl. ·Albert Shepherd '
9ntelotAin~,d 'o n" Sunday, ' 'honori~"
anniversary of' Mr. the followinlr Woollard 'a nd' Da:vto:n, Max ' HolJings-
_of ,"s~lepl1~er[~ :,
BUSINESS CHANGES Murk Rogers and Vern Simpson consolidated their interests hist week and will take th e firm nam e again, Rogers & Simpson . They a re doing bus in ess in t he Phillips building, corner Main and Miami. Mullen nnd Has tings have taken over the Waynesvi ll Motor Co's. bus iness in t he old Ford Garage, undwill co ntinu e to do repair work and furnis h Ford accessorie s. ATTENTION FARMERS If yo u wan t your lane gr~veled or if you want gravel for any purpose whatcver, call J. K, Spencer, phone 121, Lebanon. tf
- - -=-=-======= Kathryn Graham- At home. Mel'edith Whitaker- Post gt'adu ate W. H. S. Charles Whitaker- Wittenberg Co ll ege, Springfield . tlarold Fox- At home. Evelyn Cartwright - Wes tern College 'for Women ; Oxford. Beatl'ice Robitzer- Ohi o WesIyn, Delnwal'e. Mary Leah Edwards -Miam i Jacobs, Dayton. Et hyl Hartley-A t home. ecil Lake-Wilmington Coll ege EI)1ma Ault--City hospi tal at Springfield . Ethan Lewis- Post graduate W.
H. S.
O~0l!fa. ' fam.ly, I~ Ell..;. I ana l
SERVICES AT CHURCHES FOR NEXT SUNDAY FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Undenominational) Cheste r A. Williamson. Minister hurch Schou l at 9 :30 a. m.; i\l rs. Wal te l' as l is con fin ed t o ope ning with a. "S urpl'is e Special.' th' house with mumps. Lord 's S upper a nd se rmon at 10 :30 u. 111. Sermon subject, "Why Go . Mr . Ilnd Mrs . L. 11. Gordon we r e To hurch'!" You are alway. ul hillicoth Su nday, welcome at this church . .'tanley BHiley ha ~ ;lI'ce pte t! a ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH po~ ili ol1 with tht' Fa i r l e~ lIa rdRe v. Lawrence B. Mollmann. wal'C Co mpany. First, Third and Fifth Sunday, Mrs. Ma ynanl W cl I. ;I n, 'I iss Mass at 7 :00 a. m. Second ana Doris Haw ke \\"1' D .. ' t "" . " tor" Fou rth Su nday, Mass at 9:30 a. m. t his a Herlloo n. . WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Miss IJ ol'i s H e nd erso n, o r in G. C. Dibert, Pastor innati, ~pc l1 L th e week-end a t Wed nesday: The Ladies' Aid her hOlll e he I'e. 'oQiety is meeting with Mrs. Martha, daughter t,c Mr. an(1 Jos iah Davi s at 2:00 this p. m. Mrs. J ohn Hawn , is seriously ill There will be a meeting of the chi ldren at t( :00 this p. m. for the of ty phoid fevel·. PUI'pose of ol'ganizing and practicMl'. 'anti 1\11'". Fran k Sta nsberl'l' mg fOI' the Christmas program. and ' fll mily visiled relative ' u't Bible s tud~ and prayer meeting at 7 :00 'P. m. Thi s week we will Oakland, S und ay. study the twin parables, "The Mr. and Mrs. Ch as. Zimm erman Lost Sheep," and "The Lost Co in,' and fami ly spent S Ul1dll Y with r e la Choi r practice at 7 :45 p. m. Thursday: On Thursday evening tiv s at Jamestown. of this week af 7 :00 p. m. the men Geo rge Edwlll'c1s, Robe rt Arm - of the church will entertain the strong and L. N. Prin tz \'i site(! ladies. A fi sh supper will be served and the m en and women of tbe Greenfi eld Sunday. church are a ll invited to attend. Sunday: unday schOol at 9 :80 M I·S. Waller hee ha n and s on visited relati ves at Kings Mills, a. m. Morni ng worsh ip at 10:30. Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. Sllturday aftern oo n. Evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. On Monday evening of next Mi ss The lmu St. j ohn is in th e hospital at Wittenberg coll ege, 11 week a t 7 :30 will be the regular lime f r the meeting of t he official victim of the mumps. board. Call the Wayn eSV ille Farmers' Exchange for New Com Meal and WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF. pure Buck Wheat Flour. CHRIST (Undenominational) M'r. and Mrs. G. J. Waterhouse attended a military ba ll at Dayton, Chester A. Williamson, Minister Church School at 9 :30 a. m. ' Wednesday of last week. Lord's Supper at conclusion. Mrs. A mandn Maffit has r eturn- C hri ~ tian Endea,vor at 6 :30 p. m., ed home after an cxte nded vi sit John ears, lead e\:. Eveni ng evangeli ·tic service at 7 :30. Sermon with relatives in Duyton . subj ect, "The Arguments Against MI'. and MI' . D. L. C.·ane spenl Immersion." Prayer nieeting and the week-e nd in Dayton with Bible study each Wednesday at i :::$ 0 p. m. 'fh e church where YOIl Ethan . Crane nnd family. feel at home. Laurence Brown and family ~T. MARYS CHURCH were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud, Sundqy afternoon. Rev. J _ J. Scheffer. Rector Novem ber 22, Sun day next beMI'. and Mrs. ' Lester Surfac e Advent. Church school at were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- fore ert Baker J,'" on Su nday evening. 9 :30, Morning Prayer and sermon Mi ss Gle nna' Marsh a nd Mr. at 10 :30. has. Festel' were guests of "Mr. and Mrs. P . L. Reason, on M,o nday HAPPY HOUR CLUB 'eei l Davi!' is out flicted with mumps.
r, ch ool
Shennan Tinn ey-Married, Corwin. Ralph l\1ainou~-At home. Vir-gil Henry- At home. Thomas Stansbury Smith's Mr. and MI·s. Ed. Hough, Vern Groce l'y, Wayn esv ill e. Willard Ken;ey- Po t g raduate Hough and family we re guests of Guy Kibler and family at Dayton, W. H. S. Sunday_ Helen Gellharf-- A t h ome . Cleo Hawke- Post g raduate W. Miss Louise Crane and Mr. H. S. i\Iacy CllI'lel'- Ohio State Uni- Gilgert )i'ryc wel'e Ruppel' g uests of Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Lotz, Sunve r!'!ty. day even ing. Cleda Dakin- At home. Frances Gullady- Hou se work, Mr. a nd MI'!;. A. A. Linton, of W ny n esvill e. E leanor Hightman - H ouse work Wilmington , were call ers at th e hom e of 'alllue l Buttcrworth and Lebanon. Edgnr Smith- Robilzer's Mill, family, Sunday afternoon. Wayn esvill e. Mr. and Mrs, Rober t Watt, Mr: and 1\h·5. William Watt, of Dayton, were Sun day .guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frazier.
Between Him and Goal
iii. 1lA)ft. ..,;-,. . . ..----'-
~er:, Lavernn. ~
TIll I!i! hl ullllual Nat ion al Co m Hus kin g ontest waH held la ~ t W t: k at Grund y Ccnter, Iowa. Winn,' rs and 1 unll.c " '-up in COlltc~t in eig ht s l:1t l'~ co mp e ted for chall1 pion shil) h on o l' ~ . . TJ. t: winne r in this cont c~t \\'a ~ Orville Welch of Ill inoi ~ . who hu sked ~1. :17 bu shel;; io eig ht y minUle ~, t he t im e all otted 1'01' th . conlest. Sec ond pla ce was WOn by T heodore Balk o of Minnc suta \\'ith :3 0. 5 6 bu shek , rh e co nt estn nt from this state, Laukhuff o f Paul d ing Albe rt Cou llLy, wa ~ selected in a Statc Conte st s poll so r ed by The Ohio Parmer ami hel d at T iPll ecanoe ity fcve ral weel( : ago. Hi:; rcco rd in this co nte!\t was 1 91~ bushe ls. Thc runner-uJ) was R os~ Moon of Wanen Co unty who ma de a reco rd of 18.67 bu s hel s.
- ~~;====~~==;=~~~~~~~=====~~~============;
------- ..----
Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church Met l
H. S. Boy, Judge Cattle Th e Animal Ilu. bandry cla ss w as ou t juufl'ing dair y cattle la st W. S. Graham spent the week- week . LOI'a'in e Hall I)roved to b the high man on J ersey cattle and end at the Reservoir. Ha r vey P e ter s high On Hols tein Myel' Hyman and family w el'e cattle. Xenia vis itors Sunday afternoon . F. F. A.Game Ray Mi lls announces t hat his Th e F, F. A. of W. II. . was d _ sa wmill at Corwin is now in opera- feated by a sea I'e o f 11 Lo 4 at t ion . Leba non, in a so ft ball game on Tu !:day evening, November 10. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz visited relatives in Wilmington, New Faculty Member Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Garst, of Dayton Messrs. A. F. MeUoh and Fred Ohio, a gradua te of Man cheste .: Barnard were business visitors in ~o ll ege of North Manches te r, In d ., Several boys are taking part in DaytOn Tue sday. . IS a ne w memb er of t he H. S. fac . ully . 1\11'. Gar~ L i teaching science' the ath le ti es this year. Comp osing a t ea m of boys under 85 pounds. Governor George White is still Mrs. Lee Hawke, Miss Doris and and mathamll tic ~ M i. s Wes tfall has Th e ir firs t gamc was played Frico nfincd to the executive mansion Dean Hawkc were Dayton visitors bcen a SUbstitute toacher for the day ni ght with Harvey; burg. They pu st s ix wee ks. , in East Broad str eet and has hi s Thursday afternoon. however s uffered a defeat. arm in a sling as t he resu lt of an American Education W eek automobile accident suffered a Mrs. Lydia B. Vandervoort, of Armistice Day Program co uple weeks ago. The l'n,V " "n(lr ·,,~ Lebanon , was a business visitor in All grades at the High School We had a very interesting prophys icia n promises that he may Waynesv ille, Tuesday. buildin g had se veral speakel' last gram which, was h eld in the gym l'etul'n to his office w ithin a few Rev. G. C. Dibert and family wee k, They were as follow s : Wedn esday, morning ut 11 o'clock Monday- Rev. C. A. William son Taps da ys. visited I'elatives at McComb, Ohio, were so un ded by Cecil Davis Talk ed to H. S. and grades . the first of the week. follow d by one minute f s ilence. Tu esday- Mi s Kathryn Gibbons Invocation Stat& H ighway Director O. W. 'Was given by Rev. WilMerrell announ ces a co ntract Mark Rogers was called to - Talked to H. S, g irls. liam son. The Lord's pray er was r eTues day- MI'. Rhod eR. Y. M. C. peated by t he student body, this lotting ( 0 1' proposed highway im- Ironton, Monday nig ht, because of A.- Talked 10 H. S. boys. pl'ovem ents on Tuesday a'tternoon, the illness of his brother. was fo ll owed by two verses of Wednesday - Mrs. Harding totaling approx imately $550,000. " Ame rica," le d by Mrs. Bu el'kle, Talked to H. S. & Grade gi rls. It cons ists of bridge work and apMI'. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke v is itMI'. Lotz rl)ad the li st of Warren Wednesday- Mr. E. L. Sharon county proaches, the la rgest of which is a ed the Ohio Masonic Home, Spring veterans. A d elig htful - Talked to H. S. & Grade boys. s teel beam bridge over P ortage fie ld, Sunday aftel·noon. violin duet by Hugh and Donald river just so uth of Oak Harbor, Thursday- Night School Gu stin, 'accompani ! by Mrs. Gu st he estimated cost of w hich is Call the Waynesville Farmers ' Friday- Dr. Mal'y ooli- Talked to n. Rev Dib ert g ,lve a very stim$9 0,000. Exchange for new corn meal and to H. S. & Eighth Grade g irls. ulating t ulk about t he sign ing of pure Buck Wheat F lour. ' t he Armi tice, of Peace. Be nedicNight School a Big Succeu Mayors of Ohio cities and villatio n was g ive n by Rev. Wiiliamson J . P. Fromm a nd family spent ges will meet in t he Capitol City Night school was held Thursday on ,Saturday, November 28th, to t he week-end with Mr.• a nd Mrs. night in ord e l' th at the parents W . H. S . Defea to Manie discuss unemployment and relief Melvyn Banta at Dela'Yare. could com e to se e what t he il' Waynesville almo st lived up to problems. It is expected that 150 children we re doing in their class expectatiom! Friday nig ht by winheads of municipalities will be Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murray, work. pres ent. The conference will be of Flat Fork, were g uests of MI'. The pupils had l'egular classes ning two out of three basketball held at Ohio State University and an d Mrs. J. E. Frazier, on Monday and n o specia l pl'ogram was pre- games from their n eighboring town was ca lled by Professor Hllrvey Harveysburl~. Coach Pyle's varsity pal'ed fOI' th !! oeca ion. Wal~el' of the Department of Dependable Watches and ,the There were 232 visitors. Amon g turncd in a score of 65 to 11. Th e Political Science 'Of that institution latest in Jewel ry and Novelties at them were Su pt. Spri nkle and fir t reserve sq uad were victorious who is also secretary of !!he Ohio Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, s ome of hifl teache rs from Kings by a score of 43 to 14; but the , M unicipal League. Ohio. Midgets we l'e defentcd by a score Mill s. of (') to D. Miss May Wright was the dinner De spite the fact that the scores All t he ,plants have been reHome Economics Dept. we l'e large, a magnifice nt exhibimoved 'from the fl ower bods in guest of Misses Annie a nd Mame The Home Economics Cla ss is lion of speed, acc urate pa ss in~ and the tate Hous& park and also the Brown at the Friends' Home, on gett ing along ni ce ly, but we wish generalship was shown. hot h ouse plants which adorned Sunday. to correct a Rtllte ment published When Coach Reigel, of Stockthe Capito l bui,l ding and have bee n Mi s Margaret Doty and Mr. rec ently 'to the affect th'at the dale High, who officiated durin g stored away to await t he return of spring. The trees have bee n Glenn Frye, of Dayton were Home Econom ics cla sses hav e the game wa s interviewed he said gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. charge of the school lunch menus. "Wayne 'ville showed excellent s tripped 'Of th-cir leaves and since week-end The Mother' club has a s pecial aggressivenE!ss on their offen se and t he "trusties" of Ohio's largest Carl Frye. comm itee for this pUI·p os e. There shifted splendid ly o n the defen se .' penal institution have been withMiss Evelyn Cartwright, of wel'e . everal mothers who vi ~i te d Quite an impr ovem ent wa ~ shown drawn by t he Welfare Department t he beautifuJ park is not receivinlt Western College, spent tb~ week- the Dome. tic Scien ce cia. ses duL'- by the quintet ovel' the game a week ago wi t h MaRon. In our est he attention formerly b estowed end with her mother, Mrs. J . O. ing nig ht school. Cartwi·ight. timatio n Py Ie's team will he one upon it: of the promi ing B teams of Sixth Grad e ollthern Ohio, Mrs. J. C. Hawke and grandson, Mr. Rus ell H. Knight, hustling Miss Fox's little sixth g raders Th e t eo m was well s upp ort d by Dean Hawke~ were g uests of Mrs. field manager of The Ohio Newshave rece ntly elected class " Ric el·s. a laq!e aud.ienc!! and the cheer pnper Association, is also editor Mary Hopkins, in Belmont, Satul'- They are : Presi dent Jane Furnas ; leaders did thci r purt vel'Y sucof The Buckeye, a newsy ei~ht- day afternoon. Vice-Presid e nt, Mildred Cook; cess fu lly . Sev eral numbers were , page three column quarto full of Secretary, V ivian Connel'; Ne ws g iven by the band. Fl'iday. NovelllMrs. Nettie Kepler and Mrs. interesting items, especially to Reporter, Rosemary' Bentl y. her 20, the Wayce hs journey to membors of the newspaper f ratern Veo Adams, of Dayton, spent SunLost week was American Educa- Carlisle to meet well-tl'ained day with Mr_ and Mrs. Oliver Daity and which is published monthly tion Week. On Monday Rev. tams. They h ope to see many F.di tor Knight states that forty- vis a nd family. WiIlia.m son ~ave a very interesting from W . H. S. there: thre"e editors of Ohio dailies and ta lk a nd on W ednes day MI·S. Ha rdMiss Mary Hawke and a friend, ing gave a beneficial talk to the weekl.ies have been asked 'to serve of Dayton, were visitors at t he on this year's Christmas Health l1irl5, Sh e is an officer in Juvenile Wha t Graduates '30-'31 are Doin g Seal Educational Cllmmittee, home of F. U. LeMay and family, Court and her home is in Frankli n. Hele.n Em .. ly Miami-Jacobs which will direct the state's pub- Sunday afternoon. Their room is leading in the E ng- Busin ess Co li ege, Dayton. licity for t he Christmas seal's Mildred Gra ha m- Workin g in lish contest being he ld with the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rogers and other section. twe nty-fifth anniversary. ' Dayton. There are now over 4.500 family, of Toledo, are th e guests p risoners confined in the Ohio of the former's parents, Mayor Penitentiaqr . and recently the and Mrs. T •. E. Rogers. I flrst death tn over two months DCMI'. and Mrs. R. E. White and cUrl'ed at the institution, which is a splendid record considering the Mrs. Mary White, of Dayton, were population, proving efficient work g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter I)n t he pal·t of hospital sta" 'and careful supervision of diet by' the Saws filed by machinery, cut . &. ~u ~A"~ ubsistc nce department. The prison n ~ ~1!1; I is ol!'ain becoming congested owing cleaner, truer, faster. Also crossto the lal'ge number of men re- cut saws, . gummed, 25i. per foot. our ~D GIll &.\1 ... i&' .....' _"U~~y'-. . . . ~~l ..... " ...~ .. ceivl'd from fall terms of criminal Roy Pigott, at Maddert's Lumber COljrt. Yard. _. ~ W_ H. Allen attended a meeting TWO HURT IN WRECK of the members of the Field Dei partment of the Episcopal Church O"car Gray, 25, teacher at a in Christ Church,. Dayton, 'Monday rut'al school north of Lancaster, evening. . Ohio, and Miss Geneva Stephenson Misses Doris Hawke and Eliza23. a student at Wilmington College, were injured Sunday after- beth Henkle was the guest of Mrl noon in an automobile occident and Mrs. Mark McMillan and atthree miles west of Waynesville on tended a "Charity Bridge," at Middletown, Tuesday night. Route 73. Both were taken to Hale HospiMr. 'and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, tal at Wilmington where Miss Stephenson is considered to be in a Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sheehan and serious c o ndjtion~ Gray suffered a son attended a 'family dinner at broken shoulder and was cut and the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Carl Croll, at Franklin, on Sunday. bruised about the body. They were en route to Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stong, Miss when their machine collided with Ella St. John and Dr. H. H. Heranother car. . ' man, all of Dayton, we re s upper ------~,~.~---guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McGRANGE NOTICE Clur~ at, Wayne Villa, Sunpay evenmg. On Saturday ,night, November 2 1, FarmerA' Gran~e will entertain Mr.' and Mrs. H. B. Earnhatt Hamilton Township Grange from and daughter are IlJlimding a t wo- ' Maineville. The purpose of the weeks . vacation with the former's visit is to deliver the traveling parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Burton gavel . to the local Grange nnd also Earllhart and other relatives in the put on t he program. It is especially communlty'. ' desired that there be a 'good attenCOLUMBUS-According to judicial s~ati stics made public by Secretary of State, Clarence J. Brown, there were 59,981 civil cases a nd 7,445 criminal cases on hand at the beginning of t he statis tical year of 1929 in the common pleas cour ts ' of Ohio. By t he begin ning of the statistica l year of 1930, t hese figures had increased 63,870 and 9,355 l'espe~tively. The increase in criminal cases far exceed, proportionately, the increas e in civil s uits. The total nlim bel' of cases during the 1929 period of 164,609, jumped by 6.29 per cent during the next year to 174,!>72 cases. This increase is abo ut twice the es timated population increase d uring the same period.
Whole Number 5988
Me,s srs. Sher man Carter, George Stroud and Lester Geiger, of Dayton, wel'e guests of MI'. a nd Mrs. W. E . Stroud, on Monday. M,·. and Mrs. Luth e r P e rk ins and Mr, and Mr . . Powe ll , of Beavertown, were g ues ts o f Mr. and Ml':< W. E. St roud, on Sunday .
Th e November meeting of the Happy Hour Club, was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Hockett, Novem bel' lOth w ith Mrs. Frank Braddock assistant hostess. The preside nt opened the meeting by reading a poem, "To day," by Irene Schr iever, S ixteem members' responded to ro ll call. Reba Braddock had charge of the program, which fo ll ows : A suggestion box. Reading- The first Thanksgiving-Josephine Gons. Reading- Just Sitting, Adria Braddock. ' Read ing- Clever Jokes, Jennie Davis. The program ended with a guessing contest. Mrs. Clarence Rye, Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mrs. .lack Rich, Mrs. John Gons, and Mrs. Th eodore Mclntire were guests of t he afternoon. A deliciou s lunch was served by the hos tesses after which toe meeting a dj ourned to meet with Mrs. Henry Sutterthwa ite in. D ecember. ---- ... ~-----
CANNERS ELECTION Call th e Waynes ville Farmers' The Ohio Canners Association Exchange for New Corn Meal and of which W . B. Swonger, Sidney; pure Buck Wheat F lour. Robert Blair, Lebanon; James Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Sm ith, of Stoops, Van Wert; H. F. KrimenSteam s, Ky., vi sited their son-in- dah l, Celina, and C. Webb Camp'law lind daug htel', Mr. and Mrs. bell, Conn ea ut , are directors, will Vern on Mllinou s, seve rll l days last ho ld its annual convention in week. ' Columbus, December 8 and 9. The wholesomeness and economy of Mr. and MI·R. S. S. El lis and MI·s . cann ed foods will be stressed at E-li zabcth . Baily were guest at t he the convention, and amon~ the meeting of the Lebanon Farm ers speakers will be Marc C. Hutchin on, Washington, D. C., vice clu b at lhe home of ?ttr. a nd Mrs Emmor Baily, today. presid ent of t he National Conners Associat ion ; Hugh Fullerton, Col1111-. anr! M r H. Hal'l'y Azling a nd umbu s news writer, and Prof. H. 0 fa mil y, MI'. Ray Bal'bel', M... and Brown, department 'of vegetable Mrs, B. T. Vice. Da yto n, and Mis.' gacdening, t he Ohio State UniverLouise Crane !lpen t Sunday with s ity, Columbus. Ohio canned foods rank amo ng t he ve ry highest proMI'. anel MI S. Otho Henderson. duced in the coun try,' H. A. Orr, Mr. and Mr . F. Eo T homas en- Circleville, is president , of the tert~ined to dinn el', on S unday, association; O. L. Teagarden, Oak Mad Ison Earnhart a nd fa mil y, MI'. Harbor. vice president, and Roy and MI·s. Ralph Dyke, of Dayton, Irons, Clyde, secretary-treas urer. Lowe ll Th omas and family. of Lytle, George Hawke a nd Arthur Eropkins, Waynes ville. Mr. ancl CRANGE OFFICERS ELECTED Mrs. ,Lester S urface were afterAt the regular meeting !)f Waynoon callers. nesviJle Farmers' Grange No. 13, November 7, the ann~al election wa.s held ' resulting 8S followl: ' . Master-R:8yrpon4 B~ddoek Overseer-:.;RoBcoe' Furnas '. Lecturer....:..EIsie 'Hockettc
o et.mm
him 1 du
n~. '1\11 !'(lOll disc.l\' i,'k and ~u lky old
oft Zaid. enable, aD
compet ent and ftled bOil of 'S600 red with Ora Decker and Iliam W, man was ani), Frazer 88 s Ul'cties . IIll1kinjl' lin vu tward .:how; in rcu l\\fr, and Mrs. A. J, G denning it r IlInin~ n olhin!.: whalev r to do upon paymen t of $1000 11 be l'C1\\ ith the nu\ig.at i 11. 1 IlVinJr thl} lea ed of all claims and demand s fat\' of the ~'nc ht ab:; lutely In fur hodily injuries and damage t o \'nn'!o1 mrn 11II1Id.'. A nna F. King, a minor. ;\ Cl'rlllill inabflil y to lak(' II Probat .. Court P'roc:.eedinlr. , t.and in an~i.hi llg un ple=HlDn l, Elo\tute l or settlem ent: Commo !, PIe .. .Proceed ill." \Iilli('ult, t o mllke up his min(1 and Hu bert I., Schuyle r, IIdminl 'I t ill all merg"M' Y. k pt an lit tor (If esta te oC liaehe l J, Gill,slrnde. In tb case of tate of Ohio GrilL fl'\J1ll t lJing the ho , t 58. 'ca~ed, fir t and finul. ' v l';lUS ,Jo, hua King t\le d e'fendun t Lul r tJ <:nntinu d with an oqject. 'hosl' a \vy 1)(', udm inistl'at or \\Ill. !I n tanced to 30 days and cost He " new ,. he did not truly rely on of ~tnte I' R. ILLUST RATIO NS BY HE NRY JAY LEE E, Ranli.ey, deceu" In the case of tate of Ohio him in {hi. s howy fraud of naviga- ed, fil',' t a ()i , nd fina l. versus William McKni ght the de· "~l' e (In\'riah t by lion " ; h he KURpec ... , leti Plllmyr a was cl'ibll r'~, ·(.ns GeOl''''e p , Gu. t e:s, d atlmini 1'.' " . ... trutor f" ,enndant ... " n o t d ' C ·ive , ,rinowin g hi' OWll of estate d t was sentenc ed to 30 day~ - ......................., :" '..:"'~ "'......., ......, ...., ...." " " " " " '. ........" ....,~ " "" "" cos 1\. " "" "~ "'" wenkne ):~, he. hud t.he weak man's C a~cd, adof arah Ann Deck er, d e- u That' s the comf orting thing I'll ini. trntrix of I! tnte of In the case of State of Oh.io , J1APTE R Y. ren r of ~e ing thot knowle dgo TC' !h'nr), M : 0 ekeI', decense tainls glud to haVl' ~(.!e n t h 13!<t of fh d, first v I' us larence Preble the de-clc,l in the fu ces of oth I'S. and fina l. abou t electr ic service fen dunt was fined $100 and costs hin) ." . you Thel'!' fore, he woulJ, ' wilhou t aid, Gellrgl! P. Gat(!s, gual'din n of \\' hnn . h sho k her 'h ad. reIn t he case of Kurz-K asch Co , ,::ni l lht' Hai ,. nh o\\' t il and lhrough don't ,nrah have r One s hort \\'c"k nn D(.!cker, incomp etent, vers us The Van H orn e Tub e Co" to plan in advan ce g tI ullv. j he aban,doll d the up" '" :\. "hoI'''~ a nd tile I . A n d lIen. first 1I11d final. the r ece 'lver I'u rnised hllnu !H! futile , lI e brollg IIt g ood !<I.ip R~inu o w \\ Il S al ~ cu th e Lill , i ~ lnnu gr'oups II ~ to settle all ac ' I, SI it' wh(l n ilL lallt hlol to I,J th ""' out a dng, Pnlmyr n Tree had again. Buun for it. u ntsn, I), Mc Vay, executo r of est a co d s he \\'u~ 110W fOI' l h(.! ~(,"ld 1I0t uul lit! III ire his perfor~ te ' -__ of !~d o nzo Cussed)', decease d, n v r sel.' n ' u ch 11 ring: lort oise henrt vf Oceani In the case of Pe ople 's BuiJdin l1' a, t h ' Equtllo l'il\1 man . cighl!:!c nth nccou nt.. sh II inlaid with silveT, There i "I '~ M . l i~I'o ll('",j n. A Loan and Snvlngs Co. versus Je lls thc yacht On the nig'ht of the wrcck . Va n \\,illium ' Obel'l in, g uardian of nie Harner, et a l certain wer leltl'!'!> on it ; seemin gly one I\'tI~ lo pul J uhn 'rhllr, press a butto n ... there 's s ules hav. ton nUllllrd ... I'l'ally h" ,."ic· in per: istil1 g John Oberlin , ins!l ne, second, wort!, thrice rep tlted and p. a I'h ilipp illl' lrlln Spu l't at GUUIII , ll)!ain st :I q UH (' kin~ ing been mad e all accoun ts are to t1nco nftd enc 'illilll1l Ob er lin, g uardian of be settled. arat db,' discs- the word" ·i," "n il' a lin l.. ~o ulhi ng light, radio enter tainm ent l the , Sl\ id th\! that k,' pt him uf t" n a,w ake- hnd J ohn Ohel'lin J . insune, Heco nd. li\'e pointed to the letter , t h n t\\'~ l{l~:, woul(l take them in unllll'" Sa les have been made in k the i d .. , t ole n o n deC ' III 11 ' nil , wa tCiI t 0 I Muudl' \V itt I'm gc r, to the gil'l lind on e morc h ' Id the tJ llb<'r t ~ , till' )'Inl'; , 0 f es se of P eo ple's BUI' ldl'n," T - an & labor - saving services of apexecutr ix aloft the hand wilh thc mo\'ing arollne! '. , lhul ;\I ilky hllll: , t he r l'''S~U I' C hilll ~(' II' , lIill fi l. t 1! 1 1.I~cc estate of Anna T, Geerin g, dec ens- Snv ings Co., ver sus . .. , ...., Robert C, Way o f ut - told him till' cl nud s wel'l! galhel'll lJ,: 1:01 , secon d, pliances. fingcrs. But aguin he sho k h I!r .. II!' IJnlnllg the Mabray , et a i, a ll accoun ts are t o I d Line, k of which Po na S 'IUI\ II, hl!lId, ,I 'harks I rWin WIIS oppom t e d be Wettled I I '~ our ~ la · tul -eel , '0 al Iuringly , ["I'1.ikl' " f L 1lI 1\~1 ullndv(~ lIt,UI'I\U ~ PC I" ~ u:ll'ljinn The brow,n man tood , hn m~d . of Jame:'! B, Davis, in. ml ret W hllt :Jl rs. rnwlord ewis was grn nted n Theil, griilllin g anew, hI! ' hU!'I'lt'd plai n was thal thc rt'uldit! nol ex- ~" n ~ "nn I'c!.a: llccl at!Je lng lh<) ught compet e n t, The depen dabil ity of your servdi vorce from Noma Lewis and she dUly, as imid, Bdor(' rOllsing the wlltcll Ar.ne K , Attie 'ey was found in- WflS givcn custodv of child. away forwnrd , . "he :ill\\ it, lay in depri\'i ng h(, pa use d to ma k<, sure the clouds ):1111 " lin d iMto be admitte d in t o the ice depen ds upqn The Dayton The sllvuge. pre: e ntly re turnlllg . Thlll" ton 's lOll!! Th e defe ndan tS, w e r~ gran.ted 2(1 of a chance in Illl',lrl l willd , A ~ he ~ tlldictl the Pu yt on Stale H os pital. thruRt into th girl's hand a Iith",- thi,; Ilo.', trum pedIltgs ~n~~n~o fil e plelldlll gs 10 the ir case , <'tLing" of Horl[)- h e I{r;Hlulllly became aware 0 1~ky Power and Light Comp any. , <1 Th<, fir~ t llnd fin al nccoun t of graph, an advel'ti sment of Egyp- hlln, to,m ap back l o pl'l's k t Un ion Joint Stock Lant! pl'cli\'e , 1,,\\ Roun d 0 :1 ur /In <:::Q1 I' ss tl'alll Em ma James, tian cigar ttes. admi nistratr ix of es. 1 an, By I'l'jectin g \)nth h I' love r!;-- fil l' away S lal'lkd he SW'p t h · lat" of Emil Steger uccease d was The fact that you san say, He pointed to Ihe ih'or lett('r~ Va n sho l'tl y afte r J o hn[n th e ca se of Clarenc PalmYI'u '1 'U; 'th cll'IIlUI{I1L't1 i~ ~l' lf-con l('mpt of the ring nnd pro nounce d tho had gain ed ::t I'epr ,'d, all uwed 'un d confi;'m ed vel'~u ~ Florenc e Th ompsone , BrowT ie\'o frol11 lh;lt 1I1 0 rc than once latl!ly ill drulIlIls o r II\Jpruv et aI, "It's there when I want it" is an by lhe cou rt. word "1\i, " then to her wiih ::t ~cc- 'lU(''::llvn as to whelhe ~~~n ~ ~a es are to be made and rer she ":erl' wHking he hud ~ pl'ung up at thnt ond" i," and t o t he picture with in lo\'!:! wilh One The , fi rst fina l and distri buti ve Ail made to c~urt. or Ju ~ i fan(' ied ~olln d (. r : urf. The acc uunt of E lmo , indication of the quality of a third, He droppe d the ring inlo dandy good pals \\-ithIllan re D , Gmham , ad- the c nc('oun two. ' ya('ht ~ hould nul lund IIbourd mill islraiol' of t he ('stll t e of Fl or- M nBe Of ts all' to be se ttled III her fingers, ' The pellks of Oa hu sank !Jack I until lutc lhe nexlhave Augus tn Parlett versus our servic e. day. 1'0 <;a ll out At lost the girl wh.o wu~ nllme d mto the moa , Kes ling, deeellse d, \Vn s upT~ oy e: e~ a l: d cp, ~lcep Ihcre wa s an i ~ lnnJ a-Icc, if t h ere oprnce Palm tl\ee under. toad, 'F or ther in ocean , w huncen a.. tht he ()v d all owed Ilnd confi rm ed by e pl~tnllfl', Welfar e Loan the adverti sement was a palmtr e. One day, two dllYs. y had, J'I ~e n. werc lIone, wou ld be to make hilll- the cO I;rt. C mpnny IS to r ecover 'from the SIX upon sel f abs urd. I Th e first Dnd final accoun t of defe ndant s, Frank The upl'aise d hand had symb01 iz d a tempel'am~ntal sen;fOlll' Clark and ~I Wh ole week Sta rin!! nOW un lIt the blacken - Cia i'll the palm- herseJi , y, executr ix of the La ura Clark ~he sum of $2~8.~4 Olive \)ut " ~ hl!~I\'Y kl,e ~:aln and ~ lorm illl!' ,ky , tI)!ain off into the ,l!loo m estate Murph , sough t to give her a ring with her ~e mcd t o h.lvc and of acob George B. FOllche. de. is F. ZImme rman, p~alllhff, can led the g irl no Cl f , ea. he ~tc au, ba lanc cd ,III su ~· ceas name UPOn It. cd was app ro ved, allowed and B ri~t Tecover from Jessa mlllc R, fur t her. pense bctwee n hi ~ f III' of slo rm c onfirme d, h 'f I ' k' A '('con d week came an(1 went; ancl le e~h o re , lind on. defend ant, the s um 01 his d read ' of The first and fin.nl ac coun t of $6386,80. ~ve~e~O\~~~er,oh; s~em:~(~~\~~~ a we ek of SllIllIlH'1' sea and lus~y l idicllie. For . . thi s first ti me Vlln Clara MUI'r)hy , adnoin istrntri x of re-cnte red the silence , and the tradcH an d fiYlIl g yuch Car,!,en C. WIlliam s was gran.t.. t. B ut s til I he ld life a nd dca th in his hands- e tate of Mllrtha Fouche was ap. ~~s dl~or~e 'farewe lls devolye d upon P o nape no answ,:r . f!om ~eorge S, WI I. d could nnt dec iJe what to do, proved al10wed and confirm B k ' The lhll'd week .c ame and neared an Th ed by th . d ~?Id as )lIven cu stody of e R ou nd o f surr bei ng a t its lhe c o~rt, uAT e'th IS , I' ttl t ·· , e ll' h \Vo c I reno d It~ end, l nt rmllten t n ow the minimu m nftc1' two days' . cnlm the .... . ~ h· The fir t and final accoun t of L'fIn the case of UlIIon I ed sh o \\'ah~ay drenc , e breeze, for they to.uched the quat first bl'!'atll f the qua1.' 1 was ~pon L llcl'an Central !ler a Slm' I C f I' Innis I · I m1 IS roun f fe acl' leve " Y admini d strator ' bl of Clh e Ins urance, Compa ny versus ' t O!'\a zon e 0 ' It an val'ln e the ync ht bcf or' Vlln was galva n· esw le 1)f " Ursula Innis decease d d arIes Frankh be e kqu:i"~e 0 n t I 't e,e l ~,g'h "~d Vi all·s. A, who le dayIg through ~. d , pel'hap s ized ' e a " ,I '19 ornctio n by di 'covc ring, wa apPToved allowe d a'nd c. onfirm ~';~ III • g ~'f' mlts\t ~flI , " the Ram bow w o ul~ carcely move. hroad into d ere by the court that the det'enon the port bow, a dim low . ed by the co ~rt. alOSh a-ghm h orIe \h or you. i Xeni a Distr ict ' lowly, unconscIOusly, PalmYI'll lying somcth ing' against i!thl;i lire to settle all accoun ts k the , kyThe ninth accoun t of Willinm wl III 3 days. ed sfo~ dl~n s W!'I' an unn~; ha d been respon d ing to the co ndi- t he s ilhouoLtl:l of palm s. haney I suhme 'd ri en hlells 8. e xecutor of th e estate of s ure,,, ti on!: creat d by the wily Mrs. bow thu Illv betwe n the case of The Sears Com. s e sal , we s 8 see yomu again n hnmme r an d Mary C~ n~tn ble decease d wns ap- pa~y .if CI'a\\'fo d A" the brec ze \,, 'th nch versus George Id t h . ShaTp), I h e gance Young, I , r . " I . , " .. I e bow , lhus ay bctwee n lamm er am proved all owed a nd co nfirm ed by aSSign ee of S B Cline aE,demurr a er, as kllo t of westing , had be en sinking anvil ~ he could -fil know " hav e been extricll er t l he CO ~l't ehnagdeT to h wbhether sThh rea~y m ore dangero u s ly into the dold· ed was ed, hl;(i not nptai n Peders en hi msue a . ope, The Ii en ,~t a d e final rum accoun o the t breath of J. of In hc tbwe r on fe clcase of Will!aryt Frazier If t' shrugge d, island-w ise. " It's a la~'ge in '7 had st irTed i'i son I n versu s arren Rogers It 18 ordered Ohio, Real estate in Salem townfl'esh fnir s c J gonhe 0 p l ~ces . ocelm lady With you and me It 's , , O. ul't\\:rig ht. g uardian of Sndi e that '" ' I' . ' a new h J apprais ement of the es- ship , h' n t C PTl'CIOUS remUlll lng m o· onn e l', IIl sa ne, was approv ed, 01- tate be made just lights ' passing in the daTk; a ~~:~II~~ee~nt~f It; ~':fdel~ Samuel Coopet nnd Gertrud e E, 's filrs~ m en ts a .bew~del' e~ cr:lw trier~,~o lowed and co nfir~ed by the court. hail, and then-n othing. " Service of summo ns is to be Cooper to New York LiCe In surecu t e h ~nc~ . a ,cbe n t or de~~ ~ ~p~~ .A mpmen t later Palmy ra's PI- cknowlet!gecl love, The first and final ac~ounft of made Howard Hall. defendn nt ance Co. ,343 acres in Turtlee rcek " , e yn~. \\.1 rates were swingin g over the s ide ea e n 0 Ann a E. Sexton , executr ix 0 es- in the on GladJ~ she was c o nfe ~s~ ng It towns hip, case versus Doroth Hall the wRlt1!,g coral. tate into their boats. of J ennette R. Thomp son, denow, thiS belnted l'.eCOgllltlon o~ Y Mary E. Wolcot t to Frank W. , FoJl~wmg the, crash .upon the ceased, ,was approve d, k . d h' h allowed t ' and t'l lov~ for the man B ur e '1'al~e her pll rents I'eef, '1 hurston pIcke d hl ms,elf up con firmed Loop and Catheri ne L. Loop. Real IS a Jau n I y. chOice, Van Buren of by the court. Rutgel' . New Sui" an d scramb led estate in Lebano n. th d eck Jus t us But it was rather at the savage tb e The fi rs t and finnl acC{)unt 01£ And mus t lulVO treated J ohn a sea came r oa to l'ing abonrd Saved h I J W girl looked, Over the wbite man's TllU rstollhe abom Doris Carroll d . . Philbow t er versus inably (Contin ued On Paie S) Wilh eacb bv a s p· rin'" into the ri g~ing he t Rrfes t 't shoulde r he seemed to b'e watcbafgCgohnel:r, aWmllllfl rda- ~mma ~agner Carroll for petition . , . . . . P d . o r 0 es momen a e 0 t t hat ar ,es sbe gave 00 e, h ...- --e r e elf m~re waited a chanre to reRch lng ber to tb~ end wIth. that C6nvjnc edly up to love, er se n cea ed, wa approve dl, allowed nnd In partltto n. James E. Burke is her Pity who c con dili on h e had esensed, strange expreSSIonless but m ten t for ThuTs IIttorne co ), nfirmed for ,plaintif by the f. court New Way ' of Pu,H inc It ton gl'ew .stal'e ei~ing t he sailing ma tel' h " whir. W'II' . P rudenti al Insuran ce Co. versus . d' . f Pal' ' f ~, d btl I lam Ob er I'10 , guar · d But when, on the twenty ·second led ,h1m Suitor- -" May I call you by y our Ian 0 rO llnd. Wilmer ,mhYl'a ace. a frup y awafiY an even A. Guttery . , et aI., to reeoy first name?" Oberlin , incomp etent filed his ing from Hon~l ulu-t<,l"You'r e dTunk ," he enect. "Or, John anate ed the ring rom ber nger. morrow tout se cond accoun t. e r money and foreclo sure. , hey were to SIght t h eir or crazy" "Yes" she whispe red " I I'm cet H D .... . V ' Welfar e Loan Compa ny versus letShe-- (shyly) "Yes, If you will WOMEN: , ,. , , - fi rst atoll- thc hour came d d h , . m C oy, exeeu. t or 0f es tat e Frank me call myself by your 1ast :for th e The other -quail e lin er Clark and. Laura HaJJ for name. t e 01 Alonzo Casse dy decease d filed forma) ann·ollnr;e mellt of he,r be· st eely lig ht in Thursto n'R " cognov it. , eye. his ' eig hte enth acc~unt . trothal, t he 11.:['1 was radIant ly "G et below," J 0 h n T. Ha All r bin note,., e • Jr., bond~, v e rs us s:tocks happ~' . "I'll take charge, " Thursto n an- cUl'ities. bel9ngi ng to the and se. Ulysses S. Monee and Laura Monce I!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' estn~ of rrue, at Lite mO,m e nt wh en Mrs, nounce d. foreclo What should women do to kl!ep their sure of mor, t gage David and E. equitDunham d, are to able relief. Crawfo rd spoke, It was upon the The pum p~ showed that the. be t rans fened to, decease bowtlu moving fre ely? A docto r Laura S. face of J ohn Thursto n that Palm y- wreck \vas Duntak ing wnter badly, ,ham. shoul d kn ow lIie a nswer. Th at is why r Edward Blair nnd Robert Blair ra's ~yes reste d, Ilnd s h ~ could S uch boats as cou1d be purl! 5yrup pi) I)~ in ill so !lond for launch ed ' Firman King WIIS appoint ed versus Ralph Jones for money. but wmce at th e flas h of pam there were go t l'elldy, women , Il jus t suits lhei r deli ale guardia n of Anna King min or and revealed , But n o g il:1 in love can R IE ' Th e 1'!le n oueyed unques tioning ly filed bQ,Dd of $2000 ~ith oritl n i~lI1 . Il L'I lhe prcserip lioll of an Robert ea .tate Traaa(e ra on her betroth a l ni ght, long be 'l They liked.. respecte.d old fa mily do ·tor who h as trealed Thul'st on. King and Fred Kinll as Buretie s. C. H. Moore .and Myva E, Moore lh ou~lI n d:l of wome n potienls and Whf!n you take Bayer Aspirin you ~ nh.nppy . over tho face of a rc- He . kn ~ w It.ttle, of sJllPs. but t~ey Fred C, Bahr and Olive Jccte~ s Uitor. , wbo m ade a speciul sludy of bowel I recognl zed III h iS vOIce th e quality mini strator s of estate Bahr, ad- to Ohmer Wysong and Rachel WyITC Eure of two lh' :;s_ It's sure relief, of Lorenz song, 50 acres in Clearcr eek townSo It was, ntght, as Pa1m yru of comma n d. tr.1ubles. Bahr 111d it·s hannles s. Those tablets with lay asleep inthat decea sed filed their inven- ship. her statero om, hcr Duri ng t he ~our s which followe d to ry It ~, fine C(lr childrbn, too, They ~nd apprais ement. the Bayer CI"06S do !lot hurt the heart. body A'ently moving wi th the lift it might Ruth Evans, et aI., to Ruth Gree love its tasle. Lellhcm have' il every we ll have seem cd to PalmSales made by William Volker- ley, inlot No. 12 in Lebano n. them .wl:ene,,·er you suffer from and . ~all of t he yac ht in the mid- y ra that t he wreck time \heir longue.1 arc coated or thclr W. Fred William s to Lillian P\1~lh c ca lm, th,:re WaR a tender I'u!lge.d f o r th.e sole.had been ar~ (ing and J ohn Volker ding of estate skin is sallow , Dr, Caldwell's Syrup purpose of of Charles Volkerd ing, decease d, Frazee real estate in H eadache s smile upon bel' lrps. Pep~ i n is made from fresh laxative Neuriti s Washin gton bl'l ngmg out the dIfferen A nd the tende r s mil e was still tween John Thu rston andce b~ were approve .! and ,wnfi nned by townshi p, Culds hctb~, I)urc pepsin and olher harmNeura!g ia Van he court. Board of EdUcat ion of Massie ItsS ingredie nts, lingerin g, in a n allu r ing warmth Buren Ru tger, Sore Throat Lumbag0 . Maude Wittlil1 executr ix of to Charles Collier, real estate in Whea you've a sick headach e. and s\\'eetne~s and bea u ty, when Rheum atism Tootha che 'Yhe re :Van \V~s sunk I~ self,-~c- estate of Anna T.!:er, GeE~ring ,' deceas- Massie Tow.nshlp. c.tIn't e!lt, are bilioUll or sluggish ; the Rainbo w, caught a ll unawar e cusmg mIsery , fhuI 'st on S SPIrits ed, filed her second acount. and at the limes when you nre 1\I 0~ t When your head achClt- Crom any by a sudden squall, cam e dow n \VeTe b~oyant. The man was Ohio Joint Land Bank to ser en W, R. Decker WIIS appoint ed State of Ohio, Stock apt to be I'onstip ated . take a liltle ot use of real estate in au_w hen a cold h:19 settled in wilh II cl'ash upon lhe teeth of a m e thodIca l, busy. And he had act·e , tbis famOU3 prcscril) lion (all drUB Washin gton townsh ip. your joints, or you fc('1 those deep- reef~ that should 1I0t havl! bee n ion at last; intehse , vilal. In fight- - - -.stores ker.l) it ready ill big bolllcs~. Margar et Wund to State of r e. ing to save th e woman he lov ed down pains of rheuma 'jsm, sciatica, l heOn and you'll know why Dr. Caldwe ll. a cra'f t s uch as the Ohio, use of real estate in Salem or lumbago, take Baycr Aspirin and intc r e, t natural ly ce ntel'sRainbo w he cou ld for get, 'for the m oment, lik e some animat e bea st for the townsh ip. Sirup Pepsin is the favorite laxative about that he had lost her for ever, spring, Van, horror F,et real relief. If the package says the navigat ion, o over a million women I Orland C. Moore to State of ' W,hel'e Van wqs soo n so dden star ted one way, anothe stricken , r; stood Ohio use of ' real estate in Salem What bettel' t ha n for Mrs. Craw with fati g ue. Bayer, it's genuine. And genuine John seemed fre sher frozen in hi s 'tracks . townsh ip. fO l'd in her a millble intrig ue t han with very hour. ' )layer spirin is sail!. • D., W. B.,CoM.DWELL·, In an ins tant the sea would to , et up un Buren Rutger a s II . It hn d been dec ided to Helen C. Scott and Grace O. leave the have been upon him. From tbat Scott ASpirin is the tr.ldc·n\a~k Q , Bayer gentle man nu vigator'/ .How more women in the caoin wh ere to State Ohio use of cer. they slippery listing dec k both man and tain real estate ot' in Salem and Wallh Dll\lI uf::lctur~ of lOon c.cticacidenter pleasan tly , import ant than, hnnd- h ~ d been p enned, rathe r than CH Y in tbe ni8ht. Colicl iNa ri sk girl would, in all chance have been ington townsh ip. so me, g raceful . jaunty in his whi te t he ugly surf tha t broke A Doctor's FamilY Laxolille ' 01 salicylicacid. I' lw~e for obm.n Caslori .. II about the aa rt'ied overbo ard to death. Jennie M, Ha",er to P.eople 's B har.dy, This Jlllre , ·('. .if unif I'm h e poised with sextant to nUo\' comp anion. table preptlt'l \t' In the blindin g roar, all sbe L. & S. 0:0. inlotl! Nos, ti and 6 i~ t.ake the sun or be nt over the But Van, in his sel f-accu sing kne w was that Van's· lit ':1 \:P ~ ~9 q uiek COIOlfort. and ,tSID !!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arms were Lebano n. chlll't..~ wit h Conllta ncc and th o frc nzy, was con !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,n!!"I!I' it MID, 1t i3 the unsiblo thitlJ1 scious only thnt he I'o und h~r, thllt, be AE:ld. her safe. ' Roben Wumpo lds and P almYl'a? C. Mabray ' to Robert V. wl;~u ·: hiJdren 'lfe 1aiJm" Whethe r ita ha d placed hi: bethrot hed in the Never did she suspect It was to Carson , ell ,81., 40 ,aCl'Cs in Turtle- l."e alo maeh. or the little howld. · I n ~ (l feat uri ng Van as a yac bls- hands o f death, t hat he mus ; t save anothe r pair of arms she o'IYed bel' cre,!k tOWDsh fLail- he was no ·mol'c than a f a irly her, in. .' , c ~·r c or con~tip:atiOIl; or diarrhea. • life . ferry compet ent SllIut ur - t he host ess E, Greel'e y, decease d to '\vhe'J ti:lY locgucs ate> coated, or lhf He Tus hed the cabin Of al! these revelati ons. e EdIth Greeley inlot No 12' in h:c~.ih i!; had, \\'l)eneVler there's need !t nd meant t ha t P e derso n in the compan ionway . toward Before anyone manife stations of the wenknethes ss of South Lebano n, ,('i g,~l\ tJe r~lIlatioll. Children kPYc IJIIl'k"l'fl u nd ~ h ou lcl uno tcntntio us- noticed , h e hod t hrown . it or en in Van Ruren Rutger, t~e strength of MONEY LOANE D Iy hec k up On h is work at every t he fllc e of another Ethel B. t{I . ~ I.aite ef CllStol'ia. aDd it" mildD_ sen , A second John Thursto n, the gIrl noted none Real estate Lowe to State of Oblo, point. in Salem nll'''~'' townsh it .are ip for fn:queD t use. later he was swe pt down its s teps On t he night of her betroth al she LOANS on Livesto ck, Chattel ll, John Mounts to State 0'1 'Ohio But . , . by lhe flooding wnter, All" II more liberal dOle oP.Cuta ria would scarcel y have been like, Real estate in Washin Second Mortga gee. Note. boultbf Th e ~sili n g mn ~tcl' wa H a llIan gton town- is alW,.ys better for growiDgI,ehil<inl Catchin g up P a lmyra he strug- under any circums D tances, to draw ship. John Harbin e, Jr" Xenia, Ohi o, vai n . self-im portant , jenlou s of his ",led ho ck and out again tbwJ ~t:01ll medicin e JDeaDt> Ori the o!1ly compar faa isons. And hel'e darkne ss Tll'el'og'a 'livl!s, t nllch ey as to h is deck , Onl y then, nt a warnin A. J. Kephar t to State of Ohio . adult \lie. g cr)', and groping con1usi on and the Real estate di~nit y , in Washin gton toWndid hI! seem conscio usly to per- voi ce of waters con8lPired with ship. X ut und,,}'. ta nding Mrs. Crnw- ('e i"l! w hat f orce it was tha t de- , Thursto n hims elf to hide the truth LONG OR · SHORT TIME -Euy , ford'~ moth'!', he cho,'e to regard livered t hese Rosa Dawson Shoecr aft to State blows, g short Palmyr a's IQve weathe red the of Ohio, Real estate terms. Also Survey lnf and Abt he arrange ment ::I S an imputat ion he looked back, AStoppin in Washil1 gcr l!streaT ed sto rm, unques tioning , IseTe ne. SEW .~ RE OJ: M i T An ON~ upon hi ~ sea man ship, his fi tness- above stractin g, Write and ton townsh ip. will call . t he wreck, gatheri ng itself (Contin ued next week) and lIee you, Sam D. Henkle, WayRufus B. Thomp son to state of nesville, Oblo. Jll
It s ·There
-~ '-"~'~~~~~~~~
Wh en You Wa nt It!
By ,Stan ley R. Osbo rn
. : Day ton Pow er & 'Lig ht
watch your
If ba by
C O L' I tC
5% Farm Loans
No Caus e for Tha nks 1\.1.
TiLl.. '{ A
fOLK.a - NOW
:~ ..
WELL.. \'!'t\ GLI\O \ GOT M't ~E~I."H f'lNO GOOI)
, , !
WANT~D - Excelle nt opportu ni-
tics now availab le for industr iou s men , 25 to 50 years old to make large profits selling Heber1in g '~ Produc ts direct to consum ers in }'our home county, Large and b~st selling line. Strong Compa ny. Gives most coopera tion. Low whole sale prices. No experie nce needed . We. teach and continu e to assist you , Give age, occupat ion, refercnce. G. C~ HEBERLU~G COMPANY, Dept. 1886, Bloomi ngton, Ill. N25
FOR SALE, THRES HER SUPPL IES - Belta , pulleys , babltt ,metal, 011 cups; IIIjectol'll, . lubrica tors, IJt,am _DO wate~ iauges , pure «luI,' 011_ , ptaacki ng, bQIIer flue., auction hOI., n k pump8t ·valve. and ftWn... · THE BOCK ,ET-KIN G ,CO., 415 , W. MaID St." Xenia 0., Pho~••10 ' PIPES, "al".. • fttUJIII, for 'a ll
-UE i
Bockll t'.
bheatlq ~. ~lumb'" t .. belt. TIl. BoUln .; 416 W. . . . IlL. ZaIa, ,I
MY NEIC! HBOR' S MATTI NG Mra. Jellie B. T ripp
_ __ ._ _%l -B utr TRUE
Miss LlIcille Tucker plann'ed an.d My neighll '1' hns a piece of matcarried out a very succes ful surting5uitlCl' lptio. Price, '1.S0 a Year prise party for her brolher Harry, And it i8 a' wonder , toe. . _ OIie. Phon ........... .... ,....... No. 112\ Tuesda y evening in honor. of his he often hangs it ill her back . , ., Po.tofR, :_ at Wa,)'RC II. \ sixteen th birt;hda y. Stud6n ts of yell'd, R •• ldaaee ............ ............ No. III .n,.,.II Ohio. at Socond CI ... Mall Matte • .. the high school wete g uests, who o we a ll ca n get a view. enjoyed an even ing of cardN and dan cing and refre. hmcnts of sa nd Now about this pie e of mattingNQVEM BER 18, .1981 . wiehes, candy, ·and popcorn . A t the vel'~ next big sale, Mrs. Reb CCII Morritt , who was h· will tl'y her best to sell it, taken to 11 L ebanon hospita l ·Iast [f good prkc!I thel'e prevail. 'Sunday sufferin g with pneumo nia, passed away Wtldn esoay momin g. Y fOI' one, sludl try to buy it, "~\ 'U\~tt) . If the voice of the press may be regnrde .d as the voioe l·'unerll l serviCl!l:I were h >Id at the A1w1lY':, b!ll'ga:n ~i do r ~!.' , k; of the peo~ l c the counh'y is not in the least excited or 'alarme Friends And shall Church take tile uturday b e~t cure of it d by the charge in chargo c~mll1g f ro m c~rta in prejudi ced quarter . that in sending ~, a represe ntu- or Rev. Ruth MuI'I'UY. Interm ent ee ' it'8 <lust:ed well lIeh we .k . ~~f.~ bve of the Umted States to 'sit us an observe tt in t he Cou in Miami emetel'Y. ncil of the Lengu e of Nutions which meas ures were being con sidered to ave lt OUI' basketb all tea ms j ourneye d Oh! this mattin g is 'so Ir \'el y, the t~reu~ened wal' in the Or ient, Preside nt Hoover is precipi tatin g to Wa ynesvill e Friday eve ning ti ow I love it, 110 ontJ I",o\\' ~' ; A merrcll Into th.e League . If t here is one sentime nt upon which t he whero the high !;cho ol and grade And [ love t o walch it \\'il!'((Il! peop l ~ or Am e.rlca, regardl ess of pa rty, are virtuall y a unit 'it is in team s suffered ovc l'whelm inl; de- Eve!'y ti me t.h", old wind ul u\l'~ ! the Wis h th a~ there may be no war any where in the world. The agency feat. Dut th e midgets again t hrough w~l(:h the threate ned WUI' betwee n Japan and China most :;ho\\ ed their col ors and won ) 0 How I love to 'ee this l1Juttin g probabl y IIllg ht be avcrted is the Leag ue of Nation s. Preside to 5. On Saturda y nil;hl in games When she puts it out to ail'; nt Hoover ~oW \~ took ndvant~ge of lh e ex istence of t his agency to let the whole withJ<i ngs Mills on lhe home Aoor And ho\l' dl'eu dfully Y'd miss it world know tha.t Ill S govern ment could be counted up on to join in If it fa the il ed boys t o pu Autte t up a g ood game losl' there. w hatevel' ~trOl·ts Inl ght be made to prevent such a eulam ity. His \,,~ :."partic ipation " ing on ly 30 lo 2,. They wel'c 111 Lea~ u e of Nation s activ iti es had no F or J r eull y. t rul y, lol't' it, other or furt her signific ance handi cupped uy th illcapac ity uf than thi S. The pe ople underst und it perfect ly well and so t hey are n ot one uf the go ud playe rs, Harry A nd it rcull y is antique ; excit ed 01' perturb ed. Tucker , who su ffered a dislocat ed And a s long as I liv e by her bo ne in his fool in the galll e with I ~ h nll watch f or it each week. Wayn esvi lle Friday nighl. The g irls dent down to defeat at thl! The very th oug ht t hat it might van'ish, h!ln d~ of the Kings l\1ills girlJ;. With Edwin McC arren unno un c- B1'in ~s into Ill y throat /I lump ; ~eml!mbel' ye the WIlY S of the demago g ue and discoun t what he ing, the :J rd and 4th grad es pl'l!scn t For it le){,]" ~ o cute an d cunning . prom. I!lh by a ge nero us pe rc entage and then more. fCl~ ~ ~~()\.t ~t~SO~ \~ R£QlHREO Jiggling , wigglin g on the pump! All the King's horses nnd al l the King's me n ca n't put the pres ed the foll o win~ uttrllcti\'1! proi- gram III asse mbly Friday mornin g : dentia l elec tion yea r ove.· ahead of schedul e. ~~~t \~E RU~Stg O~t' :::lo ng, "Am el'i ca, Thl! Beaulif ul, " "Whut muintll ineth one vice wuu ld bring up two childre n" Appe tite said by a s 'c mbly; devoti ons, Marj or ie Poor Hichlll'd - which, perhaps , vice versa, J'cndere th Cleal'~I' ~'t\ ()~ \\R\:1 , f'DR '<()\}~ ~lr\() . why I Duvis ;. Arllli ~ tice Day readin g; Frankf ort sizzlin, cel'tlli n folk lean towuro uirth contl'o\ . Hul'l y .1 uckso n; Armisti ce DII) Hungry as a hog, Nute how the clamor of the Co ncert of EUI'ope foJ' IUI'J;('er Am el'i - song by ussemb ly; pla y. "Bus ~ Mu ~ ta l' d onna bun. p lease, cnn plIrt ie:ipuHon in wol'id utrairs Hhi f ts about from one section of t he Days." Chal'uc tcrs: Madam Month. Atta·-· H-O-T D-A-\V-G! orches tra to unother . As every furna se b ege tteth dros~, so li kewise every politil'a Barbar a Thornb ury i Munduy, Virl ginia Hosier; ~ Tuesdu y, Leila ~ln cau ld r o n . ' Wednes da y, Mury For financia l maladie s. as for ills that flesh is heir to, effectiv Ko verma n; e Ethe l a ms; Thursd ay, Edith Bopreven tive meas.ures ure pl'ofcra ble to aftertre atment . .~E . Pal'ado xicu ll y though it, seemeth the overdra wn pub lic treasur gan; Friday, Elizabe th Sande'r s; y Saturda y. Edith Jackso n; Sunday , still hath need of the fuit hful watchd og. y,t~t Curmen .Kil'k. Song, " Co mc Again P ace betwee n nations s hould have counte rpart in peace within on Friday, "~t MO'J\NG P\t1l)~~ \ by th e 31'd and 4th nation s. \l..\' grade. Announ ceme nts were made \\\~' " \~ \\Q\'l~V~QCI\) uSES ~,l)COI()OO \"~E~R by Supt. Moore. The 1st and 2nd grades will cllterta in this Friday. fO~ wo~ ~tt1" ()f T.he Woman 's Civic League met ~\\ '<~~R. 0 ......... ... with Mrs. Margar et Tucker Satur, day afterno on. MI'. and Mrs. AlbeIt Herres and The 0_ S. U. R.dlo Station -WEA O family, of Dayto n, called on Mrs. (W. W. Brown6 eld, Di.tric t Super" ilor, p ..... idinc) · Mary F inch and Robert Garner, Sub.c,.i be for the Miami Gazette 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers. unday. 7 : 10 Cutt ing' Steel' Feeding Costs Th e Men 's Commu n ity club ser.. , ... L. P. McCan n ved s upper in Mrs. 7 :20 P ou ltry House Manage m ent Merritt 's room 7 :30 Our Thanks gi\'ing Pllrty ........... ........... ....... Dept. ...... R. E. Cray atunlay evening . of Home Econ. 7 :40 Fal'ln Night Melody Make\'s Ross Moon and Da vis B ogan atRESID ENT 7 :50 Chllin Church es in Rural Ohio tend ed the Nationa l Corn Hu sktiOTAR Y PUBLI C .. .. . B. F. Lamb er's contest at Grundy Ce nter, 8:00 'av ing Money on Child ren 's Clo t hes ... .. .. . .... Edna Callaha n Iowa, Friday, where MI'. Moon was 8 :10 A Momen t wilh th e Compo sers Nationa l Ba'llk . Dnvid Larrim er a conte~t 30 Years Experie nce In 8:20 Maki ng t he Mo ~ t of Winter S unshi ne a nt. Dr. Fitting and Making Gla88es J. F. Lyman Will. Drawn . . E.tatee Settled PERMA NENT LOCAT.10N Rev. and MTs. J. P. Thornb ury 8130 Whnt A Wise Fores try P olley Means to Ohio E, G. Wieseh uegel WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO daughte rs Helen Rae and 8 :40 Control of Bots in Horses ... .. .. .. ...... W. F. Guard and Dorothy were shopping in Wil8:50 Winter in the Apinry ...... . ... ............... L .. .. ........ .. ...... Virgil Argo mington Friday. Lebano n, Ohio LEBAN ON, OHIO John .Ratlitr e receive d the sad Tue.c!a y, Thur.d ay, Saturd a" news of t he sudden death of his Eyeo Esamin .d Esamin ation Free Service Station , gas and s upplies , mother at her home in Ken tuck y. GIa .. e. Fitted Rapaira Relativ es here have r eceived $2.67; John Law & Son, mainten LEBAN ON, OHIO UST n tasteless do~e of Phillips llnee cal', $113.28 ; Lingo Hard· word of the death of George Mc Milk of Magnes ia in water. Thal Cune at hi s home in West Virgi nia IS an alkali. clJe:ctiv (Contin ued from page 2) e yet burrnlesa. Il war e Co., s upplies, $1; C. B. Mr. McC une spent the earlier Dechan t, supplies, $6; E. S. Don- of his life in this commu nity. part hIlA been the slolld:-.rd antacid {'Jr Bill. Allowe d 50 years. Ooe sJloonful will nwlraHzO! Mr . Walter Gmy is n patient at '>nee many ti mes ib v olume estimat e, $490; Philip Lebano n Ice & Coal Co., ice, n ell, in add. $10.50 i Lingo Hardwa re Co., sup- Heisel, pay toll, $89.30; H. Hoppe in Mc Clellan 's hospita l where she It's the ri~bl way, the Qujck, p lea.~a nl will submit to a major ope and nails, ration. efficlllnl $1 ; Lebano way to n Farmer kill all lhe plie3, $4,32 Trustee s of Public Afs CoopMrs. Id a Hanks receive d word excess acid. The slomach becoDlr.s fairs, light, $63.67 ; John Law and emlive , cement , $49; J. K. Spence r FUNER AL DIREC TOR of the death of sweet, her sister tbe gravel, pain in Chilli$161.13 departs . You ale ; Carl Dakin, 'p ay Son, gas, 30c; Mary E. Hoppin g, rent, $30; William J. Pflanze r, I·OU. $206.76 ; H. L. Schuyle r, pay cothe. Mrs. Hanks had just re- happy again in five minutes. WAYN ESVILLE, OHIO Don't depend · on crude method a. service s, $23.61; William J'. P1tan- ro ll, $247.16 ; John Myers, pay t ur ned frol)'l her bedside think ing zer, $198.59 ; Dukes Fruit Farm, roll, $220.10 i Floyd Lemmo ns, pay she ..... as improv ing, when the word Employ the be.~ t way yet evolved in all the years of searchiDg. Tbat is shrubb ery, $94.90 ; Ivins.Ja me80n roll. $299. 60; W. H. Madden , ce- came of her death. Mrs. Horace Hatton , Mr. Gaines Phi\lip s?lilk of Magnes ia. Be 8W'e Full, Equip ped for Good Drue. Co., wax, 86c; Mrs. Erma ment $234.84 ; C. E. Bradbu ry pay Mr. and Mrs. Ren Raines motored to get the gen tI iuc. Hibnel' service , $10; Mrs. Mary E. roll, $308.10 ; Joe W. Davis, pay Service. "Milk of Magnes ia" hIlA been the Ennis, services , $10; Stillwa ter roll, $238.40 ; A. T. Rettig, pay to 'edarvi lle Sunday . PHONE 8F3 Larre Display Room. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ti chen or U. S. Regisle red Trade Sani tori um, hospitu l, medica l and roll, $285.60 ; L. E. Witham , pay Mark of th' Ambu lance Service nursery services , $108.60 ; John roll, $229.60 ; E . D. Jones, pay 'roll spe nt n f ew days last week with Charles H. Phillips Chemic al Co.m Law & 'Son, gas and supplie s, $266.6 0; V. W. Tompk ins, pa'y Dr. and Mrs. Lauren ce Vander - Pllny and ita predecesaor Charles H HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO voort in Portsm outh T.I.pLo . Day or :NI,II. roll, oe $236.20 ; ..curtis M. Charlto n, 7 phillips liDee 1875. $2.39 i Wester n Star, binding duPhon e. 78J Mr. and Mrs. George Denny, plicates , $66; Franke l Mfg. Co., operati ng maintai ner, $56; E. W. carbon, $76; Woodro w-Weil -Stan- Knapp, operati ng maintai ner, $66; Miss Ruth Denny and Miss Nan ag .... Co., s upplie.s, $22.60; Stakalt a Leslie Shulu operati ng maintai n- Collett spent Saturda y afterno on . Mfg. Co., supphes, $12.16; Stakal- er', $56; Frank Wilson, mechan ic, in Dayton 0 - . - -... _ ... - - $56.10; Eden Terry, enginee r, ta Mfg. Co., supplie s, $19; $106; Zain Armita OIUll ge, N . 4 .N gravel, Stakalt a Ii: NO. 1:1:1 $260 Mfg. Co" supplie s, $8.50 i Stakalt a Mfg. Co., supplies Harry Hill, gas and oil, $32.10; 1'0 prohllblt til' liqu o r tralrtc In Famous Auto Supply Co., supplie s, : h" Villnlrc o f " ' ny n e8 \·III . tnt of $13.20; Office Outfitte rs, desk, $36; Trustee s of Public Affairs $60.89; Frankli n Vulcan izing and Ohi o-. It o l·dnl ll "a by the Council of light and gas, $37.62 ; Griswo ld Tire Co., s upplies , $2.18; E. M. : h~Be\'llIa~ c or \\' 1\)' lI h \'lll c . ~tllte or Villars, gas, $20.86; , Kilpatr ick- hio : sJ-:("r l o ~ I. =============~'I French Motor Cal' \';0., gas That ll h tinand In wlul for "n" p ~ l' . onItIns lm the VllInge supplie s, $328.61 ; J. C. Hawke, u( woyn ca l·llte. S t a t e of Oh lu. to QUALI TY MEATS AND LEBAN ON. OHIO B licve it Ql' not. th e flaming red Ie lives clus tercd supplie s .and gas, $68.06; Standa r d nlll nufu cttll'e. 8 II . bnr t e r. tranl/po l·t the t~p f a poinset tia plant lire not the fl owers. They lire ca ll ed nellr I;00DS -RIGH T J"RICE S Oil Co., gas, $186.80 ; Waites Gar- Import. ex port . d lI ver. Ifu ml s h . rebracts, while POTTE D PLANT S .:e l\' o gi ve ItWa)' , pr escrib e. p08~e.SS lh e flow er is quite itlc o ll ~ picously hidd en among them. repair work, $32.60; East End Jo ll elt. or o<lvel'tl8 e any Intoxl cat· r ! _ _ •• _ gas, ,19.U; Roy Pigott, ,ng II (IU()rs. or ~o ll c lt e .o r I·.ce lv Phone (;6 Wayne sville, Ohio It is when t he first bmct flus hes red thllt from some far cornel' SHRUB S--EVE RGREE NS I 0" of the green house, Il : hout goes up, and evc l'yone renlizes thllt I,S4!rvice,s. $2.36; W. A. Hause, gas, knowin gly p e rmit hi s empl oyees to now great 01' r cce lv fronl a n y porsonN LANDS CA.PE SERVI CE We Deliver care and precaut ion must be xerc ised, for lloo n thc crop will $9.62; . T. Spence r. pay roll, ~Ioll('ll Hy rd e r f o r Inloxl c ntl n g liquors, be in . A .fa lse move ' llt this time wou ld ruin a ll the plants. 'l'he $486.8 6; Cole Yar.ll ell , rent, $10; Jr gil' uny In(ol'ma llon or how Intemper ature must ue kept just right with onl y a few degrees of Peter Zuigley , l'ent, $4; R. T .. Spen lux lcll tjn ", li quors mu)' b tl obtnloe d . n and the 'xce.pl Us /jl'O\' idt:ll In un aCl t o fl'l'tiiiz er must be measur ed t o the exact proport ion variatio cer, supplie s, $20\0 5; Rolla Cook, prorlblt t Ie II<luo ,' trarrlc a n d lest th e pla nt be th.'own out of bnlanc e and in stead of a large bract, watchm an, $32; William Sturgis , <Iluwn n.s ~ ('e t i (\n U :!i ~- l a to 6~1:l-20 DRY CLEAN ING y u few L'et! It-uves reward the efforts. 1l is II critica l mom ent with evonl watchm an, $16; Harry Millard , nd u s ll' c Ci e n c r u l ode or Ohio a s eryth ing timer! I' Ht!Hcd ', Jll n uHI' Y 27 , 1 9~O nnd all tt' the day wh n the plants will be ok a yell to be di stribute watchm an, $12 ; Edward French ; t L.nH~ l\dnll' nt8 thCl"£lLO. SINCL AIR PRODU CTS d amo ng Roor FOR AND CONSI GN watchm an, $12; lovers of flowers . t Barkalo w, "E:C'l'IO N II . 11 Sh311 be unlawfu l South M,.in St. Wa"ne..ilIe, O. your Cattle, hogs, 9he~p an~ calves watchm an, $12;:Everet fo\' nn\' v e rson In th e Village or At th e Mulfor d gree Carl nh ouses Hinelin near L 'banon, Ohi(l. GO,OOO poinse t- RUG CLEAN ING-P RESSI NG e, 'Vll~' n · l'iIl e . Stote o~ Ohlu. La h nve Greasin g with Alnmite to Norris- Brock Co" live Vilre .and watchm an, $32; Clayton Air Gun t ias are n ow showing- their bl·acts. It hllH Phone 279, Lebano D, Ohio not he 'n hlllgnny li ql1or. OJ' prop o ,·ty out MuyAccesso progres sive firm for the hlrheat watchm an, $12; Ernest Yarnell , oder s I'ossess ries lind Anti-Fr eeze :;ince la rge boxos fro m a lifornia were bein g unl oaded .abThese Crist, Ihlli gnoo foJ' th e IIIIlnll fil e t ure fYf were market prices and good lernee. watchm an, $20; Cars Rtl-Docoed Int ~ n<l ~ l1 for "SO In \'Ioln the stock plants of tn e prese nt CI'OP, Throug h those long. hot Wayne nille Collect ion OD Tue.· John Parlett , lioll Ur. o f uhe law 01' \\' II Ic h h os \)pell s o, ~ ummer Union Stock Yarda' Ciacin _ti, O. watchm an, Free Parking Day or Night day: , cons tant vigi lance \\'a,: given th e yo ung plant:; a t' cu!,ling day and Friday '$20; Richard U8 \! t1 . Burns, s-a Tu ne iii on Radio Station 'WCKY watchm an,,!t4; 0be 1r It Is fulUH] thnt such liquor 0 " mome nt (If cllr elessne ss would IH\v(' lost thou sands o f them for Miller, watch- ~ro,,(>rt~ th ) 2 :25 to 1·2 :30 .p. m. for our daily man, $20; Ki!patr ey rc · WO S so 1111ll\lI'fl1l1", h e l ,1 or qu ire constan t care until ro ot ed. ick-r.re nch Motor ')U ~s -- - - d or had h e ,'n NO unla \\' (ully In ll rket reports . Car Co., gas, $31.02; Monow Gar- UBNI.... sS(-' At every stage in the deve lopm ent of these po inse t l ius, EUrope lllP lI e]llor 0" prOll e rt)' d e. I!(Il· ELECT RIC REFRI an GERAT ORS l' lI rO I' lh f" u rllruwru l 1l1unufa l' tUt'C or method s are emp loyed. MI'. John Morri so n. un dcr who:;t· sllillfu ~============~ age, gas, $29.70; Griswo ld Service l1<1uol'. s h a ll b e d e" tro}:t'C1 IIlll e . s . Ih e I:nce t hese beautif u l plant;; 0 1'1' being perfect ed wl: nt th ro ug:h l !!,uidStation , gas, $133.67 ; Lingo Hard- .our l ~haJ) See the New Models orde l' it to b p d ls pO St'd t he long ware Co., supplie s, $132.79 ; Frank )f ns IHo l' ld"el In PulJll. Act 66. yeurs of uppren tices hip in Sco tland I'ef)u ired h y lh e old Dispen sers of Refiner s Galolin . untry. And ....w 'uo"oll Sherwo od Co., gas and supplie s, 1·'e d C't'll Stn t II t CB. no w, it won't be long unlil the cro p's i't'''- lInd what a cosight. (all grades) , High Quality SEC' Th e:;e l 'J O N Ill . Any per SCHI who '8PIB ..eullol.1 $102.98 ; Cincinn ati Oil Works Co., 1·lo ln t e s th e provisio 60,000 poinset tias, heraldi n g the holiday sen son, wi ll !,rive Oils and Greases , Mobil and ns ()of th is orTirl8 cheer Co. and gas >8nd oil, . $73.10; Kaufma ns, c1lm,nc,' 9ho ll be d eem e(l Il'ullt\, of a encoura gement to a ll who see t hem, :for s urdy lh rse fl am in Quaker State Oil. g beautie s ONIHS I.:I • saemea nol' nnd UpO Ii COIl \' l ctio n LEBAN ON, OHIO supplie s, $2.26; Morrow Hardwa re ml 8re, in truth, an in spiratio n to everyon e. Nortb Main St., inten.c tio. of I'h(' r eof hnll be rln e d not les. Lha n . DNI.l. NnH · Co., supplie a, .$l.05; H. S. Conove r $ 100. 00 ns Or "tate Route more than SuOO.OO. supplie s, ,a.50; John Law, repairs SECTIl'O N IV . ThIs or~lna n cc sha ll O. R_ UNGLE SBY, Ink '! (' fre c t and b p. In fOl'(~ e from nnd $3.76; Victor Van Riper, Itas, $27.- n ft e r 20; Lingo Harwar & Co., repairs , Inw . the en "l1~9 t " c ,' lod n ll owed 'b~' No Regr ets When Proper ty is 68.79; L. I. Pence, service s, T . E . ROGER S. Properl y Insured M uy or. ,5.25; A. C. Fordyc e, blackllm ith- Pussed Nov e mb 2n d- 19 31 mg, $7.85; W. A. Lutz, black- AU OR t RAYMO Ne r F'. HATFTE >LD MASTE RCRAF T WRITE S PRACT ICALL Y smithin g, $,1 ; William Schnell , gas ------ -.0-. ••_______C l e r k MEMO RIALS EVERY FORM OF IN$44.67; E. S. Donnel l, contrac t, WAYN ESVIL LE'S PIONE ER LEBAN ON. OHIO SURAN CE $182.7 7; S . Fred Co., rug, $64.60; LebaDo n, Phone 59 MEAT DEALE R He Would Know REAL ESTAT E--INS URAN CE Lebano n Lumbe r Co., service s, $66; Lingo Hardw are Co., supplie s WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO Phones : Res. 63-0ff ice 277 Driving Instruc tor--"W ell; $10.64 ' William ~P. PfIanze r, r,e- you underst and the car now?" do EARL J . COBUR N pairs, $68.95; ·Clark Co. CommI s- Beginn er ...;.. ~·Per.fec tl y . There's sioners , tubercu lar patient s, $69 .• only one thing I should like to 60;' Wester n ,Star, envelop es, know. Do you put the water $76.50; OrB. Edward and Robert the · ga ~ oline in the same hole? und " Blair, services , '$9; Ivins-Ja meson Espert Coua.e llor High grade Coal and Cok~, HiDrug Co., drup, $17.18; l;eb~on Lo, Cindere lla, Dixie Gem. and Repres enting Lumbe r Co. lumber , . $2.70; DltOO CHEVR OLET DEALE R Killarn ey P ocahon tas, Ask f or Le banon, Ohio FOR SALE DATES CALL paper. $2.88; -Oolum bus INTER .SOU1: HERN LIFE deliver ed prices. P hone 140 . Boo.k ){fg. Co., supplie s, $2.':, Lebano n, Ohio INSUR GraiD, Coal, Woo!, Hay, Feaee ANCE Your Fond DQaler -- Genuin e 50' -Gem " City Blue Print Co., Tile. Seed Ope~ evening s till 8 :30 and all J<'o.rd Produc ts , WA YNESV ILLE, OHIO tra'cing cloth, $22.25 .. LYTLE , OHIO day Sunday WRECK ING SE1,tVICE - - - - - - +---- -----------NO HI,.INTINC: . Satisfac tory, S,e rvtce i iiice 1912 We the. u ndersir ned; ' allow no day or. night hunting , trappin g JESSE STANL EY or trespa8 8ing on ·onr fann»: W ASHE DSAN D & GRAVE L Pla..oa. 320, N_ Burlla, toa, 01110 Lie... .. Reat E.tate Broke.. JOHN ADAM S .'... Hardwo od Lumbe r at Lebano n,. . Menth .l.ted Cou,h aall A~lctl Drop. ... e .. Any land u~der , FRANl t Le· Ohio, f qmishe d .on Order E~RL 'KOOG LER Menthe lated Spud. WAYN ESVIL LE, O~IO MAY'S lupervi sioll. , Ci ..... U •• Road and C!)DGrete Gravel --,.;..,..... - Write or Phonl! -Moat Beuon ·R. D. " X..... . WAYN &Svd.L E, OHIO able.n na Teleph o_ 121 I.e....... Olalo i cSGlbIClribe I.ot Th~ MIami ~IIW , p~ . , . , . ~ .....
D. L.
_ PuItU .....
The Peop le W ant Pea~e
~\ " '<0 ¥-..~=-==--=:::~~~. 0' O~ {~ tOO~l~n-::!:.~~~~ O"'t:
,S ayin gs of Poor Rich ard, Jr.
--- ----
t"l'~U.lW>M.~H\ ~w ~ IM\£.S
1'\\", \\
I Far m Nig ht 1 alks, November
23 1
1:R'c\l .\.\ft'S
.Dr. John 'Zettel Optometrist
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
19 N. Broadway
News from Court House
F. T. Martin Auc tion eer
Jewelry Shop
Dead Stock Wanted
J. E. McC lure
Har vey.s burg Fert ilize r Com pan y
Or No Cha rge
Cen terv ille, Ohio
LI,ve Fi rm s Y ou Sh ou ld K no w
Hewett P~ Mulford &Co.
Smith's Senice Station
Coyle's Mea t .Shop
Soft Wat er Laun dry
Waynesville Service Sta.
.- ......:.-- -
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agcy.
Fred Kabn Motor Car Co.
Stanley &Koogler . Au~tioneers
·L ovel y'. Recr eatio n . Parl or
Bangham Motor Co.
T~anksgivjng Market At the Grange Hall, (\n
Wedn~sday, November 25, '31 Starting at 9 o'clock a. m. All k irids of Supplies for your Thanksgiving Dinner including Dressed Chickens, <E ggs, Chicken Noodles, Cakes, Pies, etc. Given by
Wayne Township' Mothers Club For the
Welfare of our School Children LEAVE ORDERS AT HYMAN'S STORE
SaltSpeelal .
Salt Blocks, each .. 35c . . $1.00 3 Blocks for • II
We have only one shipment at this price, 10 this price is
For One Week Only
Waynesville, Ohio Phone 2S _ ....._____________________• 1 . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• •
per ton
WINTER lS COMING With every Transmjssion and Deferential Drain we will give a
Waynesville, Ohio.
"'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =
RED BRAND FENCE .---....-...... "Galvannealed"and Copper Bearing Win-ner of .~e Gulf of Mexico Weather relt Picture rrom actual photo&rallhs or rolla taken down (or IWpmt:nt, after t ell .
hlo on Dtlcember and as has been lh ··use in this !Itat(} for the past s vcrlll years the new plates mu t be ecured lind placed on b f J 1 1932 cars core anuary, . J. . Hawke has been appointed d puty commissioner for Wayne town ship. , An incren e has been made in the charge for lags for next yel\1' under lhe rl ew l1io tax law but tl)is increase is off~e t by the provia ion releas ing motor ists from the nec . sity of listing lheir cars for taxation in their .·es pective disLric ts. The lI ew rates are: up to 26 h. p. $7 ; 25 t o 28 h. p. $10; 28 to 32 h. p. $16; 3~ to' 86 h. p. $20; uver 36 h. p., $25. Tho 1932 tags in Ohio will be dark blue in co lor with white nub. c rab.
------- -NOTICE
Frazier and Campbell, have pu rchase d lhe pumps and acces· soriN! of Cross Bra ., and are now r,eady to furnish yo u with any kind of pump you des ire!. They also repa ir old pump!!. Give them a call.
Christalas Seal Benelit
George E. McCune, a former I'esiden~ ' Qf Harvey burg; died at hi s home in Columbus, on Sotut·day. The body was brought to the Chapel whet'e services were held Tue 'day ufternoon, Revs. N. E. Bennett and J. P. ThoI'nbury, officiuting. Burial was in Miami cemetel·Y.· Funeral se l'vices for Mrs. Rebecca Merritt, who passed away last W ednes day, wet'e held at the Friends Church in Harveysburg at. 1 :30 p. m., and at the Friends chul'ch at 3 :00 p. m. SaturdllY, Mrs. Ruth M~rray in charge, Burial in Miami cemete'ry.
DANCE Given by the
Wayne Township Mothers Club At the Gymnasium
Friday Eve, November 27, '31 ON SALE··Doughnuts, Pop Corn and Cider
HUNTING SEASON OPENS The hunting sea son opened Monday morning and nothinl! could be heard aU m orning but thl pop of guns. Nimrods WOl'e out early and a great many 'pheasants and bunnies weJ'e taken. According to l'eports there are fewer rabbits in this section than in recent years, a blow to local sportsmen. For the past several years game has been ruther plentifu l in this vicinity. Huntet·s sho uld be careful and obey the "no hunting" sign e posted and be careCul of all live stock, and everything that tends to property rights.
Gentlemen, SOc
Good Music
Roo ' ww (or all time. Appl, Chla. addraJa-Ule oaly toofi ... on Ihe mltkCf lblt t. mlde of COP.R.LOV Ihe Cupp.r AUotw SIO.J -and pmoI a.&lout wear ucS wcaWu.
Pennies & Dealth
Mrs. H. A. Corne ll suffered pain. ful bums while canning pears reo cently. In I'emoving the kettle of fruit from the stove she let it fall the conlents sp illing 'o ver her feet, badly scalding them.
Attacking insects while t hey are napping is a goo d way to destrol BASKETBALL GAMES lhese garden pests und help insure bountiful yields of fl'e h, The Waynesville A. C. Basketcl'is p vegetables s ummer, accOI'ding to H. D. next Brown, specialist baH t ea ms will meet a team from in vegeta ble g ardening at the Ohio What if it does cost a few Morrow at the local gym on Tues· day, November 24. 1'he oppbnents l:it.ute Univers ity, who declares b ,1I plowinlr often I'esults in death pennies more a day to burn for the ' econd game have not been to the home gardener'Jil enemies. *Grenadi~lhe prenuuml book_ed_ ._ _• _ _ - _ _ Late fall plowing of garden soils expo ~ es many insects which have He Didn't Kn~w hibernated fOI' the Winter! he says. ~? The tenderfoot thought he could In 'ects wi ll be most ikely to ride, and in front of a lo t of cowpel'ih if they are exposed to adboys mounted a pony. The pony verse .w eather conditiolls s uch as h's worth ill soo n threw him. A cowboy, he lping usually prevail when the ground first starts to free7.e. Ma ny of the up, said, "Hello I What threw hw e:dra pennies him you?" pests hibernate at a dep ~ h of from 5 to 6 inches and it is essential mean a whole Int more pro"What threw me? Why, she that the land be plo\ved to this bucked something fearfu l I Did.n't depth in order to bring the in. tediOD when health de. you see her buck?" cried the ten. sects to the s urface , where they der£o.ot. will be exposed to the elements. "Bucked?" said the cowboy. it. Fall plowing is an effective "Ratsl She only coughed." means of smothering disease or. ganj&ms ~hich f~e9u ently mult iply Play safe this wjnte.r--buy '. ' Didn't Know Anybody on d ecaymg or hvmg organ ic mutter. It is c.1aimed t hat this is the GreDadier CoaL Saf~ She- "How did you come to be most pl'actlcal way to control the f.r om the army?" Septoria disease which , attacks the heahh and . comfort of' discha~~ed He- Well, when the enemy W89 tomato foliage and not only t·e. our family . coming towards us, our captain duces the yie ld but greatly affects Y • yelled, 'Shoot at will.' and not never ri~en s satisfactorily. It is knowi ng which one to shoot at, I the q uality 0 f the fl'uit which asked the captain, 'Which one is nc!,cr l',ipens satisfacto ry. It is Will ?' " ~uJte likely ~hat , fall plowing --- .-- -~IS a lso effecbve III controlli ng No Caule at All many, si milar diseases. To be most effective, alJ crop I'e fuse and or. Of the birds who do thin~s; Waynesville, Ohio gan ie growth . includ ing manure Without any cause, ~h?u l d be covered completely with Are t he after dinner speakers, 0.11 so that the disea se orga nisms Who p~u se for applause. Awhorucd D~aler Grenadier Coal \Vlll be smothered. Then there's the kind who With no callse , whatever, ·C... n.• df er h t11 0 . 'mulae CoatolJ •••l •• MIII.,~ · (·....k (;0.1 "Lag" at thlir own jokes A HUNT~RS' PARADISE And think them so clever. An interesting notice has be'e n - - -''P, - -receiv~d by Director Guthery of ======~=~~~=~~ NO HUNTING the OhIO D~pal1;ment of Agricultre from Ervm Garey of Marion We· the undersigne~, allow County. Mr. Carey a nnounces that no day or night hunting, trapping he has 400 acres of the best pheas~ or trespassing on our farms: ant lind rabbit cover in the State of Ohio. He says that there will C, E. MICHENER be allowed ~ ach day a limiled number of hunters and a reaso na. b.1 e charge inade for shooting t'lghts, This is the first instance that has come to the attention of the Department where a farmer has en. c.ou .. ~ged the propagation of wild FOR SALE hfe III the hope t hat sportsmen wou ld pay a reasonable fee ~or FOR SALE- Sweet cream and the privilege of hunting upon hi s cottage cheese. L. V. Branstraproperty. This experi ment is be ing tor, Phone 116F2. · N26 watched with interest by many folks and if it proves to be suc. cessful and meets the approval of WANTED s portsmen, it is quite likely that . ma~y other far mers will adopt the WANTED - Nursing, housekeeppolicy set by Mr. Carey. • ing or companion for an elderly woman. Address Miss Randall, at Wayne Villa. ·N18 SUSPENSION BRIDGE GONE
... or .........
~ etRI>1tIia alUtftIr &'fill.
The sate roofing rOt fOll to buy because Me. proofand ligbtniog.Jll:oof.Costs no more than ordinary roofing-an~ you can apply it your. eeJ£Come in andseeo~Charu1e1drainexhibit;
Madden's Lumber Yard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
Waynesvilfe Coal and Ice Co.
This Ordlnlry Fenc. hllf gone. Th. "G.IVlnnell.d" Ihown opposite .Imost good I I new.
Late Classified Ads·
Sliek, Ti'r es Wreck C'a rs Don't risk your neck this fall and wint er on smooth, slick, slippery tires. Now is the logical time to buy. Cold weather is not hard on ~ew rubber. Tires you put on now will practically be aa aood 88 new next Sp~. Get the areateat lafety tread known -the Goodrear AJl·Weather-at the lowest piceeiDyiAn.
------- --
W ith a pang of reg ret the people of Fa:a nklin ·bid goodbye to the beaullful . uHpe nsion bridge whi ch has sel"Ved the m so long and so well. The bridge, w hich has stood for more tha n half a centur y as fJ monument to· Lewis G. Anderson, who secu red it for his fellow.citi. zerls while se rving as Co un ty Com. missionel', is beloved by all of us. But lhe. n'BI'ch of time, the in. cl'~a~c III . lraffic, has worn thiR Beginning fa Ithful fn cnd and we arc compell cd Lo abandon it. 1t \VilI be closed Lebanon, Ohio. b:V order of the COUflly Conlln i5' SlOncrs.
FOR RENT FOR RENT-=-Six room house and large garden on the . Malcolm Bispham farm. Inquire of Howard Chenoweth. - NIB
1. p. In . sharp , at Warren County Fair Grounds,
Saturday, November 28, j 931
,RED BRAND Costs I... bec.us. it
.ests yUrt lonser.
Phone 2S ' .
Wayneaville, Ohio
---- ..---
Smith's' Service Station S. Main St.
,BelW C.il five ~mq six million aCl'tls of .hio land shQuld be de· v ted to f orestry, aeordillg to E. G. Wi eRchuegel, torester at the hio ate Univ r sity, who says t hat the stale rank third in lhe co nsumption of hurdwo od lumber and could co nsume more than can be grown from pl'esent for est area s. A sound lon g-term forestl'Y pro· gram in many rural communities would help in reducil)g the slate' s annual freight bill of 16 1I1ill ion dollars for hardwood lumber and wou ld aid ill cutting the costs of government and cduoot~on . Idle land ' uituble fur the pro duction of lumber pays no taxcs lind is a lia bility to the commonwealth. rhe nation' s wood supply is being used up four and one hulf lim es as fast at it i ~ be ing grown, and there is every indication tha t a wood shortage must occur in the neal' future in s pite of lhe present evident overproduction. When coal is min ed out and oil and gas well!; fail, those lunds in Ohio un s uited Lo agriculture will still be able t u produce the wood t hat has made possible the rapid advan cement of North American civilization, Wi esehuegel ' asse rts. Thi s wood prov ides a supply of cellulose which call be replaced when harvested and used to manu· facture many chemica l compound ~ so common ly uscd in everyday life Ray on silk, lino leum, insulating board, pyroxilin, ivory, composi. tio n boards, paper, imitation I 11th r, shoe soles, cellophane wruppi ngs, and many other pI·O· ducts III'e made from wo od derivitives.
tag 'tor throughout
The Roxanna and Waynesville Cann~n~ Plants
A Late Edltl_ ru h ot the H raid's prize contest, Item from the Lush lIeraldRO erRI births Ilnd .lellthll will b"e - Mrll. Lydia Mendenhall wUe of Owing to the luck of space and the Ilost(l.oned llnUi next week. • ~h(! late F;:lIis W. Men~enill~Jl, died In t. Elizabeth hospItal, In Day· ton. S&turday morning. Mrs. Mendenhall was a daugh· ~I' of .tho late David Muon. She 1!! urvlved by f ur sons. Also two 1'Isteri! Mrs. . Thackera, of Spdllgbol'O, and Mrs. -ebas. Olark, of Lytle' two brothers, Lee Mason of Mason , and .Emerson Mason, of Waynesville. Funeral ,sct'vices were held in lhe hapel, Monday afternoon and burial was in Miami cemetery. DEATHS
- - - - - --------
Waynesville farmers he. Co.
. R~gistcred and High'Grade. . JERSEY CATTLE 40 From the Old Reliable Millgrove HeTd, Our ,Motto-Constitution and Capacity. " " , Thee Cattle represent the results of our forty years' breeding a nd consis~ of Bulls, Fresh. Co'wa, Springers, Brea and Open Heifers and a cho ice lot of Heifer Calves, carrying the blood lines of the noted St. Lambert, Noble of Oakland, Viola'e Golden Jolly, Champion Tycoon Warfield of Gleny~ew, Noble Exile's Boy and other, proven airel. 10 '. ,_ _ _' SHEEP - ' • 10 Eight Choic:e Ewes, Two Bucke. · ,, ' " , . Sale will be held in the: new cattle barn at the Warren County Fair grounds, rElin or sbine. . ~, Terms: Nine m'onths' timt!!. will be ,"ven by purchaler livin&' bankable note bearing 6 per centlnti6rest. Four per cent for .ca"'.
ROports reaching , the Ohio De. partment of Agriculture indicate t hat far m bankruptcies ,are de. el'eafing'in the United States. Rec. ords show that in 1928 there were 6,679. In ~929 4,939 and . only 4,464 i~ 1~80. ,. . Consldertn~ t he fact that the farm populatIon makl!~ up nea1'ly ~alt of the whQle, the farmer , en·, JOys an enviable p~sition ' all reo s faJ lure. You can depend on farmer fighting to the wt ditch and tmding '8.n honbr~ble .way out of his difBculties. KARL M. <
Z •0• WORLEY, Propnetor . ,' AuctloIWer.
OD II'C)UI1Idt.,.~~~=~=~.:=i:;:~~~;~~;=-..;j;;;." .i
Eighty -Fourt h Year
Whole Numb er 6989
r.C~~:~:~:S ,::~~, ::: ,~d! TREASURER SERVICES AT GIV ES OUT ' REPORT FOR CHURCHES FOR 'PAST WEEK h~'~ i~s the'h::I~{~a~~h~Oel~ I~~f O;l~:~~ 1932 TAX RATES,.L.I..::":.I.~~=~~~~~~3 NEXT SUNDAY
exempt ed v illa ge sch ool sup ' I·in· . le nd cnts, D.·. · B. O. ki n ne r d i· I' 'ctOI', stille depa rtm ent of e J l1 Cll- I tio n, d es i g n lli ~ e s Jo'l'iday, l)ccemh l' I'
1 he lett er 5UggCSt.q that llit) teacher s in ench sc hool be asked t u School Calend ar COLUM BUS Fine Homem ade candy at th e set a side a few minutes on t ha t Accol'd ing to Ttll. 1 at"H r(,I' WUI't'en countv on ST. AUGUS TINE CHUIlC H Secreta ry of S til te Clarenc e J. Bll zhar. day to be dt vo ted I\.i ~s Alice e reading hCII (J\\' lh is VC I')' Novemb e r l!5: Juni or ,lass (If the sto ry of ih e tohrithstmas Rev. Lawl'en ce B. Mollmal1l1. seal which Bl'own the de!lth I'ate of Ohio in the 1'I:J{u lur taK instullm.ents sick. '1' hu l: k: g h' ing pl'ugl'a lll in gYIlI al its (l"igin and it s purp os e, and th~ dt.e Decc11lb '.r ·20. 1!l!J I , 81lLl .Tune For Thanks giving cider see W. I! ::W p. 111 . An app 1930 was 3-4 of 1 % lowel' per Fi rs t, Th ird and 'F ifth Sunday , r opr ia te PI'Othousan d people t han it was in C. St. John. 1\11'5 •. E Tll m ~ Hamil to n is visit ing Mass at 7 :00 a. m. Second anel gl'am III Home Hoo lll of Grad es G gi ing uf III hOI·t talk on " Health. ' 20. 19:12 , ur e ba ell, were annoll nc 1929. O'f the 1930 total of 76212 her chll dr n 111 Cleve land. , A lthoug h the Ohi o Public ed b ~ t Fou rth Sunda y, Mass at 9 :30 a. m. 7 & 8 lit Myel' Hyman and family spent g l' a u ~s I 2t o::104 ,p, Ill. Ea l'ly hu c k ~: Henlth A soci ation discoul 'ages E B M",i~e li by ' ounty T l'easu l'e r deaths, 64. 14 % of the de~ths a ft l' a ft el'noo n the ~ale of Christm as seals by WBl'e of men, and 46.86 % we r e unday afterno on in Xenia, Mr . lem T itu s is spend ing a WAYN ESVIL LE M, E. CHURC , . uITel\. recess. Lute hacks, g l'ades 1 t o 4 schM I childt, H n, " Dr. kinnel' says of women . 'I'he ueath rate fo.r Al t hough : lig htly hig het' I'ates f.uw wceks in Ut!tl'oii , with his nt 3::10 p. Ill . ' Gmt!e. 5 2'4[; to G. C. Dibert, Pastor " It beli "It is more blessed to give thlln 3:10. eves sIste r s. that white people was ILl, for negroes t he school c hil~ will pl'lJ\uil in ' . di'lri ctH , t he (lI'ell o f hi o should be giv e n n ne w low IIP Pl'ai some 18.3, /lnd for all other races 30.4 to receive ." Join the Red Cross to- , ~ o ve lllb e l' . 26 !1I Wed nesdny: A Thanks giving Bal oJ I'lll'al pr op· 1t! 27 Tha nks· ,MisH Bern ice MU l' rell, of Spl'i ng ~ el'\' ice wi ll be he ld a t 7 :00 ,p. m. deaths pel' 1,000 of populat ion, day. cha rce to contrib ute to that work. er t ~' through out th e co un ty will g lvml(' vll cullO ll . ,'I' he five foHowi ng diseases, cancer Deccmb er i:l , .Juniol' la s ~ play. It a lso beli VI' t ha t th ere is a de· more thun offset these inc r eases Hill, spent la st WCE.'k wi th Mrs . L. Those who hll ve II g ift of f ruit, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roger s. 1'1. <": ordon. corebru l, hemorr hllge, heart disvegetab le te ed ucatio n va lue in the story or money for our Decem ber 2 1 : 'h I'isLmas par ty fini of Ihe or igin ease, acciden ts, and nephrit is cuus- of Columb us, spent the wee k- end hospita ls an d hom es are asked to Dccenl bel' 2:j , X 1l111 ~ ; progra m wOI'k which of the se al and th e a nd tax r even ues ure expecte d here. ?Ill' it fi . nances. J. ' O. ul'lwl'i g hl ll!fl Fri- bl"ing it in t.o lhis meetin g. ed 64.2 '70 <I f al\ deaths. Ten It f eels barely to meet estimat ed necess ary by So phlllore s ut 2 ::10 p. m. XIll U: tha t .a contl'i bution, if but a penny expellu it ure' durin g the day t o visit r elatives in lJayton years agu, in 1920, the same Choir pl'lIcticc at 7 :5 0 p. m. pro t,rrum in Ro. 1I1 l! of I.: I·a ueR. cu min g Mrs. Maynar d Weltz and Miss to ll igh '(,hool and Ken t, Ohio. causes were I'espons ible for less co nll ng fr om the child him self year. ~u lldll Y: ullday school at \l :30 by Jun io l'R ut 7:30 Dori s Hawk e were Dayl on visiturs, a ft er h ha hea l'd the sto ry, will than 40 '/t, of al\ rellol'te d deaths. 11 . rll. Mornin g worship at 10 :30. Dnt('s fo r hl'i ~ ll\l u S vacatio n ~o, fa l,the r toward educati ng the Monday . M!·s. J oh.n W. !1st und Re dwu y, The s ubj ect of the mornin g sel'Monow Corpor ation is t axed . a~d fir. t s mE.' lItel' cXa mil1t1 l i oll ~ ch ild to th e tube l'cul os is problem $2.8 , th·e hi g hest ra te pr eva il at uf Cla l'ksv lll e, spent !:lulld a y with ili O n will be, " A S ufficien t Allow~noth e r contrac t lett.ing for WIll ing be a n nuu n c~ d in duo ti me. Messrs , J. C. Hawke and May[\11'. and Mn; . Lon Titu s. a nd the va lu e of I('ood health than in th e county. Sout h Le ban bl'ldg e work und approac hes il! 8!lCl' fo r Ev I'y Day." There wi11 on will a ny amoun t of money which might I)ay $2.81, Sprill .nnoun ced fOl' Novem ber 27 by nard Weltz wero business vi!'litors be no E pworth League service g boro $2. Fifth 61; a Grade nd be dev i ~e d fr om t he me re sal e of Frankli n $2, 58 dUl'ing the a ll lh e W uynesvillo Farmer s' nex t S Ullday evening , as th ere is 8 I?ireclo \' of Highwa ys O. W. Mer- in Columb us, Friday. comin g Th e atte nd unce in t he Fifth seu l by the sam e child." l'lll. The total estimat e fol' the sevyea.r, Wayne sville is off .1 mill t o Exchan ge for Ne w Corn Meal and Di!:'t I'ict meeting be ing held at tbe The Junior class of W. H. S. is grade thi s week has been ve l'y pure Bu ck Wh eat Flour. A sihlilal' obse rvance of Christ- $2.30, Corwin s hows a de cr ural countie s is approx )mately Broadw ay M. E. Chu'rch in Midof $36.0,000 Iln~ work wiII be pushed ~ ta ging a murd er mystery at th e go od. They are glad to have Gen- lll as Hea lth S,cal Day was he ld in 1h mill, Kings Mills is up .ease dll' town, an d we are hoping that 7 mill ~ Gym, eVil Lamb on Decemb el' 3, s~ Emma Heig hway will be sel(c l'al of our yo ung folks may be ba ck wi th us n rt er being t ho H hoo ls o f lhe stute in 193 0 at to $2. 36, dUl'lng the wmter months althoug h ille is up . 1 mill theMiUll1ll1!r confined t o her home f or three the sugge:ti on of the RLate depal'~ to $2 . 11, Mainev guest of M i~~ J essie a bl e to g o over f or the afterno on it will b~ necessa ry. to ca;'ry a porHarvey sburg is off .!l MI'. and Mrs. W. H. All en and weeks. Cla rk 'l' hllnk::lgi ving Day . mel"t of e ducatio n. The 1931 seal mills to $2.06, Butlel'v ille tion of It over untIl Spring. mep.ting . Evange listic service at is off M:i ~ : Olive Allen were Hills boro The pi ct ures o f the miniatu re sa l<: op ens Fdday , Nov emb r 27, .6 mills to $1.96 7: 30 p. m. and Pl easant villuge cnm e Thursda y a nd t hey ann closes Thursd ay, Dece mber 24 Plain remain s the You will see som e 1'I!1l1 detectiv e State Consel' vation Commi ssion: visitol's, on Sunday . slime a t $1.86. are very well pleased with them. e~ Wm. H. Reinha rt, togethe r I Al'!" ong distl'iei s in th e county work in "Lit tle Sherloc k" by th e WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF The greates t work in this world On e of the m is now on di RplllY in wllh membe rs of the Conller vation , CHRIS T ~~~.~~~N! sho)vrng decreas es in ra t es as com- Junior class, Decemb er :l. Council , after comple ting a SUl'vey h; service to others. Join the Red th e Waynesvill e Dl'ug Storc. ;;;; pared with 1 !l30 are: Utica school (Unden ominat ional) C~ MI'. C\ ~s a today As lld Mrs. the at end the Harry Bunk. of Novem ber apof . the Roosev elt game presery e in Wadsw orth Chester A. district in Clea rcre ek township William son, Ministe r proaches so does the e nd o'f our SCIOtO county, announ ced that the ' $1.76 again st $ 1.77; Blu e Bali of Pnslld ena, Ohi o, spent t he Chul'ch Sch ool at 9 :30 a. ro, Call the week-e Waynes nd scholas wi t h r elatives here. ville Far me rs' tic c o nt e~t. Th e rac e has state would not abando n the prescho ol distl'ict (Fl'ankl in t ownship) L o rd '~ Supp er ' at conclus ion. serve but that it would continu e to .Exchan g e for new co rn meal and bee n a close one so fal' and it is $2.4 2 against $2.45 ; Fostcl' sch ool Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Osborn e of C h r i ~tiall Endeav or at Ii :30 p. m, hard to say which r o,w will win. bc used for the propag ation of pUl'e Buck Wheat Flour. district , $2.12 aga in st $2. 13· Fal'lll nnette Fox, Leader . Evenin g deer with the end in view of deel's Hull di ~trict, $1.5 9 ~g'nm st Spring field, spent Sunday eve~ing Jea Rev. G. C, Dibert and famil y eVlluge listic service at 7 :30 p. m. with MI'. Home Econom ics Dept. and MI·s. J. claring an open season in the H. !:lmith. $1.60; Blue Ball district (Turtl eG. '1'. Batema n ;pr eaching . Bro. COW'se of a year or two. Commi s- will spend Thanks giving with creek townsh ~ ection I an d 1I. of Home Ec. ip), $2.42 'Ilgain st MI'. and Mrs. O. R. Ungl esby Bat"lll a n will supply the pulpit .sioner ~einhart also plans the relative s at McCom b, Ohio. $2.57; Wa shingto n to wnship di shave bee n comb in ed and by this visited MI'. and Ml's. G. F. Brown, f or three Sunday nights while Bro. propaga tIOn of coon s on a .large tric~ (Turtle arrange creek town. mcn t hip) t hey $1.61 now have a dou Mr, and Mrs, Cliff'ord Buzick Willra ms on is engage d in an scale and will make use 0 f the iiiiiii;l~.ii;iiiiiilil a~arn st $1.62 ; Mass ie townshi p dis of Lebano n, one day last week. and children , v{ Sidney spent Sun- ble class pe r'iod each day. This wi\l Ijvangel i stic campai gn at Bowerg.. prese rve for that purpose . trlc! (Wa yne be t ownshi n decid p), $1.99 ed benefi t fOI' all, a s each day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King MI'. Will Richey, f ormer fr eight ville. Pra yer meetin g and Bible ng:t.nst , $2;08; Washin gton townsection is noW rece iving more time stu(iy Wedne sday at 7 :30 p. m. SUBSC RIBE NOW agent Secreta ry of State Clarenc e J, ship dIstrict (Salem town ship) Lulu at Corwin , and ister, Mi ss Thl' church Mrs. Earl McMak an and son f OI' l ~ bratol' Y and instruc tion WOl'k whel'e you feel at have remove Brown has announ ced that 1931 d to Lebano n. $1 .76 against $1.77; Hopkin svill~ Th e l('il'ls in the H ome E c. sec.... hom e. automo bile license plates can be Bi11y of Sabina, spent Sunday with tion in the 8th Grade district , $1. 76 against $1.77; Foshave fini shed Mi s~ Jane Wright , of Spring~ cd on and after Decem ber 10th, the former 's mothet' , Mrs. Viola their ter sch ool district (Hamil ton town fir st project and ar e workin g Chris tmas Baza ar bol'o, IS here t o spend t he winter mstead of Ducem ber 2lst, as has Carey. ST. MARYS CHURC H ship), $2.13 on th e second which consist s in ihe a~ain st $2.15 ; South Dece mber 4 and 5with her sistel', Mrs. Julia Donova n been th e custom . This earlier dale Lebll . Rev. non J, J. Scheffe r, Rector school making district of nov (Hamil elti es ton f Ol' ChTistm a Mr. Harry Kitchen and dllughSecretu ry Brown states, may make Turk ey Supp er Dec. 5 town s~ip), $2.27 against $2.28; Decemb el' 29, Fil'st Sunday in Mr. und Mrs. Joseph funds availab le, soonel' in the vari- ter Betty, of Springf ield, spent Tasco of Washm gton town., $1 .63 against "Little Sherloc k" Detroit , spent hlst week with the Adve nt. Church school at 9:30; OUB countie s for unempl oyment re- Sunday with Fl'ank Stan berry Ilncl $1.64; Massie The townsh Lndies ip dis trict latter's A id Society of the Mornin g Prayer ancl sermon. , at The Junior c1a,1i ,of W. 11. S, family. lief work. (Washi townsh ip), $1.98 TItus. parents , Mr. and Mrs. Lon 10 :3 0. is present ing th e play, " Little l\1:E' thodist church will hold their against ngton $2.07 ; Massie township Mr~. J . W, Haynie and Mis~ She l'lock," on Thur 'day evening annual sale of homem ade articles A num~er uf state employ ees , suibble for Chri stma s !rifts, such $2.06 against $2.15; Harlan town~ Depend able Wat ches and the FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T h!1ve enjoyed appetiz ing game Mabel Smith, of Columb us, we re Decemb er 3. It is a myste ry play as Quilts, aprons I'ugs . fancy arti- ship, $2.16 againBt $2.17; Level latest in Jewelry and Novelti dmnel's since the opening of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Smith o r three acts full of fun lind cl es . homem ade , candy, 'e s at ( Undeno minatio nal) school district , $1.76 a j! ainst $1.77 etc., on Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n Illug hter .. The cast of cha l'act er s: hunting season. Several have secul' on Sunday . Chester A. WilIiamBon. Miniate r Friday and Saturda y afterno ons PleaSlin t Plain school district Ohio. ' cd the limit allowed by law but all Barbar a Benton , ,hurch School at 9 :30 a. m. Winifre d and eVEmin£s of Decemb er 4th and $1.86 against $1.89; But1el'Vi1l~ Buy your Xmas Gifts at the Armita ge. niml'od s report the male pheasa nt Lord's school upper and 5th district beginni , ng $2.06 at 1 at o'clock again st each Bahaar. Miss Dori s Hawke, nttende d a 10 .ao a. m. erm on by sermon very elusive, possibly as the result Mrs. Benton , Jwette Bla ir. $2.10. aft rnoon. G. F. Bateweek-en d party at the of having been sought before the home Mr. Benton, Dean Hawke . of m' : ! n, who will On supply Saturda the pulpit y ev ening beginni ng Mark Rogers was in Ironton , Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp, in Leb- for three opening seasoll named ' by law Katheri n , Dori s Sulisbu ry. Sunday s while Bro. Wilat 5 o'cl ock nn elegan t meal of SCHOO L HACK anon. WAS Rabbits al'e numero us but not a~ Sunday , to see his brothel ' who is Kennet h Brand- Orie Hal·din. tUl'key and all the trimmin liamson is engage d in an evangs will in a sel'ious con'diti on at a hospitll l plentifu l as in former years. Jeffery , Paul avage. BADLY DAMA GED BY FIRE be served £01' th e . mall sum of 50c campai gn at Bowers ville. in that city. Th e W. F . M. Socie ty of th e M. gelistic Dr. Thayer, Julian C.'abbe . You are ' always welcom e a~ this At 8 o'cl OCk an interes ting proE. Church will meet the home of church. During the past year 48,800 The Juni or class urges everyon e gram will be present ed free. Geo. Hender son't school hack was Mrs. A. K. Day onut Wednes $1,200 is needed in this County acres of tobacco were grown in day, to ~ome and hnve a 'f ull evening of We solicit yo ur patrona ge. badly damage d by fire this af- Decemb er 2. this lltate and which produce d for helping those out of work and enjoym ent. ternoon at 3 o'clock at the WayFARME ERS GRANG E 46,376, 000 pounds . Darke and in need. The Red Cross takes n.esville Motor Co.'s plant. One Miss Mildred CraineI ' and Mr. Montgo mery countie s lead in this carr of these. Join today. NEW CENTU RY CLUB Studen t. Attend J. A. O. S. HAS FINE PROGR AM OJ the workm en \WlS ovehau ling Howard McClun g, of Mason, were pl'oduc tion. Record s on file in the The Annual Conven tion of the . Mrs. M. L, Pal'shal week-e l, nd Mrs. gnests Lee t he m!lchine and it is thou ght that of Mr. and Ml's. Depart ment of Agricu lture prove Journa lism Associa of Ohio The Gmnge hall was filled to Th e N ovembe r meeting of the the wires became cl'ossed that tobacco can be grown success - gawke, Little Miss Anne Weltz schools was held in tion and in a Weyme r L. Drake. Columb capacit y Saturda y ' night when us on and Ne w Mr Cen Donald t ul'Y dub Hawke was held at the momen t ,th e machin e was on fire. spent Thurs Novem f~lIy through out a wide range of ber 20, 21. All schools hnv- home of Mrs. G. J. Smith Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and Hamilto n Twp. Grange of -Maine Some or the wood work in the chmate on practica lly all kinds of day with relative s at Lumbe rton . ing a j ournali sm CIMS were invited dfte r noon, Novemb el' 20, with family, MI'. and Mrs. Crirl Hawke ville brough t the ~raveling gavel garage soil. caught fire but prompt of Dayton Mrs, Byron Himes and childTe n to send at least three delegates. twenty- two membe rs pre~ ent. , were SUnllily guests of back to Farmer 's Grange from ~ork of the fire compan y soon got The object which it started. Fanner 's Grange to learn ' Illore Response to .'011 ca11 "Somet hing' It under control . MI'. and Mrs. J". C. Hawke. The specilll exhibit of pewter a't and Mrs. Ida Robel'ts . of Dayton , about publishwas ing a school paper to 1:0 Thankf ul for" was happy and pro'ud to ' have The loss has not been estimat ed. the Ohio State Museum proved not we"e guests of Mr. and Mr/!. W, N. and overcom ing some of t he difRemem ber tho e in need. If we every grange in the county repThe pl'Ogl'ar~1 c~mmittee, Mrs. only highly interes ting, instruc tive Senrs , Saturda y afterno on. - --fi culties that arise. Mrs. live Buerkle fol' ourselves only we are in I'esente d at this meeting . It was , W. H. Allen , Mrs. and educati onal, but gave the sevL. M. Heneler Wayne Townsh ip should raise at th e in structo r of the class, in W. sor. , Mrs. W . F. Clark had arrnng-- WAYN E TWP. FARME R'S CLUB da!lgel' of being bored to deat h. the first time that this had happen eral thousan ds of visitors an idea JOIl, the Red Cross today ' at th e ed durin~ ihe travels of the gayel. of the various uses made of it by lea~t $100 for the Red Cross. H. S, attende d with Grace Hess, cd lhe fol1owin l~ excelle nt program The present ation of the gavel was 1 he Novem ber meeting of the Bank, our ancesto rs. There were some Onl~ about one thirdl is in so far. Bob Armstr ong and Jewette Blail' Orienta l mu i(~ Mrs. S. S. Stahl of very unique and impress ive. wonder ful specim ens on display Help out by joining today at the as delegat es. In the town of Colum Ft·ankli n. Ml·S. Stahl's selectio n s Wa;vn eTown ship Farmers' Club Tho officers of the visiting buS, they visited many points of con ~,isted of Ch,inese, Japane was held at the home of Mr. and MI'. and Mrs. W. E, CorneH, Mt' manufa ctured several centulg es Bar.k. Se and interest , includin g Burche s En- Indian music. Hel' explana Mrs. Ira Rich. The weathe r waS and Mrs . W~nen Bruddo ck lind grange filled the local chail's and ago. Ohio was the fil'st state west ti on of incleme nt but Saws filed by machin ery, cut graving Co., The Columb u s Citizen th~ Orient musilc wa s most ill daugh,t er, spent .Sunday with MI', present ed the followi ng ex,celle nt of the Alleghe ny mountl lins that t rest mllmbe rs and a g oodly number of and program ,during the lecture hour. Mrs. H. A. Cornell , guests partook of e stablish ed pewter industr y for the cleaner , truer, faster. Also cross- The Art Gallery {.\lid the State ing. cut saws, gumme d, 25t per foot. House Friday afterno on Orches tra selectio n by L. Irvin" and )\f1·S. Lou Do.d ds of Frankli n who t he excelle nt dinner at the noon early settlel's . Roy Pigott, at Madder t's Lumbe r Saturda y llIot'nin ' was devoted to i an extensi ve travelel ' gave hour. Mr, and Mrs. ,Ruo Monfor t, of D. Bloss, R. H echel, C. Rose, B. . very speech es and section al me·eting . in~()res ting talk on her After a social time the meeting Wilmin gton, wel'C Sundny after- Shuey. Yard. numero us wn~ Frid ay lli ght the y att ended II trIps al'ound the work! and Song, MaineVille Glee Club. rulled to ordel' by the presi- noon call erR at the home of MI', SAFEG UARD CHILD REN of the Mr. and Ml's. Otto Sebold. of banqu et a t the Deshll' l' Hotel Hist ory of Mainev ille Gl'ange , dent, Rev. G. C. Dibert offered the and Mrs. El'n est Butterw orih. apd beauty of the Orient. !Janta ClauB Win~ soon arl/ive Cincinn ati, Mr. and Mrs. in\·ocat ion. The minutes of the Frank Barnet t. and flood the county with new bicy Fulkel's on, of Sprin~ Valley. Wm. Satul'tl:1y afterno o n witn essed the A piano solo, "Stal' Spanglc d last meeting Cornet Solo with orchest ra acread and apO. S. a nd 1II illO is f t;otbl\ll gume. Ml', and Ml's. 11'11 BOling. of Bar.n ~l·," by Mr~. Stahl, conclud ed pI'oyed , Only were cl e~-, kiddie cars, skates and a Sunday guests Of MI'. and were cOIllPanimen!t Ernest Irwin. two fumilie were Wilmin gton, W(, 1'C gucsts of their Mrs. th ol' sand and one toys which the W. O. Raper. th t· pI·ogram . found to be absent at the 1' 011 call son-in-l aw and daughte r, Duet, A . liirton and J. Irvin. Grt.c!.., Armid ice Day P roKrn:n Mr. and p, (te l' adjourn ment, Mrs. Smith The club ,'oted yourogs ters can use to satisfy their Reading , Mrs. C. Hildebr and. to buy u Chl'ist ma~ Ml's. W. L. Dra A ke, vel'U on interest Sunday ing program was nss j~·ted by her tWjl daught ers , Ml'S eal . d £i re to find mobilit y. It is an imMr. and Mrs. C. M. Robit.ze r Solo- Rev. Geis. bond of the Mother s' Club ~ rl! 's'l've S·Irr:. t th Philip d Zepf f and IlInd Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Elouise J. D. thu l' helping in the contl'ol and Marlat t given at the Grade Buildin g Thomps on serve,d Play, "Squar ing It With The e para e 0 P . Mrs. 'Emma Ba1' not t, Mr. E . V. a dell'cl'OUs lunch eruuica Armisti ce Day. All the childre n thl\~e boys.....and0 see girls on the day left today for Clevela nd, where a!i~embl tion of tubercu losis. Barnhll rt, of Cincin nati, MI'. Nat Boss." ed out doors aft'll' Christm as, around the The invited guests w.e re Mrs, they will spend Thanks giving with Music was furni shed thruout Barnett , of Washin gton C. H., Charac ters-Ji mmy Green, HarStahl and Ml's. Dodds of Frankli and UlIl as N. N. Hunter , Vice Mr. and Ml's. Merle n the afterno on by S. S. Ellis. Kerns. flag pole. I Mr. Nat Barnett of Texas. vi sited old Rhodeh amel: Beth, his wi.f e, Prf! sident of the Greene County , Mrs. Alonzo Curl, Mrs. Mary The host introdu c ed as the. Waynes ville friend s Sunday Tertrud e Cutter; Aunt Horten se, Miss Lile, gave a very interest Automo bile Club points out, ac. Mt's, Effie Smith, Mr/!. Flossie iog talk, "Why we Have Armisti - Auams, MI·s. Ralph Weaver , Misses speaker of the ·, ftel'lloo ll Profess or Mrs. F . Barnet t; Mr. Dunn, bis ce An nie and Mame Brown a'n d Miss Lotz. citlents often mal' the holiday s and CarE(y ,Mrs. Hannah Profess or Lotz chose for his Taylor, Day and Its Meanin g." In he r .talk ,Enllna Heighw ay. Frank Barnet t; MI'. and Mrs. W. H. Allen Miss boss, Aunt the obligati on of the parents does Miss Lucy Emley, Messrs. subject , "Bored om and Excite- Olive Allen anrl Clarissa , Beth's aunt, Helen TrimErnest s~e stressed the ~Ml'. n~e~ for Cha.rles pe~ce a~d . not ceaSe when Kris Kringle goes Smith and Cheste r Carey :=== = == 0:-: m~nt." Some of ,the ~utstanding O'Neall will spent dIsclose d the hon ~lI s. of ~yal, T~ls: dinner Sl'uests of ble; Johnny Bender , Russel Rausch up the chimne y. Sunday with Leande r Carey and WtlS followe pomts wel'e as foHows: We ure Mr. and MI'~, beChal'1es Solo, Nellie Taulbe e. d by smgmg Amct'lca "Fo.r this reason, ", he said, "the family less bored, than our ancesto rs wer'e Cincinn ati, Thursday. Fi sher in and the pledge to the flag by all roe and 15 from the Miami On Saturda y, Novem ber I ,28 need for safe-guardin~ children is Valley • PI esent. Reading , "In Flande rs Chnptet · of Waynes Farmer s' Grange present s the the theme of the Decemb er A. A. ville, besides but we are more afraid of bOl'edom Mr. and Mrs. Will Watt, Mr. Field," by Sara Ann MI'R. Robert Furnas and chil- ravql to Pomon a Grange at its Millel'. the membe rs of the West Chestel ' Btlredor:n is not to be regarde d a s A. safety poster, now being dis- and Mrs. Ed Kore, of wholIy evil. Too much excitem ent dren, Mr. and MrB. Earl Craw- meetin g at Mainev ille. tl'ibute d to schoQls by the Greene and Mrs, Charlo tte Thl'op,Frankli n, "Arn istice Hymn," by Miriam Chapte r . not only underm ines the health' ford, Mr, nnd Mrs. Walter Thoma s Song- Glee CluD. County Automo bile Club, which is ney, were callel's I\t the of Sid- Wal th" "I; Salu ting the Flag," -but dulls the palate for every kind and ehildren enjoyed a motor trip home of Re c!{. The Fi'fth Gl'ad e then ---~-affiliate d Miss Lucie Martin, 2nd grade of with the Americ an MI', and Mrs. George Hal'tsoc k, DoriR pleasur e, substitu ting clevel'- through Southe rn Ohio, Sunday . sang tn p!: a ccr mpani ed by Ivylo - teacher has 1: 0n~ to her Automo bile Associa tion." home DAIRY in MEETI NG ' Sunday aftemo on. ne~~ line for wisdom Kurfiss and jagged suron the corn et, The Cheshir e, OhIO, for a short rest In urging parents to aSSUl'e pTlses fol' beauty. A happy life c};jldren howed theil' head s in sil - She has been Messrs C. S. Moore and taiT", youngs ters adequa te Ip rotectio n under the doctor' s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leglel', Mr. ent prayer ihn~ this tel'l'ible Dairym en and fa~'rners espeda lly thing care recently . Studen t and teach- mu ~t be to a great extent a of Chevy Chase, Mr. and Mrs, L: .mterest dUTing the holiday s. Ml'. Hunter and Mrs. Joe White ed in dairyin g are advised and daughte r, "War" would neve r happen again. el's wish quiet life; for it M. i~ Hender only in son, an atMarjor ie anrl Charsaid: her a s peedy recover y. mosppe of Dayton , Mr. and Mrs: James to mark off' TueSda y evening , Del'e of It is quiet the les hopf' that ~urton true tha t th joy Earnha OSe pupils rt were Sunday --"The wise parent should take Zell, of Yellow Springs , were can hve. din- hllve learned the Bignific ance of evemng !!,uests of Mrs. Maude cember 8, so all to att.end the ndV8 1'1 t age 0 f th a gat h Two Stra.iJrht For W. H. S. ' county- wide dairy meetin g in LebThe armg special arolln d ner guests of. Mrs, Laura Zell and "Armis topic Crane and family. "Thank tice. sgiving Day/' fol' it is the WaynesYI'11 e too. k Car I' I . through them tnat peace may the Christm as tree to ' warn the Miss Sarah Smith, ori Sunda be anon accordi ng to announ cement Thl'ugh tS ts," e mto was very ably handled y.' obtaine d. camp by: a SCOrl! of 19 to 16. The by J. W ..W,hite. He is happy youngs ters o.f the safe way to use Mr. Ed Harts'o ck and son Hal'- f.rom County Agent Class who is for B teams their new toys. They should be of each school fought 8 . htn optomls tlc turn of mind whioh old, of Spring Valley, g out comple te arrange Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gons, Mr. Mr. and Mrs workin F F A M taught that the 'cul'b' is the limit. and Ml's. great batt)e with Waynes ville &;nables him to see the ments.. Messrs. . Ivan McKelli\:l, J. B. Gons and Miss Chal'les beautie s Rye, of Mr. and . . . _ting M.rs. ' Clal' coming , Older childre n should be encour ag Alice Gons attende out the victor 16 to 15. hfe and many things for which to ence Ry~ . ~nd family were dinnel' dairy feeding , speciali st and ~ J. C,' a family din0.n last Tuesda y eveni lllt' four cd to keep an 'eye on ' the often ner at the home ofd l'elative Due to the absence of most of be thankfu l. ' He s near Jl4ests o'f ' ~r. and Mrs. Harvey Neff of the Rural Econom ici nc ighborin f; ehupter s of the Future t he secorid team Coach Pyle was have had a bountifthinks since we Rye, heedles s acts of the :younge r ones, Hillsbo ro, the o.ccasion Dept., O. S.:' U., wiU discuss the on Sunday . ul markin harvest g and Farmel 's of Americ . latest pdncipl a held a joint forced to use ' three Freshm en in no disaste and . teach tltem the rudime nts of the eighty- first birthda y es of feedll, feediqi' , rs 01' pesti1e nce~ anniver we ma eting at West Che t cr. The. the re.s erve game, safE"ty." ..' supply' and demand , priC:I;I , cllanges ' . sary of Ml's. ,J. , Q. ,Gons' father, should . be tl'uly gratefu l. · He is chaptel Ml'. 's ,a!1d there Mrs., open('d George !n J, regular Smith- anit other busines WaynesvillE: seemed "Reme mber that laih.tre tq ' probe lost th[lnkfu l that he belongs to the an~ theIr s leature s whieh" form and en~ertained with a liter at the first patt o:t' the togame 'guellts, Ml'. 'l'-nd Mrs. affect perly jn~truct the kid<lies on the the . but Farl)le~"S Club because ~f the PhIl Zepf and jnd " The membe rs of the Young !\l'Y pl,'ogram . The program r Mrs. Elouise Thomp consist - SOOn ·found themsel ves. Taking the ~any pleasan safe way tou'~e the :YoIe tide tOys Women 's bridge club were Class t assoCiations. · , ~~n, . o,f . Ci,n einl'lati , visited Mr. and mav .mar ,t1le entire Chrjstm~ ·holl- talned at the home of Mi88 enter- ed , of talks, reading ! nr d ' music lead. e.arly in tljJe, 'second quarter , 1'h~ ' Club adjourn ed to lDeet lUrs. T. Louise botli voca! ' l\nd instrum ental. They they wer.e nevel' equa,le Fetter at the Masoni c'. da''JIer iod lor the family. It might' Crane, Tuesda y evening d again . . Decem~er -10 with' the Mis!;e$ Home, Springf ield, Sunday .'· Mrs. J. al :;o pl'esen ted a pIny entitled _. The next home game is ,Decem - P,e l'le and . Blaneh ~ .~ h~ppiness for many .W. Lotz .an~ Mrs. ' Nelson. Watkin e Riley. s "Tn ,T he Fire At the clo se bar 6 'With O. S" aDd S. 0, Home ~ y~n. to eo.ne.' _ subBUtuted for Mrs. '8. L. Buerkl e 'of the meetingLitrht.'" ' ~Jr. Tefresh ments were oi ~enia, 'E.'fer)rOne should . -..:.:... • _. ....... go to and Miu OIA Hal'tsockJ., who ,were se!.'Ved by the West worth Chester boys. Centerv ille WedneB day, Novem . ber , unable to. be pnlsent . rnles were . One bas 'only to attend A ,N EW FIRM a. AnEN TION FARME RS awarde d to Bl~ Elisabe th Hen~le iJ)1r of this sort to reali'ze meet.: 26 to see Wa}'ne .Twp. battle with tbe in- a great t~am , . ' Mrs. Vem Simpso n and Mrs, J, W. terest mani(e ned by boYS of tn, Mason. defeate d W ~ H. S. 22 to .. 1~ ..you~l\t y(Jar lane cravele d Lots. Delie,ious rell'nh ments or u YOI1 ",ant mvel ,f or any served by the !toste. : .Ml'II: were dl",eren t departm ents. Althoug h It 16 and defeate d,. Centerv iUe ~8 to. J. B .. \\II81l a irtormy n"ht there we..e 18 27. P1Ii'P* Whatev er, caD. J. K. S,en- GOns,n Il be b'OlIteIa for . the next In attenela nce 'from the Cedar Judie who should U • Deeem ber.B, Obapte r of Leban.o~-1 18 from Mon wlnl \
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Prob.,te CoUl't Je se P .. Ennis, adminis trator of esLnte of Jorry Ennis, deceased IHea hill lIn!t IIccount. W, C, Mannin g, Jl:uul'dinn of al vin J ee,nan, incomp ete nt IIled his :;econd aunt . ILLUSTRATIO~S BY ' HENRY JAY LEE , Fannie B. Hill, gunrdia n of WiI· opyrigh t by Charles Scribne r's Sons liam A. Skidmo l'e, insune filed her thinl accoun t. '1'he will of ettie Schafer , de· , wus filed in court. A Phantasy of Fairyland ,Will CHAPT ER VI. passing aatl would soo n take them ceased, Solomo n K. Kerlloh an,' aumini s" tratol' of the estate of Presoei u P. Dayligh t made clear two facts: off.Thus t he first. day. But when Frisk Through the Spnnce , de cased i:; ordered to se ll the Rainbow had stu~k in ~ uch a seco nd came und went way that it would be Impossible , t o third dawned upon anand the certain real estate at not less thal1 get her off; the i:sl~nd was ullln- ocea l1, they began to dhesponempty the apprai se d value IIIlU make re. d · At turn to court. habited . nig h t a bellcon fl re ad blazed harles E. Denma n, udlllinis traAs tho explora tory b'oat rounde d forth its appeal-, they soo n tor of the estate of John E, Menu spur of reef that covered the tUI'n to t he Hainbo w for must lueland nett, decca ed is to dis Lribute eer. paSsage into the lagoon, opened by 'day the launch waited to over tain assets and make retul'n to out the largest island from the s~u, haul any passerb y. But of what court. ' P almyra burst into an exclam ation avail these upon a sea where li o Estates for setLlement. one see med to ventul'e . of delight . ' And at midduy , from ihe ' Al'abe l Dinwid exec utl'ix of She turned to John and Van. wreck then, across. t he lagoon, there estate of W, lldie, "It is Pl't~ttv" she said, , Dinwid die, I'e"but ccnstJd. Seventh , crueL" She j'ilt a first little shiyer boo med out the' signal gun. A sail! Raymon d H, Wikoff, tru stee un. of real ization. "There is nothing -u sail! ~ sail' • I WI' II f 1\1 ' 11 H W'k If d I Rapidly the deliver er rose from (et· upon it. No shelter, no lood." ~ h ftt ceased. Slxt. h 81'1 a . ' I 0 , C- I carryi ng mirth and marvels from the Fairgro u ,ds to "an gave her a haggar d look. t e sea. A vesse1 0 n o grea Gcorge W. Sn ook. guardia n of "And," he said, "There 's ,not one nage , she sailed with noticea on· he Monum ent and back again RIGHT DO WN bl e Mary E. Little, incomp etent, FiI'st drop of watel·. When we ve used spee d . and final. ,I.AIN STREETI I whst we bring ,ashore . " , As the schoon bore down upon W, C. Mannin g, guard ian of them she broke er oUD the Americ an Thursto n whirI ed upon h1m, colors. When she was abreast of Calvo n Keenan , incomp etent. Sec"Don't l" he cried. "Don't dare ond tel) them that. We' ll filter sait their position s he came about and F~n'nie B. Hill, g uardian of Wit water though this sand or rig a then hove to in lee of the reef. A liam A. Skidmo re, insane. Third. conden ser ''I'th J'unk from the boat was lowered . J . P E ' " t t Palmyr a, through her glasses , f :ee the weird Oofty-G oofties from Harem. S ; arem '.. essie. nms, a d milli S I'a or o · WTeck." saw that three men got into this Palmyr a had not been conscio usly boat. Two of them were undoub estate of J e l'l'Y Ennis, deceu~e d, Lclnd-s ee MICKEY MOUSE and Minnie, th~: e rol· t- First. aware of Thursto n's leaders hip un· dl George W, Snook was appoint ed icking rodents of movie fame. See the glil iering t il hours after the catastro phe, e y native seamen . Th e third, who adminis tratol' of the estate of her attitud e was typical of them had been reconn oitering ;'olden Dragon with its guard of slant-ey ed C,inese from the Mary E. Little, decease d, and all, perhap s even of Thursto n him- crosstre es, appeare d to be a white filed bond of $3000 with Anna J, ' Aandar inl and Maiden s. Alice·in ·Wond rlandl self. There had been someth ing to lIlun . nook and Lqwis Drake as su re. do; the strange nature had assert· :~onerville Trolleyl All the Gumps l MARV ELShe watche d th em as they pulled t ies. George Walkel', Kennar d ed itself. ' And the ship's compan y, rapidly through the passage and Burns a nd Milton Drake were ap. I acquies cing this automa tically, !,cross the lagoon. Ther.· THRIL LS-LA UGHS , with scarcel y any registe red sense Ishmen t, ' s he lowered thein aston· pointed apprais ers. George P. Gates admini strator of change , paid him its highest lars to stare at Van ~uren blllocuRutger 01 the estate of Sarah Ann Decker compli ment. He was now over the is ordered to seB certain sto cks SANTA IN PERSON She had not though t to wonder c01'al clinker s danclllg , why Thursto n, rather than her comedy buffoon . like a musica l a nd bond and make returns t o court. When the fiance, had been chosen. He had a parade reache s Rike's. \ Santa :'By ,~he , GI'!,!a~ G?,d Cash",', he Raymo nd H. Wikoff, trustee for reputat ion for efficiency in hand- chled. If It will lsn disapp t It I ,ar old down Pirate the Donald chimn Wikoff, ey s':'ay filed his sixth ac. ling men. Van bad had neither oe· Burke. count,' in Toyland until Christmas. See I~im casjon nor opportu nity. Almost- from the, momen t Po nape William Hankin on, adminis tl'a. Here spoke her iOOd commo n Burke came rU!lntng uP, the there with his secretary. BrowAie san ds tor of estate of A, Il'\vin de. sense Palmyr a pel'ce lved a difference. ceased, fi led his Sarah invento ry and apA~d being unawar e of Mrs. Tinkle BeUl Was it that ridiculo us habili pl'aisem ent. Craw'1~rd's origina l plot, she menta of the the Rainbo w had given Th e estate of William P. Hay is could hard,ly be expecte d to way. to the. ~tarche d white of the exempt from inherita nce tax. note that the wreck had reverse d tropica l S~IP s master~ In the ea e of So K. Kerno. TOY COL ORIN G CONTEST tne situatio n; that where, before O~' was It t~~t she mi ssed the ob- han, a dminist ratorlomon of estatc of John luld been »ut to disadva ntage truslve humlltt y? No longer a Presoci a P. Spenc,e , decea ed, ver. now Van had been given the role siowaw ay, he spoke to Mrs, FOR KIDDIES UNDER 14 Craw- sus Martha Livings n, et a1. ,ccrhe could not play. ford as one master of craft to tain sales are to betomade and 1'0. The inevita ble had occurre d be· a ::o thcr; a full note of equality . 2 valuabl e mercha ndise prizes totaling $130 givei' . turns made to court, tween these men. As Thursto n had .Perhap s, after all, the fact ,: r the best work. Registe r in Toyland . You must Robel·t Warwic k is di smissed risen to leadel1lbip, so Van-h ad mIght be n.C!> lr!0I'C, than a juvenil e withou t record. be accompaniec;l by an adult. aunk to his place as a private in sort of vam.ty, m ~Im self a~ ' Mabelle K. Burger WIIS ap-point . the ranks • • Palmyr a did not see, Of. that swift sa il; a vamtymaster bub· ed admini stratel' of estate of Flo'r. auspect . ~hng o.ver unexpe ctedly finding ence M. Thomp so n, decease d, and They were ' easily cheered that Its audienc e.atAnd he must have had filed bond of $20,000 ' with E. C. fir4 day. True, the island bore no some yague hope such a. reunion Burger and Hattie Misseld ine as aign of native visitati on. But wi~h as thiS. For he . of wns saYing now suretie s. Joe Monger , T. C. their launch they ' could easily tha~ on the Rambow reach the nearest inhabit ed lagoon h~ld the ,fact he ?ad> , a he'd with· Christie and J. F. Zimme rman vessel of were appoint ed apprais ers. OT they 00\11d even build a sea· hl~ own lying-u Honolu lu; Dallas A. Young was appoint ed worthy c:raft from materia l of 'the Withheld it on p theat chance of gUl\rdian o'f Revere Mouer, minor ;wr.,ek, were ther, ~ot certain some "surpri sing 'em somew here out .and ,filed bond of $840 with Robert Dayton , Ohio Blair and Edward Blair as sure --"---ties. ettleme nt of a claim fOl' New Suit. da mages sustained in an automo · Josie Whitak er VCI:SUS Charles here." bil e acciden t was made. Emma Baldwi n for money only. G. There could be question of his Fra nk C. Anders on was appoint - are extrem e cruelty . fond pride of that fast craft. And d assigne e of Cal'ey Fox and filed First Nation al Bank, of Blanhad they seen. . . bond of -1500 ,with Lucy ;T. Anderchester versus L. E. Baldwi n and Re interru pted himself with SOil lind Juseph. P. Rawles a s sure· Emma Baldwi n for money thnt oddly un -adu lt mirth of his. ties. Ti,omlls Scott, only. Ralph Van Had they seen her name? Oil, Me~e r and George Hackm an i were Roa1 Eatate Tranaf er. they'd laugh when they did see : appoint ed apprais el·s. They'd never guess in a thousan d Th e King Powder Compa ny to George W. Snoo k, guardia n of years. Pigeon olf Noah. Mary E. Little" incomp etent, filed S. A. and Jennie Buerkle . Inlot No 1 in Kings Mills. Van seized his hand with impul. hIS first and fin.al acount. . sive warmth . "Why then this must (Continue{f On .Page 3) The will of E lmer E. Jones, de· be .. Why, MI'. Noah, I didn't cea ed, was admitte d to probate . recogni ze you now you've shaved. ' Burke guffawe d delighte dly. "I Com;mon Plea. Proc:ee dina. , , sure will feel like Noah," he said, "a.taki ng you all in to the Ark two In the case of The Americ an by two.'" LOlln and Realty Compa ny, versos He turned, present ly, to the pile Jam es W. SWI!ene and Lucind a (AIIIIUpation !MY've ry easily be:co me of salvage d stores and gear. The J. Sweene y if the ydefend RESID ENT obroJlic after forty. 'AA~ myco!l tinucd Pigeon, as was , ev ident, could not pay the amoun t due ants do eualtipn tion at thnl time of life may stow only the more valuabl e part. plr.intiff, t he propert y will to the be sold bring attal-a of piles' eDci a hOlt; Of The rest must he left under can· and all aecountl3 settled. o&An' uopleaw at disorde n. vas and sent for. In the case of Ellis T. Cartme ll PERMA NENT LOCAT ION 'W etch 'Your bowels at my agq. Details were arrange d. Burke and Emma Cartme versus John GuIre! them .,..ith J)arUculareare after would get back aboard at once to Sk!\tel'Y nnd A rthut'll R. fetty. 'WheneVer they need any help, take charge on the schoone r. 'T he the 'd efendan tsl do not WiI$on if pay the remtmb er a doctor .liouId bow what UNLE SS you see the name Bayer yacht's launch, with three of her plaintif f, the propert y will be sold LEBAN ON, OHIO ia u...Hl)r them. and the word genuine on the package OWn men, would tow Burke's boat and all acounts 'settled . "Dr. QQldweU'. Syrup Pepsin" III pictured above you can never be out, both lond ed with stores, While Ey.. E •• ~iDed the case '{if Edwin S. Furnas , THER E rc times ik .. d,,y,Dr'., I'rtaaip tion for the bOweu. lure that you 'are taking the genuine these were unloadi ng at the Lupe. et In al GI verSU8 ..... Charles Fitt.il M. Robitze r R.palre . T.wt.ed by 47 years' pn..ctke, ,it h~ Bayer Aspirin that thoUllands of a-NOll, Thursto n would get his the defend when a baby is too ant is granted 30 days !MJw found UiotOUghly effective ID physicians prescribe in their fretful or feverish to other boats daily into the water, sort to plead. " re1Ie\'icig cODatipaUon nnd ita iIb for practice ==~=====~~= be :lung, to sleep. There ate some over the supplies. . The case of Omar Rhoude s ver- ~== mcD ....·omen ODd children of all ages. pains a molher cannot pal away. But "We'll stow the very best ,flrst,' sus Charles T. Fry is dismiss It hld plVJe.Il pcrfecUy sere eveu for ed. The name Bayer means said Burke in conclUSion, "and there's quick comfort in Castorin l In the case of Union Joint Stock ballies. Maw., ~m fresh ~tive Aspirin. It is your guarantgenuine ee of then see what space we got left Land Bank versus Arthur Neu. hert~ pun pepsUl and o~cr ha~riiless ~'or diarrhe a. and other infantile farth, et aI., the defend ants are io,t;rtdi alu, it cannot gripe; WIU not puri ty-you r protecti on against the for second rate cargo," The launc h hove a line to the gran ted 20 daYl1 to file pleadin ill~, Rive this pure vegetab le prep:u'U· lickeD you or wealwl you; can be u.-ed ullitatio ns. Millions of u~rs have gs. Pigeon 's boat and one of the liun:"Whenover coated tongucs tell In the case of '9/itJA,)ut harm aa oiteD a.. your breath proved that it is safe. e Brown n.ative boys stood ready to carry versus Mary Boyl,Clarenc of con~tiplltion; whenev er there's any iIIb~d II1'Whe'D your Ui.. guc ill coated; et aI., all ac. Genuine Bayer Aspirin prompt ly his ma ster out. Bign of slll ~ishncss, Cruitoria has :I certain sales are to be made and whel\~vet a hea<iat'.hy. bili"'!!. gassy relieves: Now, howeve r. Palmyr a, unable return made C@djtit .G "VIII 01 COIIItipaUoo. good taste; children love to tllke it. to court. to a~ti sfy youthfu lly poigna nt curi In the case of Headaches Buy the genuin e-with Chas. H: Neuritis a Parlett osity at long distanc e thJ:Qugh her versus Mary Boyl,August Colds et a1. All ac. F'le'cber'l!I signatu re on wrappe r. Neuralg ia, Ita. w.•. CALDW ELL'. binocular~. spoke up eagerly . "Oh" cou nts are to be settled. • . Sore Throat ' Lum bago Captain Burke. do please take In the case the Gidding Com . Rheuma tism Toothac he me with you' I'd just love to be puny versus ofMrs. S. Johnso n No harmful after-effects follow its first aboard ." Hyde, et aI., the defend ants are A Dodo r'l ,.,. . ,...", ." "Me, tdo," cried Constan ce. 'Use. It docs not depress the heart. granted 20 days to file answer or (To be Continu ed) pleadin g. Phon
By Stan ley R. Osbo rn
;ath er Round! Look Shurp!
is •,Iways 5.AFE
A'F1iE'R 401 bowel trou,b'e
Dr. John Zettel Optometrist 19 N.' Broadway
.CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANE DLOANS on Livesto ck, Chattet a, Second Mortgagel!l. Notes bouCh' John Harbin e, Jr., Xeliia, Oblo.
5% Farm Loans
F. T. Martin
LONG OR SHORT TIME -!lu), terms. Alao Survey ing and .A.bstractin g. Write ' and I wlll eall and lIee you. Sam D.- Henkle , W • .,..nesville , Ohio. Jll
WANT ED . . WANT ED - Excelle nt opportu m· ties now availab le for industr ious meli, 25 to 50 years old to make large profits selling Heber· ling'! Produc ts direct to cQnsum ers in your home county. LlU'ge and best selling line. Strong Compan y. ' Gives most coopera tion. Low whole sale prices. No experie nce needed . We teach and continu e to a!l8isf you , Give age, occupa tion, refer• ence. G. C. HEBl!:RLING COM. PANY, Dept. 1886, Bloomi ngton, Ill. N26
Auc tion eer
Or No Cha rge
ROOT FOR AND .CONS IGN your Cattle. hogs, sheep and calves , to Norris· Brock Co., live wire and progres sive firm fo r the highest mar~et prices nnd good service . Union Stock Yard.' Cinc:innat!! Q. Tune in on Radio Station WuKY l2 :25 t o 12 :30 p. m. for our daily market i·eports.
Cen terv ille, Ohio e 78J
. ,
Now Figu re Tha t Out
F,OR RENT- '-Garag e. Inquire ot 0, M. Ridge. N26 FOR SALE
Bilta, pulleys , ba,bftt metal, oil caps; , injecto rs,' lubri~tors, s*m .~d water gauges , puce ' gJu.-, oU-., packing , boDer IIDel, lI.ucttOD hoee, tanJc pnmp.~ . valves and fttUDn . . THE, BeCKu ET-XlN G 00.. ,15 W.14i n St.,; Xenla O."Pho ne seo , \ ~ FOR· .SALE -Swee t ' cream and c,o ttage cheese.1 L. V. Branstr a,.' tor, \P~on,e 116112. . .N25
PIPES. valv.. A ,ftttlJlp , tor al ,urpo ... BocJdlt'. lID. of h_tIDC lfllr ". ate the bed.6 :.J!JUD\1 ne SoUl
4I1W..... ... X.....
1 _ _ __
riven witn cbaract el:s as B)' Mr.. J...ie B. Tripp Who Lived in Ii Shoe," in the ISSUE D EVER Y WEDNESDAY 1 was 'hide bound, had tile tetter, first play. The program closed with the assemb ly singing , "O·n. Lost my s peed as a go-gett er, \IIa d Christia n oldiers.It Supt. D. L. CRANE I And I relllly felt that I I was P.ItU.... Sult••ipll•• Price. 11.10 a Yor Moore announ cied basket ball blooey. Ollie. P.o ............... ;........ No. ,. games q.nd other aft'ah's of interNow 'each day, 1m gettmg better, est RHitI.ac . .The teachers wIll give the proPo •• office ., 1 have • .........................u"0. III 01110, •• $'."on<l broken ev ry fetter, . gram Decemb e r d. CI... M.iI M."., ·'· In the nick of t ime chool will be closed 'l:hursd ay I though t of Docto).' Coue nnd. Friday 'for the Thanks giving NOVEM BER 25, 1931 holiday . . .' I WllS fu 11 of t horns and th'istles Mrs. Edith LUlkens, aBlI lgted by Hlld an awful case of \ hist1e ; 1'here was monkey s on my head; Miss Ma y Harlan , :welcom ed memI:(el' of the Bllptist Mission ary 1 had the pip! il'cle s dllY afternoon . In Each day now 1 'm g .tting fa tter, the a bse\Vedne ,So !al' as- can b~, ascerta ined, Lhe Buckey e ft1otorist was the nc of '11'_. Et.hel Gillam , And there only ain' t a thin g the matter, the devoti pubhca tlon to tum ' thumbs down" on the unauth entic story ons were led ' by propose d " ov er-nigh t" rerouti ng of the Dix.ie Highwa y (U S of the And there ain 't a thin g f or wh ich Nellie Gillum. Roll cull r esp !\1.rll. nHes I give a rip! 25) be,~ l: y tw.een Findlay lind Sharonv ille so a s to pass through Kenton were Thanks giving thoug hts. T he , BeUefo ntaln, Urbana , SpringH eld, Xenia and Waynes ville. bu sin es session was bder. Th e I had a taste- dnrk, brown and T~e fact of th e . matter' is that not even u suggest tim ely lesson on " Japan " \\'Uli abl y l fuzzy, of a propose d reroutm g or r e naming of t he Dixie Highwa y (U S ion conduc te d by lIoliss Nan ullell. 25) Everyth in Ohio ing has I did wus wuzzy, been made t o the propel' authori tl l:s. Until :rhe birthda y commi ttee cnl e l' t ~ i n matter will not even be given conside ration. such action is taken 'the And I saw life thl'o ugh tho dark ed cleverly with a letter cont .!~ est kind of g oggles. ' J~ would eem ~hel'efore that the momen tary flurry caused in which Mrs. a s ie Collett and Tli :::SE 137 new Ford cars repres ent one Now my dispo by the iU on's balmy, ccn ts a mile and 300 ' Ford cars in aU adoptIOn of resoluhon~ b~ City Commi ssions, Village Cpuncil Jofrs. Mari e GI'ay t ied for first plac e And al1 upsets s, Civic seem Gf to calm me, I h' l::l'g £1 clclh'cr ies ever made Clubs and other organlzlltlOns WIlS iIItimed and for t he present to n 1)1'llnches of Dclroi t police work ave'r aged' I've lost all signs J had of sev eral musical number s by Mr~ . for naught. In othe r words, several somebo dies got off on the will go A nJ mun icipalit y at one tune. , Rae Thornb ury, Mi ses Kathlee n Pully-woggles ! wrong 2.9 cents a mil e I fo ot. ' a nd Nellie Graham ; a nd a 'King' . ~ l r3dio'' 'IJlliplled Ford scou~ cars were Th ~re ~sn ' t much dou~t but that a promot ion campai gn Day and night, twenty .four hours a day, co ute t which w .as won by Mrs. I was really g oing blooey, to reroute the DiXie Highwa y fr om Findlay to Sharon ville or rename that l . :1.1cd in on tlt.s purcha se. They bad heen Ma rie Gray. The hostess served 'Until I theac th stretch ought Ford cal'3 are in operat ion. Few of syst em, Co ue of road would bear fruit eventua \1y, but not 'over-n ight,' if properl y Now I've driven monke ys fa r otT a deli ciou s des 'ert course at ol,ern cd day lIud night for two years in branch conduc ted. Then there must be som 3 &ood and sufficie nt reason es of h':msp orlatio n llcman d sueh the close of t he program . ' Guests fr door ed for the change, othel' than the hang ing out 0'£ a "Welco me advanc - Now,omwhmy ~! en'l~' t l'~: L IC ami all kinels of weatbe r. include d Mrs. Alk e Hough, Mrs. gruelin g scr\·it-e . The record s show tbat ether to lau Our ghin g, sneezin g, City" sign . l re ne Hough, Mrs. Dorothy Hawke, sleepin g, . Thc'r individ uut record s low ranged fucl from and on consum ption is but one of There is only one person in Ohio who can file an applica tion Misses Kathlee n and Nellie Gra01' Here comes Coue's syst em creeprequ .!It f~r any c halllJ~ in ally Federa l highwa y in Ohio and ',-3,434 miles to 143,72 ham. 3 milcs witb the a Ford's grand ingm . lly econom ics. Ford rna. that per. on IS Directo r of FlJghways O. W. Merrill. Our Midget basketb all .team lost I l·eal\y wonder, so metim es, can I otal of 2,233, 097 milcs. The operat ing terials, siml'li t':ly of design nnd accura cy other source is not even assured of a hearing . A request from uny stand their firs t gam e o f t he season t o much more ? NJct It would therefo re appear that the citizens residin g along of the 21 CllfS Morrow was , 2.284 Friday in manuf cents e vening. ncluri! a mile Howev 1~ provid e unu 8ual9tr~ngth, er the route of the "hoped -for" change should train their guns on Now, in an othc r way I'm blooey, Morrow ' s team was 7th and 8th !:-:::J than Directo 21/3 r cents. This stamin cost a includ nnd f ed :'cedom from replac ements Meni\) and convinc e him that such a change would be benefic ial, and Do, save me fr om Doctor Cou e ! gra ders whi le ours are 6th and 6th why. nil fuel, oil, .tires, repairs and every other Ilnd repaifs . Day and night I keep repeatin g graders . The high sc hool boys also We r eite1'8te Our recent statem ent that we believe the easiest lo st but th e girls wer e victorio us [!em except deprec iation and insura nce. this refrain ; and The iJidivid :lal car buyer as well as the quickes t solution of the proposi tion would be IIction seeking in a close gam e. , I can not shake off the jingle, th e renaming of the distanc e from Findlay to Sharon ville via Kenton 577 purcha Ford sing dep ortmen t of a city or a bU(lj. Misses Mab el and Margar et cars in Det.r oit City service , It just me all II-ting lefontain e, Urbana , Springf ield, Xenia and Waynes ville as U S , Belle- 'Day bykeeps StBl'I' and PaUl S miley of Dayton day. ill ev ery wa y, tit .. 300 in tbe Police Depar tment travele d ne8S cannot afford lo ignore the proved 25E and' th e present routing from Find lay to Sharon ville thru Lima, wel· t! gueFt s Sunday afterno on of Every way now, day by day! a total of 6,591, 937 milCl! during the past econom y of tbe Ford car. PiqUa, Troy and Dayton a s U S 25W.- Urbana Buckey e MotorisSidney I am g et t ing better, Mrs. Amand a Starr. bettel', t. ' MI'. and Mrs. Howard Graham , Every way I'm getting better, fi ~c:lI year, at an averag e cost of 2.9 cents Miss Kathlee n and Miss Ne1\ie W hoo-We-e-e-ee ! FIFTE EN D.n~ERENT DODY T"P~S a mile. were dinner guests Wednes dny evening of MI'. lind Mrs. Henry Many claims Ilave been made on operat Ha ve I bu sted every fetter? Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wall Oh! Gee, am I getting better? ing costs, but here in the carefu lly kel,t at Kingma n. Am I better, better, better? molor car record s of the City of Detroi t is Day by day, in every way, Ev ery way now, tlay by day; positiv e proof of Ford econom y. PUBLI C SALE (F. O. B. Derro:r, plu. freigh' all/I dcl1rerr. Th. O. s. U. R.di. St.tiol l-WEA O Every way day by day, I have B~naper. and '1. 3re ,ire exIra ", 10l~ cod. EcoIn tbe bu sted! paragr aphs above, it is .seen thai We offe r at Public Outcry at (B. B. Spohn, District SUl?ervisor, Presidi ng) nomica l ,ime p ty men', ,hrounh 'h e Authori ;ed Every day, Whoo-W e-e-e·ee , Whoo Wilbur Berryh ill Farm, 3 miles 21 Ford Bcoul cars averag ed leas than 21/3 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers Ford Finance PI.:II. oj the Vnlverl al Credit Co.) ey. • South of Bellbro ok, 6 miles ,Nol·th 7 :10 The 1931 Farm Year ....... ... .... ... ........... .. ... ...... .J. I. of Wayne sville, on road, leading Falcone r 7 :20 Twelve Minute s Work Mean s Pl'ofit . ......... .... ....... . S. M. Salisltu ry f r Ol'1 Bellbro ok tel Ferry Church , 7 :30 Feedin g f or Hatcha bility ......... ......... .. " .......... C. M. Fergus on commencinR' at 10 o'clock, a. 111., 7 :40 Fal'm Night Melody, Makel's on 7 :60 Beautif ul hurche s for the C"untl' y , .. " .... .. ...... E. S. Wednea day, Dec4tm ber 2, 1931 Mathen y Ohio Council of Church es 2 Horses. Gelding , 15 years old, 8 :00 Making the Most of Ohio-G rown Foods .. :........... ........ Lelie MI'. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens and we ig ht 1500 Ibs. , sound and good Ogle :]0 A Momen t with the Compo sers .. , ............. .......... David Llll'l'im family enterta ined a number 01 wOI·ker. Mare, l5, g oo,d worker . er 8 :20 Better Lightin g for Wintel' Evenin gs " ..................... A. D. Frost, relative s and friend s on Sunday , 21l Hogs. 4 (Immun ed) Brood NO HUNTING College of Medicin e complim enting their parents , MI'. Sows, t o fa!Tow in Mat·ch. 22 Fall Gia.ntic : Structu re 8:30 The Nationa l F. F. A. Congre ss ... . ........... ........ , .... Ralph Howard and Mrs. H. GI'eene of Martins ville Pigs. Berodotu!l esthnnlecl thnt lOO.()(lO We the undersi . gned', al10w men were en,::nl'(erl State Dept. of Educat ion The atTa il' was a s urpri se for the F ecd- 2000 bu. Hand Shucke d no day or night hunting for 20 years In 8 :40 Better Cou'nll'Y Life Throug h Better Market ing ........ , trappin g building F. G. Lyle Greene s in honor of their weddin g Corn. 100 bu. Oats.. the Orent pyrnmld. or trespas sing on our farm!!: Ohio Live Stock Cooper ative Associa tion ar.u iversary and Mrs. Greene 's FUNER AL DIREC TOR Farmin g lmplem en ts-Fla t Top 8 :50 Dwarf Fruit 1.'rees ........... ........... ...... .. : ....... .. ............. W. JOHN ADAM S WAg on, Box Bed Wagon, McPaddoc k birthda y. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilso n en- C(lrmic k Corn Elin.der Any land under FRAlI."K Lete rtained !'\fl'. and Mrs. H. M. Fite Whcat Binder, Ei{rht Disc Deering SuperMAY'S supervi sion. and Jane Ellen of Washin gton C. iN' Wheat Drill, Jertiliz er , A.r~hur N. French t? Valley View , H. Sunday . atC. E. MICHE NER . tachme Fully Equip ped for Good nt, McCorm ick Daines.. 151 % acres III Turtlecl:ee... As u sual the primary room out- Tractor Disc Harrow Deedng 7-ft , nearly new; townsh ip. ~~~ Service. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ . ~~ did a\) the rest with lheir assemb ly Oliver 2-row Cult.iva tor, Case 1P. A. Kempe r to Maggle Long. program . Friday. (Contin ued from page 2) Larare The opening Displa y Room . row Culti ator, Superio r Wheat ] 1.7.44 acres in Turtlec ;reek town- number was a welcom e song Drill, 5-disc, fertili zer attachm ent, John Long and Maggie Long to ship, Ambu lance Sefvtce "Cock-a -Doodle -Doo" by the prj- John Deel' Corn Planter P. A. Ketnpe r. Real estate in , with mal'y room. Rev. Thornb ury led fertilize r attachm ent, Frankli n. h Hal' Marria ae Uc:en.e the devotio ns. A play. "Mothe r I'O W, Wood Revolv ing 60-toot Cliff()rd Mather s and Elizabe th Hay Rake, Goo e's Party" was cleverly g iven Stee l Roller, E. B. Manure William Paul Eston, porter, of. Mather s to Mary A. Eyler. Inlots No s. 5 and 6 in Deerfie ld townsh ip Middle town, and Miss Mary Eliz- with c haracte l's as follows : Mother 'preade r, Oliver Walkin g Plow, 2Christi ne H. Frye to D. E. Hey- 8b~ th Aley, housek eeper of i"rank Goose, Nellie McCarr en; Jack horse Sled, Five Shovel Cultiva tor 30 Years Experie nce in Horner , Arnold Hosiel'; Mi ss Muf- Fork!;, Rakes, Double SublC:Tibe for tho Miami' Gaut.. wood and Horten se E. Heywoo d. lin. Shovel , Fitting and Making OlasseB fett, Jean Eakins, Spider, Oreline Hoes, and many othel' articles , too Real estate in Mason. Bailey; Mistres s Mary, Mary numero us t o mention . Billa Allowe d Charles Gale to Florenc e Snider flu.m es Real estate in Deerfie ld township. Holthau s Transp ortatio n Co., ex- mith; Jack-Be -Nimbl e, Lowell ides Tug Hamess, n: The Crooke d Man, Jim- Lines and Bridles . Hurriet Ammon s to Frank Bran pre s, 35c; Kaufma ns, s upplies , Jllckso Lebano n, Ohio my Thol'llb ury; Queen of Hearts, Terms- Cash. doh. 134.76 acres in Frankli n $4. 93; Walter Franer, service!;, TUeMa) " Tbltrad .,., S.turd .,. PHONE 8F3 Janina CalT; of Hearts, townsh ip. GEORG 8 W ..JORDA N $8.53; Walter Franer , service s, Vernon Lewis; Knave ~OTARY PUBLI C Examin ation F .... The Old Woman Stan ley & Koogl er, Auct. . Calvin, Keenan to State of Ohio $15.15; Emmet t Eltzrot h, service s, The use of certain real estate in $5.70; Charles Hall, service s, who Lived in a hoe, Edith Dc- W. .' Smith, Clerk. LEBAN N.tlo••t B.llk ON, OHIO HARVEYSBURG, OHIO children . Kathlee n Wllshin gton townsh ip for high. $4.80; Walter Franer, service s, bani, her Lunch on Ground s:ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iI Campbe ll, Doris , Willa Doughm Dr.WIII an, Irene • •. E.tel.. S.ll'" ways. $134.00 ; Bryant Brothe rs Co., Ho. ier, Lillian Fairchi .----------" ld, Charlie WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO umuel H. Moore to State of supervi sion, $16.80 ; Mrs. Mary Well s, Billy 1<' airchild , Henry Ohio. The use of certain real es- E. Ennis, service s, $10.00; Schoon over, Suttie Moore, 'Dale tate in Washin gton township for Erma Hi\mar , service s, $10; Mrs. Drs. Hartley ; Pages, Maynar d Ecton highwa ys. Edward and Robert Blair, ser- and George Dawson . These chilJohn B. Mullin to Mary Boyle. vices $36; Office Outfltte rs, $14.dren wcre all in costum e lind preInlot No. 101 in Springb oro. 10; Office Outfitte rs, supplie s, 60c; srnted very attracti ve appeara nce ":========== Otis Murray to Jessie Murrav . S. Fred Co., supplies, ==~ 7 5; A vocal solo, "My Mother Has No ~~------------ ---;-------Real estate in Hamilto n townshi p. Drs. Edward and Robert$41. :;::::::::::::::=====.~' Blair, Gil'1 To Wash The Dishes," Carroll , Adeline B. Keys to Horace P. services , $15; Waltcr M. Simpso n Can. He respond ed to ail encore Keys. Inlot No. 4 in Waynes ville. service s, $150: Leroy & Blair, with Adeline B. Keys to Horace P. gravel, sand, cement , $165.55 E. The "When It's Springt ime In Rockie s." Anothe r play "The Keys. Real estate in Waynes ville S. Donnel l, extra work, $21.; 62; MASTE RCRAF T Old Woman in the Shoe." was QUALITY MEATS AND' MEMORIALS FOOD S-RIG HT PRICE S Leb.llo n, Phone 59 Phone 66 WayneBvUle, Ohio HARRY C. 'S CHWA RTZ
1111 .",.,."8 . 1
Po si ti ve P ro of of FO R D EC O N O M Y
w..,.,.. II. \
Tile Dixie .High way ,
of Det roit pUl: chas es 137 For d cars 1 n ll'cd ' now in use prov e low cost of ope rati on
Far m Nig ht 7 alks , November 30
J. E. McClure .
'News from Coort Hoose
Dead Stock Wanted
Sight Specialist
. HarveYI~urg
Com pan y
Cary's Jewelry Shop
.L ·l ve Fl rD I'S Y ou Sb ou ld Kn ow __________________
.Charles W. Schwartz & SOD
Coyl e'. Mea t' Shop
Cem etery Mem orial .
Od d-B ut TRUE
~- :' - '-
RtMMt\i.D 1\ C~'lt)
'''' ~()\)'< ~~l) tIlU,\) "IS
Smith's' Semcle Station
. i\S f.\j~R'ft\-\\t\G t~Ct \'1 h\l\~'t ~~~. CO~CtIlNEt)
-- -
HeweU P. Mulford & Co.
~I WglART. 11\<' MU~'CAl ~ GtN'U~,
Soutb M.in St. Wa:,a ••• m., O. Greasin g with Alamit e Air Gun Accesso l'les and Anti-Fr eeze Cars Re-Doc oed Free Parking Day or Nilrht
, Charles W. Schwar tz & Son, the Memor ial Builder of Lebano n, are one of the oldest establis hed concern s in this sections, of but are thol'()ug hly modern and up to date in every detail the state, of their equipm ent and method s of manufa cture. For over of ' a century pneuma tic power has been employ ed, in place aof quarter the old form of hamme r und chisel. And of late years, the applic.u tion of Sand Bla~t has made possible the delicate ly formed carving and deeply incised engravi ngs so that the fashion ing of Cemete ry sMemor ials is no longer "stone cutting ," but truly a creativ e al·t. And in order to better serve t heir patrons , who come from area over Wanen and the surroun ding countie s, it hilS become an the policy of this concern to maintui n a showin g of Memor ial forms right in their Yards, frolll which each fami ly may 8elect the Identic al Memor ial for their Lot. The ability to give persona l attentio n to each patron' s .wishes comple tely elimina ting the a nnoyan ce of solicita tion by agents, possible by the etTorts 'of H,an'y C. Schwar tz and J. S. Morris, is mad~ of this firm. A cordial welcom e is extende d to all who visit thei.!: Yards in Leban() n. '
D.n.... -
Soft Wat erLa utul r¥ ROC CLEAN INc-PR ES8IJ1 C4 Pboo. 279, lAItal l-. Ohio Wayn..YiU. CoIl..e ioa OD rr...• cia,. . . . Fri.,. ----- -
Wayaesvitle Sehitt' sa Dispen sers of Ret\ner a GasoUn . (all gradu) , Hiah. QuaU~ . OU. and. Grease" , Mobil .Jill Qua~er State Oil. North Mai. St., illter,o ctioa .. ~t&te R01lt. 71
-RA DIO - - ---
.. .
--..-. ~--
~ "-
- '
\~ t()~9't
\~ a~~ Of ,\1r\;A\\~t~ , \~ ,W~ ~O M\lt: ~O~J . .....--.. 0' 70 P~Q:~M\CS tl.\t.~\)\·~~~ · '()\'\'T~ Q~ . G\tE'\r --' - -
.:. \\
EVE R£T T EARLY High grade Coal and Coke, HiLO Cindere lla, Dixie Gem. and Ki iIsmey Pocaho nw, Ask for delivet: ed pricel.
• Repres enting
Gra1., Coal, Wool, Ha,., F•••• , Ti'" SMcI LYTLE ; .OHIO
W A ~ESVILLE, Oi:t~O --- ---~~
Satisfa etoo Sery1ee.. since 1912
--w. ~N. SEARS -'
lJca..oci . Real E.t8,te Br.k••
• •• A.ed.. .....
No Regr.et s When Proper ty is Properl y Insured
Ed S. Conidia Ins. Agey. LEBAN ON, OHIO
REAL ESTAT E •• INSUR ANCE Phones : Res. 58-Off ice 277
. Esperl Coull ••llor
,,~t ()\.bt~\. ~~~~\l. :\M ''\\o\C''M\)\\\.t) " 1\\t \lt~I\Ct'J ~,; :, ..~: ~:.')
- Lovel)~ta-,.-· Recr eatio n .Parl or .......I.W c..d Dl'Ope
........ ..tactlp.... .
UNGLESB~, - ---
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. ,. Bangham ·Molor Ca CHEVR DEALE R .. OLET ,
~a 326
Lebino ll, Obio
Open evenln rs ,t ill 8 :30 and all day Sunday .
- ---
-- ----~
J. K. SPENCER -' WASH ED SAND 1& G~ VEL Hardwo od Lumbe r at Lebano n, Ohio, furnish ed on Order' Road aDd CoDcrete Gnvel T ....._.111
Leba.o ., Ohio Phone 140 Your Ford Dealer - Genum• Ford Product B . WRECKING SIItMI , , . CE '
The tlt.hick plottens" in "Little D cember 6th,. Turkey dInner Sh I'lllc:k," l1:iv('n by Junior da ,... onlr 1iOC!, nt M. l'J. Chu)'{·h. DI'cemher :t l\1iss Alit-I! Ol(le. hel!, (\f Sprin~ Call the Wn yne~\'iIIe Farm rl\' \" I\lley, i ~iterl relative!! un \<' ifih E hanR' fClJ' Ne,\· ('orn l\t a l lnu . trl'et Sun da y. pUJ'1) Buck Wheal 1·luur. Mr~. Mabel Oinwiddie lind son, Rue, of Dllytlln, "i~itod relutiv s h ' l'e TlTesdllY 11 fternoon .
IlIrk hll, b . en vcry
Mi.-s J c s.~i s iok.
'ollnty Tr a,;ul'('1' P.. D. Murrell and MI'". 1111'1'1:'11 . (If Spring Hill hri;;t ma s wer ' s upper gup su; of MI'. lin d !\II'S fi e mb 'l' 4 &·. 5 L. H. Gordon !-illtunluy eve ning. Bnllntlr nt M. E. hUl'ch.
'1 ssl's. Raym o nd William son, of Th hom e Richard IItnpbell It'\'eland and HUI'o ld ~ iIliam on is under qUIII'mltine because of of Oa ton ar c visitin~ th ir "cUI'leL ((' vcr. parent!\ Mr. nn d 1111's. H. H. WiI· j\1i ~s Emma lT eighwny is ihe li am .. oll. dlnn l ' g il st ,If II'. a ll11 Mr$. I r~ , Haymond William sol1, f Georg" J . • mith . t o nigh t.. lt~ \'I'land. will join her hu s bnnd .Jll ,Jg amI IIhs. O. J. Brown . of hel'l' nnd !'Iwnd Thllnksgiving with Dllytnn , \\.' r e )!' u c : t ~ o f Mr. flnd 1\11'. IIn,1 I rs. H. 11 . Willium !\on 1111' • •f. H, Sm it h, on Su ndny. lint! fnmily.
, - -- - - -
Having purchased the Adams Drug Store, we intend to make it a first · class store - one in which· when you come to buy Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Poultry and Cattle Products, or anything connected with an up-to-date drug store you will be able to find what you want when you wan't it.
Wnynesvi lle i fortunate in n ot hav ing to ha ve II onll1lunity hes t Bll t \ve OWl' so methin g- tn others less fo rtunately situated. Do your hit tod a y by join ill g the R e d ('I'u . ' .
Mrs . Edilh H arris, Mrs. Laura Mos he r, Mr. Hanis Mosher, Mr. lin d MrR. Ronald Hawke und !lo n Frank will be the g uests of Mr. un d M 1'5 . hadcs F. Mosh er, of Edwards Rd , incinnati, Thanks· givin g Day.
We invite your inspection and solicit your patronage.
Young Wlftl- !'Uh, 1 feel Btl llIiKl·I'ub le. My hU!i\mnd has been The 4bCIll1l children are victims lilts. BurLun F.urnhllr\ ill slow ly out nil \.!\'\'ning, und 1 haven't tho 01 the mumps. irnproving aHEw being 51 k for a tuint(,,,, t id 'II wher, he is. " Gcn l!Vll Routzahn -was absent long time. Wif t! "My riear dl'lO't WOl'l'Y. fr:l111 ::Il:hl)ol In ·t w 'ok on account M il>>I • ·tellu Gibson sp e nt th YOu'd PI'O bll\)ly u' Lwiee as misora or 'uld and gath ring in he r ear. \Y1)(' k- nd with Mr. ' lurCllcc rn\\,· ble if yuu did know ... ;\lrs. 'Iytl Wharton and ford and ramily. . tl'r Eva v I!lit d W e dn ellday, 11':<. l!;m r s n D ill and son, fo r lllc l"s aunt, Mrs. Ann Bradley, Billy spent SuLur ciuy nig ht. with Sub scribe for the Miami Gazette ' ho i' vcry ill at her home in her brothel', Mad oWllnl, Ileal' L" bllno n. Xrn ia. . ,\frs. LoL~i~ Il."!!y is mak ing an l\ltss 'Ph Imu Morgan of Day tori "x \.! nd ed vIslL Wi th her dau g htel', I sr n t t he week·cnd wi th h r parMI'S. Eberly l'~ arquel' nnd family ClltH, MI', and MI' . Lewis Morgan nenl' Rid gc vill , I Ulld fllm ily. . II'S. 'hal'lcl! Mu ll e nix, is ill at I I. and -frs. Earl Marlutt sp nt this time. Sotul'day with his sister, . Ml'll. Mr~. Emma Lacy is n ow stay ing Fi ll ;'u H endel' 011, ncur Lebullon. at the hOllle of Hllrry Lacy near Mr. CIII I'I'ncc ruwfor d u n d Uod ds. fllmi ly lind Miss ~:ltclla GilHlo.n 1\11'. anti Mrs. All en E m ril!k and s!"c nt S und ,IY in Dayton . Mrs. J. n. J one:! we re Duyton s hop. M I'. and Mrs. George Bratton per~ Frid a y, IInrl MI'. and Mr:l. Kenneth Twe nty OJ' more Iu,lies lIttended B I':ltlo n FInd dllughter of Dayton, t hl' H om e Demo lls trlllion work at w're S Ullllay IIfternoo n callers on the home of Mr:s. Monis Miller 1\11'. /lnu 1\11' • H e rb ert Marlatt und Thursday ufte l·n oon. :O n Ed mon . l\'1r . r~d\\'urd Pe nn ew it of Bell· fr. und !\Irs. John Levi and s n url 'ok i ~ visi tin g lit the home of W l'liington h ave relurned to nu y· 1\t r. and 1\1rs. Wm C. Serdal!. t; 1I1 to $tll), with he r daughter, Mrs :'Ill'. nnd lVIl·S. Thl!rl c Jones and Ell s w I·th S mith a nd f amily. . 0 11 of entcrvi lle wCl'e Su nday Mr. nnel l\lrs. H Ul'o ld Earnhurt g u e~ ts of M ... and Mrs . .1. B, . J ?nes nd daughtcr. Naomi, of Co illmbll ~ Mr. and Mrs. H ar ry l\1CQUlIllS of arl' s pendinA' their vl\.cll li on with \Vuvn cs vtlle werc dinn er g u es Ls hi ~ parents, ' Mr. Ilnd l\hs. Burton :satu rdu y o f Mrs. Margurc t Johns. 81'l'II hurt. ' MI' . . ~al'le!l G uilne r of Miamis· M.r. Edm o n Mu I tt d H Id uu rg VISIted M r. un d Mrs . Kesler Ruf herford are I' I!- t' a n faroh U r" ham and dau g hter Friday . VIC Im s 0 t e MI'. an d Mrs , Murtin Do lan of Illumps. Cill('inn :\l i al" Hpending 11 few MI'>;. El1I e r so n Di ll. was given a :. K ANY peopl!'. two hour~ nfler da v" t his \\'c~k at thl' h o me o f cU I1,vlete s urprise l~ ridllY evenin g eating, su ITcr i ndi : : ,~ tiu n as Mr and ~I rs. Leo nllrd Gray. \Vlt f-J~ a few of hel' fri ends and VI. !ey call it. It is usu :tl ly ('xn'ss tlcid . MI'. and lr~. Wnltel' Nowto n of rclllt ives cume t o r e mind her of :orreet it wilh u n a lk:lfi , Th ,~ ltc~~ t Leltanon were Monday g u es t s of hl'!' 32 ml b.il-thday. The eve nin g . lIy. the :!uick . h:lrlllf ~ ss :m d e/licit!nt the ir niece Mrs. C lyde Wharton ~va s s pent 111 cards and in da nc- ·ay. it 1 hilli ps Mil k or l\1 1 , ~:nc~; i:l. a nd fami ly. In)!'. t bu r 'ma inr ri rnr ;,n Yl'ars tit MI'. unl l Mrs . A. O. William s of Thosc who enjuyed !ohe affair !andnrd with I'h : · s l c,tan~ . ne S p~)O U Dayton , s pent the week.end with were, Mr. und MI·s. L. . l'I\ig I in wa tcr n eutral l l. l'~ nl:IIlV tun c!! th e ir cousin s, 1\11'. and Mrs. Wi!· nnd gradc hildren Floyd lind Doris ..s volume in s tormll'h odds: and at li mn Gruham . lIIcCoy, Mr. li nd Mrs. Harold Mc: nee. The symptoms disappcnr in Th e fifteen-years old SOn o f 1'1 :·s. Murgal'ct J ohns. in compan y C Il:.', Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wright, ,va minute.';. liffol'd Bal( c r of n Ctlr Middle wit!, Mr. a nd Ml's. had es Hough MI'. and Mrs. Clurence Jefferies You will never us ' (' rud c m e thods Ru n. unci g l'Undso n of Mr, Rnd Mrs of Wayn esv ill e, w ore unday din· !lI!d daughtel' Marjorie, Mr. and "hen you know this b,: 1t" r III th od. W . J . Bakel', o f W ay nesv iil e, died li e!' g-uest s of Dr. and Mrs. J . WOo lI1r~. Forres t Lanc, Mr. a nd Mrs. ,nd ~u will n vcr su ll r r I rom ex'cs Monday morning f ollow ing On ill· Ward, n ellr Harveysburg. ] ~ !lY l1lond 0 ' borne 'a nd Mr. FrEid lcid When you pro ve out this easy n ess of Io n,.. dUI-ation. Funeral • MI'. Alfred Haines of Detroit, J\ ~rn s 1111 of Xcnin, MI'. IInel Mrs . did. services were held this afterno on Mich., recently vi sited his m other, I', A. Runyon, Miss Clara DaughBe sure to get .lh e ge nuine I hillips lit Mt. Holl y church and buriul Mrs_ Georg ia n na H ilines, wh o r eo tt'!" and MI'. and Mrs. Emerson .'vfiIk 'o f Mugllcsiu prescribed by phyaic:ians for 50 yeurs in correc ting wns in Middle R u n ce me tery. lIIains very ill. Mrs. Willia m Dill and SOil Billy. ea:eas acids, 25c Ilnd 50c 1I bottleHaines of Dayton was here severnl - - -d)' drugs tore, "Mil k uf ,!agnesia" A. C. Bl air . who for merl y daYF la t w eck help inll' ca r e for If w~ \\'o~ld be h ap~y r eme mb e l' ! iJ.a been th e U. S. H,·gislc red Trade operated th e pool room here, died h e l' th o,:e In . <hs tress. J Oi n the Re d Mark of t hc Churl,'s II. Phillips Rev. H. H. Lafferty is ill at his CrOEl! tod ay. lit the hom e of hi s dll ughte r , Mrs. Chem i,"!1 Com pany sinr e 1ST'). Raym on d Wilson , in S pring Vall ey hom e in Springboro, and Rev. F ox thiR mo rninll'. Fun ' rnl 'ervices will of the U. B. Church there, fill ed be he ld Fridny a t 2 p. m., in the th" pulpit in hi s stead at Lytle M. E. church at New Burlington churc h S undllY afternoon, 1\11'. and Mrs. W illial11 Berg dall anll hurial wi ll be in New Burling. uml fumily e ntertn ined t o dinn e r ton r el11e te ry. Beg inni,:,g lit 1 p. m. sharp , at Warren County Fait· Gro unds, S u r- day , MI'. and Mrs. 1- rank Lebanon, OhiO. Morris, l\h. and Mrs. Ray Kn ou se Mrs. Cora McCullough, wife of a nd mother, ull of Dllyton, John McCull o ug h, died at h e l' R ecen t g uests of Mr . Georgian' h om e at Five P oint, Mon day. She Regis tered and High'Grllde. was a sister 0'( Hownrd Archd ell · na Hain es were: Mr . BeUe For· dice of Clarksville; Mrs. Alfred 40 ----~--- JERS EY CAT'l'LE 40 COil . Funerul sel"vices we r e h e ld t hi s a etern'oo n in t he Spring boro W olfe, MI'. und Mr. Fletcher From t he Old Reliable Millgrove H e rd. Our Motto- Con titution .' Iade and John latl e, of Franklin, und Capllcity. chtH'e h with burial in Spring boro cemet e l·Y· . Mr. and Irs. Geo. Finkbone of Th e~e Catt le' r ep r esent the l' ults of ou r forty years' breedin Mit1dle lown, Mr. a nd Mrs. C. R. Bil1eg8l' of J amestow n, Misses ~Illd consl~b o f Bulls, !"resh Cows , Springe r s Bred and Open Heifer~ WILSON--GA TES Millie Hetzler and Ire ne S Ind of .:n d a chOIce lot of Helfer Calves, carrying th~ bloo d lin es of th e noted PiclUn, Miss C I!II'a S lade, Mrs. ,~. ~mbe \'t, Noble of Oakland, Viola's G old e n Jolly C hampion Tycoon 81' e ld of Gl e nvicw, Noble Exile's B oy a nd oth~l' proven s ires. Miss Drotlc l' Glltes, daugh te r of Will Bnrnhart, Will Hain es and •. _ - SHEEP _ _• Tho mas Gates, o f Ro)(an nll, and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. Glibelmall. 10 10 Harl ey Wilso n , of Sp r ing Vnlley, Mn. N e lli e M o nt~o mery and Ei~ht C hoice Ewes, Two Bucks. were married N ovem ber 11 in daughter, Cleo of Dnyton. Sale will be held in the n e w cattle barn at the Wanon C t KcnLucky. ' Fair ground s, I'oin or s hine. oun y Th ey will res ide in Spring Terms: Nine months' time will be given by purchaser givin Valley. bankable note bearing 6 pel' cent intercs t. Four l)er cent fot· cash. g --'------
All 4-}! Glu b and l'urent;; 111'1) th ei r' Bn nllal 01 nty meuli ngo to 11 h Id at Th'lItl'r, 1"ridilY "ftel'n o n, Nov ln her, 2'7 acc rdi ng to .announc ' )lent from county eXl(msion agellt . The xclusivo use 1\11'. 3nQ Mr;;. Ernest Buttel'- 4-1-1 lubs will hav w(lrth, MI'. lind ?tIn. M. A. Cornell II [ the th('uter, Pt'iday afte rn oo n which, being a holiday, will Illso were Dayto n vis it?l's todu y . make it conv ni Jnt for 111\ boys 1\1 is!: l\[:;\y, Wdght left ·,'aLurduy and g:ids enrolled in publi c to ~ p n(~ n fe w days in Dnyton b ~ . choll is But any oellib m embers who fo r e gOlUg on t o Ch icago for the hapllcn tI) be atlending sc hools thaI. do not ClOSE! F r idllY nn l' 'adwinter. ' il y be excu~ed without pena lty or H. and l\lr ~ . George' Kern and hondica p Ilcconlin){ to Iln nounce· Robort Arlll s trong wi ll s pcnd t he ment from F. D. Hnl'ri ~ , coullty Thunk. giv ing h olidays with re in· S UI _rintendent. Progra m w ill b e opened wit h t iv('s at Defiance . brief IInnounc ments IJy Cou nty rs. ~t. Clui r F if(' and two Exten ' ion Age nt,s hiSS [l nd Hillir hildl:e n, o f W i lmil1~l on , will b ker nncl MI'. Co burn, llec l' clary of thl! Jr U s ts o f Mr, and II" . L. 1-1. the Fnir Board will lIdd ~o me int.er l·~ l in g llllnou n cements co ncernCi llrtlt) n o ver Thank ~ d\·\I1I{. ing th e ir intere ~ t lind cooperation , MI'. Ilnd ~1 rs. ClifT P . L ('wi ~ , o f c.;irl ~ club fr olll Kin~ s Mills will c ntervill', i\ll' ~ . I f~ra LI! II'i8 IIIllI lead t h(' si ngi ng an d Misses. Edna Pe rry Bailey, of Dll yt lln, were omplon, 1\Iu$on a nd Eleanor I-(lIcs ts of lIIrs. Emma .1unnl'Y , on Clar-k. Orcl-(onio and Ralph Hob, ~ o n, lII o rro w, the thre e co un ty dclc S unday. I g-ut·~ tn the I'ccc n t cluu co ngl'ess 1\ln:. Edith II nrri ~ , l\h~ . Lnura , ill U"lul1liJu>, will lik c wise give re· ;\ln ~ hl' I', Har ri s i\1". her und Marv in , port of their fr ee trip. I-'r)' wI' re SlIndn y dinn er J{lIC~t~ of : 'up s, pennants an d c hecks f OI' MI'. IInu MI'~ . !lo nn ld Jl awkc an d ' .1-11 Club priz' ~ wi ll be di stributed ~ u n Frllnl;. afte r which' a mov ie film f entlll'inj!; ' Will Rn l{c r s in t h e " Con n ect ic ut Mi ss Berny('(' Hyma n snw ttt !' \'anl< ('(.·.. wi ll be s hown. MI'. lh i'o . State 1 1Iil1()i ~ ~al1le nt Putter~ o n, manager of the th eater oillmbu s, Satu rday lind in the a lso promi -es to add so me extr a cVI' ni!l~ ollentl e d a f l'uternity V itaphonc Acts , Fub l e~. Path e dun ce at th c N('i I Il oll se. Hevi"w . etc., fo r lh e s pec ial en· tert llinment o f t he 4-H C lu b h ~. S. .' tahl , Mrs. Lou Dodd s Group. to enc h of wh o m sp ec iul of Pnll1klin , Mrs. L. M. 1I e nd e r son admi ss ion rote o [ 10c has been nnd Mrs. W. r. Illr k WCI' lu nch- granted. pnn j!; ue t s nf Mrs. W , H. All e n at -~-The Little Inn, o n Frid ay. DEA.THS
We have a fine ice cream. and soda fountain. and sell the famous Moore Ic~ Cream; also all the Soft Drinks.
S.l we ll did h e like the cu st om h in llllgurated in 1930, that Santa ('I. ,us is going to ~tage ano th er Thanksgivin g Day toy.book purade this year. And Dayton again hos bcen sc· lected a s t he place! Th at's the eheet'ful n ews being distri buted to chi ldre n of the Miami Vall ey by the Rik e·Kuml er store of Dayton, the invitation of which was ac cepted by Santa in prefercnce to sco res of other cit· ies . Ar.d with th e merry old gentle. man trackinlr steadily across the frozen wastes of th e North townrd. Ohio, Rike's is bus ily c ngage.d in making plans for his rec ep tion and aiding in d etails of the parade in Given by the which will appear mOI'c than 200 ( toy Bnd cartoon characte r s in the biggest pageant df its kind ever a ssemWe d. Headed by a police escort and a 12-piece band, the procession. wiII get under way pl,'omptly at 10 :00 o'clock on Thanksgiving Day morning, s tarting from the fair grounds and marching down Main str'eet, in Dayton Bnd then back again . A stop will be made at a reviewinll' stand in front of the Rike·~umler store, where Santa ' will be given the keys to the homes of children in Dayton and th e Miami Vall ey by Mayor A. C. Mc· Don ald. In the pageant this year wi ll be seen s uch interesting things liS the .. Sec· Saw" floa t , 'J ack.in·the·Box,' "M ickey and · Minnie Mouse," H o rse,"in "Barber·Shave· ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'" "Rocking a. Pig ," "Alice Wonderland,"
Wymer L. Drake, In Charge
Christmas Seal . Beaelit
W ayne Township Mothers C1!lb At the Gymnasium
' . Friday Eve, November 27, '31
ON SALE--Doughnuts, Pop Corn and Cider Good Music
Gentlemen, SOc
:=======~====================~ •
"Peter, PeterTrolley Pumpkin the Toonerville gn Eater," ng, includ· ing the "Skipp er" and "Au nt Epp ie," "Old Wornan.i n.the·Shoe,' Andy Gump, Min. C hes t e r, Tilda & Uncle Bim, the "G old e n Dragon, ~'p h'it f Chri stm o '," E 'kim o
Scarum la nd . and man y oth e r J·ove ILi es . A fter the parad e , 'antu will s et up heudqu lHte rs in Rike' s
' "mzn nne -' ... .. a "_ C1iitoo- -0'COMPARE ~
,With Ordinary Roofing! .
Channeldrain Roofing is made of COP.R·LOY, the Copper Alloyed Steel, and protected with a highly durable coating of pure zinc. Patented lap construction fo.rms a cbannel that drains water from the roof. This protection is found only in Chauncldraiu a nd is your u!lurance of troubl >·frce roof. ing ser"ice. Let us tell you mor.e aboul Chailneidraio.
~J~~et~il~~~~~~ j~~ J~n~~~~l Chris t· WILMINGTON COLLEGE HEAD
aller L Co llin ~ , dir l'cio r o f /rrulluate ' work in th e T eache r s' Co l! cge at th e Un iver si ty I) f Cincinnllti, was elected presid ent o f Wilming ton Co ll eg(' hy th e boftrd of tru s tceR on laRt Friday. Dr. Oscar F . Bo yd, hea d of th e ch"nt istr:y denllrt men l , ha s bee n active pres ident of the college sin ce th e l'cRilt nati ol1' of Dr. Skin ner. Dr . Co llin s, a. g raduate o f the Natio na l NOl'll1nl Un i v('l'~ ity at Lebanon, was elected to a thrce',I'ear te rlll be ~i nnin g in .June I \)32 . li e al so holds a deg r e e fr o m Wilmin gto n College and two de· gr('es fr o m the University o f Cin· c inl ,ati.
- --
.... - .. - --
Helpful Helen He (wa lkin/r by a /?rnveyard)"Wouldn't it be /rhas tly if all the dead people would come to life altain?" She (yawnin g ) "011. I don' t know I wish one 01 them would ." He'd Lief Do It WitnesR-"Then he upped . and 'e knocked me down w,ith a leaf," Judge-"With a Jenf?" . Witness - "Yes, your Honor. · With a leaf f·r om the' table."
-,- _..---A LOlld Speaker
Phone 14
.'WaYDe.ville; Ohio
Too Much
Saturday. November 28, 1931
Late Classified Ads.
Doctor- "Your husband must have absolute quiet. Here Is a sleeping powder." Patient's Wife-nAnd, when do I I!'lve it to him 1" Doctor- ":You don't r ive it to him-you take it yourself."
.t. O. WORLEY, Proprietor
COUNTY RELIEF COMMITTEE ---KARL 111, BROWN, Auc t ionee r. Chal'l es J . Waggoner, ' Dr. Ed· FOR SALE ward Blair, C. Donald Dilatus h, C. D. Corw in and P. B. Hal'l'is c om· pose the Warre n county reli ef Poland China Sow. J . HBig . Sackett SALE-Imn1uned Type co.mmittee which will cooperate FOR N25 With the slate relief commission in can-ying out President Hoove r's r elie f pl'ogl'am in t his section. M rs. C,. Donald DilatuBh has been ap· FOR SALE DATES CALL pomted secretary of this commit· tee fQr Warren cOllnty. •• CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS
Stanley &Koogler
L unch on gro unds,
Ir-------------------------'ENSILAGE FOR SALE AT ANY TIME
The Wa yne Athletic Club met !\londay evening at their club ro o m JESSE STANLEY and after I'outine business elected Phlloe 320, New BurlioatoD, O~io the foll owing officllrs. Russe ll Sa lisb ury, president; .lames Lo ve ly, L. C. St. J ohn and EARL KOOGLER Ve rn Armitage, vice.presidents· R. D. 6, Xeala, 0Ia1. N e lso n Wa t k,-ins, secretary.treas: urer. Phooe DaytoD Co. 54JIS
tdhriv~10 c 's' ftheG"UfPtsidefDownITMun," Ie>; rom .arum· 0 t ~, ·
Either W• .,
The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants . ,
Look what
Save! See what you get!
TIRE BARGAINS· H ....•• tbeaalwet' to low price aad &ood boaeet .alu8. A tire lualanteed for lIfe-full o~er.be-bullt wltll Goodyear Supertwlat. ADd JUlt look at
· ~.OO-19
.......... ........ .... lee..
01 . . . . . " .....
...&., ..."..
29z4.40·11 19x4.50-20 3Ox4.50·11 18,;4.15.19
Each In PaIn
a.Bact. ..... .
_S4.as 4 •• 5
4.'. ..5'1 ' S •• S ••" 1. S.9S '.a. '.5' 5 s." .•,1
4 •• 5 S •••
PI., S.f. on 'W int.r_R". Trade .UPI*7 daaaer' l GIll t.tr. now fol' NBW ' Goody... AU.W.tb..... f 'with tite mOli 'amOUI J ..,.q mad . , . put _ ' -
.dn,r- . .
::--Gordon's -.Ser'vice Phone 47
Wayaie.viUe, Ohio
1 1111 Ejghty-Fourth Year
LATEST NEWS -~ DIRECT FROM OHIO CAPITAL COLUMBUS - The laws of Ohio, containing legislative acts, excepting npproprintion acts and joint resolution s, passed and adopted by the Eighty-ninth General Assembly; held in the capital January 6 and July 1, 1981 al'e being distl'ibuted by Secretary of State, Clarence .J. Brown. The volume also contains times for holding the courts of appeals and courts of common pleas in the state for the currcnt yenr. An early reception is being planned fOI' the annual visit of Banta Clau s in the Capital city this year. The down town busi ness distl'ict is being profusely dec orat ed and the State House park will be headquarters for the holiday guest w hen he arrives in this section of the state. As usual, gifts ol oranges, popcorn and s weets will be distributed to the children Christmas week.
WhQle Number 5990
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Happenings at the Schools D~ring Past lo/eek As Reported bv the Special Reporters The program was as f oll ow,; : Hele n Grahllm, Alza Young, Gel Shot Bible Read ingThelma Culc· lyd e Fromm, Churl us Davi s and The Seniors went to , Dayton man. Lco ormel'. on Friday lind Saturduy of last Pian o Solo - Miriam Ell i. Puulille Fri end and Louise Mrs. W. H. Allen was a Dayton week and had their Il ic t ures ta ken . Vocal So Ill- Geo rge Mill er. Zimm erman th en fuvored us with visitor Tuesday. al ut"llwell's : ludi o. The re!lt of "Landing of Th e Pilgrams," t he "WashingtOn and Le e Swing,' the class will po ~ e for their Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent ph otograp hs whene ver it is po s- " When Day is Over"- by H. S. un Lh ir tllllllPC t nnd ~ll)( o phon c . Gle' ClUb. In II nswcl' tu i\I ;' . pyl e's l'eSunday at Plea sant Plain. sible fo r them to go. Playlet- "ll ould Have Been qu est Hele n Graham very auly worse," presented' by mefn be l's of !lan g, "When Th c Works All Myel' Hyman and family/visite d Mr. Lotz Attend. Conference .IuniO!· Class. Done This Fall." relatives nt Jam estown, Sunday. QUI' next meeting will be held Mr. Lutz aLlen ded the Western ' Th e. omrnercial students mi sl';.d Dt' cc illber ·1 t h. We al'c exp'c(J. P. Fromm and family spent Ohiu S U)lcl'inlendents round table Sunday with relatives in Dayton. conference Friday, which was hcld lheil' tcucher. Mis Dennis, Wed- ing every one to bring the ir du es . ncsday morning. llln eRs kept her in Dayton. ' Th e rou nd . tab le confcr ence as ho me in th e mornin~ , but the W . H . S. Conquer. Centerville Mr. George Hawke, of ClarksfOUind her back in t.he vi ll e, visited relatives here Mon- a rule is held in the full and s pring studc'nts Way nes\'il le succe: fully d efeatof eueh ycur. The purpose of the aftc l'noo n, a s bl'ight and cheeri'ul day. ed C. H. S. meeting is di . cu ~s i o n und helpful us ever. At th e half Cell te l'ville was lea d MI·s. Lllura S id es spent Thanks- s ugge ·tions of s upcl'inlcnd ents on Seventh Grade New. ing 0.0 due to W. H. S. O1issing problem s aris ing f "OIll day lo dllY giving with he r son lind family in Much of th e disc u :ion Friday On Nov ember twc ntieth, MI'. some open shots. In .the las t half Dayton. hinged up on tux levies and the Pyl e's jolly I~e venth gl'u·de rs. "The I t hey se ttl~d down and made mo st cffects of dep ression upon school Li ve Wires," had a Thank sgiving all of the~r open shots good th ereMI'. A. K. Day transacted busi- and th e behavior of the pU)lils. prog ram. Dori s Wa de, being by d~featlng C. H. S. by the score ness in Cincinnati, Monday and chuirman of the cO lllmittee, was of 22-15. Tuesday. the annou nce r. I Waynesville' s pa ssing attack BoY' Again Judge Cattle The program consisted of ; : was unbeatable. They passed the Th e Animal Hus bandry class Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hend erson Th e .Lord'!! Prnyel'- By all. I ba ll cleverly thro ugh Centervilles gave a family dinner On Thanks- judged dairy cattle again last Scripture Reading- Gle nna Wool- I defen se and made their goa ls week. Lorain Hull contin'Ue!! to giving Dall. ard . , undel' the basket. hold the lead a s high man in placSong, "Juanita," by Jun e Sheets Ce nterville however was unable MI'. and Mrs . Alonzo Curl at- ing Jersey cattle. g rad e 84.75 % . Helen Graham, Alza Young, to break through W. H. S' s. detended the funeral of a relative Harry Bogan rated close second Glenna Woolard, Clyde Fromm, fense lind was forced to rely on ha ving a sco re of 4.0 points lower. Leo Connel' and Charles Davis. at Dayton Monday. long shots. Harvey Peters was high man on Recitation "Thanksgiving," The Reserve squad lost a hard with u grade of 9 1.mixed classes Ec\i!'llr Britain. fought game 20 to 14. WaynesMr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, of 25 'Yo , Robert Gon s was second "Laniling of the Pilgrim ville put their Freshman team in Delawal~e spent the Thanksgiving with the g l'ade 87.6 '11 .. . Fathers"-Miriam Ludington. at the half which proved a s ucholidays with relatives. Robert Gons an d Garland Song "Thanksgiving," June cess by raising the score 9 points. Osborne tied for high sco re on Sheets, He le n Graham and Alza Th e Midgets lost in the last Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanker spent Holste ins, with grades of 100 % . Young. thirty seconds 12 to 11 after leadThanksgiving Day with the for"Thanksg iviing Thanks," Grover in£ the entil'e game. mer's parents at Mason. Junior. Entertain Britain. Wayceh's journey to Franklin The High chool was entertain"Making Others Happy"- Rita on this coming Friday, and play Call the Waynesville Farmers' ed, in celebration of ThankSgiV- j Van Often. O. S. & S. O. horne of Xenia on Exchange for New Corn Meal-and ing; by the Junior lass, WednesSong- "Loves Old Sweet Song,' Saturday, December 5th at Waypure Buck Wheat Flour. day, November 24, 193 1, at 2:30. by June Sheets, Glenna Woolard, nesville.
WA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, Pastor Wed nesday: The W. F . M. S. is Jacob Strollse und son were meet ing with Mrs. A. K . Day at :2 :00 th is ». m. Bible study and Dayton vi. ilors, Saturda y. »l'llyCl' meeting at 7 :00 p. m. This wee k we will study the parab le of Mr. and Mr s. Maynard Weltz "Thc Tares." Choir practice at wCl'e Dayto n vi, itol's Monday. 7 :45 p. Ill . Sunda y: Sunday school at 9 :30 Mr. and Mr s. Osca r Smith spenl a. 111. A short demonstration will Thunk sg ivi ng Day at Kokolllo, Ind be g iv en by tIle Little Light Beare r~ , a t the elo:e of the Sunday Miss Clara Lil e sp nt t he week- .-Iehoo !. At 10 :30 a. m. Dr. John e nd with. h('1' 8i. t el' ut Wushington Bickel, OU1' ,district s uperintendC. H. nt will preac h and hold a short . cssion of the fil'st quarterly conMi ss DOl b Fialu. of Dayto n was reronce. Epworth League at 6 :.8 0 th e week-c nd g uest of Mi ss D (II'i ~ p. m. Evangeli stic se rv ices at 7 :30 p. m. Hawke. Tu e day: Children's practice will be held on Tuesday of each MI'. and Mrs. Thom as BUI· Lo n. week, immed iately afte r scboo!. . of Dayt1>n, spent the week-end with relatives here. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST MI'. and Mrs. H. L. Buerkl e (Und enominational) spent Thank ~ giving Da y with relntives in Lebanon. Chestel' A. Williamson, Minister Church School at 9 ;30 a. m. Call the Waynesville Farme!'s' Sunday will be "Bible Day." A Exchange for new corn mea l and Ipecial program. is being arranged pure Buck Wheat Flour. Bring your Bible. Lord's Supper :It co-nelusion. Christian Endeavor MI'. and Mrs. ·A. B. Cleaver a t 6 :30 p. m. Virdena Fox, leader and son pcnt the wee k-end with Evening eva ngelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. G. T. Bnteman in friend s in Catlettsburg, Ky. charge. Prayer meeting and Bible H. M. Sherwood v isited his study each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. fath er at the National Military m. The church where you :feel at homo. Hom e at Dayto n, on Tuesday.
Rev. G'. C. Dib ert cinnati M o nda~· .
in Cin -
Director H. G. Southard, M. D., of the State Department of Health broadcasting through the . Ohio Health News, states there IS no doubt that mor e people suffer fl'Om common colds each year than from ~ny other ni!ment, and that there IS no on~ dIsease that causes more loss of hme am<;>ng alJ ages, classes and races. Director Southard stntes that no one can say just when or where a cold will stop and in the infant and aged often means pneumonia and death Parents should keep their children ST. MARYS CHURCH away from pers ons with colds and Mi ss Virglnia Hardin who is Rev. J. J . Scheffer, Rector away from social gatherings and teaching at Falmouth, Ky., came crowded places where there may home for Thanksgiving nnd spent Decembel' 6, First Sunda'y in be, and usual\y are, people with the )'emainder of the week with Advent, Church school at 9 :80; ================~=====- :~==~-- =-~=-=--=-=-=-=-== home folks. colds. With adults several things sermon and Holy Communion at MI·s. Mary Burton and Mrs. may be blamed for colds, incorrect. Howard Burton wel'e in Ci ncin- ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY MARY BUT1'ERWORTH LINTON POMONA GRANGE 10:80. living habits, personal carelessness nati Monday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Watkins AT MAINEVILLE FOR' GOVERNORSHIP obstruction of the .air passnges, al\ and son attended a family 1' hanks FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. Mary Linton, wife of A. oC which ma;y be avoided with giving dinner at the home of the (Undenominational) A. Linton, died at her home in The meeting of the Warren Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burton, of CII~C Bnd exel'cising precaution. During the past few months the Elyria, spent the Thanksgiving Republican committees of almo t Wilmington Monday morning at County Pomona Grange at Maine- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Williamson. Minister vilJe on last Saturday. with Hamil- Hen·ry Watkins. Thomas E. Bateman, the effi- vacation with relatives here. Church School at 9:30 a. m. three-fourths of the counties of 12 :46 o'clock:. Linton, daughter of the Mrs: ton Town ship Grange as host, was cient alld capable clCfk of the Lord's Supper and sermon at Ohio have met and adopted resolu Mr. and Mr5. J oe Shal'p and late Edward B. and Hannah Butone of unusual interest. The prinOhio Senate, recently spent a day 10:30 til . m. Sermon by ' G. T. C. S. Moore lelt Saturday for tions urging me to become a candi in the country whle re he first saw his home in Chevey Chas, Md., date (or the Republi can guberna- terworth, wa s bOI'n on the Butter- cipal speaker of the day was J. C. sons Roger and Joseph, of Fal- Bateman. You are always welmouth, Ky., s pent the week· end worth farm, southwest of WayNeff, of the Rural Economics Dethe light of day, Pike, and with after a brief visit to relatives here torial nomination and pledging with the former' s sister, Mrs. T. come at this church. seve1'81 friends enjoyed a hunt in their unqualified support at the nesville, in the house now oc- partment, of Ohio State University S. Hardin and family. cup ied by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest There were fourteen candidates the' wilds close to Piketon, Clerk ST ••AUGUSTINE CHURCH Dependable Watches and the corning primaries. Butterworth. She attended 'what in ' waiting for the degree of Bateman, noted for his physical In person and by letter thous· Rev. Lawrence B. Mo~anD ~ Mr. William J. Sherwood, one capacity, soon out-distanced his late.8 t in Jewelry and Novelties at ands of othet· Ohio citizen s have was known as the "Rat Tail" Pomona, and the fifth degree of First, Third and Fifth Sunday, nimrod companions and returned Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, requested that I submit my name school' near her horne and Miami the P. of H. was very ably and im- of Wayne township's two survivCollt!ge at Springboro. press ively conferred on the elass ors of the Civil War, has taken Mass at 7 :00 a. m. Second anei several hours later with a bag of Ohio. to the Republican e lectorate as a Valley Her entire married life was spent of candidates. All then repaired up his residence at th e National Fourth Sunday, Mass at 9:80 a. m. game which Was the envy of all .~~ --The Wayne Township Mothers candidate for Gove rnor at the in Clarksville and Wilmington. to the banquet hall where a bounti Miljtary Horne at Dayton. who examined it, consisting of primaries . TbroiIgh t he mcdium of Sut'vivin£ are her hus band, A. (uJ feast awaited. . five young rabbits, two ring-neck club will meet at the Grade editorials many Ohio newspapers OFFICERS FIND STILL A very interesting feature of Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Misses cock pheasants and a half dozen building Friday afternoon, Decem have expressed the desire t ha t I A. Linton; one son, Arnold, of Cleveland, one daughter, Ethel, a IN OPERATION the meeting was the presentation Annie and Marne Brown were enHungarian! partridges, . the limit bel' '4. stand for the nomination. he l' in New York City and one of the traveling gavel to Pomona tertained at the home of MI'. and allowed by law. He received hearty Feelin g that my experiel\ce in teac W. N. Sears and family and Mr. State congratulations hom numerous A 76-ga])on still was seized by serv ice as Lieut"enant brother, Sumuel Bu ttcrworth of grange, by Raymond Braddock, Mrs. Raymond Montgomery at maste r of Farmer's Grange, No. Centerville, on Saturday. friends for the skill which he ex- and Mrs. Everett Scars visited Governor for four years and Waynesville. deputy sheriffs Sunday afternoon Funeml st!rvices were held at 13, at Waynesville. Mu sic by S. S. relatives at Greenville Thanksgiv- Secretary of ' State for six years hibited while afield. on the Frank Price farm between in g Day. Car y's J ewelry Shop, Leba non , Spring Hill and Clarksyille after has, perhaps, given mc a kn ow- the re~idenco this afternoon at Ellis and a monologue by Miss 2 o'clock, with burial in WilmingCutler were then presented . . Articles of incorporation hllve Ohio, is celebrating it's 40th Mr. Price had reported to officers ledge of State affairs and an und er , C. F. Class, County Agent, A nniv ersul'Y until Decemb er 26th the discovery of the still in 1l been issued to the Association Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Godby and standing of Ohi o governmental ton. ... B few timely and approprimade against the State Prohibition son Paul, o.f Cincinnati. were questions t ha t will fit me for the 40 years -40 gifts-40c. It pays thicket on his place. Leonard ate remarks. Brief remarks were to shop at "The Hom e of Gifts." Moore, of near 'Spring Hill, was Amendment~ the certificate hav- ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day. Gove rnorship, I he reby announce GANG UNDER ARREST made by each of the new members ing been applied for by a number on Sunday. alfl'e~ted by deputies Hufford and to the Republican voters of of the degree. Officers elected for of wel) known Cleveland citizens, Schwartz who confiscated the still Ohio' that I am a candidate for the Mrs. Flossie Carey, Mrs. Effie Six men. said to comprise a I ensuing two years were li S follows: including State Senator Joseph N. and is held in the county jail pend Miss Helen Welch spent Thanks Republican nomination for Gover- bandit Smith, Mrs. Hannah Taylo!:, Miss gang which looted the home Frank Barnett, master, Harlan Ackerman. former state senator, giving Day with her brother-in-law nor, su bj ect to their wi shes as exing the filin,g of charges against of Charles. Monnett, south of I Township Grange; Ov~seer, Wil- Lucy Emley and Mr. Chester him. L. G. Collister, now treasurer of and- sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur pressed at the May primal·ies. . Carey were Sunday dinner guests Mr. Price discovered the still Cuyahoga County, ' former Federal Thornhill, of Xenia. . Within due time I shalJ present Yellow Spr lll g8, of property valu- Iiam Hcakman Lebanon' Lecturer of MI'. and Mrs. 'l'ruman Wllrdlow ed at $1,000, after posin!}' as fedI Nina Compto~, Mason;' Chaplain, Judge, Wm. L. Day, Ha.r ry Mceady Sunday and immediately reto the electo l'ute th.e platform el'8l 0!fl!!el's and attacklllg and Robert Crew, ~ayne sv ille ; SccreLaughlin, President of the Ohio upon whi ch I shall seek support at te~rorlzln.g two elderly farmha.nds tal'y, Elizabeth Clm·k. Massi e; MI'. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and ported it to the sheriff_ It had Anna Cadwallader and Mrs. Federation of Labor, 'Martin A. Miss Clara Lile attended a family the polls. Believing that the voters been set up in the midst of 'a sons, of Columbus, Mrs. Elizabeth ..McCormich, former assistant dis- dinner hav e the right to know whel'e each Friday night, November 20, were Steward, Frnnk Trimble, Hamilton Baily and MI'. J.'Ted Devitt, were dense woods on the Price farm at the horne 0'1. Mrs. Ella ar1'~st today. . Township; Assis tant Steward, ·riet att01'lley, John A. Hughes, and was well concealed, although candidate stnnds on every import- und':!r Five of the gang, whIch was John Shultz, Waynesllille; Lady guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmor operating in the open. Deputy chief executive of the Crusaders Babb in Sprini Valley, Thursday. ant issue, I shaH endeavor to exBaily, of Lebanon, Thanksgiving rounded up by Sheriff John Assistant Steward Pearl Shultz , of Northern Ohio and Maurice Sheriffs Hufford and Schwanz press ~nyselC so clearly and so Baugh~A Saws filed by machinery, cut frankly and his deputies, are res 1- Waynesville' Gate' Keeper H. C: Day. " . visited the place and 'found the Maschke, ,Republican National upon all issues that mv Committeeman of Ohio. Repeal of cleaner, truer, taster. Also cross- position cannot be mi sunderstood. dents or Osborn and vicinity. Two George Lebanon' Pomon~ Gerstill in 1lperation with Moore .in of them are b~ siness men. Ualph trude Cutler, Ha~ilton To~nship; the 'prohibition amendment to the eut saws, gummed, 25c. per foot. Cad Fishel' a nd family , of charge. Another man, present at CLARENCE J. BROWN Mon'ow, ,proprIetor of the Osborn Ceres, Margaret Cook, Waynes- Hamilton, Arthur A tkinson and the time the oft\4ers arrived, Ohio constitution adopted in 1918, Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber hotel, a former re"taurant owner ville ; Flora, Elizabeth Osborn, family, Will Shuler and family and managed to escape. at the May primary election next Yard. ann A. B. MRlo~te, who opera- Ma son; Trea sure l', William Null, Mrs. Della Venabl e, were dinner year is the ultimate object of the About one-half gallon of liquor tes a res~aurant III Osborn, were Springboro; Assistant Secret81·Y. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard was seized. A quantity of mash, Miss Jessie Clarke left Monday OLI VE COFFEEN TEACHES new incorporation. arrested In Salem, Ind., yesterday S. A. Lewis, Leban on; Musical DiNEARL Y SEVENTY YEARS for Cineinnati where she will estimated at 'about 160 ganons, Burton, Thursday. and will be charged with th e rector Vella Palmer Mason. The Governor George White is back spend two weeks with relatives was also taken. . on the job at the Capital after before going to Florida .for the Moore is well known in the wh n Miss . Olive Coffeen of crime. Another sus pect, Waldo next ~leeting will b~ at Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, of Baker, was taken into custody on the last Saturday in January .~, litj having been confined to the execu winter. Covil:gto!'1 , Incl. , and he r sixty- f or Sheriff Baughn at Arcanum , 1932. ' South Charleston, MI'. and ·Mrs. Sprin~ Hill neighborhood. tivc mansion for the past five Robert Taft, of Dayton, spent - - .. - - we eks a!1 the result of an injury Mr. and Mrs_ John Stansberry nine Yca1'3 as a teache)' was called Ohi o, by Sheriff Welsn, of GreenThursday afte1'llo on and evening YOUNG FRIENDS MEETING t'o his shoulder when his automo- and children were dinner guests to attention recen.tly by Mr. ville. RUNAWAY GIRLS with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White and Tltree oth,e rs in the Greene hile skidded on a slippery road in Qf the former's parents, Mr. and Ripley in his "Believe It 01' Not," 1son • Wood county. The executive of- Mrs. Frank Stansberry, Thanks time was rolled back for the county jail are Clayton Grissom. The Young Friends will be enGreen County folk who wen t to 21 years old, who has been livinA' Two young girls, Lydia Barlle ~, fic ps are again crowded with office ~iving Day. tertained at the horne of Eli and school to Miss Coffeen when she at the Osborn hotel; Samuel John- 14 and Janice Cashn er, 12, wer'l Th e r egul ar monthly meeti ng Elizabeth Furnas, Sunday evening sec kers and others desiring exlate sev- so n, '35 years old, ValJey road, !a.ken into custody Monduy mOI'II- of St. Mary's Guild will be held December 13th. ecutive 'travors and this activi y Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole and taught in Bellbrook . inh the C. P. Joy after nt t h iM . we st of Osborn, and Lewis Leming mg by Constable will continue until long after the familv and Mrs. Russell Campbell enties and early elg tIes. . e lome of rs.·E mma H. McThis is the first meeting under and daughter, Betty Jean, called One of those whose Teminis- 35 years old,. living northwest he had I·ecelved. a telephone ~all Clure on Thursday, December 8rd the new method 0'1 having a comholidays. on W. N. · Sears and family Sun- eences bore hiin back to a little of Osborn. d that the two girls we.re setmA' A 'full attendance is desired. Pay- mittee in charge of refreshments PROMINENT FARMER DIES day afternoon. school room in his native yilla.ge Grissom , Johnson an Leming , strangely on the pike near ment of dues and election of offi- and entertainment. was S. O. Hale, former Xenia city according to Sheriff Baughn, were Harveysburg. cers. . 0 t to bile positively identified as the bandits When Constable Joy met the Pet!,!r B. Benham, prominent Frank Hawke of the Freshman m!lnag~r. n a recen au mo . by Wilbur T'homas and Douglas girls they were sufferinl(' with the BEDROOM FURNITURE· BURNS farmer of near Lebanon and well class received a check on Achieve- tl'lP,. Mr. and Mrs. Hale stopped m Osbome, the Monnetb farm hands cold. He brought th~m t o WaynesMr. and Mrs. Carl Frye enterknown and higW1y respected ment Day for winning first place Cov.mgton an~ called upon. the hv.eth- who were held up. . vl'll e and I't developed 'hat the tained Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and .... d d . 'h La CI" b h W eran l~acher m the hOlne ,0 w IC " When Mrs. Forrest Hough of t h roug h out .t h e coun"y, ie at m t e ~b. u at t e arren she r ctll'(~ d last June foll owing her Morrow, Marlotte and Baker girls, f01'mer wards of the Mont- Mrs Samuel Butterwol'th, Mr. and . his home Saturday morning .f ol- County FaIr thIS year. }'(:sionation on the eve of begin- were returned to Xenia late last Il'omery County Child"en's Horne, Mors. Ed. Cook, Misses Louise Sprinll Valley, went upstairs Sunlowing an extended illness. hadI been living at the home of Crane, and Ruth Cook; and day afternoon, to put her bab>: to nin .. hcr. seveulic.th year as a pu b- nig ht by sheriff's deputies. Mr. Benham was an'c bodl'es actl've Messrs. Gilbert Frye ' and Robert bed, she found the room o'n I\re. Mr. and MI'!!' Dixon Lovely and lie :;chool in ~ tructor. But s ixty- - --- _ . Wa ter Linton in Wilmington: The fire had gained such headway member of all the Masonl A. P. Lovely, of Middletown, Mr. . f' teacher They had left the Linton horne Davis. years 0 service BRAND RETIRES M ' that, before it could be extingu~8h I'n Lebanon, and was a member of and Mrs. Paul Richter, of Dayton, nme . th O t thO as ta' ll lel·t on ay d mornmg, to go to school, ed, the f urniture in the room was .the Scottish Rite and Shrine at spent ]hankSgivin g Day with IS as no mg 'o IS S I a , but, instead set out for Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye gave Cindnnati. keen minded woman. She resigned f James L vely and family. as an active t '.'a cher, but she is Congressman Charles Brand, 0 Wilmington Buthoritioo wel'e a family dinner ThanksgiVing desb·oyed. The origin of the fire still teaching, being engaged in Urbnna, will not be a candidate notifled and the girls were held Day. The guests were Mr. and Mar is not ·known. SUrviving are his widow, tpree sons, George, BoYd and Harold Mrs. J. O. Cartwright is spend- private tutor il!g in her . home.. to ucceed him self from the Sev- until the al'rival of Traffic Officer Ed. HartsOCk and son, of Spring Benhami and , one daughter Miss ing a week witb Mr. and Mrs. Miss Coffeen, began teachmg enth ~hio ~istrict in the Republi- Coates who returned them 'to the Valley, Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Ry e WILL CONFIRM CLASS Marie 1:lenham. James stoops at Van Wert. She when sbe wus fifteen years old. She can prlmarJes. n~xt May.. Linton bome. and daughter, Mr. al)d Mrs. Clar~ E. E. (.remer, Sprmgfield -~--"- - ...- - - Masonic funeral s~ices were will go from there to , Defiance, was born in Warren County, Ohio ence Rye and children. The Right ReJe~end William ~. conducted at ·the reSIdence Tuea- where she will be the guest of her ScPtembel' 12, 1847 bllt her par- banker and .11nanu.facturer and L. MRS W day afternoon, Rev. R. L. CroBs, uncle and aunt, Prof. and Mrs. L. ents · removed to Fountain City, T. Marsha}l, Xema, .former state • ELLER STRIKEN M d 'M J D M 1 M . Hob on, ' Bishop of the. So~.thern astor of the Lebanon M. E. S I ' Id t II I d dates for th r. an r 8 . . . ar att, r . Ohio Diocese of the · ,EI.l1l1Copal . church conducting tlie' burial ser- • VI.na. II:d., when :Jhe was seven years 0 sena, ar, WI "e ~an I e . . , ' . and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and Church will lie at .1\11 Saints ... vices. A few years late.r they returned to nommation. !,hese were th~ de: . Mrs. LIllIan Weller, of Center- daughter Miss . Beatrice returned Oh\1rcb ...· Th~ay ___... .- • M'r_ and . MTs. ~d · Hough, of Ohio and. the daughter, OIi've, :com vel?~ments lin Seven~h dlst~ie~ ville! who has been villiting . her home Friday evening after' spend- evening, into' Wilmington adminiatet: tha nte of ., Route . i, entertain'e d Thanksgiv- plet'ed hel" education at - Franklin politICS late MC?nday following an. son-In-law a~d daughter, ,Mr.. and Ing Thanlcsgiving with . Mr. 'and confirmation:' . Servioes will b eal 1,1 MASONIC NOTICE ing.Day,' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown, al\d Leba ~n, taking \;ler te!lchers annot.Jncement 111 behalf of Brand ' Mrs. ,C" D. R,l dge, suffered- til "troke Mrs. Merle Kerns, at Cle.velan~. 7:30. ' " Mrs. Laura saekett, of Dayton traininj;t under the. late Alfred. HoI by . 1,I1S son a1nd secretary, Vance Tuesday afterno,on. The l~test re~ Miss Beatrice returned to ' .her Regular . Communication : of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murray, of .blOOk, a pioneer.in co-educatIOn. Brand. ._. _ • port ~ that she IS unconac PUll and studies ~t Ohio Wesleyan. ' on '!ayne8ville Lodge ~o. · 168 . F. Spring y,Uey and Mr. and Mrs. Too you~g to teach in Ohio Vt'h~n small hope is ' en~rtained for her Sunday. ., ~ A. M. Tuesday evenulC. Decem- W B ·Squires. · , . , sl:e received her ·cer lfiCl\te. MISS· GRANGE . NOTICE I re.coyery. · , ' , .~ : ".' '. __ CQ«een, tltr.ousb th.e JUd of fri~ll:cls . :> • • . " bel' 8. Visiting and· soj,ourninr brethren are welCome. Mr. and Mn aul Hauk..Of Troy ~r:a relative!! 'obtamed . a ' P08l tion - Th l' "'uIar m"'etin'" 0'1' F ' armers ' NOTICE . C·hl·Mld·rr·ena,nodf ~rsan' cNhe'stPe'r, BOlaJj>t1to ~~ . t d _ Vern Armitage, W. M. U'; . d M R' J W'1lia ' f in the ac.hool at Veedersburg, n. e e. I g' • +" F B Henderson setty .... r. an rs... I mllon 0 Sh b an teacblq in Bellbrook Grange will be held Saturday . ~ . and Mrs. M. D. Baird and daughATTEN~lhi F:AR~RS • Cl~'1l~rcL Mritr~o~d :;mi,miln 1n-1876' taUg~t for two years, left night, December 5. Eaoh one is to Owners of alltomoblles soliciting ter were Tbankagivina- I dtnner , an e SOD c r, £--~i ue. a th vi11~""" tOI' time and 'retum- be prepared t lO give a labor-flAving 'help from the township must guest$ of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. ,.. 1 d JWi~~!!*'b n, ~bodis ~n at eda ' la~w for :tlothe'~ 3leriod of device fO.1'ol, call durin« the lect- bring their license Dlates' to the UJ1glesby. Th& statts l'8malned l ~~n:ii.f:;'~~~arcl~ If you want YOUlI .. ne.~trave e aclUIUJI oro, an III race hi A1t tit be taught in ure hou1', Also theTa will be BOme toWD8hi P clerk ~ fo1' a more extended visit. retu1'll- ;1 .'! ae S J!~. e2~ ~lqe about llnterestilllf ~l~lDbera on 'the pro01' if 70U want gravel for all7 WUllamlOn ate turkey with their By order of' fng to their home in M'a~heste1"lat parpose whatevfl', caU J. It. Spen- ~" IIr .aDd lid.: B. Il. wn-I~e uprer...xelf Gahtte. - gram, lDeladma .. Uw.. WaJDe To,"ahip Trust.... saturcla7. in
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~ iIItoJlt 1I1,,~-~
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could be don" But tie wo'uld not acc.d •. Burke' crime had thrown
I Russell L, Drake, grocery clerk,
bim in10 a frenzy. , of Morrow, and JilJS8 Reba J, Coe, . He ran a 'rosa to Captain Pederof Morrow • 11. "Captain," he demand d, RUll5ell Lawrence Green factory "what ~ n we do'! At un e?" worker, of FranJdin, and Miu The deposed sailing mast r EtiYa Smith Kindred, of Franklin. hhlked back at 11im ' hllggurdl}, Harold Estep, Jr., lathe opera-' .. ' ,)thi ng." Probate Court Lor of Franklin, and Miss Maudie "B u, but we must, I tell you . Loui e arnett, of Frnnklin. w must. Man, we've got to g t to u:~ . Edward8 was appoLD,ted . Oakley Leath, fanner of Bata'8 . TQday- now I" , adnl1nlStrntor of the esta t e of lSar- via ancl liss Maria McLaughlin Peder en groaned. " I wish to a h Lowe Gebhart, de~eased. and of Maso n. 00 with Newt?n ' Frederick Carl Kamps, shoe God \\'6 cou ld, Mr. Thu tOll . I m nled bond of a. broke up a you. But. there Brown and H. A. ,Jones as sur eties maker of Lebanon and Miss Jane just ain'\; no ' use. Looks DOW, if Ha rold !:itephensrJll, W. J. I!rran mith, of Lebanon, ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE wc're ...'er to get off, \ve'll have to l<"-red Leonard, were appomted . opyright by Charles Scribner's : ons knock tog'dher so me. o.r t. of croft apprlliser s. . Real E.tate Tran,fera ft' m the WTeck." H. P. Girton a nd E. . Bre lhn ey Thur ·ton cried a ut in protest. we re appoihted a,p prai ers of the Charles F. Myers to Frank Hol"Weeks, months. No! You, with est ate of' Mary E. !.ittl , dec a sed linJtshen.d and Nelli Hollingshead HAPTER Vll. absent or t.oo painstakingly volu- all your ea experi nc • you must in th plllcl! of Ge org' Walker and Inlot No. 4 in Turtle reek town, d I blt;iA h , know ome way, I, I demnnd .. ., Ke nnard Burns. hip. The man was pleased, flattere . nd ow i Olive . It she a ked But Ped r -On shook hi h ad . Jam es Foll en, G . .F. Brown and harles C. S impson to Loveland "Bu .. he he ituted nwkwardly in an awkard inten·a!. 'He's with h I Id b d E l J C l. t . h M t I B ' Id ' ,I L C rl d d Not'uding e Iightne. Ill" . ouurn /lIe 0 appraIse t e ' U ua Inlot UI No. lIIg 10anuoan om- worl-: $'., .55', . Howlll'd T. Cook, Take. Everything course . de nwlylateve Thurr cou ton's face 'wte of Minnie Moore Wa ters, de- pany. ill Suuth LebS - "the boat's heavily loa e an I you 0 f~" there won't be no room abollrd I Po nape Burke asse nted . "Sort h . f d d k anon gr:lVel, $:1 . 8; 11. '. on o,:er, sup"'hile we're taking cargo. So I I of in charge aboard," he explained ed. He stood in thoug t, hIS ea- cease ,an /lIa e return to court. 'i'I'l ns G. Ham'llton to board of plles,.$ 1 .:..0;, Oregoma Bl'ldge o. UncI ' -"D enni e always loo k ., tures . taking on a more <.lefinate I\'i na cott. Comp ton, Marie Scott .. ~ I F d K h M t better invite only one t.his trip." 1" [ ain't got a mate. till talking tinge of e la tio n. " [ \ ' e g ut. it I" he White and Ollie 'CO Lt Shurts, exe- education of TurtI ecreek township I ~upp les . . G; • rl.' 0 n ,0 or: .ar everyt hin g from mca ~ le li to chick- . He winked at Thurston . "And Miss about you; yer name and yer- red cded, and whided away. cu t l'ices uf the estute of Wallace Real e tate in Turtlecreek town- I .o., .repalr.. , $19. 1 ~j HaBls ServI.ce e npox." Tree -he asked first, and seeing hair." Th e Sil '1' . WIII' r h th e 'E . co tt, 'd ecC<lSC, d arc t 0 se lJ cer- shl·p. ' 'I.ta tltOn, ga ' ' IEl... j.G.o; n du st l'1al uriou s Dystn ndcr·- "Whnt'H he ~ l IDg canoes In all how 8he was the best student The bOllt rounded the stern an d , Polynesia n nati\' s of a bygone tllin bond at not. less than the ap Effie 1M. henoweth to ' Mabel rae or an d. qUlp~en t C0., got now'!" had for my outh Sea lectur , thtll the girl looked up t o find- as <.lay ClOver d the Pacific were caw- plaiscd value. and make returns Walker. 82.29 acres in Washing - tr!lctor re~}ll1r~, $1.07.30; . E. ~~ Unc le- "J-li fl bo~s'~ au tOlllobile . seem! as ii she had ought t'be if his ey s ha d never en cd to murans . The exp lurcrs built two to court. ton t ownsh ip. Ylllars, gus, $ 19.02, P~u es EqUIp first t la y aboard a genuine South follow- the grinni ng stare, of the hull~. so narrow that neithel'. by The wi ll o f Ed. Y. Adams, dePhilip P. Quayler, by administ-ra I men : .0., tr~\ctol' I·epalrs,. $30. 18 ; Sea tr~der." man Olive fixed up on her just a s it~elf, would fl oat. But when the , ceased was admitted to probate. tl'ix, to Dorothy V. Quayle. Real 9r?gonla Bl'1dge 0 .• re.p~l1·s, $17: Thurston acquiesced. But aS l it had faded o ut at Honolulu. two were fixed. p erhaps t n feet harles'. Irwin was appoint.. esta te in Lebanon. 15 , J. l? A.L1 ams 0 ., gla\ el, $2 4. Burke was being carri~ d own to Hi great nak ed budy rose apart, by timb(.rs la.'he <.l ath\\'art e<.l g uarLlian of James B. Davis, Rom Draper, d eceased, to Harr~ G~;, 0:1 0 C;:orr ug.a ted .Cul~ert Co., their gun\\ales amid_ships. the deceased and filed bond of $22,000 Be nthe in. All real and personal SIme r. , is. la5.30, Blan' & LeRoy: double canoe becam e staunch wi th the Nlllionill Su rety Co m- property. gr?vel,. a lld.. r ceme nt, .. $l05.~5, enough- though boasling in all pany as s urety. Charl es J ones, by sheriff, to 01 ego n III ~ T1~ge Co., l e lOforclOg its ra l·ts 110 nail or bolt or rivet. £. D. J ones \Vms appointed ex- Amanda Oberlin and S. B. Craig. st eel. !177 .~ 1. J . K. ,S penc e r. genits j uin held by nothi ng st ronger cc utur of the estute of Elmer E . 145 a cres in Harlan t ow nship. , vel, $_9.63 , John 1\1) ers, puy roll, than breadfruit gum an<.l twi ts of Jon e , d ecea ed, no bond r equired. Elmer E Jones dec eased to E I $l59.45 ; Floyd Lemm on, pay co rd, i SlIils 1\ 0 more sub tantial Gcurge Viedt, Willia m Schn e ll and D. Jones. 'AII re~ l and personai 1' 011, $239 .4(/; has. E. BradbuI:y, than pla ited lea f- to traffi c all H e n ry Grote were appoi nte<.l ap- p roperty. p~y r oU, 258.45 ;. Joe W. Dav.ls, away and across the broad Paci fic . praisers. a rl and Caroline chaub to AI- Pd Y roll, $~04 . 80.' A. T. ~ett lg , It was T hurston's idea now that, The first and fina l account of pin F. Monroe. Inlot 10. 1821 in pay r oll. 130.30, L. E;. WIth am, pillcing his. four se pDratel~' wOl'th- Louis Kalbe, exec~utor of the es- Loveland. pa~ roll, $HJl .!lO; E. D. J o ~es , pay NEURALGIA, COLDS 1 ~8s boats 10 tandem, two on each tate of Elizabeth Kalb e, d eceased, 1'he People's Building, Loan and 1'01, $248.30;.V. W. T O I~'p'~ID ~ , p.ay 'Ide, he would las h thoe m under a WIIS ~ pprnved, a' llowe.1 and COTI- Savings Co. to Aaron Brafman. ro ll, $173.RO, Eden Tell ~, ~laID\\011enC\'cr vnll have somc nn!i!::!If; . '5 an d 6'In ·L e ban~n. tena nce , $86.25; n, framework of the lig hter s pars firmedP.., by the court. u N Inlo ts os. mechanics services F'rank $52 80· 'Wilso Leslie ache or pain: l ak~ stane t"bltl 5 uf The fil'S t and fin al account of Margaret R. and Samuel Stiff ~o Sh ul tz, sen ' ices,' $48; E. W. B~ye.r A ~pirin. RcJi { is inllh!diau'! in to a machine which would carry n con iderable s pread .of sail. Charles W. SChW8ITtZ, executor of M. Q. Renne~ . . Relll estate In Knupp, servi ces , $48; Zain ArmiThere's sCll Cl:ely evc ~ an arl1 ;: or Work had been gOIDg on pel'- the estate of Ella C. Schwartz, de- Goshen tOWnshIp. tage, gravel, $480; Blair & LeRoy, hap s an hour. when he appeared ceased, was approyed, allOwed and John ilnd Ma~y Kramer to gravel, $15; J. K. Spencer. g ravel, pain that Bayer A~\Jiri ll won't (dil"\;' .:.,. for the .first time to be~ome aW!lTe confirmed by the court. Ma ?a la. Q. Re.nneI. 50 acres in $39.5 0; Ha ll's ervice St at ion, gas --find nC\'er a lillie" hen you can t . of Van Buren Ru t.ger s drooplDg The first and final account of Hadan tOWnshIp. ,' 13') 8G' Kilpatrick-Fren ch Motor take it. figUl·e . J ohn had completely. for- Ada . Kelly, executrix of the es Herbert M. Renn er to L. Mabel -C' $85 31' A T R t . g otte n the other. man . Convicted, tate of Adolphus Kelly, deceased, Renn er. '83.76 acres in Goshen car 0. , gas, . . , . . e t1g, The ta blets with the Bayer c/'C'.o;s n h lP ' pay roll, $106, R. T. Spenc r, pay are always safe. TI:ey don'r del'l'.'s'<l t he rOn over t o hll~. was approved, anowed and conth . F . b tr' t roll, $322.85; The Barrett Co., sup But Thu rsto n attempted no ex- firmed by the court. u er ern s,. :( execu I:', 0 plies, G3. 75 ; R. T. Spencer, sup- the hl":lrt, or othc f\\Cise hl'l IITi you . planation. He says that th e best The first and tinlll account of W. F r ed and. WIWnme S. Wilbah~s. plies, $2 ; Richard BUrns, watch- Use ulem just as of le n as lhty ro n the only way out, was to sketch 49.3 8 acres 10 ayne t~wns . Ip. man, $26; Ob e Miller, wa tchman, spare you any pain or d i~om {~~rt. the plan of action, seem t o consult Stanley A. Smith, administrator of Alfred Norvel to GranVIlle Nor- $28' J oh Parlett watchman $2G ' Jlist be su rc to buy the g .numc. Lhe others judgmen ~. He sqoke estate of Jeanette J. Smith, deceas vel I!nd Mart~a Norvel. Inlot No. Ern~st Christ, ~yatchman,' $2G; Examine the vackagc. Beware of bdefly. "What d o yo u thirlg, Van, ed, was app roved, allowed and Con 27G In , Franklin. Rollo Cook, wa tchman, $26; Carl he co nclud ed. "Is n't that as well as firmed by the court. Ste~e John son, et a1., to Henry Hineline, w'atehman, $2 ; Gulf imi la tions. Aspi rin is the trade·mark of Bilyer we can hope to do 7" The first, final and distrib~tive G. Shurts, ot aI, to Henry 9, Refining Co., gas, $l2.20; Blair & Van was s ilent for a long time; account of Elmer E. Sheets, admin hurts. Inlots Nos . 24 and 25 m LeRoy, su pplies, $53', Pete Quigley IIUUlU fa ' tmc of mono1!l.eticacidest.er istrator of th e estute of Louisa A. outh Leban on t hen, unexpectedly, laughed. "As, Sheets, deceased was approved, alboat oars, ,."4.15', C. B. Well s, of saJicylicacid. H S Sh . ts t R G h enry. ur 0 ay ra a!" se rvices, $20.50; Johnson Watson as good liS any," he said. "Go on lOWed nnd confirmed by the court. you r raft, and drown, stay, a nd The first and final account of Inlots Nos. 24 and 25 m Co., supplies, ~31.3 0. starve. What 's the differen ce? As So uth Lebanon. _ _- _ _ Walter Kenrick, aidministrator of "Yo.-yo. • ... te r' ala. cried. "Turn-th·ia-ve.. el-back. Turn regards her- PI he eau ght his the estate of J ohn W. Sheets, deit back inatandy I" Above tbe Cloud. . breath in a broken exhalation- ceased, was approved, nllo,"'ed and Bill. Allowed "she's gone." • "Do you believe that there is a conth'med by the court. Penn Morton, services, $70; C. the boatll, John turned to Johann- above the rail and a thick bare hig her power?" Thurston gazed at him somberly The first IIncl final account of sen, acting mate, and said: "You ann came extending itself down "You, you mean yo u won't raise a Edith Smith, executrix of the e o - Donald Dilatu h, rent, $20; James " My good man, I married her." hand for her ?" .".. Follen, services, $15; Office Out7ourael'f be ODe of our tbree men toward her, inexorably. "'I won't," Van answered wear i- tate of Henry S. Smith, deceased, fitters, supplies, $45.85; Thomas & I to CO aboard and--atay!' The square trngel's closed and NO HUNTINC ly, "and ne it her will you. We was approved, allowed and con- Armstrong, sup,p lies, $9.25; Dukes The big sailor gave him a look her own hand was s~allowed, disap can't" firmed by the court. Fruit Fann, shrubbery, $30.40; tAl lNe if the order had more than peared in that grip clear to the 1 t The will of Dora Graper, de- George Killen & Son, express; We the unders igned, allow roQtine significance, then lumbered lI'rist. There came a pull, as if the " Th'urston 's.f ,'ace .was" reso u e ceased was admitted to probate. atter ·Burke. . ,ann were to follow the hand in, Perhaps yO~ re ng;~t, . he ac- Hany Benthien was appointed ex- $1.17; Mrs. Mary E. Enni , serv- no day or night hunting, trapping In the boat the girl's mind wae and, then Palmyra found herse1:f on knowledged. Very ~IKely s,o. ~ut , ccutor and filed bond of $6000 ices, $10; Mrs. J!;rma Hibnar, serv- 01' trespassing on Our farms; ices, $10; Columbus Blank Book graduallY .brought back to the some deck and standing free. JOHN ADAMS for me, I prefer to dll~-trylng. with the Detroit Fid elity and Sur- Co., ,supplies, $6.60; W. H. Fulthing in Burke's manner--..hich she ,Johannsen had already clambered He would hl1':c hurr~c d away but ety Co. as suretJr. J'ohn Keller ke.rth, expenses, $27.52; Kilpatrick Any land under. FRANK ' Lebad Dot been able to analyze. For to the deck. the other det.1lmed. hIm. Menille Snowhill a d H ' DOW j t was 80 noticeably upon , "We got t'keep four boats "I'm not your kind of an l1SS " ~ . . n enry Frence Motorcar Co., supplies, MA Y 'j. s upervision. C. fo,;~ MICHENER him that be was either constrained moving," Burke explained. "One Van said. ';You fool you kno'w Eg~ert were appo~nted app~aisers. $27.40; Book Shop, supplies, $1.85 h"U Charles S. IrWin, guardIan of Reif's Electric Shop, supplies t 'b pulling a lo1hore empty, one loading t h ere ' s no h ope.. Y elY t I~ 51 Y James B. OJJ.vis incom t t fit d $2.26; trustees of public affairs, I~====~==~==:;::==~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!c!! I thcl'C, one coming out with cargo work, you can kid yourself LDto a h' . 'd pe .en, e onE: disch rging here. _Eac,h o'yer 50rt of relief. Me!. •. " It was as IS Inventory an appraisement. light and gas, $7.59; . Lewis & h' I 1 . J onathan M. Cook, executor of Drake, Inc ., services, $1.50; H. E. boats' crews'1} b~ing me a load and 'f h I k d take back an empty at once. I'll dead~ B~t e he uf~:e \ie.n:~ff ' Ir~! thde.e tate of Marill . Cook, deceas- Warwick, supplies, $1.25; Frank C clear the boat }I'leave. So now, you this vlsion became defiant. "You e IS to ell certam stocks and Anderson, services, ~60; Waldron ' bonds and make return to court C• •Gilmour, inquest, $5.3'0; WaldRai nbow boy's t'start her off, pass you stl'1\ t' h'I,nk l' m ye Uow; V ery Certain sales made by Ljzzi~ rOn C. Gilmour, inquest, $34.20; up the stuff in my own boat and well, then. III show you: I 11 help Ferris executrix o't th tat f take her ashore, while my 'kanakas now; IIn~ when you sail , I, too, Luther Ferris, dec~se~, c:.eree a~ Waldron C. Gilmour, inquest, $6.30; Blair & LeRoy, material, $65.tackle the la un,ch." go. proved by the court and all ac- 50; Carl Dakin, pay roll, $171.30; The girl's voice rose in surprise shall Thurston urge d the men to work counts are to be settled. H. L. Schuler, pay roll, $217.20; "Oh, but they're not going already as the first color of t he dawn ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN George E. Young, assignee of Burke looked, gri nning, from touched the eastern sky the last .of Predmore Brothers, assignors filed Eugene Harper, repair work, $10.your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calve8 20; Lee MeCoUister, repair work, her to the naked savages of hi s the stores and gear was lashed m- his final acount. ' to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and $3.85; John Doughman, repair crew. "Sort 0' wild like, eh?" he progressive firm for the highest Robert D. Chamberlin, adto place. 8$ked, . market prices and good service. Thurston. stooped over Van, who ministl'ator of the estate of Chas. Union Stock Yard,' Cincinnati, O. But Johannsen reassured her: h!ld fallen m the sle.ep 01. exhaus- V. Chamberlin, de<:eased, filed his Tune in on Radio Station WCKY "I'm ordered to stay, miss." tlon, ,~nd waked him. 'S!!y ~he first account. r 12:2 5 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily Burke shot him a ' glance. "Sure.' word, he announced. We re Harold De Hav ' f C· . t' market reports. Then to the other two: "Yohann- ready" . en . 0 mcmna 1 sen'1} tinker up the motor so, next Va~ .roused put slowly; then wadS Badopted by MIchael Adams • to trip, the launch won't have t 'be ,t urned upon the stronger man in a an i ertha Adams and now goes pulled in." futile rage at circumstance. IDa mn by the name of Harold Eugene RESIDENT A minute later the boat had cast yo u," he cried, "I'd rather stay Adams. What a joy to have the bowels 1II0 ' d d · I'k off and the asilors were settling h I like clockwork, every dayl It's eas ere an Ie I e a gent emanjf:"-C.Y::!a~I·dddocthtesore: Simple rules of ! 1I'.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _1_ _ to their work, Johnsen, watching clean and dry, But a moment later Comon Pleu Proceedinla ...... them stood negligently /It the rail. he sprang up with his old laugh. In the case of Lililie Wilson verPERMANENT LOCATION MONEY LOANED "Handle her gently, boys,' call- "After all, it's got to be the fish s us John Morgan, et aI., the de1. Drink a big tumblerful ofwatc. ed Burke. "She's getting old." h b before breakfast, and several or t e l l· 'd s. I' m a b raver man fendants are to be served by pubThe boat was now clear by per- than you, you .optimistic ass, be- lication upon petition of plaintiff. LEBANON. OHIO timea a daX· LOANS on Livestock,' Chatte... · hapG ten fathoms. cause I know . . " He did not finish In the case o'l Amanda Oberlin 2. Ge~ plenty of outdoor exercise Second Mortga,eB. Notel beu,h, Suddenly Ponape Burke, with his thought. "Come on. Let's get as executrix of the ,estate of Peter Eyea E ••~i." .without unduly fatiRuing your- John Harbine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. an agility unexpected in that it over." Oberlin, deceased, and S. B. CI ..... FlttH R...in self. " CESS acid i5 the common CJ'::.se plump body, leaped forward and Twenty minutes later the¥ were Craig versus 'Charles Jones, et aI., , 3. Try for a bowel movement at of iDdigtsti9D. It rtllalts in pai.n a!lj lunged at the uns uspecting J ohan- at sea. the s heriff is grantE!d leave to file exactly the same hour every day. iournus aoout two houn lifter t; f,l.. nsen's back. The next second the Twenty hours later the catama- an amendment to his return on ~====~======~~~ Everyone's bowels need h~ at LONG , OR SHORT TIME-Eu1 ~~"he qllick correcli\,'! is an all..rui sailor was in the water. the alias order of Ela le heretofore times, but the thing to use is Dr. terms. A Iso ~urveying and Ab. . nwtraliz.·... acid . The h~.t Back ashore, where the moment ran was dl',jfting, disma sted. And Van Buren ~utger's the issued. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. You'U get stracting. Wnte and I will call c:ornICtive is fhilJivs Milk o{ Ms..:t- of Palmyra Tree's abduction had fault. He had bee n given the steer In the case of State of Ohio vera thorough cleaning-out, and it won't and see you. Sam D. Henkle, Wayueaia. It has remaiae1 ~ :a.ndard wi,l, found her flanee so afraid of ing oar. But, sunk in dejection, he sus Lehman Walkers the defenleave your insides weak and wat.err. nesville, Ohio, Jll pbysiciaQi in the 50 ytars w.ce Jts wounding the girl that he could This family doctor's pr~cription IS in a moment of inattention, dant was found guilty and fined not raise a ritle in her defense, had, iDvmtiioD.. . allowed the too-h ea~ boom W $500 and costs. juit fresh laxative herbs, pure pep5in, ODe IJIOOplul of Phill ip, Mll!!: of every passing circumstance was gybe, carrying away the improvisand other helpful ingredients tb:l l WANTED ~eua neutralizes mslll1lUy I,\:lt:.y cal'l'ying forward the revelation of cd tackle, and snatch the mast couldn't hurt a child. But how it timea ita volw.oe in acid. Hkrn .1e.'iS, two characters. As a resu lt Burke's New Suits wailea up tbose lazy bowels I How aDd tallteleas, and yet its !tWo. i.~ Van, as he saw bethothed thus overboard. rotten boat had fetch ed free of Vivian Jones verslls CorneJiu8 V 8ClO4 you feel with your system ric: WANTED - Excel\ent opportuni~k. You wiU never rely on .:IN;e to rn from him, stood, staring its slahings and the raft fl oated a KeIly for money. ties now available for industri. or all that poisonous waste matter. meth:t.bonce you l4:.aru how Iluici.ly after the schooner, his face con- wreck. ous men, 25 to 50 years old to . Union Joint Stock Land Bank, tlaia od acb. vulse d. He had been thrust back Doomed never to rescue Palmyra of Detroit, versus EthEel Jones make Inrge profits selling Heber-, Be lun to ,ret the ~nuint.. ·'M.m- into Ii despair tenfold that whenee from the villain Burke, John ,Tohn C. Jones for money, personal DRa·Uw'pB. CApL(DWpELSL'S. ! lin q '!! Products direct to consumers of MI4IDDia' has hct:n the L ~, th e P igeon of NOllh hlld first raised Thurston had yet gladly staked judgment, foreclosure lind equit-in -your home county . . Large' arid ~te:red Trade Mark of the him best selling line. Strong Company. life itself upon a thousandth able relief. . QirIea }L P'iI11l.i!1 Cbe.oW:o.l <Am_'ot so, however, John Thurston chance. Gives most cooperation. Low whole Louis Grear versus Jessamine R A D~'J Fomi{j Laxative sale prieee. No experience needed. ~aad ita precleanl.... Oaarla; Ii. A ~ well as Van he knew nothing (To be Continued) Britton for money. Phone 78J ftUPa IiDce 1175. I , We teac,h and continue to ' assist you. Give age, Qccupation, reference. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. 1886. Bloomington, Ill. \ 'N25
SZ.OO· ton
By Stanley R. Osborn
The Roxanna and . Waynesville Canning Plants
Dr J b Z tt I 0 nee
b,"g help
BOW ' Elf
Optometrl·st 19 N. Broadway
5% Farm Loans
F T M a rt-In Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
. SY
The Kitchen Helper '
FOR RENT FOR . RENT-Four rooms with eleetrie lights and garage. Chas: d4 Rye. . .
FOR ' RENT-5 or 6 room. modern aparttl'lent, furtmshed or unfurnished. Mrs. Josie WhItaker. . dIG .
THRESHER SUPPLIES - Belta, . pulle~ babl" metal, 011 cups, inj~~to.I'II, lubricators, steam .nd wawr rauges, pure II.... ollen. , packin" boUer.-ftuel, I\1cUon bOile. tank · pump!'!. _val... and tl~ TJIE BOCKLET-~G CO" , 41& W"KaIn -St., XeD!& 0 .• Phone aeo
PIPES, - ,alv.. 6 , Pllri'OI81, Boek1et'. he,tme A
fo~ all lID. of
~.~ neB~.
415 W. IhID .... x.ma,
By Mra. Jeaaie B. Tripp God keep me strong, and help me tuke . The path that will a good life D. L. CRANE ' I I • p ••n..... Su••criptloa Price, $1_SO a Year make; Let JIll J meet. along my way Offic. Plaoa................. ,..... No. Po.Coffiee .t Wayne lIa , Be bettered, by the things 1 say I R~kleace ........................ No. 111 01010, •• Second Ct... 111.11 1II.lIa. '. Help me to live both kind and true And not do things I s hould not do? DECEMBER 2, 1931 And when I reac h the path that end s Grant I may leave behind, tl'ue friends! ISSUED EVER Y WEDNESDAY
llzl "fI, ...<I.,
The Army and America
. Whethel' Our poace se ntim entalists like it or not the history of ·t he United States iEl the history of its arm ed forces. 'l' he nrmy and navy nre knit .into everything that hns made the nution possible. Th e army created It a nd bt~th ed life int'O the words of Htntesmen who conceived the United. Stutes as possible in theory. With out t he army the theory might have be on born, but it would n ot have lived. Without armed force the nation, even if it had taken form and d l'awn its breath. would have remained in its co loniol domnin. Enligrlltlon went West behind the army. The battl e of the Thames in Canada made Ohio lind Kentucky inhabitable. Tippecanoe cleare d IndiUM fOl' settlement. The nrmy took a quitclaim for Florida fl'OI11 the Seminoles. T exas and the outhwcst and Cnlifornia cam e in via thc Wm' Depal·tmant. Hard . bitle!1 I'egil!'ents pacifi d th~ Sioux, the Apaches, and other warlike tl'lbes whIch barred the whIte mun. It a citizen of the United States wishes to regret everything that has happen ed in hi ~ cou ntry sinee 1775 und in fact wishc» to regret his own pt'ese nc e in A merica he ma y deplore the force which controlled the event. He cannot deny it!! decis iveness. The co lonies were made possibl e by lheir fighting men. The republic wn8 c\'eated by thli!m. The Union was l!Ilve d by them. Its t enitnr y WIlS rounded out. de fill cd und maintained by th em. In a ny military organization which· dntes back t o t he beginning of lhe nali on there i~ a record of national life and growth. The army and navy are n ot aliens in the composition of the country, They r e pt'esent its life 'force, Anything whi ch Ree ks to segl'egnte military force as a n incongruity in America. idealism fal sifi es the record. Whatever sym bolizes military Rervice as the pattern of the fabric l'eprese hts a truth, Whatev er is to be tl'lle ' oC the future. the past of the Uniled Sates is contain ed in the his tory of its regiments .as pictured in the heraldic shields of the 0 Ign ni7.nti on. - Chicngo Tribune.
Do help me Lord, from da"y to day T o weave bright t hreads, instead of grny; And 1 t my heu l·t shin e throug h Iny voice, Thnt all J meet b made rejoice! 00 help me Lord, to meet all days And scntter love on t horny ways, Th en nt the 'ctting of life's s un I heal' Yo u say "D ar ch ild, well done!" ' lI elp mc follow only You, be fine At lhe end of life let me be Thin e Help me und I11l1k e l11e !;tronl(' an el true' That I'may h elp, n ot hinder You! __ .. _ _ ._
Let's Go! By Henry L. Doolittle
Our money's mad e to circulate and n ot to stow and hoard j it .. , ,s houldn 't make a nati on wait because it's snugly stor ed. Its use- a medium of exchang should always stay in view; it mu stn't have a 11111'1'OW I'ange, confin<.'(] to just a few. Start s pe nding wise ly as you go, puy all YO UI' bills on time, buy goods while prices are so low, give work a . chance to climb. F.rom paper bills to copper cents, with silver in between, there's lots of doug h when we commen ce t o let its face be seen. Keep money moving here a nd thel'e ns it was meant t o do-the more we see it everywhere, th e less we'll ee that's blue. It may be !limplel' to agree that tim es could not be wOI·se. but if 'midst mourn ers yo u would be, you ought to III'ive a hearse!
IFarm Jliight 7alks, December 7
Shidaker and family ed on Thanksglvmg Day, Mrs.- Shidak.er's parents, Mr, lind Mrs, Emorson frazier. Miss ltetha and Harold of Dayton, J. C. Gray has been exhibiting a turnip which tipped ·the scales a 6 pounds 4 ounces. Dr. F, , Tripp i lowly recoveri ng from his recent illness. Kathieen Gray Il'ealized 1\1 nday at noon that she had real' hed her twelflh bid hday, lIer mother had invited II number of her playmates to dinnel' and wh 'n Ka t hleen al'rived she s urc . wa ~ S UI'pl'ille d to !\\JC t hem llI'nunil th e table. oven; W re laid fo r lIIay(rey Powell, Alice Bogal!, ~:dith Mae Bro kR , Bern itn LeWIS, Mal'Y Kuthlee n Thompson, Nelli J\I:ll y Davis, Helen Rae Th orn bu r,\, Mary E lea nor Hawke, 'Iary Cat·olyn Lukens, Dena Davi s , Alice and Kathleen GI'ay. Amid gay chaLtcr the g'irls did amp le justice to lh e ub:;tantinl dinner. They rem em be I'e d Ka t h leen \V ith seve ral nice g ifts. MI'. unJ Mrs. Everett Gordon and famil y e ntertained on Thanks g ivi ng' Day, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwlll'ds, MI'. an d 1\1Jos. Bern Carr Mi sses Elizabe lh a nd Evulyn Carr Mt·. und J\1:rs, ,Tohn Kennedy of Duyton were Thanksl{iving Day guests of MI'. and Mr .. A. L. Kennedy a nd Herbert. Mrs. Florence Davi and Dena spen t Thanksgiving Day with DaylOll relatives. MI'. and Mrs. Chas. H. Gray and family were Thank!lidvinl\' Day g uests of MI'. and 1\11 I's ..1. C. Gray Mi ss lm og.e ne Lcwi ~ !lpent the Th a nksgiving holiduy in Columbus 01'. and Mrs. C. G. Randall and Miss Helen entertained Dr. and Mrs. Bailey Campbell this week. Kirk Jeffe re,' spen l the weekend in DaytOn with his cousins, l\Iaynard a nd Ge.an 01'1'. Carm!'n and leo Kirk were week-end guest s of friend s in Blanchester. MI'. and Mrs. A. L. Kirl(, WilbUl· Kit'k and son Kenn eth of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Hnny On· und sons of Dayton and Mr. BOl'omaster were Thanksgiving Da y guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. H . J efferis and fami ly. MrR. Wilbul' Hawk e, Mrs. Waiter Elli s. Reb'or Ellis and sevel'a l 4-H Club member attended the 4.-H Achievement Day at Leb ~\ll o n Friday. '
Our Christmas' Cards Are In
Have your year. cards
your r.ame printed on Christmas Cards this Beautiful emblematic to send to loved ones
Cards, 12 in a beautiful Christmas box with your name printed thereon. Come in and see them.
'T he Miami Gazette For Service
-~ -- -- -
The Clarksville bank will be Subscribe for the Miami Gazette .. (!\ oEed and all itll assets and accounts transferred to the bank at TN! Clinton ount National Wilmington. Bank and Tru st company has take n over the Farm er. National bank -of ClJl'I'ksville. Th e merger New line of W.xed Paperl, Nap • . become effective a t the close of kin.• and oth~r ,oodl jllit come ia. business
Dead Stock Wanted
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Sp~cialist
SOYBEANS HELP CUT the kinds of grains used -in the STEER FEEDING COSTS rution. Corn silage can also be . used in With a feeding value equal to lowering coats of grains this year, cottonseed meal or oil meal, he asserted. Tests s how that steers thre hed soybeans may be used 8S put On gains at one-third lower a protein supplement in the steer feed costs when fed a silage ration rution with excellent results, says than they do when receiving a L. P. McCann, extension epeciali~t shelled corn, hay and cottonseed in animal husbandry for the OhiO meal ration. On the basis of returns' per acre of corn grown and State University. In feeding threshed soybeans fed to cattle the silage route made some farmers are inclined to doubt a returl) of' $71.65 per acre a s that their full u 8efqln~8s can be compared to $50.801' per acre when , gained without grinding them. it was fed as she led ' corn . .The However, the reverse is true. Ex- profit per steer in the silage-fed perjment stations tests show that lot was more than double the profpel' steer in the s hellefl corn the feed value of the bean is low- it ered by grjnding. All protein sup- lot. plements are· best fed to cattle at the rate of between one and two Chealnut Charley I pounds per head daily, the exact Judge-"youretobeshotatdaw~.I' amount depending on wbether a Prisoner- "idon'tgetupthateariy • legume hay is fed, its amount, and
A'uct~ion 3erS
EARL KOOGLER R. D. 6. X.nia. OLio Phoa. Dayton Co. 54JS
Day or Ni,••
30 Years Experience In Fitting and Making Glaslles .
Lebanon, Ohio Tuelday, Tbllr.day, Saturday Examination Fre. LEBANON, OHIO
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ampulance Service
Harveysburg Company
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Je E. McClure
Natio_l Beak Willa DraW1l • • E.lat•• WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '
,---....;",______J, .
-- -----
A Lovinl HUlband Farmer (to druggis t) - "Now, be s ure an' write on them bottles which is f or the J erRey cowan' which is fOI' my )Vi'le. I don't want 1I0thin' to happen to that Jersey cow,"
Odd.- But TRUE
.J. K. SPENCER WASHED :SAND &; GRA VEL Hardwood Lumber at Lebanon, Ohio, fllrnished on Order Road and Concrete Gravel Telephone 121 Lebanon, Ohio
Phone 66' Waynesville, Ohio One of the most completely equipped gravel pits in this. section . W. D.U~.r of the state is that of J, K. SlJencer's on the Davis Fu rnas farm south of WayneSVille, t ---Mr. Spencer has recently installed com'plete electrical equipment anel can furnish washed sand and gravel for every purpose. Several large electric motor» are includl' d in the new equipment at the pit, all DRY CLEANING being operated from one central switch hou se, th us insuring absolute 'safety and elicien cy of operation . One of the newest type vibrators screen has al so been installed by Mr, Spencer at n cost of several hundred dollars while water for RUG CLEANING-PRESSING w'ash ing sand and gravel for eve ry purpo»e' is brought up to the pit Pbo,.. 279, .LebaDoD, Ohio from the Miami river by e lectrically driven pumps. , According to Mr. Spencer the pit on the Davis Furnas farm Wa~8YiII. Coll_tio n OD T... • contains an almost incxhau stable supply o'f the finest sand and gravel eIa, and Friday sufficient for the needs of thi. territory for many years to come. ----------- ---The pit is easily aece 'sable from the Oregonia road and ,with the modern loading equipment trucks may be drive to the pit, obtain a load of washed sand and gravel, and be Oil) t heir way without a moments delay. In addition to this business near Waynesville, Mr. Spencer conDispensers of Refiners Guoline ducts a saw mill at Lebanon, Ohio where hardWOOd lumber will' be (all grades), Hi~h Quality furnished on order, . Oils and Greases, Mobil and Telephone 121 Lebanon for orders of either sand, gravel or. Quaker Stat.e Oil. lumber, North MaiD St., iateroectioD of 'itate Route 73 O. R. UNGLESBY,
HewcltP, Mulford & Co.
Soft Water Laundry
t:atE R,(·· ' (H', '- \' " t~I:\j).~J~J ~\ \ tr' h~\j.l~\ . : Mt.f\~l}~t~
~,\~ \~t\(;\\\
I \~ ~\\"\jt.'K \:m~~ ~~ G\\JE~
,0 '\t\t ~...,.
Smith's Service Station SINCLA.IR PRODUCTS South M.. in St. Wayae•• m., O. GreaSing wi·t h Alamite Air Gun Accessodes and Anti-Freeze Cars Re-Docoed Free Parking Day or N1sht
Tire Co. LEBANON, OHIO - · RADDO . SETS ------
Waynesville Senice Sta,
No Regrets When Property is Properly' Insured
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agey. LEBANON, OHIO ~EAL ESTATE •• INSURANCE Phones: Res. . 58-Office 277 EARL J. COBURN
----- - ~
~\~t ~~\)~ ' \-~
'JI,I ~ ~~ ~ \~ ..
Exp.rt COUD ••lIor . .Reprea&nting INTER·S()UTHERN LIFE ' INSURANCE CO. . .WAYlffiiSVILLE, OHIO
~\\~~\\\""' \~~,(, .. (s\J~~ :5()l).
~!~~\ t)l\\ ~ ~i \>\l\tt O~ \\\\~ O\..b . 'ti\~i \~" S5 ~t~ ·,,\)t\Q..1
EVERETT EARLY High grade Coai 'and Coke, Hi. Lo Cinderella, Dixie Gem. aJ)d Kiilarney Pocahontas, Ask for delivered prices. Grain', C_I,' Wooi, Hay, F••c. Til., Seed LYTLE. OHIO ----
~~(J \~\~
~""'t\J ~ ~'I» i()1'1\.tCS ~~
SatlafactQry SemCG Iinee 1912
. w. '-N.'SEARS'
Llceu.d R.al E.kle Broker aD. A_lI ___ .W AYNESVlLUi, OHIO Write or PhOD......lloR . . . .D.
abJ. Tenna
-- ----
. - ----.
Lovel,'i ecreation' Parlor
· ~ntt..lat~ Cou•• b~.. M.Dda.fat'" Ci......... WAYNEIV1LLE,
'Fred Kaho Motor Car Co. . CHEVROLET DEALER 326 Le.aada, ..Ohio
Open evenings till 8 :,3~. an~ all . . . dity Sund~y ,.;. -
- --
-- -
-- ------
MEMOR1.\LS Le"'lI.o..~ PhoD. S'
.HARRY' c7sCHWAR'I'Z J. So 1II0bl!
tunl College wlU give the ' main talk'" with dl cus ions trom mark(·t rpprtll'entativcl\ of Cincinr.\lti and Du)·t on. Mr. Ivan 1I1cKl'!lip of the O. . U. dail'Y d 'pnxtmcnt will explaill with aid of blllckbonrd, the most Po 011 om i("ol combinations of farm Il:l'lIi n and prot ill sup p lement!! to . costs of f c1in~. ounty nt 1M. I'epo r ts con sid >ro ble in 'the fe eding of ' \Vh al, so as!;ures locol produrers of the loteilt. and 1I10st reliable inforlllatio n and sugge . tion on t his ubject. The relative vol\le <a nd CQnomics of linsee d meal. cotton eed soybean a nd oth l' protein ca,rriers will lik ewise be di ('usseu. omplete bn·lanced rations , in-
Including minerals and salt :will be recommended for cows f \'8rying produ tion, and in acc orOF THE FARM BUREAU dane with the kind of protein l'ol1gh ag e already on "he farm. Drirynu.n and farm rs througn "Thil:! will not be a mee ting to out Warren C unty interested ;n advertis' I' sell llny pal-ti ular bruncl (II' make of f eed," says the production and mal'keting f CIIIS8. "bul Tath r to ~ how the milk, cream or bu tt'r, and ~~I oth rs wishing to know tho busldai rymen h \\' to u th ' farm ne88 outlook for dairymen are ('cl1s 1I11'ClIcly on tlte farm in thc . ag.in . minded to att nd the InO ' t c onomical unci profitabl(! m eHng in L banon Gra nge Flnll. mannet· possibl'." TuesdllY evening, December 8, .. 1111'. J. . e ff, furm manageII ginning at 7 :30 o'clock . In case ment specia li ~ t will di scuss the of st llrm, rain or other seve re buslne. outl ook fo r t h e {urlllcl'S weather. t he meeting will be heJd and uairym en. He h as Illud e a in the Form Bu-renu office, which ca r eful analysis of the it\lution will accommodate a small group. and will con Kidc r such qu estion !! Specialists from the Ohio AgriculflS the following: 1. A.,·c we increa sing or de~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!"!'!'!~~ II oreasing the n um ber of dairy cows hei'fer, and dairy calv s in Ohio and in thc nited Stutes? 2. How d ocs OUI' pre !;ent s upply and prices of f eed compa r e with oth el' years? 3. Are cnld ~ OJ'age hol din gs of dairy produ cts la rger or ~ l11l1l1 e r? 4. Are we imp ort in g 0 1' ex· porting dairy products ? 5. What i. th e relati on betwee n milk prices and uutter pric es ? 6. What is the relati on bctwee ll Through a spec ial arr angement wi t h the Eeslcy Mills, of prices o C butter ancl oleo marga rin e Morrow. we arc in position to give. 7. How does the prese nt bu siness dep ression compllre with " hurd t ime" that we re ud a bout. R. Ts itpo;;siblc to I!e t the price pounds of their ' Flour for One of dlliry produ cts too high? bushel of n. Wha t cll n t he pr oduc ers of dniry product s do to meet th e r>resent situation? This is a high grade Rour and every ack i g u~\rante.e d. Thi s 10. 'Vh at can dair ymen Jo u ~ 11 if!, the same exchange which he is now g iving at lhe nll ll. zro up. or coope rati ve, to help matters ? I\I(? 8~ r s Frank Cox of the Cincinlloti Coope rative Pur e Milk Co. 'In<l C. W. Lawrence o f th e Miami Valley Copcrativ e in Dayton. arc a lso expected to Kive lo.cnl con<li Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 tion ~ carefu I con sidel'Ution . Dairyme n and farm erg throughout th e co unty will also have opportunity to a~k question s and bring up problems for discu ssion . Thi s will b e the only such meetin g in this county this w inte r. so Class urges pverybody interested to come Tu esday evenin g. Th~s is one of a series of ll in e meetlllgs held by December 2-Corner of Stratford & Monument Ave., Dayton , Ohio. Messrs McKellip and Neff for the December 3-J. P. Calihan, farm Fale 2 % miles N. E. of Springboro , co nvenience and bene fit of farmers throu ghout eight counties of Ohio. Southwestern Ohio. December 4-Mrs. Bertha Ramsey l)l mile South o'f Bellbrook. farm &ale. D--.ber a-At 9 :30 a. m. 103 S. Jefferson St., Dayton. Ohio. . December 7-108 S. Jefferson Street, Dayton, Ohio. D~ember 8-Furniture Sale, 203 S. Jefferson, Stre~t, Dayton, Ohio. Here are some coming sales of whic.h you may Wish to attend. . iIII~TAJIIT
No.2 Wheat
Waynesville farmers be. Co. Public Sales
Beginning December 17 every day until. Chl'iRt'!1as" I have been enpged to conduct auction sales for the. OhIO Jobbmg Co. U you are going to make a sale see me early. I make out YOUI' sale bill and take care of all adverti sing. and remember. if 1 do nol 8&tiafy you your saleo. costs you nothing. It pays to get the m an "'.ho gets the most dollars ' out of your sale-that's what you are mos t Ill terested in. Can me for your sales and get t he best res ults at the least price.
·F. T. MARTIN, Licensed Auct.
Centerville, Ohio
Phone 78J
LYTLE MI'. W. Ii. Allen and Mi s Olive Allen we re in Dayton, Saturday.
. Ask abou ll our 40c purcha e r>Jan .. Cury' Jewelry S hop, L eb. !lnon, Ohio. MI' . harles J oy was II Sunday dinnel' gues t of MI'. and 1\1rs. Oli ve ,· Davis. Mrs. Annie Gibbons, and famil y visited friend s in Middl etown Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. L. King s pent Tuesday in No rw ood, the g uest of Mrs. Chllrl es Boers tler.
The Home Beauty Shoppe
J\li s Thelma Coleman aeeomWill open Friday noon, paine~ Miss Gibbons to Cincinnati ' atunlay. ~ December 4, 1931 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, John SOc Pre,;tOI} and Mrs. 1'herle Jones MaTcel and !lon were Thanksgiving dinner Finger WIlV', dri d SOc gu (:sts of Mr. and Mrs . Bernie ringer Wuve, not dried ,... 25c Uill neal' OIayton, Ohio . SOc omb Wnvo MI.. Glenn Brock . of Indianap25c olis alld nephew Robert Cl'one of Hllir Cut .. 'enterville, Ind., were Friday SOc hampl'l o .. gue t8 of Mrs. Alice Brock. SOc: Facial, plain . Mrs. hal mer Readel' has been Fa('ial, pack 75c in Miami Volley hospital the past week 'fOI' treatment and observaOPENING SPECIAL tion. Free hair cut give n with each Mrs. Margaret Johns spent marcel! 01' finger wav e. Th!1nksgiving Day a nd the weekend with her sister , Mrs. Elizabeth mith at NUI'ses cottage nt the oldiers Home, near Dayton. 1\11-. and Mrs. William Coleman, Mi sses Thelma Coleman and Doro- .ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iiiiiii. .iiiiiii;;;;;;;;; t hy Mocs in were entel·tained to Thanksg iving dinn er at the home
Late Classified Ads.
Mrs. John Klotz in Rebecca Dunham, of Kings The condition of Mrs. Georgian1IIilJ !<. \\1 8. the wee k-end guest of na Haine s re mai~s ab out the Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Sheehan. WA~TED same. possibly so me \Y,eaker. MI·s. A. E. White and family of Call the Wayne. vi lle Farmers' Col umbu s wel'e aturday guests W ANTED- to buy a ton of Excha nge for New Corn MellI and of Mr. und Mrs. Kesler Gruham. Roasting chicks. Will pay depure Buck Wheat Fluur. Miss Evlyn Johns i ~ nb:ient li vered to my plnee 15 c for roast, from school on UCCOUl1 t t d having (ry s and ' heavy hen s , all thllt will 01'. A. T. Wright spen t the ~o throu g h the market. Phon e Thunk sgiv ing h olidays with his son the mumps . Walter Kenric k made a bU:iin ess ~ HJR2, Will Gu stin . · d2 Alfred lind family, in Columbu s. trip to Lebanon Tuesd ay. Mr. und Mrs J , 13 J 'lll es spent Mi ~s Catherine Gibbon s, county Monday in Dayton . n u· r~c, \\IllS 8J bus iness visit or in Mrs. Sum Charicto n, Mrs. A. Cincinnati. F I' iday and Saturday. Eo Charl eton acc ompanied by MI'. and MJ·s. Ben Chaml)iol1, of Orv ille Phillips, spent Monday in Dayton, l:!p en t Sundny with MI'. Dayton. The former who has been and MI·s. C. E. A nderson a nd ill for lIOll1e time visited a doctor th ere. They al so called on her fomi ly. daughter, Norma. MI' 5. Kesler Graham and daugh Chas. A ndl!rSOn and family and Mrs. Addie S mith spent Thanks- tel' Miss Berni ce made a business giv ing in Spr'ing Valley with Mrs. trip to Le banon FridllY. Me~ s rs Carl Kolker of Dayton Kate Evans. and Loren Reason of Waynesville MI'. and Mrs. Samue l Butter- wel'e Thanksgiving dinner guests worth and Gi.lbert Frye were Sun- of Milo Miltenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullinex day dinner p;uests of MI'. and Mrs. spent Sunday with the latters Erne st Butte rworth. brother, Morris Hormel and family Mrs. Carl Croll and son, of at Urbana, and Mrs. Mullinex Franklin, spl~et several days last spent Monday with her sister, Mrs week with her parents, Mr. and S. McGrauder near Davids church Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Elmer Shee han. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Johns were: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns and and son, of Loveland, were guests son Lero\\, of Dayton, Mr. and C Hlt~REN hate to ta1;.e mttlicine as a rule. Lut every chikl lo,es of MI'. and Mrs. Rny Mills and Mrs. James Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick. daughter, on Saturday. the taste of Casto!ia. And this yure MI'. and Mrs. Kesler Graham vegetable preparation is just as gOl)u MI'. and Mrs. Bert McCullough and daughter attended a family as it tastes; just as uland and just as nnd family, <if Dayton, were dinner, Thanksgiving at the home Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. harmless :ts the recipe reads. W. Albright at Waynesville. When Baby's cry warns of colic. lind Mrs. C. E. Michener. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Miltenber- II few drops of C:l~torill has him Mr. F orres t Crane and daugh- ger entel·tained, Mr. and Mrs. Ray soothed, asleep :Igain in a ji1Ty. Nothter Marjorie, of Cincinnati, were Miltenberger, of Middletown, and ing is more valuable . iu diarrLea. dinner gu ests of Mrs. Maude MI'. and Mrs. Clifford Archdeacon and son of Dayton, to dinner on When coated tongue or bod brcath rlln e and family,. on Sunday. Sunday, Mrs. Martha Jane Milten- lell of constipatioa, invoke its gentle Mrs. Eva Miller had the pleas- berger accompanied her son to uiJ to cleanse and regulate a child's ure of having her daughter, M'I's. Middletown to the bedside of bel' I;uwcls. J n colds or chHdren's diseases, GI'ace McCune and W. S. Reid, of daughter, Mrs. Hulda Dearth, who Y \I should use it to keep the system Lima for the Thanksgiving holi- is very low at this time. James Haines fell on icy cement lrum clogging. day. Friday at the home of Mr. and Castoria is ~old ia every drugstore : Mrs. Mildl'ed Surface a nd chil- Mrs. Walter Kenrick, breaking his the genuine always be'ars Chas. H . dren, Mrs. Wa'l'rcn Surface and lett arm about three inches from I<Ietchcc's signature. ]\f1·S. Emma Eyer spent Thanks- the shoulder. An x-ray at Dr. viving Day with MI'. and Mrs. S. Delscamp's in ~'&'ton ' Saturday showed it was an impact fractu'I'e. H. Burnet. which causes him a great deal of Mr. and Mrs. S, H. Burnet en- suffering. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick entertain ed MI'. nnd M1'8. Floyd Hnrn ens of Dayton, and Mr. and tertained to dinner on Sunday the Mr ~. F~url Burnet and so n Hugh following Mr. and J. ~~~~~~~~~~~~=r B. Jones, guests: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. L. of pring VaHey, Sunday. . Duke, Mr. and Mrs. Kesler GraMrs. James Rae and son of near ham and daughter, Bernice, Mrs. Lebanon. and Mrs. Chester Cut- Margaret Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. I ,I ler and son, of Loveland, spent a Longacre, John Preston and Mrs. day lust weel< with Mrs. Cutler's Ruth Savage. mothel', Mrs. Ray Mills. l\li ~
The Friendship club will meet with Ml's. Clur, Wednesday, December 9. An . exchange of 5c /.!'ifts will be one of the features. A gOod attendance' is urged. MI . Emmfl Hamilton and son, Frank Hamilton, of Newport, Ky. , who have been visiting M'I's. Frank 'Andrews and family and H. K. Hamilton and family, in Cleveland. the: past few weeks, returned home Sunday eveni~g.
The guarantee sticker pictured above, wben attacbed to a weight delivery ticket, is a I"'otectiou against sllhstitution and au abso. lute assurance that the coal delivered wiH give complete heating ..tiafaction. Greuadier Coal costs a few pennies more per day than ordinary coal but those few extl'a pennies mean a whole lot more Pl'O'tedlon when winter comes.
Play safe this winter-burD Gi"enadier Coal. · It's a I)remium coal and it'8 doubly guaranteed.
Th ere may be one other in Ohio - a nurseryman says he thinks there is-but you don't find them in every front yard. Wheeler Stewart, farmer in the Pitchin community, has a real American holly tree on his place. lts green leaves and red berries look like Christmas. Mr. Stewart is proud of it, and well he might be. 'fhe tree ill one of five small plants that cllme from Maryland 14 years ago. It was given to Mr. Stewart. The other four have long since given up the ghost. This Ohio climate is not conducive to the health of the holly tree. Stewart's t:ree is now perhaps 15 feet tall. He sltYs it was loaded down with bright red berries, but a heat wave wilted part of them. There are still enough to make the tree a thing of beauty. Stewart's farm, 'Red Bud Hills,' has been visited by many who were interested in seeing the tree which has only one sister (or is it a brother?) in the state.-South Chal'leston Sentinel.
Never bought such tires as you get in these
GOODYEAR PAT :n NDERS 1'rleo End. In SIZE of 1'. .... 1' " .. $4.(;18 $4_80 5 ,60 r;.45 :)a:, ~ ..~C · :!1 :; ,;;,l:JI ~~ .SS :: Z · :'I.':; -!~ ~.6'; 6.45 :? ~x l.j:; · :::O 6.7$ 6 .S7 2h'i (1:)-19 6.98 «>.80 3 1" '- .C~ - ~0 ,.to 60.90 z ~: '; .2~ · 18 ,.q'l '.6S :J1 : - .:!'; ·:! 1 8.':;:7 ~.35 29xUO-21
Z!ld , - ~ - 2 0
2 ~·. :; ..:O·! S
. Phone 47
Waynesville, Ohifl
ta alae .enalne
~11"'.1oa MUJen Creek Coal
Send yol.lIr Chri.tma., Card. the Printed way thi. year. Call and .ook at Olllr.. ,It'. the rilht time now. Do
not put
Prlce of Eac:h
Each la Pain
30d.50.21$4.8S $4.70 28d.'15-19 2sx5.00-19
aodY, "
S." 5.57 S.99 S." 5.'S 5.65
in Mr. Cleveland. ~~~~==~~~~~~====~~~~~====~~~~~~~~ and Mrs. C. H. McK-ay were .:: guests, last :week, of thek daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rawsey of Huntington, W. Virginia. The W. F. M. S. met with Mrs H. F. Compton on Wednesday of last week. Rev. and Mrs. Kilmer had as guests last week, Mrs. Kilmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KinChanneldrain Roofing has caid of Sardinia. The funeral of Alvah Blair, a a full weight base of Copper native of this village was held in the M. E. Church on Friday after. Alloyed Steel thoroughly noon. He leaves to mourn their loss a daughter, Mrs. Raymond protected by a highly duraWilson and a son, Herman Blair ble coating of pure Zinc. It of Spring Valley, three brothers James, Bert and Charles, of Xenia will resist wear and weather and a sister, Mrs. Lena Kelch of
7he Most Rool /OT the Least Money
Mrs. Willard Fleck and children of Canton, and Oran Turner of New Philadelphia, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Turner and family.
as no ordinary roofing could
Channeldrain BlOOFI NG _AD. 0'
CO.1RDr The tillintr station operated by . . . COP. . . ALLOyq.~ Webstet' KIrby at ,h is home in Pekin was broken into Sunday night at about 9 o'clock. Entrance , possibly do. will prot~ was gained by breaking a windo.w, a burg)8Ir alarm on the window b~dings against fire and ligh~ ' having been tampered with, inrung. Come in and let us show dicated that the robbers were acquainted with the place. . you the patented Channddrain The robberll took $6 in change from tqe cash register together construction that offers maximum, protection, witti three $1 bills, a .22 revolver Mr. Kirby had left in the station against le~s. See for yo~sdf why Channe1drain ' and left by the fJ'ont door. In making their e~it tJiey set oil' a c:=' is the most economic.~ , ~or you to bUl"glar alarm connected with the door and aroused Mr. ·Kirby. He was unable to apprehend . them and they made their escape hi the ·darkness. . .!-~ ••- - - ,;::;:'
Waynesville, Qhlo
ordon's Ser Station
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reeves and family of Columbus, have moved into Mrs. Steddon's property. Mrs. J. C. Pickin of Dayton, and Will. Harlan of Latham, spent the ThanksgiVing holidays with their mother, Mrs. Diadem Harlan. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. InWOOd spent a part of last week with relatives
_:h:> ..;(J-l:J 6.qO 8.65 n., ., j. ~ -" 0 i1t< ~ "1lil.15
Eft A
.. -----
Look for This Guarantee on Your Weight Ticket
0- ~. Tothel' Mother-"WeU, . our little baby's "ot DaddY eyes and ~~ nose." , Little lTiptmie--"You'd better ' eat busy, ~be~1 'caule be'. cot
....ndm. I
l8eUl DOW."
- ====
EightY-Fourt~ear --~--:-
w. A. C.'s Tak e
Hap pen ings a"t the Sch ools .Du ring Pas t ",ee k As Rep orte d bv the Spe cial Rep orte rs Every Pupil Tell The s tud ents of Wayne svllle Schools t ook the Every Pupil t es t W ednesd ay, Decemb e r 2, 1931. State t ellts were given in th e f ollowin g sub jects: !:Ird, 4th, 5tli, 6th, 7th and 8th year in Arithm etic. First y ea r in Algebra . Plan e Geom etry. Chemi!> t ry. 3rd and 4th yeal' 'Readin g. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th years English Usage.
Two Gam es off of Germ anto wn
Whole Numb er 5991 _
Cin cin nat i Ma n Exo ect s to Dr Ill for Na tur al Ga s ~in- Wal'~esville -
Th(' WaynM villc A. •. t ell n'R won two v ictories f rom t hI' r. ~I"' mantow n I nde pe nd en t bask 'I ba ll team s at t he local Gym , Tu esda. evening . T he ReRcI',' e gum was ralhcr 1'Dj!;",ed, and was mark·d by t he 11 1I111 b£' l· /I f players uHed by l,<tch tealli. Wuyne syi ll e tonk a fi\' point leud in lh!' fir~t qllHrter , a nd wns headi ng at the dose. The ~co r by qu urte rs:
.- --
At th o regular mceting of t he Villagc oUllcil last Monday , Mr. J uhn Ha r tmun of inc inna ti, was prc:;enl . MI'. Harima n stated that he intende d lo llrill f OI' gas in this commu n ity and usked that Coun'Cil gi,'c him thc right to lay ma in s in the tow n if hl! was suc cessful. Afler the paym ent of bills a nd 1 , 2 :~ 4other I'egular bll · in e~s mutters the (j WaYlll' svi ll o 8- 18 Miss Emma Hl' ighw uy i ~ \' i ~ ilillg ouneil ad journed. ' OL l\IB S- ln lhe Gc r'ma ntow il Uni led l 7 4- 15 fr iends in ' incinn al i. Ga s was discove r d in Waynes SUctes appruxi mately IU~ lJilllun II nro lJ Ben yhill was the individ· do ll Ul'ti 01 lire in"lIrun ce iti in ville i n 1897, when Frank BarnMI'. and Mrs. W . H. Allen were ·fun;\.! at thi:; lillie, dU1l 1 s tal· of the main ga me, caging Junior Cia .. Play Accurd ing to hart, who operate d II liv ery stable ual slar o f t he main game, caging Cincilln ati \'iRi t o r ~ , Mon day . ligures lo b' fuu nd in lhe general The play "Little Sherloc k," six ficld gouls an d threc foo l s hot s slIllisti cs uJ Uhio, \\ hic h will be whl! re SmiLh's service sLat ion is given by t h(! Juni or class' was a for fifte en poi nt ~. Th is game was Mr. lind Mrs. Geo rge Ke rn j)ulJlished by Sec reLa ry of Slate, now localed , was drilling a well s uccess cven though the crowd full of fa :;t and furioLH; action, werc bus in ess \'i ~ il o r s in Day ton Clu rence J . tlrow n, 1Il0rt! Wh en the driller thun tiVl for . \\'aler. was not liS large a s it might have a boul everyth ing hu t bucki ng the today. bill ion cig ht hunure d million 01 reac hed a depth of been. The purpose of the play was about 75 f eet, lin e wa s tried by both teams. this amo unt is in Uhi o. In th ~ to rlli 'C money 'for the Junior u strong s mell of gas was noticed , Agai n Way nesvi ll e got away in the Nicc Unitel.! lin e !:itates of tw hr o istll1a und s onc-fou Cards rth Senior banque t. Havin~ very little lead , a nel t his t ime main ta ined from 1 ce nt to billion wa s paid to policy holders an d u f~\V f ect deeper a slight cxpens e we made a fall' profit. flow of gas was encoun tered. t hei r ad va ntage a ll th e wny. The Linc oln Sm ith' s. 10 cents lit Graee und l!bne1iciaries dUl'lng l!laO, and score: cla im .for fifty-s ix millio n dollan, News soo n reached the ea r of a gas promot W. A. C. an d he made arComme rcial Dept Mrs. L. H . Gordon waR hosless hull lhl.!ir origlll within th is slale. rangem ents or, to drill for ga s. G F T Asse ts of 11 11 this courHry 's lif E' The typing s tudents under Miss to the memb er s of the Clover The fir~t attemp t wus made jn Mr. and Mrs. . S. E lli s are P yl(', F. lII::lurance compan ies amo unted al D en ni ~ lire rapidly develop ing 1 ) 3 Leaf club, on Wedn es da y. altendi ng lhe State Grunge ut Bu erkle. F the end of 1 vau to 11earl y ninetee n t he .·p ring of 1898 near the per fect rythmn , at. lea st, that is 3 o 6 Robitze r mill, where a ! air flow of undll sky, thi s week. th e rep ort from listener s in the E1Ii. C 3 1 7 Depend able Watche s and the bi lli on of da llal" . This acc umula- gas wus discove red. The well was study hall. With the aid of a Ramby , ' 3 1 7 latest in Jewelry and Novelti es at ti on of savi ngs is seco nd on ly t shot in July, but it was not sufficiportab le victrola the typists make Ask about our 40 c purchas e Berryhi ll, G Ij 3 15 ClIr y's Jew elry Shop, Le ban on, :savi ngs .!:SanK depusil s, ana 01 ent lor comme rcial use, althoug h cou rsc has u highly imp ortant l'ol\; copy to the tune of the 'Toread or' plilil. Car y's J ewelry Shop , Le b· _ _ , OhiO, the l1IiIl had e nough gas to last 10 llnancin g of t he prese nt da y. anon, Ohio. lind "The Stars and Stripe. 16 I) 38 Total seve ral years. Forevel·... Mrs. Fmnk Sta nsberry , Mrs. olden ed by the discove ry The Chl'istm GE RMAN TOWN a werl theEmb MI'. li nd Mrs. E lwood Andrew s, IJ ohn Stansbe rry and Mis!; Kath er- ofticially openedal; inholidllY contrac tor moved · his drill to the Capital of Dayton , s pcnt the week-en d Honor Roll l~ T I in e Daug hters were s hopping ill CiLy !:iutunla y with the G a l'l'ival 01 the Sheeha n farm, and gas was 'rhe fo llowing is a list of the WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF with Fran k Stansbe rry a n d family F:va nS, F !:iIlIlLIl Clau ', who was welcome<! discove red there, al so . The flow, :1 o 6 Dayton" toda y. CHRIS T D. Smith F pupils who are on thc honor 1'011 by Govern or White und Mayo\, howeve r was not strong, althoug h 3 1 7 tho gas from t he well was used ' 1 5 (Unden ominat ional) !\Ir. and Mrs. F I'an k Martin and '!'homa :; from the west for the Pllst six weeks: U. M. White, or L ouisv ille, Ky. , R. Fischel', C 2 01 101' severa l 'years in the o 6 SO n, Dicki e, ' of Dayton , were the Cap ita l building . Thens teps s hop P. Fischer , G Chestel ' A. William son, Ministe r C Ol·O u ~~ .. to ~? ~um.bu s, call~ 3 Seventh Gmde a paro 6 gue sts of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo ad e was Iorm ed and several tho us- el'recte d by Harry S herwoo d on ay n fs~ llI e fll ~n cl s, M o nda ~ dafto~ Glenna Woolar d.' a o cI E. Sm ith, G Ch urc h S C I100 I a t9..30 a. m . W the noon site. . The gas 2 \ Curl, on Sunday . finally gave out. A mlllerm ll n, F 1 Freshm enand school children particip ated. Alw~y s "somet hing speciuL " . Mr. Hartma n surely has great McCoy, . F o o _0 Bctty Hartsoc k. Luter they were given a ride on faith Lord 's Supper at conclus ion. Chris that. t he g as is here, as he Mr. and Mrs. John H eeter, Mrs. .Santa':; merry-go-round ophomo restian End eavor lit 6 :30 p. m. James Mr. an dMrs. Ralph Greego r and erected 15 4 32 ! Arch Wa rn er alld so n, of Dayton , ' I!J th e StlSle House yard. Dccora - comes on his own ini tiative to drill Robert Gons, Arthul' , leader. Evenin g evangel is- Mr~ . I. Will HaY'lie of Colum bus, T ota l a well. were gues ts of 1111'. and Mrs. tlOns ovet· the cIty are more Florett a Winter botham . tic service ut 7 :30 p. m. G. T . \Ve l'c S unda " vi sito1'l; of Mr . ami elabor George Kern, on S unday. By quarter s : 1 2 3 4Bernie Graham ate than usual and excite admira Batema n in charge . Prayer meet- irs. J. H . Sm it h. Ru th Hocket t. . tion of all who see them. The TEN HOURS REQUI RED W. A. C. 9 8 8 13-3 8 ing and Bibl e tudy each Wednes Juniol' sDistrict Superin tendel) t, Dr. e lectricu l Christm as tree '011 the German town 6 Ii 7 1:-\- 32 day at 7 :3 0 p. m. The church TO REACH VERDI CT Miss Lu ell John Bickel and Mrs. Bickel, of State House dome is a pl easing D01·is alisbur y and Bible Study each W edn esday cd a reccptioa William son attend-, n i n Du~· ton given Seniors Dayton a t novelty , were as dinner Ilt'e also guests the modern isof Ilev at 7 :30 p. m. The church where t he home A large crowd of loya l rooters and of Mrs. Dr. Lloy d at R onald Hardin . Mrs. G. C. Dibert, on Sunday . t ic Christm as tt'ees on the light John Beard, 25-year -old Frankwhere you f eel at home. Far Hil ls on Sat urd ay afterno on. clime over from German town . Verden a Fox. poles along High Stl'ee t, all elec- lin barber whose trial for murder W est Chester , champi on s of last trically Lois P e nnin~..ton. illumin ated, each pole l tt racted conside rable attentio n year's Warre n County League , will Miss Hel en Welch, of the WayST. MARY S CHURC H An'na O'Neall Mye r Hyma n untl family were play two gum es her e next nesville Nationa l Bank force, is being connec ted with a strand of Lhrough out Wan'en county last Tuesda y Rev. J. J. Scheffe r, Rector Hele n Friend. ~ u es t s at six o'clock dinn er Fri- Decemb er spendin g a f ew day s with her laul'el, evergr een and vari-co lored ,vcek, was f ound guilty of murder 15, 1931, at the Gym . in tha sccond degl'ee by a jury in Decem ber 13, Third Sunday in day evcnin! ! at th e h ome of Mr. sister, Mrs. Wilbur Thornh ill, ut s pangles . COO1ll3On pleas court on .Friday F. F. A. Meetin a Advent. Church school at 9 :30, and Mr ~ . a ul H u!'\v ich, in LebXenia. That the Christm as spirit is nig,h t. Th e jury of seven men arid RECEI VES APPO[ NTME NT The l~. F. A. had a meetin g last Mornin g Prayer and sermon at anon. truly preva iling at tlie big penal 11,'e womell , in whose hands week at which they elected officer s 10:30 . . Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebano n, institut ion West Spring SU'oet Beard 's fate rested, deJiber ated\ Saws fil ed Jyy machin e r y, cut They are as fo llows: Wrig ht Hi!ltt, son of Mr. and Ohi o, is celebra ting it' s 40th wh ere 4,500inprisone rs al'e confine d for ten hours before returni ng a cleaner FERRY , t ruer, CHURC H OF CHRIS T fa~ter. Also cross- Mrs. Clyde G.. Hiatt, of Winche Preside nt- Paul Savage . Annive rsary un til Decemb e r 26th is demon strate<! daily by the ar- ve rdict, s. eut saws, /!umme d, 25(. pcr f oot. tel', Ind ., is appoint ed V. Preside n t -Evere tt Marlatt . ( Undeno minatio nal) 40 years40 giits-4 0c. It pays rival of hundre ds of packag es of by his Beard was charged \vith the. faRoy Pigott, at Mad Secreta ry--Jul ian Crabbe. dert's Lumbe r fath er's to good s hop at "The Home of Gifts." gifts and holiday greetin gs. War- tal s hooting of R oscoe Lakes, 21, friend , Senato r Chester A. William son. Ministe r Yard. Treasu rer- Hebel' Lucas. J a mes Watson , to West Point Church School at 9 :30 a. m. den P. E. Thomas announ ccs that paper worker of Frankli n (ollowThe po sitions of reporte r and Military Acad e my. • no boxes' will be distribu ted fol' in.g an argume nt in a pooi room at Supper and sermo n at Mr. and Mrs. R. . J . William . so n watch were left until a future Lord's Young Hiatt is a hand some left Thursd 10 :30. SermOn by G. T. Batema n New Year 's and relative s and that place last May. The shootin g I\h:. an d M.l s. Fl ed Hubble e~- I blonde giant of over ay for t heh' home at meeting . six f eet, an You are always welcom e at this tert8lne d MI. ~nd Mrs. HarrY , a thlete and a scholar . fri ends s hOUld govel'n themse lves occurl'e d on May 23, 1931, and He is th e Lakewood, Ohio, lifter a three- accordi Lawson a.nd f a mil y, of ~o l~mbu s" c:ml y grandso n of thc late ccurch. ngly. Special program s will Lawes died three weeks later in weeks visit with t he 'former 's Scene. Of Life In Old Mexico and P auhn~ ~ ca. of Wilmm gto n' l' wright , who li ved hi s entire[s rael parents , MI'. and Mrs. H . H. be given during t he holiday season the Middlet own city hospita l. life on Thanks glvlOg Day. William son. Beard was arreste d several hours A three re.ol moving picture was ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H in Way nes\·jIJe. shown in the school gym by Barber s hop r eguhitio lls recent- aftcr the shootin g at the home of Wright is sevente e n years old Rev. Fortma n his !;ister in Frankli n and has been Arthur L. Thomp son at 11:10 a. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drake of und will g radua te with Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Huwk e, visit- ly amende d by the Public Health held First hon ors Thi.rd Sunday Mass at Indiana polis m. in the county jail since that Wednes day, Counci Decemb er 2, 8 :00 a. snd l of spent the sta the te are w eek-e to be nd rigid from ed Mrs. Winche Mary ster Hopkin Hig h this coming s at her home Iy m. Second , Fourth and with the time. Indicte d by the Octobe r 1931. enforcO latter's O. parents Among , Mr. some and of March. the in Dayton , Sunday afterno on. 'Some of the scenes were: The Fifth Sunday , Mass at 10:30 a. m. Mrs . Fred Hubble . Mrs. Hubble Mr.. Hopkin s, who s uffered a regulat ion are: Hands of the grand jury for first degree murder . - . - - --. he s ubsequ ently pleaded not life of the Peon class of people, accomp anied them home for an ex broken leg several month s ago, is barber sha ll be washed with soap guilty EASTE RN STAR NOTIC E includi ng their homes, dothing , WAYN ESVIL LE M. E. CHURC H tended vis it. and the trial was set for and watcr before se l'Ving each getting along nicely. food, work, sports and habits: custom er; t here shall be a separat e Decemb er 1. Unable to employ an G. C. Dibert, Pastor Miami Chapte r No . 1 07 O. E . S attorne y the court appoin ted RobThe show was given in order clean towel Th e Woman '~ Auxili ary of St. will meet in regular each custom er.; ert W. Brown session Monto give the pupils an opportu nity Mrs. Ambt·os e Decke r, of Dodds towels knownfor Wednes day: Bible study and Marv's Churl!h will meet t of Lebano n, to repas " steame rs" shall on Fri- day evening , Decem bel' 14, al 7 :30 wa!; here the resent BeaM. to learn more about the history of prayer meeting at 7 :00' p. Ill . The day ' aftern oon, prosecu tion first of the be used only onc Decemb e withou er t re- was conduc ted byThe 11, at Memor ial an d in stallatio n of of- we ek helping in our sister republi c. subject. for this meeting will be two o'clock at the hom the care of her luunder ing; materiu l used to' stop tush, prosecu tingC. Donald DilaThe admissi on .f ee of 5c that the parable of "The Childre n at Harris nnd MI·S. Mosher e. of Mrs. ficers. Vi sit ing membe rs welcom e. mother, Mrs. Mary J ones. The thc flow of blood attorne y of shall be applicd Warren county. conditio n of Mrs. Jon es. who has in powcre d ot· liquid was charged went to the benefit of Play." Choir practic e at 7 :45 p. of officers and paymen !Electio n form t only. of dues. Edith Andrew s: w-:M'" been The trial opened on Tuesda y the Sportsm anship Brother hood. m. an invalid scvcral has There arc a number of other aaniA full attenda nce is desired . Minnie .Fromm , Sec'y . been worse the past f ew years, days. Sunday : Sunday aohool at 9 :30 I tary regulat ions and also special mornin g of last week, the case going to .the jury at 11 :20 a. m. on a. m. Mornin g worship at 10 :30 :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. H. S. Lo.e. to Frankli n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ones govcl'Iling manicu res, hair Friday and followi ng a half Sermon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '1 dresscr s and chiropo dist s. Thc Orange and Black Quinte t sites of subject , "Threc Requihour's session , an adjourn ment the Christi an Life. At 2 :30 journey ed to Frankli n Friday was taken for lu~ch. Return ing at lIih m. there will ·he a union meeting Octobe r night, Decem ber 4. Despite the pheld was the b~nn er month 1 p. m. the jury delibera tecj jS .II • in our church in the interes t ' of t he year in low fatality r ccord s through out the lifterno fact that two regular membe rs of "Intern and ational Relatio nship." rcporte d to .the Industl'ial Commi s- again adjourn ed for the on were off with mumps the team The evening special speake r sion fOI' of this Ohi oco, therc being 67, which meal at 6 o'clock. ' shQwed plenty of pep during the casion Return ing at 7 will be Mr.. Ray Wilson, a is fort y-two less than the previou s entire game. They led Frankli n man - )" 'tL\.O Vt C.A~~ month and thirty-s even less than they .remain ed in session until five through the game with the broadof extensi ve informa tion and W\\aU , HE WNc4'TS Odob e l', 19 30. These were report- 9 :20 p. m., when they reporte d tel ·cxcept ion of the last three min- Epwort hexp~rience in this field. ' ed fr'om thirty-f our countie s, five the court. \.()MG ute:l of play when Frankli n scored Evange League at 6:30 p. m. ' 1\'0 HE The ve rdict' carries a lifo· senlistic service s at 7 :30 p. countie s having no f.ata lities for a field goal making the final score m. C()M{ Q~ '\'0 ~ Childre n's practic e each Tuesthe ten month s of th e year; Total tence in the Ohio peniten tiary but 18-16 in favor of Frankli n. At the .~ W".\'IAh\~-WE MUST number of claim s filed with the t he court will not sentenc e Beard hnlf the !leore stood 14 to 11 in day immedi ately after school. ' commis sion for fatal and non-fat al until the expirat ion of the three---.~ ~~ ~-favor of Waynes ville, and at the AL~ tclOW, pe1'iod fixed by law during injuries during Octobe r were 15,- day thi rd quarter 14 to 12, still for the which attorne y f or the defense ~""\.) GET DEATH A S PRE.S 372, ttt' which i~ 3,157 less than may file motion Wnyceh s but the'r lUCk change d for a Ilew trial. Octobe r 1930. ~ for the worse. AU~T Mrs. Lillian Weller, widow of ------- ~-------The Reserv e squad played a tN\W\ Y ~ Conven tion season is on for the good game ,b ut must admit their Charles Weller, died , Thursd ay FRYE- DOTY Capita l City with twelve booked defeat with Frankli n having a Decem ber 3, at the home .of her for the prese nt month, the largest final score of 12 and Waynes ville daughte r, Mrs. D. C. Ridge. FunMi s!! Marga ret Doty, of Dayton of which will be the Ohio Educa10. The score at the half was 8 to eral service s were held from her t ion Associa tion, Decem ber 28th aofndC.Mr. E. Gl enn Frye, second son 1 in favor of Frankli n. The out- late home in Centerv ille, Sunday at 1 :30 p. m., and in the Centerto 31., which will bring approx i- l"icd W. Fry e, were quietly marstandin g player was C. Cook. ville M. E. church at 2 mately 3,500 visitors to the city. ,'crem on Thllnk sg iving Da.y. The o'clock. On Saturda y night, Dceem ber ony was perform ed at 3 p. Ohio auditor s and' Ohio s heriffs 5, O. S. and S. O. came to Interm ent in Centerv ille cemete ry at th e home of the bride's held their annual meetin gs la st 111. Waynes ville's .floor and were de- , in Day ton. week with good attenda nce of bl'other teated by a score of 24 to 11. BeMrs. Josephi ne Burton , wife of The b1'idegl'oom is a very es-. membe rs of both bodies. cause of sicknes s, the second team L, J. Burton , of Route 0, died t imable yo ung ma n and has a ~aB called 'to aid the var.s ity, the Friday night at the home of her large cil'cle of friend s in this hne up was as follows : Davis, F ., daught er in Xenia. Death was due Three more weeks of open hunt- commu nit y. He graduat ed Ellis F., Armstr ong C. Barton G, to heart disease . Funera l serv ices ing season remain in which rabbit Way nesville High school in from Edward s G. The Grade team won were held Monday afterno on. ducks, geese and coot Olav be class of '2 6 and is a gradua te the of with a score of 13 to 11. taken. The mild weath er' of the Iial11i·Jacobs Business College . past few weeks has The bee young n ideal ('ouple will reside in for Miss Margar r 84 passed fishing and at Buck eYe Lake Dayton where Mr. Frye is employ Xenia Celltra l Came, D.c~ber I) away at hertlt Warne home in Selma, seldom a day passes that fi she rs do ed in the office of The Genuin e A'Ccording to Coach Pyle, Friday, Decemb er 4. Miss Warner not report or exhibit fin e stl'ings Parts Compan y. Wallace , Turner and Miltenb erger was well known here, having of b1uegil ls or erappie s. Twentywill probab ly be out of the Friday visited at the Friends Home on five is the limit for the form er tilt on accoun t of illness. Edward s differen t occasio GULLO ELECT S Oa,:'FICERS ns, when her and forty for the latter. ~. Mi1ler, Thomp son and Arms- brother -in-law and Mr. and trong will probabt y substitu te for Mrs. Howell Pierce,sister, superin The ''''regul ar meeting of St. them. With the showin g that these tenden t and matron were of that instiMal'y's Guild WIIS he~d Thursd~y W. F. M. SOCIE TY boys made Saturda y night against tU~r~ and Mrs. J. L. Menden tlftcrn oon at fhe home of Mrs. hall, the O. S. & S. O. The Woman 's Fo'r eign Mission - Em!lla H. Mc.ClIne. Followi there H ng the ' , efforts will not be in,H01lls, vain. Mr:s. L. M. enderso n, Mrs, W... E . ary Society met at thc home of bystnes s. sess,lon ~Re , annua.l ele<:- " W. H, S. looks for "Wayc ehs" , O'Neal l, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. K. Day with Mrs. Dibert tlOn ·o~ omc~rs was held Curtis .w • d h to b 11 e Tomlin son. Mrs. Anna Sheeha n to and Helen Ha\vke ass't. hostess es .. follo\vl~g re~ul~:. '. Ml'~. lth the pre:~t e~~ opes e we .- and Ml'S, D. H. Hocket t attende d The devotio nals were conduct ed Hawke, .p'te~ldent, MIS8 ' ~onald • - • t~e .funera l service s which were by Mrs . White, the subject being Brown, Vice .pre8Ident~;,~~ Ma,mc ~ Em.!"a held Monday afterno on at the, "Walk With God." . ' ENTER TAINE D CLUB H. ~rcdlure, Be~l'e~r;y...trea er..' re.tden ee. Mrs. Day told of the I.lfe o()f Ida I • • ' Ohang, who was a not.e d worker. Mrs. John Gons was hostess . UNiON MEE1II NG ' iti China. U~D~R~ENT O~RATION ._ to the-::Young Women 's bridge club . '. ' .., M1:8. Crabbe gave an fnterest ing Tuesda y evening , Prize winner s On Sund:av. ,review of the weJ.:e Miss Doris Hawke , Mias Sara first chapter of our "''''.n.•, Mrs. H. 0 .• OOTnell underw ept a stud}' book, "On to the Village ," p. m.. MiSllildlne and Mrs. Vern Simpso n. double operati on a minor nafure , The meetiq g adjourn ed _to meet ~ro':!:~! Mlsa Mariet ta Guy will be hOBteBB.~ McOIeUan of hQsplta l, Xenia, with Mrs. Si.!:e.!..:i! Jal!ua~. ' at the 'Christmas meatin c, Decem- Tuesda 7. ·The lateat· word year .to is tbat be.r 22. she Is ptU" alone V8l'J' welL , See :ur line of Xmas Carda Red Cross memb erships will be rec e ived in Warren county until Januar y 1, 1932 , it was announ ced thi s week by County Chairm an Chades J . Wag-go net· wh o pohlted out that only 200 membe rs were enrolled in the county during the two weeks' pe riod ending on Thanks giving Day. Warren co unty's quo ta is 1,200 membe rs for 193 1. J. 11 . Sm ith i ~ on th ' . iel< list. Th e membe rs hip fee of $1 will be receivl.!d at a ny bank in th e W: co unty during the remain der of 111 un Hl. C. PhillipR is ,ill with pncu· this month and th ose in charge hope that s uffici ent support and MI'. nnd Mr ~. Ralph Miller were inte rest will be given the dri ve to put Wa rren county "over the in Dayt on Mondfl Y. top." J ame~ Lovply ' and family spent One hal f of the membe rship fe e rcmain s in this county and lhe rc- unday wit h rc lative s at l\Iid dle· mainde r is se nt to the Nationa l town. Red Cross headqu arters in Wa ~ h ington for the na t ionnl relief work Chl'istm as a nd New Years of the organiz ation. Greetin g ca rd l\ at Grace L. Smith's .
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of elltate ceased, Is caa~ of Mutual Building tocks and make return to court. Compa ny versus Wilbur Mima Emel'1;on waa appoin ted l'azec, et al., the defend ants executr ix 01 t he estate of Nettle are to be lie ved publica tion. , Probate Court chafer, d ecea ed, and filed bond In. the S:IlS oC Hobart M. Cable hal'les William Bercaw , guaT- of $2000 with t he Amerk, lln ur- ompany verSU8 Wilbur Wilson , dilln of David Washbu rn Bercaw , ety Compan y as surety. George the defend ant is granted 20 days minor, filed his final accoun t . Gates, C. H. Creighton and C. E . to plead, oth Greeley , ex entor of the os Moore were ulPpoint ed apPl'uis ers. Stephe ns.Dr aggo .was granted t::It of Martha Gl'eoley, dece,a sed, tOil The estate ' of M. Hatha- a Jivol'ce fr om Harriet .Draggo filed hi s fir t and final accoun t. way, decease d, is Anna ILLUST RATIO NS BY HENRY JAY LEE o. exempt fro m inThe will of Lutper E . Hughes , heritun ce tax. . , op~T}'i ght by Charles Scribne r's ons decea 'ed, was admitte d to probate Real E.tate Tranlfe ra The e tate of Samuel Smith, de 'rh' will of Ed. Y. Adams, de- ceased is exempt fro m inherita ---...;""..., ......."..." ..." .....................""'''.'''...''.'''......'.~.............'........''',, ...•.., ..."',..,"""....... Miriam Suemen ing and William nce ,,...•...."'...,,·........' .. 1ceased , wa admitte d to probate . tax, L. Suemen to Carl D. Stiles and HAPTE R m. Onl)r once hI«l ,h e lai.d a hand on 'Elsie Adams was I\ppoin ted exe- The estate of Maude ,Underw ood, Loui~e S. in)r ti les. Inlot No. 207 in hill'. T hat was whe n, in a fury, cutl'ix, No bond l' 'quired . Will dec used, js exen:tpt from inherit- Lebano n: Th Pigeon of ! Oll~ WB$ fl yi ng she had flown at him, clawi ng his Duvis, Gilpin Trimbl e and Oscar B ance tax. Eugene R. Mueller to Frank R. into the un kno wn. ain were- appoint ed apprais ers. face. He had held ,her away, loudly Sa les made by Solomo n K. Ker- C,o mbs\ R al estate in leal'cre ek The face of the man Burke was hilariou s. "I'd steal a ki SUI'uh J . Hughes was uppoin ted no hun a JministJ·f1.to r of estate of towllShlp. ' a' thing to IV onder lilt. ,Und-:r the cried ,"if 'twa n't for mys," he executr ix of the estate of Luther Pres(}'ia P. p ncc, decease were sore Frank R. Combs to E uge ne R. OHIO'S WAST E LANDS New line or W/lxed Paperl, N.p. exaltat ion of a master ldea It had al'1n. But, no . . I can 8. Hug hes' , decca ed. No bond re- appro ved of and he is to sed,ttie all Mueller . Reul estate in Deerfield gTown trange, compel ling. Hi y'come free, poki ng out wait till quired. Chnrles J. Waggo ner, If t he aband oned lands in the kin. and other goocb juat eom~ in. Wal yer accoun lips ts. eyes gleame d, hi~ t ongue stum~led and begging me t'take t ownship . a smack. tel' Rockhil l and Charles Van Ness stute of Oh ---wore blocked toin its eagerne ss. For the first tl!,ne TW nt be long." Nettie Schafe r, d'ecease d, to Lil- gcther, th el'c iowould , were appoint ed aPP I·alsors. New Suit. , . bc nn arell. of in life he was to voice that which Nor was her s ituation made lian Hutchin son, et William H. IrWin Jr., adnllnts tra al. All real and IlInd 10 easimiles FOR SALE DATES CALL wide a nti 100 nnles Arthur Ob.~ r1in versus Julia long had hidden ill ,his ev!l . mind. er by Burke's ev il sense persona tOI' l of propert the y. estate of France of , . long that is being carried by the hu mor s E. Oberlin for divorce . Charge is What had been only a VISion of Possibly to hasten her slK'rend Parkhil Norma l, dec Almond ased , fi led his seco nd 1'1' S5 neglect of duty. et al to Carrie re mainde r of the state and fr om er, powel' was now to become an actu- more probabl y in a mere · cruel a nd final account . harles W, A lI en versus William Tu fts. Inlots Nos. 29 and 30 in which the ~tat e is r eceivin g no inality. And so much, so "cry mu.ch amusem e nt, it played Mainev ille. The will of Luth er E. Hughes . 11 , MOl'I'is for money. come. upon her depe nded on kindlin g that WIld feaTS. Ca rl and de'c ensed, was filed in court. aroline Schaub to I lI'~ne Lowe ~v e l's u s Gail , Lowe --- - - spark he felt. t o gl ow wi~hi n the Arnold Hesford . Real estate in There \Va , fOI' in15tnn ce , the ocE. D. Jones. cxec u tol' of the es- I for rli vorce. UUlrge s are . g r oss soul of this girl he had seized for casion when Olive, Lovelan d. Penan Nin", .aya , for the til'5t tute of Elmr E. J ones, decea~ed I neglec t of du t y and willful abhis 0 \ n- his women . time aboard the Pigeon of Noah, filed hi s inven tory and appl'lIls e- Honce. Ed ith E. Thomp son t o First Na- "The f ell er neve,' gets any ho ney "Tanna I" he cried. "Tanna ! spoke to hel" me nt. Blink of Morrow . , TI'uvele rs In suran ce Compa ny t ional JESSE STANL EY of gettin g stung." James Ever hear tell 0' t hat island, Palm and Frank Osbo r n to Aat'- who's, _'fraid __ Had it not been f or those _ _ _ _ _ _ Mubelle K . Burgcl', adm inistrn- v~rs u s pora Hall Purkey , et III for H e laughed exc itedly. "Indee d brown- shot eyes, always Phone 320, on New Burlin, ton, Obio Oabom , et al. Real esta t e trix in of so estate of Florenc e !d., 0111, oC II1terpl.cader. s t~a l t h and I've too k good care t 'make il y upon her, she wou Id sometlm Tu rtlecree k tow nship. I Thomp NO son, ('s HUNTI decease NG d, ti led her 111-, . E.lma. E., HilI ve rsus Chl,l~les H. y' Acquai nt.' have tho ugh t of this avage as a ventory and apprnis eme nt. T ru tees of Middle Run Prim i- ' EARL KOOGL ER HilI fOI dIvorce. Charge IS gross " Tis fol' Tanna we'll be laying a machin e. There was ti The ve Baptist Church to Dayton will a sort of of J ohn unC. We the undersign ed, allow R. D. Hall, de' I eglect of duty: course. you. and me," he went on, human precisio n about Xenia, Obio 8, Power and Light Compan y. The no day or night hunting , tl'oppin g ceased w.a s fil etl in co urt. him. ---,vith exu berant acquire d fro m the A nd now, in this wise, t he moThe' estate of Mary A. Mather , use of certai Phone n real Dayton or trespas estate Co. 54J5 si ng Comm. in on our farms: OD Pleaa Proeee<ijnga nat ives. "Tanna , where we' U lord ment Burke had go ne bel Way ne townsh ip for lin('s. ow, the decease d, is exempt from all in- In the case it like born king and queen." of Irene JOHN Lowe ADAM versus S brow n man materia Sybil H. & FI'ank LeMay to himself at h ritn nce tax. Gail Lowe a "What a people I What a people her side. She wa s lized n s is to ,be Dayton Power and Lig ht never prepare d Any land Co. The estate of Luther Ferris, de- mailed t o the dsummo under The FRANK Let'work with I" His fingers opened for lhe exceedi ng change e'fenda nt. u se of certa in real estate in MA Y'S superv ision. and closed anticip atorily, with ~ statues que silence into the'from his ceased, is exempt from all inIn t he caSe of State of Ohio Wayne gestl townsh ip for lines. C. E. MICHE NER cat-like zestfuln ess. "What can't ular animati on of his speech. c- ita nce tax. vel'SUS Hubert Gregg th e defenLaura J. Ze ll to Dayton Power The estate of Philip P. Quayle , dant wa s fo und guilty we do t'them Papuan wildme n," hatl opened his mouth, ~pparen He and sentenc and Light Compan y. The USe of ·be cried, "and what can 't we ~ak e forgett in g as on the R.a lllb ow tly decease d, is excmpt from all in- ed to 30 days in jail. certain real estate in Wuyne town t hat heritan ce tax. 'em do 'for us. That's the tIcket, the" knew no word 111 In the case of State of Ohio ship for lines. commo n. Wart'en C. Young was appoint ed fersus Palm : what we can make 'em do Then r ealizing , he stopped at a adminis trator of the estate of Clii wus Hubert Gregg the defend ant ;i11l1lmll~lImllllllll lllnlllllllllll:I!IIII!lllm:m\limml Alice Gl enn, decease d, to Edfor us !" fo und guil ty and sentenc ed to wBrd loss.' , d . ford Cole, deceased, al1 d filed bond 30 days in Glenn, et al. Inlots Nos. 8, jail. , "Why kid" he was expostu latT he girl shl'a llk back, fie , .111 of S1500 ..i'ith EWARE .O F MITA TIONS the Ohio Casualt y In the case of State of Ohio 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Hamiel . ing a m~ment later, "this here big panic at the very nearnes s of him Insuran Jam ce Com es . pan T. y Glenn as s urety. to T. Emma vers us Tony Carnell the de fen idea ain't someth ing that popped toward the compan ionway . But Parkel', Clarenc e Cook and dant was found guiltya and into m'head just recen t. Gosh, no t here she r ecollec ted that Burke J. sentenc Hughes. Real estate in Hamiel Charles E. Moore were appoin ted ed to 10 to 25 yea rs at hard lab or Had it in mind for years. But \Va at the foot of the Iatl del', and Jacob E. Huff and Herber t E. apprai sers. Huff to Adam Roesch and Eliza a t State Refo rmatory . . . . " He hesitate d, "But the fac,~ stood helples s . beth Roesch. Real estate in FrankNina Scott Compto n, Marie Scott In the case of J. W. Kibler veris I was a-waiti ng for, for you I Then the white mun came She wal!! once more a ware ho,\\, climbin g up. "Y' .l~ttl e vix.en," he White imd Ollie Scott Shurts, ex- sus Meande r H. Oren and Melvia lin. verv rea] his infa utuatio n. warned in a maliCIO US enjoym e nt ec utr ices of the estate of Wallac e O. Oren sa les having been made G. H oward W. Bradee n and Haze Bradee n to L, R. Roberts . Real Scott, decease d, a re order ed to sell all accoun ts a re to be settled. IfI just had t'bave a dame for of the sit uat ion, "push m e ov.erHarry Z. Gray is appoint ed estate in Way ne townshi p. this stunt," he went on passion ate- board . . . " He interru pted hIm- certain stocks and settle all a cly. "A real ' dame a sure enough self wit h a burst of laughte r. counts. guardia n of RU!lse ll O'Bani~n et al The will of Nettie Schafer , de- minors. Billa Allowe d queen And then 1J meets you. The "Gad," he cried, "bu t I'd hate t' ceasetl , was ad mitted to probate . Phon e 78J In th e case of Miami Savings very first watch I sees y'got the g ive y'the chance l Pu sh me overC. E. Hightm an, brooms, $3.75; shape for it. And wben y' lets out board and I'm gone. But--O live's Sales made by Jonatha n M. Cook and Loan Compa ny, of Dayton Act Metal Constru ction Co., equip ment, $202 L. G. Kennet t, shades about pirate blood I knows y'got left. 'Remem bel' that. ~' ~ what === _____________, =========-==~============== the heart for it. 'Cause yer talk's stands betwee n you. I aID t a-say$162.40 : J. F. Sandfo rd, supplie s, J h on the square ; more on the square ing as how he'd love a red-hea ded whethe r Ponape Burke didlowe d with laughte r, Then, w en $40; P. O. Monior t, pay roll, than you yoursel f realizes ." oddess all his own. Oh, nol But stand betwee n hel' and really $300.6 8: Winner Brothe rs decorat , The girl was increas ingly underdo see he's ¥ot his eye on y'like She had, not forgott en Buthis man. she did not advan ce, he exchan ged ing, $570.40 : Walter Franer, ke's consay to the quick angel' of intoxica tion standin g how irrevoc ably, on the a wolf follOWIng a nice 'fat ' little ing t hat Olive; it tract, : Mrs. Erma Hibnar . OOK for the name Bayer and the he knew his ."Have it yer Mi.ss T~ee service$139.20 Rainbo w, he had been misled by lamb off' into the timber. " power could snap his master 's MISS Palm Tree,~~ay, s, $10; Mrs. Mary Ennis RESID ord genuine on the packoge. .u ENT he saId thickly. lier caprIce . Listeni ng at drat in a The girl shudde red. Burke or back ' across one thO'Se big "But 'twon't be long before you' re $7; Waldro n C. Gilmou r, inquest £ctured above whe.n you I",' ~P lnn. pleased surpris e, he had be'e n el\- Olive? White savage or brow.n? bt'own kn ees like a ofpiece $7.90; Wodrow-Weil Stanag e Co., of kin- ,down on yer shins a-grayi ng the hen you' ll know that ) ~ gt:tgerly self-dec eived. Sure that tht A cry of despair rose to her hps dling. And she ected a t times Lord for ust one chance t'beg ~e supplies, $38.75: Gem ,City Blue ng the getluiM Ba~'~r pru...Il1 ·t t.hat lawless strain, persisti ng througon b ut she fought it back . .Her hand that Olive mighsusp Print Co., blue prints, t know $,6.06; t his Ella PERMA quite NENT t 'take the dam' kiss-a nd you Sick LOCAT ION housands of phYSICIa ns prcsl·nbe. - en ironme nt, bad at last rouse<1, h f her well. White, furnish ing and lighting fear I WOlll't want it/' . Bayer Aspirin ia SAFE, as millions h" as now convinc ed she was a\- stole up toward t e opem.ng 0 The day, with the disconc erting with lights, Ponape $1; Mason r olled aft Lumbe to r the Co., girl. reaily in love with the life he typi- dress, lingere d, fell agam to her sudd eness of the ' Equato r, 'had, "Sweet heart," he said, f User.! have proved. It does not sewers, $14.88: Johnsto n "I'm going & John./ fled-th ough she herself did not 8jI sid~;nce that even~it was now faded a nd darkne ss would cpress the heart, and ao harmful LEBAN ON, OHIO ston, lumbel', $67.71; Morrow soon t' par t with you.'" , yet- perceiv e the 'fact--a nd that, d d tn Lupe a have been upon them. Burke had b f ler·ef{ects follolV its use. Feed & Supply Co., mOI·tar, ceShe did not unders tand, E.-mil l.d third ay a been oar in the clamou r this life cast up~n her e .-~- waved a hand toward the cabin Noa-s he had won . Bayer Aspir!n is the. unlvensal "Dum' them J1aps I" he explode d ment, sewer, $6.20; A. Hoppe & himself , she would in time willing , , - -, • I!!!!!! with kindly gesture . "The royal his tempel' taking a new directio Co., cement , .$7.35; J. K. Spence r Fitted Repaln .utidote for pams of all kinds. n gravel, $56: Buckey . ly come to" be his own. cha mber awaits, Queeni e," he had " 'Twas t heir man-o- war e Concre te Co Headaches we Neuritis sight"And, girl," Po nape Burke was said. "Hot as hell down the re and ed last midwat eh." sewer pipe, $128.3 9: Van Campf~~~~~~~~~~~ Colds IIbontl,ng, "there never, never Waj3 Neuralg ia ~~~= Stone you'll soon be squawk ing for a Co., screeni ngs, $17.47; J. So t hat had en the cause of K. Sore Throat no ,King had such a Queen as Y04. Lumbag o hamm ock on deck. But tonight t he a lert watch, be Spence1'\ gravelJ $124: Mrs. with its brief but Minnie Yer hair!" He exulted in the wonRheuma tism Tootha che . . There's a IO<.k." Burris, guard rail posts, real excitem ent. 'deT' of it. "That's how y'beat 'em Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sold at $86;40 ; Frank SherWOOd Co., gas, The girl had sprung, tr.embli ng Th e man's sug' g estion of parting all. For, didn't I tell y' the Tanna,,; panting , for the compan ion, had with her, the possibi $67.06; , East ~nd Ga.r age, gas .II druggists in boxes of 12 and in of Jllpa- $17.28; men saw red?- grabbc d at rell slamme d it shut and shot home the nese inte l'ventio n, hadlity MOTrow IOtties of 24 and 100; Garage , gas, $32.brough t the 01; L. calico, smeare d their faces bright bolts. Then she had stumble d co lor of hope to her cheeks. I. Pence, repairs, $4.06: Aspirin is the trade-m ark of Bayer . 'and gay; roughe d up ~he deall down the steps and -thrown her' l:lIIu(ac ture of monoac etirncid ester But he, r eturnin g now, struck Frankli n Motor Car Co'., repairs warrior gaudy 't'mcet hiS maker, self, sobbing, upon the bunk. She at that hope with malicio $2.65: Bangha m Motor Co., sup,f !l8iicylicacid. wound their own heads all over had, borne up bravely so long as cep tion. "Oh, safe enough us per- plies llnd repairs , $14.88: E. M. in thl'E' with red vine t'cover the woo)? ~ the sun remain ed, but on the clos- o'r f oul' days," he reassur Villars, gas, $12.69; E. F. Sched. rader, services "Don't y'under stand? That's ing in of night, with a ll its sinister " Th ey'll be gone then for , $9; Shastel and what I was waiting on. The queen implica tions, she had given way. six months . It's only in the a good Bevis Machin e Co., repairs, '$8.64: meano'my devil'a ' own mission had t' Sleep impossible, the night t ime we g ot t'lay low. But W. A. Hause, gas, $5.49: L. H. in the Gordon have red hair. And, Palm, them dragge d on. Above deck s there meantim e- ruin everyth ing you Harves , gas, $9.60; Interna tional Tannam en'll go plumb crazy with had been, a s it seemed for hours, t 'be caught aboord. " ter Co., repair parts, $1.pious pagan joy when they sees only the heavy breathi ng of slumand Johnsto n, She trie d to fathom his purpose . 19: Johnsto n yer locks a-lighti ng up, as the sun bel'. At last, lik e a trapPed an ima l "I'm g oing t 'jettisOI1l Iyou. stakes, $24,03: J. F. Sanford L. sup h.ts 'em, like a stove full 0' coals he rse lf, she had beg un a futile Y'shnll stop ashore. " plies, $7. 50; Ohio Central Telebusting into flame. Hair, I tell And then, withou t warnLet Dr. Caldwell help whenevcr your She stared at him. Incredu lous phone Co., rents, $55.60: Ohio you same as that 0 ' some 0' the chIld that s ilence, the I'e came, hOPe roused again, only to fall be- Central Telepho ne Compan y, tolls is fCllrerilih or uplWll; or has ng big 'buck gods 0' Melane sia themquite close at hand, a sound. The fore his express (~\I g ht cold. . ion. He had not $38; Baldwi n Law Publisb lng Com selves. Yes, I say it, g!rl-h eathen subscri ption, Baldwi ns Ohio Hi~ simple prescrip tion WIll make g irl, crouche d, tense. Aga in it t he slightes t though t of relinqu ish- pany 'h air! Digest, $10; Barrett Brothe rs, tllllt bilious, beadach y, cross ~oy' or came, hidden, menaci ng. inaher. ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN "Why, Palm, I wish t'the Lord &rirl Cl)rnforluble, For two days she had had a well In Just Burke was amused . "Tis a bon- 1'orms, $6.5'0; Treasu rer of State, your CatUe, hogs, shee.p an~ calv.e s y'could yerself . I wish y'could a few hours. II happy, knife. Now, in the mid-ho urs of ny isle," he said, "and Inmate soon s in' restores Institut ion the of Feeble to Norris- lJrock Co., hve wIre and you'll have Minded $3014.0 un'd erstand yoursel f. Y'was plain bowels to healUIY regularity. ~t the third night he was again lying naught t 'do but sit and 1. progres sive firm for the hil(hest think 0' 110m for the life. When I've "brcr.k- up" II cold by kcep,lOghelps in the cabin. l·he me. " market prices and good servIce . waked y'up, you'll be eager for bowels free from all that 5lCkeDll,1g , She was thinkin g of a remark of The girl's spirits rose. She did Union Stoe" Yard.' CinciDn ati, O. Tanna: for Tanna, where a man lllil<'US wasle. FIXED FOR THE WINTE R ABOU T • two hours after eating Tune in on Radio Station WCKY cap' be a man; where there',s never You hat'l! a famous dodor s wor d Burke's several times repeate d not questio n that this would be many_p eople Buffer from 1IO'lr 12:26 to 12 : 30~. m. for our daily a law but the law 0' the cookpo t fur tlli,$ laraJillt . Dr. Cald~eJ I's re:cord which hsd a ssumed th e s ignifica nce some depot of hill, Ii place of aerIn spite of the lower for ,tomacb s. They caU it iDdigealitlll. It market reports . ' ' and the sun and the wind- and of hQ'O!llg Hlt end(;d over 3;)00 bIrths of a t hreat. "Better vo lun teer than vile natives . But, even so, her 1931, the Ohio farmerineome is more means,t liat the stomac h ncrves have the will 0 'you 'and me." ~iUl l)U t loss of one m<?lher or I~nby kjss While the volun teel'ing 's easy po sition would be bettere d. Surely optimis tic today than he was ' been he oVeI'-sU had warned mulaled , his . There grim is good excess hu- among them all, must be those to year ago, at least he Ponape Burke did a jig step or is bclicv<!d unique III Amertcan has his acid; 'Ibe way to correct it is with an - - -'-' - - mol' in the last hour two, as she unde rstand, to respond to her and cribs two across the deck. l11r.rlical hi~ tory. ' • • felt, growin g a littleorthin. well filled and :when }Ie alkali} which neulJ'Bliua many limes "For I plea for protecti ()n. Gel a hottle of Dr. Caldwell s "Say, Palm, girl, " he exclaim ed compar es his own situatio She was eager to go. But she that of the city worker then with Ita vo ume in acid. "88y~ yoti and yer heathen hair I Syrup Pepsin from your drugsto re can tell y'this: There won't be no ne ljaht way is Phillip ' Milk of Did I, or did I not, mention as aud have it ready. Then you won' t evading the drnf t--o nce she thought it wise to seem indiffer ent parison is more favorab le to COInhi.. ~ Magnt. lia-juat a taateIeIa dOle in how I was going t'make y'a real havc to worry when any mem~er 01 clamps down." She waited until Burke turned self than it has been for several water. It is pleuan t, efllcient and WHat had he mean t ? your family is headachy, blhou,~ . away, then scanned ,t he sea. sureeno ugh queen? " years past. MONEY LOANE D hannIeu . Reiult.l come almost inWhen Palmyr a cam e on deck on As the day wore on toward its It was Burke's continu ing de- lllillSY or constipa ted. Syrup Pepsin • Jtantly. It is this, the 15 the 1!0llU approve fourth for d all method da ages. y of . It her s~celen captivis the close she worked herself into a light in her every show of angry GOOD FARM PROGR AM You Will never use aaotber when LOANS on Llveatocle, Chattel l, s pirit, his self-res training sense of b'iWcJS; incrtlas~ appetll e-makes ty, she saw that Ponape Burke was passion of suspelilse, apprehe nsion you know. digestio in an n more ugly • mood. complet ~ Second KortpC CII. Note. bought e. Burke was still dri nking: what if compet ence to bring the comedy to Be sure to, aet th.o geDIWII'I. P The man kreeted , hel' with alco- night should find lber aboard John Harbln~, J~; , Xellia, Ohio. an end any momen t he 'eho!!e, that ? By turning the dial on his radio Milk of Maanella. pracrib ed holic leer, his infantil e feature s . y And then, whel~ it seemed she t~e qhio fa~er can most intiml\d ated Palmyr a. 011.. W. B. CALDW ElL'S obtain pr!'C. pllylic:i shockin ans for~e g in :ICeI their age-old deprav- could stand no more, she diBcov- tical dl. "Wait 'till I've tamed you," he mforma tion on dozens of lm- a5c aDd SOc a hot~Ilu:i ity. ~n. would laugh. "Then we'll get ered that the man Olive, grinnin g portaJl t 'farm p~oblems present ed When she shrank back into the enthUS iasticall y, ".Milk ~ M~a" h. hem tbo LONG OR SHORT TIME -ilaaJ along fine. And youll sure like was compan ion he wnR"am u sed. "Come water, ship's biscuit andputting on the faTm mght program by U. s. R«eate red 'Trado Mark of the term II. Also 'S urveYt nr and Ab· Tanna when y'get the taste 0' some A Doctor's FQmi!J' L~Qli"e come, speeiali sts at tha college. of agricul CharM. H. Pnl'~ Queeni e," he roared. "Are other stores into a boat. stractin g. Write and ~1I. will call power in yer pretty mouth." , ture. every Monday mght from aD~ it.t y'ready with t hat kiss ?" He bel___ or ___ and lee you. Sam D. Henkle , Way· (To be continu ed) statton WEAO , 570 kilocyc les. .... nesville , ' Ohio. , . Jll
$Z .O .
By Stan ley R. Osbo rn
The Rox ann a and Waynesville Can ning Plan ts
Stanley &Koogler
Auc tion eer s
F• .·T. Ma rtin
AS t> "
Auc tion eer
Cen terv ille, Ohio
Dr. John Zettel Optometrist 19 N. Broadway E,..
BO W EL S need watching
-- ..--- -
5% Farm Loa ns
The Kitc hen Help er
WANT ED EVERY BODY -Come in and see our beautif ul Christm as Carda. We print your name. on them. The Miami Gazette . d16 FOR RENT FOR RENT -5 'or 6 room. modern Upartm ent, ' ful'1llished or unfurni shed. Mrs. JOlle Whitaker. dIG ,
-, FOR SALE THRES HER SUPP tmS - Bel~, pulle1S , babltt metal, oU 'cupa. " iD~~cto,., lubrl~", IteaDJ end wiater 'pures , pun II~- oU.... packiq , boUer Buei, ,liJetfOD hoM, ·tank pump.. - Tal_ and "ftttIiID .
THE SOCJU.E'I':.:uNG CO., ' ,11
, 'W. IlaID St.. X . . .-p.• PIlon•••0 PIPES, ' I . aD Of
,or, are
By J ...i. B. Tripp Miami I in thy r ippling flow. Where sun Ilnd moon a t Umes both glow . . D. L. CRANE I I p ••n..... ~ ..._iptlo a Pr,",' .1.10 a Y_r There 'll beauty in your hIdden OIie. PLon ........... ... , ........ No. lIZ heart . R ,.a..___ ' . E", •••" . , Po.'ome• • 1 Way" .."iII •• And many t hings which are real •• ........................ No. lla S.eo"d c/ ••• M.iI M.lte. art.
I 0"'0...
DECEM BER 9, 1931
Bice nten nial Cele brati on . These points should be emphas ized with respect to the Celebra tlo n ?f the Two Hundre dth Annive rsary of t he Birt h of George Washm gton next year: 1- It is sp~nsote d by the 'United Sta tes Govern men t: Congre ss cl'~a~(ld the Unl l('d States George Wushin gton Bic ente nnial ComIDISSlon and .t h e Preside nt of the United States is its chairm . 2- 1t will be II world's fa il' or exposition and it will notan. be held In a nyon e ·place. ' . 3-;-lt ~ill be a natio n-w id e, eve n a world-wide series of cele bra~Ion~ II) which every RUl te, city and town-e very organiz at ion and mstl tl! tlOn, evcl'y home ~ nd individu al- in this cou ntry, t ~ll1ertcan s and .0t~CI'!; In man y foreign countri es, will oge th er with pa rtici pate. Every co m~nunl ty IS c?,pected to pla n and carry out its own o,r cvents, 111. c~>operatlOn with the United States Com mission pl'ogram and the Sta te Comm ISSIon s. 4- 1t \~il.1 Inst from Wa shingto n's Bil·thda y, Februa ry 22, 1932 , to .T hank sglvlng . Oay, Novemb er 24, 19::12, with s pec ial loca l and nat IOn a l ce l e ~l'atl on ~ ev(' rywher e on a ll holi days, anniver saries, othel' days \~h l c h can be co nn ec ted wi t h the life of Geo rge Washin 01' gt on . 5- Whlle ~he cel'cmo ni es on Februa ry 22 should be especia lly elab ? ra te and ImPI'CSR ivc, as markin g the actual Two Hundre dth Anntve r nry of Gc.orge WaRhington 's Birth, urrunge ments al so should be ~ado for pubhc gath erings, pagean ts, plays, process ions, music fes~lvlll s , tableau x and olh er eve nt~ at various times during the entir e perIod .of more than nin e month s. li:very program shou ld relate g.1'ca t hfe and ~or k of the First Presi dent and Founde r of the to t he Irc. On Mem onnl l?ay , Ind epe ndeJ.ce Day, Lab ol' Day , ThanksRepubgiving Day a nd other na tI onal and local holiday s 0 1' anniver there shou ld be sr ec inl progl'Um ~ , but the celebra ti on should notsarics be co nfin ed t o these days. G- It "ill take ti ll!<' to prepal'e the local pr og'l'ams arrange for the loca l ce lebr!lt.JO ns. The United States Commiand ssion urges rnay~rll and ot her offiCIa ls of every city and tow n he country to appo Int George Washin gton Bicente nnial Commi ssionins tor Commi ttees in order to prepare f o!' the events o f t he Bicente nnial Year. 7- All orga ni zations unci in8 t :tuti ons of whatev er charuct civic, bu. iness, labor , edu ca tional, religiou s, fratern a l, literary .er, social lind others- -.are u. rged to pla n f or a "Georg e Washin gto n Year" in ] 982. . .S- Th e United States Geo"g" Washin gton entenni al Comml Slon, Washin gton Buildin g, Washin gton, D.BicC. send lite rat.ure. and suggest ions f or local pl'ogram s to any will commit tee, orga niza tion or group t hat will write for them.
Far m lvig ht 1 alks ,
Th. O. S. U. Radio Station- WEAO (0. C. Croy, Ani.ta nt Stat. Club Leader , Pre.idi na) 7:00 Farm Night Melody Makers ;:06 Some Farms till Pay ..... . .. . . .. ... ....... .... . .. 7:20 Comme rcial or Ready Mixed Feeds .... .. .. :........... .... .. J. C. Neff .. C. W. Gay 7 :36 Livesto ck Market ing in Northw estern Ohio . L, D. Kingsb ury Ohio Live Stock Cooper ative Assn. 7:60 A Rural Church Program for the Twenti eth Centur y .... B. F. Lnmb, Ohio Council of Church es :05 The Enjoym ent of Poetry .... . . . ..... . ........ . Adele Koch 8:20 A 1\ Individ ual Physica l Educat ion Program .. Dr. Harlan Metcalf 8 :35 Care for House Plants .. . . . .......... ...... G. H. Poeseh 8 :50 More Farmer s Re turn to School .... ' .......... .. J. B. McClel land State Depart ment of Educat ion
sect durinl{ 1931. Anyone interes ted may be present in person 01' by Notice is hereby given that n attorne y. p ublic hearing will be held in the I. S. Guther y, Directo r, office of the Directo r of Agricul -.---'- -ture. Ohio-H artman Bldg., Main Chanae Doe. ' Em Good & Foutth Sts., Columb us, Ohio, at 1 :30 p. m. Decemb er 22, 1931, One little motoris t to other little fOI' the purpose of adjustin g the mo-toris t-"Wh nll's Europe an corn borer (Pyrau8 ta Fixing a punctu re?" ,t he matter? . nubilali s Hubn) quaran tine line to "Nope, old dear- I'm conform to the spread of this in- changin g the air in the tires." just
- - --
~ . '!' _~_~~~~~!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!!"!"!!!!~!"!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'! !!!!'!~!!!!'!!!
:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
Res ults
man of the depal-tm ent of rural econom ics at the Ohio State ni versity. Many state suffer ed a worse drough t in 1931 than that experienc ed . in Ohio in 19 30. This drought nl'ea center ed al·ound .. -'"--"---'---!'-..!...-'~-!...--"'---!"'--.J'-........l. Montan a lind the Dakotntl, but -xtendcd ugh Minneso tn, W'Iscon . east ,I thl'o ' n . 1n M tn, an... 11'1'IC'hi ga ntana and outh Dakota crups hay:,est ed in 1!J3~ wh(-l'(' L\\' ?thnds less. than ct ops In . n rmal years. 'l'h,ls coupled wltll I. ,w price receive d for what liul,' WilS grown i ' leading to mu ch h:<1 d · . hip in those tates. F or the nited Slates n whole, he asserts, the 1931 as corn crop i ' ab out the average of'the \last ten years; t he w h ea~ crop wa 60 million bushels or about Ii pel' cen t abov ' the ten-yea r average product i on; the ont Cl'Op was 140 million bu:,hels 0 1' ] 1 % below average , th e hay crop was 15 million tom; 01' 15 7, below average; the potato crop was average ; lind t he p~'ach, app le, veg table, alld tobacco CI'O PS wel'e conside ra· bly above the average of the past ten yet's. In Ohio product ion increas es have bee n l:o nsid el'ab ly g "eate l' than increas es in the rest of the co unt ry . T he yield pCI' acre for whea t exccl' ded that of any preced ing year by nearly 5 bushels per ncre. The Invel'ag corn yie ld was on. about seve l' bushels to the acre nuove the ten-yea r ape rage. Oat product i oll in the state was abou t ]4 ,/, less than t hc aveMge for the last five years ; the potato crop was .a litlle larger t han the average for l he past fiv e years; and the Ohio tobacco crop is est imated to be the largest in the pa st ten yeal's.
For Serv ice
J. E. McClure
Dead Stock Wanted
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
• ..._---_. Cary's Jewelry Shop
___ _
Wife- "Heav ens, J ohn, what ha ppen ed to you 7" Hubby- "I stepped on a banana pee l and lost my equilib1'ium," Wife - "Well , why d on't yo u put a want ad in the papel'? Maybe yo u· can get it back."
Soft Wat er Laun dry RUG CLEAN ING-P RESSI NG Phon .. 27U, L..banon, Ohio
.• ~. ':':
• C\O\\~'''~i "\tt\~" ,r,,,,
---- -- ---
----->- --
Hewtl~ P.
Mulford & Co.
SINCL AIR PRODU CTS South Main St. Wayn •• "m., O. Greasin g with Alamlte Air Gun Accesso ries and Anti-Fr eeze Cars Re-Doc oed Free Parking D~y or Ni&,ht ELECT RIC R:EFRI GERAT ORS See th~ New Models
.... t~t~'"
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\\t tf\J\\\E\'
MU~'\" ~E~~\~
"""'''''', /
.~'r ~\·Af..
, ' \ t:"_ .
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N\(· ',..:'S ~ ~~~.~\:'~ ,? n.\ :A, Oi= 2SC>() M\lt'O '~ t;:.'" ~G'fl\ (:)t~l\f\ l'() .. . ,., ~Q\tt\\t~~\ CC~~,1 C~
~OU't\\ I\"'~\U c."""1~',\~~ ~'.~\ ~~
____,_~ ___ _--..:...1
DUring the tim e J, L. Brown has been in the laundry , dry cleanin g and dyeing bu siness at Lebano n, many others in the same line have cOl11e and gone, but th e' Soft Water Laundr y, which d oes Dry Cleanin g Dyeing nnd Rug Clea ning; by I'easo n of t he gener.a l excelle nce of their work have continu ed to in crea se their bu sin ess. The establis h ment is sp lendidly equippe d [or all clas. es of dry cleanin g, dye ing, r epail'in g and pleating of ladi es' garmen ts, and no work is. too difficu lt to be handl ed in the most satisfac tory manner . A special ty is mad e of the. dyeing, c leaning , pressin g and pleatin g of ladil's' garmen ts. While they have a list or men for wh om they do the same class of work whi ch include s every man in Lebano n and vicinity who cares anythin g al nil about his personl li appeara nce, for the pressin g of garmen t at Lhis establishment is always corre'Ct ly done This is a bu sines. that require s experie nce and the manage ment only employ es pmcticn I helJl . Th eir assistan ts are all -able and efficien t workme n who knew t heir bU Riness thoroug hly and t hus you are assured tho mo st satisfac tory work. Their wagon will call and deliver goods to Wayn~sville cu st omers.
--- - - - - - - - -
- - - - --
Expert Co.a••llol' , Reprel entinc INTER -SOUT HERN LIFE INSUR,~NCE CO. W A YNE~VILLE. OHIO
Coyl e's Mea t Shop QUALI TY MEA.TS AND FOOD S-RIG HT PRICE S Phone 66
Wa)'ll....111 .. Collect ion OD Tu ... • day and Frida,.
Smith's Seniee Station
Har vey sbu rg Fert ilize r Com pan y
Li ve Fi rm s Y ou Sb ou ld K no w
Have your ,.am e prin ted on your Chri stma s Card s this year . Beau tiful embl emat ic card s to send to loved ones
The Mi am i Ga zet te
Card s, 12 'i n beau tiful Chri stma s box, with your nam e prin ted there Com e in and see t hem.
Od d-B ut TRUE
Ou r Christmas Cards Ar e In
MI'. and Mrs, A. S. Co ll ett departed . atul'day for New York ity where they will spe nd two weeks the guest of Mr. a nd Mr~. Ma uri ce Coll ' tl. and fam il y. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ge or ~e Wall al'e on lhc farm with Robert during the abscnce , a Mr. and Mrs. Hora ce Burges! ' were here fr om 'o nn ccticut re o e ntl~' . th e gue~L.~ of MI'. and Mrs. T. F . McGuin n and Howard . MI'. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Mi ~s Nellie entelta ined at dinner and canis Thursd ay evening . MI·s. Herber t Fite and Jane Ell en of Washin gton C. H . were week-en d guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilso n. Capt. . and Mrs. Chas. Garner _ __ ___ _ _ _ and Bobby of Colum bus spent Sund ay with Mrs. Mary Fuich and Robert Game!'. TIME FOR SETTL EMENT T he teacher s put on an excellent program .a t assembl y Friday FIIl'mel'S who secured n dl'outh morning . "Ameri ca, the Beautif ul emerge ncy 'Ioan from Washin sung by the assemb ly opened the last sprin g are urged to makegton arprogram , foll owing which Rev. -rangem ents fo r ent if th ey T hornbu ry led t h'e devotio ns. A have not alt'eadysettlem done play, "The Rag and Carpet Bee," ing to letters received so accor dwas given with the follow ing cast agent CI,ass f r om J. C.by cou nty of charact ers: A unt Sall y Maria, as 'istant loa n agent. A n San del's, umber of rathe l- elderly .an d very kind- Miss far mers secured money Lu cille Tucker ; Mrs. Bolton, in- cha ' e fe rtili ze r, seed feed to pur.. :11 . r ~.' • clin ed to tears- Miss Imogen e stock at 5 '7<- interest , from for live FebruLewis ; Laurine Payto n, a devotee ary to April a gave a chattel of fashion- Miss Winifre d Mc mortga ge on allndcrops He Should Worrv Subscri be for the Miami Gazette ~~---------........ Elwee; Susan Gi bbs, plump and summ er as sec urity f orgrown th is paymen t . good natured- R. T. Moore; Lena Accord ing to announ cement from Gftbbs, her sist er·in-la w- Glenna J. A. " Wh y do yo u weal' your glasses owan, Secreta ry of the Osborn ; Minnie Meadow s a neigh- Co unty om mittee nnd Co unty to bed?" bol'iy woman - Ellen McCarr en; Agent " I'm getting 80 short-si ghted I the letter dated FUNER AL DIREC TOR Nancy Vreelan d, burden ed with a Nove mb erlass 28, reads as follows : can't r ecogniz e the people I dream • cow, a child and a hu sband- Mrs. WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO " I will in your county within about." Imogea n Voiers ; Mandie Vreelan d the next be two weeks. If you will the child- Miss He len Randal l; kindly give this info rmation to Sarah Simmon s, who likes to any of borrow I'S who inquire Fully Equip ped for Good kn ow the r eason why- Mrs. Lillian of you, the Carr. The play was quite comical tell t hemI twill appreci ate it: Also Service. hat if an~' of them are and made a great hit with the in a positi on t o Large pay now Displa to mail y Room. audienc e. "Love's Old Sweet Song check to me J1ayable to The Ambu closed the progru m. We will be Far mers lance Servic e Loan Office, enterta ined by the seniors this (Washi ngton,:eed D. C.) There will T.lepho ne 7 Friday: be no exte ns ion s, but tobacco Quite a bit of . excitem ent was grow ers win be,. allowed ample 30 Years Experie nce in created at noon Thursd ay when time to market their crops. Fitting and Making Glassell the fire bell rang a nd it was learn"Will you please relay this ed the gym was on fi re. Prompt news t hroug h yo ur local paper? " use of fire extingu ishers so on put J . C. Sand ers, Lebano n, Ohio out t he bl aze. The damage was ~s!. Loan Agent. Tue.da y, Thurad a,., Saturda ,. small. tfOTAR Y PUBLI C PHONE 8F3 Both of our boys' basket baJJ Examin ation Fr•• Nationa l Baak teams lost to Martins ville on the LEBAN ON, OHIO Suh!lcri be fo!' Th e Miami Gazette HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO :Will. Drawn • • ·E.~t•• S.ul.d home first team floor lost 36 toevening 16 and . Th thee WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO second team 20 to. 12. The girls • ma de up two teams among themselves and th~ reds lost 36 to 4.
~==~===~.:...:.:.' ~:- -~.
all u whole!, have Ilverage d about no·rmal , says J. 1. Falcone r, chair-
A Want Ad Lady
Can be had by ___ using the Miam i ' Gaze tte for your adver tiaing needa
1- -
datlt tho 'e for the United States,
When in thy glass)' waves I loolcee picture s from denr Natul'e 's book, And clouds of glory in h sky Pa s over you, as th y HIHl t by. ' . , . ·o u · sh'lnl'ng stream Mlam L , Wh e'e1. SInll ~ reflects hel' glowing I . n . M;i~~ge on youI' wat r li es, Lo oks back at me with happy , eyes. Miami! in YOUI' s parklin g fl ow or waters, in the mornin g g low; 1 . eo the heart of your bright stl'cam A-trem ble, in gold mornin g'S g leam.
---- --- ---
i!J 1I1 have in tbe main been abun-
No Regrets When Proper ty is Properl y Insured
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agey. LEBAN ON, OHIO REAL ESTAT E •• INSUR ANCE Phones : Res. 53-Off ice 277 EARL J. COBUR N
W.ayne sville, Ohio
W. D.liyer - - - --
J. K. SPENCER WASH ED SAND & GRAVE L Hardwo od Lumbe r at Lebano n. Ohio, furnish ed on Order Road and Concre te Gravel T ..I.phone 121 Lebano n, Ohio ---~
------ --.-
Waynesville Service Sta. Dispen sers of Refiner s Galloline (all grades) , High Quality Oils and Greases , Mobil and Quaker State Oil. North MaiD St., interaec:tioD of ~tate Route 73 O. R. UNGLE SBY,
EVERE'FT EAR LY High 'grade Coal and Coke, HiLO ~lndel'ella .. Dixie Gem. and KIilarney Pocaho ntas, Ask for dellyer ed prices. Calata, Coal, W~ HaF, F. .c. .T lie. SiMCI • LYTU t, OHIO
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. CH~VROLETDEALER
PIlon. 326
L.bano n, .ohio
OP.en evening s till 8 ;80 and all: dap Sunday , .
-- ----
- ---
-SCHWARTZ - &. ~rt, .'
Bangham Motor Co. Lebano n, Oliio ' Phone 140 Your Ford . Dealer - Qenuin e Ford Ptooducta WRECK ING , SERVI CE '
TOYLAND! CII'TLAND! AF'1'EH SIX YEAR \VO are.. adv I'tis ing T YL.l\ NO AND GlF'l' LA 0 1\ 'uin but, as 'YOU know, Wh l~1\ lye ollv I'ti e, ,' \\'0 LIVE UP TO IT
frs. fda K I. y !Jayton , today,
Toys .fo~ Children Gifts for Women Gifts for Men It will pay you to drive up a nd
resi denc e,
01'. 'l'hinl
look OVC I' t h t. , and R o u t~ No. 73.
. S. IIIe lure and family, of Dayton, • pent 'l1 nthlY with Mrs, Mury Me lure .
Mrl;. L. H. Gordon lind M 1' 8. Emm!\ II. f c lure W'l'e s hoppi ng ill Duytun 101ll1ay.
1\1 'ssrs. H. M . herwond, uri 'orvis and G 'OT!:'e Z II attended a liale at '1 unl'oc, 0 11 F'riduy. .
At uur
Mr. und M 1'''. Geurge lI um ilto n, of Day lon, were guests of l\I r . Amll nda .\1utl1ll, on ~]olldIlY.
- -- - ~==---===,- =-
Mrs. Emmll Dakin a nd so n Guy, of Xenia, ~ ]ll'l1t . 'u nday with Mr. lind l\1I S. J . \Y. Whit e lind son , Fred.
FRANK H. FARR & WIFE Waynesville, Ohio
Send your Christmas Cards the Printed way this year.
Can and look at ours. It's the right time Donot put it off.
·DOG OWNERS For the convenience 'of owners of dogs we hnve arranged to be at the following plnces for . the purpose of issuing Lic enses for the year 1982:
W~dne.sday, . December 16~ 1931 OREGONIA, Sherwood's Store ...... , .... ...... .. 8 :30 WELLMAN, Gray's . Store .......... ........ ..... " . 9 :16 HARVEYSBURG. Welch & Dakin's Store .. 10 :00 CORWIN, Corwin Grocery Store .......... .. .... 11 :20 WAYNESVILLE, Ford Service Station .... 1 :00 LYTLE, Wallace's Stcire ..... ... .................. 2:30 RIDGEVILLE, Shoup's Grocery ,.............. 3 :30 PEKIN, Kirby Oil Statio n ...... . .... .. ........... ... 4 :16
shoppin g in F'runk in in-
Juat one Squ"r" North of Ma in St.
t o 9 :00 a .m. to !J :30 a .m. to 11.00 a .m. to 11 :46 a.m. to 2:00 p.m , to 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
WILL ~. LEWIS, Auditor WADE S. BROWN, Dog Warden
Through ~ special arrangement with the 'Ees!ey Mill s, -() f Morrow, we are in p osition to give.
30 pounds of their . Flour for One bushel of No.2 Wheat . This 'is a h igh g r ade flour and eve ry sack is g Ulira nte ed. This is the same exchange which h e is now g iving at t he mill.
Waynesville farmers Exe. Co. Waynesville, Ohio
1110th I',
Mrs. Mul'Y al'mony, c e ning of J st w ek. 1i'0 ' Helen and Ruth FAirly Ill' th pr'oud poss sso rs of a new c hevrolet coupe . i\fr. Leu Mason of Muson visit tI I r. and Lt·s. harles lark and MI'. a nd Mrs. . H . Burnett a co upl e of days la st wee k. Halph J ohns has purchased thc Wult el' lurk pl'oper ty here in tow n, now occupied by ' Floyd uvage a nd famil y. MI'. a nd Mrs. Tim Barto n, E d Bogan, Mr. Boyce un d f amily atte nded th f Une l'lI l of Ed WilBon, at Clarksl' ille, on 'l'ucsdny of last IV ,ek. Orv ille Phillips was in 'Vayn csviU e .el'eml days first oC t.he week h Iping- Cl\l'e fo r hjs father, who i8 ill with pn eumonia . T he Lud ies A id held their De. cc mLcr meeting at t ho homo of M 1"8. J umes Johns ' Wednesday une l'no on. 1'u e~ day
- . . ... 00_........
Cbanneldrain Roofing is made of COP-R.LOY, the Copper ~loyed Steel, and protected with .a hig hly ~u. rahle coating of pure zinc. Patented lap construCtion forms a channel that drains water from the roof. Thk protection is found only in Chauncldrain and is your as~urance of trouble·free roof. ing s ervice. Let us t ell you more about ChanoelJrain.
'Madden 's Lurn ber Yard .
Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
.... _---
Wilen Pellnies Count For Comf4[)rt
~ ~ --
TAX BOOKS OPEN Because of the delay made .'l ecessury by recent reappraisal of I'eal est ate in this county, tax books [01' t he collection of the Decem ber 20 installment of taxes will llot be ope n until December '15 0 1' later, a'ceol'ding to County Treas uI'e1' E. B. Murrell. The treas urer adds that the time will ac I cord ingly be extend ed until January 20, 1932.
Those few exll~a pennies ,mean the difff~rence he. tween steady, dependable heat and irregular Iteat ••• the clifJerencebetween a winter of positive comfort and a winter of' uncertain comfort.
WANTED WANTED- Sewing. Mrs. ' E. H qp kins, Wayn-e1ivme, O.
W. d8
LOST ----~ , ----------------
J. _ rmony uf prin~. -fie lt! W ll~ u dinner guest of hIS
--.. - .....
mumps. It-. E:.
MI'. and Mrs. M. E. Friend and family of Lynchburg m ove d la" t we ek to the H. M. Clark property . \Vm. ,J. Sherwood hu ~ retur ned WE STERNER ENTERTAINS The y are mu sicians and have a to hi s hOll1e hcre after spe nding fam il y orchestra . Mr. and Mrs, Gl enn J ohns and (wo .weeks at the Nationa l Mili tary , The Wa yn esv ill e schools were 1I 1l 1l1e in UuyLun. I e ntertain ed by Mr. Cleve LaRue, childre n of Dayton, were s ix . a cowboy entertainer, Wed nesday, o'clock dinne r g uests Sunday of MISS Lucy Emley lind MTs. Belle Dccembel' 9. th eil'mother Mrs Mar garet Johns B iggs w(>I'e d inn ~ r. guest: at t h.e I H e. g;ave a fifte t!n minute ~Ik . Lee Greathous~ of Da to n is home of Mr;, J ohn J one. a nd hiS expla! mn~ cowboy dl'ess, habi ts Vi Siting. his dau.ghter Mrs~ Clyde llluth er, 0 11 I hursduy . andNext, h fe III a l'811ch.. Mr.genenl, Larue on gave a lanet 1Wharton and famil y: . Mr. and Mrs, Sleph cnso n, o f r OPe perfurmance, ' jumping in and .M r. und Mrs. W. G. Hames and Kin gs M ills, spe nt Sunday nfter- out of ci rcles large and small c}lIldren o~ Dayton spen,t Saturday 1I 0u n with · l heir daughter, Miss operating the same by holding th~ even mg Wlt~ the for~er's mother, Bessie, u t euch e l' in the Grade r ope in his teeth a'nd by his body Mrs. Geol'glanna Hames. school. by fastening the To:pe to .his frame . Mr. and ·Mrs, J . B. J ones and at the waist. MI'. and Mrs. Allell Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gord on an d His small pony, "Mike" perform. J ohn PI'eston attended a meeting son Robe rt, and Mr. Mari on ed a few stunts. at the gra ng e hall at Le ban on Gordon , of Harveysburg were Mike s hook hands, the n gave his Thurs day even ing, dinner g ue. t!l of Mrs, and Mrs. L. master a kiss, laughed at the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E lliott H, Gordon o n T hursday. childl'en, r~ng .the dinner· bell and of Ce nterville were Sunday even. stood on hiS hmd legs. ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mr. arl Roush s uffered a stroke Last, but not leslat, ': Mike t~ok Bailey and daughter. of pa·raly. is this, W ednesday, Mr. and Mrs, ·William Creighton morn ing. T his is MI'. Roush's t~e msall boys and girls a rIde the stl!ge. . . s pent Sunday evening at the home second stroke, the first on e oc· a. ound The enterta ll~ m eTl t wa s mterest· of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. eurd ng seve ra l weeks ago. mg and educatlona'!' 1\1<if. an d Mra. W I' II'la m B ergd a II • .. NOVEL IDEA and Mrs. F rank Robin son spent A Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Allen e n· Thurs day in Dayton. le rtlV ned n small group of friend s Whe n sixty-five po unds of at dinn er:, on Sunday. Those pennies have been placed on the MI'. and Mrs. Martin Dolan made invited were Rev. and !\f1·8. J. J . scales now on the publi c square, a bus iness trip to J elic o, Tenn., Schae ffel', of Dayton, Mrs. Emma under the auspices of the Forty last week. Barnett, MI'. E. V. Barnhart a nd 8Jld Eight soc iety of Xenia, the Mrs. Susan Saylor and son Riley 01'. 'l' . I . Way, o·f Cincinnati, money will be used to provide of Dayto n were Saturday evening Misses Jess ie lal'ke, Annie and Chris tmas cheer f or the inmates of g ues ts of MI'. and Mrs. Harry Mame Brown. th e Gree n Cou nty Children's' Home Graham. Mrs. Janie Charleton is s pendMI'. and Mrs. Earl Crawford ing t his week with her sistel', Mrs and daug hte l' Margaret and Mrs. ,.,..' - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lucy Charleson, who is much Robert FUl'nas and daughter WOrse a nd is bedfast at' t his time. J ean vis ite d t he broa dcasting Cha lm er Reeder a nd son Arnold stati on nt Mt. Orcb, F I'iday night, and Mrs. Evans vi ited Mt·s. where Miss Margaret Crawford Reedel' at Miami Valley hospitlll Located one door East of prese nted a piano so lo and Mrr., Monday evening. Furnas presente d a selection on Ridge's Studio Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Albright of the ha rmonica, her daughter Jean . Wayn esv ille spent Monday at t he playing t he piano accompanime n t. Your Patrona,,, Appreciated h ome of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Grllham . . MI's. Chalm er Reeder un derwent WANTS A PROMOTION an opemtion fOI' gall ston es Miami Valley hospital Wednesday Clarence Brown's chief claim to She is gettinjf a long nicely at this the Governorship will be f ound in : _ ~~~====:=~==== time, and f n ends here hop e for t he fact t hat he fee ls he has been he r speedy recovery. Secretary of State long e nough Mrs. Anna Ke1ll'iek and daugh. and . that he is deserving of a ter of WayneSVille spent Thurs. KILLS RATS promotion. He has frankly said he day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter is keeping free from taking a LURK, the .clentifically prepared Kenrick and family, and their Sun b a ll, kill . Rato and Mice only. stand on pu,blic questions. Dee day aftern oon guests were Mr. A non .. po' . onou. SquUI : product , Pemberton, one of the best known a nd Mrs, Ru ssell Binegar, so n and r e commended by U . S . D_part . of A.ric ulture. Cuaranteed . utility lob byists, who is identified daughter of Hamilton, Mr. and AT ACL GOOD DRU C STORES. with Brown's campaign, and wh o Mrs. C. R. Benegar of Jamestown PRICE. :15c is regarded as a n astute politician and Mrs. Ed Hopkin s of Waynesapproves of Brown's non-commit. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - " , ville. Mrs. Margaret John s entertaintal stand, while some of the em· :~=~~~~~:~~~~~~ ployees of the Sec retary of State's ed t~e following friends Friday offi ce have been giving much of -M I ' _ I_ -~"'m==IiIIi_ _ III_.IIII11. evemng: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jon es, their time to his political interests • • Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, Mr. and ~rs. All en Th e demand is for a so und busin ess a dm in is tl'ation; a tax law Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacr e t hat will be fail' and just to every a nd John Preston. industry and e.very individual in ~ the State. The voters will turn to ANNUAL ELECTION the man who w ill give the gl'eatest a ssurance of the fulfillment of The annual election of the theil' des ires in this di rection. s tockholders of t he Wayneville National Bank for the purpose of WILL LECTURE AT GYM electing directors for the en suing year will be held at their banking Mr. J ohn Dyer, medical student rooms on Tuesday, January 12thi at Western Reserve University, 1932, between the hours of 1 and who is an Am erican citizen of 3 p. m. AmE:rica n blOod a nd whose parents L. M. HENDERSON, Cashie r were killed in the Wodd War wil tell abo ut t he schools of Armenia, Arabia, a nd Turkey, Thursday, Decem bel' 17th at 1 p, m. in the school Gym. He will tell about his experience in the Arabian Desel·t where he was sold during the War by Arabian bandits for 20c. His J)rothe r f or $6. Ol'iental costum es of Persia, Turkey, AI'abia, Geol'gia and Arm e nia will be shown. He will dress two boys and two girls in t hese co ·tumes and perfonn the Mohamm edam wedding ceremony. The few extra pennies a day A recepticle will be placed at you Jlay for*GrenadierCoal entrance to Gym for a f ree will donation. Tho se who can are urged couldn't he' more wisely to contri bute 5e to this fund for spent. the completion of his education.
------.- --
Hallard Wallace and Milo Mil· tcnzerj.!er 81'e victim. of tho
The Home Beauty Shoppe
Pers ons who cannot come to the Auditor's office or be at the above named places can secure tag by sendi l'g req ui re d fee (Male--$1. 00; Female- $3.00; Ke n l1 cl-S lO.OO) dcscdption of dog (age, sex, 'color, breed) nam e of township in whiCh ow.ner lives, a lso postage for re~urn ' of license tag, to the; County Auditor Lebanon .. Owners and harborers of d ogs W1U please be at U:ost convenient place for them promptly at time mentioned. Dogs t hree months old or over mu st be lice nsed before January 20, 1932, or a penalty will be added. All dogs must be licensed whe n t hey become t hree months of age.
The regular in~ of tho Wayne 1'0wnsh .!I-1othcl·s' club \\'8S hold F.t'illav bl'I'noo n ut tho ' I'ad e building· w a v'I'Y guod att 'ndance, Follo wing til , busin '5 '1sion a portio n of lIo ri ptul"e wus read . by Mrs. . . 1 ib I·t, ,a ftel' \vhich th child ron of t he first grad, und r t;hc ' upervi Bion of t heir teachers, Misses Reeder and tevenson, gave 1\11, ntcl't.ll irliJ1g· pn'g'l'atn of son gs, recitatiqns and tl ial!ogues. Ot h 1" numbers (f ·the ]ll'ogl'8 m wor e: Hat:nlonica sQlo. -Mrs, Hobert Fnrnus, 1I-1r . J . 11. Sac kett, accompanist. 1.1 . . VOl'lll du et- Mrl' . 1\1. D. B'ail'd and Mrs. a rl Sunk r, Mr . Glenn Bland, accumpanist. Pinno 'll io- Marg aret I'a wfor~ Vi olin du ct- Donald und Hu gh Gu , tin, Mrs, Gusti n accompanist. The fl ower Lox and picture weI' given to the r OOI11S of Miss Ree dcl' and I\l i!'s Il al'tsock . rcspectively. During till> , ocial ho ur, candy \l'as passed nround by Me. dam es. Ma ud e rune, J osie Whitaker, ,J. W . Lotz, Harry S mith a nd Amos Cook, A n old Cashi ned spell ing b~e will be 'purL of t he progl'am fOI' t he JUlluary meeting.
FOUND=-Blaock and White spotted Poland ChIna 'bonr. Call Jona. than M. Cook. d~
Isn't it worth a f e w pennies tnore u day to positively sa f cgna rc.l comfort and lu!ulth ? Plav sde this wintc~buru Gl'e~l~d.el· ·Coa). ,
WayneaviJ.le Coal & Ice Co~pany .-'. Waynesville, Ohio
2S Each 10 PaJra
' PR . ' CES •
SPEEDWAY L Iletime P-I~ES" A"Q ~ • Guaranteed Genuine P RICES ~ Supertwist P rice of Each
. 29x4.40·.2L .. _..... _.....E~4 .35 29x4.50.20 ...._..... _.... , 4.78 ~Ox·1 .50- 2t..._. .......... . ~Sx4 . 75-19 ............ _
4 $8$ ;,,68
2f)x:;"OO- 19.,..._...•... _
30x5.00-l0................ 6.10 31x5.25-21...... ......... ., .. 37 30x3~ __............ _......._. . 5 .75
E ;1Ch
$4C1ZS 4 .. 63
4.70 §.57 5.83 5.95 7.ZIt 3.65 .
Gordon's Service Sta Phone 47
·Waynesville, Ohio
ABY Uls and ailments sel'\r. twice B as serioull at night, A may mean coUc, Or a !lu.111~r. :ry ~udG~n IIt t:'ck WQuld. ~f)1l lr.nt
of diarrhea. How this emergeocy-toniiht'! nllYe ycu a bottle .of Castorill ready?
29:14040·21 29x4 :50~20
For the protection of your w~, one-for your·own peace of milldIttICp tbis old. reU.Rbl,, " pnparation always OD ' had. Bqt don't keep it just for emergendeJi; let it be an
30s4.50·21 '. 2814.75. 19
everyday aid. II's Ben~c ,inJJuence will ease and lOOtl:.J the .infant who cannot aIeep. Ita mila regulation will help an older child whose toPaU.-!.t'
Liberal allowance'
on Goodyear All· Weathers • . Come'J In-talk It over.
coaUd because of, sluuith ·bOw. .... All drduiata have CIII'COri&. '
for your old, tires -
of Elich
In Pal1'II
$4a'8 $4.1.
5.•60 5.45 5.69 5.55 ,6.65 6.45
Eighty-Fourth Year
WAY NESV ILLE, OHIO , WEDNESDAY. DE EMBE R 16, 1931 LOCAL GIRl:. NAME q ON COMM ITTEE Beatrice Robitze !l Wayne sville and Roy Johm:lQn , l..ebonon, have been named as Warren county ' s represe ntative s on the eommi ttee of 88 at Ohio Wesley an univefs ity where they are student s. This eommi ttee consists of one or more reprcse ntative s from ea ch of the 88 counties in Ohio. Its membe rs al'C appoint ed to be of sel'vice to the young men and women in th eil' countie s who are conside ring attendi ng college . They ha ve f ull informa tion concerning Ohio Wesley an univers ity includin g ite entranc e requ irements, costs, ,and schedu le of courses and will furnish such informa tiOn to anyone in their co un t y wh o requests it either by corresp ondence or persona l intervie w. All membe rs of the commit tee will be in their h ome countie s from Decemb er 19 to Junual' y 4 du ring the Christm as vuca tion at Ohio Wesley an and will be glad t o discuss problem s involve d in choosin g a college with uny of the young people in their district s.
Whole Number 6992
Th e W oman' s Aux'ili ll l'Y or t. Mary'~ Chl"ICIt nt t \' " ' F I itillY aftern l>n. DeC C111 b I' II , fl L l ll · home or ~ll's . 1I:Jl'l'i ~ und , Mr s. Moshel'. The !lI N!1illg" \\'a : .opcned by iI 1'.' ad\\'u llude r who 'untlucLec! Lhl' !iT. MARY S CHURC H A bOlll !I o' cl ek S unday eveni ng COLUM BUS Volume 114, \ \ \I ) " n : . ~ men dr ove up Rev. J. J. Scheffe r, Rector the Laws of Ohio, are being shipped by Gifh For the Needy dev01ionnl H'I vice. ' cl'iptul' ul 1) i1 >: lIlliun on nOI·th Main to sll'l'et Mrs. J . E. McC lure wa>: a Piqua Secreta ry of tate Clarenc e J. Decel11b I' 20, Fourlh "unduy quotation~ were given in respons e I opcl'ute d by O. R. The W. H. S. hus taken the r eUng l e~ b y . and vis itor Tuesda y. Brown to all county auditor s of in Advent . hUI'eh Rcholl l at !:J :30 to ro ll-cul l. Electio n of offie r s ordcrl'd .' pon sibilily of giving to the needy K:llloll H of g-:1!'. They the state f or local distribu tion. The Mornin g Praycr nnd S rl110n II I I'l!!lulte u ill thc I'e-elect ion of the as ked CUI'"ix I. Shel'wo hris tmas to who was on Mrs. La ura. id es vi ~ iLed her of Waynes vi lle on Ohio ' ros ter of townsh ip and 10 :30. old ollicers : :\11':1. Alina Ca dwallad - dut ~· ul lhal tilll\! ot!, bring all the cheer that they can. t ,) look at the ' On in Dayton , Mondny . municip al officers is being com( ' 1', pl' es idl~nt; Mrs. Edith Harris, oi On Uecembel' ::!3rd betwee n 1 :00 l, <l lI d wh"n he sl:lI't·d inl o t he FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T piled but will not be ready fo r hl. vi" pl'eslde nt; Mrs, E. L. sLatiun, one to 3 o'clock. The Sophom ore, of tl1(' me n puked a J. O. distribu tion for several months . artwI'ij !ht is home {or class :00 Thomu s, :lnd vi ce pre. iden t, Mrs. gun ngllin of W . H. S. will be on hand ~ t hi :; ribs and ordered the hl'i.'tma (Und enomin ational) . holiday s. Laura 'l oHhel', sccl'eta l'y-tl'ca s urer him to open the C!ls h I'ogi at the :c hool gy m 1.0 rece ive gifts ~ l(ol' . II' . Chester A. William son. Ministe r and Mrs. L. 11. Gordon The kiddies of the Capital , United S hel wood bcyed the cOllll11and. [ 0 1' those in want. T ell all your MI'. an<,1.1\1r hUl'ch ,;. Schou W . II l . ;lL Allen !) :ao a. Ill, Thank Offerin g tremiUr cr. \\'cre I'elalive s and City as well as those who may be and the fello\\' friend s to bring a ny helped hil\l ~clf to ; DayLon VISItors Tuesda Alwa~ s an y. uUraeli \'\! prog ram, visiting here, are having 8 great A I the c l o ~ c uf the busines s th!! ca:h in the dra\\'cr lhing use(u l such a: clothing , . Th e fr equ ent s pecial featur es. LOt'd's s,:s!'i" n tile' foll time dul'ing the holiday. season as o\\ gra ,:, was b.andit· s compal lio n in the mean- .. .~layn.Hl'(l .Wel 'ege , canned food s, potatoe s Supper and sel'n\(H\ at 10:30 a . m. g Ive n: voc,a l so lo,i~?'lfo tz, wa.R a, business ~pp lelas ,bles Santa Cluus, who gives them fre~ !lent ctc. Someon e is possib ly in Sermon subj eCt, "What Chri st MI·s. Ma y nard Weltz. 1\1i NIght," tnne Iwtl gll!ten out of th e much- \ 1. llol 111 PIqu a 1 u es da~, tickets for rides on his merry-g o~re at cr need than you. Give and 's Betly inc, II bi)!, blael( sedun with a Came to Do." The "White Gifts HIIl·tsock, accomp ani: t. r ound, which has been erected be Happy. The Mother s Club has dealv l's lic l!n~l' tug aunche d. and . En !l o nn e~· ., 1'. IS very for the King." Ch l'i: tmas ill program ut I{ cadin g, " ent1'3 1 China Laid wus a lso in the staLiu n pointin undel' canvas in the State House been asked to hel p distribu te the g Ill S home on 1 hlrcl will stre be t. g iven Thu.rsd uy night, yard. The down town electric al te b~' FII,ol! s" - ·J\1!-s. Emma a sawe d- off s hotgun at 11', gifts . Decemb er 2 -1, ( hl'l stll'1a H Eve,) I \Vus Sher- I M . II. McClu\'l(!. : . . decorat ions are alsp attracti ng wood. Th e Sophom ore class will give a . r. and At MI t S. his D. tim R. e Sm the Ith Bible \lele School will i Piano w lo, " hallt d' Amour," people from a'co rell of cities, towns program at 2 :30 011 the same date After taking the mon 'y from In Dayton present Tue day the afterno pageanL, "And J-li ~ Plldel' e w l\ ld -Mi ~~ .Belty Hal'lsoc k th on. villages and the rural commu nity. to which th" public is cordially e cash register . the tll'O llIen I Name Shall be Wonde rful." Th ere ' Readin " Ca ll frolll invited India e ntel'~d their machin e and drove will be no chu rge to witne 's this An sw('rcdg, ~Ir. and Ml's:, Rhodes . Bunncl l l to 8 . F~ach clusH in gra des from " - MI·s. W. II . All en. lI'e.'l on Route 73. There wa H on ly \\e l e Dayton will have II program in the The 4,450 inmates or' the Ohio . pcc tacle but a f ree-w ill offering VISItors Friday. S hort rc a d in ~ s on the mission a ry II s mall amount of cas h taken, lrome rooms . Peniten tiary this year will enjoy will be tuke n fOI' miss ions. You are wl. rk of the ch nol . urch - Mi "R Mama as much as was first rcporte d. MI'. a Christm as dinner of roast loin a lwa ys wei ome at this church. Ho\\' about old fashion l'd chair Brow n, ~I n;. Be rt Hartsuck. Sherwo od and 1urs hal . P . Joy fOI' Dad. Sherwo of pork with oyster dressin g, canW. H. S. Playa Xenia Central od'. An t ique Shop Piano l\o ICi. 'Va lse Hum ol'esque ,' were in Dayton Tu esday to iden died sweet potatoes, gravy, brea~, Wayne sville Hig h played a B1umen schenn IV\iss DetLy ST. HartAUGUS . ~I ti f~' r. TINE two Emma s u!!pects , but fail ed to do CHURC H Grubb, of Dayton , game FI'iday night, Decemb erreal butter, coffee 'and possibl y pie or 11 . ork. so vl . ~ lted relative in Wayne sv ille at Xenia Centra l High Sc hool. The cake. The pork being raised by the Rev. F ortman DUI·.i ng a delight ful social today. s t.ate, reduces the cost of the dinI score sai d that W. H. S. was deFirst !lnd Third Sundny fuss lit ' de liciou " ref reshm ents lI'e :'e hour . erved ner to 17 cents. Try buying a . l Ceated but the 8:00 a, m. ' erond, Foul'lh a nd Th e res idence of' MI'. an d Mrs. though t our - - -- _ - - - - V. Hart, oek IS confine d to I boys put up acrowd Christm as dinner on the outside Fifth unday, Mass at 10 :30 a . m. great fight for Joseph EVlln s, located on State lh ~J .hou sc for a few days for 17 cents. The prisone rs will with the victory . Route 42, was burg lari zed some HAPPY HOUR CLUB enjoy the holiday with specilll The score for the qual'ter s was time during Friday night, Mr. and grIppe. WAYN ESVIL LE M. E. CHURC H movie shows and opening their as fo llows : i\11': . Hen l'y Sattert hwaite, and Mrs. E vans were Ilway MI'. and Mrs. Uhas. Gray !lpent from Mr. Ilnd 1\11·S. George , Kern s pen t I G. C. Dibert, Pastor Christm as boxes from friends and Sunday I\1rs. Josiah Dav is, delight fully homp, hllving gone W. H. S. Xenia at Middle town. to spend Monday the aftel' noon and even relative s. in g in , ' , entertll . ht. a t th e Ilome 0 f 'i' th e Happy Hour Club, mg AI'lce Dayton . 11. 'Yedl1c ~ d(ly: 1.he La~l es' Alu I Decembined II ISS t quat·ter .... 7 4 e r 8th at the home of the Che noweth who is sC l'iou Iy ill. How about old fa hioned chllir SocIety IS meetlllg With 2nd quartel ' ... .. () Mrs. f 6 At th h Final figures on the general f or D a. .. h DaVIs d Sh erwoo d ' B A n t'Iqu e Sh op J OfBa Th e thief 01' thieves had ran ' a t 2.'0 0 th IS O p. m.. ormel'. 1.1 isses Marjor c ie noon Earnha our rt we and were 3rd quarter . .. 't d t I I" 9 B ·bl . St I ' 7 election of Novem ber 3, 1931 h ~ackc d ever" 1' 0 0111 and lhe con-- Jan e . Cook I . . . III VI e 0 tIt! C!Illllg 1'00 01 were were shoppin g in Da Y_14th quarter , .... ,.. .. .. () UC ~ alll playe J l mee ting covered 11 di'h dinnel' was ocrved a .tents of drawer James Lovely and family vi sited aLI 7C which are on file with Seretar y of . and cupboa rds :00 .. m . The theme fOI' the I Aft . . c. • I Some of t he Xenia spectat ors· State Clarenc e J . Brown, reveal relative s at Hamilto n, Sunday e vening pwtl d ' t" . th were strewn on the floor s, Several ton Saturd ay. l be, "The parable of ' e l a .,oc lla dgtOO d Imbe he articles of clothing and il\'crwa re made tho remark that the Wuynes .that 1,737,5 76 votes were cast, as afterno on. the builders. Choir 1)l'acl ice at 7 :45 : mee t.!Ilg l was Cll e 0 or er y t e al'e Why not .!:'et Mother someth ing ville boys p. m. .. better teamwo rk compar ed with 2,018,2 81 votes preSIde nt. MI·s. Frank Braddock s he .w ou ld appreci ate. Sherwo od's I than Xenia'shad missIn g. . Messrs Clem and Carl Cl'8ne, of Sunday : Su nday school at () :30 l'ea.d the 2nd chapter of Matthe cast on Novem ber 4, 1930. The w Antlqu e Shop. .. -The Junior High was defeate d $7,500, 000 bond Issue carried in Lebano n wel'C Wayne sville visitors a: m. Mornin g worship at 10:00 whIch was follo\~·e d. by, a song- I~ . CALEN DARS also by a score of 14 to 9 but they on y two countie s. If their totals be Frida)'. Sermon subj ect, "]Jhe Meanin g of ' ame Upon II , MHin~A' Ml'!! . Carl FI·ye. ~t MI!;s Cle~ Ruth Cook , played well and did their best to l' . added it is seen ~hat even in Christm as." Epwort h League at Twenty mem~ e l s an s\\ a~d r.:tl·. Gilbert Frye were shop- win. l ed. to 1011 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Colema n, of 6 :30 p. m. with Lena Earnha l't as c!l ~I, those countie s it did not receive g plllg a~d III MI Dayton . ~. Friday. . Onc e 'agui n lh e Yu letide season The crowd wasn't very large favorab le conside ration from a Norwoo d, visited r elatives here lead er. At. 7 :30 P: 111. the choir M,' s: Llda McKInn ~. Hal bau ey,. Mr ~. M.a l y al'l'ives brin ging Christm as cheer from mlijOl'it y of the people attendi ng Saturda y. Wilyne sville will rendel' a hrlstllla s ca n tata. \0\ ~ Id, and Mrs. Hasl but t hose Mrs. Samuel Butterw orth lind who were the polls. Over the whole state, there certain ly used On Wedn esday of next week at wUlte were llresen t as y,gueSattert h- and brighte r thoug hts for a NEW Gilbert Fl'ye visited relative ts. s in The YEAR. For the Year 1932 Ask we have Wilmin gton Sunday theil' lungs to the best advanta ge about our 40c purchas e 7 :30 p. m. the childl' n will give p~·og ram, 28 '70 of the voters at the polls afterno on. and did a lot of yelling. voted for the issue, 44 % voted plan. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Leb- their annual 'hristl1l a .. pro'ram . as follo\1 . ~Ol' the aftemo on was a Ca lendar entitled PALS. OUl' s'. wi sh is t o plaCe one of these in The next game will be at Wayagainst the issue, while 28 % re- anon, Ohio. ong--J mgle Bells. O~r Specia l. hi-istma s .C ard nesvi ll e, Decemb eve l'y home in the commu nity. We er 18 when they fused to vote upon it. Compe tent Readin gFrom. the 0!1'Cl Chri WAYN stmas 24 ESVIL beautrf ask LE that ul CHURC cal'ds you ca prmted ll H at our Home on OF will play Carlisle. W. H. S. deMrs. Fred B. Henderson and Mrs observe rs say that bond issues arol, ~1 rs. Harold Burge. WIth your name, CHRIS $1.20 and T and after $1.25. defeate d them on theil' tloor, Saturda y, Decemb er 19, should only be passed, when, and John Gons wer/il shoppin g in DayRead Ing - The. Party, Mrs. to receive a calenda r and allow us Novem ber (Und enomin ational) if, they receive a majorit y of all ton Friday. and we hope to do Hafl'Y Satter·thw81te, Mrs. I to L. M. Hender son, Mrs. th e same on20our wis h you n Merry Xmas an d a Chester A. William son, Mini st er . The Ch~i stma s tree and votes cast. hom e floor. exehan Otho g Hnpp~' New Year . . Henderson and Mr. Bert Come Ol'ville J. Gray and family and on evoryb ody' back up Chu rc h Schoo l at 9 :30 n, m, W c lIlll' of gIfts added much to the JAMES E McCLU RE O'Neall were Daylon shoppe rs Fri- the team and fight fdr them by T.he mild weathe r of the past Harold Osborn and family were are put~ing forth every effort to o~Joy ment of the afterno on. day. . Dayton yelling as hard a they fight for us. visitors Monday . make onr Church School service s few weeks has enabled employ es attracti ve as well' as ltclr CuI. A of the State Highwa y departm ent Depend able Watchc s and the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornell , of chal'lhi ng Christm as pI' g ram will SCOUT S TO THE FRONT to push to a rapid .comple tion latest in Jewelry and Novelti es at CRITIC ALLY ILL AnH Saloon Lea.ue many project s under constru ction. Mason, spent Sunday afterno on be pl'esent ed Sunday 1110l'ning Ca~'Y's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, with Mr. and Mrs. Lord's Vern S~pp Hough. e l' at conclus The purpose of this club is to ion. Chri _ Work on bridges in various ~ l r8 .. G ~ Ol·gtan n U , ~a1lles s ~fTh e Wilyne sville Boy Scouts are OhIO. tian Endeav or at 6 :30 p. nl. The I fel ed a second aid in teachin g physiol ogical efcountie s of the state will continu e st! oke Mo.nd.lY ofl'cring their service s to e harity Our Special ministe Chi-istm r will The lead thi meeting . I afternOO n and l'ernnm s very III nt organiz as Card Order Eastern Star held , fects of alcohol as well a~ some through out the winter, giving ati ons others during the ins tallatio n of officers employ ment. to hundre ds of men. Offer- 24 beautif ul cards printed Evenin.!:' evange listic ser\'ice at I the ho me o ~ he]' daughte r, Mrs. the Christm as and and funda~el!tal facts concerm ng the seaso n. They are with your name, $1.20 and $1 .25. 7 :30 p. m. Sermon s ubject, "G ood Walter Kennck , at Lytle. Memor ial at their regular meeting Co~StltutlO,! ~f the U. S. Directo r of Highwa ys C. W. Merdesirou . and . willing to be of assisMonday night News." PI'ayer meeti ng and, Bible rell in the past few days awarde d I 1 hose eligIble' for membe rship - - tance by dislribu ting bas kets of Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mrs. Maynar d Study each Wedn esdny at 7 :30 • must be Juniors several hundre d thousan d dollars or Seniors in High p. ~r prov isions for the needy and in Miss Emma Peacock , of Dayton , School. Membe rs enterin worth o.f contrac ts on new bridges Weltz, Miss Doris Hswke and Mr. m. The church where you feel at ' ayne . owns Ip S g 'the ' any other way. Don Hawke 'were Dayton visitors home. wol; the guest of and approac hes. her cousiDll ' , Mr. co unty contest are: Thelma Cole. Thursd ay . . Get in to uch with the . Troop and Mrf'. George J. Smith from I man, Verden a .Fox, Donald Haw.ke a cOl1lmitteemen ,scout master or Thursd ay until Monday. Ro~ald Hardm NT and Meredi th During the first ten months of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert, of TO PRESE his a .. ·~ i sta nt, and let th em know WhItak er. CHRIS TMAS CANTA TA this year 1,569 were killed in Xenia, spent 'Sunday with Mrs. your pl ~~ ___ _ _ _ Mrs. Cha s. Satterth waite, who The prelimi were held automo bile acciden ts. During the Egbert' s p'arents , Mr. and Mrs. W , Cell and broke hel' hip several Tuesda y, Decemnaries ber 16 at.Fran klin A n urgent appeal is extend ed to The choir of the Method ist Epissame period last year .1,148 were J. Baker. weeks ago, is recover ing at Mc-' and two boys and two IS RECOV ERING g,Jrls :trom copal church will present the those who have not subsc ribed to killed. Accord inlt to recQl'ds of the Clellan ho pital, Xenia. each school were picked to go to Christm as cantata " The Song the Red Cros,' fund, to call at the State 'Health Depart ment there Lebano n for the. finals, Saturda y and the Sta r," by Holton, Sunday Wayne sville Nationa l Bonk and haa been a reducti on in deatbs Mrs. II. O. COl'l1ell, who subMr. a nd Mrs. Abram Cook, Decem ber 19, 1931. eveni ng, Dece mbcr 20th, at 7 :30. enroll as a membe r for the coming mitted to an operati o n aL icClelfrom auto me bile acciden ts at Stanley Cook and The wife, prize will go to one boy and of Spring Thi cantata is compos ed of yeaI'. Wayne Townsh ip is short lal1 hospita l, 1 11 ~ t week, is getting boro, s pent grade-c rossing s in connec tion with Sunday with Mr. and one girl from each county. 'The pleasin g solos, duets, trios and about . $25 and those in charge II1 0n g nicely and he r many friends' Mrs. ~ailroad trains, there being 23S J. V. Hartso ck and family. prize, which is, a free trip to the anthem s, all express ing the bless- would like 'the townsh ip to meet will be pl eased to learn that it is m 1930 and only 181 this year. next NatiQn al Anti Saloon League ed Christm as messag e. The public the quota if it cnn n ot go ovel' the t h ou~ ht she can be reinove d to 'This reducti on has been brough t Why not get Mother someth ing Conven tion held on or near the is . cordiall y invited to attend. top. . about ince June. The average hel' hom e on Route I, On Monday . sh e would appreci ate. Sherwo od's date of Januar y 16, 1932 at numbe r of monthl y deaths from Antiqu e Shop. =========::!~=""===-=---Washin gton D. C. All accomm oda ' -~-=--=- = - - = ..=-,-= this «:Jluse is ~ 23; in July ' only tions, includi ng a i:omple te sight. three were reporte d, in August ten L D. S~out, of Lancas ter, Calif., seeing tour, are furnish, ed free of and four in Septem ber. Last year arrived today for a visit to his charge. 72 automo biles ran off the highmother Mrs. Esthel' Stout and his ways and upset. Thus far this year brother -in-law and sister, Mr. and Every Pupil Teata 83 upset after leaving the highwa y Mrs. S. F. Elbon. Saws filed by machin The followin ery, cut g- shows the high ... cleaner , truer, laster. Also cr088MI'. and Mrs. J. R. Baker of and low score of each clllss in the CHRIS TMAS OPERE TTA eut saws, gumme d, 26c. per foot. Plain View Manor, Frankli n, are State Every Pupil tests given Roy Pigott, at Madden 's Lumbe r unnoun cing the arrival of a nine- Decemb el' 2. The same test in GIVEN BY SUNDA Y SCHOO L Yard. pound son, John Paul, at the English was given to GI'ades 7 to 12. Middle town hospita l. • Rehear sals are being held at the Mr. and Mrs. F. B . Hender son, Senior English possible SCOl'e of Me thodist Episcop al church for Miss Louise Hender son and MasXmas /!,'ifts that are wOl'th while. 76. Ronald Hardin, 74 high, ,.. M~t) \\EQ,E'S LOOK. 01\\)\)'( 26 low the present ation of a childre n's ter Matthe w Turner were supper Sherwo od's Antiqu e Shop. Junior: Bessie Woolal'd, 73 high Chl'istm as operett a, "Santa and e'uests of J. Q. Gons and family, ,\-\ \1Il\{S 27 'S,,~, low. ~ " p ... c.~~Q E ~,. Hill Givers, " by Isabelle Ritter. Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole and Sophom ore: Roma Hardin, 73, This w.ill be present ed by the CAMt. TO family, of Dayton . and Mr. and !igh, 31 low. SI\t< ll" C\..~ s Mrs. Perry J. Thoma s is ill with Sunday School at the church WedMI·s. James E. M'cClur e were dinFreshm an; Betty Hartsoc k, 67 nesday, Decem ber 23rd at 7 :30 p. diphthe ria at her home on the UP \M ~"r EMtf\~S ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. high, 8 low. . m. townsh ip road. Dr. Mockle r is atRobitze r, on Su~day. Eighth Grade: Cecil Hartma n, \\OOM fOR ''(DU The cast of charact ers is as tending her and she is getting i 3 high, 11 low. follows : along nicely. On the list of the latest adult Seventh Grade: Glenna Woolar d ~ victims of mumps are O. J . Ed- :8 high, /) low. . Mrs. West " "" ",,., Ruth Salisbu ry Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, wards, Mrs. J. W. Edward s, Mrs . Sixth Grade: Mildred Coo:C, 48 Dinah (colore d mammy ) ." .'. "" ,,. Ohio, is celebra it's 40th Robert Crew, Miss Laura Mc- ·ligh. 28 lo\\'. . "." ." .". " .. "" "" " ,, .. .. Eilleen Hall Anmve rsary until ting Decem ber 26ttJ Kinsey and Mrs. C. E. Andel's on. Algebra - po. sible sco re of 60 Mildred West .... .. "." . Ruth Conner 40 years- 40 gifts-4 0c. It pays 'letty Hartsoc k, 51 high, 15 low. .Helen West .". Louise Zimme rman to shop at "The Home of Gifts." Mr. and 1\1rs. Oliver Davis, Miss, Chemis try out of ~ posibl Doroth y Wesb .. " .. " Charlo tte Rye Rachel Davis, Mrs. Chal'les Davis' of O. Ronald Hardm 79 7 score Peggy West .... .. " ."~,,, Ellen Moss hIgh, 21 Mr: and Mrs. Sam Shallot and and daught er, Mary Elizabe th low. Jane (their cousin) .... Sara Conner family and . Mrs. Jeanne were tte guests Bloch, of Mrs. Veo Adams Plane GeometJ·y out. of a posEdna "·,," " ,.,, .. : .. .. .... Naomi Ramby of Cincinn ati, and Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Nettie Kepler, in Dayton sIble . score of 75: Bermce Graham Lilian " " " ... "" ". " " Vivian Conner Max Kohlha gan, of Jamesto Tuesda y wn, 56 high, 33 low. Mrs. Jones (a poor widow) ,."". ", were guests of . Myer Hyman and Arithm etic out of a possible . " :"""" ... . ,, ,, .. ,Marjor ie Earnha rt family, oq Sunday . Mrs. Luc¥ Dines and daughte r, sj:ore of 48. Graee J9nes .... " .. ,, " Wilma Dibert 'Louise , of West Elkton, Ohio, Mr. Sixth Grade: Christin e M'cClain Ethel Jones ". " " " .,, .... Erma Fires Mr. and 1(rs. W: Allen were and Mrs. W. C. St. John and 34 . high, 15 low. Roy " .. . " ."" " " .. """" Clyde Fromn guests of Misses H. e and daught er, Rosema ry, were Sunday Seventh Grade: Eileen Hall Tom " ' '' '' '''''' ''' Chas. B. ' Earnha rt Perle Riley at ' theBlanch meeting of dinner jl'uests of Mr. and Mrs. T. ,10 3-4 high, 11 1,-4 , low. Ned ."" ...... " " ." " .. " " ., .Leo Conner the Wayne Townsh ip . Farmer s Jeff Smith. Eighth Grade: Cec.il H,rtma n Santa ,,, ., .. ,. ,,,,.,, .... ,, " Hugh Gustin Club Which ' wat! held at the Riley 44 high, 19 ¥.. low. ~. " ~ Jack Frost .": .,, ,,; Tressle r aardin home, lut Thur8d~ y. . Xmas gifts that are worth while. Possibl e score 58:' I ,Cho.i'us of. Browni es, Fairies , . Sherwo Third od's Antique Shop. Grade: Donald Furnas ' Caroler s Christm as Bell Girls. Miss Beatric e Robit.z'e r, a fresh22 '3-4 hilfh, 6 1-4 low. ' , . Music ·wilJ be furnish ed by the ,man in Ohio Wesley an univers ity, Messrs .. Vern Armita ge, :F. B. Fourth Grade: Wolis Wade 43 High School' orchest ra. The public sang in "The Messia h," Handel 's· Hender son, R. H. . Hartsoc k, Earl high, 17 1~4 low.. immort al oratorio , which was pre.is c.ordiaJl y invited to attend. Th.omas and D. L. Crane attende d .Fifth Grade: Ada Belle 'Frye.. 50 sented by the univers 1ty.s music a pastma sters' meeting at the high, 29 low. ' . • ,depart! :llent Sunday night. She was MasQnic temple in Dayton Sa~r. ~ . -~ ...... WIL;L PRE!lE NT ~ROORA~ in ~he ' alto, s~ctlon of .th~ ,c norus. \' I day · af~ernoon . . . AHl'I U~ E~CTI ON , .. " ; , Dr. Mrs. Witham had a Mr_ ~nd .':ilrs. .Fred Hawke and The ' W"yneBvlJle Church . when Ron. 1tIrs. at' Gerkle' Clarksv ill(! Dr. lind M'rs. Christ ,nil .presen t it'll Ralph Vance 'ao'd .on, 01 Pleaaa:nt Mildred , with- hel' proeram Sun~y Plain, and PIt. • visit and Mrs. J. C. one ber ' 20 and the ' Hawk4! apent"S uudaY' with lIr. and M'rs. .Getltle 'Ii ll Thnnd .... 1Iigb,t, Dec:em~r Mn. Ce0t:ge ~awke Gerkle Su,pt. of at Clarksv ille. ~~"'iln l4::11ools and Wat! Supt. Our Special Christm as Card School. While the W~I." ........, • •·,Ilvilru rtl\en•. 0f!oi'- 24 beautiJ ul carda printed
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..'- -
with your name, ,l.20 and ,I.e&.
posed pr n of the other. The first and final aec:oun t of r aUzc that. hel' polka-d ot d George P. Gates, admini strator of IIU I'tIiB' 111 i~ht now bll blUlule'r ing the estate of Sarah Ann Decker, near I'eurrh of pl'l'~ \\'Il~ sultil'iinc()mp etent, was approv ed, allowl'lItly di~qujdin~; pl'I):dl11ity uf its ed, and confirm ed by the eo urt. lien' ... eoulli n ICKitilllutcly alanllin . The eightee nth accoun t ot H . D, 1,'1 I', IV ith 1.' 11,1\\ ~ llI(lre thull U [!loL McVay, executo r. of the estate 01 h111K. it cou,ld . nup the strollg ,t Alonzo Oa8sed~, decease d, was bUnlto line like fl thl' MI, ('rush th' Ilpprov ed, aHowe d Imd confirm ed Pr~b 'ate Cou rt bOil.·!! oS u mun ': fin ger" cripplu Roo _ (pr aU PaIL Appl, ChiD. by the court. De1dra/D -Ul. ODIJ roolinj( on the fOl' lifl' th writit of 1.1 well growl1 111.1rold lit. ,Benham and Marie mark" rbil i. Dlsd"of COP.R.LOY, The nd acco unt of William v\Jut h, lb. CciSlpn A1lol'to.J St....-and PtoO ije nham were. appoint ed adminis - Ob erlin,~eco g uardian of J ohn Oberlhl , 11 1)1"'01' returne d upon he l', 'he t1'lltor. of Lh estute of ..&iDal wear a.ad wcalber. Peter P. in ane, was approve d, allowed and sll'ul!l:'lcd bnck to IWI' ob,!wl'\a lion B nham, decease d , Eo J, JI • t. • h ' lIlu. l l'ig ht !l 'hip D. orwin and Z, 0, WO'Beedle .C. confirm 'd by the court. 1'Ic y were Th e second accoun t of Mau dc inR tantly- now, n ow! n uw ! ! ILLUST RAT IONS BY HENRY JAY LEE IIppoi n!.ed apprais el" . VI ittlinge r, executr ix of the estate By dllY lhe lowness vf the lund !:lemice B1ae: kburn i' to be ad- of Anna T . Geering , decease d, wlla opYl'igh t by Charles Scribne r's ons had bl'ol1gh t the skYlinc cI ser mi tted into thc~ Uhio Hospita l fo r approve d, a llowed and confirmecl than he h ad j!\'c r inHtl{in , .................,"'..." .................., ................, . ......'..'......:.., :",,:..,:..., ..................." , ..., ..." ,.., :,..",:..., :.:.... ed , Epi leplics, by the court. :.......................,' She' hnd thou g ht of bcr!>elf a s thc , It i8 ord ret! that W, R, Decker HAPTE D I X. Ha n, executo r of the uge. "For my queen,'" he _n iel l ~II~ H\': n g ~el.ng , ill , th e "Whol~ ' uu rd ian of Zaidee Venubl e, in- estaterryof Benthie Dora Draper , decense d wi th moc k ce l'elllon~' , " Fre h 'om- ,~ o,dd , NUl ::;he l:\ccm~u t,he 0 1l1~ com pete nt , 1lI0l'lg nge certai fil od his invento l'y and apprais el n. S lll'p ri ~c, she swept the ~ea plectcd fo lk s has a ten d er k"',.u hYIng bel11g 111 all th' U11l\,('I'" - e lty UI1 t1 seltl~ nil acco un ts.n prol) m ent. The court orders that h e d . , " til til ' """ k, "Why queeni s hould s holl' up ofT" I'iIllng j' tll '\ ' U 1I'\'l'l"n 'ce l1 l 'h'II'lc l's 11. "lu a agaln- n n roun d I' t II ll ,I I . 1' ''' 5 "PPo 'ln" ~c lJ .' , ,~ . ,~r ) un ,~', t> • < cel't.a in bonds and se ttle aU " " u u ..... tcrcd u po n her l'd admini lrato l' of the estat e oE nccou nts, d~ wa get th('re ~ " sh e asked lo s~,, ~;!. b:~~L~b~ cl tl~;~ ak~~e~v~~I~j~~~ Bnt, s udden 'l1lo sate r0060g ror fOU to buy because Gtely,' from llU t the darl; .,'11 L. Brazee, decen~c d und fileci o H eu~n~i l e d surdoni call\' , "We're so milch be II'lIntc el. And Anna R. Graham , IIdmini stratrix , r e mam- 1I.e ~s, th ere cumt! a, hours,· cry. proo£a ndligh toiog-p roo£.C ostsDo more tbao bUild . of "1 . :WO with · h e~ t e l· Maple of es tate of William I' b I" 'tl'o " kl'·, fr e g 'l ,'e n a· n cl fh e ~Irl doubled Into II t h era n ow swer!'., lHl!l, 'l uLu- nnd \Jai ~y U. Map le as s ureti es. decea sed, is authori zedR. toGraham ' tnk~ en, .. ~" , ' h , . ' , 1e an ordJoa I ti ' ry t II r0060 g-and you can apply it youra 10 , t fr ' ee sell atl pay k ' a 'J', passage I' ,' " from matH'a y. II ' som o I,mos. one a W !l ' ' lll chattels belongi ng 'to t he 11.' Il( JU ulcn,t Il) n an( I d etermlt Hec l;'~l~d~~t~ (l~ \~sl\inocul ars. th iR red, estate. ael£Co meio and seeour Chanae ldtalnexhib~ n~d ~y tl , crll,s h o[ ~ h~I~(il.r. , I lion or th' illhel'itl o tax of the " Hard a-slal·board," he direct d . Frank B. Hi cks, executo r of eslie s prung upo n the An Intel \~ I, th,en !She ~ Il t lI,P .lIl ( t'sl a te uf \\'u!lac e E,lnc~co tute o Present ly ~ ho Illlld c out, through back of hi ~ fello w to be Cllsto oping f Na nnie B. tl Hicks , deeells, decease d, g th e "'Iu ~~es, that which might be th e boat. II • rode high, rried to l!\U llcd - Jun fh\I~ lr Ihut "Itt II cd, is to be )!in,n all pl' rso n ~ inler is o l-dered to se ll c.erlain real eshis legs, ¥.o~: cuuragc" l Ille W " II"11 Y Il l·~ t (' d, .. tate a h nd settle ' 1 d all a~count ' h er 5 1<' Ic f th b s, the cr 5t of palm. , T e IS an un e lt u e rUII'n t or 0, ullu H, " H. . I'.·mar " , '_ d f. , r ot t " The e tale of J . Milton William , • . I duuhled alill " . upporte ' ..k, guarciian of Oli ve' ~ . Otto . , \~ I ul m ~ la h,ld b~t'n lIlug1t Il.l1tf" lt"I, lI1 ~a nc,. h. II'd IllS 8«B~~ th~\rp~! ~~~I ;f Nouh hud held hand. lll'l der each s hin, dasbya stirrup ~ on, decease d. is exempt 11'0111 inhrst unawar ~: by app ru:ldl ()f II 11th!. I a~_l'u u lIl. " hel'i lnncc tax. I; ( , , 'e t tim o \,' hen th boat hn I cleared th (' so now , Witht hl.! thl! I1er COU1'8e twh o cn or .'II ~ t n er o n g l ,..k a les lliollla~ :\1'l'dk L, Earl Thomp son, ex ec utor of , adlll ln ls.' lrlltor of ' her maste r gave lhe ord r to ree f, P Ollapc Burk .<l g, IUII .' t l th " 'r ec r ose to wavc . ,t ,I, , l' I" 'I\u 'tl '~I 1 ,,( Cl lIllng ,.1'1"" ' .~hc , t lIl' C~ heul'e to, alld 10ller a\\,IIY the boat 1 he r a jnunty adie ell : I 11\ ,NC'v'Ill'e, de- eglat (' of J, Milton Will iamson, deu, \, " a:; il J::.uln ull<l \\' nrl'~, IYI11g d,'ep In tl'l dll'~ h~l'd. h! ;; sa~~ .blll. , cea. ed, til ed his fir st a nd finnl ac "Bu t it's so far," she hesitate d. When they we r lf way to the s lumb; I., , " ,', B -k : I Cl~~p hln c.: , \ ,Il,n d <: I~,~orl li a s a,p- count. .' k d at Olive alrea dy sc hoo n er, the girel ha uttered a sob Th e , lin" .IL III ~ ~lIli ng . hud IJco lnt u l l~dmln l slrn~llx of the est lhl e wll~he d' Th , will of J ohn C, Hall, d ecea ~ ped'ove r the and flinging down th parasol ran Jlau ~l'd t,u IlIlpla nl UpOII , h"r cheek tatl' of tmc rs~ln ]0., Vander :ide ~... ?:;~~t ~enpl yl.°1J,almyra, di~- aft~r thcm until shc estood voort, ed , was IIdm itted to probate , T he' in th e U goo dlll~ht k,,· , Alld It was n u ~ , d (:n'a~~ d ulld. hied b';l nli of ,$~OOO Lebanu n-Ci tizens Nationa l Bank 8I " I'ff' . I hand fol- s ud Th en low ly she turned Ilnd IIUW unlil he hUll s tol,' n !:I.·tll , 1I,It h \ ('du (UlIllllg liS \., ('Ie! t t' h' cn 1 ~ buck 'to th 'alm s and th r<:" I'u , LUCile M , T rust Cu, was appo intt!d executo r, d unt! lhe wotld to bl'~ tClw an :\(' uiJ rt' chL, Pa llConkltn 10Wi . Tr~h S~V!~r b~~a l C, Vund rvoort no bon d r equ ired , G, F , Brown, ~nd~r he~~se IC up on thees~nd-prone. \ 1111uken ing 0 UPO II lh l', ot her unci ('~lII rl es yun clervoll 1' t a~\C f t~ e , a y, u~ ~ure 0, S, I I iggins and O. K. Brown A 1d oddl y enough s -h I ' l' h<'ck, had sukiss 0 rmllu nted lhe hln (':;e lie s, I' rank !SIHdak('r, J rt t eA~1 a~;o ~oo : ~h:Wgirl saw why it w~s ' not the white' ~an~s essc !stnn- ,Yl!re appoi nted Ilpprnis ers, ecr~~ i W illi of \'up,or rUI Sl'.cI ~e ~ain" t hi~~ : y !e and lI um el:. Irams . !ler vices, $5; Fred 0'. J. W, Lingo II l1 rdwarc Co, , The will 'of Emma she hud though t the island distant . hum or t hll t revolte d her supplie s so lIluch ~~:. th ~ .00 o ll lln g lJ :wk, lhat hll dl'V U I?t~~ , IIPP I ,}-:? ~Iing~head werc mi tt ed to probate Gray wa s ad - Jame s, s upplies , $2 .05; A . 'th · h stroke of the oars it as the brown man's mirth <l I ~C ' S: E. S. Don- and repa irs, $82 ,1 ::1; L. H. Gordon , Bessie G r os ~ , For C) c:. upene d, , , s \',1 .~~ C' tnrk meager ness her Burke had a pUl.pose but Olive's rh e e ~ t.~t e o f Al hl r~ L. B~nne~t was ap pointed exe cutrix, no bon d nell, in fu ll contrac t, $ 173 .63; H. Garnge , s uppli e~ Ilnd gas, $10.46; A s the ,gll'l : tood IIu t.:h Il1 )! th e dl'ce:a:<ed lti exempl h~~ertlllsalllk.s So small , so fla't, its was a mere savage deiig ht in pain, trom III herl- f"('quired. Jose ph P . Rllwles , L. S, 1.1 chuy ler, plly roll, $131i.80 ; J. C. Bawl,c, (luipmc nt and gns, 'vl' rchtlngln~ p :l ll Cl rulll:l, sh ~ ~ ~: t an~c tax . al'l Dakin, ha w ha pay four cocoa-p alms so stunted , it l Sh e had said that in n and roll, $140.85 ; $9. 60: Le Huy Blair. WEinen Sn id e!' we r, , $28.the whole callI ' t)\\~IC, , :h:lt the lIutel s Ohio Corrug ated Culver t Co" 80 ; Kilpatr ick-Fn· nehgravel, was well n ig h invisibl e to the wo rld s he a lone WIIS alive lhe "ti tutc, of Mn rt!m G~eele~, appoint ed apprais e rs. Motor Car . Now abound eu, m I!t , sewers, , dc n~vi ce . $75,25; Ruth Ditmal'll, Co., gas, $5 1. 11 ; tanda l'd Oil Co" 'ceased, W:I S exempt fr om mh e nhoweve r across the coral clinker ~ Thal bll \) ( wuter UI'~lI1 which lan ce tax, Commo n Pleaa Proceed in,s compen sation and damage s, $5; $188.07 ; incinlla t i Oil The momen t her feet touched the a 'omethi ng was c oming Works Co. moving her , ga ze:! chanced to lw hxc John u ru st! Myers, pay TOU, $ 137.,90; gas, $9.4\ Th e sand he hurled he rself at the ecenu'i cally yet approa~ an d fill 01 ac count of In the case of State of Ohio ve r- Fl oyd Lemmo ns, hing at up IIlto 1\ pea k a~d till': C uPPl'u l'cd lIu bert til'st pay white man . ' 1'011, 1. $152.50 SclHryl er. adminis trator an alarmin g speed. A somet hing a dar,k ruunu ubJect whlth I'l'~e m- of the estute of Rachel J, Gill, de- us Jo hn Beard , the defend ant was Charles E . Bradbu ry, pay roll, "Belay there, sweeth eart," he ali ve 'i was guy with red paka- b l l'~ ~ head" , ' . , . . ' ' tca:~d, was approve d, nllowed and f ound gu il ty of murder in the sec- $175.25 ; J oe W. Dav is. "pay 1'011, laughed r etreatin g "Stead y does dots' itItran with the exagge rati on ond degree. 1< 01 U 10,n y; lllinul ~ he co d d cunflrm ed by the $lltO.20 ; R. Rettig, pay ro ll, , , . - - - - - - - - - - it. Didn1t I tell y', y~u'd have plen- or u 't oy, see ming about court. William L. Suemen i ng was ap- $205,20 ; L. E.T. Witham to stumb le her ey,~s With , h~r h~nd:;, Theil sh~ s, pay roll, The ty o'time t'sit and think 0'me1" til'. t and fin lll , ~ccount of at each step, yet zig-zag ging over f',athClc d COUlag ~ ~ ~ last. tel 10 0~· 1 heste l' Sawyer , ndm llllstrat or of pointed gual'd iun of Ru th E. Cook, '$ 157,25; E . D, Jones, pay }'oll, Y'got waler and s tores for six , the c1inkellS in an asto nis hing Margar et A, Cook, Ernest E, $209.30 ; V. W. T ompkin s, pay roll ease ~ he head, bobblnl: ~p un d do\\ n th' e~ tate of H , weeks or so and hou sekeepi rig' ll be and rapidity. E, Ra msey , de~Ik e a co~~ , , IIU: :O $121.60 ; E. W, Knapp, operati ng a~ f~~~t ll S I l:l!a ' ~d , ",us approve d, allowed and Cook and Warren Cook, minors, eru y-like," g rin ned h er despot. Unexpe ctedly, the girl laughed . a boat, 1 I es(!n~~y: aIl~lIIg The CIISe of Joh n T, Hardbi n e J r , main tainer , $8 1.50 ; Les lie ~ she, S l~lI cd It ~on,hrmc.d by the court, "Y'just set in the shade and This nursery beast would RESID ENT vers us Ulysses S, Monee a nd operati ng' mai ntainer , $48; Shultz, pre ·um. ~ ea che~ th e SUI f al a nan 01\ open'I he firsL OIlll fin a l accoun t of munch yer bis~uit and think 0' me. ably be no more than n }o'rank Laul·a Monce was land dismiss crab, ed. IIlg , ~~ WilSOll, l,h~ , r;e f. , .~ few mO,re mechan ic, $ 19.8 0 ; Ed en "And t hen sometim e maybe 1'. G~ les, admini strator Somew hat intimid howeve r s troke s ut , 11 m " t h,c~ anu brull II, o f Ueorge the ('~tate 01 H 'nl'y M, Decker, andIn the case of R. R, Be nj am in Terry, service s, $90; W ilbu r Beltz you'll sight t he old Pigeon loafi ng sh e backed u step fUated Co. l'th~r versus up J the ohn a~d D. ~he h~ad uf un Igl.u llder ruse decclls('d! was approved, allowed Ho ll iday gravel, $2.70; K. Spence r, by. And if you 'r e tired o'yer own pa lm, The intl'ude r on her PERMA NEN T LOCAT ION and Nora E. Hollida y t he plai ntiffs grave l, $8; Oram J, Shoup, gllS, $ 16.. and cOlIlIl'med by the court. compan y, y'can h ist ye r ha nky for or was she not rather the i slllnd~ dllPPHl g f l om th~. lIutel, were granted leave to fi le motion 4 1 ; H ,S, Conove r, s upplies, $4 .98; ~ I~~ t.he n I: . lid,S, th,aL, Palm~l~ a signal. And perhap s I' ll be such - haste ned t oward herinlrude r? and demurr ers within 3 days, Frank Sh erwood Co., supplie s and a good kind gent as t'lay y'aboar d alrea dy hn lf extende d, us , claws utt~l c d 'lIll!th~ 1 ,~,I~, 1'0,1 s h,e su:\ host ss n. cOPI~cr j a.ce , I,th gr\at q.UR1, ~ gas, $37.97; Leba non Lum ber Co" LEBAN ON, OHIO again me underst anding what with hands out to greet Il.a belated E New Suits teeth c~ull1)lccl un ,1 IOlllc- ,- a k~llJl! , su~plies, $38.26; Air Reduct ion £ 708 ElilamiD ad that did lI ut Ilide lhl! t eroclOUS you're after is t'rus h up and give gues t. Da is y Mullini x versus Joh n H . Sa es Co., oxygen , $4.07; gl'in which had hounted her me t hat kiss." East GI since F d T he polka-d R Mullini I ottad x for CTab divorce went . Charge s are En d Garage , gas, $12.69; S. C, , She clen ched her teeth b eh ind "polknd odderin g" on itt. .pa its way. I t she first saw it thu s un tle l' her g ross neglect . Alexan der, ' the closed lips. supplie s, $5.1 0 : Fu mhad k ept her mind, for the momen t spotlig ht: the fuce of , ous Auto Supply Co., supp lies, $2; lhe brown He turned a s if to go. Then , cas- from the fact that the sun Clinic E lbarhar t versus James Waites ' Garage , truc k repa irs $25.was s ink man Olive I ually in a well-co nsidere d effect, ing Edwi n Elberha rt for divorce . 79; Fra nklin Motor Co., at a fr ightful speed. Wh en the fac e of the ~u ,'uge repairs, he -called Oliver to fetch that of And then, there flashed Charge s are g ross neglect and ex- $1.50; Hall's Serv back into Oli ve materia lized to hel' vi w, th c ice St ation , glls FOR SALE DATES CALL wh ich t he girl had not though t in her mi nd a word Burke treme cruelty . . $120.70 had taught voice of the surf drowne d that ; Oregon ia Bridge Co., redays,- a p ink silk parasol. Federa l Land Bank of Louisv ille pair s, $68,08; Fran he r , a n ative name for t he mon - wail with "h ich Pnllll~· k B ursk r epairs ru Tree With a fl ourish Ponape Burke strous robber crab. vers u Effie N. Peni ne, et 81 for $4. 10; W. N. Cox, supp lies, $ 11.50 present ed t his gay ,trifl e whic h - the night crab! ItInwas unga po c owercd back behin d II I' sc reen . mon ey and foreclo sure . of mort- J ohn Gu nchel, repairs, $3.20; E. Th Hwin'IUl CI', raisinlt from the a lone of a ll t he world that she spra n g up, stared al'oundfright she gage. M. Villars, $14.4 0 ; C. D, had known, had escaped t he del- fact sh e had seeD th e on. T he very brine, pau sed kn ce-decp to s hake . Ma u de Lo uell a Snid el' vers us ma l't, supp ligas, e, pres up- him 'e lf like a dog. Then h ' plu ckes, $7.07; W. A. PeTl'Y Marsha ll Snider for d ivorce Ha use, gas, $14 .90; San itary Suped t he k nife fr om be!.w<:en his and other relief. teeth, thrus t it into t he leather ply Co" sup plies, $52.0 1 ; Griswo ld s heath on hi ~ belt unu callie Hplash Se rvice tatio n, gas, $ 100.80 ' .......................... JESSE STANL EY Marriai e Lice ns ... . . . . )ng ashure. H e di d not he£itnte , Ka rl W. Minst, supplies, $15.85; Pbon. 320, N.w BurliD, toD, Ohio but ll1uue dil'ect f or her hidin g Raymo nd Louis He isinger, fa cplace, the only covel'. tory worker of ,Le banon , a nd Miss Th e girl sp rang away in !light. Mary Rosea nna LnMar, of Maso n. EARL KOOGL ER T he bl'own man, beamin g ten·iticD. 6, X_I., ObI. u lly, foll oweu, She ran, ~t u l11 blin g Real Eatate Transfe ra ", now and again on the coral eli nk- Fllll · PhoDe D.,toA Co. 54J5 J ohn C, Hall, decease d, to Ray ers, until she reached lanu 's end, ~ mond H all, et a l. All rea l a nd perand t he n Oil , a s far a s sh e could, ~ ,., ona l p}'opert y. a long the rcef a-was h. Seizing JC.xtil~:l Ct..I0s t • • • Meande r H. a nd Melvia O. Oren from th e water a br oke n kn ob of by s heriff, to J. E. Kib ler. 32.1 1 coral, s he faced the savage . Whe n acres in Salem townsh ip. he r eac hed the edge of the sand , From Ed . Y. Ada ms, decense d to E lsie s he hurled it at him, Th ' n he r For a few exlI'a p e nnies Adams, et a !. All real a n d perhand ro se toward her dress where p er lhroaf, clay - t:he coal of a n sonnl proper ty. her own knife wa ited, Luther E. Hugh es, dece ased, to Olive , at the miss ile, gri nn ed eycnin:.; newsp ap er Neuritis, Neura lgia you Sara h J. Hughes, All real a nd nOne the I cs~ , lndeed, he s aemed ullawa re of it, though i t passed cun have comp lete r elief pe rsonal propert y, Don't be a chronic suffl;'rer 11'0/ Sarah E . Wrig ht to C. E . Still- headach es, within a f oot of hi ~ head, But iL {{'om b eating wo;:ori or a ny other pain , 'I !ICI es. well. 18.5 0 acr es in Massie town- is did, neverth aless. ha ve an f1'ec hardly an ache or , pain D::o.Yl ship. ' on e quite une x pected . For ha sat ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN E lmer W ichman n t o J ohn Wich- Aspirin tablets can' t relieve ; the}' 31 dow n, cross- legged, on t he sand, Buy ~:Grenadi e~the pre-your Cattle, hogs, sh eep and calves a great comfort to women who s:JfTe man n. Real estate in Salem t ownHe br() ke into the an im al ion o f mium t o Non'is-B rock Co. , live 'w ire an d periodically , They a re a lways co I coal. It costs a trifle ship. . speech, progres sive fi r m. for the highest relied on for breakin Cla r ence g up colds. Hillman an d Ag ncs He s to oel up, lin d the g irl's hand morc, bu t you gel an abunmarket prices a nd goo d service . Hillma n to George Even and J ohn flew back toward her wenpo n. But It may be only a simple head. r-r.. UnioD Stock Ya rds' Cincinn ati, O. he cam e no n ea r er. T o her s ur- dance o{ h ealthf ul h eal and Eva n, Inlots Nos. 14 79, 1480 a nd or it may be neuralgi a or n!'uriti: Tune in on Radio Station WCKY 149 1 in Love land. pri se, he tu rned nnd went struttin g to 12:30 p. m . for our daily Simeo n A. Goss to Mab el B, rheuma tism. Bayer Aspirin is sti l 12(25 away towllrd 'the clu mp of plllms. lIte po h ive a ssurance of the sensible thing to take. Just be market reports . Colter. 44. 50 acres in Tu rtlecree k certain Th er e he beckon ed her to follow , compl ete h eati ng , it's Dayer you 're takini' satisf ac- townsh ip. First, the , avage pu li ed two of It it docs not hurt the heart. Get 11. the half-gro w n cocoa nuts, Wi th tion. genuine tablets, in Bill. this Allowe d CamHi his Iwife he cut through th e twoineh gl'aen husk of one nnd expos- Why bothe r 'with ordin ary J . W. Lingo Hardwa re Co., sup- package for the pocket. ed th e lower end of th e ~ h e l l. From plies, $1 5,90 ; Leban on Lumbe r Co. 'l'hroug h a special a r rangem e nt with th e Ees]ey Mills, of thi s, with three taps of the bla de coal Wh ~'ll the best co sts 60 sup pli es, 96c ; Reif 's Elecric Shop, Monow , we are in position t o g ive. he knocked a ro und cap, He took ~ fixt ures, $ 16.86; Mrs. Maybel l Jef_ li ~! l ll/OI·C. P lay safe this fel'Y, MONEY LOANE D big draft of the liqu id wi thinservice s, $7; Mrs. Mary E. cool, slightly ac id, cl ear a s wllter. win!('r E nnis, service s, $10 ; Mrs. Erma hm'u Grena die r T hen he op('ned t he second nu t H ibnaT, service!! $I 0; Treas urer of bl'ough t. it halfway toward hel: Coal. Stat e, hospita l care of patient , 'SO left it upright in lhe sa nd , She was LONG OR SHORT TIME -BuJ Drs. Edward and Rober t Blair, it scemed, invited to drink . service s, $30; .Tohn Law & Son, t erms. Also Survey in2 and AI»This is a high g rade fl our an d every sack is gu arantee d, T his Itra~ting. oil, r epail'll, $6.11 ; Frankli n Chronl Write and I 'Will caU is t h e sam.e excha nge which he is now g iving at the m ill. (To be continu ed) and lee you. Sam D • .Henkle , Wa7cle, tax appraisal notice, $4.60: .... - -nesville , Obio. Drs. Edward and Robert Blair, Jll service s, $41 ; J . Farm costs in manv Ohio cou nLingo Hardware Co., supplie s, $9; John Law ties may be reduced 'by a larger Wayn esvill e, Ohio WANT ED & Son, gas, ~ I , storag e, $104.83 : utilizat ion of h ome-gr'uwn fecd s, -Sam D. H enkle, services , $75; W. bette l' Cill'C of f a r m mamll'c, 11 ..4ullwri% cd Dealer CrerultJIB Cool C. Be rgdoll, servicel ! $12.25 ; O. closer ~tudy of so il and crop l'eE VERYB ODY-C ome in and see Phon e 25 Wayn esvill e, Ohio S. Higgin s, service s, $17.60 ; J. M. quirem ents. in (" l' c a ~ (' d product ion our beautif ul Christm as Cards. • G r~ n .dJ e r .. .ll e lIe'nu Conove ln. ConsoJld r, service a tt •• of good qua lity li n',slo k. use of !!, $ t 7.60 ; Ar thur BEWARE OF IMITA Ti( We print your n am e on them. ;\1I 1f "' 1 '~ ("r't' ..k en_I J . Hill, service s $1 5; Karl Dakin, ad apted : eed !l, and in other wa ~s, The Miami Gazette . dI6 m-=iH service s, $10; br. Hersch el Wil- 1IIIIIIIIIImllllllllllllll!1II 1111!llllm~lIII1lllll11l11lllli't:·
By Stan ley R. Osbo rn
Madden's Lumber Yard
Phon e 14
Way nesv ille, Ohi o
Dr. John Zettel Optometrist 19 N. Broadway
Stanley &Koogler Auc tion eer s
a Ti"i flin g
$Z .O O
per ton
He.daches Colds and Sore
The Rox ann a and Way nesv ille Can ning Plan ts
30 poun ds of their Flou r for One bush el of No.2 Whe at
Waynesville farmers Exe. Co.
- ..
5% Farm Loans
Way nesv ille Coa l & Ice Com pan y
-- --.~==============~========
Chri stma s as Usua l
FOR RENT FOR RENT- F our r ooms with electric lights and garage . Chaa. ~& " U FOR RENT- 5 or 6 room. modern apartm en t, furnlish ed or unfurn ished. Mrs. Josie Whitaker. . dIG FOR SALE FOR SALE- Flor ence heating stove No. 51. Amos Cook. Wayn esville. .d16
POULT RY Highes t market prices paid f or chicken s, ducks, geese a nd tur keys. Write or 'telephone us at our Our truck will ca ll a t Goldstein 'Poultry Co. , Ave. D.yton, Ohio. ~ ulton dlG ' FOR SALE -Two " •.•• • " L 'and 9 'years, wt. re/lpect ively. worker s. One land d hlna Boar, Perry Sackett and
Odd-But TRUE
Je ..i. B. Tripp now be with us, Good Santa, our king! We're beginning to wonder ,fust whut h,e will bl'ing? When you hear On your housetop Somethi.ng go clOI>, It's the hoofs of the r inde r As they come Lo a stop.
And all th rough the air We will feel Christmas cheer, And see the star shining Alld twinkling, !l0 clear; W will soon lice, an d sm 11, The sweet. e'\'cr~ru ' 11 , And bl'igh t, huppy fnces On all si.dl!s nrc see n. On Ch r istmll s w e gathcr Around t he hOllle hearth, And agllin l' lI the story Of Ch r isl., li nd Hi s birth. And we 10 I; fr om the window At the star, q Llh'c l';n g- IhN', Against the hlu " u f lhe sky Throug h lhe pUI'e Ch ri stmas ail'.
About 25,000 Ohio farm boys and girls in grade and high ~chools in 76'0 rural communities are oompeting for pril!8s in the eighth annual farmers' institute post I' conte t, Three hundred dollars in j)l'ize!O will be awarded t'O winner in the state contest.
M·a rtin
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, 0 hio Phone 78J
We will place in our window To lilrht the Christ Child On his way, hri ·tmas nighL And then comes thc sound Of the bells ; how lhey pea l, And at midnight, the catlle O'cr all th e eart h, kneel The denr bells of joy, How Rweel tlhey will I'ing ! And what smiles and good feeling Each year, d o they bring; As the so und tl o aL~ at morn ins O'er forest and strea m. Ancl i.hrough the big citi e!! Whel'c lights, bl'ightly gleam.
WherE;ver pos:;iblc , ' Ie employ local men who live he:re and 10': 1 this community as the ir home, who (lre i l teret~ed in you because they are ycur n ( ·ghbors.
Rest less CHILDR EN will frr.t, often for no CHILDREN unpu 'r,n t reaso n. But there's 111-
We are proud of ot:: 'employees and their record for !lsrvice. 'v'., ; ~ point to i·hem as a fitting e)(an~ ple of i h:; kind of service that we will a:weys strive ~ ~ provide.
T /:e
Dayton Po, .rer e'"{ Light
Ca:;loriJ J Il af'/ uless a~ lhe recipe 'n lhe wr!lp pcr; m, ld lind bland os il laslc·s. BoiL ils I,;c nlie action soo lhes Cf) :ii)a llY 1 Y O llll';~~ [ er t1l (, ,\! surely than u morl' C ,',rrj,, ( lJ II'tEdnc. TI:al's Ih~ hr;iu ly of this special ~. ~ h i l d l' t:n's rem dy J It m:lY b glvell l!t\) l ll,il..,t it f"n t- ;)s ofll:n s thert Xenia District IS ll :·~...I . In C':I~: " o f cCJi!t··, diarrhea or :il :l ·: •• r di3tLJI bance. it is invu luuble. \ coa l!.':! lonl' Ie "11115 fur just n few _ _c ____ .,_ _ _ _ _ __.. __ - .- - .-- . .. .In j.g to wtt rd (,!T con li pH ion: SCI lo"s hny su!:,~ " -; l ion d bud br~l lh IVh '!lIC\'cr children don' t ca l well :ull'l rc>.l wc ll. or h:lve llny littJ, ' r,~ d - lhis pure W ~'(; 1 3b J c pI' pura· ,.,1 is usu ully all .lll. i's nceded. Subscribe for the Miami Gazette #---~:--------
OUl" church hn!; a new set of doors. Mr s. Edith Davis and chi ldre n wcre shopping in Wilmington Salu rday afternoon. Mrs. Clltherine J ordan, daughter, Hllnnah, so n George, \Verll shopping in Wilmington, Saturday afterno on. Mi s Lucilhl Ferris, spent Wedn esda y with Mi ~s Ruth Settlemyre at Olive Branch. Harold McK ay and wife were shopping in Lebano n, Saturday afternoon. ' Orland Brannan , of Xenia spent Sund ay with K. E. Thompson a nd family. R. J. Murwy and wife, Harold McKay and wife, an d Robert, ·a ttended church at Chester, Ohio, on • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Sunday .and we l'e dinner guests of Homer Lundie. Charles Swindler and R. J. Murray culled on the sick near Oregonia, On Saturday afternoon. Mi ss J osephine Burn ell and brother of near Olive Branlh, R. 30 Years Experience in J. Murray of this place, ca lled on Fitting and Making Glasses K. E. Thom pson and family Su nday evening. John S l ~· de .. , and fumi ly had for Lebanon, Ohio their week-end guests, Bernard W ellley and Miss Clairabelle Tueaday, Thurada" Saturda, S lyder of JohllRvill e. Examination Free . J ohn Slvder and family called LEBANON, OHIO on K. E. evening. Thomp on and family on iiiI___________ Monday _
Carl Osborn. is slowly improving from a n attack of i ntlamatory , D. L. CRANE Pllbli .... r SubauiptiOD Prlc., $1.50 a Y.ar rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jefferis a nd Olice PhoDIi ...................... No. liZ 1 £n'.reti . , Po.toRir. at Wa,)'n •• uille. famil y spent Sunday in Dayton, R .. ideGce ........................ No. t tS Ohio. S •• ond C/o .. M.a M.fl c r the g uests of MI'. a nd Mrs. Harry 01'1' a nd family. OUI" boys' basket ball team won DECEMBER 9, 1931 their first game o~ the season FriFUNERAL DIRECTOR =====-=====================""-=-= day evening when t hey went to Kings Mills a"d wo,n to .t he tune WAYNESVILLE, OHIO of 17-14 in a fine game. The girls were not so luck y, several of the Three or four years ago, wh'e n the great delusion prevailed that team being unable to play owi ng the United States was r ich enough to put all the rest of the world on to mumps, and t hev lost heavily. Fully Equipped for 'Good' a pension, a I'el igious body declared that it was se lfish for the Uniteil BetteI' lu ck next time girls. Service. 'tates to enjoy such prosperity While so much of the Test of the world Miss Mayfrey Powell was an Larre Display Room. was in want, and s uggested that it was time to begin to "whac k up." overnight guest Wednesday of Si nce that time, thro ug h the thimblerigging of the international Kathleen and Alice Gray. Ambulance Service bankers, who seem for very practical reasons to have the sam e idea, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Th ornbury we have been finu ncin g the rest of the world to the point where a cave entertain ed t he " Welcome Class" Day or Ni.bt in of our debtors has seriously affected American industry and em- at their regular meeting Friday ployment. Now t he same type of altruist is crying out against the evening. American government and social system because we are poorer Th e Seniors had rather hard than we used to be, and mnny Am 'ricans have no sufficient means of luck with their assembly program sustenance. FTiday morning. They had engaged That is of co urse a beautiful idea-dlvidinlr up with the rest of the Herres brothers to play but the wo rld, a nd bringing the standnd of life of Americans down to they fail ed to put in an appearthat of t he billion people in the Ol'ient, for instance, .who live in ance. A number of songs were 'lOTARY PUBLIC PHONE 8F3 filth, poverty and ignorance. By such a redistribution of the wealth of sung by the assembly, the latin Nati9Dal B_k the world, the level of t his billion Asiatics would not be much raised, I class sang a song in Latin, a nd ' IBarr Nolder and Ern est' Dodd sang bu t rather that Americans would be greatly degrad ed. HARVEYSBURG. OHIO Will. Drawn • • Ed.,., Settled Now if present conditi ons in Ame rica are to be complained of, "Sinlr Me a Chanty." upt. Moore WAYNESVILLE, OHIO what co uld be said of the situation when Am ericans are put on a bare announced basketball games and sustena nce basis, which i~ t he average basis today with, fully three- I the Christmas program which will fourths of the world's population? be g iven in the Gym Tuesday The prosperity of America is not something that fell like manna evening, December 22. The Juniors from heaven. Our standards of life have not been Ilttained without will ~ive this week's program. labor and sacrifice, without toil and str,uggle. We have not attained MISS Helen Stevens, music inthese unique standard s at the sacrifice of the well-being of other structor, presented a music fest i· . peoples. What logical reason exists for a sserting that peoples who val by the mu sic pupils at the Gym L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I have not put forth the effor t, or used the wisdom that has put America Thursday evening. I ._------------.'" where she is, have an equal right, with Americalls, to what has been DI·. and Mrs. Oglesbee and Dr. achieved in this nation? And how many Americans actually believe and M1's. }<'r ost were shopping in DRY CLEANING that efforts should be exerted to pauperize their country and their Cincinnati recently. countrymen ,the only possible way in which a common world level - - - QUALITY MEATS AND can be brought abou t? How many 0'£ those who advocate such a policy NO HUNTING RUG CLEANING-PRESSING FOODS-RIGHT PRICES are ready to divide ul? alI they have with othe.r s less fortunate or Ph.o ne 279, Lebanon. Ohio successf ul, to prove good faith? Is Owen D. Young, who preaches this Phone 66 Waynesville, Ohio We the undersigned, allow ideo, reudy to begin at home with his "whacking up" program? Our eight per cent of the world's popUlation cannot lift the re- no day or night hunting, . trapping WaYDuville Coll~tion OD Tuea. W. Deliyer day . ,nd Friday maining 92 percent to our level. The only possible effect of sue h an or trespassing- on our farms: effort would be to degrade the American standardl of life, with all it JOHN ADAMS involves of progress beyond t he material, to that of Europeana; Any land under FRANK Leond Asiustics, without helping them. Liberty and opportunity can c()me to any people only through MA Y'S supervision. One oC Waynesv ill e's oldest and best kn ow n business establishments their willingness to strive for it;-By George B. Lockwood. C. E. MICHENER is T. J eff Smith' ~ meat shop, where quality meats have been sold for the past 30 years. WASHED SAND & GRAVEL LEBANON. OHIO . Fresh meats of ull k ind s are available at all ti mes at this shop Hardwood Lumber at Lebanon, whic h dur in g the yelll'S that it has been established in Waynesville has POTTED PLANTS Ohio, furnished on Order . gain e d a wide circle of fri~nd s . Cust omers are always assured that SHRUBS-EVERGREENS Road and Concrete Gravel meats 1;ecured he l'e are of the best quality obtainable and that real vahle is g iven for every dolllll' s pent at the store. TelephoDe 121 LebaDOD. Ohio Patl'ons of the ·e. tablishm ent are assure'd also of prompt courteous service and that Smith's meats are always fresh. In addi ti ~n to the Th. O. s_ U. Reello StatioD-WEAO . clean, we ll-kept shop a slaughte r house is maintained on the Xenia r pike North of Wayn esv ille. (W. H. Palmer, Stat. CI'u b Leader, Preaicfiftr) Mr. Smith is one of Waynesv ille's oldest business men and during 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers t~e many ):ears t hat he has bee n established here, has gained' a wide SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Dispensers of Refiners Gasoline 7 :05 Some Special Farmers' Institute Features .. .... :.... .R. Bruce Tom Circle ~f fl'1e~d s , all of whom have COme to know him for his integrity (all grades), High Quality 7 :20 Why Grow Unprofitable Fruit Varieties? ... .. ...... .. F. H. Beach Sou~h MaiD St. WaYDenille, o. an d fall' dealings. . Oils and Greases. Mobil and 7 :36 Winter Activities for 4-H Clubs .. .. .. .. .. ...... ,.. .... .... .. .C. C. Lang F or fresh, quality meats go to T. Jeff Smith. Greasin g with Alamite Air Gun Quaker State Oil. 7 :50 Wanted- Rural Minded Pastors .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ......... B. F. Lamb Accessories and Anti-Freeze North Main St .• intenectioD of Ohio Couneil of Churches Cars Re-Docoed 'itato Route 73 8:06 Care of Christmas Plants .. ......... ......................... .. .. .. .. .... V. H. Ries Free Parking Day or Night O. R. UNGL~SBY, 8:20 How to Use Your County Health Helps .... .... .... .. .. H. G. Southard Director, State Department pf Health 8 :35 Marketing Livestock. ..... , ...... .. ....... ...... . , .............. C. W. Hammans No Regrets When Property is 8:50 Meat and the Diet .................. ...... ..... ;.... ... ...... ............... :R. O. Roth ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Prope~ly Insured See the New lrlodela WRITES PRACTICALLY OATS SEED FOUND . tion from adjacent fields or in the EVERY FORM . OF INWAYNESVILLE'S PIONEER GOOD THIS YEAR process of .threshing and re-cleanSURANCE LEBANON, OHIO MEAT DEALER Tilr. Co. ., ing seed. REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE LEBANON, OHIO WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Although the color and weight Phones : Res. 53-Office 277 SET S -RADIO of certified seed to be distributed PUBLIC SALE EARL J. COBURN ---for./lantin g this spring are ·not as . om"~ - - ---goo as last year, they will not afAs I am le~vil!~ th~ farm 1 will ~.t)l fect the .quality of' the crop 'which sell at pubhc auction on the will be pro<luced" accordintr to R. pr~miaea located on Rou.te 42, two ~.!,-i m llny people ,'.:' 11I,, :,~r~ D. Lewis, extension . specialist in miles S. W. of Waynesvlle and . . lion very Often n!CIl Il.~.". I.cs.'l Expert Cou ....nor . ' High jrrade Coal and Coke, Hifarm crops at the Ohio State trnl- 8 miles N. E. of Lebanon on: aCid tn the s~(lInach. 1 he •.,l.,mnch . ¥ Lo, Omderella, Dixie Gem, and it . _. Tu••cfaJ- Decembe.22 1931 nerves hnvu pc:n over-r.II~ntll\(lc.J . Repn.entln~ LobaDoD, Ohio ' , .CHEVROLET DEALER Killarney Pocahontas, .Ask for vers y. B '1I1 . ' to' II and food BOurs ' fhe r.orrccll\·u 15 nn, Phone 140 . . delivered ' prices. . . . See~ oa~ are cenerally very f 11 e i nn~ng a ne p • . m. t e alkali, whIch ~eut rali~cs llie odus INTER-SOUTHERN LIFE LobaDoD, Ohio PboDO 326 Your Ford Dea)e~ - .Genuino . hght m weight _this year, he ex- 0 ",ow ng. M I inslantly. A n'~ l be besl :tl ka.li knov.-n GrdD; Coal. WoOi. Hay, F...c. INS':'RANCE CO. ., Ford Products • plains. ranging from 26 to 36 vne. sPSahn u eS'ul9 Cattle, 25 Lo medlc'll :;cie ncf. is Phillips Milk Til., s..cI Open evenings till 8 :30 and all WAYNESVILLE, · OHIO pounds with the 'majority of sam- op, 2 eep, po try, 500 ' bu. or M nUII~sia . (, , WREC~ING SERVIC' ~ LYTLE,' OHIO ,day Sunday pIes .. round 81 and 82 pounds. Be- Corn, 5 ~ tons Hay. Farming 1mOne !'Iponnful uf this ltnrmlc:ls; ------cause of sea80na~ conditions m9at tlements, Barpeaa and some Houae ,taSteless wkali in .... " Ic-r neutrali:res -- - - -- lots of oats are discolored to aome o~ gOode· h '" 'instant'ly many til1\o!s thaL lnuch 'extent, though thil cond.i tion is erml aa. C'LYDE • acid, nnll the symltblffiS disullj) .: .Satll!actOl')' Sentce e1nce 1912: quite variable. , SEG4R at once. You will ' nover usc cr~dc Oat smut was very general this • ~• JIl ~thods when once you learn the "last summer, and Lewis eilgpats Ratioa for Cattle , efllcicney of Uti!!. Go get 11 small . ·MAS'FERCRAFT . Lice • •el ReI!.1 E.~!,k"r MEMORIALS that the seed be treated beloN Soybean oil me~l, eottonlee4 'boUle to try. . ; . ,. M.nth.lat.d Coq,Ia Drop. aDd · Ii. ctl__r planting. Thill should be done by l0ll meal, IUId lillseed meal all have Be aurc to get t~c gcnUln~ Phll,IPs M... thelatecl ~"'DO Pbo ... ilit WAYNESVILLE. OHIO all means in the case of leed from relativel, 'the same value 88 a part Milk of M nSIlIiS)a p~rlbed .by Cipnttel ' ReuonHARRY C. ~1IlI . . . _ft fields contained any Ilnut, but lot the ration tor cattle. It II belt ph"'!..~I!o~~ )'ea~J: c0h:iIlin8 Write or . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. is for aU lots pf aeed be- .to feed a mixture of the two cheap ~""t; liN aD a eJ. S. ilaapr of CODtaariDa- er OD!Io • • _.--.f ~ .IDY russ reo
Bringing the World to One Level
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Farm. ~ight
E. 'McClure
Dead Stock Wanted Harveysburg
L-Ive P' now '.Irms Y OU SbOUld K =-______
An em?!o'l' c of ', h ) Da yton PoV/er and Light C om p r.y IS c ho~en fro m many applio;ani s. . He is not p C~' m i;-"dd :0 work in his particular divi sion unH tho~o l ' h training has ' made him fully c a pc1 b!~ of h~ Id!in g his ta sk. He is ta ught to comider yo.· r "ser vice" fi,'st ••• to hold the cO]lvan ic:1 c J and comfvrt of our customers in h:gh c.· cl:l m. He must be cou rteous.
A cand le HO bright,
Th ey s peak of th e penc e Of our C ucl up above; And eac h silvel')' chime Is fill e d with Hi s love. Wc all love the greeting Of th deor Christmas bell s, And the silvery chimes, And lhe n 'ws which each tells !
Coyle's Meat Shop
Hewett P. Mulford & Co.
Smith's Service Station
Waynesville Service Sta.
7alks, December 21
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agcy.
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
• •_ _ _
,. .
. W·. N. SEARS
. Lovely'. Recreation Parlor
Banghain Motor ' Co.
Wayne Township Independent. Drop Farmers Club Two Ball Game.
"WeU," and ahe f.ave a bard look at ber lessel' holr, 'I was unconBcl"I see by the papere," says Ml'S ou when we We r e married .• " Purdy, "that d octors say Orange when prices fu ll. .To 0 .. F~'" aDd New itenls which fU1'IlHl r: bu \" remai n Blossoms may be ulled for an an- New line of Waxed PapeH. NapT he W c~ tch es ter Ind ependent . 'fhe 'Quntry home of the Misses aesthetic." ,1 relative ly hilth in l·l.latio n til t he kiDa and other 8'coda juat come ia. Perle und Blanche Riley WB S the ba k (uull t ' u lllll canlc tv the J a m workinl' un Autoll at my • pI Ie of ( 1I1'm PI'OdUC l:l. !'u:,r rUl'ul plae of m 'e tin~. December lOth Ivcu l Gym, ' 1 'UI1 du y veni ng, anCl Ihop at home . . New Woodwork economist · at tho Ohio la te the Wayne Twp. Fanners' put in edan or oupe Tops ; ni er. ity w1\o h av ouUi ned ~ v- won t wo ga m >' fro m t he W. A. C. t OI' ailo, new Top overs put on. era l W U~'R for l'uralitcs Lo meet ~ U LlI S, th ' econd gam o being the lub. fi r -t defeat of the aBon for W. At. t he n oo n h'o ur a s umptuous U not cqnvenient f or you to hig h pl'lces. COM 0 Ut, J will call '/01' your . F I'om Odobel' 1 2!l to Odober A. ' ');. fi rs t tealn . T he sco l'e fe as t wa s s pread and both memCllt. Phone me a t 6:00 p. m. 1931 items whi h (atmcr' buy de- \ e re 1 G to 12, in t h fi rst game b 1'5 a nd ,-cueslS njoye d the many cline d l it Jler cent while fllrm nnd 42 to 35 in t h seco nd, in we ll pr opal'od dis hes. The ta bles NO SUNDAY WORK t price. dl'opp d 5 1 PCI' c: nt during [uyor of t he isltors. The yisitol's we re de orated wi th blooming t he sume pcriod. , hen prices fa ll di I not llIuke a s uce ~sful .toul hl' i t mas season is a t hand. . \ wages Ing, ' and lhe p rice o( any .' hot in ci th I' game, 1.\11 the il' poi llsetta, re minding Us tha t the 1n t he ab sence of the president com modity or serv ice lhut involves point bci'llg the . r es ul t of ti ld A. S . Collett, C. L. Duke ac ted as g Ulll ·. much labor fu ll. $Iowly. Th f1 r~ t goumc \ \'lI S Westc hester presid en t. Tho me eting was called On e way to meet high priccs, thc ecu nollli ts p(lint oul, is to P U1'- a ll lhe W il Y lh rough, t he vi itu rs t o ordor ; invo cati on by J . W. chase l e~s by growing un t he farm gC llinj!' awuy in thc lea d a nd never Whi te, und f our families wero a gl' a tcl' portion of th fam ily's IJ cing hea ded. Ke nn ison Young f ound abse nt a t th e roll call. This foo d req uir·cmcnts. 1\I ure vcgota- wu s hi gh p oint mU n of t he game, wa: due to the f act that three of bles from the ~ lIrdcn UIIlI greater cag ing thr 'e und two fo uls wh ile them were uway fr om home. The use of dai ry pro lucts, cggs, poul. ' chulthci 's wa:; hig h for th visi· mi nutes of t he last meeting were t ry a nd far m IlIc tl ts will cut cash tor ~ with lhre fielde rs. T h e sc or e: r ead and uppro ved. A large baske t con taining Xmas gifts was passed expenses Cor f oud. Il is possible to Da~ w. A. C. a nd euch p erson receiv ed a gift. revamp t he (I mi ly menu s so that F T Mrs. C. L. Duke g ave a Christmu)'! G a !~ j ust a. atisfying food llIay be ob- Youn g, r .3 2 8 rell ding showing the variuus Christ ta ined at l e~~ cost. F rom 0 'lob l ' .' l11il h. f 1 2 mases through whiCh most individ0 l 029 t o etober 193 1 I'ctail prices :\ la ino u ~ , e U 0 0 uuls puss. She sp oke of the baby of foud dcc li ned 2(1 PCI' cent wh il c Walkin 0 hardly kn owing what it is all about 0 0 U ni t d SUltl'S Cllnn prices fe ll 5 1 l< l , !;:" , gs, A' 1 U 2 t hen lh e child who with his pel' c nt. cou in , a unts and ullcles ' has I It also is best to j:r1'0\\' ns much 2 12 s uch a me rl'y tim e at the grand· 5 Crumb Omelet fo r breakfast of t he li vest ck's feed req uire. T t!l l ~ parent's home ; then th e young is ' made by adding a cup of so ft me nt o'n the fnrm a : p() ~ si b l e. HESTER mell and women who hav e g ood breadcrumbs to a r gular omelet H ome mix ' d farm g-rain R with pro· mixture to which a ta blespoo n of tein conc('ntl'ntc!'< artd g l'{I\V as F T t imes t oge ther with the ir bunch ; G milk for each egg has bee n added . much f the high prot ein Il' c(lg. !:'chuhhciss, .f 3 0 6 t hen th e first XmaR in their own s uC;h liS legum e huy a nd ~oybcalls, Eilcr , F 1 0 2 home. Thus the cycle of Christmas Th ho less introduced Mr. on the farm a s is possible. Bu lse r f 1 2 0 Ot h I' wa ys to meel high priccs, Wel'k , ' c 2 u 4 John Rosel' as t he speaker of the ' t hey ; uY. i. to do n il rep uiring on lJe nlle ll, c . 1 2 aftcl·noo n. Mr. Ro ser has traveled 0 th e f nl'm ; carefull y cOllse r ve and William: .. g ONLY 7 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 0 0 0 all uver the world und is a speaker use manur e lI( ns to kee p expen di- Shcc hun g 0 0 0 ,v ll o is enj oyed by all . He told us of the country known a s the Holy t ures for COm nH!I'cin l fer til izer : ' at a low fig ure and yet be able to \ 'l'otn ls 8 0 16 Lund. He has t\'aveled over the s e~u re good CI'OP yields II nd t hus By q uUJ'te rs : T vcry places where Joseph and 1 2 3 4ra l~e most of the feed . on the farm I \ eslcheste l' . "' "' ... "' 4 2 G 4- 16 Ma ry nnd the Child Jesus lived. ""tPt~ . . ~ ......... w adj ust t he farm bus lI1ess to the W A ... 2 2 3 5- 12 H · li poke of the great poverty famil y labo r s upp ly and usc hil'ed . . . whi Ch is found there and in the Our tock is completo, while trade has been brisker than orien tal countri es. The thought he lp f or producti ve labor only; We anticipated, we boug ht enough for all. The mui n ga me s larte d off as w hich he wished t o le ave with his carry fa rm pro ducts a s near to the TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN GIFTS FOR THE WOMEN con sum er as pas ib le and l hns ob- though t he ta ms would bre uk Ii te ners was, "We should be ta in better prices th un pai d by uven 0 11 l he pair of g am es, the huppy a nd conte nt bec au se of our Bubble Set Handkerchiefs middl eme n ; and cnrefully st ud y a ll local :; lak ing a ] 2 to 8 leud in t he great plent y. He sh owed 80 me firsl qua r ter, bu t Kiler and Ben- very inter esting trinkets which he __ __ _ __ Magic Topl ' Doll Brush nett got busy s ho oting baskets and brought f rom afar. 'P rinting Outfit Perfume t he S COl' was tied at: the half- 22 Mrs. Crnuder, a whi stler, enter· PuzzleS-:-aBSorted M. A. BURKE DIES Bath Salts al l. Westehester broke this tie sOOn taine d the club with several dclight aCle l' th e star t of t he .se cond half ful numbers. Musical Inst:ruments Letter Paper M. A. BUI'k e, Lebanon plumbing a nd it was jus t too bad from then Dishel Manicure Sets Th e dub adjoul'l1ed to meet contl'8ctor Dnd w ' lI kn ow n t hl'uugh on . E iler and Benn ett, the visiting January 14th with Mr. and Mrs. 'G IFTS FOR MEN out the coun ty , pa ssed awu y lit .forwal'ds, wer e by far the best hi s home late Mon day- ni ght. f ollow s hooters on the tlo or, the f ormer M. W. Silver . After Shave Lotion- Shaving Soap- Talc for Me ning an ili neRs of Cour weeks . AI. cug ing nine 'fi elders, and th e latShaving Cream-Silk 'Socks-- The "Varsity" Kit. t hough confined to his home f or ter seven . Hoy E llis shot . ix field - ONLY REAL ESTATE t he pust mon t h, Mr. Bu rke';;; cond i- ers n nd two fou ls to ll'llQ his mutes TAXES ARE DUE NOW I Above ~re only a FEW of the item s we are offering, as our tion had shown improvcment dU I·· in sClll·ing. Th e scol'e : I space forbidll UII to offer more, but come in and see us and ing the past week a nd h is su dd en W . A . C. Contrary to general belief, no Per box of 25 death Monda y night came as a 'ick out what you want. F T personal property taxes will be G hock to m embers of his f um ily 2 1 5 collected during the December an d fl iends. Hi s dca th. wh ich oe· Py le. r 0 3 6 collection this year, the only taxes cU1'l'ed at 11 :45 p. m. Monday, is Bu erkl e, f 2 14 to be collected in Ohio at thi.s ..... 6 believed t o have f 1I0wed an acute Ellis, c ........... 2 0 4 time being those on l'eal estate. heart attuck. He \Vas 53 years of Rnmby . Ii .. .' ...... '0 BC I'ryhill, r .. .... .. 3 6 This is in accordance with the new ag e. . CorDer Third Str_t ancl Route 73. tax law and is proving somewhat For te n l ears l\'Ir. Burke was a (One Square North of Main Street) 3 35 confusing to taxpayers throughout member 0 t he WalTc n . co unty 'I'otal5 .... .... . , ........ 16 the state. board of e lections, retiring fro m WE STCHE!'TER Tax books will open in Warren the office in May, 19 29. F county within the near future and G Plealy of P ...kiDa Space o ]~ collection s will be made until JanE il or , f 9 o 14 uary 20, an exten sion having been Benn ett, 'f . 7 o 6 granted by the county commissionWerk, c ....... . ... 3 o 4 ers. 'chul t he i 'S , c 2 o 0 All delinquent personal property Schrimer, g .0 o o 0 taxes are subject to collection at Mr. Frank Har tsock is . bette r at Rhoade:. f! . this time. Send your Chriatmas Cards the thi s writing. Returns under the classification 2] 0 42 Mr. and Mrs. M. Anten, 11'0111 T otals ......... . and intaJ,lgible tax law must be Printed way this year. Can and Dayton spent Sunday after no on By qua r ters : 1 2 3 4- T filled out and filed with the -county and evening with ' Mr. and Mrs. Westc he -te l' .. . 8 14 6 14-4 2 auditor between F ebruary 15 and Gibson and fami ly. W. A. C. . . 12 10 3 10- 35 April 1, 1932, the first installment look at oura. It's the right time Hiley Mr. and Mrs. Ev ere tt Bunnell Both W. A. C. teams are playing of taxes being due when the res pent Sunday evening with Mr. now. Do not put it off. Stationery .... _................. ...... .. ............ . ..... . .. .. 39c tet $1.00 _ and Mrs. Ben Abnor n ear Ce nter. at Germantuwn , tonig ht, and ex· turns a re filed. The second installpe ct to meet t he O. S. & S. O. ment of taxes on personal property ville. $1.25 to $2.50 Cigarette Lighters .... , .. , ................. .. Mrs. Emma Gibso n is spending Home Employees t ea ms on the will be due between the third Mon loca l fl oo r next Tu esday e vening. day in August and September 21 'Pen Flashlights, complete ... .. .. ................. . ... . ......... 95c few weeks with he r daug hter a THE MIAMI GAZETTE ·Mrs. Harold Roge l's of Bellbroo k: Th cse games a re not; receiving the of each year. ..... $1.00 Armand Sets -powder, lip stick, p erfum e This will res ult in four tax paypatronage th ey should . The fans Gentlemen Sets--shaving 'c ream, face lotioll, shaving pa t ron ize t he High School games ing times-the regular December brush, powder .. ...................................... , ... .. .. .. .... $1.00 well , and W. A. C. is glad that and June collection periods at they do, bll t why not lend a little which time taxes on real estate Men's .L ea her Sets- bill fold, key case ... ...... .'.. $2.00 to $3.90 encou ragement to the players who are due, and the spring and fall Brush and Comb Sets .................. ................ .. .$1.50 to ,3.00 Ul'e j UlS t beyond "SchOOl Days." collection periods for taxes on per· With on e exception all of the sonal property. Nice selection of Christmas Cards from ........ ..... .... 5c to 15c ...- - pluyers m'e either alumni or teachAlso several box 'assortments el'S of our schools, and the one ex- l:.ATE HARVEYSBURG NEWS cept ion is closely connected by malTi age. Think it over, and come Mr. Gaines, Sen., Mr. and M:rs. up to t he Gym . next Tuesday even Ren . Gaines, of Cincinnati, were 5::PF. '. mg. guests of Mrs. Horace Hatton over the week-end. JURIES ARE NAMED Miss Nan Collett entertained FOR JANUARY TERM Mrs. Horace Hatton and Mr. and Mrs. Will Tichenor at dinner J&tdld~~IhlIa.~lJd~ta3~III;.lIiJldta3l1llil;iIltJ~~ Jurul'S for the Jall1Uat·y term of Sunday evening. commOn pleas court in this county Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dakin were ~~==~~=~===============~~== '<: ~~ were draWn last weok by Clerk of Courts George L. Sc~henck and are Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. 5-lb. Box Lowney's 12c Extra Fancy Bulk Dates, lb. Horace Hatton . as f o110ws: ... $1.50 Chocolates ..... .... ........ . 30c Imported Figs, lb. Gra nd pu r y- Fred Braddock, 3-lb. Box Lady Dante Wu yne town ship ; Anna Leaf, Tur· 15c Pitted Dates, pl<g. . t1ecree k township; Foster Snell Chocolates ___ _. . _.............. ...... $1.00 lSc Package Figs, each .. . .... Hnr'lun township; T. E . Barnhart' j 1 %-Ib. Box Home Style Fru nklin township; Mrs. E. D: Chocolates ........ ................ ... .... .SOc Jones, Harlan town ship; Raymond , Gu lLery. 'l'ul'tlecreek township; I-lb. Box Meakins' Chocolates SOc Alma Harris, Turtlecreek township Margaret Tucker, Massie township Ke lle r Ronk, Wayne township; Citron - Orange-Lem on P ee\s. I-hll')'Y Gus tin, Hamilton township; Pine Apple and Ch erri es Frank Vossler, Fral1lklin township; Cha rles !togcrs. 'I'urtlecreek town: hip; Lindl ey MendC'rlhall, Wayne 25c- 75c-$1.50-$2.50 t ownship; Clyde Si.mpson, Union township; and Ollie Mason, Deer· SIZE . fie ld t ownship. . 19s4.40-l1 P etit jury- Chal'les Beck, ClearI creek t own ship; . George Cutler We will h"vCl a good' su pply fresh i Hamilton township; Willard Irons: from Baltimore '1 'urtlecl'eek townshipi Rose R. Halsey, Franklin township; Lottie E xtra Standards, qt. 60c St okes, Wayne township; Jessie English Walnuts, lb. 25c and 30c Robitzel', Wayne township; Harold' Extra Selects f ot' f ryi ng, qt . .. 70c Almonds, lb. .. .. ........ .. .. ... .. ....... 20c Beckett, Massie township; Mary Poisons absorbed iDto the sYSlClI;· Huffman, . Washington township; from aouring wute in the bowcla,.I_• • Paper-shell Pecans, lb . ........... .30c Howard McKay , Washington town cause that dlill. headachy, Iluaish, Brazil Nuts, lb. ..... .. ..... . .... ... 20c ship; ~o hn Cummings, Wayne bilioU8 condition; coat the tongue' town shIp; Goldie Elbon, Deerfield foul the breath; sap eneJ'IY, stnngth Filberts, Ib .......... .......... .. .... ...... 25c township; Howard Null, Franklin and nerve-force. ' A litUe of Dr. A mixture of all, lb ...... .... ........ 25c Bul k Christmas Ca nd ies fr om . t own ship; Ida Snuniers, Harlan Caldwell's Syrup 'PepaiD will clear 12 y~c lb. t o 25 c , t.ownship, Karl Dakin, Turtlecreek up lrouble Ii\(~ that. geDUy, harmOUAUN'DED a ' t ownship; Ora Gustin, Clearcreek lessly, in '8 hurry. The .di1!erence it aun.7 WITH SVI'DTWIS'I' CO..,IIIda , town ship; Mary Rye , Wayne town 1 . f--" h __ PrIce ship j Dora Squires, Massie town- wil make ·lQ your .,.,..n81 over )lig • ~ of IIIcb Ia PaIn SlZB oIl1Mb Ia ..... i ship; Charles Bradbury. Washing~ will prove its merit to you. , to a · town ship; Morri!! Miller,· ClearDr. Caldwtillstudieci conalipali. .....,. ....51 ' ••SI . 2td....... M." . . . . c reek township; and Mary Harvey, for over fortY-leven years. This Ie-It 2tau..• . ••,~ •••5 ......... ..10 · S." Mnssie township. _ , experience enabled him to maKe h 1b!.JSo2l . '.57 Alumin)lm and pyrex Cooking Gmnd jurors will. report on Mon p,csl,ri'pliQD jUlt. .,hat meD. wotne! S ••• · ·S.S. 7 IIdH_ '5 .7. 5.tS: da~', Jllliuary 4, and .peti~ jur,o rs, on old people' an~ ~dren need to mill Utensils ' Cigai's-Tobacco- Pipes ~bea Also LP1! ~ , 'I' ue day January 1'9. . their bowelS help themselves. 11 ~ -- _ natural, mud, thorouib action a: ..
-,_ I
The Wggest job o·th# year for
When vou think of · Christmas you are sure to think of what you can give to your loved ones. Here are few suggestions:
tr".m: t" S!et JohDny ilettP- on Christmea £ve_ - -- I is
Pens & Pencils
Wiedlick Pens. fUlly guaranteed Pens and Pencils $3.50 in Sets . . • . . .
Regal International Radio See this one, complete,
e x pen ~s _ .
- --._.- -
Ibolds ..... in 25's Denbys .... in 25's San Felice. , in25's
Waynesville, Ohio
Page & Shaw Miniatures
Large Boxes,
rfVerybodf likes~I
Aad Good Thlags to Eat On Christmas
Waynesville Drug Store Phone 120
Figs and Dates
Candled Fruits
Fruit Cakes
New Nuts, 1931
in YOur bowelsl
Bulk Candies
Tbe WOlD"" 'Folks
For tbe Men Folks
.''''.21' ....,1." '
I ' H'S : . .I R.· SMIT . ' t
. . . . . . . .. , . -' . . . . . .,
___ •• u_a_ "_ I1 _
Lar8'~ ~~:;~per
ec;UectJoa Whllt Is !l1l1t! 'to be the larcelt_ .Syrup l'epsiD," III U is called, is U coll c('L1I," of newSllapera 10 the most popular luative cltiijiItoria W world hna heen open.ed .to the pubIle In ft ne\V8)'1o per n;lOleum at AIS· 111 ' ( hnpelle. Oermnny. Amonl It. collecllon of 150.000 newapaperl are cUTlnllUles all o1er the world. IncludIng IllIIttlno paper from tbe mltlflle of
'4.. .•.,.
Eighty-Fourth Year ·
LATEST ·NEWS DIRECT FROM OHIO CAPITAL COLUMBUS - Offi ces in the State House will be closed Christmas and New Yea rs but t he corridors and rot un da will be open to visito rs. State employes residing . out of the city will have an opportunity to visit fr iends and relative!:!. Tra ffi c f a cilities, both rail and bus, will be t a xed t o the limit, and the big holiday crowds no doub t w ill play havoc with the schedules. Soc ial statistics compiled - by Secl'etary of S tat e Cla r ence J , Brown, show tha t during the statis tical yea r e nding March 3 1, 1931, t here were in Ohio 56,829 marriages. Of this number 53,894 were between whites a na 2,9 35 bet ween colored people. During the year, 1920 marriages, or 3.2 pe r cent of tho total pe rtol'med, were by banns. The total of the past year was 14. 8 per cent lower t han in the pl'eceding yeur when 66,6 9 1 ma rriages were pedormed within t he state. Jun e r emains the most popular month fOl' marriages whil e Aug ust ranks seco nd. During t hese t wo mont hs nearly onefo urt h of aU marriages were recorded. State Highway Director O. W. Mel'rill is continuing his policy of awar ding contract lettings for ' d .. b 'd d b UI' Id mg an repairing 1'1 ges uring the winte r months and this week will award contrac ts for 43 bridges in 35 counties. Included in the bridge building program is th e wideni ng of the bridge over Black Lick creek on the Columbus Granville Newark r oad, an improvement t hat will please all motorist s. The grade crossing on this same rou te at Columbia Cenler wi1\ not be e liminated, a8 had previously been agreed upon, the state supreme court having recentIy unanim ously affirmed an order of the p·ublic ut ilities commission find ing unnecessary the grade elimination. State Audit or joseph T . Tracy played Santa Claus to the various ta ' d' t . f h m:m~g cl~e~~;StoO th! ~3S~a~~w~ ships of the state, 88 counties and 885 cl'tl'es and Vl·llages. It was the re'J'''yiar 80lin' A .__ .U_~_'L •• """'" ' an':r eac towMhjp"'-~athe Bum of ,560 each county U5,800, 1 to be .expenaed by county commissioners . Bnd surveyors. Each village and cit y receiving checks amount ing to $1.00 per auto, hased on the number of automobiles regist ered within such villages or cities. The total di stribu t ion amounted to $3,483,454.
Whol e Number 5993
NEW CENTURY CLUB The December meeting of the New Centur y Club was most pleusantly entertained at the. home of Mrs. L. M. Henderson, FridllY afternoon, December 18. Nineteen members r espond ed to Nil caU with Biblical quota tion s. After a short bu sin ess se!;sion, an exceUent program which had been arranged by t he commit tee, Mrs. l~ . U. LeMay and Mrs. J. H. Sackett was given. A co llec tion of Christmas poems read by Mrs. LeMay. A short play entitled, "The G'uest at thc Inn," Mrs. White, MI·s. Hend erson, Mrs, O'NeaH Mrs. Sa ckett and Mrs. LeMay. Reading, "Why the Chimes Rang," Mrs. Sackett. Reading, "What is Chr istmas,' Mrs. Elbon . . Each member brought out most clearly the tru.e Christmas sp irit: A quartet of High school pupHs ,Miss Lena Earnhart, Miss Lois Pennin gto n, Mr. John Turn er and Mr. George Miller, sang several Christmas numbers during t he program. Af'er adjournment Mrs. Henderson served a delicious lunch. The guests were Mrs. Alonzo Curl Mrs. Fred Henderson, Mrs. Otho Henderso n and Mrs. Lest er Gordon
: The
aama Gazette
Eightee n st"u dent!l rcpreR~nti';g six different high sc hool s in Warren county enlel'cd t he contest SPOil 'ortJu by t he temperance QI'ga nizulion or the ,;tale at Leban on Jast flturlia,I'. S il ch a conte :' ~ is on'cred in every county in Ohio, Tho jJrize otl'ctetl is n' trill to Washing ton D. ' . in J anuary, J ~Jal!, with all expenHes paio, to th" boy and lhe g irl I'unking hig hIlst in each cou nLy. contest in each county is I in The charge of th' CounLy Superinl ndent of 'chools who makes up t he list of qu esti on s used on the I " Quiz Book," a publicatio n of th e tempcmllce people. Supuri nten dents A. I. Ca li on, 0.1' Lebano n, I and W. 1. Ol1lfOlt of Otterbe in Il ume, were asked by Co un ty Superintendent, F. B.· H ar rill t o act with him in making the awards Bessie 'n 11 of F r anldin, won firsl place wit h u scure of 68 out of a postiib le 70; Doris Kindel', a lso of Pranklin, ra nked second wiih a sco re of \i7 . Other. girls l'an k ing high we re Verdena Fox, of Wayn esville, Pearl Post a nd Ro~e Her mel, Lol h or a rl isle ;·c hoo!. Me r ed ilh Whila ker won first place a mong the boys with a score of 67, with Ro na ld Hardi n, also of Wayncsvi ll ' , second wi th 66 .
Will Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary The following wedding announcement appeared in the issue of the Miami Gazette, dated Decembel' 28, 1881: "Married...,-At the residence of the bride, by the Rev. E. Burdsall on the 24. inst., Mr. ~ohn C. Hawke to MISS Flora S. SIdes. . · The youthful couple mad!" their appearance at t he en.tertall'!rn.ent at the M. E. « hu rch lmmedUltely aft!"r th ~ cer e mon!, much tc? the sabsfac ~~on of t heir mallY friend s present. . . ~r. ~nd Mrs. Hawke ~ave Issued InVltattons for a r eception. Thursday. from 2 to 5 . p. m., ~n ce.le· bratlon of the fiftieth anmversary of the above eve~t. .on Thursday night of last week thIS p~pular couple was tendered a reception by members of the Eastern Star, of which Order they are prominent and active members They were recipients of a handsome gold sugar bowl, cream M. A. Cornell is confined to his pitcher and trar, from th e Order, home wit h lumbago. and a jam dish In gold holder from Mt;s. Anna Cary. of ary: , J~!e~,\:I.W~ <J.k. and· Mrs.1To'Ifn B.-G'Ons 'Were op, ano~ _ _ _ _~ Dayton v·isit ors Monday. . LAWRENCE C. LAMAR Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Miss Henrietta spent Monday iIi Dayt on
Poinsettia Show At the Mulford , & Co. Greenhouse
~--====------- -
OF THE SEASON We have, f ou d that £dendship in bu siness, cou~ t.s f or much and we are g raltef ul rfor yours. We desh'e to eon vey the season's Best Willhlls fol' a Merry Christmas and a Happ . and Prosperous ew Yeal'. W. H. iMADDEN & CO. Waynesville, Ohio
During th e past t en days vas t t hrongs have visited the Mulfo rd Greenhouses a t Leba non to view the n..!agnifi ce nt display of poinsettias now in f ull bloom. Mulf ord poinsettias a r e hardy, thrifty plan ts a nd ma ke ideal Chr istmas gifts, keeping thei r bloom t hroug hout t he Christm as season. Thou an ds of the gorgeo us pla nts have been sold a nd da ily deliveries are being made in heate d b·u cks t hroug hout Warren and neighbol'ill g co unties. This is t he fin al week of t his wondel'ful fl oral ·show and every flower lover should make an effo rt t o see it. The Mu \"fo rd Greenh ou ses ar e open f r om 8 a . m. t o 9 .p. m. GODDARD-CARY
THE SCHOOL REPORT·FOR PAST WEEK Wh ere They a rC Goin g to Be Mr. Lotz- F orest , Ohio. Miss Robbins- Frankfort, Oh io. Mi ss Dennis-- olunibus, then to Piltsbmg. MiSE; Henkle- Philadelphia . Mrs. Bu erkle- Between Leb>1non an d Waynesville. i\lisR Fox- Indiana . Mr. Hatticld- onsidering New York. Mr. Gar t- In Iilinoi!!. Mr. Pyl - Beaver, Ohi Mr. Rossleveland. 1\I r. James- At home. F. F . A. News The F. F . A. had a meeting a t ' .. hich lhey elected officers: Pres iden Pau l Savage. Vice-P resident- Everett Ma r. latt. ' ecrelary- J uli a n Crabbe. T I'easll rcl'- Hebel' Lucas. The positions of I'cpo rter a nd ~\' atc h were left for a f ut uro meeting.
Seventb Grade 'r he Seventh Graders are Jracticing for the ir Xmas play. T here wel'e fourteen absent at the la st class meeting. We now have $1.80 in the treasury f or the tirst two meetings. T he president, Gle nna Woollard a nd t he vice-presid ent, Evelyn f.' um as, were both out wit h th'e mumps, so the secretar y, Erma Wakely, t oo k t he p·resident's place. 'Then we drew names for the Clxcha nge of Xmas pr esents. Suel\a Bernard gave a Bible r eading w hich was fol\owed wit h t he Lord's Prayer by all. After the meetin g we had a spelling match, the gi r ls a gainst -the boys, the gir ls w inning. The next 'm eeting will be held on December 18. . Boya To Go On x.ma. Tour The W. H. S. baskotball t eam will go on a t our d uring t he hl'istmas holidays t o play the High chool teams of Wa ke field, Beaver and Stockd ale. The ga me with Wakefi eld is Decem.ber 29" wit h Stockdale, December 8 0, and Beaver . December 31.
An event of co nsiderable interest was t he wedding late Wednes.. :.J. .. day aft ern oon of Mi~s Frances Louise Odry and Ml' B ert Goddard ·selomnized at t he L~banon Presbyterian Chu rch in the pr esence of members of t he imm ediate families Glee Club to go Caroliq and a fe w invited g uests. The cere mony was performed by t he The Glee, club will bring the . Rev. Frederick Kirker before an Xmas message to the residents of Wayn esville when they go carol~ 'Lawrence C, Lamar, youngest Mrs. Flo Monfor t, of Lebano n, 00. altar of f erns and l·oses. child of Charles and Adaline spent Thursday with Mrs. 0 cal' Rev. O. C. Dibert addressed t he Th e brid e is th e only daughter ing Xn:tas eve. Caroling has not Lamar was born in Burlington, Smith. P.:T .-A. at Harveysburg last Wed- of Mrs, Anna L. Car ey, of Leb- been a mong, t he.. activities of the Ohio, on April 22, 1872, and denesda y e vening. anon, and has spent her e ntire life Glee club for a number of years parted earth life December 16, Mrs. Carl Frye and Mr. Chas. in t his com munity wher e both she and t hey hope that by r eviving the 1931. aged 59 years, 7 months and W. Fry e were shopping in Dayton FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST J a mes Lovely an d family· visited a nd Mr. Goddard have countless custom it will be an established 25 days. ' Tu esday. (Undenominational) re la tives at Spr ingboro and Middl e f riend s. She at t ended t he public event in t he 'f.utul·e schedules of The various welfare institutions He grew up in Burlington and Chester A. Williamson, Minister tow n, on Sunda y. chools in Lebanon and graduated the H igh Sch ool. of the state wi1\ have special the nearby neighborhood and went Mrs. Frank' Stansberry and from Lebnnon high , school in th e Christmas programs inclpded in to school for a time in Harveys- daughter, Miss Mary, wel'e Dayton Chl1jstmlls pageant Thursday, . Mr. an d Mrs. Wilbur Clark en- class of 192a. She later atte nded · which will be the serving of burg after his parents removed to visitors, Tuesday. Social New. Decemb er 24 , at 8 :00 p . m. Don' t ter tai ned tnei r fa mily at a s ix school at Pai rfax Hall in Vir ginia a bountiful dinner with a number that place. Being the youngest of miss this. PI'ogl'am "for Sund ay, o'cloc k dinn el' Sl,Inday evening. and fo r t he past several years has 'I'h e Sophomo res ha ve snapped of extra dishes. At several, eight children he was his mother's Mr. and Mrs. George Kern were Decemb er 27, as follows : Church held a secreta ri a l pos ition in the out of it and to p,rove it to you moving pict ures and concerts will helper many times in her house- bu siness visit ors in Middletown Schoo l at !l":30 n. m. E lec tion of MI'R. Frank U. Le May and little law offices or F rank C. Anderson. they al'e goin g to entertain the be given, aided by a number of hold duties. Tuesday afternoon. ofticers f OIr 1932. Lord's Supper da ughter, Ruth . H elen, spen t Mr, Goddard , eld er son of Mr. High School w ith a Xm as p r ogl'8m community and welfare organizaHis two sisters, Mrs. Luella and sel'mOIl at 10 :30 a. m. Sermon Wednesday with MIS. A. K. Day . a nd Mrs. John W. Goddal'd, of 011 December 23, which is as tions. There will also be dancing HutTman and Mrs. Ida Hockett are Mr. and Mrs. Clicord Prugh, of subject, " Choose Today." You ar e Lebanon, is also a g raduate of Leb follows : at state hospitals. Inmates of both 'deceased. And of his five Dayton,. we re gu es ts of Mr. and always wek ome at this church. M r, nad Mrs. Ira Boring, of a non hi gh sc hool. F or several A play " Grandpa's Christmas penal institutions will also enjoy brothers only three survive him . Mrs. J oseph Evans, on Friday. Wil mingto n, weTe g'uest!l of Mr. years he has been asso ciated w ith 'Spree, " wit h t he characters as the holiday with movies, concerts, These are Arthur.. Will and Walter ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH an d 1\£I·s. Wyml!1' L. Drake, on the Estate Stove Co mpany in AI- follows : an extra dinner and special privMI'. and Mrs. Charles Rye will . Monday. ban y, N. Y. On September 19th, 1910, he ilelres. ' J a Ck Adam s R ev. F ortman Th e br id e was a ttractively gown- Neva Peters was united in marriage to Miss celebrate their golden wedding During the mo.n th of November Florence Thompson and they be- anniversary, On January 19, 1932. I First and 'T h ir d Sunday Mass at Ruth Hockett ed in brown can to n crepe with Val Roma Hardin owing to the favorable weather, gan housekeeping at once in Har- . . 8 :00 a. m. Second, F ourth and · Mr. a nd MI' • Edward Lewis, of la ncon lace and t rimmed in Per- John Thompson Winifred Oonner 64 miles of concrete highways veysburg. In December 1922, they Bernice Graham Ellis McClure and famdy, of Fifth Sun day, Mass at 10 :30 a. m. Miamisburg, are rej oicing ove r t he sian r ose green and gold. She Cecil Davis were built in Ohio at a cost of went to CalifoJ:nia. Later, on r e- Springboro, . were Sunday after- I . arrival of a son, Tuesday, Decem- WOl'e <Ii b r~wn Fre nch felt hat and Richard Miller Merle Planck $1,397,177. During ' the same· turning to lJar¥eysburg, they noon guests of Mr. antI Mrs. Lucille Th ompson ' bel' 2_ , 19 31. n corsage of sweet peas and .roses Inez Hayslip month 19'IV miles of brick high- went to Florida in 1925. Then Elmer Sheehan. Raymond Adams WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Imm edIately following the cere- Ruth Early ways wel'e 'built at a cost of $1,- after another: trip to California . G. IC. Dibert, Pastor MI'. and Mrs. Luther Perkin s, of mony, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard .Ieft 292, 770. Bridge contracts com- they tOOk liP their residence in Mr. and Mrs. John WerneT and . . . , Beavertown, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. for a short honeymoon trip. They Smith-Hughea Department pleted during the month totaled Harveysburg. ' daugh tel', Miss Martha, of Da yton, \yedn esda y. Th~ chl~dren S Stroud and SOn wer e gu est s of Mr. will rotul'D here for Christmas and $391,629.53. Surface treatment The Smith Hughes depa rtment Sometime during the past year we re Sund ay guests of MI'. and ' 9. ~nstm.a s lPr ogralll will be gIven at and Mrs. E. T. Stroud, on Sunday IPlan t o spend a few days in Lebduring the month totaled 86 ·miles Mr. Lamar's health began to fail MI' . W. 0, Raper , .30 thls p . .nl . anon before leaving for Albany, nas now been in ex istencp fe r cost ing $101,889.06. The total and notwithstanding all ef!orts . Sunda y: ~unday sc~ool at 9 :30 Mr. Robert Mosher of Carding- where they expect t o make their e·ight yean;. We stal'ted t he first mil eage completed during the made in his behalf he passed yeur with 'a n enTollment of sevenM' I M R b rt. T ft d a. nl . MornlDg . worship at 10 :30. ton, and Mrs. Edith Ha rr is we re future · home. d I. a n( r . 0 e a an The pastor WIll preach a NeVI' Th d . . tl . f mouth t otaled 212 3-4 miles, at a away very qUle t een, each yeaI' since has b·rought y a ew ays MI'S8 J ean Fer .... uson of Dayton Y ' .. th b ' t f dinn el' gU tl~ts UI'S ay evenmg • - ...- - - · re t urn f r~m t·h e h OSPI·tal were guests of ...I\fr. and cost of $3,716,768.02. , Mrs. J. . W., " All ear s Thin sermOn on e su EJeeworth o · of Mr. an d Mrs. L'111 dl ey Mend en!I steady increase. This year is no a ft er h IS New" CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT except ion in t his regard. We have --~---. ------P where he had recelved treatm~nt White and so n on Sunday. L t 6~30 . 'th M hall. for several months. ' eagu~ a . p. m., WI ary ; enro ll ed 45, a n increase of previFRIENDS MEETING HOUSE A CORRECTION 'l ll S veal's of stuuents who r ealize Lawrence Lamar was a kind . Joe MIller as leader. Mrs AI zo C i t th friend and neighbor, an energetic The W. C, T. U. WIll mMeedtd,at At 7 :.3 0 p. m. there will b ~ a , k . d . onn yt ur lheSPgenuest oef he benefits to be derived. f rom . d t' d '11' k the home of Mrs. W. H. a en stereopticon lecture on the subject w~e -en In B o,}, On Sunday afternoon, Decpmbel' ~ du cat i o n in this depa rt mellt. The editors of the High school III rllous an fY:'lhfIDf "':01' er. . Thursday December 31 at 2 of "Into All The World" This is MISS Grace McLnrdle , s nd on Sun27\ at 2 p. m. a Christmas pr'Jgram paper wish to correct an error in a adltf.u WIfe 8!1 d o'clo~k Everyone welcon:e. a 'fine colleotion of b~auti"fully' day afternoon witn es"cd a pageant wi 1 be presented at the F riends the Home Beauty ShoPJ'le ad. It manye reelavtels a ves an nends to mISS . . . at the Art In stl'tute Epidemic of Mumpa Meeting house. Everyone cord ially colored pi ~ tu r e s Illu st~atmg the .. should read, "special for December and mourn him. Miss Henrietta McKin sey, of the values winch are derlved from invited, no admission . . Marcel or Finger wave, 40 cents 1'here has been a very large perMr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright A r.htabula schools, arrived Satur- Christian ity, namely: better health After a short pl'ogram of Christ ~ e n t of absences in· the 6th grades instead of U,OO' Death levels· all of mortal kind; day to spend the holidays with her more wea lth, sounder knowledge, motored to Oxford Friday. Miss mas carols and recitations by t he nn accou nt of mumps. 'rhere were . . The humble and the highly born mother, Mrs. Alice McKinsey. larger freE!dom , closer fellowship, Evelyn, who is a student at West- Juniors, the Young P eoples class lhi rteen p·llpils in Section 11 having ern College, return ed home with will · present a play ent it led "The perfect attendance fo r t he past six Leave burdens of the earth beand a vision of God. The pu blic is cordially invited them for th e holidays. Christmas ShadOW," by Edith Lorn weeks. ThIS section has been havSaw!': filed by machinery, cut to a clearer morn. bard Squires. The f ollowing pe r- i ng a contest in attendance, each c1oancr, truer, faster. Also cross- to attend these meetings. Mr. E. J. Carmony nnd f amily sons will take' part in the product- I'OW being named f or a uni versity. On next Monday at 7 :30 p. m. eut saw!;, bu mmed, 25( per foot. ,. A few more years and we shall Roy Pigo tt, at Madden's L.umber is the regular time f or the meet- of Spr ingfield and Mr. and Mrs. ion: Ohio State won. Th e captain for know Wilbur Clark and family will Jim Jennings, t he postman- this tea m was Howard Hall. ing of the official board. What lies beyond the mystic sea, Yl'. rd. l>pend Christmas day with Mrs. Ernest Cook. In the seco nd section , a play, Whose waves are pulsing calm and Mary Carmony at Lytle. Kate O'Brien, Mrs. Randol ph's " A Qu a rte r to Chd stmas," will be daughter, Mrs. Merle Kel'ns Ilnd slow, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF cook- Ada Grace Und erwood. pl'esented at the Xmas party on 'Twixt this life and the one to be Joan, of Cleveland, came Sunday CHRIST Mr. and , Mrs. Joseph Evans had Felice Randolph. gl'anddaugh- Wednesday, and refr eshm ents will to spend Christmas at the home of (Undenominational) the pleasure of a visit on Sunday, ter of Mrs. Randolph and daug hte r be ser ved. A program and party is the former' s parents, Mr. and M-rs. Chester A. Williamson, Min.ister from Mr. and Mrs. Shambaugh and of Jerry Randolph-Ethel Mlln- be ing planned for Section 1 01J. D. Marlatt. CHRISTMAS PARTY, who brought with them, ·denhal1. o. Both r ooms !Ire well decoraChurch School at 9 :30 a. m. daughters, The Shadow- Rosco c F ur nas. ted fo r the occasion. a turkey cooked and ready to serve Next Sat urday nig.ht, December "The school tli,t is different." Miss Anna Lee Crane was hostMrs. J ohn Ra ndolph- Margaret ess . at a Christmas party at her 26t h at f.l p. m., the 40t h Annive.l'- Am ong other special features for Eva Miller left Tuesday Cook. h h . d Frea. b,m en. home Saturday evening. Following sary sale closes at C~ry ' s J ewelry Lord's Day, DecemDer 27 will be for.Mrs. Lima for an' extended visit to H elen Rand olp, er unma-r1'le games of various kinds, refresh- .Sh op, Leba non , OhiO. Fl'ee- 40 1\ f amily chorus. · Lord's Supper at her daughter, Mrs. Grace McCune·. daughter-~u th ~o o k . w-ence The FreshmaD class is r eady to ments were served. Those invited "benutiful gif ts-Free. "The Home conclUSIOn. Christian . Endeavor- Mrs. Miller and Mrs. McCune will Dl·. DaVId· Mtlner--Lav ehallellge any. one in singing the . at 6.30 p, m. Marie Pine, leader. were Ruth Sallabu.r y, Jane COQk, o'f ' Gifts. . " • _ • High School son~, since they, have Evening evangelistic . service at spend the holidays with Miss Ruth- Furnas. Marjorie Earnhart, Bessie Sa~ders ·. . . ' Miller in New York City. ' had plenty ot practi!)eat former x Barbara Gray, Louise· Hough,. A Christmas pageant entitled, 7 :aO p.m. Serm on slIoject, '''The ..' POEM~ APPRECIATED pel. m eetings. ( .; " , , Edna M;ae Staup, Frances Ellis, u,Alld His , Name Shllll be Called Shis of th'e World , on the Sinless ~telYh C?hr~tm!lS " de~ra~ons, _~ _~_I..---~~ Robtlrt Allen, RaYlI\ond Van9flen, I Wonderful," will .be "prdfented at Christ." The I;hilrct\ where you , ,'T.Jie 40th Anniversary Sale40 days-'Wlth 40 beautiful gifts,·' S f the work 01 Jessie B .. a'r e . t ey. gre·e o es man . -4.'......... ' Ie~. Albert Hawke, Earl Conner ·Jr. ,. Fer ry Cllu rch, Thursday,' Decem- feel at ·J:tome. , .. . . ome 0 0 t a _ wearing 1'e<l · pants, and F;tban rI"W'I--- _ _ Donalil Fo~ksJ. Hugh: O'Neall" bel' ~4, at 8 :00 p. m. E V,e ryb!ldy free, closes Saturaay night" De- TriPP, Harv~ysburg . p e! P Lewis wearing ·!;tis ~e e ' ,sweater , Charles James Jr., .vincent GritTy invited. " ' I, ST. MARYS CHURCH cemller -26th · at 8 p.' m. , Carts pears fr~m t l-!lle . to. tll,ne In the; and ' BUspel\ders, ~ 'alt~ota h , '. ... ' Jew.elry Shop, . Lebanon, Ohl..o,.. Wayn eSVIlle MIamI Gaz~tte. f ,scholastically he "Clinnot be. claU~d and-Richard ~tterthwaite. . , ' This writer's po~ms a,re 0 a with Freahmell :_ . ~ ~ Mr. Foster Mosber ;"and son, -" R\!v, d . J. Scheffer. Rector . '''The ~H(Jme <>f GIfts." much better qualit y than t h e . ' . .. gu. ~i• •, • , Wilbur, of Marengo, Rnd . Mr. December 27, FiJ'Bt Sun4ay after school at 9 :80. 'Mr•. and Mrs. Ha"old Earnhar t amateur-w-rittell poetry often d • ybbe :you .th,ng .the Freahlr1en POST ' OFFICE NOTICE . Carl Mosher and son,. Kenneth, ChrlstmJls, ChUl'ch th hila ill ' found in weekly papers, and they on t . ell eVe In Santa C,la'U!,- But ,...~ .,.t1L...1...-.:' ~I_ ~nd daughter, [ria of Cardington, At thiK ti ~~~e:a~:::etheo~~I~T~~~ :::: should go fill- to .establish poetry y~ . sho~p., go Jo~ .1..~ I1.....:..... The Waynesville Post Omce and MI'. and Mrs, Ronald Ha.wke sent a' ~:tm:~cpro:~n.n\nl:: '. becaulI6 of the serious illness of in the better graces of . Warren 0 , ee e e rI go ~ - - , . . . , . will 'be closed all day Chrlstmu, and IOn Funk w~r~ S~nday ~i~- ceive their treat. "Morning Prayer and lermon at the former's mother, Mrs. Burton County readers, ~ Clarksville ou 0 ~: ~ ~ December 26, 1981. : ner guests of Mrs. Edith Bal'1'lB 10:3,0, wi~ Obtlatmu music. ' ljlambart, News. .....-_'!'l' (Con~ue~ ~ ICMo , . a. B., HARTSOCK, P. 11••4 1amU,. Mrs. G. C. Dibert is r ecovering f ro m a n attaCk of grip. T Wi f C- " t' r. . . ay, 0 m cmnn 1, called on Waynesvill e fr iends, Sun day. Hal'ry H.aines, of Dayto n, spent Sunaa), w ith M:'l·. a nd Mrs. Ed C k
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then 'terrible Iit:ude, \\Ith deAtb (rum thir t. I:l t n )\\. thut I. ...n.ger a mHe p ... ek 11 lill! ~k); lhe h1¥h~ "thing a It ~eemecl in t h ... Wlltld, in!! nc t AND ~ \~ !thin her llhd takeh ~ laud fj. that BUIke w , be wa at Ie. t. bEo I r Lhllll thi . . ge. A man of her ,wn ra I!, there 't\ al'i\ll . the bane!:! some appeal might Probate Court reach through. ' Lizzie F l'rri!l, ex,ecolrix of estate Vhen Oil" • haring flOishl!d his uf Lu hi'!' F rris, deee 'ed, 61 d \\ork, tur nErd t Cl~ ard her, 'he 'a b hl'r fiTbl ond finol aeount, ered lleh'elf for flight. BUl he The hllnon- itize s Nnlional ."topped, sa! Iy d ' tont, and bhe di- Bank & Tru~t 0.', exceu or of es\'Inl'd that he me' nt a !IltemIll n tate of J uhn . Ha.!J, deceased filed ILLUSTRATJONSBY HENRY JAY LEE ·xchan 'e of 'jde/t.~ . ' th ir jn\'cntor~r and apprai em nt. opyright by Charles Scribner's Sons .l'i n;t., he p i nted in th • dir"ction A nnice ~f. rosi r executrix of .,",... , ........., ...,',.:................_" ......,_.............. ...,..................................,,,..................., .........,,,.............'*''' lhe Lupe-a-Noa had Kone. " ' hen e taLe of Prank E. ro ier, deceas Pa lmyra (bd n ot unll~r s tan d , he d. fil ed her inventury and apin and out its neck in a ome ..... hat pick{.'(j up u piece Clf th u fabric, prai.cm nt. CHAPTE R X , !erpent-Iike concordance. Th t; crea' lJuc1\1um -lik~, with which l1ature I In he matter of he t ru st created Turning to the clump of pan- ture. was black, its f et di pro- I bind. f.us ~ h r palm lea\'\'o H~ Iby th e will o f DeJ'l'(ns (.;ultery, d . danus he hack d out. a hort !lim pOrtionately s mall and the beak, folded It IIlto a f urm roughly tr l- cased . thl! tra. tee fmos it v';l1 b pole. This he next, with cord from strongly hooked at t.he end a angular and - mall 'r, nd Ul'. He f ur t" . b(;~ 1 in ten: t to accept the her store, la hed across the top of good th'e incheH long. helo It out, lJlew at. it, moved it nll le of Raymond Guttery ( ,r his uprights. Then he marched The bird gazed back at the girl luwly Irom him as he did HO. Il e ~ I:: 3,75 ,- ecu red by mortgage on away toward the reef and, reach- wi home defiance of manner as repre,l!lIled u t;uil; h ' rcfurrl:d to real e. t.'lte. ing out as one might to pick a if it th ought she might .claim 'the th :-:chooner it, elf. r\ cC I·tificd copy of the e n ry deIdtten up b)' the nec:k, snatched a Ii h. Then it lumb red along the ,· ext. liy· ~nnni n Ji: 8 ucce~., ful1?· lCllllinin~ Ihe inh 'ritance tax to fish fr om a poeket in th e corsL pole and seized the victim which at h r pcrct!JJtl " n, murk t',1 u sellll· lJ c PI id "n the estate of Flurence Thi fish,' fl opping vigorousJy, he managed a final fl op. ' circle on hi!' rorch,. .. d. :5 h' \\'U ' D. Th ump ... n, decea cd i to be bound to the ero's bar of his dwarf- Co uld it be that Oli ve had kn own puzz led un il $hc r\:cal1 <'d ll, · H' lI t' certified witho ut delay. ed football goal. he could attract a bird down b}' r) n Hurk,,' ~ f"rchcad. A ~ uln ~h " ,J. L,'p Th oll1pseo n, admini strator Th e girl had been walching baiting uch a lighting place? nodded. ., (,f '~ l<ll(: " r Flora Stephen son, de· these moves breathlessly, wonder News of t he arrival had in som e Onc e mure Olive pOinled tu the (' 4"'~l'd til(,(j hi " first and final acfor the moment getting the better manner, communi cated itself to sc r to indi ca te that the whitt! mal Count. of fear. Not until he fetched the the sleeper. wa li now the ueW!' . .A s I.IUI ke, h.., . ~l'rlili (' d copy of the en try defi ~h did she have any theory. Then From hi counten ance she ya "m:d druw : lly, lay do\\ nand bc' t:nn i nin~ the inheritance tax to it flasbed i nto ber mind that barba- could not guess whether he had 'an to ~m" t!. Th" girl lI1t) k it thut !J. pa id on t he e; ta t e uf Wallac E rous people always propitiated expected to find a bird on the cro - 5 l'onapc hud /.:'un c 1(, ~ I 'ell f IJ I' the ~""tt , decea~ed i~ to be certified the.ir deities with food offerings. bar, or whether he was p leased. nilfht. The 1:landcl' next W)~ up, ,il hi ut delay. Could thi! be a sort of al ter. Did Nor were hi.s action illum illating POll ted to th pI ('e lot! hud Iflln a;; li b. il' Gro,;,;, executrix of es tal.(, the "vage so seek to further his " ith the leisured v eloci ty that wa s th· white mun, and th ·n u ~ i)( or Emma Gray, deceased. filed her purpose! so disturbing an attribute , b e first ulh r place. in a ro w. snlJring re- i'l"entury and app raisemen l. But Olive gave n o sig n. With cut from a s mall can'e -like growth , inIorcingly aR he made an incl us· Fm nk ,A nde n on. a sircnee f tbe last tllrn of tbe ' cord around a section t be length of a finger. ' ive ge tur . A II, lI he . w. hao b ' (:0 the a~ s ignmen tof UI'C)' C x, as· the struggling fish, he stro de away Then be sbav.e d another piece ~ asleep. !i i): nor. fll 'd his inventory ane! upto the shade of the palms and, down to a point. She thought h e : Olive nClW indicnted hi s\!lf as prail'om ' nr and hi' schedule of throwing himself down on h is back might intend pin n,ing som ething the act or, by tupping his brc:ast d bL~ and liubilitil's. WeJI almost instantly a leep. with it. But he turned to her ' with a squar .forulngcr. 'autiou ,;Th . will of Da\"i d J. Morris, dePalmyra, crouching in the sun, stor es and tore out some thin Iy, peering tt) thi ~ sidl! and that' l eased was filed in court. tared at that figure. She was as- package paper. This he laid on a pausing tu lo ok !Jack and Ii, ten. he Pen), Eal'nha rt, Had Harvey tonisbed.. How WeJI it physically b~x . With the . knife he pricked tiptoed away. With a final fu rtive and Ellis h.-ins we re· appointed appossible f or bim tbus to (all into hiS left forearm so t.bat the blood glance, he rni :,ed him ·elf. ju mpe d I prai ers to reapp raise the estat e of came. Then with th e blood and the . as one going over the yes ' pl's side Phebe A . K il'by, decea sed. slumber? Whence had this man come, and skewer he began to write, presum- l into the waler, imu lated thc mo 'c In thc ColFe of George H. mith -why? Could P onape have se nt ably to make so me sort of hire- ments of a sw immer. Palmyra executor of estate of Elizabeth him to terrorize ber? Or bad the oglyphies. read that . as' 500n as Burk e and Th om p on, deceased, versu s Frank lavage. • While Olive fini shed his composi the crew had turned in last night Th omp. on, et all. Duffey Ennis She gave a shudder. tron the girl watched in a paralyz- Olive had eluded the vigilanc f >;onH:lim .' known a William She snatched tbe knife frpm her ing a.nxiety. What did he write7 the mnn on duty, dropped over- 'mith, a nd Nanc)' Ennis al'e necdreu. She gripped Its handle; she What was in this message tbat board and wum back to her. essa ry in the determination of began to crawl toward the terrible meant more than Iile and death to He went on with hi.s drama. the action for the sa le of r eal figure. her. Sbe sprang up once to d emand Marking again the s ign of the scar e tate of Elizabeth Thompso n, de. But presently she hesitated, a s ight, then r emembere d she he pret.ended to awake. He IOClked ceased, for payment of debts. atopped. With 'a groan she sank could not have under ·tood. around, said, "Oli"e'l" depicted wherefor it is ordered that erdown. She dropped the knife, burThe savage now Iolded his pap er surpri. e, anger. Drawing hb knif\! \'ice be made on Ducey Enni., jed bel' face in her handB. In re- small, worked it into the hollow ferociously, he ki ked the imagin- ometimes knOll n as Wi ll iam aiatance sbe could nave fougbt like section of cane, closed the open in g ary h:epers into J ife, uellowed :mith, and N~ncy Ennis. a tiger. But thllll to creep upon a with a wad of leaf. He went to an orde r. He bl\:w into his cupped Warren . You ng, admi nistrator sleeping man? : the bird, which s eemed n ot to ob- hand, whic h wa~ n" w sufficiE:nt to o f the e~tate of Cli fford Co le, .deFor a time there Beemed no jeet, and ' tied the mis iv und er in dicate the mil . perform ed the ceased, fil ed his i nventory and apalternative. Tben she roused at the one of its wings. Then he lif ted it avo lu ti nn of coming ab uut: w:liked prais ment. realization that, if sbe could not from the r oost and tossed it in to towa rd the !!il'l, blu\dng in 0 his The will of Alic,e B. Everson, demurder a sleeping man, she could the air. Instantly astonishing pin- ha nd Dnd brundi shin ~ the knife . ceased , wa" ad mit.ted to prohate. at least diSarm him. With Olive ions flashed out, a spread of si.x S he held hel' ground, unders and A. A. prague and Charles O. Evdeprived of that knife, and her or eight .f eet. . jng that the enraged pursuit re- e~on were appointed executors no own retained, who could tell? She . ~urkehad said this strange be· turned to her. Olive stopped, poin t l)(lnd required. Care y Morrison, mieht have Bome shred of chance. mg s purpose was to -demonstrate ed to the sun and then to a I!pot Earl Th ompson allld Alex Spinner ' She put the blade Into her dress to all, by is courage, that,. h e so mewhat Iurther along in the lu- were appointed ' 11pproisers. and began again to crawl forward cO'Uld live down the effemin ate minary's courti . A sweep ing ge~The ~cven th accoun t of Arabel Sbe had &,ot within a dozen feet of name of Olive. ture, a grimace, a stamping of the Dinwiddie. exec utrix of the estate the savage, moving with eaution, In despoiling Burke of t he red- feat upon th e and; and ' he had of W . H. Dinwiddlie, decea ed, was wben unexpectedly, easily, almost haired goddess, Olive but reacbed said, as )llain as words, that here Rpproved, allowed and co nfirmed 88 it lleemed automatically, be the climax of his demonstration. Burke w uld ,tep within an inter- by he curt. opened his eyes and sat up. It was He had chosen the one thing tbat val appallingly bri f. Th e ixth accQlllnt of Raym ond as if he bad not been asleep at all; would most enrage the white man; A Bu rke, far away and beyond' H. Wikoff, tru. tee of the estate of bad, fTom the beginning, been wait wa'!, tberMore, the most danger.ouB cal~ might se m tbe lesser of two Marilla H. WikQ.ff, decensed, was inlr for her to do just this thlnjr. to attempt--and the most convlDc- evils. But a ' Burke, rising over the approved . Il lloweol and confirmed The til'l shrank back. Olive fixed ing. horizon, as fa t as a storm, re- by t he court. ber -wIth bis strange' eyes. Then he All too plain ly the message the gained all his 'vil e significance, I The first an d final account of s miled expansively, as if it were m~n-o '-war bird carried could have This muc h was pla in: her e stood G eo r~e W~ nook, guardian of the a joke. Be settled down once more but one destinatiort: Olive pro- Olive and h ere, within t-wo h urs, estate of Mary E. Litt le, was apinstantlf retuming to slumbeT_ claimed his daring; demanded that would stand Burke. An d that be- proved, allowed aDd confirmed by Sudden, startling in that place his clansmen eame to his aid. ing so, what abou t the bird and ' the court. of s olitude, tbere ume a sound. The brown man Olive was un- its message! Th e seco nd acco unt of W. C. It had not been Olive. She sprang a~re ~f, or unmoved by, Palmy- Again, aU was inexplicable. With Manni.ng, guardian of Calvin KeeUPi circled land and watel' in a ra s misery. As 800 n as h e had the white bru te hot Upon the heels' nan, Incompeter:<t., was approved, qu ek scrutiny. ~aunched the bird ~e pulled down of the brown brute, there could I allowed a!ld confirmed by the c ourt At snapping tension Palmyra Its 'perch. Then, With one of tbe be no s uch waitin J{ a s she had as- I . The t hlr~ accoun~ ?f Fannie .B. strained to careh tbe sound again. upnghts, he marched ~o the lee s um ed, while a bird irrespo nsib ly Htll , gu.ardla n <!f WIlham A. SkldHer eyes sought to weather and to beach a.n d began markmg on the deliver ed its summons an d rescu- l11ore. IIl Rnne, was approved, allee: And then her gaze became tidal san.ds. ' . ing tribes man came ac ro s lhe sea. '1 I OW~d and eonfirmed by t he court. fixed. For there, on the crossbar The gIrl watched tragically. Un- Then why Lhe message at all? 1 he fhsi account of Jesse P. where O\ive had fastened ' the fish, til ~ow there had seemed hardily a He' had stl nt that m essage as a P.nni~, arl m.inist~a·tor of estate of ant a large bird. c~olee as t~ her. fate .If ~he ~a~, forlorn hope. Yet be was ~ h o\V ing Jerry E nOls, dec:eased was ap. It· was the sound ~f the bird's wlt~ the k!llfe ,succeeded In ellml- none of the !llrain whi cb should proved, all owed and confirmed by alighting that Palmyra had caught natmg Ohve, Burke would hav,e have gone with ~o desperate a race the cou rt. , The TOOst was now swaying under r~fJurned to pos.se~s her. Or If lnd eed, his vCl'y ca lm friJ!ht ned ales made by Harry Benthein, the impact, the newcomer shooting disaster had ehmmated Burke, her. It was un natu ral. HI.! mu st exec utor of the estate of Dora ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!~!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!~ expec t, with a kni fe. to fi ght for G"a per, decea sed, were approved ~ ber possession agai ns t Burke, wil h an d confi r med ~Y the court. . the deadly revolve rs, and backed Ha.d ow Marvm .was found IOsane by the crew. Facing s uch t enihle and IS to be admItted to the Dayodds, no while. man could have ton tate Hos pital. been so un emotional. Could it be that he had come here to await Burke's llrJ'iva l and ~ ~~ .a.~~ then, a lmost within Pon ape's grasp Vel', could not bE!. He must have to plunge the .knife into her lIo me other meanilng. But the sava,e made plain he breast-- and himse lf die? \Va,' II there that in his dnrk beliefs, trad i diu mean ju t" that. Be h eld out his II tions, to mllkc such an act exqu i: it llU nd toward her invitingly. He ely worth t.h e sac rifice ; a s upreme \\Iavad her- at onc:e an appeal and manifestation, say, of ha te 'for his a com mand - into the sea. Palmyra cowel'ed before Olive. tymnt; a degl'udution in this isla nd world ete rnally to make of t he His m aning was plain, all too pla in . But hi s purpose? There Jay white man a mock? Olive tlHust out the sqllure fore he t error. "I t ell you I can't swim," she finger t oward th e quar tc i' whence the Pigeo n of Nouh would descend cried out at last. "I can's swim. upon th em, and then toward the Don't you understand? I can't Hun to indicate the fli ght o f time. swim!" F or the first time his feature II Following which he crossed to th e lee beach and stood in the brine. offered a readable significance. His He beckoned io hel·. He pointed was pe.l 'plexed. He fetcbed his coto himself and to lJer, a nel then off coanu ts. He sat d,o wn before her, across th e water, with the motio ns indi cated that she was the object {,f th e play. He hound two of the of one wh o s wims. . The gi rl started . F or the first dry nuts by their thong of husk!! time she was ut terly at fau lt. By to his ankle. Also others, as he his indication h an d she were to showed, about his waist. And then wim IIwa~' l ogether into t he thou- ~ h e understood. sand mil es of ocean, That, ho w(To be continued)
Tezaa Ranpn Padlock State·, Oil " _'F'._ 11_g_ _ _~1
By Stanley R. Osborn
' I
__.......... ........
1, o~d e r to keep Ihe price 0 oil uOl t Ie Lo ,.~ SU.r Slate has chilincd up We fumps au and se t its famo us ranl: ':rs to guard tlT~m.
~========= ===========~ -
The adjudicati on and determinat ion of the inh eritance tax of the est ate of Florence Th ompson, decen~ed, is to be given to all per50115 interested. . i\farvin Blanken -hip nnd Hazel J une Blankenship fi led their petition for leave to adopt Esthe r Frances Sargent and E thel Florence Sargent. W. H. All en, trustee of the estate of Ruth A. Chenoweth, decea ed, fi led bis eleventh account. J, Lee Th ompson, guardian of F lora Stephenson, deceased, filed hi affidavit in lieu of an account. Lilzie Ferris, executrix of the estate of Luther Ferris, deceased, fil ed her fi rst and final account. L ban on-Citizen s National Bank and Trust Company, exec utor of estaie of John C. Hall, decease d, filed their inventor y and appraisement. Annice M. Crosier, executrix of estate of Frank E. Crosier, decea cd, filed her inventory and ap· pmi ement. Common PI ... Proc:eeclin••
ince tbe case of Emma M. Keys, as executrix ot estate of J . Milton Keys, dec a ed , v Tl! U Ella Keys Cook, et ai, was filed, Emma M. Keys has died and the property therefore goes to Ella M, Keys. The property shall be put into the hands of a trustee who will invest it a nd pay tbe interest to bel' at conven ient intervals during her lifetime. At her deatb the principa~ will be distributed to her legal heLTS. In the case of Myrtle Barrison versus William Davis, et ai, both defendents al'e in default for demurrer or cause and are hereby d eclared in default for answer, The court rendered judgment against the defendants in the sum of $399.48 and costs of action. Mrs. Minerva Hougb, one of the tru stees of the Orpbans' Assylum and Children's Home, has tendered her resignatio n. The resignation was accepted and Carrie Law was appointed to fill the unexpired term. . . In. the case of Tbe Travelers Ins urance Co., versus Dora Hall Purkey, et ai, t he plaintiff on payment of $1500 is released from any and all liability to each and everyone of the defendants. Velma L. Jennings was granted a divorce from Walter Jennings and she was given her maiden name of Velma L. Whitenack. In tbe case of New York Life In surance Co. versus Sylvan E. Gustin, et aI., the defendant is ordered to pay the sum of $5,818.05. New Suit.
Irene Thomas versus Samoel L. Surface, et ai, for partition of real estate. Jefferies Auto Co. versus Dr. C. A. Coleman. Money due on account. Robert L. Cruse versus Julia Cruse, for divorce and other relief. Edna Hogan Bunter, guardian of Hognn Hunter minor verBUS Grant Jones, et aI., for money and forec)olJUre of mortgage. E. J. Wright versus Buckeye Union Casualty Co. for dam&g'es.
Marria.. Lic:.tu••.
Real E.tate Tran.fer.
Etta M. Shield s, deceased, by I ad mini. trat or to George E. Shield!! I I acres in Turtlecre-ek town ship Her schel N. an d Lelie M. Bu nnell io J . A. and F . J . Lake. Agree
260 acres in Wayn e Winford L. Enghauser t o Production Pla nt W orks, Inc. In lots Nos. 1 1 and 182 in Lebano n. Emma Gray, decea sed, to Bessie Gross, AU real and persona l property . Charles Kelly t o Clarence E . De ni itt. Inlot No. 47 in Lebanon. Carl and Caroline Schnub to Ju stine H. Smith. Real estate in Lovelllnd . Henry Hawk ins, deceased . t o H. H. Hawkins, et al. All real and personal .property, Emma Pearl Will s to Zaidee Venab le. 47.59 acres in Clellrcreek township. Ohio Joint Stock Land Bank to Spurgeon and Nannie F. Sympson 202.72 acres in Wash ington to,,'0ship. New York Life Inc. Co. to Wit \iam and En ola A. Lawhorn, 61.24 acres in Turtlec:reek t ownship. Alice B . Ever on, deceased, to Cbarles O. Everson, et a!. All real an d personal property, Ralph Murphy and Clara Murphy to George A. Lewis, et al. Inlot No. 60 in Maineville. WaUace W. Bowyer t.o Alvin R. Driever and Effie M. Driever. 103.95 acres in Union township. Charles Franklin To Edward N. C9l1ins. 160 acres in Washington towllship . Virginia Printz to Walter A. Kellner. 54 .95 acres in Wllyn e townsbip. '- _ Bill. Allowed J. Fisber, drayage, 75c; Kaufman's, supplies, $2.95; East End Coal Co., coal, $15.99; Joseph S. Leaf, services, $45.50; Mrs. Maybell Jeffery, services, $7; Mrs. Mary E: Ennis, services, $10; Mrs. Erma Hibnor, services, $10; Commissioners ot Clark Co., hospitalization, $80.50; Stillwater Sanitorium, h ospital! medical, n'ursing, $105.00; Drs. t.;dward and Robert Blair, services, $9.00; Lebanon Patriot; advertising, $3.00 Western Star, advertising, r eappraisement, $4.50; Western Star, 1000 tax receipts, $12.75; J. F. Sanford services, $7,50; Office Outfitters, services, $7.60; Office Outfitters; services, $14; 'Robert Reichel, supplies, $10; Bell Press, blank forms; $4; Columbus Blank Co., forms, $~.50; Charles J. Waggoner, insurance premium on clel1c of courts bond, $60; Office Outfitt.ers, equipment, $72.15; Columbus Blank Book Co., supplies, $3.50; Western Star, blanks for sheriff, $6; Lebanon Opera House, jury admi s~ ion s. $3.76; HaU's Restaurant, dinners for jury, $5.60; Kilpatrick-French Motor Car Co., taking jurors to Franklin and return, $113; Loop's Food Shop, diDners . for jury, $7.50; Lebanon Hotel, rooms and meals for jury, $62; Borden's Restaurant, meals tor jury, $14; Grand Theater, jury admissions, $3.76; Marquis Restaurant meals for jury, $14,50; Marian Willoughby, custody serviees, $20; Western Star, env~l opes, $8; Western Star medical certificates, $16; W. C. Gilmour, inquest, $6.90; Western Star, dog license cards, !~O",;",;. _ __
Chriatma~ Mt Dbw~ ' ~- io It1'fER 'tHI
M art-In
. uct!oneer
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
ROOT FOR, AND CONSICN your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and progresBI\'e firm for the highest market pric es and good service. UnioD Stoc:k Yard.' Cinc:innati, O. Tune in on Radio Station WCKY 12 :25 t o 12 :30 p. m. f ot' our daily market rcp or ts.
for ANY BABY E call neve r hI) s ure jusl what W makes infan l but tbe remed y can ,11 ",\' same. ' Oil
1'1''1 11 (!SS, f)
Good old Caslori;11 . comfort in every drop of th '· , ,\"'~elable preparation, nnd OLlt lac sligh test harm in its fr qucnl l1!\C. As often as Babv hus a fretful spell, is fc·.'e, ish, or crieS and can't sleep, lel Cas toria soothe aDd quiet him . ::; ometime.~ it's o touch of colic. Sometimes "om;tipation. Or diarrbea-a cunditiuJ\ that should always be checked wilhout delny. Just keep Caslori:t handy. nod give it promptly. Relief will follow very prum pUv: if it doesa't, you should call a I>Jrysi ian.
· Allen David Poe, farmer of Loveland, and Miss Rena Elizabe':h Miranda, of Morrow. Frang E. Hoff, foreman, of Ma.Lob of B ... son, and Mrs. Alma D. Hill, factory The Ohio population of bees in worker, of. Lebanon. hives is unusually large this year.
aa Uaual
5% Farm Loans LONG ' OR SnORT TIIIE-Eaq tenfls. AIIO Sllrveyine' anel· AbItt;acting. _Write and I wlU .aD and lIee you. Sam D. Henkl., Waynesville, Ohio. ,111
WANTED W ANTED-Cars to wash, chairs to recane. See Kenneth Fromm, or leave order with 1. 'C, Hawke •
LOST LOST Saturday evening; 'a woollen Bh~wl. Finder please .return to M1'8. Chu Hapmeyer, :s
FOR RENT-:-Pour J'ooml with. electric lfIhta and .aftle. Cbaa,
Odd-But TRUE
By Mr•• Je"i. B. Tripp
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tRU()\,\\, .: ~:-:
II h ril;tmas night a star b r igh t _ O'er all the eart h, threw a wonder f ul light The ~n gels sang, ~lnd the w orl ~ wus g lud . Over ~h e birth of a d ear lit tle lad. Th three 'Wi e Me n had tr~ve l d far Many leagues, t hey had f ollowed t he gu iding star Th ey all rode camels larg whi te T he pe opl e th ey pas et!, murve!ct.l at the sight. T heil' m ppin l;:' wel'e ric h. an d trimme d ill ~: ol d Th e tra v(> l c r ~ warm dl'cs~ Ii to keep out t he cold Th ey f ount! t he ' stabl e an d in it they saw Our dea l' hr is t c hild, on hi ~ be d of stl·OW. T her e, t he th ree Wise Men, both yo ung a nd o ld Opened th eir tr easures of s ilver a nd g old They brought t hei r best, th e richest t hey ha d To g i ve t o ,JeS ll S, t he dea l' litt le lad
~\\.~ ~t~\\\'\\ m.t.~ tJ\~v..\~~.
r. and Mrs. Howard Grnharn aUended th reg ula r m eLi ng of Wayne Town ship .I!'armers · 'Iub at t he hom of the Miss II JW y near Ridgeville last wee k. Loren Hoer stic l', is very ill at the home of hi gl'an um ot hel', h ·.·. Louisa J esl1up . H e 'ha s b n in pOOl' heulth for so me time but is worse ut t his time . La urcncc Lemar di u at his honle here Wedn esday f ollowing UII i1hH~Fs of tievcnll m o n ql~ . II i>l ~~.;)~~~~.~ by a widow a nd one M rs. Nct: ic C illam , a ssisted by l\1 r~. i!;tlle l Gil lam, c nt. I'lllined t h ' tl uptisi ( i s ~ ionury ' in:le at h,r.r 11 1".) I\I C W c d ne~ dn y , uftlJrn oo ll' I ~~~~_~~~~~~~~!!","~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I) ','otiuns we re led iJy Irs. J~ th ,I I; ---- - - . - - -- - ' illa l\l ~n d I'C'; P U Jl S I!S to ro \J ca ll NO HUNTING FOR SALE DATES CALL \\'el c Chi iSlIlIUS vt! I''' '' ~ . Th e bu sin w L~ll til ' •.-IU Il wa,,; Urief. T il l! lesso n \V e t he un dersig ned , a ll ow look lh e furm uf a 'h ristma s playlet .. Broadcust ing t he ' hrislmas no clay 0 1' nigh t hun ting, trnpp ing O J' t r e~pussing on 0 111' fa r ms : lI1 esslig,·," p n·~ e n t .. d by Mn;. l';!'\t hl'1' iJe,ste l', 1rs. J c nlli\! "' 1'11JO H N AD A M S hU III, und !II rs. :'I101\' ;l' G l'8Y. Th e Any lu no under FRANK Le· h os t e s~ l':; erve d d eli cious >land- I\ IA Y'S sup el'v iMion. wi ches, sa lad a nd cot!'"e. Guests inJESS E STANLEY C. E. l\'\l 1-1 E NER cluded Mrs. Nellie Ullllll' hmlln and P hon .. 320, New Burlintrton, Ohio Mrs. I re' l1e !.I oug h. The .lan ua l·Y meeti ll g' wi ll be wi th 1\l rs. Mu r y Denny on the :Wth. Subauibe for the Mi . mi Cazett. EARL KOOGLER 11'. and l\l l'ti. ;\ .• '. r: oll, t Ita \! ! _""'!!!~~!!"""" R. D. 6. Xenia, Obio re turned f l'UIll a dellJ,(hU'u l twowe ek: ' \! i ~ i t III Nt' \\' \' or k Ity Wilh I Phone D. ytoD Co. 54J5 Mr. an d 1\11" . !\t Utll icc Co ll ett und r
per ton
Th~ Roxanna &nd Waynesville
Canning Plants
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Tim e pa ssed 0 11, he was two yea rs o ld With tend er blu e eyes, a ncl huir of gold He playe d on t he floor in J ose ph's shop fa mily. Seiz ing t.he· !'; havings, as t hey'd I The Jll n ior" UP" e,. ' heir as· selllbl y pr og rulIl WI lli SJng lng- " 0 drop, 'ollle Ail Ye Fuit h l' ll !. " Virginia
~1ar y a nd J osep h, sa't and smil ed
Dt. J0 hn ZetteI RESIDENT
T Uch !!r co nduc ted th' devo ti olls. A shor t pla y "T he Chl'istmas Bouqu et" was prc ent cd by lh e fo ll owing chaructcl's : Au nt Mur y-:PERMANENT LOCATION Glenna U S~o l'l\ , B~ r ba J'a- VII'g lllla JK\(. IN-ll\t\ \ Of t~~\ t\\\C~~\\, \\.\.., '14£\$ ;t:u<; ke r, I\.u ty-;-Ellen ~c Ca lTen , \~9..i~ ~~t." M\ ~'i\\~ t~R ~9.\\JU~ [ um- Ha rry 1 ucker, Dlck- BarJ' No ld er, Hal'l'y- Rob el·t Gordon , L.E BANON. OHIo \'( l\\.~ ~t~,ut~ ~~ \WS The child g re w up a s IInv boy , The pla y p r esen ted everal E,e. ExamiDed ~ho ul d . I la u gh a~l~ ' sit uati ns, chief being ~i~t~ 't\~ ~\\t\, M~t) C).\\~t~ \'t '\l\ Oft teac hing lilis e lders in t emp le the nllx mg of t he nallles of t he GI ••a•• Fitted Repaira he ste od I donors of ~e flower by Au n t , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,."" ,,~ ~N\;.~ ...... \n~ ...\\\\\~ ~~b "~ And lat er on gave U ' a ll tha t he Mary. " 0 LI ttle T OlVn of ~ tble\\.\\J~~ l,~t~?~t) '~~UR'( had ha m, " was sung betwe n the acts, His lif e and hi s love. this h umbly Sant a la us app eared and prese ntw born lad ed lolly pops to t he 1st, 2n d, 31'd, . and 4th g ra de chi ldr en. Th e SophoT h i stor v of Christ has ofte n mo res will presen t t he ir pr ogr am PHONE 8F3 bcen t old Janua ry 8. T is a bea utif'Ul sto ry tha t never Mr. a nd Mr s. George Wall and grows old Robert Co ll ett e nte r tained t he HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Th e wor ld had I()n~ liste ned for card club and Mrs. La ura hidak el' ISSUED EVER Y WEDNESDAY A Merry Ch l'i ·tma s, Happy a nd so met h ing s,w eet Mrs. Sadie Rea son and Mrs. Mary PI'ospe rou s ew Yeal' is t he best Ami in h ill loving na me, to you a ll Harvey on Mo nday even ing at the D. L. CRANE PaIoU.b... Sub.uiption Pric., '1.50 a Y.ar wish of the Beech Grove cor respOn I r epea t, Collett home. den t to the Gazette f orce and a ll The Christm as en tertai nm e n t at Office PboDe ......... :._ ..... _ .. No. liZ MERRY CHRI STMA S schoo l will be the 23rd instead of its readers. Enter." 01 Po.tollic. at Wo)'n •• "Ulc, R•• icleace .................... _ .. No. II. Ohio. u Se cond Cia .. Moil M.II <r Right now at the beginn ing of the 22nd of December as fOI'merl y a nnounced. . 'a new year is a g ood ti me to ubscribe f or the Mia mi Gazette pleasul'e of t heir daugh ter who A ple asing Ch r istmas pr ogram DECEMBER 23, 193 1 and get all t he news all the, year, lives in Ken t ucky. A" ten of t heir wa s g ive n at the Friends Church FUNERAL DIRECTOR f resh for 52 wee ks, and quit bor- children. were fortu nate en ough to ' undav morning. r ow ing. be p resen t : Mrs. Sall y J ones and In t he r ecent Army-Navy MagaWAYNESVILLE. OHIO Dona ld McKay was out of schoo l fa mily, Mrs. Valora H e,nd ricks, of zine Su bsel'ipti on con test held in \ seve ra l days la st week on accoun t Midd leto wn; M rs. Lilli e Lamb a nd th e high sch ool, the Army lost a nd A soft., wet snow was falling. It strangely moved by the little of sickness. fam il y, Mrs. Elva Lamb and a s a res ul t enwI·taine d t he Navy Fully Equipped for Good blank eted the trees und s hrubbery f aces pressed i!lose against the fam il y, of Wayne ville. Mrs. P earl wit h a pa rty at the Gy m Saturday the roofs and wires and chimney Christmas . display window or by Mrs. Fr,u nk Bernell a nd wife, s on Hopk ins, of neal' Mor row; Mrs.' evening. Games were enjoye d and ~ Service. to ps, with a soft white covering the deep-rooted faith of the Wa lker, and daughters, Lureda Hallie R-ect o,l' a nd fa mil y, of a ' boun t iful suppe l' was devoure d. I! Large Display Room. that was, cr ystalin e when the youngsters clustered about some and Loui se, MI'. Wi lliam Bern e ll B OI'ea , Ky., Noah Henry. S uttie Alice Gray spent Wednesday light r ays struck it. It was. evening s imula ted Santa Claus. and Mi s J o 'ephine Bem ell, of a nd Ge orge at hom e. Aftel' th e night with Mayfl'ey P owell. Ambulance Service - Chri stmas E ve. The ligbts These are t he days when the near Olive Bra nch, were unday sumptu ous din ner. t he afte rnoon Rev. Dibe r t of Way nesville a df rom the sto res and homes of the whole world needs friendliness per eve ning ~uesls of K. E . Thompson was spen t in a jQlly good old-fash. dressed the P . T. A . meeting W e d- \ little village gave an eerie beaut y haps more than for many years. It and family. . way. ••_ ___ nl!sdav ioned _f amily _____ Mrs. evening. Ma mie F oreman , Miss t o Nature's enshrouding whiteness is a season when hearts are hungry . R. N. Rogel s and t wo SO!!!;, Chas Children, with t heir parents were for the warm hand clasp, the en- and Carter and J, C. Hamilton, of 30 Years · Experi ence in Vi ole t Foreman, Mrs . Ed. Oli ver , Larle Ne'w.p.per Col1ectloa making their way to the several couraging pat on the back, a Dayt on , called. on K. E. Thon., p· Fitting and Making Glasses and Mr. Am br ose F ischer of Daychurches where the youngsters kindly word. son Sunday afternoon loo king Who t II' !lnld tn b e the Inl'/;e81 to n, were Sunday g uests at the coll ecti on of ncw spllners 10 the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Tripp, The Christmas spirit is a afte~ t he Gr aft' farm . . would present their Christmas pro. grams of music and speaking and beautiful thing, and there is no Misses Lenora Sl yder an~, !':'lary worltl hn s been opcne(( to the pub· Capt. Chas. Garn er of Columbus Lebanon, Ohio receiVe at the end a sack of candy reason why it should not be ~~thl ~~n Thompson, sang Sil ent lie In n nO\\'51'I II)('r OIuseum 01 Alx· ca lled on his mothe r Sunday. ~OTARY PUBLIC and possibly an orange of a pop- prolonged throughout the coming Nlgh~, at the church here S unda y In.Chapell e. Gel·mnn y. Among Its . -.-: Tueaday, Thuraday, Saturda, mOI·mng. National BUlk r t 0 come. Th ere II usua II y enc 1oBed in a year an d tb e yea.s Examination Free cO I'n b a, The Terry f amily had fO I' t heir col1 el'lIon ()f 1110,000 newspn pers TRY r ed mosquito netting bag. There are so mkan y t hmgs to .maks us Sunday d inner guests, K. E. nre cl1r(n ~ lI h'!' fr om nil ove r thl' Will. Drawn • • Eatatea Settl.d LEBANON, OHIO OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS g sklm o l':J prr was a hallowed simplicity to! the fe el tha~ ful ,!,nd merry, if we but Thompson, and famil y of this place ",orll!. I n l · ItHlln~ FOR RESULTS WAYNESVILLE, OHIO f mln t hI' 111 1(1,1 11' or 1I' ''t C'l'ntIlI'Y· scen e and the ce l-emonies which take a ht~l e bme to make a care- Orlando Brannan and wife , Edna lin ge r long in memory. Youthful f~1 appraisal of our.lot. There a~e Mae Dodges, of Xenia, MI·S. Ma bel of Lb o hea rts bea t high in expectanl~y of sig ns that the com,t ng years Will F T - ht~r apdb rtg, ' hter as th e.y - Mrs erry, e ane n.s pen t Friday th e un known g l'f t s th a t th e mO\l'row grow bTlg Luc y Moor ' 'th MI P t' , would reveal. come, and It IS certam that If ft As Christmas once more ap- everyone would be a little m ore' a ernoon WI I s. a lence ' f Ii I h rf Thompson. proac h es, may we go b ack in mem t h o~ght ul, a tt e more c ee ul, K . E. T.h ompson an d J. C. S lyder ory to som e 1!hildhood ChriSltmas a httl~ !!,ore ~elplul, thll process wer e in Corwin on Wedn esday and ~"lImmon 'Up again the 'iTll- of bllngmg pea1!e and J,?Y to a morning. pressions and emotions that erip- troubled world would be ImmeasRafe Foley, daug hter, Martha ped us then. Thus will they bring a urably hasten~d. . . J ane, so n Charl es, of near Harveys mellow spirit to our Christmas ' It. wa~ a .httle child that g~ve burg, spent Sunday with the Jorof 1931; thus our hearts go 01l1t to the msp\ratton ~or Merry, ChllSt- dan family . QUALITY MEATS AND some of the unfavorable tots who m~s., It IS the sl,!!ple purity of a The Friendship club met with FOODS-RIGHT PRICES seem destined to know little of the chJld s heart that 18 ever nee~ed t o H a nnah J ordan Wednesday. Menthelnted Coulh Drop. surging joy of Christmastide: thus restore balance and well·bemg to Mrs. Mabel F. Terry, spent Sun. MaDthelated Spud. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 66 will they, whose word s bring them our bves. W.hen we r~member that day evening wit h the McKay 'C iaarettea always so close ~o t he child SiPirit, the cent';lr1es.old episode of the f amilies. W. Deliver WAYNESVILLE, OHIO be moved to contribute. of their Judean mn where Jos e l'h and Misses Marjori e Davis and modest resources to bri'ng a bit of Mary cbuld find no hOSPltal, let Opal Lewis sang ' Clap Your Hand s brightness to children in iml?OVerw us be very sure. not t~ hang upon at church here on Sunda y morning Whe ther it be lunches, soft dr ink s 01' r ecrea tio n I.ovely ished homes. our. hearts .~hls Chrl ~tmas. tha,~ Mr, and Mr . H. C. Moore gave ,. n ecl'eation Parlor is eq ui pp ed to serv e Wa ynesvill e pa tro ~ s in t he The Christmas s pirit is bou:nd to tragic label, . no room I!! the mn. a hom e coming recently for t he &. best ·manne·1' possible. come t o us if we will g() to Our best Wish to . you IS that the \ II This mod e~n establishm en t handles 1\ fu ll lin c of Gem City memory's recesses for a pictu:re of friendly spirit of Christmas may P \'od ~ cts ~nd With c(.mpl et e F rig id a ire equipm ent is prepared to LEBANON. OHIO ourselves as children. Who can reo be about you, now and in all the r~ rl\l~~ thiS co!"pany's de lic ious. ice cream. eit her in the sto r e 01' by call his own yearnings for some unfolding years, 01del If 0 deSire d. Mr. Lovely IS al. 0 eqUIp pe d to serve hot lunches POTTED PLANTS Chr istmas toy without .being J. W. LOTZ at any hour of the da y or n ig ht. A fu ll lin e of ciga rs cigarettes and SWRUBS--EVERGREENS candies is al so carrie d. ' For those who en joy t his ty pe of r ec reati on four sple ndid pool LANDSCAPE SERVICE ta bl es are ma inta ined in e);C !l ent co ndi t ion at all tim es. IS .........,,1.-... Ac ~i :te in th e a ffairs of ' t he W ay neSVille At hlet ic club, Mr . L.oyely JS a n Dr.den t Way nesvill e !J ooster and is always r eady to g ive hiS most enthU SIastic s uppor t to a ny worthy project. W,h eth el' it b.e good foo d. ice. cream , and .fresh ciga rs or cigarettes Th~ o. s. U. R.410 StatiOD-WEAO Lovely s. Recrea tion P? I'l OI' ca n 'les a full hr\c tlnd is a lwa ys ready Dispensers of Refiners Gasoline SINCLAIR PRODUCTS und anxIOus t o pl ease Its customer s. (all g rades ), High Quality 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers Soutb Mahl ·St. W.ya....m., O. . Go to Love ly's fol' hot lunches, Gem City ic e cream a nd pop, Oils a nd Greases, Mobil and 7 :05 Improving the Dairy Herd. ....... ......... .~ .. ...... .... ........ Ivan McKellip smoking accessori es, 0 1' an hour of rea l I'e cl'elltion. Grea sing with Alamite Air Gun Quaker Stat e Oil. 7 :20 Preventing Slump in Winter Egg Production ... ......... E. L. Dakan Accessorie s and Anti·Freeze North Main St., inter.ectioD of 7 :35 Forestry Cuts Educa.tion Costs ........... ......... .... E. G. Wiesehuegel Cars Re-Docoed <;tate Rout. 73 7 :50 The Church and Rural Youth .. ........ .......................... .... B. F. Lamb Free Parking . Day or Ni&,ht O. R. UNGLESBY, 8:06 Music in the home ... ... ..... ..... C. M. Lanman and Family, Columbus 8 :20 Planning for Better Health .. .................. .'... Dr. Mary A. Graber 8:36 Recreation in the 4.-H Program ........ .. .. ............. .. ... .. Guy· Dowdy No Regrets When Property is 8.50 Safe Milk in the Home .... >.., . ................................L. H. 'B urgwald Properly Insured See the New Modela WRITES PRACTICALLY WAYNESVILLE'S PIONEER LOSS FROM 'MOTH DAMAGE J For :omPlete protection against EVERY FORM OF INmoths , The Foundation recomMEAT DEALER LEBANON, OHIO SURANCE Tir. Co • . . Waynesville homemakers are mends three steps: REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE LEBANON, OHIO paying tribute to the moth to the . All clothing, furs and fabrics 8-w""'r.... 0 (..' gm~ &"" ""·. O· "'S WAYf:iESVILLE, OHIO Phones: Res. 53- Offi ce 277 tune of $1400 a year. too be stored should be well shaken .... _... ; . ~ .... u ", EARL J. COBURN This is the estimate of the Rex o;.ut. and thoroughly brushed. ' SpeRese'a rch Foundation, Chicago, cud 'Care should be take~ to brush • r:N U !r\ r~ Ba j'l"f As piri n. the which calculates this as the dolJars be.n eath the coat lapels and in kind du;; tu:':i pres::rilJe ar:cI mill ioJ:s andwcents loss from damage sus- the pockets, folds and creases. As of users hn ve Jjf(Wen sn fe for more tained \>y . local families from moths seem to prefer soiled gar- tho"l t lo il'ly yea rs, ca!1 c..'\5ily be High grade Coal and Coke, Hiw Eapert Coaa••lIor moth-ruined· upholstery, fabricS. men ts and fabrics, washing or dry k!entiftetl b',r t~ \e name Bayer and Lo, Cinderella, Dixie Gem. and furs and c10thmg every twelve- cleauing ·helps to discourage in- the word .,.: nuine as a bove. Lebanon, Ohio. 'R epresenting CHEVROLET DE..,.LER' Killarney Pocahontas, Ask for month. The figure is based on a fests-tlon. The next step is to al~ . .. . ., J Phone 140 ,delivered prices. INTER.SOUTHERN LIFE . total national loss of ,250,000,000 these articles in the sunsh.in& for a . 'Centl:ne Bllye r ,As l':n n IS sat l! aau LabanoD, Ohio Phon. .326 Your F ord Dealer - Ge nuine or roughly, ten dollars per famUy. day. Strong light · destroys all SUt Ci alwars th e sa ml'. ,I t hl.1~ th.e GraiD, ' Coal, Woo., Ha1. F •• co INSURANCE CO• . , F o(d Products , Til., Se.el . , A motH prefers to , breakfast on forms 10( m<?th life. Finally· to make u lqu::!iticd ~ l\d c:rsem\!l!t of p h.ysi. Open evenings till 8 :30 and all' A nlESVl~LE, OHIO W WRECKING SERVICE .the fine.st woolens, 'luneh on costly moth It.'lnihdation complete, ' the cians Md dru l!glst9 eVCl)'Wh('rc. It day Sunday LYTLE, OHIO . fur~ and dine on .them,!st prized ganp~Dt's as well '. as . the walls, doesn't deprcss the hcart. ~ 0 harmful --- - - - ----- ---upholstery. There are four stages l:racks .~nd shelves of-' closets and after·e/I.:c.t3 rollow its usc. , in the 'life cycle of a moth but ~h~ interior of tr,unks, drawers and B ' Asp'rin is the univcr;;al :u:t.i· Satisfact!l:ry Service .since 1912 DRY CLEANING second stare or larv-& stage. which other cor.:tainers are sprayed with d cr . 1 f 11 ki ds , lasts from ftfteen to, twenty week~ aD etrective moth spray. A good 0", ror·palOBq a n •. • is· when the most damage is done. spray not- ' only leil.I .: any moths Heac:tache!! NcuntlS MASTERCRAFT U every housewife were 'to make whieb have- been left after cleanColds ' Neuralgia LicaDaed R.al E.tate Broke" RUG CLEANING-PRESSING MEMORIALS .a regular- practice of spraying .f or 'ing, shaking, brushing and airing, Sore Throat I.umbago aDel Auctl__.r PIlon 279; LehaDoa, Qhio LebaDo~, P~oDe 59 moths, l.JIany of the h8Jlrtacbes but kee'ps away or ~illll any new Rheumatism Toothache WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - -' ~hat now follow the 1088 of tre!!sur motha that venture .n ear. Spra~ng Aspirin is th~ trade-lIUIrk' of B llyl'l' W~YD.a"iII. CoII_tioD oa Ta••• ResaonHARRY C. SCHWARTZ ed llouse'hold articles would be thoro,,-bI, Jnto closets and con- man f t1 re f' monoaoeticacidetlter Write or .Phone--Koat able Terms - , aDa Friclay J. S. MORRIS eliminated, the Foundation be- tainer:, eve17 two~ weelca ir\vea ol.~:;~ As they watched the play of thi s holy child With th e 10lrlg 'u d y sha vings, ,J osep h had ma de, 1"0 1' he was a curpe nte r, tha t was hi " trad e.
Dead Stock Wa'Dted
19 N. Broadway
Harveysbur'g Fertilizer Company
J. E. McClure
=====x=================::::;=== ===---=-= Memories of Christmas
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
---- -
Cary's Jewelry Shop
I- Live Firms You Should Kn;~--Lovely's Recreation Parlor
Hewet. pl. Multord
Coyle's Meat Shop
Lovely's Recreation 'Parlors
Farm ftlight 7 alks, December 28
Waynesville Service Sla.
Smith's Service Station
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agcy.
'. _
~ontbl1lad Pl'CJte~D ·
'W.· N. 'SEARS
Soft W a't er Lllundry
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
seHfARTl .& SON
Motor ' Co.
The School Report ----.-_ .. JUDiora Entertained
Th' Juniol enl rtained t he High schoo l and facu lty at a hristma' pal'ty l\{ nday night. Tho IIfTuir puslled ofT vcry succ essfully with L10 in attendance.
- snci-
Sophomore News ,
The ophomol'os ar acting as committees ·{O l' th High · 'chool in tuking up gifts for t he needy, a nd would like to have the help of everyo ne. Bring unyt~ing,. such as clothing, fuud etc. Bnng It to th 'op hum ol' s in the uftcl'Iloon of December 23l'cl. It will be dis ll'ibut d in coopel'atiun with th ' 1\loth· .el'·s C;lub. MnllY of tho oph omores who have pal'ts in the Xmas pluy Ul'C unuble to como to sc hool on RCCOUllt of the mumps but w ' trust thut our play \\'ill bc a s ucc{!~ s . In Biulogy thc otht'r day M r. Ga r ~ t asked Merle by what means th' Amoeba could mov. MerJe said ps ued opodill. ( Il mean s fube feeL) but when 1\11'. ulll'st us k d her what it mcant :she I'epli d, "I' alse Teeth ."
Nev.er a Christmas Morning Never the Old Year Ends But Somebody Thinks of Somebody Old Days, Old Times, Old Friends.
DEATHS Mrs. Margaret McComas Armtltt'ong, aged 75/ died of pnoumonia Wednesday nignt, December 16, at her home in Dayton. , Mrs. Armstrong was t he daughter of the late Thomaa and Julia M omU 8 and was born and r~ ceived her education in Waynesville, gt'/lduating from the Hilrh school in t he class of 1875. She Mrs. Oscar mi h was a Dayton was' the la t of a' family of 15 v is itor today. chi ldJ·en . frer l)usband, DllVid. Arm strong, urvives. . MI'. !l.!ld Mrs . H. . Cummings, Pun erlll services were held in of Musun W J'E! Sunday gUests of the loclIl M. E. church Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wymer L. Drak . momin g Ilt 10 ' o'clock and burial was in Miami cemetery. Miss Helen Welch attended a dinner purLy Elt the home of ll' frie nd in Xenia, Tu esda y even ing. Mrs. Sere na Ferris, wife of Granville Ferris, died Friday. DeA. . Bow mun and Cllm ily, of cember ) 8, at her home near FI'lInklin, s pent Sunday with Mr. Orego ni a. , Fun eral services were :11111 Mrs. Orv ille J'. Gray and he ld · in t he Olive Bra nch church, dau ghter. Monday afternoon, Rev. Tucker, of Cla l'ksville, offic iating . Burial l~olTest Ridg:e, sa lesm an fO I' a in Miami cemetery. cUI'bl t'lllldum company, spent t he \\'eck·e nd ut thc home of his Lawrence C. L emar died at his fathe l', O. M. J;tidge. ho;lle in Harv eysburg, Wedn esday :\11·s. W. P . Sa lis bury, who has Decemb el' ) 6, following lin illness !Jee n in lev land several week s of seve ntl months. Funeral services recovering' fl'on~ an eye ope rution, were held Friday and burial was in I'l' tllrned to her hom e her e S unday Miam i cemetery.
Our store will be closed Christmas
D. R. SMITH G·ROCERY - "--_.:
Le tt ers to Santa
MI'. . J . L. Hartsock will sp end New line of Waxed Paper•• Nap. In lett ers to unta intercepted Chri~ll1las li nd the holidays at the kin. and other good. juat come in. home of her dllughte r, M 1'5. Robin W. H. . muil: e l't, . Walto n. Moraine Farm, DnyJo Miller wunt.s UII Austin. Mil o wants a couple years t aken ton. off his age so Lhut he ca n play 1II iss Mary E tta Guy was hostbasketball. th last lenn. • .11'. Lotz wunts II new (urnace ('ss to the Yo ulIlg Wome n's bridge rosley A utu 'Iocker on dub, Tuesday evening. Prizes we re I itwilhSQ uh won't. have tu get lip ~o awarded to Mrs. Vern Simpson, FOR SALE 1\1 i: s Sa l'S Mi ssil d in e and Miss early. Miss r{ obb ins wants 11 truck to A lice Ca mpliell. FOR SA LE- Two fresh cows with slide to schuul on whe n she hilS a ca lves by side. S. F. Elbon. daO M I'. Ken neth St. J ohn. who is fiu t tire . BllJlunl wunts a tricycle to ride teac hiJig at Hubbard, Ohio, nelu' :=========~==~ Yo ungstown, arriv ed here Tuesday t o and from clus!' roollls. Miss Dennis wants a singing top even ing to s p.end the Christmas Mrs. Bu er kle \vtlnls a liLLIe re-st. vacation with bois parents, Mr. an d Miss Fox wanls a grcat big do ll Mrs. L. C. St. J ohn. Miss Henkle wants a tra in to go Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Lotz will to New York over the week·end, To Old, Friend. and New leavin g Wa yne svi lle tll 5 p. m. s pend t he holid;IlYs with t he latter's and arriving in ew Yo rk at 6 mother', Mrs. 4:::. S. Simpson, at I 11m working ' On Autos at my Forest. Ohio. P Il'of Lotz is planning p. m. Inez Haysli p wants a true boy to attend the Ed ucational Con- s hop athpme. New Woodwork put in Sedan or Coupe Tops ; fel'ence at Cohllmbu s, Tu esday Bnd friend. also, new Top Covers put on. MI'. Hatfield wants II new auto· Wednesday of n ext week. I! not convenient for you to mu bile. . Misses Catherine llranstrator , come out, I will c all 1'or your Rosa Lee wants Santa to leave car. Ph one me at 6 :00 p. m. a nic e Arm enian under lhe tree . h'ma Rich anlll Thelma St. John, MI'. Py le wants a big sled Me s rs. Ma yn'al'd Rich, George NO SUNDAY WORK Henkle and BUlI'dette Jackso n, of painted red wilh black st.ripes. MI'. Ross wants a big doll with Wittenberg call ge, Misses Gertrude Cha ndler, Maizie Carter and lo ng cu d s and r osy cheeks. M I'. Jam es wllnts u little rag 1\-11'. Guy Hocke.tt. of O. S. U:, Miss Beatrice Robitz er, of O. W. U., doll. Mr. Garst wtlnls t he mum ps I\'liss Evelyn ' Clll·twright. of Wes· tell1 College and Boyd H enderso n, after Xmas vacation . of the Univelrsity of Cinc innati are home for t;h e h olidays.
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette
Late Classified Ads. ;
FLOUR FOR WHEAT , Through a special arrangement with the Eesley Mills, of Morrow, we are in po sition to give.
30 pounds of their Flour for One . bushel of No.2 Wheat This is a high g rade fl oul' and every sack is gURrante.ed. This is the same exc hange which h e is now giving at the mill.
Waynesville farmers he. Co.
Sporhmanship Queationa
Are you a goo d s port? Do you "rar.z" or' "boo" your opponents and refel'e e? Do you boo st your team or do you razz t hem when they mi ss a goal? Do you attend g ames ? Do you yell when you get th t'e ?
LYTLE Miriam Wharton was abse nt f rom school last week on count of illness. . Mi ss Marjorie Lafferty came home fl'o m co llege Satu rday to spend the holidays with h er par· 'e nts, Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Lafferty MI'. and MI·s. Ed Longacre and Mrs. Margaret John s were Dayton visitors Wednesda y. Geneva and Betty Routzahn have been ill the past wee k. Irvin Friend is home from Bubies. botUe-fed or breast-fed. Miami U niver. ity to spe nd the 'With IIny t!!nd~ncy to be co.nstipal-:d. holidays. wuuld thrl"Ve if Ibey '!'ct:el"'cd dally Mrs. Paul BI'own is a victim of h!llf R 1<)>lspoonfu\ of thi:J old ramily the mUDlps . clUCU;,"1I prCllcription tor the bowels. Lee Gre t hou se of Da yton s pent Thal is one sure way to train tiuy Monday night and Tue ~ day with hoW\.\ls to hcaJlhy regularily. To his daughter, Mrs. 'Clyde Whal·ton 4v~.itl lho! .fretCul!lC!;s. vO/nili~g. iCKatomacbs. sour sle'lnli<:i13 !!)\Il and iumily. CI yrog. f,..ih:re to gain. and other ills Mr. a nd Mrs. William Bergdall indigesuon usually Ir,CaD e~ r,U.I of .:on~li"aled babies. acid. The stomach tlrJVt'oi :: ' 1 s pent Thursday in Dayton . . Dr. Caldwell's Syrup . Pep~in is over-stimulated. Mr. a nd Mrs. W. G. Haines of gl'Qd for any baby. For thIS, 1/011 have Too much aeid malr.E:s the stom:;: h Dayton, Mr. William P ence of tl!~ U}Ql'd cf Q Ia.;'/U)U~ doclur. For,y- and intestines 8Our. Alkali kin .. t' (.i-/ Spring bol'o, spent several hou rs, 80:.V" U \'l:lIfS 0 praullce taught hll~ inatantlf., The best form is PI.i;)i.l):' Monday with t he f orm el"e m other, iust ",Lat babies nelod .to ke p Ihl'.1T Milk or lVlagnesia. be."JIl'sc one l! im n· M TS. Georgi anna ijai nes, whose '1H1 h ll':>wels ac~i ye. reg!!l:;r; 1,~ l! p less dOlle neulr.!li'U',s many tiOlt',· it.' condition is slig htly improved and Illd t)()cii.!s Vlu'n.f> ~ nd ht!a lthy. I,'or volume in acid. FOI' 50 Yt'J)J!l the f·t"O' is t'esting easy at this time. D \,. L:tldw l·lI sp'>C.Inhz ' I I n I he t rU.:l t,.. dard with physiciaJJs evc.rywt>,,'e. Mrs. Susan Say lor and sons, JU F./t1. of wumen ant.! II Ile 'O::l"S . He Take a IlpoonCul in WIl I"r 9~J ,t'/)!J, Henry and Riley of Dayton visit· ·t.t.t!~ :!oerl over 3500 birlhs wilhout unhappy conditil)D will prol:.u!.::v I~Jl d cd Mr. and Mrs. Hul'l'Y Graham leAs of cne mot.1ler 01' baby. in five minutes. Then YOll willlllw,, ~'~ Saturday. . know what to do. D:ude lInci h ..n .u ll!1 MI'. a nd Mrs. Allen Emrick and methods will.never appcal tQ ~ou ~~c Mr . J. B. Jones s pent Thul'sday prove thi'llor your own sake. It lll P~ in the Gem City. Ave a great many disagreeabl'.! hour.:. Frank Rogers is n ow helpin g in Be aure to get t.he genuine Ph ; li i p~ the · Coyle meat s hop in WaynesA l)OC/OT'J Ft,mi!J' Laxative Milk of Magnesia prescribed b y ville. . . phyaiciaDs in correcting excess acids Wylodi ne Kudu s a nd Pauline Friend broadcasting lust Saturday over Station W. S. M. K. , Dayton Mrs. K esler Gra ham and Mi '~ Cleo Hl\wke were Dayton s hoppers Thursday. Mrs. J . . B. Jones has been ill for severn) days. Mrs. Clyde Wharton and daughter, Miss Eva attended the funeral of t heir a Uf,lt, . Mrs. An n Bradley, at L ebanon, Monday aftern oon. Roo ~ ..... fpr all time. Appl,. Chao. MI·s . Floren ce Bean ' oj Leba non neldBlo--mt! 001.1 roolioJ on ,he marker thaI i~ mwe of COp·R·LOYl was II rece nt g uest of Mrs. Emma me euppcr A1Io~'ed SreeJ-and-PI'OOf Lacy and ca lle d On otj1el' friends. . .&lUI wear aA4 '01'""'11. MI" and Mrs. Ben Hawke, so n and dau ghter and Mrs. Ella Copsey spcnt Su nday with relatives in Dayt on. . Miss Anna Nutt has been quite ill for several weeks at her h orne on the Dayto n lind L ebanon pike, n ear h el'e, but is slowly improvi ng at thi s time. . Sunday ·di nnet; g uests of Mr. and . . 'I Mrs. William Coleman were: Mr. and Mrs. JOhn "Klotz an'd so n Jack 'T he roo&ng lot ,oo.t o because fire. of Cincinna t i. Mrs. Eleanor Don· ptOOEaodUghtoiog-p.rootCosts no more thao .e:ee a nd ' Mr. John DuVall of Hamilton. orcJioat1 roofiog-end yqu can apply it YOUf'e : Mrs. Joseph Grassi, son and aodseeourCbaoDe1draiDexhibir. daughfer and Mt's. Eva Raines of .. '. . Piqua .and ~r. and ·Mrs. C. R. Bin egar. of Jarn~ town were Sunliay visitors ·at ' the porne ' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. ~., Mr. and Mrs. ,Fl'ank Miltenberger and son attended the fun eral of the former's ~i ster. Mrs. Hulda Dearth, at h er late residenCe jn Middletown, 'T uesday afte.rnpon: She -passed away Satul'Cl y after a lil'll!'el'ing illne::;s. M rs. Dearth was well known here ~e inj:l a former resident of this eOTl'1lmm ity. · Burial WAS made in the Springboro cementery. ' ,
STOLE IPLASHLIGHT Cla rence MilicI'. of Dayton, who too k a flashlight from Amos Mendenhall's llhoe store ThUl'sday was atTested by Marshal C. P. Joy lind tak en b.efore Mayor T. E. ROJi{ers, who imposed a fine of $10 and cost s nn(L order ed the man out of town.
BOY'S FACE POISONED Charl es James Jr. is s ufl'el'ing f rom p oiso ning. his face being badly swollen. Hi s physician was in doubt as ~ o the ca use of the poisoning. .... .
- ....
_ -----
H()w to train BABY'S
Chestel' Crockett, of near Spring bor o. reports t.he theft of 14 suckling pigs taken from his farm on last Th u rstlay night.
rneduce the Acid
Channeidrazii , ' . . ROOFI·NG lare
Waynesville, .O~o
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 25
Did you forget to send the ~i?iaini Gazette to some friend this Christmas? It is not too late now. Send a weekly,letter to them..
all day
ANNUAL ELECTION 'rhe annual election of the sloc kholders of the Wayneville Nat iona l Bank for the purp ose of electin g direc t~rs for the ensuing yea r will be h.e ld at their banking I'ooms on Tue:sday, January 12th, 1032, between the hours of 1 and a p . m. L. M. HENDERSON,
..- ..- --
Thousa nd s of Ohio farmers are studyi ng th e iJ~ farm busineseses eve ry Monday night with the help of radio talks broadcast from the Ohio State University station WEAO by stliifl' members of the co llege of agriculture and several farm organizeLtions,aeeording to the depa rtmE!IIt of agriculture publications at~ the university. Judgi ng by the large number of farmers sendilng in for copies of the farm night program, which is free of all ad'~ertising and is presented eve ry Monday night, this far m school of the air is increasing its fire·side aU id ience from week to week. . Among the topics discussed on t he farm nigh1~ program are: ways of increasing returns from livestock, the place of cooperative marketing in a farm relief program , boostin,~ income from farm poultry, tl)e cllre of farm machinery , improving· 4-H club work, .how to increase the efl'eetiveness of rural chur.eh work, methods of ke ep ing ' farm · account · records, practices that increase crop yields and reduce unit costs, and the us& of fel'tilizers and legumes in increasing the "fertility of the soil. Other talks of general interest to rura lites de al witb taxes, heal.t h · roads, forclItn!';' fruit production and fal'mers' iinstitutes. Copies ' of the. lartn nighl~ radio pro'gram presented 'by the i,college' of ·ariculture every Monday:. night from WEAO nre mailed fuee to all writing' hI for tbem.
t i'i 110a,jjear Slie~dway
Values ~M,i~ly Goodyear oilers GooClyear Speedway
Prle. of Each
29x4.S0-20 __ ._. __ . 28x4.7S-19 ... ____ . 29x5.00·19 ________ 30xS.OO-2p _______ .
31xS.2S-11 ________ .·. 30x3~ .________ .. -'__ .~ . . .,
Each ID P......
29xC.'JO-21.... 29x•• 50-20_ ... 30x4.50-21~ ... 28x•• 7!S-19....· 29x5.00-19.... 30%5.00-20.... '. 3hS.2S-2L.. 32!6.00-20 ....
$'-.7. ·4.6~
\ 3Ox4.S0-21 ___. ___ .
4.85 4.7. 5.6. 5.57 5.', 5.83' 6.~o 5.95'
3.75 3.65 '
LUetl .. e Guaranteed
New, blllier,better Goodyear valueeat lowest prices erer. Built With Supertwtlt. LlfetimeGuaranteect
PrIce of Each
Eli ch
In Palre
.4.98 . $4.80 , 5.60 5.45 5.69 5.5; 6.6S- 6.45 6.9. 6.80 7.10 6.90 8.57 8.~S SS.47
-tnul c-In old tires lik~you : trade in old cars. Get new, Baf e, hand ·~onle Goodyear AU-Weathers, Double Eagles.
T:IRE'S · S1.g.0"· A :N D .' .
Eighty-Fourth y' ear -
- _ _ _ . _ _ -r-- _ _ _ _ __
Whole Num'b er 5994
_ _ _ _ ..
Celebrated Golden' vVedding,
Agu in II' have bee n for 'ed to con idel' the u nce l't ll int~· of hum anIiI'\! an d t he .absolut , ce l'tainly of l li eal h. '11" wou ld have it otherwi M I Now we uo nol know t he I'caso n why , but Ilf tl' r\\' hilc IV " II unu cr-
, ,-t.IIl t!. I
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Rev. 1· or t.man the day, HI!I' bl'llUthing s it and lo w, F irst lind 'l'hil'd S unday Mass at Harvey Hole, of near Beavel'As in 11,1' breugl, t he wavc of lire MI'. a nd Mrs. Gl enn PI'ye, of 3 :0 0 a. m. ~e c o nd , F OUl·th nnd town, is the guest of John Sears. Kc·pt heaving In apt! 1' 1'0. Dayt on. pent ~ u nday with rela- Fifth lInduy, Mass at 10:30 a. m. ti ves her c. MI'. E. H. BI'own, of Belmont, Our ho pe beli eel OUI' f ea rs visited his mother lind sister TuesOur fea r>! OUI' hopl's belied M r~. Ha nnah Tay lor ~ pe n t WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH day. Wc thou ht h I' dy in g wh en :;he hl'i stm as wi t h J\ll". F l o ~s i(j urey G. C. Dib ert, Pastor ,; \c' pt an d ~\(' e Jling When ~ h e el i ·d li nd famil y. See the Salisbury'S, W. P. and Wedne day: Bi ble study a,nd Russell, before you sell yer meet ing aL 7 :00 p. m. W ~ II atched, w e wailed long MI'. O. C. J ohn son, of Port pra st ock. Anu when next duy I: UIlI C uim Illd Willium , is vis it ing MI'. a nd Ml's. hoir practice at 7 :45 p. Ill . Sunu ay: unday school Ilt 9 :30 ~lI d P.O. Dakin. . Mr. and Mrs. George Kern spent 1 . m. Morn in g worship a t 10 :3 0. Y e ~ , : ad with early showe rs Christmas with Mr. Kern's sister Hel' qui et eye-Jiu s re t were cl osed 1flrs. Oliver Duvis spe nt Tu es- Epworth L ague at Ii :3.0 p. m. in Dayton. She had , da y wilh MI'. and M I's. Charl es Evangelist ic services at 7 :30 p. m. J. C. HAWKE MR. AND MRS . her du y than OUl's." Phill ips, in Xe nia. Ano t Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck and On Thursda y, Dece mber 24 , ' are helu in high estcen by a large children are visiting relatives at WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF 1931, MI'. and Mr' . J ohn C. Ha wke circl e of friends. , Th ey are promiWe! are le ft gropin g in dark_M :. and Mrs. ~. J . Burton, of Osage, Arkansas. CHRIST celebratcd th e fifti eth anni ve rsary nent soci a lly and in local fl'aterna), ness with wild cries on our lip~ I EI.yrltl, ar : ~ p tldm g th e holiday_ ( Undenominational) Dr. A. T. Wright spent the o l'gani zat i o n ~, hal' ing hel e! respon- what is life withou t he r ? What of With re latIves here. Chestel' A. Williumson, Minister sibl o ffi(~ es in th e Maso nic and with his son Alfred, and of the ir mal'riuge. Proposed highway improvements week-end Mrs. Mabel Stau p pent SaturAt th e Il oo n hour, wi t h th ei .. Easle l'll :tal' lolfges. Mrs. Hawke the familill\' places without her'[ family, in Columbus. You are cordially invited to atfor contract letting on December children. gl'8 nd childl'en, - . g reat- hil S sel've d .two -t erms a. Worth y Wh at of her dress wi t hou t hel"! ullY Il nd Sunday at th' home of te nd t he pa rty to be given by the 29th are announced by Directol' O. MI'. and Mrs. W. N. Sears and grandchi ldren, Lhe fiv e sUI'I'iving l\l ull'on of Miami Cha pter O. E .S ; What of her pillowed plaCe with- 11' .and Mr~ . a l'l Frye. Church Sc hool at Grange Hall, FriW. Merrell, totaling 56 projects, daughters Christmas ' with witnesses of their mal'l'iage, vis: two te rOls as Deputy Grand out her'/ What of ouc' helll'ls with da y, January 1. F estivities will bethe engineer's estimates for which relatives atspent MI'. anu Mrs. Cu rl Frye wer c Mrs. Mal'y H. Hopkin , Mrs. Matron of the ,District, and de- uut her? Greenville. 'l'in at 7 :30 p. m. l'rogram for amount to &248,038.39. The largg uests of MI'. and 1\1I-s. J. D. Bolin Lord's Day, Janual'y '!I, as f ollows: Arabella Dinwiddi e, MI'. and Mrs. vo tcd man y years to t he offi ce of Nay speech is still est contl'l1c!'" will be for a conh ri~ tm a s Eve. Miss Emma Heighway was the H. H. Williamson a nd George W. Sec retary. Mr. Hawke served two For it is lonely of heart that cries a t Dayton, Chul'ch - Sc hool at 9 :30 a. m. We crete bridge in Guernsey county, dinner guest of Mrs. Anna Cad- Hawke, and a f ew close friends, t erm s as Worthy Pa tron and hUR its fill. are t r ying t o make t hese session s _ on the Cambridge-Coshocton road, wallader, On Christmas. Mr. K enn eth Kil bo n, of T oledo, they sat down t o a sump t uou s been a me mber of the Board of This long dark day sheds double is. th e g uest of Waynesville rel- J S interesting and , a ttractive as the estimate for same being $56,three-course dinn er at Th e Little Trustees f or sevEn'al years. He has darkness posible. Help us grow. Lord's Supup life's laboring hill. 019. The major part of the conatives during th e holidays. MI'. and Mrs. Charles...Davis and Inn. .also rcc eived the highest honol'S of (>el' a t con clu sion. Christia n Entracts will be 10r new bridges, all family, of Dayton, .spent the week Following th e dinne r a I'eeep- th e I. O. O. F., K. of P. and Jr. May 'we have strength in OUI dea vo r at 6 :3 0 p. m. Ernest of which are to be completed by. end with Mi'. L. J. Burton. tion was held from 2 to 5 in the O. . A. M. in Waynesville and weakness, light in our darkness to MI'. and Mrs. S. T. t r oud and WooHanl, lead er. Evening evanthe first of March and first 0 f I rest as ul'ed that God's finger ' M.r. Claude Stroud spen t Sutul'd.a y '{ li st ie se l·vice at 7 :30 p. m. home where they wer e wed and Springboro. April. Brick approaches to a few Th e f amily 01 Mr. and Mrs. hath touched her . and she but IWlth Mrs. Mnudc Cran e and famIly cI'mon su bject, "Ho\v . May 1 Miss Blan'e he Baker, of Fcsters, the bride and brid eg room of of the bridges will not be com- Ohio ,was the week-end guest of fifty years received the 'cong ratula Hawk e consists of five children sleeps till th e mornmg breaks and Know Wh ether I 11 Ill _ Saved or plet()d, until some time in May. tions of th eir host of friend s. who have all established hom es of th e shadows disappear. I\!!r. and Mrs. Russell Benson a!ld Nob?" The chur 'h wher e y.ou f eel Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock. The r ooms wer e adorn ed with th eil' own. They m'e Mirinie B., ' Eli zabeth Adam s Simpson is chIldren, of Cleveland , wer e Chl'lst at home. State Auditor JOB. T. Tracy says Mrs. Myer Hyman, Mrs. Wymer beautiful flow er: and thi s popular wife of :John P. Fromm, and C. not dead. Her character, her ! ~a ~ gu ests of 1\11'. and Mrs. W. P. that it has become necessary dur- Drake, Miss Bernyce and Master coupl e was t he recipient of a Leeman Hawke; of Wa l'nesvill e' personality, bel' gentle spirit will Sa lis bury. ST. MARYS CHURCH ing the last half of 1931, to borrow Bobby were in Cincinnati, Monday number of beo utiful gif t s. Ray mond S. anel ~ . Carlton HaIVk~ ' ever b~ an inspirat!on t o those who I in accordance with law, large sums Rev. J, J. SchetTer, Rector Mr. Hawk e is a successful of Dayton ; and lal'a Hazel, wife cam e 10 contact With her. Robert, so n of Mr. and M;s. J. of money to maintain the general Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sellers, of business man of Wayn esville. He of Dr. Ra lph H. Vance, of Pleas- "You may break you may shatte r B. C ~apmun, of Columbu s, I S r eJanu ary 3, 10 32, Second SunI'evenue fund on a cash basis. It Dayton, were dinner g uests of Mr. and his wife have been lifelong ant Plain"; ten gr~nd c hildren and The vase if yOU ' will; coverlllfo:'. a/tel' an acute attack of day 'aftel' CItTi tmas, Church is the duty of the Audibor of and Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Christmas residents of th e community and two gr eat grandchildren. But the scent of the roses . a ppendiC ItIS. 3cho ol lit 9 :.3 0; sermon and Holy State to restore the sums borrow- Day. Communion at 10 :30. ed and this has been done in full - -- - Hangs round it still." Mrs. Jane Wright and Dr. A, T. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock to the extent of $4,4.00,000 MORROW WOMAN This is the common expression IWright attended a family dinner namely .$2.L 000 ,OOO to the HIghway and family w.e Christmas dinner AGRICUL:rURAL COURSE from all- She was a good woman at the Wright home in pringbol'o FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST fund $'1,5uO,000 to the State D~bt guests of Mr. aM Mrs. George NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC (Undenominational) ;BOUND AND GAGGED - She had ' chosen the better part on Christmas. fund and $900,000 to the psohne Hartsock and her influence shed its radiance Chester A. Williamson. Minister tax fund. In no instance has these I . Every community holds within Suffering from shock and burns where eveL' 'she went. What Ml·. and Mrs. Charles Fisher Chu rch School at 9 :30 a. m. fu~ds .been needed to .meet the I Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears atgreater commendatAon coulJ we and family, of Cincinnati, were Lord 's Supper a nd se-r,rn on at 10:obligatIons of the saId. funds. tended a family Christmas dinner its boundary a - large number of ab out th e face inflicted by two ask? I dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 80 a. m. Sermon subj t\ct, "Chlll'ch There was a balance m the at the home of the latter's sister individuals wh o are anxious t o ad- men who demanded that she I'eShe was born near Harveysburg, H. Allen, o,n Christmas. Lea dership." You are always welj!'eneral revenue fund just before in Lebanon vance t heir OWn personal position veal .the hiding » Ince of her hus- Ohio April 8, 1876, the daughter I the Christmas holiday of $469,• Mr. and Mrs. George Stroud and com e at th is church. and condition i.n life. Many agen- band's supply o( liquor and dl'ugs, of Ai bert and Sarah Ellen Adams. 744.'72, scarcely 'enough to meet The 80n, born to Dr. and Mrs. F. cies have been promoted to afford Mrs. R. R. Re I rks, wife of a She died August 1'1, 1981, aged son .. Garter, Qf Dayton, spent th~ pay roll. E. R08nagle, of , London, Ohio, this opportunity, but probably !\fOrl'ow physicl as fQtJl4 _ 66 y'eau tq r Iltba an4 tbre UIlIla ith_ the former's ~renta, 'DEATHS ~r.uima.~ , Decembllr 9 haS been named · QI1lt- hAa:..heen sq-eifective jn ' ~v tlet' huSband late Mnes sy bIg t ~ clill 00 ' was spen as that .....,.,.-1:·~~.........'Co~tu~nda Of the ·State , ouse, in~ Funeral se rvices f or Mrs. Lydia ' ing actual returns as studies within of last week when he returned to of the average child-happy in F. a. Hartsock and family, of stalled June 18, 1929, contains the Mrs. H. O. Cornell was taken to ouFr owtnh nbeighbfjotrhfootdh' h b I his home after making a profes- the association of parents, sisters Milford, and Ronald Hawke and Wilkerson, aged 85, whose death names of thousands of visitors who her home from McClellan h'o spital · or. e ene. o. ose.", 0 e- sional call. 'and brothers. family, were Christmas guests of occurred eal'ly Thursday morning have called to tnspeet the Capitol. Tuesday of last week and is get- I!eve In educabon. In agr!cultural following a three months' illness, Mrs. R emark s had be en bound In October 1894 she was united Mrs. Edith Harris and family . Every-state in the United States is ting along nicely. were held at the Oswald Funeral hnes ;,e.tare agatn offermg th at and gagged and was discovered by in marriage with EI Simpson and r represented as well as a numbe~ Home, Lebanon, Saturday afteroP¥h S~I teo 0 t t f Ed I her husband who was attracted to for 37 years they have walked Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and of foreign 'Countries. The record is . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woollard and · e a . epar men . o. . uca- a room a.djoin ing his office by a the pa~ of life together meeting Miss Olive Allen were dinner noon. Burial was made in Miami in charge of a clerk from the family, of Belmont, were dinner ~Ion hav~ .glven us ~elmlsslOn to tapping on the wall. the cares and vicissi.tu·des of life guests of Dr. and MI·6. S. S. Cemetery. Board of Public Works, who acts guests of W. A. Lippincott and Issue cel ~Ificates fot courses of Mrs. Wilkerson, who was the Acc ord ing to the st ory told bravely and courageously and in Stahl, at Franklin, on Tuesday. ay as an information official and his family, on Sunday. mother of John Wilkerson, manst~~ compl~~eted, so tha~ Y O f offi cers, tw o men entered the Rethus living, life has been made servicell are in deman'd frequently no om e one. or mOl e. o. esc mark horne shortly after DI'. Re- pleasant and happy. W. P. and Russell Salisbury are ager of the Ohio Central Teleeach day. Miss Erma Searll and Wanita ~oursesf and r~~~lv~ cred It In t he mark had departed to make a call II; it any wonder that t he future now connected with The Crawford phone Corporation offices at Lebcer 0 fi a t I .ca e. f th - h t Wednesday night. Both were mask to this lonely husband seems like Commission Co., in ' Cincinnati. anon, was a native of this county, State Treasurer Harry S. Day Hubble are spending the holidays in Indianapolis, the guest of Mr. ' cours: thr: yes::s\~~~ bOe held i~ ~~e ed and demand~~ knowledg'e of (\ closed. door .. See them before you sell your having been b01:n On a farm near reports that revenue from the South Lebanon.' stock. and Mrs. Wm. Drake. Smith Hughes room in the Hi h \yhere th le phYSICIan ~~Pt any . T o thIS unIOn were bOI:n two cigarette tax still Rows into the She is survived \;1y one son, John h i ' b 'Id ' W d d g IIquot· or d rugs that he mIght have chIldren, Laurence and Manu. S state coffers with continued regWilkerson, of Lebanon, and a M~. and Mrs. Sameul Butter- i c 00 UI 1011' on e nes ay, about t he house or office. When . It is unkind perhaps to to uch Mr. and Mrs. S. S .ElIis enterularitY. The first month after the worth end Gilbert Frye were January 6 at 8 p. m. We e?,pect 1\1;1'6. Remal'k, who was alone in these sorrowing hearts with refdaughter, Mrs. J. Q. Thompson, of tax went into effect, September, Christmas dinner guests. of Mr. t~ ~fkes up r:la~~~dy tg f '~S~el~ the hou e, professed ignorance she el'ence to her kindness, her ten- tained On Christmas night Mr. and Blackstone, Vu. MI·s. Charles T. Ellis, Mrs. Eva $546,125.15, , was received ' by fa~to~;1effecting rofits from fa~~ was bound and threatened with n derness, her counsel as wife an.d Earnhart, MI'. and Mrs. Clarence Treasurtlr Day, and in October and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth. James F. Gray! aged 64, died at " Th ' 1 f d' hot poker" She was burned on the mother. But such a referenCe IS RYe and chil dren. $314,440.94 was paid by cigarette Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Chiles spent crops. IS WI mv.o ve . ee 1011' neck before the men finally aban- due her fOI' she was unusually Bethesda hospItal, Cincinnati, dealers, November, $267,583 and Christmas and the week-end with I p~oblems, _et~. Deflmte ploblems doned the ir efforts to obtain in- kind and considerate so much so Miss Berlha Filer and Miss D ecember 26. He was an up until December 22nd, $251.- their daughter Mrs. Clarence WIll be studl~d to accomm odate formation from her. They later that not only her immediate fam ily Grace Pennington stud ents at Cin- Saturday, uncle of Ol'ville J. Gray and was lre 489.88, a total of $1,379,587.12. Allen and famii y, in Dayton. thoTshe whow?lel sb sbuSchl ' tely f s gagged h'e r and left her in the buL htll' neighbors and hel' friends' cinnati Bible Seminary, are spend lVell known throughout Warren Thil!l t'ndlcates ' in all probability ere I e a 0 u no ee h' I d d d . d h f h' th h I'd t' 'th county, having been employed as h d Th t nd f the t' es room seare 1011' the house thor- ove un a lI11re er 01' IIUC 1011' e 0 I ay vaca Ion WI that e total sum for the first L. V. Branstrator and family an automobile salesman for deal. goodly qualities ~f c~ar~<:ter After thei( parents at Ferry. year f operation will amount to attended a family Christmas din- ~a~~~~t~ a r:th~: lor; enrolh~~nt oughly be Iol'e leavi!lg. ers here and at ,Lebanon lind this year e Mrs. Remol'k famted and did all the test of life IS hvtng nobly five and a half million dollars. ner at the borne of l(r. and Mrs. MI'. and Mrs, Lon Titus and Mason. , Those ;""ho are interested should not regain consciousness until her and g~aciously. In this she ex_ Don Branstrator, at Clarksville. · consu lt the Smith Hughes in struc- husband r ~turned at 10 :4,~ o'c lock celled: Funeral services :were held at Rosemary, Me llsrs. Clem Titus and . Governor George White issued M,,!-I'E h~ 1 Slack was notified and -It IS With tendernes.s we spca.k Orville Phillips spent Christm_a s the Oswald Funeral Home in Leban executive order granting all Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and tor of Wayne Twp High School ShellfT Fulkerth was later call~d. of the 4 nu s u al devotion of thiS OilY with Mr. and !\frs. Will Phil- anon, Tuesday aftemoon and burstate employes an extra half holi- Mra. C. M. Robitzer attended a wiI0 is at your service every. day. No clu es Inave as yet been obtam- m!lthel' and her daughter. Each lips and daughter, Huth. ial was in Clarksville cemetery.' _ day Sa~urday following Christmas. social and dance given by the ,,------ - - - - - ed. Mrs. Remark was unable to drew from the other the best of As the officew:lose. at noon on that· Lebanon Masonic- lodges, Tuesdl1Y ' Mr. and RAT KILLINGS give an nccurate description of -each which made for noble \Vom11n !01'1'~. Qhal'les Rudduck,. of Ruth, daughtel' '=of dny it enableil all men and women night. the men in view of the fact that hood. WIlming ton, underwent a serIous Mrs. Albe rt Firman, of Route 4 employed by the state to spend Over three dozen dead rats were both were ma~ked. Both wore Pate seems cruel to make such at M~CI.e llan hOsPital \died wedneSday. morning. Funeral three days at home, Christmas, Miss Janet Cat;twright, of Cleve rccovered after two I'ot-killing caps, she state.d. and were of a separation but the unexplainable oper'alion last week. She IS thought. to be services wet'e hcld at the home Saturday and Sunday. ' The land, spel\t Christmas and the 'l'hul'sday afternoon, Rev. G. C. Governor enjoyed a turkey dinner week-end with her parents an~ demon!;tl':ltions by COLln ty Agent medium build. One was attired in we leave to Infinite wisdom to getting along very well. make clear. Her mother's God . Dibert officiating. Burial was in at the mansion, the gobbler, chest- sister, Mr. ani Mrs. J. O. CartwrI- Class last we\!k. Twenty-live rats 0 el'8l1s. were raked out from beneath a The Remark home is located in will tem'pcr the wind to the shorn Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall and lMiami cemetery. nut and milk-fed, being the gift ght and Miss Evelyn. corn crib drive way fiool' and thir- Eas t Monow and the doctor's of- lamb and Hi s word mu st sus tain children left Thursday to spend an admirer from Licking county tcen were taken from a poultry fices are connected with the resi- her, "I will not leave thee 1101' Christmas with the fOl'm e l" ~ pal'Loren L. Boers tler, aged 27, Mr. Forrest Crane and daughter hnuse after the cribs and all rat dence. forsake thee." ents . at West Lafny ette, OhIO.. re- , died at Hal'veysbul'g, Wednes.day Marjorie ,of Cincinnati, Mr. and bur~ows', dens and 51'n'ilar hiding - - -. .., - In t he molding of ihe lives of tummg home Saturday evenillg. evening after a lingering illness. CHRISTMAS AT THE Mrs. W. E. Stroud -and son, Harold . ' h ' d h'ld hied BOY SCOUTS el' SIX gran c I ren s e p ay ad heen thoroughly cyassed places h LOCAL CHURCHES were Christmas dinner guests of Calcium cyanamid or commonly eo t part an d th ey th 1'0 a 11 the Mr. an d M. 1'5 . R arvey B urne, t 0 f Funeral sCI'Vices conducted by Dr. Crane and family. a grea Anderson, of Norwood, were held Mrs. Maude The W~lynesvil1 Boy Scouts of years will rise up to call her Center'ville, Miss Luura Rosnagle, in the Harveysburg M. E. church called 'cynnoga!f,' speciall:y 'p'r eChtistmas was appropriately obMr. and Mrs. Perry Davis, of Ilured for contl'ol of rodents and Tl'OOP No. 40 met at the Towl)ship blessed. 37 years ago she united of Cincinnati, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Saturday afternoon ~nd burial was served in the churches during the C ccrtal'n insect pests is dusted into 'I house Tuesday, Dece. mber 22, 1931 with the Baptist church of this Hathaway , enjoyed _ Christmas. in Miami cemetery. arrollton, . Ky., M·. past two weeks. . ~ and Mrs. C. all the ratharbors and den s by a Ten, members are enrolled and all Jl Iace an d h as pl'oven a f a I'thful d'mn e I' a t th e Ilome 0f Mr. a nd Mrs On December 20 a speCIal H. Deatherage, of Harv8J!burgd, 11'",ht I'nex-nensive hand operated I but thre_e. answered roll call. The and cOllsistent member ever ready Harold Whitaker. Funel'al ' sel"vices for Mrs. H'lldah spent Cbristmas Day with ...... an . ... t d h t h Id . Christmas pro'g ram was rendere d Mrs. R' . H. Hartsock 'and family. air pump. The ,very 1:\nely pOWder- I tender foot requirments were re- 0 0 w a · s e cou . Ann Dearth, l1ged 66. wife of at the ,Wayne/lville Church of eel dust, coming in contact with viewed and all are working hard She leaves to mourn their loss Mrs. Davis Furnas and daughter Clinton Deartl:l, who died at her Christ by pupils of the Church Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan, mois'.; a it· undergoes a c1.emical on the first aid so they may go to her husband, her son and daughter Jane and Evelyn, Ml·. and Mrs. T. home on Malvern Ave., MiddlelIchool. of Centerville, Mr. . and Mrs. change and liberates a very I Middletown and pass the test and her son-in-law six grandchil- J. Carr and daughter Joan, were town, Saturday. niter a long illIn the evening at. 7:30 at ·the Charles Clark, of Lytle, spent poisonous (hydrocyanic acid) gas t hen rece~ive the second class dren, two sisters, one brother, a guests at a Christmas party at the ness, were held Tuesday at 2 , M. E. Church the choir, under tbe Cbristme Day witb Mr. and Mrs. which brings ab out a slow but badge. A n all day hike was planned host of relatives and friends. home of Mrs. Furnas' mother, o'clock, at the residence and at the direction of Mrs. H. L. Buerkle, T. E Rogers and granddaughter, very sure anI certain de.ath. for December 28. Asleep in Jesus ble/lsed sleep Mrs. Snook, of Middleto~n. United Brethren ehurcn at 1 :15; presented a cantata-"Tbe Song Miss 'Mar ret. '''Even though our cribs, m ows - -- -From which none ever wakes to Rev. Guy Cheek, of Carlisle, and and 'the Star," whiCh was tuneful p , and granaries are full, yet we NOTICE ' weep Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McPherson, Rev. E. R. Turner, of Middletown, and well rendered. The Happy Hour ch~b will meet should not lose sight of the posA calm and undisturbed repose ~abina, dMr . and R~~' ~indle~ officiatinlf' G~~r;e aMyro~on'McPhe~~o;', a~f mo~h~~:M~.aK1a;ti~ ~~~~ar:i'lt~~: . be~~2re~~:Bd~tJs~~~~g,o~:;::; at t!t e Grange H8!1 J~nu!lry 2 SCible t lo~es /l'gll~ss I'~~:i: :~a: To our n1any. patron~ thro!lghout Unbroken by,. t~e.2.a:: of foes. "san ta' and h'I~ G '" for Its annual winter pIcniC. All oun y gen, the commumty. · We Will do Wllmmgton were Christmas guests 1 Ivers, wu members ar.e. cordially invited !by that the 1 9~2 seasons may not be business through The Crawford f M' d M Al z C ' I berger, Waynesvile; · two sons, presented ~y pupJls o~ the Su~day the'..committee' in' .chug,.- to ' come 80 favorable and these apparent CommissiOn Co., Cincinnati, Ohio WATCH FOR NO 0 I. an TS. on 0 ur. Cecil, of Ft:anklin, and Samuel .al SCihool.dTbhlS prodBucttokDl ~asd aleo and enjoy the day together; surpluses may be great!>" needed. on and aft,er January 1st assuring FISHING SIGNS Mr and Mrs J B Chapman and horne ; one daughter, Mrs•. Harry d recte . ~ gMrs. uer e an . was " . " I With .t he ar rival of wmter, rats you the best of service: both for son Robert ~f' ~lumbus ' w G~'oss, of Carlisle ; six grll,ndchil- .' ve7t pIe;:. n ila 's on Sunday Mrs. Geo', W061l!lrd, o~· Da~on, and mICe se~~i~hel:~r ~.~~t!~e~c~~= caring for and selling your stock. . Four thousand mi,les of Ohio Christmas 'Eve ~uests I)f ?::ii~ ~~~~~r~h:fM?ddr:::~n,RF~a~li1n: m orning; after E'hristmas a short 8pe~t the IliD we.ek-end at the }jo~e on .fitored ~JJe o~btain~c:i b y kiUing We thank you for the past and rivers .and creek~ will be closed Elizabeth Baily. On 9hristmas; the tenbel'ger, of Waynesville, and J. ' , progtam was given during the ~h:':X CSWli'!!tn:f ~:.~n~ ~~~cse:rl~ in the wint.er. County hope for your future patrona,ge. to fishmg, effectIve . January .1, Chapmal'!s, Mrlj. Ehzllbet.h Baily, Edgar Miltenberger, of Eatoll; O. church ~hool h<!ur al!d th!3 chil- brighteJl thrhome, weight ei,ht ,6.gent' Class will holq a ' s~ries o.f I _ !~ISBURY S ;;s~~~kf~r. t\V~ yeats to permit Nrs:tf uha Dc:r ovan and. Mr. fFrr.id Burial "'tiS in Spr.il)gbol'o ceme.. · dren received, t~elr Chnstmas treat pounds. Mother and ,baby "'e dOlng ra tkilling demon tl'a tll)lls In ' var..,- , . - ~ Tb fi~t 4000 miles to lie post- eJI M wert tn~.er ll!lests ~ L { tery, , In ~e atternoo.n ,at ~ o'clock ~ flne. ~. . . ous par~s of Warren County if KILLED TW9 J?EER ed wi11 be the following rivers and :~on rs . . mm r al y, 0 e . .' , . r " , sufficient r\lquests are made. Any· ·tS tr'b t ' M ki ~ .. . , . , Mrs. AI1~ehna ~llen, aged 7S, splendId )!rogram was· given at the Frielldl cliurc1,l which consisted of, Mr•. and Mn. V:ern Hough .and one especially interestod shou~d . Harry Shaw and '8Qri, Charles, !nee ~all:rlSa~du~k L!:~ 1.1: .• ~ died early Wednesday morhitig a1; . Obrlstmas carols and, recita»ou' f~ily.. entertained at a 'turkey see Olass or wl'i~e 'or 'call .he Farm of , near Oregonia, arrived ·. ho,m e I Erie regitn Little ).uami YValle d M;ht!ndR ~'I Oliver dDaVHIJ Sbnd the home of .her •daughter, ¥.n!. n by ilIe Juniors, and a . play. 1I1e dinner Gh~JII. The'Pllate W,er\l' Bnreau offi~e, LebanOn. · . last week, ' after a successful deer and Big Mi~mi V~l1ey . y . ra~eg t ~ ad' e, seChe. e ~ O- I ~1zey Scott•.folloWing"a two weeks . Chr'l'stmu Shadows," , presented by Mr and IIrL Roy Cornell and · .-. ' -hunt in . West Virgil\ia. ' They. Th' • .}' , a ur ey m~er rls maS ay Illness. 'Funeral servlc§8 wUl be th& YouJ\g People's clasa. · d •g hter' lit' and M.... Wilbur ' .• f . brought ' back two 'flne deer. . 18 territory w11 take in pra~- to ~r. and Mrs. ~eter Demas and !held at the -reside'llce Frl~,. at S La"u ' "i,... 1U • M ESCAPED DEER - ' . - - -. ~Ically the south.e rn p"rt of th18 ~l\ml1y of N~w Vle!'ha; Mrs. Veo p:m; Burial .in M~mi ' cem.tery. . . ._ • . ' .. . ~ar a" d Cnuuren 0 ~ason" t_ . ' . state. . Adam!! Mn. Nettie Kepler of Uton i Md Eal..u1.cW R.lati... RIJger~~m~ll Citizens of Mount Holly were POST' OFFICE NOTICE Signs will be posted, 20 to a Dayton; Mr. and ·Mrs. Paul Ever-:- . ' and -a:-orr V: o~ an . surprised Monday morning when . ' '. .' mile, along the b.nlcs of the haJlt, of ·.MiQmisburg; Mrs. MeAfter .spendi!llr the « Mr. and, Mn. BO'b:rcl,Mar:h~ ~Ucb'''8~18p~ ~~~f af.1 ' . delll' was toun~ neaT the village. The Wa,YneiJvUle Post Office 'will ,closed. streams. . Elwee, of Wilmington; Mr. and the home 01 Mr. , P. tamD7. 01 Sprl~n.~~ M e, dom:,..;.. W o"x It ia supposed to be one that es- ; be closed, New Years Day, Fisliermen in-Southern Ohio wiU _, Mrs. Pred Everhart and Mr. and Elbon. I, D. Stout · Ole'lma Marah. .."':.... _n • Ip~nt S ~_ r' ~ ~d II B' caped from Forest POI'k, . Dayton, 1, 1932. have to go far 101' their II'VOl'ite Ml'II. Charles Davia and daurbter'llliaht for bil home ~~tb IIU'. aDd_ lIIq. BtC;; ' ~~d _r.:D ' . ~ • • r,aetlJ. · R. HARTSOCK, P. M. recreation. Mary Elizabeth. . calif. COLUMBUS--'-Rcports filed by the probate Courts of Ohio with Secretal'y of State Clarence J. Brown, show that in the last statistical Yl!al' 289 girls, averaging 14 years and nine months 'o f age wer~ sent to the Girls' Industrial School a t Delaware. The youngest two were 11 _years old, while there were 40 in the oldest group aged 17 to 18. During the same period of time, U03 boys, averaging 14 years and nine months of age were sent to the Boys' Industrial School at Lancaster. The youngest boy was nine, while 84 were in the oldest group aged 17 to 19. It is to be noted that the average of those committed was the same for both sexes, 1,192 minors being committed during the year.
: " We \l' alch ~' d he\' b r c a lh in ~ titro
Ma~k Rogers is very sick.
Miss lurn Lil e is spending her vaca t ion at W H ~ h i n g' t(Jn '. H.
·l ·
. -.
'. .
I .
touk her firmly, laid h('I' prone, E.t... Trani'." madl.' hl'~ gt'ill the frame work. arl and Caroline Schaub With thl' pUlhlll'. ~tro n){, uul eGle nn E. Bush. Real estate Ie. . , Oli\'e dJ'ove th' ClUIO vut into Loveland. t h world wall?"l's. emar G. Squires to Harriet Am'Reli('vcd t: her UIJj)l' 'helltiio n, mons. 1U61A1 act' s In Turtlecreek "h" began to putch togetlwr t he intow nship. citl nts of thci l' fi ig It. inio 1\ rcScott Ross. to Elizabeth Ritter. vouiing' film. Wh 'n the wind had R al estate in Cleurcreek township r 'v iv d to let Ponallc Burke beat Probate. Court Mnri K'"ennedy to E lizabeth buuk to the rll'st il;l.l nu iu pUl'su it ./ mif' phlne andc l'\foort, adminis. Rit.nor. Real estnte in Clearcreelt f OliY(!- '( ou ld it really be little trulrix of lhc stale (Jf Em rsoJl E. township. ..... more thlln Lwenty-foul' hours sin ce V 111dervoorL. d e ' ase d, iii d her Michael HaniCen Bnd Lora C. the whiie man iOlprjson u her inventory a nd appraisem ' nt. Hilni fen to Fr <l I •. Hanifen. Real th ·ro,!) - he found th place aball' . A. ,prague, executor of thc estate in Deerfield tow nshi p ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE dOll J . He hud al:o f,l un(! her sup· . tate of Alice B. Everson, decca:; Lucy Watson to Edwin C. pli gon, a th in j,t implying a boai ·d. filed his in ve ntory and 8ll- Wright. Rea l estate in outlt LebCopyright by Cha~les Scribner's Sons and Olive's fOl'gery of a lJ at's prniSenHl nl. un on. __"""''''''~;'''''. ''''''-'''~;,.;.;.;'''''_.............., ..............' '...., . . . ....................,"',..." . . ........,',. i111pI'i nt On t'he slIn I, a count.erfeit ~Iilla Emerson. executor of the Millie Jones, d eceased, to Elvusoftened into g reat. l' vcri. imili- estate o[ ' Citia :::lehafll r dece ll d lois Jones and Ralph J ones. Inlot CRAPTER XI. cumstunee. No need to cut hel' tude by Lhe placid tide . . fil ed hel' in untOII'Y and apPl;aisc: No. 53 in SO llth Lebnnon. . I . hand as t he brown man had done, Uurk o IllU ·t either ' d tett the llil'nt. hl'istian and Carl chsnz t o The ·girl saw that Olive t hus fot' bright d rops of the pirat go re fraud, 01' bell ·vo KOllle v es~ e l. al. 'rhe will of Th omas 8 . wec n y, was sayi ng "life preserver." H e were alrea dy aVlliiab le. As s he sat mosl certainly the Ju pancse g un- d 'cell l' d, was a dmitted to probate in Hamilton tow nshiy.p. 57.83 .' .J. Mahon meant to make her in to a sort of the mosquitoes had b e n swuTming boat, had sigh led her ui ~ tress s ig. . nlh ony weeny wus uppointed MUJ'tha David J. Morris, decea sed, t o raft. roun d her. nul!;. In lhut event, he waH free to e x 'cut OI'. No bond r equ ir ed. Hal'. Rac hel A. MOJ'ris, a ll property. Her agitation diminished. This While she pu zzled, she fe lt re- aR~ume li\" had drowned in hi s I)' L. lJul'llJ oliy, J l)seph H. Feddel's Rlllph J ones an d Chloe Jon es to bespoke life, not dealh. The fan - connoitering f or t he hostile fo li- effort t o reach bnd, hnd urrived alJd J~hll 1'. F oley were appoi nted Elvalois Jon es. Inlo t No. 53 in atic, about to drown one, did n ot age. It proved to be a stiff sword- too lute Ilnt! then swu m away, Il l' a pp l·ulsers. Sou th L ebanon. provide a· floaL . like len! that th r ust at her from had been Luk 11 off with t he g-irl, The e nll'Y determi ning the inEdward Hawth orn and Minnie With six of t he nuts he buoyed the shadows. pI' Rumably again st hi ~ will. heritullce tax 0 11 t he tate of Lil- Hawthorn to Th e L. G. Ande rsons Can be had by ___ her hips and with four her shou lThe leaf, she found, was fut'he had no know ledge \\ here Ju- I li e Smith, dl'ceuM!d is to be certi. Suns o. Inl ot No. 63 in Franklin. de.rs. With a length of librc he fac ed by a thin transpa rent fil m. lu iL lay, or h ow fa r. But it wa s fi ed without delur . Thomas E. Sweeney to Anthony using the Miami wound her shirt tight round her The uppeal grew with \ tl'agic within I ' nch, her only hope. AR Chnl'le" E. Denhum, adm inistra- C. Swee ney. Inlots No . 339 and knees. Then he Castened his knife, slown ess. The pin work cou ld nO,L l he f orml! I' G('rmn n IlII Ne. lh el'!; luI' of th e (;~lute of John E. Ben- 3.j() in Franklin. Gazette for your securely but immediately at hand be hurried, the cond en ation of mU Nl yet b · fo ul' or five white 111 ' II nett, dec a sed , fi led hi s first. filia l Thomas E. Sweeney to Anth o n ~' advertising needs in the thongs that bound her wai st wording took th oughL a nd u doze n 0 1' ;<0 of .fllps; und if :.tlld di stril.Jutive accou nt. . weeney. In lots NOR. 339 and For an interval he left her, But, readably, t he leaf said : t his one o f the tl\'O AlII{'l'i c:tn ~ mi sJ. W. ti lllimllrd, adminisLrlltor of 3·10 in Franklin. lying with upturned face, her Help! Abdu cted by Ponupe sion eentcl'l, wu s close ll, sti ll nalive the estlltl' of J ohn L. Gri sme re. eyes closed a gain st the glare. He Lupe-a-Noa, from wrec ked Yacht hd s tiun ~ . . d '<:c a~ ·u, til ed hi s .su pplemcnta l BiIIl Allowed threw into the sea, so it would Rainbow, 4 days sail. Hi ' ma n She NO wanted tll g'O to J aluit uflitlnl'i l in Ii u of an Hecount. drift clear or sink , the food and Olive now steals Ille. Whiehevel' that she cou ld nol fui l to end ow (;l'org- ' W. nll ok, admin istrator J ames F olle n services $16' Motor Co., repairs, $ 1. 60 : Howard callk of water, the severed leaves, gets 'me-deuth or worse. t hi!4 SU \'lIg'e with th e g-race of tsk - of till' l': ta te 01' lIIary E. Lillie, P()nn Iorton, se l:.vices, $7 0; w. ~ : , h . Inni s, fun b it. 96c : Hall 's Sel'the opened nuts; everything that Miss Palm yra Tree , Jill! he l' the re. r\ h,ml'll though thl' dl·<:eu~c J. filed his inv<'n tory and Doyle ,0 ., suppltes. $2.50; Lewl : vice tat ion ga . , $79.05; Mor row I poke of his activities. Then, Boston, U. S. A. idl'u, it gripped h l' till s ilt:' cll ulrl a PIJI·aiHe ment. I& Drak e, Inc., sand , $9; East End Garage, gas and ~ lIp plies . $33.2G: pausing for a last careful inspec' She must mllk e the leaf notice· not, [01' the mOlll cnt, Lut Lcli('ve it Th e cstate of F lol"a Steph nso n, na l, $ 17.G7; C. Dona ld Dilat u.sh, Roy Piirott, fil i n ~ SI1 WS, $ 1. 50; tion his glance lighted on the pin1.t able. Nothing elsc at hand, she ll·ue. d, 'cl'us('d. IS exelll pt fr om in he ri. r e nt, $20 ; Arl Meta l Constru ctJOn Kurl D. Dakin. insurance, $ 160. 10 silk parasol. He examined it drew oft' one of her wet stockingR. After oil, th o u~h, what could it ta nce tax. Co.,. Cll c, $11G .7 1: Charl es Hall . L. I. P ence. weldin g on l'l') uipm ent, thOUghtfully, raised it, offered it She smiled drear ily. S ilken ho- se rve'! 'he t1'ied to ri se for n \'iew Tlte (;,; Late of ~JI. H. Hou sewo rth . ~e rv l ceg, $3.50; F . A. Kamp, F loo r $&. 26; Gulf Refi ning Co., gas, with pleased look, to the tug of the siery was unknown. That should a ~ tcrn , but dal't,d lIul stand . he den·nsed, is exempt fro lll in heri- Il1g Co., ~alanc e du~, $456.80 Mrs. $1.44; Blancheste l' Muchine Shop, wind. Olive had a sail. attract attention. saw no sa il, y ·.t "m'w her Idler. Lllnc!.! Lnx. Ermu Hlbnar! serVices, $10; Mrs. repa ir \\Iork , $ 12.4 0; F red Kahn Thus did they depart into t he With the stocking she bound a t he ca nOe thefl. had Illllde n ch:J~l' Mimi Ho useworth, udministl'll- Mary E. E nlllS, servic es, $10; Mr,; Mo tor Cal' Co., repair parts, $5 1. Ua. thousand miles of ~mpty oceun. fragment of coral to Lh e leuf. certain. Thei l' ll yinJr start would I Lrix of Lbe c. t.a tc of II. H. House. ~aybe ll ' J~ffel'Y, services, $7; J . 07; WilliulII Schnell, su ppli c .Olive swam brls~ly forwa:d '! hen, gazing upprehensive ly about. save them f"om «thel' canoes but \\ 0 1'1 h, d eceased. file d her first Fi sher, fr e Ight and drayuge, $3.20: $HI.20 ; Prues Equipment Co., in- I THE MIAMI GAZETTE With bel' .w. Exultmg, she dls- she begun to craw l forward She noL fl'ull! th ' sl\' ift Pil!'eon of Noah a nd linu l uccount. Be ll Press . voucher~, $2 4; W. H. vo ice No. 1455 purls, $28. 15 ; For Relult, covered that t~e s~und which lJad must not try to go far. A~d al . Now and lhen h 'l' compnnion Ranso m L. Gi l.Jhons, exeeuLor of' Anderso n Co., suppl!es, $5; W. H. Western Star, 12 I>SY I'o ll pads, ' • mocked her, th!lI bme at las t, was the slightest sound she mllst drop him se lf would )' o u~e to sLa nd with lhe cstate f La uru L. Gi-bbons de Anderso n Co.! s upphes, $10; Book $3 0 ; J. D. Adams Co., grader r eo ==========~-:--::.::.=-:::= no cruel deception. It was the tram the missive before Olive co uld see. ea:e Iln th('! jumping canoe and ·eased. fi led his aecond aeco~ n t. S hop. sUPl?hes, $4.40; Mayme pa irs, $1. n ; Kilpatrick-French I pie of IIUrt upon a reef. Within fi ve or six yards the . r a n th e sea fOI' an en e my. -'arah J . Hughes, e xecutri x of B,!rke, serVIc es, $ 19; Reif's Ele c- Motor Cat· Co., gas anu supplies, HUNTINC~ One sharp struggle a!ld those cover end ed. Beyond in th e moon- In one of these wllke ful intervals the estate of L4th er E. Hug hes, de trlc Shop, lab?r Ilnd lamp, $5.4 0 ; L $ ]34.81!; Lewis & Drake, Inc., FlstilNG V ep~endid muscles had carried them, ,lig ht lay barren sand, foot tJ'am- she mutle, intenogatively the s ign cca sod , fi led her' in ve ntory and J. Pe!lce, se:V lce.s, 75c; Trustees of bddge repair mate rial. $24; W. C. Pubhe Affalfs. hght and gas, $8.36 Turton. cem ent, $19.20; W. H. buft'eted and brel1thle~s, through a pled, a place in freq uent vis itation of th seal' whi h had eOllle in npPl'aise ment. caulliron of .. cleft 10 the o.uter She would have liked to go f ur- t heir 'onver~ati()11 to signify 'the Th > will of David J Morri s de W. H. Fulkerth, stamps for office, Madden & Co .. cement, $282.60; barrier. They came to ~est In a ther. But the daJlge r was tremen- whi te man. Pa ~~ in·j.! a t ' ollce [rom ceased, wa s udmitted' to probate~ D$2; Blind Relief, quarter ending J ohn ston & J ohnston, suppli es, shalla,," o~ IpeJ.lt BUrl .on the reef dous, the gain uncerta in. She his Buudha-like I'epo:e into t he Hob rl Morris was ap pointed exe- ec em~ e r 3 1, $O.9~.25; Harry Hei- $2.74; Buckeye Concrete Co., ti le between Its hleher rim and the paused breathlessly to listen . Then a ni mation of eli cou rse , Olive culol', no bond req uired .- G. F . sel•. bridge repairing, $7.20; Carl $9.60: Morrow Feed & Supp ly Co. nearby shore. she flung the weighted leaf. pointed to the sun and then to a Brown, O. S. Higgins and J ohn C. Dakin, pay roll, $ 114.40 ; Hubert L s upplies , $9.30. At first Palmyra was aware of From out there a clink of so und ~ p ot. cO II ~ idel'ably further On in Simpki ns we re appointed upp rnis. ~huYler, pa y roll, $157.20; J ohn • - • nothing beyond the ~act that she reached back, brazen loud t o her It!! hn of march. Pu rs uit , it seem- ers. . yers, pay roll , $ ] 62.70; Floyd ADVOCATES SPECIAL was onc~ more on land. That was stra ined senses as a gong. It ed. mus t be expected. but not as The annua l a ecCl unls of the g uar ~e mBm o n s, pay r oll, $128.80; Chas. aU-IIulBclent. 'Fhe island, by reason seemed impossible that Olive yet. di?n of AII.J~rt Leroy croeker' l ' radb~ry, pay roll, $142.95; INSTITUTE FEATURES HUNTINO of h~ houl'll In the w.ate,r, seemed should not hear; shou ld not spring Now fo ll oweu a long pa nto mi me n11nol:' ure waived until t he estate J. W. I? UV1 S, pay roll , $135.80; A. to nae and fall as gJddJly ·aa ~he grinning from the thicket; should a t tim s Unin telligible . Th e brown ll!IlY Jncre aSe $500 or until such ' ~. ~ettlg, pay ro ll, $207.55; L. 1;':. Local ta le nt is proving an illl- & FISHINO a U ·u.,. mODtbly m .... eea . itself. But she could chng not, unerring ly llS a dog no se ' up man, in his explunation , was ham- tllJle /1'; ~o me pel'son interested in Shltl am, pay ~oll, $ ~3 0.~0; Leshe portant fac tor in building interest.. II 01 11(1 orammed l u ll 01 hWll· to a pandanus and feel sa.f e. snatch that precious me;sage h ~ pel'ed by th e limit of uelion possi. the estute may I'equ ire the guar- V ~z'Topera~mg mamtamer, $52; I Dr. rubin.. comr,nc a nd How many, many miles had they only hope' , e ble in a canoe. His s tory inclu ded thun to fi le a n account. ompkms, pay roll, $143; E ing programs for the state's some ~~'~:b1~~~ro":.!~ I:~C!~~ rovolvCnl, Osbl ng t uok:~::.?to SI':im~1~];f!:fis~::anhn~ ~C?r an· inter~al she hung on, him self and Burke t he (sla nu the The Il lijudic.a tion and determi na Jones, ~ay roll, $214.60; Eden 750 Farmers' Institutes, declares ,,e,UUB. 'fa-LUe law ollDn:H. bce. and llime, Was the channel twelve or twent"y \~a1tJng. Then, 1n ~h.e unexpected knife, what seeme'd to be a 'gun, t ion of t he inheritance tax on t he I e:T.Y, se$vlc~s ,$90; E. W. Knapp R. B. Tom, rUl'al sociologist and "pIa0..... to IOllIIh . milel acro887 Som"ethink like that. SIlence, body and mmd collapsed. t he cunoe, the Pigeon of Noah. csta~c of Har)an Whitacre, deceas v~~: lce$' .. 44, W. M. ~amson,. ser- specialist in recre~ion at the Ohio But it wag cold northern Utahr Sh~ .dragged herself back to the Muc h of it, as it came, \YU!! mean- eel, IS to be given to a ll interes ted h 5' 1 ]"" ~o;n Gut'ekJl, repair to State Unive1's ity . I b t h ingless beca u e she «l id no t g l'asp persons. S ove, ",7, rank Sherwood Co., •, ... w t and the Iwimmers merely Ellro· al inK pace, u s e was una- other 'parts upo~ which the mean- . The will of 'l1homns E. Swee ney, gaasl $34.~0; East End Garage, gas More and more, he says; ruralpe.n. Olive must have b,rouhgt ware of It. Th e sand w~rmed her, ing depended. deceased, wa9 til ed in court. na equipment, $20.24; C. D. ites are developing and using loc al her infinitely further. the earth rocked her as m a cradle' There \vas a p o'I'nt 'vhl'ch bnffl e. 1 J. A .. ' Schilling and Rozl·e May Smart, gas, .$15.52; Har.ry Hill, t I h . The laIand plainly was inhabit- but-she was asleep. . ' «U h II Kas $2 6 01 El C II a ent on t e ir institute programs. ed, " For ages she must have laid in her, where Olive went through t he c I . Ing fli ed a petition to adopt $3 06' V.'eto' V meR' 0 lOS, gas, Such talent may be used in many . torpor Then s ud de I h k motions of bindin g han ds and feet, Harl'let ~nrl~tt. 59·' ' I r an Iper, ~as, $36. A lIve 01 ' h a d wr1tten, why c o u l d . ' , n y, s e awo e and forced something crosswise The adJud leaticm and detel'mina ' I~rt ftM eta719CoHnstruct!on Co., wuys. ~r'l15\00~ With a cry, She was clasped tight in to hi s mouth. At' first h~ tion of the inhhitanee tax on the s upp les, ... 18 o. ; oward T. Coor, The music on the programs can "gt.:~'~n1~~· Dot abe! IMla o. nUelL sl 1 nOtr lll,q a!Joood 10 0, b~od But, whll.t qf paper! Sbe paused in ainPair of great arms; held close thought he hl'msel:f had been t~I' ed estate of Lillie Sm ith, decea sed, I'S ~aov.e~~20Id; J ' K · Spencer, grave. be made a s pecial feature and it is b4n~lij a o~. th.r\\'lih 1.. lberllh ...:b, .oDfl'onted by the·stonewall of ell'- .a ag !,Bj; a naked bJ;ello.st N<I n,eed ".. .....,ro V M t Jun wb., )'OU for her to see that grinning face. and gagged, then t hat it must have to be given all 'ntel'ested persons. A. HauS'e s' F26 ;kl"W a good idea to use it in dramatiza- TDe:I, I.d knl10'fo bLaUDllnc. lIIbllll I It was the bea st I been Burke. But long aftel'\vard$ , ga, . , rllon 10 tions, pantomimes and tabl ~aus. . .d o:lmul!il! kljJII. ~ltg W~ titi1.ADJn~a;I=. Desperately she put all her ~vhen the savage had again su nk . Common Plea,. ProceedinCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Old time fiddlers and dancel's may ClNer to-do, to strength. into a lunge. So unexpect IOto stupor, the explanation fla shed In the C"se of' Marl·on L. Cox ' nto he . d Sh ld be presented and some of the older HUNTING ed this effort to get free that suc- I r mm. e cou now reo minor, by Edith M. Hilll'ker, ver~ e III ' pal' t ~ u s. J~me D. Co:x, an infant, t he folks will 'enJ'oy doin" cess was hers. Surprisingly, in- construct the seen';~ as. hor, .. 'old dances ~ FISHING deed, she flUng herself quite clear ~rom \.v hat Olive had made clear, p!HlntJft' was granted a divorce and in costume. Unu sua~ instruments fran.,t Bldg. of those arms- and fell, with a m part from what her intell igen ce g Iven custody of their child. such as Jews harps, accordions, Bos ton. M.... strangling gasp, into water that told her mu st have occune d In the case of Harriet Ammons zither harps and harmonica band s, rose above her head. Ponape Bu rke, tlJen, had fe lt et ul, vers us Omllr G. Squires et all add zest to the program. When Palmyra Tree thus flu ng that, if th ey had not been rescued ai, versus Omar G. Squires, et ai, In addition to various uses of herself out of the arms of Olive, by so me ves e l, they must have a the court finds the t itle to said local talent, many farmers' instithe brown man had been carryin g canoe. And t o make s ure t he y rea l estate, and the purported deed tutes find exhibits helpful in makher again down into the sea. The should not get one in t he dark fr o",1 Geo r~e Bra dley to Omar G. ing their progrum both attractive strong arma rescued her, yet she hours, he had hud u)) the cano es on Squ ires vOld. Thd rl'ghts of the and entertaining. Poster, grain, tog e th er an d chlltte l PI'operty have v and baking goods exhl'bl'ts are f ough-t desperate ly. Ashore, she t he island bl'ought . been agreed had been "slow to trust those half had set.tohver' f)t hes e a guard of two Upon a nd upon redelivery of ehatgood features, but unusual exrl es, hl ' nlself aI't'mg t e.I property the rlecel'ver I·S hereby hibits such a s old firearm s, stamps, seen fi gures a b out the fires. Hav- men W1 w neal' . coverlids, old stone jars, old coins ing trusted, she could not bear to oi" h . d ' discharged. old musical instruments and other be . snatched away before her ap- · IVe, S e surn1J~e, had exT he case of E .J'. Wright und the peal had been found. pected secretly to obtain a can'oe Buck ey~ l!nion ' Casualty Co. has antiques add variety to the proWh~J\ you t.a ke Bayer Aspirin you from a . friend a nd so sa il withou t been dlsllIlssed at; the request of The moon was 'gone in a down- d gram _._ __ _• _ ..._ _ __ Ire surc uf two things. Jt's sure ~lief, pour of rain. Sky and sea and land estroymg Burke's possible be lief the pl!l intiff. lud it's hannlcss. T hose tablets with hal lost form-dissolved. And yet in the fictiti ous ship. But t he Leave is grunted the plaintiff to FARM ACCOUNTS the 3,lycr ros3do !lot hu~t the heart. in this melting world something brown n~al'!' to ~i s dismay, ha d fil e a second amended etition in had ~emaine.d solid, for presently found thIS ll'!lposslbl e. As da ylight the ca8e of Will' E Pt I Farm~rs in practically every lake! th('JtI wl:enever you suffer from . the gJrJ receIved a smart bump be- must not d Iscover t hem a hore Boa rd of Co t y r ~ .versus county ID the state afe planning to tween the shoulders. Twisti ng, she he had had n o alternative save t~ Th ufn J ommISSloners. . Neuriti H(!:ldachcs meet this winter to discuss sumta ke a conoe by fo rce. I e ca8~ ~ "mes S. · Bunne~1 Colds Neuralgta maries of farm accounts records {ound an unstable shape that Under cover of the ra in he had dv~rs~s Cdhll~tJhan Schanz, et al., 1$ Lumbago Sore ThrOilt intuition, rather t han sight, identih Ismlsse Wit out record k~pt during' the. past year. They , fled as a canoe. '. some ow mannged to sUl'prise, had In the case Jr. B. Ciingerman kheumatism Toothache ' will analyze their f arm businesses Olive sat her o.n the canoe, stead b~ und the guards a nd got uway etc., ve rsus Robe.l 't W T I t and search for leaks in farm inCHY in the nighL Coliel No ied her there, pointed. His hond Without untlarm. He had hoped comes. The' Miam' B 'ld' g e When your head adies-from any r.llUlIe for a1l1nn if eastoria AI seemed to fade into mothingness. to .prevent t ~ chas~ t h.us made · cer A~socia tion of Era ukr10 f /a~ cause-when a cold has settled in d g hondy. TI.iepllre ,·r.gtt.table prep .... He raised her own. arm so she tuhn, by .. cuttm r lgglllg on the is granted leave t:~ ~I~'ad e en an your joints, or yo u feel those deepUST a tasteless dOse of Phillips til':! b";JJIU quick comfort, and can could feel the direction. No need BC oonel, hu t, f o), I'ome r eason , ~__ • dov{Il pains of rh ell ~,j sm, sciatica, Milk of Magnesia in walcr. That n:l,"'!1' l' oll,'1n. 1l is the r.enaible th~ for Olive to thrust his f ace close had hUd to d~s i~t with little more New !iuib or lum bago, take B.l yer Aspirin and ~. IS an alkali, eRective yet harmle&s. It wh.!fJ ·:hiJdren 'lre ailing. Whetber it. to hers and make the sign of the than an lI'ou)' or so of delay enl~e ~l(ll1!aC", or the blUe howell; scar. It was the pursuing Burke. get rl'al rr licf. If the package says s ured. Gem City Life, Insurance Co. has been the standard antncid f'Jr c;)t:c or cOlllstipation; ' or diarrhea. She had just been struggling to On ~ deta il of Oliv("s pantomim e versus John S. Vlln Horne, et ai, 50 years. One spoonful will neutralize Ilayer, it's gen uine. And genuine at once many tImes ita volume in I\eid. Whe'J l\:Jy lO~u\lS afe coated, or thf free herself of the brown man yet explumcd perhalls why Burke had fol' money.· . Bayer Aspirin is safe. I t's the TifJht way, the quick, pletWlnt l>.t'i,tb is r.ad. Wbenever there's need now, when she saw that su~cess I trust~ d t he canOeS to .any !l'uarc1 H. Madden and AMie Mad. and efficient way to kill Itll the ".i g~~l\lJe J~lulati~Q. Ch.ildre~ love would have thrown her at ince in· I but ~I S own. He had been drinkin g uenW.vers AS;1iril! ill the trudc. nm:k of Bayf'.!' us S. E. Gustin for. money. excess acid. The stomach becorna5 ti'" ta~ie cl L;lslol'la, and lts mildneu to the ha nil s of the white, she was heav tly. . Flora He nde rso n versus Charles sweet, the pai.n departJl. You are nJ(\l1 L1f;J.ctlJ'~ cf Jr.unoac(: 'icacidestcr D1....l~ it. lillIe lor lrequeut UIe. aghast. For with Burke present .And so It . was ~ he respon ded C. H!,! nders? n for divorce, custody happy again in five minutes. of salicYiicacid. . Alld a more HbcraJ dOle of Caltom his timid creatures ceased to offer \\I' ~thk ' a crr when Olive . .at last, ? f U1 mor chIldren, alimony. Charge Don't depend on crude method .. is al'l{~y' ~ettl)r for growinM childreJJ any chance; it was ' again with c I~ mg hIS to ng-lie in ehagl'i n, JS g l'oss negl cc ~ E~Dloy the best way yet evolved in th~) at.."OIlS medicine meaDl ou.ly 101 Olive's clansmen she felt her hope pOlllted a~ t el' n . . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN al1 the years of searchinjl. That' is adult UK. . to lie. J>fo need for .he l' eyes to seek out Marriage .L;;OH' your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves Be lure Phillips Milk of MagDeaUl. But there was the leaf letter' a tmy someth lllg' agn illst t he Rky to Norria-Brock 00., live wire and Bel't Goddar d, salesman, of Leb to let the genuine. . She strove to muke Olive unde~. to know that th e L up e-a-Noa \Vu s progressiv~ firm f9r the highest anon, and Miss Frances Louise '. ~ "Milk or Magnesia" hu *n the stand they must go back. She come. market pnces and good service. ~~ Curey, secretary, of Lebanon. U. S. ReMistered Trade Mark of tlla pointed landward, gesticulated. (To ._h~ ~n~inueu) Stock Y.rd,' Cincinnati, O. Marion A. Monjar, ' factory Charles H. Philli Chemical Com Union in on Radio Station WOKY It was inevitable he should think worker, of Lovela nd, and Miss p~y and ita p~ec:eaIlOI Charles H Tune 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily she continued in resistance. He Sublcl'ibe ror the Miami Gazette Ma l'Y E velyn Hites man, Loveland. PlaillipaliDce 1875. market reports.
Did you forget to send the 1\" iami Gazette to some friend this Christmas? It is not to'o late now. Send a weekly letter' to them.
By St..,nley R. Osborn
acre~ I.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Results
I. .
FR.EE ..
.:r 69",6
Aches and
If ba bY ha 5
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Blasted Hopes 8EWARE OF M"tAnoNS
5% Farm . Loans · LONG OR SHORT TIIlII-m.q . t~l. Also SnrveylQIr anel Ab.tractlng. Write and I win .n . • ndvill~ee .you. Sam D. Henkle.. nea " ,Ohio. '. W11
FOR SALE-Good younc Jene; cows, sprlneers and fre .... J. L. MendenhalL , dBO FOR SALE-Two freah
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By M.... J ••• ie B. Tripp : Oh! ninetee n hundred nnd thirty.! Auron Freelan d return e'd borne onE!. . the first uf the. week from Miami We nre' glad to see you JrO I ,.You have ~ kilrn ed u ~ oul of all \V Valley Hospita l where he ha~ heen a surgica l patient . [01' , several hud, weekR. He is much improvc d in I And even our Christm as snow. I hea lth . . . You hav g:rnbb d lhe money we The 8choo.l present ed an attractive, had saved. hristmlI s .plny. "The , We ev n calnn ot geL thut; Magic StUI' of B t hlehem," at t he. . We can't buy coal, 0 1' pay our re nt Gym Wednel;day ev ning 011 Thurs You've swi ped it and left li S flat! day (,l1c h of th e t ea chel's enl c l'ta ined t he ir PUI)ils with a hri ~t My pnntll lue bal!gy anc! nil: worn milS PIll' ty . . M n:. AllIanda ,'tlll'" enlcl·ta incd out, III dinn q ' And so thil\ at th' knN'.' , h ri Rtmas ·D lIY i\1i ~scs That I cun fee l t he cn lcJ , cC)Jd wi n,l Mab 1 a nd Margar et . ' tUJ'l' of Blow 1I ~a l e t hl'oug-h my B. V. U's. Va)' t o n, 1\1 ... and l\Irs. Cha8. 11. Gray lin I Alice, Kalhll'c n, R ubel'l Th e uJl pers (If my , hoes 1111\\' > lip allci Wa ync GI'IlY · ~~"!'!"....--'-~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mi s~ Im oge ne Lewis wa:; ca lled ~!""!'~ High uP. upon m y le~~; -- - - -- - TRY - - ~~~ - - ,- T he s olc ~ "I' thcm have H,n!; h,· '1\ to hel' homc TlI e~t! a y even in!! by OUR CLASS IFIED COLUMNS FOIJ. SALE DATES CALL gO,n e t dea t h of her mOlh er. She has the FOR RESUL TS A long wilh t he 1 1t'c l ~ a nd p ' ~~. lir e cOlllfllU Will. Dusteorf substitu ntty .her Mrs. t cr! f()r in - -- - My soc k ~ arc worn, and :>0 bad ly the st:huolt 0 0 111 th e r emaind er t orn, of t hc week. J am out at h ci s and toes ; Mrs. ll . 1\1. F it., nnd .Jun e r~ lI e n Though I'd hettl' r t ell yo u, so of Wa.,hin gton C. II. WC I'C hol iday \'ou ' d kn ow g ue ~t " of Mr. alld l\Ir ~ . Fnllll, WilWh y ) do n It roll up l\1y hose ! so n. JESSE STANL EY Mr. m,d !III'. Hoy My ove rcoat is 'elll irel)' gone , fU lllily or Wulhou d ing »pent the 320, New Bu.lin. ton. 0 .. 10 AI1(1 I'm wearing an old st raw hat; holid ay scasu n wi th re lnt i\'ef; 11l'rc. SO I11C g uy's keep ing warm on my Lnl'en Bocrstl ·1' p'a s~(' d away EARL KOOGL ER mon ey , Wcdllc tIay eve lling, (ll owing n While I am hOJ1lc les: , lInr! bu st ed 10llg i ll nc 8~ of dia betes. Fun cral R. D. 6, X_i., Obi. fl al l ~e l'Vi('e " wc re hc'ld fr om t he !II. E . Phon. Dayton Co. 54J5 Church Sut urdny aftcl'Il uo n with I have ~ I ep t. in eVI'ry ki nd of jail intcrme nt· in Mia mi C' I1H?t pry. I Durillg nin et ee n lhil·t y·o ne : , MI'. an d MI':. J . C. (;ru y wcre Be forc day li g ht lh (',- break my dinner g ues ts of · MI'. llnd Mr~ . WOMEN: 1'f!S t <..' 113 ';. H. GI'U,' un d fUlllily Chri stA nd start mc On th ... run! mas ~\'eni n !!, . lII ,·. nn d lI!rs. Ch a s. E. Cordo n Oh ! nine tee n hun 'lrcd and thirty- ' an d fum il y cnterta ined MI:. a nd two. Mr~. Bob St ump Ch l'istmas Oil Y· Wha Lshou ld WOol 11 do to I;rep th e;1 r ulm o:t fear t o s·c YlJ U come; W OI'd Wll8 rece ) am ' 0 ufru'id oj' what yo u lllllY do. rl ay (I f th e dCllth oivf ed hcrc Sntur- bowt'l~ rn u\'illq fr~c l .,.? lI. dortol But hope you' ll do beller- so me ! hi s home in Lebano nJ.ames Gray at shoul:.! kn·;)\\' I he nnsw,;r. Th:1L is wh~ parll ~ y rllJl 1" 'I'~i n is so GIJ"d f,), lItr. an d Mrs. Charlo: Colli cl' WOI11 ~ Il, It j ll~ t s ll :l~ their dcli!'a l' were here from Texas for the holi- r,;'unislIl. Il i.~ th e prest:ri pliun of !Ill 4000 FARME RS VISIT I day senSOn with ihs grandm other. (Jhl r. I'Il i l )' (hc("r who h a~ Lrcn led Mr.·s. Anna Van Dore n and aunt, lh ol!~!l nd LIVES TOCK MARK ETS " 3 uf women patients , and who himaJc a ~peeill l study of bowe' 1\.I SS L aUI'll W ar d . I M d M ]J d f t u l'S. A bout 4000 farrncrs from 25 r. an I'S . :,owal' . ur~c e. roIt b finc for chi ldr"n, too. T hey countie s participat ~ d in Ol'g!lnized a nd ~o n spent ChrrHtm as Da y WIth love its tu.,Le. Let th em havc it ever> l ours to the termina l market s dur- re latI ves here. I time th('ir tongues arc eO:lted or lh ell ing thc pust year, suys C. W. MI'. and Mrs. W, M. Mathias I skin is sa llow. !Jr. Caldwel l's Syru p Ham mons. peciali: t in ma rketing and Don of Dayton were Sunday Pepsi n is madc from fresh laxative at the Ohio State Univers ity. g ucsts of Mrs. Amand a Starr. hcrbs, pure pepsin and oLher harm· Organiz ed tOlll'S, he s tates, were PHONE aP3 Our boys lost and g il'l :; won in 1t:SS ,illgredicll,lS. '. . co nduc ted by the countie s f or Lwo the basket balJ game with King\II hen you ve . ~ SIck hcadnch c reasons : to mak e a st ud y of the ma n on the hom e fiool' Tu esday cun't e:lt , are blltous or sluggish ' ' HARVE YSBUR C, OHIO and at Ihe trmes when you arc rno~1 mechan ic s a f opera t'Ions on th e evening . a~L to be f' onsti pnled. ta ke a lilli e 01 mlll'ket and to study the method s M Ch 1 S t ()f sale, Cl1l I d h lJloyed 0 11 th e t e rmina l rs. ar es. ~ar - 1 is famo u3 prescription ( 0 II dru! tel' qrace of Cln e.rnnatl~n(wer nug e en- .lo.~ keep it ready in bill bottles) market s by various compani es. te rtaJncd . on Chrlstm.ns by Mrs. nnd Yllu·11 !,n,?w why Dr.. Caldwc!\,: Mary Haines a nd falmly . Srru p Pt!pSlO IS the faVOrite laxativl .-.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dr. and Mrs. Og les bee s pent o over a ILiLlion women I . '( aiJ UU ChrUm a s Day with Revercn d .~. Ensle and fam ily of Monroe . • 0 • . W. B . CAL DW ELl'S Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright of FUNER AL DIREC TOR Da yton spent Sunday \vith Dr. and 'I 1'iI Mrs. Oglesbee. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO A Doctor's Fami/)' Laxali ve Dr. Tripp who has. been quite ill is some better at this wl'i ting. Mrs. Annie VanDo ren enterta in =~~~~~~~~~~=== Fully Equip ped for Good ed a small family party at her Service. house Chl'istm as Day, among them . .-----------~ was her grandson fr om Memphis, I Large Displa y Room. Te nn. , and Dr. and Mrs. Ward .
_-W---...oeI\-1Stautey &Koogler
'«()\) ~ ~
A UC t-
lon eer s
watch your
O\' \t\~ 'MO\\!. ""'~t\ . 40,0 00
~~\() ,;,,~\\ '~t\' . '6\\~\)C~~"\ "G
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\E\~"\,) "~ttt\"t~ \~ 1'\~ ~O\\.\O tUJ\\l.\.'t 60'0 t\~i \~
\)~\,.~t) . ,\~~~
TH E MIAMI GA ZET TE ISSUE D EVERY WEDN ESDAY D. L. CRANE Puhli.b er Suh.ui ptioa Prk., $1.50 .a Y.ar Ollie. Phon ....................... No. 1121 . al Po.'oRt c. at Way".~ullle, R..i_e. •............ ........... No. 1111 En'"." Ohio, ... S.cond CI.... Mall Metler DECEM BER 30, 1931 .
The Mot oriit s New Year 's Resolutions
It would be a sple ndid thing if all automo bile drivers would adopt a set of New Year's resoluti ons--n nd kecp them. A few suggest ions fol1ow: (1) I will make it a practic e' to drivc pruden tly and careful ly at all times. ' (2) ] will giVe due regard to the rights of othel's, who are as much entitled to t he u se of street and highwa ys as I am. , (3)' ] "(ill not bfl a road hog ••nor dri.ve on ttle wrong side of the road. cut corners or <lrive aj; high rates of speed when conditi ons are not favorab le. . (4) At all times' I will keep my lights, brakes, steerin g gear and horn in the best of couditi on. . (5) I will we wa:tchf ul to do my part to preven t an automo bile acciden t in 1932. . Many more suggeSltions will come readily to mind. Our annual toll of automo bile fatalitie .s is rapidly approac hing the 35,000 mark35,000 lives destroy ed becau se of negligence. and careles sness. The cure is up to the indivi.d ual drivel'. He must face and accept t he res pon sibility that is his when he takes the wheel of his ear, if this needles s waste of irreplla ceable lives is to be stopped.
Listening Public Regu lates Radi o
In an address before t he Advel't ising 'Club of Boston , John Elwood of the Nationa l Broadc ast.ing Compa ny, cast some light on the confusing problem of just what type of radio program is most desirab "We are frequen tly .asked by radio adverti sers just what le. is the best kind of radio progfll'm ," said Mr. Elwood . "I that I could answer that questio n :with one simpl e phrase. Therewish are people who like jazz. There are those who like educati onal program There are those who tune in Amos 'n' Andy and those who tune s. out .. It might seem that t here is little' to be gained by examin ationthem mail. If only a sma ll numbe r of letters were receive d, suchof audienc e would undoubted ly be t he case. But whtm the feeling <If the people is manifes ted by an outpou ring of expr essioll which amoun ts to a tqtal of three million letters in less t han one year-I believe we are more than logical in contend ing that we have receive d someth ing of a mandat e from a cross section of the Americ an people. " Th Ull, the listeni ng public, by demons tration its favor 01' disfavo r of p1'ogra~ can pretty well control what it is to listen to. It has all the advanta 'le over the broadca ster-a touch of the hand on the dial !lnd the oft'endi ng program is gone.
N. Brei."J .
PI.... .
J .
Or. No' Charge
Cen terv ille, Ohio ..... .. 7U. .
fiar veY lbur g Fert ilize r Compa~y
·!f won't f unci thai 'tr;iu thln ice
.. ---- --
We the under igned, allow no day or night hunting , trappin g or t respas ing on our farms: JOHN ADAMS Any land under FRANK LeMA Y'S supervi sion. . C. E. MICHE NER
--- .-----
Subscri be for The Miami Gazette
DR. RUDOLPH ' • Sight Specialist
J. E. McC lure
Ambu lance SerVice
T.leplao ne 7
80 Years Experie nce in Fitting and Making Glassel!
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Lebano n, Obio Tuesda y. Thunda y, Saturda " Examin ation Free LEBAN ON, OHIO
Nationa l B_k Will. Drawn • _ E.tat.. S.atl" WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO
Li ve Fi rm s Y ou Sh ou ld K no w
Lovely's Recr eatio n Parl or
---_.-- ---
Hew tt P..Mulford & Co.
- ---..
----. - _0- - -lin· Chirlie CSaU!
Far m lvig ht 1 alks , Jan aur v 4
". I"~ F. T. Ma rtin Dr. oh·D· Zetle Auc tion eer '
Miss Clara Ircnc J ordan, and brothel' , .J ohn , of Hyd e Park al'C spendin g the holida ys' wi th their grand mother , 1111's. athc1'ine J ordan and family. Donald McKay is a victim of the mumps . E. C. Mannon and family, of Wilmin gtqn, Miss Ethel Mann on, of Tippec anoe City, !lnd Bert Bogan of WelJma n ate Christm as dinner with the Davis famil y at WelJma n. Hugh Burket t, of Dayton , spe nt Christm a, with his aunt, Clara Conner and family at Hllrveysbu rg. J. V. Groft' and other s of Dayton, spent Sunday at his farm here. W. M. BUI'nell, sister, Miss Jose phine and a Mr. Chenow eth, callcd on K. E. Thomp son and family. Christm as mornin g. . Howard McKay, son, Robert, Herald McKay and family ate Christm lls dinner with J. B. McKay and family at Wilmin gton. Mrs. lIa McKay and so n Allcn, tak£.y·~ spent the week-e nd with her mother , Mrs. J ennie Hawort h and daught er, at Wilmin gton. ~hi~ onu, ' ot\;...l, Clyde Gordon . wife and baby of Dayton , snent the week-e nd with 1"; wet~~ Mrs. Gordon 's uncle and a unt, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore. Noah Moore is spendin g the .....,........holiday s with his sisters in MiddleJohn Slydel' and fami ly are spendin g their holiday s with their home fo'iks at Johnsvi lle. Miss Mayfre y Powell has return ed to her h6nle here after spendin!!, Christm as in Middle town. Walter Tibbals and sons. F orest and WiJliam , of Wellma n, spent Christm as Day with his daughte r, Mrs. Vera Rager at Clarksv ille. Mrs. Mabel F. Terry · of LebMenthe lated Couah Drop. anon, spent Christm a Day with Mentlhe lated Spud, her home folks here. Ci.aret te. Mrs. Nellie Bunnel1 I,Jnd daughVV A YNESV ILLE. OHIO ter, Miss Monima called on Glenn Davis and family Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Thomps on, spent ,. CirJ'istm a in Xenia.
Mixing a part of the dry mash with rnill< u ntil it is moi ~ te ned to a crumbl y state greatly increases the palatab ility of the poultry ration. Experim ents at the state univers ity with flocks of the same breed kept under exactly the same Th. 0_ s. U. Radio Statlon -WEA O con ditions and fed the same (D. S. Myer, Distric t Superv isor, Presidi ng) ration was fed wet in one case and 7:00 Fnrm Night Melody Makers in the other case a ll of the ration 7:06 Handlin g Heavy Soils .... .. .. .... ........ ...... .. ............ Richard ld was dry. showed an increas e in 7:20 Plowin g with a New Vision ........ ............. .... ........ .. ..... J. A.Bradfie Slipher product ion du r ing the year of 24 7:35 Ten Highlig htS , of 1931 Livesto ck Market ing .. .... .. .... J. M. Heizer eggs per bird. • __ Nationa Buying Co. 7 :50 Deliver ing Milk with a Postage Stamp .. .. ... .. l...Order D. S. Kochhe izer ANNU AL ELECT ION 8:06 Medicin al Value in Foods. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. ............ .... J. F, Lyman 8 :20 4-H Clubs Point to Better Dairy Fannin g ................ Earl McMun n Th' annual eleetion of the 8:35 The Specto r of Cen;tra lization ..... ,.. .. ...... ..... ........ " ." .. " .. " .. Ray Fife stockholders of the Waynev ille State Dept. of Vocatio nal Agricul tUre Nationa l Bank for the purpose of 8:50 A Summa ry of 1931 Statt! Highwa y Activit ies" ...... O. W. Merrill electing director :; for the ensuing State Highwa y Depart ment ycar Will be hcld at their banking 9 :'00 "Riding By." a Play by Hl\zel Baird" ...... The Neighb orly Players on Tuesda y , Januar y 12th, === === === === === ;:== === === === = rooms i 032, betwce n t he hours of 1 and 3 p. m. DIES AT DAUG HTER" S L. M. HENDE RSON, Cashier in Union county on 'Tuesda y night H~ME IN UNION COUNT Y The body was taken to the Os~---wald Funera l Home and funeral PUBLI C SALE Mrs. Rebecc a Mason •. 73. widow service s were held at the Oregoni a. of the late David Mason, of Ore- Church at 1 o'clock Saturda y VV~ne,d QY, January 6, 1932 gonia: passed away at the home of afterno on. Burial was made in Of h"rse$, mules, eows, hogs, her aaughte r. Mrs. John Strawn , Miami Cemete ry. ''''::-0 farm machin ery and lot ho usehold -=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~-'= goods. at Frencher , Farm, lh mile from Lebano nBnu on Waynes ville r oad. i
' J'
BO W EL S Dead Stock Wanted
--- .... LESS VVHEAT SOWN .. --- The acreage ' of winter wlieat ~~ ---
Phone 66
The adv ertis ers .in thes e col- ' umn s desire at this tim e to wish thei r frie nds and patrons a Hap py and Pro sper ous New Yea r.
Waynes ville. Ohio W. Deli"er
--. -
J. K. SPeN CER WASH ED SAND & GRAV EL Hardwo od Lumbe r at Lebano D. Ohio, furnish ed on Order Road and Concre te qravel Telepho ne 121 Lebaa.oe. Olalo
Waynesville Service Sta.
SINCL AIR PRODU CTS Soutb Main St. VVa,.n ...iIIe, O. Greasin g wit h Alamit e Air Gun Accesso ries al)d Anti·Fr eeze Cars Re-Doc oed . Free Parking Day or Night
Dispens e'rs of Refiner a Galolln e (all grades) . High Quality Oils and Greases , Mobil .n il Quaker State Oil. North Maia St" iat.r.e ctio. of "tat. Rout. 73 O. R. UNGLE SBY.
- ----- - --- -
v. M. ARMITAGE Expert Coua.e llor RE!prel snting INTER -SOUT HERN qFE INSt,JRANCE .CO. WAYN ESVIL LE. , OHIO
0" 0
'Uc_H d Rltal E.tata Brok.r aad Aact l_r . WAYN ESVIlL E, OHIO. Write or Phone -Jiolt Beuon -
erJ,J developed.
Smith's Service Station
sown: this fall, ac~ording to es· timates , is ' about 10.5 per cen~ less than in 1930 ·.a nd 11 per , c.ent under · the average for the last I' Si..tillfac:tql~ Service Iinee 1912 three yea1'S.
, The farm .well should be located on high' ,",ound , 800 teet from toilet .nd manure pile. and l)rop.
Coyle's Mea t Shop
.bla TeJ?lA
EVE RET T EARLY High Ifrade Coal and Coke, Hi· Lo! Cmdere lla. Dixie Gem. and Ki larney' Pocaho ntas, Ask , for deliver ed pricel!. . Grain. Coal, VVoo~ H.y. F ••ee Tile, Seed LYTLE . OHIO .DRY "CLEAN ING
Soft Wat erLa undr y RUG CLEAN ING-P RESSI NC PIaoa. 27',. wltalloD , Ohio
War-ef 9iiU. CoII_tl oll _,. aad
No Regrets When Propert y is ProperJ'y Insured
Ed S. Conklin Ins. Agcy. LEBAN ON, OHIO REAL ESTAT E,-INS URANC E Phones : Res. 53-Off ice 277 EARL J. COBUR N
-_. - - ----
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
Bangham.·Motor Co.
CHEVR OLET DEALE R Phoa. 326 Lebano n. Ohio
Lebano D, Ohio '. Phone 140 ' 'Your (Ford· Dealer ' - Gimuin e , Ford Produc ts W~EC~ING SERVI CI;
Open evening s till 8 :30 and all ,day Sunday .
Ihs. A~naa -amtt Chnstmas Day guest of Mrs. W. O. Raper.
Mr. Raymon • F. Elbon is 111 wltb lito mach Chrl. tmall at the trouble. -in Lehanon. L. r.1. Henderson w a buslne~s "'ieitor ill Lebanou, Tu esduy. I St. Illh' I was lhe j!:U Miss Maude! ll .. al'll~, of Day t un, H. GH I'do ll, i th' gU eJ;t of :{I·. a nd I I'.. ny . Mills. ft-. nnd l\frs. BClrnett Blltter. worth Hnd lr. Raymon Hatfield Mr. and l r'" L. H. Gordlln w re 'cu ll ed on Howat'd ook at Bethesnl'iRtlna . gues~ o( Mrs . .I!lmma H cja hospit.ul, Cincinn:ati, T.h ursday. Me lure. 'I'hey found him to be improving I'[Ipidly. 'l'hc cond ili of MrR. Burton Earnhart of Mt. H olly, is r eported --~-====~========= to b'c criticul.
Mr, and M1'& D. L . Crane spent Saar, C .. ........ , Christmas with E. C. ' Crane and f.amily, of Day to 1\. Total '
A New Year
Thomas Olark was the dinner: W. A. C. G F' T guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brad 6 0 doc k and family Christmas Day. Buerkle, f .... ,..... ...... 8 Turner, f . ......... ....... 8 0 6 ! . '2 0 M1'8. Laura Zell was the guest BurtOI1, f ," ... " ....... , .. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawl'ence Shep. 0 4. of Mr. il11d Mrs. 'Horace Zell, of Mainous, c . ... . .... 2 erd are an'louncitig tb,e arrival o~ 0 12 X e nia, ! r Christmas and the Rnmby, g ........... ,..,;,. G a on, Monday, Dec'mber 28. . 0 0 BerryhIll, " .. _, .,... ...... 0 week-end. A new leaf on a new <:al() 4. Watkins, g ,.......... , ...... 2 Mr. and Mr . Charles Lynch and Wm. Thompson . p nt the e nd!1r-~nd thOUghts are ok spent' Sunday MI'. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards end with relatives at Ro edalc, MJ;8. hnrles 0 34 al')d family entertajned on Christ- Total . ..>0............. ..... 17 wi th relatives at ovington, Ky. turned tol the new year. Ohio. mas Di\Y, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. B. By 9uarters: 1 2 3 4While 1031 "brought hardRus um, Miss Margaret Russum, W. A. C. n ' , .... 16 4 6 8- 84 Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert and , Bryan, Prend~rgast~ of .PittsOr. and Mrs. .Gail Ruooum and Fosters ..... ..1 .. .... 9 4. 2 4- 19 ship and ·' trials, it also burg, spent ChrIstmas with home children are spending a fe\v days folks, daughter s, 9f Dayton, Mrs. Emma with relatives at Mc omb, Ohi o. Miss Alice Gona was ihe gueRt taught ' valuable lessons. of Miss Lou ise ' m ith, of Dnyton, Barnett, Mr. E. V. Barnhart, of nd Mrs. Olto Sebol d, of Monday night ancl Tuesday. Cincinnati, Mrs. Ru t h Daugherty Mr. a Let us .face 1932 with reMr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis had AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION 1\1I·g. hulm I' Hecder I Ivas and Mise Stella Daughe rty. their family Ohristmas reunion Cincinnati, wel'e guests of Mr. newed ' humility and faith . and Mrs. W. O. Rap er, on Sunday i rs. E mmll Barn ett of in cin- broug ht hom in Brough's amChristmas Eve. "The Agricultu re Exte nsion prouati , has been th e guest of Mr. bulu n 'e Mr. and Mrs. M. A. C~l·nell enTo ul~ our friends we ,wish f l'om 1iumi Valley Mis Grace Pennington, of the .",nd MI·s. J . W. Edwards tId!; wecl, hospital T-hursdn y. tertained a family party on g ram for 19~2 shou ld aim t !l inMr. and Mrs. J . P. l"l'omm and a happy and prosperous :family spent Christmas with the Cincinnati Bible Seminary . \Vas Orville Phillips' s pent S unday Christmas with t he following pres- creaSE! the farmers n et income," the w ek-en d g uest uf Mi 's Lola Miss Lena Earnha r l is spendi ng wilh hi s cousins, Mr. und 1\hs. Will ent: M I'. and Mrs. Russell Stock- declared Geo. R. Eastwood,. state new yeaI'. f ormer's pare nts at Dayton. ears. sevcra l days wilh MI'. and 1rs. \v ill!.!!",; near Middletown. . till, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. W. su perviso r of county .agricultural E. Corn ell, MI'. and Mrs. H. A. a g 'nts ,before a conference of exhesl I' utJ el' nnd su n aL Lol'cM~. and Mrs. Forrest Hough and Bell e Scott., Evcl'ctt Eady M ril. J oan Carr entertai ned a lew la nd. Co rnell, Mr. lind Mrs. Ralph Miller tension workers at the Lebanon children visited Mr. and Mrs. Vern and duug-Illers, Misses Helen and a nd family , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hough and fanlily on Sunday. . friends a t a Chri t.mas tree party Hotel Tuesday. County -agents at her home, Wayn'e Villa, ThursMrs. Arabe lla Dinwidd i ig ({u lh, spen t Friday in incinnati. Sa li. bu r y and family. Mr. a nd MI·5 . . harles Clar k atfrom Bt·owl'), Clermont, Clintu n, afterntJon. day spe nding a few da y}; with her Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day and da ug htcl', Mr s. Tr uman WUI'J lo\\ , tended u fa mily di nne r Christmas son, of Catlettsburg, Ky., are t he Fnyette, Gr'e e ne, HamiltolL and lJllY a t Lhe home of Mr. anti Mrs. W. A. C' •. WIN TWO e ll you r sla ck to the Salis- a nd iu mily. Phone 7 g uests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. CleaWa rren Counties participated in EI IIH!I' Rogers at Wu.y nesville. bury'S through The Cra wford ver. GAMES WITH FOSTER ; the confe rence together with J. C. MI' . lIlnrg uret Johns wus enCommission Co., Union Stock Mr. an d M I'S. A. L. Kin g spcnt Waynesville, Ohio , Nell', Rllral Econom ics Spec ialist 'hl'istmas uud lhe we ek- nd in te rta in ed to Christmas dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Menden- Yal'ds, in Cincinnati. The . Foster Independents, cell~r and R. E. Cray, Poultry extension idl.l ey, the I('uest of MI'. und i\1r ~. t he home of MI'. and Mrs. Glenn hall -and Mra. E lla Martin spent J olins and chlldl'e n in Dayton chnmplOn s of th e Warren County specia list from O. S. U. In order i!i(!,!=';============~ After spending the holidays wilh Ii/ford Bmdck . Christmas Day with . r elatives in MI'. a nd 1rs. A llen Emrick Basketba!1 league" showed t~e to most effectively increase farm her mothe l', Mrs. Alice McK insey, Dayton. Miss Henrietta McKinsey left toMI'. and Ml's. Ma ynurd Wc ltz. s p 'Ilt hl'i st.mas Dny with MI'. and Waynesv ille A. C s. , and . their incomes, county agents will , give day to resume her school work at Miss Doris lI nwk (· and 'II'. Dea n M1'8 . Harry 'o l'n cll neul' FelTY. frl end!l.why they occupy their low special attention to those lines or ¥iss Joan Carr is spending the Ashtabula. . AII'll. Adda Miller of Co lumbu s ly POSILI On when they attempted to branches of f arming which bring Hawke we r e Wi lming tun " isiLUI'S holiday _ seaso n with friend s in an d MI'. Ilnd Mrs. Rolph Millel' p}uy two game.s on the local eourt the most revenue into the reSatu rduy nig hl. Pleasant Ridge, Ohio, and Southand sons of Dayton culled On Mrs . 1 uesday evening. The scores of s pective cOllnties. MI'. and Mrs. Orvill e J . Gray gate, Kentucky. "Wanen County 'farmers are the two g amcs :vere 73 to 7 and and daughtel' and Miss Pauline Mrs. Stokes Si lv(' r [Inti fa mily, Gcol'gianna Haines !' atul'dny. Mrs. Nellie Montgom ery and 31 to 19. both In favor of .W. A. getting several thousand dollars FOR SALE- Two Brown SwLs Bowman spent Sunday in Clarks- of Win ton Pl nec. Cincinnati, " e rt' Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud and ville, t he guests of Mr. and Mrs. gue ls of Mr. and II1r:l. Muuricc duu g htel' Miss Cleo of Dayton and C.• of course. · d30 . Ie xtra mone y each year because of bulls. Elm er Sheehan. Mr. Claude Stroud spent Christ- Jos. Wolfe. Not 8 whole lot can be sllld of the poultry extension work" said I::;. Anna Kenr ick ,~ nd daugh t er, Silve t·, on Sun da y. mall with Mr. and Mrs. H . H. Wads games. Several of th~ local MI'. Cray. who also ga.ve ~ost of ~ 1:5 Bertha of Wuynesvill , we r e ~h worth and family, at Pa sadena. O. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Peelle and Mr . . Mary Mc lurc and 1\11'8. \'Isitors at the home of Mr. an-d regulars were out, and Eddie Bu!'- the credit for this to C. F. Class ton and Wade .Turn~r took their the local agricultural agent. Acdaughter and Mr. and MI·s. W. B. Ida K I ey spent 'hrbtmu,; IJay }j r~ . \V ult er Kenrick, F riday. Saws filed by machinery, cut Squires were dinner guests of Mr. with MI'. untl Mr~. '.:. Me ' lure MI'. und Mrs. Ed Longacl'e , Mr. places. Each dlsplaYlllg much c;>f cordin g to Fedel'al census reports, cleaner, truer, faster. Also cross- and Mrs. Vern Hough and .fam il v und children, in Daylon . anti Mrs. le lvyn Swank and the. Iorm . that mad e them stars m the number of chickens on Warcut ea!"s, gummed, 25, per foot. on Saturday. • child "c n were six o'clock dinner t~e.lI· HI~h, School d~ys .. The I'en County farms has Increased Roy Pigott, ~t Madden's Lumber To Old' Friend. and New MI'. and MI·s. ElnlOl' hee hu n g ue b; Chri stmas of MI'. and Mrs VISitors dldn t score a pOint In the fr om 279,466 in 1919 to 846,709 Yard. first half of ~e first game, nn.d in 1929; and the egg sales have Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were call ed on th e lailer 's bro th 1' , Mr. Wilbert Swank in Dayton. J I am working On Autos at my Christmas dinnel' g uests of Mr. hester Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Graham en- Ed Ramby delibe ra t ely shot theIr increa sed from 938,394 dozen in rock tt, who ha be en • Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson and shop at home. New Woodwork Mrs. F . U. LeMay . . Mr. and to Ch ri slm~l s dinn e r, Mr. first basket for them. Burton 10 19 to 1,337,898 dozen in 1929. t ertained qui te ill , one day last we k. entertained at Christmas dinner Mrs Mrs. Otto LeMay and so n, put in Sedan or Coupe Tops; und Irs. Jam es Nash and sons of ~ged . twe}ve ~e lders and Berry- Better feeding , housing, culling, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall and who have s pent several months at hill, nme, III thIS game. and more intelligent poultry man- also, new Top Covers put on. 1\11'. George Le wis, of Dayton, ' anlleld, Ml·S. Susan Saylor, of family, Mr. and Mrs. Otho HenIf not convenient for you to The Mason Independents are agement as promoted through LeMay home here, will leave Mr. and Mrs. J OIIIi Gons joined Mr , Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. William derson, ' Miss Doris Henderson and scheduled to appear on .the local Poultr"y extension calendars nnd com e out, I . will . call for your y for their home in Alabama. and Mrs. F . B. He nde rso n and Cr eighton. . Mr. Boyd Henderson. car. Phone me at 6 :00 p. m. Several r elatives, including, Mr . floor. nexll Tuesday even mg. They cooperative farm records has in....-dtJ family at dinn er, un Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye en- Day. . and. M~s. E. A. Cha rleton, took nlso are members of the Warren creased the efficiency and net inNO SUNDAY WORK comes of poultrymen and farm ers tertained at dinner on Christmas theIr dmners and spont Christmas Cou nty League. The score: and Mrs. Ed Ha rtsock Day. Mr. FOSTER generally. At an average annual MI'. nn d Mrs. W. J. Baker, and Day with Mr'. nnd Mr,s. Sam Chal'le G F T price of twenty cents per dozen, and son, of Spring Valley, Mr. and Mr. Minnie Cook att cnded th e tOil, on Route 73. Th e latter who DEPENDABLE an increase of six eggs pel' bird Mrs. HarveY Rye and daug hter, funel'ul of MI·S. L ydin Wilker- has been ill for some time remains Leder. f ........... ............. 0 0 0 for all. Wurren County farmers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence RYe and son in Lebanon. ut uI'day 'a Ile r- quite poorly. EPAIRING Rhoadefl, f ..... ........ .. .. 1 0 2 amountmg to $346,709. Census children. Herman Smith and sister, Miss noon. Watches .f Rey nolds, If ................ 0 0 0 figures show 4"8 % increased egg New line of Waxed Paper., Nap" Velma, were Ch ri ,trons dinner Clock.s Gruber, c .................... 0 0 04 production from Warren County kia. and other !food. ju.t come ia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gons and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Th ornhill gues ts of Mr. and 1I1t~1. Clyde Whar Saur, Jewelry 0 c ...... ..... ..... ........ 2 daughter had as their Christmas and little daught.el·, Helen, of ~o n a nd fam ily. 0 0 !!'!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!~~!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!"'!"" dinner guests, Miss Alice Oglesbee Xenia, spe nt Chr i tlllas with W. iiss Sallie ' Smith was a week- White, g, ..... .......... ,...... 0 Store Open Evenings 01 Sprin g Valley, Mr. and Mrs. W. W e lch a nd daug hter, Miss e nd g uest at the home of Mrs. Munnich, g .... .. ............ 0 0 0 Hagler, g ' ....... .. ............. 0 0 0 Bell e Scott and fam ily. . Oglesbee Mr. and Mrs. Helen. CARY 'S JEWELRY Elias 1 1 Fred Gons and children, Misses MI'. and Mrs. Floyd Savage had W~iteneck. lr ..... ........... 0 SHOP Betty, Lida and Nettie Oglesbee Mr. Robert Davis, of Dayton, their dinner guel s ts Chri tmas Totals I uJ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... and Mr. George Oglesbee. 1 7 . .. .......... ...... .... .. 3 and MI'. and Mrs. Cal'l Frye spent Day, Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie, Mrs. Christmas aftern oon and eveni ng Leah Stro use and son and MI'. and W. A. C. with· Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coo le an d 1\11's. Truman Wardlow and daughG F T tc r of Waynesville. daughter, Miss Ruth. BUrton, f ...... ....... ... .. ..12 0 24 Th e condition of Mrs. Georgian- Ramby, f .. ....... ............ 6 1 11 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf a nd nn Hnines remains abollt the same. Turner, f ...... ........ ....... .4 0 8 Mrs. Elouise Thompson, of Cin- MI'. and Mrs. Fo'rest Graham and Mainous, f ..... ... ....... ..... 2 (j 4 cinnati, and Miss Sal'ah mith fa mily were ente)·tained to Christ Be rryhiH, c ................ 9 Throllgh a epe,c ial arrangement with the Eea!ey ' Mills. of 0 18 were Chdstmas g uests of ~1r. and mus dinner at 'the home of the Watkins, g .. ..... ........... 2 Morrow, we are in position to give. 0 latter's brother nnd wife; Mr. and Smith, g ..... , ............... .0 Mrs. George J. Smith. 0 0 Mrs. ~a lph Dyke in Dayton. Buerkle, g ·.... . .- .. .. .-.... 2 ... ,0 6 Mr. . and Mrs. Leo Brown, Mr. MI'. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and Mrs. Ray Hawke, and Mr. and of Dayton were week-end guests of Total ..... ....... ...... ........ 36 1 73 Mrs. E. Snyder, of Dayton, were Mt·. and Ml·S. Frank Robinson. ~u.hel I to, thank one and all who have By quarters : 1 2 3 and Mrs. W. O. Haines and 4Mr. vi itors at the h ome of Mr. and . childr en, R ober.t. Mildred and W. A. C. .......... 16 22 15 20-78 Mrs. J. C. Hawke, .On und ay. made my sale. the ,ucce,s they have This is a high grade flour and every sack is gunranteed. This lara, and Mr. andl Mrs. Jacob Fostel' ......... ....... O· 0 2 5- 7 is the same exchange which he is now giving at the mill. Mr. and Mrs . Elmer Sheehan Gabelman of Dayton, were dinner been in the past and wi,h everyone a and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheeh an gue ts Sunday at the home of Mr. FOSTER and son were guests of MI'. a nd a nd Mrs .. Walter Kenriclc. G F T Mrs. Ellis McClure of nellr Spring Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray 1 7 boro at a famil~ party Christmas motored from 'Knlamazoo, Mich., Leder, f ........................ 3 0 0 Eve . Thursday to their home here for Gruber, f .................... 0 f .................... 0 0 0 Christmas and entertained to Rhoades, 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. C. J . Egbel't of dinn~r that day, Mr. and Mrs. MUnnieh, c .................... 0 Phone 2S WayneavUle, Ohio 0 0 Xenia, ML·. and Mrs. Clifford Buker Marhn Dolan of CiJllcinnati. Mr. White, c ...... .. ...... ... .. ... 0 Whiteneck, g ....... , ........ 3 -0 6 of West of Mt. Holly, Mr. Fred and Mrs. George Gl;ay, ,Sr., and Osborn of. Dayton, spent Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Les Gray and son mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bobby, of near Ferry. Mr. and Baker. MI·s. Gray returned to Michigan Sunday, where he hall employment Mt·. and Mrs. Charles Mullinex, The H igh school baske t ball team left Tuesday f ol' Pike county, Donald Irons and son spent Christ where they will play n series of mas Day at the home of Mrs. Eva Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J games. The t eam will be th e glle s t.~ Horm ell at SprmgbQiro, and spent of Coach P yle at his home in t he even in!.' at the !home of Mr. Iron's fat her in Lel)llnon. Beaver, Pike co unty. Mrs. Ann L. Smith sumered a The W. F. M. S. of t he M. ~. stroke of paralysis last week, and Church will meet at th e home of was t aken to the home of her • < Mrs. Maurice Si lver, Wedn esday da ughter, Mrs. Allen Hardy in afternoon, Ja.l)uary G. Mrs. Hu rry Leban on. Mrs. Smith celebl'Qted Cowan, of J..ebsll on, will speak on her 87th birthday ori December 14 . . miss ipna ry wo)'k In China. MI'. lind Mrs. Stanle y Bailey enMr. and Mrs. J . Q. Gons entel'- te \'t~in ed to a. family dinner tained at Su nd ay night upper, MI' hrl stmas. The relatives present and M 1·S. J esse Harn cl' und were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Honkins daugh ter. Opal, and Mr. ).1 n c1, Mrs . a nd )f art1ily of Waynesville and II'win Harner, Of n ' UI' SPl'ir: g .. 1 r. and Mrs. Munay Hopkins of OilY ton. Valley. . It I. our hope that we ~k , and Mrs. Allen Emrick visMr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns and it ed Sunday afternoon with 'the may continue to aerve . daugh tel', of Clevcland MI'. a nd la ttel"s brother, Amos Hough aJld . Mrs. C. M. Robi t7,er ancl daughtCl' son at Harveysburg. you in t .h e futureMI'. and Mrs. Keiller Graham Miss Beatrice, MI' ~ . Am elia Wil · liams, and L. N. Pri nt z, spent a nd daughter Miss Bernice attendnot . however . wi.t hout Christmas Day with II'! 1'. and Mrs. ed a family dinner Christmas at the home of Mr. t and Mrs. C. W. J. D. Marlatt. thanki~g you for your Albright in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman Dr. and Mrs. John Paul Bolton, palt favora-'and P~U8' of Columbus. Mi s~ Wand a Clark, entertained friends from Cincinnati to a t urkey dinnclr ·Christmas of Miami Vall ey ho ~ pit!1l, Mr. 'ing to wish all a very Wolter Clark an d fn mil y were en- day. They were: Mr. :and Mh. tertained at Waverly Farm, the .John Klotz and son Jack, Mrs. hom e of MI'. and Mt·s. Rollo Bol- Ella Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Goosey. t on on Christmas Day. Mrs. Perry J. Thomas who has Mr. and Mrs. Th om a s Scott of been confined to her home with a neal' Leban on and Mr. Raymond Iight case of diphther'ia, is entirOlanneldrain Roofing is made ot ~OP-R-lOY, the Dunham and dau~ht er, Miss Re- ely recovered . .She wishes to • becca. of Kings Mills were Christ- thank the frie nds who so kindly ' Copper Alloyed Steel, and protected with a highly dumas Day gu est s of Mr. and Mrs. remembered her. 'w ith letters and nble coating of pure zinc. Patented lap construction Walter Sheehan and son, Mi s Re- ca.rds. Christmas 'd inner guests of Mrs. becca remaining for several days forms a channel that drains water from the roof. Mary Carmony weI',!) : Mr. and visit. Wilbur 'Clark of WayneSVille, Mr. PROSPER~US This protectlon is found only Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler and and Mrs. E. J. Carmony, Malian in Chauneldraiu and is your Mrs. Euphemia Hough, of Dayton, and Robert Ca~mony of Springentertained Christmas Day, Mr. field, Mr. and MilS. C. W. Younce assurancJ! 'of trouble-free roofand Mrs. RRlph Hou!lton and son fi nd child!:en, Betty and DorothYr ing .serv'ice. ~et us tell you of Spl'ing Valley, Mr. Allen Kib- Mr. and Mrs. Ever~tt Clark; Mr. ler, Mr. and Mre. Ed Hough, M:r. and Mrs. Paul Flory and Mr. and IIlQr:e abOut Cbanneid.ta~n. and Mrs. Clarence ~dwl\rds and l\frs. ,Claude ~iggs of Dayton. dallghter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Frank ROQinson narrowly es" .c aped death in Dayton Wednesday Kibler and daughter. evening ~ben be 'a nd two, men ,vho Mrs. Viola Cary entertained a worked with him, 'iere going llome family group on Chllistmas Day. A fr.om ' work. His · car skidded on struck at" ir.o~ deH-cious turkey dinn er was sere, slippery ved to the following: Mr. ' a nd M~s P!?J:lt. d '1:ar and tnLester Kenrick, Mr. a nd Mrs. Jured the two . they haq to Jam:e's Johns: MT. and Mrs. Ralph be tajc8!\ to the hoj~Pi1~\ I. Johns and family, Mr. and Mrs: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole Jilld son, Harvey, Mr. daughter of ana Mn. Ru ssell Campbell 'and Mrs· C_ W. , tJRugliter. Mr. and 1\ l·S. I. D. ville, Mr. ' Welch, Mrs, 'E arl MrMakin and and sons and lIOn Billy, Messrs Frank and Jesse OolumbuB, spent ' 'G'r almrn. Thcimaa. and Mrs. Kesler" Mr. and Mrs. Jame Lovely entllrtaihed about thirty relative ' at dinner, Ohlistmas Day.
- -
J. E. McClure
Late Classified Ads. NOTICE
.Happy and Prosperous
30 pound. of their Flo~r . for One of No.2 Wh'e at
Waynesville farmers he. Co.
New Year
f. T. M~RTIN, Auctioneer
To'OurPatroa• . anti Frlead. •
Pbone '14
Waynelville, Ohio
1 11 Eighty-Fifth Year
"LATEST NEWS DIRECT FROM oCAPITAL elve hundred making ' thirty-6ve been ol'dered by I. Bishop of t he , ·tor use in the of the new 1933 automobile tags, the colors of which will be a deep orange background with black numerals and lettering. The back wili be of colors of paints now on hand at the institution, a saving of several thousands of gallons of paints reo suiting. Only about one and threequnrt&r million sets of plates' will be made up, it being the intention 'o f Secretary of'State, Clarence J. Brown, to save every dollar possible for the state, in the several Xdivisions under his jurisdiction. • ''',Executive Secretary David C. Warner, of the State Water Conservation Board, has fitted up an on the third fi001' ot the Bouse 'Annex and is a busy plans which are to be promulglll.(ld by the board. ' Ohio is the between the River and Lake Erie, with many tributaries to both, capable of standard, navigation. Secretary Warner states there ·is need of a lltate-wide program of water con· servation which will guarantee a perpetual water supply for all ir. rieation, navigation, sanitittlon reo creation or water parks and the restol"8tion of our rapidly dimin· ishing water table or ground waters with controlled drainage. 'George White was Athletic Club a few to the newspaper the State House dish at the fes· venison, furnished S.P. DunklEi, execu· the Governor. The in his native down recent It that the affair
Where the Auto License ·Dollar Goes ,Nowadays . . . The revenue collected f or auto-. mobile licenses is distributed as follows: ' ',l'wenty·five per cent of all license fees paid by residents of a county and its muniCipalities, I'egardless of where such license plutes may be purchased, comes buck, mon t hly. The portion due the municipalities is paid out through the county auditor, and the remainder is retained in the county treasury, all to be used for the maintenance and repair of public roads and highways, and for no other purpose. Not to ex· ceed 50 % of such funds may be used for new construction. Five per cent of all license taxes collected goes into a fund to be divided equally among the 88 counties. Here is where the big counties help the smaller ones. This money also is used fat' 'r oad work. Forty·se"~n per cent of all taxes collected is for the use of the county in which the owner resides, for the highway purposes. Twenty·three per cent goes to the State into the state mainten· ance and repair fund. Under the new law, which includes the above provisioDl~, there is a section providing that in 1932 and 1933, the moneys received by a county under the five per cent and f orty. seven per cent alJottments, shall be distributed and paid into each of the several funds of the county including 'funds created by county levies for public library purposes, and into each of the several funds of each township, an amount which would have been pro duced by the taxes for county and township under tax levies of 1930 on motor vehicles household goods FISHING PLACES , FEW IN SOUTHERN OHIO
and furni hings, JJianos and musical instrum ents, moneys, stocks, bonds and certain classes oJ in· vestments. This docs n t include road levies of any nature. Following is the advance di stribution in Warren county: Butlerville, $9; Corwin , $23.82; Franklin, $18:18.52; Harveysb urg, $232.72 ; L ' banont $26 65.86; Loveland, $2.50; MalD evi ll e $115.36; Mason, $459.45; Morrow, $376.35 ; P leasant P lain, $49.37; S. Lebanon, $243.96; Srn'ingbo l'o, $195.16; Waynesv ill e, $346.25; County, $6621.15; County 47 '7<- , $24777.46; County 5'1<. , $6000.
Ask us about big photograph olfer. Barnard's. Mrs. S. D. Henkle was a Dayton visitor Monday. See the Salisbury's, W. P. and D. R., befol'e you sell your stock. - Call the Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co. for Old Hickory Smoking Salt. Mr. and MI·s. Myel' Hyman and family visited relatives in Spring Valley, Sunday. Mrs. Lydia Vandel'voort, of Lebanon, was a. busin ess visitor in W~ynesville, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden spent the week· end with relatives Following is a completl; list of at North Lewisburg, Ohio. Ohio streams in the Southern Ohio Mrs. Ralph Vance. hf Pleasant area, together with their status Plai~ spe nt Thursday with her under the new closing ord.i nance. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawkc Under this ruling a third of. the streams of Ohio will be closed Mrs. S. M. Roberts. of South each two years. These streams will is spending a few be closed for two·year.i periods Ch~rleston, days with C. E. Michener and only. until all the fishing waters family. have had their allotment of "rest." Mrs. Mary E. Robinson and Whitewater ............ .... .... ...... Open Mrs. Set:ena Kerrick, of Dayton, spent Sundo,y with Mrs. Fl ossie f th Big Miami, open to Champaign County only. Carey and family. o hae s Little Miami ........................ Open East Fork, open to WilliamsI Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderso n burg only. . and daughter o:f Dayton ' were Stonelick .... ........ .... ............ Closed guests of Dr. ~nd Mrs. C. W. Hen Ceasar's Creek ....... ,..... ..... Closed derson Sunday afternoon. .Fork .. .. ...... .. .. ............ Open Oak ......... .......... .. ....... Open Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of dian ..... .. .......... ........... Open Centerville, were guests of Mr. Creek .... .. .... ........ .. Open and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and grand· ........ .. ............. .. . Open daughter, Miss Ma),garet, on Tues· sh, open to Seaman day.
.. ... ... .... ,.. ........... Open _Creek .. ,.. . " ...... " .... Closed Brush .... .. .............. :. Closed . is planne~ to stock the closed streams this year. Under the two. also of others em· y,ear plan tl1e .fish planted this year county road work. will have a chance to spawn before iemr"etll1'Y of · State~ Brown, ,is be. the stl'eams are open again. commended for adopt· ~ IT>o"::Lti - ._-, 8)'st,em, NEW BANk OFFICIAL --~.-< ELECTED AT MEETING EARL J. CONNER DIES
F oIIow.n8' an Uiness of six months duration, Earl J. away ' this, Wednesday "lII,OI··'Rim,,, a~ his home on Third " ,
-----.. ..-----
Stockholders of the Waynesville National Ban~ h.eld their annual .. I . f d' t meeting for the ~ ect,on 0 , lrec.t~rs :'or the comlDg year at their bankmg rooms, Tuesday a~ernoon No change was made m the dh·ectorate. Reorganiption' was effected and the o~cers eleeted as follows: W. H. Allen, president; J. W. White, vice president; L. M. Henderson, cashier; R. Claude Riggs, assistant cashier. . The directol"8 are W. H. Allen, W. F. Clark, J. Q. Gons, Elias Oll:lesbee, J, B. Pence, and Walter Woods. . Mr. Riggs, the new assistant cashier is well and favorably known, having graduated from WaynesviUe . High School in the cla98 of '21. For six ye~ he was connected witli the N. C. R. Co., resigning h~ position with that company last spring, to enter the locau ban~ as general bookkeeper.
The following program has been arranged for ' the meeting · ot Fa~ers Grange, Saturday even· ing, J~nuary 16th. Muslc,:.. ,.... ... , ....... Sorig by Grange Brief review of 1991.. ..... .. ..... :.... ... , ' ... .Raymond Braddock, Master 1' ... u •• ,.. .... ........ . Leonard' Tlnney and . ' . ' Tolian Lawson Outline of Grange' work 'f or 1932 .. C. D. Crockett, 'Deputy Master Aims ~ pu.-pOleB of ,the Lect\1l'e. 1'!... ,.,~n'''' · 1 ' hour fot: '1982.' , Mual'c .. ,':..'. .... ;teonard 'rinney and . ' .' . T,olian Lawson cllarlre to ;R.osco FUrnas OVlIl'IU!er.
C. E. Michener was in Colum. bus Thursday and Friday of last week attending a series ' of lectures on poultry and stock feeding at the' O. S. U. This progl'8 m was ar. ranged by the poultry department of the university especialJy for feed dealers. T·h e best rations and feeding practices wel'e discussed, thus preparing those present . to better sel've their community in the 'm atter of supplying the most economical feeds.
Sheep and Wool .Growers Will Have Big Meeting Soon
FARM' BU JREAU PROGRAM SET FOR FEBRUARY 1-5' Ohio's f<ll'm bureau will ·tully far01 prubl<ml during the I resent ag ricu ltural. cl'isis wh n ollle 8 ,000 r,a1llltlrS IIttcml t he twon tit!th AnllUa l Farm e rs' t o ue held at tlle Ohio late nh'c ~': ity, FeurUlll'y 1 to
Whole Number 5996
~heep and wool grpwerH of WnrrOll co un ty and a ll farmers in" t el (J~ t('d in this pha c of livesto ck prod uction, nre invi le d lo atte nd n cou n ty wid me ' tin ~ to \>e held in F a rm Ihl l"au ofrice, L 'oanon, Thur da y e\'ening, January 21, at 7 :30. L. A. Ka tJfm an , shellp extens ion ~ p c cia1i t, Ohio Agricul . tuml ollege and .J. F. Walhr. secl'eta,'y of Ohi o Sheep alld Woo.1 Growers Association, anel pOSSIbly R. ~ . HaDlIll?nd. of t~ e State marl, tlng orgamzatlO n Wi ll · be present t~ discu ss various probl ems llerta llling to production and mark eting' of sheep, lambs and
lI'uol. T ~e me 'tin g is ucing arrang ed oy ounty Agl!nt '1 1I !:i~ who i:; sending an lIlvitalio n tu all fllrIn CI'S who repol'ted ~ h c (Jp f or laxa Lion la ~ t spring. 'Ja!:is s tat c ~ that ~ imiilll' mcelMid year examinations will be ing!; arc iJeing held in practically held Thursday and FI:iday of this all sheep and woul co unti es at week. First hacks will leaVe at which M es: l·ti . Ka ufman, W~, l kel' 2 :30 p. m. Second hacks at 3 :10 lind Hammond pul'ticipate Though p. m. on both Thursday and Fri5. sheep , l a l~lu :; . and wool. al'l! very ·day. l o \~ 111 ))l'Ice.J u ~ t II O W, yet they re • Topics in clude: 'l'he Farm qUlr., vct·y lillie l ~ bu r to off ' I' up. Brotherhood Sponlora Pep M_bft. Bureau in Publi c Affairs, The por tunl t lcs tu del'JYc cu nsidl! ru ble F 'd J 8 th , l'ev~l1ue from uur rOllg'h anu hilly , ~l 'I'I ~y, .anuar y ~ Fal'lll Bur au Progl'lIJ1l fol' ec tl ollS nnti otherwise waste Janu s S(loldtsmanshlP bl~therhA~d sp~n with vcry lit tle cll(lt:n ditul'c uf ; 're p~~ mee mg. t fra es 1032, T he Tux iluatio n, and time and mon ey," ,;a ys 'o un ty .1'01 ~ . 0 were presen . ve~y Organizing Am erican Agricul. AgenL Class, wh o plans tu uring Int~1 est,llI,g talk on Sportsmanship . up sev era l maltel's to incrt::l. e the was .p:es~ nte d .oy Mr. Crabbe. Mr. ture. Awar ds wi ll be made to income from ~hecp and urges all .Ho~~ leplcsent10g ~he gr~des gave sta nclard communities and counfarmers interc ted t o attend. -: short talk. ErwlD E lliS ga~e a MI'. Kaufman will di scu ~ s oreed I ~p o rt of the b~sketoall tOUI to ti es qu alify ing in 11l3 1. .ing, feeding, and diseu:;e a nd ~ Ike ounty. MI . Lo t~ gave a Some of th e speakers at the IJal'asitl! cu ntrol , and simila r (lro- j hOlt ~(!P talk. Th~ m mb ~r8 of duction problcms p l'ta ining to ~he V!ll sity .were called to the farm ou rNlu progl'am at thi s flock marragement. Mr. Walker t r o ~.t an~ gwen .Ina~vidual yells. farm cill. 'ic th e fil'st week in will touch upon world producti oll I DOllS Sa h~ bury \~as 10 charge of of heep and wool and discuss pos. II he very IlIterestllIg program. ~t F eoruary a r c: L. B. Palmer, sib le outlook an d price trends in Ilhe close eve rybody t ook part 10 PI' s id enl, 111· D. Lincoln, seCl'e,this industry, toge ther with princi- yells. tnl'Y, C, A. Dyer, leg!. Intive P P t d Big J anuary Sale continues at pLes of cooperative mUI·keting. Mr. IT ~ I. G. A. Store. Hammond wi.1I briefl~ outline t he , emperanc:e rogram 01 . po~. V. Gregory, Barnard' agent, umll . system u ed In breedmg and mar- , The Temperance program, whIch edilo r t he Pl'Oil'i e Pai·mer. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boerstler, of I eling ~vool s thr?u~h our state. Co· was orginally planned fo~ J~nuary Nonvood were Waynesville vis. loperatlve asso ciatIOn offers valuu· 15, has been postponed until Janitor Tu'esday I ble suggestions to county as- l uary 22, the reaso n being that on , . . sociations planning t o consign account of t he mumps and other Mrs .. Irvin Blair of New Bur. next spring. Local questions and iLlnes. es pupils will need addiIington, called o~ Waynesville probl~m s .will be gla dly con si.d e l'~d tlonal time fa I' review for exams, fl'iends on Wednesd ay . lAS t hiS WIll be t he onl y meeting In I also because of the fact that the , Warren co un ty this spring, all materials for temperance program MI'. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock en' j sheep .and wool grower. andrar· !llTived late from the State office. tel'tai ned the Jol!y Matron s and mel's IlIterest ed are urged to attheil' husbands, Thursday night. tend. Home Ec. Dept. We are getting along fine in this Send YOUI' st ock to The Craw· field of work .The grades are 6nish ford Commission Co., Union Stock FARMERS INSTITUTE ing their projects and are getting Yards Cincinnati, t hrough W. P. ready fol' the final plunge of the Salisbury & Son. AT CEN'T ERVILLE first semester tests. The High School girls have FRIENDS MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sta nsberry A state aid farmers' institute finished their sew ing project and Friends Meeting, Sunday. Jan. Miss Geneva Cauddill and Mr. will be held at Centerville, Ohio, are now studying Home Manage· Stansberry visited relatives and Care. They are very anxuary 17, Sunda y chool at 9 :30. Tom January 20 and 21. The state ment ious to start in the work for the Meeting for Worship at 10 :30. in Springfield, Sunday. speakers are: D. W. Galehouse, second semester which will be the Foster and Margaretta Hea.cock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vander. of Marshville, Ohio, and Mrs. food work. Special study in 'menus will be present. tudy Group at voort, announce the diets and food preparation will be Rriend s Home Friday evening at arrival ofof Columbus. a so n at a Columbus Martha Bradford, of Xenia, Ohio. stresse d. Th e laboratory work will 7:45. Slory hour at Meeting hou se hospital, The fo llowing subjects for the on Sunday, January 3. Saturday at :l p. m. five sessions will be in part as con ist in the preparation and serv ing of meals. Breakfast will be the follows: Saws filed by machinery, cut WAYNESVmLLE CHURCH OF cleaner, truer, faster. Also crOBS· Wednesday morning - Modern first project studied, then lunch· eons, dinners, buffet spreads, teas ~CHRIST cut saws, gummed, 25(. per foot. equipment fOI' lifQ, Mra. Bradford : (Undenominational) Roy Pigott, at Maddeit"s Lumber A message for OUI' boys and girls, and picnics. Mr. Gatehouse. Chester A. Williamson, Minister Yard. Wednesday afternoon _ Price W. H. S. Defeated Church SchMI at 0 :30 a. m, Fluctuations and their significance W. H. S. was defeated Friday " "The School t hat is different." to the far mer, Mr. Gatehouse: De· night, January 8 at Kings Mill~. Lord's Suppelr at conclu. ion. Chris· ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH J3ressed but well dressed, Mrs. 'rhe score ' was 15 to 21. The line· tian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Eliza· Rev. Fortman Dorthy Silcott, extension agent; up of the 'first team wall as follows beth Henry, Lead er. Evening First nn.d Third Sunday Mass at adjusting ourselves to present day Davis, f; Ellis, ' f; Savage, c; evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. 'm. Sermon subject "Playing the Fool' 8 :00 a' m. Second, Fourth and conditions, Mrs. Bradford. The Wallace, gj Turner, g. The players after winning at Prayer meeting and Bible Study Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10:30 a. m. schools will f urnish the music. Wednesday evening-Solo, ~s. Wakefield, Stockdale and Beaver each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. The church where you feel at home. ·WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Forrest Lemman; My commumty, were far too self confident and· Mr. Gatehousej Bolo, Cla~k Haines Kings Mills was too ·much for them G. C. Dibert, Pastor solQ,. Mrs. Lemmon j Milk Stool They were outplayed in every de. . partment but when Otterbein ST. MA,RYS CHURCH W e d nes day; Th e J r. Ch' olr WI'11 musIDgs, Mrs. Br~dford . Thurday mOl·mn.g MUSIC" Home comes here Friday, January Rev. J. J . Scheffer, Rector meet at the church immediately Second unda y after Epiphany after school. Bible study and school: Parent, chIld !l nd school, 15 they are going to play much January 17, Chul'ch school at lpl'ayer meeting at 7:00 p. m. This Mrs. ~radford; Fal'm !Dcome and better- we hope. We hope that . they have learned a , lesson since 9 :30; Morning Prayer and sermon week we will study the parable of far~ hfel Mr. Gatehouse. at 10 :30. . I" The Things ~ew and Old. II Reg- . '1 hu,Tsaa¥ afternoon- LegIS1a. their defeat and will not be so . ular choir practice at 7 :45 p. m. bve s.lde hghts, Mr. Gate~ous~: selfconfident. Adam Schantz; Lif~ In The second team won by a' score FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday: Sunday schoQI at 9;SO Tax'!tlOn, a. m. Morning worship at 10 :30. troPlc~, Mrs. Bradford. Readmgs c.f 20 to 17. (U n d enom i na t •lona1) Everett ' Miller was the star The sermon subject will be, The by MISS .Alpha Workman; report Chester A. Williamson. Minister Kingdom is Coming. Epworth of comnuttee; auction of. cakes player of this game along with Church School at 9 :30 a. m. League at 6 :30 p. m. with Ronald and the proceeds to be gIVen to Bernard and Gustin. . There is also a game with the Lord's Suppel' a nd sel'Dlon at Hardin as leader. The subject for the p.oOl'. . 10:30 a .m. Sermon subject, "Th~ tudy is "Disarmament as. a Way , Pnzes .";'111 be given <!n angelO. S. & S. O. Home, at Xenia, Lost Beat itude." You are always to World Peace." Evangelistic se1'- food, deVIl s food a!1d white ~ayer Saturday night, January 16.cakes ; also C01'n prizes for smgle Come on I everybody. Come, yell welcome at this church. vices at 7 :3~, p. m. ears. _ _ _ Friday we know they will play a good game. MOTHER'S CLUB HAS - - -, SPELLING CONTEST' y/. H. S. Offer. New Cour.. 10 H. ' • S. Studeftt. ' The regular monthly meeting The new course being offered to of the Wayne Town ship MotheI's High School students are Econ· Club was held at the Grade build· omic Geography for Juniors and ing Friday afternoon with Mrs. T. Seniors, and Commercial Law for B. Brannock pl·eBiding. Following Juniors and Seniors. a so ng by the Club a pleasill~ pro· 'A number of .the Juniors and gram was presented by pupJls of Seniors will enroll in the news the second grade . as follow s : writing class to receive i!1struC!Prayer Reba Surface, Ruth Bri. t !on ~ in jour~alism as well as aatian and Doris Fires. I Slst 10 ~ollectmg material for the Piano solo .... " Lois J ean Baker final"number qf.the ~chool paper, Reading .. Anna Marilyn Whitaker the,. PEPer, whl.ch Will be e~la~and Frances Joh.ns. . £',d !nto a speCial GraduatlonCornet sol o. " ...... Wiladin e Kurus 'icDlOr. number. . Song .... , . . My Lit.tle F'id~le ,.' JUDlors. and semors ~ill be Reading .. Marlon Smith ~ Iv~n , revle~ work cove~lDg the Drill vart~US s ubJec~ taken smce atReading Dorothy May lind Doris ~endlng school!n the ~owu Itrad~8 Fay Guy In. a home ~oom period whIch ~s Piano solo ........ Elb\abeth Davis Itemg t established for the second Reading .. ,..... .. ........ Tom Florence empes ehr. d h '11 Piano solo ... ..... . Reba Edwards • re~ men a':l . sOP. om ores !il . . be given trammg 10 practical Af.tel' the bUSiness session a business methods, during the sec. , spe llmg match afforded mudh ond semester . amusement. The contest ended In the upper grades an attempt when the w~rd "acetyle."e" pr~ved will be made to bring tile pupils to be too difficult for either Side. face to face with facts concerning Refreshments wel'e served by a life success in as well as out of committee compri ing M;esdames school. ' Henry Satterthwaite, Mabel Staup Louis F'il'e~, Ed Hopkins, Mrs. DISCUSSION GROUP MEETS , Hyman and_ E~r~ Hockett.
When the Visuul Telephone Arrive.
The Discussion group led by ,IONTHL Y BUSINESS MEETING Foster Heacock' held their 'first meetin", at Friends H6me on Fri· ' The monthly business meeting day night. 11he topic 'for the even. of the Christean Endeavor Society in~ was, "Christianity as ' Iriter• . , was held at the pal'80nage ' at 8 :00 preted by Friends!' '" o' clock January 7,. The meeting Quite a few ' were out, it was 'a .. was opened by the president, L tS yefY interestinlr a.n d helpfu}.meet- , ' .• ; ,. \ .. ' '.'. Penriington. Verdena 'Fox, read th~ 'g . 24th Psalm which was followed The next m~etlng wi1~ be beld ,at ' by sentence prayers. tHe (lame place neld Friday, Qlght • As there was no old business we at 7;80. All interestj!ti are C~l'mal. '. proceeded to ele,c t officel's , ,f or Iy invited to atien!!. . the coming, year. The result "l!-s - . . as fQll(jws : Pusiaent, ';' Jeanena Fox; Vice-'President, Et'l\est Wool· lard; SecretallY, .Verdena Fox'; . Treasurtlr, Betty Henr~. With no fqrther busine98' th\l meeting .~yas adjourned: ' • A pleasant /locia1 hour lollowed. Erma Seani George Killer .. Pr~ Cownittee Oc
Soon would this nlght.mare of \\'ind and sea b(> e nded. oon would she be liberated ftom tf\is r a ck 01 t ort ure. he could tbrow hel'Self down in nev !'-waking slumbe r, He r hond to) to'wnvd t he op n i ng of her dr s and her lingers clo cd , car les Iy, ovel' the handle oC t he knffe hidd n ther. For Oli,'c ha d 'PI'ven I't back. ' .. T he topmast of t he P igeon' of Noah appear d. Oli e snatehed down a il and mu t. ITe lus hed
'P l'obate <:ourt
recognizanc-e belne given in the Bum ,of $500 security to th apgroval ot the clerk, conditioned ~ecording to laws the exec.1j.tion of the sentence ill herein s uspended, The case of Mia~i Valley Building ~nd LQan ASllociation verSuB Blanche Forbes, et aI, W8Il dh!lmisscd. , I'll th e case of State of Ohio vel'sus Edward Bauer the defendan t was f ound guilty of posse 8ing .iht.oxicnting liquor alld wa. tine d $300 and coets. In the case of Alice Garrisoo vel'sus Arthur Garrison, ,e t nI, upon mo t ion of p.laintiff Guy GaynOlO is made party defendant to t hi s action and is hereby given leave to file answer. The demurrer of plaintiff t o the anljwer yf Patrick Gaynor was sustained, the an weI' is dismissed and the defendant is given leave to plead within 10 days. In the case of J. B. Clingerman, receiver for the Inter Cities Oil Co versus Robert W. Taylor, et al., J. B. Clingerman has died and James A. Meehan was appointed receiver and the action is to be revh'ed and proceed under the name of James A. Meehan, rce eiver for Inte l' Cities Oil Co. In the case of the Union Central Life Insurance Co. of Cincinnati versus Charles Franklin, et al sale ~ made by sheriff amounting t o $8000 ~\' ere approved and confirm ed by th e court. Ther e is due the plaintiff from the defendants the sum of 11,827.07 . After certai n accounts wer e settled $7,665.31\ \Va s puiu to the plaintiff which leuves a balance due of $4,161.73 whi ch the pJaintiff will recover from the defendant Carl Z. Garland with &% interest from December 21, 1931.
ales by W. Chester Maple, executor of state of 'W , F, Eltzroth, dec ased, wer e 'a pproved and conIh m d by th e cour t. and he is or:. d red t o $ettle all a ccount.'!. ILLUSTRATIONS, BY, HENRY JAY LEE Olive James, administntirx of them fl at. with a glance he a ured t he estate of Harlalll Whitacre, deCOPY1'jght by Charl es ' Scribner's Sons himself everyth ing aboard was se- ceMed, is to deliver certain stocks .............................., ., . , ....., . , . , ............, ....,.........:'......" .....:" ..."" "'" ..." .........,',..." ............,",......, .........., ........,,,......, cure. 'l'h n, puddle in hand , he to E li za beU1 Whi tacre Gra ce Veidt k t th . f . Fran ces Whitacr e and Oliv e Jam es CIIA PTER XIII. was t u.rning to J ohn Thu t:sto n with 'ep e rr era t to the holl ow of William E. Hazelti ne hel'etofore fata l dicision. the sea. IIppointed co-tru stee with Mose B "Now I- understand," he cried. " My deal'--mister," he said. But on, n cnmc ' th(' topm ast, Huzelt ine f or es tate of James T. "Of hill: I- know on ly one t hi ngs. "Tha t Ponape-he has catched the the top a ils, rising agaih st the sky Huzeltine has di ,d. Hoses B. Thi Ponap she is out of his pOOl' Miss Tree baCk a-ga in- very The gil'l gas ped in teITO I'. On ca me Haze lt ine shllil c ontinue as sllie sure. We got t he biJ'd let t r li nd t III! Sal'1 S , on and on, neal'er lin d t l'Ust e. 'I'he bond I . all .. o,f $20,000 was ha nds.' , "Thank God l" from T hursto n. t 1a1 r um the kanaka's chllnce. nearer, taller >llld more dctinitefou nd unrea sona ble .and exces!ve an d Mose B. Haze l.b ne shall give But Sak umoto exc laimed. " No, F or him to rea ch this fa r unhelped 1110re g l' atly to be III'euded. good. It i ba d Pon- even if nobody ma kes some chase, A nd t hen, in thi,; awful nlonlellt ' a lHln d as trustee m the sum of n o! It i"--not ape has "losed her beca use a k. uno ka wou Wld bef of a-Stoo much." without word of -warn ing Olive $~ 000 . O-lee-va y, has taken her- fo r hi mhere ore, akamoto, put a ll to sprung overhoal'll. Pa l myrt~ lItt 1'- ' 1~ I ~s made by J. O. Cartw~iJi:ht, self. " the wro ng by Olive's strategy of ed a wa il. Afte r a ll he had bra ved adm l lll~lrato l' of est a te of ':"Illiam Sa kamoto, in his cau. tious streng th and deviousness, t hre w to forsake her now '.' To see k hI'", P. Hay , deceased, we r e aPPl'oved the ~Okayama nOI·thwal'd und E nglish, went on to axpIam. A 8tl!am " foreve r out of. the fi eld of O\\ln safety in t1 i~ h t? o ! I t was~ 1111( I, co n fi rm e d .by th e court . lal'ge na ti ve craft had bea te n out "" un t hin kab le ! C, E . Wa rWick, executor of the a fte r t he Okuyoma, signalling ur- pursuit; never again to pass within And scarc ely ,the unworth y e~lllLe, is ordel'ed 'to se ll certain g entl y. Aboard was a n island sight of canoe or schooner; desert- thought, th un t he bl'ol\'n ma n"u stock at not less than the fixed 11 ing the g irl in that houl' whe n h " su m. f h" pastor with one 0 IS V1 ager s, white savage and brown c losed I'n and sh ot up, seized the outl'igge r upon whose feedi ng roosi--main- for possession of hel' bod " . gave one twiRL T he lI ext second uSlln Evans BrowlI1, executrix of ' olf' thel' r Pal n1\'ra \\' U~" ff OUllue .1 l'lng ' , h estu te of R, uni e Brown, decea stal'lled fo r t hesc ma n- o'~war hawks Palmyra's knowledge J In t e th e' ClIlIOQ cupSlzel. . I d, fil ed hcr fi rst and tinal acc ount. t he Line inslanders som etimes used course was so vag ue t hat she ha ·1 \I" •ltnr ~ , as a sort of carrier pigeon- a u With a stl'OJ; , tl h I Hur() ld M, Be nham and Marie ' d h d r hted w 'th not known whether they sa iled t he • d I'~ 1e savage reae e( Bon ham, adlllin istrato rs , of the st ray b 1/' . 11 a Ig I a Sunrise or the Sunset chain of th e ou. a n ca ug It hel' by Lhe hail'. As strange letter. Most imperati ve! Marshalls. a kitte n he ld ill its mother's tr.!e th t ate of Peter P. Ben ham, deceased Comma nder Sakam ot o spoke in t I \V I'th' fi led th eir inventory and a ppraiseTUgg e, Oli ve UnexI}ectedly dived. Ther e s he cell~~ cd t 0' sympu thy. " It is ve ry good t hing," was on plop of his toes at t he sur- a not her stro ll!: he .. captured th e ment. Boyd M. Compton, administrahe said, "the bird stop wrong place f ace and t hen sh e saw his out- ca noe, bottom up. He put his foot W i· h the letter, and spoil- the plan on tile ou tl"gt7 L'lt I th e IIUII tor of estate of Fann y M. Robin• reaching fingers clutch a ston e a t I '",er , I el This letter says afte r Po nape had the bottom. He bl'ought hl's f eet .so . t he l'n1pl'I'' 0 n (I n'il' esca pe d . son, deceased, fil ed his first and Wit h one a l'l l h b d ti nal ac ount. stole the high.chief lady, t he upon native, toled her a·gain f rom Pon- d own and moved, crouching, as I' f t he enn(le t l1 ' e ore b' olVn I . h Mnry Murry Bridge. was aphe were stooped on dry land, look, . ' 10 11' COlli m.e( we lg t, New Suita ape and , and now they . ." He ing for something lost. to .SInk It Dn(l co 11 t1'0i t ' pointed admini stra t rix of estate of I S mot·Ion. Fannie A. Lowther, executrix of g roped longer than usual f or the She -could see as \Uell as if ther e The "Other arm held t he gi rl, sub- Alexand er Murry, Sr., deceased, right expression. "And now they, wcra no water. Olive ' was mov ing mer"'CI! .. , so thllt S Il(! C I10 I,e d a n d a lld fil ed borid of e'i' 400 with Ed- estate of E. J. McVay, deceased , t hey contend f or her very big," he t o on e sl'de now, The g·r ea t clam foug ht for brcuth. ' mund L. Hawes and Ida Thomp- vcr 'us George McVay, et al asking went on with satisfaction. "O-lee- was lying immediately behind hi m, .On , on tlIe L llJ'le-a- N dil'ection of court as to will. on '1IlfI eetI had son Hawes a s sureties. vay's fl'i ends were to hurry with 't h 11 . d rk come, neurer un ci nearer- bu t not Emm a M. Keys, ex ec ut rix by her H enry Loy, et al versus Valley many·y boat and arms, Ponape I s uppel; s e ra1~e I e a t rap. too neu r. ul'een i n~ unde r its admi nistra tJ;x of the estate of J. Packing Company, judgment in being strong man, to cert.nin in· She was momen tarily un CUllY, t hen spread o f sail it hurl b n t1l1 bcli ev Mil to n Keys, deceased, filed her the s um of $284.51. land- and save him there so he I laughed. a bl y cl ose and Lh n, al l un kllow- fi rst and final account. . shall, shall get away nice- with . S~ddenly, before she .could rea- ing, hud fl ow n a way. Ponop e I In t he case of George ·H., Smith, Marriale Licenaea her for himself," hze 1t a~ she looked plaCidly on, he Burke, with his bin oculars, ha d e xec utO t· of estate of Elizabeth James "E. Reeve, laborer of • • • had shifted , stepped backward s. g lored stl'a iJ,1'ht over the m in his Thompson, deceased ~ versus Frank 'Palmyra'S impulse on sighting the trap snapped shut across his scru t iny of t he 1I1 0l'e e1 i 'ta nt seu. Thompson, e~ ai, th.e defendlln~ Frunklin and Miss Nellie Peters of this seeking ship- for it was the f oot. He pJaced th ~ Irh'l's hund s on The Waynesville NatlOnal.B,\nk 19 South Lebanon. Okayama- was to Whirl around . Instantly, t he brown b ody was ~h e now buoya n t canoe , I'Ltl/ m ed g ranted leave to pll~ad wlthln 20 and shout the joyful fact. In this contorted, A gush of bubbles- Its $tea l', li fted himself up a nd ill days. Real Eatate TraDafen moment all her new aversion for silver globul es streaming upwar d H e ha d stooped fo r the more d i m~ In .th e matter of the adoption of Thomas Miltenberger to Eva the br own man was forgotten. But from his frantic cry. The 'g irl ut- cu lt fea t of ha uli ng Pa lmyra Barn,et !"arl!,!tt t.he hearmg and Roberts, et al. Real estate in as sbe moved, the words froze tered a shri'e k, cove red her eyes. aboard when, sLartling ly, he let examina tIOn IS adJo u m ed to Janu. Franklin township. upon her Ups. They two, by this Why, why ha<J she not warn ed go h i. hold wi th a gu t tel'a l cry. ary 8, 193 2 . . , . / Edwin S, Furnas, deceased, to intervention, were no longer him! she'd known the dange l'. . he t urn ed fr ighte ned eyes five r J, O. Cartwnght,, a.dmlnlstratol' Hal'riet E . Furnas, et al. 210.80 'friends. From the steamer Olive But, as the girl lay, shudd erin g he r :;hould er , then screamed. For of t he e tate of .Wllham P. Hay, acres in Wayne township. would fly almost as quickly as sometbinJ.! wet touched her a rm. ~ h cre, cut ti ng th c sUI"fllce, a little dcceu ed, fil ed hiS Ihst and final Harriet E. Furnas, et aI, to Eli f rom' the Pigeon of Noah: .Recoiling with a gasp, she f ound Jet of pray ri!ling f rom its edge ' account. , K. Furnas. 210.80 acres in Wayne " ~board the Imperial Japanese herself looking into the dripping WDS a noth er ~ai l-th e dreadfui Jonathan M.. Coo~" executor of township. Gunboat . Okayama as it passed face of the brown mon, which la teen of a !!har k ! e,state of . Mal'la Cook, deceased, Carl and Caroline Schaub to '"thin aim's reach of the dis~ract- miled pleasantly. . The man-eater was ulmost upon filed th e eighth accollillt with vouch Domenico Meale. Real estate in ea ~l'l and then steamed on, was ' When she reopened her eyes she her. Fran tic, she t Urned her eyes el's for settlement. . Loveland. the I\hip's company of the wrecked knew that she had fain ted. t o ·Olive. There he stood, fO I' the Ella T. Stanley, e)tecutrlx of esVirgil R. Groves and Marie Yach.t Rainbow. Gathered on the She looked at this crea t ure awed fir t t im e at fa ul t. His hand wi th tate of George W. St:anley, deceas- Groves to Catherine Ritz. 1nlot cicek were all ,:"ho. best had loved He was alive, seemingly unharmed lig htning in ·t inct, had tl own t o t he ed, fil ed he r first and final a<:count. Nos. 5 and 6 in Franklin. Palmyra -Tree m hfe. B~t thoug:h rather pleased with himself and sheat h. of his belt, I oull d it empty. L: M, He.nd~rs~n. guardmn of John Long and Maggie Long to t~e.8e swept t~e sea w~th theu. her astopishment. The g Irl saw thu t in t hro wing his , ~al'Y E . Ellis, mcompentent, filed Charles Cleaver. Inlot No. 39 in bll!oculars u!ltll eyes could stand He drew the knife she had g iven knife away, she h~d mad e he r own hIS fourth and final account. Franklin. no more! none e.ver knew. . him and with a gesture or two death mo re certa in. . Hargin Reynolds to Thelma M. Even as the gIrl made piteous at made all plain. Olive had thrust Bu t, in stantly no w, the savage Common PIe .. Proceed.Dla Clevenger. Inlot No. 806 in Franktempt to cas~ a mirror's ray across the blade 1n between the valv es of rallied .. Onlr for a . econd lid In th e case of State of Ohio lin. the gulf, Commander' Sakamoto the clam's armor and severed the pm·aly zlnJ.! dlscovCl'y unnerve him . versus Albert S. Westover upon John L. Anderson and Susan An muscles that snapped these to- T.he. shar k ha d a ll but seized its gether. victim . A mom ent a nd oction Hnving e.x plained, he rescued would b!! too lllte. But in that the cocoanut shell, which was bobb flash of tIm e th e man leaped land. ing away on the water, ' and pre,.: cd with hi~ fe et upon the ~hark's pared · to dive anew. When she back. Th e I.mpact threw t he monunderstood, the gi~1 cried out in st er into bri ef panic. Sh e ~o re at her dress ; thrust out ,protest. "Oh, don't, don't try again. I, I cannot bear it !" the knife. He snatched it: dived. He divined her meaning, grim ec Ju st as the man-eater made to ed baCk reassuringly. A moment seize its prey, Olive dropped below later he was once more crouching the surface, The heavy fish had no holding to the lava fioor. c~ance to stop. As it swept over The ftc.kle appetitE!s of the rats But, as so often is the case, For an interval the bubbles hl~ head the ~avn~e thrust upward in Fremont, 0., are making Pied <:ame flYl.·ng up. Then the man fol· WIth the kmie In a lunge that "Pipers , out of linemen for The greediness caused their downfall. Before their feast had been comlowed. He placed the shell in the reac~ed t<! the heart. canoe, lifted himself aboard, Olive did not waste time over Ohio Bell Telephone Company. pleted, the cable snapped, cuttine group of t:le more enterpris!\carcely listed the frail craft froll'\ adventure of the shark. He had off service for 50 Fremont teleIng blembers of the Fremont rat an' even keel. , d sh~rks befor e. The girl, still dizzy with shock, ThroWing . the can oe into its f amily, tiring of the customary phone subscribers and carrying sat and stared at the coc'o anut course, he ~all e d On fo r t he Island. l'odent dict of cheese, stale bread word of the raid to ~lephone line'b ottle that had brought tragedy For a,: mte rval the.~ went on, "nd 'o ther household "delicacies" men. eVIdent that salvager! from pantry raids, set so near. Olive, amused, presently before It became picked it up and offered it. When Ponape Burke had mad e them out. out to find new items for their Presently th e schoonel' was sho daily bill of fure. sbe did not respond he raise d the shell above 'his m~uth, tilted it close Pa l?1yra c~uld make out ~o. Then Isearch until the contents spurted out-- nape B!ll ke .on Its deck, covering Throughout the and drank. ~h en With hIS glasses. . Palmyra laughed hysterically. , The r eef wa ll was now so Imme- .;ampling thiq a o He had filled the thing ot the bot- du~t,el~ at hand she could see that without arl'iving at a successful tom of ,the, ocean. a hundred f eet thiS T Im, by reason of .the coral solution of their gu statory prob, from land. Yet now he drank. broken off and packed dOWn bf the lems. But these pi,oneers in the She took the sphere when he ofpie o! t,he surf, was hlg;hel' neld of ellibles welte not easily .'E xcEss acid is,th~ common CU",,:se fered it again and tested experi- than the l est of the reef behmd, lia unted, At cach failure they ', of indig~U()D. It ,n;"ulls in painll:..:! mentally: sweet, fresh water clear the s.uriace ?r r eef.table, which (ollti nued tlleil' effo:rts with new aOlUness about two hollI1t lifter ts.t- (old as from a spring. outst! et~)1 e~ . IIllan~ to ,th.e beach. 'li!Lcrm inntion until onll day while « .ing. The quick corrective is an atlWi The girl drank deeply. Then, The barllel ...~as aIm.oreill,n brow!l :,:tpb~'i nr:: f :!l' b ~ low the Clll'th's which neutra1iv..s acid. The hco.t hQlding the shell UPOn he r knees, knobs of lIvln~ COl al! With their corrective is PhlIJi)Js Milk of MJ4- she sat for a long time, looking to~thed fH~ es like, a gIant nutmeg " ~; i ' f .lC _, t!wy c:l:ne across a telent..sia. II hIS remaulCIi standlU'd ~ith covertly at this brown being, gl?ter agamst w~l ch th~ sea could :' ~~~ n "! cr~ :,) l c . 1)('\,.0 11 I' Juicy Currer.t s pbywiciana in the 50 yeats 5ince itl He had all but given life itself grind th e canoe In to splmters: . mvmtibD. . \Vi .]; - il l l!esit:l tiol1, the lcader that she might hav~ the water ' she (To be continued) f·f t1l" raU ~ 1'3 se:tk his teeth into ., Oue s;poonful. of Phillips Mills:, ot craved. M.aeLea1ll neutnWzcs instanUy L'lSt:.y L!';) o::olc, 'I h e .. ::sults wore moat And he would have given life ittimes ita vohuoe in add. UlI1uJeas, self had ' she taken his knife 'and !:It :: ~y i n:!. ' T lii>! j uicy piece de Large New.paper CollectioD and ~Ieless, and yet its Itetk.. ill not granted her own. ~'('::1 ~ : .nc. , ch tJ c1. ~d full of cUl'l'entz ' Whlll t ~ SlIlll IH be the lurgesl quick. You wilI uevCl' rely on CI'N;e He would be- dead! t ::J ~I, : :W '!' YI iLit m.... ~t.:t conv« '!mmet.hoda, once you lc:arn how quicl.Jy The bl'own man pointed to the coll ecllon of newspnll rs In the ,;011, . \'/l: _ . ~ t til:, tl1 :;:l ~ to pcp up Equipped , wit.h RHers; splicing t.hU method acts: b en opt:III!c1 10 the pub· world hns sand in the canoe-an island. Then , i ! t! ~ ~; a.' ;IN ito!{. E nthu siastic tools and ,50 feet of new !;4ble, the ~ lure to wt the f,fIlWne. "Milt. he extended his arm; the island IIc In n newspnper JJ\1I ~e llm at All!' t.', <I, ;!()v:'l'l', t::e Id n:! 1'0- telephone men charged the strongof MagDeIia">-ltaa ~n the U. ~ was located, there ahead and some la ·Chnpeli e. OI~ I ' lnnll .". Among It!' .: ;) ~ R.te.'-ed Trade Mark of the where, ·unseen, to starboard, Then coll ecll nn of HiO,Ono newspnpers ' " II ~ ~:- ; . :: I L: :~ 17 0 1' J to a ll 0 : hi:: I', o~ d of the pillagers and- after a Cbirlea J:L Pb~emielll Corn- he flattened out his palm horizon- nre ('11 rl,,~!l1 1'1'; fl'll", nil over lhp il' iu: :.: nn:! wit .in fJ !lh a.J,t ,timt' nin-ht oJ labor, repaired ~he dam1\' 0 1'111 . Irldllfll li;: IIIJ I~!\ ld mo rnper , r, .' .'!:' J u: L·::t. · \'/~!' ~ lJ:lfl: ty (.;n:-.'.v- age!) bl'ought about by the rodenta' , ~ud-= 1875; t Charlu It tally, laid, his cheek upon it, shut fro III Ihl' 11\ 111<11 1' .. I " 'SI l'cntllry. his e'yes and began to snore. \1:: :.It l!l C cahl(', f ~s tivitics,
By Stanley R. OsbQrn
Army ~f Rats Feasts O~ Talking Currents
Can be had by ___ u8ing the Miami Gazette for' your ad vertising nee,!ls
derson to Charles A. Hill. 66 ,65 aCI'es in Harlan township. Chul'les A. Hill to W. H. WhitIIc!'e. 66,65 acres in Hllrlan t ownship. . Rachel E. Dugan, et al to Linnie Weider. Inlots Nos. 07 and 68 in Spl·ing boro. Billa Allowed
Mrs. Erma Hibnar, services, $10; Mrs, Maybell Jeffe ry, services, $7; Mrs. Mary Ennis, services, $10; Dayton Stencil Works Co. supplies $3.08; E. B. Murrell, ' Treasurer s~mps, $3; Lebanon Lumber Co., glass, putty and sawdust, $4.29 ; J. ;Fisher, drayage, $ 1; Phillips Ribbon and Carbon Co,. carbon , $4; Lyle Blank Book Co., supplies, $32.50 i Holthaus Transportation Co',. express; 70c; Lebanon Patriot advertising, $8.60; Western Star, advertising, ,$8.60; Mrs. 0 , Hollingsworth, food for Potton childl'en, $6.23; Mrs. Dora Chilton, compensation and damages, $25; Blain & LeRoy, gravel, rock·dust und chips, $492.90; llarry Hill, 10 gasoline books, $88,90; W. H. McHenry, supplies and gas, $11.92; Bell Press, I'oad t ime card s, $7 .5Q; L. I. Pence, radiator repair work, $4.
-- ------
The big league .baseball manage r s are now trading players but up to this time they haven't ha~ to trade any of 'em for food.
.. ..-------
After reading the uccolUlts of the Senate investigation and learning the a'mount of money the Germans got out of our bank\!r s the average American is prone to exclaim : "How do th ey do it?"
CHILDREN CRY FOR 11CHIJ.~REN hate to take medicine
as a rule. but every thild )o\,es the taste of Castoria . .And this pure vegetable preparation is jl13t as good as it tastes; just as bland and juat as barmless as the recipe reada. When Baby's cry warns of coli, ;' a few drops of Ca:storia ' has hiul soothed, asleep again in a jifJy, Nothing is more valuable in diarrbea, When coaled tongue or bad breath tell 01 constipation, invoke ita aid to cleanse and regulate bowels. In colds or childl"''''''s ~ you should use it to keep the system Crom clogging. Castoria is sold ia every drugstore; the gcnuine always' bears Cbu. H, Fletcher's signature. '
The Japanese are out " chasing bandits" again which mean s that they need a few more Chinese cities.
CHARTER NO. 11817 Reserve District No, •
Report of condition of the Harveysburg National Bank, of Harveysburg, in the State of Ohio, at the close of businells, on December 31, 1931. . R&SOORCES Lonna and dl ' counts ... . . ' 5.,63 7.9 1 Ove rdrafts ...... . ....... 23 7. 12 United States Government s~urltlell owooed....... 3,71 6.63 Other bond., .tocklJ an4. securities owned.... .. .. 25,0 33.9 0 Banking HOulle ..... 5950 Furniture and fixtures" ....... , ... 6200 Real .. tate 'Owned other than banking house .•.• Reurve with Federal Reaerve Bank ......•.. CalJh and due from banks Out. Ide checka and olit!' ... cash Item ....... . .... .. Other Assets ••• " •••..••
Total .. .............. '1 09 , 1.,IA BJiI.ITIES Capital ato ck paid In " •• ,
Surplu• . , . . .........•..
Undivided prof\ta-net . •. Demand Dep.oalU ••• , ... .. 'l'Ilme deposits .. .... .. • .. BI1I8 payable and reo dls<:ounta •.•..•..... . • ,
Total ..... , ••• " .. , , State ot OhIo, Cou'nty I, H, S. Tucker!. above-named ban •• ~~d~.~~lor.:.n!~~; . .wear that the above •••• " ..... u. true to the be.t of my IUllo1ll'le:la-. and beUer.
8. TUCKER, Cubl.
Subllcrlbed ..,nd .worn to before
me this 12 dav of :January, 1932.
Mary 'B yrerd• .Notary PubliC. Correct-AUe.t: C. D. COOK A. 8. COLLETT C. J!l.. LIllVICY
--- .. - .. - - -
Only ,$ 1.00 lor ",0
~. \ I~
-'-~: i
When th~ Via~al Telephone A1'rivea
3t~~~~IIf\hr."f~~~.e " la~o 0100""" , 8tOOl a.....ftii. b~cJ 10 .Ilmped to t1~ Mild ; Clt a~ ~ er ' 11t h It!lltb;P' al1D~t :,,
'I,. !s 1:':1110 1# u" ""bAt 1'0\1 \ 11 0: 11 lor hJllltlllJl, Illtilol
~~ll ~:,tll~~~I:-d eool_1 "It~ i l.00 bill. MIIII ~oW'.
Gnier to-4a, \0
4. !='ISHING fronelt Bldg. ,
B08ton, Mil...
============~==========~~~=== ==-=~===~--==~============~=========~===--======~=====
""010-_ .. ,, "..
r "t",llleDl!Jou
My darling! when J am a handful of dust, PIao.........~ ..... :~ ..... ~;~~i.!': 1~·h.criPtJOD P~1ce, 1 •• 150 • Year And ha.ve been laid a' ay in the damp grave to rust; Enl.r." ." Po.'ottie . . . I W..;yn •••III.' ........................No. II. 0"/0 .... Secon" CI••• M .. 11 M.'fer Will you flll the long empty nig ht with your sighs As you think of my g rav JANUARY: 13, 1992 neath the cold 'skies ? Will you come no w and then, and spend there an hour? Will you plant on my grave, ju t one little flow er? 'P",D"_.Tn'l·ty-two may be a critical yea'r in the history of. the Will you water it, dea r, \vith yOUT sweet pearly tea l's ? than two years We have endured one of the most sevel'e You whom I had to le a~'e , you ~ r.erul deprellsions o'f all time- in company with the deare ~ t of dears ! of the world. Thel'e is no magic remedy for curing no more in this world will soon our problems 'o,:i11 be so lved. largely, Is up to Though my Heart ever beat, and as memb er s of a complicated society. But the. love of my oul for you. danger of a depression is that we may lose our heads be just a s swe et; mob hyste1'in may take place of reason. We may try to And there will b times, when my sou l shall de ' cendic law with panaceas. Already many such efforts are You will know I am \\ ith you, yo ur e new Congress. before it has compreted its session, lover and . friend. with suggestions for relieving the unemployed with issues ; for he lping the farmer with govel'nmental sub- And so metim es pcrh a ps, you will heal' my voice call, '~"" .... n lQ Ilt price-fixation; for helping the small business at I will come for you dearest at of the large one; fOI' helping the poor and those of moderlife's eve n , ..II; by ovel'taxing the wealthy. . In God's kingdom therc , we will be over-set. such pr posals may be made in good faith, most of t hem are on misconceptions. . . No love sweet as ours, will he eve\' Corget. .... - - P"nQ"""ity will return as the resul t of stimulated employment. buying, stimu lated trade. commerce ond 'building. We connr,no-il,,,., tbnt by frightening the capital we need. We cannot do it governmental meddling, which inevitab ly forces retrenchment inaction on the bu siness it touches- and, by example, on the enbusiness structure. Thc potential destructive fOI'ces of politics can- Mrs. A .S. Collett entertain ed nt be measured. one o'clock luncheon on Tuesday, January 5, the following ladies : We cannot creatc prosperity by heaping additional tl\x burdens Mrs. Lida Hatton, Mrs. Anna Ranbusinesses and individuals ' already struggling under a tremendous doH. Mrs. Bcrnice Dakin. Mrs. Oba Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not sound economics. All taxes Welch. Mrs. Minnie Oglesbee. Mrs oat eventually be paid by the public- business must pass all costs on- Laura Shidak er. Mrs. Rose Carr, Mrs. Hannuh McGuinn. Mrs. Lir.those who buy its products or services. For the nation to go further lie hidaker and Mi ss May Harlan Into debt. to appr~priate additional millions and billions for temporary Amos Hough remains in ver y a.nd unsound relie schemes, is the height of folly. poor health. • Business can 0 this better than government. What the dole has Capt. Charles Garner, of Columto England, i do to a greater degr~e to the United States bus v isited his mother, Mrs. Mary we spend mon on a more laviSh scale for all things. It could Finch nnd brothel', Robert Garner, nge us into debt the point of bankruptcy and crowd business to Sunday. edge 'o f ruin taxes. The dole shatters self-respect--and, in The Sophomores opened the asit hali helped t~ aggravate unemplo ymen t by dis. sembly program wit h "Keep the industrial Home Fires Burning." Devotions we. reo !ed by .Rachel Sham"bau!:l'h. ' t, 1932 ')'0 re!pea be an outstanding year in our history. It will V Did I d Irgl nla aVIs p aye n Ian . year of "reat .. n~·_'_-s. All of OUI' nationa l character, aggl'essive- Love Call, ' a s a saxophone so lo. A and lru,l:1.,U~'" to solve them Courage and faith mu st pantomim e, . "Introducing t)te Ruggle Family," was read by Vlrmist of 193 0 and 1981 are to l'ise in ginia Davis, with characters as follows: Grandpa, Robert Davi s, Grandma, Audrey Penn ey; Pa. Robert Shidaker ' Ma Helen Bennett, Miss Mehit~ble. Lura Ashley ; Beatrice (the flapp er), Rachael Shambaugh ; Alonzo (the athlete), Carroll McCarren; the twins, Vivian Tucker and Donald Hartley ; nurse. Rhea McCarren; cook, R.dlo Station-WEAO Ruth Varnall. The program closed with si nging "Juanita," Supt. District Supervisor. Presiding) Moore announeed there will be no program this Friday morning and Farm .......... .... ,..... .. .. C. W. Gay the Freshmen will entertain on ~t Institutes ..... J. P. Schmidt January 22. A tem erance pro.... R. D. Lewis gram will be presented by the .· .. .. ......................... V. R. Wertz school in the Gym on Friday after.... .. ....... ........... .. .. . W. L. Graves noon at one o'clock . English Department Sunday dinn er guests of Mr. .. .. ..... .... .. ..... ....... .. .. 0. C. Croy and Mrs. A. S. Collett and Robert .. .... ... .. .... .......... R. C. Miller were ' Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Thorn................... ... G. J. Kane bury and family. Mr. and Mrs. oW. M. Gillam and Miss Virginia Simp son of Louisville, Ky. Rev. Amos Cook is ill. income from poultry. crop production. and . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert the country home. hi touch with your Vandervoort (hee Margaret Cook. ----you ke p abreast a son at a · Columbus hospital, on happenings. It is a Sunday. January 8. MANURE WILL PAY TAXES lend your ' editor Mrs. ~ary Haines is spending time to time Economists believe that properly several days at the bedside of her cared for farm manure will save stepm!lther who is very ill at the enough in fertilizer bills to pay the home of relatives in Salina .• taxes. Store it in a concrete lined There will be a fish fry in the pit witb a roof over it and apply Gym Saturday eve ning, given by on the fieldS as soon as possible .. M. E. Chul'ch. Menu-Fried
8,000 Far~~lers · Fight at
for Deptession Week, Feb. 1·5
Looking Forward
The Roxanna and Waynesville -. .Canning Plants .' .. i
Gigantic Structure lI e rorlotu f< \~s ll:nlil (> cI • hil t 100,( ~ )11 mpi1 we r e enl!llgerl for 20 ~' enrs In
building the Grent [lsrnmld.
Dr John Zettel e
Optometrist ~ 19 N. Broadway LEBANON, OHIO Eyea ExamiD.d Fitted Repair.
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves to Non'is-Brock Co .• live wire and progressive firm for the highest market prices and good service. Union Stock Yardl' Cincinnati. O. Tune in on Radio Station WOKY 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily 'Inrket r eports.
~' our
./ ",,r
High Lights of
--1:' D llll y caLI,i l! . swine. t..eel cattle. and I't.ccp 1(1 he
In Ilme!ltlhl
farm Inect 11.1 0 I) U.. COIUl'l'llui'o ;l. Hicher 111(;ome frOID poultry wHi he d~us.~ of lmr.ortsl1t tes:.r- relt'l\Std to \llbll.orlo 3. Grenter pJ'ofl t~ from pOLatot'lI M well R..' trom ' tom at(lt . fruit 1.0 r ;ec:pl\lf ntWI.tlOn 4. Art,hur M. Hyde. I~cretar:v ot 9grll'IIlturt include J, J . Taol's. L B, PalDier and L H I$taLr:-Wl dl'
·Odd-But TRUE
Xeala, Old. PbOD. Da,toll Co. 14JI
... .
Dead Stock Wanted HarveY8~url
Fertilizer Company PHON~ &F3
W ill Bunnell sp~nt a part of last ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! ::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~ week in Kentuekey. . ,: ):
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
~"'!\)~" ,ot'n\t~S. ~~"~\CS,,·~\t~
Of O~G. ~'t\\Elt \) . t , SC\tNl\f\t b~l~ ,,,()\\t\.'l · ~''ti'' faOM t~Ca~~'t~"'E~
.Ml " W& 2.8
- Auctione.e rs EARL KOOGLER
.._- ..
- ..
Stanley &Koogler R. D. &,
y ..
JESSE STANLEY Phone 320, jlfew BurllnatoD, 0.1.
Determined to fig ht del»'csllion breed pric es ond demoralized agricu l- ketin tuml conditions through to a finish I' C . som e 8 000 Ohio fa r mers will at- f ' . 0 t nd ~ h~ tw.e ntJ elh :nnual Fa .. m ~ rs l Week •. Fcb Juary 1-." at th e coll. ge of agr!cul l ure. 0 .. S. Co lumbu.s and dISCU .5 olu t lonS to ~hc ser.I(Ju s probl ems now eO!l f rontmg Ohio 1 l- if':~''''''' agnculture" ac cordlll1g t o. H . . C. state experiment stations Ramso~\'er. dIrector of ag~ lcu I~ural : . I, pa~t~cipate. in the program. extensl~n at t~c . tale unlver Ity. Hele, vl~ltors wdl hear from s uch ?r~w:ng natlonal}y kno.w~ speak outstandl.ng speakers ~s Liberty ellS flom 13 sta.tes, I~clud:n s Texas Hyde Bodey, dean em eritu s of the New York, MIssouri, .Iow~ , and lI!ew York State College of AgC~nada. the farn:t CIIllSSIC thiS y~ar l'Iculture at C?T.nel! University. WIll devote con _ .de:!~ble attention Dean Alfred YlVlan of the Ohio to .1932 farm condltton and how Colleg:e .of agnculture, diretcor C. OhIO ,farmers may m,e et them. G. Wllhams. of the Ohio Agl'iculWIth .274 spcakers on ·the pro- tura l Experim ent Station. Arthur gl:am, vIsitors at Far"'!ers' W~ek M. Hyde, secretary of the federal w:1I have an oPP?rtuntty to .hear department of agriculture, Presi. from repr~sentabve!1 of ~atl.onal dent George W. Rightmire of Ohio and stateWide farm organizatIOns, State. and Governor George White
Miss J?seph~ n e IBunnell spent Slind~y With MISS Emma Lamb. at John Iyder madl! a business Corwm. trip to Johnsville, Ohio on Satu rday. . The series of meetings have . cl~ sed at Green Briar. There wiU John P.11 0 0~0 and wife, spcnt Fri shll be meetings there every Wedduy evenmg :n Harveysbul'g. nesday and Saturday evenings. The McKay families are all get___._ __ ting better of the mumps. Frank Burnell aod family. of MORE HENS RAISED Oregonia, spent Sunday evening . with K. E. Thoml?sol. and family. I SIX percent more hen s were in Bert Bogan and :R obert Davis. ! Ohio layi ng floc~s on October 1, spent Sunday aftern,oolL with Mrs. 1 931~ than were In such flocks the ~ellie Bunnell, of lIlear Waynes- first of October, 1930, according to fish. French fried potatoes, b l'ead vllie. reports from 278 farm accounts The Democrats say they are and butter and pie. All for 25e. The Slyder famil y are all ~n- record keepers and 202 potiltry d c --- -going to make the rich people ,p ay . tertaining the mumps. except Mr. monstratio n farms. Slyder. TRY Our P. T. A. are servinlr hot --~~----::..=-::....::-:::::::::~:=:===:::::: they can ' find OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR RESULTS ' lunch at the Harveys}.lurg scho I. J. Vern Groff, of Dayton. called !In the Slyder family, Sunday. Shet'man Ferris land wife, of Loveland. pent Sunday afternoon . . " with Mr, and Mrs. Almond Ferris. MI'. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown and fami ly, of Waynesville, were Sunda y dinner gUllsts of Mrs. atherine Jordan and family and J. J. Fishbaugh lind wife, and Rusv•• '~e ll Stabler and family of Mid· THE MIAMI GAZETTE dletown, were Sunday afterno on For Relulta guests. ~tl 't\"tt~t\)
t 7alks, Janaurv 18
per toa
3. RUL
big help to BOWEL
Centervllle,OhlQ Phone 78J
What 11 joy to have Lhe bowels 11i O like clockwork, eve~ dayl Il's em if you mind lhese slmplc rules of famous old doclor: . 1. Drink a big tumblcrCul of wate 'fOTARY PUBLIC before breakfast, and silvera times n day. National Beek 2. Get plcn ly oC ou tdoor e.x!!lCisc Willa Drawn • • E,tat., ,s.uW without unduly futiguing yoursell. • WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 3. Try Cor a bowel movement at exactly the sqme hour cvery day. •. . •. Everyone's bowels nced help at I..III!!!II!II.....IIIJ. . . . . . .II:! Umes, but the thing Lo usc is Dr. I! Caldwcll's Syrup Pcpsin. You'll get a thorough cleaning-oul, and it won't leave your insides 'I'enk nnd wa.ler¥. 111is' family doctor's presc ripti on I!just fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin. and other bclpful ingredients thq' 30 Years Experience in couldn't hurt 'a child. But how I wacs up those la7. Y bowels l Hov Fitting 'and Makil1J Ql",.,el good you fcel with you r s y ~ tcm ril 01 all that poisonous wastc lllutter.
D!J.RUDOl-P" • Sight Speei_u.t· Cary's Jewelry Silop
SYRUP PEPSIN A ,Doclor5 FtilIlily
Leb..-. Ohio TVftday, Tlaur,da,. Satur" Ell.anindlo", Fr••
t .J k
'. • 'j; :
':, !
Mra. W. H. Aile,. ",as a Dayton visitor, on Mond*y.
Won w. A. C.'.·Gam e. of Two
A dinner, 'hoQorinK Mr. and Mra. W. Edward 8 1 who will, in' the future, leave ,for their new: near Greenfi eld, WIUI given ,a:. .........-IJ Star in the Masonic hA,nn.I" !; room 1 Monda y nilfbt. The precede d .t be regular me.etOrde'r which WaS follow ing of atbe ed by delight ful social bOUT.
A corn show will be ' held in connec tion with t he FarQler'lI Inetitute, Cla88es have been arranjl'ed for yellow, white and mixed varietie s. Prizes in each are ~ 101lows: lint '1, second 75c, ,third 50c.
as reelecte d of the Warren County atpT~ay ' afterno QP ,, . ) ,m,t in the office billu'd Mr• .and Mrs. W, H. iA.\1 n w'ere The W. A. 'C's. ' won two . Qqburh , secrel:a-t,:y for incinna ti Visitors, on Thtl rsday. ~~m es Tue dClY night at orga)'li~tion session. "!!~':!!!!!!!!-!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!'~~~~ game was p layed · >III~II;n .. t ,1 firl't e set Th e r we' fair f l 193, tb& for Rulph McPheriiion t ook di nn r th On k~ ad . B. team, epterriber 20,21,22 and 23. , , with h ill sister, · Mrs. Olive uri, .on suit d in n 33 to 15 score. ~('wo new )l1 mbers were added aturday . TI(,)N INSPEC AL ANNU Lytle, of Duke, ,Wu tkill S a nd Mainou s Carl to the board. was named to succ ed the late M~. Alva), Crane, of Mr. and Mrs. F oster ,Hea ock, Ilf sco ret's. ,T he score: of Wayne sB, U. Prank }Jlbon. Bert 'furner1 , Leb- . An nual inspection F. OOD OAKW WILS in Wayne svl1le, nturday . he t at staying e P.ennsylv8 · 3r. &: A. M. 168 No. Lodge ville and F . T anon coal and feed dealer G . treasur r , was will be hel d Friday evening , Jancounty 4 Prlces sl8llhed for big January Friends forn}er 0 ....... 2 4 named to s ucc ed C. C. Meloy who uary 15, at 7 :3 0. Lunch will be Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and P ease, f . ........... 0 sr. Bllrn!lr u's I. G. A. , ,f1al 2 ..... It I Kolll, f A k served aiter the w ork. Vi siti nl~ b l ' f 3 r esign ed. 1 1 ~ ;;,tf_ W 1 . R. McNab , c .& and sojourn ing brethren are welBrown of l, ' Mr and ' Mrs. Glenn Frye, of a1n!.Y al?en t t e . wee ·-en.,. Bunnel 3 YOUR BANK, alwsys at the service of this eom schel 1 Her 1 Stl'ad er, g . . come was dealers ed fe and l 8 S well a in other matters , takes pleasur e Day~n ; spent Sunday witb r ela- .l·olntlve s I", Duyton coal 0 l, financia 0 Bunnel 0 J. McNab , g M., W; ge, Armita Vern Wor· O. Z. nt. preside n of its cUents to one of t he most vice 1 attentio 1 0 . the numed tivea bere. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Simpson vis· Br air eard ~ F. B. Hender son, Sec'y. year, Fl\rmcr~'a Week. d t r ell ~ Ul' e l' of the the of reelecte events was ley d relative s at Buford , Highla.n was reoburn of disco urageil lent, a severe i5 me rl ti Ea his t and In 'H. F. Compton, of New Burling - ited I 3 buurd G . Sunday on l county, ot'a farm prices, the college low and , pression c l ec t~d ~e cl'etary. NG MEETI ton, was a Wayn esville visitor, on TAX-P AYERS W. A. C. compos ed is rural people to weathe r now for board way!:! g fail' The plannin Doris Miss , Hawke Lee Mrs. \ Wednes day. F T Ml'. , s' even under presen t "unu,.,v Bunnell MI'. income t; heir t Stewar creaSe MI'. of. Dayion in were Reduct n Hawke and Mr. Dean The Ohio Taxatio 2 0 and ke before, we need to f Du Mr. evcr o~ng, r, Y than 'furne more Ir. ey, rhaps pe Wod l'lloon. County afte 9 1 Associa tion of Warren Mrs. Maynar d Weltz and Mr. ton Monday s fOl' lessenin g ills f Dave : practice rs ril>;ht. W membe proven of old g ub1'east ollowin f e ~b County () will meet at the Warren Dean Hawke were in Dayton . klin; ran F c rt, s. . Barnha Wulkin crisis. Tom l ura t Bishop. ed in y Mrs. Ronuld Hawke enterta 8 courtho u se, Lebano n, Saturda 0 Sunday afterno on. fol' ion institut c sine8~ u b Frnnk nous. n; sound Mai a Frankli r, bank, Your Munge rd owa lI the Bridge Club and two tables of Sm ith', g 0 aftel'no on at 1 o'clock. 0 good paying es praeti/f mour Gil farm h that Josep s ; nklin believe ra F r. years, ' Mill on, () least one state speaker will ~ Misses Ethel Mendenhall and guests on Saturda y afterno Berryhi)l, g am Hu fford, deputy be A tpresent 1931 probab ly will pa.y in 1932. These practic es . All interest ed tax4 Mon ow ; Willi 2 Msry Plymire called On Mr. and' rt go, Stewa Ross, Lyle nd a banon, Le ~ ed by visitors at Farmer s' Week where, 'amo sheriff, Dayton of . er Rtau present e be to ed Carolin . u1'g Mrs. are Sunday j>ayers Kellis \ Mrs. Howard 3ubtan ding feature s, the followinR will be nN' .... nt •.,1 n, Lebano of who has be en very ill at the' T olal .. ', .. 3 33 - --'" ERS improv ually WORK grad is GE Home -CHAN SHORT Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynold s, of Friends > 276 apeake. ,. from 13 Stat•• aJrcl Canaaa the Carr- WINS T HIRD IN tl SPrlng Valley, were' busines s ing. The s.ec III gam e w Dia~uuiolU of Farm Tue., Pric••, Inc:cinle Ited in a Three short-c hange worker s viste rs I'p"n visitor! in Waynesville Tuesday, CIl ST to Boo.t Farm h,come a monte CONTE Wa,.. on STATE Foruma , Hubert and t Herber Tw'in sons, scorel's of ited Wayne sville Tuesda y nigh t 'l 'h e h Meetina a of o;,.r 30 Farm OrlaDi aation. I and Mrs. Bush- 28 to 18 esClllte. li d Uu <.! rk lc, and gyped ' Ralph Smith of the is ll E we'e ·Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Gl'auser, of were born to Mr. gam s thi Day. for Gra.l\ce and Fa.rm Bureau · Sp~cial y Januar mtih Service Station out of $5.00 Worthi ngton, Ohio, were Tuesda y nell, of Route 2, Tu esday, score: The by Horticu ltural A .. ociation a ion Exhibit . Mr. Smith and Marsha ll Joy start· overnight guests of Mr . and Mrs. 6, 1932. Poui(,i litiel in Co.Op Marltle tine ONTE CARM but inen the of trail the on ed from In~ome W. O. Raper. inl .. In~re of a Method , Mrs. Mary Weddle, of Dayton were unable to locate them. They 4 Cropl, Li"•• tock, Poultry and Fruit " a nd Mrs. Mary Kendal l Stuck, o f Hocflin g, f went north on 42. Mrs. and od Sherwo M. 0 H. Annual State Grahl Sho;w fri ends Jam es. f sited vi Mo., us, Columb 1 Herman Conner were called to he.re last week. Rural Health, Educati oD, a.d Goyern ment Cl'enge r, j 8 Marion , Ind., because of the Hom. Makina and Home Bea~tl&c.tioD . . f g. Lon 2 serious conditi on of Mr. Conner. Banque t., Moyi.. and' Enterta inment Mrs. J. C. Hawke and Mr. Bolllnder, c at 3 Fl'iday spent . Fromm g h Kennet B1umel', 0 Instead of talking about t he delDI'Il,ot/Ir·dn. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwar dsand the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peter;; n, g s' Week, Februa l'y ).-6, s Farmer Edward at J. O. family and Mr: Hawke, in Dayton . 4 18 farm ers a re making money. Here'e spent Sunday. in Cincinn ati, the ToLul SALE FOR actual tests show, to hear from men . guests of Mrs. Emma Barnet t and Mrs. J. L. Hartsoc k has returne d C. W. fields, to exchan ge experie nces with home after spendin g the ' ho lidays Mt. E. V. Barnha rt. T F G FOR SALE- 2 Brown Swiss bulls. the cruwd of some 8,000 . Ohio farmer s with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Beurkle , f 8 6 · J20 ........ 1 Elmer Sheeha n & Son. s' Week lil~S,;~~~~~f~~e~~~:~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace and Walton, in Dayton . farm situatio n. Farmer present 0 0 .. ,. 0 Pyle, f .. ry 1 to 5, Ohio State I I Februa are dutes two children , Mr. "and Mrs. Fred 0 14 \ .7 M. Oole and two childre n, of DayMrs. C. H. Deathe rage, who bM E llis, C 6 0 ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and been visiting her daught er in Ramby , c g ... 0 0 ll, Berryhi in ·home r. her to d Robitze M. returne C. , Mrs. Dayton y'. Tuesda on sburg, Harvey 6 2~ Total ... ... .. . Three weeks more to take adare Your ry offer. Salisbu R. raph D. W. P. and vantaa'e of photog photog rapb taken enlarge d and now connec ted with The Crawfo rd us See band tinted for one dollar. Commi88ion Co., in Cincinn ati. See STRIK ES TELEP HONE POLE for detail. concemill&' tbis wonder - them before you sell your stock. , Auxili man's Th e W . Sa1e at Barnar d's I. G. A. Miss Dorothy Woolar d, Miss Mary's ' Chu rch me t 0 Harof , Lukens CarolYn H enry and Mr. Virgil Mary lizabeth E Taylol' E. Oharles at 8, Mra. '~r. and veysbu rg, spent purt of hel' afternoon, JanulII'y Prende I ... Henry figured in an acciden t Sun· e in Kather other. Miss of grandm er h with s holiday Mrs. aBnld ~ugJbter, Maurin e, and Mrs. M I.e day evening when the automo bile F' d The mee tin!; was pen ed and H _ 1'8. Mli· ancne' tt' Couden no H artsoc k a t th e r1en 8 d SI :u , d in which they were riding skidded tc conduc who llader dwa Home Ca ow IUra. an E . J • Hia an ... r. crashed into a telepho ne pole and • ice. ' serv Ada onal Mrs: devoti vllited , ard 1. Hudson acciden t occurred at the inThe IgVe'n wec(' Dayton ons of quotati Smith, ral th Scriptu Elizabe Mrs. Whenever you hi\ve some nagJ.'1:ng '1 Jenldns and o~ers ' at· Friend s n of t he Waynes ville and ectio ter~ . I ber oll·call. r to with e d respons jn or pain, take some tIIblet3 spent the week-en ache ~7. I Home on S At the conclUSion of the businr Lytle roads. kpirin. Relief is imn ,~latl'! Bayer brother , Amos Cook. and family in' All three receive d minor and attende d .friends meetin g he'r e ess sess ion the following pl'ogl'am , juries alld the machin e was sUghtThere's sC3n;e!y eve~ an' lu'ha or was given : on .sun~y. ly damage d. that Bayer Aspilill woo't rt:Ht've pain in Winter _. "An Underg rnduate 's never a time when you can't -and Mr. G. .F. Ipein, M7's. J'anet Crane ~ l aska" .. ...... ,.. Mr8. D. L. take it. Aull atid sqn, of Cincinn ati; "Effect s of Centl'al Ch in u Fl ood viJljt.ed the former' S mother . Mrs. Analyz ed" MI·s. George Hartsoc k The tableta with the Bayer crees Carolin e Stauer at the Friend s "With Our Mission aries" ........... .. . always safe. They don't dep11!Sll are Bome on Saturda y. ...... " .... ..... ..... Mi88 Mame Brown heart, or otherwise halm you. the , A Story from "Our Mounta in Mrs. William Colema n and Mr. Use them just as often as tt.i:Y ran • . .. spent ............ n" Graham Poeasa work, Upper a nd \ Mrs. Forest The ·work of the funeral ANNU AL ' PARIS H MEETI NG spa re you any pain or di:::romIort. .. ...... ......... ... Mrs. Rnn ald Hawke F'l'iday afternoon in Lebano n. Just be sure to buy the genuine. directo r Prelent ll ' an nns... l\Iif Dena Hopkin s 'of Wayne g was "The Best Sell er- The Bible" meetin parish annual The , science 9f lendina · ni nal .b eek with her Examin e the package. Bewan: of 1., ..... ... ................ M.rs. Edith HarMS ville .spent last held in St. Man's Episcopa1 Bailey and imitations: Stanley Mrs. !1 and ( ~'IIt:. In . his , Sister:; delicioU a ment After adjourn Monday . night. Follow !ng churcb . r. , daughte hostes8 the m~st by Aspirin is the trade·m ark of Bityet' leehillc~' capaCit y he the routin~ b usme;;s the electIOn lunch was served feeling al'gaTet Johns attende d a manufa cture ,of monoaceticacidcster Mrs. had it d departe ll a and was en vestr~m and be allntnl and efficien t; in of warden s Eucher '. party Thursd ay afterno on of salleyIicacid•. : W. I been g ood to be there. __ held and l'esulte d as fo~lows hi JIIini,Btry"to the bereav• _ _._ Ilt t he Qome of Mra. Amos Cook seI;lior warden ; F. ' B. Allen, n. . ed he II called upon to sliow near Waynesville. J. O. ; war~n junior, HenderSon, of Cast RD Walter REWA Mrs. and BLIND Mr. GETS . L. D. · ri.r. qnaUtieB of· tact imd' t, Grahap S. EdVfar~ B, W. Mrs. and . . Mr and sviOe 'Wnyne L. E. j, organCrane, '· L .H. GordO'D Iytn'pat)iy. In 'this spent Thursd ay Edward M. Van Cleve, now Allen Emrick home Thomas . The rectal' appoin ted l.h \t of Mr. and ' illation;' we have alwal!'s tbe a evening InstiYork New the ' of serve al princip various commi ttee!; to . Kenrick WaltE!.l; Mrs. • end~vored, to " ke'ep fully Blind the of ion Educat tute f or ~he through the coming 'year. Lottie Carey r eturned to • abr~ c}1 teehnic al adDelega tes ·and alterna tes, elect- was recentl y present ed with the theMrs. hom e 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'ed to repr~sent the parish 'at the annual Leslie pana gold ~_m edal vancein ~ntj wl~out saclast· w,eek, after an extenannual dioeesa n conven tion · to be In 'l'ecogn itiim of "ou ts~ndinofg Rogers riftcm gthe 'penon al cbared visit witlL her daught er,. Mrs. ie)d, achieve ments in the prevcllt ion Springf , Church Christ in lield acterill tics which are equalo,f Eberly Farqua r and fam,ly, near , Januar y 26 and 27, are: delegat es, bHndness and ' cdnserv iltlon th, . e Ridgeville. j , is ly importa nt. Cleve Van Mrs Mr. son, Hender Vision." B. F. W. H. Allen, Marie Gorsuch and Marie Abrl!· to man. dical Allen; H. non-me W. second 'Edith Hln'ris, Mrs. of the Springb oro 8chool, ha.d nel' pre!seven of J. out O. , .award ceive the alte~~tes, Hams Mosher y dinner . ThuTI!day evening , birthda son, . Hender sentati ons. Edward s, Mrs. F. B. and spent the lI,ight 'Yith France s Van Cleve' was born in Ohio Miss Doris Hawke . Miller, at Ruth Marian' farm. - - ----.~ 1867 and was, ·in his Mrs. Ed Hopkins of Waynes ville Phoa. 7 n' rel!ident ··1)f .:Wayn esvil spent Thursd ay With 'her daught er, f ather, Rey. L. F. Van Clev Mrs. Stanley Bailey and daughte r, pastor of the local M. E. Wayn e.vill e, Ohio :r,H E MIAMI GAZET TE l\ n~ c!llled on ¥rs.' G, orglann a After gradua tion f rom • ~ Hames. 188 in sity Univer leysn FO'I' Rea.lta and Emrick Allen Mrs. and Mr. apd served as ~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~\taught school Mrs. Cha~es Hough vis'"'!!~~'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~'..... intende nt of schoOls ' in fourapd,inl;.1Mr. and ited Amos Hough ,t Harvey sburg ~ ent commu nities before his aturday . The latte1' bas .been very ment as sup erinten dent nt. Ohio state School ',for the Mr. and Mrs. Leo ard Gray, re1907. turned home Monday from Kala.:, mazoo, Mich., wbere Mr. Gray has \', " had employment. Mrs. Mary Carmon y spent Sun'd ay with Mr. and Mrs. ,W. F. Clar k in Wayne sville. ~. Alvin Sellers, aged 81 Miss Mary Young sp:en.t Saturformer J'csiden t Ilf W~",~·",,' lI day evening with Mis Bernice died lit' bis homo in Dayton ; • c,.,. Graham . day afterno on, followi ng an Mrs. Chalme i ' J:(.eeder is slowly of six weeks duratio n. imvrov ing at Miam1 Val ~ey MI'. Sellers had been ' . pital. !.endent of the Da yton street Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~objnson ing departm ent f OI' the past are driving a new Chevrole~ car. teen years. He is survive d by a and Mrs.' Mildred J. Luther Sellcrs, of Dayton week dau ghter are spendin g daughter, Mrs. C. M. Re S. Spring Valley; a rm1n'In.'~rl T." . with he'r parents , Mr. and . . Newspa per advertis inlf - reaches • I H. Burnet t. Mrs. Luther Brown, ne. Not everyo ne re'ads everyo Mr. William Haines and g randcht ldren, Olllar .m",pei ne. Only about , ba~f i of a of Dayton visited his , Marcia Mae Br own and the' homes in ,the tln~t~ S~es Mrs. Georgia nna Haines, Mrs. Susan Amold. ' have radio sets. Not · every one l . Mr. Charles Guitne r of Funera l serv ices were "n·nA."tot]. rides a street car: Outdoo r a~· burg was a Friday ed at the residence this, vertiSin g i8 neither seen re.l~"< of 'Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Gr.ahllM. day aftel'lloon. BudaI \VIlS . by every one nor ie At pnc~ Mr. Earl Young Miami cemete ry:-, _ _ _ _ for all p.roducta. , But .~ !IDe per.' , .. a new.pa visiting relative s in who r_d., read r . and Mrs. Hubert Mr. Jt SIL,VE <;E MAURI MRS. of Frankli n Q~"o.ildZWa ·RQofing ~ Ql~. of COP-R-LOY, the ,' ' of Mr. guests M. ~. W,~ TO SS HOSTE ~u. highly a Cop~ Alloyed Stte1, and pn,?teaed,with Seoet, Everett ". . ", ghtel'S. ' ~.!{'he·-W. F. M. Society was table coatin g .9£ P.i!e..fnc••Paten ted lap construction Mrs. Ann Smi~h is unable to d . at t he home of tertaine ~. o ro, . ,the from wate~ dralns bome' here. She is (orms a chann el ~i Mauric e Silver on WMnP 'Ul>'V:l eturned to her her daught er, Mrs. of home the ek. . we , last afterno on of This protection is.:fQuttd ol}ly. Ha1'dy in Lebano n . . Williamson l~a the H. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ' l-oonpc re visit-' €b.'ui~drain and is ~y~J11'~ subject , ' ~ Walk with Wilber t Swank, Monday, who is E. H. ' Mrs. " fe~ing. i~[&·~.c.~ ~ uouble·-frce. in. at .bis home in DaYton. , " ·gave th~" b90k reView, "Be !lnd ~r,s'. .G~ol'ge . Graham , te11 . .\11 ' ·1 SiCK." the ',~ and ,Mrs. Frank Kurfns , 'MJ:. , MrS. Darrv Cowan, of Lebano n Mrs. Will Graham , Mr. antt I ""ho.s e' daugbt er is, a teachftr Forest Graham and · r.tii China, in. ics Econom Horpe attend:e d ~ ~.~~~~~:I : 1 ' . . ail. i,nte~e.l!tipl(t&lk.. ElbOn .at tJ . ' During the spelal hour ' Mrs. - 'Si~Vet . was 'assiste d in serving. ·re~trMhro~n.t/I. 'l>y. MrJ!.' ,Vi9la Carey. df;::~~i~~ ' . • ~'.' •••" :.a ,~r!i. 'Carl Sanker . Mr. and Mrs. My el' Hyman were ' . .in Oincin nati Tueaday.
. Ba,k et
The Trolh "About Farming at f Week, February ' 1-5
_...- - --
- -_. --
Late Classified Ads.
--- ---- --
For Our Cou ntry
-- - - -
·Th eM iam i·
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 5997
Club - I Golden Wedding . THE SCHOOL , - - - - - - - - - \ ,Farmers Brown fer Governor , f PIC .I I ar Has An Excellent Is Celebrated January Meeting REPORT FOR PAST'wEEK 30 RURAL GROUPS TO - ATTEND FARM CLASSIC
ChanlfCl In Schedule Five minutes intll l'miss ion between classes are bei ng omitted during thc last half of the school year. By doing thi s we have an xtrn curl'ieu lar period from 10:1 5 to 10:<1 n in whic h t h s tude nts will I'clllai n in their humll room s fo r sludy, class me et ings, operetta practice, r<'v iew, ctc. Commerciu l Lnw and Economic Geo grap hy will be give n t o JUni orl und Seniors. Th e schedule has been arrangcd fo r lh o cunven ience of .Junior and' Senio rll who wis h t o tak e up neWl:! writing. Studenta Get Relief The s tuden ts of W. H. S. are back th is Monday 1lI01'ning with a clean slate readv for the ne w ::se mester. They are a nxiou!lly waiting to get their report cards W ednc· duy, the 20th li S the teachers SIIY the ave rage student did exceptiona lly well on the il' mid-lerm cxam s which were finish ed last I· dda y. This Ct nl y means that the schoo l year is half over.
'l'hriity farm organizatio ns will meet ut Farmers' Week. February 1-5, at the Ohio Still e Unive rsity, ann ounces l-l. C. Ramsowel', db'ector 01 agricultura l extensio n at the Rtate inst itution . Breed associati QnK, the slatc horticultural society, the Ohio Sced Improv ' ment Assoc,iation . The Ohio Federatio n of Women's Clu bs, the va riou s honor clu bs, the breed a ssociation s, the farm burea u, and th e Grange , aJ'e on ly a few of the Rcores oC ruml groups to attend the farm classic at th e college of agriculture, February 1 to 6 Ex hibits , contests, banquets a nd othel' events are included in the program whic h f eatures 27G penkers from 13 states and Canada. Di ~ cu sH i ons will be presl'nted on taxation, farm prices, income, ma rketi ng, profitable crop yields, farm mach in cry, g r eater livestock r eturn s, and other topics. '
Firat Five Get. Red The Wayn I:Iville H. S. athle t ic Council consisting of Coach Pyle, R. F. Hatfield (Spon so r of Sp. Brotherhood) an d S up't. Lotz saw fit to g ive t he firs t live boys a rest See J. C. H aw ke for Morton's 'Until January 25th, because of Smoke Salt. ovcrwork a nd over confidence. • The Council insis ts that these Farmers Institute, January 29 boys are out of games because of and 30 at the Gym. misbehavior. Herbert' Barton has been wi t hMI'. ana Mrs. G. J. Waterhouse 1 Id fro m play because of mumps. were in Cincinnati Sunday. W H. S. Defeated Mrs. Julia Bergnn was a 'recent Waynesville Hig h was defeated guest of relatives in Xenia. by Otterbein, Friday night, January 15, with a score of 37 to 88. Mr. and Mr . Oliver -Davis were The subsitute team boys played in Ci ncinnati, Tuesdav on bu siness tbeflrst half of the game and then the flrst team was put in. In .the After-Invento ry - Big profit.. last three ,minutes of the game W. S harin g Sale-Barnard's 1. G. A. H. S. made 14 points. Stor e. The second te8m was also de· a good Mt. and Mrs. Sherman Tinney feated but t hey played spent Tu esday with relativ es in game. Lebanon. Wn_vnl>!."I1ille played at the O. S. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart; r:lrwI,......,..r.. O. Home, Saturday night . by only a few points to of Carlisle, were Waynesville visthe teo.n that had defeated Otter- i tors, Monday. bein by ~ oints. The score was 14 Call the Waynesville Farmers' to 18. ~ The b " that played were the Exchange 00. for Old Hickory second teu n, but they certainly Smoking Salt. howed the 'I'leople of Waynesville Mrs., Elsie Leaf, of Lebanon t hat t hey w're made of the right s t uff and that they knew their spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. b usinesS. The O. S. and S. O. Home boys J. P. Fromm and family spent Clime back wi~ 1 real hospito.lity by . howing their pood sportsmanship the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. and by serving' a n excellent lunch. Melvyn Banta at Delaware.
Mil~ StepbeDIOD.--Firat Grade For the p~sb s ix weeks we have t,hr«*: -. rom our . group that have l'eceived no less than /. AU in ev.ery subject. They are Helen Hisey, Marie Lamb nnd Charles Russell Orndbrf. The six having perfect atten' dance for this six weeks were : Marion Hoblit\ Florence McKeever, Juanita McKeever, Marie L nmb, Charles R. Orndorf, and I10retta Swigart. In our room we had three little pupils that had perfect attendance for tb,e semester. These little pupils were : Marie -Lamb, Florence McKeeve r and Juanita .McKeever. Mi.. Reeder--Fint Grade P erfect .attendance for this term .are: Edwin Surf-ace, Joe Hartsock Gene Thompson, Nathan Hartman J oh n Stansberry, June Farrell. Honor r oll : Elizabeth Burnett, -Gene Thompson. Mill Hartaock-Second Grade Honor Roll : Lois Jean Baker, C1uir Dibert, Francis Johns, Reba SUl'fo ce, Anna Marilyn Whitaker. . . P er!e ct at te ndance: Lois Jean ,', Baker, Edith Bergan, Laura , . Mille l', Fen'ee Payne, Reba Surface, Anna Marilyn Whitaker, Jim mie Prendergast.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Lovely, of Middletown, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Lovely and family. Miss Elizabeth Henkle and Doris Hawke spent the week-end in Middletown, the guests of Miss Luella Williamson. A sglendid array of local talent has been arranged for at the Farmers Institute, January 29 a"d 30 at the Gym. Mrs. Roi Risinger, of Alberta, Canada, was called here last week because of the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Elias Oglesbee Mrs. Mary Betz Morrow and Mr. Tel ' ThompSOn are the State speakers at the Gym January 29 and 30, for the Farmer& Institute. W. A. Wolcott, of Lena, Ohio was here' Saturday to attend the funeral of Earl J. Conner. He was the ~ues~8 of 1'41'. and Mrs. D. A. Standiford.
Mrs. Charles Satterthwaite, who fell and broke her. hip some time ago, was brought home from Mc, . Mi .. Lila-Third Grade Clellan hospital, Monday evening. Per fect a ttendance: Phyllis lIer condition is said to be imCla1'k, Hoxie C. Sackett, Arnold proving rapidly. ' Reeder, Robert Zimmerman, Walt er Clark. Edwin Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and dauthter Rachel attended a birth-dny dinner given in honor of Mrs. , Mi •• Kelley-Third Grade Kepler Saturday ;evening We have nine pupils who ha,!,e ,aNettie t the home of Mrs. Peter Demas, ~ot · been absent or tardy for SIX of New Viena. Gract.-MI.. Campbell 4: , Mill McKillleY • Pupils who h~ve ,made all A,'s - dUl'ing the I.a st six week 1;erm are: :t.:. Doris Beck, Carol Ludington, zsarah Miller, Anna May .Watkins, Mary Eva _LeA.fay. . We have two 'pupils who bave . pe~ect attendance for the are:,'- ~ah
The .()hdrch of Christ of this district will hold an Evangelistic Rally 'at 'Xenia, Thursday evening January 28. W. C. BurTiS, minister of the Hillsboro, Ohio, Church of Ohrist will speak.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye entertained the following guests 'With "500" Wednesday evening: Mr_. and Mrs. W ' .E. Cornell" Mr. and Mrs, . M. A ; CorneR, 'Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Rye, ·M r. 'ao'd Mra. D. ·R. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. , RUBse)) Salisbury, Mr_ arid Mrs. Ronald Hawke, ete, Mrs. Q. CartWright, .Mr. and Mrs . S •..p. Henkle.l.Mr. and Mrs. F. B. - Henderson'" Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smitb, Mr. and Mrs. C. VI. zer, Mr. and -Mrs. Er-nut' . worth, Mr. and &In.- Bert Hartsock" Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett . J. and · )(1'. Clark Salt.bury. The of••Iltamea fonowed by a buffet ___ ba~~ w:ere .
~'=~=~ I:l
Hon. J (' E. Bub'lI 01' Bllw ling Gre en, has , lJ 'ell -<,I cl(' u II ~ chll irmUn of lilt' CtJol11mittee th llt will handl e Ihl ' ('ampuig n or lu ren ·t' J . HI'own II ~ a cand idat l' f,d' IIll' He publ icu ll lI uminut ion fur Guvl'rnor. In accl'ptin~ lh e nppointm<'nl 11'. Baird i ': lI ed th e f ollowi ng statem('n t : "I L i ~ a real plea sure fOI' me to aSSllme th e prima ry ca ll1Puig n nHlnage rship for th e next Gover nOI' of Oh io. Honorab le Clarence .1. Brown. Huving work ed for him fot· several years in , tute se rvi ce, T know o f his ' p le ndid abi li ly high chara et 1', kn o wledge of st.n te governmen t and its affair.; and h is all around fitn ells f or the Governor ~ hip . A bo ve a ll el se , lal'cncc J . Bruwn is a man of th e pco ple, [11wa~'" huma n a nd a ppronc hub l . He has th e happ y f:J('l il l v of making fri l! nd ~ Hnd of , unders tanding the p rob lems of otht' r , an d haR always bee n read y to IIss isl an~' and every cit izen o f Ohi o in the I ran saction of s tate ulfai rs. "Kn owing Clul'e nce J . Bl'own as 1 d o. I f(·e l c l·tHi n thut he will prove ono of ( hi o's best Gov er11 01'';. He is hOliest, capllb le, an d effit:i enl. independen t and f ea rl eliR. pl' cia l interest wil l not influence the administrat:io n of Cla renc e J. Brown. H e will be a Govern or for all the peo ple a nd the g rea t mass of ci tizens wi ll find him the sort of a puulic officia l they des ire."
TAXATION TO BE THEME OF FARM BUREAU MEETING 'l'axlltio n and legitllative matters conCI'onli ng Ohio fa rm e rs will be ably di sc usse d by . A. Dyer, leg islati ve agl!nt of Ohio Fa rm Burellu and State Gra nge a t t he an nual meelinK of t he Wanen County Farm liur au held in Le ban on grange 'hull, 1 p. m. Satu rday Janu ary 2il, acco rding to ann ounce ment by exccutive committee which made deta il ed n rrangemelltl: Monday afl rnoon. Ten minute r eportl; try the 'ou nty Fllrm Bureau ~e cre tary, hOlll e demon~ trali o n IIgent, agricultura l age nt and repr ' ~e ntlltiv e of the Cin cinnati Lives Lock Coo pe ra tive Com· mission association. MI'. Dy er has been one of t he mos t promine nt and activ leader, in taxuti Oll an d legislatiVe matter s beIo l'e farm organiza t iuns for the past seve ral yearR so a ll farmer 111 the co unly are cordially invited to heur his addre ss Saturday after noon. This is of special interesl in Warre n County in view of the cont inu ous agitation by various lead erR a nd organizati ons. Several mU 8icai numbers by local talent will also be intersper sed during the aftel'noo n as we ll as election of officers. The committe<' is planning for a pl easant and instructive meeting and cord iall v invites all farmer s to attend.
J ll nua ry 19, 1882. Chl\rle' u1' Willium and harlotte I:yp. lin d l\1i ~ s E llu T ho mas, eldest ' I nu~h t cr 0 (' FI'ank lin and Sarah 'rtw nlll s. we l'e quiclly married by Pl'imitive E ld cr A tkin s, of th 1J.: p i: t Church, al hi s home n<'ar 1:lell brClo k. Th e happ y couple was IIttended by Mr. P e rr y Thomas a nd Miss Louella Hobli tl. After t he ce remony u ~ urnptu o u s wed ding reas t was s l'v ed a t th e homc o-r the bl id e's pure nts. On Tu esuuy , J anuury W, 1!J32, MI'. and Mrs. ·harle.· Ry e celeunited t he fift ie th an ni versary of thl'ir mUlTing· at the ir horn e on Houtc 42. near th e Wayn esv ille t1J1'j>u l'a tiun Iinc. T heir three children. Bertha, now Mr ~ . Ed Hart/lock, Harvey and Clarence, a nd their familie s assist ed in muking the occa sion memornble. A t t he noon houI- a n elaoorate Ilnu bea utifull y appointed di nner was !<e l'ved t o relutives and intimale friend of t his popu lar co uple. In vited g u e ~ ts were MI'. and Mrs. Ed Hartsock and so n. of Spring Valley ; Mr. a nd Mrs. lal'e nce Rye and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harv ey Rye, and family, Mr. Frank lin Th omas, Mr. J esse Thom us. MI'!!. Viol a Ca l'ey, Mr. and Mrs A Ili e Hole an d son, Mr. and Mrs. -Lesl er Kenrick, Mr. and Mrs. SERVICES FOR BROTHERS Jam es Johns, Mr. and Mrs. John HELDI ON SATURDAY Ry e, Mr. and Mrs. George Hnrt___ .ock, Mr. and Mrs. Ralp h J ohns, - f E" I V d Mr. ana Mrs. Ru s!l~ 1 Ca mpbell, I~ un era I s<'rv .I,ces or 8 1 • an Mrs. Mury McClure, Mr. and ·Mrs. Her man Co nn,e r, t he brothers Mont H oblitt. wh o:~ d ea ~h s occurred onl y a few It was Mrs. Rye's happy privilhoul s apal t, w~re held at the Me- ege to have her father Mr Franklin lure Funera l Parlol' ~ atu rd a y. Thomas, 89 years of age, present Mrs. W. H. Allen was in Dayton .1-!erman Conn.er dle~ at the n this occasion. Mr. Th omas came Tuesday. Mililary J:I ome III Manon, Ind., wearing the derby ha t he wore at ~ue s da~ l1lght, .January .follow- his own ' wedding the 4th S unday The estate of the late S. F. mg a n 1~ln ess of long dUlatlon ..He in .Jun e 1863. It is well preserved Elbon was appraised, today. se rved III .t he World \\:01', gOing and closely resembl es the derby 0,:,,:r8eas With th e Am encan expe- hats worn today. Mrs. Angelina Duke is ill at the dltlo n ~ry For~es. . • I A large number of Mr. and Mrs. H,e IS surylvc~ d by ~I S Wife, Rye's friend s called during the hom e; of her so n, C. L. Duke. Sa~ l e" tv. ? sl ste~~ !lnd th~ ee broth- afternoo n to extend congratulaHough is ill with quins y er. Fun el al s t.! vices v. ere h~ld , tions and wish t hem many more at Forrest his home in Spring Valley. Saturd~y morrnng, _Rev. Mable, hllPpy years together haplam of th e Ralph C. Snook _. _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ Madison Hu tchinson, city editor Post, and Rev. C. A. Williamson, . of the Western Star, is vel'y ill. officiating. MRS. ELIAS OGLESBEE Services f or Earl V. Co nner, SUFFERS FATAL STROKE Big attractive photo offer conwho passed away Wednesday tinues at Barnard's I. G. A. Store morning, January 13, were conducted by Rev. G. C. Dibert Mrs. Lida Sears Oglesbee, wife C. P. Joy was th~ dinn er .guest Sat.urday nftemoon. The remains Qf E lias Oglesbee, one of Wayne of the br other!; wel'e in t erred in Townshi p's most prominent farm- of Mr. and Mrs. Ohver DaYls, on ers. died at 'her )lome east of Sunday. Miami ccmeterl', Wa yn esville Thursday night, fol-I 1\11'. and Mrs. P. L. Reas on and lowing a st roke of paralysis sufMRS. EMERSON MASON son spent Sunday with r elatives in fered the preceding Saturday DIES AFTElrt LONG ILLNESS Her husband and ~wo daughters Dayton. Mrs. Helen Risinger, of-Leatherige Sveral of our citizens attended Mrs. Melvino. Mason, wife of Alberta Canada, and Mrs. JosephRIVER OUT OF BANKS Emerson Milson, died at her home ine Gons, whose home is near that the Farmers' Instit ute at Spring -Valley, Tuesday. The heavv rains Saturday and on Third t reet. Monday afternoon of her parents,- survive. Ogl esbee was the daughSunday caused the Litt le Miami Mrs. Ma on had been in ill health terMrs. Morton's Smoke Salt at J. C. of the late Joseph and Mary to overfl ow its banks, but seve ral years. S he was a daughter Jordan Hawke's. This salt sugar cures Sears and was born near of the late William and Amanda machines passed over the avenue aLI day. The river reached its Hartsoc k and- was a lifelong resi- Wellmlln in August, 1863. Her all kinds of meat. marriage to Elias Oglesbee took crest about nightfall, and by 6 dent in this com munity. I\Irs. L. M. Henderson and Mr. S urviving are the husband, three place in the fall of 1884. o.'e1ock Tu esday morning, the sisters, Mrs. Joseph P enewitt, of She was a member of the Boyd Henderon were Dayton water was off the ave nu e. Waynesv ille, MI:s. Forrest Mot e, of Happy Hour Club, social organ- visitors on Friday. ---.~- --of Franklin Mlrs. Stacy Lamb, of ization of her neighborhood, and Clarence Mendenhall underwent HORSE BREAKS MAN'S ARM Columbu s ; two brothers , Frank with 'her husband was a member and Alvah Hartsock, of Waynes- of the Wayne Town ship Farmers' ani operation at St. Elizabeth hosClub. pital, Dayton, Tuesday. Edward Gilliland had his left ville. Funeral se rvices conducted by Funeral services wcre held at arm broken in a pecular manner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers and .Monday morning, a horse, which Rev. G. C. Dibert. will be held in the r esidence Monday afternoon, he was currying, crowd ed him the M. E. Ghurch Wedn esday at Rev. G. C. Dibert and Rev. Amos daughter . visited' relatives at , against the stall with s uch force 2 :30 o'clock . In terment will be in Cook officiating. Burial was in Spl'ingboro, on Sunday. Miami cemetery. that his arm broke below the elbow Miami cemetery. Mrs. N. P . Clyburn, of Washing======================= ====== = ============== 1to n C. H., visited her sister Miss Clara Lile, on Saturday.
Wilh l he me rcur v Rtan{ling at 63, J anuary 14. and th <' s un shinin g bril{htly, Mr. and l\hs. M. W. S il ve l' entertain ed in a very p lcnsing mllnn er th ~Wa y n e T ownship I'arm I'S' CIu b. The bo unteou : dinner was sel'Vd members an d gu st. in the din hu r ·h . i'ng room of t he M. E . A ftel' a so cial hour in th c outd ou l's t he meet ing wa s ca ll ed 10 ord er by th e president. Rcv. G. C. Dibert oWned t he in vocation. At lhe 1'011 ca ll four fami li es we re f nund to b abse nt. Th e minules of th e last me eting W 1'1' read and IIpproved. A (IU artette con sisting of Helen Hawk e, Mrs. Suc kett, Mr,.. Bu <' rkl e and Mrs. Lotz fav ored t he club with tw u :ianed numb ers nam ely : "In th e Gard en, " and "The Old Rugged Cnlss_ " A . S. Collett, th e pr esident, gave th e annual presi· dent's uddress. The ide a which he wished to conv ey to hi ~ listeners wa~ thaL of helpfuln ess. He hop es thllt h(' may be kind el', happier nnd mo re sy mpatheti c in the year of UJ 32. Th e ho t introduced as speaker of the afLern oon. Hev. Grau 'er of Worthington, Ohi o. li e discu sed some of th e problems which are facing the wor ld t oday. He is not of an optimis tic frame of mind r egarding th e futur e. He feelif that there are problems a nd t hat t hey mURt be squu r ely fa ced. He ha s lID fenr that sc ien ce will supercede re ligion a nd make it noneffec tive. Th e next few year s wi ll be the period th at wi ll sl1 0w great reconRtruction in t he worl d and in intel'nati ona l relatio nships. The credi t sys tem, the world war and the mad orgy of s pendin g is t o be blamed for this depression he thinks folks mu st enjoy the depression beca ulll! th ey talk so much about it. In closing he stat d the fin e prob lems to be so lved, as he sees them. " Lei sure' Time, Socia l Relation sh ip, HUlllan S uffering, International P ea ce and Racial Relationship. " John Shultz favor!'d the club with a reading "Uncle Josh has his Photograph Tak en." The special topic. "W ha t has ·the Farm er's Club Meant to its Member ," was discussed b v C. L. Duke. He mentioned the fact that this oraganizat io n was started in 1908 and after 24 years it is just as powerful as ever. It even spreads an unconscious influence. The Club adjourn ed to meet Feb· ruary lIth with Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Gons.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent Sunday in Dayton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke.
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H~· l· . , UIl
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Days We'll Never Forget
LATEST NEWS DIRECT FROM OHIO CAPITAL OLUMBU Sec retary of Sta te Clarence J. Brown is reaping the rcward of his insistenc.e upon res,pect for the m.otor ve hicle licen se laws which thu s, throu gh t he cooperat iOn of owners of molor ve hicles, resulted in the curly co llection uf the ~uto .tag lict!1l es. As a result of t hiS poltcy, 01. Chalm er s R. Wilson, commissioner of motor ve hicles, was e nIIbled to forward $ 12,08 1,024.98 to county auditors for d istribution in I1lllnici palitie!; and county tl'eas ur ic. , after 25 per cent had been alloLte d to the state for maintenance and re pair of highways. Fa rm ers Wee k at Ohio State University , February 1 t o 5, will bring in all probability at least 7,000 visito rs t o the Capit al City on t hose dates. Nume rous other farm ers' organization s will hold th eir meeti ngs ut the same time. More tha n 200 events have been ann ounced on the prog l'am, meaning bu s v hou rs for those in atte ndance. Taxation, unemployment iJlsuranc e, workmen/s compensation, r UI'al electrification and rural schools will be among the problem s discussed . There will be an elaborate program for the fa rm wives and the twenty-foul·th annual cOI'n and grain s how will take place in conjunctio n with an elaborute fru it display, machinery and po ultr y exhibits.
Ash Wednesday falls on February 10th this yea r a nd Easter Sunday, March 27th. The Passover observed in the U nited States and manv fore ign countries, is celebrated Thursday, April 21st. Lincoln's birthday, Friday, February 12th, is obserVed as a holiday in 27 states, including Ohio. Washington's birthday, February 22nd, is a nati onal h oliday, also in the Ptlnama Canal Zone, Alaska, Hawafi, Philippin e 1slands, Porto Rico and t he Virgin Islands. Memorilll Day, Mav 20th, falls on Monday this year, as does also Indepe ndence Day, July 4th. Chinese Ne w Years Day will be celebTated by th e Celestials on Feb. 6-7-8. Thomas L, Woods, of Steubenville, J efferson County, cashier in t he office of Secretarv of State Clarence J. Bro wn, has been elected President of the State Employes Beneficia l A8soci~t ion, which has a membership of over 6,000. The selection of MI'. Woods met with popular approval, as he is a hustler along all lines, PQtent, forceful and dynamic and will endeavor dur ing his administration, to conduct the affairs of the associati on so that its membership may be increased and its power for good more firmly established. The new Fish and Game Laws for 1932 have been printed in neat pamphlet form by Oonservation Commissioner- Wm. H. Reinhart, and are now r eady for distribution. There has been a ' slight change in the open season for raccoon from that of 1931, made by order of the Conservation Council. The season closed January 16th, instead of February 1st and this mav result in a little confusion by those who have not secured copies of the new pamphlet.
. Mrs. E. B. Murrell, of Lebanon MRS. MARY WHITE DIES AT HOME OF SON was the guest of ~rs. L. H. Go rdon three days last week. Mra. Mary E. White, .widow of Mr. -a nd Mrs, Madison Earnhart James W. White! died Wednesday • and son, of Dayton , spent Sunday evening at the nome of her son with: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas. Ru sse ll, in Dayton. She is s urvived "y four sons, Take advantage of the many Russell, Ral ph, H oward and Harry bargains at the I. G. A.- Big one daughter, Mrs. Bradford VanProfit-Sharing Sale now going on. Horne, of Dayton; one stepdaughte r, Mrs. Walter Elzey 0'£ WaynesMessrs. H. M. Sherwood and vill e; two brothers and seven John Squires attended a sale of gra ndchildren. antiques at South Charleston, today. FIRST PLACE IN CONTEST Mrs. St. Clair fife and daughter Mer edith Whitaker, local High Miriam Jean, of Wilmington, spent - ;chool boy, who won first place Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and a trip to Washington, D. C., ~ .H. Gordon. til the temperance contest in the J OYs' division in Warren county, Send your stock to The Craw- lrrived in Washington last Friday ford Commission Co., Union Stock ~ vening. On friday and Saturday Yards Cincinnati, through W. P. 1ights he, with the winners from Salisbury & SOR. .>ther counties, attended the con'vention of the Anti Saloon League Mrs. Ida Kelsey leaves tonight o-f America which was in session for Huntington, West Virginia, ilt the Mayflower hotel. where she will be the guest of' ;Rev Meredith is a son of Mr. and and Mrs. Nelson "l.lorne. ' Mrs. Walter Whitaker. Mr. W. H. Allen called on Mr. Samuel Meredith who is ill at his OU.TBUILDINGS DESTROYED home near Dayton, on Tuesday. The barns on the Ea1'1 WelMr. Meredith is confined to his baum farm neal' Five Point were bed. entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday" The ,.fire occurred at noon while Bring in your corn at the Far- the family was at dinner- and was mers Institu te, January 29 and not discovered in time' to save the 30 at the Waynesville Gym. A buildings. No stock' was 'lost but lot of interest is manifested in the it is said ' 'about lOGO bushels department.. \ 'of . 'corn bur ried. . Tile 108$ . ,is 'MasterS ' Tresslel,' and thought to be Jiartial\y covered . k by insurance. , Mr. ' }Velba"utri ' JIi H!lrdin who h aVe b een .very SIC treasul'el' of Montgol1Uiry cQunty With mumps and whOoPIng c_!"ugh , • ~ __ ' . ' <. for the last leVi' weeks, are getting, . . , '. . '" .' \. along ver..;: nicely at this time; SHER.FF saLD FARM .
The Young Wom~iJ'~ bridge-'club -W. B. I was entertained at- the home of.. ren° vu .. nloIY. Miss , Elizabeth Henkle Tuesday ta.rm MondllY night. Campbell, Prize winners wereH1Iwke MI_ ~~o:r~k~~~:~~:~~ AJice MillS Doris and Mrs. Maynard Wel~; MIlS , Either Dennla and Mrs~ NelAon I Watkins were CUelta ot ' tbe boat;.. elL
~1I~~r:) .{!lwund('rstand.lng lind ill ~ NEWS ,. So, my dt'8f." finished on- I stance CI8W!QI·lt, "you were sacl'i-
!~~~~ ~On~~~ge~,~~ (~a~!pld:~~(J~d f~~
I le~:~~ :;..eVj:.j/~~ j~ te~II~U(~~one:c~t~
live," oi I 1\1rs. fllwford. wilh Dr. rife of h missio tl WII S their
tan} ,/, tJ;ustee of bv Item IV, of will of Wiiltel' W. ol)rhill, deceased, is to buy certaill stock {or interest of suld trust: Warren C, Young, administ,rator of estllt of Cliffol'd Cole, deceased, is to BeU certain real estate at. tlot less than the appraised
Common Plea. Pro<:eedin"'. .. v~lu e. In tho case Ol[ 'Phe ~ ntral Ohio ) lIes mude by 'rs'! k B. Hicks, 'rhe ~ir l xolaim d in asloni h- Paper o. vel'SUS 1>'l'ankUn Ntltion. ex ' cuMr were approved and COIlm nt. ".1-1 ca n, ho lin talk t o him nl Bank, fi v 111 0tilHIS wet" filed. fi rJll 'd by the court nnd he is to 11e clln uud erstnml him1' , Moti n " was ovet'l'uled and t he settle all accounts. 1 seem eu hnl'd to h 'li e' . 0 plailltiff is, grll nted leav to file T be. fo u ·tll acount of Lebanon uttel'!,y with he r, had the urowli tlm ' lHl cd I> liHon within 60 day. itizens Na ion!!l Bank and Tru st ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE illUII be n b y nd I' nch f W OI' Is, Tho caSe or J, T. M Kinley ver- 0 . , trustee of estate of O. K. Cop>'r ig ht by Charles Scribner's ons it ,had see llle d no ne. wilh Ponnpe su: Aug ust .Tentz is La be heard nook, deceased, was a pproved, al lo\ved and confirmed by the court. _"" ................................;..:..........._ ................:......:..............,:.., ......;................................, . ......, :.....,",:.., """"" BUI'ke gOIl ' , co uld vel' ul'id~e that J unullry J 5, IH 3~. 1!'1lP between Babel'a 111 st diver:e The eleve nth acount of W . H, In {he cast' of The Pumous Auto CRAPTER X IV. . uppl.v 0" II co rpo rlltion VCrSlI !! IA lie n trustoe of ell tate of Ruth A. OIiv paddled furiously t o get iar IlIn gulIgc , "And t o I hink ." cried onstnncc F.nlli ~ ])(JllIlC Il. ct ai, I h plnintilT I Chenoweth, deceased, was approve nough so that the back -swee l> And now, as the girl looked Olive co uld ' n ot J1;rip tholll, drag them "th!')' got th' lelte l' a ll wrOIlI!'. ill tll TI' '0 1' 1'1' fl' olll Lh~ dc fendnn t Icd , allowed and confirmed by the l ude u, be lien' pO O l' Uliv(', wlio t he s um of $ 1!l8 .07. early h court. . du ~ his paddle in, put un his down to d ~stl'uctiol1. Because he had a Glassified Ad. and sold his III thl' cu"'e (of 'I'he Wt'ste l'1l In- . T~ e ~Ir!;t . and final. account of weIght upon jt. The CI'ait veer ~ d ha d succeed ed. But, t he rec oil hav- Wtlli be ing Ii() wond el'ful, \\'a ~ a dU stl'it's curpol'H I io n \'er~us Van LIZZI(' I, en!!:!, !lxecutnx of estate alld took u n w COUI'S ~straight ing rained the cora l a lmost ba!'e. villain ." goods through the Miami Gazette's columns Th c colo l' f1110dl'd Palmyra's 1I' "'nc Tubl! ClI " I'l III the credi- of Luthe r F e n'!', deceased, was ap kn ob of the for the l'eef. Palmyra at stunned the outl'iggcr .;tl'uck She had hoped again st h ope t hat limestone, bro l(c frol1l the can oe. (' hl'l'k s in the inlen sity )f h ' l' in- lnr. of the \'lIn lI orne Tub e '0. prove d allowed und confirmed by at a good profit. In stantly, the Illun leaped out tel'c:<l, Illatil) a 111 01 ill n t - hu Ve Marc H. the, cour~. she was Wl'ong, that he still saw a "But thi: pal'li(oullli' pn~tor Br idge, rctci,'l' rl'llIoved. Th e ' 1he w~lJ of Ch ar les W. chwartz _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ way. But hE're was sur re nd er. caught th gi d up in hi ~ urms. li e ,~'as a dmItted to I>robate. Hany C. Even for such a one there cou ld spru ng upon Ii cornl uould et' thut cuuldn't eXiJ la in clc'url y," ~n id the mul il' n \\'11: u\·e l'l'ulcd. mised thenl abo ve the s liding fllthel'. "nnd the ,Jup, lIli ~ 1 Ii by 111 tilt' l'H Sl' o f The l\Iillmi Mort- Sc hwartz and Gwend olYn M. Savings o. to Sarah E, Boywe ll tenc il W..o rk!! Co" s up plies, $,1.08; be no furthe l' sh ift. Scarcely had the canoe changed watet·. Th e ea n(,e 'ucked back lIVl' l' YO UI' nu ml' . di dn't ull derstand al ~ll l!:l' Co . \'CI'~ \I ~ Williulll F. Th olll- ,'(' hwllr tz werc uP.l>ointed exec u- Real es tate in Turtlecrcek town- E . B. Murl'elJ, TI'eusul'u r , stump~, 1111. \\' hut livc rea ll y ",!'iU'''' i" I. ill, c t al til(' sherilT )<u ll,s Wl' re ap- 10 1''' , No ~on <l requll',ed, ship. sa; Leuanon LUllIbe r 0" glass, course than t he Pigeon of Noah the brink. but Olive held. The wil l oJ C;:urol,tne S. Adams, Mae Mi ll er t o Fmnklin L, Mi ller putty und SllwtlU ·t, $,1.29; J. a lso swu ng . i n toward t he reef Th e moment the dOll'nl'u s l, e nde d b ~el'c h, ill .Ic· h ol' uh' ~ IHIIIH'. hal ill'OVl'd lind CI1 l1fil'Il It' L1 111111 he i~ 10 dt'Cl'U,;lJd, WILS fil ed Ul court. In lot No. L in Wayn esville. Fis he r, drayage, $1; Phillips Ri bPalmyra could see Ponape Burke he rae d with his burde ll , bound- whatev!!r fr iell ds' gel lhe lut ll'r ,elt l(' all u~co un l~ waving ,his al·m s. sho uting orders. ing ve l' th e I'ough coral, un t il he hurry wit h :I l' nt ~ 11lId mit 11 .1' b (Jllt~ The : lll!I'i tr sul~'~ w('l'e ap pl'o vI'd .J, T, Ril ey, ll~ln:in i shu tol' of esLelllie E. Purd v to Bertha M. bon and Cal'boll 0 " cllrbo n, $4; She gave one shuddering glance at hud I' ached a nother knob risi ng to II naillcd i ~ l:lnd, tlH' l'!! t o hell' II l1d CIJ lltil'l111' d ill lh l , t: ll ~ l' 'Jl Elli s lutl' (',f Anna Prickett, deceased, Purdy. Inlot No, 1 in Lebanon. L yle Bla nk Buoi< 0 " su plies, T , CIII'tlm'l] alld ElIIlIla ( a rll l ~ 1J tried hiS first a nd final ,lI,:count. I Lo'ma M. Scofi eld and Lllura B. $32.50; Ho lthuus Trall ~ pOl'tutioll the cauldron ahead, then back to a bove th e level, p rhups ti fLy fu et hi nl ~ a V(' . . ." ·'U I'. Crite snl's th!!n, " ab ~n lu te \'er~u s J uhn ' 1!lI ;l'rv :tnd Arthur At' na .LaYlllan, admini strator of cofi eld to S. L e wis Robinson and Co., ex press, 70e; Leban un Patl'iot the white man . The race :was run . in from the dge. Here th ey wl'a th And even now, in confirmation, cred the next sea a nd its s ubse- Ir nu qUl'~titJ '; about the \\,ul'" H, Wil son, The :1111" Ull t tiue pluill- C~llItl' t~1 Rolll'l't. Elm el' S harp fil- Lucyle S. Ro bin son, Inlo t No. 210 udvel'tising-, $8 .00; W estern Star, sa\' "," put in ons tunc('. till's fl '(0 11\ lit ' "d~llllulI l.' is ~ I 6iiO. I'd hl~ fll' ~ t nnd , tinal acount.. Olive sprang up, let go the sheet, quent retreat. in Lebllnon, advertising . $8,60 ; Mrs. O. Hol. , "H el p hill! "a l' .. the hi g h 67 , An t' l' all Ile,'punl II " II' "' l ti "d Another dash across th!! sha ls lashed the cord s that held the J\lrs , .Iullll Mtll urd wus uPl>omt- ' F' k Y Cl J Y lingsworth, foo d for P otto rf chlIyOLln~ lally Palmtre('. " chief the amollnt Hi ll d ill' i" ~ :j ,, 5.\1:1 ~'d guul'dia n uf J Ull1 se Cu nnon, an l lnlo~a~o ~~~gLt:ban~~a . o un g. dren, $6,23 ; Ml's. Dora hilton , mast; whipped t he whole gear lows and they \\'He safe from the The j{il'l settled huck amo ng her ocean. But n ot as y't from Ponape \\ hic h lh., pluill ti li" is III recover Infallt. . . compen:!aiion und damages, $25; overboard. )Jill o w ~. Tc nr: w('lIl,t! in to he l' e"es fn'llI A r t hul' H. \\' ibo n. In regard tn the :;ettIement of Bla ir & LeRoy, g l' vel. roc k-dust But immediately, to her bewilder Burke. Bill. Allowed. l and chip s, $492 .90; Hurry Hill, 10 thl! estate of .R; Vll n Tr ~s', deceasmen t, h e seized the paddle again , As the brown mun carri e d " It \\' IIS "nough thll t I "h"l"" hav e cd. t hc ud l~lI n~8 tl'at o l' IS to mllk e gaso lin e books, $88,90 ; W . H. Me. plunged it into the water, began Palm yra, her face, ovel' his should- II' I'O Il t::l'ti hilll," ~ h (' saiu. "It is unNew Sui" thin kuble Y( IU all shllu ld ha ve bee n el tlem e nt l!ll avor .o f the Dep.artTru stee of Public Affairs, light 1 H c nl'Y, ~ upplies und gos. $11.92; to speed toward the barrier. er/ \VIIS tUl'Iled toward Lhe Lupe- /!u ilty of thi ~ crowning mi sco ncep in a Kel:Iis \'('I'SU,' I;:dgn l' Ke llis ~lC nt of, lndwn Affairs 115 prOVided $64.59; Book Shop, walnut desk, J Bell Press, I' oad time efl t'ds, $7.50 ; The roar of the Burf- most fri ght a-Non. The girl !{aw lh e schoon El'l'or. ful of ound-deafened her, But e r, bcuten at la t, had gone t ion," 111 "h e tC~'m s of settlement. $:33 ; Ohio Central T ele ph one Corp I L, I. Pence, rud iutor l'opllir work, ' he :h ifted uneasily Inv for ' IJnn F. O' Neil n nd Hildu A, 1 he will of G eol'g~ H. Anderson oration, to lls, $32.60; Drs. Edw, ' $4. as she clung desperately to her about a nd was work ing back out some tim e ill ~il cn ~ ~, i a7.in ~ I n'N!' il vcr!; U fl G, F. HOgl·I·~. ct a l decease d \VU~ filed Ill , court. HO.n. a nd Robt. Blair, s ervices, $20; place ,s taring ahead into the tu- qf dunge r. She Ra w that the white fur IlIOnl')" fUl'ecl osu l'e of llI ort- ~ . E. ~uble !s to .be give n co mmls- Drs. Edw. and Rout, Blair, sel'mult 0 fwate r s-she could smile If ma n hUd cJamb rcd part way up lhrough thc wind uw. , " If th ey Iw dn 't bun g led the I(' tLrllf,(C and cquituble r elie f. 10 11 With sntd Will II nn exed, t o .be vices, $5 ; Drs. Ed\\,. und Robt. Olive chose d eath to defeat, so the r iggi ng . ·And then she gave a du ly cxe~ ute d nnd, together wllh Blair, services, $'82; Mrs. Maybell could she. But . su ch her faith, she Warning cry, a s from t he shl'o uds, t(, I'," she sni d a t last w ~' n rily, " I Probate Court ~ h o ulLl have " ee ll s pared mllch, th e depOS it ion of \~Itn ess. Ern~st P J effery, services, $7; Mary Ennis, felt that, impossible as it see med there flushed o ut a Sp UI·t of tlam e, if you hud n' t le t l'ollupe ale s ma de by had es E. Wur- Locher, tllke n, Signe d, certtfied, se rvices, $ 10; Stillwater Sanitorhe must 8tiJI think to escape. In sta ntly, Oli ve, und erstanding And E PAIRING Now, as h er navigator began to threw himse lf tlat into the thl'ee- Rurke c ~ cupt'. I shou ld n't no\\' be wick , executo r of esla le of Hirum selli ed and returned to court. iUm, care of Flora Smith, $108.50 Watches V. WUl'\viek, were appl'oved and calculate the seas, to hold the foot water. A bullet cume c utt ing ill dtll lg'CI' ,'lill," Mrs. Erma Hibnat', services, $10; At IUHt Palm yra co uld talk tu co nfirl1led h~r the COlllt. He filed Marriage Licenae. locks canoe back at times, Palmyra saw alo ng the surface where thev had J ohn Law & Son, gas, $2.47; O. S. Olive: J 'c welry his , secund und final acco unt. thel'e was a slight recession shore- stood. Higgins, services, $1; Cliff Brant, J ohn D. Vandame nt, printer of A fter all th e~ e ti ny!' lind year" Har riet Purlett has bee n ad optward in the line of the reef. It lenping up, siJrang with and (:('nluries of il 'nce , th ey two. ed by J. A ~' rhiling an d Roxie May Be thel nnd Miss Ruth Naomi sel'viees, $1; M. H, Oswald & on, Slore Open Evenings s wung in at thi s point just suffi- thcOlive, burial sel'vices $100; Franklin Chis man o f Loveland. girl behind a n oth e r boulder in by t he int er ve ntion of 01' . Crife , ' c hilling a nd her na me is cha nged ciently to create a lee. The surf Chronic le, advertising $2.08; Be ll to escape II seco nd buJle t. had b ' (' 11 mu d urti c~I, tc. to Hal'l'iet Jleun chilling. CARY'S JEWELRY did not burst upon it with the di- timeeveral Real Eatat e Tran,fera PI'ess, 500 bill h eads, $2.6 0; sh ouis Po nape Bu r ke She l(O arlleu tha t he br ow n mil !! ect drive of the wind and, proEdwin C. Wl'i ght to Ches ter W estern Star, bar dockets book fi red in his jeal!' ; I'age, though Re n ed l'ol1 np Burke in a dcbt oE tected through most of the yen wal'runts, $80.50 ; takalta Mfg. a nd Martha Rapp. R ea l estate in Co., s upplies, $6; Drs. Edw. and from the sweep of the trades, not now he had no .argel. 'rhen . the g l'll titude i th e "al' il g of his li ft', Pigeon of oah gaining wu y, dr ew II e hnd fur this white rH, ca l a sort ),!one lhe re ·because it was so obHamilton towns hip . ~r R I' so much broken coral bad been Willie Jervis to Flol'ence Hoc k- Robert Blair, se rvices, ",3; oi . S packed down here and the rim was olf, and t he pursuit. in t his phuse of lol'l.!. bu t no ·Ol·t of res pect. vious ly the p laCe he sh(,u ld hllve E lectric Shop, lamps, $8 .24 ; Drs. Grea t SG uis mu st , of the ir naiur . gone. Burk e was urc t o t ry that lower. In a flash she perceived that a t any rate, wa ended. Fr~r;;kl~~.lot8 Nos. 11 and 12 in Edw. and Robt, , Blair services, Olive marc hed pl'ou dl y UI) the s Ufi'c l' P'L\,y tYI'anny, And OlivcInl!'oon fi rs t . be must have had this place in Chester S. Rapp und Martha $ 5.50; Star Chemical Co., supThis much Dr, Crifc could I'ead mind from the first; that, the tide sands, the girl in hi arm s II dcafl oft ' no ncorcling- lo hi ti li ght:<, replies, $5; Trustees of Public ~OT ARY PUBLIC g .'eelin!!, disupprovillg, nl\l'l1ys I)a l- Cor hel': , R ap p to Harlan McClain. Rea l es- Affairs, light and gas, $39.42; in their favor, it mgbt be possible, bu rd en . The rifle fire, as was to hal'I' liatin!! - f oll u\.,.e d the d espicab le Inca rnate! the.re beJore this is- tute in TurtlecI'eek township. J ohn Law & Son, gas, alcohol, in sufficiently skilled halids, to National Bank lun de r' CYI)S on the Rainbow, she bee n expected, had brought the vil littl e r onape. Frank S. Tripp to Jessie B. labm', $90 .07; Griswold Service hurdle the reef. . She lea rne d lha t Olive had not had been TI ot unlike II god dess; a TripI>. Inlots No!!. 10 and 18 in Station, recharge and gas, $4 .25; Will. Drawn , , E.tatel S;"ttl"d There was just one phase in the lagers l'ltnnihg from their t hatches rhythm of the surf when he could Scarcely had t he brown man em- known Burke Ill('unt lo a u(\uct her. bcing'- a s ind eed s he was- fro m Hal·veysburg. Zuc!t F letcher to Cecil Fletc her, John Law & Son, repairs, $3.50; WAYNESVILLE, OHJO succeed. He must catch the mo- erged out of the sea than these And ~ h e ( und that in the b egi n- another wO'l'ld. A high white pI'in - lnlot Nos 747 and748 in Frank- Sam O. He nkle, s urveying, $86.Micronesians were s warming do w n ning he had thou l! ht it, not an nbcellS. calledl fOI' lh e tatel y life'm ent when the w8fe had crashed 2 5c; J , W. Lingo Hardware Co., givi ng pa lm and crown ed with lin . down upon the coral teeth; when Excited , voices fill ed the ail'. ductio n, but nn elopement. Carl and Caroline Schaub to :; uPl>li es" 50c; A. B. Kaufman'S "O-lee-vaYO-lee-va yO-lee-vay! Only when lhe >lc hooner ~ (lt hair of flam e, s he had condescendthe vioience of the impact had Gruce Millech Relll estate in Deer- m'ppli es, $1.65; Mia mi Gazette, ad abated, but not one second of the So this, the n, wal! where he could undel' way did he porce ive this cd to him with blankets when a field township. vertising $2.20 Franklin Chronicle precious after inrush had been lost bring her; the home of his people, W/l>; no adventul' of Palnw ra' s brown creatul'e was in miser y with Citizens Savings Bank and ' dvel'tising, $3; Western Star, $ t 2 own choice. Onl y when she did not that most terrible of things--co ld . For if that had not carried him the place of hls own abodc. Hete were p eo ple moving a bout soo n ueg in to sm ile throug h her Olivc was not in love with T ru st Company to Nettie Murphy. V. W. Tompkins pay r oll, $142.80 far' enough, he would be caught acres in Franklin township. E . D. Jones, pay roll, $197.60; A. by the recoil to follow, when the brown men, yellow m en , white men telll'S as many II nati ve g irl mig ht Palm-Tl·ce. One does not consider 67.20 Carl and' Caroline Schaub to T . Re ttig, pay roll, $231.90; L. ~. the last in ' white clothing a nd ha ve don, did he real ize how lel'ones If pr iv il eged to fall in love water flung UpOn the reef poured Lester Whitton, Real estate in Witham, pay roll, $141.35; Chlll'les white. s hoes, with whi te pith he l- rible to her the sit uation. with a godde. s. back into the ocean. E . Bradbury, pay roll, $241.85; mets pulled down over their noses Olivc's first ' tho ug ht was t hllt ' But from t he deck at h e)' feet, Deerfield township. Carl and Caroline Schaub to John Myers, pay roll, $194.60 ; to kee,p u"t th CI:la re of the white the g irl wou ld f eul s afe I' wit h a intim ately yet afar, he had gated Norman Whitton. Inlot No. 4373 Joe W. Davis, PllY roll, $148.60; 8llniI. An d ,here was even a white weapon; a lso t hat she might need up at hel'-·fascinated . Carl Dakin, pay 1'011, $125.20; 'J oe wom an, who popped her head out. one. As he dare d n ot give hel' the If Pulmylt'a now knew how OliVe in Loveland. Ch I F kl' b' h 'ff t W. Davis, paY-J:oll, $148.60; Carl a window like u cuckoo Ollt of a knife in dllytime, h e had d rOflped fe lt towt\I'd he t·, sh e WU!! fOI' from ar es ran m, y s en , ~ Dakin, pay 1'011, $125.20,' Floyd clock. it hl'ough t he skylight, kn ow ing ' ho w she felt toward Olive Union Central Life Insurance Co. And there, m ost astoni hing of ' Wh e n lh e japanese gunboat And if bet' on ly difficul t y with 236.56 , acres in Wllshington t own- Lemmons. pay roll $220; Eden . Terry, engineer, $93.75; Frank Iall, not five feet away and us rca l passed them so cl'uelly by Olive Van Bure n Rutger h~ been a re- ship. Mason Universalist Church of Wilson, mechanic, $17.60; Curti s I as life itself stood John 'l' hul·s ton . hud hee n a!! ellger a s s he to attract Iluctance to give him pain, she I I And he gazed at he\' sorrow- attention . Bu t he hud known the found every difficul ty with John MoUson to Ohio Univet:salist Con- M. Charlton, operating maintainer I vent ion. Inl ot · No. 35 in Mason. $51; E . W . Knapp, operating main j fu llv and said, in the stl'angest dist.a nc o too great. Thurston. P eoples' Building, Loan and t.ainer. $45; W. P. McCarren, garvoice: "Palm Tree l Oh, oh , Palm! A s I' glll'<l ed .Ja lu it he ha d not (T o be Continued ( age, rent, $48; J. K. Sp encer, gl'O- , :~ ': It was not until fiftee n hOli l's ' $173; Zain Armitage, gravel , I " vel, after the brown man had I'est.ored ' $119.70; Oregonia Bridge. Co., l'e- '!'!'!!~~~~~~~~~..!!...!!.!'!!.!!'!'!!!~. Palmyra Tree to the world of the pairs . $9 .30; Frank 'SherlVood Co . Jiving t hat she on ce more opened s u pplies und gas, $45.48; John 'h el' eyes. Then, in a half-Wilk ing HUNTINCA Thomas Service Station, g as, $54.- , friQ'ht, /lhe reared he rself up witl] ' FlsfilNG V 91; Harl'v Hill, gas, $102.04; a cry of "Olive!" Bla,ck & Dinn Garage, gas, $27.20 i The next moment s l~e fo und Mon,ow Garage gas, $35.31; L. H, herself j n her .mother's urms. Gord on , supplies, and gas, $ 13 .43 When she roused again, sevCI'ul Kilpatrick-FI'ench Motor Car Co., houl's later, the Crllwfords \ve re a t equipment Ilnd g~, $92.08; C. D. Let Dr. CaldweU help whenever your the bedside with her mother and Smart,' gas, $48.70: East End c:hild is feverish or upaet; or bas father. . G.a rage, g~s, '12 .6~; Griswold S,e r. caunt culd. Palmyra sat up abruJ)tl y wit h , vIce StatIon, gas, $120.29; H. L. Hi.s simple Preseriptioll will ~ the questionj "Whel'e have th<'y Schuyler, pay roll, $190.40; Philip that bilious, headachy, ~ hoy or got Ponape Hurke?" Heisel. 'pay roll, $32; Melvia E. , HUNTING Iirl \»l1lfho~Ie,ltha\lPY' w~U in j~t The foul' 10llked from one t o and Mary M. Wilson, right of WilY, a few OtlJ'll. 800n s:es ores I e, another, hesitant. $123; L. G. Anderson, Sons Co., &: PISHING bowels to bealthy regulanty. ~t he Ps At her first awakening the girl [!Irma, $18.44; Waynesville Farm- IU62-PDlJamODtblJlmll" "break-up" a cOld -by keepmg the it al qO or. ",mec1 l ull 01 buutbo e.bI free from 'all tb'at sickening had been told how the <?kayam.a ers E xc hange sewers" ",26.32; L, 1011. nablng, atlmplnr .,,4 m:'us wasl.e. ha~ broug ht. hcr people mto thl!' W. Nisbet Co., sewers, ,2,85; ' t~.~m~m?I~~:::1~~'!~~~6 " You have a lMJIIIUJ dodor's tpOI'd ha!,bor 'on ,the sea,rch. Blair & LeRqy, gravel, $10.96; .u ""ral'ol vQl'8.1Ia~lnlltnok_ M ason L um b er C o. guar d ral' l lo. Uf\lJ)O tnw ohnur u, bOOO for t11~ lcu:aIiPe.,Dr. Caldwell's record You, .you don t me,~n . . Sh,e .,,!ou,<.' to go~ Iloll allllllll1l~. of having attended over 3500 births pall sed, lIlC:l'edalou s. Y? U don t material, $25.26; J. W. Lingo ' lIitJ\oul loss of one' mother or baby ' mea n thc gunboat WIlS !'Ight here lIardware Co., supplies and reD believed unique in American when I Clim e a nd didn't steam out pairs, $135.60;.Famous Auto Supmedical hiitory. to catch him 7" ply Co., s upplIes, $8,40; ,W, A. lor t,WCJ wbotff VCArn 24 N~ ~ U1 .". P. tlil: rluo !lOW ami . Gel a hoWe of Dr. Caldwell's She saw that , this unbelievable Lutz, l',e pairs, 75c; " Herschel F. I\VtJ \ 1H SGHt YO I.l Syrup Peesm (rom your drugsLore thing was true. Unexpecte dl y, she James, repairs, $1,60; Waites Gnrand have It ready. Then you won't sprang to h e r feet. "Where's age, repairs and supplies, $22.38; b.ve to worry when lIny member of Olive ?" Her voice rang Shlll'P, 'Franklin Vulcanizing & Tire. Co., your family is headachy, biliou.s, frightened. ' snppl!es, $2.35; Sjol.C. Alexander, ,assy or cOlllltipated. Syrup PCP~lD But Olive himself was as leep. supphea, $ 4.50; Jo)tn Law & Son ' III good for nil age3. II sV!ceLen~ the He r father began to explain. supplies, $4.50; Kaufman's, paint $1.. 75; Spring Grove Motor Sert;'~J~n i~c,;r~~m;fe~tite--makes ~~~\~si:e~~~ ~~ Noah is an Ameri ,!"":: vices, repairs, $36.17; H. S, .. And thel'e's been so much fri c;t, "~', "::' Oonover. supplies, $22.90; p, O. tion between Japlln and America," , .:\, .. :" ~:.', Monfort, garage, $18; P. O. MonD• . W. B . CALDWELL'S in te l'j ected the mother. ~ , !.~;:~~,2~';" fort garage, $18; Blair & LeRoy HUNTING "And Commandet· Sakamoto wns t'.llw, r ~t(.,; oi (1.(·e h VI! a bad time' looking' over the above groups. One show., Mrs. ROM gravel ~nd dust, $288.10; Mrs: II I sure if he seized the schoon et· on U~ ,,<:" ,,' i ', ;,'" > ;,. i:il \\'ith h~ r th rec daugh lt!fs. Lillian, Selma and Kathryn. each 8 ycan old, Tilt &.. FISHING Erma Hlbnar, services, $10; Mrs. A Doelor'J FQm;y, LIIxoIil" the high seas it would get into the ! ot l' '~ ; Jlo.'l!i" r i L v:', 1l ,~ lii) 1I KIIlI(s Rose. a blueblood 01 Jers eys, with her triplet •. born 011 the ,utate .. Maybell Jeft'ery, .services, $7; Mrs. f ranslt Bldg, American .p apers wrong and stir 1_ G':t,:.:c D \ : J~ n ~ r . CI <.:S,1I1UI Hill :arms"Pa Two 01 the calves are males Mary Ennis, services} $1 0; Dayton Soaton, M ••••
By Stanley R. Osborn
need watching
Only $1.00
==============~==============~ =~=======---==================~========================~=====
Happy Days
5% Farm' l:loans ,. LONG OR SHORT ' 'TIME- Eaay , terJ?ls. Also ~urveYing and Ab- ;, Btraetmg. Wnte and I wlU ea ~ and see yon. Sam D. Henkle, Way nelville, Ohio. JU I WANT~D
FOR SALE-GOO ppi:atoes at 70c.
Wayneaville, Ohio.
Sweet Memorie.
•.__ ._.___'_._0 _._.,_1141
Pa~lil'" SuL.uiptioD PrIM, '1.,0 a Year Mn. Jellie B. Tripp OI&ce PhoD . ...................... No. l12] Rell_c. '. Enl.r.d .1 Po.'offl u ., W.. yneuill., Tonight, t he e~ ho of t he church .. · .. ·.. ................ No. 118 Ollio, ... S ec ond Cl ••• Moil M.tt e r bells, in t he valley, As usual. bring sweet. m emo ri es' of
_;=.=-=-=-= ._:o:.-=====J::A::N = U::A=R=Y = ::l2=0=,= 1=93==2========= ..==
A Disgrace to Intelligence
A~o~iso b ring
to mind sout h. ern roses, And how we've a lways loved each other, too.
~ At th e nd of 19:11, t hc Na tiona l Sa!ety Coun cil said that it ha d Rc member, d'ea r ' the . cool ari d ~ecome incr a. ing ly vident that the tra fli c to 11 wou ld rea ch an all. shady forest? t ime r e ' ur ~ of 36,000 fata lities fo r the year.
n e r'~ If:' II rec ord thnt none of 'us want. It was wit hin our pow er to . pro ~l! n t It last yellr, exa ' Liy II it ii'! in our pqwC r to prevcnt th e es. .. J'tpb hshm e nt 0 r llO ot her g l'isly record or au to mobile dea ths in l!J3 2. S\.I C.ty .o l~ . tree l~ a nd hi!!hwuy!! co mes us a res ult of the rea lization of lhe .ll1dlv ldual's 41uty to driv e hi s ca l' ut nil li mes in II prud ent a nd int ell!g n t IIHl!l nel·. .urcleHHness, igl1 ol'a nce , drunkenness a t the wheel , a n Il'l'CH IIOIISI.bl uLl ILu de, la ck of ord in a r y cou rtesy- t hese things ha ve caused prac tica lly a ll or t h ' 35 ,00 0 d eaths. The I'eall y unu vo id a bl e ac . cid ent is extre mely fUr l'. . An in fo l'mell an d act ive publi c con c iousne SS' con do mu ch, a s t h e NaLlon ;1I Safely aliona l Safe ty Cou nc il ha s found out. In nea rl y on e. half ~ f o.u r cities u niled act ion on t he part of pu bli c officia ls, ci vi c ol'gan lzal lons lind public s pil'ileo indi viduals held the dea th ra te in . ch eck. llu l ill Lhe I'en lllinuc i' t here IHls bee n a woe ful spi rit of a pathy t owor d n pl'OblCIlI tha t me nn ce!! the li ves of U !l a ll . We havl' · nte l·e d a new ye ur- a yen r of man y pro ble m ~. And we shou ld l'ell1 clI1be l' t ha t on e of the mO. t im porta nt of t h e~e i!'; t o do our Li t t u I' I'omot l' the ca usc of care f ul n 'ss a nd comp ete nce in au t omo bil e dri ving.
Where the Taxpayers' Money Goes
nll el' 'lhl! ca pt ion. "Pull perjzi ng t he Far m'er :" the Chica go Trib une 1'('centIy cOll1m e nled on fa r llll'l's in the No r thwest wh o w r c e n(;ou1'll~(' d to bunow money fl'om t he Govlll'Omc nt t o bu y seed last . pr ing. A bout $4. 000 ,000 \vas nue Se pte mber 30, a nd, according t o th e acco untin g of October 2 , but $1·17. 000 ha d been paid. A grea t par t of the mo ney wi ll pl'o bnbly nevc r be pa in, As t he old sayin g ha s it, you {, I, n't get bloo ll frolll a ~ t o n e . T he 'I'1'ibu ne Sl\y ~: "'f h y (pr of ssiolla l farm r elieve rs ) hav e encouraged fnr mers to borrow. . , The resul t has been that t he mal'gi nn l fu rmel' wh o unnot earn a livin g far min g hav e been kept in busin ess by th o Govc rn me nt dole, a nd in conse qu ence th e campaigns \I hi ch have bee n wa 'ed fo r r edu ct ion o f s urplu ses have f ail ed." 'rhu s urm relief, in stead of improving the condition of t he farm mll Y, instea d, plunge him fu r t hel' into depression. This is on e mo r e c" idcnce that polit ical pa nacellS, lt th e t axpaye rs' expense, not onl y un usuall y fail but often aggrava t e t he ver y conditi on they seek t o r em· ed y,
How t he shadows flu ttered so gold Il nd black, As We "t wo t r od t he n orrow wood· land and pathway, T hosc plellsant days, our youth, we'l l ne'er get bock. My love f Ol' you dear heart, will never falter , No mat te r whllt life g ives , as we go lh rough ; It burns lik e holy fire upo n an altar. In my heart , t here 's only r oom e nough fo r yo u.
I call to mind th e ma ny W ed nes·
day evening s , H ow the di tan t music fl oated on the a ir ; Fro m the little old brow n ch urch , down in the valley , As the village choir sung, "Sweet Hour o f P ray er." And th e little crolls u pon the br own church steeple, Th a t shon e so golden in the morn· ing ~un ; Th e little fOl'm tha t' s lying no w so q uiet In the chur chya r d, how to meet us it wou ld run . But now dear heart. wc both have g r own mu ch . old er , The r e' s silver thread s, mixed in yo ur hair so brow n; Bu t still, my love f or you could ne'cr be bold er , Though on th e shady side we're goi ng dow n.
The farm tloek us a SOU1'ce of income will receive attention from thousands of Ohio f armer s and homeml1kers on February 1 t o 5, whe n some 8,000 ru ralites me"t at the twentieth annual F a r me rs' Week to be held at t he Ohio State University ,nnn.o unces t he poult ry depal· tment of t h'e state in stituti on , Highlights in the po ul try business of 1931, poul try ho us ing pro b lema und fa et ol's in flue nci ng ratiON: al'o only a fe w of th e imporlu nt tupies t o be d i,;cll ssed with visitor s at t h fa l'm c l a ~ . ic. A mong lhe corc!! of poul t l'y su bjects li st· cd fol' thi s fi rst wee k in Febr uary how t rulln csting a nd pedig ree chcm~lng are: in g increase egg pl'oductio n, how everythin~ else -prl!tUy to se led th layin g he n, the coop· Cnltivc I1lll rk eting of eggs in man is Ohio, g rowing pullct s with less 11 10 1 tid ily, unJ brood ing baby in hilt )'Tderred ch ickll. Mt! mbeJ's of the Jlo ul try department at t he st ate 'u nivers ity will folks held a few talk with visitor:> when t hey dis~o.-.- II cus.; llUlI1 e proble ms of Ohi o t urk. ey l'll il;cl's. H ere , the problem includ es s uch topics li S t Ul'kev diseases an d th eir con tro l in Ohi o, whut alr ects 'luatity in turkeys, the incub atio n of turkey eggs, and ways of dev eloping mar ket o utlets for Oh io turkeys. Th e annual T he school prcaenll'd a tompe r· mt!e tin g of t he Ohi o TUl'key As. ance progra m at lh Gym Friday sociation wi ll a lso be held during afte rn oon. Fa n n er s' W eek, F ebl'ua l'y 1 to 6. Mr . anti M r~. A . S. ColIl' t l a nd Robert and Mrs. H. E. Ha t ton were six o'c lock di nn er gu (' ~ t l' F rida y of M I'. an d Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. T he co pi ous ra infa ll in th past few days has c:aused th e strea ms Dr. Bo nd, re tur ned 111iss ionary of th e vici nit y to assum e swollen rrom Africa, d elivei'ed an address pr opor tio ns. in the F rie nds' Church S un d ay Ou r g irls basketbali t eam t ied ~ ve n i n g . with Carlisle I G to IG at Carlisle Rev . a nd Mrs, Kilm er a re g uests Frida v eve nin g. Th e b u y ~ lost 6 1 )f relat ive s at Sa rdini a, to 20 , lind midg ets 10 t 13 to M r ~. Wa rn er Morri s ente rtain· 12. cd the Dorca s Club on Thurs da y. Mr a11 d Mrs. A. S . Co llett and Mr .and Mrs, Adams Dickins on Rob el:t ente rtain ed the -"600" Club Ipe nt W ednesday with relatives in Monda y ('ve l!in~:. Colu mbu s, Ohi o. Alice Gr ay was on overni ght Mr, and Mr s. M. C, Ree ves and g ue t of Mayfrey Powell, Tu e~ d a y on Lew i ~ , ha ve m oved t o Xeni a. R. H. J effe ris an d son Kirk, de· M I·S. Laura Icenhower is visit· pa rted by motor Mondav on a trip we st visit ing I"el atives in Okla- ing her son, W .H. Ice hawer , of h O Ill~, Texas, a nd Califo r nia. They Washin gt on C, H. p llln' t o be gone I1bout five weeks. Mr. and Mt's. J esses Hill have a s Dena Davis spe nt Tu esday night guest t heir fat her, W. F. Kin g, of Akron, Ohio. with Kathleen c: ray,
The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants
'"With Htne
- --- .--~-
soon gannet. b6? t positi01\ tho.1 tli women years
Dre John Zettel RESIDENT
19 N. Broadway
LEBANON, OHIO Eye. Ex.mined GI ..... Fitted Repairl
Stanley Koogler
WHEN & FOOD SOURS = . ' Auctioneers BOUT two hours allu eating
maoy _people su!!'er from !I(lIlr JESSE STANLEY slomachs. They caU it indiges tiull . It means th:lt lhe stomach nerves have PboDe 320, New BurliDltoD, Ohio been over-stimulated. There 13 exCHS acid. The way to correct it 13 wilh :\0 EARL KOOGLER alkali} which neutralizes m3l1Y times R. D. 6, X_la, Ohio it. vo ume ill acid. The right way is Phillips Milk of PboDe Day taD Co. 54J5 Magnesia- juat a tasteless dose in My love f or you my darlin g. ju st \V1lter. Jl is pleasant, effic.i.ent Rnd gr own sLTo nger, narmit':S3. Resulla come aJmost in· stanUy, It iI the approved method. And whe n the . Slid t im e comcs, 4 when we must pa l·t ; You Will never use Dother "'hen HAVE YOU A "HIDDEN HUNGER?" .. .. .. ... ... ... . ..... ... ........... . you know. The one wh o's left behi nd won' t Un cmploym ent emergencies have red uce d liv ing expe nSCR of live mu ch long-erBe sure to get the genuinl'l PhiiliJ\' ma ny fami lies to th primit ive necess it ies o f food, shelte r and clothing Fo r between us deal', ' you kn ow Milk of Magnesia prescribed by ''' If t her are t imes and places of such dire destitution that sacripbysicians for correcting ~ ~cicb. th e r~' s j us t one heart. fic es must be made ev en a mollg the three bare essentia ls of food; ~,and SOc a bottJe-ar,y ~re. , p read, milk und !\Ome f ruit 01' vegeta bl e, ea ch in the cheap est avai~a~l e Born to Mr .' and Mrs. GUl'ner "Milk of Magneaia" bu hew the ao Year s E xperience. in for m, what the n?" a SKs Dr . Hen ry C. She r ma n, Professor of Nu t ritIOn Clevenge r. a d aughter. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT FOR WASHINGTON YEAR U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the Fitting and Making Glassell Co lu mbus Un iversity. Answering his own qu esti on, he says : "Milk Dr. nnd Mrs. Frost a nd little Charles H. Philli Chemical Comuilds bone lind mu!';c\ be tter t han a ny other f ood. And more tha n A million for dst t ree seed lings s on, were Sunday dinn e r gu est s of Estat e of S. F. Elbon, deceased. ~¥. and ita p::reeaaor CIwIu H. l hia, milk is b oth t he cheapest a nd su rest prot ect ion fro.m the nutri· Not ice is hereby given that Fred ItlliUiplIince 1875. l ional dcfirci encies wh ich open the way to disease. The dietary should are being reserv ed f or Ohi o 4-H t he Cormer' s fa mil y in th e coun try. club members, b y the fo restry de· Lebanon, Obio Mr. an d Mrs. Ea rnest Quigley Elbon and C. H. Young have been bc built aro und bread and milk. t he lower th e level of expendit ure, Tuesd.y, Thureday, Saturday the mMC' bne must f orget other loods a nd co ncen trate eft'ort upon partment of the Ohio Agri cultul'nl and f am ily were Su nd ay gue sts of dul y app ointed and qualified as Ex.miDation Fr.o providin g t hese t.wo, suppl em ent d b y a li tt!e of some ine xpensive Experim en t Stat ion, which will be Mrs. Myrtle Thoma s and daugh te r, Executors of the Estate of S. F. planted t his sl'ring b v these rural C harlotte. Elbon late of Wal'ren County, fr uit 01' veg etable." LEBANON,· OHIO boys and g irls in comm emoration .C k d U W I Ohio, deceased. of the bicente nnial of the birth of Rev. A mos 0 0 , an mr, aDated this 13th dav of January tel' Ca st were ca lled at t~ e h o ~e 11932. ' George Washington. of Doctor and Mrs. Tnpp thIS Shawhan & Brown, Atty s. W. Z. ROLL week. Some f ellows g et in troubl e by TRY Mayor and Mr s. Wa lte r Jordan Judge of the Probate Cour t, buy ing t he wrong bond s and were Lebanon v i s i ~o rs thi s week. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS f3 Waner. Oounty, Ohio. others g et in diffi cul ty by bu ying FOR RESULTS • - Mrs, Maggi e K.nox, of Zanesville t he wrong kind of blondes. The O. s. U. Radio StatioD-WEAO visited her m oth4~ r, Mr . Cartel' of NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT t his village, Sund ay. She was acight Melody Makers co mpanied bv he r newl y ma rried . 'om Ea d y Bro ilers .. .. ................. ... .... .... .. R. E . Cray ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - . so n. and his bride, a nd the' mother Estat e of J ohn T. Thompson, de7 :20 , ecur in t he P ota to Se~ d uppl y .......... .. .... .. .. ...... E. B. Tu ~s ing ceased. of t he bride. 7 :36 R eorgan zinll' th e Croppin g ys t em ...... .. ..... .,., ...... . J. A. Shpher Notice is hereby given that --- ~ - -7 :50 Follow tI C\'owd to F anner s' W eek .... .. .......... R. C. Ramsower Amos E. Thomson and Loudy V. B:05 Free Libr ry Service fo r F a rm Ho mes ........... Marjorie Dunipace rhomson have been duly appoint. Ohio State Library ed and qualified as Executors of 8 :20 Te r minal ivestock Co·Ops .... .................. .. ........... .Irwin Porteus the E state of John S. Thomson I, • . :'1 I!:: I IIlli' II 'I:I , : ; l ••. ' I Id I ',,, I Ohio Livestock Coop, Assn. - ---late of Warren County Ohio, de8 :36 Con tr o l1in ~ 'Parasites in Swin e ...................... R. E. Rebrassier Miss J ose phin e Burnell, of n~ar ceas ed. . , EWARE OF IMITATIONS 8 :60 So u rc~s of H ig hway F unds ..... .. .. .. ... .............. Klyde Mo, n Olive Bra nch, spe nt on e evenmg Dated thiS 12t h day of Jan,ual'y last week with Miss Mar y Kathleen 1932. I!!~"!"!'!~~~~!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~ Th ompson. While here she gave I' W. Z. ROLL us a shor t talk IO n Scripture then Judge of t he Probate Court, The polite man of yesterday FIFTH ACCREDITED STATE she favored us wi th piano music j'3 Warren COllnty, Ohio. wh o u cd to tip his hat e very t im e arid several beau tifyl sol os. he g reeted a woman acquaintance Wit h tlj'e co mp letion of the la~t coun tJ""\ln January I, 193 2, OhIO now has a collegiate sO.n who Several from t his place at tend ed TRY IT ONCE has become the fifth accredited doesn't wear anv bat, the fun eral on ~lfondll Y afternoon state in rec ognition of its success of Mrs, Lida S e:tlr~ Ogl esbee. The cla-sitied columns of in stam pinlC out bovine t ubercul· Lyle Robinson, and John Sl ycler count ry weekly newspapers oft'er' l PHONE IF3 Everybody will be relieved when osis un der t he area plan f or the pent Sat urday llit ernoon at Oak- a g ood plac e to advertise farm~ tub~ rc ulo li's era dication, The event t hose European experts arrive at land, Clinton County. Ipl'odu.cts s uch a s seed, e,ggs, poul: will be celebrated at Farmers' some agreement as to the amount HARVEYSBURG, OHIO The mumps al'e fas t disappeal'- t ry, livest ock, and machrnery. W eek; Febn ml'Y 1 t o 5, 0 , S. U., which Germany owes but ·isn't going to pay. . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ing f rom our -neighborhood. Oolumbus. .your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves Lar•• Newlp.per Collection Mrs. Mab el F. Terry, of Lebto Norris-Brock Co., live wire and ================= = = == = = == = = = == = == = == = = = == = === 1anon sp ent the w eek-end with her Whllt Is' Bold to be the IlIrl:eSI progresBive iirm for the highest home folk s here. cullectl4ln ot neW8pl1\>Cn In the market prices and good service. The Slyder fal~l i1y had for their world hilS been opened to the pub· Union Stock Yarela' CincinDAti, O. .OOK for the name Bayer and the rd genuine on the packa.ge as Sundav guests, .J. Vernon Groft', \II' In II newspllller mllsp.lIm at Als· Tune in on Radio Station WCKY Mr. Mathe ny of Dayton, Mr. and lo .f; hnpell e. (lImllllny. Among IIl1 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily ,ctured above when you 1m ' Aspiriu. Mr s. Orien Ke rschn er, of Trot· coll ecllon n1 1/iO.OOO newspapers market reports. hen you'll know tha t }'l ' "c getwood, Mr. and Mrs. J esse Fryman nre l'urlnsltl(>!1 from 1111 o"er the 'lg the gtnU17Ul Bayer prodll ct that \\Ior.ttl. In!'lllflin/! lin ·F.sklrno popel' of New Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. :ousands of physicians presCribe. D, E. Tobias of J ohn s\'i11e, MI'. and from Ihl' 1ll1.1r1 le (If h 'Rr r entnry. Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions Mr~, W, C, Slyder, .and Louis . users have proved. It does not Marko of Dayton., also some people NO INCREASE IN .HOGS 'p'ress the heart, and no harmful from Cincinnati, Ohio. ter.effects Collow its use. R. J. Murray and wife, attended ; Even though the bottom of the Bayer Aspirin is the uuiv.e naI the fun e l'a~ of Mrs. Sadi e Reeder, hog cycle hus almost been reached l tidote for pains of all kinds. at th e Sprmgtield Church on la st rU1'81 ec onom isLs believe tha t there Headaches Neuritis Thursda y, Mrs, Murray preached will not be a very large increase Neuralgia Colds ' in bog production during the next t he fun er al sermon. Sore Throat · Lumbago This place was well represented three years, Rheu~tism Toothache nt Grean Briar, on last Saturday ... ~ • Genuine Bayer Aspirin is aold at evening. It seems that nowadays every time i druggists in boxes of 12 and in The Moore fa milv entertained a Texas pony sticks his foot in a Jttles of 24 and 100. quite a lot of cO'mpany on Sunday. mud hole he brings up oil. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer R. J . Murray Dlnd wife attended 'illlufacture of monoacetkacidester the funeral of Mr. Herman Conner Phone 78J . ()a\icylicacid. a t Waynesville, (In Saturday. W, H. Terry made a business tl'ip to Harveysburg on Sunday morning. . We are glad to report little Phyl li s Slyder, who has had the mumps ,~ ~,,\t"''t c,,\~~ COt\\~t'\~ much better at this writing. ~ ~lU~l' \t\ \)\\\\'\c~'i ~ We are sony to report Vivian Slyder on OUI' sick list this week. ()~\'tt t\\t)\ ('J ~ ~tt"( \ ()~ W e all hope for her speedy recov· ery. . ,*'l\() \\\t ~~t.oo 't~i~
Ha ve You a "Hidden Hunger"?
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Farm lvight 1 alks, Janaurv 2S
Dead Stock Wanted
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
. ...
Odd-'But TRUE
F:. ·~T. -Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
~a ~~\) ~ 'ia\~ ~"'\NEl) 'u.c,,~' l~t to\\~'\~G
. ~~"(\t.' • ""\ "1'1\~\i
'''*ttt: lk~ ~t.' ·N)~~"\\tt.l\Ot-l
0' "ME ~l\\~C1--- - : .
-- ~
..... . . e - - _
Since I am not able to farm, I . will ,.s~l! all my (:hattels bv pUbl.i!> ' auchon, located .in Ridgeville, Ohio, 16 miles S. of Dayton, 7 miles N. Qf Lebnnoll, 6 ~il es', W" of Waynesville, 3· miles E. of. Sp~ngboro, (In th~ Dayton and Lebanon pike, on, . . , '. TIJ1.~~y, Feb~ 4, 11.3 2 . BeglDlIJng at 11 o'clock, tile f ollowing.: . . Tlir¢e <I101'8es, I~ cllttle, Farmirag Implemen'ts . F4lY1'dson . Tract,lr, Chic kelts, Harness, Household apd ' Kitchen Furniture. . Terms of salC~ cash. . . RA,'\'i OND TAYLOR F. T,' Manin, Au t. W~ter Hibbard, Clerk. -
I .
, I
peakers at
The W. A. '1/: were badly dIllMyer Hyman's Janual'¥ Clear~ Earl V. Conner, IIIHI Alina onner nce Sale will slart Thursday, IlPJloinlNI Tuo!ldllY -night w6 n -the WilY nellville, J,nual'Y 21. Be on hand arly to pringh ul'CI [nd Ill'ndent.o; failed purtllu this life · get the big burgllin ' he is offering to ~holV up f(lr ' their date . Howe\'IiT the J un illl' team plllY 'd till' in Wayn ;;vlll at thi t ime. - ~ .... gl\lll the!l(! 11'(1 Ul!iI\g ,35 to 14. in at the ag of 44 10 !\lo nths Elgbteen true bills ", I" ruturnand 12 d ys. fl\y ot of t ho W. A. C' . ThO high ANNUAL INSPECTION od by th Januar Grnnd ' Ju).'Y On JUll ~ OUI 19()j) he was uni tPtllUt. men weI' Young and Shuler when it made i t:s I' 'po rt to the cl 'in mUl'duge to L~lul'a D. Hain es -C U1t Tue ~dny aft~l'noon, Ninety John A. 'I'hiel , of Dayton was WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF To them wa s born one su n, Ellrl witnossC{. w re hard during the ' ee t he Salisbury's, W. P. and t he inspecting offie l' at the annual Wesley Jr. who Jll'oved 'him self a CHRIST jury's in\' tigation and d liberaD. R., beror e yo u sell your ~tock. in pt'ction of WayneSVille Lodge reat h Ip Dnd eo m'fort to his g (Und en ominational) tion. No. ] 03 F. & A .M., which wa pUl'enhl during his fal hers recent h tel' J>.. Williamson, Minister Er/l sL J. ' Hers, 45, snl c~man . ou nty Auditor Will R. L e wis h Id in the lodge I'oom ' Friday iIln el! . of Frankliu, aid to b a pl'ominen hUl'ch eh o I ut !J :ao 11. 11\. \I'll" a busines vis itor in Wayn ~ night. Work in the E. A. d egree He WIl S one of a famil y oC nin highly r espected itir,en Ilnd " The , 'chool that is Differ ent." cbild r en: his ra t hel·. moth er anti vi II '. today. WH , Il hly exemplifi ed by the loam. ,as, indict d on two true bills LOf t.!· , ' upp l' at co ncl usio n . t hree b roth r. having prcceeded Severa l visilor . . fl'om neighboring charging manslaughtcr lind OpCl lh l'i tianf::lld e8\,or lit 6 :30 p . m. him in deuth. l1is brothel' Herma n Mi s~ ' KnLhcl'inC! and Mr. Jesse lodges w e re pre&ent. ing an au tomobil while into"icnt,. Ge urgl'! J\l iller, I nd el'. EY'ning \\'ho ~' f un era l was conducted in Prendergast are co'nfined t o the Lunc h WII S llel'ved by members d. These ind ic hn nls g rew out of 'vnng'c li ;.;li<; sClrvice at 7 :3 0 p, m. th ' ~ l' JJul'l O l' ~ at HI q'c1 llck t his a . h use wi'th mumps. ' lJ r th e Eas tern • tal'. ' th e a cidentnl deatll of Ra ymond Sel'l1l\ln ~llb j ct . ".·a" ' d F rO lll 'in m. hav ing prec 'ed,~ d him to the UUl'I;iso n at l~rank lin On Odobel' A IwaYl! ~o od con g1'eg~l ti o I1 H I lind hom e o f th e so ul iJy only abuut MI" and Mrs. Elmer Shee han 16 when the fl ye yelll' old lad was NOTICE "pecinl si nKing. r>l'ny l' M cl ing IU ho urs .. vi s iled l he ir daughter llnd famil y run' down lind killed by a n lIutomo and Bible Sw c:ly nt 7 :;W p. m. ellch Il l' was n mCllliJel' uC th K. of ut Frank lin SundllY. bile . it i chm'gcd thllt Scllers was T o our many patl'ons throughout Wedncsclny at 7 :30 p. Ill. Th e P. L o d~l' and als() of the local operating lhe deal h car. We will do 'h lll'ch wh ' I'e YO ll f el a t home. The infant lwin ' sons of Mrs. the community. i\1. E. hurch. . Harlan Wyso ng, kn more JU !: l s ix months before the day Helen Bus hn ell, of near New bu siness t hr ough The Crawford "Biff" Wysong of widely II ommissiou Co., incinnati, Ohio ST. MARYS CHURCH of lIi s dea lh he un d!! l'went a n Bul'ling to n, (jiad last week. Clark ville, incinna ti and 'olum on and after Janunrv 1st , a ssuring "1'L'l'lI t ion und fr ont lh at time hus Rev. J . J. Scheffer, R ector bus base ball pit her, Was indicted J. . Hnwke has j ust received a yo u the bes t of service, both f or L" l' ll a l'unstu nl . ufferer. Howeve r Janual'Y ;! 'I, . l' pluagesimn Su n- hI' on a charge of as ault and batter\' borc his suiT ring patienlly and n('w suppl y of Morton's Sm oke caring for and selling )'OUr stock. hurch sc hun l at H :ao; Mornday. growing out of an altercation with We thank you for the past and \\' as Il lway" kin d unci apprec ia tive Salt . See him before you buy. in g P rnyer a nd ~ e l' m on nt 10 :30. fill' J-~crmHn Burg, of Lockland . The hope for your future plltl'Onage. a ll that \\'n ~ done f ol' him. nttack is reported to hllve tak n MI'. and Mrs. Ellrl Wilkerson SALISBURY'S li e leav es lo muu rn hi s deFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST p!ace at Bur~'s , camp along th'e I>lll'l ul' hi s wifc, and ;.;o n, t hree lin d Miss Rose Wilkerson, of MorrIver near Morrow. ( Und e nominationa l) br ot h (ol' ~ . two s ist ers IIlld man y row, spent Su nda y with Mr. and Leonard Moore, of near OreChestcr A. Williamson. Minister oth e!' relatives and frien'cl s. He Mrs. eren Wilkerson . g onia, was indicted on a c barge of ' hu rc h S 'hoo l al !l :3 0 l1. 111 . <l'n,; II g'ood ncighbor n kind and Sows filed b'y machine1'y, cut manufactu rmg intoxicllting liquor J. P. A ss istll nts Day. All nt lractivo lovinA' hu sba nll a :nd father lind clean er. true r. faster. Also cross· . Earl W ell, of Franklin, was inABY Uls :md ailments ser.T. 11\'il:e SCJ.IHID'T, Pl'ugl'llnt is uei n ~ plan ned . Co me will bt, gl'ea tl y and : :ldly ll1i ~se d cut saws. g ummed , 26l per foot . dIcted on t wo counts on charges by a ll II'ho kne\\' him. :JS serious atl1 i!~ h t. A, SlI :: ,I,:r. ~ ~'J an d us:isL the A ss i s tunt ~ in having Roy Pigott, at Maddert's Lumber • ~TATE of forgerr. The name of Frank '1 may mean colic. Or !I s ud t! ~'\ :J l " 'Ck :l go !' 'ul duy. Lord'" Suppel' a nd SUPERVISOR. Yard . McCandles was SIIid to have bee n Public Notice is hereby given nf c1iarrheu. How woul rl " (, II l !'tr~t Card or Thank. ~l' l'lll u n at J 0 ::ltJ a. m, Yo u a re FARMB2S' used and the check was r eported lhat on Saturday the 13th dllY of this emergellcy-:-lol~ i hl'! !-I . . ·o'c Y (' U a a lway s welcome at t hi s church. Dr. H . H. Herman, of Dayton, We wis h to than k the ones who to have been offered t o and cashed : 'NS'T1TUTE.S h[ ve b('en kinu and h(· lpful t o u ' e ntertained Miss Edna St. John, February, 1932. at 2 p. m., the bottle of Caslorm rC lluy? by Owe n Gross, at Carlisle. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH For the protection of yl)ur wn, En d 's s ickn e's a nd death. ' of Dayton. and Mr. and Mr~. J . E . undel'sign ed will offel' for sa le lit uuring Am P owell and Ernest Cassack IjI Mrs. Ea l'1 V. C(\ nn e r lind Earl Jr. I\t cC ~ure at Wayne Villa, Sunday public auction on the pl'emises one-for your own p ~ RC(l c>f mim\Hev. F orlman of near Oregonia, w ere indicted the school property locuted i~ kl'-cp this (lId. Tt !j,. t III pl".!par {( tion e\'enmg. for :petit larcen;y, charged wit'h ..~ .--Fi rs t and Third Sun da y Mass a l Wayne Township, Warren County alway s CJU h:.n,l, H:lt dou'l keep it Three of 276 speakers from 13 sta~('> Il :00 a . Ill. 'econ d. Fourth ant.! stoalmg turkey from the farm of MI'. nnd Mrs. G. F. Brown. of Oh io, ~nd nt the EastC!rn edge of jU!it for em,:rgcildc:;; It t il be nn and Canada wl10 will cUscuss Il)~ _ Fi fth ·ulld H~· . M.1.l '. lit J 0 :30 a . m. KENTUCKY MAN WAS John Monfort. . W ANTEIlI FOR ARSON Lebnnon , and Mrs. H. V. Brown, Lytl e III saId Township, County everyday aid. 1" 3 gentle influence farm problems with some 8,000 0111" SD;mu.el Simpson, of Springboro, larn.ers at Farmers' Week. Feb. 1- ~ . o! Dayton, we re Friday evening nnd State, and commonly kn own will easc aod RooLho tho infant who was mdlcted on a charge of assault Ohio State Unt verslty. Columbu:;. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH dmner guests of Mr. and MI'8. O. R lind d~s!gnated a the Lytle Sch ool cannot sleep. It5 mild rc[tuJaliol\ will George Nickols on of Ashland and battery, growing out of an ai- TOPiCS tor dtscusslon Include farm contalmng about two (2) acres help an older child whosc longue ia G. C. Diber t. P ast or l(r·, .SpL'c ial Investiglltor for th~ Ull glesby. I ged attack upon Everett Morgan lIl~re or l.ess. Imm ediate po ssess io~ coated bccall~e of slull.tiish bowels. priCes. credit; marketmg. pro Wedn esday: The J r. hoir meels UI Mtnct A ltol'll ey of Boyd county taxcs. also of Springboro. Three weeks more to take ad- Will be gIVen the succssful bidder. All ~gis ts have Caslo.ia. s\l1 l~e nne at lhc church ea~ h Wed nesda y im- Ky., a nd Fil'e Ch ief Burrus Hen s= ductlen cos s. feC(.lng Terms , of sale, Cash. Leona ~arton was named in a livestock. , poul try. frul L. ,}C4rnt i mcdiate ly after sc hoo l. Bi ble ~t udy I ~'y, of ,~ s hl an d. w~ I'e in Waynes- v~lIltage 'of photograph offer. Your John Doe mdictment charging forg other photograph taken, en larged and BOARD OF EDU CATION OF ery on two counts. She is alleged machinery. lar.n cro:>s, veg . .able und prnyer meeti ng at 7 ::lU p. m. vl!le, I hUI'sday, 111 sea rch of ha nd tinted for one dollar. See us homc beauW'\ca L!on. ano Th 's w 'e k we' \ ' 11 l d" th . WAYNE TOWNSHIP WARREN lIll'um Medley wanted in Ashland to have used the names of J L production. nomemaking. I e . . yl S U > e ~ ara for ' urson, Medle y was thoug ht to f or details concerning this won- COUNTY, OHIO Kenrick, and L. B. Smith' o~ Breed Organizations. the Farm ble o,t~ he Sll1llltlu~I;: of lh~, ~I~g derful offer at Barnard's J.G.A. checks cashed by Jeff Smith and Bureau. the Grange. the OhIo Fed. d,om lhc i.Il(ld cn ,l .lea ~ ure, "lhe be s taying wi t h hi brother Nelson By S. S. Ellis. Pres ident by Sarah Missildine, clerk at the }ratlon 01 Women's Clubs, and the I I carl of Gr ut I nce, . and ~h e !\l ed ley, who formerly lived in R. H. Hartsoc k, Clerk. ' Misses Thelma and Mary SatterA. K. ~av store at Waynesville. Ohio HorL\cuI LUl'1l1. Society. are onl 'i ' Drag net." Reg ular chou' practtce Wa ~ nesv ill e but re,c ent'ly, with his thwaite, Mrs. Mabel Staup, Messrs !!=!!!!"!!!!!"!~~~~~~!!!!"!!!!!"!~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!~~~~~~ removed to Sabina. f!lmtly, HOWJll'd Irons, Arthur Sumner ' _ - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _......;,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.\ Derrlil Barton was indicted on :\ fcw 01 the scores 01 farm groups at 7 :<H'l p. m,' Marshal C. P. J () y accompanied two counts of forgery. The names ' 'I T Ictpatlng In !.he farm classic. I S unday: ~ llnday sc ~o o l at 9 :30 ,Jesse Thomas and George Satter: i a. nl. Morlllng wOI'shlp at 10 :3 0. lh e oflicers to Sab in a where they of Morris Brown, of Spring Valley thwaite were present at a surprise fuund Med ley and I'elurncd him to and Charles Mitchener, of Waynes ' :e rmon subj ect. "The A rl of Kentucky. birthday dinner given Tuesday HOlll'ing. " Epworlh League at 6 :ville are said to have been used eve ning for Miss Ada Martin at I 30 p. m. Evangeli stic servi ces at on checks cashed by Sam Keever jury and sevcn were indi cted in a her home in Hamilton. ' and the J. W. Lingo Hardware I!eries of b 'ue bill s brought by t he 7:::l 0 p. m. SALE OF AUTO TAGS . Next Monday eve ning at 7 :3 0 Company, at Lebanon. jury. The looting of river camps figA tolal of $43,956.93 was re- IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Roy South, Noah South, Nelson is the l'egular tim e for the meet~red in the investigation~ of the Roark and Vi rgi l Frye were named in g of the oflicill l board. cciv~d. Ins.t .Tuesday by the coun ty lIlulllclpahtJes a s theil' share of the j ointly in one indictment on a Mil'S Helen Welch, of the WayFRIENDS MEETING 1!J32 license fees. charge of breaking in to and cnterne.sville National Bank force, reA total of ~12,08 1,02 4 .98 auto ing with .. in te nt to steal in the word Monday that her three Frie nds 'Meeting ull day Sunday lag rceeipts for ] 032 was turned ceived camp of the ,late George H. AnderDally Except Sunday the Misses Denny, ot LanJanuary 24. unday chool at ov r to the state tt',easurcr Monday aunts, son. caster, Ohio were injured in an Roy South, Noah South and Ida !) :30. wor:;hip at 10 :30. Monthl y by t he Ohio Bureau of Motor ~utomobj)~ accident Friday evenSouth were jointly indicted On a Meeting at 2 p.m., with an addt'ess Vehi.cl es and the same day dis- mg. Later news however is that burglary charge. It is a lleged they on Problems of the Rural Church. bUI'SlO g warrants went forward to only one of the three was injured 'tudy Gro up Friday eve ning at the 88 counties in probably the and that she is recovering. broke, into and pilfered ' the camp known as "The House That Ja ck the Fri ends Hom e. Childre n's story most notable single distribution of Built," near F ost ers a long the hour at the Meeting house Satur- funds in the history of the slate. The work of the funeral day at 2 p. m~ _ _ - - river. director presents an unRay South, Virgil Frye and NelBACK WAS INJURED usual blending of science son Roark were jointly indicted on MINISTER KNOCKED DOWN a bur~larv charge. They are and sentiment. ' In his Mrs. John Fritz, nee Hazel char ed with l>real<ing into' tbe Addi son E. Southard, formerly teebnical capacity he must eamp of William and Charles of Lebanon, Ohio, American Min- Salisb ury, s lipped and fell at her FOR SALE be skilful and efficient; in Rou sh and stealing. i te l' t o the court of Haile Selass ie home in Cleveland, recently disa bone in her back: The locnting his mirlistry to the bereavRay South wns indicted on a Emperor of A,byssinia, was Brooder house charge of breaking into Washing- knocked down recently dUI'ing an injury was very painful but not FOR SALE ed be is called upon to show Brooder stoves, Incubator. Cari serious and Mrs. ]'i'ritz is getting to n school hou se on the Stubbtown argument with policeman. rare qualities of, tact and Frye, W aynesvilJe. .j20 road and stealing. Mr. Southal'd's automobile, with along nicely. sympathy. In this organ--~--'rhe jury vis ited the jail and in- him at the wheel, Tun over the foot ization, we have always spected the building, its condition o'f an Abyssinian womnn, it was WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WANTED manner of feeding and handling reported, and a native policeman endeavored to keep fully pri on ~rs and in its r eport to the abreast ot technical adancsted the Mini ster's chauffeur. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Swain cele- WANTED- Piano pupils. Call court highly comm e nded Sheriff Th e arres t cau ed Mr. Southard brated their golden wedding annivancement, . without sactelephon~ 36R4 or see Mrs. John and Mrs. Howard Fulkerth. _ "';:0- _ to protest and the ens uing arguversal'y Monday by e ntertaining B. Go ns . rificing the personal char- ' ment caused several other police- at a fllmil y dinn er at their c unaeteristlcs which are equalmen to arrive. A scuffle resulted tl'y home · nCar ..... Rid....geville. - -BOY SCOUTS ly important. ' and the Minister was knocked LOST down. The woman was injured only :rhe Waynesville Boy Scouts of LOST-Pair of Men's Black Oxford shoes. Please return to Troop. No. 40 h eld their regular s l,ightly and Mr. SouthaTd stopped immediately to mllke sure that she Maynard Weltz • .meeting Tuesday evening, Jan- was not hUl·t severely. uary 12. Guy .Routzahn is a victim of Mr. Southard was appointed RePbone 7 The boys are expecting to pass sident Minister and Consul the mumps. their sec9nd class tests by the Ge ne ral at Addis Ababa in 1928 Gl e nn Johns of Dayton visited Wayn~8vill~, Ohio time Scout Anniversary Week ar- by Prcsident Coolidge. his mother. Mrs. Margaret Johns, who has been ill the past week, - -:~~~~~~~~~~~~=i~ rives. 'I'hev also had g review in I!! !jignaling. on Wednesday. . CARD OF 'THANKS Mrs. J. B. Jone:~ attended Eastern Star 'meeting .at Waynesville I {" ish to thank all who were Fri.d ay evening. so kind at the time of my beA number of Irnen from this reavement. vicinity attended a tax meeting in Mrs. Sadie Conner Lebanon Saturday afternoon. ~ev. H. H. Laffe,rty . is holding a se nes of meetings at Morrow one SCHOOL AND SOCIETY of hi s charges. . ' . TO REENACr TRIP Mrs. Chalmer Reeder remains at Miami Valley hospital and is slowHistorians at Ohio State Univer- ly r.e covering. Channeldrain Roofing has sity, in co-operation with the Ohio Miss Ruth Early is absent from StJlte Archeological and Histori- school this week on account of grip a full weight base of Copper cal Society, are seeking to arrange Mrs. C. W. Albri ght of Waynesa reenactment of George Washing- ville nnd Mrs. Harry Graham were Alloyed Steel thoroughly ton's 1771 journey down the Ohio Thursdav guests e)f Mrs. Kesler River in the intercst of the north Gl'llham. protected by a highly durawest territory, as a feature of the Mrs. Lizzie Smith of Dayton ble coating Qf pure zinc. It W.ashington Bicentennial Celebra- spent Wednesday and Thursday tion in 1932, the United States with her sister, Mrs. Margaret . will resist wear and weather George Washington 'Bicentennial Johns. Commission has been advised by Mrs. S. H. Burnet and daughtas no roofing could Newspaper advertising reaches officials in charge. . Mrs. Ina Longacre called on Wesevery one. Not everyone reads Churles Burleigh Galbreth, ley Benham and Mrs. Ann Smith a magazine. Only about half of secretary of the museum" who is in Lebanon, Friday. the homes in the United States aiding in CelC!bration plans, reMr. and Mrs. Walter Kruer cele have radio sets. Not everyone vealed that universitv historians bra ted their 20th wedding anniver rides a street car. Outdoor adhave wOl'ked out the whole detail sary at theil' country home west vertising is neither seen reKularly of the trip, and that stops might of Lytle, Friday evening, Sixty by everyone nor is jt practical be made at the points where guests were present. for all products. But every one Washington encamped along the Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDargh w~ read., read. a new. paper. ' Ohio. and Mrs. George McDargh of -----~ Urbana spent 'lrhursdav ' with Mr:>. Geo:rgianna TAX REDUCTION MEETING their aunt, possibly 40. It will protect your Haines, at the home of Mr. and Robert W. 'B rown, Lebanon at- Mrs. Walter Kenrick. buildings against .fire and lightt orney wus C!lected president of Mr, and MI·S. ]l{esler Graham the' Ohio T-uxation Reduction As- and daughter were Sunday dinning. Come in and let us show sociation of Warren County ne1' guests of, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Saturday afternoon when a group White in Columbus, the occasion you the patented Chanrieldrain of citizens met at the court house celebrating the birthday of Mrs. construction that offers maximum protection in response to at! invItatiOn is- Graham. sued recently. Other officers named Mrs. Hilaker will !pve a talk and ~(p.inst leaks. See '~o~o~self why Channe1drain by acclamation included F. H. de monstration of the "Home Care I Graham of Lytle, vice-president of the Sick," at LytIe church FriIS th~ m~t economical roofing you b.uy. and Miss Rosalie VanDoren of day afternoon. All ladies 'of the 'Washingto,n Township, seCrC!tary- community Bre invited an'd urged treasurer. .' to be pI·esent. With ', 110 many conThe ,-m eeting was opened by Mfss tag.ious diseases pj.'evalent at' this VanDo.t·en who stated the p~tpose time, ,it would 'be well to learn aU of the gatl\ering was to dISCUSS p08sible~ , means bf tax reduction. In order . Mr, ' and. Mrs • . Allen . Emrick, to speed up the .organizatiop, slle Waite}' Kellfic.14 Mr, and Mrs. A. L I'epol'ted that sh'e had asked Tuck · Sides, Mrs. S. H. Burnett Mrs. ' Rogers to prepare a list of nomin" Floyd Savage, Mrs. Clyde WhartoD tions. Mr. Rogers made, the nqm- ¥iss Velma Smith and. Herman inations and' in absence of MI'. Smith were among those fro Brown condu.cf;ed the meeting. hero who ,attended the funeral .of C. E. Whal'ton of KEinton wall Earl' Conner at Waynesvllle SitUrthe principal speakel', ' day afternoon.
Eighteen Parmers'Weel on True Bills February 1 to 5
Public Sale of School Property B
are Upset
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For Our Country Subscribers
The Cincinnati Enq.u irer
Science and Sentiment
The Miami Gazette
Late Classified Ads.
J. E. McClure
Both Papers for One Year Only
Send your check to the Miamt,GazeHe and get these two paper$jor a whole year. A Wonderful OHir.
Every~ody, Reads Newspapers
fThe Most Bool for the Least Mone,
EspeCially If It Is Their 'Own
Channeldrain ROO'FING. .1t1~::!::A~~::"~~
..- - -
Your Home Paper is
Eighty-Fifth Ye"ar
Breezv News from the School the Past Week
Seor() ~ 01' (lx hibil ~ :I nti ti isplay. will be vie wed hy ~ \' ml' 800 U Ohill fnr me l', atll'Il11ing th e t wc ntiet h .an.nuBl F uI' 01<' 1'",' wee k to IJC he ld at t he Olli u .'lllLe ni \'l· r~ i t. · . F C'bl'uury I t o
A Correction . strate that it is possible to raise as . Un,,",e!' t he caption "First Five good COl'n in this !:Iection as else. Get Rest," un el'rQlI' cl'ept in lust ' wo hr~. Bl'lng all cOI' n to Smith Hughes issll(,. 'Which we ure desiro us to cbr" }\ Il I nn ocent De perad o." OJ A n I nJl ocen t Des p(lra uo ." 5. recto The article read: "The coun- I depa~tment, Roort:l ~2, unsemenl DUI'i ng lhi : form classic at eil insists that these boys aTe out of hlgb school b!llldlllg, not later l'ar'l y C ,ok is ill nt hi ~ hom(l on Myel' H yman lU nd family we re Ihe s t<1IC ull i ver~ity v i ~ iLo l's will ;\1:! i n ~ ll'l·et. of gumea beclluse of mi suehavioJ'." than lOll. m. F'nday, Jun uu ry 28. incinnllti visito r s, 0 11 'u.nday. huve un 0flPu l·t.unity t gee the t wenty -foul·th unnual cO I'n a nd The liLLie word "not" was omitted V .~ : (' n tin e~ f rom l ~ to 10e, at Furm ers Institute, J a nuary 2!l ~l'U in sho\\'o t1w f"uil a nd vegeThe par,agraph shou ld have read: Attend Farmer'. I·rutitute G ro~e Lincoln S mith 's. lind :J O li t th e Gym. " Th hoy:; we re out of games not tab le e xhibit ~ t,f the slate horti The various se hool groups will cu lt.ural :ol'iety lind Ih(! debeen uso of mis behaviol·." - (E;d.) be represented in the ' pl'ogrum MI'. Dnd Mrs. Elvin Fires wert> M r. and Mr~ . . J. Wat.e rh ouse plIl'Lnuo nt ur hOl'ticult un· lit given at tho o pen.ing scssion of th e vis iled fr ien ds in lJayton S un day t he stat in stituti o n. and th e' Lebanon vi~itC)rs thi s afte mo on. Pop Meetinlr local Farnler's Ins titute, Friday, vari oll s l'x hibit~ to be presented A pep meeLing wns held in. the JunuuI'y 29 to 30. An Bas teI' Mn r ket will b., he ld See the Sal is bury's, W. P . and uy t he d(' partm e nt of agl'ic ulstudy hull during the extra curAll pupils will come to sc hool by the Ladies Aid Soc iety of t he IJ. It , bef ore you ~ell yo ur stock. nll c nginN' ring', pou ltry, Ro ils tu r ic ulllJ' /l el'iod on Friday, Janual'y as us ual and re main in sessio n M. E. Church . li nd cmp s. Th~ li vestock of t he 22. until 10 :00 1.1. Ill. at wh i.c h time Ra y Hawke ond famil y, of !)aydepartnll' nt of unimal husbanThe Spo r tsma nsh ip Brotherhood pupi ls and teac hel's will have the tlln . \\'e l'c g u c~ t s of Mr. and 1\1I's. '. S. Moo r e. o f hcvy Ghase, D. dry al so may he . ('(I n by those hall charge of the meeting. The pri\'i lege to uttend the ins titute. C., is spe nding n rew da ys he re participating in ~unducted tou rs Ll'l! Haw kC! un d famil y, on Sunday Pl'Og l'lllll WlI S as follows : Pupils in gl'ades I. , II . and III . vis iling relatives. t il th uni \'el'R ity fa rill. Dick MilicI' led cheers f OJ' Lhe will conti nu e with the il' sc hool MI' ~. J . D. ·Murlot.t is vis iting .J udging conr,·. I ' for fUI'me rs Sopholno re CLass. work until J 2 ::J O. at. which time hcr so n-in-luw and daughter, Mr. Call the Wa ynesv ill e Fa rm ers' catt lc' li nd othe r' live\If flail'. \ · Lois Pennington gave a readi.ng sc hool hu cks will Lake pupils, who Exchange Co. for Old IIickory and MI.'. Me rl e Ke rn s. in CI('vest oc k. will sto !'t t he anim a l h us"The Littl e Rod Hen." do not care to stay f or afternoon S moking Salt: la nd. band ry progrum on ' I o nday D'on and Dorothy led some session to theil' homes. 11l "'· llin ~ . F c brl1lll'y I. Scores of cheers. Seco nd hack pupils will be taken Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn Hurtman, of W " ca n nmv furni sh you with olhe r illlp ol'Wn l featu res alHo We are SalTY that wc have losl at 1.00 o'clock. bl ood tested day old and s tarted Ci.ncinnati, were Sunday g ue ~ls of s turt on thi s day. D n Runynn this semcstel' because Lunches will be served as us ual. MI'. and Mrs. W. O. Ra per. . chick s. W ay n e Hatchery , Phon& h is not e lig ible, but we hope ~----------.." 154 R2. that next yeur and all the r est of J. R rabbe a ttenlh·d n mcetTemperance Po.ter Conte .. his high sc hool days thnt he will ing of Smith Hu g hes \.eac h I' ~ at M,·s. Anna Doane, MI'. and M\;. As pal·t of tihe tll'aining in' tem- Wilmington on M nday even in g. be checr leader at good old W. H. Wilbur Doane and Mr. Everett NEW CENTURY CLUB . DOI'oth¥ Runyon will con.tinue perance a pos ter contest was stag, DODlne , of Morrow, w('ro guests of \!llone un til s he find a partner to ed in grades I. to V. Approxim atMr. a nd MI·~ . Dixso n Lovely. of MI'. and Mr s. C. J . Hisey on T h c N ew C e ntury CI u b was en- 'unday help her. . Iy 250 posters were made by the Middlet o wn. is s pend ing a few . The pep meeting was adjourned variou s g rwdes. The posters were day with .Jomes Lovcly and famil y t c rtained by Mrs. T . H. uckett by "Yea 1'eam I Flght! Fight! evceptionally good in sentiment at th e hoOme of Mrs Maude Crane Have you taken adva~tage of and workmanship. Four post ers Fight I" The Profit Sharing &l1e with its Friduy aft rn oo n, Ja.nuary 22. tho se budget beatinJt prices at we re selected f·rom each grade. many , many w.orth wh il e bargains T\\ en t.~' me mbers respo nded to Barnard's 1. G. A. Store during The best won flrst prize ano the Glee Club WOl'kina Hud P fI Sh . s till conti.n.ues ut Bm'n ard's I. G. A roll call with "Current Events." t h B' J Aftel' II shol"t business sess io n nie ? Ig anuary ro t armg three received honor- Store. The characters and choruses of ar emaining ble mention. th e foll ow ing pI' gram was renths grand operetta, " Pimple The list follows: dered : Messl's. To m Pierce, Horace Mr ~. J. O. Clrrtwr ight wns a T owers," are working hard to \ oea l So lo- "The Bird and t he Shaner, Charles W. Day and Hirmake it a great success, a'll,d we Prizes - 1st Grade Nathan guest ,o f Mrs. Alton BI·ow n. of Rose b.v MI . . Curl; accompa ni st , am Moran attended t he district , are sure they will s ucceed. U Hartman and Albert Richard; 2nd Le ban on, on Wednesd a y of last M 1'1;. ," ack ett. meeti ng o f the J.r. O. U. A. M. at you don't thi.nk. so , come and see Gl"ade- Qlair Dibert and Tom week. "A Rev iew of t he Club" - Mrs. Hamilton Saturday night .. it. , Florence; 3 rd Grade -Edward 1"1.11'1'. MI'S . John W. as t. Mr. Red\\a y All you CIlIl heal' around school Clark; 4th Grade- Mary Eva Le"M(,der n F n U1C(," - MI'S. Cadis. "Hc says and they says," but May j 5th GI·ade-:.Elizabet1h Hob- Cast of Clal'k ·vill. spent S un day wa llad er. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ferree, o f with Mr. and M I'S. Lon 'I'itu s and romember, nob ody is crazy, they li t. Ne h:onville. Ohio s pe nt the weekDuet--"The little Doves" by family. are just practicing their parts to I Honorable MentiOlllr-lst. Grade Mory Eva Le Ma y and Roxie Car- cnd with Dr. and Mrs. J. W . Ward themselves. Then again. you will Marceline Peters, Stella Lamb Mr. Ferree was formerly principal oline Sacke tt. be disturbed from your ·studies Marie Lamb, Joe James and Jane M.r. and Mrs . Milton Shechan, of Vocul olo- "The Vow", Mrs. of Waynesville High school. by n person n-ext to you humming Hartsock j 2nd Grade- Henrietta Centcrville, visited MI'. 'lIn.d Mrs. T Cud; ncompani.; t, 1\11'5. Saeket t . Mrs. Flossie Carey, Mrs. Effie under his breath. Please don't lose P e nnington, Dorothy Abrams, Mae E. Rogers ond gJ"UnddaugMe r Miss . This cOinelud E~ d a sp lendid proyour temper and keep a stout Abrams, Mae Oraig Illld Minnie Margaret, Monday. g ram. ~\ Smith, Mrs. Hannah Taylor. Miss -heart in the feet (defeat,) or Crawford. The. pl'og l'am committee was Lucy Emley, Mr. Chester arey wherever y<ou keep it, and come In several instances pupils made MI'. and Mrs. E. T. tl'oud, Mr. Mrs . Elbon, MI'S . Baily and Mrs. and Mr. Ernest Smith spent Sunarul see this operetta. posters Jointly. Hence the extra and M~'S. W . E. Stroud and s on Fan. In t he absence of Mrs. EI- day in Da.yton with Mrs. Mary E. names in those cases: Srd Grad.e - Harold spent Sunday with Mr. and ' bon, Mrs. Baily serve d as chair- Robinson -and Mrs. Serena KerMax Hay, Frieda Ellis and Davis Mrs. Brilt Vice, at Dnyton. Here 'Ti. MalOD man, ths p:rogTnm having been rick . Furnas; 4th Grade-Rose Mary planmed in honor of the twe ntyWhen Waynesville High bQYs Lawson. Betty Bemard and MirMr. And Mrs. W. H . All en and MI'. and Mrs. Jo e Tnsco, Mrs. fifth a nni versary of t he Club. A ~.IIII!"r"k~t~11 in. line Idter a three week's iam Wharton j 5th Grad e -Albert Shirley Gall opless , of Det roit f ew o f th e chartel' membel'S an- Mr£!.. Edith M. Harris r epresent.ought to SllOW Mason a Hoger. Roymond Cook and Mary spe nt last week with th e ir pwrents swe\'ed ro ll-call with so me incid ent ell S t .MJI.ry's Episcopal Ohul'ch at sera.p. If they show . just A-dams. Mr. and M\'s. Lon Titus and family pertaining to club wOIl'k during the the annu al diocesan convention half as ' much pep in tlhis game as The Farmer's Institute posters which wus held in Christ church, t 25 years. · they did in those last th!ree min.- are now on display but havcn't S aws til e d b y mac h lIlery, cu During the socia l hou\' delic- pringfield, Tuesday and Wednesutes of the Otterbein, game. well, been judged yet. cleaner, truet', :faster. Also cross- ious refreshm en ts were serve d The day. those who witnessed. that thrill of The following prizes will be eut saws, g umm ed, 25(. per f oot. ou s refreshmenl~ wel'e se rved. The a lifetime koow what the result given: lst-$1.50; 2nd-$ 1.00: Roy Pigott. at Madden's Lumber invited guests were Mrs. Alonzo Mr. Henry Westerman and famwill be, Mason will be going to Srd-50c. ily, who have been. living in DayYard. Cu rl , Mrs. Mam'ice Silver. M'I'S. school on Friday "mourning" over ------tc.n the past several yeM'S, have The W . C. T . U. will mee t with Laura Zell and Miss Helen Hawke aga in bccome res idents ()f this the di asterous defeat of the night W. A. C'S. WIN TWO GAMES Mrs. Dibert Thu'l"Sday afternoon, b efore. Let's fill tbe side lines of community. Some time ago Mr. the Mason court. Febru.aI'Y 4, at 2 o'c lock. Please Me rs, Vern Armitage. W. C. We, terman purchased the propThe probable line' up: Ellis and The W. A.. C. basketball teams note the change of d ate- f ro m t. J o'hn , Raymond Edward s, L. C. erty known a s the College Hill Davis forwllJ'ds, 'Savage, center, defeated both FTanklilt Merchants January 28, to February 4. St. J ohn and D. L. Crane attended Fchool house , which hM been Wallace a.n.d Turner. guards. teams on ·the local fioor in thins an,nual insp ect ion of Lebanon transfo'l' med into a J·esidence. and Remember woot an exciting weeks pla~. Both games were very Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rooks and Lodge of Masollls, Thursday night. too k possession last week. game the second team gave us good as at times the scores were chil dren, of M()o'flrow, visited t heir when they played Mason's Re- very close. Some very good work daughter, Mrs. Wesley Howard. at = ==============,===============r= serves? Well. again. here 'tis. was witnessed by the spectators as the home of MI'. Md M rs. D. E. well as some very PO(JI' playing. Stancliford. Taylor from FTanklin got pretty W. H: S. Def\e.ted hot and sun'k several lIlice long Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Wil on Saturday night. January 23. Wilmington B. varsity played 1l shots in t1he main game. Captain was pleasantly surpri sed l\tonday came to life a.nd showed night when, th~ f ollowing came in very succesful victory over W. H. Ramby his best oftWlsive game IOf the to bid them far ewell us they are S's. varsity. The score was 13 to year his total of 13 points leaving soon for New Vi enna Ohio 17 at the hal'! and endw 20 to 12 while with An attempt to burglarize the t hen went to the Day store adEllis got going in the last \V·h ere Mr. Wilson has work: Mr. illl favor of Wilmington, Waynes- half ami came close to Ramby with and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell, Mr. and Rogen's & Simps" n gara ge and A. joining. Breaking bile glass and · ville started the game in the lead. 12. Young did some very niCe M..·s. Eli Furnas, Misses Ruth K. Day:s dl'ygoods store Tuesda y unlocking the door they opened it In a p'l'eliminary game the work in the maln and immediately the alarm soundand should Cook, Nelli e I.I1TId Kathleen GraFranklin Grades won from lour be commended forgame ham ,Mr. Charles Doster, Charles' night was frll! tJ'ated when Day's ed. This frightened the robbers his playing. Midgets ilL a hotly contest game Next Tuesday n~t. February Easter and Herbert McMillan. bua'glar ala rm started going. The and they made a quick getaway with a score o·f 17 to 9. Milner of 2nd we are having Kings Mills on Five hund.red, was the fenture of thieves had gu ine.d entrance to j;he leaving their loot behind, St. Bel'nard Hi. Cincinnati, lI'e- our Hoor 'and this game slwuld be the evening and a ni ce lun el! was garag e by breaking the glass in The attempted robbery was fereed the game. . well worlh seeing. They are serv ed . They departed at n latc th e back dooT, The y proceeded to ma.de between c10smg time and George Miller was high point always good. hour wishing them success in their pile tires and other articles on 11 :30 and is thought to have been ffi>an for the Waycehs. This was ne w hom e. I t h e tloor preparatory fOI' removing the wOI'k of amateurs. · W. A. C. RESERVES the first game of the season for G e ~'I'ge and was thought to be G F T vel'Y ' succesiful. Bartan also Y.oung rl """." ' "'''' 00 . 8 G '0 stlll'red fo·r the Waycehs after an Buerkle. rf .. 00 .. 00 .... 00 ... .3 0 o absence from six games. Spencer Wright, If ... ..... ........ .. .1 0 2 and Knizeley took the honors for Pyle, If ......... :........ ...... 1 1 3 Wilmington, both being better McMillan, If ................ 0 0 o shots than our boys. Mainous. c .. ... .. .... ....... 0 2 2 The line-up for W. H. S.: E. Ellis. c .. .. .............. ...... 2 1 5 Miller. G. Miller, Meredith, Ber- Watkins. rg ................ 0 0 o nard. forwards; AlTmstrong, cen- Ross, Ii' .. .... . .. .......... .... 0 1 1 tel': Barton an.d aoger guards. Ramby. rg .. .. .... .. .. ...... 0 0 o For Wilmington: Bak6l', Knizely, Fishell. Eveland. played in Totals ........... ...... ... . 10 5 25 the forward positions. Butler and Lcmg at center and Spencer, FRANKLIN RESERVES Riley, Thompson. and Ridgean as G F T guaros. Simonton, ' rf .............. .. 2 2 6 Estey. If .. ....... .. ... .. ...... 0 0 o F.~er·. Inatitute Taylor, If .... ............. 3 1 7 Wayne To{)owlUIhip Schools have West, c ...... .... .. .... :.... ... 1 0 2 been, asked by the' committee to Era ton , e .. ... . ....... ..... 1 2 0 take pnrt in the FridAY n: orning Ferguson. rg ............ .. . 2 0 4 sossion of the Farmer's Institute. Sigfried •. rg .... ...... .. .. ... 0 o 0 A number of 'interesting !readings Reed. Ig ..... .... ... .. ... .. 00 .. 0 o 0 and m'usic by several High school org8!lizations will make up the Totals ... ...... .. .... ...... 00. 9 3 21 . <3Chool part of the program. Special attention has been W. A. C. given to the Junior HIg'h chorus, G F T .' which, is making ita first appear- Young,' or! ................... .4 o 8 ahC!!. o 2 Buerkle. rf ...... .... ...... 1 They are trying to· make this Watkins, rrf .. ..... ....... .0 o 0 'p'l'ol'l'8m one of the hits 0'1. the Wright, If .. ........ .......... 1 2 4 year and would be glad for you to Pyle, If ... .. ............ ,...... 1 1 3 .. coope~a~ with ~em. o 12 Ellis. c .... .. .. ........ ...... ... 6 1 13 Ramby, rg .... ............. ... 6 .. ' Tem,p.I'~c:e . Prol~ o 0 Smith, Ig .. ... ........... .. 0 o 0 'Thri' High . School enjoyed the &Ou,. 19 ..... :.. .. , .. ........ . , .. 0 ~pe~ce p~m given by the .'" \ 4 42 · , Junior ~fgh' F)i~y ~te~p in Totals , .. ,.. ... .; ...... .... .... 19 the Gym, . 'the ~OIIl'am , .Mould FRANKLIN REGULARS " have · been given F~day, .J anuary F T • c l~tbu~ was PQ..tp~n,edo ~~use of '. ,.. " . .' G , , l!\8i ,, ,Simonton • .~f ....... ,._...... 1 0- . 2 1 6 ~ tit.~ Show Estey. rt .............. ,...... 2 1 1 . . . Ea~ If ...... .... .. ........ 0 o 2 show Si&"fried. c , ..... ~." . ........ 1 of .. Ferguson. ~ oo" . . . .~, .. : .:.8 o1 8" WJIol'1'a)'lor. 1ir ........... ,........ 4 1 S on uMb}t Reed. 1'Ir .. .........: ... ,., .. ,. •.1 ,our --
Robbers Scared and Left Loot "'hen Burglar Alarm Let Loose
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Whole Number 5998
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An·n ual Meeting Warren of County farm BiJreau 1' he fourl enth annunl m lin g di sLribution of /edu cational data of the WerJ'cn County Fat'll Bu 1'- I and helpful informatio ,:! in. conneceau was held in the Grange Hall' l t.io n with the extens Io n scrv,i ce. Lebanon, ~aluruuy, January 23. helpin g to cut cost of .p roductlOn. Mu sical se lections by Th el ma a:si!lli ng with cooperative mark!ltStephe nson and Newton Hoffman, ing o rganization and coopera~vs two fo rm e!' II -H club membcr ' buy ing of so m e farm supplies, open ed the progrum about 1 mutual automo bile ins~rance at o'clock, and they pro vided addi- rurm !'ates and t h eft msuran~e. tional numbe rs lute r in t h ' after- ~upp l Y lll g fa rm financ es, and aIds noon. Secretary-'l'l'easurer's rcport in conecLing tuxation and legisls-by C. C. Me loy' s howcd the orga n- t.ive affail·s. . i n regards. to loca! taxatIon i;mti on to be in very g ood con uitiO'll, and p ra cti cally ~h., sam e matters , PreSIdent Millar4 ~elt officers we r t! e lecte d through out : t hat much of th e recent agitation H . A. Millard, pl'eside nt, J . A. and talk had b ~e n towards lower Cowan, vi ce- president .a nd th e ~ x e ' , ye t .salal'les of co unty offisume three lad y direct.ol'H at la rge cwls have III mos t cases lUlt been Mrs. 1. T . F~lter, F ost ers, Mrs. incr a se d during the past twenty Wm . Km'm od e, Springboro, and yea rs: Much of our present taxMrs. Eli Mc Cr ea ry, Leban on. (!S goes to pay for sc hool hous;cs. Eleven men also ma d up t.h e I'Oad R, e tc., Lhe bond for which board uf direc tors but. thcse are wo re voted by the taxpayers themelected by member;; in the vari ous ;c lves , so the oblilfations must be tow nshi ps 01' distri<:ts. mot , even th ough It takes a l~t of President Millard, explai ned t he ~o l'n and hogs to .d!l so. MilIa~d purp ose of the farm bun au to be "live fi~uJ'e s from hIS tax commit.many fo ld. Chief of th es e are th e _ce whICh has made a study and . .1Ilaly sis of county experulitures. Thc ~c s how that over 50 0/0 of the tax dollar goes for school purLlDA SEARS OGLESBEE poses. MI'. C. P . Becker briefly disLida S. Sears, daughter of c u ~se d some of the district and J oseph and Mary E. JOI'dan ~eal's state Farm Bureau activities and was born August 1, 1803 n ear invi ted attendance at the district Wellmlll11. Ohio and departed this ~ ()!I1ference to be held in Lahanon life January 14, 19:J2 at her hole l, Frida,y, ' January 29. W. home. H. Aufl'Une r eviewed the splendId On Sept ember 24, J884 sh wus prog res and accomplishments of united in mal'riage with Elias l he Producers Cooperative ComOg lesbce. To this union we're mission a ssociatio n in Cincinnati. born three childre,n,: Mary Lavina, dlustrnti ng his talk with a number who died in infancy j I-l-elen Ann, of humorou s stories. Mrs. Edith Mrs. Roi Ris inger of Albel'ta, Can- l-lilJiker commented upon her work ada j and Josephine, MJI. Fred as hom e demonstratiOn agent, with Gons. iipecial emphasis upon girls' clubs, It is impossible to put into words 4-H camps. farm women's prothe traits that have, t hrough out jects and women's camps. Counhel' life, endeared MI'8. Ogl-esbee t y Agent Class showed that his exto her family an.d friends who now ten sion work with corn improveunite us'one and call he\' blessed. ment alone (eYen though it is only To her husband she has bee n an 25c por bushel). pays man;y times ideal wUe. devoted and understand over the annual county ·appropriing; to her children.. a lovi ng atio ns. but the rush for time made mother, sympathetic and helpful: complete repnrt impossible. (:laas . to her gra,n,d children, Harold hopes to prepare report on local Risinger, Robert and Helen Mar- activities for pUblication in the garet Gons, a most devoted grand- county papers in the near future, mother; to her frieruls one of the Mr. Fred Hagermeyer read a hubest of companions, a person' with morous selection entitled. "'I,'he whom one might be sincere, and Avcl'a ge A.merican." ' . one who on mwny occasions gave C. A. Dyer, representative of help and inspiration. Ohio Farm Bureau and State Though she hus been frail in. body Grange in legislative Bald taxation for the past few years, sh,e has matters, discussed at length the been uncomplainil'lg, saving her rece nt cihanges in our tax laws, stre.ngth, that she might give hap- and answered numerous qu.e~tions piness to others. brought up by the audience. He Her passing was a quiet on.e. discusse d the se lf~appoiD<ted leadStricken, as she sat rest ing before ers and sporadic reformers who the fire, she lived until her family aregoing about over Ohio trying to might gather at her bed side. then organize various leagues or 11880passed. ciations to lower tuxes. TO' get "Like one who folds the drapery lower, taxes, Dyer urged the War.of his couch ren county citizens too attend their About home, and lies down to various budget hearings, study expleasant dreams." penditures and help local officials to curtail expenditures wherever Card of Thanh same can. be don~ most Teadily We wis h to express our thank He explalned the assessment plan to our relatives, friends and .neigh under our new law .and showed bars for the sympathy and kind- how fal'Jll truces are safeguarded ru!ss shown us during the illness by the 15 mill limitation on real and death of our dealr wife and estate. The riew elasaification pla.n was outlined imd some quesmother. Elias Oglesbee and Daughters tions from the floor cleare.d up. Our improved tax system in Ohio ---was highly praised for which the CAEiAR CREEK NOT Farm Bureau and Grange was givENTIRELY CLOSED en full credit. Farm Bureau members were w'ged to talk over t hese tax reforms and other acR. F. Hatfield, village clerk. re- complishmen,t s with their neighports that he has just received a bor s and friends w , larger numbulletin and map from the CODSeT- bers mig ht lin e up with the organvatio.n. commissi()ner of the State izations. of Ohio showing definitely the streams that will be closed until July 2, 1934, to all kiruls of fi sb- FUNERAL SERVICES ing. FOR BANK TELLER It will probably b e of interest to the fishermen of Waynesville and vicinjty to Irniow that the only Fun.eral services for Clarence stl'eam closed in the eastern part MarshaJl. Jr., 35, 1403 Ludlow of Warren, County 'is a part of place, Northside. receiving teller Caesar Creek. as follows : Caesar a t the Central Trust Co.. and Oreek and all the tributaries, in- World War veteran. who died cluding Anderson F.ork and all its Thu\'sdar, January 21, will be held tributaries, f\'om it.~ source to Monday at 8 :30 a. m. at St. State Highwa.y, Rou te No. 73. in Patrick Ohurch, Northsid:e. He the counties of Green, Clinton &lid .\·a5 takCill ill Monda.y and died as ' he result of mel'llingitis, phYlliciana Warren. ·nid. Marshall was employed at the FARMERS INSTITUTE ha nk more than teni years. He ser ved with t he United States MarThe Farmers' In stitute which ' nes in France. Surviving him are will be held at the Gym Friday his faths}', Clwl'en.ce Marshall, Sr. and Satunday, January 29 and 30. ·h is widow, Mrs. Natalie Woodroff promises to be very interesting. MnrsllalJ, and three children, The tW() state speakers, Mrs. Jame!'!, 5; Roberl 3, and John, 9 Mary Betz Morrow, of Richmond, months old. Ind .• and MI'. Tel Thompson, of Findlay. Ohio, will 'talk at the three sessions on Friday and' two MAKES FORMAL APOLOGY on Saturday. Two special topics, '''Where the Man:ey Goes," an.d The Foreign Mhiister. th~ May"Practical Engineering f.rom a O I' and three other Cabinet memVocatiJon:a1 B<>y's Viewpoint," will bers called today on Addiso.llJ E. be >ably handled by S. S., Ellis and S outhard, the Ameri.can Minister, Ralph BranstratOO', respectively. formerly 01 Lebllll'On. Ohi()o, ana A fine program oQf readings. apo logized for an assault on. the vocal and instrumental music by American by a traffic policeman . .. local talent will ' feature all the last Sunday; sessions. The policeman .a nd sever8.l ci.: . A corn show in charge of the \'i1ians are ·in prison as a result' of Smith Hughes department and a the incident. Sentence will bi poster cO'llJtest will be 'held in con- passed later.' ; nectioo' with the institute. . , The American 8'Pverrimen.t' 4e~ Lunch will be served: Friday mamoed redr~ss today from. Abytinoon and evening lind Satl1rday sinia : for an. ~~ek Stil\jl&y on noan! by the M: E. Ladies Aid. Amencan MinIster ' Addison E. ~out1tard by"a policeman and '~ob ' III the capital:.. Aad~..A~ia, . ' ROBBERS.' .STOLE TAGS Sec!etarY t1e.nr:y 1.. Stt.naim o~ " rel!eiY,l~ a r~ott of ·the IlW!ldat . The ~;wersville bank w~ held from ·Soutllanl instructed hbb to up SatUfday•. an~ ' about $1000 on the' Emperor aJId. ~ ~ take!!. During ~he .t:0bbery thlf him tb&t the Umted! Statati hPt.da cRshler w,!"8 shot In .,the ~eg, . that ·~prom.pt steps wlll be·tabQ ~ AccordIng to. State .offieers th~ punf"h those runty ofibe ~" auto tags Oni tJhe bandits machine --Cincinnati Enquirer, belonged ·to Per~ry Thomas, of. . . Ferry. They had' been stolen 'f rom -:--..,...the Thomas machine at · SJUing
----_ ...
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caulfht a g1imps~ of Van a this, at IlInaOIl\.!1 approachIng. "evenl times hI;! had ment's uu.lt'st and LI'aplled her illto pai nful interviews "pot, that th,' ii1'l was But this 1110r Tlin ~ she . could UI'U read}', Alld be!oru sill" / the ancien dame, u, a Jtllping lis· n muscle, ' I'Y eut, her throat was te ner, to ke p Vun silent. comptes ed- a terrlb)c-, choking "\ her i. ~our 'ou' "." ~ht' I1;lrl PI' S UrI' . he fou g ht ' for breuth. asked tt'ntatively . Th II , her 81'II1S pinion ,d, came r eo Th thalch towllrd which tho lief uno II fier'll warnin g: "No Common Pleaa Proc:c:edin •• cl'o ne pointeo ~tooa conRpicuou~IY , 'peukey n o 'peakey!" At tbe rm m\1diat 1y again ~ t on ide IVa ' moment of the onfn 11 h l' g uide The de murr er filed by' the dethe water and' a . mall whllrf (I f s till behind her, had dropped fendant in the ell e of J osie Whit· coral f~lIgmeri t.s by ' whi h ' the fo und hel' thrOllt a fibre loop, a aker vel'sus Chllrles E. Whitaker tnlffic "of the to wn w nt io the brutal , tuurniquet. with which s he i overruled. . anchol'age. As close on the inland cou ld, in tlilltlr, ue stu'llng led into Rose L. Poweleit was granted l\ was the 1'ood olld, ' OPP() ite, i1enceot' death. side ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE divorce fro m Louis A. Poweleit the trud'ing e;;t llbli;:shment of II . 'l' he \~ o m e n, feari ng Vun {night and was restored to her maiden Copyright by Charles Scribner's while mnn and the h igh concrete arl'IV , prepul'ed t o tuke their ons name of Rose L. Stockton. _""""',....,""""',...._''''''''''''''''''_'''',..,''''''''',............, ......" ......, ..." ............, ..."'..., wall of th Jllpan e e police com· pri~o n I' illllnedin tcly awuy. 'l'he cose of Kathryn Gillies verpound. The hOll se \\'us quite by it· At first Palmrl'lI tho ught this SU!! Thomas Gilli es was dismissed ing him, more intere&ted in him ' If on th e water sid of thc' hi!l'h il1lp u~s iblc . CHAPTER XV. The demurrer filed by the pLainthan in any other livi ng being? wa~' , yet immediately in the cent r But now ~h' mad e u discovery. t iff in th e case of Benjamin Frank Oddly enuugh-o \' rath er, llulur of th e viUnge life. Thu Ulih the thatch wus so notor· lin Ring leI' vcrsus Chal'les Bene· Vun himself made things ensy . \ un now 'ame so unlc'I'init up iuusly lo the furefl'unt as to :;ee m d ict, exec uto\' of estate of Louis R turning to the mission at a a lly enuug h- it did not co me to Because he had a Glassified Ad. and sold his late hour the. third nigh t be h ad hel' fo r some time to a:;k whclher find Pulm yl'il indi cat £I lhis pluce. <\bove :msp icion, the higb wall of F, oleman, deceased, was overrul she might be in love with this " Come on, ' sh e invit('c!. "My (l Id the pulice 'ompound (!Iuled direct· !ome 'upon Olive prowli ng about goods through the Miami Gazette's columns ~d. ith a rifle. "Ponape is n ot dead," brown man. Then t he idea sll'uck lady is laking me for look·sce for I~' /) ppu ~ite a nd lUI'ned in lund leav Arra Powe ll was found guilty of the brOWll man had explained Jikc un un exp cted bl ow. She was \'e'~' fin e l'i1lg('y-sum ' thinA' moL" illg lw lwcclI it and blank w~1I of larceny und is to remaiu in the at a good profit. ' ev 1'111 dl'O PH of I'aill fell . lbe tmller's u t hre ··foo t lan e. This custody o f lh e sheriff tID await simply. But that which others look s tunned. Van agreell . "Bui th e r (: ' ~ II path, she rut'u llccte d bei ng told ge n tence . cd upon as a touching manifesta· Al first he put the thoug ht fl'o m tion o'f devotion., Van chose to reo her in ab horrence. But in the sti ll _qua il coming," hc said. "I'l l run ran b'ICk fu r half a mile, a m er~ The case of tate of Ohi o versus . Jlu s~ ll/,{eway bc l\\ucn t he wall and E rnest gard with suspicion. "Sakamoto hours of thu nig ht it came back back first fl)l' ulllhrl'lIa ~." asserh is continu ed till The will of Caroline S. Allums, saG; 'u luml.Jus Dlank Book Co., utfitters, As he turned u\\'~y ~h l' hC~ lt~lt. lit , 1l lllllgl'OVC swamp upon which Monduy , shall know of this," was his com· aga in a nd ugnin. Cou ld she indeed :lecea scd, wns udmitted to probute f(ll'm ~, $:l.liO: Olli l! be in love with Olive? WIIS it pu~. cd. unl!xpcctcdly III nlld ul bplng ~ h c had luokcd duw n from her m nt. Th e tl'ial of Ead Wells is set 1'01' W. N. Th om pso n was appo in ted ad carbon. $·1.25: 1I 11·~. Albert Wil. la rd, . l.!I'\· ice ~ , $ 10. I ll1i~:< iOIl wi nd ow. Palmyra had beell so incensed sible fo l' on Americun g il'l, under left alone. Februa ry 2, 1932. ministrutor no bond required. But ns she m ov d fo rwflrd a Alld th e Illou th of t hat hidd en that, there and then, sbe had brok any circumsta ncell whatever, to Th e triul of Earl Su uth is se l Mae Ford Anderson wos appoint fu ll in love wit h a mun of darker Jllpanese !JolicCIllUIl. ~ ILllltin~ b '- puth \\'n ~ no 1l1 ,l l'e tha n twen ly feet for Februury 4, 1!J32 . en the engagement. I' d executrix of estate of George ' nign ly. I'ca R~ul'(' d lI eI', And , he sa w d Istant. Van's dismissal placed him III ruee? The trial of Ray ~outh is set II. Anderso n, dece!lsed. he sh uddered to think others (!VI'I'Y slcp hruught hpr ncar I' ntil an IIlurm hUll been give n fo r February ,9, 1932. that position wherein a weak man L. C. Anderso n \\'us nppoi nte d not in'frequ ently lacks moral cour· might be li eve this thing of her t hn s' two r ep l',' 'cnta l i \'l'~ "I' the ' I he lwople would be unsuspicio us The trial nf Ernest Se ll ers i administ\'lllol' of eglate of Rolp h B. ' he IIvoided Oli ve, kept to her c ivil nn u th~ 11101'111 I<lw whi r.h lay Th e I,'rendl trader H c rus~ the WII~; 'et fIJ I' March 8, 1932. nge to tUI'1I upon his real riva l. He Pal'k's , dec(!ased. must find an easier itJarget for room: Sh e st rug.g led to anl~ l yze I.' er at um' hor ue yo,ncl the whu II . the had luck ed UjJ his plucc ond gu ne Th e Illllrriage co ntroct heretoSales made by Leba non·Cit izcn s his resentm ell t. Thus Van , wit hout "motIOns, to we igh them dis paSSion Oknyamu nnd thn t IJu Ran which ,' nUL to ul'ellkl'ast . .Th,! nnti ve pII S. fore (!xi~ ting between Lue lla Brad No l ion al Bunk & Tru st CIl ., execu in the least per ceiving why, re- ate ly. And honestly stl'lvln lC, s he lIS th .. Illl~ :;t , p.e l'h up~ th e !I\ ~ t , o f " .. ,·shy l\l're l'Ollllllj! ill dctl.lched ley and Gr.orge M. B1'8dley is di s. tor of esta te of Demus Cutlery, mained amiable toward Thurston, ~vas a.t last able to say to herself the l\~!OI· l\Illg . , .tnl's .111 1IIIIeh tbe !! 1· U.lljlS . 1'lIlll1yra's cap tol's need 'oll'ed and both p arti c~ are rel eas. dec(,:lsed, w('\'e ap proved. Tb e exe· but developed an u gly spite _hat, III no sense. could she be uc. Am cl'Jclln llll SS!I1nlll'leS huvt' cal'· II'ull only unti l nu one wus Ileal' cd lind d ischarge d therefrom. cu tor filed firs t, final and di stribll' ; I'ie d th ' Word . Then, c lc)~ ing n)Un tl he r the; again t t his man of darker skin. cused of loving him. Th e luse of Mab el Jones versus live uccount. I Not for long did she fin d the Th o old womlln's hOU Se wa s nol cuuld whi sh h'l' acruss sc~eeni ng Cha rl es r. J ones was dismisse d. But if Palmyra had free d her!:in/es mudl! by L. M. H enderson self of Van, she could not free he~ li n wer. Then it came like re lease only conspiclIoll s in loca l ion but her with one or two of th' evel'111 the ense of Th e Miami Mort- adm inistratur of estate uf Wulter self of that which withheld hu f r om a pri~on c ~ lI. S,he was in ill appeIl I'UIH'l'. The thnlch e ~ of t hi s pl'e~ ent IInlbl'clla s, rllised e ither guge Co. versus William Thomin McC lur ' , de(:cn se d. were aPIH'oved lo.ve, ~ot WI~h Olive hllll se lf, but ! ~ llInd \\'ere l·eetllll ~ ulal' . sha rp ag'uJII a shuwel' of equu lor ial s un. from Thurston. et aI, the sheriff is to convey t u by court. . , -L--!.. ~ L - . - l ruofed Sided witb woven tat, nul'· Bul alm ost at the 1110ment of lh Back there in the canoe, in her WIth hIS attributes. t' pUl'chuse r the premises de. The will of J ohn S. Thomson. dc .. ··DoIl t be • ~ 1IIIlJ';'C< m:mI" She wa~ted t o love J ohn for the I'OY eloll reel . Bu t lhill hut wn~ uval l ~H! sortie thc' l'e came all intel'l'up. SCI iued in ihe petition subject t o ,:eased, wo.' udmittcd to probl\tc. Lcadaches, 01' rary other ~ ~ moment of revelation, she had yearned to meet him onCe more, ll'ue manliness that was hi . But, !lnn npen - v:IJ!u C' l\, thl' UI'ch itc:cl, t lun. One of the old wo me n stoo due June, 1932. Amos E. Thomson and Towdy V. .. banUy aD ache or p8ID -~face to face, t hat she might tell alas, those s P.lendid qualities the Llr~ o f centnLl Polynes ill. ing till \\'n lo glance alit, dil>~ovel'~d taX(!S In the case of Josephin e Bailey Th om on we re appointed executors &spirin tabIIetI can't rdir:vet they are him the tr uth. But now that" aston t wo possessed III common ha.d. come rhe g irl ,fit'Joped to l'IlW I', th en t!IC !;1I 1'g futher a nd mother and ve l·.us A. Sidney Westover, et al L. M. H elld erson udll1 inisll'tol' arreatc:omforttoWOlMftwboeufter l'uwford approa ching ishi ng ly, s he had nwakened into to. f;cc m the persona l qualities of drew' back 11\ one of th n"e SUdde n l ms t. lic e th' defendants are given 10 days of estate of Maude Un dc rw ood , de paiodicaIly. Tbey are al'll1l1llO be the old life) she found herself Olive alone . She remembered h?w IIPP I'e h nsion s th ut till bese t her ll !rc uc.Jy cl se. Panic e n ued. If her c:ealied, tiled hi s first uncl finul nc- relied OIl for brakiDc up aIkII. quite un reody to step up to him he hael .g one afte r the shark WI t h Who knew where Ponnpe Rurl, e 'aplul's had not beE! 1\ da ngerous ill which to file answer. In the cose of Josephine Bailey !ount. the kmfe •. and conqoered.. would s trike '! Th i~ hO\l ~c ~ ccllle cl before, th~y ce rtain ly were now versus with any such confession. Westover the de- i Th e will of George H . Anderson It may be 0DIy a si!J.tple ~. She willed to love John Thurs- . The sun was less than an hour safe : .mip-ht indc l' ci be ~al I' t hun Th e pri son er would have sCl'ea~ fenelantA.is Sidney gl'anted 10 days to file deceased, was admitted to probate. or it may be ueuraJ&ia or J:IIeIUitaI t on; she. did love John Thursto n. hl,h when Palmyra,. as sh e had the miSSIon . I.lu.t yet. ud. nc onsciously, s he ext ended answer. The will of S. F. Elbon. d eceas- rbeumarillm. Baya- Aspirin ia still But between them was the brown !lone' for several mormngs n ow, d e Sh e peered In; IIaw onl y th ree her lUngs t o take in the neces' The plaintiff, The Gidding Co., ed, was admitted to probate. Fl'ed the sensible th.iDi to tab. Just be nlan Olive and, leer ing from be- I cende.d the. '~inding stairw~y O!d. women. TU nne cou ld be in 'IiI'. But, ot! the seco:nd, that fib~~ is ,to r ecover from the defendants, Elb on and C. H. Y oUll g wer e a p· artain it'. Bayer you're taIdDc1 hind his elbow, the face of Ponap~ h.ewn In the hIll SIde from the mls, hlC!mg, non e uppl'uached witho ut ~ o rc.J c~t d eep into he l' Ilesh. slon to thll street of the town., ;Burke. bell\g' seen. Gas plIIg she was thrus t under th e Mrs. S. Johnson Hyde und S. pointed executors, n o uond 1' 0, it does not hurt the heart. Get the Concerning Olive she tried to Island .lIfe was already astir. Palmyra en ered, advanc ed t o. Il\osqu ito net; t1l1"ow n flat, head on John son Hyde the sum of $460.54 quired . L. M. Henderson, K urt M. aenuine tahleta, in ddI familiar Th e plaintiff, First National Brown and Harry Murph y were ~Ir~_ for the ~ justify herself on the ground of The g irl was addressed by an .wal'd t he cen tral pos h , ~l:In c e Ll ~alllboo pillow. Two of the ha Bank of Morrow, is to recover appointed apPl'a isers. --....--gratitude. Never had a girl more ol~, woman . " .. . III t~rel>tedl y ul"oun d. . j 0110 wed he r into t he netting, ~ Goldie McBrid e, admin istratrix reason to be grateful. Was it not PJeasy you, sllid thIS crone In Sud denly', somel hlng dl'oppecl PI' ssed ugainst her on either S· d from the defendant, L. E. Baldwin of estate of Pearl McBrid e, de· ;natural she should be eager to Enghs~, "you e~ll1e fo r look for po t hel' eyes, and the th!'ce old Th se snatc hlld off her hat ~ned the Bum of $231.96. All cases having been examined ceased, fil ed h er first and finnl nctake him presents, to sit in his ~ee VI' y fin e Pmge lap mat. You women huded themselves at he r. ve il, t hrew- over her a cover' count. hou~ questioning, to find herself like too much for buy." So un expected the attack fl'om Mea nwhil e the crone who ~~ the gl'nnd jury was dismissed. In the case of AliCe Garrison hour by hour 'm ore curious concern She would have refused, but no~y s uch us these, in tIn open . hed lured her here had t lllken a mac~~. Marria,e Licenaea \Fers us Arthur Garrison, et al it is ..... c teo and seated herself all the patch ordered that a writ of partition be Hany Michael . Wirsc h, fllrmer of ,?ru.s13 before the house. issued to the sheriff. If the es- 0'1 Lebarulll and Miss Philomena "Ilh.m the house, PalmYI'a's two tate cannot be divided by metes Rose Swartz, of Lebanon. g.u al:dlDns had begun a low.voiced and bounds H.~:::I{l!.. S ~rD ASr-! ES; ]jUG 'i.' 1lJ ___ _ u~t t: (lt \:;-itb this nc," with out manifest in· s!"g mg. Sh~ perceived herself as a f~l'tiibl'r. ,).1 l .ft, ~ilcy 'rT! ii lltltg a ' rill \,' ith • HId-proof, non· jury to the value they shall report wo man. These two kindly old SICk Real Eatate Tranafera cal:i 1& ~Fnin s- C" Glf!.1I \l tnT~ wi t h t ilt' ol d ;..u vJ l' l ed l'o rm at the right to the court and the estate shall l>oul s sa t inside the net to com. be (,P hoto in circle shawa ac tL):al size of fc(t ilizer grai. ~ .) reappraised free of dowel' inLaura C10rk to Miami Mortgage folt her, while, before the hunt a terest. Co, 205.16 acres in Hamilton waited ready t o ans~er third In the case of Doris Carroll Phil township. s,olicitous inquiry. And any commo hower Emma Wagner CarJohn M. Snook, dec ea sed, to tlon of struggle which might catch roll theversus plain tiff filed her election llexford D. Snook, et a!. 148.27 t he transient eye wo uld be taken in writing to take said premises at 2cres in Union township. fOI' II round of t hat mussage which their appraised value'. Emma Denver C. Snook and Nelli e S. BE~fAR E OF IMITATiO . is t he native's cure·all. Carroll is wife of" Clifford Wise to Rexford D. Snook reol cs· Her captors had taken impish Wagner Carroll and is entitled to a con- tate in Union town ship. advantage of that trait in human tingent dower interest in one C. C. Marlatt and Ella Marle tt nature w'hich causes man never ninth part of said premises. The to R. E. Bevis and Ruth M. Bevis r~a ll y to look ai a t hing in plain plaintiff is ordered to pay to the 14 acres in Franklin township. . c SIght. sheriff the value of the contingent Mahlon Thompso n to Cleo Dean S he wu inte nsely alert. At the dower interest. real estute 'hi 1fal'lan township. slightest oppo rtunity she meant In the case of Susanna Meeker Mahlon Thompson to R. L. Dean ~OTARY PUBLIC to Sel'l'um, to fight. Since her es- versus Mary Hassett King leave is real estate in Harlun town ship. cape fl'om Burke ahe h er self had granted plaintiff to further plead. Margaret C. Young t o Samuel National BUlk carried a smoll automatic pistol. The trial of Roberl L. Camp is P. Post inl ots Nos. 9, 10 und 11 in I , At the til'st chance she'd use it. set for January 20, 1982. Franklin. : :WIlla Drawn • • E.tate. Settred Now, howevel', she saw Van In the case of Harley C. Cum· Martha A. Guttery to Raymond ! WAYNESVILLE, OHIO B uren Rutger. IJPproached, and mings versus Wilson Calvert the Guttery 229.15 Bcres in Turtle· sank back agam. Tile others had plaintiff is to recover from the de- creek township. n ot kn Cfwn. Van did know. fendant the sum 0'1 $117.81. Lebanon·Citizens Nutional Banlt Bu t just as the trio had strolled HUNTlNCA and Tru st Co. of Lebanon, as exUII'!ly and the newcomel' almost FISiiJNG V ecutor of the estate of Demus Gut. New Suit. feuched t he house, hcre, unexpect. tery, deceased, to Martha A. Gut. edly was t he mnn Martin, He ran Madison Building ,Association tery inlot No. 243 in Lebanon. up to Vun. ~xcitedly he spo~e . versus William P. Stagge for John Slattery, by sheriff to Ellis ,Say, mlste l· . • Your lady money foreclosure of mortgage, T. and Emma Cartmell. 90.38 fn e nd. That red-hnil'ed girL" appointment of receiver, costs and in Harlan township. , VaL! ~I'e w. uack stiffly. "Miss equitable relief. Edmund H. Kelter ond Je ssie r ree IS III thIS house," he said. The First National Bank of Mabel Keltner to Marion V. Kelt Martin was vehement. No thnt Morrow versus L. E. Ba.l dwin for and Marie Keltner real estate she wasn't Outlaw natives h~d her cognovit. Deerfield township. HUl'l'y ing her away. Franklin National Bank versus Ki~ur.ah Irene Earhart to Lu· Van started, incredulous, ' yet James &evelor, et al 101' money cile Earhart inlot No. 608 in HUNTING ' Something' new in thl! way or fer- Itiliz~r are that it is c;lusty, which wasted by bluwin g away. The plant ularmed. Eoreclosure of mortgage, marshall. Franklin. & FISHING iilizer has be~n de'Yrloped by Amer- ~n;lkcs it di ~ agreeal:le to handle, ~nd foo tl salt s ca llout sc.:parale 'uut in "I got it straight," cried Martin Ing lie9s and sale of real estate. Florence Reckman to Shelby C. II • 62-Il4IrO lDODth!.r moe.. . . It tends 10 furm hard cakes wInch nun-uniform OIa s~ e s, alld al\ will be lllli rull 01 hun t.PrOVIdent Savings Bank and I' Thel'e's twenty of 'em 01' moreIC3n ,chc:nllsts. have ~u b~ broken up bef')re the fer· hroug hl intc, solution a l th e ame Wilkinson inlots Nos 11 and 12 in I Dr. crllDlmod a.blnl. cnm(l\nl Anel "We have tried to produce a (er- tllizn can be allPlid. rate. thus llrl:\'cnling. allY selectil'c nl.1 wit h guns. Ancl tl)ey're run. Trust Co., versus Newton Lacy, et Franklin. . " APllln~.tort"AndPI.tur"i' ynIUa.blo ' nforruatloQ &ttou tili7.e ~ with lhe troubles left out," "\'/e have 5' lv~d these troubles lcarhilll:' ou t .,1 ~ertai n of the cle- IIl11g her for the Pueliko Rocks." aI, for money, foreclosure, sale of ~ Ull". mvolvetl. nstil", t&$real' estate, marshalling.1iens, costa The Rocks we.rEI a noticeable said Theodore Swan n, president of bY 'producing a f .. f tili7.cr in granular JJI nt s. T h.us ~h~. fa~mcr obtain s Bill. Allowed ~.~,,\~ ~~': 1I'!~..~:i"i,.t:'~ and other relief. etc. the S wan u Chemical Com",any, ·(orm,. wh ich can he bandIed as easil.y n., orr dTectlve ferllllzatlOn from con - for mation not far inland . Treasurer of State, county's All Van's SUspIcIons of the I' h • ibl [ t h ' de- as whcat. Tht' granull!s are h:ud slCkrably less actual plant food apshare support agricultUre Ext. brown man burst forth in the one W uc IS rt'SVO ns e or IS new ami finn . uni lurm in cOll1l' t ,s ili 'J D, pli ed per ac tl!. Pr'Obate Court $750; Mrs. Erma Hibnar, service' ' velopment. . , and nCHhcaking even 11\ ,/ UIl1Jl. ho"Th" ,I<-v" lupmcnt of tb is fertil i· cry: "Olive!" Goldie BcBride, administratrix $10; Mrs. Mary Ennis, services " O ne 01 the. trou b l ~. Wlt~ ordl- llIi ,1 dilu:, Ic:S. Thdr size and ~ happ, ZC;t rCCjUlrcd r.xt c~siv~ tne c h al1i~, I Pahnyl'll, se eing, pearing, burnof estate of Pearl McBride', deceaa $1 0; Woodrow Wei! Stanage Co' nary c mmercml fer tilizer. I. that permIt them to be easily and accu- s tudy. £.~ r !be .ir. ~ I!->'TIln ~ u,l s \Jc~ la l ed with contempt. supplies, $1 0; The Office Outfit.: only a bout 16 per CC!1t uf It,S ust:· rately applicJ to the soi l hy means maci ,!" ts, III addl tTun leo l/It c n s ~ vc The stranger now took the in. ed first and final account: Ed. C, Janney, administrator of tel's, supplies, 50c; Woodrow.Weil ful pl!! nt loo~-that. l s}o .say, only of th~ ·si!.flpll'st type of mechanical cbt!nllcal rcse:'Irch a nd a r OOl,\'rutlvC iLialive. '''II warll the Japs" 'he one,slxth 'l[ I! .has l ~r.l hz lllK "Ia~~e. distributurs. Hccent tests llY an au- s t ~ <IY of i.lc~ 1 fCrLil i1.ct .req llil:cJlI,·nts' sa id . "You run for the mi'ssion. estate ,o f· Ann~h E. Coleman, de- Stapage Co. , supplies, 35c; Bush The ne w , terll!l1.cr h a ~ tH PCI cent tl ' t t ' ' t' I \\'lIh (!X lPl'Icnent ~ t"tlnl1 dln-,·t ,rs ReJ11Cmbel·- the Puelik'o Rocks." ceased, filed h IS second and final ,Store, supplies $8' Robert Reichel ' d- 1\1't ro- Ilun . I S III :111 Ic' rll"h:l"r eU,n· .. supplies, $3; nObe'rt Reichel 'sup. or m ore ,3.<' 1I l:' I pI~ nt IOU • ah lye eltr ~IrlrnIe nt slaf Ion l " 5 lO W an ,I ~ grC Il\'I1lI~ But at this moment here came aeount. gen, phosp oonc, aCid, (,lid pota sh- t m •• .t I' granu ar or.m {) t 1.IS ?CW SUlfllll l: M"' lioIl S , r 1\1 (' U IIi led .John ' Thurston. He was jumping B. B .. BaJJ, guardian of T. Floyd plies, $3.04; Robert Reichel; supwhi ch tl) cans that 'ne hl1l1r!red f~rtlllz~r permits unrform ,lIstnbu- St:\te~ , .111 III ( ;crn ..I!I " . ( i n'at Brit· up to the wharf from a boat. At BallI mmor, filed his first account. plies, $3; Stakalta Mfg. Co., supponnus o~ it will give tl,\! sflme f<"rpHI)' tlCln at r:Lt~s ,aF I,o w a ~ 5 pounds l~ Olin ,. nd Franr:c. . The estate, Of. Robert Elmer plies, $1.25: George L. Schenck, Sight of him Van's face lighted ~har~, deceased, IS exempt from stalllPs,- $10; Fred Procter, sup. "An ~ x l"'r i l ll~ n t~ I :11;1111 to manll- with relief. to th.: SOli 01 5 fo ur hundred P OUIl U! of thf' ".lcre. ~hl :h IS 'I degree of Ulllthe ordinary kind. Since the American fo rm ~pphcatl".n that bas not IH' re· facture I hi ~ Ic rtili7C.·r h.I' been erect. plies, . $39.94; Stakalta Mfg. Co" Instantly, Thurs ton began to mherltance tax. Emma M. Monroe, executrIx of supplies, $11.50; Greely & Simp. farmer has beeri paying olier $30.()()Q,- tofCJrt' be~n obtamcd. cd ~ I t hr \nrk ~ of 1111' ~\\"HIO Chem· throw off his white coat. HUNTING estate of Charles E. Monroe, de- son', lumber, $39 .60; Henry OOOannually fortransportinganc.!hand" O thcradvantagesofthegrn nul cs iea l C (1 m p~ c, ." at 1,!llll lun. Ala· ' ~ Olive? Nonsen se I" A FISHING ling fertili.zer. 1argl' savi ngs should be ar.p That the fertilizer ca n bt' pIa I'd h3m~ . All t\ f 'II r t.,ttilil,c r sc. fa.r pro"I tell you," Van affirmed shrilly ceased ,has leave to execute a deed Kip-p, lumber, $99.22: Fred Kahn fronalt Blclg, made possJble by the new concentrated WIth p.xtremf' accuracy at a ny dp- <lu rNI IT:I , Iwell H! 11 to experiment "she's in love with the damned of release to Burt H. Weston and Motor Co. repair parts $27 45' Boston, Ma ••• Alva M. White. She shall be dis- A. B. Ka~fmon's suppli~s $1'78: SIred di stan ce flolO the seed. Bei llg ~ I Jti"I I' . ,,· ril'u l. l:rc,1 .. " lIeges and kanaka and he, he"s got her." fertilizer. ch~rge~ from a~y liability for the Air Reduction Sales Co. 'oxyyen' "Other troubles with ordin.ary fer- free [rom dust, .DO portion call be agcll clcs lor t.:st PUI )J1.I~es. " (To be continued) col ecbon of saId note. $4.07; A. T. Rettig, ga~ge ren~
By Stanley R. Osborn
- - -----
!11!llllllmil!lllllllllil!!I, \llImllll!llmllllillll!,li»:1l:r, .. •
'Chemists Create New Fertilizer Dustless, Non-Caking Product, Four Times Stronger Than Normal, Can Be Drilled Like Grain '
All Set
15% , Farm Loans
LONG OR SHORT TIME-Easy terms.. Also SUfveyin« and"'AbItracting. Write Bnd I will' ean and see you. "Sam D. Henkle, Way. : ~elvine, Qhlo. · ' ,JU WAN:t:£1? --;-:c------
WAN~ED':""Th e," ma~
who pi~ked up l'lflo on the Lebanon pike b e• .1o~ l{inJI'S 14ms' 'YiP pleaae leavll same at Gazette Office. I ' " •
W,4.~TE.D -Alf~lfQ lIay.' Inquh'o
" :,at thjs ',office. " .
. '27 <I
. fO~ SALE
l,l'OR . SAL~ - B-roodei" liollse Buckeye mcubator. Carl ~. WIlYDelvlQ~, Ohio. , ' j2a'
, FOR 8ALE-300 ~,nized IUailr
. b1lcket& <mille
THE MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CRANE I I PUb!i ...... ,SUb.criPtiOD Price, '1.50 a Year ~Riclt P ..on .......... : .. , ......... No. 112 R•• i.... No. 1 ~.rI ·'SPo.'offi~ • • t W"",n ..uUt.,
c. . . . . . . . :. . . . . ..
is £"J. .
,. 0, Cit
My Mother". Gilt toMe
Miss Katherine Holland is the of fri ndl:l in Greenfield. Mr. and Ml's. Clarence Brown ntertained friends on Wedne8d~y evening in honor of the birthday of thllir so n. Robert. An intel' sting p!,ogl'am was put n in the Friend!; chW'ch Wednes. dll Y even ing, by Mi ss Leona Will, of ab in a, reader, and Mrs. E. H. Ree t his ,1rs vt)~, . Hillofwas ac covillage, mpan·is t.soprano.
By Mr•. Je.. ie B. Tripp
.conti Ct••• }fell M.tter
JANUARY 27, 1032
e gave m e the gift of laughter, , gave me the 'lift f mirth, e gavlJ m the I'lght .to live upon Tl1 i' beautiful, g lowing ear·th.
An Opp'ortunlOty f- or F.Oghter-.. .t· 0 Flo.g ht ..Fl'Om the information C La ' d ' I '
per ton
She gave me a deep aff ction ~nd .n heart, who e b nts are t ru e The Merry Wi v !$ Club m et \vith o~ . 1I1 C In tie s pecilli cO l'fespondence Sh e gaVe me a k een sen se 'of duty MI' ~. W' \leI' . tmlley 'near Wa ynesf rom the s tllte CII litul 1\ d IIPPcn l'S th JH.()pi: n c l1 l~ n r pU~~I,s hct~1 On ~,he llt·st. ~age .of thi iss ue, it Taught p1e how to use it, too. "ille, Th llrlld;:y . but.well n Findlu un . .u I~IOU Ing o~ the DIXie Highway (U 25 ) Il'a Scraggy, of n ea l' Xenia, wa s ig nlltio n of l h/ d i ' t~nc e a;'I~,"vlll~! ais we ll as thOSe favoring the des. She gnve me, Oh! so many thin gs, Ain't, c:IIJinj.(' on fri e nd h I'll t h e latter fontaill rbnn 'l " . . o m ' tnc lIly south through Kenton, Be ll e. From none of th e m wo uld] pUl't; . . • flll1 t of the week. 25 E, nnd t.el' llIjn ~ ·UI~P:'I.l1~~1 ~d: Xonia, WaYll.e sville and Le uan oll as ~o\v her d eal' little hands are fold Y miM1f Willia m Bluil' i co nfin ed to hi s Piqua '1'1'0 ID e Il e~~ n l oute through LlIll o, Wapakoneta Sidney ed hDatine· - thIJak o n' e. s liffering fro m dro psy. c t .'II ' "y ~ nl uyt nll as 25 \V, h!l\'c had a drippi ng wet blanket unex Upon her Quiet, loving hcu r t. wtlI'k it takDs ~et l,il'~. All nu ll rl'~' , o'f Wilming~pPo\\/nitl;,I'~~dil:I~~lilf O~'~1~.II' cnthllSI~sm be foro either plan has had the ) re call how sweet he r ~miles we r e 'patent leatheJo?haIr 1;;.:~·p!\:ty .ll1 ovecl to H I'm a n Blll ir's . , .Ie ~~c 01'l\'ltllizllLion in th e United S tutes which has the ower :And the fin e things s he could say ; Wa:)'- •• • . ''Jm . 11. Me nd enha ll is ·th e guest !~ch~~i~~ ~:.M~f~~. I ~/ \1.! F'cdel'~I . 1I ighwllY ~'Ystelll is the Am e l'ictn As- She co uld touch my sou l with her of relatives at Gel·mantown . 0 1'''' 1.1 ('ac h ~ tt~, I ~ \\'oy. Oth~lal ~ (compos 'd of th e highway directfing ers, W . V. Lack'(i has pU I'cha sed . t . ~ tJ . 11 ~). 1 he cx ecu tl vP CO lnll11tlee of this Association has .nd still does so today. th e C. H , Wh eeler fn rm south of ~~ " I eel' n y, gune li n record dec1l1r in g its oppos ition to the po licy of t he \' illnge: f :; I ~nll. ~n~ J1ar~s uf Ft!t! CI'ullIig hwuy ' us E fo r East· W for W est· N Sh e wus ill and we/.I1'Y, Cod cu ll ed or Oil I, uno ~ f or ~" l1t h " he l': PUBLIC SALE . : I'h . ' xcclIli\'c cOll11l1itlec goc.' fUrth er a nd s tates that in its from s orrow unt! pain set hel' ~rl,~ J o\n the .~y~lt.lrn o f Fc dl' ra l lIighwuys h as l'e ached its limit and fure; A I °t r f . I on 1~1 l.Xfllur. . II) I.1 \\ 1'111(\ 01: 1;; ll' nd to I:ornpl ica te e ffi cient control. This And th ough far uway in His kin~- . Amos '·Iou g h, ag.e d 87 . died at 8,,11 ~\t pnu1l1blC)lc~11"lulllc tgl'o ral rollnllntgh'C \~~!III means ' Sta t e Routes dOIll, ' - • c. iIi CO I' t IlIt t II\'IIIlIl'S ' I It,' f c llI ZI'n .s .sCl'k in g III h uve ce r t a ln I ~ home here ea rl y . atul'da y Jlurlun farm on the HUL' ve sbllr nl 1 1'1:~t 11 l'( III lit· . .. dl'ra l sy ~ tl'f11 al'c :III Ollt of lu ck, for the prcse nt S he still loves and thinks of me. noming , from the .i nfirrnitieS of and Clarksville Pike 1 mil /Sou t~ old age. He leave lhr ec s on s and . t f H I ' ht' 1I~ 1 i ' I~ :,r 11.11' l\s.< o.·inliun·, co nl1'nit ll!e is in no way directl y She i ~ with Him, now and is rest- pvc I'ul gl'a ndchildrl' n' to' mourn eas T~ d al'vc/ s ~urg, 011 U I ~ I (,( ut Il. l' IlI.xI ' 1I 1 ~ hwlly Its th .. "e c i ~ i ol1 ~ , un ll'sR collll(enllfJ nd c d 0 1' ing . he ir l o~s. Fli 11 real " scrv ice$ were At U~~OO Y') e rU&tryl 4,1932. nn . (~ 1 1i1 .•1. ho ld 1fI :"1 thl' HIlllt'S ( f the Uni " l1 !JlIt the sweet me m ory of he r hng - con d uded Monda ,\' at 2 o' clock ro crt'. I · m., 1e [ ollow ln g He/::l1:d l,'>S .11' I"l' Illtil ll (\1.! I.f tillS l'xec ~lli ve co mmittee, the res i- ' .e rR . from (he M. K Ch urc h. J lw o h ~ad of Horses 11 h d f ~I cnt<\ 'I f .h .'· lltl ' l1 . H ~' llrfIJl.,I.;\ i Ol" I I lllma, . prin~tield. Xenia, Leban on RIght. ulo~g, \~' Ith hcr s mil es and MI'. und Mrs. Will Wrig ht of ttl . II L t F " . l ea I 0 Dayto n, \\'el' e S ll~day gu es t~ of e ~\R,ei~ ee~g=;ld oHar~~~~.ng mp em .lIl il.',t hc! . cOIl 11l11l nII ICS ull encd, sh ould nOl be co nte nt t o accept these I lov111g \\ ords, as hnal. I hey II I" 11111 dec n 'l's ,d' la w IIlld nl' d"ubt the opp os iti on ex- And the t(}u ch o f he r deal' littl e Dr. und Mrs. W. 1·, . Og lesbee. See lalge billc fo r t el'ms. Jl I·(; ~''' .lI ,'nn bl.! bru l" :11 do \\ II if th e III'oper meth ods are pursue d. fin '1'1'5._ _ _ _ ' Our ~irl ~ won th e baske t ball ~ RO SS MOON " .Io,se l'ou,l«rn l llJ lI li nd llll' ('lI ncc l·ted acti on of thn interested \ga n1C. fr 0111 Lees bul'g girl s Frida". PIII .II(!: II)P t I h ~ ., Stanle y & Koogler, Au ct ~ ', ~ II . Ie t (. co rrect .o~' e nu e to s uccessfUl attainm ent. An THROWING LIGHT ON evening. 2? t~ ,:2. The boys lost } ' an y Tucker, Clerk. ul fI;l. n l7. ( d fT l1 ~ with !III C0 1l1 1l1lI nlt ll'~ pu lling togeth e r on one de fini te M INCOME LOSS to the Wilnlln l!ton Black sq uad fili i ~H ~~" fl.!1t1 w ith 1\11 l' nici pnl head to dil'ed lI!lited a~tion, would go a FAR ' 30 to 20. . lon g. \ . •IY In p lill tn ~ Ihl' ('h e~ lllllt s tl llt of th e hl'e. Ultllllate s uccess, if MI S. Wal t er Gru y IS I' port ed to PUBLIC SALE Cuttin g fal'111 losses during de· be improvin g. n ot I1I111 I ~ dl a tl' , \\ " t:lt! lIndullblc dl y ue the gratifying r esult of such an ul1t1 ~ r~n l(Jn g. . press ion t im es is exp lain ed in a T he Fr l.!shm e n prese nted a radio I." Slll~·t th l' bu ll rolli n/! t .. ward II mll ch desired end, The Bu ckey e recent bulle tin prepar e d by J . C. program a. t asse mbl y Friday ,S ince I am not able to farm, I Mtlt f f'l "!. tlnl'l ~ thl' HUI!!:est iun t hat t he citizen s of th e c0111munities be- Neff, l'uI'al eco nomi st at the Ohio mO\'l1i ng . The assemb ly sang wlll.sell all my cha~tels ~v pu~lic ~w e ~' 11 l' lIldJuy and Shnro l1vll1 c ban d t he mselves t.ogether in one organ. State Univers ity, who declares 'Jullnitu" and Esth el' HOH:; led the auc,tlOn, lo~nt ed In RidgeVille, J ~a t.ln n til be knuwn n~ \.hl' East Dixie Hig hwa y Asso ciation or some that the kee ping of farm record s devotions. Robut Gray presided J O~IO, 16 mIles S. of Dayton, 7 ~ l1l1 i1 UI' nl11110 that mig ht la wr be se lected. ' l is a sure wa y to find the leaks in ,at t he "m ike" and ann oll!1 ced the miles N. of Lebanon, 6 miles W. NlllUrn ll y, the 1'11(11'1'5 in thc 1lI0vement should se t a date and the farm business and to adjus t foll ow in g program: So ng, "I Wish of ,waynesvill e, 3 miles E. of gather at ~o me certa in I)oint along the proposed r oute in the near I cro p and livestock pl'o ducti on t o I Had Someo ne t o Love; Jokes ; Sprmgboro.. on the Dayton and future, ulld tuk l' the' n oce~l;ary steJl!l t o form an organization. In the meet prese nt .day co nditions. !song," om in ' Round the Moun- Lehanon pike, on Ilb. en<;e of un y prclimina r y work and te mporasy officers, The Bu ckeye The. ne w bulletin, calIed "Us ing tain," J okes; Station announce· Tbu!,sd~y, February ~, 1932 I\~OtOI'l s t volunt ce r~ (0 IIct us 11 clea ring house for a ll lette r s, sugges. Farm Accounts to Find the Leaks men t and t ime; speech 'by the Beg!nnmg at 11 a clock, the tlOn s, l·cco nllll en dnt! ons.. e tc .• pe l:t Dinin~ to the suggested meeting to ; in th~ Farm ~u s iness." deals wi t h 'future pI'esident of 1952; Joseph followmg : . ~o rm allch an ~ r}fn lll.7.!1t l o n lind will publ.1 h a caB for the F'irst gather. th e dIfferent kmds of farm records 10 . born; song, "Red River Three horses, 5 cattle, Farmmg In g (,f Ell, ~ Dl xlC HIghway enthusrasts III our February issue. . the value of farm account books, I Vall e y"; so ng, "H a nd Me Down Implements. Fordson Tractor, . T.he tIm e and place. of the meeting wiII be set according to the how to s tart a farm acount book, ' My Wulking Cane." School an. C~lckens, Hal:ness, Household and m'n.J~ rl ty of the suggestIOn s received. We pres ume the letters being and vllriou s ways of analyzing re'e - n ouncements by Supt. Moore. The Kitch en Furlllture. soli Cit ed should come from Automobile clubs, mayol'S 0'1' municipalities ol·ds. It is bulletin 125 a nd may s ing ing was by t he entire class Terms of sale, cash . • and otnc~ rs of com me rcial, indu strial and civic organizations. The be obtained , free from the c olIege with Ho wu l'd MacDo nald at the F T ' RAYMOND TAYLOR name t hus I'eceived wiII be appe ndl!c\ t o. Lhe calI of the meeting. Pre- of agriculture at t he Ohi o State piano. . . Mar~m, Auct. University, Co lumbus. Th e P . T. A . held their regular Walter Hibbard, Clerk. s um a bly the gllth{lring should be he ld on some date in March. The Buckeye Motoris t has no llIotive in offering its columns or the Other features of this graphic me eting in the Gym Wednesday • - • time of its rep rese ntatives, othel' than to be of service. The time to account of the weeping pf reco rds eveninlr. F o ll o win$~ the bu siness TRY IT ONCE bri ng s uch a n organiultion in to being is Right Now. There is much to by farmers in the state are: how session an interesting program be un (l e ~taken in t he ne xt few m onths and only a militant organization to stop leak s in the farm bu sin ess as give n. Music by the b eginners The classified columns p resenting a uni ted fro nt can bring about what it will be impossible with the help of a ccounts, how to rehest}'a, a play, "The Carpet Rag for a hundful of citizens at wide ly separated points to accomplish. usc to the greatest advantage the Sewing," was prE!sented by the country weekly newspapers offer Interested part ies should get their letters and s uggesti ons to the findin gs discovered thl'ollgh r ec- teachers, a nd two pia no solos by a good place to advertise farm office of this publication without delay.- The Buckeye Mot.orist cords, and the r esult obtained by Miss He len L. Ste·vens , music in· products such a s seed, eggs, poul. try, livestock, and machinery. U rban.a, Ohio. ' scores of Ohio farmers who are stru ctor . in the sc ho ol. · ---_I - ••- ___ keeping r ecords of their bus inesses Anth ony Huntington spent ___ _ _ _ Thursday l)ig ht with Wayne Gra y. PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS Mr. and MI·s. Fred Sherw ood, of Columbus, were unday guests of I Among th e nation a lly kn own the ir parents, Mt·. and Mrs. M' peakers at F'armers ' Week, F ebI'll E. Sherwo od . 7 sry 1 to 5, at t he Ohio State Uni· Thero \\'ill be a co mmunity versity, are: Arthur M. Hyde. Farmer's In stitutE! at t he Gym Th. O. s. U. Radio StatioD-WEAO secretary of agriculture, Liberty February 9. (R. B. Stoltz, Chainman, Dairy Technology Dept. Presiding) Hy<je Bailey, dean emeritus of the Mrs. R. H . J eff' eris e!1t ertain ed '.. . college of IIgriculture at Comell ovel' the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. 7 :00 F.1I1l1 NI~ ht Melody Mak ers . University, Miss Martha Van. Re n- Harry Orr and fa mily, of Dayton. 7 :05 Th o Al!llcultura l . Outlook .f ol 1932 ................. C. R. ~rnold 6 ;elaer, dean of t he s chool of h ome un day guest were Mr. and Mrs. 7 :20 H ow 91d Man OhIO Uses HIS Lund .............. . ...... J . H. Sitterly econ omics lit Cornell Univel' ~ i ty A. L. Kirk of Wilmingto n . 7 :35 Ordel'ln~ Your Garde n Sec,<ls '. ' ....... .... .. ........ H. D. Brown David Friday, economist and The ~ m a ll d a ug hter of Mr. and 7 :50 Developmg Rural Leade r III 1llgh School ... ." E. C. B.olendel' business analyst Asher Hobson Mrs. Duvall Smith who has been Dept. of Vocational Agriculture rural economist 'at the Univers ity ill, is up and a ro und again . 8:05 !\fa tel' Homemakers ................ .. .............. .. ..... Bess M. Rowe I of Wi sconsin a.nd formel'ly a. Docto r and Mrs . Ogle"bee enter. 8 :20 Home Life with 4.H CIlibs ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. ,............. Guy Dowdy member of the federal farm board tained fri e nds f ro m Dayton Mon8:35 Fal'm Equipment Repa ir Wee k.. ..... ... .. .. ......... .. C. O. Reed and L. J. Taber, master of the day. 8:50 Ohio's Winter Re lief Bridge Program .................. .. . W. H. Rabe National Grange. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge, of State Highway Department - -- - - - - Wa.ynes vill e, wer e Harveysburg FOOT TRAVELERS BEWARE callers Thursday Ilfte)'noon. ' j Mr .a nd Mrs. Burns Thomas, of EXPORTS GREATER fruit and vegetables and their pro· According to estimates, a large Dayton, Ape nt Sunday with Mrs. ducts. Less than $4,000 ,00 of the I'oportion of the 33.000 persons Myrtle Th o mll ~ and daughter. - -Morc fruits a nd vege tables than exports ' of fruit and vegetables killed las t year in r oad aciden ts wheat and fl oul' m'e exported from w!!re in the form of eanned goods were foot travelers. Eight per. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the United tates each year. In • - - c ent of the pedestrBin s killed were eleven montbs ot last year, ending ~h«: Ohl(~ Seed I.mprovement As children under 15 years of age. Estate of S. F . Elbon, deceased. __ e in November, the value of exports soclatlon WIll hold Its annual meet- I Notice is hereby given that Fred ot wheat and Hour was $76,638,00 ing at Farmers' Week, Feb.ruary 1 Subscribe for the Miami Gazette Elbon and C. H . 'Young have been Who remembers the good old compared to $114,701,000 of to 6, Ohio State University. duly app ofnted and qualified as days when we bathed once a week Executors of the Estate of · S. F. by the kitchen stove in a galvanizElhon late of Warren County, ed tub and having ten bushels of "Ohio, deceased. potatoes, a barrel of flour and a . Dated this 13th dav of January, couple 'Of home.cured hams in the ,1 932. cellar, thought We were prosperous Shawhan & Brown, A ttys. Z. ROLL Judge of the Probate Court, Warron County, Ohio. fS
The Roxanna allld Waynesville Canning .Plants
I, as
0 fh.' I'
Public Sale of School Property
_.- -------
.r '.
rDr. ~~~~}ettel
Public NOLi ce is her by given that on aturday the 13th day of February, 1932, at 2 p. m., the undersig ne d will offer for s a le at public auction on t he p re mises, t he s chool propertv located in Wa.yne Township, Warren Coun.... ~ Oh 10, ~n d a~ t h "' e . aE stern edge ot Lytle In saul T ow nship, County an d State, and commonl y kn own an d designate d a~ the Lyti e 'chool contuinin g about · two (2 ) acres, 11I~re or I.ess. Imm ediate possession wil l be gIven (he succs.' fu l bidd er. Terms of sale, Cas h. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WAYNE TOWNSHIP, WARREN COUNTY, OHIO
Optometrist PERMANENT
19 No Broadway LEBANON, OHIO Eyes EX'mined GI ... es Fitted Rep.ira
B S SEll' Y . . IS, Pre ' ident R. H. Hartsock, Cle l·k. '
Slanley &Koogler \ Auctioneers
7 alks, februarv 1
- -_.-
-- -
- --_e _ ••____
Odd-But TRUE
-.. _ I
EPAIRING Wa tches . Clocks J ewelry
- - --..
.... ---,--
Store Open Evenings
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
30 Years Experience in Fitting and Making G1a8i.1Il1
Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio Tuesday, Thur.da.y, Saturday Examinatioli Fro_ LEBANON. OHIO
POlsO in Your bowels I Poisons absorbed into the system bom louring w a~te in the bowels, cause that dull, hcadach:·. sluggish, bilious condilion; coat the tongue' foul ·the brea th; sap energy, strength ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN and nerve-force. A little Jf Dr. y ou.rCattle, hogs, sheep and calves Caldwell's Syrup 'P epsin will· clear to Norris-Broek Co., live wire and up trouble like that, gently, h arm- urogressjve firm for the hlaheat lessly, in a hurry. The diJTerence j ' 'market prices and good l!ervice. will make in your feelings over nigb! Union Stock Yarda' CincinDati, O. Tune in on Radio Station WCKY will prove its meril to YOll. Dr. Caldwell studied c ons tipntiol: .2 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our ifaijy .nnrket reports. for over forty-seve n yea rs. This ionl clIDcrience enauled him to m ake hL t)fc!:c ripliol, jU"l whul . mcn, wome n Jld l)co l>le :Ind " bildrcn need t o m uk.l :heir bowels help th emsclves. H r' lulural, mild, thorough ac t.ion an t . TRY Is p l ea~a lll laste commend it tr OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMf15 weryonc. '[hal's why "Dr. Caldwell" FOR RESULTS ;yruiJ Pepsin," as it is called, is till . ,lOst popular laxative drugstorcs sell ,
OR . W . B .
§,''r{RU P iP PSI'N A DO('I.7;''5 Fum;!;,
"Deaa Stock Wanted
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Estate of John T. Thompson, de· ceased. Notice is hereby given that Amos E . Thomson a nd Loudy V. . rboms on have been duly appointed illld qualified as Executors of the Estate of JoOhn S, Thomson late of Wanen j:::ounty Ohio, de· ceased. Dat'ed this 12th day of January 1932. W. Z. ROLL Judge of the Probate Court, f3 Warr,e n County, Ohio.
Compa~y ·PHONE 8F3
Centerville, Ohio
Phone 78J
Restless CHI!LD·RE·N
Ha.r v.e yaburg Ferti'l izer
,Or' No Charge
The Warren County National Fatm Loan Assodation with headquar teJ's at Lebanon has long-term first mortgage loans outstanding, amounting' to $ 3 11,'200 according to ·figure s made available by. the 'CHILDREN will ·fret, often for nl.. .f.'e deral Land Bank of ,Louisville. ' ~paJ'ent re:lson, But there's' al· These loans 'al'e' held by '66 'farm- V{;lYS Cl!oSlO'rial Har:mlel!S3R th.e rccil~!' ers. . This money ' was brought . into ..on tJ\e,~~ppcr; uuld and. bland as It thjs . county by this association en- taI~., B.ut i~s gentle achon sooth(', . dorstnlf its : meinb~,rs' notes ' and a. Y.9u.ngs,ler ~~o:c sur~Y than t\ .. morr putting up flrst mortages on , the power~~1.t lne(hclI~e. . . .. 'Ifal'ms wit h the F'ederal La~d Bank.. :rh,at ~ the beauty ~f :lh l~ !\p~lul . .of Louisville. In other w?rds. the.8,e. cbUd~e~,s , .r~med~I~ ,mtJr ~e ~lv;el~ farmers . have cooperatIVe loans !ht\ lJ,nlcst mftl ot as ~ftllO u.~ ll~r~ Iwhich ..;U!\ :for " lo.lig .· periodsl. and . III ~~~. I~ .ca~cs, of c~h~~ ~)lnrrheuo: \vh$cn are paid !bacK ' over ' ~ sel'ie!! lumlar . (hstur9~'!I~' It ~s. 1.lJvalu~bl • . ." I d' " ·i th '.. A coated t.on8\l(l calls. for JUSl n l ew: .o~ ' .years . by mc "' 109 n . ..0. seml-. d " to ward olT' constipAtion' .!lO , annual .mstpllnl ents·:. the. ln~er~t 'd~any. suuge.stion .of , bIll)' 4rf~i:h. , I,plus . one J?er . cent . ot the ' orlginl~1 • Whenever cnildren , doo't "cat :.v(\!' , " .' ) ol!n. 'T~u's, the J~a~I ',~re ,amo~ill!- 'don't .ri!8t wel1. · or. ·!t:rye .un¥ :li W~ . . , , I'd ?l' ~llle!1.o~ ~~hm t~e . c9nt!~e~ 'upaet~this pure V'tt,ctable.·{)re nll t:- ': Pef!,9 .d' ~. . .;...~ _ '., " - , Uo~ ia~IIS:U~lIY I8Ih~hll~'~ 'nlll)ue.( \ ; ".
'. 011 twelve farms . in .Ohio in 1931 tbe 'otRs:lall yield corn . was. in e~ce88 of 1<10 bushels ·t.o · the 'nere! aeording 1:0 R. D,.· .Lewia; t~nS1on ' pror.e saor o'f e~op8 at the Ollio Sta~e UnlventtJ:, . . "
-------,-- .
EARL KOOGLER Dayton Phone KEnmore 8986
. w.
JESSE STANLEY Pbone 320, New Burlin_ton. O"io
NIt. PAItMBll ,.•.
Lincoln Day meatiq at Obeorlin ,
February 10 i observance of "arne day nt Enton, Febl'uary 11, under auspices of Preble County Reublilea:n Execllt~v ~ nl mittee. 15th ecr lltl\ry n Fe b ru:l~ Br \\'1 will address II ig K. or P. llIe t ing at Pnin c!:\ville.
IInl\idllt s for MIIY
pr imal'Y
m U$l file declara Lion of candidacy
umber of caa~ of dlseaaes n· ported, year 1931: Chickenpox, 24 diptherla, 35; inft\\enza, 9; mea8le~. 16S: German measles, 2' nll'ningitll:l, l; mumps, 67; pneu~ monia, 49; a"rlet fever, 12'1 . llI ull pO)(, ' 96; tuberculosi , 20; typhoid f VCir, 16; ,v'\t()()Ping c ugh, 2. ; vell erenl diseases, 11; GrysipeInt<. 3; ovhthalmia neon., 1; unrlulan t f ever, 1; miliaria, 1; tillar1'11lia, l ; poHomyeliti, I - total ,
Halnes, BOn and- dalllrhter of Day· ton, and Mr. and Mra. C. R. Blne~ gar of Jamestown visited Ml"l!. take this mt'llnS to thank my Georglanna Haines, at. the home o! Mr. and _'lrs. WlIlter Kenrick n i ~hlxll ." nnel tri cntls for tWir S unday. Mrs. Baines rema.ins h III and liYtlIPllthy . during the about the same. illness bnd at rhe t im e of the' d ath .~ .:.. oM I1y(teal' wife. DEATHS Emelilon Mason
Funeral services for Cora L. ~- March Ingles, .who ilied. Tu 'sday of lns t '1========~~~==~ (J t. 11 tho In adid tion no min atio ns f or "~ n Inn(fccnl Desp mdo." week, were held in th e A. M. E. {j: OLUMBUS-The !'ervice otfioes d legate. a t la rge \'srious c-hu1I"ch at Harv ' YSbUl'g, Friday ecr tary of State larence J. )1 l·. . !'car S'mith \VII S shopping afternoon. BUTiul w"'s in Miami Brown, as a public peak r ar and alterna t es and distr ict del cemetery. much ln demand lilt "lItions func- gat S lind a lternntl!- ., the IIl1tion - in Dayt.on tlJduy. tions, especially fu e ' he i· ~eiv al and stat (tonve ntions will be 'l'he contliLi n of Rubert G. l\IJ'/; . Matilull M. Duk e (lied at hi ll' state wid r eOQgn.ition as a el l' te<!. omine , to be na med at I'OSS I'cmai ng Ilboul tIll' ,;amo. prol1linent cand id to f or Republi- th" primary lire for governol', li euLittle Phy llis Bailey has the the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. ,ean lIlomination for \"etoor. ten It g,wer nor, secretary of s t.a t e \ n. H e nkl ~, UIlUIl Y mornin g. ftllwh(10 ping coug h. Th c work o C lh e funeral MI'. und ?\11's-' J. . ll awke v is i~- • Among ceretary Bra n' 8 cepo- attorney general, uu.dl t o~· ~n d A ll umue r of ladi s attended the low ing 11. Rtr oke o f, apoplexy. S urt 'u~er f !\tate ,chief Just!c , cd n'llIliw ~ ill S ;lbin~' . 'ull(lny. director p res n ls an untanee -of peal';n~ en ent lI111c t ing- at. Lytl e church Friday viv ing" a re the daUghte r', Mrs. . D uprl!/lle ourt, usual bl cnrling of science i 18 district meeting of EI at t·wo Jud "OS of ait l'l"nuo n und cnjo yed th e tulk He nkl e, a nd one son, . L. Duke. Valenlille ll:lv will !-oOO1\ 1,1.' her!' Fun e ral sC'lv ices conducted by Ashtabula . I n.nuary . , annu 1 judge of the court of appea l' in )!inn by Mrs. Hilliker. nnd sc nt imc nt. In his n- ~e(! the (lice liiw (I f val 'nl ine s at McKinley Day ban quet at Niles each appellate di -trict, U. . 11 11"::; . Margarct J ohnl> vis ited He\,. G. C. Dibc rt. were held at tec hn ical capac ity he mu s t atal', I;wo congre men al-Iar g~ . Graco Lin coln Smith· ~. the following dny. annual h omeFI'ida y wilh Qe r brothe r, Parry t he .residenc e 'fu esday afte rnoon be skil fu l and effi c i ~ nt; in coming banquet of Young Ameri- district congre me n, se nators, and 'ook, wh o is qui to ill, ut his homc und burial wus in Miumi cemetery h ' .une! l\l r~. EI\' in Fil' ·H. Mr. his m iniHtry to the b er eaycarr council at Tiffin . F ebru a ry 1st represenl3tives to the genet'a l IlSin Way nesville. sembly, judgc!\ of c un of comm on LouiR Fire,; a il e! famil \' wcr LI·bi\11'S. Ed11 a Rolf es of ill cinnuti cd h~ is cnl l d up On to show Juco b A. Ca r ey ,() f Cov ingto n. plells. clerk of courts, sheriffs, anon \'i siturs . Munu a;·. " pe nt lh e wec k-tmd wi t h Mrs Be lle K y .• Il 1'0 1"111 er res ident of WalTen raro <l u ll li l i t'~ or t!let and co unty comlll i ioners, I' corders, S.:ott, C:vc r elt Early wld dllugh- cou'n t-y, WU H tri cken with i\In es~ l\f!'. \l aITY .J a l" oh ~ a atl :;.nn, of sy mpllthy. In t hi s org antreas urers. surveyors, pro."ecuting t .. rs. on t.he str eet in Cineinna'ti , Mona l torneys, proba te ju d.:-c 11.11<1 CUT - Lillla. were WC('k ' ('nd ~ll~ "Ls of izn ti on, we hllve nlways Mr. an d Mrs . J ose ph Grussi, son day nfte 1'll0on und di ed in t he IImoners , mcm lH' I-'; of ~ tat ce ntra l their Hun t , ~ l i SH ElJlllla 1l ( ·i~ hwHr· (' lllleuvlI rClI to keep fully a nd daughter und MI·s. E va Haines bu lun ce " r~ th e way t o a 'hospital. co mmittee (one ma n lind one uf Piqua sp nt ::;uLurdny cvenIIb rcast tcc hnicul a dFunm'nl . cr vi ces will b e held in MI'. und Mrs. !-:1'/1 ('Ht Os wald, of wome n) fr om each co ngressio na l inp at th e home of Mr. IIilld Mrs. th e Universnlist chul'eh ll t S prin gvun ccmell t , without sa c.. ,,("cnt tlinn(! I' distric t , melll bel'S of co u nty cen- Lehan nn . W (' l' Wllller Kenrick. boro ThurHday nftc rnoo ll a t 2 trill commi ttecs un d in aud itio n gUC!>Ls uf IIl is,,, uthl'r i n~ Giht.on ~ . rifi cin g th c 1H' l" HO nnl charThe mothill' of Mrs. Wilbur o'c lock with buria l lit Bellbrook. electors ,will hllve the opp ort u nity aderis l i . ~ whi ch II I"' equnlFou lks is seriously ill at. ner homl' 1\11'. IIn.l M",. W i ll, UI" T hlJrnh ill to expr ess thcir prefe renCe by volin Franklin. ly im portant. ing f or cllnd ida tes fo r th e omce of and dau~hler. o f Xe nia , " pe nt. ·un· A m o~ Hough passed awa y at Mr. unci Mr,;. Wilbur Clark of tluy wit.h W. C. "'ekh and fum ily. Custom sawing of all kinds will pre~ id e n t and viCe prcside nt. \V ay n ~ !< \' iII c we re Sunday dinri<er hi ll home in lIarveysb urg earl y be done at the Mill's Saw Mill in . SlltUl'day mOI"lling. gUl's ts of Mr·s. Mary armony. Mr ~. Roul'rl ~. \,vu lton a nd so n Corwin at any time, 80c per 100 P ort Colum bus is t he mecca for Fune ral :<ervic es wer e hl'ld in i\ 1r~ . Belle Sc ott, Everett Early bQard feet. Our aim is to saw tOUl'ists visitin g t he Ca pi tol it.y Bobby s p nl Tu esday with ~Ir ~. an d dllu ghters, Helen and Ruth the Harveysbu l"g M . E. church whAt you want when you want it, as well aB 'for sight-scer s fr om a ll Wa lto n' s mothl·I·. Mrs. J . L. lI art· and the ir g uest, Mrs. Ro lJes atten- Mqnday aftern oon and in icnn c nt P hon e 7 but be careful about logs with ov er the s t ate und during the pa!lt suck. de d the f uneral of the fo rmer's wa~ in 1I1ia1l1i ce mete ry . ~T . MARYS CHURCH nails, fe n ce or any kind o'f iron year 5,140 passenger s were tuken s bltC I', Ml"S. Byron Rush, at pring Mis'fI Em ma l! e i ~hwny will J,:I) to Waynesville, Ohio R v. J . J. Scheff er, Rector in the-m as there is a minim um sig ht-seeing flig hts. R e por t of field Satul'day afternoon. NOTICE cbMge of one dollar eoch for the sup erintend ent s hows thllt 14,- incinll ut i F"itluy l o aUl!n d thl' , cxug-e" fl1la Su nu Ll)". JlIll uILry 3 l ' Iyde Whnrton. and Walter Kensmall nails stru~k while sawing 147 passenge r's arrived and depa r- f un eral of her cOl1 Hin J ulin lI uH(I - (,hu I'(" h "dHlo l at fl ::lU : Morning ric k visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur 'fo our many patrons t hroug hout end larger ones in proportion. ted from the a irdrome during t he man . l'l'ayel' lIml ~ l'rm o n u t 10 :3 0. Wharton new' Hamilton, Sun.day. the community. We will do year without :l sing le a cc ident; Mr. and Mrs. J . B. 'J ones, and IIII'. Il nd II'S. Wcsle\' Howard bu sine8s through The Crawford bhat a total of 19 98 t r'anspon J ohn Preston, were Saturday plan es arri ved with 1997 hav ing arc a nnounc inll: the' bii"lh uf a FERRY CHU RCH OF CHRIST evening guests of Mr. nnd Mrs . Commission Co., Cincinnat i, Ohio l uqmret, .Junand after J nnuarv 1st, a ssuring ( U nd enominational) tIIk en off. Mail plan es pa ssing da ug hter, Helen Th erle J ones and son, Milton in on WAYNESVILLE, OHIO yo u t he best of service, both for through numbered 7 18. There uu ry l 3, }()32. Chesler A . Williamson. Minister Ce nterville. caring for lind sellin g your st ock. were also 322 stude nt flights. hurc h ~c h oo l a t 9 ;3 0 n. m. A number ()f fr iends from ~e We work f()r money end yo ur s tock to T he ra wWe t hank you for the past and Many conveniences ure found at Lord' s, upper U11 d ~er m o n a t 10:- a ttended the funeral of Mrs. MatFOR SALE And not for f un Port Columbus and it is well wort h f ord Com 1ll i. sion 0 . , n ion Stock au u. Ill. Ser mo n s ub ject " Epi- tie Duke at t he home of Mr. and hope for your future pall·onage. We want our pa.y _---'-_ _ .Jl~L J SBURY'S a visit and LlIlY numbel' of novices Yard s Cincinn ati , thro ug h W . P. taph ." You arl! alwn ys we l~ome at Mrs. S. D, Henkle, Tuesday afterWillen the work is done have become airminded afte r Salisbury & Son. F O R SA LE- Fivc 200-pound pigs th is chu r ch. noon. watchi ng the graceful s hips skim Waync Vilb1. j27 MTs. A. n. Roehr, Mrs. R. Krog- Sublc.,.ib. for the Miami eaaett. Mr .anlCl Mrs. Howard Dalto n. through the air. e r un d little Betty Rolliff, north of ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH entertaine d a t s upper SlI turday Dayton called on Mrs. Kesler Rev. F ortman Patrons and fr ien.ds of the Ohio evening, MI'. a nd Mrs. Ead Ev an ~ Graham Thursday. and Mr. Gayle E vans. State Archaelogical and Historical F irst a nd Third S unday Mass at MI·s. Chalmer Reeder is reportSociety will be pleased to learn 8 :00 a. m. Seco nd , Fourth and e d as b~ing not so we\) the past T ~ my oId patrons and others: T F'i ft h Su ndny, Mass at 10 :30 o. tn. that positions .of curator and specweek at Miami Valley hospital. , ial collector fOI" the society have 18m n ow a ble · to r csu me wor k at l'I11'. and Mrs. KtlSler Graham 8IIld been. restored by the state board my blll'ber shop and solic it you .. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH daug hter were dinner guests Sunof contrnl, t~ pos ts having been pa troll ~ ge . J. H . Smith . day ()f Mr. and Mrs. Ha.lTY GraG. C. Dibert, Pastor ab()\ished last summer by Goverham . Mr. lind J.'ll-s . Earl Bogan lind W.hite. The O. S. Museum . W cd.nesda y : Jr. Choir practice Mr. anti Mrs. FI'Oyd Savage an~ daughters and Mrs. Maud e Hay. North High' Street and Fifteenth lI111n ed lll te ly a ftc I' school. Bible family have rented a house at of Cincinnllti, spcnt Sund a.y wi t h Avenue, is open daily f r om 8 a. m. s tudy ~lntl Il'l'uye l' meeting at 7 :00 Ridgeville and will move t h ere the to. 6 p. m. and S undays fro m 1 p. O~ville Gray an d famil y. p. Ill. Thi s wee k we will study the first of March, Mr. Savage will m. til 6 p. m. 1)lIrab l ~s of "Th e Condition s of . Mr. and I\flos. Wm. Gallay, son Disciplesh ip. Choit practice at I'etain his j ob at Lytle elevator. Mr. and Mrs . J. B. Jones, Mrs. Dally Except Sunday C'o nveyanee . Statistics of Ohio and dJ\ughter, o() f Cincinn at.i, and 7;45 p. m . . Ed L ongacre and Mrs. Kesler for the Year 1931, which hav~ Wilbur' E van s w 1'0 Sunday g uests und ny: Sunda y schOOl at 9 :30 GI'aham a ttended revival service been. prepared by Secretary of of Mi". and Mrs. E arl Evans. ~. m . 'Morning worship a t 10;30 at Mt. Holly church Tuesday even State, Clarence J. Brown, show f he ermo n $ubj ec't f or this hour Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mrs. Raynard is, "The A r t of He arin g." Epworth ing of last week. that 7,304 deeds covering 434,Mrs. Margaret Johns, Mr. and Weltz, Mi D01 'is Ha wke, Messrs. 000 acres or 1Igricultural land, Lengue at 6 :30 p. tn. with Cecil Mrs. Seth F urnas and children atDon Hawke and Kenn eth Fro mm which had a value of $18,900,000, o.uv is a s Icad er. Evan gelist ic ser- t ended an aU day meeting and were recorded. In the proceding were Dayton visitoTs Tue day . vices nt 7 :30 p. m. bask et dinner at th e F1rienda year, 9,016 su ch deeds were c hurch at Waynesville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. eih old. recorded and $33,800,00 was given Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark enas the value thereof. In neither Miss 'Beatl"ice and Ju nior Scioold WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF t el·tained Mrs. Clara Lewis and CHRIST case ar,e those deeds counted which of Middletown . s pent S un d'llY wi th Miss Wanda Clark of Dayt<m Miss (Undenominational) fa iled to give ' the . true con sidera- Mr. IUld Mrs. F . B. H en del'. on. f,.ucile Clark 01 Kentucky, and Mr. tion .. Decreases in both number of Chest a r A. Williamson, Minister and ·Ml·S. Charles Cllllrk, to dinner Mrs. El swo ~th H uines, of pieces and value of Teal property Church ch o()l Il t 9 :30 a. m. o n Sunday. Spring Vall ey, vi iled MI'. and M rs con.veyed i~ shown by the report conclus ion. Lord 's S upp e r' li t Remember, the services at Lytle D. E . Standifor d nn{l Mr s» Earl In all divisions except "Mineral, F. ndeavol· at 6 :30 I~. m. Jennnette church next Sunday aftem'Oon. HATmaliY people cnll in cli~ oil ami other land" for which t h l Oonner nnd s an, on Sa turday. P ox,. Jead er. Evening eVl1ngelistic Sunday sch ool at two and preach( tion very often mean.'! E:'.CCSS 1931 value is more t han 100 0/0 se rvIce all 7 :30 p. m. Se rmon, s ub- ing at three. Mr, Dodds, an evanacid in tbe stomaCh. The slOl11l1Cb higher Miss Aileen Mainous, of Hamil- ject, "Fear." Prrayer meeting and g elistic singer w ill be presen t and than t he 1930 figure. nerva have been OVef-&timulated. ton, Vernon Ma in<l us and family Bible s tudy each. Wednesday at 7:- take part in this service. Everyone and food lOUR. The corrective ie an were dinner gu ests o f Mr. Ilnd 3 0 p. m . The ehul'ch whel'e you welcome. alkali, which neutrallUs the 1IC'..ida HARVEYSBURG Mrs. Ray Maino us, on S unda y. Mr. and Mrs. Allen EmTick, Mrs fee l a t h ome. instantly. And the beat alkali bOWD Margaret Johns, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'to med.eal IICtenca iI p~ M.Wt · Mr. Carl Vandervoort. of PittsCafet eria lunch se rved at t he R ,Tohns. Mr., and MI"!!. Earl of Magnesia. ' FRIENDS MEETING Th omas and Walter Kenrick atOne Ipoontul of tIUs harmlesa. burg, ':Vas the week-end guest of Gym Friday noon nn d evening, To' iOIl cl s Meeting , Sunday Jan and Snturday n OM, fOl' Fa r rn e;r '~ and MTS. W. C. Mich'cmor. tasteless alkali in WIW neutral. . MT.Mr. t cnded the funeral of Amos ua r y 31. Sunda y School at' 9 :30. and Mrs. D. A. Ferr!*! , ,of Institute by M. E. La dies Aid. instantly many times ,that ' much Hough at Harveysburg, Mooday l\'[ ccti ng fo r W Ol1Ship i. at 10 :30. acid, ond the lI~mploma I ~P~ Nelsonville, spent several days n:fteTnoon. Mr. Hough was a re ns StO'I"y hour at meeting hild Mrs. Ida Corrigun and dau gh witlh Dr. and M.rs. T. W. Ward . at once. You never 'uae Uude bl'Other' of Mrs. Allen Emrick. ter, of Mon'ow, visited t he fOl"- H ouse Saturday at 2. p. m. . methods , when once you Ieani the! hist week. Dr. and Mrs . C. W. Osbu rn, and Discuss ion g m up at Friends mer's broth er and wife, Mr. nnd Mr. GaineS; of Hartwell, and eliciency of t.hiL GO, Itt a amaD daug hter, Mr. and Mrs. William IT{l l1. l C , Thursday e,vening ' at 7 :45 Miss Jane Gain es, of COmlecticu t, ~r . Wcsl y 1l 0~vru'c1 , S undll Y evan botUe to try. ' suuJcct, "Friends 'festimondes." Be lure to get the senuine PhWi}» were the week-end guests of Mrs. mg. MIt of Magnesia pracrihecl bJ H. E. Hatton. What! A ph otograp h en larged Miss Nan Collett and Miss Ber~ lor 50 years in ....i~ Collett visited MT. and Mrs. and hAnd, t in ted fm' $ 1001 Yes ! WARREN COUNTY HEALTH aa. .:Ids. 25c ad SOc • boWl See Bar"I\l·tI 's· for particula rs . C. Tichenor Monday. any drUglitore. IS BOARD REORGANIZED now! S per iu l offe r :f I' limited t im e only. Dr. Edward Bllair was reemMr. n.nd , Mrs. E. B: Mu !'r 11 a nd ployed hcalth com.missioner of daughte r, of L e ban on, Mr. a nd Wllrren counf y 'f.or a period of , Mrs. L. H. Gordon wer e Su nday two yea l"S by the Won'en County dinn er g uests of ~h-. and Mrs. c. 1! un Ilh' Boord la st Thursday when ~he . bom'd h.eld ,it!! annua l organM. Robitzcr". IzutlO n Illcetmg m the office of the Owi,ng to the popu larity of Ollr boa I'd. 0 1'. J . '1'. Elli s, of Waynesville Big Pho to Offcr we arc f o rced to continue it COl' five mo re we ks. waS reelected president Waldro~ Take a dvantage of t hi s offe r now! C. Gi lmo ul', vice-pr eside~t and Dr U;d Blu ir, seel·etllry. . Bm'nnrd's 1. G. A. Store. ' . Miss Katheri ne Gibbons, of WswMr's. ,J. O. Cartw.right was the nesvill e was reappointed county dinner g uest of Dr. and Mrs. Ed- health nurSe and Mrs. Jane Lewis ward Blllir , on Su nday. In the was r eappointe d derk of the board ' afternoon the Blnirs nnd Mrs. ' Both offices are for a term of two : Cartwri~ht visited ' th eir daughters ' years. ' I at Wes tern Co llege, Oxford. : The c~ unty sa'nitation e>fficers I ! named Include th e following: ---==--============ ==============~======== i Mr. and Mrs . Walter Clark en- Thomas D. Fraser, of Le banon and te rtnin ed at ,\inner. Sunday MT!I. I Turtlecreek towns hip; , Gus Slack Newspaper advertising reaches Clara L wis and Miss Wanda I' for Morrow and Salem to\Wlshipi everyone. Not everyone 'reads Clar·k. of Da y to'll , Miss Lucille Dr. . R. H. Vance 'for Pleasant a magazine. Only about half of Clark, of Bellev ue, Ky., Mr. and I ~l am and Harlan township; Merth& homes in the United States Mrs. Ch arl es Clark . The dinner rill John son, for MllSIOn and Deerhave radio sets. Not everyone I wa s in hOno l' of Miss Wanda field and Hamilton townships; E. rides a street cal'. Outdoor adI Clar ll 's tw n t icth bir thday ann i- R. B,entley for Wa.ynesville and vertising is neither seen regularly veTsury. Harveysb urg and ,Way;ne and Masby every one nor is it practical ~-- - - - - - sie township; W. E. Graham for for an products. But ."ery ODe Frankli n an d Clealrcl'OOk townships who read., read. a n_.paper. ' RATSI RATSI Dr. A. D. Spence for South Leb.. Qianne1drain BoODog i. made of COP-R-LOY, the anon, ood Union tc)wnship. Copper Alloyed,Steel, and protected with a highly duFarmers of t he n orth-eastern ----section of Warren County wh o Y I R able coating of'pu.re zinc. Patented lap construction hnve ra ts to contend with on tha ir ear y ep<ort, 1931 {m'ms, arc in vited to attend a rat- County Health Nur~ e, Catherin e fomis a channel that drains water from the roof. C. Gibbons , kill ing demonstra t ion to be held at This protection is found only' the farm of A. H. Shutts, about Prenatal visited, 70; mater.nity two miles south east of Waynes- visits, 2~;. infant visits, 164 i pre' 10 Cbanneldrain and is your ville, Thursday after n oon', January sch ool vlSlts, 86; schools visited trouble-free roof28. Bt!ginning about 3 o'clock, 438; incjden tal school inspectioos: , . County Agent Class ,will be o.n 2,071 i I'outine scllool inspections ·. ing sen-ice. Let .u s' t ell you hand to clirect t h e affairs, !lhowing 589; classroom bealth talks 89 ~ how t o use "Cyanogas" in a dust sch.ool visits in home, 429; tuberc~ . ~o~', .~u, ~APQel~ gun. This method forces the' tine 10SIS an.d contact visits,. 202;, conta, " • .:-l • __• 'I~ dust through rill hol es, tunnels' gio,us visits, 26; cdpple Visits SO· .,.r and , cavities used by . rats so' that 'g eneral case v isit:!!, .' 36; visits tx: nonch:an survive. I~' 1ik'E\wise go'es physicians, 45 ; visia. to hospitals beneath cemenj) f\ooIl"s into cracks and clinjcs, 21; 'visits in behalf of and crevices and foundatiO!lls" ·ete., patien'ts, 20; ' patients not found wh~1'&, cats a~d ' ferr~ts cannot get. 53; soc,ial service ~its, "66;" mis~ Tij~se attendIng are, u'rged J:>y cellaneous visits, 493' 'h6l\.lth ta,lka Ohis~ 'i;o wear tuelr ' COJ!!.mon ",ork- ,outside of school. total' visits ing clothes and . old shoes so as '1,815; total births, Warren county to better be able to .participate i n 1931, 430. ' . ". too activitie.s. 0las! p lans" to ex, ' ;Deat hs f.r.om CQm~lll~~~::~~:, plain .and aemol\str.ate fully, sd ease: ' Diptheria; Ii th~t -all interC3ted . 'c n thus be pneumonia, 28; , ~,.,...u.,~ able to j'ld their own ,farllls of tllbe.rculoRis, 10: t ,V1l1h,,1d rats and mice. . whoopin;r c.~u;rb, 'er'lvsilpela..
not Inter than 6 :3 0 p.
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S~hool ·ActiJ)e -In Everv·
1\11'8. Es te lla ShnnCl' e nte rtain ed a party of fl'ientls at Jillnl'r. lin ,' unday.
Tl) e l' .g ullll· Inel:Lingo II I' Fa n ne rs Crall~e I.\'i ll h he ld S i\~u l'll ay evching F 'ill'lJ ury G, 1'.) 1' \l'hic h l he f oll owi ng )1l'ugTU Ill ha!' bee n ·al'· ru nged : MU 8ic Guslin ""[l I1: ily . . Roll 'a ll Su me \\'"I ·th Whil e Thin g-:; ill Li fe u rr e nt I':\' ' 11 \.<4 J) 1I1na E d ward ~ -- --- --~ H e ['l '.l l· ~ of l' ul1 lu nu ,1 :ll l1es Gi bbon s At th Gvm F ebruary J I, the l\itl!4le G u ~ lln ' Family I e . , Individ uul or Fumily I-lobbies . I sch uul opel'e ttu. J oh n Shultz Guy 1I 0l'k ett, n[ (J . . U., is T rib u te 1.0 Lin ct!ln 1\'I I'S , Ed Th omas .~ pc nding a few days at hor.le. ,Juve n ilc Numb er. . . . . Mll rjorie Edwards F)'an k RobinRon vis ited his Lin coln J ll k (' ~ ~Iargar c t Th omas mot he r in CO hP11bu s, 'u ndu y. :\1l1sic . CURtin hlmily _ ___ __ .. _ __ 1\l is>\ Chll'u Lil e ~ pe nt the \veck· (' lId \\'ith relut.iv es neal' Xenia, 1\1 1' . H. F , Hatfield s pen t 8un. ria" wit h his mother at Leban on.
Mr!'. D. R. 'mith ~ p e nt Saturday n ight wilh l'(' lativ('" in Wil · mington .
Cull the Waynesville Farmers' Excha nge Co. for Old Hickor y Smok ing Sa lt.
Phase of the School Life , Firat Game with "runnera up" ainee Tournament Satu rda y night th.e 6bh, is going to be a cuu nty wid~ attraction at Leban~>n. This will be the first time f OI' the:;e two notoriou s teams to meet sin ce the tourname nt. . There is n·o- doubt that every school in t he co unt.y will be r epresented to witness t he battle Saturd ay night.
Algebra I.- High score 96, FI'unk Hawke; medium scor e 721h low SCOl'e 66. Algeb ra n.- High score 117 %, Ronald Hardin ; med iu m score, 7 5 ; low score, 36 . Plane Geometry- Hig h score!)5 Ru.th Hockett, medium 86; low 41. Chemistry - High sco r e !l8, Venlena Fox; medium, 75; low 30, Typing f.- High score, Ex. 2:J~ Anna O'Nea l, medium , Ex . 14.; low, Ex. 8a, Game With Morrow Typi ng H.- Hi gh score. 52wds. There will also be a good game per min., Velma Almitagc; at Waynesville on Friday nigh.t medium, 45 wds. pe/' min, ; lo'w, 2:1 when MOI')'ow's teams invad-e the ' wd.s. per. minute. locu l wurt. So me :;ay that we'll be ' Stenogl'aphy- High SCOl'e, 98. ~ urprised-welJ, come see for Nellie Watkins ; medium. 92 ; low, you/'se lf, I 87. . Com me rcj,ul Arithmetic- Hi,lrh Pep M_tine Iscore, 9G, Cha rles Burto n ; me<.lium A Pep meeting was held T.hurs.. 87 ; low Ii!). . . da Y' in llssembly hall for all High .B.ook kc~p!n g- ~Itrh scnre 83, Sc hool stu den ts, The Sportsman - ~1 1r1al1l E.Jhs ; medium, 70 ; low, shill Brotherhood had charge' of 6. , . .' . . the program.. We had several Ne\l s WI! tmg-~lgh score, 9 1, songs a nd yells ano talks from J e\~e tte BI.au·, moo!um 84.. low 78, Ballard Wallace llnd Meredioh, Eco no!,lIcs--Jun lol's, .I~lgh scor e Whitaker. Ul, ~ess le. W oo llard. ~mam EI115, Mered.ith told us about his t rip ~o n s Sa hsb u I'}'; medium 68; low ~ Was~ington and mude it very _5Economics -Se ni ors High score ~h~e~r;~llt~ghe}-~~\;o~~d u~h:\lec~~~.~! 98, Ronald Hardin; ;nedium 69; h h 'd t ' H low 40 . . e. ea! on empe.l a nce. e ~on AgI'iculture- High score 98. tt fllS t~IP as the prIze fo r ~ttll'!g E l'I1cst Cook; medium 90; low 80. Ani.mal Hu s bandl'y- High score he ,hIg hest number o'f POll1ts In the county test ~n th.e .Temp erance 96 Cecil Davis ' medi um 87' low ~V 01·k. Books. 64'. " , ,
Sec the s chool ope l' Ua ut Gym Fl' bruary 11, MI'. Ceo l'ge HenldC' is hom fl'ol11 Wittenberg beca use of illn ess. 1\Ir. !In(1 MI'>;, Walt el' a ~ t W<'l'C Wilmington vi sitor,;, Thul' ~ d:ly . See the Sulisbury' s, W. P. and
D. R. , before you ;ell your stocle
Farm Engineering
As Told by a
JFarmer Student
State farmers' Institute Was ' Ve~l' Suc.c essful' Th e W aynes vi llc Fal'll1 e rR' Institute was helu in th e Sch ool Gymna 'iUIlI , Janua r y 29th and 3 0th, 1\) 32 . with u n uV' I'uge llttendullce of 15 ·1. The fi rst. session wa s ope ned a t 10 o'dock Friday mo rning wi t h mu sic by th e sc ho ol ol'c lws t l·u. Th e pr esid ent, M. A, Co m cll, call ed the meeting t o IIru e!'. In voca t ion by R ev. G. C. D'1bert.
C Il:.~;~·e ~tzth~' assc~~~ld p\~~gl~::~]~
which wa s a s foll ows: Th e state speaker, 1\'11'8. Mary Beltz Morrow, gave a sp lendid tulk o f e:;pecia l in · terest . to the sc hool children. "Avoiding t he comm On pl a ces in rural life." She does not want Hny one to thin k rural life should be ca lled co mmon , as the rural boys u nci g irls of to day have the opportunit.y to be a s well.trained, cd ucated a nd cultu"ed as any city yout h. In lact. ou r cou ntr y youth ca nn ot be singled out as in fOl'm e r da~' s , for. with UUI' 4-H lub an d good schools t hey have as mu ch poise a nd co nfidence in th emse lves and are as pl'operly dres. ed us their city friend s . Charlotte Hartman gavc a read. ing. "Fal'm Work vs House Work," f oll owed by a )lian o ~ o l o Th J . II ' h by R ut h 0 onnol'. e unl or . Ig Schoo l chorus sang two numb ers "Juanita" lind "Sweet and Low." Reading by Ruth Salis bury . The second st.a te speaker, M ~ Tel Thompson, t.alked to lhe audience on "Worth While Lives.' He told us that no li fe wa g wort.h while unl ess it was li v.ed h onetlt!y, loyally, bravely and as one of se rvice to YOUI' fellow men . He asked the chiluren to put the se ideas into practice, look upon li fe from that view point and he felt their lives would be worth while ·t d t t 0 t h' e!r commum y oIlJJ coun ry. Wyled1l1e Kurfiss and Helen Friend gave a cornet-duet. Evelyn Furn,~s !rave Ril ey's "Wet Weather Talk and Robert. Hyde a vocal so lo . . . T·he HIgh School glee club sang two numbers, lOUr ~il" and " Water Boy." The president appointed Dr, Hall, J, B. Rich, Ml . Rachel Earnhart as nominating committee and Mrs. Mal'Y Morrow, Mrs . Menden. hall and Mr •. Bolton as poster
the lo ng t rips take n by the fami ly. neglecti ng church going, t~ere ~y Ie t ing . 1 gold en oj)(lOl'tu~lIty, sliP . lo Ll'a ill OUI' boys and g1l'18 m n I clig ious way. Mu ~ ic by the Hart;0l!1{ fa mily. J ohn Sh ul tz gave t~e um orous readin g , .. Unc le J o sh I~ ' h' BlI A' H ou se," Bnu the beautl'ui n umber "The Making of I' rie nti s. " ,\ 11':-<. Mary MOl'row's talk on Jelling Acqul.li nt.etl with Our :-<e i ~hbol·~ ." was next. on the pro'T H ill a nd left tall wi th food for "h o ll ~h t. She po inted out that our , II n Gymnas ium was a wonderful lac!' fo r our community center Itul tha t. Lhe ~ ch oo l was t he moedUill to. draw f rom . M... loss , aA'l'icultural agent, ~u\'e a iihort ta lk and ex-presse d he Rll lisfacti on he and his family ve rc enjoyinl(' since moving to .the 'u u ntr y la ~ t J un e, Through the oUl'tesy of th e N. C. R. of Da.yton IV O I'o lls of ill us tl'Uted so ngs were howlI . T he whole a udience j oined n sill A' in g t hem, lead by Mr. .\'alte r Dllvis of Lebanon. 1'his '11J!4ed th e even in g session
MI'. J . A. Wilkcl'son, of Dayton Tlln e in on thp C. & n. program. Th e fo llowi n)f pape r was pre· st.nLi on WKH' evcr y ,'u nua y pUI'cd a nd read by Ralp h Branstra- spent FI'iday with Mr. a nd Mrs. . a ft.<'I'n oon a t 2 : 15. to r at till' Fu 1'Il1e I'."' Instiwte Fl·i. L. H, Gordon. u~ y eve ll i n)f : Mrli, J'rIary McClure and Mrs. H. l\1i s~ Wanita Hubbl', of Ii ear E. l-bJthaway were Dayton shopBell bl'o ok, waR t he w('ek- e nd gu es t Wh nt ie; agriculture E ng ineel" pel's on Monday. of Miss Erma Sea rs. . illg'! Saturday Morning Agricul t uno! eng in eering is the Tune in on the C. & B. program, Mr. S tiley BUl'n et. of near Cen t ervi ll e, who has b eC'l] huv ing art of d irccLi ng lh e f o rces of ~ tation W KRC eve1'y Sunday T he Sli tu r day morning session natu re to do economi ca lly t he af ter noon at 2 :15. mumps, is out a gain . ~a~ op ened at j 0 o'clock with de· wo r ic of l1Iun. In its broud e!lt s en~e 'oUom; by Rev. G. C. Dibert. Mrs. MI'. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman , o f 'evcrn l me mbers of Fanllel's' it iiS inten ded to include all phases (obert, Fu rnas rendered harmon"a mu~i c a ocompan ied by her Gl'ange atte nded POlll on'a Grange and . bl'an ches of eng in eeri ng di- NO I'wood. we re bu iness vi s i~or s in ~ r edl y con nect ed with t he great Wayn esville. Frillay. at Leban on, atul'da y. laugh te r, at t he piano. "How indu stry o f agriculture. ;hull We g et Agl'icultural Relief," In a study of far m e ng ineering MI'. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock ' and Mr. J <lC Thompson, of Cfn cinI' US discussed by Mr. Tel ThompHi,t. School Honored by Talk Farm Shop- High scm'e, 98, na'ti , vis ited, hi s mothe r, Mr , Kiz- and in p:articula r, of that phase flll;nUy 'spent Su nday wit h Mrs. on. H e showed that agricultural Thomas Sheets; m edium 75; low, zie Thom pson, Saturday. of the su bj ect dealing with farm Harts ock 's pal' nts at HarveyslI'oduc t!; have had three high We had a very interesting talk 66. mecha nics:, we are const.antly burg. 'caks in pl'ices, in the history of Genera l Science, Sec. I.- High ;January 23 by F. J. Heacock, on M1'5 . .John Lamb was a t Mc· eOIl !!iu erin g th e mattcr of forces, .he nited Slates, 1812, 1864, and 91, Marj ol' ie Stump ; lella n hospital, Xenia, ~ cv e ro l their a pplication t.h eil· tra n!;forma. the s ubject of "Problems of sCOl'e, Mrs. D. R. Sa li sbury en tertai n1919 respectively. and after about Peace. II He mentioned the I'League med ium, 64; low scol'e, 41. ti Oll, and the ir effects '8S em bodied ed the Clover Leaf club and a f ew dnys last week. for obscl·vation. 10 years t he low price was encounGen era l Science, Sec. H.- High of Nations," comparing the probin even th e simplest fa lm 'tools. invited g uests, on Thursday afterte r ed, the depre ssion time lasting lems of the nations 'With the prob- score, 97, FI'8nk Hawke; medium, Mrs. Anna Kenrick Ilnd daugh. Th ~ level'" pulley, Jac k screw , and noon.. around 86 months in the first two l&rna 01 a group of fltudents in the 70; low, 44. tel'. Miss Ber oha, spe nt Sunda y the wht'el and axle a re machines the present one not over yet. ff Aleebra, Sec. l.- High score, with Mr. and Mrs. Waite I ' Kenrick , used to gain mechanical advantafaot that the nations must agreo MI'. and Mrs. Ernest Martin of labor was divided among more 86, ViJ'ginia Denlinger; .med ium, at Lytle. in o roe I' to maintain peace. ges. Us uallly our power is de velop. Dayton, visited their mother, Mrs" men even though the same money 64; low, 50, ed fr om an intel'nal combustion M41rgaret Martin at Friends Home was expended. More money would Biology- High score, 89, Neva W. H. S. Win. Over Malon MI's. Carolin e Stauer, who hns engi ne or better known as t he gas on Sunday,' ... o fOl' foo d 8 S each one would Enma Sears; medium, 76; been quite' ill nt the Friends home engine. This i t ranfel'red to the ' ~ nly have money for necessities, The Waycehs won a brilliant Petel's, )ow, 55: fell and di slocated h er hip Sun- mach.ines by a se ries ,o f cogs, belts Mr. Forrest Crane 'and daughwhile fewel' men w'Orking, !fet In vjetory over Mason to the tunc of World History- High sco re. 86; day evening. 01' geBl's, depending upon which ter Marjorie, of Cincinnati. were more Ilours and have more money :11-2 2 last Thursday evening. The Bernice a n~ Robert Gons ; wou ld g iv'e t he most efficiency. It guelits of Mrs. Maude Crane and Wayeehs showing a eonsiderable med ium, Graham' f or luxuries. He advised . farmers 66; low. 49. . to I'un tr~c.tOt. only when necessary improvement over t he game with Anmi L. Carey, Lebanon, Ohi o, is weU to know the working prin- fa mily on Sunday lish I.High score , 98, , . ~ . E ng eiple of motor in case of some Mallon at Waynesville November Betty Hartsock; medium 76; low, is in Chicago attending the annual Use y ou~ l! orse power and hlTe t rO Uble, Yo u can eusily find it with T·hursday I the beginning of our 6, 1931. of gifts, 8l'twares mid-winte), show lobO\'. as It I' cheap,. and. help the o,ut much expe nse 01' loss of time big 25c Sale. Come in and see how The 'l ineup ·for W. H. S. : Davis 53.J;:ngIish n.- High score 92, and novelties. ' , Illa n m need o.r wOl.k. , It is also well to know t he work- many things a quarter will buy. -and> EUis forwards; Savage, ·. The papel', "PI'!lctlcal Engm~el' Bernard; med ium, 80; low ing prin.ciple of other farm B al'l :urd' ~: J. G. A, Store. Fife, lnte of DayMrs, Ral'hel center: Wallace end Turner Wallace 70,. 1I1~ fr.om a. VocatIOnal Boy's VIew to n Military Home, is tak ing up machiner)" so that repa il's can be g uards. FoOr Mason: Collins, Runju~ges. POin t," \Va!; prepaL'ed and T~ d by Latin I.-High score 97, Betty made by .ones self. Also when you daughMr. and Mr s. Slack and ber r esid e nce at th e Fri ends Home forwards; Case, center; Fox Hartsock; medium, 65; low. 20, The Smith-H ughes Boys had Ralph Bl'an skato~'. It o.uthned a buy a new piece of machin er y, you te r and MI'!l. DelIa Miranda, of Waggorier, guards. hel'e t hi s week. Latin I1.-Higlh Bcore, 96; Lois can g et the mOl'e improved type, Mono w. visited their brother, charge of the corn show. W e ad- few of the. prac~lcal thmgs they substitution for either side. Pennington; medium, 78; low, 73. journ ed (or dinnel', se rved by the a re tau~l!t 111 thIS work- suen 8S Wyeofl', referee. 1\1 1'S. J. O. Cartwright attended and not have to de pe nd e ntirely Wesley Howal'd, on Sunday. M. E. Ladies Aii:I . 'llode l'nl zmg the fa;m hOl1!e, adLatin UI. &; IV.- HiJrh score, 98 a lunch eon.bridge nt the home of upon what the Salesma n tells yo·u. vantages 01£ mecharuoal eqUIpment Rope work is a nother impo rtant Mr, Walter Cast, s uperinten· W. H. S. Operetta, February 11 Verdena Fox, Medium 95. low 9 0. Mrs. Kal'1 Dakin in Lelxll1on ,. W ed: ope w<lrk, dl'ainage of the soil The grade rooms will f ollow nesday of last w ek. task that all far mers sh ould, know. dent of Miami cemetel'y, reports ltnd improving the farm layout. The High School Glee Club has next week. Afternoon Seuion If a huy .r ope should break in the that forsythia and japonica bushes Mrs, Furnas gave another musical its operetta of thrills an'd romanMr, 0, J. Erlwal,ds , Mr. f8 nd Mrs busy seas on, it ",a uld take only a were in f ulI bloom last week. 'Dhe afternoon session opened \election after which · Mrs. Mary ces well under way. The stu<lents New Teacher few minutes t.e splice it, provided J, W. Edwards and famil y were at 1 .0'c1ock with two musical Morrow gave a talk on "Household with their instructor, Mrs. BUerkle the person kn ew how. But if he MI'. :and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan and numbers by the Gustin Family. Miss Mary Hunter of Blanches- guests of Dr, and 'l:rs. Gail Ru s- did Effici ency." Slje said to maintain are putting :forth their most earnnot , it might cause hours of MI'. and Mrs. ElIis McClure attend. Mrs, Morrow gav!,! a talk on a n efficient 'household the horne-est efl'Qrts to make this entertain- ter has been employed to teach the s um at Dayto-n, Sunday, co stly delay. Also t he different ed t he funeral of a relative at health, "Saving what we Have." maker must have coordination of Second Grode in t he place of ment one well worth while. St. Mal'}"s Guild will meet <In kind:! of lknots ha>;e many uses on Anderson, Ind., on Thursday. She stated that in the last two process by having every thing in Miss -Martin who resigned because The cast of characters are: the farm. Thursday nfternoon, FebruoDry 4. decades 12 years have been added Hnnk lluckleberry-Cecil Davis of ill health. The D~!pal'tment boys have had Mr. and Ml'S. E, F. Earnhart to the span of life." This has place where it is to be needed. at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mike. Murphy-Wallacil Bernard Miss Hunter graduated last year Hanis and Mrs. Mosher . practical expel'ience in leveling and d·a ughter, Murjolie and Mr. come about by prevention more Budgeting your time f or work and Enrl. Parker-BaUard Wallace. from Miami University at Oxford land for ditches. It is not difficult Claren.c e Bar'llard saw I'MeI'Chant than cure. Pro per infant feeding l'ecreation and eliminating unn.e cRed . Ni~I_Goorge Miller. afte l' taking e two years course in if a littl e care is taken. If you of Ven ice," in Dayton , Tuesday and care 'has helped: al so immun- essary noise all ,h elp for efficiency Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and teachers training. The average house wife . walks LiUie--Rosa. Lee McClaine. know th<~ main principles about ni ght. ity against contag ious diseases by eight miles daily in. her ,househ.old son, Milo, visited t he fOl'mer's Urseba Appleg1ll~Lena Earnleve ling, yo u can do your own vaccines. A quarantine should be mother Mr s. Lena Hartsock. at the work and thereby be able to de· 1\rrs. MolIie Warner, of Indian obsel'Ved ilL the strictest way a s it duties. So the farm wife must be ha~'elen Trumbull-Evelyn ~ur- WARREN COUNTY POMONA F ri ends home, on Friday. te rm ine l[or yourse lf the possibil- Lake. Mrs. Mary McClure and Mrs is not necessary for ea.ch individ- an efficiency experl by reducing labor and this can be accomplished face. MEETS AT LEBANON Saws filed by machinery, cut ity of in stalling a dl1lJ inage system L. H. GOl'don we r e dinner guests ual to have all the common con- with the I'ight attitude toward the Mary Marble-:-Winifred Armi- . Th eil' are t hree main t ypes of of Mrs. Emma H. McClure, on tagious diseases as was thought cleaner, truer. faster. Also cross· home with the cooperation' of the tage. . Warren County Pomona Grange in former days. The common cold whol e fa,mily. The meeting adsaws, gummed, 25(. per f oot. tiling, the natural" the gridiron SatUrday. Phil Btadley-John Turner, met in Leban.on on Saturday with eut a nd t he IlateraJ. It is best to use causes one of th'e greatest econom- jo urn ed at twelve o'clock for dinRo y Pigott, at Madderfs Lumber Sno.wball- Ronaldl HNdin. a "Iarge attendance, every grange tl uniform sy~tell1 of tiling, even MI·s. F rank Miller, Misli Lucy ic losses of time. ner. A glamo~'()us chorus of boys and in the county being represen t ed. Yard. t hough some parts of the farm do : Emley, Messrs. Chester Williamso n Mr. S. S. EIIi!! gave some very (Continued oc page 4) girls, townspeople and guests. All , The morning session was devotnot look wet, a n improvement will i and George Miller spent Sunday interesting facts on "Whe re the Mrs. J. W. Cast a nd Mr. Redtnes~ go to make, Thursday I ed to general business and ~he r~ way Cast, of Clarksville, Mr, and be noticed. in 'Dayton with Mr, Ed. Woollard Money Goes." His subject con.eveDlPg February 11 the most ports of ' the V8l'ious granges 111 Modernizing the farm home is and family. cerned school m oney: the source Charles Zimm e1'nlllln and 'enjoyable evening you'll spend this the county were very gratifying . Mrs. from which it co mea and how it is MOTHERS' CLUB TO MEET family, ~pent Sunday with Mr. another l;opic that' should in t erest year. At the altern.o on session the of- and Mrs. Walter Cast. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Davis Mi ss budgeted so that our school can be every om! living on the farm. With FRIDAY AFTERNOON ficers of Pomona. were installed a little study an d care. any farmer Rachel ·Davis. Mrs. Charles Davi R financed in the best possibl e way. School Diuni .. ed by Mrs. Emmor Baily, of Lebanon, I Mi:::s EvelYn Cartwright enteJ'- can in sta,ll the necessary conven· and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, He sltnted t hat it is a problem The High sabool and higher who fills t he station of Pomona ilt turned over t he week-end her iences to make his a modern -h ome w ere in Lebanon Tuesday even'ing of no little concern how we can The regular mo nthly meeting of gra.des were dismissed Friday at the State Grange: Officers from room mate at We. tern Co ll ege T his need not be neady as expen- and saw "Ove r the Hill s to the keep our sch oo l in the high stand- the Wayne Town ship Mothers' Farmers' Grange are Robert Crew Poorhouse ... think. An efard tha t it has been maintaincd. sive a s mo, t people Mi s~ Charlotte Moon. and Mr. 9 :45 a. m, to 'attend bhe Farmers lub w ill be held fuday afternoon chaplain; j.o·h n · Shultz, a ssistant· Allen Tripp, of Ohi o State Uni ver- fi cien t water suppl y system ' can with a constantly increased attend~ Februa ry 5, at 2 o'clock, in the In t itut~. st'tSward: Mrs . John Shultz, lady be insta ll cd, u ing such cheap Messr!;. E. L. Thomas. W. E. ance and fund s diminishing, He GI'a de building. s ity. T.hey enjoyed a fine program of: assistant stewart; Margaret Cook, nwtl'rial s as wire fimce and wood Come)), W. S. Graham and L. H. feels that it is the duty of every Illvocation-Rev. Dibe.r t. Devotions will be conducted by Ceres . . Let us be of s~rv ice to yo u dur- for l'e inforcement in the supply Gord?n werc in Columbus, ~hur:.l! voter to Rupport the continuation Mrs, Anna Cadwallader and"a. proAmerican Youth, Oauer; . Friof Fal'mers' Grange S. S. Ellis, gian March, Lasey by School gave an excellent report of the inS!' the Lenten season . We have 8 tnnk . If iit is possible to use a. hy- day, 111 attendan.ce .at a ,meetll1g ?f of the sC'h ool levy which wil1 be t l".Dm of unusual interest ,ha~ been fu ll line of Lenten food , econom~ -draulic tra m, this would be the t he State A ~snel8tlOn of town shIp put to the vote of the people ll l'l'un ged by the program comOrchestra. State Gl'ange meeting, which was iC11.lly pric ed , so that yo u can cheapest method; but if yow have j' t rustees and clerks. again this 00.11. "Avoiding the Commonplaces in held mittee. The pupils otf the 4th and at Sandusky in Decembel·. The Gu stin family again delight- 5th grades will present a Washingsave monev during t his season. to depend upon a well or .c.istel'l1. RUl'al ' Life"- Mrs. Mary Morrow. • • '-;4_~--a R'0od force pump should be inMr. and Mrs. W. E . Stroud ened t he crowd with more music. Bnrnanj'!; I. G. A. Sto r e. "Farm Work vs House Work" ' on. program. This will be follow~ ta l\ ed. llf an engine is used to , tertained at dinnel' Sunday even· Mr. Tel Thompson gave some ?d by a paper, "Club History," by - Ohn1'lotte HaTtman (Fourth SARAH ALICE CHENOWETH pu mp t hl! water, it can be geared ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chal'les Zimm erGrade). . . interesting filets on "What we Misses Th elma St. John, CatherMI'!l. EMI Hocltett, and a talk a.nd up to a dynamo to furnish Iight,s man and family. Mr, Lester States have learned ab out fer tili zing the . Piano Bolo-Ruth Conner, 6th Sarah Alice Chenoweth, passed ine Branstrator , Irmn Rich, Evel yn not only in the house, ·but for the , Mr. IIlnd Mrs. Percy Reaso n. ~r. COl'll crop." He adviRed the farmel' ::I emonstl'atitm on "Tree Planting,' Grade. at ·her home in Crosswick, OnrtWl·ight. Beatrice Robitzer, and out-buildings as well. With a good and Mrs. L. C. St. John and MISS to <!ontinue to fertilize even by Mr, Carl Duke. , Juanita, Spanish Melody; Sweet away Everybody welcome. Wednesday evening, January 27, Maynard Rich have returned to water supply it is easy to install a Thelma St. John. though pl'i ces are low, but do it a,nd . Lou, Barby, by Jr. H. S. at the age of 70. She was a daugh- their 1'espeetive colleges. after sanitary sewage disposal system. wisely. F ertilize t he up ground 'for choruB. . of William J. and Mary Cra- spending th e short vacation be· I will n ow take up the farm Mrs. Oliver Davis, Miss Rachel corn whieh is n ot so fertile, but be SILAS A. ROLA'ND Re!lding:-Ruth Salisbury (8th ter tween semesters at their homes. mer Chenoweth. layo ut. If a farm is laid out Davis, Mrs, Charles Davis and ca reful ,ubout fertilizing the mor e Grade). A lifelong resident of Wayne Silas A. Roland died Thursday "Worthwhile Lives" Tel Township she was hlghly esteemA (! ~;" rding to announcement propel·ly. it will mean the ~aving daughter, Mary Elizabeth. were fertile soil. Quite a discus ion folof much time and many mIles of guests at a birthda.y surprise din- 'Iowed this talk as to broadcast, night at hi!! home- near Middle Thompson. mad e by Charles P. Talt, trea ~ l~rer ed' by" a V:ide circle ·of friends. travel. 1m the department we sel· ner Thursday . evening, at the hill and row method of fet·tiliza· Hun chuI·ch. Comet Solo-Wylodine Kurfiss Fli'neral services ' were held of Cinci " nRt.i Regi onal Crtme ected a farm that actually exists home of Mrs. Veo Adams in Day- tion. The afternoon session closed · Funeral services were held in' (5th grade). Oommilt('e . MI'. G ~Ol'gc J. W ater· Saturday mOTning at the Middle "Wct Weflther Talk" " Riley,- Run Primitive Baptist church, of hou se has. he en recommended as a in Green.e county and rearranged ton, given for Mrs. Adams' son with music by the Gustin Family. 'lhe Mt. H olly church, Saturday it. I willi giv e the figures of one Robert. Evelyn Furnas. (7th srrade) , afternoon, Rev. Scarff officiating. she had been a long time m embel' of t he advisory com mittee of the boys : Th is farm contained Until, Sanderson; Wat(lr Boy, which Bul'ial was in SpJ'ing Valley cemfrom Warre n ·cou. n ty. and devoted member. Burial was Friday Evening SeniOR 108.16 a.cres, In its present arNegro ·road· wOlk song, ' by H. S. Mrs. Maynard Weltz and Miss e te ry. at MiddJe Run. ------~ ~~.------. Mrs. J . C. Hawke entertained rangeme:nt, only 86 acres were Doris Hawke entertained the (;lee Club. . The evening session was called with a family dinner on Thurs.day, .farmed. In t he proposed plan 105 Young Women's bridge club, to order at 8 o'clock. An interest, Dreams to Sell-Riberl Hiatt. MASONIC NOTICE d acres would be farmed, Th~ Winners ' of the· poBters were: celebrating hel' birth a y Il.nmvel'· amoun~ of weeds was . reduced husband and 'friends Tuesday night ing talk by Rev. WiIliamson on RESIGNED FROM BOARD Vincent Griffey, (8th grad'e ) tat all bhe home of Miss Hawke. Five "Wealth" was given at this time. sary. Those present wore Mr. and R e~ ulnr communication of Way. MI'S.•T. P. Fromm nnd f'l1mily, ~r. from 18 to 2.5 acres, the number rubbers of bridge were played and He stated that though we ~re in prize. At the regular meeting !;If the and Mrs . C. Lee Hawke and fanl1l v of rods o·f fence was cut from orizes were awarded to Miss Betty a very depressing timo financially nesville Looge N.c. 168 F. & A. M; Grover Britain (7th 2rade) 2nd Board.' of Education Monday night MI', lind Mr.~. Ray Hawke, Mrs. !l79 to 705. 'nhe annual expense of Henkle, Ml's. Glen Bland, Miss if we would but look about we can Tuesday evening, February 9, pJ'lze . . . . ·J ane Cook (8th grade) Srd J. W,. Edwards tendered his and MTA. Cl;lrl Hawke. Mrs. Ralph fencing- w'a s cut from $78 to $~6. Mary Etta Guy. Messrs. Glen find we have wealth; such a s Vi ~ iting and sojonrning breth'ren . , resignation which . was accepted VI'.nce, · Mrs . Maynard. Weltz;· and 12 gates. were reducted to .8, ' and Bland, Kenneth Fromm and Wy- healt"·, wealth of thought, honor, are welco.me. . -· ~rize. . _,......._ _ and. H. R. Moss was ~me<l: ~o flll children. . there. w'~ re 15 lesS corner posts. mer Drak.e . Vern Armitage, W. M., friendship and r eligious ~aith. the aver'a ge size of the field was 'the une,pired term. Mr. E.awards F. B. Henders0!l, Sec'y. During the pleasant soCial hour Mr, S. ·S. Ellis gave two mus ic~l w~lI soon ' re~ove to ~is new home . Sunday, ja~ua'ry 3.1, was ,,-op- changed f'r om 11 acres to 26 acres which followed the games lunch numbers on the banjo and harmo~, • 1.-,...~lIl!;n I near Gre,enfield. . '. ael'ved as "Perry .Thomas Day at FOl'merllr the farmer and his team was served to the following gUests : 1ca. Miss Ruth ' Hockett gave a' . F •.B. Hend.~rson was reappoint:- the . F orry Church .Sch09!. Mr. tiraveled 232 mile.s to and from .the Mr. !lind Mrs. Gren Bland, Mr, and hum'Orous reliding, "Learning' to 86th ANNIVERSARY ell' Us , memJ)(~r ,.ct tdhl) . ·W ayne Thomas hAS been ,the foit,hful ~lD.d field. 'In the new ar;rangement he .M rs. John Gon8,. Mr. and Mrs. Drive an Automobile," afte r To~ne h,lll, . ~ib.~_ . y_bo~r , . efr,c.ient. Superintendent of . thls would , tl'av'el only 193' miles. The Vern Simpson;, Mr. and Mrs. Wy- w.hi.ch Mr. Tel Thompson pointed ......;;-'-"-..".. 1 If l' more t han 18 ~'~ 'lrs and number ,o f pol.n t rows.was 'r educed m'er Drake, Misses Betty Henkle, out 'some · facts ' in his talk ' on . , ... .. .; .. NEW HOME '· 1 1 0om e~iQers' arianlfed: the" t,i-o- 'from :364 to 6. 'fhe tlme of plow- Mary Etta Guy. Alice Campbell, "Qbse.r ve Stop Signs .at .Ame,r,i.ca's J~puary 3.1. M1'1I. Jonea ~d . , W~LL :.pU>I~~· .- ' I. ~ 'for th'i!l !lnecial dlj.Y ~s 8 sur· in ~' for c!)rn ·',Vas . cut fl'9i11\, 1~ to Missildine, Louise Crllne. 0la Cross Road." I!e ~eels. t~a~. b1y~ a~ .inyalid about., nine yjOU'li Ud"' . , 9~ ' . . ,. .., ;.. .' .' I!r. m d '1, 'bute ·t him, Att;en- "10 . days.. All of tnee poihts.. aver- Sal'&' rtsoe~i Messrs. Luther Harl- pr~se~t concHtiol'\ ..II1 . fiJ,Ulh?e· 111 cOl)ftJ:led to ,her 'bed abOut ~. , . ' 86" 10"" ~n' ,5. '" .. M.r,. and'M'rs;'·J.. E •. M.cClo-re 'hove • p~lse .a~ . a lr':l d - . dO. by ' ic~nes~' ll4!ed tOl!rethe! malcesln inaease Lloyal 'Ross~ Kenneth Fromm part;, is 'due to Qne person trYlll~ to Years !et she Be&fll hel! aftlJettQ. ,'iiams' E'eonomic......High IIcore ~ul'clmsed nthe lpt. In th~ Rogers d. nce \Va. In e b\e causes 'but of 52 o/n ill . t Ime -and laOO1" saved. sock; , ~9. Gra-bam; Irma Sears t\.\:Idition 9 the Hi~. Bchool ~oadd other· un~:dl t~e IIplt'it of the This Rh,~ws that it pays well to Victor Carpenter. ' Gilbert Frye, Keep, up with another. ,He c4!nsures c~~fUny and with ~at and 'II_a :W-oolard medium·,scQ19 fJlOm Mrs. . Sarall. KlmJII~ried an d e PT~(rfl~ . Iiave th!~ fannl. properly arranged. John ' Kerley • . Maynard Weltz, tHe parents fQr toe wayward 'youtl\ ~il ' the~ . years ahe·. be_ Ralph Yoder and Donald Hawke. of ·todaY .and bllllmell the auto for cared f(j~ by :hel' /Ion ;fohn. . 88:1~ . ·!l0• . " , . are,i>~annlng'. to ~etec~ a .re.~ .. ence· l flY w s n : . . -c;::;::::: ' =::~'
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gr~~~i~ t~~: (1~':::~nt~~~tOh~tt'us~t NEWS GlEAN£ tl'un k~ fROM COUR
Leona BartoD changed her ple:l of not !ruilty to guiltr, and hiB sentellce is deferred untd January 23. bdJlu cl I t. From I mung It~ nli1ll~' 111 the cWie of Van F. O'Neil wisp of whilt' !',m- oke had and Hilda A. O' NeU veM!US G. F. ' rl(l[\ted n ut, R(J~eM!, et aI, the record of the , .hlhh, i Ili8 t'tTor t tn IIlCHW ~ho rec()ol'd r's office 11liBllpellcd the (!nt'my, r)li ked l"tanding up, A t thil'cl bllli I, flilttened i elf ~gi\in.st name. of George F. Gla.nder which ih 1'0 k, ' Common Plea. PrCl'ceedinla i~ to be corrected. , , . elll" bhey ar hel'e, aflel' nil,' q,thur Oberlin w as, ' granted a , The lIfu ~u al Building and Loan ompany is to recover {rom Wilonceded, cUVOt'ce fro m Julia OUE)rlin. 1 " aini ng his ITor1l h'C had gal- The of Robert M. Blnir ver- bur J . Frazeo, et al t he sum of loped bllck Lo th I'oad, with thi ' tiUS 'hOl'1 _ Benedirt, et ai, was $3086.1 2. In t h ' case of New Yo rk ,Llfe turning mo" nl()nt in view, \Vh n d ismis~c d without I·eec.rd. he encollntcr d th gid's futher ] n the case of tate of Ohio ver- ln suran ~e Company versus LeRoy elson' Roark, W. nider, et al t he motion. for ap nnd se \'l.'n other mell, T.h l!se IV 1'U tlU); Vir'gi l I' rye, ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE all Ild\'nnce ~uard. ,allors from Noah 'o uth anti Roy South plead- poi ntm nt of a rec ·ive r is assigned thu gunboat \\' r foll owing in to ud Ijuil ty. en t 'nee def'rred till (0.1' heal'ing January 26. The sher, Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons iff is ordered to se rve a copy of ~cour th hush, I lat ' I' clay, ""',. ......,........., . . ....., ..., ...................,',............,"",......., ...""'"...' ,clTh IH,VU ClIVe>',',, " , lht' , father III th .. CH~e of J osenhine Bailey this ol'der upo,n \lhe defendant. .,.."""'''''''''''''''''''~ 11 h ' " It' "Ho !;uy," repealed the interprc- ened CXClt (\lr. I~h' m t c l'el ~ lI s, A. itln ":/ West~o ver the de- In t he case of tate of Ohio vel'CHAPTER X VI. te r, "ne say tU l'n him' 100 e, He muuntain!!, Thlll'~ t?TI, inlnnd o f fendllnt hus leuq· to (ll eRd here in. SUi< Ray pellmnn by order of the F' d here. 1 ncxp lnrc'd, Il1ll e(' 'ss ib le; U In t he case 01 J oseph ine Bailey co urt a Noll e Prosequi is entered. k aside i,I1,lpn- sat{Vy too much. Go 100 see. , tI1 tel'l'ibJ(' hicf inj:C rhc(', lily, G d" v(,l'sd" A. Sidney Wc;.tover', et ai, Cer tain Ra il'S were made in the Thurs ton thrust Van Bflcauae he had a Glassified Ad. and sold his 'k sny?" gil'! dllln' too milc h quick. " J I ' l I ' fT tientiy . "The P ue I I 0 , you ' . ' The ,J apanese lUl'llcd ques Lion- 0 lIl, we \'e 1!0 L LO nCllc em 0 lhe tic[enuu nt · ~U'I.' gl'llnted leave case of Olive Hin es versu s. Robert II be r Hamilton, all accou11ts are he demanded of the man Hal'tlt1 'd ing ly to an , fl'~~l the' (:III'CS," . tll plcau . good. through the Miami Gazette's columns Across the road 11 hO!'se , stoo "o!" crieu bhe white mlln posI ltuI'!< ton 1I,Id (I f t ht' ,hootll1~. III lhe ca~ e of The T ravele rs Tn- to be settled. sa.ddled. Thurst.on 1'lIn to It, Jerked iOllutely, "No !" Thu l's ton f<lu nd what Il<' !;o ught s ut'llncc 0" vel U Dora Hall PUI'. at a good profit. New Suih the reins free, jumped in to t ho The oll1ce r s hrugged again. - foo tpnnb, I,c y, WlIlllo n's He'formatory, et ai, If Palmyra ht'l-self hud been 'alive m!'11 aim ~L n('I'el' \1'111" It'llve i~ ~ rantctl Dora P urke y to eadd:le. , t ----- ~ J OM Ratliff vers us Frank Ring'rule g irl's father, ret~rmng a there, she wCluld hnvc' mat'velled ~ ht\ (l": th t' ll onl y , h(ll' ~ .. f l'ln th file ht'1' UII ,;\I'('I', Eug ne Ross, a J , M. Ballinger to Robert F. Bal- 26 : Mn ' tel' El ectr ic Co. , repair this moment, came runnmg up. that Vun Coulul'emai n blin u to Lht! and I'll bbt! 1', BII,t hl' t'l' , In the <I alll P , minol' is 11 ddenda nt. harters 0 , leI' fOl' damages. lla Noyes versus C, L, Ven- ling 1'. 140,!J 3 acres in Wayne \\'0I'k.52; J uhn GUllch e ll: bla~k "Rouse the beach ," cried ThUTS- s incl!ri Ly of Lllive' s pUI'pose, Illflulrl. ~ntlH':' n ,' had a'''''' 11I1 ,,<I ,ltl- ,'Iaple! is h ~ I'e by appointed g ual'- m'dESLe and Neva M. Bernard 'for . smithing', $:1. 75; Welch & Daklll, ton, ' ''You, Vanthe gu nboat. MarAs for th e islul1 de r, he IllU"t Wlll'd till' 111(1 tl'l'l', dl'!'ce noe cl diall nt! litem fot' sa id defe ndant. town shIp. W f to Cindn- nllils, :$ 1; 1I1ol'l'Ow Hardware Co., money and fareclos ure. tin- th e police. Tre y~u \~ the have adjudged Ihe s iLuaLion hope- II"l'lIl'ill~ It'lIthe'I', In thl' ell" uf SU1'a h L, Frn ncis Geo/'ge Stubbs versu s Helen J,ohn lind Mary , 01 , I' nutl Gn); & Electl'lc Co. Use of $upp lil' ~ , $!! .21i; Le han o n Lum~e l' less. Wi th a fina l look of dumb 'l' hu r~l o l\ t'XlI lllilll'J the pl'inl >! an ti .race Kuun'lIlan, ad ministl'llmission. I'm for the Pu e hko, fo r dlvorl!e and other re lef. .~ ' . I tate ' n Turtlecree k Co" g l a~s, $ 1. 60; KIl t'\ D. Daklll, He whirled. hill horse, p lead ing, he whirl ed, dU l;ked past at. I l' n ~l h , Til 'II, "il' I'nl l1ny !,;O l't t pl'S Df the e: t.ate of Gearge B S tubs Mutual Building and Loan c om- I cer .... ln. ~ ea e~ I insurallce, :P O,!I U; P~nn Morwn, "Wait, wait., ']Thurston," im plor- his unready guurds and the cl utch- o f Indiull a l :;11 ," 11(' t:(ltnt11 (,Dted, rl'<lnt:i~ , d 'ccasl!u , VN'SUS Ge rt rude , J ' townshIp f or !tnes. ve l s us Leo . Sm It h, et al for St II d Sy lvan Jameson to service!', $7 () ; J a lll es F oll en, sered the father, "Here, tIlke my re- itlg fi ngers of the others, anti "thi:; II'M- I'lltl:ql' Hud,e," Slmd ll )' , t III , the cou rt cons id e r- pany mone y e a an • h vieeR. $ 15; Buo k Shop, to w~ ls and volver." " sp rang over t he tnrbollrd rail, )0',,,' II di ~lIlIlC{" T hul'" totl \I'a!'; cd "1'dOl'ed, Ildjudged !lnd decreed N ' Y k LI'fe lllsura.nce Conl- Cincinnati Gns & Electric Co. T e ink, $ ,f. O; C. Ilonuld Dtlatu sh, ew Ot' use of certain real estate in "Rouse the beach and follow, fo ot first in to t he sell. nbl{' to rick'. Then lava, deun wit h th co nsent of the defe nd unts re nt $:!() ' hrisl II lls pit.a1 cast f or came' the answer, above the ring As Olive struck the brine ak a- wH ~h e d , a s tn'l1ll1. und t hree pl1th,; I :hat Rtlicl estate of George B, pliny vers us Leo J , Smith, et al Turtlecreek towns hip fo r lines, or~ WI;re, $8 ; AllIel't Millard, E. H, and Marihn L , Sidwell to o'looofs. d moto leaped l or the gangway a ncl itltCI'"ccli ng :It tht, watcr, Fl'anci s, decea sed, is. the own er ~ f molt ey. Yurk Life Insul'ance Com- Cincin nat i Gas & Electric Co. The ¥l' l'yicl's. S 10; Lou Su uth, $7 ; !\frs. For a moment the three stoo , in lo his cutt I' which hapilen ed t o I II \Vas WI'II ftll' Pall1l~' I':l , th :lt " n ~- ha lf of the cCl'tlfieate depOSIt pa nyewvel'sus L. Roy M, Snide r, H ' I MIII'Y Ennis, ~ \'V ices, $ 10; Mrs. petrified, staring after, hi"'!. Then be alongside. ' 1:11(' (:oulu not knnll' whnt tl iffic u l- "f th~ . Iiudleto.wn Bu ildin g nnd Bc:;rtha Snider to declare a forfeit- use 0'1' certain real estate in anllEl'm'u Ilihnlll', ",(' rl'k c'~ , $ 10; Book ton township for lines. they ran, in different directIOns, to "Jab him wi th an oar " ordered Lle~ Iwl' lovcr h:. <1 !'Ol\' til meet. I!t'po: lt Assoc!at!on and , t.hat Al ice and Jackson Dill to Cin- Shflf1 , ~ upp l ies , $2,75 ; Bo ok Shop, carry out his orde rs. t th d r Bu t it' is not so Th t· lied of t hi S :Ll'cam, ca st ,:tl'ail L, Fl'UtlclS IS owne l' of the ure. fO I' cnnce.J lation of a contract, Scarcely had they go ne ,tha n wo a~ c~m~~nw ~h a Ion oar ~o litl in ne pi et(· fl' om nat u l'c'!; " tll " r ha ll', that said estute has no possession of real estate, appoint- cinnati Gas & Electric Co . The usc s u ; ' n \i,,~, $ I ,(lEi: Buok Shop , SU)o of receiver, legal and equita- of real estate in Hamilton t.own- plie, GOc ; A Ifrl'cI Vivi en , due native men burst from the narrow e 6 1iv e J made a jud~ious' feint, fUl'nllcc: wl,u l,d , hnl'e PI',o. vi~,ed a !111(;l'csL in .~e l'tif1ca.t~! of Ilepos!t ment I>l e I'c li ef, stntd 1'01' hl' lclinr,- FI'I'r l er~ ' lnstiship for line II. footway and crossed to the thatc h, dived back und er th l! vic ious Lc~ t fOI t ho N'~llh "Xn.ou" !l)k lll of !n ~ hc Am cll can ~oan Co .. bu t Ii Fosters Special School to Cincin- lute, $ 171); \y , IJ. l~ u lk erth, ~x A few seconds later, wi th t he old t hru st o'f. ,the port_ oars, and a ny man: 1\11«1 111 udll.ltlll1 , l l) nap e IS, .lI m h L, .Fl'an,cls,: ~he es t.ate. h~s Probate Court nati Gas & Electric Co. The USe of pen ses for yellr, ,; 5:l.80,; Det ective Wvoemretnh'e trhoeaYd ahna~ i~~h~ge r:~~be~ plashed ashore. The sa il ors fl ou n- BU,I'ke- lf It. \l'el'C 11'1' - - hud taken tl O In le,l' sl. II~ Rll lel JOI:nt de pOSIt III O Hul'l'Y C. Schwartz and' Gwen- certain real estate in Hamilton P ub li shinc . I" Hu pp lies,, ' $4,15; de red cl ose in wak . PIlIn S to leave n~ mark. " I':runk llll ,altona l, Bank of Frank- dolyn Schwartz, executors of bhe township for lines. Hulmlltl Supply 0" ~ u pp l1 e8 $ 10,tween the higih blind wall and the Tnland the ma'in I'oad fronl the L.atCt', he (<lund [ooLp t'lIl ts lin b,ut hlR adml nts~'J'a~or~ own s salt-water march, where there , I I I b AI " d t tl d to ta t t estate of Gharles W. Sehwartz, deHerman Vogel anel E. A. Juter- 50; C, B , W c ll~ , !'; n 'lc ~ , $2 0; W. were no eyes to see ~ve those of be;lch W'as crowding in against the ag~:n --:s :oe nnc . l~"~. . l', au ~n IS ~ I ,'" .ce!' In eres cease d, fiIed their inventory and boch t o Cincinnati Gas & Electric . Gi InHlu l', inqll()!'t, $8.50 ; W , C. Soon the fugitive must cross lal ge tl eeg la id "f III ~ 1,II1U . , I~ t~l e Peoplt! " Bulldm g Loan and ap praisement. t "", e crabs that ran back and forth river. Co. The use of certain real estate Gilm our, inqut'f l, $7,fi O; Book one 0 1' the ' othe r in the open. H e :l'hurston ulivUl1cl'd, s tca lthlly, !"al' lngs 0 ••• W. N, Thompson, administrator in Hamilton township f or lines. Shop, ~ u pp li ~, (lOc, ae ~~r:~~e~tger ran down the would be een. He would be t'lfle rc:atly. Th 6 I"vntlon ~ok o,n . anllle l S impso n was found of estate of Caroline S. Adams, John R, Begley and Emma Beg, ton's caug'ht. 3n unu s uul f or m. He recogtll zl'd It gU ilty of n);sault and battery and filed his inventory. wharf, J'umped into ThuM! ley to Cincinnati Gas & Electric But to hi ~ ~\lrJlI' i ~l' , U~ "n al'tifi 'inl ili- fined $25 und costs. Nellie Pummill was appointed Co. The use of certain real estate POTATOES ARE PLENTIFUL boat and was pulled to the OkayOlive' did n ot cross t he l'oad. H e lund; one of the~ ' I'u ined f~l'll'e~E1I 1:1 'outh pl e~ded ~uil~y of aruuinistl·trix of the estate of in Hamilton towns hip JO I' lines. arne. did n ot cross the rive r, No I' \Vas I ~e of tom bs bit III by preh l:>trtrlc bl' ak ltlg' u;nd ente l'Lnl1~ WIth Illte1'l:t J. C, and Garnet Wilson to CinComnlander Sakamoto turn~,d to he cuug ht. Merely- he disappear- conq~erol'S on ~ udl I, land!! a s to stell!. entence d~!fe.rred until Louie Knott, deceased, and filed llecol'lh checked by county bond of $3500 with the United cinnati Gas & Eleceric Co. The use V-an. "But my dear Mister, he d Ku sLlte a nd Ponape , laLer uate. States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. said, "somesing is---wrong. How . . , . . Could th e g irl be illlpI'isonetl Anru'ew Bicknell wal! fo und guilof certain real estate in ' Uni on ngricultural ag e nts in 17 Qhio co unLi es show Lhat 28 Ohio farmcan O-lee-vay have taken the . He had ium a ll th e While, m ~he hel'ety of I)OSscssing in toxicating liquor IlS s ureties. township for lines. Oliver Williams was fOund inyoung lady when O-lee-vay is rIver, down am ong. t he crowdlll g Op\lo ~ ilc lhel e I (lse a twcnty- and fined $35 0 and costs, Chris Brunner to Cincinnati Gas el's hal'v-estecl las t yeal' 400 or locked up here safe. aboard? B~t w.ater plants, only hiS n ose up fo r foot wail of b::u;u ltic lliocks. In th e cns~ of Geol'ge Stubbs sane and is to be admitted to the & Electric Co, The use of certain more bu shel ' of potat es from a real estate in Union to wnship for measured tlCl'e of a fi eld of three he-eat-i.8fy me he IS only afraId aIr: Bui it was nut u l this wnll th at VCI':<us II 'len Stubbs service by Dayton State Hospital. or more acreas, The la rgest official L, Earl Hockett 'WWI appointed lines. for YOUDg lady. He means good. Nolrdmhall Y t.he wolatedr'h~l earBas de,w J(, hn Th urston luoked publ icatio n is to be had on defendyie.Jd was made on the farm, of W. a ppraiser in the place of Karl M. · go, unl~a " .wou ave reve. e lm. , ,what ' had been an,. ' S o I Ie t h un ...,., you " . IIut r a i n Lrlllg lind ' I' , It Itl Joseph Guenther and Earl F. Van was aghast. "Absolutely,!n theham oU!lta It1 S , trotPlca y ctoPi eibhel' t he cnn n'l by which these Robert L, Camp was found guil- BI'o)v n f~r the estate of S. F . El- Morgan to Joseph Guenther. 35.96 E. Stoug h" Mans fi eld , where 662 bon, deceased. bushels of potatoeE; were harvested no I" he cried. !Ot ull , kd ratal!!!! d dt h,e S l'elal'I'Il °bu 0 , long stones we re (J oatod in or a ty unci fined $25 0 and costs. from a sin gle acre. This is 29 Randall Lilly, George Winfield acres in Turtlecreek township. ' Sakamoto shru...-A "As you I s b an s s m e It ear I y r own ' "L n tid h lea Fran,k M. Tucke~, deceased, to " h delld·"'" • dotted its s urf ace w ith ' moving dock f r th e PI all:; Ilr Junks of the f eotna ' It~~ to n 0(' ~Iurtge ,; ,er p and W. W. Whitaker were apbushels a bo \' the previous high say, e conce . I f d b h co nqu 1'ors, wa s lhe schooner no ~U I ~ 0 g UI Y a!lu h er sen- pointed appraisers of estate of Mary C. Tucker, et aI. Real estate record 101' the state. Average 'He pve an order and BhOJ1;ly eu an ~anc . Lupe-u-NoR. t~,tl ce IS, defe lTed untIl January in Mason. yields in th e stute were 102 jbushGeorge H. Anderson, deeased. the ~rown man appeared. on deck . Mea!lwhlle, John Thur~to n, putWhen Pa lmyl'u's cuptO I'S hurriC!d 2" , Rudolph St, John to Jowel St. elS'. W. Chester Maple, executor 1)f • Olive ~UBt have diVIDed on tl~g hIS horse t,o a run, had soon. her into t he foot.waY' Lhey llid not 1_ _ _ _ _ estate of J ean nette Frauenknee:ht, John. Real elltate in Turtlecreek w-hose ~emand ,~e was ~el!l.. . neared bhe Puellko Rocks . long eontinuc in the dung-al'o us di- 'I township. At BIght ot him V&n B ammeslty A shouldel' of basalt blocked the I'ect ion of t hc PU ' liko Sh or Uv th bbl deceased, filed his ninth ae:ount. Rudolph St, J ohn to Jewel St. MADE A HIGH RECORD W. Chester Maple, executor of flamed up. The white m-an'sprang view ahead. He clambered up, t hey tu rn ed i n~o a ~th Lha't gat upon a lllat?n e pe e 132 acres in Turtlecreck of Cora C. Watts, deceased, John 1.orward "W~t tlaV!l you done had almos t Teaehed the top Th en b . h d t P'h no 1', her baek agams t one of the estate t ownship. with h~?" he demanded. Then startlingly the wh istle of a' bullet: ranc e 'I'ho,u ;mhlonA' ~Ide bm~t1- pos ts in 'bhe circ le t ha t. upheld t he filed his sixth acount. Three Ohio dairymen produced Charles F. Fry and, Gladys Fry , , , ' , ' k gl'oves. IS pn IVO U nng B 'k I .' d .' , Th Moses B. Hazeltine, trustee, of thi& yeat: over 500 pounds of butturning to the interpreter: "What Thurston ducked buhmd a roc. the m circuitou sl back to the sea aves. UI e IUlrie I;I,vn¥. e to ' G eorge H. Henderson. 18.50 L __ he done with her'" "Meaning me'" he questioned t . t ' t y t . I th h b brow n llIe n we re crowdm g mto the estate of Abbie E. Hazeltine, de- acres in. Wayne township. tel'fat fOl' evel'Y cow in their herds. .....Olive seemed at a . loss. ' . ' . head cautIOu . sly. . a ta p om d e 0 f th e h u, t Th ey cea sed, filed his second aA:count. He ralsed hIS ' JU S oU . 1( c e al' or, OPP OSI' t e ' Sl Willie J ervis to James L. Lesh er Th e hi " h h ecoI'd wlls mad.e by an U. E. Edwards, administrator of He shot forth a question, re- Bang! A leaf cluster came flu tte r- en rance. dl'o pped to s t~re, c ross .legg!!d, estate in Franklin township . 11 cow herd of mixed cattle by eeived hilS answer burst into a ing like a wounded bird to his As the two me n uI'ged hoI' ulo ng kn c to I<n ee , silent or whLSpermg estate of Sarah Lowe Gebhart, de- Real Edith B. Beltz to Raymond Rob- Chal'les Barnhart, Canal Winchesceased, filed his inventory and apfeel ' she knew s he must ~oon , co n ~ro n t tlto,-e be hind cran in g to look. flood of entreaty. ' erts and Serepta Roberts. Real es- ter, who succeeded in obtaining an Ponnp Burke. YeL It \Va~ With a Mart in Clllne to take up the praisement. ave rage butterfnt produ~tion 0 tate in Clea' r creek township. ga .. )) that, at a tUI'ning-, she saw \\ utc h. The first and final account of J . 547 pou n ds per cow. Raymond Roberts and Serepta t he leaf wall mo ve and, the nlUn's Burke' hnd spoken of the brown Lee Thompson, administrator of Roberta to Edith B. Beltz. Real estate of Flora Stephenson deceas...----...---------~-------------, face come leering out . ma n's a rrest. "We ll, Pa lm ic," he ~itLel'erl, " I Meanw,hile, Olive had tired of ed. was approved, allowed and con estate in Franklin. Lena and 'D. -L. Bradenburg to come back t'g-et my kiss." his ,e nfol'Ced bnth. firmed by the court. Thompson. Inlot No.6 in H el guaTds now foJ' the first 'Iowly Oli ve beg,an to move The first and 'ti.nol account of l'homas Frankli.n. . time rei n~!ng hel' hnnd~. the g irl d own~tl'ellm. . c~rce ly !lid the Mina Houseworth, administratrix . Je c e M. Stewart to Bert Mason ~_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;...~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _'" snatched 100,t h the pIstol and leaves that l ud hIS head seem to of the estate of M. H. Houseworth leveled i t at him. stir ns the y skirted the bank, was approved, allowed and con- 122.80 acres ' in Deerfield township Roland D. Clay to Flossie S. He was dl'cssed nbsLII'dly, in t he blend ing wi t h th e leaves of the firmed by the court. Clay. Real estate in Franklin /('a la aitire of t.ho Rainbow, even backgro und. Past Sentry Number The first, final and distributive township. ' to t he cane, ' he hac! not ordered l One, pn!'; Numbel' Two. Finully a account of Charles E. Denman, administrator of estate of John E. "Hands up '" but hl' had ' obeyed fri ndly t UI'n of t he co urse and Billa Allowed t hat f ormula, s tuud thu!\ grinnin g cou ld rise. d ripping, and run :tor Bennett, deceased, Was approved, at hel', Now, hm eVel', 1;0 s tldd enl y thl) ,' uspe cted mangrove trail. a llowed and confirmed by the Eugene Harper, repair wor~, Trotti ng t hrough t he mud he court. she could noL pu ll th e t l'il;'ge ", he $!l.40; Leo McColliBter, T'epau' brought the (Jex ibl c stic k dow n had n nrcd the outland er viliage. 1' he seoond account of Ransom L, work, $2.80; Floyd Lemmons, pay wit h wh iplil;e .c ut aCI'OS!! t he back 'rhe n, hClll'ing his name, he stop- Gibbs, executor of estate of Laura roll, $78; Ohio Corrugated Culof her hanc l. The fin g('r'~, pUl'al~' - ped', whided' around, en countered L. Gibb , deceased, was approved, vert Co., sewers, $732.80; Buckeye ' zed, dl'opped the wc'apo n, o ne 'fnl'uk' , a me mbE!r of Ponape d and confirmed by the court Concrete Co., concrete Tile, $68.An ug ly light fla, hed into his Burkc's cI·ew. TlIl'ulC, smiling" affirst a:nd final account of 14; Eugene Harper, repair work, eyes. "I a in'L a'tnk ing 110 cha nc es fab ly, e me rged from the thicket Sarah A. Shannon, administratrix $2.15; V. W. Tompkins, pay roll, bhis Lime," he exp la in ed , li nd t he two ' hook hands. of estate of T. B. Shannon, de- $151.70; E, D. Jones, pay roll, As th ey movcd forw ard again Olive, li pped into that h.ouse ceased was approved, allowed, and $148.16; L. E. Witham, pay roll, Pona pe Burke bocame infCt I'I1' ative third fl'o m land's end. He crouch- confirmed by the court. $146.20; A. T. Rettig, pay roll, The fil'st and final account of L, $185.40; Joe W, Davis, pay roll, Had been lying low here waiting ed, t he cen t ral support hiding his an opportun ity, Thiti villuge was fucc. A glance showed t1:te t ide M. Henderson, administrator of eB- 14,8.50; Charles E. Bradbury, pay a gooll sort: not Ilk the r est of wus mo ving out. He could not tate of Samuel Smith, deceased, roll, $170.45: John MyeM!, pay roll the is land - RO dam' pi on!; a k Iln - I await rcinfot1Cements. was apPl'oved, allowed and' con- $184.60 j H . L. Schuyler, pay roll, aka wa kn't s upposed oven to Opposite, Palmyra still leaned firmed, by the court. , $262.30; H. L. Schuyler, pay roll smok e. And from t he p int, a ma n , agllJnst the post, Martin behind The second and final account of $263.110: FJoyd.Lemmons, pay roll could watc h t he Okayama at her, the seated native in front. Mary McKinney, executrix of es- $142: Carl Dakin, pay roll, $140 .. .... ., " a nohOI' 0 1' get away, qll ickly and Then Olive, staking all on tate of Clara M. Beckett, deceased 85; Philip Heisel, pay roll, $32.26; unsee n. to the l1idd en Lupe-a.Noa , Burke's -n bsOI'ption, stl'olled lo ut was approved, allowed and eon- E. W. Knapp, operating maintainENUINE Bayer Aspirin. ,the He ~:llook a day over atty. But if you want to keep in fin e The (l ne ob!>tnclc had been Olive, f m m shelter, ~rinned, brazenly in- fil'med by the court. er, $51: Leslie S,h ultz, operating kind doctonl prescribe and miWor.a feel fit1.he year 'round. lake shape, LOl'a Ford, guardian of Henrie tBu t t hey had discovel'ed Van's to he eyes of the sturtled sentry, It.Dd fedi lib forty. $52; C. M. ChaTlton, of users have proven safe for mfJre a spoonful of Dr. Caldwell's syrup antipaihy ; plnnn ed to ge t the is- 'nt el'ed t ha t side 01' the prison, ta Melampy, minor flied her. first maintainer, op~rating m~intaineT, $46; Frank than thirty years, can ea..wy be AI'IIe. of 62. pepsin every few days. You 'll cat land er out of t he way t hroug h Jl im hOll, e where the natives grouped Ilccount. Wilson, sel:v~ces, $57.20; ~den identifiM by the name Bayer and That'. the happy state ol health better, sleep better anu feci bc llcr. G1'Iltu itom.ly, Va n had acte d of tl obtru s ively, ,he dropped among ELmira Boomershire was ap- Terry, engm~el', $97.50; BlaIr & the word genuine as above. ~ pep a man enJoys when he gives You will nt1JU need another la:raliuc, his o\\'n accord, thpll1 , pointed administratrix of estate of LeRoy, supph es, $28.95 j, Barrett r_' Sa A~'" r d his vit,al or,ans a little stimulant! Give the children u liltle of this F 01' thi~ \Vo I'k I he mnn Marlin N~lf h E'r t hc g irl n or her guard W. F. Boomershine and filed bo,n d Co., supplies, $57.76: W. H. unJlUDC yet ....,linn III sa e ail delicious syrup two or th(ce tj.r,c£ a had been useful, lJein~ ne w to th e noted hi/< com ing . A native mol'O of $2600. Wh~ your system is stagnant den & Co" nails, $1; Mason the same. It haR th.e week, A gcntle, natural Gtitl1uinnt beM' h, mknow n. And ~9\l feel sluggish, headachy. or It'ss m('n n t nOlhing. r.umber Co., material, $1!l.88; V. , end~rlCment 9f phy&1thal makes them e:lt and keeps the Ilalf·~ye-don·t wasle money on Real Eatate Tranafera At the. ~ 1I '( I'ont the n ::~ ive ll1 f' n n u t Il.!'; Palm yra, waited, with W. Tompkins, garage \'ent, $48; clana and druggISts everywhere. It "ioDica" or "regulators" or sUnilar bowels from cloggin(o/. And saves lined Pa lmyrn and I'. n:ljlO B ur ke dOl ncnst gaze . he r fingers working Minnie E. Hill to Hnn'y M, Hill Black & Dc nn, gas, $81.62; C. D. doan'tdepresstheheart.Nohannful .' ..ten t medicines. S t imqla le lhe them from so mar.y slr.k spells and and waded wit h thrill th ~ough the :l,im lessly :It the hat and vail the Inl ot No. 83 i'n Lebanon. Smart, ga:;, labol', $22.16; Frank alt.er4ecta follow ita use. liver aqd bowels. Use a famous colds. Lhig h-de r wHtC I' to t.h l' i.~ l et , old IV me n ha d brought along, she Ephl'am E. Kibbey and John Kib Sherwood Co., gas, $50.01; MorBayer Aspirin is the unh'eral utiphysicia~'s prescription every drug Ha,;e a sound stom nch. acti ve At t he e nd of tJltC i, let furthest became g l'l1rlu a lly aw are that, of to Chester S. Rapp. Inlot No. row Garage, gu, $32:48; Eas.t dote for pains of all kind& store keeps, Just ask,them for Dr. liver and strong bowel rnll ~c1es t hat fro m th· shore, P0113pe Bu rk e or- t he brown hands on the mats be- bey 12 in Main.eville. ' End Garage, gas, supphes, labol, H d a rIworo N' •, Caldwelrl syrup pepsUl, expel everY bit of wasLe UJld Jl (l i~nil uCI'cd hi ~ prisonel' into th e last 'fore hel', one wOl'e a mitten of WilSOll Calvert and Helen Cal- $17.96; William Schnell, gas $22.ea_ _ eWi.tJl. This appetizinlt syrup is mt¥le ever.y dayl J ust kec!> n boUl c of thatc h. She he1\ita lcd, gave t he ta ttoo. H el' eyes focu sse d into in- vert to Mason Building, Loan &: 59; Kilpatrick-French Motor Car Colds Neura\aia from fresh leAo tlve hcrb ~ , ar,II '; e Dr, Caldwell's ~yrup p e p ~ itl on lin tivc!; onc desl)'u il'inl!' glance. he terest. A nd t hen, astonishin g, she Savings Co. Real estate in Mason, Co., gas, $176.46; Roy Pigott, Sore Throat I..wnb;aeo senna. and pure pep~i n. One! dose haud; tak(! a sti;~ul ali n ~ sp,lonru l hat ed th t'm 101' Ohe ir curiosity, heheld on the brown forearm , a A, L, King, and Izora King to filing saw, ,50c; Oregonia Bridge Rheumatiun Toothache will cll)ar up ll imo~ ~ any c r.S<!, of eVl!ry now and t.hen , Sec If ynu ~hd l' complaiSllllc . nam e of five letters. Zana Fulkerson. Inlot No. 2 in Co., repairs, 0.40; ~angham ' . A8pirin is the trade-mark. of B~ headache, bilio\05Dus, cc.WltipalloD. don't ,feel new vigor in ellery W(/y . She stoope d , e nt.ercd t he house, (To be Continued) Waynesvi11~, Motor Co., repaIrs, suppbes, $26.- manufacture ol mODOaCeticacidestet
By Stanley 'R. Osborn
How Old?
'.wa- ,of Imitation.
================================~.========= --~~--~==================-
'= =======z:r-======-:::==== Trouble Ahead
01 alicyIicadd._
5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eal» terms. Alllo SurveyIng and Abo. stracting. Write a'nd I will ealh and IOee you. Sam D, Henkle, Way~ DHvllle, Ohio. " 111
========-~-~=--~ --= " WANTED
WANTED- Piano, teleDhone g6R4 John B. Gons. '
pupils. Call or see MI'8~ , ,
.. W A NTE"D- Plain -or fancY. S;;'i~ , 14M!, Josie Whi~kel'. f3,
Fo'jfSALE FOR SA~E-300 l!;alvanized "buckets. OrviU. Philllpa,
8UR'~' ttl
The m.any 'friends or Miss ~c) ffe phine BUllnell will be glad to know D. L CRANE I I Pabli.1aer SUblcriPtloD Price. $1.50 a Y.ar that ahc will leave in t he near f ut ure for Cincinnat i to attend' Ollie. PLoD....................... No. 1 JZ 1 Bible School, wher~ she will preR ••i4II.c. .. Enl.r.J .1 Po.lofflr • • , Wayncoulll., pare herself 'for ' evnngeli 'Lic a nd ...... • .. • ................. 0. III OMo ••• S.cond CI ... M.II M.ll cr missio nary work. HowRrd McKay and family, FEBRUARY 3, 1932 splmt Sunday aftel'lloo n \"ith MI'. =====w==========~=============-~ I Everett t.arbuck, and famil y, at Wilmin gton. , "Th ose from a distance who altended monthly me ting Ilt t he yv ~ have heUl'd much of the vulue of road building as a mea ns of churc h here · Sunday wer Rev. a.llcvl8tll1~ unemployme nt, Now it is interesting to see the actual rc- Amos ook. Mrs. W. E. Of,tl sbee, su!ts. I?ul'lng ~ !).3 J, the building of l'ur81 rOllds and streets kept some- Herbel't al'r, Mrs. Ro e Cal'!' , Mrs thltl!:' ilk a 11111110n me n busy in actual construc tion wlO l'k- and, in the Eva MacDonald, Mrs. Daldn a nd word~ o f TnulllaMII. MacD lia lel Chief of t he Bureau of Public Roads 1\Irs . Welch, of HIU·veys bul'g. Nell ie Ma ry Davis, is a victim of "!'Ol' cacho ~lldividua.l flO e lllp l o y~d t he total highway expend iture J1 I'Ot he mumps. vldes uddltl(\nlll IIl dlrect elllployment bo two obher persons. " # Bert Bogan, spe nt the we k, onsoll!Je ntl y, th o 193 1 road and street construction Pl'ogl'am was of benefit to abo ut 3,000,000 men- which 'means t hat it helped some with hi !! HiRter, 1\11'5. lara Dunn. 10 01' 12 million persu ns. Seve nty-five to 80 'Per ce nt of the money 01 Lebanon. George Davis, spent Tu e!\day in pent we nt to lubur. incinnati. . ~hc b 'st part of nl\ iilo that I'oad building, even when ad,v oca ted Thc McKay familie!> att.ended p~m ' Ipally Lu help the ullemployed, is not "relief" meas ure of the Public Notice is hereby given kmd that cOfils tllXPIlY I ~ mill io ns of dollars whic h pay no return. t he Ca llic-Fuidcy dedicution, lasl that Oil Saturday the 13th day of Every tim!' a nlnd 01' 'ful'm-to-mark et road is built another town o r W Il ncsday eve ning , in Wil minKF eb l'unl'Y, 1932, at 2 p. m., t he urea is g ive n a chan cc to. pl'ogress, to develop- and its inhabitants, to n. PERMANENT LOCATION I'll arle M. T eny, (I f this place, und e rsigned will offel' for sl1le at pal'ti c.ullll'!y f:JJ'nH' l's. 11:1\'(' n chance f or g l'enter pl'o spe l'ity, fo r a fu ll e r public auction on th e premi!;es, 1 social lifc, and rill' 1I10l'e .udvantaj?;colls Jl1m'keting of 11I'.()d ucl~. It is a nd 1\1,.. und Mrs. F runk Bll nn ell, th c sc hoo l property locnted in wol'lh l'eJlea till ~ that the road do ll al' is a gen uin e, gilt-edge invest- a nd ~o n. Wi ll inll1. o f nco l' Oli v ' Wl1yn 8 T ownship, Warren County, m~nt which l' el ul'lI ~ 11 high, 1'lIte of int.el'es not on ly in actulI I cllsh, Branch, wCl'e Sun day ufte l'llOtl n LEBANON. OHIO Ohio, and at th e Enstel'll edge of ca ll e rs, of 1< . E . Th ompson and but. in benctil,~ which ('annot be mensllrcd in money. Eye. ExamiDad Lytle in snid T own ship , County fami ly. and State, and commo nly known Gla"eI Fitted J ohn Iyder and family , nter- j =-= ~-~==---= =~==-====--===== R.palra and designated as the Lytle School win ed quite a I -a t of company containing about t.wo (2) acres. from ,John ~ vill e on Sun(lay. eo more or less. Imm ediate possess ion A l! e l ' i e~ of meetill ~s ure in will be given the succssful bidder. pl'ogress at the Gl'eell Bl'iar church Term s of sale, Cash. thi s week . E \'el'~' one i~ welcome to Wilh th{! nation prepsl'in g t o '< choll l c hildren of t he nation. FOR SALE DATES CALL come an d help with the good I obscrve lhe tl\ O hu nd reclth a nTh e A. A. A. cl ub exec ut ive BOARD. OF EDUCATlON OF ca use. ni vl' lsa rv (If th e hil-lh of George sa id that with plans a lrea d y underWAYNE TOWNSHIP, WARREN Th. 0, s. U. Radio StatioD- WEAO The S lyder family .spent a part I Wm;hingtoll, th e A. A. A. S.afcty way for ho nori ng George Washing- COUNTY, OHlO (J. II . Go urley, Chairmu n , Department of Horticu lture, Presiding) of last we~k wIth. the Ir hom\! f o lk ~ Poste l's fnr Fe bl'ulHY ClIl'I'leS a to n throughout) !l32, th\! February By S. S. Elli s, PI'esid e nt, a t J ohn svIll e, OhIO. tinll' ly Il1l'SS Ilg'C, accordi ng to N. ]losler' will have a distinct safety 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers R. H. Hartsock, Glerk. - - -- - - - - T. Hun tcr, Pres ident of the appea l foil' the school C'hildre n of 7:05 What is a Ch ick Worth'! P. B. Zumbro Grce ne Co unty Automubile Club, the natio n. C. J. Willard 7 :20 RedUCing the Risk in Legullle Seedings whi'h is IIffi lia't(!d wi th the Am eri"M illi ons of chi1Jre n," ~aid MT'. 7 :35 Where th\! ounty Tux Dollul' GOCH F . L . MOTison ,(, ,, 1\"0,'1<1.· rur til<' .1,·r o"I T of nil can Automobile A ·sociotion. Huntel', "are now taught t he rudi7:60 Le t's Play and Keep Young R. B. Tom TlI UTtI JESSE STANLEY ,," ",o 'l1ln ~ Illl n Ih.· hllll. l" (,r Ih MI'. Hu nter said nh.u t the pos te r me nts of safet thro ug h the monU' l"flH llr f' I' of tli e \' lllu ~l' ur " 't l ) nt'tiTh sa! 8 :05-8 :50 Basketball , Purdue vs. Ohio State. "Ill e. O hio. whi c h is now be ing dis ll'ibu ted to Iy A. A. A. post ers. eae. ety Pbone 320, New BurIiD.toD. OIaJo DEPENDABLE Ue It orunrn ,(] IJy till' "olln eil or schools in the territory of the lesso ns, together with the pl'otec'ri'~lo~II I "J.:"C: at \\' UYIJ P" ,·l lI e. SIal,· ~ Gree ne ounty Autom obil e Club, tion offered to you ngsters by a EARL KOOGLER EPA IRI NG miles N. of Lebanon, 6 miles W. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT s '!. I. 'rlllll a ll \,"I>1le monl ,," com- de pict. George Wa shingto n ~ith vast army of scho ol)loy patrolmen , Watches Dayton Phone of Waynesville, 3 miles E. of Ing Inlo th e ha n, H of lh ~ tr"asur ,. hi s a rm thl'own around a tYPlcol a I'e. largely responsible for the Clocks Estate or S. F . Elbon, deceased. Springboro, on the Dayton and or Rold Vill a"" ,lI .' tlppo.1t II In such An.l e l'I-c:an youn'!'Stc r. "Y our coun- stea dy d ecrease in child fatalities KEnmor~ 8986 han), ur h ll llk ,!ol 8 l Ullllf' wlth!'n th e " . Jewelry Notice is hereby given that Fred Lebanon pike, on mlln lcl rallt y 0,· ('ollnl), (1." orfe'·. try needs you too- be ale rt- be as compared to an inel'ease In E lbon and C. H. Youllg have been Thuraday. February 4, 1932 (( I CO JllI)f' lIt1v ~ blddlnj! th e hhdH's I careful," is the mesoage to tlhe those involving adults. Store Open Evening!! ,'n tl' of Inl ~rf"il :u-Ill ",,1\"1-" n good and duly appointed and qualified as Beginning at 11 o'cloc k, the l!urt l(' IBnl Uon(1 oJ' RC'c urlty rur ~ ald Executors of the Estate of S. F. following: O"HII H'v 88 provided f ll l it· iu n e ral _CARY'S JEWELRY Elbon late of Wa rren County. Three horses, 6 cattle, Farming f' (Jlh~ 'o f O h 10 . ReI'. II. Not II'{' of thr in lentl to Phio, deceased. Implements, Fordson Tractor, r p~" "'e 1,1.ls ( I I' I he ...·pos ll ofon~ alfl SHOP Dated this 13th dav of January, Chickens, Harness, Household and tn tl nlt ' t3 . h It II ,. po puhJt!oll w d tn n ),932. Kitchen Furniture. w4.·ck l ,v n •.,\\' totpa Vll l' or g e n t- r a J c lrculnll on In slIld COll nl Y ,tOI' not II'S8 Shawha n & Brown. Attys. Terms of sa le! _ cash. . It g' It' n ,loy. IH'lor to the' dale tlxed Several from here attended P. B. Cleaver, J, E. Shumaker, RAY MOND TAYLOR t1"i11 W. Z. ROLL rol' rt·c" I\,l ng sul,l bid. : Farmers ' Institute at Waynesville Hiram Pool'e, and Mrs. W. P . Mc Th u Jud ge of the Probate Court, 'F. T. Martin, Auct. 1.11<1. s h,,11 he rll pd with the 30 Years Experience in clerk o( sold Vlllag· und Ille sutl'! - arren a l'e among those on our Friday and SatuNlay. Warren County, Ohio. Walter Hibbard, Clerk. f3 Fitting and Making GlUtei (' I"lIp}, of lh!' boud 0 " ""cu rlly off er- sick Ii t this week . MI'. and Mrs. Frank Rogers d b)' th e suec 's till IJ!clner .hall he Mr. !rnd Mrs. J Qhn Kennedy of were Dayton visitors Friday. detor mlnl'd b,' th e ~() lIn l' lI fur Buld WARNS AGAINST USE Villnl5!' . Th e ' p I'l od. tor whiCh th e Dayton were Sllnday guests of Mr. Mrs. Alice Brock has been i11 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT cO'llrnct ( 0 1' t h., 1I"poslt of !!(lId the past week but is convalescing • OF BARGAIN SEEDS moni es Rhnll hp mad e. s hall (be tor and Mrs. A_ L. Kennedy. Leb.Don. Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Hal'l'Y E. Wilson at t hi s time. Estate of John T. Thompson, detwo ve ar~ : nnd the b g innin g- or th e Tuelday, Thur.da,., Sahu'da~ fl"st ' e~ntJ'(LUl 10 he as o r I"ebrull ry have retu1'lled to Dayton after The Ladies Aid meets this Wedceased. tn:l 2. Ex.minalloD Free nesday afternoon at the ·home .()'f Bcwal'e of advertisements and 1. •'cellon s pending sevenLl m on.ths with Mr. Notice is he reby given that lUI. Th is orlllnAnce Hhal\ Mrs. Jessie Longacre. Amos E. Thomson and Loudy V. mail order solicitations for so- IlIk u · rrect Jlml be III t n r cl' t·rom and lVII's. Ft'anlk Wilson . LEBANON, OHIO Mr.. .and Mrs. Martin Dolan of nn/! " rleT th ellrll Rl p~ rl "d nll o'w!'d l\h·. and Mrs. Frank Hough, Miss rhomson have been duly appoint- caJled bargain seeds is the warning hy lit '''', Cincinnati were Sunday afternoon Ernestine and W illiam of Midland ed and qualified as Executors of l'a ~H d I;-.. I>rllor,· I. 1 ~~2. the Estate of John S. Thomson of R. D. Lewis, fal'm crops specia l. . T . E . nOGl~ns. were Sunday g uests of Mr. Cliff and evening guests of Mr and Mrs. at the Ohio State University, ist Leonard Gray. i\fn )'or. Hough. late of W arre n County Ohio. de" ,ho believes before s uch seeds a re AlI ~st: l~ . F . HATFI ELD. Mr. and l\Irs. Walter Kenrick, ceased. r :I, I'1 Clerk . • We have ·had a wedding in t he Mrs. Al len Bmrick ana Mrs. J . Dated th is 12th day of January purehased is t he t ime to determin e younger et this week. Miss Opal B. Jones were l' l'anklin visitors whether or not they are true bar1932. Turner of New Burlingto n lind WeUne;;day afternoon . gains 01' an expensive disappointUIIDI'" S('I·: :\'U. 1:111 W. Z. ROLL .~ Charles (Hutch) Bogan being t he L1 Lacy of Dayton is spend,...,- Judge of the Probate Cou rt, ment. To ,' MIn IJII ~ h II Bonrd of TJ'llstees eontracting p'arties. They have the ingFra few Such lots of seed, he says, are days at t he home of MI'. f3 Warren County, Ohio. or I+"' ir fln l (l n ' s Iru! e nlnlty l:t' lInt.1 t ot' th e best wishes 0'1 t. he commu nity. . quite apt' to be of low quality, Vlllrl)!t:! or \\'nv ll es ,llI e " .II rl'I' " and Mrs. Clyde What·ton and A robbel'Y was attempted at trashy, weedy, and poorly 01' not Cou nl>·. hlo. . ' Il oulllin rI by lh... ollncl\ of Levicy's dry goods store Wednes- family. PUBLIC SALE at all adapted. Another so-called lh,BeVlllaJ.:" Little Rex a nd Bobby Burnett or Wnrn 'l\'l\k . ~V a rr ' n day night. There was an attempt barga in to avoid is that un reclean- 'oullly. Ohio : are confin ed to t heir home with ~C . r. Tha I. n Bon)'(1 I) f T rlls t el's to open the sEtie bu t t he timely As I am quitting f arming, I will ed, untested seed which may have t he whooping cough. of th FI" " n' , en's Ind omnlh' Fu nd an'ival of H. S. Tucker and E . M. produced in tJhe locality. been sell at public auction on the Will Mr. a nd Mrs. Kesler Gt'aham ror lh~ Vlllug c or \\' lI)· ;1I'Svl ll e. Villars put t he 'robbel's to l'OUt, Few perso ns, Lewis points out Harlan farm on the Harve ysburg and daughter spent Sunday 'at the Wn'T'n Counly. Ohio. onslsll ng of ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN No trace of them has been fo und. r BJlifl and ClarksviUe Pike, 1 mile S outh realizes that a low per cent of s ix Il1 cl nIJ el' ~ , r es jll en t ~ :tome .o'f Mr. and Ml'S. J-ohn Myers your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calMS Edna al'valJ .announced the in Dayton. weed seed in field seed may result Village. be 'lnd hereb)' Is pSluhll shcd east of Harveysburg. on t o Norris-Brock Co•• live wire . .d· pl'ovld od In Section s .ron -I anil Jlrogram of the 7th and 8th gl'ades in a very thick distribut ion of such al! Thur....y, February 4. 1932 Mrs. Emery Charleton spent t64j, t uf lh e General Colle of Ohio. progressive firm for the hiched At 1 :00 p. m.. the following weed seed. For example, 1 pel' nnd th ul Ih memb ers of th e Sllhl at assembly Friday m orning. seveml days last week with her E can never be sure just what mark et prices and ' good aervic •• cent of weed seed in red clove r Bonl·,1 "hnll b~ el cl ud in II cOl'da ncc "America, t he Beautiful," was the iatel', Mrs. Sam Sharleton s outh roperty: makes an infant restless. but UDioD Stock Y.r...• CIDciuD&t!: 0_ with II.lId 811n ll b e s ubje cl to a ll th opening song, fo llowed w ith de- of tow n , who hasn't been so well Two head of Horses, 11 head of may result in distrib.uti ng as high [.rovlslon" ot "aid code. the remedy can uIW:l\'<' I he same. Tune in on Radio Station W\iK'Y votions led by AJ len McKay. A as 400 weed seeds p er pound tOf " <'. II Thi s ornlnll nee shn ll Ink e Cattle, Hogs, Lot Fanning Implem lately. Good old Caslorinl '1 comfort .2 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daDy Pof'tf'C I. anti II" in fO" ce from nncl ntter song by t he 7th Ilnd 80h grades, the r cd clover sown. e nts Feed alld Harness. Mrs. Ida Brown, Ernest Brown in t.very drop of this I.. ,'_ vegetable .narket reports. lh e NlI'lI o!st p I'lod n.llo\\' (1 by law . "No, No. John" was well re ndered of truly good seed, ac'l'he use S~e large bills for term s. and daughter of Dayton called on preparation, and noL l nc sl!ghtest P3 ~SPt ' l i'p lu' uar y 1. 1 ~~:! . ROSS MOON cording to the crop specialist. is T . E. nOGEn.s. A sho rt play. "'What's in a Name" Lytle .fl·iend, atllrday afternoon harm in its frequent usc. As ofte.n as lII n)·or. was g iven by He rbert Kennedy, one of the important means by tanley & Ko ogler, Auc t Mr . and Mrs. Frank Hess and Baby has a fretIul spcll. is feveli!.l~, Ali cH t : n . F. trA1'F'IELD Robert Leonall'd Wi lla rd Taylor . fam ily, Mr. and M·I·s. Eli Russell or cries and can't sleep, lel Casto n:! which the farmer cal). increase his fa - lO CI 'rk: Har ry Tucker, Clerk. Hal.·old Tucker, and James Doster, ltte nded the funeral of Miss Alice BOOthe and quiet him. ~ometimcs. it's efficiency and cut costs. It is folly - -- - - -,--Jack Lee and William andel'S Chenoweth Ilt Mirldletown Satur- • touch of colic. Somelunes constipato use seed of unknown variety, ~OTARY PUBLIC sang in pleas ing stple, "Bohunkus clay. PUBLIC SALE ad'a ptwlL and quality, and bhereby tion. Or diarrhea-1l condition that introduce a weak link in the chain quality must be planted, fo r only a nd "l\1()onl ig ht Sav inI\' Tim e." I', . ·l\Ia rga:·(' t J Jhn:-;, in ~ompany abould always be checked without National Bank Since I am not able to farm, I 01 economic efficiency of produc- fi uch seed' will take full adva ntage Anothel' short play, "Th e Minis- with her siste l', Mrs. Elizabeth delay. Just keep Casto~a hll~dy, and tion. To obtain worlhwhile crops ter's Mistake," , was given by t he of the favorable conditions give it promptly. Relief will follow Willi Drawn • • E.tat•• S.ttled Smith of Dayton, wel'e Sunday will sell all my chattels bv publie WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ,auction, located in Ridgeville, at t he lowest possible costs, seed brought about by thorough t illage fo ll ow ing .cha l'!lctel·S: Mrs. Sm ith ~linner guests of Mr. and Mrs. very. promptly; ·i.r. it doesn't, you . of known variety, adaptation' and Anna Mac Do nald ; the maid and othel' farm practices. Amos Cook and fa mil y nea r Way- aboald call a p.hystCllln. Ohio, 16 miles S. of Dayton, 7 - Evelyn McCa1'l'en; th minis- nesville. ter- Ernest Dodd. "Old Black J oe' Mrs. William· Coleman, Mrs. closed the program. up t . Moore Addu Burnett. Misses 1'helma announ ced t hc~ basketball games Coleman and Dorothy Moxin atand the Farml~ I"t; In _t itu te Postel' t e nd ed services ot Fenw church contest. The '15th and 6th grades Sunda y. The Sunday School serwill pl'esen t t his weeks program. vice was in honOI' of Mr. Peny There are still seve ral children Thomll", who hilS been u,!>erintenout of ~ c h [J o l . due to mumps. ci'On t 1H yeal-s. Ou ,· !firl" won the bas ket ball l\h. . Nellie Montgomery and game fl'om Highland g irls Friday (Iaught I', Cleo of Dayton, Mrs. ni,:1 t an d the boys 10, t to Penn Anna Ke nrick a nd daug.hter . BerTWjJ. Both wel'c close gam es. t ha, of Waynesv ill e, were Sunday . E. L'ev iey and Mr, and Mrs. dil11'e r !!lJe~t~ at the home of MI'. ,1. W. Davis attended t he f uneral . nd Mrs. Walter Kenrick . .1f a I'elative in Cinci nn ati Monda y On th e evening of February t 1 .1 on't forget the Farmer" In- Lhe Youn~ people's class of the tituto at the Gym on February 9. chu rch w lil. have a Valentine Party 1'he Massie High School Alumni J~ v el'y one is cordially invited to will present t h,a pla y" " Th e Cheer- 1Uend . They will be a ssisted by f ul Linr," at the Gym on ThuT'S- the older m embers of the c hurch. uay eveni ng , Febt uOl'y . 11. ~h e ---PHONE 8F3 Alumn i ,. I' c h~stra will f Ul'nlsh CORN LOWER GRADE music. A (: mi ~ sio l1 charges ] 0 and 20 cent~ . Be surc and come . HARVEYSBURG. OHIO Warm, humid weather is responThe Farmers' I nstitute wilJ be held lit Gy mnasium in Harveys- "ible for t he col'll n CJow bei ng rePhone ' 78J bUl'g Tu c~da y Ilftel'l1oon and even- ceived at Ohio elevato'l's bei ng of ing, February 9, 1932. Speake~s tt lowor grade than that whieh was urc Arthur Hamilton, Lowery MII- rece h'ed in N.ovember and Decem,1('1' and Miss Edna Howland. ber. I~vel'ybody welcome. Mt's. Sophia Smart, bette r known 8S Gl'andma, still lingers at ,h er where she has been in the care of ~' hom6 in Venedocia, Ohio, where Dr. Hale. she has long woited the call of the Mr. James Shoemaker still reMaster. Her death is expected at mains very ill at his home. Mrs. a ny time. She had lived f or many Shoemaker is some better,' years in ' Harveysburg, at the home The Ladies Aid, of the M. E. h er daiJghter, Mrs. Mary Haines Church m'e t at the ,home of ' Mrs. After 'the death o'f. Mr_ William Alf Kennedy, and held an old A. Haines, · h er son-in-law, .s he fashioned quilting party. The went fo r a visit to the home of her quilt was"finish'ed for thp. minister, uiece, and was taken ill there, and Rev. Lucas a nd 'his famil. remained . . Many wears 11;8'0 she Mr. Ben Cleaver who is very ill was malTied to Mr; Henry Amos witti pneum()nia, is holding his Smart, who·, was ~ 'lVTaOWer with ' ow.n. at the nresent time. eight children, and gl'~ndmothef, Mrs, W. E. }i\tqiit .bad her tonl'llised' and mothe1'ed' them' all. r,fr· sil.s .removed by .a ' Wilmington nose Smm·t waS w,e ll known here Where. an'd throat specialist · and is reh e oWl\ed a lille· fal'm not .far fnom cQv.erinil' nicely, .. ' , . tow n" and, 'there they' .lived until ' Elias Huft'inan is $till ;o n t he.....sick ~ i .denth; many years ag-o .. Grand~ list. .. . .' . . nJ.l1 is, .9 6 years 011J, and has . ~en • Mi1i8 Vi oIl"Collln ~ who l1u been: s.leeplng for -elcv~n weeks, Every ' very ill, ill able to be . out again. OM one who ,kno" . li er loves '·h er for Mrs. W. E . Oglea.,ee baa not 'CINa heJ'$ is a .beautifUl character, and been ao well for 'sever&) days. .~ she has a pleasant smile and greetMr. and . ~"" Horac.e ~tump inr f or each one. . enlt family, Rnd MiM &eva .stump. "-t · ~ Mr'!I. CI.arice Mop~rren wall of Utica. were s.turda, nilbt brought hOme Thursday ev-enlnr visitors he~ -and e.alJed, on 8 nlim,trom the WUmtnatoll Hoapltal, bar of friODda ~4' ret.Uvea.
Road Building Helps Everybody
The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants ·
Public Sale of School Properly
IDr.Optometrist ~~~!!)ette)
19 N. Broadway
Farm ftJight 1 alks, f ebruarv 8
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Sight Specialist
---_. -..----
Car)'s Jewelry Shop
Odd-Buf TRUE
F. 'T. Martin
Dead Stock Wanted
.Harveysburg. Fertilizer
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
.... .
UNft\.~' '''''''
• .\It"f . . .
TRY general contends that station WEAO has served t he public In- OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS terest can8istenth, for mn yea rsj -....;.....=::.---FOR RESULTS tlh.at the examinei-'I! report curtails (Continu ed fr m Page 1) the education servic e ht'T'(\~fort' -- I re ndered by the university and at- - ;tempts to take 'from t he tate of {F~55=========ffi Saturday Afternoon Ohio her greatest natura] edueaThe SIILul'dIlY u1:l.'rnoon scssion 1I'~~~'6:.:~~~~~~~ ti nal reso urce. 1-1 also ch \lr ~es WH EN bCl'oavemont omes opened · nt 1 o'clclck with music II' that th e exu minel" s report imldeLhl'ough t h pussing awoy by til' F ir s Fnm ily. quntelY , I,,'esc n . t he faCL!! lind Illw of II loved one, h ympaFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 'rhe nominating' cOlll mittee r e' involved in t he ,case. , thy oj' fl'i onds ~ ea n s much. p\)1'\' d the full owi:nlr officers n om1\11': , W . P. Sa lisbury is visiti ng _ (Undenominational) ust<illl s,awing of all 'kinds will "The basi qu Lions involved," inuted fIll' the n:l ui ng year. They in levew nd. ,be done ab t he Mill's aw Mill in Ches ler A. Williamson. Minister ,e nera l Bettman argues, "nre so Al :>u h a t ime t,heY' are IV re dce lnre d elecl;e,d: President, onvin at any tinle, Oc periOD vita l to the state ()f Ohio. so fa r hUl"ch chob! at U:30 a . m. g la d be pe l'lYl itll>oC:l to I\ SJohn Shu ltz; V~ce-Ar ident , Tun e in on the C, & B. program r eaching anti of sU,ch U'cme ndous board fe'et, Our aim is to S1lW unday wi\) be ob el've,d a s "Pros ist ill lillY woy. I' CW; 'c retary, ,Grace HohCl·t tio n WKRC every Sunda y l1l!lgni t.ude with reRpect \.0 t he ..... hat YOU wan t 'When you want it, motion Duy," a nd an aLtmctive Fu rllns ; Lady orl'esp ondent P earl fter noon at 2 : 15. but be careful about logs wi t h progl'lllll is b ing arran ged . LOI'd' As \'o\l r rune l'll l tlil·cctors fuLul'e of I'udi o in Arn el'ica a!\ to Shullz. Th e eXGCu tive o nllniLteo n ails, fence or a ny kind o'f iron u pper nnd we, to;;, wish to g ive you make it n ecessa ry t ha L t h COIlle l'm on at 10 :30 Olive l' Davis and Mrs. MI'S. arc H st e Furn·a s. E rn est But;... in t he m as there i!< u minimum a. m. ermon ubj ect, "B hold The ('\,c ry fr il' l1(lI y an d commi ~sio n ha ve t hc bencfi t of a fu ll es Davis wer.e Xenia visit()l'S ' charge of on e dollar eaell f ol' Man." Yo u are llllVnys welcome WAYNESVILL E ' CHURCH OF t.t'nl'o l'th and J. B. J ones. fClI'tCng RSlI is lanco. complete pl'eHe nta t ion o f t h l'sdny: CHRIST , i\ 1!'s. Mllry Mon'o\\, held t he ins mall naUs stru ck whil e sawing ut. t his c hurch. issue5 priOl' tq pussi ng th cr on, It is OUI' II ' ~ i r and purfU'ld larger ones· in proport ion. tt!I'l':' t of all I II·t!~t'nt. wilh hel' tnlk ( Und enomi national) T hiR cnse will establi sh th e prece'I'h op eretta to b e rendered by un " lI ol11es II cre nnd Ther ," He r 1' ''>' '' to il l! cVl')".I'thi ng in ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH hes ter A. Willilllll ROn, 1inistcr definitio n for homo is " Home is a t he Hilrh Sc ho ol Gl ee club, Feb- de nt as to whether or n ut l'Ildio n ul' flOwe l' to mak~ Lhe fuwith it~ Jl tent ial educlltion und hurC' h SC' hool at ~I :;10 n. 111. Dom ~ti c !iu n tuU I'Y , wroug ht out rUIII'y 11 , is amus ing as wcll a s cultural po ssibilities sha ll be ' deR ev.. F ortman II l'l'UJ H l\ rt· ic~ s as dig nified ']' il' t nnd Third Sunclny Mn ss a t Sl!nuuy \\'ill"b5' "Y ~lI r I ~ay.. ·: T,I~ l' I'e Ol Jes ire, uuilt in to memory, tUllef ul. See it. lind fitti ng" 1\ " ca re ful planbauched bv co mmercial inte r('st..<;, WA YNESVILLE, OHIO 8:00 a. m. e co nd, Foul'th and ~\'I,1l b... a S,lll:PIIS~ Sp~c ... I,. ,~t \\'h t' I'c killd rcd bond s unite the II in):, propl'!' nl'l:ulIg'o lllcnts It will eRtUblish t hu tUnlin go po int Fifth Sunday, Mass a t 10 ::10 a. m. I .) :.l O p . m. (\\ 11I('h ~'()U will mi ss If familY .in ~ hu rin g lubo l' leis ure, joy 1\11'5. Mllry Dennis, of Col umb us in a nn t io nal poli cy, and Ih e ~ tlltc lind pcrfl,(·t ll PIll)intm en ts We work fo r money yo u arc nut on t il)IP 1. lIlI d nthl']" nllJ :;01'1'0\\'. , 'he th inks Lhe yo uth spent t he past week with he r I1l1 d eq1lipmc ll t ca n ma ke of Ohio should be hea rd." And no t f or f un int (' l' c ~ lin g' j'c··:lt un:.. 1!0ll't lIIi ~s " f tnday ~ Il/Iu ld ma ke 11'0 tI home- dau g-hte r, M iss Esther Demiis at th e m. --WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH it. LIJrtl '", Supper al conci ll.' iun. IIIllk el'., II ~ the ~c hool I'ecognizes the Little Inn. • We want our pay WJJe n the w()rk is done Suc h finll l ~ l'rviccs ul'e a Chri stian Endl'a\'IIr at 1: :;1 0 p , Ill . honH' lllllkin!r is a pro f ess ion and G. .C. Dibert, P astor CALL FOR INVESTIGATION ,I'H: t1 ('lI nd'o d ill bcrenveSe nd your st ock to The CrawWod ne day: The W. F . M. S. , ~ l nl'Y Jnll c \yo~) l ul'll, 1~'~IJI' I" E\" II · I! i\'(~" CI'UI':;('R a ll a lon)! t ha t lin e I1ll'lIt Illld n l·o ll slI lin g me mis Ill eeting w ith Mrs. Unglesby at ! 1Il~ l.va n g-c l!~,t!c .. ~ ') !'\":Cl: , :'t .7::10 ~he ul ~\J reminded Us t ha t l'elig- fo rd Com mi ssion Co ., Un ion Stock A ctio ns of t h e rad io trus t's at,,"Yin 1111' ~: I'nr ~ to cO lli e. 2:00 o'clock this p. m, Junior l l:. m: ~ u. niln~ . ~~d l }l~ .. ( .11I~;'; 1I11~ i"lI~ lraillin j! is also necessa r y. Th ll Yllrd s Cinc innati, through W. P. te mpt to monop() lize t he ail' a nd to Ch oir meeting in the ehUl'e h im- P.ndcH\ 11 1 Un) . t ddll.llIn~ I.h l ill 'ul hon!' llIust be eco nomi ca ll y Salis bury & Son , subordinate educ<lti oll to co mm e rlll ~clwnkn Il y conven im ediatel y after school. Bibl e study f) ,ls t ul~I~~I' :- rHlI'Y ,ul th.(' , h e~ ln - ~o ull d . The Fri endship club of the M. E cial managemen t have gl'own so a nd pMyer meeting a t 7 :00 p. m. n,l lI~ .'1.' ), o.~lnJ! , I ~ o ! ),I," SUCtet)' u~ 1'111, "hy~ icn Il y hea lthfu l, morall y This week we will stu dy the para- ,hi ~ ' t~a n Lnd cllI 0 1" ,u nd nyl \\'lwle~ (JIIIP, mentnlly sti mu lati ng, chul'ch will meet . at the home of <;erious thu t t he United tate ~ ble of humility, "The hiof cuts ' Chn stllln r.:n il el1\'ol' Socll'ty \~' !II Ilrl b l i,' II } ~!l t i sfy l ng. ~'ociH ll y MI·f'. Russell Sa lisbury, WednesWANTED Phone 7 senate 005 passed a reso lu tiun d "The Pharisee an d th'e ha ve ch ~H'g-1' o,r the' CYCI1 IIlj!' .serv lce 1'I'sp lJll s il, le, s p il'i tu nlly inspiri ng d ~\Y uft ernoon, Fe bruury 10, at 2 ';all i nff f() I' a n ill vcstiga t ion of th e ~~bliean." Choir practic(J lit 7 :45 , You \\' dl t' I1J oy thl ~ ~l' rV I CC fl nd fOi liuleci upon mULua l affection and 0 cloc k. WANTED Harn ess Repairing Waynesv ill e, Ohio' ituatlon . . I you can 1' 1I (" (I~II' al!e tilt' yOUTlJ! I rl'g pl'ct. Thc Fi,·rs favo red us with and oiling, and new harn ess . m. P Sunday: This wee k our un day peupl e by 11l'Ip!n~ li S' t u hal" Hll l mol'e IlIlI s ic llfLr l' which th e win, Have you ~tart. e d to take a dbuilt. Xenia Hardware Co., 118 E. - flO school will begin at 9: 15 a. m, in- ' ~l n u~u IIH~·I~l'g,e atl('"da~cc "n 11II'l's in Ihe po,;t('r co nte,;t were vantage of the pIcture of!er ? If Subscribe for the Miami Gazette l!:L!!-;;;;;;:;;;;;;;,;;;;;:;:::;=;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:::;=====~ Main St., Xe nia, Ohio. I 'thl'lI' nl ~ ht. I l'nyC' !' nll'el m S! an d UIIII "u lIl' eti as f oll o \\" s: I- Vincent I you have n t, s tart now. ThiS offe r ~=====~~~~~~~~=====~~~=~====_ BiLle Slu dy e"eh WI'dnl's<lllY a t .. ,·ifJ'y ; ::!- Grovc l' Bri ta in ' :1- fOI' limited time only. Photo by _ _ __ _ ...-'!"'"-~-"! 7:ao p. m. 'I'h l' I' hll n '" \\h t'rc y O Ii .JIIIIl' 'oo k. ' . th e Ridge Studio- Barnard's I. G . . ,• • • • •_ ._ _• • • • •- -_ _ _~~----.'" feci at home. Mr. Tel ThompSo n gave II very A. Store. ;;
Custom Sawing
:30 The Sunday IIChoo1 will run until 10:00 o'cl ck. IllId fr 111 to :00 until \ I) :3tl there wil l hl' a pl'o~ l"tlm brolldl'ast over W. L. W. by ('U t· Kentucky mou ntain f"I\; ". 'rher!" II ill hi' n ·/(11od l"<ldl o fllu(' !! I ill the l'1111I'l'h Ilnd II' (('e l surc thi~ will be a wOI'thwhile Pl'\)g ram, Thi!; is 0111' rc,guinr Linculn Day p roJ!l'!lIn and I h 'u nduy 1I1: hoo i off ering will (Co fil l' OUJ' Ke n ucky lIl (lu lI,t ain wo rk. Mol'rIing wo rs hi"p fit 10 :3 0 '['h e th me f .\. the m l'l\in~ l;i(!l'mOI1 will b , Victo ry Iln d RewIII'J. Epworth Leagu II\t 6: 3 w ith 11k 'YounK u !< leader. T he ~ lIhjecl for !' tucly i!< ' What i:; PaLl'ioti.-m·?" Evange listic ~e vi e 'l.lt 7 :;1(1 p. Ill .
Late Classified Ads.
J. E. McClure
.. -----
j nt ll"(l 8 t in~
lulk o n t he ~ ub jcct of
ST. MARYS CHURCH "[o'arn! Acco un ts." li e thi nks if fllrln l'ccu l'd<l were evel' needed Rev. J. J . Scheffer, Rector thl'y are lI ('cess"ry now so t he Februury 7, Quinql.l:lgoesi nlll (tll'm ol' cu n . ee wh()I'e t he lea ks are ~ lllldu y. 'hu rch sehclItI nt !J :;10; L"bu l' incume by inte llig ent fe edSCI'lIIo n and I\ oly COlTllll un io n Ilt in~ li nd bl'e ed ing al'e necessu ry f or 10 :;W. F' br ua l-y 10. As h W ~ dne ~- I th e s u 'ce~~ of any f<!l rmet" a nd with day , s n ' icc lint! :-\erm on a t 7 :;]0 (l ut a n accou nt you hlll'dly know p. 111. B .ginning 1~ I'bl'lI:II '.· I X unit I whe re yo u al'e goi ng unti l it is continuing lhroug' h L nt, scr vices too late. Ernest Cook gave a r ewill bc hcld 'V ' I'Y Thul'sda y • port 0 11 thc corn s how. The prizes eve ni ng at 7 :::1 0. Canon Gil bert were given us fo llows : , ymon s, of ,incin nll t i. will bc the Mix ed cO'l'n: 1--Donald Gustin; preacher F ebruury . __ i A2-l'Y.Es tle Hagemc'yel'; 3- Le wis __ _ _ _ _18_
_ .. - -- -
A cull for the Ohio republican conve ntion to be held in Columbus some time in June is made t his week in an an nouncement sent out by the state central republican manv committee. Warren county is e ntitled! to five delegates and five alternates to this convention. The delegates Electricity ba•• 0 many usee in and altel'nates must be eJected at t he party primary May 10. a mOdem bome, tbat it ie little . White CO t'll: l --Ernest Green; The date for t he convention is wonder it i. cOn.idered a part W. A. C. BASKETBALL 2- Le Roy MOI·a n ; 3- Donald to be determ ined at a later time Gu s Un . by the state committee. of the life of every home in W. A. C. Bas ketball teants deYellow Com: I - Chas, Day; this community. It i. a timef eated both eusul' reek tow nsh ip 2- Chas, Day; 3- Es tle Hagem~y NOTICE t ea ms in t wo rust. gu mes on t h ' e.-. .aver a labor-.aver, and a loca l I\uor by seol'es of 24 to 14 This closed a ve lrY successfu l inmoney-saver; Never in the To our many patrons throughout and 35' to 27 , T he easar Creek s titute fot" the year 1932. the community. We will do I boys havc tw o very fa st teams and history of modern life haa - business through The Crawford our boys ure lo be comme n.l ed for Electricity b ..n available for Commission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio theil' victory. apt.ai n Ramby WllS on and after J anuar:v 1st, assuring high sc;ore mll n with a total of 16 .0 much ,w ork and at luch a you the best of service, both for poin ts , Buerkle did fin ' an ti scored .mall outlay. A million farma carin g for and selling your stock. 14 poin ts, We thank you for the past and Next Tu es da y n ight both W. A. in America today are using h ope for your future patronage . . C, team will meet the Franklin electricity to Iilhten l.bor. Merchants on bhe Way ne 'ville SALISBURY'S fl oor. Both these games should be When you buy Grenadier Coal you get g ood and should be seen by a \l OFFICIAL FIRE ALARM who lik e baske tball. the abeolUle assurance of complete The W. A. C. team _ have lost Mayor T. E. Rogers announces heating comfort IlI1d sotisfaction. only one game on t h e local flo or that hereafter the old fire bell and t his yea r . COLUMBUS Telle annual re- the new siren will be the official port of Secl'etary of State Clar- fire a'larm, Either or both may be Look for this guarantee on your weight to ence J. Brown, just off the press, used. ticket. is complete in onle volumn of 1,300 pages, the largest ever issued by the state de partment. It eomEASTERN STAR Grenadier costs a few pennies more prises e lection, motor vehicles, CO'TThe W: F . M. S, me t in the poration, judicia.! and the !locia! Miami Chapter No. 107 0_ E. day ihaD ordinary coal but those Taylo r- Lundy home on W ednes- sta tistics of t he eight y-eight co un- S. will meet in regular sessi()n day . ties of Ohio, population by dis- , Monday evening , February 8, at few extra pennie~ will show you the The W. C. T. U , was enter tai n- triets, and to~nsh ips and municipal 7 :30 Visiting ' members we lcome. great di1ferencc between steady, de018 Hartsock, W. M" ed by Mrs. W. C. Smith on Tues- roste r, makmg a most desirable for book for referenCE! libraries. Minnie Fromm, Soo'y. day. 'pendahle heat and irregular heat ••• Mrs. J ohn P ete rson entertained Newspllper men from over the EXTENDS LIBRARY the di1ference between trouble-free t he Ladies Aid ,o f th e M. E, church slate have theu' inning in the on Thul·sday. heating and troublesome Ileating. HELP TO FARMERS Bo rn to Mr. and MI'. J ohn a pital City t his week and ThursS hinkle, Jl3 nual'Y 26, a duughter, dny evening a banquet of splendid appointme nts will be served them Rural communities lacking adePatricia Ann. Only a few cents more· per day ••• and in one of t he city'!! leading hotels. quate library facilities may obtain Rev. Kilm er uddl'essed a con- Wives and s weethearts may partiei a special library serv'l ce f.rom the worth "il. Play safe-burn Grenadier gregation composed of members pate. Omtors with national reputa- ~tate libryuy in 9<>lumbus, acc()rdf rom the e ntire cha l-ge on unday t ion arc on vhe program and the Coal this winter. to MIS S MarJOrie Dunipace, of I evening , in the M . E, church here. eve nt will not on ly be enjoyable IIlg t he state library, woo recently disXenia Di,trict His subject was 'The Beer Racket' but mo.st in structive, Three organ- cussed free library service to farm The fir t meeting of the Lellder- izatio n will partic:ipate, t he Ohio hom es o n ·t he farm nig ht radio proship Class of th e Ne w BUl'lingto n Newspaper and Buckeye Press As- gTam from the Ohio State UniverE. H. Heathman, Manager charge was held in the 'chool sociations and Associated Ohio s ity radj()o station WEAO. Dailies. Hundreds of books on a great building, Monday eve nin g. variety of subjects f·rom animal Frank Sta nley, George Phillips, Misses Mary and-""C"'ha-rl!'"o-t-te husbandry to foreign relatl;ons and ~!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!" a nd Mrs. Anna Patterson at'e on White, daughters of Ohi()!s chief the economic siltua tion are avail'= the sick list ~hjs wee k. executive, Governor George White able to rural residents, in addition i Miss Ruby Smith was hom e a'I'~ reco vering fr()m injuries sus- t o scores of reading listS. from Delaware, over bhe week- tam ed several days ago in an aubo Farmers and hOll\1emakers e nd, acc!dent in the Cupital City when terested' in 4-H club prognms t heLr machine collided with better roads. the agricultural de! another. This is t h e third mishap pr~ ssio,n, and o~her topics may obof a like nature in the ~Wh ite tam mformatlOn and ' reading fam il y the past severa l months, material on their problems by .... utlaoriNd Dealer Gretuulier CooJ ~he Governor himself participating writing to the state library ~hlch , m th ~ obher two. He is now seeking also offers another type of service Channe1drain Roofing has -Grenadier la .be IJenulne Co~olJ"'''on Millers Creek Coal a mean s of ridding himself of th.e to rural communities lacking any ,Jinx and keeping his eyes peeled libr ary facilities, To these coma full weight base of Copper for a fil'5t-class certified mascot. munities ' are sent a variety ot books -in clubs, boxes sch.ools, of fifty and or more, Alloyed Steel thoroughly Granges, other !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _." The flail' on the state house rura! groups are making use of r protected by a highly duradome is f1ymg at hu.lf mast due to t he r e.ce nt death o'f Judge James servIce. ble coating of pure zinc. It E. Robins on, se rvinl~ his third term as a m ~mb e r of vhe Supreme Court FIGHTS BATTLE FOR will resist wear and weather of OhIO. He was first elected in O. S. U. AIR RIGHTS 1918, re-elected in 1924 and 1930 as no ordinary roofing could He was n native of Union county' F ighting for the right of the havi ng been horn at Marysvill~ Ohio State University to broadclUlt G3 years ago, servin.g two terms county prosecutor and in 1915 was educational material to the people IlJlPointed a judge of t he court of of the state during the eveniDg appeuls by Governor Frank B. hours, Gilbert Bettman, attOl!'l1ey Willis, to fill an en-expired term. general, c,ontend"s that the recent Dally Except Sunday His passing will leave a vacancy t o reoommen.dation of Ralph L. Walbe . fill ed by Governor George ker, e-xamlner for the federal radio commission, to sweep the state Willte. .. ---_ universitys rad~ o s tation off the air H. G, Scuthar d, M. D., Director ~uring the evening hours is biased of the Stute Depurtm ent of Health !n favor ,o f commercial broadcastpossibly do. It will protect your reports t hat the number of mis- m~. h buildings against fire and lightha ps due to cal'bon monoxide gas, n is exceptions to the examin,has take n a decided tumble f rom ~rs r e.commendation that the 'evenning. Come in and let us show . taO d ' f mg , ttme of the state-aupported th h · ~l.t I' c.1t,;"' mam me 1n ormer radIO .statlon be given to .a station ,_ . you the patented Channddrain ICK slomaeh.'1, sour s l ("lla(:hg 3)~J\ year s, the P!l!;:t · six: months only ~roadeastinl\'. commercial advertlsindigesdon 1l.~ua ll y mc~ n e::cu,{ fourtee n being reported, ' seven of B tt construction that offers maxim~ protection acid, l~be stomach Il(',r vt'..i :.I'·f w hi e~ were t atal. Carbon monox- m.g, e man says the report conover-stimulated. ide is jus t as pois(tnous as ever, S.tlt~tes a finding ~ainst the publeaks~ See for xourscIf why cbanneldr3.in Too much acid m a1r.£.s the stomach and in cases 'of .carelessness or ac- hc ~nterest, convenlen.c e and neand intestines sour. Alkali kill>! ad'l eide,nt w ill ca use death just as cerntY'b is ·the most economical roofing ., for 'you to buy. instanUy. The ~.st form. is P!.i:Ji.'J~ quickl y. Vigilance ,a nd watchful- ' n a rief supporting his motion ~ of ,Magnesia. b!':c2l'sC oo~ 11"." n· ness in the 'p t·ope'!' installation and for oral, argument, the attorneyIta dose neufittlli~ many timt'J iu operation of gas nppliances are voiun:le in acid. Fllr 50 yeo,a"s the "t.c.n- ne ces~ry in order to prevent such ' dard with physicians evcryv:b"t(,. mishaps. ' ' Ohi f d . t Take Q spoonfnl in walt:r o:JJ YOU I _ __ _ i'"- 0 __~ UI ry at! a who-Ie . rut' '11 • I I' d . .... ....... ety. agencies ' nnl:ttclnltllZ unh in fi~~~~ .. YO~~J,'~~w~I~,! ohTh.e ' l~d~~.~'i,ia l, Oommissio.n of , well in 8pi~ _of uE u8uai and·' know what to <10 Crude -mci It 1" - jill 0 rep or . b at fo ur . countIes in pt:esslng condltlonll. Records show methods .will IlPpc;1 to ~ltGC the stu;te, Carr.bll, DI!fianc.e-, Flllton that ~urli:Jg no one year In Its pI'Oye this to!' your own sake.}U and Vmt on ,had no f~ta.htles dur- hlatory, has the demand for safety . .ve a great lDaoy disaerceabll! bouri ing t~e. last c;levein m,ont!J s of and. service 'and th~ aid of If;l Be 1U1'e to ~t the gen uine PMliiJ)~ ,193 L Flgurll.ll. l!l ~he lh~illon of fac,lhtiea"been so ereat. The new Milt 01 . M agucsia proscribed b~ S.afety and Hygiene show that ae- year - find. OhIo , employers and pbJUciau.iD c:orrectio(J exceu ~cidI, cldents have been I~educed to an. wo.,ken 'eager to expand and , '.' e-x,tent sufficient fo Indicate tlbat,. stlm~late the~ Af~tt ~l'ta.
- --Has
uses in a modern home
Full H .e ating Satisfaction Goarallteed
If you are not using Electricity for every purpose whicn it is applicable, you are not playing fair with yourself. , What els.e do you use that . costs as little and gives as much in return what you pay as ELECTRICITY?
------ ..._---
Waynesville Coal ·and Ice ·Co.
',The Most Rool JOT the Least Money
Waynesville, Oh'i o
Channeldrain ROOFI'NG
l1Ieduce the Acid
For Our C~u,ntry Subscribers
The Ci~~inn.ti Enquirer The Miami Gazette'
- .,
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6000
School Boy W rites of His Visit to Washington
HAD WRONG TAGS ON CAR H. A. B1ank enbuI'g, wbo .cl aime d to be th e r eprcse ntat iv e of a financial company in hicRgo , was arreste d by Marshal Charles roy IU!:lt W e dll('sda y. · H e ha d visited several bu siness men her e ann had alm ost per suaded th em to let him do their co llec tin g, bu t beco mi ng s uspicio us they calle d MIII'shal J oy . Th e man was tak en to Le banon be fore Sq uir e Gallah er and fined $2 5 a nd co s L~ for o perating a motor CUi ' wi t h imprope r tags. H e was d rivirlg a Mannon cal' a ll a license is/med for a Ply mouth .
Joseph C. Evans Struck by Auto
l n celeb ra ti o n of Anni ve rsary \ . (,('k of the Boy c ou ts, of Ameri II , T ro op No. 40 will attend M. E. chul'c h in u bo(ry undo y, FebruIII 'y 1~ . One f 'at u re of th e week - - -J oseph . Evan s, a well kn o wn ,,:i 'l I e th e m obiliza ti o n o f t he enan d res pcclt:?d fa r mer a nd life long I II/ • 11") (1 11 10 d ~ em e l'gen c~ .w o r~, r e~ i dc n t o f' thi ~ co mmuni ty \\'i\!-\ thl' 1' 1I1'[lOfi e be lllg t o mobilize 111 fa ta ll y injul'ed when he was I . 11 , !-\~(l J t ,:,t p o~s i~l e tim.e:.. T~e ~ tru c k by an a u tom obil e driv II , l : OOJl I ~I I ll S (;? ull e: ~1 (l l'gamz l!lg 111 hy MI'. CIa I' 'nee I'U wfo ru, of Mt . th~' qu lt'kl' t time Hi to I:e celve a Hu ll y, t hi momi ng at abou t :30. pri ze. A~ othf' I ' f eatu re Will be the MI'. E va ns had left his home Communi t y Good Turl1 d one by 0 11 Houtc 42 t o go t o th e hom e of IIII' tl·OOp. n ' 0 11 1' ()f t he principl es a ne igh bo r a sh ol·t distance away. of Scou ti ng i~ tha t each scout W hen o ppo~ite his destinntion he ,s ha ll d o II good tUI'l1 e a c h (j a y. tu r n ed and a pparently sav." MI'. - - -- - - - - - a nd M r ~ . ra w f nrd a pproaching BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY in the ir ll uto mo bile. It is stat ed MI'. E va ns thre w u p his ha nd and Htllr ted t o run IL c r n s~ the ro ad "Trcdinoc ," t:he coun t ry ho me of direc tly in f ronL of lIw mBc hlne, 1\11:. and Ml's. J ohn W . Th ompson, ~v h i' h ~ t l'u c k hinl '; 4 ~ a l'l·l y , kn ock- of Wa ynes vill e, Ro ute 3, WBS the Ill '; hllll duwn . HIs hellu was re nd ezvo us f or sl' ve ra l hours f crushe d a nd hi S body w a~ badly . . a mung le d. Th e i n .i llr~" n n was pl e,lsul c Sun uay afternoon, when c~I'I'ic d into th e hU U S l 'll1d phY~i- 1 a group of relative and friends clUn s were call ed but he died 111 a ~s e 1l1bl e d to participate in celeI ~ss than t hree h uu , '~ al'Ll'l' lh e ae:- h,'al ing t he bil·thday anniversal'" > c ld e nt occurred. Fun e ra l servi ces conduct ed by of Mrs. Thompson. The day was nn. id ea l a ile for Eld er Angle, of Dayton, will be held at Middl e Run church Fri- s uc h a gathe ring a s this and ~ay ~ fle:n oo n at, 2 o'clock. Burial around the tlrepJace ·with its brigh~ m Mia nH cemete ry. I ' y burnmg logs the company sat cOllvc l'sing of post, prese nt and f uture events. GIRLS VS. BOYS A t a s eas onable hour a delicious W ednesday nig ht, F ebruary 17, ' buffet luncheon was served. . Mrs . Thompson was . very kl.ndly th e Wa ynesville A. C. will play the Nie haus & Dahs e Gi rls team at r ememb ered by hel' fl'lcnd s 'WIth a Dayton , on the local floor. Last , number o~ gi'fts. . . yeal' t hese g irls pl ayed under the Tho se mcluded 111 the h st of na me of t he Dayton Kelleys and gu ests were: Capt. Chas. Garner beat som e of the best g irls teams of Ft. Hayes, Columbus ; Mr. and in th e c ountry. This year they Mrs. Harry Palm e l', of Ma son , MI'. have bee n playin g Ex-Hi-B{)ys and Mrs. J . Lee Talmage and son l ea ms aro und this s ecti on of the Albert Lec of South Lebanon; Mr. c un t ry a nd hnve played some and Mrs. ~lbel't He.rres an.d vc ry goo d gam es. The boys are I daughte~s. EII,:or, Glona, Jackie re t ricted from shooting within and E!allle, ~ISS Opal Thompson t h foul line. This should be the and MI SS Peal I Fowl er, all of Day~ bes t attrac ti on of the season. ton; MI'. and Mrs. ' Almon Ferris, In thc pr eliminary the Waynes- MI'. and. MI·s. A. B. Talmage, Mr. vill e A. 's o will stack up against and Mrs. W. T. Jo rdan , of HarveY6 burg ; Mr. an.d M)·s. S. D. Fe.ITls, Ce nterville. Mrs. CatheTlI1e Jordan, MIsses Hannah Jordan, Lucille Ferris and HOME IS DESTROYED Jessie L. Garner ~nd Mr. Edwin Jordan. The fa r m 'horne of Howa rd N. Hurley and family, n ear Kingman, ANNUAL DINN'ER was destro yed by fire carly Tuesda y morni ng. T.he Waynesville Shrine club 'it is tbought the roof caught held their annual dinner Tuesday fir e from a defective flue and the evening in the Masons' banquet blaze had made considerable head- room. Following the dinner the way be'iore it was dis covered. membe rs 0'1 the club motored to With the except ion of some bed- Lebanon whlJ rc the y saw Marie ding and a fe w arti cles that were Dresslel' in "Emma," at the stored in the attic , the hous e- Lebunon opera h ouse. hold effec ts were g otte n out but At a I'ecent meeting of the club the building burned to the ground. Myel' Hyman was elected president Mrs. Hu rley is the daughte r of and C. M. Robitzer, secretaryMr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis, of treasurer. Waynes vill e. . ~. -- -
F ata.lIy Injured
ActIVIties of Schools Durin~ the . ,P ast ""eek
Bn gli . h- Hig h, Mm' y Eva L~ As yo u all know 'l won this trip The bronze statue of A rmed RelUlu of Mid. Year Examinationa l ~ItY . Miria m Wha l·ton, 98 i medlll thl'oug h II can test spon sored by Libel'ty is 19 f eot six inches high .Gra de a- F ay Ke ll y. Arithm ctic 1, low 20. ~h e An t i-S aloon Leu 'ue of Ohio. and weight 14,985 pounds. The Hig h g rade, Fl'ieda Ellis, 100 ; HiRl OI'y- Hi gh , Ma r y Eva Lel'he buo k s tudied WIIS called the next ro om we entered was The me dium , 65, I w 18. ,\ l ny. \16; me dium 60, low 10. "Quiz Book" which contained the National Statuary Hall. It cnopellingHigh, Wil ma Ames, S Grade 5- W. K. Yo ung; ArithFundam enta l Fac ts Concerning tains about 66 statues of famou s Frieda Ellis , Martha L. Hintt, Ill OtiC, Ii igh, Miria m Scott, Betty Alcoh ol a nd the Co.nstitution. I men fl'om all over the U. S. There Go ldi e Ha y. li ps, Jan etteKud us , P'tel'son, 8\1; me dium 70, low 29. be ing one of th e ,winnel'!! in W ar- ill only one statue of a women in Way ne Scott, Ln Va nn a Sw igar t, 11 istor y- High, WilI llim Moss , re n Coun t y started on my tiip 'here and that being of Frances E. Eve lyn S mi t h, T essa ta lJ sbe l-ry, Janllal'y 14 for Washington D. C. Willard of )IIin ois, ,who was the UG; mediu m 66 , lo w 34 . ---100 : medium U5 , low 05. Eng l i ~ h - H ig h\ MaTY Adams I nrrive d in Colllmbu R about 12: founder of "The World's Woman's Grade :I- Mi ss Lile: Arithmetic ~ ' :l : 111 d iu lll 83, low 69. 3~. 1 found the re 110 boys and Christian. Temperance Un ion" and W . F. M. SOCIETY High, W a lle r Win lerbotham , Ed. GeoJ;( l'llphy- Hig h , .Miriam Scott g\l'l ~ f l'om aU parts of Ohio who its president from 1881 to 1898. HAS GOOD PROGRAM. Clark, 85 ; Il1 d iulll 6:.!, luw 2:3. : I~ I ; llI r rli ulll 88 , low ,\4. had won t he sam e trip lihat 1 had. This room used to be "The Hall of E nglish- H igh, Ph ylli s lu rk, 'pr llin l{- H igh, Edna Coon, We spent part of th e afternoon Representatives. A plate set in the The Woman's Fore ign Miss ionEdward Clark , !J :l; med iU Ill 80 , low .\ 1ild rcd he nowe th, Geo rge Dysin prnctking so ngs and yells which marble floor southwest of the cen- 'ary socie ty met We dn esday aftel'40. ;C I', l!:1i~nbet h Hobbli t , Miriam we we I'e t o use while in Washing- ter ma rks the s pot where John n oo n, February 3, at the home Spellin g- Hig h, Ma ry 1\1 ~R , 100 1co tt, Will. Moss, Ge neva Lamb, ton. Th e oth e r pali; of the after- Quincy Adams, f e ll, stricke n with of Mrs. Ungles bee wi\.h Mrs. me dium 100 lo w 80 . .ll ildl'rd You ng, Robert Plank, noun was s pent at the state capitol paralysis, during a session of the RapeI' and Mrs. BaI rd a s_ i ~ta nl Grad e 4- Mi 55 Campb ' II: Arit h- Vina Lamb , Chest er Bogan, 100; The building is- v ery 'beautifully House. From her e we went to the ho stesses. The president called the met ic, Hig h, Doris Dav is , 100 ; deco rate d on th6 in sid e wilih Supreme Ca ul'\' room and also the me eting to order and the f oll owing ned ium !l2, low 52 . medium 70, low 2 1. large pictures of fam ous men from "Hall of Representative!!." It was we re sung: "Let the LowCI' Lights H y~ i l' n e - H ig h , Elizabeth HabEnglish- H igh, Do ri s Beck, !l8 ; it , !l8, med ium 7G , low 43. Ohio hanging on the wall s in the also while we were at the capitol be Burning,' ' Wo rk f or the Night me dium 80, low 32 . hallway. Grude 6, Seclion I.- Arithmetic that we got to shake hands with is Coming," "To the Work, to the Geography- High, Doris Beck .. Hig h, J an e Fu rnas, 01; , While at the Capital we had the vice pre siden\. Charles Curtis. Work ." 94; medium 76, low 20. hon or of shaking hands with GovE ng lish- Hi g h, J a ne Furnas , 97 The subject of our devotiolU\l His tory- High, Carol Ludin gAttend Me.tin, His tol'y- Hig h, Glenn Hopkins, Cl' nor White. He wished us a very reading f or the day was, " To Toil bo n, 100: me dium 82, 10\10" 24 . happ y trip to Washingfon. After 4. On Saturday night we attended with God with Our Hand s." This Spe llingHigh, Sarah Miller , Gcol{l'aphy - High, Jane Fur'We clime out of the capillll we had t he Anti Saloon League Conven- was given by Mrs. Day. "Where 100; medium lOO , low 64 . OUI' pictures taken and then ,went lion fl as, Vi vian Co nner, Glenn Hopof. America. Tile speakers CI'OSS the Crowded Ways of Life,' Grad e ,4- L. McKinsey, Ari t h · .d ns. Mildr ed Cook, 9 6. ba ck to the Deshler Hotel whic-h wel'e Mrs. Ella A. Boole of New was sung and Mrs . Day led in me t ic; Hig h, Mal'y Eva LeMay. was uur headquarters. Hygie nl'-- Hi gh, . Mildre<l Cook, York. She stated that there were prayer. Franc is Graha m 98: medium 74 . 38. . W e left Columbus Friday morn- over 6,000 communities in the U. After a short bu siness sess ion low 27. pelling-H igh, Ruth Conner, 109 at 6 o'clock. W e had break- S. ,w ith over 10,000 organizations the following inte resting program Geog raphy High, Margaret Ru t h Burn e tt, Vivian Conner, fa st, lunch and dinner on the train of the ·W. C. T. U, That Prohibi- was rendered: Piano Solo- VariaBergan, 92; m e dium 62, low 20. We were eating breakfast at New- tion is the best method of getting tions ; Do es J esus Care- Helen ' ~ i ldre d Coo k, Jane Furnas, ChrisSpe lliQg- High, Mary Eva Le· .in e McClain , Clark Hess , Harold ark a nd arrived in Zanesville just rid of the liquor traffic. Other Hawke; A playl et, "Calico Mites" May, 100; medium !l6, low 48. u~ it was getting daylight. Here is speakers were G. W. Morrow of - by ten ladies ; Pian o solo' troud, Murell Thomas, Dennis s ituated the only "Y" bridge in Michigan and Dr. Howard Hyde Val'iations, Jesus Lover of my soul We els, 100. the U. S. wbich is aaoes the Mus- Russel, founder of the Anti Saloon - Helen Hawke; "At the Sign of Grad e 6, Section n.- Spelling, kingum River. We crossed the Leagu e. Hig h, Be ulah Bernard, Thelma the Full Moon"- Mrs. Ire ne O,hio River just below Wheeling B ig~~ , Ge raldine Dakin, Wayne Thomas ; "In Our Fathers H~>llse" (Continued on Page 2) West Virginia. The country from Dakin , Poo lly Fields, Catheryne - Mrs. White. here on until we get a good ways Lu'dington, J catn Pennington, The third chapter of our S tud y in Maryland is much more mounVirginia Scott, William Biggs, Book, which discussed the work tainous ~han in Ohio. We went 100; med ium 96. low 62. our missionaries are doing am ong through about 12 tunnels, the Ari llhme tic- Higb, Reba Edthe wom en of t he Orient was longest one being about i)ne mile wards , Beacher Ingram, 94; medgive n by Mrs. Lotz. in length. At 6.20 p. m. we arrived ium 63 Yo: , low 3 8-4. After singing t h Doxolog y, t he in the t own of Harpers Ferry. It La nguage - Grammar - High, meeting was adjo urne d to meet wa s here that the U. S. Arsenal Re ba Edwards, 93; mediu·m, 79 ~, with Mrs. Clnrk, the first W ed neswas captured by John Brown, low 54. day of March . . October 16,1859. It is also at this Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye we re Geography- High, Hc>ward Hall plnce ,where the three states join , 6; m edium 75, Io.wo 16, Dayton visitors, Saturday. WILLIAM H: ELBON t he Potomac River, namely, MaryGrade 7, Section I.-Hygiene, land. Virginia and West Vit·ginia. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Simpson High, Glenna Woolard, 88; med. William H. Elbon. of Leb a non, spent Sunday in gu'ford, Ohio. ium 60, low 20. ArriYe at Waabin,ton MI'. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell spent passed away at Christ hospital, Agricul t ure High, Marjorie Cincinnati, Wednesday e vening, We arrived at Union Station in 'l'uesday in Dayton. Herbert Munger, of Lexington, Tinney, Glenna Woolard, 98; medFebruary 3, foll owing an illn esa of Washington at 6 :40 p. m. As you Ky., is visiting his parents here. ium 88, low 44. , e nter one of the TOOmS in this Myel' Hyman and family visit- tw o weeks. Geog r aphy High, Arthur Mr. EIben was the last of the station you see the largest e d relativcs. in Xenia, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye spent Hopkins, 90, medium 70, low 38. family of Sarah and George Elbon1 room in the World. It's length is the week-end with relatives here. . Gl'ade 7, Section n.- Geography 760 and its width is 343. It has a "An Innocent Despe rado" at his brother S. Frank Elbon, at Hig h. Gl enna Woolard, 98; med· died on floor ' space on whic'l might be the Gym Thu rsday night, March 3. Waynesville, hav ing "An Innocent Desperado" at ium 68, low 4 0. January 3, of this yea I', and a standing room for an army the Gym Thursday night, Marc~ 3. '. Grade 0, Section I.-Geography -U v-c.o.I)QO men. The eost of the Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Drake s ister, Mrs. Cha rles Young, of Hig h, Glenn Hopkins, Mildred i1ding and terminal im- vis ited relatives in Mason, Sunday. Lebanon, die d during the past year Mrs. Wymer Drp.ke spent two J ook, Jan e Furnas, Vivian Connor Mr. Elbon is survived by his provements exceeded $18,000,000. days last week w ith her parents ) 6, medium ' 75, low 16. We then went -over. to our head See the Salisbury's, W. P. and widow and on e son , Olive I' ; three at Wilmington. . Grade 6. Section II.-Hi~, daughters, Mrs. Wolter Ayers, of quarters, The Annapolis Hotel, D. R., before you sell your stock. Boward Hall, 96; medium 66, low Anti-och, Culifornia, Mrs . Edith had dinner and then ' went to the Call the Waynesville Farmers' n STROKE PROVES FATAL Mayflower Hotel where we weTe Mrs. Mark ·Rogers and daugh- Rutherf~rd, of neal' Waynesville, Exchange Co. for Old Hickory ON TO PURPLE TOWERS Hyg ien&-High, Mildred Cook, , the ,g uests of thll Anti Saloon Lea- ter spent Sunday with relatives at and Mrs. Lelia Gilbert, of Ma on. . 8; medium 78, low 32. Maggie Viola, aged 63, wife of Smoking Salt. Funeral sel'Vlces were held at gue Convention of America. The Utica. Don' t forge t the high school W. F. Docter, died at her home on Grade 8 - Arithmeti.c, High, the Oswald Funeral Home Satur- opere principal speaker of the evening Mr. John Roser, of Dayton, was Ruth Salisbury, 100; medium 80, tta that is coming oft' with a the H. H. Stokes !lairy farm, Miss Jean Telford, of Cincin- day afternoon and 'in tennent was Bang Thursday night, February Friday morning, following a para- a pleasant caller at the Gazette low 15. was Rev. F. Scott McBride of , Washington D. C. The principle nati, is the guest of Mrs. Mildred in Miami cemetery. , 11 , at the Gym. You don't want to lytic stroh' suffered a few hours office, Tuesday afternoon. History-High, Frances Ellis, Thompson. thoughts, i)f his talk was, That mi se eing our professional previous. Surviving are the hus98; ,m edium, 68, low 46. ,prohibition is the only answer to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Wiatt and "Snowball"- Ronald Rardin 8S band, seven children and 15 grandGeography- Righ, Jane Cook, FRIENDS QUARTERLY alcoholism, that the Anti Saloon Boyd Henderson was home from white as this appel\rs he's a negro children. Funeral services,' con- family, of Lebanon, spent Sunday LOO; medium 72, low 2B. League was founded 39 years ~ the University of Cincinnati over ~it11 James Lovely and family, English- High, Robert Thomas, Miami Quarterly Meeting of valet. Uncle Hank. known to us as ducted by Rev. G. C. mbert, were by Howaril Hyde Russel, That the week-cnd. 96; medium 70, low O. e Frienlls will be held Saturday the Cecil Davis carries his part well held at the McClure Funo;lrul there are ' 6,400,000 new voters Mrs. J. ' D. Marlatt returned in the Taxi Cab business as well as Hygiene- High, Ceeil Hartman, Monday morning and burial home Sunday after a visit to her Miss, M. A. Randa1l, of Wayne 13th at 10 :30. Friend s from In- s tation a gent. 'rhe leads taken by Home every year and that reverence of 98; me dium 80, low '42. . was at Newtown ,Ohio. daughter and family, in Cleveland Ia.wis the funda'mental facts about Villa ,spent several days last diana will be pre ent at the morn- Winifred A rmiti~ge and John TurSp e l1in~-High, Cecil Hartman, ing meeting. alcoholism. Another speaker of weele in Dayton. i medium 84, ' low '20. At 2:30 p. m. Prof. John ner arc exceptio nally carried out Tune in on the C. & B. program, lOOAgricultureimportance was Bishop Ainsworth, DYNAMITE EXPLODES a pI'ofessional way. Particular High, Cecil Hartof Alabama. ' Tune in on the C. &. B. program, Haremy, a native of Palestinc, will in station WKRC every Sunday a t tention is being given to the man 98; medium 76, low 60. speak, wearing t.he costume. of that On Saturday morning 'We sang station WKRC every Sunday chorus in order to brin~ o ut four , J. M. Earnhart, of Lebanon, was afternoon at 2 :16. E,ighth Grade English-High, country. songs and yells for a while. After afternoon all 2 :15. Prof Haremy is an outstanding part singing. We think this will be ' badly injured by an oxplosion of . The Woman's Auxiliary 0'1' t. Robert Thomas, 96; medium 47, luneh We attended a meeting of a full evening of entertain.ment dynamite. when blasting s tumps at Mary's Church will meet on Fri- low O. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent speaker and the .public is cordially so the Senate at the capitol. The Sendon't miss it. his farm ' near Pekin. English, Lit erature, Section. 1.I ' day afternoon, February 12, at 2 ate chamber is in the rig~t wing Sunday with their .daughter and invited. High, Anna O'Neall, 97; medium at the capitol. The two speakers family lit Pleasant Plain. o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. L. 57, low 18. Thomas, that we heard was Senator Fess ,of Citizenship, (H. School)- High Mr. and Mn!: Melvyn Banta, Ohio and U. S. Senator Morris He)en Fl'iend, 96; medium; 65, ot Delaware, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Foster Heacock, ShepJ)ard of Texas. Senator Fess 36. who were at the Friends Home for low talked about, the Washington Bi- with- J. P. FromJD and family. Home Economics--High, Mary a month, are now locatcd in Pen- Burns, centennial which is being held in Ann Crane, JaT!e Cook, M. dleton Indiana. They are w{)rking Earnhart, Wa:U1ington this year ' and Shep- Messrs. Samuel Butterworth and Salisbury, 100; in the interes t of the Friends medium 93, Ruth ,pard ' talked about prohibition. Gilbert Frye visited relatives in low 86. meeling. They do not require ' much order Wilmington Sunday afternoon. Hygiene- High, Ruth Salisbury dur ing the session because SenaMr. and Mrs, J. B. Myers, of The American Legion of Leb- 95: me dium 71 , low "47. , tal . were coming and going out Home Economics, (H. School)anon, arc putting on a picture at all the time, talking to each other Cincinnati, were guests' of Mr, and High , Bessie Woolard, Bernice Mrs. J. E. McClure, on Sunday. the Lebanon opera house on Wedand doing just about what they nesday and Thursday, Febl'iuary 17 Grnham, Erma Sears, 99; medium wanted ,to do. After we heard these '" Mr. Morria Sherwood of Colum~nd 18. This show is ~iven fOI' 38; low 78. two men talk ,w e came out and community welfare work. , entere<! the rotunda of the capital bus, spent the week-end with his "Ye School Couip" parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Carl Sher~hancla of Capital ,w ood. Guests at Friends H{)me on SunTh e fifth meeting of the Eighth , day for dinner wel'e Mr. and Mrs . r; rade Citizenship C1ubwa& held , lt is an i,m mense circular hall Miss Marie Henderson, 0'1 CinN. P. Clyburn of Wa s hin~ton C. H. F'ebrual'y 5, 1932. Forty one 97 2-:1' feet in dimeter and 'rising Mrs. Ella Babb, of Spring Val- o' embel's answered the roll call. up ] 80 feet to thl! inner shell of cinnati, is enjoying a short visit ley, Rev. Schaffcr, of Dayton, The minutes of the previoull meetthe dome. The walls h~ve eight oil- with ·her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Chas. Klein and Carl Aull, of in g we l'e read by Secretary, Franed l?sintings hanging on them. Thomp!!On. Cincinnati. They are about 18 or 20 . inches in ces Ellis and approved. The presiMr. and Mrs. John B. Wadsin length and about 8 or 10 feet dent appointed a new program worth and daughter, of Dayton, in heighth. For their subjects they A "farewell pal'ty" ~or Mr..and committee. The new business conwere Sunday guests of Mr. and have memorable scenes in the hisMrs. J. W. Edwards WIll be glVen sisted of a discu8si'On on two tory of the continent I\.IId also of Mrs. E. T. Stroud. by t~e Grange on Wednesday ip l'oposed amendments which were the . S. Th e following pictures evemng, February 17. All mem- ' oted upon and passed. The Saws flIed by machlncry, eut are hanging on the walls: "Landbers are ~rg~d to be present ~nd l)reRident was paid 25 cents for a iJlgl of Columbus on San Salvador, cleaner, true.r, taster. , Also cropeach famIly IS rcq~ested to brmg c onduct creed poster which is to ()ctob ~ r 12, 1492 i" "DiRcovery o.f tut saws, gummed, 25c. per foot. a pound of somethmg. he hun~ in our room. We then enMissisSiRpi River by Desota in ReY Pigott, at Madden's Lumber joye d the following program: Yard. Miss BeTtha Filer was at home 154'.1;" iBaptlsm of Pocahontas at Current Events -Cecil HBJrtman over the week-end' and had as her Jamestown, Va. in 1613 '; " "EmThe First W oman Senator~ Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell, of ~uest Miss Leta Wolverton, of barkatiQ1) at the P~rims July 22, Mary BUl'ton. Port William, are making ~ exCherokee, low'a, hcr fellow stu- The new Program' committee flad 1620:" "Declaration of Independent at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. planned the following: dence July ,., 1776;" "Sun-ender tended visit to theil' son and daughter-In-law, Mr. snd Mrs. Miss Wolverton spoke at the of Burgoyne at Saratoga, October Citizenship Story ~ Robert evening servke of the Waynes- Thomas. 17, 1777 ;" "Surrender 0'1 Corn- Dean Howell, at Elmhurst, Ill. ville Church of Christ and Bertha ,wa,lis. at Yorktown, Octo'ber 19, Review of Oriental A.ctiona-178'1 ;" and "'!lhe', Resignation of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bentley, sang a solo. Mary Burns. , General Wa!ihingt~" December ~~~e'::' M~~S:ra:elhA'nd~;;;on~a:~ We then adjourned to JDeet " The Waynesville and Ferry February 19. 2~'n \1:8~~\nter of tbe ro~unda i& a Ft. Ancient, attended the funeral Ohristian Endeavor Society held . circle about one foot in diameter. of an aun.t, ' Mrs. Mary Bentley, at its regular monthly bus iness meetLaat Home Came ing Thursday evening, February 4. ,', It "is at thls -plac~ ,where t~e ' C8&o Sah!na, on. Sunday. , . Eight members and three visi~rs " W. I H. S. ras~ :!iome game ;,will kats of, the,' prellid'enta ' that die Mr., and Mrs. 'M~er Hyman ·'enwere present. , There bein~ V!ll'y, be w,itli Sl'riswboJl9]," Fl'idq eV8~. ' while. in Offl(l8 ,.re placed , to 11e In · k d .. state ftiT 12 houn. At th~ top of tertained at, six 0'0 Q~ inner,· at: little husiness we adjourn,ed at irig " February' 12.' OOme. ~athe rotunda i!5B. large p'ietut:e thJt Wedne9dav the fol\ow!nll' ~est8~ early ho",r in order to 'p~actlce our, 'Dha boys ' aTe . hpl!~vlncev'rf ,r epresents ,· the Apotneosls .,· of Mr, and Mrs. J. Wi18~n .Eldw,ards, play. -: . . . _ " game. The .laat ram .. With )(01'row Washhllton. Witahington is, seate~ Mr: ,and Mrs. ~alp.~ . Miltor, ~ , . , . '" " and Lebanon were cood; ·s .. _ , 1.Jl' the. middle of tbe picture, On . anel Mrs. C, M. R.obltzer,. Mr; and , Mr: and Mrs. Vern Hou'frh ,en. ·' S. ~nd S. B. ~. for'1aiio~e; tertBined 'very pleasantly Samr- good gaine:" " . ,', the ' r.i,bt . alts Fl'eedom; on ' hili .Mrs. RU88ell· Saltsbury, Mr. and day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest; · . left is Victory and' above .hlm .MI'!!. Ernest Buttel'Wortb. Cards ,Hough 'and family, o'f Spnng ft~..t tile Thirteen' ~tatei as aenal followed th,e dinner. ' .,... VaJley, ~r. Harry Tutor" of Dayflpre, their lianner insc:ribed, 'E. Pluribu~ Un~Df." lust below -the MI'II.' -Ralph Vance, of ,Pleasant ton,and L. D. teatu.re Peele arid :~~:~~ae,;!~~ ,f amily. A Mr. - delightful ) 01' ~;I~~~:::~ ~a.. of thl. ftgure runs an aUgorY Plain, and Mr. and Mrs. ea,,1 , th~ oCC8eiorr was homemade ice a1 , {It tbe Revolution. 1,u't .o~tatcle the Hawke, ot Dayton, were guests of cream and they say It you- d()n't rotulld. .. a a~lrway that, leads Mr. and Mt.'8. J. C, , Hawke, 011 think it ..sa good, ask Harry.••• lIP !O ~• .Doll'! ~t tbe a.,lt~lo Th~. __ .~
-- -
__ 0 ••
---_. - ...----
- - ---
- - - -...
======================:___ ==================== His Immo:r tal Spirit
of fortrtry e liquor traffic am!.. at other co ta to run I'flnI'IUl'l~8~ltlv \ ' 01.1 wt)ultl almost-..f(lel \ike of $29.12-. "a"nLcu liquors restored. On Leona Barton waa found guilty _ Ilcsday morninjf we went to oJ forgery and fined $14.42. \ ashin~ton'lI Monument. It ill near In the case of lohn H, Tufts thv Potonlllc Riv I' and Is made of vel'SU8 Lebanon Farmers' Coperawhite marble, Its height from the live 0" the defendant is, granted 11 001' to tht' tip is 556 fe t, [) 1-8 ontinued from Poge 1) Common Pie •• Proceedm.. 30 days to plead, inch !<, It i ~ the highest work of . , Earl Wells was found guilty of 11 UJ'Iuay morning almost all mils nry in the worl(l. The walls In the .case of Myrtie B. Harri- forgery ond tined $38,42 and costs 0'I u went \..0 !>()m chu reh includ: m' I I) f t thick at the entrance ing the Fri nds, aLholic, Pre by- an u tnpel' to 19 inches at the top ~o n v I'SUS Willio'm B, Davis and to run concuncntly With another r l he sha flo Th ere al'e 808 steps Mubol Davis there is due the plain- fine o f $13.92. terian Ilntl oth ers. Th'I' w r In the clISe of The Federal Land about 30 of us who wcnt t o the up tu lhe top tlOOl' whe l'e vi ito~s tili the sum of ,829.08. In the cose ot Josephlne Briden- Bank of Loui sville versus Effie M, Fl'iends church wh el'l! Pr(' ide nt Il l' pCI'm itt<!rI to look out. Thl!! I Hoover atte nds. H e WIlS about the place is 50" feet high from th,e bough vers us An eal Christman, et Pen'ine, et aI, the Lebonon Farm ILLUSTRATlONS BY HENRY JAY LEE Ins't one to ome in and the ftrs t ntJ'nnce, The view is very beauti- 01 cel'ta in sal es wel'e made and the el'g' Cooperative Co. , is made party defen dant pnd leave is grunted one to lenva , Th oro were at least fu l lI nu you can se all over Wa h- sheriff is to settle all accounts. opyright by Charles Scribner's Sons \ two <1 0 01 n policeme n an d detect- in!\,ton, Arlington" lIvnl Obse rvaEJlrlouth was found guilty of them and Ualph Hightman to file lclay tory li nd n a r lea l' ri llY on e may breoking and entering with intent onswel' Ol' ot hcr pleoding, ~"'-"''-''''''''''~:,\O"""""""",....""""""""""""'"",,,,"tIA.,. iv's - . u l'uu nu l he chu rch . . n , SUlA . In t'he case of The Lenox School in th e II' stcrn distance the to stea l and is sentenced to 1 year It was whe n Ponape Burke had a[tCI'n OO Il we utl t' nd · oJ t!l' nl~ . Hl' CHPTER XVII , Ill ll uJltain s o f th' Blut' Hidge in at hard labol' at the State Refonn- versus Charlotte R. Hyde the dellllj!ue o ll vc nl lU ll 01 Sa lo on L d I !l'toppe , comp etcly at a ,loss, that A ,' , 1'1 ' lI'i I ,' pl s p ca kel'~ \. i1'I~ iJl ill, utory, f endant is granted GO days to file nmg from .." m IIC.I, \C [, I I A glad cr;-;-~her lips, But a messcngel'_ 1came ~run Roy outh was found guilty of Iln swel' 01' othel' pleading, Itt the 11ft !'nonn we sp ent a I ' wel'e 01' , .1 0 )' ldlllel' MOI'j!an of B she suppressed it, drove ,from her the Id LuPtb oa ~ leO ' s~hoonthel Wa shinl!lon D, ('.; ,~, Senator whi le at the cnp itol and th en Wl'nt bl'eH king Hlld enteri ng with intent In the case .of The Jefferies Auto face the exultation formlllg th~r e, cou, no e go L ou, IVlng, e \ LI 'R b'll on uf In cliunn a nd had< t o ou r hut I to get ready fOI' to steal an is sentenced to 1 year Co, versu s Dr. C, A, Colemon thc Her own salvation, thi ~ ,man" hf e, na t ives had found under he r nose 'li' lr IUHI (I III" Fl lis ?llnore u t he A Jlli Sa loo n League Banquet at the 'tate Penitent41 r y. motion of the defendont to dismiss of the long I e:xa ....on I r ock IC Oll orn) c , . , Virgil Frye was found guilty of this case was ovcrruled and the 'dedepended on her cautIOn. ht's two . , . I .. n s c nj1;re s~mlln fr om the 15th dis- lh " t cvcning, The speaker we re Tlle brown man opened from the unclent woll. tricl in Ohiu,' lI c says lh at lhe WllI . F:. ("Pu ~!Iy fo ot") J ohn on breaking und enteringt with intent fendant is granted 10 days t o mouth Gnd sp.oke aloud in ,the He wou ld have be n aghnst .to liq uo r tranic will neve I' rUII it se lf " r I'\I' w York; MI'!<. Elizabcth TiI- to steal and sentenced to one year plead. CHY in the nlg~t, Colic I, N,o native tongue-<lirect to Martm. know that J ohn Thursto n had dl s- und til/Itt' not nnd handlc II l1 l ;lleO- tnn of ( ' lIl1 l hrid ~c . Mass ; MI'S, at the Stnte Ueformotory. In the case of The Trnvcle l's Iil, r ou~c for alaron If Castona III Olive's expression was that of cove red the vessel; . had reJotched h I r . I 'U Ilw Tl eRs hag beclI driven .Jl' ~"l' \\' . Nichn lson of Wu shin gNel so n Rourk was found guilty sUl'8nce Co. versus Dora Hall Pur- bondy . TI,i~ I'"rc vrgrl.2hle preJa~ ff t hOI (:t I t formal politeness, But, though .hc her before the worktn g pllrty an d O 'O f] D, C. who is the president of of breaking and entering ,with in- key, et 01, the plaintiff placed in li ,':! l' pl' ~9 ql1id~ c:omfort" an c:a h'l h ' tch ' () e s rec ~, ihnd seemed to address the whIte \\: l eer \\ ~ llIa~1 WlIS II'l'~sp~nTh at 'vcni ng we \\' li llt t" Ute " Th e ~ a t i oll a l Woman's Demo- tent to stelll and was sentenced to the hands of the del'k the sum of 0-\1'1' II liII\. Il is the tlcnsible th!nll maD he had not done so. What he sibly obsent, had, 10 lhe brlel In - C ' . 1, 1 Lt·1. '10 <1 "f the "I'alie Law I~ nfl'r ce m (' nt: Leoguc; one yelll' at State Reformatory. nl·y $1500 he is to pay costs anu give ~h .;) ' h'Uul ell 'ore amng, Whelber It's ,I d d . f I' 0 IIgl ellll lU).1 . U .. " 11 .. t er~a I o ff " hod' ~id was this: Ra y South was found guilty of the remoindel' (;.0 Dorll Hall Pur- l:-'e- .i~l;n!:l c h. or the little ~owe\a; . ol(e . , ilia. c use 0 li S impIJrt.n nt t.hili ~!; "thal I ~1I\V \\'a ~ I . S. Se nu lor Murris Sh('prlll'd of "Men ()f the village of Tanapal, englll eermg skl!1. With a bl ock and lh ", originll l I' opil's of th e !Jccluru- T e )(a ~ anti Bishop Edwin H, brcaking and entering with intent k c~l ;c or (,Ol\»t Illation; or dlarrbt.a. listen here unto me. The high lad y tackle al)d a hg ht SPlll' from ~h e tio ll of IlId epl'llIlenc' :ln d to steal anrl was sentenced to one e1~ the clISe of J, B. Clingerman ,VUf.'J I \:!y lco P.!!lICS lire coalc<t,. or the on- lI u~he " of Chicago 111 , Palmtree shall be saved, I speok schooner, Thur ton, tn a few m.m- stitulilln; some of Washington's yeoI' at the State Reformatory, receiver for In ter Cities Oil Co, :, -.:' th i!: p.ud W1wncver there !I need the 'WaY." utes, had undone. a lab ~ l' at which 5chool cop y work in compound inV; .i ted Arlin[lton In the case of The Union Jkoint versus Robel't W, Toylor. et a1 th e <'f grnlle ' re~lIlati?o , Ch,ildre~ love Olive wns continuing in the tones laves ~ust ha\e s\\ eated for lercst; lllas h' l·pie!:!! ,. ' ff Ori enta l l)n \V ed ncsdu v OUI' tour took us Stock Lnnd Bank versus Fran p, amount due bhe pillintiff is $G93,73 ti.. l l.a';lC d CasloJ1a, and It.!! mildneu of courtesy, looking at ~artin but days, He had, tumbl.ed two of the Bookmllkin g; Al'ubin n prinling to Arlill l( ton; it. Ve rnon; Alex- ~o ffe y, Inn. Coffey, ot ~, Lucre- if not paid within 3 days th e sheritT nuJ. I:~ il 6afe for frequenl 11M, speaking direct to the Villagers. I,n stones, off the wall m to the ~anal. block s ; bill s of EdgEl l' All e n POI" " :J ndda ulld othcr plac'cs in Wa ' h- tm HOJ1kt,ns, def~ndant IS granted , shall sell his pI'operiy and se ttle Alld.1 more liberal do~ of Ctt~tori. a sentence he appealed to theIr ~he Pigeon w?uld. not flY ,ogall1 un- ~cho(J lin g in 182 1-22; smallest in~l o n , On bh is trip we sa w th e an t!xlcn~lOn Q'f tIme to file answer accounts. is IIlw~Y!l hetler ~o,r growwg :~~eJl cupidity, to their fear of the. Japa- til ~he mon th s highest tid s callie book in t he world nnd n l>ook in hOll1 c o f Todd Lincoln son of or other pleading, In the case of Alice Garrison thWl st:'OD« m.ed1C:LDe meant VlM3 01 nese, Then. without alteratIOn of to hft hel' over. . which i!l A' iven nn (lddrc~s by , A braham Lincoln; 'Old home of ~ versus Arthur Garrison, et ai, the adult uae. voice or manner, be added for the A figure broke f~'om among the Ab l'uhum Lin co ln . Th e smulle!<t 1"I';lllC\'S . Scotl Key, which is local. , pl'oparty could not be divided by interpreter: "Make words, make men, went boundlllg ~ ong th e bOl, k in the worltl r ontaim' 48 ~CI un ih e banks of the Potomac words unto him. Anything-that path. to,word the outer pOlllt, carry- puge. nnd it" size i~ 10 ~ 1 0 m.lll. Hiv!!1' lin d cross .d lh~ Fl'onces ing : Orig ina l bust o() f Woshmgton; metes and bounds with()ut injury shall m~n (lothing and hove a\ m~ In Its a.rms a heavy burden , . Th e boo k in which is wl'l ten LIIl- 'cott Key MClllol'lal Bridge from cham pogne glasses, Lafayette ap- the the value onrl it wos appraised ron, silver toothbrush and Wll8h- at $1000 neither party electing to pleasant sound." . Burke uttered 0 cackle of tn- co In's IIc d l'eHR i~ ju st tw i~e li S \Va hington into Yirg:i nia, "Y e ,e':l- ington's spoon. It was time to meet take it at that price, it is to be sold The interpeter had' got the idea.1 u",lph. '" " large, Th 'I'e is I'll om enoug h III the lercd Altlxand nu 'JIl, Vlrgmlo our bu ses now so we went back to at public auction by bhe sheriff, Out came a Aood of rompliment to ~~rl as thiS .fig UIC ra n, t hele \\.as Librury 1'01' ,j J) ()O ,OOO volumes 01' which Lawl'u llcC Was1hmgton s urWashington. ,}\he bridge that we_ who sha ll make due return to the ~~~~~===:-:-~=::-:=~ which the white man made crude V1SIb e over Its sh o~ ldel' a wh!te !iom~w'h R t less thllJl 10 0 mil es of ye ye d, H e re we also saw the home crossed while going over the courts. = _______ .. Tesponse; condescendingly amiabll?' !l tra~v hat, a blue veil flutte r ed tn- shelvin g. of Henl' Y Lee, the father of Potomac river was 2180 feet i!l In the case of The First Notional And 8(),. under th-e very nose 0'1· to view and, b~l ow, ,Jonape saw thc Roue l t E. Lee ; whel's Wa shington Manie ge Lice nle. the unsuspecting Martin, Blm~st folds of u plUJd T8\J1Coat. Seeing Sights in City made his fa l'ewell addres9; Oldest length ond was erected at the cost Book of Blanchester, versus L, E, of $7 per inch. ~aldwin and Emma Baldwin the within hearing of Burke, Ohve Elml!1' E, DIIVid: OIl , linotYlic Mondoy was II si"'ht ~eeing uoY House whi ch dates bHck to 1771; he ra n" howeve l', he struck ' As h IS f 00 t· gallls t a t ree roo t, s ta g- and we saw ihe followill sheriff is to expend $36 for certain opornt( r of Lcbll non , and Mi~s worked out his attack, ... Liacotn:. Memorial g bui ld- hl' i,'t'~ hurch whe'r e WashingAnd Ponape Burke himself g~ve g~red; the burden was hurled fro!" ing : Departl1l l' nt o f (iIll!l~ erce; to n lind Lee attended and the Soon atter we arrived bock costs in connection with the sale A'lln Vund enh ri nk, s lcll ogrnl,hc l', the signal. Springing up now, he hiS arm s to the gro und, But h~ did U. S, p o l Offi ce; Pennsylvania CCO l'gl' Washington National Ma- in Washington we went over to of real and chattel property, of Le banon, blllWled acr088 to ·h is mate: "Ahoy not pause, Two of the 80,llo rs, Avenu e which is JOG fe et in width sO llic Roy South, Noah and Ida Memorial. We intered the Lincoln Memoriol. It is a very -ahoy therel Haven't them dam' flonkm~ along the ~e.ach, ~prang and the seco nd w i de~t in the U, S, ; Arli ngto n in a short time ond large white marble structure with South withdrew their plea of not Real E , tde Tranofer. kanakas J.Ot the Pigeon out yet? upon hIm, Others lomed 10, A Deportment of Agl'icu lt ure ; Old here we SIIW Lee's man sion; the a lal'ge ~tatue of Abraham Lincoln gUilty and pleaded guilty, Anna Bl'odlln, dcceaged, to Ella Give a hall the .mom~nt y'sight her struggle, Ilnd he was held., In the cose of William Fraser, Bnreau of Eng l'avlng ; P ot omnc I' om o ccupied by LaJfayette while Above him are printed the words, These Japs is maybe u·p t'some-' ,Ponape Burke had rcmamed ot Tida l Ba~in nurrollnded by th Il visitor there in 1824, Mrs, Lee's "In ,}\his Temple As in the Hearts executor of estate of Caroline Braden lind Sumner BI'aden, Inlot No, 200 in Lebanon. -thing." . hIS post, on amused spe~tator. Japanese hel'l'Y trces ; ·Potomac bedroom and other rooms of the of The People For Whom He Rogers, deceased, versus Worren Frank 0, Hughes, deceased, to He le-Velled bis binoculars agam Now, however, when .the gJrl on Pass ' 'l'cnnis co ur ts on whi h Cal- hou sc. Not vel'y far 'from t his Saved the Union The Memory of Rogers certain property was sold upon the gunboat. Martin reached the ground dId not stir 4liter her vin Coolidge's SOn lost hi life be- man ion is a gl'ave where there Abraham Lin()()ln is Enshrined and the sheriff is to settle all ac- ara'h Hug heR, now deceased, et al Inlot No , 3 i1l South Lebanon. for his own, bent them upon that foil, he ran toward ,her, causc of nn infection; Navy and arc 2111 soldiers buried. We then Forever," On the left wall is writ- counts, 'arah Hughes , deceased, to wot where the Lupe.a.Noa'!I topIn' the 'case of Irene Thomas "Palm ," he coiled; "Polmie, WUI' Building; Oldest Office Build- we nt over to another part <If the ten Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Amanda H. Gdffith. Inlot No, 3 mast must emerge fT.om behind the are y'hurt?" versus Sa:muel L, Sur'face, et al ing ill W!l shing~o n; White .H ouse , CO lli tery ond here we saw the anu on the light is written his in South Leban on. taller trees: Another hundred f eet and he china used by different pl'esHlents; ollfedcrate Memorial where there Second Inaugural Address, Be partition of said real estate is to Mllud M, Lu se nhop and Williom For perhaps forty secondJi both stopped, be nlade with interest to oil parBewilderment tumed in- on the u ppel' fI() r is the East iR lIpproximately 168 buried; tween Washington's monument and ties, D. Lusenhop to Philip Kistner and men- were 4lb8()rbed. , rage. , . , Ro om. The .ceiling is 22 f ect high F ightin g mast of the Battleship Lincoln's Memorial is the reflecting Albertin a Ki stner, 87 acres ill Then Martin, still seated, his to For 1¥lOg there tn the hat, ve)1 und from this hungs the crystal Mu in e and the original anchor, pool. In the afternoon. we visited Uni on township. iShouklen against the 'girl's support and ramcoat, was no PalmYJ'a chandeliers which are ol least 12 A I'ound this tomb is buried the vhe Pon American Union; The New Suit. Richlll'd Mulblll'll to Rebecca Stalowered this glasses, turned ,hiB Tree. . . feet in length, On t hc mon tels Ct' w f the ship. We then went Smithsonian Institute and the The Notional Guarantee and ton, Inlot No, 282 in Franklin head to speak to her. It was e big, roast pIg, are t he busts of Washington; down to the Memoriml Amphitmeo- New Museum, The Pan American Finance Co, versus W. E. Graham, township, But Palmyra was gone I Ponape Bu,rke turned a savage Franklin; Jeffel'son und Lincoln tcr whic.h covel'S (In area of 34,000 Union is an international -orUcbec /I Stil ton to Daniel StaniAt Burke's order the crew, load- face trom thIS gre!'sy pork ·to t~e It is also in this I' om where the squarc f eet and hus a seating ganization mointained by the 21 as oonstable and Charles Baker in replevice for money and damage, fel'. Inl ot No, 282 in Franklin 'big rifles, began to go througb the m!,n who had trijc.ked ', him-'tns 'gold piano sta nds, as it is coiled, capacity of over 5,000, Just east American · Republics. Suspended ,}\he Federal Land Bank of Louis- township, tbatc)J.es. Fortunately f-or Olive, pnsoner. ~n oath and a laugh which C{)st $15,000. ol'coran A rt of the sta irwuy of the Amphi- from the ceiling on the upper ville versu'S John W, Eastep, et 01 Fronk M. Tuckcr, decellSed, to Ponape, remained in the open struggled Then for Simultaneous expres- Gallery; t. Johns Chul'ch; In sid e theatel' there is the tomb of the floor are all the Hags -a'! the bowling out comm'-.ndsandl impre- sion. For there bloody, d.esperate, this chu rc h there is a pew roserv- Unknow n Soldier. Here lies the American RepUblics, On the upper for money, foreclosure and equit- Mary C, T uck 1', et aI, Real estate [! ble relief, ill Ma on. cations. The search, ' unsystematic, the .brown man Ohve. ed fOl' eve ry President of the U, b.ody of an un identified American . floor is "The Hall of The AmeriJames Pile and F. W, Franz to Visiter G. Gabbard versus John was still sincere, for, tqough Borne stood The whIte m8Jl's. featul'es were S. whetl1CI' he !!,oes t here 01' not; 'o ldi er' brought from France by, cas" which is considered one of Cabbard for divorce, custody of J, I. anrl Eliw.beth May Sandlin. of the brown seamen grinned be- contorted. "Where IS she?" he de- hotel whe l'e 01. Lindberg stays ' GeFera l Pershing, I!lnd was en- the most beautiful rooms of its minor child, support fol' minor Inlot No, 110 in Franklin. hind the white men's back, none , . whil e in Wushington; National I hrined here as B symbol and me- kind in America. Over the windows child and other relief. J. M, Ballinger to Rob ert F. &1, co~ld ha.ve dared pass the girl by. man~ed. Olive clumped hiS lips shut. Geographic Socicty; S cottish Rite 111 (11'ial of all the American Sol- are the coats-of-arms and colors People's Buildin~ Loan and linge,', 140,93 acres in Yet the quest covered the islet It had been Burke's sudden ~e.. Temple, The steps that lea d up t o dier~ and sailol's who had given of the various American RepubSaving!! Co. vel' us Joseph Kessel, townsh ip, 11"itJIoQt re!!ult. scent.upon the 'four houses wJllCh. it are al'1'angcd in groupings of 1, h ·ir lives during the great war. lics, This hall wl1\ easily seot 1,000 et aI, for money, foreclosure of Ray C. Witte to Kathryn pred. itated' catastrophe, The vil- 3 5 7 and 9, Th er e are 33 i o n i c . persons, Just so uth of this hall is mortgage and equitable relief. Witte, 187 oCl'es in Turtleereek Washington'. Home the room of the Governing Board. lagers, grown overconfident, h od c~lu~1DS each 33 feet in heights American Slicing Machin'll" ~ township, tho~ght ~e woul~ not look there and there are nlso 33 rooms on the Not far from Adington cemetery 'The l'epresentotives of ~he Re- a ' .corporation, versus Charles O. Hom I' neH and Ethel May ugam. Olive, naVln~ seen the mea- first floor, The Sphinxe, guardin.t:' is the naval Radio Station N, A . .public gather hel'~ once a month Hilderbrant for money. Snell to The People's Buildin8L senger from the PIgeon of Noah, .thc approach werc hewn out of A, The large towers al'e 600 feet to consider the welfare of the Inah B. Harris versus Leroy Wil- LOlln and Saving Co. , of Mason, had assumed e'IToneou~ly that the large stone weig hing 10!),000 and. tal! and the sma ll nne 450 feet, Union, The last two places we son et al for portition and equita- Inlots Nos. 6 , G9, 70, and 71 in sc~<!oner was. Teady;' that Pon,ape, 110,000 pounds, the largest ever Just before you reach Mt, Vernon visited were the two Musems. In ble relief. Mm;on. selzmg the gJrl no,!", could satl at quarried in America; 'Yom ens you may see the Radio Station W. ~~e old !'Iluseu~ some of the..m~ny W. R. Cl'ihfield to Ma~aret C. once. [n , desperatIOn the brow!! Congres ional Club;, DIfferent J, . B. When we arrived at Mt. mte~estln!l', thmcs wer~:" }mdTuckel', IlIlot No, 27 In HarveysProbate Court Proceedinf. man ba,d snatched up the hat, veil Embassies and legations ; Ward- Vernon the first thing we did was berg s Spll'lt.()f St. LOUIS; Capburg. and ;amcoat; threw these about mer Pal'k H tel ; Fo rme~ house of' to go through Washington's House ta!n Fr~nlc ~awkes Texaco Eaglet The inventory and appraisement Ralph Ha s tillg~ to Florence C. the plg--cooked to send to the feast President Hoover; Home of Ex- In one room was a carpet present- glider;' ~mform coat ,w orn by af Elsie Adams, executrix of estate ·Hostings. Inlots Nos, 47 ond 48 down th,e coast. President Woodl'ow Wil 0 11; H ome ed to Wa shington by Louis 16th. Jack$o n In tbe ,battle of ' New of Ed, Y. Adams, deceosed, wos in Lebanon, Runn,mg toward the outer end of the late Nicholas Longworth; Tn the center of the carpet are Orleans, Janu~y 8: 18~6; Dr~sses approved by the court. ----of the Islet he hod hoped to dr~w District Offices and ,where Ex- the word s E . Pluribtus Unum. We of all the preSident s wIves; dlfFerWilliam Long, George F, FryBill. Allowed ,off ~lIrke and tbe crew , so the vII- President Coolidge worshipped, also aw the following things in ant types; all, kinds of gllns; Air- burger and Wendel Conover were Woodl'ow-Weil-Stllna~c Co" suplagers could rush Pulmyra shoreth e hOll se : The room and bed on plane used IJl, World War for appointed appraisers of the estate plies, $1.75; Kaufman'S, supplies, ",a,rd ~o safety. H,e would 'h~ld. the AUe'nd Meeting which Washington died; room photographing; Bicycles; Aut<>mo- of Elizabeth Halley, deceased. 55c; Lebanon Fanners' CooperaPUrsUIt by carryll'!g the pig m~ On Monday night we again ot- whel'c Mrs. Wash.ington died; biles; John Bull l~comotive; LanThe f'Ourth and final account of tive Co" coal, $17,72; L. G. Kenthe sea; perhaps hImself escap~ If tended PU1't of the Anti ,alo on ' Lafayette room; Nellie Custis gley Aerodrom Ghder and smaller L. M, Henderson, guordian of nett, shodes for court house, $8.Pona')Je fcore d the sound of firmg, League Convention of Amel'ica' i 1'00111; Kitchen in which there are on.es; qld Type Cart; Famou~ Mary E. Ellis, mcompetent was 75; George H, Anderson estate, But, one misstep, and be ho~ been We heal'~ the Honorable Wm. H. ome of his kettles, pans, wooden shIps; different makes of can~es, approved. allowed and confirmed burial services for Agricoli Naigucaught be~ore . there was time to (Aliolia 'Bill) Munay, govel'l1or table and bench; .original Wine ~lson incandesc,ent lamps; ,wnght by the court. riani, $60; George Winfield, Supt., get the 'IfIrl away. of Oklahoma ·peak. At some times chest mnde of ma·hogany;. library A.lropla~e u~ed In I~07; Fare EI'!The eighth and final account of burial, expenses for Agricoli NaiH~nce It was that she ~erseli, you wOllld think he wus against books ; Wa shington's chair and the g !ne; 011 s~lll; al1 kmd,s of medl- Jonathan M. Cook, executor of es- gUl'illnj, $10; Mrs, Mary Ennis serpeenng tC!1sely ou~, saw, Ohve led : ff\vord worn by Washington when eme; all km~s of mUSIcal Instru- tate of Maria Cook, deceased. was vice" $10; MI's. Erma Hibnal", to ~he m.al tree, his wrists bound he rel'< ig ned command of the army ments; all kmds of rubber an~ approved, allowed and confirmed ' services, $10; .A Ibert Millard, serbehmd him. , Neal' t he house stands the follow- leather goods; U. S. Army Un!- by! the court. vices, $I 0; Richard L. Williams, . She saw the master- m veMmc;nt "YOUI' BacI'ed ,wol'd to free Olive ing buildings: Barn, built in 1738' f.orm~ and the horse that General The tirst and final accoWit of serv ices, $10; Lou South, services, demand, for he~ surrender ; Ohve unh anned (ol~o the others), ond I Smoke house, carplenters shop; S~eridan l'ode in the Civi.1 War Ella T. Stanley', executrix of es- $7; W, H, Anderson Co" 1931 shake hl~ head m defia!lce. give ,m yself lIl, He shall not die s pinning ,house, wash 'house; But- With the same harness on It. tate of George W, Stanley, deceos- permanent supp lement to Page's The Villagers, cr~dl!!g oround fo~ me . If you promise, ca ll , lCl"S house and .olso sow the buildIn the new museum we .saw the ed, Was approved, allowed and Code, $11.87; Oolumbus Blank Bu~ke's gU81'ds, waited m conster- loudly- yes ,'" , ing in. which is stored 0 .carriage skull.oC a three horned Dlt;losaur: confined by the court. Book Co:, supplies, $19,25; State UST a t3llteless dose of Phillips nnbon. , . " BUI'ke uttel'ed a crow of vIctory u ed in Washington's time and he Amenc~n Mastodon;. Dmos~ur The first and final occount of J. Tl'easlll'er, due stute for support . Milk of Magnesia in water. TItal Ponape tUIl~ed to ,the.m, If yo~ Whirling towal'd that point from lIIay have ridden in it, Down along measunng 12 f,eet 5 mches hIgh. 0 , Cartwright, administrotOI' of es- agriculturol exten!lion, work, '$300; III an alkali, effective yct harmlt:'s. It would save, thiS man s hf~p~ak which he conceived the note to the Potomac river is the -old tomb and 70 feet 2 mches long; Duck tate of William P. Hay, deceased, JeIT Thompson, se'rVlces, $"6; H. hu been the stand~d antaCId f')r But Ohv~, p'ale unflmchmg, have come he nut his hands to his and also the new tomb where Billed ReJ)tlle; Armored Dinosaur: was approved, allowed and con- E, Warwick, supplies, 50c; Trus5Oyears. One spoonful will neutrali%e besought theIr stlence, mouth a nd' shouted: "No, no, NO I' Washington lind his wife are bur- Foss i) Lizard; Great .Cave Bear; firmed by the court. tees of Public Affairs, light and at once many times ita volume in acid. They ,woul~ have been ~lad ~o Then he clutchod the boy by the ied , Th eir caskets are made of Eskimo Household and dogs: IDThe first and final aoount of gas, $]~,37; E;.. ~!!.~. II~~,-'6,52_ U's the n,bt way, the quick, pleallaDl have thIS whl,te woman off . then wrist, " Show me wheTe," c n rete and they nre inside a well dian Household: skulls of.different Susan Evans BI'own, executrix of ond efficient way to kill all the hands ond Oltve f~ee, Th,e J!1paHi5 revolvcl' menac erl; the m cs' pl'otected vault, Inside the voult types of people and birds and estate of R, Carrie Brown. deceaseuesa acid, The ItOlllach becoUle8 nese ~,ould not PUIllS~ theIr YI~ld- senger began to cry. TRY . on the walls are !the following animols (}f all kinds. It was time ed, was approved by the court, .weet., the pain deparlJl. You are ing t() force, They W1~hed to YI~ld Unde r the muzzl e of the big word s : I am the res,u1'l'ection, -and to go to the hotel by now 1;0 we The est. te of Luther O'Banion. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS happy again in five min utes. -but the will of thIS one bemg weapon the Ul'chin quailefl. He was thc life saith the Lord he 'that be- went over there and saw a moving deceased, is exempt from mheriFOR RESULTS Don't depend on crude method.. held them, fast. . . oppalled at Burke':; ongel', And he Iieveth in me though 'h'e' were dead picture of the group doing differ- tance tay. . Employ the best way yet evolved in Unnoticed, a bo 3;' had worm~ I~- saw that ,hi s own people wovercd. y et shall he live ~tnd whosoever ent things while in Waehlngton. The estate of Clifton Waldo all the years of sean:hm,r. That iI to the crowd, a bIt of paper In IllS At last thel'efore, he rai ed I!- trcm- liveth and believetlh in me shall We ate our supper, then went to Unglesby, deceased, is exempt PhiWPI ' Milk f' f Magnesia. Be lure hand,· His purpose was to to,RS the bling finge l', poin ted toward a nevel' die, St. John 11 :21>-26 verses the train, and about 6 o'clock left from inheritance tax. . to ,et the gt',lIl1Ule, . note so Ponape sh,ould get It, yet group of thatches, Not fnr from this t.omb flows the fo,r Ohio. W. H. Fulkerth, administra tor "'Milk of Magnesia" bas bec.n tbe now 'know whence 1t came. But t.he The boy haltingly brought Pon- beautifu l Potomac river which is Everyone l!lft Washington havestate of Ross.Purkey, deceased U. S, lWristered Trade Mark of thl urchin. blundered. As the message a pe Burke to a hul. "In there," hc at least 1)z mile in width, We also ing 8."Ve,I',/ fine ti!!,e, thinking that of is ordered to settle claim with the Charles lI. Phillips Chemical Com left hiS fingers, Bu,rke saw. T'he whimpered , went in the house where there are the QUIZ Book . had meant so Western -and Sputhern Life InsurMONEY LOANED PanY and ill predec.euor CharIeI H white man snatched up the paper, (To be co ntinued) stored severa l relics as the follow- much to them. ance Co" for $760. unlolded it, PbiUipa aiDce 1&75.
School Boy Writes of
His Visit to Washington
By Stanley R. Osborn
If baby has
==~==~==~============.~ ---
5% Farm Loans
Never Missed .
LONG OR SHORT TIME-Ea., terms. A1so Surveylnf and AbItracting. Write and will call and l!Iee you, Sam D, Henkle, Waynelvi11e, Ohio. 111 FQR RENT
FOR RENT-Corn ground, 2'1: acres. Inquire G, J. Waterhouse•.
Piano telephone 'S6R4 John :8. Gons. ' ,
pupils. Call OT see ?!f,ril.
WANTED Harness Repairi~g and oiling, and new hames.s built. Xenia Hardware Co., 118 E: Main' St., Xenia, Ohio, -110
FOR SALE FOR SALE-Piano. inquire at. Galleite Ofllce. . FOa. SALiJ--A COod/ huh I~~ .Q~
W. Il.
. .~
THE MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CRANE. Pallll• • Sull.ulptloa Price, ,1,SO • Y Olice Pltoa ....................... No. R •• ' . L - c •
.... ·.. · ............... :No, 111
To My Valentine -
Ml·S. W. W. COS81lm entertained in her usual cliarming l\1anner at 11 1 o'clock lunche'on Wednesday in honor of her .mo·thel"1l birthday ::mniversary: 1'ho'se , present were WC1'e the guest -of honor, Mrs. ,\lury Doster, MI·s. Geo Denny, Mrs A. '. ollett, Miss Bertha Collett and Miss Ellen mi1;h of WilmingLon. Harry Shidaker is aule to bc out again, following several da y 's illness of flu. Miss (;lenllll 0 born \ as II weekend g ues t of h!!I' sister, Mrs. Howa i'll Surface and family, Il ea l' Wuynesville. Dena Dav is was an ovcrnight g u 'st of A li ce Gray Wedl1 (!i\Jay. MI'!;. io:mnlu Clii ne I1IHI su n, .Jam es, of Dayton, were weck- nu RUcsts of l'I'h-s. llll'a Merritt an . 1\11'. and Mr5. Frcu Harlan. Mrs. Mury J. Pinch is ill again il I' advanced age, 88 years, makes cll· h illn ess critical. Her son, Capta in has. Garner, of Flo Hayes, 'u lumbu s, spent Sunday with her. M·l's. Mary Doslel.' and family ente rtain ed in th eir hospital manncr at a 7 u'clo ck dinner on Frida y the following' guests : Mr. Elnd MI:s. Goo. LJenny, MI'. and Mrs. A . S. Co llett, Mi ~s May lIarlan, Mi ~s Ka t hleen Graham, Robelt Collett and Stacy Franklin Winfield. J . E .• humakel' re main s very ill at his home n Maple street. M 1'1< . Shu maker is in very poor health al so. They are being lende1'ly C~\rred for by their son, Romin e and hi s wife . Kathleen GI'a y •.pent Wednesuay night with Mayfrey and Modcna Powell. Mrs. \Y. P. McCarren is re· pO I.te d to be Ho me better. MI'. and l\Irs. M {)tt Cline and d aug II f D t 1 er, 0 ay on, were here oveMrs. r t he wee k-end. adie Reason e ntertain ed on . unday, MI'. and Mrs. L. E. Hock ett and Miss Ruth. of Wa ynesville. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wal'd were Sunday guests of Miss Laul'a Ward and Mrs. Anna Van Doren . 1\11'. lind Mrs. A . L. Kirk and g l'andson Kenneth, of Wilmington were guest s on Sunday of Mrs. R. R. Jefferis and niec.~s. Mrs. Erne t Oswald and children of Leban on, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Mary Haines and fami ly. MI's. Amanda Starr had as Sun-
By Mra. Jenie B. Tripp
."' ••ad .t Po.'oll/c. at Way" •• "ma, Oltto, •• S.e,md CI... ",.iI M.t,c.
Heavy fruit crops in 1931 have made necessary .bhe pl'Uning . of orchards, according to C. S. HoI. land, extension specialis t in hqtticulture at the O. . U., who says that the bou'ntifu·l yields of last season broke llIany branches and pulled down low limbs so that they nre heavily haded and unable to produce g ood quality fl·uit. The purpose of pruning al'e to keQP up the vigol' f the tree, to i mJ)"'ove the s ize and color of Iru it u nd to I'cguiat the size of the Lrcc, he states. Trees .properly pruned can be ~p l'ayed economically, they util ize fertilizer effici.cntly, den and a minimum amount of fruit lhinning and produce hig h qUIi lily fruit. Pruning makes all utlwl o rchlll'd ~ operuti ns easier, nlO' C cllit ien l and' less expe nsive. lll!:tri ng uppl ' tree!! fl'om ten Lo twent y-fi ve yellrs of uge ~hou ld be pruned evel'y two 01' thl'ee years OVCI' tw.,,,ty- fiv c everyone 01' two years. For bearin g appl e tr'ces, Rolland ~ l1 )!,ges ts the following pruning upcl·ation>!. Remove all low branches that Are close to the g l'0111ld 0 1' are shaded by ' oth.er brunchc8; cul uut all dead or dlse a ~e d wuod s ; removc all large brallches thal form bad rrotche ' 01' crowd exceHs ively; make all cuts clo ~e and smooth a nd parallel to lh e relllain ing brunch; where bran· ches cro ~s 0 1' where two are closely parlllle l, remove the weaker 01' less disil'able one: mak e all thinning butH firs t at ends of branches and work in towllrd the cenleI' of the tree; re mov e objectional water sprouls; the I·efm lting tree s hould have its wood we ll s p:tced with no open spots.
It send you a candy he~ll't Will you be my va lentine? With a little minor, all s e~ in And pink l'oses o n ' u candy vine? I And a shin y twi~ted wh'e ' hook To hang it by~ on YOUI' wull. Anell tell you t hnt 1 love you, Each year we observe ~I Fil'e Prevention Week during which fire W ill you love me best of a ll 'I depal'imllnts and public and private OI'gllniiations work to instruct and inte~'es t the public in the menuce of tire and ways of preventing it. On thCl heart, are fat pink c upids D.~l'Ing the week and the periUd dit'eetly following , fire loss custom- Posing, cute and full of gTace; only goes down, only to I'i KC again when the lessons leanrt!d are no Not oil thing ,have thcy g ot .on, dear longer f resh in the public mind and the first enthusiasm has passed. Buu a s mile upon th eir fac e. It would be u good idea for every pel'son to ubserve a Fire Pre. If I send you a cundy appl e, vention Yeal.'. No procla mations are necessury, no meetings 01' exhibits . And a pretty cundy peal' need be held. All thut is necessa ry is that each. of us learn, from the Honey, .will you try to love me vast litemiure on lhe subj ct 01' from talks with fire departments and In ~ J1itc of my red hair? similal' groups, how to g o about making sure bhat our property i!; as safe us possibl e from fi re . . I dared to tell you thai I loved you DUring the yeal' we s hould, ut regular intervals, make inspectio ns Or' ask yo u to be mine; to see that no waste hus been Icfb lying about in corners, that wiring And so I thought if r ju st wa ited , and chimney!:! alld flu e~ arc in good erder, that care is taken in the Perhaps you'd be my valentin c. s tol'age and li se of inflummable liquids and soon. If we are doing any If yo u only deal' ca n love m e buiJdinv. duri n.' ! th E> year, we ~ hould take care t hat it is up to the high- Ha lf, as well as I lo ve y ou, lit p llllcticnl s tandurd, us laid down by the. National Bont:d of Fire Th ere isn't mu ch, I'm he re to say, Undllnvriters. Wo shoull! join with other citizens in advocating and That for yo u, I wou ld not uo. obtaining , if needeli, adequate fire fightin g equipment for the community. . Now if you really love me L t us do thi s- and then watch the fire loss I'ecord dwindle! Don't tease, but tell me so, Not let me feel so badl y --~=== Jus t because I do not know . Please, do not keep me waiting , And let me weal' my heart away. WHERE GOOD ROADS ARE NEEDEN .oe But tell me bhat you love me, Good rood s nrc a: ess ' ntial to fann pros perity I.IS good facilities A nd by my va len tine, to-day. for' tl'lln Sport u re lo indu slrilll I)J'O!3perity. 'l'hcy al'e agriculture's ar· ICI'ies o'f prog re . s. Th e farm er wh o is abl e to tak r his goods to market, at any time ADVERTISIN VS. EDUCATION (If yellr '8nd ovel' wealhcrp1'l\0f Rurfaced highways, will always be far Ilhch ld IIi the farmcr who i~ cut oft' from communication with the outRudi o station WEAO would be sid e world by unimprov ed. ofte n-impa ssable roads. Modern use of asphal t nnd l' ad oil h !1 ~ mude th e low cost fm'm-to-market road dream deprived of the smu ll am oun t of pOMsibl e. Th e lac k of I'oad>!, of course, is not alone responsible for bad evening time remaining on it~ STUDY FARM TANGLE farm co nditi.,n s. But it ill li n important cause , 'a s is demonstrated by schedule it th e Federal Rudi o Com A T FARMERS' WEEK incl'ea sing ag itation fur good fal'1ll-to-market road in all parts of the mission aecepts the r epo lt of its ---countl'y 'since economic-a I con struction m~thod s have been developed. exami ner in the battle between WEAO, the Ohio State University Thou <ands {)f Ohio farmers and Station, and WKB T, a Youngs homemakers attending Farmers' town commel'eia l station. The recWeek at the Ohio State University nmmendation of the examiner this week ElI' e participating in the events featured by this annual Th e National Board of Fire Underwriters es timates that fire loss would !\,ive the 11 evening hours farm classic, according to an andu r ing] !l31 t otaled! ~452,017,026, as compared with $463,612,762 in now used hy WA EO to WKBN and restri ct its daytime hours con sidnouncement fl'om H. C. Ramsower 1£130. ' . . director of agricultural extension '[\l\is is a saving of more thlln $11,000,000 over the prevlou~ year erably,. This action, if ad opted_ by the at the state institution. und it is a welcome one. But there is n() couse as yet for a feehng of Monday's prdgram at the college pride. We need not s well O~T chest s. ancI: say that the .war agains,t fire commission, .would seriously limit of agricultu·r e drew one o f the is coming to an end. There IS someth1l1g sadly wrong WIth the ha~lts of the service available to the people largest crowds evel' attending the a Jl'6.opJe when carelessness with fire can cause ~he destruc.tlo!1 of of the s tate from WEAO a nd farm meet. Among the subjects property worth almost half u bilJio~-to ~ay noth1l1g of th~ mdlrect would f-o ree the evening farm pro· discussed the first part of the week 10 s whiehl totals as much or more 111 a smgle year. ~ore Important gram, broadcast each w~ek, off the air were: a policy for the control of thu~ the m()netary loss is bhe destl'uction of thousands of lives. it would certainly seem that the day guests her brothel', Da:-e s wine diseases a program of proWe have become used to establishing records in many lines, and one station owned and ope rated by Smi th, wife and so n, of Hamllduction for Ohio sheepmen, the we· have done so with fire. No other civilized nation even approaches winter and spring feeding of Ul! in th e amount of destruction. We stand alone, surrounded bar- t he taxpayers of the state for the to n. taxpayers of t he state should be "America the Beautiful," open- dairy cattle, the Ohio farm bUTeau Ten and chal'red wastes -the pI'oduct of our carelessness and allowed at least a moderate ed the prog,.am of bhe 5th and 6th in public affairs, family standards unce. And we! have no excuse to> o ft'e r. amount of evenin@: time. There are grades at assembly Friday morn- of living during the depression, 1f we can, in 1932, renlly reduce fire wns~, we _shall ,ha.ve something of permanent benetlt. II we can adopt habits of n:und that many farmel's who ca nno t take ing. With Merle Lew is announci!lg and highlights in the poultry , .make for carefu lness, and take the small tl'ouble neces!lBry to learn the time oft' during the day to listen devotions were led by Bernsta bu siness in 1931. Soils and crops were discussed le Bons of fire prevention, we ·shall have benented ,?urselves and our to the mdio any more tha n those Lewis. "Flag of the Free," was neighbors. There is nothing difficult about pr~ventl'1lg tire-and the who live in town can li sten to all sung by the assembly. A short play by visitors at the farm classic now the daytime program. For these "Getting Ready fm' a Visit," was in session at the state university fact makes such continued waste even more tragic. oeople there should be evening given by the following characters: when they met Monda), to hear broadcasts from WEAO and other Mr. Winters, Wa'y ne Gray; M~s. talks and to sit in on farms on such similar programs. Winters, Lavone Clevenger; Bnd- topics as maintaining crop proWhebher this i another indica· get, Leonard Slyder. The assembly ducti : n while lowering costs, weed tion of the devotion of the Federal sang ',',Yankee ~~odle'.' an~ another, control, a nd problem' in securing Radio Commis ion to serve the ' play, Enterta1l111lt;( :S ls!er s Beau, legume Reedings. commercial s tation' interest a was prlJsented by Mml11e Campbell On Tuesday visitors took pad against the in er'ests of the educa. ) Helen Rae ThornJiJury, Modena in dil'clIssio ns on farm taxes, the The O. s. u. Ralilo Statlo_WEAO tion . tations cannot be told until Powell, and Carl Bogan. Supt. hog and beef cattle outlook, the the final decision is rendered . In Moore made the announc~men.ts. poultry and dairy outlook, and im(H. C. Ramsower, Dire.ctor of Agricultural Extension, Presiding) the mean.t ime the. people of Ohio T~e 3rd and 4th gnldes WIll gIve proving sheep production practices 7 :00 Farnl Night Melody Milkers. '. . !:Ihould express themselves to their thIS week's progr·am. . through study of 8c(!01lnt records, ·7 :05 Why Gamble with the Pig Crop ..................... ,., ....... W. R. Krill senators and representatives, n ot Remember th~ ~luml11 play, in addition ' to hearing scores of 7 :20 Oats at its Best ................. :... ..... ....... ...................... H. L. Bor~t only on t hi s pal·ticular instance "The Cheerful .Llar, at the Gym talk on important phases of Iive7 :85 Buying Seeds for Spring Planting ............. , .... .. .. ........ ... R. D. L~ but also on radio tn general. Un· Thursday evenmg, .February J..1. Lock and crop prodillction. 7 :50 Why Keep Farm Records? ... .. ....... .... .. ........... .. .... Guy ?r!lller less consid eration is given to Mus ic by the Alumnt orchestra. . . Other days will likewise be en8:05 OpPol·tunities in 4-H Pig Clubs .......................... J. W: WUlchet stations s uch as WEAO in broad· Mrs. Myrtle Th ~ mas and ~ISS joyed by thousands of visiLors on 8:20 1'be Economy of the Farm Woodlot .. .. .......... E. G. Wlesehuegel casting educational programs con- Charlotte entertained relatives the campus during the first part 8 :35 Home of the Guernsey Cow . .. ........... ...... .. ........ .E. E. Heizer gress is going to I'eorganize it~ from Dayton Sunday. of this week; some of the most 8 '50 Making Highways Last Longer ..... .................... ~. C. Snyder whole theory of broadcasting and MI'. and Mrs .. J . W. St~wart had helpful features of Farmers' Week . . State HIghway Dept. baT all adverti ing from the ·air. Ill< guests EI SI~lpson, hIS daugh· February 1.5, will be continued - Editorial in The Ohio Farmer, ter and her famIly. thl'ough FI'iday. January 23, 1932. Mrs. W. E. Ogle:~~ee' was shopping' out of town thIS week. __ Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, called Rule. to Prevent Roup 9n Dr. Tripp SundElY. Miss Mabel E. Starr, of Dayton, _ F our ways to pI'event roup arc: vi ited her mother, Mrs. Amanda I> "Jq"",~~~,,¥. Keep the birds in a strong, henl- Starr, Sunday evening. :~...b~~~~m thy, thrifty condition; keep lhe . .....~ . . "'~ ....... HOME . TIMDE AT HOMI • poultry house clean and dry; stop ItIVUIL IU up crack., espec ially around the . Heavy aplication of lime materi~.~ ':'::~' _ roosts, so as to avoid dra.f ts; and a ls may be applied la nv tim~ in the ";",",,,'p~ disinfect the poultry house at reg- l'otation before the clover IS seedular intervl),ls during the winter ed. Ligiltel' application are best months when roup is at its peak. made while preparing the seed bed for the legum e with which the clover is to be seeo1ed or later, .FEBRUARY to, 1932
Fire Prevention Year for the Individual
Where t;ood Roads Are Needed
No Cause for Pride
Farm hight 1alks, februarv 15
= ====-==-===..:====
Odd-But TRUE
.$ 1.00
The Roxanna and W ~ynesville Canping ,Plants Sub.~Tib. for the Miami Gazette Subsc ribe for the Miami Gazette
EPAIRING Wa tches locks J ewelry
Store Open Evenings
5:1-p..e montbl,. mOIl"
.In& o..m",OI1lull 01 bun ",
~~:i>P?:~~it:..'~~~~:tu~:;d f8~~~;~1::_ci~~I~~f.~~. pl .... Gob ...d,aw"
to,•• Only $1.00
JESSE STANLEY r' hone 320, New Bui-Hnlton, Ollie EARL KOOGLER Dayton Phone KEnmore 8986
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Speciatist
rr.enelt Bldg. 1I08ton, M ....
'·a y n ~Mv lll c .
O hio : b,· ,·. I. "'h n t
1l111uicipHlil y
c ounty
State 01 It th e
\\'Ithln n~
PAl NSf ~n In! lure
\\'t ) ~l< 1\'
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n 'lW MpA p.r
or general
LebanOb, Obio Tue.day, Tburaday, Satlll'cIa,. Examlaatioa Fr•• LEBANON, OHIO
you take Bayer Aspirin you of two things. I fS'sure relief,
lad it's hannleos. Tho~ tablets with :::::::=~~~'!!!!!I~~~~~~ the Bayer c:ros& do not hu~t the heart. , ~-----fake tbem wcene·..er yOI,l suffer from 4
Headaches Colds Sore Throat Rheumatism
- - -
Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache
When your head aches-from any cause-when a cold has settled in your joints, or you feel those deepdown pains of rheumatism, sdatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN' &<et noal relief. If the paclcage says Cattle, hogs, sheep and cal.,.. Bayer, it'. genuine. And genuine your to Norris-Brock Co., live wil'tl aDa Bayer Aspirin ill safe. pro'gressive firm for the hlab_ market prices and reod I.rile., Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer Union Stock Varela' Cincln_tl, O. mauufacture of ~nonOllc.t:ticacidentel' Tune in on Radio Station WOltY of aalicyllcacid. 2 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dally market reports.
Nati~nal Beak
DraWll • • E.tate. Seuletl WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
:01 ro nqwll l l\'e blddlnj!' Ihe hltrh es t 1'1It p of Intel' ('s t n .,,1 ~I\' .. It soorl Iw<I " urr ie li' 1l 1 b ond or e .lcltrl l )' t n ,' " 1:1 1<1 Illl) n ey A~ 11I' OV III e I In th ~ (1 c n .. rnl I~(l d o f Ohio. , Se c. J I. Notl c " of th e Int ention tn \'I'Cl' i\' " b it! fol' th e r1 e posiL of !,al" Illu n it' s
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Dead Stock Wanted
a ll l," h llc monies com- .._ _.a__....l~____..._ .. IlIg I" t. , Lh e hall! s of t.h e Irclls ure ,· .' "r ~lIld \'llIa l':! 'bl" d e poslled In 811ch
h"n lc or h:uik s s llnal,'
30 Years Experience In Fitting and Making Gl .....
Aches and
oomlng Inlo t.h e hlln'l ~ of t.h e . or th e Village of \\ n~' n "a ' I o f. lIy th e C ou ne,
,h .. Vll1 ag~ (It
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
" ' l" n ~ "I''''
d ll p. '0111'>. II." II n rt1ni n~ "
....J umble I nrormlltlon .houl
T " pl'",'I ll" fol' lh ;;- .I epos lt or all '
llIolll os
Sailin' CLarlie Sa,.-
----- ,
per ton
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
c~r ..
"lI ln t Ion In "airl county >for not l e88 , h"n t n <1 1\. \'. prior t o th e dnte fixed fo r r eceivin g s al ,l bid s: . 1' h e bld~ s hnll be tiled wIth the 1('1'1, o f "a l<l \ ilIIIS nnd the Butrl,' I n o \' of th e bonn 0" secu rity otter~ " b ;: thl' 8 11e us rlll ',Idde .. sl1all he dl' t e rmln ,I b\' Ih e COllnc il ror said Vi lln g..,. Th e ·l' (!I· to.l. tor which the rOrl "'ne t t O I' I he d e posit ot 8111d " 10 1l1". s hall bp mari e. shall Ibt' tor l '",O \ ('\\I' S : lind th .. lI eglnnln(t of the f l1·~t · c nlm.et t o lie I\S ot February 1. 1 ~ :J ~ . Sect Inn lilT. 'I'h Is ordinance ,hall 'ak efrert n",1 be In force f.rom " nd aft o r th t' ea rll at p e riod nllowI'd 11\ , In l\'. I' no. d 1·'ch'·lULI·y I. 1932.
------=-::..::-====== FINDS 4.H CLUBS AID RURAL HOMES
Although the chief object of 4-H club wOl'k for Ohio boys and 8,jrls is not to keep the youngsters on the farm, the club movement in 'the state is resulting i·n the stren. T . E. ROGERS. gthing of farm homes and in makMayor. ing for a richer ,home life, accord',: It'''~ ( : It . 1". 1-1 A·'I'FIELD. ing to Guy Dowdy, assistant 4-H f :: -10 Clerk. -club leader a( the Ohio State University. OIl.DIN'ANt:·E NO. 136 Quite often, he says, the bo" 'ro ·slnhlltJh 11 Bou,-;'d of Trusteell hlUl preferred stock in responsi~i1. , r 1·' lr "lI1en·8 rnd mnl ty Fund tor the ity but only common stock in 'the V 1\ In,:' or Wu,ynes vllle. Wa,rren authority ~or tbe farm enterprise. cO~~lf~' 2~~'ned by the CO~MI1 or al\d to add insult to injury this. IIt~ 'VllIllge of Wllrncsvllle, Warren common stock does not >carry any . Co u nt,v. OhIo : . voting ·power.: Spc. r. Thnt n rt,>n",l or Trllste4!& ' M I b d ot .th .. Flrem ~ n'8 I.ndelllonity F\md any rl,ll'a 0)'S nee .a more to'r th Villnge Ol~ 'WRYnesvllle.. sympathetic ·and wholehear~cd op\\'1I1'.r ~ n ounty. OhlCt, eon8r~tUig ot portun'ity to ,p~rticipate .intimately sh III em berR, ,dsi!!lellt8 '<iIt' .aId in 'flhe task .o f ~arbiing on the' home ~!II~~~',I~ e(~nl~1 I':!~~~J: ~~~~~~II!~~~ farm'. Such ~n . opportunitly Is ot:r:--2 '· f t'he G neral COde' or OhIo! fered by,,·the ~"H -clubs and hel'lls rLml l hnt the members o.t tl\e 8&ltI mlmY boys to become more 'inter[1ollr(1 Jf.hall b l,\ elt;!cted In aceordnncl,\ • h' f Th I b 1_ )\'lI h n Id ilhnl l he s ubject \Jo all the ested In t e arm: .e~. u • aa;od pl''lvlslonll ot ~nlfl code. . al8lst rural youth In maktn« a suc• , '. [I. 1111111 ordlnl1nc~ allall take. cesa of a . pl"ojeet, and afford an r·'(tl-ot n nd l,e I'll force fTom and atter 't 'f h to 0 L..... the earliest period Allowed b, law. oPJlortum y .or t e parents 1"11 RSNI F'ebruary I. 1932. 1l!et;Ve that young. peovle .can make . T. E. ~~~'I a suceeu of a rel!ponalbiltw ,wlien Attellt! R. F : HA,TFIEt:.D. aJor, they have the. proper Betting and • (3·10 Cler!f.. enCQurqemR
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Unell. Gueeb included M.... RobMOTHERS' CLUB HAS THE OPENING OF THE ert FurnllK. 1\1 lAS Ludwir. Mr.. INTERESTING MEETING BICEN,!£NNIAL CELEBRATION IlItlll ... 8, JE'un Turnn." and Mrs. 14 • Intyre. A II. w('re ReQ'ed to a The Wayne Township Mother's PI'c!lhll)llt Hoover will officially dninty IUllch by Mh~. Walto]! Wile lub met at the Grade building on open the nine-Inonths, nation-wid.c lion, IIH!lillt d \)y Mrs. Raymond };"'riday afternoon f last week. Geo rge WMhington Bicent~nnial Wi\ ~on . Th t' ti on at 1I00n (Eastern e mee Lng was opened by. lUi time) February 22. wh n .. Lhe n ,\V ' law CO'1' the payment joi ning in a song. T he program he willdeliver his George Wash-I::=====--:::-~-=~===!: of J.l rsonal tax is e·ntirely differDuring the. past lVeek, everal a jo ===:::::-:========::-=---;;'=_ enl .from the . oltl the Auditor is wU ' put on by. the three of the iugton ndtlrc~s b 'for have been absent WiLh gri.pp , inmaking e\'cry effo rt to make it as 10~\'llr gl'atlcs. Miss Campbells room meeting (ff Jlgr BS, a sembled IIiF==========~="i1 cluding one (\1 our cheer leaders, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH. eth ook . of Wilmin tO il, was conv.cnicrit ,fol" the tnx payers U8 sang a .song, George W·ashington. in the Hou!le of Rep L'esentatives Ruth Salisbury, WHEN hel'ellvomellt comes R v. Fortman in the apitol. The Judges of t he in \Vu5'llC8ville t.od ay. p()~l\lblc, 1 h' plnns are experithl'Qugh t he passing a:WflY Ten girls oj' Miss Laura Mc. upreme OUI·t, meinbers of the Ihc!~tul !l!ld will not be pedect, so First and Third unday Mass nt The Eighth Grade . Hom Ec. o{ .a. 1 Y don e, lho ympllKinsey's room then sang ~ song. ubinel, for('ign dip lomllts and "All Inn cent Dc!'pc('fl ., at he IS a~k lllg YOUI' indulgence. girla !hu"e b en studyiltg in the 8 :00 a. m. 'ec. nd, ,Fourth and thy of friend>:! m e~n s ~uch. Miss Marion Wharton ,g ave a muny other di~ti nl!'uished visitol'B labon,tory. We have cooked dried Fifth Sunday, !llas at 10:30 a, m. h Gym Thu\' 'duy Il ,ighl, Tarc11 3. .I Ie ~X IH:cLs to huve a repl'esentatl C III ('aeh township where In. I'ead!ng entitled Washington. fruits, ·m nde bevel'll·ges and cooked also will be prese nt , nnd tho ndA t. s uch 1\ lillle theY' are l\h'. R. 1\1 . IT llwke wus a busi- fOl'lilalion cun be had and where core\lls. We all e njoy this period WAYN~SVILLE M . E. CHURCH M~8s Mar~ Eva LeMay gave a dress will be Cll lTied lo every glad be fI >rmitbed asr.eudmg ness vi. it r in incinnn(i, Monday. t:lxes cun be listed und instrucentitled "Tis Splendid to corner of America ov r a Ill.ltio nvery much. sif< \. in any \ ay. G. C. Dibert, Pas'tor bl)t1l! fO!' pnymcnt ~' iv e n. It vo so Grandly." wide ho ok up . . Thl' I~am es for th,;se repl'csen tuAs you r fu nerlll direetors W. H. S, Victoriou. Miss Doris Beck rendered a Following his IIddre~s, Pregitl nl Wed nesday: The J I'. hoir meets TUllC in on lhl' '. & TJ . p l't1gram, l iv e:; \1'111 be publi ~ h d later. w ' ,too, wiRh lo g i v yo u in the church lmmediute ly aflel' .piano so lo, "The dance of the Hoover will be c~co ,·t('d to the W. H. . played a very excitin g . \.n t h", W K1 (1\'cI'Y.' 1I nday Be low th instl'uc l ions furnished t1 owo r~.'" /o";lIst steps of th e npitol, lind will C\'c'ry rri nclly and comgame wilh Morrow .Hi., Fridny schoo l. Bible study and pruyer uHf·moon lit 2: 15. hy The Tax om mis ion of Ohio ('11I·ting Il SS istlince. Miss ampbell's room gave rec-1 r,ive th.e ~!It 1\nl for th singi ng of night, Januory 5, a.nd were virtori- mceting at 7 :00 p. 1l1. This week which"will help in making returns: itution und song "The F lag." we will ~ udy lhe parable of forI America . by u .c horu s uf tC'n 1\11'. Orville .1. Gray i ~ ut liner ous with a ~ re of 20 to 1iI . It i ~ 1\11' d si l'e and p urI. I ax return s mu t be made in Mr. Kenniso n Young's room \ lh ? u.sand vOle s. It 1l'.l!xpc,ct<;d th~t A more t hun capacity crowd at- givcne 's, "The Tw o Dcbtors," and being onfilled to h i!' homc !lover· dupli cate betwcen Februa l'y 15th p llH' (0 d u every thing in "The nn.1 erciful e I'Yant. " hoir gave a radio program consisting of ~ll.lIlo~IS o~, people WIll Jom ll~ till" tended and the wild cheering led 11 1 dl1~-s with grip. lIl' p.,Wl'l· Leo make the fuanu MUl'ch al fit. a song, the "Star Spangle Banner.' Sl, ~g' as It COll1 'S ove r tho all'. our t.eam on to victory. . practice III 7 :'15 p. m. III'rlll ~ l'l'\'icl'~ >l !l dignified :! . A pe nAlty of 50 'l< will be add- A rcuding of lh "Gett 'sb l' I he great (.horu s guthered at ._unday: Su nday school at [1 :30 Mrs. Ann a Gihbon ~ . ~li ~ :, l\1ary The seco nd team W OIl by a sc ore 1'111.) t11~illg II:! fl l'e £ul planed .fur e lTOIl Co U!' listing, failure of 17 to 12 und the grade team a. m. 1I1orning wo hip at ]0:30. Brown :lnd 1\11'. .1r11llCS (; ibb ons to II!;t or to rna kc l'I~ tur n on or be- Spe l'c h" by Robt. Hiatt. A) re~d~ lhe Ca"pitol will be contl.ucted by !li ll/l', )'1'1I1'l'1' Hrrn n ~e m e nts The Boy Sco ut s will attend this ing Hoover's proc lamation of the Walter pamrosch lind "nil be II Cleft londa y morning fCIl' Fl orida. by n score of J8 to 17. ulld p 'r fed ullJ10intments rore Murch a I. meeting in u body and the se rmon ~UOt.h Anniversarv of Washing- co mpanied by the nt~ed Lnt e' lil1t1 <'Cluil'lllt' ll l cun make :\. A II IbLing Illll .· t be made as to n' s birt h. A song of the fla b Ar~lY, !':Invy unci MUl'ln~ bUild s subject. will be, "Two Oltl Teslal\(es.TS. I lnclley Men den hall lind W. H. S. Win. From Lebanon Hi. th<'l1l. g y whlc~ wll} play us a u.n.lt under mell t Scouts." Epworth Leagu e at e ha'r les T. Ell is at tendl·d th I' :.I 1' 1ll uf tht; beginn ing of Janua ry 1, un· ~ve l yn John s. I ' Rfi h:Jca l yetu' perm it is scc ured Waycehs lllet Lebanon on thei r 6.30 p. Ill. At 7 :30 p. m. we will Mrs. Anna Catlwullader had the ,~!rect lOn o~ John P~lhp SOIlSII. Bureau Jo'lll·li li1.l:r nlecting at Such nnni sun' ices are a fru lll the Tux ummissio n of Ohi o. charge of the devotions. She read I All ma uguru l crowd I S exp c~ed tloor Saturday night, February G, show stereopticon pictu res on the .n ·nl 'orn fUI·t ill b<! reave4. One-ha lf o f tax must be paid a most ex.cellent story of Hannah t o be on hand for these Cerelll 01l10S and beat them by a score of 21 subject of " Twigs fo!' Bending." L bunon, today. Ill l'nt tlncl II cOIHlll ling memll rdurn is filed or return is to 20. Maroon & W·hite took the You are cordially inviled to atSe nll your stock to The Crnw. whl' • - - - -- ory in the yetll '~ to (·o me. not tlccml'U filed und penulty will the mother of the prophet Samuel lead in the begiDlling of the game tend any or ull of thcse services. ford Commission 0. . nion 'tock be u:<se;;scd. und then led in pra yer. HAPPY HOUR CLUB and the half ended with a score .of s Cincinnllti, lhro\l~h W. P. Mr. Young's room received the n. Ii ougl·hol l goods arc NOT 10 to 2 in lheir favor. During the WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Yard ali sbury & So n. fl ower box for the present month TAXABL I~ unless used in bu siness third quarter, the score stood 17 The Happy Hour Club was deCHRIST of February, Miss Campbell's lightfully to 3 in favor of Lebanon. Then in entertlli ncd at the Mrs. Carl Frye und M1'. . W. G. .House hold J!Cluds in hotels room r eceived the picture. (Undenominational) the last quarter the W. H. S., home of Mrs. Walter Wilson. Fry(' attenucd th e fUllcml of the "OOllllng houses, tuurist camps and Phone 7 After the business session Mrs. team came to life, and at the end Chester A. Williamson, Minister latter's uncle .Juckson Fryc lit home,; wh e l'e tourist or roomers Mu sic was furni shetl by Grace Eurl Hockett gave a most excel· of the game, after our boys had " Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Leballon, Tu e~ du y aftcl'lloon.' Furnas and readings by Esther nrc I(cpi. A HE TA XABLE. Waynesville, Ohio \ 7. Aut omob il es arc NOT TAXA- lent record of interesting facts Mitchener, Mlll'Y K. McIntyre, fought Lebanon off their feet the The School that is different." a nd developments of the Mothers sce>re read 21 to 20 in fav~r of Lord's Supper at conclusion. ChrisMiss Emma lI t:'ighwtly rece ived nLI~ unl ss h e~d · a'i merchandise. Club which has been in existence Reba Bl'add ock and J ean Bunnell, no~ne but the Waycehs. Most of tial1 Endeavor at 6 :30. p. m. Lois word last wc ek, of the !'<e l'ioull ill- ' 8. A dedu ction of $ 100 cun be fifteen years. The g rowth is also a cont(1st of hea rts lind val en- l!:- - ~ -'-="Waynesville turned out to see this Pennington, Leader. Evening ness of he l' sislet·, Mrs, Eliza made ~rom ~ota l listed vulu e of wondet1'ul an d it has accomplished game and }'(lU are safe in saying evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. Jacobs, at hel' h01lle in Gainesville do mes~lc anllllais but f l'om no much. they got their money's worth. ' other Item. Sermon subj ect, "Lost." Prayer F la. Mr.. Carl Duke then gave an inThe Second team also won by a Meeting and Bible Study each 9: No taxpayer is excused from structive talk on how to plant a score of 22 to 18. It was a f88t Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. The Mary Langan a tl'lIin ed nUI'se It stlll~ becuu se he uid not receive tree. and exciting game, Lebanon being church w here you feel at home. fl'om Xenia is u~. isting Mn,. Lena 11 blank but must procure one, and During the social ,hour refreshahead until ~e last quarter. Hartsock in carjng fur Mr. make- rctuI·n. ments were served by Mrs. RayOur boys ·showed some real Caroline Siaucr at the Frie nds 1.0' Domestic animal useD in ST. MARYS CHURCH Conner, Mrs. Frank LeMay teamwork in the last quarter but Home. agl'1cu ltul'e must be listed at 50% mond Rev. J. J . Scheffer, Rector of tl' U~ value and tho e not used Mrs. Russel Salisbury, Mrs. S. B: we wish they would use such team Hall, Mrs. Emel'Son Earnhart and • A~h Wednesday, February 10. • • • work, and playas hard through. J . E. Fralli r, loeul tinner, III agl'1cu l ~ure must be listed at MI·s. S. S. Ellis,- Club Reporter. . 'Out the whole game instead <5f ServIce at 7 :30 p. m. First Sunday und erw en t an operation at Mc- 70 % of tnlc ValUE!. . • I}. Fa l'm tools, machinery and k~epin~ UB in suspense a s to who in .Lent, February 14, Church Clellan ho, pital, Monday. Accordschool at !J :30. Morning Prayer ing to the latesl repo rt, he is get- ~qu lpm e nt and a ll farm products ATTENDED FARMERS' WEEIC WIll wm. • • and se~mo n by Rev. Karl Nybladh, • • Mr: Pyle says: l!l hands of the fal'mer must be ling al ong nicely. hsted ut 50 ')'(; of true value. .. ~ believe that the boys figohting of Chrls~ Church, Xcnia, at 10:30. Nineteen men and thirteen • • • 1.2. Merchants must list mer- ~vomen from Warren, County 'Were IIpiTlt really made their strong MI'. and Mrs. Ralph While and We .till Lave a few . ize. of Goc.drich Tire. at greatly re.comebaek po sible in the last FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST daug'ht I', Betty Marie. and Mr. chanclise, supplies, furniture and m attendance at Ohio State UnIquartel' o.f the Lebanon game. duced price •. versity during the big farmers (Undenominational) und MI'S. RU Rsell White. of Day. fixtures at 70 % , of true value. 13. Man ufactul'cs must list a ll round up at State Agricultural Waycehs line-up follows: Davia Chester A. Williamson. Minister ton were undny afternoo n guests tools,. machinery and eq uipment College according to announceand Ellis, forwards; Savage, cenof MI'. ~~ d Mrs:. \~l!.e~EI ::y . us ·d 111 manufactu l'e, inventory of ment from County Agent Class ter. TW'Iler end Wallace, guards; . Church School at 9 :30 a. m. February 14 will be "Heart SunSubs. Barton. FARMERS' WEEK PROFITABLE ,·u \\' and finished products and who. was in attendance part of th~ ~oods in proce s kep t and on hand sessIOns and Who reports further Lebanon Hi. Lineup: Hancock day." Hearl; Songs, Roll Call, Heart Verses. LOl'd's Su.pper en d III the country wh ere manufactur- t hat a large number also listened Nixon, forwards; Alexander cen~ Whe n you mix lIcvc1'll1 th ll Stl nd cd,. lit 50 'i l of book value. All to the talks by radio even though ter and Turner and Trea'dway sermon' at 10 :30 a. m. A heart to guards. Su~s; Crouper and South: heart talk on, "The Heart of the farmers with seve ral hU1H\I'etl news filll shed produc.ts Ike pt outside of t hey ,c ould. not attend personally. Mus ter." A service that will do pupel' men thero i s b und to 1'e- co unty where mnnufactured to'your ,heart good.! A hearty wel- suit in many intcrcsting stol;ics, g th er with f urniture and fixtures Almost 300 talks were scheduled Pep Me•• i.a Friuy come awaits yo u. Come! Love t he both of a political anti cconomic 1l1u 'l be listed at 70 % of book ~ealing ' with soil fertility, crops, Itvestoc~, horticul~ure, cooperative . High School students assembled Lord thy God with all lhy heart IUlture. Thllt's the '\Vuy it was in vulue. marketmg, taxutlon and various In. study hall for a first .class pep- and with all thy soul that t\:tdu Columbus la ~ t week. Farm rs meeting Frida.y .t 9 :35. were there to nltcnd the annunl 14. Professiona l men must Ii t far m and community problems. mayest live. Deut. 30 :6. Miss Dennis entertained them lectures at hio Statc .University, I,lll furniture and flxtures, books Farm Bureuu leaders arranged for with an amazing accouht of hel' and newspapet· men wcre there to ~~s~~.um Ilts ~nd s upplies used i~ a n,umber of prominent speakers trip to" MBllon on January 29, 1932 SILAS ALLEN ROLAND attend their annual convention . It II profe slo n at 70 % of true dUl'lng Monday and Tuesday while the Grange Program was especial' Pep talks were given by basketegat!on of va 1ue. 5 All ta 'bl was a r epresen t n t ·Ive d e I ball pl!lyel'B. 'firls meeting helped IIhe fine mun an d women that make .ty . . . ngl e pers~mal prop- ly feat ured on Friday the closing to bring a crowd to the games Silas Allen Roland, son of up Ohio's pop ulation. Th ed itors lh . (VISible property ) IS taxed at day or. the week. Among those registered from ovel' the ·w eek-end. George and Abigail Roland 'wa s got a littl e in~ ide political informu- ' c sume lax rate as real estate. __ • born October 27, 1861 at Mt. tion, not all of it to t heir liking ! b J~. l~vestmentiS, s uch as stocks this community were: Paul Duke Holly and died. January 28, 1932 while the I'und repre!\entntive~ I h on( s, .0dLes , mo.rtgages, etc., that Guy J. Hockett, Mr. and Ml'B. at his home nen r Middle Run. spent most of th ei r timc in t.he " ave pal any. mcome, large or L. Mendenhall, M. S. Miller. Ever011 Octob'er 11. 1 !J05, he was clus~ room und demonstrati on de- 5,£la.lI, must be. hsted .at the amount ett Early, Mrs. Elsie R. Hockett . united in marriage to Nurta L. pnrtm ent, t r yin g Lo learn new Income paId durmg the cal en- and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall. . Mrs. Burton Earnhart remains Henderson. ways to ma ke ends meet. \\lith ~l: yca.r ,. wheth~1' received by you very ill. With the exception 0'1 a few farm prices the lowest in yelll'!;. ~r~ .l JlI JOI h o l~e1. and are taxed at OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon and yeal'B bis entire life bas been s'p ent Both edit(ll" and farmer were o~ SU)l!h lOeome. (not 5 % of Mrs. Michael, Ml'B. Herbert Mar- in or neaT this community. It is benefited by th eir brief stuy in e value. latt and Mrs. Emerson Dill attend- impossible to put intowords the Co lumbus. 17. nvestment.s t hat have paid . Amos Hough, eldest son of Jos____ •_ _ no incomc are tnxed at 20c on Iah Hough, was born December 2 ed the funeral -of Ml'B. E. J. t~its that have, through out his 1844 and passed from this life o~ .,100 of true value. Ruthe,rford's father, of Lebanon Me, · endeared him to his family . 18. Deposits in banks or build- January 23rd, 1932, aged 87 yeal'B YOUNG FRIENDS GROUP Saturday. ' and friends. tng. & Loan c.ompanies outsid e of 1 month and 21 days. On January . Oanne1drain Roofing is made of COP·R.LOY, the Mr. and Mrs. George Smith are He was a member .of the Mt. 12th, 1865, he was ·married to moving into the Ling property Holly ~. E. chureh and took an Th e lo cal young ]i'l'i ends Group 01110 that paid over 4 % income Copper Alloyed Steel, and protected with a highly duhere_ activ:e part in its B~rvices as long nrc und ertaking a s urvey arId study are ta~ed as productive invest- Sarah Lamb W110 died on 17th, 1906. To this union weTe !llents at 5';1, of amou nt pair! durMr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and as hIS' Ihealth permitted. rable coating of pure zinc. Patented lap construction ~f p,:o~lem : of our community daughter, Dorothy spent Sunday 'He is survived by his wife and hfe, maludlllg Economic, Social Ing the year, and those paying 4 0/. bol'll four sons, Harry, Clifford, forms a channel that drain~ water from the roof. with Mr. a;nd Ml'B. Herbert Marlatt two daughters, Mrs. Morris Dill of a!ld Civic r esources and opportuni- 01' less ure tax.ed at 20c on $100.° Frank an<l Clarence. Cora, the 19. Taxable cred its being the mob~erless daughter of a distant and bmdy. Afternoon callers this commumty, and Mrs. Karl ties. This protection is found only relative, was brought into their were Mr. and ~rs. George Bratton I 'Franz of Lebanon; tWI() grandAt our n ext meeting' w nre to lotal of current accounts receiv- home when she was but an infant of Dayton, OhIO and Mr. Frank children one sister Jane of determin e th e area' includ ed in the able (receivable in less than one in Cbanneldraiu and is your I Bratton of McComb, Ohio. Roxann~ a~d two bl'dthers, Jerry commun ity . Rhodes Bunnell will yen I') less the current accounts and was reared as their own child. Mr. Hough was ever a faithful u,urance of trouble-free roofpayable (payable in less than one Mr. and Mrs ..Raymond Osborn of near MIddle Run and Edward lead the disc ussion. hu~band, a kind father, and a good year) are taxed at 30c on $100 ~ent Sund~y W1th Mr; ~nd Mrs. ·o f Xenia, besides several nieces ing service. Let us tell you The meeting 'will be helel Sunmerson Dill and son B111y. ' and nephews. Although his passing day evening. at the hom e of Laur· No debts otber than those claslli: neighbor. All 0'1 ,h is married life has been spent in Warren county more about CbfUlneldraio. current Ilccounts payable fied a s .Mrs. Kath~rine Walah and chil- was a shock to us allence Furnas. and for many years he has lived in are allowed as a deduction. dren of Xema, spent · a few days Who, ,who would live always, away 20. P ersoral tax not paid be- Ha~veysburg . and its vicinity. with. Mr. and Ml'B. Elmer Royer. from ,bis God, NOTICE com es a li en on rt~ al estate. . Bel.n!r of a quiet, pleasant disltllJl!! Clara DaU8htel'B 'spent Away from yon 'heaven, that bliss~ pOSItIOn, he has always 'been high. 21. $locks in Ohio corporations Sunday witli Mrs. Mary Vetters of' ful abode, Iy I'espected and well liked by all as well as foreiglll stocks are now The new fire siren will be blown Spring Valley.. Where the rivers of pleasure fiow who knew him. taxable and muslt be returned by at 7 <I 'cl ock sharp on the sccond MTII. Flora Henderson and o'er 'the bright plains, He leaves to mourn bis loss, family iijlent Sunday afternoon And the noontide of glo·r y eter- and fourth Mondays of each month the owner. three son~, Harry, Clifford, and for approximately two minutes. 22: Incol'Pc:>rated companies are with her father, J . L. ?dadatt. naUy reigns; Ml'B. Frank Kelli s is on the sick Where the saints of all ages in The purpose of this is to be cer- reC]uu'ed to· give II eomplete list of Frank, mne grandchildren one tain t hat it, is working properly. all stockholders, which will be great-grandchild, a brother, ' Charlist. . harmony meet; In case the siren continues to checked against each individual le.s HOUgh of Waynesville, a sill· Their Savior and brethren transter, Mrs. Nettie Emeriek of Lytle . blow longer than the first two min- r('tUl'n. ported to greet, Cora's daughter, Mrs. Veda Brown utes it will indicate a fire. ~3 . The Tax Commission of While the anthems of rapture unand her six children, and a host of Oh iO has authority to supervise ceasingly roll, and check any or all returns in the other relatives and friends. And the smile of the Lord Is the HARVEYSBURG State. feast of the soul? CUd of TbaDu 24. F?r those making correct ALMOST NEW Mrs. Horace Hatton entertained returns m 1932, immunity may' be I wish to express my tbanks to Card of Tbanka a small company 011 Sunday. A gl a~ted ~y. ~he Tax Commission my relatives, fll'iends and neigohWmaellone third of ita origW e des ire to thank all who help. sumptuous turkey dinner was ser- agal'n s~ hablhty :for false returns bol'B for the sympathy and kind- ,------------------~------,' ness shown me during the illness inal value. No down pay- ed in any way during the illness ved to the fo llowing guests : MI'. Illad ~ In :Cormer years. ment neceasary. Phone 25: ~ax ret~rns are not open to and death of my deal' father. und at the death of our husband a~d Mrs. E. E. Way. of Sharonvllle, Mr.. and Mrs. Ren Gaines pu bhc IIlSpection. ____ • _ . Cliff Hough. and father. 26. The first half of real estate Mrs. S. A. Roland and, Mr. R. Gaines. of Hartwell and' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. tax mu st be paid on or before Mrs. Morris Dill Mrs. Mary Doster entertained a December 20th and the last half on Mrs. Karl Franz Dayton, Ohio FUlton 5163 number of guests at a dinner party ?r before June 20 unless the time -"""'! FI'iday evening. IS. e~tende d by the County Como' .... -- - 1111ssloners. The last half of perMrs. Emma Gibsonia spendlD4r sonal tax must be paid on. or beTOTAL NUMBER AUTOS a few days with her daughter, Ml'B. fore September ~!Oth. of Bellbrook. Th e totnl number of motor 27. A taxpayelr may tile a copy FJarold Rogers Dally Except ·Sunday Mawdie Bingham 0'1 near vehicl es anti tl'Uilel's registered in of his Fed~ral income return in- Mt.Miss Holly spent Sunday with Mr. December, the month - in which s ~ea~ o~ hsting his investments and Ml'B. Hiley Gibson and famautoists secure new tagH, was 1,- Yleldmg mcome. ?8. St?cks and bonds that have ily. and MTS. Joe Pennewitt and 070,894. Statistics compiled in the Motor Vehic le Division' of the pal~ no meome during the calen- Mr.Mr.and Mrs: Foster Mote of office ,o f Secretary of State, dar yea r ~hould be listed at the Franklin spent Sunday afternoon Claren 7e J. Bl'own, disclose values quolc~ !n stock exchange or with Mr. and Mrs. Frallk Hartsock that I, cen ~ c tags we r e sold fol' at t he preva,!mg market' price as Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell !J57,l!)7 pllsscnger cars, 96 .1G4 of Jan;.tary .1st; or if no such mar- spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. tI'ucks, 1,864 ('ommercial passen- ket pl',tce can be determined then and Mrs. Bert Bunnell and family. gel' cars, LJ ,883 trailers, 955 mo-I at estimated fair market va'lue Pauline Gibson is on the to rcycl~., ~:!O side cars and 2,505 . 29. Annuities are taxable at a sickLittle Hst with tho whoop~ng (!ough. d~aler h cen ses. These fi gures Ils~ d valuation determined -on the <.h sclosetl a de crca~ c of 12 % as baSIS of a spec ial formula provided compared to the same mo nth a by law. ' ye,a r ago. :rhis pr.o~ablY was due . 30 I~come frolln .Federal bonds property in .several counties must to ecun omlC: cnnd ttlOns preVAiling stocks Iry Federal.J..and Banks and lI!,t of Inter~County fonn to be at the present time. other . lDstrum~nt.alities of the furnlsbed by the Tax Commission Federal, Government and all Ohio of Ohio, and retUrn made direct to su bdivisi9n bondEI, 'issued priol' to tbe Commission. ..' . NOTICE JanuarY 1st, 1918,. are hot taxable 34, All watercrafttUled on 'wat31. r~able p r operty in your ers In or adjol.nlD4r Ohio and air· . 'I'D o.ut: man~ patrons Lhroughout possession be.lon'ging to another eraft . not used exeluslve in busi~ . the commumty. We will 'do pel·.s on or corporation must be de- ness in another state, muat be' listbusin.c!>11 thl"ough The CrJl,wford' llel'lbed. on your return fol' in- ed ",here owner resides, (not Qplmission Co., Cincinnati; Ohio f-ormatlon purposes. where -they _are locat(!d) 'on listing on anti after Jan oarv 1st) Maurlng 32. Stocks and deposits in Ohio day. . you the beKt of Aervic . botli for ban~s ad building &:loan com85 • . Irivestments· held part of eOTing (fir and 6e l1in ~ :rOUr sto(lk. panlCB "I'e not to be returned . by the )lear as non-taxaJlles and Pt.~ptl, ~.t 8tOO o'cloc~ ", . We thank yo~ for tnf' past and ~he .owner, but; a~e 1I.~ed by the of the ,ear as tuables l»e T~ENTV .FIVE CENTS ' InstItution, hope for YQllr future lIll l,l·o-nailf'. returned for the tnotional part 01 38. All corporations havlnl ~~ )pear the, held I I tuable.
.mdM~· .f Selaool
J. E. McClure
Central Garage Auto Laundry Special this Week
Wash Wash and Polish Polish· Symonize
$1.00 $2.00 $1·. 00 $5.00
.' .HOLL " Mom
-_ .. ----
Madden's· Lumber Yard
-----4> _
Baby Grand Piano
Phone '14
.... - - -
Waynelville, Ohio
For Our Country Subs'c ribers
Credit Manager
The Cincinnati Enquirer' The Miami Gazette.
At W ayneaville Gym,
Wed. Night, .Feb. 17
Niehaus & Dohse Girls
""!iiitIJ!III~""---""~""'---""'----';""';' ,.-
Send ),our check to the MiamI Ga·zett. and ••t ·l.t "•••· two. pa.,en for a whole r • .,.. :A WonderfUl-Off.r.
-_ ... --Whole Number 6001
j~e Schools to .Observe
·Washington' s' Birthd~'V Opantta Bi .. Succ....
Story, Was hington-.Jane
~~e QPeretta "Purple Towers," nas.
eive,n ,by the W. H. S. Glee , club w.. " big success. Mrs. Buerkle, tile ,lee club sponsor, made the remark that she laughed as hard as anyone else in the audience over the lItpusing original lines and ac' I d ti ons 0,f Cecil Da,vis, who p aye •the pa1:'t cif Hank, the town's handy lIJan, . &lnd of Ronllld llal'din, who Plal'ld. the part o~ Snowball, the, city .man'l! valet. 'l;he cast was excellent and needed noprotnpting at all. The leads were excedingly well played by .:tohn Turner and Winifred Armitage. A large crowd attended and eqjoyed it very mIlCh. The chorus was "up on their toes" during the wh"le, perf-or,' mance a~ one of their' .. ~election8 suggested. 'W.lhia.ton Pro .. ram Monday The Freshman Class is planning "flne program in honor of W ashington bl~thday to be held in H. S. Oymnatsium February 22. The public ia C!ordially' invited to attend Plans at:.8 being made to install a radio school over which President Hoover's address ina\Jgurat!ng The Washington Bi· Oentennial Celebration. Rooms in Urades one to eight will denote the ,af~rnoon of February 22 to Wubin;ton activities.
Seven Quotations, seven people. ' Columbia, The Gem of The Ocean- The claBS. Was Washington Like other Boys-Max Stevens. StorY- Vivian Conner. Mavims -Seven people. The Vision- Four bova and 3 . , girls. SO,ng- Christian McCla in, 7th Grad_Mr. Pyl .. Several of the students will recite sayings of famou s men about W h' as mgton and the rules of life that he made at the age of 13, M J ' ' I r. ames s e lg Ith grade and Mr. Ross's s ixth grade lire planninlr theil' pl'ograms. . (Continued on page 4)
Addra.... H. S. ,'l,.elia M~Neill, prolesor of ~'bdl, a~ Wittenburg College, •'Kave a very interesting talk, Monda, 1.~1 to ,the High school. Miss Jl41Neau is a Scotch lady and she rav~ a alletch of the pl~e of her birtb and her younger life. She pVe lC»De very good facts abo,ut ed.qcallolJ, and pointed out that we C!G~ld ob~in a better knowledge of tbe hlIhet tllings ,of life by, enterina: & cood college 'course, she . .~ed that a good education , did not alway. come o'f frOing to collel. 01' 1 university. After the taU-II.I UIIembJy' Miss, McNeil had fpl'Ql8 tor 8U Seniors who were interested' in college,' to 1\11 out. Sixtee... out of our group were planning OD entering Borne other school pfte" leavilill' W. H S.
P.EP.oar To B. IlIu_ .Iztb of the Pep-er . on sale ,Friday, February ........ n.L_ news writing class will be very busy this ,w eek preparing the neW!! ctlpies .nd proofs for print-
"P.p" M..tia. 'llile Grades sponsored a "pep" 'lneettng for the high aChool Friday , F4!btU~ry 12. Thef. led in several 10111'8, accompanieil by the Junior lIilh band and several yells. We h~ ',IIeveral interesting "Pep" talks , tly .Miss Fox, Mr. ROSB, Mr. PYle and Mr. Lotz. Also, several of the eighth grade boys gave talks We had a "stunt" by one of the !:ijiht ,,~de boys. This "pep" rmeetjng' ",as very, well planned and 'Very Interesting.
Hom. Gam .. Waycehs' victory over Springboro was the last home game for four boys: , Savage Turner, Wallace and Ellis. T here was cona\der,ble enthusiasm among the eormnunity , rooter8 which had a ateat deal of influence over the t~1II.. The Bcore at ,the half was ~o to 6 for the Orange quintet aJUi the whillt1e blew with tbe lCor4!' standing 82 to 24 for the • Waycehs. ' Tl1e lineup for W. H. S~: Davis Ellis ,forwards, Savage center, ' and Turner guards. for ~,;I ~IP-;1~i;~~~; fry and Duke, for:ff.r·:·,~... l''1'' '''' n center, and Taylor uards, with Barton r W. H. S. and C.
W. J. Drake was a Mason visitor, Sunday evening. Don't fail to see "A n Innocent Despel'ado" at the Gl'm, March a. Mrs. Hannah Rogers spent several days last week in Lebanon. See the Salisbury's, W . p , and D. R., before you sell your stock. Mr. and Mrs. George Kern spent Monday evening with relatives in Dayton. Tune in on the C. & B. program, station WKRC every Sunday afternoon at 2:15. Miss Lydia Osborne, of near Morrow, was the week-end guest of Miss Opal Lewis, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Sanker were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and M'rs. O. R. Unglesby. "Patty Mak(!s Things Hum ," at the Gym Thursday night, February 18. Admission 10 & 20c. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen attended the performance of ','Green Pastures" in Cincinnati today. Miss Ola Hartsock attended a bridge party at the home of a friend in Lebanon, saturday night Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown, of Mason, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Bakel' and son Jackie, visited their parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Gray last Saturday. "An Innocent Desperado," a three act comedy given by the J. O. U. A. M. at the Gym, March S. Prices, 15c and 25c. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson spent the week-end in Cincinnati and saw "The Green Pastures" at the Grand opera house.
eta '
Fa-,mers Club Had an Interesting Meeting
--_. _ _-- - -
Lost Ca~eo breastpin, on Third street between Rou~e 73 and .:.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Tyler street. Return to Mrs. Julia Donovan and receive reward.
The Guiding Beacon for Two Hundred Years
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Allen, ,M.eBSrs. W. F, CI':lrk and ,So C. RI~ attended the bl!-nkers. convenhon at Colum'bus, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schatzman' and son Harry, of Madisonville, and Miss Letitia Schatzman, of Cincinnati, were Sunday guests lIf Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, Raper. Mr. Harold Lawrence, a former employee o'f the Fairley Hardware Co., and Mr. Truman Alexander, of Manchester, Ohio were gue!lts of Mrs. Maude Crane and family, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mr. a'nd Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm' and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke and family att' ended a surprise dinner for James Hawke at Springfield, on Sunday. Out of town relatives and friends who attended the funeral SemCe! for Robert G. Gross on MO'nday are: Mrs. O. E. Hays and daughter, ,Mrs. Dr. Perrine, Mr. R. B. Smith and Mr, Kirkpatrick, of Ripley; , Mr. ' ehas. ' Fr!lzer anli 8Jh C~"""-M' •• Fo~ daugh,t er, of·· Sar<\inia; ' ¥T.- .:<B!,d , , ., ' , 'Mrs. , H. M. Lucas ' and son, MISS Sc..lptl,lte Readlng-V Bar- Tftelni'a St. John of I3pringfield; , ' , Mr. and Mrs. N. C: HerrinlZ', Mr. ' , ~"...;;;; to the F~BIr-the cu. and' Mrs. Luther Se.ller!!. Mr . E . . 4iIBoree' Waihinrton - Wendell L. Kincaid, of Dayton: Mr. Tru.' ', 'Alexander. , of ,M anch.este,; C!ol~nl--(red) Joan Carr, Ed ' Kendall, of Georgetown; , ~~e5~C~b~~it~lne McClain, (Blue) nnd Stivel'l!. Hamil,_ Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Glenof Borden. Beautiful .... The Chas. Thomas.,' , S. Rhodes '0'1 S~te-1Iaro1d Benham,
Call for a Meeting at Urbana, Discuss 'Change of Route
Auuitor W, H. Lewis ha uppoin.11', " -niter Elzey hal! constructteu th e following repl'c entntives e d a ' III ininture hou se which is in th e countl'y to asi-ist the tax ~ 11 ,1' a wO I'k of art. The little pnye l's wi t h t.heir lists: hOll~ e is painted browll nnd the Wnyn eHv ill e- L: . 1. Hende l'so n IOt, f i,; u p ·rf (:t CO llY of the ro of nnd J, . Hawke. T J ue hold fit rU ul1u. hio, of a mud er n house. Frunklin - Arthur Bryant.. FelJlua l'Y ~ ,l. J !:)32 , AJdre;sl" d' tu Eecause df ill health, MI'. E lzey On Fehl'llul'Y 11th, a day bahn)' Springb oro- l\l. J. FarL', the l'ilii'.l' n ~ o f Kento n, Dellt' !'on- i" 1I l,l al) le t o work lind during his noug h f or Apri l, th e Wavn e TWfI. Harveysburg- Frunk Wil ~o n. l!tiny" \\'1' ~ L. Liu cl,ty! I'b ,' I1~. t il r Iced idlc nc s. hus fashion- eFarmel'" lub was pl cus~ntly enl Q !TI'~l' ' Jll'In )!tid J. ) ello w SPflQ"gS, Xenllt ,d tl. e iit Ie wren ho use . his onl y O,'e"'onia- I':d tel'tnined in the hOl11e of Mr. an d .. . . .. ,' ::-;1' rill " V'dl e" \\ ny nuu vll ie Leb ButJerville- L wis Whit acre, In ~ 'I ' ." ,,~ a , - ~("' i Ii t- ing n pocket knife. Mr, . Quincy Gons. Morrow- Albert ParlI er. I I , 1m, ." ~"Oll , allu in l'r llletl iate The delectabl e ancl well-p l'epa l'out h Le banon Mr~. Ruhy ' CO llll1lUllltle:;, , . cd dinner was sen'cd at the noon I In accorda nce ":It h th e wldeVan Riper. INCOME TAX DATES houl' to about 70 mumbcrs and Muin esvi ll e- Mrs, 0 , B. n ino s,pl'eutl Int('r~':l nw nlfes led an d the M JAR b II I a vo l'llhl ' uplll lon cxpl'es~e cl folIn ( !'llel' t() give the ta x payers in g ues ts. The afterno on progra m was a son . • '_ .: ~__ lowi ng- the :; u!:{g'est io ll of the the Firs t Dist rict o f Ohio all a~ lhl(' lwyl' I\l olo risl lh llt SO l1l C f rill sislanee pOHsibl e in tilillg' of optllled wilh IlI'aycl' by Ml's. 'ad. of ol'J!:un izali l'l) be ffecled to I !J :3 2 ln ~ ullle Tax Returns oll ect,. wallud el'. In unswer to ro ll call OBITUARY IC'I lIU illt llIotOI' l ourists wi th the UI' of Ln tel nal Revenue Louis J. ellch Illemu er' respon ded with a Peacefully slet'ping, l'e ~ tin,C' (It lu , t fad thu t t he ~ hor t e~t an d sltf 'st lIuwe h a ~ alTunged th e following quotllt.i on from Geo rge Wa ~ hin g Th e world' t ro ubles and t r ial s II I'\? I'O,Il t' uet \\'Pl'n T oledo alld incin- ,;chedule. Tuxpa yt'l's r equi ring as- ton , Only one fa mi ly wu s not I'Cnali b \' ia 1 .. <![,' t o Findla y; si 'wnl'e should clllI at the main prese nt ed .. past. J usic Wll S fUl'nish cI throughou t In silence h e su ffe rec\, in palienc e ~i lil l~ ROllte :JJ to Kento n; State ofti ce, Federa l Building, incinI O Ul l' 5:3 to Xenia; :lnd . 42 to nllti, Ohio, any duy until and in- t he afternoon bf S, S. Ellis. bore . Th e host introduced MI' .. tan ley Till Goil call d him hOlll l' «, ~ufTel ' Cinc innali, and c1uui llg j\(ul'ch 15 . or ilt the nearno more. T hat a ('o ne ' I'INI l'fTOl l't be made es l bl'a uch un the dates her ein Sell ers of Leballon as the speaker of the da y. li e menti on ed t h war to havL' th e existing irritati ng co n- li s ted, Robel·t G. I'OS , ~ o n of i\I r, und betw een China and J apa n; s poke fu s ion l, ul'ro undingthi s crossUlld e r Lhe Revenue Act of 1928 Mrs. Samu el Cross , ",1\ , born of the Dole as it i ' , lI,;e u in some ,l at l' route d eal'e el ill' g i\' ing t hese ever)' Ringle person having a Net Augu st 7. 18 4!J, lll'lIr i':chOlan R' ville, Adams County , Uhio, li e de- hig h \\II Y~ nnl' Hl'ccia l rOllte num- In come of $1,500 01' more, Ol' a parted this lif e F t'bl'unry la, 1!J32 Ill' 1', in,.leud of fCillr . ur de R i ~ nat- married persun having a n et inat Waynes ville, Oh io, uftcl' :HI ill- ill ~ I he lll n ~ Ihl' Eu::; t uru n ch of come uf $3 ,500 o r mOl'c mu 't fil e ness of l en we ks, Age 82 yellr~ l he lli xie H ug h,\uy U , 25 ) b e- a relurn, and eve ry Il el'son ha ving t\l'l'l' ll F indl:~y and Sharonville, a gross incom e of $5,000 0 1' mo re six monlhs and ll ix days. ". . mll sl file u I'clurn regurdless of the H e was un it ed in malTiag-c to and " l.l c 109 rull~ a~l eed t ha t 1l0lhlOg am ount of his net income. Mary ,Som cnnil'(.' l\l ny 10 , 18 8 ~Ull b e , accom plis hed ,al~ng th~ se , Relurns filed after Mlirch 15 are at Bethel, Ohio. Th ey comm cnced t\:leil' Illll lTieu III1L'~ \\ Itho ut li n, ~~Soc lUtlOn of In- s uuj ect to Heavy P«:nalities, I ~ '::' ·,ts., ~~ Illrll'l s lng g roups , ,o~ Places to b e visited by Collector life at Georget own. Ohin, where cI,ll '-l n H fl OIl1 t he communltl es I1uw e' Deputies: Mr, ross wa s in bu ~ in :<~ f or six Warr en ounty- Leba non Lebrem's. He th en moved t o Wa ynes- dll'el'lly, l1 f!' ctted, an d , closely ville, wh er e he continu ed ill bu si- cClonerat I,nlf III one fl '!gTess lve body . ano n Citizen~ National Bank =~=======~-=-=-===::.=__ lllte PU l'J).o,.e . , " March 4; Franklin, Fmnkli~ ness until, ulm os t. the tilllc of his for\\1~(" deh d o herl'by JOI,n 111 I SSU In ~ II lational Bank Ml1rch 7 death. coli fo) l' 11 mn s~ meeting to be held _ _ _ _ ' __ _ __ Subscribe for the Miami Gazette He was one of a famil y of fiv e at I I'ba nn . Ohin, W ednesday, children, fOUl' boys un d 'JIl e g irl Fl' hl',uu ry ~4 . 1f1:l2, at which rep- GEORGE W. HAWKE VICTIM Laug h with POlty- .a t the Gym Mrs. Marthn l(<!neni d lIf ~ u l ' d in ill, resl' l1 lalin's fr om th e cities and OF HEART ATTACK Thursday night, February 18. Ohio , nnd R. A, r o~~ o f Way n 11- tow n;; bt'tween Findlay and ville who with the wid ow ~ urvive Il'IrnJl\'ilJ e may have th e oppo r1\1 1'5. Robe'l't Bakel' visited him. Th e tWI1 olde r I r others hov- tunity of p I'e~ nt ing their vie w~ New s of thc sudd en death of friend s in Lebanon one da y lust ing preceded hi m to the gt'eat be- nel Illl\'e a voice in e ffecting an Geo rge W. Hawke Monday even- week. yo nd severnl year ~ ago. or an ir.a tio n. as ugg sted. fOl' the ing at his home in Clarksville, MI'. Cross bo r'e his flu ffel'in g plll'pose outlin ed, und taking- such was a s hock to his relatives and Call the Wayne sville Farmcrs' with extreme pati ence, always othl'l' acti on li S ll1ay be deeme d friends in this community, Mr. Exchange Co. for Old Hickory plannin/:, and tl'U. \ ~.I1fl' th at hc ne re~~ nry, Hawke had been in rather poor Smoking Salt. mi,l!'ht get well, H e wa s nl",nys a Th e mc ('ti np.: d l be cn lled hea llh for some time but was able kind and lov in g hu. ba nd and fr ll l1l 9 to 10 o'c loc k f nr I' gis tra- , to gO ab?ut. Mr. Myel' Hyman and family atfri end. He will be ~lItlly mi,,!<ed in , ion, after which an interesting A nClghbor , stopped !it the tended a carnival a t "Greysto ne" th community ns weI) n in th e pr ogram will be gi\'en. The com- I !~law~e home Monday evem ng and in Dayton, Sunday night. ha me. mittce fr om Way nesville consists ' mgllll' ed for MI'. Hawke. He was He was on l? nf the fil'm of ros of C. M, R bitzel', W, S. Graham, told that he had gone out to feed , Mrs. L, V. Beck was culled to the hogs, The man went in search Osage, Al·k., because of the seribroth ers. which hns be<! 11 So well L. H , GonIon a nu D, L. Crane, _ _ __ _ _ o,f Mr, H.awke and found h im lying ous illness of he r mother. known in Waynesvill e for yea r's . lifeless In the hog pen. Deat h is R. A. Cross being th e other memo FARMERS' GRANGE thought to have been caused by MI'. Ira Boring and ~ amil y , of bel', heart trouble Wilmington, spent. It)unday with These two brothers were pnrtGeorg e W, Haw ke, a so n of the Mr. and Mrs. Wymel' J. Dl'ake. , ners in bu!;iness fOI' more than Th e following prog r a m will be sixty years. 111'c!;c nted at the meeting of Jut e P hilip lind Emma Collett Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane spent He was a faithful and 10, ~J mem- Fann el's' G t'a ng ' atu rda y evening Hawke, \I as born in Way nesville and had lived th e gl'entel' part of Saturday night and Sunday with, be r of th e Kni gh t~ of 'P ,,thia s until Febrllary 20, his life in this community. He was Mr. E. C. Crane and family, aL the vel'V la, t , Al ~ o a membe r of l\Tu ~ ic in cha rge of Frank Brad- t{t,icc l11arried. Ii is fir t. wii was Dayton. . the Uniform Rank. , Miss Ida Dakin, daughter of the A Brother K. P. doclome intelre tin/! events in the late 01'. llnd Mn;. E. F. Dakin , She James Lovely and fami ly have life of GeorgIa Wushin g-ton- W. A. died in 1023 . In 1927 he was unit-' I'emoved from th e Stewal't hou se Card of Thanks w a 1'17,(, I. ed in marriage to Miss Anna Me- on North s treet to the Evans Ju ven il e 'Ilu mbel·--J ohn Ha ll, CI'ay, of Clal'ksville, who survives, property on Main str eet. J wish to thank our neighbor Mil dred. al islb ul'r a nd Sarah Mill er lind fri end!; f or their h elp a nd e xtogether with two so ns, Ronald M' I W ou ld W ~ls hing t n be a ~I' ent and Fred, and two daughters, Mrs. 111' ~s ion of s ympathy during the Saws filed b.y machinery, cut illness and death of IlW hU obnnd, man if h e liv ed t oday- Mrs. Lydia J. Wilson Edwards a nd Mrs. Em- cleaner, truer, faster. Also crossM R G ' Bra nstrator, rna Hawke .McClure and one cut saws, gummed, 26c. per foot. • 1'5, , ,Cross Playlet. When Geor ge and Mar- br other, John C, Hawke. Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber lh a Return ed-Lloyd and Leon a Funeral servic es will be held in Yard. DEATH I£all. Lewi and Lucile Fir e~ . the Clarksville church Thursday Miss Jewett B)ail', student in after noon at 2 o'clock with burial Sam FI'ed, merchant at Richin Miami cemetery. ' WayneSVille Wayne Township High school, PERRY E. POPE DIES mond, Ind., and a form er merchant Lodge Nc. 163 F. & A. M. will underw ell~ an appendicitis operain Leban on , died from t he effects have cliarge of the services at the tion at BlaiL' Bros. hospital, Lebof monoxid e gas in his gnrnge at P er ry E. Pope, 61, of Center - J; l'l\\·e. anon, Wednesday 0'£ last week, hi s home in Richmond Tuesday ville, ,tnti n, died Monday at .... -- - morning. his r es ide nce .. He ill survived by his Mrs. Margal'et Thomas, Mr. and LEGAL HOLIDA Y Mr. Fred was well known he re . widow, f oul' daughtcrs, Mr . Ray Mr '. Joe Max and GL'etchin Yowb el having se rved the old er residents Shaw, ' Irs, Wald o Elliott, Mrs. were Sunday guests of M1'. nnd h~re , when h e carried a pack. Luw ren cc T homas and Mrs. J esse The posto ffic e will be closed all Mrs. George HlIl'tso ck, l'v1.rs, Funeral ~e rvices wet'e held in Roland and two brother s, David ria y Monday, F ebruary 22, acc ord- Thomas is making a longer visit: Richmond Wednesday and bu r ial and Sidne~' Pope. ing to anr.(l tln ce mcnt·by PostmasFunernl se rvices will be held ter R. H. Hnr·tsock was made in Chicago. The d eceasQuit ta lking depress ion. Why ed was a cou in of Solomon and Thursday at 2 p, m. at the Sugar .. - --get blue when you can see "Patty Loui Fred. He was a nativc of the Creek chu rc h. Burial will be in Makes Things Hum," at the Gym Sub.crib.. for th .. Miami Gantte Thursday nigh t, February 18 at old country, and was age d 62 years t he entel'ville ce-metery. I such low prices-20c for adul ts, 10c for children.
Mrs. Sue Roberts, of South ChaTleston, attended Friends Quarterly Meeting here Saturday and Sunday and was the gu~st of Mrs. Julia Donovan.
S: Bicent.nnial Pro.ra. The Freshman 'Cla88 of W. H. s;, Is planning ·to give the following "I llrog~'am fo l' the high school on ~ Feot'uary 22: welcome--Ruth Pennington, , olas8 'Pre ~; devotio,n s, ~e.lell' Greene; music, High, school orClhestra i Bicentennial poem, Mae 'tr... d ...· ~. ' Jl 0 81 pe -- ~a, ers n ap arance, · Rpbq:rt C eaver: Bice~tennial 'hes~man ,chorus; scene, youth " ' w.a8Ii'm gto ' h ' ",eonre n, c aracter Glk>rlre Washington, Virginia DenUq~'iunusic, orchestra; Washington, ~De .larmer, Evelyn 'Peters; come~y, 't he Tou Family, A tribute ~ \yasblnaton, Polly Kennard; · National Antliem, school. : 'I We will also have a radio pro~lItr.,.:~!ti.o b( 'connection' with Preiliden~ 1l00~er.'lt · :Washington , Birthday ' a dd 1'e88 lit 1 2 p., J!l. " '
Chestel' A. Willlan1so n was unable to fill his appointments at F erry and Waynesville Churches of Ch.l'ist Sunday because of a heavy cold. D. R, Harris of Bellbrook preached at b oth churches and his messages were received with high favor. Mr. and MI'!\, Jam es Monis entertained to a G o'clock dinner Sunday evening the following guests : Mrs. Mabelle Stump, Mi sses Thelma and Mury Satterthwaite, Mr. Jcsl$e Th omas, Ml·. AI'thul' Sum nel', Mr. Howard Irons and Mr, and Mrs. Warren E spy.
~o u n Ll'ie ; he brougl1t to min d the 'oincid cncc of th e Pea ce Con ~er
,' ne' being held at \.hc arne tlme , hut ' hina llnd J n pan are lit war; ', ut did 1I0\. offer an,y comme nt of ti!l wn i1 u knows there are mighty ,roblems fuei ll ~ civi lization but he , now : (I f no panaceas fo r th em. \jo t only has ag ricu ltu r e been hurt Jut cOlll lll e rciul business as well • nr commercial , tocl< has deflated W' ; and agricultur ul stock has ,:un l! dow n ~O';\ . He spoke of the IV\'l'I OI'Ill 'nl of agricu lt ural rna'hinel'Y saying that no distinct. imII' ' ~1l'I II I had been made Since htl timc of Abraham until ,1831. ; rom nbout 1 50 to the prese nt ,here hu s been much invention and ,llIllrov ' llI cnL, ' ome of the outI.nnding inven tion s being , reaper, lind er , p low ~ an d lractor, At one im c, bClorc tbe. e invention s, it va ' hard to produce enough upon ,vh ich lo live but n ow it is hard to nuke a pl'olit on t he surplus which ,,'e prodUCe!. Une of the speC ial topics of the IftNnoo ll , "Washin'ton 115 a e'arm!!r," wa s prese nted by M. A. ';orn'II, Wa hi ngton was an able eaJ cI', u so und late man, a noble JI'es ident. bue his heul't really was , 11 his arm life at Mt. Vernon. Hc did publi c work because he felt t a duty, but his s.:reatest aspira.iO Il was to live quietly with hls ,\'i fe unci c)lildl'en at Mt, Ver non. fi e, wa~ ever inter ested in, the soil ,lnd in livestock. In Vlrginia, as wa s the cu ~ to m , when lund becUllle 11( 0 )' fro m too much cotton ;ruwing the f a.nners wou ld move .0 vil'{~ ill soi l, but W as hington Ica rneJ th e vul ue of feedintr the .and , thu s mak ing it productive ..lguin, At hi s death he owned ; U,OUO ael'es of land. He held Illany public offices but from child,lood until death he was a farmer, The secoud special topic "Would ~Vas hing-ton be a Great Man if He Lived 1'0duy," \Vas aiscuBsed by ~1rs . , L. V, BrlUlstrator. He was 1 man, 11 0t only of his own times, () ut of all ages, In him wel'e the in,lCl'ent qualities of a good lead,e r, and a great man, which would have ,J l'l!sented themse lves regardless of .he age in which h e liv d, Neither .he "Fathcl' of His Countl'y," nor _he fa the l' of a family can lay 10WII ru Ie - to covel' specific cases ...·hi ch 'ha ll be' binding to genera~ , o n afte l' generation. If we wish to )e worthy of t he legacy he hal? left l S , we sh ould not follow hi s words lindl y, but in so fal' a s we are able ,0 determin e how a Washingt9n ,vou ld act now and think in the ~ onfu ion and c.ompiexity of our modern world. The club adjourned to 1l1ellt ;}.i nrch· 10th with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke.
---,- - ..--FRIENDSHIP CLlJB
The Friend~hip Club of the M. E. Church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Lucille Salisbury ~n Wednesday, February 10, with thirty-two memet'S lind four visitors present. The vice-president, M'rs. Esther Ca l't· ca lled the meeting to order. Devotio ns were in charge of Mrs. Penrl S hultz, with each member quoting a verse of Scripture. A ft~r the rep orts of. the various zommltt<;es, the followm~'pl'ogl'am wa s enjoyed 1 Em'ly ,Life and ea th of GeorgE) Wa slll~ton, ~y ,.)te lla ,.,B u.tterwol'th. MUS lC by Mil~'ed ;:,ahsbul'Y a~d Sara l'1 i1ler. Puma solo by DorIS Beck. History f Fl'i en d ~ hip Club by E llen Conne ro This was most intel'esting, esda llY' the reacting of tw;o letters ient some time a go to, the class ,rom Long Bcnch, California by Mrli . Wal'd a former teacher; ac~ol'd in g t o Mrs. Conn er's ,,l'cport :he c lub has gl'own from six.teen to seven ty-five mem,bers. 'f ' This W{tS f ollowed by a ontest n keep ing wilh St. Valentine Day; \1 r's. I'abbe being the winner of .his. Fo llowing the program delicious efreshments wel,'e s erved by the DsteRS and her allsistnnts, Mrs. , ina 't. John, Mrs. Clara Sheehan ,II'S. Etliylyn Crabbe, Mrs. Lovely t. d Mrs. Stella Butterworth. Next month's meeting will be t th e hom e of Mrs. Elsie Stroud.
Mrs. Vern Simpson was ho stess to the Young Women's bridge club Tuesday 'hight. Mrs. Nelson Watkins and Miss Esther Dennis were guests of the , evening" Prizes OBITUAR.Y were a,... al'ded to Mrs. Maynill'd Weltz, Mrs, Glen Bland and Mrs, Nelson Watkins. The next meetMatilda Munger, only daughter ing' will be Mal'ch 1, at t.he home 'l f Jonnthan and Hartnah Taylor of Miss Sura Missildine. ' :'vfunger, was born near Five Point, Miss Cletu Hess and Mr. Ro~ Vlon tgoll1ery County, ' Ohio, NoEllis, whose maniage will take vember HI, '1846. , place in , the near future, wen Of her. fOUl' brothers, onE! died honor guests at a dinner given at n in'f a ncy , two gave their lives in the home of MI'. and Mrs. Clar- he Civil War\ a'n d the ' youngest; ence Rye on Friday· evening. \Ionzo, lives at Manhat:tal), Kansas Other .gue~ts were Mr. and MI'S, Descendent of a long. lil)~ ' of Charles T , Ellis, Mrs, Eva Ellrn- t~ache l's, sbe began teachmg .when hart, Mr. and Mrs. S. S, Ellis, Mr, ilxtee n years old" and eo~tinued anti Mrs. Mark Rogers and duu gn· for ,everal, years, • bot~ In t~e tar Ann, Misses Miriam und Fran- ~a~~n Pubhc Scho.ols in thiS , I ces Ellis and Mr. Erwin Ellis. \'IClnlty, wl\oro her .'"'-;;:;:"';~ whole 'life was ma~rnE!C1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock \875 she very d~lightfully entertained 'Il M. Duke, ' group of friends at a~'5 00'~ party December Saturday evelling. A delicious Iy ,' faning lunch was serve~ at a late hour. passed, away The guests ,in,c luded:' Mr, and Mrs'. 24ttJj age.d 85 J. Q. Gons, Mr. and ' Mrs. John 8 , days~ Gons, Mr. and M·rs. , Harry , Smith, Carl and; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, stepdangnter. Mr. and 'Ml's. Rhodes Bunnell, Mr. several' gran'clchildren.. and Mrs~ Ea1'1 Hockett, Mr: and grandchildren'. 'Wo~~nli"o~_•. Mrs. Seren Wilke'rson, Mrs. Nellie Bunnell, Miss Monimia Bunnell, Mr. Roscoe Furna'S, Miss Ruth Hockett, Miss Rose Wilkenoll, Miss Alice' Gona and Ml'.MyroD ,~~=;~r; ~holll,U.
10111..... _
nothing to Inake this bllr man tTouno bond required, 0, ·K. Brown, 'C, and N. VincUl, compensation and ble. He '111 be something like C. Eulass and James Follen were damage!!, '144: Charles F. and I"airv E. Dall!!r, compensation anel when the priz fight l' gets knocked appointed appraitlers. to ' Ieep 011 the Jaw"'> I t is ordertld uy the court t hat damugeH p7.26: J. H Illingshead, At his first entene~ Palm ra's Kumm ons be made ' tiD all the de- comr)Q tr ~lItloll and dUlI1ugc r $66.90 Iip~ hud parted in a gasp of reliel. fanda nt!! in the ease of Jellse P. Philip Ki!ltncr, compeQl!lltl on and Now, in the reaction, she wavered Ennis, administrlltor of eBtate ' 01 dnll1u~e ' $8~.50 ; G nrgtl W. Hack d o!:!·d I)el' ,'y B dizzily, PQt out toJ rry Enllill, deccased, _ versus llIun, co;npen ~aLio'n lind damage, $fi3. Walt ,. A. kk III 1I11, comp~ n 8a WII'l"d Tnurllto n a groping hand. James Ennis, et"al. Commoa_Plea. Proceedia, • . J ohn caught her to him once the WaYlllenille Road Jam es H. Miller was appointed li un lind dunll\gcs, $34; MorrIS K, R y Purdue was found guilty of mor t uphold h r, HI. heart wus • OIL k E ' G A of IL li1.ubeth Jan.1! luall, Snook, comJl(!nsl\~ion nnd dBma~~s a flame \ ith th'e knowledge that . uat WCe ngmeer . . po sessi ng implements for t he guardian $ 1;' WlIbur A. ] 0:1::1, compensntlOn mirror. . t hat pathetic blind grou ping had McKay, who fo :r merly lived here, manufacture of liquor" etc., .and nnj damageH, $ 103; amll. tout Am o!; E. Thomson and Loudy V. been 1'01" him. With her face u p- was in lown for a few days. He is was fined $2Ml. Cllmpetlsntion nnd dnmages, $11\.1; Tholll s n, executors of estate of the cng ineer for t he new road Irene Lowe was granted a di- John . Thom so n, deceased, flied Fremont Leming, compensation t urn'd to hill. appealing, close, which will be uuilt from Co lumbus Thul' to ll, in that great yeurning to t he ir inventory and appraisement. /l lI d dllmuJ!es, $24 S; WiIIi.a m B. incinnati t.his spr ing. He is vorce from Gail Lowe:' ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY JAY LEE I n the case of The Lebanon-Citiso long d nied , could not resist;. h ellie Pummill, adm inish'aitrix Hay ner, com II n snt i ~n n'nd damwould Ilcal)ite the grinning audi- positIVe that t e road wHi be zens Nntional Bank & Tl'ust Co. of t!stute Copyright by harl es Scribner 's Sons of Luuie Knot t, deccll ed, uge~ , 85; A rthu I' Ilncl Berth!! Hambu il t to Wayne!lvill e t.he n. ilto n camp 'nsation aud dllm~ges, ence, hav kia. ed her again and Forty-five miles of it are al- versus Albert Stacy, et al the 6eled her inventory. plaintiff is to l'ecover feom the de- D. E. Heywood , admi nistrator of $ 17.60: ; lll'ti ~ M. Charlton, com- . d I "'.,....,,"""""" "'''''''''''''''''''''...., """'~""""""""""""""~''' ugain. But om mand r Sakamoto, of rea y gral ed and partly bridged, fendants the sum of $9,909.36. state of Lut.,hel· L. 0 ' Banion, dc- I'cn sntiul! lied darnag s, $62; Curl CHAPTER XVIll. burst fo rth, " a nd they won't let me an ever !.ac Cfu I race, was quick and all t h'e prcpllrntions are made Dorothy Hal! was granted a di- ceasell, ' fi led his first, finnl and dis- I uk in, pay I' II, $!)(;.30: John go on with y(I U. Bu t if I can' t live, wiLh a command which forced his to crowd work at the fir. t approach vorce fl·om. Howard Ha ll. My(' rs. puy 1'1,11, $~ 05.36; F loyd trib uti ve u('count. di \ ith yo~." of open weuther. Th e rou te f rom Burke sprang und er drag~ed hi I can L. C. And erso n, ndministrator of L C llllllon ~ . )JIlY 1"011, $35.80; harunwilling men to the rig h t.-apout; Wayn esville to Cincinnati is still Mau de Loue lla Sn id er was g rantH e bJ'oke inlo the old laugh. ed a di\'orce from Perry Marshall estatC' of Rlllp'h B. Park!;, deceased l e ~ ~;. Bradbury, IlIlY roll, $28.guide \'i!th him. The hou se had then chased the giggling villagers The boats, liS one frantic g lance home with the sword of a samurai. in doubt. Th management' s pre- Snider. been searched before. It was told 65 ; A. 1'. RI LtiJ,!, pay ro ll, $169.80 ; filed his inve ntory. his ,>ictim, were still too far A burial detail had carried Pon- fercnce!! inclin'e towards coming In the case of The Prudential L. r:. Wi!hulll , PIlY r oll , $173.60; empty now. . t.o aid . The. natives all had fled. Fred Elbon und C. H . Young, thr ugh Lebnnon. But at the same Th mun '~ tlcrutiny took 111 up Burke f orever o,way; Ponape, tim "they hav rece ived very ad- Insurance Co. verSU8 Wilmer A. exccu! ol'S of estuw of S. F. E lbon, E. fl. ,I ll n s. pay 1'0 11, $177 .20; V. 'Only Olive r emaint'<l; bound hand Guttery, et a I, the plaintiff is toevery detail. Then he turned and and foot, the rope from the n oose who had ' laked nil- and lost all. W. Tompk ill ~ , pa y r oll , $100.80; . "And wh en ." demandC<l, J ohn of vanlng ous propositions from in- recover from the defendants t he dl'ceused, fi.led his inventory. t he boy Vo'n s in real da nger. a"age drul{g-ing Prank Wil ~ (lII, mechanic, $67.76; Harry William 1" I'a nk, executor across tho limb above. Palmyra on the third day after; t.ercRte d purties, which, ii accept- sum of $8446. irritation bud 1111 but overbol"ll 1llly EdC'n 'reny, C'l1gintler, $93.75 ; Olive was wri~hin g to sunder the "unrl whe n shall the werlding be'~" ed, would take them into the city In the case of The Board of Edu- or estate of Mattie Pearl Frank. Lesli.. sense of consequence. Shultz, operating maindeceusecl , i ~ ordered to se ll ce rtuin sennit cO I'ds which bound his arms. " Th e wedding," ordained this by way of Mid u lleLown .The new Suddenly Burke's eyes opened cation of F'ranklin Village School stock s Ilt not less than the fix ed tllin!!!·. $.IR; I':. W. Knapp, operatOlive blood dripping from A'lrl, "mu ~ t tak e place befor e we road ill a settl ed thing. It is now a 'wide, he leaped to the center of Di: trict, etc., versus The Village of va lue and mllke J'tltllrnl! to court. in~ maintain cr $48.60; Sa m Cutler hurled leave thc islund. I insist, for one que stion whuth(! r Lebanon will get F ranklin, et aI, t he defendant is The will of Jacob Addison Carey. survcyor, $1. 7[,; W. C, Bel'gdnll, the house, stured up at t he bundles wris t s torn in his struggl himsclf again st the madman. The thing . despi te your p rotes~ beca use it 0 1' Tlot."- Lebnnon Gazette. of stiff bark clo th, gave one a prod granted leave to plead and Lor- deceased. was fil cd in co urt. slIl'\'C'Y(l r $ 1.75: 'IIm D. Henkle, cuncu ssion o f his bulk t hrew I th ink 1 should always now be a mine Cain and Arthur Bryant with the revolver. SUI'vc \, or, $:1 .75 ; J, K . Sipencer, Anna R. Gra ham, administratrix Ponape back. The bullet which Literary Society From within there carnc u gaSJl were made party defendants. li ttle afraid--al one. But · t he real estate of Wi lli nm R. Grahnm , l\"1'IIVl'i. $208: Wilbur E. Cu tier, of pain. Palmyra Tree had lost t he wou ld have pierced Pulmyra's rea. on- " her voice vibrnted with Roy PUI'due pleaded guilty of of Th e f ollowing is the programme guard rllil pos t", $24; Maso n LUlllfil ed her sale bil l. deceased, brai n fl ew harmlessly into space.· bitter fight. Ponape Bu rke at last "is that Olive, who saved for the High Schoo l Litera ry So- possessing implements for the Th e will of DRniel H . Lind, de- btl I' 0., g U O I'd rail matl'ri al, $26.The islander, by a su preme ef- feelingmanufacture of liquor, etc., and me for' yo u, who made it possible ciety entertainment, to be given had won. l ~l ; Lchnllon Lumbcl' Co. , gunrd ceased, was filed in court. "Y'shaU see Olive hanged," he fort, snapped his bindings. He for me to unde rstand . to realize on Monday evening: was fined $250 and costs. rail rnat rials, $:l.!lO: L. G. AnderAlva Hill, adm inistrator of es· seized the other. He crushed said. "And then, whether or no, In the cnse of Miami Savings tate of Thomas J ones, decease my 0\''" true love: that then Olive ~o n SOnE< (I. , guard I'ail material, 1 So ns by Society. master to him like a gorilla. But can and Loan Co. , versus Nettie Pur- filed y'shall go t'Tanna." be YO UT- can be our- best ~;! 7:!.2fi ; '. D. Sma rt, gns, $13.65; :.! Dec lamation, Alice Yo ung. his secon d nccount. the hand that held the revolver He dragged her toward the tree, tnu n. 3 Dec., Minnie Satterthwaite pus , et aI., the plaintiff shall r eames E. Burke was appointed Harry Hill , ga .. $76.·18; L. H. Gorthe native following tongues a- was yet, for .the moment, fr ee cover from the def enda nt the sum ad Jministrator And so it wa ll that O-Iee-vny, 4 Essay, FI'ank Farr. of estate of M. A. don Gll!· n~ l'. gas, $21.1!1; Frank It ftashed in, t.he muzzle pressed click against teeth; the traitoroos 01 $9 ,08 3.0 1. commonly called Olive, who sJ.>eaks G Reading, Eva Janney. Burke, deceased nnd filed bond of Shprwood n., gus 311.1 2; East End against Olive's side. The hand, boy ahead, self-imp ortant, unno language knmV'l1 to clv11ized In the case of Un ion J oint Stock $2000 with t he ,New o Reading,Austin Thackul"a, York Casua l- GlI ,'n,..e, go O:1 , $:1. :1Il; Kilpatrickgripped convulsive-ly, forced the scourged by any sense of guilt. man, ;who eats fat pork with his Land Ba nk, of Detl'oit, versus Ar· ty Co. as surety. Frank 7 Music, Big F'oul'. B1'and on, Frelll·h "'Io tO I' Cur Co. , gM and At the tree Olive stood among hamm er up toward its fatal blow. fi ngers and anoinls himself copithu r Neufarth, et at, the defendsuppli eR. $ 1~ I.: 9 ; Gr itl wo ld Scr8 Dinlog ue : Ca lTie Barley, J ames Full en a nd W. J. But now, astonishingly, all uneasy guards, hands bound ~e ously with scented cocoanut oil J en nie Dinwiddie, John Liddy, C. an ts shall recover from the plain- were appointed appraise rs.Pflanzer vice StEll iun. g- rl S, $102.92; J. W. movem ent ceased. tiff t he sum of $4,75l.94. bind him feet loosely tied, nooslDg a nd turm eric, stood up with J O'h n Clements. nell , a lcohol, $ 1:75; Standard Oil Firing f r om Ii distance, someor:e Thursto n, lhe embodiment of civiIn the case of Lillie Wilson verhemp drawn taut across its .liml!. Co .. A'ns and ni l. $ 165.4 7; S. C. 9 Declamation, Albert Smith. Marriqe Liceaae. had drilled P'()nape Burke through "Look at him-yer Tope round lization at its fin est. AI xa nd l'l' ~ llllpli es $ 10.85; Waites 10 Declamat.ion, P. V. Bone. SU<i J ohn Mor,gan, at at, the prophis neck," Burke reproached. h is evil heart. erty was so ld and all accounts are . William Thom as Cook, elect.l"i- Garage tru ek rl'na ir work, $46.Thurston could not give his best 11 Readipg, Horace Wright. But, alas, t he steel bullet had man a stick pin for Olive seldom "Waiting, poor sucker, f or y't'set 12 Quartette : Leah Wright, Car- to be settled nnd the remainder di- Clan of Franklin, and Miss Gladys 35; Or ~ mill Bridg Co., repait· him free. This here kaJlaka was not stopped, its work performed. if ever wea rs a shirt. \\ ork, $ 14.(17; Rny G(lskill Garag ri e Barley, HOl'ace Wright, p, V. vided between the beneficiaries. Rickllrd Harri so n, of Franklin. good e noug h t'die for you. But It had crashed on t hrough t he body But he could see that the islan- Bone. S ummons by publication are to repai .. ~ , " 1.& 0: 1orrow Hardware be made on J ohn when it comes yer turn?" He of 'the heroic brown man who der got Ponape Burke's swift W .. Eastep and t re, SIl W 2.7[,; Fnlll k Mi nnick, 13 Rend ing, Lizzie Cook. Real Eatato Trana'en schooner, the Lupe-a-Non, truslaughed with brutal insinuation. foutt'ht for her. repair work, $3.10: SharUe & 14 Declamation, Ath ie Edwards Grace Eastep in the case of The The girl shrieked out, fell faintCarl nnd Caroline Echaub to S.he could 'scarcely form the teed j ,or t he brown man 's protecFederal Land Bank, of Louisville, Bcovi H Mch . 0 ., repairs, $18.67 : ] 5 Declaration, Delma Davis. John B. a nd Louisa A. Boschert. F'rl!nklin Vule. nnd Tire Co., r eversus John W. Eastep, et al. t ion by the American mission and Ilounds. But at last she gasped out : ing. 16 Essay, Anna Sellers. Real estate in Loveland. And then, ns these three lay , the Japan e~e navy, a nd manned by "Let-him-go." . In the case of Union Joint Stock pairll , ~ 1. 75; J . W. Lingo Hard17 Dialogue : Austin Thackara Carl and Caroline Schaub to ware Co., supp li es a nd repairs, Land Bank of Detroit , versus ErnOlive knew not the werda but he there came a sound of boofs, and an already eager and worshiping and Cbarles Clements. • est Ferris, et al., the plaintiff is to Charles An thony Ritzie. Real es. $246.42 ; .r. D. Adnln s Co., I!:ra der muddy foam-fl ecked horse crew. 18 Reading, Carrie Barley. knew their ,m eaning. "Never I" he a . .THE END cried. "Tell her-tell her she shall plun ged up the village path wiUI 19 Declamation, Mary Hamilton recover f rom the defendants the tate in Loveland . blncit's, $52.51; Tru stees of P. A., J esse C. Snider t o Miami Sav- li g h t~, $2 .80: Blanchester Machine sum of $5,215.07. John 'rhurston. not giVe berself for me." 20 Reading, John Liddy. and Loan Co. 247.1 1 acres in ingR He sprang from ' ,his saddle, the case of W. H. Madden and In At this moment, however, there Shop , I'epnirs, '4; John Thomas 21 Decln ration, Orange Raper. FARM WOMEN'S REUNION Addie Madden versus S. E. Gus- Hamilton township. 22 Song by SOCiety. rose from the outskirts of the ftung aside t he gun, caught the unervic e tati un, gas, $17.61 ; Cin. W. R. and Anna Nicely, by shertin the plaintiffs are to reco ver crowd a startled wa-rning. "Zap- conscious girl up in his arms. Maggie Edwards, cinnat i Oil Works Co., lubl'icnnt, All women who hnve ever atIff, to Harry Cook. Inlot No. !J80 fmm the defendant t he sum of When PalmyTa Tree at last tended the Farm Women's camp anee , • Zapanee, Ibe come I' Jennie Dinwiddie, 388.G5; L wis & Drake. Inc., in Franklin. $]47.09. Burke, 'With an oath, snatched opened her eye , she gazed up at in Wanen Cou nty are invite<! to Ge(lrge James, Sewer nd cemen t, $ 13.93; WayJohn O. Whitaker, deceased, to nesvill aFarmers' In the case of Snrah E. Warwick up his binoculars. Three boats John Thurston for a bewildered the t hird a nnunl Camp Reunion. E xecutive Committee. Exchnnge. sewer Harold Whitaker and Marion mom e nt. versus Willis O'Nea l Warwick, from the Ouyama were already $6.36; Ohio ort'ugated Culvert This r eunion will be · held at the Whitaker. In lot No.7 in WaynesCharles H. Young is indebted to Side by side two bodies lay. dose. Rilles bristled. Co., sewers, $22 11; J. K. Spencer, Lebanon Gra nge HalI on Thursday Y. w. C. A , Willis O'Neal Warwick, judg ment ville. Palmyra snatched hel'Self back Februal'y 18, at ] 0 :80. Dinner Will While the, others I!"an, Ponape lumber. $9/i. 5: H . L. Schuyl er, The Young Men's Christian AsHarold Whitaker to Josie Whit- pay roll, $232 .75; J . W. Davis, debtor and Charles H. Young is to Bur,k e ,was carried only a step or I.ro m John 68 if his tou b had be served by the Bus iness Comsociatio n has fitted uP. a hlmdsome appear in court F ebruary 10 and aker. Inlot No. 8 in Waynesville. pay roll , $157. 10 ; Ph i\ ip Heisel, two by the animal instinct of self- burned. "And it was you," she mittee of the Lebanon Grange. A Amanda Griffith, et aJ., to pay roll , $28. 00; ad Dakin, pay preservation. ' Th.en he stopped cried, rIgid in horror, "YOIl who progra m of music, stunts and pnrlar in Fan & White's new answer eonceming said matter. In the c.ase of Josie Whitaker ChnrJes Otto Lan genb ru nner. In- roll. $92 .65; Fl oyd Lemmons, pay fired? Oh," she' wailed, "I cannot, games has been planned , It. is a block, and adjo,iDing The News started on, turned back. HOl'ror sat upon that visage; cannot beal· t hat it should have good place to renew camp friend~ office, and is now ready for service versus Charles E. Whitaker the de- lot No. 3 in South Lebanon. roll, $40 .DO ; Dayton Blue Print FI'ank W. ~outhard to Alb ert O. 0., blue print, 97; William ludicrous, ,yet doubly intense by been you-you \vho killed Olive." ships. This will be the last county A neat car pe1t covers the floor, fendant was found guilty of excrimso n hangings shade the winand Ora Dnvidson. Real estate treme cruelty and the divorce was "But, "Oh, no, nO,n o, lady," the tile very inadeqll8cy of its expresLili enthal & wide meet ing to be held before ons, rood papers, in TurtJecreek t ownship. sion. . survfeon interrupted in eager re- Mrs. Edith Hilliker, Home agent dows, and the other furniture is granted the plaintiff. $ 1; Bnnclt Brotliers, r oad pupers a ll that is necessary for use and Mabel Ri ttner to Ella Davis. InIn the case of W. H. Madden and $3.00. . He snatched forth the revolvers. assurance. "This native man is not leaves the county on March 1. comfort.- Long may the Associa- Addie Madden versus S. E. Gustin lots Nos. 66 an d 67 in Maso n. He eould battle fOT her. Yes, kill dead." t ion prosper, and may the good it W. H. and Lena Drake to the plaintiffs are to recovtlr from She looked at that form in shudh'alf a dozen. of those Japs. Butaccomplishes be all t hat the most the defendant the Bum of $1068.58 Dayton Power a nd Light Co. The Onc way to cut down the cost to what avail? Fighting or no, he'd dering question. Cran(fe Lecturera to Meet . exacting .co uld deai l·e. In the case of William Ertel, an u se of certain real ' estate in or r.ai ~ ing. nplllcs is to weed oul the "Bullet knocked him out a little 10le ~er. vanet lell It ( oe!ln't pny to infant, by Daisy Keiter, next Wayne township for lines. "1 ca~'t go on without you," he ex~lained the officer, " but it ,hit The Co llege of Agricul t ure at Buaine.. ·Fi.rm. Achoerti.ina Sidney Chandler, et al., to Th e friend, versus The Board of CounOhio State University will play host to Grange members throughW. H. Stacy, contractor; Isaac t y Commissioners of Warren CGUn- Dayton Power and Light Co. The out the state when they attend Wood, carriage painting; C. D. ty, eleven motions were flied and use of certain real estate in Wayne town ship for lines. the short course f or Grange Lec- Woolley, NotOI'y Public; Kelly & all sustained by No. 3 LeRoy W. Snider "to!qew YOI'k In the case of New York Life urers to be held February 29- Gallahel', aucti,o neer; N. B. AnthMarcli <I. Courses at the school ony, carpenter and builder; Hamil- Insurance Co. versus LeRoy W, Life Insur ance Co. 159 acre 'in will deal with such topics as the ton & Coon, Lytle, tile works; Snider, et at, the contract existing Deerfi eld township. L~nnie and Mattie Sturgeon, by present agricultural situation and Fl:ank Barnhart, livery stable' between the parties is null and how lJest to meet it on the farm , George M. ZelJ & Son, under~ void and the defendants aTe ta sheriff, to Eva B. Ti ce, 65 acres ' the fallm family's food, trends in takers, ParshaU & Carder, meat surrender possession of premises in Goshen township. Celia Hatfield, to Jam e~ "Hatfield rural social Ol'ganization , and op- market; Wooll ey a nd Barnhart to the plaintiff. In the case of The Kurz-Kasch Cl4.67 acres in Union townshin. portuni t ites fqr educational guid- horse protective insuranle and Co., versus The Van Horne Co. the 'Meyer Hym~n to JUli a S. Obera nce in the Grange program. many other ou t-of-town firms. Va n Horne Co. has fail ed the ob- lin. I~l ots Nos. '{!,8 and 99 in A vaj cts of the corporation have been Ion Heig ItS. Th.e People TRY . abandoned and the receiver is disSarah . Kimmerle to J a mes E . OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Lent begins next Wednesday, mi ssed. McClure.' R a.! estate in Waynesthe 23rd. FOR RESULTS . In the case of WilHam E. Hoffer ville. Dr. James W. Haines has just versus William Edward Blair, the closed a very slUc cessful revival at board of trustees of Franklin Billa AI~d Paintersville, and is now aoout to township has certain property not Central Telepholre CorporOhio begin a protracted meeting at exempt f rom execution belonging Ogden, Clinton Co. Mr. Orange to William E. Hoffer in the Bum -of ation, tolJs, $3~.66; '- Central Raper will accompany the Doctor $76.50 and it is ord~red to be paid Telephon e Corporatjo n, rents, as chorister. to the clerk of court of common $65.50; Trustees of PubHe AfEsquil'e J. Wilson Edwards \Vas pleas of Warren county to pay 'fairs, water rent, $10; Mal·Y E. Hopping, re nt, $80; S. Fred Co. so unfortunate,' the other day, as court costs. 00 UC' to lose two cows and a steer all Joe Yarnell was found g.uilty and supplies, 112.95: Drs. Edward and fine animals. They bad got at' the was 'fined $100 and costs, Robert Blair, serviceB..t $62; Drs. tobllcco, and it; did them up. Thomas Purdue was found guil- Edward an.d Robert tllair, serviMr. Wili ILippincott visited ty of possessing implements'for the C~8, $7; Mrs. Erma Hibnar, serv!ces, $lO: Mrs. Mary Ennis, ser. Dayton last welek. manufacture of liquor, etc., and VIces, $10; Albert MiJlard,services MANtY people, two Jtours after Mr. M. C. Liddy made a trip to was finecj $260 and costs, $10; Richard L. Williams, $10; ea ~B, I.utter indigestion .. the city recently. ' Mr. Lon South, services, $7; Still- ' they call. It, ~t IS Ulually ~ acid. -T'HE W'CIIIW1 who , gives Iher usual cathartic. You'l) be rid of all Mr. Gorden J. Wright trod the New Suita water Sanatorium, care of Flora Correct It ~th . . alkah. The beat J. orpus ~e right ltimulant that ,l?0isonous waste, and you soil of C!\ncinnati on Wednesday. Deed not worry .oout growing old. baven t weakened the bowels. You'll Mr. R1chard F. Wales, of HarThe American Loan and Reality ~mith, $108.50; Commerce Clear- ::~' t~e~~Jlf' h~l~~ f"d~ci~t 0 MagDeala~ Her IlYltem doesn't stagnate; her bave a better appetite, and feel veysburg, is to sit on the United Mo. versus J. W. Wilder foreclos'" mg .House, Inc., corporation tax It haa rema·P!t / IIIIJe doesn't age. Sbe has the health better in evcry way. Theconst&nt serVIce, $2 5 ; Office Outfitters, sup- standard wi(h~hY .or 50 the States Grand Jury next wee.k. ure of mortgage. ad "pep" that come from a lively use of cathartics is often the cause of MI'. Edwin L. Allen, of CincinEarl Evans and Ernest Evans p!ies, 60c; J,oh n Law & Son, gas, lui in water neu~ana. ~e ~~Il3 &Illlow complexion and lines in the IiVa" and strong, active bowels. nati, ran up here yesterday on a versus B. H. Dakin and Harle·y 011 and alcohol, $3.28.; Baldwi~ ita volume in stomachcsa=Yand :: WheD you're sluggish and the facc . And so unnecessary I hurried visit to the maternal home. D. Miller fqr money, f01'eclosure of La w Pub. Co., supph~s, $9.50, once. The symptoms disap .... n. in rlyat.em needs help, don ' t take a lot . Would you IiIte to l>reak yourself Master Allen Bergen, of Cin- mortgage, appointment of receiv- 0ffice Outfitters, supplies, $1.80; five minutea, or "pilU:l.t medicines." There's a of the cath artic h&bit? At the same C?lumbus Blank BQok Co., supYou will never use crude m thoda cinnati, was 8. guest 0'1 Master er and equitable relief. 'famOus d?Clor'1I prur ription for time building hwlh and vigor that .John Cartwright last Saturday and John C. Reynolds versus Cora B. phes, $8.60; M, E. Ross, stamps, ~hen you know this better m:thod. jaaJ IUda cases, and C\'(' ry druggist prolects you [rom frequent sick Sunday. Heynolds, for divorce and other re- $4; PI's. Ed wnl'd and.~ob ert Bla~r ~d you will neversuBerfromexcesa beps this standard pr parotion . It ~pells, headaches, and colds? Get a serVIces, $53.50; Relf s ElectrlC I aCid when you prove out this eu'y Me s~ rs. Orange Raper, Harry lief. is made Ir\)m fresh luath'e herbs, big bottle of Ik CaldwcU's syrup . Ridg-e and John Liddy attended the Estelle Wright versus The Cin- Shop. lamp, $2.70: Griswold Ser- relief. ) adlve 5eIUUl and pure pepsin. Just .pt;psiu today. Use onen enough to ~e sun to get the genuine Phillips Y.M.C,A. Convention in Xenia cinnati & Lake Erie Railroad Co., vice Station, gas, charging battery aU ,.. Dr. D;ldwell's syrup pepsin. ovoid those attacks of constipation. $2.21; John Law & Son, repair Milk of Magnuia 'prescribed l) last Sunday. for petition. . Take a tittle .every day or 5<1. u[)lil When yo u feel weak and run-down work, . $267.53; Sam D. Henkle physician.s for 50 yeaI'!! in corru~ Mr. Frank Montgomery and Miss eYIf!r'j orga!1 m your body feels the • lIr a coated tongue or bad breath surveYIng, $97.50; Drs. EdwaraJ excess aCIds. 25c and SOc a bottle-Mary A. McCoy, both of this Prohate Court Die improvement. W:lr01 y? U the bowels need to be and Robert Blair, services, $10; aJiy drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia"!' I vicinity, were 'm arried in Lebanon ne DCxt time r ou hav*! :! iliJiou:! ~timlilnted. Give it to children The: will of 'Daniel H. Lind, de- Robert Reichel, supplies, $6; Fred a s beeri the U. S. Registered ·T rade. February 10, by Rev. G. H. Dart . . ~W'lle, or reel all !IUIW(l-IIP, It.!<:''. inlllcacl uf strong laxativ~ that !lap ~ eased, was filed in probate, Alice O. James, supplies, $1.46; Frank- C,~ark. of the Charles . H, Phillipe; deiieious 'yruf' ill, te-.,,] of the .heir atrenS-.h . It isn'l ~ve, (Continued On Pace S) H. Lind was I 'ppointed executrix, lin Chronicle, notice, 96c: C. W. ......elDlcd CompanyaiDce 1176, I -
By Stanley R . . Osborn
M h
, •
That Accounts For It
Wl\S vUV 600D.
5 %\ Farm Loans
tONG OR SHORT TIME-~. terms, Also Surveying . 'n d .AI). stracting. Write and I will call lind ~ee You. Sam D, Henkle, Way-,, nesvllle, Qhio, '. . .1\1
FOR .RENT.~:corn .'; 'gr~und, !7 Bcres. InqUIre G. 1. Wa,terhoUS!i, ,
tf '
WANTE.D W A,N!J.'ED ":': H~ness Repairing' ~nd ·oij.lng, ~nd · .. new , hameli8; bUJIt. XenJ8I Hariiwate Co" ,.US E .. Main St., Xenja/ ' qhiQ ' . m.101
WANTE~Piailp . 'Pupils: ·. eam telej)oone . ·36R4· 01" see · ·1Ira..
.rOhD B. GoD.
THE MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY WED~ESDAY D. L. CRANE P ...Ii..... lsub.~'PtiO. Pr-. 'I.SO • Y••r OIic. Plao........................No. 112 . . . Ent.,.d .t Po.tollin at W .. ,yn .. ~ill•• R ..i4I.ce ........................ Ne. 118 aII/o, . . S.~ond ct... /11,,/1 M.tler FEBRUARY 10, 1932
====--='-===-=-=-=-=-=-=-=====================-=IPOC A Record To Be Proud Of In n ormal times the United States has t he highest t<tarulard!\' of living in the world. And the. am I' if! tru e of dep ressed limos. 're mpor'ury condition s may cau ~e une m)lloyme nt and sonte decrease in wages-but it will be found that these effects are felt t o ales er degl'ee here than clscwhel·e. Jt is imposs ible to escape the fact that this is largely at.tri~utab~e t o th· grentol' ava ilability of ' mechanical power per worker m thiS nation lhan abroad . In 19 :30 th e United States pl'oduced about 41 p er eent of t he lectrical po'' '' e r of the world. The kilowatt-hour P!oducti on was alm ost fOU l' times that of Germany, the seco nd rankmg countl'y, and more than te n times the producti on C!f eith el' Great Brita in o r F l ance. III those co untri es, it is well to POlllt out, governmen t has bee n nn impo rtant factor in el ectl'ical developme nt, in. con trast t u th is nllti on whel'e powel' has been developed t hro ugh private enterprise. . The United States like wise enjoys an exceptIO na lly low rate . for its PO I\ el·. Th l! cost u( electricity to th e av e rage manufacture r is less than2.5 per cent of t he total value of his products-wh ereas 30 cents out of each dollal' of eorpol'ate profits, on the average, go to meet th e cost of government. Today one pe rson out 0'1 1.0 is emplayec! b y gocernment and in less than 40 years taxes have Ill.crea sed 13 tIm e: n ~ rapidlY' as . population, three times a s fns.t us ~atl o nal wea~th, .un.o Illmost twice as fast a8 our increase in natIOnal mco me, Durlllg thIS per iod t he cost of power has been constantly dropping. The Am e rican electric industry, privately financ ed and operated. ancl I'egulated in t he public interest by the state has made n record t o be proud of.
_= ====-======== =""'r
T ax Rebellion Prospects
-" /
Most of us have receivetl various reports and what-not issued by th e government. In n eWll paper and magazine offices they come in bales. f b'II' Last year th e gove rnment printing office turned out our I Ion c~pies of suc h matter, at II cost of about $20,000,O~0. Sales to the public returned $2 15,74:1 of t his. The re ·t was fre e lssue at the expense of taxpayers. . . Most of this matter, furtherm or e, IS se!'t fre~ through the malls. thus building up the postal defic it, and a_gal,:! taking money from th e p ockets of taxpayers. Some of these publlcatlons are, of course valuBbl!! and constitute a leg itimate func~ion of go~<:rnment. ~ut the .b';llk ()f them arc either useless or co nsIst of pohtlcal . uttelances. ,vhlc h erve on ly to glorify some " states man" 01' burea u III the public eye. And we all pay for it. . I . t ' th Twenty million or so dollars is . Ii comparatIVely smu I I e~ 111 ~ cost of goverriment. But the free-pnnted, post-free docu':'l e nt rncket il' II good example of wastefulness and extravagance III the usc of public fund s. . b t t The taxpayer is a patient, long-endurlll~ creature, u .canno even his patie nc e be strained to virtual re bellion? There are s Igns of it . The MassachuseUs Tax Assoe iati on said recent~ I : "R ecog"''t'lOll ·must be given to the gradually ,awake ning tax c on sc.l(~usness of !;he public, which mor~ and more i!l causing the average elttze~ to ~eahze that expenditurcs III government m~ st be re ~uced or eur~lle~ Just a industry has been forced t o deflate Its cost s III order to eXIst.
Farm lvight 1 alks, february 22 Th. 0_
U. Radl. St.tioD-WEAO
(J. P. Schmidt, Superviso r of Farmers' Institute, Presiding)
'1 '00 Farm Night Melody Maker
? B Z b 0 7 ;05 When Is the Best Time to Buy Chicks" .... " , .. . , P . , urn r A Record of Sweet Clover. , .. .. .. .. ........... ..... , .. .... E., p.FReed 36 How Much Lard to Make a Hog ...... ......... Howard ettro 7'50 Will Machinery Lead the Way OutL ....... .. .... .. .... G. W . McCu.en 8;05 Some 4-H FGlow~r .CICUbst ·.. ·... .. ... .... ...... ... ...... j ....S.. ~ho~~:k:~ 8 :20 Raspberry rowmg os s........... .... .. ...... ... ... . . . . . P ddock 8 '35 Fruit Grower, What of 1932? . ..... , .... ....... ' ....... .W. a . t 8 :50 Bow Stnte Highways are Constructed .. .......... .. . ... : Elmer Htl y State HIghway Dept. •
CUTS SPUD COSTS produced under the direction of WITH BETTER SEED the college of agriculture or the department of agri.cultu~e, . d~More profitable returns may be pending on the state III which It IS obtained from Ohio's one and a grown. When seed entered .for half. million bushels of potato 'se~d certification passes the requlrethis summer if c.are. is u~ed In ments of the state in which it i~ selecting high Yleldmg, dlsease- produced, it carries an official free aeed, accordinl\'. t~ E •.B. TU6~- certification tag of that state_ The in~ extension speclahst In hortl- tags and bags are sealed with a .cu t'ure at the Ohio State Unlver- lead seal. Gr.owers wishing to produce .Sit~ 1 two kinds of potatoes lIeed certified seed, first secure good .. the n Y ta h s have real merit foundation stock. Then they make s te ~~~~d seed and seed application for inspection through ese aref:e eertiflcation t he official certification agenc~. <onC::t~fied o:ed, he expl~ins, is These ffeldS receIV& two and In
Odd-But TRUE I.
A Dream I
Had ~Irs. Ii. M. Fite a-nd Jane. Ellen of Wa:;hington C. B., were weekend ~ u e. ~K II f !\Ir. anll Mr!>. Frank By Mra. ~ ••• ie B. Tripp Wilso n. The typ s mode us oy in our The Farmers' Institute, held last iss ue t~t Mr. !:5ebh Con-.t, rig.h: dreamed on e night, un Ang.el cu me to this neighborhood III i .i I in the Gym Tuesday aftemoon :lnd evell ing was well attended. came flOl" me , when w meant to say 1839. Ilcal' Edwnr(!s will nut The following program waR pres- And too k me far away, o'er hi nd Mr. move in to town: OUI' repbrter wa 'nt d anti ' nt.hus iastically re<:~iv- , and eu i "oll'i" but MI'. William Biggs h,:!s cd. AfLcmuon sess ion : lnv catIon, And up int., a great g lass dome, so taken PO Rscs~ i on of t he Gravel- II III 1. v. Luk~l'; mus ic, ol'chc ·tnt; aphigh, . house. pliintment df C{)mmi ltee., pr csi- , . I it a lmost. touc hed the ' Mr. W illie O'Nell1I and his f am - tI~nl ;'IlcKay; cornel ud, Howard . ;:,ud n~~'c'n etI' S kY. il y hav e moved back to t heir farm Shambaugh alld G Le nn Sn ell ; au- J Htood there with t he Angel, side neal' th is plu.ce, wileI' we hope II' 'S, M b .' Etlnu Huwlulld, , llll ll ly .by sitl e, they will I' main long, a nd alway!! ' upel'in ll>ll dl! nt of .chlloh, Adam s. 1111 \\uLchetl God' f\ angel' fl ow , . . . . . . . . . .. ._ _111.11:1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ lie hnppy. ' 'ounty: Illu sic, Mrs. II. S. Tucke r, ju,;t ' like a tidei I 1I'rs. Avary N 'c.IlI es hu ~ I on' of Mrs. H. T. 1\101l1'1' ant.! 1\11';;. IC•F. rite Llwntlel' I'oared! the lighte nin g !~~~~~~~~~~~""'! . ~ . S.'lIulllakl'l': add ress, I-I .. n. 1. ___ ,__ _ , _~~~~~~~~!"!:~~"'!'"!'!~~_ _____ _ th, pretti ,~ t ",illl .,w-gar< ens In lIlindlv tlas hed! I tow n. The lovely f1owcr~ to the L "\\'~l'y ,\lillt' l', 1':-;-. tate ~l'nilt. 1' : And Wltll each Cl'Uck, II great !;tone . Sub.cTibe for the Miami Guett. Subscrihe for the Miami Gazette pa ser-by COl'nl a plea:;ant c(\nll'ast llIus ic, I)l'clH'~lt a. lJllilt!ill~ crushed. to the t hill and i:lilom that ru le En'ning- SI' ~ :;: .. n .-- t\lu ~k , l.atnd, ~~~~=:_~_.~=-=-=-~~~~_~:-::_::_:-wit hout. 1'(! j1UI·t of cUl1l1nitt()es, 1I.0w.IlI:11 fhe Ange l sa id to ~lIe, "Be not Ou!' friend Frank S herw tio d, of Grahalll; vllcal so lo, VlI'gmla afraid! Oregonia, fa\'orut! u: wi~h a ",til Tuck cl' ; ~chool prog ram - music, Fo r on thi ' dO lli e, th e hand of on Monduy. Frank i ~ a C31111itlu((' I i~h ~c !Jo lJl g-I<'e cluo; addl'ess, Hun God is :;tuyed; for the oRke ,,[ Audito!', lind .1. Lu\\cry J\IiIler; Illuti ic, ba nd; T he thi ng y,,'u sec, is end uf time EPAIRING cvcrybod.v knows lhal if hI ' is 11I)t li on Arthul' lJ amilto n was .' ched· ant.! world! " Wutche s s uccessfu l it will ll o l be lOll at· uled t o sJlt'ak I)n t he afte rnoon pro- An ti s hrie ki ng sou ls, like dead Cln(' k~ , cou nt fo lack of abi lity ur Illl'ril. )!,'r:llll ilut \\IlS u naLle to be pre sent leave,' ro und us whided. .Jewelry 1)1'. Alge rn o n Sydney SlcI·cn >:. till!' to i1111 c~". Hi bho ll award:; were 1(' \Va s II terl'ible, an awful thing, who will bu plt' asa ntl y rCll1ellliJer. ~i\'l'n n cUl'n. n eed le work, baking I s till ca n hear cries of t he d y ing 'lorc ( pe n Eveni ngs ed as a former re Rid '1I1 of lh i~ and IH,m<: t'con l)JlIic ~ class machine ring! pillce , but wh o for a lo ng' timc hl\ ~ se\\ iUi:. Ca sh pd;r.es wele awa rded The Angel sai d to me, "Y ou've CARY'S been li ving in Uullc r co ull ty . l13 s st hool chiltln:n fur pO~le l's advernaught to f ea r! Iatl' ly mo ved to King's l\lill s, thi . li ,ing' Lhu Instilute. In lhe gl'8de s For yo u, too, arc a so ul now, with count\·. We arc g' lad he has clime -- fil"t Chris t ine I"a in:hi ld, $ 1: nit! here. " back tu civ ilizuti on again. s(:ctllHI. Ln VlJlle O~bul'll, 75c, MI'. Gorde n J. Wri ~ht olrer~ f('r thirr!, WlIyne Gray, 50c. In t he Next thing 1 knew, on a so ft s ule his I'e ~ id B('(' : neud y two hi ~ h ~c h oo l on ly two J1os t el'~ we re >co uch did 1 r es~ acres gro und, lw o ho uses. one of l'nt l'l't.'d, first, Ellis Sh idaker. $ 1; While old friend s came, in whitest FOR SALE DATES CALL nine roo ms und ha ll , ncw ly fillint · secll nd , J .. sc ph O;:;born 75c. garme nts dresse d; ed a nd papered; the other IIf fOlIl rooms, Barn, w(\od , an d con l-hOli S ' ~II· . a nd Mrs. Chas. H. Gray 1 knew tJhe m, but could not r ecall t he ir names, etc., all in good cond iti on. Th is spe nt TUl' ~ day afternoon at Blanproperty is ve l'y desirablc, and will che: tul' where they visited J . A, But they all knew who I was, just the s ame, be sold VC I'y cheap. SlurI', wh lJ i ~ qu ite ill , a nd other Mrs. E. A. Dud ley off I'~ fur sale nWll lhcl'S of the fam il y, a lso Mrs. A lovely soul, stood sm iling down 01' re nt hel' property 0 11 the c I'ne r Edi t h, mith, at mei of Mill a nd Ma in street WaynesThe Alumni presented lhe play I sa id , "I kn ow you dear, who can yo u oo?" JESSE STANLEY ville. T he house contain s 12 good "Thl' hIJcrili l Liar, " at th e Gym room s, and 11 barn and thl:r oul- Thur~da.v e\'e nin g befo re a large ' he sa id , "Quite so'On OUI' names P hone 320, New 'BurlinlrtoD, OLio you can recall, bu ildings ure on the lot. It is a audi 'ne (', Th e cast of characters good property, e lig ibl.v s ituuted, foll ows: H a~tings Hu ssel J . P., a We know you dear on e, and you, EARL KOOGLER know us alii" a nd wo uld be ~o ld on fuv ol'ubll' ch rc I' ful Jial', How ard ~tcQuinn : Day ton Phone term~ . Randolph Dearbo rn, an a ccessory Mrs, William II. I3 rliw n, of before til(' fact , I"red Bogan ; Rev. oo n othe rs came, with many KEnmore 8986 flowers fair, '! So u t h Charl es ton , is the guest of Ezra. ' Uj!i:i ns , a go ld c ure pl'ac tiAnd maidens, with white ro ses in Mrs. A. L. Fan. lilln 1'. Churl !' Osborn; Ge n. their hair; Mrs. Mal){a l'et Hayslit is ve ry H uo l1l(,I', II Chicago real estate milHUNTING ill at the home of her ~ rand- lionu il'e . !l arry Tucker; Guy 1\1c- And on th eil' feet. we re gold and 6. FISHIN~ silvel' shoon uaughlel', Mrs. Fru nk Hurmel. Gufl1n, a cuunty co nstable, Roger l'c l)l'esented, both the sun Tranalt Bldg. MisR Eva ,'.anney .Ieft. Wedn es- KOI'l'l'llllln; Plora Boomer, u girl Which and the moon, d~y, f Qr ln dtallapohs, II'h~r' she I who ha s a good tim e, J osephin e Boaton, M .... WIll spe nd 11 fortnli:hl Wltil her Shambuugh; B irdie Sweetlove, a The fl 0 01'!> w-cre laid in sq ua res of bluck and white friend s. wel'e a great many .In at- hou~ekeepel' curcLucretia estab- Which represented, both th e day Th ere li ~hmellt, Cl auatdillgold Gray: a nd night i ten dan ce on ~h e funel'lll of Mr, Siwiggiu s, a sch03 1 teacher. Ruth 30 Years Experience in cth artwl'lgh t lll st unday. Ratliffe. ~I usir ,vas furnished by And all around m~ couch grew Fit ti ng and Making Glasses flowers fair, Among t ho e from abroa d were the Alumni or chestra. Mrs, Han nah Reichel and Mr. L. And fro m th.e shadows , there came music rare. G, Ca r tw righ t, ~f Dayton, IIh'. ~Il's .. A. L. Ken~edy was taken Allen Jam es. 1111', and Mrs. George rtUlte III .at the Al~1 room ThursLebaDoD, Ohio a nd Juster Alle n da y ~ve nlllg, folilo.wlIlg' th~ regular Th ere was a pool with water C. Jam e Tue.day, Thurad..,., Sat",,"'? parkling, blue, B e r~e n, of in c inll ~ti: a~d MI'. meetlllg of t he Ald. She IS repoltE.aminatipn Fro. I entel'ed: and came OJ,lt with body William Beadle of 1 roy. 1 he re- l'd to be l'ome better. new' LEBANON, OHIO ma in s of ~he "dear .deP!1l'terl". were The thir d a nd fourth grade And o~et'head a gorgeous bird flew interred III Lhe Hlck s lte Fl'l cnd ' Igave an a l}p I'opriate pab'iotic probyg- rav eyurd. The p a ll-beal'(,I'~ wer e ram at a~s embly Fl' ida~' morning. Ft'om far away- there came it 's Messrs. Jacob Randllll, A. L. Farr ,f' Am erica" was the open ing song. 'liquid cry'" Phili p l-I a\Vk~. J o na ~ Janney, Ed- . Devotions wer,e led by . Leila Sweet mu sic played, a s I came ward E. Ebl'l ~h fln d Illnucl Rog- Koverman. A play "February's from the p oo i ers. Fam o us Days" was g iven. A ve ry Where I bathed in the waters pure Are we t h ave any fox-drives pretty F lag' Exercise folioweB and and cool; t his sea on ? Pen-y Pence to the the gir ls of the uppe r g rades g ave Wh en I went in, no clothing did I front. t he f1n,g driil the'y gave at Farmer's weat·, Gra nd Army meeting ton'ight.Institute. which clo cd wi t h sin~~ Eut I came out all c lothed in garing ,.... tar-Spangled Banner, Be pUBetual, boys. flowers fair, Superintendent Moore made th-e annou ncements. The fil'st and sec- A nd though the water was all some states three fie ld in spections. ond g'rades will en te rtain t his Friliquid, wet, If they pass these. they receive n da~'. T h e pare nts and friend ~ who 'r came out tll'y, and I can see it ye~ tuber inspection ufter digging and are not attcnd ing these Jlrogram8 ROOT FOR AND 'C ONSIGN ar mi ssi ng ' quite a treat besides The tiny wave s were dancing in your Cattle, hogs, she~p and calves finally a s h'ippin g point inspec- fa iling to enco urage the ~hild.ren the s un, to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and tio n to ascertai n the grnde . Th e in theil' effort!; al(lng thIS hne. A ilver tip, was sp arkling on firm for the h~heat percentage of di sea ~e tolerance Lel's see a IIll'ger t urn-o ut of each one. NLESS ~'ou se~ the name ~ayer prices and good. serVlee: val'iea somew hat with the differe nt vi itOl'S from now on. I passed along a street so s potless and the word genu me on the packa~e 'u ' on Stpek Yarela' CinclD_tl,. O. tates but in most cases th is tolclean, CUI pictured above y ou can never ,be T~~e in on Radio Station ,WC~y. Be rn an and W ilia nl Bogan erance is Quite low'. Where sto'od the whitest homes lurc that you arc taking the gcnullle 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daJly were Dayto n vi s itors Wednesday, The avel'age y ield of potatoes I'd ever, seen j Bayer Aspirin that th ousands of market reports. in Ohio last yea r was 102 bushels Mr. and Mt's. Laure nc e Coo,k I entered one, I could not tel1 you physicians prcscribe in their daily ':=='======~==::;::~~======= pel' acre. It costs about 100 doll ars have moved i,nto Amo s Cook s why, practice. an acre to produce a crop of house. And there I saw my mother, laughpotatoes, With prospects tor Iqw ing lie. The name Bayer means gC11lli/ltJ Mrs. Lida V illars, of Spring pric ~ll it is e sen tial, Tussing beMpirin. I t is your gu. ran lee of ~ lieve , that acreage yield s be in- Valley, spen t t he week wi~h her Upon a ~()uch, in flowin g gal'ments pu rity-your protcetion against tlfe dressed. ~OT ARY PUBLIC creased RO that costs per bus hel so n, Everett Villars and fanllly. unitations. Millions of users have may be cut to the bone. Sec ur ing Mrs. R, H. ,Jefferis and nieces. ·1 sat beside her, for I wished to proved tha tit is safc. National BUlk lhe best of see d is one way to in- Ca rm en and CI'eo KiJ'k, , pent Sunrest: crease yields. C enuine Bayer Aspirin promptly ~il\. Drawn . _ E .... to. Settl.d day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kjrk We'd been quite il1 before we in Wilmington,. passed away, relieves: WAYNESVILLE. OHIO And' regain Headaches Neurit'is MI·s. A, T. lI!Ioler received painrestto each day.our strength, mu s t Colds Neuralgia Cui inju'ri es in a fall Saturduy. She She sa id, "Dear, all that's left of ha ' been unable t? wal.k for sevu" on earth . Sore Th roa t Lum bago rul eumati~m T oothache eral m o nt hs a nd , III belllg helped Is a memory, record of our death from one chair to anothel' fell, and birth; No harmful after-c/TcdR fo llow it:f 1\11'5. b: liza Ca rtel' is s uffering 'Ve now have en tered God's grand use. It docs nut dl'press the hear t with gr ippe. I paradise, now "lit rest, behind the glowMl'. t ul tz. father 'O f 'J 0h n .Are qkies Stu ltz died a t l he family home on m g - __ . _ _ • _ __ _...... 111'. F rost's farm Saturday even ing. Il l' l:a.1 Lee n an invalid for a long PUBLIC SALE time, The r ema ins were removed at ofl re to the form er home at Owing' to the death of my hu sBuf ord, where funeral ~e rvic es band, 1 will sell all my farm chatwere he ld Monelay. tels, located 5 miles S. of Centerville, 111.. mihl$ W. of Lytle, 4 mileli E. of ,$ i-~n~boro, 3 miles ENROLL IN If>ORK CONTEST N. of Ridge l n the Dayton and Lebanon ', 9JJ the Surface Furmers cf Warren County who farm, onl would lik e to e nroll in the State PHONE 8F3 Tueld ..y, .reb 1. 1932 Pork Producel's contest can do 50 Beginning at 11 :30 8. m., the hy mn ki n<r application of County AI!' . t Cla ss or inquiring at the followin'g : AARVEYSBURG, OHIO 4 head of Horses, 4 head of Farm Bureau office, Lebanon. Phone 78J The P ork Produceion club has Cattle, 50 head' of good mixed unifol'm ru les throughout Ohio Chickens, Farming Implements, lot with the idea and aim to cut costs of Harness, Household and Kitcheb and bring greater efficienc¥ in Goods, 100 shocks of cor~ and por k production. The ~oal IS to Fodder. Terms-Cash. pl'ouu ee litters averagmg 1400 M8S. WALTER FRIERMOOD pounds or more. whet;' 180 days of age. N ew claSS IficatIOn for ~9a2 F. T. Martin, Auct. I pc rmits enrollment of hers with. a Walter Hibbard, Clerk. minimum of thNle sows. Each httel' must be included in the weigh·nll'. Another change in rul~s perNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT m its entries any time p.rev~ous ~ the farrowing of the first litter m Estate oC Mellvina Mason, deF ... hrllary or March. Previously tl ll cn tt'ys hac! to be made bef~re ceAsed . . No'tice is hereby given that Febl'U81'Y 1. Suo the nelw rulm~ m ake it e'a sicr and more convenl- Emerson Mason has been duly .a p(lnt for producer!! to qualify. M>ore pointed and .qualifled as Executor complete informlltion can be se-. of the ~state of Mellvina Mason cured of Coun<ty ~ge~t Class or late of Wal:ren County; Ohio, de- . . inrtuire at the ..!i'arm · Bureau . office eeased. ti t a bove explllin~d. 'Dated this 9th <Jay of February _ " _ . ,..I. _ ~ --..,1932. ' W" ~. ROLL ' PROTEst RIGHT .'. Judge of the Probate Court, m2 Warren 'County, Ohio , .:" -, Ohio' .two f arm journals. "the hio Farmer, a:nd .,Farm and Dairy WATCH YOUR CREA'M \ right. of . I'eaently pr tlleated Ra lph L. Wal~el', for the I'f y·o U1'.. cre!lmery isn't what it Federal RadIO to Ought to be, invelltlrate yourself !llllll, h the· Jlrogram of first, and Bee It you are giving it . the state radio station I the riaht llUpport, th& kind it • W'EAO <hniDi ,v~ bou~ , deaerve.. (Continue d Fron Page 2) The Pepple
SI.,GO d
per ton
The Roxanna an Wayn. esvl e Canning Plants
Slanley &Koogler Auction eers
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's leweltY Shop
Dead Stock Wanted
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
._-,. l
Mhlk , • • '«NM~ ., \'ft
Piano 010, Mazurka is red. It i, 'Whit•• It til blue.) I :45 Rest period. b\' Doris Beck. . Song. "Our Flag," hy da s. 1 :50 Phy leal education. 2 :00 Literature. Recitation : "Be 3rd Grade, Clara Llle Lik~ Washblgton,' Eugenll GTuber "The F lag," Bobb Doane. "B tsy 'Son~, olJ..ifl·, ~talesmlln •. llresi.(Continued from 'Page 1) ;' .Betty Tinney. "Februury d nt. School. . Ros Speaks," Cha'rles Orndorf. "I Readill", ·The n yhnod of Wash ~ Fifth GNde-KinDiaoD Younlr wond~I"" Billy Tinne~. ington. Mal'y 1\1 ~,. SQl\i, AltIJ rlcal lass. Recitation, What's III !l Nl\me, 2 :30 Rer;es'; 2 :45 A play, "G orgo Washington ~cadin8', Wnshmgton, Elizabeth Owen Hurt ock. W A YNESVIU:.E M. E . • CHU'R Clt Hobli~. . Dialogue, Wa!lhington II Birth- 2 :1)0 II\Vashington's Hatchet," 7 Tune in on the C. & B. progTllm, l:ioys. ncnding, Wa bing;on's Oolors, day, thl'ce girl: , f our boys. G. C. Dibert, Putor With t;he inc.-eaaed capacity of ou.r Hatchery station . WK RC every Sunday Wilto n' J:furtsock. . Washington' Lif In So.ng, 12 2:55 Music. afternoon at 2: 1Ii . Wed nesday : The. Ladies' Aiel ~ong : "Washington ,'" "Amer. !lntl The Flag, -Evelyn' John . gil'ls. , and the low cost of eggs, we are ' in Soc iety is meeti ng in the church Read,"g, Th re lire Many Flalr-S Recitatioll,. In February, Ra l,pft ica," I,' ow we sing of Washing, Bo'mMr. and Mrs. Cal'l F isher nt 2 :00 t his p. m. The Jr. Choir ton," "The Banner We Love." Mi.ldre,d Young. , Van Oflen. . , a position to do custom hatching for 2c. pel' Reva ears, of enterville, meet.s in the church eac h Wednes3 :10 Art (Making of hnlc hets. nee Reaillng, When The Father of ong and recitation by four February 8, a son. day immediately after s chool. His Country was a Little Boy like girls, "Our Flag." egg; duck and turkey eggs, 4c. Pl'Ilyer meeting at 7 :00 p. m. This Me, E erett Savage. Dialo~ue , "TIle First American Waabinglon Program, Mi .. Reeder Mrs. O. M. Ridge an d Mrs. week we will stud.y the paruble of ' Dialogue, Gorge Washington, F lug," five pupils. Flag exercise led by Nathan Laul'o Sides weI' busine ~ visitors Privilege a nd Du~; "The Barren Sixteen boys and g ir ls. ong, .Long , Long, Ago, School. Hartman. Fig Tree," and I The .Bond Serin Dayton, this morning. Washington Pl'oclamation. MirReadin~, Like Washington, Exercise, "The Red, White and vnnt.' hoir practice at 7 :45 p. m. iam Scott. Walter Winterbotham. Blu e," by J ane and Jea,n Hartsock unday : S unday school at 9 :30 Miss Louise Houg h was hostess Song, Stal· Spnngled Banner, Recitation, A good ' Start, Clar- and Virginia Schuler. to II few fr iendsl at a va lenti ne a. m. Moming worsh ip at 10 :30 Clas, ence Price. Recitation, "One Star," by IJarty, .'aturd ay evening. We will obser ve the Communion Flag Jo~xorcise, three boys, one Lalinc Hilderbrecht. of the Lord's Supper at this hour. girl. Mi.. M~Kin,.ey'a Program ong, "Was hington," by entire Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan F:pworth League at 6 :30 with R citalion, Fcbl'Uary Plan, 'Mary group. and son vi sited relatives in Kings Florence Da y as leader. EvangelisSong, "Washington's Birthday," Bumgardner. Exercise; "Who" by Ellen M08<l, 11'1 ill~ last Thursday eve ning. li' servi ces ut 7 :30 p. m. Recitation, "Th' Twenty-second Martha Washington asks f or Joe Jam es, :Wal're'n LeMay, Mat'ie of February, Margaret Hazelwood. some tories of Wash ington and Hal'din, Ana Lee Smith and RayMr . O. R Unglesby, who has WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Lincoln's Toast to Washington, five boys relyp with stories. mond Ross. been ill. and on the vel'ge of CHRIST .Miriam Wharton. Washingto n's Name Sakes, Story of Wa bington. pneu'lllonia. is g()tting bette r. (Undenomin/ltional) , Quotations about /Wahsington. Louesa White. Redit.atioll, "W IIshingto n ·nnd Song, "Washington's Cherry Song, Columbi a, Gem of the me, Gene Th~m£!o!, :..._ Tune in on the C. & B. program, Chester A. Williamson, Minister Trce", Blanch a nd Francis Graham Ocean. hurch choo l at 9 :30 a . m. statio n WKRC every Sun day Play, Washington. A prophetic picture, "The Biblt· Recitation, The New Hatch et, afternoon at 2:15. Pieoe, A Jealous Patriot, Wil· David Furnas. Sc hoo l of Februar y 11, 1964." liam Strouse, E lmer Surface. Those to wh om we must look fo l' Dialog ue, February Birt hdays, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Baird a nd Recitation, "Our Flag," Lloyd one S!'irl and five boys. daughtcr ca lled on MI'. a nd M1's. leade r: h ip in 1964 will be in Hazelwood. Amedca a nd Salute to the Flag Ed Ricks at Belmont Monday charge. There will be remi niscenRecitation! _Tis Sp lendid to live School. Mr. E. J. Carmony, of Sp ring- evening. CC';< of the school of 1932 and ot!)e l' l so Grandly, mary Eva LeMay. field, enjoyed a few hours 'l'hursintere!>tinl(' features. LO I'd's Supper Story, The Home of Washington Waahington Program, Fay Kelley day eve ning with his mother, Mrs. B ub catches" A n Innocent . Des- tit conc lu ~io n. Chr ist ian Endeavor Charlotte Hartman. Mary armo ny. pemdo," at t he Gym, March 3, at 6 :30 p . m. Lo la ears and VirSong, Am erica. Song, America. MI'S . Chalmer Reeder returned dena F ox, leaders. Evening evanExercise,. George Wash in gton's la st week from Miami Valley hos- li nd Jerushy catches Bub . gelist ic se rvices at 7 :~O p. m. SerBirthday. pital, where 'he had beim for Mrs. Ida K e I SE~ y, wh n hil S been mon s ubject, "Losl. " Prayer meetWashIngton Pl"OlIr&m-4t1t Grade Reading, Like Geo rge Wa shing- cleven weeks. Sh is s lowly imvisiting her niece anti fa.milyin ing and Bible st udy each Wedn eslon. Song, ·"America." Class. proving. West Virginia, retul'ned home this clay nt 7 :30 p. m. The church Recitation, The Hon est Little Reading of a short stOTY about Levi GI'eathouse ret urn ed to morning. where yo u feel at home. George Washington by E arl Men- Boy. the home of hi: 'on in Dayton . Recitation, Ob ed ience. denhall. last week, after an exte nded visit Send your sto,ck to The CrawST. MARYS CHURCH Exercise, What do we Spell? 45R2 Dialogue, "What did Washinghel'e \\'ith his dau ghter, Mrs. Clyde f ord Commission Co., Union Stock Rev. J . J. Schaeffer, Rector. Reading, T he memor y of George ton Do," Betty Bernar d, Thomas Wharton and fam ily. a Yards Cin cinnati, through W. P. Hayslip, Anna May Watkins, Rob- Washington. Thursday evening, February 18, About fifty attended the Valen- Snlisbury & Son. Recitation, Washing to n's F lag. ert Lee Payne. tine party given by th e you ng services at 7:3 0, ser mon by Canon ~=~~~~~~!'!'!~~~~~~~~~~_'!'_-_-'"!"~~_~_~_~_~_~.~~~' ... Exel'cise, S un, moon, . stars un d people at the chu rch Wedne. day Recitation , "Our Flag is FloatGilbe l·t Symons , of Cincinnati. I!:! cl cted in Novombc l' and will Sunday morning from 9 :30 to winds. ing to-day," by Billy Spitler. ev ning. Su nday, February 21, s econd WOMAN'S AUXILlARY MEETS be a candXlnt on th Democl'atic 10 :30 Wayn esville merchants will Recitation, John Henry Jones. Song, "Our Coun~y's Flag, Mr. a nd Mrs. Leo nard Gray Su nd ay in Lent; Church school at ticket to uccced him!;elf, being broadcast ad vertising ove r stntion Recitation, In February. Class. , spe nt Satu1'day in Dayton. !l :30, Morning Prayer and sermon The Woman' s Auxiliary of St. opposed by Judge Frank W. WHBD, Mt. Oreb. Exerc ise, Story of Flag. Recitation, "Never Break a Clyde Wharton and Allen Emat 10:30. Mary's church met on Friday after- Ge ilfe r, <If the Public Utilities Reci tation, A Little Boy' s rick Promise," by Herbert Shepherd. made a business trip to Cin- The Pi Epsilon Pi Class of Ferry nO'on, February 12 at the home of onnnissiotl, seeking the RepubliHatchet Story. Play, "George Washington's cinnati Tu esday. can nomination. Church is presenting a three act FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. E. L. Thomas. Reading, John js Historical Tour. Birthday," cbaracters: Doris Davis Th e meeting was opened by Mrs Mr. and MI·s. Raymond Davi ~ , comt'dy a t the Gym, Thursday, (Undenominational) Rending, the Li fe of WashingWinfield Scott, Marjorie Dakin, Cadwa llu der, who concluded the of Cincinnati, spen t the week-end February 18 at 7 :45 p. m. ton. Chester A. Williamson. Minister devotiona l se rvice. John Hall, Carol Ludington. \\'ith relative:! here. of Washington. Two Eulogies Recitation, "George WashingIn response to roll-call quotaMr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. BlaH und ~oh," by Beryl Meredith. trip to Dayton, made a business LOI~' s Supper and sermon at 10 :- tions from the Scripture were family, of Manchester, and MisR 2nd Grade Waabington Program Monday. Edna Howland, superintendent of 30 a. m. Sermon subj ect, " Th e given. Pledge to the Flag, all Mrs. Wilbur Foulks called on Adams county sc'hools, were Tues- Heart of th e Master." You arc At the conclusio n of the business America, all. session ,the first und second chapher cousin, Mrs. Chalm.er Reeder, day ovel'night gl osts of Mr. and always welcome at this church. The meaning of Washington, Monday . afterno on. ters of the stud y- boo k, "Building Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. ten pupils. a Chl'istian Nation," were Tea d by Mrs. Susa n aylor and sons, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH My Hatchet, reading by Clair Henry and Ril ey, were Saturday Miss Mame Brown and Mt·s. CharMr. and Mrs. T. H. Zeagler, of Rev. Fortman WHEN bereavement comes Dibert. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cincinnati. werc~ called at the '\ les R. Frazier. through the passing away First and Third Sunday Mass at Our Flag, five pupils. Graham. A delicious one-course lunch hom e o'f Mr. and Mrs. O. R. 8 :00 a. m. Second, Fourth and of e loved one, the sympaGeorge Washington, song, Anna was served during the social hour. I Charles Boyce, who lives with Unglesby, on Friday. Mrs. Zeegler thy of . frlen<ilJ. means much. Marilyn Whitaker. his gra ndpare nts , Mr. and Mrs. J. is state speaker for the Ohio Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10 :80 a . m. The Hatchet, seven pupils. E. Smith, has had a severe attack genel'll l fede ration of women's At , uch a time the}" are BODY fOUND IN QUARRY . George Washington, song, Ron- of app,endicitis. clubs. elad to be permitted to asROBERT G. CROSS DIES ald Salisbury and Harvey Brierly. Mr. Donald Irons and son and sist in any WaY. AFTER LONG ILLNESS The body of Catherine Osborn, Unveiling of Washingto n's pict- Mr. and MTS. Ch8l'les Mullenix atMr. and Mrs. B. S. Mills cele40 years old, of Clarksville, was As YOUT' funeral directors ure, tended the funeral of th e former's brated their 64th wedding anRobert G. Cross, prominent fo und at noon Monday ill an abanwe/too, wish to give y~u father, sout h of Lebanon on Mon- .niversary on Sunday. In spite of ,every friendly and com2nd Grad_Miaa Hunter day afternoon. their advanced age, Mr. and Mrs. citizen and retired bu siness man, doned, water fill ed quarry on the f orting assistance. Wi.l1iam Berdall attended the Mills are .in fairly good health. Mr. pased away at his home on Main Sp ragu e farm, east of Melvin. 1 :00 Reading (sto ry about street. early Saturday morning Auth orities had been dragging the Eby sale neal' Beavertow n Tues- Mills is 84 and Mrs. Mills is 82. George Washington) It is our desire and purfollowilllf an illness of ten weeks pool for t he last 48 hOQrs a nd the day. 1 :25 Music, (patriotic' songs) pose to do everything in body was recovered in 35 f eet Mr. Mahlon Gobhart is seriously About twenty-five neighbors and duration. 1 :45 Language, (children tell our power to make the fuFor more than forty years Mr. 0'1 water. ill with heart trouble at his home friends gat hered at the home of stories about Washington) neral servicea as dignified Cross and his elder brother, RichSearch for Miss Osborn started 2 :05 Writing, (children wTite. the on Social Row, on rural route 5 MI'. and Mrs. Laurence Peele, ard A. Cross, comp rised a business when al)d fitting as careful planher coat \an1 purse were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hardman, who Friday evening, for a farewell stories) ning, propel' arrangements live with him are caring for him . party. Mr. and Mrs. P eele will firm known as Cross Bros., Dealers fo und on t he edge 0 the quarry. 2 :30 Recess and perfect appointments Sheriff Gus Miller, divorced MI'. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton soon remove to theil' new home in Agricultural Implements and 2 :45 Spelling, (words that deand equipment can make Hardware, retiring a short time husba nd of Mis!> Osborn, led dep-' , . and daughter, Miriam, were Sun- near Xenia. scribe tTnits 0'1. Washington) them, . ago. uties and volunteers in dragging THERE arc times 3 :00 Art ' (cHildren ' dTaw t he day afternoon guests of Mr. and Mr. Cross js survived by his the quarry. Miss Osborn was a . , when a baby is too Mr .. and Mrs. Warren Espy enSuc'h final services are a pict ures t hey see in storY ~f Wash- Mrs. Wilbur Wharton, near Hamilfretful or feveris~ to ton. ' tertained with a "500" party widow, one sister, Mrs. Martha niec e of MrS. B. S. Howell. ~eal comfort in bereaveington) - - - • - • be sung to sleep. 'fhcre nre some Robert Friend and Walter Saturday eveninlt in honor of Miss Kincaid, of Sardinia! Ohio, and ment and a consoling mem3 :20 Recitations: February speaks Kenrick attended the funeral of Marjorie Espy's birthday. Prizes one brother, Richard A. Cross. NOTICE paius a m"tber ~annot pat away. But ory ir:' the years to come. - Betty McKeever. George WashFuneral services were held !\fontherc's quick comfort in Caatorial ington Was Luck\V" - Marion Robert Cross, in Waynesville, were given Mr. Keever Espy for day afternoon in the M. E. church, Monday afternoon. , high score and Mr. Arthur Sumner Sl)'Iith. To our many patrons ~roughout For diarrhea, and other iDfuUle The children of MI'. and Mrs. for low score. A del ightful lunch Rev. G. C. Dibert, officiating. In- the community. We will do term ent in Miami cemetery. was MelVYn Swank are victims of the ~erv e d 'at a late hour to the fit,. give this pure vegel4hle preparaht Grad_Mi.. Stepheu.oD business through l'he Crawford· The K. of P. Order, of which he Whooping cough. following guest!l : Miss Marjorie U.ln. - Whenever coated' tongu!lll tell Commission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 12 :50 Opening .exercises (Read Ph ODe 7 Elbert Wallace and Lowell Espy. MIs . Mayme Espy, Mr. and Was a loyal member, had cha.r ge of on and after Januar:v 1st, assuring of cODstip:ation; whenever tliere's aDY story of Washington) Thomas gave an invitation dan'ce Mrs. Keever E spy, Mrs. Mabelle the committal service. you the best of service, both for lign of slugg;3hnelS. Cutoria hu • 1 :00 Language: Discussion (Un- a t Lytle Hall Thursday evening. Staup, Miss Mary Satterthwaite, Waynesville, Ohio - caring for and selling your stock. good taste; children love to take it veiling of picture) on "Patriot ism. The Friend family orchestra, of Miss Thelma Satterthwaite, Miss THREE RESIGN FROM We thank you for the past and Buy the genuine-with Chu. R "Why was Washington a patriot?' Lytle furnished the music. Edna Mae Stalllp, Mr. Howard FARM BUREAU B04.RD hope for your future patronage. Fletcher's signature OIl W1'IJI)per'. 1 :20 Writing (I love my flag. It Several residents of this com- Irons, Mr. Arthur Sumner, Mr. . SALISBURY'S munity have been ill the past Jesse Thomas, Mr. Mason McCluTe ..... President Henry Millard and week with the grip, among them and Donald and Vivian Espy. two directors of the Warren Coun- NEWS FROM THE CAPITOL ' . . . . . . . . . . .IIi• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lwere: MT. and Mrs. James Johns, Mrs. Allen, Emrick, Mrs. Margaret YOUNG'S FRIENDS MEETING ty Farm Bureau resigne'q Saturday John Bickham 'Well knOWn pat~ol when differences over the organJohns and Mrs. J . B. Jones. ization of the bureau for ' the pres- man of t he Division of State Mrs. Mildred Surface and little The Y. F. M. was pleasantly en- ent year arose during a board House and Grounds of the Departdaughter spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ·H. tertained at the bome of Lawrence meeting at the Farm Bureau office. ment of Public WO'rks, has ' been Furnas Sunday e·vening. We had a The two directors resigning were prdmoted to the position of chief, $1.00 Burnett. Harry Johns, 0'1 Dayton, is driv- very interesting meeting. Thirteen Z. O. ,Worley of Salem Township with a desk at the inf-ormation $1.75 ing the schoM bu s for his brother, Young Friends fr om Wilmington and James Miller of Franklin b)lreau located in the rotunda -of were present. They extended an Township. the Capitol. "Jack" is a Spanish James Johns, dUI'ing his illness. C. C. Meloy als o resigned but American War veteran, having en84.00' Charles Early, a former Lytle invitation to our group to attend a resident now living near Miamis- special meeting to be held at his resignation was said to ' have listed in Bellefontaine y{ith · Co. E. burg, underwent an operation at· Wilmington, Sunday, March thir- already been in th e hands of the 2nd ·regiment also later in the Director of FUller.' See board and his retirement was due regular army and saw servic'c! in Miami Valley hospital for the re- teenth. Service the Philippines. .' . After the business meeting and to ill health. moval of his left eye, having a Albert Cowan, vice president. tumor back of it. Mr. Early had lesson discussion a pleasant social , Leave Order with J. Hawke LICENS,ED EMBALMER For the fhst ' time in several been blind in this eye for five hour. was enjoyed. Appropriate was named to succeed Mr. Millard games and C!;>ntests had been plan- and Harold McKay was made vice years a change , in the personnel yeal·s. A number of friends and neigh- ned. A delicious lunch of ice president s'u cceeding Mr. Cowan. of the S)Jpreme Co.urt of Obio 'took The vacancies on the board will be place when Judge Will P. Stephenbors of Mrs. Lottie Friermood and cream ~nd cake was served. WAYNESVILLE! OHIO tilled by election within each town- son of Adams County donned the daughte~ gathered at their home judicial robe to succeed the late ship which the resigned members on the !Jayton pike Monday and REV. L. A. WASHBURN Phon. 29 Judge James E. Robinson. He will had represented. shredded and husked quite·a bit of IN SERIOUS CONDITION The issue that brought the under- bQ a ~andidate until his successor corn for them. Clyde Wharton also -----.----------------'~ CUTl'ent of factionalism to the donated the use of his shredder. Rev. L. A. Washburn, fO,r mer front was oveT the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett and Mrs. Mildred Surface and daugh- pastor of the loo:al M. E. church, the executive committee. It was ter, visited Mrs. Burnett's father is reported to be in a serious point~d .()ut that although the and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel- condition at Memorial hospital, -constitutIOn of the organization Jloo C... .., f!lt alIfi,me. AJ>pl, Cbq. provided that the board of directlus Thackara, at Sprin&boro, Sun- Piqua. oddraln-tlle only roofin. OD ,h. muker that i. m. deo(COP.R.LOV. Rev. Washburn who is pastor of -ors should seh!ct the executive day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. tbe CoPIICt Allor..! s..,cJ-ud proal the Grace M. E . •church of Piqua, eom·mittee, by custom it had been Thackara are both ill at this ",alan wear ud wClUbu. Mrs. Belle COon and daughters, is suffering with what physicians the privilege of the president to of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter say is a blood clot on the brain. nam'e his committee With confirma• • • • Cast, of Waynesville, Carl Early, He has been in tailing health since tion by the board. The issue of of Miamisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Christmas and had been seriously strictly interpreting the constitu$2.00 ~· , Emrick were· Sunday callers at ill several days before being taken tion was laid before the board and by a vote of 7 to 8 the board dethe home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter to the hozpital. $1.~~~ .· • • Mi ~8 Helen Hawke and Mr. F. cided to follow the constitution Kenri~k. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham U. LeMay went to Piqua. Monday, rather than custom. This action on Simc-nlze and children visited Sunday even- Miss Hawke remllining with Mrs. the part of the board. Mr. Millard . \ Washburn. declared, 'he interpreted 8S a ' iack ing the latter's father, Mr. Sher. We at!ll ha.e a few .iael . of . GOlOdri,c b Tire.. at .....tl;,' reo' i dace. . , of confidence in him as their man Dyke, who 'is very ill at his president and he handed in his NOTICE home in Dayton. A very enjoyable time was apent _ __ resignation t6 tile board.: Mr. WorTbeale roo6ng for JOG tQ buy because fire. at .the e\lchre party at Lytle Hall The new fire siren will be blown ley and Mr. Miller declared themptoofandligbtoing.proor.~StsDomoreth~ Wednesday evening. These gather- at 7 ()'clock sharp on the secQnd selves in the sall\e opinion, and :tor Otdlnaq roofios-anc! you CaD apply it your- ings are every two weeks; on and fourth Mondays of each month the sake of har mony within the Wednesday evenings. for approltimately two minu,tes. board a'!ld tor the .better ad-ministel£Comeioaoc1seeourClWme1dtaioeU.ibit.t . , ~rs. Emn:ta'Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. The purpose of this is to be cer- tration:,the. three left ,the meetin~. Earl ,Y ou·n g and , family, attended tain that it is .vnorkinr properly. the funeral of tne former's sister, '. In case the siren continues to MRS. A. D. ' HANEY I)U;S . ' Mrs. Amanda Sheets, at the U. B. blow longer than t:he first two minChuI'~h at . Springboro Wednesday utes it will indicate a fire. ' . a'fternoon. 1141'S. Sheets . ha4 mad~ _ Mrs, ~. D. Haner• .g~d 73, died . ' . . _ . ". . . her home' "with her daughter, ,Mrs.. " . , . '-- at het nome In Lebanon, ·,'F l'iday. j' 1:::' JoJm 'Albrlght, in Dayton.M~.and Mrs .. nolph JOhJlB en.:. F ebrQary '12. ·· -- ". 018 , eX~1 8 . MT. ~IQlphus .Long of Dayton, tertall1ed t;o dmner Sunday in. For several years Mrs. Haney ., ~ v ' $lave a talk on the actiVities of the honor of the 8th birthday of their wu matron at the Warren County 'WIll Consi!rvati"on Commluion of Otifo little dllughter, .F.ranees, the fol- C/lild,ren's HOMe when Mr, aaney at Lytle Hall, .Tuea~ay evening of loWing guests: Mr.. and Mn. ClIl- ,Was superintendent anCT was well Ph~ne last · week. The <meeting was spon- ford Archdeacon und son,. BobSYl known throughout. the county. She sored 'by R()bert Friend. Quite a of .Dayton; lrfT. Jsaac Lincoln, or III lIurvlv.wl ,by 11ft hullband and number .01 men enj· yed Mr. Waynesville, &frs. J:raJlk Milten- two sons, Clyde, of ¥Orl'O"', and nu ' ... long's speech. . bereer and son, OIUford, 'of Darton. _ . • ,
Notice to Chick Raisers
Satisfaetlon Guaranteed
Hea vy Breeds, straight---$9.50 per hundred; 300 and over, $9.00; 500, $8.50. Heavy Mixed---$8.00 per 100; 500, $7,50•
English White Leghorns---$8.00 per 100; 300, $7.75; 500, $7.50.
All from blood-tested stock.
Wayne Hatchery Waynesville, Ohio Phflne
J. E. McClure '
---- - ..
,.- - -
~~ ----
Wash "Wasb and Duco Polish Simonizing .
1:1•. STUBBS
Central Garage Auto ' Laundry
Special this Week
Wash Wash and Polish Polish . , .•.. •
Channeldrazn . ROOFING ~=:::=Ifta
• , .. . $5.(JQ .:
. -.
T'l..· -, ·t·Ing · ',' t 'ory: ' , Dy _S't ewar . t 'Ea• ward WlUte"
W~YDeaville, Ohio
Eighty-Fifth Year
.... _ _ _ _ . '
Summar}' of Work· of CI:d~L~~-;;e~:::d SERVICES AT • 'HUR'CHES FOR Farm Bureau for 1931 §~t~;~i:y~F:b~~~;~d O, ~~ar~~~ C Miss
Mr. ROY'
i 2 mond, Ind . They were attended by
~id~, ~:~cM/li~~ins~~~, ~:ot~~~
The dro ug ht of 1980 and world Pig roast. Beef Cattle Feeders of t he bridegroom. wide dopr Ilsion has brought many Tour in March emphasized econMrs, Ellis is the daug hter of Mr, new and trj'ing problems. High omical feeding, grades of feeders, and M,rs. Frank Hess of Route 5, prices for huy, grain, feed, seeds and market demands. Demonstra- a nd attended Wayn esville High lind fertilizel' last ~p ring demand- tions of stomach worm treatment school. ed heavy {'ash outlays. Yet less in sheep and· docking and castratMr, Ellis is !.he elder son of Mr, than two percent of Warren ing lumbs 'were held in May and and Mrs. Cha'I'les T, Ellis, He County farmc'l'S required Federal ewe and l'am !lelection stressed in graduated from Woaynesvi ll e High Droug ht emergency loans ; loca l the Fall. . school in the class of '28 and is arl'an ge ment~ for which required 24,000 Ibs. wool was mark eted assoeiated with his father on the considerable time of the county by loca l Farm Bureau officials farm. This popular young coup le agent. through Ohio Wool GI'owers Ware- will, for t he present , rcside. with Agl'icul t ul'lll Bxtension policies .house, Columbus. Better under- th e pB/rents of the bridegroom. ' dUl'ing HJ31 aimed to cut expenses stunding of markets was obtained and devlllop a more independent by having 600 people on three nncl self sustoining farm business. tO Ul'S to Cincinnati, with aid of Incrcased aCl'eage of alfalfa and Produc ers Cooperative Commission soybean hays helped to reduce Association; by their representabills for protein feeds. Sweet tive speaking at cou nty meetings, clovel' was extensive ly used, es- and through co un ty Fair exhibits. pec ially fo r soil improvement. Ap166 boys and g irls were e npl' ux imutely 76 samples of so il ro lled in livestock clubs; 60 in were tested throug h our State Fair Board's Baby Beef; 50 in . The Waynesv ille Farmers' Ex. Agr icultural Co llege's tl'uck Lab- Rwine: 20 with dairy calves ; 18 in change Com pany held their annual Ul'ut'H'y, a nd by mailing to Col um- sheep and 17 in poultry. The value Stock Holde rs meeting February UU!!. Scores of acidity tests were and ge nerul activities of these 16, 1932 , jointly wit h thc Miami also made in our Farm BUI'eau clubs, and the outstanding popu- Valley Coopel'alive Mi lk PI'oducers office so 1 cou ld more accurately larity of t he County Fair Board's Association. Dinner was served by t he re co mmend limestone require- barbecue and distribution of 86 ments, baby beeves, October 31, 1981 is Farmers' Grange. Several mus. IGragc and Woodbum val'ieties we ll known throughollt. Warren ical numbel's were furni shed by a representative of the Vacuum Oil of corn have become so extensivel, Co unty. Company which were enjoyed by adopted throughout WarI'e~ countly (Continued on page C) those present. Chas, S. Latchaw of tlt.nt the ir inereased yields, even The Ohio .Farmers' Grain DealeTs nt PI'(,. en t.low prices UTe more than Assoc iation gave a brief review of paying th e annual appropriatio n t he progress of the Farmel's' E lefor county agent work. Three and .vators ()f t he State. one·third bushels per acre average The report of the aud it of the inCl'ease was obtilined from six yea·r 's business was read by t he 'ooperative tests with t hree selecmanager, C. E, Michener and tions of hybrid seed corn during showed the bu siness of our local the past two years. This indicates company to be in goo d condition, a possibility -for an average in In spite of rapidly declining creasc of $15 per farm, even with markets a moderate profit was reCOI'O at 25c pel' bushel. Twenty alized on t.he years business. one and 3-tenth bu shels corn per MI'. Wm. Anfranc of The Proncre was obtained by t he use of ducers Coope rative CommiSl ion fertilizer. A turkey s upper for 85c at M. Association was present and gavc Five farm field tests with Frank- E h h a ve.ry interesting talk on the lin oats showed considerable merit . c urc . progress of Cooperative Live Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Allen WeTe stock seiling. over Fulghum, its parent stra in, On e field averaged 52'h bushels in Dayton today. Mr. J. H. Kauffman , MI'. Boedegper acre. Additional tests are to er and Mr. Boes wel'e present be conducted again, as small lots Mrs. Will Lippincott has been from the Milk Producers Asof .FrankHn oats are available f o} very sick with grip. sociation <Bnd explained in detail seod th is spl·jnl'!. t he progress of the association in Very carefull y planned soybean Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Drake thCf marketing of milk and cream. variety demonstrations showed we.1'e Mason visitors Sunday night All old officers were re-e leded, yields from 5060 lbs. to 6420 Ibs. hllY per acre, and an increase 'Of the Salisbury's, ·W. P. and RITES ARE HELD 050 Ibs hay from the use of 125 lbs D. See R., before you sell your stock. 0-2]·9 fertilizer per acre. Virginia AT BETHEL, OHIO Wilson and Peking were generally Mr. S. A. Stillwell, of Lebanon, rleclared to be the best hav varie- 'was n Waynesville visitor, on SunMrs. Mit'anda Crane, passed t ies 'o ut of the eight select ions (fay. away at t he home of hel' daughused. The extra yield of hay was ter, Mrs. Schuyler M.atthew, in produced with a fertilizer cost of Marion Hoblit has been very ,· $7.22 per ton of hay- yet prob- sick with riP and unable to at- PittsbuTg, Sunday, February 21. Mrs. Crane was the mother-in-law ablv half of this plant food re- tend schoo . of Mrs. Maude- Crane and .a sister mained in ' t he soil for future of the late Mrs. R. A. Cross. She <;rop$. , Mrs. Sadie Conne~ is at the was well-known and' highly esteem\ Dilatush-Williams Clinic, LebanlOn The Annual Corn. Show ed in this community having f r equently visited here. The Annual exhibits of co.r~ for trea t ment. Funeral services were held at at , Lingo's Hardware Store, and 'See the love affair of- Bub and Bethel, Ohio, her former home, the Corn and Tobacco Show at Tildy in "An Innocent Desperacfo" Tuesday afternoon, and burial Conover's, Franklin, drew a wide was in Bethe.l cemetery. and representative attendance of. at the Gym, March 3. The following Waynesvill e r'elaoyer 500 people from the county Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bolin, o'f tivea attended: Mrs. M.a.u d e Crane Our County Husking Contest, at Dayton, were week-end guests ,of and three da,ughters, Mr. R. A. Mr. Beckett's fIarm October 30 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderwas almoat as lariely attended, son, M,r. and Mrs. Fred B. HenderMr. 'Ross Moon, Warren County Tune in on the C. & B. program, C/lampion, won second in Ohio station .wKRC every Sunday son. State Oontest, so later participated afternoon a.t 2 :15. in the National Husking Bee near YOUNG FRIENDS MEETING Grundy .Center, Iowa. . . Miss Emma Heighway was the Fertilizer recommendations 'a nd Sunday dinner guest of Mn. The regular meeting of the Y. suggestions for growing potatoes, Edith Harris and family. F. M. wiH be held at t he hom e of melons, strawberries and similar Mr. and Mrs. I Rhodes Bunnell. W e garden and truck crops were also Mr. George Roberts, of Coving- will discuss Economic Resources cheerfully given. ton, Ky., was the Sunday dinner and Industries 0'1 the community. Approximately 50,000 bushels guest of Mrs. Corda Truax. Leaders in charge are: Lesson of apples and SOOO bushels of leader -Rhodes Bunnell. . Devopea'c bes were produced by , fruit Miss Marian Case, of Lebanon, tional Leader--Jean Bunnell. growers and orchardists receiving was the guest of her aunt, !dills our Horticul tural letters, spray Emmoa Heighway, Thursday mght. Try The Miami Gazette 11/ year. servle.! helps, special bulletins,· ,etc, The ·'Co un tY. agent .helped Vfith Miss ' Janet Cartwright, ()f ft'uit stot'age hou~es, gradmg, Clevelahd, spent the. ' week-end pac 'ing ' and marketing problems. with her m.other, Mrs. J. O. CartD. A. bulletins were furnish- wright. ed ~i inl! information on thr Jl1 ~ l')ufa.ctu r e and pl'eserva,tion of Miss Helen Welch attended a cid ,~,r, thus pl'ovicijng an 'O utlet for party at the home C!f h.er si s~r, 10 I g eade apoles. 6000 lbs, . of Mrs. Will' ur Thornhill, III Xenia, IIpol'-fine h:vdrated sp t'ay Itme Monday night. we!'e secure'd c operatively by fruit potnto nnd vegetable grow-. Send your stock to The Crawef!;. !. ford Commission Co., Union Stock k cal' load of Ammonium s ulph- Yards Cincinnati, through W. P. • atp. \VIIS also thu.c; · C?btained, part SAlisbury & Son. o ~ whi h wa~ used by other farm. ers fOl' tobacco, home mixing, f~r. Mrs. John Wern61' and' MillS tlllz().l G and slile dressing corn. Martha Werner, ()f Dayton, called L' d" W k On Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper Fri8,n .cape . o.r day afternoon. . Home Beautificat IOn and CommunJty Land sc~pc worle inclu.ded . Big turkey supper at the Met~od m (l tings, plantinj% clemon s tra.tl~ns I ~ t church Thu·rsday evenmg, bulletin!) an d leaf lets, pel'tammg March 3rd, from 5 to 8, 85c a to f nrm homes, school grounds, plate. Your patronage solicited. 'rock !;\1Il'llem; and lily pools, lawns ' nnd playgrounds. About 100 Mrs. Ralph Miller, Messrs. H. A. , home owners ure on our County Cornell and C. H. Hartsoek attenil~ mni1illg list to receivc our periodic ed the funeral of their c()usin, Mrs l ettc.rs and t imely hints, and Matilda Parkins Crist, at Milton, ' ' nam<l$ {Of all oll;er inwrested will Ind., on :u \lsday. " ~e . enr'e.f ully added. S~ore8 of regJ,lests '/V~l'e also a n..'l wered , pertainMr. and Mrs: Oliver Davis, Miss Ipg ·to grass se!)d mixtures, .f ertil- Rachel DaVis and Mr. C. P. Jo'l Iter 'and Ihneatone for lawns; best were supper guests of Mr_ and . and rate of seeding ; control Mrs. Peter Demas and family, at ~f' 80~ web' worms . and similer New Vienna, ·Sunday. llisects. Spraying tests with ~o (luP'! c,h lorate proved very effe~tive . The W. C. T. U. will meet " in eradication of dandehons, Thursday afternoon, February i~" poison ivy, tru~pet 25, at the 'home 01 Mrs. Tom . CalT. A Fra'n>cC! Willard memorial 'repol"t ,f or 1931 s.ervlce 'will be held. ~ '~r. '6t$T farm visits. 820. 4'7 office calls, ' No extra. eharge. fot:. J,:esel've ,... bf ,ne",s seats to se~ ·"An Innocent Desner·~i~~~~~~!!Jtind'vtdlual and ado;" at the Gym, March la.. Plat "t. · tlie' 'Drug ' Storp> 'Sa~ql'd!,y ~b1'uar:'( 2'1. AdlJlts 25c, children were under H. S.,· 1.Bc. office: ,'( . , , waS , ' 'Bertha Filer. Grace' Pennington, I:l.!.A",a1lIecre~j,r, .employed.Effie Lena Da:vis. Messt:l!t . Leo -41'1~ttlv Barm Bureau. " SwearillJrin and Ro_V Davi", etuactivities., aimed ).h de."ts at Cincinnati Bible SemJnary . throua.b cheaper·, feed v~sited se~ces ~t· Ferry _lid Way. *'I~~=~lr;.s~t better eare. and nesvllIe , cburch~ of Obrlst Sunil 11)AlIanment. ·T\»hda-y,cMr. Davis (leUvere~ the even. Production club. ing sermon at Wayneriille by reo b1 County"Wicle ctuest of ~e. mtniater~ . ,
Farmers Exchange Had Annual Meeting for Stock Holders
n. '.
N~VT [,1\
'WAYNESVILL E CHURCH OF CHRIST (Und ~ n ominational) Chester A. William 'on. Minister Church . <: ho ol at !l :30 a. m. Lord"s Supper at concl usio.n , 'hr i::;tian I~ndea\' () .. ai () :3 0 p. m, .Juhn Sea rs, Lead e r'. Efe ning eva n· gcli atic s rv ice at 7 :30 p. m, Se r· mon !' ubjec t "Lll ' t, . Pruyel' meeting and Bible Study each W e dn e~· day at 7 ::W p. m. Th e church whel' you f e<.>1 a t home.
An elC' cll'ic sta l'Ullg barrier d evic\! in vented by • tephe n G, Phillip .. I,! Xe nia, wellJ; nown hal'l1ess h(ll s e ~ UlI'ting judge, will be used un Ohil, r ace 'tl'nek s the coming ~c a so n II :', a re~u lt of action taken " L hf' UlI lltwl banqu't llIectinl!: of . 1 " IlUc l; ('\ l' lIo rse men's a ssocial:OIl in ( · I ~v(.l and, P hillip" a tte lllll'u the meeting a ile! exp la ined the ' dcvice brie fly. The ban-iel' ha s bee n improved and rel'i sed by the i r. v ~ ... lor since he made t~ e first announcem ent I e· ~a\'{lilll-: il ~o me Lime ll~O. A ,;impl e non·cll.'ctl'ic balTicr in· vented by Phillips, was used in Ohio tI'a cks last summer.
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Local Students Will Enter National Meat Story Contest
ST. MARYS CHURCH the Rev, J, J. Schaeffer, Rec tor. Thursday evening, Febl'uary 25, services at 7 :30. Rev. Don arey. rector oi' St. A ndrews church, :VI i ~s Henkl e, home economics Dayton, will ue the prcncher. L eache r at Wnymesville High F ebl'uuI'Y 28, 'I'hi "d unday in Lent, Chu r,c h Hc holll al a:30: 'ch ouI hus j ti L t elt'tcred h r stu· MOl'lling Pra yer and sr l'l1lon at dents in the Nalional Meat Story conl~st in which the major 10 :30. awarr!s are to be unive rsity scho lar FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST !lhips. The con test is an annual educa(U ndenominational) t.ional feature for high-school Chester A. Williamson. Mi nister girl s tllki ng home economics, the hUl'ch School at 9 :3 0 II, m, I)resenl contCl!t bing the ninth. Lord' s uppe r and sermon at 10 :· it is conducted under the upervis30 a, m, Sermon !<ubject, "The on of th e' National Live Stock and Menace of Mod ernism," Yo u are Meat BoaHI and has lhe indol'sement lind supp rt of the U. S. always welcome at ihis church . Dep!!I rtment of agriculture and ag.ricullural colleges. ST. AUG1l1STINE CHURCH Re:v. Fortman Firs t and 'Third Sunday Mass at STROKE FATAL TO 8 :00 a . m. Second , Fourth and FORMER LOCAL PASTOR F ifth Sunday, Mass at 10 :30 a. m,
School Basket6al1 C.lassie ' W ill be Held This 'Week Onward Wayceh. MallY Wayncsv1l1e spor t fan's are anti iputi ng the tournam ent at Leba n n u s this is doped to be the gl·eatest toul'l1 amcnt eVer helli in Warren o unty. We al'e e nthusiu!; Lic to ret.uin the crown as champion s of WalT ' n ounty and al ~o to ~ 'CUre hi\:h honors in the stale. The rcsulk; of the druwing Monuay aftern oon u rc a ~ fo lI ow. : The Iii' t ga me start!; Fri day at 10 u. m. with Morrow and LobunQn opening the Warren co unty tOtU'namenL Springboro and Maso n will fo llow at 11 <It. 111. The Friday aJternoon sess ion stUl't at 1 p. m. with al'li:;le and Mass ie. Kings Mills and Fl'Bnklin a t 2 p, m, Waynesvill e and Otterbein at 7 p. m. The seco nd game Frida y evening "'ill be played at 8 o'clock between t.he winners of t he MOI·ro\\ · Leb.ln on and Sp r ingbOl'O-M ason sames. The fina l game fo r the da y wi ll be between th e loosers of the al'lisle-Mas ie , Kings M ills·Frank· lin tilts. The Saturday program will suu·t wilh a game at 1 p. Ill . and con· tinue until t he final game at ()
o' lock Sa turday night to decide
the county champs for the 1931-
':J2 s asol1.
High School E~joy. Program Th e High School was dismissed :\t 11 o'clock Monday, for lunch ' lit.! at 1l :45, the pupils assembled :Il the gym to hear Presiden" Ill) ovel"5 spcech, which was fOIuwe r! by th e Freshman program, ,\'hich ~ h o wed quite a lot of ' prepLI'ulio ll. an li which was enjoyed Iy everyo ne. Every Pup il Waahington Tell T es t..~ will be g iven February 26 n Waynesv ille schools on the lile If Washington . These tests arl! Indel' direction of State Departne nt of edu cation. 'f h ' boy a nll girl from- Junior ,i gh a nd tb e boy and girl fro m Jigh schOOl which receives the Jighe flt honors in the county will vin a ll'ip to Washington, W . H. S. Win. W. H, S. journeyed to HarveysJu r g Friday night, February 19, ..0 play th il' last game, of the l'RSOn a nd the last game for fo ur )o y ~ . Pau l avage, John Turner, J uli a I'd Wa llace and Envi n Ellis, III the high school team . W. H. S, won all three gamei'_ l'he scorcs were as fo ll owll: grades !1 tu 14, s co nd team 82 to 16 111<1 fi rst team 62 to 27.
New Paintin •• In ha l'mony with the WashingRev. Lou i: A, Washburn, pas· ton Bicentennial celebration in all WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH tor of Grace M, E. church, Piqua, the schoo ls of the land , ea'Ch school G. C. Dibert, Pastor . roo m is framing a picture of and formel' pasto l' of the loca l M, Wednesday : Choir practice im- E. Church, died in Memol'ial hos· W. S. Graham spent Sun ti ny in CeOl'ge Washington, furnished by mediately after school. Prayer pitol, Piqua, F.riday, February 19, Dayton. the Washington Bicentennial C()m:nission. meeting at 7 :00 p, m. Choir pl'8C- following a stl'oke of apoplexy tice at 7:45. He is survived' by his widow a nd Don't forge t to cat turkey wi t h Each school room in Wa,vnesville Sunday: S.unday school at 9 :30 two sisters. ' ohool5 have OM of these paintus on Mal'ch 3rd. a. m. Morn i:ng worship at 10 :30. Funeral set'vices were held in ings from the original by Stuart, Epworth Leag ue at () :30 p. m. Grace church M()nday ' morning, Mrs. Jam es Kenick is recover- loking a total of 17. with Donald Gu t in as leade r. At Rev. E. H. Roberts, of Spring- ing frQm hel' recent illness. 7 :30 p. m, 1~h e Juniol' Choir will ' field , o/ticiating. T,he b'o ~y '\WlS New Band Scheelule furnish the music, and we will taken to Bethe l, Ohio, for burial. Mrs. It-ving Welch is ill at ller new ban.d schedule, under the A show stel'opt;icon pictures on the home o n the Ha.rveysburg pike. iup el'vision lof. Stanley Watkins, subject, "01: Such is the KingNill go into effect at once. T.here A PLEASANT SURPRISE dom." These pictures s how an Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and \ ill be g l'O Up pl'actice for trumpets unusu ally interesting study in family spent ul'lday in Dayton. Jaxaphones" bass and clarinets. . child contrasts on evel'v mission Mr's, William Robin son" who is Monday 10:15 to 10:42-Trumfield the native child "'and it's recov ring from an aLtack o r grip Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud and lets : Bud LeMay, Gl.'ade 6: Paulconditio:ns of life contrasted with wal' ten oel'e-d a pleasant s urprise sonl Harold, spent atuI·d.njy 'in 'ne Friend l, GI'ade 7; Ruth Salisthe chil d.ren in mission homes, nt urd,ny eveni ng, Feb l'uary 20, Dayton. ury, Grade 8; Wiladine Kll'rfi88, chu rche and schoo ls. thut date marki ng her 77th birth" I'lld e 6; Ritu Van Often, Grade 7; Monday: On M.o nday e.vening of da y annil'crsary. Mr. and Mrs, L. H. GOI'don visit- 'Jlytl e Fromm, GI-ade '1" " next week is the regu lar time for The participants were Rev. ed relatives in Wilmington, un'f ue,'clay 10 :1 5 to 10 :45 ~Saxo- , the meeting of the officinl board. Chester A. Williamson, min ister dny afternoon. IhonS!s: Mil o Hartsock, 6; Ruth ..... of t he hUI·ch of Christ, his ",onner 6, Louise Zimmerman , 7, COMMITTEIE IS ENTERTAIN~D mothel', Mrs. William son, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith were Louis-c Hough 8, Robert Cleaver 9, Wil l Bradley, Miss Lucy Emley,. supper guests of J. Q, GOIIS and Leo Conner 7, Ruth Early 10. Mrs. Edith Hilliker e ntertai ned Mrs. May Mi ller and son George family, Sunday. Wed nesday 10:15 to 10:42at dinner at th~ Lebanon House and Mr, Hem'y Woollard. A short Thursday evening t he, Warren sCI'vice was helcl a nd solos ' by Tune in on the C. & B. program, ass: Chas. LeMay 9, Robert FurCl?u nty 4-H .Club. exec u t~ve com- George Miller and other music was station WKRC every Sund'<lY as 7, . Earl Con.ner 8, Paul Hough 5, PaUl Van Often 4, Ed-' mlttee at whIch tIme pr?Jects for gl eatly enjoyed by Mrs. Robinson. afternoon at 2:15. iie Marlatt 8, Elvin Bernard 9. the current yea\' were dIscussed. I _ _ ••_ _ __ Thursday 10:15 to 10:42Z, 0, Worley, a member of the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears executive committee unable to be WILLIAM BEST DIES visited relatives in Spring ValJey Clarinets: Jane Cook 8, Marjorie o!.a \'nhar~ 8, Ray Van Qften 'S. present on 'account of illness ' was IN DELAND, FLA. SU}lday afternoon . Any of puyjls 'above' failing .to named chairman of t he executive grou p for t.he 1932 sea so n. M,'s, Mi ses DOl'i Hawke and Mary- return to class or st,ud'y ' hall b\> Re latives h~I'e received nO,t ice etta Guy and MI'. Dean Hawke to :46 a. m. will sacrific& priVl- ' Morris Millel!' of ,Wa.ynesville was ego of attending Band Class furna med secretary. of ' the death of William Best, spent M-onday in Ch'il\icothe. ther. Those pre: ent include<! besid'e s prosperous bu siness IIU," of' DeMra. Hilliker and Co unty Agent la nd Fla. which occurred Thurs. MI'. anu Mrs. Chester Guode, o,r Charles F, Class we\'e Miss Mal~e clay ~H)rni'ng, Febl'ut!lry 18, fo llow- Dayton , were Sunday g uests of MRS. ELIZA JACOBS DIES Benham of Lebanon, Mrs. MOl'l'IS ing Jl st.ro ke of apop lexy. ' Mr. a nd' Mrs. Jamcs Ken-ick. AT SOUTHERN HOME He was the son of the late MarMiller, Miss Ethel Mendenhall of MI·. Ralph Vance, of Pleasant Waynesville, MI'S, Nelli e Dye of tin 11110 l\Jul'y Ann De t and was Mrs. Eiiza Heighway Jacobs Foster, Guy Downy <li nd Eve1'ett bom in Waynesville. He went t.o P lain, s pent FI·iday with· .her par'asse d away e.t her home in Sharl'on and. William Bevington Fl ol'ida in 1887 and settled in ents, MI'. and Mrs. J . . Ha\vke. ainesville, F la., Wednesday, representing the Middletown Boy Deland where he passed the I'eFudgepot catches "An Innocen t .·Qbl·ual·y 10. Scout council. mainder of hi life. Punera l services were held at This was MI's. Hilliker's las t Funel'al sel-vices were held on Despel'ad'o" at the Gym, March 3. e res idene.! on JjlridaY and burmeeting with t he committee. She '<Itul'day at Deland. See t he fal'ce, it only co, ts 26c. leaves March 1. ' nl was at Ga inesville. Mrs. Jacobs was the daughter of MI'. an d MI'S, G. F . Bt'own, 'Of Lebanon, we're guests of Mr. and ,he late William H. and Jll'lia Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, on Saturday. ,,-JeigJrwny, pioneer residents of ~ayne s viUe . She ' is s urvived by MI'. and Mrs. A. C. Bowman, of '0 til· daughters, Mrs. IWben Franklin , spent ·Sunday with Mr, \I'cher, of Corning, N. Y.; Mrs. nd' Mr. Orville t, Gray a nd {owa:rd Case, of Lebanon, Ohio; ' liss Emily' Jacobs, of Carlislel daughter, hi o ; Mrs. Charles Dodge or All female charac ters in "An In· :;aine!)ville, Fla.; two sons, WUnocent Desperado" al'e portrayed iam, of Ga.inesville, Fla., and by men. See them at the Gym, flll.'l'Y, of Lima, Ohio. and one eisMal'Ch 3. el', Miss E mma Heig.hwe.y, 0'1. Vuynesville, who is the sole SUl'H. H , Sherwood was in Roch es· iVOI' of her father's family.' ter, Mich.; ·over th e week·end, - -- .." ca lled th~re becau; e of the illness of a relative . ESCAPES SERIOUS ~ INJURY
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The Fonl coupe, driven by Mr. ' Mr. and Mr , Fred Sontmg and son and Mrs. Weibe, of Cincin nati '. S, McClul'e, of Dayton" and were g uests of MI'. a nd Ml·S. W, 0, h!o Chevrolet sedan driven by Raper, on Su nday. Rev. Chester A. Williamson, colUd~ d at the intersection 0'1 78 Saws flIed by machirlery, cut ' nd FelTY road, Sunday cleaner, truer faster. Alsp. crosscut saws, gummed, 25c. per foot. Both ne ,ofcars the Ll'IV~~'dll~~~:~I~~::~'~iJ Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber n tooth kru~c~:ed' Yard. from the shock and, :he oth ' eupant3 . . Mr. , and Mrs. Hank Fisher, Mrs . .vere not i ·ured. .Annie Hardin, 'of Cincinnati. and 'Miss Maxine Hardin were dinner INFANT DIES guests of M:I'. and MI·s. Joe T . " ney, on Sunday. Bernice, fo -months .o ld daughd' Mary Lamb, of Miss Randall announces classes .er of Lewis in Musical Techniqu e, Interpre- Corwin, died F day. Funeral tation, and Expression. Pl ease vices were be 4" 'a t the ' meet for detailed information, afternoon and M:arch 12, 3 o'clock at Wayne Villa. . . Mr, nnel. M'r s" Morris ' Rape". 'and tiiec. of Dayton~. Mr ·and . M.rs. Otto Seebold; Mr. , and . M):,s, Ge·in'ge .' Mall ' and ¥argaret, Miln~' of Oincinnl\ti, called on Mr. ' aM ·Mrs .. W: O. Raper, Mo~da.y ·., ';'
; «:;;;;:
Located in LE~b~non at East Mulberry Street ill Showing the Newe.t Styles f~r Spring Wear-Incl~ding Nationally Ad vertisc~d Brands of Men l s and Young Men's Wearing Clothinlir in the Best Materials at Most Attractive Prices.-Now is the Time to Make Your Spring Selection
I. at the Dispo.al of 'Anyone and Compar ison Has Proven 'rhat the Superior Service Afforded by this Up-to-Date Funeral Directing Firm Costs No More Than th e Ordinary Kind-Better Service is T~eir Constant Aim-Are Funeral Directors of Distinction and Renown Known Throughout the County for , Their Efficient a nd Conscien: tious Service. Located in Waynesville. Phone 7 Day or Night. use , There is. no v Dcaii on requi ring f or \\8' s ucc essful p!'oseculi n n greater natural aptitud e than that of th e mode rn f un eral director', and t his pal,ticulnd y a pplil's to this well known reJ1resen. tatil'e of thi va lued profe. ion, Thl' ugh untiring effor ts and commendab le methods they have pl'Ogressed from a modest beginn ing until todll Y they pos ess II clientele that exte nds over many mil es of te rri tory, They have in this establis hm en t numerous faciliti es that en able them to r ender a se rvice t hnt better meets with the needs and th e wj shes f or tho ~e who cal1 upon them, As is gene rall y known they ar recognized as am ong the ' mo t proficient and con scientious people in this line in this section and this distinction is well merited as the excel1ent service that they have r endered in the practice of the profession will testify. It, ma y by truly said that no one in this
scction c'ng aged in the Ill'liu ou: [>ro[ ~8 iun 0 r which thl'Y lin' a ble exp onl!uts a r e b<'Lt,' r (', illil'ped fr on\ every standpoint to curry Hut nil M th' work a t l Ilti a llL lIP U Il lhl' ca llin g, Fe\\' cities r o~ ~ e~!' such a n e lc gn nt mortuary :I ~ thi s well known fun eral concel'l1 hu!> !lI'o\'ided , n istinct an d sepa rate from each other by illeal arrn n ~ me nt >Irc pri va te mortu ary, and ca skl'l dis play ro om, Yet th,, \' nl'l~ all cu n\'( 'nil' nl to each oth e;' a nu in lll,i I' a'Ppo intm c nt.~ t h!'y r cfl ect that quiet cl gancc ~o d ~ irnt..l e in t he atm ospherc of he modl' rn mn rlu ary, Most l ruthflllly nlay it bo suid thn t th ey IllIV!! p l'll vitlcd a fu n 1'al home wh ich llIelit ~ th e praise which it 1'ece ivl' s upo n l'ven' occasion, It ' is qui re JlJ'UpCI' thnt in th is ed iti on we A'iv(! p ro l11in (' nl mcn tion to McClul'c',' F Ullel'a l Home in Wayn es vill e 11 the s ucc es!' att ained and the very ellllll1lenliable and satisfactory se rv ic e rcn d ered to the incr Cllsing cli cntele ,
WAYNESVILLE FARMERS EXCHANGE CO. C. E. MICHEN ER, Manager Distributors in Thia Locality of Grain, Feeds, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Builders Suppliea and Allied Linea. Including Chick Mashea and Dairy Feeda-1s Considered an Authority on Feeda--One of the Important Features of the Agricultural Or:ganization of This County-Located in Wayneaville, Convenient for Farmera of This Section-AI,ways Willing to Give, Information Regarding Feeda 'or Proper Feeding-Also Manufacturera of Choice Gradea of ,Spring and Winter Wheat Floura-Phone Waynesville 25. There is hO one firm in thls sec- in demand by tho se who want the tion of the country more widely biggest yield for money and time known as extensive dealers in expended. , Through their straight-fol'Wm'd feeds of aU kinds than this well and above-board policie~ this firm known ' concern, which is under has established on enviable repeompetent dlreetion; ,utation in these pB!rts and the Their 'feeds have more than people generally have come to look proven their worth as supe'rior upon this firm as one' of the prochick feeds. Actual record revealed mine.nt C(lncerns of this sectio n. tnat the best results were ob- Through their extensive del\lings tained with baby chicks when in these products they have alfordthese starting feeds were used. ed the people of this community , TJie Waynesville Farm.e rs Ex- a most advantageous market rignt change Co., are ,located conven- ' at their very door, They brin,g , iently. 'for the farmers of this sec- thousands Jof dollars each year tion of the state and will be glad that would otherwise go to some to solve yOur feeding problems 'for other center were their policies you. Their feedB are well known n9t so entirely satisfactory in through~ut the country and are every particular.
This prominent I cal co ncern also features a cotnplete line of coal seeds, salt, build ers supplies and :tllied Lines fO l' the fa rUl ers of this section, 'rh ey are courteous to all those who ha ve dealings with them, 1£ you are in need of any of" the a bove mention ed lin . , Phone Waynesville 25, In making this roview of t he progress of the community and in outlining the mOl'e promin ent fil'ms who give value d servi ce to the public, we wis h to direct the special attentio.n of our re aders to this most reliable firm, a nd to say that when it co mes to these lines you can dep end upon t heir serviee and the bnmd. the y Cl\lory,
KARL ' D. DAKIN la a well Kn~wn LebaDon Inaurance Service Under Capable Management With Office Located at 20 Mulberry Street in Lebanon-Feature 1l Complete Insurance Service Including Auto, Farm, Life, Fire, Theft and Liability-Known as One of ihe Truly Metr9Politan Firma of the Community, Aiding in the E?,pansion an~ Growth ~f LebanOD aDd Vicinity and the County by Adequate and Rehable Protection at all tlmesPhone ,153. ' , than any other in Ule matter of l\Rte or arc n ot insul'('(1 in a s trong insurance of al) kinds. enough company, drop in and have When you receive a policy from a talk with 'them, thls office you can rest assured that When this office wl'itcs a poli cy your property is amply protected fOT you their serv ice does not end in some of 'the largest insurance thel·e. 'l'b ey. kee p 0 reco rd of the companies. A cl1'1'~ful selection of policy ·and notify yo u of any companies and a dean and straight changes in the insurance laws of forward, 'm anner, of doing any other matter t hut 1V0uid be of bUsiness has won this office a large , vital in terest to ,you lind YOul' clientele in this part of the state, property, They will n ot ~ll1 ow your A wide familiarity with the laws insurance to la pse without notifyof the state, the rules of the com- ing you in ample t ime to reinsure panies and a broad' general knowl- Ilnd wil l kct;!p you info rmed on all edge of business and value oo;f matters pertaining to .yOUl' policy, property places them in a position It js th is kind of o)'vic e that has to render the most efficient and won f or the offioe the confidence comprehensive serVice, They han- of the public and has bee l1 re spondIe life group, health, accident, sible fo r the in c rca~in g number of surety bonds, workmen's com- clients, Always pl'og re s~ iv e and pensation, burgLaTY, plate glass, looking for th e best interests of tornado auto fire, theft and the community. liability' insur~nce everythlng in- The Kul'l D. Dallin Age ncy locatcluded in the general insurance ed in Le banon conuuets one of the line of the day. They are very leading offices of the community, accurate as to rates and if yo.u do and is :l big a sset t o t he business not think you are paying the right and home life of this secti on
TIl(~I'e III'\! ulwu Y::l some firms in ha" prOvided a most attractiv e evcry ('ulllll1l1nity \\'hi~h s tand ou t s I ' cLion in hat., neckwear, shirts, 1,,'olllin l1 lltly bL'cau sc o f their unci 'rwea l', qo llal's, ~o se and ot hel' i;upel'i ol' l;tl l'v ic e and in th cloth- upJ) lIrel l's>ic nlinl " fr om which to inl::' line particu lar mentiun mu st mul{I' Y U l' !lprinl! choice, No matl,e gi \' Cll to lhi s s tore, t el' whllt )J rice you wish to pay Clotho' su ld ut this p opu lar th 'y hav e Jlrovided a Slock which stu n' al'e known f or thl!lr exelu- S; il'('s you a wide variety fr om , in sty le ' and high gl"Ude ' ma Le- which l u cllI ' O ~C , riul s, anu thE'Y wi ll be f ound in Th l.' p riceR at t he HOI'II s to re are lids s tore because th ey ofl'c r this s trictly in IIceol'd 'Wi th l he po licy - up,,)'io!' '1l1lllil~' li t mos t rClis una- (f it '\\'cl'i ng the hi~ h cost of dressI, :c pI'ices, l\le n and young me n illJ.r pl'o)Jl!l ly, Th ey feature s ta nd wi l! lind th y cu rr y a complete line lI l'll 1l11' IThundis ' which a~S\lres th e lIf1' l! n linj!' 11 wide varie ty of slyles, purchase I' n f qua lity und comple te Iln d 111t1tcril.llH frolll \\'h ic h to sa l isfac tion , chl'''; e a ;; we ll us pl'ices to mecllll! They ha ve built lip a pl'Osper til' d' IlHlnds, bu siness and the ullu sual large Th e we I! dressed llIan of toduy pat/'o nll~e cn joyed is the resu lt of ('huos e,:; IIi!' appan' l fUI'ni s hinj.! t he fa il' I I' 'Iltment accorded tlH' wit h cven gl'ea te l' car' tha n h e public, You arc cord ially invit!Xl e xcl'cis!:',' in the selection o f s uit" to v i ~ it t hi;; s tore and in spect their UI' overc, als, This popu lur store 1111 ~<.' stuck of p rin l,(' merc handise,
It haH been left ttl lhe Lebanoll II leul Market t o pl'ovide mC II.ns allu III thuds wh erc by housewiVl' s cll ul d purc hasc the Jillest qua li ty hume killed meaLS at ce o n o rn~' (ll'iCl's and :;CI'\' C whole som~, IlOuris hill).! meat:; at thc l owes~ pl'ice: , 'fhl'Y ~c l'l'e th e public ill a duuL lo capa'i ly a s they pu r c.hase live,' tol!k 1'1'1J/11 tht! furm c rs and sloc k I'ai ,;cr: of this ~ ecli on alld have in I'etul'n to otfcr lhe public tho ch oice st cuts of beef, pork und uthe r mcat pl'o duds, They al 'o cuny a' cumpl ete lin e of luncheun mcnt: , hUllls und ba co n IV hieh have the old timc deliciou s home smok ed tasle,
CROLL FUNERAL HOME Director of Funeral Service-Flowers for All Occasions It is eminently litting in th is ral'lll Edition that we devote con~ pil'u o us space til th e well merite{1 tribute, to the efficient and consci ,ntiQus work that has wo n f or THE CROLL F1UNERAL HOME, 254 So uth Center Street, FRANKLIN, Phone 3, a prominent place as one of the most modern Funcr'nl Directors and Embalm ers in t his section, Throug hout ,untiri"ng efforts and l!omm endab le me thods they have pl'ogrcsed until today t hey passe~s a clie ntele t hat exl.en ds over many miles of territory, It is need less to say, that they have prepared th emse lves in the :most app roved and modern manner with a Funeral Coach and Ambulanoe Equipment and today are at the head of on e of the most modenl and reliable Undertaking Establishnle nts ill t his s ection of the country, To keep pace with the present , day demands a Funeral Chape l has been established, provided
with every modern convenience fOl' t he con ducting of Funer.al crvices within th e confin es o f n, real model'n home furni shed in a mnnn el' that reflec ts the home atmos ph 1'6 in its t rue t sense, Th ir sympathe t ic unde'l'standing of the need of the hour and their considera t ion and efficient sCl'vice in th e past have m erited the co nfidence of the public- a confidence they si ncerely 'appreciate and will do their utmost to ma intain, o matter what the occasion :may be th nt dem ands fl owers or no matter u pon h ow short a notice yo u make your demands you will be pleased both with the hig h j!rad e stock and eminently satisfactory service you will r eceive from th is e'tablishment. It is espeda lly fitting in this com pl'ehensive review of ou~' proA'I'es to gi ve due mention to the activities ' of The Croll Funeral Home one o'f the bes t conducted and Ill ost substantial enterprises of the comm unity.
Th is 1I11l1'l{Ct i;; equip pe d with the Lest in rcfri),{e l'ati oll, IIsf; uring aU patl'un;; 1)1' the I'l'l'shest mClIts at al l limes, Hl': iri nl s or lhi ' section kn o w thnt by trllding here they r e ~l' ive 11'\\'(' 1' IlI"it'cl! Oil [Ill meats, t he l'l,,,,,ll o f b,we l' ove rhead and nw kill J; :I ~ mu l! profit On a large llll s ille s ~ , Why nol make YOUI' "' l1J\!~lio n for ~und!l~' dinller here or get th ' iI' pri ccs on menta for VUU I' bnl1CjllL'1. Onc e a patron o f tId ;: IIp-to-dall' market, yo u will a lway s 1'1Ir c h!l ~ c Yll ur Il1 c uts here, I n th is 1'11 1'111 issue we wi Hh to (' o IllJllilll ~ nt 1\11', Zink , thl' mnlla ge r IIpon hi .. " lIeC I' ~S Ilnd "lIgge8t to fu rnl cl''' \If this vi ci nit~, lo get in t ou c'h \\ i lll th i" ~ U IIl'er n in r.'gnrds t u f he hi" hl';;t prict,!, 011 li ve s tock.
FRANKLIN, OHIO Only Hatc'h ing Chicks on Orders--Custom Hatching at Reduced Prices
[ns uran ce
Gu ~ t in,
versus Sy lvun E.
ct ai, t he plaintiff shall
I'CCOV r from t h of $1770,57 ,
defendants the
:l UIll
New Suits
Flora J on es versus E lm et· J ones Common Plea. Proceeding. un ci Julia Bel'gllll for divorce, cusIn the case of Sa rah E. War\ ick t ody of ch il dl' n, alimony, uttorvel'sus Willis , O'Neall Warwick ney fee. , t Illpol'sry and permant he executor of the estate hps in ent injunc tions and other relief. his hands the approximate s um Ed, Meeks versus E lizabeth of $76 ,74 due to the defendant as Mee k fur divorce, harg e is (! legacy under the will of Nettie gl'oss neglect. Jordan, decca ed. This legacy is to be paid to Sarah E. Wnrwi ck by Probat& Court the exec utor and applied by her L on the judgment rendered in her l\1ary Josephine SOl'gent was SEL YOUR CALVES , EARL Y ing ections' of southeas tern Ohio favor agai nst the d efendnilt, a ppoin ted . adminis trntl'i>( of estate ----to produce a well·bred calf ~nd In the ca se of Henry Loy vel'SUS (I f Samuel Sargent, decea ' ed, and Exten_ion specjalist;s in animal , ell him at 400 pounds weight for The Valley Packing Co" a COl'por- filed bo nd of $200 with the New hu s bandry for the Ohio State 7 cents a p ound, t,han it is to h old ation. the plaintiffs aTt~ to ' York Casual ty Co. us- surety, . , ,., the calf to a yea1.·bng when he will recover from the defendan ts the ' The w ill of J aco b Addison Carey Un iversi ty say 11~ IS more proflta-I 'wejgh 650 pounds and sell fo r a sum of $304,51. - I deceased, wu admitted to probate, ble for farm ers iin the beef grow- cent a pound less. In the ~ase of New Y,ork Life J osia Ada arey was appointed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I exec u~~ no boud reqube~ Moses E, Kirb~' , Fred 0, James and Jame ~ E. BUI'k!! were appointed appral e l'S. 'fhe second and final account of had es E. Warwick, executor of YEARS OF SERVICE AND SATISFACTION estate of Hil'am V. Warwick, dec a sed, was approved, allowed and ' This is what the FRANK L. L, GALLUP S'fORE, at Wilming- been two of the greatest factol'l1 conJir:med by the court. The first, fi nal and di tributive GALLUP STOHE, 126 North t on, and .look over their line of in their continued development. acco unt of The Lebanon-Citizens South Str-cet, Wilmihgton, Phone assorted stock and you will readily They are honest in their represen- National Bank an~ Trust Co., exe- ' 259 7 has given to the people of see that they handle the "BEST" cutor of estate of Demas Guttery, t his community for many years, in RUGS, DRAPERIES, W ALL- tation of their goods and thei~ decensed, was approved, allowed Their store is one' of the most com- PAPER, CA RPETS , and LINOL- pric es are vea'y reaso nable consis t- a nd confi rme d by the court. pletely fUl'nis hed of its kind to be EUM. ent with the quality of their merThe flrst and final account of L. M, H e nder son, administrator of found ill this section of the state, The FRANK L. GALLUP ,STORE chandise. In th e ir dealings in a full line hu ve b ee n in bus iness in this 10We are g lad to be able to bring estate of Maude Underwood, deof RUG ,DRAP};:RIES, and CAR- cality lor years and their reputa- _ before our r eaders a finn with as cca ed, WIlS approved, allOWed and ' PET" 'LINOLEUM, WALL- tion is behind 'everythlng they sell high standing as the FRANK L, eonfll'med by the court. To. second and final account of PAPER of all kinds, color and When they give you any informa- GALLUP STORE, at Wilmington, Ed, . Janney, adm inistrator of s hades, they have always been tion in regard to what's best suit- and we do not hesitate t o recom- estate of Anllah E. Coleman, denoted fol' QUALITY, DESIGN, able in matching up with your mend this up-to-date store to our ceased, was approved, allowed, and EXCLU IVENESS and above all, f urniture or interior decorations readers , a s we know that you will confirmed by the court. \ The will of Mellvina Mason,' deHONEST PRICES. These are the yo u can depend upon what they get ' the vel'y "Best" at their store, things to be considered before tell you, because, back of thl\t in- They invite you to come in ' and, ceased. was filed in probate. Em. you buy ' t hosla new RUGS , formation is years of satisfactory look around and see their stock er son Mason was appointod exeDRAPERIES, AND WALL- service to the public of this sec- \\'hether you are ready to buy at cu tOl', n o bon d required. W. S. Groham, L. G. Gordon and W. F. PAPER, CARPETS and LINO- tion of the state w hich has made this time or not" and they are ai- Clark we re appointed nppraisers. LE UM fo l' thi s year. Are they of the FRANK L, GALLUP STORE ways t'eady to answer any and all the best Quality .and: Design? Are the success that it is to<\ay; one qu estionf\ you may n, k in regard, Real E.tate Tran.f"re t hey Exculsive in their Design? of the I{lrgest and most complete- to RUGS, DRAPERIES, WALT~ Warren W, ~ogcrs, by Sherifi' And me they sold at reasonable Iy equipped Rug, Dmpery -and to GUGS, DRA PERfES , WALL: PI ices? Ask yourself these ques- Wall PapCr stores in the statE'. PAPER, CARPETS and LINO- to Myl'fl Frasel' and Geneva RaUer Real estate in Cleal'creek township tio n, and' then go to the FRANK Hon esty and fair prices have LEUM. Jesso S, Gross to L. G. Kennett and J ennye V, Kennett. Inlot No. t4 in Fr~nklin. J ohn H. Fish to Wolter R, F i tts, Real estate in Franklin township. C, Ardis Tooke and J, E. Reynolds to Anna M, Rosell. Real "WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL FOR ALL PURPOSES" estate in Tul"tlecreek township. Charles Otto Langcnbrunner to Produce~s of Waahed S~nd and Gravel ~ith Offices and Plant Located on Rural Rout~ A Ibert Scott and Ernesti'n e Scott. ,No: 1 In Le~anon, OhlO--:ls a Lea~er In I ts Particular Field Operating Over an 1m- Real es tate in South Lebanon. !Dense Terrlt:ory. and HaVing Pr~vlded Complete Equ ~pment-A Large and Flourish. Cllrmelo Isgro and Maria IslrI'o Ing ~ndustry which haa been a Yltal Factor in the Progress and Development of This to Charles C. Trimble 99.79 acres Secbo~ .of the State and EspeCially in the Country Where They have Furnished large in 'rurtlecreek township. Quantities oJF Sand and Gravel for Roads and ,Construction Work-Also 'Operates a (Continued On Page S)
One of the important features in 't he upbuilding of a community is the proper protectIon of prop,erty. The firm which handles insurance is one of the most 1m· portant assets that a community can hAve. It is through the efforts of insu.r ance experts that the )lroperty l~ kept properly' insured and tile community is protected against horne and, industrial losses How many times have you read ll,n account of a disastrous loBS with tile notation "no insurance" 'which '. means that some man 'has suft'ered a great financial loss that could have been avoided had he consuIted some reliable insurance expert such as this community can , b08llt of. This office has an enviable rec· ord {)f service that cannot be ap'proached by any other. For more than 55 years they ,hnve been representing the Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. which is better known to farmers throughout the state
HOME D1~ESSED MEATS Hou8ewi~es ,All 'Through This 'Section Kn~w that at The Lebanon Meat .Market Located , Convemently ,at South Broadway They Can Secure The Fi~est, Freshe.st Home Killed Meats at Low Economy Prices. ~top In When Sh opping in Lebanon and Learn Why ThIS Market Has Become Known as Lebanon's Busiest St?re.-Make Your Selection of Quality Meah for Your Dmner or Banquet. -Also Complete Line of Canned Goods and Baked G~ods.-Phone 261.
The first mark of 11 good funernl director is his' nbility to bend his service to tJl(' r quirement.s of the caRe in hand , Abso lute flexibility is ne essa.ry for no two case. arc exactly alike. No matter what the circum tances may be, the ir SCI" vice a n cope with t he particular pro blems that arise. ·Experience and equipment are the enabling factors, During the yea r t.hey have been stll'ving the people of t.his commun ity, they have learned to at· te nd to every detail in the way that is mos t gratify ing to th o e who call upon tbem, Their service is at t he dis po sal of anyone and comparison proves that the s uperior service afforded by this up-todaet flrln costs no more tllan the ordinary kind, Betl.er service is their constant aim. The funeral ho:me afforded by the se rvices and there is ever an discrim inating people to be t he ideal place in which to conduct theservices and there is ever an increasing tendency towards its
Excelling its Former Peaks of Quality and Matching the Value of the Chevrolet this Official Salea and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars in This Section-Provides Excellent Complete Con,c rete Block Plant.-'Phone 673-L. Service to Chevrolet Owner,s of This Section of Ohio--Showing the New 1932 Chevrolet and Invite YO\l to Ride 'in It to Appre'ciate Ita Refinements, Easy and Low Cost Operation-With Maiw:a Office and Salesrooms Located in Wilmington 115-117 South Sand Dr. n g !':>,\Te is m'o l'e and been any magic lamp in its success mOl'e 'i mportant than t he developSouth Street and Branc"ea in Sabina, Ne V' Vienna and Blanchester. mo)'e in dunand fol' road building for the only magic used wns hard mcnt of good san,do and g l'avel for
• with the steady nnd mpid increas e work and the wisdom a nd 'kn owl- the build,ing {)f roads and streets, ___________"""'_ _ __ driveway!!, and building blocks, in t ra ffic an d the n'1!cessity for edlle that breed success. MONEY LOANED Ex.celling its former peak of have been made in the Greatest on this oulstan diw' Cal', bette r b u ilt r oads, ~ne ,0'£ the ' They produce and deal in wash- et c., t hey have f urnished large quality ani! val ue, Chevrolet more Americim Value. <keater Beauty, For those w ho wi s h t o buy th c firms wh ea )'~y r ealized the illl- cd lind sc reened gravcil. This rc- qUanti ties of gravel to thi!l county than ver before in its history a.dded safety factors, improved hcvl' let out of thei r regular pO l'tance ,of th iS product and who liable firm can furni sh you with being one of the firms that hllve <llfel's to motorists a line of cars riding' comforts and better all- earnigs, the G MAC plan is con - are meetlt1g the demands of the ,and fol' concrete work and also be en se lecte.d by ,t he contruc tors ' that meets the modern demand around performance .\vith added ven ient , It is a system operated by small e~t p !1 w~ l1 a s the larl\'es t f n)' plnstering, Their sand, used fOl' to sup pl\y t he gt'entest putt ,of LONG OR SRORT rIME-E~y termB. f.,lsC), S,lI1'VeYing and , Ab. ;forpe,rf onnance, reliability, stau.n ch power and faster acceleration are Ge nera l Motors COl'poration and co ntl'ac ~ IS the Howar~ Cook Sand these purposes is famous fo'r 'its their ol'ders for the product. " service, low co t and long life. some ,of the features achieved that assures furth er sav ing and sa.tis- &: Gravel Co. Thoy have a capa· lime and cement staying qualities. In this comprehensive re~ie \'v of Iitractin,~. Wr:it" and ':r Wi)1 call ' and see you, ''Sam D. Henkle. Way.The Chevrolet Motol: Company have seldom , been equalled in faction 'to the buyer of a cIty of, man y h~n(!reds of tons .of Howard Cook Sand & Gravel qo, our industrial ,p rogl'ess it is es. en- nesville, Ohio. ' Jl~ whlch this, finn represents has motor elir d~sign, " Chevrolet, a product of General s~nd: and ~ravel aally and are slup- ,is well kno;.vn aU over thls section. tilil that prominent mention be , " ~keDl advantage of errors made New. features developed In the Motors, , pl~g their pl'odu,ct;.'l tht"oughout , Roads. an'd · hig hwnys 'b uilt of m'adll of, this enterptise, which has FOR RENT ' in th~ pa$t in the automobile ~'.. engine ilf the 1982 9hevrplet ~r nearly doubhn~ its, ,com- 'tIllS ~~ctlon of the, co~ntry. , concrete in, ~hieh 't he highest be'e n olie of the' vital'factol"S in the '." " dustry and, _1'8 glVllIg to the pub- includes a Jlew motor enclosure, mOl'lca,1 c.nr output las,t year over IS .very ~oubtfu,llf any enter- quality gravel is used stand ..up developmen't of this section. Its F ,O R :RENT- Corn ' g.;round, , 27 acres, Inqulrll G. J. 'Waterhou/ui. , lic" an ,autOmobile that wUI elimi- -whie.h compiet;ely, covers ~he valve th~ prevIous yea~ the Chllvrolet ,prlse III t hiS s~ctlon has been ' u~ qer the ' hardest wear and public' pl~n.t is ~trictly m9der a~d up-to.ute \lnDeC~ rel!,ail; bills, in.. l~ts and ~kes {.or a ql;1let~r a.nd f/loto\' Compan~ 10 1981 led al1 , n1'1rk~d b~ , uch 'l1)'tmense pro~ress off!eials feel , in l~ttiitg cOl\tracts date jn , eveJ!y pnrlicular and is ' ' <!tf oil\>eDience ~~d, trouble. , ," ~Ieaner e~gJhe; ~ ne~ a~d, h.,'eamer oth er commercial m~l}ufactu"ters I ~ ~a~ , (J1lS c~mpa,~y, ~he l~rg~Bt /V'th which g~aveL WIll 'be the,' im- equipped with , ttre very latest" ======;:.!.... !:===:;==_ = =:::;::: f~.~ or ad-vanced d,>s- erank-~h~t, ~tatl~ally and ,dyn~- as well as all other bUlld el's ,of Pas- 'I I~stitutton of It • klDd 1n tlll.s sec: -portant factor feel ,they are con- mO'dern ' ' machinery. , ' 'WANTED ~'- ~-~'. -::-,,",:, CQqlpleWnesa of de~1 ical1~ balancedl; free wheel~i'; Im- sen ger .Cllors, 'tton . From a verr~~le hole In the !lervlng public, reso.urces and also, - We 8t'e giad to corrfplfment thL~ , .' . i ~IIIIIIPlCIJe« I" tile 8D.eat ,motor cara l l1roved ~-,shaft ~ret\thing- sysWe are pI )ll\cd to com~lIment J{found to. II o l1l'ls hm8'; vol~me of providing better croadB. " , establishment upon the e111eiene f ,< , . -s, R ........ Ul ' the 19 i t.em·; Senil-arutoinatic "park control; the Bl'andonbur~s upQn tlH:Hr oOlll- business" Its hI to.lJ( reads like one In ' tJlis section pa'l'ticuIar' Iy il'l' of its servlc'e and unO'n the l"adY ~ A:NdTED -,,:: liarpess ~epall1inJ ~~,;;t~;~~' ~ ~' nut ,tlpO~ man ~ it0 ld' III 'd'Icate t'""e, pee 1 t l;CfVl ' ...." n~ d, a If "" t ,,\' ~ h \>wmg . I 0,4t th e t a I<: t f th e f;amnus Al u. ddi n dustrlal " . .,. - bunt ,an X8Jl1a 0 ill ng, and new progreM bill! been, ".,en"- illlr'position attained..-in the, blUllHardware Co harness 118 E ~~\'Uliil~,'~~iDeerinlr ,aclvaD,c:.e.mepts, made of the CheVl'olet: cars . of olden tuner:!. N that there h~ fitted br them; Ther~ ~ , Dothia" 11l1li8 world of thl. part of the Ita_ I ~ln' St., Xenia, Ohio ., mlO
5 %0'
. . : ' ". '
Fa(m 'Loans
derer, with elean .haven face and an IMCrutable e ye. Neither of these men were pay· ing the- slightest attention to anyISSUED EVER Y WEDNESDAY thing but each othe r. Indeed~ the Mr. und Mrs. H oraCe! ::ltump and man at the wheel a lone see.med to lalll uy., ul lICU, w-;;r," utllU:IY be at all aware of hiB ISrround 61.1"IOL:; 01 Itl " . uU'a l'l erl'l~t anu D. L. CRANE. P.ltli• • 5ub.criptioD PriM, SpSO • Y_.. in~8. For the only other human By Mra. Jellie B. Tripp' Ul'. lULU j~.u':I . j'ret! H Ul'LUIl. bemg visible on t he cralt WUII til ... O8Ic. PboD~.......... ............ No. MI'. unu IlJlIl. \ • 1'1. IiULnlall and' . R ! .JL_ ~. ' En/n.d at Podoffi" . at Wayn ..uill., Damsel in Di tress, and sh u ,YOft Uull, U UUYlOIl, SIJe!lIt ullUa •• .......... · ............. No. 111 O~lo, •• Second- CI... Mall Mell"r completely occupied with h r own UlJ'nOIl Willi l'II'S. t1.l1llllldu ~tu .. r The dawn dllnc d with joy on thoughts, which seemed t.o be 1'0 .l ne ,,' O ITHHl';, I Il; Lell~u e neW the water, sentful and unpleasan t . ,'prang from ii, to dance on the ~n"u' aunual p a r~~' lUI' IIl elllller:l hills; . Uilli tn cu' 1 unllllC:! at tne t.ym ====;-=ot===== F=E=B=R=U=A=R=Y=2=4~,=1=9=3",2=========~ As bCl;eemed bel' position in t he .... -. ..... story she was young and beaute· O'er tlie violetR, ferns and the j nunwllY t!venll1g. ous and as duughter to th Pirate ' ",,,,,y UIUIYll LukellLS, Alic\! and mosses,' hi f, caparisoned in costly gar- O'er the brooklet ~ anel ~ IIH I' klin g ~ ... lIi"..~ L" 1 l.Iru~, \ C II.:! ::,unuay ments. o". -.:.,) l ;) \" U ' U14 J.JUVl ~ . . J'ill ~. On e .of the ~i ggel\t tiling thai ever happened in t he U ni ted States The Brig ht-Shining H ero had .. " HUH , U\,; L uJ. tiL-lt c l o lks \\Cl'C from an !n l u~tJ'lul :!ta ndpoint, is the d cision of the unionized forc cs not yet appeared . All the windfl owe rs dow n in th' .... t . ·t· .. 4ull ~ u HI.. t·ll e nUnH.: 01 .\11'. of OUI' ralll'oads I.Q Ulk' a 10 pel' cent wage reduction effective at oncc uddenly and most unexpected ly ",--flU .H I~ . U. OU l!I ' l Le WiS ;:'U lLil ua y meadow a nd to be in f orce Oll e · yeal·. ' a loud bang sounded under the Rippled. likE- w.av es on I he sea; ...1..4.I. I..!' J 1" .. U 11 111 B u lUH ' UI \.JJJllJ S lJll"ln~ F(II' the fir s t time in history, presidenis 0'1 ihe railroads and the port q ual·tcl'. Thc craft s taggered. And the dl· lighlful scen b " I' l h (Ii'.I·. I _ _ _ _ _ __ __ .-. hearl.· uf the labo r urganizations s'a t down at a (:(J nfcre nce tablc and " What is it, Simmins'!" cried . . cv. a nu 1\11 8 . J. I'. ThoI'IlUU I'Y lilacs wurked out a wage ugreement based 011 the plain fucts involved , with- the Piratc hi e!'." AI'e we damag- Was born l.! 011 the bl'eeze t o l1le . alH I Jdll . Il.\ \ l: i l L L.U LOU1 SV ltJ c , h..y. NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT Subscribe for the Miami Gazette uut thl'Catll of HLrikes or al'uitraLio n a n eithcr side. Lawyers were used ed 1" ....... u .. ~. I Lo r U \'ISll Willi III'S. only to h 'Ip word Lhe nrlic les of agreement. "Blowout, sir," rep li ed immins Oh I the da wn wu ~ 0 I' ' witchinl-( • I . U I IJU~I)."J Ij arcnt ~ , ..HI'. and Du vid n. R01in son . 811 ex-fireman, who r os to the head of his He walked .aro.und the rear of Es tlil c of l\lell vi na Ma son, dr- .- , .. , belluty, . I tl.." Il • ....,. 1,llIp MO Jl UllU lUI :3, U'ow n brother huud IIntl then lo leadersh ip of th e e ntire railroad labor the cal', Ilind uttered an exclama- As she pased O'E'I' the wind·h lown J,;l lll.t ')ll tlpSun. cease d. H~ I'u cLlIl' , Illu de it c1 N lI' thut in signing uway pat'L of t heir pay at this t ion of dismay. Noli 'e i!< h e reby ~i\'en th ut 1 n ' \..tll'ler Hlot hel': Basketbllll hi lk DEPENDABLE t lln e, the WOI'II01':-\ were not accepting t he t.heol·if thai s uch reductions, "When ~ h e blew she slid into Her hands full o f mo!lst:s and Lea nl \\111 play Lil t! llrsl team Jr (. m Enll!I'son M a ~o n haH brl'll d uly a p" a l'e t il. be .. r~J.:al'd c.d ordinarily as the appnl pnatc means to promote the rut and let us down pretty blossoms, I I Lo ue rlul',e ulllv" .. ,lty at tHe pointed and lualifi ed as Execute, 1' EPAIRI fa pro~J1el'lly. H pOl1lted out that the men recognized the pr sent un- hard on one of these littl e stumps And ~reat cill . ten< of tlulfod illH. of th e Estlile of Mril l\' ina l\l llso n l.Ylll Hue JIIUI'CII IV . \\' a tc hes pal'ul le led situati on IIfT~cling both tho railroad and the pUblic, and said : in the midd le of the roa(I." he .. '-l1e tlallll.! IiYlIlll of the Re- late of WaIT n oun ty, Ohi .. , d e(,I()ck ~ ''I n t!lC I\ lIllc . ha t UUI' adio n may im Jlro ve the health of our indu stry, answered Grimstead's inquiry. SoH and g rEl Y, , he cam e on the pu !.Jlle lIpemeli lilt! assem oly pro- ccaFed. Jcw' lry Ill UY lI\~pr ove th e ~ o o p e rat ive relutions of manageme nt and employes, " The gaso line's leaki ng. " waters, Dilled thi s 9th day of F't' hruury ~nllll j--IIUtlY C1l u rnin~ whcn tile 1st l1111y s tImulate l'ovIl'al o f bu siness an d may advance t he generaL weI .. Gardiner joined th e ch au ffeu r . Ere s hone the~ golden g lobe of he UIlU ~ Hd g'l UllCl; enLertulncd. l{cv. 19:32. Store Open Even ings Jare, we hll\'c deci ded to accept the proposal." "It's buckled the tank." he an~lIn; W. Z. ROLL Lu,a ' let! the d"vollo ns. l:..<1ith JJeTh us, rnilroud luu ur und rnih oad exec utives have established a nounced briefly. "We're s tu ck." And lh e ripJl l e ~ t nuc hen the s and UI)I'U swee lly sang "Huog-Ie ,Ilan ," Judge o f the Probute ou rt. CARY'S JEWELRY new pn'c cdClIl in !;('ttling a pI'ob lem of indu stry. Thi s is an outstand "The gaso lin e is 1111 run oui," hal' Warrell ou IIty, Ohi o \\ Ilil l\la ~' llunl J:.cton acting us in~ ~ tcp tow1!lI'd :-\ \'nbi li z in ~ bu '[ncss cond itions in the United State's rep lied Gardinet· calmly. Lik e ~h il dr n, who la ugh nne! run. tio ng ie Ili all . Cleo h.irk spuke, Ilnrl its efl'ect will . be 'fur-reach ing. "We're stuck, all right," Grim· .. 1I1l1elh lllg tietter.·' A c1el'er flag PUBLIC SALE shaw agreed. "How far is it to I tU l'I\cd frol11 the Ilf'allt~' hefore II \\a ~ 1;l\' C n uy th O;! boy s una he lp? " mc ~Ilc girls s taged II e ULe "Doll y Owing to th c death o f my hll ~ ' "Neares t ga rnge is aboul twe nty To a wi ll ow, aCI' o~s the ~ tl'E'am ::i hu\\'. ' The slIlgi ng of "Amel'iea" band I will olfel' ut pllulie ~a l e li t FOR SALE DATES CALL 111 iles." Where I<ut an ill-natured ju\,-biJ'd closed the pr o ~rUll1 . Therc will be It waH agreed t hat Grimshaw Whf) had broiken my pea ce, by hi ~ II U prugram this Friday on ac· Life in!lura nce is preeminently the safest investment. For pe rllons should pick out. a shlldi er place to I sCI'eam! cu unL vI the county basketball of Bellbroo k, 4 mIles . of WilY' of 1110d raLe mea ns who cunnot a fford to luke chances with their wa it while Simmins, after chang. toul'name nt. nel<ville, If., mi le N . of Middl e Run sav ingll and luck fac ilities for detehll ining the true worth of securities, ing t he tire, walked the 20 miles And \vh en ] tl1rned bnck, the ~ ll'. and !Ill'S. J ohn Kennedy, Church, on t he Bellbro ok an t! it is th a soundes t inv estment Lh('Y can milke- above ~ne! apart from and got help. the dawni n,g ille Pike, on pl'otection afforded dl-pe ndents of the po li cy holder himself. Now to be considered is the Wa l' pa,,~inl!' . IikC' sweeiheaTt. la ~,,: <I f !Jay tun, were week-end glJetits Wa ynesv ThuTldIly, March 3. 1932 0:1' 1\11'. and MI':;. A. L. Kenn edy , If a persall were I!h'cn th e opp urtunity to put a few hundred or a Damsel in Distress. He r distress Beginning at 12 o'cl ock noon. few th usu lld dullars inio t.he hand s of expert financiers, wO I'king waf'/ heartfelt b'ut not to o serious. S he too k with her t he scp.nts of and Hel'bel'l. the lila e~ , Frunk Hough und family, of JESSE STANLEY und er th e mOllt trin~e nt II\\\' s who wo ul d in turn sp fead this money It consisted in the fact that she Two Iwad of Cow s, Fa rm in g ClifT Hough Impl ements, Hou sehold and Kilch- Pho e 320, New BurlinDtoD, Ohio ovel' n gt'ellt n umber of strong est securities -government a nd ind us ~ had bec n ravished away aga inst A nd the warm sun shone el ow n on Midl-and , vi si ted thl' gra ss. en Goods. 1 Ford Tun or Sedan. n • ~ unday. trio I- he would be considered remllrkably fortunate . Th is, in effect, is her will; which is t he us ual and Mrs. Albert Hough is a victim 1027 Mode l ; 2 dozen BalTer! Rock what the purchaser of II li fc in suran ce policy does. And , in addition, he propel' reaSOn for t he distress of T "t r nd ,."v~ ti'fied at he beauty E AR L KOOGLER uf mumps. Hens, so me. Harness. is given the udded protcction of n trcmendous reserve fund which h as females aboard, pirate craft. Of this dawn, which I'el ris n' t o Terms Cash. 1I1J'l;. l!:mery Schoon over is be n accumu lated for the Ho le purpo. e of guarding t he interest of the Day ton Phone At this moment she should have ~el': very ill of pneumonia. MRS. S. A. ROLAND policyholder lind Illuking certain thnt his po licy will be paid when the been listening to t he dulcet strains KEnmore 8986 Fnr it "".,med 'twa!1 a lanel enMr. and Mrs. Chul'les Thompson .J. H. Wri ~ ht,_A~c!: _ __ tim\! comes. of a jazz orchestra, or perha ps chflnte(lentertained to dinner on Saturday Th e American l)(>ople put increasi ng billions into life insurance. bossing abou t infatuated 'youths in ~~~~~~~ No policyholder has lost u dollall in a legal r eserve company in over any old haun t where sport clothes MOI"ing. ramI' in a I!'o lci clond to MI'. and iI'S. Wi ll ompton , of i PUBLIC SALE me. New Budington. lift~ years. are correct and numerous. I ~"""""",,~ - ---'-Instead of which she was here I Owing to t he deat.h of my hu sI PUBLIC SALE Atop a stump ! On a barren Cali· band , I wi ll se ll all my farm chat- I forn ia hills id e of high brush and tels, located 6 miles S. of Center1 an occasional tree! Stranded! H ot! I wi ll offer at pub lic sale at my vi lle, ' )',6 mil es W. of Ly tle . 4 = Uncomfortable!' No wonder the home, 4 ' mil es Northeast of Harmiles E. of Spring boro, 3 miles lines of her figurl! were unbending veysb urg, on the John Beach farm N. of Ri dgevi lle,' on the Dayton (Continued Fron Page 2) Th. O. 5. U. R.dlo StatioD-WEAO no marvel t hat her eyebrows were on 30 Years Exper i enc~ in . and Lebanon P ike, o n th e Sul'iace Fitting an d Making Glasses level and t hat the regard below Saturrl'ay, February 27, 1932 farm, oni Bill a Allowed (L. A. Kauffman, Dep8ltm ent of Animal Husbandry, Presiding) them was-sullen ? Begi nning ~It 1 o'clock, the fol· Tueaday, Marc:.h 1, 1932 7 :00 ' Farm Night Melody Makel's Out upon you' This damsel is lowing : Mrs. Erma Hibnar, serv ices $10 ; Beginning at J 1 :30 a . m., the '7 :05 Stretching t ho Lime Dollar ........................ EIlll'I J ones young and beauteous. Smoulder· Twg Head of Horses, 4 hea d of 11'. Albert Millard, sorvices, $10; Lebanon, Ohio 7 :20 Modern Market Styles of Lamb .. ... .. " .... .L. D. Musselman mg is the word. Of t.en thousand Cows, G hP-Dd of H ogs, 9 head of Ri chard L. Williams, services, $10 following: Tuo_day, Thuraday, Saturda~ 4 head of Horses, 4 head of 7 :35 F~lc ts About Meat Inspection .... ""'''' .... . ......... L. W. Goss people the you nger hal! would Sheep, Fanning Impl eme nt. 300 Lon outh, services, $7; Mrs. Examination Free 7 ;50 Rural ommunity Play Days . . .. R. W. Tom have sympa th ized heartedly with bushels of ConI in crib, 9 sides of Mary En nis, se rvices, $10; Clark Cattle, 50 head of good mixed 8 :06-8 :50 BnsketbaJI, Northwesle.rn vs.Ohio State. Burton, by gad I dragged off into Harness. County Commissioners, care of Chicke ns, Farming Im plements, lot LEBANON, OHIO Terms mM le known on day of patients, ·$220.50; Clark County 'f Harness, Hou sehold and Kitchet. t he sticks right in the middl& of == = = = == = = == = =:-==::-::::==========;:==--'- the 100 sho cks of corn and : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1IIli1 Goods, Del Moute Tournament; and sale. I Commissioners, care of paticnts, p . ._ _..,... '"... __ ........... _ . V'"V'".F'... 'P....¥ .~._ _ _....._ _ _- - - - - - - - - the other half would have mutter· . JOHN A. KIMBALL $332.50; Standard . Statistic Co., Fodder. T erms- Cash. ed t hings about spoiled brats and Stanley & Koogler, Auct . I supplies, $25; Dayton Stencil MRS. WALTER FRIERMOOD an indulgent fathel' and would Harry Tucker, Clerk. ' Works Co., s upplies, $2.04; Wood· have regretted that she was too '- - - row·Weil-Smnage Co., Supplies, F . '1'. Martin, Auct. old to be spanked. $5 ; We.·tel'll ::itar supplies, $88; Walter Hibbard , Clerk, DAIRY FEED PROFITABLE And none of this wou ld have afStakaltn MIg. Co., supplics, $42.6 0 fecte d Miss BUrton in t he least. Columbus Blank Book Mfg., fonns When her father insisted, in face Each of 14 dairy Carmel's keep. $20.25; W. H. Anderson Co., supof her first careless refusal, that ing records in so uth~ stern Ohio plies, $l7 .10; 1\11' . Omar Hollingssh e join him on this trip into the fed a total of $1,279 worth of head, s upp lies, $0.05; F. H. Zimbackwoods. she W6S vastWy s ur· feed during the year. Of this all1- merman, supplies, $S ; Bell Press, prised, though not greatly put out. oun t $S4 1 wo r th was produced at $ 13.50; Western Star, supplies, nlustt·a.tlons lr.f Hem~y Jl:ry- L ~ put when at the last minute she home and $43S worth was pur- $12.50; Co lumbus Blank Book Co. Coppl&ht. Stewlll't. Edwe..rd. White found that this Gardiner person chased. Fot· ea.ch dolla r's worth of s upplies, $3; Waldro n C. Gilmour, was to be in the party, she saw- feed fed to the dairy cattle the inquest, $7 .70; Waldron C. Gil· . . R.ele ~'3(:,'<i thru. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN an{j resented:""it all, Publishers AUi; .:>co,eter ServIce your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves cattle returned $1.32 of Ill·oducts. mOtll', inqu est, $8.30; William Burton had met Gardiner before Carson, Trustee, refund, $27_94; to Norris·Broc k Co., live wire and i; She did not like him; and she did Trea urer Carmi Gorp., taxes, progressive f\rm for ths bigbest _ ..................,'.....""..,'............." ..........~..........................." .........................................., ..., ......, ........." '....""............." .............., ....,~,. not care whether he was tbe Sec· market prices and good service. $17.30; John Th omas Service ond in Command of t he piratical these things are so me of the .loot Statiolll, gas, $19.04; Howllrd T. Union Slock Yarda' Cinc:iDDat1 O. ON TIPTOE- A Romance of the low ' and you shall see brave ad· craft, part ikeeper of the loot, the Pirate Chief has captured. Cook, gravel, $54; Glenn Dakin, Tune in on Radio Station WuKY t2 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily R edwoods - By tewart Edward venturing and dastardly plots; and principal deviser of stratagem, or Burton said she didn't like him be- st on e, $14.40; Earnest Dakin, mark et reports. White, Author of " The Bl azed a fool exalted and cast down as not. There would seem to be no caUSe he played no bridge nor golf ·to ne, $3.60 ; Johnston. & John : his li ttl ~ affairs were swept into reason why one should not like but that was tloi it. She had oth er Eto n, g ua rd rail material, $98.04; . Trail." the mighty iOllIWard-ftowing' cur· Gardinel·. He is tall, slender, very reasons -no, no t reasons, in- L. G. Anderson & SOilS Co., guard dark, witb regular movie.queen s tind. rents of Fate. INTRODUCTION rail malerial, $30.9 8; Blair & Le· dark eyeslashei!, a sleepy well· At the present moment t he sec· Roy. gravel, $25.35; Famous Auto This is a sWullhbuckling story of At the moment OUr story bred supercilious expression on his ond in comm~md did not attempt upply Co., s upplies, $26. 02; PHONE 8F3 -pirate days. It has a s leadin.g chal'actllTS t he Buccaneer and 'hlS the Pirate, appropriately named thin long face. All his movements to approach tlhe aloof 'yo ung god- Bangham Moiol' Co., repairs & sinister Second in omDland; the Grimstead, was leaning back in are languidly graceful. He is ex· dess. Ins tead he gave needed as· supplies, $34.] 3; Fred Kahn Motor HARVEYSBURG, OHIO ' sistance to the chauffeur and when 0 ., l'epail's, $21.63; Fairlcy Hard· Fair Damsel in Distress; the t he stern·sheets of his craft smok· cedingly well dressed'. His ability is enormous. He the job was fini shed he was just wa re Co., tile, $5.R5: J. . Hawke, Bright-Shining Hero a nd t h ose ing a cheroot. He was a large, great lntelligencies by whose ca· square man, with t hick bushy eye- knows all about electricity, and as hot IIlId dirty. There were qual- suppli es, $3.62; H. M. Cal'eys Gar- ~~~~~~~~~~~~= water power, and oil wells, and it ies to the man, besides those age, services, $1.50; L. W. Nisbet price-or 'by whose ordered Law brows. Gardiper, the Second in Diesel engines, and railroads, both neeessam-y to boarding and scut- Co., sewers, $3.50; H. T. Cook, -OUI' tiny world carries on among its . millions .o f sister worlds. F ol· mand, was much younger and slen- theoretically and practically, f.or 'tling! gravel and a nd, $S; Ray Mills, By the ti me the job was finis.h ed sewer, $10. Grimstead reappeared. ~OTARY PUBLIC "Found a gl'eat place!" he an· nounced, and partly on the little OHIO FARMERS NOW National Ballk "gas" in the vacuum tank and TURN TO ACCOUNTS , - ~illa Drawn • . Eatatea Settled partly by g ravity the big car g lidPhone 78J e,<! around the cor,ner of the 111 0un· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO' tain. Th ousands of Ohi o fal'mers will As often ha ppe n at skyli nes in see k thc tru th about . t heir farm Ca lifornia, the natul'e of the -co un - uwdn ess t his spri ng when they try there changed. Burton had delve in to theil' farm 8cou nt rec:ef'n l'edwood trees before, but Ol'ds to IlnnlY7.e their cost items never Iwd she seen one of t he rE'd· 'with t he help of ru ra l econ om ists wood forcsts of the n orth. The from t he Ohio State Unive rsity. s ullellsess in hE!r. eyes was replaced I In mldition to helping fllrmel's by a startled lind somewhal awed analyze lheir r eco rds, the eeo n· look. r nlis!'>; will aid hundreds of othe l' The CIU' coasted slowly for Ii farmers to start accounts for the half · mile and came to a littl e fir: t tim e, accol'din~ to a s tatestream where a tiny patch of ment from th.e depa l·tment of g'l'een had won for itself a t in y rura l economics at t he Ohio State patch of unobsicured sky. University. S uch assistance will he "Stop here, Simmins," Grim- g iven at meetings called beginners stead commanded , and all debark· schoo ls which will be held in a cd. large lIumber of co unti es during \Vhcnever you ha\'(~ somc na ~:ng Simmins hustled out the lunch th e n ex t three of four weeks. :lrJle or pain, t akc S(>l11C t.t!J Il't5 of basket and the thet'mos cases and In] 930, 1106 farm account Bayer A ~p il in. Helie! is imrh!diJ.tel proceeded to lay things out in books were brought to the state seemly and propel' style. university for study and recom· T here's scan:cly ever an :lrln or Simmins was an engaging per- Illendations. For the year 193 I, pain that [lay~r Aspirin won'll'tHrvp. son. The natural self within him the number prabably' will exceed -and nC \'cr a time wben you cim't wo uld: have car,ried him through 1200. take it. ' life s kipti ously, like the giddy goat Methods of keeping farm ac- but it wasn't done, you know. count records a nd how to analyze Th l' Ulblcts with the Ba)'~r crr:6s He loved playing up to his part, them is disc ussed in a recent btll· a re nlwoys safe. The), don' t d('Pl~ which was so lemn, eminently Mr· letin issued by the departme nt of UlC heart, 'or o therwise hal lTl you. rect, terrificall~' imposing, and he rural economics. It is called Use th m jus t as (if lell as t hey ra n could do it in slleh 1\ manner 'a s to "Using Farm Acounts t o Find the ~ pa re yvu any pain i or tli ~om((Ht make self conllcious all but the Leaks in t he F arm Busin ess" and Just be sure to buy the gtnuinc. Illo!'t conventional. may be obtained free from the Examine the packab • Beware of When at hom.e Simmins became co llege of a griculture at the Ohio ExCESS acid is the common C?::sc imitations. hou se man. In t hifl capacity the State University. of indig('sti?n. It rt.,ults in pnill :!!.t.i one fata l misfortune of his pro!es- - - --Aspirin is the tmdo·mark of B,.yer sOluness nbOllt two hourn I,ft ~ r t.f.lqional career overtook him. . ' . The quick .corrcet~ve is :m al kr,i j manufa'tu re of mOhoacetic.-icideater Burtelt'l , unseen herself, had wit~ USE OF LIMESTONE DROPS ing; . which ' neutra}ll...,s aeld. The hl'~. l of Salicylkacid~ , . nessed his /lnswering of the door «orrcctive is PhllJills Milk o( Ms.;,:bell. He came .d own the hall cakeTwenty-eight per cent less lim e- ne.\ia. It hu remained stant!ard.witJ-1 walking a w<fndedul double shu'f· stone was used in Ohio for agr·i· physie!a1ll in the 50 yean hlLce lls fle, snappin~ hi,s fingers, his head eultum) purPoses in 1931 than was lJ1VllDtioU. . throlvn back, ' hi.s eyes closed; but used in the yeal' before. The total . One s~Dlul of Pbillips M.i1k of all , <iu ite noiseiE!ss.. Then he tum- tonnage dropped from 233.000 M~ella neutralizes inslQ11Uy I.'H\I:Y e(l the door knob ' and instantane- tons to ·168,000 tons, or back to times' ita volume ·i n acid. HW'lJ,It'.llS, . out l:.- a w01i dedul transition to'ok. t he volume t hat was ,u sed about IlJld tuteleaa, and yet i t5 Retic... iA \ place. His elbo~ris snapped out at ten . ears ag~ _~ _ _ _ quick. You Wjn never rely on llfT.cia an · angle, and his iP!'exible sin~me~thonce you leal'lI ~ow rould..l" this ~ acta. .' . . .I song voice declaimed impenonal. OHIO CLOVER SEED GO()D I )y tha.t he could not say, madame,· _ lure to 'but that he would ascertain. 6hlo·,rown clover seed has an . 0 fatal dayl Ne~t time he tTled to come It OVllr Burton, as usual, unsul'JllaMed record in hardiness both at bome ·and in ltatel to the he ran · all&lnst III snag. e.sat-· of UI. . (To be eon\iDued.)
per ton
Hats Off to the Railrflad Men
The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants
The Proven Investment
Stanley &Koogler
~l~~ IJ~~;.1ep"c\~r~~ln\~:~.~11i,s:lk~~iJ~~ ~.~
Auction eers
-- -
- ------
IFarm /ltight' 1alks, february 29
News from Court House
Si~ht Spe~ialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Stewart E
Dead Stock- Wanted Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
Odd-But TRUE
_. J
SA·T I·S FA·CTION Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
in Lebanon at East Mulberry Street is Showing Housewives All Throug,h This Section Know that. at The Is at ,the Disposal of Anyone and Comparison Has Proven That the Superior Service Located Lebanon Meat Market Located Con~eniently at South, the Newest Styles for Spring Wear-Including NationalAfforded by this Up-to-Date Funeral Directing Firm Costs No More Than the Ordinary Kind-Better Service i. Their Constant Aim-Are Funeral Directors of Distinction and Renown Known Throughout the County for Their Efficient and Conscientious Service. Located in Waynesville. Phone 7 Day o~ Night.
The first mark of a good funeral use . directo r is his nbHity t o bend his Th er e is no vocat ion j'e' lui l'servic t o t.he requirements of the ing for ils s ucc ss'ful prose cu ti n case in 111lfld, Abso lute flexibility a grea te r natural aptilude t hlln is nec essary f or no two cases are that 01 the mod ern funeral di. exact ly alik ~ No matter what the r ec tor, and this p-al'ticulal'ly n p. circ ulllstanccs may be, their lieI" pli ps t o l hi s wcll known relll'tl~en . vice can cop e with the pBrticulllr tat i\(! of thi s valued profession, pro bl ems tha t arise. 'Expericnce Through untiring effor ts and eo mund equipmen t arc the enabling me ndable me thods th ey have pr o· faetol's. . grcSS<!u fr om a m o d e~ t begin ning During the yeal's they have been until t.oda y they po. ' e~s a clie nt.c le sel'ving the peo ple of this com- that extends OVCI' ma ny m ill'S (, f llIunity, they have lem'ned to at- t e l'ritory. tend to every detail in thc way They have in thi s eslahlishnll'n t that is most grlltifying to .those nUm el'ous f ac il ities thll t ena ble who call upon them. Th eir service them to rend e l' a ·c/'''ice tha t. betis at the disposal of anyone and tel' meels with the ncells a mi thl' comparison proves that the super- wishes f or th ose wh o call UJlon ior service afforded by this up-to- them. daet firm costs no more than the AR is ge ne rnll y kn oll'n they arc ordinary kind. Better service is recognized liS um ong t.h e most their constant aim. profici ent. and conllci cntiou B peoThe funeral home afforded by p Ie in thjs lin e in th is section an d the s ervices and thore is ever an this dist in ction is well merited as discriminating people to be t he the excellent service that t.hoy ideal place in which to conduct have rendered in the practice of theservices and there is ever an t he profession will testify. It ma y increasing tendency towardB its by truly sai d that no one in this
(!n j!n~ r cl in pl'u f (! ~A i o n uC which
se cti on
th e
ul 'du o u ~
t !t\'y ar c a ble bl'u,' 1' l'qui pP l'll
expnn'llt" at'll frol11 e \'cl,' sta nd )loi n t tt) curl'y I)llt all o f the wOl'k attellda nt up to n tlw
cu ll ing. Few cilic ~ possess ~lIl' h an ell" , gunt m OI'lUUl'Y ;t , litis \\ cll knll \\'n fun ern l conct'l'n ha:; provided, Di s. t inct an d sC'l'aI'll tl' fn'lll cach IJthN by ilkal ilITIl II l!t:f1Ient II I'( ' )ll'i\,ilt(' mOltuar),. lind clI skl'l di ~ I' I:l Y nH )111 , Yl' t th (' \' al'l' a ll ''(I n\' t' nil'nl to, 'lu: h othl, j, a nd in thpil: a p· • t.: I fl 1I l PII~nlllH'n ~ t 11'~' t:e 't' , la qUleL !! Il!g'an(' (' so ()(' ~ Irnhl l! In th ,' ntll1 n~ p h l')'e of 11ll' lI1"d~I ' n III 0 1'. I II llIav 't tu ury. ]\1()~t t ru thf II~' I Je "al(I t hal tIH' Y It a,·c P,","' I<lc d II Cu · ncra l hOIlll' lI'iti,,1t llIerit s the . h' h ' t ' pnllse IV I~ ) r ece .ves u pon
t ' Vf' l'Y
occas ion .
T hc l'(' li re alwa y,; s ome llrm s in e\' cry cUlI1ll1u nit y wh iCh stand out pl'u mine ntly bl'ca use of the il' SlIllI'l' ill )' sll l'vice an d in t h\' cl othing lin e pa l'ticular me nti on must I.e ~ i\" n to t his IItore. (' I(,thes sul ci at thi s POPUIUI' ' l"I'l' :11" known f l' th eir exclu· - i\,' sty h's and h il!h gru dc maLe· I'i .. b , und Li1l'Y will b~ r und in lId ~ ,·tOl'(' bc-causc lhe y ofT 'r thi s 1I1",l"iiJ r lJ u a Ji\~' lit m ost I' u ~o nll 10 :" pl' icl's. ~ I l' n a nd youn g men II il l li nd th ~ " l:nl'1' y a CO I)lete li ne Il1 J afrUl'dinl( :\ \\'ide va ri ety of s tyle s' and Inul l' rial s fr om \\'hich tu I II ' l t II C I"O'l' I"" \I, a s prlc'~ 0 mee a , .•, .11;1/]< s, ' '1'1 II I " C t I 0 I 11 ' II C I ' " esscu mI a nf ' 01 h ' ay l· H .. ,~ (· ~ l iS ap pa l'e 1I 1'111 ~ In/.\' \I )th "\"l' n gr"llter care t han hc ,'x, .: i ' " III th e sele cti on of slIi ls
hUH pl'ovid'd a III st attractive sci c Li on in hatl!, nec kweal', shirts , underwea r, co ll u r ~ . ~ os e and uth!!I' aPP:l rl!l l' ~sc llliul ~ I l'o m which to l1I al, l! you l' s pl'illit choice, No mutte r what pl'ice yo u wi sh to pay they hilI'\! pl'uvided a sto ck which gives you n wide va ri ety f l'o lll \\ hich l(l ch ouse. Th o pr ices at th e Il orn s,tore Ilre ~ t l' il'lly in a cc o~d with th e policy of IIl\\'erin)!' th ,' hi g h cost of dress· in)!' propel ly, Tlt ey fcatur stand· al'd IlI l' l'l'han di se II'hich a ~s ures the pUl'c ha ser of q ua li ty und compl ete sati;; fn cli on. Th ey have buil t up a pr o perous bu s ill e~s Ilnd the ullu s ulll la rge pnt rtl nng' (' njoYl'd i' th e resul t o f the fail' tl'eat ment accord ed the p uh li c, You a rc cordi a ll y invitod to visit thi ,; storc lind inspect the ir , . "" ()VI" ~"flt~. 1 hIS popu ln r sto re illl g c stuc k of spring mel:chandise.
Il ' is qui t e' pru pe l' that in Lh is edi li on \l' e J!'i\' ' prom i 11 (' 11 t men t iOIl -----~-__:=-:~-=~~===__:~===~===== to McClurl" s PUller al )f ume in Wayncs\'iIle on t he !'ucces,; utl nillcd a nd the verv ('oll1 ll1 cnd nblc an d sa tisfuc to l'v ~~ J'vice l'en dt'red t o Director of Funeral Service-Flowers for All Occasions the in crea's inK clie ntele,
It is e minen tly
WAYNESVILLE FARMERS EXCHANGE CO. C. E. MICHEN ER, Manager Diatributora in This Locality of Grain, Feeds, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Bu ilders Supplies and Allied Lines. Including Chick Mashes and Dairy Feeds-Is Considered an Authority on Feeda-One of the Important Features of the Agricultural Organization of This County-Located in Waynesville, Convenient for Farmers of Th is Section-Always Willing to Give Information Regarding Feeds ·or Proper , Feeding-Also Ma!'ufacturen of Choice Grades of Spring a~d Winter Wheat Flours-Phone WayneSVIlle 25. There is no one tlrm in thia section of the country more widely known as extensive dealers in feeds of all kinds than this well known ' concern, 'Which is under competent direction. Their feeds have more than proven their worth!lS uperior chick feeds. Actual record revealed that the best results were obtained with baby chicks when these stariing feeds were used. The Way,nesviile Farmers Exchange Co;, are located conveniently for the farmers of this section of the state and will be glad to solve your feeding problems ~or y~u. Their feeds are well known throughout the country and are
in demand by t hose who want the This promine nt local co ncern also biggest yi eld for money and time f eatu re Il comp lcte lin c of coal expended. se ed s, suIt, b uilde rs supplies unci Through their straight-forwnTCI allied lin es for the fan ners of thi s and abov c·board policie this firm has established an enviable rep- section. Th ey ure coul'leous to all altntion in t hese pa!rt.'! a nd the those wh o hav dealings with people generally have come to look th em. [f you are in need of any upon this firm as one of the pro- of the ab ove me ntioned lin es. minent concerns of this section. Phone Waynesvi ll e 26 , ' Through their extensive dealings In making thi s revi ew of t he in these products they have afford- progress of th e community and in ed the people . of this community . outlining the morc prominent firm s a most advantageous market right who give valued service, t o the at their very door. They bring public, we wi h to dil'ect the thousands lof dollars each year special uttentl n of our reader, that would otherwise go to so me to this mos t 1'elitlbl e firm, a nd t.o other center were t heir policies 'ay that wh en it com es t o these not so entirely satisfactory in lines you clln depe nd UP Oll the ir every particular . service und the brll!lds they carry.
Is a well Known Lebanon Insurance Service Under Capable Management With Office LoCated at 20 Mulberry Street in Lebanon-Feature a Complete Insurance Service Including Auto, Farm, Life, Fire, Theft and Liability-Known as One of the Truly Metropolitan Firms of the Community, Aiding in the Expansion and Growth of LebaDon and Vicinity and the County by Adequate and Reliable Protection at all timesPhone 153. One of the important features in the upbuilding of a community is the proper protection of property. The firm which handles insurance is one of the most important assets that a community can have. It is through the efforts of insurance experts that the property is kept properly insured and the community is protected against home and industrial losses Bow many times have you read nn account of a disastrous loss with the natation '"no insurance" which means that some man has suffered a great financial loss that could have been avoided had he consulted some reliable insurance ex'pert such as this ~ommunity can . bOB/lt of. This office hBB an enviable record of service that cannot be approached by any other, For more than 66 ' years they have been rep.esentmg the Ohio Farmers Ins urance Co. which is better known to farmers throughout the state
than any other in the matte r of insurance of ali kinds. When you receive a policy from this office you CIIat rest assured that your property is amply protected in some of the largest insurance. companies. A CDl",!ful selection of companies and a e1ean and straight forward manner of doing bu siness has won this office a large c Hentele in this part of the state. A wide familial'ity with ~he laws of the state, the rules of the companies and a broad' general knowle dlge of business and value o.f propel'ty places them in n. position to rendel' the most efficient and co mprehensive service. They handle life group, health, accident, s urety bonds, workmen's compensation, burgl.ary, plate glass, tornndo, auto, tire, theft and liability insurance everything included in the general insurance line of the day. They are , veJ'y accurate as to rates and if you do not think you ore paying the right
Mte or are not in surcd in II fltrong enough company. tll'OP in and have a talk with them. When this offiee \vl' ites a policy for you their service d oe s n ot en d the re. They keep u record of the policy a nd notif y ~· ou of any changes in the in 'ural1ce laws of any oth el' mattci' that would be of vital interest to you ond your property. They wi ll n ot ofi llow you,r in surance to la pse wi thou t notifying you in ample t im e to reinsuro and will kee p you informed on all matte r;; pertaining to your policy. It is this kind of sel'vice that has won fol' the oflice the confidence of the public and has been responsible for the incl'easing numbel' of cli e n t~. A I wa~'s pl'og j'c;;" ivc and looking for the best interests oC the community. The Karl D. Dakin Agency located in Leban on conducts one of the leading offi ces of t.h e community. and is a big asset t o t he business and home life of this sectio n
Broadway They Can Secure The Fi~est, Fresh~st 'Home K i lled Meats at Low ' Economy PrIces. ~top In When S hopp ing in Lebanon and ~earn .Why ThIS Market Has Become Known as Lebanon s BusIest St?re.-Make Your Selection of Quality Meata for Your Dmner or Banquet. - Also Complete Line of Canned Goods and Baked Goods.-Phone 261.
ly Adverltised Brands of Men's and Young Men's Wearing Clothing in the' Beat Materials at Mos t Attractive Pricea.-Now is the Time to Make Your Spring Selection
fittin g in this rfl l'lll I!: dition t hat we de vote con~ Jli cu o u s spac(! t.o the well mel'ited t.l'ibu t e. to the eftlciont and con!'lci entio u, work thatf has won for THE CROLL FUNERAL HOME, 26 -1 ' ou th Center Street, FRANKLIN, ,Phone 3. a prominent place as one of the mo ·t modern Fune1'81 Directors and Embalm ers in t his section. Throughuut untiring effolts and co mmendable methods they 'have progresed until today they possess a clientele that extends over man y miles ()f territory. It is need less to say, that they havc prepare d lhemselve in the most appl'ov'ed and mod ern mannel· with a Funera l CO j~c h and Ambulance Eq uipment a.nd today inc at the head of one of the- most modern and r e liable Undertakin g Estab lis!1Illc nts in t his se ction of the country. To keep pace with the present d ay demunds a Funeral hapel has bee n established, provided
with eve.ry modern conv'nience fo r th co nducting of Funeral Services within the confines of a rC1l1 modem home furni shed in a manner that reflects the home atmosphere in its truest sens e. Thejr sympathetic und el'standing of the need of the hOUl' and lh eir consideration and efficient s I'vice in the past have merited the confide nce of the public-a confid encc t hey sincerely apprecillte and will do their utmost to Il1ll intain, No matte r what the occasion may be t hat demands fl owers or no matter U]lon how short a notice you mak e YOUI' demands you will bo lllellHed both with the high j! 1'ad e stoe k !lnd minent1y satisfactory service you will re ceive from this establishment. It is especially fitting in this compl'ehens il'e review of our prog ress to g ive du e mention to the activities ' of The Croll Funeral Home on e oT t he best conducted and most substa nt ial enterprises of th e community.
Il ha ' be c n le ft Lo th e Lebanon 1a rlw t t o prov ide melll1S un ci m c th o d ~ wh I'cby h!Juse \\'iv 's cllu ld plI rcha::;e thc !ill est qua lity hUl11e kill t'd meats ot .. co nomy sc n 'c wh olu. omc, prices lin d lIo ll r ishing meals a t the 10 IV es t M 'Ilt
111'i cl!s.
Th er sCl've lhe puuli c in a doubl ca p;lcity as th ey pu rchase li ves toc k I' r ol1l the f a nn ers and ~ t oc k r ai,w l's of lhis Re ction and havc in r 'lurll to 011' 'I' th e pubJi' till' c h o ic !! ~ t. cuts of bee f. pork o nd other meat prod ucts, Th ey !llso CUlTY 1\ compl ete line of lunch(,on mea ls, hums and bacon which have Lhe old tim e delicious home smoked tas te.
Th is murkc l i;. equi pped with the best ill rcl'rigl'rllti on, a ~s ul'in g all jllltl'lIn;; uf t he' fl' cRhcsl mOllts at all timcs , l{esidC' nts o f this section I< nLlw t h:tt by tl'l1ding here they rcn 'in' h \\'('1' pri ce:; un all mellts, th e !"l's Llll (If I,,\\'~ r over head lind mak illg II smul l pl'oli t 011 Il large hu siness, Why not make your su h: ~t i,)n for SLl ndu y di ll llel' her\! or gc l th~il' prices on meats for ~' ul1 r ul\nquet. OIlCO II putron of t hi ~ IIp· tn . date 111 arl( ct, yo u will nl wa y ~ plI l'c hasc yO Ul' I11 ClltS here, III thi::; 1'111' 111 isslI' \\' e wish to 'O lilplillH'l1 t ~ Ir , 7. in k, th ' Il1 AlIlIge r IIP OII hi" s\l CCI' ~~ a nd !iu gl,!' 'sl lo .fo rm cl's of this vicinity to g et in t ouch \1 it h this '.n cOI' Il ill i"L'glll'ds to he hi~hl' " ll'rire s on li v\' stol'k ,
FRANKLIN, OHIO Only Hatching Chicks on Orders-·Custom Hatching at Reduced Prices -
NEWS GLEANED fROM COURl HOUSf Common Pleas Proceedillgs
In sura nce 0 , ve rsus Sylvan E. Gustin, L:l 1. th e plainti ff shall recove r frol11 lhe defendants the Rum of $ 1776.5 7. New Suits
Flora J ones versus Elmer Jones and Julia B ' rgan fol' divorce, cust ody of chil dre n, IlJimony, attorney f 'es, te mpo rary and permannt injun cti ons a nd other relief. Ed, Meek. versus ElizlIbeth Meek fo r di vo rce. Charge is gl'oss neglect
In the case of Sarah E, Warwick vel' us Willi s O'Neall Warwick th e executor oC the estate hilS in his hands the appro>cimate sum of $76.74 due to t he defendant as a legacy under the will of Nettie J ordan, deceased, This legacy is to be paid to Samh E, Warwick by Probate Court the executor and applied by her on the, judgment rend ered in her Mary Jose phine Sarg ent was SELL YOUR CALVES EARLY ing section s of southellstern Ohio favor against the defendoot. appoin ted administratrix of ostate to produce a well-bred calf <an d In the case of Henry Loy versu s of SlImu el SaJ'gent, deceased, and Ex te n ion spe eillJists in animal sell him at 400 pound s weight for The Valley Packing Co., a corpor- til d bond of $200 with the Ne\v hu. bandl'Y f or the Ohio State 7 cents a pound, than it is to hold ation, the plaintiffs aTe to ' York a ualty Co. a s surety. calf to a yearling when he will recover from t he defendants tlle Thc will of Jllcob Addison Carey University say it is more proflta- the weigh 650 pou nds and sell for a sum of $304.5tI deceased, wa admitted to probate, ble for flll'mers in the beef grow- cent a pouT)d less. In the ~ase of New York Life J osill Ada arey was appointed xecutrix. no boud rllquired'. Mos~====================~===================== I es E. Kit'by, Fred O. James and James E. BUI'ke were appointed apprnisel's. Th e second and final accou nt of Charles E . Warwick, executor of YEARS OF SERVICE AND SATISFACTION state of Hiram V. Warwick, deceased, was approved, allowed and ' This is whllt the FRANK L. L. GALLUP ST ORE, at Wilming- been two' of the greatest factol'S confirmed by the court. · l'h e first, final and distri~utive GALLUP STORE, 126 North ton , and look over their line of in their continued , development. ac count of The Lebanon-Citizens So uth Skeet, Wilmington, Phone assorted stock and you will r eadily 2597 has g ive n to the people of 'ee t hat they handle the "BEST" They are honest in their represen- National Bank and Tl'Ust Co., executor of estate of Demas Guttery, t his commun it.y fol' many years. in RUGS. DRAPERIES, WALL- tation of their goods and their dece ased,was app roved, allowed Th eir stol'e is one of t he most com- PAPER, CARPETS and LINOL- pl'ices are very reasonabl e, con sist- a.nd con thmed by the court. pl ote ly fUl' ni. hed of its kind to be EUM. The first and final account of L. ent with. the quality of thei r merfound in this !"ection of t he state. The FRANK L. GALLUP STORE ehandise. M. Hend er son. ndministrator of I n th eir dealings in a full lin e have been in busin ess in this 10We are glad to be able to. bring estate of Maude Underwood, deof RUGS, DRAPERIES, and CAR- cality for y ears and t heir reputn-. before our readers a firm with as ceasod, was approved, allOWed and PETS , LINOLEUM, W ALL- tion is behind everythjng they sell high standing IlS th e FRANK L. confirmed by t he court. PAPER of alii kinds, co lor and When they give you any informa- GALLUP STORE, at Wilmingto n, - 1,'e second and final account of shades , they have alway~ been tion in regard to what's best suit- and we do not hesitate to l'ecom- Ed, C. Janney! administrator of estate of Anllun E. Coleman, denoted fol' QUALITY, DESlGN, able in matching up ,vith your mend t his up-to-dnte stor e to our ceased, was approved, allowed and EXCLU. IVENESS and above oil, fur ni ture or interior decorations readers. as we know t hat you will confirm ed ,b y the court. "HONEST PRI(~ES. These are the you can depend upon what they get 'the very hBest" at their store, The will of M IIvina Mason, dethi ngs to be considered before tell you, because, back of that in- They invite you t o come in · and ceaRed, was filed in probate. Emyou buy th.ose new RUGS, formation is years of satisfactory look around and see their s tock r50n Mason \Va's appointed exeDRAPERIES, AND W ALL- sel'vice to the public of this sec- \\'hethe-r yo u are ready to buy at cutor, no bond re<luired. W. S. PAPER, CARPETS and LINO- tion of the ,s tate which has made this time 01' not and they arc 01- Gl'a ham, L. G, Gordon and , W. F. LEUM fo r thj:; year. Al'e they of the FRANK L. GALLUP STORE wa ys read y to answer Ilny alfd alI Clark Were uppointed appraisers. the best Qualii"), andl Design? Are the success that it is today; one qu stions. you may ask in 1'egal'llo Real Estate Tranafel'l they Ex culsive in their Design? of the largest and most complete- to RUGS, DRAPERIES WALT~ And al'e t hey sold at reasonllble Iy equipped Rug, Drapery <lind to GUGS, DRA PERTES, WALLWarren W. Rogers, by Sheriff pl'icc: ,? Ask yourself tllCse ques- Wall Paper sto res in the state. PAPER, CARPETS and LINO- to Myr a Fraser and Geneva Railer tions and then g o to the FRANK Real estate in Clellrcr eek township Honesty and fair prices have LEUM. J es. e S, Gross to L. G. Kennett and J e nnye V. Kennett. Inlot No. 14 in Franklin. J I) hn H, Fish to Wlllter R. F it ts. Real e~ tate in Franklin township C. Ardis Tooke and J. E. Rey: nolds to Anna M, Rosell. Real "WASHEDSANDANDG~V~LFORALLPURPOSES» esto te in TUI'Ueereek township. Charles Otto Langenbrunner to Producers of Was.hed Sand and Gravel With Offices and Plant Loc~ted on Rural Route No. 1 in Lebanon, Ohio-Is a Leader in I ts Particular Field Operating Over an Im- Albert Scott and Ernestine Scott Real estate in South Lebanon. • mense Ter:ritory and Having Provided Complete Equipment-A Large and FlouriahCm'melo Isgro and Maria Isgro ing ~ndustll'Y which has been a Yital.Factor in the Progress and Development of This to Charles C, Trimble 99,79 acres ' Sectao-:, ~f the State and EspeCIally In the Country Where They have Furnished large in TurtJecreok township. Quantities of Sand and Gravel for Roads and Construction Work-Also Operates a (Continued On Page S) Complete Concrete Block Plant.-Phone 673-L.
Excelling its Former Peaks of Quality and Matching the Value of the Chevrolet this Offi· cial Sales and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars in This Section-Provides Excellent Service to Chevrolet Owner.s of This Section' of Ohio-Showing the New 1932 Chevrolet and Invite You to Ride in It to Appreciate Ita Refinements, Easy and Low Cost Operation-With Main Office and Salesrooms Located in Wilmington 115-117 South Sand ::1!': rl /::, 1':', \'01 is m or e and been IIny magic lamp in its succes!! mOI'e important than the developSouth Street and Branches in Sabina, Ne v Vienna and Blanchester. ' mO l'e in dl mand for road building fol' t he only magic used \vas hard mont of ~ood sa nd and gravel for ' ~ with the steady and rapid increase work and the wisdom anci 'kn ow l- t he building of roads and streets, •______~-_ _--...;._ _ in traffic and the 1lllecssity for ed!!'c th at bl'ecd success. driveway!;, and building blocks, MONEY LOANED Excelling its former peak of have been made in the Greatest on this ou L~ t!ln din;.(' cal'. be tter built r oads. One olf the They produce and deal in wash- etc., they have f urnis hed large quality anll val ue, Chevrolet more American Value. Greater Beauty, F or tho se who wish to buy thc firms wh eady I'ealized the im- d an d screen e d A'ravel. This l'e- quanti Lies of gl'llvel to t his county than ever before in its history added safety factors, improved Che.vrdct out of t heir reg ular pOl'tance of this product and who liable firm can fUl'llish you with being one of thc firms thn t have 0 offers to motorists a line of cars riding comforts and better aU- earnigs', the G MAC plan is con- aro meeti ng the demands of the ~ and for concrc te work and ,also boen select.ed by ,the contn~ ctol'S LONG t hat meets the m odern demand arollnd performance with addcd vcnient. It i~ a system operated by slllall e~t. Ii,.. \VJ~IJ a$ · the lar~est f or pla.stering. Their sa nd us'ed {o)' to s~pp l(\o' t he ~reatest part' of terms?~ls~R~t;;eJ;:~~E.tt~ forp e rfonnance, r eliability, staunch powe'r and faste'r acceleration are Gener.al Motor;; COl'p01'lltion and cO J~tract is the Howard Cook Sand these purposes is faln~u's for Its their orders for the product.' I!tracting. Write and I wj\l call service, low co. t and long life. s ome, of the features achieved thllt assures further saving and sntis- & Gravel Co. 'rhey have a copa- lime and cement staying qualiti s. In. this comprehensive, review of and ,~ee you. Sam D. Henkle, WayThe . Chevrolet Motor Company have seldom be en equlllled in faction to th~ buycr of a city of many hu nd.ieds of tons ,of !l0w~rd C90k Sand & G.rave~ qo. our Industrial progress it 1!! essen-. n.esvllIe, Qhio. , J11 which this firm r epresents hais motor car design. :) Chev1'olet, a product of General san~ and, g ravel daily· and are ship- IS well known nIl over thIS section .. tial that prominent meritibn be . ~ taken aavantage of errors made New. features dev~loped in · the Motors, ping their product.':!· throughout Roads and hig hwl\Ys built of 1nadQ of this enterprise, which has FOR ~ENl' in tbe past in' the automobile in- engine of the · 1932 Chevrolet By nearly doubling its com- 'this section of the ,<ountry. , concrete in which 'the hi~hest been of!e of the vital factots, in the d\lstry an,d !L~ giving to the pub- includes a new motor enclosure merieal cal' output last year over It is very doubtful if an-y entet:- quality , g l'avel is used sta nd up development of this. section, Us ,lie an auto'mobile that will elimi- whdch completely covers' !he val,v e the pl'eyiolls yea: the Chevrolet prise in this Il~c.tion has ~een under the ~ardest wear' and public plant is strictly modern and u -to- FOR ., RENT"":Corn ground, 27 nate uDneCellJ~ ' re.p~ir bills, 'in~ lifts afl(~ ma~es ~or a qUl,eter ~d Motor ,Com,pany ' to 1931 led a11 ·1marked b~ such lmmc,n e progress officillis fee) in leLting ' contracts . date ;n every' paTtfculiii a!<t is ' acres. Inquire G. J. WaterhOuse. tf J cleaner engine; ,n ~ew ,and heavier ' other cOIl1J)lercial m~nufacturers I ~s ?as . thiS c~mpa~y, :he I~rgest with which gravel will De the i.m- equipped with the very latcst e!>uvenienee and trouble. ,:••.,. ~tu:te ott , advanced dllB- crank.-shaft, statically ano .dyn ~- lIS we ll as all other buddel's of pas- l l? stltu(,~on of Its .ldnd lD thl.s sec- ·, portant, ·factor feel they are c oh- modern Imaehinety. " W,AN.TED • •d tla' C4lmpletenea of detail ieal1y balnncedl; free wheehng, Im- seng er cars. , . tlOn. ,FI om a ventable hole In the sen 'lng public , iesou~ces lind ·iilso We are g~!ld ,to contp~lment. thiq, _-.,__________-'-'_ _ ~ed (a tIM b eet motor em / proved cranK-shl\f~ b,rell,tliing sysWe are pI IIscd to comJ?liment gro~nd to. a fI.o\ll'ishing: vol~me of proViding b'e tter roads. ell~blishment upon the efficiency WANTED R ., R ' iri DO offe ib. tile 19,2 tern ;'semi-ll'Utolhatlc spark control; the Br/l-ndl!nbur~s upon tbelr cOlT!.: I uslne!lS, ItS hI. ~ry reads hke one In tbis section particularly, In- ?f its servic.e nn~ upon t~e lea.d- i and oUing a:'de~!w eC:m~ , bot' S))o.t D)821ifold indi cate the plate service and aL1l t •. (' 1!h OtwiD~f the tal~s ~t t , e famous Aladdin dustrial prOgl'ess has been benlt- mg ,position attapned in the busl- built. Xenia Hardware Co., 118 S. " ~4111~~ ...".,.VealtDta eqipeerine advanceme~ts made of the Chevrolet cars , lof olden tunes. Not that there has fitted by them. ~h~Te, ill , nothillg ness wOl'ld,of this part of the. ~tel1daln St., Xenia Ohio ' . 1DJ,O
Farm Loans
derer, with clean lbaven face and an in~rutable eye. Neither of these men were paying the slightest attention to anyISSUED EVBR'y WEDNESDAY thing but eaen other. Indeed, the MI'. and Mrs. H o l'll c~ Stump and man at the wheel alone seemed to ' IUIllUY, u1 ULlcu, \, el'c unaay be at all aware of his sllrround· t:uel>l.>i UJ Ilu " . UlI'Il I!I!I'I' I ~L anU D. L CRANE I I P.bli• • S"hlcnpiioD Price, $1.110 a Y.., ings. For tlie only other human By Mrs. Jle.uie B. Tripp I!HL unu 1~~I'l;, i'l'eU Hru'nt l1, being vjsible on the craft 'was the OIic. PbOD .......... :: ........... lIZ/ I rur. and H Ili. W. 1~1. aLnlu"-lIlId R •...&..- GIl Po.toffle. at Wayn ••"III., Damsel in Distress, and she was vvn, 1.11 .uaY Lon, "I!ellt b unda.\' ..I_-=- ................,........ No. III Ent.,.d Ohio, .. a SlIcond CI... Mall Matter completely occupied with her own The dawn danced with joy on Ulll!l'n Oll IVltll ~1 ..1. h. lllanUu bLal'e thought '. 'which seemed to be. reL ne , oma n l> LYle Leaguo neW the wa.ter , sentful and unpleasant. S prang fl'om it, to dance on t he then' lillllual jJ I'l'y luI' fllemu ers FEBRUARY 24, 1982 As belleemed bel' position in the unu t heu' lUI'lIl l1Cl> uL II c .... ym hills ; . .: : : : : w _ story she was young and bea.ute- O'er the vio letR, ferns and the 1 \IUrsllu y eve nmg. ous and as daughter to the Pirate •• ..u · 141' 1.11 ..1'11 Lu keh ·. Alice un d mosses, . 'hief, cnparisone!! in cos tly gar- 0' ,. the bl'O() ld etR and R!Hu'kling "IU~CU \,.a "a~, ,\ el C ::,u noa'y me nts. o l . ...: •.Jl.. 3 l..i LJ ttl. UU\· l ~ . rills, One .of tho bi ggcst lhing lhat ever happened in lhe United States The Brig ht-Shining Hero hud .\. ';t.ihlu \,,;J vJ. 11 ll l t: lulks were l from an .lIIdustrial ~tand110int, is the d cision of the unionized forces not yet appeared. All the wi ndfl owe r. down ill the ... I I .. \.: I ... ,Id ' '' u u\o lilt.: lhHll C Ul ,-'11'. I of OU I' l'Iuh'olllb to tuke II 10 pe l' ce nt wage reduction effective at once Sudde nly and most unexpectedly .... " ,1<0 • l OVUIL L(: \\'I >l bu turoay l mead ow lllld tu be in furce OIie yeur. ' . wz *II a loud banR' sounded under the Ripp led. like waves on thE' seu; ~.u. .. t..f l ' H , UU II lI ullU l ' la VpUJ 8 lHl'ln- \ Fol'. th · 1\1'.-1 lim· in history, presidentll 0'I the raill'oads and th e port qual·lI! 1'. The craft stagg ered. And th e de lightfu l scenb (If t he uu..,}. 1 _ __ _ "'"'' ' . Iwan !'; u l the lub ol' ol'gu nizulions sat down ut a co nfere nce table and "What is it. Simmins?" c:ried . •"v. ;t Il U MI ~ . J. I'. Thontbury lilac: wOl'lICd Ollt a w~gll agreement base d on tho plain fucts involved, with- the Pirate Chicf. "A 1'1' we damug- Was iJorn e on th e bl'eeze v) 1111'. "' 11\1 l1 1l ,,_,\ \' clil I..u Lvll l:iV lIl C, .h. y . NOTICE OF APPOINTM EN T S ubscribe f or the Miami Gazette uut thl'eut !-l of sLl' ikes 01' arbitrati on o n either side. Lawyers were uRc d ed 1" , .... ... .. I . \.Jc.I ~ , t v !' a \· t~J\. \VI t o ,,\1 1'S. unly til hl'lp word the art icl es of agreemenl "Blowout, sir," r eplied Simmins Oh! the dawn \I' as of '\\'itchinl! ~ Hu ll.v "',1 y .., I J a re llt ~ , .u!'. and Davi d B. [{uiJin·sol] . an ox-fireman, who rose to the head cif his He walke d around the rear of Es tate of l\f!'lIvinll l\1 a ~ o ll , d beauty, . u. .I.~ . d , J.1. ~ 11111' blJ l1 und J.\'l1 S !'\ 11'own bl·oLhc.rh oou Ilnd then to lead el'Rhip of the entire I'ailroad la bor th e CUI', and uttered an exclama- A~ she pasod o'el' the wind-blown g llll U .:> IIIIP::;UII. cea sed. Rt l'u cLul'C , 1ll:ltle it cle.ul· that in sig ning away part of their pay at this ti on of di smay. Notice is he rcby givcn lh:ll hills; I he I...lIl'lel· l:: l othcl'.> Hask etbull lime. lhe I\' rl( e l'~ we'l l' nol accepting th e theory that Hueh r edu ctions, "When she blew she slid into Her ha nds full of m o~ses and LCal1l Will l)lllY t llC nl'Sl Leam U' (, 1l1 Emerson Maso n hus been duly a\l"are ttl bo rcltunled onJinar il y as the appl'opri ate means to promote the rut and let us down pn!tty bl osso l1l ~, 1II ,O\'I'lu rce \';UIVU . :' ILY uL Ll1C po in ted an d qua lifi ed Il S Exe cut or I';PA IRI NG pro!'(1erity. " He p o il\le ~1 oul that th e men r ecognized th e present un - hard on one of these little s tumps And ,:rreat clu 5tel'R of daffod ills.' of the E.-t.atc of Melll'inu MUlIn n IJYI1l HUe MarC il l v. Walchl'~ pand lel!'!1 situati(,11 afTertin~ both t he railroad a nd the public, and said: in th e middl e of the I'o ud." he " 1'hl.: dutll..: lI ymn of t he Re- late of WalTen Counly, Ohi o, d eClocks "In the hopl! U\lll UUI ' actio n Illay ill)prov e t he health of our industry, anSlvered Grimstead's inquiry. ~ofl and ~ray . ~ h e cam e on the publiC" UIH!1Icd 1I1U a~ s l: llIbl y pro- c ca ~ed. .J \l'dry may improve th e co opl'rnt iv e relul io l1 ~ of manJlge ment lind employes, "'I'h e gaso line's leaking." waters. Dated this 9th day of Fcbl'u llrY gralll 1.' IItIUY lll ul' lIIn g WhtHl Lilt! lsL t11ll y Rtil1llllilto re\'ival of bu s in es~ and may advance the generaL wo lSt ore Open Evenings Gardin er join ed th c chauffeur. r.re Rhone th e 1~(J I!! e ll I! loiJe of the u llU ~ ll ll glaucs cllll!rtallll:!d. Hev. I 9:~2. fa 1'1' . wo ha\'e de cided to aecept th e proposal." " It 's buckl d the tank," he anW. Z. ROLL s un; I..UI:US leu the d"v ollons. 1:.dith DeThus, railroad labor and ra il road e xecutives have establishl'd a nounc ed bri efly, "We're stuck." J uuge of t he Probalo Co urt. A nd the ripple.. t(1u (' hen thl' ~a nd uoro >lWCl:!tiy >lUllg .. Hougrc lun," new prec eci ent in sl' Lti ing a Ill'ob le m of indu stry. Thi s is nn outsta nd "The g a.soline i: all run out." Warrcn .ollnly, Ohi o hu r. II Ilh lVlayna ru c.. CtOIl ac ting a s inK : t ·p lowl!lrd :;t,a bili zin g bu ;;jne~s conditions in th e United Stutl!' re plipd Gardiner calmly. Lik e chi ld ren, wh o la ugh and mn. Ij oull ic lIlulI. lIeo j(irk spoke, nnd its £,fl' 'ct will be 'fur-rea ch ing. "We'r e stuck, all right." Grim· "::'ullldhing Hettel'." A c1el'e r Hug PUBLIC SALE shaw agreed. "H ow far is it to I turn!'n fr om l hl' hl.'lInty he fore Jr lll \I u s J,; lve n by th e boy ' ana help?" me tllC girls s taged a cute " Dolly Owin~ lo t he death of m~' hu g"Nearest garnge is about twenty T o a willolV . across t he ~ treAm Sho\\', ' The s mg ing of "Amorica" ba nd I will , oR'cl' at public sa le al FOR SALE DATES CALL miles." Wher e sat an 'i ll-natured jUl'-bird <.:/osed the program. The re will be my resid nce. on what if! known a~ It was agreed tha t Grimshaw Who had hroKen 111 ~' pell CC', hy his 11 1.1 progl'um lhls Friday on ac- the Lifo .i nslII·ul1<!e is preClDi n nUy the sa fest investment. For pe rsons sho uld pick out a shadier place to uri Pete rson fa 1'111 . :3 mil!'s S. sc r ea m! coun t uf th e cou nty ha ketiJlIlI of Bellb rook, 4 mi les N. of Wuy(1 f moderate means who cu nn ot a fford to take chunees with their wa it while Simmin~, afte!' cha ngto urnum cnt. nell ville, l~ mi le N. of Middl e RUII snvingll and lu ck faci li ti os fo r dete r mining t.he true worth of securities, ing the tire , walked t he 20 miles And wh('n T turncd back, lhe !Ill', and l\Jr. J ohll Kcnn edy, hureh, on t he Bellbrook Iln d it i ~ th e soundest in l'l'lItlll cn t th 'y ca n mak e-- ubove a n!! apart from and got help. t he dawning prot cli on afforded depende nt s of the poli cyholder himself. Now to be considered is the Wo!' Da~~in,:r. InCI' Rweethe'nrt. la ~!': of Day lu n, were we ek·end gue,lts Wllyn 'sville Pik e, on Thursd:ay. March 3. t 932 0 '[ Atr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy . I fa pe.rRon wor!' ~iven the 'oP Pll r t unity to put a few hundred or a Dam sel in Distress. Her di stress Begi nnin g at 12 o'cl ock noon . few th ousnnd dulllll'!; into the ha nd!! of expert financiers, wOl'king wu s heartfelt but not too serious. She too k with her th e sce nts of a nd Herbert. th" liI at-R. Two head of Cows, Farming JESSE STANLEY under the 1l1 0llt st ri nge nt la ws whu would in turn s pfead thi s money It consistcd in th e fact that she Frunk Hough /llld family, of over u g reat numbe l' of gtronKest securities- government and indus- had been ravished away against And t he warm Hun shon l' down on Midland, visited ClifT Hough Implements. Hou sehold and Ki tch- Phone 320, New BurlinctoD, Ohio th e gra ss. '; unday. en Goods, 1 Ford Tud or Sedan. tria l- he wou ld be con sidered remarkably fortunate. Thi s. in effect, is her will; which if! the usual and what the purchasel' of a li fe in U1'anc e policy does. And, in addition, he proper reaso,lI for Hie dis tress of T ~t " orl mvs tifi e(1 lit Ihp I·. eauly 1111'S. Albe r t Hough is a victim I D27 Monel; 2 dozen Baned Rock EARL KOOGLER Hen s, some Harn ess. of mumps. is given the udd ed pI' tecti on of a tremendo us reserve fun!! which has females aboard, pirate craft. Of thi s (lawn. which I'd ris!'n to T erm s Cas h, Mrs. l!:m el'y Schoonover is Leen aecumu lated f ,. lh(' s ole pur ose of gUBJ'dinll' the interest of the Dayton Phone A t this moment she should have 1' ('1': very ill of pneumonia. policyhold er and muking certa in Lhut his policy will be paid when t he been listening to the dulcet strains MR . S. A. ROLAND KEnmore 8986 Fm' it c"pmetl 'twn R a Inncl entime com es. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Charles Thompson J. H. Wri g h~A.!.c!: _ __ of a jazz orchestra. or perhaps chllntedTh o Am erican people put in creasing billion s into life insurance. bossing about infatuated youths in enteltainl.:d to dinn er on Saturday ~~~~~~ No policyholde r has lost a do\la!\ in a legal reserve company in over any old haunt where sport clothes MOl'T1ing. ramp in n /!'o ld clouo to Mr, a nd Mrs. Will Compton, of PUBLIC SALE mC'. Ii fty years, New Burlington. ar e correct and numerous. - - - --+ - - .Instead of which she wa here I Owing t o the death of my hus- ! PUBUC SALE Atop a stump ! On a barren Caliband, I will sell all my farm chat-· fornia hillside o·f high brush and tels, located 5 miles S. of Center· an occasional tree! Stranded! H ot ! I will offer at public sale al my vill e, 1 IAl miles W. of Lytie . 4 Uncomfo rtable! I No wonder the home, 4 miles Northeast of Harmiles E . of prin gbol·o. :l miles lines <If her figure were unbending vey ~ bul'g, on the John Beach fal'm N. of Ridlrev ille, on t he Duyton (Continued Fron Page 2) The O. S. U. Radio StatioD-WEAO no marvel that her eyebrows were on 30 Years Experience in and Lebanon Pik e. on t he SUI·fuce level and that the regard below Fitting and Making Glasses Saturday, February 27. 1932 farm, oni (L. A. Kauffmun. Dcpartment of Anihlal Husbandry. Presiding) Bill. Allowed them was-sullen? Beginning at 1 o'clock , the folTue.day . March 1, 1932 ' Out upon you! This damsel is lowing: 7 :00 Farm Nig ht Melody Makel'S 1\1rs. Erma Hibnal', services $10; Beginning at 11 :30 a. m., the ... ... EMI Jones young and beauteous. Smoulder· 7 :05 Stretching th e Lim e I oilu l' Twg Head of Horses, 4 head of Mr. Albert Millard, services, $10; LebanoD, Ohio 7 :20 Modern Mark et Sty les of Lamb . ........ . L. D. Musselman ing is the word. Of ten tlwusand Cows, G head of Hogs,' 9 head of Richard L. Williams, services, $10 following : TuM<lay, Thursday, Saturday 4 head of HoI' es, 4 head of . , L. W. GOBS people the yo unger hair would Sheep, Farming I mplements. 300 Lon South, services, $7; Mrs . 7 :85 Fa c . Abo ut Meat Inspection . . .. .. .. . R. W. Tom have sympath ized heartedly witb bu shels of Corn in crib. 9 sid es of Mary Ennis. services, $10; Clark Cattle, 50 head of good mixed 7 :5 0 Ruml ommuni ty Play Days. . ExamiDation Free Burton, by gad ! dragged off into Hal'lless. g :05- ·:50 Basketball, Northwestern V B. Ohio State. County Commissioners, care of Chickens, .Farmin~ Impl ements, lot . LEBANON, OHIO the stieks rig ht in the middle of Term s made known on day of patients, $220.50; Clark Cou.n ty 'f Hllrness, Household a nd Kitehe4 Goods, 100 s hocks of corn and the Del M<lute Tournament; and sale. 1 Commissioners. care of patients. the other half would have mu tterJOHN A. 'KIMBALL ' $332.50; Standard Statistic Co., Fodder. Terms-Ca sh, ed things about spoiled brats and Stanley & Koogler, Aucts. I supplies, $25; Dayton Stencil MRS. WALTER FRIERMOOD an indulgent father and would Hart'y Tucker, Clerk. I Works Co., s upplies, $2.04; Wood- F. T. Martin, Auct. have ' regretted that she was too - '- row-W e.il-Stanage Co., Supplies, old to be spanked. $5 ; We 'tern l:ltat· s upplies, $88; Walter Hibbard , Clerk. . DAIRY FEED PROFITABLE And none of this wo uld have afStakaltn Mig. Co., supplies, $~ 2.50 fected Miss Burton in the least. Columbus Blank Book Mfg .• forms When her father insisted, in face Each of 14 duiry farmers keep- $20.25; W. H. Anderson Co., sup- 44-------------·~ of her first careless refusal, that ing records in s outheastern Ohio plies, $17.1 0; Mrs. Omar Hollingsshe join him on this trip inw the fed a total of $1,27'9 worth of head, s upplies, $9.05; F. H . Zimbaekwoods. she 'Was vastly sur· feed during the year. Of this am- morman, ~ u pplieg, $8; Bell Press. prised, though not greatly put out. ount $841 worth was produced at $ 13.50; We ~tern Stal', supplies, nlustt'atlons by Hen1~y J~ Lee ]:Jut when at the last minute she home and $438. worth was pur- $12. 50 ; CO'lumbus Blank Book Co. Oopyrl&ht. S t ewart. Ed 'a.1'd. White found t hat this Gardiner person chased. FOl' each dollar's worth of supp lies, $3; Waldron C. Gilmour, was to be in the party, she saw- feed fed to thE~ dairy cattle the inquest, $7.70; Waldron C. Gil. Rele ~ ~lo'li thr u ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN and resented- it all. Pu.bUehoro Au;' oca.l1'ter Service your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves cattle returned $ 1.32 of products. mour, inquest, $8.30; William Burton had met Gardiner before Carson, Trus tee, refund. $27.94; to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and She did not like him; and she did Treasurer Carmi Corp., taxes, progressive fi,rm for the highest ~.......,. .".., .........;..". . . . . '..............,... . . . . . . . . . .,.........."'. .~,......... . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . .,,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .""""1 not care whether he was the Sec$17.30' ; John Thomas Service market prices and good service. OJ ()l\d in Command of the piratical these things .are s ome of the ,loot tation, gas, $19.04; Howal'd T. UnioD Stock Yarde' CinciDn.ti, O. ON TIPTOE-A Romance of the low and you shall see brave ad- craft, part lkeepe:r of the loot, the Pirate Chief has eaptured. Cook, gl'avel, $54; Glenn Dakin, Tune in on Radio Station WCKY Redwoods - By Stewart Edward venturing and dastardly plots; and principal deviser of stratagem, or Burwn said she didn't like him be- stone. $ 14.40 ; Earnest Dakin, 12 :25 to 12 :30 p, m. for our daily White, Author of " The Blazed a fool exalted and cast down as not. There would seem to be no cause he played no bridge nor golf stone, $3.60; Johnston, & Johnmarket reports. his little affairs were swept into reason why one should not like but that was not it. She had other ~to n, guard rail material, $98.04; Trail ... · the mighty iI)Dlward-fiowing ·cur· Gardiner. He is tall, slender, very reasons -no, not reasons, in- L. G. Anderson & Sons Co., 'g uard ( ·u ·k. with ' regular movie-queen stinct. rents of Fate, INTRODUCTION rail material, $30.98; Blail' & Le· dark eyes lashes, a sleepy wellAt the present mom ent the sec- Roy, gravel, $25.35; Famo us Auto This is a swashbuckling sto ry of A t the moment our story opens bred supercilious expression on his in command did not attempt ond PHONE 8F3 pirate days, It has a s leading uJlply Co" supplies, $26.02; eharactl\rs the Buccaneer and his the Pirate, appropriately named thin long face. All his movements to approach t.he al oof 'y oung g O<!- Bangham Motor Co.. repairs & Grimstead, was leanwg back in are languidly graceful. He is exdess, Instead hE! g ave needed as- upplies, $34.13; Fred Kahn Motor sinister Second in Command; the ' sistance to the chauffeur Ilnd when Co., r e pairs, $2.1.53; Fairley Hal'dHARVEYSBURG, OHIO Fair Damsel in Distress; the the stern·s heet8 of his craft smok· cedingly well dressed'. His ability is enormous. He the job was finished he was just IVAre Co" tile, $5.85; J, C. Hawke, . Bright-Shining Hero and those ing a cheroot. He was a IBJ'ge, grent Intellig.\!ncies by whose ca- square man, with thick bushy eye· knows all about electricity, and as hot IUld dirty .. There were qual. water power, and oil wells, and ities to the man, besides those supplies, $3.62;$1.50; H. M.L.Careys Gal'- priee--or by whose ordered Law brows. age, services, W. Nisbet Gardiner, the Second in Com- Diesel engines, and railroads, both neeessatry to boarding and scut- Co., sewers, $3.50; H. T. Cook, - our tiny world carries On among its millions of sister worlds. Fol- mand, was much younger and slen· theoretically and practically, for tling! gravel and san d. $8; Ray Mills, By the time th e job was fini shed sewer, $10. Grimstead reappeared. . 'lOTARY PUBLIC "Found a great place!" he announced, and pa rtly on the little OH)O FARMERS NOW National Bank "gas" in the vaeuum tank and TURN TO ACCOUNTS partly by gravity the big car g lid· Will. Drawn • • Eltatel Settlecl E;d around the cOrller of the m ounWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 18J tain. Thousands of Ohio farmers will As often happen s at skylines in scek the tl'uth abou t their' farm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ca lifornia, the n,a ture of the eoun- bu sin esfl this spring when they try . there changed. Burton had de lve into their fal'l~l aeount recSOCII renwood trees before, but ol'<ls to analyze theIr cost items neve r !tad she seen one of the I'ed- . wit h the help of rural economists wood fOl'e Rts of the north . The from the Ohio State University. sullell ses in her eyes was r eplaced I In ~ dditi 0.n to helping flJl'mers by a startled and somewhat awed ana lyze thell' r ecords, the econlook. I I1l11ists ·will aid hund red s of othel' The cal' coaste d slowly for a fa rm ers to tal-t accounts f or the half mile and ,eame to II little fin:t time, according to a . ta testream where a tiny patch of me nt from the departme nt of g reen had won for itself a tin y nlnt! eco nomics at the Ohio State patch of un obscured sky. University. Such a ssistance will be "Stop here, Simmins." Grim· given at meetings called beg inn ers stead commanded. and all debark- schools which will be held in II cd. large number of counties during \Vhellever y ou ha ve some nagr.;;ng Simmins hl1st1c~ d out the lunch the next three of fOllr weeks. ache or pain. take S(,l11e t;Il-INS of basket and the thermos cases and In 1930, 1106 farm account Bayer A ~p ir in . I<.t:licC i ~ imn ·(!diat('! proceeded to lay thinga out in books 'were brought to the s tate seemly and prop:er style. university for study and reeom· T hcre's r,::a rl..eiy c c;' an l1 clt e or Simmins was an engaging per- llIendations. For the ycar 1931, pain that n:ly~r Aspirill won't rc:li('ve son. The natural self within him the number prabably will exceed -and nC\'er a time' when ' yo:! can·t· would have car·ri ed him through 1200. wkl'it. ' life skiptiously, like tQe giddy gout Methods of ke ep ing farm ac· - but it wasn't done, you know. count records and how to analyze Th ~ tablets wi th the Baver crr>6S He loved playing up to his part, them is discussed in a recent bula re a !w:lYs safe. T hey don't d('Pl~S"I ' which was solemn, eminently cor- letin issued by the departm ent of the lu'art, Of oth rw:sc bat m you. rect , terrifically imposing, and he rural economics. It is ealled Use thcm just as or~ n as the}' r.ln could do it in s uch a manner as to "Using Farm Acolints to Find the spa re you a ny I;ai n or ul>:.(omfQi1:. 'make self conseious all but the Leaks in the Farm Business" and Jus t be sure to buy thc (;l: rw i.ne. moltt conventional. may be obt:lined free from the ~x.am~ne . the Pil.ckaK: Bcwjlre ~ When at home Simmins .became colleg!! of a griculture at the Ohio ExCESS acid ill the common Cl' ·.;se Imltatlons. house man. In this capacity the State University. . of indigl'slion, It r!::-~ull..s in paiJl ~.:. .i one fatal misfortune of his profes- - - - ,- ... - - .Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer sowness abpUll .....o hours "ft~r t.l_t .. si,mal career overtook him. The quick c.:>rrective is an alk:\ii manu facture of ruonoac.dicacidester Btirtcm, unseen herself, had wit. USE OF LIMESTONE DROPS lng. which neutra)i2....s acid . The tw,<,l of salicylicacid. . . . • .' I nessed his answering of the door. corrective iii Pl:U1JjtJs Milk 1)[ M:..~ bell. He came down the ball cakeTwenty-eight per cent less lim e- nc.\ia. h baa remaineri s~alldllrci wil.b walking a wonde'l 'ful double shu'!· s·to ne was used in Ohio f o1' agrl- physic!a11l in the 50 yean siLce I . fie, sna,ppin~ his ,fingers. his head cultural pu·rpose.s in ·1931 than was invUlLioD. . thrown ' back, hill eyes closed i but used in ·t he year before. The total One spoonful 'of Phillip, Mil/t of all quite noiselessi. Then he turn-· ·to·n nage ' dropped from 233.000 Magceua ileuLralizcs instantly ~ a ' y <:d the door knob .l\.Ild . instantane- .tons ~o '168,000 t ons, or back to tlines ita volwile in acid, ~iW'u~1 t::lS, ' oul\ly a w.onderful transition too\t the volume' that \Vas used! aO'out and tasteless. _'ilnd yet ita Ilctit J. is +place- . His .elbows .snapped out I!.t ten ~' ears ago. lJUielt. You'Wl never ~ on cn,cie an angle; and lire inflexible sin~- - .. m~~~b:ce you leanl how 'iUid..Jy song voice declaimed impenonalthis acta. OHIO CLOVER S~ED. GOOD , }y that he c uld not gay', madame, . "nuiDe. but that lie would ascertain. tbe o fatal day I. NEI,x t time he tried Ohlo-Ir1'own ..........to come it OVer Elullton, as usual, unsul'poIWIed record in :j '~~:':~:ul!~ bbtb at home .nd in states to I! he altainst Q Imago esst of us. , (To be c(IDtinued)
Hati Off to the Railrpad Men
'The Roxanna and W aynesville
Canning Plants
The Proven Investment
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
-- ------
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Spe~ialisl
News from Court House =._-=====--===:....::====
Farm lvight 1 alks, februarv
Jewelry Shop
St ewart E
Dead Stock Wanted Harveysburg Fertiliz~r
F.' "r .. Martin
-============== SATISFACTION
Odd-But' TRUE
Or' No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
clo~er see.id:~h~8I~n~:~~~~r· ~
) Summary of Work of
Farm Bureau for 1931
Director of Funeral Service
(Oontinu 1I f rom Page 1)
OUI' 4-H Dsh'y Judging teai'll on t Hea llh 111l mpioll I' pr . oted WalTl'n l' o unt~· at. latc Fo il' nnd njoyed n-n ver night campin g nnd t wo dny. at OU I' ' tnt 'po iWAYNESVILLE. OHIO t ion. Ilunty wielc duiry f eding , ing a11d ma nu)!,eme nt Ille 'j ing , PhOD~ 29 I bnnqutlt. , a nd w T esting S8 0--r~-------~-""" ciation work b rought g r ate1' LICENSED EMBALMER AMBULANCE SERVICE
Cary's "ewelry Sho
pr fits 1hl'ough !.he tnilk pails. .uU I' Il'luling III Ultl ')' delllollstrat l')ll fnrlll coSup I'llt or : e cu l'ct! a I!I','':~ 1I 0e k incolllt' "t' $ 1 00. [r,l m l 1", C. W. I,. (I {'k f 4 r 1 bil'd" layi nl" nn o ' aw!/: , r 150 eggs .~ ('h. Ml' \ing;, dc m 'n):lLra io-ns, uull'till ~ IIU t! circulal' letters also e:xplniu(' c! feding . h u:;inl;, "Ilnit.ati nn (lnd simi_I nr PI' blcms of b" by chick Illi!l in)' nn e! fI (I k IluUlagem cnt to IlUtHtrcdll () f J) u ltl'Y keep ers .. nz 'Ilg of inqu ir ies were a nr-we red p r w inill!l to f edi ng \Hl using cullill ~ vnccill nti(l n fur fow l pox. caponizing, clc, Ni· tiJl<? s ulp ha te cup>lul t!~ 1\I'e ui:triuu te d throu g h I"urm BUT nu tUc CO l' c ntrol of Jlou l t r ~' po rn!lites. Owin$;' t l) pl'OXill1i ty ' t o n t-al'by ma rket-. Wan en oun ty hWlI1er!'l interested in puu ltry. m ay grentl y illcrea 'c net in ClJl1H's hv J1l I' ':I refu l and ,< ~'s lellln ic . uti nlio n to l h ei r
, customers will find below a partial Ii,t of varied kinds of fine Jewelry work we are capable of producing: repilir anything in Jewelry-making it up to reaet Diamonds as they shQuld be. do high grade Watch and Clock r epa irin g. job ia too amall-loo large or too difficult for us . ,- . to handle. tach job is equally important and our m a terials and workmanahip are fully guaranteed.
OUR MOTTO Prompt Delivery Good Work Reasonable Prices repair and rep late your Silverware and Candleaticka~
Even refinish Andiron. and Bird Cages. We do.1l kind a of Engraving We repair leather bagB and Purses. We ,repair and refinish Spectacles. We cover old atYle yellow gold wedding rings and ,hand ellirave. , We reamDg beada of all kinds. We have been active in producing good work for over 40 yeara. '
"The BODIe 01 Gilts"
Th ese t wo fence rolls, taken d own for shipmen t , wen t t h rou g h t he G~li of Mexico Fence Weather T est. "Galvannealed" stU! almost like new. Ordin a ry galv a n i ze d was ruined . Which will give you most for your f en c e 'money? We sell RED BRAND "Galvaollealed" FENCE at fair ~tandard market prices.
rhe childr t> n of Mr. Illnd MI'''. Cal vin L ongacl'e are VIctims of the ·whooping-coug h. At s uch a time th ey are Ch lll'les Boyce und rwent an ~ I I1J b PCl'llli ttcd 1;0 asopura tiot1 'for appendiciti at sis t in any wn-y . Miam i a ll ey h ospital la t week As yOllr funeral dir ector s H ig r epo r t d Ill; doing nicely a t WIl,tOO) w ish to , g ive you MaJ' h ;1 I'll fo r the t u rkcy COL U MBUS The present 1his ti me. e v t'y il'ien dl y a nd comMl'S. All ie ul'f a ce of ' L ebanon at ,I. E. church. wce k has been a b us y one f or [O)'ting a ssistance. ecr elal'Y of Stnte, Clarence J . !Ln cl MI'!!. E lizube t h Sm ith of DuyMr '. FJ1II nk Stansberry Brown . He rece i es num er ous calls ton. we r e T hu1'sday call ers of Mrs . It is OU1' des ire a.nd pu rdaughtcr, MillS Ma l'y were in f r ol11 over t he s tate to fulfill MUI'g l'Ret ,J olIOS. p o c to d o every t hing in Miss P loreTIl;e Hittc r of Dayton Oa to n, Monday, speaking engag men ts a nd w he n 'U l' power t o mak e t he f upossible a'l ways endel1vors to ac- was u week-e nd g u st of her aun t, n era l S I-v1Ces as dignifie d Tun e in on the G. & B. progra.m, commodate On WllShington's Birth M I' S, E lbert WIl Hace and f amily. 1111(1 fitt ing liS cn l'ef ul plnnMr s. Anna K enrick and daug htotion ' WK RC every , S unday da y h e a ~ d ..essed f OUL' me Lingos lilt ning, propel' lll'l'n ngeme nts te r Miss Ber L ha, of W ay nesville ufltll'noon at 2: 16. Steu be llv llle , two lit New Carlisle a nd perf ec t appoin t ments T,h U I·~d..ay at t he h ome of pent o n t he 231'd and a \100n meet ing at Il nd (,Iluipmc ni clln 111uk e It·. a nd Mrs. Al J . Murawa , oC olu l1lb u ; on the 24 th. he will ad- 1111'. and MI'S. W nI te r Kcnrick. l heQ1 . Ue Lroit, 'pe nt lhe week-en (l wi t h d relis the se rvice clubs at Ravenna Mr. an d Mrs. Ray Miller of n 9 c l;~, the ir a unl, Miss Dora Stiles. Su ch finll l servi ces Ilre 0 a nd t he A merica n Legion Boys in Stu lk ers ,Com er, were S UMay ,l'COl.1 I eO l1l fo l·t in be.reuvet he eve ning a t ' ,9: 15, a mee trng at d io ll er g uests of Mr. and Ml'S, A ll ri c uiturnl Eng in e ering 1\11'5. J ohn Tho mson has gone to Lowell T homas. m£!llt an d n co nsoling- memAg'l'icu ll ul'Ill bll g-incl'r ing in- Da y tun rOI' a ll e xt e nd ed visit t o Chardon on t he 26 th Jl11d a joint Mrs. Ma rgare t J ohn s sp en t Sun Ol'y in the Yl)al'S to come. meet ing of service clubs at Marysclude d duz ' n ~ 0' t·tl ll,; 11I1<.l f01'11I h<!l' d aughtel', JI" . Ann a Sho nto day wit h MI'. a nd MI'S. Amos Cook Secreville on t he 26 th. Slltul'day l'iclit.:; to 'X Jl l 1II ul' d<'IlHHl stmle w l'y Brown will uddre sl!' a Tri- a llll family ncar Wayn es vill e, blabli nt; ::.lun CH und sl ulllps; . 11'. and !'I II'S. II arll ey Moss an d SLnte conve n t ion a t Cincinnati Mi ~s H len HIl!I'<l in is h bsent lc\('li ll l,(' dillicull fie l d~ a n ci uul fumil y WIl I'I! prese nt at the bu rial fl'om !<chool wi t h ton silli t is. f ollow ing wit h threo meetings o~ lin ing' dl'li nage : < Y!ll '111 , ; l'cm odcl- () f I C\" L, A, Washb urn, in Beth el !'I1I's. Willium Long spe n t ThursMa rch 1s t. an d u Wa hington-Lin' lIg l,ou lll j' lI ouhcK, da iry [, u ild in g. Uhi", Monday, Phone 7 c,oln ba nquet a t Newa rk, Tuesday dllY a t the home of h er da ughte r, IIn o! t;c lleJ'U1 I,urpusc bar ns ; de .. Mrs. He rma n Say lor, in Dllyton, Mll rc h 2 nd . On th e 3rd. he willlldle r lllini np; ca plIl:ily of siius, g ralit ... and MrR. Walter Ca st, Mr. d l'css a meetiijg' a t Akron and on Waynesville, Ohio MI'. und Mrs. Ru ssell Bergdall " '"'il'!!, c lslc llIS, elc. About. tifty tl nd !\II's. hll r les Zimme rman a nd Sunda y, March 6th., will address and son of Dayton spen t S unda y fll l'l llCr ~ uttellll('d el ectric lig ht fUllli ly atte nded a bi r thd ay dinn er seve ral thousand Eagles a t Music at th e h ome of MI', a nd Mrs. W il· ~l!:!;;;:;===================. a nd power Il l('ct illl:' li t ulliec,; of a t Wilmin gton, unday. Hu ll, Cincinnati. lia m Be rgclall. ' lI illll (j u:! &.: J:: leell'ic 0 , 'incinMr. a nd Mrs, G e<J~c Davis a nd ~::.::..~~~~====:'====== 11: ti ill Ue celll [, IJ I', J VJ O, which Mr. , Mabe l Dinwiddie and Mrs. F i ~hcrmu n have been taking adcompa ny bUill II hig h len 'ion lin e Rill a ilul'lwt , of Dayton, we re van tage of t he p leasant weather M.-. a nd Mrs. Ed Patton of ncar t hroug h a Il'ou d sec t ion of Warrell g ue su; o f Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel tlw pas t fe w wee ks and the anglers Cineinnati, !lpe nt Thu rsduy wit.h ' ount y hl ,~ t ye ul'. Muny a gain con- Bu tlCI worth T ues day a Cte r noon, ha ve r epo rted num erous fine catch Mrs, Emm a F oulk s and so ns. fCI'1 ('tI wit.h co unty agent la lel' in The Ladies Aid will hold th eir os. All should I'emember that a the yelll' r egnl' linl(' lecl ri city an d .. An Innoce nt Desp er ado" ap - license is necessary whenever rod Marc h business and social meetin g l he p ,, :' ~i u lc exl nsioll of lines into peal's at the GYIll " Marc h 3 at 8 p. an d r eel are used, except those a t t he home of Mrs. Marga ret l hei r neig hburhood. Ill, Adll\issio n, 2{ic and 15c. No who fis h upon their own lands and J ohns next Wedn esday afternoon, b:ill' hl y- t 11'0 J'urm et'S l;ccured xlm ch~l rge fo r l' e ~e l'Ved seats . p~rs on s under the age of eighteen. Ma rch 2nd . fUI'ITI allCu Ull t bo oks f or thei r 10:l1 '1 he fee fo r same is on e dollar Mr. and Mrs . Kesler Grah am Mr , and Mrs. Hen ry Satt erth- wi t h te n cents additiona l for the a nd Mi 's Bernice wer e S unday I'e O)'rl " , und u co unly summary and nna ly"i>l of 44 records for waite spe nt Tu esday in Duyton, clerk. The op en seas on for bass d inn er gu es ts of Mr, nnd Mrs, C, ll)::lO was pl'e pa rNI a nd an in divi- \\ here th eil' so n Leslie underwent and sma ll fry fi s h is June 16th to W. Albri gh t in W oynesville. dua l re port JUl'Ilished to ea ch 1111 opera tio n a t Miami VaHey April 3 Q ' A numb er of f l'ien ds of Tilman coope l'Otor . FIII'1ll accou nts a ppeal' hosp itlal. , Barto n te nder ed him a surprise I«> bc o lle of l he most fun damenUnder tho new state classifica- Wedn esday evenin g in -ho nor of his Mrs, Effie Sm ith, Mrs', Flo ssie tal a nd imp !'tun pl'cl'equ esites t il ar ey , Miss L uc y E mley, Mrs. tion a ct w hich is now in effec t b irthday. 11 morc' jll'o fi Ln bl1' farm b u~i n e ss , tax pnye rs a re reminded that Mr. Willil1m R obinson of Calif T im Iy Econo illi c In'rormation Honnah Taylor, Chcs tcr _Carey and tion r eturns must be filed with ornia and his sist er, MI'S, Etta (,x plain ing >:uppl ,\' all d deman d :l nd E: l'n est Sm ith sp en t S unda y with coun ty a udi to rs n ot later than J ones of Cincinnati wer e dinner I'l've:lling till' o utlook for th e re illtives at Middletown. l\!al'ch 31st. Hou sehould furniture guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. I'm'i ous Cl'O PS, li ve. tock an d oth er and automobiles do not have to be 111 1'S. A, C. Roberts, wife ()f Dr. Col eman. Saturday, (UI,;!11 I1t (> I ' Jll'i ~el; i ' se nt monthl y , . Roberts, of Wilmington, and listed but stocks, bonds and money fr ee of ch3\'I(.:1 1.0 OV OI' 100 WarMr. and Mrs, Elbel·t Wallace are tax able, Furniture used in ren ounty III I'm I'S so t hcy may mothe l' of Miss E:lma R oberts , f or- rooming houses, furni shed apart- ente rtaine d last week, the f ormel"s be b Ltc I' a ble to meet prcs nl ~ e l' superint$lnd ent of Way nes- ments 01' in busin es is not exempt, mot h er, Mrs, George Wallace of CHIJ_JREN hate to laltemedieine os a rule. but every child Jovea cond lli ons. thers Illay get t hese Ville schools , f ell in Cincinnati Ba nk s ·a re r equi red to pay $2:00 Fl'Rnklin. mo n thly leafl t' ts by a pplication of Friday evening and broke h er per thou ond fo r mon ey on deposit Mr . and Mrs. W. G. Rai nes, Rob- the lasle of CaSlorii. And this PUJlJ county ogent o r by callin g a t I'ight _h ip. but when placed in snfety deposit ert and Mildred Haines of Dayto n vegetable preparalion is just as good F ar m Bureau offi ce. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and boxes, owne r s are required to pay wel'e Sund-ay ottem oo n I1nd eve n- as it Lastes; just as bland and just as Coop erative M a rke t ing li ttle da ughter, formerly (If Lew- th e tax and. if t hey fail to do so ing visitors of the former' s mother harmless os lhe recipe reads. a 50 % penalty is charged. Tax- Mrs. Georgianna Haines, whose oo pl' l'ativc Marketin g was is burg , Ohio, have taken up their pay er s are -r equired to pay one- condjtion has slightly iml?l'oved. When Baby's cry warns of colic. residence in Waynesville and are f os tel'(-(I th l'ou~h con ferences with Mr. and Mrs . Guy Rou t zahn and a rew dro ps of Outoria hu him half the tax due when returns are occupy ing Mr. Anna Sheehan ~s oltice rs a nd leude l':! or l"ru'm Burfiled and th e remaining half s ix daughter; Bett y escaped serious f SGIOllIICO, aslcep again in a jilIy. Notheau; , oop e l' ~lt i\'c E levat ors ; Co- cot tage on North street. Mr, mO"!ths -later . , injury Friday moOrning when ioS is more valuable in di,u-ruea. opera Live Llv est oclt Co mmission Stubbs is ,n fune:ral director. the ir (!ar s kidded 'from a stl'eet When coatcd tongue or bad .brC;tlh Associdlion; Ohi o ' 0 0 1 Gr owers ' The Board of Tru stees of Ohio cal' t l'Rck in Dayton. Theil' car was tell of c IlfiLipa tioo, invoke its gcnUe 4r~s. H. H. Williamson and and Dairy Marketi ng ol'ganizat ior: State University have submitted dlamage d and also a parked car in in cinnati and Dayton. Besides daughters, Mis,s as Grace and the ir annual repor t to the Gover- which th ey struck. LitUe Betty's aid to olCllnse and regulate a cliUd'a Lue lla a nd ' little Dickie Williamson local meetings, ~tate a nd D ist.l'ict bowels. In colds or children's diseasea, nor. -It includes the report of the face was cut. Co~el'en ce s in lumbus, Cincin- visited M 1', and Mrs. Frank Long presid ent, junior dean, college of A few f riends and relatives at- you should use illo keep the system a t Columbu s, Sunday. The condina t I, Dayton un d Hami lt on w ere arts and sciences, administration ' also part icipated ill. Adjustments tion of Mr. Long ·, who has been an officer s, departmental r eports de- tended a fare-w ell party planned from cl ogging. Castori :lis sold in every dniptore: ' of excess fl'cight chal'ges r equired invalid a bout two years, does n' t grees confened since foundin'g of by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke.n rick, Ior Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray the genuine always bears Chu. H. con sidernble time- especiaJly in how improvement. the U ni vers ity snd financial and Ht their home her e Saturday evenbeha lf of farmers w h o purc hased en rollment statisics. During the ing . Cords and flinch were t he Fletcher's signature. hay f r om Califol'n ia and in terior SIXTEEN FARM GROUPS past year 8,261 males wer e en- divers ion and a very pleasant W est el'n points under t he emerJOIN IN RADIO BATTLE rolled f or the various classes and evening was spent. Nice , prizes gncy dl'oug h r eduction ra t es. I 3,050 f emales, a total of 12,211. were awarded'. A two-course lunchd e/l t ificlltioll certiflcat.es wer e i5Denouncing the attempt of eon was served to the following su e~ to farmer s wis hin2' to sell Ralph L. Walker, examiner for the The F ebruary Museum Echoes gues ts : Mr. and Mrs. Georg e their vege ta b les a hd f ru its upon fe deral radio commission, to was issued as a Washington Bicenincin nati's wholesale mar k t . squ eeze e<.\ucation off the air and t ennial number with an excellent Gray, Sr., Mr'L and Mrs , George County a gent a lso h elped to 0 1'- to deprive the state <Jf its rights to likeness of "The Father of His Graham, MI', andMrs, Allen Emg~ n i ze th e Co un ty E merg ency bl'oad cast discussions on agricul- Country," as a frontispiece, deal- rick, Mrs. Mal'gal'et Johns, Mr. Seed loan, a nd a ided some of t he tural, economic, and other im- ing with Washington's visits and and Mrs. Kesler Graham and Comm ittee i n st artin g to fill ou t portant public questions after 7 p. camp sites along the Ohio and daughter, Miss Bernice, Mr. and applicat ions 'Ins t sprin g fO I' f eed 111 , thro ug h the tate-owned radio early history of the state. It is Mrs. Clarence Gray and son, Jean. seed, f er tilizer , etc. This requ ired station WEAO a t the Ohio State also dedicated to conserve Ohio's Mr. and Mrs. Le.s lie Gray and so n considera ble correspon dence later Univ ersity, 16 O:hio farm organiza- archael<Jgi c, historic and s cenic Bobby. 'Miss Ruth Gra ham and with Washington office and office tions threw th,eir streng th last he ri tage. You are invited on your Mr , and: Mrs. Walter K enrick. conferences with borro'wer s. week back of attorney general next visit to the Capital City to BcttmaTil's fig ht to insure drop into th e museum and in spect Community Activities , fGilbert reedom of 'the air so that the the t housand s of relics which aTe Comm u nity activ it ies included state uni ve rsity wil! not be muz- on display. a uto tou r 1'.Ol· s pecial ben efit of 4- zled in its s t-atEl-wide educational According to Secretary of State H , Olub me mbcrs, pal'e nb;, leaders program and f r i ~ n d s thr oughout t he county Examiner WJIllker has recom- Clarence J. Brown, personal serFOR SALE Education a nd r ecrea t io n wer e me nded t o the llederal radio com- vice item represents about two~n cl ud e d fOi' both ad ults Ilml jun- mission that t·he state-owned ed- thirds of the total costs of elecIOrs. Approximately 350 participat uca t ional radio station be forced tions in Ohio. The largest single FOR SALE-4 pur& bred Duroc Gilts. Som~ faH pigs, about 60 cd in Duy ton Tour, J uly 22 and otT the air during all evening hours item is of course, the expense of over 500 in Cin cinna ti· on the 29. und that such time be given to a precinct Ilfficials in the voting or 70 pounds, pure bred Durocs. The splend id cooperation of City co mmercial station at Young/ltown. booths on the general election day Inquire >of Howard Che noweth on officia ls, police escorts, an d man- This tim e, says R. C. Higgy, di- in November. The total personal the Bispham farm on the Bell· j24 a gers of the Prigidaire Co.; Lau- r ector of WEAO, may be used in service item in Ohio election ex- brook pike. rel Biscui t o. FOl' e~ t Pl1l'k , P ro- a ny way the commercial station pense for 1981 amounted to $1,ommiss ion Ass'n.; Kahn sees fit in broadcasting of com- 525,000 which was 22 % lower dU$! 1'& P ncking 0 ., Cra ley R adio, mer cial propaga'nda, jan orchestra t~an the 1930 figures. This reducCh cRt ol' PIIl'k, the Zoo and Cin- crooner s and ads £or pimple cures, tIOn was well distributed, almost eve~'y county contributing to the cinn ati Reds Ba ll P ark. oll com- dog biscuits or cigarettes. ' Farm organiz;ations fighting the savlDgs. bin cd to ma ke th ese t ri ps of extl'Cllle f)l oasl1 J'e and va lue to all rec ommendation to smash the hro adcasting of educational materW nl'l'e ll Cou nty - v i~ i t o r s , 'r he County a g-cnt a lso part ici- ~al from the. ~t-ate university durpot ed in n ume l'ous 10cIl1, county IIlg all evenm'g hours are: The Il nd d i. t r ict mcetinA's of Form Ohi o Farm Bureau Federation the Bureau , l!Tnn!!CS, far mers clubs A, sociation of Farmers' Ins titute Miss Myra Haydock of Damasf Ol'm cr s i mltitutes . pi cnics, fa irs, speakers, the Ohio Live Stock "ha ws, exh ibits and extens ion con- Cooperative Association, the Mas- cus, Ohio; Miss Ruby Smith of ~...rtI f e l'e n('('s hnvi n~ t ot nl a tt endan ce t el' F arm Homemakers ,of Ohio, the Delaware and Oran Turner of New of al'n r oxill1l1t ely In,no o. Local 4- Ohio Farm Women's Club Federa- Philadelphia were home over the H , Cill b moe in!!,s. Co nnty wide t ion, the Association of Herd Su- week-end. The remaines of George l'O und u p li nd Achie velT) (!Qts meet- pervisors, tbe Ohio State Beekeepin r-!t, toc-e ther wi t h the exhibits ers Association, Ohio Brown Swiss a former resident were nr"l1<rnr, , nrl P :t!'ull e t C0l111ty foir de- Breeders Assoc:iation, the Ohio here for burial Friday. He was a Home Extension Council, the Ohio brother of R. E. Jones, <Jf this Sf.ll'Ve s)lcciul men tion, Seed Improvement , Association village. Ex te n sion Plana t he Ohio V~etable Growers As~ Mrs. Chas. Van Dervort was Ag l'icultu l'al exte nsion plans and sociation the O'hio Poultry Im- hostess to the Merry Wives Club p oli cics for 1 !I~~ 2, will aim to provement Association, the Ohio on Thursday. br ing econo mics in production, Master Farmers' Club, the Ohio Mrs. Lettie McCray is under the mo re cf11 cie nt marketi ng, a. better Horticultural Society, and the doctor's care, suffering from neu'undel'standing of ' our present Ohio Cuoncil of Farm Organiga- I'algia of the eye. Wm Blair is confined econ omic co nd ition, a fuller util- tion s. iza tion of the farm as f\ source of - - home by illness. f nil ts, vegeta bles, -lind similar LEGAL NOTICE The members of the fa mily , up plies and wj!J endeav____ church, enjoyed a social in the ........ CI......._ ... _ - ' or to ma kc Lhe farm home bring Notice is hereby _given that the chur~h parlors on Wednesday . ",' . of Village of Waynesville, Ohio, will evemng. Qanneldrain Roofing i. made of Lhc g rea tcst possible satisf action, ,conte ntm cnt, and receive uids -up to 12 o'clock noon An interesting Washington pro,,Alloy dS 1 d ' ed itli' h " pleasure t o the entire farm family on the 7t.h day of March, 1932, at gram. was put on at the regular ,"",pper e tee ,an protect w • . " Just w ha t will b e done, and how the oOffice (If the Clerk of said meetmg of the oommunity dub ,:,rab.te foating of pure·z_inc.; P'a,t en.t,· ed taft &, n, SkU ,·,' it will be acc ompli shed, will de- Village for the deposit <Jf ali funds Tuesday e v e n i n g . ' f" ~ pcn d u pon the le.adel'S and public to sllid Village coming M'1'. and Mrs. Harold Scammahronform', a channel that drains water flom the 'rool. .spirited Coopcl'lltion throughout into the hands of its treasurer f<Jr ha.ve ~oved to their property in T~. protection is found only_ -'. ' t he vll l'ious communities. During a pl!riod' of two years beginning thlThvdlage. t he n x t fe w week s we plan to as of Feb.ru'll ry 1, 1932, which bids' , e Coml1!unity Club is putting in Chaoncldraiu and i~ ' yoUr nf on a pla.y In " L J Thursday d Fthe ' d sC'hool house ' as"arance 0 f troub',: "-f rn.e rooloutlin e pr oblems, plans _ and se- must be at least ' 2 -"o on dal'l'" l lect leaders or co operators for the balances fOl' the time _ the funds 'k an a.y e-venings o f " .. ee v-lIriou!; , Ilctivities. As there are or any part thereof are deposit- ~1S 'Y iog servite." Let ps t~il;,you . The tlUe of the ,p lay is over 2200 f arms in ,W arren Coun- ed. The ballk or banks which shall Aut;tt J:lU'uahy 'on, the War &th" t y, th e coun ty . a gent, working be awarded 'the contract shall and' la very amusing. Admi88ion is Qlore about .clhu;meldra-~ i a lone ' t hrou gh fami visits and 'furlltisb. bon.d I)r ~curity in ac~. 10c for all school age , and ·20c for , - ' -perso nal ca lls can r ,ender only a cordance WIth the ,provisi~n8 .o f adult&._'- - -••,_ ••_" _ _ _ '; li ri-li ted service. But by community the General Code I}f Ohio. A concoperat ion, with n 'number of pub~ tract with the bank or ba.nks locatNOTICE lic s pi,r ited , citi ~ens assisting as ed '. within the V~llage Qr County I , lea<iers and h elpers, and by aid whIch offer the', highest rate of In- ' To our many Patrons tbrourhout of t'il'clllar letters; newspaper an- terest whicl! shall -be not less than the commun~ty. We 'will do nouncements, oftice calls, and 2 % ,a s above stip-ulated will be enthrough The, Cntwford i;ew well planne d meetings we tered into UPlln the. acceptance of - Co., Cincinnati Ohio OCluire a better un4erstllnding tne bid 01' bids which' may be reJanuary lit Usurlng our P)'o blerris and r a lliclly promote cetv.ed at the date." of Beivlce 'both OU I' ecoll'Omic, social and spiritual Council the right to for aDd selliq ;our emril'ODTIlent :;10 8S tjl <n:eatly ject a~y or bills, :, We thank ),OU for th. pUt, and, Pl'O\'O our' fArm !!, homes and F. 'llATFIELD, . hope,tor )'oar future- Pa~.JIWe.' general com~unity acti\ritiee. ·Vlllal!e 0I8fk, , , SAUl_oaT?
Phone 25
W aynesvilie, Ohio
For Our Country Subscriber~
The Cinci.,nati Enquirer Dally Excep_t Sunday
The Miami Gazette Both Papers for One Year' Only
Late' Classified Ads.
-- -------
, onderful OHer.I W ""!:,!~~~~~~-~,.i'40...."';' :Ii:
qlP-It:: tOY! ili~\ ighly~\l;' 1
COMPARE , ,a' ''I:I'lt8.I ' '~NJ.tn I~-',,-1i~.taIo
tb· . ·s e two pape''r's for:-, _
check to 'the Miami
WIlE, b ' r IIvt'ment cornel t.hl'oUl!'h t h e pn"!llng a way of II IlJvc d one, t he sy m ~ a th y of Cric-m ls mea ns m uch.
J. E. McClure
Lehanon, Ohio
'~"'I . .t ,,~
to 8&Jc~'
Eighty-Fifth Year
Golden Wedding Is ,Celeb rated
School Notes During the Past Few Days -------------'""1,. I
By Local Couple
Mr. Ilnd I\1I'S. H. II . Williamson c(!leb"uted the fi ftieth a nni ve rsary a cheer leader by ;eading the of their m a ni al~c on Tuesday, RESULTS OF GAMES ~chool in a cheer urging the te'a m Mal'ch I , 1!J3:.. Su rl'o unded bs ,..~-===:="'--========:-==::: to fight, thei r children, gran dchildrcn, Miss Den nis performed a. little The Waycehs weTe victori ous period to make it an 1B-16 count !\fi::o; SlIl'a Mi ss ildin e is ill with Friday 10 a. m. - Morrow 22; : tun t in w.hich we fo und ou~ ' A turkey supper for 35c at M, other re lat ivll s and friend s t he day ov~r three teams nnd brought the This team. has no () utstandi~g WU H one long ' lo be I·cmembered. C]uinsy. I Lebanon l B. "hat all thc huddles are about. .~ large trophy to W. H. S. for bwo stars but they a ll display good E. church. At the noon hou.1' 11 splendid co lec il Hartma n represented the years straight. ' Friday 11 a. m.- l'ilnson 24; team work and work together in a lIfal'ch 3rd for t he turkey supper ,rades by giv ing a "peppy" talk~ Myer Hyman a nd fami ly visit ed lot ion was st:'rved nt T,he Little On Friday, February 26 they style that is rea lly machine-like Spr ingboro 15. Inn to the fami ly lind a few at 1\1. E, church. re latives in Jamestown, Su nda y. met Otterbein in a hard 'fought and not hit and miss luck. clo, e friends . Fl'OlI1 ::\ to 5 tHe Commercial Depal'tmellt F"iday 1 p. m. -Mussie 2B; baltle, amI on Saturday afternoon Sllv~e loo~ s. mighty goo{) at .lIf~·~. A. H. Stubbs is v i ~iting See the Salisbury's, W. P. and brido and bl'id egr ool11 received the Carlisle 2 1. met Morrow in the Semi-Finals that Pivot pOSItIOn a nd as a point The first year typing students, \ inning from them in a close getter he ranks with Ellis and D. R., before you sell your stock, hea rty co ng ratulatiuns of th ir rc latlve~ nea r Dayton. who thought they w,e re making Friday 2 m.- Franklin 25; many fl'illl1dl; lit their p leas:ml game a nd thus going into the Davis. Wallace and Turner hold ,,0 words a minute, had a big. sur- . Kings Mi lls 17. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawk were home 011 Fourth st rcet . wh ere I J C!;!':C! Penn ing ton , of Richmond fi nals to meet Franklin at 9 o'c lock up 'a g reat defensive game and pdse after taking a timed test .. they have spent forty-thre'c of the I Ky. , is visitin g friends here. ' friday 7 p . m.- Waynesv ille ~a tu l' da~' evcning , lire the backbone of the passwork bu siness visitors in Leban on. Fri- fi ft.y yea rs of th ei l' married life. ,0 find that their average wasn't; 30; Otterbein HI. as well as contributin g to the score day. lu ite so high. Mrs. 0, 1\1 , Rid)!e and Miss Emma Love ly snapdragons, ~ woet peas Waynenille-Otterbein Ga",e when ever p()ssible. Savage had Miss Dennis still encourages Highway werc Dayton visitors on Friday 8 p. m.- Morl' ow 33 ; and other flowers decora ted t he Bigger and better will be t he .hem to aim high-they'll get Ma son 22. Tht! Otterbein-Waynesville game so me tough cOlJ¥letition in his F. F. A, Minstre l at the Gym l'OOI1lS. 'rhe lal'~e dining roo m and Monday. Friday eve ning t urned ou t to be field for the all-county teams which March 10th. l he tab le with i l8 hllndsome apSaturday 2 p. m.-Franklin 34 i .he l'e. Sec th e new 1932 Basketball a rather () ne Mided affair with W. probably accounts for his not poinlmentA of lac e cloth, yello \\' Massie 16. (semi-fi nals) . Fourth Ter", En.li.b disp layed in Bal'nard's H . S. gett ing away with a six getting mentioned on eit her one Mr. and Mrfi. Belvyn Bnnta, of candles in golden cll ndl t:'sticks and Trophy of them. Davis carried an allwindow. Saturday :l p. m.- Waynesville point lead at the ha lf and vase. of exqui~;i t e ye llow tea The pupils took t he ir six-weeks Delaware, spent the wee k-end with 23 i Morl'ow 19 . (sem i-finals) gradua lly increasing t heir lead county forward position and Wal- relatives. I'ose ' presented a very pleas ing .e ts last week , The papers have lace and Turner both carried MI'!;. D. R. Smith wa s the guest thro ughout t he r est of the game, s ij('ht. Saturday 8 p. m.- Morrow 41 i .,cen graded and t he. report caros " The final score stood 30-19 with guard positions Daint y refreshments of white of relatives nea r Wilmington, :ome out Wednesday, March 2. J. V. Hartsock atte nd ed the Massie 14 (consolation). No small amount of praise should t he Waycehs in the lead . and go ld ice croam in individual Sa turday nig ht. Pupils who have received low go to the fans themselves for their Dempsey-S ullivan bout in Dayton mol Saturday 9 p. m.Waynesville ds, maceal'oon '- and punch wel'e ~ I'ad es in 'the past four terms have TTI,ltBElN W . 1-1, S, wonderful support and to the M9nday nig ht. IB i F ranklin 16 ( fin a l) MisR Opa l Lewi~ was th e week· sel'V d to the guest s. lilly two terms left in which to G J. P G F P ch~er leaders for the able way in On the, eve nin g of Ma l'ch l en d guest of MiR!< Lydia Osborne ,nake up t he ir work so they lll'ollk f, . . 2 I 5 Jo~ JJ III r., .. 3 1 7 which they carried ou t their work. Tune in on the C. & B. program . .)e pl'6moted at t he end of the V "': Ikln ", n o 2 I:l;:\rtO tl. f . O 0 U station WKRC ever y Sunday 1882, t he marriage of Anna Jan - of nea r Morrow. IIJlk In s. r .. J o 2 Dnv1H. r " ,. I 9 I , 'N ."I. ney, eldest daugh~er of J onas Jan5chool terlll. afternoon at 2:15. Nlebert c 4 2 10 ISnvllg' • u ~ 2 10 'rune in on the C. & B. program, ney Jr. and Harry H. Williamson , FftANKLI N "Pep" MeetinK W. H . S, Lightl e' g: 0 o 0 W"Unce g 1 0 2 Firat Grad_Mi .. Stepbea.oD I( In ' hort 0 o 0 Turn ' r , ~ I 0 2 Mrs. Ethel Ellis s pent last Wed - so n of Mr. and M1·S. Anth'ew WiI- station WKRC every Sunday A "pep" meeting was he ld in :nne .. g . O o 0 Bob 'A.. • U 0 0 Horre l'. <f.CrI F0 P2 EllI s f , . .Cr1 Fp Iiams n, \\'IIS soleinnized. The ,afternoon at 2 :15. nesday with her aUIlt, Mrs, Willie 1 3 The fo llo wing first g,rade pupils ' the Gym Febru81'y 25, sponsor ed ~1 Miller .. 0 0 0 ceremony was perfol'med at the Flt~ II'c k r I 0 2 nrLv ts , r .. 2 2 6 Ecton near Wellman. on th e honor r oll 'for the past sixby the Sportsmanship Brot her3 Ru V(lge. c .2 MI'. lind Mrs. Fred Everhart 1 3 hom e of the bride by the Rev. 7 Total s .13 4 SO l\1'rlnno8 C 1 TOlal s .. 8 31,9 wee ks are: Bobby Doane, M'OIIirrua , Graham. K 0 I 1 \\ra Un.ce gl 0 2 Don't f'O rget " An Inno.cent Edmund BUI'dsall, pastaI' of the were • undav dinn er guests of M,'. hood. Upd yke. g I 2 4 Turn er, gO 0 0 MlCs. Buerkle gave a talk urging Hook, Marie Lamb and Charles R. Hnybur n g 2 0 Desperado," at th e Gym t omorrow M. E, ehul·th. in the pr esence of and MrR. Oliver Davis. W.ynenille-Mol'row Came , Ute students to cooperate with t he Orndorf. I'clatives nnd intimate frien ds. Th e The Waynesville-Morrow game TOlols .. 6 41G Those having perfect attendance Total s 126 18 night, March 3. MI'l< . Nett ie Kepler, of Dayto n tea m to win the to urnament. !Ittenda nts of the happy coup le which was scheduled fo r 3 o'clock In a short talk Lois Penning- rccords are : Juanita McKeever, Mr, and Mrs. Verne C. Reid werc Miss Ro. e Wi ll il1ll1 su n, sister <pent Sunday with her sister Mrs' ton represented the high school l;'lol'ence McKeever, Homer Brown Saturday , after noon brought () ut a Franklin gained the finals by of Richm ond. Indiana, vi. ited Mr. of the bridegroom , a nd M,'. John Oliver Dnvis, and family. ' . large crowd and proved to be one downing Harveysburg, 34 to 16. [toy DaI.dn, Wanda Gwin, Monimia " pep." nlfel'ty , who ~ marriage took eft the best games of the tourna- Morrow won the consolation final and Mrs . .J. V. Hartsock, Sunday. plnce the fullowing day. The Everyone was g lad to he81' that Roak, Mal'y Scott, Betty Tinney Don't forget II An Innocent ment. Ab the half the score board over Harveysburg, 41 to 14 and Don would assist DoroJ.hy in cheer nndi Billy Tinney. C. P. Ellis was called to Cleve- newlyw eds. Mr. anu Mrs. William- Dc);perntio," at the Gym tomorrow leading at the tournament. showed a 11 to 11 tie, and 'it look- Lebanon downed Carlisle in the nig ht, March 3. son were t heir attendan ts. last Thursday on account of land 'ed ns if it might be anybodyJs consolation tournament final, 26 Mr. Garst gave a real speech Firat Grade-Mi •• E.,. R_der Mr. and Mrs. Calfel'ty with the dea th of h'is uncle, James ball game, but at the end of the to lB. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. White, of for t he H'rst time smce .be ha s t heir so n and daug hter wel'e Honor roll ; Edwin Surface, Fletcher. ' last: quarter the W. H. S. boys .amon~ the guests at t he golde n DlIytOll, wel'e guests of M'l'. and been teaching here land it was ~1'a.r i e Hardin, Ellen Moss; . held the lead by a 28 to 19 count. greatly appreciated by eve ryone. All Chnt,. Team. Mrs. Anna Gibbons and son wedd ing celebl'llt ion on Tuesday . Mrs. Walter Elzey, Saturday Pel'fect attendance I or this D. Robinson was hig h point !lcorer James' usual humor brought Mr. Of t he six chi ldren born to Mr. aftel'noon. ;ernl are: Gene Thompson, Ellen All the st.udents of W. H. , S. James and Miss Mary Brown arfor the Morrow boys with nine a good response. a.nd Mrs. William son, five are Muss, Joe Hartsock, John Stanspoints. El.lis and Savage o'f W. H. are proud of the fact that three of rived home Thursday evening living and were present to en joy ability a s Mr. Lotz showed his St. Mary's Guild will meet at ~e l'l'Y, Nathan Hartman, AlvilJ. S. were close on his heel s with our players are included in tlIe from a trip to FlO'l'ida. the hom e of Mrs. L. H. Gordon on this mem orable occasion with I{lienhiem, J oe' .lames, Cecil Rollll. eight points each. Davis had seven All County teams, 8S well as the Thursday afternoo n, March 3: at parents. They are Ethel, t heir Mr. and Mrs. Cliff P. Lewis of We al'e g lad to ,have Oharlotte to his credit. B()th teams showed wonderful way our boys came out now MI'. Paul IIauk, of Troy, two o'clock. Rly e, Rex Burnett, Warren Le· splendid form oBnd accurate aim at on top in the tournament. The All Centerville and Mr. and Mrs. Ohio; Raymond, o'f Cl eveland , , NEW CENTURY CLUB Walter Clark we re r ecent guests Iby and Donald Osborn back in Oounty teams are as follows: the iron basket. l\J1'. Ilnd ~hs . Merle Kern s and OBSERVES BICENTENNIAL choo l again having been. out beGrace, at home, Harold, of Dayton of Mrs. Emma Janney. ht Team SEMI-FINAl. a nd Luella, who teac.hes school dn u ~hter, of' Cleveland, spent :a u ' 8 'Of illness. MORROW Sun day with MI'. Kerns' parents w. H. S'2 8 Davis, F.- WayneSville Capt. Big turkey supper at the Method- near' Middletown. . The February meeting of the G F P Mr, and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt. ' Ellis. 1/' • . 3 3 1 Fitzpatrick, F. -Franklin. sad fejture was th absence A ist churcn Thursday evening, New Centull' Club was held at the Second' Grade-Mi .. Harbock , Slmp,son to I 1 · Davla. t . . 2 0 Rob'Inson, C.-Morrow. R b ' s' n t 1 0 2 Savage. c 3 2 8 . March ard, from 5 to B, 35c a 'o f Mrs. El:a Jn nney Long, onl y Honor roll : Lois Jean Baker, home of Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, D :R'b's'n cS 3 9 Wallace gOO 0 Graham, G. Franklin. Th vocati onal boys of Waysister .of Mrs. ' Williamson, who plate. Your patronage solicited. 'J,'rnlnlll' g 2 1 6 Turner. g.O 0 0 Trainer, G.-Morrow. nesville Hig h chool will put on Thursday evening, February 25, :~rances Johns, Reba Surface, was unable t.o be pr esent, owing to Th'J,"on If 0 9 2 as a Colonial meeting and gu.est Anna Marilyn Whitaker. ' The FI;endship club of the M. t he serious illneEs Of her husband, the F. 1". A. Minsh'el at t he Gym day, commerorating the :? OOth 2nd T_m Perfect attendance: Reba, SurTotnl s .. 6719 T ota ls 723 Frank Long, at theil' ho me in Thursday evening M'aJ'ch 10th, E. church will meet at the home birthday anniversary of George 'ace, Laura Miller, Jimmie Miller, Hoffer, F.- Franklin, Capt. of Mrs., W. E. Stroud Wednesday Columbu s. Washington. ' Bartman, C. Robinson, F.-Morrow. MI'. and 1\11' . Williamso n wer e f r., a nll Mrs. Howard Case The rooms were artisticnlly dec- .' I'ances J 0 h ns, Phill.p afternoon, March 9, at 2 o'clock. Way~~ Wi.D While W~7fDe • Marianos, C.-Franklin. t he rccipients of $100 in gold. Miss Marian Case, MI'. and Mrs. orated in the national colors, E;ugene Brown and Lois Jean . Wallace', G.- Waynesville. lian. We.kea Donald Camp, of Lebanon, were portraits of Washington . and Baker. Mrs. Helen Risinger left ThursTurner, G.-Waynesville. guests of Miss Emma He ighway, American fla,gs. <lay for her home in Alberta, Can- CLASS "B" TOURNAMENT Th'rc! C d M·· L·t .What would happen if an irre' - - ••- - - ada, after spending the past six WILMINGTON, MARCH 4-5 Oil Sund ay . Several persons in attendance I ' ~ e - I" • e sistab)e force met'an immovable FREIBURC PASSION PLAY weeks with her father Elias Ogles-f - bk b Saws filed by machinery, cut came in quaint atti.r e of the colon- ' Honor 1'011: ~hyllis Clark. body?• Ev:l0ne b ee. ed. has hea:rd that . Th o~san d s . 0 as et nil fans cleaner. truer, faster. Also 'c ross- ial period, prese nting a state ly and The following PlIPils 'Were questIon as and our state AT MIDDLETOWN In thIS sectIOn. a~e expected t o , cut saws, gummed, 25c per f oot. picturesque appearance. neither qu-dy nor absent for the hospitals 'are full of people who Mr. L. V. Beck left Sunday to th'rong the . y.'11,mmgton ,College Roy Pigott at Madden' s Lu be The following program in keep- ierm.: Betty Lou. Arthur; Mary .have tried to invent one 01 the The original Freiburg pBSiiiOn join Mrs. Beck at Osage, Ark" campus at Wlhnmgton, t hiS week I ' m ring with the Bice ntennial idea as tiumga'rdner, James Bungardner, two or , both of them, with no play to be presented in Middletown where she was called recently be- end wh en 11 hig h school ba ket- Iyard . arranged in Washington was ? hyllis Clark, EdwaTd Clark, marked. degree of success. U by Geol'ge Jilassnacht, Sr. 8iJ\d cause of th e sel;{)us illness of her ball t~,a';!s vic f(~l' State Sectiona l Mr~. Anna Sh ehan enteTtain ed presented: Norma Lovely, Martha Martin, ~rank1in had proven themselves a family of Germany, March 2-3-4-5 mother. class B honors: at dJnner n F'l'idav MI'. Jane "Americl}." !\ Ima Prendergast, Roxie Carolyn httle more nearly Immovable I'm Auspices of America-n. Legion. .COUIl t~r ~hamp l o n s from Adams, Wrig ht, ,M rs. Julia Don ovan, Mrs. Roll ,call-Patriotic r esponses. 3acke~t, Walter 'Clark, Billy Melsure we w.ould. have had a solution The "Freiburg Pasion Play" in . One of the outstanding pro- BlOwn, Chn ton , ~.ayette, Greene Rob el.t Crew. Mrs, Allie Danie ls Vocal Solo, "Father of the land Joh, Clarence Price, Arnold Reeder for the ~U4l8tlon by now. Sllr~ly English to be given the High grams . of the seMon is the F. F. Warr~n countJe~ and runn~rs- Fife. MI'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, we love"-M'rs. LeMay; ~com- Ro bert S heets, Robert' Shepherd, Waynesyi:Ue. approached a ,po~t School Auditoium, Middletown, 4 A. Minstrel to be put on -Thurs- and panied by Mrs. Sackett. R'Obert Zimmerman. that m!i(ht ,we.ll be termed Ir- days> commencing Wednesday, day evening, March 10th at the up from !ill (;Co~I1'~tJes exceptmg 1 Misses Annie and Marne Brown. Fayette WIll parlbClpate. I ' "A Story of Wa.s.hington". Fourth Grede-Mi .. Campbell reIl18~bl~. ' . evening, March 2 with afternoon Gym. Dra,vings resulted in such a I ,·cc::::_=====::::!:·=·~=====-_ =l First in wa'r , first in peace and It IS ImpO!lSlble to d.escribe a presentation on Saturday, M8.rch Honor roll: Doris Beck, Bet~y first in the hearts of his country,gam~ such .as that (lne WIth !Words, 5. at 2 :15 p. m., is a visualization Mr. . and Mrs. RlIlllh Greegor, pedect pairing -of the teams that Bernard, Madorie ' DUin" Carol the Wil mington sectional toumey IN MEMORY OF men, Mrs. McClure: like trY1ng to draw the likeness 01 the life and works of our "Sav- M'rs. Rose Haynie' and Miss Mabel is exs.pected to b(! replete with 0 uet, "Wha t th e R ed White an d ,Luding ton, Sa.i·ah Miller, "Anna of, a b e~utlful. sunset In mU.d , it iour Jesus Christ." Smith, of . Columbus were Sunday thl'iIl ALICE CHENOWETH , Blue means" - Mary Eva LeMay May Watkins. just , can t be. ~one. Fortupately First presented in the little guests of Mr. and MI·s. ~ H. Our room also has fifteen pupils , West Uni on , Ada ms ~ounty and Roxie Caroline Sackett. (m~y. a few cItizens !If. the co~· German Village of Freiburg, Smith. champions, will play Hamersville, (B y one who loved lier dearly) A paper, "History of Washing- ,with 100 % attendance for this .m.UDlt:( n5led a description of It, Baden in the year 1264 and 'for term. of 'Brown county, in the d d d b M and t:!iey are the ones that had to over 600 years this reverend story Mr. Frank Day, of Winchester, champion y 'rs . ope ning tourname nt game nt Wil- She is gone! Oh how we miss her ton':-prepal'e an rea •ro'l1a,m to l'Ut: the to~n. The l~t of the Master's life has been. pre. Ky., Mr. .and !\frs. H. P. Godby and mmg . t on F'd M'ISS h.e r. k'In d an d I ' ovmg S,!!I'Ie" WhIte. Vocal solo-" When B oney sings Flourth Grade-Mi.. McKia.a~. n ay, 1\",~arc h 4 at 7 :30 tl!<l'oe words ~ . the title of this sented in the civilized world. son of Cincinnati were guest!! of Honor r oll: Miriam ,Wharton, These people are devout Chris- Mr. and M'I's. A. K. Day, Sunday p, 111, Both teams have won 20 She hatSh\vJo urneyed down hfe's an old time song." does JlK)t mean that the games and lost but tw-o, this season p~ ay . . Reading-MI'S. Smith. !lnd Mary Eva LeMay. . sma~! by aU.means, ~ol tians and feel it their sacred duty evening. Gon e hel' last tired. , weary mIle. Reading, IIGeo~ Washington's In thc second Friday nig ht conT·he follo\ving pupils have ,been tOO entll'e rootmg to cal'Ty the divine teaching ClinB' hd ay " - Mal'y va Le May . neither absent nOT tardy for the weakened so much by throughout the world,. It is their Big phote offer closes this week t est, Wa yne Township High, V I 1 "Th T t" "'- , ix weeks term end.ingFebruary on cottn t y l'unnel'-U p, WI'11 engage No\v she's I'eatl' ng, Sweetly restl'ng Irt tha~ it was life. This play, handed down un- at Barnards IGA Store. All th ose tBlo omingb urg, t he Fa yette cham- . Fal' beyond the cI'ystal sea', L Moca so 0, «: d oasb -M'Yu'~' ~5th: Margaret Bergan, 'Dorothy utmost exertion that changed, unsullied, throughout 'wishing to h;ave pictures tak.en pion. Wayn e hIlS It record of 12 Happy, joyful with hel' loved ones e ay accompame y. rs, Dysinger, Helen Faul,; ' Francis B h d Sackett. to stand up and from' the middle ages, will be pre- must repod this week to make .victori es against five defea ts and ut ow S8 .and lon~ly we. ' A playlet, "W, h en George and Graha.m, Bobby Gustin, Charlotte boys .\llBXChed op. sented in ,M iddletown in replica at arrangements for sittings. Bloomillgburg blo asts 10 wins and Martha returned"- Loliise Crane, Hartman, Mary Eva LeMay, Paul the ~a"l Was tossed at the High Schoo} auditorium by one loss. She has left us sad alld weary . Anna O'Neall, Kenneth Fromm, Merkle, Ruth Sheets, Elmer Sur· imtial play it was nearly 200 participants, including . U. G. Whetsel and family re- only Ross T oW'nshi,p high schOOl of For her cheer'!ul loving face, and Charles O'Neall f!lce, Dorothy Moxam. ~oth tearn,s we.re large choir and: 'a host of super- moved to their farm southeast of "J, ,vh os e te am won Memories linger, stl'lI w ~ e • Bee her Greene count Durin'" the social hour the host!.'flii~,~~ WIth well~mgh alr- numeraries in addition to the Waynesville, last week, C. Lee 20 stral'ght v'ct 'e b f~~ I ' . No one ere can take her place. "'. , .., l on s e ""e osmg ess assisted by Louise Crane, Anna f~ and vel'y strong of- original traveling organization of Hawke, and family .have nloved le contest will play FrankO'Neall, Kenneth Fromm and MOTHERS CLUB WILL ·MEET offense, hOy.'ever 31 principals. 'rhe American into the Whetzel town property on alinsing Hi of War ren county in the We h:~ know her best and loved Charles O'Neal! serVed deliciou best agaInst a Legloo,n sponsoring th.e Middletown NOTth street. last game Friday night, Franklin, refreshmen.ts, in k eeping with th e The regular m"eeting of WaYne enp,gement has opened up ticket runner -up in , its county tournaKnew her always ready here, occasion, t o the members and Townsh.ip an exceptionally and promotional headquarters at Mr. pnd Mrs. A. L, King have ment, Mothers Club wiU' be " Iras won 17 victories while With her cheery words of comfort guests, year but their Central Avenue ~nd Broad Sti. a japonica bush in their yard that meeting only six defeat!! this held Friday afternoon, March 14, Helping lift our loads of aare ..:.----- - ••- - -- ' • • ,~."Y~' with the speed At great many out-of-town parties has bloom ed all winter. On Monat 2 o'clock. The proiram will'l:ie ,_ O! course are, being' arranged to attend .the day Mr. King presen ted the season. as follows: JUDGE HAMIL TON her, always miss her We shalI miss games will be played dur~ii~i{;in but they play some one of the four Gazette office with a bunch of ingFOUl' And when our last mile is tl'OO the Saturday afternoon session, ENTERTAINED COMMITTEES Devotions---Mrs. Mary L. 'J ~C::=:!i.2 l1li ts slower t~an The ~atinee 01 Saturday has , the brilliant' flowers • . Reading- ars. Henl'f', S At 1 p. m., Saturday, Bowersville She'll be waiting, come to meet us Help arranged- for, the schools. ' to lead UB home to God. Greene county with a {'ecord of of Appellate Judge, F. M. Hamilwaite. , sa,l e ta -noW\ open and re~iM'n.t1nl'llI Mr. O. J. Edwards and Mr. and .... .... ~12 victories and four defeats will entertained at .a dinner party Piano SoJo- Miss Betty ·Hllrllllii!fk are comillg ' in dailY. .Mrs.' J. ' W. Edwards and family battle Jefferson Township Hi, the Lebanon hotel Wednesday Talk. on Travels-Mrs. •. ' . • moved , Tuesday, to their farm GRANGE PROGRAM evening, the Republic.ap com- Music' -Mrs· Curl, · near Greenfield. Their many Clinton county champion. Jefferson Th mittees ' and several friends. Tw o. Mrs. Sacket, Mrs. , friends re(ret their. leavi~g but has-, w$)n .14 and lost two. Waynese· following program wil1 be guests . were present, Judge Sim- Health Talk...:"Mis8 n;l""";:_~' • them success , ID thetr new Villll, Warren county champion, who drew a first round bye, meets pres ented at the GrtJlge meeting on Ross, associate J'ud"'e on , the Vocal Solo-Mr.s.. home. ' March 5. " Hamil1: v,e ryone welc~.mje.,:,.~~ the winne r of the West Union- Saturday Music, inevening, charge of the Eamh'art appellate court with Judge Mr. and ., Mrs. ~enry Sat~h .ffamersville game at 2 p. m. Satur- Family.. ., , . ' toXl, an<\ former s~te senatol"-L. T. ' waite, ' Mr. and Mrs .. J. , C. Hawke , <lay, Waynesville'S' team'. has won animals that injure farm Marshall, of"Xel\ill. . . Wild. Messrs. Walter Burnett, .. Charles 16 gamtuf and 'l{)st seven this year, crops and ' 's omething of their Oharles J. )Vag~ner" chairmal1 Saturday ·nigiht at t.he final ,ses- habits-,Jack Rich. Bl1rnett,' Walter Clark anel D. L. , of the c\>.m,rl1t~ee In ,Warren Ct'.iIl;! , were among the guests at sion, a ' .S ectio'':!!ll '~oul Shooting Roll ChlI~IriIih.' Witticism " ty" p,r eslded. He . nN.....,ntF')1'..r; tM 'banquet given ' by .ludge F. touQlament will. 'ope~ the nt'CIln-Ant Juvenile' .'numbe~Alton Earn ' ,host,; of .th"e"'H"""Ati at 6 :30, -po m. · Tv(o i:ftee Hamilton at the Lebanon hotel hart. ~ " ' '.' ' , ' , ' H~dton':' artists fl'Om · e8lC~.ctf the six "st,· W~dne.sday ~ ight.:. " " Potatoes--Walt&l' CIark. , dress' on .. ,......... _'- L'Jn'~Oln' ipating countleis, Will 'vie Se~cmal bohors. " ," ~ At 7 anc£lg :30 o'cl~cJt Satur· day .. s1l1'rivors" of,
d n In hi muter's hand. "Come here, you old idiot." OT· d o.!r~ t1 hi..~ Jn8j;teT. "Thl. i. a doll'. I know it doesn't look iti bu ' ~m II of it. You Bee," he explained ok in!! up, "1 am naturally or a l uz~' hut urious dis\Xlsition, so I tr hll va trained Rap£;c alli on to bring lIle in anything strange he Tuns acr Sl in th wo ds as long a it if' n' l .'kunkl!. BlIt h e ought t.o 'D1unl"atlons by I T,;! ... )' ,- • cc knAlw a do~ when he smells it!" . "011, . hu t u p!" the young man OoP.Yt-1&ht. St."""a!'t £;1.'. ,.,;1 \V i-, Ie addr !\~ed him, and cuffed the atom Relaa.sed l h, smll1·tly , ' ever u 'fore had Punk etty· nivvIes fe lt the hand of au t hority. But 1I0W Pu nkeUy-Snivvles did -,~~~~~",,~~~~~~~~,,~~~~~~~~,'~~~"~~~~"~~~~~"'~~~~~~'~~I shut up, dog. 'l' h" th ird occlIpant was S im. ' If you have quite finished pun CHAPTER 11. mins, i!\hi ng my dog, will y'O u kindly reuL ok here. immins," she said "Th i. j!'<>ntIcmnn pick<>tl me up. turn my property'?" Burton ask ed ' h yo u d Com e off ~~ I·I'." s.1i(1 he ~libh:.', "and I can- coldly a moment. d eel-d edl y- " I WIS ., "W ,h.\'ait<>r . ce rtain,ly," at.nuiesced the perch and be human. I like cc h'e-<I as haw it would be more D 'I II tri ndly looking peoSI about me. exp rlitioll ~. s ir, t o cOllie back with the young man. " 0 yuu r ea y "sOrTy, M ' ' ' ' h hI' III," cure fUT it?" I 5, S81 e non-com· A nd then n nueer thing happened "M ol' xpnditiou!< ! H " "'" oin'" -, her mouth. inte nd· rot· tally I'n hl' s best mannel'. IO[ was ~ "Burton opened . not aware of giving offence. I t is in the othel' direelion !" suid GI'illlpawsibly the results of my ,t ra in- stcad. ing to qu Ich thi s upstart, but as inr miss." sho looke d up sllruigh t in w his Siminins was enjoyinR' himselI HA PTER Ill. laughing eyes omething illj!'enllthoroughly. He knew just when to usly expectant in the depths of put the accents and yet avoid im. A P ro ph ecy them ca u ed her to say: pertience. It was his last shot. Simmin s' a ~ ile llIind AAW the , "No, I despise it!" The n ext in stant he exp loded. po int and he ·reali7.ed that ir this ' "I tho ug ht YO Il w~uld," rc spon ~Miss Burton had seenl ' . I ed the yo un~ mu n In sympathetIC FOT a long time his 'world wa young m~,n \\'('I'e. ~IIP I~ose d ~o pave t nes. "Well. g rea t is the power in chaos. He never did quite r e- otrered iiI!; se n 'lc es In ",01 ng f or of fashi on! Here , S irnmin ~ ," he cover the inteTgrity of his attitude help , thel'~ woyld hlLY!,!, been no ' ord ered , "ta ke thi s nuisanc e away toward Miss Burton. It wasn' t earth ly bJcct. 1Il,l'etUl'l11ng to Ule some\Vhe r~. You ought to gct a done, you know; but he Tather fire , He would slIn ply hav? t urn · I rcn l d o ~. Hcre , Ra pscallion; cd ar.o und an d headed for 1 eco lote yo u've got to apologize to the lady . liked' it. After supper, Simmins most r eo all~ Itl! I!~ra~e. . " I First s how her your paw s are luctantly began the long journ ey Y s, Mil' , e e!'t~l1nJy, !Hr . he an· eleu n. " to the nearest gaTage. " weI' d .1\Ir. ,1'1 llI",t ead's. l' em~I'~, I Rap scallion exte nded h!s T,ig,ht BuTton broug ht to the camp fir e ~ ut. :>; 1:. a lth ough O Ul tank 1 paw, keep ing th other stIll Tlglda small covered basket and r c- rU\1lc~, ~II'. It nceurre d to me tha t! lr eleyated. Nooody cOllld have moved the contents, a Pom eranian by filh ng the vacuum tank by hand resi; ted h im . BUI·ton did not. dog, half-size even fOT thnt bree d, every few mi l '5 \\' 0 w uld be ab.lc " You darling-!" s hQ cried. drop· named Pungety.Snivvels. The men ~o work our ca l' to T oco lote, s ir. ping on her knees bef ore him. aurveyed the creature in silenc e III not ovet' two hO IlI'S, "Ye would At thi s mome nt Grim ste ad's d'--ust. Burton adoringly fed him have to bort'ow fro m thIS gentle- boom ing t ones broke in. U>A d h h man only Ilbo u~ · two and a half "Young man," said he, ",[t's an j /rall ons of j!'3sollll C. I ho pe I have impositi on I kno w ' but you see slicles of . chicken 11 ~n tr \ ell d m cur; ~p 1 a sma u y a an done right. !'ir," ended immin. how we dJ'c s itunt~ . Could you
BuildiD&' Loan and Savine Co. versuB Alice Harper, et aI., thl' pIa Intift' shall recover from the de· fendants t.l1e 811m of $3,836.66. In the case of Clarence Brown versus Florence Thomu, tlw! prop· erty i8 to be reappTaised and sold for not le88 than two-thirds of lluch r valuation.
Don't'wait ~ill a rruny day frepair '
th' barn roof or yonll lose the h,~ ,
y'made 'while tne ' sun WUl. shinin' ~
New Suit. , Alicc G. Osborn versus Joseph P. 0 borne, et ai, for money and foreclosure or mortgage. ' . In the matter of the Socialville Methodist Episcopal Church, of Wru'ren COUl}ty, to dispose' ot church property. adi e P. Studer versus .Robert J . Shawhan and Paul Holthaus administrators of estate of R. I. J ohns, d eceased, for money and othe r relief. Naoma Montgomery verSU8 R. N. Bunch lor action. for money and other relief. ahs & Co., a corporation, ver. sus Mrs. S. , Johnso n Hyde for money o nly. United States Rubber Co.. a cor· poration, vers us Harley C. Cummings erne e Station, Mason, for m o ne~' only. The l''a rmers' National Bank, of larksvil le, n corporation,by the Clinton County National BaJ1k & Tru st Co.• of Wilmington, a corporati on, vers us Harold "Beckett, et aI., for money only.
WHY? Because he had a Classified Ad. and sold his goods through the Miami Gazette's columna at a good profit.
IiILm S, se rvices $ 10; Albert Mil.l ard services, $ 10 ; Lon So ut h, serVIces, $7; 'a d Da kin, pay 1'011, $74.1)5; H. J, Sc huyll'I', pay 1'011, $68.80; V. W. '[' (jm Jl ki n ~, pny roll, $68.80; E. D. J ones. pny roll, $2 06.65; L. E. Witham, pay r oll. $ 165.45; A. T. HetL~, pay roll , $2 15.10; Joc W, Ullvi:i, lUll' 1'011, $244.50; hnrl es E. Bradbury. (lilY roll, Probate Court $ 177 .30; Flody Lenllllll ns, pay Comon PI.. al Proc: ....dinc. roll, $17 7 .;~O. F loyd Le mm ons. pay e will of J. C. Evans, deceasIn the case of John H. Tufts ed,Thwas 1'011 $ LO ti.·lll ; J ohn l\lyel's, puy r oll till!d in court. ~rriaie Licenlel versus The Lebanon Farmers ' Co$~L'D.40; Carl Dakin. PIlY roll, The bond heretofol'e executed operative Co. the defen~ant is Emil Brown, farmer, of Center· $ 136. 2U; L ~:i li (' 'hultz, ope mling uy William E. Hazeltine and granted leave to file motIOns or !\l oses B. Ha zeltine in the sum of ville, and Miss Mildred E. Ames, m ni ntrull l' l·. $52; Fl'ank WJl s01l . other pleading. InL chani c, $r,7 . ~U; I~ d e n 1 1'1'1' ,1' , of Waynesville. In the case of Iren Thomas ver· $2 0.UOO in cancelled. muintcn(l.J\ce cngin rc r. $llo. 50; C. The inventory of W. N. Tohomp:iUS Sa01uel L. urfnce, et ai, the son, M. Churlton, upcruting mllintlliner administrator of estate of Real Eltate Tral).fere property in qu estion is to be sold $50: E. W. l{ naPI>, opemting Estella Gee sner to David Mason main tainer, $.16. 50; Hurry Thompat public auction by sheriff and Caroli ne S. Adams, deceased, was approved by the court. Jr. Real estate in Washington he is to make ret,u rn to court. son . stone. $4, 20; William Shuw, The inventory of Hurry C. township. In the case of The Federal Land slon e, $:l ; Noah Simp kin s, stone, . Schwartz and Gwendolyn. Schwartz Chal'les E. and Margaret Cline Bank of Lou.isvilile versus Effie 1>1;. 7f>c ; Harold V, Mllrt ?. gl·avel. $6 .• executo rs of estate of Charles W. to Roy aneP Emma Esta Camp. Pel'1'ine, et aI, the plaintiff is to 25; Blair & LeRoy. grave l and r oc k y , we~urto: e~~~lined on cushions vir 1uou sl . d b h' . to uTive back to Tecolote and get recover from the delendants the chwartz, deceased, was appr,oved Real estate in Massie township. du st. $ 116.tlO; Ellst End Garage, 1 1 1 ki tr l ht t'll w' th'n he: I' manag , y ! manner us help 'l " Marrie Bernhardt, et al to Har· gas, $9.40 ; H. L. ono\'er, supp li ' s um of $5,223.45. Florence K. by the court. .00 . ~taSbl a g'l up, s d"ne~ was convey the !nlpl'esslon t hat all "Surely ' )'11 do anything I can' sHopping, Ray Dutro was appointed ad· vey J. Hackman. 37 acres in Ham- $ "-1.8 2; Smith ~cry ic e Station, d, e fendllnt, shall recover l mlscru e sh etonce. I' T Ithat thl's thmle details had be en cOJ1 s ider ed agTeed th~ youn g man heartily I, c ever enoug Tea Ize d d' d 'tl h' . . from Eme M. PE~rrine and Ina M. mini strator of estate of Odam M. iltop township. union, g a ~ , $22 .50; Air Reduc. tit ti f ffacement. a n . I USS WI 1 k new c~ m · "My name IS Dave nport." Sherd Kirby nnd Jennie Kirby ti on 'a le!' Co .. s UI>p lies. $ 15.30; Perrine, defendElnts the sum of Dutro, deceascO and flIed bond of wa~ teed d me or e pant on. A ' a mutter of fact Slm"Grims t ead is mine That's $5000 wit.h Goldie F. Dutro and L" A I d F k A I a oze. d . , . " t b ' . . $800 with interest. G nms Josee h M. Dutro no suretl·es. John to \zzle nge an ran nge . Emerso n K, Dill, g,a!;, $ .21; John ut now the peace of the night . mms was ~pm nlll g I. ou liS e fine ! Get. them to se nd a touri ng In the ' case of The Board of Inlot No. 855 in Franklin. Long, ~I1.S , $62,34; Fl'unk Sher· ...rwas broken by the approach of I lI' e,~ t a,long.. , ... . car tonight; and then tomorrow we Education of Franklin Village Aun eT, Ernest Gorsuch and Will George E. Hall to Walter C. An. wood Co, . s upplies, SID.57; Roy talla d loose QUI te TIg ht. SII11m1O , Grlmcan make arrangements for reo Brown were appointed' appraisers. derson. Inlot No. 814 in Franklin. School District, venus The Village IIOmeth mr me IC n . t I aid . " shnrpening saws, $ 1.50; Bernie LeRoy Williams was David Mason, Jr., to Estella Pi oott. Drug Three of the watchers sat uy ene s " . Pail'S. of Franklin the demurrer of ' the Store. s upplies. 65e; "Oan't hear any engine," puz~ut h ss Burt?n tJr ed. h But Duvenport snook his hand Village of }'ranklin was overruled. found leeble minded and applica- Geesner. Real estate in. Washing. Reid's W. A, Lutz, rep,a ir work. $1.25; I d Gar<!' • "must be horse I su ppose tbls gent e man as doubtfu lly T·he demurrer of ATthuT Bryant on tion lor his entrance is to be made ton township. Smith ervice tation, gas $2D .05; ~wn-a ll::g'on load of m'nk that ml,lch gasoline to .s pare," she "Not to~ight," he decided. "'1\0. behalf of himse lf and other in- to the Institute for the Feeble· Jim Reece and Mary Reece to John Thomas Service Station, gas, " threw Ill, apparently Idly. monow' " Minded. Zoe Harvey and Loretta Harvey. habitants of Franklin was overans. Th t th k ' t S· . . $23.20; Morro\\' Garage, gas, oubt was almost imme, a. was e wea pom. 1m· Grimstead flushed. Edith Weaver was appointed Inlots Nos. 386 and 887 in Frankruled. The demuTrer of LOrTaine B t th d $84.13; K ilpa trick.French Motor ' mms "It wo uld b e ra th er a b ar dsh Ip ' Cain on behnI'f ()f herself and all guardian of Reb!!Cca Weaver, et al lin. u e 1ve d b y th reso . e d ancmg "It'dIdt n ot bknow. d b t l h e no cHately Cur Co .• supplies. $15G.13. and filed bond of $3600 with the Roy C. Stanley to Raymond glare of beadlights through the " s thO s~r~nl!~r an:ovunced on my daughter- " he began stif· tax p.ayers of Franklin was over· Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. as Taylor and Margwret Taylor. In. trees, and an instant later a small gai' I e ~ fly. Dav enport laughed aloud. ruled. lots Nos. 9 an.d 12 in Ridgeville. In the case of Earl Evans and surety. lIght ,car ~werved off the road. and co ,Tflvl'll Usf ll til alcoh ol kero- . "It's goi~t to rain; and it's goCHOOSE THE BEST SEEDS Lueza D. Rossman, executrix of Edgar Jordan to Julia C. Mackey came to a stor' Enter the Bnghte , ( I a. '." . d' G' . mg to I'run hard! I probably Ernest Evans versus B. H. Dakin, Shining Hero sene, wh~t ve... It I.S, sal, rlm- wOllldn't make Tecolote, and you'd et ai, upon giving bond of $40,0 estate of George R. Rossman, dIe- Inlots Nos. 1014,1015, 1016 and The thing he rode was one of st~nd a bttl e Impat Ient ly .. M~, caT all be very wet and un comborta. with sufficient su:rety Ernest Evans cea~ed, filed her inventory and ap- 1024 in Franklin. Quuck Aeed peddlers may cause those nondescript home-made W I\~ run on ,t hem, a t a ,pmch. ble." pl'alsement and her flrst and flnal Raymond Uucas and Marie Lucas a conAidel'able lo ss to Ohio agri. was appointed r,eceiver. 1;hlnga of galvanized iron by wbich Not ~ ~.mg.le drop, 'l'epeated "Rain I" cried Gardiner con. to Su~an L. Gillum and Allison culture this yem' unless furmers Miron Shutts was granted a di· account. the ' youthful attempt in vain to th.e . m~~, I run on- well, elec- , temptuous ly. Lew Stibbs, F. J. Lewis and Gilhlm. Real estate in Turtlecreek use care in purcha ing s cd of vorce from Christine Shutts and pToven vaJ'iety and adaptation, disguise and ~der sportful a cer- tn~,'iK'ec tr' 't t" cr'ed GI-ims tead I "The wind's due north, and has the custody of the child was given John Simpkips are appointed ap- township. praisers to reappraise the properHurin St. John to CHntoo\, W. known purity, high vigor, a nd Wn otherwlae jokeful brand of d G d!CI y "n u~"on "Where been 11111 day," Grimstead pointed to Mrs. Catherine Wilson. inexpensive ear. ' n~ arr ~,nc.r I IS . ' out, '''and, besid~8, it's th.e dry In the ease of Josephine G. Bai· ty 01 PeteI' P. Benham. deceased. Ratlift'. 54.27 acres in Turtleereek teRted germinnti n. Mary Chapman, guardian of township. The occupants of this craft do you- . . . . I season." ley versus Albert S. Westover the were three. The young man at 'the . But, the techlllcal dl~cusslon I "Look at the stars I It's heaven· motion of the 'defendant to strike Stanley R. Chapman, incompetent John S. Lawrence to The Mutual wheel, a pleasant-faced youth, ~as sldetm.cked. The. l~lsh te.r- ly night," contributed Burton. Building and Loan Co. of Miamiscertain allegations from the peti- filed ,her fourth account. With short, light bair, and what TIer, who h~d been. lttlPg Ilt()~ 1 "Apparently that is so," smiled tion 'was sustained. A certified copy determining the burg. Inlot No. 158 in Franklin. I had been a fair complexion -dark- the pack, t:IV ted hIS gaze. 0 Davenport. "Nevertheless we are The Mutual Building and Loan hl the case of George V. Scott inheritance tax to be paidl on the .( reddened by much exposure. Be- Pu~kettY-~l1Ivvl es ,and went 1n~0 in for a storm and a very heavy versus West&m and Southern Life estate of Samuel Beel, deceased, is Co. to Cora L. Davis. Inlot No. 158 in Franklin. • , bind him seated atop a canvas-. a~tion , sClzed ,that ~erson';l~e 111 one. I think it would be better for Insurance Co., upon motion of de- to be certi.tied without delay. ~overed pack was an Irish terrier hIm mouth and! deposl.ted hIS bur. me to wait here until mO'rning and fendant, leave of court is hereby Harold M.. B~nham and Ma.r ie F'ra.nk A. Baxter to Ruth M. T .. . , help make you comfortable_ I have granted to file demurrer in this Benham, admmlstrators of estate Wagn.er. Real estate in Loveland . of Peter P. ~enlw.m, deceased, are Samuel S. Bowman to Clyde H. a camp outflt; and plenty of sup- action fOl·thwith. , In th~ caee of 'the ·!People's to sell certam real estate at not Fordyce. 82.92 acres in Harlan plies." less than t~e appraised value and, township. -"I suppose," said Gardinoc saTsettle certaIn, aocmmts. Melvin E. and Mary M. Wilson to castically. "that you can tell us . Ma~ E. Quayle was appointed the County of Warren. Real esjust when it's going to rain, and how many inches we will have." of the meadAlw, where Simmins guardwm of Thomas James Quayle tate for highway •. e~ al,.and! filed bond. of $6500 with Carl and Caroline Schaub to "I might," "Weit replied a Daven.port L;..;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... unexpectedly. minute." built a fin. The shelters up, Davenport Fldehty and DepOSit Company of Edith Bergen. Inlot No. 2325 in LoveLand. He stood upright and sta'l'ed off started Simmins, to digging scmi- Maryl.and ~s surety,. Juha M!lIard and Elsie Weber Mrs. Ida M. Ward to John Qnd into space for perhaps half a m·in- circular ditches around their upute; then slowly his eyes rec'On- grnde sides, This was, he explain- were app~mted to care for James Nellie Houck. 69 acres in Washington township. ed, to carry thll flood waters; at Cannon, mcompetent. centrated. John H. Fish to Walter R. Fitts. C. R. Beckett,. gual·dia.n of "It will begin to rain auout 1 or whic h Gardiner, unable to contain 1 :30.." he stated quietly, "and will him se lft further, uttered an ex- GeoTge Beckett, minor, tiled his 10 acres in Franklin township. flrst ac.count.. ' . Walter R. Fitts to John H. Fish co ntinue for 8 hours and 20 min- clamation of impatience. AnDle I. Il'WIn: executrix of es- and Rosa M. Fish. 34 acres in "I beg your pardon'!" said Davutes--or five minutes either wily. ~te of R. J. I'!"Wm, deceased, filed ClellJl'creek township. I could not tell you exactly' how en P() rt. "I sa id nothing," Gardiner told hIS first ~ccount. T,homas H. Williams and Alice many inches will fall; but it will Cordelia M. 'Cross, guardian of Williams to Everett Carter and be a very henvy and continuous him, "but I'd ,as soon say now downpour 'with high wind!--a tem- that it would bEl well to dTOP this ~state of Maxw~ll , W. Cross, minor Mary Carter. 61.90 acres in Sapest. On a guess for that SO'l't of childish 'foolishness and get down IS to seU certam p~operty at not lem township. less than the appraised value and , S. Coleman Sharp and Madge S. a storm. lasting that long, five to business. It's getting late." "B y childish foolishness you re- make return to 'CO!1rt. Sharp to June Morton. Inlot No. inches." Ge{)rge H.. SmIth, executor of 876 in Franklin. ABY Dis and roilme.n ts SPor,T. twiee "Five inches! A cloudburst I" fer-?" Ethel M. Helms to William .as serious ot night, A !llI.il''.:', cry "All this heavy d~gging and ela- estate of Ehzabeth Thompson, is Gardiner snorted, "Yes, this is a bad storm," borate buffooneTY. There's about to sell th~ estate at not le88 than Machnovitz and Emma Macno- may mean colic. Or :1 s udc!~r. Iltl:>ck agreed' Davenport seriously... An- os much citance of rain as there is the appraIsed value an<! make re- vitz. 60 acres in Hamilton town- of diarrhea. How would vou mret this emergeocy-tonighL'll1ave yC!U a . ship. other thing; that tl'ee just beyond of snow. You must take us for turn tQ court. . . .. . Ronald McMlllan, ~xecuetor of Frederick G. Graeter to Robert botUe of Castaria ready'? youI' car, the one near the edge easterners or fools. We know of the road, will be ' blown down, something of the California cli- esta~ of Agnes McMlllan, deceas- WUliam Fisher. Real estate in For the protectioll of your Wt'!S ed, IS to sell cel¢ain real estate at Loveland. SoO we'd better move thc ear, and matel" one-for your own peace or mi.n dDavenport sauntered carelessly not less than the appraised value be careful wheTe we pitch camp.' kr.cp thill old. rt:U:~ble preparf!lion Gardiner muttered' contemptu- over to where GardinE!'T stood. and make return to court. Bill. Allowed always on b",n,i, Btlt oon't keep it. Gardiner drew himself up. When Elmira Boomershine, administra. MAN is U oId-orMyoung- first spoonful. That's an you need ou sly to himselg. Penn MOirton, services. $70; just for emergencies; let it he an to dflve away the dulhleaB , and "How do you claim to know within :hand di.stance Davenport tl'ix of estate of W. F. Boomeru hlaorpDl. James Follen, senices, $15; C. everyday aid. ,It 'a gentle influence shine, deceased, filed the inventory came to. a halt. The men stared headache or a bilious spell, aad rid these things so accu'rntely?" deAt My, you can be in flOUT Harry L. Darmodry, guardian of Donald Dilatush. rent for office, will ease and soolho the inCant who each other in the eye. . the system of tl}'lt ~Iow pOlliO a tbat manded Burton bluntly. cannot sleep. Its mild regulation wiD piIItw. laps your stre!)JlI.h. It's better t~Rn "You are not overly polite," reo George Lep09chak, .ipcompetent, $20; Western Star adv. Road Peti- help liD older, child whose tongue it "Suppose we wait, until morning tion, $6.45; Hines & Hopkins, sup· coated because of sluggish bowell. Wht IC? alonl with "fairly Ilood a tor.ic for tired bowels. and unlike a nd see if I do know them,' smiled marked Davenport, "and I don't filed his fifth account. health when'you miSht be enjoying habit-forming laxatives you can Davenport. The estate of Chauncey, R. Bun- plies, $4; Hines & Hopkins, 8Up- All druggists have Castaria. belive I like you anyway. But Vilor. you haven't felt for years'? take it freely or give it to any chUd. "Yes, t hat's a good idea." ap- I'll just lay you e little bet that nell, deceased, is exempt from in- plies, $2.98; Columbus Blank Book ·Co., supplies, $6; Office Outfitters • There'. a limp Ie little Uling aay- And it isn't e.."pensive, pToved Grimstead drily. "And if it · does rain and that the 'redJWood heritance tax. The adjudication and determin- supplies, $5.40; Columbus Bank ODe caD do to keep the vital orglln8 Get !lome syrup pepsin today, nnd we r eally are to stay here all yonder falls." ltimulated, and feel III all thc time. take a little tonight. Don't wait night, suppose we see what we can Gardiner's fa.ce flUBhed at the atio,n of inheritance taxes on es- Book Co., fonns, $8.75: Treasurer PeoJ)le don't. real~e how sh~Sgi~h un Lil you're sick to give your system do toward making ourselves com- other's tone. Hie made ,his deci- tate of Dora Graper, deceased, is of State, supplies, $16.18; W. H. they've P.Wl1 until tbetve tried It. this wonderful help. You can cwoid fortable." s ion to teach this upstart aleBBon. to be given all persons ,i nterested Fulkerth stamps, $2; Ohio Pen. The IUrilulanl that will alir your tbose spells oi biliousness or con&li- , Lester Frye was appointed ·ad· Mfg. Sales Dept. soap for jail, "I'll take you," he said suddenly .,.tem to new life is Dr. Caldwell's potion. A spoonful every now and "on condition that I name the ministrator of estate of Andrew J. $7.20i Ohio Pen. Mfg. Sales Dept. CHAPTER IV. , , 0: pepe!n. It wil~ make a most then is bett..lr than constant WOl'ry Frye, deceased, and filed bond of soap for jail, $13.52; W. C. Gilbet." "Put up or Shut up I" U $3000 wi~h Mary H. Frye and M. m~IN', inquest, $8.90; Offiee Out"._IIM" _iIIoD,. diIYeronce m many ways. about the condition of your bowels. "All right." or fear of auto-intoxication as you "Very well, then. Ten tlwuHnd H. Oswald u sureties. Nathan fitters, Bupplies, $6.28; Mrs. Mary ~11....r.moUi doctor'S preacription Davenport unleashed the campMonroe, David Holmes and Adam E. Ennis, services, $tO; Erma HibIt'. MoIPuIlIJrup mnde with fresh grow older. Dr. Caldwell's syrup ing outfit f'rom his car and they dollars I" Morris were appointed appraisen. ollar, services, $t 0; Richard L. WIl...... Iotive eenna, and pure pep- pepsin protects the system. All made their way to the lower end (To be continued) aID. 'It etarta ita aood work with t.he druQRists keep this preparatioD MONEY LOANED
The Leban on-Citizens National Bank III.nd Trust Co .• tru stee of esta te of George E. Riley, dec eased, is order ed to sell certain bonds, Everett E. h'ons was appointed allministrator of estate of Isaac S. Iron s. deceased and filed bond of $500 with H. D. Lollar and C. B. Jameson a s suretioo. ChaJ'les Cook, Orie Roberts and D. E. Garrison were appointed appraisers.
• •
Eifty and Fit
' I
are Upset
5% Farm Loans LONG OR' SHORT TIMIIl-z.., term II. Alllo Surveyinf and Abo. Itracting. Write and win aU and lee you. Sam D. Henkle, Warne.v.me, Ohio. 311
FOR RENT FOR :RENT-Corn ground 27 acres. ,In'quire G. J. WaterhoU1le. tf WANTED RELIABLE DEALER wanted , to handle Heberling Pt'bducta In ,Warren Count)'•• Excellent oppertuni,t y fpr the right man, sellin~ dit:e ct to farmers. E~"ning '~O weekly not unusual, Write for ' . free catalogUe. G. C~ HEBERLING COMPANY, Del4 1990 BJooinJnlr~ ton, ~ , mS W ANTE~ 'Harneu Repairlnf and ruUnll', and ne.w harneu Xen. Hardware ,00., US' E. a.i n St., Xema, Ohio 1Il.~
Go,hl M'hat a- Time They Had!
I I P •••w.. S,blc.rlptlDD Pr~ fl.SO • Y~r Oliee PlaoD ....................... N.. 1121 ' Bn'.r.d .t Poot.fRee .t W~n.,"i/1 •• R.. ~ ............................ 111 0"1•• e. S.~.n" C/e" JI.II lII.tler
Y 'al':l old III'
MARCH 2, 1932,
B, Mre. Jenie B. Tripp You ought to see our Martin house Two Sparrows came one day, . Moved in with all their furniture And then, they fle w .away.
A Martin came and saw this thing W,hich ha d happened to his house; sat and cussed, and scratched The Fed eral, State and municipal governments may legislate for Hehis head, acc::ident prevention, the police may seek unremittjngly to enforce it, Then went on one big so use. sc hool s ma y teach safety, and a ssociations may advocate it, but re.ally e lfcctive }'esults can neve I" be 'o btained until the Amencan home Is He came back, a nd t he davenport W ent whirliny through the air; enlisted whole-he urtedly in the cause. And it was quickly followed by l.'he homo is the keystone 'c;;f the Na.tion's safety arch. It is the Paw Sparro,v's easy chair. first line of offe nse against an enemy which ·a nnually kills 100,000 person s, injU re!! a,ooo,OOO or more and' pToduces an economic loss And lhen, he re came the dishes, I'unning into the millions. And May-Sparrow's feath er bed!. to Nearly one-third IOf the 560,000 accident fatalities of the last He sat and laughed, and he ld hi: d 'clIde !lclually happened in the homes, "says Dr. Herbert J. Stack, si des, Rufety Sllpel·viRol' of th National Bureau of Casualty and Suret}> 'Till he was alm ost dead . Und e l'\\'I'ite rs. "Thill in it.se lf should awaken every household to the necess ily of better' hOll seke eping, better care of young children and The Sparrows came and saw thi ~ be ller ~afej1." uard ". thing, " T here is an inescapable duty resting upon the heads of the And then there was a fight; nation's 'fumilies. ]n the last analysis they llave the responsibility of Spit I() n their hands, rolled up their teaching su fe t,y habit.s and altitudes to the children. What the child sleeves uhso l'bs in the home colors its after-life and if lessons there are lax, And a1l went at it right. the ch ild will be f()und< deficient when it comes to safety problems of our m()dern civilization. . ' The feathers sure began to fly, "Accidents are a serious menace to <l ur national life and far Just like a thick, dark cloud; reuching in thei!' effect!!. Surely, something is W'1'Ong when in a single They called each other every name t en years, the lives of more than half a million persons, one-fifth of They could, that the law allowed . whom are o(;,hi !ol'en, can be snuffed out.. A ll bad as wars are, if we add l ugether all the death!' of America n soldiers on the battlefields !turing the cOlllbuts ,of t he lu st two hundred years .of OU1' history, the total will And when they stopped to gel their wind, n () t be that of tht! loss thru ug h nccident.'1 during the period named. Some one said, "It's a sham e !" The Martin leered down ' at th e crowd And asked, "What's in a name!"
Enlist the Home.for Saf ty
The Logical Solution .
Rural communitiell with road building problems on their hands And sajd, take this as a warningsh oul<l t.l1ink twice before consil'ucting single-lane pavements which I'! Y1J U wish to move some day, c~n take care of 'O nly an extremely limit.ed a.m<lunt of traffic. Any Come see me first ab.out my house Befol'e you get so gay. savi ng in fil's t cost on such a road is more than offset by extra cost for wid ening as trafllc grows. A still grenter objecti on to the single-lane highway Is its tendency TOD Weoln for Broilen to increa~e accidents. It is sa id that the average driver on such a road will be on the pavement most .o f the time. But it is when he is .,..1ttiTll7l Records s how that it takes off or 011 the pavement, 01' "in the rough," that accidents happen. As the amount o'f b 'uffic increases, the single-lane highway is extremely from 10 to 12 weeks to produce a broiler of ideal size a nd weight. dange rou s. . ' By using th e modern, inexpensive, waterproof surfaces, rurlll Broilers bring the best returns communities cnn build weatherproof, year-round roads, of fuU width, when nicely feathered out, and for $5.000 a mile or less. Maintenance cost is low and s uch roads are when they weigh I lh to 2lh ns satisfaciOO'y as the most expensive type of highway save when there pounds each. is an excessive amount of traffic. This is the logical solution to the county road problem. NOTICE
---_. _...----
Farm lvight 1 alks, .March 7
To our many patTons throughout the c'Ommunity. We will do busines8 through The Crawford Commission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio on and after Januurv 1st, assuring you the best of service, both for caring for and selling your stock. We thank you for the past and hope for your future patronage. . SALISBURY'S
Lar,. New,paper ColledioD Wblll Is 8uld 10 be the lar!:est coUeclillD of newspllpel'1l In tbl' world tlll8 hl!l'n npenl'd to the pub· lie In 0 ne\\'~f1l1l'er I1I11Sf'lIm Ht Alx· In.ChHpelle. C:erlllnn~· . A mnng Its colJee\lon of 150.000 ne\\"spllpers Ilre curIositIes from nil o,'er thl' world. Incillding on rnskllllo paper from 1h~ Illlrlrlle ot h'st century.
Leing- stu di ed by the -I -U lub d pal't-ment at t he Ohio •.'U\~c nivfi l's ity, ll.Cco,·ding t.d LasL01' Mill r, u!5: jstl\.n t il~ th depal'tmenL, who ~ny s that in formulio n obta in etl t ht'o ugh th s urvey mat be Ilsod by coun ty exte nsiQI1 lige n in bu il ding · u plan of QI'~an izn ti o n thnt wi ll meet the de~ il (:S' of young- lIIen andwomen in. thi:1 age ~l'UU' P" III invesl ii!.~tinl!' t h lI ctiviti es of ~. I>Lrll:; I" -pic in t he c pun ties, he ,I ill u/t 'lI1)1 t to obtni n d tai ;e d infU'l11a/ili1i on [.heil· background, 1:~,p (,ri\' IIC L'<; in vnl'iouR kind of 01''.{ l' ni zHli nns, t hpir pr'cse nt uctiviti,·~ , nnd lIa' il' ;;ugg ' ~ tlo ll s on how "'l!llty (·olll:llun ities cn n lIl eet
'I'b o .i3aptist · Mi!\!;ionury 'h'clll is 8 pon sirin~ It quilt . di8pit}y in tllU Aid 1'00111. '},hOO' will be a social g ood time a nd a silv el' olTering will b taken. ~:v e ry,o n is cor'dinlIy inviled to at.tend. Mrs. Walte r OI'8Y passed away at he l' count,·y home Fri duy (,,,,,ning fo llowing severn l n1 tlnth t; , of illn e ~l'. FUll e r'a . s l!l'\'it:c ~ TUl'slluy a f ter noo n fr )111 t.hu Fri en ds hurch. F rank Rolt l' r L;;, of D a~' lnn, ca ll ed on MI'. and ,[ 1':'. elias. II. C I'UY and f um ily SU ~\(juy ('v"ni IIg'. Mi 5:'e!5 Mubcl and 1Iln rl!;lIl'el Use Starr, Pau l :'lIi ll!Y li nd .J alll '·}; . Ill' i I' 1I"(·c1 ~ . ',111' ,U"\'('y wi ll uUempl to disTHE MIAMI GAZETTE Hamptoll, of DayLll n. w I'C wCl'k end gu o. ts of .\In;. AII1:lI1du StalT. ,; (.1' j ll ~ t \\';lut urt iv iti es nre of For Reault. th e I1l r) ~ i. i l1tl~ " l!,; t to young PlJop le Howard ook, wh o has been ~un in th e stat e LInd will obtain data fin t!d to a 'in ei llnati hospital for 011 th e ir ('hurch affil iati on , eh oolso long, wu:; able to urive up 1.0 i l1 ~ . ncc u pali li ll ()f p ar c nt ~ . m ~ m see hi ~ fathcl', C. D. Co o,k on bl~r~h il' in organi zations, intel'est Wed nesday . lDEPENDABLE in \'a l'i ou >I form s o f rec reation A numbel' from he re aLLt! IHletl s.uch u ~ d!ln(!in g, ellnls, socia l. EP AIRING t.he cou nt y bU!iketbu ll tou,r nam e nt alll lII nbil !' I-it! 's o concerts, lectu res Watches ~ h o\\" !lllrl I h ai ' l's. mov ies, hi ke::, Friday alld ,' alurday . OU I" buys locks p' ti l1 l inl!. an d rcad ing . stoo d fourLh in th e ('ount y. J we lry Mrs. A. T . !lI oler, 1\11'. nne! M r s. ·lo rc Ope n Evenings J. E. l:ihulll uke r, 1'. B. lea ver, an ti WANT EVENiNG PROGRAM Himm Poore remain in ve l)' Phone 78J CARY'S JEWELRY poor hea lth, t o th e regret of their 'c , I"[ ' ~ of 'ounty fH rll1 gl'OUP!; man y f rie nd s. " thl oUJ,: lwut Lhe ~ tl1le are protes lingSHOP The II'I. E. A id en terta in ed wilh a long \~' itll 1(\ st ate-wide furm ~ r a silver t ea a t t he h,.me ()f ~Il's . ~.~nl7.:!ll() n s t he l'ec omm~n(JatlOn F' r L Harris T hul'sdav afl ern oo n. 01 1{~ l ph L. W a lk e ". ex ar;IIr;~r for . . . , Lh l' fed ' I'a l rudl o commls: ron, to FOR SALE DATES CALL MI'. and MI·s. l:mac Cobh, of dri\'e thl) l'lat -owned bl'oadcastLeba non. \l" el'e 'unday g u!'sts of ing WEAO off t he n il' duri ng all ' e "enilJ:~. houl'>'. Th e p l'Ol( ram s fl'om Mr. and II'l rs . J. C. Gruy. th' ~ tute- s up(lo rte d sta t ion are . 111 rs. E. C. SdlOo n ove r is slowl y free 30 Yea rs Experi ence in of a ll co mm ercial u.dvcrtising I'ecoverin gfr'o,il a severe C O ~e of all Fitting and Making Glasses p urely educati onul in d ur pncumonia. natill·c. Miss Josephi ne hal\1bnugh und Fred Bogan were marri ed in K 'n- CHAMPION CORN GROWER Lebanon, Ohio JESSE STANLEY tuc ky (, ne day thi weC'k . Th ey Tuesday, Thuraday, Saturda, ha ve t.h e best \\'i5h('" of the com, Pbone 320, New BurliDltoD, O~i. ompet.ing wi t h 2 0 men in nine Examination Free munity. co u'nties, Willa rd Bitze r, WilshingLE13ANON, OHIO Mr. a nd Mrs. Albert Hough t n Olll·t House, has won chamEARL KOOGLER -' have mo ved from. the J. H. Bogan pionship ho nors in th e Ohio s weet • • • • • • • • • • • •D.~ Dayton Phone farm to !l farm lI elir Melvin. Mr. r orn project by producing 5.91 KEnmore 8986 and Mr: , Bog-an a nd {amil y hav!' tu ns of s weet co m per acre on nn 8.86 acre fi eld . moved t o lheir farm. Th e Sun s hine Club enLC>lla in ed with an c1abo l'ole party at th e Wiil Good Times Come Again 7 hall !\I ondHY eveninv. A mu re eq uitable relationship Mrs. Ida Howe and Ha lTY Howe betw ee n th e pl"ices of things the of Da~·t on, were 'unday visitors fanner bu y. lind the p1'!ces of the here. p"oducts he :e J1 ~ may be expected Dr. and Mr 8. W. E, Oglesbee to come about during 1932, is entertain ed a t. ,iinn e r on Sunday the op in ion expressed in the anIIoil·. and Mrs. He l'bert un and nu al outlook for ecast published by Bill y and Mrs. Ruse CIUT. lhe depa rtm ent of rurnl economics ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I h d I J. E. McCal'l'e n died at his at the O. S. U. - - - --your Catt e, hog!!, B eep an ca va home in Dayton S unday morning. ·to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and He is the fathe r of FI'8nk, Emmett HEAVY BREEDS PAY BEST progressive firm for the highesl and Wm. P. McCarTen , of thi s market prices and good service. Heavy breeds of poultry, stich as Union Stock Yard.' Cincinna.ti, O. place. Funeral arrangeme nts ha ve not been learned at thi writing. Rhode Isla nd Reds, Plymouth Tune in on Radio Station WCKY Rocks, and' W yandottes, have been 12 :25 to 12:30 p. m. for our daily Mrs. E"nest Oswald and chi ldren m ore profitable f or the last .thl·ee market reports. of Lebanon, were gu ests unday yea r'!' t ha n have the \i~hte l' breeds . ' of Mrs. Mary Bnin e and family. f chiclcen fo , ac co rdinl! t o the cost PHONE SF3 I·econ!. of some 200 Ohio farmers. Th e Baptist i\liss ianar)l So ciety will give a s ilv cr tea and quilt display at the A id Room Tuesday, HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Mal'ch 8th at 2 p. m. The public 'lOT ARY PUBLIC is invited. - -- . . . National B_k NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ~i1I. Drawn . . E.tate. Settled
The Roxanna and Waynesville Canning Plants
F. T. Martan Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
DR. RUDOLPH • .Sight, Specialist
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Dead Stock Wanted
Harveysburg Fertilizer Comp~ny
Estate of R<l bel·t G. ross, deceased. Notice is he reby given that Mary C. Cross h.as bee n duly appointed IIll d quali fi ed liS Execut.rlx of the Estate of Robert G. Cross late of WatTen County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this Nth . da y of February 1932. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate Court, i WalTen COllnty, Ohio mI6
St!UnP Collectors Visit the President
Iivt's of unmarried rural
Y ulig peuple beLwcell 16 and 26
- - -- -
Thousands are now coll«tiRJ air-mail .tampt IDd eovelooa carried by ....... .,.,.. OIl the Wbite K~ Ina.
.is Ibown greetina their aatioaal Officer,
Odd-But TRUE
HUNTING Estate of J . C. Evans, decea ·ed. ' & FISHING Notice is her eby given that II n 62·01\;0 montbly m_ Susie Evan s has bee n duly aplI DO c r4 mtnO(1 1u tl OIlJ,un Lpointed a nd quulifl ed as Exceutrix ~~~DP~~ ~~I~i1:!r;1S~ll':tU~~t1 of the Estate of J. . Evans late \t [l) ~l!ltl ll) nformDt1 oD a hou& of Wan-en ()unty, Ohi o, de,c eased . r~~l::~·OII::eo~g~~.t£~o Dated this 26th' day of F ebl'lIal'Y ot oct."8 to IO~ Ottb &un! Kawa" 1932. BOUT two hours aft.er eating oto. Shawhan & Brown, Attys. many people suITer from e<JlIr W. Z. ROLL, stomachs. They coll it illdil(utioll. It Judge of th e Probate Court, means th:lt the stomach ncrvea J,avll mIG Warren Cou nty, Ohio been over-stimulated. There is excl'5.'l acid. The "'tty to correct it is wilh an -------.-~.------alkali\ whicb neutralizes many times NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT its vo ume ill add. The right way is Phillips Milk of 01 oho..o tbr.wlr.t. hCUl l n~ loD In. Magne;ia- just a tasteless dose in Sh('!1.. .h~thor1..l1U0110. C., t Rloe! m .1.! h~ " Estate of Mellvina Mason, de- water. It is pleasant. efficient and l;h ln .tD' Ie s ll.P<>l1 10 01 11"r.d l ·V: ~ t . I Q rwl l h l!<1[:lr r Ahcottl. ceased. harmlt'SS. Ruults come almost io- 'J \,1I ., hutto 1ft Hl3t \\il a ll' Oli Notice is hereby given that ltanlly. It is the approved method. n ":' . . ll f or huntlnf:' . Wttl lna C;l: :lDiult t rlP5. I Eme l'son Mason has been duly ap- You will never use another .... bl:l1 (ICn,! II V L ,Itt nil"l fWd ~ne1 (I . ..-I .b 1\.00 bl I. l\IAlI your. pointed and quulified as Executor you know. ~r~ er l <HI1\)' to of the Estate of Mellvina Milson Be sure to get the genuin" Phiilips late of Warren County,. Ohio, de- Milk of Magnesia prescribed by HUNTING ceased. . obysicians for correcting r.xccss :Acids. F'lSHING Dated thi s 9th day of February ;!5c and SOc a hotlie-IIl,Y clrug$tore.. Tran31 t Bldg, 1932. "Milk of Magnuia" hu b~Jl tbe Eeston, Mass. W. Z. ROLL U. S. Registered Trade Mark (If the Judge of the P}·obat.e Court, Charles H. Phillips Chemical Comm2 Warren County, Ohio ita predeceuor CIwJea Ii. " • . aiw:e 1875. TRY PUBLIC SALE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS I will offer at public sale at my FOR RESULTS home, 1 mile N. 'of Waynesvi1le, on State Route 42, on Tuesday, March 15, 1932 . Beginning a t 10 o'cl<lck, th.e following: , 1 g ood Horse, 1 Jel'sey Cow, .Buggy, HaI'ness, Tools, Household and Kitchen Goods,some corn and Hay, White Rock Pullets, etc. Terms Cash. MRS. JOE EVANS Administratrrix F. T. Martin, Auct. . PU-BI.tC S '-A-L-E-
~~\.r """
(OI\c:a\l)tRt' ~,
steal ''(
£¥ll'i 9Jt.Cl · ~tS ~~l '''''tl "n'E-
fO\)\\ \\\\~~~
N)'t • ~P\C¥'
Owing' to the death of my husband I will offer at public sale at my I'esidence, (In what is known as t he Carl Peterfio n 'farm, 3 miles S. of Bellbrook. ,1 miles N. of Way. nesville, ·1,!a 'm iIe N. of Middle Run Church, on t:h!l Bellbrook and Waynesville .fike, on '. Thorsdia" March' 3,. 1932 Beginning at 1~ olc1ock noon. Two head (If .Cows, Farming Implements, lJousebold and Kitchen Goods, l ' Ford Tudor Sedan, 1927 Model; 2 ' dozen Ba.rred Rock lIens, lIome Hartress. Terma Cash • . MRS. S. A. ROLAND J. Wriaht,· ~uct. .
'_OOK for the name Bayer aad ~ .
,'ord genuine on the pa~••• .ictured above when you buy Aspiri#I. . ,'hen you'll, know that you are get109 the 'genuiM Bayer pr'oduct that
housands 'Of physicians preambL Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as mjJ!ioU ,£ users have proved. It doei DOt tepress the heart, and no ~ rter-efl'ects follow ita use. Dayer Aspirin is the UDiveaaI ..ntidote for pains 'Of all kindl. . Headacbes Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lwnbap Rheumatism Toothache Genuine BayU Aspirin is eoJd ~ U druggists in boxes of 12 aocI ... Jottlcs o£ 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade-mark of r anufacture of monoaceticacidee. if salicylicacid.
._---_............_-. '"
... ..,-
LATEST .NEWS To tile Lady .01 tbe Rouse • • • -whafare 'f-our working' ho~. rs? The average woman spends 51.6 hours each .week on work connected with the home. And many women' average 10 and 12 hours each day. By taking advantage of labor and time-saving inventions, industry aa well aa the home has reduced its working time. The electric washer, the electric iron, the electric range the vacuum cleaner, refrigerator and other e lectrically operated helpers not only make your work E:u ier and Save your health, but cut down the time required to do the same taska in the "old" way. The MODERN HOME IS THE ELEC. TRIFlED HOME. Less expensive.
The Dayton Power and Light Co. Xenia District
E. H. Heathman, Manager
Notice to Chick Raisers With the increased capacity of our Hatchery and the low ' cost of eggs, we are in a pO.ition 't o do custom . hatching for 2c per
ear; duck ~nd turkey eggs, 4c.
S.tl8laotloD Guaranteed Heavy Breeds ,~~raight---$9.50 per hun,; . dred; 3.0 0 and over, $9.00; 500, .. $8.50, ' . ' . Heavy 'Mixed---$8.00 per 100; 500, ,
English White Leghorns-;'-$8.00 per 100; : ' aOO, $7.75; 500, $7.50. . All fro~ blood-tested stock.
RED BRAND FENCE "G.lv.nne.lec:I".rid Copper B•• rlnl Winner of the Gulf of Mexico
..---------.~ 1___ 'f !, Fence Thll OrdInery t..U Ion.. I I
Th. '
"Gtlvlnn..I.d" : . : ' thown oppotlt. · : .Imost gOod ' : I
ST. MARYS CHURCH I I n.w. I Rev. J. J . Schaeffer, Rector. W.. th ... Test I I. 'fhursday evening, March 8. serI Picture from actual photoI' vices and sermon at 7 :30. Fourth " with crapb. of roll. taken d OWD (or Don't forget to eat turkey I Sunday in Lent, Mal'jCh 6. Church tb!pment ••fter (e.t. us on March Srd. school at 9 :30; sermon and Holy Mrs. J Ohn 'Lamb is seriousiy ill ommu nion at 10 :30. at hel' home on T hi rd aU·eet. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Undenominational) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke visit,. ed l'clntivel:! in pringticld .. und.ay Chester A. William.on. Minl.ter · Church Sc hool at 9 :30 a. m. Mrs. J. L. Hartsock is visiting Lord's Supper and sermon. at conhet· son Fred and family, in Mil- clusion. Sermon s ubject, "The f rd. Father's Will." Monday, February -7, an evangelistic campaign. will MI'. and Mrs. Hay Mai!\JOus and open in Bellbrook under the a.usfamily vi s i t~1 fde nds in f'rnnl<lin pices of t his church. An earnest Sunday. effort will be made to make plain Coits I... b.e.u.. It Director' O. W. Merrill of the to the people just what we believe I..ts y .... long.r. Mit's. Maynul'd Weltz is recoverand stand for in the religious Stale Highway Department announce s that all state highway ing from un illness of several days world . You are always welcome at ma.rkel's will be retained even dUI·ution . the service of this ,church. though a number of statc ro utes Don't f orget "An Inn ocent becom identified as U. S. routes. ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH This will be done as a convcnience Desperado," at the Gym tomorrow Rev. Fortman nig ht, March 3. to motorists who might otherwise F irst and Third Sunday Mass at become confu cd in consulting 1\11'. H. C. Coleman , of Norwood 8 :00 a. m. Second, Fourth and mups now in lI~C. Over 1,900 miles Phone 25 of st.ute highways wiII be marked wa s a business visitor in Waynes· Fiith Su nday, Mass at 10:30 a. m. ville Tuesday. which includes 4.0 0 miles of WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH country ronds which have lately Mr. and Mrs. Verno n Mainous bec ome part of the state system. G. C. Dibert, Pastor and daughter spent the week-e nd .. Wednesday: The Jr. Choir will at Stearns, Ky. Declarations of candidacy ac· III et in the church immediately , com panied by the necessary peti· Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray after . school. Bible study and tion ~ Hnd the payment of the da ug hter visited relatives in pll8yer meeting at 7 :00 p. m. This proper fee must be fi led not. later and week we will stu dy · the parable of than 6 :30 o'clock Fl'iday evening, Frank li n, Sunday. "The Unjust Steward;" Luke March I I th, which is sixty days Tune in on the C. & B. program, 16: 1 ~ 9. Choir practice at 7 :45 before t.he date of the primary station WKRC every Sunday S unday: Sunday school at 9 :30 election. A IJ sllch de.cJaration s and afternoon at 2: 15. n. m. Morning worship at 10 :80. petitions sha ll be preserved The theme for the morning se-rmon and ope ned to public inwiII be, "Poverty That Makes Miss Evelyn C artwri~ht , of Channeldrain Roofing haa spection for at least five days prior Western Coll ege, spent t he week- Rich." Epworth League at 6:30 to the fifty-fifth day preceding the end at hcr ho me here. p. m. Evangelistic service at 7 :30 a full weight base of Copper el ction. If no objections are filed Sermon subj ect, "A Tree Planted. and the board find s t hat the pet iMr. o nd Mrs. Ira Borin~ and You al'e cordially invite<! to attend Alloyed Steel thoroughly tions co nform to t he req ui rement fami ly, of Wilmington, were Sun- any or all of these services. of law, t hey shall be deemed to be day guests o'f Mr. and Mrs. W. L. protected by a highly duravalid. Drake. ble coating of pure zinc. It CHURCH OF The gro und-hog has proven a Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Fisher and WAYNESVILLE will resist wear and weather CHRIST true prophet since he failed to family, of Cincinnati, were <linner. (Undenominational) see Ills shadow on February 2nd., g uests of Mr . and Mrs. W. H, as no ordinary roofing could at least that is the view of Allen, on Sunday. Chester A. Williamson, Minister . numerous fishermen who are enChurch School at 9 :30 a. m. joying the piscatodal spo rt in the M<r. and Mrs. Herschel Bailey Lord's Supper at conclusion. inland lakes of Ohio. Anglers how- and children, of Middletown, were Chri tiBn Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. ever, are warned be he careful and week-end guests of Mr. and Ml1I.. Marie Pin e, leader. Evening evannot violate the conservation laws George Henderso:n. gelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. Sergovcl'ning clos\ld streams. Closed mon subject, "A Broken Heart season for blsck bass does not beyour stodr. to The CrawSend Despised," Prayer meeting and gin until April 30th. It is unlawful ord Commission Co., Union Stock Bible Study each Wednesday at to take more than eight in anyone Yards Cincinnati, through W. P. 7 :30 p. m. The church whe.r e you h . COPP" ALLOYD .tIII. day, none of wbich, shall be less Salisbury eft Son. feel at home. than eleven inches in length. Mr. and ,Mrs. Donald Henderson possibly do. It will prot~ct your Harvey.bur. Man Die. of, Dayton, are announcing the NEWSPA~ER OFFICE BURNS birth of a daughter, February 24, buildings against fire and lightJ. E. McCarren died at his Flames early thls mornina- ap- 'at Miami Valley hospital. ning. Come in and let us show home in Dayton Sunday morning. parently had destroyed the two- - _ ..._- -He is the father of 'Frank, Emmett r ... a.. you the patented Ch3;nne1drain story building housing the Brown and Wm. P. McCarren, of this Publishing Company at Blanchesplnce. Funeral arrangements have construction that offers maximum protection ter, Obio, (}wned by Clarence J. not been learned at this writing. Brow n, Secretary of State. agllinst leaks. See for yourself why Ch~nneldrain Estimate of the loss ran from Mr .Ilnd Mrs. Fred Furnas and $76,000 to $100,000. Th e publishis the most economical roofing for you to bU)'. i~g company publishes the Star Miss Moore of Dayton spent SunRepublican, day afternoon wfLtp Mr. and ·Mrs. --Hiley Gibson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell, DEATHS and Mr. Hiley Gibson was in FOR SALE - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Miamisburg, FridjlY. Mrs. Ethel L. Gray, 67, wife Mr. and Mrs. Joe Penewitt and of Walter Gray, died at her home Mr. and Mrs. Wmis Hunter and FOR SALE-FreSh Jersey cow. Calf ready for market. Phone near Harveysburg Friday night son Bobby spent Sunday evening 83Ra. . following several months illness. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartsock Funeral services were held at the Misses Maudi'e, Flossy and Friends chunch in Harveysburg, Bin8'ham and Mr. Raymond I i=====;:;;;==;;;;;;:;:!5;;;;;;;;==;:;;;;;:;;;;5ffi Tu esday afternoon . In terment was Provie Smith spentJ Sunday afternoon" in Springfield Church c,emetery . with Mr. Ellsworth and Miss Stella , Gibson. George Henry Hanna, 74, died Miss Pauline G'ibson is Ifecoverat his ,hoine on Route 2, Friday ing nicely from the whooping afternoon. The widow and five cough. children survive. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell Funeral services .were held in Mr. and .Ml·s. Hiley Gibson an<!l the Baptist i:hurch at Centerville family spent Saturday evening A wide gulf separates Monday afternoon. Burial was at with Mr. and Mrs:. Harold Rogers Centerville. the modern funeral direcof Bellbrook. tor !rom~ the "und~er" Moved to Melvo~, Ohio of fifty years ago. Today ACED · CITI:ZEN DIES we h~ve a highly trained Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hough B. F. Mills, aged 86, died early professional man, usi~ all have moved. from, the J. ,H: Bogan Tuesd ay morniflg, March 1, at Ihis tl\e advanced methods of ',C!lTin to a farm near Melvin. Mr. home in WaynesvjJle, foll<1wing scien'Ce and offering a and Mrs. Bogan and family havp a short illness. He is aurvived by moved to their 'fa,r m. multitude of services three da~hters, Mrs. Frank -~ - --.--Coleman, of neal' Dayton, Mrs. which were never exWill Pine, of Lytll! and Miss Carpected of his predecessor. rIe, at home; one son Wilbur of As the result of this adSan Francisco, California. vancement, the public reServices will be held at the ceives protection . and McClure Funeral Parlor, Saturdsy Walter' Kenrick is qualified to afternoon at 2 o'cloclc. Burial in comfort in a time 'of great assist tax payers in making out Miami cemetery. need. their tax returns. Allen Emrick was quite ill the last of. the week but is improved at this time. of- Roy Friermood near BeaverMrs. Ada Chenoweth of Center- town. MI'. and Mrs. A. C. White and ville spent several days last week with Mrs. Meta Rogers and Mrs. sons and Mr. andl Mrs. ' Jacque' Pho.. 7 Belle Scott. Fletcher of Columbus spent SunMrs. Mary Carmony was a din- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.ville, Ohio ner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Xealer Graham andi daug·h ter. .. I Paul Flory in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Barton Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray and 4aughters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ill!i~=======;;E=;:;;;~11 moved to Blanchester Friday Young and children and Mrs. Emwhere Mr. Gray is in the il'ain- ma Lacy spent Saturday evening w~ inB~~ook~~e~medM~ Mr. bu~~s. and Mrs. Charles Clark w.ere and Mrs. Merril Hs,ynes. ..~-----• • • • • • • • • • • •_ _U ___• • • • • • • •~• •_.~~~ dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ann Smith. who has been Mrs. Milton Sheehan in Center- ill for some ti,me fit the home of ville. her daughter, Mrs. Allen Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham in Lebanon, wss brought to her spent Thursday in Dayton with home here Monday in the McClure th,e latter's mother, Mrs. Susan ambulance. Mrs. Clarence Smith ,Saylor. ' is caring for her. , Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage arid • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter family moved, Saturday to the Cast of Waynesville were Sunday Emrick J)l'operty, Mr. and Mrs. callers at the home ·of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Johns moved flfom the Clark Walter Kenrick. form to the property which he TeDon't mis. this preaentation. Learn about the new Sailor... · aJ'lcf', . Mrs. Kesler Graham and daugh- cently purchased, vacated by ,Mr. ter, Bernice and M,r s. J. B. Jones Savage. Brima4 All on the Ilant with their new '1932, crowns. Modea:ately pric~ '. . Mrs. Margaret Johns ·attended a spent Friday in Dayton. Georgianna Haines, who banquet at the I,.ebailon hotel Mrs. has been sick for a number of Wednesday evening, given by weeks, has been much worse f{}r Judge ' Marion Hamilton' 'o'f Cinseveral days, threatened with cinnati. Mrs. ,Johns spent t~e ' pneumonia. Mrs. W. G. Haines of ,night and .1 'hursday with ,Mr. and Dayton spent Saturday with her. M1'8. Albert Surface near Leban. Clyde Wharton'. and Ev.e rett on. \ . .Rev. H. H. Lafferty holding' a Ea;rly took a load of cattle to Cincinnati Monday. . . series of meetings at Lytle chulf'Ch Mrs. , Emery Charla ton; spe:nt this we.ek and next, to which every ~on.aay' witJi her !isfe1o, Mrs. 'Sam ' one i8 c.ordlally .in1nted. 'fhe :'PrChal'let,An Bouth of town, ho vices begin at 7 :45. Rev. Fox ()f hasn't been near ao well the l'ut the Sprinll'~ro U. B. church 8.poke week. .. Monday .and Tuellda, evenings. Several ~r.om here attendQ(} the Rev. Cheek ,and: Ernest Earnhart sale of ·Mrs. Lo~e .F1:iermoOd on 9f the Carlisle ' chulrch w~n ,aui,at the DaytoJ) . pike ;T'uesday. ¥ra. With the service T·h1llraday evenina
OLU~mUS-According to the fo-,I·t.y-sevtlnth annual report of the hi Q tate Board of Pharmacy whi h Covel' the year 193~, and which is on fil with ccrethry of ' tate, Clarence J. Brown, less t.han 68 per cent. of those who take t.he Pharmacist's examination in this sta t'e , s ucceed in passing it. A'- the beginning of the present yeal' lh re WCI'C 5599 phurmacists certificate ' in force in Ohio. There weI' al" 30:! assistant pharo mac i ts certificates in fOI'ce. These two classes totaled 5,902, of one phurmncist. 0 1' u. ' istunl to each 1,100 of the popu lation in I.hi:l state.
Mrs. t e Hawl,e is a victim of mumps.
crhe Most Bool fur the Least Money
Channeldrain. ROOFING IIAD.O'CO~.UW
Late Classified Ads.
---_.- ..
Madden's Lumber Yard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
-_ ..---
·Waynesville, Ohio. phone 45R2
1JOUrSa1e io
pa,.... J·t .hrlog
J. E. ·McClure
.For Our Country Sub~criber~'
'The Ci.n cinnatiEnquirer Dally Except Sunday
The Miami G,a zette Both'. Papers 'for. One 'Year Only
Sp..ing Bats A rriving Ever,), ·}JIeek'
Friermood . Iler da118hter. and. Rev. Searl of Sprinlr -!_~~~~~~~","!4IIared ,Will and move ~to the ho,me _~)' ~~ellina.
VaneYtll~ • •" "• •" •
• • •" • • •
EightY-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6004
Activities ~f ",a')'ne 10wnship Schools--- fJlashington 1 e~t Reports---Other Melange
Early Morning; Fire ·Destroys Old Land Mark in Corwin The (.Id h'lt el buildi n ~ loca l N] op pos ite the l 'en m: yl v aJ~in d("p n: in 'o rwin , lin d Wil ed and occuJ-l icd by J . P . Lamh :.l nd fa mil y, WI1 S :\l r. 1::lle!SOIl i\f" ~O Il is co nfin ed tic . troyecl by fi re e"t~y thi : 1l1 0 fll- to his bed with grip. in ~ . Th Wnyn 'svill e fir ' departmcnt W!l ~ ea llccl aboul l o'clock W, II. 1add<! n & o. have ju st but by th!' ti l11 th ey were o n th e 1I111nadl'd Ii ca l' ..r sh ingle~. ~C l!ne the fl r e wa ~ beY(IJId control li nd nIl errol·t W U$ C,1 nc I1lrated on ~ 1 rs. Anna K enri cl< i>l ill at her l'lll'inl{ th e adj , in in,! buildings. h', mc 011 Franklin Roa d. Neip; hbt) r:; had a lrcady carried out T1JO~ t uf til(' h uuse hold fur nishin p:s. Sec if )' Oll ca n g' LleRS who's who The hou: e , a ramb li ng' fram e I}I till' J\lin ~ trc l Thur ~ day night.
2 __
",arren Countv farm Bureau Sends Oilt Impo'r tant farm ,.. Literature to the farmers '
Farmers o f Wa r ren Coun ty are leli ns furnished by County Agent allked t o designate their main in- C la ~s. Like the swine letters, these terest and preferences for special will dcal with breeding, feeding, letters and bull etins to be mailed ho using und 'similar problems, pert hem dUl'in b 1!l32 throu gh the ta ining to baby chick raising and W. H. Madden & o. have ju st agricultul'al extension service <ac- ma nagement of the laying fiock. unloaded a cal' of ~ hingl eR . ny one wishing e ne or all of the cording t o announcement a nd circu la r letters bei ng sent out by bull etins and desiring to receive Dr. A. T. Wright i.' being tJ'ca tecl County Agent CIa s. A.nnounce- lh e mont hl y letters should request at McClellan hospital, Xenia. men l on Murch 1 outlined briefl y 'lallJe by calling or writing fo ul' pl·oj,ect.; on whi ch farmers Cou nty Agent Class 0 1' the Farm' "Some s urprises" fr nJl1 th e were requested to check t heir in- Bureau offic e. Thi s work appeals !'i tart to the fini sh at the Minstrels. terests llull r eturn to the county to the women and children. BoY8 st "llCtUI' l~ was fn rnle rl v knov.' n as age nt on a post card. Th e object .Intl girls f roll1 10 to 20 may likeMiss Clara Lile spent the week· the' Fra nev hOll·1 unci for man y Warren County ·Champ.' Honored i\J r ~ . O~cal ' Smith s pen t Thurs- as expressed in the letter is "to wise enrol) in Poultry clubs. end with I'e lat ives at Washingto n yea J'" \\"as -rU1ll 0 1l ~ f l om incinnni i duy with r riend~ in Leba non . rcn der ,g l·ea!..est serv iCe poss ilYle Class 11 150 wishes to remind The Wanen county champions C. H. I to (dullluu s. It \\"a ~ o\\" I1 ' d by to all \ Vanen County far'mcl's but fal'mers interested in these matwel'C honol'ed with n dinner given See th e' Salisbury' s, W. P. and Th omas Fran v who ope rated a we must cut expenses and save ters to be sure to sign their name Monday, F'ebruary 29, by the Give the hig h school bn~s your I hotel, ~a l n nn an d gr !cery ·tore. D. R" before yo u se ll your stock. labor in the office. We do not care and address on cards returned. Eig hth Grade H{) me Economics support and at.tend t he MJIlstrel s Many ra ilr oad mcn mad it th eir to spend tim e and money nec- He I'eports several already receivclass. Those prese nt were the first Thursday even ing. hOl11 e Ilnd promin e nt men have Mpsl's H. )1 . • herwood and Carl essary to the se nd lette rs to those not ... d without n!lme, so these parties ten men, Mr. Pyle, MI'. Ross, the I eatc n ann lodS!cd \\ilhi n its walls . Sl'l'I'is \I' (~ I' e ill Col u mbu5, On Friinte r est ed, but th e information .v iII be disappointed in not receivcheer lenders, Donald and Dorothy Canon Gilbert P . ymons, of Fo r severul years t he prope rty da:,.'. and suggestive helps will be gladly .ng the informat ion desired. And MI'. and Mrs. Ben Smith gave Cincinnati, was a Waynesville vi i· a fte l' pa ~~ ing' th rough dif1'crcnt f urnished all who requests same, " athel's who desire to talk mattel'8 an oyslel' Kup per and card party Ra )' Hawk e nnt! flll11il y f'pent concluded Class. The flr st project )vel' or to know more about the tor on Saturday. I ha nul<, ha ~ bee n I) C upi r.d by Mr. in honor of th e b\1Ys Wednesday Sa t urd a y with MI'. and Mrs. J . C. mentioned Lal11LJ und h is fa llli l\,. a spI'ay service, in TJ!ltters before deciding should ni~h t . Am ong tho.", present Were . MI'. and Mrs . Clarence Rye ano ' The fire is tlwu'l\'ht to have Hn wk e. which letters will be mail ed from ~ all nt the Fal'm Bureau office or Wallace, Davis, Turnel', Ellis, Eva Earnhart vis ited relastar ted fro m fl brooder' stove in a Mrs. tim e to lime dUI'ing, the cri t ical .elephone County Agent Class at Savage, A rm strong, Boger, Mr. Mr. und Mrs. E. J. Burton, of season tives in Leban olJ , S unday. I ~ hctf hack of t hl' bui ldi ng'. giving l'ecommendation 5 lis residence in the evening. Lotz, MI'. Pyle !lnd Mr. Ro s~. I!:IYl'ia. !< p nt the week-end with . The lo ss is es timat f~ d a t abou t --~ and s uggestions as to pruning, Tune in on the C. & B. program, $3,(10 0, pHrtia ll\' cuv(" 'e d hy in- I'e lntivcl<. fertilizing and s praying the farm Pep Meeting BENJAMIN F. MILLS station WKRC every Su nday suran co. · . W. H. Madd en & o. have just orchards. A pcp. meeting was held March afternoon at 5:15. - - -Th e p ossibility of securing farm 'He kept his sou l unspotted un J(lutled a cal' of shingles. Ca rd of Thanks 4, in the gym nasium in honor of a ~ count books was explained as II \.8 he went upon. his way Mt·s. Sadie Conner has returned the Warren County basketball valuable aid in checking up ' on I wish to thank nil I.\·ho worked \nd he tried to do some service Ra y rlawke andfamily of Dayhome from the Di la tu sh-Williams champ ion s. the farm business, and to study Ji'0 1' God's people day by day; Clinic, Vel1' much imp roved in so hlll'{l to fi g ht the fi re at th e tun. !'pent !'>atul'Clny with MI'. a nd and Lawrence Davis, all-county foranalyze sa me with a vi ew of homc of ,J . P. Lamb in COI·win . He had time to cheer the doubter Mrs. .1. C. Hawke. health. ward, opened the pep meeting by increasing net incomes f rom yeal Who complained that hope was They did a wond erful picc of ml1kiJ\g a speech in which he dead; Messrs. Myer Hyman an d C. M. work by sav inI!: the adjoining Mi ss Bel·tha Hyn18n, of Xenia, to year. All who have no\; already thanked the coach, teammates and Robitzer attended a dinnel' at the bui ldin!!: and part of t he lUI'ni h- \\"a ~ the g uest of Myel' Hyman and secured a book foJ' 1932 <Il I'e re· He had time to help the cripple "I'ooters" who followed the team quested to make application a s When the way was rough ahead; Shrine OIub in Dayton, Monday ing-. of t he homp , Accept my ~ in· ta mit y, last week. to Lebanon, for' their kind cosoon as possible so that inventor y fie had t ime to guard the orphan t I'e appl'cc iuti II and thank s fOI" evening. operation. the coop eratio n. and Tune in on the C. & B. program, can be made and accounts .started Cleo Hnwke and Joe Van Often, Julia. VanOflen, stati on WKRC every Sund'llY as of Mat'ch 1st. So many books One day, well satistled Send your stock to The Crawtwo members of W. H. S. who are being used by Ohio farmers, ____ ~l~O:~f~o!wi n . afternoon at 5:15. With the talents God had given ord Commission Co., Union Stock have never ' missed a game, also that the State departme nt can no him Yards Cincinnati, through W . P. gave talk.s. longer furnish them free but are 1\11-. and · Mrs . Car l Hllwke, of He c losed his eyes and died." . Salisbury & Son. Coach Pyle, MI'. Lotz, and Mr. STATE SANDED HILLS DRY t on , were ' guest s of Mr. and supplying same at cost-15c each. Hatfield also made spec hes conTho se words of the poet can Book c~n be sec ured by calling at The Woman 's Auxiliary will cerning t he county and sectional Under inst ru ctions fr om O. W. MJ'R. J. . Hawlle, on Thursday. well be spoken of Benjamin F. the Farm Bureau office or by sendmeet on Friday aftemoon Mru'ch I\IcJ'I'e lJ all of lhe State lIi \rhway tournaments. ing 15c in stamps to County Agent Mills, son of Isaac and Annabelle 11 , at two o'clock with Mrs. Cad- ma in te na nce forces in Warren MI'. a no Mrs. E. F. Earnhart Class, who further explains that Burnett Mills, 'V\ho was born, near wallader at The Little Inn . coun t y Fipent Satllrd,ay evening spent unoay with the former's the farm management specialist, Waynesville, January .23, .1847 Editor Cornel Back and Sunday mOl'lling putting sand paren~ s , Mr. and Mrs, Burton of O. S. U. helps to sllmmarize and passed awa.y at his home here ' After <me month's layoff our Mr. and Mrs. Madison Earnhart on hills and dangero us curves to Enmhart, .1t Mt. Holly. the records at the close of each in Waynesville on March 1, 1932 ed itor, having undergone an ophave moved from Dayton into I'elicve sli pper y co nditi ons caused year and return a complete county at t h.e age of 86 years, 1 month ration for 'appendicitis, has reMrs. Anna Sheehan's house on the LJy r ain a nd sleet during the co ld Don't miss the F. F. A. Mins- analysis to all fal'mers cooperating and 8 days. tur ned to resume her studies at corner of Third and Tyler streets. wave over the wce k·end. trels by the Waynesville Vocation- in the work. He received his common school W, H. S. F'riends and students Only e ne accident occurl'ed in al high sc hool boys. Thursday The third feature involves Pork :Jdueatioll !leal' here, and always, wcre g lad to see Jewett Blair back Whatever you like in music- the county due to the I·Ollils. This evcnin g, M'8rch 10. 25c and 16c. long as his health permitted fI,~ Production and Ton Littel' clubs in the hal1s of learning, Monday. popular clal!sical, old time, negro accid ent ' took place below Lebte nded the Friend's church; this together with a monthly letter sp irituals and parodies of a ll sorts a non, when a CUI' co ntai ning a MI'. and MJ·s. R. J. WiIlinmson, giving timely hints and sugges- fait h being a. part of his parental ' at tbe Minstrels ThuI'sday evening dl'ivel', Gilbert H npp er, slddded (If Home Economic. Department leveland, who were here to tions for Care and management of hel'itage. . . a nd ol'e rtumed, killi nl~ the young ass bt in the ce lebration of the On FebruarY' 13, 1863 he was This semester the Home EconMr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck have man. Tn th c cal' were MI" . H. T. go ld£:n we'dcling of the f orm er's the swine on the farm. omics Class is studying food work. Production probll)ms aTe equally united in marriage to Miss Sarah returned from Osage, Ark., where Ellel'by and daughter, of Birming- pmcnls, 1\[1'. nnd Mrs. H. H. The work is divided int o units. The they were ca lled becau e of the ham, Mich., who WerE! enroute to Wi lliam!:'on, returned t o their emphasized, including sanitation, A. Wood and unto them ;were born ·first one does with "Breakfast." balanced rations, minerals and ;even children; Rachel Alice, Mn. illness and death oI Mrs. Beck's Florid a. Ml's. Ell erby wa ~ cut home, Thursday . First a simple home breakfast, many similar breeding, feeding Effie Rooney and Mrs. ¥al')'. Ellis mother. nb out the face but hel' youn.g t hen a more elaborate one; second and management probl'ems. The having pre'c eded their father in Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and Mrs. C, March letter now in Class' office, death. Those left with the 'aced unit was luncheon. They prepare!1 Saws filed by machinery, cut dau g ht e )' _was_n~ ~1l1~~. __ M. Robitzer were called to Day1\ simple home luncheon, then a recommends essential p oints of mother are: Carrie, who.bu 10 cleaner, truer, faster. Al so crosst on today because of the death of fee.d ing and management .during faithfully and tenderly cared for mOl'e Iormal one. CARD OF THANKS cut saws, gummed, 25(. per f oot. a cousin, Otto Alexander, who farrowing season. This letter will both, Mrs. Ruth Pine of ' 'llear The girls actually do all the Roy Pigott, at ' Maddert's Lumber preparrng and serving of Uie ... W e wi ~ h to t hank oU \' many passed away at his home in that be mailed immediately to all who Centerville, Mrs. Minnie Coleman meals in class. In this way the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Michener at- fr i nd f or the Id ncJn m.s extend ed city. this morning. Funeral servi- request same. Boys from 12 to 20 of near Bellbrook and Wilbur of g irls are learning table manners LOCAL YOUNG WOMAN tended t he annual meeting of thc 11>1 . durinir t ht' illn ess and death ces for Mr. Alexandel' will be held years may enroll in Ton Litter an Francisco, Cal., also six grand at th e Ma sonic Temple Saturday clubs. Adult.'S may enter tbe Pork childl'en, one who haa been as a . arid etiquette at the same time. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Miami Valley Cooperative Milk of hu sba nd ami fat her . This is just as valuable as learning Mrs. Lydia Poore afte rnoon and interment will be at Produc~ion dub, .which includes grandchild and , two great' grandAssociation held in the N. C. R. ~pring Valley. how to cook. The girls alternate all the BOWS on the farm. children. Harley Po or e, Announcement of the engage- School house, Dayton, on Tuesday Mr. a nd Mrs. Mills, started their in being hostess, host, guests Farmers ha-ving only three or four H \ I bert Poore, ment and approaching marriage of M'J'. and Mr ~ . J ohn F. Cafferty brood sows must produce litter ne v hOJ'ne near Wayne/lville later waitress and housekeepers. Meal Miss Ada Shaner of Columbus to Hi ra m Poore . The Churches of Christ are cclebra ted their fiftieth wedding averages of 1600 Ibs. each when moving· to thei" farm near New planning 18 ,also one of; tile Lawton E. Bolender of Southern condUcting evangelistic services in ....:.- -IIn niverEary at their home in 180 days of -age and those with Burlington, where "they spent forty . f(~ atUl"es which is especially Hills, Dayton, was made at an at- the Town Hall at Bellbrook this Franklin, I Wednesday evening. five or more need average only happy prosperous ·years. An old TO ENTER TOURNAMENT stressed. tractively appointed supper' Sun- week and next. Chester A. WilMrs. H. H. William son nnd family 1400 lbs. in order to win a State neighbor from their community They are studying "Dinners" 28 Iiamson and D. R. Harris are . F b e ruary ,aI'- preaching and members of the The W. A. C's. w i)] play in the were among the guests present, medal. An enrollment fee of 60c in paying a tribute to Mr. Mms, this week. It might be of interest d ay evening, to add that practically all the ranged in honor of the 44th birth- Ferry and Waynesville Churches G.enb·al Ohi o Amuteur tournament per herd is req)lired to gb toward!; spoke of him as a ritan of fine to be held at JaI114' s to,"n on Tune in on the C. & B. pro!1;ram, the State funds for purchase of characteristics and high ideals and materials are furnished by the day of ' hMrs. . Lee R Gregg " d at the are assisting with the music . ~ I tt a er some m IverSI e. March 11 and 12 . T'he drawings , ~I Rtion WKRC every Sunday how these qualities ever retlected girl .themselves. medals for winners. Miss Shaner is the daughter of f t 5 15 Poultry production and market- in his well kept home. In NovemMrs. Estella Shaner of 'Roselawn' Silblc,.ib. for the Mi.mi ~aett. have not bec n mao e a1l, thi s writing j a temoOn a : . F. F. A. Min.trel ing will' be similarly treated in a ber I!) 13 the ·Mills retired 'from farm, Waynesville, and formerly Y .~ar;!d~.============:.==-=-;:o..== = . -----_=--:-:..-=-=-_-- == = = = = = = = == sedes of monthly letters oneL bul- ac t ive ~ife and 'moved to their ,pres Hot Dogs!! here comes the farm, Way:nesvilte. e nt home. in Waynesville, where, nnnual F. F. A. "night of laughShe was graduated from Way=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -::=========-= they, w'jth Carrie, lived a quiet ter!' This is one night you'll for- nesville high school in the class of peaceful life. . get al. your troubles .and prob- 1927 and later took a post graduMEMBERS OFJ. O. U. A. M. Ml\ Mill!! enjoyed unusual ably be weak from laughing when ate course at· the same school. PRESENT 3 ' ACT COMEDY heillth for a man .of. such 4ldvanced • you leave. Remember the one last Mr. Bolender is the son of Mrs years, until . on Saturday night, year'l Well, here's. a better one Bessie Bolender of 25 East COLUMBUS- Fire several days Lioll troc!; Ils a f ed el'al momol'ial to al statutes in the park, a favorite \vhen shicken wlth 'apoplexy. He for u depression admission. Jllst Bowman Ave., Southern Hills, ago destroyed the plant of the ' George Washingt.on , T'I~e Father of place to ettle aft'ah's of state 'and "A n Innocent Despel'ac!o," I\pon~ was a quiet patient sufferer ··and think! .Reserved seats 10-15-26c. Dayton. He was graduated in .the Brown Publishing Company at Our Country. Thi S proJect, launch- of th<\ nation . Bored by Miami Valley Council, on Tues,fay morning ·t he sanda of D on't l1li s~ it! J. O. U. A, M' l \Va presented to 8 his long and· memorable' life ran class of 1926 from Fairmont high Blanchester, one of the fin est and ed b), the Amei'ican Tree Associaschool. South Oakwood, and took best equip.ped in that section of the tion, has been endorc;ed by every W. F . M. SOCIETY HAS creditable audience last Thursday out when he gently passed away . Evenb of Interelt an active part in ath etics. He state, entailing a loss of aPP1'ox- 1 sta te of the nation. night, at the" Gym. into that sleep from which 'ther'e INTERESTING PROGRAM The play, a comedy of three act« is no earthly waking. Secti cll I. & II. of Grade VI. later attended' the Dayton Junior imately $50,000, fully covered by . and the pupils of the 8th grade School of Commerce and Finance, insurance. The' company is headed State Treasurer Huny S. Day, ' was full of homely philosophy and \1 01'0 given intelligence 'tests spe~ializing din .business fiadmin~sl- by Secretary of State, Clarencle J. announces that $2,434,795 worth March 2, 1932, the Woman Slthe characters were well portrayed He has gone on a lonely journey 11 a rch 3. The purpose of these tratlon, an IS now nancis Brown, who ann'Oun~es · that pans of cigarette stamps .w ere sold the For eign Missional'y Society met at by members of the Order. To <11 far off, unkno.w n land, t llstS is to discover the natural editor of the Dayton Daily News have already been ,drawn for re- fil'st six months of th e law's the hom e of Mrs. mark with Mrs. . T~e scene of t~e fi~st, act wal'- He slipp'ed away in. the' day ·time a hility of pupils and therefore is and manager of the Dayton bu- building" work to start immediate- operati on. Large tobu.cco corpora- Thomas and Mrs LeMay assistant laid m Jersusha SIJ11pkms BoardWith never a wave of the ha:il~ h lpfu l In 'classifying pupils i'n renu of the Wall Street Journal, Iy. The Brown Company publishes tions state that less. c:igarettes are .. ing home in the Ozark Mountams ' . • \. ~ ~ h!l c l. New York City. He has spent six newspapers, two at the plunt ~JlJol((!d in the winte.r than in the hostesses. . . the second · nnd t~ird .ac~s :took He .spoke no word of ' his going;: On or about March 15 the 8th much time in the financial districts destroyed, and before the embel'S spring and sum mer alid that from . The mee~mg was ope~ed by !lID.g- place in Henry ~lmp~IDs Cl'Os~ Or .!mid how long he ~ould stay, grnde pupils will be given a st(l,nd- of New York and Chicago, where had cooled, arrange ments had April ' until November they . will mg Amel'lca and readmg the mls· Road store. Followmg IS t he cast. But we knoW! there will be no ra- . . d .t' t-C h I ' turning , 8\'d acomplishment test in prep" he made a thorough study of the been made to print them at a com- enjoy a more lucratiive business. sionary covenant. aration for the state test which routine of Wall Street and the pany plant forty-five miles dis- This would indicate that revenue The subject of the devotionals Hal Wmston, an al I.S ar e. There's r:o .trail leading baek ' eODies on April 19. wOl'k of the Chicago Board of tanto Secretary Brown received from cig arette tax in Ohio will was . "To Walk with ' God with W. Day. p , this way. The High School office is com- Trade. \ scores of telegrams from over the total more than $6,000,000 the Our minds." Mrs. Dibert gave a Perceval Fudgetop, a dude- erc} . The marr~e will take place in state proffel'ing aid and assistance first year in operation. It was esti- very intei'esting discussion, the . Reason.. But somehow we feel that 'l1e,'s plet'ng plans fo\" registration of pupil ' befor,e the clos'e of· the the late sprmg at "Roselawn" in furni shing material and equip- mated when the law was passed theme being, "Let this mind be Jim Dobbs, II romancer- Alberl waiting school )'eor. Each pupil will be farm. ment, to all of whom he is mote that the receipts wOUlld be in ex- with you which was with Christ CI.eaver.. Just beyend the IIharp ben4 ~f' supplied with a list of subjects Among the guests at ·t he supper than grateful. c ess of $7,000,000. .Jesus." She then led in prayer. Sheriff- Carl SmIth. . the road, .. ..', offered next schoolyeal' and wilJ Were Mi88 Shaner and Mr. BolenAfter a short business session Bub Perkins, a green country bo~' Near the place that we mortals . be askeo 'to fill . out a reo;istration del', Mrs. Estella . Shaner, Mrs. Director H. G. Southard, M. D., Stuti on W AIU will broadcast the Mrs. Farr read the fOUlth chapter -Perry Thomas. call dying•.. ,', ~ cm'd with th e assistance of one' Bessie Bolender, Mrs. Warden of the State Department of Health pl{)gram of the State Employes of the study book which' compared Henry Simpkins, who keeps the It's the gate to a happier ab~ , 01' both pal·entli. Heretofore it hss McLeesrMrs. Helen McLees Bol~m reports a decline in whooping Beneficial Associationl banquet on the schools of India with the Cross Road store-Kenneth Fox And in fa.n·c y we pictura. him been felt that this information del'; MISS Edna Kornman, MISS cough, scarlet .fever and chicken the evening of Saturday, April schools of Americ~, showing w~at Jerusha _ Simpkins, Hen~y's wife waiting,. '.. . was necessary before the August' Edna Shaner, lister of the ,bride- pox. The recent outbreak ·of in- 8th., the time being from eight to p-eat !leed there IS for .ed.ucatl.on and boss-Will Schuler. With that bright cheery smUe on registration, but up to this year ~~:;;SHhaonr:ce sdhaCnelyrd' brBotlhenrde()rf flueknza Id's nolW afP3POaOren~IY IJ'!lst its nine o'clock. Attorney General m, Indl.a and how our mlSSlonanes Tilda, Jeru sha's m'llid of all worjlhis faee. · " , :' no attempt has ' been made t o ! 1', an . . e 0 e , .. pea . an {Jut 0 cases In one Gilbert Bettman ~~ iIl act as ale do!ng all they can t? promote d Bub's sweethear~Ralpl' bold registration during the cur- Milton . Bolender, Clifford Bolen- state instit'ltion not u single death toastmaster and Gov,l !rnor George educatIOn as well as rehglOn. i.~ But the foot~rints he has left· .f~~ rent school year. del' and' J~mes Bolender, brothers occurred, the. epidemic being ably White, Secretary <Jf. State, ClarThe following program was mn. , Our gui!1an. ce, . , , of the bride-groom· elect. handled by the officials in charge. enee J. Brown, Sta1te Treasurer then rendered: Helen Glover, who ~eeks Romance And the s.mlles ,h e has, left for ' Banquet PI._ed --- • Director S~uthard .advises e'Very- Harry S. , Day and .S,t ate Auditor The star Spangled Banner by -Melbourne Smith.· . o.u:r tears, ~ \.'", ,,' . ' A' banquet appropriate 'to the one to be sure Uiat the 'water they ·Jos. T. Tracy will be on the air for society. , Mrs. Glover, Helen's anxiou t;. Will hghten the load that'w', cano;y , 'success of the 1931 . and 1982 DEATH dl'ink is 'pure as polluted water has short addresses. The musical proReading, ~'Upward, Onward and . mamma-;-llorace Shaner. .. 'And ' brigliten the' gloom ril the . Warren COu'nty 'champions will be ', caused more illness than any gram .will be furnisbed by Percy Forward,' by M~., Ben Smith. ' Thf'! Jumors netted a sub!jtantJal years' '. ',' , " '. ' given b~' the ' school : gym. The . ·Hiram Poore, aged 77, a well- other food or drink. When you. be- Lowel'yis 'Colored ' Syncopators, Vocal 'so~ci, "We've a Story to B,U":! from the sale: of seats. And .. whe'; . ~e · ' · · ·.. £o ·;til~· probable date .is March 17, .1982. r~specte'd colored citill:en, of Hal'- .cpme suspipious of YOllr hi)Jn~ ~uP-. and all wh,o anticip~~te attending Tell to the Natio.ns,'" Mrs. ·LeMay. • - , .) and o~ .' .. All enthu's iasts (nien) ' will have veysburg, passed' a.w ay at his '!iome ply, investigate or cOf1s ult · th!! 'are promised an enjoyable time. 'R ellding "How a ,Young Girl got PACKING PLANT BURNS A)'Id , Ui .illt: , :rt 't to b "th" .' t C f Wednesday aftern'oon, ' Minch' 2; hea lth authorities . When in. doubt, .' " her Chance," Mrs. Dibert.. ' , :. ed ' an appo um y : e . ,e gues .o The widow, . one ·. son .: and .tw·o go thir~tY. 't. '" . . ':Ho~ firm" a Fountain," b'y Half ' of. St~ops'. vegetablt 'A lld . g thpeonsSoCr·h.,.°d·Ol.byThhfg'h·!,/fSCahilo· oliSf·abceUiJ~gy gralldBQnli ' , su~~e: Fuper.al seri ' • CatE\takers are ·in;,.epa,in · ·for .soc.lety. · packl'na> pia ....· at Van Wert buine,d 'ilauh~a17: , '" '. . vices :were heHI at the residence Governor. 'Ge·orge. Whi~e 'h~s i!l- the ·· ann.u al s pring · housll.-Ct E\ahlDg The Mi88ion«ryOreed was. r6ad .. ,.v nd lhle~e~; ,of the 'sportsmanship Saturday, . morning) .. Rev. . Mr. su~d .I!-- pr~c}ah)ati~!I : ~esignatlng of .th·e: Capitol and, ciy,erhauling·.of and the meetih~ · adj.our;'l~d t' to ~1iOilt.OtO.~'~!' fi~!t~6tU!d~~:'~ '.. wI.ltlJlla-;,et . r~ ,er O . .' GriCllea. ·'of ··.Cadervil e, ' offieia't lng; , Fl·ld~y. A-~rtJ lst as iUbor aJl~ llie 'y.arious del>artments. 'I'h.e ·State meet .With '¥, ~~ _Ha_thawIlY, ,. m April .m·ln·e'd ·o.r;",II). · was .Qn.der ,.c ontro .. 1, . e ,,'• .• •••- ......... T--&,- ,' B ' 1' insprln ' .. .-41 ld Dh BIrd Day' Govern<or White .par- )-IoJis~., i>arl< ~ill-:rec.!iv,.e its · shar.e - ..age. bUllalng . '. , G~rl' Ul'Ul "e urc h ceme~ f,!c\llar1y' n . .' ".' ..' . . '. . .' !1:lJ.,ter. a. 's~o~ contam-,. • f' .. ":"'. .... Da, .~~ ""7... . tery. . ,~. urgElB pUJlihr .',nd tea~h- of nttEiJ'ititm ·. a:n d an,'e;arIy s ta..... n:W1 , The scor~iI ,for differe~t grades ' - .. - . 'er$ in the sohools the· sta~e ti,> 'pe ma-de o'n it.g b~!iu~;jfication:'Th'e MOYed to' c,rpiutoWD . tnf ,c;anned gooel,s vlllu~d a~ $66,fn Wl\yne TOWD!Jhip ' Schools were' , celebrilte the day by appropl'iate ,gr-llss ;'is allnost 'ready fo~ ~e.lawn- ' , ," . .' , . 001) 'Was destl'oy~d. The .Sto!,PB arc l'elat~vely .:high. The boy and 'girl' ¥r. Dnd ·Mrs. " ~ott Clln~ and. exercisi!~' culJ?linat!r(g' tn . ntU"Y caSe Inowel's and.jt will .not'· be. tong 1,£1'. ~nd . M1'S. ' GeO~e ' Bunnell former Wayn~II!!.n! reSIdents. . . . '. I!'ettitfg the . ~igh' . 1I~ol'e ,'in ' the- da~ghter al1,.d ltJra. Emma Chne of in the plantllJg of trees '~nd the untll the fbliag~ ass1;1lmes'its .natu~~ have ' moved .to Germantown and ,dit'fer.e nt schools of· the c'ounty D.ajton· ~re "w8;ek-end ~Ii'!itora of placln~.· of bll'd h.oUBesl We are nl c61~r!l. SUmmer- I~'l.ers ha.ve ~1- MI'. snd MrS. Herbert Snell ' have ' ' Mrs. John Lamb'lI cOlldltion i.s will ~ke OIl county ' ~e8.t to- lIee who MfJ!, Cl&ra Mere!tt·. and Mr. and I p~c~~bng- t~i8 ye~r.•~, a ,D atiop- . ready taken poSSeSS1!On . of Ch01C~ moved into .the ~Vicy.· property critical #lnd ' h,~ ~eath is mom. . 'WiU . ~t ..~e free ·ttl» ~ tbe~. Mn. Fr~d H~Ia~ · . Wl~' project. of. plantlnl ten . mll.- -sea.ts aro9-nd ,~he ba ~ ofthe sever- which tbe, vacated '. ' taril}," ~~pected. . ,
W. H. S. LOle. Hard' Fought Battle National capital. The tests were Th e Wu yceh6 lo: t a hard-fought battle Sl1tlrrday at 2 p. m. at Wilmington, losing' to West Union of Adams County, by the sc{)re of 21\ t o 14. Th e Orange Quintet led at the half 8-7. 'West Union came ill st J'ong ly after the half to defeJl t Wayne ville. This .game ended a remarkable caree l' for the Orunge and Black quintet of 1031-'32.
divided into co mposed of 7 to 9 and, scores of the
three groups being grades 4 to 6, grades 10 to 12. The high groups are as follows Gradel 4 to 6 High boy-John ' Preston, 42; High Girl- Naomi Ramby, 39. Grade. 7 to 9 High boy- Cecil Hartman, 92 % High Rid-Ruth Pennington, 92. Grade. 10 to 12 High boy- Ronat'd Hanlin 95 % High girl- Verdena Fox, 88. From grades 4 to 6 the possible score is 46 and from grades 7 to 12 the possible 'core is 104. Following tabulation shows the reslllt of the test by grades : 4th, Miss McKinsey- Girls High, Mary Eva LeMay, 34; medium, 21; low, 15; Boys-high Wm. Strouse, 33; medium, 18 ; low, 15. 'I th, Miss Campbell-Girls hi.gh, Caro l Ludington, 30; meclium, 26; Low, 17; Boys-high, John HslI, 26; medium, 22; low21. 5th, MI'I. Y'ounll'- Girls-<bigh. Elizabeth Hoblit, 34; medium, 26 j low, 15 j Boys-high, Welton Hartsock, 39; medium. 26, low 17 6th, Miss Fox- Girls - High, Jane Furnas, Mildred Cook, 36; medium, 29; low, 21; Boys-high, Frank LeMay , 35; medium, 29; low, 17. . . Gth Mr. ROBs-girls-high Naomi Ramby, 39; medium, 28; low, ·19; Boys -high, John Preston, 42; medium, 28; low, 8. 7th, Mr, Pyle - Girls-High, Eileen Hall, 91 ~; medium 541h; low, 25; Boys- high, Arthur Hopkins, 76; medium, 54; ' low, 19 !fl. 8t1i, Mr. James-GIrls-High, Jane Cook, 91 'h; medium, 61; low 47; Boys -high, Cecil Hartman, 92'h; medium, 62 'f,, ; low, 62. 9th, Mr. Garst-Girls-High, Ruth Pennington, 92; medium, 61; lo.w, 46; Boys- high, Frank Hawke, 83; medium, 67; low, 41. 10th Mr. Hatfield- Girls -High Robert Ross, 90 iii ;' medium, 60 iii; low, 43'h; Boys-high, Bernice Graham, 74; medium, GO'h ; low, 43 1,11; Boys-high, Robert Gons, 90'h; medium, 58 low, 49, . 1 l'th, Miss Henkle-Girls-high Bessie Woolard, 73'h; medium, 67 'h; low, 43 Boys-high, Julian Crabbe, 74'h; medium, 61 iii ; low, 41~. 12th, Miss Dennis-Girls-High Verdenna Fox, 88; medium, 68; low, 56: Boys- high, Ronald Hardin, 95 iii ; medium. 70 low, 42.
Mr. and Ml·S. W. 11. All n were Dayton visitors, Saturday.
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News Direct from the Ohio State ( ·aoitol I
. '
Th& will of Robert G. Cross. d e\\'a" ad mitt ed t o pr obatl'. Ma ry . CrosB wall appointed ex· ecut ix, no bond required, W, F, la rk, H. E. Stokes and O. R. Unglc by wer e appOinted apprais-
a~e d,
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When~~ ~AIN Comes '
PW~~ ~Ol
1\f R~Ul\ ~
Advertise 1jOurS4te i l
this Neawspaprr. It will bring 90U bu1JeD
______-_',..1'$ ........_ --
--- -
\1 --ANO l\US \S
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: Dona ld Dilatu. h, adm i ist ra, Comm on P lea. Proceediolu tor of estate of Rowena E. W right d ('eabed, fi led h is tlrllt and finnl In l he ca:a uf Westu n I ndu tries accQunt. . ut'll orat ion vel' 'u" an lIorne Harry M. Wolfe, administratol' Tube 'omplI ny, et ai , rthu TayCopYl't6ht. s ~, v of e 'tale Of Edwa rd Weidner, delor. A. \ . Lloyd and H nr y W. a.., e d~ fil d h is acco unt of d istr iRdea ~d 1.: u. ~l l' ,;k(' r 111' a ppoin ted a ppruillCl';i but.ion. PvJ>llllhen, . \. ~.:: ' s.,··' • '1 to llIuke jm' ntory an d ilppraise The inventory of Fr d E lbo n th' a. et · of the Van Hor ne and . H . You ng, execu to rs of esTu bl' ompany . ta te of . 1<' . E lbon, decensed, wa In thl' ca. e f Floyd L. Reed .""""'~""""""""""" " " """""""'" " """ " "" " " ', a pproved by t he court. vcr u ViJ·l.d n ia J ones t he j ur y CHA PTER V. " . ' ow whe n Wt· wan t to 1:'0 o ut fou n u upl.n the issu Th c invent r~' of I~. C, Anderson j oin ed b \ll' , ' U11 lll~' mOl' 1' 01 s t o form t\\ e n lhe pla in tiff a nd defenua nt , administra tor of sU\t e of Ralph On Time a cut <.; uroy, " t il ' young mll n suid. upo n he ma Ul! I'S se t vut in th e' B. Pllrks, decea ed, was approved by t he court. " I .!lr- " iI', " su iu immi ns, "I pla in ti ff' . )l titi un, in fa \' ur of th e I Burton utt red a Ji Ule cry of re· I,la\'!! u f l'W 4u iu la i( hy. 1'0 li ke it d ·r nda rlt alld t.he issue j oin ed Geo rge P. Gates, admin istrat or proach. Grim t ead, \\ ho hud be ~ n Jolly \\'l'lI if ~' o u ro ulu ' cut. III!! in bl' \\l!l' n th e d efe ndan t and t he I of estat c of A l1:hu r Quigley, delistening amusedly, interpose d. 01\ Lhnt bf· t for n t Cllner or so." ' ca ~ e d , is I r de red to sell certa in I'liintifr UP,)I1 mnt.te rti ~ e l up in "That.'s beyond a jokc, be yond llav~nJ> o rl !;ta n ed. stoc k at pril'a t sa le a nd make rethe ue f e ndun l'~ an swer a nd cr oss t.urn s to cou rt. aU r eason, Gardin er ," he objected " AI' 'n'l 'y IJU ta l:lIlg big (: h a n ce~? P 'LiLio ll , in f:l\·or of till' de.f n"Have some sense of proportion- ' he inq ll il'l'd . . , \\ ha L do yuu 'kno w uanl an ,j ther" is due to the de· LeNte r Frye , adm inistra to r of " Thank you, MI'. Gri mst ead, but : !>lIut t he \'('a t hl'r"! " esta te o f Andrew J . Frye, deceasfl' nda n t from the plainti ff th e ed, fil ed hi s invent ory. don't bother," Davenport cut in, " , - t a I hin~ , . ir !" r eplie d ::; im· ~ U I1l of ' 500 . " 1' 1 take that bet. I'll ju ·t g et it mins cheer fuil \', .. Unt I do knol\ In th e ca ~ e o r \' i\'iu n Jam 5 verP. H. Ma ley was appoin ted adThe fl rst a cc-ount of Lorn Ford d own in writing a nd get y u t.o a Lilly bit a bo ut. ~ p u l't~ lIl c n , ~ ir ; :,us ('UI nelius \' . l\ elI y lh e plai n. !{ uardian of Il enl'ie lta Melampy: minin rator of esta t e of Ca therine witness it., if you will ; so wc 'lI and l 'u unck ) lI lI , , iI', lIg-u inst Mr, tiff til ed hond of ' 100 with t he llI ill or. was IP PI'OV d, all owed an d Ma ley, d eceased, a nd fil ed bond have a little r ecor d of the transanlincr a ny dny uf the wce k." ; of $ I SOO with . E. C. Hamilton and l\lIt illnal 'u l'e ty Company uf New conflt-lli ed by th e court. action." "T han k Y" u, Simm in:. You'r Yor k Il S SU I' ·ty . T he first. fi na l and di ·tributiv e Ca rll M, Ha milto n as s ureties. E. "I expect. to collec:t t his bet," in rO t· u t cn ~ l .o t . a ~ yo u suy." accou n t of D, E. Heyw ood , adm in - , . Ha milton, Warr en C. Young warned Gardiner, stung by the All IIIUlt,' I" ucinJ,: ,(' t lieu, Da v· Prob a te Court islrlltor o f esta te of Luther L. 0'- and J ames Rossman we r e ap points \l ~ge sti o n of this precaution. l' npor ~ Ul!' 'c~ t~u iL \1 vul1 bt> II The wil l o f Annie DU Tig de. Ba ni on was a ppr oved, a llowed and ed a pp raisers . ' If you wi n," ame nded Dave n· ru, d idea Lu tu rn in. d, wu ~ filed in probate ' confi rm d by the co urt. port, "and l expect to collec t it, "Tum in !" cril'u Bu rto n. " I l' ea~l' T he e~ ta L<! of J ohn '. Jinll is Th ~ ~ eco n d a cco unt of Al va Hi ll Real Estate Tranafero if 1 win." cou ldn' t s l(' l)1 (I \\i nk, I'm g uing Xl ' lllpt frl)m inhe ri tan ce tax . • admmlst ra t or of estate of Th omas ! '!altha J, Maho ney to Mabel E. "}[r. Grimsted can vouch for to ~ i t right 11l' 1'<' unt il ;! u'r1 ock T he wil l o f J . . Evans v,'aS a d- ,Jones, deceased, was a pproved, a l- Du tton. 57.S3 acres in Hami lton my solvency. Where a r c yo ur a nd gl'ue t t ha t rui n stu rm! I/ OII' mill ed t u p robate . ugie Evans lowed nne! co nfir med by th COU!t. 1 t(, \\'n ~ h ip. .' guarantees? " c' uld you e\'(' r ~ u g:ge :; t . Ieep ·!" aPP '>in tl'd exec utri x, no bo nd Pann el!" Ben ne tt \~' n. f~und 111- , Al ber t O. a nd Ethel Michael to The yo ung man look ed a t ri flc .' \\. 1:'1;," rep 1il! ,j iJ u vep urt, ""uit wu. requ ired. J . .. lI a wke. A. L. King snn: and IS to be ?d.mltted mlo tho ~arl es T . • h ~w. )) 9. 07 acres in puzzled . yours elf, oC ('u IH ~ l: . BUl if yo u' ll and har ll's 1 . E ll is wer e appo int- Da) to n. tate Ho. plta\. \\ aY ll e t ownship. "I ha ve none fo r the mo me nt, of p~r d c> n 111(' , I'll just S lIl1tch a fe w l'd ap pmi : cr.o;. ' T he Leba non · itiz ns Nat iunal F . C. Schubert t o Aaron Solsman course, but t he instan t we g o to wink s. I' ve Lecn dri vi ng ai l du~' , !tonuld McMillan , executor of Bank a nd T rust. Com pa ny exec utor R('a l estate in, Deerfi eld t ownship. a town- " lind 1 cxpel'l II wo n't any of U ' esta of Agnes 'I cMillan , ueceas- o f est,ate of J ohn C. Hull , de- Ma rtha J . Ma ho ney and Mabel E Gardiner laughed. get much ~ l cl' l' afte r t he thing I'U, te :(lld cl' r Ul in p roperty a nd is ceased , i. on lelr'ed to distr ibute in Dutto n to J a mes S. Bunn ell . 57.83 "You'll m()rtgage t he g arage t.o hils." ki nu certai n aBsels of said estate acre' in Ha milt.on township. oru el·cd to sel t le a ll accounls. pay up--o'f co urse," he sneered, li e erawl{·d u nrler the leun -lo Th e e sta te o f /l eli a Worley, de- a nd ma ke r ctu m t o cou r t.. li nto n W. Ra tliff t o Thomas J . "No. Put up or shu t up I" ~ h l' 1tc! I', und \\ mllPc,1 a blUllk "t ceased , is exemp t from inh erita nce Am os E. Thomson an d Loudy Furma n li nd Allce Furman. 54 .27 Dave nport shook his head a t a , \l un u his sho uld (' l's. ta x. V. T homson, eeuton, of esta te ac l' S in Tu rtlecreek t ownshi p him and laug bed. .. He for ' y u Il'uve u ~ , " sai d Th e nin th accou nt o f W, Cheste r of J ohn . Tex hom pson. deceased, Walt el' R. Fitts to Knu te Lewis " You ' r e a quibbl er, Ga rdin erl Gri lll: ll'uu, " I woul d lik e to II k ;\Iap le, cxec ulol' o f estate of J eanfi led t heir inve ntory a nd it was 7 a cres in Franklin to wnship. I'll bet y ou're legal adviser t o a wha t you ll 'l':ln t \\ hen you said w net ie Fraue nkn el' ht deceased wa s app r oved. J a mes Pil e an d F . W. Franz to p r e datory corporation'." weiC likl<ly to Le tog!:' t her f or th e ap p roved, nll uwed a nd co nfi r med Fred Elbo n a nd C. H. Yo ung, Euwar~ Hi xson. Inlot No. 78 in Gardiner la ughed, a nasty, nex t week 01' so'! " executor!; o f estate of . F. Elb on Frankhn. sneering, Wfilk-the-pla nk Ja ugh. .. J( now ledgoc 0 f a li Corn ia mud ' by t he cour t. Elmo r e E . Hill, deceased, to EI. "Bet's off,;: said he, "I though t I'cpli d Uuve npurl; and \\'US appa ~- The :;evc ll t h a cco unt of W. Ches- d ecca ed. a re ordered to sell cerll' r' Ma ple, adm in i 'tn ltor of estate tu in pro perty li t priva t e sale and ~l oT e Ellsworth Hill. Inlot. No. 66 It would be ! ent lv a t onc e a 'l 'op. m Lebanon. "The bet is not off," spoke up ' I ~ a few mi nu tes t he dyi ng fi r e of Wi lso n HurIan, dec ea sed , was mak e 1'eturn t o court. The inven.to'ry of Nellie Pum- . Ruth Buffington to Elsie BuffBUl'to ~ suddenl y. " I will g uaran- i \\ 1.1' -Ilese l ted. T h'e lean-to cov- uPlll'oved, a ll owed and confirmed by t he couli. mill, a dmini t rat rix of estate of m gto~ . Inlot No. 388 in Franklin. tee M'l'. , Davenport." el:ed f our r ecu mbent. f or ms. The sixth. accou nt of W. Chester Loui e Kno tt , decea sed, ,was a pElliS T. Ca ~t m ell and Emma At thIS the s llen~ wo.od god ~ ut,. In ide the lit.LI e tent Miss Bu rCar t mell t <,' Mildred S. Dakin. tered three rous mg but Silent fi<m Grimstea d lay in th e co t star- Ma ple execu tor of estate of Corn proved by the court. Hat tie Ba llinger was appoin ted 8.31 ac res In Harla n township. cheers. . . ing upward at t he fli cke r: of t he C. Watts, ueceased, '"'115 ap pr oved By the time thiS .bet was alI ar- fl amcs cast acro1'!; ' t he wal!. he a ll owed and confi rmed by the administra trix of estate of Frank K ohn G. Kell er to Evelyn M. Ballinger, decellsed, and fi led bond eller. Rea l estate in Mainevill e. ra.nged, one good-Sized storm had wo uld wai L th u ' un t il t he zero co urt. The seco nd acco unt of Moses B. of $ 100 with The New York Everett Mor efield and Ella broken and cleared, anyway. ~u r- hoUI had passe d. ton had told her father l?la ml y , f t was in und cl'sla nda ble how Hazeltine, tr ustee of estate of Ab- Casualty Company a s surety. Will IMol r efi eld t o. Martha A. Garner. that she was of age and .mlstress the m n cou ld ~Ie ep in the fa ce of bi e E. Hazeltine, decease d was ap- R. Ross, Mart in Van Doren and A. n at ~o . 98 In Franklin. proved, all owed a nd con fi rmed by J . Kiphart wer e appointed ap- T Iarl~ Elbo!! to Berth~e Mills. of her own fortune. Gar?mer had th illing suspense. ~ U pra isers. nlot o. 17 In WayneSVIlle. appealed to Davenport s better Sh e lay f or some t im e flat on the court. n~t~,re not flo take ady~~ge of her buck, Watching the flick er of Bill. Allowed an emotional young. gIrl. the fire against t he canvas. SevTreasurer of State, hospital care Davenport had wmked sh!lme- e!'a l tim es her eyes blurred in t o a Gardiner t o witn ess he's lost his thin g had happened to Simmins. l~ssly at Bu:rton and pro.clauned sta ring. and the leaping shadows bet?" sh asked. His manner was free and inde- of Louis Holland , $60 i Mary E Iimll5elf a Shylock when It came became monstrous. ' Then they "He pr obllbl y wouldn' t acknowl- pende nt and htlman; no long er did Ennis services $10; Albert Millard ,to money. faded; an d she slept. edge these f ew drops a s rain" said he ciJneeal ri:g idly his naturally s e r v ~ces $10 j Richard L. Williams, serVIc es, $10; Mrs. Erma Hibnar The terms of the bet had been Som e time late r she came to Dave nport eas ily. "He's a natural f ri\lolo u.s proclivities." r.estated, ,and the me n's watches hers~1if with a sta t·t, lighted a qu ibbler. " "Coffee, Miss." he should have services, $10 i Lou South, services: synchrOnIsed. match and I d t h ' . " Ther e are less than four min- e nunciat ed mechanically. Instead 7 ; Le banon-Citizens National Davenport and Simmins cut a wateh g an cc .n et· wnst utes." of which he remarked: "That' ll Ba nk a nd Trust Company, rent of sa fety box, $3; Columbus Blank n~ber of winow poles which they On e-;Uteen! Fiftee n minutes reDave nlJOrt gla nced at his own warm you up." laid IOn the groQnd to form a Bort O1ained before the co nclusion of wrist watch. That mornin g Davenport found Boo k ompa ny, s upplies, $8; Ofor. .,platform, or 'Tatber floor. On th is fnntast ic bet ; a nu ther e, . " Th ree," said he co mposedly. Simmin s clad in a mackintosh, fice Ou t fi tters supplies, $3.85; and t heJ'e, th rough a slit in the " Gard in er a nd I set our watches delving in the poekets of the la'r- Waldron C. Gilmour, inquest, $6.thlS they ran the ·two cars. 90; ~. B. Wells, services, $20.25; ~ e r car. tent shone a star in its patch of ali k,e, you r ecall." hea\'c n. "Oh, dear!" cried Burton. "You ce t·tainly did caIl the turn! Lems and Drake, Inc., supplies "Don't worry; it will be here in said' Si mmins.. "I congratulate $3.0S; Trustees of Public Af: di. a ppointm ent A p r:ofou nd seized hel·. less than two. Listen." you, sir! And to rook his nibs fairs, light, gas and' iWater, $13.94; The roa ring was louder. does my hear t g ood I I'll buy me Johnston and Johnston, supplies Never had she experi encC(! s uch "[t f rightnes' me," she confessed 11 little so uven.ir with the tenner $12.2.0; ' Invis-Jameson Drug Co.; absolute stillness. B urto n became a cu te ly conscJous of t he bea t ' of "It's like the approach of a you let me in ror. I s uppose that supphes, $2.55; Mrs. Kate Rober"son, guard rail posts, $55.80; g,oes, il'?" ber p ulse, t he s ing in~ of her ears. ravening wild beast," " You are safe," he told her con"Certainly," laughed Davenport ~2~es Equipment Company, $25.By holding herself quiet sh e cou ld eve n hear faintl y t he roar fldently; "I'll answer for it. Be- "You'd better make yours a Libof t he sea ; a nd t hat wa s over a Ii eve that and enj oy it as the I erty bond thou gh Simmins, if YQU mou.otain range and many miJes. great and fearful spectacle it will take my advice." NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT "Liberty bond, sir, with a tenhe st ru ck another ma tc h. On e- be. But get into the tent now. You tw nt y-two ! Some ono stilTed in must not get wet, for there will ncr ?" puzzled Simmons. E state of Robert G. Cross, de"Tenneli, " J:epeated Daveport , cea sed. th e other shelter ; al'ose ; a nd pok- be no e hunce to dry off; and ' ed the em be l'S of the fire t o a when this hits it will come in also pr ete ndi ng to be pu ~zled. N<J tice is hereby given tnat fla mo. buckets." Ohl" he simulated enlightenment. Mary C. Cross has been duty apTh ey turned tog ether t o the "1 see ! Did' yo u imagine for a mo- pointed and qualified as Executrix Burton thought it must be Ross Gard:iner. She 'tut'ned h er head tent. One of the figures under the ment I'd bothE!r with a sum like of the Estate of Robert G. Cross im pat iently. How near t he Burf shelter stirred uneasil y, some i aint t en d ollars?" late of Warren C9unty, Ohio, desou nded! echoes of the turmoil pe netrating "Wha t else, sir?" asked Sim- ceased. dreams. mons uneasily. his Overhead a t in y twig str uck tbe Dated this 24th day of can vas with a sha r p spa t. After "V\'hen the wind comes before " Then hundreds, of course," re- 1932. ' an inter'val a n ot her ; and an other. the rain, plied Davenport. W. Z. ROLL, Sudde nl y Burton t hr ust open th e Hoi t your topsail up again. "Good Lord I If it had not rainJudge of the Probate Court, fl ap and thr ust her head an d When rain, comes before the ed I'd have been out a thousand m16 Warren County, Ohio dollars ?" shoulders t h ro ugh. , wind, "MJo 'rhe I'oa r of t he s urf was now Topsail s dowse and halliards st ' eeTu~inly,1t i Da'V:enport NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT even m<;l re pla inly to be hea rd. mind!" a sured him SE!riously. "As it is, you shall have my check fO'!' a A war m drop splashed her foreEstate of J. C. Evans, deceased. head; ano ther her cheek. Airs chanted Davenport in a full voice. thousa!1d the moment Mr. GardinNotice is hereby given that Overheard Burton heard a burried er pays his debt." weTe stirring; sof t as velvet. And now yo,u know why Sim- Susie Evans has been duly apThe ma n at the fir e wa s not patter as though many little and qualified as Executnx HAT many people r :lil i ll (!i~ Gardiner, but Dave n por t. Th e f eet scurried across the canvas ; mins passed the coffee in that care pointed free! swashbuekling spirit that of the Estate of J, C. Evans late tion vcry often menn." (:J.ccss young ' ma n had on a yell ow slicker th en s ucceeded a drumming. of Warren County, Ohio, deceased., "Roll out,! Roll out!" yelled wou d warm her up!" odd in the stomach. Thll stom ach und sOU'WC'. tel' ha t. He looked up "Looks as if it might rain forDated this 26th day of February Daven port. "Roll out and see it l1erves have beell over-stim ul uted. an u ca ught her eye. " h e ' ~ com ing, " said he .cheer- 11l1 in! At a thousand drops for a ever," r emarked Grimstead after 1!J32. lind food sours. The r:orrectiyc is an Shaw,han & Brown, Attys. ce nt m y ten thousand would be a pause. alkali. which neutralizes the acids f ull y. " Li!;t en to her!" Davenport glanced at his wrist W. Z. ROLL,' An d th en Burton suddenly re- o.v erpaid a thousand times!" instantly. And the best alkali known Judge of tbe Probate Court, A tin y fire blazed merrily at the watch and, made IS rapid calculato medtcal sciencil is Phillips Milk alized t hat th e Toar was not of m16 Warren County, Ohio t he surf, b ut of t he tempest hur- edge of the shelter, a marvellous tion. of Magnesia. "It will stop at ten minutes to sight in all this deluge to 'Burton One spoonrul of tIl is harmless, t lin g t hrough th e forest. t en," he stated. tasteless alkali in water neutralizes She ste pped to t he fire, glanc- when she turned out in the mornPUBLIC SALE "I'I) acknowl,e dge that you callinstantly many times that much ing curiously at t he recumbent ing. Hel' father and Gardiner sat ncid, and thc sym plo::IS disappear f\gu r C's un de r the other shelter. leaning against a log in the back- ed the tu'rn 011 this storm, but I will oft'er at public sale at my lit ODce. You will never use crude " Once a m~ n's asleep, he's haro ground and Simmins fussed with you're cutting it too fine" said home, 1 mile N, -of Waynesville, metbods' when once you learn the t o awak en until afte r :I o'clock" a coffe e pot on a small gasoline Grimstead. "Be reasonable (.. ' clIiciency , of this. Go get a small Davenport a nswered her unspok~ n stove. Gdm stead looked good-na"Neverthelesi~, if you'll allow on State Route 42, on bottle to try. won.d el" "un less he's been br ou ght tured, and umused by the turn ()f me five minutes either way" Tue.day, Marcb IS, 1932 Be sure to get the genuine Phillips up III t he ope n a nd so iR se nsitive events ; Gardin er was company- s miled the young man, "I'll I~y Beginning at 12 o'clock, the folMilk Of Magnesia prescribed by t o ou ts id e, thingfi. But t hey 'll mann ers polite, which meant that 'anybody anothl!r bet." He glanced lowing : phyUci.ans for 50 years in ~ a waken quickly enough in a few he W oli S disgrun t lt'd ; Simmins was at Gardiner, who did not lo()k up. 1 good Horse, 1 Jersey Cow, exceaa acids. 25c and 50c a ~ min utes !" The millionaire laughed. br ight and chipper. Buggy, Harness, Tools, Household -ony drugstore. , "O ught n' t yo u t o awaken Mr. (T{) be continued) There was no doubt of it: someand Kitchen Goods,some com and
Results Can be had by using the Miami Gazette for your advertiaingneeds . .....
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1urlti ng
Ohio's 170,00 0 yo ung me n and women between the a ges of 16 and 24 livin g on f arm s may organize a series of clu bs in their communities for social, rec reat ional, a nd educationa l purposes, a ccording t o the 4-H club depa r tment at the Oh io State Universit y. Although tbis movement toward clubs f or old er boys and girls in rural communities is developing gradually, considerable work is being done in outlining tentative programs faT groups of young men and women so that they will be able t o Qbtain help in their various group activities, says the club department. , , Already many individuals bet ween 15 and 24 years of age are participating in agricultural activities in their communities by servin~ on 4-H club executive committees, acting a s arlvisors fOI' 4-H groups, assisting in the leading of adult agricultural extension pl·Ojects, and in other ways. Plans for this rural youth movenlent at present call for the gathering .@f detailed information on the interests, education, and background of young people in rural communities. This data, says 4-H club leaders, will be used in drawing up programs f or variou s local lind county gr-oups . Some of the proposed pt'ojecl'l that may appeal to the oldel' boys and girls who care to form clubs are : a course in dramatics; a book club to study elementary econom· ies, rural sociology, etc. i a Teading course to continue one's education in science, art, literature, etc. i and such PI'ojects as pure seed produc?on, livl!stock breeding and feed mg, and home beautification. IS THAT A
It is harder for young men in the country to find IS wife than it is for their city cousins, according to a recent analysis made from the last census by P. G. Beck rural sociologist at the 0 S U wh~ fjnds that for every lob wom~n in the country there are 127 young men between the ages of 15 and 24 , but in villages and towns under 2500 population there are 103 young men in this age grou p for every 100 women.
ce ntur y of in Oh io agr icu lt ure, th e fiHi ,th a nn ual r epor l of t he Ohio Ag r icu lt ura l expel'i m nt Stati on, issued lust week t hro ws into t he li melight 80me of t he mnTe rece nt discoveries on the co nt r'ol of plant disl'ases, crop and livestoc k productio n, and other fields of in t eres t to th e Ohi o farm er. ~ l'ie llt i fi c
hll lf
ill\' e~ t iglllio n
c Res less
CHI D E 01i1LDRE will fret. often for no \...r a f' pul' lit rcnson. B ul th ere'" 111\\'!lY~ Ca3 tori I I1armless as the recipe 0 11 Lhe ~ 'ruppeI'; mild :.IIlcl bland li S it last('.~. ("It iLs !:cnUc action soothes a y O !lll~",l e r m ore surely lhan n mo re powt'l'iul Inr.<iic ino. T I;al's t h ~ b~ a ll l y of this special child ,'en's rrm cdy l it may be given thc tinil'st :r.frrn t- os often as thcre is nef.ct . [11 (·u cs of coliC, di arrhea or silll'lar disLuJ ha nce. it is invaluable. A CO!ltc(\ ton!{lIc cui fClr just a few drops to ward 01T cons ti pation; 150 does a ny s u g~(!s li o ~ of bad breath. \\ hClllwl!r ch ildren don't eat · wcll don' l rC!\t well, or h'IVll- any IitU~ u'ps e ~- Ih is pure vcgctable preparahun IS usually oll that's needed.
KEEP ACCOUNT BOOK A mimeographed account book prep.ared by the department of h<Jrtlculture and rural economics . the O. S. U. contains fonns that WIll enable the fruit growers to analyze his business accurately.
5% Farm l.Joans
LONG OR SHORT TIME-ERa' terms. Also Surveyinr and Abstracting. Write and I will call Hay, White Rock Pullets, etc_ and ~ee you. Sam D. Henkl., W.yTerms Cash. Jl1 MRS. JOE EVANS nesvdle, Ohio. Administratrix F. T. Martin, Au~t. . WANTED
Some SYltem
RELIABLE DEALER wanted to handle Heberling Products in , WalTen County. Excellent opport~nlty f<Jr the }'ight man selling direct to farmers. EarnIng $50 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalogue. G, C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. 19!J0 Bloomingm9 ton, III.
WANTEI? Harness Repairing !,nd oll.mg, and new harness bUl!t. Xenm Hardware Co. 118 E ' m10 Main St., Xenia, Ohio
FOR SALE FOR SALE- Model 28 Buick ChSedan. in pei'feet condition. . ea p, see. ~l"lln.k LeMay. tf F0R SALE-Team ' of mules. L. V,. Branstl'afor, phone .J, 15R2. m9
FOR SALE- A good Jersey cow to be fresh soon. See Rhode; Bunnell, Wa)lllcsville., Ohio. · m9
SALE- No. 1 Reell!an~d IlllJoth y Seed, $2'i15 p~r bu . AIl a'n q. Cook. lfllrveYSbuJlg,~ O.
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D. L. CRANE I P.hli. . . Sub.ulplloa price, $1.10 a Y.ar Ollie. PhoJD ....................... No. En'.rcd ., Po.'oHi~. 0' woy" •• villc, R•• I_e, ................ ........ No. 118 Ohio. a. S. c ond CI ... Mall Me" ",
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T each Fire Prevention in Schools
, '\)1 It-·. . m. "'"I ~~:'i5
Chief Pl'nllk . McAUliffe of the Chicago . Fi re Insurance Patrol, . I'~C ntly advanccd th e opin io n t hat fil'e preve n tion should be mOl'e wldelj' taught ill ~cho()1!;. I"il'c pl'cven t ion in t he home he po inted ou t is ,. Ul'c l,v a I I:o blem uf instruction, a.nd by p utting the subj ect into the sl"ilO ,,1 Cllf l'l t:lilul11 ' hildren wi ll .gI'OW up with a n innlllte kn owl edge of ~rc hll Zlll'd <l and dllngcrs illld lhe waYfi to offsct the m. The young mi n d I!i ll1u!: h nYOI'C rccl!ptive thun t.ho old one __ nd t.he generation whi ch n-ally lInci 'L's tantl s the fir e m nac e will be t he ge neration th a t will conq ue r it. , T his is a wise sUJ:m stion, wor th y of t he b l'oadest co ns ideration , I t HI gencrully known what s,afety ed ucati on in t he schoo ls has a ccom I~ lishe tl in the past f w yeal's. Vi vid. ti mely lessons in the fun damen tals elf acci de nt 11I'(:ve nli on have been re s p o n ~ible for lowering t he death and injul'Y rute ~ Ill ll n~ childre n of schoo l age d uring a t im e when ac!'idellts t.o adu ll:; a nd -c hildren of ot he r ages ' ha ve stea dily in cl,'eased . Fire preventi oll leH!'I ons o n a ~ imilar sca le wo uld unqu estio nabl y . pro r' uCl' equ a lly \'a lua ble resu lts. Th e reason ou r na t ional fir e los!! is so e l i Hgru c e ~ull'y high. is t hut ~o g r eat a pa r t o f t he popula tion is !M t only cU I'c1 ess III ILs h llb!t~ , but docs not u ndersta nd the simpl e AB C's of fir e prcve nti un. T oo mHny nel ult minds pl'eRe nt a stt-a nge resista nce to t h e in flll X III' know ledge . Mak ing fh'e p revention a su bject in our schoo ls wi ll not Holvc the pr oblems to da y- b ut it is th e. best in surance w e cllulc.l oblain for lowel'ing fi re loss te n or tw en t y years hence.
<'.Y ; \ ll U ,cJv'il-Al ~~, . ~ /'
30 Years Experience in Fitting an d Making G1asseB
\"\ I
en t rville last week.
li ss Laul'a Hollan d, of
~~/b, ' ~;:~~~, l;lf~'n~e:t ~~ ~~il~:/er cousi n. ~1('
Thle marriage of Mis Lizzie lia uze "illl ~lr. Packer will take P Hl' ( ' a t (III 'Oldy UIIY. i nvitatio ns ..II"C ul rady oul.
1 0 1' 11 lo n~
term of
They, fl~l' · :., S ay
~~ IB3(!;"CC~{fDlJn ~ AI ~ t .. I II 1:h~ e
·vays S 'ttr ce e-t-
shows two you ngste l'S enl'oute i o ' " l3l' Ca reful" i!' th o lI1e ~ ~age of school und e l' Lhe eye o f the ir the A.A ,;\. s~r ~ ty . I' (~"ter fo r , I Mnrc h no\\' bell\g dlstnbuted to g ua rdia ns at h ome, on .the street, I schIJo ls b~' the Gree n 'Co u nty AutoIln d III t he school- the n' p at'ents, mob il e Cluh in t he cOlltinu in g the police offi cel' a nd t.he l cac her. ! campa ig n to ~,af' eg uard chilc.lre n on The mo nt hl y message is: "T hey all th ' ,t re ets and h ig hwa ys. say 'B e Careful I' all ways on t he '\ o mmC' ll ting on the March poster street." . ~ N. NI Huntel', president of the A. Mr. Hunter declared t hat the A. A. uni t, dec la red t hut it is one safe t y posters Ilre n ow furni shed of the l1lo.-!t effec ti ve of the 103 1· to 80,000 teachers Ilnd reach 3,- J !J:l<! seri es. 00 0,000 sc hoo l children. The po stel', in t hree colors,
Andy's Dream By Mn. Je .. l.. B. Tripp
' I
And y dre amed he we nt to heaven Angel there j was a -settin' ! In a g reat big r ockin' chai r ! And it seemed the Angel kn ew hi m Ri z, and met him at t he !!"ateAnd said , "You come go wi t h me kid , And I'll se e t hat you d on't wait!"
.------------------------------,[j A.nd And he saw a n this Angel ____________________________~ ! L Th. O. S. U. RadIo Statioll-WEAO
(J . H . Gourley, Chairman, Dep t . of H orticulture, Pres iding) 7 :OQ F a r m N ight Melody Ma kers. 7 !05 Ohio Farms to t he Resc ue , . . ..... . , .. . " .,.P. G. Beck 7 !20 The o·op Ma rketing In vestme nt .... .. .. .. .. B. A . Wallace 7 :;15 "Pa Tak it the ake" (a p lay) . Dept. Dairy Te~hn o logy' 7 !50 Growing Vegetables fO I' Canning ............. E. R. L~ncashire 8 :0 5 The Conve nie nt Readin g Corner ..... . ............ Anne Blebrichel 8 !20 Sp r ing Practice in Lawn Im provement G, M McClure 8 :35 Opportunities in 4-H Da iry Clubs. ... .... .... .. C. L. Blackman S :50 T he Cow's Udder ..... .. .... .... ........ J. D. Grossman
Because he had a Gla.sified Ad. and sold hi. goods through the Miami Gazette's columna at a good profit. .
Odd-But TRUE
"<t~\ I
"~\.UE \
And so the Ange l led him From the da rkness of t he tomb ; Tuck ed him r ig ht away fro m sorl'er To the light, plum thl'o ug h t he g loom . Said , no more should h e hear s ig hin' , And 'a t Christ would give him gra cej . F er ' t wu s .jj ~ t slch kids as And y. That could loo k upon his fac e."
The re is a wonde du l rev ival go ing on a t St. Paul 's M, E. ch urch in ci nnati und er t he ma nugcme~t of Rev. Ha rrison, po pularly known as t he ' Boy PI·each.er.' T hc r e have been up t o t his t ime 50 0 co nvers ions.
~W"'. ~, ~ Of . tout~'t\ON I
~ -t~y.~. IN)QI. \IQ~t. "to cot"O '«lu9. tta,~t ~
'l\W ll\..~ " COft.~ • ~ \0.)0 ~~
"Ml~ \M \N61\~. .c.l\\~ \.Nfl ,
t.U\U\'-'U ~
'(0\) .
"','" '''(~ "
. t"" - \"C
Will. Drawn • • E ... l • • S.ul•• . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Ca t t le, hogs, sheep a nd cal ve ~ JESSE STANLEY to Norris-Brock Co. , live w ire a n d Phone 320, New BurlincloD, Ohio progr essive firm f or t he hig hest market prices and goo d se r vice. Union Stock V.rd.' Cincinnati, 0 EARL KOOGLER Tune in on Ra di o Station WCKl' Dayt,?n Phone . 12 :25 to ] 2 :3 0 p . Ill . for oUl' da il y m arket r ep orts. KEnmore 8986
Martin Dead Stock Wanted
Centerville, Ohio
May Come Back Hiram Poore died at hi .: home here W edn esday eve ni ng a fter The Le ba non Ga zette tells of a seve ra l m nihs of illness. He was Jo hn Mou nt, of t hi s co un ty, who onc of t he most high ly respected was disch a rg e d from t he pe nite nof ou r colol'ed cil i zcn~ . H e lea ves II tial'y on th!' 2nd in st. On bidding widow, olle so n, t wo grand ons, fa r ewell to t he g uar ds he said: a nd a grand-daughtel' tQ mourn " Boys th is is gro und h og da y. I Sma ll boy Angels gather ed ' r ound their loss. F uo eral se1"Vices wer e am go ing nut, bu t if 1 should conduct ed Saturday mO()1'Iling. him, see my shlldow I ma.y come back.' Giggled, said, "Fer p it y's sake !" If J ohn is not ca ref ul where he Mr. and 1I-hs. H a rI'y Mulfor d of With sich sho r t bro,a.d, ch op ped-off Lebanon were T uesday eve ning COots his s ha dow he may get a t rou sers, g uests of MIT .a d MI'll. Cha . . H. ch'a n ee to go back. What an Angel, Andy'l make! Gray und fa mil y. .Wayne.ville Market PLANT CORN EARLV Mr. an d 1\1,·s. Richard Kibl er and $ 1.30 ug hters have moved in to t he Whell t bushe l A 10-year t est by the Ohi o da $4 .00 Ha nks property. Mrs. Ha11 ks und F lour p CI' cwt., Agricultural Experime nt Station MI'. an d !\-Ir", John Ha tliffe ha ve B u tte l' p e l' lb. SOc s hows a loss of one bushel of corn moved to th e Hunk s fa rm outh of Orl euns molasses 65c 75 c per acre for 'each day of delay in t ow n. Maple mola sses , $ 1.25 planting corn after May 15 . . Bee! pel' Ib, best cuts 12*c Mrs. H. M. F ite a n d J a ne E ll e ll Sau a ge per Ib , ,.. . . 12c of Wa hington C. H. we re wee k. Salt per barre l ...... .... :.... $1. 75 end gue ts of Mr. a n d Mrs. F rllnk Eggs ,p el' doze n , .. , ............. " , 20c Wil son. Lard per pound . .. .... 10 @ I 5c Mr, a nd Mr '. Vel' nu s Bail ev of Fla x S eed per bushel ........ $ 1.1 5 Wilm ingto n ca ll ed on MI'. and Mrs. P otatoes pel' bus he l ...... $ 1.25 Hams (suga r-cured ) pel' Ib ,. 12c " . J ,C. G my .)a turda y e ve lllng. Appl es per bu she l , . . . $1.20 MI', a lie! Mrs, George Bunn ell H ogs pe l' cwt. $5.00 @ $6.25 have muved to German to wn a nd Co rn .. . 62c 1\11-. !\ nd 1\1I-s. Ii m'bert S ne ll have Oats ... . .... ...... ..... . 45c 1llC'l"f'd int o t he Levicy pr opert y Barley 70c @ 9 0c Wool, washed . 35e to :17 ¥.o e whi ch t hey vllcnled, 2:lc to 00 Wool. unwa;;hed • Sweet P otatoes per bu shel $ 1.50 PLANS OUTLINED FOR I - - - -4· H CLUBS IN MARCH NOTICE
Scores of co un t ies ill Lhe state will I'col'ga ni :~e th eir 4-H clubs tbis mont h in pre pa rat ion for '1'0 l"ived intel'eRt. in boys a nd g irls clubs in th e spring, says Miss Hu lda HOI'st, a ssis ta nt state club leall c r in the 4-H c lub d e partmen ' at th e Ohi o State University.
COR\l.£t."(\O", v.~~
J am es P hilli ps, t he yo uth who orw in, a b out s hot hi mself in two weeks ago, di ed T uesda y 14th ins l. Coro n er Car ey, of Lebanon, he ld a n inques t over t he b o ~y. T he verd ic t was dea th by shooting with suicida l intent. Th e boy pers isten tly ref used to t he las t to give a ny r easo n fo r his rash act. Hi s moth er a nd fr iends have our Subscribe for the Miami Gazette ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Born til MI'. Ilnd Mr, . Wm. A. ympaihies in this gr eat sorro w. Luk ens on Monday, Febr uary 29, Rayaville a n 1"~ pou lld daug htcr. So we have lL lea p yea r baby in ou r c ommuni ty Mr. J acob Scott a nd Miss Clara But she is n't the only ' one here t o Gooda ll joine d th e hyme nal band claim the honol' of a birthday once on la t Thur. day. Our beHt wishin fOU l' years. Ji mmy Th ornbu r y es to t he m . ce le brnte d his second bi r thda y MOTld~l Y, J i111 Illy is a brig ht youn gTrains loade d wi t h c oal pass ster too, be in g in the secon d grad!;' th roug h d ail y en route for the at sc hool. city we hope it will not be long Mr. and Mrs. Mott Cline a nd e l'e 'the passenger t ra ins w ill be da ug h tel' and Mr s. Em ma Clin e of r unning. Dayto n we r e week-end v isitors of Sene y missed the fi rst two t rains MI';;. lara M re itt a n u MI'. a nd t ha t passed t h ro ug h on t he T. D. Mrs. Freel Ha rlan. & B. Severa l f rom here a ttended t he f une m l of J . E. McCa r ren, at FayThe Civi l eng in eer named o ur Phone 78J PHONE 8F3 etteville Wedne ~ r13y morn in g. s tation "Hockla nd S ta lion," bu t , . ' aft cf\1 srJs fo und th at t here wa Mr~. A. 1 . Moler passed away anot he !' P ost Offi ce by t hat n a.me. HARVEVSBURG, OHIO ~t he l' home here W ed n~s day mo rn W h t ' 11 't be next t ime? mg, fo ll ow l nl~ a long 11Ine.l';. S he a WI I HUNTINCA leaves her hu sban d, two da ug hter s FISHING V M·rs. ,Joh n Maxwell, of Cincinan d ten grandch ildren to mou rn. F un era l serv ices were conci ucte d l"!lti, is vis iting her panmts, Mr. f r om th e M. E, church, F r iday nnd 1\1I-s, Eel. Swen ey, of t his p lnce. after noon.
"Mt\,," ,
A I'cry pleasant. dinner pUlty wus g-ivcn by :'tl l'. J oh n Hart sock and wif e on S unda y. Notw lt h,,;tunding the un pleasa nt w eat ~ er II numb er of r elatives and f!'lends \\' e re t here a nd enjoyed themselves imm e nsely. The g ue ts were : Mr. Uuvid spe nce , wife a nd c hild, a nd Mrs. Lemue l E ll is, of Spri ngfi e ld , Cha rl es ll al'lsock nnd fam il y, C ha s ' ~===-:~~~~=~==~ Co rne ll and wife, Ro be r t Bra ddock and fam ily, Lev i Ha rtso ck and fa miiy, Misses Flol'a Woo ll ey, Lnu l a Ho llan d and Mess rs. By ron Hnrtsock and Leste r e rll n e.
O."(\C~\. { .,)
Lots of other Angels know'e d him , The y to had gather ed a t t he gate Which was made of go ld a nd SilV Cl' "'Lowed. t hey'd m eet him t h er e in state."
l\'\t C"'\~~l. 1000,
' , ' -,'
Th tilllull.pox pan ic has ' ubs ided lind the peop le II I' C agai n " lying ull lh "i l' ar ms."
Leba non , Ohio Tlle.day, Thur. day, Saturday Examina ti on F ree . LEBANON, OHIO
'1'!iP I'" ar(, rell ceda r pos ls al ong ,,/J uJ
Cary's Jewelry Shop
the tOil d.
Mr . Emily Browne visit ed relat.ives llIJal'
7/'", ""-'IJ
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist-
Fifty Y arK AgiJ
J. II. JJt\I' I'I S ' .I a rd thnt huve s t ood LlI "1 c o a year" u!\ d an~ HI purcn ll y
Eight Commandments for Parking
Farm hight 1 alks, March 14
!. I
~~. ~ . ~irJ~~~~/: J~,A;£~~\~k\::"-~,~~t' )
Padl ing is one of tht' most v(>xa ti oll S m uni c ipa l probl ems. On the hand th e r!! mU:-;l he regulnlio ns to insure a sa fe con tinu ous flo w of tl'llflic, li nd on th' other, t.he righl!'l o f b u ~i n ess in ca<:h particul ar dis t r ic t. IlIU ~ t be on:iderl'll. Ma xwe ll N. l'l n l ~ cy, Traffic E ng in eer of t he Na tiona l Bu r eau of CIl ~ lIalt y Ilnd S u re ty ndcl"\I'rite l's, has evolved t he f ollow ing table of cOlll l1lundme nl!'; Oil. thl- ~ ub.i ecl: I. ThOll shn lt not pllrk S f) c1 o~(! to an in te rsection as to interfe r.e \,-itll Ih l' lII:lxinlll llI linl' of ;;i,::-ht pe rm itted by the fix ec.l obstruction on lhl! corne r. 2. Th ou sha lt nol park in dou ble lin B a t a n y tim e or place. 3. Thou sha lt not park a t an a ngle exce pt on st reets of sufficie n t ~l'idt h t o permit 1\\'0 <: hunne ls in C'::Ich d irecti on a nd onl y wh ~ re stalls ha ve be en mal'ked off by la ne. 4. ThOll Rhll lt not park wherl! it res tricts space available f or moving- tl'a ll-ic be low that i1ecessary f or t wo-way simulta neou s movelIIont. us ually 20 fee t. 5. Thou sh ult not park on t he impr oved travelabl e porti on of t he hig hwu y in r ura l districls. 6. T hou ~ halt nut park opposite street cllr track s unless a full t e n Coot lune is avai lable f or m{)v ing t raffi c between the rail and the parked Cllrs, 7. Thou ~ hult not park on the 'chool s id e of t he street adjacent to the sc hoo l bui lding. S. T hou sha lt not park a d jacent to hills or curves whenever it reduces l he max im um visibilit y permi tted by the fixed ()bstructions. If l hese com ma nd me nts are fo ll owed, both t he saiety and usefulness of OUT. streets will be v a ~ t1y in<:reased.
S'L;j\ a7"_l-e.':g,-: u~~~hil d:; ) ~ (- -:' -"':;,(f '\
MARCH 9, 1932
G\.~%%t.4b ~t\U ~""
I~---:......-~------~~--"':'I , , - - _........_ - -..
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r.---... -_ Il~, __~_ak_:_~_:_~ _:_~_~_a:Oe_t_:_~_f~
T o our many patrons throu ghout the community. We will do business through The Crawford Commiss ion Co., Cincinnati, Ohio on and after January 1st, assuring you the best of service, both for caring for and selling your stock. W e thank you for the past and
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
II n 62,pollo montbly ';'llI:&Il uG cr nwlDed f u ll of b Uil tItthlnll, COm plnll a nct
&rnPl'lt " 1:8t.o r1 eo tlud Plctu r('!ll
,':-.1 r.blo , ntOrtDntlOQ a llou;
, WL!. rc \'OIVCl1l, (h' hlngtAe ~ ..
10.. ;n UI1D In'" ohuu l:ca. I)('s' place" t o 110' IlfIb lWlllnDl o, IC C:
Only $1.00 :::u~:08~~~~1 ~:aJ:o;4 :J! " 0
'M'l1 h cnd )'O U
A. FISHING fran.,t Bldg. Boston. Me •••
E PAIRI N G Watch es Clocks J e welry
Store Ope n Eveni ngs
~lllllll lIllllllmll l llllllllllllllffi~lllm~mlrnIliUIm . '.
an hope for your SHOP t hroug hou t t he state on the part ~~~_=~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~==:_:~~~-= !WiJlII' of local d ub le ade r s a nd boys and _ _ ___ ~~~~~~~~===~~~=~~ g irls. Club program s are outlining at th is t ime jior t he spring and s umme r. Among t he pro jects app ealing to gi rls t his year aTe . those dealing with nu t r itio n, clothing, and home f Ul'l1i shi pgs. Th e nu t r ition project ill e mp has izing as never before the imp rta ncc of select ing the rig ht I' inds of fo od as lVe ll a s its proper prepara t ion. MOl'e and more atte nt ion is being devoted' to the diet a it is r e lated to health. In t he cloth ing. projects, it .has been f o und th at yo ung g irls be. t ween ] 3 and 14 61- age us ua lly m'e enrollcd learn. ing h.o\l\ to .m ake gar( l\I (mts, w hile girls 10 and \ . 'f 'J 1 Y I'S' of a are ! ourid in f he useful . pr.oject.
Vie ' the l\:1iami G·a zett.e's ~Cla~ ' Columns
: :)~~.;";'._
jart ' .. elea up a bUl'ttlary Carl that was l!onlmittec1 in Harvl'Ys- ...._.... burg ' 0" mbcr Rnd also a job 'inin Rnl"'~~'~ b\l1'1t1!1~0 in Nnvembel', 19!H. TI)\\ , will Ill' held in jail pc ndinnction b~' l\1a~·. th' l!:TUnd j ury tht,t will mcct in Both boys "I'e IllIrgen with h"ving \'ol n iut the iHndd n store ~\ r. Ha l' 'Y, bill'!%: n ~'CI\l' mal It hillf lit " , ~t ulillg malnl.' ignl'ette$. John -ho no l'r is il11p1i~{lt'd in ttl robbery of the Welch & Dak in lIt Harvey~b ul'g , hnt'dwlll' > ' for In~t N oy mber .
ere arGallaher on t'harge of bUl'glary were bound over ~) the
Dir~tor of F(Uferal Service Our work is cionc fol' those who love Illid ren)ember. , AMBULANCE SERVICE
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 29 ------------------~------~,
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Und enominational) Chester A. -Williamson. Mini,ter
I~Ul'ch choul ~t 9 :30 ~'1 o~~ Lord s Supper und se rmon a . EASTER~ STAR30 n. m. Serm.on subJ, c~, ~'~~: Key to th . crIPture~. h 0 h Miami hnptel' No . ] 07 O. E. alwuys WCIC(IIIIC nt t hiS c UI:C, " \\'ill me in r'gulnr essiQn ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH I OlllhlY vcning, l at· 11 1,1, at 7 ::1 0 . . 11 ofliccrs arc urged t o bu Rev. Fortman pl·(> ~" nt. Vi iting membe)';; arc Fir ' t lind Third Sunday Mass a t \I' lcom". :00 a. m. . ('con d, Fourth lind la Hnrt....ock, W, M,,' Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10:30 a. m. Minnie l"romtn, Sec'y, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH w G. O. DIbert, Past or Wednc sdav : Bibl e study an d pray"r mee t ing aL 7 :00 p, nl. This week we will study the parable of "The Iti ch Fo ol. " Lu kl' 12 :13- 2 1. It " il' pl'llcticC' !ll 7 :·15, Sunday: ,'ulldny school lit !I :30 n. Ill , :'lorning wo~s hip nt 10:30. Sermon ' su bject, " T he Sup reme Gu""t." Epw orth LeE ue at 6: 30 p. m, Evangelistic services a t 'j ::10 p, m. On Wednesday evening rof next week we wi ll begin n scries of J toti'uc ted meeti ngs and I ctJntinu' until Easte'r,
We have a cOlnplete stock of Field Seed at Right Price and Quality, A and AA.
Clover Timothy
URCH OF WA YNESVILLE CH CHRIST (Undenom inationlll) Ch'est el' A. Willia mson, Minister Church School at 9 :30 u. Ill. Lord's upper at conclusion , hrisLian Endeavor at G:30 p. m. Doroth.y Woo la rd , Leadel'. Evening evangeli st.ic se l'vice at 7:30,p. m. Scrlllon subj ect, " Co nversution." P ra yel' Me ·t ing anci Bible Study ach Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. The ('hu rch where you fe el at home.
~T . MARYS CHURCH Rev. J. J. Schacffer, Rector. Thursday eveni ng, March l~, services at 7 :30, Rev. Dr. Phil POI·te r, recto 1', of Ch rist Church, Dayton, will g ive the a dd ress. Murc h 13, Fifth Sunday in Lent hurch chool at 9 :30; Morning Prayer a nd ser mon at 10:30.
- - ------
OBITUARY W oI'ds fail to express the appr eciatio n of the lines 'In Memory of Alice Cheno.weth," which were so beautifully exp ressed in poetry. Alice was born to Wm. J. and Mary Crllmer' Cht!Doweth, February 28, 1861, and fell a sleep. in J esus January 27, 1932, making her stay on earth almost seventyone yea.rs. She had been a member of Middle Run Primitive Baptist Church past fifty years, firm in her belief, and always attending church when she was able. He place will be hard to fill in the chu rc h lind community, in which she lived. Alice never maL"l'ied; it seemed to be her mission to minister to others, her home was open to those less fort unate than herself. A mother to the orphans, lending a helping hand and heart to the widows and ministering to the sick, Alice has been in many, many hom es dUI'ing the sickness and death of loved ones, always ready to go where she was called. During the eleven ,w eeks of her sickness she was patient at all ti mes j ust seemed to wait patiently till "God caUed her home." It can truthfully be said of her " her life was well spent, she hath done what she could."
A wide gl,llf separates the modern 1;une1'81 director from the " undertaker" of fif t.y years ngo. Today \ye have a highly trained professional mlln, uai~ all the advanced methods of scien.ce and offering a multitude of . services which w ere never expecte d- of ,his predecessor. As t he result of this advancement, the public receives pl'otection and comfort in a time of great need.
Seed Oats We have just received a car load of Siberian See~ Oats. These are a large white oats of very ' good qtJality, grown in '1931.
Clover and Grass Seeds We have a choice selection of Clover and Alfalfa Seed.
Montana Grown Grimm Alfalfa ..... , .. . . .. , .. . ... .
J. E. McClure
Choice Kansas Grown Common Alfalfa , ... , ..... .
Phone 7
We al.o have excellent bargains in little .Red and Sapling Clover Seed.
l!:~===========~ ,-
"Black· Leal 40"
Thi. is the best product known to rid poultry of lice and mite•. Also used to destroy many plant insects.
T~yo ~f t he s trongest county or-
gan IzatIons f or the enforcem ent of Nationa l Prohibition met on ~f o nduy, February 29, ut Frank1m, a nd orga nized a joint committce know n at th e "Allied Forces for Prohibition." The Wom en's Chri stian Tcmperance, Unio n held an interesting meetmg on Monday afternoon in th e BIIPtist Church, of Fl'8nklin, and the Warren County Ministerial Association held a supper mee ting j ointly with the ladies at which time it was voted 'to effect a county organization under the above nam e. ' An executive committee was appointed to choose officers end to promote the campaign in all parts of the county. The committee chose n was: Chairman Mr. George E. Young, of Franklin, Mrs. M. Roudebush, of Franklin, Rev. C. R Spangler, of ' Mason, Mrs. Ball, 01 Maso n, Rev. John H. Spindler, of Kings Mills Mr. Frank C. Ander. son, of Leban on , Mrs, Rockhill, of Lebanon, Rev. G. C. Dibert of Waynesville, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway of W aynesv ille.
See .s !
The Wayne \ ille -West Union game lit 'ihnir toll collego gym opened u~ul'day afternooll Il~ 2 p. m. with Elli ,of the Orange & Black sq uad .'col'illfC the firsc field goal so 011 a fter the game sturted. Hoth tenms were taking their time and end eavoring to work through tho 'defense of their opponents. Savag(~ was fou led and missed both of his free throws. 'rhe est. Unicm boys had also missed 2 free t hrows. livage t hen manuged to wOI'k t hat fu mous pivot play fOT two more points. rHO nex t t ip off res ulted in three fo uls bdng clIlled for pushing and holding WIth W. H. S. getting two of the threo throws- every body missed, Du b I:r~ts the ball on the foul line on a tip-off play and scores the last. two points of the quarte r fol' t he Orange and Black. Wcs t Union cam e through for a field goa l jU$t U ~ the quarter ends, ij.;,! W. H. " In t he sec ond quarter the West Unio n Green & White tea m got lh" fi rst uusket soon to be f oll owcd by anot,hel' by Ell is of W, H. S. Elli s gut;; a free throw a nd makes ii. co unt. Wcst Uni on came throug h 1'01' a foul shot and II! field goal to end the second quarter U-7. At the start of the third period th e West Union boys ca me back strong and on u freo t hrow and tl fi eld goal soon led th e W. H. S. boy. Sa vage gets a free throw and tics the SCOI'C 10· 10. Savage the n urenks through on u pivot pluy f or two more poin ts fOl' the Orange & Black. The West Uni on boys were not in the m ood to be le fb in the r eal' und so on registered a bllsket to tie t he sco re 12-12 and the n fo llowl!d up with two tiel d goals and a fou l t o end the third quarter 12 1:017 with W. H . S, in the reur. In the last quarter Dllvis managed to get a basket in the first few minutes of t he qual'tel' lind t hat ended the point collecting for the Waynesville High school team fol' t he 193 1-'32 season. The We t Un ion boys proceeded to collect one fl'ee shot; and three field goa ls and at the gun the score stood 14-22 in fa~'or of the Green & White team fr()m West Union, Adams County champions.
Thirty Indi es attended the 'Aid' Thursday afternon at the home of 1\Irs. Marga ret J ohns. Mrs. W. F. Graham. spent ThursDEAT~S day with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Ml'. Emma Moler, 71, wife of A. T . and Mrs. Walter Clark spent Moler, died at her home in HarThursday in Dayto n and called on veysburg, Wednesday morning" Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox in the Marc h 2. She is survived by her at'ternoon. hus band, two daughters and severMrs .WiIliam Bergdall, Mr. and a l grandc hildren, Mrs. Frank Robinson spent SunF un eral services in charge of With the increased capacity of our Hatchery day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Mr. Lucas, ,","Cre held in the Russell Bergdall in Dayton. Harveysburg M. E. church Friday and the low cost of eggs, weare in a James Johns was able to again afternoon and burial was in Miami dl'ive the school bu s Monday cemetery. position to do custom h atch ing fo r 2c per morning after a serious illn ess of several weeks. Mrs. Lucy M. Charleton. aged The Ladies' Aid will serve the e,,;duck an~ turkey eggs, 4c. 56, wife of · Samuel Charletan, banquet fo r the Elks at Lebanon died Tuesday nitrht at her home on March 17. Rou.te 4, followmg a lingering illMahlon Gebhart, ~ f Route 5 ness. Funeral services will' be is improved from his recent seriheld at the Lytle church Saturday ous ilness. afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Mrs. John Hill of Richmond is will be in Miami cemetery. making an extended visit to her H~a vy daughter, Mrs. Seth Furnas and Mrs. Emma E. Foulks, 77. . . family on Route 5. widow of Obadiah Foulks passed Mrs. Settie Bolser of Dayton is away Thursday, March 3, at her cal'ing for her mother, Mrs . Ann home in Lytle. Mrs. Foulks had Smith, whose condition remains been an invalid for many years. about the same. She is survived by three daughters , He~vy Mix~d--.$8.00 Mr. and M'l's. Floyd Savage and Card of Thank. and two sons. I children attended the play, "An Funeral services were held at $~.50. To a ll those who helped care Innocent Dcsperado," Thursday evening, given by the Junior's at for her, in her laslt sickness and the residence Monday afternoon Mr. McClure a nd Weltz for their and burial ~8 in Miami cemetery. Waynesville. Mrs. Sam Charlaton is vcry low efficient service, the neighbors and friend s, ] wish to extend my STATE HIGHWAY at this time. MI". and Mrs. William Pine of heartfelt thanks. SYSTEM CHANGED Rou te 5 and Orville Phillips at- We loved her, yes, we loved her, tended the funeral of Mrs. Pine's But angels loved htlr more, fath er, Bennie Mills at Waynes- And they have gerlltly, called her, On Wednesday, Marcb 9th To yonder shining shore. ville Saturday. I changes v,!il\ pe effective in route Miss Sue Crane of Toledo is Mrs:. Bertha Hess marking in Division No. 8 of making an extended visit with Mr. The State Highway deparj;ment to and Mrs. Forest Graham. comply with necessary correctfons INTERESTING PROGRAM ' Mrs. Georgianna Haines has by reasons of additions to the again improved. AT CLVB MEETING State Highway system as authorizMisses Ruth and Margaret Cook ed by Legislature. A part of of near Waynesville and Messrs The regular meeting of the the 400 miles added for the years Charles Doster and Donald Hadley Wayne Towns hip ,Mothers' club 1931 and 1932 is included in this of neal' Willmingto n were Sun- was held at the Grade building division and they will be marked r day evening guest s of Mrs. Mar- Friday aftemoon; The devotion- as follows: Ph~ne garet Johns. als, lead by Mrs. M.a ry L. Adams, , Road from Engles Corner at the 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Klotz of were followed by a short business intersection of Route 4 to the in"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cincinnati were Tuesday guests of sess ion. The ftawer box was awar- tersection of Route 127 North of ::!! . - - -- -- .-.. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds of Middle- ded to Miss Reeder's room and Sevenmile will be marked 73, a \~==========================;i) , __________________________ the picture was l~iven 'to Mr. continuation of the route that"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!'!'!_' town, evangelistic singers took Young's room. starts at Portsmouth and runs by I charge of the music at Lytle The program whieh was arrang- way of Hillsboro, Wilmington church Sunday evening. ed by the program committee, was Waynesville and Middletown to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers at- especially interesting and com- its terminus at Route 127. tended a s urprise party Sunday prised the following numbers: T,h e Bull Skin Trail in. Clermont fbI' the latteL"s IJ llother, Mrs. "Dusty Miller'sFifty Years of and Warren Counties, which has Lottie Carey at the home 'of her Life"-Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite. been added to the State Highway daughter, Mrs. Eberly Farquer, from. Blanchester to Pian.o Solo-Miss Betty Hart- system near Ridgeville. Clarksville will be marked 188 a s ock. Mesdames Allen Emrick;, J, B. "My visit to the Hawaiian Is- continuation of the existing route Jones and Floyd Savage and Mr. lands"- Mrs. Mary McClure, that runs toward the Ohio River and Mrs.' Walter Kenrick attended • ' Vocal Selection-Mrs. LeMay, and terminates at Utopia. Daily Except Sunday a display of 201 fine quilts at the Mrs, Sackett, Mrs. Lotz. The present 3 C's Highway These two Thirkield Dry Goods store in Health Talk-Mi,s s Catherine Route No. 3 from Cincinnati to fepee rolls, taken Franklin, Saturday afternoon. ' Washington C. H., will be changed Gibbons. down ' for shipMI'. Garst Billet and family of Vocal Solo-Mrs. H. L. Buerkle to U: S. No. 22! Route 3 being 'm en t, wen t Middletown are moving to the During the social hour refresh- left In place untIl such a time as farm of William Bergdall, recently ments 'we I'e served by the com- the troveling public is familiar through the vacated by S. Bishop and family mittee, Mrs. Kimmerle, Mrs. \~ith the change. T,h e short 'secGulf of. Mexico who have moved to near Franklin. Ludding'ton, Mrs. Dibert and Mrs. tion of road from Osborn to the . Fence Weather' Mrs. Emma Foulks, 77 years, Alvin Earnhart. intersection of Route 69 in Greene Test. "Galvan: passe d away at her home here county win be No. 285 to confonn nealed" still alThursday aftern oon, a~ter. a proto the numbering on th~ pl'esent longed illness of rheumattllm for route into the city of Xenia. ' most like new. 1'9 yeat's. Fun c)'~1 service was held Ml:S. Sam Shanks Jr., and daug,hThe travelinl/." public , is advised Ordinary ,gal- '" at the t'esidence Mii-lJ'uaY· l>f.t;emoon tel' have moved to Harveysburg to consult the new 'state highway van i,zed ., was · conducted by Rev. H. H. Lafferty ; where they have I~urchased ' a maps, or their local Automobiie ruihed. .. . Interment in Miami cemetery. f;i:"O,cery. ,clubs, before making any le~hy N'O.li~'! Laurens started Saturtrips as changes 'in other pans <If WhiCh :wi11 give ' -~- -----day to visIt bill uncle, Will Noggle' the state will be made on the sam''; , you ,'rno~t foJ.' in New Mexl~. . ' !lay and: wi!l probably ~ft'ect Toute " , ' , i ' yO'll r ,,' f e it c'e ' . Mr. and Mrs ' James Conner numbenng along their proposed and son · Rufus '~avle moved to tour. . ' money?' We sel. REI;>. BRAN]) "Gal.vanl;l.ealedl l Jamestown. l' '~' , ,FENCE 'a t ,fair, ..stal!dar.d ,·ma.;ket pn~. ." 'Mr. ,and, Mrs. Dennis Chenoweth The play "Aunt,,Mrushy Onl the have ' gone to ' hOIJ.ilekeeping' on War Patl:t,", which ' given here t he Chas. Oglesbee farm ~est . o~ recently 'WIll be pu on in the ' , pring Valley. ' " . , ·Spr ing "alley H. ,·S. auditorium; II Mr. and :Mrs:':"'C. £ ,'. W,he~ler Frida.y' \lveniit/l. ' ' = =;:;====¥====;==:"=== :l.11 d family have moveQ to the Mrs. Geo Evans .. 'wiSe.cup proP,e rty in, t\lis villagE!. eesefully through, an OJl'@rsL!i~ln Mr. and Mrs. Erba Baallon )lave a tnali~naut I.T<'WLn. mov,ed to the' farm vacatlld by OLellan s F'Joiiilll;~, WANTED, :I'D Bt:1Y-P.Qre bred ' . condition "~iiSl~ae. P'>YO I S lli . , P 'Wheelers, ,, ".,I!\P.!~~~~~~~~~ ~- ~"'!""o~....--~....--' Mrs. ~ennie Reev~ Mr. and tory. I DAY;;:. e~hJo.u :an s ' at S~&
Notlce to C.h.ick Raisers
Satl.laction Guaranteed ,
Breeds ,straight---$9. 50 per hundred; 300 and over, $9.00; 500,
, $8.50. '
-- ..- - -
A New Car of
per 100; 500,
: '
English'White Leghorns---$8.00 per 100; " , 300, $7.75; 500, $7.50. All frOID: bl~od~tested stock.
These Shingles are the Hunting-
I Merritt Certified Brand, the highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles man ufactured.
Madden's Lum berYard
WaynesviJie, Ohio Pho'n e 45R2
1 .............---------.........
Wayneaville, O.hio
For Our Country Subscribers
The Cincinnati Enquirer The Miami Gazette Both Papers for One Year Only
. . ...
Per bale • • $1.00 Per square • ~$4.00
Eighty -Fifth Year
Whol e Numb er 6005
-,-_ ....
IWa yne Tow nshi p Farm ers Club Marc h M eetin g ,
Th e body of Otis P: Hender son, 55, was found in Caesar' s creek Friday night by county offici lIs who were draggin g the stream. Henderson had disa.ppe ared about a week before his bod,y was found tlfter having drawn all his money, about $100, from the Waynes ville Nationa l bank and for 1.1 tim e it was though t he might have gone to a neighbo ring town or had met with foul play. E;ft'orts to locate the man proved futIle and under the directio n of heriff Fulkert h county authori ties dra.g~ed the stream near the Henderson home. After several hours work the body was found. Corone r Waldro n Gilmou r's verdict was :'death , du e to accid ental drown-
Th e WOIll OIl 'S Aux ili ol'y of St, I\l!u' Y's chu rch, met on Fr iua y afte rnoon, Mu rch 11, with Mr s. A II na ad \Vull a d ~r at Th e Little Inn. The mee Ling was opuned by ~I I' , and Mrs. D, R, Smith lI'e /'e Mrs, Cadwa ll ader. wh o condu cted Day lon visito r: t odn y, t he de votiona l se rvice. iptu ral qu ota t ion were g iven inScr re~po n se Mr, C. .J. Hi. ey is spend in!!, a to roll-call. t', .w \\ eek s in ali fo l'ni a , Mrs. L, H. Gordon rCoad an inte r esting pam phl et on the wor k of W , H. Ma dde n & o. ha ve j us t th e United Thank OfT eri ng , a nd u nl ,ladle d a C IlI ' o f s hing les. announ c ed that Ap l'il wa>! the dnte se t when it would 1U be presen~II', a nd Mrs, W. H, All en we re ted nt church. pay tOil "i, itol's , on Tuesda y. ' Miss Knth el'in e I'rend orgast r ead nn interes ting ari;cl e on "The See tp Salisbu ry's, W , P . and Founda ti on of a hristian Nation. ' D. R" befor e yo u sell your s tock. Reading s from lh e study-b oo k "Buildi ng a Chri stian Notion, " l\l i ~~ Cnl riP Mills !lnll 1\11' , Wilbur were give n by Mrs. W. H. Allen Mi ll s visited relativ e' in Dayton , and 1\11's. Edith Hal'l'is, During a delight ful social hour Fridny , de l icious I' e fre ~hm e n t.s were SCI'VMiss Jan e 1300'ing, of Wilmin ,:\'. . ton, sp<,nt Sunday wi th MI'. and I ed .VISItors preRe nt ~v ere Mrs. Mrs. W . L. lJrak e. ' IMa ry L, Ada~s~n! MISS Ra ndall.
_. - --
J\1l!m lJl'r ~ nnd g u s t ~ (,f the \V ay no T" \'! II ~ h ip Fann er' s (. uh W(' rl! JlII'a ~ll ntl y ent ' I'tain ed (<11 MarC h 10th :It till' hrl m" lit' ~I I' , ProlJram for the Three Month. Ml's. John Wilso n is ve r)' s ick 'ST_ AUGU STINE CHURC H and 1\1,·s. ' ,L. l1 uke, T h· temMurch 17- Basket Ball Banque t. at t his writing . Rev. Fortma n IJ<'ru tul" wus qu ite low bu t II Inl',:\'<' Mal'ch 18- 8 th Grad e test ' StandFi rst an d Third Sunday Ma8s at Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke s pen l numbel ' wa ~ III atLl'noJUll unl F or m ." ce. ~ :00 a. m. Second , Fourth and Sunda y a t Pl easant Pl a in. March 18- Local Oratori cal conThe Lable>; were de r, 'l'ute u wi th Fifth S un day, Mass at· 10:30 a. m. test 8 p. m. at Gym. l ur~" hunch c,; M pussyw ill ow, W. H. Madde n & Co , have ju st · Nl! pkil1s. l:lJ ll dy an Mil l' h 18 - 8 th Grad " program , 1 u popeo l'1l reWAYN ESVILL E M. E_ CHURC H unloade d a ca l' o f shing les , p, Ill. in Gym. mind"1i u ~ P I' l hl' S aso l1 o f St. Ma l'e h 1f)- Agricu lture program . G. C. Dibert, Pastor Put rick. A II ~l1joj'e d the· bou ntifu l J . P. Fromm an d f a mil y s p n t f t: a ~ C of \\ ell preparc d March l fJ 'eniol' Scholar ship Our lood, special series of meeting s Sunday with re la t ives in llllj'ton, cun test 8 II. 111. L_ H. S. T he O1 l'(· tin ~ wa s ('a ll('<1 t o oru el' \I'i ll beg in on Wednes day evening MJH rch 1!J - Se niol' Agricu lture by A, S, C(l iit- ' an d Hev, Laf,If this week and continu e until Mr. and Mr ~, Jam cs Lovely a nd fel ty If" I'I' 1 L1 ,' invflcat i on. At cOllle!;t , 1 p.m., L. H. S. 109. " . aslel'. Ther e \vill be meeting s Ma rch 2~ - Coun ty Music FestiHender son was unmarr ied and family visite d r elatives in Mid dl e- t hl rull (' a ll lhl ..", [alllilic ~ we re cach even ing at 7 :30 with the VIII, L, H. S. nOL repl" ',en cd . Eac h I1l<'m ber lived at th e hom e of his father town, Sunday . ,l xceptio n of Saturda y. April ,I rl'spll nd d In r()11 ('u ll with Rome County OTatori cal William Hender son. On Wednes day ,a nd Thursd ay ' Mi ss Bern yce Hymun con tes t, 1: 15 p. m. s pen t II' i8h 'i t. Til millut·" uf th e last Funera l service s und burial vening!;; of this week Rev. H. H_ A pril 1- S tale 11th Grade Schol- were held Sunday afterno on at Friday and Sa t urday with r e latives nh'ct ill~ \, 'I e I <'ad a nd approve d, Lafferty of Springb oro will be the at Jam estown. a r s hi p t es t. \J a. m. 'I'll(' 111''''' 1'11111 WH~ opel1e d by a Mason, Kentuc ky. Ipenk er, nnd on Friday evening , . April G I vOl:1I1 :011,. ··..\IIH' riclt FIJI' Me," by T eachers mecting , ---'Rev. E. E. Lucas or Harvey sburg Tune 10 on the C. & B. progra m" MI's. 1'l'IIlIk LeMay He 'nlllpan icd Grade Bldg. ,v iII s peak. EMMA E. FOULK S station WKRC very S unday by MI" . Sackett . Th e h ~ ~ t introApril 6- T each ers meeting H . S. The Ladie s Aid Society will afterno on at G: 15. April 20li uc er! as .' !Ie aker uf th e n fternooh unent events contesl . meet with Mrs. Silver on TbursEmma Eli7.abeth, daught er of Apri l 2 1-22- Senior play. R c\,. Lufre l'ty I, r 'p ringhor . H~ Mi 8 ~. K.nlh el·in e Bowma n , of I lay at 2 :00 p. m. Please note the HAPPY HOUR CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamb er l'l ch use no' hiM s ubjcct , o,"The Apl'i l 2!J ounty field & tJ'ack Eli and Rll chel Wilson, was born Fran klin , IS th e g uest of Mr . and , :hange of time from Wednes day to of Dayton , were g ues t~ of ,r. P . R omanc ' of P I'erlch ing.·' 1\1 mee L. :'o'1l's. Ol'v ill e J . Gray lIeh of in Mt. Holly, N, J., Februa ry 16, Fromm and rhursda y .A special prayer meet. fu mily, on Monday . I The March meeting of the Happy ,ng will be held JVl;iy G--J uniol'-S e ni or banque t. his wo rk has be 'n in rura l CO 111at this hour; and 1855. Wh en only a few months PUI ent s invi ted to a ttend chil- Hour club was held at th e hom May Hi- Bucc ulaureu te !;ol'vicl!. mU llitie.. , (h()lcfo re 11(' ha s hau I cottage prayer meetinl ': will also e of Parents invited to atte nd chil- man y con tact,; with til' old her parents moved to Ohio ti n ns' cIa. ses M a y J G· 17 - Finnl exam s. a t Way ne Vill a Mrs . Raymo nd B\'addo ck . In th I) e he ld on Friday p. m. the place agricu l1a y 1 ' and settled in Warren Co. whel'e drens' classes at Wa yne Villa, t unti wur!d. It give ~ ,him great "iat ulll ay, 1\1 arch 1~J, at 3 o'clock: absence of the preside nt the vice-e If meeting to be announ eed 011lmell Cc me nl. later. SlIturd ay, March 19, a t 3 o'clock . plea sure to re cu ll in l' i<i cn: i wh ich presid e nt took her place opening M:l Y 20- Schoo l closes Cards the most of her life was spent. Sunday : Sunday school at 9:30 t he have meeting MI'. 10 :30. n. m. occu and by r Mrs. rc d r epeatin Mye in h r is Hyman g prcac th , hin Mi g ss 1. m. Morninl': worship at 10:30. On ~ e ptemb e r 2G, 1873 she was Send your st ock to The Craw- curcel' and t o see pe of p ro m- ~ c ~' n y c e Hym an a nd Mrs. Roy cl·eed. Roll call found twelve 'lext Sunday is Palm Sunday and manied to Obadia h Foulks and to ord Commi ssion Co., Union Stock incnc" t ,, <ill Y. Wl lO ople membe rs EIII. rp esent F. F. A. Min.tre l were and Ci one havc ncinnat guest. ,he t heme of the mornin g sermon hl!e n i visitors this union five childre n were born Yard s Cincinn ati, thl'ough W. P. boy ' unci ~il'l s in hiH unday 1I10ndu y. will be, Triump hant Followe rs of a ' Ada Grace Underw ood. n Th ursday evening , March 10 three daught ers, Mrs . Mollie Salisbu ry & Son. eh o J ~ . nl', L. B. Hull , made a Afte r a short bu siness session, rriump hant King Epwort h Le/lg.ue 1\ blacken ed g roup of Amos n' Davis of Batavia , Mrs. Lucy Fite f W l'cn1l.l,rk s on the "Poultr y th e Ke program nn eth J . Hartso ck, of Wi!commit tee took It 6 :30 p. m. with Harold Fox And ys assemb led on the s tage to of ' Blue Ash. Ohio; Mrs. Jessie Mrs. Blanche Bak el' and Mi ss Outl ~l ok'" 1'01' t h' comi ng year . OIinl!ton , is in lh e Kelly-H ale hos- charge: 15 leader. Evange listic servico at ta ke ever ything off the minds of LongaCl'e of Lytle, Ohio and two Martha Deut hel'uj!e, of Da Reading , "How Dusty Miller i :30 p. m. The sermon yt on He feel :; t hut thcl'e will be ver y pItal , recove ring- from an append isubject for the larg e crowd of s pectato rs pres- sons Horace and Ernest Foulks of visited relative s in Wayn spent fifty years of his life" b~ the evening will be, Ii l ti c ul ,ee of pl'ofit fol' next citis operatio n. The Il)evita ble cut. A da y later one of the coons Lytle, Ohio. who all survive with and Harvey sburg , undllY. esvill e wi ntCl'.chEliaH France s Satterth waite. Ogleshe c /ot'a ' ve some ::I'Op. ai d that thc s how didn't come off excel I ion of the husban d who fa cts c on cer nilt~ the ra ising of MI', und Mrs. Wllrren Braddo ck , ' Reading , '.'Devel oping a PleasYou are heartily invited to atso hot but even at that, it came preceded her 21 years ago. She Miss Glenna Ma r sh and Mr. whent. li e reek tha t wheut IS as an d daugh ter spent unday with InI1.' Persona lIty " -Elsie Hocket t. ~ e nd any or all of these meeting s. ofT vette r than the black. Of wa s united with the M. E. church Hobart Marsh, of Dayton , s pent ~ou tl a After I'OP as a an social y thai Mrs. good is g)'own Bruddo ck's pllrents , Mr. and time the course that was only the opinion in Lytle, 0., in 1897, and was a the week-e nd with their paren ts, uL th e p l'('Be nt ho ste~s scrved a deliciou s lunch. li me, bUl tha t it Mrs. H. A. Corn ell. WA YNESV ILLE CHURC H OP of one of the boys , for the faithful attenda nt at the service s Mr, and Mrs. Fra nk Ma rsh. M,'CetlOg adjourn ed to meet with ~ho l1 ld n ot be ueed to fee d liveCHRIS T laughte r of the audienc e proved a s 10nl1.' as her health permitt ed. Mrs. ~tocl\ wi th corn Ilt pl't:sent prices. Percy Reason in April. Mrs. J , O. Cartwri (Unden ominat ional) lhut the mins trel was a success . In Januar y of 1913, a seveTe Saws filed by machin ery, cut .. S. Elli . mn dc II fe w remark s on home S u nday after g sht returne d pending a illness left. her an invalid for the cleaner , truer, faster , Also cross- t he prescnt bllnId ng !; y~ t e m , want- week in Cincinn Cheste r A. William son, Mini.te r ati, the guest of Sonior Scholar ahip COIlte. t remain der of her life. She was a cut saws, gumme d, 25(. per f oot. ing some way in which ba nk de- Mr. and CARD OF THANK S Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Mrs. Bradley Poole. Lord's Supper at conclus ion. 35 % of the Seniors to enter this patient , lovable suffere r and an Roy Pigott, at Madden 's Lumbe r p osits may be in!;U1'cd. FIe also inspirat Yard. ion for good to all who M•.s. J ennie Mullin has remove d spoke . of the .Pr ohib it ion qu estion conte t are the 'foll owing 12 perWe wish each and C~ri~tian Endeav or at 6 :80 p. m_ fr om, Da yton to her farm near everyon e for tothethank f a cin~ the U. S. son s: Verden a Fox, Ronald Hardin came in contact with her through . kindnes s they Ylrg.t1 Henry, Leader_ Evenin c ' Miss Thelma Sattert hwaite and Mr~ . Le May aga in fav ored the FelTY. Her futher, Mrs. Aaron have Anna O'Neall , Velma Armita ge, all the years of her shut-in life. s hown us ~hrough our JerVI(;e at 7 :30 p. m. E. J. Yeisley , Frank Swartze l, Florenc e Day, On March 3, 1932, aged 77 years, r. Arthur Summe l' were 6 o' clock club 'with n . 0111. "Wh en Hon ey Sears will mllk e his home with fier trouble s. E,vel'Y thmg, receive d of the Anti-Sa loon League will was appreCI ated very much in- 'Speak. Let's give him a hearing _ Lois Pennin g ton, Helen Friend, 16 days, the spirit left its house dinn er ~u e sts of Mrs. Ali ce Cad· Sinl!'s th e )Id Songs. " at urday The cluu adjo ur n d to 1l1 ect with Messrs. Be rt Rnd Charles O'Neal l' cluding $40 in cash. We are continu ally hearing the Donald Hawke, Ralph Branst rator of clay and took its flight to Him wallade r, at Norwoo d, ' Ail.. and 1\1I·R. • S, E lli s, A pril 14. ip compan y with a gl'oup of stuWet side of the questio n through J Dhn Turner and Ballard Wallace . who had been her comfor t and evening . Thank you very much. denl" fr om Antioch college left 'fh e tests will be obj ective and sta y . through all the days when J. P. Lamb and F~mi\y. our Wet Daily Papers. Let'8 conMr. and M'r s. C. M. Robitze l' 'sider both sides. Be fair_ Prayer l\Ionday mnl'Oin g for a five-we eks' will cover essentia ls of the High help and strengt h was nellCled to _ _ CorwIn, O. Meeting and ARBon Mr. and AND carry Mrs. BIRD J. D, Ma rlatt ato.n. 13 grandch ildren, 17 DAY chool course of study. Each stut r ip throug h the sou th. and Bibl~ Study 'each -tended t he fun eral of 0, J. Ale xWednes day at 7 :30 p. m. The dent will be require d to take all great grandch ildren, two sisters. FIREM EN MEET ander Gove r nor George Whit e has isat Dayton , Saturda y afterbeside a host of relative s and church where you feel at home. J\ f1'. nnd Mrs. L. H. Gord on, Mr. five groups of tests. suea a proc lamation des ignatin g ' and MJ·s. C. M. R The followi ng subject s will be friends are left to mourn her de- noon. obitze ... and Mrs. Fri day, Ap,ril 1st, a s Arbor and Emma H , McClur . The ~~gular meetin g of the ' !»T. MARY S CHURC H g iven : Mathem atics, Arithm etic, oarture . Miss Clara Lile, Miss Eva Reeder Bil'll DllY, Govern o l' Whi te partic- Iwests Ilf Mr. ande were dinner FIreme n s . Club was held last Algebra , Plane Geome tary English Mr1\. Rev. E. J. ' J_ Schaeft 'er, Rector. B. The theme of her life was this : and Ml" Kinniso n Young were ulal'ly urgos p up ils an d t ea chers ~l U1Te ll, o[ Leba non, Friday evell- Mon~ay n~ght. There being no Americ an and English ' Literat ure, Thursd ay, March 17, service at in dinner t he sch guests oo ls God's u f of the s Mr. strengt peCIal state and fo h busmes Mrs. is celemine R. s the club adjourn 10 9 . in youth or Hist ory- U. S. History , World and H. Hartsoc k and family W ed nes- bra te t he day by a pPI'OI)r iat e exerage; ed after the reading of the min- 7 :30 p. , m.; sermon by the Rev. hio His t ory; Science- Physics j Herman Page, rector of St. Paul's cises cul miuutin ll' in every case in 'Tis borne to me on sacred page day evening . MI'S, H. L. Bue rkle who was to ute~ and the inspect ion Ch emis try, Gen. Science , Biology , of the church, Oakwoo d. the plantin g of Lrees and the pl ac- have ente rtained 'the Young , equipm oc ia l Science, The World of To- It looks at me thro' human eyes, ent. __ •• _ _ __ March 20, Palm Sunday ; Church Mr. and Mrs. Lon Titus and ing of biI'd h Oll SC~ , W e a rc p a r tici~ \~om en' s bridge Thro' human lips brings glad day. club Tuesda y school at 9 :30, Mornin g Prayer family have moved to their new pn t ing thi s year in a natio n-wid e OIght, was . surpris e; taken sudden ly ill and ANN,O UNCEM ENT and sermon at 10 :30. . ' Banque t in Honor of Warren Thro' scenes of nature great and home east of ClaTksv ille : They pr oject of pl a nt ing t ell million th e meeting of th e club was held have been residen ts of thi s com- t rees n ~ a f eeleral memori al to Ilt l,h e home grand, of Mi ss Doris. Hawke. County B. B. Cha","i oRa FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T G eor~c W 8!shin ~tl1 n , the Falh er of munity about thirty-f ive years. Or ministr y of angel bond. Re~. E. J. Yeisley , district Invlt~d gues ts were Misse Esther Our Count r y, This project , launch- DenOls and superm tenden t of the Anti-Sa loon The Sportsm anship Brother hood Alway' s God's strengt h is promis( Undeno min.tlo nal) (l ri'nne Robnin s and Tune in on the C. & B. program , !!d by the Americ an Tree Associa - 1\1rs. Evelyn is sponsor ing a banque t at the ed me: Cbester A. William ion. MiDtater ' Watkin s. Prize were Le!'-gue" expects to be at the Gym, March 17, in honor of the "As is thy day, thy strengt h station WKRC every Sunday tion, has been endo r sed by every Il warded t o Misses Loui se Crane FrIends Meetin g Sunday mQTning 'Ie eting,es at Bellbrl>_o k Town hall state afterno of th e, on nn t ion. at fJasket Ball Champi ons. The proMard~h 5 :16. 20: a~ 10:30. The public i~ conti~ue. Service s :each shall be." 011.1 Hartsoc k and Corinne Robbin~ evening cor mlly lnV1ted. ~ram is as follows : at 7 :45 p. nI. Program fol" Sunday Toastm aster- Supt. J. W . Lotz. .=---~-March 20 as follow s; Church [n ocation -Rev. C. A. William son School at 9 :30 B. m. Lord's Supper Welcom e to patrons and honor and sermon at 10:30 a. m. SergU~Bts-R. F. Hatfiel d. mon subject , "It Is Finishe d I" Resp'o nse for Dads-M r. George Evenin g evangel istic s'e rvice at Kern. Bellbro ok at 7 :45 p. m_ You are RespOnse for Team- Count y Capt_ How To Make a 'ReturD UDder the gible tax return. Unprod uctive inA. T a n gible persona l properl y the treasur er. In this case, alwnys welcom e at the service s of New Tall Law vestme nts must be listed under used t en I t . Lawren ce Davis. . in is tll xed at the days after March 31 is the time ?I ns of Schedu le No.2. If engage d in local r ealuu :;iness the same Issue of securi- Lhi s church. Toast- Mr. S. S. Ellis, . c!;ta te ra te: , on fixed limit fOI' makinsr the Based advanc ~pon e pa questio _ ties ns may with be which made busines by othe'r taxs, the individ Benefit we derive from athletic s must list pe rce ntage of i - value accordi ng ment. In either taxing authori ties are ~aily ~e- his credits, which are ual ' ca se, checks f%r I ~hye~s, an~ that all. a!'e subject ,t c F. F. A. MINIS TREL - Meredi th Whitak er. compri sed of to use, a s "hown by th e blank paymen t of taxes must be payabl e ' c edc th~galn st seiged, indicati Qg the difficul tIes his accoun ts receiva ble statlstJ. cal records , Toast- Mr. J. C. Crabbe . within the form. T he local I'o tes, by tax ing to the county ,SHOW WELL ATTEN DED that are being commo nly encoun - [year, less hi accoun treasur er. I an IS, ,togeth er WIth the fact Addres s, Fortun e Wheel s-Dr. E. tere~ ts , p ayable district s a re shown on the form Q. How py taxpaye can I list rs, ,proper a summa ty ry,,, not · within the year. tha~ such Investm ents are fixed on The F . F. A. Mjnstre ls Mathew Sieele. fo r each C(lUllty . Th ero routine procedu re under the , ' Q. What pel'sona l propert y mus t ra te f ixoo bv the law ill 1.1 flat previou sly reporte d withou t being ' then' market value at only 20 cents \Vith a "bang." Every boywent Toast- Mr. H;erber t Buerkle . was in for each lia Ohio ble Tax for System back oo~es? was prepare d .. be listed? per ~P~O, sh<?uld guide the tax- his place and ea rried AWUl'd of Merit Letters & Numer- day clas~ oil' in ta ng ible his part by the ,State Ta~ Com1:'li8sion A. All persona l propert y used.in These a r c sl.ated on page Pl'OPOI·ty. ,A , 'rhe new ,law express ly pro- payer In phlcl.ng a' consci~ntio.us well. Il ls -Coach John Pyle. 6 of t he vldes f or immun as a guide .t o taxpayer~ ~urlng ~he busines s. Manufa ctuI'crs Pl'l'sc ntlltion gf We are always surpris ed to find must IIsL fo rm , in t he c lassif ied Tux Li st Th e law continu ity in this case val~e llPon hIS unprodu ctIve mcnampi onship es the power of ves ments. , ,up and, indivi'tlual awards - Mr. remain der of the tax hS~lDg period tools machin ery and equipm ent, ta ble, :he amoun t of latent talent that ill t he The county first installm auditor ent to call of the in sumuny inve~tor Q. How Y' of raw and finished proIS tangible persona l oossess ed by the various bo}'s. En.r. C. Viano Q . How d o I mal; e out my rc- [lcr~ o n f or ex aminati on as to omit- propert y to be valued? < ducts and goods in pl·oc esa. Profes- tUJ'n ? I' up Finging , "Onwa i'd Way- mary follows : ~ ertainments of ,this kind bring out te d propel·t Q. Where y or fal can se r 1 eturn, get and help in A. sional In v,i ew of the fact that the !lnd give them an opportu men must lis t furnitu re and A. R ud th e ir,~tl'uc tio n on pagc cehs"- Audien ce. nity ,to a pplies making out my return? this authori ty io ihe five taxpaye r IS now legally given the ~xhibit their abilitie s along fixtures , books, instrum enls nnd 2 of the blank form for this retur~s, yenl' peri ud from 1926 to 1931. advanta . Go to your county auditor . supplie s used in the profess ge of Vocalio nal AgriC!ulture Bow. Will a reducti on of 30 or ion line ; . a nd ~:.l re fully n ote those whl~h But a ny pl' rson who makes a re- 50.perc The county auditor s as a rule have mercha nts their fixtures ent in the G- e Program at GrlUlce valuatio n upon and Many in[le r ta m to. your ca~e. Then begm turn in 1932 may apply were the comme nts pused . organiz ed and prepare d their ventori es; and to the whIch the tax on ble persona l md everyo ne seems to think that T il l' proltt~n will be given March stall's 't o give persona l 'assista nce machin ery andfurmer s, their tools WI t h the tWilt questIOn on puge 1. state tllX commission and if the propert y is finallytaxa comput farm ed produ cts. nd ,f oIlO,\~ ·through . Under each co ml~lisslo n find the ~hese boys made a decided im] lJ by t.he F. A. Boys and will to tax.pay ers in makin.,; out their s that'he listed all law ic animals must be listed. hcn dll1g' lI st only s that. such propert ) f)rovement over .Iast year_ The c nsi ~ t of ' vo 1.11 and instrum ental returns . It is the earnest ,advice of Domest taxable , prop of hIS taxable prope rty fully and !;hall provi~e Househ old goods in hotels ~nd eriy.ca ll ed fOl' bythetha~ be lIsted at Its preent tru f 1al'ody songs proved to be quite partICu lar ,in ,:\'ood f a iih thi s ye~r it shall yalue, not at numb er s. 1' he1'e' w.ill be a tnlk by taxing authori ties through out the furnish ed valuatio ns at whicl- I hi~ apartm ents, and, so f ar hea ding. W hcre therc IS n o n~, the . Erne ~t Cook. ' state that the taxpaye rs who wish a s used for lodging ive him certific ate Tend~ring him It may have been returne , in roomin g \~ 0 l'(1 " Non,e " ~ho uld be written . gimmune d undel Th.ose who attende d enjoyed The winner s of the room elim- to avail themse lves of this h om examin ation and the old law. Otherw ise, the prop- the Jokes at the expens e of assi8- hO'Uses, tourist camps, or homes Each quest J()n must tbe tance, do so immedi ately. The where !llls\~ered. fr om crimina l prosecu tion Th's'ls erty would roomer s are kept, also mu st T.he fo r m. , t holl ffh ext be be assesse d at only 60 teachin g staff and student s, l.1li well inntiows on : o\'ator ical contest are as auditor s and their dierks foll enSIVe, IS not one of ' lhe broades t and m' oSlll' m_ 0.1' 70 have more' be listed. Waterc raft use d III percent of its former valua' as Oh' some d 10 IfTile U It If" f 0 IIowe d t h rou /::, h . outside rs had many Gr!l de 1, Mi. s Reedel '--Jean time to give each taxpay [l ortall t section s of the new law. bon . The pub lic revenue er now water~, and aircra'f t not use d would hearty la~ghs_ Hal'lo ck. Q . How a rc ta xes comput ed? than will be possibl e in the later wholly in busines rt embodi es the state's policy of 1.1 suffer accordi ngly s in anothe r . A . ,'l' he ~, ~po y cr m~y c<?mpute new deal in the localitie f There was a good attenda nce G rush. It is to the in taxation . The making where the old va l1!ations ge of the state must be Iist,e d where the hIS were .l?w, l nd althoug the recetpt s were not OW!I tux e , nnd, nccessa rIly w!1I of an honest return this celin!;lt~t~I::i. }!:i>!s Stevens -Mar- taxapay er to makeadvanta year wipes T~e true value IS the . prevUlbng IS much as ah year his return early own dr r esides not where located , do so If ago, conside riDIt paymcn t I~ made ~y Grade 2, Miss H unter- Marion Q. Where shall I make my Q. What propert y ne ed IIOt be Th e tabl e and instruct IOnsmall. the s lale clean. But the return pTlce as of January I , III the case the times, the boys feel that they S 'th return? on mus t be made this listed 'I year. The appli- of. such propert y as domest ic did well_ page 6 of the blank . form~ under cation for immuni ty th e nGrade 2, ill iss Hartsock-Clai~e n may be amm'.lls and farm produc A. All returns , except by interts and A. Real estate is listed by the th e h eadl!~g of RecapIt ulatIOn Dib 1't. county corpora tions and dealers in auditor !lnd made at all'y time in the' future. machm el'y; and depreci ated book on a separat e duplica te at qomput atJ on o[ .Tax, !llake thiS Gra de I';i iss a whenev er examin ation in the indi- value where INDEP ENDEN TS DEFEA :t'ED intangi biles, must be made to the a late I' date and is not availab le. t o be in- sllllple mattc r. Th ere IS 0!le t~ble vidual case may Sackctt . 3, Lile- R oxanna county' auditor , not to the StI!te eluded in be started by the Q. How are' the taxes present equaliz return. ed T~e head ~d Gen eral Tax LIst, for a uditor. Grade Miss In the best played game of the Tax Commi ssion. Those in excess individ ual does not need through out the, state? t o h st tangIbl e persona l p!,opert y, a!ld 1i;lIiR. 3, Kelley- Freida of $6,000 will be transm itted to househo tournam Taxpay ent the Waynes viUe A. ' ers may apply tor cerA. The ld new goods law in is pl'ivate home ; anot~er, h ~ade(l ClasRlfled Tax LIst tificates adminL~tered C. lost to Grade 4, Miss Campbe ll- Doris the Commi ssion by the auditor of immuni ty howeve r by the state tax com miss' the fast Nortbh ampton . automo biles.; bank or n B k ' and fOI: ' fi ve by a score of 2'9-30. Q. When must I make my re- loan non-WI thdrawa ble 10cII:I be!ng cited fo'r ' . the county stock. , ~e- tax Intes, to, be apphed The e~I:~de 4, Miss McKinseY~Mary turn? to .tangl- hon, and III such cases the tax through Playing the .. Dad's Hambu l'lin deputy assesso rs, not by local as· posits in Ohio banks or bUlldm g ble perso na,} propert y, Eva LeMay. WIll be commis sion A. March 31st is the last day for and loan; United States round' of use every facility sessors as heretof ore. The com, of Springf ield In the bonds; +~nud t t fthoathbottol'!l of IPnge 4 · to act upon will ' Grade 5, Mr. . Young -Evely n Iistirig. otherwi se a penalty play at 4,:00 'o'clock- Friday , the ' A the applica tion at the mission will inspect all the return' of 50 joint tock land f bonds or stock; . c rn, es 01', ~ ,varIOUS c asses ~ pres~nt time. Applica tions John's and James' Bourne . C's. display ed a wonder ful iiefen: peJl ,ce~t must be added. ,for im- in excess of $6,000, royaltie,$ from patents or copy- ~htan.g;ble pI ~pe~;y. a~\:ta Grade 6, Miss ' Fox- Max Steph- ,Q..W~at ,~roperty is to be ~ed thn mumty from back .taxes assesse d upon the auditor . for, and may call sive ga1l).e wi~ning out by a score listed rights; e stock re~urns under of 16 to 11. of corpora tions deal-, CIt! C?fi udmn °L ' t taTbl!!'1 ens. .' at this ,t ime" 0 e. on the 1931 duphca te must be that figure, for Inspect ' ing in intangi bles; stoek' of domesa ssl e TJlx IS !on and as· G.rade 6, Mr. Ross-E arl Moran e. "mad e by April 1. In the seco'nd round the A C'.. ' " A. All ~rabl~ ,~rC?perty exc~pt tic insuran ce compan ies ; sessme nt, and may order chanp:eF playe!! W orld Q. When do 1 pay my taxes. Grade 7- ' Ml'. Pyle-E velyn \,eal es~te. ~be mdlVld ual must the ,t.si, goin~ team' ' Q. How can ' I determ ine the rl!in War the adjuste d compen sation bonds; second paymen t if n'eed be Northbampto~ FUl'n a s ' !". Real e!ltate taxes are to be value ·of an ' unprod uctive invest, turn hiS stock and bonds Qf OhiO or Ohio . · At- the end: All s tate, corpora tions are require d t o munici)>I.II, county, pal? as. herl!tof ore. Half of ,the ment? G' d .8 M J R 1 and foreign corpora tions; notes, t ownship or school ' report n, comple te Jist 0'£ their first qual'ter the' score 8tood bonds' issued estlm.a ted , ~otal tax on tangIbl e bu:';_ e " r. a,mes-;- uth . a is- 'tI'!ortgageli, ~rust funds, ' annuiti A., By the market value as of stockho es pdol' to Januar y 1, .1913. Taxabl e an~ mtan.B' lble .pe.rson for checkin g against f~vor of Northham~ton 'but ' Ffeshm en, Mr. Garst- Juanit a lB;np t~ust. cer~If\!l8te8': m~ney al pr<?perty ~anuary 1,. ~932. In the case of in~i,:i.dlders" . "In u~1 returns , and the com- C 9. 'on pI'opert y (!onvert ed mto .non-taJ \a- f OI 1932 IS , now .to Brann()(!k be paId m ad- lIsted ,secunti es, this is the mjlrket miSSIon 18 hand;' m safety depOSIt \1ox"or If .bles cluring the pl'~edml setting 1' up y~ar, a statistic bvance; al the 1'emam S 'h " H 'tfi Id R b deposit ed ' outside tbe ' Ohio howeve r f 'must be lts.t ed f OT; the , er,.20. It. ,~a~not beder by Septem - quotati on 01 the date nearest to bureau for th'e determ ination of ' H 011 ~more, ~" a e - ut . state, municip al, counfystate: allowed ,to be- Januar y 1'. In the case of unliste d tr\1e values. tpwllsh ip It'ilctio nal part of the ,y~ar ' )" h~n ! c!l l1le de!mqu ent, as. t~e retu,r n is securiti es, ,( 1)1 known . . ockett. ', , . or SC;hool. bonds i88ut!d ~ince Jan- b'eld in taxable fotm. , transac tions The provisio ns for , 'immun ity · not decm~d , filed.' until the advanc e and (2) .':'oook valuati . ' Oratori cal' Collt~.t .' , 'Uary, 1, 1913,. state, municip al, on from back taxeB on the one hand " -'~"',Q. ,How 'may 1 file , my return ~ paymen t I!\ mlade, 'and , the 5~ per- be used as , ' The final local ,elimina tion 9t111 ~o'un~)', to~shlp' or school ' the basis of vaiue'."~ and the- facilitie s for inveBtigatio~ A. Retu~n8 , ~ay ~e made by , mall, ~ent pe!1alt.y hil.mJ:lto:~ 1I.1a,.,III'" b h 3d nid M b 18 t tb Issued outsIde of:Ohio ; ,wlthdr"onds ~e !!dde.d If the .t he absence of these sources 01 and penalti awa- or in person, In either ease to .t ne leturn es ' on the otber, o . e The ~riie' <a!!ts' ~h a wf~ hie .ilOOck. in' ·financ.l IS n.ot eln ~.me. lU~rket · v.alue the l\l .1nstltu .tionl co'ilnt;y audito'!'. If' bY' mnil, a ,selftaxp a' as to encoura ge all tliU[I~"~'er'ls'l Q. ~ow IS l>ayme nt to be ,made? knowledge~-take Jla~ in 'rhe eoun~ ora- o'I!t8~d~ ~he , *'*te' and otl)er h:ater- addrellsed e~velQpe sh~uld condit~on:er ~vo~n such to make a full and DIIII.'I~1I1aJ1 b~ e~A. Th\adV torica1 contest Friday ' Ailrltl ' ~nee paymen t may. be ing such ,pri. e~t c es a8 is beli~v~ :'a; return this year. bean""oblla'a~ons tl!O,DI c\o~d for: return of the aud1~r~ made d':l h t retuifrn. Othenv lse, be ob. , ," he derives an meome , Tbeaew~ieh com- c:ertil\c ate or treasur er's ,recelpt . Ithe au Itor WI cert .,from a willinR' buyer • - ,- - ,( CQn* ,ej .OD peae f) y the ,a mount not a t nined forced sale is a '1 of M Q, W1i&t ratea 1 ,to the taxpaye r, for payme nt 'to mould be borne Ip mind to It re- to b:' is
--- - - - -
--.- -:-
How to Make Yo ur Ta.'t Re tur ns Un der the Ne w Tax La w I
--- --- --- -
- --.
I~tang rble pl'oper~y.
auditor~ ~ond'
pr1l~ ~~~Nqj ,~
~,' illtall"
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EdlUl Ko.... d~ of Jeanne tte, 1I~;:~:~ d .. minor - verau. et ai, the plaintif f ~he lixed BUm. ..",'n""'" from the defend ant. Mary E. Quar.le , admini stratrix UtI! lurn.!)1 ~1926.44. of estate of Philip p, Quayle , deRobert Little wus_to.und Ilullty ceased, flied her fil'llt and final of pos. ell ring implem entil tor the accoun t. Commo n Pl.a. Procee dinci man u (llcture of intoxlcl \ting liquor James A. Beel, admini strator or 1n the cuse of The Gem City and fined $ LOO and (losts. estate of Samuel Beel, decease d . musn atlon s by' 1en"Y J~ Lee Life In surance Compa ny 'versus filed his fil'l;t 'lind fina l accou nt. N.w Suih John . Van Horn e et al the plain'I'he will 01 Ma,rtha D. Cruin, ~t. Stewato t. ~dwlI.ni Whit.... tiff shall recover from t.be defendecease d, WIlB filed in probate. Boyd N. Ralston , receive • r 101' Relell.8ed. thnJ.. dimts the sum of $6198.9 4. Frnnk B: Hicks, execu tor ot The Fal'mel's Tru st Compan y, verPuhUeh en; ·Autooa .Ster SerVic e ,li:lma Hill was granted a divorce sus John . Merrill , et ai, for estate of Nanni .D. Hick~, deceasfrom harles E . Hill and the cus- MOn' y, f ,o reclosu re of mortga ge. ea, filed his tlJ,'st a.nd fimil accoun t tody ' of the childre n was given to Hattie Balling er, adminis tratri x Carl 'Wayne Midd leton versu the defend ant. Laura Middle ton fol' divorce , cus- of estate of Frank Ball inger, deEd. ong was found tody of m inor children and other cea ed, filed her invento ry. HAPTE RVII. specd and powel,, " ob cl'ved Grim- g uilty of Armstr possess inlC inpl ements for l·cHef. Chluge is gross neglect Alice H. Lind, executr ix of the stead. . the man fa ture of intoxic ating larence Guin vel'sus Annabe lle e. tate of Danie l H. Lind, decease d, A Startli n, Di.cov,cl'Y "G ea red as she is I ca n make 60 liquol' and was fined $250 and Cuin f or divorce and ot her l·elief. filed her invento ry. ., '.'Well, you are a good, port; I'll an hou r on 11 paved l'oud a nd that costs. Blanche D. Calion was appoin ted The Mutual Buildin g & Loan say tha for ,·OU . I m no henvy melln pOl\' I' f r anythin g within In the case of The Provide nt Compan y versus Martha admillis t l'atrix of estate " of AlH opkins, Genuine Bayer Aspirin, the kind I' aso n- l haven't had it brake- Saving Bank and Trust Compa gamble r, lik e y u young fellow s to ny et al for money, for eclosur e of bert I. Cnlloll, decease d, and filed ' led ; but t devel op be- versu Newton with lots of money, ['11 bet you u tW(len 36 and it45 mu dQctors pr.:scri iJe and millions or Lacy, et ai, the mortga ge and equitab le relief. bond of $2500 with the Detroit hQrsepo wer. ' box of cigars, just lo make it in"Your baltery can t have a long p laintiff s ha ll recover from the deEth el Virgini a William s versus Fid elit,y and urety Compan y DS users havo proven sa fe for more terestin g." fendan ts the sumof $4903.1 3. I I'f . . Eulnss, Charles J. John . 1. William s for divorce and surety. "AU right." c HII,. '- I e at that l'ate," pursued than Lhirly years, enn ellsily be The case of LeRoy L. Gruber custody o f chil d. Cha Waggo ner and G. H. Town sley rge is gross · "By the way," added Gdm tead, G rim Chad. "dl see how you versus Carl J. Mi ller, et al was neglect . were uppoint ed apprais ers. iden tified by lit lIam' l3avcr :lnd "didn' t. you say someth ing abou t. k cp c arge. dlon't -low many hours dismiss ed at cost of defenda nts. B. Z. mith is appoint ed apPeople' s g Loan & Savdo you mak " the wort! g ·uuine. The ca e ()f Walter Reynol ds, ings CompanBuildin :1 t l'ee-?" y versus Emily Sarah pmi er of estate of Robert ' G. "I d on't, know ; I havcn't , deler- versu Carl J . Miller, et al was Oram et all for money, forec losure Cro$s. decease d. in the plnce of H. "It's down, square across the mined yet That' what I'm experi- dismiss ed at costs of. road," interru pted immiris eagel'- mentin g 0 11. " G nuine Bayer Aspirin is safe defenda nts. of morlgu ge, appoin tment of rc- E. Stokes. The case of Harry Barot ly. versus The estate ceiver of and Nannie equitab B. . le and Hicks, I·elief. sure: fllv. Uy;! lhe same. rt has ad paused to get thi~ Carl J'. Miller, et al "The deuce you say!" Grimst ead str Grim·te was dismiss ed aight. New Youk Life Insuran ce Com- decease d, is exem pt from inheri the nl! quulilicd endors' mont ot sat up. "How mnny olhel's nrc pany versus William M. Gillam, et tanco tux . "Do l und rstand you to say at cOlSt of ' defend a n ts. Th e case down 1" he inquire d after an in- that YOu are running on Edward Brande n- a i, for mon ey, foreclo sure and The estate of George R. Rosspl'ysicians anJ dn.:gf(is ls every· the orig- burg versus of Carl J. Miller, et al e!]uitab le relief. man, decease d, is exempt from in ta'~~one, sir, not onef" cried innl chargin g?" he asked "that you \\as \vhe.rc. Il doe:;n' ~ u~prcss _ the. di 'missed at cosl hcritlln of defence tax. New York Life Insuran c e ComSimmin s triump hantly, as thou"h have not recharg e d since starting ? dants. pany versus Angu s A .. Armou r et Cal'l'ie heurl. mith, admini 'u nCirmfut aIlcr-eITecls stratrix of " "That's it." the glory were his own persona lly. In the case of iMami Valley a i, . for 1II0'!ey, f oreclos ure estale of Lilli e- Sm ith, decease d, il< "Where did you stn l·t fr om? an d "I took special pain to look." loilow its usc. Neurilis Headac hes Buildin g & Loan Associa tion of eqUItable relief: ol'dered to moke transfe rs UpOI. "This is the most extruor d inarl' How long have you been out?" J"rankli n versus Viola Stotler et al . New York LIfe Insura Colds tnx Neura!" uupJicn oia tc of certain rea l estak exhibit ion of either fantast ic bui l nce Com"Left Sn n Rafael about, thre the plaintif f shall recover f r om pany, Ba yer A~p; rin i~ Lhe 1II1ivcrsaf Sore Thror.L Lumbr.go versus Frank Wardlo w, et bolo ngin~ to a id deceden t. luck or pr,ophe cv of a mixture oC weeks ago." He stoo ped lhe to defenda examnLs the sum The will of Annie Durig, deceasof $1604.a i, . for mor;ey, both I have ever witness ed !" sa id in c a dial. '~Been just 1100 nnldctc lo r Il~ill~ 01 :tll kinds. f orecl osure and Rhel\l.!lQ l~m foo thuche 08. mil es ." d. \\"llR lldmitte d t o probnte . Julin equl~b l e re!lCf. Grim,s tead. "It's-- it's almost unThe pirate chief, like all good Leonar d Moore was found gu ilty Uni on . JOll1t Stock Land .Bank Tufts was IIppoin ted admini stracanny! " comma nders . .\\'as always ready to of possess ing implem e nts for of DetrOIt versus Mary !'dcKlI1n ey trix and filed bond of $800 with Aspirin is tbe trade-m atl. of P u. cr a:ulI'Jfn l~re UI l:1ull J:lCetic: climb himse lf to the crow's flest. manufu cture lcidcste r "Not at all. The story was the This speck on the horizon was and was se of intoxic ating liqu or o f money" pers on.al Judg~ent , 1I1nrvin Hedlcst en and Louise E. c: ~j U!il· y ii cHC:.J . ntenced to a fine of foreclosul~e and eqUita ble re lief. exact produc tion of a Whole series pl'obab ly tI mil'age that would Tu f . u, RU reLies Herb ert Hoppe, van- $500 and of causes and etrects workin g out; ish on nearel' apPI'oa ch; J uhn Maal! and Frank Maag were one year in the peniten but there tial·Y and as the cnuses and 'e ffects nre \\'a. just a remote possibi Probat e Court np» inted apprais ers. . lity it all subjec t to physica l law, which Illill'ilt be a g alleo n heavy The Lehanon-Citizel1fl Nationa l Sales mo,de by Harold with un- susIn the case of Lillie Wilson veri,~ u ~ hl1ngeLlble any predict ion as to ld wea lth . J ohn Mo'r gan, et a l the sheriff ham and Marie Benham, M. Ben- Bank and Trust Compa ny. execuadminis to t he time or the directio n or t he is to lSeU certain propert y Bnd trators of estate of Peter r indeed, it might P. Ben- tO I' of (,Rtate of William McBurn ey Blanche ster. 188 ac res in Harlan S57.60; Fred lI n!'\an filing streng th o~ duratio n of a st orm wh ere betwee n the extl·embe some- make returns to court. ~ a\\' :< , ham, decease d, were approv ed by decenst.' d, is ordered to transfe r to wn ship. es. Some $1. 1\; J ohn ( ;lInc\(pc , rc pni r~ , 7 1'~ ; ?n be entIrely exact, provide d it el'aft luden mainly with In the case of The First Nation- the court and certain accou certain stocks to Nancy McBurn ey dreams , n ts are Esper Pelerso n to Elizabe lh Al- Waites Gar ;l~ e . rl!pail'R , $1.2 f) ; IS based on those causes and ef- bu with a lrifle of metal ballast al Bank of Blan chester vel'sus L. to be se~ led. len. Inlot No. 07 in Sout h Leba- OrC)!<ln ill Brhlge Co., repn iJ F, E. Baldwi n and Emma Baldwi n fects." . wOI·thy of u pirate's attentio n. Jam es E. Burke admini strator Ma rria,e License s non. $67.30; JC)llII stDIl & J ohnst 11 , .At the hou~ predIct ed by, ~D like a pruden t chief, th e sales by t he sheriff were ap- of estate oJf M. A. Burke, he bore proved deceasV iI'gil .Jam es Phillips, of Carter Davenp ort the. ram c~ased and the down Dn the. and all accoun ts are to be ed, filed hlfl invento ry. David Kindre d ond SUllie Kin- g'l.1 arcl :mil mut I'iul, $96.86; trangcl·. County , Kentuc ky, and Mjss Mable dred to Alfred Kindred . clo~ds b.roke In .the II1stant aneous ; ". uch u battery , if it could ettled. Real es· J ohn ton ,. J ohnston , road SU I'VlYJ. A. Keller, guardia n of Per- May Dargh be ty, of ing ·takes, $3 1; Hul'IY L. Melli, Lebano C~hfomla ~ashlon to admit a weli provod out" would n. In the tate case in Frankli of The n townsh Mutual i p. melia t, incomp etent, filed sto ne, $4 .40; J. W. Lingo Hardqrlght shimng . sun . ,!he. whole l I Ie," pursued Grim stead.be valua- Buildin g and Loart Compa ny ver- his firstBennet accoun t. One of \\,nl'e world. was e:-gh tter 'Ylth Jewels, lhe great elemen in his 0 ., SUI plies lind repairs , us Wilbur J. Frazee , et al sales Real Estate Trall.fc rs The will of Anna Schwar b er g, Bills Allowed suocess sby S 140. 117; Lebuno n Lumbe r and bttle ml~ts ed ~ ymg through wa s thnt he knewts better the s hedtr were approv ed and d eceased, was file 0. , than d in to court. Wilbur Sm ith, et ai, to Carrie Trus tees of Public Affnirs, wat.- ICI.1Ul'd !'nil mnt I'inl, $87.22: Fred the. ,forest dnft~d In Il;nd out . of cry dow n the obvious . "I a ll accoun ts are to be settled. Sales made by confess Cordeli Smith. a Cross, In lot No. 36 in Pleasan t er rent, $23.57; Ohi o Cenlrlll Tele- Kahn M LOI' 0., l'epair (llIrtll . steady, broad Shl~ts of h ght. Grlm- r can't il11ugine the pri George E. Gland er was made guardia n of' estate of Maxwe $37.nciple -" ll W. Plain. stead. stared cnrl~usly at Davenphone Compan y, rents, $55 .50 ; J. 2; Frnnklin Vulcnnizing & Tire "Like to look at it?" inquire d party defe ndant a nd G. F. Rogers Cross, minor, lWere approve d by E li zabeth Brown to port1s little machm e. Carrie W. Lingo 0., Hardwa I·epah·s. and Meta I. Rogers were granted the court and all accoun ts re 12.60; L. M. Prucc supplie s, Davenp ort . are to Smith. Inlot No. 36 in Pleasan t $3.40; Fyr-Fy ter Co.,Co.,rc chargin, '_'M;ake hel;' yoursel f ?" inquire d repairs, S2.n: l! 0., William This w~s luck Grimst ead had leave to file answer in the case of be settled. PILlin. fire exting uishers , $10; Trustee s chnell. gn , $2(U16: Bay. City Gry,mstead. . . " not hoped f or- yet. He assente d Dan F, O'Neil and Hilda A. The Lcbllno n-Citiz ens· Nationa l New York Life In sura nc e Comof Public Affairs, light <I1t Court , h ovel~ In <, ,, $12.21: Maso n LumSuch as, ~pe IS, ?cknow ledged with alacl'ity All crowde d curi- O'Neil versus G. F. Rogers, et 01. Bank and Trust Compa ny,. admin- pany to Willis Hitesm an. 158.19 House, $63. 42; J ohn Dll;venp~rt. I .dldn t use much ously around .whiJ Law & Son, ber 0 ., ~. rail materia l, $22 .0 the young man acres in Hal'lan townsh ip. pal~s Wlth her lpoks be~usc ~h e r~iscd the hood. . gas a nd oil, $4.60: George Win- 87: Mon'lI \\, Hurclwure n., sup, Netti e Shaffer , by e.xecutr ix to fieJd, grave for Frank Kefly, $10 ; pli~ ~, $2. 10; hal'les Wa lker, re:, IS Just. an exp~l'Iment. 1111 trymg They saw wha,t appear ed to be was well Slim Hodges. Inlot No. 676 in Anders on Funera fed and warm a nd dry your mind. Th ere's so,!!cth mg o!lt , l Home, f uneral pair_, 75c; Frank Minnich, l'e. a n ordinar y large electric motor and pleasan no way to }o ' rnnklin . tly tired .. He glanced pl'Oye it to you fol' Frank Kelly, $60; Stillwa ter pllirs, $2; W. A. Hau se, suppli es, . Yo u" said. she . was electrIC set across the f rame. In front right now, so Charles of T. Cross, decease d, to Sanitor ium, care of Flora Smith, $2.06 ; H. 1\1. areys about the scene with satisfac tion. there's no dr~,;,en? .. queried Grimste ad. G~rage, reit and connec ted to it by two thick Everyt sense worryin g ab out Maxwe ll W. Cross and Carolin hing was trim and ship- it. " a S10 1.50; Fred Zimme rman, sup- pair I ork. $10.15 ; H. L. ch uyler · "Yes. . ' . wires was a black box measur ing shape, just the AI.Cro ss. 69.88 acres in Olearcr eek plies $6.81; Mrs. Omar way he liked to see pay And I sUPP.ose ,~hargm g. a bat- about a ioot along- all dimens 1'011. ,~I: Ohi o entral TeleHollings"Pardo n me," .. put in Gardin er townsh ip. l ions. things. worth, . costs noth mg, .. struck 1D Garsupplie s, H . E. W ar- phon!' 0., tDlis, $31.75. suavely. " I think your stateme nt "There Maxwell W. Cross to Walter I wick, Bupplie s, ,8.70; "Youn g man, " he went on in a could be dmer scornf';lUy, and t here .. are cheerfu lly.she is !" said Davenp ort $9.15; Robert at least partiall y tested Pfeiffer , 69.88 acres in Clearcr eek paterna l manner , blowing ,wth the fac:i1itie Reichel , supplies, $9; Office Ou tch~tging station s everyw here. , "That 1 I s that your whole bat - large s at hand. " t ow nship. the first NOTIC E cloud from his cigar, jlittenl, supplie s, $7.60; Globe W er, • Often enough for 01);' purpo~e, tel'Y- " cried Gr'imst "What do you mean ?" pointin g "where is your shop? San Pet er P. Be nham, by a drninist ra- nicke ervice Co., supplie s rejoine d Davenp ort WJth entire an incredu lous finger.ead, Rafael, $55.80; "I mean t hat if you are willing tors of Ethyl and Henry Allard. "Why, that did you say? " To our many patron 1hrou~hout go?,d ~mfr.. , to . your battery to carry a 101.60 acres in Union townsh ip. Bobbs Merrill Co.. upplies, S18; t he cOllllllunity. thing woul(ln 't run a bell for t hree "My shop- oh, Sausali to," r e- loadallow Lebano We will do n-Citize I s ou d think you d .wnnt more weeks, let alone ns Nationa l IBank fo r any specifie d length of a car. You're josh- plied Davenp ort. Joseph Ball to Matt Scar. Real a nd Trust Co., lock box rent, busines s through The, Crawfo rd $4; time I can arrange the load." ing me, yo ung man. Where' s your estate in Clearer eek townsh ip. "I suppos e you could use a little Franke l Mfg. Co., coupon book. Comm ission Co., Cincinn ati, Ohio " If it's not beyond the power run ing L:a tter~ ? nder t he seat'l" mOI·e." Walter A, Clark and Mary E. $10 ; Columb us Blank Book Mfg. on and after Ja nuarv 1st, as urlng of my battery , go to it," agreed Clark to Ralph Johns and Anna N. Co" blanks, , ithout; re ply Davenp ort raised "Who couldn' t?" $86. 05: Bell Press, you the best of service, both fM ·Davenp ort. "J figure she'll give Johns. 16.76 acres in Clearcr eek , forms, $6; Barret the seat cushion s to display a recaring fol' nnd selling your stock, "A little additio nal capital about 40 t Brothe rs forms ~orse-p ower," cess occupied only by tools; lifted might enable you to expand . township. We thnnk yo u for the past and $6.50 : Peters Cartrid to ge Co., sup"That IS more than ample. For the trap door (If the rear to show ad vantage . " Cordeli a M. Cross to Walter plies, $2.22 ; Office Outfitte rs, hope for your future patrona ge. supJong-" a nearly empty interio r. Pfeiffer . 69.88 acres in Clearcr eek plies, $4.25;' Peters Cartrid "Additi onal capital. " said Dav- how SALISB URY'S ge Co., " Lo~ as you like-u ntil we get townsh ip. "You see, I have nothing up my enport unexpe ctedly, with s upplies, $6.80; Hubmn n Supp ly a grin, out of here, if you please." sleeve with which to deceive you,' "would n't enable me to Lydia E. Keever et al to Ethyl Co., supplies, $39; Reif's E lectric expand an "Is It anothe r bet?" asked Bur- AlIa,r d and Henry , Allard. NOTIC E OF APPOI NTMEN T said he, jesting ly. " There's the inch." 101.50 Shop, lamps Ilnd labor, $3.26; E. B ton. whole works." acres in Union townsh ip. "But you just said you could use Thirki eld & ons Co.. supplies, "Ijn willing ," said Davenp ort, On the return to the camp Grim- more money. " Charles Stephen son to Jam es M. $2.27 ; J. W. Lingo Estate of Robert G. Cross, deHal'dwa l'e Co., ceased. "double s or quits. Is it a bet?" stead fe ll back to consult lowSandlin and May Sandlin . 60 supplies. $6.44; Trustee "That's differen t." !! of Public "I don't bet that heavily ag~inst acres in Turtlec reek township. voiced wit h his second in comma nd otice is hereby given that "1 don't see hoW it's differen t," anothe r man's Affairs, water at $36.34; lane game," said Gar"What d o you make of it, Ross ?' said Gr imstead a little impatie Robert Patters on to State of Trustee s of Public . jail, C. Cl'OSS has been duly apAffairs, ntly light diner, "but he in q\lircd. . "but it c rossed ' my mind that if hundre d ths I'm ready to risk fi ve Ohio. The use of certain real es- and gas, $36.66 ; Lebano n Lumbe r po in ted and qualifie d as Execut rix t. I can produce "He's lying, lShowin g off. The you needed a littl e--buy in Ie- tate in Wayne townsh ip for high-' Compa ny, sawdus t, a share gitimat e test right here, and Iitha~ $I; Griswo ld bf t he Elltate of Robert G. Cross thin~ is impossi ble. " ways. late of Wal'ren County , Ohio, eteyou unders ta nd. Of course an in- this thing Service Station , gas, John ceased. won't stand up under "Well, he certain ly drove up last vestig ation-" W. H. Dral:<e to State 'o f Ohio. .Il!Iw & Son, services$1.69; , $i27. 76 ; it. It ' is und,ers tood that my test. The use of certain real ' night from somewh ere." Dated this 24th day of Februa ry . "So you are interest e d in my must estate in Waldro n C. Gilmou r, inquest , be met, and that the time Wayne townsh ip for highwa "He probab ly lives quite near battery , after all," said Davenp ys. $9.90; Ed. S. Co nklin Insuran ce 19 32 . ort limit is four days." 'and recharg es from water power." W. H. and Lena Drake to State Agency , Dift'. on policies oancell. "Kono I" Grimst ead acknow l- "Well," that's W. Z. ROLL, rather an 'unsigh t of Ohio. The use of certain real ed ~'Probably," agreed Grimst ead, edged. "At Judge of the Probate Co urt, least on Fair I'm Ground interes ted , $64.33; in Drs. unseen ' propcls ition itself," "but even at t hat he's got some- what you say about your rejoin- estate in ·Wayne townsh ip for Edward and Robe Wat'ren County , Ohio battery . ed Davenp ort. "But just to show highwa rt Blair, service s m16 thing. That box isn't any larger The state of Missou ys. $5; H. L. Schuyle ri r, pay isn't roll, big $139; you I 'm a sport I'll go you, provid- . Lewis W. Chandl er, et ai, to J. K. than a starting battery . We'll bave e n.oug h to hold me when Spence , lumber, $227.37 ; V. NOTIC E OF APPOI NTMEN T to look into it a li ttle. A battery to what you claim for it. it comes ed . that it is not beyond the State of Ohio. The use of certain W. Tompki ns, pay roll, $132.46 ; I shrewd strengt h of the battery . Its endur- real estate in Wayne townsh as compac t a!< that will drIve others ly suspect that ln that ip for Floyd Lemmo ns, you're pay r oll, try$224; ance within its strengt h is all I highwa ys. Estate of J. C. Evans, decease d. off the market ." ..' ing to spoof me l But it's abvious claim," Carl Dakin, pay r oll, $216.26 ; Notice is hereby given that Sidney Chandl er, et aI, to State John Myers, pay roll, you've come from somewh ere, and $203.8 6; Susie Evans has been duly ap"What I pl'I)pos e," said Gardil) er of Ohjo_ The use of certain CHAPT ER VIII. it's obvious that litt\e battery "is that the real Charles E. Bradbu ry, pay roU pointed and qualifie te1'Tl\iilals of this bat;.. estate in Wayne townsh ip fpr $282.0 brough t you. Even if it's only five tery be conn'ec 5; A. T. Rettig, pay roll: of t he Estate of J. d' as ExecutM lt E can n~vcr be lIure just what AnotheJ : Bet ted with the self- highwa ys. ' C. Evans late , or $249.60 ten miles, ; Joe W. Davis, and you exp~ct to starter of our car; and the starting , makes an infant. restless, but roll of Warren County , Ohio, decease d William Stringh am to State of $308.80 ; L . E . Witham , pay Dave.np ort put I everybo dy to get bom e again, you've got .the remedy can 31wnYQ be the salUesomepay roll: pedal be lo~ked Dated this 26th day of Februa ry down. Then the Ohio. The use of real es- $196.6 0; E. D. J ones, pay roll, 1932. ~ ~d old Castori a ! '1'1en/a comIort work, after a q uick meal had been thing big." battery through the self-sta rter, tate in Frankli ncertajn . townsh ip for $246.8 0; E. W. Knapp, operati ng Shaw.hn "Of course, " Davenp ort pointed will be,, turning in- evt ry drop of this pure vegetab le improvi sed and eaten so that by n 8; Brown, Attys. over the engine highwa ys. mainta iner $48; Leslie Shults, op' prepara tion, and \J l the 51i£hlesl mid-aft ern'ooll a co mforta ble and out, "I haven't tried to sell any- against the compre ssion. I don' t William E. Meehan to State of erating maintai ner, $48; W. Z. ROLL, .nann·i n ita frequ~nl use. ~ ofte~ a~ conven ient cnmp had come into thing nor make you believe any- know the exact power require Frank Ju dge of t he Probate Court, d, Ohio. The use of certain real es.. Wilson, mechan ic, thing. And I don't s uppose in view but it is conside Baby ·has a fretful spell, IS fevens!,. existence. $52.80: Eden rable. Tomorr ow tate ml6 Warren County , Ohio At 'upper time Simmin s, panic- of your technic al knowle dge, cries and can't sl p, let Casto.rm mainte nance enginee r I I will comput e it exactly . It is suf- ways.in Frankli n townsh ip for high- T erry, sooihe and quiet ~m . ~ ome li mcs. ll's ~ tl'icken, claimed total ig noTance would have any right to resent ficient to exhaus $82,50; J . M. Brande nburg, g. rad Frank L . Barlow to 'State of posts, $26.20: Howard 'a touch of colic. Sometim es. c,ouslJpa- of camp cookery . your dou bting my word. Neverth e- starting battery t the ordinar y Stroud &from 10 to ' 20 Ohio. The use of certain real es- rail "I'll do it," stated Davenp ort less I l'epeat that with that tion. Or diarrbe 8-R Cr..n dllJon that posts, ' $2.80: L. H. Gordon , battery tate in Salem townsh ip for high- lSupplies and gas, $184.09 should, alv..ays be chc!:ked wililQut briefly. "You'll do the dishes, r un as my sole motive power I have minutes ." ; V. W. "That's in,g enious, " acknow ldelay. Just keep Casto. ia ha.ndy. Gnd the el'l'ands, get the water and driven abo ut 1100 miles." Tompk in s, repairs, 60c; Frank e.dge d Davenp ort. "but it's going lI. give it promptl y. Heller W Ill Iollow cany in the wood. I'll chop the AndersQ n, et to Sherwo od Co., "Witho ut recharg ing?" . de- to be as noisy as a street oar. It's pplies and g1\S Mary C, and Mapha I. Beltz, Real $70.85; .C. D. su · very jromp tl y ; if it doesn'l. you wood." He looked' around at the mand ed Gardin er. Smart, gas, $63 ~ going to destroy our peace and estate in Lebano Dthers. "That's th e only thing I ,shoUl call a physician. n. Charles E. Bradbu ry, "Witho ut recharg ing," repeate d quiet, and will .end $4.20 ~ I MONE Y LOANE D by ~etting on want YOll all to leave strictly alone Davenp ort. Cortez M. and Lucy Smith to Harry Hill, gas, $82.18;gas, East End -------------_~ our nerves, I'm afraid. -the axe. I'll do all the axe work ' Keith E . Mallter . Inlot No. 67 In Garage , repair supplie s, A ,polite but restrain ed silence gas, $39' "It's begun by gettinR' your Frankli n. mvself.." succeed ed this remark , Davenp ort nerve, I'm Albert Millard , care of Carl Mil~ af:raid, " sneered Gar'Alva L. Kenned y to William E,. lard, $10; Richard "Well , this is someth ing like!" himself relieved the situatio William s n. diner. crie d Grim stead as he lower ed Frost and Florenc e Frost. Inlot care of Marie WilliamL. OR SHORT TIME -E••, "D on't feel assed!" he s, $10; Mrs: LONG Gardin er leaned back with a tri- No. 11 in Harvey sburg. himself to a cushion of aromat ic laughed. 'Say it embarr terms. Also Survey lnf and AbErma Hibnar , if care you of want 'Cather to; I ine umpha nt glance at his chief. boughs near t he camp fire. He won't be offende d. It stractin Enola J. Corwin and Frank S, Snow, $10: Lon South care Write and c.1l may relieve of Carl and lIee g, (To be continu ed) Corwin to First Nationa l Bank, South, $7; H. S. Conove you. Slim D. Henkl" W.Y~ r, supplie s nesville , Ohio. J11
.s al wa ys SA FE
. .......
5 % Farm Loa ns' will
THE F AMIL Y NEX T DOO R ~ . aOIt ~ SUCk'\ A MOIUIlI"'G ~. SUCH ~UN ~."'t\E. ~
-Tk'\' flR':.T ~\ONS 0' SPRIN G ~ . T \\",. ~ MV CUE T' CHA"'t t "f' "fH' OlO \11",\)lt<:. ."" 'SILK E.TC. ETC-\ -~<:::
Sprin g, Sprin g, Be.u tiful Spr ing.
I. /
'j ......
m! o:::::======= === -= FOR RENT FOR RENT- About 40 aeres of good bottom land for corn, on shares. Write ,B. P. Hartsoc k, 312 ~oxah!1la Ave., Zanesv ille, Ohio. M23 'I
. ". WANT ED-W. ork
by day, week or month. Morris Cook. .0116 WANT ED Har ness Repairi ng . and oiling . and new harness built. Xenia Hardw are Co., 118 ·E. Main St., Xenia, OhiCl • 1)llQ
FOR SA~E \ FOR SALE -Altalf a hay. ' Phone 16,F21. Jesse Prepde rgall.t . . m111 •
' .
FOR SALE- Model 28 Bulek Sedan : in ' I?erfect conditio n. C.h eap, aee Frank LeMay . tt, 'FOR SALE -No. 1 Realeanell: Timoth y ~eedi $2.16 per bu. A~ and C, D. Cook, Harvey abu-. 0., . .• tt
THE l\fIAMI GAZETTE ~SUED EVERY WEDNESDAY P ...li..... Su".uiptloD PrIM, 11.S0 • Y.... PbOD... , ............... ,... No. ' 1121 '
R •• Hl..ac
........................ N•• 118
Jim and Samantha, 01 Ken tu.cky _ ~y
Diet Didn't Do
Mr•. Jenie B. Tripp
En.ered .t P ••• ottie. •• w.y ...... m•• Ohio" •• S.eonll cr... M.II Metler
They never had been maITiedJillt tuck UP, they each one said; An they 'lowed they'd live . to· gether ' Long al! nal'y one was dead. '.
MARCH 16, 1932
'F he attempt of .commercial interests to depl'ive the People of '
OIH? fall e.d ucattonnl broadcasting f.rom their state university
~ ul'ln g cV'e nmga houl's has been dfilfeated, announces the ag'l'icll ILu.ral. exton. 10 ,,! ~erv i~ e at the Ohio State Univers ity. WI.nnmg u deC ISIve vIctory over the r ecommendation of the , exnmt ne r. for t,he federa l J'adio commission to sweep education ott thc alt' d unng cve ning hours and to give such ,time to comn e.r t ia l ud~cl'li s er l) to use a s they see fit, Attorney-General ~ ltmlln WIth t he help o.f some 16 state·wide farm organizu~lUnli ul1d.~col'es of locu l rural groups has succeeded in preservIng th . rlghL of the state univer~ ity to extend its facilities to the pcople of the state by radio. . 'l'h e farm 'nig ht ,radio progrum pl'esented every Monday (light from WEAO by the coll ege of agriculture, which would II;"'? been f orced off Lhe ail' by the exam iner for the federal /'ud lO comm ission, will be continued. This program backed by I It farm org anizations of the stute and thousands of individual faym cl':; Who hav e rCfJuestecl copies of its broadcasting schedu le WIll now be ablc t o disc uss imp ortant agricultural questions in the fLltu r~ us it hus in t he past. Heve l's ing the re commcndation of its examiner, the federal I'uu io cOl1l mi s ion hilS awurded the state-owned radio WEAO t 7 evening ha Ul'" for broadcas l purposes. In the past the statio~ hl'olldcast 11 even ins:: hOlll's a week. J\ II prug l'ums from lhe slute·o wned station are free of comnH'l'cial Ildl't'I'ti ~ in g nnd arC) purely educational in nature.
So they moved in a n old cabin Down ferninst the West Lot hill; An' if nothin' hadn't happened, Like as not, they'd be th cl'c still. There tliey sot up with II cook stove, Which had blocks of wood fo r legs An' a nome-made rick· rack tabl , 'An' fel' cheers, they set on kegs. There was borned to them four babies, Peak-headed, long·necked things; Four of 'em was of mal e gender. The tother, Angeliny Bings . Then Jim h come home onc eve· nin' Said he didn't feel So go od ; An' bless God; before wc knowed it, , He \tas dead, a s a blo ck of wo od. man thy, s he com e \'0 our carriage There she stood, an cried an' criE'd Sa id, "I wish you'd tell Jim' ~ s ister, Jim, tU1'l1ed up his heels, and died '
-;~~:::::;::;;~:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;:;~:::=~;;;~~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;:::;' No w one of th e bo ys is married _ ___ c: An' is doin' mighty well;
What Can Be Done with Electricity If tlt e l!110 rille'
fIl l' (' Ie(·tricily prevailed today tbe average anbill would be $G5.7R, instead of half the amount. And l'I'member. back in 1 HI 0, eleclric lig ht was about the only electric convelli e nce enjoyed in the home fur that outluy. In fact, th cost, ot! clectricity today is so modest nnd so negligible, ~n compal iso n wit h muny oth er things you bl1Y, that for the ex. p ndlture or a lowly ce nt- a cent. mind you- you can: Operale li n elllcLri c wngher for an hour. Itu n Oil electric clock f 0 1' 100 hours. Warm a hea t ing pad for fo ul' ha ul'S. OpCI'Dte an egg.coo ker 20 minutes. OpCl'nlc YOllr radio for three hours and n haIr. Run a calle bcater 20 minutes. H at a n e lectric iron 20 minutes. Operate a health lamp 20, minutes. Run a fan foul' hours. Lig ht a flo or lamp three hou rs. It CO~ t8 less : . To lig ht the average dining room for nn hour than to burn candles II buby's birthday cuke. To lig ht t he uvcrage living room fol' an hour than to buy the e\'ening pape r. . To light the avernge bedl'oom for nn hour than to buy a package of the cheapest haiL·pins. To lighll the average kitchen f ol' an hour than to buy an ol'din· a ry box of matches.
II u·u I d ome ~ lic
Ha his own nice horse an . buggy. An' the horse kin go lik e- ! Now when you go that way drivin' An' you see a pile of earth. That'!! t he plnck whar Jim 's a layin'; His tomstone, is an old stove hearth. 'Lowed I'd give to you this s tory, That was told to me one time; The only change that I've made in it, Is, I've told. it now in I·hyrne. Please don't blame me fo r the story About the horse, thot we nt 0 well It's not my fault, I can't help it; That the blamed thing went like h- !
Farmets who produce more ,efficiently tha n th e Ilvera~e, and who produce products of a quality that are not surpassed by those of other arcas, will be best able to weather the present storm and be in a good position t o prosper when better times arrive, according to P erhaps the greatest testimonial to the soundness of the life in- rural economists. s urance industry is the faith t he general public has had in it during mo re than tll'O y ears of stress and uncertainty, It ha mad e. consistent progrnss. Its sales al'e on the upgrade. The LISTEN IN ON WEAO Ilv c rn~e citb:en once looked on insurance as being a means of protec· tion for' his dependentR or himself, and nothing more. Now he looks Ohio fruit growet:'S will receive II it a s a n investment- the hjghest clalls, safest investment. He special information on spJ'ays on kn ows that policie' in legal reserve companies win be .paid. He know t he farm night radio program on that if the need arise!! he can borrow on his insurance. And he knows March 28. This pl'ogram is present that, if worst come!; t o wor t and he is unable to maintain it any ed every Monday evening by t he longer, he can. if it has bee n in force the required time, cash it in for college of agriculture at the O. S. U. and is broadcast fro m the a substantial sum. A pe ople which hus billions of dollars invested in life insurance state· owned radio station WEA O. has the qualities of thrift and fore ight that make for a long-enduring civilization. It has a direct personal interest in economics, sociology PUBLIC SALE and industrial conditions, all of which influence the life insurance in· clusb·y. It is a people wise in the wa.ys of progre8S. . Tuesday, March 29, 1932. Watch fol' bills. TIM BARTON
A Wise People
I Farm hight 1.alks, March
Even i( It is lc~\ p ye .:'c fh : l~i rl·· .W ' i i)'t do ~ h ' p '0 PO'.; It th "'y· l , ju st in ··. e~. " \.1. I~ tI i £'I' i t;·
- -
--=.=.=-. =
HARVEYSBURG Mrs, Mumie F OI·e man. MI'. Ed Oliv er, und J\ r. A III brose Fishel' of Dayt on c:a llcd at the hOllle of Dr. alld ~ I r~ . Tripl> Friday morn· ing. Th e High school Glee lub will prese nl the up e l'ctta .. '1' t:1ip Time' at t he Gym Fl'iday eve nillg, March 18 at 8: 15 o'c luck. The operetta is und er th e oil Lctio l1 or' Miss H elen L. Stev ns and the cast of chal'Rctel's is a: fo ll ow;; : Hans. RobCl·t Frank!! lI; Aun t Anna, Virgin ia I avi~; Kntinka, Vi\'ian 'ru c ker; lI e ndrick V UII Oostel', Jtob el't Ural'; Chris tina, Virginia Tu ckor ; Theophilus i\lcSp indl e, EI'nest Dodd; Ne d Bax tel', Howard Mcl).JI1ald; ] 1 ick WaI'l'CII, BOl'r co rdiall y Noldel·. t~ v I'yone i lIJ'gl!d t o a ttend, ortcl' Brothel's lost tltei\' badke t ball game with Wilbe..rorce Un ivers ity teum 2~~- 1 i 'J'hurw uy ove n· ing.. "/II'. and 1\) 1'5 . I'l'allk Hough . Miss Erne ,tint, and William oJ Midland vi 'ited iff Hough unday.
- ...
- .. --
Get !lome Syrup Pepsin; protect your houbehold fru:n (!1r:le. bilious days, freq uen t hrurlnehc<I, 1I.'l:J lhat sluggish stale of half-hl'alth thl4t meuns the bowel~ np.e.! s!.!muluting, i\.c p this prepllfll!i(>l1 in the home to use instcud of h,".,;!) cUlhart:cs ' lhal CRuse .:hrook, coru:tipp,t.idn i.f !nken too elten. You ra(, ol.vaY' 8r,t Dr. C !l ld -;v~li'a Syrup l'e~'1Iin lit .1!1j' dH'iJ . ~ l (, I1' ; lh ~y have it all ~€'~u y i:11.i8 hctUea. '
E ig h l-pel' cent of the adult pop· ula tion have pOOl' postures that lIl a y cause co nstipation, ,nervousness, gus, arid digestive disturbill1DR.RUDOLP~ ces, acc ording to Miss Wanda l:'rzylus ka, ~xten ~ ion specialist in hea lth ioJ' the de partment of I hOllle econolllicl:i at the O. S. U. ! The tigure 80 pel' cent, she sa ys, 30 Years Experience In \ De na Davi~ was out of .. chool wus obtained by medical examFitting and Making Glu•• the )Ja: l \\' (Ik .' uif ring with inations of college students and mu mps: men applying f or service durin,g ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN fn th e Id Il" iddlers conte!lt at t~e wO~'ld war. A not her .examin~-I Lebanon, Obio the GYIII Friday evening, the first l ion oj 17U8 ch oo l chIldren m your Cattle, hogs, sheep and cal v 5 Tue.day, Thuraday, 5at."-,. prize of :'3 \v€!Ilt to And y Hidee Massachusetts showed t.hat 110 porto Norris-Brock Co., Jive wire a d of· 'pr ing Hill ; seco nd of $2 to cent of th~ YOl!ngs.ters had bad progressiv~ firm for the higbest ExamlDatlo. Free : Woodrow ollin ~ of W ellmun, postures. Exammatlons of 4-H market prIces and good service. LEBANON. omo third of $ 1 to MI'. CO); of Bla n- club boys lind girls in Ohio like· UnioD Stock Yarefl' Cincinnati. O. chester. Each of the at hol' contes. wise de monstraLe the prevalence Tune in on Radio Station WCKY I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tant I'eceived f. cake . T he conte:;t of poor posture. 12 :25 to 12 :30' p. m. fQr our daily I· was 'pon sol'ed by the Junior Class. P oor posture, she' 8$Sel'ts, results market reports. . C. D. Smart act d a fl muster of in considerable fatigue and is ~!!!!!!!~!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ cel'emonies, al'l . born at the caused by the wearing of high piano and John RotJiffe with the heels, lallk of proper diet, sickuital' Ilccolllpanied t he playe l·s. nes , improper clothin~, unhealthful surroundings, and other fac01'. and Mrs. Frost shopped in t Ol'S. Dayton {o nday. Some of the ways to help chilT here were twenty lovely Quilts dl'on develop good postures that on displa y Ilt the Aid Hoom Tues- will aid them in warding off dis· da y aj'tel'lIoon when the Buptist a ~e Ilnd variouB ailments are: MissioiHII'Y irde held their silver let l>a bies sleep ' in beds with ' ten. A n umbe r of ladie ' were , rat her stiff springs end, place prese nt in spHe of incleme l>o :ln.l .un de r t he mattre ses, do weahtel'. not hold the baby very often as t his tends to twist hi spi ne, pro· ~ " Ohl~ 1111'. and MI·~ . J ohn Ke nnedy vid e a play place for the youngster were g ue~ls of 1\1t'. and M1',. A. ~ o that he can exerc ise an d rest at 'hon' J, 8J L. Kenn edy and H rbe r t one will and not be foreed to stand, day this week. . use ca re in the selection of cloth. is u • i W. A. Lukens is ill with g rippe. ing fo r child.ren that will not bind 1m 1\11'. a nd l\hs, Scott R yu olds of and di tort their little bodies, use Milford were guests of Mrs. a balanced diet, and phosphorus Nancy Hey nolds Su nday. a nd let childl'en be exposed U; lo ts of sunshine. . ' REPAIRING Watches Clocks Jewelry
Sight Specialikt
Cary;s Jewelry' Shoj
-AuelJ_.er r.. Manin
ATlSf.AQTU»N Or No. ;CfI•••
CenterNJU "
Store Open · EveJlingl
Dead Stock Wanted
Jack a nd .Tim ha ve moved from Th. O. s. U. R.dlo StatioD-WEAO the Allc n Ki ble r fa rm at Green (C. w. Gay, Chairman, Dept. of Animal H\lsbandry, Presiding) Briar into the tenant house on ·the Ballenger place. 7 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers. . 7:06 How Do You Spend Your Tax Dollar? .. ........ ,....... "... 0. S. Myer The body of Otis Hend 1'5011, 7:20 Some Chick Feeding Facts . ..... " ... ............. ... .. ''' .... , A, ~ ..Winter •• who was dro wned in Cae, CJ'·S Creek 7 :35 Buying Bees by the Pound .. ............ " ... "" ....... .. .... ,... Vlrgll Argo just bel ow W limon, several days 7:50 Inbreedin/<! Effects on Plants .'.. " .......... " ... ...... " .......... J. B. Park ""OTARY PUBLIC ago, was found Friday afte rnoon 8:06 Color in Your Home .. " ........ ........ .... .......... ... ;.. : .... Alice Robinson abou t .2 o'clock ju. t be low his 8 :20 How to Plant Spring Shrubs ................. . ,....... ...... L. C. Chadwick NatioDal Bank hom e nea l' the $hore, d O'1l to 1\ 8 ;36 Don't Send Your Bugs to Market... ......... .................... T. S. Sut~on Will D E t a S I d bunch of will ow bus hcs. ·W raWD •• • t.. 8 :50 Some Live\tock Loss Prevention Facts .............. " .... E. B. Baugh, I The FI'ank Bumell family were Sec., Oh,io ·Live Stock Loes Prevention Assn. A YNESVILLE. OHIO all confined to their home last week with grippe and mumps . 1\1iS5 .J o's ep hine Burnell was II called home from he r studies in PHONE 8F3 1_ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----::-_ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _--,---,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-! ' the city, to care fo r hel' home f olks who arc all victim s of the gl'ipJ,Je and mUIl1D'. We ' all hope f or : a HARVEYSBURG, OHIO s pced~' r.ecovery. Harol d i\ltKr.y and wife and ~"- ~"l"'SEN ~Qi on A li en. ate a birLhday dinner %U~ "ROO~\) ~~e WO~\.O. on Sli nuay with Mrs. McKay's mother, Mrs. J cnnie Hay wol·th and ,FOR SALE DATES CALL t>U"t ~~ 1lP\~t.\.' Wt~ daug hter, l\'Uss Elizabeth, of WiIming t,on, The dinn e r was g iven in fQ.Q~ "'\~ "'o~e \.~ t\,'a~. hon or of Allen's twcl [th bil'thdal' \\.\." 10 fQ.""t\\to, t.P\\. .. anniversary. I\K\) a~c" 'to, ~~AA~'tO". \\i Mrs. Mabel F, Terry of the Ch ildren 's Home, at Lebanon', W\\.\. \\~~E , itt""" ~R()\)"'O spent Sunday with her home folks here. 'W\C.£ JESSE STANLEY M. M. Te rry and wife were in PboDe Xenia on Saturday. 320. New a.rlin.tOD, Ohio
Syrup Pepsin, This gentle stimulant wiil 800n ri~hl things I Tlte !towels will move with belter fellu!alit)' and lhoroughn\lllS. Thl!re woo't illl so man:.' sick spells or ('ol<ls. You':1 nnd it j ua t' as w(ouderi;;1 for adults, too. in larger spoonfuisl
Efficiency Weathe ... Storm
. Legumes lacking nodules rob th\l !loil of valuable nitrogen in much ~he .'ame way a lj do COrn or oats, accol'ding to li . M . .Batcbelo~·, !lBslswnt 'pl'o:t'e!\so r of soils at tho O. ' . U ., who linds that nodules f ormation nm be 8tim1iluted by inoc\\la~in" tl!Q see d of s uch legume us clove r, a l:fa l1n, soybeans etc. llloculation of such seed , he say/> tOIlUs Lo enrich lhe soil and may be Cc IllpllShl.'u a( ve l'y lit~le expense uy uSIng lH'ol)(!I'I Y CHose n field soil. ...ull 11'0111 1l1.'Ids pl'od uci ng soybean fill Ing lots of nodules on t heir rout · shuu ld be lI ijct! in inoculat· '1\15 stJ~· I)C>llls . Alt.al(u may be in,J~ula~l!u \\ ILh ~oiJ from' lieJUs i'1< .d ucllIg' ~ uod yields or either .411 :.1 11. OJ >ill ce~ CIOI'el·. However, - " ,L. , \.:I' 1 tHe e cro»:; cll n be in· , cU ,l\wd o~' soli t rolll II I'w ld Pl·O· UUC lll!l rcd clover. A l'lu I' lhe desi rable soil has been ob1.ained , BUH'helo t' s uggest:; that the ~ oi l be sic\I\.:ll Ircc ft'om sticks a nd tOIlt'se sa nd or grave l, placed A P?Y litt le !.lirl, jusl bursli.nR in the fertilizer box of the g/'ain ,·.. illt pep , ano she hilS ne cr 'drill, a nd sown at lhe rate 01 100 to 1;; 0 puulll.ls per a cre in th l! row tus lc:.1 a "!on:r1" with the seed. This method has E\,t·ry cltilu 's ~tr)mach, liver, lind gil e ll very g bod rl!l! ul ts with soy· bowels nr.ccl ~! ill1uln til1g a t time's . beans. IH, t gi.." .. hildrc!l soml!thing YOll ::lo llle farmel's, he p oint ' out, do kn ow a ll ah ,)u l. not have a satisfactory so urce of I· ollow the 1,<Ivi('e of that famo us so il to use fo /' inoculation, 01' pl'efer Lv usc com merci al prepara· flll !1::Y ,,' IYioi"UII! who gave lhe tiuns. Suc h prc)Ja l'utioIlS vury con· \\,cr:d . yr.:p P.::psin, Stimulate the si del ab l~' in their effeetiven ess. A I/Ot/:/S ,'ud OIcar.s, Dr. !.ald\\'cll's list of th e best preparations may Pft'~crjP:I :, ;-t of pu re p'Hl si ll, nc tive be ubtained from the Ohio AgJ'icul· !.r h:lIl. UItJ fre~n h ~ r bs is a miiJ turul Expe/'iment ::itation at WDOS- ~liI1IUi"l1: Iha l kce;18 th e s ~~:ern frol\1 Sl'l:;lIg hlugi ~h . ter. ----- .... ---If Y,1\lr yo\: ng, Il' rs dr)Jl't do ",.e!l u t ~ " ~ hhl;, Jr: t! ' { p l:l }" tl C hil:-d t1r e;:t POOR POSTURES FOUND :IS \\''' il :1; ll i ~ ,~ ,' c·bll ,! " ·,, r' :' . ~ f;.c. ' . ! CAUSE OF MANY ILLS litlS C\' '''': ''1-: \l 1~: Dr, C,,!,J'\' ,:Jl'~
CARY'Se·JEWEURY SHOP ,' ' Subscribe for the Miami Guetk .
Odd-But TRUE
"'' s
,.. ...
Stanley &'Koogler
_ _011:_"""_:a. C> ~\)'"
,Auction,s ers
W e are sorry to report the Gray families at Well1l1a,n al1 s ick, with colds and grippe at this writing we all hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Sylvers returned to her chool in Dayton, Monday morning " Miss Dena E. D~lvis is a victim of the mumps. The aiq:,lane, "The American Eagle," NC235N fl'om the Click· e ngel' ail' port at Columbus, Ohio which landed in OUlI' neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, left on 'Sunday about noon for ColumbUs, Ohio) piloted by C. W. Kirbey, and lady. ' .
~ . ~ ;~
~~''( .•'t\NO ' If.\\ft ,~ ,,()lll
J. Lee Talll1age, A. B. \vife and Miss Jessio L. Garner tended the funeral of Mrs; ·S. ·Ross in Lebanon ' on Sundayafternoon. " . " -~
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During, the: p'ast 14 years the number ., of horses in the United tate iell from '2t,555,OOO in 1!ll8 to 12,679 AOOO iii 1932. The increased u ~o ,of .lab,ol' saviAg n:tachinery and th,e !,I!latlve advah· t~ge $. few years I!lgo of selliig different crops and machib· cry or supplies, in 80me o'f the we tern ea. ed the deman~' to 1irop.
EARL KOOGLER DaytoD Phone KEnmore 8986
REPORT THE SCHOO'''' .. FOR THE PAST WEn men were conlple tely buried by the Lbnelt one Service compan y, r and JalMB Wilche and failing r k. Bracke tt died in . Iat~ MondllY afterno on in talUM I&D IN QUAIUlY SLID£ ainjured cave-m of the ompany 's quarry en erville. Three of tlle alker, owner of the Ill' l' • T.
two mploy S. a few hours , John Ratliff, Wet·c cruah d to d(fIlth :\liaml Valley hos pital and Elwood Bl'acke tt wa fatally l11"t('r the acciden t.
(Contin ued from Pare 1) SClluor. Taite FOUT Y_ra T •• t All the enior .boys in the Agricu lture class w'iII ' take a test in the follo\\-;ng subject s. Animal J;Iusban dry. rops & soils and lIgTicul ture. Agricu lture enginee ring. Farm shop • . This test will be given over a four years course in t his worfk. It will be g iven Mare,h 19, at Lebano n High School. W. H. S. To particip ate in Muaic
S H IN G L E S IA New Car Just In ,,
Pe r ba le • • $1 .00 Pe r sq ua re • $4 .00 These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles manufactured.
Madden's LnmberYard Phon e )4
RED BIt'AND FENCE "G.lv.nne.led".nd Copper Burlns Winner of the Gulf of Mexico Wuther Tat
ThIt 0rdINr y Face IMlf lOne.
"GeI".......led" Ihowno~ • 1• • tOocI
PIcture (rom actal D/IolOo
II'IpbiI o( roUe taken down
aiIIpmcot. altu tat.
Fe.tiva l Nine membe rs of the W. H, S. Glee Club will go to the Lebano n Higb School buildin g on Tuesda y night, March 22, to particip ate in the County Music Festiva l. The pupils are; Sopran ns--W in Armita ge. Lena Earnha rt, Rose McCll1in. Altos- Ma rgaret Rogers , Eve lyn ul'face. Kathry n Boger. ohn Turner , Geo. Bariton es MiliCI', Ronald Hanlin . Accom panist- Betty Hartsoc k . 'I'he selectio ns to be given by the gl'oup .are : . "Sir Baldwi n." from "Rosamunde, " by Schu·be rt. "Bells of the Sea," Lamb- Salman. "Water Boy," Negro Work So ng
Followi ng an illness o f several weeks duratio n. Mrs. John Lamb Ai er a- debate lasting three passed uway at her homo on Thh'!i hours and forty-fi ve minutes , the ~treet Monday mornin g at 7 jUl'y hearing the eaf! of Erne t o·clock. ellers, Frankli n, charged with Mrs. Lamb has been a residen t ma nslaugh ter, reporte d to Jlruge C of thi comm unity 'for a num ber , A wide ~u l( se parates B. Dechan t at 6:15 p. m. Thurs- of yea l'R and had f.!a ined thlL love mod rn funeral directhe f e circl ble and reRpect.- of a large da ', that it wou ld be impossi I'om the "under tak r" I tOT the friend!;. Shu WIIS a. membe r of fol\. them as a jury to reach ad of flIty years ago. Today t dismiss ed hurch of hrist. Dechon Judge cision. W. H. Maddon '& Co. h~\ve just the jury. . w have a highly t rained urvivin g are her hu sba nd; two unloade d a car ,o f shingle s, The jury, compos ed of ten men daught ers, MTS. Haro ld Tuck and profess ional man, usina a ll women , were impane led M,.~. Harry' "StUTf, of Dayton ; two anu w, Wardlo the udvanc ed method s of Carl Mr. and Mrs. to hear the case Tu esday mornin g, f our son~ , Luther and Will. of who have been Hving on Route 1, 1'vll1l'ch 8. Mr. How ard McKay , of Dn~'t(ln, Lem uel , of Blanch e tel', sci ence lind offel'ing n have I'emove d to u far m in Greene Was hington townsh ip, WI1S fore- and Robert, lit home. service s of multitu d ' county. of t he j ury. The final ballot, Funera l s rvices conduc ted by which were never exthe fifteent h taken, showed . a Rev. C. A. Wi1Iillm ~o n, w'e re held pected of his predece sso r. ?h. anti Mr!!. Elmer heehan co unt of ten for ·gll ilty and two fol' this, Wedne sday afterno on at the result of th is adand Mr. nnd Mrs . Walter Sheeha n' not g uilty. A ~ th . hrist. Wayne SVill e Church of and ' son were Dayton visitor s vunc ement, the pu blic reP"o ~ecuting Attorne y C. Donal d BlIrial wa s in Miam i cemete ry. Saturda y. and protect ion Dilatus h announ ced today t hat a ceive!! \ ld be held Tuesda y wou g meetin great of lime a in t comfor chilattend to Parent s invited CAUGH T IN ELEVA TOR g to decide upon a date for drells' classes at Wayne Vi\lll, amornin need. trial. new Saturda y, March 10, at 3 o'clock. Clemen t "Peck" Sattert hwaite, 'SOI1 of Mr. and Mrs, Henry SatNEW SUPER INTEN DENT Mr, a nd Mrs, Raymo nd Mo nt..t crthwl1ite, of Route 2, i ~ cu nfined Ave., gomery and <laught er, of Springto hi s home, 51 San~1 Clara injuries boro, wel'e Sunday guests of Mr. H. H. Dl'uhot , assistan t cou nty Dl1yton, suce rin g y with he WIIS and Mrs. Mark Rogers. s upcrint endent of schools in Ma- sustninC'd Saturda rwhen Dayton Phone 7 cou nt y and a resid ent of caught in an elevato at 11hurt. honing S. S, Ellis and fl1m ily were Damasclls, nea r You ngs town, was hotel. His leg was badly Mr. Snttelt h wuite is getting ,::uests of Mr. a nd Mrs, Emmor e lected s uperint endent of Lebano n Wayn esvill e, Ohio Baily, of Lebl11rlon, at six o'clock scho ols Snturda y afterno o n, ac- along li S well as can be expecte d . evening ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!It din ner, 'Friday will be some time before '1!;;;;;;;;; nt iss ued by butis itable cording to a stateme j!, to work. he of ed ucatiun , ~ board the Mr. a nd Mrs.. Leigh Engle and Mr. Druhot will come to Lebano n _~~:::::--:~::::___=~ Wilma Jean, of Rou te 3, called on the Inttcr part of this week and _------_. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_-. A. Z, Hartsoc k .and family, of near will U. SlIlllC his duties next Monday. Wilmin gton, on, Sunday .
Pro p•••
J. E. McC lure
__. .:. ______________
Mrs. Lena Hartsoc k of the Fo llow ing is the standin g and Friends ' "Home is spendin g severa l res ults of games played during the weeks with her so n, A. Z. Hartsoc k season of the Varsity and Reserve and 'f am ily. of neal' Wilmin gton. squads; Tune in on the C. & n, pt'ogra m, VAR SITV SQUAD station WKRC every S unday afterTio on at 5 :15,
E le ct ri ci ty
Caltle men and farmer s through Warr en Co un ty who are interes ted in fatteni ng cattle should b~ intcrest ed in a tour from Warren County to the state meetin g at t he Messr s. A, L. King, James Ma diso n Co un ty experim ent farm Underw ood , nnd at the State Univer sity on FriLovely, ! . Walter George Pratt and Lee Lemmo n at..- day, Mnrch 25. FUI'm or s and cattle tended the "Ol,d Fiddler s" contest men from through ou t the state aren invited to a semb le at the Madiso ot Harveysbur~~, Friday nig ht, Ameri cana conau me more elec. Co un ty experim ent farm which is pike urg Plattsb the Oil and located Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. A. H. trical. energy than all the rest London . daught er, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Smith about four mil es west of take can s farmer County n , of the world . Their standa rd Mrs. Mary Cj:CluTe, Mrs. H . E WalTe . Th e Hathaw ay, Mrs. Viola Carey and Route 42 direct to London w the of living is higher , in part beMrs, L. H. Gordon attende d an fo r el1.oo n meetin g will sho silage alumin um de monstra tio n at Cin- relative importa nce of corn cause of the contri bution s of as compar ed to gro und shock corn cinnati , Tuesda y. (01' fatteni ng cattle. 14-11cre corn electr ic servic e to indust ry and to two equal Miss Elizabe th Henkle enter- field was divided intobeing plac ed home l ife. tained a few fri ends a t b ridge parts every 12 rows ,-.(FIN !t column ) No of gam611 Wedne sday evening . the in the s ilo and the r emainin g After FleM ot No ) G.-(Socond column m anner games lunch was served to the sho ck row fe d in then usual nORls made. Costa per unit of aervic e have Misses Mary with some attentio t o grindin g. l~.- Foll i Goals. guests: ng followi . I scorc.o. meal pul.nts eed or cottons 1'.- l'otul number declin ed steadi ly; yet not one Hunter , Corinn e Robbin e. Bessie Both lots wer e fe d A . -..\v I'age p r game. •.-( In ) /l8t co lumn) lndleul 8 a Stephen son, Ola Hartsoc k, Alice and hay. lots of pigs are also being conces sion in qualit y has been. 'I' hl'ee (rnctlon , Compb ell, Esther Dennis, J eanette soyof t effec the note to studied . Buerkle L. H. Fox and Mrs. made. Every kilow att hour at RBSFlR .vJ·; SQUAD beans in t he rotation . On e pig ed er slaught be will lot each £I'om n Sheeha Mr. and Mrs. Dearth the presen t lower price a is aa 'Name <1f Player IO'I_~I_F'. _T. A. and< daught ers, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis previou sly so that lal'd, bacon, notice 3· power ful a worke r as when more CIl""l Cook ... . .... .. . 14 22 9 53 e and daught er. of neal' ham, etc, can be studiedintopToduc4 2 3. McClur Evel'elt Miller. , ." , . II 14 14 3S effe cts of soy beans the Carl Mrs. and Mr. boro, Spring 8. will George Mill er ., .... . 04 149117 294· Waa charg ed. Cro ll and SOliS, of Frankli n, and ing oft , pork. This matter Robert A,·mst rong-.,. by servNOl'mlln M e,.edl ~h .. . . 11 11 6 · 282. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheeha n and be mot'e e ffective ly shown VllnOti n , ,. , • , . 8 9 7 25 S. so n attende d a f.amily dinn er at ing pork sand wiches f rom . hogs Jo Qualit y plus lower cost equals DO llllld Gusti n..... , ' 116 88 89 25.· te soybean s rations and 2 4~· the home of their parents , Mr. anti fed comple [{Ichard Mill r ...... 1 9 11 l ' Mrs, Elmer Sheeha n, on Sunday . ; those fed none at all. our SERV ICE. Are w e doing all Dn v III Boger.. ...... 10 E ldon Ellis . . . ... . . , 6 3 0 6 ·I This noo n lunch will be served -5 ~] I'Illymo nd ~\dam 8".. ~9 we can to help you enjoy its nt very nomina l charges and will 4 2 2 Milo Miltenb erger.. husban animal the at d . 3 provide 1 be \I'{lllace Bcrnllrd .... 5 benefi ts? We want lo . 1:l. Ronllhl Hardin ,., .. , 5 dry pn \l ill ion on the Univer sity 3 \• 1 and Hanlin P c·ters., ... . , 2 college the which farm, after Marvi n FoX'". ,.·. ... I 0 0 0 0 experim ent station authori ties will Cha"l ola LeMay .. , ... I 01 0 0 0 and most reliable Rogers made g ive the latest eTning the use of Total ... . . , .,.,. , .. , Ili5\tQ5~8)291 19 1 Mr. and l'ilTs, Frank conc tion informa '- busines s b'ip to Dayton Thurs- soybean s in livestoc k rations . 11 ' \'1- --1 . day. 16 12..'!9 51~9 Oppone nts ..... . . .. ,1 15 1 9 About 1 :45 p. m. , the v isiting MI·s. Ada Chenowet h retul'~ed (armel's will go to the Univer sity W , H. 9 : V."1'!SIT Y A , RE) ORO ille Centerv near 22 t o her home WnyncHv 111 0. , .. 16 Mason . .. ... 11 beef cattle feeding barn where 1 W edne sday after a couple of . . , . fi5 Ha.rvcy sburg ' , lots of st eers will be studied , three here. friends with visit weeks 16 .. .. 19 Carlisle .. . .. . , the importa nce and quality ote n to ville Waynes 15 of s Hopkin Ed. Mrs. 1 · , .. a2 CenterV ill e . , 18 spen t Th urs d ay WI' th h er d aught ers of price. The 12 head of cattle in .. " n . ..• 16 Frankli .. , ,2 4 O.S. & 8,0. H. 11 sed Octobe r Dena Hopkins and Mrs , each lot were purcha 9 Xenia Cen~rall1 Miss . . '" g roup cost Choice Paul. S~. at , 21 er. daught and 1 2 Stanley Bai1~IY · ., . ~~ Car lisle ,., .. Xeni a Distr ict d W $4.50 per t s, h medium t I' 100; per G $6 M 8 1 , . eld e.... _6 'Vakefl r s. uy ~ou za m s pen . ,.]3 · , .. 25 St uck,o.Iu l $3 per ones n commO nd a , lOOlbs. · , • . 24 Baver .... . . 21 nesda y in iAlyton . is spendin g 1001bs' to which 75c cwt. must be -' .,. , ]6 Kings MllJ K . 21 1 Mrs. dTilm .an r"Barton H. HEAT HMA N, Mana ger t'I WI'th her added. All lots are fed 10 lbe. of • f 38 ... ln · . , . 37 Otlllrbe lOCmna y 1111 ays • sup · . • . 14 O.S. & 9.0, H. 18 11. ew protein of each Ibs, 1k 1 Cole, who silage, . , . ,12' Wilmin gton .20 1 sister, Mrs. May Lacy plemen t and mixed hay per steer .• , .31 Mason . .. ... 22 I is ill. r t e Duk L a s much ground ear corn as C and M· ..I· M 19 .. ... Morrow e.20 n ..... 2l .lAlbanon .. .. 20 e r. an", .1'5. • • · .. will consum e . they their at ~~~ • ,. , 32 ISJlrl ngboro . . 24 tained the Farmer 's Club ~ ay Thursd here, near con. "'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!~~~~~~~~ reports Agent tClass County · , . ,62 Harvey shu.r g 27 country hom e feeding cattle in interes le siderab the on serving is Miller Morris 19 .. ,, l,n Ollerbe . 30 . , ,2 ·· .. 19 . . ., 3 MONow through out Warren County so . . .. 18 F ranklin .... 16 jury at Lebano n. everybo dy interes ted to take ' urges quite been has Graham Kesler .24 Union West , '" H ge of this opportu nity to advanta on now is but week, past ill the Waync5v lUe . . . 60 0 OJ'poncnt s -:c57 the. latest and best inform ation the get • mend. "',on 16 ; Los t 8. le. availab made re Longac Mr. and M.rs. Ed a trip to Cincinn ati Saturda y. RESERV F: SQUAD RECORD Mr. and Mrs. Therle K . Jones Waynesville .... H Mason ... .. . 12 , " .. ~3 Hwrvey sburg 14 and son of Centerv ille spent Sun- tives from a distanc e who attende d . , Harvey · " . 16 Carlisle ... .. 16 with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones were: Mr. and Mrs. CarlMr. .• " 14 Ce nterv ille .. 20 day and son of Clarksv ille, .and Wayof die Dinwid Belle Mrs. .12 , . . n 10 Frankli · ... Fairchi ld, Mr. and " " 12 0.8, & S.O. H , 8 nesville was a 'dinner guest Tues- Mrs. Howard , . .. 20 Carli sle . . , . . . 12 of bel' daugnt er, Mrs. Mrs. M:orton Stahl and Mr. and .• .. 20 J(lngs Mills , 17 day evening Mrs, Russell Albaug h of Dayton , and family. Saval1re Floyd . " ,14 Otterbe in ' " ~7 Mrs. Sarah McLan ghlin of Lapel, and Riggs Bert . . . , 13 0.8. & S.O, H. 24 Mrs. and Mr. .... 16 Mason .. ,., . 24 daught er of Fort Wayne , Ind., Ind., Mr. and Mrs, Bert Riggs and We have just receiv ed a car IClad of Siberi an Seed Ind., . .. . 17 MON'OW ••••. 1 2 , Wayne Fort of er daught and Mr, of guests md .... 22 l..ebanon . .... I R were week~E Oats. These are a large white oats of• very good . , , , ~5 Springb oro .,19 dge Cambri of Deering Carrie Mrs. Lytle at ngs qualit y, grown in 1931. , . ,. 32 Harvey sburg )5 MrTh~~e~e~~tr~~e~i City, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Fred h cIoSle d S un d ay aft emoon, Schoole y and childre n. and Mr. and h cure 0 "91 Waynesv ille . .. • pponenta .. 24 9 Rev. . Scar« of Spring Valley Mrs. George Gibbs of Maddis on. preache d Sunday. and every evenWon 1 0; Lost 6. viII, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs, Mr. ing last we,e k. --- . Miss Lon and Mrs. Bert Burger nt Plain. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and ,Gibbs ofI :pleasa d POLIT ICAL ANNO UNCEM ENT d M'l! f K W Sr., at- M Mr. and Mrs. 'G eorgeofGray I or e.n a te.r ogen 0 We have a choice select ion of Clove r and Alfalf a rs. Mrs. Leone funeral the tended y of South Hayes O. Keever , of Lebano n, Barton Semler in Dayton Satur- f:~~n;n~CY McCar\ h Seed. _ _ ••_ __ . Ohiol solicits your suppor t two his day afterno on. nomma tion as Commi ssioner of M!rs. Margar et Johns was a din\Yarren County , subject to the de- ner guest Sunday at the home of Mon tana Grow n Grim m y Primar ican RepUbl the of cision near Cook Amos Mrs. and Mr, . Alfal fa . .... . , , .... .. . .. .. . Election May 10, 1932. WaynesVillE! . Albert Stacy is staying a~ the Choi ce Kans as Grow n Mrs. Burton Earnha rt is very FARME RS' GRANG E home of his daught er near Springboro helping care for her husban d, sick at this writing . mon Alfal fa . .. . .... .. . Com Mr. and Mrs. John Rye spent With Mr. J. B. Crabbe in Will Null, who is quite ill at this Elton ~rs. ana Mr. Sunday with charge of the program , the Smith. time. daught er, Marger y of We also have excell ent barga in. in little Red and Mr_ ·and Mrs. Frank Rogers Evans and Burling Hug hes departm ent will provide ton. New near Ada Mrs. . with nd woek-e regular the the spent at inment the enterta Saplin g Clove r Seed. Mrs. Herber t Marlat t spent meeting of Farmer s' Grange Chenow eth near Centerv ille, while . Saturda y evening in Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickeri ng spent Saturda y night, March 19. Mrs. E. J. Ruther ford was the week-e nd in Akron. accoun t iif Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and called to Lebano n' on , Mrs. mother her of illness the attene Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lo~cr , Gi.anti c Structu re the funeral of the former 's Elbon. ded Beroc1ottls f'stlmoted .that 100,000 aunt, Mrs. Carrie Dakin, at Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e Crawfo rd Thi. is the best produ ct known to rid, poultr y of men were engaged for 20 year. In Monda.y afterno on. spent Monda y with Mr. and Mrs. '. l. Michae building the Oreot pyramid. e Last wee:k was moving time here Clarenc lice and mites. Also used to destro y many plant in. and Runyon A. P. Mrs. ' and Mr. Sr., Gray, George Mr. arid . ~frs. .ecta~ -=~~~~~~~~====:!I and l spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and Mrs. S. P. Michae . son 'moved to the H. M. Clark in Dayton . Mrs. Harold Kellis and son Billy farm, rece:ntl y vacated by Ralph David ': Luc~s, MiSs Clara Mr. and Brown ,PauJ" Johns and f amily. near Daugh ters'and Miss Ruth Kellis atfarm their to moved family service at ,L ytle Ferry, vaca,ted by ttle Gt'ay~s. Earl tended 'pree.cb ing "', Directo r of FUDer&! Senice , Young and!; family mov:ed from Sunday ~ternoon. . Kellis , was Emma Lacy's to the Ida Brown . Mr. end Mrs, Frank her daughof home propert ¥ vacated · by Paul Brown. 'c alled tC1 't he St~p Hartsoc k on Mr, anq M·rs. Will Abram s moved ter . Mys. llobert - little. grandbel' , of t accoun Fry the to farm Stacy the Modem funeraI. a demand prop· from . Vf1ry sick, beillK er dalll'ht ' ol'o. Springb near farm er equipm ent and a thoroug h Mills Thelma MO!'Pn an<l friend of relative s A knowle dge of up-to-d ate meth. of Dayton spent Sund!l¥ evening funeral the and ods· Lytle with her mother , Mrs. M"organ. of Mrs. The . Mn. BUl'tl'ett of Belmon t is chureh, AMBULANC~ SE~VICE with ber ,b}'! R!&v. sjJenCling a few weeksKellis service and inter. au,rtbe t'. Mn. Frank and Tucker 0lIl0 il", ... W~D 2t PhoDe . ' famn,. Relarr. cemeie at - - - - - - - - - - " , , , , . ment
Costs I... beCause It lUll y ..,. lonpr.
Th e 'Da yto n Po we r and Lig ht Co mp any
____ _
Phon e 2S
W aynesvill~, Ohio
Se ed s!
Se ed s!
See d Oa ts
,NotIce to enict Raisers '~ With the incre ased capac ity of our Hatc hery . and the lo'w cost of eggs, we are ' in a , posit ion to do cust om hatch ing for 2c per egg; duck and t1.1rkey eggs, 4c.
'S ati sfa cti on Gu ara ate ed Hea vy Bree ds ,stra ight- --$9. 50 per hundred ; 300 and over , $9.0 0; 50Q, $8.5 0. ' Hea vy Mixed-·-$8~00 per 100; 500, $7.5 0. English Whi te Legh orns .··$8 .00 per 100; . . 300, $7.75; 500, $7.50. AU from bloo d-tes ted stock.
Clo ver aad Gra ss See ds
Pbon e 45R 2
$1 3.0 0 $
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"Alway's a
Vi ayne~viHe, Ohio"
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9.7 5
"B lac k Lea l 40"
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Eighty-Fifth Year
----- .;------------:-
Senior Scbolarship Te., On Saturday, March 19,
OFFICIAL-~L~MEE;~N~! ~r---'--~~---------i'--' Pursuant to the power vested in the. President at the organization meeting of said asso ciation, I hereby give notice to t he citizens of Findlay, Arlington, Williamstown, Dunkirk, Kenton, Bellefontaine, West Liberty, Urbana, Springfield, Yellow Springs, Xenia, Spring Valley, WayneSVille, Lebanon, Mason, Sharonv ill e, and Inter. mediate Communities that are· gular meeting of the Revolutionary Short Trail Association will be held in the Clark County Court House at Springfield, Ohio, Thurs· day, March 24, 1932. Hotell Shawnee will be Associat ion headquarters. A lun cheon meeting will be held at the Hotel at 12 o'clock, noon, at which all re presentatives from all communities are not on ly invited but expected to attend. The r egular business session of the ASlio ciation will be called t o order at 1.30 o'clock at the Court ·House. Attest : Carl Price, President, Wilbur M. Faulkner, Sec'y.
all schools in the State of Ohio sent representatives to cou nty seats to take th e Ohio ' ior Scholarship Test, 85 % of .,Ie students iri graduating classeR parti cipated. Wayne township sent 11 seniors. 26 % ranking highest were to receive honorable mention certificates signed by state and county officials. 46 pupil s took the test in Wanen County, Wayn esville ranked t hree pu pils in the upper 25 % namely: . Ronald Har din, 2nd, score 3280%. Verd ena Fox, 4th, score 279. FI'ank Swal'tzel, 10th, score 227 ~!.. P ossible score of 400.' Othel' pupils taking the test were Anna O'Neall, John Turner, New Jury Impanelled Rnlph Branstraio r, Velma Armi- To Hear Franklin tage, F lorence Day, Helen Friend, Manslaughter Case Donald Hawke und Lois Pen ning. to n. Th e test brings out the followAt a meeting held Tuesday ing comparisons : . Median Score: mornlllg, March 15, Judge C. B. Warren County- all subjects, Dechant, and Attorneys Dean E. 216 ; mathematics, 36; hislory, 47; ' Sta nley, . Frank C, Anderson, and E nglish, 50' science 60; current P !·osec utlllg. Attorney, C. ,Donald events 33. . , Dllatus h deCided upon ~pnl 12 as Waynesv ille-all lIubjects, 216; the dat~ for the openmg of the mathematics, 43; history, 46; new t!lal of Ernest J . Sellers, English, 40'h; science 56: current Fr!1 nkhn , who IS charged wlth events, 32. mansla ughter . . The followln&: names were Above tabulation shows that Wayn esville was better than the dr~wn from t~e .Jury .wheel, from county in mathem atics and science whIch t~elve Jurors w!l\ be chosen and poorer than the county in W~bb Simpson, HamIlton Townhisto ry, English and current shIp ; Joh~ Goddard, Earl Coburn, events. When comparing the Mary Ivms, Charle~ Stewart, median score in all subjects we Charles Guard, Mane. Abbott, find that Waynesville was the Carroll Hathaway, I~a Ban~h!"", lIIIme as the county. Turtlecreek 1'ownshlp; Wdham Other pupils ranking in upper Hl!tt, Esta Null, Clearcreek TownShiP; Stephen Lowe, Charles 25 % were' lst--LoiIar Lebanon, SC(lre Heakin, Anna Ferris, Washington 835' Township; Lbu Van Harlingen, 3rd':"'Renesaugh Lebanon score Mary Rebold, Blanche Ringler, 285 ~ , , Deerfield Township; Edward 5 th':"'Waggoner Mason score, §toutenborough, Ralph Robin son, 274. " rNinklin Township; Barbara 6th-Hamilton Lebanon, Bcore Wund, Charles Carr.o II, Salem 264.' Township ; Hamilton Bogan, Clyde 7th-Arnold Lebanon, score, Levicy, Massie Township; Roy 267 % . ' Schnell, Harlan Township and Bth- Ritz, Franklin, score, Rhode!! Bunnell, Wayne Township. • • 245 'h . 24~~t-Reynolds, Franklin, score LOCAL GIRL IS 10th-Wertz. Lebanon, score; 237 ~ ; tied with Swartzel. . 12th Dunham, Kings Mille, SCOTe, 237. Above tests were based upon 'training given students during their four years of High School. 1928-1932 inclusive. Teacher. to Grade P.pera
MEMBER OF CHOIR Easter Sunday morning the Wittenberg a'capella choir will broadcast over a national network from station WAIU, Columbus, in an hour (beginning at 10 a. m. ) of Easter services conducted by President R. E. TuJloss. Following the tiroadatst the choir will sing in Zanesville, March 29: Mt. Vernon, March 80; Manllfield, March 80 : and Akron, March 31. Miss Irma Rich, a sophomore at Wittenberg, is a member of the alto section of tile choir.
The tim e of the Funn Night pl'ogrum , pre 'e nted eve ry Monday night by th e college oi agric ultu re from the state-own d broadcasting station WEA 0, hu. been ohan ged lo B Lo I U p. m., acco rding to an announc men t. i'I'o m the oftice of the di rector of ugri cultural extension ut the Ohio State University. This program of t he c oll c~e of agriculture will be prc ~ enl c d on Mond ay night from 8 to 10 p. m. during the present yenr and will continue to draw widely know n speakerll on such phases ot' Ohio agl'ic u lture as crop and li ve ~ tock prod ucti on, taxes , mlll:keting, poultry, agricultural e ngin ee ring, homemaking, vegetable garde n in A', 4-H clubs, horticultur e a nd di!leuse contro l. Th e station will not be take n off th e ah' and the Farm Nigh t program will be broadcast every Mo nda y night from B to 10 p. m.
The an nulI l Dasket Bull iJanqu t was held ut. the Wuyn eRv ille High Tobacco canvas at Hyman's. cb ooy gym 0 11 Thul sda y, Murch Mrs. J. E. McClure spent Mon- ] 7, 1932. This banquet ·wus sponf' ol' ed by the Sp ortsmanship Myel' Hyman and fOI:nily we re day in Dayton. BrotherhOOd and facu lty of W. H. in in cinnati unday. S. . W. H. Madde n & Co. have just W. H. Madden & Co. have just The banquet opene d at 6 :30 p, unloaded a car of shin gles. m., with in voca Lion. After the in- unload ed a car of shingles. I Miss Mary E tta Guy is vi sitin g vocation t he dinne r wa ~ . e rved a nd the fo llowing menu was MI'. untl iVIr"'. Home r Carey were l'elatives in Dayton, this week. Dayton vi itors, on Monday. fo llowed: Menu See the pageant at Wayn esv ille Alumni be nefit dance at t he Fruit Cup Chu rch of Christ Sunday night. Po tatoes gym al urdny evening, April 2. CrcLlm ed Chick en Gree n Beans ]932 Wa ll Pa per jus t un-ived . Born- To Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Pickle ~ Celery 5c a roll and up. O' Harr -lI , of Route 3, aturday lI ot Rolls Butter March] 9, a son. Perfection Sa lad Henry Woolard ~ p e nt last week Cake with hi s so n and famil y, a t Bel- Icc ream Tun e in on the C. & B. program, Coffee Mints mont. station WKR C evel'y Sunday Easter Programs Af ter t he dinner a very nice afternoon at 5 :15. Mil'S. Maynard Weltz and Mr. p ~ ogram was given • s tartin~ of! At Waynesville Donald Hawke we re Dayton visi- WIth Mr. R. F. LHatfield. Mr. Barnett. of Ci ncinMrs. E mma Houses Worship tor Friday, Hatfield 'gave the welcome to the nati, was t he week-end guest of pa trons and honor g uests. The reMrf;l. Lee Hawke a nd Mra. May- 'pon se to this welco me from the Miss Emma Heighway . WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH nard Weltz were Wilmingto n visi- dads was given by George Kern, Mrs. Emma H. McClure visited G. C. Dibert, Pastor tors Monday. f oll owi ng the respon se County hel' sister, Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of Revival mee ting at '7 :30 each aptain Luwr erl ce Davis gave the nca r Greenfield, Monday. even ing this week, with' t he excepSee the display of fa scinating response for th e team, Then came tion of Saturda y evening. Cottage clocks at Cary's J ewelry Shop, the Rta l' toast of the even ing given We ha\ e the most modern and pray er meetings wi ll be held on by S. S. E llis. This was composed complete watch rep'a ir serviceLebanon, Ohio. of an original poem in honor of and use only genuine materials. Wednesday an d Thursday at 2 :00 p. m. On Friday a communTune in on t he C. & B, program, our team and rE!ad s thus: Bring your watch tro ubles to us. ion service will bl! hel d in the station WKRC GVel'Y Sunday Cary's J ewelry hop, Lebanon, O. church at 2 :00 p. m. .\. ' 1''' ''1''1' '1'0 \ \'." " CE II S afternoon. at 6 :15. . The Easter progra m will be as Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer "I'r I<n('''' I l WU!I (0 hllpp en Mr. a!ld Mrs. Donald Henderson follows: .tln ll w e hlld Il fl g-n red wil en. Sunrise prayer meeting at 6 :30 OUr h OY9 wo uld win ttl tour · and chIldren, of Dayton, were I were guests o'f Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry 'rhaL n llmc nt guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hen- a. m. lead by L. V. Beck. Pace, of Dayton, on Sunday. ,lll tl gO l IlIn.t C li p ngnl n Breakfast in the basement of derson, on Sunday. . , the church at 7 :16. Thi s breakfast Mr. Herbert Doster and family Jt w "~n ' l h l lnd ~'d to t h m . See the Sahsbury s, W. P. and is .served by the Epworth League of Harveysburg, spent Su nday Tlw ~' JU~ 1 Krntlh", 1 It In III r lgh l . A n I II " n ~· lto<l~' dUll hIS thnl tnC L. D. R., before you sell your st,?ck. and is free to all who care to come with Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Frazier. Ifl' WM ln th ~ I' E' I,hnt ni g ht. W. H; Madden & ~o. have Just Su nd ay school at 9 :30 a . m. P)' I ~ lin e d up his chllrK ' . unloaded a car of shmgles. Morning worship at 10:30 with Mr. Forrest Crane and daughter When P~l l U n g l!l\t..: ~ 1 Olne o n th p bac k . following program: Mal'jorie, of Cincinnati, were 'II c f It SU I'" " U CCC8 H WI'" lIu vl' rln g Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Mc Cand- theHymn 163, by the congregation, Sunday guests of Mrs . Maude ' I!oll nd til ' Ornn"" n n , th e · B l o r k . less and family , Mr. and Mrs. Creed, prayer, response Crane and famjly. Nor IW CI' we dl " nppo lnte<1 . wh e n. Ed Sherwood and family, of Mid- Apostle's by the choir, anthem, "Death Is Hern r (' l hl' tlln ' I" S g un . and Mrs. Harry Mcdletown, Mr. shol Uhc 10 ll[ o n e. Alfred Beirly; Conquered," Mises Trillena and Margaret "'-'0":11-[<' Candless and f amily, of Dayton, Reading fld th e .fInal g:nme WII S w o n . of' PlIIIlter, Gloria Patri, Edwards Ilrr ivoo home Monday Mr, and Mrs. S. Whitacre, of New Testa me nt lesson and notices, afternoon a.fter spend in g the A 1(0"111 of b oy" IInu hOI·se. Morrow, were Sunday guests of offering, re a ltk In ollie r espec l H. 5010 , Mrs. Sybil LeMay ; winter at Delray Beach, F la. Mr. and Mrs. J oel Stokes. SU(,C('88 o rn.ch d e pe n dK upo n Baptismal service; anthem, "He A driver w ho ;JlrooI8. ]s Risen"-Fred B. Holton; Easter Send your stock to The CrawlJ!!hl n d th ese bo)'s we h a d 0 co"ell sermon , rece ption of members, ord Commission Co., Union Stock \'\ ho IHO,·" d h e kn e w 1118 s tuef Ballard Wallace, Laurence Hymn 169 by. the congregation. Yards Cincinnati, through W. P. li e Is qui e t. u n u ssum ln g . Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. Wlthoul rIl VO I', 't ear, 0 ., ·blurr. Davis, Erwin Ellis, Paul Savage, Salisbury & Son. ,J ohn Turner, Herbert Barton, led by Meredith Whitakel·. At ,nut die h a>! th e Ill ll in s s(O ntin ls Robert Al'mstrong, Everett Miller 7 ,:30 p. m. the cantata, "Life Mi'. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson o r n ITln n l o . ' PR.<.: h IlU t' eSH, The following men were given Eternal," by Fred B. Holton will and daughter. Mi ss Louise, were A 1\(1 h e h.)ltl s lh e ntllTl!lrlll lo n f evcr ~· o n c. J g uess. be sung by the choir, numerals: supper guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Next Monday evening at 7 :30 is George ' MiIler, Richard Miller, Alle~ Eagle, of Dayton, Sunday So. In r cogn lt lon or th ul roct.' evening. IJIl l u~ s Llln d and g l v n cl,o r Norman Meredith, David Bogal', t he regular time for the meeting For th e boys " e',re h e r(' 10 h o no r Carl Co ok, Wallace Bernard, John of t he Official Board. n nw Thompson, Raymond Adams, Joe Saws filed by machinery, cut And t hos(' " "ho w (>n l ust ypor. cleaner, truer, faster. Also crOMVan Often. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF cut saws, gummed, 25t. per foot. FollOWing this delightful poem CHRIST The following other letters Roy Pigott, at Maddert's Lumber Meredith Whitaker gave a short· were g iven: (Undenominational) Yard. talk on the subj ect, "Ben efit We Meredith Whitaker and Milo Derive from At hletics." Next Miltenberger, managCf"s letters. Chester A. Williamson, Minister Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Mr and Mrs. William Stroud came a toast by Mr. J . B. Crabbe. Dorothy Runy{)n, cheer leader's An Easter Progra m. Lord's Supper and Mrs. M-yrtle Biddle, of WilMr. Crabb e was fo llowed by the letter. . liamstown, Ky., were guests of speaker 0:1' the evening, Dl·. E. The presentation of champion- at conclusion. Christian Endeavor MM!. E. T. Stroud, on Tuesday. Ma thew .Steele, humorist lecturer ship cup and individual awards at 6 :30 p. m. A " Leaderless -Physician. He spoke on the sub: was made by Supt. J. E. Sprinkle, Meeting." Don't miss it. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :80 p. m. Gr uen Watc.h es-"Hs real ject, "Fort une Wheels." This was of Kings Mills, Oh io. news" when such quali ty and quite interestilng-. After thi s came The evening of enjoyment was An Easter program includinlt a genuine worth as Gr uen 15-jewel the "Award of Merit Letters and brought to a close by the group pageant. Prayer meeting and watches can be had for $26. See Numerals" by Coach John Pyle: singing "Onward Waycehs," led Bible study ea ch W dn esday at them at Cary's J ewelry Shop, The f(J l\ owilllg men were given by Mr. Ross ane! accompanied by 7 :30 p. m. Th e church where YQU feel a t home. Lebanon, Ohio. letters: Miriam Ellis at the piano. Tobacco cunvas at Hyman' s.
The teachera who graded the papers for the Senior Scholarship tests are : F(JT Sr. Scholarship test Miss Robbins and Miss Dennis. Supt Lotz is e. member of the state scholarship tests in Warren county Senior Agricultural Scholarship test which was held Saturday SOUTHERN FAIR DATES afternoon, was taken by nine ============================----====~, Wayne T(lwnship H. S. boys. Wayne Township H. S. boys Fair dates for 1982 have been as follows: issued 1\01' the ifollowing /towns Swat I Em Hard make up the Southwestern H e b er L ucas, E rnes t Cook, which Oh' Fa' . 't Loren Reason, Paul Savage, 10 Ir Cll'oOUl : . Estella Hagemeyer, Ralph . Brans- 'Xenia ....................... ,.... August .2-5 trator, Milo Miltenberger, Roy Carthage ....... ... ..... ... August 10-18 Moran and Frank Swartzel. Troy .. ..................... ,August 17-19 Papers are to be graded in Greenville .... ..... ....... August 22-26 Columbus. London ..... ... .. .... ...... August 23-26 -Dayton .................. September 5-8 BiolOfJ' 'Eaton ................ September 14-16 t d ts f th B' 10 Lebanon .. .. ........ September 20-23 . Th e s uhen o. tal'll. 10h.ihY Hamilton .. .. ...... .. September 27-30 cIa ~ " now ave .proJec ,J/y w . lC Bellefontaine ......... .... October 4-7 they are maklDg an extensive study of birds. A requirement of the project is that the student F. F. A. BOYS GIVE PROGRAM must be familiar with classification and habits of at least ten birds beLast Saturday night. Farmer's f ore the project is accepted. Detailed study for papers per- Grange No. 18 was entertained by taining to subjects in Botany and an unsually interesting program by the }'. F. A. Buys' of W. H. S. Zoology is also being done. They have planted seeds and under the direction of Mr. Crabbe. It consisted of the following now have growing plants. by which they a re le.a rning the development numbers: o'f the life cycle of .p lants. Trumpet solo-.Julian Crabbe. Paper, "Why Farm "-Ernest World Hi.tor,. Sheets. Violin solo-Donald Gustin. OIass study is being directed at Paper, "The Competitive Agrithe present time to a study of conditious in Central Europe be- culture Examination and What I Think I would d(l if I should win twean 1848 and 1871. Papers are being prepared by a ' Scholarship"-Ernest Cook. Tllumpet solo-Cecil Davis. students outlining the lives of . Vocal ' solo with guitar-Lyle outstanding men .of this period. . Such men as Bismarck, Ca vour Tinney. " 'Mary Was a Farmer Girl," and Garilaldi are receiving particular attention. . "The Farmers ,Life For Me;" Quartet-Ernest Green, Paul Savage, Loren Reason, George Co_ercial Dept. Miller. Monologue, "Take it {)r Leave The students ' of typing are rapidly improving on ·their speed it"- Charles Burton. test. ' Some of . the first year "De Lawd Laid his Han on Me'," students ue m~king almost 36 "De F. ·F. A. Train;" Quartet-Ernest Green, Paul Savage, Loren words per minu~. Reason and George Miller. . En,Ii.1. Literat!lre cI ••• ' Tbe 10th period English LiteraFA~M ,tl0USE BU~NS ture 'C lass undeT the I!up~s~on of Miss Dennis not !only gams , . A: two-story. six-room frame knowledi'e ot the If~od works th"t have' been. '\'I'rltten but· In addition house ' on · the · f:ar;m. of, George ~eeeivfld . thought' on "bpW"," to Ogl~sbee ' eigi:tt miles northwflst .o.f . ap'pTeciate all .p hases of literature. Xen,l4l, burned ,to the ground With For irtatanCe, ironi~ ' ou~ the, d1!~ 1- its 'contents during 'th~ absence I ference .between'" Crusae . and of the tenants, ¥r. an,! Mrs. Ca!,l 'Caruso, 'Romantic an4 Roniatic the . Wardlow. The cause of t~e fire is beauty of ' fiowiDJ hee vene o~ unknown. The 1088 is sald ~o be the ', contluence 01 ByrOn on, the partly covered by lns~nce. ;youlinr 16t. . . Tlia Wardlows who fonnerly 'In 'fact we ex~ toeee 8 few lived On Mrs; .Laura· Zell's farm On B)'1'(!Dic ties app.-r in clau one Route 1; move.d to tlte Ogleabee of th,," day.-we have ' ~lread1. farm about two weeks They .equlred crltiea1 attitude. ~ere vUltin, at lit. when . '(~DUDae4 on .... t) .. the ft~ 0CCQiTea. .
Whole . Numoe.r 6006
ST. MARYS CHURCH Rev. J. J. Schaeffel', Rector. March 25, Good Friday, Three hour service from 12 noon to 3 p. m. Addresses on the Seven Last Words from the Crbss. The Jjublic is invited. If you do not care to remain through t he entire service caine for a fe w minutes at least. March 26, the 'lite of Bap tism will be administered at 3 :15 p. m. Easter Day, Church school at 9 :30; festival music, se rmon and Holy Communion at 10:30. Th e program of music follows: Organ prelud e. Processional "Come Ye FaithfuL" Anthem, "Christ Our Passover." Te Deum .. .. , .. .. .. ' " . Ashford Hymn, "Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today." Offertory solo, " All eluia" .DeReef Mrs. Maynard Weltz. Co mmunion Service .. Gower Recessional, "Christ the Lord is Risen ." Orga n postlude Mrs. John B. Gons, Organist.
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<3~;T'1'"E 't~IE l C)8~ffI T' U&w'"
DIRECT·FROM OHIO CAPITAL COL MBUS-Th e f1ug of the ,talc of Ohi o was approved by the lienernl A ss mbly in 1902, thD IfHc ilil dc ign being on file in the mce of ~ cretar y of 'tate ClarJ nce J . Bt·o·wn. Th e flllg is in the ; 01'111 of a penna nt. and co nsists of ,hree red .1rId two wh ite stripes, wit h scvcnt el! n white stars in a .luc fi eld surr oundin g a white cir~ l e with a r ed center. The triangle fo rlll cd by the main lin es of the Ilag r e pr e~e nts thc hill s and mlleys a, Hhow n in the stale seal, lnd the ~; t I'ipes Lhe road s and .vater ways. Th e stars indicating :he thirteen original states of the J ni on, are gro uped about the cir~ I e which r epresents the original ;o.1o rthwest · T erritory, and that )h io wus th e seventeenth state of .he Union is hown by adding fOUl" more. tars. Thi s description can be fo und in a late pUblication, "M y 3tate-Ohio." Th e' first half year's taxes paid y insurance corporations doing lJusiness in Ohio, amounting to $3 ,026,080 ,36, has been collected 1Y State Treas urer Ha~y S. Day. The a mount is based on the taxes aid into the treasury in the ' reviou s yeal·. It was formerly paid a s a wh ole in the fall but Nas changed by legistation in ' l'der tha t m.ore revenue could be laid in to the general fund at an Jarlie r date to meet the state's I blign~ i ons.
A s tudy of the deaths of Ohio for t he year of 1930, which is t~e 'as t ear fyot' which complete data ' 9 available. indicates that more :Ieaths oc~urred in age period 70 ~ o 74 than in any other age period. ix causes of death were responsible for 77 per cent of all deaths 'n t his age group, and the causes Ne re: heart disease, cerebral l eDlol'rhage, cancer, nephritis, pneum(Jnia, and accidents. During ' hi sa me year six deaths were reported over 100 years of. age, l.ncl 175 deaths over 96 years of 1.ge. The .death r ate for the vhi te peo ple 'was 11.1; for the negro 18.i:! . and for all other races 30.4. There were 5,090 ewet· deaths in 1930 than in 192!J, a nd fiG per ,c ent of this de~ I'en e was in the rural dis~ct wh il e 44 percent was in the urban listrict 01 the state.
Deputy Supervisor School Lands J. C. Fowler, in the office )f State Auditor Joseph IJ'. Tracy, 'n his research work ru·ns across ~ome rather vague descriptions in copies of deeds and titles, in variou s counties of the state. One' on record at the court house in ewark, Licking coun t y, describ'ng a tit le to a parcel of land ltates: " Thence northwe(!t to near a stone pil e wheTe Sam Jones licked Bill Smith," A number of others which Mr. Fowter nn across are ' just as vague, which tend to make rnther ' indefinite deeds. A tentative progra'm has been' 'l gl'eed uPOn for the Fifth All-Ohio Safety Congress which will be held in the Capital City on Tuesday, Wednesday a nd Thursday, April 19, 20 and 21. Noted expe~ 'In many lines of trades and profesions will ,p articipate includin~ 'lev6l'81 from metropolitan cities of the east. An executive dinner , meeting will be held at 6:80 o'clock on Tuesday evening with Hon. Cyrus S. Ching, Director of Industrial Relations, United States Rubb er Co., of New York City, as t he speaker of the evening. "Th e Ohioans" Orchestra and Vars ity Quartette of Ohio State Univ er sity will furnish the musical program. The first winter of the season zoming just in advance of. spring Jl'ought a good crop of. sprin(l( 'old s, according to H. G. Southard ') i!'ector of the Staole Health De)artment. He also advises every )ne to take the annual examinaion preparatory to the yea~ly outing, usually taken fot the 'lUl-pose of steadying frazzled lerves and building up im.paired : issues. "
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominational) Chester A. Williamson. Mini~ter Church School at 9 :30 a. m. An The Engineering ' Experiment Easter Program. Lord's Suppel' and sermon at 10 :30 a. m. Sermon taUon of Ohio State University subject, "He is Rise n." You are draws the largest percentage of its students from the 1,293 public always welcome at this church. high schools of the state, There ST. AVGUSTINE CHURCH are at the present time 888,~67 students in our public schools, . Rev.. F ortman ~tudying under 14,782 ' teachers. FIrst and Thud Sunday Mass at The centralized school with its 8 ;00 a. m. Second, Fourth an~ improved efficiency, its cOl'pS of FIfth Sunday, Mass at 10 :80 a. m. . teachers who ·.are specialists along • , certain lines of education, has helped to put Ohio fal' up' in the ,,PRESENTED COMEDY list (If states with ,good cducation fa cilities. The local Jr. o. .U. A. M. presented their comedy, "An Innoc.ent Desperado," in t he Spring , EASTER MARKET Valley Town hall, Saturday night 1 --:---for the benefit i)f the Spring At . tOlvl,ls'hip 'house, March '2~, Valley Commercial Club. There. Open at 9 :00 a. m. was a good attendance arid the . CliicI{en pot-pie, ' chicken cd play w~. well received. nbctdles, ~essed cbicken~ . ' ~ ----~roll t baked bea'n~ salad, . . . . ". _ C(HANGES BROADCAST TIME maae' bread, , pie~ Cakes IUIll goodies fo~, Eaatet d~, ' rag l'U~ anti apron&. ' The fann night program, btlOad-- SP.eclal attentioQ Irina ~ ~... cast by the c.o11ere of agriculture Phone Xl'll. W. p; C1ut. every Monday Night from the R. G. Crou. state owned radio &tation' WEAO lAdies .Aid SooieQ' Is now belDy preaented fllOm 8 to lOp. m. inatel1!l ot from. 7 to 9 11, trl. as in the put, .
-----.. ..
Stewart Edwarcl White Wultl'aliollJ),y. Henry J'!Y Lee ~ht.
Bt.Amrart Edw:a.rd. Whit.
R.eleued: thru. . Pu.bU.M... Au:t.oe&\ftel" $eMllce
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CHAPTER IX. "Pardon," returned the young . mn~, "but th ere, of course, you're A Marvelous Discovery askmg my secret. I will say this, ". '.'Oh I" ,cried Burton indignant . ho\~ever. They are alloys of metals "You aren't going 't o give up like easll ~ procurable . .The aUoy mast that, ·Mr. Davenport. Were you be exact and the distance between bluffing? I didn't think you'd do the plates mu st be exact. I have tllotE' ' a micr,~meter screw to adjust my ' I wasn' t bluffing II said Daven. plates. port quietly. ' "You say the metals are easily "Then do itl" p.r0cura~ le. How much do you e.s· . "Wall, I'll tell you," suggested tlmate It ?~,ost you to build such the you ng man "there's no us~ a ba~tery. getting excited or disagreeable lI.1 lD e up to no,~ have been ex· about it. Let's' be reasonable. To. perlm!'lntal and butlt piecemelll by morrow morning we will move expe~~mentt Dave!lport. pointed camp Il little to get away from the out. .But In , Quant.lty t.hey could xacket, IUld then we'll stmt her up. be bUilt-of that Ize--for sometay an e,;;tra day if you want to' where betweon fifty and a hundred it's worth it." ' and fifty dollars. It isn't the mB· "I I! agree to that," acquiesced teri~ ls I it'~ . the accuracy, and I Gardiner, "as far as the general don t know Just what workmen of camp is concerned. But personal ly the Il~Cessal'~ skill would cost." I st!pulate to stay here within ~nmst e!ld spokeI' f.ace 'Was still domg busmess, but hiS cigar butt sound of t.he motor." Burton exclaimed indignantly' was chewed to a frazzle. but .Davenport was unperturbed. ' "You say that battery there will "Well .. sllid he cheerfully "you run a brake test of forty horse· , ' ? " encourage me. A little while ago power . he ask ed . the battery couldn't last over 10 ::A~o ut that." or 20 minutes' and now It's night. WlIl a larger battery develop time already. '1;11 agree you shall more horsepower in proportion? stay here if you want to provided What are the limits in capacity? immins stays too.'" ·"1 ,haven'~ ~he slightest idea. "Simminsl" exclaimed Gardiner There s no hml~ apparently to the " ,":hy shpuld immins stay here?" amount of static yo~ can take by , o'r the SlIme reason you do" means of dynamos; why should replied Davenport blandly; "ju~t there be any more limit to what to hear the moto 1fO." . you can take by other m'eans? Of "Well," sighed Grimstead after c?ul'~e, l don't .know; I'm just be'a m<!ment, "this trip certain ly gl~.mng to try It· out." . pr~mlSe8 to be interesting. If the Well t you 1T\ay have some~h ing, thing works even part ially as you though It sounds pretty radical." say it does you must have a brand. ya~ned Grimstead; as though the new principle in battery construc. subject had ceased to interest him. tioa." Burton hopped from the log on "It \ is a new Ip rinciple" said which she sat. . Davenport. "Would you hke to "The moonlight is heaivenly II hear ~bout it?" she declared l "I must se 'it GrImstead put on his poker face tbrough the bIg trees. Will you go to con~eal his .inner excitement with me, Mr. Davenport, ouside This offer wae more than he had the firelight?" hORed. . . . . Davenport jumped to ·his feet. I shoUld like to very much," he Gardiner too stirred as thOUgh rCf,lied. , ab~ut to ri e, but paused as he felt , So should I," spoke up Burton! Gnmstead's restraining hand on "but I want to near it in words or his aTTn. one syllable." T~e two young people stepped , lilt is !lot at all complicated. out mto the enchantment 0'1 the Now. you know (f you put a copper forest. plate and a zinc plate side by side in an acid sOlution and connect CHAPTER X. them with wires you ·g enerate elec· liThe" Larry Dawen-rt tricity. That is the simple wet ..... ·b~ttel'y. . They walked 'for 100 yards' f~el. l<All right. U you run a dynamo ing their way in the black and you also generate electricity, this white contraSts of moonlight; .then time by induction. sat side by side on a log. "Where does that ele'c tricity "It is almost too perfect," said come from? You might say chem. Burton. lilt almost hurts. But I ieal, a9'tion in the one cuse or me. shall never fo rget it." chanical action in the other, but They began to chat, to make they al'e actually only a means to di jointed remarks, swinging back an end. The world lies' iit a Irrellt down the wide arc of ecstasy to flied of. static or 'inert magnetism. the starting point of everyday , The cell and the dynamo are mere. things. In a little while Daven· ,ly ~elln!' b~ whiCh this inert elec. port was talking eagerly, openly. triClty IS . livened up, made into The subject 'Wail his ·battery. . kinetic or active electricity; they "It ought to be tremendously actually produce nothing in valuable. You'll probably make a themselves. Is that clear?" million' or so out of it. I hope you "Perfectly," said Burton. do," the girl said. "When we have used t~is kinetic "Yes, of course. I'd like to make electricity, or it becomes 'ground. somet.h ing out ot it. But that isn't ed,' it returns to t he reservoir of the real point. Do you mind if I , static. All I've done is to make a talk a. little about it?" short cut between the static elec. "Oh, please I" she begged. . tricity in .which we are immersed "Don't you see what it will mean and the kinetic , electricity we can to the world," he said, "the poor use." struggling old world? What a bur. , '''That is self"evident, young den it does carry. Lord, what a man," remarked Grimstead drily. task it has assu~ed just in feed. "I am just making 'it clear for ing itself .and clothing itself and Miss Burton. Go back to the wet keeping itself warm. And it has ce11. It is' heavy and awkward and to hustle just to do that." short lived. My battery is just like He twisted on the log more lJ. wet cell without' those disadvan· nea1'ly to · 'face her. "Look here, tages. The wet cell consists of he dem!1nded, "what is the greatest two plates of different metal in a . material need, the very greatest . solution. IMine consista of two need of the world?" plates of di1J:erent metals side "Davenllort!1I battery," she reo ,side .in air. The wet, cel~ transfonns plied promptly. 01' produces ' its electricity by He threw his hea.d back and ~r ·th,roUgh, chemical action that laughed boyishly. . is limited in effilctiileness and in. "I was getting rather preachy, duration • . My blLttery tranltforms wasn't I? Well, the thing the t he static 'from tbe ail' into kinetic world needs most is breathing.time without chemical action-appar·· time to play more and to soak up entIy; and iit much greater quanity the things that never come to a in proportion ~o the size of the man when hels in a hurry or 8urplate~." rounded by the buzz·fiies of detail. Grimstead was sitting up now in What the work-a·day world needs his interest. most is leisure, '0 little leisure .... "There must be chemical ac. "The trouble is," said Burton, tion!" he cried. "You can't lift "people are never satisfied. U yourself by your· bootstraps." they'd be contented to· go without "Of course; there probably is;" so many frills they'd h~ve leisure agreed Davenport. "I only said enough." t here 'Was apparently none. It muat I~No, you're wrong. They should be very slight-like the apparent have the frills. The frilJa repre· loss in radium, I suppose--for, as sent the grace and beauty of life. I say, I have used this battery to We all have an instinct for frills; drive my car eleven hundred miles and real instincts· sbould be grati· without Ilny weill' I can determine fied-in proportion. But the point by looking at it." is, frills are too hard to get. A "What metals .do you use?" livinlr' is too ' hard to eet. Heaven
forbid we should ever s-et anythine without working foJ" it; that ill abo so1utely fatal, But there's no aense In having to perform soul.deaden· ing and grinding toil for it." "But' what has the battery to d.o with th is 1" "Why don'V -you see? Every invention that redu e the labor necessary to produce things is a I1t p towo'r« tho t leisure for the race.. It's a tap tOll\'ard supplying more fri11 s, besides more abundant necessities, wij;h t he same amount of labor." With vivid sentences he sketched the world as he saw it: a reorganized world, :free to quit its ener· gies into the positive creation of those things which men's true instincts CTUve: producing lts abundance by honest, sincere necessary labor, but accomplilihing the pro~uction without the exhau stion of squalor. It was n o impossible Utopia; it was no absurd dream of an impossible "equality;" but it wa s a world of opportunity released from
preslure. What men did with the opportunity would till bo, as it had alwaYI been, a matter for them selvell. · _ But no onger would here be any rellson (II' necessity for the submergerlc under inexorable circumstance!!- of. the trUlU whose hands I' ached toward the stars. That is what he visioned ; ·and hat Is what Burtonl kindling to nis ideas, saw too. And liS he ha'd not lived with the idea, a s hnd he, lind wns unacc u tomed to It, she was the more eagerly afire. They sat silent for a ' time. "Te ll m' about )lour 'elf?" she said suddenly. "1 was born of poor but honest parents and my friend s caJl m Lan'y," he began. "You're not the lLawrence Da venport?" she .gasped. "1'111 the only one I know about. There may be others I know not of; but be assured , 0 Lady, that they are nothing but spurioll!; imitations." (To be continued)
.In the case o{ Westel'~ IndusIVle Corporation versus Van H01'!'le Tube Oomp"ny et al Marc H. Bridge, receiver, i~ ordered to soIJ t;o 'rhe Frank.lin Radio COl'. POI'lI tlon for ~he sum of $1000 in CII h, ns ' ets of the Van Horne Tube ComplUlY. In the case of State of Ohio versus Ernest Seller, the jury could not reach un agreement it \~IlS di~c hlll'gcd from fUl·ther c~n sldel'Uti on of this cause and !laid CUll e is continued . 'l'he ordel' of saie issued In the
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Probate Cou .. t Th' L~'bonon- itl~eJJs National, Bank &: 'l'rulit (llllpnny, executor uf · ~ tatu of Willium McBurney, del!ensed, 'filed iw liI'st account. J. E. B rOil'" and I\~nry JUlie Lowe, ndl1linistrato rs of st;ate of ill'llh M. B rcaw, deceased, filed , t hcir til'st and final Rcount. Jame s E. Burke, administ;ratOI f e::ltllte of Howard Binckley, de· ceased, filed his f1rst and flnal aCcoUllt. . J (lse ph F. McKinlley, guardian of Wilbur H. McKinney, insane tiled his first llC'count. Geol·ge . E. Young, assignee of eslato 0.£ S. B. line, assignor, til d his first ll nd fin ~ 1 uccount. Blanch o D. oIlon, administra· trix of eSUIte of Albert M. Cnllon, uec ascii, fi leu her inventory. Gorge KYoung, auministl'8trix of estute of Aloxander Johnso n, (!fl, lilod his in YCntol·Y. P. H. Mulcy, admini strator of cstute of Catherine Muley, decease t!, filed inventory. ' Fred A. Ric lUlrd was appointed udminis rutOI' or state of Eliza· boLh Hielml'd, deceased, and flIed Lond of $5000 with Ra lph Rick· ard, Gludy ~ Rickord, Rh oda Clev· enl!' I' an<1 Ida Ic"e ngel' os sureti H. Georgc :eIlors. Ed. Wood· Wlud lind C:d. KCAling were appointed apPl'lli sers. Su ie E van ~ , cxecu trix of e ~ tnte of J. C. Evan s, dc ccIIscd. fil ed her il tvenL ry. The first and finnl ucount. of 1' h' L,' \)a no n- it izenR national BanI, & Tru st ompnny, execut r 'o f e~tllte of Mmgaret Sumner, cJ ecelll1cd, WIl K appro\'cd, all owed 11m] con firmod uy lhe court. Tit' seve nth nn li final nccount of J ero me E. Bart I, guardian of c ·tate uf Hal' l'iet Hill, minor was apPl'oYl'd, a llowed lind confirmed by the cou rt. The first II CColint of Annie J. Trwin, executrix of sta te of R. J. Irwin , !Iecellsed, was upproved, al. lowed lind confl I'm d by t he court. Th til". t Ilccou nt o'f C. R. Beckett, gunrdian of clltate of George Beckett, decease d, wa s approved, allowed and confirm!l(\ by the court. The fift h ucount of Harry L. Durmody, guardian of estate ot George Lep05chak, incompetent wa approved, aJlowed nnd con· firmed by the court. '( Continued On Page S)
I ·' I .~ .\ "(·I .H . tt,,:roonT
. ANN1U I. nJ'~ ~(HI1' 01,' 'l'lllil CL r~ nJ( OF THE VU. l oAGE £II,' \\' A \,NE ''''I.I, F.. '" 11IU-: N co l l N1'\' OlITO I,'or Cbe ' '-· I ••·nl'~ .nr 1':rulJua,t nt!'("'Jnh ...,p ":11, H~:H .
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ver U8 EmilY Sal'ah Oram, et aI., the uefcJlliantJl, Emify 8al'ab Ol'am nnd Hel\l'Y N. Or.utl, arE! to be aerv(l(j by publication.
calle of Union Joint Stock Land Bank versus Arthur Neutarth, et ai, is recalled Ilnd tho cause is dis· missed without rll ord. . In the ealiC of Woswrn Indus· trie- Corporation versus Vall Hortle Tube Company the re eiver is t(l return certain su pplies to FaiI'banks: l\1or 'e & Co. in l'et.urn for pro mis~o.ry notes and chattel ItlOl'tgagc they hold. . In tb'e cas of Alice Garrison H'SUS Al·thur Garri son, et nl sales VC by the hel'iff wel'e Ilppl'oved a ll IIccount.'! arc to be I.Icttled. . Ill' the ,CII S of Edna Hogan Hunter, guardian of statc and pelO n of J eanne tte Hogan Hun j;er a mi nor, versus Gran t Jones, et Ill.; t he sheriff is ordcred to sell cel'tui n property and make r etum to court. In the e ,lSC of People's Building . Loan and avi ngs ompany
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Mars ha I- SaItHY . .......... . ... . . .. . .. . .. ... . .... $ 300.00 H 2. 71 Pollce--Hegulllr and Special . . . . ..... . ..... . . . . . .. $ 97 no 22.50 T ui li on Pottl tv Oth r"dialr:l ~i "' '''' '' ''''''' .... , Station House .. . ...... . . . ............ . . ... . .. . .. $ H tlll lln 8 . . .. , · · . . . . . . . . . . . s 61\.00 CS.G6 Oth". g . . . ........ . ... . . .. . ... . . ... . . . ... . ..... . $ Other Police Expenses . . . ... . . .. .. . ...... . .... . . . . . 70.47 19 4.08 ,F ire Oh l o f-SuhLry ... .... . .. . . . . . . , . . .. . . ... .. . . $ ~ 5 . 00 , • . To l~ i 'Con i ~~ct 'ric~ " ~d ~;" S ' ~" ic~··· · · · · · $ '496.4 0 1,6~O. 7 5 87.6U 1-- 1· rXJo:D n 'AR'GES ;\N D N'l'IUBI1'ION ' ...... . ~11~:mk~PI~':~l~~' ::: : ::: :: :: :: : :: : :: : : :: : : :: : : :: :: 452.4 0 ] n S lI'rRlI f'e • ~ • Fire Slallons ............ . ......... 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DElCEMilE·R·:i isl, ..193i·: .. · · ···· .. ·· · · .. · ·· tAilr Mo.rker .. . .. ....... . ... ... _ . . .•.. .. •..... . .. , 2 2.!16 Ol'n r a l Fund . ... . 'lDl ec lion Boolh s ' 'Expe n s e . . . . . . . ....... . . . ... .... $ 1.0 0 S inkin g nnd Bond R etircm' ~ "' '' '''' '' ''''' '' ... $ ~. 769 . 49 County Auditor DCllIICllons .... , . .. , .. .. .. .. . ..... $ 140.8 Total B alnnce) t Futld . . . . . ..... .. . $ 2. 769.11 Memo l'lul Dill' .. _.. . . .. .. ... . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ... $ 10.30 $ ij.i,2 ~. 1i11 T otn.1 DIHbur.. e m e nt s a nd' ·Ral·nric,;·::.' : : ::: : : :: : :: :: : : : $5 1. 83Q. 76 TOtll1 Exp e nditures . .. . . .. . . .. . .... .. .. . . . ... $ 5. 3CS.2~ ASSf)'.'" .'NO J.IARIIJI'rlEN ".,.fllWl\'I'EIt. WOnK!! FlINt>
9 5 ~.83
, 4.a 7.7L , 184 .11
8mp\ oye~ fo,' Trans p O" l tl ll OII 0" rntll,,, uf Scbonl l'lnn.-
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" ' ater Rentals ............. . ................. ... $ 2,.406 -'1 0 Interest ' on De posIts ... . ... . .. . .. . . .... . . . . . . .. . $ 12'. 41 OLh e r Rooelpt s . . .. .... .. .... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... $ 17.8 5 Total ReceIpt.. . ... .. .. . .. . .... ..•.. .. . . ; . ... $ 2:436.66 1ilJ<v"...J1tu...,... Ortlce Exp n .. eM • ••• • •• •. • •••.• ••.•• • ••• •. ••• •• •• $ 116 .16 Wagee or l£mpl oy II .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . .. , 600.00 Repairs to Bullalng .. .... .... , .... .. .......... .. $ 30.82 R palrll to Mllchln e r y n.ull Pi p Ii • .. ... • • •.. • • .. .. $ 206.10 Other Op e rating EXI) n" s ...................... $ 143 .93 Lands and Buildings tlnd N w Machin ,'y . . .. . . . . $ Total
Jt_lpt•• o ne "al
Expendltu res .. .. ........... .......... . $ 1,786.00 $ SINKING AND DONO Il..El'I'lRElIIENT
R e c e lJlts
E.XCGS9 o r D"rkl(!l1cy of 'l is~~ lH '
628 roo
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: : : ::: ::.': : :: :: :: :: :: '.
114 ... 00. 00 ~ (:2 . r.2
chool Di s trict P . O. Addrc~M '\'VaYll esy lll . Ohio Mnreh J cl) rllry th e \lorego lrlg .report t o he on·e c t. 17. 19 32
167 .27 107.27
437.50 3.60
CHY in the night. Colic.1 No A r.t\vse ror ahmn if Caltoria II h3ndy . 1'1,is pllre vt.gdahle preparalit';) bri n~9 quick comrort, and caD
- 441.00' --
1,000.0 0
Gen erlll Fund Lo Sa fety Fund .. . . .. ..... .. _..... . $ 1,600 .00 Ge n e ral ' Funt! LO S rvloe Fum1 . . . . . .. ... .. .. . ... . $ 1.100.00
A •••
\.\i~g: s· Paill' ·.iu~in,;,· if.·· 'y·c·n:r··1·9a1··· · ,. . . . "l92,3~ax Valuation TTl'~~~~lltI&~~~rl;;3gn.i rx L.e vy . ... : ... ... .... .. . ... .... . .. .... . .. . .. . . ......... . $3.1 83,190.00 r.;!"
SpeCial .A 8 8essm~nt8 l e vIed llnd uncollect ed .......... $ (Co,nstrllctfon)
LlnblJitl,r. OUTS'!WNDINO OEl·N'Em.A[. BONDS (f'nytlbl b~' Gen e r'a1 TaxlLtlon) PHillie tllilf es: ltC' (lIndlng Water ,~rork e nnd Lig-lit ..... .. ....... $8,000.00 To.al Generlll Bonded DC!lrt . • • . • ...... . .•• $8 000 00 Out s tanding ·Specla l as ess. ' . 1\1 nt Bonds and I.oahs (PI\)'lLble by SpecllLl Assessmenl) : Slt!Pwalk. : ............... , 90. 00
harm. I t is the Mmible th~ wh!o .;hildI1lO ~4re lliUng. Whether it. 1:'\0 :stomaoh, or the IitUe' bowelai celie or cou!>tipatioo; or diarrbea. 1VherJ li:ty tocguea are eoated. or the ili;:;,t.b is ~lId. Whenever there', need (\1 gl!ntle r~ulatio·Q. Children love ti,.~ t.a'lte of <Astoria. and ita'IIliIclDIu ' nu..i.~ it ule for frequezit uae.' Alld a more IibenrI d~ of Cutoria ia alw-ty. -Detter foe' arowma ·cJailctr. thWl st.-on, medW!Ie IDIIUIIl ~ 101 adult \lie.. . . . DeVI!I'
ANNUAL FINAN J.AL n.F.rOB.T OF 'VAl'-:NEl TO\VN8U .... WAnJIBN OOllNTY, 01110 Por ~... \! FI",".1 , ' ear E1UtJng I O~C!en.b",r :n, 1031
nONOICO nEDT Dece.....er :11, lIJolU C Sinking f''';'iI' 'rna",t",.,.)
Bilian ce Sinking Funds . , $. 952.8 3 All Inv e stm e nts h e ld by SInking Fund TrU s l e 8 . . $ 90.00
If baby has
TllX Vnluntl on Rpnl Esta e Clprk, Board o r Edur.nlion. TIL" Lev,' ] l' dl 2.(\5 MI I " .: ; .. .. .. .... ... .. ..... $S .2 17.4S n. 0 I I q .......... .... ..... 1.07;; S c hOOl E:iu~ ~r~tl~~ ...• . . . • . . .. , . .••. • . . • . • • ..•. " ' . 'flO:;
, ,1 .000.00
'l'O lnl EX Il e ndilu rc8 •... . . . . . , .. . .... ... ... . .. $
. ... . ••. .. ....... . . .. •. ... .. .. , 1,024.67
Tl d mpllon of Bontl ~ .. ........... . . . . .... .... ... In terest on B.o-nll s .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .. .. ..... S In el"onhd EXJlens es O'f 'ommlsslon .. . ....... ... . $
Bon~o~tlP (!?}uti.l·till ~·M· ... ..... ... . . .. ..... . .. . . .... $14 000.00
Taxes ...... . ....... .. .... ... .. ........ .. $ 1,000.00 Inheritan ce T ill(, .. ... . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . ... . ' .' $ 3.9!l Intercs t on Dc roalL" .... . .... . . • . . . . . .• . .. . . .. ... $ 20.09
•••.. .•... •.. . . .
rnv Dtory SupplieR and ' ~inl'':I~i~ ' Est'lm~t ' ci " " " $ l' OOO' ~O' Lnnd s ( ost) Estimated ..... . ." Bu ildin gs ( o s t) Eslimato· (·I ··· · · · · ··· ·· ·· · ····· · · · $ 2.G OO. 00 .,. I e ' . ... . .. .. ...... . . . . . . 1 600 000 0 ':.Q.u .f'o1, et t ~ o s t) [;Jalimllte<l . . . ... . . . ..... .. . . :. $ 7:000:0(1 1, la"II"I ..~ A 8 t s .. . ....... ... • . .. . . .. . .. ... . ... . .
•• • • • • , - .,.
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2:0 6
. W ay n svlll C', Ohio. 'Maroh 19 lUG 2. c rUCy the ,rd llo,v lng r pU"L 10 he or,·cet.· I .. 1'1. nllnDON.
'rowlI... h lll
t'l el·k.
C O~St)I.IU"''''llr. S· I'ATEl~IF.N·r
G e"cral 'ron·,.ahll' FlllldJlI
. Balance JlLnUnr y I . .1931.. ...... .. . . . . . . . • 6 "'"< Ltece lpts for th e yea .' .. .. ..... . ..1, .>. '" 'l'otal ... . . . .... .. . . . . . '" ... . . .. . $ U.,I70 .Gl gXJlCntl l t~·r(.~· 'r~~' 'ti, :lNt8 ':~ B~ lal\ c ,) D ece mb e ,' 31, 19a 1 .• • • . . .• .. .•. .. . :. ' . " .
e' ·yeti,:::": .'.': "::::::::::,,::,, ·'
(.a:NIilIIAI. "'UWNSIfU' FV ,' IUS
Ge n rnt. Pr,oll ,'ty T ax ....... :................ • 7 70 n Clga"ette 1 ax . . ... .. .... .. . • • . • ... 1nllerltlLn~e Til" . .... .... . . .. ... : :::: : :: : :::::::. s Totnl Spocl.1L1 Assessment Moline rILl< . .. . ............. .•... .. . .. .. ....... $ 1.40~:g~ 'Dondell D eb t .....•..... , 90.00 . Dep¥'~~!F Int er est ... . . ........ . .. ... .... .... . : , 210.68 TOtll1 Ou t l!tnnd ln g Bond e d Expenditure•• RC)ce lpls ...... . ... . .•..... ... .. . .. . . .. $ 9. 375.6 4 Total ... . ... .... - .... Sl,132.83 D e bt .. ... ....... ... ... U,090.00 ComllenslLtlon Trusl e e s . . ' • 7 FLOATING DElI'!' 2~g: g~ C omp e nsnlton Cl erk ... . : : : : : '. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . • O _ b e r 31, 1831· . Accounts Payable (Unpaid ~r~~~laIS~~~leh'p . ';80 : : : : .' : : : . ... .. . .. . . .. . ... :. 121.1 2 Balnnce OperatIng and BIIlII) ••.. . . .. .......... $ 67 6.69 Poo,r Rcllef-ifedlcal Service .. ::.': : ::: :: :::'; '" 15Ug Construction Funds .... $3,4 34.88, Totn.l Outstanrllng FloutOth e l' Reller . .... . ......... . . . ...... . ... . . . :. : . . $ 276 .18 Ing Debt •. ..•........ S 576.69 Ce meterles--Compens atlon Ofrtcers ILnd Emplo yes ', 69 60 Tools, Machin ery tlnd MlLterllLls ' . 172 ' 0 Grand TotlLl Asse ls. Labo r and Materials ... ..... ... .. .... .• .0 Grand Total OutotandLnl; Debt D e c. 31. 19.3J •. . . . '.,667.71 Dec. 31. 19-31 .. ...•• ... ,8,666.69 Total Exp e ndllure~ """ " """" " """'" $ 7.461 .27 '" ... . . .. • •.. • •.... . ..•.• 9.810.82
i : H:¥!i
Nature Fake
5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TUlB-" terml. Allo SuneJlDf alUl J.~ Itracting. Write and wlb ..U alid Ie. YOU, ' Sam D. Blnlde, Wa,.. nelVille, . Ohio. " .' .r.l l _ ..- .. ,
FOR RENT-:-6 room ho~, nice y'ard ~d ' g&il'den: Incniire lof Martha Cook. . . .mBO FOR RENT-About 40 acrel of good bottom land Jor. com, on shares. Write "B.' P. Hartsock 312 Moxahala Ave., 'ZanelVil1e, Ohio, .
C"f.-TAlWl i •
-1 ' '.
.. , . . ' M2S
·F.oR . SALE-~bout Ii- tons ~imo _ thy hay. H. O. ConeU, Route 1, ".aY11eav~lle. .' ,: .m80 FOR set quire ville,
SA~~I~ pigs" weaned; 1
breeehinir work harneu, InIII Emma.. Surface 'Waines-
~hlo, R, D. 4
' "
FOR SALE-No. 1 Recleaned . Timothy Seed, ,2.115 per ba. A. and Q. D. Cook, ' HlU'Vfnb1lllr, o.
tireu. Day
CApt. Chas, Garner of Columb\l s was II Su:nday gu est o f Mrs. D. L. CRANE , • publlah... , SUblCriptioll Price, $1.50 a V••r Mal·y Finch Bind Rob r l: Garner. B1 Mra. J...ie B. Tripp dffic. Ph.one ..... .. ........ No. 112 Elnt I'~d at PoMtottlce at Wla~nCBMr.' a71d Mrs. HOl'llce Stump ' ane;! R..idenc. ...... ,........ ...... ... No. 11~ vllle. Ohio. 'U~~e~nd claeB 140.11 n Irma Stump of Utica spent Thursday with orclat ives and Rat-a-tat, tat. Rat-a-tat-, tat. fri nds here. . M'ARCH 28. ,1932 Tell me wha~ that is I pray; . The P. T. A. entertained the Why don't you know, it 's a circus basketball tellm R with a basket parade? . supper and entertained at the And that this is circus day." Gym Wednesday evening. East~r
Candidatea Who Regiatered for the May Primaries
Aches and
The political pot started to boil Saturday. the first ·day a dead line to register., F are the candidates who the various offic e : .F or' county commissioner, to be elected. W. D. M'orrow; E. J. Beedle, Union toiv ll hip; Hayes C. Keever, Leb-l anon; 1I1ql'l"is L. Nixon, Turtle'; The opel" Uu "'ru llp Time" creQk tow nshipi Everett Doan,\ About 6.000 years · ago a rulel' of Egypt resolved in his pride Hear the fife. and the boom' of the When you · take Bayer Aspirin prosented hy I~ ht· hi II ~eh 01 J,\"l C ::)alem towl1Ship and A. .L. Watkin that his glory should never perish, but that .hiB bones should 4rum When your head acbes-,froln . honor,ed by generation after generation untIl the atars fliokered And here comes the . wholc bl'ass club Dt ~th () Gym P rlday '>I ni nA" !' I'{l nklin town hip. you are sme of two things. It's sure any cause-when a cold has settled \VIlS u dC:tlid 'll 'su CCOKK. The cha \"· 1; or shel'iff- Deputy sheriftj relief, and it's harmless. Those and the S4n gave 10rth light no more. H4iI enslaved hundreds Ju~fn~;Ok at the girls in pretty' acters all pOI'fray d th eir pal'ts Wi ll iam Hulford, Lebanon an~ tablets with the Bayer cross do not in your joints, or you reel those his fell owmen and thl'ough the>· ag<my of their toil was erected deep-down pains of rheumatism. cl vel' m:tlln t'l' unJ Lhe \Iork of HULI"Y D. White, Mallon. , tights Inighty pyramid, within which his mortal remain8 were revel'e hurt the heart. Take them when: sciatica, or lumbago, take· Bayer different choruses wus tin c. . .For j udge of t he probute co urt laid. The pyramid still 'stands today and will probably remain a The lovliest things in the Imhl. ever you !Iuffer from Aspirin and gel real reliel. If the hUlldl'eil yeurs longer- but the tomb is empty. Chattering, See the glossy horses shake theu' tween li c\ 5 II nes and Win ne l; - - J udge W. Z. Roll, present inJ enteltain ed "~l ith music on at: cU l11u cnt nnd May or Halph H heads, tourists scale its sides and make funny remarks about "the package says Bayer, it's genuine. cOl'dian an d guitar an el li tH v U '<! y of Lebaaon. Headaclies Neuritis Th duffer" who built it.. In a Paris museum you can see him, a And genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. grotesque mummy, Iyiny in a plass case like some stutf~d reptile, ey are bow ing to me a nd yo u; Gloria Thoma;' guvc a t up don ee., Ulhcl' rep ublicans who have 111-, Colds Neuralgia the cUl'ious to gape at and vaguely wonder about. . And look ut the .Qan ner nil gold Both were well rece ived. Mis ed 1'01' olfice and have no opposi and red Aspirin is the trad~mark of Helen L. Steve ns dil'ected th tio n are Arthul' Hamilton, Leban Twa thousand years ago the mighty men of Rome, swelled w W' h I Sore Throllt Lumbago Bayer manufaclure of monoaeetac. It 8 P ume on the top of it too. operetta, Mrs:. Lillian Carr wa on, fol' representative; Clyde C, conceit and pride in their military and intellectual prowess, resolved acidester of sa1icylicatld. that Homo should rule the world aJUI that all nations on. earth should Here com e the li ons, hear them ac compan ist, Miss Helen Randall Collins, Leban on fo r clerk of 1Uaew:Dat.iam Toothache cost um e desigl1er and Supt. Moor courts i C. Donald Dilatush, Leb~ be bound in ~hains 'to it forever and ever. Today the haughty Cae roar scene painter. , anon, fol' prosecuting attorney ; E: and .their blood-Hta ined legions with their golden eagles are In their strong big iron cage; 111 rs. Emma Cline and James of, B. MUl'rell of Lebanon, for' treas~ with! Lhe dust of )£ul·ope. Only some excellent roads and a few cr~lm- 1 1 The elephants follow in gaurly robes blin.: ruins remain as mu~e and grim evidence of their cruel Dayto n were here Friday eveni ng! ul'er; Allen Huffman, Lebanon, for Such 'without exception is the glory of all men of all nations Ad' Mrs. lara Menitt acc ompanied reco rd el'; W. C. Gilmoul', Lebanon have built in greed Bnd selfishness and in defiance of truth, justice an n ~ust heal' th e tige rs I'8ge. them home for a vi sit. , fO I' cUI'o ner; and P. O. ·Monfort. Lebanon for s urv ey~ r. He re comes the clow n, the best of love upon the toil and agony of their. fellows. Bom to MI'. und Mrs. li ve DeRepublican candidates for the About 2,3 00 years ago there lived in Athens a penniless all cutter, named SocI'ates, who, among men who hugged lies and With his little odd looking mule; bord on Saturqn.y, March 19. II co unty cent ral committee are W. C. Pence, Clearcreek; R. E. LeRoy son, Clive Jr. sions to their bosoms, dal'ed to speak and defend the truth . By a Wh o knows as much as any boy questioning and lIawless n a soning he exposed the fallacy and absu That ever went to school: MT. and ?If r~ . .J. E. Shumaker Frankli n ; Joseph L. Davis, Deerdity of his opponents' ideas. Frenzied with hate and fear when thus Rt ill conti nu e in very poor heal t h. field; Ralph D. VanMeter. Union; dragged face to face, with Truth, they threw him in prison, tried him Rat-a-tat, ta t , Rat-a-tat, tat. Mrs. W. P. McCul'ren is able to Henry C. ShUltz, Union; Charles aml put him to death as an enemy to the state. J . Waggoner, Turtlecreek; J. C. There's exc item ent every where: sit up Ab out 1,000 years ago there lived in Syria an humble carpenter: When a g ood old circu s comes to Hawke, Wtiyne ; C. E. Harner. Mrs. Mary Ha ines spent the Salem; Ed Knockenhauer, Hamilnamed J esus. who in a wol'ld that was teeming with hate. greed. lust town week-end in Cincinnati. lind' gross matel'ia tism, went about doing good to rich and poor alike. It is better than Coun ty Fair. ton; Fred J. Hagemier, Washing. urging a ll men to love one anothel' a~ they! loved themselves. and to M,". and MI·s. Will Wri ght of ton; Harry C. Osborne. Mass ie and do unto others as they would have others do unto them. He also taught Dayton vis ited DI". a nd Mrs. W. E. W. R. Howard, Harlan. tat, Rat-a-tat, tat the fearf ul, unwelcome truth thnt life does not end at the tomb but Rat-a·tat, Ogl esbee on SatuI·day. Delegates to the republican No tim e f or dinner, not me; continues without end, and that "as I\. man soweth, so shall he reap." I am · goin to stay right with this state convention include Harry Z. Mr. and M,·s. O. M. Ridge of He, too. was put to death as an enerpy of ~he state and a religious Gray, Lebanon; Albert Bond, show Waynesville called on Dr. and Franklin; disturber. L. Earl Thompson MaSOn And see all t hat I can see. Mrs. Tripp one day this week. Ne.a rly twenty centuries have elapsed since the death of these two .I'.. d. Thomas. Wayne Townsh.lp and L~ men. Not( one line of writing penned by either is in existence. There And so these happy little bo}s. Hal C. Brant, Morrow. Five are is not known to exist a sin'glc obj ect which either owned. Both were So. ex.cited, with eyes ablaze; to be elected. The alternates are CORN MARKETS WILL ~OTARY PUBLIC wretchedly poor, despised. ridiculed, hated, feared, and done to death Follow the band around the town Walter Clark, Clearcreek Town1 8 11 depraved criminals. DEPEND ON PROSPECTS ship; Lester Hopkins, Union townEach year, on circus days. Nation.at B_II Yet o'f all the men who have ·lived on this planet since the begin. ship; A, J. Saunier, Pleasant ning of time, no two names are held in highet" esteen or greater reverWith no apparent shortage in Plain; Robert Reichel, Hamilton ' Will. DrAWl1 • • Eata ... Seul... ence by the cultured people of the world, each in his own sphere. than t he s uppl y of corn or other feed township and Everett Villars WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Massie Township. ' those of Socrates, the Moral Philosopher, and Je.8us. the Divine ed administrator of estate of S. L. On the dem ocratic side Inmall Teacherl The stone-cutter of Athens taught men how to thi.nk, and Palfray, deceased, and filed bond crops in Ohio, the corn market wiJI the Carpenter of Nazareth taught men how to live. ubscribe fo r t he Miami Gazette. of $2000 with Abbie C. Vail and depend vet·y largely on the pros- L. Munger of Franklin has filed as Menl build lastingly not through the power of money, not by th~ H. B. Anderson as sureties. pects for a new CI'OP during the a candida~e fo~ county treasurer whirring wheels at industry, not through the strength of armies and George E. Young was appointed rest of this season, states C. R. and Ke ller Hoke of Waynesville fleets, not by the power of domineering groups and classes, but by the administrator of estate c f Alexhos fil ed for co unty commissioner For delegates to the state demoirresistible, eternal power of Truth and Love. Such building will out- ander Johnson, deceased. and filed Arnold, rural eco nomist at the last the rocks on which continents are laid. and will be perpetuated bond of $2000 with the Ohio Casu- Ohi o State University. critic convent Ion there are the folin the grateCul souls of men aeons after the .tones of Cheops I~e alty Insurance Company as surety. The tota l need for f eed as ex- lowing delegates ' Mrs. Holly Tayburied in the shifting sands of Egypt and the memory of Rome has Clarence Cook, Edward Fox and C. pressed for livestock a'nd poulb'y lor, Lebanon; Mrs. Cora Th faded from the minds of men. I C. Easter were appointed appraisJ son, Massie township; Inman Munon anuol'Y 1 was greatly different I!er, Franklin. The alternates tire ers. PHONE SF3 a year eol"iier, he says. At the John Bigler, Franklin; D. W • . 'I estate George R. Chapman. executor of than of Sarah J. Chapman, de- beginning of 1932 there wa I Bishop, Lebanon; Walter Apgar. about u 2 pel' cent increase in th: MQITOW and J. E. Holden, Morrow HARVEYSBURG, OHIO A. • AI ceased, filed his first .account. 1~,lg ~a'RS, Ir.larc . er,Theadministratrix inventory of Hattie Balling· total number of livestock or) . Candidates for the democ farms in the United States. Unde c~ntral committee are D. of estate of L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--J Frank Ballinger, deceased, was ap· ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN normal conditions there is like]! BIshop and V. H. ,Russell, your Cattle, hogs, sheep and cilv•• to be a very slight increase in th creek town 8hip; H, L. Unl'_ •.• proved by the court. n. O. S. U. R••I. Statioll-WEAO R. M. Hawke was appointed ad- amount of feed that 'W ill be neede Deerfield; A. A. Burrou&,hs. Ham- Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. to Nor ris-Brock Co•• live. wire alia :> l"og'l'essive firm for the highea' ministrator 0'1 estate of George W. during the first half of 1032 Howt ilton; Keller Hook, Wayne; Cora (W. W. Brownfield, District Supervisor, Presiding) market p1'ices and good service. Hawke, deceased, and filed bond ever, on January 1 there ~ere 5 Thompson" Massie; D. M. .Adams, 8 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers . Union Stock Y.rdl· Cincln_tl, O~ FOR SALE DATES CALL of $8.800 with Edith M. Harril! per cent less ChiCken's which have Washington; Edward Simpson, . 8 :06 Methods of Applying Fertilizer for Corn .... .. ..... ... ...... R. M. T un e in on Radio Station WCKY '8 :20 New Fruit Varieties for Orchards ...... .... .... ... ... ....... J. H. r...,,,.I .."ll, - and Emma Hawke McClure as /lo.t been included as livestock in Harlan, Walter Apgar. Salem; t 2 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dally 8 :86 Recent Changes in Dairy Marketing ... .. ....... .. ...... .... P. A. oung sureties. thIS calculation. , Elme)' D. James and George Hol,n arket I·eports. 8:60 The Country Paper Grown Up .... ................. ..... .. .. 0. C. Hooper The total cl)mbined tonnage of me - of Union ; W. A. Sieker Clear9:05 Water for Fann Homes ........ ........ .. .... .. ..... .. ..... :. Vira'il Overholt Re.l Elt.te Tr.nlfera corn, oats•. ba.rley, and 2'l'ain sor, . cI'eeki John Bigler, Franklin and . . l' 9 :20 Our 4-H Vegetable Gardens .. ......... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. E. R. Lancashiie gh.ums whl~h were available for ' S. M. Maag, Deerfield. 9 :8& . How to Reduce Losses fro," Coccidiosis .. ........ ... C. M. Ferguson Carl ~nd Caroline Schaub to thiS seaSon s feeding was about l • - ...- - Auctl.~neers 9:60 Twelve Years of Co-op Livestock Marketing ....... .... J. R. Allgyer Mabel F. Wiles. Real estate in 11 Per cent Ia.rger than the small Ohio Live Stock Coope.r ative Ass.n. Loveland. I. E (OAI. NO'l1' E supplies las t )lrear, but still 7 pel" less tho!' the average amount Phy lJ Is l.~alrrord, Dng_ JESSE STANLEV Ch~~ie~e T~i~b;J ~ab:~eH~towoo~ cent of feed avarlBlble du r ing the last ford. and Bagtord. who PhoDe 320. New Burlillitoll, Ohio 129.39 acres in Clearcreek town- five winters. This does not' 1 d l ar(' minor ch ildren ot Dorolhy Baginsolv~cy of said estate. ship. ~vheat. A considerabl e am;~~tU o~ ~~~'es d ;?oCr(l~e~id ari~d ~~8~n~~Vo~':;~ The inventory of Elmira- Boom· EARL KOOGLER and Caroline Schaub to Al- It has been fe'd, especially before Nellie • who was torershine, administratrix of estate of IenCarl 30 Years Experience in Inlots Nos. 130 and the new corn beca '1 bl m 1' 1)' Nelli e Pow e ll ",hO$O last D.yton Phcrne .W. F. Boomenhine, deceased, is 131 Kidwell. Fitting and Making GI.uel l f II . me aval a e .nlUlle Is ullknown and who was last I In Love'land. a~t a • When wheat has been 01' hea·rd ot In P ru (mlhlna Barbara approved by the court. KEnmore 8986 (Continued Fran Pare 2) Mary D. Rockwell to C. E. and Sales at The Lebanon-Citizens Ollie M. GaskUl. Real estate in WIll be fed is included with the Hug;l; lt,S. Hazel J1f~·4'\ r8. ' & Ens I S~op total feed crops there is not C(·CII. ",hotio r es pec tiv e plnces a I ii"~iiiiiji.iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ _iiiiiiii_ exe- Deerfield township. I d'ff . a very r "ldellcl' ar ' unk-nown. n.nd thai,' The iirst and final account of National Bank and Trust LebanoJJ. Qhio . ar~e I ere",:~ '" the supply unkn ow n h irs ot Margaret GUlll'd. Lueza D. Rossman, executrix of cutor of estate of William McBurVriah Dan Hudson to Nellie whIch wa. avslllable . last year and d,· n d. WJl o~e names "tnll resl· Tuesd.y, Thund.;, S.tarda, ney. deceased, were approved by Hopper. estate of George R. Rossman, de- the Inlot No. 349 In Frank- that lavailablE. in normal 'u dl'n e j\ I~r~ unk nown, nnd F'l'ank court. . . ExamiDatioll F.... .. ears. (' I'nlll I', \\ ho '1' sid 8 III th e city or . . ceased. 'W88,approved. allowed and lin. Th . ere has been very httle change Nor WOOd Ohio. but \V·hos street adL. D. Black was appointed adconfil'l1led by tbe court. . How81'd and Mabel E. Michael 1ft the numbE~r of livestock and dress LEBANON. OHJG Is IInknown, will tnk e nol In the matter of the state of ministrator of estate of Sarah D. to The Cincinnati Bell Telephone there was about n norma l supply [hn.,t n PllPer.,w rilhnr pur 1)1' che 1-IUI 1 \v III or Ali ce · W. T. Ben, deceased, the estate of Black, .deceased, and filed bond of Com:pany. The use of certain real f f eed available when the fe eding dC CE' llH N 1. tug-pth er Wllh said decedent is insufficient for the $1000 with the Ohio Casualty In~ estate in Hamilton township for oseason began last fall. li on to ad mi l th e same to payment of his debts, it is ordered sui-ance Company 88 surety. Clar- lines. anl,'i record w ra dul y tiled that said estate be and the same is ence Cook, W;lJIiam Roof and ROy Pl'ohnte of 'Val'ren ou nty. on George Barnhart to Cincinnati - ---- - th e ~ I s tCourt (In.y of March, 1932 und hereby declared lnso'ivent. J. W. L. }fudeon were appointed ~ Bell Telephone Company. The use l hal. t h a f, th dll Y or l' 1'1I 1932. at Goddard, administrator is ordered praIsers, of certain real estate in aarlan L. E. and Emma Baldwin, by 10 0 Cia k. n. Ill. h.. s UCl'n dul y Cixed by sn Id 0 111'1 as' th e tim r Cl r ' h!!al'·to give notice to creditors of the Howard J. Corwin was appoint- township for lines. sheriff to Clem Baldwin. 168 I,n~ said application 10 l'adlllit said acres in Harlan township. . \\" III ' to probate and l'o)cor,1 and as Cbarles Stephenson to James M. the tlnHI (0 1' hearin g an (1 takln!\" the lou chlpJ.!' vhl' sa.mc. nnel Sandlin and May Sandlin. ', 50 ttesthnon)' hnt said .testlmony will I) lak e:n acres in TurUecreek tow.nship. ari d sa lei apPlic!\tion WIlli Ibe heard J. C. Stewart to Matltha Jeffer- at Ih ~ of'fic of the "Probate Court • , 1 l' court h01l6l' in. Lebanon. ies. Real estat,e in Deerfield town~ "I n'a ..th .r n '.lu nty. Ollio. on th Gth ship. . . day or A.p rll . 1.93 2, at 10 o'clo\!k f.l. tn. . . BElRTl:IiA E . Biu., Allowed ---.---~ - SRmC,\~G A~ HMr.'1-.Pf.C\'fO Office Outfittel'S, supplies. 65c; Drs. Edward and Robert Blair serFRlEW~ ~(\NW: 1{) !:}\~NtR vices, $5; Blair Brothers Hospital Phone 78J . 1\\c \>IW 1!U. I'M~~US tlEC\t)5 $96; Lou South, services. $7 i Richard .L. Williams. services, L. D. Chilel ....·.SatUJ"d.,. ~pril 2 T(} S"tP\R1 ~~R\~c.; ~()U~E~".;------- $10; Albert Millaril, services. $10; C.l~I\~\tJ.~ - . I' . Mrs. Erll)a Hiibnar, services $10; Having I'ented my farm I will Mrs. Julia Holland, services, $10; sell at public auction on the farm DEPENDABLE Clark County Commissioners, care located 1 mile East of Lytle and of pat\ent; $406; Brown & , Bun- 3 miles West of Waynesville, on . REPAIRING nell, <:oal. ,lEi.89; Hines' &. Hop- t he Lytle and Waynesville pike on : Watches ..\'" kins, supplies. $4 j Robert Reichel, Clocks supplies. $6.07'; Hines &. 'Hopkins, Tuel,ciay, M.rcb 29. 1932 Jewelry supplies •.$6; Lyle Blarik Book Co.. Beginning at 10:80 sharp,' the supplies. $76; Ed. S. Conklin In- followipg: .. Store· Open E,venin p I /~ HUNTING 8uran,ce Agen.cy. ipremium due, 3 Work Horses., 10 bead of Cat6. FISHING $16; Columbus Blank Book . Co .• t)e, 38 head . H!)gs, Fordson CARY'S JEWELRY , supp lies $42,36; Western Star, Tractor, Farming Implements, frall.lt Bldg. SHOP Personai Property Retul'ns. '108; Feed. Harness, .Butchering Tools. l Soston, M•••• Western· Star Adv.fates of taxa- Ch~ckens and Household Goods. tion" $287.82 ; Lebanon Patriot Tet'ms Cash. Adv. rates of taxation, '287.82; '}lIM BARTON O(flce Outfitters; IlJlPplies, ,S.60; F. T. ,Martin, Auct. BIair Brothers ,Hospital. service., .vra~ter ~ibbard, ,Clerk. $37.60; .Office· Outfitters sup.l!Uea, .. , $6.40; Oolumbus Blank Bool( Oo,. On account of the death of my forms, '43.10; Wester~ Star, mar.. ~'Yife. · I will sell all of my farm riage· record transcnpt. , ,7.110; cHattels at public auction at m.y Unanon-Citizen.s .Natio~al . : ~nk farm located , ~ mUes N.. of Way& Trust Co •• pnntlng' 1000 c~eeks nesvii Ie, 1 % miles S. of Lytle $2.25; Bell Press. printing , for Ohio. i 2 . miles E. of Dayton and Cllfl'k, $8; Woodrow-Weil~Stanage Lebanon Pike•. on State Route7S Co .• $38; Sam p. H!!nkle, sei-yicel, on .. , $106; W. C. Gilmour, ' inquest , .W~dD •• clay, Much 30, 1932 $5.90; Kaufmans. supplies, $2.60; B '. : t' 10 3 . . ; O . sharp •the Morrow . Feed . & Supply po. sew- foil~e~~:~l)g a ers. e~ .• , $11.5,6: O. L. · l!rown. 3 W' k H . or oraes, ~ head. Cattle, hauling dirt, $14.40; Curtill M. Gharlton • .services, $48; .Sam D. 80 , ~1!~d . C,hlc\cen!l. l F.~)11g 1mHenkle• . servic!es, $7.50: ' W. C. p~Ql,en~. 400 bu:. C~1'Il' Hames!, Bergdall ' services "'360· ·J Ku llI'ou~~hol(Lan.d, KItchen Furniture. S • . ' " ' . ' ' . • '.Terms Cash ' pencer• . grave], $54.26; W. H: • SAM CHARLTON Madden'.&: C,;,•• ,guard rail matenal ~. 'T. Martin. Auet . ' . _ Coo~ gravel .nd Walter Hibbard Cie Ie'. • $266.91 J H. !1I111d. $4.4 : Blair &: LeRoy. gravel, • _f_,--_ $74.. 25.;,. }torrQW Gauee. Pl. ~- • , $88.28; John Thom.. Servic. StaTIME CHANGED tion, gas, . $34.\)&; Kilpatrick French Motor Car Co .• ~ and ·reIn 1930" there w~ pain, $77.66; GrJaWold Service tl'llC:tol'8 nportecl ()Jl t~rml in the .Station, brake rivets. 7Be; L; L United Statea eo.mpared with 246 ~ Pence., reparrs. $1.76; Kauf\UD1I. ...000 ''t;!n yeara Bro' alIo $JOO 000 paint, $1.10;. 0"10 Co~ted ttu... on ·tum• •pared ~th I Culvert Co" lewen, ,"8.58., 139,000 In 1980. "
------- --
Dead Stock Wanted Harv'e ysburg Fertilizer Company
' F arm I
h t I'L
h 28
SfanIey &Koogler
============== =============>.e....
! ,
News .from Court House
Cary's Jewelry
«0 ..
F. ·f. Marti.. Auctioneer
- ..
Pnblic Sales
•. '~~-I ~ . , -l~ \ \.1 !
Centerviile, Ohio
flThey~e .ocom/ort-
cble-th1!re'. no rim to obstruct my vision and they rest so Ii :.h tlv ort my nose. They have a flexible nose ' pi~ce bridge, DR. RUDOLPH called r't."
This is a description of the new style Glasses from one of the many satisfied patients of Dr. Rudolph. ConSUlt him at
John O. CUlltenbprder, 66, pa sed away 'ai his home in Dayt,on on 'Monday, Mal'cb 21. He is su rviv.ed : b)' his widow, Ida Goodill Custenlforder. Funeral servkes will be held Ilt the ~'esj d cnce, 1118 Wy.o Iltreet, Thur day 8ftemoon at o'chlck. Burinl in M.iami cemetery. M!ANURE WASTED A survey of the protection 81f orded manU1:e on the average Ohio farm , reveals that tully onet.hird to one-half of the crop producing value of manure i wasted ~llld never reaches t he field. A conscrvatiove estimate shows t his !\\>oidable loss to be equal to two average ,')Yheat crops.
T he ieni fic storm of wind and rain which passed over this se ction Monday night caused considerable damage. Buildings on the farms of Walter' Whitaker, William BergdaH and Joe Githens near Lytle were badly damilged. On Route 73 near the Dayton pike a house and barn were wrecked and another house unroofed and other buildings were blown down. At New Burlington, east of here the roof and steeple of the M. E. church were badly damaged Several houses had r.oofs partially torn off and barns and sheds were unroofed, causiJ~ ~eavy 108ses. Boyd Henderson and Gilbert Frye spent Saturday of last week in Columbu s. NOTICE
Lebanon, Ohio Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
To our many patrons throughout the c()mmunity. We will do business t hrough The Crawford Oommission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio on and after January 1st, assuring you the best of service, both fQr caring for and selling your stock. We thank you for the past and hope for your future patronage. SALISBURY'S
SHINGLES, A New Car Just In
'Per 'bale • •
Per square
These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the .highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles ma'n ufactured.
Madden'sLumberYard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio •
These tW ( fence Tolls, taken down for shipmen t, \V e n t through the . Gulf of Mexico Fence Weather Test. "Galvannealed" still· almost like new. Ordinary galvanized was ruined. ~hich will g!ve you most for " ' xotrr . fence . mon~y? We sell RED BRAND 'Galvannealed" FENCE at fair standard matket prices.
'Comme neement Speake.r Dr. Wm. H. Beachler. of Gratis, Ohio ha bcen secured to addl'ess the Waynesville High School 1932 ommenc. ment. A native of Montgomery County, an d ser ing his first pastorate in Miami Valley, he counts among his ir,iends many people adjaccnt to his native county. Dr. Beachler comes to us with the advantages of a broad and varied expe ril!nce us 11 public speaker, und ~ith thc highest of l'ecomm cndatio ns from a wide circle of university and high school men, and representatives of many lun cheon clubs and othel' organizations. Whenever he appear he is remember d as a man of unu.sua l fOl'ce and vit.ality, who n ever fails to str ike fire. He is accorded thcrefol'e many I'eturn engagements: Having had a long e nperlence ILS a commencement spellkel', with cnga~l!mcnt~ I?I'incipally in Iowa, IndIana, MichIgan and Ohio, Dr. Beac hl er' s f ri ends insist that he is nt his best before com mencement audi enc es. Two and on half years of Dr. Beachler's life were spent in the capacit of endowment promotor fo r his own college at As hland, Ohio , This work brought him before high school bodies from New J ersey 011 the east t oKansas and Nebraska on the West, ena.bling him to speak to approximately 15 000 high llchool students. To this Dr. Beachlcr points as the rij:h'cst opportunity of his life, as well as, an experience which has given him pccuJiar fitness to a ddress young people in the graduating classes of our high schools. Results of Oratorical
On l~r id ay evening, March 18, Wayne Townshil) schools beld their annual oratorical ' contest to determine the outstanding talent in the various g rades antI to select representatives for the school to take part in the Wal'ren County contest. The contest was conducted under the same rules that govern the Warren County annual contest. The judges namely, Supt J. E. Sprinkle of Kings Mills, Supt, C. E. Smart and Miss Bangham of Mason judged the contest on the following basis. . Delivery 65 %, quality of selection 15 % , memory 10 % , general effect on Judges 10 % and maxium total 100 0/0 . One pupil ' was selected from each of th'e groups: Group No. 1. (Grades 1-4). Group No. 2. (Grades 5-8). Group No. ,3 (Hjgh School). Those taking part in the contest and winners are as follows: Group 1No. 1 Animal Crackers-Jean Hartsock, 68.3 0/0. No. 2 The Wind- Marceline Peters, 64.3 '70 . No. 3 The Animal StoreMarion Smith, 68 % . . No. 4 Seven Times One-Clair Dibert, 72. 6 %-3r-d. I No.5 People Will Talk- Frieda Ellis, 58.3 % . No. 6 Mr. Nobody- Roxie Carolyn Sackett, 70.3 0/0 . I No.7 In School Days-Doris Beck 73 %-2nd. No 8 The Bath Hour-Mary Eva LeMay, 78.3 'la-1st. Group 2. No.9. Little Boy Blue- Evelyn Johns, 73.6 % . No. 10 We can only have one Mother--Ja.mes B~~rne, 64.%' No. 11 Little Willies HearmgMax Stephens, 83 %-1st. No. 12 Somebody's MotherEarl Moran-66 % . N~ 13 The Baseball GameEvelyn Furnas, 63.6 %. . No. 14 Call To Arms- CeCIl Hartman, 82.3 % 2nd. Group 3. No. 15 Patrick Henry's Spech in the Vil'ginia Convention 1775, --Juanita Brannock, 72 % . No. 16 W~rld Citizenship:"'" Ruth Hockett, 87 'to-1st.
'Tobacco canvas at Hymnn '!j. I\[rs. Bl!l'ton Barnhart's con diti on is ve'!"y criticn\.
.1>J IlSt I' Hats I'ea:o nahl at Grace L. Smith's. 1932
Wall 1 3jleJ'
jll~ l
5e a roll a nd liP,
iljrs. . l\l. Robitzcl' and Mr . L. II. ( ,ordoll w 'r'C in Dayton, Monday.
J ust u few day ' until En ·ter. See my Easter Hats. Grace L. mith. J acob Str'ouse has purcha .. ed the Frank 'l' hompson home at Mt. II ally.
II'S. ~arth8 ane Miltenberger is convalcscing at th e home of her No n ·nnd wife, Mr. and Mrs. F.'allk lil tenbergcr, after an attn k of pn 'u))1onia. Le' Gr athouse, of Da.yton, i!; visiting at the hom oI his daughtel' , h-s. lyde Wharton and family. . Ml' ~, Clarence Smith, of Lebanon ' .' 11 ot la t week with Mrs. Ann L. 'mith, who e condition I"CI a ins abo ut the same. 1\Irs.. 1ury Carmo ny spent Sunti ny with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur lark in Waynesv ille. Mrs. Harl'Y GI'aham and John Prl'ston are on the sick lillt. ill!'. and M,·!'. J. H. Abshire, of Dayt.on, e I'{! Sunday afternoon call er at th hOIl\e of Mr. Everett I ~ ady nnd l\lr, alld 'jIll'S. M. E . Friend. ' The Ludic, A id cleared u neat ~ llJll Th u r ~ d ay vc nin ~ serving dinner a t thl! I':lk's banq uet at L 'banon. Thirty Indies gavc thei r
as~ s tu ll ce. j\lr~ . Margal'e t
J ohns accolllpani ed Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cook Worl! on the Fulkerson filling lind dUlIl!:hte l' to Dayton, Satu rduy 1\11'. !lnd Mrs. II m'old Thackel'8, station on North Main street has of Yankee Street, were unday started. a,Ctemoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clal·k. MI'. O. B. Johnson, f Po Willia m oleman is n ow going William, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. IIbout 011 crutches owinJr to a n in1". D. Dakin. jury to hi;: last roll week. Whil ('lI th ng woodlimb a log ed on hise Work will be put on ut the . regu lur mceting of J r. O. U . A. M. ank Je. Mr. an d Mrs. Joseph Grossi a nd F'I'i day nig ht.. children a nd ]\frs. Eva Haines, of 11's. I. D. Welch was taken t.o Piqua \\' ,. Friday eveninJ! dinner McClellan hospital, Xenia, l't10nday J!uests a t the home of ifr. and Mr'!;, Wa lter Kenrick. for bserva lion. Evel'ett Ea dy lind dllught 1': , G. J. Waterh ouse attended the Ii 1 ,11 and Ruth a nd Mrs. Be ll e funera l of a cous in, in Dayton, SC(l tt attended the funeral of the (ol'lller's aunt., Mrs. J ohn Moore Satu rday afternoon. at Hamersville, Tuesday. ' Thc Ladies Aid will serve lunch Tune in on the C. & B. program, station WKRC every Sunday at the !lales of Tim Barton and ,am Ch81'leton ne xt wcek. afternoon at 5 :15. III I'. a nd Mrs. John Myer, of Rev. Thomas ReE!d of olum- Dayton, wcre Su nday evening bus, Ohio, visited M1r. and Ml':';. dinner g'llesls of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Hartsock Fr'iday of la: t ICesl l' Graham and daug ht.er . week. Mr. lal'cnce FI'aner and family o~ the Green Tree neighborhooci, M.rs. John Fritz, of Cleveland, \VIII move t o, t he Phillips farm is visiting hel' par~mts , MJ·. a nd vacated by am Char1eton. Mrs .. W. P. Salisbury, and other Mr. a nd Mrs. William Haines relatives. and chi ldren, of Dayton , visited Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. J. P . t he former' mother, Mrs. Geor~ i an~ a Hnines and family unday Fromm and Mr. Kenneth Fromm even mg. visited relatives at. Pleasant Plain, . l\hs. Emma Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. Monday. EIII' . Young and family attended Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bowman a nd the funera l of Mrs. Ernest Lacy family, of Franklil1l, spent Sun- in Dayto n, Monday. day with Mr. and Mrs. Orville J . M~. and Mrs. Albert Stacy are slaYing at the home of their Gray and daughter. duu.ghter . near Springboro, as Officers of the AI,umni asso cia- th~lr .son-m-Iaw, Will Null, is in tion are sponsoring a benefit MHlnl l Valley hospital. . dance to be given at the gym, The equinoxal storm here MonSat:u\'day night, Ap:ril 2. day evening did quite a bit of damage west of here. On the Mrs. Frank Sta:nsberry, and f~rms of Walter Whitake r, Wildaughter, Miss Mar y. and Mrs. ham Bergdall and Joe Githens, John Stansberry spent Sunday ~ o ors were blown from the buildwith r e latives in Dayton. l,!l,gs and other damage. On route ,3 ne;tr the Dayton Pike, Ben Mr. Hany Haddem and family, Young s house was wrecked and of Columbus, were eallers at the barn blown down nnd the Wittehome of Mt·. W. Fl. Allen and family, Sunday afternoon.
Wilbur Mills, of S.an Francisco, Calif., who was caBled here because of the death of his father, left Saturday, f6r his home. Dorothy Hartsoc'( saw "Old Man Sunshine," in person, "Ford Rush," W. L. W. lea ding Kiddies entertainer Saturday in Dayton. Miss Louise Crane attended the monthly meeting of telephon e opel'ators of the Ohio Central 'felephone Corporati(ID, at Leb'anon Tuesday night.
A. H: STUBBS "Always a Step Ahead" AMBULANCE SERVIC& Phone 29
Lale Classified Ads. FOR SALE
FOR SA LE- Feeding' shoats, R. McCI~re M. Hawke, Waynesvill e. • m23 FH EE J FOR A LIMITED TIMEPhone 7 With elicit Gainswuy Brooder Housc, $22.50 stove 01' same Waynesville, Ohio umoun t in poultr·y equipm ent. L. V, B ra 11 sha Lo r, Way n esv i II e, 0 h I 0, L,,=~::;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;:;!~ Phone 11 5H2. ' *m23 ~
J. E.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,
Seed Oats We have just received a car load of Siberian S~ed Oats. These are a large white oats of very good quality, grown in 1931.
Clover and Grass Seeds We have a choice selection of Clover ana Alfalfa Seed.
Montana Grown Grim'm Alfalfa . ..... , ...... ... . . . . Choice Kansas Grown Common Alfalfa ...... . , ... .
$13.00 $ 9.75
We also have excellent bargains in little Red and Sapling Clover Seed. '
"Blaek Leal 40" This is the best product known to rid poultry of lice and mites. Also used to destroy many plant insecta.
Director of FUDeral' Service
Modern. funera ls demand proper equipment and a thorough knowledge of up-to-date metl)ods
man hou e was IWroofed and all'.iiiiii==!!!i!!=iii!!!!iiiEiilE!!!!!ii!i!!!!I!ii!i!!il!I!II othel' buildings were blown down. \ The Stacy farms were sold a t..; l';l Lebanon MOIlda~' morning. Hatvey Bumett, of nem' Centervillc, purchnsed the 'Canlll! hl!Tc at Lytle, und Mr. Black, of Dayton , purcha~lld the ianll on the Dayton and Lebanon pike. A. wide gulf separates Mrs. hulmcr Reeder I'ece:ived the modcrn funeral direc\\'ord of th d /I h f he l" father. tor from the "undertaker" G-•. F. Tewell, ut 1>'0 t 1', Ky., age 07 ye81·s. He had been, sick abo ut of fifly years ago. T.o day u yeul' of heart troubl and later . we have a highly trained pUl'aly, i,·. He leRv . 11 c'hildren professional man, usiDJt all and 20 grandchild ren . The f unera·l the advanced methods of W;l i< lit Bethel, MaTCh 16, and scieMe and offering' 8 burial the,·e. ?III-. T well will be \' mcmbered us u for mel' resid nf services mu lti t ud e of of t his placc. Mrs. Reeder was not which were never ex' ble to attend t.he funeral owing pected of his predecessor. to hoI' rec n t iIInes. She ill now sl ow l ~cco~ ~~. _ _ __ As Lhe r esult of this advancement, the public receives protection and comfort in a time of great nned.
Phone 25
W~neaville, Ohio
Graduation- Birthdays - Wed,..;dings or AnniversRlries. See the modestl~priced ~f~ofendearing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ charm at Cary's Jewelry Shop, ' 'The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, O. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gons, Miss Alice Gons, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons, Miss Betty Oglesbee and Mr. Elias ,Oglesbee were dinnel' guests of Mr. and Mlrs. Fred Gons, on Sunday. .
Guy J . Hockett has completed the short course at O. S. U. and will go to Van 1Wert county, April 1st, as field man for the Cooperative Dairy Company. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pennewitt, Mr. There were fourteen applicants and Mrs. Willis pennewitt and son for the position. ' . spent Saturday evening with friends in Franklin. Mr. J. C. Hawke's birthday anMr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell, niverS!lry was pleasantly celebratof 'Bellbrook, spent the week-end ed on Thursday with a family dinwith Mrs. Bunnell's parents, Mr. ner planned by Mrs. Hawke. Those and. Mrs. Hiley Gibson and present included Mr. a nd Mrs. Ray family. , Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Surface of Dayton; Mrs. Ralph Vance, of a.nd ~aug~ter of Dayton spent ,Pleasant! Plain; Mrs. John Fromm, Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hnwke, Mr. and Hart;sock.. .. Mrs. Maynard Weltz and children, Misses M~udle and Provle Blng- Miss Doris Hawke, ·M.essrs, Donald ham of WhIte Corner spent Sun- and Dean Hawke Kenneth and day afternoon with Miss Stella Clyde Fromm. ' Gibson. ' .--'Mr. Hiley Gibson, Mr. and Mil'S. Everett Bunnell spent Friday STROKE CAUSES DEATH afternoon in Miamisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers l\Jrs. Hannah Bo.bb, 87, was and Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bell- found dead in ' her bed at the brook spent Thursday evening Friends Home, Friday morning, with Mr. Hiley Gibson and family. death occurrin~, it is thought, _ _ __a _ _ shortly after she hud l'eUred on POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Thursday night. Coroner Waldron ,Gilmour pronounced deatn due to apoplexy. Commiuioner Funeral ' perv ices were held We are authorized to announce Saturday afternoon at Lukens the name of E. J. Beedle', of Union Funeral Home in Wilmington, Township, as a eandidate for re- Burial was in Sugar Grove cemeelection to the office of County tery. Commissioner, subject to the ·decision of the Repbulican Primary AN APRIL FROLIC electio~, MaY ,10, 1982.
Hayes C. Keever, of Lebanon, Obio, solicits your support for 'his nomination as Commissioner Qf 'W arren ~ounty, subject to tbe de~ cision <>f the Republican ~mary Election May 10, 198~. ·
EGG PRICES ,LOW Although egg prices have dropped conslde'rablf. records . from about 300 Ohio farm tlock ow.ners sbow that during ' the past three months they made all 'income of '283 and had ex.penses amounting to ,10'4 per fto.ck. '
A Waynesville ,Alumni Benefit Dance will ' be given at the Gym Saturday evening, April 2 .a t , ~ . Q'clock. Music by Bill 'George and his orchestra. froin Wilmington All alumni , ' and friends invited Admission ~6c. ' ,
REcCEIVED TOP PRICE , , . Through SaUsbul'Y and SOD, Claz:ence Rye sold 72 head of hogs averaging 283 pounds, on Mondl\Y at tfJe UnIon st~ck yards, in Cincinna~. The hogs btougbt top )1rice.
For Our Country Subscribers
The Cincinnati Enquirer Dally Except Sunday
The Miami Gazette Both Papers for One Year Only
Send your. check ~o the Nllaml Gaz~tte and .et these,' two ',pape,. for ', a whQ~e year . . . • .A Wonderful Off.er. ,
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6007
Becoming Ull pondent ovel' recent ill health , Crn'w /ord Perry, aged 48 years, ended ,hi!; life by shooting himsel f throug h the heart unday aetem on, nt ] :30 o'clock at his home at t a] L Arbol' avenue, in, Dayton. MI'. Perry was t he son of the late George and Mary Perry, who for several years operated a Tobacco can vas at Hyman's. bake l'y here. The funeTal wi ll be held W ed9x 12 Co ngoleum Make Rugs, nesday afternoo n at 2 o'clock, per ia l $4 .95. Myer Hyman. from the home in Dayton and buria l will be made in Lebano n Myel' Hyman and f~nlily: visited cemct el·Y· Rev. Sc hrocker, of r latives in Ci ncinnat i S unday. Dayton, will h l~ve charge. 1\1 1', Perry is s urvived by hi s See t he Salisbury's, W. P . and Alumni benefit dance at the widow, thrl.!' sons and one daug'llD. R., before you sell your stock. gym Saturday evening, ApI'il 2. tel', Mrs. Irvi ng W elch is s pendi n ~ a H. Clifton Burnett wus a busifew wecks with her mother, Mrs, ness visito l' in Leba non, Monday. Viola arey. Mrs. Emma Barnett 'a nd Mr. E. W. H. Madden & Co. have just V. Barnhart s pent the week-end in unloaded a car of shi ngles. Waynesville.
The ul'face fUl'm n the lower Sprjngi.>oro r oad wa~ !<old by l:iheritf )"ulkel'th Monday aIternoon und wa~ pUJ'ch asll u i.>y lul'ence Ry e f ol' $(1600. W. N . Seal' conducted the sa le.
Seeking III wider opportunity for the physical and mental development of American children, Preside.nt H oover has isued an offi cial proclamation )!6ttiTl.Q" a side May 'I , 1032, as child health da.y. The proclamation, iss ued f rom the White House, invited "all agencies a nd organizations interested in child w-elfare to unite upon t hat day in the observance of T obacc o canvas at Hyman 'l1. s uch exerc ises a s will awaken the 9x 12 Congo leum Make Rugs. peopl e of the natiori to t he fundamental necessity of unremitti ng Spec i~tl $4.!15. Myel' Hyman. efforts for t he p rotectio n and deMrs. W. E. Stroud i, con val sveIQp'menJ; of the heallh of the naing aiter a two-weeks' illn ess. t ion s children."
Ben Ai.>nel', of Morro lV, bought the Nicholso n fUl'm which was sold by Sheritf F ulkerth ul the CQurt A Journey thru the COlII!m.erd.1 'OL 1\1 B S--The seco nd edihouse Monday. The purchuse price World of the We.tern Hemi.phere tion o j' lhe Eleclion Laws of the was $1I,6i!5. This treatise is the outgrowth of 'Dhe t'urlll was owned by the late ' Iate of Ohio nre being mailed to a number of exceptionally well Lafa yette Nicholso n whu tiolu it 130HI ds of I::lecli on in the eightywritten papers in Economic Geoseveral years ago to F I'ed Ri c hard ~ eight co unties of the state by 'ecreial'Y of State Clarence J. g raphy. Th e three high ~s t ranking of Cincinnati. BrOIl n. The volume contains the papers were re-written so a s to - - -~ --amendmcnts tu the election code improve grammer, sentence struc• passed by th e prusent General ture and choice of words. [t origA~ s l'llIbly, citations from the inally was the work of Doris Salisciliz nship and naturalization laws bury, Miriam 'Ellis and Anna or th e Uni ted States, the federal O ~ Ne alJ. The form er having been CO ITupt practices act and the fedabsent when latter tw o revised the ernl law rclnLing to presidential papers. e l cctiol1~. The iss uan<!e of t he secAs a synopsis to our study of the ond volume was made necessary T he New Century Cl ub was encommerce of that part of the bll the adopti on of t he amendment tertuin ed by Mrs. Maria E lbon at the United States is directly conMessrs. C. M. Robitzer, W. S. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, of the home oJ Mrs. H. E. HathaWestem Hemisphere with which Graham, O. R. Unglesby, H. A. Members of Lh'e Genera l AssemSee the display o f fascinati ng Deleware, s pe nt the week-e nd here way Thu rsday afternoon, March bly arc meet.ing in extraordin ary ce.rned, we have ",hosen to take an Cornell, Ma.rk Rogers, J ohn clocks at ary's J ewelrv Shop, with re latives. 24. imaginary trip through these lands Squires, Ralph Smit.h, EliaJI Ogles- Lebanon, Ohio. • lession, huvi ng been recalled by Twenty three members ('espond- Governol' White, t he date being to view the more important condi- bee, George Ker n and William Tune in on the C. & B. program, ed t.o r oll cu ll with "A Lin e fro m fu esday, March 20. All legislation t ions as they renJly exist. Gustin attended a meeting of the Mr. and flh'S . E.' J . Burt.on, of Our own United States has such Revolution ary Short Trail a sso- Elyria, spent the Easter ' vucat ion WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF station WKRC every S unday lcGuffey's_" will be confined to the consideraafternoon at 5 :30. After u short bu s iness session lion of such matters a s are prea close network <>f railways and ciation he ld at the Sha.wnee hote l wit h relatives here. CHRIST the following Jlrogram planned by g ood highways that we con easily in Spring fl eld last Thursday. se nted or recommended by the (U nd enominational) Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collin s, of Mrs. O'Nea ll and Mrs. Hatlhaway Governor, who will appear persec ure a train from Columbus, 0., Representatives from the variTune in on the C. & B. program Chester A. W:illiamso n, Minister Lebanon, were calling on Wayneswas rendered. to the Eastern coast. As our train ous towns along the route were stati on WKRC every Su nday so na lly before t he law makers ana Vocal Uuet : "Open t he Gates ,of read his special message, which hunch School at 9 :30 a. m. ville friends Monday afternoon. speeds · on we catch glimpses of present. Director of Highways, O. a:fternoon at 5 :30. the Temple"Mrs. LeMay a nd "A ~c h o ol that is different." Lord's the coal mines in the mountains of W. Merrill was present, and adwill dell l with relief for' the unMI;. and Mrs. S. S. E llis, Miss Mrs. Sackett. Pennsylvania. Upon nearing New dressed the asso ciation on phases Mr. and MI·s . .J. C. Hawke were Supper at co:nclusLo n. Chl'i tion Miriam employed. wi ll recommend an Ellis a nd Mrs. Elizabeth Paper, " Easter," pl'epa l'cd and increase in He York, we think 'We have come into of the propose d change. guests of Mrs. Mary Hopkin s, of Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. E lizabeth Baily visited t he u tility excise tax Westdhester Grange read by Mrs . Hathaway. Henry, Leader. Eveni ng Evangelisa land of miniature farms as we F-ollowing the luncheon, the Be lmon t , Su nday. of one per cent; also authority for Tuesday even in g of last week. "Evolution of Reading"Mrs_ see vast truck gardens. ti c ~er v i ce at 7 :30. Sermon subject group adjourned to th.e Court local comm uni ties to divert their O' Neall with introduction by sha re of gasoline taxes to relief We a re not overly interested in House where plans were discussed The regular meeting o f the "l'hI'ce Dis pensatio.n s of God's W. H . Madden & Co. have ju st Mrs. Elbon. our country bew use of the expec- to urge the State Departments of Mothers' dub has been postponed Gruce." Pra yer Meeting a nd Bible work. It is estimated that under 'The program was interesting t.hese plans approximately $23,Study eac h W c~d ll esday a t 7 :30 p. unloaded a car of shingles. tation of boarding an oc ean liner Highways t o allot a number to the to F,riday, April 8. and instrll'Ctive and closed with m. Begin ning Ma rch 30 , \ve will and steaming down the Atlantic to road from Toleda to Cincinnati 600 ,000 will be made available. Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Emma reminiscences of school days. Brazil, the leading coffee produc- via the towns ,n amed. The. present Mr. a nd Mrs. Mark Rogers an d take up th e stu dy of t he Book of H. McClure and Mrs. H . E, During the social hour delicious ing country. highway from Toledo to Cincin- dau~hter visited relatives in Acts. Choir pra.ctice at. co nclusion , Preliminary totals issued by The ,ch urch where you fee l a t home Hathaway wer e Dayton visitors refreshments were served to t he Secretary We stop at Sao Paulo and make nati is known as Route 25, but it Springboro Su nday. of State, Clarence J. T uesday. members and guests, Mrs. Curl, it our headquarters, where we has been fo und that the highway Brow n, indicate that approximateMisses Anna and Marne Brown. learn facts concer ning coffee grow- from Toledo to Cincinnati via J. T. Thomns, of Plain City, ST. MARYS CHURCH ly 1,5 18,696 passenger cars carMrs. Maynard Weltz, Mrs. R. - - - -* - - - _ .ing and export. Findlay, Kenton, Bellefontaine, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. D. l'ied Ohio licenses in 1931. In Rev. J. J. Schaeffe r, Rect or. H. Hartsock a nd son, Owen, and When we think we have seen Springfleld, Xe.nia Waynesville and Dakin, Sunday afternoon. A GOOD WOMAN GONE 193 0, this figure was somewhat Miss Doris Ha,w ke were shopping enough here, we move on to Lebanon is about ten miles shorter Tlhis Wednesday even ing, Mareh in hi ghe r being in that year 1,666, Dayton Sat.urday. Central America, ' not forg~tting and is a m ore direct route. At Mr. and Mrs. Harley GephaT·t, 3D, se rvice at 7 :30 when th e Rt. Matilda J. Downing Underwood 342. This total revenue derived by Cuba with its great sugar planta- present, however, this route is of Whitehall, Mich., were week- Rev. Henr y Wise Hobso n will Officers of t he Alumni associa- who s uddenly and unex;pectedly the state from license plate sale tions. [n Central America we see made up of several routes all bear- e nd guests of MI'. an d 1\1r~ . Elmer preach and a dminister the rite of was, in 1031, $12_562,428.92, tion are sponsoring a benefit th.e products which are exported to ing different route numbers. The S hee han. confirmatio n. The public is cordial- dance t o be given at the gym, passed away on March 24th at her which was also lower than the daughter's home, Mrs. Curtis !fomthe United States such 811 bananas plan is to give the route one ly in vited to aUend . Saturday night, April 2. linso n, East of Waynesville, aged 11130 total. One class of vehicles, cacao, lIlla"hogany, chicle, dyewlO.ods number and establish it as the Messr s. C. H. Hartsock, R. A. . April 3, F:it'st Sunday niter 80 years and some months, 'W'IlS tJ'uck trailers, showed a substanrubber ·from the forests, minerals, Revolutionary Short Trail. hu rch sc hoo l at 9 :3 0; Cross and Myer Hyman attend ed a Easter, Mr. and Mrs . Oliver Davis and laid t o rest in Miami Cemetery tial increa se , the 1930 total \Va!l asphalt, bauxite and iron ore. We Masonic meeting at X eniu , Wed- Morning PraYI!r and se rll1Or1 a t daughter Rachel a nd Mrs. Nettie aftel' impressive services ,at 24 ,431 while the 1931 figure was ask all sorts 0:6 questions concerh10 :30. nesday evening. Kepler of Dayton, spent Saturday Friends Meeting House here, on about 32,717 ' or an increase of ing bananas and then proceed to OBITUARY about one-third. evening with Mr. Steve Philipps ' Monday, Maroh 28 at 2 p. m. " cacao plantation. This is nJl very Send your stock to The Craw- FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ' in Leban(lJl. Besides her daughter at whose interesting, from the gathering of ord Commission Co., Uni on Stock Eva Lee Earnbart, daughte r of (Undenominational) home she was at the time of her Portraits of Ohio's governors t he beans to the shipping of the John . William a nd Margaret Yards Cincinnati, through W. P . Chester A. Williamllon. Minister GraduationBirthdays Weddeath, she is survived by a son which adorn the corridors of the products to other countries. Eleanor Marlatt, WitS born on Salisbury & Son. ChUl'ch Scho ol at 9 :30 a. m. We dings or Anniversaries. See the Joseph Underwood near Harveys- tate house . have taken on a new Having seen all the major in- June 1st, 1864. and after months · . t k modestly price d gifts of endearing burg and another daughter Mrs. lease of life. Decorators have dustries of Central America, we of patient suffering departed this M.rs. Eva Miller return ed hom e m'e I aunc h m g II campaIgn 0 rna e chal'm at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Janie E. Haines of the W ilming- touched them up, varnished the board a ship for California. Our liIe (I n March 25th, 1932, aged 67 Sunday BIter spending the wi n ter t he a verage atten dance for this " Th H e orne of Gifts," Leban on, O. to.n, neighborhood, also nine grand- surfaces and regilded the frames! destination, Los 'Angeles, once years, 9 months, and 24 days. On with her daughter, Mrs. Gra.ce sprin g, summe;r and fall the largreached, we "interview" the May 16th, 1886, she was united in McCune, in Lima_ ClIt in the history of t he churoh. children and one brother J. J . so that the portraits look as il motion-picture industry. We have marriage to Burton L. Earnhart\ Lord's .Supper and sermon at 9 :30 Miss Sue Crane, until recently Downin!!, of Xenia, Ohio, who is they were fresh from the brush of the artist. There are forty-nine of never known why Los Angeles was to which union were born six chilMr. and Mrs. J . O. Cartwright a. m. Serm on subject, "How May I of T oledo , has been visiting rela- the last surviving member of her these portraits, one of ' which ill ch-osen as a center fpr production dren, Emerson F., Elizabeth · were dinner g uests of Mr. and Know Whether I Am Saved Or tives in this community. Miss f~mi1y. Th.e deceased had a ,most lovable Arthur St. Clair., first Governor of of pictures, but soon learn that it Eleanor, Alvin H ., John Madison, Mrs. G. E. Randall and family, of Not?" Ernest Earnhart, tenor, of Crane is planning to locate in a rl isle, w ill si,ng. You are always Waynesville. is due tQ the quality of light, the Ernest A., and Harold B. disposition, always trying to ex- the Northwest Territory. Ohio haa Dayton, on Sunday. great variety of scenery, the dewelco me at this church. cuse wrong in others and make had forty-nine governors, several In her early girlhood she became pendable weather (so they say), affiliated with the M't. Holly Miss Henrietta McKinsey has re- those around, her ihnppy. She mov- serving two and three terms each. Saws filed by machinery, cut and the steady inftow of labor due Methodist Church. Later her mem- cleaner, truer, faster. ~Iso crossturned to her school work at ed to Ohio with her family, from ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH to the attraction of the mild clim- bership was transferred to the cut saws, gummed, 25<. per f oot_ On April 30, 1802, an act of Ashtabula after spending the Unionville, Pa., in March, 1868 Rev. Fortman ate. Also the industry cannot well Waynesville Methodist Episcopal Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber spring vacation with her mother, when a 'young woman and until Cong'l'ess a uth orized the formation recently resided at her Orchard be moved because of· the accum- Church. A devout Christian and Yard, of a state government for Ohio; OD F irst and Third Sunday Mass at M~·s . Alice McKinsey. Home Farm, j ust East of Harveys- November first following the state ulation of property. New York is djJigent reli(rious worker througb8 :00 a . m. Second, Fourth and the head of the distributing system out her entire life, 'she again bewas fo rmed and named' Ohio by Miss Evelyn Cartwright, of Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10 :30 a. m. About 40 friends and neighbors burg, Ohio. She was a life long member of bhe first Constitutional Convention because of its general location in came a loyal membel' of the Mt. W estern Oollege, spent the weekof Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Boge.r the densely populated area, and Holly Church during her last yeaTS end with her sister, Miss Janet, in WA YNESVILll.E M. E. CHURCH gathered at their new home the Society of Friends and prior held at Chillicothe. , its superior communication. Saturday night and tendered them to her physical affliction, had been She was ever a faithful and Cleveland and is spending the G. C. Dibert, Pastor a public speaker and writer. On e From. here we head north to loving wife, a gentle and tender spr ing' vacation at her home here_ a hearty welcome. The Division of Safety and of bel' bo ok , " Blue Bell of The Hyg iene of the Industrial Comlearn · of the lumber camps of mother , and a kind and helpful Wednesday : Bible study and Foreat," has been generally read. whleh we have heard so much, neighbor. She was highly esteemed W. S. ,Graham was tendered a prayer meeting at 7 :15 p. m. This Prof. F. Taylor Gurney, of mi ssion of ' Ohi o announces a then east through the dry plains and loved by nJl who knew her and pleasant surprise by several rela- week we will s tudy the parable of Teheran University, Persia, and Such a life of love and kindn ess, pronounced decrease in accident should be a lesson and g uidance from Idaho to Ogden. Utah, then her busy hands were always ready tives who gathered at his hom e "The Rich Man and the Beggar." Mrs. Gurney, and Dr. T. I. Way, frequency and severity over the of us. to Denver over more mountains. and willing to smooth another's Sun clay. A flne dinner was a Choir practice at 8 :00 p_ m. of Cincinnati, attended services for all ~ state for the ' month of February From here we begin to see .great pathway. Many rays of sunshine delightful feature of t he occasion. Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30. at St. Mary's church, on Sunday. for that of the corresponding ' fields of wheat in Nebraska and, and happiness ,has she broug ht into T~o se present were Mr. and Mil'S. Morning worship at 10 :30. The Mrs. Gurney is a niece .of Dr. Way month of last year, there being TAX TIME EXTENDED farther on, fields of corn in [ndi- the Jives of , others by her gentle Ralph Lewis and SOn r,eslie, Mr. sermon s ubject for the morning and the daughter of Mrs. Fanny 1,503 fewer injuries, 16 lells ana and Illinois. words and kindly acts. With the and -Mrs. Ellery LeWIS and Mr. will be, "Infallible Proofs of th~ Way Pritchard, former WaynesDue :to the fact that the tax fata lit ies and a reduction of 122,As we near home we realize that help of her husband she always Ray Smith, o f Dayton; Mr_ and Resurrectio n." Epworth League at viJIe girl. pay~rs are not fam iliar with all 1191 days in time lost. Special our home is near the edge of the maintained a true Christian spirit Mrs. W, F . Graham, Mr. and Mrs. 6 :30 p. , m. Evang elistic "service at the provisions of t he new tax law g roup repo rts will be prepared felr ' cor:n and the wheat belts. Because in her home and endeavored to Forrest Graham and family. 7 :30 p. m. Subscribe for 'the Mia~i Gazette. and f or that reason many have not presentatiQn to the All Ohio of the fact that we raise corn and rear, her children in the same been able to flIe r eturns, and re- Safety Congress, which will be forage we are also in the' livestock strong aevotion to God which. charalizing that it would be a physical held in the Capital City, April 19; region, :with several packing acterized her own beautiful life. - -_0 ______ to r eceive them with- 20 an d-21. impossibility houses located near us. Her character \Can be described in the time limit, March 31, 1932 Thus when we reach home we best by the following words froin I am extending the time of filing DEATHS think back upon our trip and see the· thirty-first chapter of Provto April 20, J932 witihout penalty. how each country that we have erbs: This gives ample time and visited is dQpendent upon another Mrs. Burton Earnhart paSsed "Who can find a virtuous puts everyone on an. equality . for various commodities. One woman? for her price is far above away early Friday morning at her But remember that this means country can hardly exist by itself. rubies. The heart of her husband if your return is not in on April home in Mt. Holly, fol1()win2 a doth sa:fely trust in her, so that 20 the penalty will be added long illn ess. Besides her husband, COUtlt,. Oratorical Conteat he shall have no need 'Of spoil. She without regard to person 01' one daug hter and 5 sons survive. Funel'al services were held in persons. The County Oratorical contest wiJI do him good and not evil all the Mt. Holly o'h.urch ' Sunday, Yours RespeCtfully, will be held Friday, April 1 at the the days of her life. Strength and W. R. LEWIS, Auditol'. afternoon, Rev. Scarff. officiating. Lebanon Opera hO\lse beginning at honour are her clothing; and she BudaI was ot Middle Run_ 1 :15 p. m. The participants from shall rejoice in time to come. She •• Waynesville are Mary Eva Lemay, openeth her mouth with wisdom; Mrs. Matilda Underwood passed MACHINES WERE WRECKED lower grades, Max Stevens, upper and in her toncue is the law of away s uddenly at the home of her grades and Ruth Hockett high kindness. She 1000keth well to the school. Mrs. Buerkle is giving the ways of her household, and eateth Three autOJllobiles figu,red in a daughte r, M-ra. Curtis Tomlinson, students special attention this not the bread of idleness. Her wreck south of Waynesville near near here Thursday. She leaves two daughters, 1tbs. week and will acoompany them to children arise up and call her the Wayne township line on route Tomlinso n, and Mrs. Janie Haines Lebanon. This work was assigned blessed j her husband also, and he 42, Tuesday morning. praiseth her. Favour is deceitful, by the Superintendent. Robert Henderson and Ibis son of near Wilmington, one son JOBand beauty is vain; but a woman of route 3, were driving to Leb- eph, of neal' Harveysburg, and one that feareth the ,Lord, she shall be anon when the driver of an auto, brother, J. J. Downing, of Xenia. Eirbth Grade Funeral servicj!s were held at praised. Give her of the fruit of oQOupied by colored persons, g.oing The Eighth grade scholarship her hands; and let her own worn in the S8IITle direction attem,pted to the Friends Meeting House Montest will be held here Afril I, at praise her in the gates." pass the Henderson car, not seeing d'ay afternoon and burial was In 9 o'clock. Mr. James wll conduct She 'leaves to mourn her loss her a car coming from the opposite Miami Cemetery. . the Morrow test lind their teacher husband, five sons, one daughter, -------.~- ••-+ ~ ----direction in time to avoid a colliswill come to Waynesville. Mr. seven gran<!sons, three grandion. The n.orthbound car struck the Pyle and Mr. Ross Will go the the daughters, six brothers, and a host colored man's machine overtu.rncounty offiee Saturday, April 2 to of other relatives and friends. ing iJ; onto Ithe Henderson help grade. the pape.rs. Mr. James On her way to chul'ob. ~". machine upsetting it.' All three ,uld Miss Fox, will recheck the machines were badly damaged but Thursday , evening, Mrs. " Carl Card of nanJu papers when returned to WaynesSherwood w¥ attacked by tWo no nne was injured. ' ville schools early next week. We wish to thank our friends dogs and knbcked down. Sbe .... , ' . and neighbors for the Idtidness and badly frightened and .'u a relult' CROSS COUNTRY RACE is in' a very nervouS' eoJ1~itioti. " Boy. and ~i!la Track ~YP1])athy shown us during the IImeslI, and dellth of our wife and Th~re are ' two · m.n1 Clop " Both the boyS 'aJld girls of Way- mother. It has been aJlnoun'ced that the running. loose ' on , 'the metl! a,1)d nemlle schools, who are 'eligible " Barto , n 'Earnhart and Family annual Warren Copnty. CrOSB owners· shoull! lIee to "it ' that' theJ:, f<>r, track; , are 'praClticinlr for the • _ ..._ _ __ Country tun will be nl)ld at Leb- are kept at , ho~~-: ~'''' "-'! ': • . various ,events, .,T~ey are ~ticlnJ ., • 'anon, Friday, April ,15. . ," I". -~ during all the spare moments, Bucb AUTO TAG PRICES ~E,DUCED " T~e run will be made over ·the 811 duriDa' the noon Jlour and tlie usual ' croB8-Country coune' and tne ' ex~ cunicular periOd. " I , Persona purchasinJr auto'm obile ftni!lh will be at the Fairgrounds. , 'tIias ~ter April 1 will teceive a Laurence; DaVis, of this ·place. 'won Vanit,. to li. EDtertalned , ;' reauctlon of one-fourt\l '"from the th~ race for 1931. ". Wednesday, Karch 30 the full ' p~. Slmil~ r~dUtticiii8 will Varsity Baaketball team will be be, made July and October. I.. CRANGE MEETING entertained the butineu men" i.!':.c:rmerly the full pr~ was of WapeavlUe. The public:. II' In- cDlU'8ed rega,rdleu -of the time of . MaSSie TOWllship Grange wUl,.no"m"" viteil. Palrchaae your ticket. from. th,e year in which the auto taca be the lrUeats of Fanners'. Grange either eM · RObiber' 01' ~o,mer were pu,:chueel. . The new law Saturday night, AP-I'.i1 2, and - win Bamby ~r plate. ::::~ ~:~:"vtJesi~::::ctt= flmliab the entire p&'OD'8m. . A Iarp attendai1eeia, ~ , (ContiallH OIl PIP .) _ ·the oJaarjrea . . . three monk ,
Prospect for New Highway Through Town Looks Good
Meeting of the New Century Club Last Thursday
---_e _ ._..___
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- ---.- - ----
- . on
at .i.oo
Stewatt Edward White
it," declared Grimstead, "I wonder If anybody hasT Ho might be tied up already." "May be," l&'l'8ed Gardiner 'but I don't think ao. This seems to be his first test of the thlng/' "Well, we must tie him up," said Grimstead. . "Goin~ to buy him out, chief? Vou ould probably get it cheap, comparatively. " "Gardinel'," said the pirate, "I sometimes wonder a little 'about YOll." . "What ' do you mean?" asked Gardiner. "I gather you think we could drive a che(lp bargain with .thla young man." Glll'diner considered his reply for a moment. "Yes," he aid finally, with conviction. "I think we could before he . If,ets talking with some one else. ' "Of cour e we could, but we won't. I'll oifer him the very largest share J cun,' 01' the highest royalties poss ible consistent with control and good business. See why?" Gardiner shook his head. "Well, either this is a whooping big thing, or it is a flivver. U it's a flivver it doesn't matter if we give him the whole works ; it
NEWS GLEA".ED : fROM COURT HOUSE Common Plea. P a;oceedinlJ.
In the case· of Western Indu.'l-
The inventory (lfc Alice 1I. Lind, ed adminilltrator of estate of ompany as Burety, Charles H. executrix or estate of Daniel H. Rachel A. Morris, deceased, and Young, G. F. Brown and John C. Lind, deceued, was approved, filed bond of $8600 with the Unit.- Simpkins wel'e apPointed appraiaThe inventory of Josle Ada ed States Fidelity and Gl,Iaranty ers, Carey, executrix of estate of Jacob Addison Carey, deceased, was approved. r'lN"ANCU L rI'F}f'OR!I' 0 ..' 'I1nF.; DOAltO OF EIJU The inventory of Lester Frye) I"or ..'1.".1 , ' "nl' E 'n(lIng O""".uber :11 •• , 1e:11 administrator· of estate of Andrew J. l~l'ye, -deceased, was appr()v~d. )riuude 'l 'u"'II"hlp l1ur".1 s"hool pI •• rl'-.. " 'nrn'" ou... , ' Gorge E. You.ng wus appomtc: d administratur of .estate of EdWin IlECE'I"l'!1 Ite'·.... nel . A. Rickard, deceased, and file(1 T ax ~- L() a l r. \ ',V (~XC IU 8 Iv ' of 2.6u mills I VY ) . . ' 9.49 2.14 bond of $2000' with Elizabeth llonll H UI' lO nt F und .. ...... . ... ~-'- .......... $ 30(>.88 Burdgo Rickard ond B. F. Burdge, 1'1l."·· l ' roc d!! or dis tribution or 2.GGltllll s I ,' y . , 3,947.44 1'. , I\ S sureties. John C. WiIso!l' 1'Ollli TlL~I'K , •. • • • • •.••• • •• . . .•••. •• ••••••. • • $la,HHA 6 How8I'd ·S. McClure and Leshe 311lNesL i!1"U 11\ • 'I nl\, on 1J'I'Cllu clbi ndJl · . ... ... .. 1 30., ~ J)pp(,sltory J II ter'eMt ........ : ......... .. .. ..... ,. $ I &.6 1 Mc andless were tlp pointed ap'1'1I1t1011 (r'o m oLliel' DISII'lcts . . . ............ . ... . . $ ~4 .00 . praisers.
tries CovPOtlltion versus Vall Horne Tube Company, et aI, Col~ 6t.ew1ll't Edw..~ Whit. lins Wight and Chri -tinn A. ·Kurz, Jr., are made party defendants. . R.olea.,ed. thru. In the case of .I!:arl Evan)! and Pl.aP1Ulhe~ Au.t.oeo.lI'tel!' Service Ernest Evans ' vers us B. H. Dakin, et al the plaintiffs shall recoyel' from the defendan~s the ' sum ' of $3315.40. ' $I J.9~G.S2 ' J' Ol H..l J~ ~Ve l\ UO • . . •.•.••.•.•• , .• , •..•. .• • •.. • . CHAPTER. XI. 'You're righ t;..-..Larry." said she. In t he case of The Amel'ican l\fon .. U .... ' ·e-nuc I ) Marriall" Licen.e. 1 7,5 RI ll e of I.umb,' r fwd P(Hlts .. , . ... . . '" ... . . ' " .. .. , battery, Lashed to the rU'llning Loun and Rea lty . Company versu ' ,'" It\ f PI'OPf'I'h- .. .. .. . ....... . . .. .. .. . '.' ..... . . $ 707 .r,o Everett Elwood Dykes, factory Tn the ml)rnlng th e famous bOIll'd , had been connected up with J. W. Wilder, if t he defendllnt Su i" of T "Xl Ho·uks .. .. ........ ..... .. .... . .... ... S :J 7!!.!':u work er of Middlctown, and Miss the selI-start l ' which was now does not pay the amount duc the "Why, I'vc 1'end all your books tUI'nins:c over in the laborious and Els ie Coburn, of Oregonia. T u l rL I J'\O H MHl'v e nUl l . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . plaintiff the sheriff s hall sell t he and I've ju t loved them I" Prank V. Bruno, plumber, of chattels to pay tho debt. "Long arid patie nt study hus not vociferous mann er l?eculiar to the $ !f,.u8UO " ' (tent Ir ~ .,.~ II)t" ..... . .. .. .. .. • . .. . .. . ...• .• ....... ... Lebnnon nnd Mrs. Gurnet Ruth In the case o'f Clarenco Guin O" I..\X(' I-:. .1":'<1 <II: \, lsI. I!I:I I: yet l'evcalcd to me t he ;suitable spe cies. Grimstcad a nd Gardiner Irons, of Lebull on. . Il,onJ I: ! I r ~ n" ' nl \0'1111.1 ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l veniU S Annabelle Guin the plainanswer to one who claims she lovcs were inclined to stand and watch tift' is to pay to the defendant the your books," sadl)' confessed Dav- it in fa scination; but Daven$ 3uG .1S Tola l I .dan;· ellport. po rt was qui te unimpressed. s um of $35 on o'r beforc sixty Real E.tate Tra.... f"ra $lr, .HO . ~~ days fl'om this date for supp ort ·r (J l .n l l: oc{·l pl s n ntl Haln n pt' . ..... .... .. .... _ ... .•. Burton began t.o chuckle, then to " That's all there is to it," said msn U Il SEMI-)N'I'S Newton Lacy to Flom. Rnbe. of minor children. laugh aloud. J he. "Now all we have to watch out A - I' I'; \( UN.\!. ~ 1 ,:nV I CE: 102.64 ncro in Hamilton town"I'm thinking of t he joke on for is that. she doesn't run dry of _"tllulul"_ rntlun_ New Suit. ship . us," she explain ed, "of Dad. We lubrication. Simmins can keep M.' rnlJf.' l" ~ 110111' ,1 r 1<:.IIICl1 l lol1 .. .... ........... s 1 011 .110 t !'ack of that." l·/t·I·!< .. ... . . , . . .. .... , .. .... . ..... .. .... . . .. . $ I ri ll. UO F lom J. B.l 'yant, decease,j, to Myron F. Gleberman versus thou"ht you were a ga l'age meHe t urned away. 1 1l. I O , \11 nLIr "1" Ad ll, ln ls ll"tl.ll on ~a l ll rl ~s a lld \\· ""n·N.$ Ethel B. AlInker. Inl ot No. 86 in c'hnnlc !" lu .. trllt·tlunEu lll Glclloerman f or divorc e and "And me with such gentlemanly "Bo\\: we've got a good morning's Muson. l'rl llt· it."I ". 1','a h ,·s. d c. ... . . ........ .. .. . . . $ 8. H O. iI9 other relief. harge is grogs HI","rnUOIl ut Scboul J-'uOIOliver W . Morris' to Harold manners," he mour ned , "nnd my work in front of us," he announc-neglect. CHAPTER XII. .1IlilI h J J' ,"4, 1': nloC'l l 1\: t' r ~ nrHI. Other l~ml)lo )'£· M .. . .. . S '~I ' .O(( Swe ny. In!ot No . 121) in Univerdiction, faulty as it is yet observes ed checl·fully. "I picked a good ~ I.. ~c·l nl St~r -"It! eN_ Caerelia Danbur~' versus Louelsity ii cights s ubdivision. the I'ules of grammar." place for camp, before breakfast. would be giving him nothing. But la Bcsuden for mon ey. .( 1.00 t.ltlu IUI· I ·~ . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . , ••. . . . . . . . . . . • $ $ 9.40 2. 011 Tuta l Ppr so n n t S4.:I' \'ic t.,!'\ .••.• . . ••.... , ••.•.• Rulph Lemon ancl Mary Lemon "Y.our 'funn y little car misled us, We must move camp, and then we suppose it turns out to be a world lyde Wharton versus Albert IJ - :-;I · I · I ' I , II· :~ : to T. W. Todhunter and C. S. I suppose," she explained, "and mu st make a start on our road beater and we've made a sharp Stacy for money. 4.00 .\ .lrllllll"lmll,," Orrlc,' .. .. . . . . . .. ........ . . . . . . . . $ bargain. Either he, or some one tutes. Real estute in Turtlethen you were so han dy about out." . ~H~6 . 'j! 1 '-I' c~ t l~o~lk .:; . , .. .... .. ... . •.. , .. . . •.•.. ... . . . ... . $I r,'"i . t',,. Then ~ hoo l 1, II,m,·,· Huvl(" ....... . ...... .... ...... ... < "I'm going fishing this after- e lse, is going to buck. creek township. everything." Pro bale Court (h"1" Edu('a tionnl .. . . ... . ..... ... . ..... ...... .. . $ U8.74there's law suits without end. If, Orlllndo C. Moo re to Gaylor E. . "You reli eve me. The cal' was noon," warned Grimstead. Vup l .' "P I,-1 Mariana McLau(rhlin, adminisFlora. Renl estnte in Salem townthe cheapest I cou ld get for a pure The evening meal that night was however, we have at the very start 78.90 experim ent." a j olly one, thanks to a large befo re the thing has proven up at tratrix of estate of Mary E . 80 nII.\JI ship. $ 1.1 sO.on Samuel Butlerworth to Gilbert "And the battery?" trout, Grimstead's high good all, .given him a full share, then mel'S, decease d, filed hel' first and ('- .\INI·J:;IllAI..,!:; Jo'OIl l\IAI N 1'I ·: i':.A~ '8 : ' final account. Frye. Inlot No.1 in Waynesville. " Cnme to me just like a story, humor over its capture carried all when it turns out big he'll stay 1.lllll,lfn gOl Ilntl ·rolllld s . . .... . .. . ..... . .. , .. . . .. . $ r.!!.:l:J Everett E. Irons, administrator J . Rogcl' Brown and Rhea M. l it It ' I' . . •• •••••. •. ••• • •• •.• • • • • . • • . . .••• • ••• ••••• ~ ~O . I G a little at a time. I'm no mechanic. temperamental differences before with us." f'r v lul l\lnttl ri n l.f1 tOl' ~r/llnl {'IHlIH ' t ' . . . . . • • , . .. . . ~ . "9 Bl'o WII to Craig Reynolds. "Well, young man," said Grim- o'f estate of Isaac 8. 1ron -, d eReal No onc could be worse fitted tban it. Even the taciturn Gardiner un[ I·: )\ 1. " ' 1\11·::-.1' 1 .' 1~1~P LA EM I' ; i':'l'S : stead when they had returned to ceased, filed his invcntory. estate in Turtlecreek township. I to be an inventor. But I couldn't bent to tell an unecdote. 0 111" ,' ..... ....... ..... .... . .. . . .. ... . . . . .. ... . .. $ 79 . 79 Bertha Jones was found insane 79.79 .A manda Luce to J ohn Steigerhelp n oticinj,! from time to time Burton was in the highest spirits the fireside, "YQur battery seems T Oll ,1 ).;iluip ln c nt H (lp IHC't)m nt H ••.• •• •. .• •• • $ ~'I'ltA'1' N U OPI, N 01101': ]( SEr:V I ' !i:: wa ld. Inlot No. 1007 in Franklin. the incredible amount of power al 0, for she had what she con- to be making good. There's no and, is to be adI:Jlitted to the Day- Ic-('O 17.3:, H PIlIr'S SL,hou l Uull(IlIlI-(S . .. .. . .. ... ..... . . ... .. .• everywhere going to waste, and I sid~red a .very intrigUing secret, doubt that you have tl big thing ton State Hospital. Hugo Low enthal to Marjorie 1 1.~1) 1t ~ 1·"'tr·~ Ell ll.ca ll onlli E'Iullllll II I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Julia Tufts, a dministratrix of Lowenthal. 76. 15 acres in Turtle'one day when I was filling the whICh sh.e mtended to ~eep for tbe there. I don't know just how big, I'(' PILII'S I lit I' 1·: rJlllpIllCIll ... , ........ .... .... .. .. $ 1.00 1:!t;'~ i creek tow\l ship. starting battery of my car- I ba.ve I time bemg at least, In t~e b~pe but it's good enough to market as cstate of Annie DUl'ig, deceased 'l~III:~~I~~~.\~; til' ;" ~'f ' PI; i,il·s:":.:CO ;,\ ;'I;~ l . : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.10 ,1.1.00 ' tiled her inventory. Lew is got a car- it struck me wbat a o~ extracting fl'Om the situation it is, Ever thoug ht 0'1 it?" . Lillie M. Urton to ~ ti .~G The Lebanoll-Citizens National AdV~~~I... gol;lr·,l·l· 'n'~,i' Ol;~n ' O'I';I',,'r' X';~';I' e·.·.·.·.·. ·.·. $ "Yes, of course. But I've never nuisance it was, and I wonder-' stlll fur~her amusement. $ 2.g59.3P A. J. Scheurer. 173.43 acres in Washingto n township. ed if we couldn't get a battery I In thiS she was abetted by been sure enough it was 'going to B.ank and Tru st Company, guar- 1,'- F[XEf) IIAnCES , \. ' J) ONTJU HU TI N ': [,4 ,·10 I n~ UI· a. fI c ..••... . • . . . . . . . •.. . •. . . .... .. .. • • . .... S dian of Edna May Hopkins, minthat would work with air." , Larry Davenport him self. Now work to do anything about it." Rufus B. Thomp son to Ro\lie T" llC hpl·. 1! t' til'cnJ ('nt onU·ll,ulloll . . . . . , .. . ..... .• ~~6 . 3G "And tben you figured it out." thlit that young man really under. Grimstead cast an eye of triumph or, tiled its first account. :1;;0.7 & lind Bess ie SuttOll. 81.16 acres in 'I'ola l F ix d Itllr g"~~ and onITlbll tio ns ... . . $ The es t~te of Flora J. Bryant, 1l- I>ElWI' • 1~ItVl '8: "I did not'," he disclaimed. "I stood . the position in the social toward Gardiner. a lem township. H nds Ma tlll'ln g ... .... . .. .... .. .... .. . ........ . . $ 044 .30 "Well," said he, "I am consider- deceased, IS ex,empt from inheriNeva H. Patte.rson to John T. merely kept it in mind, the way I structure he was supposed to fill, 1lIl lJ r c~ 1 on Bon,l s . .. .... .. . .. . . ... . ...... ... .. .. $ ~ . ~ do a. story, and it worked out its he played up and became tbe ably in the electric line myself. tance tax, 673 .34 Harbin e JI·. Inlot No. 11 in Fred'I'o ln l DC"' l "rvlco .. . . . ... . .. ..... ... .... . . . $ The estate of Mary E. Sonmers 1- APl'l L TLAY : own plot, bit by bit. It took me Perfect Garage Mechanic. When What would you think of taking e ri cksburg. Ne w Bu Ildin gs .. .... . ......... . ..... .. . .. .... ... . 'i 07 .r1O deceased, is exemp l~ from inheri: some time to tumble to the fact this performance drew . S,mmin's it up with me?" Mary E. So mers, deceased, to '('otal Capltlll Oullny . .. . .... . ..... .. , . ... .. . 707 .& 0 tance taxes. "I wus going to propose it mythat the plates bad to be just ex- puzzled eye Larry's happiness was 'I'ota' OI"lturMeolent .. ... .. ......... ... ........ . .. . . . . $ 1 ~ .40 UI) ELta Eme"l'ick, et al. 77.50 acres . The Lebanon-Citizens National BAL A N 1"': . DECEMBF:R 31s L. 193 1: self, after you had satisfied youractly so far apart. But at last I complete. in C!eorcreek township. 3 . 92 got it to work and to work hard "Now," sighed Grimstead com- self the thing was going to run." Bank and Trust Company, guarG n~lr~~nt~~~a li,:~' :::: :::::::::::::::::: :: : : ::::: ' $ 38.0 2 (ContinUed On PIlirB S) "Goo~! Now I'm not going to dian of Shirley Lumb, min or is "{'ollLl J)lsIJursenrcnl s ILnd Bnlnnc for a long time. One h6rrible fortably, as he struggled to his .. ..... . ........... . $1 5. HO . ~ thought occurred to me: that may- thick legs a .f ter supper, "if you insult your intelligence by trying ordered to purchase certain a;ticAlIlIE'I'S ANIl 1. IAlIIlJI'J'IES . h",,,, ..be it. will only' work near electric young people will excuse us, Ross to buy outright," said Grimstead, les for interest of ward, 'lLslo . ......•. • ..• . • ..•..•.••.•.• • .•. . •. . . ......• , 36.92 Will R. Lewis wnc; appointed ad'plants already in operation under and I h.a ve a little business to talk craftily "aining merit from his A cco11I1lR 11ec iV:lJble .... . ......... . .... .... ..... $ 24.0 0 decision. 'You'd know better than l)'Iinistrntor o'f estat~~ of C. L. Dye, the .old methods." over." . In" nlO ,·,· 'upplfcs a nd Mahll'la ls ............... $ 70 0. 00 deceased, and filed 'bond of $4000 that. There are two other methods 1~\I"I H ( 81 H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.000.00 "Stealing what's· already been He lighted a cigar and, followed BlliI ,llll!:,s OS!) .. ... ..... .. .. .. ...... .. . . .. . . . . $ 10.01l0.00 made! I see!" by Gardiner, disappeared in the By one you would get '8 certain with the New York Casualty Com];;qulpln nl ('osl) .. .... ............... .. .. ...... 1 1,500.00 amount of stock in the company. pany as surety. W. C. Revenaugh "That!s wlly I'm. up in this wild darkness. 'I'otn l ASS"l" \ .. ... ... .. . ........ . : . .... . ... . .1 ~.2u 9 , 92 country, bag and baggage, I'm "Now," he demanded of Gar- By the other you would be paid a Clint Corwin and R. A. Nel Bo ~ Lin 1>111(1"...Acco un!" Payable .... .. ...... .... .. .. ........... $ 33 040 were app.ointed appraise rs . .going. to find o. ut. It .seems to be diner, once they were settled on a definite r.oyalty. 1n the first inLIllblllLl s . . . ................... .... . . . $ 33 .4>0 C~arles L. Beck, guardian of ExcNls 0TOlll! alright, though." convenient log, "How about it?" stance you w(luld have. a "oice in 1' D f1cl~ 1I Y ot Ausots .. .. . ............... . . . , 11 .U2 I .G .~ "You don't know how I appreHis benign ¥ood humor· had the management, and also respon- CurtiS Glenn Beck, et a I, min ors ·I.'hou l Dls lrlct P. . drlrcss Hllr" 'yslJll rg. Mllrch 16 . 1932 ciate your telling me all this, Mr. ·fa llen from him and his whole sibility. In the second instance filed his fourth account. I c I'liry tit rOI'cg-olnl; rellol'! to b , correct. Davenport," then she said. . being h"d tau.tened in~o a hard you would be relieved from all The will of Alice Che noweth deJ. 'V. IJA "IS ' trouble, but would have nothing ceased, was filed in court. "I told you my friends call me alertness. I ' rk. Bon,rJ of Edllcatlon. Mary C. Cross, eJ{eeutrix of es- '1;'lX Vll luatlon . .... . . . . . ...... . . .. .... .. ... . ........... Larry," he ' pointed out; then at "It's been running withou.t a to say." . ... . . $99 2.000 .00 11lx lAlvy .... ......... .. .. . .. .... .... ... .... .. . ... ..... . ....... t .OG tate of Robert G. Cl'OSS flIed her her slight- 'withdrawal,' "Now, break, and without apparent 108s "I see the di,f ference,' Davenport ~ c h uo l Enllmernllon . .. ..... ... ... . . .. . . .... ... .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. 20 2 inventory, really, look at me. Am I a Larry of energy at any time up to five nodded. "But I don't believe I Emerson Mason, E~xecutor of eslooking person or a Davenport o'clock," answered Gardiner. could decide as to my ' choice looking person?" He cocked bis "We've got to tie this thing down until I heard a more definite pro- tate of Mellvina Mu.son, decea sed ' eye comically in her direction. ' before somebody else gets hold 'of position of each kind. How much filed his inventory, ANNU I, 1IIlI'OllT OF THE LlllRK OF TilE VILLAC ..) 01' IJAJlVE'V I) IlG. W .."IJI~,," (lOVl\i'I'Y. OJlIO The will of Annll Schw~IJ'berg stock would I get, and how much deceased, was admitted to prohat~ 1' 0" .lte FI...,.1 ye... 'Ending Dec:"lUber 31, 11l3l rOytllty1" Ada Withrow was found in sane Grimstead he'r e showed further Ha rvey"!Ob urg. Oltlo. Janua.ry ..13. 193~ his qualification for chiefhood by and is to be admitte<,l to the DayI h er by certify th e follow ing .r eport to be co..r rect. ton State Hospital. IfEllJlIClt'l' lINEr,I, shooting back his proposal. He had Viling Clerk . Robert G. Morris was appoint. thought it all out. and was ready. "The royalty idea appeals to CONHOLlIlA'I'EO lI'I'A'rlilllEN'1' me," answered Davenport, "for I Gene ..al Vlllnll" Fuodal 1311 In.nee Janulll'y 1. 19lJ. ., .... ... - .. . .. .. ........ . $ 6 24.4 & certainly do not wunt to get mixed "Why, it sounds t4~rrible!" cried J<.oo Ill ls (or tlt e ~·c.a r .. ... .. . , .... .. .. ... .. ...... $ 1.H .. 96 up in affairs unless I have to, But Burton. Tollli .. .. . ... . , .. ..... . . . .. . .... . .. . ... ..... $ ~.07!l.1I I 'do feel responsibility in turning Ex)) ndltur 8 for th e yenl· ................. ...... . $ 1,(1 6 2,[;7 "ThlU's why I so~' there's a reF\nlnnce December 31. 19 31 . . .. . ... .. ..... . . ... ... $ 710.M a thin~ like this loose without try- sp onsibility connected with it. All SlokloK' "undal ing to do my part." Hnlnnce Jnnllary 1 . I vat. ..... . . .. .. . . .. : .. . .. . ... $ 107.41 this capital and these works of "You'll find the business part of various kinds and these wOl'kmen Receipts tor lh e year . ... . .... .... ..... ... ........ $ 64.28 THERE are times TOlal .. . . . . ... .... .. . . ....... ...... .,...... . . , 261.69 it in pretty competent hands," wil) ' find other and probably more when a baby ~ EX I) IIdllur >! t-or lho yenr ....................... . , lI~. OO Grimstead assured him. . fretful or feverish to 81l laJ) oe De 'ember 31, 1931 In SlnklnJ:" Funds . . . ultimately useful things to do 149 .69 "I do not doubt that for a mo- after a time. It shouldn't be 'i'otnl Bnlanc A"JI F untls Deoember '31. 1931. .. 860 .u3 bc sling to sleep. There are lOme T,r asul' r' s lLSIt D c. 31. 1931 (except Slnklng) .. S 7JO.84 ment," said Davenport. "I sprung on, them all at once." pains a mflther cannot pat away. But Cash In SI.nkln", Funds Doc. 31.. lnl. (add) .. ...... $ 149.69 shouldn't have a moment's uneasnslr ·AII Villug F\lnds D ec. 31. 19.31. "What would be your suggeslhere's quick comfort in Castorial iness on that score. I'm thinking of tion 1" asked Grimstead. . tlnclud lng' Sinking) . . .. . . ........... ... . .. . $ 860.63 1I1~lta f)1"tlDll •• nt the world at large?" Davenport laughed boyishJ.y. For ' diarrhea. and other iDfantile . Amoun L Of ,\Iarl es nnd \Va gcs paid durinG' 1931 .. 347.6 1 "World at large?" repeated "My goodness! That's a large iIIl1, gi ve this pure vegetable preparaGrimstead, a little blankly, order! Bllt I suppos,e it might be ti()u. Whcnever coaled ton,uea tell GI~N"JIlAI, \l-II.LAGE'" NOli "Yes. You, of course, have not fed out through a single industry Extraof comtip3lioD; whenever there'll aD)' thought of this as much as ' I have, at firstr-say, motorboat engines, ordlna..,. sign of slllggishness. Castoria hu a for it· is a new proposition. But or something of that kind. If we Ueeelp,., nel'al Tax 9 • ••.• ..••. •. .• ..• . • , • ••• , .. .• .•.• • : . ,~ 20 .7()' good tWlte; cbild~ love to take it I've been 'pondering On it for a held the patents, we ,:ould regulate Ignrcltc 'l.'axes .. .. . ..... . ..... . ....... . .... .. .. , 12 .13 long while. It's. the terrific upset that exactly.'! Buy the geouine-with Cha. R 1\10Lor Vehl 10 I..Ico n8 0 'l'ax es .. .... .. ........ .. .... S 467 .7i'i Casl)lin Taxes .. ... .. ........ ..... '. . .. ... .... .. s ·HJ3.00 the industry that must come from 'Then you finally prefer the stock Fletcher', signature 00 Wl'Ipper. Fines and Costs , .. . . . . . .. . . . .... . . .. . ...... ' ..... 6.00 this," , . p.roposition?" . ,mLs-Clty Prop erty. . . . . .... . .. . .. ..... .. ..... . 2 8.72 "O'f course there will , be readInterest on De\70slts ...... . . . .. . . .. ...... ... ..... . 21.6G "I guess it's what I ought to Do n a~lo n by C vic Longue .. .. .... . . . ... . .... ...•,.' 12.00 justments," agreed Grimstead. have," said Davenport. , "But just stop ' to follow this out Tollli Jt cc Ipt s .. . : .... ... : ................ _., 1.448.96 "Very well," returned GrimLet's suppose, for the . sake of stead. "Gardiner, get your note- Eal·cndltu~c", 'o\lrrcll -~ n.I"'ry. lnchlentals, E tc. ... ... . .. .... . .. , 64 . 00 argdment, that this battery is all book and take this." M;:tYOr- SlLhi.I'Y. o rrlce Expen>ic. 0Ic ... .. .. . ... : . .. $ 06 .01 it 'm ight be; that it is a genuine Gardiner had ris4!n from the lel'k-SaI UI·)' .. Oftlco Expense, Etc... . ......... .. , 37.60 short cut to unlimited power. The post of private secretary and so Trelu; urer-Sllllll·Y. Orrico J.Jx pense. Etc . . . ... ... . 27.41 Legal Advertising ... . .. . ......... .. .. .. .... .... . 16. 00 gas 'and electric companies would took short-hand. Mn l·sltal-Saln.I·Y .. ... .... . .. . . .. ...... . . . , . . . . .. . , 6.43 simply have to go out of business. "Draw me up 8 proper conStlltlon Rouse . .. , . . . .... ... , .... ... .... . ........• 3r,.07 Why should anybody buy anything tract embodying these points," ~ tl' (> t HCpl\lrR . . . . . ... .. .. ... .. .... . . ..... . ..... 612.09 Slree t Li g hting . .. ... .. . .. . , . .. . , .. . .. .. ........• 510-.00 Unless yousee ·the.name ·Bayer ~d imitatiOIlS. MilliollS of UJer!I have of them? Reaching out from. that, Grimstead instructed him. 'Patents think of the correlated industries in name of Universal Power Cor'l'oLnl Ex'pentllturos .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ... . .. . , 1.362.67 the word genuine on the package as proved ~at it is sale. that would be more or less affect- porat ion. Capital stock 100,000 ed-It DONDED DEBT pictured above you cau never be shares no par value, flIon-'8ssessable Genuine Bayer Aap~ promptly MONEY LOANED "I've got that kind of imagina- Forty per cent to Mr. Davenport. D""em.bI!r :n. 1001 sure that you are taki~g the genuine relieves: (Sinking .'oud 'rrudeea) tion, young man," interrupted Sixty to ·me. I to furnish all AIt.".a LI.bllltl"a . Bayer Aspirin that thousan,ds of Grimstead drily. "I'd already con- working capital. Manufacture to Oalnnc e Slnl(Lng 1'.JIlds .... $149.09 OUTSUNDING GENERA£. BONDS Neuritia Headaches sidered all that." (Payablo by GeDeral Taxation) commence within three months. physicians prescribe in their daily Publlo UtilIties: "Of course," smiled Dayenport, One hundred thousand dollarll to ColdJl Neuraltia Electl'IA) ' Light .. ... .. .... .. $100. 00 LONG OR SHORT TIME--EaaJ .practice. relapsing from his tense eagerness Sore Throat Lambqo be paid Mr. Davenport as bonus Total General Bonded terms. Alia Surveytl\f ad Ati"And then besides there are hun· cash payment on the conclusion ·o f FLOATING om:l.:.bt .. .. . . ..•. . , . . ... . $100.60 Itracting. Write and win caU Rheumatism Toothache dreds or thousands of workmen The name Bayer mC3!lS gUluine the first 1000 bona fide sales. That Deeelllber 31, lMJ. aDd ace you. Sam D. HeDId., Wa,. who would be thro'wn out of em- satisfactory as far as it goes?" 1..~pirin. It is your guarantee of No hlumful iI/IU-4«h follow i~ ployment for a time until a read--111 Grand Total OutstandlJlg . neaville, Ohio. (To 'be continued) purit,Y-your protection against the u.e. It dou not dqJna iM heart. justment had be.en made." nec 31; 19U .•.•• , ....•. FOR RENT ~====~~~==~============~====================~====~
munr..tloDl by IWnry J'!t Lee
.~~:,I~r;f: ; :: :L~;I: :»:: ~: ~ ~: : ~ ~:::: ~:::::::::: ~: : : : ~:~
:A ·5 PI·RI N
;s al·w ays
beware of imitations
5% .F arm Loans
FOR RENT-6 room house, nice yard Bind garden. Inquire lof Martha Cook, .mSO
FOR SALE FOR BALE-A fire proof safe, Buggy, Washin.e Machine" COrn planter, tools and ()ther artlcles; Inquire 'of R. A. Cross PI' Mary C. Cross. . .·a6 EOR SAL]}..:....Seed .P<>tatoes, Carmon No .. 3. D. .Hollingsworth, q~egonia. Phone 477R · Lebanon: , '. _. ' , ' · ·~O FREE' FOR 'It. LIMITED' TIMFhWith· eacti JameilWfty Brooder House, . :$22.150 B~ve or same aJIlPul\t 'in poqlp-y equipment. L. V. Brjln9~ato .., Watrieni1le, Ohio. Phone .l16R2. ( '·m28 .
FOR SALE-About IS ton-, Timothy ~at. H;' O. Cornell, Route 1,. Wayne~lle. '. ·m80 ,
SALE-No, ·
Se.ec1, '2.1& per 11.. A.
and C, D. . ' Coote; Hane7lh1a'. O II•
Plowing Time
D. L CRANE : : PubU.her Sub-.criptioll Price, $1.50 a Year Office Phone•. . , .......... . '.!.' .. No. 112 Entered nl PoBtofflce at ,WtIlYM8Re.idetlce ... , ..... , ..... ., ... ..... No. 118 ' ville. OhiO, n~I~~Ornd ClUj! Mull
MARCH 23, 1982,
Chicigk Convention Champion of 1~3.2 ~
Than He Was at Twen~
By Mr •• Je •• ie B. Tripp
'ThEl crows are out in numbers, They caw, and flap thl!ir wings; , The hens Bing ' round the do-oryard And the cocks crow, noisy tbings.
Out neal' the bilf old straw-stack The cow~ stand In the sun; The farmer and ,his horses ~uring 1931 life insurance companies of the United States paid 'fhe plowing, have begun. to pohcyhold?rs and beneficial'ies the 8um of $2,600,000,000. What thIS. meant to the country at large staggers the imagination. We heal' borne on the echo It' meant that In a year of depression millions of dollars upon millions the teamster's noisy shout ; of dollars. went Into circulation, which started business financed fac- It is gee, and haw, and git up, tories, supplied capital for concerns of all kinds, and~f greatest im- As he turns th e fuM'OWS out. ·o rtance- helped furnish employment to hundreds of thousands of our citizens. There are many brush-piles burnPresident Hoover has said that "the sixty-eight million policying, . holderll of the country with policies aggregating one-hund re d-nine Smoke, l'ises everywh ere: billion dollars, repI'esent a major stl'atum in the very bcd-rock of our And throws it's pearly clou c.l~ economio 1i1e. Insurance not only proteets the home and family and aloft, their social and spiritual values, but helps t o meet current and future In the pleasant spring-time air. . needs of expa nding ind,ustry, commerce and education. I am informed that more than half, or fifty-four per cent of the people of the United Ncar by, a violet' s blooming, . States, own life insul'Unce. The individual initiative, foresight and Upon it's mossy bank; . . systematic saving which. this represents makes for stability in the en- The horses snort, and toss thell' tire soc ial order." manes Owners of insurance policies will echo that- and particularly Their tails, done in a hank. those owners who have watched other types of investment wither, while their insurance investment deviated not one cent in value, and is Old Ja ck, the dog is waiting, as so und today as on the day it WIiSi bought. Life insu1'8nce is one of To help , old faithful thing, the half-dozen great businesses which, in the best sense of the term He too, is glad and happy, work in the public service. He too, knows, it is spring,
Life Insurance Makes for Stability ·
Federal Excise on Automobiles The proposed Federal motor vehicle excise tax should not be accepted with closed eyes. On, first glnnce it seem s an easy and fair means of raising revenue- but on consideration, its vices far outweigh its virtues, One worker in every ten in t.he oountry-4,OOO,OOO in all-is dependent on the automobile industry for livelihood, and business genera lly looks to the industry as one of the leaders in the work of recovery. Automotive planl.l:l are located in 41 states--and all states contribute material used in automobile construction. Thus, any move that would retard the sale of motor cars would tend to increase unemployment and slow down business recovery. There are, at present, 26,000,000 motor vehicles in use in this country, one fifth of which are owned by fanners. Two-thirds 'Of the buyers of cars have income~ below $3,000 a year, and 85 per cent of cars sell for less than $750 wholeslile. Consequently, the automobile tax would mainly affect the person of small means. In many cases, the additional cost made necessary by the tax would prevent a sale. What we need now is business stimulation-and anything that would act against that should be discarded. The automobile sales tax may look good on paper- but in its actual working (Jut, it, would very likely prove damaging to the entire country.
-~ _real'll old, and still F WI:"Y SOlD' SU'Ol(lB
elllcalro stadium In which tile Dcmocrlltlo Natlonnl Com'entlon \\111 be held. Inset-llch '1n A. Traylor, member of tile Ch'le Cnnunlttec whlcb oblalned till' COnYClllloD for Chicu!:,o hus jumped Into a long C IClld over In lhe raco (or winning eoo\'ent:on assit'omcnts, HICAGO
cilher citles
Getting the two grC:lt nssemLlagcs of Democrats :lnd Rcpu\J!ico.ns In June puts Chicago wollin .the lend and gives the "\Vlr,.cJy City" an opportuV ACCINATE YOUNG PIGS nlly to sta!:,c th eso co !n r~ul af:llirs as II. curtain raiser to tilo "Cca!ury of The dreaded disease of swine, Progress" widell wtll be a headl ine nt· hog cho lera, which took h eavy toll tmction In 1933, Already the COllvenamong Ohio herds last fa ll, may lion pot Is boiling m~rrily as com· be prevented from I'ecurring this llliltces of prom ir.enl business ,m en yea\' if the young pigs are vaccin- Ilrc orGllnlz'ng 10 recch'e thoup-ands of visito;'" in Chicago uu~ins J t.:r.c. ated when six or seve n week old. One of t!'le Ic:atlel's who has helped to bring the bluo r ibbon convemion FORAGE CROP FOR SHEEP a ssl bnmen~s to ChIcago Is Melvin A, Traylor. p:eshJ'lnt of the First Na· and a busir.cen man "'lill Dwarf Essex rape seeded at' the tional Vellie taclding big joLs. Mr, 'I'rayrate ot' 4 pounds in rows or 7 alor.flairnforna!ivc of l\p nt :lcJ~ y, h r.o pounds broadcast per acrc on a Ilehlc\'ed n:ltJonru and IJlteruu!:o:lal well-prepared seedbed con!!titutes the most satisfactory midsummer
~o;i~g~r~~°fs ~fie~h~~~da~od s~;::s:: !;:-HlIf"A ' RVEYSBURG ment pasture durmg July and • August when bluegrass is more or less dormant and th e nutritive value of the grass is at a low point
(nmo in llnJlncc and business by his di n tJn'gui ~IIL d 6~I'vlce in Chic:l ho. 'l'exas nnd throughuu t tho Middlu West. 11 0 was one of the d ·leguliun hea ded \Jy E. N , Hurley anti Mayor Cermrut of Ch icago who w nt to Wash1ngton and cl;n chcd their bid fol' the Nationnl I)ernoel'aUe Convention Wi lh a tun,l of SZ(x),Ooo. Chicago has e::c~ptlonol facilities for enterlainlng both UepulJlican und Democrnl,c COD"cutions with in a single month. AlrC'atly thc cnl;'inccrs aro at worlt , .. th blue prints 10 arr:lll;;C the interior or the hubo Chica~o Sladium wh ere both conventions wi:! be held, The assembling- of · both conventions promises to be a gTcat spectaele. for tho arena where delegates w ill be BOllted will accommodate \Jet '::ecn 8.0Q0 and 10.000. Circling lh. arena. 0:'0 16,000 Bcats where gueatll u:ld visitors may be accommodated.
- --,---
News from .Court House '
'0 \\~C" Vu\.\. G\\O~'M ~'" ~"'! G\\~~"t ~~\n!. \~ ,.,,"\\'. OEVE \.o~",e", COtf\~\~G ~~\) "'n\\t.\,,\f\G
"\\\i.N\ ~tC::OQ.ti\~c. ~o ""'E $'t~li 0' "~E MOMtMl
.. - ..----
Public Sales
1\\1 N:~\\ ,"'", '" '\\\. t'M.'t ~ ~t
.UO~M c~,~~ ~~~
_ft..,~\w. '1\t'
~I\I\;U, ""01i\tl~£""
'W~al "t~ .
.,.""'" ; .. ,,*.,,"'" .IA'" ,"', a'110
~m\IM.. , fU.~'" ..-A!ltl~'l\. ," "'~l) "n) .
"'~,,\.v 1\\\ ~t · .'
to 63-paae mOlllblJ m _ On account of the death of my ., llae or..",,,,14 ,u11 01 "untwife, I will sell all 9f my farm IlIII. IIIblllll. """'DIne an4 .., chattels at public auction at Ply .rapPIDlfllOitOlaadplcfur nluable IDlom.tleD .bOU farm, located 3 miles N. of Way- .UD.I.NTOlvers. t!.BblnK' taok.. "IDe I." ohall&", bed nesville, 1 ~ miles S. of Lytle, plo_ 10 ,.1l11li 8114 pme, Ohio, '2 miles E. of DaytOn and .10. Lebanon Pike, on State Route 73, on Wrdne.d_y, March 30, 1932, Beginning at 10 :30 sharp the following : . 3 Work Horses, 6 head Cattle, 80 head Chickens, ,F armillg IiIIplements, 400 bu. Corn HameS!!, ;h:~12nJ~lI..ngml11tl~~ 01 nu"'\~iool antI ~II Household and Kitchen Furniture. blade b>Q~I. Ib'l1e4 to nt bond ' o.t;otb erwlthlefttlu~rl bO!lt.b . Terms Cash. SAM CHARLTON ~~~A 1r.,~:. t,aul:lf~~b~J~ and oampl0S trl"". I F. T, Mllrtin, Auct. ~:~ ~l\M blh.&nJafiD;l=. Walter Hibbard, Clerk.
More than 300 Ohio farm boys During tile last of · March and and girls from 150 communities the first part of Apr!l farmers have entered the state-wide an- who feed . beef cattle will have an nual Farmers' Institute poster con- . opportunity to leal'n whether .a test, according to J. P. Schmidt, profit can be. made from theu supervisor 'of Farmers' Institutes feed-lot operatIOns. ! at the Ohio State UniverSitY, who • - ••- - - says that no additi(Jnal entries y.rill be received after April 6 and urges all competitors to send in ..... their posters before that date. , All boys and girls entered in the state-wide contest, he states,. have won local community contests and may compete for prizes ranging from t\\lenty~five dollars to . '. (Jne dollar. Seventy ~even prjzes valu, ed at one hllJldred and seventyfive dollars, ha'vc" been offered to students in thE! grade schools of '! the state. . , , High .schooratudents· may com'pete for "ne of U Ilrizes, valued' at one hundred! a~d 'twenty-five dollars.· The first. pnze iii twentyfive dollal'l! andl · tihe last ,twenty prizes"are worfh a'· 'dollar each. .' . l'htLcontest; Scbm~dt. ,poi:n.t8out, is 0p'en tit a~l ,J)Upl1li in school cif c~nlmul\lties \tIo-lding instituteS. , whether 8ta~e alII or ind~pendent. Institutes without, poster contests last year bad an average ' atUn.' dance of 200 at 789 'SetllliODL' The averqe attendanee wa 280 at ·2696 II8IIIloJl8' i!"b~ polter 4!On-
testa were
nStllNGV I will offer at public auction at the Hotel, Waynesville, Ohio, on SatW'day, April 2, 1932 Beginning at 1 p.m., the following: Household Goods and Miscellaneous articles. Terms Cash. L. D. CHILES HUNTINO W. N. Sears, Au~ &: FISHINO
s..i1ht CharlIe , ...,.
~t ~'t\~t .~lQ
Harveysburg Fert'ilizer Company
Stanley &Koogler
National B . .k Will. Drawn • • E.tate. Seul. . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
----_ ..----
Dead Stock Wanted
Odd-But 'TRUE
Man's battle with costly insect pests and plant diseases is tersely outlined in a new bulletin on sprays and pest control.in the orchard issued by the agricultural extension service at the Ohio State University. Spray programs for apples, PHONE 8F3 pears, stone fruits, and grapes, are considered in detail by the authors of the bulletin who point HARVEYSBURG, OHIO out the merits of the various sprays, the importance of proper timing, and the need for thorough applications. Another section of the bulletin Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. deals with the composition of sprays, the best kinds of sprays for dorment u se, and the best FOR SALE DATES CALL kinds to apply during. the summer months. Among the spray materials discussed are oils, lime-sulfurS bordeaux mixture, nicotine, arsenate of lead, and arsenical substitute!!. Twenty pages are devoted to the problem of spray residue, sprny and weather injury, use of spreadJESSE STANLEY ers, amount of spray material required for adequate covering, Phone 320, New Burlin.ton, Ohio spray equipment, and dusting. A copy of the bulletin, which is EARL KOOGLER number 128, may be obtained free Day tOll' Phone from the county agricultural agent or from the department of agriculKEnMore 8986 tural extensiol) at the Ohio State Univel·sity.
Farm hight 1 alks, April 4
~ttl G\\O~ i!A\\\)\;. Of "'(\\\M ~\.\.OW \\\t II.N\\)\
. . Do you want the secret of such vitality? It isn't what you eat. or any tonic you takr,. It·~ something anyone can do--sometl:iug you can start today and see resUlts in a . Ihis help. weekl All yon do is give yohr vilal Get a bottle of this delicious organs the rigl:t stirr.ulant. sy-rup and let it end that constant . A famous doctor discovered the worry about the condition of the way to slimul"te a sluggish system bowels. Spare th e children those to new energy, It brmgs ir '"h "igor bilious days that mAke them miserable, ' ave vour Itouseho:d fr om the 10 waf/ orl}CII . Being a physicia li's p'res rlption. it's quite harmless, usc of r albartics which lead to rcll you r druggist you wont II hattIe chronic constipation. And guard of Dr. Caldwen's SVf!lP pcr~in. Get 3?uiils t auto-inLoxicution as you the uenefit of itS fn$ h b;o(nLivc grow older. Dr. Caldwcli's syrup peps'n is Iirrbs. active senna. und th a t purc 'surh !l ",>'11 known preparation you pep ~in , G t thut lazy h\'cr to wurk . ('till g(' : i: whercver dr'Jgs arc sold 1!lll, e stap"l1nt bowels into Rd ine'. Gct rid 0 waste mutter that is slow ~I!HI It ;:-u' l ex·" nsivc.
Mrs. Myrtle Thomas and Miss Chadotte entertained on Sunday her mother and Mr. and Mrs. Bursupplies, $15.33; Gem City Blue nis Thomas and family, of Daytnn. The eliminnt,ion contest fOI' the Print & Supply Co. , Blue Line Prints, $18; H. L. Schuyler, pny County Oratorical meet was held roll, $40.80; Carl Dakin, pay roll at the Gym Friday evening. The $42; Joe W. Davis, services, 50c; judges were tt!achers from KingTh. O. S. U. Radi. Statlon-WEAO Lewis & Drake, Inc., cement., $71.- Inan. Entered from the lower 92; V. W. Tompkins, pny roll $81; grades were Doris Doughman, (R. B. Stoltz, Chairman, Dept, Dairy Te chnology, Presiding) E. D. Jones, pay roll, $175,40; L. Jimmy Thornbury, Barbara Thorn8 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers 8:05 Forage Crops and Pork Productio!' .. .. ............. ,.. .. .. J. W. WUi.chet E. Witham, pay r<lll, $94; A. T, bury and Mary Osborn. The win8 '20 A Name or Number for Every ChICk. ................... .E. J. MeIster Rettig, pay roll, $104.80; Joe. W. ne rs were Jimmy Thornbury first . Ohio Poultry .Imprvnt. Assn. Davis, pay roll, $142; Charles and Doris Doughman second. The 8:36 Tile Drainage in 1932 ....... .. .... ; ............... .. ........ .. . G. V{ •.Conrey Bradbury, pay roll, $86.80; John contestants from the upper grades 8:50 Spring Management of the Ap18ry .... .. " .... ............ :.. ". Vlrgll Agro Myers, pay roll, $126.20; Floyd were Helen Rae Thornbury, Billy 9 :05 Lighting the Country Home ........ " "." .................. .. .... I. P. Blauser Lemmons, pay roll, $84.80; Carl Carr, Alice Bogan ~nd Edna Var9 :20 Tackling Highway Right-of-wllY Problems ........... ~. E. Strauss Dakin, pay roll, $74; George Ben- vail. The winners were Alice State HIghway Dept. ham, services, $6.30; E. W, Knapp Bogan first, and Helen Rae Thorn1):36 Rabbit Feeding and Diseases ................. .. .......... .. ..... G. A. Secord operating maintainer, $25; Leslie bury second. Virginia Davis won Veterinary College Shultz, operating maintainer, $52; first and Lura Ashlay seco nd in the 9:50 Delayed Dormant Sprays .. " ........... ,.. .. " .............. " .A. L. Pierstorif C. M. Charlton, operating main- high school. Those winning first in tainer, $20; Frank WHson, mech- each division will represent our anic, $57.20. Eden Terry engineer schoo l at Lebanon this Friday. $93.75; American Betumals Co., R. H. Jefferii; and son, Kirk, recreek township. Arthur Neufarth and Alma supplies, $60:26; Blair & Leroy; turned home F'i 'iday from, a degravel, $36.76; Johnston & JohnsNeufarth to Bernard Thorman ton, supplies, $14; Zain Armitage, lightful tTip West. They visited in and Viola Thorman. 110.3 acres gravel, $14; Spring Grove Trac- Oklahoma, Texas and California. Mr, J efferis mother lives at Whitin Deerti'e ld tOwnship. (Continued from page 2) tor and Equipment Co., repairs, tier, California and most of their $284.68; East End Garage, gas, time was spent with her. SybU LeMay and Frank U. L~$5.25; Flach Equipment Co., reMis, Mabel Starr and James May._ to Israel Scott. Real estate Charles Hempstead, wood, $6; pairs, $15,80; Kilpatrick-French in Wayne tOwn·ship. ... Blobe-Wern~ke Service C<lmpany Motor Car Co., gas, $98.01: Mlor- Hampton, of Dayton, were weekSybil LeMay and Frank U.I Le- supplies, $4.10; Cincinnati &: Leb- row Garage, gas, $32.34; Frank end guests of Mrs, Amanda Starr. May to Henry Westerman. Real anon Express, eicpI't!8I!, S5c; Ditto Sherwood Co., equipment and gas, Miss M.argaret. Stan and Paul estate i1\ Wayne township. · . • lD'c orporated, supplies, $3.10; $33.67; Oregonia Bridge C<lmpany Smiley came down Sunday. Frank Roberts and friend, of llu,o Lowenthal to Ma!,]one R'ichal"d L. Williams, services, $10; repair work, $45; Franklin Motor Lowenthal. 35 acres in Turtle- Mrs. Enn& Hibl1ar, services, $10; Co" Tires & Tubes, $38.86; Frank Dayton, were Sunday callers at the c:reek towruhip. Albert Millard, services, $10; Mrs. Minnick, repairs, $6.50; Reid's home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray Lewis C. Urtori and LiUie M. Julia Holland, services, $10; The Drug Store, supplies, S5c ; C. D. and family. Urton to Frank. Brandon, TrustefS Westetn Star, advertisingl $6.60; Smart, gas, $18.58; Spring Grove Miss Etta M{:Carren, of Dayton, foOr Lewis C, Urton. Inlot NOB. 22 Hine\! &: Hopkins, supplies, $7; Tractor & Equipment Co., sup- is here with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. and 23 In Ft. 'Ancient. Waldron C. Gilmour, inquest, plies, ' ,8.12; Howard T. Cook, McCarren and daugh.ters. Anna D. Hankinson to Verner $8.30; Stakalta Mfg. Co. supplies, gravel ,285; W. C. Turton, ceMrs. Nancy Reynolds bas gone Simmons and, Marie Simmons. In- ... 15; Columbus Blank Book Co., ment and sewers, $7.76; F. H. to Milford for an indefinite stay loti No.5 in Franklin. , supplies, $16.75: Kilpatrick-French Zimmerman, supplies, $6; J. W. with relatives, '. Etta Emerick, et al to William Motor' Car Co., taking jury to Lingo Hardware Co" supplies, An interesting Easter program B. ~unyan. 77.50 acres in Clear- Franklin, $15; Stakalta Mfg. Co., $15.29. was given at the Friends church. , The play "He's My Pal," w\l1 be put on at the Gym Wednesday evening, April 6 by the Baptist ' Missionary Circle. I Admissi(ln charges 10 and 20 cents. Everyone is cordially ur~~ed to attend. Mrs. Lillian Carr was out . of school Tues!lay, due to illness. John Bogan and family have moved to the Underwood farm and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Camp and family have mo'ved from Blooming," ton into the property they vacated. The Camps have purchased . the place. Mr. and MI:s. Rue Carr and family sPent 'a few days this week '''' ~t \)t~t"'''( at the Carr home. They came on \.\)\·~l·G~~~~~ 1"'~ :from Ossawatomee, .Kansas fol' the funeral of Mrs. Carr's mother.
poison so long as it is permitted to remain in the system. , . The nW) enugy men and IDOmen ftel btfore one boUle of Dr. Caldwelrs syrup ptpsin has been used up is prool of how much the systtl1l needs
HUNTING A FISHING franelt Bldg. Boeton,
ROOT FOR AND CQNSIGN • your Cattle, hogs, 8he~p and c~lv•• to Norris-Brock Co., live wire.'and pr ogressive firm for the hlehut market prices and good service. Un'i on 'Stock Yard.' Cincillll&tl, 0. Tune jn on Radio Station WCKY 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily market reports. "
DR. RUDOLPH Sight' Specialist J
30 Years Experience In Fitting and Making e.
Jewelry Shop
LebanoD, Ohio Tuesday, Tbund..y, Satul'da7 Examination Fr.. LEBANON, OHIO
Auc't ioneer
SATISF~CTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J IDEPENDABLE
EPAIRING Watches Clocks Jewelry
Store Open Evenings
• proll'aID to the IChool ldareh 30th, seventh and REPORT period. aa follows : FOR THE PAST WEEK Recitation MUllic . .. .Jean Furnas . ' ........ .. Ellen Guy e~bt.h
Mr. a nd Mrs. J . V. Hartsock ILLUSTRATED RADIO were Cln in natl hoppers t.fonday. MEETING TO BE HELD Mr. an d 1 r~ . A. O. W i11 ia m~ , ot Duytcm, were Wa.yncsvill visitors T he first..ilIustrated radio meettoday. ing in the United St4tc"M will be Mr. ami M l' • A. K . Dny wcre held at 1 p. m. in Warrcn co unty_ !in ner g uests of MI'. nnd l'l'lrs. 10'. wh II f a rm tI()ck olvner Qltten d a POUl tTY 'meeting to be conduoted in . LeMuyo Easter Uay. the Grand 'l'h titer at Lebanon. Discus ing su.ch t(>p ics liS" Ul'e MI'. and 1rs • .Chnr les Zimm !8rman lUJd fami ly spent Sunday wilh Poultl'Y Uemedies" and ' " Chick I'e llltives at Jumesto·w n. F e'tii l\(! in 19:J2,' t.he c ntil'e stuff of the poulb1~ depu rtm nt at;. t he Erllc;;t Earnlull-t, of a rlislc, hi o tnt,e University will JlarticiOhio, will sing at FelTY hUl'ch puie in the meeting fro m t he s t~te unday lll ol'n illg, Apr il 3. owned l'ilQio stlltion WEAO . Fil m ~ tJ"iPli will be lIynohl·.oniz,c ll wi~h Mr. amI }\frs. N, A. King, of the ir tal ks ~Ind th ey Wl\1 d ISCUSS In lndianap olis, sp nt S l Llrday nnd detail pi cture, iIlu stmling: some of ' unda y with Mr. and rs. Walter the lested III t hods 1' 0 1' chick feedElzey. illQ a nd dii'ca 0 conlrol. ' A queslion and unswer forum , Bertha Fil er, ' of Ci ncinna ti ou nty Age n Class ann oun ,es. Bibl t' Seminal'Y, spent the wee k- may be conducted by phoillng end \dth ~cr parents, MI'. and Mrs. qu est ions lit th c l1lectinj:( to the J. S. Filer of F el'l'Y. poultry department at thc state univcT~ i ty . The e qu cstions will be MI'. and !ill'S. P. L. Reason weI' lUI s\I'cred by radio II few minutcs gu csu; of !\f1·S. J1a.rles Ji'ester in lateI', Dayt on. o n Sun day and a t.lended ~,() I'vic c!' a t the High strcet U. B. church .
Director of Funeral Serylc. The Ladies Aid had a call mller,. DialogueAra bella's Poor Rela. ing Friday aft er-non at t he home ( CQn lnue r om age nons. of the lJresid nt, Mrs. Ru th a vage Mu ie ..... ...... ' .... RaY'Van 1\1rs. L. B'. Hull of neal' Wayn e _ F • .F. A. Greenhand De, re, Th~re W I'e 13 bOYIi elect d to Debote.. Resolvedj t hat Stealin' i1l e was a dinn er g u est Wednes. Modern fUll erals dema nd prop. tak thO gre nhand degJ . on hicke ns Ain't nO CTime. day, of Ml'.. Wa lt r K nrick, and Cl' cq uipmen t a nd' a thorough l.taf. h 28, "ow Vel' only s~ven t ook MuSic ... . ., .... .... . . Quartet cal1ed on .other Lytle f r iends. Knowltldge of up·to-dut e met hods Mno. ntry Car mo ny and Mrs. it. 'l' his was tile fll'St time t hat Toba cco can vas nt Hjrman ·s. ' 1' d.elft WI\S put on al the regular Blue Monday Attitude Attacked Clara Th ompson ac.eompanied Mr. AMBULANCE . SEJtVICE· mee 'in . No boy was excllsed :from In Economie, Georraphy and Mrs. W. F. Clark to Mulford's 1932 Wall Paper ju t arrived MY pSl·t nnd everyone got his Talk a bout your reform a cts I green house near Leba.non W ed· 4c a ro U and up. Myel' Hymnn. Phone 29 Wayne.vi~le, Ohio . htU'.~.h boys fou n~ . out that Mr. Lotz has set out to reform t he n esday to e,a the Ea ter . lillies. .h sometbmg Mr. a nd Mrs. 'Wymer L. ·Dmke ". \'els . Were for "Th G ' b hsides d Blu M'onda.y attitu d e 0 f Mrs. W. C. B ergd a l Iad n Mrs. dlglrmg ghrntv('t~' . leen t~h S peop le in Economic Geography Fra nk Itobinson spent Saturday in visited relatives in Mason unday, wer taug e meanmg 0 e class who n ever have t heir lessons Dayton. Dr. A. T. Wrigiht is visitilljr' his F·.ft;l Ai4;r:1!}e~~ening the boys this day, a nd he ~as succeeded Mrs. Gu y Routzah n ha been HI !<on Al fre d and fa.mil y, in Col umentel'taill the (IepaJ;'tn)e.nts f thu fal'. He has given ~s a test with g rip t he pust week bu t is im- bu ~. Loblmon Monroe WestcheRtcr and 0 1' two Mondays stralgfh t anhd proved at t his t ime. PAINT E R DECORATOR h . " at the ,I cal gym. we haven't te d ' k a t. Kmgmqn ft . h 'a nyery opes t ' hor ' ways Mr. an Mrs. WI a te r Kennc W. n. Ma dde n & o. havc j ust PAPER HANGER se In IS tend ed the fun eral of J ohn Cust en- un loaded a car of shingles. u Ule as e IS v lnte r ior Decoratin g~ Crnftex and Home Ec:onomic:a - - -- --bo t:der in Da yto n Thu rsday afterom po-Tex. Wa ll l"inisn, FurniMr. ·and Mrs. Ge orge Kern fn the cIa. of Home Economics NOTICE noon and the bUI'ia1 at Mia mi t Ul'e an d Woodwork Refini shcd, spent t he week-cnd with relatives in Hill'h School, the 3rd unit of cemeter y. 01(1 I"IPOl'5 Regmi ned . work IS 'bein g completed thi. week. To our- many patrons throughout Mr. a nd Mrs. Ed Longucr e and nl Defiance. ALL WORK FIRST CLASS Thus far ,,-e have studi d break· t he ·community. We will do Mrs. J. B. J ones wel'e Da yton Miss Bcatrice Robiw~ e r, of O. Low st P i-icei' fast, luncheon and dinners. business t hrough The Crawford visitors Sa t urday. The next unit to be st udied wil l Commission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Gl'ay of W. U., spent the Ea~ter holidays Waynesville, Ohio 32 'Box deal with buffet spreads, teas and on and after January ISt, a ssuring Bla nch ester we r e week-end g uests at her hom here. menus for sp~ci a l occasio ns. , you t he best of service, both fQr of M:r. a nd MI·s. George Gra y, Sr. Tun e in 011 the C. & B. pr ogram, Mr. und l\lr: . E lwood Andl'cws, In grade Eight we haye fi nished caring for and selling your stock. Mr. a nd Mrs. Allen E mrick wer e a study ?f salads and t hiS we~k we We thank you for the past and East er dinner g uests {)f Mr. and stat io n W KRC eveI'll Sun day of Dayto n, lVIl·S. Elizabelh Lew i. , W. D. CORWIN Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn Stansberry a nd n1"e makIng ~ stu '!f of :;andwlches. hope for your future patronage. Mrs. Charles Anderso n and f amily .ut ern oon a l 5 :30. WCI" d inn I' guests of fami ly The :practical Side I S t hat ~ll SALISBURY'S at Wayn csville a nd a tl,' nded E as'''. D. ol'\vin, alc m tow nsh ip Miss Bc m yce Hyma n spent Frunk St.a ns berry and fami ly. on announccs hi s candidacy for t he t er serviees a t M. Eo church. t hese dishes are really prepared In several days last week with rela- Su nday. Pro~ress republican nom illa t ion fo l' I'eelecclass. TRY Mrs. Ma rgare t J ohns wa~ a week t ives in Cin cin na t i. tion to th e office ,o f county co m8th Grade Pro .. ram OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS end gu est of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Gru en Watc hcs -" l t...q real missioner, subject to th primary, • Surface nea r Lebano n. 1032 Wall Paper now in. 150 nc\\' ~" wh n !luch qua lity a nd T ucsda y, May 10. Mr. James' eig1)th Jtrade will FOR RESULTS Mr. and Mrs. ,"' alker of Leban on pa tterO!t to select from . .l,c and up, gelluin A wide g ulf seporutes wort h as Gru en 15-jewlll a re now ca ring f or Mrs. Ann Myer Hyman. wul 'h es can be had f or $25. See E. B. MURR EL L thc m.o de rn fu neral direcSmith, whose condit ion r ema ins hop, thcm at Cary 's Jewelry tO I' f rom the " und er lak er" E. B. 1\1 \lI'I'C \I, co un ty t l'easurer . The W. C. T. U. w ill meet a t Leba non, Ohio. about the. same. autho ri zes us to a nn ouncc his th e Fl'iends Home Thursday, of fi ft y years ago. Toda y Mr. an~ Mrs. Floyd Sa vage and March 31. Every body welcomc. we ,have a h ighly tl'ain ed Rcv. Wa lter E . Dakin, well candidacy fo r nomination for children attend ed a f amily dinner lmown to ma n y of , Oll r r eaders, cou nty treasurer IO l' a second te rm Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs pr ofessiona l man, using all Mr. a nd Mrs. Arn old Lin ton . of who fo l' muny yeal's wns recta l' of subject to t he I'ep ublican primar y, Belle Dinwiddie in Waynesville. Cleve th e advance d m ,thods of land, called on Mr'. an d Mrs. iJn Epis'Co pal church at Clar ks- Tucsday, May ] O. Charles Whitaker of Witte nber~ Samu el Butterwort h, on. Mond ny . science and offe l'ing B da le, 1\1 iss.. has ret iJ'ed on a Coll ege, S}>ring fi eld, spent Easter CLYDE C. COLLINS of services m ultitu de clergymnn'!! pensio n. Hev . nnd Mr with his paren ts, M'r. and Mrs. Mrs. J a mes Lovely Iilttended a Da ldn have tuke n up the ir resi· wcre never exwhich Iydc C. ollins ann ou nces his Walter' Whitak~ r. W. B. A. banquet a t t he Gables at 1917 Snowd on Ave., cand idacy fO I' nomination fo r pected of his predecessor. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas at- near Middletown, Monda y night. dence 1Il cmphis, Ten n. clerk of courts, subject to the reAs t he result of t his adtended the fun eral <>f Mrs. Underpubli can pl'i mBI'y e lection on TuesMr. and Mrs. Howard BUl'ton wood at Waynesville, Monday vancement, the public reday, May 10. af t ernoon. spent und ay with the latter's AN APRIL FROLIC ce iv s pl'olection and --We have just received a car load of Siberian Seed The April meeting of the Ladies par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur AtALLEN HUFFMAN comJort in a t ime of g reat Aid' will be held at the home of kinson. Waynosvill Alu mni Bene fi t Oats. These are a large whi~e oats of very a ood need. Allen H uffman anno unccs his Mrs. Ruth Savage next We dnesday will be g iven at the GYlIl candidacy E. L. Sherwood was broug ht to Dunce f or )'I om ination fo J' reafternoon, April 6. quality, grown in 1931. aturday even ing, Apt"il 2 ~It 8 home Satul'day a fte r und ergo· o'dock. Mus ic by Bill George and lection to t he office of co unty . Miss Helen Hart ley tlpent the his ing an operation a t McClella n's his orchcstl'U I I'o m Wilmin gton reco r der, su bject to th e republi can week-end with Miss Helen Early. hospital. mat·y · Iect ion on Tu esday, All a lumn i an d frie nds inv ited. pl·i Mr. Charles Guitnel' of near Ma y 10, 1D32 . Adm i!lSio n 25c, ~ijamisburg was a Monday guest Misses Trillena and ~largare t of. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham. Edwards spent Sunday wit h O. J . Phone 7 E. J. BEEDLE We have a choice selection of ciover and Alfalfa SHERIFF SELLS FARM Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke en- Edwards and fa mily, of ncar We are a uthori zed to a nnoun ce Waynesville, Ohio tertained a number of relatives Gr eenfield. Seed. nnme 0'1 E . J. Beedle. of Union The Bert Stacy f arm, Bold by the Sunday in honor of the birthday Townshi p, as a ca ndidate fo r r eof Mrs. EUa Copsey. The' severn l local girls a nd boys Sher iff Ful kerth a t t he court election to t he office of Coun ty l!:============~ Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Groham- illid who arc students at Wittenberg, housc on Thu rsday, WIlS bid . in by Co mmission el', subj ect t o t he deMontana Grown Grimm daug hter, Bernice spent Sunday spent t he East er va cation at their thc Federul LaIld' Ban k, of Louis- cision of t he Repbulica n P rimary Alfalfa . ......... '. . . - .. .. . . ville, Ky. The Bllnk held fi rst in Columbus, with Mr. and Mrs. homes here. mOI'tgage on the farm and bl',() ug ht olect.ion, May 10, 1932. A. E. White and children, and atMiss Kathl'y n T tlrner of Mariet- suit :£o r lore-closure. Choice Kanlas Grown tended Easter service at the HAYES C. KEEVER T he Way nesville National Bank church there. ta, a f ormer t elljCher iln the local Common Alfalfa .. ........ . an d Leba non-Citizens Na t ional Hayes C. Keever, of Lebanon, =============~ Mr. and M'l's. Glenn. Johns, son High school, visite<l f riends he re Bank bro ug ht an injun ction sui t Ohio, solicits your support f or his WANTED and daughter 'o! Dayton were Sun- oY,e r t he w eek-end. agai nst t he F edera l Land. BanK n.omination as Commission er of We also have excellent bara.in. in little Red and day evening dinner guests of Mrs. $],1 50 on first mort' Mrs. J. O. Cartwr igtit attended and the case was taken beio re Wa rren County, subj ect to th e de- WANTE Margaret Johns. 'Saplina Clover Seed. cision of the R epublican Prima r y gage on 42 ac re f arm. Inquire a luncheon a nd bl'idge at the home J udge Dech~ nt.. The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. of Mrs. D.onald Dilatu sh in Leb- I An effort. IS being m~de t o effect Elect ion May 10, 1932. Ga zette Office. - m30 Burnett is quaJ;'antined on account anon, on Wednesday. a comprom ise. o'f their daughter, Mrs. Mildred Surface havin2' t.he smaU pox. . Mrs. Rob ert G. Crolls and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker and Mrs. Glen Bland and daughter, and · Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones at. were dinn er I!uests of Mr. a nd Mrs' ~l This -is th~ beat product known to rid poultry of tended the funeral of Mrs. Burton L. C. St. Joh n, on Sunday. Earnbart at · .M.'t. Holly Sunday lice and mitea~ Alto uled to deltroy many plant inafternoon; and burial at Middle-. MI'. a nd Mrs. J os~h B. Cafferty "G.lv.nne.lcd"end •• Thl. OrdInlry sects. Run ,Cemetery. ar e announcing the alt'Tiva l of a Taken fr om the Gazette of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas and son, Jam es Art hur, a t their hom e F.or ty.Three Yea rs Ago Copper Baring •I fence 1M" I!ln•• rhildren areompanied the latter's in Franklin, Sunday, March 27. ______________ ~ Th. • "Gelvlnn mother, Mrs. John Hill, to her Winner of the ••led" Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and home in Richmond Tuesday, after Mown opposite Local. GulF of Mexico •t II..od9Oocl an extended visit at Furnas home family, Mrs. Truman W'ardlow and Walter Kil bon is on the sick list. daughter were dinn er gu ests of on Route five. I .. new. Wather T~t Mrs. E d Macy a nd son Terrel Sunday afternoon callers at the Mrs, Belle Dinwiddie, Easter Day. visit • ed in Dayton on Saturday. Picture fro~ Ictual photo. home of Mr. and MI·s. Waltel' rrh-. and Mrs. H. V. Walte r were Mrs. J. V. Hartso,clk:, Mr. a nd II1Iphl of rolla taken dOWD for Kenrick were: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. lhipmeat, aIter ten. the g uests of C. D. Woo lley on Mrs. John L. Smi t h a ttended t he Binegar of Jamestown, Mr. and ' Mrs. Leonard Gray i)f Blanchester fun eral today in Dayto,n of Craw- Sunday. Walter Cha ndler and Wilb ur Perry, form er Wa ynesville Phone 25 and Mrs. Belle Coon and daughters ford Shi elds vis ited in th e Qu ee n City resident. of Dayton. on Sunday. A meeting to organize . a Miss Emma .Heighwa y enterta inand Mrs. Donuld Henderson "Hunter's and. Fisherm en Associa- andM'r.children, of Da'yto n, Mr. a nd ed the euchre club Wednesday tion" was held at Lytle Hall M'onI g. ' . day evening. Mr. Long of Day.toT) Mrs. George Henderson spent evenin Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Charles Dunham and wife visited was the speaker. The f.ollowing of- Henderson. r elatives in Dayton Saturday and ficers 'Were elected: Robert Friend Sunday. preSident; Calvin. Longacre, vice: Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Missildine, Mrs. Mary A. Wise was the guest president; Earl Swain, sC(!Jy. and Miss Sara and Mr. Howard Missil- of h er daug hter Mrs. Cunmungs, Clyde Wharton , treasurer. The dine were guests of Homer Mc- of Xenia, last week. ' second meeting will be held next Cullough Mrs. Della McClelland and chiland family, at Dayto n, Monday evening at Lytle Han. Costs I... bec.us. It dren ar e visiting Mrs. McClelland 's ~veryone who is interested in the on Sunday. I•• ye.,.lon·ser. fa t her George Zell. preserva'tion of the game and Several Kenneth St. John, Wiho is of OUT Masons a ttended hUntinlr priVileges are cordially teaching at HubbtU'd m !ar Youngs- the Masonic banquet at. New invited. town, spent the spring vacation Burling ton Thursday night. with his ptU'ents, Mr. Elnd Mrs. L. Several Oddf ello'Ws attended the l( {)ddfe\low's banquet at Sprin'g C. St. John. Va lley Thursday night. Mrs. Elizabeth Penny of Lawtie Zimmerman and Joe Washington D. C, and Mrs. Chapman Jr. were transacting Phone 25 Rev. and Mrs. Kilmer were Albert Gray of Clark:!ville spent bu sin ess in Cincinnati on Friday. Marshall White ' was given . the . called to their old home ,in Savan· Wednesday and Thursday visiting Knight's Rank last Wednesday nah, New York, by the death {)f Mrs. J. V. Hartsock. night and is now a full fledged K. Mr. Kilmer's mother. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith, Mr. P. The ehoir of the M. E. church Spring Valley wants i~ corpora. .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ rendered an Easter cantata, "Life and Mrs. L. C. St. John, Miss Thelma and' Mr. Kenneth St. John tion limits extended so as to in- ~ Everlasting," in the church here Sunday evening. They also gave it were dinner guests of Mr. al1d Mrs. elude Cooperville, after that they wa nt water works and. a fountain, in the Sharon church Sunday Glen Bland, Friday eVllning. wonder what else they would like morning. Lester Stanfield was We have the most modem and t o have. dire.ctor and 'Miss Mae McKay, complete watch repair servi ceThe Pennsylvania 'Company are pianist. Robert and Ruby Smith were and use only genuine materials. doing away with the old fashioned home from Delaware for Easter. Bring your watch troubles to U:!. blocks a~ the switches, and are in metaIic blocks, pat~nted Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conard and Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. putting by the National Foot Guard Comchildren of Dayton, are guests of and Mrs. George Str oud p'any at 'ColumDus. . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Conard, east a.ndMr. son Carter, Mrs. Fred Moore William Dunn was arrested by of town. of Dayton, Mr. Will Marshall Hickson f or drunkeness Mrs. J. C. Pickin and son, of and daughters Dally Except Sunday and son Harold were Sun- on Monday, and was brought over Dayton and Wm. Harlan of Stroud g.uests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. in Sam Davis's patrol wagon No. 11 Latham were week-end guests in day Stroud. and locked up. On Tuesday he ~ya s the Harlan h,ome . brought before his honor Mayor The . pr~" Easter services conMr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Davis and Stiles a nd fined $5.15 costs. Jac. ducted by Rev. Kilme~ were very dau~hter and Mrs. Nettie Sheehan going hjs security, he wns inspiring and appreciated by large Kepler ofRaOhel, Dayton WI!re Sunday released. audiences on al\ three nights. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Alman Bradford, of Cedar. Our village was a busy place (Jinner Demas and family of New ville, and Miss Su e Morford were last week repairing the .' damage Peter married at the home of the bride, done. by the tornado which passed Vienna. last evening at seven ()'c1ock through on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Salisbury Rev. Cowgill officiat ing., The happy An interesting Easter 'program on Sund~y. Mrs. Stella eouyle left to-day for a trip to the was put on in the Friend's church. entertained and daughter, Miss· Helen. Atlanta expositiQn. Sunday evening. A pageant, "A Evans of Dayton, Mrs. J. J. Fritz, of Mother's Easter Faith," was ' well Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. W. p , portrayed by members of the Sun- Salisbury. Harvey.burr day, Bchool. • _"' _. _ - - _ ' BOl'D~To Mr. . and Mrs. Buzick 'f Bryon Prende.rgallt, of the a son, W.edJiesday morning. , ~ . FRUIT ·INJURED Pennsylvania R. R. po:stal service . W. W. Welch was in Lebanon a , . . "".\ !bas . been tranjlferred to the main part 'Of the week on the ju~. . Peaeli buds were seriously in- line between CincilllLllti ', and Mrs: Eliza Ellls and Mrs.' Vaasie jure<! ,and ·cheny.buds slightly, but. Pittsburg. His IfrieNln" aTe con- Jessop Wete in' Wilmington ' -last little damage was caus'ed tpe apple gratulating him on"bis·llron\o,tio,n. ' 'llhursday. , . . . . pear and grape crops in Ohio , bY ,,' ' Messrs. ' Robellt . SlIUlrt .and . . , the' r:ee.ent cold weather.· Peaj:h Qr.Miss Sara Missildi,ne was bost· Othello .4.rnold were hi Granville ehpr~B in southwestern' Ohio and ess to the YoWlg Women's bridgt! Ohia last Sunday. ' · in '" extreme Bouthem' Oh~o were. club Tuesday evening. at. her Mrs. Carrie Wales died Sunday moit Bevel'ely injured In Lawrence pleasant lCOuntry h~e.· Prize win- and was buriea Wednesday of this ' Wond.rful · OH.r~ 'coujlty 90 per celit' of t.he buds nel'S were Ml'S. Ma.ynard Welt~, wee.k at the bome of her daughter we,re lllled. All indications alao Miss Betty Henkle ~nd . Miss Alice Mrs. Cbas. ~mart. .She has heeD III 'lI;_ _ ~;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-=======----~=~;;;;;;i;;:;;;;~' pollit to a l~ht apple crop, Campbell. . for Bome time. witb bronchitis. t'
d f
"Always a Step Ahead"
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Seed Oats
CI yer aDd Grass Seeds
J. E. McClure
Late Classified Ads.
"Blaek Leal 40"
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RED BRAND FENCE ....... -_. •
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SHINGLES A New Car Just In
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These Shingles are the Hunting·Merritt Certified Brand, the high'e st 'quality of Red Cedar Shingles man.ufactured.
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. j~~d YOu;:check to the Mia~IG" .zette and get thes. tWo .,....r. for . ·a whole year. A
CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY Mr, Steve C. Phillips quietly celebrated his ninetieth birthday anniversary Sunday, March 27, at his home in Lebanon. During the day numerous friend s and relatives called on Mr. Phillips to extend their hearty congratulations. Others sent flowers, cards and telegrams. Mr. Phillips is enjoying fine Tobacco canvas, 4c and up, lilt health and takes a great interest in Myer Hyman's. his horses, two of which are the fastetlt in the county. Despite his Clnra Lile spent the weekadvanced. age, Mr. Phi11ips intends e ndMiss at Wa shingto n C. H. to enter his horses in the races at the county fair this f<llll and also e the Salisbury' s, W. P . and announces ·hi s intention of driving D. Se R., before you sell your stock. them himself. FOI' home made bread, pi es and cake, call Mrs. Joe Davis, Phone LOCAL MEN ELECTED 50R21 At the recent meeting of th e Mrs. Koa t e Ricks , form er WayRevolutionary Short Trail association held in Springfield. directors nesville resid en t , is ill at her hom e elected include D. H. Fittz f or in Dodds. Yellow Springs; Charles Carroll for Xenia; C. M. Robitzer for Mr. ~ n~ . Mt·s. Wm. Mohl', of Waynesville and J. W. Fulkerson Day~o n , "tslted liff Bu r net t and for ~pring VaHey. . IfamJlY Sund ay. Fmam:e agents appointed in clud.e: C. G. Stephenson for Yellow I Mr. an~ Mrs. J. . Hawke. wer e Sprmgs; Adolph Moser for Xenia; Su.n dsy dmn ~r g uests of MI. and F. T. Walton for Spring ' Val1ey MI S. J. P. Fl omm. and W. S. Graham for Waynesvit~ Tune' in on the C. & B. program, station WKRC every Sunday --- -----~ afternoon at 5 :30.
Whol e Number . MOT HERS' CLU B P ROGRAM T he 'full uw'i ng III (I~r U Ill wi l bc givell llllhc IIOdl "'l!! cl uti nll! udng l' ll ya y Ullcll l()un, . pi'l l lS , a l l!. 'o'cIOCI{ III til e ( ; llldc ll uJ!dilll-:: Mush; .11. S. (;1 U l! ~ FU1'nlls U CVt> iO 'I ~ i CI' . \ ' tlllU llIbvn lJucl .\l(.!'c.l~lI l1 e s uri ult d :' lI ~k ett JJelJate. " J{c, ulvc ,1 thal \Ie ale h e alllti~I', h: Vll l<'r ..ill II beiler
ST. MARYS CHURCH COLU7IlBUS -- Th e finjahlng U a ll LII C p e U [l l e v I" VUI' g r u n.UTobacco ean v n ~, 4c a nd up , a t Rev, J . J. Sc haeffer, Rector. '<l u che~ RI'C tak ing place a t t he pa r \! lll.-~ da y. ' . lyc l' 1 1 ~· lI tall· s . All n"IULlv <,- 'aptain, l Irs. El"i ' . ,, \\' ~ ta te otli ce bu ild ing F ro nt .and econd Sun day a fte r Easte r , MI'. and 1\I rs. W . rr. Alle n wel'e ~ I U s ; \1 1':; . LUc ile UII:; \'u r )" :l1r ~ . fo \\ II .' Ll'ccl , Ar l i' a ll s arc busily April 10. Churc h school at 9:30, ~ lI g :lg(' d {, II al! f10 0 1'S enhancing Hurtman, ,\ l r,.; . \ u n UIl CII . Morning Pmyel' and se rm on at in illci nnati Tu (: ~ d I\Y . Negalt ",, - L'lIp tll lll, .\l /'~ . L i!U Il U Lh <' hcauty of t he intcrior a nd 10 :30. Mr/;, W. 0 .Rap el' is vi iLing re l- lI a ll ; ,III';;. 1I1ellll c nh II, _\11'$. ,I nol ~ l III i:< be ing laid in the . ~ Il il Le.IIIII Y, _J I ~ . c.l.. iu lI uC k Cl l. lI un lin: ds 1)1' u f1k c. , whic h will be FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ativ e and fr ien ds in Ci ncinn ati. IIJ U ~I': .Il l s . l"Ulna;; ((:h l l~ J 01' URe in the v r y ncar ( Undlenominational) ,·U l Ul' l' . A ~s i g nmclILs o f various Miss Grnc!.' Hess was t he w('ekE Vl'l'y bu J r \\ "Ic oni C'. Chester A. Williamson. Minister end guest of Miss Be m yc c H yman Je ll" 1tme nt:; \\' ill be a nnounce d 11()1't1 y . Chul'ch School at 9 :30 a. Ill , The r e will be a special "so ng in M1'I; . Ruftl .: Wntld n: iR siuwl" BUS I NESS MANAGER T hu conve ni ng f the Gener al cost um.e numb er" 'tha t w ill be co nvalescin g af t l' a p ro tTactc~1 "different." LOl'd's S up per and ill ness. Goorge H enkle, wit\! b a t le nd ing' A;::;l' mbl y in e xtraordinary sesllion se l'l1lO n a t ] 0 :3 0 a . m. Se r mon by \\,il ll!ll uc rg' coli 'J£c at ' pr mgtiel ll, \ liS pl'eccdcll by a de mo nstration D. R. Hurr is . P elTY Th omas will T u ne in on the C, & B. program lI'as rl!cc lill y e lened bU !Sll1c. s Iltall- of lhc lin ' !1lJll ()y~d in the State Annual Hom.. Ec-Smith Hucbea . ing a " I'eq uest" nu mber . Th e st ation WKRC eve ry unday ag ' r o j th e Torc h, caml) us n e ~\' s lI ous e I' urk . a ll de ma nding legBanquet 1~ lat i on 1'0 1' un ~mp l oy!! d in surance Womens Class will meet in th e afte rno on aL 5 :30. 1\ ce kly u f \\' llte niJ cl'l£ culleg ', b~' The annual banquet, given by .J L fu ll pay. A 'ommiLLee of nine church basem en t , F riday, April 15. an a ll-cullllJU S \'ote. the Smith-Hughes boys and Home Mr. F I'cder ick Rubi tz er, of New If e WH o ~ up p0 1'Lc d by the Gr liter !lI et with Gov ern or Wh it e who The men ar E! in vited- in fact t hey Ec. girls, for the entertainment are in cha l'ge of the p r O~l· a m -s o. Yol'i. ity. i ~ vi it ing h i ~ fath e r. \\ Ittcn\' cl'g jJarly, tll nl[1US p oliti- l i~ l c lt e{l t o th eir dem a nds and of their parents, teachers, and \1 hen th e Go(Jve rnor le ft fOT thc what we mea.n is--everybody's in- C. l\f. Robit7.e l·, !Inti famil y. ca I <! III b 1I1e. members of the school board, will vited. You IJIre a lwa ys we lc ome a t lI en klc I ~ m )w servIng as bu!!i- le~i:; l a t i\' e hall s to deliv er · his be held in the High school Gym, See t he di Hplay of fasc inuti ng n ' :;8 mallu!:'",l' oJ the WilLe nbcrge l' me F~ age ho \\'u,,; accol1l11nni ed by a t hi s church. Friday night, April 8. body guul d o f p riva te sleuths. clocks at Cary's J ewe lry Shop, annua l p ublicl1lion. It has been the custom for L ebanon, Oh IO. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH :-lev ' I'a l doze n eity pat rolmen several years for this banquet to ~ u nl'dc d the bulls a nd ~oLTid o1's of Rev. F ortman take place and it is always CODLllc apitol bu t t he re was no Ern es t Ea l'llhal't an d fami lv, o f First and Third Sunday Ma ss at sidered a very convenient Hme and Mrs. R. H. Vance. of Plea sant 8 :00 a. m. Second, Fourth and Carlisle, altend ed . er"ices at r:'e rry II 111 nstr:ntion. place for the mothers and fathers Plain, spent Thursda y with her Church un da y a nd MI'. Earnh nl'l of the ditrerent students to become parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke Fifth Sunday. Mass at 10 :30 a . m. !'a ng a solo. . 'I'll ' sherifi's of sixty-six counacquainted. li e~ of Ohi o hnve r eporte d to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stokes spent WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH After the servinJr oCJf the oonCla l' nce J . Brow n, Secretary of MI'. and Mrs. Lee H awke und quet a very interesting program Wednesday with their daughter, G. C. Dibert, Pastor ,S tilt , that a total of 37,92 4, MI'. nnd M'rs. J. P . F l'omm atte nd wi\) be presented. Mrs. Clarenc e Dunham , at Leb. W ednesday : Bible s t udy and ed t he Gene ral MoLors au to show prisoners pass ed t hro ugh t he praye r meeting at 7 :15 p. m. This in Da yton Monday n igh t. co un t y ja il!! during t he last statis. With great wealth in sight, an on. f this h uge number we ek we will l('ontinu e the study of T he Wayn 'svillc bu ine .. s m ' n tica l yea r. Reaulh of Oratorical Coote.t W.arren county and counties inDr. andMrs. S. S. Stahl, of t he parabl e of " Th e Rich Man and gave a (linn e l' fi t th e Masonic i a f;:. were white me n, a nd 6 '70 Wallpaperover 150 pattern s numerable throughout the United 1st. Miriam Jean Dakin, LebFranklin, were s uppel' g ue st s of States, are looking forwaTd to the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen , Wed- the Beggar." Choir pra ctice a t to se l!.'ct f rolll , 5c and UP. all ua nc)uct 1' 00 111 laxl Wect nes J ay \' ' I" w hi t~ wo men, making a anon, "The Duel." 8 :00 p. m. ho nol'in g the Va l'si LY total of 7!l ';t" of t he pri ouers who • c~U' rie d in stO'cl1 a t Myel' Hyma n's. ev ening , distribution of the $45 ,000,000,2nd Milton Anderson,' Franklin, nesday evening. Sunday : Sunday schoo l at 9 :30 basketuall tea m. 11em liers of t he were w hites. 18 o/c of t he total 000 Mercer estate in New York "Pete and Me." lored me n a nd 2 % we r e a. m. Morning wor ship at 10:30. MI'. Rnd I\1l's. Lee Hawke MI·s. I:: ast.crn ' ta l" Lodge sel'vep t he \\'el'e . 3rd Bonnie Murray, Blue BaH, City about May 1. The regular meeting of the colored women. [t is notable that Following are some of the aHeg- Friendship club will be held at tho Serm on s ubj ect. How we may see M'. L. Pm·shall. Miss Dori s and [ollQw ing III ' nu: "At the Movies." with both r aces 22 '7" , or more than God. Epwol"th Leagu e ,at 7 :00' p. Dea n Hawke visit d r elative s nea l' Fl'u i~ ocl,tu il 4th Jackie White, Mason, "Little ed facts: home of Mrs. Shan er Wedn esday m., with Mary J o. Millel' a s leader. Lumberton 1-5 of th~ me n in jail we re und er SUllday afte r noon. The 1'001 estate, originally a F r ied Chi ckenOres. in gI"rench Orphan Annie." afternoon , April 13. Evangelistic servic es at 8 :00 p. m. !1 years \If age. Nearly half ' of grant from England b81Ck in the PO Latoe!l the white me n (47 % ) a nd mor e Upper Crade. Mr. an d Mrs. H. L. Buerkle have time of one o.f the Georges, has Green llean ll-Sa la d Saws filed by m'llchinery, cut WA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF reni oved to Leban on , !\fl'. n.n d MI" . tha n half of Lite colored men in1st Martha Lou Co.wan, Leb- been placed on the New York tax cleaner, olf > Ike- Ie Gl eltl11 truer, faster. Also crolSCHRIST ~al' c e l'ute d (52 % ) were between W, L, Drllke hnve moved in lo the anon, "He Let Her Know." duplicate at $45,000,000,000. eut saws, gummed, 25(. per foot. The program was llhort but e n- 21 and 35 yeltrs of age. On the (U ndenominational) hou se va.ca ted by t he Buel'kles. 2nd Jane Wilao.n, Kings Mills, The realty is some of the most Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber te l'lll lTling. George ' aterhouse, ' asis 0{ t he c ou n.t ies r eported, jt Chester A. Williamson. Minister valuable on the island of Man- Yard. "Betty at The Ball Game." I Mrs. A. T. Gilpin and M i s~ . me ntb et· of the nr::;t W. 11 . S. 1$ believed t ha t about 65,5 00 per3rd Margaret Hamilton, Frank- hattan, originally bought from the Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Bennett, o f Spring bol'o, we r e ca11- ' ba sketball team, gave the atidl'esb 'on s passc.d t hrough aU of ,t he Indians fOT $14. lin-, "Kentucky Philosophy." Lord.'s Supper a nd sermon at 4th Betty Trust, Springboro, "A Part of the Pennsylvania rail- . Mrs. Hattie Furnas, Route 2, 10 :30 n. JTl. The minister will er s at t he hom e of MI'. and Mrs. of we lcome and . Ba llat'd Wa llace, ja ilS of Ohio ' t some t ime duriny Little Outcaata Plea." road right of way is on this land. was the victim of chicken thieves preach on the subject, "Christ George Sa rtso ck, Sunday afte l"- hono rnJ'Y cap tai n ~Ilve th e r e- t he year. . Is p o n ~e. Th e principal speaker of Popu lati \ln nt th!! Ohio PenitenAccrued money is in the hands Monday night when fifty prize Loved t he Church." Christian En- noon. Hi,h Scla_1 Rhode Island chickens were stolen th e even ing was MI' . .... ayn., G. of nine trustees. deavor at 6 :45 p. m. Evening from her place. 1st. Wm. Hohner, Franklin, Mess rs. C. M. Robitzer, Geor g e L e , of Dayto n, 'who ga ve a ve ry Limy duc.rensed b ut little in sI,>ite Subsidiary families are those of evangeli stic service at 7 :45 p. m. Wate rh ouse, Myel' Hyman, Ray i n tore~ Li ng a ddress on "Fu ith." . f parol es, par do ns, expir ation of "Society IIUld T.he Payroll." Cox, Springer and Bogart. Sermon subject. "He Is." Prayer Edwards, E. L. Th omas and H. A. 2nd Ruth Hockett~ Waynesville, T oa st l11 u~ter W . L. Drake p re- : on tcnces >or tra nsfer t o other Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mont- Meeting AI·ticles a few months ago in the and Bible Stud y each "World Citizenship.' ol' n II a t.t ended a hl'in e club sented U s wea ter to Laurence ennl instit ution s. The nUl"ber togomery and Mrs. Rilla Brown. of New York Sun, telling of the 3rd Kathleen Po.well Kings character and extent of property Centerville, and Miss Ruth Kin- Wednesclay a t 7 :30 p. m. We are stag: part y at Da yton , Sa tu rd uy Dav is, n il-coun ty e apta in an ti for- dny accep ting fO!'ced hospit ality ying thle Book of Aets . Short stud of Warden P . E . Thomas is 4,405. ward . Mills!" SpaTtaeus to the Gladiators involved_ ney, of Columbu s. were guests of ch oir pl'acti:ce at conclus ion. The night. . 4th Barbara Lafferty, SpringI Du l'ing lhe dinn el' music wa s , upel' intcndent T. C. J enkin!!, of Effort made by years fo.r heirs Mis es Annie and Mame Brown, church where you i eel <li t hom e. boro, "The Ambitious Youth." Send your sto ck to The Craw- ' fUl'ni shed by The K nt ucky Ra m- Lil a Ohio Ilef ol'lnatol'Y a t Manson Sunday. to. recover money. field is caring fOl" 3,571, mostly fo rd Commission 0 , . Union tock biers, of Harve ys burg. Isabel Wirtz was disqualified. . Leadership 35 'Years ago held you t hs who enter ed that institugiving Ruth Hockett second place. by the late P. P. Mast. millionaire Gruen Watches-flIts real Yards Cincinnati, t hrough W. P . BISHOP'S VISITATION t ion be.fo r ~ they attained their Others who spoke over time were manufacturer of Springfield. . news" when such quality and Salisbury & Son. UNFAIR COMP ETITION majority. Melba W:hitaker, Virginia :Qoavis genuine worth as Gruen 15-jewel The Rt. Rev. Hen r y Wise Hoband Versa Cornett. ' watches can be had for $25. See son, bishop of the Southern Ohio Mi ss Dol'is nnd Dean Hawke enT he Sptin g $emestel' at Ohjo A tten t ion has often bee n c.alled them at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Diocese of the Epi scopal <church, tertain ed a sm<lll\ gr oup of {l'iends IN BUSINESS 40 YEARS the a le of Russia n-produced State niversit y i now under way ' Lebanon, Ohio. F. F. Eatertaia_ preached anld admini stered the rite Thursday evening. Brid ge was th e to text iles, laces, f ood ' sLuff $, wood with an nroll men t of over ' 8,000 Forty years in the grocery of Confirmation t o Marjotie Ed- dive rsion and lunch was se rved to ca T he 10~1 c~pter of F. F. A. business Owing to the fact tha t the next ward l'ving ', etc., in hic ago depa i't- stud en ts. T here is a sli gh t decrease the f ol\owing g uests : Misses was celebrated Saturday s and Howard Sh eetel' at St. WayneSVIlle Hagh School enter-I April 2, by Arch Copsey, Spring Guild and Auxiliary meetings fall Mcary's church Wednes day eve ning Esther De nnis, Bettie H enkle , and m nt alio l'as at pric s d efying c om- in attenda nce due ma inly, it is beCorinne Ro bbins ; Messr. . Loya l pe ti tion by Ame ri ca n producer lieved, to t ight ening of purse tained four neighbOring chapters Valley busines man, who was 17 on two consecutive days, there 011 last week. 't rings llud t rimming of the family will be a joint meeting held on FTiat a joint meeting and pro.gram on ld h h k The Bishop was accompanied by Ross. L uther Har tsock and K en- of li ke arti cles. Thll t u like 'sit ua_ bu dget. Monday evening, when 132 mem- years 0 w e.nl e too a position day afternoon, April 8. at two Lion Fromm. e xi ~ ts in n nUl11b e ~' of Ame rineth bers were' in attendance. Chapters as clerk at 6 grocery in the village o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. L. Canon Gilbert P. Symons, of can citi es is ev id ent by nn ad verMariemont. from Kingm~n, Monroe, West. in 1892. Grane. on ven tions coming to the Mi!lS Ada F . Sh:mer. of Colum - t isement in t he 'f mpa , li'la., Tribchester and Lebanon enjoyed the III 1904 he became a partner in bu s, daug hter of ' Mrs, E . tella un e of Decemb el" J 5. ' aI , in wh ich Oa pita l ity t hi s s prin g have not. pr~gram and refreshments furnish- the business and in 1'910 he acARM WAS SPRAINED Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Andersqn Shaner , of "Roselawn," Way ne!!- Ma a!> B1·0 ·. fealul'es " Rml'iall a ttract ed as lal'ge cl'owds as in required complete control. ville, has <: hosen Jun e 7. f OI' her Ha n<l -Ma d ~' F ilet SP l' ads" at ce.l1t yeurs. However , a number are ed by our local boys. On the occasion of the an niver- and sons and Mrs. Addie Smith Harold OsboTn suffered a pain- marriage t o La wto n E , Bol nde r, $ ]. 8, " j ust un packed LO da y." : till boo ked ,:,, ~i ch w ill bring The training that these bOYII,et Bary celebration Saturday the gro- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs D pression un d u.nemploymenL lhom;ands of VIsit ors bef ore Teal in opening, closinlr and carrymg d' f 1 h d George Hartsock, Thursday even- ful injury Tuesday morning. Mr. Bolender is the son of Mrs. o.n the business routine, as weIll as cer Ispensed ree unc eon an ing of last week. The event was a While wodting at the Robit zer ·ice Bessie Bole nd el·. 25 E , Bowma n in Al1I er iCIi Ctill not be conquered w ll rm .",ea thel· begms. The Pi~th hot and cold drinks to friends and joint celebration of the bit·thday plant his righ t arm wns bar!1y Avp. .. Sou thl' rn Hills. Da yto n. Tho 0 1' C0l11buL t.;o d if Am cl'ican ci l,izc ns 1I-0h lll nfety Co ng ress meets the 0. portunity for exchange of t . h . . ". 'lide will, we believe help to de- cus omers w o · were mviteu 'to 'anniversary of Mrs. Hartsock and sprain~d. He is eBI'1'y illJr t he ::trill wed ding will be held a t " Rose. ins ist o n sellin!; 0 1' buy ing the Apr il .Hl, 20 ~n d 21 . alld all invelop our leaders fOT the days of visit his store. Mrs. Anderson. in a sling. j)l'odtlctll of a na tio n ded icated to tcres b llg li nd ll1 Sh'uc tlve progmilll la)"n." the ne,n generation. .. .... • th' o\'crthl'ow o.f pur govel'.nment, has . b e~lt · pl·epared . . Governor =======================~--~ -="-= --~======"~~=-~~~ , a nd 1'.1 , '1IJ1ltali!l tic gOVc l'ILm nts, WhIt. Wil l ope n t he sesSIon ft)llowCLUB IS LAUNCHED Mill II utlu/a ll g . ~o ods I ol' " dum p- od WIth a n ad d res of wel.com~ , by State E ..er,."Pupil CODta_t . lnll'" Ii .v I.! h 'cI'ipt and convi ct May. l' 'H enry W. WOl:ley. SU.bJects At an enthulliastic meetingin Sic 'Em On April 9, 1932, two pupils in labo r ,. ilh which frae labor can lit pe rtnl ent to Sa'f:e ty WIll be dlscussMemorial hell Monday evening, a each subject mentioned below will no tim compllt. ed by those \\' ho ha ve hD.de it ~ go to Le'banon to try out for the "Warren County Brown for I.{u yill g 'O f Am ' I'ic:ll1-mnde J!oods li fet ime stu dy. . , Governo.r" club was or~nized. Warren County scholarship team. III a ns. employment .fo!' Antel'icall --~The pupils making the highest The meeting was lara"ely attended <: itizcn ' and oPClll ti On of Am edII. G. So ut hl\l'd, M. D., Director score in each subject, sponsore.d by and over 100 charter members for can ' induMtr ies, We wo nd el' how of t he St:;.tte Departnl ent of. Health the club were secured. It is ext~e state, will be a member o.f this man y arc American enough to be ,·tat !) that sav ing on food without team and will go to Miami Univer- pected that a membership of 1,000 Amel'icau s in t his wa.Y ? inc l'en sing t he haz!U.'ds to health will be reached within a short II1 U /;(; be done ,wi sely. No attempt sity, OxfoCJrd, on May 7, and take time. shuu ld be made to economize 'on the district test 'in that 'subject. The following officers were The scores made .on May 7th will CHRISTIAN E N~ EAVOR MEET m ilk, e peci a l\y f or children. named: Myron Keelor, ex-service Evel'Y g ro wing child shouJd have be compared all over .Ohio and those Tanking dtlgh will receive man president; Mrs. Effie Surface, A meeting of the Chr is tian a t lea st a ,qu urt of milk daily vice president; Mrs. Jennie Stanstate-wide recognition, Pupils ma), En tlenv ol' 'ocie .Y of t he hurc h of e iLhcl' to drink 0 1' mixed or cooked , compete in subjects only In which ley, secretary and Lawrence ShawChrist was held aL the home of w ith o the r f oods. Cottage eneese is han, tr008urer. they are enrolled this year. ~1rs . Ada Woo l1u l'd on Friday a g()o()d subst.itute at times for meat The following is the Wayne Apl'il 1, with twelve membcrs and 'r he Jack of il'on may be met by lls ing 1~lo la sse~ instead of sl,lgtar,., Township High School team with flve vis itors pr ese nt. the subject too be taken: The mecting wus opened with by eatmg sp)l18ch or dandelion scr iptu r e. read ing by Betty Henry. !\,r een s or baked beans. Beans supChemist~-Verdena Foox and T he members of t he society will ply most of the food substances Do.nald Hawke. f;ponSO t·· a leap ~"II I' social a nd which Ul'e fo.und in meat. English I11.-:Doris Salisbury m in strel which wi ll be gIven on . and Miriam Ellis. A meeting of the Warren CounAp l'il 29. Y. F . M. MEETING EnglisH IV.-Ronald Hardin and ty Teadlers Association will be '1'h e bus in ess se. s ion was f ollowAnna O'NealL . . held, Saturday, April 16, at the ed by a plea. ant !;Dcial hour du ri ng T he reg ul ar meeting of Y. F. Latin n.-Lois · Pennington and Lebanon High School Auditorium. whi<!h ti me lu ne!} was served by M. wiil be he ld at the home o.'f Bemjce Graham. The morning session ' of the th e hostess. Rosc oe Furnas ' Sunday evening, EngUsh I.-Betty Hartsock and meeting will open at 9 :46 o'clock Geo l'g e Mi ller , Reporter Olive Scott. pl'il t enth. The topic \for di9~ and the afternoon session will _us!;ion is "P.l'oble.ms of Labor and English n.-Roma Hardin and start at 1 :80. 1)'clock.. Neva Peters'. . Capita!." The leaders are. i'devoRev. William Beachler, of GROCERY STORE TO MOVE, tional, Ada' Gl'a ce Underwdod; Latin' I.-:-Juanita Braimo.ck and ~tis, Ohio, will speak to the asRuth Pennington. lesson Faith Tomlinso·n. ' s~c18tion a~ the .afterno.on session. It is ru mored that the Kl'oger W. History-Robert Go.ns and leased th e sto r e room hi the Helen Campbell. P/li11i ps bu ilc1i njt now occupie d by LANDINC FLARE DROPPJ;:D' A1Jr~bra I-Frank Hawke and ELECTED TO FAIR BOARD Roge rs & Sim pson. nnd will 'fit the .Marvln Fox. : . room ' after t heil' latest m odel . An a er oplane circling oller ·tJie Plime' Geometry-Ruth Hockett Fred Hagemeyer, ' Washington st ol·es. They expect to move about villa ge . Mon<!ay night 'Provoked ~ . end Wallace Bernard. township, was named to' the Warthe ihst of Ma1 ' __ _ __ !'lome con jectul'e a,mong our citi General Science-'-Kathryn Simp- rell Co.unty Fair Board Saturday 'lens. A (lare',w,as .dl'opp~d 'nnd ·it son a~d Harvey Peters. . afterno.on when the board acted to. WflS t h\lug ht a 'Jll811 llIulIe WI,\S in, . TAX REDUCTION I','IE ETING ftll the :vacancy caused by th'e tes- ' t rouble. it' was." lam learned :tllat • ~o}DmUcial Dilp&rbliiaat Im_tion of Deputy Sheriff WiUiam the J:11ane 'was f 'r om the Pel field ' Mr . Adam Sha ntz and otber s Ail1pon and .w.asoelng Qsed for .ex~ . Commercial studentS ,: feel that· Huffo.rd. Mr. Huffo.rd ·' relligbeq will. a ddress t he Wan en COllnty p ei'ime~ . 1" - . · they are win!1iNr · "P t}leir school aeve~l ,mo.nths _go becausll', the , Taxa t ion 'ReductiQn ·Associatiou. at · year• . The, ,'boolckee~Jng I!t\1d"nts duties. of hill ·()ftlce prevented. his· the W~I:rt'cn 'Cb'u nty 'COUl't house have started on their lut practice givinlf the time ,to fair 'board" actNitle8:. _ ',' I :. " Lebunon , . Sa~ui:dny u~ te.mo on /let. ... '. ' ,. Apr i1 . 9th besrlnnrrfg' at ·1:80 Tlie 1&,..- students are 'Bure that pvo,mP.t. The: p ublic ill invited. "a,' ~bt, e.nnot ariie ,from '. a .MASONIC NOT,lCE :' ., wrO~,' ailC! that ~e "laWl! come .' ,. . • , ... s:; - .....~~-~ ~o the ~lp of the ~tt noUhe ~e&')1Ja, .c olMluplca*n of Way.... · NEW FUNERAl; H0~E eJeD,.. .. oeaVille Lodge-No. 168 F •• A. M: · Many .•1I0uld ' beware ad n~t ,Tuesda, evening. April .12. Visittab uVIUlflla'e. o( 80 ' ml:lch goOd In&' and 8OjOUr.nina bretbren ' are fa1~' af~ "1, acta ', ind.t~te the welcome. ;, . .. . . -.
Home Ee. Cla.. Viaita Cookial School The Home Economics girls of Waynesville are to journey to Dayton, Wednesday, afternoon, April 6, to visit a cooking school This school will be held at the Miami Hotel and the demonstration will be prefol\med , by Miss King, nationally recognized culin'ilry artist. The Journal-Herald is sponsoring this cooking school and it will be held, three days, April 5, 6 Ilnd 7.
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Warren County Teachers'Meeting
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iiateDtScm. , '(CloDtina": on ...' .,
Vern Armitaae, ' W. MOl'
F. ~ H~eraon, Sec'y.
"Surely 1'1 he cried eagerly. firmed by the ourt. They headed IItraight ",up the Tha ftnt 11C'~\)Unt of J, A, KelltH' stream, coming at lonl1th to a nat'aual,.linn of PCl'meli1l Bennl!tt, inI'O,W gorge at the entrnnce to "~ich competent, was a(lpro~, ollllw d .tood d tached Il fragm ntof,\) k H a n d c{)nfil-nl·d by lhe OUl't, big aH a • ummel' cot.tagt!, squal'c [ 'l' he hWl!ntory of GOOl'gO l!:. , ns a cube of sugar, A jagged heap ___ 'Young, utlministrat \' of estate or of t.uluH and debri gllvt! I~ I'alhel' . le.l(a ndt'1' ,Johnson, deceased, is Common PlcM Proceedings /lJlprlJ\'~ by thQ court, I'ough ' J)6R 'ng to tile top. " Prctty HCl'!lLnbly," s aid I)n 11J ohn ,H .Yllolds was gl'anted 1'1w im' nto ry of BlanChe .J>. port. "Think you can mak it'/" ( n R ' I" ('lIlIon, fldlllinistl'3trix of state f 'he scorned l'e,)ly, but begun at a divor 'e fl' om ; 01'11 . ' yno uS Alb(>,-t, 1. (',ullon, d,e ea s d waS apJllunrat10lU by Lee , In Lhe cu sc of the nioll J illt Jll' )\' ed by the court. MC/! to KCTflmbie up ov'r the Jag~ B-t.rwaPt. Ecl.WII.>'!1 White . ),teil lull!!;. Duvenn I't watch d th 'to k L ahd Bonk of Detr oit. VUrH U~ Th iJ)Ventory of P . H. 1\{aley, R.ele&..eo. thru. ' poi!\' of h I' light nnd !l'Rceiul EI'net;t l" en'is . ale: weI' madc by udmini~tl'(ltOl' of e. tnte of aLh er\I d the she dir. 'I'h ere is due the PuJ:,Ullhe.... A\Lt.oca.~ .. Stl'M1tc:e I figure for a mom nt t hen f 0 owe plaintiff f rom tJi' d fendant the in Mill Y, deceased, wa:; <lpprovTh t.op of the rock 'wus 1>01'cd by t.h court. fectly flat, but ai L\ 0 elovations, :s um ot $52G8.541 ,which has bee n Tholl1US Hun te r wns appointed Candidate for one two feet higher than the othe r, !:aLi~tled in the nmount of $:1262 .- ndmini t ra tor of estate of Henry as and accordingly personal 'judl!;- 11. Brown, decen!;'ed, and fit d bond HAPTER ,'m plated 11 vision of g'r at activity It wus carpeted deCI) with m oss, "Hop down," ndviJ:\eu Larl'Y, lIl e nt against tlli (IcC lIdUllt j of $2 <100 wit.h hades Parker nnd und g l'ont wealth. Grimstead wa' . ICo to thc Ant" ~ milillg. hilt. he SIlW the Jrreat hill1 ~e l f d sceuding Lu the lower horeby I'Imde rcd and conth'med jll J oseph ilmou l' os s ur tie~ . Charinv i:!ible inte llil,:'cnc s too were of the two c1cvnti Il l', "N ow : it 1'11\'0 1' of said pluintill' for the l'e· I II J ', \\'ngg-oIl Cl', '. , ~ula~s and The attentive youth n odded , alld laa n Y Ul' back. un you Jllui nin g bul a nce of ·J!Hl6.16 with L. : . Shawhlln were UPllointed apthrough th I n ses of down perceivi.ng "All right. Now just to covel' beat thi s ?" int('l'cst at 6'/, . prai ,'l'l'S. hi ~ soul. T,hcy did ,n ot s mil e, the point y u brought up, add his: Th' n aturul scat t hu s f o rlll ed In the case o f I· irst National ' Iill'onl lilt was nnpointed Th,' next morning a cordur.oy That for thc Jirs L live y a l' Mr, and eu ' hion d commnnded t o th' Bank, of lo n'ow, vl!l'SUS 'hu rl es g-ulIl'dian or Ruth An n 'tilt, nn road aeJ'OSS the meadow was made Davenport is LO hu ve the veto right a view up t he stream whi ch . Henderso n ~Ild FloI'll. £l end er- incompete nt, Tight as to a ny on t.emplatod ex- IIlltl n road 1l1'oUilli the fallen red- nt thi poin t mn Hll'Oiglit and wille son , the pluintiff s hall r ecover Th ' inventory of ,Jam e, E, woo d wa ' hc~un. tensions of bu in . That suit you The Grimstead decided to go fOI' !'< ome di ~ tnnce. Bil'(\. flitted from t he d 'fe nd a nt. th' sum of Burkl', :lIlminis lmtor of e~ t.l\te of ATTORNEY AT LAW Davenport?" and midges hov ere d in t he sun. $15 :!.27. M, . Budie. decca. cd. WIlS ~lP"That's fin I" cried the young fishing anrl I'cceived some informaRESIDENCE, LEBANON, OHIO " I wnnt to know mOl'e nbout ---proved hy I he COU1't. I ion from Davenport about the man. t hese gift.s; of your,'," demand ed New Suits The firs t and fina l account of SECRETARY WARREN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Ganlinel' disappeared with l.l na.~h lurking pln(' ~ of ruinbow trout. Ethcl L u 'ille CoollC'r, VOl' Uti Emma M. K Yl'i, cxecllb'ix of e,;"Th e re',,; one thing; be sure you BUI·t un aftC'I' a t illie, "[ wunt to light in the direction of the O ll' , La kll OW how you knew s o IlcclIl'atcly W ilJium E. 'oopel' for divorc '. tall' of.J. fH to n Keys, exec utrix " t the 1110 ~ t nOI·thel'ly swale,' con· , MEMBER, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH re~url1 'a ftel' u, few moments cnl'1'Yabout the rain?" ,hargc Is l,;rus:; neglect of duty, Inte fir .1, Milton K ys, d ceased, ing a portable typewriter, Grim- cludell LaI'l'Y. "The country stlll'- ' " I don't kllow \'er)' clearly illY, i'lliamis ulIl'g Building und Loan was anproved, allowed and co nMEMBER, LEBANON CRANGE stead met him just ~lt the circle of tI>-hes up there, and if you get to self," LaITy uns w l' <I. "I've n e\' cl' Associat. ion vcrs us 1Ll!llry ](ram er, firmed by the curt, following the wrong canyon you'll firelight. MEMBER, AMERICAN LEGION t.ried to ex preRS it." eL ul, civil aclio n, judl,;ment, f o rcTh" will of W . F. 1\!o~s WIl S ad' "No shenanigaJl abo ut t~is; elld los t . ' H e hc~itnted; ~ eck illg fol' 1111 cloHUI'c Dnd l'quiluLlc l'el icf. miLLed ttl pl'obate. Alfurc lt.a H, "Y ou better come along, Ross," MEMBER , MASONIC LODGE, CHAPTER. COMMANDERY Ross," he wnl'ned in a low vOIce. ' lIc'len He!'t \'el'l<U' ,Gcol'ge Be t i\f o~s was appointed ex 'clIl l'ix, n o I want this contract dl'!\wn. ab- sa id GI·im stead . "Go get your opening, AND SHRINE "Did you e\" ' I' road la lel'fOl'di"oro ,', 'harge i:;. gross negbond l'C11llil'ed and Robert Lewifl, solutely fairly, so that anr lawyer Inckle." 'Life (If the Rcc"I" he in· I ct. F:II. ]'; nocl.(' nhflll CI' und lIpl' bc rt linck's Gardiner appeared in the direcMEMBER, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR he may I;onsu lt will apPl'ove of it. quired, " 01' a ny of Fabre's inscct. lII~lry B. Donson VC I'S US George , 1Io p p e werc app oinled apPl'aisers, I don't want a ehance fOl' an ob- tion of the car, and was gone so VOLUNTEE ,lE D FOR SERVI CE IN THE WORLD WAR t E. lIull. 'ognovit nole. l\lonimin Tlllnnell, execu l l'i Y. of jection once we leave thi splace." long that Grimstead became fidge- books?" "I've, r ea d the 'Bee' nnrl one of First Nnt.iunal Bunk of Morr ow ('~ nt c of C h:llIn ce~' n, Bunn II, t~, . Gardiner see med to have a "I understa nd that part of it, great deal of tackle to rig and Fabr e ' ~-th e o ne whel'e th e Em· 'v ersus Chudel' . Hend erson and rJ(' (' e n ~l'(j, fil e t! h I' fil'Rt a nd finnl but-" 1'101':( lI ende rso n for cognovit. a ec()unt. pe l'Ol' 1l10th- " ' "He's one of those lily-whites," clothes to put on. "Ye s , I kn ow, \Veil, tha t ~ive s l\ linmiRiJurg Bu.ilding und Loan :'Ifina Rcu tt (' ll1J1ton, Marie "Here," ca lled Grimstead at last trrowled Gl'im stead, "I've got him ll!'l n SWl't, !\()W !JeeR, and eti pl'- A ~s ociati(\11 ~ ver ~ lI ~ elli e . l. . eot,t Whit, IInll Ollic Scott located now. Full of uplift and s hy "I'm ,going to make a start. You cially ant~ , huvlJ what you mill' ht l\Ienlz and Wa itc i' E, lentz for , hurt. . execllll'ice I,f estate of . ." •• world hi ~ lefl,'nl tra ining, 11 .H'eXpel'll'nCl'ln cJle bu~., ·Jn"~ .,," , his e levof hOl'se se nse. 1 know 'em : ' and follow along when you get ready for cl!J ' ur Ilnd el(u itn!Jlc ,\rnll fll:e E. ,cot\;, dccensed, filed moncy, 'n years of pract ice as n lawye 1', hi ~ l'l'cord '(I,r !lc:~"~veme,n: as they've got to be handled, He's I'll striks the stream and fish down IJAPTEIl X I V, relief, theil' fir. t ac('o unt. cuckoo on the service-to-humanity and you keep going until you find I\I~Yl1r (If Leba non. und hi s IiCl'vice us Il pllbltc-Hplnted cltlzen Lul u F. Jon es v r~ us J, Price Eliznbeth Ryun, ~ lI ar dbn of Burton Find. It Curious stuff. The chances are that he me." r ec olllmenli s him fur 01C' o nicc 0 f Probatl! Judge. He tramped off sturd ily, and 10 cull a CO-OPCl'Uti,,· g overnment 0, iJorne and William F. Reinhan lt June 8hcl'<1,\' . incompelent, tiled won't sign any contract without seeing a lawyer. So draw up a minutes later, after vexatious de- thllt is llS compiicaL(' d an d a lot t o deciurc trus t and enrOl'ce mort- he I' fir ~ i ae 'O lillt. "Inc F nrd Anderso n, )(ccutrix subsidiary agreement on his part lays having to do with lead Fa and mol'c inte lligent a nd ftici en t than ga~e conveyance, ---of Georg'C' 1I. And I's on, deceased, to sign the contract provided his the di entangling thereof, Gardinhumun g ove l'llm ent. You Probate Court tiled h er iTlvc ntol')l. lawyer-get ,his nam8--pronoun- er, followed. immons approached. would hardly go so far as to 'uy Th" will r J"ouig .. Siolccr, dc"There would seem io be no oc- that lin lint is an intell ectual ces it technically correet. We'll get 1 Georgc V. Gllt'~s wa' al11 0i ntcd O(' e:l~ed, wa~ ndmittNI to probate, rum to sign that anyway; and' that casion for my further presence, creat.ure; tha t he, a i' an y of his an- ad minisl rator of I~stute of John A, Carrie W. ,ieker wns appointed s ir?" ho suggested indicating with cestol' 01' fe ll Wll, hus a brain tha t will tie him up." ~, dcclJased and fil ed h nnd of exec utri x. no bond r equired. 01'It was near 10 o'clock before a turn of the head the direction could think out and put in op era- Gro\'e $5 000 with The Ohio Cusua lty In- \'ille 1(, Brown, Prank M, Drake the little typeWriter ceased click- of the patiently laboring self- tion a systlJOl of government Yet surunce Company' as s UI'ely, Dea t! and w uk colonies in the and T om Wood were appointed A ILert Millar d, service ~, $10; ing, and about 11 when Daven- st.arte r. he acts with a heap mol'o intelli· bee hive often intiic.'lte the presThe will of Robe rt O. Car on, appmisel's. Stal{/llt:a Mfg. Co., supphcs, ,$8; "We seem to be safe for the gence t.han mo t men do- o n the deceased, was admitted to probate. port affixed his signature to the talwlta Mig. Co" sup,pli~ s, S ~.!IO; enCl! of a disease called American agreement to sig,n. As Grimstead present, agreed Davenport "Why? avel·age. How come?" Rosa ttl' 'o n wus appointed exeeuMarriage License. Gu stin S ign Shop, pallltlllg SignS, 'foul bl'ood, Whnt's on your wind?" had foreseen, he did not want to "I don 't know." tl'ix, 110 bond I',equired . H omer $2 ' W.nldl·on ,Gilm our, inqllllst "1 thought I would like to try sign the contract itself without exhnrli e Eldon Hu tc hinson, farm- $7.'30; ,B. Wells, ·ervice s. $20 ; I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! "Neither do I; but I surmise. 1I01lcl'oft, Will Hunt nnd Ed., pert advice as to its 'form j but, my luck sir." tllwurt were al)po inted apPl'llis- l' of Lebunan and Miss Anna J, F. anford, servicc~, $3: C. I. Suppose for t he s ake of arg umen t "Sure. Go to it! Be~tcr go that in the void all about and e l'S, being, satisfied with. its substance, ' Lau l'otla Wel sb, of Sprin gboro. Rom e, service, $1; Trustees of down-stream, though." he' wal) willing to agree to that. Ella Koebel, executrix of estate How nl' d Leon Jones, . factory throu gh us is a saturatc solu t ion In five minutes Simmins de- of all poss ible knowledge and wis- of Mary Koebcl, deceased filed h r wor ker of Lebanon and MISR Mary Public Affairs, light & gas, $ll.~G; "Water, lemons, sugarl" GrimReif's Electric Shop, supplies, stead then called to Simmins, parted blissfully. Already he had dom. The things we call living first and final Ilceount. ? , Mal'glll'et Dunham, wnitl·ess . of $4.15 j Oregonia Bridge 0 .. steel, and set out on the ground before a complete drama in cold storage crentures liv e in this ; it js all I Chal·tel'S D, M.upI 6. admini stru- Lebano n. $310.48; T. J. Hill lumber $317.2~ him tour tumblers, pouring into having to do with his return at around us; but we are more or less tOI' of es tate of E lizubeth Holley, Oregonia Bridge Co .• .l~unrd rllli each a generous measure from a eventide carrying a long string of cut off fl'om it by the fact t hat deceased, is order d to sell certain ' Real Estate Tranafers pnng Grove ,matcrial, $14.45; . bottle. s hining beauties find that Grim- we are individual and impel'fect rea l ~tate at privatc sale and Edith p, & John W. Hal~ey to Tra tor & Equipment, l'epnil'8, The drinlls mixed, S immins stead and Gardiner, for all their beings. W e are in sh ells, let us say make l'etUJ'1l to oCourt. William A. EuduJy_ Real estate $1486.83 j Bangham Motor 0" handed .one to each . Grimstead fancy tackle, had succeeded in pal·tic.ular wisdom or knowledge The f.ourth accoont <Jf Mal'Y in TUI'Uecl'eek tow nsh ip. supplies, $5.56 j John ThomBs . arose. landing ~nly four, lind they rather gets to us only through special Jo eph and Anna Mel'ke to Cin- ervice St., gas, $11.85; Welch & ha,pman, g ual'di1lD of Stnn ley R. "Here's to the Universal Power small. cracks. A perfect being would hupman , incompete.nt WIIS ap- cinnati Gas & E lectric Company. Dakin, s upplies, $1. 70; 'E merson Corporation I" he proposed. Plunketty-Snivvels and Rapscall- ha ve a' point 6f contact for evel'}' proved, allowed and con firmed by The use of certain real estate in K. Dill, su,pplies, $3.02: Blind ReThey drank. Larry saw the toil- ion. followed Simmons. possible knowledge or wi sdom. But TUltlecreek tow nship for lines. li ef, qunrte r ending March 31, 'dr~ven millions and the lifting of Burton, coming fro)1l her tent 111 our finite world every individual the COUI't. 'I'he first und final account of, '1'. C, and Grace C. Christie to $1026.5D. yet another of the great pressures a :rew minutes later, found Larry whether it is a rock or a tree or Donald Dilutus h. a(lministratol' of incinnuti Gns & E lectric Co 111of life. Burton saw confusedly an smoking his pipe alone. an ant, is so built that he can c ome I'Deserted. Everybody. Even in contact only with the particular esoote of R wena E. Wright, de- pally. The use of certain real esangel with a /laming sword someNo Increase Tbi. Year was approved, a llowed and tate in 'fUltl creek township for how reopening by a crack . the the dogs," he answered her in- little piece of wisdom or intelli- ceased, confirmed by the court. line . The acreage of soybeflll , which gates of Eqen, Gal'diner contem- quiry, "Like to go walking?" gence from the great store that he 'fhe first and final account f L. A. and Vivinn Vool'his to CHILDR~N neC(ls in his bu si ness. All the rest Frank B. Hicks, executOI' of estate Cincinnati Gas & E1ech'ic Com- has been rapidly increasin g fo r t he last 10 years, will not be inereal'ed of the points of Gontact are block- of Nannie B. Hicks, decease d, pany. The use of certain real es- this year. The decrease is caused ed off by his individual structure. was upproved nllowed and con- Lute in Deerfield township for lines by dr~stic 'Price declines which Thus within hi s limits he has pcr- firmed by the court. F. R. Combs to Cincinnati Gas bave :resulted -ri'Om acreage infect knowledge. It's the same all The first nnd final, ~ccount of & Electric Company. The use of creases equlIl to a half million CHII...;JREN hate to take mtdicine nature. How do YOIl sup- James M. Beel, .udmlllls trator of certain l'eal ' estate in Deerfield ac res a year. ag a rule, but every clUld Jertpose quail know ahead of time estate of Samuel Beel, deceased, township for lines, the taste of Castolia. And this pare whether the season is to be dry was approved', aJlowed llnd conAgnes Catherine Beckett, devegetable preparation is juat as ,ood or wet, and breed accordingly? firmed by . the coprt. ceased to Clifford Richmond Beck' Land Values at Stand Still as it tastes; jU!lt lIS bland and jlDt .. The mOl'e you tllink of it the more The first and tlnal account of ett et al. 173.48 acres in Massie instan.ces you, will pel'ceive." Falm land values in the rural harmless us ,t he recipe reada. Mary E. Qu~~le, lldministl'lltrix of and Was hington townships. "That is tbe most interesting esta te of Philip P. Quayle, 'deceasIsaalc E , Drake to Eliza J. sections o'f Ohio are now about \\'hen Baby's cry Wanal or calico thing I ever he.ard!" breathed ed, was upproved, allowed and con- Drake, 139.10 , acres in Turtle- equal to the values that p revailed o few drops of Cut.oria h,u him Burton. "And it sounds so rea27 years ago. In the ten yean be. creek township. soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nothsonable! But you know we staloted ,t".vcen censuse', land values in the harles W. Early to Harry E. to talk nbout you, not about quails state dropped 30 per cent, and ing i!l more valuable in diarrhea. "Is it our fault--this ~hoking?" Stroop and Harold A. Stroop. since the census WBS taken two Whcn coated tongue or bad l)reath and anis. I believe you are a 56.19 acres in Clearcl'Bek towns:,she asked. "How did it happen'!" crafty s idestepp er." , year s ago land values dropped 20 lell of constipation, invoke itl,cnUe "I don't know, of course; but ship. pel' cent further. "We're headed toward me, If June Morton to S. Coleman aid to oleanse and recuJat.e • child', things were all working along the I surmise," he rep.eated. "It is the Sharp and Madge S. Sharp. In-I======================- bowels. I n colds or chil.d ren'. diMJI .... way they should, man would have interve ntion of mind, of intellect. to No, 665 in Franklin. -------~ you should use it to keep the ayat.em th is same access to univel'sal wis- Man's intelligenCE! is a fine tool, Ma bel 'E. Dutton to William P. dom that the lower creatures hllve nnd complicated. But it was su.p- Jentz and Herman J " Jentz, 111 from clogging, ' Whenever you have some don't deprcss the heart., or posed to be only a tool for the As respeet-s all the things hc would acres in Wayne and Clearcreek Castoria is sold in every dlUltore: nagging ache or' pain, take otherwise harm you. Use t hcm purpose of examining and making normally r un against in his everytownships. the genuine alwaY' bears diU. "H. some tablets of Bayer Aspirin, just as orten as they can spare day normal life he would see, 01' pl'Uctical what caime to it by direct L ogan C. King to Ella King channel. Mankind got so tickled Fletcher's signature. feelperceive is a better wordRelicf is immediate! Inl ot No. 463 in Franklin, you any puin or disconifl)l'l. the causes lind effects and resu lls j with it that he began to run all Jante$ L, Lesher to Willie Just be sure 10 buy the Benuine. because the stream of li fe would his ~lffRirs br. it alone~ That blocked Jervis. Real estate in Franklin ' There's scarcely ever an ache flow throug>h him by cerwin chan- the channe. The mind took 'c on- township. E'X3mine 4le package. B~w:lre , trol in stend of working under conor pain that Bayer Aspirin of imitations. turning certain !wheels." J. S. Riddell to Eva M. Alle)1, trol. lnstead of playing with a "That's what you do!" she cried won't relieve--ani:l never a fl'esh supply of first ,hand- well, Real estate in Fra~klin. excitedly, "seo I" , Aspirin is the trade-mark of Union Central Life Insurance time when you can'l take it. "In a. very smull and practieal call it inspiration; that's what it Company to Speed Ledford. Real Boycr manufacture of 1Il01l(}4 is--we make over and refashion way: a litt le more than the avercstate 'jn Wayne township. The- tablets with the Baycr aceticaciucster ot' soli yiicucid. age. People have just about 10 t o ld stuff. If it weren't for the fact Lnul'O A. Gro ss to Jesse S. thut power. They have little rem- thut some people's channels .rare Gross, Inl ots Nos. 13 and 14 in cross are always safe. They nan ts of it. You've heard of 'pre- not completely blocked, so that Frank lin. monilion !" that hllve worked out; a kind of triekle does get through; Jesse S, Gross to L. G. Kennett of 11 'fee lin!!' that so me one was and if it wasn't for an occasiona l and Jennye V. Kennett, Real esgeniu s who bu sts .(Jut, we'd cl'azy in th e roo m: or expe ri e nced so me tate in Franklin. one of the numel'ous 'conin~i den tie ollrselves up in bur minds 'and dl'Y up and blow awny." ces', s uch liS reei e vin~ n letter Bill. Allowed "'I' hen," she summed up slowly, right on lop of some especia l James Follen, services, $15; t houI'ht of the perso n who wrote "you could tell about the rain and it. You mnv have had drea.ms that the tree fulling, hecau ~e t\lis cur- Penn Morton, services, $70; E. F, rent flowed through you?" camc true.;' Sc hrad e r, s upplies, $2.70; J. F. "That's l'oughly it." Sanford, services, $2.75 j Brown & "Yes, s he cried, "whnt about "How do you d-o it?" it?" Bunnell, coal, $16,S9 j C, Donald ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN "It's hard to say. I set my mind Dilatush, 'rent, $20 j Ohio State "You probnbly thought of all as your Cattle, hogs, I!!heep and cal..... aside and then take what comes to anatoi'ium, X-l'ny of Vernon Hoi'uncanny.' It was n't uncanny at to Nonis-Brock 'Co., 1I"'.e wire and prQgressive firm for ' the hlehMt all. Simpl~' old, choked channels .me. I turn my attention to the land, $5; Lon South, services, $7 j type of thing that is useful for me mal'ket prices and good .emee. letting through a hickle. Mrs, Erma Hibnar, servi'Ces, $10; to know." Union Stock Yarde' CIDcla_t!, O. Mrs. 1 Julia Holland, services, $10 j She pond ered this a llloment, her (To be continued) Tune in on Radio Station WuKT brows puckered prettily. Richm'd L. Williams, services, $10; , 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m, for our daU,. ==================================================E:'~~==========~--~======b:============~~==c:==~~======================~;:==========~========~ market repo~.
Vote lor
Stewart , Ed:ward. White Hen..y JI!Y
Republican Primary, May 10, 1932
--- -_. - - -
-=== === ======== ==-;:;0-
Who Said "Glorious?,"
,Loans '
LONG OR SHORT TDl&-~ , termll. Also SurveriDf ' ad Ali- ' Itracting. ' Write and wOl..n, ~ and' eee'you. Sam D. H~Il1d., !(ar" ~ellvlllej Ohio." ", ' 11~ ,
. \
My Dream Girl
ISSUED EVERY--WEDNESDA Y D; l.. CRANE : I, Paltl1ah.~ Subacriptio'D Pric., '1.50 • Y.ar OSic. PhOD. ...... ................ l'(o. 11, E ~ter a at 'PoBtoUlce at WlaYMIIR..lchac . ........ " .. .. . , ......... . No. III '" lIe. Ohio. a Il S8C f}nd C la 88 M a ll Ma t t er . APlUL 6, 1932
Dollars from Good 'R oadi Good roads put dollars into the motorist's pocket. , A recent. report , stat es that Wyoming r oads oiled last year will save automobile owners $1 087,000 annually. fI' he bureau or roads in that state has found thnt thet cost of operating. a\ car is one cent less OJ'! paved or oiled roads than on gravel. And the cost of oiling 596 mll~8 of road was $1,200,OOO-but slightly more \han one year's savmg. Anyone wh~ has driven over ~e rutty, muddy, semi-impassable roads th~t are ~tlll too prevalent, Will bear out these findings. Nothing save aCCidents IS more detrimental to a car, or to the motoris t's plea sure. In these ~ys of fast t ran sport and widespread us e of the autom obile, the ar~h.alc,. dangerous. "cow path" road has no place. Road OIling IS cheap. First-class surfaces, of rock-asphalt mixtures ean be constructed for a very few thousand dollars a mile, with rem~r~ble low upkeep, costs. Sueh roads reduce motoling costs to th e nllmmum, assu!·e a. passable artery at all times of the year, under all weather conditaons, <act as an attraction to the tourist, bring business to small towns, are a ooom to the farmer. They not only pa y for themselves, but t;eturn Lo the state and the taxpayer a very high r ate of interest both m actual cash and in benefits only slightly less tangible.
The Insurance Salesman's New Era Jokes con.cer ning the life insurance salesman are probably as old as the business itself. It became almost a tradition that a person s~ould make every effort, short of leaping from a window, t o avoid him when ,he presented him self at the home or office. But times change and this tradition seems to De changing with th~m. , We have found out tha t the life insurance salesman has something good to sell. He offer s Ul! not only prote ction for ourselves O() ). our dependents. but a fi rs t-class, proven investment whose valu e r emains the same in s pi te of th e wizening process that' has been going on among investments ()f oth er kinds. Most any stock-and-bond salesman, on the other hand was once an honored visitor IIlnywh ere. In the dear dead days of 1928 we used to spend hours with h.im, fasc inated by his wares. It would have been an effort f or him. ~o avoid selling. Thoug h he may have had pl enty of good sound securltl~s to offer, we usually wanted him ~o tell us only of glamorous speculation s. But now, as a former securities salesman r ecently said, he envies his lowly bro t her, the insuran{'e agent, who doesn't hav" t o spend his tim e crossing streets in order to g et out of the sight! 0 forme"d custooners r . So it goes. And if the depression has shown millions of people, as It should have. the soundn ess of life insurance and the fallacy of stock gambling, it will 'have don e, something eminently worth while. '
By Mrl . Jellie B. Tripp
Large holdings of old D O·tat;o cs. about 11 2 million bushels, j~ nd an indicated incr as in Il creal~e this yeaT neal'ly 2 pen cent . IIrrea ter tha n in 1931, make i!; a tl'visable fol' Ohio potat Q g rowers t o pL'oduce .large yield pel' I/IIcl'e if costs m'e to be 'cut and a prMlt obPlined, accol'di ng La E. B. TU.8sing,
Public Sal~s
On accoun t: o f the death of m ~' husba.nd, I will offer fOI' sal at my res i~ e n ee. 1 mile E . of entl!rville on t he tati n )·qad.on Saturda y, April 9, 1932 . Begin ni ng at 1 p, 01 .. the f oliow-
TIa. O. S. U. Racll. StatioD-WEAO
(G. W. McCuen, Chairman, Dept. Agricultural Engineering, Presiding) 8 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers . 8 :05 Status of Ohio Hybrid COrn ......... .. ... , .. .. ...... ... .. .. ...... .. ... .J. B. Park 8:20 Chick Cannibalism and Crowding Contro!... .. ...... .... P. B. Zumbro 8:35 Rome-Grown Wood on the Fann ..... .. .... ... ..... ... E. G. Wiesehuegel 8 :50 Row 4-H Clubs Supplement School Work ... .. ... ....... James Fitcher Assistant' Director of Education 9:05 Are Attractive Home Grounds Expensive? .... .. ......... Victor Ries 9 :20 Falling Prices and Livestock Marketing.. .. ......... .. . Irwin Porteus ............ Ohio Live Stock Cooperative 'Association 9:35 Is Your Tile Drainage WorkingL ......... .. ... ........ Virgil Overholt 9:60 Apple Scab Control... ......... , ... .. ....... .......... .... .... , .... A. L. Pierstorif SUGGESTS TESTED varieties ,of important vegetables VEGETABLE SE'E DS are: Early potatoes-Irish Cobbler or Early Ohio; late potatoesRusset Rural: Asparague--Mary Buying vegetable seeds accord Washington; beets--Detroit Dark i'n g to the results of actual 'tests Red: carrot-Nantes, Chantenay; is likely to prove more profitable cucumber-EarlY White Spine and less disappointing th.n pur- (f r' ) B t Pi kl' (f chaSing them from the superlatives or s ICing, os on c mg or pickling) j eggplant Black S? oft.en t(lund about alluring Beauty: lettuce (leaf)- Black pIctures in, lUlInual seed, catalogues Seeded Sim,pson; Lettuce :head) says H. D. ~r~wn of the 0 .. S. U. -New York or Wonderful; Onion Though It, It true that ,~onest Sets-Ebenezer, (perennial sets) sel)dsmen of~en make a speCial ef- perennial tree onion, (seed) f~rt , to provide. a~eqUaUl i1~ust1'a- Yellow Globe Danvers or Ohio tlO~S and dellcnp~lVe Irnat.enal for Yellow Globe: Parsnip-Hollow ~he~r best. varie.t les of vegetab.le, Crown; Peas-Laxtons Progress: It IS. ';l wIse plan to regard With Pumpkin and Squash _ Table SUspICion on1 seedsma,!, wh? ~e- Queen and Hubbard: Spinachr8clibes practically all hIS varieties King of Denmark (for spring! in glOWing terms. ~8.4 matter of Virginia SayoTY (for fall'; Turnip fact, the best varl.etl.es of vega- - Purple Top White Globe. ' tables usually are lumted to from ....... one to five or six tor each vegetable. A few of the recommended Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.
- ..----
Candle -Lighting Time;
••.• a
page out of the past
I do not think there ere could be Household Good s Kitch n Fel·nj. t ure, Eltc .. Another girl as sweet as hee ! 1'el'm. ash. Your deal' head lying on my breast O. S. u. , My lips agai nst yo ur r ip e ones Earl y potatoe,s, he says, . should fR . PERR Y POPE p resse d. . b'e .plan ted DR soon ns ' all d angel' F. T. 1\1arLln, A uct. of early frosts are over nnd w hen · ... H g ood n any peopl e r eca ll the cand le li ghtDeal' one! love ollch t hing you the so il beco m e ~ WBrm nough fOl' A- t h , 'fa r ill ha. been sc;> ld where , wear ' ill l! peri d in nul' A mc r il.; a n lif '. getmin atio n. { ow Ii "c. T wi il se ll a~ public The l'ibh ons in YO UI' wavy hair, T ile late po tat crop c; n bc Rale on t h pl'emises, 2 miles W. of Th e bl'acelet on yo ur snowy ar m, planted the lu ttci' JlUI·t of AIl l'i l or " ll yn '!;v illc and 8 m~le s N. of · . . . tl ),{ontl man y lH! Op lc l' mcm.b I' when hot You r little fuce :;0 soft and warm the fi r st two 01' th l' 'C W (lk" in Leba non. on tho Lower Spl'ingM'a y. Howevel', .t.Iw rl' will be II t en· bo1'o Rond and Ol>posite t he tokes wat'l' in Lh e hOI11 \Va>; a l ux ury , obt a'ined only Yo u' re faircr tha n all else to me, de ncy f OI' g l 'OW (' I ~ t o pllll1l lilt , QI' Da iry fllrm, on thr oug h fah ol'io us elf 01'1. ' No othe r can I see but thee! in Jun e becau ~ l' e ady potatoes Thursday, Ap r il 14, 1932 Upo n YO UI' fair whit e bosom therc planted la: t ye a r w e ~e mis: hnpen. Although last y t':lI" s .J un e pla nlC(':,r in ll in)!' Itt 10:00 sharp the I lay my a ll, dear one so fni r. · ... a g o od ma n: 1)('o pll' l'eco ll ec t t he har d ings gencra ll y W I'e of betl l' full n li l1 l! : ' T wo H ClI·~e ~. 1 ) ['ulc, (j head of I long to shie ld yo u from all strife shape, it is a pour pructice , he wOl'k t h at wu s 1h' I·l·SSal',V IICf ol' c E I c tl'icity was And w il for you. deal', nil my life j po inted out, to plant lale and so allll' , j ::)uws and 24 pigs, 3 ;t\'aila b l ' fo r th e :-; lIla l l ·o IlHll u ni L.v and f l'the My dl'ea m g il'l! I with heurt sacrifice quuli ty in hopes of gain- 'h C J) and a I.amb~ . Farming Iming some ill the sha pe oftub er~ . p l~ments, FOI'cl sa n T I'act~l r. Plows, p flam e-fa rm. Indicatio ns f or f<1l r1 y low prices IJI ~C. W ood Saws, FeecJ Gd nder Haven't met you yet ! what is yO ul' , na me ? seem to suggest II need fol' goou HII . in pl!rfec.t I'unni ng" conditi on ; seed lin d fe l·tilizers if a profit is to hlc l,en s. Hou . eho ld GoocJ s, Fced · .. . th ' Y O llll ~r(l 1' g'C' IIC'l'a h o n d oes n ' t know ; bebe rea lized. Eco nomizi ng on t hese and MisCl'lIanellu s Arliclefi. cau se i t n ( ~ n~ r l'x )l e r it'l l 'l!d th e back-ureaking two imp orta nt ite ms, T ussilllJ,1; beT('nnl' 'us h. lieves, w ill ros ult in low yields LESTER S RFACE jobs. and hig h pl'od uction costs. Rathe r W. N. S 8)', . AucL t ha n a ttempt to s kimp on seed \\. E. O' ' ca ll and L . . St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Ha rry Starr o()f qua lity a nd fe r tilize l·s. it is a good ·Ierks. Dayton we re ca ll ers Wedn esday a t idea to plan t a sma ller aC I·eage. .- - - - - - - - t he h(1llle of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H . . It is best to use fi.nn~c.es in buy. , publi cHn primury election on Gray. th " g ood , old days" g g"ood seed an d 1el·tl ll zel". mak · I(l't Y MIlY 10 MI'. and Mrs. R. H. Har tsock m in g it go as far a s it will. a nd the n •. , ._ _ _ _ produ c cd a stidwart and family of Waynesville wer e if som.e potato land is left over. ALLEN HUFFMAN rll ce bu t \\'ho wants Sunda y gu ests of t heir par ents, pla nt It to a cove r crop and gct to ha\'c t h21l1 rctu1"I1"! Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dea ther age. t he soil ready for the co min g year AlI en H uffma n an nou nce!; his Ead a nd J a mes Clin e a nd Mrs. when p ri ces will b , betteI'. ('undldacy for nominati on fOI' "'0Emma Clin e o f Dn yton were her e plecl ion to the office o f co u nt~' Friday with r elatives. ..e ~O l'd l' I', liubj e~t to th e repub li can Mrs. Imoj ea n Voiet's has been ~~'~~II~~, 1~132:llJn on Tuesday, ou t of sch oo l this weck, owing to illn ess . Miss Cla udia Gray substituted for her. E. J. BEEDLE WILLIAM HUFFORD Miss Vi r ginia D avi~. Alice We arc authorized to a nnou nce Bogan, and Jimmy Th orn bury r epDepu ty Sher iff Willia m Hu fford r esented our school in the Co unty announ ces his ca ndidacy for t he t he name of E. J . Beed le, 0'£ Union Orawl·ical contest F r iday after- I'ep ublican no minatio n for sheriff Township. as a ca ndidate for renoon . of \Vnnen coun ly, ubject to t he electio n to t.he offi ce of Cou n ty The eighth grade t ook 'Stat.e will ()f the eleolors of the repu bli- ommif' . iO ll cr, subject to t he det ests Friday momin !{. Miss Lewis can party a t th e Ilrima l'y TUlesday. cision of the Repbu li ca n PI'i mlll'y Xe nia Dist rict elect ion, May 10 , 193 2. went to Otte rbein and t hei r e ight h May 10. grade t eache r cam e here. M)·8. Lida Villa l·s of Spring ValHA YES C. KEEVER W. Z. ROLL ley was a recen t g uest of Mr. and H. H EATHMAN, Manager J:layes . q. Keever, of Lebanon, Ju dge W. Z. Roll a nrt oun,ces hi s Mrs. E. M. Villars and so ns. Oh iO. soltclts yo ur suppo r t for his cand idacy, f ol' the I'ep u bli can Mrs. Na ncy Reyn olds died last reelection as nom inatio n as Commission er of Sunday at the home o()f r ela t ives nominat.io n for Wan n County, s ubject to th e dein Milford. She was bu r ied at j udge of t he WaIT n Coun ty cis ion of the Republi can Pri mary probate co urt ubject to the Xenia. vot ers at t he I'epublicnn party Elect ion May 10, 1932. Carter Broth ers basket ball pri ma ry Tuesda y, Ma y 10. Your teMn. won over Buckeye All Star s support and you r vote will be s inof Xenia 69 to 17 Thu rsday even- cer ely app reciated. ' ing. MI'. and Mrs. Richard Kible r W. D. CORWIN and daughter s ~ re moving t o 'lOTARY PUBLIC PA INT E R . DECORATOR Walter Gray's farm. ' W. D. COl'win, Sale m tow nship National BalD" PAPER HANGER a nnoun ces his cnndidacy for the republican nomin ation for :reelec~iIJl Drawn • • Eltatel Settled Tntedo l' Decol'a ti ng~ Craft ex and ti on to th e office -o f coun t y comCompo-Tex , W a ll I"inish, FurniWAYNESVILLE, OHIO mission er, s ubj ect t o the primnry, ture an d W oo dwork Refinished T uesday, May 10. Old F loors Regra ined. ' ALL WORK FIRST CLASS A local orchestl'a composed of E. B. MURRELL Lowest Prices Vernon Stiles, Howard Shambaugh FOR SALE DATES CALL Thomas Haydock, Paul Graham E . B: Mu rre ll, county treasurer, Box 32 Waynesville,ObiQ and Ruth Cur ry fu r nished th e au th?r1zes us to a~n o ~n l:e his music for th e Junior cIa s play a t can didacy f~r . n ~ mmatJO n f or King man High School F r ida y cou~ ty trea SUt e l fot ~ seco n ~ term night s ubJect to the r ep ublican primary, Re~. and Mrs . Kilmer r eturned Tu esday, May 10. PHONE 8F3 DR~RUDOLPH Saturday from a trip to Rochester, CLYDE C. COLLINS N. Y., where he was called by t he . . death of his mother. Clyd e C. Col hns anno unees his JESSE STANLEY HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Mr: and Mrs. Elm er Peter son candidacy f or n o~ inuti o n fo r Pbone 320, New BurliDlItoD, Ohio and son, of Yellow Springs, wer e clerk of courts, su bj ect to the re30 Years Experience in guests of relatives here last week ""!!'"""!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ Fitting and Making GlaBlles EARL KOOGLER Miss Catherine. Noggle was home ~ Dayton Phone last week for Spring vacation. .r--. ' oI!I 7 Miss EIiZillbeth Evans, north of KEnmore 8986 oJ .. J town, was th e vict im of a birt hday Lebanon, Obio surprise Friday evening. Tuesday, Tbursday, Saturday About thirty neighbors wElDt to Examination Free the homA! of Mr. and Mrs. Luther LEBANON. OHIO HUNT1NC~ Haines last Tuesday and helped
--- - -
Political Announcements
The o yt on Power and Lig t Co.
A:· ht 7 a ,,,s, 'L A pn./ 11 rr arm l'Ylg ,--------------------------_--1
Dead Stock Wanted
- - ---- --
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
W .. H .. BRITAI N
Stanley &Koogler
Auction l;ers
Sight Specialist
Service Sends P~yped ~flessages By Wire
the , A sl ~ n oll'l'aphol' can s it nt n tele. ... t y pew l' i ~e r and t ype a messugSheep and wool growers in 27 lhich will b:l ' I'cprotluccd in" t:mtly counties in which wool and lamb cn anothe r teletypewriter, whet!te r sales make up a sizable portion of it is in Ohio or n Pucific coa st the farm income, have organized 88S00c.iations which propose to im- city, by means of a ne w com muniprove the quality ot; the wool and cation service I':lccntly inaugu ra ted on a natio n-w ide basis over lambs sold from, Ohio farm s. t he wil'es of The Ohio Bel ~ Telephonc Company and those of the American Telephone and Teleg rl;lph Com;,tnny and a s ,~c iate d companies of the Bell System.
to clear ._ tornado.
_up _ _ wl'eckage _ c- _ __
Cary's Jewelry Shop
poin ts t hroug hout the country. E ·tabli shmen t of switching offices ill all la rge cit.ies gives the new ~ e rvi ce the flexibility that charlIcterizes the r egular telephone service of the Bell companies. Th e principal Ohio outlets leadjll~ to r cgional teletypewrjter cente:r s sca t tc red from coast to coast and from border to border are 10- HUNTING ".ated at Clevelnnd and Cincinnati. &: PISHI.N O '1'he Ohio O}lerat ing cen.t e rs wh'e re I. a 62-pn(j. J'l)oDt hly mll/lo. subscribers' teletypewriter lines . Ino orammed f u lJ of b uutrll~tu~~~ . terminate are in Cleveland. Co- ~~gppr~~~i:ii:n~S~f va, lu:\hlo t nf()rm tttion ul,lou6 f~~~-i:;:~t:~ne:~~~!!. ~~~; Dr ACee to Kat Slab Wid
F. T. Martin · Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
Only $1.00
Phone 78]
.'::U~~081J~~~~JGgn~o;iI ~~s Wo Wllll'lCQc1 yo ll
V;~t6\)u~, Y.O~\'\ct
""C. ~~~~~PJt\l tM\~lO
O. 't\,~, "('\o\t\\~ \\ ,",or \t."OUG~· '~f\H\C '{\o\W)G\\ \1\\t t~" "{() W"~\\I'.~'T "'\1tE M~t-l f't4\) .~o, ~ERl - ,.. -
Tra nsIt Bldg. &:!oston. Maee.
EPAIRING Wutches Clocks J ewelry
8tOl'0 Ope n Evenings
1 ~l!9\~n
't~t \\\G\\lf\~tl~
reletypewf'itef' Swichboaf'a used in the Bell System's
0" \~\<." A. \t,.\\1€~ 0, , G~'~O'~l, "Nt<., \~ ~\.c.t~\~. \IQ ~l'~~\) '''' ~e:-
U\l\O~ Of "\110 5'Tt.£Nl\\· ~E W\'rM . A, ' ~,~\O\ C.~\~l a' GAlue t.t\o.'tt\e o,~~a.: C()tl'U\l~\"'ca , \fJ)~~1 ~ , , . ..-/ . ' .'" _ - - - - - - - - , .wItt} ~
.. " ".1 ,- ~
~ .,
new tQletYPBwf'iter' ser'vicr?:
The new service provides for the establishment and operatiqn of central , sW'itching exchaJlg(!s for teletypewriters. similar in function 'to telephoJ)e exchanges. Teletypewi-itets are machines which typewrite electricaUy,1 oyer ~I~es to -rather teletypewriters. , . , Opens Ohio Offius ,' Any s:ubscriber to this . Iletvi~ . Can obtain 'conn~ion with the teletypewriter of any other teletypewriter subscriber within the same city or in • distant city lilerely by transmitting the numher of the desired party. to a teletypewriter operator. This permits the letters, and tabular matter, to (
lumbus, !.k ~cn . Youngstown, Toledo. and P n:,-ton, with provisions made to add 5witching offices in (lther citios as needed to occommcdnl<: the growth o.t t lJ . orvice. MO:J thly , Directory In the pnst, . te ictypc\ I'itec ser vIce of the Bell SysLem was f urnlshed only ,in connection wi th prjva~ , wi res which ' \verc not connected to central switching 'p'o int.s. . , A univer sa l teJetypewrite r direetO ty, listjllg a ll sub, cl'ibers by cities and town." already is being compiled, During the fir~t few lY'onths of I'nt ion tl new ed ition \ will b~ i §.\lod cl.lch .month so that the qireolory will be up-to-date.
~.... ~-.~~
Miss Ella Ebright left het'e un Monday for Dayton , ",here . he Intend!! to re id w it,h her pal'euts, Miss E. will be mJss d in Wa ~' nell ,ville, wher{l IIho ha~ so long been tll'teemed !Oclnber of society and th pri ncipa l I:llly chorilltel'. and ot: 'uni t of the M. E. hur h. We wi:.h hor hal)pine s nnti pro, pcrity in her n, w home.
Roy hcnowcth of X enia , was ff!!~~=~~~~~==~==~=~=~======~ a Wayn(\~vi1lc visito)' today ..
Our Ideal of Service
l\1i:;s Beatl'ice R obitze l', of O. Three o f t he Jading home eConW. . i l:! home for 11 Khol't vacation omic ' authorities of the United Statl'!! will .'e l' ve as judge ih th l\1t-~ , Mal'y W ddle, oj' Dayton , Ninth ational Meat ·tO t·y -c nte t What a r eli ef. it is, in the sudden confusion of aVed on Mr. , MlIl'Y J one ' lind in " 'hich Wayne sville Hig h ~ h.ool ~ ()n , John, t oday,. bereavement, tQ be able to call upon someone who ~ i rl. have ntel'ed e~Yl:!, accordLoc:aJl ing 1.0 ,11\1 announ e m nt just reknow:! what; has to b e done and how to do it! What :11', a nd Mrs. Walter Elzey were ?Yh. HOTace M. All n isi ceived fro m th 'a t iOMI Live H a r taock- Maaon g uellts of rellltlves ill Dayton 'a sense of comfort it gives to shift the burden of ncinnati la t w ok. 'lock 'lind Meat Boa rd, con te~ t unduy af te rno.on . MI·s . A. K. Day is visiting At th' h<>1T1 of the bride's spon sor. , , Mr. . G r don ~oy is enj oy ing pr actical d et ai.1s o,nto the shoulders of an exper· flltbe l', in Spring aU y, ,Dec mber Th sta te ment sa ys that tho lnliv s at Wi nchestc l', Ky, the . ummer cl im e of }florida. Tune in 011 the C. & B. program, 23, 1 0, Mr . E phraim A, R al't- j udge committee will be compo ience d t houg htf ul fri end! ' ' pt. Gough is ,' p ndi ng t he ,(lck and Miss Li zzie B. l\fnson. Mill, :Rele n Hawke is v is itil1g statiO!I ' WI{HC every Sunday of Miss Franc s wnin superviscd Th at is t h e id eal which has in ' pired the evolution' h qlidays at his hom e in t his to, n. I:IfLe rnoo n at 5 :30 . or of Ha usch Id AI'ts in t.he re latives a t W 'st et'vill e. Ohio. M1'.. G. E . 'Rnndall ret urned to One F or ever ~f th e rt:lo dern f uner a l director. He is more than a ' hicngo city schoo ls and p ['csid ent MI'. and Mrs. W, H. Madden MI'. atld Mrll. Glenn F r ye, of bill tudies at De lawa re Univer sity IItul'd.ay yell ing, Ja nuHl'y of t he AmCl'i\l4l1l H ome E conomics vi sit ed re lat ivos in Glark:v ill c to- Dtryto~l, s pe nt the wee k-end wit h mer e mercha nt or mast er of ceremonies. Combining yesterd ay. J, II ' plendid r eption wa' As adatioll; l\li ss J essie Alice day. Mr, una .Mrs. CRTI lo' l'ye. execut ive a bility with th personal l'esponsibility of Mrs. ' Ism el Wri gh t and her lin , pro fe~so l' of hom e con e mdaug-htel' Lea h visitod incinnati giv 11 at the r esidencc of 1111'. ics ul the ni vers ity f Missou t'in; th e profesg iona i man , he offers true counsel and i,l)1\'11'8. Fl'l1 nk Stn nsbe l'TY und , 1I1i8s S uo 1'1Ine hil S take n roo.ms 11 '1\1' ), Upp, nCal' Wa ync ville, in and 1\11'5. Ne ll H, on Monday. ichols, asso ciat e fa mily vi:<ite d I'elat ives in Oak la nd In th 1)0 1110 of Mrs. Emma Hannl\lites f ull confid ence. The .stoockllolders of Wl:lyne Nov- honol' o f t he bride und gr oom, Mr. edi to r of the Woman' s Home Com- S u nll uy a Ctel'n oon . on on F ou l'lh st reet. elt.y W orks have bcc n as.c~sed an · lIn rl And t hat is t he ideal whi ch this organization, in Irs, Georg e E. pp. Mr. panion. e j udges will meet in hicago other 10 per cent . Wallpapcr- ovcr ] 5 0 putterns MI'. an d Mrs. E. C. Cra ne and COI'goC E. pp was married to ea 'l'h its humble 'way, seeks to r ealize. We shall not conl'ly in Ma y to pick th e winners to select frill , 5c an d , up all chilo\' 'n of Dayton, will spend the Little Maggi Hisey, dt\ ug hter ])IL - a nni e Holl', of Lebanon on fr om t he t houslIn dfl of e says I I'om sid er ou r servi e a success unl ess we hav e light ened of h. J oseph Hisey, is a larm ingly III ·t 'f ue da y. They started imcarried in st ock lit Mye l' Hym'u ll'. s Ul\1I1lUl'mo nt h with Mr, and Mrs. D. L. ra nc. ill wi th scnrlet f av r. modia tely to Dark 0 •• On a 'hort every state e n te r d in t his co nteRt. 11" burde n of th ose in sorrow. T he winn ers will r ece iv c Ull ivC l'sit>' 1~ss Bell ' Brow:n or pring vi,~ it . and re turncd on at ul'day, Mi gs Mnr gm'ct oa k was n weeksch ohll'shi ps a nd cRs h IIwards. Mrs. J .. J. Fritz l' t ur ned to her Valley schools, pent the holidays whe n t he r ece ption was given, at li d gu c~t at th e ho me o'f Mr. and I n for mat ion r ega rc ling the nu m- Mrs. which quite a nu mber of t he ir MOlT is Mad l y near Wilmin g- hOllle in I(,\lc la nd l a~t week after a t her homc in t his place. bcr of entries in th e cant st ina th ree- wceks visit t o IheT pllren ts, tall, MI'. Willia m R . Ha ll'ke's litUe fl'ien ds wel'c prese nt. After par - dicales t hat the local g i r l ~ have 11.'1'. and Mrs, W. p , Sa lis bu l'y a nd daughte r, La ura . is s ick wi th \\'hl\t ta king of the fine banqu et prcparHouert \r mRtron,g a nd Gco rge olhe r I'e lativ(!s. ' tI , the gu st s e njoyed li n evening pl en ty of compe tition. Over 14,00 0 is fe ared to be sca rlet fc ver. Waynesville, Ohio Phon,e 7 HI'O entered from about 85 0 high E d\\'a rds sp 'nt th e we k-end at Mr. Hil'llm Schnebly's little of rure soc ial enjo ymc.nt. Those sch ools, it is said . The local I-( irl s" t he h Oll1e' of the l::tlte r, ll eur We ha\'e t he mo st mo dern a nd prese nt were as fo llows: MI'. an d son has been ve.!"y ill wit h lung fechances of being mno ng t he win- Grecll fi lei, complcte watc h I' pa ir sel'vicever , bu t is now consid ered better. frs. Robe rt Bradd ock, Mr. a nd nel'S are stre ng then d, howe" er, and usc onl y gCll uine materials. Mrs. Mi lt Eal'nha r t, Mr. a nd Mr s, The Mi seS Laur a and Ida .Joshua McKay, Mr. a nd Mrs. Lafe by the fact thll t, in ad rl it ion to Bring YOu r' walch tro ub les to us . ' arneI', of Ha rveysb urg, we r e Gra ham. Misses J en nie Berry, Li- nationa l prize ~, th ere will be 'l\ry 's J cwell'Y ~ h o p, Leban on, O. g uests o f Georg Myc r 's fami Dod d. Eliza Clurke, Anna awa r ds in ve ry state. IItU l'day an d Sunda y. Rev. C. S. Gl'Illl Ser , a former Br ace, Mary, Annie a nd Lydia Ed- , T he stories being rece ive d t hi s pU ~LOl' of the loca l M. I~ . c hu rch, A large a nd delig htfu l party ward!!, E ffi e "Mc Bryan t , Lill ie year (! over nil phase:; of th e s ub who hal; b('Cn ill in Whi teha ll hoscame off at t he hospitable mansion Bl'3 dd ock , Hanna h Gor don, Ernes- ject o f live stock and mcnt , pita \' olumbus, has been ]'e moved of Mr. yrus mith, last atu rday t ine Myel', Carrie Th ompson, accord in ~ to th e Board. Oll e of thc Director of Fun e ral S e rvice to ~i s hC :Hl1 C a t Worthing ton, where eve ning in honor of Miss Mary Messr s. Ches terfi eld Myer , Dudley mos t popular subj ctH s ems to hc IS sa ](t to be slowly recovcring. mit h. Myer, Elwo od E dwa rds, Alb er t be th e vn luo of mea t ns a f ood a nd placc in the low cost di et. Its E lwoo d Chandler, its The Thirteenth Regiment O. N. handler, popu larity is attribu te d to th e CUI'Gmduati on- Birthda ys - WedG., t o wh ich command t he Ha rris Clark e McKay, a nd Mari on Gord on r ent interest in low cost meal s Modern fun era ls demand prop- din gs 0\' A nniver 'aries. See the Gua rds is attnched, has bee n invi- Miss Mary Upp and Mr. Mal'io n cou pled with t he fa ct th Ht meat e r eq uipmen t a nd a th orou ~h modestly pri ce d g ifts of en deal'ing t eil to ~ o to Washington in March Gor don acted as brid e maid and pric s (lrc lowe r to da y th a n they kn owledge of up-to-date meth- ! churm at a r y's J ewelry Shop , to Par tIcipate in t he ina uguration g room man a t the wedding. ods I "The Home of Gifts," Leba non, havc been in man y years. ceremonies. Th .mea t !.tory co n tcst is held AMBULANCE SERVICE ! Subscribe for t he .Miami Gazett e. We have just received a car load of Siberian Seed an nually us an eclucatio nal f a t u re Miss Annie B url1ley spent h er un de r the auspices of t he Nationa l Phone 29 Chr istmas va cation in London. She Oats. These are a large white oats of very good Waynesville, Ohio - - -- - ".'7',- - Live Sto ck and Ment BOlln l lind entertained several of he r f riends quality, grown in 1931. with t he indor~cl11e n l o f tho U, S. very pleasantly at the , Sellers EVERETT DOANE Depa rtment of Ag r iculture und House on t he even in$< bef or e her ' - ._ - , departure. state agr icul t ural colleges. Entries In announci ng my candidacy The member s of t he M. E. wish t o ma ke t his statemen t t hat a r e mad e throu gh the hi ~h school Church gave t heir pastor, Rev. J . if electe d [ p romise to wor k fo r teachers of hOll1 o econom Ic:;. T. Bail, a donation party on Satur- ta x reduction a nd for a n honest ( Con tin ue d from Page 1) We have a choice selection of Clover and Alf.lf. day evening last , on which occa- an d effi cient Cou nty Gove rnm ent. T eachers Meetinga sion ' a large quanit y 'of valua ble Everett Doa ne, oondiuate fol' Seed. presen ts wer e made th e r everend i:oun ty commissioner, s ubjcct to At the tN1C he l's meetings to be gentleman by his affect ion ate the decis ion of rep ublican par ty at held T uesdillY evening at t he g rade parishion er s. t he p rimary e lection, May 10. bu ild ing a nd Wednesday a t High Montana Grown Grimm Mrs. Lottie Carey has retu rned choo l building, Apr il 5 a nd 6, Alfalfa. _........... '.. .. . . . fr ol'\'l her daughter's near Rid gethe c oncl uding chapters of " The vill e to the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1arks of a n Educate d Man," will F rank Rogers. be studi ed. T hese meetin gs have Choice Kan8a8 Grown been he ld at )'eg ula r intel'Vals and Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. O. Williams of Common Alfalfa ... _.. - .... eve l'y teacher has baken 'charg e of Da yton a tte nded the Cha rleton nt lea st on e meeting during th eir sale Wed nesday and wer e over study of Wiggin's book. nig ht g ue;;ts of Mr. a nd Mrs. W. F . We alao have excellent bargains in little Red and Graham. Sapling Clover Seed. Tourn&ment Rivala Meet for dual Mrs. Margaret J o hns, in comTrack Meet pany wit h 1\1 1'. and Mrs. Ban y Mc Ginnis of Wa ynesville, were We were crow ned basketball dinner g ucsts of Dr. and M~'S. L, champions bu t how a bou t t ra ck? The,s e tw a B. Ha ll, We dnesday,. Franklin has always had an extra fence rolls, taken -.o-...iiioiii. . . Mrs. Anna Kenrick a nd doughstr ong U'a'C k team while ours has down for ship- te l' Miss Bertha, of Wayn esville a lways been very weak a s a wh ole. A new set for .... $15.3Z1 This is the best prod~ct known to rid poultry of men t, wen t spen t F riday at the home of Mr. B ut t his yenr Miss F ox, Miss Henlice and mites. Also used to destroy many plant in. a nd Mrs. Wa lter Kenr ick. kle a n d Coach Pyl e have created throu gh the Lifetime GU:ljmnteed mor6 excitemen t a nd e nthusiasm Mr. and MI·s. George Gmham Gulf of Mexico seeta. in track than Waynesville ,has ever M r. and Mr s. Clare nce Gray Fence Weather and seen. Sou t h~ weath er is favo r a moved las t week f r o.m the Ja nney Test. "Galvan- fa rm to Tim Ba.:rton's f al'm, ble, we' ll go to Franklin', f or 6 nealcd" still al. ea st of L ytl e and Mr. Bar Lo n and dua l ,meet t his F rid ay, t he 8th. '-- T he m eet w ill be conducted .in th e most like new. famil y movEld to Bellb rook. Supertwist CoOrd Tires same ma nn er as all oth er dual Mr. and Mrs. Therl e J o.MS and Ord inary gal. meets. New Hi gh Peal, s in vanized was son, Milto n, of Centel'vill e were Sunday dinn er g uests of the £01'ruined. Goodyear Value! State Teats mer's pare nts, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. B. Which will give J ones. Husky, dependable, guaran. Pupils \,:,ho ran'~ high this year teed t.lres Rnd tubes-you get lD t he var IOUS subJects m entioned you most for Prof. and Mrs. A. E. Black of these matchless ba rgains bewill, ta ke t he sec.ond state Every Phone' 25 your fence Dlly toJlJ spent F riday evenin.2' with cause millions more people pupil test on Wednesday, April 13 Rev. and Mrs. I:f. H. Laffer ty a nd Plcturo5 dr:lWII money? We sell RED BRAND "Galvannealed" buy Goodyears,. Come see as f ollows : ,f amily. ( tOm actual photOl:ruplls. FENCE at fair standard market prices. them I E ng lish Litel'3ture - Verdena A nun1ber f rom t his place attenFox, Lois Pennington, Bessie ded Ha rvey Burnets sale near Woolard, Mary Crane; Anna Cen te rville Tu esday. Full O'Neal MiI'iam Ellis and Doris Mrs. Kesler Graham and Mi ss Ih°:;ji:vurl5ilzr.e'20 Salisbury. ~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! Bernice were in Lebanon on .91 Eng lish I.- Betty Hartsock, busin ess Saturday afternoon. 30]['1.!~O-21 .91 Fl'ank Hawke, and Ruth fennin g 28:1:4.75-19 .94 Mr. an-d Mrs. Ea rl Young ento n. ' th~ 1914.75-20 5.04 .91 t ertained friends f rom Dayt on En glish 1I.- Roma Hardin, Ru t h Phone 25 19x5.00-19 5.U ••00 Sunday. Rock ett and Neva Peters. 30J 500-20 5.S9 1.14 -"""! Mrs. Belle Scott, E verett Early E ng lish VIlL- Ceci\ Hartman, 3t l !i.OG-'l1 5.56 1.16 and daug hter s spen t Sunday' afterJan e Cook Ruth 'Salisbury Mary t:=-=~~==~=~=:=:!I========~~=~~~~~ 28xr. .25- 18 5.97 I.OS Burton, Marjorie Eal'nha{.t and noon wi t h the latter's ni ece , Ml·S. 31x,. ;15-11 6.43 1.1. Irene Pe.ters. ' Perry P erkin s and f amily in ~.46 f:t. Dayton. , .English VII·-;-Gle Qna W\».Olard, Miss Marjorie Lafferty will be Eileen Hall and C. B. Earnha r!:' home Wedn esdny, fr om Ohio WesEng lish VI.- Jane Furnas leyian :Univers ity at Delaware, to Vivia n ' Conner IIl nd,'Frank LeM~y spe nd a weck wit h her parents, English V. - Elizabeth Hoblet t Rev. and Mrs . 1'1 , H. Luffe l·t y. Evelyn. Johns , and ~iriam Scott. ' In your old tires MI·s. William Col eman is ill with E!lg hsh IV.-Carol L~dington, for the new lanyng it is. DoriS Beck, Sarah Miller, Mary Eva L eMay, Miriain Wha rton and , Mrs. OTam Shoup and son of 1931 Charlotte Hartm-an .. ' Ridgevill e and Mrs. Ralph Stowe GOODYEAR and da ughter o.f Pekin visited, Mrs. Engli sh Ill. -Freeda 'E llis, Betty Bradock, Robllrt Osborn 'Opal Eva Graha m T uesda y· afternoon. AI.L-WEATHERS Mr. an d Mrs. Wilbert Swank Robarts, Martha Martin and Alton Earnhar t. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond We idn e; New LowPric.1 Genera l Science--Frank Hawke and daughte r of Dayton , spen t Ruth P ennington and Bet ty Hart~ Sunday with MI'. and Mrs. Ed. sock. laryng it is. TUNE IN Latin J.~)Janita Brannock Rev. H. H . Lafferty assisted Radlio Programs Goodyear CLASSUo' IED A~ijL'tsLW ~i~ Ru th P~nnii1gton and Be tty Har~ Rev. W. J . Fox of the U. B. chul'ch Wed. S :lt. sock. at Spl'ing-boro. wit h a seri es of GIVE g~~~U~ATTIC 'STUFF Latin, II.-Bernice Graham meetings at Oregonia la st week. P OSE CLE ANING ROUSE, Ruth .Hocke~t and Lois Penningto~ Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harvev WHEN ONE MIGHT WANT IT S O M~E Al'It hmetlc VIII.-Cecil Hartan.(1 son, of Blanc'hest er, wer e over BADLY. man, Jane Cook and "Ruth Salisnight g uest s of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. bury. Charleton ; Wed,n esday . ' Arit hmetie Vn.:-"'Glenna WoolMI'. and Mrs. Floyd SaVlllge and ard, Eileen -Hall, and Eve]yn ~ami1y we re Sunday d inner guest s Furnas. of Mr. and Ml's. W . F. Graham, Phone 47 east of town. Arithmetic VI .-~Ho wlllrd Hall Reba Ed,w ards. Beulah. Bernard' Mrs. MIll'garet ,John s, in coniWayne8ville, Ohio Jane Furnas, Vivian Conner and pany with M'l's. EUzabeth Smith of Max Stephens. Dayton, spent Sunday with Miss Arithmetic V.- Evelyn Johns, Mary and Pa rry Co ok at Waynesville. Mll'1a.m Sco~t and Tressler Hardin . ArIthmetic IV. -Doris Davis Sund~I .V vi sitors at the home of Sarah Miller. Doris Beck Mary Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were STATE:MIllN'1' E va LeMay, Miriam. Wharton and Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart, son , an d da ughter of Ca rlisle. Mr. and Statement o f the own ershIp and Helen Faul. u , Th 1 J ' manageme nt or' the Mia mi Gazette. Arithmetic ' III. -Freida: Ellis uu·S. ' el' e on es and son of p U:bll shed a t Wal' nesvtll e Ohio, a8 Centerville. Mrs. J. B. Jones, a nd rCQulr d by th o A.ct ot Congress 0 Tes~a Stansberr.v, Wayne Scott: Mr and M W G IT ' I August 24'. 1912 : . 1'5. . . ua l1leS an( PUbl lsh.cr. D , L, CI·an e. WayneS- RoXie Sa ckett, Martha Martin' and children of Dayton. vi II , Ohio : Mnnn~r r flJJl di Editor. D Mat·y Moss. ' Mr. andMrs. Earl P ro ud and I,. Crnn e, Wllyntl8V llle. Ohio, . Hist ory , VII.- Glenna Wo~la~d , ehild.ren of Reading, Mr. and Mrs, Bo ndho lder s, mor tgagees and other Eil een Hall and Marjorie Tinney' s ecurity holc] crs. None. R oy Proud of Red Bank. Mrs> S\voI'n Lo a ilil subscribed bero'" Ale!!,ebl'll I. ~Frank Hawke' Gladys Donley and son and Evan me thIs 2d d av nt Aprll , I ~3 2D ' , Betty Harts'ock and ~-rvin ' Fox. ' Price of Oarthagel, M,I·. and ' Mi,s. ,L , !It; Henderson Notary Pu blic , ,Plane Geometty....... Berniee GraHIII'lan Goozey and Jack Klotz of :==;::====~~~~~=== ha m, Ruth Hockett and Wallace . ,. . .~ . . " " , spen t 'SundavafterJToon iii --~ Bernard , ,phemistllY - Ronald "Hardin, with Mr. and Mr s. William OoleVIl;~J1a Fox~Anna I ~)'~eall~ Donman and f~~. _ _ _ ._ , . ald Hnw~e, Hazel Hightman and Ler oy ~or~n. No IriC'reaae Thia y~~~ ,,FOR !IALE The acreage of soybeans, which " FEED-LOT OPERA:rIONS has been rapidly increasing f or the FOR SALE- Tul'key ' eggs: 25c, ,. . ' 1a~t 10 years, will not be increased each. H. Sha mbau'gh, ' Hllrveys- ~ D~rint the 1Mb M March ill\d this year. The decrease is caused bUTg, Ohio, Phon e 21R12. a18' Lhe nret :part · of kgrU farmers by drastic price d'e cHnes ' which FOR-sALE T 'k who feed , beef cottle will have an .have Tes ulted f1'om acreage In-- urI ey eggs. Ml'S. opportunity to learn whether a Anna Hoak, ttllephone 1t3R31, profit can be made from their creases , equal to a hale minion Waynesville. , feed~ot op....tloDl. I acre's a 7ea1',
Taken' !t()m t he Gazette, of Fifty-on Y al' Ago
_._---- -._--------
A. H.
"Always a Step Ahead"
Seed Oats
Political Announcements
Clover and Grall Seeds
$13.00 $
"Blaek Leal 40"
For 'R esults Use
Waynesville, Ohio
Gazette's Ad. Cc--Iumn.
Gordon's Service Station
A .New Car Just In
Per bale' • • ' 8~.OO ' 'P er .Quare • 84 •.00 Thes~, ~~~ng~e~ ,
are. the HUtit!ngMerr:ltt. Certdied Brand, ,~he h,gh,:,' ~st".qua1i.t.y ,o.f.·Rea, <;1edar Shin~le's
"manufactured ..
-. '.
,Pbone , ,14
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6009
PAST WEEK ~~~ --=--=-======
IMPROVEMENTS UNDER WAY THIS WEEK AT ST. MARY'S ' CHURCH Extensive improvements representing a total expenditure of between $2500 and $3,000 were undel' way this week un St. Mary's Episcopal chul'ch f ollowing th e awarding of the contract "to S. Carlson, co ntractor, of Mariemont. Cincinnati, by the building committee o'f the church. Mr. Carl son arrived in Waynesville Tues day to start work on the project which will I'equire approximately five or six weeks lo complete. . The exterior of the church str ucture will be entirely changed, the outside walls to be covered with gray cypress shingles. In addition the vestryroom will be e nlarged and a section of the roof of the building reshingled. Plans to complete these im provements have been und er consideration by the building com· mittee of St. Mary's church for some time, and at a meeting lost week it was definitely decided to go ahead with the work. As a rcsuIt the contract wa s awarded to Mr. Carlson. While skilled workel's will be largely required for the job, it is hoped .that some local lab or will be given employment by Mr. Carl son, Under present plan s the work wHl in no way interfere with t he regular services at St. Mary's church du ring the course of con· st ructiop.
Largest Ballot in History of State Ohio vole r's will be handel l one of the l al"J~c. l ba llots in the hist or y o f Ohi o el 'c Li ol1s at th e prinllu'Y, l\l l1Y 10. . It is n blnnket b;lllllt measurin g ahn o~ t two by three fe et alld will conta in the na mes of. all cand id ate ' (ra nI pl'es ident on down lh rough the li st of. state, di tric L :lnd -coun ty offic ers. ,---------------',
Meeting of the members of t he RI!\'ullitiona r y Short Trail associati I II will lJ e held in Lebanon. W.. dn c ~ d:ly . April 20, according to word rece ived by Charles J. Waggoner. On that da te members of the a ssociation wi ll hear O. W. Mel'rill, direclor of the state department of highways, advance notices giv. ing the information an important a nn ouncement will be made at that tim e. Representatives from Arlington, William slo wn, Dunkirk, Kenton, Be llefontain e. Wesl Liberty, rbana:, Springfield, Yellow Springs, Xenia, Spring Valley, Wayne sville. Mason and Sharonvill e will be prese nt. A lal'ge delegation f~'o m Waynesville is expected to be in attendanc e.
Miss Clal'a Lile was the weekCOLUM BUS-O ne of the tables end guest of an aunt in Spring found in the judicial statistics Valley." ~ ompil ed by Clarence J. Brown, See the Saliabury's W. P. and 3ccrt! tary of State,' sllows that Mr. David W. Thomas i ill al more tha n one·thinl of all offens· D. R., before you sed your IItoek. the home of hi s son, Arth ur es co mmitted under the influence Thomas. Mrs. Marraret Martin visited of liquor arc breaches of the friendll in Dayton the first of the pu blic peace. The next largest . MI'. Don Eagle, of Dayton. was week. class, which includes more than the week- end guest of F_ B. He n- one·fo urt h of all such offenses are derso n anu family. Mi .. HUDter-2nd Grade Clocks at half price. A "Gifty" lhosc against public policy. Next in order are crime!! against persons Honor Roll-Ray Planck, Wayne Gift. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Leb. Tune in on the C. & B. program, ~ nd crimes against property. Very Cla.ry, James Gwin, Marie E. anon, Ohio. station WKRC every Sunday few offenses are indi-cated as be. Davis . . Miss Ruth Miller, of New York afternoon at 5 :30. . ing against "publ~~ ch~st~ty .an~ Pedect Attendance - Gerald . . . Morality," agalllst pubhc Justice Biggs, Kenneth Dakin, Ralph City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. MI'. F. D. Dakrn IS 111 Bethes~a or against "public health." In the . Drummond, : Howard Gilliland, Eva Miller. hospital, Cincinnat~, where he WIll tast nam ed class only two vio~a Dorothy Mae Guy, James. Gwin, Mrs. Ella Meredith, of the undergo an opeMtron. dons we re reported in the .entlre William Lawson, Mabel Ludmgton, Betty McKeever, Henrietta Pen- Friends' Home, is visiting her Harold William so n, of Dayton, 3tate. nington, George Peterson, Ray daughter in Dayton. pent Sunday with hi s parents M'I·. Rece nt celebration of "Army Planck Everett Smith, Marion and Mrs. H. H. Williamson. ...---Tune in on the C. &. B. program, Day''' in the Capital City drew Smith,' Evelyn Hoblit, Jack StegFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST station WKRC every Sunday attention to th.e governman. FOREIGN MISSIONARY MI'. a~d Mrs. Maynard Weltz special ( Undenominational) afternoon at 6 :80. ment military reservatIOn, Fort have moved into Miss Martha Hayes. where military Chester A. Williamson. Minister manouvel'8 SOCIETY MEETING Cook' s house on Main stree t. Mill Hartlock-2ad Grad. Herbert Satterthwaite, of DayNere conducted. The grounds conLoya l Womens Class will r:reet ton, ' visited his brother, Charles The Woman's Foreign MissionHonor Roll- Lois Jeanne Baker in th e church basement, Fnd~y Dr. A. T. Wright, who has been tain 68 acres of land, with plenty Clair Dibert, Helen Margaret Satterthwaite, on Monday_ Yelling, AJlril · 16, The men WIll al'y Society of the M. E. church visiting his so n. Alfred and 'fam- of shade , buildings costing h?nGons, Frances Johns, Jimmie hu ve charge of t he program. llI l!t at the home of M ..s. H. E. ily, at Columbu!;, returned home dreds of dollars and la.n~~apIDg Miss Glenna Marsh, of Dayton, througho ut the ~ou.nds aldmg in Miller, Orville Savage, Reba SurEveryone invit ed. Program ' for Hathaway, Wednesday afternoo n, Friday. spent the week-end with her parApril 6, with Mrs. M~Clure and face, Anna M.a rilyn Whitaker. materially beautJfYIDY ?f the ,unday, Ap ril 17, as f ollows. Perfect Attendance-Lois Jean- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsh. hUI'ch 'chool at !) :30 a. m. Mrs, Ha .... is assistant hostesses. Mrs. M. L. Parshall, MI·S. Lee place. Autoists and tour!s.ts, esMrs. Lotz conducted the dev o- Hawke a nd &o n Dean were guests pecially Ohioans, should VISIt Fort ne Baker, Tom FlorenlCe, Eugene Lorcl';; Supj)e r und ser mon at 10 :Sets of Dishes you will be Brown Myron Hagemeyer, Fran- proud to own. See them at Cary's 30 u. n.. Se rm un subject, "Pleas- tionals, the s ubject being "With of Mrs. S. D. Chancellor. 01 near Hayes when passing .through t~e Capital City; they will be repaId ces Johns, Charles Michael, Laura Jewelry ing Men ." You ure alwa ys wei God Among the Nations." After a Lumberton, today. Shop, Leban on, Ohio. short bus iness session Rev_ G. C. f()1' the trouble. Miller, Orville Savage, Anna come at thi s church. Dibert gave an interesting review Marilyn Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demas and MEETING ST. MARY'S of Pleasant Mrs. Ralph Vance, of the fifth chapte .. of the study family, of New Vienna, spent The closed season for bass in the The second grade has complet- Plain, spent Thursday with her ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH book. "He Offers Eternal Life," Sun day with Mr. and MI·s. Oliver inland '\vaters of Ohio is nellT at WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ed 110 zoo. Weare now working on parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. emphas izing tht:! thought that it Davis and daughter. Rev. Fortman hand and lovers of the piscatorial a farm project. is a privil e re and duty to lift sport sho uld familarize themselves , . . . First and Third S unday Moss at Dr: and Mrs. S. S. Stahl, of Th~ Woman s Auxlhary of. SL 8 :00 a. m. Seco nd, Fourth and humanity fr om many Gods to one vith the fish and game laws of the See the "Gifty" Novellie s for F.~ lC.U.,--3rd Graci. Franklirr, were dinner guests of Mary 9 churc~ met on FrIday Fifth S unday, Mass at ] 0 :30 a. m. God- from a God of fear to a Graduation, Weddings and any division of conservation. The open Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, on afternoon, April 8, at the home of of love, God Perfect attendance for Februoccasion at Cary's J ewelry Shop, season for bass ends June 30th An intel'esting program was "The Mrs. D_ L. Crane. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH ary 29 tO I April 8: Harold Friend, Sunday. and remain s cIlosed until midnight The meeting was opened by Ml'S . given a ~ follows; Reading "What Ohio. Home of Gifts," Lebanon, June 15th. Only twelve ba's s may Martha liouise Hiatt, Benton Hoak MiSles Ir,ma Rich and Thelma Cadwallader who conducted the G. C. DIbert, Pastor Of" Mrs. neck. Monologue, " I Janette KurAss, Carl McKeever, 81. John, of Wittenberg college, be taken in anyone day and none se rvi.c e. . Scriptural Wed nesda y: Bible study an,d Haven' t Time," Mrs. Emerson Wayne Scott, Chester Swigart, spent the week-end at their re- devoti<?njjl must be les.', than eleven inches in Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. quotatIons were gIven rn response prayer meet ing a t 7 :15 p. m. ThIS Earnhart. Vocal solo, "Love and Mrs. J. P. Fromm, Mrs. Glen length. La Vonna Swigart, Tessa Stans- spective homes. week we will tudy the parable of Live and Give." Mrs. Baird. to roll-cal). berry, Leona Tinney. Bland and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock After the transa ction of bu i- "The God Wh o An swers Prayer_" The May meeting will be held attended The Ohio State Board of Parole Eastern Star inspecti'o n Mrs. C. H. Deatherage, of Har- ness had been conducted a reading Choir practice at 8 :00 p. m. with Mrs. J_ W. White. has been working overtime the 'at Miamisburg Friday night. · Allc. Campb.ll--4tb Graci. veysburg, is spending a few days from "Quilding a ChTistia n Su nday: Sunday school at !) :30 ast few weeks with the Honor Pupils - Doris Beck, with her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Nation," was given by Mrs. F. B. 1I. JI1. Morning worship at 10:40. The best watch with a poOl' resu lt that many inmates in penal Hartsock. Henderson. Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. OLD LANDMARK . Carol Ludington, : Sarah Miller, mainspl'ing will not · keep g<!od institutions have been recommendMiss Marne BI'owne read an with Ronald Hardin as leader_ Anna May Watkins. DESTROYED BY FIRE 'time. We use only Genume ed for parole. In the past few days Send your stock to The Craworiginal paper concerning various There will a lso be a meeting of Perfect. Attendance. - Doris Springs of fines t quality. Cary's 50 were paroled from the Ohio Commi88ion Co., Un'ion Stock phases of rural life. her subject the Epwolth League Cabinet at Beck, Betty Jean Dakin, Donald ford Fire Tuesday morning destroyed Jewelry, Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Penitentiary and the week before Yards Cineinnati, through W. P. being "Problems and Problems." 6:40 p. m. Kerrick, Carol Ludington, Sarah Salisbury • SOD. familiar to people of 81, while 12 were conditionally It was a most excellent papel' and At 8 :00 p. m. we will show athilandmal'k Miller, Lucille Purks, Clyde Smith, s vicinity at Red Lion which Mrs. F. C. Schwartz, of Colum- released to other authorities. The showe~ considera~le thought.. . stereopticon pictul'es of ':Th~ has se rved as a general store for bus, was the guest of Mrs. R. G. po~ula~ion now is 4,800. and still Melvin Stansberry, Wilma Thomas Our Gruen Watches-The peak Durmg the SOCIal hour a delle· Mountuin~; and Humun Ld·e. many years and 8,t one time wall a Cross over the week-end. She was dw!ndhng, hundreds ha,:"ng bheen A:nna May Watkins. in value-The low in price. Cary's lous lunch was served. These pictures il1u ~ trllte the work stage coach headquarters. Our spelling contest for this Jewelry joined by Mr. Schwal·tz (;ID S?n. entItled to. parole h.eanng w en Lebanon, Ohio, Miss Randall and MI·s. E. C. that i ' being done and lhat is to past six~weelc was won by Doris store openShop, Recently the building was day and retu.rned home wlth hIm, the new board was mstalled. 8 a. m. to 9. p. m. Crane and children were prese nt be dO lle lIlmon g t he sturd y HighDavia side sconng 343 points and , . landers oJ the South, in the coal utilized as an oi l station in mal'k-\ Sunday evenrng. 61 stars, to Betty Jean Dakin's and Mrs. James Lovely, and as visitors. • - -' ' . . The annual me.etmg of the. Ohl? ed contrast to its use for the hol'sc mine lumber cam ps and on the side makinl' 333 points and 69 Mr.Mr.and M!rs. Fred B. Henderson, MISS State Ar~haelo~lcal and Hlston• drawn vehicles of 100 years ago. Mrs. Roy Ellis attended stars. Our ..new, captains for Arith- the opening rockY' farm s 01 the mountain It is estimated that the structure LOUIse Henderson and Mrs. Ethan cal Soclely WIll O1:cur Tuesday g6me of the base ball ABSENTEE VOTING metic at;ld spelling tor ' the last season at Cincinnati sides. Tuesday. WILL START SOON You are cordially invited to at- has st ood for more than a cen- C. Crane were in Dayton Tuesday ,April 26. A program has been arterm. are Carol Ludington and The cause o'f the blaze which nig;ht to witness the present~ti0!l ranged ~ith ~any attractiv,: fea. Anna May Watkins. tend any or a ll of lhe!;e meetings. tUl'Y. was discovered at 1 :30 a. m. nas of 'The New Poor, by ~he MIamI' tures whIch WIll be ~( great rnte.rSaws .filed by machinery, eut Absentee voting for the primary Jacobs College dramatIc club at est to all those mterested m cleaner, truer, futer. Also croll!- election, May 10, will b egin at the WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF not been ascertained. The Franklin fire depal'tment the Dayton Art Institute. museums and historical w~rk in Mill MclCID~.)'---4th Gr cI. , cut AWS, I'ummed, 26, per foot Boord of Election, on Monday CHRIST Roy Pigott, at Maddert'l Lumber was culled to the scene but arrived general. A .Iarge delegation of The foUowing pupils have had April 11, (Undenominational) . to late to save the building. Over 200 graduates wilL receive membership and historical work in perfect attendance for the term Yard. Any person who is eligible ,Chester A. Williamson. Minister I High School Diplomas in Warren general. A large delegation of elector and who expects to be out ending April 8: Margaret Berpn, Mrs. W. E. Cornell has returned of the county and ten miles away County this year. The ideal gift is the society and representatives of ClIuJ'ch School at !) :3/l a. m. LaRie Clark, DOI:othy Dysin,er, home after alleasant visit to her frOm his election precinct, May 10 tord's Supper- at conclusion. a Watch. Gruen and other good county and historical societies a8 Charlotte Hartman, Minnie Jones, son-in.l!lw an daughter, Mr. .and may 'Call at the office of the Board Special a fternoon service at 2 :30 7 :30 p. m. A short choir practice Watches you will find at Cary's well as teachers of history are exPaul Merkle, Emerson Miller, Mrs. William at conclusion. The church where Michener, at Pitts- any, week day between 8 :00 a. m. p. n1. F . W. Strong will preach Jewelry Shop, Lebanon o.~io. High pected to be present a~d particiRuth Sheets, Erma Shocky. you feel ,at home. quality- at new low prices. pate in the meeting. and 4:00 p. m. and before noon and Miss Matti e Wofford will Margaret Hunt, Dorothy Moxam, burg. Saturda,y, and cast a ballot. Also sing _ Don't mi this great serv ice. We have two pupils for the ST. MARYS CHURCH . Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mosher Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns and any person now away can vote by Christian End eavor at 6:45 p. m. honor roll, having made an A's tor of Edwards Road, Cincinnati, en· Large sales of a-utomobil~ license Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector. daughter' motored down trom mail by writing to the bODrd for Loi s Pennington,' leader. Evening the leat semester: Mary' Eva Le. tertained with a family dinner on tags by agencies handling same Cleveland Sunday for a visit to baUilt application 'f orms t-o be filled evange listic se rvi ce at 7.45 p. m. Third Sunday after Easter, Sunday, in ' honor of Mr. Mosher's since April first 6re being reported May, and Miriam Wharton. Mrs. Kerns' parents, Mr. and Mrs. out and sworn to. Absentee voting Sermon subject. "PI'e pare to Meet A prj] ] 7. Church school at 9 :30, birthday anniversary, the fo llow. to the Motor Vehicle Division of J. D. Marlatt, Mr. Kerns returned will end three days before the Thy God." Pm ye r Meeting and Morning PI'ayer and sermo n at ing guests: Mr. and Ml·S. F. C. the Division of the departm!!nt of lCIDn;.- ' Yoan.-5th Gracie the same evening. Mrs. Kerns and election. Bible Study each Wednesda y at 10:30. Hartsock and family, of Milford; Secretary of State Clarence J. T4e Fifth grade with an en- J08n Mrs_ Edith M. Harris and family, Brown. The quarterly reduction in ed ~isit. remained for a more extend- I ~==============~===:===_--:=====:=!::============= ._ _ _ . rollment of 52 pupils bad 98.86% Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and the price ilf tagS resulted in many attendance last week. ' ,Four so n Frank, and Miss Emma Heigh- machines being kept in garages until the above date, especially sMigh't days of perfect attenway. Days. Mte'll Never Forget pa$senger cars. In Cuyahoga dance. county, the ' largest distributing The I.st two weeks and the next sub-division of the state, it was esfive win be sperit in review, pretimated that 80 per -cent of paspering for final exams. senger cars sec;ured plates for the - Wednesd~, April 18, 1982, the During the lecture hour of twelve months while 76 per cept of • following pupils will represent our Farmers' Grange' on Saturd~ 'commercial cars and trucks secur. room in the State tests: Arithme- evening, April 16, the school Will tt Llo d Davis ed plates for a like period. Comk H E C'M()~. NOW I tic, Miriam Scott, Evelyn Johns present the follQ\\!ing program: Mrs. ar . oc e , y plete figures wi'll probably be availand Tressler Hardin; Enl'lishr . and Tom Plcrce attended an en- i bl h I tt f th' th thusiastic meeting of the executive Ia e t e a er part 0 IS mon . ~i'iam Scott, Evelyn Johns ana Spirituals .. .. .... ....F. F. A. Quartet , Elizabeth Hoblit. Reading, "Animal Crackers" .... ... . committee of the Wen-en County - -Grade cards for the last six. .... . ..... ... ..... ... .. ... ... ...... Ellen :;os: Brown-for-G;overnor club in Mem· FRANK W. LONG RITES .. 'A'\s GOOO fO~ weeks term will be given out Wed- Piano Solo., ..... ....... Betty Hal' o~, orial hal) III Lebanon, Monday evening_ All townships. of the nesday. We .have nine pupils reo Jl,ecitation, "Grandmother'S RadiO WERE HELD MONDAY f\~~~~ county, with one exception,' were .--~--:I!o.. T~:;ng :~e ~'II'A~nd::: 'HO~:~~~: Trii~pet' !i~l"~':.·.: :::::~.~~.I'Ce~n~&!::~ represented and indications point Following an illness of about Dorothy Drummond, THuleI' Hal" Readin&', "Mr. Nobody" ....... .. .... ; .. to ' a county' membership that will ',wo years duration, Frank UlysBes din, Robert Harmon, Evelyn Johns .,. ..... . ... ,... ..... .,.... . Martha d M~lr include a large majority of th! Lo ng died Saturday morning at C·t.\O~ 6~\C.K. Wm .. ~ou, Mildred Younr, Eli".. Song ........ 4th Gra e Ir s voters. The president and secre· his home in Columbus. beth Kobllt and Miriam Scott, Readi~g: " iiA ' Voice From a Far tary were instructed to ch'!ol1e~gE At one time, following his \'0\\ O\\'t ~~~ There are 34 pupils who did not Country" ....... .... . Vivian Conner the Clinton County organrzatlor. "TIaniage to Miss Eva. Janney, , miss 6 day this last term. We have Violin Solo .... .. ..... .. .. Mildred Cook for a membership contest, to bl voungest ~aughter of the late 1\\~\ ·-ThV six who have not missed a day this Readlnl' "A. Can to Arms" .. . ,.. .... based on the percentage of plural· Jonas Janney, Mr. Lill;lg was a year, Miriam Scott, Pauline Mer... ,.... ~... , .. ..,...... ,.. Cecll HartlDma ity for Brown shown at the pri· residen t of Waynesville and had kle Charles Hoyle, Dorothy. Hart- Pi~no Solo ......... .... ..... ..Doris ...,~c mary election. many friendShere. Bock, Robert Humon and Mildred Reading, .. 80meb~~!sI~ot~~rdi~ Tentative plans were laid for 0 For many years he was conBergan. ... .. ...... ..... ...... .. .. . monster mass meeting to be held nected with the Century Stove Co. Last week the' 1C18M elected the Vocal Sblo .. .. .... ... ..... George MIller in the opera house in Lebanon on . .1'f JohnstOWn, Pa. In 1909 he retollowinl' honorari ilftl.cers tor Reading, "Encouragement" .... .... ... . . Monday evening, May .2nd.' ~hE t urn ed to Columbus and was identhe ;year. Pi'esident, Edna Cpon; .... .. ... .... ....... :...... ..... Sarah . Mlller principal speaker for thIS meetlllg tifiec1 with the Quad Stove Co. He Viee~Preaident, Treuler Hardin; "Early Lffe of Geo. WashIDgto',l' will be the popular Dusty Miller, retired about a -year ago because ·S ecretary. T.reaaurer, Betty Petel'Ave Fresbp1en .. ...... ., Mr. Garst s of Wilmington. Mr. Millet· o,yae of ill health, " . R.oom. ' • Bon: News Reporter, Ra)'lnond principal oC Blanchester HIgh Mr. Long was a member of the , OOOJl: class colors, red a~d blue Eacb Granee family is requestSchool when Mr. Brown entered boar{.\ of the Broad street M. E. and, flower, tullp. ; . . ed to brinl' a pound of refresJtthat institution as a Freshman, church, in Columbus, a ~nu~mber of It "AI· 'With much relTet that menta' and naturally, is very much in· t he Rotary club, the , Chamber of three of our boys moved to otber •.______ ••_ _ __ ter~sted in 'th'e success of his for- Commerc..@.. and United Commerslihool distticts. We have had a mer pupil. Other proposed featurea cia I Travellers' Association. total ' enrollment of 158 · tor this HONORED AT PARTY Surviving 'him are his wife. Eva ' include the presence of long-time year. .. ..,. , ,.. , personal friends of Mr. Brown on Janney Long; tw.() sons, Herbert J. We are 'DOW traln!lI4r to~ track Miuils' Margaret Delaney an'd Mil the platform, a brass band, and of Pla.infield, N. J., alld Clarence ,when eV,e r Old ~.n ~eather ,p er- dred Long gave a party last Wedall other accessories to a big politi- H. Long,. of ColumbUs, lind . three ' '·mlts. We -hope to make a goo~ nesday evening at Centeryrille in >cal demonstratiop. We hope ' to be grandchildren. . showlne this, 18.81'· .' , . honor of Geor:~ Bunnell. ,Cards able to publish full particulars Funeral services were held Mon- ' . ., ," .were the diversion of the evenlJlg. next w e e k . . day morninJ at the resid~nce ' in.'. , Sb' M. . WMb 'el .,.... 'Ref";"Jim~ntliof ice ' cream : and . The local commltte~ ~opes to Oolumbus and internient w~ i" be abl~ to per:sot1ally. c1l1~ on ~a<;h ,Miami -Cemetery, WayneaVille. voter 1D Wayne To\ynshlp ~!t~1Il .. _ __ _ " April 11 Waa the betlDf' the next week -or so solicltmg , · Ding ~r .t he sixth and·aul term o. M~.~an4Mr.. G.lI, .Bumlff 14r:. and · tJae e'c:hOol, year 1981i.82 • .GNde 'Mrs: Forest Lemon. Mluilis 51artha, I,," ,membership fo'1' the club. ... ~ voter, lady or gentleman, is ehgl- . '~~~'-'. '_ ca~ 1'111 be riVe~ o~ W~.clne.. aiel, 'rhelllla ' Apple, Thelma ~l, A.pril 18 tor tlie fttth ,term. ElliS Carabel Hunt, Caroline ble 'for membership who will !luI" . Doris 'SAlisbury, . ,Here's l1opi111 everyolJ-e <baa dODe Watkins, .Cora Burehnell, Ruth 'port the candidacy of Cla~ence J. Venlena . Brown for Governot- ' of ' Ohio. No High 'echool bta beaL iThe' ~ term baa ,been 'Bamett: Hal'riet M!ller, Manaret .. an active one aad the ~mlng term Delan., Mildred Lonl' Cbeitft due fees are assessed, -but alL cash bonoralile m'lnt:lon 1141 ~.n,.. prom...,. W, thln~ it Hibberd' ~ph Unger Carlton contributions will be thankfully County 1!iI1 be ,the IIhoJtest term of tlJe Co'ok, Cheater Burnett' Clarenee received, 6S the c.lu~ is entir"ly ;taKe part 7Q1! ...,.W.,. rol' the ~~on. WeIlliaum, ~ lkaDi{eit Homer dependent upon luch donationa lor be beld ' at Ita ,ec.euary operatin, exlle~...... .May". (CGatlaajid 0. .... ') Bam.. , . '_ Mi.. R ••d.r-ht Grad. We have three pupils for the honor roll; having made all A's :tor the lost semester: Edwin Surface, jilllen Moss, Elizabeth Burnett, We have twelve pupils !Who had perfect ottend<lln~e for the last six weeks.
Frank Robinson visit~ his mother in Columbus, Sunday.
Farmer', Grange To
Be Entertained
Brown for Governor Warren County CI u b
:,~: . ;:~n~~~ :~A~ tfri~:ilt
\"'(. J\~'(~~~ ~
nRSl"' CMo&tt
- VI'' ' _'Qt"'"
P roba te COllrt L. D. Blnck. udminhltrlltor of esllLte of Sarah D. Blac k, deceas d, tiled hill inventory. Th inventory of Mae Ford Anxecutrix of estate of d I'son, Goorge H . Anderso n, deceased, wns a pproved by the court. f The ndjudicat.i nand d t rminalion of th in heritance taxes on t h ' estate of Laura B llini Woolwine, deceased, is to b g iven to nil p I·son . int tested. The will of Alice henowe t h, d · cased, was admitted to prcbate B r·tha E. Hess was .app ointed exeeu LI'i.x, no bond requ ired. hnrleT, E llis, Charles nye a nd Eli Rll sse ll wel'e nppoil'l led appraise rs. J ohn Ditmars , g uardian of Alice Di tma I' , imb cil', fli ed h is seven-' te 'n th account. A ce l'tified copr of t hl! enll'y determininJ,! the inhe ri l.,a nce tax to be pllid o n th e est.ate of J el'rY Ennis r1e cellsed, is to Ile ce rtifi ed without delay, 'l'he Lehanon-Citizens Nal.ionlll Bunk & Trust Co ., execu tor of .. s lale of Li zz ie ·Gerrard, decease d, i;; lo distribute certain stocl(s Ilnd uon <is to lI ele n J ean Gerrard. J '~ se p, Ennis, ndministrato r of csta tl' uf J c rrr f~nni s , deceased, has aut horit y l ei pay C. Do na ld J)iln lush an a ttorney fee f or n eces"ury l l'~ al ~ "I'vices and is also a lluw ed $ IUO o f extra compensat ion On Hccou nt of ex traordi nary
Vote lor
Camm ~ n Plena Proccdin ia III th Cll~(l of F liol' lice J • H oppillg, I!xl!,-ut.rix of el'l lutl! o[ 'hurIe" L . 1I"I'PIO!::" u cell ~ cu , t hel' is ~ ~1't, Ed.wa.nl Whit. U\I th' JJIUIIlLltl' froll1 thl! ueie nuunt thl! :l U.1I1 of ;aOI .7t1 . R.eleued. thru. 1n the euse of kola' I t ' . l\1orris JW,lt.hen Au.tooe..<rteJ' Se1"V1oe vcn:iUS Jennie ~L . Cluil', I.! L ul, servl 'e by )luulicatio n is tlJ be maue On ~he uclcnu.lnts, UUf(,thy LaCandidafe for n Ollt, 1'Iurenco Dunl a p li nd Leona CHAPTER XV. 1 can't tell wh at it menns." - - -, Ii dUughld or J "1l is the a nswer to my love f or 1\101I'is, d 'cea:;(j d, wilus e sU l'flam e T he My.tery Y0tl I' he breathed. ami rllsil,,,nce a l'e unknown . She turned hel' d enr yes on I n the 'usc r The Uili o Finance "Do you think everybody ought him again, 'o l1lpany versll~ CUl'rul1 Willi amto have this power? " "r rl o not kn ow, " she r epeale d, tiOIl nlld ;\lay WillIamson, there Is "Yesj it belongs normally in the "and I Illu :;l know. I mighl allow tllIe lhe pilllntilr 1' 1'0111 the dere nrace." and uunt the s um or $ l:.l:! ,5U. "Could I d'O- it;.-wi t h practice?" you lu keep my ha nd and t to go on, and t.h,'re i , omel.hing The pluintifl', Viclllria lo yd "I'm ce rtain of it." ~ hall rec ov er from th e defe nua n ts, "Old" she cried, "I wa nt to t ry ' lellpill).! within me that tells me ATTORNEY AT LAW I II' uld be >llI'ept IIwny by yo ur ·hirll·y '~ ot1eld IIi U " A. Scofield How do you start?" I ve. Dul I must not; a nd you must lh" . UIll u( $ 170,:.18 . He s miled. RESIDENCE , LEBANON, OHIO erio us I n the tase 01 l\ladi,;o n Buildinlt "Thi~ is n o conjuring trick t o be not. II it wero n ot so to me, th:ll . m ight happe n. I am SE CRETARY WARREN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION n \' el' ~ us W illiam l' AS"odllliu learned; it's a good healthy fa culty , tllgg-e , cl a i, th· def,'nua nl" s hull to be developed. Y ou'v got to lalkin g ill what illY mOi her wou lll MEMBER, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH pay tu the pl ui n l.ilJ' t he sum of relax something insid e of yo u that haye calle d II mosl unmaiden ly :;;lH:! !) ,7 J within ;1 days UI' th· deyou hold tight togeth er f or every- niann er." ,' he elld 'd with a wis tfu l ME MBER, LEBANON G'RANGE 0 1'.' , fentlunts l'ljlliLy or rL'(j~mpLi o n wi ll day lile-something in your con- little sm ile . lJ e gently r estored her Mnd to The sassion wi ll be adjollrnl' d al be J ur ,cl',,' cd and ~aid Jlrell1i se~ sciousness. Then things just fl oat MEMBER, AMERICAN LEGION nOOll f O!' th e no on I·c('e ~". suld. in and you leave them alone for her' lap. MEMBER , MASONIC LODGE, CHAPTER, COMMANDERY "I und el'!\ta nd ." sa id he. "But it At 1 ::10 p. m. th' lll eC'tin:r wi ll III th· ~n ~ ~ uf Stllte (Jf Oh io 011 s l'I·\"icc ~. future reference." The 1\ ill of Lovina Sm it h, deAND SHRINE "J'm going to begi n now," s he will com e. I anIon air! It can n o be r esu m ed ann fo ll owin !!, ~ vern l lhe rl'lali'JII uf J. J. F ulton, S IIJJC l'mor e help co ming th an l he poppy mU SiClI1 _se lection!'. the t.1I ~i ne s~ intl'n de nL (Jf Banks of 'tatc of c('a~('d, WilS flied in court. al1nounced, MEMBER, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR . meetin g wilt he held . C'hn rl t's E, MO'lI'e , C. W. Mu ngUhio Vl'l S liS Ge oq~e E. Basse tt, Sh e laid aside her' hat, and the can herp unfolding in t h e su n." pr/yke were apFollowing th e bU H in e ~~ nH'l'tinl! l! ~ a l th, re i ~ dUe th e p lninti tf" er and Fi rma n " I hope n ot," she breathed, but cool ai r current was stirring t he VOLUNTEE RED FOR SERVICE IN T HE WORLD WAR hair at her temples. L ittle by little so low t hat he did not catch the lhe teache r" w ill be udrll'c~s!' d by fl'ul1l th(' defenda n ts un u prol1li- IIi ' inled appraise r;:. of th e estate of ,l ohn A. Groves. decellsed. syllables. Dr, W. 11. B 'achier. o f .I'ul is. 'ory 1\(lt ,· th · ~ u m of $·177,:.16. her form fell into the simple, r est· At t hi s mom ent, just wh el;l some Ohin. Geo l'/.:'e E. You ng. ndmini ~trat or I n the ea ~ e of Vi q~ il U'Banion ful c urves 01 relaxation; one by obvious cha n ge of subj ect seem ed - - - - - - ---v 'I" us H uy U'Bnniu lI, l't al the of estate of b lwin A. Rick urd one even t he smaller mu~ l es relinquis hed t heir guard. Her f a ce most desirable, Grim stead apCa use of Weak Co lonies j!n' IH'I'ty has been a ppra ised and fil'd h il< inve n to ry. Th e adju dication nnd det ermi naH isexperien ce in lh e b us in ess w orld, h is lega l trni ni ng, hi Melevtook o n the dreamy a nd far-away peared wading d own t he m id dle of IS to ue ".. Id at puu li c auc ti un, . The mo ~ t eummon l'aL1 : e of In t he cli se oj' Nl'\\' Yo rk Life t ion o f the inh e rita nce I.ax on t he peacefu ln e s of a sleeping child's. t he strellJll. e n year s of practice a a la wyc 1'. his record of ac hieve mc."t a s " Keep q uiet!" Burto n ad j ured week colonie ~ o f be . in th e III ~ uI' un .,' 'UIllPltllY ""I':HI S Wil - esla l e of J e rry Ennis, deceased, is Th us 15 mi nu tes passed. The n Larry. "Let's surprise him !" Muyor of Lebano n, a nd llis serv ice a s II public-spir ited citi zen sprin g is th e ),I'l'SL'nl" o f .. ld and Ibm 1\1. (;illulll, (!t al the deJen- tu be g i\'en to nil persons intershe stirred slightly. T he fisherman was havin g a failin g QUl' ens, Cnlu ni cs wi t h :ut h tlanL is !;rllntcd 00 days to file cs t ,d . "Well ?" asked Davenpor t a tlast reCO lllm n ds him f ol' lh e offic e o f P robale Ju dge. 1\1. C, Drak . admin istl'lltor of "It was certainly very c urious,' fin e t im e, splashing dow n the loug qu eens ure bes uni t(' d wilh " p lcadin', In th ' case of 'lal'c nce B row n ('s tale o f Albert A, IroM, deceased she confessed . "I can' t m ake it stra ig ht vista, castin g his fl y righ t, stt'o nf,!' co lony 0 1' built up by 111(' left a nd stra ight ah ead a s h e ad- additi on of 11 new 'III ' (' 11 1111.] a v 'r,;lj~ Flol'ence Th o ma ~, t al fi led hi" appli cation for a n orout.' certaill propcrly lIa R: Id and a c- der to Re ll at privllte Stile pl'ol' erty He hesitated, and t h e sunburn vanced. Larry watche d h im criti- package of young bees,. _. - _ ___ .____ count: ura to ue st' lL/ed lind the unde'l' it,,; apPI'H iRed va lue. A price on his cheeks seemed to deep en a cally for a few mo~ e n ts. was fix d and th o ndm in islrutor is "He knows t he job, " he told little. remaindl'l' uivide ll . P otato ~ l' e d s hould lo t, wurllIed She did no t reply. After wait ing Burlbn . "Did yo u see him ma k e In lhl' ea~e of Th P eop le 's to make relul'll to eourt in s ix a mome nt he r eached out a nd t ook t hat pip ca st to t h e po ol b ehind t horoll gh ly be f(J re planting, Buildin g, Loan &. •'a \'ings Com- munths, t he cedar .root?" her h and. pany venllls Alicle Harper, et al S~ll es by Leba non-Citizens NaThe pool yielded a r ise t ha t im- ====~=---==.''You did see," Davenport went certain Ill'operty was :;o ld and the ti~ I1 ~\l Bank & Trust Company, a d- Minnie Lou Wilson, sea.mst.ress of - " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . on. "You saw what I saw Yllster- mediately d evelo ped into a n indigpla intiff shull l'ecovt! r flo m the de- 1Il1l1ls tcr of estate of Della R ed Li on . . day when we were in t he old or- nant rainbow, which. by a n un- gan to III a ke 1lI0S~ btl Il ~ to loss fendanLs t he s um of $51 G.O:.l. Worl ey, deceased, were -approved J esse SindI' Hance ( car penter of WOl'dH , over on to th em , Th e next chard, what I have felt f r om the e xpect ed dash, t railed t he d rop per He nl'y Lee \\'a ~ f Ollnd guilty of by the eou l't. Ba lt.im ore, Muryland , a nd M iSR very first instant I sa w you stand- fly a cross a part of t he sn ag, h oweve r, arrest ed hel'. posscs ing implementR f or the .G ~orge Sprin ge r Crawford, a d- C lara Lorene Beel, bookl\e per, of ow I ve 'cu uj1;h t up, chi e f," " ing in the tirelight -beautiful as wher e it b eca.me finnl y e m bedded. ll1an ufuc ture o f ,intoxicating liqu or mII1lHti'atol' of estate of Char les Lebanon, t he night I" . Afte r t ha t Mr . Rain bow proceede d Gardin er was sayi ng-, " for heaven's an d was fi ned $350 and costs to H. Cr'awford , deceased, fi led his sa ke te ll me why YO ll gave this f elShe turned on him troubled eyes. to pull himself loose a n d depart. run concurrently with ('I~ e of $350 first and final' acco un t . Real Eatate Trallafera "I don't know why I talk and Grimstead ha d to wade o ut to low th e right to li mit :ales for and custs fOI' transponi ag Iiqub r. W. Hendrickson. adm inistrator five years. You h eard him talk. act this ' way. It seems almost t he snag, roll up his sleeves, and The ca ~ e of J ohn T. Hurbin e, of estate of An na L. Carr . deceasAlice Lee Dyer a n d W. V. Dy~r shameless. I do not understand it. plun ge his arm in n early to t he You'll be making batteries f r Jl·., versus Ja mes, 111. Murray, a t cd , riled h is first a nd final a c- to Charles Meeker. 23G.01 acr es In But s omehow I cannot hide and shoulde r before once m ore his lea- rowboadll o nly, if you don't watch al wus dis missed. H arlan township. co unt. dodge and retreat and flirt as l - d er swung clear. The pool, and it out." Daisy _lullinix wa s g-mnted U It. is to the interest as said estate Charles C. and Emma C. H ouser "Suits me!" returned Grimstcad div orce flom John H. I u llinix and that the bu sin ess of George H . to P hilip an!1 Mar y S~mel roth . InIt is impossible. I do not know was a promis ing one, was of course cal mly. completely ruined' . what it is that has come to me, was given cu tody of child. A nd er so n, deceased, be contin ued . lot No. 6 6 10 Franklin. uny, anli you must walt unt il "This is n ot a propit ious 'Jll O- " I don't b li eve r get yo ur idea. " In Lhe case of Emma M, Keys, Hattie Balli nger. a dminisbratrix. H owell Puckett and ~tta May "W ell. you asked me if I heard I lind out. I have been made love m ent to spring a ny sur prises," a dexecuh'ix of last will of J , Milton of 'C!ltate of F ra nk Halli nger de- Puc kett to M'a ry A. Whlt~. Renl him talk. YOll, r hoard hi m ta lk to before and- from the fi rst I vised Burt on . "Keep quietI" . estate in Clea rereek to\~' nshl p. K 'Y5, dcct!-:Isad, ve r$US Ella K eys cea ed. fi led her sa le bill , Gardin er now a ppeared, making and Pva hc-al'd that kind of tnlk ook, et al the udministratrix is to have been attracted to you. Just FI'ank impso n, executor of esGeorge E. H~II t o DalSY M. Ball ll my life, It ulways comes a now when I tried to set my mind his way down stream. el ct on beha lf of the estate of tute of Ma rgaret E llen S im pson , Inlot No. 8 79 10 Frankhn. PHONE an "I got into one of those star- f r om l\ half-baked, iinpractical l!:mm a M'. Keys, eit he r to take un- deceased, file d h is first and flnal a side as you call it, just one ideal Sam E xmal! to Russell New m~n . one lmpreBBion, came to me, ana fish canons that yo ung foo l Da- ch ump who is so full of imp os~ ible del' the will of J. Milton Keys or (lC ou nt. The estate is ex emp t Real estat e 10 Harlon. tow nshIp, that was of nearness. to y ou- I venport t old u s a bout , <Il nd it took ideals t hat he n eve r gets anywhere no t to take und e r his said will but from inheritance tax. George E . Hall t o DaISY M. H all HARVEYSBURG, OHIO don't mean physical n eamess--I .m-e some ti me to find it _out a nd t o and who couldn't see t he main to lak e the distributive hare of E lla Keys Cook. a dministr'a t rix Inlot N o. 383 in Frankhn, po int if you wrapped it in his don't know what I mean or what get back," he said to Grimstead in his osta te. to which his widow of es tate of J. Milto n K evs, d eEdna M. Woolard a nd Edward I'm! talking about--" explaining his delay in j oining him. br eakfas t na pk in. You !rot to would have bee n entilled and to be ceased, elected to ta ke, on the b e- W oolard t? E rnest ~ oo l.ard . Inle that kind, and han dle 'em hand "I do," he assured ,h er. Burton n ow considered, the t ime ondowed (in so fill' uS aid estate ha lf of E m ma M. Keys, decea se d. lot No, 1 111 ,W aynesv1l1 e. . , "I am shaken, and I don't know; r ight fo r her s urpr ise, a nd sh e, be- right. or you' ll novel' I!et an in ch.' may be end owed). un del' sai d will, Robert Elmer S harp, by admmlFOR SALE DATES CALL "That's true enough," commenIn t he ca I' of Virg il O'Banion Patrick Coug hlin was a ppointed st rat or! to E dn~ I. Shr rp. Real ted Gard iner. versus Roy O'Banion, et a i, the admi nistrat or of estate of Thomas estate 111 Frankhn. It is probable that DllVenpOl't plaintiff was gl'allted leave to file Coughlin, decea sed, ~nd fil ed Ma r y Follen, t1 ~ d , to ,R a!wou ld have broken in at this point ans we r and Han'y Z. Gl'uy WII S C. in some s pectaculat· fa!lhio n had a ppoin ted /:,uUl'dill1l ad litem ,fOI' b ond {)f $25 00 with Anna Coug h- mond C. F allen. Inlot No. 132 III lin a n d Margaret Coughlin as Lebanon. not Burto n held his ,a rm lin d I laced minor d efe nda nts. E. A. Ju terb()oCk to The Teles ure t ies, J a mes F ollen. C, A. Hiz. her fingel'S ovel' his lips. Ed. Meeks was granted a diW il lia m Meyer were ap- p~one Co mpan y: T he I!se of eer "All he !lees is lhat butter- vo rc e from E lizabeth Meeks a nd apor inund ted appraisers, tam r eal es tate 10 Ha milton tow nies of his will rep lace the · worlel's the defe ndant was granted the Th e e. tate of · Mary K oebel . de- shi p for lin es. t JESSE STANLEY power and that a lot 0:( high fa- c ll sto dy of the ch ildren. censed, is exempt fro m inheritance Herman E. Staal'ma n ,to J oseph lu tin' I.hings w ill hap pe n for t he F loI' Jon s was g ranted a di- tax. Phone 320, N.w Burlin.ton, Obi. Ah ouae, 110.07 a cres 10 Har lan benefit of the human race an a ll vorce from E lm er J ones a nd was Th omas Hun ter, ad01inis t r a t Ol' to wnship. t hat visionary rot that's never ~ i ve n c usto dy of chi ldre n. The of estate of H enry H . Brown, deEa rl Shinn 'and Ad a Shinn ~ EARL KOOGLER worked out yet a nd neve r wi lL" property is to be divided equall y. ceased. fi led his inven tor y. Hay Helen P enn•. Real estate 10 " What do we 'Cil re whnt he Dayton Phone The inve ntory of Julia Tufts Clellrc reek town shIp. th inks a s lon g as we can se ll t he KEnmore 8986 of esta tl! of Anni~ P hil ip K istne r and Albertina a dministratrix batter ies," queri ed Ga r diner. "It's NoY( Suits DUI'ig, decease d, was ap proved by Kistn<:r t o .P e rcy La~up, Jr., 87 going to take (lu ite s me f ew hatUnion J oint Stock Land Ban k t he co u rt. . a cres 111 Umon t ownf!hlp. teries of any s ize yo u na rn(' to re- o f D troit vel'sus J oh n R. Co ffThfl inventory of E ver ett E , Rolin and .Oma. J.ohns on to 'EdBayer .Aspirin is the universaf plac e the world's powel·. and tha t man, et al for m one y, personal I ro ns a d ministruto r of estate of wa rd and Eh zabeth Routh. Real I;ook tor the name Bayer and the is t he eventual mark et, if lh e thi n judgment foreclos ul'e and equ it- Isaac'S. Irons, decellsed, wa s a p- estate in Uni on township. word ' genuine on the package 88 antidote for pains of all kinda. works." a Ll e relief. proved by t he court. Fred and Golda B. Elbon to The \lOT ARY PUBLIC "We're a s~ uming' th.ut it works," Robert G. l'Ilol'l.'is vers us J en nie ' pictured below when you buy Ray Dutro, a dminist ra tor of es- Cincinna.ti Gas & Electric Comg rowled thc older man, "othe nvi, eSt, Cia b', et al for partition. Nation.l BUlk tate of Ada m M'. Dut ro deceased pany. The u se of certain r eal esHeadacbea .Aspirin. Then 'you will know that T he Ohio F'iriance Co., opel'at- fi led his in ventory." t he re's nothing doing." , tate in Deerfield township for !Will. -Drawn • • Eatat•• S.ul•• "Then wh y li mit th sale to ' ing und er t l'ade name of T he Colds you are gettilig the genuine Bayer Carrie W, S ieke r, execut rix of lines. what thi s nut t hi nks proper?" EmJlire Finance Co. versus CarWAYNESVILLE, OHIO B. B. and E va V. Bail to Cincines tate of L ouis A. Si ek el', deceasprciduc:t thouaanda o[ pbysiciaDII Sore Throat "You're neur'ly us ba d as he is, 1'01 William son a n d May Will iam- ed, fi led her in ve ntory. . . nati Gas & E lectric Company. The Ross," observed Grim: lea d. n note so n. Cognovit. • , preacrihe. Rheumatism Al f~ r etta H. Moss, executrix of u se of t e r ta in r eal e state in Deerof good humor creelling into his Bess ie Mi tchell , ' by .l ohn Reese estate W. F . Moss, dec ea se d, field township for lines. Neuritis Bayer '.Aspirin is SAFE, as milvo ice. " I'll !rive you II dc mon stl'a- h()!' n ex t f rie nd, ,ve l'SUS E dward fi led herof inve ntor y. . ' Silas Richardson to Joe and t io,n t hnt will imprcsH it on you ." Mitchell f or divo rce. Charge is NeuraJiUl lions of users have proved. It does Robe l·t G. Morris, administ ra- E dna Cole. Inlot . No. 66 in South Xt l'C lll e 'crue lty, Shoot !" ob!;erved Gardine r . to r' of estate of Rachel A. Mon'is, Lebanon. not 'd epress the heart. and no harmLumbago "You asked me last nil\'hl llOW Tn H.e ·First Ba ptist Church of deceased, fi led his inve ntory, many s h are ~ in this thin/! yo u get. Frullkl in to Morrow f or I mproveful alter-effects fonow its use. Toothache ond Ruhlma n , administraBilla Allowed W ell , YO II don' t get any." me nl purposes, Arthur Bryan t is t orRaym of estate of Elizabeth Ruhl. A blank sil e nce of omc secon ds t he aHorney , E. F . Schrad er, covers' man ,decease d, is ordcr ed to sell Genuine Bayer Aspirin en sued. Ulli o n J oint Stock Land Bank of eertH in 1'001 es~ate at not loss than grates, $2.70; Columbus Blank is aold at aU druggists in " 1 don' t believe 1 un dcrst und." Detroi t v '''s ll S II. Earl Goodwi n Book Mfg, Co., supplies, $14.50; app raised valu e. boxes of 12 and in bottles t h en sa i.1 Ga l'dinel' in ral,he r a c L ai, fo r judglll e nt, forec losu re, l heH azel Mrs. Julia Holland, services, $10; Hicks, executl'ix of estate money a nd ~Quitablc relief. s lranglad voice . of 24 and 100. of Ned Hicks, deceased, is to Lou South, services, $7; Ricl\ard "Me and thi s young nU1I1 will '01 rin e Larrick vers us Herbert ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN transfer t o h e rself certain stocks L. Williams, services, $10; Albert Millard, services, $10; Mrs. .Aspirin is the trade- h old a ll the stock," emp has izcd S , Larr ick for d ivo rce . Cha r'ges and bonds, your Gattle, hogs, sheep and calvu d, ::il'e extrCJme cruelty a nd habitua l Gri mstea Hibnar, services, $10; BelJ to Norris-Brock Co., live wir" and mark of 'Bayer , manu"T hen whe re do I come in?" de- dru nke ness. envelopes, $7.50; Office Outfitters. .progressive firm for the highu' Marriage Licenaea facture of mono acetic- man ded Gar'di ne r lI' ith a note of Winters Nation nl B-a nk & T rust services, $17.65; Franklin Chroni. market pricea and good service. acidestel' of salicylicacid, l'isin):!: indignntion , Company ver ~ u s Wil bu r Wilso n F r ed H. Fisher, 'fa rm er of Cali- cle, Tl'easurer supplies, $4Q.35; Union Stock Y....• Ciaclaaat1 O. an d T h(' Miam isb urg Building & forn ia, Ohio, a nd Miss Ethel Snell, Hines & Hopkins, supplies, $13; Tune in on Radio Station WuKY Grim stead chuck led. " You wou ldn't come in orte Loan A ~s oc i at i o n. Ac ti on fo r cle rk of Maso n. Trustees of Public Affairs, supply 12 ::i!5 to 12:80 p. m. for our dally cent's worlh if we sh ouln' do ous equitub le relief a nd sal e of pr opHOWQl'd Charl es Hahn, farmer ~ill, $7.65; Waldro n C. Gilmour, m.a rket reports. you seem to t h in k we woul rlerty. of Leba non, and Miss Nina Leone Inquest, $7.00; G. F. Lampkin, beg in to manufa ct ure a nd mark et Sarah Dunfo l'd vers us George P e nce, clerk of Lebanon. supplies, $43; Treasurer of State, t hese t.hi ngs p l' ol11i s cl1ou ~ l y l " M5110n Duniord f or di vorce a nd H e rschel Goodnig ht Boarman, clothing inmates in State Hospital (To be Contin ued ) othel' relief. plumber of Red Lion, and Miss $4 q5.90.
Stewart Edwarcl White ,JllanradoDl by IWmy Jay Lee
M u-ic furnish d by the .WllynesviUe chool fttcult}', will e n f aliI' tI£ the ,final meelinlr uf ihe y Or for Lh . WalT·n cuun l y (e'ilChl'rs a. OcioLion, t o hI:' h Id SaLul'day, A'pril tG m the 1. banon hi~h seh 1 auditorium, The fi slIien will b open'd a !) :,15 1\. lll. 'ut urday with· lI1u ~ i 11 1 ~c l ed i o n ~ to be follow ed by d evoti ona l ' i n chul'g'c f Hc\,. W. 1. Com fort. A rOllnd tllble di ~ cu l'~iC) n \\ ill be held for th~ remninriC'1' of the l1l 'll'ni ng i<c:sion and will inchide ill th e hi~h sc h 01 di vision , discus: ion for s upcrint nd nl s lind pr incip t Is and di ~cu s~ ion !l for high ~clllll) l · teache l·s. lInd ' r' t h (Ii i' 'cti l. il or Mf'. J . , Vian. of Lebnn n. rn th· ('le me ntlll'y divi~i n n, Churle" Jllm(' ~ . nf \\ a\' n(' s\' ill ~. \\ ill co ndu ct lhe di ~ cu "!i ion fo r the' ton che rs of the upp e r ).!nul 's nne! JlJi s~ Fa ye F ' ltcr, ()f Kin lrs !'I I ill " will h nv(~ chnr):!e ill l h(! 10ll'N gl'l\de ~ . Th l'l'c wi ll uls'1 be n di ~ cuss ion gro up ftll: lllu s ic s upcl'vi s-
Republican Primary, May 10, 1932
Dead Stock Wanted Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
Stanley &Ko!ltler
Auction eers
•• • ImItatIons
-5% Farm L9ans
~1:\'\', "EY.ll)()~. I ttOt\CE lfoURE
a\)'(,~' uP ~t O\'tl\EN'& IN ~! "EIIl~~eoaHOOD· G~N~ \1'\ 'tt'\E 'OUU'~y &\)~'"1:'OS OK : ...t::!::J::::F:~I..:."_' 6\G ~c,,\.e. r ..,l......_
eH ~
LONG OR SHORT TIM!!-J:uJ . terma. A,lao Surveylrff ,and Abstracting. Write .nd . ~u all and see you. Sam' D. Be~kl•• Wa,nell.v llle, Ohio. ' 111
FOR S~LE FOR SALE-Draft Hprse; wso fine Fox TerrioI" pups. , Robert Furnas, R. It. 3, :W-a:yne8vine~ ~la FOR : SAL~Fresh Jersey cow. , 'Rhodes' 'Bunnell, . R. R. 2. Wayrtesville. .' , . ·a13 · . ,
. ,.FOR SALE-T!1rkey eggs. 26c each. H. Shambaugh, Harveysburg, Ohio, fhone 21R12. · a18
--- 1
. FOR SALE PolBnd Chinas, either 8ex. A. L. King. ·a18
. 1 FOR ~~~f!I~;;.~~:J ',
SALE-No. 1 Recleaned TLmothl Seed, L~ 'per bu. . . aDd C. D: C09k, , . e"b~.
,Y; ,.
The Pool 01 Silence
Mrs. Chas. M'add~n and Miss Anna Madden attended the funeral D. L, CRANE : I P~liaher Sub.cription PrlGe, $1.50 a Year By_ Mrr. Je.. ie B, Tripp orr Wednesday f Mrs. Susan Mcray (nee Mauden) at ClarksOfIiGe Pbone ........ ..... ... .. .... No. 112 Ep lered nl "POllto[f1ce nt W<Il.ynellvi lle. R ••ldeac . ....................... ,.,No. 118 "1116. OhID. ILM:~::d CJo.B~ Mall ."He's My Pal," the play present~ I stood in a pool of !lilence, ed by t he Jonah'!; Run Baptist People d o y unseen flliend s, Church at the Gym Wednesday APRIL 13, 1932 In the yellow shnits or the moonevening, was very well received. light Mrs. William Dosle r and ·Mrs. J. At a place, w here the cross road P. Th ornbur;y were directors. e nds. Mu ~ ic wus fur ni shed by the High Sc hoQ I o rch<, ~ ll'a. The ca st of . ~s ele~tion ti~e d~I1:-" s nigh, there is a certain . amount of Mayb e y ou hav ' l1't kr~own before that : hnraclcr:; f' oIlO'\v. : ~gltatlon-m certa.1n poltllcal groups- t.o make power the foremost The window·shades of the h ouses W ere drawn , all around me th ere : Issue of the campa'!gn. . ookin g with E I c't l'i city is NOW pos1' 0 111 ~pa rk, a young carpenter . Support for: this. co mes from two sources, One consists of . those And it seome d, t.hey did remind William Uoster. · ' ibl e. me ~\ ho ~onesUy b!l h eve In governm ent ownership o'f the electric industry Wally Allen, in advertising In . SP.lte of lhe re markable record Of developm ent and progress which Of eyes, clo: ed, lit the t ime of Charl es Ea l eI'. ' prayer. t~I S mdustl'~ has l!lade, beca use of a socialistic or "progresive" poli. . . . . and at an amnzingly low ex1'1a Ave rin, eve rybouy's mother, tical-economIc phl.losophy. ~he other, which is undoubtedly the II'ma Tay lor. p r nsc. The light wind ruffied the jo n qui l5 largcr gro up, ~omu s ts of those who lean toward power because it La rl, :'181 ie Summer, Ma 's niece, !! eem~ a !tafe . I ·s ue. The politicians who dodge prohibition because 'Like a little gold en tid e: .'1Ig'ag(!d lo Wall y, LUI'u Ashley. they are afraId of ~lienating both drys and wets, who dodge unem. The trees looked like big sw oro So :wiftly tlO condition fl 'hange that 'al vi n Mc Kay, a henpeck ed hu fern s pl.oyment ~nd taxatIOn, be~au R~ these things are "hot" at prese nt, band, A. ' . Collett. With th eir 'frond s flutte ring out a lrea d y you are fac ed with important 0 1 e tho ones Who are w~o oP lng It up for power. 1\11'5. B1 o~ .. om McCay, his wife so wide . Pow~r may be a safe Issue- bul a ll an issue it vanishes when balancn e ws-t he ELECTR IC RANGE AND and boo , Ca osie Co llett. e d agBlIls~ these great naliol1ul problems. P eo ple who want work who Hllrry Booth, in real estate ELE .TRIC C OOK!' a r now within a re. wor:ym g about the!r fu.tures: are-!l't much interested in attacks on The moon a g r eat, flat, silver disk Charl es Do!?ter. ' lin .md.ustry whose sel'Vlces IS of Itleshmable va lu e and yet cost.<; an in· Shone down on the emerald fiel ds; yo uI' buying pow e l' . Smudge, t he cook at M'a's, Alice fintlelillllal part of the family lJudget, an industry which has maintain- From which came the sce nt of rich Hough. freHh ear·th eu employnt~nt and wage sCliles at a high p oint during depression an Kitlen Blake, '8 beauly special. ... . th e cost of operation mak es no industl·y whIch has led the way in developmen ts which have bro~ght Which gave promi se of bountiful ist, Nellie Graham. yi eld s, clllp'!?yment a~d new taxable property to many communities, big d e mand ~; o n you r famil y Ludget. Dick Smith, a H'al estate salesrhe public wants real. issues , honestly discussed- and the greatman, Willard Taylor. A nd in the dista nce, I could see est. p.ellbmder who ever ltved can not make more than a secondary Hoger Gail, Wall~I ' s pal, Robert local Issue out of pomer. ' The far.away blue hill : ; Hack ney. And the curv ed rippl e~ of lh e Mona Spark, Tom's sisler, an ====. ~~=-=-=-~=================== river, ugly duck linK, He len Wall. Get th e scent, which night air fills. Miss Chlll'l otte Thomas w~.3 Cons ult your Dealer charming h ostess lo a jolly part!' abo ut th e Use of an Of th e delicate pale wild fl ower·s. of young f olks at the Hall Tuesday And the frugrant mint by t he Ele d ric Range Today evening. Music, dancing, and bTook; cards helped' to while away the Th. O. S. U. Radio Station-WEAO And I li stcned to t he nig ht sound s happy hou I·S. A dain ty rell'resh'Twas like a scene from a f a iry ment course was served to the (J. P. ehmidt, Superviso r of Farmers ' Instilutes, Presiding) book. fo llowing g uests: Misse' Jose phine 8:00 Farm Night Melody Maker s . GrIlY, Ellen McCarren, Glenna Os8 :06 Growing Soybeans H, L. Borst Long I st eo d, enrap t ured, enborn, Ruth Varvall, Virginia and 8 :20 Some Com PlanteI' Troubles ........ .... R. D. Barden chanted, Vivian Tucker, Virginia Davis, 8:35 Runge for GrO\ving Pullet.'! , .. . .......... . R. E. Cray Beneath the silver star,spl'inkled Lura Ashley, Helen Bennett, Mary skies; 8 :60 Tackling Livestock Marketing Problems ... A. J . Moser Edith Doster, Rhea and Evelyn Ohio Live Stock Cooperative Assn. I knew 1 was with loved once, who McCarren, Mary Elizabeth Carr, had come 9:05 Wise Spending f{lr Health .. Wanda Przyluska Es ther Ross, Marjorie Shumaker, 9 :20 The Surplus and Milk Markets C. G. McBride Down, to join me, from paradi se ! Anna MacDonald, Helen Osborn, 9 :36 The Fruit Grower!!' Out~ook ... ... .. .... . .. .J. H. GQurley Xenia District Shambaugh, Audrey Rachael 9 :60 Apple Scab Control .... .. .... ... ... " A. L. Pierstorff Penney, Mrs. Fred Bogan, James Gillam, Darrell Bogan, Barr Nolder, Ralph Rich, Robert Frank en, E. H. HEATHMAN, Manager Robert Gray, Howard MacDonald, W, D. CORWIN J oseph Osborn, Carroll McCarren, W. D. Corwin, Salem township Donald Hartley, Craig Beckett, announces his candidacy for the Federal funds for crop producErnest Dodd, Kenneth Eakins, republican nomination for reelec- tion purposes will be available in EVERETT DOANE Robe r·t Goni on, Ellis and Robert tion to the office ~f county com- limited quality to farm er s of Shidakel', Howard Deboard and In announcing my candidacy I ,missioner, subject to the primary, Harry Tucker. wish to make this statement that Tuesday, May 10. Warren County. who can not if elected I promise to work for The W. C. T. U. entertained otherwise provide sufficient credit Wayn esville Win. Five Place. on Heavy losses resulting from inTRY tax reduction and for an honest with a party at the Gym Friday Warren Co. S<:holarahip TeaJIJI to purchase their seeds, fertilizer, E. B. MURRELL and efficient County Government. evening. A good time is reported. vesting in so-called "new' crops" OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS may b e prevented by communicaEverett Doane, ooandidate for On last Sa turday, April 9, the .FOR RESULTS Massie High school will present E. B, Murrell, county treasurer, spray material s, feed for work 'County commissioner, subject to authorizes us to announce his horses, gas and oil for tractors and eig ht high schools of Warren Co., the comedy "Sunshine Lane," at tion with the local county agricul· the decision of republican party at candidacy for nornlnation for machinery, repairs, in Ilccordance school syslem sent co ntestants to the gymnasium, Friday evening, tural agent before quack seed salesmen have an opportunity to the prim\lry election , May 10. county treasurer for a second term wi t h an act of Congres approved Le banon to compete in the various April 15, at 8 o'clock. The cast of unload their seed. . subject to the republican primary, January 22, 1932. The system is subj~c ls taught tllis year. Waynes- characters: WILLIA..., HUFFORD ville wa s r c presemted by 22 High Tuesday, May 10. . Mrs. Burroughs, who lives ' in similar to that used last yelll', in school stu dents. The Warren Co. Deputy Sheriff William Huft'ord PAINTER DECORATOR that a mortgage on 1932 crops will tea m s elected at this contest is Sunshine Lane, Rhea McCarren. announces his c.a ndidacy for the Helen Burroughs, her romantic PAPER HA~GER CLYDE C. COLLINS be required as security, together composed of 15 pupil s, each rerepublican nomination for sheriff daughter, Josephine Gray. Interior Decoratingl-,. Craftex and Clyde C. Collins announces his with waivers ft'o m landlord, and presen ting II diffe rent subject. The of Warren county, subject to the Dorothy Warring, Stephen Warother mOl·tgage holders. dis trict contest in which t hese pupCompo-Tex, Wall l"inisfl, Furniwill ~f the electors of the republi- candidacy for nomination f~r No farmer can borrow over $400 will take part will be held Ilt ring's daughter, Marjorie Shuture and Woodwork Reftnished, can party at the primary Tuesday, clerk of courts, subject to the re- yet all borrowers are urged to ils maker. Miami University on May 7. The Old Floors Regrained. publican primary election on TuesMay 10. Aunt Edith, Warring, her aristokeep far below this limit, in order scor es made at Miami University day, May 10, 'ALL WORK FIRST CLASS that a greater number can be ac- will also determin e the s tanding in cratic aunt, Rachel Soo.mbaugh, W. Z. ROLL Betty Hilton, the Sunshine Girl oommodated. Only bonafide pro· the s tate wide ranking. Lowest Prices ALLEN HUFFMAN ducers who have been farming for Judge W. Z. Roll announces hill Waynes vi llo s tand s at the top of S unshine Lane, Vivian Tucker. BOll 32 W.Yllenme, Ohio S ue NOl'l'is, Warring's snappy candidacy for the republican Allen Huffman announces his 2 or more years are eligible and no of the lis t with fh e pla'c es on the 'ecretary, Virginia Davis. nomination f~r reelection as candidacy for nomination for Te- loans will be granted in order to Wa rren Co unty tea m. Other Mandy Washington, cook for judge of Ure Warren County election to the office of county increase crop Ilcreages, The idea is schools and num be r of conte: tan ts probate court Bubject to · the recorder, subject to the republican to cut down acreages but to sti ll on t eam are:. Ki ngs . IilIR, <I; Mor- t he Burroughs', Virginia Tucker. Stephen Warring, the great and voters at the republican party primary election on Tuesday, use such seeds and fertilizer!' as r ow, 2; Mason, Olterbein Mas ie on ly Warring, Joseph Osborn. give maximu.m net returns per Carli Ie one eaelh. primary Tuesday, May 10. Your May 10, 1982. Chadie Conley., his young asaICre or per hour of labor involved. Places won by Waynesville s upport and your vote will be sinsistant, Darrell Bogan, No loans can be obtained to buy students arc: cerely appreciated, HA.YES C. KEEVER Nat Morton, sheik of by-gone machinery or livestock, or for payRonald Hardim, Sr. English. days, Robert Franken. Hayes C, Keever, of Lebanon, ment of debts, taxes, interest, etc. Mil'iam Ellis, Jr. English . E. J. BEEDLE T ommy Baxter, full of pep, Ohio, solicits your support for his nor to buy food, clothes , etc. Robert GOIlS, Wodd Histo ry. 30 Years Experience in We are authorized to announce nomination James Gillam. ' Agricultural agents throughout as Commissioner of Frank Hawke, Aglebra I. Fitting and Making Glaslel the name of E, J, Beedle, of Union Warren County, Bubject to the de- the United States have been supElfred Witherstone, a goodBernice Gralwm, Latin II. Township, as a candidate for re- cision of the Republican Primary plied with complete informatioll Waynesville 'Jr8nked second in hearted Englishman ; Barr Nolder. election to the office of County Election May 10, 1982. Mus ic by one of the school and regulations for making loans, four s ubjects and, although these Commissioner, subject to the deLebanon, Obio together with the application pupils will not tuke part in district orchesh-as. cision of the Repbulican Primary Tuoaday, Thuraclay, Satuda, ~lanks, notes and other printed contests. deserve honorable menMaTY Haines and Charles Mrs. election, May 10, 1932. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT forms needed. Local committees tion. They are , !IS follows: E •• min.tion Fre. Smart have received word that closely associated with banks and Doris Salisbu r y, Jr. English. "Grandma" Smart is in a very LEBANON, OHIO Betty Hartso ck, Fresbmsn critical condition and her death is ABY ills and ailments S~...T. I wice Estate of Alice Chenoweth, de- agricultural affairs also help. The committee in Warren English. as serious at night. A ~u :U .... r. cry' • • • • • • • • • • ••••• expected at any time. ceased. may mean colic. Or It &ud~:!r. ut':>ck ," Verdana Fox, Chemistry. DEPENDABLE Notice is hereby given that County includes C. J. Waggoner, Mr, and Mrs. Mott Cline and of diarrhea. How would vou Irt('tt Marvin Fox, Algebra T. Bertha E. Hess has been duly ap- Lebanon, W. W. Whitaker, and A. daughter, of Da.yton, were here this emergeocy-lonii!lt'! Han '{('u a EPAIRING pointed and qualifted as Executrix M. Parker, Morrow, As these combolUe of CastClria ready? • with I'elatives Sunday. "Nobody But Nancy" Watches oil the Estate of Alice Chenoweth mitteemen receive no compen!!l1Clocks 01'. Tripp is n ot so well at preslatc of Warren County, Ohio, de- tion and as they have other. matThe Senior class of '32 is pres· For the protection of Yl)ur '\\'~, ters to look after, county agent enting their play "Nobody But ent. Jewelry one-for your own puce oC miodceased, Dated this 6th day of April Class announces that he hopes to Nancy" on Thil l' day lind Friday Mrs. Sadie Reason entertained kt.c:p tbi3 old. retil\bl~ prepar~tion relieve them of as much of the nights, April .~ 1 and 22. at the Store Open Evenin~s ~uctioneer 1932. at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. always on bam!. Bllt don't keep it work as possible, jUlit for emergcncie:s; let it be an Dean E. Stanley, Atty. High school gym, This is a vel'y E. Rockett and Miss Ruth, Mr. The county agent also explains intcresting pIli,)' and everyone is CARY'S JEWELRY W. Z. ROLL, and Mrs. P . L. Reason and' Loren, everyday aid. It '0 8en tic influence Judge of the Probate Court, thaf Mrs. Rolland as extension /l55U1'ed of a full evening of en- and M'r. and MI'I;. Rhodes Bunnell will ease Qnd ROOl.Ul tbe infant' who cannot sleep, Its mild regulation will 627 Warren Count~, Ohio. sec retary and s tenographer in the joym ent. The cast· of chal'acters is all of Waynesville. Farm Bureau office is thorough ly ns foll ows: help an older child whose lougue is Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge and coated because of sluggish bowels. informed about CI'OP production Nancy King, Erma Sears; Sara Mr. and Mrs. Lee McClain calle(1 loans, so can fill applications when A ndrews , Kathryn Boger; Sue All druggists have Castoria. he is not in. The loaning period Andrew, Ma l'y Joe Mill er ; Adelinl! on Dr. and Mrs. Tl'ipp Sunday. expires, ApriIJ~ ___ __ Pe rkins, Lois Pennington: Luella Crav/ford, Nellie Watkin s: Fanny, HOME DEMONSTRATION IMPROVEMENTS AT Rose McClain; L arty Wilson, John AGENT, IN NEW POST FT. ANCIENT PARK TUl'ller; Ted Porter, Everett MarPhone 78J ln tt; Adam King. Ronald Hardin; Jimmy Meade, Milo Miltenberger. A suming her new duties a . . . Se~eral rnaJo~ I~provemen~s , rn· Every memb e r. of the Senior week ago , IIHss Elizabeth Graddy cludrng the bUlldmg of tennts a!ld claRs has some part in the even- has been appointed home demon- I croquet courts !lnd baseball du~- ings entertainme nt. Pri,c es are ~ tration agent of Warren county. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mond~, are bel.ng planned thIS moderate so makc arrangements For the past few years, Miss ,year at Ft. Anclen.t ~tate park. for yo ur reserved sea ts oorly. Graddy has been employed as The grounds wlthm th e ~rk home demonstration agent in the limits are being cleared of rubbish Senio,r Prq'm. state offilCe, and in addition has and dead trees and the entire area done relief work in so utheastern . "G I l d " d' nll~"" e vennee,.n The first prom ever to be given is being beautified. ,. Ohio. in W. H. S. will be held in the According to Lawrence Gray, Copper Burins Face ..11 ...... Work on Warren county 4-H Th. assistant superintendent, a s many Waynesville gym Friday, April club pl'og"rams is going forward at inner of the "Gal"M..led" new attractions as possible will be 15. The faculty of the High school the present time under the able provided this season for visitors building will aoet as chaperons for direction of Miss Graddy. GulF of Mexico "'own oppollW .IIIIOIt IOocI whrch each year include a large LhiR gay crowd. -..,-- The invited g uests are Mr. and n umber of Waynesville residents. W uthelr Test .. DIW. Mrs.1 W. E. O' Neall and l\iI-. and It is best to keep up the feeding Mrs. Lee Hawke. Picture from actual pbotoo of grain and so me dry roughage IBph, 01 roU. laken dOWD foc Music will be furni shed from until the pR ~ ture is abundant, and Subscribe for the Miami Gllzette. tbiPllleDt, nfter teat. , !) :00 to 12 :00 by Lou Romohr's thr,oughont the sun~ mel' for ·~r.ws orchestra. pl'oducing hl!avily. Commer cil~ l Department Several Commercial students As the farm has been sold where in '!: to be as Yi c'. oriou8 as they I now Jive, I will sell at public will be entered in the Se'c tion· WCI'C la st year. sale on the premise!!, 2 mil es W. of al T yping T ou'r nament to be held T he '/ol1 u\\lill r." boys will take Waynesville and 8 mHes N. of at l\1~umi sbUl'g, April 23. We will part: La\\'r ~ ",~ e Davis, John Coats, compete with schools from several Lebanon, on the Low er SpringORE . than tb'ree thousand cODdition of-eoostipation. It builds Ru, sel TI'e8l!\vay, )Rulph (Bransc ounties. tr'stor, Frank Swartzel, JotI equ'e births Without a .lIingle lou them up, and is nothin, like the boro Road and oppo~ ite the Stokes , of either molher or 'childl That is stroD, cathartics that sap their Dairy farm, on W. H. S. l.o.e. Dual Track Moet AdalJls, He l'h~rt Rarton, Gnl'if.lnd O. born an~ Har din. P etcl's . the omcial ·Piatt County record of strength and e~ergy. . T·hureday, April 14, 1932 . On Friday, ' April 8, W. H. S . Dr: W. B. Caldwell', in fifty ' years' A coated tongue or bod breath is Beginning at 10 :00 sharp, the wa defeated by Franklin in a dual Every Pu~i1 Test family practise in Illinois. the signal for a spoonful of Syrup ' following: . , track mo et <a t J"ranklin , 56-17, This The. ~ econd every pupil test was Two Horses, 1 Mule, 6 head of No wonder mothcra have 8uch PepSin. Children take it !80dily, for being out first aitempt and due to . entire confidence 'n giving little it is. really delicious in flavor. T~te Cattle, ·3 Sows and 24 pigs, 3 the cold wet · weather the Way- given to ' the three pupils ranking ones Dr. C!lldwell's Syrup Pep~nl itt Take Syrup Pepsin youraelf, Sheep and ' 3 Lambs, Farming ' Im- n esville 'team di<iIllOt , show: up !l0 hi)!he. t during the present school • C' you· "0" V" a baby,' you have ... n . sluggish or bilious, or you plements, FOt:'dson Tractor, Plows, well. W. R .. S. expects to show a rear, in the major subjec.ls in the U .. I wh are troubled with sick headaches Disc, Wood Saws, Feed Grinder, Jl'1'eat deal of i mpl'ovement before various grniles bl'ginning in the constant need of this wonderfu, and no appelite. Take some for · all in perfect running condition: the County track meet at Leb- 3l'd and up thr o u~h l\jgh school. prep'a ralion of pure pepsin, nclive several da;y. when run-down, ,aDd Chickens, Household Goods, Feed anon, The pUrp061" of this test is to t._ . Benno. and treah berm. A child who Fho\\' accomplishlT)entil1 of our and Miscellaneous Articles. . t th' tie t ' I t for the He bow it pic.... you up. pup;!:: 8S c: mpllrod tootht:'r pupils : II~ s IS flen 8 Imu on, ' . . . Terms Cash. Cr,nl& Counl...,. R_ Btomach liver and bowels IS always It is ·a presenption preparalton tn ki,,'" thpso I!ubjects in tlie state LESTER SURFACE hea-Ithi~r It keeps children's which every dru, store has ready; W. N. Sears, Auct. The qnnubl cross country run of (')hio, Results of this test will .. delicate IYstems' from e1ogglng, It .i n big bottles, just ask anyy!bere W. ~ O'Neall and L, C, St. Sohn, will be held Lebanon April l5. be s.iown in the next iSlue of this 'The Black are hop- paDer. wW overcome &be IDOIl IlubborD ' for Dr. Caldwell', Syrup PeplUl. Clerka,
Power in the Elections
Farm lvight 1a!ks, April 18
Political Announcements
Federal Funds for' F arm Crop Purposes
Cook with .
(Continued from I!age 1) Home EG.-Smith.Hughe.. Banquet '1'ho joint Sm it h, llughes, Home Economics bunqu ct held last j<' riday even ing proved to .be uns ually s uc ce ~s f ul tillS year. The m nu Ul creumed cbicken, musbed po~toes s wee t potaloes, f ruit :a lad, gt'cen beans <a nd icc cteam and cake was all. preparcd by the gi rls and furnisheu lJy thc boy ' of lhese depal·tments. 'rho y oung fones did ·xccp Lion· ally well in cUl'r~' illl,; uu t th" ,,' (Ii I' ~ of tho IIfte r·tiin !> ' I' pl' vg nlJlI. With young men 'IInd \\(lIlI"n u f thi ~ typc we ne >d not leur for thl! lac k of talen t lo fill prug- ram s of vuri· ou s so rts in our "Ollilll uni t y in the futur e. The toust nHl: t(!l', Pau l Suvage, very ably cond uc t el.l Lb e I ull uwing prog ram: . lVir. ' rabb e- General we lcome lo parent8 and f riend s. Miss Hc nklc- W deomc to pnr· ent · anti f riends noting ' common inleres ts. harles BUI·t on- Why 1 cho se th e voca ti onal co u l'se. 1'olly Kc nnar'd- A surv ey of lhe II ome E conull1 iC $ cou rse. Le roy Mora n- ,Some advantages I havc fou nu in thc 'm ith Hu ghes co urse . B es ~ ie Woolla rd - The cOl'I'elu. tion of H ome Econumics subj ects and their applicat.i on t o pra.ctical lif . Neva P ters--High s pots in Home Economics wurk thi ~ year. Eve re lt Marlatl- Our F. ]<' . A. Chapte r und whal it stands for. Mr. Lo l z-R ell1al 'k ~ on genera l (!ducatio n. 1\11'. Hatfi eld -- Advantages of high school cour!';es now and th en. Mr. A. W. ' ho rl, Smith Hu ghes teacher of Hil lsbo ro with It few int eresling re marks introduced the pl'incipal speaker. Mr. John M. Gt'earson who torJlve an ins pirali onal l alk On the purs uit of true edu ca tion, it objects, accomplis hm e nl:; and it.'s applicati on t o ou r: lives. Mr. S. S. Ellis responded [or OU I' board of educatio n. F. F. A. quarte tte e losed the program with two numberH. Th ere were 155 in attendance and all express them selves as hu v illg ' njoyed the banquet and pr ogram un sua lly well.
The Dayton Power aad Light Co.
DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist
~ Cary's
Jewelry Shop
are Upset
F. ,"T. Martin.
World's Record
Centerville, Ohio
RED BRAND IF~~_C __.E.,._
Public Sales
- - ----
Odd-But TRUE
"MeElt U.ncle Sally, to a three-act Mias MallY Prater, formerly of comedy, Will be pl'eao nted by the Waynesville, .died at Lebanon loh ·. V o-tll W has pelled a bar ber Juniol' and Senior classes of Bell· 'Monday night. She was a member slJ(lp in the bu ilding wher e WiI·· br ook ' H igh SchOOl Tn the high of on e of t he oldest. and most li am Gl'aham form erly had a h' I ' d·t I F .'d highly respected families 01 E:?x ,,'.,__ .'''''', (t'''~~' , # .. ' . . .. groccl'y. ~c 00 au. I or um on , II ay even- Waync t ownship. . • ",, ~''" ~~~" "" ,."·1f··'~~'~lfj~ l..~ ~. , ·s 1'. Bn d Mrs. Charles Clark and 109, A pr,l 15, nt 0 i:lock. She i s Ul:v ived by several . ~ERl \~ O~W O~E ' Wa lter lar k l)en t Wedn esday in Mi s F I'an es Thackat'a, as Sally nieces and nephews among whom Day ton. ' Sh erwoo d~ will play th e title r ole, a re Mrs. W. E . Corne ll, Mrs. H. A. WlM'1ll. ~"6"~ C\.U\\ . 1\1i s la l'a lulie of Duyton while Robert Tate plays a leading Corn ell ,\nd .Mr. Harry Prater of f i. Doris · Hawke , pent. t h T hu rsday with her cousin, PUTt as aHy's uncle Ben Blayne. WayneSVille. . "'~\C"" \.C)C~\it) ",. weu k-cnd with Miss " ,.i Fiala in sptmt 1'1'1;. Wa lter K n r ick and family. Other member s of t ho cast inclu de Fune l'al servIces will be he ld at Dayton. t li B t Bl ' .. B BI , t he Oswald Funeral Home, Leb· Q\Rt~ • ~f.Mt "\.G' ~ M r. an d Mr s. F l 0)1.d Savage .a· . et y ~) ne, . e~ aY,~e s unon, Thul'sday afternoon at 2 :80 Mrs. J ohn Mc au ley. of Spr ing- tended u bunqu.cL F riday ~ve nmg SIster, Ne llie Hl8tt ; J en ny, a and burial w' lI be in Miami ceme. I Ii Id, wa s a Waynesville v isitol' At t he W aynesville Gym , g iven by wede cook, Mary E tta Gl tfelte.r; tel'y the F. F, A. a nd Ho me E conomics " Bob Duran t, " Be tty's fia nce, . _ _ ••- - l\londay. of t he scho ol. Rex Black; "Snorkins," a butler, 1'!1r. and Ml·S. J ~ B. J ones and Earl Hubble ; "Elaine Duran t," TAXATION MEETING HELD Mrs. Eli Furnasl and Iitt! so n lIrt'i\l d hom fr om M' · le lJan has- J ohn Pres to n atte nde d a surprise Ben's fian ce, W ahn eta Hubble ; purty Wed nesdllY even ing, in " Aunt Dorinu l\," Bob a nd E lai n's Thl'o ug h on mi sunderstanding pita li Xenia, toda .. hono r of t.he birthday . oC Mrs. aun t, Ru t h Edgin gto n ; "Dr Jimmy the meeting f t he 'Warren County Tunc in on the C. &. B. program , 'al'l Pickering in Ce nte rville. • Snodgr ass," un osteqpath, Lloyd Taxutio n Reduction Association BeLty Fairfa x o'f Dayto n will R0 8S ; "Miss Mu ggs," Dcan of wa s 1I0t very well attended' last stR Uo n WKRC every unday speak at the Clenrc reck T own ship Ketc ham ' College, Helen Tate; Satul·da y. The meeting was held at IIflernoon at 5 ::30. Mothe r'S lub m ti ng Thur day " Reverend Wright," a p reac hor , t he COUrt houae. ~"t~ ~ ~~~, ~~IJ' \G OMtt1 M'I'. Sha nts, of Dayton, was the Mrs. F"oak L Oll '::, of 'olumbu s, a[tel'l1oon at 2 o'c lock a t the Pa ul Thomas ; "Will iam Hawkins,' \~ ~\I,l.)i ~ ~~S"~Wt, b ~\it\ ~ AU Ben a nd Betty's uncle, Leon Mc- principal speaker of t he after- . i ~ Ih e ~ut:l' t f h r .· i ~ t 1', Mr s. H . Springbor o high a udi tori u m. ladies inv ited. lI e nry . noon. The audi to r had a chart II. Will iam ~ o n , an d family. Ml\IJ\~~ \>\C'ruIU C ~ti\t~ lHf Miss Hell)n and Ru th E arly and The pla y is f ull of lau ghter arid showing the alad es of all the ofItfll!\G" ~~ i\\i Hltll \~ ~illAA~\) 1'I1r. a nd Mr ~ . Ra lph Graha111, of Bcrn.ice Gmhll lll a nd E ver ett ~ i tu ati o n s tha t will please a ocriti- fi cials; Mr. Landis was another ]) LJ' it, w re I-!IlE! 't s of Mr. a nd Early atlcn ded 11 piny Tuesday en l audi ence. Love and emotional speaker, who was qui te interest'ell' ~y\ltI\R~ ~'t\I\, \l Wk\E ~ eveni ng g iven by Miss H ele n's ~ce n es a re woven together t o ing. Mr . Earnhar t r ecitE'd som.e orMrl'. ,]. E . Mc lure, on Prillay. \1 \~ ~3t.C:H.~ 1.)" cla ~s at l iami Jucob's Business form a swif tl y moving, {asc inating iginlll po ctr y und i:ol'ld emned the play. From beginnin g to end, wit t y new class ification law. Another Penparker ? Have you s e ll it? oll ege in Day ton. 1\11'. and Mrs. Wilbu r Wharton di a logue will deligh t you. meeting wi\) be held soon. It's h(, I'e ! cmleR with oul chorg, The play is uncl eI' th e di rector Th e Wa rren Coun t y Taxation wilh ('ven' Du o folrl Pa rker Pcn of Hamil to n spent. Sunday with Reduction Associati on is a non· pUI ' 'h aset! ' at Cary 's .Jewelry Shop 1\11-. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and of Miss Edna F orbes. fami ly. - - __ partison organization in the Leba non. Ohio. Mrs. E lla Cook of Way nesville coun ty e ndeavoring t o have all 'ELECTED TO COUNCIL unnecessary expenditures cut off t~ ~l)l t~ :01" ,' . '. ~ ~\~~9.. 1\f rs. I\' otlie Ke pler. Mrs. Ve spent !\lo nday a nd Tuesday with the co un ty buliget. Adams , Miss Vio let Knoop, Mr. 1\1'1'5. Ma r ga ret J ohns. CS{\t~ I,)f ~()llt. ) . ~{l)t\ t ~ !\Irs. J . B. J ones a ccompanied Hobel't A dams. a ll of Dayt on. were Cathcrine Bra nslrator has been -----~-~ -----S unday di nne r glllcsts of Mr. and Henry sy lor a nd his moth er of elected to t he counc il of Witten\"\.\~ \.\\I\~C, ~'< PLAY BALL Dayto n to Eastcrn Star at Way· :VII'S. Oli vcl' Davi s and duughter, berg' Wome n's Leag ue of Wi tten'l~\~~\~~ \t\ ~\l,~ . ~(I."C\\It· · nesville Mo nda y ni ght. berg college. Installation services Rac he l. M,.. A Ifred Haines of Detroit will be held, April 19 . The Way ne At hletic ball team Ctl~"(Utf\'i.'i, ""\') ~\\c;,\t'\r, I\'t. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Geor. Yourex i l v t> r S I~ ul Silver wllreMiss Branstra t or ",ill I'epresen t will moet f or practice Sunday ~~\~ ~~\ \\'t.\~c, I S 5t\) \t-~ 1\ ~"ti\\)~ ~ '",~\C 'N.i \\CC· tO~ m~ N(·\V low prices. 'fhi s wi li please g ia nna Ha ine s, wh o is in a wcak. women of the junior class liS a aftern oon, and wiJl play the ir first ~T '5\ ~\ -Ib "C COi'(\"i\'1 \\\~ I'i\ ~~\j\· t() our mOll Y cu 'tomers who want ened condi tion but r ema ins about mem ber of the council. \IY~':' ",\ ,{' :: Q~, "~; I.) Ci~1\9\\~ ga me with a Middletown team the "The be ~l " in Sil verware. Ca ry 's t he sam e . f ollowin g unday, April 24 . D': t ~t\' \:,!\U U, :~,:,:: :v \'. I' 'CI ~ , ';\\)~ . 11'. a nd Mrs. Floyd Savage and , J ewelry. hop, Leban on, Ohi o. The team will be practically the c1uldr en were S unday dinner AGED WOMAN PASSES AWAY slime as la st year, with one or two ~ i,~ \~~"c ·~\ ~ \-< lI. t U'r.1 - 1\h. an d Mrs. C. M. Robitzel' en· guests of Mr . and Mrs. Truman CXCel)tion s. Homer Ramby will he ~!!!!:!---~':':": - -, . .. _ - -._--'-"'_..--~ ara E. Wardlow, 87, di ed earl y genera l ma nager and J ohn Gons tc rtllin ed at d inner un duy. Mr. Wal'cll ow at Stoke's dairy f arm lI10 nday morning at the home of n a" Wa yn esville. and Mrs. sled e Kern s and da ughwill be fiel d manager. Miss Velma Smith and Herman hel' nie ce, Mrs. Earl Crawford. leI', of Cl evelnnd, Mr. And 1\1'1' • J . The cl ub is looking forward to Funeral services were held at D. !\larIa t , 1r . Am elia WiIli nms Smit h, Mr. Ralp h J ohns and tendency toward "two-i;iming.' " an other successful season. "Twu.Timu.." Layer. McC lure Funeral Parlor ' this ch ild ren and All en Eml'ick attendan d 1\11'. L, N. P rint z. Of 250 caged layers now on One White Rock·Leghorn pullet ed the fun eral of Charles Smith of af te rnoon, Rev. G. C. Dibert. of· test at the Ohio Agricultural Ex· loid two eggs a day three days in Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. The S lrong-Wofl\ n l [~va ngeli s Osborn at the Church 0'I Christ fi ciating. Burial at Middle Run. periment Station, there have been succession and 13 eggs in 11 days. 79 instances between December 6 Another laid two eggs a day three Th e T erry 'family ento l·tni ned tic PArty. now engaged in a cu m· and bu r ial a t . Miami ceme tery. Mrs. Clms. Mullenix has been and March 17 of pullets laying days in sUi:cession and two eggs a a t a Su nli ay dinnc,', Mrs. Mabe l puign in Xe nia, will iCQ ndu ct two eggs a day. This feat was per. day ten different tim 6s. The thir d F. Terry of Lebanon, K. E. se rvices 'ut the W ayne::\,i lJe churc h suffe ring with a bod t ooth and un duy aftcl'Iloo n a t we nt t o t he hospita l in Dayton f<lrmed by 42 dift'erent individuals pullet, a Legborn, laid two eggs a Thom pson, wife anli daugh ter, of Chris t, Mo nday and had part of the jaw 2:30. three of whicl1 showed a decided day 11 times. Mary Kathleen, of Lhis place. bone cut aw ny a nd the tooth • Ed. Cla rk and fam ily, K. E . Come to a J cweh'V Store f OI' ext racted. Thompso n, W. H. TCITY, Alf Dr. a nd Mrs. C. W. Osburn and ; Goodyear hullds millloni more Geo rge J ordon und Lyle Robert- fin er a n d more Im!ting jewelry. tires than any other companyson wel'e in Harveysburg Satur- Our pleased eu tamers e njoy da ugh ter, Ru t h, were Sunday. showi ng us t he W a tc h. Ring and afternoon caBers of M1r. and Mrs. tbllt'. the renson you aet beet da y evening. nluea here. Plus our Service. Mrs . Ma ry .Nichols a nd daug h- ot her j eweh'Y pu rch n ed 35 to 4 0 Walter K enrick and mother. Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Clark enter Miss He len were in Hal'veys- year:> ago. Ca.ry's J ew lry S ho p, Now-New Low Prieee. Lebll non, Ohi o. te ,·tain ed t{) dinner on Sunday, Mr burg Sunday morni ng. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of OenMrs. Maud Cli ne a nd son , Winsl'IIr. A. K. Day 'rec civ':) d n ews of te rville, MI'. ancl Mrs. Elme r Lifetime GUlU1lntecd to n were shopping in Lel.1I1 nun What a relief it is, in the sudden confusion of the death of hi s g'rru1dsun, t he so n Roge rs and Miss Margaret Rogers Saturda y a ft em oon. bereavement. to be able to call upon someone who Billy Can has t he th ree day of MI'. an d Mrs. Frank Day, of O.r Waynesville. Mi!l!l Bernice Graham was one Winchester. Ky ., wh ich occtll'Ted measles. knows what .has to be done and how to do it! What Chas. Swin dle r a nd fam ily of on Sunday. Mrs. Day, who was of the fe w in Waynesville Hi gh hool eligible to take the State a sense of comfort it gives to shift the burden of Supertwllt Cord Tlree Dayton , cam e down on Sunday to vi iting het' so n a nd f amily at the spe nd t he day wit h Mr. and Mrs. t im e of t he child's dea th, retu r ned test in Leba non last Saturday. CAsn PRICES practical details onto the shoulders of an experhe to ok it in Ceasa r and r ece ived home Tu esda y nigh t. R. J. Murr ay. Pull e in Warren t he hig hest grad ienced, though~ful friend! Rev. J ason Bid dlecom, R. J . Ooenke Miss Alice Ca mpbell en tertain- coun ty. Mir iam Wharton and Murray a nd wife a tt ended the f unThat is the ideal ~hich has inspired the evolution 19z4.5O-20 M.I' I ••a er al of Mr. Harvey on Snturday a t ed t he Young Women 's bridge Evelyn John s also took the State 3014.50-11 S ••., I ••~ of the modern funeral director. He is more thtm a the Sprin gfi eld chu rch. Mrs. Mu r- cl ub Tuesday nig ht. Invi ted gu e ts t est at Waynesville W e dnesday. 2814.75-19 •• 1. 1.1., the ho tess were Mrs. Carmen Mrs. J oseph Grassi , Mrs. Eva of ray had charge of t he funeral. mere m-erchant or master of ceremonies. Combining 2914.15-20 •.u I.ea rane , Mrs. Ha r old Smi th and Haines, Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. und M)·s. O. M . Ridge . MI'. 19z5.00-19 ••45 ex.ecutive ability with the personal responsibility of and Mrs. McCla in, of Waynesv ill e. Miss Bern yce H y mnn . Miss Esther Drake and Normlln and Elwood •• S5 I.n called O!,! fr ie nds hero Sun day Denn is wa s name d to take t he G,rassi of Piqua were 6 o'clock iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiil3015.00.20 the. professional man, he offers true counsel and in2815~ 25-18 I.H g uests Tuesday at the home aftemoon . pIace of' M I'll. H .. L • B uel' kl e,.''ho dmner 3015.25-20 f M'r d M W I I.~S vites full confidence. d t o Lebanon. ' I 0 • an 1'5. a t el' Kenrick. Miss Josephine Bu rne ll has has remove TIRES 31ll5.15.21 TRADE YOUR OLD '.4S _ _ _ ._ _ Mrs. M. S. Miller entertained, finished her Bible schonl course in And that is the ideal which this organization, in for new 1932 Goodyear lOlL........ . ~.tJ ••1 M,·s. Dwight. Young (Betty Fair· Cincinnati and returned t o her atx3HRa.C1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-I30I3HOS.C1. itS humble way, seeks to realize. We shall not confax), Mrs. William G. Pickeral of _ _ _ _ AU.Weathersl ANNUAL INSPECTION hom e here. Miss Bur nell will take 4.1• Dayton, MrS. Chas. Banghman, I up ot he l' wo rk in the nea r f uture sider our service a success unless we have lightened 3IllL ......... I.Ja Mrs. Charles Beck, Mrs. Leslie • TUNE IN 3:h4.. ......... .. ' after she gets Tested up . Inspect io n of Miami Chapter G9rsuch, Mrs. Raymond Ault, Mrs ".JS I.U the burden of those in sorrow. Goodyear Radio Proaraml Rev. Amos Cook, He rbert Carl' No . . 107 O. E. S. will be held Wed. Sat. ·a nd wife, Geor ge Beec h a nd wife. Wed nesday eve ning, April 20. Mrs. Charles ABen of Springboro to a Thursday at Ruth.Mar. R. T. Moore and two so ns, Rev. Nell Conk lin, distric t deputy grand luncheon ian farm. _ Williams all of Harveysburg; Mrs. ma t ron, will be the insp ectMr. -and Mrs. Frank MiltenberMabel F. Terry, of Lebanon and in g officer. gel' entertained to a family dinner ........- - MTS. Mary Nic'hol a nd daug hte r Sunday at tpeir country home Waynesville, Ohio Phone 7 Miss H elen attende d church h er~ near Lytle , in honor of the 86th CHARLES SMITH DIES on Sunday morning. birthday of the former's mother Wayland Jord an a nd fa mily of AT HOME OF SON Mrs. Martha Jane Miltenbet'ger : Hyd e Park spe nt Sun day with his There ar e three ch ildren living !!! _".! _~..!!~~~.!""'!'! - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!! home folks, Mrs. Catherine J ord an Charl es Smith, 71, fo rmer resi- 10 grand-Children and 11 great and family her e. t ownship, uied grand children. present _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 Subscribe for the Miami Gazette: were: Mr. and Mrs.Those Ed. Miltenber· Mr . Viola Hartsock and sons, dent of Wayne afternoon at the h ome Kenn eth a nd Milo of Wilmington Thursday his so n Be n, near Os born. ger , Mr. and Mrs. Willard Milten. T Walter J orda n of Harveysburg of was due t o heart trouble. berger , Mr. Emil Mil terberger and were S unday aite l'noon gu ests at Death Mr. Smith was a p rominent Mr. Geor ge Morningstar of Eaton, the Jor da n hom e here. . member of the Jr. O. U. A. M. Mrs. F rances And rew!j spen t Surviving him li r e his wife ; two M,.. and Mrs. Roy Miltenberg er, Mr. Clintoh DearHt, Mr. and MTS. Friday aft e~' noon in Wil mingto n. daug hters, Mrs. Goldie Bernard Harold McKay spent Monda y in nnd Mrs. Edna Buhrman, and Cecil Deartl! and ·three 'children, Mrs. Samuel Dearth and daughter Hillsboro, . on busin ess. . e sons, Ben, Ilt wh ose home he of Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. EverWe are s orry t o report Miss fiv . Nelli e Mary· Davis on our sick died, Ca rl, Geolrge, Ells worth, of ett Miltenberger of Camden, Mr . her e, and Dr. Ellis Smith, of ano Mrs _ Art hur Miltenberger and list this · week. We aU hope f or a neal' Cincinnat i. four children and Mrr. Harry Gross speedy recovery. serv ices, conducted by and two daughters of Carlisle. Mr. , Miss Helen Nichols returned t o ReFv.unC.eral A. Williamson, wer e held and Mrs. Clifford Miltenberger her school work in Dayton on t he Waynesville Church of and son , Bobby of Dayton, and Monday af te r sp endin ~ th e week- in We have jult received a car load of Siberian Seed Christ, Mond ay afternoon. Servi- Mr. and Mrs: Frank Miltenberger end at het· home here. ces at t he grave in Miami ceme- and son, Milo. Oats. Thele 'are a large white oats of . very 800d tery wel'e in charge of Jr. O. U. ---
Our Ideal of Service
.,.,. ".M .,.,.
... .,... ... 4."
Gord on' s Service Station
Phone 47
Wayneaville, Ohio
Seed Oats
A. M.
NEW BURLINGTON Miss Myra Haydock has return· ed from Damascus, Ohio where she has spent the winter. Robert and Ruby Smith of O. W. U., spent Spring v·acation 'w ith their parents, Mr. -and Mrs. W. C. Smith. . Rev. Boyd delivered a sermon to y oung people Sunda y evening at the Friend's church. A s pecial choir ·of young people furnished the music. Mrs. S. P. Cay is a patien t in McOlellan's hos pita l, suffering from a broken hip; MI·s. E. H. Ramsey and daug h • ter Patricia Ann of Huntington, W. Va., a re guests in the hom e of MI'. and Mrs. C. W. McKay. Mr. Har ry Ha ynes of Dayton was t he week-end guest of his imc.le W. H. Mendenhall and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Adam s Dic,ldnson, T. C, Hayd ock and E. R. Lumpkin motore d to Cincinnati last Tu esday t o see · the ball game. . Miss Mastel's, Clinton Co. , Home Demon stration a gent gav'e a: talk on ' "Floor. Finishing" at the Annex, last Tuesday.- ,
-----_ ..- --
-- ..
quality, grown in 1931.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rogers and Miss M\argaret Rogers were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark of Lytle, on S';1nday.
.A. H, STUBBS =;-,;
Mrs, John Rye is on the sick li st. Mrs. Frank Kellis has returned home from the Miami V.alley has. pital much improved. ~irector. of Funeral Service Mr. Burton Earnhart, Mrs. Earnest Earnhart and Mrs, Her· bert Marlatt and son, spent Wed. nesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Kesinger, of Dayton. er equipment and a thorough Several attended the Ladies Aid knowledge of up-to-date meth- I at Mrs, Frank Dakin's Thursday ods aftern oo n. Mrs. David Lwcas and son, AMBULANCE SERVICE James, spent a few days in Day· tOil last week. Pb.onc 29 W~De.ville, Ohio Mr. and l\11's. Howard Bean and ~ ._,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -' Mr. and M.'rs. Elton Evans and daughter spent Sunday with their parents, MI'. and Mrs. John Rye. Mr: and Mrs. P. A. Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Herbelt Marlatt .and son S~ Edmon, Mrs. Frank .' Dakin and' daughter, Mabe1, and Miss Clara Daughters spent Sunday with Mr. WANTED and Mrs. Elvis Michael <8.n d daughtel', Dorothy. . ·w ' ANTED-P ' . . '. Mr. Joe '~rlat't .and son, 'Earl ' . pactlcal nursing , and,. wife sp'ent Saturday with Mrs house .w?rk. Mrl\. S. A,. Rolan,d~ Flora Hendersol~ anq family. l'4r. 'a nd Mrs. P. A. Runyon was NOTICE· . in Bellbrook WIldnesday. Comn1u,\it~ ;'vill , ¥1ve . a miscel. FOR SALE--Turkey eggs. ·To our maq~ pat~ons· t hroughout. tbe commumty. We will do laneous sHower FrIday night at Anna Jioak. telepltone rbuBiness throu8h The Cra.w ford the M. E. Church for. Mr. and Mrs' Wayneiivill~. . .' , Commission Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Carl Wardlow. .. . on and after Januarv 18t, assuring Mrs. Jacob Zi mnler, of Beav~r- FOR ~AL~Frlg1dall:e, lfOod you the best of ' service, both for town, Mrs. RODert Zeigler:, of Day. pew. See )in. :Toe,.Tmney• . caring for and selling your si;ock. ton, and 1.hs. Victol' Sandera, of FOR SALE 01' trade--A speeder· : We thank you f-or the PIlSt an'o Belmont, Wednesday with bike. price $3.50 or trade· tor hope for your future patro~llge. Mr. end Dill and laying benl. Appl, Joann .Can. {1~!!!~~~~;eiI-;;;;;;;;;;j1"'~~;;;;;=iiiiii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliii;;;;;;;iiiiiiIiii~ <)' SALISBUBY'S ., lion, Bill,. al
SHINGLES A New Car Just In
• • $1.0,0 square • $4.00
These Shingles 'a re the ' HuntingMerritt Certified' Brand,. the high.est quality of Red Cedar Shingles m·a nutactured. . . ' , .'
ladden'sLumtier,Yard" Pho~e 14
Waynesville. Ohio
:~!:~~~n~a~t~~m~~~~~;: I
Late CI' a,ssified Ad
Clover, . alld •• See•• . , . Gra . ,
We have a choice selection of Clover .nd Alf.lf. Seed.
Montana Grown Grimm Alfalfa .......... ~ ........ . Choice Kanlas Grown· Common Alfalfa .......... . \"'9 ':'~::J have e:::collcnt bargains ~ little Red and Sap1inc Clover Seed.
"Blaek Leal 40" , Thia- is the.'beat product known to rid po~b7 of
,\ fice and mitea. .Also uaed to de.troy"many·planl in~ " ' . .
. aects.
'WA¥NES\i.IIJjE .FAR.MEttS . ' ,' "EXCHANGE CO.,', [ -" ' rhone ' 25
tuEighty-Fifth Year
Reaulta of State E.ery PIiPil Teat Algebra I.- possible sco re 100; Betty Hartsock,94; I,?w SCO I'e, 80, possibll P lane Geo metry score 61l; Wallace Bernard, 49. low score, 34, La ti n I.- possible score 95: Ruth Pennington, 65; low score, Gil. Latin H,- possible score 95: Bem icc Graham, 70.5; low score 65,
Chemistry- p ossible scor e 75; Ronuld Hardin 59; low score 31. Genei'll! Scienc e-possible score 75 ; Fra nk Haw ke, 55; low score, '15.
Arithmetic VUI. possible sco r e 50; Ruth Salisbul'y, 48; low Hco re, 35. Arithmetic VII.- possible 8core 50; Glenna Woolar d, 45; low score, 26. History ' VlII.- possible score'; 60; Cec il H nTtmnn, 32; low score 21. E nglish VlII.- possible score ] 00; Jan e Cook, 90; low score, 81. English Vn, -possible 8core ] 00 ; E illeen Hall, 85; low score 71 English VI.- p08sible score 50; Vivian Conn er, 44 ; low Bcore, 34. English (4th Grade) 7"Possible SCOl'e, 50; Mary Eva LeMay, 31; low score, 32, Arit hmetic ( 4th Grade-possib le score 100; Mary Eva LeMay, 94 ; low score, 86.
The xlon t t o which the stntc highway depa r t.nw r t wil l bc ab le Lo co mply wi th t l: l! ~ II r~e slio n s advanccrl by the eXlc uLin' cOl1l l11iU ·c of the R \'o lulion:fry ,' ho rt T rai l G, n, ~lill. \\' n, in Piqua, association \\'II S ouLiillcd tt' the :)a turday, l11emb er~ hip by . tate Hi ll.'h\\'ny Mis Opal Ralllby is oul Dir ector 0 , IV , ferrill, wh en l he .choul because of il l n e~s, " 1·~ al1i 7. lIti o n cOllve ned in Leban on eu the alisbury's. W. P. and Wcdll c ~ d ay ~ftern lJo n, D. R" before yo u sell your stock . A lun cheo n me ting wa~ hel d ' h A Ml'" I 're , luulHI . Hawkc visita t l h eL e ba non h 0 t e I, WIt l'lhul' ti\'csMI's. in J,. JlringfJ eld, . Ull llamilton, pea keI' of th e House la y, I) f Represen ta ti vcs ll nll n mcmbc r , ~lr, J;;, He,nl',\', of N 'wport. Ky" of th c Lc)!: i Int urc fl'o l1\ Warl'en V I ~l tl' rl rclntl\' 'S unci fl'i n<ls hen?, :\!L' nday, (; unt y pre' iding, A larJ,{e dele·galion of WarnesMI' . Bed Hurtso('k entel'tainecl villc cit izen: atteaded the gather- ~~~ II~ridge club Snturday ufte r' mg. ____ ___ _ _ _ , ee J. , Hawk e 1'01' prices on Lawn MOWC l'g, the b ' st 011 lh e MEETING OF ATHLETIC CLUB IlHlI'l(et.
----- ...
' Fiala, of Day to n, FARMERS' CLUB MET wasMisst he Dori week-e nd guc:t of Mi ss AT PRETTY CUUNTRY DodMr.s Hawke. and Mrs. W. E, Cornell a nll D, R, Snlisbur y were DayHOME OF S. S. ELLIS toMrs,n visitors, Tu esday: On April 15, t he pI'etty country home of Mr, and Mrs, S, S, Ellis was t he place of me eting 101' the Wayne Township Farmers' Club, About 65 members and g uests enjoyed the bountiful dinn er serv_ ed at the noon hour. After a social hour the meeting was called to order by A. S. Collett. The invocation was offel'cd by Rev. Dibert, At the roll call only one family was absent. The F. F. A. quartette consisting of George Miller, Loren Reason. Ernest Green and Paul Savage, sang several selections which were much appreciat.ed. The special to pic of the day, "Reforesting Waste Lands, was discussed by Mr. Omar. Hollingsworth. He spoke chiefly of this project in Ohio stlloting that land in southern and eastern portion s of the state could be bought for $6 per acre. It requires between 600-1600 trees to reforest an acre. This year e veryone , hould plant a Washington tree. County agents are organizing forestry dubs, and many of the trees being planted are white pine. The host introduced as speaker of t be afternoon Char. Whitaker 'of Fosters. Mr. Whitaker has made many trips across tbe water photography being his line of work. He chose Greece a s his subj ect, supplementing his talk by photographs of t he ancient temples and ruins of this once highly cultured people Agriculture has played a very small part in the life of the people because of the sterile, roc ky land. There are places where sheep are raised and some farming and fruit growing is done. Olive trees require little fertile soil, therefore these trees thrive and bear good crops of olives. He al80 spoke of the sterile soil in the Holy Land and showed pictures of this country. Photographs of Pyramids, The Acropolis, Tower of the Winds, Portico of the Maidens, Rock of Moses, The Sphinx and many , others were shown. The meeting adjoumed to meet May 12 with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hough.
Short Trail Group Meets in Lebanon
The regular monthly meeting of the P.E.P, class was held at . the Ferry parsonage Th~rsday, April 14. ', The meeting was co nducted by the pres iden t, Verdena Fox. J eanett e Fox I'ea d t he eleventh Psalm and Mr. Williamson le d us in prayel'. The new business consist ed of Hymnn is suffering from the election of officers, the result an Myel' attack of lum bago. being as fo llows: Virginia Lackey, pl'esident: Wilma Smith, viceMr, Clarence Simpson was a pl'esiuent; Marie Pine, secretary i Columbu s visitor Tu e'day, Lola Sem's, tre,asurer ; Laverna Tbomas, r eporter. Mrs, Mary l\1.cClure is spending The new president then took the weck at the Resel'yoir, cha rge and appo inted committees f or the next meeting on , May 12. Mrs, Lee Hawke a nd :o n. Dean were Duyton VI"SIt 01's St ---a Ul' d ay.
, Tune in on the C. & B, prOI,rrnm statio n WKRC every Su nday afternoon at 6 :30 .
Whole Number 6010
APRIL 20, 1932
,On Tu esd ay . Apri l 12, Mn. Pel'cy 1 eos on and l\Ir~. w.arre n Bra Idoc" cnl rtll in e(( ,the Happy HOUl' club a t tho h m e uf M~'s. Pel'cy Rca. on. Fifteen memb I'!'; r · spondod to ro ll call. In vited gucsts were; irs , Fl'unk Mal'. h, Mr!', Jilek Rich Irs, Will Stroud, Mrs, Ernest Butt I'w orth and Mrs. Theodore ~ k I n t.i re, A ft cr it short business ,'es ion the prugrum committee took charg : 1 ellding- "l glory in my jou," Reba Braddock !{cading- ' A hell lt hy child," .. _ Es thcr Mitchener .\. game, which caused much luughter and was enjoyed by all Alsu a chewing gum contest with Esther 1ilchener receiving ti rst prizc. A flel· a socin l good time lhe nu -tc s es served a , very delicious lunch , Meeting adjourned to meel lith 1I1n;. J ohn Wilso n in May.
------ ---
OHIO CAPITAL OLUMBUS ullicial statistics prepared by Secretary of State, ' Iurence J, Brown, show a decline !11 th e nu mber of suits which are l'an-ieu f ro m the common pleas ,'u ul'ls to the cou r ts of appeals. Th ' flverag' n umber of cases on :wnd ill t he a ppelatc courts , over .1 p 'I'iod of len yeal's. up to 193 1 ,\'as 4,2D4 , whil e the 1931 t otal was only 3,9::15. A study 0'1 the ~ a ,' s d isposeu of and those on iland indicales that OUI' upp er OUl'ts are expeditiously handling : he ca ses which co me bcfore them The All-Ohio Safety Congress meeting in Columbus this week, upcning Tuesday a nll closing 1' h.uI·sday evening , hundreds in,crested in safety projects over _he stale in various industries at'cnding a ll sessions. Gov.ernor (;eorge White opened the Co ngress .:nd Supel'intendent Thos. P. .. cams of t he Division of Sa:fety ,md H ygiene of the State ,De;,artment of Industrial Rela tions, ;,resided as chairman. A number t, f experts fro m large Eostem ,orporations were in attendance " nd participated in the t hree-day " rogram. i~
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Stl'oud a nd Wayne A II members of th son, Harold , were S unda y g uest Walte r Kilbon, of Jack so nvill e of MI·s. Maud e Crone and family, Alhletic club Ill' u l'g rI to be PIli" is vis iting relatives her <Inci present at a mcelin)! to be held al Leban on, lte -ponding to a r eq uest by the Mr. an d M.rs, Joseph My r" of !It Nelso n Wat ld ns' res tau ra nt Mu tl! I' of the state of Ohio Cincinnati , were guesls of Mr, ' Mond ay evcning a t 7 :ao o'clock. !\tessr s, W. S, Graham and Harry Li\ !'tIllO Lodge o. 1113 1". ill and Mr , J, E , McClure, on Su n- Matters of j!']'(!ut importa nce will I'l'!Itel- were at the Re!' I'V ir ove'r A . aynesviltc IVl. wi l! celcbrale the Washingbe di sc ussed , Be sure to come, ~~ the weck-end. lon bi-ccnlen llial ut the lodge locks at half price. A "Gifty" ruoms l"riday evening, April 22. Mrs. Frank U, Long, of ColumGi ft. Cal /s Jew II'Y Shop, Leb- The meeting will start a t 7 :30 p, T he state's' inland lakes and rebu s, is spending the week with he l' a non, OhIO. 111 . "': .. Ol·t!! are being prepar ed for the sister, Mrs, fl. H. Williamson, and Uean E, Stanley, Lebanon at- pl'ing, summer and 'fall season. fam ily. Messrs. O. R. Ungle. by and W. torney, will be the speaker fOl' I)ireclol' of Public Works, Ted rind Ie, has crews at work ' reE , O'Nea ll left Tuesdny on a bus i- the occasion t aking as his subject Mrs. Homer Ramby and chil"Washinglon A'S a Milson ." Mr. .la il'ing retaining walls, dredging neil's t r ip to Flol'illa, dren, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Simp' tanley wil l have an interesting channels and cleaning up the son and daughter Donamae, vi sited . "Nobody But NaDcy" larks while t he conservation deTune in on the C. & B. program message fOl' the local Masons. relat ives in Dayton Friday even The first. pl'e id ent is revel'ed ) artment is stocking the waters shrtion WT{RC every Sun day ing. The Senior class play, "Nobody Fnrmel's wishin g to sccure Fedumong American Masons, he wit h fish and fow l. Thousands of aitel'l1oon at 5 :30. But Nancy," wiU be presented cl'al money for crop loans this /laving been master of , the lodge .rout a re being place d in several Rev. and MI·s. J , J, Schaeffer, ~ pring are rem ind ed that all apThursday a nd Friday nights, April Dr. Bailey Campbell and Mrs. at A le xandria, Va., and his pict- 'ivers whic h will be closed to and Mrs. Ida Tolley, of Dayton, 21 and 22, at 8 o'clock. .Ire is given a pl'Ominent pla ce in isherm en for proper propagation. Ohio. were dinner gue ts of Mi ss plication , must be in Washi ngton Campbell, of Dayton , visited ull Tickets are on saJe by all memJ\1.as unic lodge rooms, The M, A. Randall at Wayn e Villa, by Saturday, April 30, so t hat Wayn esv ill e fri end s, Monday, bers of the ,Senior class. The lodges of Ohio genemlly will obH. G, Southard , M, D., Director Sunday. t ickets will be marked for replenly of t.im e should be allowed Sets of Dis hes you will be "e rve the event on this SIlme date, If State Department 6f Health, scrva t ion beginning Tuesday Committee in cha rge of the tates that birth records must be Saws filed by machin ery, cut to get the forlTl s completed. Loans p l'oud to own, See them at Cary's event m o r~i~g at t he Drug St ore. The announces t hat refreshments : ul'ni shed by appli cants in secur. t.o gL'owers of toba cco and cotJewe lry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio, cleanel', truer, faster, Also crossadmiSSion 10c-20c-3O'C. will be set·vell. ng government po itions, pass. eut saws, gummed, 25(. per foot. ton are r c ·tl'icle'd to those who will Mr. Garst, one of t he high 10l'tS fOl' foreign travel, working Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber not expand 01' increa se the ir acre- Me S I·S. J ames Lovely a,nd Erwin school teachers, is coaching the lel'llIits , school enro llments, feqEllis aw t he Pittsb urg-C incinYard. play. CHARLEY SMITH ages. Farmers who grew t hl'ee nati 'ral and' state compensation and game at Ci ncinnati, Sunday, llan y other valuable purposes. In Mrs. Jane Lewis, Mr. Lucy acres or mol'c of tobacco in 193 1 Charl ey Sm it h, son of J ohn \pril, 1856, the state legislature Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Watkins, Luti and M.lss Reva Gustin, of can bon·ow to finan ce only 65 per Lebanon, were dinnel' guests of cent of their la st year acreage, MI', an d MI'S. Clarence Simpson GI'eer and Julia Corsey Smith, macted n law authorizing the diA musical program will be Miss Catherine Gibbons, Thursda y Growers are u)'ged to reduce theil' were Leban on visitor" Sun day was born in Mt. Holly, Ohio, July ng of birth records with the given at the gym, Friday after16, 1860, and on April 7, 1932, ! Ierks of the common pleas courts night. evening. noon, April 22, by the grade-. The passed on In to life eternal at the :n the respective c ounties. In aCl'eage, but to use such amoun ts program is made up from the 1\11'. and Mrs. M. D. Baird and age of 71 years, 8 months ,and 21 869 the filing was transferred to Mrs. Emma Barnett, MI.'. E, V. and kinds of fertilizer as will give regular project work of the music , he pt'obate court's office. A new Barnhart, of Cincinnati, J. W. Ed- highest ylulds and m ost profitabl e dnu~htcr, and Mrs, Julia Donovan days. classes. Mrs, Buerkle is being asUf a fam ily of nine childl'en, eg istration law was passed by the wards and family. of Lyndon, returns for the use of their land vi ited l'ela tives in Tndianoplis sisted by each home room teacher. only two brothel's remain, Frank egislature on May 1, 1908, and ast \\;eek, Ohio, were g uests of 1111'S-. Emma The program will be 11,8 follows: and labor, Count.y agents in t he of MialTli s bu~'g a nd William of t is n ow t he duty of ever.y physiH. McClure, on Sunday. , Grade I.- Miss Reeder: Today Unyton. ; ian who 6ttend s a birth to file have been l'eq uested l\'lrs. J. C, Hawk e in company Miami Va lley when I get out of Bed; Wee Willie He was united in marriage, ,he !Certificate with 'tl'le local rewith ,M..-o. Ralph Vance, of Pleasto get this ' no1tice prominently beY<lurex Silverseal SilverwareWinkle, Pussy Cat. New low prices. Thi s will please fore nil tobacco growers so that ant P Ili in, vi , ited Dayto n T uesday M.arch 6, 1880, to Susan J. Cot- nstrar within ten days after the Grade II.- .M!iss Hunter: The • trell. To t his union were born nine birth occurs. our many customers who want they can work in 11Ol'1lI01lY with afternoon. Wind, Robins Prophecy, violin solo chilu ren . Eva and Charley, Jr" the regulations. " The best" in Silverware, Cary'S Naomi Rnmby. Send yo ur stock to The Craw- have pl'eceeded the father in Maximum loans for fertilizer, Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. There were 189 applications for Grade IIl.-Miss Kelly: Our spray rna tel'ia I, etc., for tobacco ford Commission Co" Union tock death. The.re remain to mourn the 'laroles at the Ohio Penitentiary Hog, the Eive Vowels, cornet solo, Mrs. Ralph Vance. of Pleasant are limited to $ 12 per acre. Farm- Yards Ci ncinnat i, thl'ough W. P. los of a fa ithful husband and a luring t he past week, 38 being Frank LeMay. . loving fat her, t he widow and gran ted. leavi61g the populat~n Plain , Mrs. J . , P. Fromm. Mrs. Lee ill'S interested in getting t h!!ir Salisbury & Son. Grade IV.- Miss 1dcKinsey: seven children, Carl, George and f t he big institution at 4,825. loans approved by April -30 should Hawke, Mrs. Maynard Weltz a nd ,Fairy CrewJ. The Kitchen Clock; MI'. and Mrs, Homer Ramby and Mrs. Willia m Bernard of Waynes- Warden P. E. Thomas has gardenchildren, Mi ss Doris Hawke and apply at the Farm Bureau office piano solo, !teba Edwards. family, of R oute 5. had as t heir ville i Ben and Mrs. Roy Buhrman ,'1'5 at work pl'epari ng flower beds several days in advance. Class reMr. Don Hawke attended a dinner Grade I. Miss Stevenson: Sunday <l in ncr guests, M.., and of Osborn, E lli s of Cincinnati and '01' the campus and they will Boon ceived notice from Washington given by Mrs. Ray Hawke, of -----Johnny Jump up aU; Two Roses, Dayton, with Mrs. J. C. Ha'wke as t hllt ap plications would probably Mrs. Harry Drake, Mrs. Florence Ellsworth of Dayton. ')Iossom out in all the colors of the quartett; High School Song, all: Sixteen gl'andchildre n also 'aipbow. The annual spring cleanfar ex,ceed amoun t of moncy ap- Hensle' a nd children, 01 Dayton. honor guest. Saxophone sol!') Eileen Hall. gl'ieve at the passing of a kind ,IP. is und er way and a number of prop riated so some of t he loa ns , Grade n . -Miss Hartsock: Wish Come to a Jewelry Store for might h,llve to ~e greatly cut dow n Over 200 gradua tes will receive affectio na te grandfather. u'oj ects fOL' betterment will soon I had a bette't Fiddle, girls; When His gen ial presence will be he co mpleted, including the heat finer and more lasting jewelry. 01' dented enti rely. Mrs. Roland, High School Diplomas in Warren I am Big, boys; Our Hog, all; Out pleased customers enjoy office sec l'etary at t he Farm Bur- County thiR year. Th e ideal gift is missed by many olher l'elatives an d lnd light tu nnel , through which Piano solo, ' Doris Beck. showing us the Watch , Ring and eau office, h a~ ful} informati on and ' a Watch , Grue n and othel' good neighbol'S. viii be fed power to t he new State Grade In.- Miss Lile: Indian He and his wife uni ted with the J ffic e Building, n ow' almost ready other jewelry purchased 35, to 40 can fill ~pphcahon s and execute Watches you ' will find at Ca l·Y's Song, all: "Hi Yi Yi," Indian Church of Christ at Waynesville (or occupancy by the state's variEllsworth L. Sherwood, a cul- years ago. Cary's J ewelry Shop, th,e papers for ~hose, w ho app ly .lewelry Shop, Lebunon Ohio, High song and dance, ' boys; Indian in 19,13. The gl'eater part of bis l US departments. Lebanon, Ohio. Wit h propel' q[ul!-hfications. quality- at new low prices. Lullaby, girls; violin solo, Mildred turned and highly respected resilife was spent on the f m'm in the dent of this community, passed Cook. neig hborhood of Waynesville , but The hees and parkways in East Grade IV.-MislJ Campbell: My away 'Tuesday afternoon at - his the past th" ee he had lived in the ~ro ad Street in the Capital City Shadow; Dreams; piano solo, Jean farm -home, where he had been home of his son Ben near Osborn. will soo n be a thing -of, the past, as cared for by Mr. and Mrs. John Furnas. A Young Man's Fancy Hi.s life was a busy, active one bids for theil' removal will be reGrade V.-Mr. , Young: Little Adams. Mr. Sherwood had been in up to t he time of his shol,t illness ceived next we,ek, $80,000 baving declining health several years. -----D\1tch Gardens, Wind Mills. ------~----~------. ---/lnd his helpful spirit a nd pleasan been appropriated for th-e purpose The BOn of Frank and !Mary smile will be greatly missed by all ;ncluding the building of a splenEllen Chamberlain Sherwood, he with whom he came in contact. did new bouleval·d. The trees and MII.ic Memory Conteat was bom at Olive Branch, WashHe was devoted to his home life '1 a rkways are known to every visiington township, June 10, 1861. , A very interesting event !Carried and del'ived great pleasure in havor in Co lumbus in the last half Following a course at the N. N. on in the Junior High .music classing chilliren a nd g.-andch ildre n cent ury . ' , • es is th.e Music Memory Contest. U. in ,Lebano!.!, Mr. Sherwood engather IIro und him in frequent r etered the tea~ing profession and The records had previously been for uni ons. . " ":. many years was Professor of ~housan~s of gardens are plantstudied as to kind, vocal or inAlthough t he fami ly eircle i ~ Chemistry in a private school,at m 'cou nll es over the state many strumental story the music tells Pittsburg, Pa. uro ken, an d fa t her has started on ~'d 'mdel' supervision of the state re(' the composer etc. Part of the reclhat long journey to the unknown Bt!cause ,of impaired health he ords were then played and the lan d, leaving behind him a vacant de f co mmittee named by the govern~r. The project is being asstudents wrote the titles and com- gave up teaching and in 1917 he chair und great lonelin ess, yet and his wife, who was Miss i ste~1 In many comm';lnities by pjsers as they were recognized. Katherine of, Aurora, Ind., ervlce c lubs and pubhc spirited The following groups were win- removed toBundy, "Some-how we feel t hut he's waitWaynesville, taking u_p 'ilizen s. Sites nr e being tenqered ner8: ing residence in the Sherwood "ai ly and t here should be- no lack 6th Section I.-Mildred Cook, their Just beyond the sharp bend of th~ home on Third street, now oc,If vegetables in the home this Peter Vint. road, cupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. K. :eal' if proper -care is e;)(ercised 6th Section n.-Noaml Ramby, Day. Near the pla ce that we mortals Mrs. Sherwood died February ' ,n cultivation. Rheba Edwards. call dying 1924. 7th Section I.-Glenna Wool- 24,Mr. It' s the gate to a happier abode. Sherwood was a member of And in fancy we picture him wait ard' Evelyn Furnas. DEATH 7th Section n.-Eileen Hall, the M. E. church and Waynesville ing, Lodge No'16S F. & A. M. Marjorie Tinney. ' With t hat brig ht cheery smile on Word has been received here of Funeral services will be held at , 8th Section. I.-Marjorie Earnhis face . he deat h of Jo's eph C. Kingdon, the M. E. church Thursday afterhart, Jean 'Furnas, Barbara Gray. noon at 2 o'clock, Rev. G. C. Dib'f Mt. Holly, N. J., a cousin of 8th Section II.-Jane Cook, And when we have come to the he late Drew Sweet, MId forin 'Charge. Burial will be in Frances ,E llis and Ruth Salisbury. ert end of our j ourn ey nere ly a frequent visitor In Miami cemetery. And from our shoulders is lifted Waynesville. ou r load, Juniora 4: SeDiora ' 0 tall. Field Ml'. Kingdon was a newspaper And we, too poss out through the lIan and recorder, alld justice ' of Tripe . gateway, he; peace. He was ~Ighty yeara 'Of He'll be waiting at the bllnd of the -,ge, a former business manager Ther~ is a series of trips planroa d." ned ' for the various departments ' nd latel' part o~er a'nd editor of the school in the remaining 'few )~ t he Mt. Holly News, a.ttended Card of ThaD!.:. 'liS .du t ies as juspce o~ the peace weeks of school year. There are Ernest Sellers, of Franklin, who _ We wish to e xpress our -mtll a few bours befoIC his death. ' -definite plans for a trip Wednes- was f<lund guilty of manslaughter, elation of t he kipdness and sympa, day' 20th a. ni., to go through- the late Saturday in common pleas thy pf neighbor and 'frie nds durAmerican Rolling ,Mills at Mlddle- court at Ll[!banon, has posted bond ing' th e illness and dea th. 'of our toWn ' and also the J;)ayton Daily pending the filing of an appeal in beloved huspa nd and father. News and Bra'tl!Ch of N. _Y. Stock the case. , _, ,l - • The Fam,ily. ,E:xchal,lge in ~he af~moon. Some Sellen was charged :with having ~f ~he ' p'roP~lIed trip~ !or the J~n- ca~sed the death of Raymond Har,lor- and ' SeDlor claue!! are FrigId- rison, , ti-y~r-old'- son' of Mi. and DR., J. E. WI:r"HAM TO ' _( , 'air~ and ~, O. R. at, Dayton!..Akro,n Mrs.- Robert 'Ha.l'riaon, -of Franklin ATTEND ~],ATE ~ESSION tire . plant. ,Cincinnati , l'ottery 'last October. -The' boy Wal fatally , Works, Biah.n Packing plant '81ld injured when .truck by an ,utomoUnion Stock Yat:dlt in Cincinnati. hOe drlv.n by the, defendant. , Dr. J. E. Witham, president' of Juniors and Seniors. enr~lled in ' A Jury which; aat ,in the- case' a the Warren county'Jlledioill 8OCi.§ty IIUCh. cl..... or departtpents .. the · first hearlne d~eed, • ,vill be among th~ 'W arren-county ehemistry, vocational a.rnculture, ,. delegates attending the 88th -an~ economic reol'1'&])hy and commernual , meeting of the Ohio cial are bem, taken on these trilill Ito.. F ........ Medical association , which to atudy the ' practical lide after , _ -held. !rr Dayton May 3 and 4. Ap.. havinir aeen tbe theoretical in' Bert and Charlu O'Neall arriv1l1'oXlmately 1000 phYliciarui from ~laea diaeUastOJJL ' ad home lifter • five-weeks aU Bectionll of Ohio wUl be pre.-ent (Oontinaed Oil , . .• •) tour tbrouah ~e Soath. a~ the meeti~I' ,
Ellsworth Sherwood Taken by Dea th After Long Illness
-- ---- --
------ .. St!lIers Guilty of
=- __' -,.-S_tla'
f or C ·· ' H ayes. C• K"ver' OmmlSSlOner
Th will of William L. Ware, 2; .'red O. J ames, tlupplies ,1.88: citement. ")t's mendoQs! It'. deceased, wnll filed in court. Geurgt! Hawthorne, supplies, '2; half the money in the world! It's The OrsL ace unt f George R. II. K Warwick, s upplies, $ 18.lIO; the p(iwerf You will rulto the In tJn idel'ing a candidat f or in thi~ cnpo ity MI'. Ke \'('1' is fully ('hopman, executor of estate uf Roh ' l·t Reichel, upplieM, $$12.12; When the Warren county cit!- that Warren County will n ver lobe!" ~a roh J. hopman, d ceolled , was ~1rs. OIlU\I' H ollings wurth, s uplen vot!l for a man f(lr sheriff hove a more efficient, courleous "Ju t ubol1t thnt. Gj,'c me flv I)ublic office tlie vel'Y fir . t thing qUllli" d. He i. w ll 'and fa vora bly known approved, allowed lind confi rmed plies, $7.7(1 i M. F.. ROIIII, stan' I'", if! lht· R public.un primary" he and fnithful man to sec k th l f- ~' (,lIrs and )'11 he 1he I'i ' ht!l! l man th· V tel R:!k" him. lolf- " l s thi . $<1 i It. L. 'chuy l!!r, pay ro ll, $151. lO the "tel' o f \ an II OUllty , by lhe curt. wont!> tQ b l'u~'C th(lt he will en- *e. Thpy know Mr. Hu1fol'l.I .1 1111 in lho wnrld; lhl\ mUl'h I. ('t,'rtniJl. The finlt n 'coun t of Lebun on- :W' H rb r t 111"1', !3l!r i 'll, $2 .70; fOI' e the la,w hi unty, ktt " that if he is nominat.ed iind Hill I, bn( i · III Clle; 1'\1 hll\' (' the old nlnn l'Ol\l)l,· ten t ill fulfill th' dutio' IJ ' i~ l' 'gard d u. 1\ mUll _of the hi h ,"" t~' rw, having the I'eputa- Clti7.cn5 Nationul Bn nk • Trust Wlll hup \ i!', ~cl'vkl' , 51k; E'tI!Stilt And nation irre8peativ of elected, htl will ulWtl ' ke p in , \1 d II wn I\nd 1) \1 t,1 lak my of om e (" "l' hich h n"pu'cll?! ' mind th need ' of th p 'o ple and o r d~) ·. . Th('re \1 he tlle higgll. t Wh'll lInyl' . r \'l' r . L., u- tio n 11[' Ling n - thoruugh lll ode l mupar y, 'x "cutur ui estutt' (Ii wll'd H ill en'ice ' , $11; D\l cl«~ye ympalhy nd t hreats. the b -t oj' his a Th ,hel'iff of ny ounl ~' is tbe erye them 'ma sh in hi t\ ry, (lnd ~'I)U lind I anon, unn lInced hi un'lidacy f ol' man in all hill dealin gs with his Willialll McBurney. o ' con,ed, wus orlel·I)!" .• til , $r;1.0 8; Ore. IIlt'Qll~ urm t.h low, and th r - ity, Ro. , my boy, will pu sb lho buUelll tho Offil'C o f cou nty comlllissio nc:r . fello\\' III n. upproved, allowed, nnd c onfirmed Ko niu Brhlg' 0" ste I, $4 .47; peak loud ' I' than words Acti ons s .Ir. " eeve l' d '~e r,·t1 the d p- by the curt. t( r It 'Te~uil'es n man who is fearlind to ile your pick of t h pl'iC \ls. thi!! yellr un the RopulJlicnn ticke , Ohio. :ul'I'ug/lt tI ulv 'rL .,., !lues- ,_· t 'o ns ilJeration <If a ll Republ ican le~s and at th Kll nl tim ~on~ and Mr. Hull" rei is a ~ king for the Then when we, ve ~ o the whole ther i n r) d ll ubt th abo 'Th tir "l and final account of J . . I.! \\,ers, $72.50; L. W. Nisbet. 0 ., I' III '1'1' in th e comi ng pl'imary. It E. Bercaw and Mnry Jan e L we, s wer, sa. 0; V, W. T Ompkins, Rei ' nti ou to lh full nt f !lom ination U ll what he has d one !li tulltion in our h~nd~ we on d - ti on Wll. asked by quilt' a few. p rrormi ng his duti without in Lhe pa t. a s dep uty. heriff of th cide jusl how fa r lV e 'lI ll'o with thi s Jl' they did not. knn\\' this it b n p lc'us ure to m eet andkno lv a IministrntOI' of eslato of SHru h pay r II, $ 1(j5.2 0; E . D. Jones, coun ty I\lld n ot upon fluwery words butt J'r 1)l'O position, Il l' thing c r- 1I'0ull.l b > \'e r~' natum l ' Lhnt it i\II'. Kcever i n V I'yday IiIe, und i\1. B e rcaw, d ceased, was appr v- pm' roll , :j;271. 0; L. E . Witham, s howing any partiality. Thi\! polili I dttio n of the for the occa io n. tu in; .. 0'11 be in a IHll!itinn to do hllu lil. b a.\\ kod, but thost) who as II c ,unty commissioner he would d , a llowed lind conti l'm d by tht:' pa}' 1'011: $ 1f)3.GO ; A. T . Rel~ig pny H e WIIS fOT s llve ral ye ul'!\ Ii j Ufi b OR III \lc h or j us l a ~ lit.tl with kno\\' him (an el he has H wide ac- ti Ildmil'Hbly inLo that body, a l- co ur t. Miami Ga7.e lle would not be camI'll II , $238.80 ; Jo W. DIIV I5 , pay pi to without specilll mention of fam1 e l' li " inl: 0 11 the S ut h Leb- it us we eh ot). c." Gl'im stcad q uuintance in the county) kll C)w 'nl~'~ liS in the past rendy a nr! willThe first and fina l uccollnt f 1'1) \1, $2/if).OOi . E. B nllJbury, pay "\ iIllllm Huirord , Leba n n, pres - a n 1'-!{ iH~ Mills r ond until five cl1\lck l('d . that h i9 as c/lpll blc Il ~ any Illun ill inl{ to look afl<'I' his duties e m- James E. Burke adminis trat or of ro ll , $ 1:11.05; Floyd Lemm ons, puy tho 'Repuhlican n minution for yen!'::; ugtt whe n he mov d to Leb"Th is mHIl [Io v "l or t. i ~ n't h ' 1,) \1 1" o un l y to f Ifill Ila' Lilltie;; ( I f cil' lIlly, ni; eve r y c ompetent and ;;late of !l owa rd Bin "kley, de- '1'011, $ 1OO.G Oi J uhn My(!r~ , puy roll tho deputy sh ' riff who is seeking un on nllll h u.\\ mude h is home the!' !ill el), II UJ)~ t t h apple curt '!" in- thut offic e. II "'I-qu alifled om cr s hould do. I!J .IAO; Cu d Dnkin . )Jay 1'011, C 'ase d, wu!' nppToveJ, 1I1luwed and ever since. lOhc'riff ill the coming primary. lt mu st he admitt ed that it tnkps Ilu'villg lhe in t('l"est of ' WalTen t:o nfirmed hy the COU I·l. '1uin~ d C;urdiner. $222,25 : II. L. Schu yler, pay 1'011, Mr. Il ulf I'd u ked your support . "That's part f my joh ," nn- a llIun o r ll1 ()rl' than Clnlinnry ahi l· ~ollll tiHr\ ~ ~Il ht':Jrt ' Ml" K ' vc r is Mr. Hufford 11as proven an able T he lil'st 'nnd nnu l account of $5 0.6U; Ede n Torry, sc rvict:'s $tJ7 .de puty, and will hund le this office in t h e May 10 prill1lll'Y and will s \\"c l'e t\ Grim. te ad. " I' ll gu uI"I1ntee ily un ci Il' vel- heulledll e,"" lo lIlu'lw pnrl . i~u larly \\'ell I1U('d f or the po ~ t tllt e of S. B. Cline, a~,; i gno l' wa~ 5 U; Fran l Wi l.·on, ~eI'Vic<'M, $6 1.60 ' in an (' Rl ei nt manner a nd will npPl'cciatl' what YIJU llIa ~' d o f or to ha ndl ' thal yelllll l:" man." There u goo d cou nty commi . ~i oncr, li nd uf (,OLlI1ty ·olllm isti io ner. tall! of '. B. Clin , a ~ ignur 11'!lS I::. W. 1\llll(lP . .se rvi ces . $5:J;. Lesalwuys be failhfu l to the interest.s him and t he good w o rd ~ you ma y wcre s(/ u nd ~ of ri!! ing. .. 0 you app rov'd, a ll ow d alld confirll1ed Ii l:i hul tl., ~er~ lce s, $56; . urtls ~, of the people. His f~iends kn ~ w speak in hi behalf. bett I' !\tring with me. Ross, iwd by th ' court. hndtun, S<'I·\"ICO. $54; ZllI n Arml. take ol'Cl ('I'~, and nell a l'k l uo 1lI011Y The flrst llccount o'f J oseph f . tag(' , gl'Uve l, $2~5: 0.; Leha~on QUl'5 iOIl ~. " Me' Kinney, guardian (I( Wilbur 1-1. Lumbel' C'l., ' ulIrd rarl IIlntorllll, " I in ten d l o !" cried GUI'dinl' r f ' r IIIc Ki n n y, in. ane, W:J !\ approv<,rI, $2fl.45 ; MII ~o n LUlllbel: o. SIIP \'t!nlh' Pal·ticularly wl'li fitl cI for the Ql' I', Lebu no n Grange , member alloll'ed and confirmed by the plies, $4 .1\5; W. II. II1ndcle l~Ge' . , T h'c'~, n1l\\'('d o ff d own :l l 1' <':1Ill. 'o nic' thut he :c cl:'~ . Hll lllh H. Anll'rica n Leg ioll ; membl'I' Maso n- cuurt. g-uaru mi l IHlltpriul , $ l(W.25j L . G. E, B, M'urrell is a can dida te I"ell is aski ng tho support of \ a r- a lltl were a lmus t immediatc ly los t 'ar y, LC' bun on, Ohi o. uttom y is I' l ud~e , chapt T, comlllunde l-Y "l'he fir!;t a nd fina l account of J\ ndel'so ll SC)n~ en., Itull~d mil !<hrirrc; l1I ember, Ol'dcr of i\l:lJ"ia nn ll IcLuugh lin. Hclm ini s- Illuteri ul. $5.-18; Frll nk Pri ce stone whose nnm c will appear on the nn co unty voters li nd if re-eIected l o :l i~ht Hr() untl the low 'I' hCI1<1. a can did ut .. -r./r th e ,,!lice o f pro- and the fa ll will d 'vote all hi" time Ea~ tc rt\ ·tnr. In addition hI.! trlltl'ix of c~ t.lltc Of 1\'l ary E. SOIl1- $0 .:10; Williei' Varner, I:"U II \"(1 ra il Republican ballots in t he coming in IJu t, jucigCJ in th l' com ing 1/ ('(1ul>li- volunteered reil" se l'vi c in the P I'S , dc cellscd, I" a~ app l·ovcd. al . posts. $:lll: .J. 1\ . Spe nc"r, grllvcl, to performing the duties ll f th i", II APTER xvr£. primnry May 10 again se ek ing the office to th e very best of his abilcun primllry, Mu y 10. \\" u rld wa r. IUlI'ed und conlil-med by th e c ourt. $~ 1 2; F'UIll UUH Allto Su ppl y Cn. , Exper ie nce it; what "o un ts not post of treasure r o f Warren ity. Burtun was aOame with indil!\Ith oul:"h he hos never hefo r 1.. D. Bluck, Ildminil'tralllr of es: s UJlJ1li .. ~ , $ 1:1. 7 1 ; Blair & L(' Roy, In t hese timeR of financial gl reSH natio n, und lI' al< hur~ tin~ ou t with only t o t h.. indil'itlll~1 hil~ " If ,",uul:"ht. ('Cl unly otlicc , 1\11'. Curey 's late l. f Sarnh D. Black, d ccell ~('d l!"rnvcl, $n., OJ Spl'i nl! Gro v(' T rnccou nty. Mr. MUrl'('1\ who is well and and t.ightening of th' lines in a ll co m ment ~ !<uitable t o tIl<' uce a- !Ju t as well t o th e people he serves "xp!'riencc a,; a SUCCes. ( ul . prnctic- til cd his inven t ol'Y. to\' Equip. Co. , repllirH. $ 1:15.47; favorably known in this section of departments of the cou nty guv- . ion; hut nay np tt rt s ilenn·d her a nd in t hi,-; capac i y i:l 1111'. Can·f Inl:" IIltorne.y. has .mud hlln t.~orTh e inve nto ry of lIIae f ord AIl - I': :r:<t End ,al"lllte, gn ~, 1$20 . 11 ; \Veil fit er! for th e im po rtant lI C1~i the county has a vast n umber of ernm e n t, taxpayers could not well with a ge ~ tur<'. Il~~ h l y fU lllrl ~1 1" With the functl.o ns , d <!r~ o n, exec utrix of estate o f Frnnk :he rll'oClrl 0., I!as lind SlIPfri e nds who know him for what h e afford to lose a n offi ceho lder of "Pl case," h heggl'd, "l et m e l ion Df pl'u bale jud.t:e. II I' hill' had ed t:Ullllty I!~vt!rllm e n t and Jlur·trc u- G 'orge H. Ande r.' I,n. decea s('d, pli cs. $ I:!·!.I !!: L, H. ; (l rdo n, gll R, wide xp<'I'il' nC\! ill the lJu sin ' ~s larty we ll fItte d fOI' lh e pos t. is--a man <J'f unu ual ability a nd Mr. Murrell's capacity and abil i- think." WlI S npproved hy th l! (·I' U.l't. :P 4.5 1: r. n. S mart. gas, $:17. 10; wo rld, having practiced all an power to hold t his important offi ce ties, For the office of count y trea s 1:1 e wns VNY grave. . One has but to meet an<1 talk Willium V" lk e rdin l! . nnd ,J ohn J o hn Thellll fill Sen'icc 'ttl tion, gns, for the people f Warren cODnty. urer, we should hav e a man "ThiR i ~ I'uth ' r terrib le." he 80ill ub l<' n t tol' ney for th e past 11 "!lh MI'. .Ilrey lO, I~ n o w that hc Vnlk emli ng , exec utor' of estllle of $ 1 .08; Morrow SC I"vil: l' Statio n, yoar .. . In a ddi tio n ~ I r. til' Y : rv- ~\"lll Ill ukc. un ~ th elC nt p. robutc Clw rle. Volke rding, (I ecea~ed, a re go :;, $ 1!l.OH ; l\I orrow Gnrage, l1;'a 8. Th ese qualifications arc just t horoughly sch ooled in the du t ies at le ng th. what is n eeded as this important of the office--a man w ho can make "It is utrociou ~ ! " Nh ' cr i'd. Urt cd well a s Mnyo r I,f Lehanon , J\!dl!e tre:t tr.n g ~h l N ofll ce WIth tho orde re d t.o distr ibute in kind to $ 71.6 1 i t\i lpntl'ick-Fre nch Motor ()ffic e can be t he means of saving Lhe dollars co un t -and MI". Mur- it treache l'ou ,", ! Tha l they shou Itl achievinl! Ull cviable rectlrd du r- snme! CI'Il . (" ICI.l(l lC U'> nUlJ~n e r that the di stributc es of t he estate, 'a r Co .. supplies and gUI\ $241.l.!J8 ; inv his l erm of o ffi ce . man y dollars to the taxpayers and rell is just tha t man, hil l< 'ha!'II ' l' I·IO!.l' d .n ll hI. eff ul'ts (' t' rtu in ~ locks Hn d bond s. Hoy Pig-olt., ~ 'rvic s. fi Oc; Fre d t ren t YO Il so !" li e is pl'omin e ntl y ide ntified :Jnd, m·hle ve me nts In tho pngt . . should be put in the hnnds of a Mr. Murrell solicits tho s uppO'Tt .John Ditmars, g ual'dian of Alil'e Kohn 1\1otor 'ar Co., repa irs $39 ." Me? Oh , r d on't matter. But man who will carry out his duties of every Republican v ot.e r in the his ideul< are all de tru cti l'e ! li e with man y interes ts among which I~vl'r,v v?te l' Rh? ultl. tuke pllr t lc- l)it mn!'!<, imh ec ile , fi led hi ~ :ieye n- 02; Inl ern fl tionn l Ilnrvl'ster, S(>l'with econom y as his watc hword. county in t ht\ primary next. m onth sees n chance to) t aa l' down a nd to nre the f"lIowing: secretu r y, War- ulur Jlnd e 111 nonll na tlllg a mon of l ' l' nth ucco unt vice~, 7!ic ; H. W . Reede r, rep uirs, Although un opposed in fhe a nd the election which foll ows in buil d UJl hi" \I'n II ' rsonal p w I' re n coun ty bar IIs!locitltio n; mem- Mr. an!Y'H eal ib r in the com ing . l$ 1.r;0; WilliAm Sc hn ell. j:(AR, $20; primary election May 10, Mr. Mur- November. II. \V . R"l'(l fro m the debri ~ . Tha t had n ot her , Pr e:ibytel' ian t h u rch ; melll- i\lay prilll ury. Marriall'e Lic:en.e l ' n~ l·. repairs, $ 12. 15', BI1Y even occ uri'd to me ! 1 saIl' on ly ====--::!:=====_:"!_:"!...::..-:'"""'--::!:='"'=======_ =~~~.!!!!~..,_~=== City Sh ov ' IH , 1nc., repa irs, $15.62. Alex ooper, farll1 el· o f .C larks- Chllrl e!' \Vlllk er, r epair s. 50c; W. lhl.! l'c len!3ing of pressure- " 1' llIe, and Mrs, A.nna Elizabeth A. LUl1., repnirs, $ l. 60; Trustees "You are n't going to li e tIol',n co un t . tl f Pu bli' Affa ir~, lights . $2.92; and leL th m do thhd" hambedain, ad- l\1!' CI'ay, of larkSVIlle. Wea ll ha A . Ha,ro l~ A. Stroup , .postol cle rk J ohn Law. I"ep l\ir ~, $ 1; L . J. Pe ne "No; l hut mU >;I l not be." mini strlltrix of oslate of amuel In scanning the list of candi- gime and will continue to do s o "What al'e yo u g ing to do, A. hamberla in, decease d, filed ~ f M~anll sburg a nd MI!'s Murg'u cr- I"l.!pnirK, S.I. DO; J. W. L in g{) RnnlIt F4.. Rorger, h ou ~e k eepe( of war e Co., sUPlllie~ , $401.27 ; W. P. hel' firfi t li nd fi lia l account. da.tes whose names will be found sho uld he a gain receive the nom- then?" and be reelected. "I don't kn ow ." The inventory of Eme r: on Ma- Franklin. WcCllrrl.!I1, rent, $12; L. C. Alexon the ballots May 10 when War- ination Judge Roll, candidate for rewitho u t 'further words , son, 'exc utor of s late o [ Me ll---andC'I' ·to r e. fl upp lie!>. $13.85; ren cquntians to to the polls in nominat.ion for the <Jffice o'f Pro- nndfl tharose two t 11 k lhe ir way bac k vin a Mu: un, dccenscd, \\'a~ a pReal Eatate Tran sfers Franklin Motor 0 ., repllir wOI'k, the primary! there is to be found bate judge on the Republican to th' {'limp. Grim stead I'oliretl n t Common Plea. P ro c:ee din g. Jlroved by the cO\lrt. E uge ne S huff!!r nnd "'Iorcnee $1\.55 ; J . C. H uwkc. s upplieJ;. $ 12.a man who /\as proven what he is ticket, has de,monstrated his tll'm jovia ll y. 'l' he in ven tory ul' Mary C. Cr oss, S huffel' to Ra ymo nd E, mith J\n d 73 ; Wn ite ~ Gnrage, re pai rs, $14:1.I n the ca se o f H. R, Benjamin by hiB deeds-and by these deed s qualifications in the concise and "Come and look at Lhe ra in- and ompuny. et al v ' r!3US John exccutrix u r e ~ tnte of Robe r t G. Effie 111. Sm ith . 100.2 1 II cre~ in 00; J. D. Adam ~ Co .. repairs, $83. ;m erits another term. exacting manner in which he h as bow I" he s houted. 2 ; Hurry Hill, gas. $ 111.11 ; D. H oli(\<IY, et a l UlJon cuns idem- ,,'oss, dccease d. WIIS uPPl'oved by Frankl in tow nship. That man is Judge W. Z. Roll, se rve d and tru sts that the vo t ers Dnv npo r t stood .gravely u n- lion whereof the court Hnds the the cou rt. Frank Th o mpson to ,I uca b B. Horrett Co., /rOS, $80: Walker M f/r of Probate eourt, who iB asking have s uRlciently nppreciated bis smiling before t he chief. tro use. Real es tate in Wa yne Co. repairs , $ 13.5 L: M~lTow F~ d grounds for said m oti on a n d de- An e ntry d et.e rmining the inh erithe Re publican voters of Warre n efforts to !avor him with th eil' " Mr. GI'ims lead," sa id he, "I ta nce tn..1( on the estate of Anna L. tow ns hip. & Suppl y Co ., g uard !"a ll mote r'1I1, county to agnin accord. him the support in t he coming primary. overheard your 'onvorsatio n wit h murrer n ot we ll taken a nd doeth a lT, decca cd, is to be certj.fied Jacob B. t.rouse to William H . $26 .60; .H owa rd T .. Co k, g-ravl'l, nomination :for that important His amia ble and court.eous Mr. Gardin er at the bend of the overrule bo th s.nid motion and sa id wit ho ut dela y. Gl'ub r, R a l estate in Wayne S8 50: VIctor Va.n RIper, gas, $1 ~ . d murreI'. offic.e. ' manner and the judicious and stream." ~!) j ~andnrd al l Co .. ~as and ~11 1. In the case o.f The Stale of Ohio The will of Firman R. Evans was tow nship. Judge Roll iB deserVing of much efficient admi ni stration t hat has Grim!ltead's face nu hed darkly. versus H a rl ey Stevell so n it is or- admitte d to probate. Richard Ma l'y E llis Fitts to W . H $ 132./,8 i H. S onove r , supplies, prail!e for t he businessliJ<e and' ever mark d t he 'C onduct of .rudge "W ell?" " e ha ll cll~OO. . d ered by the court thnt a no ll e Pi r Evan s was oppuin tc<1 exec- GI·agg. Inl ot o. 82 in Fl'll nklln . $ 158. 15. efficient mann~r in which his court Roll as Probate Judge, have won "I ca nn ot be party to t he pro- proseq ui be eOltered herein. uto!', no bond I'e quil·ed . C. W . E rnes t llnd Lucy M. F erris, to has been ,conducl:ed in the past. f<Jr him hosts of friends in all s ec- gram J heurd outline d." . ". E. 'C. Ham il to n and RichMunger, ni on .T. S. Let of De.troit. 138.7 8 . ,. In the case of I nnh B. Ha l'l'is The taxpaying public has a lways t ions of Warren county who will Grimstead 'Considered a m oment versus Innh B. Harris, tr ustee, etc. a rd RossmaJl we l'e appoin ted ap- acres in Washingto n ~ownRhip. . - -_ _ _ _ _-: received dollar '. for dollar in ser- undoubtedly rally to his support in " it down"," he in vited. "Have et al. J . T. Riley was app ointed praisers, Carl and · Caroline Schaub to yi'Ce in this office under his re- the primary May 10. a c igar. Th ere 's plenty of tim e guardian ad litem :(01' certain DEPENDABLE All de bts hnve been paid in th e ,Joseph Ledford . Real estate in to talk this thing out, so t here's min or ddfendllnts. Th e property stute of Lauru Bellini Woolwine L oveland. EPAIRING n o excuse to go off ha lr-coek." Cad Ilnd Cnroli ne chaub to is to be e qually divided among dcceased and the a d ministrator is Wntches Dave npOI·t declin ed th e cigar, them, to dis tribute certain r emainjng John Meek er. Real estate in Clocks bu t 'ut on the log. Louis Grear, plaint iff, is to re- stock t o t he distl'ibutee of said Lovela nd. J ewe lry "Now what's the troub le? " de- cover from J eflsumin e R. Britten, state. Effie M. and Ina M P errine to munded Grimstead . The executors of estate of Mar- O. W. Brown. 115 acres in Turtledefendant t he s um of $ 1202.16. Store Open Evenings "The trouble is that your proI In t he case o:f The Federal· Land t ha R. Burnett, deceased a re or- creek towns hip. gram is destructive ," s t~ted Duv- Bank of Louisvoille versus Effie M. de r ed to sell certain sto'cks at pri- Fred and Katie Richards to WaICARY'S JEWELRY Il nport succintly , "and a ims mere- P errine, tit al sll\les we l'e made and vate sale. ter W . and COI'a M Apgar. Real All d ebts be ing paid in the es- esta te in Wayn e t ownshiv. ly a t pel'sonal power without !I a ll a ccounts are t o be settled. ' SHOP tho ug ht to the welful'e of othel' In the ca se of Th e Mutual Build- tate of Harlan Whita ker, deceasElir.abeth Thom spon, by exec ued, the administra tr ix is to destripoople. The thi ng is li kel y to a nd tor to JR~ob B. Strouse. Rea l esL oan Company versus prove a CUI' e rathel' than a bene- M.artha Hopkin s, et al t he plaintiff bu te certai n remuining stocks tllte in W~lyn e to \m ship. fit. I think you are in telligent! s hall recover f :rom the deIe ndan ts among the dis tributees. Bllie Jestiee to Le Roy J estice The adjudication and detcrmina- Real estate in Franklin townsh ip FOR SALE DATES CALL enough to unde l'sta nd my point the sum of $3810.75. wit hout going into it further." William, Evan s to Emma Evans In the ~ase of State of Ohio t.ion of th e inheritance tax on the . "I understand YOU I' point nil versus Ernest Sellll rs the ju~y was estute of David H. Green, deceas- Inlot No. 89 in Le banon. rI ght. And I unClerstand )'o ur so r t completed and was co nducted to ed is' to be g iv en 011 persons inCnrl and Caroline Schnub to teres ted. too we U to arg ue wi th you. Ar- pluce of s aid accident. Christ Horton. R eal estate in g ume nt's t he long s ui t o·r your Elizabeth G. Thompson was ap- Loveland. The Feder!!l Land Bank of kind. So f'm just telling you. It's Loui sville, plaintiff, shall recover pointed administratrix of estnte J ohn Knmm erer and Allie Ward"You're right," Gardin e r replied too bad yo u don' t like my pro- from John W. Eastep, et nl de- of Margaret E . Gllll aher, deceas- low to Su e N. Harshbarge r. InCHAPTER XVI. gram , but I p la y the cards I hold fe ndan ts t he s um of $1920.22. ed, . an~ file d bond of $20,000 wi th lot Nos. 287 a nd 288 in Leba non slowly, "with capital- " .' JESSE STANLEY In the ense IOf Th e Cllntra l Ohio . F. Galla her and Irma G. Darby Treachery "Which I supply! I'll smash and that is Hmdl" "In t hose ICil'cu mstllnces I s holl Puper Company vers us Th e FI'a nk- a s s ureties. O. S. Higgins, Cha-rBill. Allowed PLone 320, New BurliD,toD, OW. Gardi.ner apparently rega illed bia Corbusier fi rst of a ll , blast his refuse to e nte r into t his deal." lin Na tio nal Bank, the ame nd ed les H. Young and A. P. Roudebush hide; a nd I'll tw ist the necks of Ohio Central Te le phone Co., equanimity. . " In those eirc ulll sta nces it doesI'e nt, $5 5.50; Ohio Centra l Tel e"'Well, chief , I don't get you the Northwest Electric bunch; and n't mutter a C1amn whe the l' you petition of thE! plaintiff is stl'ick- were nppointed uppra iser 9. EARL KOOGLER the files. The will of Sarah E. Sutton, .d e- p h one C 0., to 11s" $35 .30; Rllif' F.I yet; but J've been on the job long I'll have the m in packs begging at do or no t. You've alre ndy en- e n Inf rom Day ton Phone the case of A. D. Barkalow ceased, wall fil ed in pro b ate. R 01- E lectric Shop, services, $15,29; en ough to know you have some my office door. T hey'll see the t ered into it." versus H. W. Meeker, et aI, 10 "point, d on't worry; and thos e of lie Sutto n wa s appointed exec uOI'V iIle K. Brown, in surance, $40; n otion of taking .c are of me." KEnmore 8986 "r s hull I'efuse to s ign the con- days is grll nte d the defendant, W. tor, n o bond -required . James John Law, se rvices $1; J. K. Spen"I told you that; and thnt I am them who don' t wiJJ go to t he tract. " H. Be rger to fH e amende d answer. poor-house. They'll be crying to Foll en, Raymond Follen and C. J. cel', wo od, $3 .25; Lewis & Dt'ake going to u se you." ' "You' ve a lready agreed t o s ig n Mal'Y Morglln was g ranted a di- Sc hwartz we re appointed appraia- Inc., coa l, $220.73; Drs. Edward . "I think we ought ttt let them get aboard; and yo u and I will s it it," Grim ~ tend pointed out "und if vorce i t'om William Morgan. th ere and d ec ide t he term s. W e er . and Rober t Blair, services, $7; kn ow we ~re here," whispered DaIn the case of Flo1.'ence K. H opcan buy their stock and bo nd for you don't s ign it, a court decree A copy determining the inheri- CommiSRioners Clark County, care venport uneasily. ' . . will put it into effect an yh ow." ping, execut l"i:x of estate of Chnr- tu nce tax to be paitl on the estate of patie nts, $307.50; Albert Mila s ong." But the girl's eYeS were blaZing. H e eyed Davenport s hrewd ly. les L. Hoppi ny, decea sed, there is of Laura B ellini W oolwine, de- lard, services, $10; Richard L "And resen at the market," "I don't like this," she whisper, "You are t.hinking that you elln e d back. "IVa your b usiness th,t;ly'·re cought up Gardiner, "but .tha t refuse to .divulge your .pi·ocess," he du o the plainltiff 'from t he defen- 'cease d, 'i s to be -certified without Williams, services, $10; Stillwater MO~EY LOANED meana s ecrecy as to t his battery." conti nued. "Eh? No go! You'll dunt the s um of $307.79 . lI(l!~y. . . ,Sanitorium, care ()f patient, $108.dl 8cus8ing~nd mine I" . I he Lebanon Clttzens Natto!lnl 50; StillwatCl- Sanitoriunt, care of "That's <J n ll p lace wher e y o u . . Davenport'll heart leaped at t he ei the r have to produ ce it 01' be Neew Suit. Bank . & Trust Com,Pany,. guardlun patient, $24.5 0 ; Burroughs Add% ' 0 laSt "lords, but ahe was leaning c ome in. You ought to be ab le to bUl'ied fur life. YOUI' battery of Sh ll'ley La:mb, mmor, IS ~rdel'e d J ing Machine Company, su pplies, handle the publicity." :f<Jrward again, eavesdropping with Montgo mery Porclain Produc ts would be buried along wit h you . "I can ·if thel'e aren't to o many Nobo dy but me wou ld be allowed Co ., versus Miami Valley Coated to se!1 cel'talll stoc ks for mterest I $1; Frankel Mfg. Co., s upplies , LONG OR SHORT TIME--Eaq all h er might, . . ' $7.50' John Law & Son, gas , $2 terms. Also Surveyinf and Ab"l! I can get one good working of the confounded things attract- by t he· courts to touch it, It, a s Puper Co., appeal fr om J. P. J. of saId c~arge. The \\'111 of Cythera Me ig hen, J 45 ; Franklin Chronicle advertis- /ltractlng. Write and will CIaO model I do n't care whether anoth- ing ntte ll t ion- " Mutual Bui lding and Loan COInbe los t to the well ns you would "['11 sec to that. There won' t be world ." er of the thi ngs is made for 10 pany vcrs us John R. Alle n and dec;eased, was filed in probate. J. ing, $6.30; William Lilienthal & and Bee you. Sam D. Henkle, Wa,A. Rebold was appointed executor Son s, transfer record, $39.75 ; B \! l1 .nesville, Ohio, . 111 years, let alone five," stated Grim- any of th m! Th e contract suys Grim stead pnu sed a moment to Elva N, All en f or m on ey. no bo nd r equired. Richard Ross, Press, lette r head s, $2.50; Lyle , =-=s tend. "My Lord, mUll! Think 01 munuluclure mu s t start in s ix all ow thi s to !iink in . Th e n he HmTY McVey and John Lowe were Blank Book Co., Bupplies $170; the shake down! This is going to month s ; it d oesn't say anything went on, in a more reass uring ton e. Prolbate Court appointe d apprai sers. W . H. Anderson Co., Sub~. Bates put , every hydro-electric company, a bout marketing." FARM FOR TRADE Sales by Le banon -C itizens Nu(To be co ntinue d) ' "Th ere are bound t o be leaks ." Patrick Coughlin, administrator pleading for Pros. Atty, $23.75; every p u bl ic utility ou tfit ut of tional Bank & Trust Co., tr ustee of estate of Thomas C. Coughlin Lester Hopkins, services "A thousand of t hem. But Who $1; ' TRADE- Farm . to trade for business ! Not to speak of a1l the of estate of George E. Riley, de- deceased, fil ed his inventory. Woodrow-Weil-Stanage Co.', sup- Waynesville property. 2 acres near o il and coal and such things;' The would pny any attention to the ceased, were opproved by the Less Bil by Chick" Railed securities of t hose 'Co mpanies won't m ere I'l.\mors of another perpetua l Will R. Le wis, administr,a tor of plies , $5.60; Waldron C. GilmoUr, Lebanon trade for lunch or filling co urt. be worth a red cent. T he stock motion maoe hine? That pal't's your estnte of C. L. Dye, decease d, filed inquest, $7.90; J. W. Lingo Hard- s tation. Trades of n11 kinds. farm Eurl y re ports fro m Imtcheries T he will of Lavina S mith, dem1lrket, man! 1'hink of t he market I job. " his inventory. . waTe Co., supplies, $2,65; Drs, listings wanted. C. A. Kennedy A short pau se emmed while t he received by r ural econ omi. t8 <Il t cea sed was admitted to probate. There are a hundred doUars to be R, R. Remark, guardIan of Otto Edward and Robert Blair, services Box 164 Lebanon, Ohio. • A20 hod there for every dolln r out of two men evidllntly e nvis aged the t he 0, S. U.. s how low purcha~es i Lebanon-Cit izens Nutio."1!1 Bank Ha rtf e lter, confined in the Day- $30; Gri swold Service Station, o f huhy chi cl; R t hi: s pring . This lind Tl"U st Company, admllllstrator to n S tu'te Hospital, is ordere d to se l'vices, $2.60; John Law & Son, . the m er e s a le o'f those things! opportunity. "Why, !Chi e f!" cried Gardin er at wi ll reduc e ree ' ipts of eggs a nd of estate of Delln Worley, d e c e a~ re pair bui,ldjn g in which his ward gas nnd supplies, $69.24; Drs. EdWhy, you a nd J will have the FOR RENT ed, fil ed its fi rst a nd final ae- has part mterest. length, his voice vibrating with e x- IJO ultry a t ma l'kQt;; nex t fall. war.d nnd ' Robert Blair, services, world by the tail!" FOR RENT- Four large rooms, . electric lights, water in kitchen. Mrs. Susan Payne. a20
ufford Seeks Sherift"1
Seeks Support of Voters
Murrell is Again Candidate
" Judge Roll Seeks Another Term
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Farm Loans
WANTED WANTED-Papering and Painting. Work g uaran teed and prices right, See Harold Smith. ·827
FOR SALE FOR SALE- We have in the vicinity of Way nesville a beautif ul s mall' size Baby Grnnd Piano, which due to unforseen circumstances w.e are for~ed to ·reposse88. Any r'espon~ible person -can take over this account by merely ' can' t inuing t~e. sm~ll p.aymenta .of $2~ 7 5 . per week~ WTtte or telephone Credit Mana,gel'f . The Rudolph Wul'litzer .'Company, 88 'South Limestone $tr eet, Springfield, Ohio. · M4 FOR SALE Poland Ohina&. either sex. A. 1.. Kina, -a13
t "
SALE-No. 1 ·Keele_.,e" Timothy Seed, $2,16 per ba. A.ud C, D. Cook, .Harve,.~uqr, .~
Hou.e C.leanin' Time
D. L. CRANE . Publi.her Subaoription Price, $1.50 • Year Ollice 'Phone ,.. I .... , .No. 112 li:nt erl'a nl POll19rtl06 at Wiayn llllR.aid:-.c dlla, !t io,. asMatt S , I)nd 10.88 Mall . ~ e . .. .. ...... '" ... NIlS o. r \
APR.IL 20, 1932
Roads In 1932 The na t:io1\'s road plans call f -or an expenditul'e of $1,353, 000,000 during this year. Of the af11ounl. $882,000,000 i th e pr obable expenditure by state .h ighway departments, with $471,000 ,000 th e share of local authol'i ti e!l. The t.nte depul·tments plan t o eonstl'uct 36,000 miles of I·oad. of which 8,800 mil s will be high type, s uch as a 'phalt, con'crete and bric k, a nd . 17,500 will be sand-clay, macadam and gl·ave!. Of the state appropriati on s, $56 8,000:000 will be availabl e for new road and bridge con stl'uction, and the balance will goo f or recon Rtru cti on and maintenance, interest on highway bond .' and s im ilar purpo se!'.. It ii\ to be hoped that a filiI' P" op rtion of the mo ney will be ~ p en t in rUl'al and farming localities. There is, o'f course, no end to the need f or morc and b tter main highways- but this need , in most states, is no t nearly, u great as the need for year-round. long-wearing secondary l'ou<iS. Th c fa rm er, a s a class, still finds him elf buried in mud, so f a r a'S"7no tor tl'unsport is concerned, cluring bad weath er. There are still a llumber of months each year when to drive between his home and the ()llt." ict e world is wholly or n e xt to imj)(lssib le . The states have no g-rl'll\ er duty than to remedy this condition by wise allocation of road f untl s be t w('en main highways and secondary r oads.
Farm lV;ght 1 alks, April 25 Th. O.
U. Radio Station- WEAO
( H. C. Rnm sower, Director of Agricultural Extensio n, Presiding) :00 Fa rm Night Melody Makets 8 :05 A Month with your Co unty Agent D. S. Myer 8 :20 Swee t. lover a s a 'eed and Pasture Crop E. P. Reed :3 5 Jo'rost Protection .... H. D. Brown :50 Cultivating orn with a Tractor ........ N. R. Bear 9 :05 Th e Convenient Read ing Corner . .. Anne Biebri~her 9 :20 Brood Reari ng a nd the Main Honey Crop Virgil Argo !l :35 The H or;;e in National Defense ' . Major F. L. Holycross 9:50 Apple Scab Control A. L. P ierstorif
Vote lor
XRALPq H, CAREY Candidate for
NEVER HELD .A. COUNTY OFftCE Hisexperiencein the busine88 world, his legal training, his eleven years of practice Js a lawyer, his record of achievemerit a s Mayor of Leb!\lllOn. and his service as a public-spirited citizen recommends him for the office of Probate Judge.
May 10, 1932
Je .. ie B. Tripp tl'S .•J(lnn ~ ,Jtl l1nty Hnd MI' .. 1..~11l'l II I'IKhl 1\ l 1'(' . hvpping
m "n i),<11Iday . /-l ui) Mvunlj llY I ~ hlilring th1e ol d ~ '1'001 1II1I11<c ,,'M, l of ~ i'win ,. I 'lll'NI an t! 11..'\(l'tI up Cor a I' sidel Cl'. \~ a'it(>1' Kilholl Wn o< ' in Dayton I II .'I,moa\'. I '''~lmf;~t l'l' Barnhart mild ' in(·innatl H \lyinl~ vihil T IH'Belay. Dr. \\ a ) IIII.:! dau\.trlll r _I , h~ I,'an n i ·l<ntllJl. '1.1 . \\t ....1 allll ,V ill'
• lt l'l lll
Buckets iull of ,oA p-sud!'. ettin' round the r on\; Fallin' 0\' l' thc dolled l'Ugs, Trippin ' o· l' th br om. Eatin ' scraps for dinnerStandin' up, at that; Not a h ook, nol a ny plact' Where. I can hang my. ha t.
Eleetrlclty In Your r~ltchen
---_. -..----
Political Announcements
The Dayton
Light Co.
~~ .
est less
'Fore I eat my dinner. 1 ha ve t o hea t the ntliZ'. ; 1 1 ~lt l· d X ",n Iii 'I III , -J ; ) . \ Havc to g('i t'id of the' fCl'l'mg, 1)1. T . I. VI H~ , " I til(' Uhio I) n· .I z::= Pe!<l. . y li ttle bugs, lal C"lh·J.!"·, I 1tH'1;,,,a ll, a nd hl ~ s.:..=a Mom , mad a ~ a horn et, llnl a wll ' \\ Ill' , " , .- ",' I rnlng l1en: I heal' her wet rag ~ I ap 1'1,.1 1" a f l \\ Wt. '('I~ • As she t hr o w ~ uds I'ou nd fan·wi se: l. ~ \\t il' I l I i llll t I H. ' il l a lld 1 di~ And gives t he k idg II I'a p. K inlo! "" J' l ' ~,l h tll J lI. l\1 Splift~ ,~ \N~II\ 1 \-\£ \ ' allt·y, ]10,(>" i l ll' l1l1/oll, )1l "nd Hal" M,~CA\'I , ~ r; \)t Q. Everything pulled out of plar(' . v('y,hllrg 1 1I ,'"la~ p,,~ ltJ1~ 1) 111" 1'01' Pictures t o be hung; ,h, ' IlallH'~' sa l e. ~lU)W i\\ _1\\ .1, \\, 111 II hlle and Onkley Hioge If yo u ask me "what 1 thi nk?" t#oO\"t~' I"'\ ~w \1 ( ' 1''' 11,,1 .. ' , l" 11 :1' (.JU(,1:'11 (,'ity on H ouse-clea ning is the bunk! Gl'8ndclad out of hum or , \\ (·01I1('"d:.l),. "0 UHt.R :-;I\'l'( ' ' " ml'lI is,.i,)JH·1' L(' \\i::; I\nd He t ake ~ t o t he w ()od~ - ""tlR ~O N\{ hi - 1\)(' 1, g'>!\(' lhl ' ,11'(,(>\, a mnch Th ere he sits a mong the (' o \\' ~ And a ll, are ('he wi n ' cll!b . II( l'ol l'd "1 1 "nirl~ thl~ I\·(·(' k, :~~~A) "/. ~ 1', ,,~ 111111'1' anll Malgai'et Ed\\:\ 1'1" " I 'a ' W.JlI . a 1'(' I'njoyi ng Old Shep s itfi besirt<' him ' I II' ' \ "·;,l,;,,, al t heir parent:-; H e wantfi t o keep his hid e! Th ey both ' wis h tha t h Ol1 ~1' ,.:, " 11 -,1 "' 1" ,,. in' time ' '11.1' ,.10 1'\, I "II' a ll' ..tlllt al COI'WaR in th e, occa n wi de . , II II' 1 ,,\, I!!,,· 11 Ill a d, ' Ill'\\' this \ " ,n il1lp,,"" "'('''lC' n( our ~io k And after it's all over 'Bout th e only ('hange . I bn ' " 'I, ,,, ., \1' 111 gn'Hl ly apprec iate. 'f,,~ ~tC\l\t \ ~ ~\)~i\ \ een. ,., I' S Salli .. Bail, anel' vi ~ i tin g IR thc wind ow curtnin, ' l'lal,"'> and f l'il' nd,.. in Spri ng. I\llltl\\C\\ ~ ~~t r-r..ll",~ ,i ,'hi. \ <'ni a and \\' ayne ~ vill(' , re· Loo k more cri~p, an d clean . \N~Hi 'TO tl\ll i\\UI\ ' llll'llI!,1 In hr'l honH' in I' " mdr'n on Each year thi s pe sky sea ,.;o n lu I'. ci a\" Sl\.'-Jt'b /\~£ ': \t Ml~ !lll -" \\ innl(, W i,,· has accepted 'Is ure to come around, Lhe ,," ,"Il lnn 'If A ,..,., i ~la nt 1'0,o.; tl11asThen everyo ne is out of ~("'b , , '1 \ iI'!' ~lal'Y Eil 'l.a l,Nh McKin 'ey , And nothin ' can be f oun n. 1'\ · ~iJ!IH"1. !luI'ln)!' lh l' f oul' years We ali g et so ill -hum ored 11~" 1\1<: 1\ in, ey ha, , c' n 'ed in this And "cal low-down , a nd mea n ; Who wants a home, from Yl'ur to 'n l'~H"1 I' ,.11 ... h:~· "('l'n mo!'t faith. : ul In h,', ,'mploy(" and ohlig ing year an,1 :111,' nlil'(' to th l' pat rons o f t h e =-========================== ======~ That is so blasted lean ? I .Ilic·('. lind \\'I)l1ld n"t think of Il'u\'1I11l' n,1\\' did ~ Ill' Ice l lhal a <;el'- fi xing thingR up. He expects to be - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , t,lin YlJung man of thi. place is l'l'nny til OP('n the 8tol'e in about a g'n' uti~· in n (" j oj h(' I ' co mpan· wee k, GelJrge ,lark r eturned to KeniOIl :hip lhr() ugh lift'. The patl'OnR o f' lh., oilk" l11uC'h I'('gn' t In have ~'o n College to-day. He now ranks 'p, Ben to n Cl ea ve r died early h ' l' 1(' <1\' (' bul l (' ntil'I' hcr theil' Ihil'd in a c la s~ of thirty-five and Satu rday morni ng at thc home of h est \\ i "Ill'~ j',n the fu 1lln' , Miss may yet take the first honors of his so n lint. Mr. Cleav e r \1 a. of W i!'1' i ~ I'll p idly acquainti ng her· th c l a~s . Mi $R l~ mma Cartwright, who advanced age and had been ill f ol r ,..l, lf With II1\' m any duti(' ~ of her several week s, F un e ral ,ervires ]1n ~i tii\1l and \ \'0(' he"peal, f .1' hcr a haR been co nfin ed to the hou ~e for t he ']la . t few weekll, is now imMonda y' afternoon from th e late g' {'11 ,' n lI ~a l i ~'f a tinn. A~ W 1" '(> <1i " ,tI a f(' ,,· wee ks I>ro\'ed and soon hop es to be out res idence. T he M. E . Aid met Thursda y :tl!'" Ihl' ~1' 1"'11 1 e l('ctio n at Lytle e njoyin g th e sprin g air. Messrs. A. Maffitt, Geor~e :l1 " r1Cl ll ~' \\ a ~ a ,,('ry interesti ng oc· afternoon. The play ":suns hin e Lan e" put c<1 Bion . In llw >ljIC'eiH I di FIl'ict there Stile5, N, Anthony, J. F , MJ'issildon by the high ~chool Friday ven- IV 1'(' \hl'(,(, hlln tl l'(' d an rl seventy- ine, C, W. Gard and Dr. HenderIt h :um't been so Yc r y long a g-o th a t ing was a decided . u ece ' 5. Th el'e nu l' qUl1lifi('rl 1· ()t(,I·~ an ,l thel'e ~ on went to Burlington Tuesday the thought of using EI ectridty fo l' seems to be quite an a mount. of \\'(,1'1' thn',' hun dred an d fifty- e\'e ning to attend t he instituting dramatie talent all1on~ our young S ('\' ~' l1 1' (l\CS pollerl, Ihl1l-' showing of a Masonic Lodge at that place. ooking was dismil'scd wi t h tl1e idea. h w ncarly thl' voteli wa!; gotten Th ey report an exceed ingly flne people. ;mllony r ive d on~ t im e and a most excellen t ! UPMa ry Ill'olYn Luke n IJ 'nl lJll ~. W , JI. that it. was too expen siv e. Wednesday night with Alice Boga n hundr('cI ~ Ild f'igh tr-five votes and per. G('(l. \Y . 11 lIkle oil(! hundl'cd and The eighth grade took th il' final Th e i sue was examination s Friday. This week ~ vont \:· 11"0. .. . .. Now it can bl~ don e at a osi to is the la t for the grades, Th e high \I h etl,,; I' 0 1- not I he speci al district you t ha t will be ama zing. school will carryon two wc e k ~ , hnuld be co ntinued, the I'el'lult h('i ng in fa \ 01 " of th e special dislonge r. C. DONALD DILATUSH Junior Hartley wa an overnig ht trict. T h,' (' XCitCIll n t wa s up to Electric r ates availabl e for cooldng hI' t')1l not h a ll afterno on and a s g uest of , Kirk J efferi Tu sduy. . Donald Dilatush , coun ty Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Ke nn edy, of this i ~ th e ~ ec md time the women prosecuto!', has authorized us t o in this way brings fl' edom from kitchDayto n, were here Frida y with 1111' . hl)\"(" h en permitted to ,"ote in ann o un ce his candidacy for the tlw t di~t ri I tll !'y II cnt 1\t it like and Mrs. A. L. Ken nedy . Repu blican no mination <ff prosen \.\IOITi eR at a sma ll oat of opel'aMr, and Mrs. C. E. Gord on a nd exp I il' nce .1 polilieian~ . ecuting attorney subject to the G, E. Handall . is e nj oying t he tion . family entel·tai ned a nUl1l ber of pU lty pri maries, Tuesday. Ma.y 10. g- rip wit h th ' I'CRt of ihe gl·ipers . relatives on Sunday, You I' vote will be appreciated, On Sunday, April 10, the alT Mi ,,~ l\!innie Ha l !'i s is home fl' om . , . , . if you haven 't loo\<ed illto this family journeyed to Kingman and Ga mhicl' for t en day ~ va ation. EVERETT DOANE Mrs. Ahhie I od ds. of .Ipve land, surprised Ed. Carr. Those pre se nt may we advise you to do so, Perhaps were Mrs. F lorence Carr, 1\11's. 3I'l'i\'('d nil Tu ('sda y eve ning to In annou ncing my candidacy I Mary Harvey, Mr, and Mrs. Bel'll make ht'I' par'e nt s. 1111'. and Mrs. wi sh to make t his statement that you have been ov erlooking an opporCarr, Mary Elizabeth and Evelyn, E. n. H , ' hl' I· t.~ . n vi ~ it. if e lected 1 promi se to work for tunity to lighten your home work. J . . lIalse y ha:< I'(' nted the tax reductio n and for an honest .. Mrs. Ethel Smith, Uobert and Hadde n stor e 1'00111 a nd is here Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorand efficie nt County Government. don, Jauina, Ida Fmnces and E I'erett Doane, IOOndidate fO I' Shirley Anne, all of thi s place. and o unty comm issioner, subject to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Murph y and the decision of rep Ublican party at Nellie of Lebanon. t he primary election, May 10. Consult your Ue'al el' Nellie Mary 81)d Marjorie Dllvi abo ut the tlfle of an spent Sunday aftel'l1oon with A lice WILLIAM HUFFORD E!e ' tri c Ra nge Today and · Kat hleen Gray. Deputy S heriff William Hufford Dena Davie was O\lt of scho nl a nnounces his cand.idacy for the t his week with t hree day measlc!;. republica n nomination for sheriff Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cast of of W al,ren county, subject to t he Waynesville were S unday cl\ll erl'l will o f the e lectors of the I'epubliat the home of Dr. and Mt·s, Tripp. C. D. Smart spent Sunda y in 'an party at the jll'imal'Y Tuesda y, Cincinnati witb his mother, Mrs. "lay 10. Harriett Smart,· who is in POOl' health. . W . Z. ROLL Mr. and Mr8. Ernest Quigley Judge W. Z. UoH announces his and child ren a nd Mr, a nd Mr ~ . can didacy fot the rep ublican Xenia District Surns T ho mas and chil dren of " n omination fo1' l'eeleetion as Dayto n visited !\f1'S, Myrtle j udge of the Warren Oounty Thomas and Charlotte S un day. probate court s ubject to t he E. H. HEATHMAN , Manager Mrs. Sadie Reason e ntertninl)d voter. Ilt the republican party at dinner S Ullday 1111'1\. Mary primary TuesdllY, May 10. Your Haines. Mrs . Laura Shidak el' ami SUPPOI"t and your vote will be sin MI'S. Mary Harvey, .1 cerely app·r 8ciated. - -..... ._ - -
... -
1.. v
Estate of Alice Che noweth, deceased. Notice is hcreby given tha t Bertha E. Hess hus been duly uppointed and qualified us ExecutrIx ofl the Estate of A lice hel1owf'th late of Warre ll Coun ty , Ohi u, dl/ceased. Dated this 6t h dny of April 1982. Dean E. Stanley, Atty. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of t he Probute COllrt, Warren County, Ohio. 627
often for no C lll l.DRENrCil\ViiI~ " IIfrcl., . Uut there's HI,../ :, "' p.l !'f' :! l
"' Iil c ~s os the recipe .11," \. : ;'1'1' 2)'; IlIl ld ll nd blond as it ( :1 . \' "'' , : .. L i l~ ;,;etlllc ac ti on soo thes
1\<J\' ,l:.I·I(Ol'ln ! J I 1!!
' or l,, "'rr ;o;urdy l han n more , .i .1 I·:pd~t' i pt· . I ",:I',,' I ltt) l!e ;,lIly of Uli!! special
E. J. BEEDLE W e are authorize d to ann ounce the n ame of E. J. Beedle, of Union Townsh ip, a s a candidate for I'e· e iectio n to t he office of . County Commissioner, subject to t.he de· e i ~ i o n of t he Repbuliean Prima ..y e lecti on, May 10, 1982.
) ' PU;' ,
, It
!d;'''"' ~ r~ ll1e\ly l
1,1' l lli'l'"
Il may bc given
,. ' nl.l l - :15 oftell as there
1~1 ,,·r. 1. Jill ''! ' ';
diarrhea or
s\/1l hr ' ~h,1 111J ;1! 1I'(, . it is invn1 uuble.
W. D. CORWIN W . D. Corwin, Salem township ann ounc es his candidacy for the ·r ep.ublican n<Jl11 inati on fOI' reelec· tion to t he office of coun ty commissioner, subject to the primary. Tues ti uy, May 10.
Dead Stock Wanted
Will, DraWll . . Eat.atel Settled WAYNE.SVILLE, OHIO
F. 'J .
;\ (· ,, ~. l . d t 111111 Ill' ('n lls for .just, II few d r"I" to ' ","mll olT cons tipation.; 80 <II"':; nlly s u !:W~ 1 JO Il of ~ ad breath. PUBLIC SALE WI. "" . " I' rJ li~c1 r e n don t I!llt well. E.B. MURRELL '\ n' l mIt. well. or h3ve any little Public sale of Hou sehold Good s, '1i'~,f.l -- lI li~ ['Ure vege~ablc prc parlE . B. Murrell, county treasurer, on (" iIl is us ulll Y ti ll th ut s needed . lIuthorizes us to announce his Saturday. April 30. 1932 PHONE 8F3 candidacy ' for n om inatiun for .At my residence o n Main .s treet :~r-::"'0~?;~;?'~;;;~1I1! county treaS Ul'e l' for tI second t erm in Waynesville, Ohio, begm llmg ~ \' pnbj ect to the repliblicll Tl pl'il1lary, HARVEYSBURG. OHIO at 1 p. m. \ii" ", \> t" . Tu es day, May 10. Thl'eo heating !;It<lve~, oil ~ lovc , ~~,~, i ' . 6 tocking c huirs, 0 fulrli hg C ' !.J "''''~~'i~~.i~~~_RIIi. CL YDE C. COLLINS chairs, odd ehail's, Monis cha il" davenport, b ook case Ilnd des k, Iyde C. Co liill s announces his Phone 78J cupbonrdR, 2 c)oclls. ice -eh , ~t , Subscribe f or t he Miami Gazette. candidacy f'or nomjnation fo r s olid walnut 3 picco bod 1'll(11l1 Bllit. clel'k of c ()lI l'l ~ , s ubject to the J'e"'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!~!!!!~~~~~ brass bed, dresserR; sta nd!'. rug's, pu blica n priillRl'Y election ' ~ii. Tues- = - ~ .. _. dishes, cooking ' utensilll, . pi c lire" chemical toilet and o ne gullQn dll), May 10. ' BRITAIN I ---"'~""-II!'J chemical, lot chicken wire . and A-LLEN HUFFMAN " . ... . ',., . ma ny IImlll), a rticles. A.ll cn tiu/fmal), an .n ounces hiS PAINTER .' >~ DECORATOR Tlirms....... Caljh. LA U RA SIDES ~ i.\ ndjdllcy for .nomination for ''I'ePAPEit J,iANGER . W .N. Seal's, ·Jtuct. l' leetion , 't('). .~h e offloe ., of Cb~Jity Il1terior Decoratfng , Cl'af.t ex ·l;lnd . ...~...:- --~ I 'e~order, .I!ub~ect to ~he r ep\lbltcan Compo-Tex, Wall · Fin·ish,., Furnipl'lmary t!(e ctlon on Tuesday, ture and. ·Wo odwork " R~finished, $u.a~ Beet Growi'ft 2 _ . ., .. r.~!i'Y ; I <I, 1982. . , , Old FlI>Oi's R'egr.ain(\6 . . Sugar '. beets, 'all impO'l'tn-ht' rOI> ROOT FOR ·"ND ,CONSiCN . ,~: Au;.' WO,i\K F:lRST' ~ss : ," in northwest Ohio .siijce t h.e war, y6Ul' GIl,ttl, hng; ) sHeep lind eaJvel I;tAY£S C. . K;£'EVER Lowest Prices · , returned :lost ye~1' to ' the 'gl'oWJ;' r to C'1·r1il.. DI·o,c·k Co., live wire and • 86 above Rile' ¢oi!t .of I:leeil, progr ~l)slv~ fI!'nt fo r ., the , highest .- HliyeJ' C. Kellv.e r, of LeballQnt 80:& 32 Wayne'-ri\I~, Ohio . tiJizer and baJld labor" while a~ 1'n m !r~k~t pn ce~~ nJ1~, /tood service. O1lil), ~oliclt!l yoqr ':;PPT)Or,t for. bill in ntidn a" Commissioner ' 01 ~~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~ In the Same area. at pric(1s whIch Un ion S~oc~ :Vard. ClnCiinn.t1~;O. prevanew I.s t fall retul'l1 cd $17. fTullc 1n on Sbltlon W\,;~y Watrc-n COllnt.y, subject· to, th~ de.l. alfalfa '14' wheat',12 barley, '12112 :26 to j 2 p ..m . f'!)r out' daUf qjsion of:-:the Re.vubllean Pr.tmm Eleetlob Mal' ) 0, 1V32, ' : ' '. aad oate lei. than market ... r\n i!~~.. , -~
~- -~- .
,:' .
Or No Charge
DOD't be a ehronie suflerer from beadachea. or any other pain. There is hardly aD aebe or pain Bayer Aspirin tablets can't relieve; they are a pat comlort to womell wbo ~ufrer periodically; 'they are always to be reiied on for b~ up t!o14 .
Il may be IiiDple beadaebe" or it may be aeuraJlia or
neuritis; rheumatism. Bayer Aspirin is still tbe aensihle thinlJ to take. Just · be eertaiD it's Bayer you're taJdn,i it doeS Dot hurl ' the beatt. Get the ,enuine tableta, in this familiar P8eka4ie for ~e pocket.
Centerville, Ohio
,'7. '
(Continued from Pa&,e I) Commercial T ••lI Nine W. n. S . pupils will compet e in t he nin t h annual c omm~'r d ar contest t o be held at MiamIsburg t urda y, Ap r il 23. The s~te contest will be beld a t Bowhng Gre n, Ohio , May 14. The f ollowing students taking part , in the sectional conte tare : .N ovice Typists': Betty Henry, Leada W ern tz. J ohn Coates, V i.rginia F oulkslnRoma Hardin. Amate u r ~ ypists : Velma Armitag e, Rosa Lee McClain, Miriam Ellis. Novice hort hand students: Miriam Ellis, Virginia F oulks, Rosa Lee McClain, Nelli e Watkins, Leada W erntz.
Your opportunity to In,. ~ new Goodyear AU-Wootber
Tlrcs at
New LoW Prices!
Senior Prom A Bie Succe •• B oo m! The la st echo of the drum dying away ended a perfect evening f or everyone at t h e Gym on Friday night, April 15, when the e ni or s threw a party t hat everyon e proclaimed t.he hit of ,t he year. The Gym was decorated in Green and White. Tables 'for cards were arranged on one side of the fl oor and dancing on the other. And punch I Say did we have ,punch and was it good? Well you • should have been there to test that for yourself. Mr. and Mrs. Will O'NealI were there to represent the parents a nd the faculty of W. H. S . were there to see that we had good chapero ning. We did, and altogether the even ing was a huge s uccess. Track Meet Arrangements for a dual track meet between L ebanon and W aynesville are under way. Plans have been made for this F riday but are not definite 8S yet. Tie. For ' Tbird W. H. S. track team tied fo r third place in the 2 % mile cross county. John Coates placed 3, Laurence Davis 4, Ra lph Branstrator 5, Lenard Traner 27, and Russell Treadway 28. Others from Waynesville Tan but did not place in the first 28. The total scores were: Franklin, 60; Lebanon, 61 ; Kin p Mills, 67; Waynesville 67; Springboro, 84.
T U 'E IN Good eolr 'Radio Progrnma Wed . Sat.
Gordon's Service Station Phone 47 Waynesville, Ohio TRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR RESULTS
Late Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE-200 lb. capacity ice chest. Orville J. Gray, mll FOR SALE-Turkey eggs. Mrs. Anna Hoak, telephone SaRS1, Waynesville. U •• THE MIAMI GAZETTE For Re...lt.
Make Your Law••
Beautllul HAVING
MACHINERY Making mowing a real pleasure il)stead of a drudge. Next time your ~~w er needs . sharpening, bring it to us and we will make it cut so nice that it will surprise you.
Waynesville Auto & Machinery Company Zimme.rman Bldg.
Wayneavl'lle, Ohl'o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" -II"!
Our Ideal of Service What a relief it is, in the sudden confusion of bereavement, to be able to call upon someone who knows what has to be done and how to do it! What a sense of comfort it gives to shift the burden of practical details onto the shoulders of an experienced, thoughtful friend I That is the ideal which has inspired the evolution of the modern funeral director, He is more than a mere merchant or master of ceremonies. Combining executive ability with the personal l'esponsibility of ,t e professional ma n, he offers true counsel and. invites full confidence. And ' t hat is th'e ideal which this organization, in its humble way, seeks to realize. We shall not consid~r 'o ur s~l'vice a s'ucces8 unless we have ligJ;1tened the of those in s·o rrow. , burden .
".~. ' .E.
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH R ev. F ortman Firs t and Third S unday Ma ss at 8 :00 a. m, Second, Fourth· and Pifth Sunday, Mass at 10 :30 a . m. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, Pas tor W edn esday: T he Ladies I Aid Society is rn ce ling a t lhe church ha~ at 2 :0 0 this p . m. BillI e stu dy and pray el' meeting at 7: 15 p. m. Thi!! week we will s tudy th e parable of '''1'he T est of Deeds," Matt . 21 :2 8-32. Choir pl'a ctic e at 8 :00 p. m. Th e District Co nfere nce ne"Jer of the Dayton district will be he ld niiht-~ in the Ra per church in Day ton Oil Th ursduy of this week. Th e conf eren ce will begin at 10 :00 a '. m. -----~--= nnd continu e thl'oug hout t hc day and vening. A ve l'y stl'ong program has been nnllnged and it is hoped thll t many f r om Way nesville will be ab le to attend. Sunday : Sunday sc hoo l at 9:30 II . m. Morning \vul'ship at 10:40. !::ie l'm on s ubje ct, "He Turn ed A id e." Epworth Leugue at 7 :OU p. m. wit h R Ollla Hardin a ' leader. Evangelistio servi ce at 8:00 p. m. ------ - -..---_-
Soule 1frise bi rd said ou.r 'wild life' is uisapp,earin9 -- 1fa a cinch he 'SOes lout fat
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF MI'. ancI M I'~ . lI olll er RlI l11 by CHRIST we re LeiJlln() n vis iturs Su nd ay ( Undl!nominational) , eve nin g. Chester A. William son, Minister Tun e in on t.he C. & B. progrnm, Churc h School at 9 :30 a. m. stat ion W KR every Su nday Lord' s Supper at concl usion. ni te l'l1o on at 5 :3 0. Christia n Endelivol' lit 0 :45 p. m. 'j'he Minister will lead this time. 1\11'5 . E. F . Eurnhart I\,nd Miss Evening evangeli s\,ic se rvice lit L uise Crane wel'c Ll·llu nun visit7 :45 p. m. Serm on s ubj ec t, "What ors T uesday afte rn oo n. Den ominationalism Has Done." I Praye r Meeting a nd Bible Study I Mr. 1m Bor ing u nd fn mily, of each Wednesda y a t 7 :30 p. m. We I Wilmingt' dl, s pe nt undu y wi t h are studying th <: book of Acts, M I'. a nd Illrs. W. L. Drake. and cordially inVIte y u to s tudy I this impo rtant book with us. Bible . Irs. . J. Mon n,e a nd Mrs. Sch olars gen erally clusstfy the fo l- Ever ett Ba ntu of Lobu llo n were lowi ng chapters us "the seven out- Wa ynesville vi' itors to day. ' standing chapters of the Bible; I ' Matthew 5, Luke 15, John 14, 1 Mr. and M1·s. Ver n Simpso n 1I1'C Acts 2, Roman s 8, 1 Cor. 13 and anno uncin y t he a rri v 11 of a son al 1 Cor. 15. We will beg in t h e s tudy the ir hom e Sntul'day , Apri l 10. of one of these gl'eat chapters (Ac ts 2) Wednesday night. A Mr. and M~·s . M. D. Baird and s hort -choir pl'actie;e w ill foll ow d a ughter ure the g ue., ls (, f Mr . and t he Bible stud y period. The 1\11'8 . N. P. Bla tt, of ;\1ullcheste l', church where you feel at home. f or a few days. ~T.
..-_ _ _
No.w is the time to refinish tha't room. High grade sun-tested papers now sell· ing as low as 10c roll. 150 patterns to choose from, all carried in stock. See these new m'odern designs for kitchens, living rooms, etc,
Sh p ah d woo l In'ower of Wnrl'e,n oun ty a nd a ll Carmel'S interested nrc invited t ltten d th l)i ~ \l i t Wool G rowers field dny bei ng urra nged t hroug h t h coopmlio n f l?heep peciulist of ou r St:lte Agl'iI'u ltlul'IIL o ll e~e . Iine'l'll of the !.ute Woo l Gr owe rs ;VIal'l, ling associatio n and oun ty agents in south\ estern Ohi o. Abou\' two dozen such meeti ngs nr c 1J ing h e ld thro u ~ h o \lt the Buckeye ·tate. The program opens at !) :30 with a s heep·shearing demo ns truti on by K S. llurt iett, onc of the ou tsta nd ing experts in ni ted Slates, followed by s h ol!p .~ heari n g co ntest open to all fnnners and 4- H Club mcmbcrs using eithe r ha nd or power equ ipment. At 1 t o'clock a enl'c as;; cUtlill g demo nstration will be put on by R. O. Hot h. The noon lunhcon will dem e,n strnte lhe var i" Uti WIIY ~ of IIn' pari ng In mb and llIutton. The u fL el' noon progrllm wi ll includl' wool,!!,ro wing demon~ tration allli judging of lo cal flo:~ l' C(, S bv J . F . Wu lker. 1at'k et lumb grueling" wi ll be dcmon ·tr atc d hy Kirloy Co nner an d t he finnl fealure of the uftcl'l1oo ll will be H demoll ~ tlutilln of docking and ~ a s trat i n ~ by L. A. Ka uff mll n. together wilh post mo rte m e xa min ation t fl disCll_S va l'iotl s sh ee p para~ i l(' ~ and th eir co n t r ol. T he nelll' st meet ing will b e in Wi lillingtun, Ap r il 27 a t th e Clin to n County fa ir g r ound s and simila r ga the l'ings at GI'een Cou nly fil iI' grounds on th e foll owing !IllY. All h epmen in te r ested III'C invited to atte nd . - . _ - ,-
.I._--_._;. .,.- - .---------------1' Wall Paper
S to
250, roll
MYER HYMAN Waynesville, Ohio
DI S EAS E AND BUG BATTLE ON THE AIR Ohio fru it. gl·(t\\,c rs wi ll be II ble
~o protect t heii' f r'uit fr om 't he r av-
ageR of di. ea se an d insects th is spring ,v ith th l.! help of a series of ~ pccia l b l' ond ca ~ ts by spr ay spec inli:; ts ut Ihe Ohill State U niver l' i l ~' , IIccol'd ing t o A. L. f' iersto l'O', ext ension specia list in plan t pathology a the s tate uni. versity. Every Monday n ight u t !J :50 p. 111., he says talk ~ on th e d iffer en t kinel s of Spl'<IY S li nd how to us thalli tdfcct.ively wi ll be presen ted ove l' WEAO liS a pa rt of the regul a r f a rm night P" ogl'lI m of th e co ll ege 0 f agric ullu r e. In add ition to th is 1'lldio spray 'cl'vice, fa rm night 1istene l's also will hnve an pp r tun ity <l uring Apri l and May to helll' discu ssions by : pcciolists, t eachers, and r esClirc h wo r ke r'S on such t op ics a s profi table livestock p" oduction, ma l'1;eting, pasture crops, po ul try, home econom ics, 4-H clubs , agric ul tural n g ineering , rura l economics, taxe , a nd fl oriculture. Th e f arm n igh t program is broadcast II'o m th e state-owned rad io s tation WEAO evel'y Monda y nig ht f r om 8 t o 10.
MARYS CHURCH Mr. F. D .. Dakin, land insuranc e mall, und el'went a IlIl1jn l' operaRev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector. Fourth Sunday after Easter, ti on at Bethesda h osp ita l, Cine inAp1'i) 24, Ch urch school at 9 :30 j nut.i, TuesJluy mOl'ning . Morn ing Prayer and sermon at 1\11'. and 1\:[1·S. Ern es t Har lan 10:80. lind daug hter, o:f Dayt on, wer e of MI'. and Mrs. Mark FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST guests Rogers, SUlrlday afternoon. (Undenominational) Chester A. William son, Minister F loyd H. P ence, ministe r ' of the Church School at 9 :80 a. m. First Church of Chri st, S pringfie ld Lord's Supper a nd sermon at 10:- Ohio, will speak at F erry Church 30 a. m. Sermon subject, "Faith- Sunday aft:el'n oo n, April 24. fulness." Basket dinner. Afte rnoon Mr. .and Mrs. I. Fabe and so n service beginning at about 2 --o'clock. F loyd H. Pence, one of and Mr. Leonard hallot; of Cincinnati, Wlel'e g uests of Mr. and our strongest young prea'chers, Mrs. Myel' Hyman, on Sunday. Room for Chicken. will b e the speaker at t he afternoon service. Yo u are always welGive the chicks plenty of Our Gru en Wl\tches-The peak come at this church. in value- The low in price. Cary's room. Provide at lea st 40 square J ewelry S hop, Lehanon, Ohi o,' feet of tloor spnce f or each 100 chick s, If th ey are nllowed to ROOF SLlGHi')\LY DAMAGED 'store open 8 a. m. to 9. p. m. ra nge uf te r three 0 1' four weeks. The Dayton District Conference If con fi ned un t il 12 wee ks of age, The fire department was called of the M. E:. church will be held in provide 60 squa re fe et of space I to the horne of J . D. Marlatt on Raper M. . E. chlU'ch, Dayton, fo l' each 100 ehickenll. Fourth street, Saturday morning Thur sday, lb eginning at 10 o'dock. - -about . 11 o'clock. The roof had caul!'ht fire, presumably, from Miss Ada 1\1i11e r, of FI'nnklin , the chimney but the blaze was ex- Mr . .and Mrs. J. E. McClure wer e tinguish ed by neighbors before the six o'clock dinner guests of Miss arriva l of the firemen. Cath erine Gibbons, Friday evenA smaU hole was burned in othe iny. MI'. a nd Mrs. Erba Beasan a r e roof. an nouncing t he arrival of a daug hSee the "G ifty" Novelties f or leI', Nancy Mae, on April 14. GradUation, Weddi ng s a nd Dny The Dorcas Society was pleasOAT SMUT INJURY occasion at Cary's J ewelry Shop, antly en te rtain ed by Mol·s. E. E . CUT BY TREATMENT "The H ome of Gi fts," L eban on, T el'1'ell in Wilmington on ThursOhio. day. Treating oats to i'educe smut inMrs. Ali ce !? iIliman, of Rochesjury and resulting losses is one Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey tel', N. Y. WM the gues t of her way to increa se the far m income and Miss tella Daugherty wel'e bl'othel', Rev. Kilmer and w ife last from t his grai n, says A. L. Pier- in Cincinnati Sunda~, and visited we ek. storff, extension specia list in Mr. F. D. Dakin at Bethesda The members of the choir of plant pathology at the Ohio State hOl5pital. the M. E . Church, which l'endered Unive'rsity. , th e Eas ter Cantata, enjoyed a The best t reatment for oat smut, Mrs. Merle Kerns and littl e banquet in the Annex Sunday he points out, uses either FOl'- daughter r et urned to their home in evening. Theil' families were maldehyde dust 01' Ceresan. For- Cloveland, F I'iday, after a visit to guests, also. maldehyde dus t pr.obably /Will g ive Mrs. Ke rns parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marjorie Haydock was the better res ults tban Ceresan in most J , D. Marlatt. , Ig u es t of friend s in Dayton, over cases because the formaldehyde tho week-end. penetrates to all parts of th e sack Penparkcl'? Have you seen it? I Herbert Nelson, 3 months old, and each kemal n eed not be coated . It's here! Comes without charge I son of Clyde a nd Velma Credit thoroughly with dus t as is the case I with every Duofo ld P arker Pcn Ew ing, died on Thursday of last wit h most other du st treatments. I purchased at Cary's J ewe lry Shop week. Funeral s ervi'ces were held T o t r eat oats with 1'0rmaldeh yd e Leba non, OhiD. at the horne Saturday. Burial was dust, he guggests that the grain be made in Secon d Creek cemetery. placed 4 or 5 inches deep on a W. N. Sears and :family visited Miss Susie Stevens, of Greenclean barn floor. Spr inkle ~ver the Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hole, of Bea- field, was the g ue st of Miss Kath ergrain 3 tablespoons of ·formalde- , vertow n, S unday ufternoon. Mrs. ine Holland, Sunday. hyde dust per bus hel, shovel the Hole is r eeovel'ing after an illness . Mi ss Maudie Peterson is the grain ov.e r , once or at the most of several weeks duration. gu est of he r grandparents, Mr. and twice, and sack. The oats can be . Mrs. R. E. Jon es. seeded the next morning, or any Mrs. ,Jam es Mitch ell and Mi ss Myra Haydock was t he time thereafter for at leas t sevelllli daughter Hazel , 1\'[1·S. Mollie Ho·p - guest of friends at Wilmington months without injury to the seed ping, of LE!banon, Mr. and Mrs. H' college a part of last week and If growers wish to use tile 014 P. Godby., of Cincinnati, were I, attended the Junior-Senior prom liquid formaldehyde method it is g uest s of MI'. and Mrs. A. K. Day, on Friday night and the Alpha Phi quite satisfactory', Pierstorfi' as- Sunday afternoon. Kappa sport dance Saturday nigh t . serts. T o 1 pint of 40 per cent for• _ ____ _ Mr. and Mrs. John Rohr, Mr. ma ldehyde add I .pint of water and place in a q uart hand spray. This and Mrs . Fra nk Rohr and chilNOTICE amount will troot from 40 to 50 dren of DlIyton, MI·s. A nna Doan e bushels of oats. The dean oats and three sons, of Mlonow, were To our many pntrons throughout then are placed ()n the barn floor, guests of MI'. an d Mrs. J. C. the c()mmunity. We will do and while shoveling from one pile Hisey, on Sunday. business through The Crawford to another, each s hovel-full should Commi 'sion Co., Cincinn~ti, Ohio The best watch with n p oor on and after Ja n uarv 1st, assuring another, each shovel-;t'ull should receive about as much of the so lu- main sprinl; will, not k eep good you tho best of service both f or tion as will be expelled by the time. W e use onl y, Genuin e caring for nnd selling Yo ur stock. sprayer in two strokes. The pile Springs of finc !lt quu lity. Cary's We thank y gll for t he past a nd of treated oats should be covered Jewelry, S hop, Lebanon, Ohio., hopc for y our fu t ure patronage. immediately with g1lUin sacks or SALISBURY'S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simpson horse blank ets ' and rellJa in undi sturbed for 5 hours. If t he treated entortained a gl'oup of friends a nd oats is n ot sow n within tw o days, re.1atives SatUl'day evening a't t heir the pile should ,be shoveled over home on Fourth street. The followseveral tinles to permit the fumes ing were prese nt: Miss Eleanor to l\sca.p e, so the gerJllination will Schmidt, Mr. Leroy Ch~ noweth, not be injured. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Schmidt, of ~....:..--Dayton, Miss Evelyn Su.t 1ace, Mr: Ed Ramby. ·Miss Margarett ' ,SchSoyLean Hay Good Crop eares and ~iss Opal Ramby. --- ~ . Soybean hay is, in many ways, Modern. fun~ra.1s demand prop-" the best of the animal hay crops. . ·SNEA.K THIEVES ABROAD er egulpment nnd a tborougb The yields are high and the feeding value is almost equal to alfalfa Sneak t hieves .broke into Areh- krtowledge of -up-to-date metb~ . In the past, the high ' cost of soy- deacon's s:a lesroonl in the I. O. O. od8_ bean seed was a handi cap, but;. this P. buildi g Thur day night and AMBULANCE SERV,ICE year's prices are the lowest known stole about $1 6.00 worih cf . acand t he quality of the seed ill bet: cesllories. rt'her8 Is no clue to the Plto•• 28 W~••YlII •• Ohio
A New Car Just In
Per bale • • $1.00 Per square • $4.00 These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles ' manufactured.
.. --- --
Madden's LumberYard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
--- ------
----- ...
.'1 .......... . ,
McCLURE Wayneaville,. 'Ohio
These two fen ce rolls, taken down for shipmen t, wen t th rough the Gulf of Mexico Fence Weather test. "Galvannenled" still al-
most like new. Ordinary galv a nized was
P ictures dra\~D
f rom a ctual
ruined. Which will r,:ve .you most for your fence money? We sell R,ED BRAND "Gal.vannealed"
FENCE at fail' standard market pnces.
Waynesville, Ohio
- -- -_.-.
..-- - -
~i~~:' ~!9.s~~ 1 Always a I ~tep Ahead~~
1l.."Ii#~;..~~;,;i;;i--=--;:;:;;;--==i;;;;;=~--===----iiiiii~ ter than averap.
~ ~-----------------
b~cau~e h~ had a 'Gla••ifi~d~d. and .old hi.
pod. th,ou.h the Miami Gazette'. column. at ••~d profit.
Eighty-Fifth Year
witn~ ss .
MI·s. Martha Lacy is recovering fl'o m an attack 01 malaria fever.
Elementary MUlic Prolfram On Fl'iday afternoon April 22, thc grades from one to fivc ,entertained the upper grades and the public with n mu sic program. Each grade gollve one or two numbers voca ll y with an instrumental number from the upper grades in betwee n. The little folks did excepticna lly well considering the fact that this was the first time that a maj ority had appeared on the stllge. The program was under the direction of the music supervisor. Mrs. Alberta Buerkle and was enj oyed by all.
B. V. Smith, Walter Underwo od and W. N. Sears were in Wilmington on business Monday.
Clocks nt half price. A "Gifty" Gift. Ca ry's Jewelry Shop, Leb. anon, Ohio. Mrs. W. N. Sears spent thc week· end with' Allen Hole and fami ly near Beavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown. of Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Weymer Drake. Tune in on the C. & B. program station WKRC every Sunday afternoon at 5 :80. Miss May Wright arrived home from Chicago Sunday, having pcnt the winter in that city. Sets of Dishes you will be proud to own . See them at Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Miss Jennie B. Nesbitt, 0'1 Col· umbus, were guests ot Misses Annie and Marne Brown, on Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Himes, of Centerville, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Maggie Burnet, Sunday afternoon. . Our Gruen Watches-The peak in value-The low in price. Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio, store open 8 a. m. to 9. p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell were dinner guests of Mr. and ~rs. Warren Braddock. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper spent last week at the reservoir.. They h~d very good luck catching <:rappIes.
----- - ..----
11'~ .
Wayncsv illc wi l hin it year aft 'I' With less than 'two wee ks until t!1Cir \\'~rlding an ti mnvcd t.o Junc · Thurman "Dusty" Miller, WiIWarren county votel's go t~ the tyon Ity . Kn ll "c~ , \l'h ... e th ey , llIi ng ton, and Judge J ohn G. Belk\J.vcd five YCUff, lin d dU l'lng that ' IIIIP, II I' . ~Le ubenvil1.e, will be the polls in the primal'ie to 5e lect pref tllllC Lccam", the pUl'ents of t\\U principu l speakel's at a county-wide erences for the November clec - son s. ,. rally 1'U I' Clarence J. Brown, canMr_ 1'I[tlls wa s a ha~'ncs~ mak ~r didute f or the Republican nomtion on uoth Rep ubli can and Oem· ocrut.ic tickets, candidalcs this by tl'ad but. becarylC dlssatl sfied!n inati on for governor of Ohio to be week are preparing 10 muke th eir the 'llwll town s lIlKJISnaS ~o m hold at. thc Lebanon Opera house linal lap pea ls. 1RRB I' moved .to t .. J oseph, ~o . , Montlay evening, Ma y 2, according Although the s late ticket is one where he .antl hi S fam Ily have smce to ~lnnounc e mellt of party lea ders. of the largest in history and candi- III Iii I ' thmr home. Mr'. Brown will be unable to be dates for all offices arc numel'OUS i\lUII~' (, f the. oldel' rcsidents of present at th e session due to a in th e majority of Ohio c o untie ~ , Wa y n (· ~~' t1lc will re~lemb~I' both heavy speaking schedule in northinteres t in t he Warren county elec- Otto l\llll s an d A nlt H! Hilm es. a s ern Ohi o, but will be represented tion 'centers principally in the Re· t hey howe a ~umbel' of rel~ltlves by Judge Belknap, a ssistant secrepublican nomination fOI' county a.n(! II'I~nd s oj other days Stll\ re- Im'y of statc under the Blllnchescommi ssioncr which is so ugh~ by ~ l dll1 g In tlw; nelgh .borho od. Mr. ter man. Acco l'ding to M\y ron Keelor. s ix candid ute~, Hlld that of Prob ate I'll illl! is nOI~ .retired from actual judge. b~ s ln es~ . \~ hlle t!ley have not pre side nt or the Warren County Other offices a l'e uncontested VISited III ~ aynesvtl le f or several Brown-for-Governor club more ~ith th e e:<ce~tion of the ~epu~- , y c:ar~. both hav c made occR sioryal than 1200 citizens ,have signed hc~n nOllllnati on. .for fl hel:lff, I.n I trips here to renew old acq ualn - membership cards in the local which Deputy Wtlham Hufl .o l'd, IS tances. . organization, much enthusiasm opposed by.. Bany D. WllIle, of 1 M... . ancl Mrs. MIlls flrc r eg ular having been manifested in every Muson . Political observers are of s ub:;cnb er- to th Gaz ette and section of t he county in behalf of lhe opinion Bu~ol: d wil\ win by a · anxi oll sly flw~lit each is. ue, The ir ]\11'. Brown!s candidacy. comfortable ~aJ o l'lt~·, although the aj!cs no~v arc 76 lind 77 years Ilnd Special effort is being made to Mllson mun IS worklnA' hal·d. both enJl~y fUlrly good health and ge former schoolmates of Brown, . Two members of the board of nrc look ing forward to lhe cele- reSIdin g in this section of the state county commissioners wil\ be re· bratio n of their fifti elh wedding lo be guests of honor at the meeting May 2. Space will be reserved elected lhis year. Six Re publican s annil'ert'o ary a year hence. ~re seek ing the nominati on includ- -- _ - for them II.\t t he opera house. Ing E. J .. Beedle nnd W. D. Conv in , MI'. Brown is widely known in presentm.euments, MI'. Becdl c und t.his county, because of the fact Mr. Corwm have been membe rs of o'f his re sidence in Clinton county the county bOllrd for seve ral year!! adjoining and business interests Bo~h t hese men lire season.ed camgILt at ,'torl'urn here, and a large attendance is expa~gne~!\ and the cO!ltentlOn pre· (l pecled at the meeting May 2. Valls IIlo many s e~hons. of the A large delegation of Brown county that. they wrll aga in be ac1'1le W T h ' M0 th ' supporters fr om Waynesville and corded t he Republican nomin ation. 1 b :1l a);n~ I ~~v~s 1 erts vicinity are expected to attend the On th e othe r' hand Romc follow- ~ u fWI )Oh( I' ell' na mGee - ' g.athering. ers of county politics declare COI'- m g 0 t IH! se 00 .year at t h e ym _ __ ___._ __ win and Beedle ha ve h II ffi on Tu esday eyelll ng,. May 3, at 8 on the boal'd for a suffi . e ~ 0 .. cd o'c lock. An mtercslmg program FRANK D. DAKIN DIES and that a change is n~~d~d ~~I ~~e has bC~1l al'l'angcd as (ol1o ws : . _ AT BETHESDA HOSPITAL administrati on of county affairs. Song Barlow Gn Ls Some prognosticators say Hayes Devoti on. Rev. G. C. Dibert Frank D. Dakin passed away at Keever, Leban on groceryman may Music . Jean Furnas Bethesda hps pfta'- Cil1cinnali, be accorded the nomination. Mr. Readin g, "St. P tel' at the Gate" t his WednesdllY morning at 7 EIIen Guy o'clock, fo l1ow ing an operation Keeve l' has been hal'd at work for the past eve ral week s in a per- D bate. Resolved, That slealin' last week. Mr. Dakin had been in sonal campaign that has ca rri ed ch ickc!DS a in't no crime. Affirma- ill health for the past two yeal's, tive--Donald Foulks, Cecil and an operat ion was deemed nechim into every section of the county. Hartman. Negutive Albel·t essary. , . Other candidates who appea r to Hawke, Earl Conner. Mr. Dakin came to Waynesville be a shade under these three men, Quartct Jane Cook, Edna Mae about seven years ago, and purbut who are given decidedly more Staup" J ean Furnas, Ruth Salis- chased the insurance business of than an outside chllnce at the pury. Sears & Cartwright, during which nominlltion are A. L. Watkin s, of Reading:, "Learnin' to Run an time he has made many friends Franklin town ship and Morri s L. Automobile" .. Ruth Hockett and business associates in the Nixon , Turtlecrcek town!'hip. Both Mu sic ... Barlow Girls community. are reported to be har d at work axophol1e Solo .. ...... .. ... ........ His ea rl y life wus spent in or and will undoubtedly poll a goo d Raym ond VanOllen neal' Harveysburg. Going to vote May 10. Everett Doane. of Solo, "T urtle Dovc" . . .... Oklahoma when that state. was Salem tow nshi p is the sixth man ...... Ruth Salisbury still young he held offices cif imin the rnce. PIa,'. "Arabella's Poor Relations" portance at Kingfisher. After a Concerning the fig ht fOI' the ast--A rubella Taylor, Frances number of years spent in the West nomination to th e office of probate Elli s, Mary Taylor, Barbara he yeal''lIed for his old, hom e and judge between the present incumGray ; Joshull Hopkin. Lamar returned to Ohio. bent, Judge W. Z. Roll and Mayor Earnhart, Ro bert larendon, He is survived by his wife. Eva Ralph H. Curey little can he v·en. Robel't. Allen. Johnson Dakin, one daughter .tured. Judge Roll , an other veteran Song' . ... Barlow Girls Mrs. Virginia Denny, who reside~ campaigner, will und oubtedly have The p u blic i cordiall y invited. in Oklahoma, and numerous reLamany supporters in the bnl10 ting • - - - --tives, He had just passed his aM week cfrom Tuesday, ulthough LOCA.'L GIRL HEADS GROUP sevenltY-sixth birthday anniv.e rsary ayor arey is waging a hard At the time of going to press fi ght, his work hnvinlr clll'l'ied him . . , . funeral arrangements had not into every sectio n of the county. . MI II .E II~abeth Chandler, SUP~I - \ been completed. Other Republican and Demo- vIsor of pnmary teachers, at Mld---- - ---cratic candidates are un ~o nte sted. dletowllI. was elected president of _ _ __ _ _ ____ the Middletown ' hranch of the Entertained Bridlfo Club American Association of Univer- l Miss Louise Cl'ane was hostess Vernon Mninous left Monda;,' s ity W'omen, at a meeting last to the members of hel' bridge for a motol' trip thoough Virginia. weck, lit Franklin. I club, Tuesday evening. I ~ I
Saws filed by machinery. cut TOllr cleaner, truer, futer. AlIIo crolaAll Juniors and Seniors in the eut I18WS, gummed, 25(. psr foot. Chemistry, Economic Geography Roy Pigott, at Maddert's Lumber and Agricultural Engineering Yard. classes are entitled to take a tour to. Dayton, Wednesday. This tour Miss Bertha Filer spent t he WIll take in the Frigidaire, N. C. R. 'week-end at home with her parents and the Wright Brothers Flying Mll'. am) Mrs. J. S. Filer of Ferry. field. Cars ·will be furnished by Miss FIler is a student at Cincinstudents and members of the fac- nati Bible Seminary .and is presiulty. J. B . Crabbe, R. F. Hatfield dent of the Sophomore class. and J. W. Lotz are the teachers in charge. ' Mrs. Vernon.. Mainous left 'MonMr. Hatfield will be in charge 01 day morning for London, Ky., to transportation and Mr. Crabbe will l1ttend the funeral of her grandtake charge of students on arriv- mother whose death occurred in ing in. ~yton. Dunodin, Fie., a few days ago. She . ThIS .IS the seco!ld of a group of will go from there to Stearns, Ky., mdustrlal education tours spon- for a brief visit to her parents sored by Waynesville Schools 1 before returning home. under the general supervision of . Superintendent J. W. Lotz. Over 200 graduat4.'.s win receive High .school Diplomas in Warren County this year. ·The ideal gift is Warren County Track Meet a Watch. Gruen and other good The Warren County track and Watches you will find at Cary's field. meet will be held Friday, Jewelry Shop, Lebanpn O.h io. High AprIl 29, at the Lebanon fa'ilr quality-at new low prices. grounds. Waynesville is expecting to have several 'entries for the events. 4-H CLUB LEADERS W ...yne To_hip in Diltrict COIInTO. RECEIVE HELP mercial Contelt On April 2.3 eight stUdents from Miss Edna Callahan, clothing t~e Commercial Department parti- specialist of O. S. U., will meet CIpated in the District Contest held at Miamisburg High School. Vir- with the 4.H Clothing club leaders ginia Foulks, John Coates, Eliza- in Warren ·County at 10 a . m. on beth Henry! Leada Werntz and Thursday, April 28, at the Farm Roma HardIn took the novice test Bureau office in Lebanon. At this for Typing I: students; Miriam time Miss Callahan, will give the Ellis and RoSG 'Lee McClain took the amateur test ror advanced leaders many new ideas on clothtyping. Students Miriam Ellis, ing construction and selection as Leada Werntz, Virginia Foulks, well a8 help iii jUdging finished Rosa Lee McClain and Nellie Wat- garments, At this time Elizabeth Graddy, kins took the shorthand test. These tellts have been held in home demonstration agent, plans Ohio for a number of years, the to distribute to the leaders the purpose being to stimulate greater 4-H Club charters and 8eals won effort and accomplishment on the last year by outiltanding clubs in part of each student. Waynesville the county; The leaders are requested to entered for the first time this yoar. Although our beginning was bring with them one 'finished very modest and as yet we are not garment made by a 4-H Club girl in the winning column, teachers to be used to give help in the and pupils are iooking forward to scoring and judging al clothing. championship honors in this field of work tho same as we have hereFAREWELL DINNER tofore in athletics and scholarsblp ' contests. We are justly proud of the girls and boys . who so bTalillly I Mil'. and Mrs. Warren Lacy and participated in these tests thus nephew, Mr. and. Mrs: J. A. Traybecoming Waynesville pioneers in ser, and two daughters. Martha this field. Final results of the con- l and Thelma, of Dayton; Mr. and test seem to Indicate that Miamis- Mrs. Chas, Lacy and daughter, burg will rank highest ill ~ovice Margaret Miss Anna Marie, Edrich typing and West Carrolton in and friend of Cincinna~i; Mr, and . amateur typing· tests. Mrs. Leslie Wardlow, son and daughter. of Centerville; Mr. and Second Tnek Meet Lolt to Leb- Mrs. I.. N. Scott and children. Virginia, _Winifred. Wayne. Mary a_q and Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. H. S. lost to Lebanon on Fri- Cook• .spent Sunday ~t the home of day altbough Turner, Davia, E. MIT. Harry Lacy and mother, and Miller. .G: ' MUler, Gustin. Brans- Miss Walker. . trator, Bernard. Coates and Tbe dinner. was in honor of Savage showed their skill in win- Mass Anna Walker who has spent ning or placing in the meet they the last five months at the Lacy lost by a small score. The winners bome •. She leaves tOmorrow for were: ., , ·Oklahoma. . J' • . Broad Jump ~ Turner, Wi Stubbs" L.; Savage, W.; IDfeet. , 6 inches. .. "/ .., ~ Mile Run-Hackman, fj.; 'Discusa-Guitin, W.; Bratfford, Branstrator, W.; .wo,hrley, L. Time 1..; Nixo~.,- L: ~17; feet li~ch. . 2:19%. , ' . High :rump ..... McCurdy, L, ; .220 yd. ·D ash-=Carter, L; 1lan- Stibbs of Lebanon. and Bernard of cock, L.; Tumeto Time, 26 sec. W. H. S. tied fol' second. , ~Ue RelaY-JAbanon. 4:28 8~. % mile Relay-Le-banon, 1:44. . Shot--Bunbell, 1..; Gustin, W; 440 j'd. Duh-Davis, W.; Gue, Bradfol'd, ·L 87 feet, 9 inchea. tin, W.; Gray, 1.. 116 8-4 ..conCls. IOO-yd. na.h-CUter, 4; Stubbs I P()IIkVaul~vage. W.; McCray L.; Tumer, W. 11 sec-. 1..; uNYt '!qncock of Lebanon, .,lle Run-1T&1u, L.; ~tea, Evett ana GeOl'Je Miller of WayW,; Clark, '" Time &.12 neniD. tied '(or third. 10 felt 2-1b. Dayto~
FORTY NINE: YEARS COUNTY' CANDIDATES MARRIED BROWN RALLY WILL Furty nine yenr ago, April 25lh . Mi lls (Ind An!:i ' Ha in!!,; BE HELD AT COUNTY MAKE FINAL APPEAL tOtlo hen of WaYli esvj' le weI'" municd In Lt'ban on by th l' }'t' l'. Dn ... id C: as SEAT MONDAY MAY.2 FORPRIMAR MAY 10 Vance wilhMr. ,Jaenll tlni e P. Vance Mill. lef t
Senior Cia.. Play • Succel. The Senior class play, "Nobody But Nancy," was presented Thursday a nd FI'iday nights at the gym. There was a large attendance both nights and the . performance each night was very creditable, every character of the cast fitting hi s or her position perfectly.
MUlic Contelt The winners of the music memory contest that was held last week in Junior Hi.. were as follows: Naomi Ramby, Barbara Gray, Marjorie Earnhart, Eilleen Hall, Jean Furnas, Jane Cook, Reba Edwards R~th SalisLury, Evelyne Furnas, Mildred Cook, Frances Ellis, Marjorie Tinney and Glenna Woolard. These winners took another te8t this week in which the length of time the record was played was reduced to a few. minutes with a few seconds time and the winners this time were Mildred Cook and Glenna Woolard having perfect scores. Our music department under the direction of Alberta Buerkle is doh~g some interesting and effective work. We do not hesitate to say that the type of work b~ing done compares favorably WIth lal'ger schools in this vi'Cinity. We have much . musical talent and are desirous of developing it.
Whole Number 6011 .
APRIL 27, 1932
Mothers' Club Held Meeting on Tuesday NI' Aud
The Old Burg's Inventory - -----~-------V\)P~ tW{'1-\\'" ,,~
'f ",(\
~tR~ .
Jacob Strouse and son spent COLUMBUS-With the primary election to be he ld Tuesday, MIlY Saturday in o.uyton. l O, only a brief period distant canMr. and Mrs. Walter ast werc didates ovcr the state a re more than active. Secretary of State Dayton visitor s Thul·sday. Clarence J. Brown, Chief Election Mrs. Orville J. Gray and <laugh-' Officer of the State, has arranged le I' were shopping in Dllytun Mon- for the in stallation of eight special ,ong distance phones over which duy. the returns will be sent from every S. S. Ellill was in Wilmingtor. county in the state, and all e lectodllY llttending a she ep shearing tion officials have been instructed .0 phone them in at the earliest demon lltration. pOllsible moment. Owing to the Tune in on the C. & B. program, lengthy ballots, both Republican station WKRC every Sunday dnd Democratic, it may be a late ho ur bcd'ore any definite informaaftel'noon ot 5 :30. ; ion can be g iven out. 1111'. Raymond Eyler. of Dayton, is spe nding lhe week with hi s An elaborate system of tabulatmOiner, Mrti. Laura Sides. ion of the l'etul'n s has been arrang~ d by Secretary Brown for prilloward Manington, a former mary night. Men and women of resid ent of Waynesville is very his department will have charge of iII at hi s home in Columbus. "he phones, tabulation sh'eets and llciding machines . Competent suerMr. and Mrs. Paul Boorom. of ViSOI'S will distribute the work Bellbrook, were guests of D. L. among the forty persons on duty. Cl'ane lind family, Sunday evening all serving without extra compensation and a\l of whom will be on Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. J. P. duty t hroughout the night. SecreFI'o{llm Ilnd Mr. Kenneth Fromm tary Brown advises all citizens to visited Plea ant Plai n, Monday go to the polls and exercise their afternoon . right of franchise. It is a great re.>ponsibility and it is a duty they Mr. lind Mrs. Howard Archdea· owe not only to the state but to con spent Sunday in Wilmington, the nation as well, as in this manthe gu 5t of Mrs. Bertie Archdea- ner competent officials are selected con and son Bruce. to administer the various offices in accordance with all laws govMi ss Virginia Hal'din ·arrived erning same. home Sunday from Kentucky, where s he has been teaching Tuesday, May 10. is primary school for .the past year. electi on day and the polls open at 6 :30 o'clock a. m., are kept open Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and to and close at 6 :30 p.m., Eastern family spent Sunday II.\fternoon Standard Time, unless there are with Mr. lind Mrs. Don Hartsock- voters waiting in line to cast their and family, near Wilmington. ballots, in which' case the polls shall be kept open until such waitSee the ' "Gifty" Novelties for ing voters have voted. No candiGraduation, Weddings and any date for office other than for comoccasion at Cary's Jewelry .Shop, mitteeman. delegate or alternate "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, to a convention, shall serve as an Ohio. election .official in any precinct. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon in Ohio National Guardsmen are company with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Murrell, of Lebanon, left this on duty at the State Office Buildmorning to spend two days at the ing, wrecked by an explosion Thursday. April 14.' Walks and enReservoir. trances have been blocked off and . ,Penparkllr? Have _you seen It? admission is granted ~nly by pass It.s here! Comes Without charge from the adjutant General of Ohio• . WIth every Duofold Parker Pen Guardsmen wbo were on duty at purchased at Cary's Jewelry Shop the Capital building have , been withdrawn. Contractors have been Lebanon, Ohio. ordered to proceed immediately Mr. and . ·~s. Russel.l Murray, with work required to complete of Oregonia, Mrs. SadIe Connel' the new $6,000,000 structure. and H. M. Sherwo?d attended .the Hundreds of tons of wreckage will funel'al of a relative, Mrs: Ellza- be removed while investigators beth Fee, at Dearborn, MIch .• on will endeavor to learn the cause of the accident and also fix the civil Saturday. responsibility for' damage done. .Come to a Jewelry Store for finer and more lasting jewelry. With the ~arll\ balmy daYII of Our pleased customers enjoy spring idlers and others begin to showing us the Watch, Ring and gather in the State House Park. other jewelry pUl'Chased 36, to 40 :when the benches are placed along years ago. Cary's Jewelry Shop, the walks it will then attract , Lebanon, Ohio. many women. who find it a convenient 88 well as restful place to while away a few hours hi' reading or other diversions. The trees are MEETING OF 4-H starting to bud, plants and shrubFOOD CLUB LEADERS bery are ass uming their natural hues. grass covered lawns have Miss Lelia Ogle, nutrition spe- been cut and the park is once cialist of O. S. U., wiJI meet with again the pr:ide of down to.w n 4-H Food club leaders in Warren Columbus. The state board of parole bas COUllty at 10 a. m. Friday, Apri l 29, at the Farm Bureau office' in announced that seventy inmates have been granted paroles and wDl Lebanon. The 4-H Club executive council soon be released from London composed · of representatives from prison farm. Warden P, E. all parts of the county selected Thomas has planned 'and is carrytwo foods projects to be offered ing into effect many improvements to 4-H Club g irls this year. They at the Ohio Penitentiary in West tire for girls 10 years of age or Spring Street and also plantine over. "Salads and Sandwiches." acre after acre of vegetables at for girls 12 or above. "Food the Duerr farm, where hundreds of hogs are also raised each year, Preservation,.. Miss Ogle will present to the later becoming a part of the menu leaders mlll)Y, ihelpful ideas fol' at the big institution, now housing their food clubs this year. Judging 4,300 inmates. of canned products and other 'foods will a1so be discussed with ROBERT F. MOSHER the leaders. Elizabeth GTaddy, home demon . PASSES AWAY stration agent, states that the charters and senls won by the food . The many friends of Robert F. clubs are also ready for dis tri bu- Mosher were shocked to hear of tion. his death which occurred at his . homc in Cardingtori, Ohio, on Mon' HONORED AT WITTENBERG day mo·rning. Mr. Mosher, a brother of Mrs. Edith M. Harris, was well _nd Honor was paid at Wittenberg favorably known in WayneIYilIe College Friday night to student~ having been business manager of who excel in -classroom and labora- the Harris far!DB for more than tory, thirty years and made 'frequent It was the twentieth annual visits here. Honor Day convocation. and the . Mrs. Edith M. 'Harris, Haml applause last Friday night went ·Mosher, Ronald . ~wke, - Fred to men and women 'who do their of lIil'o,rd ••nd Mr. and college work so well that singl!' Hartsock. and double stars accompany their Mrs. Charles F. ~·o.her, of Cinnames i~ the annual catalogue. A cinnati will at~end the funeral at . on, Thursday mornin~ two-star student has .a perfect rec- Cardington. ' ord; 8 single-star student has n at 10:80. -----'~ most admirable record. Deans and professors in atten- WA Yf\JESVILr.E MASONS d.a nce were pleased that public acclaim should again be heard on be· ~EAR . DEAN ~. S1' A.NLEY half. of serious students. . ". -, ~--Two hundred high school senior " _A.ttoi'ney . _Stl.,!I~, men who arenere for an' annual Lebanon, .vi~it wib1essea the .8Waid of ·:ao,-' Giiorte ·'\.W"lliti:gt~I~, :" .nual scholarship priz'1s. · .. ' , end' a ~'Ulllun." m~~~!~!~ ," 'Among those whO were . honored L9lbre was Catherine Branstr.ator. who' il at··· a . special ~;ln,e!'~tt~~ the daughter of Mr. and M1'II. L:, night in' the B. Bran!ltJ:a\,or, of Waflle~vUle., I)l ' ~!l~:t~:
----_ ..----
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---- - ._----
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\\iN.1't\'f '"" PROSPfotcouS
To frlepdl a~d Wieh to a.,nounce that lelllng Preehtllni',a Cream• .ReaI Plavon.
petrolli we we are llQW
lthat .Our Neighbors Are Doing and 1 alking About "'"'-----~-----------... ._ . ----. . --Mad Dog Scare
from this ounty will b Dr. B. H . Bluir, o r L ounon. dt' lelt· to. and Or. . A. Jla mi!to n, c> f i"'l'llnl<lin , n ltlll'nnl '. DI.. ,r. E. \V ithnm of Wllyn '~vi1l, l)\'('sidl'nt lind Dr. JII I1I!'. A IlIn ld, ' of Lehu llo n, SCCI:O·Wry, or \II,· Wal'ren ' unty 1\'[ di(' 111 ' oct'I Y, ar\, illS!) 'x Jleeted to II ttc.n e1. .
without record, In the ense of Nc'\\' York Life hlllul'nnc(' 0., " I,'r liS 1' l'lInk Wardluw, ot III thl' plainWr ;thaH reC(lVr (Ilelm the defendant th - lItHn of • 00·1.14 wilh intcr st 11 7814.:!(l nt ';\; from March 1, '1 93 L-and inteJ'ol'l t 011 $1 2.15 at '/~ f l'om ' 1IU1l'ch 1, 193 2. ' III t he cal'll' of e~v York Liie Tmllll's nce '0 ., V' I" US Angu A. A J'lllO .UI', et ul th pln'in t iff shall I' C<1V'I' fl'olll the dtlJ'endanl s th e ,mm or $01 1. ] with iTl t<!l'e t ut 8 'I, on $51 G f rom Murch 1, HI S 1 an ti int rest 011 , 06S.08 ~It 8 % ' fl'om l\I nrc h 1, 1 !132. In lh case uf to te of Ohio \. r:m:! Erne ~ t g"lhml, the defendant Wa:; found g- uilty d:f 11Iun-
The mad dog scare oi last week resu lt d in the killing of two d (,:8 and the ty ing up of about 20 , making the sll' e of Butavia look Iqneso me to seo no dogs' c ngre/rati ng on the ourt hOUM corn c·r. We have all kinds of dog~ , ond when Mayor Orvi ll e Hnlbisch iRued his ' proclalilation they all CHAPTER XVIII. He t ook her by the shoulders. Dr. A oam a to be in Xen ia s l au~htel', ... "'Vhere do you get your wis- loo ked alike to him his order wa. Its a 30-dl\y tie up. We ])1'. 'I 'lln Aclnlll ~ .illcinnali. obeyed. In th e CII . (I of n. n. Be njumin " The P Ape r." dOl11, Burton 'I" he <asked hel', and ympaLhize with the g aT dener lIut,ho r ity ,> 11 bi rds and dng~ , wh o a nt! _ompan.l', ('t a l VC)1':<US .1 hll O. "Yo u're not a bu sino5.'1 man, MI'. smil ed. . hns co n ~o nl(l d t ) lie the judge of II Huliday , e t II I upon cU II!<idl!I'uti (l n when. they a t'e released. Davenport, and you don't realize ha~Js. th smile she clapped I. her " boy lind hi!i do~" pl\l'I\de to be whereo f the co ur t li nd!; t he Combine d Choir to Sin, that the business world is a fight "That's beller I" she cried . "Now hc ld .nt Xl'nin lIiul'llll Y uft l'IIoon, ~l'I'oun d s fol' ."Ii d 1lI0ti Oll and defr om start to fini. h. It will be to Plllns arc rapidly dev eloping for MIl Y 7, undel' . mcricll n L<'gion IlJUlTel' not \\'('11 tak(' n :Illd doeth the interests of everyone affect ed we can £alk about it. W hat a r e we V I'ru le bulh said' lII otion a nd snid the conc ert by t he combined choirs auspic's, will III. 0 lIC' gucst ~ p 'uk- tldel1l to suppresss that battery; ill fac t, to d01 " , ul'rer. lit :J lu ncheon ('urty thlJ sa me "'1'here's one t hing I' m not go- of several of the churches of al!rfll'l'noon it ,\'ill be <3 Jllatter of life and In the (· tI~e o f State (\f Oh io death to them . And believe me, ing t o do," he .stated w ith . c onvic- Fl'Un klin. A cho.ru5 of ove r fifty LoaRt ma ste l',wilh Kpnn('lh .'wig- art Vl'rSU9 Ha 1'l ey Stl'Venl<On it iR ur they'll fight to do so. I do n't be- t ion ; "no matter what the price t o voices will give a mixed program del'l'd by t.he court th nt n nolle Heve you quite appreciate what it pay; I' m not goin g to f, ermit t his on T hursday evening, May 5th, at Cut in W a t er R a t e. pl'O ~ l'qll i he entel'ed he1'ei n. means to havc n e~lrl~' the whole, scheme of destr uction!' ' one of t he churches to be an"How can it be stopp ed ?" she no un ced Later. business world solid ly agni nst yo u, Dounl 'ontrul of pub lic nfTairR New S u its nor what a t remendous power they asked. " Let's be practical." The first week of May is Nati on- has an nuu llced a r,,!\urti on in "F<lr one t hing, I ca n r efuse to \II Music week a nd Franklin is Lewis & Druk(', [nc., a co r(1ol'awield to crush you. It is a case or water I'ate ~ t o custolll el';: of Yell ow fight back harder t ha n they fight, give t hem my f orm ulae." have a de lig htful ,)art in it~ cc le- Sp rin ~s' $Gr.,OUli nlu ll i('ipal o\\'n · l ion ver ~ us i!:rn l'xt El t7.rot h. Mu ry Edi th . 'leig-cn valtl \'CI'SUS end to get the jump on them first. " And lose all yo u own and go bration. Th e number!; will be di- eel wate rwo rks fl' (\1l1 .~a t ) 2.40 He went on developing his to jail bes ides, as father told you,' rected, in tu rn , by Me srs. J . Har- qu nrtc rl y. .10hn Stl' iJ,{cl'wa ld for ulimony und point , showing t hat onl y by thi~ she pointed out . ris and H . C. E ldridge, with Mrs. T h(' redllclion i!'l t he ~ cond thllt ut hcl' l'eli,·r. Bcl'l1icL' Y il'l::illiu Arnold Vl'I'SUH early and unexpected raid into t het "Well, I'll do that if n ecessary.' Tatershall I/I nd Ml'g. Stahl sharing h .:.t~ iJ ce ll made, Zach Arn old for dh·o l'cc. Cilurge enemy's' camp eo uld the ult imatE!! "Lister, Lany dear " she said. t he accompanime nts. i, g-I'O~S IH'g'leC'l. 8uoccess of tbe project be assured.: " You're, not u si~g your h eod. Misse d Hi. Si n ging H 'beeca Price \' el'~us Lew i;: Loye l a nd Girl Hono red Then he went on to point the! W ouldn t ? estr oymg ~hot ,,~f1'ee moral by drawing a cOllstrnstin~ m e,~t you SIgn ed se ttle It all . On account. o[ ill ness L e~lcr r. I'rice for cli\'u l·ce. -'llIlrge i ~ g r o'S Miss Mary Coleman, Loveland , n<,g-Iect. p icture-Davenport in jail for con:.! B~r to n" , yo~ . blessed damosel," j un ior, in Stcphcns Collego for Rou l\\'OI rc \\' a~ ub:;ent fr om t he i e R. Phoenix \\cr su~ Ju li us tempt of court f or refu$ ng to tell' ~e ened,. you ve got more sen ~e aWomen, has been chosen by lhe I\ lcthntl isl Ep iscopa l church l'hoil' P . ~I.utt Ph ol'ni x (II I' di vo rce, a lim ony. Gr imstead his process, discredited" In your htUe fin ger than 1 have l!l students to heael t he student gov- Easter .Sunduy al Il ilbbnrIJ. fur broken, and a bove ~ll, inefficient· my whole body ! 0 '1 course t hat s ern me nt nex t yeu l', The ofJicc is t he lil's t limc in 4:3 yell 1'5 MI'. nnd cu ~ t Jd y of child, etc. Davenpor t possessed of practicallyj t he answer I Regular, old melo- the highest possible tudent ofllc e MI' ~ . Bou lwul'c have !i\'('(1 ill this Proba t e Co urt untold wealth, wit h the opportun- drama stuff. Why, her e s .even the in t he coll ege. Miss oleman has city 43 YC': II'S n nd ilIr . D. ha~ been ities, if he so wished of repairingl papers !" Th l! Lebano n- iti;:ell:l Nati onal a II1 cmbel' of the choir ~ i nce lhuL been in Stephen!; thl'ee years. Thi ~ da m'age inevitable t o the readjust-' He turned as if to put this new year she has served ~IS pl'e;:ident time, ne\' ' I' mi ssin!! un 'lIstC I' un - Bali k & 'l'1'l1 ~ t <.'0111 pu ny. ('xecuLo l' ment. · idea into immediate exec ution ; but of the At hletic ass ociution. She is day in all the yea rs. uf l'Slatc ~'f Wil liam l\[ cBurney. It was a pr etty good plea, f or a again she stopped him. n ece nt1 ~· during 1\ rev iva l Mr. decea sed, IS olll red t" execute a membe r of Omcga Psi social sp ecious one. Grimst ead himself! "Larry, you poor infa ntl" sh e so rority. Boulware sa ng a '0 10. He i 80 and dc li ve l' :I bi ll of Hille tram;I'rwes admir ingly impressed by it, 'cried. " It's tim e you had someyea rs of age. ilIr. and Mrs. Boul ri ll ~ nUluIII J,J lJil e to Nancy i\[ cB urwnre r ecently celebra t('d t hei r T1 l'y. and Teconvinced of t he entire jus- body t o look afte r youl What do Ph:y. iciana Attend Meeting The ad j ud icutieHI and dl'lcl'mintice and expediency of his course. you think you're going to d o~" 57th weddin g !IInn ivcrsary. Ml's. Davenport, howeveJ:, did not seeml "Get the agr eement. Don't you Approximate ly 1000 physicians Boulware ha s lllUg hl a Sunday- Ittic)Jl of t h ' i ll h~ l'itn llcc lnx on impressed. He arose from his log worry about t hei r not hand ing f rom a ll parts of t he state al'e ex- school ela ~s at the locll l chul'ch fOI' the cstnte of hn rles W . Schwartz decca .-;('d, is to b g iven t o all perremarked curtly that the situatio"; over when I tell them to 1" pected to atten d the e ighty-s ixth 42 years. !;ons intercsted, was p.e rfectly clear, and strod ' "Yes; but t hey can swear that annual meetin g of ph ysic ia ns and Thc in\'e ntol'y filed by Robel·t G. away in the directIon of t he creek, it was taken from them by force." surgeons, to be held at t he Dayto n Pro spect. Ahead croSlling, " Well, wha t would you do t hen?" Biltmore hotel, May a a nd 4, lor MOITi , ndmin istl'utOl' of estate of Burton overtook Larry at the "I 'd steal it. Then What pro of which on interesting p rogram has Ray H nley, 2 :01 :3· 4, owned b y Ra 'hel A. MOlTi ~ . uecease cl, WlIS stream's edge. She saw at once have they, except each o t her's been arl'linged. 'fhe pl'incipa l G. M'. Ha/! Ie r; of Xcni a. and in the uP PI'ovec! by tIl(' co urt. that he was furiously angry so word s! You cou ld d eny that. speaker will be John B. Ken nedy sta bl e of his son , .l oe Hng- Ier, now . Eli z!1 beth G. Thu mpson, lldminangry that he oc()uld not permib Would you lie n icely in a good editor of Collier's magazi ne. ' located lit t he Wi l lllin ~ ~o n tl'llck, l ~ tratl' lx oC e L.ate of Ma l'ga ret E. himself to utter a word She took cause, do you think?" Warren County wiJI be well rep- and P eteI' Nuton ia , 2 :02 1-4, thl' Ga llahe r. d ceased, fil ed he r inhis band. . " I don' t know ; it wouldn't be r esente d at t he Dayto n meeting. pr opcrty of H. O. A I ' bo~ a s t, of \·l'ntory. He seized her hungrily, and theY' necessa ry. I think the burden of The officia l de legate and a lternat e Loga n County, will I'ene\\, th eil' Thc inv en Lory of Ha y Dutro nd clung together for several mo- proof would be on t hem. How battles Jor supremacy in thc mill istl'at ol' of e tate of Ada m' DuAmerican Pacing .I H~!<i,· , pUI'RC tl'O . deceased, was appl'oved by menta while the calming soothing will we do iU" ' influences swept through them. ' ''Disse,mble,'' she cried. " ~~ke $5, 000 a(I,le d, at SI))'inl!'fieltl, UI., the COUl't. Plor:! Bell Ware was nppointAt length he released her with an t hem thmk that your oPPosItion com e known who you are. He Grand Circ ui t meet. d cxe cutL'ix of esta te of William explosive sigh. They had not kiss- has blown over; that . you're aU' thinks you a re a garage rrum, reed. . ready t o go ahead WIth father's m e.mber. 200th A ln niveUllry L. Wa re, no bo nd requ ired. J . A. "I forgot tllll t," laugh ed Da ven"Well that is overl" he said scheme. Then f ather won't hang chilling, Fred James and CharI n commemoration of 200th a nport. "All t ight; I drop t he dis.Ics ,W.aggone l· wcre appo inted ap "Burton: oh, blessed one, if ,it had on to" his bill !fold too 'Closely ' of birt h of Francis niversary guise and appear in me f ull r oyal pI'a ISOl's. not been t()r ye;1U I should have andGeorge H. m itl\ wa appointed killed. them both as tbey sat there. "H()w do you know it's in the regalia as the Cele brated Author. J oseph Hayd n (l732- L8 99.) Germa n compose l', ch urche s and muDo you imagi ne that w ill impress xecuto\, of estate of Lovina E But I just kept thinkin&, that he bilL fold?" . . sic clu bs had entertainm ents last mi th, deceased no bo nd rcquired: was your fatber- " " I saw him put it there," she bim? " " Then"- she hesitated- ', then T huTsday in mem o1'y of tho note d Ft'ed H. Stubbll. administrator "I know," sbe soothed bim. "I explained. o f eslate of Hal'l'iet M . Burn s, defeel witb you in every of it, "Such a Budden about f ace on we give him the plausible reaso n compQse r. ceased, fil ed his first., fina l and whether he is my father or not. my part may not appeal to him." f or your cha ng ing yo ur mind .' "Which is7" t1i~t l'ibutive account. But let's not talk about it or we "I've thought l1f tbat," she said "The announce ment of OUI' enHattie Ballinger, administ1'8trix sbalL just 'b e crazy angry again, A slow color was mounting to her • of estate: of Frnnk Balli ngel·. deand t hat will do us no gO<ld." cheeks. "First of aU it must be- gagement," she sai d in a voice so low that he ba rely heard it. ceas<'U, tiled he l' first und fi nal acAt this most unpropiti ou s moco unt. ment there came around the bend J essie P. E nnis , adm inistr.nto r Simmins, lugging t wo infinitesimal of es tate of J el'l'Y Enni decease d t rout. fi l d h!s second and tinl~l account: "Damn I" mu ttered Davenpo rt Daniel H. H ckctL, executor if Com.mon PI<eaa Procedings ' estate of Naomi T. Hockett de•.. fe rvently. In t he cnse of Th e Reed-Klopp ceosed, filed his sa le bill But at Bu r lon's suggest ion Sim' mins was let int o t hei r secr ets. Co., a cOl'poratiion of Midd letown The inventor y filed by Th omas "The pa per belon gs to me, a nd it versus. Wil bur W ilson , it is ol'd m'- Hunter, adminh;tralol' of esta t e of is vitally necessary I get it back, " ed that certai n property be sold Henry H.. Brown, deceased, was Larry cO,nelud ed. " will y ou help? " a nd a ll account settled. IlPPL'oved by the cO llrt. In t.he case of Nuomi Montgom "It will affect all our f ut ure Th e inventory fil ed by Alfurett a ery versus R. N , Bun ch the de- H. Moss. executrix of estat e of W hap,pin ess," put in Burt on. 'It is 'o nly f air to say tha t if fenda nt is grun ted leave to tile I~ . ~oss, d e~eas e d, wns approved: you are cau ght, it is proba ble I motions, de mu rrers 0 1' other pleadRIChal'd Plel'c e Evan s a s m;:ccucould help very little. If yo u s uc- ings on 01' befo're May 15, ] 932. tor of estate of Firmun R. Evans, In ' t he Cllse olE Ca rl Way ne Mid- fil ed his il1 v~mtory. ceed my wife a nd I"- Dave npo rt glanced trimphantly tow~T d Bur- dl eton ve l'sus La ura Middlet on the The will of J Il. eph 1cCuuley, <l epLuintilf is to pay to t he defen- cea sed, wa. fil ed in court. ton- "will take care of you. " "It's a sporting chance, sir," dant, for a li mony >!Iud support of J. A. Hebule!. ' xecutoT o'f estate ~EWARE said Simmins stoutly. "You have child, $5 when he earns $15 pel' of Cythel'u Me ighen, dacen ed treated me like a gentlema n and week, $3 when he carris more tha n fil ed his inventory. ' e re moonrise the pap ers shall be $10 bu t less tha n ~ 1 5 pel' week I n the matter of appropriation a nd if be earns less t han $10 he of an ease men t fo t· highway purin our powerl" "Now, Simmin s, liste n." Larry shall n ot be obliga ted to pay uny- poses over the land of Allred C. Genuine Bayer Aspirin, the kind imp ressed th e point. " There are t hing. Bowman, et a l and necessary in The plain ti ff, Lewis & Drakc t he construction of . H. (1. C. H. doctors prescribe and millions of . two papers , One is on a single shee t of paper; the ot her is on Inc., a co r poration is to l'ecove;' No. 10 section S. Warren coun ty. users have proven safe for more sever al. I want the one on t he f rom the defenda nt, Ernest E ltz- T he defendants a rc entitled to have t ur ned ove r to th em t he than thirty years. can easily be single sheet. The other doesn't r oth, the sum 01{ $2 14.60 . In t he case olf Th e teole Mel'e- moun t, of money h cretofo t'e dematter. But if you should be in identificd by t.he name Bayer aDd any dp ubt whatever, bring th em' cl ith Company, a co rpora tion ve r- aposited in t his co urt by t he di r ecsus Grove r Young and Laura tor of highways for t he 'property both. All set?" the word genuine. And t hen Simmins was dismissed Young t he pla intiff shll ll recover so herein be'fore decr eed t o the rom t he defendan ts the s um of State of Ollio. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe from t he scene and matters w ere i$2 74.60. take n up at th e point of interrupIn t he matter of appr opr iation and sure; always the samc. 1t baa tion. Th ey wo uld not inter est us. In t he case of J . B. Clin ger- of an ellse men t fol' hig hway PU l'l1I un, r eceiver for T he In ter-Cities The campa ign of dissembling poses over t he land of Elizabeth the unqualified endorsement of went off wit h a ba ng . Grimst ead's Oil Co mpa ny versus Ta ylor Broth- Bowman , et ~ I, and n ece sa ry in pbysicians and druggists every- hOHtili ty melted easily. The inpact CI'S und Ro bert W. Tay lor an d J . tho con tr uction an d improvement where. It. doe:lD' t depress the of DavenpUJ·t 's id ent ity as a f a- Al't hu r Tay lor t hc motion of t he of S. H. (I . C. H.) No . 1 0 Sect ion ous a uthor, in stead of the me - d efe nd a n t~ f or a restl'aining order S. Wnne n coun ty, t he defendant!! heart. No htlI'lDful after-efJecla m chanic he had believed him, was the pla in t iff J ames A. Meehan 8S are entitled t o have tu rned over to tr emendo us. Th e engagement fin- Receiver fo r Tlhe In tet'-Cities Oil t hom th e amount of money herelollow its use. Neuritis Heada<:bes Co., a nd H oward Fulkel'th as tof or e dep osited in this co urt by ished him. Neura!gia Colds Dave por t was an excelle nt S heriff of Wan 'en Co un ty f l'o m the di rector of highways fo r th e Bayer Aspirin is the univenal Lumb.. ao Sore Throat match, he wa s a manly cha(1; and taking an y fu rther p roce dings to property so hereinbefore d ecr eed .antidote for pains ot all kiDda. - if Grimstead could arrange it-- enforce t he juitlgmen t h el'etofore to t he Stale 0'£ Ohio. . fJlewnaC!.m Toothache he was go ing to be immen sely r end ered hel'e in and fro m taking A. E . Cleve nger a n(1 Elizabeth wealthy. Of course he had a lot ~In y i Ult hel' 'pl'oceed ings toward E. Schu tt, a dm jnistratol's of esAIpiriJ;l is the trade-mill It of IJayer rr.ao'Jfacture of monoaccticacidester of damn-fool id ealistic notions, but t he sa le of the l'eal estate of Rob- tate of Gertr ude H. Enstman , de. o~ aalic:;licacid. all author was supposed to be ec- ert W. Taylor was overr uled. ceased, al'e orcJ erecJ to distribute The case of Ida B. Woo drey certain stocks and 'bonds to cJiscentric. versus Louis Maag was dismissed tribu tees. (To be Cont inued)
--------- -
• IS
Vote lor
XRALP:, H.CA EY Cand idate fo r
NEVER HELD A COUNTY OFFICE 11 i"expc ri e nc e in th e bu sin cs. w orld, his leJ.{tll tl'aining, his clevl'n yC lll '~ oC pl'Ilc lic lIS a luwyc r. hi!l I'ccord of ac hievement as layol' of Lebano n, und his ser vice os n publi c-spiri tcd cit ize n I'e 'omn1 ends hilll IOI' th e offic e of Probute J utl gc.
Republican Primary, May' 10, 1932
tl~a- l vi('("S,
Wool\\'ln' llehnini .. t 'll' o f ll slntll o f Laul'll Bellin i Woul win e, (\cccu scd, fil ed hi s fir: t a n d final accoun t.· The aojudicaliun anti d ·terminatili ll of the inh 'riiance lax on the (·,'llI le uf Nettie J ordan , dl: ceascd; i ~ Ii) be g'iv~n to 1111 pel'sons inte r· l·" ll:d. '1 he adj uclicnt ion 1I11d dclerminfilio ll of lh· inhcritunc ~ blX on the C t. te of nroline S. Adllms, deceased, is t o Le g iven all person s inlerested. Ilany Murphy was a ppoin'ed n pl11'aise l' of esta te of MUl'gal'el GallahCl' i.ll the place of A. P . Roudebush. A cert ified CO) y of 1.h cntry detel'mining th e inhe rita ll ce l.:lx ull t he ostate of Dora GI'J1P(,I', deceased, it; tu be cel'lified wilh out dela \' Th~ wi ll of William L. \ tlrc, dec cu,.;ed wns admitted to IlI'u oate. The will of Mal'Y ' n ndlJve l' Harley, decease d, w~ s admitt ed to pl'obate. Fred C. Bahr and Oli ve Bohr, ndministmtol's of es Lnte of LOl'en z Bahl', deceased, are ordcr ed to sell c e t' t~li n I'oal slu te a t publ ic 8.110.
$ 10; Geo rge J. Wulerho usc, services, $ 1; Ro ~s II . HlI l·tsock, s ' l'vic s, $ 1; J ames E. McC lure, burin l l!e l 'vicl' ~ , $100; W, . Gilm Ull 1', supplies, $5 ; W. C. Gilmolll' inljucBt, $1i .liO; Staku ltll Mfg. Co. , :; up pl iclO, $20 ; L. H. Brow ne J I'., 1st. Est. C " ntl'1l(~t, !J!I!l, $2 5 : C. D. ook, IU lllber, $U G. 0; Sam D. Hcnkl e. bricl~e plnns duri ng Murc h, $5:! .&U; Sam D . lI enkl(', servi ces, $01.:"5; Sam n. H nkle, wOl'k Oil Tax Plnl!i. $ 1 .75 ; W. . Be rJ.!cl lI 11. ;' crv ic es, $ 1!1. :1; Sam ' helll'cl', s{Jrvices, $ 1!i .S:l.
,- ',
I. I
Real E atat o Tra na f e n
.John W. Oa", '011 a nd Minn ie A. Dawson t o Ed. 'I'urner. 13 1.12 acres in Had a n township. Lucill e L. Clark to Waller A. hllk, GO.77 acres i ll Clenl'creek lownship. Albel·t L. EI·tel to W. H . Ertel. Real estate in Deerfield town hip. , hades F. Hitz to' l. G. Luin and Jul ia Lain. In lot No. 152 in F ranklin. , 1. G. La in...gnc.L,l ulia La in t o R. D. Hay es and Evelyn C. Hayes. Inlolj No. 152 in F rankl in. Hurry H. Eby to r. G. La in a nd Julia Lain. ] 29,36 UCl'CS in Clearl'!' ek t own ship . lI'a R. Iif to n to Will iam R. Griffi n. Rea! estate in Harla n lownship. Mae Ford Anderson to J. J . os. 50 a nd 51 in Holl11es. Inlot. Morrow . Ism el N. Hal'l'i s t o H. R. Shaw. Rea l estate in Way ne towns hip. It I'bcrt and Iin nie Ma rl att to Ohi o Bell Tlclep hone Co. Th e use of cel'tain teal estate in Way ne tow nship f ol' Jincs. Edward J . and Ed ith Ruther'ford to Th e Ohi o Bell Tele(1hone Co. T he usc of certain 1'eul esta te in Way ne t own. hip i or l i n ~s . Earl Shinn an d A da Shinn to V. Ie Hi lton an d C. L. Duke. Real estute in Clearcr ek township. Norma EI'te l t o Harry C. Erte l. 1 04 acres in Hur lan tow nship. S. M. Bue rkle t o Estella Buerkle Inlots Nos. 99 Bnd 100 in Mason. E . P. Kerby to Dudley Neal a nd Nora Neal. Real estate in Franklin. lin. Bill. Allo,..ed Book Shop, s uppli es, $7 ; J. F. Sanford, se l'vices, $ 1. 50; M. R. Hal'rison, se l'vices, $ 1 ; Wo odrow W ~il Stall age Co" suppli es, $15; OChce O utfitte ~s, supp lies, $5; Bu r \'~ ughs Addmg Machin e Co ., su pp ll es, $5. 55 ; B ook Shop, suppli es, $55.85; Columbus Blank B oo~ Co., fO I'!YIB, $ 2.85 ; Burroughs Ad dmg: Mac hm e Co., suppli es, $1; Book Shop, supplies, $55.00; Bur- . roug hs Ad ding .l\>Inchin e Co. supplies, $7.75 ; Drs. Ed w.ard and Rober~ B lai l', serv ices, $20; Mrs. E rma H l b~nr, s.uppJies, $10; Lon So ut h se rv ~ ces, $7 ; Mr s. Julia Holland' serv~ ces, $] 0; Richard Williams' ser VIces, $10 ; Albert Millard,. s er~
Foresight ~~---~ .1
for ANY BABY E ca n nevcr be lure just what makes a n infant restlCSll, but W lhc remedy can b the same. :\Iwny~
Good old astoria 1 1'1" :'s comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable prcparation, and no t the slightest harm in its freq uent use. ·.As often as Baby has a (reUul spell, is feverk h, or cnes and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe aDd quiet him. Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Sometime.'l constipation. Or diarrh ea-;-a condition that should always be cheeked without delay. Just keep Castona handy, and give it promptly. Relief will follow very promptly; iI it doesn't. you shoUld call a physician.
,,~ .
5 % Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-EU7 t erms. Also Surveyin&, and Ab. stractill g. Write and I wlll call and see you. Sam D. ·Henkl., Waynesville, Ohio. J11
====:-:;=:========= ,
F OR R ENT- Four large rooms, el(lctric lights, water in kitchen. Mrs. Susa n Payne. 820 LOST LOST- Black Kid g love with white stitching. Return to Mrs. Sad ie Conner. -a27 WANTED
W ANTE D- Papering and Painting. WOl'k g uaranteed and prices r ig ht. See Haro.ld Smith. -a27 FOR SALE F OR SALE-Jersey . Cow, E. E vans. P hone 470R, Lel:!anon. ·m4 F OR SALE- A De'eting . bin'der, . almost new, G.foot cut. Inquire bf O. J. Mal'quardt, R. D. 8; Way- , n ~svil1e , Ohio. " - a27 FOR SALE- We bav'e in the vicinit y ' of Waynesville a beautif ul small size Baby Grand Piano.. \ h lch due , to unforseen' clreumst nnces we are forc ed t o rejlosselS. :Any' responsible person can take over t his account by merely c.dft.. "', , t inuing the small payments ,of $2.75 per w$!ek. WTite or tele-_ phone Credit Manager, The Rudolp.h . Warlitzer ' Compa},, ' 88,SQuth Limestone Street. / BPriJIR.. fleld, Ohio. . '~ . Xt
'Jist Sorter Driftin' . Like Along
Great Beyond, where tbe weary are at rest, and the faithful receive their. rewards. ()If a truth it nlay be said, "She hath dOlle what s he could." If everyone :(or whom she had done a loving-ia\lor would bring a blossom to he r grave, she would lllet;p tonig ht b eneath a wilderness of flowers.
To the Republican Voters gf the Seventh Congressional District
1\11'" Ro bert andervoort, daughter JllnEt, .a nd son, Allen who D. L. CRANE I , Puhliaher SubacriptioD Pric., "1.50 a Year hav bcen vi.. iting in 'ineinnati r am seeki ng your Sllpport By Mr.. Je.. ie B. Tripp accompanied iby hel' .brother, Ho\ Office PhoDe .................. . No: 112 Elltere<l nl pO". tarrl ell at Wayn es- ' ft)!' I'l mlnatioll at t he primary Reaid_ce ...... " ........... "." .. No. 118 ,·UI . hlo, U.'k~~'d lass Mull ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' an1 ook, spf:n t W d nes(iay nig ht election May tenth for the and 'fhursday with ' hCl' fathe r, . po ' iLion or I'epresfmtative in D. oo k, bcfor r eturning to her ongre. s. Jist settin'-lIke, I' Ro rter home in olumbus. APIUL 27, 1932 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Luzyin lik e a long, Bo rn and r.eared on a farm, II'''. et.h Frost, 1rs. W. E. -= Listenin' to the bee bu zz , 1 now own a nd operate one of lo' l'o ~ t and son Mayna rd and EI' meadel' lark's s we l ~ oll g. E state of Alice Chenoweth, deIl hundred and seventy acres Guorge Fr ost attended a <\in nel' in ce~se d. in Greene ounty. 'My e<lucnhonor of MI'. Frost's aunts' 8 th Ji st 11 stl'ollin' l o n ~ like, Notice is h ereby given that tiol1' was received in t he pubbirthduy at. GI'een field I'ecenlly. Kickin' a~ the weeds ; li c schoo ls and Cedarville Miss Helen' L. Levens pI' s enteci Bel·tha EJ. Hess has bee n duly apA watchin' of the wild ird Co il ge, and I have been enTho curtailment of public construction work practically to , the A .peckin' at. the seeds. h l' mu sic ' p upi ls a nd s Lu'\cllt poi nted and q ualifi ed as Executrix vu nishing point undel' pressu r e of the economy ~omplex that is lZ'al!' rI in the practice of law in g' roups in 11 mu s ic.: ft' ::;! ivul at th e o f t he I~s tal e of Alice Chenoweth paralyzing- public administration in t his country is not only II powerf,ul 'Long the puth in hrill!, Xenia for twenty y ears. Gym l'hursdDlY eveni llg . 1 hey 'all lut e of Wal'l'cn County, Ohi o, de_'e3 se d. c1~flationuI'Y fO I·e · intens ifying the depl'ession but is the most stupid T her 's t h 'ong of mocki n' bird; acquiUeJ tb(!m>lul\'u:, .l.O pl(,ll s i l1 ~ In my law practice, 1 have Dated this lilh day of April kind d1' economy to practice. As we have repeatedly pointed o ut in mannel' and dis pillYl'd C.'\ iliClI CC 01 so und . ~o sweet and hnJl P~' , been in close touch w ith the I ~a~. t hese pages, the on ly p ossibility of promoting busin e s r ecovery is by It cardul lIainin~. PUI'l iest thing I el' rheaI'd. interests of the farmer and re l:!toring t he purchas ing power of consumers, and this means appl ying ·aJlt. and Mr..;. 'l:ur:es Carner Dean E. Stan ley, Atty. individual business man, and, W. Z. ROLL, CI dit or, currency expansion at that point in the economic circle at I jist peep in th e bu hes und lion, of FL. ]1,1), "", 'u iUlllbu s, with four years experience in Judge of the Probate Court, which it will do g O most speedily- which is in the hands of the un em- Bye the way nlong, \\ el'e :undllY IlU ·" l .i uf Mrs. the Stnte Sena te, I fe el that I Wunen County, Ohio. p luyed . Mllry Finch and 1<. ' . Ga1'l1er. A lookin' f~I' th l! l'clI hiI'd, can judge l he elf ct of proposchuu l d osed Friday with l he Public bu sin ess is almo~t th e only bu s'in ess left which can expand Fer I can hl'llI' hi ~ ;; ng'. . ed legislation as r elating to m the JlI' se nt situation unhampered by consitlerations of imm ediate ufiua l baske t dinn er, exh ibit and PUBLIC SALE _ __ the interests .of the great 'c neral good time. 1'h high school profit. Su:pe n 'ion of public constr uctio n as well as most other a s- Stro llin ' through the meatier, majority of the citizens of our will continue two weL'k s longcl'. pectS/. o.f eco nomies in public e xpenditures, is cutting olf the principa l An', r igh L therc, where I pass, Di trict. Public ~ale of Household Goods, J\1i's Elizabeth Gl' lld d~', t he re ll1alnl~g. s.o u rce of con!'; umer .purc hasi ng powel' and th e sole imm edi- Th ere l'iz n purLy fl ock of jua il a te pos.slblllly of expanding emp loym ent. hume dcmons tration lHj('ent, was on YOUI' support and vote will fro m th e long. gree n gI'llSS . Saturday, April 30, 1932 . W!ll! Jlrospects fol' t otal constrlletion fo r this year r unning about h 're We dne.'d uy a nd Thul'sday in be appreciated. A t my residen ce on Main street the inlel'ests u f gi rl s' 4-H Club th l'ce blllJ ontl below 1931, and for public improvements almost one and An , lhen I hc~ r(' tl the locu sl, in Waynesville, Ohio, beg inning work. one .!I~lf billions. below, it looks as t~ough, t~r?ugh the suspen s ion of A raspi n' of his win g~ ; Xenia, l\l isses Mabel Ilnd Margaret at 1 p. m. p ~b ! l c co ns ll'ucllOo, we shalI be addmg a mllhon workers to the' len An' heered there in the dead 1l1l 11 \On~ unemployed at. present. I Th r ee heating stovcs, oil s tove, 'tUl'l' and fr ie nd, of Dayton, wel'e Ohio rock in g chairs, 6 f olding Su nday gut! -t.s of Mrs. A mllnds Ii . Thi s is n ot on!y a calamity dep lorable from the poino of view of Lots ~~v~~hel' t.hings chairs, odd chail's, Morris c hai r, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. th e IIl tcre:;t of bu sm ess gen erally in maintaining a consumel' market ; I . '-' Stan. ])~ F. S. Tripp was da ngerously da v e n p 0 I·t, boo k case and desk, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! h IS eq ulIlly e from the po int of view ' .. I dt plorabl th' . of sound economy. We A'In 't 'IL JI" S.(, th C. Iilnes-t tlling, mav ill Tuetiday night, but i ~ better at cupboard!', 2 clocks, icc <!hest •• . In , II' (' a e Imm e d'late mental co nf uSlon of eteel manufactures T .. t 'k " '1 who spced their su le ' tl " ta k f II ' 0 JIS go PI In ong, so lid walnut 3 piece bed room suit, lhis time. . sme n on Ie sangullle s 0 se mg more struc- Goin' no place in per-tick-leI' 111 r. anti !HI·S. HoraCe St ump and brass bed, dressers, stands, l'UgS, I.ural stee l \\' I t~ serm.ons. fOI' the publi~ ear on the necess ity of cutting Whistlin' ~ orte r lik e a ~o ng! I uhllc expe lldltureR whIch now constItute almost the sole so ul'ce of daughter, and Mi ss e ~ Irma and di shes, conking utens ils, pictures, Hcvll Stump wcre here wit h rcla- chemic al toilet and one gallon s leel demund; or of automobile manufacturers who cheer attacks of 01' jist to go Rt't in the wood" chemical, lot chicken wire and tives ove r the week-end. l!rt~ r-dinn e l' sp~a k er~ on governme nta l e ytravlllgance, a large part of On a holl er log; I', hlC h hn: con SIsted III laying tracks for cars that could n ot otherwise 1111','. Emm a ' lin e Ilnd Mrs. Ida man y small articles. Or by the pond. down in the paRt'!r Term. Cash. II owe of Dayton vi!olited he re Su nh~lve becn. sf,ld: W e mllY s mile at the unconsc ious incons istency of s ub- A listin in' to u frog! LAURA SIDES ·Idi?ed li hlphullde l'~ Wh o s ig n I'e ports calling for less government in day. W. N. Sears, . A uct. bu S ill t! ' 5 , lllth Oll gh It a lonc keepR th em , in bu sin ess. Whether ~ etti n' or a str ollin', . But. why 'h<!uld n peop le in 1I country plunged into widespread Or lazy-in like alonK, ELLSW ORTH L. SHERWOOD ~~ st ress .In th e midst of a su rplus of private productive capacity and A listinin' to God's crill 1'5 lole cal.l1la l, na tLlral reso urces a nd even con sumption goods sufficient A fell er 'can't go wrong. "There is no Deat~ll What seems fo:r u.nparall eded pro spel'ity nllow ilself to be stampeded into panic and su is tra nsition; puhh~ p ~nul:y by suc~ appea ls ?' It knows that th ccomplex, fast shiftThis li fe CJ.f mor ta l breath Ing CIVIlization In which it li ves needs and will need an ever-increas- FEED CREATEST COST RALPH H. CAREY Is but a uburb of the life elysian illg amount o f soc ial e rvice provided by public improve ments made Ra lph H. Carey, mayor of LebWhose pOl'bal we call Dea t h I" neceSR81'Y by now t y pes of tr-ansportation and intensified urban conIN SHEEP PRODUCTION IInon, anno unces his candidacy for gestion . It know s that it ca n purchase these improvements now much E lh;wo l'th 1[,., only son of Frank the nominati on for judge of the more cheaply ~han ever be fore, that it can profitably draw up on its , aving's in the cost of produc in g futur e p roductive power to buy them now, and that it would be real she 'P may oft en be mad e by feed- and Mal'y E lloen hambe rlain Sher- proba te court of Warren county, eco nomy to do so. It kn ows t hat there is n o more reason why govern- ing home-grown pl'otein , says L. wood, was !bo rn in Washington subj ect to the vote at the .repubTo\vn . hip . W,ll l'fe n 0., Ohio June lican party primary Tuesday, May ment should cxpcct to cover the cost of such capital investmen ts out of current reve nues than for a private business concern to do so. Not A. Kauffman, e xten sion 8pec ialist 6, 186 1 an d e ntc l'ed into rest a t 10. He will apPl'eciate your vote on ly will thcRe improvements pay for themselves, on the same principle in sheep f or t he department of his home nea r Waynesvil le, April and support. - --~hat good road~ have, out of th e incre(l,s ing social efficiency they res ult animal hu sbandry at t he O. S. U. LV, 1!J32. ARTHUR HAMILTON Two s istel's , Eva H. and Alice, In , but they will help to pay f or themselves in the increased employFeed represents the largest si n- to whom the brothel' was gl'eatly ment, purchasing power and busincss activity UpOn which all tax reo A rthur Hamilton announces his gle item of expen se in sheep pro- devoted , died in ea rl y years. so urces are ultimately based. candidacy for the nomination for In youth, the subject of this duction. Under average Ohio conIncreased expenditure f or public improvements during depression . reelection \" the Ohio general a sIS common . ense eco nomy; itl'< curta ilment is a fOl'm of social suicide ditions, he points out, 60 to 70 s ketch exhibited an in satiable sembly, representing Warren th irst for knowledge, ofte n being Qr which a fre e, sens ible and progressive people should be ashamed. ' per cen t of the total cost of raiscoun ty, subj ect to the republican fo und abs0 1'l:Jed in reading any primary, May 10. - Editorial from The Business Week. ing th e flock may be charged to HE does.n't laak ·&evenly. Nor way rou feel that your lazy liver sc rap of paper that came to hand. /«1. that old , The woman who is agruo active, and your bowels are fee d and pasture. Hllv'ing completed the course in c:.~====~================================= . stimulates her orgnn~ can hnvc poison-free . High quality legum e hays sup- t he home che)ol, he sought further IT h TIME FOR ECONOMY TAXES MUST BE REDUCED energy that women ball her age will ply both pl'otein and mineNlls. im provement in the sciences at the Men, women, ODd children who ezrryl They Bre une xc elled for meat and National No rmal University at are run-down, who tire easily, Morris L. Nixon, of Turtlecreek wool production, keep t he diges- Lebanon. At middle-age your vitnl organs bilious spells or have frequent beadTownship, candidate for commistive tract ' in good condition, and While then~ he met Miss Cather- sioner Warren county, subject to ~ to !!low (lown . You may not Dchell. are soon straightened out pel'mit the use of large amounts ine Bundy a lady of exceptional decision of republican primary be Pc.k, simply sluggish. But why when they get this prescriptiooal of other 'farm grow n roug hages refinement a nd s uperior attain- electio n, May 10, 1932. eodure n condition of hulf-hcalth preparation of pure pepsin. active n. o. 5. U. Radio StatioD-WEAO such as corn f od der and silage. men ts, whom he later married . when therc's a stimulant that will sennl.!. and fresh laxative herbs. With a high quality legume 'hay Th eirs proved an ideal union, each stir a stagnant sy~ t e m to ncw liJe (Syrup pepsin is 'a11 the help the (R. E . Croy, Poultry Extension Specialist, Presiding) C. DONALD DILATUSH wid!'!' use of hom e-gro wn g ra in seeming a lways to live for the ad· and energy in a wcek's lime? bowels need, and you do not fonn B:00 Farm Nig ht Melody Makers oon be made. Less protein su pple- vancement Bnd hap piness of the the very bad habit of always taking C. Donald Di1atush, county Thill remarkable stimulant is B :05 Plan~in g the Potato Crop ........... " .. " " .. .. " .... " ... E. B. Tussing me nts are necessary. If it is im- other. prosecutor, has authorized QS to perfectly hannl cs.~ . It is. in fael, a ca thartics.) 8 :20 Gettmg More from Cockerels ........ " , ....... " ." ... " P. B. Zumbro po ~s ible to grow alfalia, clover, or MI'. Sherwood pursued his announce hi s candidacy for the family doctor's pres 'ri plion , So, if K eep a botlie of Dr. Caldwell's 8 :36 What Roughage f or Next Winter?. " ................ C. U. Blackman swee't clover, Kauffman suggests cho sen prof.ession of teaching, Republican nomina.tion «f pros- you're li.rcd of lryin g eve ry patcnl pepsin in the hoose, and B :50 Better Corn Cultivation .. .- ........ "." ... .... ... .. , .. " .... J. A. Slip her t hat soybeans be raised f or hay. first, in the schools of this county ecuting attorney subject to the medicine th a t Hillel:! :J long, tell syrup take a stmlU.latiu~ sJloonful every 9 :05 An Ine xpensive Camp Vacation .. " .. . ,-.... .. .. ......... Eunice Teal They are a splendid em~rgency then in a private school in Missis- party primaries, Tuesday, May 10. the druggist yo u w:Jnt a boll le of "OW a nd thcn . It IS all lhat 8 grent 9 :20 Co-Op Cattl e Mlll'keting ... . '" ... .......... .. " ....... "H. S. Lewis legume hay crop and arc especially sipp i. Later he taught Science for Your vote will be appreciated. ' Dr. Caldw('\I's ~yrllp pcpsi n. T, ke ·' wny Jleople ever take to keep Pickaway County Agent high in protein if cut wh en the a number olf years in .a private a bit of this d Iit-i ous sv ruJl e\'erv ~ lr ong nn<J vi#(orous. and absoilltely 9.35 Marking Slate Highways .. " .• " ... . " ...... '" ......... ..... ,, 11. E. Neal beans are just forming on t he pod. school for boys in .Pitt burg. rrN1 (rom "oll.~lin"tjon_ . ..to u or so. until vou know bv lh" EVERETT DOANE State Highway Department - ---Broke n in health by the arduous 9:50 The Petal Fall Spray ...... '" ........ " .... ....... " .. ....... T. H. Parks In announcing my c.a ndidacy I duti es of his work, he retul'ned in PEOPLE WARNED AGAINST 19 18 and came to his father's old wish to make this statement that Where Your Taxea Go FORCED PAY-ROLL CHECKS home in Way nesville to reside. In if elected I prom.ise to work fQr Out of every tax dollar spent r etirement, both he and his estima- tax reduction and for an honest AIRSHIP NAMED "MACON" than-air development. TJle quesLuke Brannon, resident division ble companion continued to give of and efficient County Government. in eleven Ohio counties in 1930, TO BE LAUNCHED IN 1933 tion of increasing the size of the EPAIRING ZR-5 has been referred to the deputy director of highways, is is- their store of kn owledge to any Everett Doane, ooandidate for schools required 36 cents, roads Watches and bridges used 26.7 cents, debt county commissioner, subject to all who sought them out. and House Naval Affairs committee. suing the f ollowing notice: Clocks The ZR-5 airship, now being Mr. Sherwood was bereft of his the decision of republican party at payments swallowed 11,3 cents, The U. S. S. l\facon will be the All mel'chant and bank s are Jewelry general governm ent 7.7 cents, in. built at the Goodyear Zeppelin thil'd ship in American naval ser- warned that forged pay-roll checks companion in 1924, since which th e primary election, May 10. terest on debts 6.6 cents, charities corporation plant station at Ak- vice named in honor of the city of of the State highway department time he ha d most heroically enStore Open Eveninra hospitals and corrections 4.2 cents ron, Ohio, to be chit· tened U .. S. Macon. The first was a Confeder- are being put in circulation lind dured his amiction, patiently WILLIAM HUFFORD protection to persons and pr.o perty S. Macon, in honor of the city of ate wooden gunboat, steam-pro- nre being picked up by the banks a.waiting th e call to come up CARY'S JEWELRY Deputy Sheriff William Hufford 3.6 i health and sani tation 2.4, and Macon, G~I . , is scheduled for com- pelled, mounted six /;runs and man- in the vicinity of Newark. These H i ghe~ . pletion in January, 1933. She is ned by eighteen offieers and men. are on a printed blank similar to He was affiliated with the Ma- announces his cand.idacy for the miscellaneou s 1.5 cents. Of the 'SHOP at present being constructed as a The second ship was the city of that used by the department, but sonic Ord er and ' was ~ consistent republican nominatiQn for sheriff miscellaneous item s, the amou nt of s ister ship of the U. S. S. Akron. Macon, a steel cargo ship of 8,900 are On a cheap grade of paper and and loya l m e mber of the Method- of Warren county, subject to the tax money used for agric ultural will Qf the electors of the repu bU- expension in the eleven cOllntie~ Studies have been made and dis- tons, steam-propelled, acquired by are slightly off color. Due to the ist Epi copal Church. cussions have taken place as to the the government in 191918 for use l'efliei work being done by the de- T he write r at one time was read- can party at the primary Tuesday, amounted to one-ten t h Qf onc cent of each tax dollar. possibility 011 increasing the size cargo ship during the World War, partment n large number of extm ing to Mr. She n\'ood . e lection s May 10. df the· ZR-6 from six and one-half and renamed Maeona. part-time employees are cashing {rom Whittier's Poems. Having million cubic feet to seven and W. Z. ROLL these checks in small am ounts nnd read "The Eternal Goodness," he Sowina Leu Wheat one-balf million feet, which chnnge merehants will undoubtedly suffel' I'emarked, ·".rhe faith of my dear Ua. Judge W. Z. Roll annOUMes his . . would ins ure the United States wife was embodied in that poem unless they are cautious and a loss THE MIAMI GAZETTE candidacy f or the republican Fl!ty thousand American farll1keeping in the forefront of lighteralld it has bc!com e my faith also." have the payee properly identified. For Reaulta nomination for reelection as l eI's IIltehd ed early lust month to judge of the Warren County s ow 21 pel' cent more barley, 7 -=-A nd so beside the Silent Sea probate (ourt subject to the pel' cent more oats, plant about r. wait the mumed oar ; voters at the republican party the sam e umount of COI'D and soy-, No harm from Him can come t o me primary Tuesday, May 10. Your beans, 22 per ce nt less tobacco, On ocean o r on s hore. support and your vote will be sin- i and about :2 pel' cent mOI'e potacerely appreciated. toes. I know not where His islands lift Theil' fronded palms in air; ~~~~~~~~~~~ E. J. BEEDLE I only know I can not drift BeYGn d H is love and care. We are authorized to announce Phone 78J the name of E. J. Beedle, of Union A~c1 Tho u! Oh Lord I by whom arc Township, as a candidate for re,t\\\)\ \\\tl\ tt.W)UCO seen elec tion to the office of County Thy cl'eatllre' as they be Commissioner, s ubject to the de,'(()\\\t,. ~~.,~ 1\\Ul Forgive me if too close I lea n cision of the Repbulican Primary My human heart on Thee. election, May ] 0, ] 932. M~"'t'U9..~· ,,~, • ~t
===================:::;:=====::z::===__ Economy and Common Sense
Where Dc- Sbe Get Her "Pep?"
----- ..----
Political Announcements
Farm lvight 7alks, Mav 2
----_.. -
Odd-. But TRUE
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
tQU~'t ()' ..~'ft QUl\\'()',
Cari!l of ThaDIu W e wish. to thank all relatives and fri e nds for their kindness during the illn ess a'n d death of Oll r fri end, Ell sworth L. Sherwood. John Adams and Family
bUt.\~' .,.\()U ~ 'oo~ Of h\"~V ~O\)\~~\) ~Qi~" ,,\\t:~llGtc;"t \~ f~tttt \)\)M~~ G~~\)M{)lUI.
~ tUll\\E.~~
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calvef to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and progressive firm ' for the highest market prices and good service. UnioD Stock Yarela' Cincinnati, O. Tune in on Radio Station WCKY , E. B. MURRELL 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily E. B. Murrell; county treasurer, market reports. allthorizes us to announce his candidacy for nom inati on for county treasurer for a second term suhject to the republi can primary, FOR SALE DATES CALL . Tuesday May 10 .
'" Ottt '(\\\\\' '<aU ""~ G~lij)~ f\)\l.. ~\~\)\\tl " ~\\. W\,t tW\.~" COO\'I.
Harv'e Ylbur, Fertilizer Comp~DJt
Sarah E;lIen Fiscus, daughter of Abraham and Thursy ~iscus, wa s born at , New Hope, OhiO, ~n October 19, 1846 , one of a famtlY PHONE IFS of two sons a nd fo ur daughters, of whom Mary Bel1~ Mills is now the only one surviving. CL YDE C. COLLINS HARVEYSBURG, OHIO She was u nited in marriage to Clyde C. Collins announces his '. Thomas L. Wardlow, a civil war candidacy f or nonll nation for veteran, who died in 189S: Her clerk of co 'I'ts, subject to the relife was spent in the vicinity of publican primal'Y eleetion on Tu~s her birth un ti l 12 years ag-o when daY,e May 10. JESSE STANLEY s he came to W.a rren. 'County to make h'o r hOlille witJt, a greatniece; PLoa. 320, New BurliDltoD, O~io ALLEN HUFFMAN Ml'!l. E;tl'l Crawford. . Ilaving no ' children of her- own AII~n Huffman announces h,is _ EARL KQQGLER Rhe s pent her, long life in servi~e candidac'y for nomination for I'e· . Dayton PhoDe to others, and more thana dozen election to the ofrlce oC ' county orJ'haned .. children looked to her recorder, ubject to the republican K.E Dmore 8986 a t he· !lnly mother they knew. . p~imary election on Tuesday, . O\\'~g to i'njul'ies s ustained , hi ~ay 10, . ,1982. , a fall, she Was 'unllble to walk for the post 12 years, and her daYI HA'yES c. KEEVE.R '. ,were spont in a wheel chair. > With"n her frail body dwelt a Hayes C. Keever, of Ll¥bjlnon, 1lrI0TARY PUBLIC. Ilreat soul~5tentle, kindly, cheer- ~hio, . solicits your support for his NI, uocQmplalning, sustained ,.by nomination a8 Commisilionel' of ·N.ttoDa1- BMk a ~eten'e ·f aith. In the small honn Wi'u'ren Co~nt1, subject to the de01 he .m. orning of April 11, 19!!;2 dllion ot the 1tepubUc~n PtlmaYy lWUIa Dra.. • • E,......·. SettW'I. . . . . . . hor spirit took ..~ ftlabt to' UHIt Election ·1\I.)' 10, 1981, W~YNQ,V.~
Dead Stock Wanted
W. D. CORWIN W. D. Corwin, Salem township announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for reelection to the office of county commissioner, subject to the primary, Tuesday, May 10.
Stanley &Koogler Auction~ers
~i Cf\""D\"~ \.b\"~ ~'t 't~t
1:_ ....-
cattt\."~f. ~\\) ~,
IOn~ ""'''' "(0 ~t
U$t .
1\\"" 'tt~£,
U\a. ,,\t• •'~' \lOA
,.IQ .,
Our Ideal of Service
What a r Ii 'f it 'j in the udd en confu ion of ber a ment, to be able to all upon someone who knows what hn to b dOll fwd how to do it! What a en e of mfol't it gives to shif,t t he bW'den of practical details onto t.h shoulders of an experi enced ,' thoughtfu l friend! 'l'hat is the ideal whi h has inspired the evolution of the mod ern funel'al dire tor. He is more than a m re merchant or master of ceremonies. Combining e.·ec ut ive ability with the p ronal 1'e pon, ibility of th~ prof ssional man, he offer true oun. el and in\ ites fu II con fid cnc . A nd that is the ideal which this organization, in IL humble woy, seek to rea li ze. We shall not consider our service a . uce S~ unless we have lightened the burden of thosp. inorrow.
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Q. C'. Dibert, Pastor
J. E. McCLURE Phone 7
Waynesville, Ohio
Wedne.day; Bible study 'llnd prayer meet.ing at. 7 :15 p. m . Thi s Wll 'k wc will study the parable of "The Cruel "\ ine Dresse r," and 'The Rejected omer Stone." hoi r pract ice at 8 ;00 p. m. • ulldny: ~unday sc~ oo l at 0 ;3 0, r h,Opthut. Ip OI:35. a. m. !\tol'nbl.n g 1\"?N ermoll s u Ject, r 0 er ace to Go." Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. ' At ;00 p. m. we will hav ste reopticon pictures of Rom~lIlce of hurch, Exten!libn." The ,tory of the extension of the hris tilln hurch plII'allcls the sLory of th' <levelopm nl of o ur count ry. With the se tling of 11 IV communities came the building of new churches. Tlle public is heart.ily invited to attend any 01' all of t h ese mee tings WA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Undenominational) Chester A. Williamson, Minister Church School at 9 ;30 a. m. Sunday will be Boy's Day. A part of the observan ce of National Boy's Week. Como and ~e how lhe boys conduct a hu rc h School se rvice. L o rd' ~ Supper al conclu s ion. Chri slian Endeuvor at 6 :115 p. m. Ernes t Woolard. Leader. Even ing eVollllgelistic se rvice at 7 :45 p. m. ermon ,~ ubjeeG. "Temptations." Prayer Meet ing and Bible tu lly each Wedm!!'I day at 7 :30 p. Ill. We are now studying t h(' book. of Acts - the thl'illing stol'Y of the begi nning and early days of the church. S hort choir III'actice at conclu sion. The churc h where you feel at hOllle.
NEW LOW PRICES! Lifetime Guamnleed
Meeting of Short Trail.,.A ssociation The Revolutionary hOi·t. TJ'ail JI met at Lebanon lusl Wedlle day was lVell attended, and the me Ung was a sp irited one. . Aftel" lu ncheon . W. Merrill, Ohio direct l' of highway s was in MI'. and ~ II·!\ . Glenn Frye, of h'oduced to t he u$:>emblnge and in Duyton, wert' the we ek·ond guests bl'id a11d hun\ol'ou s talk expressof ,Mr. ,. W. FI"ye. d hi s dppt' 'c iatio n of the cooperation which had been afforded his TUlle in on the C. & D. progTnm, department by the mem bers of the station WKRC every S unday aSl:;ociation. MI'. ~el'J'ell ~hen pl'Oaftel'noon at 5:30 . cced etl to th~ bu 'lIIe s of the day Dr. :In tI II's. R. 11. Vance and :lnd .made hiS ~~nollncement. I'e-, SO li If I' loasullt Plai n' wure Sun- !l'llrdlllg the dCCISIOIl olf. the hlg h\~,ay d pa ,'t menl t? deSignate the day ~ue~b; of 1\[1'. anli Mrs. J. hlgh\\'ay fro m .. '[oledo t!Il'ough Hawh.! \ . I el'l'ysbu l'~, 1· lndla y, . Kenton, Bell?fontnl~le,. Urbana, pr l ngfi~ld 1IIr~, NOlla B gan und Mis. Mary Xcmfl, W,lnllngton, F~\yettevdle K cever. of 1I111$on, wCl'e Snturduy A berd en to the OhIO nver at g u~ ~ ts r II'. und 1\'1 rs. Weymel: a1IInd aYI>~;,1I , J.<y:, H!; tutc .Route o. Drul,c. J,O , \~' IIIC~, It IS hopcd Will later be M I' ~ . J ohu Thomson returned to tle~ 11\ With Federal Roule No. 68, ~\'Illch proceed s ~ outhward to Lexher home hero Saturduy. after IIIg to n. Ky., and t hence to Atlanta, ~pe l\ di l\g th e win te l' wi t h her Gu. i\11'. lIIe .... eli further explained dallghtel' in Duyton. thnt it wo uld be quite impossible to dcsignate th l! 1'0 U Ie 25E as the Th e \..... C. T. U. will meet at fcd e rlll hi/d\\\'ay co mmission has the hOllle C)'f Mr ~ . ,I. L. Mendenhall ru led against s uch procedure. Thur ~ day ut'tern lJ on, Apl'it 28. A Her u len gthy debate the asEveryon e wekume. soc iation decid,ed to sta nd by its . original purpose of adverti sin g A. W, Dyer, pubhs hcr of th e and promoti ng the route fr om T o.'outh 'harl c~t n Senlinu l, was a I I('d o to Xen'ia, known as State we lcome caller at t he Gazette I Houte No. 1U and from Xenia tu office, M o ndR~' afterno on. Cincinnati, kn ow n as U . S, Route as~uciati n whi
Mrs. Clarence Allen nnd ' son, PI·eston . Mr. larunce Cl'U dd ock and son, of Dayto n, !lpellt Sunday with 111 r. nn d Mrs. L. D, hile ~.
N . -12.
- -
The Council of the Villaee ~ Wa:Olesville hM ()l'dcred that the Thl! motion for 11 ite\\, trial in II wing places RhaJ\, be designatthe ca~e of the tate of Ohi9 VC1'- d as places for holding elections s us , EI'nest J. SeJlers, of FI.' ankTin, on the tooth day 'ot May,. 1932: Village of Wayn ville- North indicted on a churgc of rna'nRI ~('c inct. Fire F.nlClnc hQulle, Tyler S ltlll ~ h tcl', WII S 01' rr uled. by t.; 'ou.th Precinct, how Roum ?I Judg , . B. Dechant, in 'Common cnll'al Gal'llge, at corqer of Main pleas court, {onday morning. and Miami treet. R. F. HATFIELD, , Judge De~hant the n 'llnnounced Village Clerk. that the court had tl ecided upon a suspended impo~iiion of sentence on cO lldi ~iqn that cllel'5 r epo l'tto the state probal,ion officer once t'lvery t hirty dn y., and ordered fUI·thel· that ellers pay th e cos ts of prosecution. My. and Mrs. Jo e Pennewitt SeJlers plead ed g uil t y to lhe s pent Satu l'day in Columbus. chllJ'ge of driving an automobile 111 r. Will Poff is spending a few whil e intoxicated . which indict- days ip Dnyt n this week. l11ent was I'eturned by the' grand 1I'h'. and MI·s. Carl Dakin are jU I'Y at their last session. Judge PI'OUe! parents of a so n, Edward Dechant sente nced Sellel's to s ix Lee , born last W ednesday. llIouths ill the ounty jail on t his lilt·. alHi Mr!!. Hi ley GIbson and count and suspended his driving lights fOI' n period of six months rnmily spellt Monday evening with MI', alld Mrs. Tim Smith and nfter his release from jail. fa mily'. Miss Thelma Morgan and friend of Dayton Ilnd Ml's. Dol'll Morgan, BASE BALL SUNDAY of Mt.. H ully. spe nt Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Opening day at Wayne Park Dunnell. Su nday, May I, Wh e n the CincinIIb-. Ra ymon d Davis. Mr. Ray· nllti Stock Yard s l earn will play mond Rette r, Mr, Charl es Green, hero. The A. 's . will have one of the of Da yton. took suppe,' with MI'. ~est ball clubs in the county, h<lV- lind Mrs , I-liloy Gibson and family IIIg ngood battery. cOll1po ~e d of Friday evenin g. MI'. and Mrs. Frank Hartsock Mike Weller, Anken y nnd Wright ,Jo hn Gon!! will get h is ou tfit to attended church se rvice Saturday c licking together and there will be Ilnd Su nday at. Middle Run. rcal action. Ml'S. Everett Bunnell and Mis/i Th e W. A. C's. will book all good S te lla Gib son spent Thursday fll~t teams for the season , Games aft rnoon with Mrs. Frank Dakin cOl lied at 2:30 p. m, sharp. and family.
.. - ------
Tho effort to aid the unemployJ\'1es rs L. II. Gordnn , W . E, ment : ituation by pushing work on Cornell an d W. S. Graham attend· public projects, which naturally cd 1\ mec'l ing of towlI ~ h ip trustees lIece - ~ il!\tes the emp loym ent of and cl erk" at Loban on lu st Thu\"- muny inexpCl'ienced men is reflectday. ed in the industl'inl accid cn t sta Supe~twlst Cord Tires ti stics of the state for March. CASH PRIC£S !\'II'. alld Mrs. H . B. Ea l'llhurt T h rccol'd s hows a marked rePrice Baeh In Pull an j dllughter who have been 10- duction over th e cOl'l'esponding Tub. 01 Each PIIin O'..... lze cutedin ' olu mbus . hav returned month 0'I last year, in both accian d tuk en up , theil' re ~ i d e ncc in dent frequency lind severity, t here 291:4.40-21 _ .._ ...... ~.9S .9. o rwin. bei/lg 2,243 fewe,· accidents li nd 191:4.. 50-20 _.,...__ .. 4.~0 4 •• 7 .9. 3h1.S0-21 _ .. _ . 4.37 .a.a) •9 • nine less fatalities . ST. MARYS CHURCH Misses Louise, Ma ry and Anna The most prolific SOUl'ce of accil8xt 75-19 _............ ,.1::& 4.97 I .94 Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector . 19x-l.75-10 ...._ _ . ,.20 S.04 •9. Lee rlln, Messrs. Gilhe rt Frye dents during the month was hand1~h5 . CoQ 19 ..._. __ . S.H S.U 1.00 Sunday, 'May 1. hUl'ch sc~o l and John Pyle, wel'c SUppOI' g uests , lin g objects, which r es ulted in 30Jr~.OO-20 _ ....... '·4f f.a9 1.14 at !l:30; sermon and Holy Co m· of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud, 2.1a2 cases of injury and nine fa1.16 31x5.00-1I .._ ..... S.7::& Sun day evening. talities,. munion .at 10 :30. 21!:tS.23-18 ........__ . 6.15 1.97 1.02 Warren county had during the 31:1:5.25-11 ....._ ..... t.t, 6.4) 1.16 Th e b , t watch with a poor month, 64 injuri us, of which none FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST· 3Ox3~ Reg. Cl •.... _ 3.51 ~.4. mainspring will not keep good proved fatal, 6 caused over seven (Undenominational) time. We usc only Genuine days lost t ime, 4 seven days 0 1' Chester A. Williamson. Minister Springs pf fin est quality. Cary' s less and 64 medical cases causing no time loss. The tota l time loss to Church School at ' 9 :30 a. m. J ewelry, Shop, Lebunon, Ohio. Lord's Supper and Sel'll1 on at 10:county workers for the month as Mr. Riley 'harp an s istel·s. the re sult of accidents was 577 30 a. m. Sermon s ubject, "Balit ism and the Highest SpiritUali t y.' Misses Fanny and lIIinnie Sharp, days. ' You are 1Ilways we lcome at this and n e ph ew, Roger B. harp, of The Sufety Congress program Falmoul;h, Ky., s pe nt Su nday and will e mbl'llce dnily general sessions church. Monday with Mr. and Mrs: T, S. and nineteen distinct gro up meetayn~sville, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH , Hardin and family. GOOD USED TIRES $1, $1.50 up. Expert Vulcanizing ings, which will be addressed by notuble in the fi eld of accident '.... - -~,~- - _ . - . .....~~.-..I....~~'- _~ I(. Rev. Fortman Mr. and MI·s. Joseph Myers, of '!!!"'!~~~~~~~~~!!!"!!~~~~~'!!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~.!!!.!!!.~. First and Third S unday Mass at Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Earl prevcntio~ _w?,:.k:Tune in Goodyear Radio Proantml 8 :00 a. m. Second, Fourth and Stang, of Dayton, Miss Phyllis Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10 ;30 a. m. Ras low, of Mercy hos pital, Hamil- OUTDOOR RESTORATION Sat. -------.-~ -----ton, ,we re guests of Mr. and Mrs . MEMBERS TO MEET WILL REMOVE TO CORWIN J. E. McClure, on Sunday. At a meeting of the Outdoor Yourex Silverseal SilverwareThe Archdeacon Sales Company New low prices. This will please Restoration a sociation held Monwill, after May I, remove their our mallY cu!!tomers who want day night in the Miami hotel, Dayoffices to the old Grange building " The best" in Silverware. Cary 's tQ n, John P. Nass and Dr. O. B. in Corwin, where Mr. Howard J ewelry Shop, Le banon, Ohio. Kneis ley were named members of • • • • Archdeacon will be glad to wela comm ittee to represent the- ascome all his old friend s and many s ociation at a m~eting with Harry W. N. Seal's rece ived a tele• • • new ones. phone ' message Tuesday night n o- Meenach, chairman of the stream pollution .committee of the Izaak tifying him 'Of the death o'f his • • • mother, Mrs. John Sears, of Walton league to be held next Rossburg, Darke county. Mr. Sears week for the pm'po e of discussing • and family left this morning for the enforcement of laws regal'din g the pollution of streams. Rossburg. Approximately 300 delegates Mrs. C. W. Albrig ht of Waynes- Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. from the wes tern part of Ohio atville spent Thursday with her tended the meeting. • • • • BY HAVING YOUR daughter, Mrs. Kesler Graham. Six delegates were elected members of the executive board of the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton • • • HEALTH DISCUSSIONS LAWN MOWER association. They were Dr. A. B. moved from Hamilton Saturday to of Bradford, Robert Friend property here in Lytle known as SHARPENED BY Miss Catherine Gibbon s, W.ar- Lower Waynesville, John P. Nass of the Rudd property. I'en county health nurse, and Miss of MACHINERY ' Miss Mary Savage went on a Eli zabeth Graddy, home d emo n- Dayton, D\,. O. B. Kneisley of Waynesville, Ohio sc hool tour to Dayton and Middle- tI'ation agent, attended an all-day Dayton, Charles Hatch of Piqua and Clyde Wharton of Lytle. town Wednesday. Shop'i. located in Mrs. Su.... Payne'. Barn. meeting at Hillsboro Thursday. Making mowing a real Mr< William Pence of SpringThe meeting included represenpleasure instead of a boro spent Saturday at t he home tatives from ' H~bland, Brown, DEATHS drudge. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick,. Clermont, A'~1iIs tind Warren and Mrs. Alina Kenrick of Way- counties and was in nature an inMrs. Sarah Louise Jessop died Next time your mownesville was their Sunday dinner formal discussion of health probat the home of her daughter, Mrs. er needs sharpening, guest. lems which confront the workers Charles Boerstler in Norwood, Mrs. Mary 'Marshall is 9n the in these counties. bring it to us and we Sunday morning, April 24. sick list at this time. will make it cut so Funeral services were held in Mr. Elbert Wallace is building a the M. E. church at Harveysburg nic", that it will surGOOD BASS FISHING small room at the side .,of his groTuesday afternoon. Interment in prise you. cery store, for a barber shop, for During the past \veek several Miami cemetery. Mr. Votaw the barber. Mr. .and Mrs. Ed Longacre, Mrs. nice blass have been taken from Margaret John s and Mrs. J. B. Caesars creek and the river. Ben George R. Lewis, 83, a retlTCd Davis came in Thursday with six farmer, died at 2 ;20 p. m. Monday Jones spent Friday in Dayton. The young folks of this com- pounds and other fishermen report at the home of his son, Alvin, in munity tendered Miss Mary Young good catches., Harold Osborn took Zimmerman, Ohio. u surprise party Saturday evening one, Sunday, that weighed 4 1-4 He is survived by two sons, pounds, this being the largest one Alvin and Morton E., of Harveysin hon or of he r 15th birthday. reported so far. Messrs Robert Friend and burg; 'four sisters, Mrs. Lucy Zimmerman Bldg. Waynesville, Ohio The seaSOn closes May 1. attended fish and Naylor and Mrs. Alice Lindsay of ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Clyde g.ame Wharton mceting in Daytona Monday '.... Lebanon; Adelaide Clemens, Ore. evening:~go nia, and Rebecca Lafferty of Cincinnati; two brothers, William -==:::r:========================~1 Mrs. Edith Andrews of Route 5, ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones attended, ' of Lebanon, and Abraham of Mid. dletown; 11 grandchildren and ten Eastel'n Slar in spection at WayneRvill e Wed ncsday even ing. grea t-gl'a n d dhildl·cn. Funel'al serv ices ' will be held Mr. and MI·s. Glenn John s and chi ldren. Paul and Vivian , of Dayat 2 p. m. Thursday from Friends' :.. church in Harveysburg. Burial in ton wC.I'e lI!1day dinner guests of C~lrpenter Harveysburg. Mrs. Mal'goaret Johns. , "G.lvanne.I,d"lnd Thl. OrdInary : §I~1tII MI', and Mrs. Frank Rogers visA P .•. p. flnel hllf 90nl. : ited the lutter's si:;;tcr, Mrs. Eberly t reVal lng rJcesFrank B. Gustin, 62 yea'r s old, of Copper Bearing Th. : Farqllhal', who i ill with the Terms to Suit Blanch ester died Monday morn. Winner of the "GeIYlnnl.lacI" : mump s at her home n ar Ridgeing at the home of his daughter .hown oPpolltl : ville. 1;1('1' mother, Mrs. Lottie Mrs. Mi nnie Rehse, in East Fifth Gulf of Mexico .lmOit 900d • Carey is caring for' her. • • I street, Franklin, Ohio. Death was II new. • , Mr. and Mrs.•Tohn Myers and caused by pneumonia. Mr. Gustin, Weather Tilt da ug hter of Dayton spent Sun- Bo,;: 85 \\7~o;.r;~C r.·\ :!~ c , with his I ·ifl> , "am n tn th .~ rbU<"'hPicture from IIctual pbotoday afte rnoon a nd evening with J tc~'~ home on Sunday. Besides the paphe of roUa taken da,no (or Mr. and Mrs. Ke"lel' Graham. , widow he i ~ urvided by two I tIIIpment, after teat. ' MI'. and MrR. H. D. Kellison of (huqh!.m·!l . .MJ's. Harold Her.se ll Vandalia called on Mrs Geol'l?ianna _____ _ ._. _ .. ,_ ... IIeai' l\~ !aIlIl Sb tl r,g" and Mrs. Reh!'~, Haines nnd M1', and MI·s. Walter a I LI','o 1:. 'oth " 1', William Gu stin II! Waynes ville, a nd Harvey Gus- , Kenri ck We.dn esday afte rnoon. on ' their way to the Eastern Star bant I!'. n f fl , ~·ton. Funeral ~ervices quet at Waynesville. wol l bt! hf' ld at 2 :30 o'cIoclt Wed- ' MI'. George Sin e, aged 76 years ' no ;! .a~· .' rtel'n1)r n at the Mt'thodist I , of t he Dayton pike nellr here, died FOR SALE ),ti "ch :;t Re.] Lion and intcr ment l W o ~r es.d ay, nfter a li ngering ill- - -- - ___ "t ill 'f! l11ad ~ in the Springboro ness. Funeral se l'vice was Satul'- FOR SALE- Goofl non -elec tl'ic ccrrcte ry, ' radio, :lew t:iJcs, batteries, $I;.- ! ' , ' --:--- '- - - - day afternoon at the residence and interment was at Memorial PU1'k 50. 216 Mo.ltemy Ave., Oakwood. CENT COVE R S MANY MILES,' Ceme t ery. lJorth of Day to ri. Dayton. , ' a27 1 Mr. and Mt'S. Floyd S_avage. Mr. ~ and Mr . Allen 'Emrick, Ml·S. ,Kes- FOR SALE.,-50 fc et brand new The average Ohio county agri-, .t beCiUle It Goodyear Rubber Garden Hose I cul t ural agent travels approxiler Graham and ," c\ati~hter, Miss ~. , Bernice, and Mrs. Margaret Johns in two 25 feet len thSi Nozzles In,ately 1500 miles a month about attended the class play at Waynes- and . all complete. ~ever' used. I, hIS cou nty to conduct meetings" ville 'gym Thursday e.vening. Also G.al:den Plow -good as , "ew. 1~old. 1!onfer?nces 'with farm organ- . ~is Ruth Linne-man and ~oy Each altlCle cheap. Mrs. J ; V. l lznti0!l!l, ':'Isit . farm homes refriend of D!lytori spent Thu,r sday Hill'tsock, ,Second street. questtn~ h'is services and further vdth her gralldparents, Mr. and ~.,.... the agriculture of his county in Mrs. Henry Foulks. - other ways. M,-. and MTS. Emery Charleton WANTED - -----...and Orville Pbillips were dinner -----:. - - . - -.- - - - Farmers in tbe United States guellte Mondav of the former's WANTED-- Muddle-aged woman' raise more tban twice as many brother, LQn 'Charl~ton and family for ho W. M. Doctor, I chickens "as any other coontJ-y in
~' - " ----'--"--'-'--'---'---'-'i"
Now is the time to refinish that roomo High grade sun-tested papers now seiling as low as 10c roll. 150 patterns to choose from, all carried in stock. See these new modern designs for kitchens, living rooms, etc.
S to 2Se roll
Service Station
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 47
Wall Paper
t Phone 82
Make Your La~n.' Beautllul
No. 6·7 No. 4·5• No. 3·2 ' Removals,·each • PLAIN WORK Painting Sharpening
$2.40 2.20 2.00
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RED BRAND FENCE -_.. ---_....
Paper Hang.·ng Interior Decorating Work
DEStan dOfor d I o.
flf l
Late CJlaSS)°fied AJ98.
Per haie • • $1;.00 Per square. • $4.00
rrhese Shingles are the Hunt!ngMerritt l~ertified ,Brand, the hlgh.est ,quality of Red .~,edar Shingles.
man'ufact'ured___ ': ',
eo. .....
, ..,.Ions-,.
.• Madden's LumberYard'~ ' Phone 14
Wayne8~iUe, Ohio
at Morrow.
·027 t the wOl'ld.
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Numper 601%
MAY 4,1932
ATTEND ORDINATION Rev. and Mrs. John J. Schaeffer, Mrs. Anna Cadwallader. Mrs. Edith M. Harris and Miss Mame Brown were present at a n ordination se rvice in Mt. Mary's Episcopal church at Hillsboro, Monday mOl'Ding. The candidate to' be ordained to the priesthood wus the Rev. Luman James Morgan; the presenter, Very Rev. Chades E. Byrer. D. D.• of Bexley Hall, GaJT1bier, Ohio; preacher, the Rev. Phil Porter, D. D., reclor of Christ church. Dayton; and the ordaining bishop , Rt. Rev. He nry Wise Hobso n, D. D.• bishop of So uthern Ohio.
A dell I was consummated during past week in which the ownersnip 01 lh e glocery sto re operate~ 1(/L' the past 1$ year.s by Fl'ed, Baroard pa ~se d into the hands of Wm. Juhll~on, who for 12 years has ueen the proprietor of a grocerA' and general st I'e in Springboro. 1\11 '. John son. who took possession 01 the Jocul slore Monday, has Dl!cn un ardent supporter {)f community uttairs in Springboro, and will undoubtedly show the sa me interest in. Wayn !lville. The new owner uf the Waynesville store is married and has two children, Lanol'a, who is a Junior at Ohio University, Athens, 0 .• and Elaine, age 7. An al'dent follower, of sports Mr. Johnson has given the as,;Ul'ance thab he will back all local uthletic team, and other worthy e nd ea vors in which the community as a whole is interested. Fred Barnal'd, who hus made many friends in Waynesville, has taken charge of the Springboro store. th~
The Waynesvill e .A. C's. won their nrtlt game of the season when WA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF they defcated the incy Stock Messrs. H. M. Shenvood and MI·s. E. C. Crane and' children Junior·Senior Tour CHRIST Yards Indian s by a score of 6 to Carl Serv is were bu siness visitors Un.der the supervision of Super- spent Tuesday in Dayton . (Undenominational) 4 at. Wayne Park, S unday afterin Dayton. Monday. intendentl Lotz, R. F. Hatfield and noon. Ramby and Hough starred Chester A. Williamson. Minister Misses Trillena and Margaret J. B. Crabbe, the Juniors and Edwards were Lebanon visltor!4 at bat, the for mer with a home ChuI'ch Schoo l at 9 :30 a. m. A Tune in on the C. & B. program, Seniors toured to Dayton Wed- today. run und u douule in four times at station WKRC every Sunday !\I other' s Day Program will be nesday, April 27 . They were bat. Hnd the latter with two sinpresented. Lord's Supper at conafternoon at 2 p. m. shown through the N. C. R., the gles and II double. Ramby ulso clu sion. Christian Endeavor at R. C. (ltex) Williamson is reDuyton und MO'raine plants 0'1 the covering fl'om 11 severe case of drove in lwo I'uns and scored t wo Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were 6:4& p. Ill . Earl Woolard. Leader. [o'l'igidaire and the Wright Flying "flu." more him sdf. Gons and Compton Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Evening. eva n ~e list ic service at Field. About forty five students pulled u pretty double play. und 7 :30 a. m. Special "Mothers Day" Mrs. J. P. Fromm and family. went on this' trip, students and Ellis did some fancy base running. Clocks at half price. A "Gifty" features. includillg a short pageant teachers furnishing the cars. Ankeny, the new pitcher, struck Gift. Cary's Jewelry Shop, LebMrs. O. R. Unglesby spent sev- an d a 'Mothel'lI Day" sermo n enOn Wedn esday, May 4, there anon, Ohio. out nine opposing batsmen. The eral days last week in Lebanon, titled, "The Greatest Among Us." will be unother of these tours to team plays at ubn. Ohio, ncxt" the guest 01' Mrs. G. F. Brown. . Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Ci ncinnati where the ooys wi~ Sundny. The score. Mrs. FI'ank Stansberry and each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m., folvisit the incinJlati Stock Yards daughter. Miss Mary. were DayMrs. C. M. Robitzer . and Mrs. lowed by a short choir practice. , ClNCY TO CK YARDS ami the girls the Rookwood Pot- t on visitors Sunday. Ray Mills visited friends at New The -c hurcll where you feel 'at AB R H PO A E tery. All will visit the Kahn Burlington, Monday aftel·noon. home. <1 1. I 7 1 0 Hi cks, c Packing '0 .• and WLW. $7.00 permanent now $4.00. May term of court was inaug- Humig. 2b <1 0 I 2 3 0 . Thi ~ is the third of a series of MI'. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer Shampoo and fingel' wave. e xtra. urated Monday ' when the new Sc hoU. 3b . . <1 0 2 1 0 0 ~T. MARYS CHURCH eli u(' lIiiollll l tours sponso red by the 'l'ruax Beauty Shop. and Myer Hyman and family Reese, p .. 4 0 1 0 0 0 J. J. Schaeffer, Rector. Rev. co unty grand jury ::;tlll'tcd it'! det eh",, 1 of Waynesville. Hpent Sunday at the Reservoir. Wulfol'st, Ib <1 0 0 4 0 0 Muy 8, Sunday ufter Ascension, Mr. Curl Wells, of Columbus, liberations. rf ... .4 0 0 a 0 0 Sophomore Part,. was the guest of Mr. und Mrs. The name of grand jurors who Penning, Tune in on the C_ & B. program, Church scho ol at 9 :30; Morning cf 4 0 0 7 0 0 are serving during the term ane! Gales. station WKRC every Sundsy P1'Ilyer and sermon at 10 :30. Rev. The Sopho mores will entertain Ll'slie Beck, Sunduy. Roy, If 2 1 1 0 0 0 Karl Nybladh, rector of Christ which were drawn some time ago afternoon at 2 p. m. the high school Friday e vening, I 0 0 0 0 0 church, Xenia. will preach. Tune in on the C. & B. program, by Clerk of Courts George L. • Ha!fI!Y Muy 13, BrOnJlel', :8 4 2 1 0 1 1 station WKRC every Sunday Schenck are as follow s: Lee Lemmon hu s purchased th e afternoon at 2 p. m. F. W. Wadswo rth, Bess ie Anderbuilding known as the Napol~on FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST T otals . 35 4 7 24 5 1 Junior-Senior Banquet son, Aaron Brafman, and J . C. ( Undenominational) Anthony carpenter shop from Messrs. W. E. O'Neall and O. Patterson, Turtlec reek Township; · Raf ey butted f or Roy in 9th. • Warren county friends, neigh- Raymond Conner and will u se il , Cheater A. Williamson. Minister The Junior-Senior banquet FribOI'S and supporters of Clarence J. day evening, May 6, promises to R. Unglesby arrived home, Mon- Mary Todhunter, Union Townsh ip; Church School at 9 :30 a. m. A llrown, candidate for tbe nomina- for a \yorkship. W. A. C. George White, Deerfield Township be the big ' event nf the' year. dayfrom' a trip to the South. Mothers Day Program. Lord's Day E tion for gwvernor in the RepubliA Edvo"ard Hill, Hamilton Township; AB R R PO Everyone is preparing to have a and sermon at 10 :30 a. m. Sercan primary, May 10, paid high For Sale-Butter, 25c a pound; Anna Hartley, Franklin Township; Welle!r, c . .. 4 I 2 9 good time. mon subject, "Mother, Home and sweet separated cream. 80 cents Anna Joseph Davis, Lu t i Tichenol', Mendy .• 2b . 4 0 2 4 2 . 0 tl'ibu~e to the present Secretary of Heaven." You are always welcome quart. W. E. Stroud, phone 44R2. Mary S. Haines, Flol'ence Collier, Harts.o ck. ss .. 4 I 0 1 ~ 0 State in an enthusia,stic rally neld W. H. S. Talce. 4th Place at this church. Massie Township; Elmel' Sheehan, Gons, i.lb ..... 4 0 1 3 1 2 at th e Lebanon opera house Monnight. W. H. S. placed 4th in the i1llMr. and Mrs. Howard F. Burton WiJ). Bergdall, Wayn e Township; Compto n, lb . 4 0 0 7 O ~ day Several hundred Brown supportST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH nual track meet af Lebanon on ure ' announcing the arrival of a Cecil Villars, Washington Town- Hough , If Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Andrews 4 1 3 1 o 0 ers were present at the gathering, Rev. Fortman Friday. April 29. Kings Mills took dau!!'hter at their home, Thursday ship. returned to their home in DayEll is, cf 4 1 1 1 o 0 at which every township in the ard, Lebanon 2nd end Franklin April 28. ton Sunday after a pleasant visil First and Third Sunday Masl at Jurors d rawn for petit jury are: Ramb y, rf . 4 2 2 1 o 0 county was represented. 1st. The grade hoys placed third in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B:00 a. m. Second, Fourth and W. J. Ayers, Joseph Gilmour, Ankeny, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 The meeting was called to order at their meet. The letter men for Stansberry and family . Fiftb Sunday, Mass at 10:80 a. m. Sets of Dishes you will be Salem Township; Wm. B. Davi s. by MirOn Keelor, president of the track are: L. Davis, D. Gustin. J. proud to own. See them at Cary's William Masters, Charles Oeder: Totals . . 35 6 11 27 10 6 \V arren county Brown-for-GoverCoates, R. Branstrator, P. Savage Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. ·Mrs. May Cook. of Dayton, wh t Hamilton Township; Bertha E. 123456789club. Who stated that member- returned last week after spending WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH and J. Turner. The grades: R. Hess, Eli Russell, Helen Hartsock, Sto ck YnrdR 00 1 0 I 0200-4 nor the . county organization ship in G. C. Dibert, Paator Allen, C. James, J. Bogal', M. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith, Mr. Wayne Township; Clem Baldwin, W. A. C . ...... 2 100 U 0 a 0 x-6 had passed the 2,000 mark !lnd the winter in San Francisco. CaliL Stephens. The letter girls are. H. and Mrs. W. C. St. John 'and David Carnahan, Ge rge Moorspent the week-end wjth her Wednesday: The W. F.' M. S. il was mounting rapidly. S.: M. Plank. For the grades: daughter, Rosemary, visited rela ~ meir, Harlan Town r.hip; Herb~rt. daughter, Mrs. E. C.' Crane. meet ing with Mrs. White at 2 :00 Stolen Base Hicks. Roy. Mr. Keelor, in turn, introduced E. Furnas, A. Plank, M. Burton. tives in Dayton Sunday. ROBS, Ed. Shawhan. Wn!!hillgton Hat LHock, Gons, Hough. this p. m.Bible study and p'tayer Churles J. Waggoner, chairman of Miss Ruth Miller, who has been meeting at 7 :30 p. m. This week Township; W. H. Berge r, FrankS8Jcl'ifice Hi~Hicks. the Warren county RePublican exReault. of State EYer,. Pupil teat Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Barnard lin Township; W. L. Brown, DeerTwo-ba se Hits--Bronner, Scholl ecutive committee, who presided visiting her mother, Mrs. Eva Mil- we study the pl\rable of, "The ler, left last week-Ifor New York and 'Mr. Clarence Barnard were field Township; W. W. Rummell, Welle r, Ramby, Hough. ably during the remainder IYf the City. Her mother accompanied her Gl'eat Feast," and "The Wedding in Grade. 3. 4 aDd 5 Monis Nixon, Albert Reed. TurGarment." Chofr practice- immediHome Run- Ramby. session. Grude 5, Mr. Young-Arith- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. t1ecreek to Lima, where they both visited ately following prayer meeting. Township j Harry Kirby, Double Play- Gons to Compton. metic. possible score of 100; high F. Earnhart, on Sunday. Headliners on the program were Carl Cowan, Union Town ship. Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Struck Ou~by Reese, 7; by Judge John G. Belknap, of Steu- Mrs. Grace McCune. Mrs. Miller Miriam Scott, 99; low 96. Our Gruen Watches--The peak Ankeny, 9. English- possible score 50, benville, long personal friend and returned to hel' home. here Sunday a. m. Next Sunday is Mother'S Day and special programs ~re Bases on Balls--off Ankeny, 1. assistant Secretary of State under high Elizabeth Hoblit, 43; low 31. in value-The low in price. Cary's GOOD CUT CLOTHING See the "Gifty" Novelties for Urnpil'e--Prendergast. Grade 4, Miss Campbell, Arith- Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio, Mr. Brown, and Thurman "Dusty" Graduation, Weddings and any planned for both the Sunday CLUB REORGANIZED metic-possible score 100, high stOTe open 8 a. m. to 9. p. m. Miller, of Wilmington, widely occasion at Cary's Jewelry, Shop, school and preaching services. The known humorist, who was principal "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, mother's will huve entire charge of Doris Dennis. 89; low, 84. G. Randall Lilly entertained the Sunday school and will also of Blanchestel' high school when Ohio. A number 01£ girls met at the CHAS. B. HERMANN E!'glish-possible score 50, high Miss Jeanne Meredith at a fish . take an active part in .the mpmDorIS Beck, 43; low 38. I I . home of Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, PASSES AWAY AT HOME Mr. Brown entered that institution ing worship service. The theme Grade 8, Miss Kelley; Arith- f~y !lst Saturd!'y even mg. Mr. Saturday afternoon for the purBoth speakers praised Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers. nee of the morning sermon will be, metic- possible score 100 higb, Lilly IS an electl'lcal contractor of pose of reorganizing the "Good Cbas. B. Hermann, age 60, died Brown's ability and pointed to him Goldie Wolcott, of Conover, Ohio, F'rieda Ellis,~ 79. ' Morrow. Cut Clothing Club." The reorgan- at his home at 703 Palo Pinto as being fully qualified for the are announcing the birth of a "True Greatness." Let us honor our mothers by attending church English- possible score 50, high daug~ter, Edna Elizabeth, April some place next Sunday. Penparker? Have you Been it? iwtion was affective under the di- street, Wea~h e rfol'd, Texas .• Fri- high state office that he seeks. Freda Ellis, 26; low 20. rection of Miss Graddy. County day morning April 22, at 2 :30 An intimate glimpse of the 14. The young lady is . a grand I Comes without charge Epworth League at '1 :00 p. m. Grade 3, Miss Lile. Arithmetic It's here every Duofold Parker Pen Home demonstration agent. Mrs. o'clock. He had been ill s ince Jan- candidate's family and his high daughter of Mr. W. A. Wolcott, of with Virginia Hardin as leader. - possible score 50, high, Martha with Hathaway has beEm secured as ual'y of. this year. standing as a citizen of BlanchesConover: and Mr. and Mrs. Morris purchased at Cary's Jewelry Shop AlI 8 :00 p. m. Mr.' L. A. Garst, Martin, 74 j low 66. . leader, and the following officers Mr. Hel'mann was born in tel' was prest:nted at the opening Rogers, of Waynesville. . one .of our High school teach~1'8 English- possible score 60. high Lebanon, Ohio. were elected, Jane ' Cook, president Watertown, Wis., but had been a of the meeting by Mrs. J. W. will preach fo,r us. Let us glve Alvin Earnhart, 26, Martha Mar'M r. and Mrs. B. S. Howell him a good bearing. Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Day and Barbara Gray, vice president, resident of Welltherford since' Doughman, Blanchester, who hl;ls tin 26; low 19. Ruth Salisbury, secretary-treas1922. He was twice married, the ' been an emplo.ye of Mr. Brown In will return to their home in. Port of Winchester, Ky., Above scores are the results of daughter, were overnight guests , Sunday, urer; Juanita Brannock, recreation first time to Miss Ada Booth, to newspaper wOlk 'for several years. WilHam, this week, after an exthe second every pupil test held of the former's parents, Mr. and leader and Ann Crane news repor- which union foul' children were Blanche~te~ band and. a quart~t tended visit to their son and daugb LOAN TIME EXTENDED in April, 1932. These scores were Mrs. A. K. Day. ter. It is hoped that the club will bornr: MI·s. C. S. Edwards, Engle- from Wllmln!!'ton furnished musIC ter-in-Iaw. Mr. and ·Mrs. Dean not previously published because be bigger and hetter than ever, wood, Calif., Chas. B. Hermann. for the occasion. Howell, at Elmhurst, 111. Dean. The closin~ date for Federal of results having been mislaid. Yourex Silverseal Silverware- and a most ambitious program of New Orleans ; Mn. Maud Clear,y - - - --whose health is very much ·im- crc!? production loans has been Miss Laura McKinseys test results New low prices. This will please work is being ~rranged. All girls Bost on, Ma s.. and Frank 'Herpaired is thought to be a little extended from April SO to .May 14 NEW CENTUR,Y CLUB were originally' published with up- our many customers who want over ten years of age are urged man.n , Santa Monica. Calif. His better. according to announcement ~e per grades and high school. to join and the next meeting will first WIfe di ed in 1910 and he was "The best" in Silverware. Cary's ceiver by C. J. Waggoner, ChaU'~ The April meeting 'of the New be held at the home of Juanita Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. married a se cond time to · Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure and {)f the Wanen county commit Brannock, May 27. at two o'clock. K.atheryn ·Werntz who survives her Century Club was held at the daughter, of' Springboro. were man tee and Chas. · F. Class who i. home of Mrs. F. H. Farr Friday FRANK DENVER DAKIN Crane, News Reporter Ann Miss Evelyn Cartwright of Weshusband, t gether with a daughter afternoon, April 22, with twenty- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. directing the work locally. College, accompanied by a -=:-- -- • Mary Laura. Elmer Sheehan. on Sunday. In ... one members present. . Frank Denver Dakin was tern college friend, Miss Elizabeth Fun e1'8 I gervices will be held the afternOOn Mr. ' andMrs. Shee· MOTHERS' CLUB MEETING were '~A Bit Roll call responses bOI'n April 21, 1866, at Harveys- Euwer, of ' St. Louis, Mo., spent FLOUR FOR THE NEEDY at the White Funeral Home, of Fun." After the business ses- han witb their guests visited Mrs burg, Ohio, and died April 27, the week-end at her home here. Saturday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock Carl Croll, who is recovering ai The Wayne Township Motherl' 1932, 'a t Bethesda Hospital, CinCharles J. Waggoner, chairman with Rev. J. A. Caraway, pastor sion the following program was her home at Franklin after under· club held' an open meeting at. the rendered: cinnati, Ohio. He was the son of of the Warren county chapter elf the North Side Bapt ist ~hurch going an operation in the Middle- gym Tuesday night. There w~ • Dr. J. ·E. Witham, president of Horace W: .and Rosalie Dakin. American Red Cross, was in Way"Wild Flowers" ... Mrs. G. J. Smith officiatipl;. Burial will take place town hospital. county Medical good attendance and a splendid On .December 31, 1883, he was the . Warren A Vo~al Trio, "Allah's Holliday" was attending sessions of nesville Tuesday .evening con- in City GI'eenwood cemetery. Program y.oas given. married to Eva Mary .J'o hnson. society ferring .w ith the Wayne township' .... Mrs. Sacketfl. Mrs.' LeMay, Over 200 graduates will receive Mr. Herman was the son-in-law the Ohio State 'Medical association This was the last meeting of and of this union three children . Mrs. Curl. . High School 'Diplomas in Warren the school yea!" __ __ _ in Dayton Tuesday and Wednes- trustees in regard to the alloh- of 'Mrs. Elizabeth Werntz forwere born, Mary Denver, who day. ment of flour for Wayne township merly of Corwin. Mrs. Werntz "The Evolu tion of P lants" ... .. .. ... . County this year. The ideal gift ie died September 11, 1928, Donald needy. One hundred and fifty, has bcen ill of grip at the Her.................. .. .... .... .. Mrs. Crabbe a Watch. Gruen and other good EASTERN STAR Conklin, who was killed in action Vocal Solo .............. .. ... Mrs. Curl Watches you will find at Cary's Mrs. G. D. 'Mills, who is slowly 25 pound sacks were placed in mann home in Weatherford. in France, October 8, 1918, and recovering chllrge of the trustees and will be Reading .... ...... .. ........ Mrs. Ward Jewelry Shop, Lebanon O,hio. High from the effects of a Miami Ohapter No. 107 O. E. Phebe Virginia. given 'Out. upon ap~lication:. to Reading, "The Bath Hour" .. .. ...... . quality-at new low prices. S. will meet in regular se9lion His early life was ' spent in recent fall, was a guest in the the needy families in the township Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. .. ....... .. ....... Mary Eva LeMay of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AlexMonday evening at 7 :80. Visiting Harveysburg; ~ter his marriage home ander. at Spring Valley, several Vocal Trio, .. Twiligbt" ...... .. .. Mrs. OBITUARY OF LOUISA JESSOP members are welcome. . he lived in Wilmington, Ohio for days Sackett, Mrs. LeMay, Mrs. Curl last week. . OIa Hartsock, W. 1d~, ten years, and in 1897 he moved After adjournment the hostess Minnie Fromm, Sec'y. to Kingsfisher,. Oklahoma. T.h~re The best watch with a poor ass isted by Ahna Lee Crane aMl Louil!8 Jessop, daughter. of Lee he t?o.k an !1'Ctlve part in. pohtlcs, mainspring wi11 not keep good Barbara Gray served' delicious re- and Eliza Ellis, WBs born near MASONIC NOTICE h?ldmg va.rlous county offices at . time. We use only Genuine freshments. Harveysburg, Ohio, January 27 dIfferent times. . . I Springs of fin'est quality. Cary'a The invited guests were Mrs. 1850 and passed away at the hom e Regular . communication of Afte~ spendmg twentr-elg~t , Jewelry Shop Lebanon Ohio. Alonzo Curl, Mrs. G. C. Dib~rt, of her daughter, Lucille Boerstler. years In Oklahoma he, WIth hIS L. T. Marshall, of Xenia, ca!1dl. Mrs. 'Maud Crane, Misses Annie Norwood, Ohio, April 24, 1932. Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. &: fami~y, retur;ned 'to Ohio in June. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and date for the Republican nommaand Marne Brown. aged 82 years two months and 2/i A. M., Tuesday evening, May 10, 1925, locatmg at Waynesyi!le, Mr. and MTB. H. E. Hathaway at. ,tion for Congress in the Seventh - - -- - - -days. ' . Visiting and sojourning brethren After the death of her husbanc are welcome. where he .spe,nt the rematnlDg tended the cetebration of the Congressional district comprised Vern Armitage, W. 1\(., Union, Champaign, W. C. T_ U. MEETING Levi Jessop which occurred Apri years olf hIS life. . . I fortieth anniversary d1 the of Lo'gan . F. B. Henderson, ·See'y. 26, 1917 she made her home wit}: H~. was a member of the. PreS- I Springboro J{. of P. lodge, Friday Madison Clark, Greene, Fayette, by tel Ian church, the MaSOniC, the night. . Clinton ~nd Warren counties, will The W. C. T. U. met at the this daughter most of the time . I. O. O. F .• the A. O. U. W., and be the principal speaker at the home o~ l\irs. J. L. Mendenhall, and in this home she receiver! the. W. O. W. fraternal orders. April 28 with a large number of every care' and consideration fr,?"" Jeanne Meredith entertain- regular . meeting of Lebanon He is survived by his wife, Eva edMiss members and several visitors pres- the entire family that her dechn · ing faith in the guiding hand of the guests 'at a six Grange Thursd4lY even ing. SevDivine Love, united to faith and M., his daughter, Mrs. M. W. o'clock 'following eral from Waynesville and viciz:ity ent. Rev. Mr. Dibert gave a very ing years required. dinner Sunday evening. Denney, of Oklahoma City, Okla- Mr. G. Randall Lilly and Bud are expected to attend the, sesslo~. timely pre-primary election speech She was married at Lebanon, honest endea.vor, 'she lived. A homa, and a sister, ' Mrs. Jsseph G. Cook of Morrow and Mias Mary Interest in Mr. Marshall s candlMrs. Me'n denhall was elected Ohio, to Levi, September 21, ~haracter based 'upon the Golden Heisey,. ol!. Clarksburg, West Vir- Planck. dacy is keen in this vicinity due to president: and Mrs. Beck vice- 1876 and to this union were born Rule 'which the, master- declared ginia. the fact that he was born and. president. Our next meeting will two daughters, Vassie and Lucille the basis of ' Chi illtf'ali: living. And in th.is wonde;rful new be ,with . Mrs. Anna Williamson, and one son, Raymond, w~o diecl adventure Misses Trillena and Margaret reared on the farm near Ferry, upon which I;..ouiaa haa DR. GEORGE W. McCOY Edwards .entertained on. Sunday, now occupied by Rolla Bolton. and May; 26. in infancy. . 30 lately started, can we doubt .... d ,... is known to many residents of • • One brother, Sam A. Ellis. one J Ed ward s, _r. an ....rs. ""ELES Mr. 0 . • d I' It d h ' d that to her has opened a life; more DIES IN LOS AN'.. J. W. Edwards.and family, of near Waynesville an v cm y. . WILL TAKE TEST daughter Lucille ·an tree gran glorious '(. it's privileges, more .... W . B. 'U._ '. Marshall now children Lee and Nellie BoeratIel Green fi eId; Mr. an d . .urs. ~ f 1"0owns an.d . .., tru attainment, Harveysburg friends have re- Russum: Miss Margaret RUBsum, operates a farm ' 0 I aC.res m Wa1neavllle High Schooi pupils and · Wilbur Hawke, SUTVlve "er· its awarda, ceived word of the death of Dr. Dr. ana Mrs. Gail Ruasum and Greene ' county. and according to who will filee the scholarship test with many nephews and neices an I term of 81' Geo~e W. McCoy, 61, in a ~I! daughter, o'f D~y.ton. his 'backers is better qualified to ' at Miami University, Mar 7. are near relatives, · and a host of whichl·cl,ose,d· her earthly II~Y ..~ Angeles, California hospital, April represent this district in Congre~s 8S f-ollows: "rhose winning first friends to cherish her memory. 21, Dr. McCoy ' was one .of the Come -to ~a Jewelry 'Store for than' either of qis two opponents 111 place on the Warren Co., team The .passing of,,· ,Louisa Jell!lop world's most noted specialists.in finer ' and 'molje lasti.n g jewelry. the primary next · Tuesday. . lire RonAld Hltrdin, Miriam ' Ellisl leaves a lovel~ memory of 'one wllo I,~~~~~~,!;,::~~,:~.~~~~!~ eye. e.a r, nose and throat.pathology Our pleased', cUltOUien . enjoy . Mr~ Marshall's e.arly ~ducation Robert Gons. Bernice' Graham· ana was tried ,and tl'ue under I' . Rollowing an attack of influenza showing us the WateR Ring ' and was receiv~d in t he publIC .s.cho!,ls Frank Hawke. Tl:totie lillv.i~ 8ec~ condition; Melltipg ·,~th.e '.\ . . '~~:~~~=~~~~~~=~~:~~l in Febru"rY, McCoy was oroer- other jewelJ!Y purochased 86, to (0 and Cedarville college, a~ter wJuch ond place lire Verdena Fox. D~ris cha'n ges human ' ~xlstence , ;Q ed to the hospItal for three weeks. years ago. Cu:y,'s ,Jewelrv Shop, he qualified himself for the prac. ' . '. 1Salieb_ury .at:lrl. B~~t~.. ita.rt,src"k., the courage, foye 'a nd devotion tice of Ia.w 's' profession ' in which ...: '" that made 'b er a dutiful daughter, 'After returning to 'hil home he. 'Lebanon, Ohio. insisted on going -to his oQmce for • , • . .• . . ' he has eng~ged in ' Greene county a happy 'and devoted wile, .. kind an hour ' or so each day and on ~ias\ Sara Mi8aUdlne whOle fQr the past 20 years. doqb~~Iy. represent the. people of DAYTON CONV.O CATION OF ·and loving ' mother, and . a quiet Wednesday: aftemOODt April 20, marriqe to Ml'f Vieto1: Carpenter. Hili law practice in Xenia has. the Seventh district- with a better WOM,4N'S .AUXJl.o~RY dignified lad¥.. (Je,manding ~d , recollip~ed · when a blOOd clot, caus- of )fiddletown. wlJl 'take place in kept , birn. in close touch with the unde~nd.lng tbal1 &II}' other . • '. celVing the deepiAt l'eIPect ad ed tbe iWluen.a attack, lodged tbe ' near honor interests of the farmets, wh!,s~ candIdate In ~he race. ~The spring me41ting of the Da,.- blaheBt. repro of who ~m~ ill and problems he bas Irnown from chlld~ Mr. Ma.rshalll genuine .inte~in, tol\. convoCJIti.o.n ,of the WO'man'l contact w. ith her. fn the coronary artery , of 'the guest at heart and deatb resU'lted in a few shower, of Mrs: hood. A ' selt-made man whose .scbools IS, ptoven by the fact t at Au\IUR.,Y will be belli In st. Paul',. The e~wnlng sorrow hours. , M. - F. eveG'f:a e4ucation and business success lilt' has the hearty endonemen of Chll!'~b . .....o"qo"d. Dayton. Ohio, waa .the death of l'!~~~~; ,t~ IJlhe Wife, one Ion, two daulh- ' Othe~ B. Was attained only thrOUgh . hard county superintendent of e .on Yt'dnesday, May 11, 1932; The Livi from wldch 8h~ IIDI·;,.:,.'..... ten, ·.lStera and cille brottier ~r- MJ'L Betty work. III': Marshall knoW/i the coun,}' public ' scHool meeting will open with the··..rrie. recovered. S'ortow Mid .!tItt!l'".~' "'~ ! HeDkI. Hawk.. ~a. of ~ doDar, and wDl un. l ~ .' •of Qol), Communion, at 10 :80~. c01drolltecl, her. bYt,t ~==~=============
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L. T Marshall. candidate for Nomination · for Congress, at Lebanoll Grange Thursday
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'IlP1PE ~~:OSMG~~A~:~ ~OUSE
Eclwarcl White I .-an -..;;.... lIlanratIou lor If.emy JIfY Lee OW.'fA ~
R.ela ... e<i
~" Aut.ooa.t.P 8ervtoa
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Commol' Plea. Proceedinc.
.In Lhe
ase of Edna Hogan Uunt r guard ian oC estate apd per ' on of Jeannette Hoga n Hunt tl,', a minor, versus Grant Jones et aJ, Lhe' she'riff is" ·ordered to se ll properl,y and make returns to c urt. rn the callc of Iyd a Wharton v'rsus A Ibt'l' t tac y t he plaintiff shull nJcover from the defendant the S UIll uf $.166.:10 and it appearil.llS from the a nswer of Eve rett Endy, garnishee hereill, that he is ind eb ted t ll the aid Alber t Stacy in the :i11J1l of $ 17 1. 57. On motion f plai ntiff, it is ordered that the sni d Everett Early pay said sum to lht! 1>ln inti fT. Iyd e Wharton, li nd that be applied a' a credit up_ on hi ~ ju dgm e nt again st defentl-
amendment to cross-petition fotthwith. In the case of Union Joint Stock Land Bank', of Dctl'oit versu Frank P. Coffey, et III the Aetna InsuTance ompany was made party def ' ndan t and i given leave to file an answ r and cross-petition. Har,ley Griffin was granted a div rce from Eve l~' n Griffin . . Th e cu tody, cnre and control oJ' the child was giv n to t.he defe ndant. Ernest Sellers was found guilty or the indictmen t fil ed against him and WIIS confined to 6 months in th Wal'1'l!n County jail and ordered t o puy' the cosb.
New Suits down to the bottom, and tucked l'I'lutuul Buildinl~ and L OII II Co .• the bill fold ben eath the nap. vers u ~ V. T. Rohert s f'Ol' money "There! he'll stick safe eno ugh Simmin., a True Kni~t foreclo su re and e qu itable relief. there until we go. Take it back , Supper passed joviaUy enough. Mutua l Building find Loan 0 •• . Then Grimstead caused the hearts Simmins." versti~ l'hll mns . GI'oves a nd "Yes, sir," said Simmins, 'lund ii of tbree of the party to skip a there is nothing morc' . sir. I ask Penr l E. Groves fO I' rn u ne~·. forebeat. closure alld equit-ubl' r eli e f. "Simmins," be commanded, perm ission to l'ct UI'lI to my C<lmp Willi s Bowk('r \'crsus Mary "here's my coat to clean up a lit.- to turn in." Bowker 'fol' divorce. har~e is " Well, take a drink befo re you tle i it's got an awful fish smell go," groHs nCl;lect. offered Grim stead. "H ere 's nnl. about it." Puul S. Heu t cr (doing bus in ess I n the 'a ~ ur The Miami ValAs he spoke he took off the gar- the key. Your t eeth arc chutterley I:luildi ng anti Loan Associatio n liS the A meriean Th ea ter S upply ment and hung it on a stub, replac- ing." ogSi mmins gratefu lIy swall owed of Fl'Unk lin Vl'rsu:; Viola Stotler, Co. ) vers us Chnrles Hous(Or. ing it with a sweater. He removed the whiskey. rctul'll ctl the key and et nl. t11l~ sher'iff is ord ered to se ll nov it. nothing frol1ll the po-ckets, and all Grace Wndsowth versu!! J oh n red. Cl'rtuin p rop 'rty and make return three of the conspirators could disappea Wads worth for divorc£,. C hnr'~c Lary Rnd Burton wander cl off to court. distinctly make out a corner of the The c1cfcnaci'nt, Virginia Jones i. wil ful !Ibse nce. bill-fold showing from ·the inside toward the ca l' nnt! found . immi n ~ David Resto n lind Alicl' Resto ll waiting f or them . shall I'l'C (lVl' r fl' OIl1 the plaintiff, pocket. vers us Du ll' Hod app, et al. for "Here, sir; her o it is." he burst Floytl L. Ree tl the sum of $5 00. Simmins picked up the coat, and oney, sal e o f mortgaged premises with it started tvward t he creek. out, t hrust ing n paper into Lar- In t he case of Poul S. Heul I', ,m ry's handll. "What is to happen ,·cr.·us harlcs HOllser the plain- aneL equit.nb le r e lief. "Hey I" called Grimstead after when he discovcrs hig loss. sir. , tiff shall recover fr om the defenJ ohn T. Harbine. Jr .. verSUR him. "Where you going? I don't Charles J os. Carso n and ecil ia i cannot for the liIe of me ima"ine.' dants the S lIlll of $446.6:!. want that thing washed!" "Nothing! Don't wor r y, SimIn the case of Grace Wad sworth Carson, The Perso nal Fi nnn et' o. I "No sir; of course not, sir. Merely.a trifle of sponging, fresh mins. ]f he find s it nut, I will take vers us J ohn R. Wad swo rth the and H. E. Warwick for closure of I running water, you know sir," the blame. You hllve acted ve ry r es idence of the defendant is un- mortlruge and equitable re lief. nobly in this matter. Neithe r Miss known and 'n ut ice 'O f the pendency Th e IVlinmis bul'j:( Building & stammered Simmins at a loss. "Well, go abead. But there's Burton nor myse lf will ever f or gel a nd prayer of thi s cau se is to be Loan A s~:nc iati o n versus Mary E. Illutle on saidl ddendan t by J1ubli- Riley. et ai, f or money. foroclosome things in the pockets; look it. " sure fi nd equitable r eli e f. "'ndeed we shull not. Si ml1lins," cution. out you don't lose them. There's Ida A. Spies v er~ u s Edwin Ethel Virginiu Williams was 8 tobacco pouch and a noaebook added Bu r ton ; "you are a true pi e~ rill' div orce. harge is grun~ed a divorse from J ohn W. in the side pocket, and my pocket- knightl" Simmins retired, his heart glow- Williams and was g iven cu~tody of gross ne~l e ct. book in the inside pocket." l\fnl·j:(m·,' t Anderson V «I'S U S Hiletheir child. "Never fear, sir; I'll take the ing. Th e t \vo yo un l!' peo ple made In the ea /:! of Union J oint Stock man Oil Co. for injunction. best of care," chatter.ed Simmins, their way to the bank of the little Land Bank of Detroi t. versus bl'ating a hasty retreat. Probate Court Proceedinlr' "You're not afraid to trust him stream, where they would be Eth'l Jon es, ct a l the plaintiff i"ith a pocketbook?" Larry ven- screened 'from the camp. There shall recover from the dOO'e ndan ts Flora Bell Ware, executrix of Larry lighted a match and cast a the sum of $5,234.77. ured to sugge8~ . hasty glance of in pection at the ill the case of irene Thomas ver- esta te of William L. Wore, deGrimstead laughed. ceasecl, filed her inv entory. sus Samuel L. Surface, et ai, sales "I wouldn't trust him with my document. .S~les loy Char'!:ers D. Maple, ad"It's all right," he a ssured Bur- were made and all acc ounts setroll," he agreed. "Bllt that pocketmllll strator of es tate of Elizabeth book contains nothing but papers; ton relievedly. "This is it! Blessed tled. Holl ey deceased, were approved In the case of The Pe oples' by the court and all acco unts are and they can all be replaced. be Simmins!" He tore it into small pieces and Building, Loan & Savings Co., verThere's nothing there t{) interest to be settled. cast them into the current. sus Emily al'ah Oram, et al the Slmmins." The will of Jo eph McCauley "I feel as though the weight of defendant. Netlie Weaver is gran t_ deceased, Burton and Larry exchanged anwas admitted t o probate other glance. It was a lmost too worlds bad been lifted 1" he cried. ed 20 days to plead. 001'0 McCauley was appointed "It does seem as though so me In the case of A. H. Barkalow executrix, g ood to be true. no bond required. After 10 minutes Simmins ,glided one or something was helping us," versus H . W. Meeker, et al 'w. H. The inventory of Patrick Coughunobtrusively into the firelight and said Burton soberly. "t think that Berger is granted leave to file lin , administrator olf the estate hung the coat again on the stub. we should be very thankful that of Thom as C. Coughlin, d eceased . "Here," Grimstead comanded things came about 80 easily." was approved by th e court. at once, "bring me that pockethe has brains. It was perfectly The inventory of Cosa Carson CHAPTER XX. book out of the inside pocket. evident that the thought would executrix of esltate of Robert , Fo}, a moment Simmins limbs Di.coyered soon suggest itse lf that if he could Carson, deceased, \\'a s approved refused to work; but he succeed(l(} The moment the young people once get hold of t he agreement by the court. in extracting the pocketbook and J. Clifford Evans, administrator brinlting it to bis master. Contrary were out of hearing Grimstead he had igned, he could tell us to oil estate of Wililiam J. Evans, de-to expectatio,n Grimstead did nqt turned on Gardiner with an almost go whistle." "But since he and Miss Bur- ceas~d! fli ed his in ven tory. The open it. He examined Slmmlns savage intensity dl manner. ndmllll trator is ordered to sell "Listen here, Ross," he said ton-OJ curiously. "Poppycock 1 Do you think that certain bond fo r' interest of said "You're . trembling like a leaf rapidly. "The time has come for he said. "What's the matter with action, and we must get busy. type of fanaticism ever becomes estate. ale of Anna K. Rankin adyou1" . Things are at touch and go with reasonable?" "Then why- " ministratl'ix of estate oC M'innie Simmins muttered something us and the stakes are the biggest "A blind. It wouldn't fool a Moore Waters, deceased, were about Ita being 'Chilly by the ever played," stream. . Gardiner looked at him blankly. mudhen, let a lone a wise old coot approved by the court. Resignation oli O. S. Higgins .as "Never mind figuring it out. like me. I'm an old bird ; 'can "Well, brin" me my sman Listen to me, and take orders. put two and two together. The trustee of estate of Mary Perry leather kit bag. ' Be openetl it kit bag, burrowed This man Davenport is a fool, but first' thing to try was obviously deceased is 'accepted upon the opto get hold of it peaceably, by pl'oval of sa id account. He filed stealing it. If that didn't work, he his fir'st and final account. was going to get it some how, Odessa WhHe, administl'otrix of if he had to hold us up or s and- estale of Mary Rolson, deceased bag us. I know the type. He's a fil ed hel' inventory. ' fanatic, and the most dangerous Edith Weaver. guardian of Rekind. He'd commit murder before becca W.eaver, minor, filed her in; he'dl give in." ventory. Gardiner was excited. HaTl'Y C. Schwartz, executor of "Get him before he gets us !" he estate of Charles W. Schwartz desuggested. cea~ed, filed his ~pplication duly "I !:legan to take my measures verified. for a cel·t 'fi ~te of transat once," 'Grimstead went on. I fer of I eal es~te and It was order"Obvillusly he'd try first of all to ed that a certificate of transfer issteal the bill fold. So I made it s ~e t o the coun l~y recorder as proeasy for him." vlded b:t. law . . . "Did you suspect S'immins?" George P. GI~teB, administrator f "Not at that time. But I fig- cOe esta~e of John A .. Gr?ves, deured Davenport would begin to ased, IS ordered to dlstnbute the maneuver to get hold of the coa t a m?unt o~ $1000. settlement of his clalRm .agalnst T he C. C. C. and St. WIleD you take Bayer ASpirin When your head aches-from or near it." "A test," murmured Gardiner. L: .allroad Co., among th e benefi~1I are lure of two thinp. It's sure any cause-when a cold has setUed Well, when he did claales.. . relief. anel it's harmleaa. Those your jointa, or you feel those not"Precisely. I began to think I might be . ernrce Black burn IS to be adtabIeta with the Bayer CJ'OII do not deep-down pains of rheumatism, wr~ng. Then Simmins ca me back ml.tted. to the Ohio Hospital for IUIR the heart. Take them when- llCiatica, or lumbaso, . take Bayer scared as a rabbit, and I realised epil eptics. . . The est~te 0.£ Frank Balhnger, you idei' from Aspirin and set real relief. If the he wa s in it. J'II settle with him tdeceased, IS ex,e mpt from inheripacu,e says Bayer, it's genuine. later !" "But the agreement--" ance t~x. Neuritil ~ And lenuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. "Was not there, of course! I I T~e. mventory of L. D. Black, !\ubstitutcd the carbon copy." ac mrnlstrator of estate of Sarah c.a&da Neuralgia Aspirin is the trade-mark of They'll detect the difference; it D. Black, deceased, was approved Lambago Sore~ Bayer manufacture of monoacetic- isn't signed. by the court. • "I signed it fur him," grinned D. . A. Younlg w~s appomted acid~ter of aalieylicacid. Toothache IUaeumatiam the old man, "it isn't a very good g ua:dlan of F r ederica CrawfO'rd ,. forgery, but all he'll do tonight an mcompetent and ~Ied. bond of will be to examine it with a match $2000 With The Fldehty and to see tc it's what he wants." Casualty Company as surety. "Clever work chief" cried GarE. C. Dunham, executor of esdiner. 'But I don't 'see that it tate of Charles Kelly.,deceased , is gets us far." ordered to sell certarn stock and . "It gets us until morning. And make return to. court. it corroborates my suspicions." The est!1 te ?.£ Mabel Croe~e~t, "Now listen carefully, Ross," dec~ased IS rehl!ved from admlnlscontinued Grimstead, "for this is tratlOn.. . what yo'u must do You've got to J .. ~hft'ord Evans was appomted get out of he I'e; a~d you've got to admlnlstrat,or off estate of William take this 'agreement with yOu to J. Evans, d~cea~ed, and filed bond the nearel'l t recorder's and get it <If $2000 With I~mma Evans, Ed,n a entered. That means you. start to- HudB?n and Elmer E. Evans as night ·; just as soon as everybody Ruretl ~s. L. S. Shawhan, Charles hus lUI'ned in." S. Ir~1Il and Ed .. M. John son were Gardiner nodded appomted appraisers. . Iva 'Mrullenix philpot, guardian (To be continued) of Stanley R. Mullenix et ai, minor
'· A ch es and PAINS m
Ix I
E. E. GREINER To the .Voters of the
Seventh Congressional District The situation in Washington deserves your active and immediate attention . The National Government is spending more money every year than the previous year, and you are one of those who must eventually pay the bill. The total expenditures of majol' departments, commissions, etc., in 1927, when this country was at its peak of prosperity, was $1,964,000,000. For the year 1932 the budget calls for $3,195,100,000, or an increase of 63 % . To finance these ever increasing distributions, Congress is planning huge additional taxes to be paid out of an already shrunken income of industry and individuals. W}ly doesn't Congress balance the national budget by reduction of expenses through efficient operatiori, and the curtailment of non-essential services and functions? Agriculture , industry, and transportation have been forced to accept drastic cuts in their 'profits and incomes, and have had to rearrange their budgets to meet this re duced income. Is· there any logical' reason why the government should not do likewise? The' American farmer has one-third of the buying power of thi~ country in portable machinery, lum ber, cement, fencing, paint, etc. Until the American farmer can be put back on a profitable basis he cannot purchase the products of A merican manufacturers, and prosperity cannot return in this country. Your congressmen are in position to know if the continuance of this deplorable condition is necessary. I earnestly feel that we need more business administration in government, and less government in business.
E. E. GREINER Republican Candidate for United Statea Congrea. from the Seventh Con grellion'a. Diatrict of Ohio.
Vote Mal' SOth ~
filed her first and final account. Rolla Sutton, executor of estate of Sarah E. Sutton filed his inventory. A copy determining the inheritance tax on the estate of Charles W. Schwartz, deceased, is to be certified without delay. Odessa White was appointed administratrix of estate of Mary Rolson, deceased, and flIed bond of $1000 with the Fidelity and Deposit Co., of Maryland, as surety. Cliff Earhart, Raymond
Leroy and H. S. Conover were appointed appraisers. • W. H. Whitaker, guardian of Beulah Whitaker, et ai, minors, filed his first and final account. Olive S. · Spenner and Julia B. Hendricks were appointed executrices of the estate of Mary Vandever Hurley, aeceased. No bond required. D. E. Heywood~ T. F. McCormick and E. H. 'Keltner were appointed appraisers. (Continued On Paa. 8)
AVERAGE APPLE. CROP The average' cQmmerci~1 Ohio apple crop is about 2.6 million bushels or only ,2.8 per cent of the commercial crop of the United States. This average production 8.m~Ul)ts to one-third bushels per :capita.
5% , Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TDrlB-.., terms. Alao SurveJin, . and Aii- . auaetlnl'. Write anel wlU uU and lee you. Sam D. Renkle, W.J'nuvUla, Ohio. . ;111 . FOR SALE
FOR SALE-Jertiey Cow, E. Evans. Phone 470R" Lebanon, . " m4
D. i.. CRANE I I Publiaher Subacription Price, 11.50 a Year Office Phone.,... .. ......... ... No. 112 E llte r <l lit POfl tottloe at WayneBRe.id.-nco .... ........ ........... .. No. 1.8 vIlle. OhIo, u8M:~~rnd ClaltS MuH MA Y 4, 1932
Gold from India "Few people reolize that during the past few months India has bee n restoring gold to the world nt 11 rate far in excess of the annual world prod uction of new go ld. " says an editorial in the Deposit, New York, Co u rier. " This movement, if continued, may well assume t h e proportions of mujol' importance as affecting t he monetary standards of th e Iutu r e, . " In se lling their go ld the masses, of India will und oub tedly absorb an inc reasing alllo unt of silver. T·he desire to hoa rd some preci ous meta l has n ot left the Orie ntal- he is pl'obably acting fo r the imm ediate profit.. Howeve l·. this move ment may well become an important factor in grad uall y r esto ring t he nonnal r e lationship between t he value 01' !lilveJ' and gold . ... The movement in l nlli u is the l'esu lt of the loca l policy of the In dia gover nm ent , and t he abandonment of the go ld standard by Great Bl'i t a in. In J 026, India adopted the gol d standard, based on 0. ru pee alut' of :16 cenli:!i be'fo l'c t hat sh e had had the silver standard, and a 32-ce nt rupee . To support the ney. standard, s he had t~ buy gold and )O;l! 1J silve l·. W hen Great Britain wen t on th e gold standard this was n o long-er necessary. and th e increase in valu e of g old made selling advuntageou s. All over the world the need for a fair relatiun between the valu es (, f gold and Rilvcr i ~ beco ming more appal·ent. The people of the wOI'It! will be beh ind any movement to achieve this. International action is es: enlia!. The rehab il itatio n of silver will do much to stimulate in terna{Jona l trnde nnd offset depressio n a nd indu str ial pa ral ysi s in many coun tries.
Sauce for the Goose On e ex tremely importan t ph ase of the railroad problem- that o f comp etiti on arising from new carriers which have been mainly developed ~ ince the war- is lunda.mentally as simple as the alphabet. . The problem is this : If one common carrier is regulated by t he }, ed 'ra l Governm ent, through the Interstate Commerce Commission, why should n't the others be'l ~f one form of lra nsportation is taxed heav ily by all fOI'ms of gove l'l1m ent, why shouldn't the oth ers be taxed on t he sl1m e basis ? Simple justice dictate. that all important 'forms of transport, railroa ds, buses, t l'ucks and waterway. , be placed und er an identical type of I·egu lation. Thi s wou ld moke for fair competition and the effects of that wou ld be fe lt. be neficia ll y. th ro ug hout the nation. Un!air compet ition ha s brought the I'ailroads to the verge of r uin. What i.s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. And what is considered good for the r a il roads, should likewise be good for their competitor!!.
To the Repul~1 n V ot~rs of the Seventh Congressional Di~trict
use uf c(' TIll'! Iccrcek Lcuna l'd Eh'ulli 0, 'l'he cin mlli GUR THe ;,funeral of Mrs. Louisa u e of C I'tail) rea l esLate in Tu - Je sup, who passed aWaY at the t l cruck lUW l11 hip Iur lil1 c5. home of her dauihter, Mrs. CharI om seeKing your Bupport B, Mr. . Jenie 8 . Tripp W. P. &. ~hlrtha ul b(,l't!;on to les BOf;!rstler in Norwood, was confor nomination at the primary illoin3ti Gu' &. Rlee de , 0. The ducted Tue 'day afternoon. Mrs. election May tenth 10.1' the us 'o f 't·l·tain rea l s tate in J. essup had lived in this com- I pJ)sition of rCPl'esentative in TUl'tJ CI' ek town. hiT' fo r line . munity practically all of he r 82 ; Co ng re s. Friends are pas ing, s.wifUy pa~s.1. M. & Ella Rigoglc to Cinci n- yeurs. he leaves the daughter, ing nati Gm' &. ];'; ll'clric o. The URe three grandchil dren, three ,greatBorn and reared on a farm , Over to th ' fuil' ' I' s idc: of certain I'cul c ta t in Dec l·fi ld J now own \'ond operate one of childl'en, one brother and. a , They have gone to ·join th c Master to wl1 ~ hi{l f lJ' lillcs. a hundred and seventy acres t of relatives and friend s to 'l' hey have crosRcd tho great di lemma & J ohn Timmerma n to mour n. in Greene County. 'Moy educavide. GeOl'ge W. & 101'1\ 1. Gilpin. tion was received in the pubMrs. 'Mary J . Fi nch is ill. G5.03 acrc' in Hatllillo lt towns hi p. lic !lchools and Clldarville OUI' ~choo l Wll ~ well represen.ted There with EI'izub' h n o)) y t o ' le mma a nd hl'i st, in lovc und College, and 1 have been enat the 'o un ty Fie ld Meet at Lebbeauty. .lohn Ti ml1lel"l1H1n I' 'a l c. tatc · in Ilnon Friday. gaged in t he practice of law in We will be with them some duy ; HarlaTi l o w n ~ h ip. Xenia for twenty years. (:{'ur)!, Co Lewi s di ed at the home When we lay asid e ou r ~ O\'l'ows I' rank Rnl.lin !!c l', dt'ccrt!'('(I, to And we too , wlli k his flow ery way. Hatli e Ba l l ill~( ' I' . j{pa l : tnl in of hi ~ ~o n in Zimmerman t he first. I n my law practice, I have of t he week. Funeral services were been in close touch w it h the Wash ington t Q wn ship. conducted Thul'sday afternoon Yes, they ' re pu!>sing ~ wiftly passintere!!ts of the far mer and Illlldnh A. Bl nddJu 1'll, et al to wit h interme n t Ilt Jonah'·s Run ing. individual business man, and, BenT. I:l IlIcldJU I' ll. l:l' al ~sta t e in rl'lr.clel'Y. 1\1 1'. ' Lewis was the All around us very fast ; wi th four years experie nce in Ical'cl'ec k town"hip. father uf Ed. Lewis and had made For the l\lll ster, in hi:! wi 'dum the State Sena te , I feel t.hat I Mih lind An a !\b ~ya l' to hi ;,; home here with him for several HilS called thelll home, t o res t can judge the effect of proposMiami S:wiIl J!s lind Lonn u. 12U year,;. last. ed leJ::islotio n os relating to acl'(!S in :'I1onl!{Olllcry and 'Varren Th e facu lty lind students of the the interests of the ' great nu nli e~. ? high sch ool journeyed to Ci.ncinT huu)!h this world is VI'l'y lovely. William P. and J ea nn ette Hays majority of the citizens of our nati Wednesday where t hey visitThere's 11l10lhel'. still mUl'e fail'. Distr ict. And when we r ceivc our messaA' t o J enn lll'tt e H ay e ~. 11 2 acres in ed th e Time- tal' , Rookwood PotTlr .' I . ." Snlelll lo\\'n ship tery and Art Museum . All report Your ~ upport and vote will .. e \1 Ii meet t hem Ole l lhel~. !Intti e Ballinge l' to William a n intel'esting a nd profitable trip. be apprec iated. If we wo uld njo l' OUI' b l e ss ing~. ql'cllt hoU!il" hRl'H I estnt e in WllshP lan s are goi ng forward for g lun towm, Ip . Wc would not ha ~c lime 'f ol' t . high sc hoo l commencement to be Xenia, For we know. \\'e'll he unit etl . , J ohn Lu n !~ and ]\'I a~glc Lon)! to he ld in th e Gym Tuesday evening. So metime thl·ou .' h th ' cu ming 1 hc !'.I utual J!lI.. I (II~!:, IIIH.I Loan Cu. Mu y 10. The Baccalaureate ser0 . ' . , Ohio , ., ' In lnl No. 01, III f rankllll . mon will be delivered S unday,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • yea rs. Ce ne H. 1J:lI'llwdy to Th e Mut- eve n ing, !\lay 8. 'The class roll ' Lets not fill the il' souls with ual Building Hnd Loan Co. Inl ol includ es Jose ph ine Gray. J ames !!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!~~!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!~~!!!!!!~~'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~ trouble. No . 45 III FI·ank lll1. um,and Darrell Bogan. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~~ .. R o beJ't ~ and Nell Robe rts Gi llMrs. FOI' thcy'l'e s UI'e to f ee l our g rief; Sophia Smart., lovingly But be 'tha nkful Lo lhe Mastel' I L? ( h ' Mutu!! 1 BIII.~dl n g a nd ~o~n known a s "Grandma," died at the, FoJ' giving them ~ u c h S \\' Cl'l re lief. (,n . In.lots !\ os. I ~4 alld l2., 111 horn e of relatives at Ve nedocia,' (' nmk hn . Tu esday. She was 04 years of age, Mrs. Je~sie B. Tri pp's so nK. 1 , AI~e~·t F. Rel~ 1l and ~r~ l: .~e~n a nd mud e he r hom e with her " Ti ll You're In My Arm s Again." t ) )) .IVICI R. Be:<I.l(l en. G!l ael es 111 da ughLe r, Mrs. Mary Haines, for wi ll be plllyed and Rung ove'!' l>(,l'I' fi<> ld town ·hlp. seve ral years. Funeral services were condu cted' from the Haines stali on KJlVD, Calif ornia, May 0 , Marriag e Licente at 12.30 p. rn . Standard Pacific home Friday afternoon, with in• • • • tim e, b~' th Ulliver8a l So ng II ,I'bel' Spe ncer Lol't·. farmo r of te l'ment in Miami cemetery, nce Davis and De na Mrs. F lore Se l·viee. LeLan on, anll 1\1 i ~s La lill LlIl'il1 e • • • • ha ve moved from C. D. Cook's to Orr , le;t('he l' ()f Lehanon.
Friends Are Passing
Wa yne~:v ille.
$2.40 2.20 2.00
7Sc 3Sc
No. 6-7 No. 4-5 No. 3·2 • • Removals, each
Harry Hough was ru shed to ceased, was approved . allowe d and Bill. Allow ed Hale Hospital Thursday for an a • confirmed by the COUI't. Ed e ll T e l'l'~\', muinlena nce ng in. emergency operation. He is still Th e first . acount of Eliwb~th eel'. $ n.50; Frank Wilson, mech- in a crit ica l co ndition . Ryan. guardmn .of J an ' . h ~cdy m - Hllic, $02.8 u; . M. hariton, opDr. an d Mrs. W. E. Frost and sa ne. was app i oved ~1I0\\ cd and e ruting maintainer, $52 ; Leslie Maynul'd, visited M.·s. Frost's sisa a confirmed by the COlli t. I 'hullz, 1J!1£'rmting ma intaine l'. $62; t er an d fam ily in Dayton Sunday. • • T~e . first and fin a l E,c~o un t of E. W. Knupp. operating IlluintainM~·. a nd Mrs. A. 'Z. Hartaock a Mommln Tl unn ell , exec utnx of ?~ - ' el', SG U; C. W. Jucl(su n, dl'iving and fum ily of Wilmington were • tate of Cha un cey R. Bunne ll \\ n !! truck, :j;.,; AJl'thul' Go odw in. fill on unday g uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Friend~of approved, all owed and cun firmed 0 J -, G-" "" .) IjU' L H b th t . " ", "" . , . ' . BI'o \V n, J I.. T. J ordan . Idl e dollars are the best friends of depn~slon. MI'. and MI·s. Frank Shidaker, Y e cour . 2nd a nti lin al es tinwtc on co ntrac t, They do no one good. Stuck away in str ong boxes--or socks 1_ The first and final acco unt f (j lI ' I'! $4 r va· I" S Do II who have been ill ,with grip, are Waynelvi lie, Ohio they are entirely worthless. They are unable to do their bit in carrying Ella Koe bcl. e xecutrix of estat of J!\t: e~t'i ~l~l/ ;) n ~o;tra~t No. n1n00 2 slowly recove ring . on t he financial work of the world. They are a sign of fear, of a Mary Koebel. decea ~(lo, was nn- So O' V. W . T IIIpkin s p:t r II Shop i. located in Mr.. Susan Payao'. Barn. proved . allowed and confirmed by S G6' 30 l ' • y o, hysterical kind of conservatism that mistakes hoarding for thrift. Tru e thrift is a fine t hing. It is the source of the money that th e COU I·t . !i2; L.; '1::. r oll, SEES LESS TROUBLED . ,~2L). .. U Witham, . .Jones, pay roll, ~:::::::::::::;::::::::::::= builds plants , buys and operates m·a ehinery, employes men, keeps the The first . and fin al acounl ·of S2 G .70 ' A. T R tt' '" II MARKETS FOR M1LK George Spr1l1gel' Crawford a t1- " • . In .. , pay 1'0 , whee ls of indu stry going. iJurles Bradb m'y, pa y . . As an advertisement of the NOl-them. State Power Company r e - ministralor of estate of Charies IT. ~262 .6 ~, : ]Jay roll Supplies of s urplus mllJc- that cently aid: "The opportunity to earn a return on investment is b etter Cra.wford deceased was app rov- ',0 11, $1 " Ul U; J ohn Myers, / a ll ow~d and co~firm e d by the ::;12 7. >1.1 : I"loyd Lel'1 \I1!"S, pa y roll which remains to be marke~d t oday tha n fo r years. Banks pay interest on deposits regularly. Sou nd ed court. $ 1~ ~. f, U: JOll . W . lJa t ·, pay roll, af.ter dealers' sales 9£ fresh fluid (:curities earn, Ilnd pay, a regular, safe income." The first and finnl account of ~ ~ , H . S. Schu,Yler, pay r oll. m!lk and. cream have been !DadeThe hoard er i cheat ing hi.m sel'f--of greater importance, he is ch eatin ~ us all. He is prolonging unemployment, profitless prices. the Carr W. Hendricl;. on. adl11inistnl - ~ 272 .I O, ~:!!r.r Dak~n , pay roll, . Will be In better cont rol 10 ~982 acc umulati on of goods f ut' which t here is no market because people t or of esiate of Anna L. Carr. dEl- ~ 1 .I1.G ~J; I hl.h~ lI e l~e l. pay roll. than t~ey have. ~n the past two was approved allowed I1nd $56.50 , hall s Bladbury, pay years, In the opinIon of Col G. Me.have no money to bu,y. He is, in the full sense of the word, anti- ceaRed confirmed 'by t he co u~t. 1'<?,1l. $2.1; P'e nn Morto n,. services, Bride; milk' marketing specialist. socia l. At Prevailinc PriceaTh e first and final uccount of I $10; ,J am !!s .Follen, se rVIces, $15; for the Ohio State Unive1'1'ity. This is worth reme mbering : IdJe dollars are the best friend s of Fmnk Simpson executor of estate 'I ~ ' .Donold ? 1 1.atu s ~ •.r ent, $20,; Mrs The ~airyme~ a re bringing Terml to Suit dept·cssion. of Margaret Ellen imp son. rIc- Elma Hl br. a.!. se lVlces, $10 , LO.n abou t t hIS readJustment by not ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ceased , was ap proved, all owed and .ou lh. se 1'\: I,ces, $.7;. M~s. Juha sending t~eir s!lrplus milk to ,maryour Cattle, hOIl••heep and eal... confirm ed by t he .COU1·t. 'll1 ~ n d, se" IC ~S, $ 10 . RIchard L. ke t as flUid mIlk, but as cream, to Norrie-Brock Co., livi wire .~. 1\· . llIams, sel'vlces, $10: Albert says McBride. Ever since much o-f· prol1'eulve firm for the h"h.., ~ lill ~r d, serv:ic es, $ 10 ; 9ma Knox, the milk s UI'Plu8 could not be Real E.tate Tran.fers Box 85 Waynelville, O. market priCII ADd "ood •• sel'Vlces, 10; F, H. Zimmerman, profitably converted into manu Warren Juds.;.n a nd ora .L· I supp li es, $6 ;. West rn Star certifi- factured milk products, the farme'r UnioD Stock Yarde' CI•• I....!, O. ~Tud son .to Ru t h Wa~ so n , 10 aCI es cates of fee s, $ 10; CO lumbus Blank who has been sending his surplus Tune in on Radio Station W"KT m Hamilton. township. . Buok Mfg. Co., for m. , $9.75; Co- fluid milk tomarket has sacrificed ~~~~=~~~~====~ 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dally o. s. U. Ra.'. Station-WEAO market reports. John S. Rlchord. on to Edw ll1 . lumbu s Blank Book Mfg. Co., his skimmilk Ih1 excellent feed and(Alfred Vivian, Dean, College of Agricultural, Presiding) ~eaver. .Inlots Nos. 226 and 22 6 form s. $7 .51 0 ; Columbu s Blank in addition has paid for hauling it m Fra':lk!m. Boo k Co ., supp lies, $10: Office to market. 8 :00 Farm Night Melody Makers Sebasttan lIf. Bu er kle and '!= s- Outfitters, suppli es, $1 1.55; EdyUnder conditions prevailing dur8 :05 Getting More from Lambs ........ ............. ... ... _....... L. A. Kauffman 8 :20 Sudan Gra ss for Pasture ..................... .. .... ................. D: R: Dodd tella Buerkl e to ~ ester H op kms t he Wi lliam s, se l·vices, . $7.50; ing the decade ending with 1930, DEPENDABLE 8:35 Rural Local Groups- How Large ?. ................ ~ ......... R. C. Smith and Verden.a Hopkll1s. Inl ots No!;. Book Shop, s uppli es, 75c; Western manufactured milk products ,had a Stat'. entl'y ore ers for J.uvenile \'alue that made possible paVing a 1):50 Should We Have A Rock Garden? ........ , ........ ....... H. C. Esper 69 and 70 m South Lebanon. EPAIRING Anna M. Surf~ce to larellee Court, $6: Waldl'on C. Gilmour, pl'ice in the market tliat ",ould !l :05 Some Ki tc hen Time Savers .. ................ ............. Grace S. Wagner Watche. . Wood County Home Demonstration Agent R~e, 112 acres 111 Way n e town- inqu est, $7.9 0; Hines & Hopkins., cover the value of the butterfat if Clocks 9 :20 Fumigating Incubators .... .. .. ........... ............ ...... .. ............. Fred Speer ship . . . s uppli e~ . $6; Hi nes & Hopkins, separated and sold at the fann, the Jewelry ~red Bar na rd et. aI , to Cmcm- $6.10; Hi nes & Hop kins. s upplies, value of skimmilk for feeding pur!l :35 Foiling the Roundworm .... .. .... ... .. .............. .... .. ....... C. M. Ferguson ' poses and the cost 0I.f tranSpoN9:50 Stone Fruits- ................. r............ ............. .. ... ........... A. L. Pierstorff ~a tl Gas .and ElectriC Co: T he use $2. Store Open Evening. of certain r e.al esta!e m Turtle- -- - - • tion. ' = creek townshIp fo r hn es. . Now the condition is different, CARY'S JEWELRY . .Ralp~ R. and Ethel,S mge r .t o explaines Mc·B ride. Prices of milk Co., guardian . of Edna Mae Hop- Crncrnnl\tl. G,as & Electnc~ . The products most commonly made eal ,SHOP kins, deceased, is approved, allow- use of celtam r: es~te m Turfrom surplus milk have declined e d and confirmed by the court. tleCT~e~ t.own shl.p for llI1es. . RALPH H. CAREY drastically and the item 'Which' The fourth account of Charles Wllham COl'fll!an et 8 1. to CIIl. ' . . III (Continued from p9ge ~) L. Beck, guardian of Curtis Glenn cinnati Gas & Electric Co. The Ralp h H. Carey , mayor of Leb- mo~tl Instances IS now the I;areest, of' estate o'f Emma McMahan is Beck, et al minors was apPJ'oved, use of certain real es tate in-Wash- I!non, ann(l v nces his cand idacy for freIght char~e, has not dechned as the nomin atio n for judge of the has the price of manufactured ordered to sell certain property at allowed and confirmed by the intgon townshi p fo r lines. ,.' L. C. and Lillie UI'ton to Ci ncin- probate cou rt of Warren county, pr~u.cts. public auct ion and make return to court. The first account of Ollie Sl!ott nati Gas & Electric o. The use . ubject t (l the vote a t t he r epub. al~y men .have rel!Pon~ed by court. The first account of Lebanon- Shurta, Nina Scott Compton, ot certain Teal estate in Washing- Iican party pl'imary T uesda y, May skimmmg their milk, Bendl.nl!' the When 10. He will appreciate yo ur vote cr~am .to market and feed1!lg ~he Citizens National Bank & Trust 'M arie Scott White, executrices of to n town ship for lin es. J. M. a nd M. Esthel' F Ol'k ner to and support. , sklmmtlk, . to save transportation William H. McMahan, executor estate of Wallace E. Scott, dec!larges. Since more and more are ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doing ihh t~e 8urplus ~tuaUon AR TI:WR HAM ILTON is, gradually being brougJit under makes A rthur Hamil ton ann ounces his control. Olle of the mOllt important things cand id acy fO I: the nom ination for you can do to make a teething baby rceleetion to th e Ohio genel'al a scomfortable is 10 ~ee that little I'epl'esen t in g Warren sembly, bowels do their work of carrying ofT EVERETT DOANE coun ty, Rubject . to the rep ublican waste matter I'romptly and regularly. In announcing my can~idacy I For this nothtng is better than Caspr im ary, MIlY 10. wish to make this statem4lnt that loria. a pure vegctable preparation Phone 78J if elected I promise to work f()r specially made for babies and c hilIT It TIME FOR ECONOMY TAXES MUST BE REDUCED tax reduction and for an honest dren. Castoria acts so gently you can and efficient County Government. give it to "oung infaal" tu relicve P.FRIC~" lOtU<51 - P.l ONE Morris L. Nixon , of Turtl ecreek Everett Doane, candidate for colic. Yr.t it is ulw<JYs efTedi"e. for Town ship , l!andidate for commis- county commissioner, subject to older childNn, woo ]"tcrnell\bc:. Cast.'t ltIt sion e l' Wanell ~ounty , subject to the decision of republican party at 10ria contains nu harsh dmg:;. no decision of r epub lican primary the primary election, May 10. nllrcoticJ- is ah~()lutely lWrlllll',sll. ~j a~{ aVo "(\\i\R S\RQ~GtS' NtM\tCielection, MIlY 10, 1932. Wh~n your . baIJy is . frClrul . wi~h ,.. tl()Vt ~~ '~~\CQ ()f ~ u~~~'t tv-lh! ~\.8 cr a food u[:sct. J:ivc 1\ ,'IeallsW. D. CORWIN i,n'g (Jose <lr C...'Iluria. Be fturc YClu get C. DONALD DILATUSH W . D. Corwin, Salem township U9Q\\1 'l"~t. 6 ~E U\c:.~t.1~ ~\U ~DuiDe C~$tOlltl wilil tM ~aiJle: C. Donuld Dilatush, county announces his candidacy for the C~\{'t No4\l l)Iit\~\) • ,\\~~ $~~~~\) A"iR . i ~!,J" :,. 4" prosecutor, has authorized us to republican nomination for reelec- . ~/~V. tion to the office of county comannou nce his ca ndfd~cy for the \~ \.N.Cit QU~\1\t.'S ~ EU~C)~ Repub lican nomination <tr pros- missioner, subje~t to the primary, ec u t ill g attorney subject to the TuesdllY, May 10. ~Eltl ~t" AAE \)~Et> ~~ pa r ty primaries, Tuesday, May 10. Q\\t~ iEt\) - E. B. MURRELL . Your vote will be ap~reciated. ¥ •• E. B. Murrell, county treasurer, authorizes us to announce ht. WILLIAM HUFFORD candidacy for nomination for . . Deputy Sheriff William Hufford county treasurer for a second term FOR SALE DATES CALL ---r------~ 0 --~-.--------~. announces his cand.idacy for the s ubject to the republican primary, . rep ublican nomination -for sheriff of Warren county, subject to the wili' -of the e lectors of the republican party .,at the primary Tuesday, HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Clyde C. Collins announces ht. . May 10. candidacy f or nomination for clerk of COUI't.'l, subject to the reW. Z. ROLL publican primary election on Tue.JESSE STANLEY Judge W.. Z. 'RoH announces his day, May 10. candidacy for the republican . --..,= -~.o SIO. No,. B.rll_.t••• OW. nomination for reelection as . ALLEN HUFFMAN judge 0'( the Warreri County aAAL ICOO<;UtR Jll'obate court subject to the Allen. Hutl'm.a~ ·annouric!.!!! his voters at the republican party candidacy lor nomination for'. reDa,t. . PhoDO pl'imary Tuesday, May 10. Your election to the. office of coUnty KE ••oro al&8 support lind your vote will Jle sjn- recorder, s~bject to the republican c e ~' e ly appreciated. primary .electlon on Tuesdo1, ~~~=;;~=~~==::;=::==~ M,ay . lO, ·1 932. E_ J : BEEDLE HA YES C. KEEVER We arc nuthorized to announce the name of E. J. Beedle, of Union . Hayes C. Keever. of' Le\anon, ..0 .... -Y I'UBUC Township, as a candidate for re- Phio, solicits 'YOUI' suppollt for election to the office of County nomination . 8 & Commlbloner of N.t"'~ .... ~"\,t.\"ta 4ft'tlllQ.'; Commissioner, subject to the de- Warrell Countl', i\lbJect to ttle decillion' 01 the Re pbuliean Primary ~~ 'i~c;.~", l \il~ oiaion ' of Ma, the Republlean D,.. . . . l' .~ . . .tW'II• •~""~II!I""."" (!lectibn, May .10, 1982. Electlpn 10, 1~32, Prlmarr . , " . .W6~&'~ 9!IUl 11
Paper Hanging IDtenor Decorating Carpenter Work
I.?O :
D. E. Standiford
Farm ftiight 7 alks, Mav 9
Pol.·ti·cal Announcements
News from Court House
IF. ·T. Martin
Odd-But TRUE
Centerville, Ohio
A'S,T·O RJ .A •
T""d';~:;: ~. COLLINS
1 I StaD ey &Koog er
"C' U
't lo ' neers
h"-- ' .'"
Harveysburl Fertilizer Compa~y
16 Per .Cent 16.00 ~~~
o 9
20' Per Cent 20.00
o o
~o g
, All Otber Al!alysla la Stock. Orders will be filled froID stock as received aad la order la wblcb received. Place orders before May xoth by Mail, Pbone or ia Persoa. OJ:::::IC)C:::::::IIOJ::lOJ:'=:::S'O:=·=::Z'OJ::lO' 'c:::IO Oc:110 Oc:::lO OJ::lOJ::::=:::IOClOJ:'=::::1'0, U ••
For Relult.
The regular meeting of St. Mary' s Guild will be held on Thursday afternoon, May 5, at two o'cio'Ck at Ule home of Mrs. Ronald Hawke. This meeting will be in the form of a social, with a 'program and refresbments. A full attendance is desir>ed.
,M ilk,
Fifty thousllnd Am erican farmers intended early last month to sow 21 per cent more barley, 7 per eent more oats, plant a bout the sam e amount of corn and soybelins, 22 per cent less tobacco, and about 2 p er cent more potatoes.
Food Why the pasteurization of milk? Som.e people say there is nothing t~ it. Then. why is 'it that all large cities and city health departments demand that all milk must be pasteurized? 'Bec.u.e it'. a protectiOD an d a .• afely to ~e health of all tho.e who COD.um. milk more elpectally lb, chtldren. Th. pa.teurintioD of milk il Bolbin, more or Ie-•• than' t,h e heatin, of milk to a temperature of .145 delre....... At thi. temperat,u r. all danlerou. and livinl . ,erma .r~ .uppo.ed to be .do;'tro,ed. The beatin, procell at thi. temp.r ~ure doe. not InJur., the Oavor of milk for tbe .. me r.alon palteuriaed milk will keep Iweet and ret'ain it. Savor mucb lonler. Many cow. meel witb acciCI.nt. or develop lome lort of infectiou. udder trouble. The milk from .ucb affected COWl .b,ould Dever be uled raW'.
Because MILLIONS more people buy Goodyeat8, these hlah quality tires c:oet ~ou Uttle.
U.e Stoke.' Special Jerley PaalelU'iaed Milk, the Ilandal'd for quality. AlwaYI ultif~rm and alwaYI .&fe. We "arr, all kindl of dairy product., includin, JIlilk, cream, buttermilk, c:ol'-Ie 'cbee.e and fre.h dairy butter.
Stokes Dairy Farm
SUpl't'twlst Cord TuClil Lifetime Guaranteed
The Ladies Aid will meet at the hom e of MI·s. Frank Kellis Thursday afternoon. Mr. Burton Earnhart and Mrs. Eame st Eamhart and ' children spe nt Saturday in Dayton. MI'. and MI·s. Elsworth Smith .and daughters of Dayton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Subscribe for the Mia~i Gazette. J ohn Levi and son. M'r . and MI.·s. John Rye spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beam. Mr. and Jl;hs. Curtis Hill and Gwend olyn Fil,e r, of Dayton, and Mrs. Harold Morrison of White Director of FUDeral Service Pigeon Michigan spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Haro ld Kellis WHEN THE INEVITABLE and children. Mr. and MI·S. Wilbert Swank, HAPPENSof Dayton s pcnt Sunday afternoon with Mr. Harold Kellis and fami ly Let us shoulder your cares Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon and Mr. and M~l's . Enrl Marlatt went on n ti shing tl'ip Mon,la y. AMBULANCE •.sERVICE
W."nenille, Obio
SHINGLES A New Car Just In
Per hale • • $1.00 Per square -• $4.00 These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles mail ufactured.
c -
Madden's LumberYard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
Thll OrdIMry
F.ne. half son••
Worthy of Trust
"Gary.nll••led" .hoWil oppotllte
.lmoatsGod II
The f un e ral director is :l professional man trained to r give r eliab le, sympathetic servic e to Jfal\l~lies facing one of th e g , eat crises of lif e. He should be chosen wi th carC, b lO t once the choice is made he should be tn.:s: ted implicitly. , Our responsiLili t y to our clients is the gU id ing prin iple of all' ou r polic ies.
lbipmtllt. after tat.
CO!' J I..~ceu~ It ' • ...... yet ... Ion..,. . , Phone 25
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell moved to this place Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and children of Beavertown called on Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and so n Billy, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Rye and Mr. John Pence were in Dayton Monday n:iternoon to see Mao. Frank Pence who, is at the hospital.
Phone 29
Plcttlft fr_ actual photo-
Premium gasolin e usually sells at Sc over ordinary or regular gasoline. We se ll only one grade of gasoline-A SUPERKNOCKLESS PREMIUM GASOLINE-and at a premium of only Ic pel' gallon (not 3c). You ,don' t have to wonder whether yo u ought to buy 18c gas or 21c gas. Just buy our 19c PREMI UM SUPER-KNOCKLESS, which is the highest quality obtainable --gives the highe st powerl-. the most miles for yo u r money and keeps your motor FREJ!; from carbon. ' We hav e fre e nil' and water at the curb. We recharge batteries an d rendel' every kind of tire service.
paphl of roUI taken dCIWD for
Premium Gasoline 100% 'P ure Pennsylvania· Oil
MOUN'f HOLLY NEW-LOW 1931 Price. !
corn, permanent pastures, and wheat. The test will be supervised by the agricultural extension service.
Now has charge of our Waynesville Shop. Sam hilS been with t his company for five years as II mechanic and service man. He is competent to do every kind of auto repair work, such as fitting bearings, connecting ro ds, pistons, gears, clutches, brakes, valves, ig ni tion, etc., etc. In fac!, he is competent to do any service you may require. H e will also wash and polish your car, or chan ge your tires. Bring your auto work to Sam and . we are sUrq you wi1l like him.
Kilpatrick.French Motorcar Company
For the above reasons to guard the public health all milk should be pasteurized. Some object "to the flavor of pasteurized milk. This is because it has been held Ilt too high temperature, giving it a cooked or boiled. taste. Your daily milk supply is very important in so far as ' the health of your family is concerned. There is nothing cheaper and there is nothing that can quite take its place in your daily diet. It is nature's first and best food. It makes growth, gives strength and vitality. Use plenty of it and keep strong.
"GaIVlnneeled"end Co'pper Beerrns Winner of the Gulf of Mexico Watha Tat
Scores rJf Ohio farmers will turn scientists this spring and summer when they conduct tests on the best kinds of fertilizers to use on
, :
Gord,,~'. Service Sta.
,J. E. McClure Phone 7 Wayne8~rille,
To the Voters of Warren Coun.t y The ca ndidacy of RALPH H. CAREY for PROB.A TE JUDGE has the strong - ~~ppea l of a self-made young man. He has never held a county office and his entmnce into the race for the Republican nOrl1ination is being 'g reeted enthusiast ier. lly thro ughout the county, particula riy by t hose who believe the time has come for a change in office. His eleven years as a prac~icing attorney ~!lS made )tim thoroughly familiar With the functions of the Probflte Co un. gained distinction through his straight-forward administration as M~y or of tepalion ~~d has won the confidence of the' people through th,e conscientious m~anner that , h , s ch'&l'acterized nil his efforts in the past. He will appreciate this greater o,pportunity to, serve t~e peo~le of Warrenc~unty a8~ Ptobate J~~Ig.e. ' . .
Reputilican Primary-May :10, ' 193~ . . t·
Eighty-Fifth Year. /
WILUAM H. MADDEN St. Mary'a Guild Had COMMENCEMENT WEEK 'PROMINENT CITIZEN A Succelsful Social ACTIVITIES . TO ' GET On Thursday afternoon, May 6, the regular meeting of st, Mary's UNDER WAY MAY 15 DIE S UNEXPECTEDLY. Guild, a delightful social was held
Entertains Friends for Bride Elect
-----Complim~nting Miss
Ada Fran· ces Shaner, olum bu s. bl'idc·eIE·ct of June 7 to Lawto n K Bolender. South ern Rill., Dayt on, Miss Edna 'ha nel' Imtel'tnined a group of frientl ; in her IHl nol' at a r)urty a t her home in Wa yneHv ill l) . l·t! · cently. Five H undl'ed wail enj- yed a itel' which a buffet lun cheon was se rved . Th ose pre. ent includell Mrs. Pearl Ri ch, Mrs. ::ltella Butterworth, 1\1 1'5 . Isbella Drummo nd s, Mrs. Mau de Crane, Mrs. May nard Weltz, Mrs. El sie Stroud, Mrs. Mycr Hyman , Mrs. Amy Bailey a l~ MI·s. Evelyn Watkins ; Mis~es Ste lla D u't1 !~herty. Elizabeth Henkle, Faith Tomlin son, Dol'i :! Hawk e, Loui s~! Crane, Dena Hopkins, Bernice Hynlan and Madelin e Schne ide r; Mr. and Mr ~ . Lee Gregg, Riverside, Dayton : MI'. and MI·s. George Fu ll el', Xenia ; Mrs. Est lla Shaner, mother of the b·ride-elect; anti Mrs. ' Bessie Bolender, moth er of the bride· g room-eject.
Whole Number 6018
MAY 11,1932
Winner Ove'r 'Roll, Hulford, Keever, Beedle, Nominatedln County Vote,
at the home of M'rs. Ronald Hawke With 32 seniors to be awarded William H. Madden, lumber It WM an ideal day for a trip to clealer and prominent citizen, died the country. There was a goodly their diploma, commencement and a substantial sum week activities for Wayne town'rather suddenly at his home about attendance, wns added to the treasury of the ship higli schoo l gets under way 8 :30 o' clock Monday evening. Guild. Sunday evening, May 16, whe n While ill health had incapaCitated After the devotional period a baccalaureate services will be held him 'from attending to business fo), shprt program was given as in the g ymnasium. sLBrting at 8 o'clock. !lcvernl weeks, the seriousness of follows: se rmOn will be delivered to The theThe bis condition was not realized, 6.n d Reading, "Americanism c l a~. of 1032 by Rev . G. C. Need of the Hour" .. Mrs. W H. his death came as a severe shock Dibert, pastor of the Waynesville Allen . to his friends. Feeling better. Reading, "How Old Are you?" .. .. M. E. -church, who will take fO I' his subject, " The Builtlers." Monday evening, 'he hnQ sent ~ ......... .. ... .... Mrs. Edith Hanis Rev. J ohn J. Schaeffe r, of Sl. A number of selections on the Relulla of Scholarabip Teat nurse to Lebanon to attend a Mary's Episco pal chul'ch will aslumber dealers' meeting. Shortly victrola. sist in the Hervic e, while t he high The Annual District and State A delicious one course luncheon Sc holarship tests were held at after 8 o'clock he went to the was served late in the afternoon. sc hool glee club will render several numbers. A feature of the bath room, where he was fatally Miami Univcrsity, Oxford, Ohio, Care y, for Probate Jud,e, aael musical program will be a tromon May 7, 10:!2. Waynesville wa s stricke n. Mrs. Mudden rushed to Keever fpr Commillioaer bone so lo by Charles LeMay. his assistance and did all possible represented by eight of the 30 Murk Rogers transacted bua!The 60th annual comm encement studen ts making up the Warren ness for Iiis relief, but to no avail. The Made Fine Showinl in Munc ie , Ind., one day last of Wayn svill e high sc hoo l will be bursting qf a large blood vessel is county team . Results for Warren wet!k. held Wednesday eve ning, May 18, county are: tl upposed to have been the final at 8 o'clock with J. W. Lotz. French I.-Springbol'O, 6th ti e. cause of his deat.h. Fine weather for farm work, Mrs. D. H. Smith .entertained superintendent, pres iding. French I.- Kings Mills, 10th. FUllel'al services will be held L; ,c LJ1'itJgc club ~lItul' day after- a nd a seeming indifference as to The processional will be I'en· French 11. Kings Mills, 1st noon . at his late homer Thursday afterthe resu lts of the nomination dered by the Wayn esville sc hool noon at 2 o'c ock, Rev. Jesse and 4th. weh proba bly i'esponsible for the orchestra, after which Rev J ohn J. Harvey, pastor of Springfield Latin II.- Be rnice Graham , W. Cl ocks aL half price. A "Giity" light vote cast at the Primary Schaeffer will deliver th e invocuChUI'ch, Officiating. The remains H. S" 10th. Gift. Cary'll J welry Shop, Leb- election, Tuesday. Whatever the tion. A sextette will then s ing will be taken to the Union cemeChemistry- Verdenill F ox, 8th anon, cause, only about half the possible Ohio. "Bells of the Sea," to be f ollowed W. H. S. tery, near Clar~sviUe, for burial. vote was cast in this township. by the Salutatory by Verdena William Henry, son of Cyrus Algebra I.--Otterbein, 10th Mr. a nd Mrs. Lee Hawke and Local interest, such as " it wall. Plane Geometry- Morrow, 10 family and Jane (McCray) Madden, was W. N. Sears was in Darke Fox. nt l:l unday with Mr. and seemed to center in races for the The graduates will be ad· World Hi story- Robert Gons, Mrs. M.tlpe born on a farm in Washington county last week, on business. Republiean nominations for GoverF. Weltz. dressed by Dr. William H. BeachTownship, Warren County, Ohio, Th e Way ne ville A. C's. jour- 6th, W. H. S. nOI', U. S. Senator, Congressional and, after a sojourn of 68 years, 9th yell r Engli sh- Betty HartMrs. C. D. Ridge and Mrs. J. O. ler. of Gratis, Ohio, an educator neyed to Cuba (the Clinton Representative, -County Com~illTune in on the C. & B. program, 5 months and 16 days, departed Cartwright were Lebanon visitors and speakel' who se wide experi- County village,. not the Island Re· soc k, 2nd. W. H. S. station W KRC every Suliday 3ioner, Probate Judge and SheM• . ence has gained fOI' him an envia. 12lh YUlir English -- Ronald afternoon this liie from his home in Waynes- Friday. Once more, C. Donald Dllatulh. at 2 p. m. ble reputation. who will take for public) and 'won a well earned Ha relin, 51.11, W, R, S. • ville. The earlier years of his life candidate for prosecuting attorney, The Warren co unt¥ team placed were lived <on the home farm, but Mrs. Lee Hawke and daughter, his subject, "Education Plus." Dr victory by the score of 8 to 4 la t W. N. Sean and family attend- with no opposition, leads the ticket he later entered the employ of Doris, were Dayton visitors, last Bea-chler is sure to hav e 11 message Sunday afternoon. Anke ny pitched 7th out of 11 cou nties. ed eommencement exercises at in the entire Township with a vote ' inspiring not only to the clas~ a good st eady game for the victors his brothe,-, the late A. D. Madden Thursday. of 264. ' , . Hellbrook Monday night. but to the audience as well. in the lumber business at ClarksPicture. Taken Latest reports as we go to prella though not n,early so spectacu la r lIWsical "eJection b y ' An.other ville. Here he became thoroughly Tune in on the C. & B. program, On Thursday the Co rnwell Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClure and indicate the Republican nomina.. familiar with the details of his station WKRC every Sunday the orchestra will follow the ad- as that hurled by his opponent. photograpbers visited W. H. S. daughters, of Da~ton, were guests lion of Ingalls for Governor.!_Bp~ dress, after whic h the va ledictor\' Ramby cont inued his hard and chosen life work. afternoon at 2 p. m. for U. S. Senator, and Marshwill be presented by Ronald J. timely hitting, and the enti re team and took pictures of the several of Mrs. Mary MCClure, on Sunday. man In the spring of 1906 Mr. II fo r Congress. Afternoon preaa showed a 10 0'~ improvement in credited groups. These included Madden came to our -community 'Anyone wishing chairs for Hardin . • grade oratorical, track, music and Mrs. R. ~ .. Vance and son,.of I'eports give Ingalls a p'lurality of and established himself in the re- parties or other occasions, see A. Guest of h·onor at the exerciser their work in the field. scholarship, the Senior class, tac- Pleasant Plain, spent Sunday With 30,000 over Brown, While Be~t Th e home t oam dl'ew first blood tail business of lumber and build- H. Stubbs, Funeral Director. will be F. R. Moomaw, principal ulty, basketball team, sportsman- I ber parents, MI'. and Mrs. J. C, is reported to have defeated Tab,r ing material. He first locate4 in of Mt. Logan school, Chillicothe. in the last half of the se: ond by a plurality of 60,000. Report the warehouse opposite the coal Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman, of Ohio; who will speak on "Values.' when H. ~mithson singl ed to left, ship brotherhood, The pictures Hawke. from 5,478 of the State's 8,701 were quite a success and are advan ced on Carm an's hit, stole yard, now used as a storehouse by Norwood, were guests of relatives The sextette will render Clyde Fr.omm spent the week- Precincts are included in thl. being purchased by students and the Fairley Hardware Co. A few here Friday and ' Saturday, another vocal number to be fol- tbird, and scored when Ankeny end in Delaware with his brother- e!!timate. Unofficial tabulation ' . year~ later he built and moved in· lowed by the presentatio n of threw wild in. an ef1\ort to catch teachers. in-law and sisLer, fill-. and Mrs. givetl the Republican vote in - , Sets of Dishes you will be diplomas by S :S. Ellis. presiden t him off baSi!. Two hits, one run, tcl the present commodious quarMelvyn Banta. Wayne Township as follows: Took Fourth Place one en·or. ters. The new business gained pJ:oud to own. See them at Cary's of the board of education. Our boys c:ume right back in · W. H. S. is proud of the fact rapidly in popularity, and for Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. The benediction will be State" COllwre.. loaal Messl·s. W. S. Graham, Barry more than 27 years the name pronounced by Rev. Chester A. the thh'd and went into the lead, that Ronald Hardin, senior, 'took- Prater and Cal'l Sherwood fished For GOyerDOr "Madden's" has been a local syn- Miss Faye Kelley, teacher at the Williamson. never to be headed. Ramby led off fourth place in the Southwestern at Russell's Point, last Thursday, ' NC SC ~W SW E\Y onym for quality, integrity and Grade bu1lding, visited friends at with a singl~, and a theft, and Members of the senior class District Scholarship Test. He has Friday and Saturday. Brown 74 65 80 38 Ii Ii fair dealjng. Centerville over the week-end. receiving their diplomas al'e as Ankeny si ngled. Weller's double just received a certificate from 8 12 5 ., Ingalls ........ 14 On March 28, 1907, Mr. Madden ' follows: Velma Armital!e. Kathryn sent Ramby in with tying mark. the State. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley and Cooper ...... 1 Ii 6 ' ·· •• Mr.. and Mrs. Kenneth Rid~e L. Boger, Ralph V. Branstrator, Two young gentlemen waved their was united ' itl marriage to Miss family, of Leba non, were Sunday Athalina Hadley, of Clarksville and daughter, of Indianapolis. Ernest E. Cook, Ruth E. Cook, re,;pects to the pitcher, but Gon's LieutelNont GOyerDOr dinnet· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sportal1Ulnabip Brntherhood who has been his faithful and de- Ind., visited relatives here last Florence E. Day, Lena M. Earn- double sent the battery across the Nickels 34 16 11 7 10 Vern Simpson and son. voted companion throughout the week. hart, Erwin Ellis, Verden a A. Fox, pan with two more runs. Four hits, Palmer ...... 28 26 97 16 2' Last Tuesday every member 'Of intervening years. No children Helen L. Friend, Ernest F. Greene three runs, no errors. 9 16 6 the Sportsmanship Brotherhood Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud and Turner ...... 13 Mrs. Elouise Thompson, of Cin- Donald E. Gustin, Estle E. BalleEllis walked, with one down, in had the privilege of voting for the son, Harold, Messrs. John Pyle, came to bless their home. Besides Secretary of Stat. his beloved companion, he is sur- cinnati, spent several days last meyer, Ronald Joyce Hardin, the fourth, and rode home when five boys and five girls to be the Laurence Davis and Carl Cook, a 18 Braden .. .... 38 33 SO vived by a sister and two brothers, week with her parents, Mr. and Donald L. Hawke, Bomer Ken- Ramby. doubled to right center. representative. .sportsmen for spent Sunday at the home 'of Mr. Hummell .... 13 1 8 8 11 Miss Addie Mladden and T. C. Mrs. G. J. Smith. nard. Heber M. Lu-ca s, Rosa .Lee Ankeny singl ed to right, and pil- the present year. . l'ylllj at Beaver, Ohio. Nixon ........ 13 14 18 1S' 10 Madden, of North Lewisbjurg, McClain, Everett H. Marlatt, fered. Ram by came home after The ballot ,!,ith the names of Mrs. Jane Wright, who spent Mary Jo Miller, 'Milo C. Milten- Weller's long fly to center had ten boys and Un girls on it waS and Clinton Madden, of ClarksU. S. Seaator Yourex Silverseal Silverwareville: A baIt-sister, Mrs. Ella the ,w inter with her sisU!r, Mrs. berger. Leroy Moran, Anna been caught. Mendy walked, and made up by Mr. Lotz, Mr. Pyle New low prices. This will please Bettman .... 24 1J} 18 11 Crawford, of Ithaca, N. Y., and Julia Donovan, returned to her O'Neall, Lois E. 'Penninl1ton, successive singles by Hartsock and and Mr. Hatfield. our many customers who want Taber ........ 39 34 60 18 S4 an aged aunt, Miss Rachel Madden home in Springboro, Monday. Loren V. Reason. Erma L. Sears, Gons sent in an other run. CompAfter the votes In the election "The best" in Silverware. Cary's Rep. to COD of North Lewisburg, also survive. D. Sava~e, Frank W. Swartz.. ton hit 'a hot grounder to the pit- were counted, it was 'f ound that Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. 2 6 2 10 Greiner ... . 13 Our Gruen Watchea.:.-The peak Paul cher, who WiIliam Madden was one of messed the pick-up and el, John S. Turner, Ballard WalWinifred and Velma Armitage 1 2 3 5. Hennesey .. 1 Waynesville's most public spirited in value-The low'in price. Cary's lace. Nellie M. Watkin n,Q,.jt1a.:1:n' threw the ball wild to first, two and Verdena Fox had 20 votes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stokes and progressive, and best loved citi- Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio; F. Shaw. ore runs scored. The tenth bat- each, aJld there were only two family, of Cincinnati, Mr. and Marshall .... 68 59 75 22 29 zens. Ever alert to the welfare and store open 8 •. m, to 9. p. m. te hook hiB bat at the pitcher. places to be filled. The name of Mrs, 1. Bloch, of Spring Valley, State Seaator advancement of his community, Four h 'ts, five runs, one error. 3 6. 6 13 each Ifirl was written on a sepa- were dinner guests of Mr. and Davis ........ 16 Howard Case and daughMrs. he was ever ready to push public Busin s picked up 'for the rate piece of paper and these were Mrs. Myel' Hyman, on Sunday. 6 3 Martin .. .... 13 11 13 ter, Miss Marian, of Lebanon, improvement, and devoted years Oubans, in the la t of the seventh drawn out of a hat by the presiMiller .. '''' 24 2'9 33 Iii 18 . of usefUl service as a member of were guests of their aunt, Miss but Ankeny nd his mates put on dent and laid in order on the table I . The Strong-~offord Evangehs Emma Heighway, Thursday evenState Repreaenlati•• the VillAge Council. and later as the brakes 'I plenty of time. Next on two different pieces of tiC Party, which r~cen~ly cO.na member of the Board of Public ing. With one dow , Brown tripled. to paper were placed x 's, while a d~cted a great. campal~n m .Xenla, Hamilton .. 68 48 57 23 80 Affairs. His passing leaves a ,l eft, the baH ing a bad bound third piece was left blank, then Will begm a brief mee~lng wlth thl . County .Tiebt Mrs. Ray Mainous had as dinvacancy that will not soon, if ever over Hough. Ba er sent the "un- these were drawn in the same local .Church of Christ Monday, Probate Judie . be filled. He was a member of the ner guests Saturday evening, MI . ner in with a hi went to second manner and laid on the respective May 16. Carey ..... ... 40 34 49 , Ohio Retail Lumber Dealers' As- and Mrs. Vernon Mainous and on Moon's o ut, endy to Compo names. The paper placed on VerExcitement ran high in Way- ton, and stole thir . Camp walked dena's n-ame was blank so Velma I MT. and Mrs. Rono.1d Hawkt Roll .. ... .. .. 34 21 .. 27 , 4sociation, ahd was also affiliated little daughter, LaVernn, Mrs. with the National bralJCh of the Christine Jasper and Miss ¥>uise nesville last. Friday evening when and stole, alild J. Smithson'S, hit and . Winifred were chosen rep- ob~e!ved Mothe~'s Day by c.nter. Commi.. iGae" Treadway. . I Mrs. Charles Gray, of Third plated two more same organizatipn. ns, H. Smith- resentative sp ortsmen with 20 flammg to a SIX o'<clock dmner Beedle ........ 24 27 69 19 17 Mrs. Verno'n 'M'ain'Ous r~turned street, 'shot her husband during a son forced out hi brother and votes each. The other grirls chose n Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrs. Laura Corwin .. ... 29 16 6!t 18 -18 . marital quarrel, wounded 'herself, batterY. mate, Har ck to Mendy, as follows: Miriam El1is with Mosher, Mr. Han'is Mosher, and Doane ....... . 6 8 I l' 8 \ 9 home ~aturday from visit tb . and set fire to the curtains of the and n'O more spike shoes molest- are WRIGHT HIATT HONO~ED 29 votes, DoriS Salisbury with 26, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and Keever .. .... 48 34 '31, 16 . H Stearns, Ky. She was ac60mpained Gray home. . ed the hom,e plat Three hits, and Loi s Pennington with 21 votes family of Milford . Nixon .... :.. . ' 26 18 , 2~ 16 ' 18 Ml's. Gray was taken to the Mc- three runs, no error. . The following article was by het' aunt, Mrs. Chrilitine Jasper The five boys elected representa- J . . Watkins .. .. 23 11 15 ' ,~ 14, clipped from a Winchester, Ind., ot. Dunedin, Ji'la., · whb will v1 sit Clellan hospital where she is reOur WAC'c are putting up a tive sportsmen are: John Turner Over 200 graduates will receive ,'. her for a while. l td t b . f tw Sheriff game th year, and with 31 votes, Ronald Hardin with High School Diplomas in Warren newspaper: por e a e recovering rom 0 splendid At the eonvocatlon held in the i 1 self-inflicted bullet wounds, while richly deserve the earty support 2'9, Paul<' Savage with ' 22 ; County this year. The ideal gift is Hufi'ord .... .. 68 44 Mrs. John Swing, Miss Stel a her husband received treatment of the fan~. They ' 11 meet the Meredith high ; chool auditorium ThurSday Whitaker with 19 ' a Watch. Gruen and other good Whjte ........ 19 12 · Hiatt was ·award- Swing, Mrs. Ray D\Ulcan and son, in Lebanon for gunsh'ot wounds in Dayton White Soc , a ,,"ood fast and Milo Miltenberger with 18. Watches you will find at. Car.y's mornl'ng Wri"ht ... Miss Agnes Crane bd Mr. Robert h' h d diM G ed the most coveted honor of tbe Swing, all of Bethel, Ohio, 'Were IS an an ego r. ray re- colored team at W yne Park next On Thursday evening at a meet- Jewelry Shop, Lebanon 0.1110. High four years .:o,!rse, the "0. R. guests of Mrs. M.l.ude Crane and turned from the hospital Saturday Sunday afternoon, i'f the weather ing of the Sportsmanship Brother- quality-at new low prices. Baker medal for especial excel- f milv S d 1" Residents of Waynesville early man is ' willing. T hood, special recognition will he lence in athletics and scbolarsPip.' a J I on un y. Friday evening were attracted to A t the last meeting 0'1 the given the representative sportsW. A C. General. attitude, personality, in-. Come to a J welry Store for the scene, when the firebell soundMothers club last Tuesday evenmen. . AB R H PO A E ing, the following officers were terest and efficiency in all enter- finer and more lasting jewelry. ed. Firemen extinguished the 1 4 0 ·0 'e lected for next year: President prises for the betterment of the Our pleased customers enjoy blaze, which is reported to have Weller, c ...... .. 4 SOCIETY MISSIONARY 0 2 6 0 Mrs. L. E. Hockett; vice-president, school were all considered by the showin..- uathe Wa,tch, ~illlr and been started by Mrs. Gray, with Mendy. 2b ....4 1 0 3 0 HAS GOOD PROGRAM Mrs. R. G. Miller; secretary, Mrs. judges in making their decision. other , jewelrY~ft1ia8ed ~6. l to 40 slight loss, and without the use of Hartsock, ss .. 6 2 1 2 0 Homer Ramby, and treasurer. Mr. Butcher, in his presentation rears ago. ·C 's ,rewelry \,Shop, a drop of water the cbemical tank Gons, 3b .. ... ... Compton, lb... 1 16 0 0 explained that this medal was not b Obi being used exclusively. Mrs. R. H. Hartsock. The Woman's Foreign Mission1.1ars h a I Ch or1es P . J oy, w h 0 Hough, If ..... 0 ] 0 0 ary Society met Wednesday after,iven annually, but on1y w h en th e e anon, 0 0 0 0 noon, May'4th at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sackett Judges felt .that some senior Mrs. O. R. 'Qnglesby was honor conducted an investigation, was Ellis, cf ,... .. 3 2 1 0 0 J. W. White, with Mrs. W. G. of near Bellbrook, are announcinr worthy of this honor was in the guest at a family dinner' gi\jen at told that Mrs. Gray had purchased Ramby, rf .. . .. 4 3 2 6 1 Whetsel and Mrs. Wilbur Clark the birth of a 80n. James Richard . scho'ol. her home op Sunday in celebration sion of the pistol, with five blank Ankeny, p .... .4 who arrived at Miami Valley hos Through'Out his entire course, of:her birthday anniversary. Those anon that day, and when Mr. Gray t hostesses. S 10 27 16 1 assistan Wright. has' maintainded ~ hibrJlI present were Mr. and MI'B. N. P. rh,:tur!led hhome ~drom worfk fired adt Totals .... . Mrs. McClure conducted the de- pital in Dayton, last Wednesda~ scholastiC average on d Ul'llllr 18 Blatt and family, of ' Manchester 1m In t e res I ence, a t erwar s votionals taking her scriptUre lelr evening. "Daddy" is a brother 01 Mrs. J. E·. McClure and Harve' ljlgh school years has been a most Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird and turning the gun on herseH. The CUBA SoD' from the book of Joshua. valuable man in athletics, reaching dau bter Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall found Mrs.. Ga.ry at the After a short business session S&ckett, and is well known to al AB R HPO A E our ball players and fans. the climax this year wben lIelected San~er, 'Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wat- rear of the ~ouse s~llI In possesSb ...... 6 1 2 0 0 0 the following program was ren6S first center on tbe all reaionaJ kins and son, Mrs. Jane Wright Ion of the ,pistol, With five blank ~ered: Moo, 2b .. ...... 6 0 1 2 3 0 A Ford car, driven by Everett team. . and' Mrs. Julia Donovan. cartridges ID t~e ch.a '!lber. The tumuftuous applause of the · Deputy SherIff WIlham Hufford C p~ ss .. ... 2 1 1 0 2 0 Song, "How Firm ' a Foundation" Frye, and a sedan, driven by Cecil Smithson, >c 4 0 1 13 0 0 ....... .... ... . ... ..... : .... ;...... ..... So.ciety Davis, came together with ~ pupils and faculty of the school The Waynesville F. F. A. boys was called from Lebanon to a8Smithson, p 4 1 2 2 2 1 Introductory Readmg, Friends mi,hty crash at the .comer 0 ) voiced . their 'approval cd the took. "Newt" Wallace and bis fast sist in an investig~ion of th Carman, cf .. 4 0 1 2 0 0 Day" ..... ... . ............ Mrs. Day ThIrd and Tyler streets Saturday award. The recipient is a vel')' stepping bunch of softball players shooting. Valland'ham f 4 0 0 1 0 0 Song, "Faith of Our Fathers";." .. j evening. The Davis nUlchine W6" few words expressed his gratitude from Lytle by a acore of lIto S, - - - "!' , Ib' .... 4 0 0 7 0 0 .. .. .. .. , .... ... ..... ..... ..... .. Society badly damaged and Cecil was cu and appreciation of the nonor, in a game played at Wayne Park, PROMll'lENT MAN TO ATTEND Bobbitt, Brown, rf .. ,... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Poem, "Ju ~t This Minute" ... .. ....... I by flying class.' Davis was cominll' not forgetting to thank the other last Thursday evening. Coacb FRIEND'S~ ""riw''''''RT ' '£RLY MEET .. ... .... .............. Mrs. Archdeacon I down the hill on Tyler street. and members of the team for their Jobn py'le has the Future Farmers ~u". Totals ........ 36 4 9 27 7 1 Song, "Have Thine Own Way FrYe was driving down Third cooperation. , irt'e pping along at a 1Derry clip,. esL01'd" ........ : ... ..... ..... .... Society I street ,at the ·time of the collision'. Wright also won the. lIenior peciaJly Russel ' Treadway; who Arthur ·E. Morgan, President of ! 12S466789;"" SCripture '. Readings .... .. Six La~ies I oratOrical contest prize rOt 26•00 operates in the pitcher's box. It Antioch ' College ~t Yellow Springs his subject being "Young. meri- l~u don't, belieye .us, ' just ask will be present at Fl'iend's Quar- W. A. C. , .... :.:0 ·03600000-8 Solo, "Hold Thou My Hand. Dear I Lol·d" .... · ....... .... .. " . .,Ml'S. Le~"y cans 'in P.olitic:a;" ~ewt. tedy 1DeetiJig. Satu'r day and ~t Cuba ... ....... , .. :.010000 0 0--4 Dialogue, "A Friend Inde.ed!~ ...... .. . ,Wright Hiatt. who iJI the sey.. ' . ' . ' . '2 :BO p. ' m. give an address. ·Mrs. Earnhart and Mrs. Conner enteen year, oid· Ion of MI'. and Beatrice Robttser da~hter of Mr. Morean is one of the out- Stolen Ballea:-Rarnby, ' Ankeny, Solo, "If I Coulq But Tell alllhe , . Mrs. Cl,de Htatt~ of ~ln~elter, Mr. _Del 141'1: O. M.' Roliltzer, . hItS Btanding men of ' our country Baker, Camp~ H. Sm.tthIOD. Ind., win ente~ "eatPoi"t,. ~ul, bee~ .,pledl4!d to Kappa ,Kappa and '~one t~t~t:eBu:d 'in hear- Earn'e d R~1I!&-'-:w. A. C'I. 8; CUN .St9ry" ....... ...... :.. ." ... Mrs. ' LeMay . lat. .' ,. Gamma IOl'Orfty ,at O. W unlver- in. his leeture IS ~ordlaUy invited . 3. The 'meeting was adjol,ll'n'e d by · UI, ....._lW~.II~.,.. GOill, the lJliasto~ry beneqietion. t.o. •~• . . atty, ;wbere she' ia a fremnuln. She to attend. . meet . with Mrs. Ben Smith in DEPARTMENT CAU.ED was pltdre4 'followiilt annual ' - _. June~· . '. -- . . wlhiDir -period cO'ifClucted by VI-' D ~ t D.law'Spara ·tram a llaht trub. At. sororltlu Which ended recentJ,. ..b au. ter a ~ ----~--.--. ~.~----2; by , ignited to pile- df loose Itnw neal' lifaa Bobita... fa a rrraduate of ' . Mr • • a\ld Mu. Vern .,HoUlh, Vern Hough'. prd~ about noon WafDeaviIle· h~ lICltocll, "he~e Mrs. C,<;)i. Robitzer 'spent SunBailJa.-(l11I Alikeny, S; oft daughter and lion were 8und~ Saturda7. Prompt w~rk by lie.,. Ihe was ..mol' clua : prea(dent, clay ill Deaaware the g\JeSt of ber '. ldlnner pests ot Mr. and Mrs. W./ bol'l and the ere department ex- lcJlool pianJlt and a meJllber Of,' daqhter, llfaa iieatrlce... student
The ,School Report F or the Past Week
--- -_.
tiqullhtd the, blue With DO' to. -\ .
clee clab.
at O. W~ Vi
herUr of . w.,.....,r/r pointed In the case Mil\~iBburlr Building I and I A :lo~iatio n verllus Henry K~rumer, et aI, the plaintiff hall recovt'T from the de. fendnnLs the um uf 2677 .65. In the (H\H oi The Miaroi burg Building find Loan Association versus N Ilie. rtf. M n~. et ul. ·the plaintiff shall rec'over from he de. fendant!} th sum d:f 131)6. 117, In the ellS o:f Western lndustries urporatilO n \'e rsus Van Horn Tub Co.. l al th' Winters National Bonk IInu Trust 0 .• is mad n purty d(tCendalli.
Landlord Sue., So Doe. Tenant; . What a ·Tangle! .
They've Never Tasted a Tonic!
Constable C. P. Joy bad a rather amusing! eJtpei.-ience. 1t10nday CO!IDJI'.OQ PleeA ProcaeclillRS afternoon. It seems that Ja mes In t he case Of Le lie Thomas w(.>n ey, who has been living on versus W. E. Graham and H. . his farm in Clearcreek Townshi p, ~ou ";y ·H e-:y Lee Conover. the deCetl~n • motion had I'ented his f arm to Shelby .,., "'. ~ U .........s. Wk_ requiring the pLaintiff to give seCox, the latter to have sole poscurity fol' costs was sustninQd R.eleued. u-.. II • ion upon the payment of a In the case of Mary Edit.h Av.~"""'" sum of money agreed upon. Cox teigerwald versus John teige rmoved to t he plsce before Sweney wald, the defendant flied a motion had vacated. and. weney says. to make the petition of the plain· has failed to produce anl' cash. New Suit. tiff deflnite and certain by set.tlng Last weck, ·weney consulted BAPTER XXI. and Davenport deep in stupor, the fOl'th definitely the ground or J ohn Alii rs versus Ralph ' R. conspirators had the place to grounds upon which the plaintiff inger and I~ thl~l 'jnger a nd The Att rn y Robert Brown, in Lebanon. und the latte r filed sui t for Pu~ketty.Slli ... el·. Rennie themselves. relies in her claim for alimony. it American Loan & Realty olllpany ilence rushed in upon the dy- was s ustained. The motion of the for .money, for·e dt). c uf chattel po~ s.e ss io n in SC)uil'e Walter Ken· "So far, so good. But there's another thjng. 'l'his man is abso· ing clatter as into a vacuum. plaintiff for t emporary alimony mortgage Ilnd app ointment of reo rick's court in favor of his c lient. In the meantime. Cox had conlutely capable of laying down on Gardiner paused long enough to and attorney fees wa overruled: ceiver. sul ted Att orney George Young in us. uO matter what agreements we look in on immins. That worthy In the case of Elsie Bird vl!rsus Frank lin, and s ui t wa s fil ed in the may have." ' had not st irred. AICred C. Brant. et 81 the motion Probate Court Proceeding. Franklin J . P . court to oust It was the work of but a few of the defendants requil'in~ the "Wbat do you moon?" , moments more to Teinsta ll Dav- plaintiff ' herein to give security L. ~arl Th\>ml)S On, auministl'ator Sweney from his own farm. "Refuse his formula.' When Constable J oy arrived at of e tate of ,. ran ees I. Harpel', enport's strange torage battery for CQS ".But you can ruin him." was s ust.ained. the prl'm ises to serve his sum·'He·ll tand that. He'lI stand in the other car. In the case of Elsie Bini versus decuaseu, fi led hi s first ari d final mons on Cox. he met Constable for anything now he's got his head Gardiner fou nd the engine much W . E. Graham. ,et al the motion of aeeoun t. Olive '. Spinn r and Julin. B. Hizer, of Franklin. wh o had just setl That's the sort they used to Illore fl exible than any gaso line t he defendant requiring the plainHF..sE are not patent medicine once at twice a week will avoid aU use the thumb rack on without car he had ever driven. For a few tiff to give security for costs was He ndricks. executrices o f esta te of sen'ed a similar summ ons on children. "('heir appelite needs th.is. It contairul (reb \.au~ hen.. Mary Vande\'c r lJ urley, ueceased weney. The Franklin case will 00 eoaDng. Their tongues ale nevv active senna, and pure pepsm. aad much success. Could you analyze minutes he amused himself by sustai ned. be heanl Thursday mornin g at ooated. cheW never pale. Acd their does II world of IlOOd to any systlm this bnttery. i1 you had it. and r e- bringing it almost to a stop and Sherman Harold was f ound gu il- filed their invento ry. Everett E. II' OI1 ~ , uumin istrator 10 o'e!ock, while Squire Kenrick bowels move just Ij\.e clockwork. - young or old . "au can always Jet then picking up smoothly and pos· ty as chllrge,; in suid affidavit and produced the formula 1" of cstaLe of l~a llc S. Iron , decca .• expects to hear the other case beeatIM. they ba"o'e never been given this fine prellCriptiooal preparatiaD "Certainly, if what he says is itively by herely opening the throt- fined $l vO and costs. at any dr1lll ~ tore. Just ~ them lor true, that the pLates are a simple tle. He then started out and . set- rn t he case of The Mutual Build- ed, is ordered UD se ll eel'win prop- Friday afte rnoon at 1 o·clock. • habit.fonninglaxative. Now. if the two J . P's. decisions Dr. CaldweU's syrup pep5Ul. alloy, and there is no further tled down to t he sheer pleasure of ing and Loan '0 .• versu Leo J . erty and make return to court. should You can have childnn lilte th.ishappen to conflict. "won't Gu Ucebriclh, William Young secret. It will only be necessary to driving as 'fast as his skill ~ ould Smith . ct ai , lhe pl~intiff shall rebe aa healthy yoUl"l1dfif you and that be l:iumpi· ... as Amos a n' Andy Get. some syrup ~ today. aDd analyze them, measure their eJtact permit. 1oDo... the advice of a famoWi family protect your famity fTl?m tboIIe c"v el fl " n the de'fendant the sum and larence Shoemaker were ap. pointed np praiscrs of estute of He was a good driver. and he of $2 Lt7 1.16. proportions, determine their spepIIysician. Stin rulale the oital organJ. biliolCl 0 a Y!'o frequen t sick. spells cific gravity. and observe carefully understood well how to pick up 'rbe 5trong~ l of them need help al and colds. Keep Il bottle In ~ In the casll of The American Lovina E. Sm it h, deceased. The stute of Daniel H. Lind. " , any peculili.rities of their shape on th~ straightways and just how Loan & Realty Co. versus J. W. times. If they oon't get it. they che:rt i"slnd of calhartica much to check at the curves. And Wilder. sales by ' the sheriff were deceased. is exempt from inheri- tain real estate in Salem tow nship frO'" dUllgish . Dr. Caldwell's syrup medicine and position." that so often bring. oa chrome "Remember, the ir distance from he was a safe driver, as genuine approved and all acc ounts are to tance t.IlX. pepsin is a mild. we sHnlulanl. for highway purpo es. corullipalioD . Dr. Ca}dweIrs syrup skill is usually saJe. each oth er is Important." Sales by Everett E. Irons. adJ esse ~ ose to tate oC Ohio. The be settled. a y oungster doesn't do well pepsin ean always be employed But Gardiner was no t a lone in In the case oC Vivian Jame s v r- mini tra tor of es tate of I S/1UC • u 'e of certain relll estate in Salem at '\'ben "That of course. I see your scb'>Ol, It may be the liver thlll's to give clog8ed bowela a tho!,<?UIlh idea. W e are to steal the battery.' the car. No less a personage than sus Corneliu s V. Kelly , the defen · Iron w re approv eu and confirm- tow nshi p for hig hway purposes. cleansing. WIth none of th!lt painfUl I~y. Often the bowels hold enough Punketty-Snivvles occupied the "It must weigh 40 pounds," obJ os. H. Hein ey. e't al to State of poisonous waite to dull the senses I griping. !Jr. bummg . feelinB ~ dant is granted leave to file ed by the COUI·t. jected Gardiner. "Do we hide it seat next him, but the little dog's answer. Joseph R. Baker was IIppointed Ohio. Th e use of certain rea l es- ,4, spoonful of delicioWi syrup pepsin wart!. It ISII t ex penstV8. protective coloration had conceal· somewhere?" In the case of 'fhe People' adlllinistrntor of estate of Susie tate in Washing ton township for "No. you'll drive it out. The ed him from Gardiner's notice. Buil di ng. Loan & Savings Co. ver- nyd 1', deceased. and flied bond hig hway purposes. Now Gardiner had once cuffed sus J oseph Kessell , et al sales by of $1000 with Mary G. Gord on roads will now carry you; I 've Chester Campbell. et al to State been watching them. Put t.he bat- Punketty-Sn ivvles sound ly when the sheriff were approved and all and Pearl Rupp Gibbs a s sure ti es. of Ohio. The use of certain real tery baek iu that rattletrap of bi, that personage bad been left accoun s are to be se ttled. . A. B. Kaufman. J ames E. Burke estate in Salem township for his charge. So. crouched in and drive it out." In the case of ni on J oint Stock and Kal'l D. Dakin were appointed highway purposes. place, Punketty-Snivvles fixed Gardiner pondered. Leona Brunner to State of Ohio Bank of Detroit versus H. ap praisers. "Wben we stop that self-starter beady eyes in malevolence o n his Earl Goodwin et al. the def enda nts The wil l of ,arah Loui a J essop The use of certain real estate in sed enemy. and worked up a fine big it will he noticed" he objected, decc!1 • \Vas lldmitted to probate Salem township for highway purwere granted 20 days to plead. "and t.here'll be a lot of noise get- hate. I , In the case of John Albers Lu c!lf~ Boe,rst.ler WII. appointed poses. Gardiner flashed around a last versus Ralph Singer and Ethel admInistratrIx and fil ed bond of ting away. Simmins sleeps right Carl and Oaroline Schaub to next door. What do I do with corner to see ahead of him a Singer and The American Loan & $3000 with Wilbur Hawke and Nora Beihl. r eal estate in Lovestraight bridge. Th ~ ligh~ sho,,!ed Realty Company. W. H. Fulkerth. Walter Undel'wood a~ sureties land. I him?" "Simmins is already takeJ1 care him its approach on a shght rIse. Raymond MOore. Walter Ellis and H. H. Hawkins. et al to Russell ,of," said the pirate chief calmly. and t hat it was built on a high _ T. I;. McGuinr1 were appointed ap_ M. Wilson and Mary Wilson. 85 "He will continu,e to sleep. That trestle. Then the nose of the car pmlsers. acres in Massie township. touched t he slight rise and the drink I gave bim wjl~ fix that.'~ George E. Glander and Lucy T. L. M. ' Hendl~ rson, administrator The bridge had been carried away lights lifted. "Doped?" surmised Gardiner. of estate of Anna M. Hathaway Glander to Mar hall Roberts and by t h'e flood I At the same instant Punketty"Just t hat. Morphine from t he Even while he reached for t he deceased. fil ed bis fir t a nd final Gracie May Rohe rts. Inlot No. 95 medicine case. And we'll feed Snlvvles, whose hate had· worked brake his brain photographed accoun.t. . . . in Springboro. a Davenport & little of the same." . up to a point of action. reached clearly the jagged. edges of ~he BenJ arolll EI!relston. gu ardIan of Sebastian Buerkle to The King " Chief, you're ~ wonder I You out and bit Gat"diner in the wristl bridge. the OpPOSIte bank dIm- Hathel.een Egelston. et a l minors, P owder Co. Inlo ts Noos. 3 and 4 in Gardiner, who had not known ly far below a white and' phos- filed hIS first and final acco un t. think of everything I" cried, Gar· South Lebanon. diner admiringly. I'd suggest yoq of the dog's presence, jumped in phorescent tumble of wate rs E. C. Dunham. executo r of es· Gwendolyn M. Schwartz to Hal'. tie him after he goes under or surprise and alann. The car swerv- hastening to t he sea. tate o~ ,har!'~s Kelley. deceased. ry C. Schwartz. Inlots No. 47 a.n d he'JI likely raise hell when he ed, but he was ~o cool a driver to 48 in Lebanon. The brakes checked the momen- filed hl~ hrst ~ nd finul accou nt . permit it to leave the road. How- tum almost but not quite enough. Th e wlll of Frank J?enver Dakin, comes to." Benjamin H. Blair to Robert M. ever. for three secon ds his atten"I expect to," said Grimstead. B.cau,e he had a Glallified Ad. an d lold hi,' T'he car slowly. ran off the edge, deceased. wal~ a~mltted to pro- Blair. 89.76 acres in Turtlecreek "Look out; here they come! You tion was deflected. ud that time seemed for an instant to hover bate. E~a r.of. Dak in was. appoj nted township. good, through the Miami Gazette', column, understand your job and remem- was sufficient to shoot the 'Car on right side up like a bird. execu ~ lx. no bond r equIred. W. F. James E. Richardson to Robert ber. it'. the biggest stake ill the to the planking of the bridge. at a good profit. Then down it plunged and the Clark. R. .H. H a rts ock ~nd Char. S. Qardiner and Mabel E. Brush. Gardiner sawall this with the foaming, turbulent waters seized les .T. EIlts were apPoInted ap- Real estate in Turtlecreek townworld1" Events ran smoothly along tbe corner of his eye and s teered it and bore it shouting way. ' praIse rs. . . . ship. plain. laid out for them by the pir. straight and true, while at the Hazel HIck , ~dmmlstratrix. of Elma .E. Hill to Charles Hill . .ate chief. Burton and Davenport same time his direct vision was ocER XXll. estate of Ned HIcks. deceased, fll· Real estate in Deerfield township. stone, $9.30; ?mar Holhngsworth, CHAPT cupied in. identifying the cowering returned shortly to the campfire Albert B. Brandenburg to stone, $3.90. Chat;ley Reynolds. ed her first and final acco unt. At a suitable time a night-cap was little dog. Then he looked' back ADd Ilap.eallioll Doe. Hi. StuB J. Lee Thompson, administrator Johanna Beaedosky. Real estate in atone, $1; E. L. Wllkerson. stone proposed and drunk. Soon after, to t he :front. of estate of l~ar~ H . Ellison. de- Deerfleld township. 76c; ~yrno~d Allen, locust posts. . Before him yawned an abyss. ' witll Burton in her darke.n ed tent By the campfire Grimsteau ceased. filed Ius Sixt h account. Carl a.n d Oaroline Schaub to 50c; Kllp'a!t'lck-French Motor Ca~ strained his ears to catch the last Sales by E . C. Dunham. execu- Peter Farber. Real estate in Co., supphe~ and ga~, $355.05: sounds of Gardiner's departure. tor olf es~te of Charles Kelley, Loveland. Emerson, DIll, suppbes • . $3.13. Things were going very well. They deceased, wer'e approved and con. Charles W. Schwartz. deceased, Frank Sherwood Co•• supphes a,nd always did go weU, he had found. firmed by the court. to Gwendolyn Schwartz. et a1. gas, ·.$80.06; John Thomas Sen:lce when directed masterfully. Mary B . . Snethen. executrix of Inlots Nos. 46. 47 and 48 in Leb- Station. g~s, $31.04~ C. D. SmIth. BuTton, as he had forseen. did estate of Ellsworth W. Snethen Eldridge Gamson to Asbury and gas. $5.28. Eas~ Ena.. Garage, guo not s tir in her t.ent. She was young de.ceased, is ordered to sell cer~ Lenora Smitn. Inlot Ne. 912 in $2~. 64; Oregoma BrIdge Co., reand slept soundly, especially in the tam bonds lIlIId make return to Franklin paIrs, $18. 16; Bangham Motor Co. fiTst part of ~he night. . court. Ned Hicks deceased to H el repairs, $3.54; ~. L Pen~e. repai rs . .M'ter a whIle he threw away .hJS J. Lee Tho:mpso n. administrator Hicks. Real e'state in S~lem to:O. $I; Harry ~. Hill, z:epalrs. $2.6~r; cigar, stretched and arose. Firat of estate of Mary H Ellison de h'p Frank Mmnrch. servIces. 75c; WI · he leaned. over. Davepo~t for a . ceased, is ordered t~ pay ce~tai~ s H. Blair to W. Edward Blair. Ham Schnell, gas. $11..20; Nel~her moment, hstenrng to hIS rather debts 11692 ac . 'n Turtl c k t Undertakers Co. , bunal servIces. stertorous breathil?g. Then he W.' N. Th ompson, administt;ator ship. res I e ree own- $50; Morrow Garage, gas, $61.06; sauntered to the .blg ~edwood at of estate of Caroline S. Adam s. is Carl and Caroline Schaub to whose base the kitchen Iiad been ordered to se ll certain property at Julius Levine Real estate in made bl ' I d k . H' h d 1'b t ly k tt d pu IC sa e a n ma e return to Lovenland. Where Your Taxe. Go for ere .e e I ,:ra e un no e court. . Albert B. Brandenburg to a short piece of hne tha~ had ?een Harr iet E. Furnas. administra. Johanna Besedosky Real estate used to suspen.d a. shadmg bIt of trix of estate of Edwin S. Furnas. in Deerfield. township. Out of every tax dollar s1Pgeanot,1 canvas, and With It returned to- deceased. filE!d her first and final in eleven Ohio counties .in ward the sleeper. He was thor- account schools require\l 36 cents, roads - W,th Castona s regu/otlon . 8111. Allo.wed ou~hly satisfied. and was humming Berth~ E. Hess. executrix of es, and bridges used 26.7 cents. debt a httle. tun.e. tate of Alice Chenoweth, deceased The Christ Hospital. cast 'for payments swallowed · 11.3 cents, When your child tosses and cries In hiS .brlef abse nce an other had filed her inventory. patient, $8: Mrs. Oma Knox. ser. general government 7.7 cents, in. out in his sleep, it means he is not adde.d hImself to the scene. R~pHerschel N. Bunnell and Mil-' vices, $10; Mrs. Erma Hibnar ser. terest on debts 6.6 cents, charities comfortable. Very oHell tho trouble scalhon had shared t he tent With dred N. J ones were appointed vices, $10: Albert MUJaro ser- hospitals and corrections 4.2 cents is lhflt poisonous waste maller is not Burton. Now, however, urged by members of the Board 0'1 County vices, $10: Richard L. Williams. protection to persons and ,property being carried oil u it should be. Bome -~ague ~estlessness , ~o me visitors to s erve for term of three services, $10; Mrs. Julia Holland, 3,6; hoolth and sanitation 2.4, and Bowels nced helJl:-mild. gentle help services, $10: Mrs. Edna Jeffery, miscellaneous 1.5' cents. 01 the -but efTeclive. Just tpe kind Cali· telepathiC uneasmess. some trIckle years. from the current searched out administrato r of estate of Fran- services, $10: Robert Reichel, sup- miscellaneous items. the amount of toria (lives. Castoria is a pure vegea channel of his doggy mind. he schnicly V. :Brown. dec eased, Ilnd plies, $6.07; H. E. Warwick, sup- tax money used for agricultural table preparation made speciQlly Cor had deserte d the warm and grate- fil ed bond of $3500 with the De. plies, $4.04; George Hawthorne, expension in the eleven counties children's ailments. It conlairul no ful nest and had come forth to sit t roit Fide lity and Surety Com. supplies. $4; Dayton Blue Print a.mounted to one-tenth ()f one cent harsh. harmful dru~q. no narco.tica. Don'tlet 'your child 9 rest-and your by his master. , pany as sureties. William F . Company. blue print, 75c ; The of each tax do.l Iar, own- be IUterrupted. A prompt dose Grimstead paid him no atte n· Sc henck. E. C. Hamilton and H. ~ook Shop, supplies. 85c: Wood... of Casto ria will urge stubborn little tion; but. cord in hand. advanced S. Conover were appointed ap- ro,w-WeiJ·Stanage Co., Supplies, bowels to aCt. Then rehn:ed comfort Lar•• Top Growth$5; O. B. Wells, services. ,20.25; upon the sleeper. Now the queer praisers. aod restful sleepl GenuiDe Caaloria thing happened. Alice H. Lind, executrix of es- Office Outfitters, supplies, $1,20; Rapscallion was the most friend- tate of Daniel H. Lind. deceased. Star Chemical Co., supplies, 76c Sweet clover produces more top always has the name: of dogs. ever polite and eager. fil ed h(')' first and final account. The S. Fred Co., supplies, $19.56; ly imitatiODB. MUliODB of aen have growth in a short period of time .u., you see the name Bayer anel whose experience with humans Hubman Supply Co., supplies, than any other 'legume. When conproved that it is safe. ,the word genuine on the package at had always been courteous. Also M ' L' $5.80; Walter M. Simpson. M. D. ditions are jUl!t right the faU .arla/fe Icen.e. testimony 1st & 2nd. Sellers-Har- growth may amount to threehe was. of course, thoroughly fa· pictured above you can never be Genuine Bayer Aapirin promptly milia'!' with Grimstead. Wayn e Baker Mitchell. sales· rison trials, $100; Oregonia Bri~e fourth ton to two tons an acre. aure that you are laking the genuine relieves: N ow how ever. h. e arose t 0 Bt I'ff man, of Middletown. and Miss C0., S t ee,I "'~25 . . 20 ; H owar d . Three' to six tons are not uncom. legs. h is eyes blazing, the coarse Mary Helen Shiflett, clerk of Cook. gravel, $60.75; Ohio Cor- mon amounts of rrowth in the sec- Cl1ltll~lN CR Y f O~ II Bayer Aapirin that thousands of Headaches , Neuritis hair of his back and neck erect, Franklin. rugated Culvert, sewers, $867; physicians prescribe in their daily .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ • - • == his lips snarled back. Grimstead Omar Hollingsworth, team work ondYoor. NeuraJcia Colds paused. Real lE.tat, e Tranafera No. 47.B, $5.40; Howard T. Cook, practice. Sore Throat Lambaao Seed Potato•• "Here. Rap, you old fool I" he S. D. and Viola Stotler to Mi· gravel, $270.60; Zain Al'll1itage, Rheumatism Toothache admonished in low voice. "What ami Valley Bldg. & Loan Associagravel, $734.75; Blair & LeRoy, The name Bayer means genuine ails you?" tion. Inlot No. 367 in Franklin. gravel, $48.16; J. K. Spencer, Potatoes for seed should be cut No hluatul ~_lollsJw it, Mpirin. It is your parantee of And again stepped forward. Melvin E. and Mary M. Wilson gravel, $132; T. H. Simpkins, the day they are planted, and not &lie, II . . ,., . " . . Ute heart. MONEY LOANED ('fo be continued) to State of Ohio. The use of cer- stone, $12.90: C. D. Watkins, before. purity- your pr!lt.ecUon agaiDst the
;'s always
SAFE beware of
-_ ----
Insult Reaented,
DOOR 't' ~t! 1 GO,. ~ . PRE1'1'Y ..ICI. G~ROt.N ~tq,t~!'" I THOUQt(\' ·,'0 JUc;" yu'T lH f£Nc~ T' PROTtCT IT ,!
5% Farm Loans
Sun."D, wIIl..u
term.. Alao
Itraettnr• . Write and rou. Sam D. Hlnkl..
aDd ...
n.niDI; Ohio.
LOST lJOST-Boy Scout · tent between . Caesar's Creek camp and Day.· ·ton, Sunday May 1. 'Inquire at tl!iB office. ' . mll
FOR RENT : POR ,R ENT-Bulinell t'Oom COl'"aln lr Miami ·Streeti See
. ner
W, O. Ph lllp!f. ,
: ..
Foa . SAtE--;Qood l'IDAIl ' Short.- J homob.ulL Phone ·18U1. mU fOB SAI,E' 100 Ib, eapul_ Ice , cIaHt. 0z:vIIl. ',Char. ' 1Dl1
A Spring Mornin,
WHAT CHICKENS EAT NEW BICENTENNIAL AFFECTS THEIR EGGS QUARTER DOLLAR IS Eggs from chickens fed a ration 1M' vitamins A and )) betTO BE ISSUED SUON full ter food than ('hickens
EPAIRING Watchell Miss Flo amond Reed was rush· Cloc~s ep to Hale hospital Monday even· 31'e Jcwelry D. L CRANE , I Publi.h.r Subacription ,Prlc., $1.50 • Y••r ing 10.1' on mergency operation. By Mra. ·J" ..I. B. Tripp e,g~~ £1'001 1 She was in a very eritical co ndiStore Open Eveningl ~c. Phon. ....... ... " ......... No. t 12 Ellte r ed n.t POltQfflce n't W1lynell· fed t'ations l e~s rich in these vitam tion for several days, but is reThe n ew Ge()rge Washington ins, according to lhe r su it. of r eR ••lcl.ac. ....... , ......... .. .... . No 1 UI "lIle. (J1I 11I, n~.Slt)CGnd ClUB MlJ,1I ported to be improvi ng at thi. _0. tel' quarter dollar, to be iss'u ed by the CARY'S JEWELRY cent research a"ailabl to the detime. lt is n glorious golden m~rning United States Treasury as a fea- partment of poultry husbanr'ry at Charles Madden wos a visitol' weet and fresh, the dewy ai r, SHOP - MA",( 11, '1932 ture of the nation-wide George the Ohio State Univ rsity. in the state capital this ,week. The honey be s are buzzing T om cobb, of Xenia, called on [n th blossom;' everwwhere. WMhingtotl Bicentennial CeleRecent experim nts . indic."lt'e. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray unday bration, " 'ill be coined in large says the departmen, ~hllt theMI'. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock A little wren i singing amount of vitamlll A Ilnd )) supenough quantities to satisfy a norand family of Wa YlIe ville, were As she sways upo n a limb plied to lh bi"ds is dir ctly reThe "twister" is a common menace to the me ins urance policy- Mother's Day gu ests ~f Mr. and For she eo heir littl e sweetheart ma l dema nd, offic ials of the Treas- fle cted in t h vitamin l: o nle r~t of ho ld!!r. He ~ttempt s to naake his "prospect' 'discontinue a policy he 1\'11'11. C. H. DClltherage . . ury huve informed the United the eggM produ ced. Thus, in feedAnd h r so ng in ull f OI' him. a lready has In order to take one in anot her company. His weapons are Charles Waggoner, of Lebanon ·tates Bicente nnial Comm ission. ing hens to maintain LhC'ir hea lth, half-truths and un t .. u~h s. Lows have bee n passed again t him in 0: few called on MI'. and, MI·s. Chllrles The r ed bil'c\ s~ n !l ~ hi ~ whislll' 1l is expected that t he QUartel' will the poul try mun i1; [ceding for ' states nnd rel.> utublc Insurunce co m panics attempt to e liminate him- Madde n one 'cvening thi.· week. From the glisl(,lnill~ IllU I,1 leavc!\ J.,e ready fOI' di st jbu tion before egg. of better quality unci mol'C but tbe first hn e of defen se must: be. the policyholder. MI'. and Mrs . Robel·t Vnrvall And a mothe l' s jJUI'row twillers worth. ' . W e aJmo~ t alwa~ s l oo ~e when .we cxchange one policy for another. entertained a numb'er of relatives Fj'om hili' nest Ll'nclll h the ' IIVC ·. June 1. A mlion for hcns rieh in vitamThe design of the new coin was Differences In ugc, In cash bellefit s, in borrow ing privileges make it on Su ndllY. approvcd by Secretary of the ins would contuin yell ow co 1'0, extl'emelY unwi~e ever to drop Il policy in a sound compa'n y. The DI·. and Mrs. C. G. ,Randall and 'll'easury Ogde n L. Mill s f rom alfalfa leaf mea l, or a hi),!h j!rude ~lnswer to II t\vlste~ !'I hould be a deci>live "No !" Another good plan Miss He len Randall motored to And the Jlr ett~' pllrple , vi () l (!t ~ blooming everywhere mOI'e than a hundred models, cod liver oil, I:; to suggest th~t hIS pllln ~e a nalyzed by an agent representing t he Aurora, Ind., Saturday, called Are Vitamin D prevents rickets and rompany of the Insured . ThIS st l'alegy often results in his fading from lhere by lhe doctor's brother, And grou ps err gol den adders many of them submitted by lead- a s i ~ts with the builtling uf bone. tongue . ing American artists. It was exeIhe scene. Clyde, who was injured in an Hold theil' head!; up in the air. cuted by John Flanagan, New Vitamin A builds resistance t o T here is no safet· have n for saving than life insurance. Keep it automobile a ccident. York sculptor and t he des ign er of dis a ses a lld inf ect i o n ~ . thab way. Mrs. Amanda Starr had a!' Phone 78J guests On Mother'!; Day Mr. and There !II'e da inty Dutchman's t he Department of Agriculture World War Memorin\. bl'eec h e~ Mrs. W. M. Mathills and Don, Giaantie: Siru ct ur e The obverse of the new coin Miss. Margaret Sta rr, Paul Smiley , Pu re nnd white as a ny snow H e rodlllu ~ l'slllllal"t1 llilll 1lionOil !\IisR Mabel tal'" and f ri end , u11 And sweet-scented, IIpple blosRoms bears t he portrait of George Washington in profile. Over t he head meD were pnj!f1j!l'rl fil l' 20 .Vr.III' ~ I II Softly, waving to an fro . of Dayton. appears lhe wo rd "Liberty," and building t he Gren! l1 y r /lml cl. The gala affai r in the past below it is stamped the date , week's schoo l calendar was the And the old timc dand eli on Th. O. s. U, R.dio Statio.-WEAO "1932." To one si de is the motto Junior-Senior banqu et sc rved in With it's lovely ,golden face the Gym Thul'sday evening by t he And the pesky little chick-weed " In God We Trust." (D. S. Myer, District Supervisor, PI'esiding) T he principal design on the FOR SALE DATES CALL mothers of the Juniors. F ollowing- With smaIJ bloH-Rom. , just like lace 8 :00 Fal'ln Night Melody Makers other side is a spread eagle thc delectable mea l th e J un iors 8:05 SUllie Hay Making Pointers . C. J. WiJJard escorted the . ni o)'s to t.he Mur- Which brings to mind the drcsses t he inscl'iption "United States of 6 :20 ~u mm er Cuttlc Feeding . "" .. L. P. McCann phy theate r, Wilm ingto n, whel'e Which we oncE' had mude of lawn America" and "E Pluribu s Un um" 8:36 Feetling PuIJets ., " .. ... '''"... .. ... " .. .. ". E. L. Dakrul they witnesRed a plea ing show. Which we wor e to chu rch on Sun- abo ve, a nd "Q uarter Dollar" below R :5 0 Qu a lily Milk .. , L. H. BUl'brwald An olive branch also appears beSchoo l close d for the high day !) :05 HOll seclellning Hints .. . .. .. " ..... ..... T helma Beall schoo l Friday . low the eagle to complete a stateThat had just s uch flowers on. !l :20 A hangi ng Can nery ustom ,,, '" '" , ' .. " ", C. W. Hauclr ly, dignified design. The new co in Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Shumakcr !l:36 Quality Frui t for Ohio ,, ' .... " ... "."". Wendcll Paddock IlI'e herc fr om Cal ifol'n ia for the is exac tly the same sizE', we ight Deal'. little, old-time dresses !l :6 0 Apple Bl otc h a nd Broo ks Spot , ,A. L. Pierstorff summer. und fineness as tile present JESSE STANLEY Carmen and Cleo KiI'k are visit- Which were iro ned so smooth arid quarter doJlar. Phone 320, New Burlin,ton, Ohio cr isp The George Washington quaring their g r ll nd parent.~, Mr. and And our tight.1y-braided pig-ta ils 4-H RADIO HALF HOUR ter is the first coin of regular isMrs. A. L. Kirk, in Wi lmington . Ti ed with ribb on, just a wisp. E"ery Saturday Ni ght from 8:00 to 8:30-WEAO sue ever to bear the image of the EARL KOOGLER Mrs. H. M. Fite a nd Jan e '"'' .. . .. " ................ 4-H Quartette Ellen, of Washington C. H., spent Music . First President. It was autho r izPHONE an Dayton Phone ....... ". ... .... .. H. E. Eswine M'Other's Day with MI'. and Mrs. And it seems this go.lden morning ed by special act of Congres Nature This Week KEnmore 8986 Takes me way back, many years . making it possible for the Treas.. .. . 4-H Quartette Frank Wilson. Music .. ' , ........ "."........ .. .." .. ...... .. ... ... Dean Alfred ' Vivian OUI' Rural Hel'itage .. .. ..... .. . , HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenol' And brings to mind ' the dea r lawn ury to share in the Bicente nnial dresses ' .... ...... " ...... ' ... , ........ ........ " " .. 4-H Quartette entertained a number of guests Music Celebration. With their spr igs of fiowers, a nd on Sunday. As a coin of regular issue t he IlIII• • • •- . -• •-.~ ...- - spears. George Washington quarter will -=============~ replace t he twenty-five cent piece MODERN EVES TURN now in circulat ion . No other Yes ! t he world i ve r y lovely TO PRETTY DRESSES He re in the go llden l)'Iorning's g low quarter doJlar will be coined for Whcn I sec th,ese tiny blosso ms the next twenty-five years unless • a uthorized by spec ial act of About 17,000 Ohio farm women I think of the long- ago. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Robinson Congress. in 18 counties wet'e s ufficiently in30 Years Exper ience in are tne parents of a da ughtel', Minted at San Francisco, Dent e r ested in attractive, becoming Fitting and Making G1anell Doris Irene. Philadelphia the co ins will ver and clothes this winter to participate Much Inte rest is be ing shown Born to Mr. a nd Mrs. Howal'd be placed in circulation through . actively in a series of clothin, throughout the State in t he the regular channels of the Fedproj ects conducted by county premiums offered for county ex- Stan ley a son, May 6. Mrs. Charles Maddux of Kirkeral Reserve Banks, a nd will aphome demonstration agents and hibits of far m products at this Lebanon, Ohio peal' simultaneo usly in all parts of extension specialists in dothing Ilt year's Ohio State fair to be held in ersville, Ohio is lhe ~ue 5t of her TUNda" Thurada" Saturda, mother, Mrs. Dais~' Hain e . the country. the Ohio State University, accord- Columbus, August 29, to SeptemROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Examination Fre. Miss Helen Hain es and EI'vin ing to Miss Bertha Baker, clothing ber 3, according to Chas. M. Beer, your Cattle, hogs, Iheep and cal... specialist fo r the departme nt of Assistant Director .of Agriculture 'Reeves were member of this LEBANON, OHIO NOTICE OF APPQINTMENT to Norris-Brock Co., live wire a'ft. years graduating class of Spri ng home economics at the state in- a nd State fai r managet'o progressive finn for the hianu\ Estat e o.f Frank Denver Dakin, In a nnouncing premiums total- Vall ey high sc hool. stitution. . market prices and good serVice. Mrs. W. C. Smilh spellt th e More than 1800 women in hun- ing $3,250 to be paid to the windeceased. Union Stock Y.rd.' Cincin_t!r O. week·end wit h her ch il dre n at dreds of rural communities were ners of these county exhibits, Mr. Tune in on Radio Station W\i)tY Notice is hereby given that Eva Delaware, Ohio. COLUM BU 8 Statistics realtrained to serve as leaders in en- Beer states that count y exhibits ·M. Dakin has been duly appointed 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily M.iss Virginia Dickinson is ease d by SI!cretar y of State, couraging a g reater int erest in s h~ uld consist 0'( a complete disand qualified as Executrix of the mar:ket reports. home from her 'school work in Clarence J. Brown, regarding the economical as well as pretty play of all field and garden crops \lOT ARY PUBLIC 1932 moio l' vehicle registration, Estate of Frank Denver Dakin late clothes. They assisted farm women common to the territory represent- Highland, Ohio. Thomas Haydock spent the show that l, a 71,696 motor vehi- of Warren County, Ohio, deceased. to dress attractively on low budg- e d. All articles must be grown in Dated this 5th ,day of May 1932. N.tional BUlk TRY the country represented and n o week-end in Cincin nati where he cles cal'fY '32 licenses in the state. ets. W. Z. ROLL, Reports from clot hing leaders prod uct must be older than growt h was the guest of the Cincinnati Of this number 1,212,296 are pasWill. DraWD • , E.t8t.a Settled OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Judge of the Probate Court, Reds ball club. ," nger cars and 125 ,631 are throughout the state, she says, of 1931. FOR RESULTS WAYN£SVILL.E, OHIO Warren County, Ohio ---truc ks. The rt!ve nue derived from m25 show an increased interest in the No fa ir in America can boast moLa r car tax in this three month $,onstruction of clothing and its of general exhibits which s urMarket Broilen Ea rly period t otal ed $16,003,253, of l"emodeling, care and repair. There pass or equal those to be seen at Over a period of years -th'e which a mount; tr ucks and trailers is less interest in the selection of Columbus. Keen competition will accounted for' $53 79 679. It is apnew clothing. be encollntered, but it is altogether cockerels that were sold for broil· Among the projects in clothing possible for new exhibitors to er s brought the best pric es when parent that whil e the ' number of pa.r ticipated in by these farm corne in and .win at the first round marketed in the fore part of the r egistrants hillS decreased, the tax per car has increased ove l' both women were those dealing with fo r this has been done several season. ------_._e.____---19 30 and 1931. such subj ects as moderni zinJ;r and times in the past. care of clothing, finishes suitable Co unty exhibits may be made Plant Potatoe. Early for lIilk and cotton , selection 01 by individuals, organizations, or The statues in the , State House appropriate dress, repair of cloth- clubs of any kind that will make Immature potato tubers do not Park have a ll received a good sand ing; and dresses for high sc'h~ol themselves responsible for s uch cook weU. In a normal year in 8cl'ubbing and the figures Of notagirls. Farm women interested in displa ys and the work of getting Ohio very late planted potatoes bles a fresh coat of shellac. The obtaining iniormation on these or up s uch entry must be taken in do not have enough tim e to grow benches have been placed along other clothing problems, or women hand early in the season. No to maturity. the walks\ signs erected "keep off desiring tQ. organize into local other means offers such possibilithe g rass, ' and the influx of daily --clothing erubs, may obtain in- ties for advertising one's county visitors has I tarted. The park at Export. Decline fo'rmation from the county hom e as a collective display at the Ohio this time of the year is beautiful demon ~tration a gent or the 'h ome State fair. 1n ien years meat exports :from and most attractive a nd is the econ,o mics ext.ension servioce at the It is to be hoped that every the United States declined in vol: pride ' 'O f all connected with state Ohio Stste University. county competing will exert every ume 77 per cent. In t he slime service. ... effort to create a fav-orable im- period exports of wheat and flour pression. These county displays ?eclined 65 per cent. A modern sterilizing plant has Riae in HoI' Price. will be housed in the new agriCUlbeen instaJled in the old idle house tural building which is one cYf the building at t he Ohio Penitent iary. The sani tation of clothing, blanThree years of the last ten wit· best of ' its kind in America. Ohio producers interested ,in ke ts and othe r bedding is n nw an nessed 'a rise in hog prices from Premium list for this year will entering this contest can secure assured fact. Men are being transApril to June. The circumstances show six premiums covering exwhich were responsible for the hibits in this class : First, $700; full info rmation by addressing ferred from t he big institution to rise in these yeaTS were not pres- second, $650i third, $600; fourth, Chas. M. Beer, Manager, Ohio the Lon cion prison f arm to aid in State Fair, Oolumbus, Ohio. $650; fifth, ,450; sixth, $300. sp ring p la nUn~ said that a ent in the first week of May. total 'Of 400 prisoners will be taken to Madison Count y. This should bring the present prison populati.on under the 4,000 mark. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY '
Look Out for ' the Twister
F. 'J. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
Farm lvight lalhs, Mav 16
Dead Stock Wanted
Stanley &Koogler
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
Counties to Exhibit Farm Products at the Ohio State Fair
Sight Specialist
,Cary's Jewelry Shop
---_ ..---
II••••••••••••• L. M. HENDERSON
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P\~'U. t\"W1\o\OM! W,,~ ~ S~'t \~~, 'H\\U, ,,\~\,(Q~ Cl\tI\t \0 \\\\ \\()M~ "I afll~ ()\)1 0' 1\\t ~$E \0 ,,~()\'\) ~~~ "'f.t6
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State Highway Director, O. W~ MerreJl, is compiling bids recently received f or proposed highway impl·ovement.'J, whose total estimates reach ov~r a million and a halI dollors .. Hundreds of men will be employed, the average cost of labor being 35cents an hour, with sevcra l of the counties paying 40 and' 45 ce nts per hour, Convention season for the Capital City is fur from being over as seventeen a r e scheduled f'Or the month of M,ay. pleasant news to the hotel and restaurant men. The largest of the conventions, the General Conference of Methodist Protestant Churches, will last ten days, May 17 -27th and is expected to attract 2,600 delegates and visitors. Thel Ohio State Automobile Association and tbe Ohio State Council Knil1:hts olf Columbus will also bring J.arge delegations.
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..... --' .
Twenty..five companies which were eng-aged in completion of the finishing touches of the new state office building at the time of the explosion on April 14th, have agreed to proceed with tne ,w ork as directed by the state building 'Commission. The legal rights of all involved Will be safe-guarded and it is hoped that an early completion .of , the buUdlng will .result. The big twin boilers for feeding heat and lil!:ht to the building are being installed at Ohio Penitentiary. • 1
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Adjutant · Gen. F.rank D. Henderson haa issued (lrders withdrawing additional trooP!! from the ealtern Ohio eoal field., where they have been on duty the 'p..t seve~ weeks, on account of Itrike diaorders in that resion. ADured state protecrtio.n. leveral of ' mines. have .opened and have T ... umed operation..
Indirect Lighting Unit
tive of our c 01~lpany will visit this community within the next f ew days. We bespeak your co~rteous hearing o{ his message. He 'is here with a story, of Service to the home. 'W H AT '. ' A .'L I GH i f ' . CAN ,I?e .U: ,ed" in kit~hen;' bed~oofu., bathrQom, di ing room, ' offio~, 8tOr.e· and church. . ,
THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN FOR home beauty and en~-safety . The WHAT-A-LIGHT is made of durable metal, tinted in a rich shade of iv ory·. The decorated, white diffusing disc softens the .l ight and breaks' aJI glare, This special price includes' the reflec'. /tor, light bu.lb of proper 'wattage and om.plete instalY,ition . .A - represerits;l-
I'll. Z.ld~e
Venable. a,.J 70 years. nd - widow of tbe lato C. Fa'onk V n"lll ' tlied early atllr- day morning at hel' home near . Wa,\'nt' vilt following an extended !I I IWItS. with ' hl1rcl. l1ing of . the 81't rio And heat' troubl. h is suryiv d by three brother . Funral crvices wero condu Led from Ih J'l!sidenCe at 2::10 o'clock Monday lIftcl'nQim in chl1rge M t he II v. R. L. ro, pnstor of 'the Lebanon l\f. E. hurch. Burinl was \lind in th Miami ceinetery a t, orwin.
Carey II Winner· Servicel at Churches Over Jud-ge Roll For Next Sunday (Continued from Palre 1)
Robert F. MOlher Died at Hil Home In Morrow Count'y
R e~ J . J. Sehaeft'er, Rector.
Fine Goodyears paCked with ml1ea&e - baraaln priced!
Good, •• r Sp••d••,
For Lieutenan Govemor R bert F. Mosher. 8S, one of Lifetime GUAraDteed Whi tsunday - May 16, hurch .~=I~~~~:~~~~~a . .. ......'167 schOOl \\ al er G, Nickels at 9 :30; s rmo n and Holy 1I10rrow counby's foremost busine!ls SopertWl.t Cord TII'M Le B. ealmer . .... 16l.l8 ommunion at 10 :80. me n, died at 'his home near Ge . E. Turnel' . ..1 '150 Cardington nt 3 :3 0 a. m, Monday FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST For Secretary of State Plant f<ll' sale at Ed. Hopkins. illorning, April 25, after an illn ess G o. . Braden " 1346 (Undenominational) Edward J. Hummel ., ... , 459 Cbester A. William Ion. Mlnister Lester. urface has I)Urchased th e of abo ut three months. He had Arthur A. . Nixon ............. 1024 be n .able to continue his regular Church School at 0 :3 0 n. m. 1\1'1'8 . Minnie Evans pl'operty. For United State. Senator activities un ti l on ly a week before LOI'd's upp I' and sermon at 10:Gilbert Bettmun ... .. ... ,.. ...... 1696 SO a . m. D. R. Harris preaching. Mi Dads Henderson, of Cin- hi death. 1. J . Taber ............... ...... ... 178 '1 You al'e always welcome at this cinn ati, is visit ing home fo lk s. H e was born near Cardington Y. F. M . September 4, 1848, t he son of For Repr"..ent~ tive to Conllre .. church. J. P . Fromm lind family sp ent Nathan N. and Sarah A. Mosher. E . E. Grem er ........... . .'163 The regular meeLing of Y. F. Ray un dllY with , rela t ives in Dayto n. Except. for two short periods in ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH HenD<lsey .. ...... .. .... ... , 296 M. was held at th nderwood his boy ho od when he lived in Iowa, Rev. F ortman home .In ·t uuday cv ning. T here L. T. Marshall .... .... . . . . ..... 2601 MI'. a nd ~M rs . J. E. McC lure he spent his entire life in Morrow First and Third Sunday Mass at were nineteen present. Election of F~r Judlfe of the Court of Appeal. visited r lal ive s ill Bell brook, Fri- cou nty. Fune ra l services were held Phone 47 Waynesville, Ohio officers r 'suIt d a~ fo ll ow : Pr 5i- ImOn Ross '''........... ,. , .. .2444 8 :00 a. m. Seco nd, Fourth and day_ at the Gilead Friends church Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10 :80 a. m. dent. FRith T()mlinson; viceThursday -morning. ,April 28, at For State Senator president, Rhodes Bunnell. secre. . Irs. E. C. rome a nd children 10:30 o'dock, with Rev. Harry :TUNE IN ..... . GOODYEAR RADIO WED•• .'_.P.M. tnrr-tren urer, Ruth E. Cook, Roland G. Davis ..... .. . .. 588 WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH spent t oday with friends at Bell- Green, pastor of t he church, ofRegellen Qunrtet-Goodle1U' Concert-Dance n e\\' report r, Ethel Mendenhall . LOllis Marti n ...... .... .. .. ... 320 G. C. Dibert, Pastor brook. Orcbestra-Gueat Artlsta ficiating. In te rment was made at After a few interesting games J. Lowry Miller ................. 1603 the Union cemetery a short disWednesday : Th o Friendship deli ious refreshments were serv~ For Repre.entatj"e to General Chos. 1. Bue ll, of Xeniu visited !.ance west of the church. Mr. club is meeting at t he ch ur\)h at Waynesv TRUCK OWN ••• ' ed I ~ th committe in chnrge, ille friendl', n duy of two Moshe r was a memb er 0'1 the Allembly 2 :00 this aft erno on. LATEST 1932 HEAVY DUTY last week. Arthur lIam ilton .......... ... ..... 2864 chu rch and had always been an acBible study and prayer meeting For Judlfe of tbe Probate Court at 7 :30 t his eve ning. This week we tive and energetic wOI'ker in GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS PLANS DISCUSSED Ral \l h H . Car.e y ....... .... ... ..... 2198 will study the pOl'a ble of " The Mr. and MI'!!. Shrofe Ludwig and chul'ch affairs. family v i ~ it ed I ·..datives in CincinW. Z. Roll ...... " ............... 1906 Last Jud gmen t!' Su rviving are t.wo daughters. FuJI I'rke Price nati, Sunduy. At the reg ular lIIeeti ng of tJhe o.enl&. Tr-ade 1'0.... Old TIr_ Mrs. Wes ley Jae kson of Mt. GilFor County Commiaaioner Choil' practice imm ediately fol. ~il'emen's lub last Monday evenNew 1933 J h S I ead, and Mrs. James Wort hingto n Ing plans were discussed and E. J. Beedle " ........ .............. 1820 Ipwing prayer meeting. GOODY.AIl o n t8 ey, of Daylon. was the of Cardington; t hree sons, Ralph Su nday: Sunday school at 9:30 guest of his sister, Ml' ti. Maud e . N. Mosher {} f Cardington, Samuel com mittees appoin ted to look after W. D. Corwin .................... 1678 Au.-W.......... ~he various duties for the Memor. Everett Doane ........... .. ... .. .. 400 a. m. Mornin g wo rship at 10:30. Get Our OJln I Fetter, last week. J . Mos h el' of Cardington, and Hayes C. Kee",er ....... 2066 Th ere will be no eve ning serla~ Day program. The program . Henry H. Mos her of Newport R Morris L. Nixon . .. ........... 1244 vices in the church nex t unday M1'5 . L ucy Huwa rd, of Cllrhsle, I.; 19 grandchildre WIll ~e announced in a later issue d 20 ' t : A. L. Watkins .... .. .................. 785 ( because 0'1 the Baccalaureate se r- was th e week-end guest of her gran dchildren. of thIS paper. n an g rea ,_ p . vice at the Gym. Three sisters a nd t"'"O brothers -- or ro~ec""n. Attorney Next Mond a y at 8 :00 p. m. is uncle, H. P. Key.l. al so survive. They are 1\Irs. L. R. C. D onald Dalat ush ......... 3202 the regular tim e for the meet ing Tune in on th e C. & B. program, John sto n of Cardington Mrs. Edith For Clerk of Cou," of th e offi cial board. statio n WKRC every Sunday (-Janis of Waynesville, Mrs. H. H . Clyde C. Collins . . . . . . 2712 afternoon at 2 p. m. Hadan of Mt. Gilead, Samuel F. TRY OUR SPECIAL FISH WAYNESVILLE 't:HURCH OF Mosher o()f Cardington, and Char. For SherifF Miss J essie Clarke I'elurned to SANDWICHES CHRIST William Hutt'ord .................. 2818 les F. Mosher of Cincinnati. tho Friends' Home, Tu esday, after (UndenQmlnational) Another bl'other, J. J. Mosher Harry D. White .............. ... .. 1491 Dinner by Re.ena.t.ion spe nding t he winter in Florida. preceded him in deJlth, and als~ Chest er A. WiJ1iamson, Minister For County Recorder O. E. COLLINS wife who died in 1907. Ohurch School at 9 :S O a, m, All en Huffman .. ............... .... 2943 Mrs. J. C. Ha.wke, Mrs. J. P. his ~r. Mosher was one o-'f the most Spring Valley, Ohio Lord 's Supper at conclusion. Fromm and Ken neth Fromm For County Tre •• urer will be no evening services were Dayto n visitors, last Thurs· WIdely known -men in Morrow E. B. Murrell ........... .. ......... 3002 There county because of his great activas we will unite with the other day. ity.. his ceaseless, tireless, enerFor County Surveyor churches in ' the Baccalau reate P. O. 'Monfort ....... :......... " .... 2718 Services at the High School gymMisses Trillena a nd Margaret getIc efforts put forth in any unnasium. . Edwards are visitin g O. J. Ed- derta king that he believed f()r the FOr Corone. betterment a nd advancement {}f Re vival begins Monday with wards and family, of n ear Green- individuals Waldron C. Gilmour " ..... ....... 8448 and the public. the famous Strong· Wofford Evan- field. At the time of his death he was ~irector of FunerAl Seryice --...- gelistic 'Party of Ft. Worth, Texas in charge. The church where -you The WayneSVille and Lebanon president of the Morrow County Lar •• New.paper CoU .. tlo. fe el at home. High sch ool bas eball teams are Farmers' Mutual Ins. Co. of CardWHEN THE INEVITABLE Whot III lIald to be the largelt playing at Wayne Pork this after- ington. He was al90 a director in bhe Mt. Gilead National Bank and HAPPENSnoon. collecUon of newspapera III the in the Citizens Bank of CardingMIAMI MAID FOOD CLUB world has been opened to tbe pubLet us shou~d er your cares Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert and ton. He served two terms "as a lic .In a newspnper museum at Als· member of the M()rrow county la-Chnpetle, Germany. Among Its The first meeting of t he Miami Mrs. May Beck, of Xenia, spent board of education. collection of 1150,000 newspapenl Maid Food club was beld at the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ~MBULANCE SERVICE He made regular visits to Wayare curlo8Itles trom all over tbe Grange hall Saturday. May '1, Baker. nesville, Warren county, wbere he world, Including an 1!l4klmo paper 1932. Pboue 29 , Mrs. Nona Bogan and Miss Mary had been business manager of the from the mldrlle of 11I8t century. Officers elected are as follows: President, Mildred Fawl; vice· Kee ver , of Mason, called on Mr . . I. H. Harris estate thirty-five president, Vivian Conner; secre- and. Mrs. Wymf!r Dl'8ke, Sunday years, and was highly esteemed in the community. tary, Virginia Denlinger ; Treas- afternoon. He was bitterly opposed to exurer, Mildred Cook; news reporter Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hopkins, travagance and what seemed to Margaret Crawford; recreation him uncalled for expenditures of leader, 'Mlujorie Florence; pro- of Dayton , were Sunday guests publ.ic funds and ~earlessly stood gram committee, Audrey Craw- of his Darents, Mr. and Mrs. E. out In the front ranks to champion 'ford Olive Scott, Edna Bergan. W. Hopkins. a.ny cause he espoused along this T he next meeting will be beld Ime. Mr. a nd Mrs. N. A. King, of Inat the Grange hall, May 20, 1932. For years, all his life in fact, Margaret Crawford, Rep orter dianapolis, visited Mr. and Mrs. he had detested the liquor traffic Walter Elzey, 'l'uesday night and and with all the resources at his Wednesday. command made continuous battle COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE See the "Gilty" Novelties for against the forces who would Stokes Special Jersey Pastuerized Milk Graduation, Weddings and any countenance any movement that Quart ....... ... ... . ............... . Harveysburg High school com- occasion at Cary's Jewelry Shop, might counteract the temperance mencement exercises were held in "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, movement. Pint, 5 cenia the gymnasium Tuesday evening Ohio. He was loyal and devoted to the ' 'May 10. The bacealaureate sermon church of his forefathers - the was delivered Sund.ay evening. Mr. and MI·s. Kenneth N. Hough Friends denomination - and can· .. ' " .. . The class 1'.011 Includes James are announcing the birth of a tributed financially and with Gillam, J()sep hme Gray and Dar. daughter, Mary .Dora, at the M<:· moral support to sustain these Half-Pint, 10 cenia. rail Bogan. Clellan hosp ital in Xenia, last view~ and keep alive 'in this community those ideas of worship. - - • Thursday. He was called upon to become ...... , ............ Miss Jane Boring, of Wilming· en,~ged in many activities, his ton, was the weE!k·end guest of her ablhty · and 'COunsel always being Half-Pint, 20 cenia. sister, Mrs. Wymer Drake. The considered an asset to any instituIadies' parents Ilnd brother j()ined tion with which he might be iden· Fresh Churned Creamed Buttermilk tified. Careful, conservative Mr. Burton Earnhart and son the party, Sunday. Quart . . .. . . . . ................. . .. '.. . to perceive events wh.i ch 'm Earnest are laid up with the an mumps. Saws 'flled by machinery, cut arise in the future, ·his Gallon, 20 cents. Mrs. Flora Henderson and chilo cleaner, truer, faster. Alao cro ..- counsel was always given th(mJl~ht. ~==========================~ dren spent Friday evening with eut saws, gummed, 26t per foot. ful consideration, with the Roy Pigott, at Maddelt'll Lumber that ,his suggestions were her father, Mr. 'J. L. Marlatt. times followed without dispute ..... , ......... Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Baker en- Yard. question. . u •• tertained the latter's Sun.d ay personal affairs as well as Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benson THE MIAMI GAZETTE school class all day Sunday. They and children and Mr. Clark Salis· in.Inhishispublic connections he was For .R e.ult. had a fine time. .n.o.n.e. .. bury, of Cleveland, were guests methodical and always careful. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. he was right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 'h e believed and son Edmon and Mr. and Mrs. P. Salisbury, over the week-end. he refused to swerve to the Tight ' . These are depression price., well within the P. A. Runy.on and Miss Clara or left, keeping straight ahead , .Daughters t Mr; Harry Shoemaker reach of all. If you want to economize aDd live Penparker? Have you seen it? disregarding friend and foe, often and Mr. Cliff Smith and Mr. Stan- It's herel Comes without charge making enemies while at the same cheaper use plenty of dairy product•• fort!,. Mr. Powell and Mr. Harris with every Duofold Parker Pen time attracting to him many 'Of ::;pringfield; Mr. William Curl, purchased at Cary's Jewelry Shop staunch and lasting friendships. 'Our products are all made from pa.tuerizeel .milk and two children of Clarksville, Lebanon, Ohio. . - .~ - -...... ~ ~---- ' and cream. They are the best that we kliow how took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and daughter. DoroThe member s of the Young LOCAL MAN ON BOARD to mak~, always unifor~ anel always aafe. thy. Women's bridge clu\:! were enMr, and Mrs, Howard Beam, tertained at the home of Mrs. John At a meeting of the trustees Mrs, Elton Evans and daughter, Gems, Tuesday night. Invited Memor.ial Hall, Lebanon, last week spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. guests of the hostess were Mrs. the regular election ()f officers was Nelson Watkins, Mrs. E,~ C. Crane held. John Rye. Mr. and MI'S. E. J. Rutherford and Miss Loul!le Henderson. W. Z. Roll was elected presiand Bon had as their guests Sundent of the board, Wilb~r 'SwanThe best watch with a poor day, her brother, Mr, Elbon, and ger was elected vice-president and famll;t and her mother,. Mrs. Elbon mainspring will not keep good Dr. Frank , Dilatush was made time. We use only Genuine secretary and treasurer for the .o f Lebanon. ADS ALWAYS Mr, lind Mrs. Emerson Dill and Springs of finest quality. Cary's coming year. George Waterhouse CLASSIFIED RESULTS. DISson Billy, entertained for Sunday Jewelry, Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. GIVE 8~~~UR ATTIC STUFF and Fred Brant were elected to dinner, Mr. and Mrs. James SowPOSEN CLEANING HOUSE, \ ard, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth SowThe Woman's Auxiliary of St. the board of directors. ~ ONE MIGHT. WANT IT I ard and' son Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Mary's Church will meet on FriEarl Soward and son Warren, Mr. day afternoon, May 13, at the BADLY. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and ehil- home of Mrs. Susan Payne. This dren, Clarence, Junior and Rich- is the Day .of Intucesslon for ard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zielrler Southern Ohio, and the lntercea· and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sanders. s(\rY . Service will be held, in and daughte!J Beatri,ce. charge .o f the rector Rev. J. J , These two Mr. and Mrs. Lin Marlatt and Schaeffer. fence rolls, taken daughter of Xenia, spent Sunday Mrs. Mary Carmony was the down for ship- afternoon with their parents, Mr. M~rs.George Marlatt. guest of honor at a iam,ily dinner, men t, wen t ' and . Mr. Raymond Smith and Miss served at the home of Mr. and The funeral director is a through ' the Wheeler of near Old Town spent Mrs. W. F. Clark on Mothers' Day professional man trained to Gulf of Mexico Sunday with his mother, Mrs. The other guests included Mr. and give reliable, sympathetic Fence Weather Smith and his brother George Mrs. Everett Clark, Mr. and Mrs. wife and daughter. . R. C. Riggs, ·M'r. and Mrs. C. W. Test. "Galvan- Smith, s\!rvice to ffamtlies fa~lngl Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and sons Younce Jr. ,. and daughters, and nealed" still al- entertaine. d Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flory, all of one of the great crises of' most like new. Clarence Crawf()rd, Mr. and Mrs. ~ay~on. life. He should be chosen Ordinary gal.; Hiley Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Burmell, Mr. and' Mrs. Lester . Roy' Pigott was striken ivith mwith care, but once the vaniz.ed was Shaw and family, and Mrs. Blair ness!lt Lebanon, Monday evening , ruined. . choice is -made he soould of Xenia; Mr. and MTS. Cora and I S confined to the Blair hasI i' Which will give be trusted implicitly. Our Green .and -family of Dayton; Miss pital. Roy, who had been assisting M'Organ and friend of th ' l' h ' I h rou ' . most for Thelme, responsibility to our clients Dayton. Afternoon callers were In e can o . 18 emp oyer, t e W. H. Mllddim,. had ' gone to xour fence Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers and late Lebanon to represent .the finn at a is t1!e ~idin8' prln~lple of 'Galvannealed" her.'· mother, Mrs. Gibson of Bell- distri~t meetinlr o'! the Lumber As. all OUI: policies~ brook. .. Bociatlon, whel~ he ·was stricken. Mr• . and ·Mr.. Elsworth Smith ". _ • and cl1ii!1ren of DaytOn spent the . , w~-I'nd with Mr. and Mrs. John , BIG SA.J-E .A. SUCCESS Levi arid son. ' . Mr. and 'M n. Ke.enwer and Large. crowd. took 'adve,ntawe of ' -family. of Dayton Ipe~t Sunday t.h e big ale at A. K. Dal'lI dry Phone ., a!fternoon with Mr, and. Mrs. goods store, S8~turday. Mr.' Day reEarnes~ Eambart and family. porU! that the saje is being Mr. and ~. Carl Babb wtl'l'e especially successful . when the ' Wayne.ville, Ohio calling on friends at this plaC!e severe Btrlnlrerll~y of the times are '. ~UD'" afternoon. conaidered. 1I/E!iiiiiii!!i!iiiiiiiiiiil~iiiiliii_ _ I.
.. -
'SHINGLES A New Car Just In
Per bale • • $1.00 Per square • $4.00
. Stokes Dairy Farm Products
. .
These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the highest quality of Red Cedar Shingles . manufactured. .,
~i~~~: .p:a.s~~~~i~~~: ~~~~~. ~~ ~i.n.~l:
;;~;p.~i~~.~r. ~~~~~~
Phone 14
f~e~~nec~ 1~~a.~e. ?h.e.e~~
Waynesville, Ohio
1 SO
S sa "
,' ~~~~h~ C~.u.r~~~. ~~~~~ ~.u:~~~,
Stokes Dairy Farm
Worthy of Trult
J. E. McClure
. '1
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6014
MAY 18,1932
Thritl'-two High S'c/)ool Graduates Get Diplomas
.Fisherman Takes Cold 'Bath. F 'a lls Into Indian Lake Mr, und Mrs, E. B. Murrell, of
• .,J •
MEETING OF WAYNE TWP. 'FARMERS CLUB Several Intereatinr S pe a k e r ' Heard and Other Feat\lre. Planned At · Seu'on
Poaartown Indiana Will Be rile Lebanon, .Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Attraction Sunday Afternoon Robitzer and Mrs. L. H. Gordon
At Wayne Park
!lpent the week-end at Indian Lak e nnd thereby hangs a rather amusing tale. The e1ltit'e purty fished until a late hour, Saturday, and the gentlemen decided to continue operations at an early haul' th e following . morning. The morning ail' was quite chill, so they dressed warm ly, and Mr. Murrel proceeded to the boat. Mr. Robiber tarried a bit on the pier, where he lost his footing, and, "Down went McGinty" into about eigM and a half f.eet of ice cold water, dressed in about all the out-aoor cl othes he had been able to find, including a pair of hip boots. Bystanders assisted the victim, who is also an xpert swimmer, to reach th e Rhore before comedy WfiS transform ed into tragedy.
"Jap" Ankeney und his motes T he pl ensant and interestl~g of t he WAC's didn't seem to like mee ting of Th e Wayne TownshIp the color uf the Dayton A.· B. C. !.' armers' Cl ub was held at the t e o~ that played at Wayne Park, home of M'r . and Mrs. Charles unday afternoon, so they pr;oi lough. About GO members and cceded to apply a three-ply coat bf :.ue: ts e nj oyed t he bountiful dinwhite wash before ' sending the visi lI el' spl'en d in the granary. After a tors home. The game wus one of : acini hour th e meeting was calllhe best lhat has been played on ed to ord er by A. S. Collett. Rev. the local diamond in many a day. l ;. C. Dib er t offered the invocation Both pitchers were at the peak of The 1'011 call was answered by rO l'm, and both were accorded weli ! ock g8l'd en plants. Quite an innigh perfect support. The ball teresting disc ussion followed after was R'i von many a hard smash. but which the minules of the llUlt usually landed in the paws of B.ome meet ing were I'ead and approved . .waiting neld ur, or reached first ~ I us ic was furnished throughout bu ~c ah ead. of the I·unner. t he a rtern oo n by S. S. Ellis. No Ank ene y pitched but four balls matter how many numbers ' be to re tire th e visitors in the first IJlays, it is never enough. inlling, t he Ill'st man flying out to The hostess introduced Mrs. center, and the next two groundGeorge Smi th us one of tbe IIpeaking to second and short. For the crs. Hel' su bjec t, "The Friendly WAC's, Weller walked, Mendy .. tors" was quite, interesting, inpopped to shortstop, Hartsock ~ t ru c ti ve and in spiring. In her disfailed t.o connect, and Gons was cussion she aid that boy KOUts The Woman's Auxiliary of St. hit by a pitched ball. "Babe Hermust learn at least 12 constellaman" Ramby chose this as the Mary's church met on Friday tions. The moon is inconstant but psychological moment to cI'ash a aiternoon, May 13th at the home . he stars have fixed places. The double to left. Jmd. of course, af Mrs. Susan Payne. ! ludy of the stars is as old lUI man This was the Day of IntercesMike and Johnny rolled home. himself f or the shepherds traced Hough beat out a scratch hit to sion s when a special plea was " nd named 70 stars as they third, and Ramby slid home with made for the Whitsunday offering, v atched thei!' nocks by night. The ' tho third and last run of the game that the missionary work Qf the Ilames wel'e taken from the sheep just ahead of a p.o or return tl)row church might not be curtailed. The and also their enemies. suc)! &8 from Pate. Two hits, three runs, rector, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer; to ok Tauru s, Ram, Goat, Big ' Bear charge of this service, which was one er ror. Little Bear and Lion. When a atar Foul' pitches again retired the most impressiVe. appear p It is enormous, red and At the close, Mrs. Cadwallader visitors in the secona, Hartsock [daw ing. It then decreases in size shooting the first two grounders to took charge of the meeting which is warm and u bluis h white; then Ellis, and Ankeney propelling the was conducted in the usual manlhl'u the ages it becomes a dull last. Turner opened the home ner. A short program was given, und dead sta r, th en returns to its half with a bingle past third, but Mrs. D. L. Crane readi ng, "Those orig inal color. Stars are born, live was soon doubled up on Ankeney's Foreigners." from Building a ilnd die. In closing Mrs. Smith pop-up to the same place. Nobody Christian Nation," and Mrs. Ronstated t hat everyone over 50 reading "Auxiliary ald Hawke reached bose in the third. years of age should have a hobby• . With one down in the first ot Meets Pressing Needs for Supplies jt benefits socially and spiritually. this (Wednesday) evening. Nuthe clas', one of Mary J 0 Mill er. F ourth row: Members of in token of that facl. the fourth. Jackson was safe when through the Supply Department." j r Oll e constantly keers his n~se to largest class mel'icnlly, th e sec ond the largest to be graduated from II Ern est 'ook, Ronald Har din, J ohn Six oth er members-Lois PenAnkeney fell and threw wide while Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer gave a very t he grindstone he wil soon bel\~ve ' from the evel' to r eceive diplomas the school, nre as f ollows: Top row Turn el·. Vel'dena Fox, Lois Pennington, Frank Swartzel, Velma attempting to field his bunt. The interesting report 0'1 the C<lnvocalocal institution, their scholastic Armitage, Florence Day, Helen that th re are no such thinp aa runner stole second and continued tion meeting at St. Paul's Chur ch, left to right: Donald Hawke, Bal- nin gton, Es ther Dennis, teacher, achievements are noteworthy. Friend UIlU DOllalu Hawkl!-huvtJ .; ta l·1I tha t shine or birds that Blnw. lard Wallace, Loren Rea on, Ru t h Est l · Hage rm eye r and Kathryn to third when the ball got away, Oakwood, Dayton, on May 11th. Th e host ess introduced Mias Cook, Erma Sea,'s, Ernest Gre en, Boger. Bottom row: Everett MarThree stud ents. Ronald Hardin. maintained an average of liB" 0" During a delightf~1 social hour but the next batter popped to the Sollers, Dayton police.woman na Fox and Anna O'Neallbetter throughout the four yearl:! Lulu pitcher. and the other fanned. delicious refreshments were serv- Donald Gu.. tin and Homer Ken- Inll, Hebel' Lu cas, J. W. Lotz, Verde nal·d. Second ro w: Har ry Shaw , 'superi ntendent; Velma Armitage, have maintain ed an average of nnd are graduating with high hon: >IS the next speaker. . She told of Ellis' bingle in the home half was ed. ors. 'l' heil' diplomas bear th e in- conditi ons a they exist in' Dayton The following invited guests Helen Friend, Milo Miltenb erge l', olTin e Robbins, principal; Ralph "A" or better in all subjec wasted. The visitors wastcd a biny. There are 8,003 famillea throughout the entire foul' years Nellie ,Watkins •. Lena Elirnhart B,'an st rnio r and Willard Kersey. "Cum Luude." '1'hese toda scription. gle in the fifth, and two walks and were present; Mrs. Mary L. Adams receiving help, scores of people of theil' high school cm·eers. They Leroy Moran and Rosa Lee Mc'Tis an eXQ eption ally bright and were au thol'iz ed by inscr iptions a stolen base profited the locals Mrs. Julia Donovl/on, Mrs. Eliza_ are losing their homes; there are not~ng. . . beth Baily, Miss Trillena Edwards Clain. Third row: Paul Savage, intel1igent cia s of young ladies are graduating with highest honors the Hoard of EdUcat ion, at the 1110re suicides than have ever been their dipl omas beal'ing the inFlorence Day. Frank s wa rtzel" ;11.,1 gentle men that is graduating suggestion ot Supt. Lotz, at a ,' - The visitors got another mean- Mrs. Mabel Farr, Mrs. Howard known and worst of all people ate ingJess hit in the eighth, and the James and Miss Marjorie Edwards. Ervin Ellis, Ann a O'Neall and f "OI,1 Wayne 1'ownsh ip High school scription, "Magna Cum . Lllude," reeent meeting. losing their pride and morale. locals one in each the seventh arid ====================.==~~-=-= -=========== The next speaker Mrs. Kiser, eighth. With one down in the ninth cho!>e for he I' subject, "Taxation." HAPPY HOUR CLUB Jackson walked, Hayden popped to She 'feels that the people of short, Pate and Smith hit aafely, Dayton have' been taxed to thebut McKinney ended the game li mit and that they will stand for The Happy Hour club met Tuesswinging his bat at Ankeney. no more. They have effected an orday n!fternoon, May 10 at the Next Sunday, the Poasttown In.'Ilnization in Montgomery county rlians are ' coming to Wayne Park, home of Mrs. John Wilson with whose business it Is to allow no ~ns. assistant hostMrs. Quincy an ~a battle royal may be expectincrease in taxation on real estate. meeting was called to ess. The ed. The fans are not giving the She suggests that Warren county f WAC's the support they deserve. order by the president. Fourteen clo the same. members answered roll call and The boys are playing an excellent The special topic. "The statUll Bert F . Bogan . a ed 55 years, Arraigned before JUdge Charles game in the ~eld, and are hitting Mrs. Waldron Wilson, Mrs. Hattie was found dead a t his home, near B. Dechant in common pleas uf Woman in other Lands." was hard and timely enough to win Elliott and Miss Cora Shepherd ubly discussed by Mrs. M. A. Mrs. Walter Elzey was a Leb- court On Saturday morning. five Cornell. The historl of man hu r , theil'o games. What mote could be were present as visitors. After a Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carey were WeHman, Saturd ay evening. Since short business session the followvisitol', Monday mOl'Ding. men pleaded guilty to chal'ges connnon expected 7 The score: the death of, his mother, a few Dayton visitors, Monday. been the history 0 achievement, ing program was presented: years ago , Mr. B ogan had lived tained in indictm en ts returned t he conquest of nature. That of DAYTON A. B. C. the amazing gospel each Hear Victrola Music Select your wedding ring at alon e at t he f a mily homestead, evening nt 7 :45 at the Church of against them by the May grand "foman, on the other hand· haa AB R H PO A E Reading, An Old Time Wedding .... teen the story of the development Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. O. and nnxiety for hi s sayety was Christ. jury and r eceived ref ormatory ( f the home and domestic reI.: Kendrick, rf .. 4 0 0 3 0 0 .. ........................ Reba Braddock Jackson, ss .... 3 0 0 4 2 0 Poem! .. Mother ...... Adria Braddock sentenc es. A sixth man who plead- I ion s. In the emancipation of Mrs. Mary Hopkins. of Dayton, f elt when repeated calls throughHayden. If ... .. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Reading, "Telling It to the Chil- is the guest 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. out th o day, Sa turday. had gone . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye, of ed guilty was given a s uspended I;oman from her age-long bondage Dayton, spent the week-end with sentence and placed on prObation. ... e are ta.k ing the lead. In the ' Pate, Ib ........ 4 0 1 '9 0 1 dren" .............. ........ Jean Bunnell C. Hawke. unheeded. His sister, Mrs. Glenn rela.tives here. . Smith, 2b ........ 4 0 1 1 3 0 Uth ers plead ed not guil ty and in ast, India, China and Japan Rachel and Charlotte Hartman a sem·ch. and his Davis. in stituted McKinney, cf .. 4 0 1 0 0 0 gave several recitations and the each instance bond WIl S l1xed and woman has long been a menial aerMrs. Mary Middleton, of Spring lifeless body was f ound in an outMrs. Nettie Kepl er, of Day ton, a Ll'iaj date set. MacW 3b ... .... ..8 0 0 2 3 0 program closed with a victrola Valley, called on relatives hel'e, building. Dea th had probably oc\'ant but they are realizing" that is vi sitin g her sisl er, M·rs. Oliver JohnSon, e ...... 2 9 0 3 0 0 selection. Th e grand jur y l'e pol'ted to the the race can po more ~rogrells Sunday afternoon. cuned some time Fl'iday night. Davi s, and family . Weber, c ........ 1 0 1 2 0 0 co urt On Monday evening 01 last \·.. ith its mothers ~ep.t in igliqrance During the pleasant social hour Coroner Gilmour'S verdict says Hill, p ........ ... 3 0 0 0 1 0 a delicious lunch was served. An week l'etul'Iling 20 bil la . Five 01 r. ltd bondage than a bird ~n · fly ' An old-time revival is in prog- that death wa s du e to heal·t failTune in on the C. & B. program, th e 25 cases consid ered by them with one wing. AccoJ:dingly ' they 1 all day meeting will be . held in ress at the Church of Cht·ist. Ul'e, follo wing an attack of acu te station WKRC every Sunday ,, · h . Totals .. .. .. ... . 32 0 4 24 9 ft . t 2 uUl'lng a tree-day sessIon were III'e advocating sch,ools !tOl' girls, June, at the home of Mrs. Israel Have you been there? i.ndigestio n. a el noon a p. m. ignored . The repol·t, signed by a nd insisting upon bringing 'their Satterthwaite. W. A. O. MI'. Bog an was the son of the . . Aaron Brniman as foreman of the women into public meetinp and Mit. and Mrs. Max Kohlhagen, late Geol'ge and ' Hannah Bogan, M AB R HPO A E . ISS Kothl'yn Kempl~, of W.lI- jury stated that they examined a lotting them sit beside their husof Jamestown, were Snnday guests and had li ved most of his life on ml~ g to n, Wll S the gue s~· ··of MISS \ lotai of til witne sses in making bands. Weller, c .. .. .... 2 1 0 6 0 0 .. of Mr. and Ml·S. Myel' Hyman. 'the farm where he died. He is surBelnyce Hyman, last Fl'1day. theil' findings. Mendy., 2b .. ..4 0 0 1 2 0 The meeting adjourned to meet vived by 11 bl'othe r and three sisHartsock, ss ... . 3 0 1 2 3 1 Tune in on the C. & B. program, ters : W. E. Boga n, of Spring ValMr. and Mrs. Frank Squires, of The following. pleaded gu~lty June 9th with the Furnas famGons, 3b ..... .. . 3 1 0 0 3 0 station WKRC every Sunday ley; Mrs. Clara Dunn, of Lebanon; Harveysburg. were Sunday guests ' when al'l'~ugned l:)aturday mornmg ily. Ramby, et .... .. 4 1 1 1 0 0 ~ ..... und receIved s ~ntences of not less afternoon at 2 p. m. Ml's. Nel1i.e Bunnell, of ' R uute 2. of MI'. and Mrs. Wilford Squ'res Hough, If .. .. .... 3 0 1 1 0 0 I . than one year III the state reforma nd Mrs. Glenn Davis, of Harveys· I Ellis, Ib ... ....... 3 0 1 14 0 0 William . Mr. and Ml's. Lee Arthur, of burg. Funeral services wel'e held Mrs. Maynard Weltz, Mrs. Lee atory at Mansfield: Turner, rf .... .. 2 0 1 0 0 0 Cincinnati, called on Mr. and Mrs. at the Flllt Fork chureh, at 2 :30 Hawke .and Mi sR Mary Elta Guy '1'homason, indicted for manufac· Wright, rf ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Otis Arthur-and children, Sunday o'clock Tue sday nfte)'noon, nnd in· wel'e in Dayton. Monday after- t uring intoxicating liquor; George Ankeney. p ... . 3 0 0 3 6 1 lil'een, indicted for breaking and A congregation that .taxed the afternoon. term ent wa!!l mad e in the cenietery. noon. entering with intent to steal; Cal- - - - - - seating eapadty of the Gym atat Springfield chu rch . . Totals ... .. ..... 28 3 6 27 14 2 tended the baccalaureate services At a meeting of the , Warren Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0 .. Raper, MI'. M"t·. and Mrs. Walter Adams and vin Mayne, indicted on the same - ~-1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9-2.. for the thirty-two students who lind Mrs. W. B. Squires and Jesse children, of Latonia, Ky., spent charge; Everett Ratlic, indicted County Fair Board held In the graduate from Waynesville High Mendenhall spent. the week-end at unday with her parents, Mr. and fOI' breaking and entel'jng with in- ''':>mmissioners' office ~t the court . D. A. B. C. ...... 00 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 School in the class of 1932. tent to eOll1m'it a felony; Edgal' b use on Saturday afternoon. Heb. .' Indian Lake. I\ftos. Chas. Lynch. W. A. C. .... .... 30000000 x-3 Superintendent Lotz :and the Ratliff, il1dicted on the same " 1' D. Williams, of Lebanon YIU ' Earned Runs--W.A.C. 2. entire High School faculty esSee the modestly priced ~jfts Ml·S. Emma Dakin and GUY F. charge; Everett Ratliff, indicted ap pointed secretary of· the board Stolen aases--Jackson, Menden- corted the gradUates into the hall , for all occas ions at Cary's JewDakin, of Xe.If&>- 'u"re Sunday not guilty to a second indictment . lI cceeding Earl J. Coburn, wb0l\8 was accep~d ~ laat to the strains of ' the proceBBional. elry Shop, "The Home of GiIts," hall, WI·ight.· . ~ ests at the ~ ~'1 . ":'. < MI'. and chal'ging assault but will not be : csignation The l'espoll~ibility of the United g. tri ed at this time. \·;eek. · Two-base Hit--Ramby. played by the H. S. orchestra, led Lebanon. Obio. lI.rs. J . W. Whl ''''' ~ States in World 'affairs will be the Double Plays-Mack to Pate; by ~rs. Alberta Buerkle, director MI'. Williams accepted the poat Raymond P erin, indicted fC'f bl'eaking and entering with lIlt""' •• . d will assume chal'8 of . fair • Smith to Ja-ckson to Pate. . o.f ~usic. After congregatioinal Mrs. Theodore Rolfes, Ml·S. Ada general theme of a conference on Mrs. Ruth Ja . and daughLeft on Bases--D. A. B. C.• 6; W • .smgmg the Rev. John,J. Sch.aeffer Stansberry and Miss Lucille All~n, international affairs to be held at ter, Miss Louella. .' l:ived home, to steal was given a su spended t. 'Jard work at ollce. " ae .wln ,!IiAntioch Coll ege, Yell ow Springs, Saturday after . spending the sentence. 'ct the activities 'Of ·the 19Sa .a1~, A. C., 6. rector of St. Mary 8 Eplscopai of Cincinnati spent Friday WIth Ohio, Sunday, May 22, under the winter in Deland, Fla. Earl Cook, indicted 01\ a juvenile If. be held September .20-28 .t tlali' Struck Out--by Hill. 6; by An- church, invoked the Divine bless- Mrs Belle Sdott of Lytle. auspices (If the Ohio Branch of the delinquency chal'ge, pleaded not . .!ar. .) . keney, 6. ing. The W. H. S. Glee dub r e n - ' • .tI,'e Soul stirring songs and sermons League of Nations Association. Bases on ' Ba1l8--(lff Hill. 3; off dered three selections: "The "Gifty Gift" that will pleuse. guilty. Bond was fixed at $500 . MI'. Coburn, at 10 :30 The conference will begin 'lard for the pB~J~'O An.k eney, 1. Heavens Are Declaring." Beeth- nightly at the Church of Christ a. m. and. wi\l run until 6 :00 p. m. Choose one of those "Nifty" and trial set for May 20. Hit Batsman-by Hill (Gons-. oven-Austin; "Until," Sanderson, Revival.conducted by the StrongClocks sellinR' at half price. Cl\l'Y's Geol'ge Kirby, indicted for burg- '!eding the with ample time out at noon ' for Jewelry lary, pleaded not guilty. His bond ·ndered. , his Umpire_Pr~ndergast and Hall. and ' "Now the Day is Over," Wciffor~ Evangelistic Party. Shop. · Lebane n, Ohio. picnic parties in the beauti'ful glen was fixed at $2500 and trial set It • ~• Barnby. R.ev. SchiLetrer · read the for June 9. James Kirby, indicted .: ; the first twenty-one venes 'Of the 13th Mrs. Edith Demas, 80n and adjoining' the campus. Families Miss Marjorie Edwards, of near CHAPIIAJI-WOOOS chaptet' of St. Paul's .Epistle to daughter, of New Vienna, and and groups are encouraged to Greenfield, . spent the week-end for the same offllnse, also pleaded ; .ted . ; ). the Hebrews, and Charles LeMay Mrs. .. Veo Adams, of. Dayton, were make up picnic parties. relatives her e. She accom- not guilty. His bond WIUI fixed at The conference will open with with 16. Mra. Eliz~b'etit Baily <nas re- played a trombone Bolo. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,' . home. Sunday $2600 and trilll set f6r panied an 'addrc3ss by Kirby Page, the evening.her 'parents Carl Wells, indicted' for Atl~.. nitnl'_ .. ceived the- announ~ement til the The Rev. G. ·C.. Dibert. pastor of Oliver Davis brilliant edito r of "The World ed rape, pleaded not guilty . ' m.arriage 9t her . grai}d~n, 9harlel tJte M. E. chuJlCh, pr8'ached mas~ Chapman: of Oolflmbp's, · to Mi88 ~rtul and . uJ.l:.lifting sermon to Mr And Mrs, T. J. Smith, and Tomorrow," at 10:30 a. m. on Mrs.•Tames-Hawke apd dau(hter Viill , be t~ied June 14. His "The Two Most Feared Nations; . Lorena' Wood, of Ktinaal ~ Oity.' t~e lPIaduatea, choosing for his Mr ~nd Mrs. H. M. Carey were Glenna, 01, Springfield, and Mr. was fixea 'at $2600 . U. S. S. R, and U. S. A." Follow- Carl S nxs, of New York City, . COTI schoonover, The. m~lri'iage ' was . 1I01~l1!nilled in t~em~. "The, BuUden." After the supper guests at the home of Mr. ing all addresses there will be op- visited Waynesville relatives"'Mtin. breaking . and el1~ermg Oolumbul', T",esday eveDlnr. May SInging of tli~,~:vmn, "Le"d. On,.o 'and lMhI. T. 1. Pence in Lebanon. portUnity for questioD,s and dis. doy' afte~noon. lOth: Th.' groom ta .:: the elder King Ete~al, and the benecbc- Sunday evening. to . st~l, plel/oded not guUty. '~,::Ulf~~._~-.~'~.it .cussio~..,-:. ..;.. ~ ___ ..,-_ _ ,,_ bond was fixed at U500 .and f1 son ot MI'. and.M!n. iJOlep}l B. t~on,. pronounced by Rev. Schaef. ChapmanLand is a native 'o!:'thil! ter, ' the ministe~, the' graduate' 'Another auto went off the ro'ad ~r. an'd Mrs. J. '0 , ·Car.twnght set f<Jr~Jun. 21. . r:.~~~t~~~~P:P~~~rii:~~~.aI and ,Miss May Wright were in at- . -lohn' Schoonover, indkted '1 commQili~. He is emplo)'Jd' wi\h ana th8 faCulty lett the hall, to into the . field, lit .Mrs. Ma~~e THANKS VOTERS' tenclance at thl! annual Tree Day t~e same. , charge, pleadlfd :, the sale. , force . of the Hoover the smlpli. of the recessional, Crane/s' ~Ol'i1el', Sunday even.mg.· exercise at Western college OX'- '8'ul1ty. Hl8 bond was __ .,..",_ ....., ••_ Vacuum '01eaner Co. In ·COIumbus. t)layed by tlie 'orc:lleltra. Nobody waa hurt. and very h~tle '. E. J. Beedle, 0 f Turtlecreek tOM, on Tuesday. " ' . ,1500. anli ·t rial set' The Miami Gasette join. hit· boat . . damare waa done. '" Walter townsh~.p, one of· the two successI friends · in . exteDdin. . COIJ." ~ gr~tolatlonl and belt 'Wiahea. CUD OF, THANKs. Tbe h;me ' of Mr. aftCl Mrs. fu] oand.ldates for the Republican . Mr. .and MI'!': Barr:y Boring, oJl 'b "eaklng .nu~· 'm~.tll"tmr· ~-'--.....--.- • '. Arthur H"yslip, on etarence Rye's nominat.iqn lOT county ~!Jlmis Dayton, and Mr. and- Mrli. Ira to steal, . .' I wish to thank oUr nel,bbon farm, better known as the jtelly sionel' at the primary e!ectlon. is Boring ~n3 family ot Wlloning- b w. Wc-ler I~ ,DkI? and friends 'lor their belp and ex. farm was quarantined tor sftu\U- desirous 0'£ expJ:e88lng lils appl'e- ton. called on Mr. and .MrS. Wymer Lebanon and 'WaJ1l81VIlle irlCh lrreUion of sympathy durin&' tile pox, 'oJle day ' lait .week. A l'o~nl' elation 'of the support !liven ' him Drake, Sunday 'afternooD. Mn. Ira ~=(~~;=~, -.~!IJ.~~I•.'" r~ to pIal' buJ ball at WaJ1le ~l1ae.. and death of my husbaDd. Ilon{Robert ta utd to BuflIjeJ1ng th};ough,~ut the collnty dutlng the Boring an(l Bon, ' Eddie r'lmatned filr ~cent c' mpaip. lor a 10liJel' visit. : • t.u t ~ :.,..~_....~_ ~ tbJj afterDoon. lin. W. B. JIAclcla . .. .... . la mUd attack ' of · tlie .
Seaaibn is Held By Woman's Auxiliary
-----_ --...
-'------ --Williams is Named New Fair Secretary
- -- ..
--_. League of Nations Meef:ing Announced
itan<'(' tux on thl!
T. ll<ll' k(,tt,
Ul" ~l·i. "t"tl
Army of Rats Feasts On Talking Currents
titil' d withuut 'I'lli' illH'ntol'l" 11 J. A, Hebolll, eXl'~utor 01' l:" tal III 'Ylh ru ~lei j!ltl'Il, d"c erl"t'd. \\ I\S ap(ll'uVl'd _ _ _ _9 hy th l' tOUI·\' Tho ipv entol'Y, M Rirhul·d Pit'l·c Evans , executor ot cslut · llf ,"'irC:ommon Pleal Proceedingl R. EVa n ", d C'U II d, wt\ll ap("lhe co , , 1'Th L IHUlOtl- iii- mnll The ftck le up petites of lit rats But, Il S IiO ,onen is the ea e, provod by the cp ur l , Z liS • ·uLiollul S-ank 111101 'l'I'ust (l" in Fremont, 0 ,/ are muking Pi 'J gl'('edin c~(l • u cd . their down.fall. TIll.' ill\'elHory of HI !lie . utlon W1.UtTat:loll8 by IUnry Lee I'e r , u s l:;uII J. ' obu rlJ and Mildred OL tBU - Incomplete elec- Pipers out of, linelllcn fIJI' The I3cfor' I.h ir I 'a st" had been eom~t. 8t.ww.,.t. Ed.W'IUU White ' ohurn, lhe plui n ti tl' s hull 1'(' CUVIJr executo l' of el'tut.t' 'o f 'u l'a h 'u ltun" dcc 'Il ~ ed, wu. Ollpl'ol'ed by tion I'eturns 1'6 ' ived at the ()ffiee Ohio Bell 'rekphone ompany,. plcled, th e cnul e ~ na,pp d, cutting fl' o l11 the u cfl!lIr1auts the s lim of court. R.&lelultto. thro..I. of ecr tul'Y of tute Clarence J. an!.03, A group of lho mol" enlcl']lI'Il>(1ft' servi ce f or 50 Fremont telePWltulwre Au.t.ooM'tel" g~.,. ' ),h L' i lJ \'(~ ntuI'Y f Vlo l'a Be ll Hro wn , s how that In t he Gubern aIn th ·\ CIIH o f 'I'h· fl'ovjdl!llt su b ~t: I'i h t'l's a nd ca rrying ' WllI't'. 'x c clIll'ix f c :;l t, l e of Wiltorial rllce, 67 counties returned u tng member s of lhll 1~ I'cmo lll ruL (lh n ,'avlI1gs Bank and 'Pru s t ' u" vcrfamily, ~il' inlt of th,) ~u s tolllUI'y 1I'(, l'd of lhe ru id to tel phone lineli a m L. \Var!), d c en. cd, II'n~ applunllily for lal'ence J. Bt'own ~ u ,; Ne wto n LIlCY, (:t. aI., IIlc$ uy p ro vcd b~· t he co urt. ""'~ ~""""""""""~""" """"",""""""""""""'" 17 1'01' David S, Ingall s and thre~ rodcnt d lC t of cheese, tale bread l h s heriff were np III'Ov('d Ilnd nil ' J!lI1le_ Fu llen w a ~ ti l p oin led ap- Io!' ,My e rJ:) Y. o'oper, they are and othol' hou sl'hold "delicacies " lllen, CHAPTER XX Il . "The ' nJ! ine ha: ~ Io l ped- yo u acco unts arc t o ~ ett Ic I. pru isc r o f thc e!'lut o f : u: ic nyoble on d Licking, the calvagccJ fl'o m pantry rai,{s, ~~t 1 have ~Io l e ll t he cur!" s h ' cried I n t hl' calll' "r ,nl'l'ie hb('I'hul't <IeI' , IICCCIIS('d, ill th e (llnco of WtlIlIlI11 S,. I~t t I' bell1g . the birthplu.:e of MT. out to fintl new ilems for theIr Gone in ' ~ ll u dlll I' nli gohtment. A deep l' l' I'~ II S .Jamc s ~; dwin Eb crhart t h~ oopel', That ge ntleman li nd MI. daily bill of fare, '~CI)l' n I'O H' t th' , uI'faee of h ' r l: " urt lin d~ dint th e dc fl'lId ll nt J Il Jlll!S E, Bud, e. Lucill e B,le r: tier, c xccutl'ix of Br own were tied in one co un ty, Ins tantl y Ra pscall ion utt e red I' Y" :', "And n ow you wc re g oing u ught t o be p I'Il1itlcd to di s (J ll~ l' 'fh l' n I ~('urch was t'xhau ~( iv(', ( \\,0 ' htl l'p and c ~ull1 c nj.( ln", b u l'''~ , t ti C' hi lll! Y,) u 're IIfl'Ui d of what u f said autllllllJ bile and it Is there- ~ tlllc.' o f • :truh Louisa ,J ':;sup, de- He nl'Y. MI" Cooper corried Lic k- T lll'ou ~h n u t th e lo\1'Il I hc'y Wl'llt, el' a ,,(''' , fi ll' d hc r illl·ellto ry, ing ~u unty by 23 votes, Mr. Brown The s l,wpe,r Uitl u ul 'ur ;, ,no ' hl' Ill ig ht do l" fo re o rdcrC'd t huL said nutu l1l o hi l ' Th l' ill l'(' nlol'Y of J. lin'u l'd Ev- I'cce ll' ed 2,062 vote s and Mr. ,'lI mpling th;" lind biting' th ut sound cume fr o m the t e nt., G n mU n t he pa~ $ ing (I f the dangt:'r o f b nnd t he !<J1 11 1 is he r e h \' r L' l c a ~ cI w ilhout arriving' al a ~ 1J ~ c ~ ,, ~ ful s t 'ad :,t "pped f~ \'\\' al'~1 llgalll, hY ~ Il' t'i ('~ (i ri mst e nd became him- from the IJ J!I' l'atlun of lh" rcsll'Uin- nnl'. ad mini:-; lI'a to l' 1) 1' l'f tate o f I ngall 1, 497. ~(l l u t io n of the ir l, u:;tntory prollN o '~ Ull pscalll ll ll dId not k ll O ~I' ,~I f tl ):,n in , ThiR wa s too big a in )! ,, 1'dcI' hcre in bt:fIJrl! allo wcd \\ illiul1I J, E.-uns . e1 cCt'll, cd, was °PPI'U\'l·t! h)' co urt. When it is reca lled that Mr. II!I11S, But t h c>,e pillTl l'f'1 S in t he l~ h!lL It \l'US ,all ubout. Unly IllS I1w tl l.r to I C'rmit of Rentim e nt. li e by t his COUI'\. ~ llllple ~ I og mlllu had I't!~e lv e d th e . ;poke b rusquely, n l,ru ~ ( t' l'!lul (' y. l' ;I;et'utrix of c oo p I' was Ohio's Governor less fl C'ld of cdible ~ wert! Il lll (, :t ~ i ly t at<· o f J CI ~ e ph !\[c C'lluh ·y, dl'cen 'c d than ,3. year lind Il half ago, the ' ;llllnte ti , .-\t I' tIl':1 fail l r ' lhe y l,m prc ~sJ() n th~t. un cxp lalllCu ly UH~ "Thi ~ is no t. "'omnn'~ bu~ine ~s, N<>w Suit. tile d hl' r il1l'(' 11 (>J' \" s urpnslIIg s mall vote h e reccived 10 ~' the fll'~t tim e , the PTu:\lJlll ty (0] [lu l't " n,' ' ~ :lid he, "an d y ou nlu s t ' oll t in llcd th oil' l' I1'" l'ls with lI ew l\la g l' ~ lic I is trihulinll' Ul11 Jla n y l h l ' Inrge human m 'alll lro uble t o nlll int f'r fe r .. , No harm is inT he Ll'hn ll l ll l - (: i t i1. l' n ~ ·lltiotlal cun o nly be attributed to the fact 'J ,' l el'll1i ll ll~i l)JJ u ntil one d:ol' II'l oi l ~ !\Io s t e r; und hi~ s impl e dl'A" COdl' [{' /l ,k e! t o YlHir young m an. In- 1· l'r ' lI ~ I' aul Kuhn, d o ing bU >iinc ss BlInk un d T I'lI - t (' 0 " t'xeculur of that thl' I eople were not in accord "·: l l c :'i;I :~ f:l1' b~ loll' the " ' Il :th '~ t ultl hllll III !'lI ck tI ght! , ny ~I ~ dl'P '1. I :11 11 sav in g' him f r om him - as Pa ul Knhn TiI'e 0" fo l' m on cy es tall', 1)1' Liz;:il' (; l' l:nll'(1, deceased wilh hi s administration. Governor ,., . f :~ ~'l' , l hl':' r ' \I ~l(l n c r t)!"~ a b·le· much 8l' hc coulJ abou l I I, nnd, III 'clf an d in lhe fu tu r he lI'ill Ettu B. LalTick ve rS U>i Sylva n E, fll (:d II!; ft !'''t a nd tlllai. Gco rge White. Democrat, was op1 cxtremilY t o d u hi ~Itm u l. Lh II; k nle f il l' ma kinA' him a r ich Gu ~l in nn d Bess ie A. Gu !; t.in fo r Z, O . \\ or "'r. t r u ~lee of e stule po~ed by Galcn Starr Ross t h e : : . :Jn f' Cftull • lhoro llr J uicy Cll r r(,I ,t ,; Ii he ~ud , a, [ll'll'llle thoug ht IJ1nn in ~l l'a d of pe rmitting him lo ill ju ncti u n u nd equi~ob l e I·elief. l,f Isn:lc .J IlI1l'~ , <i t'rc a" l' d, fil ed hi~ 10 0v ' I'n Ol' carrying ever y c~unty \\· il lt0 ut 11l'siluti,'n. th l' I,'ad,,!' apart, wlllch I IIl1p r obabl.e, It II'US l'ltin h imsl' lf by fooli shnc l<s." /'l'hnll ll n- 'iliw ns la lio na l Bli nk : t' l enlh BC('O unl. III th e 'tute by II s ub stantial m oa ,1' ne ctmg on e 01 desJl:llr a,t n ;l" II I' lI ill !le\'('1' than k yo u; and and T lu . t CU !lIJl,a ny v e rs u ~ r.llrI.1. I{ !1I1l! ~ u ~tnll, l:xc eu t nr IIf e slate jority, Li c utenant Gavel'nor Wil- (,I' lit " rai ,\ :' ; "nnl; loi s t, " til ill tn oLIve SIZ S n~d pu\\'Cl'~; ,but It dIU I w ill !l cvcr forgiv you!" s he rOhlll' ~ and 1\IIIdl'ct.I ' o burn, , ,f Sa ra h L Sulton. d ecea~('d, is Ii UIlI G. Pickrel, on the SlI lIIe ticket t ' . ,1 cubl~. 'I :lP r ~~ u !t s \\' I' r e n hl:t o rde t'pd tl :'l·1I ce rtain property ' IHIS unopposed. , . , . '1 i ~ ryi llt r. n ot affect hiS .culll' ~ e ,JI c o nd~c t. er il' c1 (la ~s i lJ nulely. CU"~ O I' II. , l'l : i" .ill ic ~' 1' :' :'1' de He began. agalll tll bark rapluly Ill' shr ugg (.d his s h ouldl'I'!'. W o- I I· ronk ll. ]\llI le r ver,; us .J oh n R. a n!1 llJa~ (' rc tu J'n to , C".lIy!. 1 1' . ' :. ~ t ~Hl ~· ', e: t" (" '( 1 f , ~I \ f' ~ 1' 1'I'\ ' nt 3 and 1I'l!I' nll1 g ly" me n alIl'IIY" g-ot OVCI· lh e ~' thin g' ~ , A II n, ct al f ~ r mo ney, fUl'l·('i(.ls u!'e fil e In\'(,l1tlll'Y, ~d f. Ia~Hbelh On the Hep ublicall ticket Lee B. '.J. !H i S l1 ~ :lr 'l1 \\' ; h . ',' . , 1. l ' ( I: I \ ' 1 ""!l . 1;.IUip p ·" wi l h plic1's, s plieir.l! As Gl' lOls t c ud conllnucd Lo /ld. ~ t ill , H . Ii$! ht ch ,1I1g'c in m in (, !' ta c- and a lh"r re lI ~ r. Th " Il1 !,.sun. adl1llllls tm(nx of cs- l'ull1l er of Licking county ~ ' tI: \' w a .':: j: . ~ t ; H~ t,: : : ~ \ ~ t o I ... J1 lip vunce he bobb ' d forward and ba ck IiI' S SCet1ll' c! des irahl e. It lI'uuld LOU Isa O. J\lrhols \'el'i'Us Tlwo- lat e 0 ,1 Mal'ga rct E. G:llla hCI', d e- c ho se n It S the candidate fOI' I~~~~ . i 11.'., ,, :l ,p_ t it e " E ll IlII -;i:l,;ti c t" ,,1., nnu 50 fl·(,t o( lIew cable, the t:l l fnl' ntOIl~Y c(! a ~l· tI . \\ ",; UP P!'lI l'ed br tl1l' COlll't. tcnu n t gO I·erll OI', George C, Brada few il~chcs a ~ th u u~h prll pl,lI t'd Ih' 10111:(,1' he pos:; ihl e CJ r de Rirable ~ (l re . Lel!n e r, a' ,:n :l hi.; el i CIIV, !"Y, ( t Ho! k ;'l '~ 2'0 " t, I,'phun.' llJ '.' 1I l' l w r;;cd t h,' str on,::'loy n s prmg. to I'c~ t l'U in thl! young !lIlln by Judg'lIlt!l:t. f"recl{)~ lIl'e Ilnd eq ul L\'{onu ld ," c~lt llan, l'xccut o r o f e n of \Vanen Tru m bu ll C t '. 1. I ,i, ~ i l n: ' : l h'.\ word t", a ll l.r h i.: J. o!d CI ~ th e I' i llagl' r~ u ml alle r a able m lt ef. , Th es thin gs imp ress d Grim- fCJrce, u~ t at~ of }~g"gIC MC'!Vlillan, de cca'- for secI'cLa ry ~f s tate Jose~;t,n : ,; ,::Ii 11111 ' w ::lt i:1 :l RhCl l't t illJ" n i~ ltt of la hul' . rc paiIwl lh a <lam. Tracy, auditor, Han'y S, Day· telld jU SL so far as to ca us e him "I leavc him to you," he (old Bruc ~ B, rOll se, excculor of t he (' d, . hied ,hIli , ftn ~t1 a cc· ount. I. ,lrnl Y 0 ;· !':1 ' , \'.'(' n' l' u ~ i1 r :~ :':\'.' - ~ g'C'S brcn'l;'h t abo ut hy lhc I'o;lcnts' to pick up a heavy, club-s ha ped Burton, "TI-y lo ge L s ome common I;~st will nlld t es tantent of .J, W. , 1 hl' ~d .l ud!catJon und t.I ' tC I·Il1 IOU- tr eas ur er. J oh n W. Bricker of r, · ,; tiviti ~ ~ . ~ ,- at t:l ..' :: ~ ! e . billet of wood Il weap on that "e ns!) in ln him - if it's posHible, ro use , deccascd I' l' rs us T lwmas ll.o n of lIlh e l'ltan 'e ta x o n e ta~e of Columbus, att orney ge neral, the plninly utgum;ecl th e arm am ent Bul be ~u I'l' to t ell him one thin g : Perdu' alld Emmll Perd u e fu r H n l~lJ T, H ock tt, d C CL'~ ~c d , IS t o In t lhre e without 0 ositio n , b~ ,gll'en to 1111 pel's o n,S II1tere~ tcd. Gilbert BeUman wa s n~~lcd fot - ---of a little red'- d og who f oug ht a t Th at his in Lerest s are go ing t o be 1I10ney, fh e st ::tc of Agg- Ie Mclll illan , nited States Senator and Ge orge I r Gi g antic Stru clure 15-pounds ! ~cru p ul o u · ly protected. He'll get PrObate Court decca, d. IS exempt fro m inh e ri- H Bendel' I d th t ' k t f in ~ le n and ~urdin counti eti, ' he At this moment Burto n appeared every cen t lhat is coming t o him." H e rO ll"tll~ t· ~ tllllllt"" 111 11 1 100lU II1 t ., l . , e e IC e 01' can- eng-m ee rs estimate for ull work f r m the tent. li e disuppca red d ow n t.he mea A copy d ' termining th e inh c r- u~~e lh~\a~e of Cynlhia Hoff as freHsmbul-~t-~ac,e, tith Thomas tolll ls $1,64 1,559. The r e will bc m n \\'('r{' rngnl:(!l\ for ~fI ," ea rs 1" "Dod I" he cried ," "what are dow, Burto n lo oked' after him her exec u lor o f 'estal e of A lit' M , Slit- Pi e r, e rr °M 'ddleve ~nd nnd L, T, :1 ve I'll I bl:idge l etti ng~. th ' It~nr(,sl buildIng the Grent pyrollll,!. yo u doing with th.lIt clu~ , and th ll t ho, om heaving wi t h emoti o n ~ too c l I I ' a mel 0 I elown, c1o~e con- 1I1 Hohonmg county t.h ' e stlmulc on: l e cc a ~el , v e rs u ~ ~lac.e Ja,cobs tenders f o r second place. Carring- I bein $6412. ' ' r o pe'! 1'!1 keep hIm qUIet.!" ueep of reply . Th e n in a pa ssion g , Her first s l ~eJlY th ught was , of mingled loyally Hnd an ge r s he And in any case I' ve g ot to get o n ct .11, fle rV ICC by publtca tlOJ1 IS to tOll T . Mars hall was named for I the d og's barkll1g had nwak e ne~ f II on he r kn ees again beside the lhe wires l o lhe la wyers rig hl h(' 11l!ld,e o,n t,hc defcndants. Ju stice of the supreme eo u rt, H, G. South ard, M, D, . Direc lo r Grltl1 s te a~ and e~a~perat e d him unconscious young mun. away , .S~!e~ b), Raym o,nd, Ruh l.!",an, ad - Frank W. Geiger for judge of the of t h e State Departm e nt of lIelllth to the pomt ~f canlclde. N othin g 1urther happened now H e was m eth od ically bestowing ~ 17ils tl at ll l of , es t.ltc_ "r ElIz.a beth s up reme court, s hort term, and says that probab ly thu mos t exngAs her mtlld cleared a~u fo- until s hort.ly after s unri se the next s mall n ccssuri e' in a ru cksack, u man, tlec~ased: w,ere appr ov- Tho m,!-s A, Jones a nd Edward S'. gerated form oJ was te in Ohio eu s~e d, h owever, he r eyes WId e ned m orning, "P leas!.! hll ve immin : ta ke care cd and all account s a l e to be sct- MatthIas for the full term, industry is t hat .of ma n-p owe r lost wi t h t~rror. 0;uve np orl's immobil,iTh e n Burlon, who had fallen in- of my other lhings, " h e reque sted , tlc-i! i, I ' I . I to it a s t he r esu lt of accid e nls and ty amId, 811 thts nO,lse: Grrms;ead s to an un cas y slumber after so me " G oodby, dear," I ' .c, WI o:f FI·a n~ De nver Dllktn. On the Democratic ticket phys ical di sabilities. In 1 031 the day atttre ; what dId It mean. hou rs of futil e watching to see H e opened his al'm ~ and s he (e~e.l ~ed , wa~. lldn~.lt,t.ed t~ probate. George S , Mye r s o'f Clevela nd was loss to Ohio indu stry was abollt She da 'hed forward to La;ry, th at dear Lal'l'y did not die of an crcpt into lh em, They clung t u- E\a " I\~. DakIn. Il a,~ al,l!1tntecl ex- elected a s t h e can didate fOl' seere- $85,000,000 . Durin,::' t ha t year and, undetened by ~ap,sc!llhon, overdose without her knowing it, gethel' for a moment. ecu~ll x, no bond I <l llill d. W, F. tary of state, Daniel E. Butler of t here wel'e l,l34 industr ia l workf el}, on her knees at hIS ~I,~e . awoke and aroused him. "Be carefu l," she begged, "You lnl~ ..R, . £I. H al'tso(~k nn ,l Chal'1.e s T oledo will be the ca ndidate for ers killed, 23 totally disabled and What have?Jou d o~e, , Wha,t "Whnt is it, d ear?" he cried, mu s t come ba c k to me , Don'l;;s hilts were UPPOI ntcd appral s- audi t or, Joseph 1'. Ferguson of 1,383 pel'manenlly main ed. ha~e you done. s he crlCe!, terrOl- "What are yo u d oing here?" don' t be ra sh, will you'!" , Lancaste r, treas urer, H e rbert S, Wat'den P. E. Thomas of t he Her' sto ry did not take long in He laughe d, s trIcken. Duffy, Cleve land .as attorn ey ge n "Nothing- no t hing a t ull- he 's th e telling, "You melln th e gun? No; I' m Rea l Ea l ate Tran s rerl Peniten'tiary announces e,ral, Robert J. Bulkley, U. S. Ohio The Ilal'ratl've ti nl' shed, h e Tose no t g o ing forth to s lay, That.'s R I SRI I • R b Stephen M. Young, that t he prison popula tion is n ow Perfectly all righ,tl" cried Grimjus t in t he remote case ( ne ed u a ym nc . . u, 1lI1Il\.0 0 ert Se n ator, , telld , who ~ <' rIC Id a was to r a s- to his fcet, fumbl e d in his pack, convincing- argument. This is a E, Hlld Sylvia C:. ' rone , 73 ,80 CI vo la nd, and Charles V. Truax under 4,000, lhe first time in of BUCYTUS, for co ngress ma n-a t- month s. The ~o un t disclo 'cs that sure her before s he lost control of d l'ow forth a revo lver and 'holster I I ' acres in Deerfi eld township. herself. "He's n ot hurt, He'll be which he s trapped to his belt. 'awyers gl1me now, aJ1( n game oC Eli zabe l h Ruhlman to Robe rt E, largc. The race is close for chief the warden is lo ok ing- after th us well as ev.e r i,n the morning." "What are you going to do?" geL th re tha t. Crone a nd Sy lvio E . I'one , 73 .8 0 jus tice of the s upre me CO Ult with welfare of 3,944 i nmates, EightyBut by thIS time Burton had as- she as ked anxious ly. • He ki sed hel' aga in /lnd s trode act's in De l'fi 11 t ,I ' Carl V , Weygandt of Cleveland foul' were parole d last week, 253 If th La I' . away, . ~c ( olVns lip, t ransferr ed ; und 46 new inmates d h eree ' nt rry was IVlllg "I'm going to fo llow the car," "Come ba ck to me soo n!" s he ~ ell' Yo rk ~Ife rn ~ lIl'1tnce Co . to in the lend by sevel'al t housnnd we re r eceived. The h ospital at Lhe sure Will P . Steph enson 'was named and unhurt, and I·ose slowly to "You can't hope to de.tch it eu led aftel' him . " The s oo n est Ltt u B, La l'rt~k, 85,6 a r eo in judge of th e supreme court for big ins titution has been give n a her feet. Her bl·ow was puckered afoot!" ' ev e d" h e cried back, Wayne t own s hI p. . , . "The chance is very slim" he ' ! The Boa rd of E<luca l f the short term and Wm. p, H e n - fre sh coat of paint, a s have a lso in , though. "Y d d I ' A fter his depUl'tul'e Burton '. ,IO~ 0 the g uuTd rail s in the yard, t he , ou've rugge him" sh e de- Ilcknowl ed.ge.d. "but. it's t'he only whose edu'cHtion IIad bee n coming' Wa,v ne town s hIp sch oo l d lsLl'lct ~o derson and Charles B. Zimm erman statuary and flowell' reeep taclJe clded at Jast, S he pondered for ch a nce, and it s hould be taken, on made h erself some coll.e. .. ' Floyd SavllA"e: Rc a l cstat e In for the fu ll term. a nd the campus has been cleaned 11 moment more, then raised her Luck might p lay with us. The ' ~· I W'lyn e tll ll'nSIIII) Tbo ut two hours laLc l' Si mmins • . . . State Highway Director, O. W. up ready ':for the fine spring heHd. csr might get stalled . Who knows? appeared vel>' apologetic ovel' his A. B. Kaufman ancl Rosa Kaufweather. tardin e s: ma~ to Arty D. James. Inlot No. Merre ll a nnounces a high way conmct lelting fO l' Friday afternoon, Physicians tell us that one condiTh b . 12 111 Le banon. tion is nearly a lways presenl when a e a sellce of th e little car I'l oyd 'avag'c and R th S May 20, at two u'dock, which inLarae New'ipap.r Collect lOB Burto n had expec ted; but s hc was to W olte,' Ke nri ck R ul tatval?e cludes 62 miles of r oad improvechild hIlS a dig~stive ups et, a starling at first puzzle d to hear that the ' ' ea es a e 111 ment, 27 miles being resurfacing Wh ut Is saId to be the Inrgesl cold or other Ii tlle ai lment. Con!llifa,Wayne t o wn s hIp. , k· . collection of newspapers Ln the tion. The first atep towa rds rclill is ex t IS coo lIlg utenSils had dl w pA" nC H McMill .,n b t " . t peared· as a ls a s a ll . 't " " , . ' , y execu IIX 0 world has been ' opened to th e pub, to rid the body of impure wastes. . . ",om quan l y 0, Al uxu nc1 el' McMillan r eal esta te in lie In n newS(lllper D1u seum at Alx· And tor this nothing is better than prTohvlslon s. . . Hamil to n lown ship, e n, s~e realIzed thut her father Anhul' C, Lovell t o George E. Trustees of Public Affairs, light & la.Chopell e, Gerrnf,ny, Amon~ It!! genui ne Castono I Cnstona is a pure was htdmg o~~, and Bu rtun had a P ro ctor r ea l e late in Deerfie ld gas, ~34.16; Sanitary S upply Co., collection of 150,000 newspup('r8 vegetable preparlltion made &peclally s upplies, $ 11.86: Mrs. Cynthia are cllrloslt Ips frnm · 1111 ovpr tI, p for b abies aod childrcn. This means shre~vd SU:S~ l cl o n that h e w,ou ld towns lli l . co ,:,tInu.e, h nhng out., Bven ,a 1}\I'ate Th omills E. PI'OctOl' and Geol'gin Fulkerth, services, $517.75; Hub- world, Inc;lll dlnl! nn Eskimo pitner it-is mild and gentle; that it conlainl no harsh drugl, no narcotics. Y III it chief, If not t e nder fcc lll1gs , at E. Pl'tlcto r to L ~r N'~b t 2 1 man S upply Co., supp lies, $3.25 ; fr om Ihl' mlll"l .. nr 11" 81 century. always gcts result&1 You never have leas t love of mental ease , and Bul'' ." L, e , Leba non Lumber Co., $1.50 ; John I~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!" ton realized t h at cven thi ~ s t e rn acre: ,In H~n1l 1 ton t(!wnsIIlP. to coax childrell to take Cilstoria. Law & Son , services $ 115,69 ; Mrs. I Real Catoria always bears the name: panll1t mig ht b e ju st liS w ell sutM.IJ o r B egley to Ead L ? ng and Omar HollingSWorth, supplies, $6,HUN11NCA isfi ed if h e did not hav ' t. f !"lol'ence LOll!, I'oal es tate In Ham- 1Ii ; Staka lta Mfg. Co., s upplies , nSHING V . ' , , c a ace tlton T ownshIp. hI S ch,a1d whI le, thlllgs we l'e tCl O A Ibcrt E SpruO' t Alb t A $6; Fred O. James, s upplies, $1.54 fre sh III h er mInd I . " " ue ,0. e~ . Wa l dro~ C. Gilll'}our, inques t, $18,Simmin s I'cport that Grim s tead' ~ . 1)1 ag u,e . Real estule- m Ham tl ton 40; Zaln Armitage, gravel and , . ' to wn, hip. ~hey en,tered camp s he , 1ll11 ~lc an Gracic An g lin to Willium Pur- sand, $41.50; E. S, Donn el, 2nd Il11p e~atl ve gest ure to Im mInS of . o n ~. 8 1.05 aC I'es in Franklin und final est., cont, No. 1002, $32.71; A. W, Tucker, in full contract, warnmg thllt he s hould n ot s peak. low nship Whenever you have some don't depress the heart, or LatTY strod to th e fircs id ~ a nd Willial~ Parso ns t o John S, No, 1004, $85: A. T. Retti g, pay I 4_ nagging ache or pain, lake olherwise harm you, Usc th cm threw d own the ruchack WIth a Ri chnrcl !'on. 81. 05 acres in Frank- ro ll, $29 .60; H. L. Schuyler pay roll, $204 ; Carl Dakin, pay ' roll, sla,~l, t he n turned to Burto n : lin township, some tablets 01 Bayer Aspirin. jus t as oHen as they cn n s f':~re I fo llowed the e ar for SIX or $ 140; Philip Heizel, pay ro ll, $33,Relief is, immcdialel 60; E , S. Donnell, ext1'8 work on 'HUNTINO e ig ht miles to th e place the rond Marr-j-a-g-e-L-.-·c'en.ea you any pain or discomi'l rt. cl'ossed th e Deep Bal'l'allca on a Mr. Chllrles H, Young, accou nt... No. 123\1 plans, $52.5 0 ; Sam D, &: FISHING Just be sure to buy lhe Ben l/ ille. There's scarcely ever a n ache EPA lRING trestle. Part of the trestle hud a nt, of Lebano n , and Miss 'Do1'a Henkle bridg~ plans $22.50; He:nry II .. 63-p". mODtltly m _ Examine the packagE:. Bl)warc K,ipp lumb er, $44.22; V, W. Timp- Ilnl crammed 'ull of bunLbeen canied o,ut iJy the Hood, B fIb Watches or ·pain lhat Baycr Aspirin In • • Dabloa, CAmllln. ao4 Gardiner had dl'iv en t hc cur 011' ran t , 0 Je ano n . of imitn Lions, kln s, pay roll, $265.60; E. D. tr.pplD,"lOrteonDdplolur ... Clocks won'l relieve-and never :l nlUAblilDlormatton aboUt into Ule obyss," pk in s , pay roll, $265.60; E. D. 'UDS.l'jIYol~_ Dabtn. tactJe welry Bill s Allowed time when you can'l t.ake it. ' "Ki lled?" cried BlII,ton, hOlTificd Jone ~ , pay 1'011, $219 ,9.0; L, E. le. Kame Jaw aha.n R:~ beet Aspiri n is t he [rarlc-murk 01 pI ... \0 s •• Dab ...4 .._ .. Store Open Even ings Ohio Central T elephone Co" Witham, pay r o ll, $320.40; A . T. .10. "Gone; s wept away, disapp eared Bayer manufacture ,It monorent, $ 55 ,50; Oh'io Ce n t ra l T elecomp lete ly, The stt·eam is wide Rettig, pay roll, $23 2.40 ; C. E, Thl.', tablets wit h the Bayer acelicacidcster of su1icyiicacid. and ~wift und fast . I climber! pho nc Co " toll s, $53,20; J . W. Bradbury, pay roll, $197.40; J . W . CARY'S JEWELRY cross are always safe, They down, of co ut'se, but no trace Ling-o Hardware Co" s upplies, $3.- Dans, pay roll, $268.80: Floyd w hatever r e main d cxeept one seat 10; J ohn Law & So n, oi l, 50c Lemmons, pay roll, $27 0.90; John cus hi on t.hat hIl(I been thrown Tl'u.;tecs of Pub Affairs, light, Myers, pay roll, $168.20; Les lie clea l'. I fo ll owed down the strea m $() 1.0 5; M'u ry E. Hoppi ng, rent S hul tz, sel"V iees, $5 2; C. M . Charlo n the chan ce that t he car mi g h t $30; Woourow-Weil ·· Stannge Co" t on,. sel"Vices, $5 2; E, W . Knapp, have strande d ; but i n l hat f orc e s uppli eR $4; John Law & Son, s up- servtces, $5 2 j Eden Terry, engin- 01 cbl1l1lO U>I. nemJ~,\OQ of watel' it pl'obab ly broke to pli(· ~, $50,25; Columbus B lank eer, $97. 50; Frank Shearer, SUT- 8bfB Lb Knlfe. wIlli "J In. pi eces almo ~ t at once. It was of Book, ,u(1p li es, $20,25 ; Wes tern veying, $ 10.50 ; W. C. Bergdall, c:.-.,a.J\:~g~~·~nrb."J~ l OlathCr 1\·lt.tlleatbcrlbc&tb. Slal', uar dockets, $72 .50; Drs, su rveyi ng, $14,00; Sam D. Henkle, 'J'hl. very lig ht construction." anllo I. Jus, ..ba, you "Yul; and I will prohab ly have EdIVnrd and Robert :Blair, services s urv ey ing, $ 30; Zain Armitage, n erd. for bUntInl. ntltl.DC MONEY LOANED 1 oamulnl"Iue. t o wa it here some days," sh e said $5; Stillwater Sanatoriu m, care of grovel, $ 796; J . K. Spencer, gravel , 11"1 CUp ' bll ad •• &Dd eacl_ and Lold him what had occuned, ' Flora mith, $105; Mrs, Hannah $244" Ernest Butterworth , dirt, WIth 11,00 bill. Mall ,1lII& order lO-day to : . S hortly after n oo n th ey were Ab ~ hcr, se rvic es , $5 ; Edna ,Jeffery. $0 1.15; Har ry Hill, gas, $155.10; s ervices, $ 10; Julia Holland, serMrs, Anna Doughman, garage r e nt a ~ toni s h ed to ilee Davenp o rt reHUNTING t u rning . ron to meet him vices, $ 10; Oma Kn ox, services, $84 ; Sam D. Henkle , sel"Vices, LONG OR SHORT TIME-lIuJ 4. FISHING wit h a c g led g lodn ess nnd $10; Erma H ibnal', services, $10; $2~ .50 j H, T. <A>ok, gravel and terms, Also surveyinf anel A.b. fran.lt Blda. cul'i os i Albert Millard . sC!I'viceli, $10; sand, $35; H oward T. Cook, Write and 'Will .aU So.ton, M.... Richard L. Williams, services, .$10 gravel and sand, $7. concIucled) and lee you. Sam D. Henkl., W • .,nenille. Ohio. .Jll
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Made specially for BABIES an.d,
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Farm Loans
Waated Effort
FOR RENT FOR RENT, -Business Toom corner Main & Miami Street. See W. C. Phillips. M18
FOR SALE FOR SALE........Manchu Soy Beans, recleaned, price 76<: per bushel, D, B. Underwood, Hal'veysburg, Ohio. j8 FOR SALE- Poland China male hogs. C. S . Maxwell, Spring Valley, ~oute 1,' , *m25 FOR' SALE- Sweet potaib plants and all, kinds garden' plants. Ad sweet potato 35e per hundred. On Ferry "<lad. ~obert ' Strouse, V{a'f.nesviUe. Ro~t~ 6, ' ~J11 FOR SALE-Good l'Oan ,Short-. born bull. Phone 16R21. mll FOR SALE-200 lb. capacity ice cheSt. Orville J. Gray. , mll
The Miami ~tt. 08ie. N_ I... of Wased P....... Nap. Id. . . . . odaer 100" Jut COlD. I••
Sprin, Time in Ohio
D. L. CRANE I '1 PubU.her Sub.criptioa Price, $1.50 • Year I By Mr •• Je"ie B. Tripp Offico Phono ,,, ................ No. 112 E'nllJretl fit Po.toUlce ILt Wayn ••8- \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~". • ........... . .. .... .. .... . No. 118 v\1lll . hlo. 08 S ond Clalls Ita 1 R 01.'den.:e . Matl r Bushe!! in the side yard r Just chuck fu ll ot ploom. ~===-:====~=== M=A=Y=1=8=,=19=8=2=·=========:=0-= Roses, 'I'ound the windciw .. Peeping in th room. I 1Mllny flowers IlrC blooming B~t Lik e 11 r osy clou I. .• • f Bob White in the ' meadow It took the depression to make puople understa,:,d that It IS .e'ntn·c- Whistling ' weet lind 10lld: IY 'poBsible fOl' govel'nment CXPOIlS i:I to become so high that taxmg ~hc people to meet them bcom s '"I r r " ssivo burden upon the . e ntll'e Jaybird in the l\ycn11lore , public. 0 long ns t'lclll'ly ev ' I-yLody WII '; Illllking a good dell l of money, Feilthcrs fln shinK blu , /l ublie cxp nses were nub ud y',; bu s in ellH. Of course the p<:ople tOOk. an Robin callin g to hi ~ mut lI eul.l emie interesl in t he !!ubj ' cl and perhllp!l grow led a bIt every time I heal' hel' an 'weI', t oo . tht'y hll\1 to march up 'to th' ll'Cllllur.e r's olfice and give up II good deal ilky petals falling of 111olley, but, aHer all, they had the money to. give up and so the? In 'loud . o f pink and whi tc; flll'got t he whole matter in. a few days lind faIled to remember Il Gold en bar ~ of ~ un H hifle uguin until next tllxpaying time. B ut when tuxes became ?ue and sev- Shining through them brig ht. e l'II1 million pe ople did not know which way to turn to obtaIn the money t o pay lit iI' shllre of gover nm ent expenses, they began to wandel' Old World's gay and hupp y, whether, aftor a\), they had not been making a mistake 1111 these yeal's Music every wherc. in p I' millin~ guve rnment cosls to mount, Yeur after year. But now Sweet scents of the hl os!'O nl S thal th ey .havo di scovcred that thcre is no do ubt about their having PiIJ the fre.' h pure ail'. Leen n g ligont, thcy do not latow wbat to do ribout it except to de- Everywhere th e r e ' ~ bClIuly, mand lowo l' taxes to meet ex pen se!; thllt fOl' the most part are definit· All lhin~rs f uJI of life; e ly fl xcJ lind cannot be lowered except by speciul legisluti on. Happy li ttlc god Pll n But. this IIttitude is merely a reflection of the averuge man and Playing on hi s fTIe. his family' . atlit ude towal'd their personul affairs during boom times. Th oy did not reflect that lh e fami ly might be reduced. They always Pretty ~ p l a s h of cardinal. hlld be('n nble to meet thcir installments eventually, and so they pro- Red b,inl on lhe gl'ass ; cl'e tl ed to buy an yt hinl! on the ins tallment plan th~t happened to Lovely scarl et feathers I' I } u ~ c th e il' fancy. I· 0 1' lransportation purposes n Fidgety' Four Flush as he flics past. nlig bt lIl e·t their n eeds quite well but since the J ones next door had Hea r his pl'c lly wh b;t\ c an pili 'nl Eight they a lso bought an Opulent Eight. Good times were From the cedllr tree, g oin ~ III last forcver lind if anybody ventured evon to pipe a speak of He sends his May· time ~ I'ecting dou ht ab nut it , he wall promptly dubbed a killjoy , a knocker and a Ou1l to you and me. bum sport. The 1(, 580n o f this dcpl" ss io n is t ha t in times of pro s pel'ity wc Ever'yw he re th('J'e' ~ Invingshu uld Jlrl' pUI'e for times of advcr~ ity, but if you think anybody' will Let's'vo u and r lov , t oo ! I '1I1'll lhal lesson you m er cly do not know what YOll arc talking IIbout. And be happy afi th e blue bir ll, AIJ1I o t n hody cver hn s leul'nod it, a lthoug h it hU R been ta ug ht many And love 0 111' whole life thl'OlIgh . limes, anti probably almost nobody evel' will. Ev en though the weather Flowers a!'e nil 110ddin~, mlln predic t!; min, wh o cnnie an unbrella if the sun at the moment A nu bowing, So polite, is ~ hil1ing brightly? Out in the g old e n l' un shin e In it's bars of lig ht.
Ele tric-ty
'On t e· Farm
As Jacob wrestled wit.h the Angel fol' his bles ing in t1~ys f yore. so 'are tho Wa¥n e Township Board of Education and Supt. Lotz wl'estling wilh the probl em o( Il'ov iding II full and ilnimpui\'od 'cho ol tel'lll f I' the year lO S2-:3:3, ,dth bndly dep leted 'financial r e',ouree !;; and an in crease in enrollEl cc rid ty i.. friend t o the f a rmer. 111t'l1t in pro ~ l1 ect. Two pl'otrac.ted se~si ns, tha t In ·ted until about In :-; pil' of th e ~ n ral conditions of l11ili -l1i~ht, were he ld last w ' k, but practicall y nothinv f a deli um;in 'Ss du ri ll g- 19:n, a total of 48 ,9 40' adn ile nat.uI·o was accomp li shed. As ditional farm ,' \\' 'rc a dd e d to the lis t of f Ui;t as oll e plan was ch osen, some " unfor esee n 'mol'gency IIrose, und Lhose already using' 1:lc<:Lri c Service. ente.ri~t into"~ th e pl a nners were back aga in to _ _ _ _ _ __ the place of bt'ginning. Thi s .. ho\\,s p lain ly that EI ctricity ha s be.:..::====== Thi ~ chaotic co ndition is by no rU.ll1e an imp o rtant ~'a cto r in the modern mean s local. In fac t, "Vayne Town ship schools are in much better ru ra l IiI' ' . tinuncial condition than a vas l majority of the schools thro ugh · A ~ t h ' num be r of ' I(' drift e d farm s g rows, . out the Slat ' . At the close of ~he The 1-ilg h. ~c h o (\1 co m1l1en ce n~e n~ I)re sent term, practically aU ~llI s it m eans ·rlim inal ioll o f much of the o ldII'n~ held III th e Gym Tuesdu) will have been paid 01' prOVIded e vc ning. Th e prcsid e.nl of edal'- fOI' with no lien on future rC50 UI·· tim' dn,c1 ge r.' , anl~ a high er t a ndard ville . eo ll ('l-\'e gav ' the addr~ s~ . , .' Many Ohio schools e pcc illlly l\I'U ~ i c wa s furni s hed Ly t he H.lgh ~~~'se in th e cities, have mort. of dom estic: com fo \, . E lect ri c power is scho ul o.rc h e~l.r.a u.n~ler lhe till c c ~ . ~aged their pro pcd iv in co m.cs f or pro \' illg' Ic:>s ' xp cn! i n "! th a n a ny other tl~HI of Ml s~ II~Ien Sleve,:, ~: I many months in the futur e In or· iJ lpl om.as w're presented to MI ss , del' to fini : h the present term. kind of l)O W 'I' th ' f a l ml' l' lIses. , l osc~'h l11 e Gr u)', ,J a m e~ GIII~m. and That Wayn e T ow nship .s,chools Ill:e Oarl e ll. Bagu n. The scholal .shlP to NOT in the same pI'eillcam ent IS .edar vllle eoJleg; Wll S. _,~ o n by due to th e fact that our BO Brd ~af' .J o ~L'pllln~ GrIlY. rh e c l,lss molto . t dflstly adhered to t.he wIse i ~ :. Toni ~hl We "Take Off: Where ro1fcy [ 'of p lanning . ahea.d and S IMil We Lnnd. being certain of suffiCi ent finan ces 1\'lI·S. Mamie "'orel11lln, of Day. to carry out thei r program ~ efOl:e ton, is staying with h e r sister, Mrs beginning u sc hoo l year. It IS thiS T r ip p, durin g the' illne sli of Dr. policy that is causing the pre sent Tripp . worry and delay, bul patl'ons may ------~-~ -----res t assured that the very bes t proB~yond INSTITUTE OFFICIAL S Mr. and Mrs. Rob rt 1\1 oney, gram p oss ible will be sele cted , Th o niteu' Sta les is amicted. with more than 600,000 tax-spend. CAST VOTE ON PROGRAM 1\1 rli. Anna 0' . e:~JJ alld ]\frs. Allie and when it is adopted it will ~ ir.g b o die ~ . A s ingH) county in Illinois has exactly 410 governmental Dakin , of L ban on, weI' calling a rried out to a successful co n. On Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray Sun· t d I tllxing org:ln izlltio n ·. Man y othor counties, in many states, show a Locul committees of ()3i Farm· cllI\' . 11' .. £1ak in al so called on MI'. elusi on, barring unexpc c 'e ca am · similur contlition. ers' Ins titutes throughuut the state lln~ M'l's. E. B. Tlakin. . it~The members of the Board were It i!; n o wond er that the A mcrican taxpayer is being driven to dis· Xenia District tl'llc tion . A t a lilli e when incomes have fallen and when many millions have indicated t he pr"b ems t hey 'Fri nd s Qual'l.erly meeting was in Lebanon, Tuesday afternoon, of me n are une mployed, th e politician s demand more and more rev- want lo be cons id e red at next held h re Saturoay. for a conference with Coullty Suyeal" s inst itutes, according to J. enue. Incren 'jng taxlltion menaces America's future. E. H. HEATHMAN, Manager Mr. A mbl'oRe Fishe r Rnd Miss perin te ndcnt Harris. Luck to you, P. Schmidt, superviso.r of, Farme1'~' f 0 t were gentl men! Wayn e Township · I t F I Ins t~tutes at the 0\11 0 State UI1l- V 10 \l 'l1 re l1l an, 0 ay all, patrons wont the very best sc hools _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , vcrslty . . A g r eater interes t was fo und III al th !! hOl1le of Dr. and Mrs. obtainab le, and are eonftde nt tha\ you will supply their wants. !...-------------, .--------------~ disc ussions dealing wilh the farm T ripp Sunday. The Ilnnu lli meet ing of the High bus iness lind its mana!:,ell1 e nt than in any othe r s in g le problem, he :chool A hmn i was helel at the Mrs. Jennie Hayworth snd <Iaugh- Subscribe for t.he 1\liarni Gaz lte. , finds. Two hundl'cd .and nin ety Gym W cdm'sday e vening. th.·ee committees stated that th(: y 1\11'. ancl Mrs. Walter Cast, of tel', Misll Eli zabelh . of WilmingTho O. s. U. Radio Station-WEAO \ --_ _ _ -_ _ -_ -~~~-~~~~~_ ~ _ -.:_:_ desired detailed discussion!! on 'Vayn esyillC' , wCI'e call er s here one ton. (F. H. Belich, Exte nsio n Horticulturist, Presiding) this pha se of the far1l1 enlcl'p!'i,;':' (!ven in f,: thi:; wee k. A bout ten per.ons (rom lhis FOR SALE DATES CALL at their local in stitu tos. In cluded :00 Farm Night Melody Makers MI'. and Mrs . .J c Davis and community attended QU8l·t e l'ly :05 A a lende l' for Alfalfa Prnctices .. '" .......... R. D. Lewis in the study of fu rm bus in css meeting at Harveysburg on last 8 :20 Ku t1w ¥ QlIl' Li v(,~t(lck Market ._. W. H. Aufranc are s uch topics us nUl rketing, . ec· famil ~' entertained the Hilarity Saturday. club unuay. onomie production, far m orga n! ~a. Ohio Live tock Cooperative Assn. Mrs. Hannah Green, of Wilmin gMi. s Etta M.cCurren returned 8 ::15 w Fl ower lll l ul'C Method!l .......... L. C. Chadwick tion and manageme nt, budg tlng , )I :fiO P n d udn/( llulity CI'CIII11 . .......... ...... D. ,. K ochheisel' 'farm I1nance, und the agricultural t o her home in ' Dayton Su nday, to n, is spending a jew days wilh U:06 Plnng fOI' annillg Seaso ns ... ........... __ ._ Ruth Radford situation. uft!!r Rlle nding two weeks with Mr. her sister, Mrs, Frances Andrews of th is place. Hom emakin g and manag ment and Mrs. W . P. McCarren. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Green ounty HOllie Demonstration Agent your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calve. U:20 C,lIl1l11u rIit y Activities of 4-H Clubs .................. Ruth Minturn problem s rank ed se ond in pop· Several from this place attended M.r. and 1\11' . Kal'l hidllker atJESSE STANLEY to Norris.Brock Co., live wire and Miami County Home Demonstration Age nt ularity with votes fr om 270 com· tended th e fun eral o'f Mrs. Shid- the fl,lneral o f W. H. Madden la~ t PhDne 320, New BurliDatoD, Ohio . progressive firm for the highest o:~Iti l " II' 111111 1 f'III'uRtites W. R. Hobbs mittees, Here. the ins tilute di,- a l(el"s aunt, ,MI·S. Zadie Venable, week. market prices and good service. '0 :1i0 ( ~' ullfl 111111 o,lling Moth ........ . ...... . T . H, Parks cussions will de lve into some of lh e ~, ! onday afternoon. Mr. David Thomas, ' son and Union Stock Yal'dl' Cineinnati,· O. problem s on interior decol'ation, EARL KOOGLER daughter, of near Waynesville Tune in on Radio Station WCKY home convenienc es , extra money 4·H WEAO HALF HOUR DAyto n Phone call ed on K. E. Thomp so n and 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily for the home makers, an d budgetSaturday, 8 :00 p. m. famBy on Sunday afternoon. i1Iarket reports. ing. KEnmore 8986 MUllic ....... :.. .................................... 4·H Quartette Dairying r eceived 140 votes, Another good man gone. This uture 'I'hi ~ Week ., ... ........ .. ... ...... .. ... ... H. E. Eswine poultry 128 and livestoc.k. 11.9 ., plilce was grieved on Illst Friday Mu s ic . ..... .. . ....... ... . .. .... 4-0 Quartette Discu s ion s of home beallhitc atlon At nele T m's abin ...................... R. B. Tom topics also proved popular. On.cMiss Emma Lamb, of near Way· afternoon when word was received Among urselvcs .... ............................ .......................... W. H. Palmer hundred and f ortv·three commit- neliville, led the s inging at t he of the sudden death of M I'. Bert M'us ic . . ...... ... ..... ., . .. ........ .. ...... 4-H QUllrtette tees said t hcy d esi red dLcu . ions Holin ess ch~rch at Green BI'iar on Bogan, who wus found dead at his home in WeIman, by his sister, of this proble m a t theil' farmers' last aturday even ing. Mrs. Edith Davis. We think we can ' institutes. H. C. Moor e, wife and son, trut hfully say that Mr. Bogan did Some of the other t opics which Nou h, Alex De skee, Jr., G. P. not have an e nemy. The bereaved NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT were supplied free to rural boys titute commiltc s said they Ir)cal in, and girls by the Ohio Agricultural W lIil, and SOil l'}lbert . K. E. t) nes have the sympathy of all in E state of Fl'8l1k Denver Dakin, Experiment Station's forest nur- would lik e to heal' discu ssed next Th ompson, and daughter, Miss t his their dat'kest hour. decease d. series at Wooster and were dis· winter are: Citizenship, 174 votes Kathleen, and the Misses May· Ed. McGuinn, of Clarksville, Notice is hereby give n that Eva tributed by county agricultural so ils, 116 votes; farm social life, frey and 1\1'ode na Powell, Mr. Otis '1\1'. Dakin has been duly appointed agents. The majority of the trees 116 votes, .a nd nutrition, 78 votes. Powell, wife Ilnd daughter Ruby was here last week buying wool at and qualified as Executrix of .the wel'e used in the northeast quarMarcell a. all of this place, attend- 8c per pound. Es tate of Frank Denver Dakin late tel' of the state. ed church at Gr een Briar, on last ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One Ha lf W Ar Pri.:.e . ~~.------of Warren Cuunty, Ohio, deceased. atul'day evening. They report a Dated this 6th 'day of May 1932. Abandoned Churche. Sales prices of farm 'pota toes, splendid meeting. W . Z. ROLL, veal calves, ' beef cattle and milk . K. E. Thomp so n and fami ly, had Judge of the Probate Court, There are over 1000 abandoned cows have declined at the same for the il' unday evening guests Phone 78J m25 Warren County, Ohio churches in the state, and several ra te and now otand at three· two ma chine loads of young peothousand abandoned one-room 'fom-ths of the level of pl:e·war ple from Dayton. PHONE 8F3 schools, Ohio h1ls over 1000 cori- years. Prices of corn, wheat and forel t Trees lPlanted W. R. Ke rsey of Turtlecreek, solidated or centralized schools hogs stand at o ne·ha lf of their prepasse d through h ere Saturd ay on A haJ'f million fore st tree seed- and neaTly 200 united churches. war Jevel. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO his way to atlend Quartel'1y Meetlings were planted thi~ spring by ing at Harveys burg. Stale, in'1el'ior eggs probably members of Oh io's 4-H cluDs. Rev. Moony-hllm, of Kentucky, This number is 200,000 more than OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS kilt the demand for eggs far more FOR RESULTS than do prices. will beg in a s.!ries oJ meetings at were planted la st year. The trees the H o li ncs~ c hurch at Green Briar 0'T! ultlrday evening, May L~ 30 Years Experience in 28. Everyo ne welcome, regardless Fitting and Making Glasses of the denomination yo u belong to. ~OTARY PUBI:.IC Mrs. Catherine JOt'dun and National BUlk daughter, Miss Hannah and son Lebanon, Ohio Ed., an d MI'. Ed. Corcoran spent Wills DrAwn . • Eltat.1 S'ettl.d Tuo.day, Thur.day, Saturday Su nday in Dayton. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Examination FrCJe . lVIl', and Mr~. W. W. Cossum and child ron of neal' Harveysburg LEBANON, OHIO s pent Sunday afternoon with the RY M()~~\~ G,~"tVU:U~ CS\"ISubscribe for the Miami Gazette. McKay families. I ~M~ dCl()t~. O"~R SE\lE til The P. T. A. will meet Friday l'\\.\.\0t4 ft.()~~ ~ 'n\i U~\\E\) evening at lhe Gym in Harveys· burg. ,\..~ b\\ l)()Wl" ~t> N\\L~ Robert McKay, a member of the CQ~~ - - . , - Wi lmi ng ton college ban d, spent Su nday in Springfield, Ohio . Mr. Harold McKay, wife and "Gllvlnnealed"Ind :" . Thll OrdInery sons, A lle n lin d Dona ld, spent 1-\ F.nce hili lone. Copper Bearing Sunday with Mrs, McKays mother, :. Th.
We'll Never Learn the .... esson
"Wonder w.hat becomes 'o f all th' " New Eras" we 're alwayS-
The Dayton Power and Light Co.
Our Means
Farm Ivight 1alks, Mav 23
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
F. .Auctioneer , . ~artin Dead Stock Wanted SATISFACTION Or No Charge
Centerville', Ohio
Harveysburg Fertilizer Company
_ _ 40_ _ __
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Odd-But TRUE
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Weither Test
M,;c~-..,,~ itW&~9.E.b . ~lOO\l
GO\) ",,\)
~\.lJe\\ \\~l"- .,\.\\ U9 '{\\t\R .\lCO .
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~""., 10 6i ~() 'VQQ\tttE\) '"
\WnoCl't o.
BElcaus'e he -had a Gla.sUied Ad. and sold hi. goods' through the Miami. Gazette'.column~ at a. good pro6.t! .
Winner of the Gulf of Mexico
Picture from actual photoiDpb. of roll8 tn ken dowlI fOl' ehipmUl, uftt' test • ~.
y ••,.
F~NCE ,.,.--_...
.lmOlt sOocI .1 new.
.hown oppot!te
' I Texa. Evangeli.t in Meeting at Waynesvill!\!
SPEAKER \ Th Bon.-n-.-an-E-. tanl.,. of non, haa b.ell Invited to make th principal addrollll at the Dc<F. W. Strong and Mattie [ae diroction of Miss Wofford. ,will be or.lion "y rvic to be snon- Wofford Evangelists, of Fort given for all children. New Tes110 d bY the Wa},nesville Fire- Worth, Texas, begaD a me ting in tam nts, and cash prizes will be men'lI club at Miami ('emeterf, the Wayn (!Ville Church of hrlst given. Parents, ~'our hildr n ea rl't Monday afternoon, May 30. MUBIC Monday night. These meetings ,afford to mi th se drills, Evel'y for the occasIon will probably be will conlinue for several weelss, boy and ~irl should be in thes furnillhed by the Waynesville and every n is u~ed io .attend. sel'vices Without fall . .I chool band ond II quartet of The E,'angelisti ts have held Ther will be ervlce en 11 youn~ men. We hop to be able to me tings in most parts of the U.' night except Wednesdar. 'through publlllh th Ilompl to progt'am and . TheY' are rich in experience, as courtesy to the graduating exel'~ 1\ ignm n1. {committees next well as their knowledge 'of the cises at the High chool s rvic s v c k. Gospel, and W!l1 bring l\ soul stir- will be omitted . Wedn.esday n.lght. The Evallgeh!jts WIll also l!O Ilr,ing message 1n each sermon and EXPRESSES APPRECIATION song. Just recently th y conducted duct sefvices ' at the Town Hull a t a vcr successful meeting in , the B llbrook Sunday, 2 :30 p. m. Opera House at X nia. The public is invit d to a ll serSecI' tary of tate I renee J. A special bible drill, under the vices. Come and bring Y OU\· fJ'iends Brown htlS asked this n w paper ~============== ,to ex)Jl'es!i to his loyal friends In --========~~=-=~=-=this -community nis sinc re appreciation' of the splenata upport they. gav him at t he Primaries on May 10th.
Young Boy Victim \ . of Tragic Accident
.- ...----
VI.it~ra from Indianapoli. Wayne Lile, 9, so n of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drake and Mrs. Lawren ce Lile, who live on son, .of Indianapolis, were Sunday the incinlUlti pike, fo ur miles guests of I cal relatives. south of Xenia, was accidentally killed Tuesday moming while ul'iving a team of porses attached to a drag. Th ere were no witnesses to the accident. The child's father, who had allowed the boy to drive the drag noticed about 8 o'clock that lhe ilorses were standing quietly in ~ne corner of the field, The child wa s not in sight. Mr. Lile hurried over a nd fo und the body of the boy lying beneath th e drag. Dr. W. M. Hartinger of Spring Valley, was called and found t hat the child's neck had been broken. It is 110t tho ught that the horses attempted to l'un alter t he boy fell under the drag liS the body was not mangled. Coroner W. M. Haines investigated and gave hi s verdict ali accidental death. The boy's father is a nephew of Miss Clara Lile, principal of the local Graue school~.
----.. -
APPRECIATES SUPPORT To the vow-rs of Warren CountyI do appreciate the spl endid ~up port given me at the republican primary election by the voters of the party when I was selected to be t he nominee for the office of judge of the probate court. I ·shall put forth every effort; to fulfill th e confidence that has been placed in me. Sinc~rely Ralph H. Carey.
MODe T . Cii1 Low FIi"Qce
Heve Is
' ua~ity !
Llfotimo Guaranteed
GOOD\YEA R PATNrrlNDE R Supertwist Cord Tires
29x4.5D-20 &.; .35 SS.19 30x4.1\0-21 ; .41 5.%7 28x·I .75-19 ".3:1 •• 16 29x4.75-20 6.43 •• %4 29~5 . 00-L9 1I." g •• 45
, 3GlOS_OO-20 ' 281:5.25-18
6 ..75 "7.g; '.&9 S .Ig 4.07
, 3/)];:5.25-20 1x5.25-21 30::3....._...
•• 55 "7.3D
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1 .30
1.33 ' I.U
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3b:4..._._ nk-1.._...__
,,/.91 3 •.,;
:;O:H~ RI!.CJ .
"7.09 "7.35
•• 11
eqUDlly low
Heavy :iltB~y'l'reck·TI.... 30x5 $ 1$.45 32)(6 $26.&0
TDII DE .t ra~,~
Worthy of Trust
OMit PRICES Prlco ERc:h In Tub.
I~i YourOldTlresfor NelV Goodyear All-Weathers
Gordon'a Servic~ Station
The funeral director is a professional man trained to give reliable" sympathetic service to tfa~Lies facing! one of the great crises of life. He should. be chosen with care, but once the choice is made h e should be trusted implicitly. Our responsibility to our clients is the guiding principle of all our policies.
J. E. McClure Phone 7
Phone 47
. .
, MI' . scur vi itor today.
mith was u Dayton
M1'8 . , Wed(ll, Clf Dayton, vh,it'd :frie n(ls h'H" Tu day.
Mrs. Luura Zell wa s th e dinne l' gu sts of Mi ss Hnwk .
unday H elen
J . K, Spe ncer, of Lchnnon, was a Wa ynesvi lle I'isitur, , eunesday or I·nin g. l\Ir ~ . Frank lllll ~ b erry anu duul!' htel', Miss Mary, were in Daylon loday.
\Vh n you thi nk of swe et Bu.y Week at SchOol. The Imit days of school at potato pll1nt~: think of D, I-I, ' HockWaynesville school nre vel'Y full. <.! lL II e's !-:ul 'em , Friday nig ht the Sophomore cln,;' j\fi ~s i\l uti ltlll R!l nker, of Mason. entel'tained t.hc Hig h sc hool t" II cruise aboard the . ~. oph()ll1ore visiled h ' r ill' llth cl'. '11 1'1 Sanker, a very fine excursion boat, wit h :llI d wifc. lu ~ L week, life sav 1'3 and all, which was Sl't,· of diHh!'s lhe bride will be rigged up in the Gym. ' unday evening, th e Gym was fill ed lo proud tIl OWII. .:eled the m at capacity f or baccalaureate se l'vi- ""y's .J ew!? lr }" Shop. Lebano n. ces, at which the Senior 'cIa, s of Bob , A lI~ s puI',!:"el' ,w on another 19::12 made an appearan ce to be prouej of. Monday and Tu 'sday ' fi~c vlcl(II'Y, pl tch lllg for the were filled wi III study and eXllm . ;'I1Iudlcto\\'11 A I'm(' o~ , S unday. VCl'n Il ol1g'h visil'u hi s sister, inatiolls. Plans were completed at noon hours fo r Inst day get-to- Ml's. Guv Ki bler. nllLl fomi ly in gethers. such as cluss piClI ics. OilY t on , • the fore part of lh is Schoo l is dismiRsed Wed nesduy wee k. Dnd Thur, day so that t he faculty will be able to comple te a ll yearly Mt' , and Mrs, Ed Tut cman, of records a nd prepare a clean slate Foresll'ill, Ohi o. spen l undoy for lIext yeal·. Friday morning all wi lh Evel'ett 'Earl y and famil y, of pupil. are to ret urn to chool to Lytle, I'eceive the ir report cards, and to Mess rs, Lymnn anrl hnrles W, bid teachers a nd une another. as clllssmatcs, goodbye for the sum- Day vi5il d th eir fath er and mer. grandfalh el' in B1anchesler, unday morning. . Plac:ed in Uppe r Fifth Rev. nnd Mrs, A. b, Ho ck and WOl'd has been received that Ronald Hardin, g l'uuu ating in the SO il, of Oregonil!1. vi ~ ite d at the Senior class of 1\)::12, and valedi c- home of ]1[1'. llnd 1rs. hus, Kibler torian for that class, has been lo:;t Satu rday. placed in the upper fifth of the Mi ss Lola , ca rs sJHmt the weekState scholastic test rating. He incin nati, won this honor in competition end with fri ends in against 4,198 Ohio Seniol'S, Ron- and a ttended II convl!nliun of t he ald took second place in the War- Church of Christ ren Cou nty scholarship test, and Mr. and MI·s. Chnrles Stansfourth in t he District t est. held beny anll MI'. and 1\1 )" . Elmer at Miami University. tan beny, of Dayton, visiteu rela t ives hHc , Saturuay. "Meimoriel of '32" The news-wTiti ng class of W. Saws filed by machi nery, cut H. S. produced, as the last proj- cleaner, truer, fustel', Also crollsect for the year, a mimeograp hed cut saws, gummed, 25( per fo ot. booklet entitled, "Memories of Roy Pigott, at Madden's Lumber '32." As there has been no High Yard. School Annual here for seve ral years, the contents of the bookMI'. and Mrs. J. W. E<lwal'ds let were based on that form of and fami ly and Mrs. O. J . Edpublication. It contains individual wards, of neal' Gre en fie ld, spent write-ups of the Seniors, t heir Su nday with Misses Trillenn and nicknames and appI'opriate quota- Margaret Edwards. tions, Last Will and Testament, Prophecy, hi tory of all classes, Little change is noted in the organization s and t he like, condition. of Roy Pigott, who was tricke n wilh ser ious illn ess while in Lebanon. and WIIS 't ake n to the Blair hospitn l, a week ago Monday eve ning.
... --
Ramby's Wonders Beat Lytle Stars
ST. MARYS CHURCH morning •• rmon will be ble Resource for a Time Uke Re.v. J. J. ·Schaeffer, Rector. Epwdrth League at 7 :00 p. m. May 22, Trinity Sunday. Church wit h Meredith Whitaker 8S leader. school at 9:30; Mermon and Evangeli. t ic services at 8 :00 Holy Communion at 10 :80. Tune In on the C. It B. program, ..-. station WKRC every Sunday p. m. afternoon at 2 p. m. WA YNESVILLE CHURCH OP Sullscribe for \.he Miami Gazette. Mr. and ~s. Fred ..... '"""""l CHRIST children visited relatives in ( Undenominational) mlln, Sunday afternoon. 'chester A. Williamson, Minister La test reports from tbe McClelEvangelistic servi es now going lan hospita l in Xenia state lhat on. The trong-Wofford Evangel1sMrs. Bertha Gray is recovering tie Party leading. Bro . Strong is l'Iicely. ' FOR SALE one of t he great ost Bible Teac~ers T he annual reun iOn ot the W. in t he world. Miss Mattie Wofford FOR SACE-Good family cow, at H. . Alumni Assn. will be held at is a splendid singer and will thrjl\ D. H. Hockett's. m1S thll Gym, Saturday evening, May and delight you with her Iellqer21 s t . FOR ALE- Refrigel'8tor, 11)0 ship of t he 'congregational singing lb. capacity. E. R. Bentley, Fl'ed M. Cole and family, of a nd her un lifting so los. Hear them Waynesville. Dayton, were u!lday visitors at every night. Here are a few of the thc home of F. U. LeMay and sermon subjects. Thursday night fam ily. (May 19) "How to Win Men t o Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mllroney of Chl'ist." Friday nig ht, "Christian Akron, Ohio, Were the week-end Duty." Saturday night, " Loyalty g uests of Mr. and Mrs. J . V. Hart- to Christ." Sun day 'm orning (Church Sclrool at 9:80 a. m.) sock, last week. Mr. Maroney Director of Funeral Ser"ic:e General Forema n 0'1 the Ohio Morning sermon subject, "Lord Teach Us to Pray." Sund uy evenEdison Company; Akron Di strict, WHEN THE INEVITABLE ing ( hristian Endeavor at 6 :45 ) in und rgl'ound work. Eve ning subj ect, "C hunk in the HAPPENSMrs. Alonzo Curl, matron of Wheel." This evange listic team h as conthe Frien ds H ome, was operated Let us shouldel' your cares on for the removal of a t um or at ducte d g reat meetin gs in almo ~ t Lhe McClellan hospital in Xenia, ve ry part of th e cou ntry. They AMBULANCE SERVICE Monday moming. Latest reporls will bring you something worthI1I'e to the effect that the operation while. Come and bring your W AI)' nel"iIle, Ohio Phone 29 \VII S suc cessful, and the lady is re- fr iend s. You a rc always we lcome ut this church. cuperating nice ly.
Mr. 1>on Earle, of Dayton, the guest Qf. F. Henderson family, on T~eaday.
Late 'Classified Ads.
Mrs. O. L. Atchley ,nee Ed ith McK ibban) and son , of Tamp a. Fla., vis ited her sister, ,Mrs. Fred Hubbcl, and family, last week. Mrs. Atchley, an al umnus 01 W. H, S., and n former teacher in our schools, coiled on her many 'friends while here.
Make Your La~n. Beautllal
MI·s. Mary I.emmon wa s taken to the McClellan hospi tal in Xenia. Tuesday. eve ning, for an e mergency operation. Latest report.~ are to the effect that she stood the shock well. and see ms to be ,l'ecovel"ing as nicely as cou ld be expected.
- ..---
Mr. and Mrs . .E. T. Stroud and MI'. Claude Stroud were Sunday uinner g uests of .M:r. and Mrs. Otho Hend erso n. Afternoon visitOI'S we l'e Mr. and Mrs. George Stroud,t Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Carter and daug hters, of Dayton; MI'. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson, Mr, and Mrs. F. B. Henderson. In our picture of the W. H. S. graduating class, it will be noticed that the likeness of thirty-t,hree studen ts and three teachers are shown, while but thirty-two stu· dents are listed in the class roster. Willard Kersey received his diploma last Spring, after t hree years of high school work, but has taken a year of post-graduate work, and is considered an honorary member of this class. He has had a part in 1111 the socia} activilies of the class.
MACHINERY Making mowing a real pleasure instead of a drudge. Next ~ime your moWer n eeds sharpening, ' bring it to us and we will lake it cut so nic e that it will surprise you.
H. M. SHERWOOD Phillips Bldg., opp. Central Garage Waynesville, Ohio
Services At the Churches Sunday
Who Shall Be Probate Judge? .
'Mr. Clarence Craddock and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominattonal)-- . Voters at the coming November election will receive a separ, fa mily Mr. and Mis. Tom Herman, Elbert "Newt" Wallace again !\fr. and Mrs. C, L. Allen and Pres- Chester A. Williamaon. MiDlater ate, ·non-partisan. ballot on which to vote f or Judges of tlie Subrought his Lytle BOft ball team to n Vaugh, of D~~yton, were Sunpreme Court, Court of Appeals and Probate Court. . Church School at 9 :30 a. m. to Wayn~ Pal'k for a game, Tues- ,day guests of Mr. a nd .Mr,s . L. D. Lord's Supper, and sermon lit 10:, Th e Probate CO'urt is largely devoted to "Family Affairs" such day evenmg, and once more t hey Chiles. . . as the offi cial proof of wills, settlement of estates, appointment 30 a, m. Sermon ' subject, "Christasted d~feat. Waynesville 10, of appraisers and admini strators, naming of guardia ns fo r minor t.i an Growth." ·You are always wel6, was the sco re th is time. children, etc. . '. Mr. J . G. Monroe, of Columbus, come at this church. locals went on a batting spree and the Me sdames A. P. DeafenIn furtherance of my ~ andidacy for Probate Judge I beg to lay and scored all their runs in t he baugh, Betty Linard and Hilda special emphasis on the fact t hat I 11m. II> "Family Man." In addiST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH first inning, but fro m t hen on, Wal'd, of Be ll airE~ . were Saturday tion to t he necessary educa tio n and legal ,requirements fo r Fortman Rev. over anXious to drive the ball out guests of the Misses Annie and Probate Judge it is my conviction that the qualification of being of the lot killed off their ability l\fame Brown at t he Friends Home. , First and Third Sunday Mass at a settled "Family Man" is just as important as the 80 called book 8 :1)0 a. m. Second, Fourth and to do anything with the offe rings knowle.dge. Fifth Sunday, Mass at 10:30 it m. of t he Walter Johnson from our It is for this reason that I stress my qUlllification as a "Family J a mes Lovely :a nd family have neighboring town. The Lytle boys moved their home to t he Edwards Man" more than I do the fact t hat I have been graduated f rom kept plugging along, but were propel·ty on low er Main street. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Lebanon 's splendid 'schools as well' as her for mer University and unabl e to plug e noug h to over- Lester Sul'face ,a nd family, ream admitted to the pradice cJf Law. A man with a wife, four G. C. Dibert, Pastor come the lead of the initial cently purchased and will occupy children and a 1926 auto certainly qualifies as a Typical Ameriround. Kinnison Young and Gail the hou se vacatedl by the Lovelys. The Ladies' Aid Society is meetcan "Family Man." ' ing at the e hureh at 2 :00 this p. Evans pitched for the victors, If you feel that the viewpoint, char acter and dignity attained m. There will be no Wednesday with J ohn Pyle receiving their by 'a ' !FamiJoy Man" fits in with your ideas of who anp what a The members nn d ~uests of the service at the church this slants (?), while Wallace and Wayne Town ship . Farmers Club evening Probate JJ,1dge sho uld be I earnestly 80licit ,your supp ort. r week because of the commenceJim McDonald Jr. took care of the. were indeed happy to have Dr. J. ment exercises at the school. battery work for OUI' neighbors. T. E llis with them once more, in Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Jim Lovely, at first, plllyed a game t hei meeting a t 'the home ~f Mr: . m. We will 'Observe Fathers' that would have 'made Hal Chase, and Mrs. C. M. Hough, last Thurs- aDay in our church next Sunday . in his palmiest days, look like a day. and the fathers will have entire Class D rookie; he made a wonderof the 'Sunday school and Citizens who have become charge ful un assisted double play, hit take part in the morning worhard, and ran bases like a grey- familiar with Marshal Joy's model also hound. Chick Peters, also, weighed T F'ord coupe, will miss said vehi- ship service. The theme ot the in with a scintilating catch. The cle. CHarley has been driving a ~~~~~~~~~~~~==~==========================~ return · game will be played at new Willys COl~pe si nce last Lytle, next Tuesday evening. Oh, Thur day afternoon, in sp ite of yesl Ed Ramby and Shorty U nder- the "depression." wood umpired the gam e. Did you Sunday morning Dr. .Last say, "Bumpired? " Some of. the Arthur M'o rgan, p:resident of Antiplayers did. och CoUege, deli~' e.red the principal address , before the Friends YOUNG-BRAN,T Miami ' Quarterly Meeting, which convened at the local m eeting Miss Dora Brant and Mr. Char- house, Sat urday SIDd Sunday. les H. Yo ung were quietly united in marriage Wednesda y afternoon Severa"!' from he re attended the at the residence 0.( Mr. Young on funeral of Mr. J ohn S. Turner, East Silver street, in ' Lebanon. Jr., at Bellbrook, last Friday after"SpedI, Shenrln-WiJ. The Rev. R. L. Cross read the noon. Mr. Turner was the victim U.... Painl and marriage service in tho presence 'Of a shooting accident. He was an • aotd paiat..." of a few friend s a nd r elatives. uncle of Harry, Wade and John Mr. Young is secretary of the Turner, of this place. Peoples' Building Loan and Savings Association. · Mr. And Mrs. Entertaining their hou se guests Young lire both well known Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Marony of throughout Warren County. Akron, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock, and daughter, Dorothy G., spent Friduy at So ldiers Home GRANGE MEETING > . , Dayton and Saturday at t he Zoo- I Regular Colora The re_gular meeting of Way- logical Garden, Cincinnati. nesville .Grange ' ,vill be held on Per gallon , .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clyde Everhart, son of Mr. and I Friday night of t his week when the 3rd and 4th degrees will be coo- Mrs. Fred Everhllrt. was one of ' The chango' was made the first rescue workers tp reach from the TeA'lllar meeting 'night the sce ne of 't he dif;as trotls pulp because of the ,meeting of, t he mill expl osion at Franklin, last alumni assolHation which is Thursda y evening. Clyde is employed at t he plant of the Loganscheduled for Saturday night. Long ,Roofing Co. , who e officials immediately, dispatched an their W. H. S. D~f~te'd employes to the sceno of , The Kiser H. S, ba e ball team, available . of DaytQn, defeated tbe W. B . S. the disasfer. team 16 to 8 in. a game played FriendshiJl at Wayne Park, last Friday even- theThehospitality lng.- Some of 'coach Pyle's r egu- Josie Whitaker, Leah lars weI"; not in the game. Thos. Hardin. Clarence ~--'~ ........,;:' - - - Warren' Bracldock an'd R. ~.AN ,' APp,~6I' "T ON \ .' n ei" in the ' M. E. church Hayes C. Keever, :of ' Lelianon; l,st ' Wedn esday ,a fternoon. desires to expzHa hb appreciation tures of the , program incl of the support given hltn thrqugl)- readings hy little Miss D __' __ out the countY' i:Iurlng the recent Crabbe, ,l\f\rs. S., D. Henkle .Phone 'eami\aJgn. Mr. Keev~n,' was & me- Mrs. Ray Mlllnollll, a voeal so celltul candidate for tne RepubU- by Mrs. M. Do' Eillii"d, and some 19' un nCllnbiatlon for county com~ amolling stunts, directed by ~rs. missioner ~ the primary electio,n. Fr:~d . Braddo~k.
SHINGLES A New Car Just In
Per bale • • Per square •
- -----'-
Regula·r Price·'o fW.S.P. HOUle Paint
These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the high-. e~st quality of Red ,Cedar Shingles
. " ~t."" '~" )
Ma~n'stnmb6Cyap.d .. _
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$3.05 ~~i~:lIon
Special House Job Prices for May
S .. . .'90 ,.
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"Tbla i. not a factory reduGtlo. "at ,a
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- SPECIAL , CASH· OFFER III Iallea .... ODb'
Eighty-Fifth Year
HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI WILL CELEBRATE 501H ANNIVERSARY IN '32 Mammoth Reunion To Mark Half Century For W. H. S: Aaacx:latioD Next 'Ye&.r
MEETING OF MIAMI MAID FOOD CLUB ON FRIDAY The Miami Food club was held at the Grange building Friday, May 20, 1932. The meeting was called to order by the president and roll calI was answered by our favorite "Salad Dish." The secretary read the minutes of t he last meeting. After the business meeting was over a demonstratio.n was given by Mildred Cook and Vivian Conner on simple sandwiches. We planned a market for Saturday, June 4, at the township buildin g. Our next meeting will be held at the Township building. Games were played by all and Margaret Crawford gave' a piano solo. Margaret Crawford, Reporter
Initia l ' plans for a ' mammoth celebration next · year on the occasion of the fiftieth annivel'sary of the Waynesville high school alumn i association werc made at the 411th a nnual reunion of the local ol'ganization held Saturday night in the High school gymnaIl ium. ApPl'oxima,tel'y ,175 membex;s and fl'ie nds, in a large part gradu__--___ ates of recent years, were present 1'01' t he mceting. . While no definite arrangements for the ce lebration have as yet been furmed, effor ts will be made on the pal't of new officet·s and committecs to get every living grad uate of Waynesville High llchool back for this event, It is the present plan to arrange a more I!..-------------~ . ela bol'a te program than that At last l Vacation days are here. given in o rdinary years, making The Hon. John J. Schoolboy and this an occasion . of homecoming his equally honorable sister, Miss for persons residing in other cities Susan, answe red the final sumlInd states. Officers chosen by the associa. mons of the bell, last Friday, t o receive their last r eports, and to tion for 1933 were Lucy Rogers learn fate in regard to proHaines, of Xenia, president; R. motion.their If they failed to "pass," of Claude Riggs, vice-president; it "was the teacher's faultj' E lizabeth Henkle, secretary, and course no school boy or girl should be exMary Stansberry, treasurer. to admit responsibility for In t he absence of both the pected such failure; you never did when president and v ice-preside nt, Ray- you a sch{)ol boy or girl. mon Hatfield presided at the 1932 By were Saturday evening, practically r eunion, and also gave the address all the out-of-town teachers of welcome to the new class, w;ith had ofdeparted to their various John S. TUl'tler responding. es. Some will enroll for sumReading of the minutes by hom mer courses at various colleges. Elsie H. Weltz, 26 was followed We hope all may return in ' Sepby the roll call, after which a tember and prepared for musical selectio n was fe ndered by anotner refreshed term of the splendid ser: the high school glee club. they have given our schools, A letter from Herbert Warwick vice of the claB o'f '01, was read by this year. the secretary. It 'Was a "reminis-I""=============""'''' cence of thirty years ago and a very interesting feature of the program. Plate lunch was served and dancing e njoyed during the remainder of the evening with Rohmer's orchestra, Dayton, furnishing ttie music. The singing of the High school song ended the session. -----~
Vacations Start For All Students of Local Schools
• •
Changes Made in 4·H Club Program -~ . ~eeting is Planned
, Whole Number 6015
MAY 25, 1932
___ 1 .-
former Days Are Recalled in Letter from Herbert Warwick to the Alumni !..------..I. . .------..-------
--------~, To 49th Annulll High School Trowbridge; the histo l'icul roman- Frank a nd' Harry "Coton" HamilAlumni Reunion, at Waynesv ille, ces of Scott and Henty ~lnd Castle ton, t he Si lver boys (Stokes ) has Ohio, Mlay 2 1, 1932. man; the co nteHts uf ALboLt' ~ passed on in recent years, Kenneth Thirty-one years ago I graduat- Makers of HistOl'y, ali this and Hough , the Micheners, Charles, ed. 1 was seve nteen. Thel'e we re more we arc familial' with . Th ere !:iid, and l1'ma ElIis, Fred White, fo ur members in my class, Lau- Ul'e few telep ho nes, no radios, no Will lind Martha O'Neall. Warren renc e Sherwood, my cou sin and automoLiles no movies. The excite- "Banty" Edward s, Sammy Surclass valedictorian, Carl Hess J ohn ment of the su mmer wiII be t he face. Ernest Barnhart, Edward William s and 1. There were no 4th of J uly ce lebrati on, u circus Ricks, George Zcll, Upshure girls you'lJ note. day, the family reunion, an d later While, J ohn and Sam William s and Back L turn the pages of mem- on, the Warl'en county fair. A ~ we sistel', Gorge an d Carl Hess, t he Ol'y and imagine myself in the old pass the Miam i Gazette, Mr. Smith boys and sister Mattie, Harhome town and crowd all events in Brow n beam s ben ignly on u . We old Holverstodt, J ess Dill, J esse to one day's happenings. Lawl'ence are not yet worih news space! Of Hartsock , Ra lph, Gl'8ce and Eva and I have had a bareback ride on course we linger at Jan ney's Drug Mill er Lester "Mickey" MIcCune old Billy accompanied by his big tore lind talk to Ed Hnd Orange. Earl .'Bel'ry, May Berry, Lelia dog. We have chatted with Dave The tailoring sa mp les of fancy Githens. J immy McClure ~a kid Eva ns and George Hamilton. vests at Funk ey's. sLore aUract us. Lhen ), Ronald and Fred Hawke, We've noted Gustins hack leave So do the shocs; in t he window s of Canie and Edith Moshel', John to meet the train fo r an nual visi- Barnhal·t's and Randall and Ber- Cummim;, Cliff oI'd Ridge and his tors retu rning. Harr y Dodson is 8 ry's Store. Fan' and White's busy younge l' nep hews, t he Packer freshman at Butler and won't be place looks in OUI' eyes as big as a girls, Gilda Need les ( she and 1 back. Fred Caskey is too yo ung to modern depart ment store. The wc re Quee n and King in some fanbe in the class of '01. George new electric Iiglht plant is also fa s- tastic play), Mal'Y Bailey, Anna Funkey is working at the National cinating. We s1it on the st eps of Wililams, Ruth and Elizabeth Cash and it is reported he is earn- St. Mary's Church and s un our- Chandler, Minnie Hawke. AnlUl ing $3 000 per yea r. Maybe Charles selv es. All in all it is an eventfu l Sears, Blanche Zell, Edna Zell, M. Cartwright, ins urance Tycoon, day. The chances a l'e t hat Fred Edith Crone, from out Red Li on will return for the week-end Casky has joined us und sha red WilY, Ce lia Austin , Will and Bess eve nt! The night prev ious we most 0'1 OUI' experiences. And Cook and kid brother Harold. Well stood on t he outskiIts of the we've all missed Harry, my s ide- enough of this. I find refuge in crowd that listened to a medicine kick. Garfield's comment, "If wrinkles man in long flowing lin en duster Who were the l~achel's of y~s- must be written on our brows let that had $6 gold pieces for bu t- teryear? S. A. S.tllwell, supe,rm- them not be written upon our tons. Today we watch two no- , tende!1t, I.arge, R1!llable, greganous hearts. The spirit should not grO\\ madic Italians with a trai ned bear co nsc l.enbous, . likeable, a go.od nld." And in the Russian doing stun ts at Cross' corner. o!,ganJz~r . . D~me! A. Ferree, prm- Dostoysvskv's philosophy of life. Some time in the day we go to ' clpal, dlscIP\)na.! lan, .fine teach~r, " There is . nothing higher and May Wright's and eat a whole llItense, m e thodlc~I, hkeuble; MI~- l;t ronger and more wholesome and cake. Suspect the Dakin girls h ~ve ! ni~ D.od ~on, Carr!e Barley, J enme good for life in the future than arrived 'from Hannibal, ·Mo. We ve Dmwllidle, Marmnna Chandler, some good memol'y. Especially a watched the village blacksmith. I Lilla. Benham" unb~utable. lova- mem ory of childho od. of home. Miller's activities. We've lingered j ble, ITIbued WIth t hClr work. May- Peopl e talk to you a great deal about Macy's livery stable. We've ' be EIIa Ke~ s should be include~- about yo ur education but some watched Ed Ricks drive about memory fa lls me here. good, sacred memory, preserved town with his Highstepping dock- I Who 'Wert! so me of the boys and from childh ood. is perhaps t he best tailed horse. We've dropped in I g irls of yesteryear? George Throck education. If a man carries many for hair cuts. at Ridge's. We've I mortoll, who pa ssed to hi s reward such memories wit h him into life been at Dakin's barbershop, t oo, to too quickl y; Wanen and EIIa I he is safq to the end of his days, catch glimpses of views in the 0111 - Keys, George an d Eva Funkey, a nd if only on e good memory is nipresent Police Gazette. We've Elsie a nd Rhea Rogers, Susan left in one's heart even t hat may been to visit Printz's and Bi1Jy Bon Wright, Ll'na Hartso ck, Elizabeth sometimes be the means of saving neville's news and co nfectionery Ward, Fl'ed Sherwood, Fred Hen- us." . pll\ces and have stared at t he cover derson , Raymo nd "Chicke n" Davis Here's for the 50th anniversary pages of Nick Cartel', t he Merri- and s ister. J oe and Lo,! Printz, celebration next year. Very cordially yours well boys, Golden Days, and other Chal'lell S~nsb,erry, Joble Venaliterature of the day. The success- bel, "Peekle" Cook. Joe Thomp. ' es of the boys of Oliver Optic, 'son, . J esse I . Dudener" Lewis, H. S. Warwick
TWO AUTO CRASHES NEAR WAYNESVILLE Automobi les ow ned by . Lawre nce Simpso n, of Dayton. and Ambrose Decker. of Ical'creek township, collided at Missildin e's cornel' on the LebaM n-Waynesville pike undllY afternoon, accordi ng to a J'epo l'l mllde to Sheriff lo'u Ikcrth . Occupants of t he two machines suffel'ed only minol' injUries. The shcrHf was called norlh of WaYll el;vi ll e Su nday afte moon when a cal' driven by Tip Mays. of pringtield, left the I'oad and crashed again st a fenct!. Mays was only slightly injun~ d a nd was taken to Lebanon wh ere he was held in jail overn ight. The acci. dent occurred on Route 42 between Waynesville and M't. Holly.
Wayne Park Pool To Open Season Sunday, May 29 With several improvements hav. ing IJeen completed during the Pllst year, ope ning of Wayne Park Sw im ming poo l, of which C. M . Robitzer is proprietol', has been set fo r S unda y, May 29. Wth the Memorial day h o lid a~ t he day aHel', large crowds are expected at this popular place over the week-end. Outstanding among the improvements t his year is a new fil tering sy tern whereby the water is filtered t hrough sand and chemically treated, in the same manner as city drinking water. Water in the pool will be rendered absolutely clew' a nd pure with this new plant which has a capacity of more than one million ga llons per day. The lun ch-room has also been enlarged severa l booths and tab les having been added, whife the capacity of the ·checking service has been increased. Wayne Park Swimming Pool will remain open daily and evenings dU'ring the swimming s~son.
MEMORIAL DAY RITES REV. DIBERT SPEAKER Wayne. ville Firemen'. Club Will Have Char&e Of Service. Here Monday The st!'cnglh (If this nation iSl a monument to all those who nave given Ull their lives that our govemme nt should not perish. ' an any of us live in the broad freedom of thi s day, made possib le throug h their sacl'itices, fail to give over on e day in all the year . 0 their memory? l ~ is a national duty which not one of us should evade--nor are there any of us who want to . . Once mOl'e, t he Waynesville Firemen's Clu b will have charge Jf the Decoratio n Day exercises at Miami cemete l'y, Mo nday afternoon, May 30th. Raymon I!'. Hatfield will preside ovt!l' the exerc ises, which will start at 2 o'clock. T he 'following. proJ l'am will be carried out: Music ..... Wayn esv ill e School Band invocation .. k ev. C. A. Williamson Lincoln's Gettysburg Address .. ... .. . ....... " ... Ruth Salisbury Music .... . ...... ........... ... . Band )iemoria l Address ......... ... ............. .. . ... ........ " ....... Rev. G. C. Dibert Music ........... ......... ............. Band The assemblage will then repair to the memol'il!ol cannon, where ' the school children will give their rlbute, under the direction of Miss Eva Heeder and Mrs. Chilrles Anderson. Trumpet ers f rom the Band will then sou nd "Taps." All who have flo wers are requested to bring them to the l'ownshi p house as early as pOBsible, Monday morning. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Mrs. Edith Harris and o\1rs. Maria Elbon will again have ~ h llrge of this part of the work. lu s ~ing
County Republican G r 0 U P Organizes; Waggoner Retained A meeting of the Republican County Centl'al committee was held at Lebanon Rouse, Tuesday night, to elect officers for the ensuing two years. The lfollowing representatives from tHe respectiv e townships attended: John Hawke, Wayne Tp.; Walter Allen, Clearcreek, Tp,: J 08. Davis, Deerfield Tp.; Clinton Harner, Salem, Tp. ; Walt er Howard, Harlan Tp.; Fred Hagemeyer, Washington, Tp.; R. E. Le!to.y, Franklin Tp.; · Ralph VanMeter. Union Tp.; Harry Osborne, Massie Tp. ; Chas. Waggonel', Turtlecreek Tp.; Ed Knockenhauer, Hamilton Tp. The officers were unaminously elected as follows: Central Committee John Hawke, Chajrman, R. E. LeRoy, Secretary. Executive Committee-Charles 'J. Waggoner, chairman; R. E. Le Roy, secretary; Fred J. Hagemeyer tTeasurer. John Holden, democratic eommitteeman from Salem township, .vas ·named chairman of the War· :en county democratic executive :om mittee at a meeting of the .c en.ral committee held on Tuesday !Vening ilf t his week for oTgllnJzation put·posee. D. W. Bishop, of Lebano!), was nllmed chairman of tl)e centra] :ommittee. Messrs. Holden, Bisb'p and .M r s. Cora 'Thompson, of M:assie t ownship, were named nembers of the democratic execuive committee.
32 GRADUATES GtVEN PROIUNENT COUPLE HAS BEEN WEDDED THEIR DIPLOMAS AT Wm. Brooks is alleged to have Mrs. Oliver Davis visited relar,sed forged c hecks on some of tives in Xenia, today. FIFTY-FIVE YEARS and our merchants week or two ago, 60TH COMMENCEMENT forthwith d eparted for parts MAN IS ARRESTED ON FORGERY CHARGE
I, •.
. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Grilfey visunknown. HowE~ver that may be, Ml's. Jam es Johns is very serio ited relatives in Blanchester, At 4 :30 o'clock Tuesday after- Ralph H. Smith, gasoline dealer, The sixtieth annual commence- ously ill at her hom e in Lytle. Sunday, noon, May 22, 1877, Amelia Fran- swore to a 'w anent fo r his arrest ment of Waynesville High school Several important changes were ces, elder daughter 0'£ the late Mr. in Squire Wal ter Ken.r ick's court. was held in the Gym WednCl?day made in the 4-H club program for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure Miss Jean Kindle, of Social Row Warren County at t he 4-H club and Mrs. A. L. Far-r, became the Brooks surrende red to the J. P. at night o! last w.eek, ~hen thlrtyn acted business i n Dayton executive meeting beld Wednesday was the week-end guest of ' Mrs. bride of John William White, son t he latter's hom e in Lytle, Friday. two semors receIved dIplomas. The \i't ra . evening, with the assistance of Maggie Burnet. of the late Rev. and Mrs. William evening. Arrail~ned bef~re the !arge ro.om was fill~d,. many stand- l'iday. Miss Hulda Horst, assistant state White and thus was established Squire, Saturday morning, Brooks mg dUrJn~ the entIre .progr~m. Bettie Henkle was the dinTune in on th~ C. & B. progmm, anoth~r 4-H club leader at O. S. U., Elizaof Wayn esville's prom i- wa ived prelimil1lary examination, Presentmg a pleasmg . pIcture, nerMiss guests station WKRC every Sunday beth Graddy, borne demonstration nent families. The marriage w.as a nd was bound over to the grand the graduates marched mto the on Sunday.. of Miss Doris Hawke afternoon at 2 p. m. agent . .and Lester MIll.e r, acting, solemniilled by the Rev. M. Dustm, ju ry in the sum elf $300. He was ~ym to the strains of the procescounty: agricultural agent, ,the then pastor of the local M. E. unable to secure bail, so Constable slonal, played by th~ school orMr. and Mrs. Or~iIIe Gray and and Mrs. Oscar P. Gilmore, Mr. council made arrangeVlentil for of Dayton, 'Were Sunday guests of church in the presence of about J oy escorted him t o Lebanon for chestra, and took theIr places on daughter, and Chester Carey spent the officers' and leaders' county Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright. fifty ;elatives and fri ends, who a visi l at the Hotel Fulkerth. the stage. . ...- - - -Supel'intendent J. W. Lotz pre- Monday in Dayton. had assembled at the home of the m e~ting ,f-or Saturday June 11. The bride's parents, then located in the sided. The invocation, by Rev. morning sells ion start~ promptly Tune in on the C. & B. program, Mr. Aaron Sears is recovering house on Third street now owned ~OTICE . . John J. Schaeffer, was followed at 10 o'clock. The morninll ses- from a severe illness at the home On D.ecoratloTl day I will b~ g!ad by the salutatory given by Ver- station WKRC every Sunday sion will be · held lit Memomial of his daughter, Mrs. Jennie Mul- and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. afternoon at 2 p. m. Charles Satterthwaite. The con- to fu ~m sh a car to anyone wlshmg <lena Fox. HaH .80 tbat ~he ' l'Qotlon:Jlic:tut: e ' tracting parties were attended ~y to go t o t he cemetery between the A Chilean folk song, " Ri ver, machine may be used. 'I'he plcmc len. Katherine Evan!! and son, Mr. William H. Allen and MISS hours of 9 and 12. Phone 7. River," was rendered by a sex- of Mrrs. lunch and afternoon session will Cincinnati, were Sunday guest~ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis, Mi88 Jean Ferguson. Soon aftcr the JA~I!S _ E.:.....,~.cC LURE t ette comprising Mary Allen, of Mrs. lda Stokes and Mrs. Adn be held at. Harmon Park, Davis and Mrs. Nettie Kep- ceremony the bride and groom - - Helen Greene, Winifred Armitage, Co urtn ey. This is also the \a~t date on Rachel were Lebanon ' visitors, Satur- departed for a honey-moon trip to FA THERS DAY HELD which enl'ollment in 4-H club 'Work ler Margaret Rogers, Mae Treadway day. for this year is possible. All adWashin@,ton, D. C., and other SCHOOL and Evelyn Surface, after which See the modestly priced gifts along the Atlantic coast. AT SUNDAY I the speaker of t\:le evening, Dr. for all occasions at Cary's J ew· visors are urged to o.b tain the!t: Loren Hadl&y and children, points Upon' their return, M. r . and Mrs. . William Beaehler, of Gratis. Ohio en.rollments and orgaJ:lize theIr of Mrs. Newark; are here to spend the White first established theIr home . "Fathel's Day" was celeb~ated at was introduced. Dr. Beachler, who eh'y Shop, ' " The Home of Gifts," clubs a Soon as p088ible. summer with her mother, Mrs. in the Barnett house, now occu- the M. E. S unday School, ~t spoke on the subject. "Education Leban on, Ohio. The coqnty delegates. to be lIent Janney. Rut h pied by D. R. Salisbury and family. Sunday morning. Lloyd DaVIS Plus," is a .pleasing speaker and to the <Iistrict ana state 4-H Mr. and Mrs. Archer .ruln"ue". camps this y'ear were chollen and Various other houses claimed their acted a s supel'intendent and held the attention of the class as O;f . Dayto n, visited the The W, F. M ~ society of the ·M. residence until thEW built their pianist, Leslie Beck taught the well as the audience. the names will be announced at mother, Mrs. J . L. Hartsock, Sun· the; Officers' and Leaders' meeting E. chur ch will meet at the home of present home, on Fourth and Beginners class of wee' folk, and After a selecti on by the orchesMrs. B. "V. Smith, next Wednes- North streets, which they first oc_ l, other fathers filled the other of- ha Rona ld Hardin delivered th,e day afternoon. on June 11. . , Plans were also made for a day afternoQD, June 1. cupied in 1905. fices and taugh t the classes. A vsledictory. \ .Mr. and· Mrs. Alvin Harvey arc Will and Amelia, as they are " Little bi rd" whispers that at i MI'. F. R. Moomaw, formar announcing the arrival of a daugh. :ROWDS ATTENDING county 4-H club camp to be held "Gifty Gift" that wil1 please, familiarly Imown to their friends, least one temporary teached was superintendent of Waynesville at Camp Hook, startm&, Monday, i.e I' at their home in Lebanon, EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Choose one of those "Nitty" have ever had ·a leading part in happy to avail himself of the as- : schools, now pl'incipal of Mt. Saturday, May 21. Augus_t_l._ _... _ ••_ _ __ Clocks selling at half price. Cary!s the business, social and religious sistnnce of th~~ regular teacher Logan schools at Chillicothe, spok e The evangelistic services whieh Jewelry Shop, Le~non, Ohio. life of tbe community. Especiallv during t he closing exercises. on "Values." Tlie ovation tendered Mr. and Ml's. Walter Bakel' is this true of their connection - - • MI'. Moo maw gave proof of his spcnt Sunday in Xenia, guests Ire being conducted nightly at the ROY "~. ZIMMERMAN . . 2'5 YEARS IN BANK Mr. and Mrs. ijowerd Swank! with the Methodist church, where populal"ity in the schools and com. of their son-in-law and daughter, NaynesvilJe Chureh of Christ by . he Stron'g-W1.offol'd EvangeU,tic - \. . ' . . • . '. (nee Lelia Thompson), BOn ana Mrs. White has given years of sermunity. MI'. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert. .)arty of Ft. Worth, Texas, ar, atRoy E, z l'm mermani assistant daughter, of Hamilton, >called on viCe as leader and member of the A vocal selection, "Bells of the cashier Securitly·First National Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey, Sun- choir, as ehurch organist, and Sea," was re ndered by Winifred Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Carey enter. racting. wide-spread attention. are attending and a Bank ~t Los Angles, California, day evening. member of the offici.a l board. Mr. Armitagc,' J ewette Blair, Evelyn tained Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- "ine crowds have already taken their twentyWhite though nominally connect-· Surface, Margal'et Rogers, and Cormick a nd daughter, of Dayton. lumber 'today observed t ,be fifth anniversar:y .of his entr~~ce Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W~erson, ed with another Faith, has com----Cecil Davis. Following this, S. S, at six o'clock dinner, Sunday even. tand for Christ. The Bible reading contest for into that · institQ~lo.n as a utihty of Norwood, called on aynes- piled an extraordinary record as a There are sevel'al points of Simi- Ellis, president of the Wayne ing. ;hildren, conducted by Edwin clerk on the ·books In 1907. ville friends, Saturday afternoon. teacher in the Sunday School. larity in the classes which graduat- Township Board of Education, Pl'ogressing through the gamut Mr. Wilkerson at one time taught In the business field, Mr. White ed from Waynel~viUe High School presented the diplomas and Rev. A. H . Stubbs conducted the ;tron'~, the rousing song services ' nd Jnspiring solos'· broulJht by of experien'ce in what 'Wall then school a . Corwin. devoted years of endeavor to the in 1930 and 1982. Th.e 1930.class, C. A. Williamson pronounced the funeral of E. J. Oziss, well tIattie Mae Wolford are moine the German·American Savings success of the locally famous Farr largest in the hiEltory of the school benediction, bringing the exercises tobaeco merchant; at his late Bank now Security-First NationPhilip Larrick and family have & White store, fir.s t as employee, was composed ()f 36 graduatesl to II close. . in Lewisburg, last Saturday mom. l great contribution to the SllCe.1II 'f the mee.tln~. ' aI's Guaranty office at Seventh an~ moved theu- home from Goshen to then as partner, .finally as s?le while the latest class was second ing.. The se~mons .of F. W. Strone Spring streets, Mr. Zimmerman the Gustin farm (better known all proprietor. He retired from active in size, with a lP-aduate for ' each EDUCATION BOARD ' . was elected an . officer seven yean the Witcra!.t farm) on Route 42. business, just a year or two ago, year 01 theinr numeral-'32. The Mrs, Dora Brannock visjted re- '.re unique in the finest sensa et later. Before beginninf his pre88nt They Tec~ntll purchased the place. aftcr more than fifty strenuous '32 roster contains tbe names of GOES TO COLUMBUS latives in Bellbrook, last Tnursday. he word. He preaches tlile (lId career this banker ' 0 !' qua.r ter. d d years il) 'me~chanti1e pursuits. five younger brothel'll and four Her brother, Mastei ' Billie Dog. :ospel in a way .that will be new century was in ' the ne~paper Frank Robinson atten e ' comAlthoul/:h several years of useful younger sisters of three elder broThe members of the Wayne gett, accompanied her home for 8 o you. Bible truths which may eem very mysteriouato you will mence~ent exercis88 activity are behind thers and sillters ship Board of Education and short visit. . ' h'mg b usi ne ss in OhIO,Ken pu bl IS school, Tueadaatv, Fairmont evenin" 1y them. d 0 noMr. t f uand Iftll complete d tsix h ell' . elder . '30 • who T'"Jle Town e made clear as day. · Indl.' ana , where he 'High .. Mrs White simp course In Supt, J. W. Lotz went to Columt uc k Y an d In HiII nephews, Eme8tb and f Earl f "ld L '30,b'u s, Satur day, for a confercnce A list of his sermon subjects fol' ' was born. . h the 'popular concep.tion o. 0 list : Catherine Branstrawr Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wade and Mr. Zimmerman, brother of 1.. WooDard, · were mem ers 0 t e people." Their keen Jnteres~ m cur- Ralph Branstrator '32 j George E, with State Superintendent Skinner ,Mlrs. Rilla Burnett, of Yankee he next week :tollows: Wednesday night (May 25), A. Zimmerman, former Waynes- graduating clats. rent events and commumty ~el- Cook "30 (decellsed), Ruth Cook and other school officials. The re- Street, were callen at the home ville ' groceryma~,. 'Wes ~orme..ly . I d h fare remains unabated. and time '32; Margaret Cook '30,. Ernest suIts of the ·co nference have not of Samuel Butterworth and family Saving ;Faith," Thursday, "A linner · That Cost a Preacher Hia an employee In the Miami On account of ill haa th an tDe has been kind to their personal ap- Cook '32; (the 'Cook famlliell are been announced lind will not be Sunday afternoon. ,ife," Friday, "How .t o be Happy · ftl urgent press of buslne.., Hon. , earance. Their method of cele'- not related); Vi:rginia Hardin '30, ·until the Board hus had time to arGazett~ ,~ _ • E. Stanley,' of Le~anon,_ was un~ brating the fifty-fifth anniversary Ronald Hardin 'a2 j Morris 'Marlatt range a definite program. ' Mrs. Harry McGinnis called on :hllugh .Married or Rich," SatuJ;;.. able to !,ccept tbe mvitatlon to de· of their marriage, last Sunday. is '80, Everett MaJrlatt '32; Dorothy • _. Mrs. Mary Lemmon at tile M{!Clel. 'ay, to be selj!~ted; Sunday mQnt:WAS DELEGATE TO ' liver t11e Decor..~ion Day address fndeed typical of their daily lives. McClain '30, Rosalee McClain Ian hospital. Friday afternoon .. rlgr "Lor.alty to C~t," SUllday STA.1'E CONVENTION at Miami cemetery~ Mr. White taught his Sunday '32 j Grace · Pennington '30, ~ois TO ' SELL POPPIES , Mrs. Lemmon Is recuperati.ng ni~e- \ignt, . 'Rightly. Dividing ~ ·Vo~d." .Monday night, "'JIbe . . . ~. schoof class, as usual, and Mrs. Penningtdn ~S 2 ~ Lilla Sears 30. IN WAYNESVILLE Iy 'from her recent operatIon. f the Holy Spirit in Con~oll;" Miss Elizabeth Chandler, ~uperAmong ~e : out-of-town gues.... White occupied her accustomed Erma Sears '32 ~ Arthur Swartzel t • _ l'uesdAY, ' 'The Birth of'the HoJJ visor. of primal')' ~~ools. at Middle- ~t the ~lumn~Jeu~id~MS.tAi1:~ place .in the. church ehpir at ,the ~3O'j Frank Swartzel '32. , Ge6rge J. Water.}fo ufle has MiS. , Linder " pint.') town WaS a delepte to the State eveninr, wer~ r. -Mr rs.. d M ' morning servtce. 'At the noon hour Several .memMrs of the 32 class ch"rge of'the sale ot 100 0 '88 Albert, ()f. conv~ntion . of the ' Federa~ion of lI~iQ.bo~e~~~~ .' an rs. they 'happ~ly shar.ed ~ bounteous have older brothers, or sisters, who ,in this cOnl~unity, -this p :~!k. g~C!!ta of Mrs. BUlinellll and J»Nf~iODal ,Wom- R."'E•. , a, ~, ~ , I 11 • and appet.lzl~g dJn!1er, .prep.red -were alrliad~ members of the These poppies are Jnade by invalid days last ",eek. eb's clubs, at Cbiclnna\l, lUt . " hn .M i . Mrs. and served by. the.l r· own handi, 'alumni ·assoclatilon, wblle · othel'll veterans 'o f the. World W.all, atid Leua Edward!!, ~~~ Ifnd.t .J r:::"Ui?IJl' ·with I,L few o.f the r,lativea they h,\ve younger b~others or slst!ln ·their sale is sponsored by ' the and her · .on~!a~~r~e.~Jisitlnlr week. A !eatu.~ of the COb'9'8Dtio~ was!' ,banquet, ~d at the Glb- ~e it ur,.an r·S a d es~ it\:~. ~st: MR. Emma.. Dakin and }let .to .follow. 1:wo sons .and two American Legion AuxHlia .' The in WaiTeJt : SOD Hotel, Saturday aveninlr., ~:: ~nrn~ti,oru~ a~~;'~otts Bon, (lu,.-, of ~nla, and Mr. ana daughten of alumni membr,n a~~ proceeds lire used 'lor the r~{ef of M ~ O"'-~ Chandl~ l apent SUJlciv h~ere h 1 ~a.rth11. e r °fohn Moi~. and... james Mh. FtUk H. lJllilr ' .,./ IlJ.IIO lI~ted in t~18H>Cellallll: P O~'l eick or destitufe veteronll. 't r • an T _brs. ''-':'''l'to her mother ' retmWllIr to er tIC 00 th la "I ".;, d • _ • '.. ,J{~wke, son. OJ: en arslUU .. _ __ ......!.wal e were..,., anon Y\8 r,r, d ti s MC:nda, momint. C ,de are e popu r Omlny an . Hawk~' Ernest ' Conkv' IIQI\. of ~lla - . • daY' afternoon. Thill wall 11 e, . • __ Jimmy" mulcal (eam who bra.d· C... tIc~ IU KeyS ~ok; Anna.'9'-N~1l, .ugl!,. Messrs, Norman and Ed Brown, Satterthwaite'" fim trip At...... at cut. over . • ti~n WBBD at lit. d MrI ter of Erma EU" O'Neall, . a!ltl of D':ftolLiW,!\r;e ,c~IJed here, Satur- home Rlnee her "tll1'II lIIJM JUllDita B1'8lUlooit .ttended Oreb. They p~icI ,fjr • ~~~betrl of t.e!1'! l!!.tlr Ml'••n critiC: Mary Jo Miller! l3iu,hter of Lue daJr IJ flit lIerfij~Il' U1~R, o.~, ~~eir McClellan hOlpital, an.ra) mGIDtI.. commencement. e~ at Ore,. Mends at. daAN!-~ ~..ea on _,.:~ . ,eea very Cornell MOler. other, Mre. J\.llia Brown. ' . . "" . _ '. --~4l-~~ oMIa, IlondaJ evenIDar. . . PRior, SuD ~ __!'100ft. "'1 .... . . ,. l
Similarity Between G d CI ra ua't ing asses of 1930 and 1 9 3 2
-::0 h'
Skeleton of Infant Found in Small Box
Salea by Charten D. Post, Memorial Day allowance $25 mini. tratol' of e tate 01 William A. Luke ns, II rvices, $1; Holley, deceased, were Frank W. Tietmeyer, service~, $ 1; and ull account!! are to be 5\.'ttled. Morris Sons Co., burial !lerviccll, Wl'b~t r E . Wolwine, adminis100; Kilpatrick-Fre nch Motor Whut iH bl,li 'v ' II to havo been tmtur of el! tnte of Laura Bcll ini nr _ Company, lIerviecs $1&.00: \\' "olwln , cl cased, filed his ex- takalta M'i'g. Co., upp iies, $ 11.- th ~ kl!lN o n of un jnfa \lt wus eeptions to ' the final account. 50; Bell Presti, po stah and pl'in t- f(luml ('!l(~US II in a small box all . Then' may be automobile . lhat lhe ilnmllrlJlnte appc:tlanl!e uf hi" Gladys Sl mp ' on was in ted ing. $&: Karl D. Dakin, in~ \lrllncu th,' ltV)' Cn mp plncl.' n 'a I' lllll'vl:!yr;own 11 long rand bt'tlel' ret: l'd 1'\)I·d. iL~ lu 'k IlIldy Illltl bl's ': adll1illj:<tl' t l'ix of estate premium, $ 153.70; Drs. EdWlIn l burg l"l'idllY rnorning. MI', amp f or s i.'r\'i than ,the old ){ odel T trimminJr':' alway. I \!ing p Ii hed 11 : 'rhirkield, de ceu ed, . and filed and Robert Blair, se l'vic ~ , $all; diRcnv('red the bOlr lI 'tl r th SU 1' F or d toudng car, which' HilL rt to the bl'i)Y,htnt·!<s of n pI n e !!Ia~s bo nd of $500 wi t h Wi lla H. Thirk- Ohio Pen Mfg. and Sales De pt., fnco of u ti'l<l ulijolning hi ~ home JIlunradou hy Cr w u ~ ~ for u wo rk Cal' but we mirr r. :\ 11 Accumuluti on of dust ield 'and Schcnck ' S iml)SO n a s ure- SUpplillS, $ 1 .04; Kaufman8,. lIUP' II nil illlln Ifill t ' Iy 1I 0tified LelJ(U1on ~ ~rt. EclwU"ll~_ . very sel'iou"ly doubt it. 6[1 Apl'i! 01' mud wall ('v'r allowed lo )'e· lies. plies, 1. 79; West' l'n Star, s lu mp· 1I \llh ori tip ~, . R.l....d. tluou. Sh ed Ir W. L. I~u lk el' lh, Cor12, 1~12, Mr. rcw p u rcha:<ed m.aio l o n~. : ince th(' coming of live Humphreys i t.o be ad- ed e n ve lope , $20; olulll bus PWIlt.flwtoe A.v..~ e., viae from Ray F. lills , 10cIII "ub·agent the n w ('n r, n t ~o much attention milted t t he Dayto n tate I~o s- Blank Boo k Mfg. 0., 8uppiioR DC Oil r W. . (iilnlO ul' find Dr. E d. fOI' J. A. Kilpatrick 1)1' Lebanon. ha been given t o H('nry'R "p r- pita!. Woo drow Weil Stanage '0., ~ up- Blllir, of LcbIlIlO Tl, vie wed th' 'Jne f II nry F'ord' s (then) late!;t sonal" ap p 'arance, but oth'::l'wi:;e The inventory Of George H . plie ; , $2.50: William Lil unlhlll & j"nlll iIl S UlIlI decllll'(,d lhat th e Cl' 'alion!<, paying, i 10 for the car, he Ita ' I\' )t "u ITcl'cd nny nel{le t. Young, atlmin is tratol' of eswte of 'on, repairs, $ 1 ; Drs. 1:t1ward bun ': were probllbly those o f un . I) e re by the fIlii"J equI'pp ll, including l\ lanK ' :l'l.':lkintr (rh 'n f,lIi !t rul (JI ll cal' Ed win . A . R'IC k'ar d' , d eceast!(, i ' 'C $ 17'' in funt thu t had beon buri ed f or f or fun, or g t stuck wud s an R 0 b or t BI aIr, ser v I' c." CHAPTER XXIV. storm ?" Il l' gas, . ince romin ~ int n :\It:- th\! othe\' day, :'Ill. Crew ~ ultcd approved by th e co urt. Griswold cr v ice tlllion, scrvit:e" , III I<:us l ~ I!vcral yc urM, The b O Tl\'~ cl' un/b led at th e "Cuughl by the storm ., ro plied ,rew'" p,, ~ it ion . "Li z~ i l' , " or thaL it ~lill cnl'l'il'~ the oril!ina l MIlI'garct It e wa;; appointed $3.50; Kau fm an~. s upplies, :iOc: Simmin. Wri~ea Il Note Burton. "II nry," (w hichl'ver you ' pl e 3 ~t' wh('el~, It'll lIrlt o\!owry, rudilltO\', guardian oJ B ,lt~· May Lee, et al hllrles Park er, co m pe nsati on untl H li~h~\!s l t ouc h. S"v l' n rl fumili cs "l'm the st.nge drh'er betw ee n Iv ca ll it) hal' huc! the vcr~' b('~ t \'an J I,tlwr I'nrt~, with thl' cxcep. Illin ul'~ antl ti led bond of $ 100 0 d ama..: es, $32; Frunk Wnrdlow, lUI\''' live d on th ' plll'(J in In te He r plied curUy. Hi i< eye \\'a~ M \'ag • his lip ~ cQ llIpr _se.l . She Eureka Rnd Tccolote," he yolu n. of car and UM~U g l'. :\'evel' ha,; it ti n of lin',;, 'Jf eour~f'. IIi,; gar- with Th' 'O hio as ualty ompany cOlllpensati nand dalllng 's $3; W. Y(,lIr~ . il \I'/HI st.ll t ed. driven u r ubu~ed , U"l' rel' u ir bill ' have bl' ell ex- as sure Ly. looked at him, then fell s ilent, n~ leered, "but I don' t ee no way been r ckl<>sfih.· ~ ,.. . & J ' ILI ayes, comp e lls ut 'lon 1111 v" hu>'., its- need,.., of ..,{YU~, oil or I ec('d in"I.\· li .. ht. T \\' l' nty J" ea rs of 'fl lC L e b a non-I, I" 'It 'I zc n ~ N a t'Ion a I (amages, I $28 h I'I. ~ tOlll1 ~' I' "What l\ trugeJy;" cried Burton. of getlin' thro ugh n ow. That there n"v"r ~ ~ ...... ' . 36 ; I' u\\'oud lroe' ~ got the road bl ock- water been neglect'd, fa il h ful ~ ' I '\' it:~ 1111\' 0 repaid Bank a l1d Trust 0 ., a dmi nistrator Watkins , co mp ensatio n u lld dUI1I"I' or HoI' ardineI''' nt usag 0 f es t u t e af J umes B . W I' II 8 ,' d e- ages, $60 ; A qUI'111I A n de I'so n 11. "1 U n tl' l h ..~ IJUI't:hased a se dan of a I [\ll·nl .\, J' ·Cllr. of inll-lIi" Davenport . hut hi ~ lip~ ~rimly cd f or keeps. ·ay. ~ h e must have ... .! ' 1'" ., lind let. this pa.~. A ftcr a decent made orne cral'\h whcn she came a d ilTere nt muk ' in s umnwr of '25, lind lan' . \\'h" ('lin Ill·al this rec· cea s~ d , i!:l ordered to sell certain cumpensation and dllmages, $'5; Robert touk the great es t pridt, ill II)I'I I? pl'o perty nnd m ake r eturn t o j!ourt. Geo rge Ellistun oleman, compenm{) menl or so Burton ventured a down I" commen t . "h did ." l' plied Burton. An L. S. Sha whan, g uardian of Eliza ~ Iltion and dama ges, $ 43; Lehman Th e 111 IIlU ' I':; of lhe W UI'I'en "But t here is this to say: The id a was f o rming in her brain . T ho ma:, inc ompetent, fil e d his Ward, co mpensa ti on und dl\nlllge ~ , ('(lU llt y hurne c, l(' lIsiu lI coullcil, present problem is !;olved. T he "Are you J!ning bat:k to E urek a ?" II1I S IiXt,,j at :~'-,Oll. Trilll se t for ~el' onrl nccou n t.. $52: P eny B. Monee, COlll pen su· !Icc'llIljJllniei/ hy II nu mbe r o ~· rll~ s t whole she inqui\'l' d. .J llnl' !J. .l o ~ "ph R. Purker, adm inistrator ti on and damnges, $36; Gu ~ P oppe cO llll ci ll ors wi ll u\t e nd a dl Xll'lct uJ:rreement il' gone, th scheme head d off. Yo u can b uild " Sure. On ly place to go ." .l all1e~ Ki l l,y . .!r .. pleaded n ot of esta te of S us ie Sn yd er, deceas- iJ eil's, co mp ensu li on lind dUlll a~es J.:ct- t u-~e tlH'r me ' lin..: at a mp another batt ry " "H ave you glA ro om for two? " g ld l1y tl) jndil'lnll'/It l,f hllrglar~·. cd. fi led his in ventory, $55; J hn Gunehe l, rcplIir!l, $4. 15; ClifLolI, in (;r<:[, IIl' Cll ullty on "That'~ just. iI," cl'ied IJave n"[ got onl y the Un ited Sta tes H I! lId \IllS fi>a ,d al .:25UO. Tri al The sevent ee nt h account of John W. H. Maddun & 0 . • ~ullrd rai l Tlrul' ~ d IlY . Muy 26. port. "I'm not sure I can do a n y· mails a board . What the id ea?" <d fil l' .l Ull" Hi. ili llll llr. . guardian of Alice Dit- lIlateria ls , $ 105; L. G. Andcr:(ln MiSH Atldl' I{(lc h, !IsHiH tan t ~ tll te thing of t he ~o rl. All my not e· "Our cur is broken," she exCarl Sl'hUO Il O\'t' I' "Il'nded not III a l'!<, dl!cO<lsed , was approved , nl- Sons Co. , KUllrd mil IlIl1tl!ria l. homo d (' n l\lIl ~ t mt il' n leader. i,; books of formll lae were in that plnined rapidl y. " If you wi ll wa it ~lIilty l o indi~tl1wnt "f urcnking lowed and confirm ed by the court. S'UI 5: L. \Y . Nisbet Co., guanl l'llllinlllln fvr lue dllY und the r epcar, every Rc rup of paper I had in 10 minutes, we' ll be ready." Common PieRI Proceeding. nn" t'\1l! ' 1 inl!, 13"\111 11m. lixed at Th(' fir~ t and fina l acco unt of mi l maleria l. $4.05; Blair l1\ld Le- n' se \ll\lti vc ~ f l'"m linton, Durkc, the wor ld that had un yt hing to do "Lots of t ime," rejoi ned the In the cnse of I'\pw Y" rk Lift.' ::; I ;,lIU, Trial ~ d fol' .l lI n ' 2 1. I Lebun on- itize ns Nati onal Bank RII Y, g avel and sand, $:14 .35: Gn'c lll', Au ~ l\li ze . I"rullklill, Mvn t.with thi ." ~ lage driver, a nd SIluntere d ove r In surance '0., V(,I' ~ U ~ Willi,,1lI ~1. .I " hn ~t'hoon\J\'('1' p!t:a dl'd not a nd Tru st u .. adm inis trator of Sp ring Gr ove Tract or a nd Equip- gom c r y, I' n ·hll' . ~Ii llmi lInd WurCo. , rep uirs, $35.53; r c n Coull l ie~ HI'(' ,'xpecLi ng u g reat "You can copy your other bat- to e ngage the excellent immins .. Gellall , ct a I, he! plltinlifT , ha ll 1' (" guilty 10 inJic1nll'nl ()f b reak ing ('~ta t e of Dellu W orley, d eceased, me nt " $t i~ the only thing!" she urged cover frum th e def 'n da n t" the s um un" pn11·/·t'ing. ,' tc. Hll nd wus fix ,II I~'OS da pprove d, a llowed and con- ~ hart1 e Be l'i!l Machin' COlllpa!1y <Ill Y tOlret l1<' 1'. te r y." ~he poi n ted I,Ut. at $1;-;00 . TI'ial ~ (,t f o r Jun . 2:3 . nrme by lhe court. I'epairs, $ 1. 25 ; W. A. Lutz, r~patnJ "Old the first wa s crude. It Larry , as soo n a s the ot her w a s ) Eli zubet h GI'addy, home demo nout of heari ng. "Can't. you see it7 0'1' 1~14'~I~e6 . ~;;. of I-:a d Enln ' ul~d Gl·"r)!,,, GI"l'l1 wa~ rlllllltl guilly Th e fir"t a nd final account of $ 1; Morrow Hardw are Co., up- ~tra ti n n !lgl' lIt. S ll\Ll'~ thut th e re was dismantled long ago." "You will work it out again," We cunnot Rtay he r e. Don't y ou Erne st EVHns . v(' rs u ~ U. II. \)ukln " f un' akin~ lind (' n t ·rinK with in· W ea lt ~en A. Cha mb er lain, admin- pli es. 90c; Frank Minnick, I'epair~ , will ut: II Ii II ,' r"pre~e n tlll i u ll fr um istrat rix ofd Samu el A. $ 1: Oregonia Bridg e Co., repairs, she comforted . "It may be a s low see I·t '." .".,·he ·l mplor"~ (I. WlIr rl' n "vullty fur lhis meeting . et ai, the rec eiverH nCl'ou n l \I u: lent tn ~ 1eal nnd \\'t1 " ~(' ntcnced t o C'h I. I of' estate d I' "I want t o get ou t before he confi rmed all<l Hppro\'"d nnd he IS Ilne .1'l'f1r in th(' r(' fOI matory at nmuel' Bill, ecease . was ap- $85 .95; .lohn La w & So n. SlIPP 1('5, tas k, but you'll gel it." I I I ha l'd labo l', prn veo, allowed and confirmed by 30e : J . D. Ada ms 0 ., s llpp li ~s , H e luo ked at her with !}omething get s back, " repll'ed Larry blu nt ly. herThe by case l isc l!l/''':~I . . 1311' . (.1 Vl'rsu,; C' It I' "I tll e co ur t . JOIN LOCAL 4-H CLUBS "You' re right; I'll go." 0" I~isll' VIIl "ayne \l' a" fnu ntl gu ilty $75. 91: P enn Railroa d C 0.. f I'C'llr ht like frig ht in his eyes. "I'm gOing with you," she Haid W. J:;. Grahom antI II. ~. Co n uve r " f brcllki n[!' and entering with inTh e first. fin a l and distributive $6.80; FrBchso n Co .• repairs, $40 .· " I do not know!" he nlmost was di s mi ~s('d. t e nt 10 , 1<,,, 1 nnd \\'lI S sc ntenccd t o ncccoul of Fred H. Stubbs, admin- 79: Indu s Tractor & Equipment, The uoys lInd g irls i'll War re ll whisper ed. ·'1 tho ug ht that at fi rst, s t eadily. "Whatl You cannot do that!" I n lhe caHe o f EI ~ i<: Bi ni \,e rsus Oll l' Y('III' in the r{' fol'matflry. ist l'llto r of estate o'f Harrie t M. repairs , $41.49; Blanc hest e l' Ma- Cuun t y int 'n's ted in Ag l'ic ultul'll l and I did not really care very "You al'e g oing to need me; I Alfred . Brallt. cl ul 11'11" lli ~nliss· Walter [[ a in es pl<'<I<I('<I not g uil- Burns. d ceased, was approved, al- chine Shop, r epairs , $6 ; Bell Press Pl'oj ct " a I'e urged to beco me 11 much . But then all at on ce whe n ty to ind i(' tlllcnt f break ing and 10\l' ed !lnd confirm ed by the court. printin g road cards, $IU; Klluf - llI elll ber uf thei l' 10cIII ,i- II c lub and I sat down to think abo ut it 1 know," s he insi sted, "it is po rt o f d (' 'The case of Lewi: Thom:ls vcr- entl'ring w ith in tent tn ~ t a l. Bond Th e seco nd and final account of muns , s upplies, $1.7 9 ; J. \Y . Lingo shllre in the benefits these club:; discovered that I had not one my wisdom, as yo u ca ll it. " The hun ted, hurt look in his fac e sus W. E. Graham lin d II. S. Co n- wa.· fixed at $ 1500. T ria l . et f o r J e!'lse P. Ennis . administrator of H ardware Co., supplies and !'C- nfl'ord . shred of mem ory 0'1 how t o make a softe ned. ovel' was dism isse d. J line 2R. e~ lat e of J erry Ennis , deceased, pail'S, $469 .3 4; W. H. McH enry, MI'. L e ~ ll'r Mi ller, IIcti ng cou n ty star t a t it. It's gone." "Why, Larryl" she -c ri ed, "I "Come," he crie d, almost exulCurl \Y e lls plcad d not gui lly to Ru ~s ('1 1 Dumford plca d ed not was approved, allowed and con- su pplies, $8.20; H. S. Conover. lIg ricu llu ru l ogent in Wane n hard ly kn ow you • .It is n't lik e yOIl tantly. "Thore must be pe ople the indictm en t o f nc tin g in a way I!u ilty III indi clmen of breaking firm ed by the co urt. supplies, $37 .98; H e rschel F . Co unl y. h u~ I.r ee n !lecuTcd t o he lp to be di scouraged . What d ocs it who marry peop le up h ere ! The Cnrn al Knowled ge. Bond Wll ~ fix- !l nd en t l'r- illl! with int (' nt to stea l. The firs t and final account of James, repairs, $ 1&.7&; Ban gham in sel'uring me mbershi p lind com'Platter if it does t a ke time? You'll world nn d its p ow er and its trou- ed at $2600, Trial set for Ju ne 14. Bon d \V as fhetl at .: 150 0 . Trial Hattie Balling er administratrix of Motor Co., suppli es und ~a!l , pelen t adviso rs f or a ny g r oup in bles call go hang I" Earl ook pleude d not g ui llY to ~ et for June 30. es tate of Frank Ballinger, dece a s- .$51.71; F a mou s A uto Supply Co. , the cou nty in tcres t ed in !l tarting a get it. " "All a boal'd!" call ed Da venport the ind ictme nt o f act ing in a way Ru ym o nd P'rin was f ound ed, was a pproved, allowed and supplies , $75 .60; S. C. Al e xlInd r. IWW ,I-II dub in th i. commun ity. He shook his h ead. supplies, $8.35; Waites Garage, The 4-H clu b s ca ~ on is \l OW in "No, I'm n ot a quitter," he dis- to the s tage driv er. " Ready when te nding t o ca use d e li nqut!ncy in a g-l1i lty (If b reuk ing' and e nterin g confI r med by the court. minor. Bond W!l S fixed at $500. with intent tv steal but was parrepairs , $97 .59; Fred Kahn full sw ing. Do not tlelay ge ttin g claimed "1 ~now it sound s like yo u are." "Sim mins," ordered Burton, T rial set f or May 20. 01 d. Real Eatate Tranaferl Motor Co ., supplies and repairs. yo u rs start ed. it. But this has become a certainty Willi a m Th omason was found Jo h~ Ra,tlilT plend ('d not gu ilty J ose p h K essel to Firman and $3 1. 42: Victor Van Rip er, ga s , to me. It has come t o me in the "you take care of things. We will same way thut a ll t hese oth er sen d some one out from a garage.' g uilty of manufactudng distilled to mdl clme n t of a ~sa u lt with in· Leora Corw in. 40 acres in Turtle- $86.08: East End Garage, gas. Educational Broadcaati ng $36 .52; Dare ' Garage, ga ~ $90 .2 0 Bull Simmins, at the thought of int ox icating liqu ors a nd was fined tent to rape. Bond \Vnl; fix ed at cre ek tow,n ship. th ings have come to me. P erhaps it $250 0. Trial .. et for July 5. . B. H. Dakin t o Earl and Ernest. J ohn Th omas Service Statio n, g il'; is th e last of these beautiful cer- be ing left alone with a marooned $5 00 and cos~s. Rurul Icnde rs inte re. ted in th e George Kirby ple ad ed not g uil ty .~o hn Ra tlIff p l e~dl, tI. not guilty Evans. Inlots Nos. 1 and 3 in $2?07.; Morrow Garage, ":I~S, $~2- devc lop mont of radio bruadcasting ta inties fro m th e current of wis- and exasp erated Pirate Chi ef, lost 95, Flank Sherwo od Co., ~ ~pplle s a long edu catio nal lines wili have dom. I t was g iven to me, and now all hi s pose and poise and became to indictme nt of bu rg lary. B on d ,t o !ndl ctn:en l.o f bl (,lIkmg and en- Wuynesvi lle. . tl' nng wlt.h tntent t il com mi t a CI M ' Ch I and gas , $39 .17 ; Rogers Impson an opportu n ity t o heal' from I feel that it has been taken away. thoro ug hly human. "Oh, Mi ss Burton!" he cried f l.o n )'. Bon d was fixed at $2500 . eo art m to ar es and Lil- Station, gns, $62.95; Kil patrick- nutiona ll y known uuthoritie s in I neve r was more s ure of anything TrI a l set f or Jul y 5. li e W rner. Rea l estate in Deer- French Motor Car, suppli es, and edu cation ancl bl'ol\dcastiilg at the in my life." "Don't leave me here all alone !" '1 E R fie ld towllship. "Afraid of the woods, Simmins ? H e produce d a pad a nd pe nC1 ' vel'c t atliff was found guillY M. B. Osborn by executor to C. j!as, $310 .54; Franklin hI' ni cle, third ins titute of education by She stared at him, aghast. a nd wrote there on. of break inr! and enterin g with in - L. Osborne . Reul es tate in Mason. Pro of of Publication, $ 15 ; West- radiu to bc held at lhe Ohio State "Such thing ~ cannot happen I" as ked ' u.rry mi schi evously. "Yes, sir," rejoined Simmins, "I "I don't Wllllt t o pr y: but if t hat t en t to commit a f elony a nd WIl S William P erry Oliver, deceased, ern Star, Proof of Publicatio n. Unive rsity. June 0-9. she cried all aflame. H e sh ook his head, In his up- am afraid 0'1 the woods; and I am n ot is to Grimstcnd - " s uggest ed !lc ntenc ed to one year in th e re- to E dna Oliver. Inlot No. 105 in $14.&0; L. H. Brown, Jr., in 'f ull · Davenport. formulo ry. contract No. 1006 $178.50; Maso n lifted face wa s no diSco uragement, afraid of Mr, Grims tead." Larry glanced at Burton, who "It is <Jn ly m y resignati on . sir," Edga l' Ra tliff wa. found guilty So uEthl Lebn Olno n. Lumber Co., cement, $46; Oregonly the sorrow or regret. replied Simmin s., o f breAking and en te rin g wi th in( na iver to Clarence U\ofil- onia Br idge Co" stee l, $23 .49 : Unnoticed, a lank fi g ure had nodded. "You are rig ht," !laid Daven port. tent t o com mi t a fe lony a nd was a n. Inl ot No . 105 in South Leb- Oreg onia BI'idge Co., wreckin g o ld ' ''All right ; come a long," he crossed the meadow from the road agreed. . "What would yo u con sid er the ' !\e ntc nccd t o one yea r in the ' r e- an~~thur and Ruth Smadbeek to bridge and erecting t emp orar y and now appea red am ong them. "One moment, s ir," begged Sim- proper procedure for a young lady 'forlnaio l'y , C I S h b R I . L bridge, $8 0: Le banon Lumber Co .. "Rullo, fo lks," said he, ca sting elo ping. Should s hc a lser le llv e I n the Cl\~e o f Lillie Wilso n ver_ l a~ld . c a u . ea estate III ove- 40 g al. R ed Lead Oxid e, $46; W. a curious eye about him. "Campin~ min s. some s ort of written c ommunica- s us J oh n Morga n , et ai, the pro pLouis Hoppe to Minnie H. Madden Co., ceme n t, $56.96; tion? " c l·ty t o be so ld is to be r eap prai s_ H oppe. Real estate in Deerfi efci Jo~nston & J oh~gton, wire and "I took th.e liberty of expla ini ng c d. township. strIp, $2.73: LeWIS, & Drake, Tn c .. in my note that I wa ~ leuvinl! 10 . J a mes E. Frazier and Edith F. se wer, $18.3 6; OhIO Corrugated e nter your servi ce , !i iI', lInd that New SUllo Frazier to Sadie Conner. Real es- Culvert Co .•. sewe rs, $298; H . : of .Miss Burto n: and that it is inIn th e caSe of Lilli e ,Wilson ver- ta te in Wa y nesville. Co.~ove~, .28, ~I R ed .Lead, $~4: tmeenddl~adtetlyo ,,~eanndsv.u.cgrae dl.agsel' mmmul.nnsi.m· s us .John Morga n , et a i, the propAlice I. Trickey U> C. L. and FMr1esd' WBllIlaCmravBeartep lI'osTtll eM' $22..J.2 I' erly is to be reva lued. I Et he l G. Duke. Real e9tate in . , emona "You, r e lieve my mind, SimIn the case of Th e Mutual Clearcreek t.ownship: Day all owances , $25. min s,' murmured Larr y, a nd hast- Build ing .an d Loan Co., versus Byron P. Foulk and Morton C. - -e neci to join Burton and tho stage .fohn R. .11,. li en , e t aI , t he plaintiff , S olomon to Elmer L . Conway. SWIMMING POOL TO OPEN driver. S he loo ked at him \vith ha. II I' CO\'cr fom the de fendant I' Rea l estate in Deerfield township. pleased surprise. the !'< um of $.1025.4 0. Minnie 1. Evans to Char les The swimming pool at Miami "Go od I" s he cried . "You ' re more rn the case of Margaret And e r- Ev ans , et nl, real estate in Way- Valley Chautau f[Ua will ope n f or like yourself '" so n vcr. u!> Hil ema n Oil Co. J. E. n esville. ' "U's Simmins l" Larry explai ned While wa s made party defendant. David and l3ernice Mills to Don s the season on aturday. May 28th with s uppre8secl la ughter. "He's In t he ease of Albert S. West- S . and Marian Willoughb y real es- Th e pool will be open therea ft er eve l'Y day until the seaso n closes a j oy and a jewel und he's un - ovel' plai ntiff-in-er ror, v er s us The tate in Was hington township. September. The enlarg e~l dresstwisted me from all m y kn o t~ . State of ( llri o, de fe ndan t-in-error, Charles Evans, ' et al t o Goldi e in Dear, n ever mu st we lose Sim- the plai ntilT shall recover from the S urface, real estate in Wayn cs- ing ro oms, e quippe d WiUl ne w st eel lockers, will be ready f or the min s ! We' ll pawn the famil y jew- defe nd ant t he cost s her ein ex- ville. WheD your baby fUlleS, tosses and e ls before we let him g o." pended, and t he case shall procee d Dean C. Dakin to Lydia J. Cau- opening. You will be pl eased at ileelll5 unable to sleep rutfully, 100. the improvements which have been The little party, car:J'y ing th C' wilh o ut dt!lay. dill real estate in L ebanon. for one commOD cause, doctora say. few pieces of baggag e, and f o l · LlliJallfJ lI - it izens National Ba nk Grover C. Young and Laura made at the swinlming pool. The Miami Military Institute Constipation. To set rid quickly 01 lowe d so lem nl y by Ra psca llion, an d Tr ust Compan y ve rsus Ea rl J. Young to William A, Whetsel and commencem e nt camp also opens the accumulated wastes wbich C<luae cr saed the mea dow t o where obur n an d Mildred C. Cob urn , Mary E: Whetsel 67 acres in on Saturd ay, May 28th, and dress resUP.S:'nea5 IUld discomfort, live 8 waited the stage, . cogn ovit. H . W. Ivin s and Harry Z. Turtlecreek townsip. parade at 5 p. m., will be a feature c1elUWDg dose of Castoria. CJ; ~toria, Ten minutes .In te r Grim stend , Gray lire Ithe atto rneys. of each day's program. The M. M. you know t is made specially 101 who hud heard the ra cket mad e Bill. Allowed 1. Camp will continue for one full children's delicat.e needs. It II a pure whe n the long veJ:ricle backed and vegetable preparation; ronlaim no Prob a t e Court Proceeding. fill en in turning a r o und, came curiCol. Blank Book Co., supplies, week. hfJ!1h drug" no norcotiC$. It II 10 ously t o see what was hap pe ninl!. Sales by the Lebanon -C it izen s $14.00; Col Blank Book Co., supuUld ~d lenUe you can IJiv<e it to • H e found him ~ c lf alo ne wit h the Nat ional Bllnk & Tru st Co., ad- pli es, $3 .50; Johns ton & Johnston, Dirt !!)ay be kept out of milk by young IDfant U> relieve colic. Yet it iI wreck s he had made. m in i ·tJ·atol' of es tate of James B. lu bor, $1.20; Fyr Fyter Co., sup- brushing the cows and washing as elfective for older childRD. Cas• • Will s, dece ased, were app ruved. ' plies, 60c; prs. Edward and Rob- and wiping the teats, udder and toria's reguhltive help will hrina t& He doesn't look a day over tilty. But if you want to keep in fine Acro ~s the ep is ode now slnwl y ha d es . Urton, executor of ert Blair, services, $12; Drs. Edlaxed comfort and restful .IMP to shape, feel fit the year 'round, lake the dnrk cUI·tains closed. A great estate of Peter K. ui-tOI), deceased wurd and Rob\¥t Blair, services, tlanks , and by us ing small top milk 1'0ur .baby. Kee{l a bottle OD hand. ADd feels like forty. a spoonful 01 Dr. Caldwell's srru p vi!i ion ha d been gi ve n one man : is ord e red to distribute ce rtain as- $ 12 ; Rrs. Ed\yard und Robert pails. Genume Castona always hat tbe At the ~ of 62. pepsin every few days, You'l eat a vis ion thut in its due a n d prop er sets of th e estate. Blair, services, $11; Clark County DaIDe: That's the happy state 01 beahh better, s.\eep better and feel betler. time wi ll lift mankind ·ono 0 fit s W. H. D rH ke was appointed ad- Co mmi ssio ners, care of patient, and pep a man enJOY'; when he givetl You will nt:MT nud anothu laxativ~. c: r ea1c~ t pr e s s ure~. But that time mini ~t ra to r of th e es tate of Otis $238; Hannah Abshear, services, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 11is vital OlS3DS a littlc stimulant! Give the children a little of tb is 'had n ol Yl't arrived . When thu s it T . Hende l'so n, d eceased und fil e d $ 10; Edna Jeffery, services , $10; When your system is staRnant deOcWUll syrup two or. three time! a tau ev id e ntly appeared that fl' om bond of $50 0 with Charles T. El- Mrs. Julia Holland, services, $10; Estate Otis T. Henderson, week . A gentl.e, natural stimulant the lrift would come strife. no t lis and L. M. He nderson as sure- M~·s . Oma Knox, services, $10; deceased. md you feel slll{l8ish, beac:fachy, . tba t makes them eat and keeps the freed om, th ~n the great Inv isi ble t ies . J . A. Shu tts, C. E. Hager- Mrs. Erma Hibnar, services, $10; ~alf-3Iive-dou't waste money oa Notice is hereby given that W . ~ tonics" or "regulators" or similar bowels (rom c1o~. And saves Intelli ge nce. wh ose pressure is the meyer and Ira D. Rich were ap- Albert Millard, services $10; Rich- H . Drake has been duly appoint- CH ' t D UlN CIlY fOH 11 them from 110 many s)c.Jr. spells and carrying- on with ~he wisdom of our poi nted appraisers. ) ul cnl medicines. Stimulale the ard L. Wi1Iiams, services, $10; ed and quulified as Administrator liver and bowels . Use 9 famoWl colds. The inv e ntory of the estate of So l Stevens Post G. A. R :, Mem- of the Estate of Otis T. Henderson little world. in sad ness r eached pbysiciao's prescription every drug Have a sound stomach, acti.... e forth t.he ir hand s. From the soul Cath erine Kibb ey, d eceased, is to o'rial Day allowance, $25; Charles late of Warren County, Ohio; destore kl'-Cps. Just a:;k. them ,for Dr. livl.''( and stronS bowel mlL~c les tbat of that man the vision was erased. be omi tte d and the tendered L. Baker, adjutant, Memorial Day ceased. Ca ldwell's syrup pepsUl . expel every bit of wUlIle and poison Of all its brelldth and greatness re - sta tem e nt h ere t ofore filed is to be allowane'e , $25; A. D. Barkalow, Dated this 18th day of May, Commander, Memorial Day al- 1932. This :JI)petirin8 lIyrup is m~de CVCTV day I Ju.st keel) a bottle of mained only one little t.hing: an accept e d in li eu thereof. Dr . . C:Jdv:el!'s :;yru'p pepsin on fr om fresh kx a l.J ve herb.c;, acuve idea f or t his stor y. But somewhere W. N. Th ompson, administrator ~owance, .$25; J. M. Coleman, Ad- Shawhan & Brown, A"ttys. sen na. und pHre pep.'Iin . ODe dose baud ; ~ke a sli;').ulaling spoonful to some so ul the vision will come of estate of Caroline S. Adams , Jutant Loveland Post, Memorial MONEY LOANED W. Z. ROLL every now IUld theD. See if yo u wtl l c1~"r op alm05t 'tIay CnS(' of again. de cea sed, is ord el'ed to sell certain Day allowance $25; Emerson SurJudge of the Probate Court don't feel new visor in tIJU/j . w ay. headac he . biUow>Ues5, C(JIIStipation. property and make return to court. face, Commander Ralph P. Snook J8 THE END Warren County, Ohio
Robert Crew Still Dri s ford of 1912 with All Parts {Jnimpaired
.stewart E4warcl White H.em:y J-W .....
---- -- - --
District 4·H Meeting At Camp Clifton
How Old?
look to' this cause
Notf:1in' Like Feelin' Natural
5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TDrlIC-~
terms. Allo Surveyinf and AiItracllng. Wtite and wiD taU and .ee you. Sam D. Hinkle, W87nenille. Ohio. 311
FOR SALE FOR SALE- Delco . Light plant Also 32 volt 1-4 h. p. motor in good order. M. A. Cornell, R. D. 4. .m25
FOR SALE-Sweet Potato Plants at D. H. Hockett's. Early Golden Nancy Halls, Southern Queen and Jerseys. S5c per' 100. Phone 65R11 ,
, .
FOR SAL~nchu Soy BeanB, , recleaned, price 75c per bushel. D; B. Uilderwood" Harvey.burt, phio. . 38 FOR SALE-Poland ' China male hogs. C. S. Maxwell, Sprinlr Valley, Route 1. .m25 .FOR SALE-Sweet potato plante anti all kinds garden plants, sweet potato 85c per hundred, On Ferry road. Robert Strouse, Waf..neaviDe, Route 5, .ll
Sun8et, and After J
: : PUbli.he'l Sub.crlption Price, $1.80 a Year O. L. CRANE By Mn. Jeuie 13. Tripp ORiee Phone ............... .... No. '112 E nl "r,' .) nl POlltottlce at W,.ynellR ••idence .... ...... ......... ..... .. No. 118 v ille. Ohi o. a~~:!nd Clilaa JIIall '-------------~
. The s un which .sc ts. in ski es of j pur 'st gold, Has bl:len ~hul in by \\' e~t.ern gates. = which hold The gli mm er of t he soft, pale silI ve l' Btars ; . Men ta l lapses al'l:! a fur more impol'tan t cause of automobile a c- And ~OI1C no w. are the s unsets's glowing bal", c l.dents th.a n is comm only b'lieved . While th e reports of accide nts may g I\'e phYSica l, cau ses, s uch us reck less driving. wrong side of the road 'utting in. etc .• th ese may on ly be s ymptoll s o'f a disturbed mental The s tal's come out, lik e lin y flow e rs bloom ; s tate. a ssc l·ts Dr. II . J. Stac k of the National Bureau of Casualty' and Lik e silver du st. t hcy hine forth S urety Und e rwrit cr: . who AllYS: in the gloom. . "ExtJ'eme hurry or W01TY caus ing intense preoccupation. fatigue ·latlOn. 0 1' cxcitll lll ent. 01' ~ I owe d dow n I'eaction as a result of th e in- The largc r ones buld. t he s mull er oneS. ~o s hy. d ulge nce ill alcohol 0 1' olh e r narcotics may be behind an accident. Mu ny of these mell tal conditi ons lI!'e within our controL" He s ugg est.~ A fl'a id to look doi\'1'1 fl'o m way JP su hig h. the follow in g prccau li ons us preventatives: 1. Take u s hort I'est 01' let sO lll e one ei Re drive the cal' when you Th e mOOn grows bl'ightcr. s hows hnve uecn driving for' a long pe ri od ut nig ht. lhe meadows white 2. Be eH pec ially al ert wh en hurryi,ng to work so that you call Whe re daisies wa ve in ~uIt wintls keep youI' mind on YO UI' dl'ivi ng. , of the night; :-1 . The best plucc f or the confirm ed buck-seat driver is at home. A mi sty fog comes roll in g o'e r the 4. Don' t day dr'culll driving n cnr or crossing t he street. hi ll. 5. Contml yo ur t emper. If the tra fllc ollieer call s you down • From which there COIllCS t he ca ll of pl'oulluly yo u deserve it. whipp oorwill ! G. If yo u have a s uperi ority co mplex, forget it when you get behi nd the stee ring wh ee l. 7. DOIl ' L beco me a speed mani llc. This me nta l di so rd er is ser iou s Uew touches shrubs. a nd all things gr ow ing t here. nnd. con tag iouR. A ~e r i o u !'l accident seems to be th e only cure for its And fr esh ... r. cooler is the scented \,1l'lHl1 S. ail" ----==Th e '", odd is fill ed wi th beauty ever y placestand e nraptured . with uplifted fac e. M'A Y 25. 1932
============================-= W orry---Th' e Dr.·ver'. Bane
Farm lvight '1 alks,' Mav 30 Th. 0_ 5. U. Radio Station-WEAO
( C. L. Blnckman, Animal Hu sbundl'y Specialist. Pres iding) 8 :00 Farm Night Me lody Makers c>. 05 May With Your County Age nl ~ :::!O Building a 4-11 PI'ogl'al11 Hulda Horst 8 ::3 5 Conducting 11 Community Prog-ra m Howard McClarren Vocational Ag. Dept. Westerville 8:50 So me Cunent RUl'al Fictio n C. E. Lively U:05 How About a Kitchen Schl'dule Blanche Bowers U:2 0 P rodu cing New Vegetable Yal·ietie s Leon Ravis U:35 Thinning FI'ui t fOl' Qunlity F. H. Beach U:50 odling Moth Co ntrol ...... .. ... . .... .. T. H. Parks 4-H WEAO HALF HOUR Sdurday. 8:00 p. m. Mu sic ........ 4-H Quartette Nature This Week H. E. Eswine Music .......... 4-H Quartette Our 4-H Clubs H. C. Ramsower 1\1 usic ...... .... 4-H Quartette
News Direct from the State Capitol COLUMBUS - The 1.371 .595 motor vehicles now registered in Ohi(). have contributed more than $16.000.000 in license fees to the gove rnmental s ubdisisions of the state. According to Secreta ry of State Clarence J. Brown . there will be appro.ximately $18.000.000 of revenue d er'ivl!d from this source in the current year. As the es timated revenue from gasoline tax is $41.0 00,000 for 1932. there will be about $59,000.000 paid in .Ut form of taxes by the motor vehIcle owners of Ohio this year. The state government receives "elutively little of this amount and the county a large portion.
states that the March record of ind ustrial fatalitieR is 83. nine less than for the same month las t year. Thl!se were 'from 30 counties ' 33 counties had dear records for' the first three months of the year. The Commission reports 11 087 claims fil ed in March for fatal 'and nonfatal accidents and occupational disea ses. 2.160 less than for March, 1931.
- --------
NEW flURLINGTON The relatives of Mr. an d Mr s. Carr t~nd er ed them . a s urp!,lse on Sl:Inday. hon ol'lng the bu·thday annrvel'sary of Mrs. Carr. Thomas Haydock has accepted ' a position in the Interurban restau rant in Xenia. . Pharis Holland spent last week in Sidney. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Elme r Peterson ha ve moved into the Haydock property opposite th e pars onage. . M.r. and M~s. J esse HIli a!ld fa.mlly spent th~ wee k-end With fn end s neal' Man on. Ind . Prof. l?m ith of Wilmingto!l ColI~~e , delivered a~ address In ~he 1- nend s church Sunday m~rnmg Lawrence Terrell. of New ~I e nna. rendered a solo. a"companled by hi.s mother, Mrs. A. · H. Tel!e!l. HI~ brother Ben played a VIOlin obhgato. • "f Misses Myra Haydock and Ruth A. Curry, memb ers of the Alpha Phi Kappa Sorority. of Wilmington Co llege atte nded the spring formal dinner dance at Swi ss Gardens. Friday evening. Miss Ruth Reeves was the guest lus t week of her aunts. Misses Jennie and Jose phine Reeves of Mason Ohio • MI'. a!ld Mrs. Trevor C. Haydock entertamed on Su.nday. MI'. and Mrs. L. M. Hawkms and daughte~. Mr. and M.r ... T. L. Wall and chIldren, of Wllmmgton. ~r. and Mrs. Chas. Bond and family, Mr. and Mrs . A. H. Te!'rel! and sons, L~wrence and BenJamlll. of New VIenna. Mr. ,,:nd Mrs. J . A. Hartman and fanllly of near Waynesville !indo Mrs. Nannie C. Hawkins of thIS VIllage. - - • R~y
Mrs . He rbert Snell is . visiting re lntives lind hi mls in Cincinnati. 'l' he unnWlI in spllction f the Local chaptet· of Eas tern Star WaS h e~d W edn esday evening. Vi sitors were pl"Csent from a number of othe l' lodges. Mr. und Mrs. Sy lvan ' Poinsett and da ug hter E lm!!. were Su nday ca llers at th e home of 01'. and Mrs. TI'ipp. Sevend fr um here attended t he funeral of B I'l Bogu n Tuesday anem oo n. Mr. "and Mrs. EVI.!I;etl Gurd un a nd tlau).!;hte l·s vl sit"u re lati ves in Xenia ::ia tutl ay. Mrs. Mami ll Fureman. Mi ss Vi ulet unu l\lr. Alllurose Fi sher. uf Da y tun. cu llml un Dr. and Mrs. Tripp Sun uay. IJI·. Trip p is some bette r at lhi f; time. 1\11'. alld Mr ~. Charle~' MoYie I' a nd dau).!;hte rs. Uoru thy anu Mary and M·r . anti ~1r 8 . R. Ka bler . of Germantow n. c.ull eu a t the hume of MI'. and Mrs. Cha s. H . Gr!lY and r,ami ly S unduy. I The P . T. A. mee tin g was postpo ned from We Inc!>da y t o Friday evening. d ue to th e E;a s tern ::it.a r
DEPENDABLE EPAIRING Watches Clocks . J ewelry '
Store Open Eveninas
SHOP NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT P.stnte of Fl'ank Denver Dakin. deceased. Notice i ~ hereby g iven t hat Eva !II. Ilakin hus bee n duly Ilp pointed und qua li fied as P.xecutrix of lh e Estate of Pra nk Denver Da kin In lc of Warren County, Ohio. decea ed . J)u lL'd thi s &th day of May 1932. W. Z. ROLL. Ju (lJ.!'c of the Probllte Co urt. Warren County. Ohi o m25
Pi cturr!t drnWD
i n ~ r ccti oll.
p hOlOl!ra(JUS.
Fertilizer Company
Phone 25
Waynesville, Ohio - ----- -
The Bel. y i{ 08S cloth in g club. with Mrs. Wm. Doste r as 'atlvisor met in t. he H ome Ec onom ics r ou m Friday at 2 o·clock. The pr es iden t, Mary Carolyn Luk e ns. called the meeting to o rd e r. The secretary , Mary Eleanor Hawke. called the ro ll and seven memb er s respo ndetl Seve n n ew nam es were added to the 1' 0 11. Minules were reud. There being no uld busin ess, ways and PHONE 8F3 means o'f earning' money WCl'e discussed. During the wo rk period we HARVEYSBURG. OHIO disc ug>etl ou r record b o ok ~ ~nd plan ned \J ur work. The mc et~ng ' waS! turn ed over tu the recreatIOn lea ucr. Ba!'bara ~h ombury. who Icd s ome IIlteresh!1g g.ames. Adjourn ed t o meet thiS FrIday at the same pillc e. Ref reshments will be served lJy the Th ornbury girls. 'lOT ARY PUBLIC K thl ' n 'Gray repolter. IIMrs." l. ena Edwal'(l Linder and National B_k so n, o f Oklahoma. or.e visiting ~ e r uncle, Chal'l es Edward s and Wife Will. Drawn . . E.t&t •• S.ttl.d and oth er re la tives and friends. WA YNESVILLE, OHIO Mrs. Sallie Rea 'on is s pending several days at the home of her so n P e rc y a nd family. ne al' Waynesville . - -- - - - -- - -
Dead Stock Wanted
yo ur fence money? We ~e ll R ED nRA N D "Galva nnealed" FENCE at fair ~La ndan.l ma rket prices.
from a ctu a l
. ·M rs. Emma ~.: lIis . of Xenia. visited fri nd : heYI! th· lalte r part uf t he week. M 1'5 . H.. H . iI:Hlsock and family Jf Way nesvi ll e spen t Wedn esday with !VI r . a lit! M1' ;;. • II . Deat.her· age.
The s e two fence Tolls, taken dOvln for ship:men t ; we n.t th rough the' Gulf of Mexico Fence Weather Tc t. /lG alvan_ oealed" still al. most like new. Ord in a ry gal. va n iz e d was ruin ed. \\ hi ch will give
DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist
Stanley &Koogler
30 Years Experience in Fjtting and Making Glasses
Cary's Jewelry Shop
JESSE STANLEY Phone 320, New Barli.,toa, 0111.
Leba no .... Ohio Tue.day, Thuud.y. Saturda, Ex~miDation Free LEBANO~. OHIO
EARL KOOGLER D.yton Phone KEnmore 8986
SPIRIN beware
of imitations
Bayer Aspirin is the UDivena1 Look for the name Bayer and the Don' t fo rget the se ri es of meetin gs thut will beg in a~ the Holiness word genuine on the package !Ill antidote for paiDII of all kiDd&. church a~ Gree n Bl'lar on SaturThe official vote for the late day eveni ng. May 28. Everybody pictured below wben you buy primary is not as yet eompleted. come and brin g yo ur neig hbors. A Headaches !leveral of the largest. counties in Aspirin. Then you will know that ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN baptizing will be held at the close the' state still working on same. A your Cattle. hogs, sheep and calves you arc gctting the genuine Bayer t'f the meetings. Colds complete check and tabulation is Those f rom a dis ta nc e who at- to NOTTis-Brock Co .• live wire and produ!=t thousands of physicians made whieh includes every name Sore ThroIIt tended chUl ch here on Sunday progressive firm for the hicheat voted for. not excludinlf county morning were : Mrs. Cliff Hanks. market prices and good service. prescribe. Rheumatism officers and central commItteemen. of near Spring Hill and Miss Eliza- Union Stock Yarda' Clneinn.atl, O . The unofficial vote on file in Neuritis . Tune in on Radio Station WCKY Bayer Aspirin is SAFE. as milbeth Hayworth o,f Wilmington. Secretary of State Clarence J. 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily l\1Ionthly meeting will be held nt lions of users have proved . It does Neuralgia Brown's office. shows that David th church hel'e next Sunday market reports. Sinton Ingalls. successful Renot depress the heart, and DO harmMe 29 Lumbago H. G. Southard. M. D. Director pUblican candidate for Governor. ¥;le Wa~hin gton T ownship Farm ful after-efTects follow its use. of the State Department of Health had a majority of 19,974 votes Toothache Bureau will meet at the home of states that there were 121 s mall- over Secretary Brown. The latter Mr. Harry Settlenlyel', On next pox cases in Ohio last month with received 133.838 more votes than Genuine Bayer Aspirin FridlllY evening. more than 20.300 cases of measles did former Governor Myers Y. sold at all druggist. in is Mrs. Jennie Hayw orth and reported and there may have been Cooper. boxes of 12 and in bottles daughter. Miss Elizabeth. of Wilfive tim es as many unreported. mington. spent t he week-end with of 2( and 100. Th e re waR a daily average of 57 Landscape gardeners with assisthe McKay families here. cllses of carlet fev er in April and tance of hothouse experts have (Delayed) K. E. Th omp so n spent Monday Aspirin is the traden weekly average o'f 43 cases of certainly succeeded in beautifyinlZ Mr. and Mrs . P. A. Runyon en- in Day to n. d iphtheria. with whooping cough t he state house park for beyond mark of Bayer manu~ Miss Helen Nich ols, of this six tim es a s prevulunt a s it was a the expectations of the officials in tertained t o Sunday dinne r MI'. facture of monoaceticyellr ago . charge of same. Handsome flower and Mrs. Will Tate and son Robert place. has ju t passed her fiut acidester of salicyUeacid. of Bellbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Heryear in hig h school in Dayton. boxes have been arranged around bert Marlatt and son. Edm on and Rev. James Lamb. who has been T . P. Ke l'l\ s. superintendent of the copings of the Capitol building the division of safe ty and hygiene, and numerous ftower beds dot the Mr. and Mrs. Elvi Michael and holuing a se ries of meetings In daughter. Dorothy. Mrs. McMich- Kcn tucky . spe nt Sunday at his of the Ohio Indus trial Commi ssion lawns. ael and Miss Clara Daug hters. home ift Co rwi:n and attended MI'. and Mrs. John Rye' and Mr. church at Green Briar. Phone 78J John Pence were in Dayton MonMI'. and Mrs. Rufus Robertson. day to see Mr. Frank Pence who is and baby of' Hamil to n. Ohio. spent at t he hospital. th e week-end with Mrs. RobertMrs. John Levi spent the week- , on's paront8, MI'. and Mrs. G. P. Wells and fuinily .. end at Dayton. Mrs. Cuthel'ine J ordan. sons Ed. Mrs. Ernes t Earnhart and Mr. and Alf .• daughter. Miss Hannah Burton Earnhal't spe nt M(lnday and ,MJ'. Ed Coreol'an spent Sunwith MI'. a nd Mrs. Madison Earn- day wi t h Miss Mary Brown, of hal·t and 5011. neal' Ferl·Y. Mr. and Mrs . Hiley Gibson and The Friendship club met with family spent Sunday with MI'. and I\1I·S. William Leath; on WedneEMrs. Everett BunnelL day afte l·n oon. · Mr. and Mrs. Howard, McKay Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborn. of Xenia . spent Sunday with Mr. !;pent Friday in Wilmington. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and son Miss Hel en NicholR, of . this Billy. place. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Bran· Miss Ruth Kellis was badly nan . Ml·S. Mary Dodge and daughburned on the arm by explosion tel'. Edna. Mrs. Laura Anderson from the furnace, on Monday even Douthett. all of Xenia. were Suning. • day afternoon callers of K. E ., Mrs. Mildred Weaver of Dayton I Thompson a nd family. Mrs. Douthspent the week-end with her ett will celebrate her 82nd birth parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marlatt day. Wednesday. May 25. Mrs. Flora Henderson and chilWe are g lad to report the little dren called on her father. MI'. J. in'fant so n of ·M'r. and Mrs . Elmer L. Marlatt Friday night. Lamb. of near Waynesville. much - - '- - - • better at this writing. We all hope for a speedy and permament recovCAMP LIFE DRAWS ery. FARM HOMEMAKERS About 75 attended church at Green Briar on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Wells and Several .hundred Ohio farm family . had for their guests one women will say goodby to their day last week Mr. Wella' father, kitchens. dusting. sweepi ng. and Mr. J. W. Wells of Hamilton. scores of other household chores If you want to hear some splenthis summer when they attend one did singinjt attend the Holiness of the several vacation camp!' in church at Green Briar as they are the state conducted by the exten- noted for their good singinsr. with sion service in agriC:ulture and Miss Emma Lamb, of Corwin, home economies at the Ohio State leader. University. acconling to Miss K . E. Th omp son spent Saturday Eunice Teal. specialist in home in Corwin. economics at the state university. Mrs. Ethel Smith. our hello girl The average duration of a camp at Harveys burg. ,a nd son, were she says, is three days and the calling on her many friends here average cost is a dollar a day. AI- 'on.e day last week. though transportation costs t o and Mrs. Mary Nic:hols. daujlhter. from the camps are likely to be Miss Helen and Miss Kathleen considerable more than , actual Thompllon were in Harveysburg ,c amp fees, even this cost may be on Sunday morning. reduced if several women from Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murray spent the same eommunity plan to attend Sunday I)vening with K . E. TlIompcamp in a ~oup. . Bon and family. . . . All farm women's camps which Mr. and tM'rs. Ghas. Henry and will be held during July and sister. Mrs. Cocks, at Blancheete'l', August are planned primarily for spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. rest and recreation. The)': provide R. .J. MUTTay. . facilities to enjoy out-door life Mr. , Charles Htenry and R. J. ...., ,w ith other farm women lind to Murray made a business trip to participate in such activities as London recently•. sings, games, vespers; and in some R, J. Murray and wife, our caSeB. nature stu<lY, bandicraft oreacher here at the Beech Grove work, or some other field of inter- church, called !In K. E. Thompson \!oo__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiii--;;;;;;--------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii------_~1 eat to the r~ral homemaker. .and family on SllDday evenine. ~IIL~• •~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~I11!_
F. 'T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
USED CARS ==50=-·To choose from---.AIl Makes and Models
A New Car Just In
Per bale • • $1.00 Per square • . $4.00
These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the high· est quality of Red Cedar Shingles man ufactured.
,Madden'sLnmberYard Phone 14
Waynelville, Ohio
Fred Kahn·Moto.r Car Open Su..da),.
Plaoae 326
11. . . . . . . . . . . .
,Than k heaven, the boy have that m ' out ot their systems. The score: POASTTOWN R HPO 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1· 1
1 1 1
1 0
0 0 2 1
1 S 2 0 3 7' 10 1 0
Mi8!l Ida B, TaUey, of DUton, G.rden plant ill he guellt at the Wayne vn.. Llppineott.
SerVl·cea At the Churches Sunday ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH R v. F ortman First and Third unday Mass at 8 :00 . a. m. Second. Fourth and Fifth Sunday, Mas!! at· 10 :30 a. m.
Dr'osperlely Players
for sale, Wit , . f-
Dr. lind Mrs. H. E. Hathaway Mr. and M\!s. W. A. Gearhart, lind Mr~.· J\lary McClure spent of Dayton, spenb Sunday with JIl unday at the Reservoir. and Mrs. A. H. St~bb8.
. (UDder Bi. TeDt Th.ater)
Moallay, Tues., Wednesday
Mr!l. J. O. Cartwright 'was hostMr. and Mrs. Otto Sebold, of os. to lhe memb l'S of her bridge inclnnati, ~pent unday with Mr. nnd Mrll. W. O. Raper. c lub, -Tuesday afternoon. . Mrs Nettie Kepler is visit ing Misg Anna Vandervoort, of Wi!weddinj:l' ring at minll't"an, .' pent last 'week here, the II'S . Peter Demas and family in ew Vienna, this week. 'h op, Lebanon, O. guest ef lJl'. Mllry L. Cook
Get your tickets FREE from W ay ne v.ille M el'chl1~ts
II'. !lnd 1\Irs . .T. W. Lotz ure Mr~. J . L. Hartsock is visiting Mi s Kate Rall has returned to iailing l' luth'es at Forrest, Ohi o, he l: daug hter, Mrs. Robel·t Walton, the Friends Home after having th is wo k. at l\1oNline Farm, Dayton. s pen t the winter in Detroit.
i\lrs .. Adu
Il urtney attended a . Sets of dish s the bride will be Mi ss Erma Sears , Mrs. O. M. m e eli n~ of Li bruriull s in Xeni u pr oud to ·own. Select them at Ridge and Mrs. Carman Crune t his uft rno on. UI'y 's J ewe lry hop, Lebanon. wer e Duyton visitors, Monday. Rev . '.
. Dib 'rt und fam ily arc Mr. and Mrs. Gene Conner and Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman and u r ' W tlay,.. with re lative.B duu ghters sy n t Sunday with Mr. ut MacQmb , Ohio. and 1I11·s. Sam Moore in Miamis- ~O n B obby, have return ed aIter
" p e lld in~
Director of Funeral Senic.
. nding three days a t t he Reser- . voir.
Let us shoulder your cnres
Mr. an d MI·s. William Michener, AMBULANCE SERVICE MI'. und Mrs. Oscar Wad e and of Pitts burg, Pu., ure unn ouncing tht, hirth of II duughter, Sunday , JIlI·S. Rillie Burnett, we re Sunday WayneaviJle, Ohio afternoon cullers on Mr. and Mrs. : Phone 29 i\lIlY :!:! . Samu el Butterworth. Mrs. El izabeth Smith, 0'1: Dayto n was the wcck·e nd guest of her sisAlul' rl CI('u vc,r call ed o n Roy tCI' llnd brothel', Miss Mal'y and Pigo t t at the BI ni I' ho ~ nita l in LelJ - MI'. Parry Cook. an l1 l1, Sat urdu y afternoon . Mrs. C. H. Hartsock and daughM i ~H Bl.'atri(' C Robitzel', of O. l e I', Mi ,'s Ola, left Sunday for W. U .. IJcl uw ure, wa s the we ek· eda r Rapids, Iowa, whe re they end g'ue ~ t of her pa re nts. will visit relatives.
0 1'. all d Mrs. H. B . Hatha way i'll I'. and Mrs. Carl Fry e, Miss attend ed th' a lumni reuni on ut Ruth Cook and Messrs. Gilbert • p ringbol'o Satll l'd ny e\·c ning. F rye a nd Robert Davi s spe nt Sunda y at Indian Lak e. J . '. Haw ke attend ed a mce ting o f th e Rep ubl in l1l ' c nlrnl com mitMcss l's. A. B. Cleaver and W. B. tee at Lt'banon, Tuesday evening. Sc huler attend ed a Jr. O. U. A. M. District me oting and cla ss initiaMI'. lind Mrs. Gu v l<ible r an d ti on ut Wilming ton, Tuesd ay chi ld ren, of Dayton , call d on evening, May 17. Ver'n Hough and ~lImi l y, Sunday afte rno on. Open air concerts by the WaynCRville 'chol Band will be reMI'. Lew is Doe tchel' nnd fam ily, sumed for the summ er in the very of Miami!l bur,g-, called fit the home n 01' future. Despite the financial of Mr. and al I'S. Ellrl Coyle, Sun- depress ion, local merchants are day eveni ng. cont l'ibuting a s liberally, or more so . t o t he cause. 1\11'. and Mrs. C. ·E . E arnhm·t, son untl cla ughtel', of arl isle, callMrs. Mark McMillan (nee Edna ed on Way nesv ill e frien ds, Tues- Kelsey) a form e r principal o()f W. day aftel'l1oon . H. S., who n ow resides nt Jackson, Ohio, was the guest of Miss 11'. anti Mrs. DOTl ald Il cnd ersCJn LoueJ:a Williamson, last Wednesa lld children, of Dayton, were day evening, nnd attended comg uests of Dr. und lIJ:r$. C. W. H en- me ncement exercises. derso n 011 Sunday. Joan Carr , daughter of Mr. and Mr. a nd 1111'S. lI un'cy Pinkard Tom Cal'I', of Wayne Villa, a nd son, NOI'man , of Cincinnati, Mrs. has been chosen to act ~s May we re we k·end g u e s t ~ of MI'. and Queen in the Interpretation ProMr·s. Leonard Tinney. g-ram to be given by pupils of Miss MI'. an d MI·s. Milton Sheehan M . Alida Randall, of the Wayne of Centel'vi llc, were ' ullday after- Villa, Saturday evening, May 28th Rudolph Wurlitzer Auditorium noon e all cl's at the home of Mr. at Ludlow Street, D.a.yton. ' ~ nd .Mrs. T. E . ROI~e l's .
Late "·Class·ified Ads. FOR SALE BOYS AND GIRLS-Make one dollal: an hour'. Sell our needles. We trust you. Don't send any monel;. Just your name and address. We will -send you 20 packages to sell at 26 cents each. When sold r etur" S dollars keep 2 dollarll for your work. Address' Gaken Sales. Service Box 83, Dunkirk, N. y, *m26
Worthy of ' Trust The 'funeral director is a pro~essional man trained to give reliable, sympathetie . service to Ifam.~lie's facing one ., of the great crises of life. He should be chosen wit~ care, but ·once the . choice ,js made he .should be tt'usted implicitly. Our r!lsponsibility to our clients is the guiding principle of • all our ··policies.
') J. E. McClure Phone 7
"It seems such a little way to me, Across to that strange country. The Beyond; For it has grown to be The home of those, of whom I am so fond. And as for me there is no death j It is but crossing with abated breath A little strip of sea, To find one's loved ones waiting on the shore 'More beautiful, more precious than before." Bert Bogan, Son of George and Hannah Osborn Bogan was born near Hickoryville, Ohio, March 13, 1877. After fifty-five years of a well spent life God took him to that home which Jesus went to prepare for the blest. He was one of eight children III a family in which the ties of kinship were strong. They loved one another. Bert's devotion to his parents in their last years was beautiful j also his love for his nieces and nephews was quite manifest. Early in life he gave his heart to God and united with the Baptist chul'Ch. For the last ten years he has been a faithful member of the Friends church 'at Flat· Fork. He was desirous to help in the work of the Lord in any way he could. He tithed his income, and was there-with a ready helper in the financial support of the church. His devout christian life has been an example of what God will do with a soul entirely given up to His will. "It was only the footstep of angela That silently opened the door, And took from our circle our loved one To dwell on that beauttiul shore And the golden gate will open, To admit us one by one, To join in a glad reunion. When our life's work on earth is done.
Will keep FIi •• off your COWl • . Give it a trial One
Gallon "
7 S.. ..
Lifetime Guaranteed
IN your old tires
for new 1932 Oeod~••r
W . .tb.n
29x4.40-21 .__ ... 29x4.S0-20 ... _... 30x4.S0-21 .. __ 28x4.75-19 ....... . 29x4.75-20 ...... .. 29xS.OO-l? ...... .. 3OxS.00-2G ..._ ... 3IIS.00-21 .... _.. 28xS.2S-18 ...... .. 3hS.25-21 _ .... .. 30x3 2 R CI,~ . CI . ·
53 ••3 4 •• " •• IJ
'J.9S 4·30 4.J7 5.sa 5.ao 5.19 5.45
4.97 5.04 5.IJ 5.19 5.5. 5.97
•• 11 •••J
•••• .,•• .,. •
1.00 1.14 1 •• 6
1.16 .M
Mounted Free
Gordon's Service Station Phone 47 ,
Waynesville, Ohio TUDe in on Goodyear Pro.ram WcdDe*da" Nipt
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Williamson Wednesday, May 25 instead of Thul·S<!UY. Everyone cordially invited .
Mrs. Thos. Hurst, of Sp ringb oro, Robert Duke of this community and Mrs . .Ja mas Lovely and dau ghgraduated from the Spl;ngbol'o ters left, Tuesday morning, for .a visit wi t h fricnd s a t W est Liberty, high school Thurs c1ay evening. MI'. Wellington Cornell cele- Ke ntucky. brated his 97th birthday May 16th Mrs. Ed it h M. Harris, Mrs. and is in his usual good health. Mrs. Floyd Savage sp ent Wed- Laurll Mosher, Mess rs. Harris "Specify Sherwin-WiIneaday . in Waynesville with her Mo.·her and F ra nk H aw ke spent )jUDI Paint and mother, Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie, who Sund ay with F . C. Hartsock and • pod painter." fn mil y, at MilfOl·d. has been quite ill with mumps. Everett Early, Mrs. Belle Scott, Mrs. Grace McCune, of Lima Misses Ruth Early and Bernice Graham spent Wednesday of last came home to attlmd commencement and alu mni, and spent the week in Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdall week·cnd with her' mother, Mrs. are having the interior of t heir Eva Mill er. he was accompanied by MI'. W. L. Reed, also of house remodeled. Mr. and Mlrs. Elvin Stubbs of Lima. Dayton spent the last couple of Regular Colora 1\1r. and Mrs. J. C. Hawk e, M!l's. weeks with the latter's parents, Mal'y Hopkins, and Messrs. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Githens. Per. gallon . ... _. ..... : . . .......... . , Lytle has a new barber shop and a nd Donald Hawk~! sp ent Sunday with Mrs. R. H. Vance .a nd son at Mr. Votaw is the proprietol" Mrs. Marga~et Johns \Vas a din- [ndian Lake. Mrs. Vance and son ner guest Thursday of MI'. ~1Il Mrs. are enj oying an e:xtcnded outing a t O'Conner's Landing. ' Earl Thomas of Social Row . . Mrs. Wilbur Clark of Waynesville spent Friday with her mother Ramb y's Wonde rs again defeatMrs. Mary Carmony. ed the Lytle Stars by a 5 to 4 score A number from here attended in a fast and furiou :s lO-inning soft -the commencement at Waynesville ball gam e, played on the latter Gym Wednesday evening. team's grounds, Tuesday evening. MI'. and .Mrs. William Coleman, Gail. Evans pitched for the victors, Misses Thelm.a and Dorothy were gettlllg nine strike-outs, with Sunday dinner guests at the home ' Chick P ete rs receiving his · slants. of Mr. and 'Mlrs. Harold Kellis -in Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert Haines, Mt. Holly. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and Mr. J onathan Haines, Mrs. Harry children called on Wesley Benham Hain es, Mr. Walter Ratchford, Miss Beu lah Ratchford, Mrs. in Debanon Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas Martha Sh ields, Mrs. John Neiderhave beautified their home with a mann, and Mr. Rob ert D\lvis, all of Dayton, attended commencement coat of paint. Phone Waynesville Mrs. Setta Bolser of Dayton e xer~i cs here, last Wednesday . Ohio spent Sunday with her mother, evelllng, the guests of Miss Ruth 19 Mrs. Ann Smith, who has Cook. improved from her serious condition of last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton t'~~_______________• • • •" "• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •" • •IIII__. _• • •_ • • •_~. was a guest Friday of her sister, I; Mrs. Margaret Johns. Mrs. Keslet· Graham in company with Mrs. A. E. White and Mr!. . Frank Kenty of Columbus attended Alumna at Springboro Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Klotz and Mrs. Ellen Robinson of Cincinnati were 6 o'clock dinner gQ8Sts Monday of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman, The Ladies Aid will hold their annual picnic next Wednesday, June 1, at Roser Park near Ridge-
Regular Price of W.S.P.
$3.05 ~~i~:l1on
Special House Job Prices for May and June
Regular colora Per gallon .•••
White Per gallon •..
Tbls Is aot alactory redUelloa Itut a
la galloD eaas oDly
Wayne Park Swlmml"• .Pool
, f.
Ei!l ser Savings in Sets.
Or if you bring your can . . . . . .
6 S.. ..
SOY BEANS A C\toice lot of Seed on hand Manchu Beans, Pe:r bu,hel . . .. . , ... ,: ....... _. . . . ,virgjni.s and Ebonys, per bUlhel . .... . .. . ....... .' . _'.
6se SI.OO·
W.ynelYille. Ohio
Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce in Dayton . . Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended Fairmont High school commencement at the N . .C. R. School House. Dayton this Tuesday evening, whel'e their nephew, Robert Haines, was one 'o f the 91 graduates. Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, Miss Bernice, and their guest, Mrs. A. E. White, attended Sunday School and churCh Service at -the ..U. B . .chul'Ch Sund,ay morning and spent the rest of the day 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph StO'We near Pekin. . ELECT OFFICE~S . E. Cornell was named viceof the Warren County Trustees association at orl~atlwLti(111 meeting held in .lo$t week. George A., py" Meloy was elected presof the group.
SUNDAY, MA Y .a .9
Miami Valley's.Best and'M.o~t. Mod~rn Swimming Pool New Filtration System of .~ore than 1,000,000 gallon.. per day InsUres Clear Pure W ilter '
MaDY \
Enjoy ' the Day-Modern Screened·in
1•••••••I!1. . . . . . . .IIi. . . . . .~l. . . .II!IIIII!!I. . . . . .II[I~• •~.~II!I~._~.IIiI