1 1111 _Z
J;:igbty-Fifth Year
LEWISBURG IS BEATEN ot the readers who glances' first pal' nd sOJ]letimea the BY WAYNESVILLE AC; . the las of The Gazette, and then carelessly toJlSes the 'p aper ide, declaring that there is very DODDS ALSO TRIMMED uRIiUle in i 1 If so, you ,are not getARE YOU ONE-
ting the good of the money you
Loeal Ba.eball Team fattell. paid for your subscription. Ayerale ~y Two Vicrtorle. Recently, we nave inaugurated, Oyer , Wee~.end on the inside pages, a series of
Whole Number 6016
JUNE 1, 1932
Se1eot your wedding ring at local feature stories, which we . Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. hope to continue indefinitely. Last week, we told of Robert Crew's ,Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright 20.year.old Ford; this 'Week we tell spent Friday with friends at Midof Waynesville'S War Veterans'; dletown, next week we wtlJ teU of- well, C. E. Michen r and Howard watch for It and see. This feature Dalton olumouR visitors, added to ,t he News Letters from Tuesday.were otber 'Communities, the Oourt Reports and other permanent feaMr. and MI·s. Harvey Rye arl' turd wil1 prove interCllting to you, ann ouncing the birth of a son we belleve. Don u:igh, Tuesday, May :n : READ EVE;RY PAGE. Tune in ,on the C. & B. program, station WI{RC every Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m.
Service. Spon.ored Firemen', Club Attract Many Vi.itors
Eyer, of Dayton, i mother, Mr!<. Laura
MISSILDINE- CARPENTER A v('ry bellutifu I wedding Will' so lcmn i1.ed at tht' Meth()dil'~ parsollllg in Wayn Hvill at ~ ev nthirty u'c1ock on ~ l' l u !'lIll Y evening, lay 2 . Th e dl ('~~ 11 utte nd . ants werc MI". Ul1d :vtl·~. Ed . B rg I' , of L('butl on. . The bl'idc' \\'a ~ CI'y uttractivC'ly attired ~n blue c nnw witn wlJi~c accessones. ' The ' ]'ride, formerly Sanl Missildine, daught 'l" of II'. mlil lI1r~. O. O. Missildin e, graduated hom Waynesville I-l\gh sc hool in ~h~ class of '27. A.(ter $o:'l'fldualion,'l'hl' wa. \'mployed Ill. th . Ihr~ b Brothers P.ultlishing Co" in. I'l'banon. The ltridegrut)lTl. Victor al'pente l', of Van Wert, Ohio, wa s n Kraduate of Wittenber~ Coll el('e. llringfield, in 193 1, snd is no\\ employed in the chemical laborn· tories of the Amcl'ican Rollin~ Mill 0 •• in MiddletQ\vn. . Mr. /lnu Mr ~ . arpenter are at hom ' to theil' many friend!'! at 1904 Queen Ave., Middletown, O.
SEVERAL ECONOMIES BEING CON~IDERED BY BOARD OF EDUCATION School H~a d. De~de To Avoid Requeat Fol' State Aid U,ntil Imperati...e
Tht-llugh the fog of doubt nd For the past i')YQ yeal'!!, Chas: "Under the ~o<.l and the dew, deplet.etl finane I'd, a roy of light, is MinI'S, Manager of the Lewi burg Wlliting the Judgment Day El'oe!>t L. Harlan. of Dayton tHl/o(innin~ to s hine on thE' local team, ha.'1 bilen trying to arrange a. Love and t al'~ 'for tt,e Bluq; 4chool Siltl uti on. A week 01" so ago, was U Wayne ville busine s game fQI' his team 'againlJt the Tears and love for the Gray." the Bimrd hE'11l iOll'orta nL ' coniervisitor FI·iday. ' Wayne/> ille A. 's. He waS accom-' The weather man was especially tl n ' !; with.oullty 'uperintendent modated at Wayn rark, Sunday kind with his dispensations,for Mrs. A, K . Day ~pent the weekHHl'ris, at J.,ebllnon, and latel' v.:lth aftern n, and the only redeeming Decoration nay, Mn nday; never end wilh her son and family at .:Hate school officials at Columbus. fel,lture Q{ the embroglio j from WIIS wcat.he.· more ideal. Largo Winchefjter, Ky. Ab<JUt the only po, itive re ult. of a a locl\l puint of view, was the numbers of citiz ns and former long ess ion, Monday eVPJling, was fact that our A. C's. 'Won by a residents visited beautiful Miami Miss Trillena Edwal'd. and Mis, a unanimous de i&ion to refrain score of 11 to 2. The visitors wer cemetery, bearing a profusion of Margaret F:dwal'ds wel's L~banon from applying 'COI' S~t(' sid 'until lat In arriving because th ir truck gOl'geous bloom to b strewn ' on visitors Salu.day. {Uch actton becomes imperative. br.oke down, enroute, and their -the graves of lov d Cine leeping One to the fael that the State play indicnted that the truck was there. Tune in on the C. & B. program, fu rnishes no fi I1Iln6al aid I ntil .aU not all to suffer l.hat ad fate. The Men10ria l exelrtises in the stat.ion WKRC ev«y Sunday vailal;lle resources of .t he local N ither telln, scored in ,t he first Mrs. Frank L. Tayl or of San afternoon, again Sl'onsored by the a.Cternoon at 2 p. tn. !l!)lIl'd ar totally exhausted, this inning, despite Weller's walk and -:--. -~-Wayne vi lle Firemen"s club, were Francisco, alii., is visiting her Jeci~ion appears to be eBpecial ~ Mendy's first hit. Colling hit to largely !lttended, 8S ' usual. The )1'Iother, Mrs. Edith Harris. M ... and Mrs. Bumetl Buttery wise. Stute Aid wou ld, also reo cent ). ano committed 'larceny in Waynesv ille chool Band fu:r- worth were Monday callers on Mr. Wire the adoption of eeveral th f ore pal't o( the second, but It There seems to be a happy leel· Mr. and Mrs, Carl McClure and ; hangeS' 0'I program that would didn't mea/1 a thing. Then the fun ing everyWhere as it is announced daughters, Of Dayton, were g uests nished mu ic for tlhe occasion, and Mrs. Samuel Butterworth. playin~ a short 'con,cert at the lot be b neficial to local needs, stal"t d. Holigh. Ellilf and John of Mrs. Ms. r y Me lure, on Su nday. Reduced prices on all automopostoftice corner before going to lIltl 'wouliJ necessitate added State , 'Corner singled II,nd Hough scored that the public-spirited citizens of the cemetery, An'ivi~fg there they bile repair wOI'k. Machines called mpel'vi Ion. Local officials of Dheac.l of Hutchinson's poor throw. Waynesville are again making pos· Mrs. James Lovely and daugh. Mrs. Julill A. BI'own, aged 81 ;choo l ~ already receiving state aid, Ankeney fQu ied out to third, and sible Q series of weekly concerts ters returned from a visit to marched from the South gate to for if requested. Ray Mill s. year, and ., idow of th late Geo. peaker's stantl, nea r the strongly against the adop· Wellel' grounded, sl\.Q1'tlltop to first to be given by the Waynesville West Liberty, Ky., Tuesday even- ~he The Epworth ~eague conducted N. BrowlI, died at her home Oil ldvi the mound_ ~ ic)n of this policy until such action Elll~ scoring. Mendy hit again, and ing. a most inter sting service at the Third sl!'e ~ l"rida'y evening. l!lCames absolutely necessary. Rev. C. A. William on~ pastor M. E. church, Sunday evening. Johnny trotted hom. Hartsock, school band. Heart tI'ouble, with \Vhi h sl! had hrist, i"voked In anawer to inquiries from the A slight r routing of the bll8 flied out to center. Three runs, )[1'. and Mrs. ' Merle Kerns and of t.he Cl1l.\rch of sutrel'ed for se vel'a) ye8l'S, and the daughter, Jo n, of Cleveland spent the Divine ble si ng alfter the band Sets of dishes the bTide will t.e infil"lI1itiea of age W~re the · cause oute~ Bnd the purchase of enough four hits, one errpr, merchants a committee from The vlsltors changed 'the ar· Parent's organization sponsoring th week-end with MT. and Mrs. J . had played a selectio n, and Miss proud to own. ,elect them at of her demls . Mrs. Ht'own was a large bodies to eliminate the thiTd Ruth alisbury gave Il flne rendi- Cary's Jewelry hop, Lebanon. loads, now hlluled by four of the rangement of their t&am for the the band visited the business men D_ Marlatt. native of Bedtord ounty, Pa" drivej·s. aod varioUs oth.er econion of Lincoln' Getty burg Ad· last. of the thl'rd, Colling taking up but she and her family had bee n Mrs. Emma Barnetl and M~. E. o mies are o.n tbe program. Verily, J. V. Hartsock and Abe Cook. dre s, that m8$terpie,ce of orat91'y the pitching burd n, ~ut it made and are gra~jf\ed to allnounce prominent citizens (If the Fet'I'Y very Jittle apparent differ4jnce. that the response has been gener, of pringboro attended the Auto which will never die. Arter another V. Barnhart, of incinnati,. visited n eig-hbol hood for s ve.-al y.e ar the life of a chool Director is a with the blossoms With one down, . Hough waJked, ous, and, although the Teturns aTe races at Winchester, Indiana, sel etion by the band, Chairman WaynesVille fri nd!l, on Monday , TlreviQufl to theil' removal to WIlY- bild of rose R. F. Hatfield introduced Rev, G. faded and shattered, and the Ellis doubled, and Turner hit, not all in, is is probable that a Decoratioll Day. is survived by two J_ W. Edwards and family and nellville. She . Dibert, pll tor ot' the M, E. thorns mo s~ prominent. And all Hough scoring. EUis eame in when concert will be given each Thurs-· O. J. Edwards, 01 Greenfield, lions, Edward and NCH'n111n Brown, t his for the munlficen't; salary of a pitch got past wank, Ankeney day night throughout. the summer', Mr. W. 'M. Sykea and family, a~d chll~ch, as the print:ipal speaker M.r. visited relatives here Decoration of Daytnn, alld II dnughter, Miss $20 per .year. doubled, and Turner wail lIiafe at All ill their (!ul\tom, the chUdren Mr. and Mrs. J, 11. Day, of. Mil- of the day, Bertha Brown, who so lend rl}' The sp~ake1" dwelt. upon the sim- bay'. the. plate when. wank dropped the and their director will donate the ford, called on A. K. Day, unday qareu fOl' her mother dul"iDlr the ilarity of the 'history of our Nation return throw. Weller ftied (lut and first cllncert to the merchantll and IIfternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Gray and declin ing years. FUJlural s'\lrvices Mendy walk d, b"t Ankeney wa Cri nds Who have contributed to , Russell West and family, of to that of God's ,chosjm people, the daughter attended Decoration ser~ were held at het Illte hOhle, TuesChildl'en of ISI'a. 1. IGod, he said, vic s at larksv ille, Monday aftercaught trying to take third on a this year's fund. This concert will Slulndon, day a::fternoon, Rev. C. A. Williamhio, were Sunday short pas ed ball, Four runs, lour be held on ,McClure's corner, guests of Mi!Ul Lizzie and MI". rounded and favored the two na- noon. Ro n offiCiating, and the remains tions that they in Lurn, might be hits, one error. Thursday eyenin/f, at eight o'clock, Geoorge Pratt. Wel"e laid to re, t in Bellbrook an example anci a bl€lssing to their Mr. and Mrs. Julian Witham, of cemetery, b • ide ller beloved com. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH anta Claus vi Ited the LewillCome Ilnd enjoy the music: enfellow men. He also, tre cd the rndianllPoli1l were week·end gues~ panion. burg boys In the fourth. Shus courall'e the children, and don't for Master Earl Eme!""on Fife, of G. C. Dibert, Putor fanned, wank ingled and rellch- gilt to lIay "Thank you" to these Wilmington, vis ited hi uncle and importance of law observance Of their uncle and aunt, Dr. and along all lines, adv (. l~tillg the de· Mrs. J. E. Witham, ed second on Mike' bad throw. good people who are sponsoring /lunt, Mr. and Mrs .. L. H, Gordon, Wednellday: Bible study and APPROACHINC MARRIACE portation of aliens, alnd the imprisGoni'! .me sed up Miars' o fferin~, these copcerts_ Watch this papllf part of last week. ):t~ayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pohlman, of onmen of natives, who refuse to and Swank cored. CoUing's hIt for the names (If the merchants, IS ANNOUNCED FRIDAY Frid'ay: Choir practice at 8 :00 obey our laws, and cIo ed with a Deer Park, were Sunday guests of sCored Miars, but he, hjmself, Was each week. P. m_ Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Thompson, and pressing apj)eal for t,h e supremacy M'rs. Pohlman's uncle, Dr. J. E, 'caught trying to we an extra Next. 'Week's concert. June 9th, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haines, 0'1 CinAnnouncement of the approachSu.nday: Sunday school at 9 :::10 J sus hri t in tih heart.'l and Witham, and ~ife., base on the play, Hough ~o is donated by James McClure, ing mat'l'iage of Mi s Viola Curry, .'I. m. Morning worship at 10:30. cinnati, were Sunda~ gue ts of of lives of men .and the affairs of A nkeney to Mendy. Lutz walklld, ~--of Mt:'. and Mrs. Elmer ~pwol·th League at 7 :00 p. m. Mrs. Keziab ThOmPson . Mr. and Mrs. lyde Coleman dllughter natIons. Thi he decbu'ed to be the but Cahill forced him, Gons to NEW INSURANC£ FIRM urry, one mile soutb of N w F;vangelistic services at 8 :00 p. and M.1"8. Francis Coleman of Noronly mean ~ o obtain universal l 1111;. and Mrs. Sherman Dyke Mendf. T 0 runs, 2 hits, 2 err on. wood, called on WayneSVIlle rela- BU1'lington, to 1>1r. Robert Duffey, nl. Lue H~rt ock's walk and two ASSUMES CHARGE TODAY a-nd Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke. of peace. South Charleston, wall maqe Fri~Qu are cOl'dially invited to. attives this afternoon. At the clOKe of th address, the Dayton, were gu.ests of Mis ue wild pitches 1ldd d another to the day attern.oon wh~n Mi II urry "end an y or all of these meetings. a£'"('mhlage . a djourned to the l1Iem· local court in the fourth, and This (Wednesday) morning, Mr. Crane, Sunday aftern oon. Eli Gray, ' of Clarksville, and her sl ~te r, MisM Ruth Annll orial cannon, wher'e the school andMrs. singhlll by Weller · aDd Mendy, Ff4nk 11. LeMay and Miss Helen Mr. Harry , harp, of Kings UJ"rY, entel·taineii a group of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP Mr. and Mrs. We ~ley ~mlth , of children, un(jer the direction of Mills, visited Gons' doub1 and Ramby's hit add- Hawke, operating as t he LeMayCHRIST M r'. an'd Mrs. Walter fri nd s ilt. their bom . and Prof. Harrey pringfleld, Miss Eva Re d r and Mrs. Bess Elzey, Decoration ed two mor In the 'ixth. )leDdy's Hawke Insurance Agency, officially , ontests and bddge were en(U d I tl aJ) Day. joyed and later refreshments of iCe n eDom na on • fourth hit, a wild' pitch and Gons' '\ssumed charge of the F. D. Dakin Smith,' ot Wilmington, called 011 Anderson, gave a beautiful exer, cise, ' and oC()vered th monument, , .chester A. Williamlon, Minister Irma Rich, Thelma St: J ~ hn and cream and' third hit were responsible tor the Insurance agency, which they teo Waynesville friends, Monday. in lieu Qf the veteran' graves, George Henkle were home "from cai'rying out II co lor scheme of Evangeliatic' campaign ~oJitinu~1 la t t.lly in the eighth. cently purc~a ed from the estate Mr. and Mrs. Harty K. HamilWilen theY' took the field for the of the late F. D. Dakin. They win tOn, of Cleveland, called on the with ft(Jwers. Trumpeters 1rom the Wittenberg college. for the week- pink and white. As favors, each 1~1L this week and part,of next. Bro gu at found at her place a "kitten. St rong is bringing some vel'l' ninth, the WAC battery reve~ed carry a ,enllral and complete line lormer's mother, Mrs. Emma band sounded "Taps," and another end and Decoration. Day. in-a-p ke!' The one allotted... to elpful messages. Thqfe who atitell, Mike pitched to Jap. Swanlt of inl!uraacll of all kind_life, Hamilton, Tuesday Of last week. M moria1 serv'ic.e w,a s recorded in Mr. ano' Mrs. Melvyn Banta, of history. Mis Pearl Moore ' bor .a "tale" ~end will know and un~rlltand the fouled to Ramby at third. Swank aut fire, tornado~ etc.-and repDelaware, arrived here, Mon'd~ This account would nol be comwhi 'nformed the guest!! of the t3lb! in a way they never dreamed ~t a lit on ShortAtop Hough's re(5enting at least frt~en dill'erent . The Strong Wofford Evang.elisplete if we failed to note the efevening, to spend their BQmmer a roae ing marriage on Jun 7. was . possible. Sermon subject for miscue, aod the ram~ wound up ptesenting at least fliteen different tic party cont.inues the revival at , Miss Curry is tl graduate of Wil- Nednesday, June 1, "Where Does with a speedy (?) double play, comp.nies. Mr. LeMay will look Waynesville Church of Christ. all ficient and loving ~ ervice of Mrs. vacation with. home folks. ington ollege and is a member tbe Devil Hang out in WaynelRamby to Mendy to ElJis. Score: . after the field work, while Miss this week and at least a few days Mabel lIathaway, Mil's. Edith HarM·rs. Laura Zell was severely ris and ·Mrs. M~ry McClure, who of Alp'ha Phi Kappa sorority. She 'v ilIe?" ThufSday, "Is There an Old LEWISBURG Hawke will have charge of the of next. . shaken and bruised by a fall at her prepared the f!owelr for the serwas. teacher of home econoh)ic!! fashioned Hell." Other interestin~ H A E office. For a while, at least, Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Curti and vioes. Mrs. Hathaway has helld~d home, Friday morning, but is at Spring Valley l:Iigh J;Chool th.e Il ibl~ tllPics will be dilJl:uued. PO Stella Daugherty, Mr. Dakin's able AlJ R thought to ?e recuperating nicely. Gilbert, 2b .• " ..4 0 0 l ' 1 1 assistant, will Temllin in the office two children, Lavonia and John this committee for thirty-two p.sst year and hl\!\ been re.emp loy- ood congregational and spec'l.1 . Shuel'. 8b Ib..4 0 0 5 0 0 as asr;istant to the junior member Arnold, of Springi\eld, were week· yellr and Mr/!. Harris .has a" isted ed there for the coming year. MI'. IOusic under direction tlf lIi.. "Gifty Gift" that will ·please. Swal,1~l c , . 4 1 1 '7 1 1 of the ftrm. end guests of Mr. and Mr . Ver- nearly 'as 10Dle. DUlc to iIlne s in Duffey is a member of the faculty '\<[attie Mae . Wofford. Services hoose one ol those "Nifty" Miars,)', b ..... ,. 4 I 0 4 '0 0 The members of th.e new firm non Mainous, her hO!'l e, another f.a ithful member 100ks selling at half price. Cary's o'! New llrii~le IIigh school for ~ a c h evening, ini:.luding Saturday. Mrs. Mal'ia Elbon, was, this year, Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. Colling, lb, " .. 4 0 2 1 3 0 are 110 well and ' soCavorably the comillg year. ' . 'TogJ:am for Sunday as fo llows: Lu.tz, rI, 3b ", 2 0 0 Q 0 0 known in. this community that Mr. and MrR. Wm. Bergan, of replaced by Mt·s. McClure. Guests at th PlIl'ty FI'idIlY after- ~ hurch School at 9 :30 Attendance CaJti\l, 11$ , ." S 0 1, 3 4 0 eulogy from us would be superflu. Overpeck, Mr. and M1"I!. W. C. St. A family squabble, Monday noon were th MissCls Mae McKay, ' im, 150: Lord's Supper and ' Cullers, If ..... 8 0 0 2 0 0 ous. We join their countless John and Ro emary Bentley were afternoon, took Clarence Gwinn in Pearl Moore, Verna onk)in. Betty 'rmon following. C.h ristian En, . Hutchln on, p 3 0 0 1 0 1, of friends in wishing them a long, Sunday dinner yuests or Mr. lind to Mayor Ro&,ers' court. His fine of Rowley, Mary Kinnamon, Veda leavor at 6:45 p. m. Evening $5 and cost.s was later remitted. F'leming, Marjol'ie Ha ydock. Myra 'vangeli!ltic ~ervices at 8:0,8 p. 24 '3 happy and successful business Mrs. T. J. Smith. Total ., Haydock). Ru~y S'mith, Veda urry If. The church where you feel at career. Ramby'fl Wonders again defeat. , Mrs. Nettie Kepler has returned Louis ;::;windl r, Lenna Beam, ·lome. ------~cd the Lytle Stars at soft ball, W. A. C. The Pl'O perit}! Players, for· to Dayton after a two-weeks' villit Elizabeth Evan s, Kathyn Van Tuesday even in&,. The game wail mel'ly knOWn as "Brownie's Com- at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Oliv'r Pelt, Mabel Vav i., Louille Haworth ST. MARYS CHURCH AB R HPO A E played at Wayne Park, and tbe edians," arrived hE~re, Monday, to ·Davis, and with relatives in New Dorothy Alex,a nder, Jan et Cop$ey, Weller, c, p ...... 4 1 1 9 0 1 Rev. J . J. Schaeffer, Rector. score was 9 to 6. play an en~agement under eanvas Vienna. .ran iCe I'ite, Opal Will s, Cather. Mendy, 2b " .... 4 2 .. B 4 0 . econd ,unday alter Trinity, Mr. Walter G. Welch, of Wash. jne Noggle, Mrs. Frank GmhanJ ' \Ine ,. 5. Chur~h school at , 9:30; Hartsock, 1\ If 4 t o· 1 0 0 , Mr. and Mrs. ' F. . Hartso~k, at Frazier s Field., This troupe and Mrs. Ora , mith. Gons, 3b, ef ,. 5 1 . ;i 0 , 3 1 Mrs_ H. H. Williamson 'Wall hoal;.. and family . of Milford, ~nd Mr. mllst not he ,c onfused ""ith the E'tmon and Holy Communion. at ordinary (, Patent Medicine Show i~ ' ington D. C., Mr. John C, Welch Ramby, cf, 3b 5 0 1 1 1 0 eflS at' the regular meetinlr of the H k I ~ .... 10:80. ' they al'e far above that plane and and Miss Sarah Welch, of SpringHoug' h, If, 88 4 2 l ' 3 ' 1 1 W. O. T. D., last Wednesday after. and Mrs. Ronald aw e an~ son Frank, were Sunday jZ'uests of have nothing to BE'I! but the' very bOl'O, were guests of Misses TrilEllis, Jb '" .... 4 2 2 10 0 0 noon, with the new president, Mrs. Mr. Edith Harris Qnd family. FERRY ICHURCH OF CHR.'l' high,est 'Class of comedy and dra- lena and M.al'garet Edwards, on Turner, Tf ." . " 2 2 0 9 0 J. L. Mende nhal1 , presic:ling.Mrs. ~UndenominatlQnal) A nkaney, p, c .. 4 0 1 1 0 " , 0 1 M, W. Silver conducted the deSeveral of our ba$eboa I fan luatic entertainment. The company Tuesday. Chester A. Wilham.on. IIIDiItu Mr .. and Mrs. Ohas. Phillips and ~ - - - votio....ls. and it was decided to witnessed the ,Pittsburg.Reds Is composed of ladies and genChurch choot at 9:30 a. m, To~18 ."" ".,,, 38 11 111 27 13 If .hold an Inlltitute at the M. E. games at Cincjnnati, Sunday. Most tlemen, each an alrt,st 01 the pro- son, Charles and MI'. and Mrs. Bert The ew I1tul'y Club was ensubject, I'Finding Fault 1 23' I) 6 7 8 9chllrch , 011 :rb,urllday, June .30th. of the male portion has plenty of lession, whQ stage nothing' but the VanCleve, of Xenia, were Sunday tertained by Mr~. Anna Cadt,al- 1ermon Vi1.h t he avior." You are always cleanest and best t heatrical proguests at the home of fro and b O O O ' 2 0 0 0 0 2 The toPIC 'for the meetmg wall advice ' f or M.anager Dan Howley. lader a.t the Little rnn. FI'ida:y . I A!WUI ur;lf .. , 'e lcome at th is- chur-ch. , "Tbe Dut,uctivenelll of Tobacco.'. afte rn oon, May 27. . ductions. Mrs. Oliver Davis. W8ptesVllle .. 034 1 020 1 - 11 from which the followin, program Mr. ·Chas. LeWerson, daughter The pliln for gfell ing admission Twenty two memberll 1'esponded ST_ AUGUSTINE CHURCH • wu elven : Reading, '~The Cloud and SOil, Mary Virginia ' and James, is, to say the least, unique. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Missildine to roll call wjth , a II Proverb." 01 Ji'eminine' Smoke," lilTS. Anna of ' Latonia Ky., were Saturday Quantities of tickdl!!, entitling the entertained at ' Sund~y dinner in Eal'n(ld Runs--WAC 7. Rev. Fortman During the short business ses Left on, Ba.ae_Lewisburr 2: WA .Cadwallader: readl. ''''l'Qbacco (fuests of ~iJos. Mary Waterhouse bearer to ten·cent admission, are honol' of their son-in -law and sion, the fol1owin~ memb(lrs ",vere First and Third Sunday M~. at C 7. . and the Hum~n _)(ind," Mrs. L. V. and Mr. and Mrs. George Water· distributed to each business house daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor name" meers for the comiug >I :00 a. m. Second, Fourtll eel in town. AppliclI,n'ts for admission Carpenter, of Middletown. sTt<\len Bas4H-Co ·· llEinlgi' A k Beck; vocal so.1o,-"LittJe F eet, Be house. yeal·. ifth Sun day, Mass at 10:30 a. m. y{o,b as-e H it_ .lls, n eney, Careful," Doria jieck, ~ho played who do not hold these tickets, are Mrs. J.B. Crabbe, president; Miami Valley Council, Jr. 0, U. Mrs. G.•T·. mith , vice prcl:Iident ; Gons. , her own ;accompaniment.: reading, See the modestl¥. priced gifts ch8l"ged the regu1ar price, 25c. Double Play- Ramby, to Mendy to "Tabaceo POiSOM," Mril. J. R. for all occasions at Cary's Jew- Thi~ 'Plan gives our merchants A. M" expects to put on degree Mts. L. M, Henderso n, sec~tary; WAYNESVILLE STUDENT Ellis. Wade. read inc. "The Price of a elry Shop, "The' Home of Gifts,", 9uite a bit 01 advjlrtlsing, whicb is work /It their regUlar meeting, Mrs. E. L. Thoniall treasure. HONORED AT COLLECE Base Hits-off' Hlltchinson, 6 it! Smoke." Lebanon, Ohio. entirely gratuitouis on the part. of Friday evenin~. The 10llal degree The. program committee, rlj. J . ••• 2 innin~; off Oolling, 10 in 6 inn· Mr. Brown. staff will exemplify the W I·k. L. MendenhaH and MI·S. E. L. Newly elected officers of '" Pi . ingg;' off Ankeney, 4 in 8 Innings. FIRM OFFERS COIIPL£.TE Mr. and Mrs. W. N. SeaTS, Although the company had Thomas, pre ented the ' ollowing -lelta Epsilon, national hono~)' Struck Out-by Hutchinson, 2: by daughters and son, called on Mr. originally intended to llltay 'but Mrs. Clyde Everhart. of Middle- program .. . lu mllistie fraternity, at WittenColling 4; by' Ankeney, 9.: . SERVICE TO MOTORISTS an Mrs. Allen Hole, near 13eaver- three nights, popular request has town, and Miss Rachel Davis -.vitShOl·t "Memol'ial" honoring larg College, Springfield are: Bases on Balls--01r il;utchinl;lon, 1; town, and Mr, and Mrs. R'u ssell been flO urgent that t he manage- nessed the ' ball game at Redll!ond ourAdeceased members. resident, Fred M. Kenan~ ot Upeff Colling, 310ft' Ankeney, l. Campbell, near en terville, Mon- Wtent has decideli to remain for Field, Cincinnati, last· Thursday, Pro and Con of the "Eight: e r Sandul\ky; vice-president, Wild Pitche......l.io)ling; s. day evening. three more nights. See their dis- and saw Red Lucas med defe-at eenth Amendment." ·I corge H:enkle of Waynelville, Pasl!ed B..ll-Swank. f play , advertisement, elsewheie in for the secohd time this scaRon. Book review of "Magnificent, nd see.r.etary·treasurer, Robert Umpire_Prende'f.....t and Miriam Jean, young daughter 0 Obse!)s·ion." this issue, for the program, ~en W. N. Sear has again en~:II~ed . . Baer of Bucyrus. . .Mr. and Ml'l!. st. Clare Fife (nee The ne'x t meeting will b ' heJd Liman Wilker$on). of ,WUminltton go to the tent a!\d enjoy an even· in the general fire and automobile Kenan is buslne!lS man.,er or Monday morning, a game with w... taken to Miami Valley hO!lpital ing of clean, high-class entertain- insurance business, representin£' at the home of MI'. Elizabet·t\ 'Ie Witt, campus hUm or periodical several good companies, He will Baily in June. Th invited gu(!stn i nkle is business'lDanacer of the the Doddll team was arranged, and lut Wednesday evening, suffering ment. _ _ _ ____ _ ~_ after the dose of t.l\.e Memorial maintain oftlt'e, at his home on of the hOBtes~ we!'e: Mis!les Anni\~ 'arch, stud'e llt newspaper; and 1rith a very critical attack ot ery· exercise", a patched-up team repFifth street. lind will continue in Brown, Mamie Brown, Rmma -- aer i~ editor.in-chifJ'! of tbe Torcll 11"188; Latest reports, however, LOCAL GIRL WINS relentinlr the WAC's took the I deaoW a decided improvement in ~--. .PRmE 'IN CONTEST the relll estate and auctioneering Heighway and Clara Lile. visitors Into camp 11 to 9 In one During the !locial houl' refresh. : AS. LOVELY RECRE,AtlON business. h... condition. ' of the most hectic strun'es ever ments were nerved by Mrs. Emma Tune in on the C. &; B. program. McClure and her assistants. Mr...nd Mu. Ralph Greell'or, ltaged at W~e p.rk. No adml... PARLOR IN NEW\ot:ATION station WKRC every Sunday . .......David and Manon Greegor, Mrs. slon lee wu charged at the gate. afternoon at 2 p, m. J. W. Haynie, ot Columbuif. Mr. When the the Par FIRST ASST; IN SURGERY ' and tI.... C. C. Arehdeacon and IOn The Good Cut C]othln£' elub held Bobb7. of DaYton, M~. E\ H. TlllaIirI. . . ita seeond meetln, on Friday, May KDtanberatr and .on Milo were 27 at the home of Juanita Bran· III 1IIO~J '1JQ aaesta of Mr. and nocJe. It wu deeided for. each Mn. J. B. Smith and L N. Lincoln
._ ..----
--- -
Servicetl At the Churches Sunday
. -...
3i "2 ...
Prosperity Players
Giving Fine Shows
w. C. T. U. H••
Interelting Se••ion
--- ...
New' Century Ciub
' Holds A Memorial :
.. .-
~r,~=~~:::;l club member
for d.n~:r.- Wa:rneivll1nrriendl
W al dron :~ i1~o ur i .i O: C. E. Glack in figh t ,\1' "uv Ul'ound No. &0-7. $5: An <11.:'\\' Pulmon , right of way lll'\luncl, No. 66-7, &; W . C. Tur1"Il , l'l'lhent, $ 106; Morrow Lurnh!.'I' (I., .'ement, $ 11 8.27: ,J. K. ~lll!1\Cer'. gnll' I, $27; W. T. Coo k d in Co mmon Pleas Proc:.... l.'1 gl'UVl'\. $ l.IiO: P hili p Heisel, pay Enll ("'Ilk WII . J' und guilty !lnd 1'011.. 1 R.35; . E. B"radbu ry, pay liltlld $2[, (HId <'U. ts. 1'01 1. , 50,55; E. F. I'een, labor, EO",I LUI'i lle ClIOP~ I' WliS grallt· 2.RO; EI'nt'st Green, labor, $2.80; l.tI !l tlivOJ co fr Oll! Will iam E . . K. pt'ncer, gravel $6.25: 'tWIlt'1' and wus l' Ht(\1' d to her I~!'ntlk S Ill'I'wood Co. supp\i 8 $26.IIltliden III1I1H: of Etlrul Lu illa 8m· 17; Flu cl L mmUIlS, pay ro ll, $ 15; 1!1'~,)rI . II, L, 'chuy\el', }Jay ro ll, $27.64; ~I vI'un G. Gh·hl"l'lrHIII wu ~ grant Cnd Dakin, pay roll, $121.00; J. ed ~ tlil " I'fe {1'(Ill! Eula G I b r "". navi~, pay roll. 230. 0; . E. II1l1l1 and Illc de!l'Ttolllnt \ u.' ,given RI'H~lbUl'Y, )'lay ro ll , '118.0S ; A. T. Htltig. I ny 1'011. $23 l .60; Joh n clIstodv of their millol' , 'hl\el. III il,,' cmw of \ Q~ ll'l'I) InoluR- Myers )lily 1"011 , $ H10.40; F loyd lI'il'~ ';lr l'o1"uliolll V... I'~lI1'\ \'uo L mmon.'; pay mil, $l<l31AO; L. I~, [((!I'IIl'TUlJl' ullll)U ny, I.'t ul\ll' 1'e- \Vitham , PHY ro1\, a21.60; F.. D. cciI' (> I' i ~ ell'dt'l'l'd to I I!' nt certain J(\nl'~, PHY r oll, $29 ,80; V.' pn'I, .... t\' altd ,ell h ttel property ·Toh1pkinll. pay roll $216.60: Chart,,1' lht' "bl'4 int('l'(1st of nil pnrlit.'H. les Allen, labor. $5.60; E. W. 111 till' ell!'(, of TIlt' Prudl'ntial Knnpp, uperating maintainer, $44; In.lIratlC<' Cuhlpany v I' us Wiln'l r L s lit~ hull.II, opl'rl.1ting maintain. A. ;ul tery , et al t11(~ plaintiff cr. $46; Curtis M. harlton, opel" "hull l'e,'nYl'r fl'\1111 th .. defendant Hting mnintainer $48; Eden Terry l he ,;um of 249 · •..\4. ell ineel', $82.5 6; Frank Wilson, 'rill) C\l~'" ()( Ml je~tic Oiljtribut.. mecllllllic. $48.40: Walter pencer, I nK tl , \ ('rsus pnu I Kahn 1'i rc 0 ., labol" 6,60 '; Ead Barnthouse, \liaR lIi R lIli ~~!('u witho ut ' recOl'd g'l'llVel, $2.40; Znin Arm itage, In lhl' CBse of J() ~c phinc Bniley gravel, $743.85; Blair & LeRoy, .'I'I·'; U!< A, SidnC':; Westover' the de- ('hips, $8,.40; W. T. ook, gravel, fcntl ant is "iven I 0 days to plead. 12; J, 1<. pencer, gravel, $192.lll' ~>lic Mitchell wu ~ gra nted a 85; M OITO W Garage., gas, ~31,62; divorc<:, frotn Edward Mitchell and V. W. Tompkins, welding, 76ci \\UK gi ve n cu louy of th ir <'hild. Fl'ank Shen ood Co., supplie an <l lInie ' peidel, plain ti ff in errOl', gllfl, $3 ,98; Central Garage, sup.
Historv Shows Waynesville Has Always NEWS Gl EO Played Its Part in Wars, Involving U. S. fROM CO 1 HOUSE
<wfto ndunl, in-Oi'rOI', costs ' Howell, nd the FI'enc~ Molor Co.,Kilpatrick supplies i:; 1" over frnrtl Homer plies, anel gas, Car $44.43; and gas, $391.33; .fohn Thomas In th cllse oj' Lillie Wilson vcr- Sel'Vice Station, gas, $106,70; L. s us .ruhn Mo rgan, III aI, the prop- H. G.lt·don, Sllpplies and ga , $10.crty iii to b.. r"valued. !lG; William chnell, ,supplies and In the c se o f Tht.' Iutual Build· gaR, $25.~!'I · East End Garage s upin' anti Lqan 0., vel·"n " J uhn R. nlies ' und 1l11S', $46; T he Stanley Allen. t lol l, the plainWr shull !'e- W01'ks, mater il11 , $30.1 covel' from the d'l',t enllallt the SUnt of 4025. O. rn the ellilC uf Mar/!:'nJ'et ArlderFOR SALE DATES CALL 'o n V(II·. u;; Hileman Oil o. J. E . While w~ s made part de fendant. In Ih cuse of' Alb I't S. Westover, plaintilr-in-en or, v r us The tate of Ohio, defE'odallt-in.error, the plaintiff s hall reCOver from th dtlfendonl the ('(I~ ts herein expended, and thl! calle" llull proceed \\ ithou t d 'hl}>. • JESSE STANLEY PhOD. 320. New B.rU. . to., 01&1. New Su't. Hel n Loul e l\lOI'l'U Y, by Mllb I EARL KOOGLER J 'I'\es, het· net t Cl'i nd, veJ'~U F'rank 'Emmelt ~Mul'ray for divorce. Da,ton Plio. . Charge j~ xtl'crne cruelty. KE.mor. a••8 ~illinm 1\\ y~ r, a mi!\or, by hi~ IlIlhet' and n xl: hiend, HowaJ'd awyer \' l' us Th Pennsylvaniu Rllilruad 0" a corporation, tor ~'''• • • •!II• • • •' '• • •! money. Probate C OUI" P roceedi .... CU8e i~ to PI'oc('cd with oul dl·lay.
FLY FOIL Will keep FUe. off your One Gallon , . .
Give it a trial
OriE you bring your can .·,··
SOY BEANS A Choice lot of Seed on hanc3 Manchu Beana, per bushel ...... . . .
'.' ....
$1. .00
Virginiaa and EbonY'I , per bu.hel ..... . , ... , ... , ..... ,
Phone' 25
'W aynesville, Ohio !;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~
__~~~~~~==:f:', ,
7-Still Young '\
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers ,
HE ' who live! Iber DR. RUDOLPH T orpllll lbe right Itimul3nt need not about (II'Owing old . Her system doesn't s tllgn ate; her Sight Specialist lace doesn' t age. Sbe bas tbe health
harll!~ ~ . Irwin, executol' and ttu t of e,tate of J . . Runyan, decells d, I1I'd hils sec ond account, (,hudt's Kibbey, administrator o f estate of ath'~l'ine Kibby, decen . ed, filpd his fil' ·t arId fina l ac-
30 Y ea rs Experience in Fitting and Making Glalln
B,AY.E R AS 'P.I R IN beware of imftafions lin less you see the name Bayer aDd b1aitatiODl. Million. or u-. ban the word genuine on the package as proved that is .h re. pict-uJ:'ed above you can nevera : ; Genuine Bayer Alpiria promptly sure that you are laking the genuine relieves: , aay~r Aspirin that t bouSlind. of Headacha Neuralaia phy ieians prescribe in their daily , Rheumatiam prac1lOe. • Lumbaso NeuritiS Toothache T he 11_0'\& Bayer maaDI tt/luine
AJlpirln ., It is your guarantee 01 tmr1t.Y-your protection-agll1lll1t e
No harmful tt,ltu~lftct, follow it. UK, t elou not elept'" the he4rt,
Cary's Jewelry Shop
h ~ . Cosa all' on, ex.ecutrix of estate of Rob I·t O. ar. on deceasL.laenoD, Ohio ed, filed his first and final acTuesde" Tlulrad." 'Setarda, count. lurence Hend crson filed an aiEx.miDatio. Fr_ tidll~ ' i for the admis, ion of Agnes LEBANON, OHIO H er~lJn intu the Dayton Slate Ho. ita\. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ltV. Black, exelutor of elltate 0 Frank B lack, deceased , flied , his '(!co no cUlrrent account. 'l' he e. tate of RObert O. Carso n, dec lIsed, i eXllmpt frllm inheritance tax. hawhan\ gual'dian of I L. S. r;!izab th Thonl:as, incompetent is Ol'de'l'ed to , c1\ certain bonds 'f or the maintenance Qf said ward. I Gladys ~imp~lon adm inistratrix f c, tat of Edward M. Thirkield, deoeal;ed, is ordE!l'ed to sell certain ~(oc k and make return to court. J. Frank Gallaher, admini tralOr qf tlHnte \)f liorace Q. Gnlla' het·, decca ed, filed his first and I· final !lccount. , The will of Celia E. Thompson I " was filed in CQulrt. Eva M. nakiJ~, executrix.of eatate or Frank !Denv~ I' Dakm, dec ased, filed het· inventory.
aDd "pep" that come from a lively liver aDd Itrong. active bowels,
When you're IIY4Wsh lI.u d tbe
I}'1Iteoi ..Hlds hdp.~on·l take a lot of "p~tent medicines." There's a
flUD<Ju d?clors prev. riplion ft)r just IIUC'.h eases, anct evf'TY drugglllt keeps this atandard r.reparolion. It is made from fresh axat l\'e 'herb ,
active senna..!. and pUl'e pepsin. J ust uk for Dr. UlldweU', syrup ~ rsin,
TUc • little every day Qr so. uOltl e~1IU"/ Ol'p!l in your body fflels the big improvement. . 'l'!1e ()~llt time you ha v", a bilious h3adw-.he, or ftel alllwltvtl·\lp. tt~t> thia deiicious syrup ,i ll~ lt:9J of the
usual cathar tic. You'll be rid or aU that poisonous waste.' ond you haven't wenktned the bowels,You' lI have :I , bettcr ajlpetite, a nd Itel better in every wny, T he COOSUlDt use of ca lharties is often the cause of A l>aHow complexion ami linea in tbe faec. And so IInnee,es ary I Would Y('1U lil e to break yourseU of t he cathorlic h:.biL? At the same time building hf!alth and vi4Jor that protects you fr III frequent si k ~p 1l!1, ht'!iclacl\ . an:! colds Gel a IdweU's SYI'\lP bitl btltUe of 0r. ptpsin today. 8e oft !l enouflh to (IIlQid those ntt(lcks of c(lnstipotion . \: II 11 ou re/'\ wta\,t aDd run~own or a c a tcd tongue or had brealh w3rn, Y'.lU t.he Dowels need to 'be ~ tjmul ated , Give it to ()hUd~n ir.RteGd (,( strong laxati ye'! tbat IlaP Uu:ir Ilrcng!h , It isn't exptnsiv..
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
C·H' I L · 'D nee ' J ArlSFACTION Or 'No Charge " . IN Gft REGUL.AT r
;s always
'Centenille, Ohio
ROOT fOR' AND CONSIGN sheep and (liIlv.. ·live wire alld progressive firm 'f or the h~heat market p rices and goo d . service. Union Stock Yerda' Cincin....I, O. Tune in on Radio S tation WCKY 12:26 to 12 :30 p. m. f or our daily markd reports.
Phone 78J Real E . tate Trandera CASTORIA WILL Evel'Y woman in W arren County Art-hur' and ]Ruth Smadbeck to I is urged to attend nl Uume Carl Schaub. Rea l estate in DO ITI E xtension Rally to be held al bee rfil· ld town hip. I I . H a rmon Pork. 011 Thursday, June al'l and Cm;.oline Schaub to WheD your child needl replatill', 2S 2, ' athel'ine Heis Pa tor, Real es- rememberthb: the orjlana of babla [n additiO n to ~i n g this big. ta to iIi De(lI'field townsh ip. DEPENDABLE · day together, t he women expect to John T. Harbine, ,Jr , to Sadie M. and children are delicate,. Lit~ pla n ~h e i r progra m for , t he cOlll'i ng Ad!1"m ~ , I nlot No. 11 in Freder- bowels' mual be Bently urlled- neo;ef y~ ar. ,Elizabeth Grabby, Home icksbllr~. ' forced. That'. whyCUtoria E~!.tet~~G Demonatratio.n Agent stateS thilt by maDy~octots aDd moth~. it. · Clock. all req uests fOl' h elp in SUbjects of B ill. Allowed is !JSeCialJy made for children's oil- ' , ' J e welrY inte rest to rural wo men should be Jam es Follen, se~-vices, $15; menta ;., contain. no harsh,barmful" voiced at thi meeting. Store Ope, n Evening. " The menu for the day includes, Orville K. Brown, insul'lInCe, $14.- drugs: no nareotiea. You can ~ely, 76; P nn J\t~rtoll' servic 8, $70: C. brea d a nd butter san d,w iches, meat give it to youDg i~anta lor colic CARY'SJEWELRY o r meat like dishes, Cabbage salad, Dunald Dil ltush, rent, $20; Wil- pains. Yet it is ID' equally effective G. Silo wel.l, services, $20; E. liam Iice d m ixed fruit, cookies. Each S..H_O_P_.............,--' woma n brings onl y one of t hese' D. Thompson, repairs, $3.50; H. regulator for oldt.r children. The next I'-.;...~____ foods with a p J at ~, fork , a nd cup E. Warwick"supplies, $4.05; !Tus- time youl child baa a little ,cold or s of Puolic Atrail's, lig ht a nd fever, or a diaeative upset. give him for her own u se. Miss Adele ,Koch an~ MillS gus, $12,60,; I Elell PresB., pl'inted the help of Caat,oria, the ~ildren·. Wand'a Przyluska from the ,' l;lome forms, ~3 :50; Oswald Funerlll own remedy. Genuine ~t,oria U. Economics Extensio n Departmeht HOme, ampulal;lce sel'Vice" $25; . of Ohi o State Universitv will a (.- T)'eas urcr of Stl!l te, cltre of patient waY' ·b .u,lbe name: tend t his meeting to talk ,on sub- $J7.J4; Richard L. ,Williams, serPHONE IF3 "lOTARY PUBLIC ' jects in which every wo man will viclls, 10; Alb'ert Millard , services/ $10; Erma Hibilar; services, be intel'esteLl, ' NatlQaa) . . .11 $10; Oma Knox, services, $10; HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Julil} H olland1 services, $1,0; Mrs. Will. Drewa • • TRY Hannah . Ahs hear, services, $6; OUR , CLASSIFIED COLUMN! , Waldron C. Gilmour. inquest WAYNESVILLE, ~HIO (.i lOU. N ( t J '( • U ~ I f ,. FOR RESULTS $7.90; WaldrOll C. Gilmou r, in-
. Dead Stock Wanted
'is UHd" R
C'o mpany
cAS·T C ,.' R I 'A
E...... S.n....
. -.
% Farm ,Loans LONG OR. SHORT TDI. • • tenu. Allo Sanem. ... Ai-
will ..u 111
...4 ... ,011. Sam D. Bealde,
aetdle, OJdo.
FOR tALa FOR SALE-Sweet PQtato PIl.te at D. H. HoekeWa. Eal'lJ ~'d.D
Naney Halls, Southam QUM1I and sac per 100. Pbone elRll
Billion-Dollar Mercer Esta a .New York Editor Declares Myth
D. 'L. CRANE Pul,li.laer Sublcriptioll Pric., fUSO a To hundr dR or p pIe in thill v\. no m~ntitJn of IIny ,.',Lt"'':':1 Ollie. Pho .... , . ............ No. 112 l\:nl r'rI , lit POltqftlce at Wayn... unclaimcd (,I' i1'1 ~c)n i\W"','"IVI'r R•• id_c • ... ,.... , .... " ., ... .. No. 118 vIII. QhlO, a\r~~rnd Ol~" ,Mall cinity whu believtl they have an under the 1l1!1lt'l'al interest In the Mercel' estat(> , lhere i.. nl! I'er renee: t, which if such exist., is l'cputed to e tate, MAY 25, 1932 bave a valulltion of !leverul billion "'fhe appcal's ce ' ill lh al'licle doUars, II I ttel' from a Nt'w York IlrinteJ by ~'UU 0'[ the names newspapel'man to the editor of the 'Anna Kajans," alit! "BJ1'gl!.rdis" XeRia Herald· ml!.Y be of interest. sugge~ts thl!.t there I~lay be nil asThis man, HarQld 1\1. Anderson, l;ucintion between the Illleged HO.l·tJ lim S Ilu not det I' the farm electrification movement. the New York un, contends Mercer estM' and the discredited ["Igures f('r 19:q show ~hat 11 gain of 7.f, p r cent in nu is no IIU estate:-,.:ca:;':n;;:;r"-ii'iI7.-s+C~ll-i;lI~lI7.-l!-;ni';'llill' in ttl\! n!lme of h l it , 1nrtnll served wlIs. lllu,de over IIJ!{(J . At the end of the yell'. Bome 70.0,- statemen~ in parl is 'a~ follows: of Ahnl!k (Annetj.~ .fall S 1.:, ~a l 000 farms wel'e I' 'cO lVlng S ' I'vi e, In many part$ ot: the country, 1932 "In the Department f Alneri. ilu~ ' to a port ion ill' til'" pl'op "l ly will 'lIee continued IldVflI\CIl~, cana at , thl! Ne\\ YI1 ! k Publi c now I)OI;S I' S.< (!1l hy ,!l~l'in ilY Puli l'h. Whal universal leC't~iflc.ulibn will meun to the American farmer Library, a jlepart.ment which is,l'CC The tille uf Trinity t o tilis 1'.. ) 111m ~e ~tllggel's lhe imuginati on. lL will he comparable to the indus. ognized as posse~sin~ a COll1pre· t'rty was upheld b,V the COUI·t III U'iil l ,Tcvoluliotl that look plaee in EUI'ope with t he introduction of hensive collection of facts regtlrd. nUIIH! I' OUS IIcliuns. Efl'ol'ts to "learn power; complu'abl" to the estublishmcmt of the electrical age in ing old American families. there rrl·inity'. tiLl(' lir e d .. ullltld t.o odeA m I ican UI'blln locn1itie!l. On the average farm the bulk of duties are are numerous references to th ' feal. It ll111Y bl! ,,·ol.t h while to di · still accomplished much in lh manner of 'fifty yearS ago- by inef- Mercer family in this counll·Y. Th e rl!ct attention aA'ai ll to tlw st~le /icient. expcn~ive, arduous phy~iclll labor. Electdicity, with its effi- geneological tablll ' of the f~)llily mont j' (,lo,,,t'nlll' Ruo evell that 'ion'cy, economy ami clllHticity of application, will revolutionize the ive the names of membel's in the 0 fal' as he and the ' tate Tax De!al'nl hom !! exactly a s it has revoluticmi7.ed maufactu'ring lndu tries 'eastern tate and also the brl!.j,ch- p!lrtmen~ kn w, "There l!.1'e no lind cilY homcH in the lallt quar·ter-cenil,lry. ell of those who migrated west large estates in 1he lat.e of New In Ilhl)l't, (al'm 'elcctrlfictlli(>!1 and improved living and earning to Indiana, IIIinoi and Ohio. But Yor'k aWl!.iting clLt~' iblllion to un!llondaJ'(t~ for lh farmer go lanyard tog ther. ' so far as we ·can discoyer the re is known heil·s. · '
F arm Electrification Ad vant.ge.
--- -
'Farm lvight 7 alks, June 6
Mrs. Mary Hain es and family ntertained over the week-end , O. S. U. Radio StatiOD-WEAO 1111'S, harles 1l111ltt and Mil! By Mn, J ... ie B. Tripp Grace~. Mr!!. F. W. m' rt. and (W. W. Brownfield, District Supe rvi ~ r, Presiding) ., tIO ns, Kalph and Tom Jo ,of in8:00 Fal III Night 1clody Milk I', innati, and Mrs. Ernest Oswald G. M. 'M~ lure 8 :06 ' ummtll' Car~ of the Lawn and son, John W . , of Lebanon. .. . ......... AI x Laurie H re they co me, and 'a ren' t t hey :20 I'I/S Build II Waler Gurd 11 The . I . ' Sundlay choQI clas~ swe~? . ::ll) 1) tel' n:inin~ Value in Llmin~ Materials ' R. M. alter . ,. ,........ . .... R. B, Stoltz Tb two lilLIe Viller's, on fiYlng met with J\1r!!. R. H. JeA'eris Thurs~:50 Heience in the Dairy lndu!ltry day evening, A pleasant evening t\;05 RIjNII Women and lll:l l 0 prot;!1ion ' .. .. Grace Frysinger feei; . f WII ' enj oye d and the hoste R sery. , S. Department 0'1 Agricultu re And little Don Snell, in hIS ancy cd ice CI'eam, \yafelrs and iced tea. 80X . George Henninll !l :lHl Live tock Mark eti ll~ Problems or 1932 ... , Rama Carter, of Detr (lit, .Mich., 9 :35 WlIter and 'Dllmcstic Animal O. W. Ashcraft And Mary Lou, with her- g()lden locks. . . is h,ere for a visit with hi s mother ... ,., ....... ,.. ... . T, H. Parks tJ :60 , ('Oflling Moth ontrol Mrs.E1lzabeth 81rt t·, who has Baby Earn t More t.oo, is going been ill for severa l clay s, al!lo hi 4-H WEAO HALF HOUR i!-i. ter, Mr. A. L. Kenned y and some ,Saturday, 8 .00 ~. m. ~ WORLD expects the best from Firestone in tires. As he. sits in his wagon , and suck family. . Mu sic .... , ...... . .............. 4-H Quartett~ 1\11'. and Mrs. Hal'ry Orr thumb; his Nature Tbis Week .., ., ... ... H. E. Eswine With a happy look in h' ba~y eye family, of Dayton, !Spe nt seyeral Race drivers know Firestone Tires are the safcst and best, (01' thirteen Plowing on~ ". , ., .. ,,' .... ... 4·H Quartette p'o'r he fiDd the wo rld, a bIg day last week with Ml'. and Mrs. C Ol18ecutive years all the winning drivets at the Indianapolis 500-Mile InAt ncl 10m's abin . R. Bruce Tom R, H. JefferiS. prise. .. ,........ .. 4-H Qual'tette lusic ~ ernational Sw~pstakee Race bavedrive~ their tAll' 1:0 victory on Firestone Mr, lind Mrs. lRoy Clllrk and And Manard Frost, with family, of Walhonding, weI' her fire.. ' ueer dog Ming, ov I' the week-end. Mi s Lucille Comell riding his pike, th culicst T)lcke.l' accompan;ied them back WARREN COUNTY CENSUS HighwayGujd~ Why' .should you or your family take unnecessary cilanc(>s by using thing; " for a vi it. . According to reports compiled And dear beloved little Edna Grac ill's. Mvrtle Thoma ~ and Mis!' ~nything but the Bq/e.t; and best tires that experience and can build! Who always wears .a smile oJ) her froll) ~(!n~us figures complf!.\cd in harlotte 'utte1lded Memorial nay cxerd es at Gratis; Ohio, Sunday. {ace. d Ph II" Th Miami GU1.eth! has jUst te- 1!,30, Warr rt county is 01'11' at There's Laura. Ellen, all y IS The great organization l\1r. Firestone has bu·It-every employee a The unshine dub gave Ii mis~ e ived a cOpy of the i 932 ,lOllio 37 countie of the IItate Jean . . ~enaneous 14hower :!I.t the town hall ~toekholdel'-takes a grea't er interest in building the best tires that can ' Who gets in mor ml ehler, than Tuesday evening, honoring Mr_ Highway Guide" from O. W. Mer- . hows a reduction in d bt in ever was seen i r II, dlrect.91· of highwllYs. ThIS period from 1920 to 1930. .1 anc,l Mrs. Fred Bogan. A jolly time ~e made because they ~ow that el'ery tile bears the narne "Firestone"t You can't beat the babies in OUI' ::It dancing and card i~ reported. yeal"$ fJublicati on 'is l' nil)· a vaca- . The total indebtedne has been ~wn ' . ';web is a guarantee of superior quality anJ tion $CuiU a , it contaIns 40 pages cut $l99,410, a companson of the With fat litHe bodies, ~un burned The happy c.oupl.~ · wer the recipients o f many beautiful and 'rorkman8hip. and 100 illustTatlons of Ohio's figure how. prown. . seful gifts. sc~nic spot, hi!ltol'icshrlne , slate Village d~bt in the county de- They play all over the home t own ROR& Mo on, whio is employed Fir tODe patented construction features lJark, mounds, mUll um s tlnd creased ' $67,189 during the ume lreet . , near Lebanon, w~;s here u.nday. • m numentsl' pel'iod, and the ,0wJlsbip debt also 'And o'ften in groups, and sml\n with the Extra Values of Gum-Dipl.ling and Mrs. W. . WnllKer a~d chlJdrcn 'fhe' book is e1il' ded to all went down by $4,750, squads meet; retu[' n~d und~y t.o t heir bo,ll,1c al Two Edra Gum.Dipped Cord Plies, Vnder the lovers of th ope n road. It deSeveral new $chool having In overalltl, Ilnd gay little fro~ks Cambrld.ge, Ohlo,'jaiter spenilmg a sc rib s and locate Ohio's eountless erected during the 10-year With the ummel' breeze blowull~ week WIth her parents, MI'. and Tread and other exclusive Firestone feRtU1'C8, attraotions, colorflill lnnd cap .., school district debt showing en through their locks. Mrs, A. L. Ken nedy. .. . shady retreats IInf! spots made cr a Se from $1,153,369 to $1,166, armen and lao I<u'k arrlve :f make Firestone Th'es outstanding in all the famou by hi$tory and tradition. (is . Yes! here th'ey come, and ar n't home Sunday aftE:r a three-week grades, at unbelievably low prices. Three counties of the state Valuuble in!ormatlon on route '!'it with I'elative, in Wiln,lng" they sweet? ' . marking and motor' vehiclc laws i without debt al'e Champaign, Fair- Bllli1! arid Don, on flYing fee!; ton. also contained within it. cover . field and Fayette. Drive in today . and compare ·sectiODS cut Mr. and · Ml's. Will Wright, of And baby Earn ~t. and Edna Th front covel' contains a .~ ~--Dayton, were guest !'; of Dr. and Grace, , . h from Firestone Tires and others. See lor autiful view of the Perry NOTICE OJ" APPOINTMENT ' Who weaN! .Q big sml) , on r Mrs. Oglesbee on l.Inday. ictof'y Mem rial (In ~ outh Bn ~ tiny face. _ _ _~~_ Or. TI'iPl> is so me beUer at thi yourself tbe Edra Blues you get in these Island, Put. ill-Bl!.Y, Ohio. This Um~ '. . Estate of Otis. T. Henderson, ·m onum nt start'd 3&2 feet in deceo.sed. aBjest tires, at prices lower tban tll.eY have Mrs. Pauline i i lar~ entertained h ight and overlooks ihe) s ite ot a nu'm ber of !!mall folk Wednesday Notice is ever been before. omm dore Peny's naval victory R. Drake '1..-~,:-:-:,;:,.'~~. aftel'noon in honor of Billy's sixth in th War of 1 12. ~ birthday. Gamel' proved very diand qualified as ;~Ii'i::~~ie;'~~ These Extra V~ue8 m Firestone Thee coat Tbe publieation d scrib Ii 220 ofd the Estate of Otil 1 Rev. R. L. Moon eyham and Rev. verting, Each gUlest l'emembered hislorll' or scenic point b twe Jl late of Warrell County. BlIJy with Ii nicte gift. DeliciollS Cupp 0'1 Heidrick, Ky., (lTe holdyou no more than ordinal')" tires. Lake Erie', sandy bea hes on the ceased. ing .; SCI'ies of meetings at the refr ~hm ilt!!, can'ying out a color north and the maje tic Ohiu River cheme of yellow and white, were ' Dated tht. 18th day Green Briar church. . On the south. Even native Ohioans 1932. . LUten to tIu! "Voice M.r and Mrs. Roscoe H ndrlck enjoye(l. . will b urpri d that th ir tate hawban • Brown. Attl!!. Mr. and Mr . H. H. Jeft'eri ~ enand Isaac Jones of Midd~e haR .0 many picture:;qlle r1loces of W. 21. RQLL to'J'n, Ohio were the aturday d}n. tertained Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kirk, interest. Jad,e of the Probate ne1' guests of ;Mrs. Heul' y Hop- of Wilmington, OTt l-'liday. Ki~k a c. R aders ·of The Miami Ga~ette companied th.cDI h01)1c fOl' the Warren County. kins. · . ... a ' ,-. ••.....;:..;...;;.;;:...:.. may obtein a copy of the "nigh. Those from a -distance wnQ at- week-end. way . Guide" fNle of bnrg' Ml"~. Anna 'Van Dpren ha been by addre, sing ,w.. M !.Tell, Diel,a.Ue Itnetu" . tended cburch . here ~m Sunday entertaining her · g-I'arlddaught .~ r. mOTning were: Mr. and ,MJ"!!: Her!'ecto of Higf\w,ay.s, (liumbus, O. Bero(lntu~ etI,lmated- tlulJ 1.00,00(1 bert Carr and son Billy, Mrs. Rose In honor of his 75 th pil·thda9 men ,,-ere en_,,~ for ,20,ea" In Carr ' ¥r8. Minnie Oglesbee, R v. Dr. and I\frs. J. W .Ward enterb'u lldlng the OrNt . PJramld. . , Amo~ CooK of Harveysburg, Mr. tained at 'ditl1\er M.r~ . Anna Van ub eribe for the Miami Gazet~, Doren, MislI Laura Ward, ,Mrlt. and Mt·s. Lewis Pimm. Miss Helen Nichols spent the Mal'Y Ward, M.r" and Mrs . E.' J . 4.40-21 4.40-21 week·-end. with relative ' and olliel', wh o aI'" hel"e from Texas with Mrs. Van Doren, 4.50.21 4.50·20 friends in Dayton. The Bet y Ross clothing club We are glad to repo rt Elmer 4.50-21 4.75·19 this 'wTiting. 'met in the homEl economics r oom Lamb's better ' M. Hopkin!! on Friday, May 27. Roll eall , A.75-19 5.00.19 --If+-a -n-"d~~so..llnW>.l~'-'-"'"-,,':""=~· oac es er, with responses J'rom 1111 me!mllerl'-I and one new . n.ame was ~.75-20 ' motQred. to .Kentuck,.y, to 5.25-21 ipcnd the h· . IIY wlth relabves. bringing ,U I' ' memb e rship 'up to fifteen. We full),' decided on WaYs . 5.00-19 K. ,E. ThOmpson , and M, M', Ten·y. called on M~: Mike, I.amb 'and · means 6f e.aminll.' money. 'M Ijt 5.00-20 · and family .ne~r Ohve Branch po mcmebel's bl'ougM 'their matel'ials and were as~i 8t:ed hI layi ng. on 5.00':'21 Thursday morning. Mr~ and - 'Mrs. Jeff' Setser- -of Jjnttel'ns, cllttirtg', and fittin~, The 5.25-18 Miamisburg- visited Mr. and Ml' , Th Qrnbury ~irls served delicious slIndwiches. Our recI'eahon leader Bird Powell Sunday. 5.50-18 Mr .and M·rs. Henl'Y Moore lind led two interesting $Cam ell, Admeet on Friday, June jouf1'1ed to family of W~~ne ville" Mr. and 5~50~19 Mn Roscoe ,Hendricks, aDd MI'. 10. at the same place. The Gray girls will eJ. ' Vc :refreshments. 6.00-18 and' Mrs. Isaae Jones of Middletown) Mrs. Henr~ Hopkins of 6.00-19 H.DIJ~".III!::.JI Roachester spent Mondny with Mr and Mrs, Still ,Lamb of Wayn~s6.00-20 ville. . . . ·t· d 4 ••00 : Mls8 Kathleen Thomp on, VIllI e 6.00-2l ----,Miss Helen 'Nichols, on last M' o nU d M J ' W M'II f ' , ..,,1'. an rEl,· . • , er a 6.00-22 day afternoon. Springfield , ' spent the week-end .50A0 We are sorry to report the little with their cousit1ls M .... and Mrs. B. 6.50·19 son, who tias been so seriously H. MilIe.r. ~ 6.~O-20 ot Mr. a'n d Mrs. Lewis Lam Mrs. Ellzabeth' Smi,t h of SpringCorWin, Dot getting along as field is ' the guest of friends bere. as we ' ell wisb him to. We ~o hope ,Rev. Boyd i,s at his home in by t h e tim~ this appears III pnnt Westfleld, Ind., c!alled there by the . that be will be much better and on mness of his father. ti)e road' to "Wellville/' . The Memoriall Day service here Mr. artd Mrs, Roscoe Hen~rtcks Sunday was well . attended and was and MTS, luac Jones Of Mlddle~ very ·impressive. M~mbers of the town were the week-end guests of American Legi~ll\ . of .Xenia were thei/'parentsl fdr. and Mys. Henry pl'e:s ent and .a firing squad from Moore aild family at Sprmg Brook the O. S. ~ S. O. Home. The adfarm. ' dre, s by Rev. Kilmer was very Mnl. Henry Hopkins of RQche s~ Illuch appreciatled, . ter apent tht week-end with' h. e r . ' . , parent&, 11'1'. and Mrs. Henry ,~
- --.....,,=== 1932 I. Being' Distributed
. ••
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er .qU••• · •·
S1.00·· S4~OO .-....
Shingles ,are .the ' Hunting.; itt CertifIed Brand, the high· quality of Red 'Cedar Shingles ufactured, '
Moore and ' family. Mr. and 'Mn. George Liebert and tamilJ and Jaml's Foley of Chieqo, spent the week-end with Mrs, Catherine Jordan and 'family of thill plaee. . Tho.. trom a distance who atteaded .ebureh at Green Briar on Jut Sunday morning. were; Mr. and lin. Ana Allh, Mr., and Mrs. Artie Burlle. daughand Anna Belle; Mr. Tilden Mr. Seott and Allen,
tucky as the evangelists. p, G. WeJls and family, had for their Sunday gue"lL~: Mr. Well's !lister, Talitha Wells and friend, J01m Bogaske. sherift of Fairfield county; De])a Well!!, Hilda and Anna Belle Burke aU of Hamilton Oblo. . . )liss Elsie Lainhart, ~ Kentucky, is ' Bliendln&, &everlll da.ys with the Morgan famil, at Green Briar, and att.elldlnJr tile ..rles of meetlnP- at. Green Briar eh The MCK~la~~Y~~I':a~;1: .,ttelnch,d eoU.,e 0 Wells, ~~~rj: BlrY&tlld.
Service Statle. •
Cal••• at aD,. tlaae~N""t Pb-Jne 4 •••• 018........ ZS
~nVIL"". O
• of
ora CrOp P... B••••t
T. 1" mllll" l'nrn f,·,- 25 l·l."nt a The n'gular meeting of Farmer»' I,u h. I tht' il'hl I'('\' aCi'e mURt ap- GranKc will h ht·lli ~aturday plI'oWh III 101I~11l'1~, IIccllrding to ' ·ening. Jun{' 4, "hen !hI." followrml rj" ,'rol ",'pi by I'l'iril1lC nwming pl'\lgram "ill be pl·I.~lInted; lil~t 1(I lilt' H'U hl1,,!)<,1 efl!"ll dub of lhi< •• or tIll' oti 1111'1,ll'r.' who la_ t By the Grange 1111' cht'ck('d th il' t(H'n yil'ldfl () f1 e". G. C. Dibe>rt Ikinlly. 1-111' 1ll!'11 \I h" !':liSt'l\ from Candy' IIl1d Flower March, in 'jt/ ttl !I(I 1)1l.11t'\:; l,r 'orn lin 1\('" ~hUI'ge ,, ( Flo.sic> Fir .8 . P"HI .lfld (h, , ''\'1' fll :H.7 cent!'. Olt ~iJ\g· ~011J: by .runge. 1'1"'~1' ,. h" 1' 'I.l'''I-,II·,1 110 bu 'h('}" --~ --r: i" d ih. iJ 1'1' I' Hl II I· ·" t Ilf t 6.5
New, Direct from I Lewi.tiurg I the State Capitol II By Wayneavil. COll1JM tJ' -- :e(!l'l'tary ot .~tate (,Ial' nee J_ BrClwlI ha!' J).1~t completed th .. tahulation rlf the:> pl'('('inct vut • for all II,.. pl'l'('inc\f: in Ohio. In the "lllllll Yotll l)('twt'l"n Plllmer and Il erbl,'l't fol' ()n 'r(':~mlln-at-Inrgl' the official v"ie deftnitaly )(ivcs' the nomination t Ir. Palmer. The unoffid-1l1 counl s howl.'d that 11'. H('l'b!'r\' was nolUinnt d but thtl otll inl llrccillct tabul tion give • II'. Pull\llir u J'mElll.lead over l'Ifl'. Herbert. Thi. menns that Georg H. Bendl'r, who I d the field by !lub. tantinl margin ilnd II'. L. T. Palm!' ... will oPllo~e t>ephen ~t. Young and h!lrl .~ V. TI'uax, the I emocralic n\lllllnl'cl:1, III the gcn I'nl le('tiol\ in Novl'-Ill b .. r.
!\Icun\\ h~ll'. ])htl\l, fl
llll\'lrllo!' tlll'u' h'.ouhl,'~' ... WI'.! ·d. llil . f lied t\~
$:'::15,000 is provided for Wltrr'n
(Cllrltinuec.l from I'M'
county ('onullqnities in ~pellkl:!r Gamel"!! two billion dollar pub lic WOrk!! bill for direct federal I'e lief whil'h MU8ed ~ furore in politic"1 cindeR' lallt W l'k. the mea!'ur calls for a nl'W 1),000 postoffice Ilt Ll'banon, anoth '1' co~tinl: $ 5,000 at Franklin nnd $5/),000 for I) nucture at, Kinltl< Mills. . Other towns - that would share in, h' proposed posLoffice appro.
Sanitary Mea t Market
Bnr!ow tht· lit: ~ l'ouml, u,·ing chi ..geo th t\\ 0 hits two wlJlk ~ 1l11d th" run" before McElfl'Cl;h CUllle lo hi.· 'r elier.. Mac 1'lI~l\ul!'ell t ~l· t I'n" pu t-o ut I~ th thll·d. thl'n aUl' YU\lllg friend, A CORRECTION "'l1t~ II hu~lwl. 11.,,1 the ,ho . hUI'ley 'l'hIlJllp. on. ",~" caliI'd in WE pr, ducl-d III,lI (' th,," 110 bu~h('l. tl'om 1:\11\Il\- tl \l to slop the cal'To iluu.re quality to our cu.to)merl AT ALL TI MES, wl'ck by a wholly uninten Las t WI fI(,t', f,llllld lhi'jr C\)~t t b(' n . It· 'hllrle" nil "'I'd bur thr l' lionlll I~ml I' gn.tlubl~ vel'"ight we J '. cl'ntR. hi t'!" four "ulk~ .!ln d. tllt-eu runs P~J..W.lL.lJ~..w.tI,D.C.Rea~.4-~~W+__~~E-F1~I::¥-SELEeT OtJR MEATS FROM THE-CHOIC-, dunllA' ~h,' ~'em!l~nl)'~\~~I' and tWQ DataYia $65,000; Milford $65,000; EST AND FINEST MEATS .old by THE HENRY BURK. · ~~""!"~~~~~~~~!!!"!'!!!!"!'!~ tionll \ llnd regreinhle O\·(!I'. ight, we r thlrti« . IIHll.nlt~, nnd Im~ht hav lInd HiUsboJ'p $100,000. - ~-- omitted th{l lHltne r lifis Florence HARDT PACKING' ·COMPANY. bCl'n \'Id nOll/I hud hI! be n allowDuy. daught l' ()f Mrl'. Amy Ha}' ed 1<1 still'" the gIln\(!. lIa;y. ' Il'(nn th(l list of g)'aduutes Hoth telllm; mlH!u tOil m\\~y Wlll)!\~ 111 uthl' I' ut' al!;o lIIemh .. s chang"'!! ~ at~ mpt !l .b.ox score, (.f tIll' ul um ni lI!'sl)ciul ion, but tho , lIl'tlllg batllll1g ordel's Dlrec'tor of Funeral Service The rum r that the R oo~eve1t wen': Dudl s-· \Y ol1"" :lb; Woods, Sweet Clo.er AUacked g me pr serv in eioto and Adam If: lIJllpb,ell, lb; ixon, C i Julcr counties was to be ubondoned ha~ Thoml)!;,l tl. ,II i Hufford 3b; Fre Ib '[end8r WH EN THE IN EVITABLE dh.enl\e so rare that it boasts b -en sp iked by th unll()un('emenl 1~/1. tf; G phart, I·f .; Barlow, p . n Latin name, 40 letters long HAPP£NSof Lh4l' tat on_ervutibn D\vi sion 'Wu yn ,· "jil ... - 1\[, Weilel', Pi W . "(lUlling l'Qllle damage this rear that it had been appr()ved a8 a TUl'nH, If; J . Turner, rf; Ramby, Fanc)" Plate Ib_ to ft Ids of sw et c\ovtr, red 'eloyer game sanctUJ·al'Y. Restocking with ~~ ; EIHs, lb: 13, \ Her, c; TreadOn'e of the : most trying Ll't \\!> IHluld cr. {lUI' (,li re lind lllfalta. Plant!' attacked by the game lind fowl will continue !lnd wny. :Jb: Wl'iJorht, 2b; Dutch, cf, experiences connected with di~en!\ll f,urn yellow and die. The in the COUI' e 0 . the pll~aing "I a 'loved one time large di - The con~ by innipg: • Oholce AMBULANCE SERVICE di. ea se i located in he crown of tributi()118 will be made to the - 1I1 ra heaJ·t-rending per· l;! 3 4 .567 9Ib 12~c Jl'reah Ground ~eef th(! plant lIno a le giull appeuI'8 variQus countie. in Lhe sLale. Dudd, haps than the .'fun. c rol it0 1 0 1 0 02 & 0- II Phone 2~ . Wayn ,sv iU.. , Obio ' there' l1ich turns black and soft self~i s the return "to the Ruosevelt ',Pllrk i visited annual- W.ayneb\'iII(l pO:l 0 1 \ I 0 *-1 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'; and. in wet we ther. slimy. home made desolatll by the Iy by th U lmd f Ohioan, beinll 1\ b enl'e of the la miliat' located on a state highway (lilly a lb . 'fhel'(! is an Ic.I adage to th fnce. This. difficult time' hart distance weRt of PorUlm(,uth. IltTllCt that suee olS il eve ntulllly . i~ ,mad · c vcn more trying th l'cwlll'd of perSe\'CI·anc. Be when' the residence has pOulld ontrnctors Ore removing lh that as it may, th. "incy Stock b en . disal'l'anged by tht\ debris fr om the tate office build- Yards Indians, who have been fUlleral service and the ' reing, .recently wI'ecked by a tei'ribl e futile trying to b('u'i tho W ' c iving of :friends and rela-. explosion. cau ing an estimated for the last three y ar • al'e gOing 1 POUD(I! tives, One of the olldvanloss of three-quarter of Ii million to make unothE'1' attempt lit ~ Dyne tag s of using' our funeral dollars. The recent llpecial ses ion Pork, n' xt ~ul1day. W 11. they alhome is that it 'Preserves the • of th Geneyal As embly enact d a ways put up a goc)d intet'e ' tlng "rwo (11)IIod t' sidencc fron~ this u nnecmeasur later approv d by lhe game, anyway_ Pieceornl(lre Ib ',. essary ' contu iOtl , Governor, permitting the Office Building commissi()n to bonow' the J uhn Turner ditln t Ihll\lo' a Ii Idt June 2 - 3 - 4 abtlv~ ,amo,u\1t. It ~ as passed liS II ~ ing chance in right, bUlt he did g t emergency measuTe, otherwi e 90 two hi ts .md "core two run. Since days would have to lapse before gl'aduatinl' to ' the W .'8 -from . Waynesville, Ohio the bilt would have become effect- H. ~ . athletic!>, J hnny has been at Phone 7 ive. bat ix times. alld has gotten three hits. . K. boy! Thunday Nieht ............ .............. Tbe Girl Of tbe Gold.1I Welt" Wayneaville, Ohio State Public Service Employes Ftid"y NiRbt ....... ......... ................ ........... _........... "Lelia Ri.er," MEMBER Local Union. afflUiat d with the Allan '[ende1l.ball WII~ the "lead· Saturday Niebt ................... ............................ ."GoiBa Straipt" American Fede1'8tion of Labor, hus ing lady" with the bat; flv£! Lrips had a special committee studying to the plate yielding fOllr hiUl and ~~~=!!!!!!!!!!!''!!!!~'!!!!'!!'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ probl me and condition affecting n walk, Hi fil,~t thrE'e hits were '" --~/itate employes and which ha~ .fur:· cl an ·o a whistle, but the last, Get Ticket. FREE From Y ollr Local Mercha1lh. niahe" the local with a llreliminary tho' hit hord, might !lSI ei\!lily hay WA YNESVILLE, OHIO ...--------------------------~ frep·ort, which when final will be b~en scored a an cnOl' for ' the submitted to the spe-cial es 100 of econd-bu eman. Ht>wever, i~ Phone 20 We Deliver the L Ifislature this fall, to he call- seemed n shame to llpoil such a 1 I'd by Governor White. The l'eport good record, and the disclo es that hundreds of state , trl!lched Jl point. employes are workin!l' ] . and 14 The visitors mado 80 many bours per day, including undny. and holidaYIJ and in a number 01 changes in their fielding, pQsltions state in titutions emplo.yes work that our boy finally cl\ught the for 18 and 20 hours. Work in sev- habit in the ninth. hn.lf of the i'neral departmen ts hn increasl!d a Ii It! chanjl'ed with two-thirds of And thrifty-minded the home ownhign a$ 600 per c nt. with no extra tbe outfield, and the battel'y l' er is ordenng his Coal now. OFFversing itself. At that, the rever help to complete same. ed batt ry looked "pllenty good.' SEASON PRICES wlll I ave II Warden P. E. Thomas of the healthy difference in his pocket. Ohio Penitentiary, announces that Bob Augsp urgel' won anolher GR£ETINGSbook when the 1:001 weath~r rollll the populati On of th Institution victory, HU\1day,. t)itehinll for the 'round again in September. Is now 3,900, th lowe't pOlnt for Middletown AI'JUCOS against th many years. The number of pris· Harrison tE'am ill the ;K. I. O. This May we continue to aerve ,you in the oners translerred to the London makes Jive stl'llight 'Victories for Pri on farm is hear 400 while Bob, with nevel' a dei~t. Consame efficient manner that won for quite a few hav been paroled. g-ratulations, hoy! Waynesville Nearly e~ ry able bodied inmate is Ians are II pulling for your sueMr., Dakin so .man),friends. Glen Rogers Pocahonla, (&xtra · . mployed at some task. At present c('ss at all times. Lumpy), truely a pr mlum coal 964 are working "outsid.e," 19 8 We /Jrotect :lour CDI' DiD;",t wear with;n the walls, 258 at school, Ret\!rned Home Flrom Vi.1t w' Uh Gen"i", A lemit, L .. b,.i· III 6 ·totally incapacitated and 276 CDftts - ftOft, belltt'l light work' only. Rev. and MI's. G. C. Dibert and hildr n returned, this morninr, -~We recommend ,and US"-'-_ H I. S~te Highway Director O. W. !I'om a IIhort visit 'witb relative Genuine Alemite l.ubricanta Merrell announces 'a contract let- lit Mac omb, hio. Genuine Raven Red Ash tinl{ for Friday or thi week, the . uaivd. We are an Officia1 ;;:""--lI-lf~_ .,.....,.....__ , total length of miJeage being 49.075. The engineers 'stimaie for cause "'Ie believe that thialu___ __ _ _ all completed. wor~ is ",268.114_"JI." Deal;!;;' bebricatiotl M:rV1ce is the greatest 29. The largest jot) is on the Findmoney-saver and the blUM la-y-Bowling Gre n rood in Wood Mrs. JamE'S J ohns is somewhat county, six miles of reinforced improved at thl time, after a satisfaction in the lUlwication conCl'llte paving, estimat d to cosL week' erious illness. YellQw Jacket Lump busineu. $300,000. . Mr. WeJiingt n rnith, of Los If you think this ia l¥iady Angle!!, ·alif., is ' ,Visiting hisan idlclltatemcnt, nothin& will This is the season of the wand~ mother, Mrs. Ann L•. Smith, and please d~ more than to have lust and thousands from over e other r '!atiye here, , state will be "hitting the gy sy yo.umalceuaprove iti. NQTI .. Mr. and Mrs. . Badan Goozey, trails," seeking enJoyment by o~ incinnati, were ,'veek-end and courting nature in the gFeat out- Monday gues~~ at the home of Mr. 'Koppers Miami Cok'e Announce. establishment ir' its, doors. ,A word of warning is is· and lIh-s: \II .. M. Colemim. . new location in the .An1an Build.. sued by Director H. G, Southard of MI'. and Mrs. Leonard Grar, 'o f the state department of health . Blanchester, accompanied Mr. and in,. A cor'dial welcome i. Beware of typhoid germs and pro- Mrs. George Gray, Sr. to their tect yourself aainllt them. Ty- home here Wednesday after a visit tended to all ,o ld and new patrons phoid is sprea" from person to per- at the Gray home and also attendWe also have in our , yard some son by means of 'Water, milk, fing- ed the graduation of their grandgood lump and egg coals at to viait this popular establishen, flies and ~(lod. Every case is daughtel', Miss Mildred Fisk, at lower pyic.s contrllcted by taking into the Kenton, Ky. ' . ment in it, new home. mouth some substance contaminatMr, and Mrs. Truman Wardlow "t,..._ _ ed with typhoid organisms. See and daughter, Ofl'ieiit'Waynesvl e your phySician before starting and wer Sunday guests of Mr. and inoculate agajr:t~ ~:s. Floyd Sava~e a.nd . family. M1SS Grace accompanied th.e m home for a few days visit. YOUNG ANCLERS CATCH Mrs. A\1na K,e.nri()k and Miss THREE LARGE CATFISH Bertha, of Waynel!ville, spent Thur~dllY at the home of Mr, and Oh were you ne'er a school bo·y, M W It K . Phone 25 and did you never know the tliTilI I·S. a er .enrlck.. . amuel Ohadeton, of Clarksthat comes with the capture of a Ville, spent t he wee~.end with his Waynnville, Ohio handsome fish? Last Thursday brother, E. A. Oharleton and wife. evening, Arthur "Pat" Hopkins Mrs. Margaret Jobns was a dinand Carl "Tarfoot" Cook set 1heir d line near "Devit's Hole" in the. Aile~U~;~lri~k. ay of lofr. and Mrs. '~~~'!!'!!~~!l!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!"!'!~~!1.!!!'!!!!!!!!~'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!~~~ Little Miami River. When the boys A number "of people from this '!!! ~ visited. their lines, Friday morning comm\lnity attended Memorial Day they were delighted . to tind ' not serVices Monday Elfternooh at one, but three fine .catfish /lcure- Miami cem~tery. . MI'. and Mrs. Wtil1:er Clark and Iy anchor~d . to the books. Th~n bega~ ill trIumphal parade of MaUl son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark ''S,edfy SIIerwIaoB IItreet, and th.e lad~ WOUld. not ·wel'elilntertained to din'n er Sunn .... ' ............. bave traded places ':"lth PreSident day at the home of Mr. and Mrs • Ho:ov~r Ilnd the Kmg of GTeat Earl Clark, at Brookville. ~rltaln. The flsh were sur~IY beauMonday dinner g'Uests of Mr. bes, each a too.t ,o r mOl'e m leng!b and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton were: an~ aggregated twelve pounds an Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shummard weIght. They f~und another beauty Mr. , and Mrs. Eldridge Shumard Saturday mornmg, but not so lal'ge and son, ' and Mr. and rMs. Robert as any of the three. Shumard, of Dayton. - - • The Lytle Htmter'l! Rnd Anglers MIIllo.... know fila 'lipertGr ..r.t)' 01. . fb All-w ..t:' ... Tr.-4_"1I& Hundreds of thousands of people Community club will m~et at Lytle Ha\) Monday 4lv(lning, June .. by mCll'. peopl. I'Id. 00 ~~. . . Regula .. Colora \ , . a . White . . : Tire. tban on aft' otb... IUodh who for years rode the traction Per ,allon . , .... ~ ..... Per ~allon ........ .. .. .. . • Une!! to Buckey,) Lake Park, can Mr. and Mrs. Glelln Johns and drive thet'e in ar.itomobjles over children, of Dayton. were MonLatest 1931 Lifetime Guaranteed same route after Decoration day guests of ?d1'S. Margaret COObyBAlt ••EDWAT the . Day, .the State Highway Depart- Johns.. Supertwist Curd TIre. ment being enguged in completing Orville Phillips was a dinner , a new roadway over the aId trac- guest Memorial Day ' of his uncle tion right of way. This will make and aunt, Mr, and Mts. John Long three fine t'oads to the amusement in Waynesville. ~ resort off the Old National Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Martha Dolan, of 4,40)(21 $3.15' TUNE IN -Goodyear one at Luray, the traction line ~Ianche stcl'. were Thursday even4.50x21 road at Hebron allll another about II1g guest.'I .at the ht)me of Mr. and Jbdlo Prol\nun three-fou rths of a mile cast of the Mrs. WaIteI;' Kenrick. 4.75x19 Wed . .. _ ..·. M. · BOt . . . . . . latte!,' . villale. The regular p~k Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fairchild, 6.00x19 t4;ia season opens Saturdav. Ma, 28th. -of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Chule. Harvey and M n, and Samuel ftVCltTDlE 6.25x18 tl5.11 Charleton of Clal'ksvJlle were din6.26x21 SIS." Slilall.r Wh.at Crop ner ruests MondaI. of Mr. and .!).'ft'f)ur Patbftnder Mrs. E. A. Charleton:Sunday dinner guests. of Mr. 31____..5. Condition of the winter wheat . . . . . . . . . . . WI_ crop in the Un,ited .lInd .Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Mra. Jls6. -lObUllbelil S. H. Balnee and &on were: Ill'. !:.~.e:;.:f 840 )(J'lI. William aDd
After the Funeral
Only U. S. Inspected Meats Sold
Loin Steak
Boiling Beel
Snaoked,Plonlcs 90
The Pr.osperity Players Thursday, Friday~ Saturday
J. E. McClure
.Under Big Tent Theater
IGA' Store.
10 cents to Everybody
. . ----------_------------J WISE
To the Patrons of the F. D. Dakin Insurance Agency
you couldugrease it" wit ' .Cod Liver Oil, but who wants to give a car medicine?'
JUDe PrI•••
' LeMay-H~wke , Agency _ F. U. LeMay
-:}felen M•. Hawke
--=-= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'S~~~~~~
.WaynesvilleFarmers E.xehange Co.
Phone 105 . WaYn~..viUe .ohio
1!:_ ___
, Regu~~r Price 'o f
,W '.S.P. HOUle Paint'
$3 OS .
Special 'H ouseJob Prices
Regular colora Per gallon •.•.
$3. .....:\
fa, May and June
White ... . Per ,allan S.90
T ......
Gordoa'. Semce StatioD Phone ..,
~Ul I"I'''U.
17 .......1_ 1riIt • •
e Eighty~Fifth
Whole Numher 6017
JUNE 8,1932
Wavnesville .Council Must Adjus,t Finan'ces or Bills for June Will Go llnpaia
John Turner', Timely Hit in. 11th Innin" Pull C.ame on lee
D. E. Standiford has been qu (te not legally p'ay lhem sick. until this action was taken. STREETS WILL AGAIN that Grilham t.old council he had pr.e Select you r w ' dding ring at pared to present hiJ resignation, J ohn Turner g ot but one hit in GET COAT OF ·JARVIA ment had they not the pay- 'Cary's Jewelry hop, Lebanon, O. the game with the incy Stocl> ot labor bills one week after MI'. and Ml'S. F. Weisbrodt, of Yal'ds Indians at IWay ne IPa;rk, walS tinillhed. ardinia, spent Sunday with rela- unday afternoon, but th."t one FOR SUMMER MONTHS work , Oouncil rejectjld the p'r oposal hit sent :Hamby in from sec nd to here . for Local T earn
Wayne To. School Board ~ Reduces' Budget for Year;
Salaries of Teach'ers Cut W. f. Seal's WaH a busi ness vis. itor in Greenville, Tuesday.
Pupils Presented in $8000 SLASHED FROM Recital at Church on Monday Evening .32·33 APPROPRIAllON
R. J . Adam s, of Hamilton, was a Wa ynesville vi itor unday ev n· ing.
londay, June W, 1 p. m .--;The music students of 1'111'11. emetel'y lot owners meet at the of Wm . Fulkerson, who is erectcot the run that won 'an eleven- hape1. Malsbury ( nee Miss Watt), 01 Mr. and Ml'/I. M.aJ'k Rogel'. and inning struggl e. And so did the Balanee of Only $75 Remainl h. ing a , new filling station on North Lebanon, delightfu]]y entertaineo The Appointmellt Of Faeulty Maill street, to put in sewel' near dnulthter vi,s itcd friend s in Middle- WAC's win the very best or the The Good Cut Clo thing club will a company of fl'iends wilh ~ reo Completed; Full Term I. General, Safet,. and· Sinkilll tbe new building. Motion 'WaS also town unday. many good game they h."v e won me t Friday, June 10, at the home cital at the M. E. church, Mon· 'made and approved that the state of J oan Carr. Allured for CominS Year from the Indil1ns. The cO~'e was FUI,ldl SaYI Clel'k day evening. The following pro, highway department be notified to . Fred EJverbat~ and T?m P ierce clo e} and two extra innings were gran1 was rendered in a maDn el Tune in on the C. & B. program, highly creditable to the Pedol' to MIddletown, .requ1r d, but that made vtctory With Il balance- of on1'" $76 In ' raise tne marker on the banki mad e a short trip Tht!' W:ayn Township Board of I\turday morn l!1 g • all the sweeter. l'he game start- station 'WKRC every Sund<l~ mer and their instructor) ~d' f caner so that it will not epdangel .Education held a long and busy the genet'al, 8inklng all: aety p destrians. afternoon at 2 p. m. Tune in on the C. & B. program, ' ed off like II w~lk-llway 'for t he Piano solo-"Jolly Jingles," 0:1 B iqn, Monday even'ing, but funds, Wa.ynesville councH nlU8t The :(ollowing bills were allowWKRC every Sunday loca ls, but old ~lIL Ree e soon got Miss Mal'tho Plumner, of Bettie Davis. when they adjourned in th lint make some pJ.'ovisions to bolster ed and orde red paid: Geo. Killeen station afternoon at 2 p. m. warmed. up t o h l~ work, then there Buffalo, N. Y., was the Sunday t.helie fund ot let bills for th & Piano!!Ol "The Man in thl wee lima' hour of Tuesday morn in" was a different story t o tell for the month of June go unpaid. ' Son, freight, $2.16; ,1:1. R. Moss, guest of Mrs. Elsa rame . they hQ.d a bunch of results to Moon," Jean e Baker. 'l)hi con dWo n of t ~e villag Ifravel, $6.90; Wm. Gosney, labor Mi s Lquise Hough spent last r gulation dlstanc,e of a game. show for their strenuous I,aborll. so il) with pianq accom Vocal None of the ftrllt thl'ee Indill.ns Mrs. Chas. Boerst le r and daugh. tinll\lce ' • as reveal d at a meeting ~5.60; Sid Pope, labor with team, week a~ the hom '(! of MI'. and Mrs. in 'J;>ream, They had .tentatively selected a I earhed base, two swi:riging anq tel', of Norwood. were ' guests of p(lnimel1t,' "Roaming of cOlln'il Monday night .by $5,.60; Clyde Shutts, labor, $3.85; Guy Kible.r in Dayton. corps of t achers for tbe year land," Mal'y Eva LeMay. the other giving R y Ellis an easy Mrs. A. L. King, last Friday. lurk RO Y1l1on Hatfield who wafn- C. S. Pratt, labor, $6.47 ; W. ~. J 932-38; they' "ad lopped appT01iPiano 9010'0011' Dreams," Mr. and Ml·~. . H. Young, of chance. Not; so, the locli is. Weller treet Commissioner, d h lid s of the municipality that Graham, mateLy $1700 from the tea'cberll Sets of dishes the bdde will Le Rita VanOtten. something must b done if Jun labor, $12.00; Morris Cook, l!ibor, Lebanon, called on Mrs. Marill tlied out to deep left, M ndy hit to Piano duet--Ri~ VanORcn and pay roll; they hlld decided upon a Sunday evening. Elbon, right, and ad vanced on a pa. sed proud to own. Select tbem at llill were to be met.' In face qf $6.30; Wm . Robinson, ~treet prQPO,siUon , to submit to the bUll Mrs. Malsbury. ball. Hartsock hit to left. for two IITY'S Jewelry Shop, Leb~non . lhil:! condition counc il adjourned cleaning and haUling, $4.00; J . hot. weather caused many ba e , and Gon hit to right for Plano solo--" Blu!\h Ro e Waltz' drivers, caning lor a reduction of . " k' t'O t h ' Hawke, . 1J\dse., S5c; Dayton to The abo lit 30 ver cent; they had d~sseek l'el,l ef al the Wa yne swim. t he same di stance, Mendy scorMTs. Jane Wea ver, of Xenia, Marjo~y Tinney. WI ~'lout tit mg any ae I n on e Power & Light Co., lights, $136.78 cuS ed other economies, and had pool Sunday afternoon, spent Sunday h re with her !on, , PianQ solo "Moonbeams,' ing. Ram by popped to Humi~, but mUNei~' not believed however that, Ohio Centl'al Telephone Co., ren ts decided to at least try to hold a Dr. R. S. Weaver, and family. John Sears. HOUgh COl' d tW-j> runs with a the village will be f orced to bor. and toll s, $4.95; C. P. Joy, Mar. Mr. and Mrs. . B. Ludwi ck and Musical Teading- " hastismenl nine months term of full day aellsjJai' s 8lIlary, $25; L. H. Gordon, children visited relalive aL Rus- two-bagg 'r to left. Ellis grounded Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cartwright l'OW money, there being several rent of battery for. fire truck, out, Humig to Welltermeiel'. Three and MiSli Evelyn entertained Mrs. ot Clay Smith, " Mary Eya LeMay. ions witbout an appeal for Stat. el Station, Sunday afternon. courses open to member ' of counPiano solo- "Ohosti! in thE aid. it is an assured fact tbat at I' ons , fOllr hits ri o errors. B., Sutton, supplies' for cil in order that these fund may $1.00; Hannah Roge\;s to unday dinner, Chimney," Jane Cook. least $8,000 less reven~e ""ill b. Nothing mOl'e doing untH th lflrs. Julia Bergan and Mr. be stren~th n ed, village officia'ie fire truck, 25c, -:,.' .. Piano so lo- "March Military," available Cor next year, first of the fourth, when Hicks Mr . . and Mrs. George 'Kerns Mi chael McDonald spent unday and tit'em n paid and the lI1Unlci.. --. When the bills were rea~, Clerk reaC!hed base on Hartsock's mis- motored to Huntington, West Va., Ruth Conner. with , Jam ~s Bergan and family. Po,,1 light bill , for the month of Pla'na Rolo-"Flower Song," Hartsock, of ~he Boatd, announcplay. Schue hIe I' ;~ump ed ·Il bunt Sunday, returnillg Monday evenJunll met. Je~n Furnl~s. . ed that Clerk ' Hatfield, of the Mr. Pe rry ackett, of near B~Il- right in front 'o f the plate; both ing. Piano duet ~ "Blush Ros Wllter Work", had instructed thai . It was also suggested at the bl'oo~ was a guest at t he home of membel'S 10£ the batt ry started, m ting that 1I finance committee Mrs. Russel Benson and chil- Waltz," Jean Furnas 'a nd Ruth the \\'ater bill might be paid oil a l\!r. .and Mrs. J. E. M Clul'c, last but Ankeney got t he ball lind sat ba. i of ~'i .56 ~ . Th is decision wa. named se erlll weeks ago, go to A weddiJig marked by the beauty W dn E!l;1da'y. dllwn 'a ~ he di d so. His pOOr throw dreft, of Clc.veland are visiting her Conner. Vocal lolos - "The Swallow" reached on the recommendatjon ot l,ebanon t.b confer with count y ~ I T h f U ' parents, Mr. and Mre. W. P. Salisto Ellis let both lj'unners advancll, . officials On the condltioh of the o~ ear Y 'I une , 'Was ' t , at 0 ..... lSS and hAll For You, ' M.-s. MalsbuJ'Y thlj S~ate School Inllpector. who Cem~tl'ry lot o\~ner!l meet at and Hicks contin ued ' Jlome when bury. ' viltag.G finance, pllrticularly 1'80 Ada Fl'Dnc~s Shaner df Columbus, the Ohapel at 1 0 , ~I ock, Monday Ellis' good throw: got away from " J>ilqlo 8oI0~"P.triotic Medley,' Vas hete last DeCIHTlber. S~e .~ted .Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Buzick . Ruth Conner. that. in one of the districts o~ the gllt'ding Waynesville's share in daughter of Mrs. Estella Shaner, afternoon, Jun 13. I·Gons. The next three batters went children, of Sidney, were Piano solo-;-"OQrothy," Jan e st.ate, the COUl·ts had deCided that. genel'al ~x settlemente. Waynesville, and Lawton E. BolenMr. and' Mrs. N. A: King, of out on grounders to Ankeney and and DeC<lraLion gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Cook. municipal wat~r plants we-:e IeThe feeling i said to exist d f ...• B . Bid among sliveral Jl'oups that Way- er, RO n 0 "dS. 8 Ie 0 en er, Kni$'ht town, Ind., spent las t Hartso~k, but Schuehler sco red .on A. L. King. Vocal 80 10 - Selected, Mrs. quired t.o furnish free servu:e to Thursday n , iltht with h. and Mr the second out. Two t')Jns, two hits, nesyille has 'l'eceived less than its 26 E. Bowman Ave., Southern M..lsbury; Mrs. F. U. LeMay, ac- the schools for the percentace of Walter Eltey. three trol·S. . . Mrs. Euph mia Hough, 01 Dayshar from a pecial levy vot d Hills, Dayton. . pupil~ who are actual resideJita of , Three more scto!;,e le. s mnmg,. ton , is visiting Mr. and MfS. Vern companist. the- municipality. She later sub/lve yeuI's ago by th people of ~his The marriage was oolemnized Mr. and Mr~. Orville Gra¥ and Penning and Roy: peTformed on Hough and I)ther relatives here, mitted II- hUt to the loc.l "",ater cll mmunity and ITOm oLher levies Tuesday evening at 7 ;30 o'clock daughtcr spent Sunday at the t he bllTnyard gat.e to s ta~ the this 'Week. . . works fOI: apP1:oximately $11( that ·stablish d by ordinance. at "Roselawn," .the home of the home of Mr. alld Mrs. A. J. ei~ hth , but Hicks singled and purhas be~n overpaid on this buie. It is lao b lIeved that in pro· bJ'ide's mother, whete nlembers of Bowman in Franklin . lomed a ha e. AIl,ain, Schuehler's Mr. Fr4ld Grauman, of N r th The payment · of this bill ill beina p rtion to the lax rate and the tbe immediate families assembled hit . cored Ricks, and the score Lewisburg, is assi ~tl.ng with t.he duplkate for th past tew years, to be present for the exchange of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. BUTton and , was tied. One rilln, two hita, no management at the W. H. Madden. Some of our " "oun",,,, boys, withheld, lIubject to the ·decision the Income to Waynes viU 's gen- vows. daughter, MalY Ann, pent Sun~ enor!!. "....... of the courts in this district. & Co. '1ilmber yard . betwl!en the ages Qf 12 Ilnd 16, are 'l'be maUer of lIelectine teach• eral fund should have been greatRev. G. · C. Dibert, pastor' 0.( the day ",ith ¥r. and M~s. Arthul.' The WA s had a chan ce to wi n a t am to cOnld 11 i th' I t' al Mr. an d Mrs. Ray ' H aw k e an d againillorganizini_ cr, M.ethodist, church, Wayne~v ille, Atkin 01l. n~ar Lebanon. t hE) game in the Ll1st of the tent.h, the national J'uvenile baseen an x ng' elr sa a lell w daught t, of DAyton, were Sunday' ete then taken up, and no teacher'l With a balanc ot $1800 -ln the read the single Ti"g service in the ' but luck ' seemed to be against .Mr\!. Mary Lemmon was ui- thorn. With one iI,ow.n , Weller and &'Uests at the home of Mr. and all tourname~t conjiucted by the· 88lary escaped tbe ax. The CJ.Se of s treet fund, wh~ch unlees trllns· living room of "Roselawn," where American ~egion ehach year. The Supt. J. W. Lotz furnishes an ex£ rred under provision of a new delicate pink 1'08 s, ! rns and ticlently recovered to be broujetht M ndy were give'n bases -on four Mrs. J. P. Fromm. roster includes Jo n S. Turner, ample. Mr. Lolz has a three-yeat' state law pa d at the recent qandlelight; created an effect~ve ~ome f.l'Q m the Mc lelliln h ospital bad balls, each. Hartsock smashed Mi!llles Doris Hawke, Elizabeth coach. Charles Thompson, Byron contract with tM Board that yet 11\ Xema, Sunday afternoon. out II< drive to right that had all special B~ion of the Ohio legi _ cUing. Weller, Everett Millet, Jl)e P~t· 'ha two yea11l ~o run, -and tbat ,~-'-"'-;-'---I lature muAt be used 'for stree.t The bride chose for the cereMrs. Emma F~ Dakin and Mr. the earmarks of a. clean hit, ' ~nd Henkle, Ola Hartsock a'nd Esther purpose only, cOllneil took steP!! money a gown of ivol'Y sethi back Guy Dakin of XCllia, aTe visiting both runners set !iIll1. But Pen.mng Dennis are enjoying a motor trip ton, 'Forrest Dakin, Oarl Cook, calls for .8 $200 inereas,e eacb ye,a~ . Robert GOI\f!, Ra},ml)nd Adam ~l bU~ . he accepted a reduct,i on of , to a,ain place tarvia on Waynes- crepe with wbich she wore a filmy Mr. and Mrs. J . W White Bnd caught th~t bal _and threw It to to Washington, D. C. - - - Fraynor, Bobby Allen ana irk '*' ~~1i--ville ' !Jueeta tbis aummer. tune" ina - carrIe - pink rosea. A other relatives here, thi week. Schuehler a seeO n before WelMrs. H. H. WilliamSOn and others. Under the 'guidance' of 4h J 6 from 'the amoun. ...or "" .. A motion providing for this im- strand of pearl, the gift of the ~I lell could crombie hack, and op· daughte,f8j Grack and Luella, spent Johnny Turner, these boya sbould his contract calla for ne'llt year ' provernent . wu passed lifter in .. .bridegroom, encircled her neck. with a , of mile, and notThis the ialeast Mr. and MTs. L. V' I ~ck and portunity hl\d pal' ed by. No runs t h e weeL...·en d i 'C0 I urn b us at t h e ' d eve I op I a prettyl strong team, as murmur .complaint; til. troduction by Councilman Conner, Her onl~ attendant was her ister daughters and Mrs. Calhe Cross no hits, no errorsl: " mOl:lt of them 'played together lal\t fine spirit which seemB to pervade onel St.reet conamlsaioner W, S. Miss Edna Shaner. lilfoJ'd Bolen. Were Sunday dinoe)' 8uests at the J'hen camEl the grand final, Gonl! home of ,Ml's. F. U. Long. year. 'lJast yearls weake l poin', the ell1.ire faculiy that has do•• Graham wa instructed to draw up cler a\;~ended his brother as best home of Mr. and MI'S. Frank Ce- smashed out a ' helt one for which Little Mi (II MirIam .Tean Fife catcher. bec!>mes one of the strong 80 mut h t bring our &cbool. to May. Hicks alld Schulehlel' both tried' has recovered sufficiently to be' rep~iftc.tlon8 to~ ~h_e adverti.• ing man. bu t; failed tq get. Ramby hit to turned to her home in Wilmington est positions on this year's team, their pres nt high plane ot .mel. of bids from various compam!)tl. Miss haner wore a frock of with Byron Weller stepping' into ency. The list of teachers selected Mr. and Mrs. Elmer tansberry rIght. and Hough forced Gons at from Miami Valley hOllpltal. Tbe contract this year will call crepe in baby blue shade touched "Dad's" ahoe8, and doing a job for lu,Pplying only the taryia. with yellow. He~ ftowers were yel- Mrs. bas. Stan~berl'Y and M.rs. third, Schuehler to Hicks. Roy that is not half bad of filling the fO~~\~:. Lou, su,PerintendeJlt. Ray Mote, of Dayton, were Way"Gifty Gift" that will pleall~. made a luckv' ~Ital,l t o capture sweeping and .Patcbing work tOI be low ·rOlles. brogans. The poys .(jeserve VOUI' J B C bb S ·th H h Preceding the ceremony Miss nesville visitQr!', aturday after- "Our Roy's" )qng drive in deep st ChoO!!le one of thOlle "Nifty' moral done -by tbe Ilt;r et Il.omni~ionel' and financial sUP. port. C\lme . ' . 1'8 e" ' ml - utr" W ' director: . left. Then youn* J ohnny pot on Clocks selling 'at hall p'l'ice. Cary'a , with: the employment '. of local MII~e1ine Scbneider of DaYton noon. ou~ and 'Mee their glllTles. e'll I~t: M r~. Alber ta Bue1;kle, dlrectol' labor. It was pointed out .at! the played" "At Downllle," and "Oh his hero stuff wllt h a nice bingle Jewelry Shop,· Lebanon, Ohio. "you know when ,lhey're Jl'oillg' to of n U)lic. meeting t at tlO doing, ,several Perf ct DaY" and Mra, Elsie Weltz Hamby'S Wonders, our softball over . second, J!.nd the victory wa-s team, ,'VentFTI'da" tQ Lebanon, and got won. One run, thl'ee hjts, no erMrs. Cora Baker· and daughter, play. _~ .. ____ Hi gh S'h ool: Corrine Robblna. loca1 men woul be given jobs and 0 .." ' WaynesVl'Ue san", "I Lo ve Y ou trl ·...L·ed, evening. The prin cipal: R. F. Hatfield, Eli&aMiss Leah, of Wilmington, spcnt this additional 'money be kept at Truly" and "Oh Prom! e Me." rmn core was 10, tdJ 4 in Lebanon's rors. The score: • last Wednesday evening with the beth Henkle, Lawrence Gant aDd home. , . , A buft'et supper wu ilerved f tl . forme'r's motber, Mrs. Ida Stokes. Will. • Hull man, the latter to Present plan. call Io,r tarvla 01,1 lbwing t he ceremony and a va r. STOCK YARDS MI" and Mrs. Frank Stan be ..ry, AB R H PO A E Mr. Earl Crawford . and family also !It'lVe 1I.'l lithletic eo.t~.--~___---'-c-"""'.,j praetle_Uy' every IItr~et in Way- taJile. 'attractive with roses and a nelWilIe, ,w ith a !liht coat on, Th Ird hug~ cake, was arranged. Misll Mey and Rusael Stansben'y and Rob rt, Marion and Eugene Jun i I' , HI1.h school: and other streets whi~h were im.\Wr. arid Mrs. Bolender lef~ for were Sunda)! guests at the home Hicks, 8b ,, 4 2 1 2 "- 0 Linder spent unday with Dr, and Mrs. Bel'tha G'ray wall arraigned JIW!I!, prJnc;pal lind .8th 7 0 proved last year. '. , a"brie~ southern motor trip. M1'8. Mr. and Mrll. Ross And..ews in Schuehler, Ill! ,. 4 1 2 2 Mr. Walter Thomas and family before ~layor RogetR, last. Wed- Ir O. ll rll'wrI. 7th; Jealnnlatt~ Commi ioner Gtaham told tbe Bolendllr is wearing ~~~~~~~laIi1la:nd_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ -hbl~G;:.;a;:t::;es;,..;c~,:.;,5"_-i~ ~ 0 4 1 0 at West Carl·oIlton. nesday IItterlloon, on charges of 6th A, ancl L1 izabeth ~~;f~ifci'-"':':"7;-:;-"'-.:-i 2 0 council t~~ the .county ~"slgni- a BUit at light blue 1 1 shooting with intent to wound, and l:rade. eh 01 : Eva 11 0 . 0 tied it would bear the ,npenso of biJled with whit;e net Woman's Auxiliary .o f St. cf . ..4 '0 0 1 C. Lee Hawke displayed the ftae attempted arson~ Upon hel' plea of B~ s~ le Steph~nson, rat· 4' 1 2 coverin' Miami str~et. fror11 ' St. hat is' tam pI blue ",._"",.,- Church will me ~ on frl· Humig, b .. 4 0 00 1 3 front ,of hi~ ba'rb r shop, Mon- guilty to .the first charge and t1Qt }hlllock on<1 MallY Hunter. 2nll-; 0, 0 hI J,{a'ty's ' church ' weilt , to'·.)'ourth work anet her bH"v."'on June · 10, at two Wes'meier, lb 4 0 day morning, III honor ·of Walter guilty to the second, she was boun'd Chua ,J. tile principa1, and Faye · 1 0 stl' et:. and fourth etree.t north to of' .blendlng shade. Miss May Wright at Penning, r.f II 4 0 0 1 .(ShoJ'ty) Underw ood's birthday over to the Court of CommOn K lIey, :l~d; Lice -Campbell and Route' 73. ~ouple will reside at .618 ping Ray, If ., 4 0 1 6 0 0 Pleas' to await the a ction of th o La\ml M l<ifoliey, 4.th, and W. K. Vinage ofl\cials expressed the AV. t Dayton. upon returning from . - - grand ju ry. Bail bond in each ease Young, .5tb and director ot .layopinion that .U of Waynelvll1e'~ their honeymoon. Mr'. and Mrs. B. T. Vice, Mr, Total 3'1 3 6 3~ 19 1 .Mr. and Mrs. Ohmer 'B aird! of watY fixed at ,5,000, aggteglitinll grou nd. £treets' needing tarvia would be Mrs. Bolender ill a graduate of IMlO Mr. Durward Vi~e, Jln'd Mr. Two ou.t wh!,!n winning run lndianapolis, vj!lited hi~ btotner, $10,000, w'hich wa furni shed. Three ne\\ names will b~ noted M , D. Baird, and family, and • _ n thl!! 1M, Miss ~lizab~th ' Fox trea~ ,this year ' and tb,at work W'¥.nesville hJ.h· school in the and Mrlh Azeley, !Jf' Dayton, wer9 scored. W. A. O. Mrs. Julia Donovan, .from Sunday '. , "'und J\~I!.S J'S; Ira O. Brow.l\, and , cO\lla be started within the fterl class of 1921. Later sh.e took post Sunday callers"at the ·honie of Mr. AB R HPO, A E until Tuesday. . W. F . •. SOCIETY HAS . 11'1. • Huffman replacing 'Meura. , . few week$, ' . graduate work at the same scnool and .M;r!!. E. T. Stroude. 4 0 1 8 0 o Cou,nciJ .voted to ~y aU l~bot and baa 'resided in Columbus for On Tuesday J. B. Crabbe at- Weller, c INT'E RESTIN'G MEETINC Loya1 R lis und John Pyle and 111.. Mrs. Mary Harsha, of Wilmin /(. bilill one week after Jobs r8 eorn- the past leYen months, . f Mendy., 2b , 4 1 2 0 4 o ton. was the guest 0'/ ' her brother ~ I>lht!r Derm is. MillS EIi2.abeth Fox .Mr. Bolende.J: W'"S '"".duated tendecJ the · thi~d of a series 0 Hartsock, 5S . 5 1 1 l! 5 1 and si ter.in-law, .Mr, 'and Mrs. The Women :j Foreign Mie\!.lon · u g ['aJlllll~ l t Ki.n~s Mills hi.~ Pleted, after Oommwioner Gra. ~,.. .. ~ . meetings of mith Hughes teachF a",mont high. &Cbool, Sou~ ers 'a t Wilmingt,on, wheN ' the Gons, 2b , 5 1 2 0 2 1 a cy Society r.J1~t Wednesday altel:' 'hoo.l lind t ht) lormal cour' • . ln ham, declared workmen IIh ou ld not T Hami niv :lI sily. She a-Iao comIl'e held up longer for their money. Oakwood, Oa,ton, 'WIth ·th~' cllUl8 of "'roup are working' upon study out- Ramby, cf ... 5. 1 1 1 0 .0 Maynard Weltz, hursday and Fri· noon, June 1 at t he 'h ome of Mr!' Be,D . Smith with Mrs. Charla. leted tht! sec.rtl tarial course 'n The . request 'was made •.after 1926. He later st\ldied at the". . h 1 Hough; ' U' .. 5 C) 2 0 0 o day of last- week, • Hatt\eld had held up 'abor bille ' Dayton SchOol 0'1 Commerce alld hnes for the ensumg sc 00 yea!:. )!:llis, Ib , . ",, 5 0 1 21 ' (j o Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman. Mrs ; Ho~gh and MJ$. ~enneth HouZl !I nci n~ari Y. M. C. A. BUline.. Firia.n~e, sl?eclallzln,g. in busineis Mr. ' Il:thaJi. .Babbington, wife Turner, 1'£ ..... 5 0 1 1 0 o R. F . .MiIls, Mu. W. C, St. John assistant ho~less~l!: , clearing ,the I)ld 'road fro~' chOol; was val c'ietorian of her 1 0 0 0 6 to the e:x;tension of Water a~mmlt~tratJon, and 18 now tln~n- and mother, and Mr. Edw.a rd Eagle Ankeney, p ' .. 4 and Mrs. Ada Courtney attended Mrs. Archdeacon conduc~ d tb~ l. ,'. class in 1028 ; won the ·Wa"· for a ·period· of two weeks. clal editor. of Tbe Dayton Dally and family, ot Miamisburg, and O. E. S inspection in Lebanon, devotional exercises, the subject ren ounty oratori:!al in 1921, and (;lerk declAred c9uncll had not News and manager of the Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fox, of Dayton Totals ' being "Wjth Glld in ·the Darkness.' ~ ttl\ined seve!'!!1 hiah iaQnon wbU. " 11 33 17 8 last Wednesday eveni!)g. . '. Mrs. Day gave -a review. of th( \ttenlling Mia,ml Unlv"reity. She forman, authorl.ed the wo~1r. a,n~ Bqreau of ,thel-,Wal1 Street Journal called at the hl)me of M,r. ~nd M.rs. 1 2 3 4 6 6 '1 8 9 10 11."., The Yl\ung people ,. o~ the last chapter of the study book eri. 'ornes here w~th the hlgbtl1lt tee:.. ew Yark CI~~ ..... ~ . ' . 'Po B. 'H awke, Sunday evening. S. y~ ., 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 O · 0-3 Church of Chri t enjqyed a picnic titled "Htl Holdis Us Responsible,' ommendatillns from teaeben and The following program was then ol'mel: supe~intendentelb\Jt probMIAMI M~DE FOOD CLU* ' ' The Misses Carolyn a.nd Doro- WAC's ,,3 0 O? 0 0 'O'Q 0 Q, 1 -4 at Xenia last Ftlday and. another thy BlAtt, of . Manchester, are in Fisher·'8 grove; ' near White's given ~ .. , 'tb Iy hel' strongeat recommenda- ' Ea1'ned Runs-~S. Y., 1; '!:t 4. Corner, Sunday afternoon. Reading, "Llgbt.Amon&, the Moun.- ~ion .to OUl' people lies in the taCIt third . met\ting of the viII/tin.. their e~ualnsl . Roger WatLeft on Base$.-S. Y., 3; w.,· 7 . .u Maid Food Club wu held kins and ' Pstnca BaU'd, but are .J EI' b h B '1 d M tains" ... , . ,.......... ,:Mrs. Beck hilt she was a classmate of KiN M r". Stolen Bases-- Hicks. , IZa.,et al y an r. Reading '!Cnll It a Day". ,: ".. Jel'!!ie Step'hensoti, ~ho hal tIO at tlle Grange Building. making peadquarters at the home Fred Visited Ro1>,,rt Chap' " Sac:r.ilice lm~-:aicks. . meetine was called to qrd.r of tll.ir grandpilrents, , Mr. man DeVItt in Columbus; last Frid~y. " ... ,' ".. ,; .. ,,, , .M rs. Connel' , In d eare d h ElrSei If t 0 th em d uriq 'l'w,p-ba e Hrt Schuehler, Robert is . ~loW'ly recovel'ii... from Report 'of Missionary Society as ' 'he tWIl yE!ar8 abe has .tauJht first the president, Mildred Fa'ulllnd Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. . Hartsock, Gons, Weller. ' ,. ~ ., '" Given at Conference at Atlan- grade pupil here. wu opened bV the Club plec:lce. tic City . ' Mrs. Clark Mr. Brown, who cornea here from A'lter about two years 'residence , Double Plays-- PenniDI to Scb- the efrect/; of a recent operation Twelve members and one visitor for aPJiendieiti~. The meetil)g adjourned to meet Versailll!sl at.t ailled a B.-S. degree answered roll call. The lI8.c~etary here, Mr. t.nd Mrs. L. V Beck an.d uehler i Hartsoclk to Ellis. Struck Oulr-by Reese, 3; . by read the minute. of the lut dauabte,. left Monday, for theIr Three me"1N"- of the W. H. S. with MI'I. WiUlamllon in July. in Education at Wlttenberi' ~olmeetini', ' altd the treuurer's pew-home in Harrison, Ark. Dur- Ankeney, 8. graduating clau of '28 received - - - .. - -. - -. lege, and hu .inee · 8umme.l'S B~ses on BaU&-od' Reeae, 3; diplomas at the graduation uer- ,LEGION , AND AUXILIlARY . DeElpellltl teport 'Was ,iv(!n by Mildred Ing the'it· sojourn am.ong us, the 'n' Obio Northern. and ~J!:,!~I~~t~~~~J Cook. The club will sell pop cilm Becks have endeared , them elves off ,Ankeney, 1. cises o~ Wilmington ~ollei'e, held 'A RE "R"TEFUL FOR' ELf Miami Unlvefllity, IIix Passed Ball-·P. Gate•• on Thunday nights. We planned. to a host of friend. \II'ho are loathe last Fnday. They received degrees U ~ yeats of teachinc naoat Tim 1 hr., 40 minll. to aee them depart. picnic for June 17th, at Warne as follow8: Min Geneva Ault, of .)t it i .. Gr.de latUmpire-Prel~dercaat. Park. . Ore,onia, Bachelor of Science; The Americ,n Leaio~ ter llortion in Harold Williamion ' wbo . has After the bUllne.. meetiq a Miss Evelyn Tucker, of HarveYI. the ' Anll~riean Legion Intendeuta. The Dayton Royal Giants, I.. hura, and D. W4de Turner thtoui'h their local heard any whele. L.--d d demonltration wU c"en by chatae of the C. C. Auto Park at tauCht, For the ~t time the..... e- ~elrn Fu1'll'" 1st and Jeffenon .ts.t Dayto~l had IIpeedy colored team, will be , the aache~,. of Art.. Three more Georce W:aterhouae, ~I:':~~~~=: ton.n. r.moved at miami , Delicioul r.trubmenb ' wore A. C's. ·oppon.nta at. W.yne park, our alumni wbo arl! makinc ,ood. aincere tbank,a to the hOlPital. lut Wednelday nex~'Sunda7. I81T8cL . ' 80)' Scouta, and to the nO'W . NCup.ratlna at tbe AnDouncenaQt .... mlele., Jlelpea to make their l'''lIt ~ollntd to ...~ .t W.rne of 'hi. pueats. 111'. and MI'I. Park I.e 11th. . week. of the ftlanl... ox II9PJlIft Bacb • ~l'Otlollncecl ~~:!~~'::=~~I: B. W8118..,II. ! Crawford, aeporter, Howard 1I1aa111dine and ODe b.ndred popplel -;: 4 _ ••_ _ __ Xatllertne Wade, whJeh "".. Mr. 1hYrbollM, aud niseel in Dayton last Mareb. Iirla lold aU ot th••• croom " tile ao. of aDd --_ O. o. lIilllllI~lne. .. I. W. '8...... hi • tlv e~
SL'a ner Home, Scene of Pretty Wedding
-_ ..-_.-
Wapelville Team . To Enter Tourney
MrL Bertha Gray
, Is Held to Jury
' C " oneert Will . Band · eI'd Thur- ..Ia'y Be H
H '
P....... C................ The Lebanon·Cltile.1 National In«. Mi Edith ~huh' Bank alld Trust Company, of Leb· a \,,,t·,,1 ",.Iu, "On the EPAIRING anon. III ordered to sell at private Watch'llI Llttl\! Miami," lIlAle cenain bonda. Rue Ollvis. Mi!<!1 J Clocks The adjudication and determlna· Jewelr)!. th addl't'~~ pf tion of thtl Inheritancll talIe un class of 'UII, to "hich COI1lllDO. PI••• P roc"' ••• t.he e tate of Elvira R. Dunham, Store Open Eveninea rar. hall I'l'sponcll·d , hout ml>ln pl'lljorran\ hud IIl'l'n IIn-Anged, hl'1'o I)'" I~ewhel'e. Inclellwnt thr dll? 01 h('r inl 'rei tinl(' In the cas of Union Joint Stock deceased, is to be given all pefSorus und l\'cntllldly \\11 l'orl';I',1 out ill wcuthel' (it,11I ed the 8till't uf thl> wl'l'e (rlv{'n by (,hns. . arown, Land Bank of Detroit. versua Em. in~:8!d1~llication and determinB. CARY'S. J EWELRY till. mil L. Barlow, et aI., th tenancy " \\ Ill' lI '(\ i'm'~"ilh ~11I Y,,~ Il full wilh !ht· gn'M~ ~t o{ suce ~~. pal'IIt!', \1 hich wns to hnve moved Prof, G, J . Groham S'. A. tion of the inheritance taxes on SHOP DUring h In t d yk of July and at 10 a, Ill" but lhe sun bE'gan to well, '\lO , '. Bailey, .1. E. ,Tulln y IlKI'e'm nt. conditionally ent red Idllllfihn, rt'~ ~l R.'ul nL' ," i u~u ·t, l!lQG, shill about noon alld soon the n m mbcr uf lhe tint ('la8" to into bet.leen the party plaintiff th e tate of Martha R. Burnett,I L _ _ _ _ III knol' I l"e,11 3\11 m , b;,1l 'dally the fi)',t 1111\'8 <If ael~ease(1, is ~o be given all person r(1fnl on i th Irl'ndulltc), p, \ . B Il O<', C. E. Brnt- 'lnd !laid d fendllntll to 'cover WIt- I I ~ tl'UI' ,If till' I:.~a, \1 (1111 "· Ih.'· IJ It III '-til Ilrrivl" from tht' pngeant began t Bertha! <!'lJIlint-" wid dl.lling th~' hi -t l 'k • 'III'l h, the ,"'outh, tlw l<;asl and the street, along tlltl late A. L. Farr'. It'll, l1r. T. I. Way 9lnd oth r~. \lin&' of th'e land is tQ be con,,; •• ,,'rAd ()f u~u~i. IU\H~, 1\, ur (ead .' r ' , 1'1'1; lOYAl "Il n nnd dnughl \'~ tobacco Rid- now th High sch 01 ' I)ecilll tnu, ieal num b(>rs \"ere pI\rt of 8 of ~12--..........-~-e.c.xwelUc'-u.lltrtllil[jx:.w;ofUl:llC:-'le~ estate 'i:"-~!!!2.h -pfJ. fir till ~,! 1·~I·t'~ ",lU ll ' Itl' "l'rllt.ion 1'('ttH'ning to theil' rhildhooll hOrrle, campu, (The Gym. tht!n :t nt!w furll!. hed by Mi s Shute, Mrs, and be binding- upon all parties he/lowe\h, dec ased, Is 8pprov~ thl. \lro\ollhl~ ) ' 1' III " Vt'Q' littlt>; t o llerllmpani tI \)y their child!' nand tvb eel) hed $ittlng much clo~er May EVI'rly Tate, Mr:, ahl, h relo and that sale. Ili and when by the court. NOT ARY P UBLIC tho~" I Ih,l r ndl'lIn (Oil along fril'nci!'. and in • ueh nUmbl'fS a to th· toad. had 'h u ed one of the liffortl S, Rjdge, Geoq~e Funk .. y. had of said pl'emises be made lIub· The in.v entpry ot W, R. Drakll, If"',, J"uttH y, it 11 Illlt the hlll'PY III s"rio uslt" tax tht' temp ra\') d corated floais. Ilead t'd by the nnd other~, , j t to the terms pf said agree- admini trator of estate of Ot~s T. Na lloa.l B_I& ,',llmio:lti nn lOont h~ - ~·cn. year, l\I'u~inlr uCl'lllllrnouation!l, nd oh, Wllyn "ille Blind, the j:),l'oceslIion Friduy was des ignniled by lhe m nt. Hen(lersolJ, dllc.e ased, is approved • .' . r ' 11l'dUI'U ' 1111101' un,1 ('/we i ll! th~ man~ happy reuni"n:! , ."Hel~o g'ot under way about two o'eflQchk, general committee as Vfayn esvill In the ca e of The State ot Ohio by the court. Will. Dr.WlS • • E.tat ..... ,' • ) lannil'>l, lnl n'nc\\ al of old anll thl'TI' DilL! Ho\V r> Y ll. anu h \Y ~ and made a complete tour 0 t Dny, ~nd wns , in mali,y r speetAl, versus William Bi hOP a nQl1e Marietta Ke lly, allministratrix of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO (it'ur fnulll"lt il'~' hhpry ,~ullit\nS lhc f1ll1111.,.7 Whut al'l! Y u lioiliit viii goe ~ treet. OUI' picture of the be~t. dtl y of th, we k The ex· prosequi is entered her ltn. estate of Mary Etta Pugh, de. "ith tnt:' d' of kitlurQt! ant! 1)(\"," " Why. here's Ma1'Y, I Main treel just aft'r the parade erci.es weI' held On the School In the case of Willis Bowker ceased, ill to distribute to Chester fll /1(1", : nil rund '1 l'nllC) · tion~ l)f hawn't en you f ur year, but 'had p 8! ed \Va taken fro nl the campUS, st artin~ at 2 I~. 1)1, wing ver us Mllry Bowket- ~he lllaintifr Ji'. Pugh and Marietta Kelly cer, c\ y" loJl~ 1'111, l Trul)·. ·twn onl' ['Ill ~ UI' r "'Quld hBV kn wn you toof Ilf the late Mahlon Rid e's to urt ;ndis posltion, 1Rev. J . F is to pay the attorney his counsel tain notes belQnging to the el1tate FOR SALE DATES CALL • t th ll1ll4t promln n I I\.lmnrk. II\'when , \; here have ~'o u be.. n PQTch. adwllllader. chairnlan of the day, fees, of the decedent. in the t'nlirt! hI. tor)' of our Uhl- keep ing YOUT. elf, nd wh r d o The proc ; 0 11 w s composed of wa.~ unabl to take paM itl the proCharles J. Waggoner guardian ~' ou liv n1) 1" And so il Tan. It! thr e br band, Village officials gram, and Mr. J. W. White acted Sale!< ' by"t e sheriff in the cslje of Margaret Alice Presj ey, minor mtmil) , . TIl( fir~t , ugg lion, r luting Il friend hips were renewed. old and officialli of th H me.Coming in hi tead. Miss Ella Ebright of Th Mutual Building and Lo~n filed his first and flnal acc-QuntAs odati n l'lding in carriages, I d the 'in~ing of co meriea;" OmplIl'I'Y yel'SUS Marth R'0~kin8. , ales by W. N. Thomp on, adff I\lts r presenting . practically }'riend Benjamin Hl\w'kul $, of the et aI, were approved a~d a I 'nco mjniswator of the estate of Caro. every bllsi nes8 firm of the t()Wn Ol,thodQx F)'iend.s, I' nd th crip- counts al'e to b settled. line S, Adams, i1ecea!!ed, were apand ome of its 01'ganization., and lure, nnll Ru v. Ph il ill' Trout, of Flora Hender Of) Was granted a prpved by the court. . laborstel y decorated conveyanlles t h 1. E. ,'ChUI'ch, ffE:red pruyer. divorcll' from Charles C. Rendet- Thomas C. Madden was appomt, JESSE STANLEY ' Probably 'th most el borate dis- DI'. Thonlas herwood, Mayor of son and was given custody of their d' executor ot estate of Wil-, Phoa. 320, N •• BllrtiGltoo. 01110 , play wa!\ that of I'!lwn l.od~eH K. W yne ville, gave th addre~s of minol' ohild. !iam ti. Madden, deceased and flloo of P . We quot~ Its. desctlp on welco lll , til whi h 1\1Irs. taoley The case of the Union J oirlt bond of : '30,000 with the United EARL "'OOCLER from the ouv D1r' dltl on of The M, el1el's rc. ponded. Miss hut Stock Land Bank of Detruit versus States Fidelity and Guaranty om. "Gazette: sang "H ome, SW!.'ct H o me," and Mary McKinney, et aI., was dis- pallY as !I'Urety. Owen Gros!!, Earl D.y'oo PhoGe "The New Bu'rll!'gton B!lnd pre- G Ol'ge \ . Ebright I/:nve a t Ik, millsel\. Hockett 'and ROllS Hartsock 'Were KEnmore 8986 ced d the marchmg Kmghts of clOl',ing with a poem, "Wayne ville orrine Lllrric)c waR granted a appointed apprai ers. Pythja • who were followe d by an and Her Hero s," written espe ia'l- divorc from HerbeTt S. Larrick Minnie N'unllst wall appointed Illegantly equipped fioatt the iy f r the OCOIl ion tlY Dr, J, . nRd WM resto r d to h r maiden administratrix of e tate of Lewia Knights thereon dr{'8~ed, In the Hutchln.on, of X I)ia,. na111 e Qf onine Lucas. N. Nunlist, del.'ell ed, and filed ~#_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , handsome uniform of theIr order, The Han .. ' harl .. s E, Merritt's In th ea e of The Winters Na. bond of ,1000 with the United enacting' th~ l?all'1on ~Tid and Py- aridreR. , "Buckwnrd, A. Half . en- ti onAI Bank and Truitt ompany ,.'""tate"" FIdelity and Guaranty ' lind resslve t h'las acene. Th . IS lInp tUlY'!" WIIS con~id~l'ed th,a master1 f 11 ed by th I v rc,;us Wilbur Wilson" et a, the Compahy as .ur " ' ety. G. F, Brown , ' ·ft d d 19l1l e scene was 0 ow e )Jiece of th oeeasi 11" Olher Ill) plaintiff shaH recover fTom the de. Robert J(;m e8 and Charles J , Dir~'or of Fu ...ral S.nic. time honoroo lIoat, much ttl the and inteN~sting speak,ers included 9 6 6 Waggoner were appointed apprai!!amu ement ' of th on look~rs, The Howard D. Manningt on and Prof- fendant the sum of ,1 4 .7 • er~ , entire display was a credIt to th.e W, H, V nllble. who Ipaid a beauIn the case of R, R. Benjamin Ida . Smith, executrix of estate WilEN THE ,INEVITABLE order. Mere word cannot do 1t t iful tribute t o th e 1~ et, oate and Comp ny versus John D. HoI. ot Benjamin F. Smith , deceased} HAPPENSju tice. Visiting Brothers were Kinfl ey who sll!cps in Miami lidllY and Nora E, HollidllY. it is filed her ftrst account. pre ent from Springboro, Cllnter.\ emete~y, Qrdered that the attachments here- The inventory of Dora Me auley Let us shoulder your ca.rel! WhiJ prQgrllm~ 'were being in upon the real estate and all executrix Of estate ot Joseph Mcville, Bellbrook lind Harveysburg, "Old Bill" ••ct HI. F.ir 'P... ...er. . B. S. Howell pr?cured th 8 !- given at the chool hOllse the Way· other property belongin&' to the Cauley, decelsed, 'as approved by, vIce of the Wllmlngton Band I.n nesville Miami hlls,ebuli 't.eam, defendant be di solved, and tnat the court. AM.BULANCE SERV ICE the ' e ent am at th meetinlr of sct'ne revived, and tond r collec· Jieu. of II .float to l'epre ent hIS manag d by Jamlls A, Woolley, judgment is hereby rendered in Will SheetB, guardian ot Bertha th AlUml\i Association of Wal· tion!! rekindled. bu. mesS'. sInce old to Myer Hy. was by no means idll,'. Game weN,l favor of the defendant. And ttle Kenrick, feeble-minded. flIed bls Pboo. 29 W.y"e •• i1I •• Ohio Monday 01 the eventful week man. played with neighboring teams plainti/\' is given 30 days in yhjch third account. lle.ville High chooI held in May 1004, wh n C. 1. artWl'ight, elf wa 'devoted to arrival and in· But t\¥o autpmob\les parlicipat,· each afternoon at Olll.klial& ' (now tQ file bond and the att&c:hed t>rop· The Lebanon.Citizen s Nlltlonal hicago, PI'OPOS d that Ii IIpeeial formal reunions, Tuesday wa~ set cd in the parade: J. E, Janney's Wayn Park. 'J'he lirl(~-Ilp' of the crty is ordereq held for said 30 Bank and Trost Company, guateft'o rt b l)1ad j;o bring baa t,o B ide for the reunion 01 the Old ma hine, nd J?r. J . T. El!is' singl t.cnm as the writ t rE!members it: days in which time plaintiff ahaH dian of Robert Quigley, et al. min, th 1006 me ting a many menl- School As ociation, an all· day cylinder CadllJa~ tourmg- car. G~rge Th omp on, 1 b; Clarence file petition in error and I>ond ill Ol'8, ftled its nrat account. b r o{ , the A ociation r lIiding ses ion being held at the Wayne~. fsmilarily - and sQl1letimes pro· JlHe1!, 2b; "Hotch" HI'I s. ss; "Jim- double the amount of the apprais. C. Donald Dilatush, admini tra. at a distant: as was pos ible. alSIO ville School building (now the fanely- called, "Old Bill." The my" Dakin, 3b; Boralc Pratt It! ed value of the prQperty attached , tor of 8$tate of Rolla M. Wright. to encourage IQcal member who, 'Grade building; the present High maehine .had been co.mpletely Bergan, cr; Chus. Glenn ana d ceaeed, filed his flrst and final ' had not been attending regularl)' school building had 110t yet been eoyered WIth pink and whit roses. Wulter Smith rio Joe Thomp on, New Suit. account. to be. pre ent. built· nor had th 8cllools ot and had been provided with n <1atch, and Ha~ry '(Bug) Hammon, Cokal Pulvenone CorpoT/ltion' Th inventory of Olive S. Spin. FUl'ther impetus was added to Way~e TowDBhip been conlJolidat. BoraJ canopr· in ordel' to bec:om pitch. The servites Oct Will Tate: versus Miami Valley Coated Paper ner and Juli .. Hendricks, executhe ide. when Mr. Cartwright ed and c~ntr8lized). This Associ.a-, the . con,:,eY8nc~ of the MI ell of Bellbrook. !key lHiberger of Company. For money. (CoJltlnaed On Pap 8) wrote to The Miami Gal~tte in tion was composed of the puptls Irma EIlJ ,EdIth Fane, Martha and Roy GoldEm, of Co i lege , F brultry, 190~, stating the As- 01 four of Wayneiville'll pioneer f O'Neall and Mrs. ehas. T. Ellis weft'! cured 'duI'jng the week !!_!!'!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!! !Iodation's plans to interest its to 8 8i t Harry Hamilton with the members and make the meeting of pitching burden, 906 II red lette!; occa.ion-in ?tIany intere ling r,eunion group fact, to make it a home-<omin~ pietul'es wer taken. during the occasion for members of the week. On e of these WIIS a gTOUp , Alumni, of former apprentices (in the The Gazette, editorially t,rade we call them, 'IDevils," nlending and commentinc on ft'sual!y with propriel:y), who had this plan. suggested that it miC.ht a~ ome time worked for (drop the v rf appropriately be broadened ' fOl'" if YOu.cal·e to) The Miami to Include all former residents of Gazette, aod were c/!ught loafing Wayne ville. The idea met with a in front of the office. The gang in· responsive ohQrd in the hearts ot eluded Ed Mar hall} Prank Au tin, readers, and, within a week, letLec Crane, Bill Hogers, Allie ter bepn comtng in. from former Haines, Oakley .Ridg~l, RUB,el ,P llrthat gives you steaming 30 Years Experience in re identi of the community in aU lett, Rupert BailIe}" "Loper" Fittinlr an.d Maklnr G~"'I ports of the Uniwd States, urging Baine, and · Albert McKay. Miss hot water in, n jiffy..... .. a ~ne'T&l Home·doming. ' Brown "talked a~... rully Jlice" Mr. aTtwright. then suggeBted about them in the lSouvenir Edi. that the .Alumni continue ,jb! tiQD. ., FOR THREE CENTS A L."._a, O~ l o plana as first o"tlined; tha~ the Matty are the changes siilce that. Tu.-o." T h linda, , s ......cI:a, ... DA Y\ PER PERSON.,.. week. The Posto'ffiCf~ has moved; ' Old choo! Association hold its Ell . .. i ... tio. Fre. annual reunion dUl'in{ the lIame 5Q have the Vm-age Council cham· ' week, and that the citizenB and ber!! and Mayor's ofljce. and even LEBANON, OHIO former residents ot Waynesville our Public Schools ha:ve been , unite in a general thoroughly altered. The thl'ee If you have v r wanted to have HOT celebration, the planlj to be resident mlnistet'l>-- Rev. J. F. • \WATER WHEN YOU NEED tT, you out in conjunction and with prop· Cadwallader, of St, :Marys, Friend er correlation to ' each other, Benjamin Hawkins, of the Ortho. willfind what' we have to offer of Finally, at a meeting held Wt the dox Friend, and , Rev. Philip 'm\lch interest. directors' room of the Waynesville Trout, of the M. E, ehurch- hllve National Bank, Sej)tember L5, since departed to their Heaven Iy '\'905, an' organization wail per· Mal .. , S' Net ,h. Pa no Had P .... d homes, ' O,n ly two .bi: the docto['$, this WATER REA TER operated by tected, and the fol,lbwi~g qfticers 'r h' ,I All t ell 1>1'. A. T. Wright and OJ;. H. E. Electricity com bines sustained serwer cho en! J, Q,. Cartwright, teachers, Thomas Ooll~tt, "esse il) t e paraue. wen W Hathaway, are still In 8(!tive prac. vice with efficlency a nd low .cost, ,and pre id~'nt; Rev. J_ F. Cadwalladllr, Butterwo,J:th, Sambel ScoU, and . until t~e up.grade (tn ' Flankli~ tice, while but fOUI' of ' the busj. ;t gives yo u steaming hot wa ter in your vic I,lresident; L. '-A. Zlmmennlll', George P. Brown. The two teach- RQad, ' just berdre it merged ness firm remaio: The Wayneaecr tarY', "nd J. E. Janney, treas- era last named and sixty.one .of into Third street, WaS reached i ville National Bank" H. P. Keys, h'ome in q uant itiesstJfficient to enable urer. General committees and sub· the pupils attended this reunion. then "Old Btll" t:efusea 1;, Jeff Smith and Ii~rank Miller. you to meet every requirement. committees of citizens .and former The program featured reminiscent· to proceed further. The girls had The Miami Gazette, then edited r ident. were aj,lpointoo, and all talks, one Qr two "clatlsell," sing- jokingly decorate.d a brick to serve and pbblished by .Miss Ma:me T. went to \Vorl!; with a right good ing by the school, and a sumpt- BS a ~hock In case of emergency, Brown and 'Mr. Adl~ lbert M. Me. no use to talk t o you about the desira· and it was well that the:y had, Kay, pedotlbled vali/lnt an'd valua. will. The l\(iami Gazette isaued a uous dinner at the noon hour. bility of having HOT WATER IN handsome Souvenir editloq, De" Wednesday, wall the biggest day Every known expedient W8JI tried ble service in makilng the Homecember 18, '1'905, jn upport of the of the week- the day Qf the big to move the mechanica' mule, but Coming the wonderf'ul success that ;Y OUR HOME f or a lot ()f US~8. You ,PrQj ct lor which the dates of par.ade. ' City pageants may have to no avail until the rest of the it undoubtedly was. Two hand. Phone 78J C!ll1 have .i t now for August 6·7-8-!!-l0.11 19011. !tt~d exeeeded this )n size, but, when' proce8sioJl had passet,l ,ifY, NoW some souvenir ditil)ns were pub. bile!) I!elect~d. As arl'nngemen s t y , originality o't deBig:n and Mrs. W, E. O'Neall, Mrs. Emer- Jished" one 'Prece(ting' lind the other prog'l'.e., ~e~. the 'scope of .plans w gorgeouspe' 8, are 'Considered, it lion Surface, Mrs. L ,,' M. Hende);- following the ellent. .Muc.h of our THREE OENTS A gradual!" ioot-eased unt)l a mart· has never been urpassed, eithersoo and Mr,s. Ellis can See , the data has been seculred from the, DA Y PER PERSON ""'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!.!!!!'!!!!'~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!'!i!i!!!!il!= ·bumorous side or their expeneflce latter, some of it, v.e'~batum, J ust a I but it was no laughing matter shor lime ' before, Miss Brown and that day. Mr. McKay had lifte'd the editorial Call on us or te l eph ~ne us,and let us exp lain It ie estimated that fully 5,000 burden and ~ares fl'om the w'e ary people witnessed t he firew/lrks dis. shoulders 01 the latE! Mr. and Mrs . \llay t.hat WAS shot trom the field ThQil'lu J. Brown, who ,left a wOh· Just east of the OrthQdox Friends derlul impress for. good on the Meeting House, Wednesday even· life of our cO~p1unilty. durinjr their jni. Feature pieces includ.ed a long term of -servIce as Th e beautiful "Welcome." " A Tree VUlage Editors. So'm e Ume ~ the of ,Liberty, a revolv~ng planet, anlt near future, we hop,e t.o be able to • horizontal kaleidoscope. induce Miss ' Mame to publish a ThuflldaY ,was H;gl) School Day, reminiscent ske\:Ch of bel' va~ied Xenia Diatrict ' tbe se$sion~ of the 'alumni re union and interesti ne experiences while being held in the &chool hOllse the con nected with The Miami Gazett.e president, C. M.. Cartwright - - - .,--.,.E•. H. HEATHMA.N, MaD••• . preilld inlr. Miss Ella Ebriaht led TRY th e ' l iniin" with Mrs, Arlna Sel- OU· CLA' SSIFIED COLUMNS , 1el'l' Stah l preild'ine at the ,p.iano, ... , throueho ut t he day. J. Will ,W hite FOR RESULTS ·
Jra InU$ly
G,gantic 190~ Ho"!1ecoming Celebrat~on Headlight In H,storv , of l¥ a yr,.es VIlle
n.n it'
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Caryts Jewelry jhop
F. ·T. Martin
Ihe Dayton Power Ind L~bt Co.
Sprinklina Needed
Farm Loans .• OR SHoaT TIll. · v tum.. Alao Sun.llq A~ Itbctiq. Wdte a84 I will ..... 84 ... ,oa. Sam D, Bnkle, Wa,·
aenm., O1do.
, FOR SALE-Swe et Potato Plaat. at D. H. Hocketlt'.. EarlJ Gold.a Nanq Hall.. SOuthern Qu.ea ead JerMJ" PH 100, PhODe eaall
"'aoha ·8q
real_aed. price fie per btlab.l Do B. , Und..-woocl, Ohio.
t.a.... 01117 W ted
b)l' internal paratlita, IU b.. p. t The market dt'mand fur )',ar- wul'm ant.! lunJf worms. Tb line and ether I!1tN>p in metro- !leaKOn IIf lallt year i blamed for AmencQ~n Send Me a DOlle.. po itan ('enlel'l\ i" bl·inlC >,uppla nt- the \lrevall'n~.' of int rnal paraUndertalrer ed by 8 demand r.,,· "hRndiwelght" <it.... thi!' "priuj{. Part or the life ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY well ftni!\hetJ lambtl Wl'ilChing from ('yc l 'H Ilf mI). t of theBe' paraaltel 70 tu 110 Jlound~. S'(lmc \If till' old i~ KII~nt on pa~tUl'e ira~st'~, and, D..... CRANE I I P.hli.h., S.b.crlptl.D Prle., '1.10 • Y_r B, Mr.. J ... ie B. Tripp I!wes that .11'\, b.-Iny ~ l' n( (" 111111 ket in \\I.'t woathl'r, more 1)( them Bur· OtIc. Ph... '" ...... No. H2 Enl ~pd at "i>ot.totflte at Way.e.· June 14, l·lag ;Uay, has ev r ltlag for (Jur cr,untry. We co not arl'" nut 1'l!t\JrninK tu t~t'ir , IJWI1t'r vive . ...... _c . .......... .. " .' ... No . I I I Ville. 1110, a.Matter 8econd C ia .. Mall R••1_ carried the dcepcl:!t meaning to feel pleased with the a:rand union thl:! co t of frel!( ht and handling, , d th A . Th' · ,. flag becau. e ot til Kmg 'lI color The Miami GalleU. otic. It is dogM, and uogs, an en ·very true III on :an. I • y~a. in the canlon. 80 we have plllnned Sh.,.,p Allaek" by P.ruhe. more dOKS ' the day will ell\Ty R len Cold 8lgmH. another." JUNE 8, 1932 No malleI' whe"e you go; a til nationl celebrates the "Th "gl'8nd un ion" !lag reo Oh io'~ two mi llion ~ h' I' ar New line of Waxed P ......., Na... But all of us clo' not like dogs two 'hundredth anniver. ry of the (ttrred to by Was hington was the ing s \'ercly alta l'ked thi. YC!1l1 kin. and ot~r 100cla juet com. I•• . And we have lhat right, yO\1 birth uf G W h' t L' Ong know. as mg Oil. ",or one h C h 'Imse If h a d d tiS Igned and , on, ll'aciition first flung to the breeze on JanNothing cou ld do more to bring back goodt\ :-:-m-e-s-tC':'h-a-n-a-g-u-r-an c-e+w::-:7h-n7t,-n-.--=Ri-g:-ht-:--7iS-n --:f:--u7.I1:--.g-r-o-w-n-+'~~~a:'-'T=-~n=g~p;;-:l·a~r~t in the very uary I, L776, duri ng his seige of Of a decrease in taxes durIng the- next few years. . woman de igning of 'the n~l', and what he Boslon. Thi was at a time when EVtlry eft'ort sho uld bEl made to incn~lI.se "o'ver,llmenta l efficiepcy, That is shaped like a bale of did to give it me811l in~ il! and __ ill : the Revolutionist still felt' they , eliminate waste and duplication of effort and do away with the bureaus hay; be known to ever;v Ame rican as were lighting, not the British king, nnd com mi. ions t hnt milk the taxpayers dry. Doing thi would not With a pooch hitche d to a chain long 8S U\' countl')' liv es. Ibut hi ministcl'S; hence Washingdamage the fu nctions of government--it would greatly improve them. or strin~ . On Jun 14, l7 77, ongre ss reo ton's flag cons isted of th thirteen High taxes. have throttled industrial d vclopment In England As she waddl s by, each day! solved : "'l'hat thEl Rag of the nit rnate red and white stript'g but Will keep Flies off your Cows. Give it a trial They have done the same thing In Germany, in Austria, in Austrailla thirteen United In,tes be thirt~ ,n ; bOI' in, its canton the king'" CI'USS· lind eiliewhel'e. They are doing the !!8 me thing bere. High taxes make Hear her say, "Oh I you little prec- strip ~, ulternate. l'ec:land WhIW, ell of St. George and St . nth ony . One and prolong unemployment, cause hoarding ()f capital and trighten in. ious. that the nion be lhirt en stars, By 1 777 the Revolutionists were Gallon .. . ve tors. In bort, their whole influence is toward the prologation of Mnmllla's da rli ng little t.! 81'; white in a blue field, representing fighting sole)y fOl' an Ame rican depre sion. . . And Daddy, isnt' he j u ~t too cute? a new constellation." : nation, and they wanterl an He i loo mart to live.. 1 fear." In the c simple \\lords, authprlty Ameri can flag. . was given lo George WB8hin~on Mrs. Ro s, it is said, undertook There nre dogs, that are mighty to design the !lag', and on the the making of the flag eagerly :fine, day ,tradition has it that he and with an exalted sen!!e of th.~ But why put them to IIham e? went to th e, house of Bet sy Ross unu . ual honor conferred Upon her. By going wild over a cross·bred on that visit which has become .o ne Not only that, ~ heeven suggeste d of t be fin es.t pa~!s o f An:e~lcan ~o Wa hi~gton, B. slight correction Thea'Uti" 'IS really n oIt worth a fo lklore. With hITn aCCGl'dlng t.o In the <leslgn, which bore six.poi ntn. o. s. u. Radl. Statioa-WEAO name. the accounl, we nt Robel·t MorriS ed stal's Instead of the ilve-poinMahchu Beans, 111 h h ' and George Ross, (~ne of the !ling· ted typ e o.f heraldry. With a snip (H. ,Ramsower, Director of Agricultural El(tension, Pre iding) "e see t eae pooe es III our gravers of the Declarati on of Indepen. of her sc,sso r sbe cut a f olded per bushel. .' ..... , .. : 8 :00 Fnl'm Night Melody Makel's ByY:~~core, as we PR~S through dence and the uncle of Bet. y papel' .and held ,forth a perlect 8:U& I"inding Facts About Taxe . . ..... ,. " . B. A. Walla'ce Ross's d eceased husband . flve,polnted stl\l' to show what she Virginial and Ebony., 8 :20 Summer are of Manure '............ ... . " ... ,Earl Defiling the graves of our dear On entering helJ' modest house meant. For a te~lIutes longer per bu.hel. ........ . . .' . . . . . . . . • 8 :35 Our Beet Extel)sion Progl'al11 , H. . d ad , in Arch. treet, Philadelphia, they the desig n was discu'llsed and as . Pickaway County' Agent And everything else in view. are said to have found Mistress quickly as ' nimble tinge;'!! could ;50 If nl of Holst in·Frle ian Breed . . E. E. Heizer And Lord, I humbly ask of thee Ross bul'Y at her need lew.or~ and execute the task, flos. Ro~s had !) :05 Feeding the Little hlld . . ., ........ ,Ruth Minturll Thou, Lord, who were my maker humming a tune-so ftly, however, the flag in being. Mipmi County Home Demonstration Agent When my time comes, the last on 0 t hat she migbit hear the tin· So, in this hUm ely fashion which fJ :~ O }' inding One$elf Through "·H Clubs ... " '-" C. C. Lang earth ki t' of the bell on th e do Ol' of her 0 well s \litll the American piTit (0 :3& 19 32 Vocational Agriculture Field Day . J . B. l\JcClelland S nd me a dogl 118 undertaker. shop at ~he fl'ont of. thl' house..- was b.o rn the embl~ designed by . Vocationn l Education Department and G neral Wlilt!hlngton thu8 Washmgton, coming almost like at J9 :50 Tim Iy pray uggestions , , , .. .. . , T. H. Parks ~i mpl y stated hi: I!rl'and. direct gift from him to fly ('ver 4·H WEAO HALF HOUR "Mistr s ROBS. we hav come since ove .. the nation ' ~at he al 0 'hone 25 to a k you t hellp in making a del<ign ed, Sattarday, JUNE 11 8 :00 p. Ill.
flag waa Made by Ross 200 Years Ago
Back Good T.omel
How to Bn
Farm'/vight 1 alkB, June 6 .
A Choice lot of Seed on hand
$1 00
WaynelvilIe, Ohio
(Muaic ....... , ' " ." .. "" .. " . " ..... . 4-H Quartette (Natu re Thie W ek.".. ... . ."., . . ............. " .......... .. H. E. Eswine Mrs, Anna Pottorf is attending f ng of Health ... , ..... . ..... ..... .. 4-H Quartette special m etings ill Cincinnati this A Typical '·H Meeting ....... ," . . .. ....... . .Frances Randolph week> . , Music ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ., ., ...... ,.......... "'"'' 4-H Quartette Mr. and Mr. H. O. Warwick. 4~H News Flashe ... ..... ... ,. W. H. Palmer Mrs. Mamie Foreinair, and Ed Oliv r 01 Dayton were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Alice J. Trickey. 94.6 acres In Mr , Tripp. Dr. Tlli\lp's health Mallsie township. continues to improve. Smith T. Taylqr and Gorge B. Earl Gray transacted bus iness In Richardson to Helen G. Wills. (Continued Fron Page 2) Batavia the fir t o f the , we k. Mrs. Clara Merritt is slOWly reo trices of the e tate of Mary Van· 81.23 acres in Cleal'creek town· IIhip. cov ring from a sevel'e attack of dever Hul.'iey. deceased. was ap· o car E. Randolph and Erdlne pneumonia. .. prov d by the court. Jane Ellen Fite of Wa hington Eva M. Dakin executrix of the Randolph to Harry Kahn. Inlot No. 588 in Franklin. C. H., i visiting her grandparents, IItate of Frank benver Dakin, de· T. E. Barnhart to Dudley W. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson . ceasoo, is ordered to lIel} certain The !lr t band concert of the property at not Je than th ap· Jones a,.d Kennet~ E. 'Mute, In· lot No. 412 in FranlClin. season, IICheduled for Thursday praised value. vening, June I, was called ()ft' on Bill. Allo..... account of rain. The concerts will Marria.. Lice••e. Kau!lr\an'$ supplies, ,3.46 : Co· be 'beld each Thursd ay evening Victor William Carpenter, metal· lumbu!! Blank Book Co., . t.hrougbout the summe r , weather lurgist, of Van Wert, and MilS '65.35; Richard L. Williams, serv- permitting. Sara .Mofltezz Missildine, ot ices, " 10 i Albert Millar d, ervices. J . E. Shumaker remain in a Waynesville. . ,lO; Mrs. Erma Hibnar, services, critical condition at his home on W illiam R. Ebert, farmer of '10; Oma Kn ox, service, '10; Maple t. . Miami burg, and Mi iola M. Julia Holland, .'10; W, H. James Cline of Dayton wa here Gray. maid, of Franklin. Fulkerth. SundllY. , U8.56j~. A. The bucky 12 Club held their Real E.tat. Tr.... f.r. uppllell, ,a.60: Dayton Blue organization meeting in the bigh Alber~ Goocey to Oharliand Co., SUpplies, ,3; Johnson Watson sfhool bui lding Thursday evening. acres in Co., supplies, $31,26 ; BUrrollrhs County Agent MiUer had charge Amell'a Oberlin. 97."'8 v Adding Machitte Co., supplie, of the meeting. Officers elected
RECEIVE ANALYSIS . Mr. and MI'!!. Thomas Burton motored to Elyria, Ohio last week ( The farm tax aituatio n and what and were the ifuests of Mr, a-nd Mrs. E. J , Burtolll. While there to do about it will receive t he at. they vi 8it~ the levelnnd Air tention of Ohio farmer during Port and many phlce ~ of interest June ,and JUly when a .series of ' in that section. • On alurday, they, in company discu sions on federal, state, and with MI'. and Mrs.. E. J. Burton county taxes are pr se nted by (\ ntinued to Detroit where the y speciali~t8 in the department of wcre de Jigh t'Cu lly entertained by rural economics at the Ohio State M I'. and Mrs. R, A. Burton. In D troit they were honored Univerity trom the state-owned guest!! of the Polal' Bear Conven· radio station WEAO. according 'to tion an organization of World oftleial at the college ot alrricul. War veteran!! who saw service In ture. Russia of which Ill. A. Burton is In launChing the series of tax a n1emb' r. discussions. which will be present. The y were entE!rtained at the e~ all a regular part ot the Farm Book Cadillac Hot,c l on Saturday N.Jght program ' even! Monday and unday andm l~ tored to Wind· mght, B. A. Wallace will talk (111 sor, Canada where the Po lar Bears how to find out the facts about held their Grand Finale at the !a ICes. This fi rst talk. of the series Prince Ji:dward Hotel. IS scheduled for 8 :05 p. m. Mondsy ..... - - June 13 . Other talks in the tax series will TAKE pART IN PAGEANT g~ on the air at 8 :05 on Monday ntght:! during the rest 01 June and Catherine Bran trator, Irm1l the thst three weeks in July. They John Wch, Th~lma 11 t. k , all Include such topics 8S Federal In .. aynesvi e wi ta e part in t e Come . and. Exp~n<litures, Your annual Alma Ma~er pageant at pllrt , In State Finances, Your a~~t~~weh~~nder on to L. M. '130; G. Ledenna,., supplies, were: President, .K enneth McCar. Wi~t;n~h::e h~l~f:~' r,~~~!~ stu. county Tax. lnve tment, Township 5'" . W S6.60 i W. lL Andenon Co., l!IUp· ren i vice·presiden, Willial)l Camp· 'Taxes; and School Taxes. The H en d rson . 2. AO . . v acres In ayne plies, '3; ' We8ter~ Star, 1000 cer. bell; secretary, :Rob'ert Gray; re- dents pal·ticlpatinl~, a core IYIll results. ot severa! county-wide township. . • t'ft t 500 I ,2" 32 t J h 0 'L • take role Clf Olympian gods and I ca es, anvil opes, v·; por er, osep suorn; I:ecreatlon dd . h "0 t t~e se.rl~s and 'co nSIderable statis~ Charles C. and FIvAra }lenderson Western Star, 600 juroT1! certift. leader, Ellis Shidak r. lIeber Ellis go esses In 't e ·p ;lIgeallt, ut 0 t l ~al eYldenc~ on Ohio's tax l!Iitu. to Elma J . .Ballentine. 68.93 acres cates, '12.25; Tre••urar o · .contm\l8 as advisor. Meeting time the Past,". written by womeJ\ en- ati()n will be discussed in detail. in LUy"mloann tsocwnottShtiPo' Mae Chen'a ult clothing tor inmates Ohio Hospital and place decided to be T uesday t~ lled intthe depa .. tt~h enht of oo\lca· E'I t' ,'7 . t th e h Ig ' h BC b i but'Id · hon, f PI ep u:s, .. :31 ; T reuurer evening 00 . cos d um 8 by e ome eeon· NOTICE . OF APP'OINTMENT and Nettl'e Hunt. Real estate I'n or . t el i nst'I t ute'mg. Th e anell t mee t mg ' '11 be J une omlCR . 0 f State , llUppv"'rt Inma WI G b epartment, d ' t f ] J am1'1>-n townshl·p. '" 1M of f eeble minded, $3068.86; Mrs. l4 . a~ e as CIJaraC ers rom .., I , Jame W. ·Howse and Cartie Williams Rou , ' services, '6; Mr. and MI'$. J ohn Kennedy have sncient Greek mythology tbe play· .,.state of William H. Madden Howse to. Roscoe E tep and Alma W a Jd ron. C Gil mour. 1nquet!,. t ot23 •• move. d ( rom Da yton In . t 0 a par t 0 f el's deceased. ' AbtatA l'n Franklt'n. • twillI pay honor . d to fAlma Mater . N t· . h b . Eatep. Real "'" c 90; Waldron C. Gilmour, inque8t, MPI!. Thomas' residence. In we ve eplso es 0 pantomme 0 Ice IS ere Y liven that;. Lucinda J . Sweny to Grace L. '8.70: Waldron C. Gilmour. il)' Mrs. Chas. B oerstler, Miss and dance. Thomas C. Madden has been duly Githenl\. Real estate in Clear. quest, '8.30; Waldron C. 1?ilmour Nellie and Lee are here :from Nor, Pre entation the Alma appointed and qualified a 8 Ex" creek township, inquest, $8.30; E. S. lJonnell, wood t his week. tableau is one of a se des of ecutor of the Estate of William James Ij). Whiteted and Nellie firat est. on coiltract No. 1003 '60 Miss F loramond Reed is slowly commenc ment week activities H. Madden late of Warre n ounty Whiteted to the Mutual Bulldinl A. W. Tuuer, In full contract No. improving, from her recent critical which will close with the gran'in g hio, deceased. and Loan Company, of ~iamls. 10Q7, $204. O:rejf<lnia Bridge 0<1., iIlne s. of degrees, JUl\e 13. Dated this 31st day of May burg. Inlot No. 981 in Franklin. steel, ·$33.60; Oregonia Bridge Co. LeW,is Thompson hal! terminated .. - • ' 1932, . Frank Hughes and Sarah HUlhes steel, $63.94; E. B. Simpson, serv. his ~onnection with the Villars NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT C. Donald Dilatush, Atty. to Minnie Chaffin, 76.15 acrel in ices, '9.25 ; CiMinnati Oil Works ,rocery, havinlC purchased a part W . Z. ROLL Franklin township. 00., supplies. $66; Waynesville 'Interest in a grocery in Clarksville, Estate of Otis T. Henderson, J'22 Judge of the Probate Court, T. H •. Bryan, by assignee. to Un· Service Station, p s, $16.30; OreIdE! Cel~se d. Warren Count-y, Ohio. ion Joint Stock Land Bank. 171.- ,o~ia Bridre Co. repairs, $39.56; Notice is hereby given that W. - - ........ - - - - - 50 acre!! in Massie townl!lhip. Holth.us Transportation Co., ex. Good Honey CI'Op Thi. Year H. Drake has been duly appointUnion Joint S~j)ck Land Bank of preu, $1.25 i Inte__ nationlll Har. Prospects are excellent for a ed a nd qualified as Administ1'lltor De~ro~t to Ben) y. and. Ida L.vester Co., rellaira, 12.80; Inter. good' Ohio h~ney crop. Clover ot the Estate of <hil T. HenderlOn Sn:"th. 66.80 acrell In Miule town· national Ha"ellter Co., 8u'pplies, fields seldom have shown prospects late of Warren Oo unty, Ohio, de· $282.50; Bay City Shovel, rnc., or a better bloom and even dande' ceased. Mr. and rJrs. W. D. Lat'kin and Sh l p . . Union ~omt , Sto~k ~nd Bank ' tellaln, $98.87; Standard Oil Co., li ons bloO'med In unusual profUsion Dated this 18t,h' day of May, ahildl'en of Damascus, Ohio! a,re of Detrolt, to LeWIS Trickey .and and oil, ,448.94. throughout the state. . 1932. . guests i n the home 01 M.... ana Mrs Shawhan & Brown, Attys. .., C H d k -=s= 'W. Z. · ROLL A.. ay oc' , L P b C.... .W. D. Larkin and T. C. Hay. J' Ud lI:e o f· tllle ro ate OUn dock spent the week·end in Min. J8 Wamm 'County, OhIo erva, Ohio. ~~~-V ----_.---_-_-'::~==~.======~~=========~~I Miss Viola C~rry v,ras the gue t ----------.---"-of honor at a shower given by Miss Mae McKay and .Mrs. Frank Graham in the borne or the former Monday afternoon. Miss Ruby Smith and Robert Smith al'e home from O. W. O. f.or ·the Bumme r. Mis!! Mary F. Adams 9lM1WI, ... tAr. was their guest last week. " ~ . ,,\t"~ '" ~_t1). Mr. and Mrs. Cha i!. Maddux, of *~ tat.\G~ l~" Kirke rsville, were .,uests in the , . . ~ ' "*,,, ,,~~ home o.f Mrs. Dai$ey H~ine8 an~ daughter, last week. ' ,~ M,lsses Marjorie lind Myra Hay. dock entertained' a croup at .~" ()\I " t\\,,~\.\"N friends WedneBcUty a1tternoon, 'b ollorlnc MI. Viola CulT}' wbo.. _ C_'t,* ·fJII marriaee to Robert D ulfey will OCelur TuellCiar. . ~G " " " , ' The Ladle. Aid II plannin, for a tarde~ party on the church lawn Filday evening. The band will ·furnil!lh music. . J e.1ISe Hill is confined to hiiJ for COLlCIC:Y 'AIIII home by liver trouble. ·M r. and MJ;8. B. H. Miller and ' THROUGH CASTQRIA" dauahter spent ,Sundny with relat .< tives in; Liberty~ Ind. G!NTLE REGULATION
News from Court Uouse
... -
SHINGLES Per Itale' • • •
These Shingles are ' the HuntingMerritt Certified 'Bra nd, the highest ·quality of> Red Cedar' Shingles manuf'acturedo
Madden'sLnmberYard Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
Odd-But TR'"TE _ _______
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aod bowel' by lu~.r,ill8 the lDleatinal tract o~n. (red..... But remember tbis: a tiDY teoder lit Uti orgaDI eaaaol treatment. They is jut
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The best way to p~t doctOR say. iR to a"lloid PI in 1UI~II1IMlII
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~.t" Trote. , Peaeb· leat curl. ~ diseaae which I'lIinl I_YeS, il cauBinlr ·lIevere ld!llll..... to peach keel Is some secdoD of Ohio. One. the .eiaon .tarts, the di..... cannot be eured. But it _y be beld to a minImum b, applJinc nttro.eaou. fertlliler about the u... "reN are s timulate. It, t1PplieatlO'lla of 1 to 3 pouo" of ...... te 01 "'''Donia. This ....ulta in til, development of n .... foU.,. to "place the .lB. eased Ie&v...
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HEADACHES, NEURITIS NEURALGIA,' LUMIAGO ••• don't depreu the hwt, .. othema.e harm you. u.e ..... just as ofteD .. ·tbey eaa...... you aDypaiD Oll'diieOmfort. Juat be lure tqblQ'taFIIiD•. . There'. IlCaIcely ever aD ache Examine tbe pacu,e. Bew.,. 01' pain that Bayer Aspirin • of imitaUOI1l. woo't re1ieve--and Dever a Aspiria is the tna-mark 01 time whea you eaJl't take it. Bayer manufacture of mODOThe' tablets With tbe Bayer ' aeeticacid.... If ~)nl-j4 enIII an alwa)'t MI.. The,
Wheraever you have 10m! or pain. take lOme tableti of Bayer Alpirili. is immedi.tel
uain. ache
Board Reduce. the Bud get for Year
Tod.)·, \\ ...1111 ,ja)', J, .. lil' Le-;'i. up thl' harb .. r . hop of J. II. :-;mlth "Ilh til'" Ilriee.. Hair c·ut. 21ic: ,hilI''', Ilk. MI'. L wiR wIll nd 1"'01' to p h'lIl'(' yuU I n ,( ,ontinued Inan page 1) t I' ry ,-,,,y. \ (III r pilI ronait' is II licit d. ditional experience in boys' work ::::===-=---=--:=:=:=:=:~~~Iin th arioull organized groups in t he community of his ac Thi consisted of service as coal!h cit Y. M. . A. teams, and recreatiollal supervisor of Glennwood ommunity C nter. Tne Board also adopted a sRlary se"ed ul fo~ the bus drivE'rs wplch ('ail s for not less than twelve cents per mlle (a redudion of about five cents~ on the bo.11I of tw %t()u nd trips each day fol' each dl'iver. The driver.s Ill' to turni h lhe required indemnity insUl'once, while the Board ito . turI nish t heir auto license plates. The 'J:.fiiii!t.L r (l utes or to be slightl v rearron&,~ . ed. and two or three larger bodie are to be secured in order to eliminate the third ShOTt routes that were hauled b)' each of four drivers during the year just closed Other cDnomies were giVen erious consideration; but decision has not yet been reached . The members of the BDard are giving the limit of careful study .nd earA. an official Alemite II A" nest endeavoJ; to their job. and richly deserve the loyal support Dealer we are able to give and hearty co.operation of all the patrons of our school. your the latest and fin-
III op"n
Countv (,ommisBione~ . AnnounceGenerallO% ReductioninSalanes
Miami hapter No. 107 O. K S. will m et in re,ular Mt.'st-lian M.,nda}' evening, JUlie 1:1. Ilt 7 :30. Vi itinK membefll welcome. Ola ttart~l l ck, W. 1., Minnil;' !-'ron1Ill, Sl'C'y.
A g 1l ral salary reducti o.n of reduction i8 eatimatl1d Lo ilavc all10 per cent cff't'tiv~ un July 1 on proximately $18,000 a year. 1111 deputit's ami I1 mployes, but one. I The sa laria of the l'il.'cted hu~ h n ogrel'd up on fo.ll owing a county ofticialJl i Silt by law, and MASONIC NOTICE meelirig Monday a'fiernoon in in most instance depend8 up un thll whit'h the eounty offi cial8 and the Jjopulation of the county. communication, of R gular HilI! .Tl'ilIc ~~dn~l'll1\ Dnd Irs. At th county Infirmary no Waynesville LOllge No. HI3 F. • C 1'1 . anl(('r \\'~' I'e Dayto n vh'itnrs. commie ioners co.operated. The on xc ption is that of a clerk in ch nge of ~alary is planned innsA. M., Tuesday evening. June 14. Monday. ~he c1l'rk of courts ufflce who is much as a few months ago when at 7:80. Visiting alld 8uj\lurnint breth,· n are welcome. 1\1r'. and Mr . 1I ward rchel a- I'l'ceh' in g $76 a month and who lIuccessors to' MI'. and Mrs. W. N, Vern ArmitJlge. W. M. eon WI1I'I' Duyl! n I'llli ll)!'''. Sundoy \VII. taken on sonre months ago t Thompso n war named a 25 per 60. This reduction will aggregate cent reduction was established. No F. B. Hend er on, 'ec'y. afternoon. 1\ saving of $2200 annually. I' duction of salaries at th county -P ~ la-,.-I;; 'CC:d- Bail An upproxi/llate re!luetlon of 26 Orphanage is co mtemplated, a Tune in on ttl very P I' enl in t he wage scale. 0.1 truste\l of t hc Children's Home Roy Elli is hitting in the very station WK RIC county road men was effected June stated 'Tueaday. toughest luck, and his fielding at aft rnoo n tit ~ 1). n~ . 1. Road tor llIen were l' duced The county budget liS made up first ba e, while not quite 80 ~race h s. D, . Riug entertain,j ful 1\9 that of Hal hase, is plenty lh nH~ m b 1'8 CI r lh(. bl'idge cl u b, from 66 to ,50 (lents an hour ; large by the commis.'!loners will 1>' in truck driv rB fr oll1 60c to S7lAic an actual cash approxinlllt Iy GO,OOO of lhf .il layere of iood. Come in, bo.y j the hiL" will Tu.e. dill' nft('rnoon. hour; small truck drivers 'from 40 less than the 19 32 budget a8 final- II cord fabric under the begin dropping sofe. som of to the cDmmisllion- tread in this tire, two -t helia days. ir. Forc. t ,I'Bne, I, f Cincinnati to · 26ccnts an hour and laborers Iy appropriated by the budget commission. This do not run from bead callt'u \ID lr ~. Mau ~l ' rone and Ir m 86 to 26 centa an hour. This era is an outright saving h) th tax- ' to bead- they are really (amily Tuesdllli evening. LYTLE ---============~ payers. That'll is II possib ility that ' cord "breaker strips" this saving "ill run to ~75,0 00 . and tbat'8whatwecaU .Mr. Samuel Buttl' rw rtb and A-Ir • Em ry Cbarlaton i . . ill al before the commis ion rs or them, althouah .ome Gilbert FI'ye weI" '\ ihnington Services thi8 t ime. t hrough with their estimates. It Ure-makers call them visilor Tue~d sl Y evening. Kesler Graham lind Ml'S. already reached $2'7,000. atra I'll". Churchel Sunday hasBesides daughter, Miss Bamlce Wel'e Duy . Trcs leI' Hardin is :;Iowly recovera redu ction of $26 00 al-I - - - - - - - - - - · ton visitol'!!, Monday. .a fter II ton ~il opel':1Uon at Dr, ready made this yeai- in the co'Unty Mra. James, Nash and son 0:1' ing WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF farm and hom agents' work a Canfield afe visiting Ml·. and Mrs. Hal e's ho.spitn l in Wilmington. f urther reduction of $1000 is CHRIST Harry Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Jr. nnd Mrl!. Rodt'ri k Barde.n, r>lanned in the budget nolY belng (.UndenDminatlonal) . William Creighton. o~ olumbul'. sre I'isiting the qUALI·,JY Miriam Wharton ' is out again laH 1" mother, Mrs. Ruth Jann ey "'hester A. WiIllal.llBon, l'Iiklister made up . Many items in the budget now being made h 'ave b en 8AaCAINS alter an attack of tonsililis. Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Mr. atH) Mrs. Kyle Welker of Lord's . upper at conclusion. either reduced 01' eliminated enMembership cards wel'e igned -Famou8 lifetime auaran,teed tirely, it was said. Columbus. vis ited 1r. and Ml'S, given out a t the Lytle Hunhri sti~ n Endeavor at 6 :46 p. m. estinspecialized lubrication The comrnis ioners have been Wl'n. Lippin cott and tumil y Sunter'lI and Angler's club at Lytle SURFACE TREATING STREETS Ern at Woolard, Leader. Evening working on the .1933 budget for day . . Hall Monday evening. service. Here we serve yOW' {!Vang \j tic service at 7 :46 p. m. seve.ral weeks and ha ve taken up , ll PRieRS Mis.'! Marj ode Lafferty clune Sealed pToposals will be f ecelved A unique service that you will en- each item. The commlssioners have car a.t every point, every nom Ohio Mr. and MI'l; . Ra y Huwke and joy. Sa.\lurday 2 . . ... .· , . stl....· U by the Council of the Village of home "Getb, emane" in sermD n and decided to cut the fair board apWaynesville at the office of the Wesleyan University, Delaware, daughter, of Dal' Lon, wcrl' ~Ollg, Prayer meeting and Bible propriation 60 per cent ond will time we1ubricate;t, with the I ,",uests of Mlr. and Mrs. Villa&,e Clerk In th,e township to pend the lSummer. tudy each Wedn sday at 7 :30 p. allow $4000 where they have been Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre ' Fronlln. Special Alemite Lubricanu ~lnPre. house until 12 :00 rio on June 22. In I..... m. hort choit· practice fDllowing. allowing $10,000 for the past spent a couple pt days last week ~, . L 'U k I ' M for surface treatlng certain 1932 The church where you feel at In~l" tS.~1 especiaUy deaicned for yOW' three years fol,' the COflstruction of Slnlllo.4-'. their dough tel', Mrs. Louella ~1 9. C(,> n~IW e, r. . streets in Waynesville, as per the with Tube "I.oa perm anent improvements. The apSwank in Dayton. Welt z, frs. 1I18l1' TInn,hll . . Mr. home. Tub~ 'l".~ car's lubrication demandl. s.pecifications on file in the Clerk's propriation as pro.vided by law 2 ...., .· •• Mr. Wellington mith retul'ned ~ an Hawke wet'e Dayton VISItors ..•• s.·n office of ~td Village. ST_ MARYS CHURCH for the extincti on of crows ha s to his home in Lo Angle, CaHf., ~ h u r day. Each proposal muat.,be accomIf you want to aave money Rev. J . J. Schaeffer, Rector. been cut out entirely. $1100 has Mr. and Mrs . Carl Fry in companied by a bond in the I!um of Thursday, after spending f.I weele Third unday alter Trinity, been allowed tor this PUfP O e but on needlesa repair billa'200.00 or a ~ertlfted cheek on a with his mother, Mrs. Ann L. pany with MI'. and Mr. . Ray Boyd June 12. Chul'ch school at 9 :90. practice haa showed the illef· Sinai tS."5 Slnile""~ s olvent bank in the State of Ohio Smith, who nmain about the of Doyon. Spent . aturdny at Morning it you want to e.q>erience Prayer and addre s at fectiveness Df the law. being helples since a troke Indian Lake. Tube 'l,t7 for a like amo\lnt, payable to the Tube SI ••' The comm! sioners will not levy 10:30. the finest car operation you ordeT of the Village Coun.1I of some five months ago. -It the authorizea 2 mill r O l\d tax . e the mc)destly priced ~iftB The Ladi s' Aid picnic schedulsaid Village, as a guarantee that which was voted by the people a have ever lmowo--come in if s.id proposal is accepted, con- ed for last Wednesday w~ s post- for all occasions at Ilry's Jew- FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST few years ~go . Only one half mill elry Shop. "The Home of Gifts," of the rain. (U ndenominaUonal) poned on account a Genuine Alemitejobl tract will be entered into and the will be levied and the commission1n ..... . Farmers around here nre nol" Lebanon, Ohie,. Cheiter A. Williamlon. IIlnlater ers plan to halt all new road pel'forman(e legally aasured. Sln¢!e . . . .S TODAY I setting tobacco. The couple busy 'C ontract will be aWl,rded to the Chu rch School at 9 :30 a. m. building and all other road imW)'m er Drake WIlS a guest. at D Tuba '1.,,0 of hard rains in tWs section, Sunlowelt and. best bidder. banquet given by his col1(,'ge alum- Lord's Supper and sermon at 10:- provement work and will ca"rry on The Council reserves the right day and Monday, were welcomed. ni association ao a.. m. Sermon subject, "Whllt in Cincinnati, only·the maintenallce. work to. keep Ml's. Margaret Johns and sister, to reject any or aU bids. Must I Do To Be Lost!" Men's the roada and bridges In their presTuesday eveni,ng. By order 01 the CDuncil Df the Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton, and Women.'s cla e will meet in eM eonditlon. attended a shower given for theil' 'Village of Waynesville. Ohio. If you own a lot in Miami the churCh basement, Friday, June All county township, nlunioipal Cook, at the niece, Miss Margaret Cemeter~, d(m't forg t the lot 10. You are always 'welcome at By R. F. HATF1ELD, Friends 110m, Waynesville Thursand schDol o.ftlcials and employeil owners m et~ng in , the Chapel, Waynelville thi~ church. Vill~e Clerk are being urged to 8pare every day afternoorr. I\londllY, June 13, at~l :00 p. om. item of expl!nse and to economlze Other SI::c. E'lWJII" lAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Mn. Mary Carm 0 n y was a Su na s never before. t-o________...._________________•• day dinner guest at the home of Oliver Davi,s' was eriously ill ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH COOO • 0 1'.1l£S $1 Rev. Fortman The cDmmissioners in discussing Mr. and Mrs, Claude Riggs in with acute indigestion. Illst First and Third Sunday Man at the 'VarioulS budgets for the variou J)ayton. Thursday Ilnd Friday, but I s ufThe yO\lng peDpl e' Df the church fici ently recovered to be about 8 :00 a. m. Second, Fourtb and offices of the county hnve urged Service Fifth' Sunday, Mas at 10:30 a. m. that every economy be practiced here and a few from Springboro, again. and that no unneecesary expense enjoyed a social ' gathering at thE William Orndol'f Sr., \\tho now WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHUJlCH money be asked for ih the badg t church Monday evening. requests. Mrs. Margaret Johns aDd guest, makes his hom with h is daughter, Phone. 47 G. C. Dibert, Putor FollDwing this appeal the cDunty Mr • Elizabeth Smith were &"J.,e ts near Beavertown, is visiting his budget comm! ion is sending to. Wednesday: Bible study and on. J ohn Orndorf, and family, at a luncheont.. Sunday eveninK WAYNESVILLE, OHIO prayer meeting at 7 ;30 p. m. This every acbool board, towns.hip board ,iven by M.iss Jtuth Cook, at her ()n Rou te 3. week we will continue the study of of tru tees: and village council a l~-.-~~!!!"!!.~---------- country home, neal' Waynesville. letter urgmg that expense in Friends here are sorry to learn . Mis, Hent:ietta McKinse)" super- the 119th Psalm . Visor of prtmary chools at Ash. these taxing district!! be reduced Friday: Choir practice at 8 :00 of the aerioul! illnes of Mrs. May Experience in the art of Ice Cream making entitles us to <Ito the very bone" so that a real William son, fDrmer resident of tabula, IlrrivE,d Tuesday to spend p. m. offer t o. 0111' friend and patrons of Waynesville a real treat.' Sunday: Sunday school at !laving can be effected. The budgthis Willjamson suf- the summel' vacation with her 9 :30 a. m. Morning worship at et commission is compDsed of C. right side mother, Mrs. Alice McKinsey. 10 :40. Epworth League at 7 :00 Donald ' DUatu h, Will R. Lewis and Evangelistic service at 8 :00 E. B. Murrell. .r e- Myron Thomas and Miss Dolore~ It JS pOinted out In this regard V:alley Hospital, M.oo~·e, of payton, and Harry Burby county officials that the county daughter, Mrs. Ken- nett and family, of Lytle, were for all of its expense8, ope.ration Take hOme a quart I>f pure wbolelO'Jlle Ice Cream made in a of Indianapolis, Ind, Sunday ~uest,s of Mr. a nd Mrs . E. $25.00 REWARD One of the most trying costa, poor relief, aid to widowed was summoned. French Pot with stokes' Pure Jersey Cream and Fr.h Fruits L. Thomas. experien es connected with For inforrnatiop leading to the mothers, blind'~ indigent, Drphans, Cl\4rlell Mullenix was taken very . til p . in of a loved on mainte.nance, -crime detecOrders ikken for Churches, Lo dge~ and Pi~nica at Special m Saturd.r at Lytle Elevator Roy Pigotf~ was able to ' return arrest and conviCtion of the per- Toae!' - more hea,rt-rending p 1'tion and prosecution and so on where he IS employed. He is son or persons breaking and enterfrom the Blair hospital in Lebanon Price , haps thl\n the fun (l1'81 it81ightly improved at this time. l.ast Thu rsd.a,Y' afternoon, but, Jater ing premises in Warren COllnty, takes less than 2' percent of the se lt- is tb return to th Mrs. Jennie Lamb, age 72 years In ttle even mg. uffered a seriou!l Ohio, for the purpose of Btealing tax dollar and that all the rest is TRY OUR FRUIT ICES h o~e made desolate by the divided benveen township school a former Lytle re's ident, passed relapse and iR now in a very poultry. ab enc of the familiar All perSOM are requested to board8 and viUaees and that of away Wednesday momingl after a serious conditi on. face. This difficult tim e few hours illness at her nome On IMMEDIATELY report thefts to each. dollar an average 0'1 60 cents is Dlllile evcn more trying goes to the echDols. Holt St., D.yton. The family, esMr. and Mr . M. F. Weltz at- the Sheriff'8 office. when t.he rcsidetICo hils Because of tbls fact the townpecially her husband, Sidney tended tne Isenior class play at THE BOARD OF OUNTY COMpeen di~arrnt)ge(l by th Lamb, who is almost blind with Wilmington college, Wednesday MISSIONERS OF. WARREN IIhip8, viJIageJl and school boards Leb.non, Ohio funeral servicc nnd the rehave been asked to pare their ex. cataract, has the sympathy oj night, a'!ld (~omlJ:lencement exer- COUNTY. OHIO ceiving of ' friend and rela. penses; c~ses, Frtday mornjng. Mr, Weltz's Carl J. Miller, tiv es. One of the ~dvan· "No matter how much the .cDunty friends here. Fun.e ral service wae held at the sIster was on,e' of the graduates. E. J. Beedle, tagcs of ulIinlr our funeral cuts ita ~osts, that ca/lnot help residence Friday durnoon and W. D. Corwin, home is thllt it Pi' serves the much in redueilii taxes unless the Drs. i. E. Witham and Mary L. Je29 intennent in Woodland Cemetery, Commissioners other taltin~ districts cut in proresidence from this unnecDayton. Those from here who at- Cook attend<~d a meeting of the essary conJu ~ioll. portion," saId one official. "The tended were: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Warren County Medical ociety in NOTICE savin.s the county makes is often Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken- Lebanon, Tuesday afternoon. Dr. . cwertaken by 8pecial levies or rick, Mra. Elizabeth Jones, Mr. E; ~. Sm}th, leading physician of All gIrls bet,:"eC;ln 10 .a'}d 20 ~ond issues voted by t~e eJectorato and Mrs. Albert Stacy, Mrs. Mar. Cmcmnatl, gllve a most interestinr years J. . McClu~e of age, wlshmg to Jom the In village8 or school districts" faret Johns, Mr. IIIld Mrs. Dearth addre!;s on a. suiUect of vital in- 4-B. Room "-- - - , * clu~ please meet at Mra ' continued the oft\cial who poin~ Sheehan,' Mr. and Mn, Russell ter st to ph:.1's icians ,and, through LUCIle Bland Ph~ne 7 s hDme on Friday, out that the mill and on'!! half that And thrifty-minded the borne ownBurnett, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wade them, to their cliente le. June .10~h at 7 :30 p. m. . the county can 'save dDes not mak , er is ordering hLi Coal now. OFFMra. Rilla Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.• ville, Since movilng from the I. O. 0 Ohio .Thls IS ~ new club which is' much ot. a 'dent In the total ta: Ed Longacre. SEASON PRICES will leave a ' bemg organtzed and eyerybody iltrate. AJI agencies must cooper8t~ Quarters in th~ F. building to neW. Clyde Cox of Dayton was calling healtl-y difference in 'bi8 pocket. old Grange building in CDrwin, terested plea.5e come. In this movemen't . · . 1 1:'F.:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;========5==~ here Friday and said his wife, the A'rchdeac:on Sales Agency has book when the cool weather roU. Myrtle, 'who 'has been ill with lung added new features, In'r~und Nain in September. trouble for several 'Y.ears r is much cluding severnl a line of cigars and toworse -and very weak at this time. bacco, and al depart-ment for the - BEECHGROVE recharging B.nd repair of batter~a ies. A line of Purol gas and oils has been added and the t>remises Mrs. Reva Hale Shifflet, of neat' have been gl~eat\y .beautified with Glen Rogers Pocahontu, (Extra Waynesville took seriously ill flower beds and shrubbery. But Lumpy), truely a premium coal While attending church at Green best of all, Howard says, is an apBriar on last Saturday evening. preclable, ' imd much, appreciated She is believed to , be somewhat IOcreaee in business, in . spite 01 better at this writinir. · Mn, the "RepressliQn." Shimet, fo r-merly lived in Ken, tucky. Miss ,M ayfrey P~wel1 bad for CHURCHES OF CHRIST .os,.df, . . . . . . . Genuine Raven Red AsIl her Ilvernight gue8t on last Wed~ TO MEET AT XENIA neaday evening. Miss Alice Jen. kins of Green Briar. The Churches of Christ of the Misses Alice and Kathleen Gray Xenia Area will have a raUy at of Harveysburg wer.e the lI(onday Xenia Grounds, Sunday, guests of Miss Kathleen Thomp. June 19.Fair Th,a churches of Greene SDn. ' . have been having a ptberMrs. Mabel F. Terry olt Lebano County Yellow Jacket Lump ing annually for several years, spent the week-end with her home. meetin.g at ,different churches in folks here. county. · 'l'his year it has been Howard lI(cKay ~8 Dn our Sick the decided to enlarge the gathering, list this week. meeting at the Xenia Fair Grounds and inviting other churches within SPRING BRANCH reach 01 Xenlia to participate. Koppers Miami Coke There wiH be a &'Teat union . Mr. and Mrs'. Joe Pennewitt Churcb IIChoc)1 and preaching serW.P , Re.ular colora spent Sunday evenilll' with Mr. vice in the morning, a basket dinper .allon ...... .. . ...... , ...... . and Mrs. F ..n~ Hartaock. ner and .a rnlly in the afternoon Mr. and Mra. l;verett Bunnell The Lord's Supper will be P. White apent the week-end with IIr. Bily observed at t he afternoon se8sion. We all!O have in our yard lome Gibson and family . . Per ._lIon . ... : ... F. S. Dowdy of Wayne8burg, good lump and en eoall at . Hr. and lin. Harold RoCers, Pa., will be the guest speaker and lower prices B_rn Red Mr. and Mra. Biley Gibaon apellt wlll preach both morning and Saturd.y evenlq ba Dayton. afternoon. The public la invited. Per ._llon _...... .. .... , ............ . ...... . and lin. Joe Pennewitt en· t.l'tafl~.d at Sunda, dinner Mr. Pu... .R.w LlnHed Oil ATTENDED CONFERENCE and' aon, Mr. alld lfilftt.. ~ alld aDil, per ••llon .......' ............ .. ........ , ... . ~-=-..o.- .. ,~~~~~~!.-~~Jky~Lf...~.c.'!':I.~ .. weH Pu ... Spirit. Turpentine Hat· per ••llon .. ',.............. '.......•............
This BIG
At the
stands for the finest lubricati()n service!
Patblln'Cie r ·4~(~
·5~~. S6l';' .,II.. '6~~
Central Garage Phone 105
Gordon'. Station
S. aad·· L.
Superior Home-Made Ice Cream Stop at Watkins'
After the Funeral
0.--.. .-------------------.. . ----..&
......... ..........
We wish' to announce New ·Reduced ,P rices .on Sherwin-Williams Paint
- ---- --- --
s. s. w.
SS.75 _.: 1.40
'8 0ct
Phon. II
Eighty.Fifth Year
1[10, WEDI E DAY,
Whole Number 6018
CROWDS ATTEND TWO :NEW DIRECTORS LARCE SALE AT HYMAN'S STORE+J---:'-I~~""~~W-1 .... advllntage o'f values at NAMED AT MEETING OF ot TRJUng .....~, . below pr e'lVor levell! , cl'owds in this and surroundMIAMI CEMETERY ASSN. ingshoppers communitieEl are attending the
ANKENEy'TURNS IN ONE-HIT GAME WHEN The th it'd co n ccrt () the sponsored by lTlusic lover, w ill be given on Thursday W.A.C. BEAT GIANTS night of thill wtl ek on Me lure's SERIES. THURSDAY NIGHT
yen 30-Day Extension
W ayn~sville
Stell~ ~aurherty
EJected Secretary Tre •• urer of Orr.ni_lion in
sale launched by Myer Hyman. Mr. Ryman Mtates that never be· fore in history of his buaine!JR in Waynesville would a dollar buy much q uality m rchandlse as . in , ' this curl' nt sale. Dta tie reductions have been made in all departments of the stor , with values being offered that cannQt be duplicated ~ere or in any other ommun ity. Mr. Hyman has so licited the aid of Mr. BUL'thanger, a · Raies pro. motel' of Ion" and succes ful IlXpetience to a sist him in this sale, which the local man declares is the most suce ssful ip his car I!r in Waynesville, For real values be sure and visit Hyman's big sale and you will be convinced oC the genuine savings that await you th reo
:)U-liny ('xq'J1<:;il\n in the tim ollo\\!.!d for pnym'nt Cjf the June ili!llUilllH'1I1 of r01l1 Cllt;:1t lux ~ hll ~ uHe n g run t l' I by th bparcl ut' cOl11mi:~ionlCl'!'\ of' Wat!"n '(} ulll~' , l~. B. Mu rr II '(/unty 1',' ' ui<u l'(,'I', hu " 110U n 'cd .1 uly 20, 1 Hill!, u /11101 ,liltC'.
Ml'. and MfR. W. II. AlI ' n were in Dayton, londay.
Cornel'. This
is ponsored
by Mr. ' Amelia F. White. Myer Scra tch BiDele in Ninth 0017' 0 •• Hyman and the L May-Hawke Infor Vi.itine DaytoD Colored surance Agen cy,
1\11'. Paul Hauk, of Troy. was a
. These friends need no introducAlereeation visitor, Tueflday. tion nor remarks, save a word of ]\[1'. ane! 1r~. J . W. Lob.: are en_ lhank : Miss tnt'gal'et W. Edwards ha~ I The first two donors have had . Jap Ankeney p'itched gilt edged joying a lWQ- 'I ~ks' outing Bt. t. An unusually large repr~senta· t'eeoyel'cd from u tee nt scv'rc an enviable l'eputation for years ball when our WAC's beat the lal'Y~. illness. tion Ilf th lot owners was in ~t of aiding in nny worthy cause, Dayton Royal Giants at Wayne tendllnce at the annual meeting of ·Mrs. Ruy Mainou!l i~ ent.ertain· while the ~atter fiI:m, being new as Pa'rk, Sunday afternoon. For eight Rev. lind Mrs. C. . Dibert and illl!; hel' iflter, .I\1l's. E. O.'Dell. of a business' firm in Waynesville, ask innings, not the leas\. l'e~emblance the Millml em u,ry ASliociation, children V'is.itecl the incil1tlatj Zt,o =- =-===- - : = .. ·nnali. an opportunity to serve Y QU Bnd of a hit. wa!' made off his delivery. Monday. h Id in the chilpel, Monday after. prove them!!elves as friendly to and only two baUs were )lit to the noon, W. F. Cla-rk. prel)id nt of J ohn, I'ars is visiting his uncle, the community as their co-spon · outfield. Then, with one down in . l\1i !l~ G Di"vicve M(' luI" is vi ·il· All n Hoie, a.nd family, near sol's. the bOl\l'd or tru tees, presiding. the sixth, Chuck was safe 109 at the hom of 1\1 and Mr '. Beavertown. R A. W avcl'. After th reading uncr appro\:al N~xt weeks concer~ June 23rd. second when Gons grabbed bis slow roller and threw the ball way 01 the minutes o~ the previous 1:;01 I'llon Ma on visit d Mr. and will be donated by D. K. Smith "nd past Ellis' head. The runner movMI'. and Mrs. HIIl'l'Y tarr, of lh Wllyr\\'"ville Drug Co. 1 r~. J Of',. PennE'wilt near ~riddle meeting, t'he Secretary-treasurer, Dayton. were Sunday guests of M c Clur~'s chairs are placed on ed to third while Ellis was caring RUIl, Sunday. Mr. J. '. Lamb, O. M. Ridge, read his'slatemen of Lhe street near the ba'nd e~ch for Briggs ' offering. Then B. bunted to Ankeney, and rece ipt from various !!ources and The Wa yn Twp. F'annel"j; lub Tune in on the C. & B. program, e en4t1ot' for the use 01 thf! public. Fieldsuprising Mr. and Mrs. ti Arthur and was over. the di butsement of the ~anle dul'held ' it s June me ting with the statio n WKRC every Sunday 1'lIk.. advantage of this kindness. tbat chlldr n spent Sunday with TelaWith only three more outs needing the fiscal year just closed. The It wtllli d 'please him and make tiveB in incinnati. Furna!< family. ']'he duy wa ideal aCtel"noon at 2 p. m. ed to complete a no-hit game for ropod sbowed receipts of $6,(37.your evening more enjoyable. und all f JL \'it h the l>oe\, who Mrs ..r. 0: artwright <lind daugh . . fortune refused to smile fOT 85, with disbuts.e menLS ,o f $(l,346.Tune in on the C. & B. program, !'aid, what iR so une as a tel', Mi '8 Evelyn, vi lted friends ~AnK.eney for a feW minutes in the aJ, leaving a balance of ,91.64. station WKRC very Sunday d<lY in"And ,J Ullt'." 'l'h well prepured· ,. . 1 k was ple.yin~ a ,rather The report of the auditing comafternoon at 2 \1 •• m. cJinn 'r WUR ~cl'\'\ld in (h basement In Jncillnall a t wee . , deep 1ield, and Chuck hit a mMee IT. IIPproval of th stateMi. RO B!,' Wilkerson of Morrow fly that mid ¥iay between John Mr. and Mrs. . J. C. haffln' of to ubuut 70 m(,ll1b('r ~ alld gtI(o!lts. ment was read and adopted, to. of Tho ilL! int'lIII lie' ion und the pent :Ilnday here the guest of Dayton, weI' unuay gue. ts' and Em! for the visitol'll' only bit. geth r with the 8tate~ent. PreslThe Wom'lln'll Aux,iliary o~ t. PI' gl'lIll1 ~u l4 h \l l~1 jn th 1 upen" Mr. a.nd frll. Lest'r Gordon. Ridge.' to start the inning. Briggs forced d nt Clark explain d that the de- Mary' Church m t on Friday Mr. and Mrs. D. un d I' the apl' uelll\~ UI hehe: of crease in the bank baJahCe was .tlle ~atche:r. Mendy to Hartlock, u huge mopl tr·.'1 ,. , luvo 'atil!n ]\fr. and Mrs. John Lemmon, of Mr. and Mrs. Rav onner und unday was 0 coraUon Day for but Lue threw wild in an effort to due to several reason : a decrease afternoon, June 10, with Miss waR ofTUI'NI lJy :\11' . IIIIIl .lIdDayton, spent Suoday here with daughter spent th weck- nd with in the sale f lots, grave rights, May Wright at The Little Inn. waUader lifter "hl('h th~ loll, , hi ~ mother, Mrs. Mary Lemmon. Waynesville fraternal orders. In eomplete a double play. and Bri~ vuult8. e~c.; a sU,ht decrease in the morning seve:ral members of reached second. B. Field II raised Mrs. Cadwallader open d tbe relaliye~ at Washingt on . H. culled, nel on l, un fun\i ly wall . . fly that Ellis muffed, and the prjces ot the Items just men· m ting and .conducted t he deirs. M~el' Hyman and MI S Crown Lodge, K. of P., quietly re- athehigh M.r. II. L. Van Tre.llR, of Mexico found au unto ltoll alll was ,a nvisiWrs had men on second tion d, and a decreaSe In the numCity, Mexico, wall a 'busineaa visi- swel'l!{i by Ilu o tl~ljonM about rOl!~. B . rny~e H.yma~ \~ere ~u~sts at a paired to Miami cemetery, where and third. Then Jap turned the bel' 01 burials. But 73 burials were. votional erviee. The minutell (If the lallt meeting r ceptJon In InclDnail. III t Frltor in Waynesville, this w ek. criptura) quotations W(;T made during the last year, as t hey strewed flowers on the KnIVes fan on McKinney and Hardiman w '~. rl'ad and approvedl. Election duy. against 93 duriog t~e precedin~ given in response to roll-call. of theil' deceased brothel'S. DUling to finish ' a one-hit !lhut--put. that . Sets of dishes thl) bride will lie of utt1<rCI'S inr tho )'eal' 11)33 was year. The iteml:ted eport is Mter tile di posal of busines the proud to own. Sed tbe modestly priced gifts the past vear, Brothel'S E. V. IIhould have been a hitless geme. el ~t them at in ordC1' and til followinR office~ .. Meanwhile, the WAC batten and publish'd Iscwhere in this is ue. program- was taken up. for all occasions 'a t Cary's JewCarts JeweJry Shop, Leb/lnon; w\ll'e elected: Preside'nt, Omar Mrs. Oadwallader read an origlark then gave a brief Mr. 11'1 hop, "The. }Iome of Gilts," Conner and R. G. Cros, of this runners were having quite a bit of IJ olling,'w orth, ie Pl'csident, Mr. and Mrl'. Alvin Earnhart sLatem nt of the condition of the inal paper on the loco l work of lodge, have been called to rest. fun at the expense of their colored Lebanon, Oh,io. . . church which showed deep nnd and sons attended hildren's Day R()sco!: FUl'naR, . ecretary-Trea met ry and the a oeiation, Early in the attE!l'noon, a COJll- frtends. Ankeney really tanned Mr. tlnd Mrs. G. C. Hartsock, paying a beautiful tribute to his ~rne t thought. T he general sub- ~ rvi~e at. lIH. Holly , Sunday even- urel', EI-ic 11 ck U; 0 ,1'. :Hall a. of the member of Miami ' to start the home thiN, but th. membet· of the (!xecutive commit· and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Hartsock, pany predcces or as pre ident, the late Ject of the afternoon's program, mg. Valley Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.., t.hird striks got away from Chuck, tee. . was the rural 'Work of the church son and daught r spent the week. ~. :Jo' rank Elbon, and stated that gathered at the grave of Broth4lr and repa. id this genero.it)' b)' Irs. Robert Ful'nuS and chil- end at Indian Lake. M~ Emma. D~kin and Mr. Guy practicully nothing had b en done and Teadings h'om the fourth Oharley Smitb in Miami Cemetery pilfering second; Weld!' n 0(1 II II the pt'oll;mlh with Dakin, of X 'Illa, \vere dinnet chapter qf "Building a Chri$tian t.oward the beautification of the find COl\ducted their ritualistic a dvanced him, aad and Mn. Wayne Planck and Mr. music on 1)I\lnl), hnrmonica nd gue~t8 or M'r. and !\Ita. Fl'ank Fair Nation" on "The Ch\.lr hand grounds, t hUi seas~lD, be.cIl"l!e (If memorial service. at~l' which scored him with the Mr. Ray O()wen, 0'1 Dayton, called on Friday. tubp. Rurjll Life," were given by Mr . the scarcity of funds. 1(e then rethey visited t he grave of each dethe IfRme. A wild pitch pn 11'. and M1·9. Russell Martin Th h(}llt intI' duced tlr. Morgan quested nominations tor two Ronald Hawke and Mra. Bert Mike and Allan, aDel 1\1rl\. Elizabeth Lew\. and p l' !lidcnt (Antioch cullege Ii and daughters Satu~'day evening. ceused brothel' anc! depo ited bloBmtll'llbers of the board of trulteeB Hatttlock. S(II'OS. Bro. J . C. Hawke gave the hit sent them hom.. Ettu~n tew!. htertain ' I L Jand ,' peaker or the II flcrnoll'n, PI'. and Two charming recitations were t9 . ucceed himself and J. O. pped to J. Martin. Ramb, ~lr. and Mrs. Chadwick, Mrs. eulogistic address. Bra Smith and Vance, of Dayt.on, ul dinnol' lallt Mrs, ~16i'gu n U . av'lcJI thr ugh Hawke, whose terms bad expired, given by little Miss Alma Pren- Friday. 'Herman Conner have deHal'tsock. Terly t~ J. llar' Eur{)pe by UUlolllQbilu last ~umme r McLardie and so n, Neil, of Day- Bro. C.from and refused personally to accept dergast, "The Land of Storythe Council since the t in, and Hough Ifl'ounded out, J . , so 11 cho. e for hi subj I:l. "Farm- ton, were Sunday guests ot Miss pal'ted r '· election. The names of 11r. books," by Robert Louis Steven. Martin to Ha rdiman. Three nn" 1\li!.'s l\lary Lell~ E!l\\1~rds, of ing in }<;ul·o pe." F'lurnin~: in almost Gl'8ce McLardie at t he Friends last Memorial Day. Hawk and L. Earl Hoek tt wer son and "The Wind." two hits. 9ne errol'. During the soctu l hour deliC- near Gr,eenfi eld, U\ VI itJnjt he.r all EurOjle i. carried oln in f1lvch Home. placed in nomination, and, upon With one down in the sixth. aunt, Mr. mm H. Ie lUI' , at the same w y at is wall hundred CHILDREN CIVE PROGRAM ious refre hmenits were served au II nslon of the rules, t h y w r Hartsock got a life on TerlY'1 erMr. and Mrs. R. G. Mlller and the Little Inn. 01 y al·. ago. I.nhd is handed Mrs Mnry L. Adams and MillS M. el ct d by aulamation . . rantily. and Mi Lena Earnhart FOR FRIENDSHIP CLUB ror and purloined the next two d \In il'om father to children and spent Mr. O. M. Rid e declinl!d te A. Randall were gue ts of the stations. Gons grounded out, but la!\t Thut'6day with Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Boring nod son. Eddie divided into ll mnll l'ibbOI\ of land • I tion a. Secr tary-t.rea urer of afternoon. RambY walked and joined tbe of Wilmingto n, were guests or Mi. nll~ though generatioTls it is di- My!!. J. W. Edwards and family, The children. under the direc~he board , du to th pres of prilight-~oot ~ brigade. Houlb hit a neal' Creenfield. and M... W.)'mcr Drak the fore video until fal'l11 , ar ometimes tion of Mrs. Hartley Moss, fur-' vate jntere ~8J and th name of freaky infield sinlle that Koreel CARTER-GREENE part of this w ek. only an at!' large. A . in feudal MillS Woanda Clark returned to nished' an excellent program 'f OT Lue, but Ellis failed to connect. Mr. Fr.-nle u. L May and Mi .Mr. and MfR. E. 1,'. t r<lu cl a.nd \.imes people tive in vi1l~~ges \In the Miam i Valley hospital Sunday the meeting of t he Friendship club One run, one hit. one error. tella Daugherty were plaoed in On M8y Uth . l\1iss PauHne troude 8p nt Sunday mountain \.QJls and farm the val- after spending a months' vaca- at the hom e of Mrs. Ernest HaTtnomi nation. The ballot gav Miss Greene, daughter of Mr:. and Mrs. Mr. laud The Dayton Brethren lolt hope Daugherty 28 vote to 20 for her Earl Greene, of Wayne ville, be- . Ith MI'. and Mrs. H. H. Wada~ ley,'. Thi cOllditit)fl ' JC:' ts in al- tion with hel" partlnts, Mr. and sock lind daugbter. last Wednes- in the eighth. and jUS~OOl'-"waI~-....., day afternoon. The ' program- fol- happened. Hough hit and 10 did mORt n11 EUrore wit~ thE~ exception Mrs. Walter Olark. opponent. Mr. LeMay ,noved that ~me the wHo of Ml'. Ct.renee worth at i\{\>I'aine Hy. or, Ru , . ia , The houselS ate made lows! .Vocal duet, "'rhl! Old EIliIl; t he pitcher tried to ~atch the ~elect1o n be made unllnimous. litter, son 01 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ml'. and Mrs. Harry Pac and ehiflily of 'wne nnd mud and are Mrs. ISI'~el Satterthwaite royally Rugged Cross," Mary and RetH! Hough, and the runneu advaacecJ. Mr, Walter K nrick then intro- Oarter of 811 Union Ave. ~ y. duced a rellolu t ion, proh ibiting the ton . The wedding wa. solemnized family and Mr. and J\fr. 1\'. 1\.1. vel'Y inconven ient. The,r is pl'ob- entertained the JJappy Hous club Moss; reading. <'The Plant," ~ arah Turner hit a grounder to the pitch. members of the board or their by ilie groom's pastor, Rev. Hahn Cole and familr, 01 Dayton, vi~i t. ably one place in the village where at .her home in Dayton, Tuesday Conner; piano solo, Jean Baker; er, who tried to (latch Hough ~e they can get water for drinking of last week. A delightful program reading, "Five Little Rabbits," tween thi"l'd and home, but Terl., familiee from tec ivlng pay for of the Otterbein U. B. chllrch. The cd friends ~re unday. ,and ()oking. 1They do th ir wash- followed a bounteous dinner. Wilm.a Dibert; reading, "Grand- thTew wild, and everybody .... labor or M"aterials Nrriished the al!- young couple ""'a accompanied by lind. ~ ts. T .. B. Bl'Mnock ing along the. treams. ,)witzerland ma's Flower Gatden " Betty Brad- safe-FoTlY at bome. Ankeae", soelatlon. The resolu tion was .Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nearon of areMr. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Schatzman, dock. with violin and piano accomentertammg the ll' mali grand- is the nl ost prultr t'i lye country in quickly adopted, with pra.ctically Franklin, (nee Esther Ricka rd), daughter, hot bingle sent Ellie and Tul'Dft . Ann ~a.rton Eltey, of south 1'n Europe. Th·y have 01 L Cloud, Fla., arrived, last paniment by Naomi Rambr,; and in no previQul!l dlscussie)h. with a couple more. and Jap Ncousin of the bllide. ThuI'!J(jay, to spend the week-end banded t .gather, ~ickM out tbe Reba J!!dW81ds; reading, 'When vanced on another wild Jri~b. Mr. Carl Duke, a member of the MillS Greene was a VCduate 6f near Lebanon. tlus we k. with Mr .. nnd Mrs. W. O. Raper. Mrs. Seth Thoma and son of feudal lords and PJ odu cell a go v- The Schatzl1)an family reul\ion Pili Begins to Shave," Jean Baker. W.eJler grounded out, but l i e . boatd who ha done so much to- Waynesville High school in the The hOtjte$ses ass iste ~ by Mrs. scored Ankeney Uartllock ~p'" ward !'be beautl.{y inl' of the class 01 '28 and for the past fo ur Dayton ' and Mrll. Palll Boororo of ernment fOI' the \>(;Iop,e, and l1~t M'iIl be held at Wayne Park, next ·g rounds and ' the development of years has been employed at the Bellbro'(lk were gu!,! . t 01 l\Ir!{.' E. people fo!' ~he govcl'IlIi\1<.'nt 'as III unday, June 19, Mr. and Mra. Forrest Hoblit, Mrs. Dallas Boge;. ,t o shortstop, and Oonl ,Mrs. .Alvin Earnhart and Mrs. Mendy, Itamby ended i~ with. • 0 many .oth r cuuntl·te.lI. <;>n .t he the new section, took ellC ptlon to McCall Publishing Company in C. rane Tile day voning. , whole OI!-Cl'lcultural An\l'l'tea IS hun- M. G. Schat:uium ate enjlOying Homer Ramby, se.rved delicioull re- performance on the gate. I'I.e the action just taken, Iltate.d ttJat Dayton. Mr. Carter attended Stivtheir honeymoon trip. freshments during the soc ial hour. runs, li ve hits, two erron. Tbe hu considered the resolution as a ers High chool, w'here he was "Gifty Gift" tbat will please.. tltetls uf yeal;s ~head 0'1: Qgticulpersonal affront to his integrity, noted for his star basket ball and Chllose Qne of th.ose "Nifty" tural Europe. score: BOY,! Are yOu savi ng you r Ncwlul1d, a rtiHe of Ml·S. fGA Labels! GET t his wo nderfu l silica the po ition bad come to foot ball playing. Clocks selling at haIC price. Cary's W.Miss ·DAYTON ROYAL GlANTS R. Lewia IUVOl' el the elUQ 'With him entirely uneolicited and Mr. an<l Mrs. Carter are at home J ewelry S hop. Lebanon, Ohio. 8C OOT-A-WAY, FREE! Get the a piano qlo. AB R HPO A. • material had been tu-rnabed at Qn 107 S. Alden Ave., in Dayton. now at. · Barnard's IGA Tho Sl)ccial topic: "The bu ines details Misses Lucille lark ond Doro~ wholesale plus th coet of trans- Their many friends wish them StoTe. Bus :Jo~ie ld 8, d 4 0 0 1 0 0 t\ly Lllwe, of Dayton. Ky., were of makii)1\' U 1\ 1110" WIlS well ~an portation. much success and happiness. MoKinney, s~ ,, 4 0 0 2 2 0 GIRLS! You have just the same guest. of Mr. and Mrs. \Val.t er died by Mrll. Swnrtzel and Mrs. He stated tha~ always tlie work The following comm unication Hardiman, Ib 4 0 0 10. 0 I A. lark :Friday and aturday. Rich , Th~il' thought WillS thnt one ' chance to Win this IGA SCOOT-Ahad been done at the request of from Herbert S. Warwick r!!ached J. Martin, 2b .. 2 0 0 2 S 0 mil t have a foundation, a good, WAY. Save your rOA Labels. the Board, and, therefor., h'e had us too btte to enable us to make Davi ,2b ..... 1 O· 0 Q 1 0 Mr. aod Mr . A. $. Collett. of cnnvcnient; attractive house on HUI'ry or th~ boy will win. no apologiee or explanations to of. the changes he suggests in his Terly, 3b , ... 3 0 0 0 8 2 whi h to build this stl."ucture callnear Harvey burg, attended unfer. His -resignation as a membel' reminiacent letter. 'Which was pub. C. Martin, rf fJ 0 0 0 0 1 , I day morning servic s a.t the 11' 1 : E. Raymon Hatfield went to ed homo. Th honle must be so atof ~he board of b :ustees was BUb-J. Fields, If .. 3 0 0 1 0 0 lished 'May 25th: hillicothe, Saturday, for· a. few tractive tbat 1l1l tl e f~IUlily wants in compliment , t o Rev , , Ich,lIrch, m.i tt d, bu~ ...as refused by motion Chuck, (I " " " .. ,. 3 . 0 1 8 ,0 1 "Since writing you I note that days visit. with ' his sister. He was to be lhere a Inuch ,as possible, John Turner's American Legion DIbert. and vote. " Briggs. p .. ... 3 0 0 0 6 2 Thel'l~ must be I v "kindnes.s, .C()n- accompanied by the village clerk, the event is on the .21st, not 20Ul. Mr. Kenrick e~:plalne4 tllat his l>asebaU te~m. l1\et th ir first de-I ' " Also my memo'!'y is clearing. the clerk ' of t he water board, an tenl.Jl16ot und undel'at.:,mding. In r4!'!lulution waB nQt intended as a feat of the season when the hank- . Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Adams and personal affront to Mr, Duke, or 1in Legion 'boys came to Wayne C:hildr.en; of Latonia, Ky., spent the the wO I'd. of Edgar A ... Guest, "It insurant 'Ilge~ti the receiver of a Please add to and correct the Total~ . .... .. 30 0 1 24 l ' 8 anY...,9tber member of the board, Park, last Thursday afternoon. An wee~-end here with her pqrent • takes a heap o'livin" in a house banki-upt rest.au~allt, a H. S. in- Reminiscenses se nt y()U, to wit: Te~her6 of Yellt;er:(eal''''':':W hitWAYNESVILLE structor, the i-aculty advisor of but 'wa melU1t as a protection to eighth inning waa required before Mr. and ,J.frs. Chas. Lynch, and tu make It hQme." The club adjoul'n d to meet July H. . athletics, the sponsor ot tier Burnett., literary as his given , AB R H PO A ' B the a soeiation. He cited the :faet the visitors could claim a 6 to 0 other relatives. 14th wilh Mr. and Mrs. A. S. 001- the Sportsmanship Brotherhood, name indicates,; a big, strong, that. until the IlJit few yea~ trus- l'1etoTy. The locale showed up d ' 'lI • awkward man, intense in nature. Weller. (l ........ 6 1 2 8 0 0 t.he- H. S. book sales mahager and Mr. an .""r$. E. S. l\IJ1~s, and lett.. tees had c9nllidered it at. )eaat an llurprili'Il,ly well, ~oth at bat and inspirational as a eacher. Ella Mendy. 2b .... .-4 2 2 0 a 0 ~--ntend ent 01 the· M. E . the s uperi in tbe ileld. Forrest Dakin, at Mr .. and Mrs •.. ummer Mills, of unwritten rule that no member ot Sunday fichool; yet, but one young Key~ may also haVe been a tea.cher Hartsock, s ,.6 1 1 1 0 1 Relu rned Home For Vacation the board Ilbquld receive pay lot Ihortstop, .hows Ifeat promiSe of ' IndIanapolis, vH<Jted Dr. M~r~' ~. man anived 011 t his dei!tination , but I never knew her wellinor was Gons, 3b ,....... 6 0 1 0 3' 1 service I·e.ndered or matel'iall lur- follo,Hng in the footltepll 01 his C.o?k, ~nd. other relatives In thIS ct ,.. ,. 4 0 0 1 0 ·0 MillS G rtrud handler has re- llow WQu ld yo u like to see that 1 a pupil pnder ber, 80 do not Ram ni~l1ed . He cited the cue Qf the :rather, the late ".Timmie" Daki;'. VICinity thl week. ..4 1 2 0 0 0 t 0 th ar th an that' ahe was a. "-"-.""\I If"" .." , ,".4 l ' 1 16 O' 1 Jate Wm. Jones, who refused· to Dudley Oraham, atllr atblete .of · The. members oithe M. E. lu 11 U hOll1£' ~rQIl' D. s:. U. for her tlgan~" coming to your home for commen very: high type woman. . a viSIt? ' plaster the chapel when it' wa. ~ranklin H. S., an~ thei!; umpll'e choir. enjoyed a ADelal hour after SIlJl'ln1 r "aeati n. , Bpys and GI'r ls of YesteQ'ear- T~rner, rf .... ..4 1 0 1 0 ' 0 built because 'b&.1flls a member of ~e~e of · great. assIstance to. ~he practice at th hean.e 0 r ,!\Ir. and Correct fYly manuscriPt to read Ankeney, tl .. .,4 2 1 1 7 0 t.he board. vl~l~ors. Our kl~ ar~ practicing Mrs. J. W , Lou, Friday evening. "Earl and l\IlIY Everly." AlsO The diaculisioti. gre... rather agal'!lllb the WAC II, tbls evening. rce cream and ClIke were served. , "Rarldall and Everly." Also Bertha Totals ......... , 39 9 10 27 18 8 heated \for a time. but waa finaUy Zell should be Bel'tha Kenrick; settled when a motion to recons(d- COOD CUT CLOTHINC CLUB Mr. and frs. Erne·t Hurley, of 1 2 S , .& a 7 8 t ou may have the rlg\!t name to er the action 0'1 the auociation New Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Insert since I am uncertain, as well Giants .... :.. ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 ~ was submitted and pasaed. ReBa,ym ond W,i1son and daughter, AC'/!.. .. ..... 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 6 ·-8 as I recall her and' her parents. The Good Out Cl9thing Club J~nnette, ~ on8ideration of the resolution reof Wayne&vil1e, pent their. third meeting . all June held ApPI'oximately 225 leaders and Attendin'I t he stat e ~:Ct nsion Add these .,ames too ie. Stella and Earned Runa--W'AC. 2. sulted in ' it.s defeat, and Mr. puke 10, at the home of the leader, Sunday with Robert Furnal; and offic ra of Wanen co unty 4-B camp in Llcki1)g county, wiil be Celia Missildine. Sarah Burnett, Left on Base&-.-Oianti, 2; WAC with.drew his resignation. family. Hathaw.y. The ~]ub is nlanluhs ' were in nttend,a ne at the Mrs. Morris Miller, of Lytle. Ducy Emley, Vician Stilwell. Olive 7. After adjournJllent ot the lot ~rs. ~() , do some community work, Stolen Bases - ~taoCk t Mr. and Mrs. }fanry Rickard re- tl'l,linin~ \"llnc).ing held at Lebanon and Heber Ellis, of Waynesyill. and Helen Parshall, tbe Smith girls owners, the board of trustees met nlng A . team ' demonstrat\on was given turned to their hom e in Ft. Way,n e on S,atul,uay. P otty-tInea of the Fo1lowing a picnjc lunch at daughters -of Jeff and George, ' Ramby 2, Ankeney 2, Hoqb: infoJ'mally, alld cholle Ml'. Duke W by Barbara Gray; and Anna '·Lee Ind., after sp ndill!: . veral days 52 clubs in ~he county were rapre- Harmon Park' the various groups Nor n1/l1 Stilwell, Lee Earnhart, ~llis. . serve as temporary preeident uJjtil 'Cran~, a picllle, ,to be held. at' with ~eil' neice. Mi's. Ead )I().n ted at the 'm etinq: which was attendj ng the meetinlit were given Grover- - ( n, from the Hard- . Strock' Out-by B.,.;..... 0,, '-v their, ne)(t ,regular 'meeting, Satur- Wayne and ear\c June 21. 'was {l~anned Oreene, and fam il y and other rel- in charge of Miss Elizabeth Grad - specia l. 'help in t heIr duties b7 scrabble school section, and Frank Allk~ney, 8, ..... ,. '" ~# da-y, July 2, when a permanent, After ' adjournment the mem- ativ.es. dy, hom~ ext n!lion agent , ~n d r ecllghlzed leaders in the work Crew." Base on Balla--oft' B ...... president 'W ill be 8elec~ed. bers of tbe club enjoyed tbe 'Te- Wild Pitches.-B""-..;-f. , Lester J. Millet, ' ~cting farm who were here ror the day. ' ' hour. , HonQring Mrs. Emma Dakjn, of bureau agent. Club presidents and vice presi- WELL KNOWN MASON KILLED Umpirea--E. J'. &B"u:''..n --d R. ... . MACHINE c::ATCHES "FIRE Xenia, Mrs, Amelia Williams nAt the mQ\'nin,r se 'ion conduct- dena were Ilddresseil by Walte'r Martin. ~"" tertained Mrs. Dakin, Mrs. J. W. ed at. i emQrial Hall, short t1llks Bluck, Clinton <!Qunty farm bureau Hugh L. Bates, o"'! Hamil~n, ,i ~TTEND ANNUAL PICNIC Mr. and Mn. Everett Seal'll had W~ite, Mrs. Ruth Daugherty, Mrs. werE' made hy several speakers. agent. The ' secretaries' ·group was Ohio, was killed .Monday night B_ltall N.... , OF HAY FEVER CLUB J. L. MendeJ'lhaU and Ml's. J. D. quite a Ic.re, Saturday evening. A fcalure of the morning ses- in charge of Mis8 Ruth Radford, neal' Chillicothe, when he was run They were returning from Spring . Marlatt at dinner, la~t Thur~dny. sion wa Ih !\el(lclion of delegates home demonstration agent Irom down by a freight train. Mr. RUliaell lIIartin, of- Darto-. _d Vaney in his father's .uto, when, Mr. and Mrs. J. V , . Hartlloc" tp I' J)I'''sent Wat'ren ounty at the Greene county. Guy Dowdy had Bates was attemptl'n'" to remove a. ,..,_<,:BU-"on ....• e e ......... ___ 'I81\t. ...... ~ Mr d M " C I C 11 d .... __ n -q tor lome unexplained reaaon, the and d aUgh tel', Dorothy G., Joan . an r • ar ro an di~trict and state 4-Ft camps to charge of th~ news re porte rll' . . , lr machine caught tire jUlt after Carr, and Mr. and Mrs. Abram so!" Mm. Thomas an~ daup;llter, be conducted next mqnth. group and Raymond Smit.h, the f:0~~ncarlr~~'k'" h~~~ ~c~:h': u ump . . , they h..d pued the College Hill Cooki of SRringboro, attended the M18S Roma, ,of' Fr/lnk!lD. anc:! Mr, Dele(Z'ltes to-ilie district camp olub advisors' «roup: Mitis Eliza~ W'. ._ ... Iifton nea r Yel1qw beth Masters, Clinton county home charge of the telephone mabltentcboolhouae, nOW occupied b;v lIe\1enth a"nual Hay Fever dub and MrS". ElJ!s McClure and dauJ!:h- at Camp inspecting thll· lin~. Henry Westerman and , family. picnic. Sunday, held In New Castle ter. of Spflnlboro 'Were Sunday- Spl'in~ were a nMunce~ as fol- demonstration agent, was In ance and pests of Mr. al)d Mr~, Elmer 10w'!I: Loui. e FibJ!:eraldj of T.(inga charge of the recreation leaders. Mr. Ba.t es wal well known Th. ftamea were extintnlshed be. Indiana, at Memorial Park. Several .tates ·w ete represented Sheehan. Mills: H len Jackson,- of ButlerSaturday_ was the last day on amoue local Muons, haYlll8 ~=:m~ fore a ll'8at deal or dama,e wa. done. and, fortunately. n01>o&y ~ the "Sneenn" of the or. .ni.... Mr. a;d ~I'I.' Ben Smith and ville; Garnet Gutermuth, of .Ma- ... hieh additional club enronmeDb o~!or 0J...!~;,::oDclll ... h1ll1. on in attendance WhOM roll caI1 daU8htel'll Mr. aDd Mn. Roy Bubl'- son; .Tewelf L()~h, of Soclalville; could be made and aecordlna to·.n ..:;;;.~-• xeeeda 100 Dlemberl. m.n and childre1l. of Olbom, and Ellrl llall, of LeUanon; Stanley announcement Monday mornl", JUVPILE PRout... •- • Mr. and Mrs. lIa1'1")' Shaw were Uendel'!!on, of Lebanon: Ray Hob.. al?Jlroxima~ly 700 ~,. and lrirla YOUNG WOllEN MDT SlInda,. peate at tbe home of Mr, ~fJn, of 1\10 ; and Frank Du- will_partiCipate in 4-& Club work and lira. C Eo AadersOli The Vall, of ' in Warren county lb. Of UDder the ;el=6i5~~ ==~~:::=r.:~!;~t~le~f& pailemen itneaMa the ball' . .me Juanita Brannoc of Waynes- thia. a~Jllber 410 a~.lrlI ad tile M.... b1. the afterbtMm, Hr. dh'. ville, was !lwardecl free trip ". . .badel' boJL 'IVa " "........ J~ dJ. a c •• f:;=_J.tht.:~.=: wilen to the dllitrlet camp by tile iJacl'tue of 100 ovv IMt }I . -........ pan. Baldq it Ita .i~:=-~==".! "
Annual Se •• ion
Wu yne~v-iIlCJ
----... - ..----
Herbert Warwick Make.. Correction.
Legion Ball Team i. Defeated by Franklin
- -..,....----
Club ",ork4ers Met at Lebanon .' Over 200 ",ere. in Attendance
._ --,...--
.. -..----
. _.
a tOllal Bank Tn t Ib rt Stacy. t I, ales by thl' hertfr wt'r not c.'unftrmed and ar to be III!t a Ide allft held ror naught. In the casll of Th People':; Building Loan It Savinga Company Vt'r~us Jo';mily Sara h Oram, et a i, Common Pie •• P ..ll)eeediin •• il i~ ordered that IH'rvic of sumunt''1ue IIr mflllt value f,lxperiencl' '[ER Br TIlE H In lhl! 'a~c.' '''' ~rht' Poopl!!'!! I11Cl1IS be made on said defendants in tb office,!'tIi Marne prompt.! BUiltli!lg Loan an<1 ~llVin~,; Com· by publication. MAny' di"'~r nt i.mlli!' hav .. 1''''1'11 d, "Th mllny pll!a,ant and. pliny vel'~118 Emil~ fnruh, 01'.. 1\1, In the eMil of Boyd M, Ral~ton. It.ft lh{'ir imllt '~s for good on the valued frientishipl! acquireu. both et III .l'l'vict' of ~\Jlllnl\ln ' Ii! to be receiver of t.he «'urmer 1'~ust r· 111 of our ~ ml1lunit.y in as many by personal conta t. anll by mad(l n the deft-lldsl)t, Gladys!t. C'ompallY f Indiann versus John Anel vllrit'd wa}'s- the Fuma, rl':pond ce.· On incident she re1I1'1l. !ltt'l't'ill, et ai, the defendants shull Salt ..fhwuit. Rain II. Harris, ali, d mu t vividly cone I'n d a In the I"UbI' 01 Rol)t'rt G. Mor. pay the plaintiff the SUnt of $6,Cnd' alll1~ t, .fann y, Hawke, But'- noted I cturer (n M mony to ri~ \,(lr~II S .Iennie ~L Cluir, et al! HH .37 wjtb intero~t 1lt'870. ' -+- - -:41 n ·tt, BultNwol'th- I families. and visit Ollr comunity in ft prott'~"ionit i~ lll'd~rtJd that }.l11t·ltition \I r sllio .JameK Kirby, Jr. pleaded guilty \vhl> vi lted th ('ount1e~ oth r. thll come readily III capa ity) pr rni ~t!~ ~e l)lade in favor. of all to the indi tment filed against to mind. V t, important and well offic And be 'ame a great. admirer parties in inler ; l. him. Scntenc' was dofen' d until of her father. He Illter paid n "naclt>d a ' the t! ftllllily roles have In lhe l:i I'l' of 1rh Pl.' uplc's 11 la ler duy. b en (lind' yet are). , th part Illay- !flowing lI'ibu4.> to Mr. Brown i.n Building, Lo 1\ l\llli ~;Hvi!lg!S om· In the cas of Weslern Indus. d by h'. llnd Mr. Thomas J. an article published in a magapany VCI'; u ~ Harry 1\1[. Lind r the tries lIrporlltion versus Van Brown and their daughters, the zine. comm nting on the gentlepillintitf shl1ll 1'('1.'0 \' (11" from the d - Home Tube QmpOllY, et aI, ColML' Anni lind Mame. in our men's test. in lif , though h ,as tendant th sum o f $7746.\)0. Jill Wright nnd Christian A. c mmunity iii stands out with then past 70 years old. [1'1 ill Clllse rJt The Peopl" Kutz, Jr, w(>l'e gl'nnted leave to cllirit and di tinction, One v~n· Another incident l!he recalls I Buildin . Luan and ~avings om· Ill , anl:lwer and el'O S peUthm. The Bayer C;,oss is not just a trade·marJc. but a lng r cenUy, it wa the writer'S dates back to the day ",h n subprlllY ver!<us Ernily ... arab Oram, et In the case of 1I1l1di on Build. prl' ile~e and pleasure to discuss scriptions to the paper w re paid III th plaintiff t'lhall reeov l' fr m ing A socialiol) vet'sull William P. symbol of s$fety. Ith ~1i' lam, her fomily ano:! in bartel', rather than in cash, I th defendant th ~um of $4l!5 .' Stagge, et ai, 8ale by i!heriff Many and varied wer' the meo. wer approv d nut! all accounts diums of exchang m such instan · rn the Cel or Ll\ura 1\1. ~ imon· are to be Rettled. That name tells you It cannot depress the heart. ce toVtl wood. hay, grain of all ton nnd 'Iva S. 'imont n versu~ In th case of Edwin S. Furnas. kind, veg tables, frujt • fresh lind MOl'r~s r', 'imol'lton, et al ~hl! e,t al vel' us hllrles M. Robitze" The tablet 8tamped Bayer dissolves so quicldy y~ cur d meat,. butter, eggs, in fact tru l filed his IlcCuunt. Unless th dl.'mul'1'er Q1 the d fendant to abo\lt everything produced on t.h exc ptions IIl'e filed to aid ae. 'the petition file.l was overruled let instant relief from headaches or other pain, farm, ne <\ay, a dear old lady ot count. \lithin fiftee-n days the same ann the defendant WII!i\ grllnted 80 the Friends faith, who habituallY i Ilpprovcd and or:delred recovered dill' S to file ans, el'. paid for her sub, cl'iption in cash. it 1'l'a\1y is. The circumference of all'. made by the shlll'iff In the In th ell e oj· Johu Albert veT· There is no diSagreeable taste or odor to tablets of came t.<) the uftl I' bearing n bushel one tre s is 65 inl;hes, that of the case of l.'h Fede rlll Land Bank us R~,lph R. inger, et al the bs ket filled wit" the choicest. other 72 jnche!'. mea ured about (If Louisvill versus .Tohn plllintiff shall recover from the Bayer manufacture; no harmful quantities of free fruit and vegetabl~!! from her l inches from the ground. The e lap, t III \ ere approved and all defendant the um of 3611.83. hom . ijanding th~ basket to Mrs. tree form strai"ht trt.:tnks and accounts ar to be Rettl ' d, The tI e 0'1 Th National IISh salicytic acid to upset , the stomach: no coane Brown she aid, "The sub cription I an tOI ard each other at an In the case of The Leban n- Rl;lgister ompJtny versus . L. pric <If thy pap r i so mueh less aJigl that bl'ings them together _________ , Vorh B, et a1 was dismissed with. particles to irritate throat or stomach. t han what it i really worth that t. 15 feet front the gr und; he!;'e out record. I brought this basket In pal't payI.'Y met, and blend at once into at all obl to grant the request. In the case of' Virgil 0' Banion ment of what lowe thee in addi- o . l'Ound, solid trOnk, whi h E en ~ft I' failin~ health and the versus ,Roy O'Banion partition of tio'n." reaches up as round and mooth weigbt of 'Y aT had Jrureed her 1" _ aid premise!! js to be made in Naturally, the Missel! Brown as the avel'age trce for a disWnce tirement to her hl)m,~. the a.ppellis favor of all parties in interelOt. ar~ very proud of their paJ'ent 111.. ' of 18 or 20 ! et, wh~n it brunch continued to come. R(lbe)'t R. Beroaw, Fronk Watkill5 NO , ........Of and their record. Mr. Brown, out into a top cd average i1.e. Another characteristic of tllis and L. EIlTI Thompsori are appoint R . thoui(h shut oft' from the world of .. orne yeaTS ago, Prof. W. H, worthy couple was their lOve for e<1 c mmjssioners to make said 80und by a childhood illnes • lost Werthner, an accomplished botan· young people, ahd a keen interest pfll'tition, I ist of Dayton (sinct', Principal of In their happine 8 and welfare. G Ol'~ H. Smith, executor' of , Steele High ch 01) attracted by Th ir office and home were ever estate of Elizabeth Thompl!on de. tor of estate 01 Elizabeth Brin- Josiah aiiferty were appuinted ap&. report of tha.t tree I had ent pla(!e of r~ndel':ous f'o r the young- cased" filed his fint and final inger, deceased, tiled hi Inv n- prais rs ' him, came over and we visited the ters, and nevf1' were the master l1~count. tory and appraisem~nt. He is or· Th adminis trllluJ' of the state tre in company. H expre cd his and nlistres happier than when so G'e org E. Young, xecutor of d red to dil!tribute certain IIcssets of Mal'y Holson, deceased, is or· MRS. T. J. BROWN a tonishment at th freak, took an urrounded, In thill C'Qnnection. estate ot Josephine Dodd, decea· to the beneficiaries. d r tl t,o sell cl;lJ'lain property at excellent photogl'nph of the twins, Miss lame remembers that Mrs. ed, filed his tir!!t and final account. The will of amuel W. 'fhomp- private I>llle. Odessa Whitt', adtheir records for the many yean a. de eription and photog-raph Irma Elli O'Neall was the first P. H. l'oiale:(, administrator of so n, deceased, wa filed in court. ministralol' of ' stllll:' or Mary they had c;harge of the Miami to the ientific Am \'ican, in lady to dl:ive un aut~lmobi\e in th~ estate of~therine Male" de~ Qllve J!lmes~ administratrix of Rolsol\, (\ ased, filed his first Gazette Wc bad 'hoped to induce whlcb it was publlshlld, and also tree~ of Waynesville. Boy learn- cease~, filed hi" first on'd final ac- Il'li.ateot H>IIrlnn Whitacre, lle- Ilnd final lIccounL. ber to 'tell the tory in h r own sent a copy of th photo to the ing the trade 'wei'e often accord- count, . cea d, is Q1'dered to distribute The will of Ruth Ruhl', deceased words, but lIlodesty, poor bea,ltb wJ'iter, from which the halftone ed the lIdvantaK.es oJ: this tine ' The inven.tory of Eva M. Dakin certain shares o:! • tock to the wa!! fil d in coUrt. alld the preas of private aWain, was taken which prints the above home, nine of thelll coming f1'om executrix of estate o"t Frank Den- beneficiaries. The inventory f Wil11l. Lewis, forebade. excellent pictul·e. "An enlarge. the 0, '. & S, • home at Xenia. Vel' D~kin, deceased. WIIB approved administrat or of estate of . L. Mr. and M.rs. Brown pureba.ed ment. of thl" photo now adorns the· Probably the best knowll of these by the court. The adjudication Ilnd det~rmin- l)y. e, dec n cd. \\' (Hi approved by Tbe Mjami Guette from Jon .. 'I I b L b C· . otion -of the inherltan c taxes on wall of t.he Dayton Public Library was Albert Deafenb.augh, being It e y e anoll- lhzens Nathe court. · ands and Drew Sweet in the Mr. Br wn was al 0 n curator of the fir:t, also th McKay brothel's tional Bank and Tru t o.~ exeeu- the e tate of Elmer E. Jon(l ,de. The inventory of finnie Nunprine of 1881, and, loon after mo're than av~rage abilit3;', And Alb!'rt, Will an~ Walter, wh~ tor of estate of Annie Burton Mor- ceased,· ill to be given to all per· list, admlnilltratrbc: of state of her graduation :from High coLl cted a umque collec1;ion of wer~ the last, Ibertlatol' gan, decea ed, were approved by SOli in~erested. Lewi A. NUllli t, (ltlC ed, was which al () occurre<l th.t gil logical llnd ar-chat'ological becoming "' partner in thE! busi- the Qourt, . E, Byron Ferrill wa appointed approved I)y th court. Jtiu .Kame took h.er place Bpe ·mens. Many of these. inc1u~- ness, admirlistr tor of eB~te of J osep h L. . Andel: Qn, administrator ollce, fit first aa a eOlnp'oailtor Ing hi s fll'st sp cimens, were d\>, iscu,slng her parent, their New Suita Lee Ferri, deceased, and' filed of ~~tat Ilf Ralph B. Parks. de· 'readlne matter, Sbe soon nIlU!a.1 nated to the Ohio Historical and daught l' said, "Ye~l, £at'her and The Board of Education of bnnd of. $800 'with tb United c aaed, tiled ' 1\ schedule 01 all more than average speed and ac:Archeological eei ty, Columbus, moth r mad 111any. acrifices for It'arcreek township, rural scho I tates Fjdellty Company surety. known d bts claIms lind Iibalit.ics CUtlle, a)on~ t~8 line, and later by his daughters after his demise. the communily and their friends r t . t f W GeC)rge p, GuteK Wl18 appointed against the I.' tate. became very proflcl~nt in aD opMrs. Brown was a brilliant. and but it wa. paid. Th-! tr"th of the' C 18 ne 0 arren county. by • administrator of estate of Mal'R. f. Hawk. administrator of eration. neceuary to the produc, ~ Donald Dillliush, PrOJlcc~ting At." "I h t ·' d nn d atat of George W. Hl1wke, de· forceful writer, who posses ed 'criptural pI'o· m .A,. I'Ca t thy t W'II' 0 D gare. ",nn .II ere an , u Cl'a. e tion of • rural newlp.~er, both c O1'ney, versl1s 118m . ugan. "I d b on d () f $1000 WI'th T'L Oh'10 C as d, til d hi. inv(!ntl)ry. the courage and the ability to ex· bread upon the watElr ," has been For money. Il e •• e mechanical and OOitortal. The press. her opinions. A staunc h adforcefully brought borne to Sister ' Rob rt H nder n venus Laura Casualty Insurance ompany as The elltat!! of l\1l1ry Rol n, d • prelent editor and publisher. D. Lherent of tb Right as she. saw it, and me; only" in I)ur ea e, the E. Howe1l10r money. surety. .. E. Moore, William ceased. is uxempt from Inheritance Crane, had learned the trade in TWIN ASH her influence and that of The 'bread' has returned a 'cake': H. J, Bell v rsus [rma Mohr for Good and C. W. Munger wer ap· tax. ' thill ollce, ullder Mr. Sweet, and Gazette were ev rued in its de· And it i well that it should. money. pointed appraisers. Mal' y E. Quayle, guardian of continued his connection fOr quite BeJol' the di~llstrous fire in Florence Be\] versus lrma Mohr S. S. Stahl was appoillted ad- Tbomas Jone Quayle. t. ",I mi· a while under the Brown relrime, no time in vain repining or com· fen e and advancement. he head. n\inistratol' of estau of L vi tahl noC$, filed her inventor)'. )(n, Crene was then Miu F lora plainlng, but was ever ale.rt to the ed a movment :for the reuding of April, 19()O, The Gazette office for mOlley. dece" ed, and filed bond of ~t8000 Oorr W. HendrickM n, ad mini ' Woolley, and lIO continued for two joy of life and the good be micht Gqd 's Word in our public chools; occupied the I\econ<r\ glory of :l P,r ol..te Court with the Detroit Fidelity and trator f the state (lj Anna L. or three ),ea1'8. . , do for his feJlow man; he made she bOre hllr full share in the buildin~ which . to(~d where the . Ilrety Co. a ,urety. George P. Cal'r, ,1eceal\ed, flIed his dl tribu· Asked to recount her most t he world brighter and better by cruaade to Ire6 our town ot the buildi~g formerlv o,ecupied ,by L. qpen saloon. One saloonkeeper A. ZImmerman's now Charles Brinin~el', admi1)istra- Ge,tes, Carrie Eismilnger and tive account. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I his presence. A geologist and archaeologist of more than eg· mind, her own busine811 an.d keep was occopie,lI by a ,grocel'Y tatJ. A. of Re.bold ,M, B. ,executor Osbo'tn, otthe dec:ea. ed, repute, he often in- said filCd hi first and final account. tel'esting 1ll'ticles to the leading her mouth shut, I w(juldn'~ have veJ!onlnn to t.he lah~ E . R. Prjnt.t magazines in those fiields. any trouI}Ie." Upon hearing this, ther.) AUhou~h the fire Harry . chwarirlllnd._ChvenOur llluBtration of t he Twin Asb IIhe told the man that it was his n .. "Ll'Ilvp·n the pre ell, The Caze~ .dolyn M. Schwartz, . exe·c utors of Tree.. first appeared in connection busine s, not he, which she was did miss ~ single i$Sue. Enough . V the e tat of harl!5 W. Schwartz with a description, written by Mr. tjghting; jf she could render. him type to print a small paper wa J ,' (Continued On Pace 8) BroWl'l, and published in the any per!lenal aid or !\ervic " he salvoged and taken 1.0 the second L _ _ _~_ _-----":","~-_ _";"","=,':;"~....;.__________ Home-Coming souvenir edition ill would gladly do o. He later be- story of the house now occupied - ----1906. We quote: "One oJ the malt came one of her I1\Ollt loyal friends by Mrs. John S. Thomson and son. ,remarkable freak!! 0l1c reeord is to ,and ardent admirers. There, the lype was set, and the be found a few miles aoutb of If Ilhe excelled at any Iorm 'of forms, made r ady t.0' be taken to Wayneeville on Jonathan Gra· writing above all other·s, Mrs. Lebanon, in 1\lr. Printz's delivery EPAI.RING ham's faTm, T.his is a case ot twin B.rown wa .. t her best wh II writ- wagon, where the 1'Ilpers were Ws;tchell treea of the blue ash IIpedea. inlE' the la t sad tribute to so me printed n the prcss of The We t. , locks These treea stand four feet apart one who had depaTted this life, eTn tar, through the courtesy of , J welry at the ,base, and are nearly the and extending words of hope and the publisher. Mis!! MalVc teo same lIize in circumference; one comfort to bereav\!d friends. 0 nwmbers thot on the!!e trips IIhe Store Open Evenlnrl trunk, however, IS eomewha,t , flat- beautiful were her tributes that and Mr. [cKay encountered ali tened 110 that a side view makes this service W8S often asked of sOrtll of weather, hot and cold fair CARY'S it. look tonsiderably smaller than and never did she refuse wh I) and foul. Probably the greatest loss occasioned The Gazette by the fire, was the burning ' of the When original tiles f)'f the paper; these have n ver been fully J:eplaced. When the burn ~I di trict was rebuilt, The Gazette office retarn· ed to its former loco,Hon, and new malee. 'p l'\!SSes, and equipment were in· 1lI0TARY PUBLIC stallell. Here it rem l~inec\ until its QDe of the most lmp()l1ant thinet I ,, removal to the pres lnt location in YOIl can do to make a teethilJl baliy the earlY , spring clf 1906. Mr. . comfortable is tD 'llee 'thst UlUe Willa Dr.wn • • S.ttlN ,bowel~ do "their work of carryin, oft Crane assumed charge as editor WAYNESVILLE, OHIO wbte matte( ~r()mp tl y and regularly. and publisher in j91)8. MAN For this nothing is better than CasHel'ewith we are printing poria u ' oId-oru J'OWIIt- 8nt 'tpooDtuJ. That's all ycna iDeed to d!1ve .... y the daltue. all4 ' traits of l\1,r , ,Browrl, and of Miss as hia or8UII, toria. pure vegetable prellar'ltion .pecia Iy D)ade ' for babies and chilMama as she appeared daring the At tUty, you caD. be ' in ~ headache of a '>UiOUI .~ aDd rid ' fOR SALE DATES CAU. the .yatem of that ~ow POCI9I1 that dren. Ctiloria acts so ~ntly YOII Can' latte,r 'yeal's of he.r e mnection with prime. . rOIlT .tre,,~ , U', bettuthlUl 'aive it to youOj iD.f:U1b to relieve t he paper, We r(!gre't that Il most Whr. ,0 al0DM with ·~a.irly P.d alaPS tonlc·for tire<fboWeJ., and wlike colic. Y~t it is al""a~ effective, tOr excell nt half tone of Mr. Brow" h~alth" wben you rnkht beeQjoY!DI b.bil;fOrmil1lJ laxatives yOIl _ «faG older Cbl1dr\!D, wooRemenlber, Cashas been misplac(~d. Included, vllJOr YOIl haven't felf for ye:an? take JUreely or live it to uy chUd. toria contains (10 har~h drui!1I no are portraits of the ,M essrs. There'. a lim,ple little thlDlJ uy- And it ian't open.!ve. ' • Mrcotics-is nhsolulely hnrrules,~. George S. 'ale and .Phillp Hawk e, one can do to lceep the vital OL'lllllll \\~nea your balJy ,is frelful ' with Get somesyrup ~ toda", aDd two su b cl·ibers · WhO received the llim\llated, and feel fit .ll the time. ~eeth!111i ~r a Joo<I ~~Ilet, It cleanstake a JitUe' tODlfllt. ' 0011'( wait • issue of Th~ Mi~mi Gazette, People don't real~e bow aJualiah first Ill" dose of Clt.3luna. Be 'llurc you set UD.ti' you"Uick to li!e your ijatem and evt!ry uhequenl~ 1 Ue so long lhey'v~ fJl'own until tbey'~ tRea it. thIS _auine Cas.t olla tiith tbe D,alJle: ' .JESSE STANLEY woaderful"help. You can QPCid as th~y Hved. Since their demise, T he s hmutant that 'Will .tir your .pella (lC biJioUlDeta or COIl£t1- Pboa. 3aO, N.w Burll".loa. O~. their childre"n have c ontinued their 'YJtem to new life ill Dr. Caldwell", those pation. A .poonfuJ every bow aDd subscriptions, Mr. Sale's. paper ~p pepsin. Jt will make a most lben lh.n conltant worry now going to his daughter, Mrs. .maiJ.Ji8 difference in man" W"II'. ab0tutwbetler EARL KOOCLtR the coDdition ot yoW' bowell. ~ Mary Waterhouse, and Mr. . " . 'amona doctor', pl'elCription or ear ot .uto-into:deatlcm u you Dayt_ Phob', Hawke to his son, John C, Hawke. h a d.acioua·.yrup made with fresh IIJ'O~ older. Dr. Caldwell'. I)'rUP CHo'ljP'ffN T~' ~C)~' ,1 G.or•• S. Sal. 'aael 'lamp H ..wke, T_ Ori,illal and Lifelo.. . Ga· Just two instanceB (If the friend- h~ IICilve aeDDa,. aDd PIU'e pep- peJ*lD protects the IYltem. AU kED.or. •• tte S. becriberl ship referred to by Miss Brown. aiD. It ,tarta Itt JIOOCl worli with the dritQiatt keep WI pnparat.ioD
Da., 01 7lae Miami Gazette as NEWS Recalled by Mame Brown,f ormer Editor FROM coun HOUSE
... -
F ft
. ·t d F an I
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Sometime. Ig~orance ii Slia.
5% Farm Loans,
AD. ~
Write aDd wID .... SaID D. B ••ldt, ••~. , Ill
FOR RENT- Past ure land. See B. V. Smith. WaYDe.ville, Ohio. \. ej22 , FOR SALE-sweet Potato Plutl at D. H, Hoekett'L EarI7 GoldeD • Nancy Bana, Southern QUeea ADd JtntJL 861: per 100. PbOD. IIBll
• Dllftuan, d
ertlft d without dt!1af. A copy determinlnlt the Inheri· tanee tax to be paid on the estate of Martha R. Burnt-Lt, dect'aaed, I ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY to be certified without delay. R. E. LeRoy was appointed ap· D. L. CRANE I PUbuI..erl Sult.criptloa Price, f'.SO • praiser of thl' e tate of Lewis A. Of&c. Phoe. .,," No. liZ Enl ..r".l at PotitofrlCfl at Wayne.· Nunlil!t, dE'ceased, in the place of '" I'l ll u. Oblo. Second Cia .. Man harles J. Wagl(oTll'r. Ro.i.--co . , . . . . . . , '" N O. II .. Matter . S. W. Wright wa~ appointed adininistrator of (' late or Nellie May Wright, decea~ed, Jlnd fl Ied JUNE 15, 1932 bond of $500 with J. T. Riley and Agnes B. al'll4on as Ut'eti R. N. A. Hamilton H, S. onover and i. +~~~~!.!!.!~!!-w(' r appointed I" the matter or fir!.' apparatus, only the best is good enough. Nunlist, admi nistrator 1'1'1 • rUaL",. .. r hvmcI'I,,,iactories Bnd town!! that /lave been destroy· of estate 0'1' Lewis A. Nun list, de· (\\.1 til" IlPJv ~.n'ely danllilled because fire fightinr equipment failed or IIl·ov,·,1 Intu ll'Cluatc ut th<.' critical moment, would be a long Ol\e. Towns ceased, filed her illv ntory. W. N. Thompson, administrator whicb tlav' 41 few hundred or a few thou and dollars on its fir up· PIlI'utUIi now, mtly, hecllu t!c of that, take losses amounting to hun- of estate of Caroline S. Adams deceased, flled his ale bill. tI., 'tl" Ilf thuul\Jlnrlll 01' millions in tne future. Thou l\ancJl\ or merionn communitl are still "protected" with Fred . Bahr, and Olive M. Bahr aPI)uratu <\ which is t)ut-of-oate. or which was improper to begin ·with. administrators of !jtat of Lorenz A pum]l iMmoU'ht Ii on 1\ truck- and the result is calle d a fire engine. Bahr, decealled, filed thei r sale lly tht· tim til citi:r.cns lea rn the mistake thai hilS been made, the bill. The inv('ntory of Jos ph R. Bak· domngc hilS b ('n done. • 'I'h.! L\! ~ t amI mOilt modern fi re protecti!,>n is the only economical er, admini trator of state of kind. 1'h invest ment it 'r epresents may b~ retuI'ned to the commu nity Susie Snydel', deceased, was ap· 1l'1I thol! ijnncl times when II pote ntin lly dang I'OUS fire ,is quenched be· proved by the -co urt. The adjudication and determin· lore it CU ll tlo much dnmllge. ation of the inheritance taxes on the estate (If Thomas E. Sweny" decease d, -is to be given al] I)er ona th~ interested. In th days of knighthood every all that the salute signified .in the pttaJ'l"iale Liceiue. gentleman wore his 8WOI'd Ilrac- days of long ago. Henry P()p'e Gillen, factory tl ally at nil time, wbile the serfs The salute was, therefore, the and s lave. ~ere not permitted to I:!ign of gentlemanly equality, for worker oJ Franklin, and Mi s go arm d. a s sel'fs and ~Iave were unarmed Thelma Marie Bu chanan, factory Owing to the very nllrl'Ow ~treets they had to link past the gentle. worker of Franklin. Lawton E. Bolender, financial in the old time~ on the can· men they encountered on the nartinent find in EngI8n~I, two men row streets, pressinlf themselves as editor, of Dayton, and Mi s Ada wh n npllrol!ching on the Btr ets tightly as possible against t he op- Frances haner, of WayneSVille. Charle& C. Henderson, . tate emhad to I ass each other closely . If po. ile wall, and never knowing ith r of them was perniciously in· Whether the sword might be plung- pl9yee of LebQnon, and MI·s. Letha ~lI ncd, h could have dmwn his ed into them as they passed. It HtN;thorne, of Lebanon. Harry Whitacre Corwin. farmer w01,'d sudden ly und killed the ,WQS the aign ot recognition be· othN' as he pas~ed. ' twe n gentlemen, involving cour- of Blanchester, and Miss Nellie Mae Ross; of Morrow, The custom, therl'fore, was t sy, te p net and honor. establi hed of ndsing the right So on down through the ages has Real Eatate T"anafer. hand, palm to th front, alongside come the military salute, the sym· of the had-dress, n a friend and bol of equality and" friend ship in Be ie Gros to HarIa D. Miller. not with the inte nt of attacking rvice, passed by one man in the Inlot No. 74 in Lebanon. }Jim. And .to this day that symbol military service to another. It is Bee ie Gro to ()ra A. Miller. of friendship in its original form the signal of friendly recognition; Inlot No. 75 in Lebanon. has survived in this military salute upon approach. with pride in the Mary Rol son, by administrator of both Great Britain and Fnnce. heart and not murder as might to Clifford Whit. Inlot No. 216 In oth r countries, such n our have been the ease in olden time , in Frllnklin. ow n, th~ salute slightly changed if the right hand "were not raised Haria D. MiII(;lr and Cora A. hn been adopted. Such a signifi . to the head, ·palm to the front, Miller to eB sie GrOlis. 50.99 acres cance brirl(ts back the imagina. sh()o\'\' inl(' the hand empty and not in Union townShip. ' tion t.o the days ot knighthood and ready to kill. Mars E. Riley to J . T. , Riley. inlot No. 407 in' Franklin. Elizabeth R' am t o Bertha M. Ream leveng r. Ini oL No. 894 in Franklin. Jame Pile and F. W. Franz to J. If. Tewell. Inlbt No. 99 in '-I Franklin. Siln!! B. Richardson and Mary Th. O. S. U. Ra.ie Slati.a-WEAO Ric,hard. on to Charles Swan. 109 R. B. 'fom, RUI'al Sociologist, Presiding) acre in Hamilton township, :00 Furm Night Melody Makers C. L. Osborne to Le ter Gor· 8 :05 FLod 181 111 ome nnd Expenditures ........ ........ "J. I. Falconer such. Real e tate in Deer,field tp. :20 )Jr v ·nting Chicken P Los es . " . " C. M. Ferguson Samuel A . hamberlain, d e~ . T. S. Sutton : 3~ Hecent Dairy Production Discoveries . 8 :50 Fe ding OWl! on Pa iure .. , .... ' ..... .Ivan McKellip ceased, to Grace A. ha mberlaiJi (1 :05 'ummer lathe for Little F'olk ...... Edna aUahan and Geo rge W. Chamberlain. In· .. , F . .,. Salter lots Nos. 2, S- and I) in Lebanon. (:20 rop:y tt'nlS and oil Necd ~ Jame File aud F. W. Franz to 9 :35 Double ropping the Garden A. W. Marton {) :1)0 Thc Nalion'R Vegetable Ba ket ... O. J. tout Sabilla B. Batman. Real estate in Franklin. "'-H WEAO 'HALF HOUR Harry H. Haunost to Howard S.tu.rda,.. June 18, 8:00 p. DI. Wymer and Hazel Wymer. 16 Music . . .... "....... .. ..... .. . ... .. .. 4·H Quartette aCres in Harlan township. Natur This Week ... ... . .. .. . ......... .., H. E. Eswine Wealtha A. C/lamberlain, Grace Mu ic ............ _......... . ... ,.• ," ...................... 4.H Quar~tte W. Chamberlain and George W. At Uncle Tom' Cabin ..... , , .... " .................. ,.... , ... ,R. Bruce Tom Chamb¢rlain to Lueyl4! Scofield lIfu ic , ...... , ..................... ... " .... .... . .......... ........ ,., ,4-H Quarette Robin~ on and Mary Elizabeth Sco· field. Inlot ;No.2 in Leban op: ;.;r; =~r.-=.: 'E dith A. Short to GeQrge L . c aeed, was a roved, allowed and Venable. Re~l estate in Turtle· con rm ' y t e cou ·. . et!k townshIp. The seventh account "f Z. O. Charles C. Henderson to Flora Worley, trustee' qf the i!state of ·!'Ienders~m. Inlots. Nos. 25 and 26 ( Continued Fron Pag,e 2) J aac Jon ,deceased wa apptov. In Cor)Vm. • .. . decess d are ordered to di tribute cd allowed and confirmed by the W. H. Crawford to Clnc mnatl in kind ~quallY and alike to Harry co~rt · & Suburban Bell Telephone Co. C. 'chwarll: a na Gwendolyn ..,rrh~ fir t and, final acount Qf The use of cer~in real. estate in Schwartz, beneficiatie. of the Rona ld McMillan, executor of the Deerfield t Qwnshlp for hnes.. . will certain tack aDd bonds. estate of Aggie MaMiltan, deeeas~elen LeFevre Lyon to Cmcm. Emma B. Witham, admini tra,· ed" was approved, allowed and con· nat~ &. Subur ban Be}1 T elephon e trix of th estate of Louis 'E. With· firmed by the court. 90 • The use of cert,alO rea~ estate am, -deceal!ed, is ordered to di$' Emerson Mason, widower. filed In Deerfield townshIp for hnes. tribute th state. his Eleeti on In the matter of the . N. E. a!,d Mrs.. N. E. Landen t o . J. A. Robold, xc<:utor of e!!tate will of Melvina Mason, deceased. CIncinnati &. Suburb~n Telephone of y\.h l'a :Meighen, deceased, 1\1- lie filed a schedule of all known o. The use of cer~illn rea? estate ed his sa le bill. elaims. deb~, and liabilities D~!,field townshIp for bnes. The estate of Mary Etta Pugh, against said estate., WIlham F . ;Jackso~ to Mary E, deceased, i exempt from inheri. In the matter of the will of Rob • . Jackson. 100 Beres In Cle~rcreek tance tax . Marietta Kelly, ad- ert G. Croas, deceased, Mary C. township. • minislratrix of the estate filed her CroBs, widow filed her Election F1?ra Rabe, by shenft', to The fil't>t and flnal account. and alBo a schedule of all known PrOVIdent Savings Bank. &: Tru.st
One Place Where Economy
Story of
Military Salute
Farm hight 7 allts, June 20
News from Court House
Thi,.,_r B7 Mr.. Je .. le
'--------------'1 Th Elmell of harvl'st and the dust Anu the f<qucuk of a wick!!1' chair; To se spal'ks l1y from my little ats back When 1 dTaw a comb thr~,ug h her bair. The mu i 01 Linkle of a brook, As it runs U·I'I· it's pebbllV bed' And th' silver minnows that around Wearing, small specks of red. 1 love the smell 0'1 the golden straw, Whi-ch i. piled high on th~ stack, ] lOVe to walk vcr clover hay And 'mel! it, and hear it crack. 1 love to bury my nose att night In a nice f atller pillow, ~,oft; 1 I()ve the memo ry of the freckled guuI'ds That. hung with the herb!!, in our 10ft. I love to mell on wintElr nights The popcorn when it pop,s ; , And hanging back In the corner ther 1'he old bag filled wi~h hops. .I love the smell of 11 big farm
barn Where du l dances like gold in the .sUn;
I love the feel or a ni(:e warm bath When l'm tirM, and day is done. I love to smell the ~ ound, ()f a boat And see the bo~~dR so clean and wet; I love to smell, the smell of sleep Ii is one of ~h e sweetest mel1s yet. I love my home here on the hill For it ura looks good to me: Where ever r look, on every side Nice things I ('an hea.r , smell . or see. So let the old world wag along, With me it cute no ice; For I am more than satisfied Surrounded by things 80 nlice. Lets all try to throw a~iide our oal'es And s e the beauties around our door; As long as your family is healthy Dnd well What. could y()U a k for more.
Harveysburlg Mr. and Mr . Howard ll,ing and foul" children of New Liexington are visiting Mt·s. King's mother, Mrs. Eliza Carter, and sislter, Mrs. A. L. Kennedy and family. The Bet y ROB Clothing Club me~ at the high school building Friday afternoon. All members except one, r~sponded to roll cali and three n w members 'fere welcomed. Our .work peT'iod was giv~n ove~ to criticizing. the arbcles whIch · had been finIshed. The Gray sisters erved tasty sandwiches and cake. Thel recreation leader led in an interesting game. Adjourned to meet at the ame place Friday June 24. The Davis girls will serve refreshments. Kathleen Gray, Reporter. Quite a wreck occurred on the "S" hill early M01)day m orning when a larg truck loaded with rolls of paper enroute from ieothe to Hamilton, hit the guard rai) at the upper turn. In bac king away from the rail some part of the truck gave way and it , hu rtling down over the hill. As it neared the bottom it turned over on its side. One of the occupant! had alighted to direct the backing away from the rail and the driver jumped' clear when the truck ran wild, so no one WollS in. j ured. Tl'ucks came from Chill icothe to clear up the wreckage. The officer and leader of the Lucky 13 and Betsy Ross 4-H
Weare lOrry to report that the pictures tha~ were taken ot th~ baptl.lnl on laat Sunday were nt' eood. We hope tor better luck next time . • K. E. Thompson and others were in Waynesville Monday morning. Mrs. Mary Nichols and da.ughter Miss Helen called on Mrs. K. E. Thompson and d,ughter Monday. Rev. R. L. Mooneyham, the evangelist of Heidrick, Knox Co., Kentucky, closed his series .of rnee~in gs at Green Briar with twelve accepting hrist as their Saviot'. Robert Gray and grandson , Rob· ert Jr .. o'f Harv ysburg called on K. E. Thompt!o n, Monday after· noon. The McKay familiel! visited Mr. and Mr. Ervin Harner of n ar Spring Valley on Sunday. Friday Ilfternoon at 2 o'clock at the church he/' , there will be a picnic and , II cleanup of the C~Ul'ch yard, th e men will clean up the yard while the ladie s rve t he lunch. Mi ss Mayfrey Powell had for her Saturday overnight gu st Miss Belle. Horn of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Robertson and daughter of near Harveysburg liP nt ~unday evening with P. G. .Wells and family. Our schOOl board hired a teach· er fOI' the 7th and 8th ,rades, Mr. a kyat Harveysburg . K. E.Thompson will lIpend the ' week·end in Kentucky. Ed. McGuin, of larksville here one day last week wool. Lyle Robertson, Ed. Jeffery, K. E. Thompson were in Harve},s burg on Friday afternoon , Mis es Marie Well!!, Mary Kath. leen Thompson and Dennis Wells, spent Saturday afternoon with the Misses Mayfrey and Modena Powell. Ed. Jordan and Ed. COJlcoran, spent the week-end in Columbus. everal from a di tanee attend· the baptising at Caesers Creek on last Sunday. M reo Rena Powell. had fo r h er aturday overnight guests Miss Emma Lamb of near Wayne,!ville. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Powell a.nd
SBI'NOLES ,P er bal,e •• • $1.00 Per square • '$4.00 These Shingles are the HuntingMerritt Certified Brand, the high· est quality of Red Cedar Shingles man ufactured.
Madden's LnmberYard Phone 14
Way~e8ville, Ohio
daughter Marcella, were shopping in Lebanon, on last Saturda y after- ;::-==-=::-:=:--=:-_=~===;============== nOOL
J . Lee Talmage and son of outh LebanOn called on his home folks Monday afternoon. Miss Helen Nichol!! spen t Friday afternoon with Miss Ml\ry son. Mis.~ Della Wells. spent Saturday night with Mrs. Rufus RobertI\on, of near Harveysburg. We are- all proud of the Green Briar choir for their beautiful singing with Miss Emma Lamb 6S leader durin~ the series of meet. ings that has recently closed at the Green Briar Holiness church, George Vail and family of near Dodds called on Anton Davl one day' last week. Mr. Boyd Mill er, is spen t his week with Mr. Robert Well of near Oregonia, helping Mr: Wells put up his hay. 1\1i88 Belle Horn, will l'eturn in the near fu t ure to her home In Kentucky. We al'e orry to see Belle leave. ___._ _
A. H. STUBBS Directo!' of F ........ S .....lc.
WHEN THE INEVITABLE HAPPENSLet us shoulder your care. ROOT FOR AND CON51GN ),our Cattle, hop• .-heep and calv.. AMBULA.NCE SERVICE to Norrll-Broek Co •• live wire and prorre..lve ftrm for the hlchelt pa-. 29 WeYD ... m., ow. market price I and 1'004 .emee. UDioD Stock Y.rd.' CIDcID_tf. O . Tune in on Radio Station WOKY ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our datly market reports. . .• • • • •II1II• • • • • • •
~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! =
F T M a rt-In •
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of William H. Madden, deceased. Notiee is hereby given t at Thomas C. Madden has been duly appointed and qualifie~ a s Ex. ecutor of the Estate of William H. Madden late of Warru County Ohi o, deceased. . Dated thjs 31st day of May 1932. C. Donald Dilatush, A.tty. W. Z. ROLl. Judge of the Probate Court, Warren Count)', Ohio.
..- .
--....,. .~
Subscribe tor the Miami Gazette.
tao'S Jewelry
Lolt _ _ , Ohio Tu_cla,.. ne.r _7, Sat.....w E ••mIDaU_ F .... LEBANON. OHIO
Cent.rvIU., ohio ' Phone
H~man W~~w"fu~d~cl~m~~~a~li~UU~~ai~~~~~!OU4~~ ln~m~rnub~~~d~co~~~d l~• • • • • •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'b~-
lIa n~ and is -to be admitted to the said estate
ton townshIp. ing at Lebanon Saturday. Dayton Stato Hospital. In the ~atter of the will of Fra~k ?~ghes and Sarab Hugb~-s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lt. Ha!')'!. The first anli final account of John S. ompson, cle~eaf!ed, Jane to MIIi.me Chaffi!l' 76.16 acres In and ,Miss Helen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Owen Harris ot Dayton W. H. Whitacre, guardian of E. Thompson. widow, filed her Frank~," towl'1 shlp. Blllah· Whitacre, et aJ., l\1itlO~ , Election and also a echedule of all Lou~s I. P~r'k and Edna Park ~ Sunday. MT. and Mrs. J, O. Grlay spent :was approved, ~llowed a'nd can. known debts, claims and liabilities Euge~la SmIth. ,. R.ea) estate ID firmed by the eo u~. . against the estate. , . Washmgton township. Sunday afternoon with Mr. and The fir ~ and. final acco~nt of . Rome Sutton, executor of the Bill. Allowed Mrs. Georlfe Smith. Iva Mullemx Philpot, guardIan of estate of, Sarah E. Sutton, decea's . We desIre to correct a state· Stanley R. Mullenix, et aI, minors ed, filed his ilale bill. Johnston &: Johnston, supp lies, ment made in our last i~!ms. The was appr"oved, allowed and. e()n-· Sales bY .M. C. Drake. adminis· $10.40; Bt>ok Shop, upplie~, $17; band concerts are held on Wed· ' firmed by the court. trator of the estate of Albert A. Stillwater Sanatoriun'l!_care of pa· nesday instead of Thursday even· The fifth and final account of Iron., deceased, were IIPproved by tient, $126 ,~ Abshear tiBnnab, set· ings. Owen Higgins, trustee of estate of tbe court. vices, $5; Julia Holland, services, Mrs. Lillian Carr allld . Miss lIary Perry, deceased, was approv. S. W .. Wright, administrator of $10; Oma Knox. services, .$10: Helen Randall have r~tu r'led from .ed. ali owed and confirmed by the estate of NeJJie May Wright, de- Erma J:libner, B!i'lvices, $.10; a delightful sight.se eing trip thru <court; ceased, filed his inventory. Albert MIllard, eel'Vlces $10; R1Ch- the east. The fi.r st and final account of Albert Gaines, 'executor of the aTd L. Williams, services, $10; - - -.. - - - ---p--Hazel Hicks, administratrix of the estate of ,France. Wright, deceas· Book Shop, SUpplies, $41.26: Bar- SURFACE TREATING STREETS ~~tate 0'1. ~ed Hick~; deceased, 'Wa~ ed is 'oKered to' diltriJ>ute the es· rett Broth en, supplies, $6 ..50: J . · approved, allowed 'and confirmed tate. ' W. Lingo Hardware Co., supplies. Sealed proposals will be received by the court. . C. Donald Dilatush was appoint. $8.10: Harry Z. Gray, services, . by the Council of the Village 9f · - Tbe sixth account of J. Lee eel, guardian of, Sarah Marie Gut- $90; J. W, Conover, servic es,' $20; Waynesville at tbe OffiC~l ot the Thompson, administrator of tbe tery ~fid Marion Emson Guttery, O. S. aiggins, set'Vices, $20; Sam Village OIerk in the township estate of Mary H. Ellison, deceaa- minora. D. Henkfe, Tax Plates, $16; J. ~. house until 12 :00 noon :June 22. ed, was ,pproved, aIJowed and Odessa Wbite, adlllinistratrix of Spencer, sand, $12; Oregonia 1932 for surface tl'eatlnir certain conflrmed by the court. estate of Mary Rollori, deceased, Bridge Co., 1st Est. Cont . . No. streets in Waynesville, aEI per the The .first and final account of is ordered to sell Ct'etaill. real es· 1008, $800; Sam D. Henkle bridge specifications on file in the Clerk's Harriet E. Furnas. administratrix tate at not less than tbe appl'aia-plaris, $30; Perry B. Simpson, o'm ee of said Village. ,o t the estate of Ed*il\ S. Furnas, ed value and lIettle an acounts. labor, $7.70; Charles E. _Bradbury. Each proposal .must b~! accomdeceased.!. was approved, allowed The will of Zaidee Venable, de- pay roll, $34.70; H. L. Schuyler, pl\nied by a ond in the! BUm of and connrmed by the cou'tt. ceased, was admitted to pro))ate. PR. yro11, $291.40 ; Carl Dakin, pay $200..00 or a certified chleck on a The first and ,tlnal .l1ecount of Lyle Frazer, Frank Fraser and roll, $178.80; Willis Hitesml1n solvent bank in the State of Ohio · Alice H. Lind, executril( of the e .. Manley Frazer ' were appointed lumber, ,430; Johnston & JO~l\- for a like amount, pJlyabJe to the tate O'f Da~iel H. Lind, deceased, executors, no ' bond requi.red. stoil, form material and repalts, order of the Village Council of _II approv~, allowed and <on' Cornelius, Clitr Kon_onl. $4'. 11; M. C. Foreman, pa y roll, said Vl11age, as a gUllraJltee that IIrmed by the court. . Walter Carey were nlUned $126.80: Floyd Lemmons, pay roll if said proposal is ac~plt:ed, cO,nThe flrat and final acc:ol,lnt of 1.. appiaisers. $289.60; John Moyer , pay roll, tract will be entered into and the ';arl Thompson, adminiskator , of . The will of Celia E. Thompson $170; Jo.e W. Davis, pay roll $28Q.l pedol'mance legally allilired. estate of Frances M: Harper, de· was admitted to probate. C. E. Bradbury, pay roll, $189.50 ,; Contract wjJ) be awarded' ~.:: the ceased, was approved, aUowed and Fred H. Zimmerman . wall ap- FrBJIk Wilson, mech!lnic, '.62.~O; lowest and , best bidder. conflrmed by the court. pointed .dmlniBt.rator 0'1 the es- E. W. Knapp operating maltlUunThe Council reserves tne right The flnal aecount dt E. C. Dun- tate of Isabel Martin and er, $60; Lesile Shultz, operating to rejeet any or all bids. bam. executor of estate of Char- filed bond of $1000 with maintainer, $52; C. M. Charltl>D, By order 0'1 the Counell of the les Ke'lIy,z deceased, was approved ed states Fidelity and op'eratin~ maintainer, ,51; Eden Village of . Waynesville,.. Ohio. and eonnrmed by the court. The Company as .urety. Terry, engineer, $82.60 ; Sam By R. F. HA.'!l'FlELD, executor ' is , to distrib.te to the Harry Bellthein, executor of es- ~hearer, IUrveyin~, $5,26; W. c. Vm.i8 e Cle-rk beneftelad•• ce.rtain tuPci'l beloD,- tate of Dora Graper, deceued. is Betdall, surveyiol, ,7; Fred • _ _ ,..ine to the estate. ordered to nil certain bonda and Canon, .urveylo" $1.75; Sam D. The ftnt ancl · Anal aecoul)t ot make retuI"II to court. Benkle, lurveYinc, 160: J., K. L. M. Henelenon, adminllrtrafor of The will of W. B; Madden, ele- Spencer, land, $206.2& i Zaln Anni the e.tate of ADna. M.Bathaway, cea.ed 19M admitted to probate. tale, gravel, $882; Onio Cent~al Mce&lecl. will approved, aU owed Thoma. C. Madden was appointed Tel. Co., phone rent, $55.60: Ons.nd conArmed the court. executor:.. no bond required. Owen wold Sentce Statioll, ,BI, reAnal ot Grou, J!OU'l Hockett aali BOil charge, rental! '6;~6 i .Iolm Law " ~:~~:~~~!~~l:1;0~~~,~ of Harbock were appoil\ted appraia011, labor, '1-23.68
CARS To Choose from- All Makes and Models'
Fredltafta Motor Car c.
YES, INDEED! MyerHyman
Save Now. Come to
'Grea·t Sale
Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Dresses, Fur'nishings, Rugs, Mattresses, Wall Paper b ,.
NewsDirect from the State Capitol
FELLOWSHIP RA.LLY . I<on or r r on brcmking und enter· Tune in on the C. & B. progTam, station WKRC every Sunday inJ.:' pl'emia s jn WIlt\"n Coullty, The hutch of Christ of the hio, fOl' the purpose of . lea ling afternoon at 2 p. m. Xenia [('a will hold a Fellowship poultry. Miss Mary Collett is slowly r e---Rally at the " .. nia Fair Grounds, All p !'sons at'e l'C'qll gted to -co\lering from a seriou mn 's at OLUMB S- ( hio has alway :)unday, June 19. Th re will be 8 (Continued from Page 1) IMMEDIATELY report thefts to her home in Dayton. takl'n the lead in ul'ging (ull rec- union churCh school, opening Ilt the Sheriff's o/flce. . I iprQcily bt'tweeu stutes on lIll 9 :45 a. m. a morning sermon, a sp aking of B b, thut young man THE BOARD OF CO NTY lIfs--_ _ _ _ _- l ,~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conn r a.nd cia e of motor vt'hiclclI. eel'- bo!! k t dinner SlId an afternoon won his eventh straight gam for MI • JONER~ OF WARREN daag!tter sp nt th~ week-end with tal'Y of State,. IUlrence J. Brown, rally. F. S. Dowdy of 'Vaynesburj{ the ArmcoB. undn y. o NT, HJO relatlvell at Washington C. II, in chnrge lit the motor vehicle di- Pa" will be th principal speaker. Under th clIPtion,'c 'and Lot R. B. Hartsock and family. Me. vi iO!!, had entel" d . into a reci. Thll B I1bt'ook High choal Band Scores," 10nday's Day to n gerald Select your weddlnl' ring at ill'S. Carl herwood and W. S. l>roc'lty agreem nt \\:Ith the Secr - will play. Th e )Jubllc is invited. says: "Royal Giants, £I; Waynesville, 0." ome day, the teams Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. Grahom are fishing at Indian La,ke. tary of tate of h~ue!lota. Sevtraveling out ot the Gem ity will J o29 eral dUYB ago un OhiO truck was Mrs. R .. H. Hartsock afid sona and be forc d t o give truthful i'eports Mr. and Mrs. Clark Starr and stopp'd near t, Paul and the Dean Hawke spent Saturday in baby, (or none) of thel1' !!Core. ot Xenia. were Sunday ()wner was forced to buy MinnesoDayton. Lue . Hltrtsock I playing a gue.sts of ller parents, Mr. and to. plate. althoul~h it i ' said he "whale of gam" at sho rt stop, Ro Planck. ' wa not operating the Cllr ov I' th Mr. and Mrs. Gle.nn Frye of this year. He ll'ie. fOl' every ball reguJar routes between fixed Dayton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Chas. Anderson and Mrs. points. In. retaliation the driver of ST. MARYS CHURCH that comell anywhere nenr him, Mr. C. W. Frye. Forrest Hough were dinnet· guests a Minnesota truc:k was held at and usually gel'!. his man. His hits, FOR SA.LE Rev. J. J. Schaelter. Rector. though not quite !lO frequllut as _________________ Mrs. J . C. Hawke aJ1d Dean of Mra. S~sie Dougla8 in pring Springfield, thi stat, until ~ FourtlJ unday a'fLer ' Trinity, could arrange tel pUl'cha e. OhiO Jun ' 19 . Chur h chool at 9;30; last year, u sually come when they Hawke visited Mr. and lIrs. Oarl Valley, ,F rHlat· will do the most good. His bit that Hawke il1 Daytoll, this morning.. Mr_ and .Mr~. J ,' . Hawkc visit- tag!! costing him more than $100 ;fl)rnillg PI'ayer fll1d address at drove in two I'uns 'ill the third And thus is ' J1,robably started LO :20. jt'15 ed relatives and otha friends at inning, S\lndllY, is a good instance Miss Erma Sears visited at the another "auto li e'ense WUt'," until ot thi . home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hub- the Masonic Home, . S}!.ringfiold, mutters can be auljusted. FOR SALEI two·bur n\.'f uil;k FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ble, near Ferry, part ot la t week Sunday aftel'JluolI. Meal oil stove. dl'op·l lit table. ~-(Undenominational) and thill. old Vendome Hotel, famous settee, AcOrn hctlting tov 1 2 $25.00 REWARD Miss Corrine Robbin s her theTho laHer part of the nineteenth Cheater A. Wllllamion. IUnlat.r xt nsion tabl s. two Ox.12 I'ugs. Miu Wanda Clark entertained motber and cousin, of F'rankfort. century, which fc~r years housed All services will be held at the Inquire of Edith Davi. R. R. 3, to 6 o'clock dlnner, Thursd~y, the Ohio, called on Mrs. L. H. Gordon hundreds of Ohiu ·taLesmen and • enia Fair ' poul1ds unday, June For information leading to the Waynt'sv ill(', ttil phone Hary y Misses 'Mary Turn ... , Glenna Wednesday afternoon. officials in the Capital ity, i 1 !.I, in cooperation with the other arr st and conviction of the per- bUrg 25R5. je l/} W.a~le, Gertrude McM ..dhel. being "demolished to make room churches of the X nia area. 9 :46 _ _ ___ S Mrs. Alma Leonard, of HarMarjorie MUler. and Wilhelmine veysburg, was the guest of her for a tilling station. Thousands of l1ion hurch chool, G. T. BateSchwytzer of the M.iAmi Valley cousin, Mrs. Chas. • Cook, nd Ohioans attending the state fair man, minister Xenia hurch 01 hospital. would make reservation weeks in hrist, in charge, teachers selectand lamily, la t Friday. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Mr. Imd Mrs. D. R. Sal,isbury en- advance and t:~e old hii!toric ad from 1he partieipating ehools, hoI tery has hou&ed many notables 11.00 a. m. morning 8ermon, "The CEMETERY' REPORT tertained Mrs. R. R. Benson and It wa five storic~ in height, had Unchangmg Law," by F. S. Dowdy children, ot Olevelancl, at dinner, o(le hundred li!ty gu . t rooms Ilnd o~ WaYlU.1sburg, Pa. Noon, b~, \4:et Followint · is the aDl1ual report last Wednesday evening. for elev n year!!, ft'om 11)1 to I (ilnner. After~,oon, Rally, Our of Miami Cemetery "-oclation: 1929, wa occup~e d by the Y. W. Holy Warfare, by F. . Dowdy. And thrifty_minded the borne ownMrs. Ruth Janney and Mi s C. A. The lot. will also be u d 'for T~e Bellbrook High S.chool Band Balan e June 1. '31 f U2 .68 • Louella Janney are vi iting their er is ordering his C a1 now. FF, your tires that 8.1.i-p JUoe..... th parking of autus. wtll play a~d thet'(j wtll be oth~r daughter and l!i8ter, Mrs. Rhod r. . ____ speCial musIC: features. Thf;J Jlubhc SEASON PRI E will I ave 1\ Bu.rlal • . . . . ....•. , 1,102.00 for drs that GRIP- }o~ounda,tlon8 •..•• 144..25 ick Bardon. in Columbus. Darrel S. Jones, assistant di- is cordially invited to attend any healthy dilferen e in his JlocketB8, ..•.•• ••.• • . l05cOO Sale ot lot • . ; .... ....O~OO Mr. Burton Earnhart and ?til'. l' ctor of Public Works of Ohio, or all of thea services. book When the cool weath I' rolls PaId fnto P rp t ual " . . 19J1 and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart spent has inspected tne new sterilizing 'round al!'aln in ~ cpt mber. Car" fund . ...• 2116.00 last Th~raday ~t the home of Mi'. department of tbe Obio Peniten- WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Orave rrl'ht. ,,"old 10.00 tiary and found lit sati factory. In lntereat ...• .. ..• 8 7.01 and Mr8. Alvin Earnhart. G. O. Dibert, Pastor FI were .,..... .. %.11 eompnny with Worden P . . E. ~ot . . paId .. ".. 1,475.00 . Wedne/lday: The Ladies' Aid Messrs Fred W.hite. GUY Dakin 'fhoma ' , he visit1!d th Protestant. WaYII town.hlp 60.00 they addressed SOciety is meeting 'w ith Mrs. Mary and Tom Pierc called at the home Chap I, wher tn.llranee r turn •. 'III , Supertwia~ .Cord Tires BOl'ro"'ed mon l'. 400.00 6.8115.17 of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. tillwell in s \leral hundred new arrival at McOlure at 2 :00 o'clock this p. m. Olen R~rs' POCAllol')tas, (Extra Lebanon, Sunday mornin~. the big in tit.utilOn, telling them Bible study .snd prayn meeting at Lumpy), tJ'uely a premium coal what would be expected du(ing 7 :30 p. m. This we k we will con. .Mr. and Mrs. :F;arl Coyle and their enforced ~tay and advising ~inue our study of the 119th Psalm \ ,120.26 aon called on Mr . Coyle's parents, them as to rehillbilitaing eltom. the 41st to 64th verses. 1.245.00 483.79 ~r. and Mrs. E. J. Oglesbee, near Mr. Jone • a well known qil pro. Friday: Choir practice at 8 :00 8,3 .70 :Wilmington Sunday evening. ducer from Newlnk, 1 making an p. m. 4ft.1II Sunday: Sunday schOol at 9:30 Hr.. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson enviable record in public welfare a. m. Morning worship at 10:30 ' .00 and 80ns, .a nd Mrs. A.ddie Smith work. G nuine R!;lv n Red Ash Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. 228.04 were guests at the home o'f Mr. OfRo rs Q~e mployes of the hlldrim's ser\lice at 8 :00 p. 'JTl. 18.1S HERE! and Mn. Harry Shaw, near motor \leblcle division of the office On .next Sunday at 2 :00 p. m. 132. 00 Oregonia Tuesday night. of Secretary of State, larence the Me:thodist pastor and official 1 .M.r M W S'l 't d h J. Brown. will e:njoy their annual. members of . all the MethOdist H~~~~~~--:--:'~~'~''--'-I--t~Id1.l1s·rtttrr·nrt·-mll!1v~el!'rT1wllbl nesse .t e picnic some evening thi week at churches in Warren county will • alary. 3:~:~~ ,. Silver at the Winto n ~rone' JC~ H~rbor flilIs~ BUi:keye. Lake. T~e.re hold a meeting in the Lebanon M. Yll()W Jacl,<. t LUmp Prelght '" expp_ t4.71 • 'nn l· ' j hth d ate, In Will be gOlilng~ batJung, boatmg, E. church. The purpo~e of this De~lt.ed in bullC\1 n c 01 a I. e 1'. gra e commence- fishIng and' a Dasebtlll game be. meeting is to discuss the prob~ 101l;n •.••••••. '. ' 70. 0 men~ exerCises, last Wednesday tween the married and single men. Icm.ll 'and pos<tibilitiell ot the IIIl1urance ...... • S9.lfi evenmg. I Following the pi,~nic dinner which hurch. A very fine progTam has StAmp. ........ .. I 1.10 '1\ b d S t B 6 Depoalt Box • ..•r. · 2.0U '.846.81' Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gri~y Mrs Wl e nre, ecre arYl r wn been worked out and it i hoped Ed Cook, IIr!!. Forrest Hough and and Commissiont!r of M!>tor Ve~i that ,there will ' be a large attenRe~elpt. xcedfll« .Mrs. Chu. Anderson attellded the c~es, ~lIlmers R. WlIl3on, Will dance at this meeting. dl.bun m n\IJ Koppers Miami Cok 35th anniversary Oelebration of give bne! talks on departmental Beb •.. ... .• ~:.. . 11.64 WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP Spring Valley Council, D. of A., work. Aceount& '....... 906 .%0 CHRIST LAT£ST Depo.ltll In Mutull.l Friday eve Ding. Contracts for highway improve~ ( Undenominational) Home '" SavIn •• I'll UnTDROU.-.urnm Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman en- mellts totaling i!Umollt three mil- Chester A. Williamlon, Minister AlII'I:!. • . •••••.• '.870.00 Nol..11 ........... 15.16&.70 tertained with a family picnic at lion dollars were awarded this Reeld,nce 1111 Church School at {l:SO a. m. ROllelaWll, the horne of Mrs. Stella week til various firms ot the state We alao have in our yard !!ome , Ooorrwtn , .••.• .• 1.600.110 Shaner. Sunday,. in honor of the by Director; O. W. Merr;ell. Mil- Lord's SUPpe! Q,t conclusion. Let's good lump and egg coals at Five .harell J . W . all attend the Xenia Area Fellowlions LIIl.-<J Co. preterred spent on t118 state highway birthday anniversary ot Mrs lower price. .toc;k carli d Cj 400. 00 ship Rally at the Xenia F~ir CAaIl PIUCU this year are futllisbing thousands Hyman's motber, Mrs. Jeannett~ Grounds. If Pll ible, go in time for of men em ploYlIlent, and it will Bloch. Total .... ,' .. ... 'U.l U.49 -r..... ~ continue until wintet weather the morning preaching service beOr..... Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Woollard and prevents it. There arl'! now lIeveral ginning at 11 :00 a . m. and the PeaotHf_1 Care ·F ••• 29¥UI·21 • tol. ~4. son8. end Mra. Hester Robinson, of hundred miles pi new work under basket di.n ner to follow. BalanC!e In Perpetual" Care , }9J4.5I.lt toM S.'. .Fund. Hay 31. 1 • .:11 '...• $13. 76%.7' Dayton; were Sunday dinner construction as well as the buildChristian Endeavor at 6 :45 p. • Paid durlnl[ year ...• .... 265.00 egesta of Mr. and .Mrs. Albert .UI.:I_ ' 1t1. Evening evangelistic service at ing of scores of bridges. • 4.75·19 4 ••S 4.'• • w. 7 :45 p . m. Sermon subject, "What Balanc. ·)(ay 31. 1982 ...• ' U,027.7t Supherd. lin. Robinson spent the 19s4.15-lt Automobil;t()uri8"t8, especialJy Shall We Do to be Saved?" Prayer afternoon with her friend, Mrs. 40" 19s5...·1t parties whieh include babies or Meeting and Bible Study each .Ke&iah Th.ompson . • 5...·lt small children. should guard Wedne5aay at 7 :80 p. m. Stu'dy PhoneZ5 -31:15....21 -Mr. Earl Bogan and ' family of against unsafe Tl'lilk supply, i the the bool( of Acts with us. Short 28d,25·18 1.11 ':::I Cincinnati, and Mr. A. C. Bow';'an waming issued' Iby the State De- ehoir practi.c e ,.tltonclusion. The 31:15.15·]1 Wayne.ville, Ohio and tamilY', 0'1 F.ranklin, were partment of. Health. Milk which is church where you feel at home. .o.sw~.a. .M Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. almost ' a perfect food, also ill the .. OrVille Gray and daughter. Miss most contaminated and is a perEa,pertly Mounted Pr. p"ullne Bowman remained for a fect breeding 'ground for the' most Subscribe .f or t.he Miami Gazette. more extended visit. . dangerous bncte,rja. Milk should be procured ollly where it is Word received, Monday from known to be pasteurized and handftlN& IN Wed .. .... .P. M. the Beck family; Who r~moved led under standB"rd sanitarY condi. Goodyear Radio Protram tbeh: home to Harrison. Ark., lut tiuns. week, was to the effect that the.y had sately reached their destination / but their household goods had not arrived on Friday.
Buy your Tires before June 21st Save the Tax
Ankeney Turns in One Hit Ball Game
Services At the Churches Sunday
Late Classifie d Ads
GOODYEAR AII-W•• tll ...
199·gg "
COODY.Aa •••• DWAy
... ..... ....•• .So" .... ••• -r:'
44.'. ... 4." ,.1, ,. 1.=
WaJDeSviUe Farmers
......44'.",0.'. .....••••••••...••• ....'.H ••••
Exchuie to.
Gordon's Service Station
Phone ',n
Wayneaville. O.
After the Funera'i One of the mQst trying xp rjt!nc~s c(mnecled with tb pa<;lIinsr 'Of a 1 ved one --mill" hellift-rending. 'perblips t hal\, lhe fun ral itI\elf-is the return to the home made clesolo.t by the .b ence of the familiar face. Thi difficult time i made ven more trylng 'When tbe residence bae been disarranged by the !un"l'al en'vice and the receiving of fri nds and rela· th'Il~. On 01 the advant.att {If ulling our funeral home i. tlaat it prllserves the l' I~~ne fJ'101,YI this unne~· ...., CCt,IlfWliOb.
you could "grf!4Se with C()(J liver Oil, but who wants ' to give a car meJki.e? ,w. ~,«t ".,.
Mrs. Lyda Pence, her daughter, .Mrs. Chaa. Rogers, and the latter', dauehter, Lura Lou Rogers ao~mpanied "UnCle Steve" Phiilips from Lebanan to attend the Cememeeting and visit Mrs. Oliver },fonday afternoon.
Mrs. Edith Harris. Mrs. Frank L, Taylor, of San Francisco, and Mr . Ropald Hawke attended comGn"I•• AI. .;u Ldri· mencement at the University of Cincinnati On Saturday, June 11, c_b- . . . """, when their niece, Miss Mildred Hartsook of Milford, received the We reC:OlDmesacbuul U~ degree. of Master of Art8 in Eng~uiDe. AJemite LWJricaDta, lish. . . adlllively. We _ _ 0IIicial . "A" Dalla rot A1I!mite ~ I The regular meeting 01. the P. c:a_ _ Wie¥e ~thIa JvE. P. Clue of Ferry was held at tlie parsonage June 9. Nine mem"'ial:iaDler9ice~tbep,.. bers responded 'to roll eall. The ad die, bigic new bu.iness consisted mainly of Wid s;",-iIIt:be __ h d , arrangements ·tor ' the refresh,"aejo'M ments for the Young Peoples meeting to be heJd June 13 at the II)lOU thiDk t.bi81a ~ Ferry church. We then adjourned aD ~ abitemlat. DGtbiII& will pleaIe UI - - . tt.a to _ _ to meet again July 14 at the par-
.--,....wr 1
)IOU _ _ 118 po¥e It .. NOTE (
.1 C.tral Garage Ph. . 105
Dr. A. S. Watkins). Nominated Governor
Dr. Aar;n-S:---Watkins, a former pastor oJr the local M. E. church, Who is stationed at Lima, on Tuesday, July 7, Ilccepted the ~omination 0'£ t he Prohibition party to become 'Governor of Ohio. This marks the tsixth time he has aPRllared as a candidate on the national and state 'dry tick~ since 1905. 111 1920 he was the dry candidate for President of the United states. ·lRev. E. -R. Slaf,ford, of Zan e!j\l iIle, has been nominated fOT U. S. senator from Ohio.. . The ~rohibitiQ ln patty' ticket w not be endorsed finally until the party's n~tional 'c on\lention, July 6, at 'In diaJi;llpo1i~, conditional on the pos/lible elevation to nation_ a1 candidacies ot some' of the Ohio ticket.
We wish to ann~un,ce N~w· . Reduced ,Prices on :Sherwin-Williams Paint
s. W.P.., Re,ula~ color. per ,.llon : . , . ~ ........................... . s. W. P. White
.50 Per ,.lIon ....... . ..... ,...... ........... SS.71 Barn Red Per 1.llon .. " ..... ".... .' .......... : ........ . 81·40
---_ _---
Spring Branch Mr. Clydic Smith is llpending tbis w~ek with Mr. Hiley Gibson all. t;~~i~. Mrs. Jo e Pennew \'tt IIpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fost'lr Mote of Franklin ..-I Several from arou.JIAI::Dere · attendecrtfiEfCbildrel) serviCe lit-Mt. Holly Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers. Mrs. Emma GibROn. of Bellbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunhell 8p~nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hiley GibBon. Mr. and child,...
John Roser, ~f Dayton delightfully -entertained the followill&' with a piclik at bie cabin, neaT Ridgev~lle, Tueada, eveninJ: Revand lin. lola. I. 8elaaetrv_ &id M.... Nellie Weller. ot Dayton, Hn Anna Cadwa1lader. ·l In. Mary · L. Adama, Mrs. Leu &rtaoek the lliuea Han. Annl. and Mame Brown, Clara Lila, II...,. Plymire. Ethel lI.ndenull, Grace ¥'cLardie and II.... hffrt., RoM Villars o.an Hawke. Tbe host's of .... ...Uque fund...,. .ott .eDter· t'~ "~""qr
Pure Raw Lin ••d Oll - per ,allon. . . '. . . . . .. ~ ., . . . .. "" . . . . . . . ....•... Pure Spirih Tu....."tln. per 1.llon ............. ...... .
... .. ...... .
W.rnenID. OhIo
Eighty-Fifth Year
Wat.r Will Nee... ita.'. Repei ..a at Warn. Park end C._terr
H. Allen was In Cincin-
n h, Monday.
A new stale law lim iting the sale and use of fireworks to only five days is expected to bring TeII f to citizens who hav objected \.II three 01' four we ks of Fourth of July celebration and the promi cuou detonation of explo ives nt this season. The law provides that fireworks may be used only two days preceding the Fourth. oC July and until noon July 6. Fireworks may not be sold to children under 12 years of age. They can not be ex.ploded within 600 feet of a hospital or infirmary. Dealers may not display them in windows exposed to the sun and must keep them in their packages. Penalties f r violation of the act are fin es of from ,25 to $500 r. after written notice has been given fines of from ,60 to $1,000 or ' prisonment not exceeding on e or both.
BODY FOURD TUESDAY Sheriff J ohn Baughn and a group of deputies recc)vered the body of J ohn Butler, 47. Xenia, 'l'ue~day, who was drow ned in the Little Miami river atuJ'day night following a heavy rainstorm that sent the river over its banles and flooded a camp south of Roxanna. Chief Deputy Sheriff Wa1ton Spahr began the investigation for the she.l'iff when the di sappearan ce of Butler wa reported by his sister, Mrs. OI1l Barnes, of Dayton. She said that companions of Butler at t he .camp had not seejl him since they had an scrambled to save their lives whenl the water Itro e uddenly and ovelrftowed the Jjver banks. The camp was locatod between Roxanna. and Mt. Holly, so uth of Spring Valley, just abo\re the point where Bear creek empt'ie into the river, the deputy leal~ned. The campers beside ' Butlelr included Michael Leahy, John Grime$, Paul Rockafield and William Derrick all of Xenia, and several olthers whose names the officere did ~lOt learn. Spahr' said that he learned that the water rose so qui(:kly that it surprised the campers lit 9 o'clock Saturday night, and that several of waded and swam out. one climbed a tlree. Butler. companions declared,' said that e was g'Wn~ to "wadEl the river" and that wa" the last seen 01 him. The party returned to Xenia bu,t made no report of Butler's dlsappearance. • - •
Whole Number 6019
JUNE 22, 1932
Thirty Dollars For One Little Squirrel Thirty days re idence at the Hotel Jo"ulkerth in Leban on eems like one lin exorbitant price to ' pay :tor measly little squirrel. but that is what it cost Walter Col. Iinll. According to reports, Collins shot the squirrel in the dooryard of his hOlJ1e in l:{arveysburg. Sunday, and son)e advocate of stl'iet law enforcement reported the fact to the officers. pn Monda)' , Game Warden Hin 8 and Constable J \>y IlI'rested the young man on a charge of discharging firearms on Sunday and haled him in. to the court . of quire Fran~ WiI80n. Upon .a plea of guilty, His Honor assessed II tine ot $26 and costs amount to $30, the smalle t allowed by law. Unable to pay Collins WIIS committed to the Cou nty jail ta lay out the penalty at t he rate of per day. Verily, some kinds of fres h meat eo me high.' Collins is' said to have stated that he killed the sqpirrel in defense of his chickens. whereupon the J. P. replie!! that it would have been much -cheaper for him to have killed the chicken .
" ===10"=========== Mrs. Amanda MaftltL poorly.
Dep i.. tmenh a ..", Concluctiac
an In,,,,atila l lon
elect your wedd ing ring at 'l'h ' ' I\s(o ni~hing spectacle 01 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Seara visit. A drouth, that in town, at leut Cary's Jewelry Shop, ]..eblln Qn, O. hund I'('d " of thou and of ftab had beltun to sho w symptoma of ed Nllativea in Greent\eld, Tuesday becoming Be~iou9, Was definitely D. E. Standiford was quit ~ ick .1 nU and dying aloli~ both banks Miss Jeanne Meredith' was broken, Saturday afternoon, when last week, but i able to be about or th~ i.ittl Miuml Ri~er for 20 Morrow visitor one ' evening last a VHY heavy rain storm,. virtually again. miles Wll~ pres en~ed jonday. fA cloud burst, visited this commun- week. E. D. 'troup, Green County ity, 0 rapidly did the ra.ln fall Miss Wahn eta. Hubble is spend· Jeanne Meredith has been that the sewers Bnd culberts were on Miss ing this week with Miss Erma game protector, said the ftsb the sick list 'for the past few entirely inadequate to ~are for weeks. , ' . had been smlthered to death by earsl t he ftoods, and many roads and ether property were considerably Mrs. usan Arnold. of Dayton, a fibrous sub tallce thQt had enMr. and Mrs. James Brannock damaged by t h rushin" watel'l!. visited veral WayneSVille friends tered their ~il1s. spent ·Sunday with friends in Sam uel Butterwol'th, our vat- Bellbrook. Stroup called upon tha State Tuesday. el'an weather statisticlaft, reo Health Department and the State Miss Iren Henderson, of Mrs. Susan Evans left, Friday port that two and one-half inehes Madisonville, is visiting Mr~. Kizi- on Ol'vation Commission to in01 rain fell between the hours of $01'.a few days visit with relatives ah Thompsoll. vestigate. f OUl" and five . o'clock Saturday In KentUcky. afternoon. While he did not conMeantime, gathering as evidence Mrs. allie Devore, ot Green- de.ad carp. catfish, bl\ss and other to verify hill s ult his r eord }{iss Jeannette Fox is a~;:~.~~~1 viii , is vi rUng friends in and Bummer chool at , Wi tatement, he did expre II the game fish . the gam protector ataround Waynesville. opinion that this was the largest College, Springfield. ~erted that an overft ow from , deluge We had experienced in a Mr. and 1\1t'8. H,erbert Lucas, of torage ponds of the Hagar Mrs. Hannah Rogers spent Jlev. like longth of tim for several era'\ days last week at the Ivins Springfield, were . unday guesb Strawboard &; Paper Co. WIlS th. years. Another heavy rain, Monday home cause. The paper company'! pla"t ut Mrs. Callie Cross. near Ridgeville. ruorning, produced one and one· is at Cedarville. eighth inchei of water in less than Tune in on the C. &; B. program, troup theorized that after Ruth Co~ner returned home, thirty minute!. he said. station WKRC every Sunda.y Saturday's heavy Tain, refule Saturday. a{ter visiting relatives Th~ fourth band con~ert of th'e SatuJ:'day'g rllin wae aCeompan- in Dayton for a week. the company's ponds wal afternoon at 2 'po m. summe r aeries will be given Thursed by a certain amount ot wind, into Massie's Creek. and Barbara J ean Furnas i visiting Which aused ome damare, but by flowed into the IJ.ttle Mlaml Mr. and Mt8. Lou Riley, of Mo· day evening, June 23 at McClure's her uncle imd aunt. MI'. and Mrs. far the greater am ount was due to bile. Ala., -called on Mr. and Mrs. corner, sponsored by D. Ralph Ri ver north of Xenia. tarting Jufy 6, WaynesvUle letthe great fioods 01 water. Roads. T. E. Roger, last Friday. RefuRe from these pondll, be Smith and the Waynesville Drug ter writers will assist in helping Fred Furnas, thi we k . both public and private. were add ed. was a tiprous Bubltance. Company. Uncle Sam balance hill budget 'for Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Godby, of wllshed .out; great gullies were 't roup said the compatly wa. Miss Alma Kelly, of Morrow, rates of postage on all mail matwere Sunday gu sLs of wll"bed in the fields, and the, field was the .. "uest of Miss Neva ConThe parent/! and children of the ter of the lIrst c18Sll, with certain Cincinnati, lined $1,{lOO on a charge ,rowinc Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day. coveJ'~d with water and a heavy neJ:', a few days last week. band feel 'that they have no better exceptions, wi11 be increased one Qut 'If a similar condition apo coating of slimy silt; sewera and I , IU'lerla in Waynesville than 'Ralph', cent on each ounce or traction Misses Trillena and Margaret pl'oximately 12 years ago. culverts were partially destroyed; Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Hamer, of voluntiuily has proven himself thereof, in addition to rates pro- Edwards entertained the bridge Olll of the intoxkated tah flood gates in ~trea m!l were tom Spring Valley. were Sunday ruests of the band and 01 the un l' vided by the j!xisting law, accord- club, Tuesday aftet noon. were :fqund in the river bottom out, trees and Ilhru.bJi were up- of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills. along Corwin avenue, Monday . His giving, like his STREET , 'REPliD~ ing to Postmaster Ross Hartsock. rooted . and carried away, and MistS Anna Vanderv()ort. ot Wil- evening. Some of our local antrleB The Corwin All-Stara 40urneyed quality grocery, speaks IlIn.l Under present schedule the In. g nera) havoc waa wl'ou"ht. I itaelf. creased rates will be in effect until mington, Is Ilpending several weeks wet'e ()f the opinion that they Mr. Drake, the genial manager July 1, 1934. Probably the worst datna,e to to Weltman and won, a ~3 to 11 at the hom e 01 Dr. Mary ook. might be revived if placed ill the Waynesville Drug Co., while Three roa~ constr~lction. firms It is also pointed out by Mr. privllte interests occurred at basehall victory, Sunday afternoon frequent changes of fresh watert Sets of dishes the brid e will. l but the experime.nt was not trieCl Wayne Park. A motor, that 'Mr. alld MlII. Will Pevoe and in our village. met the com- 8ubmitte~ bids for the Job ot Hartsock' that the postage rate on oIl rates the pumping and flltl'a- 80n. of Xf,!nia. CAlled on Hr. and pleasantly and expr;essed treating our streets 'with tar Or 'Ie tera sent by airman will -be in- pr()ud to own. SeMut them at here. tioJ:l sy tem, wall drowned out. 11(1,. Mrs. Walter Elzey, Sunday evenas desirous of aiding any asphalt. The e bids' were opened cr used to eight cents for the Ant Cary's Jew.elry ShOp, Lebanon. ce Illtating its removal to Cincin- ihg. movement to bpost Waynesville in the office of the Village Clerk ounce and to 18 cents tor.each adMiss Jane WooJlaril, of ,Dayton, nati, wb re the moisture WUl and prove himself and bis drug at noon today. and the contract ditional ounce. was the gue t, of Mrs. Will Bradbilked Cl ut of It. The disabling of MillS Alice Jane Russum, of store an active factor in our will most probably be awarded at The. new postage will not at this ley. t he fore part or thIs week. the pumping system made it nec- Dayton, has been the ruest of town's betterment. a special session of ·Council to- time afrect parcel post rates, al· , W II u , t f II ary to drain the pool, Monday Miues Trillena and Mal'1fare~ EdNext week' concert (pleue night. tbough it is expected a elight adMr. and Mrs. i ~ a t,. 0 Mrs. Hester RoblMon wu the night but Mr. Robitzer tates that ward.. note change in place) will be given The L. P . Cavet Coo" of Jrock· vance will be made in the e rates Franklin, called on Mr. and ¥rs. it will be refilled, the repairs will at the request (11 the donors, in land, who did similar' work hel'e about October 1. George Hart ock, Sunday eVefung. vidim of a serious faU at the hom. of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradley, b (!ompletcd, and everything will Ml's. Frank Miller and family front ot the library, pon ored by I last year, and the RO'Ld Oonlitruc· The new law further providell 1 M fl d S ' th b ready Lor business as usual by have r.eturned home after a pIe .... J. C. Hawke, A. H. Stubbs and tion Co., of Cincinnat.i, submitted that drop letters, that i letten Mr: anI r1/. .01'01 ml en- Sunday evening. She had accomtomorrow. OJ: not later than Fri- ant visit to relativea at Sagers. Earl Coyle. bids on the job in its entirety, bas- mailed 'for delivery at the offi ce at tertamed Mr. and Mrs. J esse panied her daughter, M.... Ed day.· The ftooda temporarily in. town. Ind. Not having any central "city ing their figures on Street Coni- which posted, are required to ha.ve Mengel and sons, of M rrow. Sun_ Woollard, and family!rom Dayton to spend the day 'here, and wu undat d the 81ltrounding groundll. park" the committee has been Jlt a missioner Graham's estimate of postage paid on them at the rate day. ~bout the yard whe~ tbe caulling quite 8. bit of ·lo and ex- an~M:~!~~n~~s's~~~~I~f~~~~~: decided disadvantage in placing 12,028 Ilquare yards. C. E·dEdgin g - of three-cent! an ounce 'oll' fraction Mr. Earl Emrick, ot Buffalo. N. walking penile, but thi has been cleared called (In Mrs. John S. Thompson, the ' concerts where it would b,t ton, of Findlay, submitte prices t~ereof when mailed at etter-c!'r- Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. accident occurred. A ph1Blcian was summon~d. and an examinaaway ae goo~ as ever, with the POll- Saturday even inc. safe for children "nd audience and on the squa~e yard of material, rlerpostoffices, or. at offices Y"~lcb lam 8 of the Ot'ange and tion indicated that she had brakeD sible exception of the base ban we hope the residen~ nortb of thus a!Jowing more Idit\lde in the are not letter-carrler offices if · the restaurant. or at least fractured a bone in It.r 8eld, where the water "as atill Mrs. lda_ Hammond and rrand- North Sl will appreciate the e1- amount of improvement instAlled persons addres ed are served by right hip. She was later taken to atandlng on Tu IIday. The pool was daughter, 1W88 Dorothy Kitchen, forta of Mel!l!rs Hawke, Coyle a'nd and materials u.sed. rural or stllr-route carrier. Mr. and Mrs. . the St. Elizabeth hospital in Day· able to care for nearly a capacity of AllhlaDd. are visitinr Mr. Stubbs to bring a concert to their The bid follow: F. R. Jones, __ ..._ _ __ have removed theIr home !ro~ to n ~ where she had not recovuH busln SK, Sunday afternoon and nd Mrs. A.-;f('!'-i[)a~r.-----p~~~~=:::;.;-:;;~.;:=~.....:~~_ _-;~presellting the R081d Constt:ucCorwin to Mr/!. us an Pa~n~ J5l1fficicnt stren b for a.D x-ray evenin&,. , tion Co., of Cin~innati-~sphalt apartments. xamination on ay evemq. The Townllhip ~rollds sulfered Mrs. Belle ninwld~ie, and Mrs. -and torpedo sand, ,I,US; Tar and h avily, too. MosU '01 the &'nlvel 1.eah Str\>use and rn spent SunTorpedo sand. 41,383 .. Mr. I1nd ~rs. Lloyd Davi en- condition is said\ to be serlou.. was washed from the Croawiek day at the home 0 Mr. and Mrs. LatE!sL reports, Tt/ellday evealnt ch The L. P. Clilvet Co.,- Tar and tertained Miss Emma Cartwr.ight, were to the elfect that the lady hill on the Bellbrook pi~e. wbicb Floyd Savage In Lytle. e. a Y p.e a gravel, $1.178; tisr and stone Saturday's cloudburst trans/orm- and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah DaVIS at wall 1'E!!tting much more easUy. AD was rec.ently filled in, regraded and chips, ,1,394.40; asplfullt anci pea ex-ray examination. Tu"", regraveled. Part o'f the (!overi"- of Mr. and 'Mrs. Sher,nan Tinney FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST gravel, $1,178.40; asphalt and ed the diamond at Wayne Park Sunday dinner. into a sea of water alid mud. 110, a culvert that was recently inltaU. are announcine the arrival of a stone chips, $1,394.400,' emulsifled See t he modestly priced gifts mQrning revealed a fractu~ . d h t (Undenominational) ed in the valley wa. washed away. nme-poull son at .... Wle i rome n asphalt and pea grav'll, $1,178.40; of coune, there was no bal\8hall for all occasions at Cai'Y's Jew- bon ill the right hip. The Trulltees estimate tbat be- Corwin. FridaY, June 17th. ter A. WlIlIamIOD. lliDlater emulilifted ushalt and stone came, 'S unday af~rnoon. Several elry Shop, I'The Home (If Gifts," • - ...- - - of our fans -traveled to Middle Lebanon, Ohio. tween 200 and 250 ,ant. of payel Church School at 9 ;30 a. m. eh'IPS, ,., 41 394 .... • ,.. a d Mrs Selt f Dayt n wiJI be ne essary to re.,air the _r. n • 0 0 , Children's Day Program. Lord's C. E. Edcington- ,T ar and pea town and saw the Armcos beat tbe Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Rye, Rqbert Lee , and Donald Hamilton Supper and sermon at 10 :30 a. m. gravel. '.0804 per 1!(Juare yar~; Bond Hill K. I. O. league team 6 damate at this place. ' of Cleve.land wereon.~e.ts of Mrs. Sermon lIubJ'ect, "Juetification by asp ha It an d pea gravElI. $. 0604 per to 1. Bob Augspurger pitched hit- Holly, and Earl Wesley O;n~et; More havoc was wroutM at ",e Emma Hamilton Sunday. Bunnell hill Qn the Ne~ Bu~lin~n Fajth." You are ~lwaY8 welcome square yard; hot 11>1\ and p~a leBS ball for the ArmcolI, Third visit d ' relatives in Lena, Miami Cool nights and hot days, Wroad. Besides washinr out the road Mrs. lIary Carmony, of Lytle. at this church. J gravel, $.0516 per square yard. baseman. Weinler's error payinr county. Sunday. gethe r with abundant rainfall. way. a new culvert, jUlllt weat of andM;r. ,and Mrs. Wilbur Clark Based on the Street CommlBSion- the way for Bond Hill's only run , Mr. and, 'Mrs. 1.<Iu Plan(!k, of have been ideal for growlll" wbe~t the Gall home,tead, wu uneov- spent SUllday with · Mr. and Mrs. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH er'lI e~t.jm"te, .Mr. · Edginrton'~ Bob i8S.ued but one ' base on ~lIlIs, made ne other I>itchill" mi - Yellow Springs, were Sunday in thi3 ' vicinity and ' all a re-ult ered, and the road was closed to Elmus Samony in S.p rjnafield. G C Dibert Putor bldll total $967.06 for W. $726.• an!i tuests of Mr. and Mrs. RUlIsel Mar- many fi elds have ripenea to the traffic tor a time. .. .., 49 for asphalt, and '6~0.64 for takes while winnin, hi ellh' fin alld daughter . strairht victory for the 8180n. extent that cutting wlll b6 sta$d The Pennsylvania railrOad alao Mr. and MJ:a. Brownil1l', of , Wednesday: Bible study ' and hot oil. Due to the tact that the rlay. lIad ' ita trOUbles. A aection of Muon. and ·Mr. and M.,.. John Prayer meetinr at 7 ~30 p. m. Street Comm~8sjoner Graham Chll B. Lewis was called to within th next few ciay•• ing Aeld at Wayne Park ' 1 1111 Indications are that 80me of tb. track near ' the Braddock farm. Lemmoll al1d IOna, of Dayton, This week we wlJlatud)' the 119th his crew are ~, sweep the Spring Valley! unday, because of current Cl'OP will be cut th, latter was undermined. and another were Sunday .uests of MrL Mary Psalm the 66th to 88 til verlles•. 1)~1t~~~~a~n;ld;f~patch tho holes, while be in ill fit condition for ullei 0'1 his brotherth critical il nelm . rt of t he ~ urrent week altb(lqb half-mile strip, about a mile be- Lemmon. ' Phday: ChOir practice at 8., I bidder i. to furuish ~unday. The WAC's will p ay a In·law, Nathan Hawes. in \TIost insta ncell narvelltlnl w1lt---~ low Corwin was serfOUll1y damaced p. m. the tar or asphalt and tbe lub- Camp Rest Haven, near Xenia on Mr. Joe McMillan and M.r. All available ",en were called ou~ The program to be given e.t be dOlle the 18 t week of June 01' Sunday: Sunday school .t 9 :30 stance used to hold it, and ill to the Dayton-Xenia pike. A lar~e and the gravel traIn wu , reQuisl. Mark McMillan .pent Saturday in a . m. MarnlDg worship at 10 :30. apply the same to the streets following of the faithful fans w1l1 Wayn VllJa, June 24, I~ a pal·t the first. week in July,. Farmers sa.y the Iltraw will be . tioned, 80 traffic , on the road was Fort W.yne, Ind., lueata of Mr. Tbe theme of the mo.r ninr sermon under ,Mr. Graham'~ 8upervision. accompany them. Of cour.ae. we of the prugrsm given , by Miss ah rt with the yield ot grain IOlIteheld up for only about flva houl'l. aad Kra. Andy Bohlander (Ruth will be, II A Good, Place to 'be." Randall at Dayton recently. Ea'ch bid. was ' acetomparded by expect our team t.o win. ~ .... what below the average tOl: tht. A~ Miami cemetery, quite a )lit McMillan) ud children. Epworth League at 7 :00 m. a certified check l'or ,2001 aa 1;'rof. and ;Mrs. George Clark f section. ' . __ .. ' . The !!ubj~t for study wil be, Burety that the bidderd would 1!1Iter (Continued on pare 4) lin; 1. Toayand son., and Mrs. 'fFinding Christian Solutions for into contract wit~ the Villqe if We~ twood, N. J., visited Mr . • . '''"'I''' ' Y. lIendelsohl),l{. of Terre Haute, Our National Issues." othel~' 1 , Mrs. T. E. Rogers and bj,8 bid w~ accell,ted. , ~d., and )fl.'. ' l)&m Jfen4ellohn, of atives in th is viCinity. last week.. At 8 :00 p.- m. ,Rav, Knoop, ,Vas· • -,._- - - , ' Cincinna!lJ were Sunday "uesta of tor 'of the M. E. chlireh in Sprint .Miss Pauline Bowman, of FrankMr. and lIII"- Myer Hyman. Valley will preach for u. Rev. Mi8l!\ Irene Peters, ot near Way· lin, and Misses Rosemary Bentley Knoop is a iood prea.cher and nesville, il'oceivedi treatment MiD Jeapne )fer.dith and sure and Barbara Gray enjQyed an out- A congregation that comfprtabl, to bring a good message. So in Blair hospital, Lebanon Sunday Wayne Homer Burnett, of Centerville, at- let us give 'him a good hearing. for inj~iell r~ceived in an acci- iJig at Camp Linger Longer, last fill ed t he main ~uditorium enjoyed tended 'a lUrprill8 parw at week. the annual Children'S Dt.y exerNext Monday at 8 ;00 p. m. is Mr. and Mrg. W. (). Raper were dent. on Route 42 near Lebanon. On )une 14, Mrs. brael ~atter- home of Mi.. Bon.,y CrawfC!nt, Min Peters who WB!! riding with the re~lai' time for the meeting Grace Pennington and Bertha ci as at the ,M. E. church, Sunday thwaite, aasisted by her 4aughtere Cel)terviUe,JaIt WedneadaYeven. hosts -at the ann,u al l'8l1nion of the Mi811 Jewette Blair, also of Wayof our official board. filer, of Ferry, are at home f or evening. The program wu riven, entertained the Happy Hour elub Iq. Schabman uQli1y at Wayne Park, Our Fourth Quarterly Confer- lut Sunqay, horioi'inlif Mr. and Mrs nesville, was' injured when a blew- the summer vacation. They are practically in its entirety, by tee at an all.day meetinr. ,,(t the nOOn . who had been carefllllJ . hour we were invited to the dinin, Mr. IUld lin. J. P. Fromm and ence will be beld' July 6. Milton G. Schatzl1lan, of St; out caused the driver of the students at Cincinnati Bible childl'en, train.ed 'by Mrs. Homer aaa.tiJf machine tG lose ~o ntrol of the car Seminary. ' r00111 where a coverl!d diah ,Iunch- BOn, Clyde, apent Saturd~y in Cloud, Fla., who are . Ipendine and . it crusbed into a ditch and and Mrs. Glenn ' Bland. To aateet , eon with Ice cream and eake nayt9n. Mr. F)om'll1'" father, wbo WAYN'E SV1LLE CHURCfI their honeymoon in Obio. At-. the overturned. CHRIST Mrs. Close a nd Buddy Close, of a f ea.ture number would be ~ were 8e,rvecl to memben and ill- baa )een in vel")' poor heal", for noon ' hOUT, a bounteous feaat Miss Peters is reported to have Columbus; Mrs. Emma Ja{lney, possib le; 'all were excellently ( Undenominational) vlted ,ne.ta. , · ~"eral month., ,~ not nearb ~o produced trom overftiowinJ baskets a slight coneussion of the Mrs. C~rl Albright and Miss Bessie given. At the clQse of the prorram After a social eood tim. the wen. . Chellter A. Williamson, lIinuier and everybody did ,Full justice to sull'ered, b aln, aillo several cuta and bruises Sanders spent last Thursday at a generous, oiferlna for tbe IUPmeetjnr was opened by rapeattngMr. and I[n. Lo.ula _Neill .Mr. . Church School at 9 :30 a. m. thal The remainder of the day about the body. Miss Blair wasre- Ft. Ancient port of the Church's Educational the creed. Twelve memben re.. at conclu ~ ion. W8S devoted to happy and reminiS- ported to have been uninjured in fund was received. The pro~ sponded to r.oll call; Jilinutea of and MI'II. Raymond Baeher, of LOtd's Supper cent conversation. The peate: End at 6 :45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sweeney and follows: . the accident. The cal" was wrecked last "'eetin" were·.read and appro.,~ Pandora. Ohio, 'Were «Unner Evening Mr. and Mrs . .M. G. ,Schatzman, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed . G1oeckler, of ,.. • of Rev. and Mra. G. C. Song, congregation; Scripture St. 'Cloud, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. ed~ After a short 'bulllneaa meetlq OJ\' Sunday. Mr: ~n. Ifn. Sprinrboro, were Sunday evening reading, Jea,n Baker, Sara Miller, I'r,,,,,or,, Louis Schatzman, Mr. and Ill'll. CHINESE GIRL AT the. fQllowinr program waS r;iven: Julian Kempf and Mr, and Mra. callers at the home of Mr. and Martha Martin and Vivian ConRecit&Uon-uHav, JOU wa~ed 0.'1 n:.. Clarenc!! Schatzman" ,C lIades MULFORD R£UNION Mrs. A. F. Melloh. ' . 'ner'; P~ayer, Rev. Dibe1't; tbe Fairlea"~Cbarlotte Hartman. d.T yeater .... alao of PanSchatzman, dauehter and .on, Junior Choir: "'Welcome," Cbarl.. Re.dirt&'~Betay . ROR and ,t be 'Ira, we... oon callen at Boley Weisbrodt an,~ brothel', an,d Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Hawke salled "Good E'feJ;linr," 'utb Makinr of the American n....- the parao...... MislI Dola Schatzmal~ of Sardinia; on Mr . . John Collett and sillter. Dibert; I:eMay: recitatl~n, Pauline Mr. and Mrs. L. R. · ~mith ,of WIlMiss )Ii s Mary, in Dayton, Sun- Helen Opal Reaion. , -.. and Mrs. W. N Sean ."d tarr; recitation 'ohn PelTJ liamsburgi John SOlntag and famDialorue-"Gettlnr; • PermapleaeanQy aui-prtlled ... day ,afternoon: Miss C()llett is reo Sackett j vocal , duet. Genevie.e ily, Df Miamiville; )fro and ,l Irs. covering from a seriollst Hines . ~ent" by Reba BraddClCk anel Ruth Frect 1Hub"Je ,Del (.mU; ST: MAIlYS CHURCH Hadley and Alton !Arubart; E}'1:ick and two chill,,"n, Ill". anel H()chtitt. evehlha; tlse occaalon a.... J. J. Scha,eft'er, Rectol'. Mrs. Robert Baker Sr. and grand "Turnin, The . T.bles." WanllD Ml's. Lawrence Muhaefer MI'. and "Out to Auat Hnbble'. b~ a ... Reeltation Fiftla Sllllda~ after Trinity, June Mrs. Gambler and fl.milYt Mr. alld daughter. Jean Baker, spent laat LeMjlY; recitation. Wifma Dibatt: DeUciou. refruhinenta 2" .. Ghurch ~hool at 9 :30; Mrs. Loui! DennillO!~, WI I 8c.hakweek '\'lith fri .. nds and relativ... ,in "One Day for the cream aad cake wen Nl'Ved. MOI'ninc PraJer and sermo., at Coaner; vocal fQlo, Covington and Independence, Ky. man and famUy, eillarlea 8c.~~ to:IO•. ___ ' )(ra. Baker's nepbew returued ...... ,,<YIJ Whitaker; "Tta. man and tam_IIy, ]l(n." .al')' . _rKoaorin, tlteb IDC.tb~ll". •• 'R utb flo....... ...., with bet to spend the sumJller haeler, and Miu It.etltla SChataUl.l~, z... mall, of Cincinnati and Mr. and B. SquirM the 19th (Dad's" Day) Mrs. W. O. Raper. ' ._"_~_'__ the dar with ..r"..I. &Del ' - --••_Kr. Adelbert; POOL-IS rt:IIPLlLAa .
----.. - ..----
Woman i. Victim Of SerioUI Fall
No Game Sunday At Wayne Park
Services At the Ch ur Sund a ..
Farmers Will Start Wheat Cutting Soon
Waynesville Girls Injured in Crash
Happy Hour Club Had. Fine Pro,ram
Sch.tzma.. R,eunion Met at Park
Children's Pro(r.m At M. E. Churd.
... ..-- --
alP \KI, ia to be eertlfted to th Huditor. 'fh.. Inventory of S. W. Wrirht admini~tratur of the lltat of Nelli" May Wl'ight, decealled, wa opPI'jl\'l'l! b:.· the court. ::-;Illt'~ by lIarlel! S. BUl'nl!tt lind I Wulter C. Burnett. executor!! 01 th ... e~biLt' of Martha R. Buroett, '.11 th,' ""~I.' "f~~'hi. on-W<.il!lkoit cJ '~ ,u... t'U. were Ilpproved by lhe of on yenr, and \l1 11iI lh~il' · Ul.'- whkh tLl IIH"' l thi,- C)b li~al il' n. hut By 'rUB nOOSrF:H (·"U!'1. The ex(tcutor fllcd their t, \'1\11(' :.' Pa~ k· I :!;)(), ( '/1lpuny \· '·I··qJ~ ('~~801'* . hall Loo ... 1~Clvcl lind lIullli. H," 'v\' Hulluml {1dnIl1~~·t1 Th('tl· I hilt ,-;;:;e city in V Sl'r(On lit!d. in l\llfornlit~, to the By - Lltw ~ lind $ \ !!.j!) \\ a, l"II'ru"'I'" frill" n. I/I~ C(I .. th" "laill lilT ~hl\ll rt'('(IVI')' Ill';;t !lnd linnl !lccount. A eN·tified copy of the entry denunty, I. cil il'l< pre nHIl. urt:'d by Hull'. !l1)d R\')\'lrlati.ollO< hl.'rl'uftcl· ,' . J\lI1l'H. ~tiJl , \10 funu!\ \lerl' fr(l]l1 Ilw clt'felltinnt tht! ~1I"1 of tC'l'Il1inilll:' the tax on the ,'sttrte of th~ la,," " f til" Rlate of Ohio. Thrlt III be! adopte!u by the \O~o 'iatio n. a\' Iilabl,' rut, the il11pl'l)\'(,lIwnt tlnd ,':!:!1.!lti. In till' ca~I' of J,I"lHJl'l li. l\l o\Ti~ Nl·tli .. Jordan. dec l'a sed. is to be i Mltlll1i ('(.'Illl'h'ry. the b uutiful The 'o cintlon then went into nn ~lIl'l' of tIl(' I{r"llll d ~ . ~o till' TI'u ~, --~t l1f Lit!' \It·ptuted, wh re more al clion for the ome ' I'f! Ilfur()~ id tt'l': :i('(·UJ·ct.l thl! Iln:~II!ll' of n : pc- \"' 1""1< J,'nnil' ~l. ("Iuh', · t aI, :luI '8 ",'ditied to the auditor. ' ff I Tholllas . MIIUthm; executor of tha n tho tltoul'ond of our lov ed when It IIPIHNlred that S. S. 1IIl in(!~ "iu I d of the Swt(' LI'~i~ln by th,' ,;I1~1'1 W('I\. appl' YO( and ttw "/llate o'f William H . Madden, . one~ are pl'llccfully re.li ng, and A. P. O'Neall, 1'. 1. WIlI I'~, llulhol'izinJ( th('1l1 In ~{'Il [t III !'tiOI1 nil a('cClunb nre 1.0 be ·Nettied. ellrl W 11" \\tlR f~,ulld lCuilt~. of de 'OlltlN I, tiled his invenlory. Addie I'h r I'e, tbo, \I ill probably b(! Emmor Bnill' and .Juhn H awke lIf theil' luntl Ilnu 111ll11y the proIh reI! to I\wtllt the ,final tran.· were du ly elected Tru JtN.'~ . WII- ee(>"~ 10 L111' impl'()\,('111 'Ilt 01' th(' the in<li(·t l1)('nl he >llund: chI I'gl!d Mudd ' II Ro le und . ul'vi ing partner o. re muinclE'I'. .rnel E\ nn~ CUllll' to IIntl \\'n~ I'l'nltonce,1 Ie !I i", Illollth~ of . Til" W. H. Madden nnd thl'ir nitl. nnd, on t\\ o "cell ion ~ , in jail nd Ih cox!. of th(' Inosc- filed hel' invent ry nnd npprail! lIlt'nt. purcha",'d pal'cl.'l~ of I hl'il' lurId, cutilln. ' A 'erUfied copy of the entry \\hit'll he hl'l" until HlP ~$()oi a In the ca~(' of II'Rn O'Buniun Iialel/mining the inheritance tax o n t I\m \\'a ~ jillancitilly able to l'~d('e!ll V'Duhiun. l'l ~l l lhe the ' tate of Thomas E. Eweeney, th"Ill. Th,' lu ,;t u t' the!'\' ()lIli~lI \'I'I'~ lls i."RI)\' t;) ,(.'11 c~'I' tnill feul e~lat() dl'~t!n,wd, is ' to be certifi d to the liuns Wil . l'C'f1l1id ill I 71. unci th !>Iwrifl' ut Jlublic uU'ti,)n Jlnd l1Iuke l'elul'n 11IItiitor. /tl'uunci. well' h·n fHe frolll ClI111') L. Smith i~ found incomto ('Qure cumbnll1., <,. [n the '1\)<1' "r Union Joint Stoek petl'nt nnd a lllll'dian is to b Till! grllu ncJs wel'e forillally d"'lticuled u~ >I buriul PItlC I' on J line Lund liunk, nf O"li'oit, \' 'l'SU9 apJl lilt ed. nllu 1. tonebraklH, executrix 10, 1 (17. A lJienic llillnt'r was Ethel J o nl'~, el VII, sale by th ti(!1'\'1'11 lI n thC' grounds at n on. ~ ht'rift· Wel'll ~l ppl'll ved nd all nc- of Ihe estate ot: Rob rt O. Stone. lirak l' is ortl r d to. sell certai{! aftel' which Illl npprllllril\(e 11E't1ica- ('I.wnl" III'l' to be )lc lUt'd. JIII114!!< 10:. BIII·k.I', .\ nll'l1lb I' of Rl ock ut t.h fixed price. tOl'~' addrc.'s WIlS doliYl'nti by the Tho will of 'amuel W. Thompll e\'. Thoma Brandon. Then ( am the hul' \\11". uppo intl'<1 c () umel tor >lOll, decea ed, 'Was lIdmitted to the auction of I f)t~ . SixtY -' i lou! ~~ arl • choonovH. R\'bcccu Pl'iCl! WU. "p'ant d 1\ cJi- 1,,·oUale. Blanche , Thompson in !lection . C Qnd H hrinj\'lng' an a .... e rilgl' price of 2! .0 ca 'h. vorce 1'1'0111 'Lewi'~ PrIce ~1II(1 \ us was uppointed executrix, no bond la rcn cJ! ook, Warren (Try to buy II IQt in lIny pml of re.l ol·(1(1 to ht'l' milid(m nnm of l'equil' d. ,. C. Yl)ung and Eugene R. Young the em (err lit anything Ilkc that R t~ec ca MUl't., . 1 he ea!'e of r~e ~ 'llple BllIld- WI'I'(, appointed apprlliser~, price no,,' .) OIl1P!l~y 'rhe will of ElIlmll J . West In ] 872, th e A sOl'ialion bou~ht ulg Lonn Hnd nV!llg". ' fifteen II I'e" of a,ljoining land ....e.rsu;l J~arry M. Llndl'r WII,; dls- -c al\(,'cJ was filed in court. · " The will of Sam uel P. Whitefrom J onll!' Jaml y for which they ml~~e d. Til the ,'ns of Pllnnie A. J_o\\'- nac).:, deceased, wafiled in court. paid t500. Although th re W 1'<1 iher, exc,'uU'ix o f e.~t!ltt· ..f E. J. W. N. Thompson wus appointed many eJ(cclleJl l' a 'on!' in it ul r 'f t,h ~ta te of Celia E . favol', ttt pUI'cha ~e nlet with much Me Uri c1eceu ~('d. v r~u~ ,orge e ('VllY, at al. IhE' ('xl'cuil-ix i 0)'- Tn ,mJl!ion. decea~ed, no bond reo }'lrincipnlly among oppositi o l1, hlll'lelt J. Waggoner, lhose who wue nol lot OWII l~, (Lered to dividu Mit! propt1rty on - quil'cd, and wa the (. U~e of much bitt r half to thl' hl'ir!; of th~ teKbil'or; Jam('s Fallen and Fred O. James wrangling fO,r years, according to E. J. Me a . anti one-hair t o th WCI" nppointed apprais ra. Certain real e tate belonging to . the late G. T. O'Neall, who pre- heirs of th dee Q!<ed wir '. [n , the CURIl of The Reed-Klopp Frances Wrighl, deceased, is to be pare~ n hi torical s ketCh of the emete ry (or th Gazette's sou- Co .. a rOl'pOl'lltion ver. UII Wilbur ha nsferred to the petitionel', Wilson III . b. the sheri ff were Albert Gaine . ition into Et rnity.' Admittedly', liam Mannington, Secretary, J oel venir edition in U)Of). Gladys imp on, a'dminis tpatrix An old buildi n g wa ~ pucrhased appro\'ed and all IIcount. ar to one of the larger finer, mOllt beau- Holland, Treasurer. or estate o'f Edward M. Thirkield, Hful and best cared for places of "Whereupon the Association ad· from the Waynesville-Harveys- b settled. ----du ased is ordered to a ~ign, sepu]tur In th count.ry, it is said journed." the report was igl)ed by burg TUrn pike 0., in L t, .and New Suite il'ansf e r nnd deliver to the b n moved onto the Krounds, t o be xcelled by only two otber Emmor Baily, Pre ident, and Wi!- wa 1 \I' York Lif' ]n:unl{lCe 0111- ficiariell the intel'est of aid estaLe cemeteries in the entire State- liam Mannington, Secretary. Joe close to the ortll gate, to provide born, under a certai n a"s iglt~ent. one at Cleveland, and Spring Evans was elected to serve as the a residen I.' 'for lhe sup I'intendent pany vel' ' U8 Benjamin F,' Grove ot Cincinnati, first resident engineer and snper- and .h is f~mily. A greenhouse wa et al for Irlon(l~" fureclosure, mal'Th will of Andrew Johnson, dealso built to rai. c fl owers for the Rhnlli ng of Ii n. . order of priority ceased, was filed in court. Th earliellt beginnings of the intendent. . Distribution of c rtain a s et by cemetery date back to the year On this first Board of Trustees, e metel'Y, and a c mpetent fl orist of payment, Nlllilable relief. S. W. '\ right, ad mini trutrilc of tnilloyed, but the v nture ] 833, when ' Narcis a Goode, the president Emmor Baily, was \\'1\ estate of Nellie j\luy Wright, was daughter of Gaines Goode, die .. , the second of fiy e ucces ive gen- proved Il finan cial failure_ Bodl Probate Co"Urt Proceedings nppr ved by the court. The e- E. Doughman to Clara M. Wil o n larel1ce Marlin, sto~e, .. 3c; J. and her father caused her to be , \ . R. Deck '~ l' , !tll lu'dian of tate i ex;empt from inh ritance and Florence Brockman. 100 acres K. Sllen er, gl'uv I, sand . $66.75: buried an his own farm. Soon after Zaidee Venable, 'incomp te nt, fl Ied tax, J ohn Th o lllm~ .-'cryi ·f) latio n, gil , be ex cuted & deed for a plot of in alem town ship. his fir. t and final account, Thc estat of Minnie Ohmer. deRasco E tep and Alma E st p $ 2.0' Morrow Garug, ga, Ijlnd, adJoining to and including Luella 1\1. Young. guardian of ceased, is exempt from inheritance tQ ,E n1est Ballinger. Inlots Nos. ,72. 4 ; J.' ranklin Vul'. Tire Co., the grave of his daughter, to be Tholua A. ' Uhllns incompetent, tux. , used a a burial place forever, and 416 and 4 J7 in Franklin. l'epalt' i $2.flU; Kil patl'wk- i"r nch fUed her tifth tl/,:CQUllt, , , W. F. Rog rs vas ~ppointec1 A. I". 1\1 Graw to Emily E. Par~ Mo~or O. gns lind 8uppli $, to be und r the control of the .. lifted copy of lhe iltry A c a dmini~ttatol' of estltte of Hannah son. Ii acr~s in Jo'ranklin t.ownship. $2&6.65; Feidhamp & Mlchnal GnrTrustees of the Methodist church herein containing th~ t1etel'lllinaKRoger " deceased, lind fil d 01 Waynesville. The plot of ground Henry C. Shurts, et ai, to Cin- age, repairs lInel ga s. $ 107 .96; tion of tax on the e. tate ' of Da\' id bond of $80 with th Fidelity and cinnati Gas & E lectric o. Thc nares Garage. !rag, 64.64; Harry contained about 160 Mq,ulIl'e rods, H . Grccn, dec iI~: d, iij to be cCl'ti8ually 0., a s ur ty. Ralph and, tor thirty-three years, W&8 the use of certain I'cal e!4tat in Hamil- Hill, gil!!. H)7.36; otr I Oartiud to t he uudi to!'. FQx. James Burlily and Gus Bolan ton town stiip .f or lines. principal burial place for Waynesnge, gas , $64./.i4; Harry Hill, ga . • The \\-111 of A ndrew Johnson wel'e ppointed apprai!!ers. ville and vicinity. The number of K. B. lind lda Po ole t.o iJlcill197.3 6 i Central Gal'ag(), ga., d cea~ed. was admitted to pl'obate. The 1'1' ignation of O~ en S. Hig- nati Gas & Elec:tri 0, '1'h U8 $47.09; East £nll Gll1'all:c , I'C· interment made here durin&' 'these Robert G. .Mol'ris, 'adm.ini 'LI'a tur ~in, as Tru t of I\tary Perry, de. of c.ertain real e late In Wa hlng· pair and gUll, 79.66; W ynel\years is not definitely known, of the estate i ordered Lo e)l cea ed, is acc epted. ton township for lines. thou&'h it has been estilnated at viHe S ,l'viee Statiun, ~u l)plies, $6.c l'tnh\ prop tty u t the appnii ed W. L. Brown, admInistrator of approximal:e.ly five hundred. itizens National Blink, Wil- 83: J. W. Lingo Hardware 6., late. sl ate o f Fransc indy V. Brown, mington to The Prud ntl I r.,@ur- )! lIp(Jlies, nnd l' 'pairs, $297.39; \'a lu for best inter t of In the early pring of 1866, tbe hlll'les i". Burns was found in- decea d,llled his inv ntory. feeling became quite pronounced ce 0., ot America. 20 lI' rc in :Bllinche. t r Ma hin!' ' hop, repairs tl8 ne and iH to be admitted to Lhe Wa ~hington township. a,rtonr ~he people of the vicinity G.71); T ru!ltce. of Public A fY\lir!\, Dayton ~late IiOSllita1. . Marria,. Licen ••• Nellie May Wright, t.l that we should have not only a li~ht, $J.10: Shart! Bevi, MaWilliam . V olk.erding and J ohn more permaMnt place of burial, 0. . repuil'l!. $6.30; H. , hint' Luci\ls Le hackson, teacher of S. W. Wright and Agne Volkm'ding, xe'cutol'~ of the esbut that it should be a place of 'Ilo\le!4 supplie s, $19 . 1 : Maines hag rin Fulls and Miss Mary Inlot No. 766 in f'rankliit. tate of Chal'les Volkerding, de. beauty as well. With this object in barle!! W. Grushon and Ida B. v ill e varage, rl.'paiJ·, $3.20 ; cea ed, fil(d Uwit' first and final Elizabeth Martz, teacher of Carview, a sub cription was circulatr R. Fitts, 20,08 }'nmOllij Auto SU I)p ly 0. , s upplies, ed at a meeting Q! the subscribirrtownship. ~6. 92; V ait ~ Garage, r pairs, Paul Orville Honaker, mechanic aares er, and on the second day of William S. Doughman and :l\fary $11. .12 ; Frank ,herwo II 0., of X e nia and Mi!!8 Ada Morglln April, 1866, twenty-eight rep. Doughman to Clara M. WiI!Jon supplies~ $66. 5; S. , lelCander housekeeper of Lebanon. l'eftehtative citizens of Wayne and and Florence Brockman, 100 acre suppli ,$5.05; Ro y Piggott, serMassie Townshi-ps met at the office in alam town!!hip, vices, $I: W.. . ox, s upplies. $4.Real E.tate TUDafe,. of Sq\lLre J. W. Key8 (father of H . 42; Morrow H/J rdw/Jr ,tor, supThs .United tates Playing Cal'd al'ticle was begun, th magnitude 'p , Keys) in Waynesville for the plies, $7: It'red Kahn ~ otor Co., Bill. Allowed to Th ero Ley Radio Corporao. of the undertaking wa not realA Section of B•• utiful Monument. purpose 0'1 organizing a Cemetery repair., $5.7 U; J. D. Adams Co" tion. 10 acres in Deerfield townized. Th e allotm, e nt of pace availA!lSociation. ,We quote the account l'el)oi rs, $3,33; Victor an Riper, ship. buildings were destroyed by abl' demands II divis ion of the of this meeting irom the pros- erations of his family to bear the the gas $55.62 i . L. Duke &: on, Carl and Caroline Schaub to pectus of the Association: same surnnme, anu was the grand- fire in 1896, and th horticultural story. Next week, we h pe to finish labor and supplies, $4; Western , "At a meeting of the subscnb· father of Mrs. J. B. hapmnn and venLure wall auandoned. The pres- tho story, payinlif spec ial ittention Magl1 us K. Sm itho Rcal estate in ' .E:d".ar'd Star; summon. in divorce, $10: Deerfield township. eN! to the 'Miami Cemetery As- Emmor D. Baily. S. R. Haines was ent residenc of tha uperint nd- t o the ndnlini tJ'ation of the last Western tar, heriff de ds, $10.Rachel A. Morris to Jennie St. Robert sociation,' whose names are as the first presldeJit of the Wayne - ent, which also hou os his office two sUJlC'r intend nts 70; Lebanon Lumber ., inl\tallfollows, to wit: J. W. -Xeye, ville National Bank. ;lohn Hawke, was built soon after this Ihc. The hidakel' lind Walter as t--under lair, Inlot No. 34 in Lebanon. ing gla in li~Jtts Memo,rial Hall, D. A, Dye to Clarence Nelson, . William Mannington, J. A. Irvin, grandfllther of M.1'1I. F . O. LeMay hom has been rem odeled and a whos aU II€I'int.e ndence many of $1. 60: March B)·os. Pub 0., flal, Wm _ Barley, Elton Dudley, Giles and Mi ss Helen Hawk ; wa. a front 'porch added since the hali the fonde t hoples of the founders In lot. No . 105 and 106 in I\valon ~5.86; Trustees of Public AtfaiTs, ' have been b r 9u~ h t to a happy ane! Heights. Satterthwaite, Jobn Hawke. O. J. licensed local pI'e(lcher in the tone fOl' our picture was mad e. light anti gas, $3.06; George WilWilliam S. Doughman and Mary Wh en the pl'cpal'ation of thi~ Slle e.lIful fruitio n. Wright, G. T. O'Neall, A. Lincoln. Methodist church, and was a native labor. $5: Brown & Bunnell E. R. Printz, David Ch enoweth, of England who induced his brothe , $ .78. W. . Turton, supWm. Reta.lIick, Henry McKinsey, er, Philip. also, to settle in t his $10.47. Reeve Holland, S. S, Haines, T, M. community. liis so n, t he lute ha s. Wales, J ohn Hisey, Joseph Hisey, T. Hawke, shared his father's ke'en Emmor Bally, John Lincoln, 1. E. intere8t in the Bucce s of the Key \ J. M., Hadden, A. P. 0 Neall,' cemetery, donating mllny days of har es F. Chapman, Jonas Jan- illbor and time andl much flnanciul n-ey, A. E. 'Merritt, David Reed, support to the worthy lpurpose. 1f0TAllY PUBLIC -r-"'_ _ _ _ and David Lashley, held in the Hill nephew, John .C , HaWke, 80n town of WayneavilJe, Warren of Philip, i now a member of the &: Drake Inc., cement, 9.4oj H , Natlon.l B_II (lunty, Ohio, at the oIRce of J . ·board. T. Cook, gravel and sa.nd. $'i l1; W. Keys, in said town on the 2nd The flrsL burial under the new Or~gonja Bridge Co., steel, $76.90; Willa DraW'll • • Sa ttl•• day of April, A. D. 1866, at 2 regime was that of MOS9s Hudson J. W. Sn ell, cement, $80; Leban'l n. WAYNESVILLE, ,OHIO o'clo k p. m. o n said day, in pur· in 1866. ince then, 4,730 others Lumber Co .• 's upplies, $68.28; H. SUMce of a notice published for have f ollowed, the last being Mrs. T. Cook, gravel and sand, $73.63; more than twenty days previous to Zaidee Venable, wlio was la,id to Morrow Lumber C,o ., cement, lumsaid time ot meeting, by hand bills rest May 9, 1932. Four men who ber nails,' $6.60: Morrow Feed FOR SALE 04'rES ~ALL for the purpose of lormiog a condllcted so ninny of these fune rII Sllpply Co., bridge repair, sup'Cemetery A ociation,' and tQ ob- als are n ow sleeping ther plies, $28.96; W, H. Madden &: tain corporate 'Powers therefor George Zell, Wlllte.r Zeit, Ambr ()~' 00 :, supplies, $22. 63; Waynesville IInd!!r the Statute of the State of Mafilt and Walter Mc lure. Farmers Exchange, supplies, $6,08 Ohio, entitled, 'An Ad making Jumes Mc, lure recently es timated LewJs &: Drake" Inc, repair!! $128.provision 10r the incorporation of t hat he hilS personally conducted : William Oeder, services, $22,e m~tery Associations," pas ed about 300 burials here ince a s50; John Doughman, labol', $15.40 February 2-4 , 1848. Sliming charge of his father's ttobert M.cMulJeh, labor, $8.40; H. "Whereupon sa id s uuscribers de- business, placing the ye.nrly averT. Cook, gravel, $194.25; C. C. JESSE ST~NLEY t rmined to form themselves into age ' at fifty. Dodd Const. Co., gravel, $7,2 0'.: It ' 'metery Asso<'iation,' to be On April 17. ] 866, the Trustees Mason Lumber Co., supplies $40.- PIIo.e 320, New BarIl.,'aa, 011. kn own and called by thtt nam e of bargained with David Reed for the 86; Blair &: LeRoy, gravel, ,'fl1.20: 'The Miami Cemetery A sodation.' purchase .of 44 .60 acres of land Will Melampy" dirt, $31.26; L. G. EARL KOOGLER "Th As bciation t.him, on lying betwe n the Harvey burgAnderson Cons Co, 8upplies $11.73 Da,.t. . Pho•• motion, Re olvetl. to elect of their Wa ynesvi lle -and larKsville-WayM!"son Mi~ling' Supply .Co" supmembers! five, to serve as TrusteeS' nesvil1e pikes for the sum of $3,p ir es, $9; E. · J, Templin, stone, KED_ore •••• Olle as C erk and .Dne as treasurer 346. The)' had but $750, which had · 60 ; Barrett CQ_, supplies, $4'723_to contihue in office for the ter~ been Tais d by subscription. with The MaiD Ebbaace 88 ; John J. Stane, .stone, ' $-6.75;1~=============~
Mtami Cemetery, That Beautiful City NEWS G......., K' here Our Loved Ones Peacefully Rest FROM C
While Material and Labor Costs ~re Low.
It is to your advantage to make your improvements at this time.
W. H. Madden (\ ,Co. Phone 14
Waynelville, Ohio
L.. M. HENDERSON £."t.,
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
5% Farm Loans
TKI'o.T. WE. \.L PUT IT W"'E.R~
"'"SEe IT~
r .1 I .
__ .
tenu. Alao 8an'n, ••••• ,traetlq. Write aD' wID .... Sam D. ,B ,Ul.. W.,..
,,11. 01110.
PoaMU FOR RENT- Pasture land. See B. V. Smith. Waynesville, Ohio. 'j22 FOR SALE-Sweet Potato Plaat. at D, H. Hockett'L Earq Gold,a Nancy Halll, Soathem Queen ead 86e per 100. PhODe 11.11
I Loll. TIa••• Thin,_
Mr. and and Harry on Sunday Columbus -Secretary 01. :tllte, Collit'r. 'Illrence J. Brow'n, ill cumlliling M. C. Gordon spent staliktiCI! finds that thert' were 6.· D. L CRANE t I PUhllaher,SUb.criPllOD Price, '1.10 • B, Mr_. J...1e B_ Tripp part ()f the wl"l~k out 7:32 proHecutions conduc~lItl in OIic. PhOD. ... , .. , . No. \12 Jo~n\l'r~d Ilt Po_tortlc at wayne._.Dena Davill, of S..cond "11." M • common pI as courL" dur~ng ~htl R•• !~-_ c . .. .... ,,,....... ...... N .. III ville. OhIo. aeMaHer was u guest thi w i!k, pallt latistical year, for VIOlallJ! n UWH Sf'II(l(lJ, ."l'f 11J.: "rs OJ{ to; IN.On:n YOUNG I love the G 'rllniutfl, [ love the home IIf I\h. and Mrs. of laws by the comll1is ion ~f Rose. I ' Gray and family. crimes againsL the pt'l·son. Uf thIS AND wml~:4' WITLI flR WITHOUT ARS, WAYJUNE ~2, 1932 1 love eVII!'y bl~sscc.l flowel' that The "Lu~ky 1:1" club met in the rather large numbel', 2&0 Wet'e grows: ==~============================,========~==~ high school building Tuel~ day even- fol' murder in the first clegr e, 251 \' I( "INITY•. I love the hills and valleys too, ing. Plans for a soft-ball team 1'01' Illurdor in the second degree The flowing river. and ~ki 11 so were discussed. TopicFl. f ,. the next Ilnd 26:1 Illan laughter ca~e!l; of Jnqui t t· at ltlu • this lot. u ~ ere 'm otol' vehicle As an outlot for surll ius labor, highways offel' the best Op\>oTtun "Feeding Baby Boeve," ell;; ·s." The largest s~ngle group ity illa~much as they -II~'(l about the only thing that an be lJ1oduc~~ I love the violets' and' Four-o- 06bOl'n and "Th(, al'C of of offenders wel'l~ those charged locks without gl utting the mlll'k t, according to the presiuen t of the Amenhic~K," Wil\lam. cam!) wilh robbery, which induded The olomon's Seal, nn ,l /otay colorcun A"suciation of Stale Highway Official8. . l)ul'ing the I' 'eyea t lOn hour the n ady one-third of all cases ~f ad Phlox; 'ottle 6,000,000 American 'farmers are still situated 011 roads t~at boys went. lIwimming. Adjoul'ned to crimes against th.e person. It III Q(Ocom implIssable in winter, preventing' them .from ~ar~etmlZ The big sun Plower ..... ith it' s happy meet lit the O,;ool'n home, June 28 notable that in thiS gruup 01 lh ir gOods Ill. th . mOl!t advantageous time, from sendmg theIr chlldrcn fIlce. The atOl'm aturday evening re- crimel! a thirty percent incr sse to school, from receiving quick medical attention when needed. from The very smull fl oweI'll that look sulted in severlll trees hoing blowll is to b found in the past ye8l'. like lace. keeping social contacts, et.c. . do"" n, crops washed out anel ~hc Th (Oxpenditur of a road dollar serves a dou.bl.eo purposeh.m that lecU'ic el'vice being cut off for 11011 R. M. White, president o'f 4-H Club Broa.dcut it put money in cil'c\llation while actually prov1dmg samet Ing we I love the mountai1ls and the plains four hOUnl. the l:Iuckeye Press announees a nced llnd 80 is not to be confused with "rclief" appropriations t hat The pleasant weather and Also Mrs. H . M. Fite and .Tane Ellen summcr III eting of aU Ohio news· .A special program fOl' /j·n dub pul. ~oney into circu lati on but do little p~rmanent good. P!acing a rains; have returner! to Washington . EPAIRING man to wor·k on a road mean s that w prOVIde anothel' one WIth work Th· singing Inaects, and boney H., after spending two weeks with papel' men, co mpri ing {(lur ass\>- members and their u(]v isol. is b ' 1 elatiolls, As 'ociat d Uhio Dajlie, Watche. somewhere else supplying materials. . bees, . ing broadcast from the OhiQ State her paren t5. . locks It is said that the country ' could build a hundred thousand ml.les And th , birc.ls thas si ng tn our . Mr. alld M.r. l'(lUl Welch and Ohio 'elect Li t, Ohio Newspaper Univ~rsitr's radiO tatioll W EAl>, A. sodation and the Buckeye J ewelry of good roads now and make us of every mile. That is sO!1'ethmg beautiful tree. , children of Ft. Dodge, Iowa. al'e Pl'ess, whieh will be held at Cedar eve[y atul'day ev I'ling t"om ;OV wOrth striving for. Every state and every. count:y muet. do !t~ part. 1 lOVe the. ice and a lso the !jnow; guest of Mr. and Mr's. W. W. Poin t , June 24, 26 and 26th. Store Open Evenin,. to 8.3,:.0_,_ _ _ _ _- - ModeI'll dey lopments which have made Jt p()BSlple to pUlld fine I love to stay tit lIome and r love Welch. There is to be no fixed pl'Ogram, 'w~alhel'proof, luJl-width highways for a. very few t~ousand dolla:s a to go. MI'. and Mrs. WaiteII' Cast, 01 JURt a ~enel'lll reunion ~ ith special CARY'S JEWELRY ·mile. allow U 8 t o c.Io nee'ded road work WIthout plungmg ~urse lves Into I love to leep and I love to eat- Wayn esville, called on Dr. and ent rtainment feature~. l\, prom- NOTICE. OF APPOINTME.NT debt. ' ., But I'll be darned If 1 love the Mrs. Tripp Sunday. ises to be an. enjoyable three· Mrs. Hllrriett Smart and Miss day vacation and it i hoped thu.~ E tate of, WiIlilllU Ii'. l\£add n, heat. . Grol\ce of incinn/lti were week- every newspaper nlsn in the tate, deceaged. end gue ts of Mrs. l\1a,ry Haines with wif , s weetheart. or friend, Notice is her by given that and family. will be pres nt to participate in Thoma C. Madden hal! b en d ~lY apt. and Mrs. Charles Garner this sum me!: meeting on delightful appointed and quaJified 8 S Exand son, of Ft. Hayes, olumpus, Lllke Erie. ecutor oI th Estate of William were unday iuests of Mrs. l\1ary H. Madden kte 01,Warten County n.. o. s. U. R.tll. St.tiOD-WEAO The firllt fifteen days of Jurie Ohio, deceased . Strong lively chicks kept under Finch and Robert Gal·n.et·. 'MTS. J. P. Tho~nbl,lry is quite brought $212,000 in~o th Oat d this Shit day of May slat -clean healthy conditions have the ( , roy, As Istant State Club Leader, Presidin~) treasury by the sale of cigal'ette 1932. best' 'chance to grow into hardy. ill. Mr. and Mrs. R. T . Moore and revenue stamps. This is an averag C. Donald Dilatusb, Atty. heavy laying pullet by fall. E~ 8:00 Farm Night Melody Maket's W. oZ. ROLL sp nt the week-4lnd out of oJ: over $16,000 per day. State , F. L. Morison tension specillli ts at the Ohl<l family 8 :.0 6 Your Part In State FInances, . , . Judge of the Pl'obate ourt, Treasurer, Harry S. Day, stated ,E. R. Lancashire State Univer ity have outlined si" tOwn. :20 Attracth'l! Vegetables for Buyers Warren ounty, Ohio. Mrs. Chas. H. Gray and Miss that up to June 1st, $:l,2U7.091.56 j22 " .......... R. E. Cray things to do that will boost the Alice B:!l6 Quality in ummel' Eggs ." , were in Dayton F'riday. had be n collected sinCe the cig------~+-----... . . .. J. R. Allgyer chick. 8 :50 The Live tock PI'od\lcel'8' Opportunity . Mrs. Hsuy Hough won the 25- arette tax went into effect )a t 1- Vigorou chicks nlu t be , se.. .Mrs. G. E. Wilsan ..... 9:06 Whnt My Budg t Mans to Me $25 .00 REWARD Clinton County cured to start with. Cet them be· pound a ck of /lugsr givEm away on September 1st. Trea UreI;' Pay esthe lucky cash COUPOn at Villars' timates that wben the year i up fore May 18 and order them O. • Croy U :20 Ohio , 4-H amps , ... " . .. .. .. , '. grocery Saturday evening. be~ween four lind a balf and five For information leading to the 0 :35 nder the urface ' Soil ............ ....... ... ........... ,. , . R. Bradfield early. It is safest to buy chick Father' Day and hildren's million dollar wj\) have been paid an st and conviction of the perhatch d from eggs of a certified 9 :50 March of Ohio HighwaYIL O. W. Merrill was observed with appropri- the stat 'I01' cigarett tax stamps. son or peraon~ breaking ond enter· State 1Iighway D pt. flock, from an accr,dited batch- Day ery, or from a well known local lite exercises at Jorllah'~ Run ing premises in Warren County, ".H WEA:O HALF HOUR burch un day. breeder. On Friday of this week, bidll will Ohio, fol' the purpose of stealing S.t"ur.... y. June 25, 8:00 p. m. 2- Do not attempt to raise be received for propci5ed highway ppu Itry. Mu ic . .. ..... .......................... . 4-H Quartette chicks in a brooder bouse that has All persons are requested to improvements totaling $2,563.0QO Nature This Week H. E. Eswine not been thoroughly cleaned an,l according to Highway Director O. IMMEDIATEI.Y report thefta to Music , . " . .. ......... , ....... .. .. 4-H Quartette disinfected . W. Me.nell. There will be n~nety the heriff's office. Th Value ol Orgallized lub G'i0up J. P. Schmidt Air. and Mrs. Earl Nichols and two miles of paving at an e~lIlllA1.t TH E BOARD OF OUNTY OM3- Move the brooder to a good Music , ................. .. 4-H Quartette sod that has not supported chicke daughter, Mias Hel n, cmteriained cd cost of $1.873.aS4 and urlt,ice MI SI NERS OF WAHREN 4-R N ws Flash W. H. Palmer for at least a year. This belps to on Sunday, MI'. and Mrs. H. C. treating and resurfacing of 550 OUNTY, OHIO - With Costorio's regulation prevent diseas . Move the brooder Schroyer and Mr. and Mrs. miles at an estimated, cost of 01'1 J. Miller, as often as t.he gt·ass is killed SwalloW. of Dayton. • $690369. The Lima-Sandusky road E. J: Beedl , When your chUd tOlHl aud en. . l\h. Ed. Jeffery and family at- wiIJ b paved in Allen and. Hanto the government at the end of around it. - W. D. Corwil). out in his sleep. it means he II DOt. 4-Be sure to use elean litter tended the wecjding of theil' daugh cock counties for 14.04 miles at. a Je29 each month. 4)mmissionel's comfortable. Very o,ten tbe troubi, The tax became effective Mon- that is free from mold. Shavings. ter" Esther, in Dayton on Satur- cost of $310~192. SpecificQtions ilIlbut. poisonou81f1'aste matter II DOt. . day at midnight and all checks peat moBS, clean cut straw, a.lfalfa day, June 18. call for rein.for\=ed concl'ete and .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ being carried oft as it .boutd, .,.. Mr. G~il Warwick. of Clarksville included in the figures will be the drawn and paid will be taxed. or sand answers as litter. Renew Bowels need help-mild, IJItQde balp D po itors in the Waynesv\lle From the stamp tax fi 011 secur.i- it otten. has been a Sl$isting the Andrew ~ildlng Il'f two bridges. tate -hut efT ·live. Just the kind ~ National Bank as well as in oth r ties, check and the like. the gQV5- Feed a clea-n, cQmpletl'l !'a- family with their w()rk t.his week. route 16 in Franklin county will toria sives. Call1oria is a pure ""Wilmington Yearly Meetings, be improved for a distance of 5,lable preparat.ion. made lpecj..uy lor . banks throughout hio need not ernmen" hopes to call ct in exce s tion. Tbe Ohi.o ration has proven 1 clli\dr n's ailmentfl. It contains IlO trouble ,t hemselv II about th de· of $125,.0 00,000 during the coming satisfactory for Ohio poultry. The 'M,inisters, WOI'kerl! Conference 38 miles on the Columbu-Newark all·mash method of feeding re- was held at Fairview on June 15. road. The paving i to be 30 feet I harsh. harmful drufll. 110 aarcotiea. fiscal year. • _ ••_ __ toils oC the new lederal Lax n Don'tlel your child II reat-and y:our duces the amount of filth the, Howard and Harold McKay were with a 42 feet roadway. The esbank ('heck. officer of the local own- be mterrupled. A prompt dON chicks eAt a-nd makes feeding sim· among those who attended. timate is $122.028 for macadam. DOD!. Cut Lawn Too Much of Ca loria will urge atub),orn HUla , bank stated Monday morning. pier. Milk in some form for U.e Mis Avis Green. of near WH· bow ell! Lo acl. Then reIned comfurt The new f('deral low requires The more common lawn grasses, fir t 10 weeks gives the stock a mington, spent last week with her The annual picnic of the State and resUul .Ieepl GeIiIliDe CU' OP' that a two-eent tax On ench bank and e'p cially blu gra , cannot good . tart and help to " Mrs. Robert A II drew. Employes Beneficial . AS(,Iciation always hill! tbe name: checl< b paid by the d poeitor. withstand close mowing during coccidiosi. The chicks need The Mi. ses Hills, 01 Dayton, are will be held on August 16th. There who write checks periods of hot dry weather. The ~od-liver oil to prevent leg weak- visiting their aunt, Mrs. Maude are over 5,000 m mbers and How ver, tho ROOT FOR. AND CONSIGN will not be required to purchase only rea t>n for mowing gras is to ness until they go on range. Ii ne. Presjdent Thoma ,L. Wood ., ca h- your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calve. stQmps and affix them to tbe improve the appearance ,at the K. E. Thompson and fllmily had ier in the office of Se.t G- Keep the growing chicks of to Norris-Brock Co., live wire alld ch cks, ba'n k official state. lawn . The gr-a itself ill more· or away from the old st<!ck. If the for their . unday afternoon callers Stat-e, Clarence J. Brown, progressive firm for the hirb_ t The government requires that Ie 9 injllred by mowing. . old flock hae any kind of disease Mr. and Mrs: Orlanda Brannan, • that the place' to hold the market prices and good a"rYlc... the bank collect the tax from Or is infested with parasites tlte Mrs. May Doddl; and daughter. ha not been definitely decided UaioD Stock Y.rcIo· Cjncin_t!z O. CHll(l~lN cp' ' 0 " , th ir customer and tum it over to growing stock cannot escape it. Edna, of Xenia. but that it willl1robably be Buck- Tune in on Radio Statlo~ W\;KY Lara. At~DdaDc. , th~ Internal IWvenue department. Miss Helen Nichols, spent the eye Lake Park. Over 40 handsome 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily The bank 'Will charg the account ix hundred and ninety-two week-end t'n Dayton wi1~h Mr. and prizes and ttophie will b award- market reporta. • ••••••••••••• of each customer two cents for farmers' institutes with a total atLi'n.tocJ. D.~r••• iDI Mrs. H. C. Shroyer. ~ Ild in various contest.~ and a bath- ~!'!!!!'!~~!'!!!!'!~~~~~~!'!!!!'!~!!!!' eaeh chcck whi h is paid and willl tendance ot 707,440 were held in MJry Tompson spent MQnday I'ng beauty parade' will be staged. turn the amount 0'1 ~ tax over Ohio la t year. , The number of farm horses ~"'· ft".nn<.~ with Helen Nichol. FolJowing the picnic. dinner. brief . in Ohio during the last decade de... Anlong those who were Sun- addresses will be made by execucres ed from 11,000 to 504.000, day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tive officers of state departments. a 10 S of 38 per cent. The number P. G. Wells and family were: Mr. of h~iS fell from 3,083,000 to 2,- and Mrs. Rufus Robertson and Warden P. E. Thomas of the 30 Y6Il1'8 Experience ba 078,000. during the same period. daughter, of near Harveysburg, Fitting and Makin. G~ Sheep population, wllich had drop- Mr. and Mrs. Roi/ert Wells and Ohio Penitenti"ar~ has inaugural d II new feature. a commercjal ped a third in the decade between Boyd Miller, of near Oregonia. course, in charge of a capable 1910 and 1920, re,m eined at about Funeral services fo~ Mrs'. Jennie civi.iian instructor. The cllurse is 2,100,0.0 0. Oglesbel!. 54, of 612 l'J. Bl'()Ildway open to any student who ean L.h._. OIIi. Dayton, w.hQ died Sunday night at qualify, a series of gl'adinr test" T. . . .y, St. Elizabeth hospital after a long Rub Hilh iD all SlIb;eclll used and the class now numE •• min.ti_ Free . illness, was held Wednesday at 9 being bers thirty. younger men proa. m. at the Sacred Heart church. dominating. This newin·n.ovation is LEBANON, OHIO 'rh.e typical State Farm,:r 'II:nkls Burial will be in St. Br igjda Cemebing (lnthusia tically received in the upper fourth of hiS high- tery, Xenia . school class in scholarship In a11 Mrs. Rena Powell bas been lead- and no doubt the class will rapidly grow. The prison population is subjects. He belongs to th Gr:ange ing Phone 78J the Bi ngi~g in the choir at and to four other school or com- Green Briar church dUling the abo 3,880. munity organizations and ho.lds an sence of Miss Emma I.amb. Tbe open , season for bass is office in one o'f more of these drawing th piscatorial sportsm~n groups. TRY to the inland takes of the stllte and -=w= :=-= many good catches are being .re· OUR CL~SS I FIED COLUMNS ported. ' The limit 10f bass Ill. FOR RESULTS Dr. Sboemaker is rt!paixing bls .eight ,anyone day and dwelling on N. Main siL. be at least 11 inches in Funeral services fo.ll.' Mrs. ' Cal- 't he smaller fry fish. 25 vin Penewit were. held at her may be caught and 20 blu home Friday and burial was and rock bass. This by order Mt. Zion cemetery. conservation council, which is ouncilrnan J. W. Anthony vis- deavoring to 'p t:omote' 'flsh propited relatives at New ¥edison la.s t agation in all Ohio lakes and ~ trellms. ~t t\f.~'t\ Fr.ank Penewit returned home thi week after an absence of two \\~,,~ Lot of Soil An.I,.ed m onths, spent in Da;yton. . ~~ ~~()fti ()IP Mr. and Mrs. Glaude HarriS of Farme.r s throughou,t: the state Dayton werB' Sunday g'uests in the this Year ha4 more than 3000 Bam\\IM\". home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis. ]>Ies of soil analyted' for acidity . The local team lost last Sunday al1'd available plant nutrients such to Belmont by a score of' 8 to 2 in as nitrogen. phosphoric acid. and \.\t \)OVt '" ",C) an ll-inning game. 't potash. The samples wet:e anaChildren'S Da¥. services were 00- lyzed by,the soil department. at the served at the M. E. c)lurcb lut O. S. U. unday evening. ........... ~ Look (or the nllJTlG Bayer and the Bayet Aspirin is the UDlV. . . . ...... Miss Betty and EvelYn ' Harpel; word genuine on the package as dote {~r paiDa of aU kiDdI. sUey of Culver, Ind": L ,a re visiting their grandmothe.r , MrS. Nett.ie Harper. pictured belo,.,. 'When >:ou buy Mr. anll Mrs. Frank McClellan Aspirin. Then YOll will know that A children's day program was HeadacJi.el ' given at the }~riends (~burch, Sun- have moved into t.be James Smith you are get.ling tbe genuine Bayer day morning,.June 19. T.be pa~tor, property on Walnut st: , Rhewnatiam Rev. Bogan gave a talk. Prof. and Mrs: Howard Dyche product thousands of pbysicians Neuritia Children'S day. wa.s observed and son of Wilkensburg. Pa., ar~ at the, ltL E. -church :S unday eve- rived last week to spend their SU m· prescribe. Ne~ ning. June 19, foUowM by a talk mer' here at the old pyche hllmeBayer :Aspirin is SAFE. as mil,,!" ~ by Rev. Knoop. stead. , liollS oi u~rs havollroved. It does The past ground s of Green Co., Miss Dorothy Alt!xander reToothache turned from a 10-day visit to her I. O. O. F., met at the I. O. O. F. Dot depreSs the h,earl. IlIId no harmcousin, ' :Miss Betty Trout, of hall here Thlll'8day. ful after-efJecta follow ita use. Springfield, lal\t Wednesday. The Spring V8lJey and Bellbrook (iaeripe AIpiIIa ..... Mr and Mr.!. J . W. Hopkins, of soft ball teams met Friday at Pittsbur&' spent the wl~ek-end with Okee-Water park, the score beil'll' at all . . . . . . ia "' ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulk~rson and 14-12 in favor of Bellbrook. 12l1li ........ . Spting Valley's 0PPol\ent in the family. 1(1) tabIaeL Rev. Henry He!rsllEfY Thunday evening league Il'ame ton ,a nd his daugllteI'B; ,' was tile Down Town Country Club,. and Miriam, whicb won over tile local team 6 Smith, FridaY'. to O. u Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mra. 'Everett Murrell of or nati visited Sprinlf Lebanon and MI'B. Jordan of for a few da,.l. WaYJleeviUe visited Mrs. N_tie Mr. and Mrs. Dan J~'::~:::b. Fullienol\. Thursday. daulfbter visited ber I~ IIr. The WomeJl'a 1;',"....1.,.. IIll8lliol1and Mn. lAw -.ad fam. UJ 80C!let,. of II, Thanda)" bad a vel')' enJoYllbl1 _.til_ aDd IIr.. Bamaond the home' of ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY
Public Service from Relief Expenditure.
Farm hight lalks, Jut:le 27
Rule. Rega rding , Healthy Chicks
Bank. Will Attend To Sta mps on Check.
-=---=. - - - -
F. T. Martin
Cary's Jewelry' Shop
Or No Charge
Sat" "
Centerville, Ohio
. _.
Odd- But TRUE
-t.. ""'\t" ~
beware of 'imitations
-'''''t 0"-
Spring V
...... .... or • .,...
daUlaw, 'Patrica
ItImtJt ...
lLat e
flrll. rthur Morlrlln of nt.iocb \ l,l\t'!te, will glvt! an ilIulitratt!d talk VII ""illag-to Lift' al'\ .'el'n in'
fte th Funeral
1----- --------
(Continued from Pare 1)
(o;a;tel'n Europf' from Mil Autll," lit t.he F'rjt'uds' Meetlnlr·hl/ut\(' 'un- 11' I ' Nt'r TO LATf" l!4we ~ day. Junt' 26th at 2 ;:l!I p. rn. Ali i ' ' , '1 are t'onlillllv invited. l'ntn!1I plant. f,'um n(\" ~m UlIlt . --- - lh l'lo~(' ur thc ~{' 1 'H', .!f)r Ilt) r 'WI' II ' t} (W l'lr,n.I( ' 111,: ,\111'(: 11(W. n. II. llu('\wtl. tf u n till' Wil Y "" '1" l\VII~IlIIJ 'fa U,"I ... t FOR 'LE Buy mUl't' , t~ y 1\\'8 N"lI c •• Ig I"· r.· .. ;. .:-1 .' ,' ~hlLl on til" 1\1\1 j(e II II gouII w.nk .... Olllltl~ li ll ,11i)' ... r .I!ll v l!'S ~ III j :1 11 ... ·cl •• r lc B ' I'h ' 7<aH I') " J' (")9 I', fit " " 1111 hire Itln,.h,,, "" th, ' og I', one .. , -HWllr·' 1 "~"I""' ,' (l hI" Uw '1',,\\ n h l l' -=---1l" ' uElIt'eg r " 'IlY" " 'r. WII . 1111> ur \\ 111' 0' n e>\IIIIV. hi " , rut' Iliv [J. 's t . WANTED
lie tJumalr!! WUI! dOli!! to the driv ~\ ny~ and ~ wcrs, especially in the nuW /, dilln toward Harveysburg. A fl'\\ bl()~ks tiC thc lloncrete gut1\.'1' Ullili/C tbe main drive weI' MJ1iC~ unll I'mincd. s(nTlt! shrubbery wa!! IIprl)oted. and gl'avlll and sto nes IIU'IW~ ,a"" , .,. ."'" , wm'c left on the grass ill !lome ",ioU 'I'he board of 'I'rust es held l)l .,ac~o. ~~ ~~~\<~{~1 11 '11 imprumptu meetingatthescen' .. tiM:, 'J'It\.'" ur the .I iSllster, nnda" morning. n ~ ":ll \ ~III' , , , .. \In)( - ' ' r\lj "r ~ I ~ :t~ anu. 1 11I'0l)1ptIy f Ol'mu Iate"d plans fot; ('~ .i:lUI.1t hI''' II ~ \\'111 Ill' h"ilJ III II", the imlll dillte r('llail' of the dam- Mrt,·,. I)t l11i ' '/'tlWf\iI I,I" ' I·"" .. t .. ,,_ , , ANTF.D - lIou ~ work by yUUIIg age.. ' W (Iy,Wa l· IH,·. ,)hl >. wonlfln l'L'/erlln(" ir ne ·tl~d. t t h. e p~ • J S Ill>~' j2l! oy Teport il tha VI,' rk l.,\YIIII .' n'IHIIllJON, 'I' ow I hlp InquirQ at Glli'tte (1Ilie\!, Waterworks pumping station COmpi tel), <.' cap u damage. bllt William Schulel' lind family, who live d il'@ctly lie ross tbe rQlld from the plnnt, we," llot so ! l·tunate. Rere the floot! Inundated ~h fir ·t story rl'ucbing Il depth of four feet, it i said. Of course, much of the h.ou <'hold eft'ects wa $ bndiy damaged. A great str am oC water rushed Fire, Tornado and »,indstorm, Hail, Autotllryugh John Long' garage, causPhon. 7 him considerable damage and mobile. and Life. .v enienc , While John was Only reliable companies_represented. No ri.k ,W .ynel\'ille, Ohio having hi trouble at .the garage, 1\Irs. Long was equally worried at too large or .mall (or prompt atteration. their homo on Third str et. The sewer that is upposed to drain an old ravine, just abOVe their lot, Waynesville, Ohio Office in ReAldence was not lal'ge nougb for the job, -- , and an angry, turbind stream rushd through their yard, depositing a hj!avy coat of yellow slime, and Sublcribe for the Miami G.zetM. neoarly invading their home. This str am followed th large sewer from thel·e. but one morbl'oke out at the lower end &1 Mrs , EI~a Scott's lot. c8usin~ quite a bit of dllmage tp both the s w rand th urroundlng property. Water nl~o ~nvaded the home of Mr, nnd M r~ . Earl Coyle, causing quite n bit of damage and inconvenience. Growing crops suffered to a large extent. Especially was thi~ true in the -field along the river Daytoa, Ohi o ' bottoms. The benviest ~oating of Mrs. H. H. William on is spend- 1.lrs. ly er Hyman. MillS Bernyce silt in years cover d the plunts. 227 Woaderly Pho ... and 1\1a ·ter Bobby wel'e incin- anll the hot fijln 01 fh uec cdl ing this week in Dayton . AVCln .. e Walaut 6222 naH vliton today. days tended to cook them. Mr. R. A. ross is visiting his Mr. ~l'Id .I\11·S. T. H. tokes, of sister and other relptive. in nr- ' Lincoln, Ill., nre gUl! t of Misse dinia. Blanche and Perle ltiley . . Scout Tune in on the C. & B. program, c"n"~y Mr • A, K. Day and othel' cry e WKRC tati Standard • 8 on v ~..... members of the local W. ·F. M. S. afternoon at 2 p. m. of the lethodist church arc atThe Wayn svi lle Boy Scouts insp cted the Diamond ' Hill orch. BARGAIN PR ICED Harry Housh, oC Dayton, vi it d tending a ch 01 of Missions at ILrd, last. a turday, and expect to Amo Thomson,th latter part of Miami alley ha'lltauqua tbi visit the batcherie at ;Yellow W. N. Sears transacted business la t w ek Ilnd the first 01 this. week. Springs next Saturday. SU~'WI8( Cord Tlr" in Wilmington, Monday. I'tIrs. Lothair Winfield and ~r . El'1lest Buttepv()l'th was in Mr. Shel'C)n, Chief Scoqt ExeeuWymer Drake waB n Columbus hild Af D t pent Sunday Lebanon today visiting her son tive of this district, "(td Mr. ay on, Sand famIly • Nl-ederlander, of the Amer'lc81', visitor, the fore part Clf this week c 'th ren, Rob u t Furnas amI dllughtcr-in-Iaw, Mr. and ..,( ,01 rs. WI el.' • Burnett Butlenvorth. aving8 Bank, ot MiddletowlI, met Masler Billy Melloh spent last Mr. Truman Wardlow and with the Waynesville Scol.!ta Tues~ A. aD ofticial Alemite ..A" week with relative In Springboro. daughter were unday guests of day evening, of this we k, at we are able to cift Miss Sal'ah Smith and Mrs. Laura which time some of the boys took Mr. .nd Mrs. L. D. Chiles are Zell. LytlE~ some of the work toward cout your car the Jatat aDd tiD· visitine TelaUves in Dayton, this promotion, week. Mr. and Mrs. Brll-dbury Poole, Wesley Benham of Lebanon Due to small attendance, thi .mepecialipdlubrk:atiaa of Cincihnati, were week-end vi itcd frlend~ bere several days meeting was' adjourned to Friday, Tune in on the C. & B. prOj'l'am. gu IItsf Mr. and Mrs. J. O. 1Irt- last w ek. .nice. Here we 8eI'YC your July 1st at 7 :30 p. m. It Is most ltation WKRC ev~TY Sunday wright. Mfs. Floyd 'avage spent Wed- earnestly desired that there might car at every poiDt, -1117 afternoon at 2 p. m. . t\ M B 11 be a Jull attendancl1 of the cout Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elzey and n-e$day itb her mo ler, rs. e e committee and every member of timewe1u~i4withtbe MiM Ruth. Chandley is taking a dllughter, of near Oregonis, gpent Dinwiddie in Wayneliville, the troop at this meeting; as lIIix-weeks post graduate course at Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. .Mis RO' e challrEitarned to her there is important business to Special A1emite LubriaIDta ~ ~ the Universit.y of Cincinnati_ ho me in Da ton Sunday after Brannoc k• apcciaDyd...;prd b your "ptmULU!._a couple (.r weeks with come before them at.' this time. NOTE: Layen Qt ,-,ord fabThe Epwort.h League enjoyed a . Several members of t he local Wilbulr ric: No' •• 5 and 6 are coref car'. lubricatioo' demand. weiner rOil i at tbe home of Chu rch of Chr is1- _aH,CDJt;i.eiL,....a.1-=~i:~.:..ci~lil1le:r.:JIl.e.j~.eJ:..JilL~iI.in-h="!r.:::-r::,.......,or:-'"'lT".:..-........--,;-:--- - r-l-lI-___.hr.~lI.ec Ifrlpl Harold FOJl. neal' Ferry, Tue day Qhurch Rally at Xenia, at · Valley ho pital for a ...!~=:--iiiiiiliiOl!::;!~!!:.!:U~:..iI If )lOU wUlt to.ave maoey eveninK. afternoon. couple of week, fOlr ·treatment. undny dinnel', Mr. Ml·. John Klotz 11I'Id son Jack of All en Gebhart, M..-s. L. Gebhart Y~E only tha..world's on aeedlea8 repair billaMrs. ·W. B. Russum, and Dr. and "nifty Gift" that will please. Cincinnati we~e We(inesday gue ts and Mr, M; Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gale Ruasum, of Dayton were lar8ellt till' maker offers! if you want to a:perieDce Choose one of those "NiftY" oC Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman. John Myer" and daug;ter, of DaySunday guests of the Missel! Tril- lock@ selling at half price. Cary's Mrs. Marga.ret J'ohns hAS imton. Mr. and Mrs. ie. w. A,lbright ".wt ~l.t C.t1I 1'lru Lifetlm~ Guaranteed . the fiDeR car operatioD ybU lena a'nd Margaret Edwar'ds.. Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. proved her propertlr by the addi- and Bessje Sand rs 0 WaynelWille . t b d tte I'n Willlam and Paul Savage of WayCa8h Prices-Mou nted Free bave ever lr:DowD---come ill tlon f of cemen cur an gu r Mrs. A. K. Ray pleasantly en John Fan nin and Mi s es Ma'"" 'J th t ne ville. . tertained Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. for a Genuioe AIemite job I i1i~onMary McKiJ'by of Dayt()n Mr. and Mrfj. Kesler Graham and Williams and Ruth Unkraut, of Amelia Williams, Mrs. H. E. Cincinnati, spent last Wednesday spent la t week with her uncle and daughter Bernice entertained to TODAYl Hathaway and Mrs. G. C. Dibel·t, here, guests of Mi Lillian Baker. aunt, M~'. and Mrs. Ralph Johns Misses Genevieve Hall and Betty last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Settlemire and daughter, and daughterS. Henry of Lebanon, Mrs. Belle DinMr. and Mrs. Mark · Rogers and Ruth, of near Oregonin, called on Proi. and Mrs. George Clark and wldd·ie. Mrs. Leab Strouse and son daughter were Sunday dinner 14...a. Frances · Nichol~on at t be on Georg~ M., of New York dty ,ueeta of bis parents, n,ear Friends Home, Saturday lift r. spe~t Friday with -MT. and Mrs. On\!! . Springboro. They also visited M.... noon. harles Clark. They home Saturday nmnAnu'n and Mn. Heber Ross In Middle,10 town, Sunday evenin,. •Workmen are fl1ling the small Mrs. lark's sister Your Old Tlr. for New 1931 . j)reaks in OUT streets with tarred fl'om Alabama. ' GOOD'¥EAR ALL· WEATHERS pebb1es, todny, preparatory to the ;Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Johns and Director of Fv••,a1 S.nic. coat of tar they are 0011 t.o Te- children of Dayt.on were Sunday QOOD USED TUU:~ 11 UP. EXPERT VUIP.NI~~NG e·e ive. afternoon callers a t tbe home of Our convenient location, suitaMrs. Margaret JOhns. ble surroundings al'ld equipment Orville Gray is improving his Ml'. and Mrs. Frank Rogers made Third street resilience .with the a businells trip to I)ayton Friday. e~abltll us to Serve to the Belt addition of a screened porch in MI'. and Mr '. J. B. Jones attend- Acftantare. the rear. Ed Standiford is doing ed the pringboro Grange Wed· tPhone 47 W~yne.villtt. Ohio the work. ne (lay evening. And thrifty-minded tbe hQme ownAMBULANCE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. 'Frs,nk Bayes and .' " ." er IS ordering his Coal now. OFF· , Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Gornell family, of Bethel, Ohio, spent sevPbolle 2 9 wa,'. ..... iJI., Ohio Miss Mildred and Ma tel' Ronald eral days last week with 'Mr • Belle SEA'S ON PRICES will leave a 'IU)f& 1M Wed • . _ .. p, M. RadJo Salisbury visited Mr. and M~s. Scott and family. healthy difference in hie pocket. , William Michener at Pit tsburg, Mr. hades Guitner and Miss book when the cool weatber rolla over the week·end. Florence Gebhart of near Miamis'round again in September. . burg spent Thursday . afternoon o . B. LeM.ay and on, of with Mr, and Mrs. Kesler Graham. Sheffield, Ala., joined their husThe ChildrM's Day service was band and father here, Saturday. held at the hllrch Sunday even· They wi1Jspend the summer at the ing. A ~pl ndid prOKJ'am was renhome of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Le· dtn:ed, Glen Rogers Pocahontas. (Extra May. ' Mrs. Mary Carmony accompaLumpy), truely a premium coal Enroute to their homes in Day- nied MI'. and Mrs. "W, F. Clark of tOlt from II visit in Ke ntucky, MI'. Waynesville to a family ' dinner Sunday at the honte ' of Mr. and and Mrl!. Harry Conne and Mr. Mrs. E, J. Carmony at Spring4eld. and Mrs. Houston called on Mr. Mr$. Emery Oba'rleton remains and Mrs. E. R. Bentley, Sunday quite ill, with, a .vel:y rare dilieaae eventne· _ called "pempnigous.'I' Her relatives .Genuine Raven Red Alb M.r. and Mrs. Glenn Ela.nd and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schooley and daughter, Barbara Lou, visited his Mis~ Cora Gibbs of Madisonville parents -at Jamestown, Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Gibbs and eveninK, celebrating Glenn's birth· Mrs. Amanda Gibbs of Lebanon day anniversary. His mother ac- visited her Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Johns' attended a companied them home for a weekB six Q'clock dinner ,S unday at the visit • . Yellow Jacket Lump home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt aM near Waynesville, tl~ honor of Mr. . .l!hildren, of Manche ter, Mr. and and Mrs. Donald Hadley (nee MarMrs. M. D. Baird and daughter; garet Cook).. . . and Mr. and· Mrs. Nelson Watkins Mrs. Mouls Bl'\)Wn, south of son were Sunday dinner Lytle, was taken to The Good guests of Mr, and Mrs. O. R, ~a.maritan hospital Dayton, WedKoppers Miami ~oke Unglesby. ne day and underwent · an opeTaS. W.P., Rel'll.r colora for 'a few days but is slightly imMr. nnd M·rs. Mye.r Mym.nn, Mr. proved at this time. ~r 1.llon . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... and Mrs. J. O. Hawke, Mrs. J . P. Mi s Thelma Cole'man l!pent last Fromm..!. Mrs. Glenn Bland, Mrs. week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. White L. H. uOl'don and Mrs; Emma H, Kellis and children at Mt. Holiy. McClure attended Eastern Star We also bave in our yud lome per ,allon . , . . . . .. . ..... , ............... . Miss Hazel Greg~ ot · Franklin inspection 'at New BurlIngton, and Mis Ethel Crljlmer of Brookrood LUmp and egg coal. at Tuesday evening. lower. prices B.rn Red ville were over nigM lfUestl! WedPer .allon . . . • . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . Mr. and .Mn. Ray Mainous and nesday of Miss Hellen Early. Mr. and MJ;'s. C. R. Binegar of tJimily and Mrll, Mainou! siater, Jamestown and }~r. and Mr,. Pun Raw UneMCI OU ' Mra. OdeD, Mr. and Mrs. V4\mon Mainoul and family', Mr. and Mrs. F letcher Slade of ~'ranklln visited per .Iallon .. ... ,. . ... ........ thei~, aunt MrIj. Geo11rianna Georra Henderson and family spent Sanday at Schantz Park. Baine. Sunday. MI'II. "-Ines' cel.bratl~Jr the birthdays of condition has not been 10 trood past week. .. , , , ...•. , .'..... , , VerDon lIainouI andKuter Doug five Henderson; They had two huge blrthda, with ealldluz which Pho'n. 11 .... a when the taD1e was noon laoDr wtth Balld. w.,n..vil ••• Ohio ohlello. _laH alld
1- -- -
w. N.
J. E. McClure
Building and Loan Deposits '
W ayneaville Boy Activitiel
This BIG
stands for the fi nest
lu!wi&at;otl serfJ;&e!
1.---..;;..._____ GOODYBAR ' SPEEDWAY
Ceptral Garage . Ph '
W .),nav.·11 e
.I N
Gordon's. Service Station
dan. PriG••
S5.50 ,
We wish to ,· announce ,New: ,Reduced . . Prices ·Sherwib~William8 Paint ·
s. w.
__ .40
Wa,.mlle Fanners
helaale (0.
, ::.~~ ~~~~~I~~
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Eighty-Fifth Year
VILLAGE COUNCIL TO TAKE NEW BIDS'FOR RESURFACING STREETS Error In ~l1IpUlln, Eatil1l.~ Cauael Raj e c t ion. of AU Pravioua Propoa.la
Wholt. , Numl111' 6020
JUNE 29,1932
New Century Club Ha. Final Meeting
===-==========:=::.c Mrlj. Walt r
has been
. Believ it 01' nQt, Waynesvill '8 quit ill. i)'eels are to be re/lurfaced: some J. E. MeClur transacted busin. or the e daya. Th improvement es ill Dayton, Saturlfay. eenla to be 'Ii long way 01f, but it's coming, brother, iVa coming. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby lire At the regular June meeting of enjoying a vacation in Indiana. our illllge Council. th e clerk and the IItreet commi sioner were orEarl Emrick and Frank James dC"ed tQ prel)a're plans and speeifl. were Dayton visitors, last Friday. calions for the improvement, and Miss Anna Marshall has been the I l'k was ordered to advertise quite sick, but is slowly Improv. in The Miami Gazette lor bids. ing, All these Instruction!! were duly and faith/ully curried out, and Mr. and Mrll. Forrest Hough are three ' bid were received end sp nding a few dars at Indian p 'ned, last Wednesday noon. Two I,.ak . co ntractors had submitted aggre· gate prices on the entire job, while MT. lind Mrs. Frank Miller reo tIle thit'd ·ubmiLt.!d prices per turned home Thill' day Bfter a vi it quare yard of the surface to be ,in Indiana. cov red. Mi Martha- Vinson of Dayton, oundl met thaI; evenipg and so lemnly proceeded to award the el\lled on Mrl!. J . W. White, Sun· . contract to wh t now seems to day afternoon. have been lh , highe t bidder. R There w(!J'e two 'reason for this aym ond Ey r, of Dayton, is a tion. A thousand more square visiting hi mother, Mrs. Laura ~'ard wel' used, in computing the sides, thiJl. week. total Qf the third bid 'thll./I were ,Miss Ruth Gierhart, ot Dayton, called for in the liP cification ,and i visiting 'her sister, Mr. A. H. ouncilmen were unfamiliar with tuhbs, and family. th technical name t the requir. cd materials used by all the bid· Tune in on the C. It: B. program, ders. station V(KRO eveTy Sunday oon after adjournment, one or afternoon at 2 p. m. two membe.'s awoke to the fact that the totals of th third bid had Dr. and Mta. R. A. Weaver and been overestimated, 80 another 80n8 W re Sunday guests or Mr. adjourned asion wa called fol' a.nd Mrs. Howard Yetter. , th next evening. Thursday eveninll', Council reMrs. Ethl\n C. Crane entertain· "cinded their: award of the con. ed the members of her bridge club, tract, ~ul became someWhat be. o( Dayton, la t Thursday. . . wildet'ed by th ma~ e of technical . ' t I'm and legal phases of the Mr. and Ml'lJ. Robert Walton arld situation. a they decided to hold on, of Dayton, were Sunday . )let ~n otner meeting on Monday gues ts of Mrs, J. L. Hartsock. e",enill~, "t whl h time) all bjddel"$ Autp and Tractor repairing. and the yillagC) solicitor, W. O. \.IS8ft l"or<leon part.s tor sale. ' D. K. Maple, were to be requested to be McMillan, R. R. 8, Waynesvill Pi' 1\ nt. . The conclave rCJlI! embled, Mon· Mr, and Mrs. Lester Gar on day evening, and. after quite a bit were $upper guests of 'Mr. an~ Ml1I of d bate, d cided to reject all E. ' B. Murren. ~\tD day evenin~. bids and readverti$e the job. The number or square ards of sur· Mr. and Mrs. Chas. James and faee to be tr ated had been r - famil), spent unday with Mr. and ('omp~ted-this . time on an adding 'Mrs. Ray James in Miamisburg. d M Cl d M C ll'.... m chme, so t.heu accuracy wns as. ' U sur d. mr. ~n. t'8. . au e e 0 ",oer Council also d cided to enlarge o( Wllmmgton, called on ~r!l. the cope of, the improvement. AU SUllBn W. Payne, Monday evenmg. s reets which weI' not re~urfaced Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea. last year, are to rccelVe two con aUended the funeral of Mr. oats of SO <,1, asphalt bound with C I tPhe 'ratIO • to be one- Clark Myer at Springboro, Thar day pea grave, third ofa gallon of asphalt and . . fifteen pounds of gravel to each . Mrs. Vern Hough and on, Paul ~quar yard in eaeh coat. At the Were week- nd gu sts of Mr. and llame time, bids will be Teceived )11,'6. L. D. p~ 1 and -dauahtua, for putting one coat of the same Ileu Xenia. material on aUl!treets which were r surfaced la t yoor. ' M LAW hh . f' X • rI!I. • • lie .r.u,r n, 0 enia, One fine feature M the Job ill spent Saturday wtth Mrs. Callie the tact that IllI much of the work Cros. and Sunday with . as po . ible is to be dQne by local Helen Hawke . laboT, under the ~upervillion of the stre t commi sioner. AU the pre· Mr. and Mrs. 'Basil Smith enterIimlnary sweeping and patchinlf of tained Ml'II. Hannah Taylor, Mrs. h oleR is to b ' done in thiil manner, Effie Smith and Mrs. }'lossy Carey Council has al 0 d cided to bold to Sunday dinner. th pu~lic hearing of the municl. pal budget for next year on Fri. Mr. all~ Mrs. C.arl McClure and day, July 16. tbe same day thedaugMer, Jean, of Dayton, were second st-reet bids are to be week·end &,uesta of his mother, Mrs Mary MeCI " ure. opened_.___••. _ ••_ _ _ . Mr!l. A'. K. Day a,t tel)ded, a con. Surface Treatment ference of W. F. M. S. workers at the Franklin chau,t auqua grounds, Cont'r aet. Awarded, several day. lut week.
George L. Schenck, Warren coun· ty (' lel'k Qf COUl ·t R tlnd dean of PullIic offi cials in this county, pusseu I\WI\Y III his home on Otchard avenue, Lcbunon, Monday morning following t\ h art attack. He had been in failing health for t h 'pa t severlll months and had b en con· fined to his ho me for the past we k His death, howe\' r, was unexpect· ed and news of his passing carne ItS a di ~tincL shQck Lo all who knew him. MI'. chen k had b en identified with the clerk's offiel! ill thi co unty at variou~ times du ring the past 43 yeal·s. Elected to the office for the tirst time in 1 811 he RerV(!U three consecutive terms being succeeded in 1896 by the late D . W. Humph· rey. ,F unerl\l arrangements had not been completed Ii noon Monday although it was st led tbat sel'Vices would be held at Lebanon with interment in the cemetery at Frltnk. lin.
-- .._
Fifth Band Concert On Library Corner The fifth band concen of the summer will be h III Thursday vening, Jun 30, in front of the library, if it isn't raining. This concert is donated by J. . Hawke, Earl Coyle and A. H. Stubb , the two former established dealel'S in hardware and meat respectivelythe latter, while comparatively lIew in our community, jl> rapidly making himself and hi!'! family a part of the community. All are en· t itled to your pntronllge. The lights ate being IUI'nished oy Mr. Hawke , the chair by Mr. Stubbs, and a; they are ooing all in their power to make a com· fortnble , enjoyable eVening for the (!ubllc, we hope the public will gratify them with their ,pres nce. The band would like to knpw how yO\! like the little special features they ar~ intl'oducing U.i. summer. 1'ell their dil'ector. It will he lp him in planning futur pl'ogl'ams, to know what you like best. Next week's concert haR been r.royided ~y another group of 'North Main tree" bUlliMSS people, and will be held at the same plac.e, unle 5 not,ce is given other· wise. The "pon ors for next week'lI concert will be: The WllynesvilJe National Bank, T. Jeff Smith, Homer Carey, Rogers and Simpson and' The Fair!"ont Creamery. __ ..
Vicinity Expected to Total
Several Thouaand Doilla.a
The New entury lub enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Elizabeth Bnily, at her home Friday Ilfter· nOon, June 24. The meeting- was opened with · a vocal dUet, "Among the Lilies," by Miss Hel ' n Hawke and Mrs. 1<'. U . L May. Tw ntY·lht·ee member respond· 'ed to roll call. The progl'l\m follow : Duet, "Our Yestel'day," by ~li sll Helen Ha ..... ke and Mt·s. F. U. L · May. · , A paper on the life of "Jane Addams," prepared and read by Mrs. Ruth Janney. Pape!;, "How di he. break," pre· pared and read by Mrs. C. M.. Hough. Reading, Mrs . F . . LeMa),. This splendid pTogram was planned by Mrs, Hough and Mrs. Janney. . The meeting losing this year's work, the gavel was handed to the incoming president, Mrs. J . B. Crllbbe. A:fter adjourn ment Mrs. Baily, assi ted by 'Mrs. J . B. Chap· man and Mrs. Emmor Baily, sel'Ved Q delicious lun h. The invited guests were: Mrll. Julia l>onovan, Mrs. Ben Smith, Mrs. Melvyn Banta, Misse Anna and Mame Brown and Helen Hawke.
More beavy rains "isited this co mmunity unday, Sund~1Y night and Monday, . cau sing the Little M iam\. river to 'leav e its bamks and \' ach its highest flo od stag,e in sev· era l' y aT3_ During un day three·eil~hths of an inch fell, ac~ording to' Samuel Buttcn\lol1.h, local weather statis· tician, wbile two and thl'eel·llighths more inches fell during Sunday night anw Monday, makinlf a total of tliree in ches in about :!G hout'8. The damage, which is being es· timated a t several thousands of dollars, was confined principally to fields along the river 'bottoms, whe re much ot: the land had becn planted in s weet corn. A s much of this had bee n contracted by the Roxanna Canning company it i q~te probable "t hat their annual pack ~i11 be materially reduced. Farmer say the eft On is SO me· what late lor transplanting, and it ill be ilJlPo~ ible to get a Jiew crop in time for the canning sea· on· ----The Ol'win avenue was s ub· merged all day Tue day and it was necessary to g t mail trom Rox- Collin. anna until the last trip Tuesday Clerk Courts evening. Several automolbileJl at· t mpted to I;ro~s the ayenue, most ']'he appointment of Iyd C. ot: which were dro,,",ned out and ollin to fill the vacancy caus· handed. Several youngl!t~!I'S made ed by the death early Monday of money aiding these stranded Geo'rge L. Schenck, Willi an· mo~ori ts. nounced by tbe board of county Several la<rge fish, mO~I t1y carp commissioners at noon Monday. were stranded in the botlA>mll, and Collins, the present depu. Ganle Warden Hines 11ppeared ty Mr. clerk of courts .. nd republican Wednesday to see that olver-zeal· ous fisherm en did not vi!llate the candjdate 'for the office at the law by f;pearlng these fish before November el~ctions, will fill out the unexpired term of Mr. the watc r .. receded_ Heavy rains 01 this week fol· Schenck ending Monday, Ja.nuary lowed Ii previous j:lownpour coming 2, 1993. }Ie hall served as deputy ele ,k a little more tban a week but were not nej\rly as ~Iama,il)g since Mi:_ cbenck's appointment t~ the post in December 1 !J29. to roads and other proper'ties.
I. Named A. of
- -------------Good Cut Clotbiing:
===:=:========== Myer Hyman and family l;p nt Sunday in incinnati. R Miss uth 0 k vi itcli friends In payton, III t Thul·sday. Mrs. Eva Dakin was the g Ul!st of Xenia friends last w k. ~1'8. usan W. Payne and . on, rerree, spent 1ast Friday in Dayton.
Mrs. Loren Hadley and children spent severa l days last week in Columbu s. O. W. J ohn son tran acted business in Port William, Jus t Wednesday. Tune in on the C. & B. pl'ogt'am, I)tation WKRC every Sundily afternoon at 2 p. m. Mrs. Edward' Burton and Mr. and ~lr . J o h~ Rye were shoppi /lg in Dayton on Tueflds'y. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gosney re· cently vit;ited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Go ney nCIl' Oregonia. Special fpr July and Augu tr$5.00 Permanimt Wave, '3.00 Truax Beaut:y Shoppe. Mrs. Mal'Y J. Burton lind Mr. George Waterhouse w r~ bu in OilS visit()fs in Morrow, Tuesday. Quality and low prices, in all Jines. Vary' Jewelry bop- I' Ti'\e Home Of Gift ," Lebancm , hio. Mrs. arl Albright spent. un. day with bel' daugh te r. Mr . Kel!ler GI'aham, and family In Lytle. A party of young Veopl(> ur. prised Mi Roma Hardin. in honor of h r birthday, IMt Wednesd ay evelling. ' Mrs. J. W. Whitlf was the guest of het· Si!!te l·. Ml'!t. Emma F. Dakin in Xenia, las Wedn . da y and Thursday.
Mrs. Gertrude Salisbury Hunt. Club Cleanl. Jail 55 years old, wife or Dr. lIarry E. ?1r. and MI·s. J. . Hawke vi it, Hunt, Newark. die'd late Saturday ed at th hom of Mr. and ,Mr. eatl! in abina, ;undllY The Oood Cu t Clot.hing club has afternoon at the home of ber Je tie a. by· law whieh r quires t;he memo sist.!rs, the Misse Emma and afternoon. hers to undertake some p'roject in Oele Salisbury, Spring Valley. Sh'e R. F. }(atfield will ins\lre your public benefit work each fear. Tbis had been ill ,since May. by flail year, the girls se lecte(i the village Her hUll band, three slsters, tobacco again. t 108 prison a the scene of their en· Mi!lSes Emma, Otie and Clemmie, Damage. In ure now before Y011 deavo ,'s, a;nd on Tuulilay they and a brother, W. P. Salisbury, suffer 10 s. LOCAL · GIRL ON PROGRAM thoroughly cl aned the inlterior of WaynesYilJe, su.rvive. M rs. Maude Crane pent last t he plane. Such deeds are truly 11 Funeral services were held Mon. Thursday with her iter, Mrs. H. Miss Bett.. " Virginia Hartsock, help to the community, Ilnd man· day afternoon at the home of her H. Wadsworth, and family, near daughter 9f Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. i:t;est a splendid pirit of helpful· i$ters. Burial wa in Sprlng Mpraine City. Hartsock was ne of a group of nes , The girls deserve co'mmenda· Valley cemetery. piano pupils presented in are· tiori. Dr. Bjckel, superintendent etC cital by Mrs. Alice Ruthrauff at • - -tile Dayton district, will preach at ber home- on North- Kirig itreet, LlCHT BEARERS OF HADL~Y--COOK tbe local M. E. church, Wedn aday Xenia, Thursday evening. Each of CHURCH ENTER.TAINED th\ pupils. showed marked ability ~iJ!lS Margaret A. Cook, daugh· evening, July 6th. I th' . M G C DOb h I tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook, Mrs. An.na Cadwallader, Miss an p ayed e various com posl· 1'$... I , ert a,ppi yen· of Wllynesville, and, Mr. Donald L. tions with ' kill. t rtained the Wee membl~1'S of the H M .... Clara LJ1e and eecH Davis visited Miss Hartsock's numbers on the Light Bearers and their mothers, adley, so n of r. and !Url!. Mor- Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole and fam· pl'ogram were: "Flying Leaves, by at the parsonage, last Thul'sday ris Hadley, of near Wilmington, i1y in Dayton, Sunday. Roma eko; "Chant du Voyageur," atbernoon. A pleasing pr'ogram of were united in marriage Saturday Mr. a1Jd Mrs, Frank Southern by t>aderew&ki; "AI Antiao," by mu ie and recitations wa~llPven by morning, June 18. at 10 o'clock at Tschaikowski. the older children, and 1~0 mem- the residence of Rev. Je~ e Harvey and family, of pringfleld, were bers. Je~n Baker and Claire Di- The impress:ive ring ceremony of Sunday gue8lR Qf Mr~. Ada J en· LOCAL GRANGE PLANS bert, were graduated to member. the Friend hurch was URed. The kins at the Friends }10m . , DECLAMATl .....N CON EST hip in the Kings lier..ld9. Re- young couple was accompanie~ by u T freshments were 'served (luring the Mi!l!\ Doris Hadley, sister of th~ Mrs. Ml.\ry McKay, and Dr. and social hour. groom, and Mr. Clal'ence lJarvey, Mrs. Sherk and ,baby, of ayton. A- declanlation contest will be _ _ _- - - Mr. and Mrs. Hadley will make called on Mr. and Mrs. H. H. held in cO'nnect~on with the rell'ul8l" their home a Ly tle. Williamson,' Sunday afterno'on. meetin'g of 'F.armers Grange, 'next W. C. T. U. Me.tia, --Saturday evening. The following The W. C.' T. ,U. will m.eet at 'he Will G' .,. S' I " 1'he' Miami Gazette is hll()py to contestanl:!! ' have entered: Leona home of, Mrs. Callie Cross, Thura· ..... • .-rea note the retul'n 01 M. O. Hutchin· HaU, ,Elsie Hockett, Irma Rich, day afternon,June 3.0. F lower Mis. The Christian Endeavor Society son to active .d uty on The w.estern Jobn Shultz and Robert Crew. The si n Day will be observed. All of the WayneSVille and Ferry' Star, after a long seige of iIIn ss. One of ' the 1~rl'e8t ' ,surface Mrs. Olyde Everhart, 0'1. lDU10II=- Grange orl;hestra will furnish members Bre requested, to brin~ Churches of Christ 'Will give a free treatment and l'esurfaeinr pro- town, and lito RaChel DaVia music , the evening. A ftowers, or send them to the house. soelal in the basement of P"rfy Mls$ Phyllis Sajjl w, a student grama ever conducted in the state n",eeI the RedkeardinaJs is earnestly de· Everybody cordially invited to at- Church, Friday eveninr, July t. nurse at Mercy 'hospitnl in Hamil. on the state high'wllY 'system will game at Cincinnati, Tues~ay. , tend. Everyone invited. ton, yjaited her cousin. Mrs. J. E. di t =~===========~=========~==~~===~=========~mu~~oor~"e~~~~ ,800n e un er way, aecor nr ~ Dr. and Mrs. Reed Madden, of -,::::p:: week. an'",~nnoullcement made. Verrell. ~day by X i 11. .."., • .1 ~n D1'..... 'D, W eav~r e,n a, ca A. HI .. WlY Director, O. 'lIt yo ...& and family, and lilTS W H Mad " , Mi s Thelma ~t. John, who i Bidswerere~eivedfor 'thiswork den Jast Wednd • ' .• '. • attendin , g s ummer school at Witla t F.riday{ June 24, i~ Columbus, .. , filII a, ev~mna· . ' ten berg cQJ]eg~, s pent the week. On' 459 m le8, which involves. an Mr. '8.n d )41'11. E. C. Crane and end with her parenl.ll; MI'. and Mrs. estimated .expendituTe, 01, $Si}O;. ,chlidren' Uld Mlu SUe ,Crane ' '----,::...-... - ~ ----"--"'--.......--...,.... , . . _L. C. St. John. " . 86!l.1I •• ' . sup.,er guestl!.o:t Mr. Uld )In. a. Amon&, the highway seeUona in C. Coleman, ' of Norwood, Mon. ~ " The Misses Annie and Mame Butler, , Clinton and Warren (iay. . Brown joined Mis Dacia Mae ~l • ~t"\NI ' t:II Kent. of Columbus, at the hom c:ounties to be given ' either & new We sell, repair and recover um' ,'. --' of Mrs. Rilla Brown in enterville 'Wearing surfilce 01' a skirt treat.. 'Il1ent are: 4.6 miles of , state ~rella8, restring beads, and do reo ' Wt'~'~ Ota.;... ' one day 19.~t week. rou~e 1M between McGonigle atid plating and make your jewelry ~"'V.\"Ci \" "'Mil . .\~. the juncJ;ion with state route 224), over like new. Cary's Jewelry Shop '" • ... Mr. arid Mt·s. Morris Cornell and 4.6 miles of state route 4 Lebanon, Ohio. ' ,,~'tt', "'{Nt~t) tu~~ Mr. and M1;'s. Ernest But~rworth between Middletown and the " . 1'W 0'1 N\ "'"It . spent Sunda), at Po~·tlimouth" the Montgo.mery county line. '1..'1 miles Mr. and )4':11. Fr.nk Wilson, of ~ \\. 'H .. ' , .. guests 'of Mr. and .Mrs. Russell of state route 68 between Monroe Lebanon, and Mr. apd Mrs. . Emil t".9 ,O'U.OW", .O\),,~ Stockstill. nee, Velma Cornell. and Lebanon, 5;3 ' miles of route, Brown, ot. Centerville, were Sun-«>EU ,.N\'" ......... .. 128 between Lebanon and Frank. day tr\Ie.ta at the home o.f Mr. '"~, """,-.. v~~ .. Gifts--be , it a Bi~thday , f 81;. Mn. Ohas Am ' \.\"l~(l _ ' Shower -Wedding 01' Anniversat¥ lin, 9.9 ' miles 0 route 7 ~et.ween " • es. gift. ~ee us for q. uality aM 'low Corwin Wilmington, and 7.'72 'I'b e IG ' A S Wlll ' I' miles ofalld l'ou.te 48 between Lebcootaway be IDes. Cary's J ewell'Y Shop- "T,ho anon and the junction ..... ith route Jlven a~y Satllrday,. evenin, Borne of Guts," Lebanon, Ohio. 73. The imntovementli are ached· u Iy 2, 9.00 p , m. sh~rp. Baye M d M W A 0 "led for eo~pletion September , l , ,y our labe.s neatly aiTanged , 10. r. an 'fS. • . ierhart, .. b\JlldJe' and counted Have Mr. and Mrs. N, R. Allm$n, Mr. Conbaet fol' the above work waa. .' , . ' , and ,Mrs. HIII'TY Fait 'a nd :1'llmily, . awarded' to L. P. Cavett ' Co" In by 3:00 p. m. Saturday. and Mr. Kenneth SchremmelJ, of o:f Loekla~d, Ohio. ' .Mr. and MI'II. Cha•. Flalter, llliis Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs nnd • - • Elizabeth and Mr, Alfred Fisher . , COOD , CUT" CLOTHING C£UB o1"P,r lc, Hill. Cinclnllati', andMn. daughter. Elizabeth Allen, of llalla., '1'ex~II, The Good Cut Clo.:::_ "U club ' ,w ere ruesta of Mr. and Mrs_ W. 'n .. held their fourth m .June 23, Allen on Sunday. at the h.ome ot the l..der, Mrs. H. E. Batha.ay • . V&rtpuri plane of 'Work were diac1Ml8d and. arrange. menta were made for a Iwimmlnr part)' July 1. Plan. , were formed '\ for .ome ~ftnite comllnmit)' work and on Tueaclay mornLn, the ,irIs met at tbe viUaee prillon end ,a". it a thoroulrh cleaning. Of '(()\),,",",owtt. 0 .. The next meeting of the club will be at the ho.me ()f lin. tIM .~'l "o\iHathawa,., JuJ),., _______ .... _____
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near Dayton CHI tlitl , ('nia \lilt , ' unday aft ' rn')OI1. l nll I'h't a h!ll'll rough ' ganH! .• \ In fl. Uur boy:> went into tho l(l ~ "r ~h(! ninth lell-din ~ 6 to .t, but piu th hit ters a n d a' bit of bUfl lu ck PY'()VCU tuo mu h for th m. A double a nd a • ingl£ gllve Re. t Hay n I'un ill the ftl'l't. I\.n~ noth· ing more happe n d until I.h fh'st vI tha fourt.h. Then, Rt\lnvy 'h it 11 doubl to left, l(amby scoring. Ankeney's hit. to right s hould have been held t o a ",ingle, bu t he' reached thit'd, nnd, ul , 'ours, Ellis scoreO. W 111'11"5 hit. cQred th!! itch r, and Mike twice com mitled iar eny whil e Mendy wall working .Brill for a base on ball R. M ndy pilfel'oo, and 1111 hundR w 'I'e Sllfe~ Mik at lh p lat when t h ShOl-tstop rl'ed on Hart ock!s ~ ma!\ b, but Mendy got a ljtU t OQ am bitious, ·and was called out at hon,e. Three singles gav the . home boy two runs in the latter half of tlli es ion, al1d a. !lingle, a double lind an inft ld tH' ror th in the tHth. A snappy double kilt. ing by Hartsock aod GOUR prevent(><1 m l'e troublc ih tbis inmng. Wiler" second' hit and his fourth stolen base, and M~ndy's hit a gllingav ' Waynesville anQtber \IDe-run lead afl r two had b en l' tiT d in t h first of the ixth. Nothing more dOing until tbe fatal la!U half 0'( ' Lhe Itinth. L. 'yph r fanned. McMichael batted for :Mn. ~erR 'alld hi" n hot. grounder toward fir t; F.!lIis got the ball, but n 6lwdY covered flrst. Hough muf· feci DU1'nballgh's Ion$:' .fly. MeMich· Ml f\QQrin • and the bntt~\· )'eanhing third. H. las!; bit for C. yphers, nnd the ball game was ov r. The , core. WAYNESVILU AB R HPO A E 4 2 2 8 3 0 We ller, c ~ 0 1 1 4 0 Me'nd}, 2b " 3 3 2 .4 0 Hal't ~() k, I'IS Gonl'l, 3b ,. " .:1 0 1 0 1 0 ., 6 1 2 0 1 0 Rlim by, cf 4 0 1 1 0 1 Hou/lh, Lf , Ellis, Ib ... 3 1 1 ' 11 0 1 Turner, rf ." . 4 0 0 0 0 0 ,4 1 1 1 0 Ankeney, p
t.i e(l
s ote
T tal' .. ,36 5 U *25 lG 40 · One out. when winning run ' scored RE T fIAVEN AB R: HPO A E Lorent, .. 5 0 2 1 2 3 0 L. yphcrs. Ii ,,5 () o 0 Ma t 1'8, 1 b 4 2 2 9 o 0 "McMi hael l L 1 () 0 0 Durllbaugb, d 5 1 3 1 o 0 yphcl's, 3b 4 0 4) 0 o 0 t H. Glaljll .. . 1 0 l 0 o 0 L. Gla~fJ, rf 4, 1 2 3 1 0 D. Cyphe ,2JJ 4 1 2 2 3 0 E. CypbQr~, 4 0 o 9 1 0 Brill, p " "0 2 2 3 0
Totals " .. ,, 41 G Hi 27 10 3 · Batted fOI' 11'i.ustel·s ill !Jth. tBatted fo r ' yphel's in 9th. \ ~ 3 45 6 7 8"9Wayn ~vill e 0004 U 1 000--5 Rest Havel\ ,, 1 0 0 2 1 000 2-6 Ea~llt'd RU\'\l!- Waynesvill"e, 4: Re t Haven, 3. ~ ---Left on Ba. (IjI......Waynesville. 9; Re ~t
'(Iayen, 10.
Stol h Basell---W('ller 6, Mendy, namby 2, ElJi;; 2, Lor nz, L. Glas8. Sae l'in (' Hi Menqy. T~ o-b l\ ~e' Hit. - Ral11hll, Ellill, Masterll, D\.rrnlJuugh, B ~ ill. . Thl'ee-bn,se Hi Ankeney. Doub le Pl t\.y-'- Hal' ~ock to Gona . . tl'uck ut- by Ankeney, 7; by , Brill, 8. ' D ,a.Ne!! on Balls . ff Brill, ,4. Wild Pit h---Br ill. n1pit·e!!-.-Tomoshot and Burton r~ tb e weath r man is willing, und the fi~.J{1 enn be ,g otten into ('ondition, the uba team will be the attl'a<:tii>n at Wayne Park, next tinduy. On Monday, t he Glorious Four th, the W AO's will travel to Leba110n for a morning game with t hnt tbwn' league teant, nn~ will brii\g til County Seat boys back for an afternoon game lit Wayne Pal'k. This will be W'l'yne'sviJ1e's only celebrati on Of· our' Nation'a birthday. '
W ell 1';$ lowing up, woefully. the pMI' old man forgot. his crutches. Sunday so this IS all he Muld ' do in five trips to the plate: Reach ed ba ~ twice on errol'shit two . singles 'scor~d two l'Uns, riot a ba~ e on bnl Is, stole t\ve bases and advallced ,anbther base, wbic'h he really had ·stolen, on a wild pitch. He twice .reached base' iit thre, trips to the plate in :the second game.
Everything went 'Wrong. unday. W A '$ lost to Rest Ha v.en · the National League Aid Society, fqrmerly known na tlie Cincinnati Redsl dropp(!d a double header to PittSburg, and Bob AUIrllPurg r met hi! fI'nIt 4afeat in nine staN for the Atmeoa: til ,t.b 1(. I. 0,
tor, 0 IHInd Nq81~. O. 1'1 klwlr flIed in eovt. lrinl, d. A. BOil Uld L. • ha· "'ur Information Jeadlae to the <.ri!ur Eo oun, .. appoiD d flan were appoillted appralile .. IUlllignee and CUed bOlld of '1200 The will of EII.worth L. She!'- arrest And eon\'lctiun or the per· with Tht! Ohio • ual\y Company wood, d"cea d. watl ftled in court. or p(',..em. brt'akine anel ent r- I R[oI ur ty. S. S. Slahl, acl~ll1iatrator of ell- Ine prl!l\li~~,; in Warl"llll ounty, '1'h e&t.ate of Sarah E. Sutton. tate of Levi Stahl, deceased, ftlt'iJ Ohio, fol' the l'urpol!e of stealiDg <lth't·aM~d. i~ e ~mpt from inh,ri- hls inventory. potJltty. lUIWlI tax. Common ·Ple .. Proc.eedi"l. Sales by Georgi! E. Young, adAll . pCl'~lln are rcqul!lIted to th'0 I'gl' E, VouniT Jldminiat.rat.or minil!trator of the (' tatc (,f A lex- IMMEDIATELY .repllrt thdls to Il . Gard and •. Lt,,,, '1II'Iwri~l lt ThiH work \\'11' bl·j.!un ill the I'pt'illj!: \1l ... lute of Alexander J ohnson, ,I the Sheri lf'. office. repl'l':;cnting , In-Illl, and A. 1'. of HIlt7. UluJtlr the tliTN:tioll uf In lh 1;0. (l Ilf Bruce tn. rou~e. ;Il't'l'UM (I. is ordered to sell certain an~er J obnson . deceased. w re liP- THE BOARD Of' COUNTY COM. 1'1 L. Uuk!', hOl'li ultllri t tId • ·"utol· of \'t'liite uf J. W. a. I'~I\I estat.tl at private 8ale and pro\-cd and all accounts Ilr til be Mr'SIONF;HS ,abin ami WilHlltlt It'II\'l'I' frum 01<' WA~REN (("''Itinu '\J l'OTlllast weok) settled. Mil. t<i~ . "el't! \n~tl'lll·t 'd to milk\! JaneL'l'IIP,," Klll'd!!n"J', Wilbur P. Crouse, ·decl'!lsed. er~\l~ 'l'hl)m~\s make retum to court, The will Qf SalMel P. White- OUN'l'Y, OHIO 1,11-' \\,\'4 h. \\ 10M of lhe form- a lhor<l\lgh CllnV:lI'-" of t h.. two Ual'k lind 'tIJIt·ri ntenti nt C8~t. PemJut! and E:lnnlll lJurclu(' Ihe Rl/llil' ' uttor! executor of th m'l J . Miller, Illve rcal "I Mhlllii C'en\ terv town hipR and solic it volunlary an.! wa, compL ted in H):ll. An plulnlilT <llUlI reel) VI! 1· 1"f('m tbe cle. u~lttte of Sar~h E. \ltton, dec a ll- nack. ' de~ea!led, was admitted til ontrlbuUon to n'hl'v tbo (lSSO- adequu C ~ytll()m of sewe r' WIiS ftl lHhlnh the Rum of 8 .:!O. '8 E. Burke was apE. J. B ulile. ~t8'rtllW III lh~ "pry be~lnninQ', and ('d ~I .. d a e at &)1 known probate . Jam administrator anel flied W. D. ol'win, bri"/13 ~k ~('hi~ tlw j,(to ltl of th~ cililioll.: .Il well did til ('ommittl' lalli, beuutiful winulng lIrlvcwlIY, Juhn . t'hoo nov(lr pll!i\clNI Ihlt "II letJ,lti " lid tll or~ 8nizali o n di~ harge theil' ullties, . and .11 pre co niltl'ucted, and 60 burial ~\II1ty by I'Cllson of lIl~8;'nity lind (1~;~~~~~~~~~iliIli1.le.s.~~na1~~~r.:~~~~;:~~~~;:':~k-p.~l-:=-=~ I nisllione.rs .1 e (' tatct. , inlerl'perl'ed wi~h ol'lllllllunt.ul ill tIl be takcn t the Limn "tat!! William R. Young . an4 Clara lty as s urety. n.. wt're laid out. 1'htl. e Hll~pital for Obst! I<.vnliull. ThT01.l'gh ttl pructice of Jouble Bt!Il~ Young adopted Doris Marie o$a, cot~ DitmQr and '('nnem!'n may welt fel'l Ilroud f The 11'\0tioll of lhe defentlnnt, Inlott and her nanle is changed to Kibbey were appointed appraisel'$. eroVJIin~ in t.h{' gul·d~n · it ill posthe I'e~ull \1f lheir labor. The n w GtW\'j('(> Ki~by, fOI' a .nt·\!{ trial, wuli noris \'dari Young. S. W. W l'iJJhi, ndminilttrator 01 s ible to n111kc the !lam IITen of additiun bring 1\ t till dt {IH'ly u"iJl'I'uLt!tl by the cOU!'t. Alton F. Brown Watl appointed estatcl or Neill l\1ay Wright, de- ground produce ' 1:1 IlIrg..,l· quallt.y ocr S ot grQund, thl'e(' miles IIf In the a8e of John lb rl, ver- Ilrlministrntor of e tute of Artdrew and a ~l·llale .. vllriety o! vegetal (Continue4 011 Pace 3) clri\'C 'WIl~· s.. numerOUi> Urnllme'lltaJ RU& Ralph R, illger, ilt al s~lles •Iohnson, de en cd an Illed bond bl s . . ections !Ind ~hc thoul\nnt!s of 11Y tit l hcriff were nPllro..,ed Jlnd of $aoOO with F loren e . Brown li(ra\' e, unde/' lhe direct . ore ot all uccQunL are to he seW d. I1ml Rob I·t J. hawhan aB sureties the slIprrillLend nt, lind is expectnu,,!;oll Bumfo\'d was . found The will of Ruth Ruhr deceased, ~'d to PI'OVill~ for thl' pul~ul' guilLy eif the indit't\n nt filed \ n. admitted to probat.... James 1\ (ld 01 the community f{lr the )r8inst him anel sentl.'nct' is sas. Mulford \ appointed execun 'xt ftvEl yelll'll. Approximately £! 'nded fOI' t\ P riod or one yem' Lwenty acres tlrc still available for 1.\1\11 the.! dcf('n\J llnt will be 1I1l. profurther d vcloplllent. bation. Beech Grove .tRny 1.'111'(' IIml be.autiful U-ces The Mllcticnn J,Jonn II nd Reality and shl'ub~ Ill' ~o be found grow- COIl'lI)!IIIY ver us thoma,· . brisin, throtlgho~t the cem tel'Y. In- l i.e and Grace C. hristie for Mr!l. lal')' Robertson and daugh. cluded IImonF; these ar 135 .extra moiley. • . . tel' Zot'a Edna,of near RarVeY8fine arb r-vltae, th l81'ge!lt 01Jo I!ll hin lin v !'!IIJS Winston burg, p nt the week-end with ,h er '~ction of lhis spec ies to be 'found Cline for divorce. hal'ges ure parents, Mr. and Mrs. :P. G. Wells in thIS 'ection of our state. A gro:<iI neglect and extreme cru~lty. al1Ll family. triped Maple, I1n impol'lllitm. lIud -1'he fiami Vali(!y BuiltHng nnd William Burn 11. ha Teturned to pl'obllbly We on ly line ill Warrell Loan ~ oc ia Uon v rsus ecil his home near Ollv Bt'Mch. county, Also is ill th new s clion. FI tell rand ZlIC!k I"letcher for F. L. M 'Dani I of Lynchburg, F r the pa t Jive year, or mo!;,e, for c10SIll' , equitable relief and Ohio, spent Thursday afternoon these trees and shrubs hO\'e been money. with K. E. Thompson, the special /carl' and delight of l\ft'. The Mia)'ni Volley Building anti Clara Irene and John Jordan. Duke. and will erve well as a l .oan A sociation v'~r us Zilck or Hyde Park, 5pent the week-end memorial to his geniu and artj tl)' ]t'lctch rand cil F I teh r f.o r with theil' 'g-randmother, Mrs. in the years tQ come. welll quali- for clC)sill'l!, equitable rt!liel and ath rin JOI'dan and family of tied Buthority surcg 'I'lts tbe ~d money. t.hUi p lace. visability of installing all arborThe Miami Valley ,'uilding and J. Lee Talmage visited hi etum on the grounds. Her~. he Loan ASl>Qciation V4~rsu Zack parents A, B. Talmage wife and ,. and d velopmen~ of the oeia- lib ral were th(' friends .of the saY$, young natjve trees lIlay be ·F letch r for for CIOSU1''', equitabLe aunt Jessie Garner on lsst Sunday. Miss t.eHa WO,l'man o'f Dayton t ion. up to the IlPpoi,!\tment of c metery, that tne slim of $186~ ptoplIgated, BlId foreign importa- l'elid and m ney. pent the week-end with her Roherl Shidaker.as superintendent in c.ash. was subscribed, and in ad· tions may 1;Ie acclimat~d to the oil d cou The Miami Valley Building an In 1'1i Helen NiChols of t his /lnd climatic conditions pecu liar t.o -in 1888. This. week, we piek up t he dition quite a large ilU'" in timb r, er u Zack Loan A1I elation story at that point, and hop to sawin" hauling and labor in con· tve eetfle tet'~·. This ,,"ould furnish Fletcher and eil "},' Ietcher for place. ~how bow tbe plan s and hopes of etructmg the superintendent' reo re]>18e ment for the h'ees, as th y fOT dosure, equit.able r lief and Mrs. Nettle Faun, (nee Thompthe founders have been, and are sid nee was donllt~." All 'four lI,e and die out. at a very mOder- money. _o n) and son Everett. wife lind being, developed and realized. members of this special commi~tee ate cost. Ida. N. Spies .was granted a di- thTee daughters ot Sr"dlord, ca llSix different men have served vorce from Elh in Spies and wall ed on Mr. Faun's cousin K.E. The Waynesville.Clarksville pike,now leep within the boundrie of as superintendent of the celli tery restored to her maiden name of Thompson and family Sunday which formerly ran tJar.ough the their beloved cemetery. remetery 'g rounds, was relocated, At the annual llIeeti njt of the ince the organization Qf the as· Ida N.. Collin. afternoon. . Janll81'Y 28, 1891, after a petition ' lot owners in June, 190(), the Metation in 1866. The first of 8 In the case of New York Life Fred Thompson, ol West Virthe e walS Joel Evans, who served had been drculated and met by a trustee were finally able to report [naul'Ll nce Co. ver u 11'rank Ward- ginia, is spending his vacation with as reside.nt enginoer ' and superin. remonstrance the preceding year, t hat the assoc iation was entirely low, et ai, the plainWl' ~hnll re- his parents hel'e, . Mr. snll Mrs. "[nl 98," quoting from thi :Cree fro m deb\, and had a light tendent until his re ignation in covel' from the deIendant the 8um Harry Tho mpson,. late G, T. O'Neall, "a sp cial Act wo-rking balance in their favor. 1869. He it was who planned and of $4354.12, Miss farie Wells, and Zora of the Legi latu re was passed Tlie last fina'ftcial t.atement. ill- laid out the splen<lid sy tem pf In the easel of The New York . Edna Rober18o n, pent Frklay authorizing the Trustees of Wayne sued JunE' 6, '1932, shows a cash drive-ways, o l'Illlmenta] sections LiIe Insurance 0., ·",ersus ngus afternoon with Miss Kathleen and Ma ie townships to levy a tax balance of $91.64 i account to the and burial 'Jllots in the main sec- A. AJ'mour, et aI, t h -plaintiff Thompl;lon. of one Dli11 a year (In all th~ taxa- amoullt of ,906.2&; notes to the tion, from which all succeeding shall recover .frl>fIl the IiClfclldants Misses Helen Nichols ot .this ble prop~rty of tile two townships, amount of ,16 .,366.'10; ,3,200 in. additions hav~ been patterlled, the $um of $46~7.88_ . pillc an~ Stella Worman of ~y_ aid tax to run. for five years; tlle aTl Schoonover pllellded guilty ton, Ohio spent Saturday morning money 80 -railled to be used in the to tht'\ indictnle nt Illled against with Miss Katbleen Thompson, . oonatructlon of permanent buildMr. Orner Bolder and family of him. enten e " '11 Slls'P nded fol' ings in Miami Cemeter),. a period llf on y ar, on good 8e- Carlis)e Ohio .spent Ilndar, with "In accordance with this act, havior. ~h e tru te II of the two townships In the case. Iof ~f'Bbel Willi A. . if untingtoJl and 'tam 1y, asked the County Auditor to make vcr u colt Willi the deCl'ee Glenn Dav.is and iamily spent the levy, Three semi-annual inheretofor mad gl'anting the Sunday with E. C. Mannon and stallments of this talt were collectplaintiff cu tody of their children family of near Wilmingtgn, Nellie. t'd and paid inlo the hands of our i _hereby changed blr conl!ent of I\fary and Marjorie Davi remained ITealurer, and the fourth inslallboth parties and ttl 'defendant is for a 'Vi it. ment was !laid into tne County granted custody of the minor chilMr. and Mrs. Everett Harner, treasurer, when t.he Pennsylvaaia dren. Miss Opal Harner and E. J. tarRailroad Company h.a4 an Jnjllncbuck and family of near Wilmingtion Issued against the further levy Probate Cqurt to n. lioward McKay and family. of the tall:, and also apinat the Emmer J. Beedle, executor of Harold MeKay and family enjoy d payment of the installment in the picnic !!upper at Fort . Ancient estate of .Elvira R. Dunham, de- a aturdoy bands of the County treasurer. The evening. nIed his firl t, final and . attorney of the a8llociation adviaed a compromise, wilieh was finally -biicult Role Mergereft'ected. the trustee••greerol{ not to ask for a further levy, and the .",,,,..,,'" from adson, Findillg membe1'1lhip in the railToad company cOilsentint to mini tration. ...~ The adjudication and determ~na, Ohio P ork ' Produetion club an the payment of the amoullt in the handa of the County treaaurer. tion of the inheritanl:e tax on the unexpectedly dllftcult goal to The total amount collected land estate of Rob rt O. Sto nebaker, teAch, many ot the 98 III!pirants paid over to the aSIJotiation under deceased, i to be given to 1111 pe.r· who tried for member hip last ;, I year have dropped out this year. this special act was ''',697.86.'' sons intel'ested. Fifty-three farmers are. trying for Construction of the ornamental . Lydia S. Thompson, executrix of gateway at the main entrante, es!atc of Harty B. I'hompson, de- memberahip. Of tbe 98 aspirants alld th& main avenue, whJcb ill ordered to tramifer and last year, 17 were ~ucC!eBlIul. certain ato·cks . . fqllows the ravine from the en· Th. M_oria I C_oa trance, wa. begun in 1893. BeAnderson, adll1inistrator of fore the project could be slarted vested in stock1!, and· l'8sidence Philip Smith was t he second estate of Ralph B. Pllrk , deceased • fLIed PI'OPu8UJI wI ll be rl!lCelved it 'Was necessary to bring cQodem- property in Corwin, valued at superintendent, serving until his is ordered to ehter into and exettl · · Counc il of ~h" Vill age ot n ation pl'oceedinl8 to 8~ure title ,1,600, totaling $2Z,122.49 in as. I'esignation in 1872, when he was cute a n agree.m~nt Ilind i author- by Way.n ,,,,me Ilt lh~ ott o t th ~o a triangular piece of ground, sets. Added to this is the sum. of succeeded by I. Newton Smjth who ized and ordered t() release any ;"ll lage Clprk In 111 , ; . conlaining about fifteen square ,14,027.79 in the f und eet aside. served until' 1884. Henry Mat~hew an~ all inuwe ts ill said estabe. IInUl 1l! :QO 'no II ~tlf fn~ lr~alln ll' . Toda, and owne\l by Robert Mount- for the perpetual care cif lote. man WB,S t hen employed, a1)d owned by Geol-ge P. ·Gat.es. I!IIVJ II , 118 lIe..e alleel William N. WHkel'llon, trustee of Wa.),n joy. The Probate Court appraised Since . 1900, the cemetery has served until 1888, when he turned IMIT~TIONS tlo.n~ r I' propo81l1 No 1 UI't1. tbl. tract at ,160. Thil not only "teadily groWn ~n size, beaut;r and over tile job t o R bert Shidak&r. estate of Thomas '.J. Wilkerson, l>()lIlll No . 2 on fll e I';' the o ~rlCtl .of 8o.Id Village. provided a beautUul entrance· and resources. Nearly 900 lots in The la ttel' Bel'ved until December, Jeceased. filed his firllL account. I;;I\0h 'b ld muat ·be lU:eomllanted by Thomas Hunter, administrator, ~ ;ha drivel but remoyed an unsightly twenty sections have been sold, 1909, When he WIIS called to a nd I n the 8\lm (I'( $200.00 O~ .. buUdmg from the vicinity. and more than 6J OOO graves are happy reunion with his worthy of e tat of Henry JR. Brown, de- c(>r, U,Il'(1 c.heck on 1,1. 90ivent bn.n·k III. th (:;'11.1 OhIo fOr U Ilk amo~nt Onc II mOl;'e we quote .)IT. O'Neall : now under the care of the superin- companion, a nd now sleeps in the cellsed, tiled his fil'St and Ii nnl ac- J)IlYJlble •.tooC.Ih~ ord r of Ihe Vl1la&~ "During the ye.r 1894, looking tendent and his assistants. T he bosom 0'1 the ,Silent City he loved count. " (:olmc U of aId Vl1lal.l' , a" a Florence L. Henderson, execu- guatantce that It u. ld · prqpo"8.lll GeDulQe Bayer .Aspirin. the kiIld .:forward to the eollectiolt of the humber 'of graves, of course, in- so well, and for which he did so aCcelited . Co n tra~l will be e n. !lpf!c;ial t ax fOTthe entire five eludes those in the old Methodish much. He had chosen and trained trix of e tate Qf Juli.a M. Steddom, al'lI doctol'1l preacribe and mi\UODi 01 t ret! lnt(> altd th e performance leyears, r/lany .ex·p ensive improve- buryine &Toun!!. his succe/lsor. Wa.lter Cast, wh(l deceased, file.d her nrllt and final gally U"u r ed. users have proven sllle lor more . . 1.\1(18 ahaH b ml\.d. bot h as a IlImp ment$ weTe berun. 'rhe building of The beautiful stone mortuary stilE. carries Ior wa~d the work 0 account. 8uan' a nd n n . llnl t b T Jce P Er IIQ llllO'e than thirty years, can easily be Aetna Laymon, executor of esa barn, the erection of t wo "belter Ohapel was completed and dedicat- capably. I'ard 101· P'ropollal No. 1 a.nd a . a housf. , the conltructi(ln of Ravine ed m 1897. ,In the late .sommer When Miami Cemetery is men- tate of Henry May, deceased, tiled ~u m]l 8um and 8.8 n. IInltprlce per identified by tbe name Bayer and avenue, the expensive· entrance snd early fall 01 1906, a inonum- tioned, the names of the latter two the i nventory. aql!arr. raJ'd tor 'Proposa l No. 2. 'the word ,enu.iDe. ,wnl lie .. w arded to the Lydia R oss, administratrix of lowo l1lracL gat -way to the same, and ' the ent to our soldiers of all wars was superintendents are generally th e 8t .. nd beal bldd r . bu ilding of 'the chapel, all of erected neaf the nort h entrance, tlrst . thought,. o'f, they having estate of li.ff Ross, qeceased, ~l '.nh~ Council reBefv .. th Geowne Bayer Aspirin ia ..r. reJ~ u t .nny 0;1' u ll bid». , which was. left uncompleted at the just (last of the drive. ' On this served by far' the longest terms, e'l' her first and final account. By (>rd er o()C th e ouncll ot The inventory of R. M. Hawke, Vilinge close of 1895, I with the exception m9nument are mounted two old and the cemetery being more and !lure; alwaYJ the lame. It hu >of Wa)' nl)llvllle. hi . f the barn and the two shelter· t aMon, with cannon balls for the widely and favorably known. dur. aum)ni trntoi' of estate of George R. F. HAT F'IlIE the u.oqualified endorsement 01 housel!. The destruction, by fire, of same, whiCh were donated by t.be ing their . incumbency. Mr. Shj- W. Hawke, deceased, was aPRrov- JU lYS . _. VIlla.g& pbyaicialll and drugists every. be .grc 'lI-ho\18e, . sup,rinUndent's U. , S. 'War Department, at t he daker-"Uncle B ob"-W a.~ univer. ed by the co urt. The estate of Henry B. Brown, NOT I ~E 01" I' V8 ,,1V HlUllING re. tdenc:e and many va.uable tools solicitation 'o f the late S. L. Cart- sally love.d fllr his kindly, accomwhere. It donn't d epree'. " the, , a ppreared to be the c.ulminating wright and others. OrnaMental moclating mein, his jovial, friendly de.ccased, l exempt from inheri· n tb e Vlilo.g or Way.ne.v;l 11& heart. No harmful after-eftecta "i!!llster. . wrought iron gates, were erected disposition. Well nigh incorrigible tance ·lax. OI'lJo. Budget. • '1011011' it. UN: .....daelaea New .... "the estate of J.w·ia M. Steddom, "The 88sociation was at that time at the north and south entrances a8 a harmless pl'actioal joker 'many NoU9 ~ 1, I/l er H,y given that on tIJe deceased, is exemp'( from · inberi- 16 th' day ot Jul y 19' ~ ' a!t 8:00 o'cloolt neal' $3,000 in deficit, ' and how in 1920, the South gate be~l)r the amUsing stories are told of him. Rhewnatiun Jl. m.. a. I>ublle bearing on tile LwnbI80 Bayer Aijiirrn is the univUMI to meet this debt, .lInieh unft.ni!lhed iTift 0'1 t)le late George E. Riley been brought here from Cincinnati tance tax. Budget prepared .b)' Vne CouDcll p eed of aSllignlipent by Zack 01" Villo.ge, of We,Yl1eavllle imV1'ove.rr.ents and still maintain. a.nd' daughters. be continued) Neuritia T oothache anUdote lor pains 01 aD Id.OdI. "\\ Qlrre n COunty. Ohio. fo t Ule Fletcher was tiled ill court. George the high condition of the cem~terY Faced with the necCllsity for 81)111 nil' fl8CII.l year end!D", was a very lirave question. providing more burial lots. the ugh liS a fitate government E . You'n g wa ~ apupointed assigne e >lue ., mtl ' r 3lat. 1933. . "At Ih~ meeting of the tr.ustees trlJstees ordered the development · of Ohi o is' negligible, and filed bond 'of !~~400. with the SIJch hear.ll)g Will be held at the it the.vade-mark or BaY,. m,nufacture of .ODoacetic:acideaa..r jn M~rch, 1896, a committee of of a nine 'acre tract at the east ·a . lion dolllh·g is owed · by Ohio Casulty Insul'ance Company oUlet! ot tbe Vlllall'e · Clerk In' thl) Alpirin . . of .~ licacid. . ~wn l! hlp Ho"ae. . fC)lI.r pl'rsona, t wo from W.yne edge of the grounds, an~ facing counti II, ci 'e , villages, ~nd school as surety. j29 R. F HA'l'FnjlI~n l aII'll t 0 from Massie, Meslrs. W. the Haf'VeY8b u .rjt-Wayn~.vme pike. distric . Deed of assienment by .
--- mr Cemetery, That Beautiful City W here Our Loved Ones peacefully Rest
While Material and Labor Costs are Low.
It is to your advantage to make your improvements at this time. ..
W. H. Madden &Co. Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
. ~
• IS
5% . Farm Loans LONG ' Ol,l ' SR0:tJ;. - • . ' . AlIo 8 . ... .... Write... will .... · W.... •..mu.. 0Id0.Sa.. D~ RnJdeoUI
... "1i.
F OR 2ENT-8 room modern bou.e, '215. C1areuc. Il", Wa,. neaville. 2. 4. " , . ~
e..... IS
R. GriIID to Georp Ii. lIe,e,.. 78.1 aer" in Harlu JS~UED
Mallie Mel'lereon to Lee Mer· I'enon and Lawrence Pettis. Real B, Mr•• J ...I. B. CharIeR H. Hflhl, lIupl'rintendent D. L. CRANE I • P ••II...... ' S.....rlp.I•• Prlc., '1 .10 • Y . .r e.tate in Turtlecrt'ek townllhip. of achuulll at Lees Creek, Clinton <>Iic. Pho_... .. ... .......... No. 112 !"nln.l M ~tot(1c at W.ynet1 Ethel Jonol! t.o Union Joint Stock R.._ l..l-~On4 CIa .. Vall Land Ba nk of Detroit. U2JI7 aCfes ('ounly, i :Iatctl to su co(~d Pru· c . ................ ...... ' No. 111 vllh). Oblo, a.MlLtt r ll' Furnas to Ohio Imlrul 11 lesHor Fielll!!r B. Harris 01\ Ruper· in E Franklin 1With rt!call thecu.old log chinkt~d wa their y mud The u (! of Which wel'e whitewashed' every intendent. of W.arren ount" Telephone ompany. JUNE 29, 1932 certain redal !!state tor lin II. I spring ~i(lle schoul. who has resigned. ~====~====~================~========~~:;ME Edwar to . Th' BiMh I)Farm and J• ell'n p , sso r Ha rrl' s l wo y ars. ago Bishop !:! r!! tate FOI'".. lolka,~ . turled to makE! calls. 1"0 e actorl Bank of Eldorado, Lot B in Dul- QuilLing rram s hung fl'om the was r -elected for a term of three F armerl Are the I I) inc Addition ur Franklin. ceiling, year and al lhat time did not When it conIes to the dairy imiu t.ry, we hear mOTe about th Howard J . L. Michael alll1 Mabel .. w"nt tl thre Yl'ar contract. but IIC' h'ibutor of milk product!! than of the farmeJ:s who do the ~~;~I~1'!:'~~rlreftr?VUrmi1!:1f.~H~~~#~A~lI~d~w~h;;e;;n~qU~i;;It.;;iN-n;;g_t~'iiim:.:e~w'l~ar.s--1"'~°aJnue~~~~U~ln~deT the pt'cssur' of "the , produ tion. But, from the economic standpoint, the tlistrlbut.ors are and M redith A. -o]{liC1)uard members. Pl'ett~ Sl11a LJ fry when compared to t.he farmers. I .. . He plans to can" out his "l'iuinal · . d t •.. . t f $102'0000 000 aCI'cs in Rami lOTt tow nl! l111', , u, , . planK and reliev J himself ,.. of. , the he daIry In us ry represen ..... an Investmen ° Of this. ~mo.ul}t about $9,OOO.000.Q60 1'epresents the tarmers' inve I· Rp n. L wrenco iUs in to Lile Mcrger. I ~li ll h 'ar t.he old wheel hummmg . duties of the o"'''c Re/ll P sta~ Tllrtleeree" '''~ tbl'S ~~UI11"'Qr ... ~ • ment ,.. and rt!linq' uish the post to Ii h b i I11 I ilnd, buildings and equipment. The distTibutor& investment is lownijhip. An tl t II. cI'''' ,c"mg \l f th . e re.eI ; t a IInce-$1,250,000,OOO. Robert and Elizabeth Guinn ~ 'Mother hanked lhe yo.rn upon younger man. In Qther words, the 3,000,000 farmers who own the cows and the The Pedoral Land Bank or LUIJI ~- ' it. Proie sor Harris ha been upel" farms and produce the mllk, are a go d deal more impol'tant than the viDe 102.43 acres in }jam] And how sleepy I did Ieel intendcnt of schools in this county for 14 y ars and has always held 30,000 dislribuLors, even though die latter are n cessary to the busi· r.ess. Y t, the farmer get. the short lind of the stick. When prices an tO~~r~~yP' M. Linder to People's As I Hal befon the 61'e plillce, the confidence ond fl'iend hif o'f l'educod, the cut i. usually taken out of his ahore. As a result. at a Building Loon and Savings CO., With it's gluwing big baek log; his teachel'!! and the patrons 0 lhe time when millions of farmers re losing money and few are moking )03.09 acres in learcreek town. When the nights wer cold and chools. He is anxious to carry out I,rofits, other factorie in the dairy industry are makina' 8S large a unit h' chllly some I ng made plans ot a perprofit 88 they evel' did. 8 *he People'. Buildin", Loan and And Qutlj i<.te was one big :fog. ontll 11ature while he it; still able " to do o. . The cooperative movenlent ia the fanners' hope for remedying , tIlls condition. Thll faet thaL miUioJ\8 of farmers have created and 8l'e Saving Co. to C. Ruesell and Oh. ~hat. dellr beloved IOlr cabin Mr. Bohl has been in Clinton loyally supporting thQusands of cooperatives throughout the country, Gellrgia Denman. HIO acres in With. it's feather beds 51) oft; i a tine augury for the agTi~ultural future. , Unloh township. Where 1 slept. 0 ound anld happy Maggie Doughman to . Eliza [n my bed. up in the loft. ,.----------------~~. ~ Long, Inlot No. 36 in West Woodville. There I heard the rain droJ?lS patter Vernon C. Harvey to Albert 1tf. On the hingles old and dlry; }{arvey. Inlot No. t in ·Lebanon. Which oft made an awful clatter Director of Funeral Senic:e Albert Gaine to John Long. Wh n the wind went teari·ngby. Real estate in Waynesville Lown. TheIl, we all attended meeting Sip. h· Our convenient location. suita· Edwin C. Weaver to John S. In the small log cabin church; ne 0, s. U. R••I. SlatioD-WEAO ble surroundings and equipment Richardson. Inlot No. 271 in If we did not know our lesson 8:00 Music Father, ur would use th,e birch. enables us to . erve to the Best : IO .Evolution of Our Tax System .... ....... ..... ... , ........ H. R. Moore Franklin. Advantage. R:30 Govermnent and Centralization , ...... .... ..... B. A. Wallace I recall the old time .mantel Bill. AJlo~ed :60 Summer Program In Small Fl'uit Gardens ... ,,, . . .W. Paddock Which WDS, Oh, so big an~1 tall; !J : 10 Contl'QI 01 lAce and Mites .. , ... . ..... .. ..... . .. ......... R. E. Cr/lY Albtnt Millard, services, $10; nd the book 80 :full of knowledge AMBULANCE SERVICE !) :30 Dairying in Switzerland " :.. . ..... '" . J. H. Erb Julia Holland, ervices, $10; Oma The almanac, upon the wlall. W &ya ...iIl... Ohio PI-. 29 . 4-H WEAO HALF HOUR Knox. servie 6, $1 0; Richard L. Williams, services, '10; Erma Then we had no horseless carriage, S.tureray, July 2. 1100 p. m. Hibnar. services. $10; M;rs. Han· Hoofed it. in our squeeky shoes; Musical loterlude by 4·H Quartette nah services, $5; Hub- And t.he paper came aroumd then Wav rly .(·H Band " " ' " . ..... .. , . ... ..... .... Pike County man Allshear. Su,?ply Co,! supplies. $4.37; Each. four week, and brought the puds and th ir But ... .... ......... .. ...... ... H . E. E wine W. C. Gilmour, lOguest, new. $7.70; E. At Uncle Tum's Ca in ... .. ...... . . ..... ..... ............. R. E. Tom • Donnell, in full contract No. Now l'm livinf in a mansion. c: e 100 1; ,'8.87; E. D. Donnell, 2nd But DEPENDABLE how glad y I'd go ba.ck; Margaret "lice Pr ley, minor, and flul E t, on. Count, No. 1003, To the edg of that big woodland wall approved allowed and con. {57,70; ;Ii. L. Schuyler, pay roll, To that dear log cabin shack. EPAlRING firmed by the court, 146.50 j Eden Terry pay roll $89; Watches The first and final account of obert McMuli n, servicea, $2; Clocks (COllt hued Fron rage 2) Ida C. Smith. execut.rix · of (!state J oh", Doughman. ervices, $3; Orie Jewelry HarveYlburg () Blind. filed hi3 first and final ac- of Benjamin F. Smit1). decea8ed, Dourhman , ervlcea. $4; Charles Store Open Even)ngs count. was approved, allowed and con- Arprt, 'a .pplying, 48,628 Gal. C. Guest of the Col1etts ilt °Role· T., ,729.42; Bnngham Motor Co., Dor()thy Burgemeir. guardian of firmed by the court. CARY'S JEWELRY ill-the·Woods" on FathElr's Day arl M. Zwick at ai, minors tiled Th first and final account of C. gaa, $lOO.20; Western Star, print- w re IIIr. and Mrs. R. E:. Collett h r second accounts. Donald Dilatullh. administrator of inlt pay roll blanks, '41 j Industrial and Misa Dorothy, Mr. IIlnd Mrs. SHOP ' ""__;";';..-..J Fr,a nk M. Dl'ak was appointed estate 01 Rolla M. Wright, deceas- Tractor &; Equip. Co., repairs $26.- Noel Haines, Mary Virll:inia and I~__""_______ apl>t/liaer of the es.tate of Ruth edt was aPPToved, allowed and 23; L. H. Brown. Jr.• 1st. Est. on Harriet Anne of Sabina, Miss Cont.• No. 1007. $100; ClaTence Bertha and )Ii s Norml;!; Collett Ruhr, deceased, in the place of Ed. firmed by ~e court. A. Bone. The third account of Will Sheets Conover. IIharpening saw, 50,c; of Wilmington, Mr. and lilTS. Rob· W. N, Thom!>son, executor Qf es· guardian of Bertha Keqric!k, Wililam Schnell. uppJie8 alJd ps Collett of Dayton, land Mi!18 tate of Celia E. Thomp on, de- feebleminded, wal!l .pproved, al- $13.83 ;' Bay City Shovels. Inc .• re- ert. Peggy Ball of Portsmouth, Ohio. e. ed, 61 d his inventory. lowed and confirmed by the court. pailll. ,85.69. Miss Ruth Vickers of IOayton is NOTARY PUBLIC Frllnk ·Prazer. Manley Frazjlr The first account of the Leb- ~!!!!!!!'!!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ visiting her aunt, Mrs. W .. E. Frost and Lyl Frater, ell\ecutors of tbe anon·Citizens Nation.l Bank and Mrs. GeorgI) Beach is spending estate of Zuidee Venabl • deceased T1'ust C11., guardian of , Robel't. FOR .ALE DATES CALL two weeks at Lake Vilew near iii d th ir inventory. Toledo. Ohio, Willa Dra.... • • .E...... S.tt"" Quigley. et a I, minora. wall apEd. Beachler, T. B. Barnha1:'t proved. allowed and confirmed by Mr. and Mrs. Dymond ,tnee Gen· WAYNESVILLE. OHIO and n. B. Anderson were appoint- the court. . eva Elli on) of CinQinnati were in. 00 appraisers of estate (If Andrew The will of Emma J. West, de· jured in an automobile accident Johnson, decealed. • ceaaed, was admitted to probate. last Sunday. They WeTO enroute The lIecond account of L. S. Stanley West a8 appointed exelrom West Union whe1'e they had hawhan. cuardian 0'1 Eliza Thom- cutor, no bond requited. Ed. vi ited her parents. Theil' injuriel!. • • as, incOnlpetnent 'jYU approved al· lark, Richard Nelson and Orje though pain"ful. were not ·serious. lowed and conflrme.d by the court. Roberta were appointed apprai en JESSE STANLEY The car was badly damllged. The second account of Charle . Donald Leroy Hadley, factory A number from here attended SIO, Me. B_rll_.t... Old. S. lrwin, executor and trust e of worker. of Wilmington, and Mis Eastern . StaT' inspeetion at New el:ttatel of J. A. Runyan, deceased, Margaret Anna. Cook, of Wayne!!' EARL KOOGLER Burlington Tuesday ev,elliing. was app-roved, allowed and con- vilJe. Da-t_' Plto_ Mary Carolyn · I.,ukenll is visittl1'ntcd by th& court. , ing her grandmother, Mrs. Lena . , The econd account of Clinton Marriar. Lie...... KE ....or. 1916 , Hart;l'joclc at Waynesvil,le. ,V. Black executor of e tate of Mylin Hatfteld ROBS, teacher ~~I~===;;;;;;~;;~~~~L~T~h~e boys' class of. the Friends F·r ank Biaek. d ceased, was apand their teac:her, Rev. proved, allowed and confirmed by Debanon, and Miss MlI1'jorle Amos . Cook, enjoyed 8 piCnic Evelyn Banl'bam. teacher of Lebth court. I ThllTllday evening at th/! bome of The ftrllt and tlnal account 9f anon. Qeorg& Sebastian Hahn, Billy Carl'. Ice crea~. cake and CORa Car on, executrix of e,tate strawberries were the de'lidous Teof Robert. O. Carson, deceas d, was clerk of Cincinnati and Misl!I AIPhone 71J approved, allowed arid conftrmed rna Florence Helsinget, fa~tol~ • ~:"ht fre!hments. worker of Lebanon. "'5 ~1ilIII Wayne , Gray won the scooter, by the court. • given to the youngster colJecting The first and ftnal account of 80 Yean Experlenc.e In the most IGA labels, at the Charlell . Kibbey. administrator of R.aI Ed••• T.....r.n Pitting anel lhklng Glauea Villars grocery the fil'st of tbe e tate of Catbarine Kibby, deceas. A.ngus A. and FlOrence B. Arm. week. ed, wall apPl'oved, aIJowe<! and our to New York Life Insurance 1'--'5 ~LOp The W.ilson Scbool (r(11l) Dayton confirmed by the court. \All J iJII were guests at a picnic supper In Til first and final aCMunt 01[ J. Company. 147. acres in Turtle. . lAb...... 0"'0 the 'Woods of Mr~ and IMrs. A. S. Frank Gallah r. administrator of creek township. Frank Wa1'dlo- to New York l . . . .JI. Tln,nd.y. Sa'uclay Collett and Robel't on Saturday estate of Horace Q. GaUaherj de~ E i 11 - - F evening. ' ceal!ed, was approved, allowed and Life Insurance Company. 181.94 acres in Salem towllJlhlp. .am Da .... Mrs. Wm. Lawson and her fathe confirmed by the coUrt. Union Joint Stock Land Banlc of LEBANON, OHIO T. B. Tucker called 011 Mr. and The first and final account ot . A. L. Kennedy Saturday. Charles J. Waggoner, guardian of Detroit to Barney L. Shawhan. ,Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MrM1'. and Mrs. Chas. Cobb and
Big F
W e liuv e on 'land
'Iui (0 a {I;W tires blHlgnt. bcfol'(> the Lax law touk ffect Jun' 21 ; l, and we. wi ll ell at Lhe old pl'lc I'll the li're~ we have In st uck. So hurry b fore they all! gon •
Farm Night1alhs, July 4
News from CoIrt House
't celebrate your 4th of trip with tire blowou ts. "' ...·~.. IDIl wreclta the holiday , .. r'''n"1'A of mind so completely 8S a strull&le by the roadside . • tth a flat tire. We'll a1adly Inspect your tire equioment
~_ beforehand.
' SUPertwist Cord Tlr~ Each tn
..!!!!!.. ~.U.-2t ........
lCJd.8G-lO.•• _..
SA"'ISFACTI· ON Or No Char._ Centerville, Ohio
~.7' ~ •• ,
•..91 91
4... . ..,. '.0.
31sS.oe-2L.... 31x5.25-11 ...... 3Os3~Re. CI.
5." 5 ••'
•••• • •• •
,.sa •. ••
Quality V.I .... Only Goody • ., Offers Fllmou, LiJetimeGuorantud
F T Mari.-n Auctioneer
. ~." .~.4'
18d.15-19•.• __ • • ••, ·• •f . ,.94 1:9• .&.15.lO.. ..... • •.,. 4 .17 .9' 19x5.H-19..... _ 341:&5.00-20...... 4 ••1 ..... • •• •
14"a,/ Ll/t//lma Cw,onte
Stanley &Koogler
Supertwut Cord Tint
CASH PRICES 1 . . . .-
....,. 5."5.a1 .'5 . ....., ••• ..,. ......" ·.n.•••. · ..... .. .,.5' Pr.l:h"
Pull 0 ....1••
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Gordon's Service Station Phone 47
Wayneaville, Ohio
1~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l son
guests of Mr. and Mrswere . .J. C.SuGray. Pearl of Xenia nday GOOD USED TIRES $1 1:1P ••• EXPERT VULCANIZING ' Mrs. Eliza Cartel' had as visitors this week, ber brother lind <laugh- nr')II'r'...,iva 1Lnn th blnen TUNE IN GOODYEAR RADIO PROGRAM ter frQm_Dayton. price. and 1'004 ,ernee. . Cbas. H. Gray and SIOns Robert UDlo.. Stock Y.rda· CID.I __ tl. O. Every Wednesday Evening and WaYl\e were Xe nia visitQTs Tune in 011 Radio Station WCK.Y 12 :215 toreports. ~2:80 p. m. for. our daily ~;~;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;=;:;:=;==:!=~ ,Thursday Mr a.nd afternoon. Mrs. A. S. ,C llett apd Imarket D." .'r -,.,. '". Robert were Sunday gu,eilta of Mr. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!d and Mrs. C. G. Hiatt of 'Winchellter --~----~~~~-~------~------, Ind. . John Stu ltz had t be misfortune to cut his hand on hIlS ,automobl'fe :.:.l , T. license plate. He s utrere d Intensely 1',: 'hom loss 01 blood. Mr . A. L, Kennedy i:s m. )liss Floramond Reed is so far recovered, from her recent serious iIlneea to be s,ble to ,be up and about tbe house and la\11n . .J .. E. Shumaker and W. C. 'l'ichenor remain serioulily ill. . Mr. and MTs. Chat!. Ony called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and daughter.a · near Goshen Friday ev.e nin&,. ' Miss Virginia and Milss Dorotha Davis entertain ed thE!i1' Sunday School class Tuesday e1V4e-nlnll. Misses Vh:ginia a:nd ." •. :_ •..' Tucker and Virginia :Davis were bouse gueate of M1's. H. J. O&rr this week. . L The Betsy Ross Clo,thina' Clu,b . Tot m,et in the high school .bllilding and' r·rida~ afternool1. Th,rf!e mE!mller&1 were absent. PI~ns wer'e the club picnic to be at ' . ' ' Park on July ·7. AUce Gray pnstrated a ftat felled Relim Rae Thornbury' will PIayliciua teU III Ulat ODe eonclionst.r ate at the next lneeting. We APPY little girl, just burtU.ng enjoyed several J:amE!8 .and the U.a II DearlY ahr. PreMllt when a witll pep. ana abe b.. never Da vis girls served pop eom square II c:bild tau a dlalative upeet; a 'tArtiAa and cookies. The Lewis glrle will cold or otber Bttle aiIDiIDt. CoDStipa- tated a ·'tonl.... r· · · tieD. lrat ltep towardl relief II Every child', atomach, liver! and serve a t th e nex t mee t Illg. to riel the body 01 Imp. . wutel. Kathleen Or.y, Reporter AIIcl tor uu. ~ • MlIAr tllaa bowela neelJ stimulating at times, Mr. Ernest Gillam and bride of ,.aiDe Cutorial Ciatoria ia • pure but tPve children IIOmethinll you New York City are CUtlets of Mr. •~ prellaratioa . . . . apeclally 'know all about. .. and Mrs. W. M. Gnlam and for. babi• •..a ......... 11WI meaDS Follow the adviee of that ramoll!) l.r~e::la~t~jV~e~s~a=n~d~l=n=·e=n~d:..~·~~~~~I it II mild ~el IID-- tIlat ,1I c;onfGU!t family ,,"}'Iician who gav. the I' _ _lit . " '•• lie ,*00Ite.. Yet It ~r.d Syrup Pcplin. St{nrAJIGle ,Itt alwa,. aeta .....&11 'l(oa MYer h~ •• utli OIfar... Dr. f:aldwell's to cou Wlclna to taM c.toria. iAGt/ pNCI'iptlon 01 pure ptpiI,n. ae\1\'e R..a c.c.ia ....qall.ntlaa..-.: leMa. aDd frub htrba iI • mild .t1mulaa1. that ~ the .ystem
D Ie · t · '.D IuD · t .D ' 0
To 'Choose 'from-~-A.11 Makes and Mode ls
Md ' II Y a • speela
B A· _B I &·5 ·C H I L'D R·E N
.red Itahn Motor'Car CO.
..... •.. ~
.tu.a, lluePh· Jr'. ,. J!!!." doD't ., ;raU
.\~ WIlT· ~r
h·' ·11 •.
iM Mary lIuntt'r. of nlumh.ut'l MI'. 1\1\11 • h'~. (,he:Ll!r wall th wt'l.k.l'nd gUl'!'t ,,( !till'. '''". or l.(\\,\,ll1n.I, lillt'llt Loui l' ('rant'. h,·rtl. ~U\'~t~ fir MI'. II . 1,\'(' LI)\'el' lind fnll1i1y. (Ie l\lil1s. ~"1'inl\'hnl"ll. we!'!' .'undRY jtu('l't. ~ f hi" brotht'I', JanH'. LOVllly. amI Mi'. lind 1\11':< . •1. W. turnt'd j'rlllll 11 th.·'·.'··w .... )", ~OJolirn family. On th mo t tr 'Ing ul S1. Mul'\' !! R('~~r\'oil' and 1 ·'l.Irt'~l . Jrll ri nc~.lI coon ('t~d with . Mr. nnu fr. EIl"I')' R g('r~ ,\lId Ohio. the \)1111 i g (If a luved one Mr". Ray MilllI spent la t we k tL~ Mnl·-gal·.,1 \\,1'1'11 Sundtly gu\'..ts m l' '1I!a.rl-rendlng perR. . rO~>l \IonH'. Mon· With (rl nds in Da)'ton. or IT: and 1\11' . }:I'1l st Rog(ll'lI to lIlI.' I::V 'flinK, 1'l'tul'rlcd l! II" than thl' fun ral it· fmlll :1 vi~it 'lith his Dust n. I If- i~ th l"t't.urn to tbe J hn Weaver wa th guest of ,;iHt 'I' lind ulh(lr r 'Intiv ,t!R ul Surhom mad desolate by the Harold troude, Monday. 11'. ami fr ~. J. H. hnpln n dinill. .b~en~e of the_ familiar and ~o n, ltobeTt, of Colllmbus, hull.' Stansberry, or Dflyton, s pe nt the week·c nd ht>I' Mi~~ J(\nl' Boring, of \ Hrninglace: This \Jifficult time Hh Mr . . " ' a Wayne ville vitltQr, Friday EliYoabcth Daily. lil n • • l'l·11I lu ~t" \\cek h 1'(.'. thl! Ie made <,ven more tryinJ '\. ~afternoon, !tu 'Ht (If hel' 8 i~t('r, Ml·R. WynwT wh 0 the re Idence h s Dr. H. 11 . IL l'rmn n IInr! Mis ' l. 1 l'uk . b en dLarrange4 by the Tune in on the C. It B. prQgram • .John, of Dnyt n, W 'I't' ~inner :tuner I ervice and the re!If ... and Irl<. N. A. King, of station WKRC every Sunday gue. ts of Mr. U \HI [I'll. J . E. Mc· eh'ing of fr end. and reI.· Kni gh\Rtown, Ind ., WIlI'E, guest." of afternoon at 2p. m. lure, ' unfItlY ('\'(lning. t\ve. One ot! the advan· Ml·. (I nd tUr ~. , )lIter Elzey, Wedta . of using- our funeral . Miss Dorothy Hartsock p Mr .. Ru sse l Murtin and da ug\,! . nt' uay. bom I that it preserve the the week·end with Mr. and Mrs. terH and ~I r. and fr s. Ro ~ reBid nce £l'om thi~ unnecMr So Ge or 0 Englis h and S Oli , Abe Cook in Springboro. Plal;ck spent Runday witn Mr. and e!l5ary confusion. Tom E:nglillh . of Bad Axe, Mich., Irs. lark 'tarr Ilear ."enia. The Kinga Heralds will me t at \ r(' wet'k -I: nd gllc st~; o f Irs. the home of Mary Eva LeMay. 1'ry The Bl'sl Y eL Ie ream. Lllllra id os. aturday afternoon, July 2 , 39 cents per quart. Double dip 1\[ rs. L. A. Washburn, f Xenlll, ('one~ 5 c nts. Hot fish sandwiche uoda:\, Mr. and Mrs. Cha!l. hapman, Friday and 'ntUl'd y at the WD~n e and 11'8. allie ('l'O!<~ W'N' Phon. 7 dinner I-:uestll' oI Mr. lind M1'8. of Columbus, called on his grand. Villa. ~'rank LeMay. ' mothtll', Mrs. Elizabeth Baily, Sun· Wayne.ville, Th e "Sunshine Girls" 01 WayOhio day evening, M,·s. H . 11. Williaml!on will be nesvill hurch of hrist wi1l pre. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arthur, Mr. sent a playlet, "Swift FMt," at hQsll'!I to th W. F. r. society of hureh, W cd nc~ dny hurch, unllay morning, the M. ~ . and Mrs. Henry Hall, and Mrs. Ferry aitel·n uo n. July 6. Mary Tindall, of Cincinnati. visit· July 3. ed Mr. and Mrs. Oti . Arthur nnd slight epidemic of inte tinal M·r . and Mrs. F red B. Hender on Subecribe for the Miami G.zette. children, unday. Mr. and frs. J ohn B. Oons at.t nd· grippe se ms to be quite prl'va1 nt among the rt'a l Y()lII ng children ed co mmenc.ement exerd;>.es of f th community. Miami..Jllcobs coil g, Dayton, Thursday night. Mis L ouise H en· M'I'. and MI'S. Babb, l\fi W('lla derson is one uf the graduates. Shipley und ft'iend, 01: Xenia, at· t nd ' d crvicell at the I cnl 1\1. E . chul'ch, unday eve nin,g.
f th Funeral or
J. E. McClure
r. and 1... 0 ...... had for the r unda, dhlD r.11 , ""he C. E. 'oci.t.y 01 tht' Church Mr. and Mr . Hnman Albright and Andtol'l'on' Fork and ae ar'. \If ('hri t m ... t for a lovl'ly party 80n, Mr. and HI't'I. John Myt'ra and Crl'ek Il\'~rft(lwl'd their banka and t th . St'ars bQml' Thul'IIClay night, daull'htt.>r uf Dayton, M,'. and Mr... flouttl'd field" and roadll Monday. ,Junl.' 2:1. It.. was one of the many Ralph Stowe and daU~hter lit nl.'ar Cun idel·abl ... dumagl' Wll~ done to ll .. li .. htful atrl&ir8 pfBnned for the L bano and Mr an . ·tr~ C W cruJl~ lind ardenM. .. , I'...· '1·lu.". G"o""a Me lure ha~ reumm<'r months. The object of Albrightn of Waynellvilla. It .,~ ~,. lh "'" p8rtil's. picnics, etc., is to )lrll. Josekh Gra Mi Bnt! childr~n. turned f"om WIlYlll'!!vilh.. where illh rt'~t olher young ' people in C. ;;hc has be on ~tll>' ing wit.h her aunt " ' k an d awar d are "iven W'II' II·s. EvaD kaine8 P' 1\1r. Ilnd Mr ' . •M['"~.' Halph W"avel·. r" "or U '" ' t ., I I, .. I lam ra d<' 0 1l1UIl, mI'. n. llIl oul· I II""e r.n! eo\'ors l'ringin~ the mOllt G H' R0 b erl, wer~ 1'11'",['h", ' 'A. . I1 ' Iu"Un~ onJ'(IYl'd · th . BineS a,n $o n, at ~I)rin"fleld, on WedncRdtlY ~Ul· S.t ~. (I Urlll~ e ,summer sea on. Sunday dinnt'r gu l<ts at the home " ., k'" I (lUltt! n young people were pr 8- of Mr. and Mrs. Waltel' K nrick. (If la!<l w t> • Cl1t " veral of the Endellvorers . Th Gurden paTty given by the I eing aWlll vi . iting, etc. The . E. ~r. Illld l\1r~'.L on all 'bury and l..iV(l \ irc CI!I!;~ of aCIIII1'8 Creek kid" want to invite all ,of their children, MIriam and Wendell ~und8Y school, at the hom e !;Ie Mr. you ng friend:; to the min1!trel and ~m from leveland . S.und~y v 1.1. llnd r.ir:1. R. L. Bogan Friday ,;ocial al the Ferr~ church Friday lng 101' a lew days VISIt wltll their l'vening wa~ well attend d. lltght, July 1. Everything free. parents. Mr. and Mr~. Allen EmThe Chenow!'th family rello! n 1!:vel'ybody welcome. rick. They also aWmne(l the fun· WIl held !It the home of Mr. an!! eral or Mr. Salisbury's aunt, frs. Mr . Ray nIT on f'iundny, Wheat Proapecla Not So Cood Gertrude Hunt ill Spring Valley. I\iol' than 200 P )'SOIl!! lilt IIMd Mcmday. Mallter W endell will ),(l- the ElI8tel'l\ till' inspection whl'h Much of th wheat in this vicin- main with his grllndpal'ellts he I'e wa ~ h Id In the H . S. lIuditorium Tues~lay evening. ily hna been cut. 1 rOSPects for a during the 8umm r. good l'r P are not ov rly brill'ht, Jllllny farme! forecasting a yi Id of not to e:x<:eed fifteen bu&hels to th . acrc.
Hail Insurance O.n Tobacco
This agency SOliCIts your ' risk on your growing crop.
BURLEY Up to $200.00 per acre
11'. and Irs. Charles· Clark P nt Wedne da)' in Dayton . The July meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held next wednesday . IIfLeCJ100n, the Oth, at the country hom e 01 Mrs. Georg ReMer, on Rout
Up to $150.00 per acre Losses Adjusted Promptly
LeMay~Hawke Agen~y Phone 61R2 ' Wayne.vllle, Ohio
you could ugrease it" witll Cod liver Oil, but who wants to give a car medicine,?
Waynesville fanners Exe. Co. w.,......w.,
,,,,,,. .,it""";Id Gnul/n, AI"nit, L"bri· Services At the Gmlline Alanite Lubricants adUli~. We are IlJl Official " A U Dealer for Alemite becau. we believe tha thii lubciaItioo~ia'the greate*t: ~...ver aDd the biUest ...tilfac:tioD in the lubricatioD
Work. '
busiDeII. If you think thia is merely 111 idle rtatemcnt, oothln& will pleaIe III more thap to have you aua.ke III prove it ia NOT'I
Fire Cracken, Torpedoes, Chal!eMl, Flower P ots, in lact, Fire Works
01 AU ......
According to ·law we cannot sell tbeae I'ood& until .Mon· day, the Fourth. Come in then and look them over.
The. WayoesYille Drug Store
Central Garage Phone 105 Waynelville Ohio
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, lPaator Wednesday: Bible study and pr yer meeting at 7:30 p. ro, F'riday: Choir prac:tice at B:00 p. m.
Sunday: unday @(:hool at Ii :30 a. m. .Morning worship at 10 :30. Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. At 8 :00 p. m. a special program will be rendered blo' the school teach rs and college students of our church. 'rllis will be a fine program, and it is desired thnt we I have . a large attendance. ! On Wednesday of next week at I 8 :00 p. m. will .be Iheld our la t Quarterly Conference for this year. Rev. John W .. Bickel, the di~trict superint.endent of the DaytoJ;l District will be with u to speak and also conduot the business of the confere.nce.
WAYNESVILLE CIHURCH or CHRIST" (Undenomin.l:lonal) Chester A. Williamllon, Mlnister Church School at 9:30 4. m. Lotd's . Supper at ~on clu8iori. Christian Endeavor ,a t 6:45 p. m. Bertha Filer, Leader. Evening evangelistic
ervice 'at '7.46 p. m.
e.rmon subject, "Faith." Prayer Me.etir]g and Bible study each Wednesday .at '1 :30 p. m. Short choir practice at conclusion. The church where you 'Ceel at home .
·We wish to announce New ' Reduced Prices on ' Sherwin~Williams ,Paint , .
S. W.P., Re.ular colora per .allon ... , .. .. , ........... . ........... . s. w. P. Whit. per .allon ... , .. . . Bam R.d Per ••llon .... ...................... ...... . w Unaeecl Oil . .
sz.so SS.'S $1.4. 800 80a
...... ..... .. " ..'
. . ..:a:~ ~~~.~.~I~~ ,
.... ; . ... , .. , . , ....
.............. ..
Yes •.
p"... . ...... .............
73 ,
Insure Now---Effective July First
M.r . Em ery harleton '5 cond i- ' tio» 'remains about the same, being .. Representing l naurance Co. of North America v wellk.. CALL OR WRI TE 1r:. nJ Mrs. Le nard Gray of Bls Jll· h 'ste r were last week gue ts or \1 1'. lind Mrs. George Oray and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray. , Mr. and Ir. William Coleman, I~=========~==~========~===='''' Thelma Coleman and Dorothy Mocsin spent Sunday wi~h Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. P rry ,Weller and Mr . Stanley South at Madeira. Warren Hunt was quite ill last Huber Bailey, of near entervilJe and Mr. and. Mrs . tSlIIley Bailey w ek with an attack of appendicl· W. Ha•• a Complet. Watcs. nd dllughter enjoyed ,)\ motor trip ti. , but is improved at this time. Repair S.rvice Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and through Kentucky, Ulnday. Block •• Barrel., Sack., Coarle ' and children spent Sunday with the And use only genuine materialR. r . ,R. Conrlld and two former's aunts, Mrs. Elizabeth Crystals fitted :while yO!! wait. Table' Salt. We have jUlt received dnugh ter, Lorroln slIld Mari n, Watlilon and Miss Pearl Savage CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP of Crescent prings" Ky., are near ldney. a .hipment of Colonial Salt. Whil~ Leballoll, Ohio visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellen Robinson of CindnMrs. T. . Rardin and . family. Store Op n Evenings nati is spending a couple of weeks thi ••tock la.t. we will .ell at the frs. L. A. Washbut'n, oI Xenia, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman. pre.ent low price•• • Mi Anna andervo,o rt, of Wi!M,·s. Margaret John, and her mington, aod Misse Stella Daugh- ister, UrIS. Elizabeth Smith ot erly anli Hel n Haw~~e w t supNOTE- All .manufacturer. have at a 6 o'clock P, er guests of Mrs. Callie ross, 4J . . . . .uu. were guests at the home of Mr. advanced priclI. 10 %•. Saturday ev ning. and Mrs. orris Hadley near fr. and Mrs. W. B. Rus um and larksville, in honor of their son daughter, Dr. and lirs. Gait Rus- and bride, Mr. and Mrs. Donald s um and daughters, of Dayton, lladley. 1\Ii se Trillena and IUarg\lret W. 1\2r. and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton Ed~ anls spent Sunday with J. W. attended the funeral of George Edwal'd and family. of neal' Palmer in Dayton. Tuesday. Mr. Greenfield. Mr. O. J. Edwanls re- Palmer was killed ,in an auto acCement, Lime, Tile and Sew~r. turned witb his S1 telrs for few cident Saturday. daya vi it. ' Mi e Helen Early and Berntee Our .tock i. complete and price. Grabam attended the commenceLocal relatives h"ve received ment at Miami Jacob's Business are right. everal snap-shots 01: 'Everett ~olJege in Dayton Thl1rllday even. Thomas and B friend with several mg. fine fi sh they caught: in Conesus Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and Lake in New York. l~ve fine fi h daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Perry weighing ~ 71f.a .vounda., The picture Weller and Huber Bail y motored waa r canUy publishE:d in the 1'0- thru the southern part of Ohio and togl'aveur s etion ot a New York northern · Kentucky Sunday. Sunday paper. Everet-t now resides Mrs. Belle Scott and family enin Rochesl r, N. Y.; where he i tertained to Sunday dinner, Mr. working at the Delco :Light factory and Mrs. Ed Patton, Ml'. and Mr . 0 ... ..... as Ralph Baldwin and daughter ' VirW, car otalmt WeIi,. ~ • - --. ginla Lee, of Middletown. '
b,tter / tQ1Ih We recommend ... nd Ule
~~ __ ,liM ...... ............
ST. MARYS CHURCH Rev. J. J . $e haell'er, Rector..' Sixth unday ~.tter Trinity, July 3j chu rch school at 9 :8 0 ; sermon and Hol)' C01llnluilion at 10:80. The bT8!ls ,bell whfch was recently inJltalJed in t.he heUrey of the church as a me.morial to the late Rev. J . F. Cadwallader, will ring for · the first time. Sunday morning. FERRY CHURCH OF 'CHRIST ( Undenominational) Cheater A, Wtlllam,.oD. Minuter Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Don't miss the special feature in connection with t hiu service. The "Sunshine Girls" oJr Waynesville Church bf Christ ~~lIIpreeent a playlet entitled, "Swtft Feet." Lord's Supper and sermon at 11.00 a. m. Sermon subject, "Ready to Die." 1~he Christian Endeavor Society of Wayneaville and Ferry Churchell will give a free social in the Church basement Ft'iday evening, July 1. Everyone invited. You are always welcome at this c:hurch. .
.. . ~
The first 15 cia,. al Jllne brQugbt S212 t OOO iuto tn_ .tate treasury by tne sale of eipntte revenue Thta Ia an 'aTelal'e of over da,.
T"u•• d.~,
Prld.~, ••ta.4.~" -'al~ 1 .ad 2, 1'SZ
We elltend to .very Denon a cordial invitation to come and viait aur newly remod....d .tore durinl our Crand Re~odeJIi"1 Sale. Ou.r p'ea~eat ambition, to provide our paaro... with the moat complete ..nitar)' food market, ha. beea realized in thi. newly: remodelled .tore. Beauty .Ild ..nitationalon., how.ver~ do ·not con.titute or make a ~tore . attt-active to the con.umer, but by bein, a me~ber of the .lndependent Croeen Amanc. we are able, throulh ma••ed ·buyin., to brinl the hilheat. quality fooda to our cu.tomer. at esceptionaUy low prices, Thu. it become. very attractive \0 .very one. A new, complete, ....itary Meat Market .1.0 occupiea a con~piciou. . place in our atore. We have for our patron. only, the choice.t of U. S. · in.pected meat. and do urle and invite our frieDd' to vi.it thi. ·.picand-apa" market for qu~it7 meate at reasonait'e price.. , To .how our appreciation for the loyal .uppo~ of our many friend • and patro.. we offer .....iDa this Crand R.mode!lli... Sale man,. unparalled money...vinl value•• Gi.e your family a real treat at theae low pric.. Enjoy better lood • . at lo~er price•• Take ·ad.aDtale of . the.. attJ'a.ctive . ~oney-..vinl 'pecial., and leam why your food dollar buy. more at our I~ Store.
Baraard (I Son "
. Ci,er.lt. R...... S-.a ...
Remodeilla. Sale
Eighty-Fifth Year
, t
WAC'S LOST SUNDAY Band Will Give a Concert AND ON THE FOURTH The Wayneeville School Band BY.. RAGGED PLAYING wili ,glv .. their sixth home Concert
Til_ W.Ylle Puk B.n Ground fa Still iD Bad Condition for Playia.
of the 1932 season Thur day evenina, July 7th in front of the J. C. Hawke Hardware St(>re sponsored l by the Waynesville NatIonal Bank, T. Jeff' Smith, Homer Carey. Ragers and Simpson and the Feirmont Creamery, who solicit your presence and your patronage. H~lp to put Waynesville o~ the map. . The Band went to Frankhn Saturday nieht, paraded at. 7 :30 JIl • • then lave a splendid whtch was w~lI applauded. coneert W~8 furnillhed Franklin by merchan~s o! that city. . Next week s local concert ~1I1 be presented to 0111' commum!.y by. Mr. Aman. o~ Dayton, owner 9f the Am an Busmess B~ock on. M~1n St. We surely ~pprecla.te thlS gift as Mr. Ama~ IS !lot In business here, . an~ gives It pur~ly as a donation to the commuDlty.
Wh le Number 6021
JULY 6, 1982
Wayne Park II a BEST OF THE NEWS Very Popul·~~u:..L+-HHtE€T FROM THE----
DespiL th I'llin anel high water so p('evalent in t.his viduity lately, Sunday and MondllY (the Glorious Foul'Lh) were big day~ at Wayne Pal·k. On SumJuy especially the capacity of th Large park was taxed to its fullest capaci~y, und, ot course the swimming poul received 'its 'full hllre of the patronage. The Cin innllti Automobile club bringing its own comllli sary and uthel' supplies, came for an outing, Sunday. This party, alone, has peen e timated at 250 or mOl'e, Then, there was the Port William M. E. church picnic, chaperoned by B. . Howell, and estimated at 12 more. Besides these, several lessor family and picnic parties comvletely filled all available pac~. Monday afternoon and evening, u~rers from the intense heat visited the park and the pool in crowds, again taxing their capacity The park and pool ar becoR!ing immensely populat·, Ilnd are b)·mg. ing d.rove of strangers to t own every day the weather is at all propitious. ____ - - -
Sc,hool 'Board' Allo Ellpech to B.y T h r e e New BUI I.~i_a Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughl:er, laYeatiltatinK Trip TockY
OHIO STATE CAPITAL Len Deereea for Divorce.-Low Accident R.t _ St.te Emplo,... Attend De'mmy. ConveDtioa
Mrs. Wymel' Drake and Mrs. Wilbur Bogan are Dayton visitors, today. 'OLU MBU S - Infurmation seSome day the rain is going to Miss .Doris Henderson, of Cin- All teachers who were tentatively cur d by 'ccI'ela ry of State ClarstoP . for awhile, the ball diamond cinnati, spe nt the week.end hel'e hired at the June meeting have reo U. M. White, of Louisville, Ky., ence J. Brown, indicates th~t iurned iglled contraeits, n otw\';h at Wayne Park is goinr to dry olr, with 1I0Dl folks. on Waynesville friends, last fewer person s secured ~Ivo\'ces In sta nding the salliry slashes. was c.alled and the Waynesville A. C's. arc Friday evening. this state in 1931 than In the pregoing t9 play another .lI'a,me o~ Tune in on the C. 4\: B. program, the announcement of :Supt. J. W. cedi ng year. In 1930 divorces their home ti Id, and Win It, too. station WXRC e.VeTY Sunday Lotz to the July meeUng of the Tune in on the C. 4\: B. proiTam. granted uumbel'ed 16,16a~ wbile in School boat'd, Monday evening. We don't know When all this is aftern90n at 2' p. m. station WKRC every Sunday 193 1 there were 14,343. This deMI.. J. B. Crabbe, <lil'ector of afternoon at 2 p. m. gOing to happen, but it will; jUl!lt Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and crease in numb t· was almost ith-Hughes Vocational Agricul. wait and Bce if it. doesn't. children are spe nding the week ture. also submitted hill annual reo exactly the same as ~he decrea8e Mrs. Grace MtCune, of Lima, The boys went visiting, Sun. with relative at Norwalk, Ohio. in number ot dlvorc~ suits tiled. port, showlng his d~p, a;tment t,o was th.e week-end guest of her day and Monday afternoons, and, It appears that about three out of be in first-class t lourJs,hmg condi- m other, M,rs. Eva Mjller. while they didn't pLay so very Miss Clara Lile and Mrs. Anna tion. every four applications f or divorce RllIch base ball, Mr. 'rane won't Cadwallader visited relatives in Mr. FI'ank Hax, of Dayton , are now favorably conside.red and The report or the State School allow us to tell here just what Washington C. B. last Thursday. Insp etor (rather, lnspectress) sp~~. the Fourth with his friend. the divorce is grallted. At the end th y did play. They simply had vi!lited this vicinity la st winter Star~y Bailey, and family. of the 1931 statistical year 10,. two off day, and, o\\'e bope, freed R. F. Hattield will ins ure your 662 applications were pending• thems Ive!! OIl all their bad ball tobacco against loss by .Rail was finally received . The lady and low prices, in all Quality playin~ for the balance ot the )!ea_ ...._ _ __ Damage. Insure now ~efore you evidently found that our chools lines. Cary's Jewelry Shop...-"Th A low record in accident reports are being run acc.ording to law, Home 6f Gifts." Lebanon, Ohio. son. The winnin, material is there suifer lQ • to the industrial ~omtpissio.n has and to the best advanltage of all alright. Now let's get busy and been established With the film.r of win sO nle more games, boys. Mi8s Bernice Murrell, ot LebMr. and Mrs. N. P: Clyburn, of concerned. Her report indicated 19,173 101' ~he month of. ~yr Sunday afternoon, the WAC' , Washington C. II ., wete week.end as much. nnon, wa the guest of Miss being 816 less than tor AprIl and Con siderable time was devoted Louella Janney, MOMay evening. went t.o Cuba, where both teams guest of Mrs. Anna Cadwallader 3,968 less thar\. in 'M.a~ 19S1. A to J!. thorough ~iscussl ion. of the vied with each other in staging and MiS/! Clara Lile. decrease is also shown In ' number varius tY.l'es of bus bo.dles, repMr. and Mrl!. George Kern en. an Alphollio-Ca8ton performance. of fatalities in 37 cou.nties r~ The Friendship club of the M.E. rel!entativcs of one rnanufactur- joyed supper with ' his brothel' The home team was flnally forced porting same, nine haVUllr tbell' ing firm being pJ:'esent to explain and family In Germantown, Sunchurch will meet lit the borne f)f to accept the decillion, 7 to 6, At the regular monthly ~neeting llr t fatalities of the year and L9 the merits of their product. An day evening. Two singlee and a base on balls of the water board or what is more Mrs. Frank Thomas, Wednesday effort counties with clear -records for tbe was made, last winter. to gave uba an arned run in the properly known as the Tru tees of afternoon, July 13. first flv month of 1932. induce the State Leg'islatuTe to Mr. and Mr.s. C. E. Michener second, and four more lIingles, a Public A.ffairll On last Wednesday, Mr. and Mra. Charle F. Mosher, pass a law l'equiring alii bus bodies ar -announcing the birth of a eacriftce and a force·out gave them June 29, it was considered advise.. of Edwards Roadl. Cincinnati, were to Tber wa ' an exodus ot head II The Xenia He~ald hall the fol. be constructed entirely of steel. son, Dwight Warren, on Wednes. another in the third. These were ble to paint the tandpipe both in- guests of Mrs. ,r.;dith Harris and of departments in various divisions type of constructic'n wa fu l ~y day, June 29th. lowing story ot a former r sident 01 state last week, all treklrinl to all the earned runs of the game, side and outside. It was the opin- family on Wednesday. explained to the bond at thiS but just ee how much fun they Ion of the trustees that such 'Painthieago to atten~ the Democratic Mrs. Amanda Maffitt, who bas of Waynesvill : meeting. . had aft r that. in~ was adv.isable in order to pro- We 8 II, repair and recover I1m- The board finally dedded to In- been ill for some time is 'said to J ~ J. Downing, Xeniq., photogra· national conv ntlon. The State One was down in the fourth long he life of the standpipe and brellas, restring beads, and do rebe slightly better. S~e IS being pher, wiH show three large paint- House was closed on the F.ourth when Ramby hit, sto le second and to Insure a 8\lpply of pure water.at plating and make your . jewltlry spect various makes of bodies at cared 'for by Mrs. SUlie Evans. Ings at the World's Fail: in Chicago of July, giving hundreds of emthe factories before m.a~ing their went to third a Moon threw the all times. It waf! also the opinion over like new. Cary's Jewel~ Shop ployes II chance to visit thel., selection of the type to be purMr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke epent next year. . . ball away. Burton flied out to lett. that since funds for such are now Lebanon, Ohio. homes in various parts of the cha ed. This inspect4, o n trill is Ellis hit to onover, who foozled available it could be painted at a Lhe day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Two 01 these paintings have be n state. Many took advantare of .the Ilnd tollsed the ball to Jimmy v ry reasonable figure. Before There will be a called meeting being made by the entire board in Gause in Richmond, Ind.! Sunday. completed and occupy a command- week·end and holiday followlDC, George Srnl'th 0 n to throwaway Henderson's lOu, today. The gentlemen were school mates. ing place in the .Downing ad; gal- to arrang automobile tou.rs 01' .. , Ro y a r- contracting for this ·",.intinc the of St. Marj,'s Guild on Tuesday Aftm' making thei!: (selection, riving safelt: at 8 ond. Hough trUlltese are endeavOrmg to ascer- afternoon, uly 12 at 2 o'clock at lery. They are in brown of vary- camping parties. d d t are to be solicited for the bids b Nr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey and ing shades with plants and ftower~ · Ie th a t score d tain the best. tvne of paint to use. the' home of 'Mrs. Cadwallader. pro uce e 109 --- --.~---type selected. Present plans call th second run. Th h t""d Id d j t h t This is an important meeting and their hOUSe guests. Mr. and Mrs. in natural colors. Th ~ are paint~d FLOWER MISSION AT No w Inr the' AlehoDSo part of for the In taUation of new bodies N. A. King, of Knightstown, Ind., ' by a n~w P~OCl!fiII, designe.d to pre8y ave no eo e us w a a tull atte, n dance is desired. ,. v color should be used on the out.. 10['1 Routes 3, I) .and 6, served by W. C. T. U. MEETIN-.& the act. Weller wal ed to open the side,. but are intending . to be Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. HartSock and James Jollns, A. Hildilbrecht and visited relatives In CQlumbus, last vent the cracking of painUngs, one of the banes of tho profession. _ _ __ fifth.r.. and H. Smithson erred partly roverned in their decision Dorothy G., spent July A. B. Cleaver. As G'tl-orge Hen- Wednesday. on Mendy'll offering. Hartsock b}' the wishes of the citizens of visiting in Akron an~ derson already drives one cit the Artlsts at note have been imThe local bl'anch of the W. C. T. The Waynesvil6le Merchanb couldn't hit the ball, bll.t GOne did Waynesville. Mrs. Wm . Prendergast ac- lar~er buses, it is thought tbat softball team handed an 18 to 6 pressed by the e paintings. The U . .held its .F'lower Mission meetThe 1.'rus es 01 Public Af!'airs 'companjed them and spent lIer a light chang-e in the routes a!1d defeat to the Buckeye team, in a process stll't! iqterest and tho art ing at the home of Mrs. Came - for a single, and. l'J1lke trotted ' f ross, la t Thur day afternoon. h'~:'d ~iibJ n trdn~t 'b ~ took ac • n to ma.ke their wage week jJ,1 Northfield, Ohio gues.t of the purchase of tbree large bodies game played on the latter team's shown is of a high order. PI e . a. . ml 8~n a ou scale co form to that re~ently her aunt. One pictul'e show an out door After a gelection on the victrola, will take care of all p,upils to be groonds, Sunday. ve\'yth~nr to Burto!] a I' ounder adopted by the council. scene, 'hedged in by mountain s. Mr:;. G. . Dibet·t read the Twentybut field It clean~y, 110 . ndy and It w announced at this meetother, much largel', has been first Psalm, and lead in prayer. haT~:' board also decided to hold Miss Frances Henkle, who T~e Gon~ scored. Ellis followe Hart. Ing t t the streei comrniuionel', Mr...nd Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and the labeled "Youth's Frolic," It con· Mrs. W. H. Madden was elected public hearing of the budget holds a resp,onsible position in family of Milford, Mrs. Edith Harsock s exampl~, and Houg lIuf- sup ntendent of Water Works, , next year at the JIi~h SchOOl New York City, arrived here last tains a large amount of detlljl vice president during the bUllne. but c and treasurer have decided ris, Mrs. Laura Mosher.• Mr. Har- for :fered the fate of Ramb building, Monday evening, July Friday, to enjoy a month's vaca- work and ha some attractive fea. sessio l;l_ The following interesUDC 1'is Mosher and Mrs. Frank L. Tay· Anken~y gro,!l1ded to Cono r f~r . pon a schedule whereby local turas in light and shadow effects. program was given: the thud out. Three runs, 0 h laborers -will receive their 'Wages lor of San Francisco, were 4th of 18 at 9 o'clock. They hope to be .tion with home folks. A lifo ize figure of a girl gamReading-,."Who is 1M ProhibiJuly guests of Mr. and Mrs. r~dy to also receiv4! bids for Mrs. Emma H. McClure enter- boling and t.wo errors. Tha.t waa the ull rot; any work done up to Friday On the grcen is shown. A tion 1" Mrs . Madden: readinr, .Mra.. furnishing the new busbodiea at tained Dl'. and Mrs. W. E. Nelson Greene extent. of the WAO attack. night at twelve o'clock noon on Ronat.d Hawke. country gir.! posed for the Curtis Tomlin!lon; Yeading, "Do time. Patrons who are in. and Dr. Frank Lyons, of Cincin- pictUre, which has a delicacy for ollege Boys Drink as Much .. Two errors and a hit forced t~o Saturday. *ny work done on Circumstances aro e which made this terested in the welfue of our nati, to six o'clock dinner at the ot th~ e markere bac~ on Cu.b~ In Saturday will then be included treatment that is apl>ealing. Their Fathers?" Mrs. Frank Leit impo!l8ible for the "Sunshine echools should at least make an Little Inn, Saturday. th lxth, then fieldIng posltlone the wages dUe the follo.wlng week. Girls" of Waynesville Church of . • .lio May; l'~a~ing, "All We~" H~. H. W r changed to JDllure a proper This arrangement il for labor only Cbri.st to preBent their Ipla'Ylet, .e1fort to attend this meetin~. The Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley H. Wdhamson; readmlr, We setting ' for the Caston act in the and. any bill including material qr "Swift Feet" at Feny Church last members of the boal'd Will be y Propaganda," Mrs. Dibet;t; presenand children, of near New 13u1'seventb: ' " scrvices other_than that. whiehis Sunday, so it wu postponed until glad to see you. . ' Pl' 7. In ~ullU_-'-,-~--lington, Mrs. Ru th Fulkerson and H. Impson grounded to thud, classified as labor will not be paid July, 10, at which ti"!e it will be nnua eunlon-..u posiel' contest to Mary Eva LeMa" daughte:r, Dorothy and Misses and Gons dropped Harteock'. lood until approved by the Trustees of presented in the mornmg at Fel1'Y FltAoNK D. MARSHALL throw, Bak~T doubled, and the Public Affairs or council meeting and in the evening at Waynesville. The descendan~ M John Weller laire Dib rt and Tom Florence; CALLED B,Y DEATH Ethel Wade and Nellie Watkins 01 cor was he~. Brown batted for in regular session. Xenia were Monday ~ue!ts of Mr. held their annual reunion unday , observance df Flower Miuioa; , Bobbitt and hIt to IIhort, but Bur. • _ ...._ _ __ Wade and Viola and Mrs. Josiah .Davls. July at the borqe o'f Mr. and Mrs vocal t.rio, Doris ampbelJ; recitatiOD, ton'a throw lot past first. J. Smith. Mrs. C. S. Simpson, bel' so.n, Frank D. Marshall, aged 67 J Phllr I Lowel Thomas. in Lytle. There and Anna Ronald, And her gt:anddaughter, years, died at his hOlTle in BellMr:. and M!s. ames IPS, 0 were fifty pre ent. An ideal day "Accented Highway," Doria Wilde; son and a pitched ball collided, but Replaced Conover forced Jimmy at second, Martha Jean Simpson, of Forest, brook Wedne d!ly, JUloe 2~, fol· Detr~l1t, arrived here, Tu~s~a~ muked the occa ion. At the noon victrola mu ic. M ndy to Burton, Brown scoring. Ohio, were guests o.f Mr. and Mrlj. lowing a l~g l!lness. He IS SU!'- evemnl, to spend. the r~mal~cie hour a bountec;>us basket dinner After the meting, twenty prettI' Hagar Conover committed larceny, and J. W. Lotz, last week. Mr. and vived by hIS WIle, ~Irs. LettIe of the week With hlS u . was spread on tables On th lawn. bouquets were talcen to shut in Jean Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Long. 'The bu iness session and social invaJlds about town. Bro.Wn scored when Burton mened The Hagar Strawboard and Mrs. Camp's ofFerln". Moon out, Burton Paper Ca.rl Simpson, and Mr. and Mrs. Funeral services .~ol'e held ill. James has steady employhmenlt as time were diversious of ihe afterCo., at Cedarville ' has F loyd 'S impson, also of Forest, . to Gonll. Thrlle run" one hit, three I,Inder :consideration d the residence Fr'd lay, J u Iy 1 a nd an enO'ineer .. Datt one 't of t e arge noon. -tOWARD MANNINGTON DIE5 d h a plan to reS e:rror$,and rood-bye ball game. atock Massie'!I creek with fish · to joined t e party on un ay, an burial was in Bellbroolk cemetery. hospitals in e r.ol . Those who attended were: Mr. The sCore: Howard . D. Mannington, 6', replae those that suffered and Mra. George Weller, Mrs. Republi~an po1itician~. died at hi. WAYNESVILLE 'fication' a taw days ago when two Frapk W lieI', Mr. and Mrs. Perry hom in Columbus, m,onday, fol------Weller, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeder, - - -- - - AB It BPO A E of the company's .reservoil'8 were lowing an illness of long duration. emptJed. Whe We Come to Thlink About It! . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Watkjns, Mr. Weller, c .... :.4 1 1 7 0 0 Mr. Mannington was a native of From investigations made by Mendy, 2b ... .. 4 1 0 1 3 4) Waynesvill a son of the late Luke ~ =============::::~ and M~ C~I" ~Ile~~r nndd Troutman, of the state con· children, of \,JUn lern e; 1111'. an Hartsock as 3b I) 0 0 4 4 2 lervatiop department, and Mr. Mannington. He rece.ived bill Mrs. Oliver Sullivan, of Lima: Mr. education Gons, Sb, Ib .. 5 1 2 S 1 2 at the O. S. It S. O. and Mr!l. Harold Rogel's and Mr . .... Ramby, cf, 11' .. 4 1 1 1 1 0 Hatcla, of the ltate board 01 health at X nia. seemll attaches the v.apel' mill Gibson, of Bellbro ok, Mr. and Mrs. Home (i) Sc>Ml PEaN. CNI Burton, If, as .. 6 0 ! 1 2 1 It Taking up newspaper work he volume of Ray Miller and son, Marion, of was Ellis, Ib, cf .. 4 1 2 '7 0 1 over-estimated for Rcveral ears ubliaher of~___ _ _ __ . Spring Y a H , . . inMauie . P"~K "£T'tULOQ£ Hough, d ... ..... 8 0 1 0 0 0 awater t e e ames urg ewe, ater burst, and allowed more Wayne ville; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar - t"ilTurner. r! ", ...0 0 0 0 0 4) of cloud the rell8I'Voir water than was Hillan and two children. Mr. Earl ~oing to UI'bana where he w.. Ankeney, p .. ..4 0 0 0 3 0 8afe 'to drain Into the, Btream, Reeder and son. Jack, Mr. and Mrs editor of th Urbana Citizen. He had /Jeen acUve in Republican Will Reede\!, Mr. and Mrs. Earl politics ---~~ ~ Totals ,....... 38 6 924 14 7 for twenty.flv~ yean or Davis, Mr. and Mrs. &jph Reeder ~--more and \Va a ditec!tor of the C. E. SOCIETY PLANNED and two ~hildren, Mr. t and Mrs. ca mpaign of the late President CUBA Georg. e Middlestetter, Mr. and Mrs . SUMMER ACTIVITIES AB It, H' PO A E Brooks Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harding in 12~ Hess, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Baker, 3b .... 1.. .4 1 1 1 1 0, The C. E. Society had an averStanley Bailey and daughter, NEW PRESIDENT OF Bobbitt, rf .. . .. 4 · 0 1 0 0 0 a.e ~rowd at its minstrel , and Phyllis, Mr. and MT!I. Lowell Brown, rf ...... .. 1 1 0 0 , 0 0 80clal Friday night, July 1. Old MIAMI CEMETERY ASSIil. and ___ daughter, of Thomas J. Smithson, 8S 4 0 2 1 3 2 and )'ounr were invited and welLytle. _ __ ._ _Betty, _ Conover, 2b .... 5 1 1 1 3 1 come. The locial has At the regular meeting of the Camp, If ,,, ... .... 8 1 0 2 0 0 pl~nned Il\imerou~ other Board of Tru tees of Miami Moon, c ... ....... 5 1 0 8 0 1 for the eUnlmer. AU loun&, lle'Ollllet AUTO UPSETS IN DITCH association, held at the ~hape~ Carman, III :..,,, 6 1 S 8' 0 0 very cordially in'rited. WOMAN IS INJURED last Saturday morning, Mr. A. C. Speneet>, Ib .... 5 0 1 1.1 0 ' 0 The monthly builDeu meeting of Collett was ehotien to serve as H. Smithson, p Ii .1 S 0 8 1 tlielloclety will be held Thursday ~ OTt\EQ' eM" Of Every once in a wlJile llople pFesjdent of the board for the nirht, July 7 .on the !,awn of the Totals .. , .... .... 41 7 (2 2'7- 10 Ii Friend'ichurch. It I. ~ be an out motorist becomes neglij!;ent anel coming year. Mr. Collett replaces M ~ELE.a /t£ fails to h.eed the warning of a bad Carl Duke, whQ had been choaen . 128.66'189- of-do~rs meetilll 'With pi~ sup. curve 1'M1V at the upper intersection of to fill the vacancy when }>relident W. A. C. ...., ... 000 a8 00 00-6 per, July 12 the ..roup "Will have \ Third street .and Ft:anklin Road W. F. lark I' fused re-election u CUBA ............ .,0 11 0028 0 x-7 a taeky party at the Lynch home. that are posted along Route 73. a trustee at the recent annual No one admitted that is not in ,, The machines usually go off the meeting of the lot ownen. M.l'. costullle. Come and lee what fun Earned Runs-Cuba 2. road into the ditch or the adjoin- lark, in turn, had, fin'i shed the Lett on Bases -WAC 10; Cuba we have. We want )'OU to. ing fields, and their occupants unexpil' d term as president of the 14. ......-.--,-late S. F. Elbon. . ofte~ suff :r painful injuries. Stolen Bases-Mendy, Hamby, FLOOD MENACE TO CROPS This is not Mr. Conett's tim Last Thursday morning, . the ElliS, Conover. . . • machine in which Mr. and Mrs. experience aIW preeident ot the Sac1ifice Bit-Camp. J(nowlton all,d friend wer~ coming board, he having previouelY,served . The conijnued raina, · f lood. and Twoo"ba,\,e H;it&--WelJer, . EUis, in the oftlce. from their home in Franklin, fail· one or more terms wet weather 'a re fut becomln, Baker. ~ . . . - -...,......;-.to make the turn, and opset in . ed menace to.crop's, 10caUy. EepeciaUy INJURED IN FALL . Struck Out-by Ankeney 6; by the ditch. Mrs. Knowlton was so is this true of wheat .~d oth!lr Smlthllon 8. cu. t by broktm glaE; that severely sma\) Il'aina, mo!!t· of which are in Local relatives have .r eceived Bases on Balls-Olr Ankeney 2; the services of Dr. Mary L. Cook WOrd of the ",erious ' injury of the abock and Ihould be threshed .oft' Smith.on 2. pretty lloon. were required. The other members John Daughters, who wag blown Wild Pltch-,-Smitltson. of the party escaped Aerious injury from a high scaffold on which be The COl'll field. a 10_ the river Hit Batsmen- by Ankeney (J. --- ~. was worktng at an amusement 1'11Smithson) I by Smithson '(Hamby, bottoml are alllO comins in for their full share of trouble: about ~ort at sal,t Lake Cit)', Utah. All Hou&'h. MEETING POSTPONED the men working on the aea1fold a. fut. al o~e ftood ia drained away Umplrea--Carman and Onbo~. along cornel another, usus)), comi - - - -.f we-re thro,wn into the water. two The regular meetmg 0 eou bein'" klDed outr; ..ht, six MrioulJ' Inc !lyer Ut. week-encL '. which was to have b en " fMONDAY'S CAllE has been PQstponed u in!C,ed and tl teen othen ".... Jul), 8th. Special meeting III hU,. ~IIJrt. J;.ateet repcnq a), Now let'. teU about the Fourth ~..J _ council has been called for July Jo is unprovlnr niceI)'. of July picnlc-fllr Lebanon. Tbia f f Dau~ten" a IOn .ot • b'd started olr Ilk, • real ball pme. to conSider I s or lIut ace lateMr.Wi1lia~ !)au......... . .iJae .. Neither team could ICon in the men~ of streets and the veteran ot the fint four rounds; In taet, LebauoD budget for nllxt yen. war who was raNd .. didn't even porta -~. ~ . ~r.=:..: will bethat eatthe to aincome very mun' j~J'. a the comin« year and for him a tund. 'Will not be reeoveg. _ . __~~ ... waalDt.ia Gar present Mrrin ulea the people ........... to eontiltae - - t rnDI l.~ 1":~::tl::r'1t Bernyce, are vi iting- in Chicago.
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t. Mar.,' Church and Her .Beloved Rector, Rev. John Fallis Cadwallader'
remain d of his Thllt Call (1 !13 /aul,,' ht'gan hito Theulu~ical '"mi jI nd /oCTadulIl"d in ltHIB. It r tuHll'd IIt(. III ~l. Mary'", 1I. 1 !It!.
Pri esthtlOll. TIll! 0 ComlftGa PI... Phceeclia •• \VII held Itt Sl. ry'ti In th" 'litrord lcxlInder, John Conley Curther oJ> rationl' Wl'l'(' . u. pendA t (he I' twlu!<itln of th., ('on· IER By TnE n ell for everal montln, lie ·UUKI.' ll{ a s l'~ruti .. n ".· .. i \l and tl! 1'('):ull1l' rrc~l'lIc' of a Il1l"gl) I\ull'lbcr of llnd Ow(>n Gro II were appointed nl und 'frlend!\, and lIPllraisel' of th estate of har. hiclt f funds . Th ' nddilionnl . um Mill nlll!: Pi'll)" I'. BishCl I ,JlIg~t' COOllllluli condurled by Bishop Eo) d Ie. Flin pach, dec,eased. of GOO wa secu\' ' d. l'lluujth it un firll1\¢ t1 a Cill.: of fopr r1(.'r« ' n ~ , \\. us Allon f'. Brown, administrator Il1ccnt. tls~i~tcd by several lI uL c.I \\'a th ull'hl t o put up and t!lh::lost! .Jllhn F.uliI\ll11ud .... Waltt!r g. cll'l~ym"J1. The I\CW Priest of th' estat of Andr VI Johnson Ih building. The builder, th' laio Ull kin , ~:l hli\1 L . Ilt.'n nnd . gnc!o\ d,;ilinlr fll rmal\y in.'lulled as I' ctor ur deceased, filed his inventory. ' A. E. JeT,rltt (mat Tnul grund. E. WiU iU lll sttn (Irs . I{lltlS was ,' t. ;\[tll'y's ~l1l'ch. Madison C, Hutchinson Ir~ , Susan W. father of John O. /)l't\~right), Wright, moth I' ( About '7 o'clo k on Thuriiday f lhe tate ot ttl. L. wos in lructeu t o pl'oc!'eu with PUYll e I. The first twu 11l"mcd memo ning'. Ap1'i1 la, 1\!l22. Ih' eve cllal!ed, filed his \ =-~====~-==-=-=-========~ the erection, but \\a. to top whetl bt!l'~ Ilf tht c111 ~~ lutrr t ok I.h(· l'vc (lod }o'riday. a he waR pre. The adjudication th funds on hand w r' elCh8u~t· Holy rtlers vf I.h(' ~hurch, and of pnl'ing to IrO to hi ' church to con· tiun of the inheritance the estate of W. T.,Bell, deceased, $209j l~. U. Jones, PlIY 1'011, '.47.ed, This he tliI] when th ri~i wa . t.'rved it faithfully'tllld well. One rluct "<'1'\(kl'. thl' 1II 11l, tel' whisper. (' tate ot Atta L. urry, deCe'18&d,1 filed his first and final aCCOllnt. 75: E. I). Jone~, pny roll, $112: !\t. r aeh d. until window cllsinlC~ he r tir d from rtive ervice 'to NI, "1I i~ flou!!l\. om up hill:her,' i t b Il'iv n to aU person The schedule of debts of Em r· C, Fl,lI'lllan, pny roll, $1'70: • T. . . were secured in talled anti boarded his home in the 'unny ~ollth while a nd J ohn Cndwn llad,~r qui tl y 1" tel' sted. on 1\1a on. eXecutor of Btat 01' 'j{ ttig, pily Toll, $21!1; . g . Brod· all to b w 11 IlIgn In . p r:ab1e. One up, and temporary door werl! th Ilthel' rest · from hi- hibuT in th burllcll and t' illrnl'd to The IIdjl.tdication and determ Mellvina Mason, deceased, was ap· bUIY, pay roll. $268.76: Joe W, eannot be l' membered WIthout the hung. Th work of I'lastl;'ri ng was l'lll'adi s(', yet hi~ I:£>ntle spit'it lin· URwn his Fnth£>l'. The mortal remains ti on uf the inheritance lax on proved by the COUl·t, DlIVis, pny roll, $200 ; Floyd L m· other.. ,begun. in the flll\ of 1 "i , and Ull gel'" with u. : hi /< kind!r allot! calls wer(' The schedule 01 debts of Mllry mons, "ay 1'011. $18G.50; John Inkl'll to the ('hUl'ch he loy d e tate of Margaret F;. Gall Th /\ I'$t rVI ,of th protest- Easter Sunday 1 76 tht! ..-hllrch U~ to worship lind tn prayer, und .0 . Ionday morning, ' pdl dlle ased, i to be given to all . Cross I exe utrbc of eslate ot Iycrs, pay. roll, $106.13; Philip ant Epi opal Church in our com· W&8 first ' open d fOt 'unday Ul'ge_ u. t o striVl' fol' the high'l', 1'7,ueurly, and lay in . tat~. lovingly sun intel' sted. Robert • ro ,dec as d. \ 8s ap· Heisel, pay roll, 63 .35; £. W. nobl r things in life. School. watched by his Wurden ,William The estate ot Jo eph McCau ~roved by court. KOllPP , operating maintniner, $39; FIte n on, ee ra ted Men of The Rev. Jr. H 1m wa uc· n. Allen and John H . 0le1l1an, d~eease d. is ex mpt from Tn schedule 01 d bt of Ame Leslie hultz, I) rating mnlntain. oded a. r ctor by th Rev. H. God hll\'e mi ni.·tllreLi to t he spirit- nnd member · of the flock tance tax. E. Thompson, executor of state er, $39; . M. harHon,opcTllting C. H. Dudley; thcn followed the uill ne d. 01 the narish M Rector until other Bi hop Theoilore 1. James E. BUrke', administrator of John S. Thom8on, deceased wllS maintainer',. 39: l"1'I1!1k Wilso n, Rev. Richard Wainwrjght. 1:hel1 of 'to Mary's yet the lUnge t pel'- Ree~e,!! o'clock. then Hi hop oadj lltor of of the estate of Samuel P. White- approved by court. I'm eCI~a. '\Ie, $52 j Edl)O T ny, ml\in· the service of Jr. ha . E. M(w· iod of IfI ienl, l!elf·forgetli ng . 1'DiOcese of outhern OhiQ, con· nlltk,· deceased, filed his inventory. tenancu engineer, $78; H()wllrd T. ritt wer broulthl int(l r ()uisition, vic W8. )'endeJ'ed by the lale RelT. th' ducted the be~\utir111 'simple and Anne K A'tlesey has Marri ••• L,e.n... ook, gt'avel, 5G6: Blair & L • and his aPPI'i ntm I'\l by Bishop John Fallis IIdwalluder, that well inlJ)re;,sive fUllel'al il(>l'vi e of th h r norml\l mental condition. Robert K. Crane. Horist, of Lob. Rov,' chips and gravel, ,16.88, B dell as lay r del' furllished reg· belo cd notiva . on . wh08 name hureh, with tht' a,si tanQI! f sh.. hilS be n fully restored to rea. anon, and Mi Roberta E. Crone ZAfn Armitage , gray I, $208; J. ular 8cr\fice ea h ' unday after· ho ,' stQod a/ol 11 local ~ynon ym for visiting clergY1ll n, lind tho reo Hon and is now capable of taking of Lebanon. K. .. p neer, gl'av!!1 and sand, noon during the ummer of 18 74 . udllnes' for ~o many yeaI'll. ~fylin Hatfteld Ro s, teacher of 14 ,75; GeOI'ge Ilmp. dirt, ~(j3.Mr, atlwallad r was born on mains were tenderly bOI'ne to care elf her If and of her property (Thi wa bt.'fore the indows The will of Harriet, C, Spauld. Lebanon. and Mis Marjorie 80; Morrow Garage, gas, $7!J.72: were all in or any pIa t(>ring wa a ell nn neur urwin. Tovember 27 tillmi cemetel'Y. there to u\yait ing, deceased, was admitted to Evelyn Bangham, t~acher of Leb. East I~nd Gatag, r<'pair and begun, and while the congrega· 1 67. lie was b reft of a mDther·. the tlnnl transition. 't. fary' enjoyed a probate. George P. Gates anon. $64.16 j hell Petroleum Corp. tions sat on bOllrd and co t·oft te nd 'I' core rat.hel" eady in life. in number. appointed executor, no bond Te. George Sapostian Hahn. office $1.55; Central Garage, tM chool benches.) Mr. Met'ritt's reo His first venture in thc busine@iI healthy growth : John Thoma. ervices Stumoval from Waynes "ille I it the worlt! \\11 . In lhe dl'Y goods busi· 8pirit uality nnd u dlllne to the quired. Jo. iah Cafl'erty, H. S. Con- elel'k of Cincinnati and Mis AIL gil., $104.03; Wayne ville parish without stltted service unW ne ' , in whi ch he was a ocillted C'ommunity <l,urin:g Ir. Cadwal. over and . E. Moore are appoint. nlB Florence Hel inger, factory worker of Lebanon. Station, ga~ $40.6'3 j FeJd· th appointment f Rev. John with the I te J. Etlwi!) Janney Bnd lad r'. IJa torate. arId his. pa sing ed apprai ers. A certified copy of the entry, de. REAL ESTATE TRANS 6 kamp and Michael Garage ga8 the lat • Ilmuel Everly. theil' fumiRhed rl! newed , incenlive to El¥ to this mi ion. New York Lite 'I nsurance Com· ;'7 .4 ; ~'r8nk Sh !'wood 0., BUp· Dudng the first si x ye r fol. tor .. b in~ located on the sit!' n w each cOmmuni<.'lInt OJt the parish to termining the inheritane tax on lowing the IIr t use of the church, oc 'upilld by th Kroge r grocery. carry' forward the Igood work AO the estate of Margaret E. Gallaher pany to Claude W, Rue. 249 acres plies and gl\S, $30.36 j Orl'gonia . Bridge a. , repair wOl'k, $52: Bay for Sunday 8ch 01 an'd ervice, it He lat~I' went to Xenia, where h nobly begun. Right well bas this deceased. i~ to be certified without in Washinl1ton townshjp. Union Joant Stock Land Bonk of ity hovel, lne ., shov I repairs, mpl yed In the Hutchjnson been don , u,n der the able leader. delay, remained unfinished. but in the wa The , case of Robert Henderson Detroit to L),IJia Whitt. 138,73 $11.65j Flock Equipml)l1t Co., l!Up. early spring of 1881 the la t & Gibney dry Roods tore, and ship of the pre ent r'ector, the ,Rev. versus Laura E. Bidwell wa dis. aores in Washinrton township. pHe, 2.25: Maineville .Gnrllge, windows were put in place, thl! spent 80 m tim in Gloucester. Juh" Jacob chaelf.~r. WilbW J, l<~razee to The Muiual labor, $1; Mt·fl. H. ,. Snllth, sup· oming to St. MillY'S as a Lay mi sed without record. ayne ville in roueh board removed from th m, Mo .. , returning to Reader 'oOn after hils pr d cessor' In the case of Weste1'11 Indus- Building "Loan ompany, Inlot plies, 6c; forrow Hardw aTe and the house wo declared fini h. 1 9. orporation versus an No. 806 in Franklin. Store, !\uppli s. $3.70: Morrow Tin Late in lhp fall of 1 92, he was passing, f ro chaeft'el"s wa seem. tTies ed. free from 1111 debt or othe1' Joira ....Hb Cadwallader J ohn R. Allen to W. M, and hop, . uppli s, 5c; W. A. Lutz, obligation . On April 4!I, 1 81, it ordained a deacon of the Prot g. ingly anything but an easy task l Horne Tube Co., et aI., the Oinclli. consecrated to the worship tant Episcol'al hurch, the ordina· but God . em s to hav ordaine(l nati Northern Railroad Company, Nannie Reeves. 45 acres in rel1 air s, 1.50; John Guncker, reo munit.)' was conducted In the the wa~ Clearcreek townllhip. pairs. $ .76; Tom Walker, labor, tion ervice being held at College the II Icction. A man better quali. ill mnde party defendant. old Hay's hall, on fine Sunday and ervice 01· Alanilrhty God by fi d, llnd in maoy way more liKe RichaTd Kai er was found guilty Sarah A, Shannon 21.60; . Donald DilntuRh, Tent. mornine in April t _1869, the Rev. hi 101·(>.I'unner, · !icarcely could of selling intollieating liquor and harts. 164.025 ¥cre 120: Blind ReB f, quart r ndinll W. T. Helm, of Nasn'vill , Tenn" have been found. Realizinjt the fined $250 and costs. township. JunE' 30, 32, $1029.91; Pl'nn oftlclatinc. At that time, th re W~tI honor and re~ponllibility of hi ' Walter Haines was found guilty Sanh A. ~non Marlon, ~crvi('t! , $70 i Jamel! Fol· but one acknowledred commumpositionl he \Va~ olrdained to the of the indictment flIed againK Sharts. rnlot Nos. I n, lI'I'vi es, $iii. cant (the late Drew S~eet) in tbe Diac onate by Bi hpp Reese in a him. entence was suspended. for 2968 in Lovela • - ....-..-- -villale, Ilnd /me (the late Ma. sp cial s(1rviee held at ,t. Mary'~ a period or one ~ear, on good be.. Fred . R ichards and Kate RichThomas I, Brown) four mile. in December 4, 1022. On December havior:. ards to Elizabeth J. llickl!. Real 'the country. E-ven thi! beginning 28, 1924. he wa ol'dained to the --~ estate in Wayne township._ TRY lIad not been achieved until .. e.orPl'iesthood by Bi hop Re e in 'a New Suin M lvin Cumming· to Bertha OUR CLASSIFIED COLt,JMNS reBPondence extending over a year !'el'vicf' held at- Chri t Church in ' The American Loan and Realty Selby. lnlota Nos. a3l and 334. in or two had been ~ondueted beFOR RESULt'S Dayton. ompany versus Thomas . Cbria- Franklin: tween tbe venerable Biahop Mac Today. the ro tell' of th pari h lie and Grace G. Christie lor Le will Trickey anil A, lice J, llvaine and the iJtBtiptora of the numb 1'8 close to Ol1e hundred. As money. Trickey to Amos ~, Thomso". movement, and finally endln, in in the earlier days the unday Jo ephine. Cline ver U8 Winston 94.50 acres in MaBsie township. 'Biahop Bedell's aeeurin. the serschool .wa~ one of the ' most im. Cline 191' divorce. Charges are Frank E. Crosier to Anni e M. 'Vices of Mr. Helma. FOR SALE DATES CALL p()rtant adjunct!! of the hureh, 80 gross ne~lect and extreme cruelty CroBi r. Inlots No . 60 and 61 in The building, in which Hay'll today the Church school is one of Th Miami Valley ,Buildin, a ocJ LEe~ael~eOtnt' Mt' ller, farm~l' 0' Frankball wall located, still stande, s A".. Loan Association venus Cec·i l lin, and vis8 MaUlda... Whiteman, , <tbou«h it haa sinee bee nmoved •~t mn , " t I'mportant' bfl'Bnch ... ave ..age aUendanc of 25 to js FI tl;.he, and Zack Fletchcl' for .:~ around with a le/i8e.r frontale on maintaj n d tlfrou~hout the year. fOI' c1ol!ure, equitable relief and ot: FrankHll' _ __ _ lIabi atrect. It il! the buUdin, receatl, vaC'aled by LovelY'1 recreaActive and etrective bunche of nloYley. ,. Real !Atat. Tran.f.rl the Woman's ,Auxilia,y and t h The Miami Valley Building and tion parlor. . • Guild ore also mailatain d. W. H. Loan Association versus Zack William B. Fortlnge to Kale Servicl!JI 'Were held in Hay's hall Allen is ~he enior Warden. and Flether for foreelosure, quitable Fortlage. Real esj.ate of Deel'· for a numbel' of months until IESSE 5TANLEY J". B. Hend er. on is the Junior relief and lJIoney. fteld townmi(J. ~cbUlel . Pugh, a broad·mlnded. Warden. The Ve. trymen are O. J, The Miami Valley Building and Alexander Johnson. by Ildminis- .lto•• 320. N.w a"rUa.tGa, ow. liberal.hearted Friend, fttted up a Edwards, W. . Graham, E. L. Loan A oeiation 'V r Uti ZItek trator of .lohn H. and lara E. room on lower Main etl'eet with Thoma , ~. . GOI'don and D. L. Fletcber and Cecil Fletcher for Treon. Relll e tate in Clearcreek seats and a atove, &nd ,ave it, EARL KOOGLER Crane. • fol' closure, equitable relief and township. . free of rent, tor worship and SunD.,tOA Pho_ Recent y, extel1lSI improve· money. William RomolJr to Ralph Romday SehooL In the meantime • .the ments to the h urch e iflce ' ohr. 60 ~ _cres in Harlan town· encouraeement wbich the infant . KE.more 8988 +"'>a:;.UJo,....."'¥l~......~.I~ co t not to PrObate Court Pr'DCI~~l!.._.,J.!~~=--r'=r.:'>. ehu1'Cb received wal such u to xc tid ,600. The Vestry room E . C... H amI'It on~. C g. and A1mu .timu.late its activity.t and in the J D' Estep B to has been enlarged 8Jld Tefinished; and Thomas J. t'arker werjt ames and · ora ornearly summer fJl 18'/0 a lot WIUI the entire exteriolr has been re- pointed appraisers of property ard. I"lot No, 411i in Franklin. bouCht, on the south-welt comer of Third and Miami Itreeta, of lat.rior of St. M....y·. Church covered with spe(:ially prepared assets of Cecil Fletcher. ROB!! 0. Lewi.s a'hd Viola. Lewi II. Sarah W, Smith, for which Jaftger, assisted by several Bm, Cincinnati, in charge of estate in the lIum of $300.00 was paid. C. Lewi and Viola Lewis Ground was brooleen ' fol' the VISltIDg (ergymen and the 10Clll Bishop incent, Bi!lhop of the Dio· a beautiful stone building, and ppinted apprai eTS of property and rfIodem plumbing bas been in- al! eta of Zack Fletcher. to Nettie Hunt. Real e tat foundation of the new church rector, Rev. Charle H. Hayden. ce e of South Tn Ohio. On January 10, 1893. he was stalled. A handsome, sweet·toned Mary Doe (name and reBid nee Hamilton township. edike, and The Rev. Mr. Helm. The deed of transfer, which had Robert Sie~fried to Paul Oar· lald the corner stone, All8 ult " been previou ly . dl'awn up, wa united in the bond of Holy Matri- bru!! bell, tbe gf1t. of the Dioceee unknown) was found insane and is 18'70J in the preaellce of a hand(ui signed by the trustee. 1. H. mony to Mis_ Anna Lile, his be. of outhern Ohio in memory of to be admitted to the Dayton nor. Inlots Nos. 443 and 444 III Franklin. of laitbful communicant.. The }furis, Jame 4. Kearney, Cordon loved and devoted comllanion and ~ev. Carwallader, has been hung tate Hospital. foundation was completed and J. Wright and 1. Drew Sweet. w(lTthy helpmat throughout the III the belfry. . I Stanley West, executor of ' _____. - -- _~ __ _=-:.:-..::-_~~= tate of Emma J. West, deceased, Bill. AUowtld flied hill inventory. J K . $1 OUT J, W,' Coddard, adMiniatrator of M.Ill'ietn. services, $10: Julia . One he; himeelt, delllhted to one day, by. a . man whose .face B.rown quietly enjoyed his host's worthy successor. Mr. Cast'8 . . . Hc.JI.tn~1. services, flO; Oma Knox, tell: He had been !employed to keep seemed familiar, but whose Iden- dIscomfort f OI' a few moments training began in November 1903 I h' Inf clbolSlOg, the wnter ~el!,r~tI in '19; Erma Hibnar, serv. Ipel:ial watch for .. few nla-btl tit)' he could not determine, and then laughingly I"emal'ked "Yo~ and continued unl/il the de'ath IS . ee e way to pay hili tnhute Ieee,' : Albert ·Millard, 8ervices over the a-rave of a body that had seeking a way out of his dilel'nma. might a s w II admit that -¥du don't his predecessor. H(~ and his family Jes~icJ to the mem of Rev. '10; Riehard L. Williams, services I been broucht bere from Cincinnati be inquired by which road the know me. I am Seth Brown of first ret!itl~d 'n th,e tenant house tha wah ah er. Staunch $10; OftIce Outfttte", supplies, for burial. A. th'e weather wall stranrer had come .nd was in- Lebanon." ' which stood in the eastern part of oug e wa , e~er al.ert SOc: Lebanon PatriOt, advertising , quite warm and dry, be placed a formed that he had come by the If any on~ aot of Mr. Shidaker the grounds, along the Harveys- advancement of ~ltI bebef, it was financial 'lItatlament. '242.56; .cot near the erave, clole to the u8ual road .from Lebanon. Not ,so more than the Test wa fraught burg pike and whioh was destroy. ~~ : ~~rsonal lrle,!d and brother Western Star advertising financial Ba~e)'.b~rc pi.ke, .nd, arrayed good! He next inqu!red how the with benefit to the 'ce . ed l'~ a f~w tears a o. Th.,tly a ,\e commuDlty knew and f>tatement.t, ,U2.ft6; Famolls Auto 'tL~' entirely m whIte, Jay !down to gentleman spelled hIS name, and to the community at large it wss removed their home to t e super. loved him best. Ne.er was he too Supply uo.. Tadio service for 0 0 IlU ~~ p keep hil vieil., All went weUuntil was informed, "B-r.o-w-n." . Mr. hi elt:ctiQn and training' of his intendent's residence on Chrilitmas busy Ito htehl td~etrneedYd' cheer and Illerifl', II; G. F. Lampkins. radio .tDe wee Ima' hou1'/I of the mornDay 1909 con p e e . 18 ell8(! , or . service call, ,3; Johnson "WatWheJl your blhy f~, ~ ud . g,. when he was aroused by a T~mper~mentall:Y, Mr. Cast i8 ~h~e ~wanisesrelsng sou l to son Co., supplies, $1.20; Stakalta IeImI Wllhl. to lleep ,..Uu1Iy. 'looIJ paul!''' vehicle. He arole to .... in sO,m e way& the ' direct opposite t g.:r , d sed ofI abn Mfg. Co., supplieft, $,2 6.60: Ohio for ODe common cauae, dodon uY. ce~tain the ca,utle of the commotion of hi mentor Qui,et and reserved ongue an unu!'ua a . a8 a Law Reporter Co., 8ubc. Ohio Law Coutip.tiOIa, To ret rid ~ukldy ot and beld up tii. hind, aakinl the almo t to tl\e pOil~t of reticence' ]Yt'eacher, he reeetved 'many calls to Bulletin, $6: West.e rn Stu, cnvel the ac.cumulated WIIIt. wliicb caQil party to st~l' Several member~ of where · Mr. Shidaker was inclined ~~l~:rof ~~~vic~~!ilfemhr~rative opes, ·,14; William. G. Shotwell, nfIIUlNIlell ad 'di&omlorti:.Af)ve • "brace, 5&1 to bed su peratiho u8 toward 10quaciQunnes, no man declined he tbt of • out a ,rave-),ar after night, could possibly be more '1 riendly, had call d h' t l b ' h' i Childre • celie AA..aA 7"'" were rt:turning to their homes, kind~y and obliginl(in his dealings e' t Im 0 a or ID 181)at ve $27; Robert hotwell, labor; , Oa~l' ate 0 _ . t it a PVl . g lOme five miles east of there from with the public H4' 'is blessed with communi y. IS most efl'ectlve ser· Sam Jackson, labor. 123.40; v..... e pnparatioD; eonIow .. th 'kl dl ' - . mons were preached by his daUy liam Shotwell servI'ceB -2' W C It8ith fIrutii. no ntu'ClOliCI. It. IA II ... . t Id a dance. mIl a nl e n Y a wonderfully retentlve memory, life and actions rather tb . b " ... , ' . mild aDd -nUll v.... caD Jive UUto • Ruton for It ~upernatu.ral bein~, rarely being forced to consult his word at mouth His an cy Gilmour inquest ,7.90j ·Howard T. JOUDIIDf:.ttohUevecolic. Yetit. ... tbey lashed theIr bones mto a cal. records when asked . to locate Il radiated good' h Cook, gravel and sand, $178.50' - elhctive for older c:hiIdrea. lop, and, ~llln~ wildly to the Lord grave, and never, if that grave and Godlinesa Trui~"t'he Oreronia Bridge Co" 2nd ~. ~ative help will bPi .... r.for mercr' went away ,from there lIa!> been made since his connectiOil obeyed the M' t Y: . , t' 8na est. contract. No. 1008, comtort ad rwUuI _ ... a~ rapid y as pO~8ible~ '::,nd if with the cemetery began. "'fhou shalt lov:stl~: to~~J:~; ~J ::~~lirnmf~rle~o:r~a!' ~o.H ~ ))My. ReeD a bottle bUd. t ~y axe not runDln" yet, Uncle Both men were wholly devoted WIth all thy heart and with 11 117940 J W 1 ~e'r!n ..n,t."' ~. . c.t.la IlWQI ... till B~"t!used to I18Y, • it it I>ecaule to the weJ~are of Ilheir eharge, and thy soul and with ~11 thy streng~h 80.; ' o;e~o~i.a i!rl~~n:l Co.,· . . . .1 tell' horse.s. have ~ropped dead much of it~ pres,ent beauty and and wit'h all ' thy mind' a d th 205 '76 E ~ from e.xhau hon/' , . grande,ur is d!rec'tl du~ to th.eir neiglibor as thyself!' 'Hen , . , . ; . . Brad ury, pay , ~?~;. A~other of bls storIeS, ...al told care and devotion. Our IllustratIon :f ronl his labor!, yet hie U72:5b..~i ~~k~~~Uyle.r~ofl~y' • at hlds own ex.pense. He was pOI· shows M'r. Shidak4!r seated in the spirit and works ..till live BI' & L , lIItIa8e of a remarkab1e ~ood me!"_ I .: superintendent's o·ffice. An unex- will continue to live as ]oh aa aII'I ory fllor fiaces, ~ut onee in a while ' Robert Shjdaker peeted delay prevents our printing time hall last for the comm:nity f{~d:~ ~: ~teet~~13~lu(]elre.1l'0:ni'" . ' reco ect on tailed him, Accolted~ SUl1erintendent' 1888 to 1909 Mr. Casts' picture this week .•. _ that knew and loved him 110 'Well, ,$ 81.61: V. W, Tompkins, pay
Sta~ley &Koogler
b~:J~if~lgi~to~:hEtba~fdi~':.ncea:~ an~' ¥h~:~ilj~np~;~; ~:;~h~o:
Elve~ ~~r:;:~ip,Real
• C.
.Mi . lam , leme.t erv, ,f ~t ,B eautIful, City l4'here
Loved One.s Rest
~~a~18ell. K~m,e:;vi~~~~I$i.8;'Mr~.
F RET F U L RES T L E 5 5 .,
Lo Ie ,
becau8~ °fe~
wG!d l~e::;,ce$si7.t~Os';JCl~j!~8esoRan,ncocll, ~~o.r. ~to~~.n'y~
" -a..... . 3R 0/; .C A S TOR I A,
Farm' Loans OR SBOaT TIIO . . . Itrlaetlq.
At.o 8aneJIM ... A~ .Wrlte aDd I wtI . .
Ba. D. B...... W.,. III
FOR UfIT FOR RENT--8 room modern house, '2&. OlanDCe Rye. Waynel'lllle, R. 4. tf
The Old HOFine.~~!~_
MI·I!. Ernest Collier lIuft'e1'ecl a severe heart attack Sunday mumIng but III reported almo L re('.8ver. I ed. . D. L. CRANE I I Sublui.U.. Prlc., '1 .10 a Y••r B, Mrs. j ••li. B• Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur otic. PIa_. ... . .... ........ No. I1Z l!:n~ r~d at POctottle at W.ylle8 HaWke, .a 9 ~ pound 80n. Are you feeling 'blue and di!\'-"-.. JlIO!, Ohio ... I HecQnCl Cia .. »al1 R.._ c . ....................... " .. 0. III Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hocke\t and )lalter couraged. n ow-a-daYi\? D oe. the w crhl 8eem dark' an.1 gloomy? Our old house stand at the top Miss Ruth were guests Sunday of Mrs. Sadi.e Reason. Cheer up! bettel' days are comi oC the hill , JULY 6, 1932 and t he Jlresent lIitu ati on is The Friends Sunday Schoo l enNear by it the brook doe bubble without. its bles ings iI we juyed a picni at Ft. Ancient Friand tIpill. look for them . It's sparkling liquid, like crystal doy.( There were about lIeve nty The ut hel' day, present. glass, handed u. a And one get the cent of mint, as Mrs. Wm. Martin su1f re~ n pal' Two 811nitls are engaged in the war on fire. OI!~ 'c onlilh cd those Im~~~~~I~n,~~~~r'ivlhA,m+--~Arr~ alytie all'o ke Sllnday morning. who ar wOI'king in the in urance bUsines t.o prev(,lnt fir ~h other nder. the - Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Moore and of those employed in Ijre departm(>nts and manufactute of high-g~at.le, e Depression." Wind ripples the .g rass like an family sp nt the week-end out 01 s tandaruized fil' apparatus, t o clCtingu ish /i'I'es once slal'te«j. pap 'r had copied from "The emel'ald sea. town. Both are vitlllly es. entia!. Th first al'my instructs us In the oom- Bu zz Sal," a bit of Henry And wild birds sing in the old ap· Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GTay and mon lire hazard found in every h ome and building alld how to elimin- AMI Y'tI philosophy> tilat eb,'uck us tree: . ate them in the n eeds lor Carefu lness t hought and xerclses of common i:I forcibly that ware passing it As pIe ohildren we lJlayed all el Vel' the Rob ert and Mrs. J. C. Gl'ay dpent Friday with Mr. and Mr . Isaac n e. Th s cond army puts the fire out after it has 8tar~ed and pre- on to the readers of The Miami hill ents potentia l co ntla~ration il'om occurring- In short, Its work be- Gazette for the good it may ac- And at eve, heard the call of the Cobb, near Lebanon. gi ns when some no ha!! failed to tH ke advantage 01 the knowledge and complish. Ralph Brooks did the first wheat W hippOOl'Will. upportunity offel'ad by t he fir t al·my. . thl'e!hing in this community Sat.. [ like the depression. No more It 'is ·wortb remlU'king that there are now a tbousanp tImes as prosl? rity for In ." There the shadows fell 80 brave urday. Th work was done on t he many ,fire hazards aa th I' wer t w n~y year ago.. .Progress ~a8 been C. ' G. Randall ·( al·m whieh is "I have had more fun ince t h and bold mad , however, both in building ag.nnst fire and In developmg fire- depressi on tarted than T ever had Through the forest tree 80 big operated by ira Syferd. Both yield fighti ng a'PpuJ·atus. The fire engines produced by the manufactul'ers o.! in my life; 1 had fOI'gotten how to and quality are r ported below and old; standard pro du ts are cUllable o~ operating ~?ur aft~3l' hou r at maxI· liv e, and what. it meant to have Apd we often ran races with the average. mum capacity, undol' the most dIfficult condItIOns, WIthout losi ng effi- real friends, what it was like to stream The "Lucky IS" club met at· the ellt common everyday food. Fact And when night came w,e would Osborn home Tuesday evening. J o· 1 Ii h' h I h ciency. 1t'0i' every 1 ~ I'g fire, til r ar thousands of. s,!,al re8 w I~ mg t i , J wa ll . getting just a little high often dream seph OsboTn reported on "Feeding hnve been t:xtremely di!Ul!jtrou8 had not fire-resIstive co~struct~on been hat. . . Baby 'Beeves," and William Camp· a u cd or had tho HI' epgines com late, or ~a~ they faIled. !lrst..(!lass "Three yearll ago, on ly one man ' Of the little birds which fell from bell on "The Care of Baby Chicks.' lire-fighting apparatus, like fi rs\' cla.ss. bUlldmg constructIon. saves of the New s-Globe organizatio n Member were appointed to make the ncst, . thousands of lives and hundreds of mIllions of dollars of property an- could be out of town at II. time and And how soft they felt agalnst reports at the next meeting. Dur· nually. The two armies aT doi ng a magnificent work. ing the recreation hour they enhe had to leave at the last minute our bre~st;. . and get back as SOon as possible. And rtI cllmbmg the biggest, tall- joyed a game of ball. Adjourned meet with Ruth Cleaver .Tuly 12 Man y time I have driven a hunest trees, . . dred miles to a banQ.uet, sat And of chaslng the gold-banded T om Welch has returned to his through three hOUl'S of bunkin bumble bees. work in Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Hi order to make a fi ve-minute ~ peech . . . 1amiIy remained IQr a longer and then drive the hundred miles Our chll.d hood home at the top ot visit with his parents, Mr. and back so as to be ready 10r w ork the h~ll. ' . Mrs. W. W. Welch. th e nex t morning. Is standl~g there yet, but 80 qUIet n. o. s. u.•••1. StatioD-WEAO Alice and Kathleen Gray spent . "Nowdays, as mAny NewR-Globe and .stlll; (D. S. l\fyer, District Supervisor, Pre idiJig) day lind . Wednesday with emp loyees as are in sight- aT\! in. Th re. 1s no more the soumt of pat- Tues Dena Davis, neal' Waynellville. 8:00 Music . 'vi tad to make the trip- and we termg 'feet . . Mr.·and Mrs. M. Brien of Day8 :10 The Burd n (If Farm Taxation . .. ..................... H. R. ~oor stay as long as we want to. Th.e Or the la~ghter of chIldren, whIch ton, called at the home of Mr. and 8 '26 The Cost of Rural Governm nt ........ " ..... " . .... R. C. AtkIn on whole outfit could leave the office was so sweet. . . Ohio lnlltitute Mrs. J . C. Gray unday evening. now and it wouldn't mak any .. ................... E . B. Tu sing dift'erence :40 Potato d Plots Now I stand and lean against a The first of a series of teas to . ............ ...... .. ..... Thelma Beall 8 :65 Every Day EI ctrieity tree, be given by the ladies of the Civie ...... ... .... . Dean Brown . "I like the depres ion. I have And think 01 the times that used League was enjoyed Thursday 9:10 Ohio at th National 'l·ll amp . Fail'field ounty time to visit my fTiends, to make to be; afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. . .... . ....... .... . G. H. Pierce new ones. Two year ago, when J And the homemade boats that we G. Randall, with Mrs. Randall a nd cab .. ................ ..... . :2(j. Sheep lilte V terinarian went to neighboring towns, 1 aldl\ughter and Mrs. W. T. Jordan used to sail, . ...... Virgil Argo way stayed at the hotel. Now. I When we fancied each br l~eze was acting as hostes8es. The dter. 9 :40 Harv sti ng th Honey Crop ·t ............ .. , ... go h me with my good friends, a howling gale. noon was spent in piecing quilt 9 :60 Musi stay all night and enjoy good 'home . " -H WEAO HALF HOUR cooking, have even sp nt the Now, alone on the hill dl) I walk blocks which will later be joined and the quilt sol d ,tor the benefit I Saturday, Jul)'! 9 , 8:00 p . m. week-end with some ()~ the boys and dream. oft h e Civic Le a g u e . The Ia die 8 en· I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I Musical Interlud s by 4.-}J Quartette who have been kind enough .to in- And gather the mint. at Ilhe edge Joyed several piano selectione I: ............. Hnllie unningham vite me. 4-11 . ampi ng . of t he stream. • given by Mrs. H . J . Carr and '8 Delaware County "It's great to drop into a sto re And see the grass wave like an vocal 8010 by Mrs. H. S. Tucker. H.umming Birds .. ... .. .. . .,. .. ...... ............ H. ·E. Eswine and fe il that you can spend an emerald sea. ....... From Dairy alf to Dairy Herd .. , .... ............. ............. Dalliel Scholl hour QT two or three or 8 half It is all there yet, but not t he Llckln County day ju ·t visiting and riot feel that same to me. Director of Funeral S...... ic; =:;==============-""'Q you 11.1' wast ing valuable time. c:::: "I like the depression. Miss Mildred Robison who has "I am getting acquainted with would alr~ady be In her bed, and been spending her vacation at her Our cOnv4)nie~t location, au itamy neighbol·s. In the last six I would crawl into mine. It she home here hils returned to her ble surroundings and el)uipment • nl~d PI' p'fili. will 11(' r",,' " ' ed T have become ac'q uainted came in last, it was vice ,rerS&. months work in Dayton. . \) '1.1.... ~ 1If\<! 1l <>( the V11111,1\' or enables us to Serve to the Best with folks who have been living Mr. and Mr . Albert Mart in Jr. \\rfi),I\"~VII I I Ih e orele ot the "We like the deprellsion. We for three years. J nllxt door to me Advantage. II III ' 1l'rk III til tuWntOlllp h OIl. have moved to the Seller's propcome oft' our pedestall and are have tl nUt l~ : U() 1I00n Jul >, 15, !U2 tor am following the Biblical admoni- really living at my house 110W. The ' erty. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN f'II" (' e It "lIIIK c rtQ,ln slrre t a In lion, 'Lo\le your neighbors.' Otle twin beds are stored in the garage Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shanks Jr., "'10)' 1\ "Yll l 1\8 P I' Ill e 8peol rl ea . AMBULANCE SERVICE Cattle, hOll, .he.p aDd . . . . . of my neighborg has One ,of t he and th old family aft'air ill being and family are moving to th ir Ii ,iB f r P;'MIOiMI I '!'lo. I and II!",?Norria-Brock Co., ltv. win . . l}o'I,1 No. 2 n fli p til til ' I rk ~ Six-wa)' Circuit LlnIts OJliees best looking wive" t have ever property here. They have been lou ' ed. We are enjoying ]ife, Instead PIaooa. 29 Wayne.Tille, Ohio progressive llnn for the Ils.ta... oMI t • III Vlllagt'. een. he is a dandy. 1 am getting of taking a hot water bottle to bed cated in Harveysburg for severa l , market price. and wood Mm... Pal h bId nnl t ·\) I\ceompa nl d by la .F our States acquainted with my neighb ors and lhesEI cold . nights, she sticks her months, conducting 8 lover Farm a. 'bonu In til slim ()'fUO().OO or tI. - - - - - - - - - - - - , Union Stock Y. . .• ChlCla_tJ. •' rllCI"d '11 ('k n a. I DI tmnk I n to love them. Tune In on Radio Station WCKY heels in my back just Iik.l she did Store. Succealful co.mpletion of a 40- leaI l'ning til • ItLlt' or 1110 to I' 11 11k a.mount. Three years ago, I ordere.d my be Core Hoover was elected . The W. F . M. S. met in the 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for Gar daU,. •/lYI\III 10 lh 01'11 r (Ill Vi ll ng" minute sales conference by lonlr u " or IIl\.ld vmag. a~ 1\ diatance telephone between CXKU- clothing from a merchant tailormarket reports. " 1 haven't been ollt on a party home of. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Blai r, u ra.nle til l Ir Bold l} rOpOBnl8 two or three suits at a time. All in eighteen month . 1 havl! lost my Wednesday, p. m. of Last week. f "'lel'pt II. onll'i!C I wJII IJ I1n- tlvea in six widely-separated citiell clothes were good ones. I wa. book of telephone numbers. My The Ladi ' s Aid met in the M. E. l II Int" 11.111,\ lh~p r(orm nce I • in Ohio, Mlch!,.an, IlIinolll and my alwAys dressed up. But now, I wife has dropped All the d ubs. I church parlors Thursday a1ternoon &1\11)/ j),88U' II. Hid "hnll h made I III all n lump Pennllylvania recently emphasized haven't bought a suit in two years, beli ve we aTe f alling in love aU The Ladies Aid will hold a Lawn Il\ln~ nnd 1\ n unit p .... e .. per 4lqUllre I ~m mighty proud of my Sunday- over again. I am pretty well satis- Fete on the ('hurch grounds Friday yard tor ProPOSR I No. 1 t~lId IUJ a the incrcuin&, importance of the go-to-meeting ' clothe s. When I . lump Mll m II.nll na ullit. prle p el' telepholJe in conducting business. fled ·with m y 'Wife. "Think I will evening. up, 1 am dressed up, and I keep her, at lea t until B,b e is 40 .qUl\l' yu r.l lor j>ropo nl No. e. Bev. Kilmer was called to RU8. Brancb oftleea of the Kelloglr dres C'.mlr ~t .wl1\ be aWll'O d t til don't mean maybe. 1 like the de- year s old. and then if I fc~el like t !\ellville last Friday to conduct lowell\ u. nd helll IJld~ e r. Company it. CI&vel&D.d. ChicairO, r n .. 'nile oun IIr B~ I' \' ~ Ih • r i ght ,to do now, I may trade her for two funeral services of a former Jlar- '==~~~~~~~~~!::== Detroit, Pittabul'gh and , Je t on)' or all bla • . "Three years ago, I wa. busy ishioncr. . 'By o.ra· r t t h.. olin II o;JIt Lh e were on a te.t hook-up with the and my wife was 80 busy that we twenties. Carlton Smith and daughters of HI am 'f eeling better Eiince tht' Vlling r Way" " Ill e. 11'0. company'. headquarters at Battle didn' t see much oC each otbeT, depre sian. I take more eltercise. I Columbus spent tbe week-end with R. . HoATI·1l®I.O Village Cl rlt Creek, where tbe c~erence I YS- cons quently 'We sort of 10 t in- walk to town, and a lot of folk s relatives here. July MOT ARY PUBqC tern wa. let .lIp. A six-way tele- t Test in each other. I never went who used to drive Cadillacs are phone eircuit provided linea of home to lunch. About tv.'lce a walking with me. J like the deNallllD.l B_k . t pression. H ..... Larle Holdin•• eommunication adequate to permit week I went home 101' dinner 6 :3 0 o'clock. 1 never had time to . . . . . .IIiIlil..iIti.IIiI• •~.1 the .alea exec:lltivea to discu .. mat- go anywhere wit h her. If I did go "My dige tion i better. I Seventeen life insurance 'com- WUt, Dr._ • • E.tat•• S.llIN WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ten •• freely .. tbouel! they were on a part y, I never could .I ocate haven' t been to see a ~octor in a panies owned 110 ,294 Bc res ot year. I can eat anythmg 1 want Ohio land and 731 farm s in the in the aame eonference room. her. Since there was always a The netwoTk, one ofothe largest 'blonde' of a 'redhead' available, I to'''I am "'ettin'" real honest.to- state on Janual'Y I, 1932. The ... "'Th . greatest numbe.r of farm s are evel:' participated in by Obio. c:lties, didn't much wary about it. goodness food ., ree years ago, owned in Paulding, De1iance .union ''My wife belonged ' to all the we wall anapifCld' for experimental had fil et mIgnon once a week, and Hardin' counties. Madiso n, purp()les to test the practicability clubs in toWn. She even joined the now we have round steak and Putnam Logan and Highla.nd .so Year. Experlenee tn young moth eT'1I club. We didn' t of telephone conferences between have any childre n, but he was fl our gravy.. Then, 'We had .roast counties' also contain large acr s of Fittinlr and Maldn, Glau.a widely~eeattered point.. Smaller studying- and between playing breast of gUIDea; n Q.w, we are glad insurance company owned lands. . C'onference ayateJIUI, linkine two or bridge and going to clubs, she was to s:et sow bosom With the buttons .:!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~ on it. . mora c:ltie., have been uaed for never at home. "I like the depression. My sal· ': 1.en_, OIalo "We got stuck up and hifalutin'. ary has been CQt to where 1 can't aome time. T. . TIt.retla" S.t ...., We even taok down the old family aWard to buy' lettuce and spinach ----.~ ......-~·E . . .I•• tI_ F .... bed and bought a set of twin' beds arid parsley. and we can't afford U •• ........_rm~th.e in stallment plan. to have !!8ndwiches and frozen desLEBANON. OHIO THE MIAMI GAZETTE t wou d come hom elil serts and all that damfoo1ishness, night. If my wife was at home, she FM' •••• Ita which has killed mOTe g'o od men than the war. . "I like the depres~ion. Three years ago, I never had time to go. Phone 78J to chul·ch. I played goU all day Sunday, and, besides, J' was 80 darned smart that there wasn't a preacher in West Texas who co uld tell me anything. "Now, I go to church regularly, never miss a Sunday. Of ~ ~~. \\.\... .. And if thia depression keeps on, I will be goinp: to prayer meet· 'PlMt· " ~ CllotC". . " ing before long. J like the depression." ~. " OUS'\.\C~1t Of
.The Two Armies
While Material and Labor Costs are Low.
It is to your advantage to make your improvements at this time.
Farm hight 1 ttlks, Jul)l 4
W. H. Madden &. Co. Phone -14
Waynesville, Ohio
------ --_ New Burlington
DR. RUDOLPH • Sig" Specialist
F.' T. Martin
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
Auctioneer ..
Centerville, Ohio
Odd-But TRUE
M~ f\t\Ct ~~\~tt l
c.l _\to .. '1" .ftt'S\~T "'."'"'" .1Mt wte
we,. .,,'t'lo C\\PQU,,' '1M
1\\t~ "1\\1. ,,~ '" 1M.. COI.I) . .
. . lWt • W*'"'G'(Oea,'t. , ... 111 GIlU) a.I J .
. autrcu&~--
...... ......., ~.
'" ..., fII
• ---.--
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Aches and
Variation in time in Variolll cities because of daylirbt ..viDa . time does not .ffeet tlie atatlll ofl lonl' 1liatance caJla made by Ohio telephone WltII1I, 8ClCOrdb~ to officialll of The Ohio Bell ~rel.phoae Company. 'Reduced ni&,bt and e.erl!q ratel for inteN:ity calla b6eln accordiDc to the tim. pnwailln, in tIM community in .bleb th. eaU Iii ~ reprcllea' of whether It ia ataJldard or dayllpt time. Su.ee ail long clIatanee ell....... an baeed upon the tim. at the oricinatlnr point, .. difrel'eDM iD ttme at the tennln.tine pomt doea DOt alter tla. rate. Becau.. o.f tbJa practice of keep. Inc ita lonr diatance MI~ CIa a local time bul.. onl,. • polab week. in the to wbich the Bell tlVlltell1D «del" service .re 011 a DayJl,ht ..yla, in foreim 17 tbroupOGt the ample, Ioatll AJI~.
_bt .... ::.~~GU~;;~~;;li~
OnlV $1.00
WIleD you take Bayer
yOil ate IW'8 of two things. Il's SUJ'e
relief. and it's barmleu. T~oae tallleta. with tJae Ba~ c:roIa do not Take .t.Hm wta.aIUllt tlta . . JOII Idel'tn.:
When your: head aell. 1Nm · any cause-when a cold bu ..ttl. . in your joiDta, or you feel tlloee deep-dowD paiDa ' of rb.waatilaa, 1Cia~. or lumbaco.
AJpirin ael ~ NIW. U u.. packqe saya Ba~. it'a . . .i..
Aad ,.u.iDe Bayer AIpiria ia .....
AllIN iI ' tlae ~ It Bayer IIwnalaclue of wllaMIIdo&. " aciaMt.er 01 ...,..... , 1.
c Lo t Sund ., And On the Fourth
end Duty
(Continu d fronl Pal'e' 1l "Ight, "nli Hough .,.,U, <lut, pit('l)(ll' to llnl. .. i{ilfht 1J0~" eanll' I hI.' lri-c.'llu1Ity l.o"uel'>I to ti it up in their half. I um (,1Il'lil' t tinw, mnnhill. l\i~\J ~\ut, bUI B . • 1ugin got on h lin infield "1'1 ,,1' Rnd Dondero 110!>1I tI.r d to emkinll hll walked. . J. l\1i\~Jn wa oul, hlilly in tilt' In~t l'ltc lor Ankeney tll l!:l1is, nnd Do kin' tho 1\ 1.0 htl"!> PII!<, eli 1\ WlI • dnubl{' t ie-<l thc c unto William ",II thl' IOVl' and r . I' t ' felt liftl.'li an Cll$Y chnnce t-o , I£1Ii ~. Two \\ere out in the si tb whl: f r th cil')larted durinA' lik AI\ktml'Y got hi . H' ond hit. WelAll tit,. ~ill (I t IIrt. all the ler, PI' nll.'llaul'd, nnd Ml'ndy hit. knowl d i.' of ,~it'nce, bas Willi m atl mpt<>d to pIny Oon,;' b n lavi~h('d Lv thi end. offering with his i'c('t lind Ank ncr WIll >1 oet'ply th(, l'('spon!tcored. Ramby mad., ihe third out, Will tt to Dundero. I!ihility r po~ ill U8 ~ hen Kin worthy opened the hom> .v nre '11110 ~d to plan and hal1 with n long fly that fell .or" ronduct un . 'lvicl's 10r in the high WI' d in }'ight .fi Id. the runn r making t.he enti"e tho$e wh(l h vc pa~ ed on. cir('uit belore TUl'ne-r could flOd th ball. Whitak r popped to Hal·t oel> Will tt singled and committed sujoidl.', Weller to Mendy, ami I vin. sent an tl y shance t the Melldy Ems combination. Phone 7 A. base on baUs .In the sevenlh p1'ofit d t.he WA 's nothin$ : th n Wayneaville, Ohio up w ,nt th balloon, ky-high. A mod heave put B. !\{oji(in on seoo'JI.d and he pu.rloined tbe next tulion. Dond ro got a hit that shou ld bave been turned into an out, and he pilfered. J. Mlljtin se nt a roller to sbort, and the bait WB thl'own away in a ain effort. ' to caich Dond )'0 at the plat. Dakin fal'lW. Ha"f. a Compl.ta Watch ned, Williams lofted to th il' d , but Repajr Sanid Kinsworthy \ alked and Whitaker And u e only genuine materials. doubled, ending in two lilorc ),un . Crystal fitted while you wait. Willett walked, Ankeney threw when Ivins dumped n teaser Cary's Jewelry Shop ",rild In '{l'ont of the )llate, and still two mor runs came in. B. Magin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _':I ended Gon • the agony with a pop-up Lo ~Ihb ttiNI "Ut. to
J. E. McCluk"e
Th.. A' cot a .l:on$01 Uon tully in th "iaMh. Ank"nl'Y walktill and W '\It'l' hit I'IlI ... l~. hut 'a~ ,Io~lll .. d up \\ ith l\h·ndy. W,II"tt tI.~ William. 1(1 Dondero. lians ,1<1\1bl.. ~ .. r~1l 1h(> pitC'h('r. hut Ralllhy I.lfted u f,lul fly to the ClI tchH . PIIM COllching ePllt OUI' buy!! dell dv in the ninth. 1<~11i~ openell with ;, ::afe llit, lind }lnugh tolillWIt • ult. Whl)n Hough' hit gil by Wh itaker 111 (' 'nt 'I'. thl' con hel' ~('Ilt. Il:lliR (In in, hul I~(' ball was 1't> !ul'll4i>d in time to ('ulc h him ul the h,)m' :tnt ion. Hurt-soc k tni14!d to t ou(' h thl' baU, He"d(,f 1\ nlkEhl. bul nkeney ended the gume with 1)01' to Willett. The cOl'4~: \ . A. B R HP A- I.:': 2 0 1 fl 1 0 Well(,I·. (' 6 1 1 t . :1 0 Men ch' , ~b .5 0 3 2 2 2 GOII • ab 4 0 o 0 0 0 Ramby. If 5 0 J 12 0 ,0 EIli ~, 1b I) () ~ 1 0 0 lI uugh, cf Hart ock, ~~ 4 0 2 3 1 2 4 0 o 0 0 Turner. ~'f o 0 0 o 0 0 ·Rcedl.'l' . 4 3 2 o <\ 2 Ankell Y, 11
1'otals . "Ba lted for
4)2 24 11 ill ULh.
AB R llP
m. The Sll1lehlne Girl. of Way. neNville Church will .pre ent the pillylt't, "Swift F~et.'· Lord's ~uppt.'r and Aermon .t 10:30 a. m. 8erlllon subjectj "Dt-pr" !lion. and the Way Out.' You are always welcome at this church_
.1.' nni"
:'IllIY W l'ight.
ill the
of I'Ilis5
on the C. & B. program, evel~' Sunday aCt. rnoon at 2 p. fl1. talioll
\ KR
Miss Lucy Emley s p nt "lIday and Monday at th ll hom' of Mr.
ond Mn;. 'l'tumnn Wardlo, .
WA YNE5VILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, Paator Wednesday: The Wumen's Foreign Mis:lionary Society is meting with Mrl!. Annu Williamson lit 2:00 p. m. today. t 8 :00 p. lll. we will hold our IIl!lL QUllrterly onference for this onference year. Dr. Bickle our di~tl'ict up rinlcndent will be' here and preach and also conduct the busine s of the conference. , Friday: hoir pl'actice at 8 :00 I).
MI.. Bernice ntertalaed, r. allil Gibb" and Mrs. Amanda Gibbs nf Mr". . . E. Whit" and lUlU, ot Lebanon; Mr. and Mr. (,h 1'1'1\ C"lumbu , .. ver thl' wt'ck-end. Mr. llan"')' and on of larkHvill .. and lind Mrt<. c. II. Roehr and Mr... lr. and !Ill'!'. Hllwunl FHirchild, ut K rogcr, of Da)'ton, we~e Huntluy llayton. afternoon gU(>KtM. .-. - - Ii s Wanda lark, f Miami 'O'I'IC · t~ ..... ).1111 .... II'HII1M' Valley Hospital, wall called home _ lallt SaturdllY un account of the 0" lIlt' \\'11 .1 .", "'0\\ " "J IIII BOllrt! \Jt '11 f hor f a th r. W a It r C\ k J·},.... llh'lt 1tuu Hlld",, \\. 1 n 0 , al'. ,,1 h'.· I. It,.r' 'h , jell "n I hnt on the :he rpmained with him until Tues- 1~lh tlu, uf .III'v ,ij j~ III !I ,,','I"~'k I' day. Mr. lark is better nt ~he III .. It li'ulJt!C 1''''lrlll,.;' ( I " t h.· ' ludKI'1 1""1"""" I,,· Iho "aym' ' l'O'\vnshlp IiI' ~ent tim. 1\0111'<' ur 1" ,lu~,\lI"n IJf II'n n 'I'11 Mrs. Jano hllrlllton nIlH,\', Vllio. (UI' llw 'lI'~l Hu.·(,,,.·,1ears, l)8SSed away Thut'sday JIM"llt) IH ,,,tlln ,,, 11t" '~ ll1l,tlr Y .. 1:1:1:l. morning after lIll i11nl) of nVC "ll he,... ! ,, !!, II il l lit 1".ld lit tit we ks. She is . urvived by her , fir lilt> . 1111111'1.1 or ~.II"'l\ltO Il. blln~e1'Y, two 1I0n g. eh...,..+mr+-i~"" Iii. 1u1h'" iliA" Schoul Btlllu and l""uok and five ~rand hild r n. ,.;. s. 1.:t11.. PI"'~' Fun l'al ervice was held at Lytle H. 1l. ' LutTS 'I{. e ltil' \( church 'undl1Y a,f ternoon. con- :!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!! dueted by Rl>v. n. H. Laff rly, 1n- -= terment in Springboro . cem tery. Relatives from a distance who att nd d the fun'e ral weI' : Mrs. arah McLllllghlin and son, Mr. Vincent McLaughlin, 0/ Ln. Pel, .' Mr. and Mrs. Harding D erM ambridge City, Ind.; Mr. Mrs. Fred Schooley and duugh r . M('8. Mollie Dunlap and Mi,s8 E. J. MEINHARDI ora ibbs, and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Schooley, of Madisonville, hio: of bicngo Mr. U11d Mt • Jobn Gibbs, of Butlerville; 1111'. and Mrs. harles Is oming Here Again If .. will '1 ........ _Ir.. I .. ".n.Ollt
"unday school at 9 :30 held lit lh hom of Mr. and Mrs. n. m. Morniull worsh,ip at 10:30. The suhjl!ct of the morninlt serErnl'_'\. Butt rworth, undal'. '11\011 will be, "The Exceeding MI·.. .Wilbu!' Bogan, oJr !lIason, is Weight 01 Glory." Epworth League visiting> hel' broth('r find si'\\t ):.in- nt 7 :00 p. m . At 8 :O Op. m. Rev. law, fl'. and !li1·S. Wym,er Drake. Hat'vey of Lebanon will be with us and preach. See u for quality and low pI'! ·('s. nry', Jewl.'lry Shop-"'rhe CRANE-CRONE 6 Home of Gift " L hanon, Ohio. Last Wedne day evening, Min Misse Olll Hal·tsock and Dotis Roberta rone, daughter 0/ Mr. lT~wk e, Mrs. Lee Hawk~ and Dean and Mrs. R. E. Crone, former resJlawke we!'e Dayton Visitors, lu ,t idents of Waynesville, became the E I'riday. bride of Mr. RObert Crane, son o of Mr. and Mt'll. Carl Crane. also 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. R. E. White, of former residents of WaynesviJIe. 2 I)ayton, !\pent last atu~day after- . The wedding took plnce at the o noo n with !til'. and Mrs, Lebanon 1\1. E. church, Rev. R. L. LOST ~ Walter Elzey. ross offidating with the single _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ aTl l\tc' lure an~ lfamily, ' of dng Cl)r mony. Mr. and Mr~. LOST - Gold Breast pin. Finder rane will make their home in O· Dayton, spent. the week-end and pleaR!! lellv III Gazette office o Ihe Fourth with his m th'el', 1\ll's. Lebanon . Mr. Crsne I. employed and rl!ceive reward. at the Hewitt Mulford greenhous _ Mary McClure. 'L'hc Mar h family reuniOn was
A 5 0 1 () 0 Dakin. I! W illiums. R~ .4 0 0 :~ 2 Kin sworthy :lb 3 2 1 1 0 Wltitak{'r, cf .. 4 1 1 0 1 WilJett, 2b ... 3 0 1 2 2 Iv ins, 1'1' . .. 4 0 0 1 0 2 4 2 0 B. l\1~in. c Dondoro, lb 3 2 1 12 1 1) J. Magin, p 4 _ 1 _ 0 _0 _ Totals .... 34 5 27 17 4. 1\1i ~ Evelyn artwright lett la. t 1 2 3 4. 5 G 7 8 9week fot' amp Owals81l in Pocono WA 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0- 4. mountains, Pa., \ here 'she will Lebnnon 0 0 0 0 2 l/)O JItspend the HumOler.
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RENT- 4 large rOoms, n wly Mr. hal mer Reeder returned FOB paper d, elect"ic lights and from 1iami Valley hospital iIlst water in kitchen. Mrs. Su an .. frs. Emnla Barnelt nnd Mr. E, week ml)ch impr,oved, ·j6 IInon 2. Mrs. Lctta Bol.$er, of Dayton, i. Payne. V. Ba1'nhart, of incinnati, spent Earned WA 14; 1; LebLeb- Saturday night and unday her , spending this week with her !...'!!-'!!!~~'!!!!!..!!!.!!!.!!!.!!!.!!".!!"_!"!...!"!...!!!..~...!!!....'!!!~_ Left on 'Run Ba!'e - WAC ~_ ~~~~~~~~~-"'!_!"!!!!!'!_~~~ nnon 6. guests of .1111's. Emma JI. 1>1t;CJure. m ther, Mrs. Ann Smith, whosel !-:============~~=~==========~\\ tolen Ba~es-Hough, B. Magin condition Teniain about the samll.l' Mr. Ilnd frs. . hOl'les Pari tte Dond to. Mr. Donald Iron~ of thl place and 111 iss Jean Willillms.on, o f and Miss Mal'Y 1!0. HOrl'llCIl of acrifiee Hit- W 11 r. Two.ba e \lit~Gon s, Hartsock, Ithaca, Nev." York, wet'e gu "ts 01 Springboro were married at NewMr!l. ~:mma , Janney, Olll Tue day. port, Ky., aturday veninI'. Dakin. Whitaker. amuel Charleton, of ClarksHome Run- KinswOI'thy. , A grQup of friends surpris d ville, will make his home here with ; Double Plays- Dondero to Kinsr.1 is B s i anders lit her home worthy: Willett to Williamij to his brother, ~mery Charla ton. Block." Ba:rrel., Sack., Coarse and Tllesday ev ninjo\' of lut we k, Mrs, Margaret Johns spent the Dondero. brating her bit·thda;y apnivereel Fourth -with Mr. and Mrs. Amol Table Salt. We have ju.t received . truck Oul-QY Ankeney /); by sary. ' Cook and family, near Waynesville Magin 6. a .hipment of Colonial Salt, While Mrs. Ella' Doren and Mrs. Ida Bases on Balll' If Anken y 4; Miss Loui e ,'ane, formerly of off Magin 6. hristophf.>r, of Springboro, spent the local telephone exchange, ha this .tock la.ta we will .eU at the Wild Pit h- Ma{('in. ccepted a position with the .Mc. Friday with Mrs. G orgianna Umpires Lron, PI'cndergMl Kessen Drug Company, of Cincin- Haines and Mr. 'and Mra. Walter present IQW price. Kenrick. Button. nati. Miss Ethel Oramer. of Bellbrook Mi 5 H nriettn. McKin ey enMI' • 'Bert Hartsock villll! ho. tess and Mis Helen Early pent the NOTE- All manufacturers have' tel·tainpd the members of hel' to the Clover Leaf .:Iub, la t we k-enll at Loveland, Ohio. bridge club t.his ufternoon. Thursday a:fternoon. AI[rs. R. G. Mr. alld Mrs. Irvin Huntenger advanced pric•• 10 %• Miller and Mrs. R. M. Hawke were and daughter, of Pendleton~ Ind'l invited gue&t-l!. were over-night guestf! Sunday 01 CHARTER No. 2220 Mr. and MI1I. Frank Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hough had Mrs. Lottie Carey. R aefl/Il Dt.rrlct l'fo • Report o'l the condition of the !lpl ndid luek on their 1ishing trip . Rich81'd and Barbara Morgan, 01 Indian Lake, the fCHe part of South Bend., Ind., brother and Waynesville . National J)ank, of to last week, catching 82 c:rappies in !lister of Charles Morgan, are Waynesville, in the State of about two days. Cement, Lime, Til. and Sewer. spending the summer at the home Ohio, at the close of buainen, of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace. 'Mr . Nettie Kepler, of Dayton, Dods and Erma Warner, of on June 30. 1932. Our .tock i. complete and price. spe nt tIlIJ week"~'Tld with her 9!JU<lOlf are spending two RESOUR.cms In tel', Mrs. Oliver Davis, who weeks' with their grandare right. celebrated her birthday anniver- parents, and Mrs. Henry sary on the 4th. . Foulks. MiBs Clarabelle Hunt .and brother . A daughter of Mr. and Mr . Wal'ren, left last week for a trip • •• b Ut 100 k a t 1-ts b uymg power w h en 1·t comes t 0 .113,210.6 0 Walter Adams, of Latol~ia, Ky., iB through the West, on account of e~ical energy. One cent will . . . . _ H-::..:::oi~:';,~fi,. ;.:.;:"~~~:~U.~~_ _ _ _ _ quarantil)ed wjth scarlElt feve.r at the health of the former. ' ture_, ......••• U7Q.20 B,nO.tO the home of hel,' grll.ndpj~rent , .Mr. Fourteen Boy Scouts, accom~ R e ll.\ Estate O'WO 1'1 IItller I and Mrs. Chas. Lynch. ri!nied by their scout master.~ than 'bl1nklng bous • G,OOO:oo RUN AN ELECTRIC FAN .......... 40 MINUTES Reserve with Federal ReLawrence ' and Charlea Davis, enry Saylor, of Dayton, camped w.~ 0 .... aerve Bank .•••• :...... 12, 11.71 Herbert McMillon. Rol-ert Allen in Wm. Creighton's grove, over the Calh al'Jd du trom banka 25,781.U a, Fourth. RUN A VACUUM CLEANER ...... TWO HOURS Outald "1t~k8 anli otller and Russel Treadway pent the u Ca.8h lie ••.•••. •.. 4 ,10 Fourth with John Pyle at the .ur. and Mrs. ;Kesler Graham and HEAT A WADMINO PAD• ... .. ... 'ITWO HOURS Redalllplio rund With U. latter's hom I'n Beaver. I -r I S . Trealwrer and due
Bulldl81 Supplies
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~aynesvjlre ~rmers ...... ss
.The·Dayton Power and L,igbt CO. I--~........""--I --=---·
Xenia Diatrict
. E. H. HEATHMAN. Manal'er
rrom U . ,$, Treaaurer ... OthE'r a~setll •• •.... .... •
TotaL ...... .... ...... n3,129.60 LIA:.BILtTIES. Capital .toek paid In ..•. $100.000.00 Surplue .... . ,........... 60.000.00 UndivIded protIt8,--net.. . 7.0 a . 34
Clrculatlnllr n'Otea o ut,atandlnl' ..... ......... Demand depoalt. .•. • ••.• Time depo.lta •••....•.. J'l111H payable and redl" couut.., .••..•.....
The King's Heralds, 8~ children's missionary society of the M. E. church, held a very plea.sant meetil\g at the home of Mary Eva L May, aturday aftel'l~oon.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. C,onrad, who spent the past week with T. S. 154.822 . 9~ HaTdin and family, hav'e returned 44.827.11 to their home at 'Cresce.nt Sprinp 66.441.12 Ky. Miss Roma Hardin laccompani. ed them for a two weekll' visit. r;Oo. OOO ,O(l
Total. ...•.......... • '473, l29.60 Btate or Ohio, COUDty WarreD, •• : I. L.. M. Hendereon, Cuhler Of thit· above-'Ilamed ba.)lk, do aoiemniy .~~ ... that · the .bO've .tatemel\t 'e tru, to the beat ot DIy Jtnbwie4ae &D4 bellet. 1.. M. HBNDERSON Cullin Subacrlbed ' and .wo,& to baforl me tltls 6th uay of Jul y. 1932 , Ro" H. Hart.ock, Nota,ry Public. correct-Attelt:... ' W ...... ALLEN
Mr. and Mr . Ge_rg.~ ellS, ot. pringfield, Mr. and r" I d Weyman. Mr. and Mrs. J, • Sander, Of Middletown, and ~lT.. Bradbury Poole, of Cincinnati, were, guests of MI'. and Mrs. J. O. CartWright, 1 - - -- - -...; On the Fourth.
We wish to annQunce New Reduced Prices on Sherwin-Williams Paint S. W.P:, Regular colora per lallop . _. _..... , ..... _............... , . $2.50 S. W. P. Whit. per lallon . . . . . . .. , ..................... . Barn Red P.r ,allon ..... ..... , , , ... . . .. .. : . .. . .... .
Pun Raw Un ...d Oil
per ,allon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . ... ~
PuNJr::~~ .~~~~.~~i~~ ........ ,....... .. , .
$2.75 $1.40 80e 80e
Mr.. and Mrs. W. F. Clark en-
tert.ained their family .a t their hOthe on Chapman str1eet with a
!>awn party and supper, Monday afternoon lind evening. The guests Mrs. Milry Carmony, of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce and daughters, 'Betty Maralyn" and Dorothy Lee, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clark Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Pape, MT'. and Mrs. P. J. It'iory, Mr. and Mrs. Pottenger, apt! Mr, a.nd Mrs. lit. C. Riggs, of Dayton. .Mr. and l\1rs. E. J. Carmony, of Springfield, called during the afternoon.
Come ill ad He thae
Latest Li/etinle Guaranteed
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he. ••••w.,
Services At thE~ Churches Sunday WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Undenominational) Chester A. Williamson, Minister . Church ,School at 9 :30 a. m. 41waY8 a bright" interesting session. Lord's Supper simply and scripturally observed at conclu sion Christian Endeavor at 16 :46 p. rn. Evening evangelistjc service at 7 i46 p. m. The Sunshiml Gi1'lg will present their 'Playlet, "Swift Feet.' Sermon ubJect, "Repentance." Prayer Mecting and Bible Study each Wednesda.y at 7:30 p. m. Do you understand the book of "Act.&?" Study it with us. Short choir· practice at conc11sion. The c;hurch where you feel I~t home. ST. MARYS CHUaCH Rev. J. J. Schaelfer, Rector_ Seventh Sunday after Trinity, JUly 10, Church school at 9 :30; .Morning Prayer and rmoJl at 10:80.
Supertwist Cord, Tires
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Eighty.Fifth Year
PUBUC HEARING ON WAYNESVIUE BUDGET IS SET- FOR JULY 15TH Viii... OfIIciaJ. Forced to Trall.far FllIId. to S.c"r. MCIID.~ for J _ Bill.
Resident Like,s Miami Gazette featl~re
Mis. Grace L. Smith was a Dayt.on visitor, Tuesday.
Chicago, July L2 feetionately remembered by us of To thl!, Editor ot The · Miami the older guild, live,d on the Brown farm at that time, beyond Gazette : Clio, alt, it '01'11 then known. Drew Praiseworthy is your effort to Sweet was the lndefaUgable, e8rrejuvenate the 01d timers o~ .Way- nest, loyal spirit oC St. Mary' ,s and neavilJe and vicinity by giving had it DOt been 'for him, there would have been no St. Mary's. them glimpses of accustomed:He had a devoted following scenes and well .remembered many of whom, who were not figUres. of golden years of thIJ past member , but they atttended serthrough those most intriguing and v\ce a,nd . assisted financially b. interesting hislorical mon ographs cause of him. by the "Hoosin.'! "Hoosier" cerI lim wondering if "Hoosier" tainly knows his (or is it her) overlooked Mrs. ThomElsine Sweet Waynesville. It m~y be a sign of mother of Drew? She was aillO one advan.cing yare when one tinds of tlle original c.ommunicants. One much solace in a look far back of the early recollectio'ns of mine ward, lind yet we who were to is watching- this SOn (lnd mother "The Manor born," to ,pal"sphrase walk from their home on far East Shakespeare, take solemn delil!'ht 4th street on S\lnday to St. in repeopling the o.ld commumty Mary's. The mother was one of just as we kneW' it. .We cherisb in those saintly 80uls whose glowing memory the buildin~ and in- light shone through t.helife of stltutions, the landma:rks 'and land- her Ilon. 8cape features iu~t as we knew Drew Sweet had Ii delicious them. It is a splendid heritage to. sense of humor. I reull his rehave been reared .and schooled counting of his part in the pr,ocesin a village, a notable in its sional when t. Mal"Y'ls was dedicharaacteriJltics, so wholesome in eat d. He had putcha,sed a new its tandardl! and yet so varied in suit Jor the occasion but forgot to its personal attl"ibutes. We of the take olT the price an(]l i.dentificadays of the old would not change tion marks. Drew took real de. a face a place, a structure or light in imagini1lg wha,t observers view. Eccentric and picturesque thought ac.lesia tical symbols as were some of the village folk, these tags represented. we love them amd revere their Thank YOU for thOSE! trips back to tJ\e Waynesville ·of our youth. memory. C. M. C;artwri~ht I WIllJ deeply impressed with the reminiscenses at St. Mli\ry's church Many thanks for ' your kind and the de~e1,"Ved tribute to John F. Cadwallader, Whose infiuence words of appreciation" Mr. Cart;. was 'far reaching anil 'Whose -minis- wright. ' Cominlf from an editor try was that of., the public at large of your experIence lind ability, and not of hi$ own denomination. the¥ furnish incentive W renewed! In his time I t'hink we would all more zealous efforts. As you weI have voted bim "the first · citi~en know, the weal~b of IOlcal material ha. sce,rcely been touthed. 1 hope of Waynesville. ,I , "Hoosier" refers to Drew Sweet to furnish &everal pleasant surIla the only communicant of St. prises in the weeks to co mil, and M.a ry's in its early stages. Tha is would certainly apprecliate some of the only one ilt the town. Mrs. T. your personal recolle(:tions.- The J. Brown, who is well and af- Hoosier.
umber 6022
JULY 13, 1932
N. N. U. REUNION TO BE HELD IN ,COUNTY SEAT AUGUST 4AND 5 Plans are going forward for the eighth annual N. N. U. reunion to be held at Lebanon on Thul'Sday and Friday, August 4 and 0, and -according to S. A. Stilwell, pre ident of the N. N. U. Students' Association and chairman of the committee arranging fOT the )932 reunion, prospects for the success of the a:fl'l\h' are exceedingly bright at this time. Letters .weremail d by the committee last week to 1300 graduates and former students of the school urging their presence at this yen's meeting and a splendid r.esponse i expected, Mr. StUwell states. As h s been the custom for the past several years, spec.ial class re_ unions will be held on the fir t day of the assembly with the general reunion a feature of the second day. .This year special reunions will be held by all classes whose num· erals end In 2 or 7. Secretaries of many of these cIa. ses hllve already reported to the local committee that plans calling for a large at· tendance of members of their class at the reunion have been made-. The general reunion attracting each year hundredl! of former students and grnduates will be held on Frida)', August 5, opening at 9 a. m. in the auditorium of University Hall. Details IOf the program will be announced later, it is stated. In addition ~o Mr. Stillwell, offi_ cers of the tudents' Association are Mi~ Stella LoganJ • vice president; Mrs. Eva MCAay, secretary; and W. C. Turton, treasurer.
Funeral Ser"ic:•• for W.yne ... m. Wom~ Held Tue£day at J. S. Foster, of near Xe nia , was Churc:b of Clnut
a Waynesville Yisitor Tu esday.
YeDrg o ~ pa tient ButTet'ing were Mrs. R. A. Weaver and son spent a few days ill X nia, t hi ' end", !! when Mrs. Bsth eJ.' Robinson d ied at the ' t o Elizabeth hospital week. h in Day t.on , about five o' cluck Mr. ehas. Guitner, of' ,l\1iamis- ' undny morning. She had been Iiv· burg, was the week-end g uest of iog with her uaughters in Dayton Carl Albright. , and Co!u nibus fol' the past two or hree year>:! b ca USe of poor health Mrs. May Cook, of Norwalk, is tThree weeks ago, Sun day, wbile spending a few days with D. I .. viit illg at t h home. of MI". and Crane llnd family. Mrs. Will Bradl ey, she fell and Tune in on the C. & 'B. prO(rl"8m, fractul'ed a bone in ber right. hip. station WKRC every un day 8 1\e was immediatel y taken to the hospital, where p,?e umo.nia set 111( afternoon at 2 p. m. ~lIld where ahe r emam d untl Mr. and Mrs. Chestep Goode, of death r leased hel' f ro m hel' lIuf· Dayton; s pent Sunday her e with ferings. The remain s were brought to Waynesville ·r elatives. the. Mc lure parlors to b preMrs. Rutb Janney is having pared for buril\l • .Funeral ervice~ extensive improvem nb made on were held at. the Church of Obrist, het· North atl'eet home. Tuesduy 8fternoon, Rev. C. A. Williamson offiCiliting, and burial Mrs. has. Mc lard of Dayton wal! made in Miami cemetery. was the Sunday guest of Dr. and Esther Robin on, eldest daugh1\1rs. H. E. HathawllY. ter of John and Jane St&nlIberry, Mrs. Lucy H oward and son, Bob- wall born in Waynesville, Decemert, of arlisle, wer eek-end ber 31, 1864, and departed this guest of hel: unci , 11. P. Keys. liJe a{rot a ojourn of 77 yeus, 6 months and 9 days. Sh was united in marriagll to Qualit~ and low prices, in lines. Cary's Jewelry hOI "The Cha.rles Robinson. who alter &.eVHome of Gifts," Leban on Ohi o. eral year!'; of helpless !lulTering, pl·eceded hcr in death in- Oc.tober, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilpin •. of 11)Q7. SpdDgborQ, were unday guests Two sons and two daughteH of Mr. ant! Mrs. George fIal't..~ oc~. came to bless this union. Hel: elder on, EI·nellt, one of thQ mOlt Leland Vance. , M Dayton, Willi! popular find beRt lov d young men thE dinner guest or his ·grlllld- Wayne viII ever knew, was called ~ther, M'TfI. May Haines, last Fri- from this ,Ii'fe, January 18.1. 1911. day. inc that time, Mrs. Ila \';oope1", f olul"bu!!, Mrs. Edna Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mend~lIhall now entertained Measms. ' Bett Ilnd Woollard. n VI o~ Dayton, .nd Charle O'Nf'alt Jlll't Thursday f' ronk RobJnson, of Waynesville, have done all in their power to evening. maKe motber' lile as bright and Mrs. Mary Goodill Ni chols. of comfortable lUI possible. She ia harps, Fla., is visiting hel' sister al. 0 survived by t.wo brothertJ, and niece, Mrs.P 1'ry Kenrick and Frllnk tan8be~ry, of WayllelvUl. and hllrlel! l3ta.nsberry, of MillS Bertha . . Mr,. B. V. miLh is a guest Of Dayton. For many years, Mrs. Robinaoll the Hill Top club at the hom,e of has been a devout and consi/ltan~ her daughter, Mrl\. Jesse Mengel, J'Iember of the Waynesville CburcJa . ..... d at Christ. showing by her claily In morrow, to ay. Mr. and Mrs. McLardie and life that she was 11 hue and lIrorthy family, of Dayton, were Sunday follower 0'( the meek and lowly of Gallilee. Thoul'h her guests of Mi s Grace Mclardie at man arthly life haB ended, abe atU) the Friends Home. lives,in the remembrance of bel' Mis BellSie Sanders is spending workers, and in the lives of her .._ __ a couple of weeks with ber !Cather children. --~--and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Henderson in WashingtOn C. Jr. ' ~
Mrs. Maude Crane visited relaAfter postponment8 for legal tivell in Dayton, E)'ld.a y. holidays and other causes, out Jolin Staley, of Dayton, is village Couneil .finally wot towether his a\ster, Md!. Maude for their regular July m~etlngr vlait.lng Fetter. last Friday evenin,. A. woef\ll lad, Mr. and Mrs. Waltet Elzey were of cash in ~ertllin funds, and prosvisitors, ·Mond';,. •pecbl .for replenishing the same Cincinnati il!ternoon. were subjects for quite a bit of Miss Anna Mar·~yn Whitaker di cU!lsiotl. Before the billa in the wa~ the week-end guest of Mis General Fu,n d could be paid, it Jeap .B aker. was necesl!lal'y to temporarily transfer about $300 from the Mr. and Mr,s. J. W. Lotz a'r e Debt ·Retil'ement fund. This will Ipendlng a fortnight with relatives have to be replaced' as lIuftleient in FOTellt, Ohio. funds are avail ble in the General Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and lund. Council ordered the install_Upn son, Clyde, visited relatives in of sewer on A. L. King'l! lot to Dayton, Sunday, carry 01Y th excess Mr. and .Mr$. Melvyn Banta refrom Main She t turned, Friday, from a week's Road. The street also instructed ~o jnvesti.a~e visit in Columbus, 'm eans to'r relieving Mike M.c. Tune in on tbe C. It B. prolrl'am, Donald'. lot from the excess station WKRC every Sunday IItorm water from Miami treet. afternoon at 2 p. m. The public hearing for next y ar's budget is to be held on Ray Hawke, of Dayton, waa the Friday evening, July 15. Our tax- Sunday guest of bis parents, Mr. payers would do well to attend this ana Mrs. J. C. Hawke. · meeting, and gal" a better underMiss Maxine Henry, of standi Dg of the lInancial diffietJ 1Liberty Ky., is visiting her .,Otl_II'l< tl Cou neil has to face. Norma and Ll\nore Lovely. criticis Council it you know what its al1 about? Be Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hawk!} and The \following bill W81'e approved and c;trdered paid: C. W. Mr. Ray Hawke spent Sunday Henderson. alary councilman, $6; afternoon in Pleasant Plain. Reymond Conner, Bam~, '6; HowMrs. Jane Wrieht of· Spring ard Archdeacon. $lime, ,6; H. M. bl)ro, apent last week here with Carey, ame t '6; A. K. DaY..!1 _me, her sister, Mrll. Julia Donovan. ,6; J. E. WItham, lIame, $0; T. E. Rogers, Mayor, -37~50; R. F. Hat. Mellllrs. H. M. Sherwood and C. field, CI('rk, $43:,5; Walter T. • Servis tr.nBacted business in Elzey, Treasuret, $18.76; W. olumbua- Saturday afternoon. The Ch.ildren's Band will return to McClure's corner for their sevCheater Maple, alary viUal'e a~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Ke.ndall, .of enth home concert for the summer ~orney, sil( months, $76; Miami this Thursday eveninlf, July 14th. Gazett~l legal advert18inw. $1 0.18 i Georgetown, were gue~ of Mrs. FAMILY REU'~ION Thill concert is .glven to the . P. ,JI,)Y. maTllhall salary June Callie Cross, I!lst Wedne day niwM ,25; ,R. F. Hatfield, ejerk Ofl The 1anlily of the late Albert community by Mr. Aman of Ice Cream featival, sponsor~ bY CourtS fees for sworn statement the Epworth League, on the M. E. & Mary C. Cornell heM a reunion Dayton. His ldndness ill surelY ,apOf ownership, 76c; George Killeen church at hantz's Park on tbe Spring· preciated. "By their deeds ye shall lawn Saturda~' evening, Son, frelwht, OOc; W. B, Squires boro and Dayton Pike Sunday, know them," and aa Mr. Aman is July 16. Fire Chief, allOWances tor meetJuly 10. About 56 children, grand- not a Tesident of Waynelwille, his ings and three fires in second ehildren and great-grland"chiidreJl gift can only be eonstr'u ed 113 a Robert Hymap spent last week quarter, ,16; D. E. Standiford, with .hiB unde and .aunt, Mr. and were present. A 8umpt~ous dinner wift of kindneas for the enjoyment Asst. Fir Chi 1, same, $12; Geo. MrR. hador Bloch, In Spring Republicans of Warren county was erved to which all did ample of others. will attend the state }larty con- ju tic, after which a good social Zell, Fireman, same, ,7; William Music is well considered II part II vention held in Columbus Thur~ time was enjoyed. Bradley,same, '6; Charles Ander· Va ey. ot every child's schooling in our --'~----Mr. and Mrs. Arthur GOllney day and Friday of this week. son, same. $6.60; HarQld Orsborn, mode'!:n educative system, and the Tbe delegates elected at the eame, ,".60; Ever~tt Sean, 'same, and son, ot Ore,onia, were Sunworth of this training can never day guests of ' Mr. and M1'8. Will primary in May are Albert '8.60: ClYde Shutts, same, U.60; be estimated in dollars and cent8. Gosney. Franklin township; Hal C. Geor,e 'Wat4/rhouae, same, $7; Tbese children have worked Salem township; Harry Z. Gilbert Frye, same, 18.50; JeMe -'¥e hard and with their ability to play Turtlecreek tQwnshi)'J Ed. M'endenhallJ aameL ~ i Dayton , Misses Ola Hartsock, Sl~ortage there hu also developed a sense of Dr. and Mr . Gale Russum, of Chur~el Thomas, Wayne townshi~ and ' L. appreciation wbich will 'Make life Dayton, wer dinner guests of the Power • L1ght I..bta, $117.86· Henkle and Dori! Hawke more enjoyable to them wherever Misses Trillena ' and Margllret Ed~ Obio Central Telephone, July the week.end in Oolumbus, lI'u"'''''''''Earl Thompson of Derfteld town0'1 Miss Esther DenniJ. ship. The alternates are Walter To The Public: they may ro. wards, Sunday evening. . w. L. Matbews, mowing ST. MARYS CHURCH $8 i Aebury Hill, Clark, Clearcreek township; LesOw[n~ to the tax situation, lit!. Rev. J. J. Scbaeffer, Redol'• AppreC'late the $pirit of the Mr. and Mrs. Mad Davis and • alll1el,, · Mil! Helen Hawke, Cbarlel, Morrie Cook, Hopkins, Union township;. Rob- .,.&tion and slow colllectil)ns, the pubbc he~ted .citizens who, In . children spent Sunday with Mr. Eighth Sunday after Trinity Frank Jr., Mary Eva and O. B. Reichel, Hamilton townshIp; A ... Kerrick, Labor Inreet•. LeMay Jr. vilited relatives in J. Saunler Hadan township and Wayne Township Lib;rary hn Te- encouraging the children, are and MNl. Bateman In Lynehburg. July 17, hurch school J!t 9 :80; Sbutts, aam~ t planting seedl\ for a harvellt of Miss Doris remained for a week's MQrning Prayer and sermon at Westerville, Sunday. Everett Villars of Massie town- ceived no funds Irolm the state better same, $".2D; living in future years. visit. . 10:30. mowiow 'Weeds./.. $7; Ander, Next week's c'oncert will be this year as was provided for by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and ship. According to plans the state I C d·· ton, labor tramc licht control box: dau,hter Mrs. Kate Evans, of Spring FERRY (:HURCH OP CH&IIT were S~nda)' dinner committee will meet Thursday the new tax aw. o.n Itlons are given at the same place, sponsored $2; Oeor.e lIartsoclt, eame .na of Mr. and Mrs. J.elllle Hib- afternoon and select a campaign now such that the library must be by four of Waynesville's rep- Valley, spent last week here, a8( Undenominational) material, $8.83; Wm. 1\0blnllon, ,ue8ts resentative business men, Mr. A. isting in the care of ·her sister, chairman and the convention wi!1 closed soon unless' its friends can K. Day, Llle Hilwke, Jamell Lovely Arrs. Addie Smith, who bas peen Chelter A. William.on. lila.... tJeaning str,etll, $8.1&; W. S. Gra- beTt, near Cen1Jerville. bam. street commli,lIioner" labor, Church School at 9 :80 a. Ill. seriously ill. Mrs. J. Will Haney, Miu Mabel be called to ardell late in the aft- help to tide over this iperiod of de- and Orville Gray. ,16; · Asbul'Y Hill, labor streets, L. Smith and Mr. -Thuma, of ernoon. The main Thursday sea- lay. LQrd'B upper all,d ,ser,non at 10:- ' sion will be held Thursday night You ·have always s'upported the '1.211; Wm. Robinson! haulln" Columbua, were Sunday guesta of Mrs. Settlemyer a'l~l daughter, 30 It. m. Sermon subject, "Some and Patrick J. Hutley, secretary library so loyally 'YI'henever llP$1..60; James Kerrielt, lanor ItreetlS Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith. . Ruth, and M,is8 Retallick, of Olleg- Glol·ious Mornings." You ' ape alof War in the Hoover cabinet, de- pealed to in the pasl~ that it hal $4.26; W. B. Squires. haulin" 711c onia, called On Mrs. France! ways welcome at this ch~rcb. 'Mp. and Mrs. Roy donrad, of 'livers the keynote acj.dress. The bee.n POl!I!ible to maiintain a colH. it. MOM, • ~da rravel, ,4.60; Nicholson at the Friends Home, J. C. Hawk!t auppll~ '1.80; Detroit, and Mr. and Mrl. ~lph addreas will be broadcast accord- lection of books and mag.zlnes Friday afternoon. AYI:'fESVILLE II. E. CHURCH . above that u!\ually f 'ound in vilWaynemlle "'annera Exet.nge, Hinell, of Franklin, were week-end inr to present plans. Mrs. Mary Jane Jones was reG. C. Di.,.rt, Pador MT. and Mra. P'loyd Savage and lages. sewer, $tI.85; Fairle, Hardware, luelts of Mr. and- Mrl!. Ralph from years of intense su:f- children, of Lytle, Mrs. Belle It is to be hoped thlit the library leased Bible stuc1y alld prayer 'm eetius cement, U.51: DaJtQD Powet • Linn and daD,bter. fering with facial eancer, late Dinwiddie, and Mrs. Leah Strouse mAy be kept open, at. least a part Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Thill week we will Light, tram. licht/ Kay, '10.40. a'fternoon. For more than Hr. -and Krs. loaiah Davis, 'and of the time, and your contributions tllree years, she had been confined and son enjoye~ a Sunday outing study Psalms 119: U8-136. Some of the aDOve labor billa at t.he Cin,cinnati Zoo. larlJe or swall will make this pos- to her bed. Friday: Junior choiL.ltt&c:.tiC!. had b~en, paid by the clerk and Kr. -aAIi II.. TJoJd Davis "'Al-'H----.,jI'aol!.........a..&IIoo&&IOL sible. , at 2 :30 p. m. witb Winifred ArmitreaSurer and were approved by eOlle spent Sunda), with Mr. Funeral services will be held at Mr. Anna Carey, of Carey's The llb.-arian and the LeMay- the McClure Funeral ho!y! e, Fri· tage as leader. Regu~r choir KH. Howard, Hurley and child1'8n Paul Vernon Reason, born in C()unc:il at this meetin,. Shop, Lebanon, has gone at 8:00 p. m. near New. B»rlin,ton. Hal<veysburg, Obio, Au~ust 3rd, Baw1ce Insurance Aflrell!!), ' will be day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Jewelry ~------.~.~.~'-----to New York for a tn-days visit to receive your donations. Sund!lY 8cbool.~ 9:80 II"": Maiy ~. ' Robinlon a~d 1887, departed this life m Dayton, pleased C. Dibert officiattng, and the to her. son-in-law and daughter, a.. Sunday: Library Board 'Of Trqstees G. m. Morning worship at 10 ;80. ,Mrs. Serina Kerrick, of Dayton, Obio, July 5, 1932, at the aie of remainll will be laid to rest in Mr. and Mrs. Bert Goddatd. Epw!»·th Lellgu at 7 :00 p. m. with Georgia . Mend's nball, Sec'y. Miami cemetery. ' w'e re SIIDday ~elta Of MH. Flos- 44 years 11 m~nths !,-nd. 2 days. ~--. Mrs. Edith M. Hanis and hel' Cbal~'I!s Whitaker as leader. '. Mrs. JODel! was the daughter of stl CaTlY and f.amily. Mrs. Robin- The early part ofh~8 ~Ife was At 8 :()O p. m. Rev. C. R. SJI&I1a· lIOn remained for a lonler visit. spent in and arollnd hlB birthplace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt, and house guest, Mrs. Frank Taylor. and in September of 1910 he ac· waa bOr)! near Mt. Holly, January of San Francisco, ~pent several le.r, pastor of the 11. E. Cburch Mr. and Kra. Herbert Doster cepted a position with the N. C. R. 31, 1846. She depllrted tbis ute days la~t week with Mr. and Mr~ . in Mason, will be with UI ud The recent rainl and and children, of Harveysbure, Mr. in Dayton and at the start of the from her: nome in the flat over Charles F. Mosher, of Cincinnati. preach. BI'other Spa1lcler Ia . r . to bring us a good meBIIQ8, uad damaged the ball field at W. J. Sberwood and Mr. and. Mrs. World. War he joined the forces the Gazette office, July II, 1982, Miss Jennie Dinwiddie, of : hllUld hav(I a good hearin,. Park to Buch an eneat that J. E. Frailer 'Were Sunday dinner and spent 18' months overseas. On ..;. having lived 86 . years, 6 months Indianapolis, and Mis!' M.ay WJ;ight to play there have been abandoned ,Desta of Mn. Sadie Conner, his return be went back to the. N. Henl'Y Weichers, 166 years old, and 10 days. . temporarlly, .t leut. A rame was 'celebrating bel' birthday anniver. R. and remained there unttl a 1iving in the James,town pike seven 1 On March 21, 1866, she was were guests of Mrs. Ida Kelsey at WAYNESVILLE CHURCH or CHRIST . days before bis death. scheduled with Harveyabure, to be ....y mites east of Xenia, died Thursday married to baae Jones, who pre- an elegant 8i:x-o'clo~k dinner, played at Frazier PaTk, Sunday . " . leaves to mourn hill loss. his at Christ hospital" Cincinnati, ceded her In death, May 3, .1923. served at the Li "tIe In)1, Ia.st Fri(Undenoridnatlonal), . afternoon. ' Game time, lome Dlle to some unexplained caUlje, 'dp,vo1ted wife, Lena, his loving where he had been a patien~ a Two 80ns and Cive daughters were day evening. Chester A. WllliameoD, .Klnlater spectatol's and mOllt -of the WAC'. Honier waa mad,e to uy, in mother one brother and . one month. horn tQ this union. four of. the Ohurch Schaal at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. M. W. Silvet has received ar..ived as 'per schedule, but Ha1"account ot , Jllaml cemetery, sister, two 'nieces, and one' n 'phew Funeral services were conduct- daughters having been called from word at the very serious iilness of Lord's Supper at concluJllon. veysburr haan't wotten there yet. that Robert Sbidaker died In De- otber relatives and many' fne.nds: ed at St. Peter's Evangeli,al thi" life. sister, Mrs. Wallace TlbbaLls, Christian Endeavor at 6:.6 p. m. So, we suppose, WAC u intltled to cember, 1909, when in reality his Interment WliS made 10 MiamI church, Pleasant Ridge, near CinTwo sonl! Charles and John herthe latter' home in Wilmington Verdena F(>x, leader. Ev.~ claim a forfeiture victory bY' the demiae oeeurred two yeara earlier cemetery. _____ cinnati Saturday attE!rnoon. Burial lones, of Waynesville, and a at Mrs. Tibblllls WM fot'llerly a resi - evangelistic service at 7.45 p. 1ft. seore of 9 to 0; Dame Rumor sayl in Deeember, 1907. --'~-- - .. was in Pleasant Rlcilre cemetery. daughter, Mrs. Ambr08e Decker, dent of the Lytle neIghborhood. S rmon 8ubject, "'the Good Conthat Cuba wUl be the oPPolinl Mr. 'Weichers formerly lived on of Dodds, 8urVive their mother. fession." Prayer lIieetinlr aDd team ,at tbe ..me park next SunMr. and JI1rs. B. M. lhwke and SCHOONOVER COMMITTED a farm near Bellbroo~ , Other surviv.ers include 'a step. Miss Irma Rich ' and Messrs. Bible Study each Wednesday at day. We have been unatle to oftlci- son, ~ra. Laura Moaher, and Mr. TO HOSPITAL AT LIMA He ,is aurvived bl7 14 children son, William Jones, of Xenia; a Bert O'Neall and I Gilber't Frye 7 :30 p. m. Short ehoil" ,Netiee at all~ venity tbis report. Huru MOlher apent Sunday at Arthur Weichers, Hi'll. Fred Koch, halt-sister, Mrs. Jesse Chanlbliss, motored to Cincinnati, Sunda.y. c(lndu ion. The chuteh wbere YQll James Lovely, Harold Orsborn. home of lb. and MJ'S. Cw. John Schoonover indicted ~r9. William :Koch, ~rs. Arthur of Xenja, and two halt-brothers, Walter 'U nderwood and William \n CbJc.innatl. Mra. Edi~h the May grand jury in this. county Fox, Mrs. Hatry Keafenmeyer, Geo. W; Pratt, of Waynesville, where the'y were , joined by Miss feel at bome ... _ ••_ __ ,L ouise Orane, the entire party Schuler went to Ginclnnati Sunday Harria and ~n. Frank Taylor on ' burglary chaTgcs gl'OWlng out John Weicben and Mra. Louiee an!! Ezekial Pratt, of Day~n . enjoying an outing at Ooney M.IAJWI VALLEY COUN~IL and Baw the · ~eda, emerl'e from accompanied tllenl home. of the robbery of the Welch and Rushers, all of Hamilton county; MrB. Jones lived her entire life Islal)d. the National~eatue cellar by .~e . Rev. G. C. Dibert ' and the Dakin store at Bar,veysburg sev- Mrs. Edward Stegmiller, Lebanon, in this community, where she was Pl.ANS .B I.C cATHERINa eNI months ago, will be r~l')'Ioved John Sear went to Indianapoli: a~nt'hinc ' P"lCna. of wtnllfDI F: tl. LeMay, R. 11. flawke Mrs. Audrey Crew, New Burling- highly J'espected. She was a loving Tuesday to the State Hosp ital for tw,opme.. frqm th, New York H,. Hartsock and J. W. White ton; Theodore Welchere, Bellbrook and self:eacrifieing mother;· a Sunday, for a shol'l vis it at th.e . Miami Valley bounen, Jr-. O. U. Glanta. Thl.a II the "Ht time this motored to Hooke" camp, near Criminal Insane at Lima lor ob- Mrs. Dan Booreen. Xenia; Chris- staunch and loyal friend, a true home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Drake. A. M., ie plannine for a bie meet. earvatlon. year that tbe Recta ha~e performed Middletown laat Thunday topher W~ichel'tl and Hllnry tollower of JeBus Christ, who From there, he expe~t8 to accom- Ing 1;0 b held Friday evenm., Sc:hoonover pleaded not guilt~ to Weichers. JT., at the farm home. was never heard to murmur or pany Earl Hubbel to Bentonville. August 6. TlI.e. ,rincillal addre.. IS 8ucb • teat. TIM Wayneavine falll noonL to arraq. an outln. the buralary cbarge and court ap· eertainly pro.vM to be wonderful the WaynelYm. Boy Scout treop. Twenty-eill:ht grandC!hildren and a complain t~rough the weary yean Ark., ,where they will spend the to be made by Bro. B. S. Cox, 01 pointed Dr. W. E. Hofer. Frank- brotller, Fred Weich era, Jr., of ot her intense lufFering. mascot tor the lleds. or a terrible, . rest of the summer at a camp. Millersburr. State SuperinteDd81l~ iln attorney, to defend h.im. .J?r. jinx to ~be Giants, we Gota't know of Maderla, also lurvive. of the Beneficiary decree fo~ Mr. Hofer recently ~ntered an msanlty and, IIrs. Owen Stoody and 'Which. ~banoll, and 1Ir. II. ~--and Michigan. Bro. COil PATIENT RECOVERINC pI.. ctn behalf of his client and children Anna Mae and William, the Order al National Bob AUI'8PlIl'Jer apin ,ot back Carey ..Joyed an SCHOOL BOARD I?ECIDES Mr. and !In!. William Blodgett, of aaked that he be committed to tbe AT XENIA JlOSPIT into the wilUlllllr column lor the ham'. camp, on tile McComb 0., Mr. lind Mrs. Oladden before state h~tpital for observation. ' Middletown Armcoa, winning hie rive..!,. \ut ....k. l\ ON BODIES FOR BUSES and i.a ~~C~:~:b~~i1I~~::_lt a Steinman, of Arlington, Ohio, aad th~ie ftnt . . . . in the K. I. 0; eUJDlna. on ·.l'DllnciaT eft1lml, t..r.~I.ed _~e tion len. lroe tM Duelnrortha. .~ of _P on .....'n.'.., WILilINGTON FAit -1Derll~en,cv l Mary DeVore, of Gilboa. Ohio, tiou .. , were wuests of Rev. llnd Mrs. G. of of Cmclnnati. TIIIt ".. Ilia ftJntb caDlp~ ea.lIt aU tbelr 01111 .Dl~""ltt.od IC. Dlblirt, on Sunday. ~l\:llton County Fair will be vJctorr,--ia_.l_~~~ lor tle feut. . the board baving !~~:'~~'r!'·~ Mr, and Mrs. c.. Hamer and cllII~IlI" with the 1982 WOlf TH". a.u.1 01 "general P~:r:~~l:nla:=:1 .John and E"end.L at ~enC!..,.'e~, of and economie
Splendid.Concert Planned Thursday
Wayne Townllhl·p Library Fa c ina , Money
Services At tluL _ _ Sunday
Mrl. Mary J. Jonel II Called By Death
Paul Realon Ritel D inarlon
Hiah Water. D.maae
WaynoParkDiamond WAC to Play Sunday
.- ...
Doctor Sunslaine's ReRections ·Uoon a NEWS .......... EO Life of Usefulness and Cheerfulness FROM C THOUSE
decM ed, ·a. admltt d to pro. bate. S. S .• tahl, admlnistratur of I'll. tateo ot Levi Stahl. decea.ed i. nruered to sell certain atoeks ~nd bond!! at privat.! l'IaJe and for ellsh
P...,.,eedin.. Mania•• Li';;.... Wael. \ "uh \\Ii~ )(rantt'd C ~iI b~ppel1, toba eo packer, D ctor th I ,.ne f III~ ~i, itll 'as i% jUl.' t wh t ~u h I' pt!sl r 01 'ui- Ii div\,r'\' fr\)nl J"'~1 1l 1<, Wau. worth lI f ~ ranklm, and lIfrll, Bertha By THE };f OSIE R \\'orlll t n d " lIar~ In m{'clldlll> 10('. fi('atilln \\ aultl mea n. ~! an y young The cu",llIdy of lht> l'hiltlrcn WIIS J ell k!ns, of Franklin. I'nu e of hi:'l bliltht -nlll\' Ut\Ii hi!' !'\len n,1 WOIl1('n, who a rt' no,.". KI\·t!n I" the Vi inlitf. "flllne ~uble was appointel) ad· t'heerf'uln .. ".. Wt' ,kl'U him if \'111 ·r~. hav ... 11l' \ ' r . et'n thl' oren 1n the NI,' 'v f :h3rl(!~ lI ,)ff III. 1 11 hll~1l'at rlx uf e tate of H '!ood ch,·e.r hnJ n t hl'l'll n yuluabll' .. I,'on ill operation. I f th.> YI)un~ ll1in\~tr\ltur ,r the st h' lit F;liza. lark" d~cellsed, and filed bon'd or 11_ t, onll hL (1\('" hon a. hI' rt!· 11l' <lpl ~ 'Quld b ... made It:) l > It~e 'th H, tf. III .'" ,~'d, I', ('\!u . F(>l'esl tL60 0 with The hio asualty In· plil;'d, "Thl' yrt.'Bll!~t IIn\' d Ic t ilr \\ ~ t form .. l' condition, w('rl'. he J, flotr ud 1'; I ~(, llorf. >all' by ~l:' I'an ~e 0" as sUrety. W. H. cuuld h,ve," B dlly 1111; IHe nt:) t hmks th r w uld nut lIc an . iOIl~ th ~hi'nff We!' d.ppnw ...{ and ji ll S II.'gfl'led Wn.rr n • Young and T. dltTt'rent (rllrl1 the ~\thl'l" ill, (If lif,', fM hangll. U CIlun{ , to) I' ~t!ttl,!,t J. Pa1'ker we re appeillted m ~ t ol thl'llI CIlIl he llll('\'itlttlll. 11~ k\·d if hI! thought the wQl'ld In tIll' ('a -e "f The :\!iontisli\I1'g r . -.-~--lea t, by an o~)timl. ttc' athtudl!, is g Itil\~ h ttl'r, he r plil'd, ,. I! I'· Building &: LOlln '~lIdation ,'er. e se 'ho mas Gnene g rocery .:;iiiiiii. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Oiiiiiiiiiiiii...11 ht I cti nil ofte n Durin hi. fifty rear of pI'li lice tainly. it i . Th~' btl)·. and girl of u H.fi'1)~y KrallHl'r, et Ill, "I\le~ by clerk o f ~'ranklin. and Mics ltfar· .- - ._f (>t the ore t need , the doc r tim te , thilt h ... hit,; toll , 1\ ill be th ~ men tlnd W(l1\! 11 \h .. shtJrltf w~re tlppro\' ('(\ and all If I' t't L!,Cllle Parlett. of Franklin. For lh wOTld want. dailv. }lr ided at thc begioning o r " f t \' 1)1 1Irrow. Tht'v rl' CO l1tinllIlJl~' 1\ CQunl::! ar .. to' b fdlU .. d. !\torn s : Graham, contractor Little kindly d d, . nea rty fifteen h\lnd~ed live>; in tht, /irldio" l1 ... \\ .. r aml bt'ttl' l' '0\ rS u( In til ('8,1.' uf I!:dtln Hoglln (I~ ~Vny n esville. and Mi 8 J osie M. · h./_ what co.re and sorrow om muoity. "lacing the Il\('rajl! doing thillg\'. Ilnd will put the e Hunter. as guard 'iah of Jeannette W hllake r or Wayn e ville. )' ()U an h Ip remoVe at t en~'- fh't! p r yl! r, Hi; hav ad", 0 '('(I idt's, illlo p('rati on, R.al E.tat... Tra".f/tr., ~~ nd un hine, b eo the finnl mini!ltrati n, of .\\lIybe, " me of t.h .. re -ull;; will H ogln Hunter. :11 minor, vt'rsu , ith your mill' J on t'. , ' et ai, 'al s by th mpath)' and love. nledical , kill ' ami 'icn ~e bdorl' not ~ eem. g od to ~ me ! us Grant ~hcl'iff wer!.' appro"ed and all Ile. nion Jo int tock Land Bank tb departuf of more than th(> who r ll ltler, but that will Inl)' e Unt ar", 10 be aetllt-d. of Detroit to Za k alld Mary Ada Wh n the day are gloomy, l1undred fr um this lif e. He e"ti· me n th t we hal' l! not k pt In th .. CUl;l' or Josephine linl'. Getts ~2, 7 aCI'eli in h anklin ing ome happy Ilong; mate, that forlY ptlr cent \If th, abr(>8. I f Ihe times. Y('it, lht' n minor. by h I' n.(>xt ftienJ. F'rank Townshi p. t the orhl' l'epining deaths have been du,' to tubercular w" rld ill getti.ng better. Ilnd ... ill BUI'neil, \'er, us W inton linl!. the ~n na r, Rosell. t t.he tate of With a courage, Iltrong ; trou ble, forty per' nt to paraly. i alwar, . ntinul' to do '0." lle!endant ,,,hall pay $a p"r w ek hlO, R al estat 11\ Lebanon ,0, with faltb undaunted, a nd ap pI . y, ",hi! , the remaining ur !;l'hools have ever occupied {or s upp I·t o( min o.r child, 35 UII ~rl lind 'aI-olin)) Sch ub to. Through the iIlQf life: t wellty Vt"I, (1111 h'l::; been elu to a }ll·o minent plate in the D I t or' or befoN! si we.e)c;; fr om 11 VI' to Nellie, a lt on Lll llsford. Inlot No, Scatte.r smiles and 8\lnt'lhine variou eau es.. interes ts, U",.·(>, a gain, hi ' love t or Jame. E, Burke as attorney f ees, 610 In Loveland . 0' r It t~1l artd trite. He ba been most Eucee , luI in chihh en nnd young people mar be , u t til' f lllinol" ch ild shall go to arl and Cal'o line chaub t o cat t r mile_ and un hlne his ministrati ons t o the ills of een Ii on uf the pl'ime m u ti,, ~~. the pluintitf, Floyd L. Wal ton Lon l ord. Inlat All along your wa y; children. and hn enj "ed this part He PIlY !flowing tribute to the Th calle of Tille lutual Build. ,0$. 6 101l a nd ()110 in Loveland heer and bl a nd brighten of hi pUt'ti e mll, t , Icle has alw a y~ many teachers who hoy lab red ing and Loan 0, ver. u ,Iohn R. ,M,arth a ,C. Ro~" d ceased, t~ E,,'ry po in day. enjoyed the confld ' n e. friend hip h ~re , pecially mentioning the lien. et aC is dismisse d \,;lhout WIlha m L. Ros', et a1. Inlot No.. 40 ~__ and Ill\' of the little 011(;8, which lale Marianna handler. and Mi l'ecord, In Leba non. Thi f amillar ' bymn of lormer ha e been hi ttl theil' ftille t ex· ' Jel\nie Dinwiddie, now teaching in J,n ,ihe ea~e (I f The M.iallli sburg , harles Bor n and Mable Born t o day =';I'em to ~ ve be n t he kef - tent. He ha. 'c on$idered the boys the IndianllPoli~ _c huol;:., Their BUlldmg and Loa n Association J oh n H. Duyle. 150.3 2 a cres in note 0.1 a life that bas meant, and and girls he ushered into this zeal ou and con ienlioul! work he \" r us ;.1 ellie 1. Melltz, et al a lem town . hip. t ill m an-, so mucb to thi corn. world all hi:" Q"n, and has ng rly . ays, ha, in many ca8~ pl'o'ven AI:thur BI'y,a nt WOll; uppuinted reo J ulia n, Doy le. to. Wllljam Es· munH • Dr. 1. T, Ellia. ju t a watch d 1heir progre a, taking detrimental to. their own heulth. celvcr. tel.1. l60.32 lic re in alem town· ucce.e, and Often has he been called !o ad· well and more !flatefully know8 as pride in their caile of Tile sh1 p. In th " Do 1.01' u nshme," nQW ha time ympathizing in th\lir defeats. dr s th a embled' , ludent., aJ)d Bu ileling and Lo.an o. "en,Ius J{a t hl'yn L V uue to Whitacre to l' fleet on long pe.riod 0'1 u eWhe n the young men cif the never has he failed to impart Th rna. . ,GroVe!I, et al. th plain. BU 1·tO n: 12'1. 1 acres ' in Harlan tuln to hils fe llow man. and to community fir t l' gis tered 'for .ound and wholesome advice. tift' shall ~'eco \'er from tl\e d . tow nship , draw any h lptul conclul ion& milita ry ervice in the spring of clothed in hill own happy and en· fenda nt the. U111 of 2,103.6 1. ZOe Hri r,vey and Lar etu Ha rvey from his wea lt h of exper ience. ~917. Dr. Ellis visit d the plac tertnininJl' tyle of oratory. hn ~athff \\Ia. fo und guilty w.S. A. .McLain and AQ'n e Mc· The writer wa reatly ben . of regi tration ju t aiter the Ii t n€' of the happie, t feature r of Jobreakmg a nd -entel'injl: with in. La m, Inlot No_ 1186 i n Franklin. -FIVE ~ okI, - ......... poiaon I!O loBI lIS it ia permitted to fitted by a vil!it to the Doctor; t.he hnd been cQmpleted, Informed the pa t year, during which . 11 tent t commit II, fel ny and W88 J oh n Willis to. Norma Car. _., ....., l"aIDaia ill the sy.stem. other after noon. Hi courage was that he ,wa pa t the required age, frail body hn co nfined him to hi' sentenced to f r om 1 to 1 5 yen)' in l'o~L 5·7," acres in Har lan t ownThe mar VlUfll men GIld IIINJItn renewed; his fa ith and eont\d en~e he replied, "Ye, but I want to home. is the way his professional the Ohio P n iten tia l'Y at hard la. h1 p. , Do you Wallt tJ.a IJeCl"et of SIIICh , iIliam J oseph arro.l) to Helen vitAlity, It isn't -whit you eat. or 1m kf.~ one botUt 0/ Dr, Cllltluld/', in his fellowman was strenrtbened j ee bow man o f my boys are on br thre n a nd iste r s have remem· bor. SflTUP /H/lsin Ita ,.,. uMIII up i, life was mad to eem bright er y ~ u t list." The I,ist wa'. how n to bered hint. From all di rection ;lames K irby , J r, wa f~und Willi. 85 . '1 4, acres in Harlan town- ..y tooie yOI1 tak,,_ H'.lOmet.hiDt PI'H/ of Iw1W mucJa the SVJlUR 1tftfI. and more hQpe ful. We had begun him . Bnd h claImed elghtel' n of t hey com Da)'ton, incillnati gUIlty of bUTglaI'Y a nd . entenced hi p. aDyoge can do-somr.thi:l' you caD thu Jwlp~ . t o wonder if the world un't the tw~nty-eigh young me.n WhO ! and many smaller Citie!! nnd townS: to 6 y ar in thL hiQ tat Re. Wi.lliam L. Ross, tal. .lart tocby aod lee resUlts in a Get a bottle of this ddicioas r etti ng j u t a little wor e, if bad reglster~d. They were bls bQYs Not one doclor in Warren coun t y formatory. E, WI!. on. InlQt No. 040 in lJeOaln Otl'. weekI All you do is live. your vital syrup and let it end that eoOltaot t bings hadn't started in the hundred f rQm this life. He e, tirnat- ha failed to pay h im at lenst onl' ,lifford' . B c kett h n been ap. Do ral Urton to Fre d Kahn. orpm the rilht atirr.uJant. -w«ry about the condition of tbe ,elIeral di rection of tbe bQw' wQws he~a u8e he .had brought t.hem int o I vi it. ~n e, who e visit he pos Ibly pomted. Oep_ut y , I l'k of co ur ts. No. 2 in Leban on. A famous 'doctor distovered the bowels. Spare the children those __ way to stlmuJllte a sluggish 5)'. tem as some of th pe98imist!l would t hl world. omE! have SlDce pre- appreciate. tbe mo t is hi 01 bllve u believe, bilt DQctor Sun- ceded him , to t hat bOTne fr,om remai ning mat of Normal a nd Bm. Anowed ,LQ new enel'lJY. ,I t ~nngs rri!S~ ,:igor biliou~ dl1Y~ that make lbem ~ New Suits able. <;:ave vour household from Lbe lIhine SQon dispelled that notion. -whieh n o trav~ l er hM ye returne~, Medical chool day , the venerable Walter Comer and G Qrge Jo rAl chwartz, g-arage re nt ~B,"16,~1 I. Wt!I'II orgM. Scmg a pby lelac 's uae of cathartics which lead to Hil lJIIlile i just as bright 8JI it though, ~appll:y, n ~ ~e was sa~r l ' Dr. Means, (,f T roy . ( You know, dan par tnerA, dc.i ng busi nesi\ a of Wt . and 1\Ie8s., $3 . ~rescnjlUon. · it's q uite harmless chrol1ic com;lipation. And lUud ever wa , hi ere ting j Ullt a 8 warm ficed durmg hi . mlll~li! serv ice. ur Doctor isn't old: h is bod y i Ol11 er & J ordan ver. us l\fa~ V. L., Williams, , e rviceB, $1 0; 'ell your dnl(!JIi.~1 )TQlI wa nt a bottte a gainst auto-in loxicalion aI!I you 'and cONial; he make. you feel Ooe, however, wa . a vlct1m Qf the m erely ti~ed ,) Gallaher et al. For money. M1llard, rvi eea, $tO; Erma of Dr, Caldwell's, )'!'!.lP (l('I''iiil, Get grow older, ' better and happier in spite of your- lIcl1urge o f j'."ftu ~nza which vi!\it~d F:or ~ g ood many years, Dr. E ll i The pri ng VAlley Natio nal nllf, ervices, $10 ; Oma KnQx ~b e ... ben e~t or Its rrf'~h 1!i.X live pr, aldwr.U·s syrup pep, 'n is lelf ; zeaJ1y make" you alhamed the c<lmmunlt y In 1 91 . maantalned hi office in a Iit tJ Bank of pl'inl~ Valley ver Ii. vices, ' 10 ; Julia Ho ' f'r., , :II' lIvc 'nRn. un 't thnt pure such :I W illi known preparation you of yourself for havinr telt blue. The Doctor has ev r been the building t hat s tood where Myel' Everett Early. F or money. $10 ; Laura Malott, pt'pSill , Gel th:.t laz I",t'r Lo work. flln R'-:' i~ wh revrr dJ'1JII' are IIOId ' 1) E. B. Murrell, 1000 sta t!l Q, c ~t:'flianl bowel Into actioI' . After graduatin, from the bitter enemy of intempe ranc , and Hyman' tore now tands. While lilll) It :'\R' t eX~lensive. • Ge l ,r1'd u ' ... ~Ie ID&ller t hlillS ' 8 IOW • VAlonA, $32.20 .' Katl D. National Normal University ..t a ..strong advocate of " r ohibi ion. locat d in t.hi of1l ce, h~ says it , Th e B ro.o kVl e BuUdin"I'> & S"v. A lng'S SQC latio n ver u, S imeon A. " ,, ~ Lebanon, Dr. Ellis took the pre. illS father, the H Qn , Seth E llis, wa o fte n diffi cul t to keep D ~u p· G s , t a1. F or I'm 0 ne y, for e- s u.r a nc e, $7 6•9 6 ; W,O IV'Ipnur.lIT ." 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! acribed coune at the Pulte Medi- was once the nominee of · the ,)Iy of the little, s ug ar p lI ets ure, sale, of premi I' alld f or tanage Co., sup,pliell 1.70; cal College in CineillJ1ati, wbence National Prohibition party for the used a a ba for orn e of hi~ clo legal and equitallle reli ef. Ros , stamp. $2: Columbu Blan HERE YOU HAVE NEW t o th oare, prot d ion and imbe graduated, March 4, 18~0. Presidency of the United Stat es. stronger medicine , Some of th Al l1xan deJ' Hf\,miltol'l In. titute, Book Mfg, Co., torms, $16.26; W, "CAS" NAME. IT'S TAXOLINE prov ment of tll(l ame woo dFriends induced him to come to He al 0. served a ten· yea r and a boy and y oun,g m en found ~he e N/lW York, v r~ us J " . Doty. For H. Fulkerth, paid Frank C. Dale I~ndll, fo r e t r a )" the produc· Wa.)!De IVille .n~ take ovu the twenty-fivlI-Y Ilr t e rm a Mnster of to be a ver y gO Od suostltute for a~penJ. Earl • Null and J . T, for servic e!!, $3.60 ; 'S~r Chemical Oil company o.fficial in Ohio ar tl on and Incom ould have be n practice of tbe late Dr. James W. the Ohio tate Grang , and a term C}and),; Ilnd' mucb oh aper t oo RII yar e the ,attorney . Co., . upplies, $8.09. , thinking o f propi ing the adoption twice, and perh p thl'ce time a s Baines. TbllA 'be~n a busy halt. 81 Chap14in t hl) National w'h ell t he Doct ol' was away. H ' . _~ • - ••- - -o,f a new word to designate gaso. Ilreat . n1 eallur d in m on '1.. ' century of mimstration to the Grange. Ce rtainl y, hi son has a al 0 sa ys that on of his specia] Probate Court Proc:eedill.. BIC DOUBLE CIRCUS hne. I~~~~~::::~~~==~=~ bodil,. and mental ills of the com· right t o be proud Qf 8u ~h II be ri· frl nd about to wn might be ab le T~ e, inventory of W. L. Brown , The word i . "taxolin ." 1munity. Here, he met and 'Wooed tage. to te ll what belium Qf a cera in fl~ml n lstra tor of e tate of F rans. HAS VAST PROGRAM With th addition to th e exi t ing his life" companion, wbo now Doctor thinks the p r esent de· batch of malt extract that wa to. tAur cent tate tax f th cmd ry V. Brown, decea ed, was awaits bis coming to that bright, mand fQr t he repe al of the Eigh. have be'en u,;ed as a to nic. approved by tne court. The' n" colo,Bros us ofand all amusements v 0 I4no r Barnum .:. one cent Qf federal , tax, ~asoline Ringll Eternal Home, Here, they reared teenth Ame ndm nt, o.r a t least the Doctor Sun . hine has ' lived Flins pa <.:'" " .Cireu b l' deflnl' tely ... ha b c ome th t h eavi. Y ta X I!d I~ admini trato , B,ailey their 1amily to • splendid and use- modifi cation of the Volstead law~ 'among u tor more th n a ha ll 0, 1. J oeh nesta te of Char les Flinspaeh .. """"u,·, commodity I' n 0'mo hera' I . th! lui manl!ood ,and wQmanbood. Is largely due to the yo unge r gen· century, preadjng healing and I th ,ordered t Oll,ell certain }renl IIled to eX'hibit ill Dayton, Wednea. state. .. usc an ~ It has often been said o.f the eration, who., he say , do nQt r eal- good ch~er wher'ever he wen t. NQw estate at public lauc t i n and make day, July 20. ' 'The total tax is now five cent the bO,dllY' tre llgth and end urance ' The No. 1 Of the s er,vice station of which he always gave SQ pr od i- retu rn!) to court. Th e ' wj]l 0 ary E. H;;::nt;:;;;;;-t~iit-*-t!H'ee--iHr-a4N6Il;&~, i-!pt,.e-l';;"'~,::~;i:4-.h..: the motorist, nearly gally to the needs of hi fellQw , G,-:e8te,s~ . o,n is now in is tax. man, is alm,o t gone, bllt the deceased, was .filed in Probate. The esta te of Franscindry V, thIS vlemlty. BIJlpoaters, banner, ' Qil indu try officials str ngth of character , helpfulness d cribes what gaso. and good cheer is greater than ~ro w!l' ,deeea edlO is exempt from men. lithographers, radio men and thlnk r• all press agents are heralding- the line buyen .re paying fQr. eve r. Spiritually,. h~ will never mherltance ta.x. T~ e e tate o f Levi Stahl, decea.s- gl'~at event, altd soon everyone Placards displayed by rno t gr ow old. JUBt VI.1 him, so me day and prove th e truth of our tate~ ed, Ill' exempt fro m inh ri tance tax will be plMlning fQr a iIlla ~ it t~ Jeading oiJ di. trib tor in Ohio. at H~l,:n S. ~anc()ck was appointed the world's larrest "bir top It the their stations ar now showing ment. ' admnll t rat rlx of th e estate of center of the biggest canvas hQW much the motorist pays for Phone 78J Geo.r!re T. chen.ck, deceased, and ever .assembled to thrill, .asoline and ho.W much fOl taxe . HollY filed b ond of $7500 with The New and amuse a great and - - - - - ••- - Yo rk Os 'ualty Co • .as ure ty. T. lnatin" poulace. . Mr . Freeman and daughter . Patterso n, Jlames Follen and Traveling on foul' trains NOTICE OF ,APPOINTMENT Sharma, called on Mrs. He rbert W. N: 1'homp Oil were apnointe d double-length steel J'allroad cars, • -Marlatt Thursday evening. ' nppralsers, . r the giant of 8uper-circusea will Estate 'of Ell worth L. She rwoQd Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon Mr. George Ii. Smiith, administrator bring 1600 people, 1009 me,naa:e;riel'de~~~as,ed. ,and Mrs. E lvis 'Michael ' and of the estate of Lavi na G. Smith animals" 50 ele.plla1'\ts, 700 horses Notice is hereby aiven that L, daugh ter, Dorothy , Silent Monday d eceased, filed hi s j.nve:ntory. 'and II herd of the largest and tal. M. i:Jexjderspn has been duly apafternoon in :.'lenla.. James V . l\luIJfo.rd. execu to r Qf lest 'gjraffes ever exhib1ted. pointed and quallfied ' a s executor Mrs. Anna Lucl\S and children esta t . of Ro t h Ruhr , deeea ed Prc-eminent :leatu:rel are of t~e Estate of Ellsworth L. al!d Mrs. Ch enowith s pent Sunday fi eld h1s inventory. ' A tl'ibe of monster-mouthed · Sherwood late of Warzen County WIth he~' daughter , Mr. and M r!! . Jan! es B. Hendricks, and Olive bangi Savages from the junelel Ohio, deceased. ' , Clarence Thomps o.n , Qf neal' A. SpIDner. executrice~ of e~tate 01 equatorial Aldea are presented Dated thi!! 7th day of Jul, Harve ysburg, ' of Mary Vandever Hurley, de. this season by PQPular demand. 1932. tanley. Atty. Mr, and Mrs. Bernice Dill, Mr. c ~sed, fil ed a sc hedule of the The Flying Codonas, featurin, Dean E. W. ~. ROLL, and Mrs. Charles Dill and daugb- clalm debts and Ii~biliti es agains t Alfredo, the world"s onl1 triple . Judge of the Probate Court, tel', ~ad, line and Mr. and Mrs. the estate. mid·air somersaulter to a h8lld·to- J27 Wa~ren County, Ohio Jess ie Dill and daughter Jeanette L. M, Henderson waS appointed hand catch; the Ooneelloa and o~ Lifl1l\ i called on Mr. Emerson executor of ell ute of Ellsworth L. 'Rarolds, aenatiQnal aerialists; Mi•• the Mesic_. Beaa' Beetle pin and famj ly , Sunday aftern oon. Sh~rw o od, deceal ed, no bond re. Tam~ra, Europe's arreatest circUI Mr. Frank P.e ne e has returned QUlred. Ross H. 'Harts ocK W E sta!;,; Luiclta Ii,ee1'8, 8Uptemt home t r om the Dayton hospit al, Sb:oud and W, ' F' . OJar k ~ere ' ap: ae~lal ' gymn~st; Thtj Wallel\das ile , To control the Mexic$n bean mMh 1mpro ved. pomt ed appraiselrs. '. lymg de~th In astounding feats ~Il beetle, 'a one·fourth, Itlch long, six· r . and Mr . James Bal entine Tbe will 'of Emma E. Ross. de. a ~t~el wll'e in ,t he ve~k Of. the' ble teen sPQtted. copper·colored in· Qf ,Da yton , spent Sunday with cea sed was admltted to Probate. top" A! Powell, flYing aerial con- sect, use calcium arsenaw spray ~he~~ge );~~Ia~: Mr. aqd Mrs. H oward Humphr(~ys was appointed tort1o~lst; Tb~ Rubio. Sbters, This is made from 1 pound of M e ~ecu tdr, no. bond. requIred, Ralph Y~COplS, ,DanvlJlI!I &nd HqonJ al'8enate, 2 pounds of hydrated r. a nd Mrs. Walker and daugh- Green. Ben.Jamin .Blaekburn and S~lSters, amazing a~robats; The lime, and 60 gallons of water. One tel's, of near Old~wn spent. Sun- Ho~ar~ bv:m s were ~ppointed ap. ' Rleft'enach 'Prollpe.. headin&, thepqund rif calcium 8l'8enate and '1 Val. . you ... tile DUDe Ba,. aDd iiDiiatiolll. MIltiODl <II tile wot'd leDaUae oa tJae Pecka&'e .. proved that it ia aaf.. da y wii.h Mrs., Kate Smith and pra1sers. new . five-continent .eongrHl! of pounds of hydrated lime may be sons, Raymond and GeQrge. The invenrory of Thomas C. bareb~ck stars; MaXImo, beloved used, as a dust in smaller gardens pictured above yOu e'aa DeVer ..... _ Gea' Sa - - -- - - - - ¥adden, exeouto)' of es tate ot Wil- comed1an of the slaek wire--tbese • lure that you .... takia, Uae 8IJU&iaa ' ume JIel' AlpiriD promptly 53 % ror Debt Cba.r.~. ham H. Madden. deceased WBS ap.. are but a hw of the stellar atValue. i. Fal"lD Wooda nUn.' proved by the court. tractions. . __ that tJaou.a~d_ .. .J ' Besl'des th e 'S t a t e government, . Edwin S. Eldridge. executor of ' Th ere are . 8 00 llertormert and .B ayer- ....ninn Total value placed ~pon the phyaiciula prucribe ill tw. didIJ Heact.c:tM. NeanIIia only ~ f ew, local units of govern- estate of Mary B. Eldridge deceas. 100 internatlona1ly 'celebrated an<l ,products olt,um woods in Ohio by tf ' b '' '-''-a'':, ~ent In OhIO escaped. adopting the ed, filed his tint and final a.c- belpved clowns; The Ringlin&, Broe the ,1 930 census take" was $Ii ~ '. preece. • ~...... 'Lambaco lIIstallment system Qf buyin" il1 ~ount: The estatle is exempt from and Bal'num " BalJey hone fair '160,000. Farm woods In 1929 pro. Newitia TOothadl. the last 20 years. Tn one Ohio mh entunce taxe!!. , as ' become a future amaling in duced 109 million teet, 01 saw The DIme Bayer county 53 per cent ofaJl revenue James E . Burke . was uppointed its appeal throl1ghout the North logll ,2 million fence posts. 72J;,OOO AJpirin. It iI yow - t e e 01 N ...._ 1 fr om all property taxes goes to. ,guardian of Be!njamin P. ·Miller Arne'rican eontinent. corGI ~t fire wood, 350,000 rail· .-• •_ ...,'uI tI/I~td./oUD. a. ward pa yi ng debt char ...es. The conti ed ' th 0 • - ...- - purity-your r n....t-tioa _-'_t .... ~ a t II .. ' n m -e ayton State U .. , r oad hell, an~ ~maner Qf p'ulpwood, piling, ,a nd amo.Unts poles. But o~ WI cue..t ... not Up,., the /wGrt. verage or a counties in the Ho pita\. · THE MIAMI CAZET1'i: If more attention bad be~ &'iven _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...====--0::::::1==========~ s tate is 21 per cent. The will of Martha D. Crain, F ... R••• I.. Common
C; l'tIn'
c:.a-._-er 'ThaD , He Was at Twenty
F. "T. Martin Auctioneer ,
Centerville, Ohio
;s always
beware of imitations
Sometime. There'. a Muzzle, Too!
~-..-..~-....-;.;.... MONEY LOANED
, 5%
Farm' Loans SHORT Till. .r t~L Allo .un1Jt1 ... .\ etractlnJ. Write and wID . .
aa ....~. 700Uh, s.m D. a,allle, ,,_,.
WANTED 6 MEN OR YOUNG MEN ill Way~ neaville District who want to make a real effort to enter Gov. ernmel1t 'Nork. Poetal Qt clerical field. 'Write Charles H. Stulta Box No. 89. Car. The Miami Gantt. ~or information and quaJlteation Interview. '
FOR UNT-8 room modena hoa.., $15. Cluuce R7e. WaF-
nemu.... 4. 7
New. Direct ..~
Pray Hear Yel
the State !f.;apat1ol
township including members of the 0 f e ducalion, compiled by of Stat Clarence J. Brolwn, be ready for di. tdbution within a few days. It ha!\ been a tremendous and tires!lme task to gather the list of officials from every town' 11 d hId· s hip, city, Vl age an se 00 lStrict in the state, requilring a vast amount of labor and ,correspondence. The books are valuaf~:
D. L CRANE I I P ....Il.h... JSwbacrip.lo. Pric., •• .10 a-.Y_R OIic. Pho•• , , ..... ......... No. III Enler.d at PotItottlCle .t W"}'~"II .....- . ...... ....... _ .. .... .. ... No. III ville. OhIo, ...Maller Soc<>nd CI .... lIa R••I_c
NIGHT AUDIENCE Extendinc.its area from a 76 to • 100-mile radius Irom ColumbulI, the Monday fum nieht program tram the tate-owned radio eta· tion WEAO has increased ita audience during the last few weeks according to R. C. Higgy, director of the broadc&!!ting station at the Ohio State University. A .complete new transmitter, he says, was installed recently to comply with regulations formulalad by the federal radio commissiorl. ThJ new equipment will makl! the farm night and other educational programll of the "atlltl·on aval·lable to thousands ot rurlilites who hitherto were unable to receive the station's broadcasts. Daytime broadcasts with the new equipment, he flnds, has brought listener resPOnses from every e~unty in the state except two, and uch states as Michigan, New York Pennsylvania, West Virginill, Kentucky, and Indiana. All programs from the stateowned station are tree of commercial advertising and are purely educational in nature, Among the scores of topics of intl!!re9ll; to ,hl'mers disCQssed on the farm n!ght prograJD, every, M.,n~ay nIght from 8 to 10, a~e crop 1)0118, ' !leeds, taxes, mar.ketmg,. government homemakmg, hvestock, ' . poultry, horttculture. agriculture engineering'. .. __ - - Su ......r M••tial.
Blocks. Barrell, Sackl, Coarse a nd Table Salt, We have jUlt received a shipment of Colonial Salt. While thil Itock lasta we will lell at the present low prices. NOTE- All manuf acturers advanced prius 10 %. , -
Pray, hear ye, all good town folks Don't, you knllw twill )'aiae the dickens? lC you set a blltch of cross old hens . And turn loose great broods of . chickens? . When electric clocks were fi)'st announced, ) went to.JLBiDre to Your l~ighbors "'he h8V~ buy Olle. I was shown one in which lhe mollor was concealed in a banjo you I dellign, and another in a colomal • -desl,n, . Wit . h a pIcture 0f M OUlh• Hearts, ar bound to hllrden, named officia 8. In the tentatlv""; ·list (If Ohio fair Vernon painted on the glass door. Then there wall. grandfather'K clo.c:k When they ~ee your blasted chick. ~ protested . that I wated a modern .clock in a logical d e~ign, and e'os datlls not a single one for · July is not u modern clock disguised an an antique. Th!l o,nly deslfn thllt 'I'euring up their pretty ga~d()n, announced. Nearly .a.ll ,country independent fairs · hal"e reduced wel'e !'eally modern a'ld functional w~re kitchen e1~ck8, 80 ~ad to ompl'oml!!e and take Ii: clock; in 11 deSIgn that was mtroduced III the 'I'here IU'e their noce tomatoes, the price of admi!!sion 1;0 a qUarter daYH·when sprjngs were substituted for pendulums. Now, just see how they look; This is in keepiJ11t wi1th pilins of A writer who has pondered this Inconsistency hilS conchlded that Their sweet corn, and potatoes, the Ohio tate Fair, officials ot Cement, Lime, Tile ' and Sewer. nothing can become tylish until it violates common sense. Like they'd been dug with a hook, the latter also reducing the price "So," he 1l8ys, "wo have oaTly American lighting 1\xtures with ])on't you know this is dishonest? of admi !lion to th grounds and Our stock is complete and prices glMB bowls tor oil that isn't used, and glass chimneys to keep the wind And it makell folks !feel quite sad coliseum to twenty-five cents. from blowing out the flam of th tungsten filament which iSlllready Why do you do this unkind thing? There has aJ!5o been a, general reare right. enclosed in a gas-filled bulb. Or we have small-pane gl8S!! windows And make yopr neighbors l1)ad. duction in purses and premiums. t,'dny becaulle it is 110 trouble at all to make large pancs, and we have All fairs have been hlud hit but c iling b 811'l8 which til) not entry .any weight and are actually not The fact that you will do this there is no l'eason why they b BinS at all but; are l'eally hollow boxes HuHt of thin .boards to. look fills ,us with surprise, should not stage a come back with like beallls, and we have linol eum floors that look like wide planks and 1131, when your chickens I'eappearance of more prosperous ema il tiles. ' . We :~C~e~~rd~,!prt~~nSize, times, and they will, but· many of I pl'edict ~ut thll <jay is neill' when th re will b such a revolt As far a ;"e are able. them will have to bE! revamped ogal·nat antique that they will be packed off .~ the attic f"om wher d &anl'~ed '" BLlt are afraid' "ome day .you'l gee an rear.. _ .. _ . _ . " ~ they were hauled ten or twenty yean ago. Right now only two room in th .average hou.se make anr concession Fried cbicken, on !lur table. Warden · P. E_ Thollnpson is a .lIon.25 to modernism. One is the bathroom and the other I ihe kItchen. Bed- , For t.he love of Mike let .up on us busy' official t~ese days. . room~, living-rooMs, and dining-room are forced into antique pattern. And give our sass a chance , jng tbhle cfanmn g elf EL!nrdulg~rden8 I till ked to lin architect about this, and he defended pllriod design grow; vegta es rom f arm s nnd decoration on the ground that people would be nervously jolted ,by We raise this stuff for our own owned and leased by the stb&.te. , Summer mee ti ng!! of the O . hio violent chllnges in their dome tic nvlronment. We like old things, he use . Thousands of gallons of straw ~r- State Horticultural Societ.y have said, and resent the new. A man working all day amid telephones, type- That much you ought to know, ri 8, cherries~ plum, l)J.ackberrteci been scheduled 10r August 3 and Subscl'ibe for Ute Miami Gazette. writers, and other machinery, would not find repose at the end of the And neighbors who have gardens and raspbe!'rtel .are belOg sto~e I August 6. rhe first meeting will day in a modernistic room. . Must, have Mmec(lmpensation. away :tor v.: mter .use to;~ether WIth be in southern Ohio and. the second Maybe fl, but maybe not. We complain that people now live in We mean this well, are giving you tons of varHiu!!l kinds 01; vegetall~e in northern Ohio. llutOOlObil 1:1 instead of houses. Th e reason may be that the llutomobile A qLlict intimatlon. The institution manubcturea Its Director of FUDeral S.rrice being thOl'oughly modern, i~ thorougl1ly comfortable, whereas the • __ oWn tin container-s and as a result ~~~~~~~~==~==~I II,1ltiqLl rooml! lirc as uncomfortable as though they were designed by of these activities the :8~ore hOol;1se w. Ha.,. a Complete Watch the devil himselI,- rmp rial Magazine. is bulging with. good th!!lgs whlch Our convenient location, suitaCHARTER NO. UI17 Repair Sen·ic. will appear on the plrlson menu R ... rv. Dlltrlct No. • ble 8ulToundinge and equipment And use only genuine materials, Mrs. Gail Gordon, Margare·t later. enables us to Serve to the Beat Report of conditioD of the Har- Crystals IItted while you wait. Anne, and Carl of Columbus were H. G. Southard, M. D., Direc. Advantage. ve"bur, N.tlonal Bank. gue5tll of Dr. and M.r, W. E. tor of the State Department of Cary's Jewelry Shop Harveyabur.-, in the State of Oglesbee this. week. Health, announces that the lowest Ohio, at theelo.e of buaID' •• LeLalloll, Ohio AMBULANCE SERVICE Rev, and Mrs. En ley and Teddy mortality rate ever rElcorded for on June 30, 1~32. of Monroe caUed on friends here the first ,f our months clf any year tore Open Ev~niDgos Pboa. 29 ~8OURCJ!lS the Fourth, in Ohio was that regiistered this (J. P. Schmidt. Supervisor of Farmers' Institute, Presiding) Mr. and Mrs. Ch as. H" Gray, Th·.4 . 12 I) per 1 000 Loan. and di.count•. .... $53.185.2. Allee. Kathleen and Wayne spe.nt year, e ngure I S . . . , Oyudratb .. •.. ..... . ••. 81 .S7 8:00 Mu sic Sunday . evening with Mrs. Gray's living which may be compared Ualted Slate. (loy_nlll.nt . .. , """ :10 Local Public DebL H. R. Moore grandmother, Mrs. Edith Smith in with the next lowest 12.7 lor t~e IMlIrltie. 091'01114 •• _.... 8,241, 72 tonde, .toell. and . 8 ~5 Better Budgeting & Financial AdministTation .~. R. C. At.kinson BlancheBter, same period of time in 1931. ThIS Other .e vrltJ .. ownK . . •. ..•. 25 . 90~, 90 Ohio Institute Mr . ;1. B. Simpson, who with is 37 fewer d athlS ea,ch 'Clay, re- Dankln .. Hou .. , . , • . 8 :40 Planting Vegetables for th Jo'nll Crop .... ,'" ..... H. D. Brown her daughter, Mis8 Virginia, has flecti ng 27,782 deaths in 1932 and FurDI~ur... nd fixture•.•••••...•• , .noo U,1I0.00 8 :55 Row Food u toms Change . ..,. ".. ... " Alma Garvin sevaral days here 28,240 in 1931. A declr~a e. o~ 18 Real .. tate owned other 9 :10 A Look B n ath the urface Soil .. . .. . ... ..... .... .. R. Bradfield dbeerl. snending "th ill -" h d h. per cent was recorded In dllleases tb_ b..nklnlL lIou.e ..•• 1.078.50 9:26 The Mid-Summer pray. .. .. , ... " ..... ' ., ... T. H, Parks unng e ness C)J er aug ter, .... the l'espiratory system, of 697 l\e8erv. 'Wltla Fed.ral Mrs. J. P. Tbornbur returned to U'J. 11 Y Re.ery. BaDk •••••••• , 9:40 Requeening the ]933 Crop ' ..... , ........... .. .. " .......... ,VirgiJ Argo her home in Louisvil j e, Ky., Sun- tewer deaths. Arnone th s grou~ "'327.4)6 Ca.h and \4u. from banke 5.612.37 9:50 Music day. Mis!! Virginia will remai'n of causes, pneumoniadoecreased 1 Out.lde obeeke .nd otller TIre O. S. U_ Ra... Statlo.-:-WEAO oaeh It.m •......•.•••• , U2,33 some time longer. per cent or 626 deathel. Other A... et. _ ••••••.•••• 9UI 4.H WEAO HALF HOUR We are to have a ,beauty parlor Religious services at the O~io Total. ................ 108, lB .0'. in . ou r town soon. Penitentiary baye bee~ productlve Saturda,., Jul,. 18, .:00 p. m. LtA.QlLlTlilS Mrs, C. R. Death erage entertain- of good re ults accordmg to stateROOT FOil AND CONSIGN Mud Daubera "" """. ' ....... " ..... .......... _", H , E. Ewsine Cattle, ho,l, ,he.p aDel cal... At Unel Tom's 8bi~·.·.,. . ... ., .......... " .. , .... R. B. Tom ed the W, C. T. U. Thursday ment made by offtcials of that in- Cepltal etock J)aW In .• , •• UI,OOO.OO SlM'plue ••..• , ....•. ,. ,. '.000.00 Noma-Brock Co., Un win . . . 'evening, stitl)tion, During the first .six Undlvlde4 IIrotltAl-net ... ij01.46 progrel.lve finn for Mr_ and Mrs. W. T, J ordan had months of the year 21U convIcts Due to bank., 'ooludlng as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. l1ave professed' religiion, which c rllff dana caSh lUll' market prieel and trOod ...-ft... ehecke outetlilndfn&" .•• , 276.36 Z. Hartsock and family 0'1 Wi!- brings the total number uP, to Demand Depoollt••• , ., .,. 59,.33.7 . Ualoa Stock V . . . .• C ... -~t!J O. Tune in on Radio Statloll WuKT mington. t,900 and this out 0'1 a popula~\O~ 'Nme depo.lt. .,......... 1,200.00 Mr. and Mr . J. C. Gray, Mrs. f 'mately 3800 Servlces Bill. p .. yable anel re12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daUT Chas. H. Gray and Wayne spent 0 approxi ". f elleeount. ""'" , . . . •• 17,300.00 market reports. are held under le!ll3ershlP 0 (ASTORIA WILL Tuesday with ·Mr. and Mr I baliC religious workers and mm!ltes both Total .. ..••• , ••.• , ••• ~ ~ Cobb near Lebanon. white and colored. There. IS II prot- 8tate ot Ohl~ ColOnty at WarreJ\,.I: DO ITI The Betsy Ross Clothing Club . d J ah chapel I, H. S. ·~·ucker Caahler of til. met in the high school building estant, Catholic an e'WI .. above -named banlr. do lolenlalJ' Friday afternoon. FollOWing rou- on the campus ae well liS Chfl$ttan e"e.r tbat tb. aboy• •t.t.lIIe.t .. WheD your child need, retUlatilll, trve to tbe t.et of my kno"leJwe. tine business several articles made Science. .nd beller. 1f0TARY PUBLIC remembel' .thia: the organa of babiCill H. S. TUOKlIlR, ea..hl.. by the .. irIs were criticized ·by the 1'he battle of employes .ot. . and chUdftln are denc.te. little Mil' '''orn to bero,. Natlo.ol ....1& advisor, Mrs. Esther Doster. We the Stat'! Houst\. Park land specIes me8vt.c.'lted thl. 9th da.y of Jul y. 19:1a. bowU mUit be pnUy urged-De-,'III' then motored to Peele's Pool near of 8ma~. cateTpillars hiLS' been deD ..._ • _ Mary Syferd, Notary Public. llII'CJed. That', why Cutoria u \lied WilmingtOn where We enjoyed - cided in f.vor .of the former after Correct-Altelt: O. D. COOK W4)'NESV f by 10 IIWIY doetort ud mothers. It . ming alld QIlting Jlnt ' time they secured reinforc.~mentB . 0 T. F . M<' U1NN for supper, which was spread on spraying machines WIth whIch w . \1' . JlORl>A:.N ,peeiaIJy madeDO forbanb, children's the pi~nic table and thoroughly the), deluged the trees and shrub· I!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!i"!!!!!'!'!!'!!!!! II menta; contaiDa harmful ~~~~~~~~~::~~. enjoyed by all present. Then we bery. These cTawlar!! have become , . dnip, DO narcotica. You can safely retllrned home. a nuisance and were .npt only dev- , POIl.ALE DATES CALL live It to youl!I infanta for colic Kathleen Gray, reporter. astating thinll\s in. general. but pai.u. Yet it it an equally effective Several from here attended the were interferrmg WIth beautlflcafuneral of Paul Reas(m in Dayton tion of the park by gardnesrB emncuJator for older children. The Dut . Thurllday afternoon. ployed 10r. that .pu~pose, Now time yoW' child hu a titUe cold or Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shumaker everything 18 agam serene, the fever, or a diieatlve upeet, give him are making extensive repairs on poison having done its work, until SO Years Experl.nee lD tile belp of Castona, th.e children', the .ancestral home on tMaple there is another influx of these Fitting and Maklna Gla.... street. _ _ _ _ .. _ ...____ pestiferous, raspacious, elongated crtnI rem~y. Genuine Cu\.Oria alnaked worms of numerOUII legs. WQa .... tile DUll.: How to Tr.at Leaf Hoppen .-. I LebaDOll.Olllo B.rU•••••, OW. Should a period of hot weather Believe it or not, here', one for- ing of tho me., at ·the ,a tate, of 10How the cool wet spell in Ohio, Tu..d.a" TIs .... - " 5a'--, Bob Ripley. Ohio, then a picture of a bell, nut leaf hoppers may yet cause seriElIalDl••tl_ Free EARL ICOOGUR Mr. and Mrs. V. R, B·u rke, of In tending a communication to the ouf,ine of • telephone, o~ ous damage to the early potato D.,toa .Pho. . LEBANON. OHIO tIMi Zaaelville busine.. omee of finall,. the abbreYia&ioa "Co. If Un. ' crop. Potato specialists l'ecommend Anderso n, Ind., spent the Kwee~. y rll. . . , •\ \ I.J f"~ (/J T ~ '" I r . The Oblo Bell Telephone Company, derneath 'Wu the word "City." ' weekly spraying with a 4-6-60 end with Mr. and bordeaux misture spray or 4-8-50 a Zanesville telephone ,ubaeriber ADd tile t.tter ..... ~pUJ de- ! Thompaon and daughter. . ~ =~=~~~~=~===~~=========~~====~~:::==::;::::::=~~~=~~= in extreme hot weather. The for. woed .ymbolic in addreuillC J,b. Iiftl'ed bJ UDele .sam", z.e,Yille mula stands for 4 pounds oI:f cop· Gray, of •• • • • • • •" • • • .J esse Stanley df Nj~w Burlin"'1 aDyeLope. . postal people t.o tM local J!ulDtu , per euJfet-e. 6 pounds lime, and 50 andWalter ton, called on K, E. Thompson ODe 'l'he addrea, consisted of a draw- lICBea of tlI. Obio Bell, j gallons water. day last week. . Lyle Robertson a~d .fam,l, have moved from Ollr neighbor. hood to the Ben Smith !ann, neat Hickoryville. Fred Thompson and wife ha-.:e moved from West ViTI'inia to thll place. Mrs Ethel Smith, a'n dsoDs, of Harveysburg, were· s'h oppine in Dayton on last Wedn4!sday. Johnny Johnson .a.n d . family spent Saturday evenl1ll · ID Harveysburg, · t.'~.mo.. 'Q) . . Marson Wells le1t fOlr Oallfornia one day .Iut week. _~, Of ,.~ K. E. Thompson called on friend' Of • ,. '01\ at Green B·riar on Satll.rday alfter~ noon. ~r UK · Mrs, Mary Robertson an.d daulrbter Zora Edna, have :returned to their home near Kinlpnan, af~r spenrling a couple of weelts WIth her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Welle. ,.nd family of thi. place, Mias Kathleen . Thompson hu returned to. her .home here af~r visiting friendl1 ID Da.yton, OhIO. Mr8 Mabel F. TerlrY, of' Lebanon, ~pent her ·vaeaU-on with h.r home folks here. Little Vina Lamb, 'o f Wayne.ville is visitint rellativea e.od frie';ds in Kentucky. Marie Dorothy a/ld Charlie _ eM" \000 Wells ~f this p'laee, .nd Arthur Wood;, of Hamllto!lJ Ipent 'Frlda, ..... til "'$\C~\ afternoon with lIIlillH Kathleen Thompson of this plaee. " ' - ' ; \ .," Mr. and Un. M. M. Terry '~I\t MI tIM . . . " ....• Saturday in 'WIth II~ Terry'a eister, BnnlnaL . . . . . . tAl-A" tUMG lIOW" . WllIism Kill ,.~. Josephine. atton4.Ot_~.~ . " \WI ed Ohurch at OD . . . ~,... Sunday e"lIftln,• Wilt Guatin, called on It. E. TbIDml~lloD I5'Qncl&, f afternoon. JULY 13, 1932
A Revolt I. Due
Building Suppllel
Waynesville .farmers Exe. Co.
1'4I-------""'!""--__ A. H. ST.UBBS
arveya urg
Farm hight 7alhs, July 18
u.. .........
Telephone Company Gets
Patron's Symbolic Letter
DRe RU-a._'-'.-
Stanley &Ketgler
. ~il.t
Beech Grove
.'0, N_
Cary's Jewelry SIIop
n..''''l\t to~t
To Choose from-..·AII Makes and Models
Pa-e.Kahn Motor Car Co• o.........~.
A Sacred Duty arli l'sl 11m ,lIlan· k Illd hI!. ud " llrt'-d t o I'nlhp/ty in . the la, l rlte~ (or till), who h,ve p s ed Il\va y, . 11 t l)(' lov nnd re per t f It for III pl'I18rted d uri ng li te, All the skill of art. a ll"1.he Ifn I dire of science, has be n tavi 'hed to thi end. We feel deeply the respon· ibmt l'ePO ed In u wh el) we ar IIlIowed to plan and (!ood uct th e ervicea 'for tho e who have paSfSed on. Jol"Onl
J. E. McClure Phon, 7
Use The Miami Gazette'.
Mr., ('181'<'11(' " Smith df G"nnltl wn "peril lll_t \\' .. ~ k with JIIr.. Ann Smith. . t l'" llnn')' C I nl'll t'et ul'nlHl tWIIW FrIda • f r<lIl1 n t wo wee l.R ,,1. it Il t th home of R v. on .1 ~11'~. .T(' .. c Kline:l Detrl)it . Hch. Rev, a mi Mrs. K lin - lice Ill.pall ie d h{,I' hOln' a nti rernlliJl l'd ( w IlUYN. Little Belty Roul7.:lhn p nt tllt> pa~l w(, .. k with n,luth'oR at Tipp canoe ity. Mr. an d h " P erl'~' Pel'k~ anti dau hter, Don na lIent', or Duyl n, unday with M.·s, Ddtc spe nt Scott and fAmily. i r. a nd Mrs, W alter W ulkj>r n1t)ved to Middletown 18 t' week, af er tu king ca rt.' of Mrs. Ann milh fo r tluite 1\ whHe. Mr. and MI'., Floyd Savllg nnd fl\mily n joy d 1\ mo t o)' trip t o t he Zoo at Cincinnati. 'umlIlY. ?h-. a n d Mrs. Thel'l e Jones and on Milton, 01 n t rvil\e were unda y dinne r gll t of th ir parents, Mr . and 2\11'8. J, 8. Jane , Mr_ a nd Mrs. Willill m LO llg an d, Mn ot Yenia, were Sunday ott 1'· ' noon guests of lh'. and Mr . Wil. liam Long, Sr. Mr. and Ml'S, Ed Longa re nd !tIr . Margaret Joh n w Te Da"ton vi itor! Saturda>·. Mr. a nd Mrs. Longacr returned to incinnati Su nday eveni ng. Mr. and Mr . All n Emrick and .Mrs. Margaret J ohn atten ded a r eunio n of t h e family of the lat-e Mr. and M rs. Albert ol'nell at Waldr ue Park, north of pringboro, Su nd ay. More than fifty wer e presen t. Mr . th F urna an d children, arah onine and tl1 J r., reo turn d home unda y aft r a vi. it with relat i es at Rieh mond, I nd . n arl s lar k Mr. Bnd Mr . wer e unday dinne r g uellts of Mr. and Mrs. Milton heeh ll.n at enterville . Mr. Geo rg e Smit.h, north of t own , W Wl t end red a surpri!!c Saturday evening by n t>ighbors and another one unilay by nl lltivea, eel brati ng h is birthday.
W. F. M. Society Ha.
Interesting Ses.ion
I . soddy If th~ 1\1 , rhUl'ch ll11't II th l' hom\) lI C l rl\, El. II , W illilllll~ n, lu~t WIHhlCP' du~' nftt·r noo n. A!ll'r a trllmpl'l .oln by Fra nk Ll'~ l nr ,Jr.• his ~ i ster. ilat'Y 1-:"a, PI:t.,-irlillj.{ ~)t th plun(\~ I T!~. ,. , Dibert :md . l l'~. . K. D. y con, duc:l{'O to d ·votiuJlat. ·'1'lw following inl<!rc~ting pro· "rum Will:< enjoyed: '(teal MIn. l\Ii~" Loudla W iIlinm"on; rNldlnp:. "WOm!!lI (If the EUlIt." 11-5. WiI· Iililll!<on: rl:'l'ldin". "Th ld Sun~ alld th~ ew in India," Mrs. Frank Lel\flly: 1'l'Buing, "Pione r Wom n of hina," 11'11. B. .• mith: " cal :;(110, Mr,. L lay: (thi . ong was writte n by a Chin e Di ble 'I omanl report of th chool f 11. il.ln r <'cnlly held at Mlanli \'alley hautlt,uqua, Irs. Day. I:'~.
T il l' '\ ,I-'.
Didn't Under.tand New Tax Schedules
Th!! l)eW t\1r!'I'-l"l'n t leth'l' pOS.' I': le, wh i 'h , lint into effect Ju ly fith, hilS hnd IiHl\> or no e f, fect on the volume of l hi kind o f bu in .. " at the 10~lal po toffie , S fil l', . a ~Ilid l' ~tmi!lst<'r Hil t' ock, thlM mortling. Whille til!' first len t111 ~' of July .. eu hE'3VY I('tter mulls, due to t t(,1I1~nls, etc., 1'1'c ipts ullually rl'l\ch l1\cir lowest ebb fO I' the entire :r III' during the I' mllinder of the month. This year. the light inflation h ilS b'en xtend d to ml)re thlln the usual len t1aY$. f COU I'IIC, the increase in \'lit 1I, witllout a d crCII e in volume, makes dlecidcd inCrease ill financial receipts. Mr. Hartsock 1I,lso stat. t hat the three-cent rlRte, in effect tlft",ell yeul'lI ag(), actually incl'ea~ed th receipt of llIuny postoffic(' , to such an Icut t hat the alary 1'~ltin'" of many of t hem .. wa~ ' m leriaUy d(!Ct't!a ed. lllg ..
fiR Wilh~lmln8 Pugh, IIged '74 yens. lilt'd at. het bome on Da~'toJ\ R. R. 4, l\londuy afternoon ut 2 o'clo k. Funeral arrung ment s h ve nllt be(!n learned. Mi!'! Pugh wS' a fOl'mel' resiNor has 1h' two·cent tax on d nt. anc! WM W 11 known ill this checks hl\<I much effect on the community. number iss u d u n ·the Wayn e vi lle ,==-..-= "--0___ =- -= Nutlonul Bunk. An official stated, this m Ol'ning'. thnt the greatest large ·I·owd attended the bull change th y o:HI noted was a degame here Friday evening between cid,.d increas' in the Bllloun t Qf Lytl tea m nnd t am of jrirlfl c1el:lc~l work. impoaCld by th e from Dayton. COI'e WIIS HI l 14 charglllg of the 'lax IIgain!.'t t he in favol' of .L ytle, \llIriOUI! accounts oJ depositors. Thel'e- will l)e pr(,8ching n )(tjThe chec k tax collected by lhis unday nft rnoon at Lytle chul'ch balIk, d uri ng th last. t n days of by the PARlOl', Rilv. H, 11. Laffcrty. Ju no., \\las app r oximately $ 2_7. Th 5C e)'vic ol'e evel'y two Pub lic funds, uc h as municipa l week on Sundav afternoon unc! township, chool, etc., are n ot t h other unday, unday .:chool amllnoble to th is t.8x. is ~r~:~/~[I:~.. L. H, Babbington Itn d da Llg-Me r;;, Ruth nlld J ane, of ril Trenton, vi. ited their ull nt, h~. -----G ol'gia nna Haines. Friday after· In the alternOl) n of, li fe, watc hnoon, ~turd8Y ev ni,ng, Mrs, ing the lengtheni ng hado ws a nd 60rge F'lIlk bon of Middletown, t he deepening twilight <If h r exJoh n Slade and Mr. a nd I I"S, i tence. Est her 'tansberry R obinFl tehel' lude of Fra nklin called son Slin k .into, th sleep t hat on h r. rou nds out 1111 our lives. tr. , alld Mrs. , Ke I r Gl'u hum Most of her li f was spent in a nd ,M I ~ Rut h Ear ly pent Un· W ayne ville ":here she W8 S. hig hly day 11\ olumbu II~ t he ,h omE'.o re~pected by a ll 'wh o knew her. tlh. ~nd Mrs. A. B. Wh ite, t,l, Having been I ,£t a wid ow with BerOlce CI'ahan! accompan ied vera l li ttle chil d l'en to care for lhc'ITl home !11tl'r a week's visit in she OV()l'CBm e ol)silllcle that other~ 0lu1l1hu WIth h r a u nt Dnd un<:1e wo uld have g iven way bef ore but .M r. H arry ornell o f t he ]i'erry by grim determina t ion and 'hllrd n.elghborhood underwent a n bpeta- work she, kept 11 home for them tlon f or rupture S un da y a fternoo n until th ~y were able to care f or 1cClellan hOi;\pital, Xe nia,'and tbemselves, nt t lli writing iii reported t o h I! A fe w -yeal'S ago her health getting alo ng as well a ca n b failed a nd he wa comp elled to ~ xpec ted. ]\fl', ornell 'ya ~ pl·cpar· g iv , u p h 'r home. ' rn~ to atte nd th.e fam Ily l'~un ion D.uring t his t ime her s uffel'ing. . ~ nday wh c~ st.rIClke n wl ~h ll b.tess. lit IIl tervals wa , inte n e, but it HI S man y f rien d he re wlsh hml a was borne bravely, and when the speedy recove!'y:- _ _ _ _ end ante it "'!is ver y peaccfull. .AlI t hat lOVing· hands, medical kill and c are f ul n Ufsing was done, but bei ng iin her 7 th year the body wa f rail and 'from th~ 1\1\-. and Mr . Bishop Dickinson, beginning o f this Ja t ilJnes thel'e of olumb us, are the g u st s of was no hope. t he ir 80 n. A dam aod f amily, God's fing I' touched her and f l'. and Mrs. W. . mit h, son she slep t. • and daug hters, attended t he Smith F or many years sb e was t de. re union in ol umblls, unda y. Miss voted member olf th e Waynesville Ruby l'emained 101' a fe w duys' hurch Of Christ; and attended its ·visit. services as lonll' as she was able
AT - 'b-- ute
a.II••• tile Depr•••loD
New Burlington
Build or Repair The Things You Need
Build or Repair. , The Things You Want I
Build or Repair The Things You Can Pay For
W. H.Madden &GO. Phone 14
Waynesville, Ohio
t own, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. J. A , HaTtman and ~ hildren escaped inj ury when th ir automobile overturned While on thei,- way to chul'ch S unday morn· Ing. The accide nt 0 curred near the residence of Luther Haines. In pass ing a milk truck, MI'. Hartman drove too near the edge of the road and the soft grave) allowed the wheel/l to skid. Lilt1 damage wlis done to the machine. Martha Hill Steddom. aged 70 years, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mendenhall, Xenia pike. On Thursday morn ing. he was a prominent m ember of the Frie nds' church and most highly respected by all who knew her. Funeral services, cO llduct~ d by Rev. Boyd were held Sunday mOl'1ling. James (Buck) Stump. a , life long res ident of our 'c ommunity, died at his home on "Buck Run" I as t Th urs d ay a_ f t el'noOo. F unern1 services, conducted by Rev. Kilmer Cl'e beld a f his late home, unday afternoon. He had a lal'ge circle of f~iend~ who mo urn his departure. Beside t he widow, · he i sUl'vived by One daughtllr, Mrs. Homer Hollingsworth.
S. W.P., Reaular colora per ,allon ....... : ' .. , , ....... . ..... .. . . .. . s. w. P. White per aallon ... . .... . Bam Red P.r •• llon ,·......... , ........ . . . . . ... . '. Pun Raw Unaeed Oil
MI', a nd MI·s. bas. ' Satterth. waite w re Xenia vis iton, Monday
IL<;!I Huth E. ook is attending Fdend,' outer nc at Cape May. . J. MJ's. E , . ran e j" reco,v erinjt IIftel' an illness of several days' d uration,
Mrs. J a n Thomson is visiting he r daughter, All'S. Anna Shoup, of Da yton. ' F, B. Ken derso ~ and ·(amily enJoyed a moto r tr ip to Lexington Ky.. unday., • Tu ne in on the C. &: B, pro"""m tat' K •• - • 8 Ion W RC every SunOaY afte rnoon at 2 p. m.
er in death. leaviTlg Mrs. Harry' ooper of mbus. Mr. E, C. W oollal'\l of Dayton and one son Fr.ank, o f Wa yne ville to moul'~ th los of a )Iind and devoted mother , he also le,Bves ix grandchildren, tw o brothel'S Ilnd a host of fri ends who wll) miss the prese nee of one . who tried to do what she could. Sunset and eve'ning star And one clear call for m~l And ma-y there be n o moaning at the bar. When I put out to ea, . Twilight and e\'eningo bell And after that tile dark{ And may the re be no sadness of fareweU. When I embark. For t ho'and from o ut our bourl)e of time pla,ce Th e fl ood may bear me far j I hope t o meet. my Pilot face to face Wh"n I have CI'08 ed the bar. ,. Card elf ThaD". W e take this .oppprtunity to t hank our l'elatives, neighbors and friends who SO kindly ass isted during t he illn ess and death of OUr beloved mother , Also. to J. E . Mc. Clu re fIll' his tllloug htful kindness: Mrs. Hany Cooper Mrs. E. C. Woollard MI'. Frank· RObinson
-- ------
PARTY POSTPONED 'rhe C, f/:. llU' ky par t y wa~ poat· jlulled unlit J uly 10 beca use of ch'cu m ~tn lH'e8 which IIrose. I t will btl Itl' hl in the I~l'r l'y ,hLlrch ba emellt. DOII 't. forgl't r no one is ad· miUed tha t. ill not In costllm and a prize wi ll be j!iv II t he one weal'ing the tackie t costum e, Y oung I)copl(.' lI~twel' lI lhe Ojtell of 14 and 24. IIlVitt'.!. til' ~ I oga l) is " J ust be Il utll.ral. "
Mr. and M1' . J esse M engel and
son~, .of Morr owl • wer e Sunday
gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. B. V , Smith . ~li is J uan i.ta BrannO ck is spend10 9 a week In camp at. Clifton a
guest of th e Dllvis Bak ing P o",der ~.
~J'jj. Clara Le wis and M rs, Eh zabe th Smit h, of Dayton were u nday g uests of Mrs. Emma Jan· ney. Mrs. Hageman and son, Seward a nd Mrs. Placket. o f Dayton' were unday gu eta of Mr. and G•• D. Mills. Mis Hall has re turned to the Friends Hom e aft r a two.weeks vi it with Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harvey a t Ridgeville.
HavI YOII Eate" tbe Deliciou.
Early's Quality Ice Cream? -Th' Belle. usta
set their ca". t' t-'- .&.'1.... B CI I;;A ~ eaux .1tOW' t' catch tJ,.' m..~ ....'-- .&.t..1 S'l..._1.._-
It can be had aI
Eve's Fairmont Cream Station
8&U1iiIIIW UL "'.,.. Hi .. hell Market 8uUu Fat Mr. and Mrs. H enry , -a. "'''-' ..... Price. Paid For Cream and Miss Ro etta Boom , .~ '-Aar.-~ "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" CarJisl e, were Sunday· guests ) ... .. l'wIr. und Mr . Howar<,\ Archdeacon aape ••) , Mrs. Loren Hadley and daugh- !'!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!'!~~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~~!!!!~ tors, who have been s pending the , umm e r with. the lormer'. "'other Mrs. Ruth Janney. are visiting Mr t~1um~~~. Rhoderick Bardon
Mr . and Mrs. C. F. Clark, of Lytle. )\II'. and Mrs. T. E. Rogen and Miss Margaret Rorera spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton heehan in Centerville. M~. and Mrs. Bert Hamoc:,k enterturned a happy gathering of til, W1S and McDonald lamilies at their beautiful country borne • Sunday. The fortunate guesta in. clud d: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mason Miss Mildred Muon. Mra. Wini~ f red Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cummings and son, · Mrs. Tom Cummings and Mrs, Stephen Ph.il. lips , of Xenia; Mr. and MrII. Tommy MaSOn and Ml'. Burnell, of San Francisco, Calif.. Mrs. Kat. Costello and Mr. Robert Costello, of Mrs, Marguerite of
and Messrs. Michael McDonald and James Gibbons. of Wayne!. ville. - - - -... -
••- - - -
Woman Injured in Bad Auto Sma.h-up One woman was badly cut about the leg, and her back sprained in an automobile smash-up about an eighth ot a mile below the Missildine corner on Route 42, about 11 o'clock this morning. A Chevt'olet sedan from Columbus, a Ford roadster from Georgia and a Pontiac coach from Cincinnati were the machines involved. It is reported that the roadster was trying to meet and PUB the lIedan when the)' cruhed, and the wreckage was bUTled against t he Pontiac. "'hich was following close ly after the roadst~r. The sedan was _totally deQlolished, while the other two cars were badly damaged. The injured woman, who wu riding in the sedan, was taken to t he Blair hospital in Lebanon for treatment. The names cjf the parties involv ed haVe not been learned, nor bas re. sp'onsibiHty for the collisioD' been placed. --.... ~
Right now you car-ownen are ".Ittma prettY... . . You can buy more safe, comfortable, trouble-..... mII..ae for • dollar than In aay pre.. noua I"m ........ You,doa't have to put up with· 1flCOfId-claoice tire. for ~80" of ecoDomy, becauae Jlrn-clwice t ..... coet you DO moret ••• Goody. 11nI-the kind we MIl- are j&n-cholce hen; throuahout the date, throupout the nadoD, b, more than 2 to It " •• The,-outlell all oth.... aot becaUH of aD7 tiki or phon)' indue.",.,.tl, 01' 1IJedD' 4eall. but aimply becaUle they ..,. people the bl....t moaey" worth, and peop" know itl • •• Doa'tbe utued out of the benefttl to be bad from tM leGdin, tiru and OUl' .et vice.
...- ---
Thirty years ago a boy 'Would get sore when he was asked Jo walk a mile to buy a pound at sug:sr; now he gets just as sore when heia asked to answer the telephone.
'l' he Miami Maid F oo d Club met Elizabeth Graddy, llome Demonstration age nt., Roil call was 'a nswer'ed by , thi r teen members and three visi. tors. Th e tt'ca sllrer's r eport was given an d the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. After the bu siness se. sion demonstra. ·tions were given as follow8: Simple I18ndwiches. Mildred Cook and Vivian Conner. attractive ways to serve potato sa.lad Eve1yn Fllrnas ; . coring ' l\ftlads, and sandwiches Mildted I'aul. ' Adjourn ed to meet at Grange Hall July 15, Mal'gal'et CraWford, Reporter
Fan ner'/<' GranlZ'e No. 1a will mel,t Snturday ni)('ht July Itl, ~h n th.· followin t-t illtCl'l'>4t ing I>rogl'am will lie I{'il' etl : ::h lng By Grange Tulk Viq{inia Ilardin ::-ill xn phllne .' .111 Eil een ][all " [) ()I!~ :-' ['uh ihitil,n I'-lilly?" . . I~ , Michener
...- - -
01.1)8 FOR. 8118 800.1&8
on July 1 w ith Mi s
We wish to announce New Reduced Prices on
Amanda Matlitt' condition t hough t to be )Slowly improving.
-Sunday M~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~!v-~~~~~~~~~=-~=-~=i~~~~~~~~e~~i~~~~Q~~ with relut iv an d five . children Qib
.............. ,............
, 11:1
A jlolldly number of our citlsens wel'e called to Lebanon, Tuesday and W dnesday, to liP' peal' before the taxing oftldalK a nd explain omissions of thei r at-h dulcs of intangible perso nal propel'ty. These omisl:lions weJ't~ entirely due t o 8 lIli!\understandjng lit Ohio')! wonderful (?) n w t ux law!!, which nobody eemtl t o underst a nd. Wb en the local d el)uti..eLJ¥llre called to a ('onterence f or explaining t he lllw. a s spl'!nlC its provision \Y r not made clellr to t hem, hen ce, t h y wore UlIlIb ll.' to give correct in1or muti on t o local talC; payers. This condition is by no means local , According to th e daily pl'es~ , m ultitudell <If th ho Iderll of stocks and se urities ar bt'\l1 lt called befo·re th local b OB I'd • all over the State. to rearrange their hedul s.
Pun..,..:~ .~~~~~~~~ ......... , ........ .
$2.5. $2.75 $1.4. 80''" 80.
. Scale d . propo.al. will be receiv ed bv the WaY·ll c 1'O"-'nlhlp Board ot itduc atloll at Warren County Ohio a t the pr(lce o r the Board in tlui Hi g h Sc hool B.hlldlng, until • .p. m .. 1\ u g USl 1. 1~ 82 . r01" tbr e bUI bodi es b,,11t upon ~h e fOllow.ng ape ·lrka. li o n s . t o- wit : • "Rody, sixtee n (18) feet long, minimum wlrtth. el8!htY'onl (81 ) In ch es. wltll side 8eat8. with torW'lJ' d faOlng center B"ate. To In . dod" StlLnaar/! li)quil)ment .. ueb 8K lig ht • • .. wlndahleld wiper In . sid e WindoW! guard .. , etc. Struc . ture. finish an (1, oth er spec lflc a. tion 8 8ubmltted by th e bidder to I,e tak en Inlo COft8lderation. BldB ahall li e for one. two. IIr I hree bodi es, mounted on toh e drivers chasels. ""hi h 'Challll! are noow 'owne d b V the regu larl y IIceneeel <I.' lv e'r. ot thl~' aoar-d 0( E4ucatlon t.he namcs of Which ·drivers and ...... Ihe .. eapectlve cha~818 no.... owned 'C;:LOTHING CLUB b y them beln,! on 1Ue at the o r'Jce
in Pairs
Sinai..... .
rube .....
UfetlDie Guaraateed
1 1· ·4~ ·4 ...... f:L .......... ........... U
nr 11111 BOIlt' , , Fo urte~n mE~ mbers of the Good I O;~~~·~~td V:~Brebl~d::ded to tile
Cut Clothing club held 1L very TlhOl ncara resene.! the rlll1ht to pleasant \lind profitable meetin.. r"leet ILny or all bid, t th h r th' I .. By artier or the 'Way'nf' Town.hlp elr eader, Mrs. IO HohalOr,d or rldu eatlon. WaYneSIiJIle. a e OI)lB Q' H. f.l. Hath~lway. last Friday afternoon. A team «emonatration .July 11, 1932, n. R. BiA RTSOOK b Y R uth Connor and . J27 Cl6l':~O.&rd of Wucallon . A play has been the date for its l¥O'ftQlll or " L i e· Ra.t.ING V elt been- .:ae O~ TUIiI· iliA.... - - _ 1ifeetiDI' U HOA.RD OF IilDVO.&.T.o!i ..... near
Tulle .....
-111. =:-::::
·S""....... ·. ~
· ·I"~ -5-" .......... .......... ........... ...... IS.".
r:e., .
0......' . . . . . ...
Eighty-Fifth Year
JULY 20, 1932
Whol' Number 6023
Wayne Township public library mu:!t not close
A Deficit State. Councll in t~ One of the ol,ltstandlng features of the Ohio tate Fair, August 29 Face in ~ee.rd to Street Faced as it is by acute financial shortage and to September 3, will be a mam· Will Tibball, of Wilmingt!)n. H. M. Shel'wood was a Dayton LiKh tinK moth spectacular outdoor produc· called On Fred Whi tE', ,unday without aid from the state that has provided funds ~isitor, Monday. tion, "Washington Lives!" Th\8 afternoon. . in the past, citizens of this community should take it Min Erma Se4rs spent last AIt. ~r nlllny trial and .l ribulaproduction will be staged under After five weeks of absence from week with Mrs. Fred AlIbbel at the joint eooperation of the Mrs. RabBIt Werntz and daugh- tion~, ell'gum'llt3 and Home misupon themselves lo see that the library is not forced Wayne Park. a reorganized Way- Bellbrook. Washlnjfton Bi- entennial Com- ler vi ited friend s in Cincinnati, takllH, OUl' Village ou ndl finll,lIy nesville A. C. team (or was it to dose its doors. mis ion\... the Ohio State Grange, laat week. decided, lust Fri!lay evening. to disorganized?) was defeated a to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure The 1ibn~ 'y board, in face of this diilemma bas Farm uureau Federation, Ohio award the conLI'act for treating 7 by the Cuba team, in a wild and h;anncted bU8iness in Dayton, newspapers, public school officials Miss Loui se Crane, of Cincinnat i OUl' lttlcls with a~phalL anu pea ' woolly performancl) purportJn/r to last Thursday. called upon public spirited citizens to lend their supand communiW organizations as- spent the weeK-e nd here with gravel to C. E. Edgington , u! Find- ) be a game of bueball, Sund'8Y si ting the management of the home folks. lay, MI'. Edgington. had submiU d port. This burden must not be thl'own to a few, but afternoon, Mrs, Anna perkins. of Houston, Ohio State Fair in promoting Th MiB:!es Hall and Annie aod the lowe~t of five bids, which had The present dl organilled lltate Taxall, ill visiting her sister, Mrs. everyone must do his part that this impoJrant institupublic interest ill . honor of the :r.1ame Brown we~ Lebanon vi, i- been opened at. noon uf the same of the team is largely due to the Mary Lemmon. . . tion will endure . 200th Anniversary of th Father tors, Monday. day, in fu ll accordanC!e with the tine work of the local bammer of our Country, George Washingprovisions III lhe Stilt "Law. Miss Ruth O'Neall, of SpringlINielders, who have finally suc· M any who use the library but who 'h ave never ton. Mi s Louise Horn, of Dayton, i ~ The uccess'fu l bidde agrees to ceedelt in drivinw Ankeney and field, was the week-end guest of been called upon to contribute materially should be Twelve hundl'ed people will take visiting h I," uunt, Mrs, ,fFol'1'est apply t wo coals of the materiala Weller away. Roy Ellis, alao, was Miss Irma Rich . part in the cast of this gigantic Hough, and 1amily. mentioned to all our s tre t that out witb a badly torn hand. 'Onder the first to give; iJusinesl:! men, parents and in fact all Mrs. Stella Evans, of Dayton, mass drama. Included 'In ihil,'I cast have not been so Lreate d previous. the circumstances, especially concitizelis should give something no matter how small. will be representatives from every harles and O. B. LeMIlY J'r. Iy, fOJ' $.0638 per squar yard. or sidering his Jack 0'1 practice tnd cnlle~ on Mrs, W. P. Salisbury, county in Ohio. These county rep· !lpent the week·end on Fl'anklin an approximate total of $767,39. experience, Vern Simpson did re- Sunday evening. Leave contributions at t he library or the LeMayresentatlvclI will be made up of Chnutau cjua grounds. Hi! also agrees to IlPply one coat '/llurkably good work on the mound, Mi8s Geneva MeCibre. of New Hawke Insurance office. young men and women. ln order of the lime mllteriu1is to all street, The other thre new men, St. John ,BurlingtQ'n, was a Friday guest ot that every boy and girl may have Tune in on the C. & B. program, that have been pl"cvioulIly ~eated LET EV'ERYO,N E DO HIS PART. Brown and Joe Henderson, also Mrs. R. A_ W~ver. all equal opportunity to participate station WKRC every Sunday fQr $.032 per square ya!d, ~r apshowed up to good advantage. in this great historical production, afternoQn at 2 p. m. proximately $]97.70. EllS blfls on Neither team scol'ed until the Mrs. Jalia Donovan spent Tues. latter half at the second. ' Then. day with M rll. Josle Pickering ill I-:====::::======:;==::===::======~ a conte~ has been arranged. This 'M. D. Baird was called to the two jobs to tal $IlB(i.09. Other =conte t will be open to residents Louisville. Ind., Tuesday, by the biddexs were: The F. B. ConHough walk d, and Ramby sent LO'ulsYiUe, IndUina. .. of the particular county in which critical illness of his aunt. tl'uetion 0 . , of Hamilton; L. P. him down with a neat pcriftce. III IUlU1 L11U the contest is held . , Any boyar Cavett, of Lockland; The Road Tune in on the C. It B. proeram, Rart/5ock hit to left. and commito girl 0' 1 high school age who were . Miss Mary Hutchin so n. of Dayonstruction Co., F. R. Jones, ted burglary. 00n8 flied out to atation WKRC eveT)' Sunday enrolled as students in 1932, ton, wa th guest 01 Misses Inez Pres" of CincinnAti, and Zain right, Hough s<!orin,. Henderson afternoon at 2 p. m. nn whether of tb e recent graduating and Ruby James, 10 t week. Armitage, of Lebanon. was sale when H. Smithson dropMrs. Eva Long of Columbus, clalls, whether entering 'h igh sebool Mr. Edgington specifies the use ped Baker'S aSllist. Joe and Hartthis fall or whethet belonging to J oe, small ,Son of Ml'. and Mrs. of ~ruvel from the J. K;. Spence.\· sock then put on a double ,leal, i visiting her Sister, Mrs. H, H. the other !ligh Bch~l classes who Lloyd Davis, has been dangerously pit, on Davis Furnas' farm, below Lue scoring and Joe reaching Williameon, and family. were in school in 1932 are eligible ill, but is improving lowly. lown. Th s~I'ects are to be swept tnird. He was cauwht trying to R~bert Lucas and family, of E. B. Murrell, County Treas- to ~articipate. M'ISS G raCf;! P ennington, of Ferry anli th stelll hom while Simpson walS at Xema. were Sunday guests of Mr. Funeral services for Miss Alice 'S to WTt·te an t bl'eaks . to, be repaired Gra h amby '8 ach contestant l · ~ Stree " ommlSSloner bat. urer. has 6nnounced that he th S d d and Mrs. W. P. S4Usbury, McCarren, age 36, ' of Dayton essay not to exceed live hundl'ed was C' un ay Inner guest 0.. er w be10re the a phalt alld gravel The first balloon ascension took al'e applied, ouncil is trying to place in the "ftrat of the fourth. Mr. ancJ Mrs. E. L. J,feilson, or who drowned herself in the Delco will extend th.o time ' lor pay- words having for its subject the Misses Lola and Erma Seal's, characteristic or Mrs. Stanley Seller!!. of Leban on ' keep ll:l much Vrol\tllble labor as , when a dozen alienll went to bat. CinCinnati, were Sunday guests of Dell swimmine pool, Stroop road, ment of taxea with Augu t 5, outstanding of ' the county which waf! the Sunday dinner ·gu at of po aible [or our home }e,borers. Two sineles, two doubles, two Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright. early Sunday morning, will be held as the flnal dat;e. This will .rive achievement is cOlUidered most signlficant for Miss May Wright lit the Friends A l the lSllnie ~cetiD~. the municwalla, two error~ and a stolen 9 :80 '8. m. Wednesdoy at the St the WTiter. The SUbject may be of Adme. illal budget {or nellt yeal' WBS baae netied the," Beven run, be- T _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, of at Patrick's church, Fayetteville, O. the tax payen! of the countr a historical nature, industrial, given t h l)ubHc heul'ing required fore a doable play ended the LOebanon, took M • and Mrs. Chas. ·Miss McCarren left her 'home at ample time to pay their tax. economic. agricultural or concenMrs. :1. O. Cartwright attended by s tille Juw, in' the presence of a agony. Hough's aecond walk and Amea to Indian take. Sunday. 10:90 p. m . Saturday, a'nd shortly ing an individual of at least state- a bridge dinner at the hOTY\e of r cpl'e~erltative of Tile Miami Ramby'sfirst two-baRer got one QUality and low llnces, in all after was reported to police a$ wide distinction. Each e~y is to Mrs. Chas, Waggoner, in Lebanon, Ga:wtt, " also representing- the of these back In the latter half. be on paper eight and one half last Friday. public, and he left before the Both teams 1IC0red a couple in lines, Cary'a Jewelry Shop--"The mi88ing. She had been despondent =-=-===:.= Home' of Gifts," Lebanon, Ohio. because of ill health and the los inches by eleven inches and will hearing wall completed. tile lucky round. With o~e down, of her position with the WeslingOIL SroVE EXPLODES be judged a8 follows: Mr. and Mr . N, P. Blatt and Th. BuUget. show a dect'ease of Camp bit to ,r ight, and reached Mr. and )(18. N. A. King, of house Electric company. FIRE COluPANY C LED Literary composition, 25 points; children, of Manchester, were apPl'oxlmately $398,000 in the second on an error. H. Smithllon KnightstoWn, Ind., were week-end Aet' body was found floating in In AL Teasoning offered in support of un day gllests of Mr. and Mrs. O. property valuation of the village, planted the ball in the left field of Mr. and Mra. · Walter the pool at; 1 a.m., and police, - -- - ~ubject. 75 points. Each essay is , ~. Unglesby. causing a dec.rease oJ. about :Race for two runs/ Hartsock guellts Ebey. citizens, and Dayton Power and ThQ fire comp,any was called to to be in the bands of the judges Fl'ank Han~nton, o( Newp<>r~, $924.93 in fund available 10r opened the home half with a lucky Liaht workmen labored tor two the home of Mlr. and Mrs. S. B, not later than Auguat 1. The Kentucky, ha been spending his municipal uses. Ot; COUl'se. some of one.Jtanded hit over third, and MI sa J .net Cartwricht, of hours in an el!'ort to revive her. Ludwick, on 10'Wer Third street, judges are to be chosen by the vacation with his mot.her, Mrs. this deficit will be made up by · Gona hit a Babe Ruth sm ••h to Cleveland, ill spendini a twoCoroner' Maurl'ce Cooper Vl'ewed the r turns from intangibl!! prop· her with be about newllpaper or group sponsoring tbe .E mma Hamilton , ('enter that would lIurely 'have weeks vaA-tl'on e r the body before it was removed when an oil sto'~e eornloded -Y in the eounty. Cl'ty, but thi!\ amount is not exlanded in the IIwimming pool had parents. ~. from the scene, and ~ould find no noon aturday.. Mrs. Ludwick, proJect Participants hi Wayne township Mr. IUld Ml's. Earl Davis , . of p eted to bc very large. it ,,"one in that direction. MI'II.· Lawn Wadea and three marks of .violence. Belief that she with the assistance of neighbors, should get in touch with 'Mr. J. W. Dayton, Were Sunday dinner Present indication!! are that an Spencer opened the eighth with the lon,ellt hit ever made at daughters. of Miamisburg. called might bad been thrown into the h!ld removed the stove fro!'l the Lotzl Ro s Hartsock or Raymond guests of their aunt, Mrs. D. C. additional levy will have to be on Mrs. R. A. Weaver, Friday pool was inve&tigated, at first, bek.ltchen b~()re the fire ladd!e8 arBraCldoC:k. Ridge, at the Little Inn. ' voted by the taxpayer . of tb,e Wayne Park, the baD cAnyin, C.USe a nearby resident had seen rived. BeSides t,he d~struct10n ---.. - --- - Village if our street lights are to d ar to the waste way beyond lett afternoon. a car with iheadlights darkened ' the stove, some linoleum Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Parlette be kept bur,ning each night. A ileld, Baker hit and atol, and Jame Arthur attended the drive away shortly before the chairs were badly scorched. . and Jean Williamson of Ithaca, N. committee of representative men Gons took up the pitching burden. Tri-State Bible Camp on the body wal dl!!covered. the walls of the, room were Y., Mn. Emma Janney and Mis of the town is to be appointed to John tanDed the next two ba~ers, Franklin Chautauqua ground., Surdvors include' her mother, damaged by smoke. Thll LeMayCatherine Brill gpent last Friday canvas the toViP and Ilxplain the but emitted a wild pltcb wbile last Thunday. Mrs. James T. MeCarren, three HaWke arency , r~ports the p!'yil) Dayton. nec()ssity :for th iS a~ditionalleV}'. doinr so, Baker counting. Camp .wothen. . . ment of a $25 IDSurallce ela1m. and Carmen hit Iincle., and H. Miss Hilda Siler, Mrs, Dave Mr. an4 ~n. Eueene Foster,of Frank, of Harveysburg, and four T~s. u .WICR lSI saidtonave SU!!· Smithson planted another ball in Fostel'!r y1l1ted her brother, Dr. sisters, MiSR Mary McCarren, Kan- talne~ shght ~~~8.. Siler and Mrs, Ed Locke and : _ __ the Race. daughter, of Dayton, spent Illst J . . T . .r.;lha, S~nday, and attended sas City; Mills Helen McCarren, HaTtaock pitched the ninth, and FrIends meet Wednesday here; guest of M·rs. Miss Etta McCarren and Mrs. F. ICE CREAM F.~STIVA.L retired the Vilitortl, one, two., three A representative of this paper He then walked to !!tart the forMr. arid Mn. Chaa. ThobeD and K. Scott. __ • WEILL PATRONIZED constituted the public which heard A. H. StUbbs. lorn hope. Gona hit to center, and daurhter. of Louisville, Ky., are tbe members ol the Wayne TownA. H. Stubbs entertained the Only four families were not rep· Lue IIcored "'ben Carmen threw visltill, lIln. Thoben's mother, A good sized crowd patroni&ed ship Board of Education and boys of his Sunday School cla.ss re ented , when the Toll was caUed the ball away. John reachin, lIec- Mrs. May Hainea. the ice cream festiv.l civen by their clerk discuss the budret for with a picnic along the cl'eek in for the July meeting of the Wayne ond. Henderson'. DOt, aecotld to the EpwQrth Lt!ague on the lawn next year, and I!O were t he man- LeMay's woods, Tue~day after- T<lwDship FIIl'mel'S club, held at Mrs. Veata Foreman and :Mi.a flrst, lent John to third, lind he dates ,o f our state law fulfilled. noon and e\lening, th~ beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs of the M. .E. church" Saturda.), The meet.ng was beld at the A, (lcored on a wild pitch. Spencer re- Dorothy Harr!!!, of Cindnnatt, A. C. ollett, beyond Harve),,,, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Sibold. Mrs, ceived a bad Iplke wOQnd on thla were week-end guests 01 Mr. and evening. Deliciclus home-made ice S. building Monday evening. burg, lost Thursday_ Certainl)'l 'I'he Band will play Th~rsdal Mar¥ Marhoffer a.nd Mr. and M' r s. play, 110 Moon fanned Simplon and Mrs, .W. N. Seal'll. cream, cake and fruit punch were The budget sl1ow,ll a: decrease of evenillg of this week on Mc9lure s Thcy fI!1joyed a boun teo us dinner served, and a" very !!atiafactory approximately 16%, or $7000, Louts Devore, of ,incinnati, cal- at t h 1I00n hour. tOllsed St. John's oderinc to first . Mrs. Mary Marhofter anel Mr. corner 't heir eighth ho.me concert sum was realized. The receipt!! are {rom .led on Mr. and Mrs. W. o. Raper, for the last out. The ClCore: . the amount asked for a year Judge leveogeI1 'Of Wihning. a~d lin. !.pul. Devore, Of 'Cin· 01. the aummer. This concert Is to be added . to a fund for paying ago, At the request of tbe County Sunday afternoon, ton, judge 'Of the Cllnton CountY' CUDA clnnati, called on Mr. and Hn. W. donated to the citizens of Way- ,the expenses 01' one or more rep- Budget Commi8Slon, ' thi!! year's nellvllle by foul' 01 Waynesville's Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Prater, 80n CoUI't of Common Pleas, wall the . AD R HPO A I: O. Raper, Sunda, afternoon. popular businet!8 men-A. K. Day, resentative!! to the E. L. In!!ti- estimates were plaeed at the and daughter, and Mrs, Otie principal speaker of tbe day, B.ker, 3b , ..... ' 6 1 1 2 1 ,1 Mr. and Mn, Harry Hamilton, Lee Hawke, James Lovely and tute to be held on tbe Franklin lowest point possible t(l in!!ure the Prater, of Texas, were guel>ts of choosing [01· his 8llbject, "Ro~ Smithson, liS 5 1 1 2 2 2 Chautauqua rr~Junds, in the near efficient operation 0'1 the schools, and two IODS, Dick and Donald, Orville Gray. MT. and Mrs. J. R. Wade and mance in The History of the Tu1l1l, 2b ........ 8 1 0 2 0 q! Cleveland were I'u..ta of Mrs. futUre. ' At the same meeting contractl children. Foundation of National Law." Hill TeU these merchants if you like last Wedne day. Camp, If, 88 . .. 5 3 3 1 0 0 Emma BamiltoD, T.h undaly. were otl'ered to the janitors at tlte addresA wa s fu~l of interest, and t<l have these CODcerts. They do Carmen, d, If 5 2 2 a. 0 2 following rates: H. S. building, Mr. and Mrs. Peters and Ml'. was delivered in his happielt not measure their ..worth in dollan Smithson, 1 b, 6 2 2 8 0 1 Geo. :T. Smith. $80 per month for and Mrs. Russel Moore, of Hamil- manlter. Mn. Addle Hartsock returned and cents, they me.SUTe it in 1I'00d . Conover, rf .. ,, 6 1 2 1 0 0 the calendar year; Grade building, ton, 'a nd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ry Sunda" fTom a two-weeks will aud friendliness, built up in ther nombers of the pl'ogram Moon, c, p, ..... ' 1 0 8 0 M. L. Parshall, ,67.50 'pel' mon . th at the home. of her ' daughter, the commuiUty gatherings, these spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. weI' given by junior lneptbe1!8 of Speneer'J .. " .. 4. 2 1 0 "- o . for the school term; G;vm, Law- Sl Johhson in Jamestown. Robt. Walton, In Dayton. Thursday evenin,p. the Clll b liS follows: Saxophone Brown, ..... .0 0 0 0 0 ·0 FERRY CHUllCHOPCHRl1T rence Davis, $10 per month for 010, ~i1een Hall and readinp by IIi Ali Hall h " The ninth hom'e ~oncett is planThe young ladies' bridge club the school term. ce I a te.e er lD ned for July 28th. It will be given (Und.noimltlatfonal) Wanda Lane, Barbara Williamll. T ota I15 " .. ".". 52 14 1 2 27 11) 6t.eele SL " H. S., was deli~htfully entertained at Dayton, spent list at the usu.l place .(McClure's from the rnu.nificent 8al· Roxie ul'olyn Sackett, Monimia OIa.ater · A, "rllllamaoD. .bl....r a1'YAside of $10 per year, which the the home ·o f Mrs, Vietor Carpenter Hpak and Helen Margaret Gon!!. W. A. C. week here, the cuest of her aunt, Corner)-sponsored by the Kroger at 9130 a. m. Church Sch(lol state law fixes for eal!h member (nee Sara Miflsildine) in MiddleAB R H PO A E M~ .H.U, at the Friend! Home, Grocery Co., the l"alrley Hardware Invit d guests inclu.ded 'Jud,e 01 T'Ti-State Christian of the Board. the salary of the town, Tuesday evening. and Mrs, lev~ngel', Mr. Howard St. John, 3b ... ,6 0 1 1 3 1 lli....a Dorll Salisbury IlIld Co .. Stoke"s Dairy an~ the "Ridge ReporUi Service Camp will be liven. janitor of the gym is positively \,llelt i311d son, Wallace, of WilMendy, 2b .... . ,4 0 0 1 2 0 lIary Jo Miller apent laat week in Studio~.'_'_ __ Mr. lind Mrs. Joe Pennewit and Lord's Supper and sermon at the only one that has not been • -Brown, d, cf .. 4 0 2 2 0 0 Cincinnati, IfUeats of lin. Emma 10:30 a. m. Sermon subject, materially 1'educed from last year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartsock, of mington. and Rev. G. C. Dibert, of Hough, 11 ........ 2 2 0 2 0 0 Barnett and IIr. E. V. Barnhart. "How to Studv Tile Bible." You Parties who state otb.erwise are Middle ,Run, and Ej!lerson Mll$ol) Wuynesville. Ramb" dr, e ,, 8 0 2 S 0 1 ~ are always welcome at this church. either woefully misinformed, or spent Sunday at the home of Mr, ATTEND1NQ CIRCUS Hartsock. 3 3S 2 2 1 1 3 3 11 .1P1.:~a!d :~n.'anonG, !:~ 1!bat.D TF ae,r tare wilfully making michievous and Mrs. Fost r Mote in Franklin. GonsJ c, p,1111,88 p., 3 -.. lB .... ~ misstatements. WAYNESVILL.E N, E. CHURCH ReMerson, Ib .S 0 0 9 1 0 of Dayton, w.re peats at the Mr. and . Mrs. Ray James, of evera I of ou r citizens a~e at.~ Warren Countl" will be repSimpson, p, rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 home of Mr. and lin. I. W. White Miamisburg, Mr. Lester Janles and tending t he big Rinlling circuB at G. C. Dlibert, Paatelr last TIIanday. resented in the Future ' Farmers family, .()f Blanchester, and Mrs, Dayton, t his afternoon and evenThere will be, no reeular preaclJof America Department of this Ann.a Whitted. of Dayt!>n, were ing. Of course, the adults 'teally 32 7 9 27 10 5 Totals Mr. aDd IIrs. H.rry L. Le.sur~. year's Ohio State · Junior Fair, ing service in our church dudng S\lnqay guests of Chas. James and don't care anything 1<1r the circus, 1 2 3 4 '6 6 7 8 11~ Mrs. Lew1l aDd Milia, of ColumbulI, . AU~8t 29 to Septem- the next two wlaelai. Other lIervice!! family. but 'Little Johnny and Little Susie will be held al UIIU.1. Prayer Cuba ,........ , 0007002 5 ~14 Sabina, enjOYed a picnic supper ber S. ' . would be so badly disapPOinted 11 ' meeting ' o n Wednesday at 7:30 WAC , .. . " ,... 0 2 '0 100202- 7 with Ada JenldD. near the Friend!! Misses Ruth and Faith Tomlin- they didn't get. to g-o, So papa or Marshall C. P. Joy was called to Ent)'}' in this department has " the dance at Mt. Bolly, Jast Thurs- son very pleasantly entertained at Earned Run-Cub.. 9: WAC 6. Home, Friday evenine· · been made by Profes&or J. B. p. m. . or flTsndma, The Ladies' Aid will meet with day evening, ' to investigate the 11 party Saturday evening in honor mama, grandpa Crabbe, vocational agt'icultu,r e Left 011 Dases-Cubt 6; WAC 3 II' S" St bb ~ auntie or uncle, big brother or Mrs. Mary McClure on Wednesday Stolen Ballel!--Baker, J. Simp.. r . am u I anet .. amlly. of teacher in the Waynesville schools. theft of gasoline from machines of Miss Gladys Lowell, of Rich- sister (sometimes the entire son. Carmen, B .... ·oc.. 2, Ban. New York, and Mr. and Mn. E. Professor Crabbe and the '11Iem- at 2:00 p. m. parked in the vicinity, Tbo sup. mond Ind " and her brother, Mr. bunch) must needs go and take ... .. Hattltlan, of Germantown, were Jr, Choir PTllctice on Frida)' at Russell Lowell Of Detroit, Mich. pOlled culprits were seen to leave bers of the Miami Valley F. F. A. denon, 2, Simpson. ' en ts f II' d U' A H them. L'i ttle folks are mighty Sacrifice Hit-Hamby. Stell 0 r. an _n. . . Chapter wiH take an exhibit to tbe 2 i30 p. m. an<l the regular choir the locality In a very &Teat hurry, Mrs. J, C, Hawke and Mrs. J . convenient on such occasjons. Two-base Hlta _ J. Smltbaoll tobbs and daulrhter, 'l ast, week. State Junior Fair and will compete practice will biB held on the I18me Gibbons Wahl, of Spring Valley at 8 :00 p .. ' m. and Howard Wheelan were af)- P. Fromm and lion, Clyde, aCComCarmen, R.mby 2. 'I ln. ,Carl Sherwood spent tile 101' honors against other F. F. A, daySunday IICho~)l at 9 :80 •. m. and prehended by Xenia police, and panied Mrs. R. H. Vance and FREE MEDICINE SHOW Three-base Hit-Conover. , latter pan of laat ""ek at ttle Chapters ni the state. This year, Epworth Leagu1e 'a t 7 :00 p; m. were turned over to the local" of- to lr'1dian Lake, Friday, for a Blme Runa - H. Smithlon 2, home of bel' limr, ill'S. !lanaie the Sta"' Junior Fair is offer!ng Princess Red Feaiher and bel' ficers, Sundal' morning. Wahl was outing. Mes!!rs. Hawke and Fromm Spencer, Gons. lluUen, aul.tlne In the ure ()' pti&es In this department totahng joined the party !or the day, Sun- company are entertaining the Double PlaY8--TuUis to Baker their father, Aaron SUrs, Who 11 over ,600 which includes an allow· ·WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF later released, due to ,a lack of day. . " people of this ' commu.n ity a~ the CI:tltlST evidence. , ance for transportation cif thll exHenderson to Mel'lc!J to Gona. criticall, ill. Fra'z jer pal'k, free of char~e every Wheelan pleaded not guilty to Base Rlta---C>ff spencer 9; ( UadeDI)lIIluUoDal) hibit. Mrs. Ruth GeoThal't, Mr. and evening this week and next. SimploR 9; off GaDa S. Mr. and Mh. Ed lIullen, arid Profellor Crabbe is well-known Chellter A... WUliam.an, Ilini.ter the charire. and furnished bond Mrs. N. R; Oldhanl and daughter, Their reportoire includes Indian f.or hill appearance before Mayor Bases on Balll!--b, Spencer .: .I lr. and Mn. J. Robt. Baker alld to vocational agricultllre inlltrucChurch School at 9 :30 a. m. Roren, Thursday afternoon. He is Mrs. W, A. Gearhart and Mrs. dancel\ andl;ong by the little folk by Simp.on S. daulrhterJ Lola Jean, enjo,ed a ton throu,hout Ohio for the fine Lord'lI Suppe r ~t conclusion. at present on parole from the Alice Hay, of Dayton, and Mrs, and old-time strinJ ml)sic and Wild Pltchel!--Spencer; GOIlL w..k-ena trip, their Itinerary in- reedrd tIIat his boys have m.de. Harvey King, of Covington, Ky., sinlrinr by the elders. The Printe.. Christian Endeavor at 6:.6 p. m. State Reformatory at Mansfteld. Hit B.tsman -- Speour (by clQd~ CU~Derland Gap, Vo., Man" ot these boys will make in- Ethan were Sunday guest!'. or Mr. and is introdueing Indian herb remLewis, Leader. Evening Simpson). Nortllern Tenn...... and Natura dividual entriea in the livestock Mrs. A. H. Stubbs. evangelistle aervice at 7:U p. m. edieA for many of the ills of Umpirel Prenderpat and Brid,., )[7. elaun of the Junior Fair. CARD OF THANKS Sermon lubject "Baptism.' Pr'ayer mankind. Their entertainment I. Jones. Meeting and Bible Study each strictly -:,Iean and high-el .... We desire to thank our friendll aTOP, LOOK AND LISTEN Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Come and ' Study God's Word wit.h ue. and neiwhb()re for their manY acta SUSTAINED STROKE Come w the Pov"rt;Soelal on We are atudl'inr the book of of klndneu~ lhowl! durinc the iIISaturd., lIirht, Tull' 23. in C1~e Acta. 8110rt ehoir preetice at con- nees and a.ath of our beloved T. Whartoa'. sheei. Wear your old clusion. The dlureh -where 'au mothert Mn. lIary Jones. Alaot_uat,Q Hey. DIbert for his worda of eonclotIMIII or a Ane. Game., re- feel at home. solation.l.Miu Luey Emley aDd Mr. fnIIIa.ata UtI a pGd time will James McClure• .... Ulen for aIL Act.luion. Ii centa IT. MARYS CHURCH
SaIIoo" Aa ....aiOD Took Place lD th. Fourth Janina Wbea the T . .m We .. t to Piece.
Extra T Ime f·or T p ax aymentl -----
Spoke Before the W. T. F armerl Club
Another Concert Thursday Evening
.- ..
Service At the Chur4:hel Su"day
W.'a'Jne Townlhip At The State Fair
----- -
Held on Charle of Stealina Galoline
Kn. J. J. SeIaadu.IIedor.
___ .. .!~~7.
HistoTY of"' aynesville' s Publ,c Schools NEWS G ., Sho'w s Over Centurv of Achievement FROM OURT HOUSE
the Ohio HORpital for Eplleptle ..·Yl1thia Jlo". executrix of the "l'ItII l., of Alice M, • utton, dt'cea t'(I. is ordcr,d fro 11 certain real l'stlltl' and make returll to the
• certified cop), of t.he entry dl'tel'mininll' t.he inheritanee tl&x to Common P'I_. Proceedin •• lit' 1) 11ic1 on the e tate of Mary l' itizen~ w h o \\ ('r' inlel'(' : te,j '('1' ,I "I r l'iI'u it,.. br and hl'vughQui Lh~ In the U !>~, (I f ' ew YOI'k Life Vandl! vl!r Hurl y, deceaSed, is to Dy TmJ TlO :IER in vitt'd to \' i~i l t h SChOI.L Th l' l'I'm ni ncl l'r (:I f her life. IJ\ ~\l l'tll'lC C otllJJun y vel' u .. Ben- bt' ~ rtitled wit.hout delay. Th e adjudicatiol1 and determina • l uc h~'r~ 1\ 'T\~ employ 'd by til' . l ulIY I'romi;i n ~ Yll ung l\I' OP \.' j8111il1 1,'_ ,,1}<)l'n. l '\ al t il .. d, 'fen• • tt'U. ~"'l'ri. \\ ho, in tUI'II. wel'e "1'- I!:llllt' t'rum t hl' lll'ighborin)! ('(Iu n - dant, \\' .y neli!\' ille , utionnl Runk, tio n uC lhe inherilanc tax to be ~l ('eling, Th e try t o aU ... nd tht' • 'mlllll l'S, !:10m h. ~l'a n tL' d lell'" l flit' an,; wel' .r pai d on the c tate Of William H. poin le d by lh pllrents l1r g ll l\rdil\n ~ of thl' PUpilR of lhem fI'o llJ ,reen" lin d C'li n Lun uther pl6t1dilllt lwfol'e Augu. t 1. Madde n, d cea, tid. i to' be Itiven to were e pe\.'l('d tu f or t uil ion CIlUnUl'I<, 'l'110 ol was ~o llducted Tn lhe c a ~c of Th e Miami burg 11 Ilersons intt'rested, Th ' inventory of Lyle Frazer at nd of if a ble hC't'e by v:lTious l ach('rl! unt il neal' B uil J ill~ ulld Loan ~, oci8tiO Il 1----+-----T'7.:m:.:;""..:",.,rTI,rn"'1:l;rp-------tie:;--;r.."a:;;:-:--=ir'i>'11-=T~~rndr' en in l' C' of th building o f the ve r, l,I >1 I1 cn l'~' !o\ rallH!I', l al it Is Ill, l'xec ul ol' of e~ tate of Zadiee W re Im' it ' d, ,\ nd I ni on • 'ho ol in 1 67, wh II the con iuertlJ llt,a t t hl' pJui nt iff hav(' Ve nab le . d ~ce a 8 d, wa s appr ved ,e xpect d, to ntt cnd t he ~~ lH~o l com '"e elf $tu uy wag nhrgE'd an d ju dlt1l1ellt fOl' th(l blllllnce rlue a nd by lhe ('o urt. 't" heth r ih y pa id tuiU 11 ox n1)t. ~ y ~ tematlzl'd , ullslIti"l\ec.l, nnlounlin!t tv $3 17. 36. fi leTdheInwiCOll Ul'01t, J ohn H , Mounts was hool day I School doy . ! Another I!chuol, of whi ch w llt<ar DllMllg t hl' enl'iie r ti ny of t h e In th e c:u\(~ ,r ' el\' YO I'k L it ick oughlin , administrator o ,ar Old. •o l,d~n, Ru~e, ~ ),1; 1 , ,but of which we on fi nd n IlcIC- Wuyn ,,;v ille Public cho ol system I n~urllnt: 111llpllllY e l'!:'us ~ iI- III Plltr I!sla te of Thoma , CoughJin Franklin towllabip. Read ln ' lin 'wrltm ~m n th!l1e,bc \lmenlury evidence Ill' dllll~ !;, wa all P-lIch, many ceJll'nt tellch I'll: liam M, Gi llam. et III th plaintiff Jennye V, Kenn ett and L, G. S' I'A 'I'tl ..... (llJ I (I, \\' A tUlliIN T llu8.'ht ,}o til tu ne of a bl k I"y a sch 01 fOl' c\l lor d childre n. h' ld who later ntt aineli marked s uc. ~ hull rec n l' fr vm Ltl cJ f ndan ts d , 'C(lS ed, i onlered to sell certai~ roa l esta t at private sale and Kennett to Je se GrOllS. Real es"CUI " 1" . I'II'HI" 'I ' I~ l'Ul'Il'I' t1(~k.. • • • • in the hou e now occupied by . ees, f o r them ' lv t>S and film for Ihe . um of $i()ll,2!l. Illak r etu rn to court. tate ill Franklin township, I .. t'e ......... , or • Le Hawke a~~ family" and 10tlg thu cUl11mun 'ty, had churg f t hl' In t h a M v f The Hoba rt 1\1. "a1tflr F , L. McKay to J ohn J , Eckert fit ... ~.fftt .. The, will of Mal'y L. Frost, de--\lno" I) . IlR Ph ilip 1l0pk1l1: h oU/';\!, instru cti on, N o tllb l ~ among the!'e abl e 'olllpan V\) 1' 1'1111 \ il bur ..... 'I ....~ 'lw ..... "d. cellS d, was admitted to probate Mark A, Kammerer. Real esJ"r e ed ucatio n fOl' verybod y is tis~ Rowena llobioso n an d hcr \\ er(' Thoma olletl, J!', s Bul. ~ i1~ nn thl? vl ll illtltf hll~ leave to T O WI'U M 1'1' M \' ONC' I':IIN : Litla M , Frost was appointed elt- tate in . alem township. , on of the bll ir pr inciple upon isle I'. ilig hly cultul' d and I' fined Le l'wor th and Ilma~ 1 'cutt, T h plt'lld f rthwl.th , lgn!'ll, \111 IH.l lIlln l.tra Melvin L. Fi Ids and Gr ce ~"rTh eIll' ulldpn 'bu n lit nun, \\' It h t h .. 'Vlll In the CIl S' of 11\rlha Hahn ve l'- ecu.lrix, 11 0 bu nd r equired. . Chas. \\'hich " r nation W 6 founded, memb rs of th ' ir faCll. wh\> W.I· pu pils of t h e thl' e , t ogeth er ILllne" I'd. of Ih O! eIl l n to' of Waller care Iy les, if any, in ilDpo r· gr lilly , respected by ~he entire ~ ith I hose f Ge orge P. B.'own , lI S C'hllrll!~ Hah n lhe petition of J . Wa~o n e l' , Arthur Hamilton Field!! t o Harv.ey Rye_ Real e s- M '('h w '. ell" liKed , hl1M I hI. " ElY t iled and W, R. L wis wer e appointed ta~!:. in Wayne township. ' tam~ to th pr inciple ot r e ligious oommun lty, t~ug h l tms c hod l, fil'>;t s upt' rilltenden t of th e old the plaintitf Wll8 rli Rmi ~sed, III U\t! I'rol", ' ;! "Ur1 or Wa.rl'tln IIppraiser , Howard Faul und Alvina Faul Cl unl y. 0 )11 0, hi" IIP IJll q lLl o n PI'Il)' an d accomplishe d muc h good , Unio n Sch oo l. la ler formNJ an Old In the Clll~ " of TIle Mu tual to Catherine Mary Hack. Inlots The fi rs t and final account of trI g 'to l' 0.1 \ orllr. r Iwlhorlzl l1 ll hIm The l!choul was prnbubly he ld at Shoal A 0 'illtl on whi ch h lei to- Bulltllng alld Lva ll Oll1 pa ny \ 0 ~ 1\ 01' ril e ~' r wl n C' laLIl1H lI " l (l lll{ this 'p lace in t he " al'ly O's~ and gether for everal ' yt'lIr K, "e " N ll ~ Leo J. :mi th, e t ul ~811!8 by p, H, !'tlaley, a dministrator of es- No , 157. and 1672 in Loveland. In (l" 1<1 th eMil I e t WaltH M C lu rQ, C, , M a1"l81l. to EIII\ Marlatt, <h ' ~UH·!l whhlh, h a v ,' h~· o . n e d e.~ contlnlled vnly for a short tllne, 0 cember 13, 11105, The Millmi \ h ~ h ~l'i lf WI~""~ Ilppro d and a ll tate (If Cath eri ne Maley, deceased was Ilp~ rove d, all owe d and con- real e tate in l<~ ranklin town hip, D r(\ It!, It' I I MI of ",Id ' II dnhllli II 11.1 In the yea r 1 28 qr lS29! quit Ga zette publi"hl'd II letter frOll1 ae co ull t, arl' to be sett! d, Arthur and Ruth Smadbeek to ilLc h ad \0 o r mlul" " IIllrl ot lIa ld a s um of school fu nds haa be ell MrR, ' 8rah .Me oma Zel1t'T. in In th ClI!< l' of The Lenox hool fir m d by the court, lca1\on o n fil e In I h e P,'cbate The first. and final account of Carl Schaub, Real estate in Deer- .. ppl ourt o f " · o roc .. n ( o ll nt)", hlO, ew Yo rk corpo ratio n, a cc um ulated, a nd 8 sma ll brick which he aid : "My til'st tach r In c" a field township. Geol'ge lI, Smith, executor of esStl ld IL p pll "fl U Q>1I wil l 11,' tor ~. ear · school hou e \\'a , built on t h wa ' Rev, T homas c lletl, who was dOing b usinetl,s n~ Lhe Fioch chool Archie R. Penney and Elizabeth ~ g In ww PI'obnh' ('our t, of \\'al' r n ,ra ve l knoll at thE' lower end of as isted by Ilis duughte l', Emma , New Yor k, N, Y., vers us harlotte tate o f Eliz!lbeth Thomp sQ n, de.nu n) v. O h io , a l th.. 'our l )-l oUIl In Main street. the loca tio n beinK who afterward milrl'i(1d Philip R. Hyde th defcndnn t i~ g runted celis d, was ap proved, allOwed and Penn y to The .M iami Monthly th e , I IIIIL I\" or l..ebollo n , Itl o, on Meeting of Friend s, Anna E, l h~ 11th ~ Il)' of AIIgllft l 1932. ut 10 confir m d by the court. pop ularly Irnown a " Gravel H il l. ' Hawk Mr oUetl. Willi the b e~ t pe l'mis, i on to file answer. Tb I1I'8t and IInal account of Shinn l La\v rence Furnas And A. 0 ' -loc k [\ , nt, I. I ~, Jl ElNIJEHS N That . was t.he ~ ginni ng ot Wa y- t a he~ r l',,'e r knew, he II' . ~o g n SMah Dumfu rd was gran teu a A~ a(l tn l n l ~lrRlo r (I pOIllls n o n ne vlllrl s Pu blic chool sy te rn , t Le an ti ki nd . • ~ My nt' xl tetl chel' c.li OI'ce ,f l'() n\ Georg Milwn Dum- George E. Young, executor of es- C. Tomlinson. trustee8. Real ee· , in Mallsie t OWlll!hip. tate of J OElephin c Dodd, deceased, wl~h t ht' WI\I II nll e fOIl, or th which r mainI'd in /feet until its was .Jesse 'f . Butte'l'wo l,th. tlnU 1 rorcJ. ,'at Il t o r WltlUr M ~>(:'1ur • • d e. Bauer to Steph en Z, consoli da tion with t.he other (em: 1 ca nnot ~peak or his gentle III Ihe ,cage of In h B. Harri was lIPP1'oved, allowed and confirm ~1i6 II, lot No. f959 in Lovt>lond. schools of th town hip Lo f orm way, but sllhough he was Ct·oss, " r u Inah B, Hani . T r ustee, d by the co urt. Major S. Begley fro Earl Long The li nt. and fin/ll account of J. the pl'esent Wa~ ne T ow nship Ce l)- \\' 0 learn dou r lcsson 0 tllu~ they ~tc" 1 a i, sa l!' by lh h rHf d F1 0r ence Lon,. Real estate NOTICE OF APP.OINTMENT tralized Sc hool in 19 15. were n ot f orgvtte n. Next loa che'r weI' apPl'ov4ld llnd alI account A. Rebold, ex c utor o£ estate of irI Hamilton townshlp._ M, B. 0 born. d cea sed, was ap~b!lllt the, y ar 1845, this fi r t wal:! J osepb Whit , who taught us Ill' \ t o be ~eWed , , . Eltate of Ellsworth L. Sherwood Kathl'yn Laverne Whitacre BurbUlldlhg wa, razed the gro l1nd o ur l'ellding arit hmetic and oth r In th ca e' o r BenJam in Frank- pl'oved, allowed and eonflrmed by deceased. c()ur t, ton to Katherine D. Whitacre, the level ed and gr~d ~d to s ome exte nt, lud ic, in the littl e brick scho ol Ii!, Ring ler €'!'s u. hS,rlel! . Be!le Notice i1I hereby given that L. The fi r t and tina I account of 127.81 acres in Harlan town hip. H. Hendir on ba be n duly apand a new bUlldmg, now the r ell- hou e On th hill whel' T homa diet, etc , et II I on motIO n of plaln ide nce of Mr , Flos'ie or ,Y an,d ollett fint ta ught u . After tha t, I ti~, I!!ave t fi le U I'eply f orth - 1\L.arieUa Kelly, administratrix of pointed and qualified as executor Bill. AllOwed I__'...... ~ , wa e rect d. It was In thIS I c nnot rem mb r all the tenc heJ's I'lth I , gt'anl:ed. e"tate of Mary Etta Pugh, deot lh ll:l\tate of Ellsworth L. IIch house that th l;' dca r ~"t an d f ( I' we had Ule Uni n School, Tn the ase 0 r Edw in • Fu~na9, cea s d, was approved. allowed and FJ'ank . Anderson, se:fvices, Sherwo() d late of Warren County, " 0; Ohio Central Telephone Ohio, deceased, sweetest of m other (In t he here 1 wa a lso II p upil of George et aI, versu harle s M. Rob ltzer confirmed by the court, writer's estimation, a8 least) fi rs t p , Brown." lhe Rl'v. >a nd Mi R t he defendan t is granted lea ve to Th e fll'!4t and final account of rent, ' ,56.60: Ohio Dated this 7th day of July Odes a White, adminiJl tNltrlx of T lephone Corporation 1932. b gan , h r qu at of knowledg at ollett we re the g randfather a 'n d tile an, w r, O. Falldllbu.r. the mature ge 01 fiv e year . A moth r of J hn . Ha wke, In th CII o f Lilli Wilso n v r - estate of Mary Ralson, d ceaed, tolls, $1,40: Ohio Central Tele- Dean E. Stanley, Atty, (One of our arlier chool boys) the t Qwn was th en divided in to two T he Uni on en ool bu ilding, ,' us, Joh n Morgan , t aI, sales by wa s approved, allowed and con- phone Corporatton, toll)!, $40.80; W. ' z, ROLL. Western Union, telegram, $8,24; 8(:'hool di trlcts. a nother schoo l wh ich stood on the site of the t hl) she riff IV 1'(' appro ved and all firnt ed by the court. ,Judge of the , Probate Court, fr~dom, thi nationlll principle hou e wa bui1t ory Fourt h . tl' et pr ent Grade eh oo l b uilding. The first and final account ot ,1. W. Lingo Hardware Co., sup- j27 acco un t we're approved lind all Wanen County, Obio has been carried out to a wonder- tne san: ' year. ThIS h USe I now th e for mel' W, H. S. building!! accounts ore ,to be s ttl,ed. W. :R. De cker. gua'r dian of Zaidee plies, ,1.110; Lewb &: Dl.'8ke, Inc" ful degree, ever with an eye to th reAldence of Mr. li nd MrR, B. f ond ly r m mhercd by ma n y of The plalllb ft\ Th e Fl r~t- Ma son Ve nable, decca ed. was approved sandi ,S.10: anitary SUPpll Co" . Bunk of Mason, s h!l l'-c ovcr 'fr om Howed and confirmed by the tbe constant improvement 01 the V_ mith. Ipp. ie, ,7.45: TTUstees of Public lIystem. Since their earliest days, th d e fe ndant , J. W, McClung t he COUl't, Affairs, ltrht, $46,65: Rrs, EdS {A le\! prO Il 811 18 Will J) I' r f' ~ tv ed W.ynesville and Wayne township m or $ 5 ~:n.24. The fifth accollnt of Luella M 'Ward and Robert Blah. ervices, by ttl W lly n Town.fllp Boa rd. o f I!;du ~ IIUon ~ r Wa l'r l'n o unty, hlo, have been in the van of thill wonJn t he <!asc, of The ! illm 1. hurg Young, guardian of Thomas $S; Dr!, ,Edward a~d Robert at th otrla" (If th e Boa rd IJI tile derful movement. Settled by the Build ing and L oan A '~o ci a tion illiams. incompetent, was -ap Blair, services, $20j Dr Edward flllfli l:IOhOo l E\ulldlng. until' p , ~n" Friends in the last yeai'll 01 the "eraus H 'nrll K l'amer,. et al ales proved, allowed and confirmed- by and Robert Blair, services, $32; Augll s t 1. 19 ~2, tor three 1;11. bodl a upon ttl (oll o w l.ng .,leclrleabv the sheriJIf were approved and the court. eighteenth century. tbe log school ' StilJwater Sanatorium, care of built U o n ., t o- wit : !I ll account ,ore t o be ,etUed. bouse came hand in baJld with the The first and final account of patient, $105; Commiaaioners 01 B ody, Bi n n ( 111 ) Ie t lonlr, ' HOUle of God. WilJiam Volkerding and John Vol_ Clark County, care of patient, mini mum -WIdth ... I/:Iht y-o ne (U) New Suit. The record of these pioneer verding, executors of estate of $2]0: Richard L, William, serviIn cllo•. With ai d • a ra, wllh to'· wa.rO fa ci n g c nl r 81' Atil . To In schoolll i very dim, !!carcely more hal'les Volkerding, deceased, was ces, $1,0; Albert Milliard, services, J er ome D)'eyf Wls doing bus ine c llid e Sta.nilllrd f.}.q Ulpm \;nt 8ueh than • tradition, and exceedingly liS In tel'na ti mjll Ring 0., versus apP" oved, allowed and confirmed $10; Omo Knox. s~rvices, $10; Ita lig ht, wlnd.hlel" Wiper , Inhard to trace. rt we miss orne . by t.he court. Julia Holland, servic 8, $10; Mrs. , H, r e i Kh 1~o r'l, For money. .. lite Windo W' goUllrds, elO, truelllr .. , tlnl ah nn ,1 othl\r liP elflcapoint of which you happen to know The first and final account of Laura Malott, services, $10; WestThe Amel'ica n L an & Relllty tton o .",bmllt d bv th e b l d(1er (0 please be charitable and .rememharles S, Burnett and Walter C, er.n Star, adv. hearing of budget, '0., vers us V{iIliall1 I ments et 81. b ll\.k ~ n I M o C'Onahlcrllti n, ber that we 8l'(! trying to do our Burn ett, ex~cutors of estate of 11.80; Franklin Chronicle, Pub. of F or money, lforec lo ure. B I() .. .. hall b e 'f or o ne, two. 0'1' beat. If you know some item of Rob ert onl e y, a minor by his Marth R. Burnett, deceal!ed, was Reward offered, ,4.36; John Law thr co hon l ea, mount ed 0 11 th drIven interest in connection witb our r hO.I'\' next fr iend ~Illd f ather, John on- approved, allowed and confirmed 6: Son, gas, 12.'7; J. W, Llnp hil ~ .. I", whll'h <l hallll jl O W ll tl l' hy ~h ~ r ~g uJ ll r ly IIcanutd tchools and their history, please Hnrdw,are Co., 8upplie • 70c Rei!'s dr oo k. For by the .c ourt. ley, ver us. Law renc h' e n (I f Ihla BO llrd or rodu callon, tell UII; '\Ve will certainly appreciThe inventory of Stanley West ElectriC Shop, lamp, labor, ete., t h Ilam e. uf wh Ich sald Orlve ... and money. ate the court y and oor reader,s I ment S, B owyer vers us Wal· exe(!utor 01 estate of Emma J: $~.80; Lebanon Lumber Co., sup- Ille r es pec ti ve c h a .._Is now owned will enjoy the information. Wes t , deceased W811 approved by plIes, $17,13; Mn, Cynthia Ful- Il l' t h em lJel"lf o n m e ul Ute orUe. lace W. Bowyer f or money, thl e Board. The first ,school of which we the court. ' kerth, feeding prisoner, $6(2.75; Ilntrll.c:t to b l' 0 w arded to th. call lind record, conducted by the Prlllt.te Court Clint Hines was appointed W, 1I. Fulkerth, ' washing for pri~ l o w Ht Bnd beat b Idde r T re" t' I'VWI t h o> rlllht to Friends, was flrat held in 1802, the gUaTdian of Addie Dowdell in- oners, $68,36; Trustees of Public I' j, ilct fIool\.rd Sa les by Harry Benthien, Il>ny or a ll 111(18 . building probably being located on to I' r the esate of Dora Draper, copetent and flied bond of $Ja',000 Affairs, liaht and ga.II, $39.68; til' O l 'd~ r <;( th e Waynf> T O" ' nahlp tbeir premisea in o r l';du ~l). llon. Wa )' ueevIU .. d c a l! d, wl~r e approv d by the competent and filed bonds of $13,- John Law IE Son, servlces. $126,- R hlBrd corner of the town, near the Meet.00t) with the U, S. Fidelity and 10; Sam D. Henkle, .sst. County .J Ulyo, ll , 1 32, court. Surveyor, tax plats, $87.50: W. C. R. H , HA nTSOCX. Blanche D" Thomps on, executrix Guaranty Co, as Ilurety. I -"~--:l:::...--....--' ~in~~~~~:~J~W~indows Iwere covered l!8ttally with con__ ~ }!?dU aUoQ The will of .M~ry E. HopkinR Ber..a.d.!UL urI" yJU. 3.50; V W. J;t o f !;he ,estate of amuel W. Thompeno\&&,h to admit light on, deeea ed, filed her inventory. was admitted to probate. LIzzie Tompkins, pay roll, $245.riO· ED, lIOomll f1I. tholle daya, Fewer E ••• Beia, Stored Katherin4! Presley F ogarty, L. Hopkins was appointed admin- Jones, pay roll, $191; Eden Terry. The Old S.rbinary DUllImLnir is said to have gU8l'dian of hl\rles W. Presley, Istratrix and filed bond of $1000 pay roll, $211.88; A. T, Rettig. windows lal'Ke (Later for nlany years the hom e of M I' . and MI's. S. L, Th e million fewer cue. df min ol' tile d her fitst account. . witll Tile American Suretr. Co., as pay ~l1f $184,1)0; C. E. Bradbut:y, , uae of S](10Rex D. flcok, administrator of !!urety. Howard Michae, Herve pay rol, $170,76; JOe W. DavIS, egg were in tor age during th. inch palles of e188ll. Rowland As just mentioned, the villag e our r eadel' , was built in the year the tate of John M. Snook, de- Wyle and Gilipin Trimble were pay roll, $189; Floyd Lemmons, first week of July than is usual, .,ay roll, $189 John Myers. pay Normally On July ~ about 9 ~ to IUchareb ta",ght tbis school in was divided into tw o di,trict 1 1)7. cea sed, is ordered to distribute in appointed appraiael'L The will of John H. Mounts de- roll $18~, 50; Fred Fatut., servIces 10 million case~ or eggs are fouod 1802, about 1845, and the caus e of Next weel<, w hop e to pick up kind to said ellie S. Wise. certain When the first log meeting house educatwn took a step forward, th~ $t ory at this point, and trace items me nti ~'ned in schedule D. of cess d, was admitted to prDbate. 14 i Orle D~ulfhman. labor, '2; in storaee but thi y~Br only a was built in 1801). Oil the site now but, even before that ti me, it had the hist ory at least a!l 1ar a s the Ihe invento ry and appraisement. P. Zane Mounts was appointed kODert McMllI~r, labor, ~2; E. W. few mOl'e than () million cases art occupied by the Orthodox (Red been decided that advance d educa- con soldation with the other schools Th e adjudi,cation and determina- xe.cutor, no bond required. E. lCnapp, operatmg ma.ntalae~, '~9; in storage, B.rick) meeting house, it was used tion s hould hAve a start, About ·the of the T ownship, when the Wayne ti On of ~he inherita.nce tax on the · Dunham, William Dare a'n d Leslie Shult~J operattni' ma,n~ln aillo for the accommodlltion of the year la4S, largely t hrough the in- T ownsbl'p Centralized School es tate of Mlal'Y Vandever Hurley, Herman Romohor . were ap"pointed er" $39) C. M, Charlton, oper!'tUli' ... H Club AHendaace lIlalntal!ler, $89; Frank '\YIIson. tlCbool, t he first teacher beinlt fluence of Dr. ylvanus Fisher, it wa fOl'med. ' decease d, i to be given to all per- appraisers. ' One out 01 every seven membe... Olive S. Spinner and Julia B. mechalllc, $~9.76:.W. C. Ber,dall, Elizabeth Wright. She was as· had been determined to build an - - -. - -son intel'es ted. ...ted by her sieter, SU8an Wright. academy, or, a s it was then called,' Farlller. OW" Small Flock. Hermll.n Doctor was found to be Herldricks, executrices of estate of roa~ surveflUg, $3,50,; Eden err)' in 4-H club work attended a 4.H , At mid-week meeting time, (Wed- a seminary, The building erected _ __ an epileptic and is to be admitted Mary Vandever Burley, deceased, enr:'neer, ns; S. D. Henkle" sur- camp last year. Silt th ousand rural is ordered to sell certain stockl at veymg, '18. 7~; Charles .Area1t, youngsterl! attended 65 different Of the 379 millions of mature De.day morning), the I!chool sat at that time formed the nucleus the t\.xed price, Tyan Tar 6: 011 Co" applymg ~r, campa scattered throughout tb~ with the Meetin.. the residence that later was chickens on far ms in the United Traditionary evidence is to the b tif I h --~73.30; Barrett Co., supphes, .tate_ el'ect that the Friends' old echool for many -year the eou u ome States, 329 millions are kept in , Marria.e Lie_e. 4,10S.65; J. K. gr-avel, of the 'late Mr. and Mrs. $, Lev flock s of less than' 400 birds. In house, now the reeidence 01 E , W. Cartwright. In her girlhood days, Ohio, the, 200,000 farmers who n3'l; Cecil Chappell, tobacco packer, 31; Zain of Franklin, and Mrs, Bertha rry H 1:. D. Miss Emma keep chkksn s 1S3,OOO own Jenkins of FrankJi . A. student at the lesl\ than 200 birds, About 15,000 or even ' Floyd Scott, farmer of <.> .......s_ while was qnder con. seminary. k eep from' 200 to 400 chicken s, ville. and Hi s Minel . 6lrl~a~: The fir t teacher of the semin- Onl£ 2700 ftll'mer s hllve more than litruction, an out of the SAme kiln 4 b' k 'bl 1811181~ ary was David S. B'u rson, but 400 bird!!, and all but a few flock Leban'!n. in, pay . Christ Ernst, 0.. rtc -pOSSI Y • • I:. th h t ht f th c ' o. n tal'n le · ·s 'thlln 700 hens. Farm. After the buildin& 'Was complete wne er I' aug or more an Real E~e TRader. repail'l!, ,21 HeiBel, repah's, Joel Wright and Tb~mas Rick~tt8 one year We are unable to de- 1'1'8 who OWn more than 1000 hens $8; Euaene Harper, repairll, ,$6; W I'lliam .Fife, by taulht there. also Dr, Whitridge termine, H owever. he did build a nl1mb ~~5_0_. ___ ~_ _ Sam D. HeQkle, hispec:ting bridle and Dr. Lothrop. home for his fa.mily at the lower Gell.a rnal H, Hall, On work an~ -repairs, '108.75; Ben In the ouvenir edition of. The end ' of Main street. The house Fruit Crop ,A.,er••• est Of 64.66 acres in Harlan Press, eDvelopes, $20; East End MI 'G tte ( bl' h d D stands opposite the Water Wo rks shi P• . F' Garage,' supplieil and gas, $37.61; ecem- power house. lind is n ow the resiSummer pples are yielding this aJlll aze ,\PU 1S e L uele . ife to Genarnal H. Ball. Wayneaville Battery Station, gas, 13, 14rs. 1906.Mary Mr. Baily T, J. (grandBrown dence of W i11 iam S c h 'f th e norbel' Quotes. u ari d an ;vear a hou t 6".. per cent 0 One-half mtere.st of 64.65 acres in $86,04; 'Waynesville Service Stamother of Mrs. J, B. Chapman family, but is much bette r kn Qwn mal fuU crop, wintel' apples about Harlan township, ~ion, 'gas and lIupplies, ,19.18 ; WiIand Emmor D. Baily) as as the former home of the late 50 per cent , cherries app,roximatFc;>re!lt J, and Ell.a K, H~, by laim Schnell, Bupplies and gas, that she first attended MiBS Anna Philli)Js. e ly 4 3 per cent, peaches 35 per shel.'lff, to Anna WIl~elmin. Tut- $27 ,15; John Law ,eft Son, services, this building about 1824, This school b ecam e popular at cent , g!'apes 76 pel' cent, mer. ~eal estate In Deeriield ,85.81; Kilpatrick-French Motor teacher was Thomas once, and was crowded fr om the 42 per cent. and pear s ..3 9 pel' cent townshIp. . Car Co., !Supplies and gas,$92.61; followin" ill turn by /ltart. The boys develOPed in to as compu red with average full Speed Riddell to Edward Haw- Frank Shel'Wood Co" s upplies, ~============~ thol'~, ,Real e~tate in Franklin. $31 ,10; Frank Shenv.()od i:~:;rz~~l~~r~:~ge ~~n ;i~'I~n~~:~: ~h~ Pfion~:~' :~~~~ c rops, ,--- - - . ' - -· Wllha!TI GIllam, d al, tc> New piles and gas, $26.37; Thia school was c era to be found anYWh ere, (The F ede ral · aid coming into Ohio YOl'k Life Insurance Company. Service station. battery under the care of trustees, who Me Brs. Charl es and J ohn Cart- has been averaging about one p er 65.44 acrea in MaISie townahip. and two batteries $28.30. were selected by the Friends Meet. wrilri1t, and many othe rs, w jJl cor- ce nt of the to t:ll r evenue income fie~~Yi15J7 ~~~:; tfnVwr:y~!~nd • ~ ~.......- inc. Among these t.rustee.B' were roborale thi! stateme.nt.) On e ror state and local purposes, These MONEY LOANED Prof. ·W . H. V.'aab"Je Harlan t9wnship8_ ' U.. Noah Haines, Micajah Jones, small maid en got· entirely t oo grants have becn 'fO I' "fedel'aJ aid' 'T HE MIAMI CAZETTE David Morgan, and many other clost! t o a great Oak stove that 11'8 I'oad, education, agric ult ur., and (Who taught the Sug,a r Grove C. D, KaI'llhner and Stella Ita18hSchol)1 in 1854-55) ner to Elmer Shock. 10 acre. in For ....1.. inftuential men 01 the day. u seu to heat on e of the rooms, and health.
.,_ ...- - - -
Centerville, Ohio Ph.one .7IJ
5% Farm Loans
tONG OR SHORT Till. ttrmL Alao SIan.rt, ... • atracting. Write aDd wID . .
aDd ..e
V£'9 ",,*. IW\ f'\AKt 'T ~LlUCi"T!
Sam D. Boald., W.".
WANTED .. MEN OR YOUNG MEN in Wayne sville District who want to Ql,ake a real effort to enter Govornment work. Post!al or clerical 'eld. Write Charles H. Stulta BOI: Wo. S9. Care !'he Miami a.••tto for information and qualUleaUOD
.-.=\-!~. A'~'"
.roil UNT
RENT-8 1'00m model'll bOUie, ,215. Clannce Ry.,
a&PtUe, R. F
Tltin,. I Like, ern' Don't Like
ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CttANE Ollie. Phoa. '. It..i ....
P .. bU ....r SlIbKripti.a Price, '1.10 a You ....... ,.. ,.. No. ' 112 Enlar.d at PIlatoUlce .. t W.JOU I
c. ,. . . . . . . . , ,.,.,.
B, Mr.. Je"ie B. Tripp
v Ill •. Ohio. a~~eO:4 01 .... Vall
Things I like and don't like At evenin' 1 am ji!<L () tired When I Hop down on my piLler~. That I dun't give a dern, or rap, 'Bout the rollin' of tim's billers.
J,U LY 20, 1982
The Indi.pen.able Food. • When the family b~d&,et must be cur~i1ed, the amount of cue fXercised in buying foods must btl increased. tlrtain fl)ods al'e sflential to the health of both adults and children. Aniong these are cereals, citrus fruita, leafy vegetables, eggs and - most important o()f all- ftrst-quality mUlt. Milk in its various forms contributes more than, half th total calcium conslImed in thtl ordinary American diet. It is the greatest of the bon builders. According to htlalth authorities, belLer health is often enjoyed by thin children who have been properly ted milk and fruits. than by cbildren of normal wei&,ht who over.lndulge in filling and fattellingl foods. ' Milk belongs on ev ry table. The housewife should take every pre4:aution to m.ake Bur that it comes lrom a responsible source of supply, and is of. unquestioned purity.
Where Will Relief Lead?
Or 'bout the corridors of fame, I jist. don't. keel' It tall; o leL the bill rll! roll on down Her gTeat and mighty hall. Don't keer Ii tan 'oout Hector Nllr how hilS tro ops contend; Or how he forced the rampal'ts Or the gate which he did Tend . Don't keer 'bout. the Roman s, Or, thei r mighty fightin ' deeds: Ain't got time for: no sich truck. I got to /lgh t the weeds. Don't give a dern for Adam, The fir t man to deceive; Or what he said, or wbat he done, To my oid grandma, Eve.
The national budget, according to late reports, ha not been J do love a baby. balan ed, in spite of the highest taxes in our history. It 18 expected that But tender, sweet arid white: "relief" measures, involving hundreds of million or billions of dol- ToSe see it's brigh eye8 close in sleep lars, will shortly be passed. . When the sand-man com s at l't the present trend keeps up, the working, tax.payinlf citizens night. will be in need of relief. It will b cheaper to do no~hinlf than to pro. ,duce. cheaper to giv property aW4Y than to own it. And political And a pretty tall churcb steeple, waste and extrllvapnce continue undlmlnJshed. Whose bells do fill the air; With music that's so pure and sweet That it's jist most like a prayer.
~igh t
7alks, Ju ly 25'
r love
to se a Ittle bee, When it stops in it's flight to rest; A-hurgin' a little fuzzy peach Close agi n t it's little breast.
0, s. Statlo.-WEI.O (H. C. Ranisower, Direcnor 01 Agriculture Extension Pre iding) It pears there are so many things 8:00 Music 8 :10 Fall Management of Legume Melldows , R. D, IrewiB !~~tUl~~~~gl~: ~n~~~nO~d ~::; B :26 More Economica~ ountry Purchuing R. C. Atkl~son, Fer all the motor cars Ohio Instatute . 8 :40 Summer ut Fh,)wers .. . Alex Laurie Kaint say I like the hornet, 8 :55 Outdo.or Play for Children '. '"'''''' .............. Wanda Pnyluska Wtih his funny pinched-in walsb 9 :10 Weedulr uL Board. r J;lens ' . ' .. ," P. B ..Zufllbro I don't like his disposition 9 :25 A Country 4· R AdVISor e Organization .. , ' Mrs. E , F, Rltte'nour He strikes out in too much haste Pike County 4-H Leader . 9 :40 ManJlgement of Two Story Brood Nest ,. .. . " , Virgil Argo But why I like the even in' so 9 :60 Musi . I simply kin not tell; It 'pears that it casts over me "-K WEI.O HALF HOUR A' sweet mysterious spell. Sat~, J ul, 23, 8.00 p. III. l"ntullldes by 4-H Quartette When I go to meet the Bunset, Bumble B es . . ". .. . H. E. Eswine I I want my own night piller; Historic and Beauty Spots in Ohio . , .. , .... " L, L. Rummell To ~eea~laced tllere beneath my
-c:;:== When they Jay n1e 'neath the willow. . organization will be open to the TEN TIKES . BIGGEST CIRCUS HEaE SOON public free of char,e . . Here lov- On it I'Ve had sich pretty dream8 ers of tine horses may view at ranto my head it feels the best The worl(,l'1I larlfest. circus, traY. dom hun'lr t' d~ of the world's most Se) And don't tel'git to ~ive it me elinr on four trains of double- beauU!ul thoroughbreds. Perfect When I lay me down to ·re!t. len,th steel r ilroa.d car, witih specimens of almost every known 1600 people, 50 elephants, 1009 strain will be found In the big menaeerie animals and 700 honea how'. ~eat free hOl'!le fair will exhibit in Dayton, Wednesday which also includes a conaress of Hamilton. July 20, and throughout this sec- tiny Shetland ponies to delight tl\e . Mr. .and M'rM. Sil Lamb and children. of near Waynesville, tion plan!! are pel'tectlrijt for the little folkll, spent Friday with Mrs, Lamb's attendance of every man. woman parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore and child--ao It see.ma-at one of and family, cJ! th is place. the perfonnances. Mrs. K. E. Thompson is quite Everybody wishe to see the Mra. H. F. Compton is eonfine.d poorly at this writing. We all hope Ringling BrOil. and Barnum & Bailey circll'll thi year. Jlnd it 1, to her bed by II 8erioos attack of 'for a speedy recovery. Mar on Wells has returned to a forgone conclusion that the neutitill. Rev. and Mra. Kilmer are in bis honie here. world' largest tent, seating 16,000 Mr , Ella Ferris spent Wednesperlona, .will be '\IIed to the .llat Miehizan for a two weeki vacation Mrs.. J. H. Peteraan and> daugh- day with Anna Atlesy. chair afternoon and night. Seven rill,s and tare! and th hippo. t r, of Yellow. Sprinp, were Harry Carr of Dayton, was calldrome trat!k, to say nothing of the guests of relatives here, Ilat ing on friends in our nelghborvast maze of aerial a'nd ,wire die- ~v~"'8' E 0 B f D hood on last Sunday afternoon. play rigging, will be filled by the ..~, van . Ol"an. 0 ay· M d M H~ Id M r. _8n rs. aro cKay, eartb'a foremost arenlc talent.--8 ton, i cal'mr-tor her mothel', -Mrs F. Compt, o n. ana Mr. and Mr , Howard Me~ay H. hundred acknowl dged kinp and The band concerts on Wednes- attended the prd.en party gIVen queens of daring, grace, "kill and incredible agility. One hundred day evening8 are well a;tendedJ SaturdaY' evenmg~m honor of ~r. And MI,'Il. S. A. Watson, of Wbltclowns will project ten tiMes that and appreeia~d Luther Lumpkin I Ruth Curry, tier, Ca)., at the hotne 0.1 J?r. and number of mirth waves. Count)eS8 new foreign featurn and inno- Robert Smith and Myrl Haydock Mrs .. Vannorsdall. at Wllmll1gton, ~I 8 Marynet AndreW':' has vations new to America are intro- attendlld a Alpba Pbi Kappa party duced on the gigantic program of at Swisl! Gardens, Friday evening. finished ~er sch~l work m the Min Ruth Reevet! is the guest East and IS now at her home here the Greatest Show on Earth this of her aunts at Mason, Ohio. Shac Morgan and two sons, of year. Mrs. D. J. Noggle is spending a near Waynesville called on K. E. By popular demand, a tribe of monster-mouthed Ubangi Savages 1ew day with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson, Monda'} evening. - - - ----...:.. from Africa's darkest deptbs are Lee Laurens, near Xenia. presented in the main performanHe is wise who 'says nothing ces. A herd of the larll'est and when he has nothing to say. tallest giraffes .in captivity; 26 18bras and the same number of camAn amateur neve.r knows how els, two rhinoceroses and the sevEarl Nichols and K. E. Thomp- bad he is until he tries to turn ell herds of elephllnts will be 8een son, spent 1iIoIJday in Dayton. professional. Misa Geneva Lamb, of near ---in the huge menagerie tent. wbere If a man bounces into a hotel 1009 rare wild animals pace to Wayneaville, spent Friday afterand fro in ornate dena and cage•. noon with Mia Kathleen Thomp- it's not news, but if a min is bouJlced out cJf a hotel, it is news. Thro~hout circu8 day the three son. . ) Mill VITi. Well' Ipent. .sunWl,I4-__ _ _ __ gigantic tented stab lee of the Rlrijtline Bros. and Barnum II Bailey with relatives and friends in Subscribe for the Miami Guetw.
New Burlington
Beech Grove
Odd- But TRUE
tsoo,oooIlft9\1\CllM .WI Go\.D " 1ft.., ~~
. . . fII ~~
\It "'" ~1CC' WIISft- ""1) ..,~
1M",' •
01, '"
The Miami Valley Chautauqua' that beautiful SPQ,t on the Great Miami river, bt!tw(' n ·F ranklln nad MiamiMburg, is can'ying on with rlln faith and courage in spite 01 the depression. For thirty-six yea.rs this instit.ution, that belongs to the citizens of th Miami Valley, bas furni hed l'eligious, educational and recreatic>nal stimulus to all the people. On F'l'iday evening, July 22, the thirty·sixth annual Assembly opns with a program that will continue daily until August 7th. In booking the 1 !lS2 program Manager Wade Miller ga ... e special attention to the liJlthter forms of entertainment, bel,ieving that t)lis ummel' the people are in the mood for program s that wi! lighten their burdens and give them hours of relaxation. In line with that policy the 1 ~32 program is largely made up of concerlts , comedies, th'e visits of magicians and novelty entertainments. Every aftel'no on and evening, frolT\ Friday, J ul y 22. to unday, August 7 . you w ill find a hapPYJ. helpful entertainment . at the Miami Vall,ey Chautauqua Auditorium which thiF y ar hy been converted Jin~o n modern theatre with 'new ;!1.nd com'fortable seats. The price I){ admis ion to these entertainments is In keep ing with t he timos and there is no charge at the gate for entrance to the grounds and no fee for parking YOUl: automobile. Among the attrllctions at Chautanqua this year are Frances Sellers, the "Hoo ier Mocking Bird" i The Freeman Hammond Players: Eureka Jubilee Singers; The Bergmann Players; Cathedral Trumpeters; S. S. HenTY, the Magician; Redpath Players DeLuxe; Welsh Imperial ingers; Randall Ensemble Players: R. Te'rnple GreYlltoke, Magician; Filipil~o Collegians; Rev. "Billy" Sunda,y, and a host of other artist and lecturers. The Boys' Band, from the K. of p, Home will give, concerts every a'!ternoon and everling and Sunday July 24th .... has been designated as K. of P. uay with an addres by Hon. Clarence J . Brown. No charge is made for the use of picnic tables in the. gr~ve. No charge for entranc·e to the grounds or 'for parking space. The Miami Valley Chautauqull belongs to the people alld the people are urged to make use of it.
Blocka, Barrela, Sackl, Coarae and Table Salt. We have juat received a ahipment of Colonial Salt. While thia atock laat. we will aell at the preaent low price.~ NOTE-All manufacturers have advanced pric~a 10 %,
Bulldllil Supplle.
Dr. and Mrs. V'f. E. Frost and on were in Dayton Sunday returning their nic~e Miss Ruth Vickers, to her borne after a pleasCement. Lime, Tile and Sewer. ant vi.sit with. them. Mrs. Eliza Thomas died at ·Our .tock i. complete and price. , Blair's Hospital, Leban~n, Friday, following a fall in which she are right. su tained a broken hip and injured head, Mrs. Thomals was 95 years old and had made' her home here for many years until recently she went to the home. 01 her grandson to. be cared for, Alice. KathleelD and Wayne Gray spent Saturday, afternoon with Nellie, Marjorie and Roger Davis. ...... zs The so.t ball team of the Luclcy 13 4-H Club wen'l, to Waynesville Friday evening whe~e they engaged Harold Follt's club team in a game. The Lucky 13 came off Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. victorious with a Ilcore of 12 to 9. Robert Gray pitched and Kenneth McCarren caught for the Lucky 13. They are to meet a Morrow club this week in Luken's ball field. w. Hue • Complete Wajcb Rev. Amoll Co~,k received 'seriOur convenient location, lultaRepair Service ous injuries FridlllY evening when ble surroundings and equipment; he was attacked by an angry bull. And use only genuine mat.erials. enables us to Scrve to the Beat Mr. Cook was able to reach the rystals fitted while you wait. fence and get a tride it but the Adv'a ntage. ICary" Jewelry Shop animal socceeded in breakine the small bone in his leg, tearing LebanoD, Ohio AMBULANCE SERVICE ligament.s loose, and bruising the Star member considerably. Mr. Cook is Phmae 29 of advanced age and the sh-ock was terrib1e. ' Mrs. Truman Gillam suffered a severe attack of indigestion Son. day. • Mr. anll Mrs. John C. Fealy of Atlanta, Ga., spelllt the week-end with his mother. Mrs. Belle Fealy and other relativE!s. Louise and J4~e Harts~k of Wilmington spent the week with their grandparent:s, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. J~rdan. Sunday evening lruests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. :Deathe~age were EARL KOOGLER Mr. and .Mrs. RooS! Hartsock and ROOT .FOR AND CONSIGN family of WaynEI!lvilJe. Day tOft Pho ... . your Cattle, hors, aheep m cllllftl The Tucker family held · a reto Norris-Brock Co., 11'... win . . . Charles M. .8eer, manager of KEDmore 8988 progressive firm for the ....._ unJon at the hOmE! of Mr. and Mrs. the Ohio Stat.e Fair, has announcWm. Lawson andl family Sunday. ed entriell recivedin the early market prices and !rOod " nt... Mrs. Mary Tucke,r and family at- closing speed eventa for the bir UnioD S tock Y.rd.' Cla.I._tl, 0. Tune in on Radio Stat loa tended. exposition to be 8taged August 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. t or our daU, Helen Rae and Barbara Thorn- 29th to September Srd. In the market reporta. bury are spendinlt some time 'With two.yeaT old trot Director of FItheir l!'randparents in Louisville, nall~e Stake for a purse of $1:000 c Ky. Manager Beer has received lIo en~ Mrs. W. M. 'Mathias and 80n tries; In the two-,year old pace DiDon of Dayton were here the past rector of Agriculture Stake for a week with ~el' mother, Mh. purle fYf $).000 there htl; been 26 tiOTA.RY PUBLIC Amanda Starr land sister, Mra. ~ntries; in the .three-year old C~ l umbus Dilipatc.h Stuke, 18 enCharles H. Gray and family. Nati••al B_II Mr. and Mn, Guy Carr have re- tnes have been booked . The ill. Dr._ , • E ... S.tt'" turned to their h4~me in New York Govellllor's Stake for three.year olda for a purse of $2000, has atWAYNESVILLE ,OHIO City after vacationing with tracted 29 entries. Some of the mother, Mrs, ROSie Carr and best horses in the oountry will be relatives. the State Fair Grounds and Mr. and Mrs; ' M. E. Shll!""oe,d I at they will attract ' loverl< 'of the entertained at dlinner sport from every corner of the honor of thei-r nephew state . Mr. and Mrs. Miorria Waynelville. GUIISts' mClu~,,,u The new townahip and municiand Mrs. Graha:m, {lal roster have been delivered to Ralph Lewis a n,d son Lealie Secretary of State, Clarence J. Dayton, Mr. Wm. Graham 80 Yean ExperleDee In Brown. They wire compiled by ="'~ ..J'c::I . Marion Whltakel~ </f W ayn~lVi11e. that otllcial Fitting and )I.kina GIuHe .fter a laboriOUS task ..":tII...a __ requirinr levera l months. The vo~ume contains 652 parea of printed matter and in addition to , L ....... C)l.Jo of d~IICDII8I I~nll l the above naMed otllclala, all ,.. . . . " TIaw•• • " . . . . . . pr~(»>~~:~~r~ rural .ovem. membel'll of board, of education ~ launcbed OD and a supplemental report of the tlae r-.ular vote cut on atate an4 local quuLEBANON. 0.-0 every .OD~ tiona ilaue. in the eleetloa -=,_-="::;' heW N 8. 1931 •
Waynesville farmers Exe. Co.
fl\l'. '"
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...... am. .",.,
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-.' "'-tl' ...
'QW!I' "'- " " - . . ,,~\-.
Onlv $1:00
DR. RUDOLPH • SitM Specialist
(uy's Jewelry . . a...._ ... ."
Lil'ie", ,
A Sacred Duty
' (~l; II
,Pet Feli"
stS. J
W1\ 'n a ... al g\' (\~ tl) I ' II, t. t h~ n" ~ t . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bUUlul til h.. 8 'Iul'my lim" nh ,,:,,1. Thus th wi;;1' 111. n of IldJll,t,,~ql,
FrCII'n r1irlll tim ., O1.ln· kind ba 'nd avor Ii to ('mbody n the 1a t rit for tll oF ~hll haq· paRll d way, All thl' lov<, anti re p ('t f It f I' th. dep rt d during life. All the kill (If ort, ull th kno\\' IE'dae r ell'n , blls b n lavish d to thi rnd. W tt' I dl>epl th responlbitity rl'posed in u when e lire lIow d to pi n nd condu t the aervic!l for tho e who ha e passed on.
II "kvw<H'd, '. proph!;'!'. I",il' r : ful' tht! 1o'J.(clId of th l' c: 1I~ lh\'~' r:l~t
Earl Hubbel. of Bellbrook, and Juhn Sl'arl:l, who Iltarwd to hitchhikt! It'om ihdianllPolis to the Chl'i tian S rvice camp. operated by F, W, tl'ong, near Bentonvllli, AI'k,.. 11I~ve arrived ~afely at their
Ll'\\'i~. or
, B,
at the hQml' (If
Mr. Will Lippincnlt. '
('troit .
i~ ~:~~Ir~~tl~:~ei:~d~r¥hng b~~s l~~::
tr. IItHl fortunate m secUl'lng rides, being
C.nter Tradion
Saf.. ,
SU It.ow Oood,-- . . . TRAcnON'''/M4*Ot_
fore d to wll1k but a small part of .....uekpblclcbolnablMr the dilcltance. - ........ed - ~lt Tune in on the C. & B, - - -- - ted-ID 111& Ia . . . . . . . . . , h tUl'Jll' d poll' sitter is 11'('"h in sttltion W K R --e_F!f--~)utldaY+-'t''''DAS HI N'C:---Jnliotltr"E1\fDEllrl~~~IW~--~n. AIIth ·ir UI Illuri('l<. o Cll'rnoon lit 2 p. m. W.lbec' Tne4 .. a ... Til' d nf it pal1lIlel'ed {lilt! . 1ll'1· TIl'. fary ].J, C(1ok ' fl nL lhe Wheal thre!lhing is nearing cqm- w~ mil. . . . l-crt'd xi t llC ,0n<1 o( liddl 'town '" w\' k'('nd in kl'on, tht. gu(>!'t of pl~tiol\ in this vicinity. Accord- ....,.. ..... - Good1"(avoriteB- 1I y,·llow Per. inn kitt~1I h'" ~l, t'l" 11',. RI~~sie Whit~, lind ing to repoTts, the yield this year Tlrw.CooM..-......... - wen~ e ~)loring md spi'd fl point 1'.111111". ' somt!w haL be Iow average (from _ •• ~ IS of vantaII' \ hl'ro it could. ight-se .... • ~ 11'. lind 11'.. liver Davis, Miss 15 to 20 bushels pel' acre), but I in peael', Hat:h l.l Dilyis and 1\11'8. r~l'ed EVt!I" th quality i aid to be !rood When th wlln'jed owners nex I hart will att nd the Ringling Br~)s, The largest yield we have heard of SAW th ir kitten, it was p reh d cir u' nt Daytu n tonight. so lal' wa~ Ira D. Rich, who harn ntilulallt1y on top u( n telellholll' vested an nverage Of 2' bushels pole. D pito pi as, bo\ Is of tem{ll. Ir" };mma Jllmne~', Mrs. Lelia from 2 .act' s. Foul' acres of this Ing milk and promises of more I Ibright. lind Ii !; nihel'lne Brill ground Yielded 28 bu hel s Pill' acre l'pe nl Ilvt Thul1!llay wilh Miss freedom in the fllture, the kitten I Hantlll Janney at pringbot'(l. r tus d to lludg fl'om its observa· Of the 379 millions of mature tion PC! ' t. :'.11':. 1111 M~>rhdit.h. of the chickens on f~rms in the United Phone 7 FriendS' 110mI', who iB visiting lit • tates, 320 millions 01'(' kept in Two days pas cd und the feline tit h01)1o of her doughter in Day· tloc,ks of less than 400 birds. In wa ~till up in the "crow:1l nest" Waynesville, Ohio weakened from lack of nourisl1' cu d th kiLlen from ~If-inl\icted ton, ~Ull'~l't''' lUI ll'Uack of npp ndi· OhIO, the 200,000 farmers who keep chicksll a~most 183,000 own ment. but stubb l'n. The owner starvation. But the story doesn't eiti" las t we k,. le811 than 200 birds. About 16,000 appeal d to ~he Humane ociety fOr end as happily as tha t. Almost liS !\Irs. i\fal'Y E. Robinson hns reo keep from 200 to 400 chickens. hlp. The Humane Society in turn soon us th linemen were out of turned t hel' home in Dayton, Onl! 2700 farmers have more than sent an S. O. S, to The Ohio n 11 sight, the r lin pole sitler cam- aft r a week' "isit with relatives 400 birds, anel all but a few floet{s pered bllck up the pol !\IIII the reo 1\1l'll, Hannah Taylor ac- contain less than 700 hens . FarmTelephone Company. vi it. ers who own more than 1000 hens Within a shoTt time, telephone r 'Beue hil<I to be accomplio;\wd all (' mpnnil' d her fo.r 11. M K number 260. linemen scaled lhe heights and res- over again. MI'. and nhl! . . B. ern and ~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~~~!'!!! dllughter. Joan, 'of lev~land, tlr- I'\ved h('rt', Thul ~ da'Y, to spend DEATH OF OLD FAMILY CAT Ba~k th ir vacation wiith 'M r. and Mrs. J, D. Ma.rlatt and other relat ives. With e-.eryone tallr.lna ecOD- on thla fact. And remember: Mutt, a large and very 1d cat CIID1'- JWlth many people won~ Goodyeat Tire. are 1M) &004 In !I I tter to his siste r, Mrs, belonging to Mr' . Hannah J. TayLindl y Menderlhnll. 1\1r. Will dIrIn& If the, can aet food they out~ any other ~ _lr . Jllm\! Hartsock entertain· lor, quietly and peacefully deliere In town, thrvuabout the Fl'am~ . f Pa c1enn. at,. tates tina at a 10'\lIl' price -It'. a ed about thirty of the youngs ter that Mr, . Frame had jus t undl'rparted for the home of hi father of the community with a uniqu .eate, aU o.er America ••• "JaaIe of a com.Iort to look in the land 01 d parled cats, last party at. her home on F!fth gone an operatictn ' and had come The,'ye bee.. leadio& In tal.. at the facta about dr.1 Thur day night. Mutt and hill treet, ' nturday afternoon. Tlck- thl'ough ver~' w 11. ••• Today you can aet lor 1'1 luccNt"e yeara' brother, Jeff, weI' born during til for a circus hall been issued, Miss Ruth E" ook ,'eturned the ~ormy day of the March. a nd when each eng r gue till" Good,.... nr-the to.t The,.'re jiTlt-dwice with tIM Snturday levening, She wa~ 1913, floods. The fir t happy year l'iv d he (or sh ) was provided l\home quality In Goody.... hlatOl')'- pubUc by mc.. than 1 to 1. dell'gate at tlH' Friend s' General of their kiUenhood \ ere lived with an (:onv lope containing on at the ...... »dc" )'ou'd ply So why take • nc0n4-cltolce onfer nee held at np MII~, under the care of the Il1te MrR. dollar in change, good only for the few .Tel'. y lind came home vIa f~ ..coud·cholce tirell ••• wh_ Jlrlt-c1tD1c8 coats DO ClaraPhillips and h r 80 n, rv-ilIe. oCca ion, The ho tel' informed Washioj\'tl)n. She al 0 visited Drift around and cbeck up mc.ei After the death of Mrs, Phillip, her gue t8 thut due 'to the inten:e We will have a factory erllon. Mutt took up his abode at th heat and excitement, the menugl'ry Jount It cae be had at t home of MI's. T :ylor, wh ere he hlld e Ctlped and they wou ld haY Honorio~ Ml·S. T aylor. who is trained aervice man at our alwaYIl received the very be t of to play "circu !' , oon to retul'" to her home ' in .tore in Wayne.ville care and attention. Jllff had preTwo clowns- Mi:HI Lollypop and an Frnnci eo. Mi s Emma Heighceded his brother into the land of Mis Popsjcl~3nd Madam Bu tter. wny i entcl1:ailning Mrs. Frank oblivion several year ago. fly assisted wilh tihe entel'tain- Taylor. fl'S. Edith Harri s, Mns. !!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~~!!'!!!~!'!!!!!'!!!~ m nt, and t w ve ndol' I) f ic e I_aura Mosher oml 1 rs. R. M. cream cones, I 1'I0nade, cake and Hawke. today, HI....at M ..... t Buuer F •• toy bllfloona enjoyed a genel'ous Pric•• Paid for Cream patronage. To be "llr , everybody Mrs. Veo Adam, (If Dayton, and "SERVICE WITH A.. SMILE" Take off YOUr ,aa motora, had a perfectly gQrgeou time, Mr . Peter Demit. and "hildren of even if the escape ilC the menag· New Vi nna, w re • unday guests 01' brin, th. whole waaher of Mr, Bnd Mrs. Oliver Davis and ery had ca used the h ostes much FOR SALE 3Id~Re&.a. daughl.el·, Mis. Rachel. arolyn and ,et your troublea fi.ed. WOrl'Y and embarrassment. U.. TUBE", L ouise and PetEII' ~ tanle-y Demn Later: The nlenag'ery-a yellow FOR SALE-Fresh Jel'lley cow. 6 We carry a complete line a companied their aunt. Mra. THE MIAMI GAZETTE cat which MI',. HllrUoc k had bor· EACH. s~ years old. with call by side. Dalla Bog r, Waynesville, j20 rowed from the lIome' of her Adams, to h r h(lme in Dayton lor of service part~ for Mayta,a. F_ a ...lta lath 'I'. James Fil r, in Ferl'y- re- n two weeks' vi.lit. ' Lat_t Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwlat Cord turned 11ft r the cil'cu was over. Mrs. Frank E, Thomas very and th excitement lutd abated. He had been exp cled to repre ent 11 happily enterta~ned the meeting of th Friendship club at her home f I' ci l)u!! tigal', . 1ec·y ",:! Cash Prlcee-Mounted Free la!!t Wednesd ay 'afternoon. A large number of ladies enjoyed her ho pitality, After the busine s Wayneaville, Ohio se sion, Rev. G. C. DibeTt gave a very helpful t.o.lk, "Worries and I have opened an In.urance Office at my re.idence ____ Their Cure." :Delicious refresh· Nine outstanding 4-11 Club boys menlA! were serve d by the hostess, on Main Street, Wayne.ville, Ohio h' t "t d a!'sisted by Ml~" Ruy Muinl)us, ... an d g i I' IS .,om .,t IS co~n.y Il~ en - Mrs, Lester Surface Mrs, Cha , ed ih Exte,nslon 'frammg Camp, Davi, 1I-lrs. M:ury lure and Itt amp lilton III t week fr om ~TS. Renry Wallkins. -t---'.....-1Ir. July 11 to 16. ~h.i camp, planl~ed to fu~t~er Last Thursda,y afternoon, !I a indIVIdual growth through tramtnl!' ' surprise to her ~on, Mrs. Milton in nature , tu~y, song leading,mu- Th(lmp~on enlertained a number sic appreCIation, archery, crafts, of his )'ounJl: flriends in honor f rading, hobbies, dramatics and his seventh birthday anniversary. game leader hip wn~ attended by The afternoon. was happily spent the following from Wllrre~ cou!1ty with games, and delicious refresh· Your baaaineaa will be appreciated. Lewell Loeh, Ma on; LoulSe Fltz- ments were ser'/ed. The jl'uests in· geral~, Kings Mill~l ; Martha New- eluded Martha Martin, Rosemary comb, Franklin; Helen 'Jackson, Titus, Tessa and John Jr. StansButlel'Ville; Juanita Brannock, berry, Robert B'nd Donald Orsbotn Waynesville; Frank DuVall Sprin$l; Joe Hal'tsock,H:arr~ Matthew Turboro: Ralph Voorhl , Mason; Basil nero Earl M.endlmhall, Gerald Mardis, Genntown , and Earl Hall, Coyle, Charles BUrton Earnhart. LebaMn. ' Forrest Dakin fIDd Robert Hyman . Telephone SlR2
J. E. McClui:"e
The Cat Came ---After T-Ile Circus
Maytag and Other Make Washer Owner.
Early' a Quality Ice Cream?
Low •• Prices of Acy I. 30 Yearsl
Eve'. Fairmont Cream Station
s" .....
friday, July 2200 $3~
Late Classified Ads.
Nine Attended . C Extenlnon amp
All Kinds of Inaurance-
'Life, Etc~
. --
ouaeREED - TO-
.ene.e tile' Depre•••GD
Build or Repair The Thing. You Need
Build 'or Repair The Things You Want
Build or Repair The Thing. You Can Pay For
H. ladden " CO.
Roy Ellis i suffering with a very sore hand, sustained when the handle of a fork, with which ,h e was working in the harvest field one day last week, broke. The fleshy pal't of his hand, 'between the thumb and inde)t finger, wa badly torn.
Gordon's Service Station
--- .... _----
Phone 47
REBUILDING STARTED ON BLANCHESlfER STRUCTURE The BasingElr Building, home o.t the Brown Publishing ComPliny. at Blam:hester w.hkll. was ' r'a zed by fire s:everal months ago I being rebuiJl~ and according to present plans will be ready fot' 'c cupancy by Septembe,r 16. A new addition ",iJl be built 'a t the real' of the b\llilding and will be used by the 'p ublishing cOl1)pany
Wayne.ville, Ohio ~---
a composng: room floor takmgspace the Mrs. Ada Chenoweth, of Cen- as place of the I!econd terville, is vi iting n t the home of formerly occupied l1,y the comMrs. lJelle Scott lind Mrs. Meta party,- Clal'ksvil\e News, Rogers. Mr. and Ml'S. W. F. Clark, of A careful s tudy shows that Waynellville. spent Thursday with each new tax .w ill bring in at. Mrs. Mary Carmony, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray, of least enough r,e venue to pay the Blanchester, 'i visited relatives extra hands nMded to collect it. - EXChange. . ' ' h I' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, George W eller and father, Fl'ank Weller, of Centerville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr '. Lowell Thomas and Mr. sod Mrs. Hiley Gibson and daughter, Betty. family of Tlear Mt, Holly and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke have and Mrs. Ohl'l1el' 'Eolterey and sold ~heil' propel'ty to Mr. and Mrs daughter ,Phylliis of near FrankLouis Trickey, of Dayton, and will lin, spent unday with Mr, an<:l give possession August 10. Mr8. Everett Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. lenn JOlm3 and Mrs. Ettn Blair of Xenia spent childl'en, of Dayton were dinner guests Sunday evening of their atul'day evening with her brother Mr, Lewis Munay. mother, Mrs. Marl~aret Johns. Mr, and Mrs . L ewis MOlgan and Mr. and Mr~. Clitford Arcb<ieacon and ~o n, of Dayton, were daughter, Th Ima and son, Fred we k·end guests of the latter's and Mr, ArLhul' Mo rgan and wife I parents, Mr. lind Mrs. ,Frank epent l\londay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. , Itoy haw of near Miltenberger. I MI'. and Mrs. Uarley Long and Spring Valley. uBughlel', of Miumh;burg, were Mrs. Ed Crlaw spent the weekSunduy aftel'noorl guests of Mr. end at her home here. lind Mrs. Willi,am Lon~. Mr, and Mr. John Rye and Evel'clt Ell r1y and daughter. Mr '. Herbert Marlatt were Xenia Mi!\s Ruth, and Miss Bernice ~ hoppe rs at.urday afteTnoon. Graham sp nt Moo()ay in CincinMr, and Mrs. Cliff Baker gave nati. a party in honor o'f Miss Clara Mr~ . Angie Heckathorn and Kern's 14th birthday. Monday fathel', Frilnk Smith, of Miomi s· All enjoyed a splendid burlt'. were undlLY dinner guest!' evening, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns al)d evening. MI', Bnd Mrs, George Marlatt daughters. Mr. and MI'!<. q R. Bineear and took Sundoy dinner with Mr. and Krand~on. of' J,~mestown, Ml'll. Mrs, Elvis Michael and dauihter, L Adda Miller. of ColuntbulI, an,1 Dorothy. Mr. and MrM. Mrs. Ada McEwen, of Spring· born, called on Ml't'I. Georeianna of Payton, noon with Sunday Marlatt, Mr.
----- -
Mt ,.Holly
We 'Wish to announce New. Reduced Prices on Sherwin-Williams Paint ., s. W.P., R.lular colora per lallon . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. w. P. White per lallon : ...... . Barn Red Per lallon . . .. '. . . . . . . . . .. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Pun Raw UnlHCl Oil per pIlon. . . . . . ~. Pun Spirit. Turpentine ' .,.. lallon ...........................• , ••.. II
•• '. •
........ .
sz.so $Z.75 $S.40 ,80a IIOa
Eighty-Fifth Year
BEUJROOK DEFEATS WAYNESVILLE TEAM BY SCORE OF 10 TO 5 PouUowa Will b. Attraetloa at Wayn. Park SU.....yl N_ Pitch- Will I.e Siped
Mrs. T. S. Hardin~!an!J,d~~~.I-1h.~~~~.~~ZJ Tl'e8~ler and Lanaing, home from Kentucky, Monday. While there, thy viaited Dix Dam Hieh Brida-e, allo Harrodsbllrg, the oldest town in Kentucky. Hel'e is where the first white child was buried in Kentllcky. Another thing of Interest at thlll place they saw is the house In which Abe Cecil Davi is visiting Puul Lincoln's father and mother were Black in Dilyton, thill week. married. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby CLOVER LEAF CLUB visited relatives In Lebanon Sunday. HAS ANNUAL PICNIC Mrs. J . B. Gans and Mi ss Louise . The Clover Leaf club held its Henderson were Dllyton visitors ann ual picnic on Thursday oj; ,the Monday. beautiful Ilountry borne of Mrs. S. MillS Henrietta McKin sey and S. Ellis, After enjoying a deliCious baa- Mi 8 Jessie lark spe nt Monday in ket dinner the company was tav~r Cincinnati. ed with music by Mr. S. S. Ellis. Mr. and Mr8. W. F. Clark spent The invited guests were Mis8 Henrietta McKinsey, Mrs. Ronald Sunday witb Mr. and MI·s. Everett Clark in Dayton. . Hawke and Mrs. Ralph Miller. The kiddies rode home in Ralph Mrs. L. D. Chiles i visiting Miller's trailer amid mud and oil, f'[iends in Ricbmond, rnd., and Dayton, this week. thus ending a perfect day.
---- ----...
Number 6024
Traffic out of Wll Y II ~!\v i l lil ou U. . Ruute ·U! b being d!'tuul'CU from t he inter s~lio n <)1 ta~e lJunun Route 73 and . S. Roule 42 lo tate Route 4 anu outh to Leb· anon. Th e route wa", closed to traffic la t week whi le the 1,lwer sl:!ction between Mi ~sildine' .. COTner and Lebanon i~ bin g widened !lntl Celebration Will Muk CompletioD of Impro·yement. to Both resurfaced.
" MelDlOl'ie. of F'o l'mer Day'," by s= ~ . S. Warwidc, Bri.... LMr. and Mrs. J. W. Lotz spe nt .poD •• FI'OID Diatant Friend SUllday at Chautauqua. LOCAL HIGH GRADUATES Mr. and' Mrs. James Brannock EMPLOYED AT LEBANON
Exterior alld Interior
li P cial te!\tivlI l re-dedication Weare in receipt of a letter Bellbrook got a little revenge . ervice wi ll I, t! held at St. Mary', . from our friend Herbert S. War- are visiting friend in Kentuck y. for what ' happened to t hem at Miss EM Bradbury, o'f Oregonia Episcopal chul'ch next Su nday Wayn Park last year When 'they wick, of YoungsiWwn, in which he Mrll. Mary McClure and M~s. H. was graduated from Wayne - aft took the WAC's into camp 10 to 6, enclo ed a communication from a E. Hathaway were Dayton sbop- wb{) 1"1100n l J ulv 31, at " o'clock. the clas3 of ville High choo l in The " dlfict' "hall bet'n b autitled form r Waynesv'il1ian, Mrs. Edna Pel'S, Saturday. Sunday afternooD'. At that the 1927 has been employed by the with a. new xteriof, lhil vesh'Y game was much cl08er .and more Zell Marlatt. and from which we Lebanon BoaTd uf Educatioll to Miss Doris H nderson, of Cin· have taken excerpts that will, no n)OD1 hll ~ b"lm enlarged and r.einterellting than the IIcore seems to indioate. l"orry Hough celebratdoubt, be of Interest to muny cinnati, spent the we k-end bere t.each a t Iudepend«:nt chool, 'next deco rated, !IIod r n plUmbing and year. witb home folks. other improvemen ts have been ed the al'rival of his new daughter I'eaders of the Gazette: Ano t hel' graduate from the iocal lldded Eugene, Ore. with' a perfect day at bat, and a Q rH! of which iR a church school, Joseph Kersey of the High Mi s Ruth Cook was the weekthree-run rally in the seventh bell :Ionl\led by the Diocese of Mr. H. . Warwick, cla89 ot 19281. whQ was graduated end gue t of Mr. and Mi·s. Eddy , ut h rn Ohio all a memorial to almost tied the· 8core lor a little Dear Herbert: from Obio ;:;tate Universrty in the late Rev. Joh n F. Cadwallader. No doubt you will be greatly Tate in Dayton. while. June, will teach the Smith- Hughes urprised to heal' fro11' us, and 1'1\ J ohn Cons pitched very well, esMiss Sue Crane i8 spending a classes in tbe Lebanon Hlgb school Thi n \v bell wllI r ing for the pecially when he could locate the firs t lime at thill service and MH. ventul"e to say y ~u t6rn t his letter tew days with rtllative in Oincinplate, and deserved at least a Anna adwalluder will b the first over lind louk at. the signature be- nati and Norwood. much claser scol'e. Mendy and 'person to ri ng it. The present fore reading it, for no doubt you Hough weighed in with Bome flashy rector the Re .... John J. Schaeffel', have 108t track ot me as I bad you Mr. and Mn. J. P. Fromm and who has 'been in charge I)f the fieldin&" and Peck Lovely caught. Tune in on the C, &: B. program, until Mother Marllltt forwarded son, Clyde, spent Sunday with pari h since lhe death (If ?tIr. CadPoallttown b coming to Wayne station WKRO every Sunday the old stand by, "The Miami rehl.tive in Dayton. wallader ten yean ago, has arPark again, next Sunday, and the afternoon at 2 p. m. Gazette" too us vvith. your letter in Tune in on the C. &: B. progt"am, local management expects to have ranged the 1 \lowing program for it reca11ing 80mll of the old time8 a good pitcher to greet them. The Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray llawke and around dear old Wayne8ville, I station WKRC every Sunday : Nathan Haw ,a former resi- t.heSpservice daug hter, of Dayton. spent Satur- ay old times for' it sure does seem afternoon at 2 p. m. WAC·s expect to snap Ollt of their cial prayer of. consecration and we ll known heTe, di d at dent, day here with relatives. a long time sincel I have seen some 10 ing 8treak, and I'et back into Mr. and Mrs. Howard Case, of his home in Spring VaJley. shortly of ' beU. the win column where they belon~. of them. As you, probably knpw I Ringing of bell by Mrs. Anna Master Robert Planck is visit- married Raymond Marlatt and we Lebanon, were Sunday guests of after noon, last Thursday. He had adwallader. Let' bope for the best anyhow. suffered with diabetes for selletal inQ' bis si8ter, Mr8. Clark Sta rr, jU8t celebrated our 25th weddillg Miss Emma Heighway. J\fter Goml bad cau8ed the first Proce88ional Hymn. years, and tb malady finally afE. H. Heathman, manager tor and family, near Xenia. ' anniversary la!t Wednesday, July two Bellbrook batten to strike P rayers_ Quality and low price , in all fected his heart. Funeral services three times where the ball was not the Xenia District of The Dayton Mrs. Eloui!!e .Thompson, of 13. Festival Psalter, Twenty-fourth linea. Cary's J~welry Shop- "The were held at the Friend8 church in Darby goll a life on an infield er- Power and Light Company, an- Cincinnati, is visiting her par nis, When we wero quite. young tbat Home of Gifts," Lebanon, Ohio. Spring Valley, Saturday afternoon psalm. Tor, stole second and continued nounced today new and lower com- Mr. and Mrs, George J. Smith. is 24 years ago we came West cripturc Lesson. the remains were brought to to third When the catcher'8 th~ow mercial Hgbting rates both for :inwith our only child, Milo who was Mrs. Laura Zenc and Mis8 arah and Magnifi cat. Miami cemetery For burial. went to center field. Zimmerman's corporated and unincorporated Mr. and Mr . Harry Cline and a very small baby then and settled Smith W1lre 8uppe r guests of Mra. Apost1 s Creed and Prayera of Mr. RawCl!, who WII S 65 yelll'S hit, juat in8ide the ftHt base line, communities, as well as new and son, of Dayton, called on Mr8. in Eugene., Orel!:on. so we feel as Beile Dinwiddie, Sunday ev ning. dedication. old, wa t h 80n or Mr. and Mrs, scored the run. lower residential lighting rates to Amanda Maffitt, Sunday evening. If we are reguls~r "webb-footen." R~mn. The Spring Van y band a88lsted FJ'ank Hnwes, and Wal:! bom and Our old friend, Mike Weller, rural customers and in unincorWe have "two boysr Milo who i8 Ad.dl'ess, Rev. J. J. Scheirer. Mr. Ilnd Mr . Vivian Retallick, past 24 years old JUst graduat.d the Waynesv i1Je band with their reared in thi lvicini ty. He replayed center field for the visitors, porated communities. Tbese fa 1Solo. Ml"~. M. F. Weltz. moved his borne to Spring Valley · Ilnd cau e<l much :flln for tbe root- low similar reductions made in of LebanQn, ' are ann unoing t he from UnlveI"sit)r of Oregon thill concert here, last Thursday evenOtrertbry about 25 yeal's ago, and had II rv'era w'hen he I\truclt ""ul on hia fir8t commercial Iightin&, rate in the birth of a daughter, Sunday, July year In Art and Architecture, has ing. Prayer anel benediction. ed as sexton of th e ce me~ery at appear~nce at bat in the second. larger centers during thE! . paat 24. announced his- engagement and lteco:!s!lionaJ. t hat place for 7 or 8 years. and Mrs.' R. A. Conner and Mr. Later, he got three walk., atole year, and are in keeping with tbe Mis J.Ulie Nedr'1, of Troy, will will be married this fall, and then Th community is cordially intb~ee balles, and IICored a run. He policy of The Daywn Power and have another boy Beverly ""ho children, and Mr8. E. R. Bentley In 1892, Mr. Haw s was mal",'ied vited to be present. also made four nice catches in the Light Company to reduce electric spend the remainder of the sum- is almost 17 ' years oid, just RDlah- IIpent Sunday at St. Mary's Resel'- to Mias Kath«:rine I,.ewis, who with two sOns, Alhert Hawe!!, of Dayfield, but. dropped one, for which rates to cU8tomeH aa condition8 mer with her sister, Mrs. Alice ed his Fresbman year in hieh voir. ton, and Lewis Hawes, 0'1 Xenia, McKinsey. school. . the fana Irave him the merry ha-ha warrent same. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Starr and survives him. A sister, Mrs. Jerry again. Mrs. Eugene Foster, of Fasten We bave been in busines8 here daughters Mr. Heathman annQunces that were Sunday guests of Roland, also survives. He was afTate ,ot a lif on an error to the new commercial light rates and Dr. J. T. ElJIs were Monday for 14 years. We hav a plumbIn 8tllrt the tblrd, Ilnd went to lecond in incorporated commllnities are dil)ner guests of their s iste1", Mrs ing and sheet metal bllsines8 and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. filiated witb the Jr. O. U. A. M. Cumminll. and the D. of A. st Spring Valley. on a !Ja8 ed ban, Darby'. triple 88 'follow8: Ruth Janne.y up until tbe IMlt two years have Mrs. Mary Waterhouse IUltalned cored Tate, and Zim's hit scored 1L K enjoyed II very nice business, but Mrs. Ura Rogers and Miss Fi K H 7 W a broken right hip In a fall at ber Darby. rat . • • n cents per • Miss Olive Alien is a gllest at a like all other h 'adel it has fallen Mattie Decker. ()'f Lebanon, called home on Main street, at a late In the flfth, Tate and Darby W·NH:. t "0 KWH 7 t house party at the home of Mr. off but we fut. · quite thankful hour Sunday vening. Monday ex u • • • cen 8 per and Mrll. H. C. FaJlmer, near that we are all i n excellent health on Mrs. Hannah Rogers, Monday walked, but Tate waa later caught KWH morning, she was taken to the Kcafternoon. In a run-down between third and ' Ne~t ioo K. W. H. 51!i1 cellb Xenia, this week. and are . a ble to make a living. Clellan hospital in Xenia, where home. D.rby stole. Zim hit, tole We took our boys f\.ve yearll ago Mrs. Roderick Barden, of the broken bQnes were set, aDMh. and went to third while Darby per K . W• H • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kern have and made an auto trip around the ColumbUS, is spending this week An automobile occ upied by Mr8. waR placed in a plaster calt. She Next 800 K. W. H. 5 cents per dlBcontinued t he Garden Inn, and U.S.. which took us a· little better here, the guest o·! her mother, was !lcoring when Peck threw the Sarah Hudg 1 and her two daugh- is said to. have stood the trip and ball away. Edwards fanned, but K. ~. o~~r 600 K. W. H... cents are remOving Lbeir household ef- than five months. We visited in Mrs. Ruth Janney. ters, who reside in a tenant house the operation remarkably well, and was caught trying for tbird. jects to , Dayton. Ohio, tbe first and only time we K • W~ . H . 011 the Amos Cook farm on the is thought to be recuperatine .. h b b k ' l ' Ml'Il. J. Blerne (nee Winifred Crowl opened the seventb ~th perThe ' 1 li"'btl'n'" ave een ae since eavlng. commercJ8 a .. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis and Th ' h d h d ... b·t Shields), of Cincinnati, visited her Waynesville - Harveysburg pike, nice ly a s could be expected for a hit, advanced two bases on as rate8 in new uni.n corporated communi- h'ld f M' . b lOgS a c ange qUI..., a I. many wild pitches, and scored 'es are .' 'C I ren, a lamls urg, were When we w~~re in Ohio we aunt, Mrs. Addie Smith, and other was badly wrecked and its oc- one of ber advanced yean, and cupants were tlu'own trom the one who has been an invalid for alter Zim's drive to deep left had tl First 60 K. W. H. cents per week-end guests of bjs mother, I00 ke d up qUI't e a , f ew o~.. the 0 ld relative8 here, Tue8day. machine, when it colJided with a several Yea;rs. Her many friend. been caulht. K. W. H. • Mra. Bertha Lewis. school chums illnd 011. some of Mi8a Annie Brown Mis8 Mame big truck, about two miles south are hoping for her speedy aDd Weller walked and stole to Next 50 K. W. H. 7 centll per Mrs. A~vin Simpllon and daugh- them had age<l 's.o, I really felt bad. Brown !Iond Mls8 May Wright spent of Spring ValJey on E\>u"te 42, permanent recovery. tltart the eighth, and Pennewit's . ter, Miss Katherine, :md Mr. c Afte\;!~dij~r Y~~~r ar!~cJ~e~ Friday in Lebanon, the ,uests of Sunday evening. double scored bim. Lansinger's bit K. W. B. Next 100 K. W. H. 6-~ , cents 1"1"!?lr.,,,., ••-1i~"'iI'l"l'.tn,"...,m·,,nt:--tk.....,_·,.iuPl.l;l!·~~J?-see by th~! card Mo~her sent Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seller8. First aid was administered bY a . scored Penne. Berryhill I>opped STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Spring VaHey physician, and the K. W. H. . t d 'th Tb out to ftnt. · Zrown attempted to perNext 800 Ie W. H. 5 cents per me you are connec e WI e Mrs. Ida Stokes ' and Mrs. Ada injured ladies were taken to the Quite a severe electrical ItOI'lll, catch Lanlln~er at tbird atter K. W. H. Mr. and Mrs.. W. F. Clark and Youngstown Sheet It Tube Co. Courtney visited at the home of Blair hospital in L(lbanon. Here, picking up C~pw)'. wrounder, but AU over 500 K. W. H ... centa lP'Anddaughters attended a family We have used pipe in our bueine88 Mrs. COTa Baker in Wilmington, a 't Willi found that Mrll. Hudg~ 1 had accompanied by heavy rain fall, . visited thi8 vicinity at .. very early I made a poor throw; everybody YoungstoWlJ and no doubt few day8 the first of thi8 week. K. W • H • Picnic at Bryan Park, Yellow trom sustained a broken right shoulder; hour t his morning. Li,htnl... safe. Tate fannet!, but Darby'8 perResidential 1IaMing rates to Springs, last Thursday. I't wall f rom your f ac t ory. her daughter, Elsie, aged '1, had third bit sent two more run8 acrOBB rural customers and unincorpol'AtDr. T. I. Way, of Cincinnati, suffered a brok n shuulder and truck a large chimney at the With best regards, I remain home 'Of John Sbultz, on the Bellthe plate. And thank lIeaven I ed communitiell, are reduced.1 called on Waynesville friend8, right Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sowash and your old BChoolmat~, arm, and t.he other daugh- brook pike, leveling it to the roal. tbese were ttle lallt two, Sunday afternoon. He left Cincin- ter, Oneida, follows : children, of Akron , spent a few Edna Zell Marlatt aged 9, was badly Jame!! Gibbons, representative of Now, let's go back and lee what nati, t oday, for an European tour. cut and bruised. First 30 K. W. H. 10 cents per days this week here, guests of They wen later the Grange insurance, estimates Mr. Warwick writes that his 80n our own hopefub had been doing. K. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Caley IIpent removed to theil' home. ,Sherwood landed in En~land Jllly the loss at about $15, which waa Walk$ to Wade Turnet' and 50 K. W. H. 6 cents per K. Mrs. L. A. Washburn, of Xenia, 28 and will tour England, F,r ance, Sunday afternoon at the Mla)'lli fully ,covered by his company. "' Hough, in the Ant had been W.Next H: and F. M. Cole and family, of G.e rmany and (taly with R .former Valley Chautauqua, and visited waated, a8 haa H,ollchls double and Vi.lted Zoo 80 ·K. W. R. S' 'Ii cents Dayton, called on Lloyd Davis Princeton cla88mate. Sherwood Camp Joy, near Mason , in the Mi~8 Margery Jean Hutt, Mendy'. lIingle in tbe f~.urth and perAUK.over Mr. and Mrs. Le Hawke, 80 n, W. H. and family Sunday evening. took his M. A. at ObioState in evenang. Henderson'. slncle In the Mth, Dean, and Miss Ann Weltz visited Ridgeville, was a guest at the 1931 , In 1933 he wi\) take hi8 ,Pb. the Cincinnati Zoo, \lnday After- home of hel' grandfther, W. C. St. Witb one away . 'in the lIixth, Mrll. Loren Hadley and daugh- D. and this comine year will It is rumored that one of our noon. John last week. ters joined their hUBband and have Houlfll and Mendy \"alked and village official has covered his an assistant instructorship pulled a double llteal. Ramby miafather at a camp near ChiJIicothe, job in History lit O. S. U. =============-===~=b===============automobile with newspapers in ed connection., but Gonll IICOl'ed . ay u. lieu of a new coat of paint. Who the runs witb • nice hit. Gons adTuesday. for a two-weeks put.iilg. saljl, "Thrift?" vanced on the catcher's errol', but . M d " R II St k till Hendenon folJowed Ramby'l exThe ninth concert .of the honie r. an mrS. usse ' oc e 0 ••• Mr. and Mrs. W. L Gard and am_pIe to end tbe innin.. leriel Ii,v!!n l!y the Waynesville (nee Velma Cornell), of PortadJ\lghter, of Campbellstown, Obio Lovely started the lucky round Children II Bind III be Pl!'Y!!:Io~~d;~~;;,'M~;~I'~y the birth 1"'-~'t1~DnE~nj'IOn were Sunday guests of Mr. and with a double to right, and Brown ' T,b unday .evening, July 2 It on , July 25. _ _ __ Mre. J. O. Cartwright and daughgot no farther tban the plate. MeClur.e'l 'Corne~, sponsored by The W. C. T, U. will meet at Mi88 Bessie :Stephenson 8ubmit- ter, Miss Janet. Zim scooped ·S t. Jobn'lI lP'ouncler Kroger I, Fairley s and the ,W. H. t he home of Mrs. Lina Madden, ted her l'esiglilation a8 primary county boys and gil'ls week : Miss Ruth Baker, of Leb, to . catch Lovely at third. Turner Madden Lumber Co. Thursday afternoon, July 28, at and Mrs. Raymond William- areWarrell looking forward wit h a great an on, who will Ilirect cainp ,:Ira1llahit to right, and Hou~h'lI gOl'geoUI Were you there ~8t Tbursday 2 o'clock, sharp. Everyone weI· teacher in ' OUI' lIChools to Supt. sonMi'. ac nd Bon, and Mr. and Mn. C. Lotz, Tuesday evening, in order deal 0'£ interest to the annual 4-H tics ; Heber Ellis, of Harvey.bur,. triple ~ the ' same fteid Icored two eve 1 If not you . missed a treat, come. , to accept a li>Oaition with the C, Houser, of Cleveland., are ()Jub camp to be held during the ill churge of games and puul.a; runs. The faithful Mendy produe. for the S:rrilla, Vanef Band guests at the home of Mr. and Seven Mile I,chools in Butler first week oj August at Camp Mrs. Morria Mi\1er, of WaynesviU.. ed the hit that scored Forry and down an played With the local Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hnrtsock, of cou ty at mu h more lucratl' e Mrs. H. H. William80n. Hook, Middletown 'Boy ' cout camp who will direct the vesper .p robimself, stole 8econd, but 'Gon. band, malune an ensemble of MI'ltor(1 and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ' n , a c v salary than he would have reMary Beam, of ended the rally with a roller to the over forty pieces. Another treat Hawke and son, Frank, were Sun· ceived M.r. and Mr!!. Alvin Taylor and located west of FI'unklin in t his gramsiMiss here. The vacancy in the followed after the concert, wben count.y Fra nklin, who wi1J lead the eamp Mre. ~nna Long, of Cincinnati, guests of Mrs. Edith Hat"ris local faculty, caused by her res(Continued on .plee 4) Ma. Everbart, of the . Fairmont Of the more tban 700 members fire prognms; and E. S. 'Sherron, , faapily. . ignation has n.ot yet been Alle4. and Mr. . Millard Taylor. of Cyn- of 4-li Clubs in thi county, be· ot th\l Middletown Boy Scoui creamery, invited both bands up - - --- - • thianna, Ky., vi8i~ed Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. W. Silver attended a Her many friel~ds here are.loatbe John Long, last ':l'hunday. to, the cream atatlon, and treated tween 126 lind 150 are expected c\lun cII , who will direct the nature all' the play&r8 to individu.l iee "showe~" given for her neice, Mis to see her lea,re,' but are wishing to attend th ll 1932 Cllmp according study program 0'/ the camp. Adah Stokell, of Lebanon, at the her the utmost 8ucce88 in her oream molda. , The camp fee tbis year is exMrs. L. D. Chiles, Mrs. Maude to MisH J;:lizabetb Graddy and ',\'he .band and their fammes ap- borne ' of Misses Blanche and Perle new position. Crane, Claude Stroude and Mr. Willis Kerns, Wllrren co~ n ty ex· tl'emely reasonable 'With $4.60 d In our iSSUfl of J~ne 8th, inpreciate thill kindn.. upon Ma. Mrs. W. E. Stroud attended tension agen ts, who WIll have coveri ng all elqlenHII tor the enS atur ay. ,troducing the new teacher8 aelect- and ~verhart'. part in acJdition to bel' Riley" on tbe funeral of their brother and charge of tbe week's activities; til'e week. Thill mal , be paid Miss Qrace Pennington returned ed for our achools for next term, uncle,. Mr. Will Stroud, at Wil-" Letters we(1l mailed last week either in cash of ,.2.60 In cub and dOll,ation to the concert f~nd. Tbe Happy Hour CIllb celebratNext we.lI'a ' cQncert -wi11 be to Cincinnati, MondllY, where s lle we stated that .Miss EHzabetp Fox liamstown, Ky., Saturday. to all club members and their pal'- tho balance in home crown food .. ed Itli ' annual Bummer picnic witb given Thul'8daf. eveninl, AUlI'ust ha !l position which, wll.l ~nabl~ ~as the v.aledi~;t~rlan ~t her ciass .. ents urging immediate e nrollmenl Club members are bein, provided Mr. and Mra. Seren Wilkerloll 4th at McClure. corner sponsored ber to e.rn her way ID Clncmnatl In the KangsM11l High Sehoo). Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wllhams and response thus fa l' indicntes un · with II 1illt of foods dalred. Tbis statement Wall based on what and chiJdrenilot Kingman. Mr. and u ~ual 8uccess fOI' this year's camp. who moved this "pring f:rom the by a group of frienill 01 the band. Bible Seminary this year. s ~ . d A si ng Ie day ' s progoram aa p lanwe, and Supt. Lotz, had every MrII. L oren a d ley an d d aug ht er, V~ndervoort place to a farm .See next week'. Ga.ette for comEnrollment. are being I'ecelve ned by the camp leaders, follow.: tween RoacheBter and Morrow. plete liat. Miss Laura Rosnagle, lIu pervi80r reason to believe was perfectly and Mrs. Roderick Barden, of daily and It is hoped that the The dinner feature was excel• - • of llur~eB at the General hospital reliable autb<ll·ity. Columbus, were Sunday guests .of camp roll can be completed early 6 : 15 a. ro.- reveille and mOl'nMr. J. E. SJPrinkle, 8uperinten- MH. Ruth Janney and MIllS next week. All necessary Inior. ing dip: lent and awimmilil constituted in Cincinnati, is spending a two afternoon enterta.inment after 10 weeks vacation here with h~r den t of the ICings Milla schools Louella. mati.on .may .be s~cul'ed .by c?m· r~~ ~ r:!;~~:a~:!~~' for the past· sel~eT8 1 yean, informs which we .enjoyed another lernce e-~ aister, Mrs. H . .E. Hathaway. With ~uther MISS GI ~d. . 8 :15 a. m.- flr8t instruction 'perUnder the chaperonage of their mUDleatmg us that we Wllre ' in error. Miaa of ice cream. . . . . . dy or Mr. K~l'n s at th ~ , Falm iod. Mn. Cbas. Morriso n a'nd Mrs. Bessie Those , present were: Mr. and Stephenson, who bal leader, Mrll. H, E. Hathaway, the office In Lebanon. D'06 d . t ti MH. Seren Wilkerson, .IN Ron L at f Chafl. Myertl, of Cincinnati, spent taught one of our first lP'ades for members of the Good Cut Clothing Bureau The camp, ope ning on Mond$Y, .' a. m,- secon Ut8 ruc on W.i1kerao!'J 'Kr. anel Mrs. Eal-l Wtl- ' DC • ,r adio ana" elpeciaUy last week here, guests of Mrs. the pa8t twOI 'year8, was the clu'b will picnic at Camp Ruth on Au ... u ~t 1. will continu e f nt five p~rlo~. kerson, JIIlI1X Stayton and Austin those wbo enjoyed liltenlne to Kezlab Thompson. Mesars. 1\I.or- valedictorian (If the cla'ss, while Carol Hathaway's farm, along the ... c Iosmg ' <> -turday , A'ugust 6 • 10 days .-,. 10 .00 '30 a. m.- as8embly. .. p . a. ·m.-swlmmmg, cam Trovillo ot Morrow; Mrs. Sal'a Me- ~=rl~10~:ad~e:£h -:; ' Hr~ ~: !~O~~~/,{yers joined the party Mjsll Fox was ~he salutatorian . We Llt.tle Miami river, tomorrow and will Ofl'OlI' Il week of healthful are happy to make this correction. (Thurllday) recreation afternoon. Dnu worthwhile in tt:ucliTe ~/l<\ vesper prog:am. Kinney, lIr; Arthur Sumnel' of Radio Hound). at a veterinary ...... · l the youth of Warren 12 ,00 noon----dannet. LebanoD; Mr. andMra. Percy R_- pital in. - uindnnatl, TIII••,rta,,1 Mig Ruth Cook and Mr. Robert 0 1 :30 p. m.- hobby hour. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ander80n t Ion lon, Mr. Lo~n R.aaon, Mr. mornlnl. MUte was the Dl'1Dn,m,., Davi8 were gue!ts at a big Sunday STOLEN CAR RECOVERED entertained the following guellts cOS~~'ial instruction will be given 2 :30 1>. m. camp fire and ve,p,~ . MH. Frank Braddock Mr. ad of HeDl')' Fillmore, farnou. Cin- dinner, 8erved In honor of the with a picnic supper at Wayne In swimmin , nature stud y. leath- p)an~lng. .. Warren Braddock arut Bett" ciDuti baad 1IIuter, and bad been birthday anniversary of Mrs. Carl Park, Sunday evenint: Mn. Mar- ercrait. nee~lecr.ft. witb addition11 :'5 p. nl.-SWlmmlnl· trained to take a prominent part Hillllll', at her home near Wiland Mrll. Fred Braddock ~aret Thomu, Mr. and Mr8. Joe al course!! jn program building, 6.00 p. m.-s~pper. Buddy•. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett III many of the band'. produetionL minrton, Sundey. Ma~ Greteben Yowbel, Jimmy 4-H Club problems and game8 6:30 p. m. mUII~al game.. aD. ud M~ Rutli Rockett. Mr: ao.. At tim... he dllplayed almollt Grimth and Mr. and Mr8. G and puu le making. Adequate 7 .20 p .. m.- evenlng IUn Fum.., Mr. Ill'll. bumu InteU"'nce. HI. death . MeUl'll. Frederick Stanton and Ha.ruock. due to poiloniq. Robert Chapman, of Columbus. adult Bupervi ion ~' !Il be provided fla~ .~"w~rJnI'·~veapers. Laube, in all lines of activity. 8:30 • m. __ Ula, b~ ..tine wen tueau of Mrs'. Elizabeth SpriDlboro MiA Luella The camp Rtarr includes in ad• p. nl.--camp IU~ p...,.... and b..n BaU" JUt " ..k. Mr. Stanton is a C. railroad. uinad a Ha'~I"·1 ditlon to MI'. Kerns and Mlas 10:00 p. m.-tapL "a1~lrth::I,~:!"th·wa·lta. 80n of Dr, Jl'rederick Sta,n ton. an stripped of inc~1a,decll Graddy, Lester J. Miller, acting ~ ~~!:t~i~~=~SlaIUnmlQl of W, H, S., and well that eould -_'"_""1ent ; kno'It'JI her.. Harner is a bli~.th.tr Warren Ca:rt1IrrUrht, ,ia'r.a:~::d:':;)~I..:~~=;llIrricultural county durin« ait_ .a,. who active In ill the couty
----_ ..---Mrs. Waterhoule Injured
---.--- --
Three InJ-ured in Automobile Cralh
- '.
Concert PIanned Tbur-.J
R· . f M· ellgnabon Receivecl
4·H (tub Members to Invade Gainp Hook for K'eei-'''-s--'C-a-m - p-+- -''
Mike, Famoul.Rd. a Do". OJ-el Tu '
• •DRo.I
.==~ mu~ club an iii to ........ u.. ·. . . .
arab B. Deeket, et aI, to Ohio repail'8. ,40.7.1; Morrow Hardware !lu l, tie. W. • Sburu, Henry "tlllliiton and Ll'wlll Drake were Bell Telephone Co. The UINI Qf Store, l4upplie. 16.80; Franklin certain t:eal e tat£' In Franklin Motor Co .• repairll, $4.0& liM r~. II . ""Iwintl'd al)prai en. S. i'mith, ('osl uil, :~4c:; FI'link Mlh· Thl' luljudication' and determin- townsh\tl for tinea. Jamtl8 H. Miller and Barbara A. nick 1'I~\>air work, $4.:!1'>: Hhartle alilm lit thl' illheritanc tax on the e tnt .. of " F. Elbon, deceatled, i8 Miller to Ohio Bell Telephone Co. & Bevis. tfh , Co., repnirl< $4: 'tl.. gUM IInJ oil, tll lIl' giv(,l1 to all perllonll interest- The use of certain relll eAtate in Standard Oil $151.14; Harry Hm. !Cas bo ks, F'ranklin township tor lines. \1.,'11, ,\'1\1'>; 1' .tWill wt're r the flat I!d. h"ttu1l) Iyp,•• :./ 1 r ..•.. t wioll' b~' 1711, CommOn j;>leae Proce.dinr. ~I"IIIL I'!;chel, gual'dian of Rol· J. L. Greene and Kate Greene, tu $"4 .00; J . IN Lingo HUI'dwa\,e 0., 1111<' \" IIf tl"" \lrKin pilll' nnrl hem. r"'l' t, in 1"ngLh, lind \\ 're bU Ilt III I n th .., ca~ 01' Th Willt, rs II. luncl M. GcphuI·t. u minor fll d her Ohio Ben Telephone o. "bu u, e !<Ullplit" and r<,pail'lI, $4 16.(14; , , Smart, !<upplies . $6.50; Fold· 1,>,'1. limb,'!" Itlnd~ W,' l,' tnkcn ) ,'1' It\!'.:.' lill1bl!l~ ~Inll Iwn\'~' phl11~ , li')IIu.l Bnnk aurt T\'u ~1 01 certain real estate in }'ranklin ,'mpo.ny ~"" () nd Il(,COunt. klllllP &. Michuel II:'Umge, gll~ , $80.'}·I ... oh,,, I in'" hi (" nwel t by the cu1'1h r I UI111Jl· I·nli'n. nnll th(' Th,' l,nnl,. l1rl' built 0 11 h\l ,,' ,,~a l · " "1' us W ilbol ' W ilson, ('t Ill., s lIle lIl!l ..n ... Hancock. IIdminlstra· ~ownship for lin s. Annie M. tanton to Ohio Bell 78' blurt·o w Garage, gUM, $4'1.S\I; I'ttl hUI' . I'll , h~ till' n1l'l King nf mnn,,;ad un' 1)( 1\11111>,'\ tmll !"art· (,llob, " ith 11\(11111: ttl P~, hdn~ \IlIil t by lli~' ~h ,. t'iflr w"I 'e uppn) \"(.tI lind ,td o f th' estate f Gorge L. Teillphone o. The use ot c~rtain W~ite Gat'ag. 'repail's, $1l6JI4; til l' )lom,"valll'lu lind thl! HI!· ill~ tIll' l'rlllitll't til Low,· .. Hi\ .. I' \\ ilh th" hnttt:)111 Ull\\ul'd, Hnu 111'\' all Ilc ('uu nt 11\'" t, Ill' ~l' lll Iii. ·hel1ck. deceased, filed her reul estate in Franklin township H: C. Ila l"kl', r"pllir!!, $10.91; I1'h"11)' rl\ t'I'" , Till' MIl llg.lh,· ln murk,·t W,'I" rUTTil'd ,on fnr many ov"d IOl() thl' wllt ... I', wudt In thl! en"e "f ::-;uh ' '" COII\Jla ri~', ' ·ontll),Y· • Victo!' Van Ripl'}", gas, $27; L. H. h,·',,1 in \\ ,,~t \ I)'gill iu lind fl ow ' Yl·H\'I'. Thl.'rl· twinl: IIlllny J 110. it~ ~11l1'1h'J itlc up. l\it£'1' b ing tlnl~h ed , Th,> 1\ cor pul'ati on . \'l'r;;1l1< • Irs. . Jam('s F.. Burke wa appointed for lin 8, J, E, and Emma hart to The Brown, Jr., 2nd final est. on con· III a llt'rth''l'ly <111\' tjun t,. Pitt '. of hun un'. fir,· clfl)' un(1 lim e· tl lll" flf l~V' enlfoltls art' Cl'Ol'lI!;,u J oh n!<o n Ifytll' the plnin t ilf "hull gllardilln of Benjamin P . Miller hilI' '. ']'ht' lIt'~ h"ljy hl'atl>'! In JIll' <tnn . ', ith v"iru; ,,( cllnl cropI'il1l: uvt' r II v ll'"cn lnl'l:e oa k t i mbllr~. 1','CIIVI'}' from tli .. d('f(,'nd~l l\t the ('o ntln etl in ayton tate. HOllpltal Ohia Bell Tel phone Co. The -\HJe trllct No. 1005, $104 .52; MI"B. Lau· ("'n I 1'111 purl llf ")l'tiWI'II P en l\ ~y l. uut, on th(' hill~. th~ IlI li nufllctUl'l' Thl' r<: Liml>('1's, cullen tilts, al'e pi\'- ~ \IIH of 1:! ,40. and flied hond o'f $1000 with the vI c rts in real e tate in Franklin ra ~1l1otl, l'I'vic(,!1, $2.85; Blair & LRoy, gravel, $131.90; Blair . &. \l1Ilill . Il nd flow> northwest \"ill nf pijr , irun \\' 11,; I1hll) "urri II 1)11 ol,'lI 11\ thl' c~nl .. t, on 'I heu\'}' lnlll [n the I'M" of The 'il1cillnllti J ew York aaualty ompany 89 townl!hip for lines. , Mal'y L. harts to Ohio Bell Tel- LeRoy, ~e m e llt, ~ nnd al1d g l' v I, lIt'UIl tlml l'iu I 11111 an ('(\ ill N w quit.,. C. leTl, hl'l~' (It. nn flrlr dntl', ,hUll. exl.·ndlllg 14 ftl t out over' Oil W Ol'k~ (01l1 11 11111' "lJr~II" R ~IY. : uI'e ty. \"011'\1, llw lI 'I' ~ut1lh "i3 \\' , 1'1'en, 'l'hlM. th{' pioIlN.'rl' hnd n nlltlll'lll th' ~ ~nfTold and elc."ated 14 ,fel't 1110nd HilI! "nd Aim'l IIall the St.Ua UJ'!lchel, guardian of Rol- ephone Co, The u s of certain real $14 .20. ..... .... \111 City llnd I~mnklin. Pa" t.hl'lIce udvllntnR' • ,1f j!;1'lling !lqUti r<,<1 0,\1 0 \' ~h WaL!'}" In lht' rIver. )ll ail1tifT I' hllJi l'I'(!OVI'l' [J'onl Ih~' dl'. lund f. Gephart, a minor, filed eahlte in Franklin township lor It. Ri." in Commoditi•• nll l h a nin I n it. lI\"l'~tlr with the IIWUY, • ntl gllining a l o('-bold in 1 hl~re [III are ;;pac."cl 10 line. feel 'UII\ of ,127 ..W, · her eOl)d account. IlIHUt. TI,e fram ed tImber f t)1I) _. _ _ _ fl ele ll • Hancoc k. administra· HatTY Pumphrey and Cillra JlI ""o lll(slwln III PiudlUl'il. ' the trll ing nhl!ad. A new chllpt .. " wus written in IIW I '\!' 1I,\\\in ' gouth\\l! l the \ New .suit. t rix of thp estate o f George L. Pumphrey to Ohio Bell Telephone the who lesale twice trend of all Tht! lumb r mills on lh<' Clari· bO:lt · are phlc<-d on t~() ~e ti lt s . Uh i,) lin 1'. · ('henck, deceased, flIed her flr t o . The uae of certain real estate co nlmoditie8 in the United Statos on rl\'er at an l'11I'ly III te \\er ~, II heln~ ~l'cu rcly b ultl!d , pInned and T h,' IllrlnY h·iloultll'i.,~ of In FranKlin township for line . noa lal'y Dl!bua rti versus Dur. illnntOI'Y. ~en\!I'al ru lL', l(lcul{'d nn the . piked, amI lhe : 'al11, betwe{,l1 ·thl" th three weeks e nding Ju,\ II, I.!hl'lly 1I\' C r bt'nn~h out. Jam s E. Burke was ap)loinled Robert Rinkins and H. M. Hin· during bronch strcam;:. thl' dum fOl' hold b{l ttlll11 planks are caulked with l'p lt 111ulle ll . BIl ~ tllrdy . ly 9. The rise in the wholesale Ill\' lila ndl('. 0 r ll'l'l'S, in an i\pw York Lift' In;,ul'Iln ce m· guardian of Benjamin P . Mill l' kins to Sarah E. Wright. 12 ac th,' log" in lJPp l~' ing the ,'U [ of OllkU1ll. 1 0\\ evc rything i re{ldy pric" level during this thl' e-week puny V\l1'SUS D. Ii:. G!\rri~on. t a l confi ned in Dayton tate hO!!pital in Massie town8hip. t 1'1)' directi 11, penetrati ng the period is th fl1'st time any minor f O I" mOlley, f UI'eel,) uri! lint! cquit. alld fil ed bond f or $1000 with the Howard ~'aul and Alvina Faul rises ~I' i.'!lt bo.ly IIf William Penn's have continued 'tor more than abll' I't'lief. New York a sualty ompany as to atherine Mary Hack. lrilots a week \' nd ft'0111 \, hcnt' th~' .fl ow in thl ~ y!a~ _ _~_ Nos. l571 and 1572 in Loveland. II II<)ILthl'1'ly dit ction. 'rh<,y \ ere iOl'innutl iI Wnrks omplmy SIII·{'ty. Raym ond II nll und Ima Roy F ox, George C. Jones and Aaroo Brafman and Rachel Brllfof !l'J'ellt I.ldvantllll \.0 the pion er~ 1. 100.-\1, NfI'I',C'E in ,thl.' \\'ll . ' (o f tlouting t heir s aW COlfllovit. William Schnell w ere appointed man to Solomon Fred. Inlob Nos. h.1Vl lo tht' mills, 01', t o larger Tht' Franlklin J atiollR I Bank appraisers of estate of Permelia 5 and 6 in Lebanon. . 'r"T~ 0'" '.1110. " ' ''KilEN . William Fit by as igne to • tlf'(IIn,: in raftin th ir lumbe.r to v r~us 7.a (· k Fletch'l" and ('cil Bennett. inc.omp et nt. ("0 N'I· ". t'lun. 'I''': ( ' Olll 'I' }o' Il'l('h cl' (01' mon!'y only. Jam es E. Burke, administrator Genarnal H . Bah. One· half inter· ,,, tI." ..." C(f'r of m!lrket, Ilnd in furni-hing po wer of 64.65 a<:rell in Harlan t own. fI.e ..... tr uf \\'"IC". 10r tht' opl'ration of the early type --o f t he e!ltnte of Minnie Ohmer, de· Me lu,..,. d"'·., ....d. I.f ~aw (lJ\d I(I'i t mill in aIm st Pra.bale Court C IlSf' d, is ordel'ed to s II certllin TO W H M IT ~ \' , N '}o~IiN : nny location n cd I. Lu cie File to Genarnal H. Ball .S:i1e by Jam' K Burke, ad. pro~{,l'ty and ~o make return to 'J'I1e unllr'rslgrh·1I u ~ u,I , .. llI letrRn the pper All gheny River One·halI interest f 64 .65 acres in lor (j .bonls n orl' wit h t il Will mml~ t1'atlll' uf e, lale f Minnie CO UI t. • . cHon);, mllny immell se lumb\lr "" " c'I of th ""' lOh' o f Wllllo r arlan town hip. Uhnle r, !I ece:us d. were IIPPl'\lvcd . ~1'~lfled c,~p of the entry l ut e: 1I('("'n8'·'1. 1"". t hIN 1.11\)1 fllpd ~ , p ration wel'e carried on F orest J. and Ella K. Hoti', by In 'c til" and all accounts ~eltled, detelo:'tn mg the lIlherltance ~~ to !'tobnl,> cour t or Wurr ... n thl'oughllut the S\,l' ions of the cutR tlu(!J,t Jl II'l'riM T\ Will; appolntecl b plud on th e estat . of WIlham /lheri1f, to Anna W~helmina Tut- ' ounl~. OhiO. t"~ (lppll('l\Uo n prllY· ,..11 01'" ," au I horlzl n g him ling f Pl.'n n'. Wood . The Pen n· admini strnto!' of c tat of Ray. Ii· Mtld~ n, decca d, 1t! to be cer. mer. ~eal c tate in Dee rfield I 0n l\''-I ,to" 1\ or rile ,'(\rl nl n (' l a I1l1 8 ,bl' l o n g · , 'I\-:mia Tanning mpany cal'· township. mond Hm'I' i, o,n, 'decca ed, nnd flIed ltfied wI~h ou t de lay. ng to I lle " ~li h' o C \\"I\It,·r I ... ' ·Iure. 1 rl II (In immen. e operation in Speed Riddell to Edward' !law. ol • A.a"li. whl II lin ,' ,. be m.' lle8' ~otld IIf 6,0(110 with B us. ie Hal'!'l Th e mv~n.to ry of Jam II E . p~1'tll , 1I II KI o f I hl.,1I. (' 18h" ~ I Ill· the tanning of leatht'r. Qperatin g -on anJ D. A . Huni, un a s ul'eties. Burke. odnl1ll1str~tor of the estate thorn. Real estate in Franklin. tllch",l to ur n. a d,· " Illtrt or ,' Itl mllny plums, nnd u ing million William Gillam, et aI, to New Il\J 1 ~ is l'dt'red that Hubert Harrison of amuel, p, WhItenack, deceased, DII~lttlon o n CII, In 1I1~ l'rol,[lt 1 cards of. t.he hemlock baric in York Lift' In urance Company. OUl'l or W .orr,·) Coun l y. h lo, be 8uth I'iz <iI t.o make settl ment was filed to cour!. ·n Iii Ilpp\l cll tlun wilt b f o r h ar' n18kin their tanning e:xtract. Tne f an aclio'n for damng s - by ~Ies of P trlok Coughhn, ad· 66.H a re in Mas te township. l' ,I II lh ... Proll ll' 'oun. o r "'ur r II. lumbel'm n f this ection carried wlondul d C81th upon puymtlnt to mlmat rator 0.1 the estate of Thorn· Daytvn R. RheA, to Vera Linqil1- lnQIlfHY. hl o. lit tl,p C un H uuan I n on rc'f01'c, ting exten ivel'y. As the 11 • oughhn. decea ed, were ap- fi eld, 116.17 acres in Wayne and t il" Vllhllt'e of J.e h .. no n . hlo. 0 1) him by El'llent ellet'S. Llip 11th ilal' ot August l!j3~. l\t 1 0 vlrtrin while pine and hemlock Harlan townships. Old Wooden Bridg" 0 ver II-oe Clarion River Rex D.. n' o k, IIdministra tor oI proved by ~he court. were cut, millions of seedlings estate of John M. nook, deceas d I~ ~e. a I~nment of Zack Fletch- C. D. Kal'shner and teUa Karsh- o'~ l k .. . rn . r~ M. li EN IJI.:nS N w re planted, which at this timc the mill being some distunce back f o!' th turnin'f lIP 1"l1ti(1I1. Thi 1$ filed his first and final account A il a(\mlnlttl.l'U l o r d"b(>1I!a non e~ sa.ld moh~n ~a ~ well taken and ner to Elmer Shoek. 10 acres in wllh th " , III nlln x II. or th .. nre ('oriling along ~ 11. Especially from th main 1'lv r . and th(' loeli· dvt1 ' by the u 'e of eleven t wo· inch A. E. I tl~'e ng I' and Eliza beth dIs mIsses ~ald, assIgnment. and l·.e- Franklin township. 1I1u l e of \I' u ll ,. M \.'110 ,' e. tle_ abIes one end of CUcll ~lIble beinJt E. chutt, admini trators of state , Iell es said a slgfle and hl ~ b~llds i~ thil' true in the vicinity about tion of the mill being close b low Jennye V. Kennett anti L. G. Cl.'a d. Oil ity, Pa. It was this ection, t.hi. dUnl. ome distnnce down !.his tied aro uno.l the out.er end of 11 lilt. of GCI'trude H. Enstmnn, decca ed Illan from. any Iurthe.r obhgllhons.. Kennett to Je e G'rolll'l. Real esalso, that produced th fir-t pe. branch st reum , near t tl main river The cable is t h n pa ~ ed back ovel' flied t hei,. si!cond , final and diS. ! In r.e·a Ig!lment of Cecil Fletch- tate in FTanklin townllhip. NOT1CE OF APPOINTMENT trol um, started t he refining pro· another dam was loca tcd, thi be· the bott om oJ the bpat to t he inner tributive account. e~ fia.ld motI ~ n wa~ well taken and F. L. MeKay_ to John J. Eckert ce s, a nd lit thi s ub tance, with ing us d liS 8 hracket dllm f or end of 1he tilL the n tnken' uround \V, F. Roltel • lid mini tralor of dIsmisses. SUld a Ignment. and re- and Mark A. Kammerer. R al BEstatt' of Ellsworth L. h l'wood all the t.l'immi ng, t o filling "forming: the . awed lumber into n snubber, one nlan being asilot ned estate of Hannah E. Rogers, de. leases ald assignee and hl8 bo~ds- tate in Salem towmlhlp. deceas d. tlition and hot dog ,stands on its raf bl. The'o rarts were built in to ach cable. The outs id e o f th ceased, flIed hill inventory. man from a~y further obllgabon_ Notice is hereby given that L. Melvin L. Fields and Grace gr nd mart'h around the globe. th , hllpe of pllltforms, 12 f et boat bing arranged to over-bal· H o ward Humphreys executo r 01 The foHowll\g ac.counts were ap- Fields to Harvey Rye. R a1 es- M. H nderso n has been duly ap· The Inrion river, tributary of in length, ] 0 feet in width, and once enouglo! to sta .. t the turning e late of Emma E. ,decea ed, proved, a~lowed and confirmed by tate in Wayne township. pointed and qualified as executor t h Allegheny, wa s at an ellrly 24 course of on{'·inch ~awed ope r~lion, the key t() PI' vent a flied hi invc'n tol' Y. th cOurt. . • Aaron Brafrnan Slid Rachel Bra!- of the Estate of EIll/worth L. date h IIvily timbered with a lumber in depth. Each brl'lck t had pr matur op<!l'atioll are k nocked Mary Ivu:nt WIIS appointed adDorothJ :t:Jurgemelr, guardian. of to Solomon Fred. Inlotfl No • Sherwood late of Warren County, splendid growth of white pine and holding cap licit)' for three \I f out~ lind over she gaes. each man lllini>'!tratl"lX ,)1 estate of !lcar B. Carl M. L.WI k, et al minor!!, thIrd man Ohio, deceased. 6 and 8 In Lebanon. hemlock forests. The m ill- stream these fini hed l'8ftA. When Ihe holding hI. slack even, ' and the BaYll e, d ceai3ed, and f1lcd bond of BccSouWnt. W Dated thi 7th day of July ' . , . dow n &,1'a.lu81 Iy $01.000 wi t h iFrank H. Mount, Lo. ' . is six y miles in length, the head bracket!! were cul away, the rafts, boat droppin~ . right, a.dmll1ltltratO'l' of Bill. Allowed 1932. brunch s ext nrling many mile each equipped \Vith two om'!! and until lhe t ilts a rt' perpendicular. vens Rey nold!! and Helen Wals h as the estate of Nelhe May Wright, Atty. Lebanon Lumber Co., supplies, Dean E. Stanley, W. fortber into the Penn's Woods. manned, hy three 111 n. w rt' fl oat. With the boat Atanding edge up, deceasf'd. first and final aceount. Z. ROLL. The bed ot the str am iso! II d in units to t.h mouth of the the cable~ nre now , lacked, and = - - - Emmer J. Beedle, executor of '18.46; Columbus Blank Book Go., Judge o f the Probate ourt, ' !lough. Tocky nat ul' • t here being larion, wh re they weI' coupled the boat ~I'OP S f o),ward gradutlly the estate of Elvira R. Dunham, supplies, $6.60; Richard L. Wil· j27 Warren ounty, Ohio de p b nd in tho shore lines, and, In fleets 01 t hree rafts wide and until it lies tlat on the wat r. aU early days for floating the product decea ed, first, (lnal and dl tribu- liams, 8 rvlces, $10; Albert Mil. liard, tie rvices , ,10; Erma Hibnar, u ually, at the lower end of the four deep. a.nd were run to lower fin khed and ready f or the oars. of the iron furnact!s to market; tion. "00.,11) 010 I?OR " bend there was a point of rock ri er points n the AlJ egneny a nd The plan of these boa I . lind the also f o r sh ipping fire clay, tan baTk William N. Wilkerson, trustee services, $10; Oma KnoK I services, t nd ing into the stream. caU8. Ohio river, Many of these operu- plan of the caffolds with the tilt- Illmber nnd Ilny other produce on o f the e tate of Annie J. Wilker- $10; Julia Holla'n d. ~ervlces, $10: l ~{1 IJrOp oslI.t · wilt \l. r.. "e l",,4 Mrs. Lillie Urton, ervicea. $20; b)'• eu exciting ti.me8 when tion!l wel'e C/lrried on the helll' ing II p!!, were originateol by the hand to maf'ket. Th e b oats /fere son. first account. ing BO rn th e Wayn e Town,hlp Board ot ~,(JuCIl.t1o n of Warr n ounty. blo, Woodr w-Weil-Stangage Co., sup· raft of lumber VI rf' being run branches of lh larion riv r nch I)ion ers lumb('J'men On the 181'- r un to Pittsbul'g, where they were Florence L. Henderson, adminIII otel .. or tile Honr(J In lha down th trcam. IIrany larRe year. As soon a the strcum ion riv I'. the b o at.~ being used in so ld to 'the cllal dealers. Here they istratril( of the estate or Julia plies, $1.60; ~iami Gazette, ,a dv. nt lilli'\) A<'hool Hulldiog. unlll II p . m ,. wel'e sided up to a depth of eight teddom, deceased, fint and final reward offered. $8.79: 1.1. E. Roatl, Aultu t 1. 193 2. Cor Ihr I)U& Ii 41 .. feet, loaded with coal, and were Thomas Hunter, admini trator P . M., stamps, $3.86: Western Star buill upon til l' roll owl.l111' s pe c lfloa· then towed to the lower river of the e tate of Henry H. Brown, aftldavits, $7.75; W. C. Gilmour, t101l~. to· \ It : U o d y. III te 1\ (16) f l lonl". market Cincinnati, Louisvme deceased. fir8t and final. inquest, $7. 0: Drs. Edward llnd minlII\u1ll wldlh , Il¥'hty - One 181) and New Orl,e an . No doubt, many Lydia Ros , administratrix of the Robert Blair, serv ices, $8; Robert Inc)1 a, wllll IIld • ale, with tol'tons of thts coal were di tributed estate of Clift' ROllS, deceased. Shotwell, surveyor, $2.50; Colum· W~d CR plllg linter M~I\I" T o In11111 Sl nil rd EqulJlm l'nt ~ u h throughout t.he Miami ValleJ'. bus Blank Book 0., 8upplies, first and flnal. al! light... wlnt!Mhl Id will 1', In$1.70 i W ood1'ow-W eil-Stanage Co. IIh)" wlnl'kllw guards. Ill . S.rIlO(W e lire indebted to ?tIl', C. A. lUI'... fl nlah ,uld otth'r 8pcclflcasuppltes, $2.26; H. S. Conover, tlon~ eubmllle4 L"- t h" bld"' .. r to' Thom of Lytle for this 30; John B. Stowe. b" ll\k~n Illto ctJ n81i1 r .. tlOOlo. . ; J>.Fs. Edwa1'd and Bldll .ha ll h for on . t""o. nr and hereby e:xpres 0 I... servlce " $222; Drs. thl' e bottl .... mounhl d on ' bh drlv.r. tha.nks fol' the same 11" 11L-.JIor DOA\:.. Kobert Blair, I!8rvices o h ~818. whlt-h own.t b v til" r egu ,lnm !teemed H oosier. ) Waggoner, serviees, dtl\1 r ot thl a Boa,rtl ot Eclu~"tll~n. • • II> ; Karl D. Dakint inllurance, th .. n"'h~1I or " ' hl,,-h anld <1rh'e.ra an(l ~.al Eatat. Tra.d~ra 36; Oregonia BriGge Co., reo ll' I! .....8pecllv .. cllo.III. now owned Du e to unllxpected difficulties in by III00m b .. lng On I'll at th" ot(lc. obtaining a c to some of the EmmaF. Parr to Madison Build. yairs, $12.40; Knparic'k-~el1ch or thla Bo8.OO, earlier recol'ds of the Waynesville iDg Association. 91.90 acres in Motol! Car Co., use of ear and ontrllct Lo b award "1 to till low lit and II lit bId" r. Public Scho(~~8, it will be impos- Deertield tow.nship. ' $19.56; Hines-Hopkin!!, Til e ll<uII'd r _ rv 8 th e rlll1ht to sible to eont~lnue our history Anna B. Morpn to Sue Hanh- $8.01; Hal C. Brant, clerk, rpJeet Q,n~' o r all bHIS. • fore n e xt w ek. We hope, and ex· bargeI'. Inlot No. 198 in Lebanon. lem townahlp for care of '-',IA ...,,' a..v- /)r(l r or lilt' Wa y n /, To".'nablp B Qllr(J of i'; Ou c A.tlon. ~\ llyn avlll., p 'ct, to be p,ble to carryon from Lucretia Hopkins to MlJIard Up- Alford childn!n, ,4; E. B. thut time wiithout a break.- The ton. 2'35.90 acres in Salem town. kield It Son!! Co., aupplies, .... 08) OhiO. July )1. 19a!. Hoosier. ship. A. Hoppe 4 Co., Clement ,282; W. n. H . RAllTS K. J....rk . Board of li)ducatioD Jesse and Marga1'et .Mentz to The H. Madden & Co. ,cement, $66; J27 Ohio Bell Telepbone Co. The use Morrow Lumber Co., cement $88.WOULD CUT 30,000 o! ceTtain real estate in Franklin 22; Lebanon Farmers Co-Op. 00., DEATHS IN HOMES township for lines. steel, $203.68 Lewis & Drake, Melvin arid Eva Townselld to Inc., 0; H. T. Cook, Although 19,000 per o ns lose Ohio Bell Telepbone Co. The UN Camp Stone Co. Lel)anon ....lJ.nlller·. their lives a,e cidentally in Ameri· o! eel·tain real e , tate in :franklin can industry each year, some 30,· township for lines. r;; A. Hoppe " A. A. Sears to Ohio.Be1l : LJwia tl DrJke, 00 are killed accidentaU¥ in their ,sewerB,. 76' Ohio Cor. Oulhomes, declal'es Miss Thelma Beall phone Co. The use ,of certain vert Co., !M!wertl, l60.80; speciali t in home management estate in Franklin township nia Brid,.e Co., &ltd :reI08II1'S. for the agricultural exten ion ser- lines. vi ce at the (). S; u. A.lfred Millard to Ohio Bell 121.23 R. S. A Iso, she adds, t here n\:e' a.p. phone Co.-The' uae of certain :;i:irI~mlea. proximately 150 non-fatal injurie estate in Franklin township for me-rs ElI,ch.ll1llle, sewers, compreued ood Preserving Co .• . in t he home j~Or each fatal one. To lines. P. Powell and Golda Powell to flooring, $38 •• 6j W. H. Madden & cheek the number of accidental deuths in ,Am er.ican homes she sug· Ohio Bell Telephone Co. TIle UN Co., cement.. '6; Amos Williams, gest the fol1owingplatform: of ('eTtain real estate in Franklin ~itchinlr, $4.76; Z. L. U.l'ton. di~h I 109, $4.76; H. C. Nutt,ng, telltlng 1. Don't u se rocking chairs and township for linea. 78.1 bo'Xes for tlep ladders. N. L. Dearth to Ohio BeD Tele- I18mplell of tar, 137.60; H. T. Cook phone Co. The use 6f certain real /rt'avel and sand; $7.83: JohnstOn 2. Use nl)n-8kid pads u small rugs Ilhat slide and may estate in ,Franklin tOWD8ldp for. Johnston, surveying stakes, cause a fall. linea. $17.05; Charles Arpllt ,+yan Tal' 3. Keep t,h e halls and stairs Harry Fry and Sarah E. B. Fry 4: Oil Co., applying oil, 12128.26; well lighted. to Ohio B,ell Telepbone Co. The Thomas Service Station, a", : Clnqinnati 011 Works Co., 4. Pl'ovide handhold s above the use of certain real estate in Frank bath tub nnd keep soap in the soap lin township for lines. supplies, '74.79; , W. B. Xadden MONIY LOANED ' Virginia Cole to Obio BeU Tele. Co., supplies, $2 ; Famoua Auto dish, ' - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 6. Don't leave articles lying phone Co. The U8e of certain real Supply Co., tirea and repain, about; In platte where people may estate in Franklin townsblp for 20; Blanchester Machine fall or trip on them. lines. repairs, $26.150; H. S, Oonover, v 6. Keep poisonous materials Clara M. Weidner Baker, e .l Iecu- ~\tPPlies,. $76.90: FrankJin Vulcan. LONG OR SHOaT T I l I i i J labeled and ,o ut of reach of chil- trix, to Ohio Ben TelephODe Co. lZlng Tire Co.,. aupplle!J $8.22; S. tenM. Alao dren. The use of certain real e_te in C. Alexander Dept. ~tore, sup- atnetlq Write aDi .... sharp pointed Franklin township for lin.. 7. Eliminate plies, $18.38; International Har- ~4 ... ;ou. Bam D. R . .Id.. ,. things from children's play list. Joseph B. Weis and babel G. y~ter Co., repair., ,$7.28; Dreco- .emn., 01llo. III 8. USe ml~tcbes carefully and Weis to Ohio Bell Tel.phODe Co. nla Bridge 00., o:lyren, '18.66 j keep out of reach of young child· The use of certain real eltiate in Elmer Collis, luppllea, 86e; Sprtlll' Franklin tOwnship lor lin... Grove Tractor " , Equip'mnt Co'" WANTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~I ren.
Earlv Historv of the Ohio Ana Its Manv Tributaries
,·ltarr,lll(icc>"th rlling il1l1n d I\lll nill Ih,' lumht'I' I 10\"'" 1'1 \ ,·t Illlll'kt'b h,'IIIUI. Ii"ut lllliltlinJr WII~ al!lu nlITll'" 1'1\ by IHUII}' ,l( th,· IUln1,<'I' \O "U' I tm'K durin~ tiN.' . unlllll' r ~ ·UR,'n . thu:-> !:iving "tlI pl.. ymclIt to 111IHI~'
• • •
===50!::::::::= ~' =
- --.------
To Choose1from---All Makes and Models
F. T. Martin Auctlon•• r
5A~ISFACTION Or No Charg.-
Centerville, Ohio Phone
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
% Fa' tro Loan s
Ope. S.a.ays
S,,"_", ....
.1I0... 3Z6
I, That'.
WAtr.'1" 6Uv '1W '>1,- ~'foc~ o~ CQU\lSl. l~ I (~ f'IR'ST t;)1t>ti"n. .. \", \rtIU1. ~~r t .. ? tJ\'f ~ ---.~· F"u\:1' '1'\\,,1' ~E ~OO\j,. '\)\. «i-rUf'F·
of" MntN.E·~
Women eam up to $15 daD,.
intr-oducinc FamoUi Guarauteecl Boiiery. 126 atyle., colora. A ...... IDrl), low prieea. Producen lliVeD
new Ford 'to travel tD. Start 1r:ltb. apart.Dce. 'Writ. Qule1d ~tJblt BOilery Co., D..lE I.
1\\-'T v(uta 'SUR~, ODE'S AAi.\ 1" 1""~~ 'fK' BL""nE ~'Q. .u<;. M\<;1j),10(.~~~
~l~" -'{'\\t.:t' s 60'1 f).NTEt)
Gr,..tl.ld, Ohio.
"",,'UntO - -
<301'1£ O"'~ 'TO
e.~""NO w\-\EI'4 w~<; ,,1' f~\IL'{'
r-----1lr---;,HIO£ ,,£
,OR SALE Cheap ot E:lc~ ' , A
electric 'T.'I'ah. Reuon tor purc. . .d new abort
$886 all
Radio. ANo.l ahap" diapCll&l, ~ aet.
WUI exebaqe It tor
, or tiad. for b.- Clr .~.
J. V_ lIat'tIoek. 1M
P9jt LUiE
S..... D. BaIr4 1ft Babbtta. lie, Ito. ,Ie ..4 tl. FOR ~Nlee ....t eOl'llo 10. V. tor. W~eJl1 h1l
BEST OF THE NEWS DIlECT FROM THE ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CRANE Pu.U....r Sua..crlptloD Prlc., f' .10 • Y_r - OHIO STATE eAPIT Phoa.,,,., "'" ..... " No. at WaYliea
... _- c • . , ... ,.... " .. " ..... " . .. R ......... ... 0.
112 Enlch'd at Poatoftlce ville . Ohio, a.Maller Second CI .... M .. 11 118
JULY 27.. 1932
Faith, Patience, Fortune and Courage
III '~n article on the sevel'ity and extent of thee depres ion In this country, thl! Mllncl)cste l', England Guardian says : "Under nit these trials the American people have hehaved with admirable fOI·titude and l'aUellce. " That is a fine testimonial to the temper of our people. They have, perhaps better than allY other 'people in the world, borne inescapable bunl ns without. losing either faith or courage. They have realized thll!. drastic, thoughtleMs acti on is not necessary- that, in the normal cour of event>:!, our problems will he solved. They have put shoulders to th whee~ and have b nt every resource to meeting the exigencies of rlc)Jl·ession. A people who can do 88 our people have done in a time of unprecedented str ss, need have no fear for the nation's futUre.
Think It Over -The public is n ow being regilled with the news that $10,000,000 will have to be raised to conduct the Hoover.Roosevelt battle for the pi'e Iclency. In 1928 the two partieg spent a total of '16,500,000. When the politicians of both parties are telling how much money it will take to care for the needy people this wint~r, it looks like an conomic crime to raiBe $10,000,000 to be spen t by the two parties lurgely in blackgua.rding opposing candidates. Let both parties, if they are sincere in their advertised desire to h Ip the needy, donate th ir millions of campaign funds for relief work this winter. A nd let the people vote in a normal manner for their politicul choic , free from the high pressure influence of n $10,000,000 slush 'f und.
Farm Night 1 alks, .August 1 n.
O. S. U. R.d.l . Statjo.-WEAO
-t·H WEAO HALF HOUR :00 Mu ic 8:10 Getting Ready for the Wheat Crop ,. 8 :25 Structure of Rural Government !
Earl Jones R. C. Atkinson Ohio Institute 8 :40 Harvesting LRte TODllltoe . ,.. ... ,," ...... ' .. , E. R. Lancashire 8 :65 Home and Young Mothers , ., , " .. .. ". , ,., .. " .. .,Edith Berry Fairfield Co. Home Demon. Agent 9 :10 VO(!8tionlll AgricuHure in Ohio '" ." .. ' . H. M. Doyle Vocational Agriculture Dept. 9:25 Differ nt Races of Bees .. ," . '" "'" .. Virgil Arg.o 9 :4.0 Music. ....Saturda~, July 30, 8 ,00 p. m. Ma siclII Interludes by 4-H Quartette The TOmlilO Haw~ Moth , '"'' ., H. E. Eswine At Uncltj T m's abin " .. ",.,." ....... ,.,., ........ ,',' .' . " R. B. Tom
The total populat.ion at the Ohio Penitentiary at present is 8,800 and t he daily sick call avel,'ages 125 inmates. Each man entering the prillon hospital is given thorough ,physical examination aftel' which he is vuccinated. The prison physician is Dr. George W. Keil and Dr. E. J. Stedem is the chief of surgery and they are ably assisted by a competent Dursing staff. There are X-ray and pathological laboratories and the hll!lpita it! Hid to be OM ' of the bert equipped in t he country.
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G~~.~"tit'> ~ ' . c.",t"fa~ %UC.\4 W ~ ctt.,9,,\. c...J)~ ~i\.\ \M ~\lO' WAV ~I\' ,\\~
Mr•. Jell,ie B. Tripp
S~ O h '10 N a t'lona1 OLUMBU: Guardsmen on duty at camp They say. that 0,1.11' Am rica For all of U ij 'is ftee; Perry have C I·taillly had ollie trying ol'd al ~ durinl( the heated It may be 80 fOf ' rich (!Ilk Bu~ by gum , not f or me . period of the past two weeks. for u little m('ter now the hot raY!I or the sun do not ex- I wear pan my poor' old cheKt, empt th so ldier boy Cram taxed if I a 1'1 n the move. At pl'lJsent th I'e ar "J.::.J..-._........m-;1'-'......:t1mrr- l·n re t. matcly 6500 in ('amp IIIC:Ju,eIlIlIK Headquarters and Hcadquarters Wh n 1 get up, 111Y m eter' set detachment of t he 37th Diyision, At beginning 'of the' day ; of Columbus, 37th Division Spe- F'1'om that tirne on, I'm taxed, and cial Troops M. P., • igoal, Ml.'dical taxed , detachment, Ol'dinance Co., Tank And wh en I cl'aw\ into the hay Co" Headquarters Company [ cannot tak thi s meter off Special Troops, 37 th Division It work' right through the njght Train, Motal' Tran sport, Wagpn I'm taxed till I 11m goggle-eyed, Co., Motor Repairs eclion Medical I 'm taxed till ll'm a fl'ight. detachment and nead quart rs detachm nt, 112th Engineers of I had to give up honey, Cleveland, Aviators and the 112th Thet'e' a tax on every bee; Medical Regiment from various There' s a tax am every apple That hang up'on th tree, c ctors of t he sta teo I'm taxed for every blo()min' h oi They find in myoid socks, The total amount. of revenue turned into the tate Treas ury by ['nt tnxed becau se there i ll no cash In. myoId mOlney box. ' Secretary of S~ate lal'ence J. Brown, 'f rom th~ sale of au'tomo- Th Tell II. tax up'On u s living bile license plates for the first six And a worse co ns if we' re d ad; month s of 1932, totaled $17,375,- The way they ki n us on our co ffin 603.4 ,a compared with $] 1,en.ough to turn us Ted, 821,070.95 for the first six month!! It'sIs taxes, taxes, ob 1 nly yes, of 1931. It is e timated t.hat the see them in the air, total revenue for this year will WeWe are taxed fOI' all our garments reach '19,000,000. When the new And fined " if we gil bare. licen e tax law was introduced into t he last General A ssembly it was Soon they will put a tax up n estimated that $24,000,000 in revEach idea, and each th ought, enue would result. Later the one- Be careful if you hav one, fourth reduction in fees was placAnd let it come to naught. ed in the bill which has decreased There's a tax upon my I>ody the revenu e considerahle. Motor And a worse o:ne on my !IOU I ; vehicle owners must pay t he full Thel'e's another on my salt-box tee in either January, February And one on b!y ugar-bowl. or March . During April, May and June they pay three-fourths of the Thi. Pr ident, e~alled Hoover, tee for license pilltes and in July, ure does give! me a pain; August and September they will Lonlf aILer he hels left this earth pay only one-half the fee while in HIS hard times, will remain; October, November and Decemher And our poor little grand kids Will have to (~arry on they will pay one-fourth. And pay the e i11fernal taxe. State Highway Director Long after wle are gone. Merrell announces proposed Now thill awful man, call d Hoover way improvements for "o ,rnrIlCICI Has just sigm!d a new relief; letting on Friday, July, 29, So be careful, you who have t.hem! Hide your g,old crQwns, ana will total over a million and dollar. The work will false teeth. new roads and resurfacing Times afe so bad, that t have to ing 86 miles. There were a few Lock up everything at night. cancellationlj jn the advertised And to watch 101- Hoover's victims letting!! but these will be embodied MURt sit up, and keep a light. In the next letting which will take place on Friday, Augu st 19.
pno~0lrraplUl tne tele'Cameras Incre... AccurlCJ u,cLugrapn, phone meters that record the numFinal pLan have heen comIn Cit~ Exchana" ber of calla completed on a subpletedfor the annual picnic ot scriber'. line. state employes at Buckeye Lake Opel'aUng aimilarly to an ordinary Park on Tuesday, August 16. The eamera doesJl t U..~ Cruel snap-shot camera, the factograpi) a a thil! fact may ~ to !lOme pe,rGovernor White has declared a aons, it is an invaluable aid to tele- contains a roll of film large enough half holiday for the occasion and phone men In maintaininr a high to take pictures of 1,000 meters. will be present with other beads degree or accuracy in their records. After all meters in an exchange of departments to enjoy the gala Photography for .. r ea din II' II h ave been photographed, the film occasion. A golf tournament is with hand some trophies meters plays an important part in is developed by the company's scheduled for the winner, swimming contel phone exchanges in lorge Ohio phptogtaphic department at Cleve- tests, dancing events, Bud riding citi s, where the number of caUa land. From here prints of the film and individual attendence prizes. Dlade by 11 subscriber is m aBured. are sent to the accounting depart- There will be free aela;; and fireA. b x-like camera, known ' as a ment, where readings are tran- works bllt no speeches. Chairman scribed directly from them t.o BUb- Harry D. Hale of the picnic com. mittee is aM'anging to take care acribers' account cards. Infallibility of the camera and of 10,000 people. elimination of the chance for error During the latter part 'of last in si..ht readin.. of telephone ... month mea les declined 63.63 per meters greatly add.a to the accuracy cent a s compared with th e first ot IlUbetf"ibel'!l' reeerdll, -ac:eordirnl~hm"i wbile typnolil -fever Wa!! t he to telephone ofllcials. More than only intectious disease that made a 100,000 meters are "read" by facto· sharp increase. H. G. Southard, y , arraphl each month in exchanges of D.. Dieotor 01 the State DepartThe ·Ohio Bell Telephone Oompany. ment (If Health !1tates that , the ----.genera decline of 48.7 per cent in InfectiouB diseases for the latter part of last month means more vacation money through les8 cost of sickness.
Miami Gazette'l
Clipping. from the Exchange. Coming Into Ou r Sanctum
Blocks, Barrels, Sacks, Coarse and Table Salt. We have just received a shipment of Colonial Salt. While this stock lasts we will sell at the present low prices.
Winter I. Approachin, Even with the dail y ter;nperature \hil! week ranging 'from ~W to 97 degl'e s, two sig ns of approaching uutumn bobhed up. One wa s the h rless chirp of the tll'St katy did and the other wa ' the al'l'ival of the Sears and Roebuck catAI(fgues. - 181'ksville N ws .
Pro.peet. for Corn o\,n in ' Southern Ohio hM a mosL favol'Uble growing pros pect. The ground is' so mois tened by reee nt rai~ that thOSe who know weather in thl, section say that only the very unusual could happen to brin g a condition that would cause corn curtailment heeause of sufficient moisture. orne places in the tlat fi eld farmers are a little anxious that ground dry enough so they can get to cultivation and bl'eak the crust caused hy recent do~' npour8. 'l'hj~ trouble is noticeable in the rolling land. The final predi ction is that the COi n CI'OP will arrive not with as large s talk a s last. season. but lVith an ear that will be very sati. Eactory.- Clermont Butavin ourieI'.
Building S'u pplies Cement , Lime, Tile and Sewer. Our stock is complete and prices are right.
Waynesville farmers Exe. Co. Wa'J 'ne.vllle, Ohio
Phone ZS
Que.tion in Arithme tic
What is to beoome of the pub\ic ! \!=============~:-..;,;;;;..;;;________~-=.;;..:;,.;;;;!) schools in Ohi01 it is yet l~!"!!!!!!!~!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!,,!!!!~~!,,!!!!~~",,!!!!~~!,,,,"~ _ _ _ _ __ _~~ two months beforeWhile school opens' !!! ___ _ nearl y every exchange we ~ t has some re ference to financial trouble Subscribe for t.h Miami Gazette, in the public schools in that local- _ _ _ lty. Boards 8r reducing 8alaries, 1..- - - - - - - - - - - -....., dropping teacher, . cutting down Directo .. of Funeral Service on the numb~r of months, or not even promising any certain length of school term. And yet thece We Han a Complete Watch Our convcnicn~ locutiun, SlIitllseems to be no one that can preRepair Service hI . ul"J'ountlings and equipment dict what the future is to be. We And u e only genuine materials_ erl1lblc~ ll , \.0 ~(>l'\'e t~ the Best learn that Troy schools will be cut Crystals fitted while you wait. to seven months with ten per cent J I Sh Advan tage. reduction in salary; Dayton is to Cary's ewe ry op cut teacher and school term; Lebanon, Ohio AMBULANCE, SERVICE Cleveland the same: Xenia faces the same situation. When you IL__.;S;;.;t.;o.;.r.;;..O;.:;.pe;.n;...E _,v_e_n_i_ll.;;g;"s_--1 Phone 29 Wayneaville, Ohio come to schools in rural districts I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flnancial problems are the hig is-): sue. What the r 8ult i8 to be no FOR SALE DATES CALL one has an an wer.- The Franklin hronicle.
Stanley &Koogler
DOl Populatioll i. On Decreue The dog population o( Preble county is rapidly decreasi ng, accOI'ding, to Paul Bryant, county dog wal.'llen. 0 far this year he has exterminated, by the gas JESSE STANLEY route, 391 dogs , that were unlicensed. Last week, according to P"oa. S20, N ... Burlin,toa, his report to the county commissio ners, he got rid ot 14 m()re unEARL KOOGLER licensed dogs. So far this year, Dayton Phon.. Bryant has destroyed almost as many dogs a s he did in all of KE.more 8986 1931.- Eaton Bulletin.
Mr. and Mrs . •John Kennedy entertained Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Day and daughter and Mrs. Haye. Mrs. Hattie Smart and Miss Grace . pent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Haines. Mr. lind Mr . Ira Sy/erd entertained her sistel' from Dayton the past week. Mrs. Mary Tucker and family entertained for several days recently, Mrs. Tu(~ker' s sister, Mrs. Bernare Plough rran and family, from Fairmont, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Wil son and daughter, of R oanoke Va ., are gue!!ts of hi~ parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cla'rk and children were here from WalhondA Form.er Re.iden.1 ing for the week-end with relatives Mrs. Seth Frost, George _nd Sir Henry Thornton , who has Montford Frost sDen Sunday in resigned as pllesident of the CanaPeebles. dian National I'ailways, effective Mrs~ Lulu Washburn. of Sea- August I, was around Xenia mOTe man, a former teacher in our or less in the 90's when be was assista nt engineer 'tor the Pennsylschool, visited here recently_ The Betsy Ro s Clothing club vania raih'oad and when he walked met in the hig), &chool building from Cincinnati to Columbus via Friday afternoon. Only a f~w Xenia running a line of level fo), members were absll nt. M1SS the railroad.- Xenia Herald. Graddy was present and we made plans for 4-H camp: Mrs. Doster, CORN BORER Alice Bogan, Bermta and Opal Lewis served sandwiches and Secretary of Agriculture Arthur llotato chips. Kathleen Gray, Re· M. Hyde bas announcl';d thll.t the porter. qUllrantine has been dlscontmued Rev. Amo s Cook is reported due to failure to obtain fuods sufto be making satisfactory recovery flcient to maintain eft'ective confrom his reeent i njuries, trol. The department's estimate. as Mr. and Mrs. ~f. E. Sherwood to t he needs for the work durmg the fiscal year was ,795,000, a deentertained relatives Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Thornbury and daugh- crea!e , of $155,000 from last ter Dorothy. accompanied he r sis- year's appropriation. ~hl': House ter' Miss Virginia Simp.$on, to her committee on approprIatIons reho~e in Loulsvme, ' .~., where duced the amount to $296,000, they will vi.ait fOlt sometime. stating that the reduction ~8~ to be accomplished by the elimInaSeveral gallons of paint were tion of the road patrol. States will stolen from the premises of J. E. have to provide their own protecShumakeT one night the past week. The sherifl:'s offiCe was noti- tion against tbe spread of the corn . f fied but as yet no trace of the borer. ' The quarantine has b en In e paint has been found. fect in the middle-western states Mrs, Anna Madden and Miss since November, 1921. Its purpose Laura Ward atteended the f uneral has been t o Tetard the natural of Mrs. Eliza Til,mas last week. spread of the borer and to prev~nt , Mr. and Mrs. W . P. McCarren t he establishment of outlym/ and daughters were here from points of infestation. ' Walhonding t)le first at the week for the funeral of Miss Alice Mc Dairy Day a,t O. s. U Canen. . Mrs. Anna Vim Doren hali reld t th turned to her home after spendDairy Day will be he a . e ing sevetal days: with her. daugh- , Ohio Agricultural Experiment Stater, Mrs. Frank Curl, dutang the tion, Wooster, on Friday, Auguat 12. illness and death of Mr. Curl.
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN you r Cattle hogs, sheep and oalves to Nort"is.B~oek Co., live wire and progressive firm for the hl~hest mal:k et prices and good serVlee. Stock Yard.' Cincinnat!! O. Tune in on Radio Station WvKY 12 :26 to 12:30 p. m. for our daily market l'eports. T
National Bank DraWl! . . E.tat... Settl.eI WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
DR. MUDOLPH Sight Specialist 30 Y nrll Experience in Fitting lind Making (Hassel
Cary's Jewelry ,Shop
FRE,E ell.,.'
f I ble Jleml~OD bealll l{1II~"ltb 'l 10. lade of II .t.... all biJI
Aadle ella
t,o ftt b.ana:
D.~ ·:::r·bu~~~~h~~ rfa~O:~r:!:n::'C1 ' WI,b 11.00
blb., ..au
__ \ooII&J'1O (
Lebanon, Ohio Thur.day, Saturday Eltaminatioif Free LEBANON, OHIO
TRY OUR CJ"ASSIFIED COLU MNS , .. frane .. Bldg. ao.ton, M .... , FOR RESULTS ~!!!!!!!"!!!!~!"!!!!!!!~~~!'!'~~!!"'__-=~~_~ "'!"~~'"""!~!!!!.!!!!.~I .. FISHING
• • • • • • • • • • •- . . . . . .- -. .
You reading the Reminiscences of the "long ago," now being printed everv week? We h~ve received many letters requesting copies of articles already printed.
_....=_. . .-- ---
NO W , ' Don't borrow your neighbors' paper. For on/v three cents Gweek you get ' all the Reminiscenses. besides all the news of the neighborhood.
~% • "'" ...
~o, If.\l,,,o~t~ "', "''N~..:n'
~~40. M1\~ c..
..~ ••.:n.~ wen.___ 'WI \Mnt. so-
Don't Be a HSnitcher"
,u t\\m.b ,
L" "", ~ ~
.t\,,~ PM!) \)tt\l"~~,,, a\S~"nO
Send u. $1.50 and we will lend you
7 he Miami Gaze lor a
Ibrook Defeat.
Wayne.ville Team
Th~ Ohllll'n~ll n
fill III ut
Not Tlti. Summer
;\l i~, .\1111 ;; ~n\"II'I' ~1"1\1 \, ·d· n('"day \I itl. 11l'!" I" "th(· /'. l'.IIII/lit
ft r.'conl of nwt', than In.1f of l\1illllll ••hlc,Ib·" IJl\Sl n"",~ Iwll"Kl! 11\ tilt' walku,,"y prl~"Ill't. fl'lul'ni llg DR yl l)ll. lin • W II, the ('\Ir on ly In ked un Ih >il' .1" II IIrl'CI\. nt, Jonday .\11', \111<1 M 1'-, ~joJ'l'i;; lh"rmun of ll ll~ of bdll/l' tll'1! ut tlli" IW\lIt. Vl'\\"), Ripp it llt'. :!!l ... hI! Idt the Cil}l·llIlluti. 1I11' "1J"lIdill~ th" "U ln· 11"1\.1 Ihc'k\' d 'tm)", 1111\.1 fvrm y,'ur hlllwr ca mp, 011 .\ pl'il :! , 1 !l:lO, re_ l lIlel' ' ti t the ltu th · lIlur-illll fn 1'111 , l , l\ n '''lIdn~illll: pUrled to :;upl. ml'inc to on). sou t h lJf \O\\ n. IJEI.LRH OK plet-· hi:; tl."l'Ili. lJ e lInd wfllkl'd I A numb",r (\j' YOU":II Jll'ople of A: K. 111.1) iH "i.~it1ng his IllClth 'r AB H H PO A E mvl'l' 1han hulf of the dlfltllll Cl' the chuJ'ch enjlJyeu" hU).I·IUc lIlI ('10'1'1. ~~ () ~ J 1 U 11 fl'lltll ;II11I'th Curulina, Clyde \y h:lrtlln " tl'll('k Fl'luuy lll"III' \lilfOl'd. today. Ttlt, III I I U (I 11 1 Rippit lle Mlid that h(' wa ~ per. l' \enin~, Th~I'1l Jc~tillation "II~ lIll1'l\' Li zur i: vi,'itin~ "elati ,' 'f! nuby, :.!b. :\ !l 2 :1 1 11 I'Ulldl'd ,t I·('turn ~u the prison Lulie Siue I'm'!\., Ullylo.I1. . ' il\ ('ytliinnnll, Ky., thiR \' r{'k, Zmlm .• ab •• 1 ~l :l ] {I fnrm by lllt'mb~'r8, uf hi, family M r. lind l\1rll. 11 ' Il bUll'lck IIml E.lwRnls 11 :!h '* 0 0 ::I 'f\lnt' III on ill _C. & B. prQ.lIT!lnt, I 0 who ItYe m Hot ~1H'injr . . . ~., W <) lld pll ~allsbul'Y \'L' ited IlIl I'l'Y W~lI r. d '.! 1 II .\ 0 1 wherl' ,hc ' hllS hl'po Ii"ing fot orne CllnWlI at Me ' lella l1 1I0>l1)lInl, ~ latiol1 '\ I\R every 'unday f.' nn(>wlt. r 5 1 \l Ii () 1 time. Xen ia un We hHl~(lay of la ~ t wile 1; , at'tl'l'uoon ul 2 p, m. L.\ln, II1Jl(l'r. I, r r. 1 1 1 0 0 He Willi' nt to th penitentilll')' Elbcl't Wullll ;:~ hllS plll·chll ...·U F'rnnk LeMay lind fllnl ily, \\liS/! , ml, . I) 1 I) 0 1 J 0 frum MadisoJl C(IUJ1ty ' on Ih~cl!ll\- Lh,' VillarK 1 G A ~lo l'e ill Ha rvey h ~. 'ullie 1I(, rrylll ll, It 1 0 0 :! 0 bt'f 2 , UI:! . to tll' \'e two and 01lt' bUl'g und tuok VO;;l>e~:<io n )1onullY 11 ,!11'11 1hl" kC! a.nd _ _ _ ,..... _ _ ha!! to , C\'.elr .'Y(>ur f or s teuling morning. . . ' l')'u"" !lJ)f:'nl Sunday at t'h tlutuu· afl 10 U 27 4 3 clmkens. Plp(lltoe left the prison Mr. and ll'ti, WlIhuJ\l Itog'\' ,ot qllU, Total tum \\ ilh E. R. Grig by. both Maoo /l " pt'nL tIl'!! \ eek- nd With ~I 1', and Il'~. ,I. . Hawk , p<'nt being ~enltmced on th e same kind hi' lulter's g~ll11dl1l0lhH, Mrs. "~I . C. ot a hllrg . Grisby wa rt'captul'ed LotLit! l~ ..ey ' 'ann 1\11'. and Sunday' al thl' h o me of Mr. anll B R 11 PO A E 8\ 'KIll)xyille, Tenn, a yeal' a~o. He My,.. Fl'Ullk .l{Ugt?I·S . . ~Ir s .. J. " ', EdwlIl'ds, nell1' G I'l'en~t. J ohn, :l b 5 l 1 2 0 Wa $ lit one t imt! a mini~ter erv. MI'. lind Mr . •' l u )'(1 '8"agc and tit' ld . ." , 1 urnel·. I f " 1 1 0 o 0 ing chui'eh ' in hio with' h ad. children, allu Mr. and :[1' · . 'alvin a 2 3 " o 0 quarters ill L gan l'ou H()ugh, 1£ l\Ii8" .Jnl1l' UOI"in)(" of Wilming. nty. Longucnl uml c;hildTe n piclIiced on 1t'ndy. ~b "1 2 3 5 1 Rippitoe' YOllilltnry r'turn will lhe L illi Hilmi Ri"(ll', at t h I ton, ~ pt'nt. 11\ ~ \ ,,('(Ok here, , th", R mby, I'f "0 1 o 0 cut d own th ("scaptl pen alty,gUI'~t \,e her ~ i:; tl'r, Ir s. W ymcl' Hay farm, . und y: . Gons, p .. 6 0 1 1 1 0 C(>darvill e Hel'llltJ, MI'. lind ;')11'5. WIlham lemall, Dl'(lkt· , Hend lon, Ib" (I 1 5 o 1 - - - - .\li~s ~ Th lllnu.l (II mllll and Dor,,L vely, (' '" 3 0 1 10 2 2 111i,: 1\(lll',qarct Kiblcl', of J)1l}'. thy Mocsin spent 'Imdll)' with Mr. 2 1 1 Brown, ." 0 t t and MI',. Fred ' nner's and family l o n, sp r llt lll ~ { week \lne. 1\ gU('Hl - - - - - at Hamilton. , al th e h omo IIf h('r linde, Vllrn 36 5 9 27, 11 6 Lytle l'lreets wtlre oiled 10 t HOllllh. - --week and al so t h ' lark l'IUld fr m ~lr. nnel l\1n'. ". E . ' 'Neall , 1 2 S 45 6 7 9WAYNESVILLE M E eH C Lvtle to the 1)1I)' IOn and L baoon A nno un.! ][ugh O'Neall return d B Ilbrook 1 0 2 ,02 0 14 0- 1 0 ' . . UR H pIke. J WA '~ 000002 0 0- 5 G. C. Dibert. Pastor ' II'. MOl'l'I. UillE'r and SOli, hnn\(' \\fo1')lloy '!!vcming fl' OIll a trip There will be no \'egular preach. Jimmie will lellvc . ugust 1st .fo!' tu Florido. Ea1'lled Ru n Bellbrook 6 ' Wayne vi lle 5. ' ing s rvice in our chul-ch dUTi ng Camp Hook nell I' Middleto' n tu MI'. lind Mr~. L. II. GOI'II01'" Ullj! Left 011 Bases-BellbNok 6' the next two weel! , Othl!l' servicl!.l ~pend a werk. MI,'. nnd 11'8. Ber1l. H rtgock villit d MI's. 181'Y 'anllony in company !lfr. and ~M('~. J. W. Ed\\'ard ~ . Dear Wayne ville 10. ' will be held as usual, PrllY r meeting on W ednesday at 7 :30 \\lith .MI'. and l.\lr. W, 1". 'Iark CI'c(' nfield, l'lun d i~Y. Crowl, to len Huse p, m. i>l'nt Thurxuny It. the J ohn shire 2, Zimmerman 2. Weller Jr. Choit, practice on Fl'ilJuy a t ,t il'yan I Park , a Yellow 'prings, All:. l111d B obb:~ l\ or<'lI, oJ DIlY, Turner, Hough, Mendy 3. armon~' and ton . Ky., and- 'lrt<. \:::,jlbul' Bogu n, Tw~-ba8e H its-Pennewit 2, 2 :30 p. m. and the I'egu lar choir wh 'l'e l\1r~. EIIllIl practice will be h 1d o n the sam" daughter Jari on and other r la- of i\fu~ o n, called un Mr. Hnd MI'. . Hough, Lovely. ' lives nre canlping. \ yll1l.'r Drake, 'undar eVenl\lg. Three-bat\e Hits - Dln'byshire day at 8:00 p. m. Sunday sehoo l at 1):30 a . m. and MI'I<. elia G rllham nml gu st , Hough. ' Mi~ s 'B tr.y rurarilyn nnd 001'0l\ll' ~. Aida Williams of ~ayton, '· Double Plays -Darbyshire (un- Epworth Leagu at '7 :00 p. m. ~pent Monday a1ternOOJl wi~h J\Lt· th~' ee )'oune , of ' U/lyto n, spont a sisteil); Mendenhall to Render. In t week here, th guests of th ir son. oleman . WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP William 1\1r . Leon ali"bury and daugh· In'an ti pal'lmt!!, .ML' . und )111'5. W. F. Ba e Hits-off Willis 4; off CHRIST lurk. tm', l\1.i rill m ,of 1 \1elnnd are Darbyshire 5 ; oft' Gons 9. (U ndenomlnatlonal) spending tl1is w~~k with Mr. and . Struck Out.-by Willis 4 - by MI" . Lou lin Rain ey an d Che tel' A. WilIiamsQn. Mini ster Mrs. Allell Enl1'kk and W endc ll Darby hire 1; by ~ns 9, ' "~rne , tRam. ey, of 'incinna ti, ' Church School at 9 :30 11. , m. 'ali bury. Ba es on Ball - by Willis 4' by IYere callers IL t 1lhe hom e of Mr. Darbyshir 2; by Gons 8. ' Lord '!! upp er at co nclusio n. MI'. Hart'Y oTJleli was bro ugh t and .Mr .. n. H. Williamso n , Tue Wild Pitches--Gons 3. . hristian Endea vor at 6 :45 p. m. home fr m McClellan 11O~)ital. in duy evening', Hits Batsman- Willis (by Gons. Lois P nnington, L ad 1'. Evening Me lu1'o's IIn)bl1lanee Tu <lay evangeli.lic !l rvice at 7.45 p. ln, afternoon. li e t1oderwt!ot an opPasl!~ Ball - Lov 1y 2. Jllm s L vely, a ccompanied by UmpIres -Burton and Nopkins. Sermon s ubject, "In the Land ()f emlion some three w('eks ago. his (uther. Mr, J ilean Lov Iy, of Rilt!y ~ay l or of Dayton " pen t Middletow n, let t Tu esdllY 101' a Beginning Again." Prayer meet· ing and B-ible Study each Wedn - part 0./ la st w ek with i \'. a~d' week'lI viRit with :£riellll~ in East. u.. eighl()ll and 1\1)'. ~rn K ntucky, day at 7 :30 p. m. Study the Boo k 1\11'. William of Acts with us. hort ehoir' p rsl'- IIndMr.. Harry Graham. ' THE MIAMI CAZE1'T£ MI'. and Mrs. ll, J. PreRsler are !II •. 1'.. Keollia P 'ters Vern tice at conelu ion . n w taking Cllr' ot Mr. nn Al'mitagc>. Will ~'c:hu l el', and Roy Tbe church where you feel For R•••lt. und Erwin Ellis witne. ed the ball home. nlith. George Fri nd hll I'e ul' ned gamcl\ at Redlafld Field. Inci n· hi home in hillicothe, I1fler nuti "u nday altl~rnoon. ST. MARYS CHURCH s veral' we k' s visit wit h his Rev. J: J. Schaeffer, Recttor. Mrs. m chard Price and j Tenth Sunday after Trinity. uncle. M. E. Friend and fa mil y• . on,Mr.anand dMi~s 'Rtlth h rw ood, of ML.. a nd Mrs. Kel"ler GI'II.h m July 3 L ChUl'ch school at 9 :30, and Miss Be rnice spe nt 'unday olumhus, wel'C; gu ests at th Morning Ptayt?r and sermon at with ,h 'i lid in Da.yton , hom of fl'. and Mrs. Clarence 10 :30. At 4 o'clock p. m., a special afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hlll'ry B urnet and Edwards, In t week . Mrs. Price re·dedkation ervice will be held. wa f61'llletly Mi Helen her. Everybod y is cordially invited to childt'en and 1r. and Mrs. Earl wood. Young and chiWren picniced at be present at the e ervice. Eastwood Park near Day t un The Good Cut lothing club From earliest times, manunday. held their rCJr ulllr business meetfE RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ir. a nd • I\,. Chalmer Ree der kind has rndeavored to eming Friday aftern oQn. nt. t he home lind so ns entedained t he former's of the leadet·, Mrs. R . E. Hatha. ( Undenominational) body in the last rites for way. Th club pi erlic will be he ld Cbeater A. WllIiam.on. Milli8ter f.ather of enterville' ullday. those who have passed away, ,Mr. and 1ra. Al len Emrick and tom o rrow and tll<~ date f the n ext Church chool at 9 :30 a. m. the love and respect felt ali s bllYY and Mr. and meeting ha n ot been .'et. Lord~8 Supper and $ermqn at \0 :· Wend ell for the departed during life. 30 a. m. ermon subject. "Think- Mr. harlcll lIollgh called on liff unday ing-Doing lind Being!' You are R ough Ilt Harveysburg AU the skill ot art, all the afternoon. welcome ab this church. kaowledge of sl'ience, has Mr. and Mr. . Donald Hadley been ' lavished to this end. have this week gone to house· ST. AUCUSTINE'S CHURCH k e ping with the latter'Ei aunt, Mrs. . We tee I deeply the responFather French, Pastor Margaret Johns. We wl!lcQme them sibility repOsed in UI when Services will be held evety. t"Wo our village. we are allowed to plan and weeks on Saturday morning. The Lytle Runlet·, and Angl er' conduct the lervicell for ommun ity du.b will have their those who have palled on. INDIAN CAMP LEAVES TOWN next meeting at Lytle Hall fonda y evening, August 1$t. The Indian medicine show, Mrs. Lottie Carey} one of Lytle's which entertained our: citizens, older citizen , a~e 85 yesr , met last week, and which had ex- with quite a mlsfortune 'F l'iday J~ pected to remain during the !;e- evening at the home of her da.ugh· Mrs. :Frlink Roge'l's. She 'mlssed mainder of this week, was called Phon. 7 away, and left for, erpent Mound, one step from lhe porch and fell Wednesday mornhlg, much to ,t he in the yl\l'd, breaking her right WaynelviUe, Ohio disappointment ot 10vu'S of good, hip. Dr. Mockler of Springboro clean entertainment of that vari- was called and s he was placed on a fracture bed. She is Buffel'ing a ety. great deal at thi time, Lytle has a new doctor in the ~~~~~~~====~====~==========~ persoll of Dr. New Leb· ~ anon, Who comesmith .well ofrecommended. Or, and Mrs. Smith will 800n be domiciled in the re idence of the late Dr. L. G. Brock. We wei· come them to our mids t, a s a d oc· t or has long since been needed in this vicinity.
( olllln'\Ieti (I' tlm Ill1
hll ,
NE.V£,R Wt'\"t '(Ol,)~ P,~p~ WIll SA.'( · I\SOUl \"t - ·'f.: n~E @i MINt)
60'''' c..&MPlr:\.9 \\-\,~
'(E.f\R ~
-- \_ -- -
1 -
SerVICeS . A he
Churches Sunday
A Sacred Duty
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. Mark Rogel'S alld Vern Impson tran acted bu ihe s in Lcbenon, thi .. morning.
Sub.cribe lor The Miami Gazette cuad get a :lear 01 Reminiscense.
Me srs. H. M. Sherwood, C. C. 'e tyis and Robert Servis made I.lUslneslI trip to Franklin and Springfield, MondllY.
Miss Edna Garrett of Young. town, Miss Betty Wagner and Mr. Harman Garrette, of Springfield, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. lark, last Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Thoma!!, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Max and Gretehan Yow-
bel of New Madison. Ohio and Jimmie GrIffin ' ofJ Piqua, are .gu sts of Mr. a 'n d Mrs. Geo. Hart-
INSURANCE Have your property covered , by an experienced agent
Mr. ad Mrs. Forrest Hough are announcing the birth of a daugh. tel', Clara Lou. Saturday mornin&" July 23. The young lady arrived at the home of 'Mrs. Hough's is ter in Dayton.
.......--, -
FOR THREE DAYS ONLY July I., 19 ancl 30
E. McClure
. ---
- TO-
B.ll... the Depre8810n
Build or ' R~pair The Thing. You Need
Build or Repair The.Thing. You Want
Build or Repair
Mr. and Mr . eibold and dough· tel' of Middl etown were guest.s of Mr. nnd 1\11'1;. F'. D. Compton over the week-end , Mr, 'Ivan P ettyjo hn of Ridge· ville, Ind., was a week.end gu st in the home of Mr. and Ml's. J. L. Conard and fa J'nil y , . . Haines Brothers are operattng tjteir combine in the Ter~ell neighbol~hO'o d this we~k, havmg more tban 260 acr,e s of wheat to harvest, in that community. , MI'!>, Marjorie Walthall and ,daughter of .Jamestown were gue LS of relative~ heTe, last week. Mrs. E . W. Urtan and son of o,l umbu s wel' guest s of Mrs, Lemar last i.Y ek. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Surface al!d daughter we re week-end guests In the h ome o,f Mr. and }frs, Raleigh Bogan. An exceJlent -program WaS put on at t he regular meeting 0'1 the Commu n ity lull Tue sd~x ev~n· ing. A11 amusing playlet, . Ma:rrted to a Sufrragette" was given and the Cmlsal"s Creek Grange quartett.e gave s everal. numbers which were mucll appreclated. -~-
The Things You Can Pay For
W. H. Madden &Co. •
For Yc»ur
worn tires are worth more OFF than
ON your car.
surname of Theodore ill probably mispronoun· ced more frcq\lcntly than that of any uther American president. It is correctly pronounced " ro·ze-velb' with the '0' long as in ·so." The second syllable is 'Somewhat sup· pressed, makinJl: the name Bountl almost, but not Quite, like velt.' In a letter to the Franklin D, Roosevelt says: member of the Roosevelt that 1 have ever .nowli or beard has p.l'OllolJlteed the n.,........ .. there wert' only one the auent on the L N-11-velt. t
A ••• nee.
........ n..
- 'JIO...tL. ..75.19,_
so.s ••a• ,..n a... ••.••... S ••,
5,00-='0_ _ S •• ,
Worn Tires .anc.. for Three Day.
Weare swamped with calla for partly used tirea. Our used tiro stock has. been shot to '~iece8. Right now thIs shoI'ta~e put8a mark~t valu:e on used tires th:lt en~Lble8 us to offer you trel1\endoU8 allowances toward the! price of new Goodyears - largest seIHll~ tfil'es in the world. If you act quickly you can sell us the miles left in your worD tires.at
,040-11._ ••• t • ..,... oI.50-aL s ... · ....
Sen.ational Allow-
IT'S RO-ZE.VELT Roo s()ve l~
Telephone S8R2
0'..1,0" Late.t, Fined,
5.~19,_ •••• 'u .a. 5.25-JO,_. 1I.,c• 5.35-%1._ •••• II ••' 5.50-17._ 5.3O-!8._. S.II .a... S.W-19._. 5.50-JO._ ~,as ..... 6.00-1'' -. S.I. • •••• 6.00-18._. Sol. • •••• 6.00-19_ . S.I' ..... 6.00-11L S •••••••• 6.00-IL •••••••••
's... S... .So.', .•.•• ; •
'7.10-18,_ '•• , .
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..hw_nc. . . .
Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Jire.-Fre.h,Stoclc
-All Fi'r ,,, ••• Great.st Goodyear Value. in Thirty Summen.
Similar Allowanc.. Oft All Siz... Exchange 1, I, 3, 4, or 5 11... Free Mounting. ,
6.50-11_ •• M 6.50-19._.
s.11 I I . "
let.,. t." •.••
.............. .... ......••••.. .... ...."u ................ ......... ........"" ...... ..... ....•••• .....
8lza .... n.. '.>IO-2L . ••••• . .. . . '.50-2CL
So. . ' So"
. '
a.•• a. •• a...
a... a.••
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6025
AUGUST 3, 1932
picnic of the FriendTO APPROVE 'SPECIAL shipTheclubannual witl be held at Roser's park near Ridgeville, Wedn esday LEVY NEXT NOVEMBER bers aIt rooon, August LO. T.he memand their children WIll a em-
Last Thursday cveni]lg about IItly relatives and II'iellds gathel'. ed III the home of · Mr. and Ml·S. Henry Sutterthwaite for a ml celIan ous shower in hoool' of Mi. s Miriam West who became Mr. Clemenl Satterthwalle On AUgll~t Deere••ed
ble at the h me of Mrs. R. G. W.A.C:. Will Attempt 10 Break ros at 2 o'clock and transportar I. Lo.illl Stre",!. ill Gam. Witla tion will b provided for tho e who for Year; SI'...... t W .... !. 10 The evening was sp nt in playMrs. Elizabeth Lewis visited hav'e no way of their own. Sprinl V.lley N.lll S .. Pa"l Cole, of Dayton, was the ing "500". honors going to Mrs. Start 'T bi. We.!' Each member is a ked to bring friends in Centervill last \\I~ek. guest of Cecil Davis. last Friday. May atterthwaite. of Dayton, Mr. ----on dish uf food, enough sandMr.• J. M. Hart, of Richmond, l 'he Waynesville A. 9·.·. lost That the resi lents of Waynes. wiches for her own family and Adam Mell{)h and family Visjted George Bunnell and Mr. Frank Ac ording t.o the annual custom Ind., is visiting Wayne ville ~heir s ixth !Straight game, Sunday ville may be called upon in the two lemons. of the past few years, the old relat",'es near Harrison, Ind., un- Loop. friends. attern oon, when ~ oal!ttown came Late in the evening all were November election to approve a chool ' bell will peal torth its day. to Wayne Park nd took them for ushered into the dining ro.qm 'special levy for the general operat.- SHOWER FOR RECENT BRIDE firat summons Monday morning, Emerson Mason spent the we~k. a loop, 6 to 2. The j ob of reportErllesf HltrtSf)ck and family wnere the color scheme Qf pmk ing expense of the village. was reSeptember 5th- Labor Da~. The end ytith his brother, Lee Mason. ing th lle g llm~s is becomln&: visited the Cincinnati Zoo, one and white predominated. Here the veaJed Monday night at the r g_ morning hours will be devoted to day Mrs. John B. Gons and Mrs. almost as u npl4Jasant as that of r&eently. honoTguesL assisted by Mr. Sat- ular In eting of council, wb4!n Carl Sanker were joint hoste ses In Mason. registration and securing the all terthwaite opened the gifts and that body voteu to convene agaIn at a shower and bridge at the borne Mr. and Mre. A. O. driffy and the Cincinnati sport writers. We e ential t xt books. In the afterJonatbJln Haines, f)f Dayton, 18 in two weeks to on ider placing of the foeme1'. Thursday, honoring on spent Sunday at Chester park don't want t o criticize or knock, noon, organization of the variou the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frallk thanked their many (ri nd . and like Jack Ryder of the En· Dainty lunch was selVed after the levy on the ballots in Novem- Mrs. Vict r Carpenter, nee Sara Cincinnati. las es will bc effected, and the Cook. this week, . quil!er we positively refuse to which all departed wishing the ber. teachers will aBsi~ the lesBons Missildine, a r cent bride. At the alibi. LeVs just. tell what happen~d Miss Esther Dennis and mother young couple much luck and A new levy will be necessary, it for the next day, and get acqu<llntclose of a delightful afterno on Mrs. E. A.. Smith o{ Ocalla, do the rest to uit yourself. d with their pupilil. This decision Florida, is visiting her mother, many years of happineSS!. Mrs. js pointed out, 1;0 provid funds the gue ts were IIcrved with dainty of Co lumbus. spent the week- nd YOII! Poa~ttown: Not a man l\e8~hed ' Mabel Staup acted as hostess t ,o r the m/lintenance of present refreshme.n ts of ice Cl'eam and here with (riends, wall reached at the regular meet Mrs. usan Evans. base during the first tbree mnlnltB of the evenin!{ and waR assisted by service to t\! ident!l inasmuch as cake. ing 0.1 the school boarel, Mon ,4ay . Mrs. Alma Leonard, of Harveys- three of them :fanned. They won - -- _.... +- - -Mr. and M·rs. C. E. Mlchen t and her sister, MISS Thelma Satterlh. the two-mill levy voted two years evening. burg, was the guest Of Mr. t be game in the fourth. A now study plan, known 88 the Mr. l\Jld Mrs. L. E. Hockett visited waite and Mrs. Adah Satterth- ago l'uns out in 1932. Cba. ook, Saturday. Selby hit to left; D~ench waite, C unci! agreed to wait until - fOllr hour plan, is to be inau"urat- Marion, Ohio. Tuesday. sacrinced Gon!'! to Ellis; KIn*ey - - -- - ~ after a meeting of the Wal'ren d. Under this pllm, the sc~ool Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Treece, of walked; D. Billett lIied out to left, Jame Lovely, who went to day for each pupil will be diVided I ~ON(ERT County BUdg~t. c .mmission, which, Cleveland, were week·end guest Hough making a iine ca.tch: Sutit is !loped WIll give them a more inl~ five periods of one hour each, Kentllcky for a week's visit reo 1 U 1 " of _Mr. and 1I!r~. J. W. l.otz. ton hit to right, and Selby scored definite idea of the amount aUowach student at the H. • build- tUl/ned, Friday evening. . Several from here en~'oyed t he the only earned run of the mninr· ing to conside r four major sub· t;d ~his_ year under the fifteen mill Mr!!l. Grace McCune, of Lima. Sutton stole. P.BiIlett hit a limItation. jeds each day. H. . siudents who spent th ex e ll ent programs at t e Miami grounder along the third base line week-end with her Shrinkage in 1'1~ al estate values hav proven thl!ir . ability ~o ~o .8 0, mother, Mrs. Eva Miller. which Umps Stutler said Gone Valle)! Chautauqua. Sund'BY· The Children's 13and will give and tax delinquen.cie" are expected will be given special permlS810n to Despondent over tbe death of ~r. and Mrs. James Harts~k knocked out of line. Other uop1e carry five major 8ubjects. The their tenth home concert Thu,rsto materially reduce the village's his wife, ill health and other worMr. and Mrs. Ralpb Linn and extra period and, tbe remainder daughter attended a Junior Order dav evening, ~ugust Hh at. 8 p. shate of money allowed by the ries Burton L. Earnhart cnded and childr n were Sunday gue ts thought different, but the mp'J word is law, and two r~ns seored. m. at Mc 'lure's corner. Thi. con- county nnd will present a serious his iife at hill home in Mt. Holly of Mrs. . S. ralg at Morrow. of the chool day will be devoted picnic at Milford, Sunday, Kraft's hit scored Billett, and cert will complete the series of ! problem for ~ou.ncil in meeting .a t a very early hour Friday mornto minor subjects and other school Quality and low prices, in all Belknap grounded out, M~ndy to activities. t'he periods will be Bub· Mr, anc! Mrs.' Todd Baker, of eoncerts donated by the Way~e:S- 1 bil~ \In.d contl!"'umg services. "JIOW ing. For a gooo many years, Mr. lines. Cary'8 Jewelry Shf)p- '"The Ellis. .~our runs three hlta, one divided, th fi1'st half being de- Dayton, were dinne;r ;guest of ville merchants to tbe commuDliy. being glVel1 reSIdent 01 the Village We feel it has been a generous , The re ignatif)TI of George W. Earnh&l't and hi family lived on Home of Gi.fts." · L 'banoD, Obio. walk and one error-but who.e! voted to s upervised study and the Mrs. Il an Evans, on Sunday. Hough made a splendid try for rernainder to recitation. ,!rift, conaidering general condi- Kern. ' as a men~ber of the B?ard a farm On the Township road. in Miss Vada McPherson. of Df)ench' long fly in the siJttb ~ut Guy J. Hockett, of Van Wert, fiqn every where. The sched ule call for pupUs arof Public Aft'alrtl, was received the vicinity of Lytle. He later re- hicago, is visiting-her si~tcr, 1\:Irs. dropped the ball, t he runnel' rOID. Next week the Farmer's Ex- and Oakley Unglel!by appointed to moved to Dayton, and, about three 810nzo Curl, riving on the first bu .11 tu beeUi ilJ enjoyhlg a week'a vacation 8\ the Friends home. to second . D. Billett flied out to Change and Howard Archdeacon erve in hi s stead, on the sugge8- years ago, returned to Mt. Holly Ittudy at 8:15 a. m., with the re- here with r'llative and friends. MI'!. Leah StJiou e and son. Ramby, but Sutton hit to right, will sponsor a conoert at Corwin tion of. Mayor Roger~. where they occupied the former mainder beginning at 8 ;45. The Mre. Lotti Hamilton, of Toledo to be played Wedn daS' evening, A communicatil)n was received residence of his b"oth r~in-law, John William, "'ere Sunday gu·eat scori ng the run. P. Billett out Burnoon rel:es8 tor dinn r will extend (If MI'. and Mrs. Truman Wardlow ttm ~o Ellis, and utton was lat~r from 11 :45 a. m. to 12 ;4U p. m., was the gu t of Mrs. Emma August 10th in. . fro~t o~ Van by CJer~ Ray 111 OfJl Hatfield. from Timothy Marlatt•. Hamilton "everal days last eek. run down. Kin~ to Mendy to Gon•• MrR. Earnh&l't died last March, Ollen's Stare. ThiS concert IS pur- Mr. Eddmgton, ,who \Vas awarded and the bUlles will leave at l30 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray .and One 'I·un . Olle hit, one error. and " o'clock, respectively. TOW11 J.(~_ Earl Hock tt and M'r s. J)Q~ely pJaced on WOdnesday e~en- t'~e cC/ntra~t 19r treating Wayne:s- atter. many months CIt' intellle dl\ughter spent undllY with A.. Doench opened the eilfhth with pupils, ~ uaual, will be abl)ut RlWdes B~nnell attended Friends to be played, Wedne!\day evemng, VIlle streets WIth uphalt, anll who sulfering, and for several months eve.nly divided be~ween the two Quarterly meeting at Selma, Mon- ing to give the mercllantlj 01 W~y- stated that this 'work would start put. his so n and daughte-in-Iaw Bowman and family in Franklin. It sCl'atc h hit, and 'KinBey Acriflced Kink to Ellis. D. Billett out, namlle an opportunity to drrve eith.er W dnesday Or Thursday of have been caring for his home. The sectiona. day. Misse Louise Henderson and Gon",' to Ellis. utton's third b,it u, over and "listen in" us it is closed thi.!! week. The job will b com- 80n rose at an early hour, Friday lrma Thill ney plan has everal ad· Rich are !'- pending a 'lew days right seOI·ed th~ run. P. Billett van.ta, s In its favor. Fint:t Tbe . pleted at a ~otal cost of $767.39. morning. missed hi.s father, and in Cincinnati with . Miss Loui e Myer Hyman visited relatiVe!! In night in town. forced Sutton , BUrton _to Mendy. Thill week's concert is gwen to lerk Hatfield I~eported the re- later found his lifelel;ls body in a rane. lI.ohool day will be somewhat hort- Cin.cinllati, unday. Miss Bernyce One eal'ned run. two h'ltl1, NO er~ elled, and thi means quite a bit temai"ed for a more extended you by the foll~win~ friends of. ceipt July 24 of $224 from the barn at the rea'r of the premis s. the band: Stokes Dail'y Co., The state auditor, thIS amount repFuneral serviees were co nductto pupils IivinlC fartheJIt from the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zep! of ron. Wayne sv ille~Out boys waited Ridge Studio, GaNlen Inn, ~eo. r.eseDtiflg· Waynesville's .sh~re of ed at the Mt. Hf)I1.y church, at 2 incinnati, were Sunday g J chool, specially the younger e~i1Miss Janel; Cartwright has re- Waterhouse. W. B. qUlres, ga olin tax money. ThIS IS <?ne o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. of her parents. Hr. and M.r'8. G. J. Burton' and Hough's IJingles jD " dren. Actual work really beams the first, Hartsock's baae by bei:nlr at :45 a. m., anet ellds at 3 :30 p. turned to Cleveland after spend- Walter ast, Wilbur Sears, Horace of five distributiolns made d\l~ lOg Scarll' officiating, and the rem.ins Smith. hit in the third, (we mean thlnl m. Second; Each pupil will have a ing a two-weeks, vacation at her K~Y8, Mr . Truax, H. A. Cornell, the year, and represents $1 on were laid to rest. beside his beTin Shop and the Fairmont Cream- every automobile in . the . village loved companion In Middle ,Bun chance to receive individuI1 at- home tlere. Mr.' and Mrs. T. B. Kr'l\n'nO'~KI inning; Luther was hit on the leaJ Ramby's single in the fourth. and tention 'from the teacher during ery. for each of the five settlements. eemetery. His five sons and hi~ spent last. week with tlteir King's double in . the ftfth. Ml'. and )frll. H . F. Button Ind the lIupervlt!ed tudy period. - - -- - The following bills. \Nere ap- elde8t grandson tenderly· bore the Albert Brannock, and wife, Mendy took the umpire's count Action on the matt r of hiring daugb~r were week-end guest/! of New Vienna. proved and orderEld paId: remains of their father to his last to start the home half of the 8ixth a rl teacher to lUi th vacancy Mr. alld Mrs. Arth~H' Atkinson, Asb~ry Hill, m.owing wee.ds, $1.- resting place. Nt. and Mrs. Ray Starr and and Hough popped out to ahortcau -d by the retligriation of Mis near lAb.non. 50; .- P. Joy, marllhaWs salary, Burton L. Earnhart was the July, $25; Ohio Central Telephone eldest son of M, Madison Earnhart daughters spent Sunday with l:ItIlP' Ellis got a life on shortatop'. B1l8 ie Stephen Ion was def rred Mr. and 'Mrs. Ira Boring, daughLester Starr and brothtr8, near error and D. Billett extended the until SUpt. Lotz c.n make further tep and son8, of Wilmington, 'were The wedding of Miss Miriam company, July bol~, $5.'5; Day- and lived p]'llcticaIJy his entire S!'lrjn.g Valley. same' kindness to Ramby. The I'1IDinvestigation, and report a to the Sunday guel1ts ot Mr. and Mrs. We t, daughter of Mrs. Fral1k toll Power and LIght compan)" life. in this vicinity. On the day ners advanced on a wild pitch, .nd exact needs. The reqent chool W-ymer Drake. Loop, and Mr. Clement Sat- traffic Ijght, $9.90 ~; Dl\yton Power just previous to his death, he had Masters Dale and Mickey Mengel Gons's hit to left scored them. enumetation indicate ,pro pecttlerthwilite, ~o n of Mr. and ~rl!. and Light compaJly, street..- light, celebrated his seventieth birthspent ]a t week here Lovely out, shortstop to flrat. Two ive enrollment of 607. divided as Mi. s Letitia Sehatzman and Mr. aenry Satterthwaite, of Way~es- $114.78; W. S. GI'aham, labor on day anniversary. A 'man of the withMorrow, their grandparents, Mr. and runs QDe hit, two errore. e yo. foll()ws: 1 t vade, 45; 2nd, 59, and Mrs. Otto Sebold of_ Clncin. vilt", took place at 0 o'clock str.e.ets.__ $l3.50; CI~de Shutts, strictest integrity, he was highly Mrs. B. !lingie that started the eighth wa. V. mltn. 3rl;l, 66 ; 4th, 67; 5th, 58; 6th, 60; nati , spent Sunday with Mr. and Monday morning at the t. Francis same. $7.70; G. is. Pratt, same, honored" and respected by all who Wa ted, $7.70: W. L. Matt!hews, Bam ,$~: knew bim. He had been a devout 7tll, 67 ; 8th, 48;. Freehman, 41 ; Mr . W. O. Raper. • de Sales parsonage. Mr. and MM. arJFoley, of Spring Valley will be the attracAsbury llill, same, $6.75: MO!'l'u!I and consistent communicant of Sophomore, '4: oIunior, 26; and The ct'l'emony )Yhich was pernear Oregonia, /lte announcing tion ~t Wayne Park, next Sunday, e Cook, !am lames Kerrick, the Methodist Episcopal ehul'Ch , $8; , enior, 26. -Missea Clara Lile, Annie U. t'nrmed by Rev. Thoma Kearns, th. birth. of a j\ve-pound daughter, and we truly beheve that our Probably the most important gnd )[ame T. Brown, and Mr. Was witnessed by: ~Ir. and Mr. same. $2; Clyde Shutts, same, for many years, and, during Sunday, Jilly 31. WAC's are going to snap out of $6.75: G. S. Pratt, same, $7 .. 25; several of these, served the local buaine88, and by tar the most per- Dean ·Hawke IIpent Fl'i'day with Warren Espy, of Centerville, who their losing treak. Here are tbe plexing problem ~f the elltlre friend! at Hillsboro, acted as best man and bridesmaid Mike McDonald, ~me , $7; Wilham church in an official capacity. Services at St. Mary's Episcopal figure s (or the last reverae: He is survived by five Bans and chu rch have been discontinued u_ H d D I four of the bride's friends. Miss Robinson, cleaning streets, $1.40; mellting was select.ion of the three new bus bodies. A dozen dillerent Mr. and ;nr8.. Owar a to!!, Gertrude Marshall, of Wilming- Everett Sears, mowing weeds, $2; a daughter: Emerlilon F., Alvin H., through August but will be rePOA TTOWN bid , Bubmllttld by lleven di/!eren't Mr. and Mre. Evans and Mr, G~tl tOil, MisB Adah Israel, Mi Ruth and William Robinson, cleaning J. Madison, and Harold B. Eal't)- Burned September 4. AB R H PO A 1: firm ll and speclfyinr four dillerent Evans enJo,ed a motor tnp C4 rr , Misa Ruth [sa belle Brown streets, $1.40. hart; of Waynesville; Earnest A. F. U. LeMay and :family and Selby, If ...... .4 1 i 1 0 0 brands were opened at 9 o'clock · througb Kentucky, Sunday. and the bride's sister, Mis Mil--~. -.-Earnhart of Mt. Holly. and Mrs. Eleanor Babb, of Xenia. A halt Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day spent DOllnch, 2b .. , a l l «; 2 0 Mon'day evening, and the. prClblem Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright dred West, besides a few frie~ds sister, Mr . Josiah Davis an(l a half unday afternoon ~nd evening at Kins~y, cf .... ,2 2 0 .. 0 0 of 8 lection was tackled. At 12 :30 spent Sunday at Jotinsvil1e, the anq relatives: D. ,Blllett, 3b ..4 Il 8 1 brother, Clift' Eatllhart, of Spring- Miami Valley Chautauqua. the next morninc, no d~i8ion had guest f)f Mr. and Ml'!!. Sam MercThe bride proved very charm, utton. d ...... 4 t 0 0 boro, also survjve. yet b en r~(lhed, so' an adj(jurn~ dith an~ daurhter, Miss Anna. !ng in white georgette with all Mr. and Mr~. S th Thomas and P. Billett, Ib .. , 1, 0 10 0 , 0 ment until even[n.r was taken, III white acce sories, white ~ardenias D ill I t SOil and Mr. Bnd Mrs. Myron Kraft, 8S ,2 0 1 0 2 0 orderl\9.allowthememberl1 t.o malte Dallas Boge.. and family and being her flowers, Her bridesmaid Dr. Ed~'in F. dppe IN oca e Thomas, of Daytonl, spent Sunday GomlUla, $S , 2 0 0 1 1 1 one short In8p~ctif)n trip. BUlline.. Mis& Mac,. Carter viaited Miss verypreUy in blue georgette in Wayne!\vi ll e the latter part of with Mr. and Mxs. ~. L. Th·omas. Belknap, c ... . ,4 0 () 5 0 0 piCked up once more abollt8 ;30 Kathryn Boger at Good Samaritan with white accessories, pink rose- August. He has 8el~ ured the Clar. .. 0 t R'IC h m ond , Bolton, p ... _ . 4 _0 1 _ 1_ 2 _0 p. m., and, about 10 o'clock, it Was hoap'tal, l)lyton Sunday, and all buds completi-ng hel; outfit. The at- ence Rye house on Fourth st1!eet, M rll. J . M. H al;", "'Dally de~ided to buy tw.o bodies fi''''niced at . Natl' ona" Military <ftndants were gowned in ehilfon$ which he · will use ' for reaidence Ind .• Mr. and )Olr . L. D. Chilets Totflls " ........ 93 6 7 27__..:.e.......:2~....:.._., II ~ Devers .. Son; of Trot. ..ome. "' . f or t he i r ,d nnd office. and The willi .bolilsebeis ready being for re- pressive, In a beautifully im- and Mrs. Mau d e rane were gues s _ from · J. W. 01' pa tel ,shades, having cor_ted serVice, simple, held atyetfOUl: of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud, last wood, and a third from the Beal ers white gardenia with baby h tl o'clock Sunday afternoon, St. W.A, O. Body 'Works, of Port WilIi.m, at Mrs. Grace Dabell, Mn. Salhe breath. occupancy s or y. . u-ry's Ohur.c h was re-dedicated to Friday . . an a agreaato cost of ·1,580. Both Huben and ~. -. T. Schae"er, 0" Mrs. Satterthwaite is a graduate Dr. Deppe comes to Waynesville ,.... ....r. lind M-. J ohn Collett an" AB R HPO A Il .. .. were aVl1uded • .... .,'on Misses.~ Annie~ of . Lebanon 'High ..school. Af ter well recommended. the worship ofofAlmighty 1ft '0 cQntrl,lcts on bi d • ChilJieotl\e~ called C IHe graduated I d' the' ehwation mankind.God and Miss Mary Collett, of Dayton,'4 SIu'tsock, l'i " a () 0 0 O· 0 eubmitted by A. E_ Chenoweth. of 'U. Ind M.me._..... Brown, Sunday D'r'D du.·ion she attended Warl:e n !rom Franklin 01 ege, n lana, , d' i we're Su'n day afternoon pallers at St. John, 1'f .. 0 0 0 1 o 0 ~ -"~ Po.. . W'I . _ . with- a deg.a:ee of A. B" before Preceding the re.de Icat on ser• , i County NOTmal and • .. enterin" m·edic:al colle;ge. AfteI' vice, a sweet-toned bTass bell was the home of Mr. and Mr!!. J. p , Bu·rton, s ." ...~ 0 It ' Xenia. The new bodies are to be 16 0611ege and has been teaching !TJ ., f tud . M d' . e he consecrated to Its sacred office and Frqmm. Men"y, 2b ., .4 6 0 feet long by 81' inchell wjde, and )fra. Veo Adami, 01 pay.ton, and her home ,county for the past 81,)( four years 0 If Y In e lCIn Mrs. Ann'a Cadwallader. assisted H(lugh, If .. . ,4 1 1 o 1 ar' e to be equipped with all atand- Mr.. Mith Dtlmall and 'c hildren, 01 YA,ara w"ere , she ha · made many graduated f"rom .the NIew Yh·o tk . . ... h d d" t ··Mrs. Mollie Hough, of Lebanon , Ellis, Ib ....... 4 1 0 16 o 0 .. New . ". S un d ay lu e /!"" . .... Medical College and F ower, as· first by HarrIS Boun IS ,.. ary. L Ad ams at ~rd modern eonveniences, suc".. y enn , were frIends. II . k Cit call. The!Ylo~ bellerr is the gifteof the cal\eQM on n .... . R/lmby., ,e£ .,_, 4 l .1 1 o 0 wiridshield wiper, ' Imide window at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. 1I1r. Satterthwaite is a gra duate pital, New Yor .y. . I h DI'~ese of Southern Ohio in the Friends nome, and attended Gon~, Sb ._., 4 0 1 , 1 8 1 guards, stop lights both - fore and onvar of' Waynesville High School and Following his graduat on e ~ the rededication services at St. Lovely, e ..4 0 0 fi o 0 aft, etc. L.enitthwise .eats are to R E E k h .t d Warren Oou'n ,t y Normal. Af~r spent a year as int;erne at Miami mem.o ry of t he lI\te Rev, John F. Mary's cburHi, Sunday. King. p ... ..... ,, 4 . 0 1 0 .a s re ,!rne to "erving a8' .principal of the SPJ.tng Valley hospital in Hayton. Follow- Cadwallad~r, who gave his life to l'un along each aIde witb a row of . • . mric " 0 cross seats facing the driver down 111. pOllitioD In the U. S. urport. at Valley g,.de school fo.t one y4!ar ing h.is internship he has been his Church and his native comMr. and }Oil's. Elm.er SlIeehan, Total s 35 6 27 19 2 a the center for the accommodation Bullalo. N, ' Y., altllr a villt WIth he' became eonnected WIth the CIty physicia/l to Camp Rasitan in New munity. an 'l MI'. and Mrs. Walter. Sheehan of the smaller folk.' Each body h.. hill mother, 111'8. lames; of the Ice and Fuel Company. of Day- Jersey. He haa about completed The program, a published in and son were guests at II weiner 1234567 8ea seating Cflpaaty of .bout "5. Oranare a.nd Black. to!}. .Three months a.go Mt. Sat- bis work there and as 809n as he these columns last week, was car- roaBt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Both t he Mesars. Devers. and Mr. ' v ..... Anna Squl'res and dau"h- terth.- al·te moved to Leb. anon i~ through will come direct to ried out in its entirety. The rector Carl Croll, near Franklin last Fri. Poasttown ".. 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0--6 W. A . .C• ....... 00 0 002000--2 ' to e in gace in the sisted Rev. John J. Rev. Scbaeffer, day evenjng . Beal were presentl II' ~ ue8 d&[ eventer!q... Mr\!. ¥arie Dunkk'erly, • of• where~ h~ becume a pat t ner in th"" Waynesville practice. of t)1edicine. by the Karl was Ea1'ned Runs-Poasttown 2, intrj and 'voluntarilY aaree to ill- Jamaica Lonr JlIland, N. Y., spent S. and L. lce Cream plant. . I Dr. Deppe ill married and has a of Xenia, and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Griffith, of Left on Bases-Poasdown 1: sta I "uch minor cbanses .. the the week-end here, ,aests of Mr. , After ~he ceremony the brlda charming wife, who is also a Elwood, 01 Wilmincton. Piqua, were guests of Mr. and Waynellville 7. Board may s~est. The bodies aJ;'e 'a nd Mn. W. B. SqUtreB. grout> was served a dlDner bYsthe graduate of Frank[in Oollege. - - - -" - ..~---Mn. George Hartsock, la2t week . Stolel\ Bases- Sutton. " \1> be built on the cba..ls, direct, . bride'!\ parents. MI~. and ?lfrl/. at; DAVIS-COOK ' Mrs. Margaret Thomas and Master Sllcriflce Hit.-Doenoch, KiD"Y. and are to be delivered in ample Mrs. of Mason l tert;hwaite left for a two weeks - -- - _.. Jimmy Griffith /lcc0!Upanied them time to be availilble for ulle Sepniece anti trip to Washington, D. .• whe~6 S d Two-base Hit--Klnw. Double Play-Mendy to Burton tember 5. • . WoreU, they .... ilI visit at the home of the Miss Ruth Elizabeth Cook and home, un ay- evemng, The Devers ('Tr~twood) bodiell Ber- groom's 'sister, Mrs. Ralph Tolle. S. ay Mr. Robert B. Davis were quietly The ff)llowing 4-R girls are en- to Ellis. . StrucK Out- by Bolton 6 i b7 and .. - - - -'-• married .in Richmond, Ind ., Satur- joying an outin~ at Camp H QQk, King have been aBBi~ned to Routea «; caw, 6. . and 6, lervlld by A: ' HildebrKht Mrs. VERN HOUGH AND SON - - _- day, July 23. They were attended near' Carlisle, thl~ week: Jane and Bailes of 'BaJls--oll King, and A.B. Cleaver. The Beal (POTt in" ACQUIRE BUSINESS HERE' The essays! wrlUen for ~he ell- by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tate, of Mildred Cook, Ruth Salisbury, Wild Pitch~Bolt.on, Kinr. '. Wil1iam~ body waa aaaigned to say contest will be I'ead durlllg the Dayton. On Satllrday, July 30, Rosemary Bently, Evelyn and Jll;ne Hit Batsman...,...HartBock (b)' RO,u te 3, ,e-rved \>y ~ames. Johns. Mr_ .nd Busihes.,> changes in Wey nes- lecture ho~r at our. regular they establillhed their cozily fur- Fume!!, Joan Carr .and JuanJ~a Bolton). NeceSllity tor more ae.tl~ ca- daughter.; lIe dur'lng the pa ,t week invQlved grange meetlllg'. on August 6. nished home at 1911 Richard Brannock. pacit)' waa the. more ImpoTtant rea- home to Arkansas about tw:o H h d If ti tl hort program street in Dayton. Tim~1 hOUT. '0 mirlute•. 80n , 'tor t Le purchase of ne- month, a~o. ' returned. hete, Monacquisition ·by Vern oug a.n ' . me perm I ~. alll · I D' - th Mr and Mrs Mark Rogers visitUmpires Pr~lI1derg.1t alld II "' d of the fillinf and se1'Vlce W11l be gIven, mc u d 109 avoca Mrll. avu~ 18 e youn~r . . D ' Id Stutte1'. ·. t tbis tim'll, rather th.n day mOl'n nr, all are onCe .m ore P b 'Id' n I b D L 8 ltall and 8elec dau"'hter of Mr. and Mrs: Edward ed. the former's brother. ona tbodies .... e ~oftdltjon of t .... e old bodl·eB. doml'clled ,'11 the Phl'lliplI pro .... rty --tion in the X. 0 • UI mg 0 110 0 Y r. . . • -. ~.. d f W R ·s at uuncie Ind Sunday ---.~~--,II .. I" U Itt "~.-al·n .'reet, formerly operated by lions by the orchestra. . Cook, and rr .... uate rom ayoger, 1ft , , Atter the bodi., had been con_a n II ree • Claren~e Si"pson. . , The namell of all candidate! neeville High school with the clalll afternuon. Little Miss Ann spent tracted for, Supt. Lots requested The ' new Irm will specialize In should be presen~d at this meet- of 1932. She is a young lady of Sunday with her grandparent, Hea.~ and received the permluion of the .,.II-known ~rand!l of auto ac- ing, all the work.m the flret and varied graeell alld accompliahments Mr. and Mrs . Nathan Rogsrs, of Bf)ard to. dllCODtinDe the UB. of ce880ries and in addition continue second degrees 18 amnred for Possessed at an unusually hapPf1 Sprlllgboro, to lIell Gulf &uoline and oils. the first meeting September. di8position, her many tdefnde wi 1 Mn. J. E. McClure visited her . Swta°rtek A heavy gaJe, which did quite • " .... n will abo ollar radio and ele.ctrlcal - - - - - .. mi88 her cheery presence rom our fatlter, Mr. Perry Sackett, neal' an apprec hie uYin, to parenti lenice and carry a community. Bellbrook, Mond.y afternoon. Xr. bit o( damage to build in,., Ina. a .... trU_ar_d_la_na._. _.. . known automobtle tIre!!. t Mr. Davia I" the second solJ of S.ckett has recently returned etc., IIwept this vicinity about " '''eDhlr. Th. ' HOLLINGSHEAD-HARVEY Mr. will continue to UIUI Mr. atld Mr~. ChaB. Davis, of from Miami Valley hospital! DAy. O'clock laat wind wu aome trucklD, Ind bauJinE nayton, and .& a splendid youn, tOil, .,bere he waB taken Ier Do -L.. .... h. II.. beell en- "--_ _._ _ - __. ........._ _ _ _ _.1'1 min. For the put five yean, he .I=ney operaUon. He t. 1'1but nol I:U;;'d~"iii lIo.t lin. ' _,,_al ) ' U r . . · hu bee. e.ploled by the M••t.r e V .. nleely -...:..~--.---Electrie CCI. In DaJton. co e . ' The Miami Ouette join. theIT Tbl)ml!)t!Oln, Wa,.e
Sc:hoola .WiU Open S.ptember 5; Ne. FourHOllr Study PI... Acfoptecl
- --.---
Couple Unl' ted .-n Church Ceremony
Dr. Edwin Deppe To LOlcate Here
St_ Marl.'a Church . II Re-Dec:licatec:l
m~n w~n
lna~~ebrmbOi~. T~i.f:m-:If~~
G P range rogram ', For aturcl NiGht
T~e)' I
Windatorm Strike. Vicinity
5 Taw Pa
holtll of frlenda extendinc trtattaJationa aDdinbelt wllh.. eonfor
dltl~lI'1I. ~~j~~b~~liI ".'lIne.
.......... 01 ..... .;;;;;.ded;;;....;UI;;, .......__ ._-__ JftftIlt=:a~ 11 ~i,,~IM~~a~man' haPPl au proapftOUS
NED , Hi tor), ofWal'nesville's Publ,c Schools NEWS Shows Over Centur)' of Achievement fROM C URI HOUSE
New S.i
h \I,.
Paul ('ul. di\'ul't:t'. (,harg. ill '-'x. l'I·Ut'lty. "llIinll V41rt1U8
Telephone Experts Cut Canine Capers
M.rriaa. Lic ..... Ja ~ "t'l' lIrandt'nhul'iL', laborer, of I Cammon Proct-"dinr. f' ranklin und MI·s. Mllbel A. Willis (t f 1-','anklitl . lly 'I'll E lI()o~rr: R III 'nt," ,r, Fdwin ,J(\nnl.'~, (\ n~ I\ f gl'aL u lntit'l Jl, lwinl(' 111 Ill'del" . nme n el' lI ice Vil'glnla !'l1uld \\11 3 'leni ent I. Sattel'thwaite. t1\erth~ til'~t Irl'ad Uti Ii ng clll~~ tl f t\\'o II t' my 11·i 'll d. tu JtI I1Il' I dill ,l'IT g l'l\lIh'(\ a. IlivlH'Ce fl'lIIlI Zack Ar. F any casualllateners had tuned Bub~c t'ibcrll toward the far east for \\"In'lI II" rhlnnidC' Wl\'< t r.;t which o.!I1C rlU I'Ugt'J 11\1' . " 111 '-'- nold u nd II' liS n'~t IlI' .. rl to I,..r "h ant \I f I,l'bullon and M is/! Miriam well, <I:1t h'd, II \1' 11' \ 1{ 1t lilt' full r"I, I. lIH'II1 I)<·I·' •• :11<1 : "The ,' ul'I'iC'ulm of whul, ('lIl1NII1J,f me l,l I'l'V!\'C i ll in on a ('ertain tr.nl!·ra~ lflc the finc time. They were testing \V c. t, t(,8ch('r of Ll!bllnon. Illalllell r\1\11) , of H ' rni~l' \ " l":! II ill 1 IItlt II th" ! 1111' Ii 1' .. 1 ~CHI' I11I1~ t th,' \' 1\~' IW~ \'!l1l' "<:h,,,,1 "n ~ f('v il:'ll ri Marvin :Stanl~y I1ollingllead. l'adio wave length recently. they appnt'lltu8 for trllnsqlissioll ot the Jlit' it~. 1"1\," l'1'iI Iwillg th' "II!)' Whitncl' '. Ill....... u.dl~· I" l'utht' " :k t<:hy, :11111 tho.! Io.!~ulll/, ,'lIl1 l'jie of high t.)k 'n~ of re ll1l'tn bra l1<'t' in tlll' ...' have been led to belie" that hlln~an voie ovet'lleas through all I n tlll' ,'IlSI' of 1, [1\\ I' n ~" L. cle: k of L,'IJII II on, and Miss DQris tlu ' t(, (h' 11<1\1 I'. i .. 1 111',' (If rl' • • chll( I ad!) lll'lI rlubt'r, 1 it. day,.;, \\'-'1'1' lIum bE'l'e t! b)' lh,' tub DUllnu Hllrvey, uf LelJllnon. I oveneall telephone service had pit he!', Bo that 'ecretal'Y Wjlbur'. BI'I1\ II , t. Ill, \'I' I~\I " la ll'lll''' IIJlI,h' lIullll'nt il' n'(,(l r.t.. I.llli it " ~~ " hit'h hll, \11' n fO.lhl\\ll'd out to the full. .. Fllll'~' , et ul, Lltt' J, llIifltilT!' "hall . to the bow·wows. • inau;:,urlll onversatlon would be fhl\u~ ht th:\( II 1ll"1 t '-' It'Jl:im,' .If Itrl'l<l'n tinw,"ll ilh th~ t'xcepli,) n 'llt'ak in)! C:\> m the , 1.L1ll1! I1 ll1t- r'cov(\1' (1'1))11 lh ... cf nd tlllt ~ th .. Real Eltate Traufer. an hour rior to the heolll as cI lIrly and distinctly by th "Id I I \Uti ~('Imll l '''\~ rl'lI('hl'c1 , of ,I few h I\gl'~, futlH, .HI litl' >-llYn' day. 1'1'0(. G. J . ' um f Z:!G.!J\l. J ohn ~pel'cha!1 to lroY<l ~f. T\ :T"'II-t~ lI!tl\= lg'tr.W<l'n of overseaS tele)lh n~ ! l iB ~n H onolulu as 1)y those a """ 'It, III "'n~t, lhl' !n"tlI \l(Hln of "'l'h chIlI ( l:I IIro on ~i t d at Gruhum, s Ujl(\l'i nt nd~lIt fl' ll nt In the Ct1~" "f th p Mulllul Bu ilt!. ~to n. I'eceivel'. tGO .R 4 acre!'\ aervice to tite R wa\ian 'Islallds, a : f w feel away in his otll~e. W il~l,cI I Il' Hb!h SchHlI. f\~ ~ \lrh, thllt tIl1\() of F:tnllwr Uaily (grand· 11:'81 t. 1 8 fl, i l'lc1u ~ive !taill. In .\ inJ,f ami LoUtI ('nmpIlIlY V(, I ~U:i , llU llI ijtl\1l town hip. III rl·l'lIl·,:. \\l1l1lll lit' mt l ('t. fllth l' oe thl' prt'8cnt Em lllor), pll rt: " 'I'inll' wa , in the );1'00..1 old 1'. HvbertR. th,~ "t.l inlifr iolh:11I r • ('ad and arolin ~rhsub tn (';n'l'ful (':l!' h hn~ fniled, ~\l far, Jl resid,'n t; !'org M. · ~ 11, seer· dIlY,' II h!'n uoys ancl ~irl~ \WL·I.! 1'01"t'r rl'Ill" tht! df'f,' lHlulI( the um ~; ndll Slump. R III estate in Deer. " 1'1, ,<1 111' " P '(,,) f,l t' l.II'f" l'l" ~' uItU~t ·1 r~', ani! Sl'th ,'. Rain''S. No ' pe ~ tl'<l t,1 bo ~e 11, not h\llll'd, III ,I f ~ 1 ,~24. . \J . {il'lll lC1wn!lhip. I. I :,:L 11: Ill ' Humnl' !'-llY" tllllt 'llo 'rd ('\'t'r w(lrked ha r d l' r did I'ecl'i\'l/ ol'del''' anJ ubI!. , not iSlluE' In th(\ C/I.· \) f Lilli Wilso n "t'p. Sh(lrlll811 Hill t Enoch Tool ey 111 11!r , rtl · of thl' B'II\l'<I. and all 1l\'I1' ~ fOI 0 ;; hllHI thall this line, c ummantl .. Bu ~ what ha Ihi' :<u:' J ohn M (lq~an, : < tlle" by the rn lot No. 179 in Franklin. ' 1'I' l;:i-!I<'r- 11)1 tel 1, fl :-l , wert Ii) lr\\~' · l'ruf. W . M. Har· t tl'1ll 'nt to do with your . ubj ct fl hl"rilT weI" :.IJll'rll\,.. 1I 1I11d all a\!· Loui!l Be rkowit.z to Kate Ralola t'" ,III th, ' tlH'nf) lIull Ihl'Y \1 t'l'(> ford, th 11 · 1lIWI·intt'nden t. • ("My Boys lind ,i rL ").1 imnlolilll' ellunt~ Ufl' to bl' ", ... UI.'d. He II ('slate in Deerfield town hlp Tlw n·l) " \' 1'1h1t·~~ Junk fur whh'11 \l tI" 1\ m II uf high idt'als, good 1 hear so meon(' say? Li t!' n, anll In th ' COl'! (I r Rttrd :\[ , Ral:;tnJ\ , \\ illiam A . Hough farmer of I 'll tl'lI rou . A few ~ho ,· t w(ock~ J·\,~t'il'l' l', \' (,I' ~U~ , 'I'hn~. h'l'l'ilI, \V 'stboro, t o fi ss .E liza 1\1. ago, I rCl'ei"ed II tOllllllunicatioll d nl, sail'S by the "h"I'i ff wcrt' III" f(,! fd. house keeper, of Plellsan fl'ont n of my boys, living in l it e IlroV.,,, IInil 1111 nl'C ollllt!' 111'1' t(I be Plnin. · Yollng !ound transm;~sitm engineer Ilawaiian service, which provid • Windy i ly on tho lak l.', p~f'''1Jm ;:l't tINt. tt nl'Y John on, lubot'er, of Or- .tooit in Secl·cLar.v \Vilbtu 'K offiee the fil'~t ,I il'ect voice communicaably C. i\I . iHtwrlght. 1't!latiye to In tht' ell~ e ~,f Th <-" l\11)J1t,l!omery I~goUlli", and Miss Audrey Ellen .. d in the TTell!luL'), Departlllenl in lioll betw(·"r, the oited. tates ao High ·choo\. day. lit \ asn '~\'i1Ie P{jl'l'l!lflin 1' 1't,dul't~ '(IIII I)aI1Y ,. r· ShutTer, of J-Ial:vey burg. HOIl'le omihg, the last , ellll'll ~ ' liS 'I'hl' I ium! Volley 'outed PII · Rurah B. Decket., (>t al, to Ohio Washingt on, making uund" Into t)nt' f its outlying dependencies, I. of' whi h WQ, : ' We /lIU t have YClU 1"1 I' r (\I\IJ1ll n~' , (he J\Httklll of the Bell Teleph one Co. The use 01 a telephone I ran.m ittet· st rikin gly available f:'o lll any telephone In with \I",' .'\1'\ inr"erativ(' mandate. dll! IHIl.nt 10 make th t:' Jl titi l>n cC I· tai n real e!ltote in. FI'anklin Iik~ growl" of • !=.t. Bl.'rnartl and t hi s c:-" un!t·y, ubI!, Canada and A peremptury 'must.' you tll'. nel definite Illid certain 11'<\;1 o\' err'IJINI to wn;;hjp fOI' lines. !relpa of a PE'kin('~e . M('xico. ( 'fll\'I'I'satio?s are ca~ ried thIS fl'om one o f Iny boy~, ve~, "lid the defendlH)t wa s ~ivell 20 .Jllmes H. fill r and Barbara A. Far .crt\S~ Ihe eontinent nnd a by 1!1I\e1 t Io'Jl h<,me WIres to III)(on, fr om o ne of my most <,xelll,,! ry tla y" in whi ch ttl plea d. MIller to Ohio Bell Telerhone. Co. wide expan~" IIf the Pncific ()~ all, Callt., (I'ont Whdye they lI ~e tranlboy.! N verth less, [ wuu ld 11 01 III the t:a~e n f R. D. BI ck. y e r· The u, e of certain rea e tate in tll<'hnidans in Honolulu w"re 1>ar· mitt ~d by ~ h 'Tt ,vavc radIO to Koko (org t that trit:1d lind tru mllxim. ~U .· . . Ea.-lI'n. ~t a l. the motion It'l'anklill tow nship tOt. lines. hall obtained in all tillll', \'hith J . L. Gteene find Kllte Gre ne to .. r·~;"iT\A'ti" in the othl'r I>all of the 1I ~ 8d. I Ii! OIile~ fr om Honolu lu h "f de£endllnts to rt'Q,uil'l' the plain. not only in the, e latter dl\Y~ , llllt tiff 10 mllke hi~ tJl'titiun h ..r in Ohio Bell Telephone Co The use c:anine .·,1nllE'rliatioll; rl'ceh·ir.g lind co min~ con vet Iltlons are ll'u nain the good oltl dny!'\ n nlOl'(\ d('tinite ~\ntl c rta ill WI). s u . uf cel'tain real est~te in 1"rankJin returning barke. mitted f:'om i:< lI huku Point. near well , viz.: ' He who would com· tainf.'ti and the plain t iff 11< required tuw ns hip fo'f lines. , Foolish as the C .!Intic!I may 8el.'m. Honolulu. to Puin t Reyeill, <.:allf. A s well, viz.: . He who would com- t o til(' hi~ umen.d d petition within Annie 1\1. Stan ton to Ohio Bell the teleph ne expolrt werf'l per· tllr mi l1 u' c ~lIl1yersati(ln r om any mand Jnu st til'. t learn to obey.' 10 (hl},$. 'l'el t' ph one 0, The llSe of certal'n forming an im!,ortant part of the poirt in fIltl o tu H ClnoiIIt U eo I . $'7 l!, Ne ithe r WOllld I forj!et thl' b et r(' al s t..IIte in J~I'a nklin Townsbip n f I d Ij for line. work prelimit'lary til exte,lding Ih!' with Ii chat"-\: 0' "" or ~u I U' l • that my boy!\ IIndgil'l hltv l~nrnell Prob. te Court .T. E. and Emma hartl! to Ohio ral:ge of AmC'l'ican Il'IqJl one ti nol ,11ll1ul ... th e le'"sl111 or avedi li e , ho I''' The will of I'Jliza Thomil!', learnl'li to obey. 1'1} the truth of . 'elll'cd, \\' tt fil ed In ol'llbatt'. B J] Teleph ne o. The u e of 11::==~============-=============::::; this assettio n, 1 would call t certain real I' tate in Franklin witn !! 15, you, my bOYH a nd ~irl ~ 'I'hl' ~ta t e I).f Eal'l 'nYII r, de· (ownship for Iill(,s. 1:0 ~-W iI·Stanage Co., s upplies CHALLENCE TO THE YOUNG who are prl' enl tuday; a" wel l B. (,PAscd, is hereby reli('ved It'om Mal'Y L. harts to Ohio Bell th e grea.t majo rity wh al' ~ ab8e ~t admini, tl'sliO Il lind it iA ordered Teleph one . 1'h use of certain $1.50 ; L banon Jee &: Coal Co., DUTing th past f My years tenl Among other~ as a star wIt ness In thnt a id tmte e Ilistl'ibutl'd rcal estate in Franklin town ~hip ice, $10. 0 ; James FoIlen, services, Union School Buildinl $16; Penn Morlon, el·Vlces. $70; of t llou ands of young men and this en 0, 1 might sUlllmon to thi ~ among thl' dLtributees. for line. . Donald Dilatush, rent, $20; women of many nati onalities and The ~st.a te of Elizabelh Hoff, n botly cat·ed. How true this re- tell ct, and very hard wo rker. s tand ~fl'. leml'nt Mnson, p pu. Harry Pumphrey and Clara Ohi o State Sanatorium, X.ray, V • .denomination havl' sought tree larly known as ' Dick' la80n Ul nd deceu!ied, i, exempt from l nheri. port ' , we lire not prepared W SIlY The. $teadfa Lnes of purpose, an d Pumphrey to Ohio Bell Telephone dll Whitacre, $5; ?til", Lillie Ur:- training for hri stian ervic at but tb fac~ r main, that the rec- hi. kind utterances! Oh! how well ,i nce, d cea d), who, 1 am sure, tance tal(. o. The u e of certain r al e tate ton, service, $20; Julia Holland, home 0 1' abl'oad olferl'd by The ord are n ot available at this ti me do 1 r In Ittb r them, ev n when aftel' the lllp,'e of yetII'. would . J . T. Riley, octmini-tI'Btor oi es- in Franklin township for lines. services, $] OJ. Oma Knox, services. Moody Bible (nstjtut of hicago. If any of (Jur r ender ha ,po, ses- we wou ld at tim 8 try his patience Deal' cheerful testimony to the tate o f Dllvid H. Gl' en, d ceased, Philip chw itz r to Ohio Bell $10; Erma Hlbnar, services, $10 More than 2,000 stUdents enro lled' sion of Rny of t he book s, or bey-olld en tlurance. It seems im· 'truth of Utis iilutC'lI1ent. (Undoubt. fll d his fi r t and ' final llc!'ount. Te lephone Co. The uae of cel'tain! Albert Milliard" so rvic;es, $10; in it Day. and EV/!1llnR . choo l~ knows wh er any re lotated, we pOllsible now to think that an yone 'edly, (h e ~peak er re ferred to the F. Zane Mounts, executor II I es. real estate in Franklin township Ricltard 1.. William, ervices, $lO; last year. While for certain special would de ply . appr~c1ate the In- ,,,ould be so cruel all to put pins In lime he clul.ed Dick all the Wl\~ tate of J ohn Ft. MOllnts, d easl"t1, f or line!!. Weste'r n 'tar, advertising record, cour a high school background formation and t he privil ge of the b II r pc, or fill the stove so from th ~chu ol hou. e to th lat· fi led hi invenilory. arl J . and Clara E. Miller to $3.40: Columbltll Bla'n k Book Mfg. II required, and college training xamining the re('ord . 1t; i Ollt· full of coal we could hardly tay choOi L . lie Cilbert was aPPOi nted ap. Ohio B 11 Telerhone o. The us. Co" supplit's. $2.10; William Shot- desirable, y t grammar d ire t o make thl chronicle a s in the room. Why it waf! done is prni. cr of esla..te of Emma Me:. oJ eel·tain rea estate in Franklin well, lIerv\ces , $20; James McClure training' will admit to its General C'ompl t e a possible. b r.ond DIy comprehen. ion (now). townsnip for lines. burial servicell. $100; RQS ~. COurse. English is taught to any luhlln. d41ccasc~d, in place of n ob. 'evenl kin \I friend , hoy conl 'The o ltl histol'y cia s, compo~ed Al'thur Greene to The Ohio Bell Jlart,\lock. ervices, $1; Goorge J. deficient in It~ u"e. ert Bel·caw. to us with perRonul reminiscences M l ntH r m mber, of Lizzie 0_ The u e of " rtala Waterhoulle, servke$, $1 j Trea"" The Bible ranks first in all In1'homtls . Madden is I' leUI'd Telephone tha are truly helpful, and 10 \' Guuse Packer, Ella Elbright, real estate in Franklin townsbip urar of late, extension work. atitute course, but instruction is II ise hntged front all and for't'ver the e we expr sour gmtitude. Oland La wd ('l', 11. 1. Alle n and ' for line. $1060; Kaufman 's, supplies, $1.70; turni hed in eu h subject a Sunduti R, rijrhts and Iiabilitie~ ari !!. W had compiled what we thought myself. Minnie Ohmer, by a\lministratol" Tbe B ok Shop, 8uppli S, $&1.7&., day School Administration, Daily in!!, from hi Illppointm nt as ad. WI a ('ompl t Ii t of the superir,· " Al so the memories 01 our geVacation Bible h 01. Go'p I t o Wendel Ohmer. Jr. Real estate mirtilltrator of the . tate of Wil· tenilents from the orig in of the metl'Y, t r ig n Om try and surveyMusic, Public ,p aking, Home in TUl'tJecl'ee" township. liam H. Maddl!n. deceased. High hool t o ctat , but sam of iug claslle are (If n character that Econ()mics, Hygiene, and Manual We ndel Ohmer to ((erman and HaIlnah RI~ dfe:rn oak WB Frank Keut r. Real state ' i n the boy of th 1 70 ard .L8 0 give cheer and p leasure. The two Trainint. In spe inl cour es are adopted by MaT)' L. ~ok Turtlecl'eek town hip, d 'cade$ so on ehanged our opinion y~r!! of Kludy of ~hel:le branche . High~ay. offel'ad Theology, Romiletics, and her 118me is changed to Han. on that st'orc. Our ditor, D. L. were tllled \ ith bright !llld happy r Church Hilltary..l. Apologetics, He. James Pile Alld .F. W. Franz to nah Jane ook ran, tell us m at William dllY. In the pl'lng ! 1872, we Edwnrd and Katherine Hixon. IDTh federal relief blll recently brew, Yiddi h, \ire k, ar1d medical teph n son Will sup rintendent would often be invited to a ceo mMary Mildr!!d Ccok was adopt- Iots No . 71 and 73 in Franklin. signed by the pt'esident Includes lI u~e c.ts f ur foreign mi ion work. ed by jary L. Qo k. for the term of 187 -79. He al 0 pany J oel Evans on hi !! s urve ying William and Mary to '.(here ar three term Il yearan appropriation of $120,000,000 Fall, Winter and ha faint.r collections of SUj)t. tri ps in lhe countrY, which, f ummer- but. The in\'entOlI'Y of James V. Mul. The Miami bUrg Building for highway consttuction. This ap- students mlly enter at Cole but clmnot recall the gentl . COUI'S, 'Proved to be plendid any tim . iord, ex cutQr of I' t-ate of Ruth As ociation. Inlot No. l propriation is divided among the man s Cb1"istian name, or the dat s practice for us. One of the mo t lo'ranklin. An iIlus tl-ated catalogu will be RQhr, decea ed, wa!\ approved. states (In the lSIlme basi lUI regular of hi administration, The m mor- pleasant featore, bowever. of Wilbu'r and Julia Wil!lon to ·Har. mailed on Teque t. Addre8, 153 The !lchedlll ie of all known i of John Hawke, Harry William- these ellc url'ion~ were the excel. ry ook. Inlot No. 699 in Frank- 'lederal aid, and tb amount ap· In$titut Place, Chica~o Station, claim ' deb ts ~md liabilities bt es· lin. portioned to Ohio will be ",490,· on, Orange Raper and other bf i]· ·tent din~er!\ the good housewives _ . tate of Mary Vandever Hurley de. 000.00. This money must be spent Chicago, 111. 1iant youngster of th t generatJon would pl'epare f or u s. We never E thel Jung to The Mutual Bu cea:e d, wa alJlProved. on the federal !lid highway system call about th sam informaHon failed to bepr testi nlOny by deed n Company. I"lot Clover Crop Help. Helen S. Han-cock, ndministra. ~'1 and ~nd may be substitu~d for state , but not lllliCh more. Can any oI (if no t by word) to our apprecja-: ITix 01 e tate of George L. the construction of our kind reQder~ give us tiny more tjon of these banquetB. The \!lover crop helps pay for uw~_aru~~~~lR~~~~~~~~~b.: Seh nck, deceased, - Is ord r'-d '1 0 r treatments that are infol'matlon on the ubject ? "Our latin cia. I!! )\las not so tran~fer said I~uto mobile t o Helen methods to be em. fertiUz beneficial tq the wheat and It will During a co nver Ration a rew large, it being taken at the option S. Hancock. played in meeting the reCWire. day. ago, G or J. mitll t old us r if these t_tnumil are Frtlnk Minnick was appo inted ments ot the b ill have n ot been suii' that .hill lalh er.in-Iaw, .J ohn N. of par nt or guaTdian; but its two omitted, years st.udy, however, wa. full of · npprai r 01 estate of Parmelia completely worked out, but it ill Fetter, bought th 0 Id S em mllry intera ling and many pleasant· recBenn tt, incompetent in nillce of known that all contracta awarded bUilding 0 n after its days as a • M . _I Evan .., the S\lrY8yor I.EGA t. lIiClTIGE Roy Fox. -I I carry a minimum wage and s~hooJ house had ended. 'Mr. F tter oUection . • any amustng Gilly Lewis 'WRS appointed guar. :telid labor dauB" and proba-bly a !IT.'''·1'l remodeled th~ hous lor l' aidan- incidents b ·.ns piTed in the chemis0.' !OHIO ~A HRE~ elause limiting- the number of CUUNT", ,>1I0RA"\') ('.. VaT tial purposes, adding the fr ont try cLas , which proved a promin~ ter's home On the farm n ow owned dian of Bru~E! Lewis, minor, and hours whiCh an, man may work I . . . . . . . . . . . . . f porch lind ther improvements. cnt factor in breaking the monot- and occupied by W. E. Stroud and filed bond of $700 with surety. •.... , ••at. of illcinnati onsumers Oil during a week. Mr , mith wa born while' her ony of the humdrum school life. family, David Ma. Oft, Ule father, The Th re wa one in the Cl88S who Billa AlIOw.d All conhracts on which this MeCJIur•• dft........ ordered his so n to haT ness a horse ompany i to pay the guard inn F WB M IT MAY N EnN : family T.e!Slded h ere. Mr, • elter had .tudied chemi try longer tban to the bu~gy, convey his teacher the SI1n! of $300 by reason of in· Howard Cook, lrM'vel and money is applied must be com. 1:0The old t he hou. e to J onas Janney Sr. ,1 rall(nt'd. 118 od mlnl.'raplated by June 30, 1938. Ap· tor d e 0111 fAther of t he late 'J. Edwin Janney the rest {}f us, and would often try l)ack to chool, and take h is pun· juries u!\tained by Bruce L wis $98.20; William Niles and 'bonl~ . 1')011 , with IlJiI \VIIl "' to give u an exhibition of hi i~hment likes man. Hi s 1'11'd r was minor. GIlY Lewis is ordered to Huddleson in full of contract proximately ,1,60(),000 of the Ip' ulIlIl'xed , ... t Ih rsta,,' Qt \Va)ulr superior ' knowledge, by ordering obeyed. ) • • I propriation will IrO dir~tly to M\! l ul'~, dece "pd. h1\8 lhl " day filed .II third pay to ~tevellson and steven on 1010, .$185; C. E. Bradbuw, I<h.. l'co'b lltlj uurt of W .. r ~e n us juniors to hand ee,rtain articles compnny forming, under n bllnner: th e s um of $75 for service in' set- '1'011, $6l.25; R. L. Schpylel', labor on tbe cont~ and accord· In 'ount y, hlo , fbl/f apl)lIcRtlon prayj calling them by their technica ,vhlch beat' no strange device. and tling clli im agllinst incinnati roll, $231.60; Carl Dakin, pa.y ing tp department of commerce Ing itOI' ..n ord6l' Rulbo.rlzlnlJ 'h i... naml' and admonishing- us to be during six consecutiv e y ear from Consumers Oil Co. $126.50 i The tanley Works, statistics, the amount g oing to to ~ II or rile c ••rtaln clalrlu b e lon •• to the "8 8t ~ 01 Walter Me lure. very careful handling 'them, as the classic hill an):! valleys of hOI'les Gudgeon, guardian of plies, $172; Frank Sherwood labor including the production of Lng de aat'd, whl<' .. ltoV I\ become d •• they might explode. We were not Wayneliv iJ) and the Little Miami Th elma Godgeon, minor. filed his tlupplies, $65 j Blair and material and equipment will be perote ... Ilat of wlllch claim" I. Bllong in finding out that these my boys and girl are rallying iiI'. t !lccount. oement, graveL and san d, three and three-quarters millions, tn 11(' rl to or nllld", 0. \>UrL of .alol on fj l In the Prollat. chemicnls were s ugar and salt and under the proteet.ing fo lds of th George P . Gate was appointed V. M. TOlJlPkine, pay roll, This money will e~b le Ohio to II.IiPI!ClaUon Court of \\Tarrt'n Ollnt . Ohio. a few other articles as common . banner of th e ' Waynesville public a l\Sig ri ee of C. H. reighto n, a s- Jito Myers, pay 1'011, $98.'7 j earry out practicaUy ita e nt ire Hald "Ppl! .. tlon will"" tor h •• rurt. of WarreD He also persisted in calling a scho ols, trul' ond loyal son~ and si~nor, and fi led bond of $10,000 Lem.mons, PllY ro l,~ '182; Joe liiChway program for 1932 since Ing In thl' Problltl' hlQ. a.t tit Ollrt 1fouee ID , patu la "spat" f or hort. Matters daughter of their motheTland. " WIth t h Ohi o ClIs ualty In urance DaVIS, pay roll, ,147,60; C, because of decrealed revenuell, it thounh'. l' Villllge or J ..ehanon , Il\a. on continued in this way for a time l [n the hearts and 'l'ecollection ompnny 8 !!U L·et-y. Virgil . Rob- Bradbury, pay roll, '99. 5; was necessary t~ materiaUy cur· lit .. 11th <lay of AUll'U.t 1lI32. at 10 until finally we d cided we haa of his former pupils, Mr. Graham inso n, C. E. 'Moore and William Rettig, 'pay 1'011;1, $210 lilll ....r--'h...",.l taiJ the proKfiffij laid out. Clarly in o' iock • m . "'" ) •. M. HENDERSON enough of: it and we prepared a was one of the best loved s uperi". Good were appointed appraisers. pay roillo $85.h; the year" A 8 admi ni strator rl b(lon l. non SU1'prise for t his young man con· tendent.~ Waynesville;! school!:! evel' Franc .s 1 '. Lew·is was appoint- roll" $l'i'?; Charles -~--~ - ••- - - Wl ph III . '~III a nnexe<!, or th. sisting of a ]>I'ematUl'e explosion had, althoug h his local cateer ap· ed 'guardlan of' Relie Jackson Jolln- $4.50; Frank \>"ut ee ,\Valtel' Me- lUre. 4e_ PUBLIC SALE e aRed. . . of hydroge n g l:ls and red fire, pears to . have been rather tempes- 8(1n, incompetE,rlt, and filed bond of $61. 75; Eden Teny, which, we lll.'<l Quite s ure, be did tuous,.at tho time. He went from $400 with C. E. Lewis and Helen en~ineer, $'72; <). M. Chadton Baving sold my :tarn) I will sell not forget very s·oon, .and a lso here b Xenia, . where he serve d L. Wood as slireties. erating maintainer, $36;. public sale, located 2% miles und erst ood its purport. as superintendent of the city The inven tory ot Al4!n F. hult'1l, opetati ng maintainer, of BeJJbrook j 4.,. . milell N. of "CommenCement night arrives school s f or 1l10r than thirty years. BI'own, odm inistrator of estate of 75; E. W. Knapp, operating on the Benbrook with aU of its excitement, hustle He is , highly esteemed a s an And rew Jackson, deceased, was tainer, $86; Zain Armltag!t -pike j ' driveway opand flurry. H. 'M. Allen and my- educato·r t h I'ougho u t the en ti re IIpproved by the court. and stoTage, $459.80 ; J. A . "'D.m,_ ~ .,_,."ft Sucar Grove School houlle, ~e lf the only graduates. It was Statc of Ohi o. A ce rtified copy determining the cer, sand, $1 OS,OS; Howard held in the M. E. church, and long inheritance tax to be paid on tlie chips, gravel and pit run, ,136.60; (To ge continued) MONEY LOAN &D. before the hour for ·the program estate ()f S. F. Elbon, deceased, is Blair &: LeRoy. 41,6'76 a.J. M. T. to c o mm ~nce it wa filled to tne to be ce..ti1ied without delay, @ l1~c, U,781.24; Blatt" LeAlm ost a th() us and acres E. C. MOl'l'ison, Harry McVey 'Roy, gravel, ch ips, pit ruD, $603 .• J . E. J&Dn~. of the Fira~ guards, To say that I was suffering Bay Mare,S Jersey Cows, Oraduatine CIA.. :fr om a .I~4mu~ne cas~ of .nervous oats and barley ~ ucge8sfully with· and R ?b ert Bercaw were appointed 60: Feldkamp &: Michael gara~. Farming I mplements and lot 01 LONG OR SHORTTDMK---.. , pro ·tratl 6n, 1$ puttmg It very Ftood Tigid field inspection thl appralselos to Ireapproise the estate s upplies and gas, $63.89; Basi End misceilaneoul articles, poultry term.. ~J.o 8UY."., · ..... nnd :fo'r years it was t he r,,~ldence mildly i ndee d. I really don't think summ er by: inspectors of the of Emma M,~ Mahan, deceased. _ Garage,. s upplies 'a nd gaa... ,46.66 ; household goods. of Ram ll I E:HiQtt and f amily. . 1 could ha ve t()ld whllt state I lived Ohio Seed Im\)[ovement Associa· .tractma'. Wrlt4i will" Hester 'Malil ory is found insane The Fronk SherWood uo., gas, 'rerms Cash, , JOU, Sam D, jJeald.. W.,. W e are :Cortunl\ \e in having the in, e:!{cept t ha t of· purgatory, for tion. Seeds from ' the~ field s ' will and is lo be ~ldm i tted to the Day- $9.99: Tbe Morrow Galale, ~a8, SHEMIAN ROGERS D. .Y1Jl'_r Ohio. III • MiRthi Gar. tte' ~ ~ ouvel\ir editi on I was inte nsely hot . Whe n they be Iigible fot· reglstrntion or ton State H ospital. ' $46.20; Rogers" Simpsoll.Station. J. H. Wright, Auct. ace unt uf th HOllle·Coming reo t old me the pl'ogram had been certitl.cation if sam ples withs tand a les by JlSmes E. Burke, ad- gas, $38.92; Fred mn Motor Co., union . in 1'90q, and shall quote ex· fini!lhed and all was over I seented a . ~ecll nd inspectio n in the fall mini ,tJ'ator oJ estate of Minnie repairl!, $86.48; Sea n . Botan&,er, WANTED ten ively fro m it this w ek. to r gain con , ciousn Sf!, and the aftel' being t ht'e hed and re·clean. Ohmer, dece as ed, were approved suPPlies{ $18.18; H. C. Nutti~ Co. Su"ribe for the Miami o.le*. R calling "The First Commence~ f ever t o -abate somewhat. Con· ed. and all accounts settled. testilli' ubricatine Co" $26; 'Wood MEN, Women earn up to ,15,d&U, introdqcing Famous Guaranteed HOliery,. 126 Ityl • • , colon. Am&&ingly Jow pricee. Producers etTen new Fbrd to tra,.eJ tn. Start with· out experience. Write Qulekt WUJrnit lioldel'7 00., Dealr t. Greenfield, Ohio. -atO
Federal Relief Bill Spent on
5% Farm Loans '
Bo" Watt Dream! '
FOR SALE-UMd ForeDolII Pwta.
Tractor and auto 1'tIpalriq done. D. K. IIclliUan, R. 8. e.s POTATOE~If ,ou want neW' potato_, see Robt. Priend. B. C eat"
"-7eatr b, lid..
FOR BALB-S • 78@a old with
co. ., oae
DalIU ..... Wap..mue.; ... FOB BALB-N. . P,rfeetJoa Ooal on ~ ba .,lndiAI CODdltlo.. wm ..n .,....,. bq" at WI otIee. ...
BEST Of THE NEWS DIREtl FROM THE ISI:iUED EVERY WEDNESDAY pUblieher I subacriPtloa Prl• • , •• •10 • Y..r OHIO STATE CAPITAL ...... ,....... No. 112 Enlertil at po.lor/lee at Wayne.
D . ... CRANE I I Otic. PbOD • ., R.. c . ............ .. ,...... .. . N o. 118
Ohio, ••JofILllu Sec
Clippinl' from the Exchange. Coming Into Ou r Sanctum B, Mra. J ...ie S . Tripp
Cia•• Mall
LUMBUS - Repul'ts UI'on automobil I'egistl'ation as comp.iled Oh I kiu, I have been to the for th(' fi"st six months of 193:.! , cou Iliry, AUGUST 3, 1932 by cr ·tary of Stat .Iarencll J. , And what do you suppos ? Brown, h ow that 1,335,1112 pal!- I aw 0 h n get mad at her hus· en '.e r cal'>! were re!!:istered \n bund hio thi~ y al'. In add Ition to the Anti bite him with her nose. passengl'r car clo s J 90.91>1 other The American Institute of oopel'ation is _holdlnK i,W!.......!'.!~.ill.I-¥!~Ia'...,.lW:~~~Len'!Cl.eK...lI1f!.U!....ulg....D~".L~!/-;-,!!;-~~~-!!~~~~= I.hlmet' institute at th'O Univer ity of New Hamp hire, Durham, . pp . an n; liampshire, to eonsider and dlaeus. cooperative policiea, commodity It WIIS SIInding by ibl mother's sales. buying probll!m and every pl¥tse of current development in aide the field of IIgricultural coop ration. . And shl' had four" pegs sticking The Institote ill controlled by 36 participating organization s and d wn. i. particularly interested in the following objects: L Raw a lot of little 'pigs 1. To collect lind make available a body of knowledge concernWith a ul'l in th eh funny tails;' il'g'thw cooperative movement in America and other landll; 2. Clarify And oUl in a g l'eat big field 0 thought all to what the cooperative movem nt really .ill and bring tate Fair Manager Chas. M. wheat ab.o ut more harillony and unity ot actioll among organizations di- Eeer promi~e on ot the greatest A lovely fl ock of quails. l'eetly 01' ill directly connected with cooperation; 3. To train and de- s tate fair s this year ever held in velop leaders and workers in the cooperative movement; 4. Assist the hist ory of Ohi o. He has . a And grandpa has a hired man educational in titutiona throughout this country to improve t~eir program Of. ]7 speed events With Who i always on the jobj t('aching courses in cooperation and their inves tigational work; 5. purses .totahng $16.00.0 and special He fill d his jug at the old wood Fo(!u8 the spirit 01 the cooPerative movement ~U\ a means of ~om- ~ttl'a(J~lon for both night a~d day. PUIllP munity and na~ional developll)ent. . .. ~ncludlDg. Q p~,ge~n t-dr8ma. Wash. And corked it wit:h a c6b . How to work tog6th r has lonlt ·be~m. a problem of agricultural IIlgton LIve, ~lt~ a ca~t of sev- The many things T SIIlW out there producer!!, and leaders in the cooperatIVe movement are setting a eral hundred. u mg microphone I could not begin to tell; splendid example fOI' the farmers to t<)llow a s they meet in round- and 10l;ld speaker !jystel!ls. The And when the dinn,er houl' came table confer 'nee and seek to better apply the underlying pdnciples e ntel'tamment pl'ogra.m I·nclude round of (!oope~ative marketing a8 a ' whole. Mme of the best al'~i ~s in the They let me ring t.h bell. e I! cltiz ns in all walks of lif , as well as I!roducers jnterested in C(l !,ntry and the adml SlOn to the . . torwa-rding the cooperative movel1lent. would Join in ~onsid ering the faIr ground ha~ be~n red~ced to 1 s ure did have the finest tIme , questions be'fore the Institute. tremendous hea~way would be m.ade 25 cents, m.akmg It po~slble . to I Wish you had been the~e, too; in BoivinI' problems of production and distribution, which are not take the 6l)tlre family ~nd en)oy ]f da~ and mother go a gam, alone of agriclllture but haras8 the minds 01 ind triol leaders as well 0.11 the thrdls of the bIg exposiyve 11 both go, me' and. you, 8 conSumel·s. tlon. r liked the trip so well, and fine, Although it , was recommended 1 want to go once more; by heads of one -or two state de- To I arn why tile rooster chased partment8 that finished quarters the hen III the new state office building be ross the lot, thrOllgh the big Til< bulk of the money to build roads is spent for lab or, either occupied immediately as an econbarn door. on the job -0 1' in tha preparation of materials. More of the rond dollar goes to lapol;' when comparatively in- omic m~sure, yet this will hardly xpensiv )'·oad.s are buill than in the ca e of $40,0 00 a mile super- be done a s admission to the public highway. The secondary or farm-to-market r ad is thus the best to would int rfere to a great extent jJroviding. employment.- and at the same time it is the road we mOllt with work on the building, made Dr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee neeessary by the explosion last ned. Rural areas h yeo 1ar-1t Iy been left outside 01 the good $)lent Monday afternoon with Rev movement in the pa t. Thousand of farms and villages are situated April, which caused 8 loss estimat. and Mrs. L. F. Williams and fam·within. a hort di!!tanc of fine modern highways--with no means of ed at threequarter of a million ily at their home in Mt. Orab. I aching them during bad weather. . dollars. The I'epair are being Mi s Mary and James tan When all·weather bituminous surface Jload@ can be secured at taken care of in an expeditious and 1\h·s. Lida Duffy, of Blanchesfrom $3 I OO() to $6,000 a mile, Toad building might be called insurance manner but the building will hard- ter, called at the home of Mr. and for s cial and economic progres in the future. It results in better ly be turned over to the state by Mrs. has H. Gra)1 and family busines , stimulated agriculture, a lull.er life tor millions of people . the contractors be!Ol'C sometime Sunday afternoon . And at this time, with material price at the lowest1levels in many early in 1933. M..-s. Tom Welch and children, ---~ y ar , and with a Vllst army of men in need of work, it produees .Commissi(lner Wm. H. Reinhart Wilma, Dorothy and Paul, departbetter fruit than at any other tlml\ within living memory. of the s tate con!jervation <\epart- ed Wednesday for their home in m nt is busily engaged in super- Ft. DOdfe, Iowa, tollowing a pleasvising the distribution of 14,000 nnt visj with Mr. W;~lch's parents pheallant~. He has allowed 150 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Welch. birds to each county and is spotFollowing s everal weeks of iIlting! 25 each in' six ditferent loca- health. Mrs. C. G. Randall subtions in a county. With the assis- mitted to a major operation in 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - .:.-- - - -- - - ---...Iltance of sportsmen in the variou Hale Ho.spita.l Sundlay morning. localitie the ph asant sh uld prop Her condition ;s reported good. o. s. U. Ra". Statio.- WEAO sgate rapidly and in a few . yeaTS Mr. and Mr . Chas. H: Gray and (Musical lnt rlude by Farm .Night Melody Makers) the.re should be some excellent family had as guestEI Sunday Mr. 8 : 0 Mu ic • . proving grounds for the. Ring.neck and Mrs. Howard Stivers and 80ns hio '" ....... J. H. Sitterley pheasan.ts. 8 : 10 SeJt Sufficing Farm in Dale, Carl and HilbeJ·t, of Dayton. 8 :26 'l'he Township in Government .. .. .. ... .. R. C. Atkinson Mrs. Eliza Carter suffered a :4<0 Ten Year as a County lub Agent ......... ·C. C. Caldwell The c01lnty fair Reason is being light stroke of parB ll~is .Saturday Montgom ry County Club' Agent inaugurated this week with th ~venjng. Her conditil!)n is slightly . Wanda P rzylullk.a openlnlt of the Gre~!n county fair Improved. 8 66 Ohio's 1932 Health Program ... , . The lorm Thursday .evening re9:10 Start the Lawn in the Fall .. .... , ...,....... .. . G. M. McClure at Xenia. There will b five held in 9 :25 Some IT rb f or the Garden ..... , ... ' .8 ... • Leon Havi the second week, aix the third and suited in several limb blown off eleven the fourth. Five \I,(ill also be and the electric service being cut 9:40 Music held during the week of August off for several hours. 4-H W E AO HALF HOUIt 30th. Four independent fairs will Alice Gray was on the sick list; S.harda, A U.luat •• a:oo p ••• be held during the month of. Aug. this week but has TE!4'overed. (Musical Interlude by Montgomery ounty Duo) ust. Nearly all county and . indeMary Carolyn LukEtn8, Alice and , ,. .. Ii. !. Eswine pendent fairs in the state have Kathleen Gr~y. Ronnld and KenNature. Thi W ek . reduced the admi sion priCe this neth McCarren, Kirk Jeft'eri!lJ. WilHi tory of Lodg o( 1000 in Fayette County year. !iam Campbell, Robert and w ayne Thos. L. Wood president of t he Gray are in attendance at 4.-H NEW FfLUNG STAT ION State Employes Beneficial A$soci~- Club Camp at Camp Hook this Ne'V tion, and cashier in t he offi ce of week. The boys' (~lub advisor, IS OP E N FOR BUSIN ESS Mrs. W. D. Larkin and. ch. i1dren Secretary of State Clarence J. ~etber t Ellis • is one of t he camp ....... t.n.trl-IUlOJ·",,:n.- a nnou Rce&-tbat..a-num illS !UC ors. _ Waynesville now has another of Greenfield, nest 01 ha ndsome trophies and prizes ~e 80ft hi I ~eam of the "Lucky Alli ng station with the opening week in the home of .Mr. and Mrs. will be awarded the winners in the ~3 4-H lub Jo.urne:ved to Washthl8 week, of the M. A. Fu lkerson T. C. Haydock and family. golf tourJlament to be staged at mgton . Ttwn~hIP foor a ga~e Mr. and Mra. J. L Conard en· Harbor HUb. BuckeYe Lake, dur- T~ul'sday emng. After three Instation on North Main street at the intersection of Rout a 73 and 42. tertained a party pf' twenty rela. ing the annual picnic of state em- nmgs the ~me was called on actives Sunday. ployes on Tuesday, August 16th. count of .ram •. The score stood 6 wbo eomell Mr. Fulkerson, Elmer Peterson was the guest rn addition prizes will be awarded to 6. Ellis Shldaker pItched and from Spring Valley, hall had con- of h()n()r at a birthday dinner at at the daMe pavilion and in swim- Kenneth McCarren caugh t for the ming contests for men, women and local team. ~he bllYs have a gal1)e eiderabl experience in this his home unliay. Mlu Mae McKay is pursuing a children. COlltests are open to all scheduled WIth Harlan townshIp buaineas havin.g operated a station course of study at O. S. U. t t pi team after camp. for lIeveral years in t hat town. He Miu Catherine 1\10lgle is at s a e em oyes. T he "Lucky 13" club met with Ba)'41 however tbat he will make 1I0.me,. after. a ~ix week's course at . their. advisor, Heber Ellis,Tuesday Waynesville his bome in the near Mia mI. univerllty. . eveDl ng. Robert Shidaker reported Mra. Ray Taylor and Mra. Frank T,;,esday ~veD\ng, spon ored ~y th~ on "How to Tend a Garden." future. . , ' Although rtot fully COmpleted, Lundy were h08teues to a grou p of Ald Soc Iety of the Friends Topics as hrned tor the next meet.the new station iJ!l attractive in ap- frienda la st T uesday afternooD, church ! was la rgely attended li nd ing were liHow to Get R'd ! pea.ra nce a nd carrie!! a !'Un line of honorlne MiM Verna Con klin, patrODlzed. . , Chicken Lice." Kat.hleen Gra;; Standard oil products. whOle mar r iaM'e to Mr. .M. H. . M~s . H. F . Compton IS' Improv- ,a nd "How to Mix Fee<l for Baby , Mr. Fulkerson inte ndll to com- Bartels will occur at SharonM . E . mg III health, being able to be Chicks," Harold Tucker. Camp plete erading and other improve- cburch next Saturday around the houle. plans were discussed. Recreation ments within the next few dave, The band held a concert .and • - • hour was given over to soft ball after which he will stage;;.. rrand f eatival on th e M. E. Ch urch TRY pra.ctiee. ~J?~ning to which motorists of grou1)ds F riday e veninar· OUR CLAS_SIFIED COLUMN --.• - Waynesville a nd vicinity wjll b e Th. Garde n party at the-Jte,m e ~iven a c()rdial invitation ~o a ttend of Mr. and Mu. Co> D. Miars, FOR RESULTS I~ove
C ooperative. Practice Cooperation
Road Dollars for Labor
"Farm .Night 7 a III s, August 8 n.
Odd-But. TRUE. T~~ C>.\R N\~\\. ~" ~~\I\~b 1" E~~N~,) O~ , ~~ U~\"''E.~ C~\flIl'ts !
: ~~ou, ' 2 .500.000 I P. "E.~Q. IN INit 'R.tS" j o-'MU.£.~ ~~ a~UO~b ,.~
~qu\ttt~ ~()~ ~e
~\~~C\r..t ~"Pe.1t
I .. ".d WarJlinc to Buaine .. Men Joe Schmitz, secretaI' or lh~ Miamisbua'g Chamber of Un1mc ce warned that Miamisburg business men ~hou lC\ look with sUllpicion upOn out-o l -town advertising soh mes thllt may be present d t u them within the near ,f uture. It has been leam ed that n promo· ter haB beiln at "Jol'k in Miamis· burg for the past. !leveral days and that se veral lo..:al business men have ~ ut1'ercd from the expel'ience by eXClhanging cash for worthless cheeks. Beware of the sil'ange advertising salesman. He may cost you plentY!- Miami burg News. . ORered Pre.id ••~y . Rev. R. R. Wright. Jr" Philadelphia. Pa., editor o{ the hris. tian Reeordel', official organ of the A. M. E. church, ha been offered the presidency of Wilbedorce' university, vacated July 0 by Dr. Charles .fI. Wesley, month after being elected to the posillon. Dr. Wright is a banker and the' head of an insurance compa ny.Xenia Herald. Unrec:oenized Heroe. I do not know' that George Washington or Abraham Lineoln ever did ~ nythlng for me; I am certain Senator Borah never did, and [am uspicioul! of hak espear, Mal·tin Luther, Mo eR. and a long list of other saints. :Su t a wholesa le hardware man once gave me a really good pair ()f scissors, and c>bliged me every day si nce. There are plent.y of helpful men in the world. but we . must select them with care from the great number of pretenders •.. I have trouble with razor blades every morning. There is a better one, if ( wi11100k for it with more intelligence.- Ed. Howe.
- TO ~
) Relieve the Depression
Build ,or Repair The T hings You Need
.Build or Repair The·Things .y ou Want
Build or Repair The Things You Can Pay For
W. H. Madden & Co. Phone 14
Way.-.esville, Ohio
Saad Tak•• Trip to Colley The oc asion of the trip to incinnati was' Legion day at Coney \\;;;=====;;;;;;;=====;;;;;;;;;;;;=============~ Island. W-llile there the band played a concert (Blair directing), played on the boat going and reFOR SALE DAT ES CALL turning from the island, and began and fi{lished the drum corps contest, which was won by the w. Ha.. a Complete Watch H,amilton Post. Repai... Ser.ic:. The Legion saw to It that the And us only genuine materials. boys had a good time and 60 eents rystals fitted while you wait. wa given each boy for amusements in tile park. That evening Cary's Jewelry Shop Col. Milt Campbell, secretary of JESSE STANLEY L.b.n.o. , Ohio the board, obtained privilegll for tore Evenings th boys to get in the dance hall. P.o •• 320, N.w Barlla.to• • ~--~~~~~~Better entertainment could n()t be had and t he band greatly apEARL KOOGLER preciated it. -Home Weekly. Da,to. Phone KE nmore 89a. Will Get Gold Medal
Stanley &Koogler . Auctioneers
. Myra Von Stol:!.envoss, the Do- ~~~-'!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!! bermann Pinscher dog that saved ' the life of S-year-old Gene Boldman recently by attachin~ a rattlesnake that threatened ·the life of her little charge, is going Director of F'u~"'a1 S.nlc. to be honored by receiving the gold medal awarded by the Am rican Humane association . Our convenient location, suita· for dOgll that san the life ,o r ble surroundings and equipment property of their master.- Osborn News. enables us to Serve to the Best Advantage. Wo uldll't Let Gyp.i.. I.. A band of gypsies, traveling in AMBULANCE SE RVIC E tour aut,Mnobiles, drove into Clarksville from Cuba Tuesday P ....... 29 Waya ...iJI., 01110 evening and caused the local _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---', merchants some anxiety for a short time. The women in two of l ::::=============~ th41 car attempted to enter several of the stores, but met wit\! little . U~c.e8S. The gypsies eamped • • . near Spriltg Hill School house Tuesday night.-Cl81'ksville Hera ld.
A. H.
F T M art-In Auctioneer
He re for Homacom l• • Plans are going forward for the homecomi ng to be held at the Lebanon Methodist Episcopal Church on Sun'day, August 14, on week from next Sunday. A. H. T u rner, general chairman of the lar& mmittee arranging for the even t, a nno unced this week that t he Rev. Eerl S. Keller, a former pastor of the chu rch, will be present for t he homecQmlng, his address to form ODe of t he pri ncipal Ifatures of the day 's program. Rev. Mr. Keller since leaving Leballon in 1927, bas been superintendent of the Ohio M. E. Children'J!I .h ome at Worthington.- Western Star.
We are glad to rep ,ort little Miss Marie Wells, who Watl taken so ~er:iou!!ly ill in cl!ut'ch at Green utlar on last Sunday eve'n i nar, much better at t his writi ng. Her many fdends, hope :f or a permanent and speedy recovel'Y. Robert McKay took dinn . SunWiy with Elmore McCoy at the home of Hou gh McCoy, at W ilF'raJIlcUn Girl Sa.ila fo r China mington. Sister Rose' Adelaide . (Mary Mr. Harry H uffma n, K. E. Thompson, Lucille :Ferris, Anna Tracy) of the Good Samaritan A tIey were in Ha rveY8b urg Thurs- Iiospital. Cincinnati, formerly of day mornine. F1rall'klln, spent several da ys "ere Miss Helen Nichols, of th is last week with home folks. p lace, spent the w,eek-end with She left TU~8d a y for t he west rela tives and fr iends in Dayton. alld will visit her brothers, J oe and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Po well Arthu r Tracy! in LOB Angeles, and da ughters, Ma yflrey and Mod- a alit. She wi I be joined in th e ena, of this place, h ad f or t heir west by another n urse and t hree Sllnda y dinner g uel/tll.: Mr. a nd priests a'nd will sail from San Mrs. Otis Powell a nd daughter, Francisco August 11th, for W u Marcella" Mr. a nd Mrs . . S her- Chang, China , to enter a hospital ma n Powell a nd 81JD, Ea rl, of there as a nurse. She expects to Miamisburg. . Mr. and Mrs. Bir d be gone _tbout eight year8. ~ Powell and daug hter" Geileva and Franklin CHron icle. 80ns, MaI1:olll a nd Flritze, of near "!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! Orego nia; Mis8es B,!lle Horn, of F almo u th, Ky., Katlileen Thomp80n , of th is p lace, Delnnis Well., of • near Wa yneaviUe. NOTAllY PUBLIC We are sorry t o report 'Mrl. Anna Branna n quit,! s ick at her N.tl.... B ... bome in Xe nia. We II11 hope .for a IIpeedy recovery. r . Wilt. Dr... . . E..... S.taW 114.1'. an d Mrs •. P. G. Wells WAYNESVILLE. OHIO fa mIly enterta med at din ner, MI'\!!. Mary powen dalJJhter , of near Or elronia. H , Mrs. Mary Nicholll had for week-end guest ber lit tle nelDhl!wl of Dayton: Sunday uems to be l et apart trom all other daya ' blackberry plc klne. . Mr. 111'1. K. Kill aDd til.. f or
. I Mil
The Miami Gazette'.
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 71.-
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN 70ur Cattle, hop, sheep and ealy• t o Norris-Brock Co .• Ilve ~r• •114' progressive firm fow til, hIPmarket prices and ,ood IIntce. U.ion S.tock Yar4a' Ci ••i...... O. Tun e In\ on Radio Station. WCItY 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. DL f or our ciaO, market reports. :==-==========~ . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sight Specialist 30 Years Experlenee In Fittin.g and Maklnar Gla ....
. Lebanoll , OLto Ta..d.ay, Thur. d .." 5at"", E.ami. atio.. F
ARE________~ You reading the Reminiacences of the Hlong ago," now being printed every week? We have received many letter. requeating copiea 01 articl•• already printed.
NOW Don't borrow your neighbor.' paper. For onlv three' cent. a week you all the Remini.cenua, be.idea all the · new. of the nei,hborltood.
Don't Be a HSnitcher" Send u. $1.50 and we will .a end )'ou
7 he Miami GtUet
. ----,--- Y
How Experts T Common rberry Maybe radicated
MRS. MADDEN IS HOSTESS TO, W. C. T. U. WORKERS lIh~. \\:. II. Macltll.n wall host('~s 1'0 thE' W. T. U. ml'etinj\', Itl t Thurf1tlllY nftel'Il011n. "AI ohul
Firt .. l·!1 ~' ('al'~ barth'n'y ('radical iu n in I h .. whl' at bl'lL have ac-
Dt'sll'qYl'r," wa the top!'c of the day. Mrs. Madll(>n l' 'ad a Bt'lec_ tion from one ' of our schoul t.ext books, I lIinK th ill effect!! uf narcotks 011 th hUIllUIl mind. Mr ~ . 1\1. SilVCt, rllad a sclection "Alcohol Ruled ut." Mrs. J . R: Wade read the fil'sl hlllf of a sC'leclion, "Elf ct. o'f Alcohol" and M r;:t, all ie I'() ~R I'eud th~ 1'~ ' lllt1;1l1dcr of the lI1'ticle. leeting adJClurned a1t~1' n pleasant . ocilll hour.
Lic ....... R•• I E.t.te Broker. Aucti4>neer and I n.ur.nc.
Waynesville, Ohio
Uni ted Stut R U .. pa rtm nt of A ....,.i"u ltu r .. estimated t hai thii'l dis(>Ul:Ie l\I d"Hl ni yt'd 5 U,J O!I, OOQ Ilu~hdd f r s. M. W. Silver was a Dayton wh ut annually d ul'ing th e fil'$t , huJlPE'r, last Thursduy, Ii vll y .. nrs of th i. JPc rlUu. 1" 8S than ~1: Jo~n ' car>! o£ Ro sburg, is :! '.O OO,()OO bll s hd ~ a nnuall y dur- Vl~ l~llIg hI S son, 'tV. N. Sears, and ing the ~ e(' o fl(j fl v'~ .ve ars an I only rUllnly. "bu ut ll ,f>OO.OOO bu h Is ulll1uully Bnnk Bldg. Ph ll ne 80 lIll's.• I. ' , lair Fife and chil f r,)m 1 !J:! 5 to 1I.l 2:ll . In Fa r mer 's Bull etin 15 4 .t ~ F, dron, (I f Wilmillgtop, wete week: .WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ·Th .. Common Barberry Ilnd Bla ck end gU t!st,s of M I'. and Irs. Lester Gordon . .'te m ){ u i" the Ueplll' t mcnl , of A C'1l.1·nivul company with itR Agric u ltu re point..~ out Sa m tl'ikold-fa hloned merry-go-rol,lnd held Miss Doris Hawke i enjoying ing "csult;; of lh .. ba rhc)'ry erodicuII week's vacot! OIl fr om hllr duties forth in Frllzier"/4 pnl' k th~' f ore Sub. cl'ibe for the liami Gazette. lion ctlmpaig n. pal't of this week. at 1h postomce. l:;inc(' J tIl t h d epartme nt and COllI! I'ating sta tes in t he northern 1\tn<. .Iifton Rog f Ph 'l . 0 l\.h: Bnd I a" he nt b e It, h lt V e d es t royc d more I d ~ IJlhill, 1. th g ue t n of l hnn 1 ,0 00, 00 barbe ny bu hes. Mrs. Mal'k Rogers. In th e norl hern t; t s th e comnlon bU l'ben y is t he o nly soul'ce of MI" Ilnd 1\11' ~. Jo o Myers, of Beluady grllin l'U t ,ini E'ction. IJ rook . callcd on Miss Emma art.A si ngl u 60-y e'ar-old barbefl' Y wl'il(ht, Sund ay nfternoon. b ~h in n c.I\tur coun ty, Indiana f·'. C. Hll rtso k lind !mnily ot \I 11K l'l!spo ll.lble I,01' destroy ing at ICLls t ~6 0 ,O OO \ orth of wh ea t in Milflll'd, lind Mr. and h s. Robert the vil'i nity of th e to wn of Alert Wal lo n anll l;o n, f,lf Dayton, were in 1\) 22. After that bus h was d - • undoy gue ·ts or Mn~, Addie .;troyed whea l in the ic inity was lJal'tsock . ~-- - -,-practically f ree f r om ru s t. uch fact s make it evident says the de- ATTENTION, JR. O. U. A. M.! pOl'tmen t, that mu ch hall been a complished by l'cstroy ing I ,000, EVC1'Y memb er of the Order in Intersection Routes 73 and 42 000 bu hes. t his vicinlty is co.1'n >stiv urged Eradication oj[ the cOlllm on to attend the meeting of Mia mi Ory. North Main Street lJarberries in Ohiu hl1\'o g reatly r eall~y ouneil, N o. 102, Jr. O. U. duc ed the losses by bla ck ste m rust A, 1\1" n xt Friday evening, A Ul!!'This year a cons idcrn b"! numbe r lis t 5th. BI'O. Robert S. ox, Of bal'bc1'I'ie have been d stl'Oyed . State Ma!lllger ot th B nefl iary X-70, t the presen time m en w ( rking d gl'C Will be pre ent and wlll in the nOt·the m :parl of Wa rl'en " ""''''0''.. Bro. ox is one o't the most Also Oils and Greases county hu\'e found a n umber of mg a!ld enthu siastic speakbarbed s whi h ha v been 1'e- CI'S in OhiO Juniorism. a whole~ po nsl bl e f or black st m I.'u.' t re- souled work r for a\l branches of por ted in this vil:init y. A r ecent the Ord er, not hI. own p clnl IIcGIVE US A CALL search on what i s known a s the p.al·lment alone. Come and hear old Janney farm northeast of him. Carey, who e onditiotl l'e mainR Lytl e disclosed tit fact that a EASTERN STAR IOI'ge numbe r of barberie W l ' about Ule arne. g l'o wing t he re, Th(l ~' orig ina\ly had i JI.1 Chapter No. 107 O. E. !lmi r. and Mr.8. A. A. Smith.m ved b e n 'planted a s an ot'namental theil' goods h I'e f ro m New -hrub. It wo fo u1)d that bird had . wlll meet in regular f;e~ ion Lebanon MOllllay and ate now scatte red the bertie ' to I nee l'OWS t.0',lc!ay evening, August • at 7 :30 nicely situ'aled in the II u am) and wood s near by. Bl,Isli es are de- VI!!Itmg- membel'S welcome. Ola HartsQck, W. M., offi ces of the wle Dr, L. G, Brock . b I . I We wish Dr. mi t h uccess in hi, str oyed y app Yllllg common sa t _ _ _Minnie Fromm, e "y. I ____~--.;...-..;;..-..;..--....--~-...;.--..:;.--..--. -. -... -' ",hel'ove'r p O~Bible, new field., Wh n any of these m n come Rob rt and P'aul White, o f to your farm in sell1' h of Lhe MASONIC NOTICE fllumbu , ara spend ing this w ~k b (I b h th 'II I with 1r. and Mrs. KCIIIE'r GI'sham ar,lI u US , elY WJ we come Regular communication ot YOUI' cooperation in thi. task of h re, and Mr. a nd Mrs. . W. Alb- radication of the common bar- WayneSVille Lodge No. 168 F. &: right, at Wtlynesville. berry. ~: !'f" Tuesday e.vening, August 9. Ware naturally plea ed wh nev r we hear Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton Anyone wanlin,g tulI informa. 'Isltlng and ~oJ urning hrethren . . spent londay 'With' the latter's tion may obtain j lt; by writing for welcome. favorable comment!! on our work from th ' families we Vel'n Armitng , W. M., neph w, Rudd arlor lind family, Fat'mer's Bul1etin 15U-F '''rh er e, or th ir friends. It is nlways gratifying toknow F, B. Hender on. Sec'y. in WeRt rrollton. Common Barberry and Black t m , t.hat our tfort have b n app ciat d. Mr . Belle cott, Everett Early , Rust." Drop a po stal card to th WALLACE- BUCHANON and daughters, Helen and Ruth, in nited t.ntes Department of company with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Agl'i(\ulture, Washington D. However, we l' aliz that r ea l impl'ov ment in our ur sleepi ng citizens were ., ward Patton, of Middletown, at- and obtain the bullletin (rce. er ice call!! for cOllstructiv l'i ti i m, as w 11 as a~oused at a v I'y late hOllr, last tended a home-coming at the New nl(!:ht (or .w as it a very early hour Harmony chul'ch, Brown county, "bouquet," We' may be blind to certain i'uult which STRUCK illY AUTO th~l! mornlllg?) by a company of unday. are quite apparent to oth 1'•. b~)J terous merrymaker. InvestigaMr. and Mrs. Guy ' Routzahn Marion Pence, son of L~'()nllrd tJon revealed the fact that tbe and daughters spent the week-end If any read r of tpis udvel'tisem nt can sugge t with the latteI"' S mother, Mrs. Pence, of Gennto'Wn, alld an em- young people were "belling" BalMary Boitnott, also 'Mr. and Mrl!. ploy e of the Lingo company in lard Wal~8ce and his 'bride, foran.Y way i~ which our work can b imll~'ov d in any deFrank Brown t Tippecanoe city. Lel)aDQn, ,,·as SE~riously, if not mel'ly Mll!!I Ann Buchanon of tail, we wlll be glad to giv hi id as thoughtfu l confatally, injul'ed when struck by an Morrow. The, m.arriage, we' are Mrs. Roy M'eKil'by and daughter automobile near Le about told, was solemlllzed in Rentu ky sidel'ati n . onstru tive criti i m will help us to realize 001'1, and Mr. Frank mith. of last aturday. Dayton are spending thi! week 11 o'clock Tuesday {)~r ambiti~n, w.hi~h is to rendel', a l' ice as neal'ly The young maJ~ .Mr. Wallace is the On of Mr with Air. and Mrs. Ralph Johns to L banon with and Mrs. Elbert Wallace Lytle: pel'fect!l hes WIthin OUI' power. and children. and n.ll 'UJ:J;;~lm!;'" U!L.e...;~inil;l/..!~W~ S. in Mrs. Anna Bousman and Mr. .com, the old and was one of the and Mn. Raymond Bou, man of of L banon-Wi! glton pi most popular and profleient Anderson. Ind .. and Mrs. Neva one of his tires went bad. Intend- members of our two-time Warren Huntzinger, of Pendleton, Ind, Ing to fix the tire, be jumped from county ba ketball champions His pent Saturday and Sunday with the truck directly into the path of h~sts of friend extend congT~tula.,hone 7 Waynesville, Ohio
, ..
S~ ASO~ ,~ ON ~
t! (' mpli~hl'd I)l"u c h 1,1\laro l'l" lllC!Il~ lh~ 10:<:'<, by blac k :!tem ru ~ t. The
1"'", f • 5lf.'Sl\ ~'S .
FULKERSON'S New Standard Oil Service Station
Complete line Standard 011 Products- ' Standard Relular, Sohlo Ethyl
Lytle Misl'l Edna Garr tte, of Young.town, was a week-end guest of her cousin, Mrs. Mary Carmony. M H len Hal'din fe\l Sunday e ening and is suffering £rol11 a severely sprained ankle. Paul Warner, of Middleto',\'n, visited hi grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foulks, Monday. . Mr, and Mrs. William Dyke and children, of Farmer ville, spent Sunday afternoon with fl'. und Mrs. Forest Graham. Clara B. L wis, of ocial Row, spent ihe week-end with Miriam Wharton. Glenn Brock, of Indianapolis, spent aturdsy and unday with ?tin!. Alice Brock and Mrs. Mary Marshall. Mrs. ElnOI'1l Robinson; Mrs. John Klotz and . on, Jack, and Roy Sachawal, of Cincinnati, were aturday a:it moon guests of Mr. and Mrs. William olem n. William Long, Jr., of Xenia, spent Monday afternoon with hi parents, Mr. and Mr. William Long. Mn!. Mary Carmony and guest attended the Carmony reunion near Lew! burg, Saturdav. Mr. tlnd Mrs. Ralph Johns entertained everal friend at cards Wednesday evening. Ice cream was serv d. Miss Helen Early was a dinner
• • ' II ;.t-......... ' ~.,•• and theater gue t of Mrs. 1;:mma McClure and Mi s Mary Leah Edwards at Wayne ville Friday eve ning. Mr. and II'S. . H. Burn ~ t, Mrs. Mildred urface and daughter, Wilma, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J ones attended the funeral of BUI',t on Earnhart at H. HolJy, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A11en Emrick and Mrs. Margal'et John were entertainc.>d t o dinner Sunday with a number of other friends, at the home of Mr. and Ml'. harles Hough, near Waynesville. Mr. and Mr!\ . .HarrY Grllham spent Tuesday in Dayton w'ith the latter's mother, Mrs. Susan aylor Everett Earlv. Iyde Wharton and Henry FOJJlks motored to hillicothe on Friday. Mrs. Kesl r Graham entertained an old schoolmate, Mrs. Ida pe. e, of Middletown, Friday afternoon. hal'l aVlIge and Merlyn 'Ban ta le:ft the first of last week for a hike to the west. By chance ride th Y Oon reached t. Loui . Remained a hort time and returned home the same way. reaching here. Satu,rday morning. They enjoyed the trip., Mrs. Hester Rogel'S, of 1\1a on, find Mrs. Ev,a Mae Pennewitt, of Spring Valley; spent several days here 'Ia t w ek helping care for their grandmother, Mrs.
M. A. FULDaSON, Prop.
Suggestions Invited
-,-- ---- --
J. E. M~Clure
i~::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;l the
Vern H.o ugh " Son Have taken over the Filling and Service'· Station in the K. of P. Building, formerly operated by Clarence Simpaon, and will carry a full line of
Tires and 'A ccessories Of Standard Brandl
'-Gulf Gasaline and Oils Electric Service of All Klnds---Olling and Greasing Service Mr. HOUlh will continue Trucklnl and
Haullnl Service
Carey and Mr. ond Mr. Frank former's mother, Mrs. Lottie Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas entertained over the week-end the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McGray, of Detroit, Mieh. Mr. .and Mr . George WelIel' and Mr. Frank Weller, of Centerville, were Sunday afternoon guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett and children, Mr. lind Mrs, PetE' I' Banta"Mr. and Mrs. MelVYn Banta and Merlyn Banta enjoyed a picnic and flshing' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacy and children, Ernest Lacy and son, Bobby, Mr, and Mrs. Hornce Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sheets, Dayton, and Mrs . Emma" Lacy visited Mr. and Mrs, Ea'!'l Young and children Sunday afternoon and evening. 1'liey enjoyed an outdoor supper on theJ.ilwn.,
a~r~"nby haLH~~~;tl~0:n~~~a~n~(~I~b~e~M~w~1~h~e~S~.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --= -- --
wa taken to the Blair hospital, wh re a fracture of the skull. sp1nal nnd other injuries were tJi • covered. Faint hope of his recovel'y arc entertained, we are informed. , Mr. ftjzar wa completely exh norated from blame. ~lr. Pence had been mjll'ried just recently
--- -
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Thomas have announced th ir marriage which took place on atul'day, June 11, at Hamilton, Ohi o. Mrs. Thomas was, before her marriage, Mi ~ Dolores Moore, dnughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moorc, of DaytOn!. She graduatlld f)'om Notre Daml~ in '25 and fOI' sevedll years hall! been emrlOYl)d in the office o~ the Nationa ash Register ompanl1. ' MI'. Thomas i th econ d son of MI'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and graduated from Waynesville High school in the cia!!!;! of '23. He is employed in the Dayton Power & WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Light auditing d(~partmellt. , CHRIST MI', and Mrs. Thomas returned ' alul'day after Ili ' trip through (Undenominational) Che:ster A. WiJliam son. Mlnister ' the We. t Virginia mountains. Church chool at 9 :30 n. m. Lord's Supper at conclusion. Thinnin, Irnpera.tive Bertha Filer be the gue~t This ye~l' ~'ujt set on Baldspeaker at the morning service. Christian Endeavor at 6 :41> p. m. wi',l, Wealthy, Yellow Transparent Verdena Fox, Leader. Evening Grime: and Delicious, I~ many evangelistic service at 7 :45 p. m . orchards hal'l bl!en sufficiently Sermon s ubject, "Finishing the heavy to make thinning imperaCourse." Prayer meeting and tive if a moderate amount of leaf Eible Study ea h Wednesday at area is to be aV~li1able for each 7 :30 p. m. Short choir practice at fl:uit. Thinning some of the conclusion. ", The church where other varieties, such as Smyman is desirable in some orchards. ' you, feel at h ome.
-- -
Services At the ' Churches Sunday
8. 3 EACH
Salt Blocks, Barrela, Sacks, Coarse and Table Salt, We have just received a shipment of Colonial Salt. While thia atock lasts we will sell at the ' prelent low prices. NOTE- All manufacturers have advanced pricn 10 %.
Bulldlal Supplies ,
Cement, Lime, Tile and Sewer. Our atock i. complete and price. are rill;1t.
farmers fxt. Co.
ST. AUGUSTIN£'S CHURCH Father French, Pastor Services will be held every two weeks on SlIturday morning. FERRY' CHURCH OF CHRIST (UndenominatloIl81) Che tel' A. Williamson hu reh chool at 9 :30 n. m. Lord' s Supper and sermon at 10 ::10 a. m. Sermon subjecJ;, "Rocks!' The Pi Epsilon Pi ClaSh will meet at the Church, Saturday ing at 6 :30 and go to Cae 8a r'~ for a picnic. , The regula l' monthly meeting of the class wiII be hel<l at the parsona~. Thurg~ay evening, AUf.ust 11. The men's and women s classel will meet at the church, Friday evening August 12. You are always wei. come at this church.
, in Pain
..... 'I.U
Eighty-Fifth Year
Mr•• Lulu Wardlow Di•• i. Dayton HOtpltal. 8 .....y , Two Otbera H.rt InjUries sulfered when their car overturned on the Waynesville-Bellbrook pike, near the Middie Run church, 1.a t Thursday mDrning, proved fatal to Mrs. Lulu Wardlow, aged 49, of Morrow, who passed away at the Miami Valley · hOIJPital on Sunday morning. Mrs. Wardlow, logether with her daughter, M.- • Ruth Walthal. , of Marrow, an d ' th e Ia tt er ' s 1our-year old son, Billy, was enroute to Xenia, at th time of the accident, to attend the Greene County Fair. Mrs. Wliithal was serlou Iy injured, and i8 confined at the Dayton h08pitul. Th boy sulfered scalp woutlds lind an injurl to his arm. AU ~ere rushed to Dayton immediately foil wing the accident, but Billy wa later removed to th Blair hospital in Lebanon. Funeral services for Mrs. Ward'low were held at her late home in Morrow, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. G, . I>lbertl of Waynelv-iIIe, offleating, ana the remains were taken to Bellbrook cemetery for burial. Mrs. Wardlow wal born in War· ren county, a daughter of the late Samuel and Matilda ' White· nack. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Whitenack, of Morrow; h r hu band. Frank Wardlow, of Morrow, one 8On, Walter Wardlow, of Dayton; and two daughter.. Mr •• Freclerick Spahr, at Bellbrook, and Jlra. Ruth Walthal, who made her home with "her parents at Morrow. ';1'he family at. one time lived In this vicinity. .-~~~--
TEXAN INTERESTED IN SCHOOL RElINIStENCES Here's a letter that "The HOOSier appreciate. very much: "Ollfton Texas, Aucuilt '1, 1932 My Dear Hoosiet: I have enjoyed YOIl.. articles in The Miami Gazette 10 much that I could not resist writing. Your article of August ard, containinjf a ~idure of the old Higb School building. brouiht bad, fond memoriea of the di.tant pat. "I attended chaol in thia buildinl from 1872 tUI May, 1876. when our family moved from Wayneaville to Cll1ton, Teua; where we still reside. When I look at thll picture, it seeml as y.esterday when we would form In l.me, and, at a .Irul from the Janitor, Caleb Small. . (Charley's father), w'bo stood at the entrance we would march through tb. haUl to our reapective room.. where we were tauaht by lIuch splendid teachers .. Supt. Hadord, Mill Lizzie Baily, .Mi~ Llsaie Rockhill , 1IIi , t:li&a Buntlni and others, whose names ~ cannot now recall. 1 rememtfer, dimlY, Supt. Cole, but cannot say whether he pre· ceded or succeeded Prof. Harlord a8 Superintendent. ·1 hope you wl11 continue publllhln, Your arti· cles in the OueUe; tbey are veTl' interestin,. . I am verY alncerely YOUi'll, H. C. (Harry) Bradlltreet
• • •
Bartels-Conklin Nuptial. Are Held T!Je wedding (.If IIIrtin H. Bal'tels and Verna. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray onklin was 80 1 mnized at 7 :30 p. m. aturday at Sharon M. E. church. Rev. Kilmer read the Ringle ring ceremony Mrs. Irwin MuLford and children which united the pair. Miss Mae McKay, gowned in pink la.>o was spent Monday in Dayton. bridesmaid and Maynard Mills Mra. Paul Boorom, of Bellbrook opted US best man. spent Friday with Mrs, E. C. Th bride, beautiful in white satin carried a shower boquet o[ ne Cra . ro~e~ and gypsopo lia. Miss CathMr. and Mrs. Chadwick, oC ep ne Bran of Wilmington, preDayton, were guests at the Friend s Sided at the pian(). Janis Mae Home, last week. Conklin, sistel' of the bride, waS flower girl. Mr. and Mrs . Emerson Earnhart The Alpha Phi Kappa SOl' !'ity attended the funeral of a friend of Wilmington College, of which in Dayto n, Monday. the bl'ide is a member, we,. seated in a body. Mi811 Mary BUrns returned home Mr. Bartels has been a member Sunday, from a week's visit with of the faculty of Kingman H. S. friendK in Cincinnati. for two years and this yell l' will Mi8ll Sue Crane has returned teach at Reesville, after; spending, two weeks with Ml's. Bartels has been teaching relabves in Cincinnati. Ilt Blanchester for the past two years. Both Mr. and Mrs. BaTtels Mrs. Anna L. Carey of Leban on ,enjoy a wide popularity and enj y i8 attending the Gift and Artwar~ the good wishes of a host of Show in Chicago this week.' friends. They left Monday morning for Crown Lodge, K. of P., enjoyed a visit with Mr. Bartel's parents retreshments after their regular In North Dakota and on their reo m Hing, last Wednesday evening. turn will be at home in Reesville. lIrs. G. D. Mills, who was aprecovering tram a serious Illnes8, suffered a relap e, last week. ~arent1y
Mi!js Monnet'te Hibbard died at the Miami Va\l~y hORpital in DaytOtl, aturday from injuries sustain d when she wa truck by an auto , Ia~t Thursday. Funerlll ser· vices were held itl Dayton. TUE)8day morning, and jJuria,1 was made in a Dayton ceme'tery. Mis!! Hibbard was well knOwn in thi community wh re she hll~ spent everal summers as a gueBt nt the Friend'! Home.
Marion Pence, who was fatally injured whell stl'uck by an auto in Leban on. 10 t Tuesda.y, Id ied at. the Blair hospital shortly after 2 O'clock, und y afternoon. The young man nevel' thoroughly I'egained conscioullnesM lIiter the IICddcnt, being uhly semi·conscious at short intervab. Funeral services were held at Ii Lebanon funeral home at 2 o'clock this afternoon. and burial w'as made in Lebanon cemetery. Mr. Pence wa the eldel't on of MI'. and MI's. Leonard Pence, anu was born at the hOme of his parents at Genntown, Mal'eh 12, 190 . F OI' the put fou I' yellrs, he had been employed by the Lingo Hardware O. at L banon. n July 28 of this year he wa mal'ried to MLs Edith Steward. of Lebanon. and the couple hlld recently established their home in Leban on . Besides his widow, he is survi\red by hi parents, 11. and Mrs. Le onard P nce , of Genntown: tw Pence, and two ~ i tel's, Mylah ar.d Rachel Pt.nce, all of Lebanon. Oharles Hizar, dl'iver of th death cal', was completely exonerated from all blame. Witnesses of the aceid nt Rtate that h could not po sibly hav b en held to be at fault.
... ---
Forrest Orane and dauchter, An aviator 8wooped down upon Marjorie, of Cincinnati were Sun- the entral American i la nd hem· day guests of Mrs. ~aude Crane med in by coral reefs and dense and dau,hters. jungle and from a tribe Ij)f pI'imi. Mi.. Mllry Wil,ui, of Xenia, t1ve h ad-hunters rescued two Ohio was a cueet last week of her rel- women, who lttl\l'l'ied two of the atives Mrs, Alice McKinsey and Tndians and then were s tranded Mi s Lillie Nedry. with the savages. The women we'!'e (rom Akron, Mrs. Ralph Alexander and mother, Mrs. Kine, of Spring Ohio, and the aviator, Lieut. Val Valley, called on Mrs. O. D. Mills, Schaeffer, is the On of Rev. J . J. Friday afternoon. chaelfed, 'rector of t. Mary's Epi copal chur.ch. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Bailey and In a letter to his pal'ent , , hich two daughters, of Springfleld, they received during the week th were calJing n Waynesville naval officer relates ,the story of friendll, Thursday. his flight and res'cue of thp two women. He made the hop July 16 Milll! Ratian Bloch, of Cincin- at the request of the Panama' Red Iiati i visiting at the home of her Oross, which had heard Of the unc re and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. white women's plight among the ~yer Hyman, this week. savage Indian tribe. Lieut. Schaeffer i in charge of Mr. and M.rs. R. E. White aJld the air base at Coco-Sola, a suburb Mi88 Ruth Hanhman, of DaytOn, to Colon, at the Atlantic entrance were &'Uestl of, MI'. and Mrs. of the Panama canal. He lias been Walter Eltey, lalt Wednesday. stationed there one year, and has .n,nu' .... year to Berve before he is el. ewhere. Prior to his . The Good Cut Clothing Club will meet at the home their entral Aml!Tica ea ...)Irs E . Hat!ll~!!'~Y.Ll~~w&l-t!ta'tiolned at San Diega, Thursday af.ternoon, A from Annapolis Mll. . Joe Blew and dau,hter, academy with the famous Dora May, of . Falmouth, Ky., naval 1918 war ela , he entered active .were auelta at the home of Mr. n$val during the war. fn 1921 and Hi'll. A. , F. Melloh; this week. he waduty first among a list of 32 ' Topsy-TuJ'V)' Sale Tuesday, Wed- naval officers who had been chosen nesday and Thur day, August 16- to train for the aviation branch of 17-18, at Cary's Jewelry Shop, the service. Since that time h hac Lebanon, Ohio. Get your green been in aviatio~ _ - - tickets: . Mr. and Mrs. has. Miat's, of , Mrs. I. N. Harn of Dayton Brookville were Sunday luestll of IIpent Friday and. Saturday with Mr. and Mr . E. G. Coyle. . her mother and SISter, Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Miss Henrietta Mc· Kinsey.
Marion Pence Dies In Lebanon Hospital
~ ~~
Mis es Annie and Mame Brown spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mr . Kenneth Thomas near Lebanon.
FRANK L RABBIS. Funeral servic l~8 for Frank L. Hanis, prominen1t citizen of HarveYl1burg, who died Thursday mor ning at hi home in that village, were held at the residence Saturday aftel'noon and interment was in M,iami cen~etery. Mr. Harris had conducted a grocery' in Hanreysburg thirtyfive yea l·s . . He was the son of Ge orge L. HaM'is, who helped build the Pennsylvania railroad throu~h the LitUe Miami Valley, nd I abelle Owens Harris. He 'was n membel,'l of Masonic Blue lodge .at Harveysburg, Scottish Rite in Da~ton, Knight Templar in Wilmington and the Knight of Pythias. He . is Aurv ived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Harris, one daughter, Helen, at bome, and two sons, H;aJ'old. of Leba,non, and Owen, of Dayton. .....
Employees of C. E. Edgington, of Findley. started the work of resurfacting our sWeets with asphalt and gravel, Saturday mOI'ning. As th big tank truck wa coming dQwn hllpman street abO\~t 11 o'clock, the transmission gear gave way, and the machine coasted down the hill at a v~ry rapid rate. The I'ear operator jumped but the drjver heroica lly stuck to hi post. and finally'Suc. ceeded jn turning hi s machine on· to Third street before any further damage was done. Spectators who witnessed the tUTn onto Third street, were amazed that the tank was not upset, thu probably causing erious damage to abutt· ing property. Th e driver certainly deserves commenc:jation for his courage and forethought. Repairs on the truek were completed, Sunday, and the wO'rk proceeded, Monday morning. The me/') lire doing what appears to be one of' the bellt jobs Wlitynes· ville ever had. Our street,:! will be in fine s hape by the tim Sants Claus comes, and would have been .in excellent condition, for the Fourth of July il the contract had been let at the time it should have been. At that, no corporation in Warren county ·has. better~ if as good 'streets, than .(lurs.
- -
The 66th annual ollet McKay picnic will be held at the u ual place, t.heir 9wn picniC groundil at the usual time, the ~econd aturday In Aqgust which is Augu t 13th.
=============;.;.:::!====--=-::::--..=-..: _=====:k:============='=
, Mr. and Mrs. Verne: R. Britton, of Mishawaka, Ind., are announcine the arrival of a 9 ~ 11;1. son, Raymopd Wayne, at St. Joseph hospital.
·COX Makel OotlOc ' Patn
A. loodly number 01 the Jr. O. Nr and Mrs. Charles Rye enterU. A. M. heard Robert S. Cox, of tained the following peste at Millersburc, Ohio, deliver a Sunday dinner: Mr. and 141'11. Ed. t!plendld patriotic addr. . at the Hartsock, of Spring Valley, Mr. regular meeting ' of Miami VaDey and Mr•. Harvey Rye, daughter Council, last Friday ev.ni.... Bro. and aon, aad Mr. and )In. ClarCox i. General Manapr of the ence Rye, lonl and daulbter. Beneftciary Derree for the State Guy Hockett, of Van 17ert, en.of Ohio and Mlchl,an, but in no joyed a short vacation bere with WlY confine'" his remarks to the hom8 folu and trienda, Jant.week. a.all'1 of his depaftblellt. Every Ouy lood polition as mUk member of the O~.r would telter for tbe VanWert Countr. beneatted .,...t1y by n.l_ " d f add...... Bro. Cox u._aeeol[llp~I~~ A".~ an , 0 cou,.., • to Wa"_vUle makill. pOGo TIioIDaa, of W~D. ldoelr, arranpcl the a..uq the lGoal Council.
Severa l of our c:itiz ns attended the closin~ se!\sio n ,~ of the ann ulli a!l~embly Ilt Miami Valley Chnutauqua, Sunday, p.nd heal'd Billy Sunday give two I'ousing add res es The manageme'nt announced that for the fil'~t time in /leveral yeal's, this yelll"s i1 sembly had paid its own xpen @cs. Rev. un· dllY added the stateme nt that this is the only hautauqua or which he knew that ha~ done so well this yea~ _ __ __
Mh. Anna eadwidladel', ill such kind exprt8ll10nl of appreeiation that maklll this work Olara Lile and Mi8lles Annie and a pleasure. We · are striving to Mame Brown spent last Thurs· lQake the story,as complete as pas· day ift Oenterville, guests of Mrs. si ble, but must ask our lrlends, ~Hlla Brown. who attended !\Chool here prior to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and the fall term of 1898, ' to be .. generous as pOIISible with their daughterl and . Mr. and Mrs. reminiscences. All records before Claude Gray, of Wellman, spent that time ' seem to have ben de- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville etroyed ; anyway, we can't flnd J. Gray and dauchter. them. ' Mr8. Flossie Carey, Mrs. Effie For the benefit of our younger Smith, Cheater Carey, and Mr. and readers, we will say tbat lb. Brad- Mrs. Jas. Kerrick and Ion, spent street III the son dI 141'...d Mn. Sunday in Dayton, ,uests of Mr. Milton Bradstreet, who lived in and Xn. Chester Ooode. the North street residcnce JlOW the Mrl. Han.nah Taylor returned home of Mr. and Mra. C. M. R·o bltzero home, Sund~ even in&'. from a Now, won't the rest of you two·weeks visit with her nieces, former Wayneavill~ Ichool bOYI Mrs. Mary E. RoblnlOn and Mrs. and girls of the earlier daya please Serena Kerrick, ' In Dayton, forget your retieenee concerning the confessionl ot your age long ' Mn. J. M. Hart, of Richmond, enou~h to aenlf-.. us 'Your recollec-I Ind., Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Chiles tlonar Thill sl.riee wal attempted and Mr, and Mn. Will Stroud and more especially for your beneftt, \ Ion were dinner aueata of Mrll. but we are forced to can on you Maude CraDe, last Thursday. 101' help. Mr. and Mrs. RUlIBel Benson ~ --and 1001' and Kiu Mariam SaUIS~ bury, of Cleveland, and Mr. and lin. W. P. SaUlbuTl' were Sunday ft.U'UlrC'.111 dinner gueets of Mr. and Mrs. D. ____ R. Sali~bury. ' . . )t'
Whole Number 6026
AUGUST 10, 1932
Day. M'e'll Never Forget
MI·s. Lee Hawke un<! s\l n ~ were Dayton shoPPl'rs, Sntu I'lJuy. Mi~
es Trill na ant! Margaret Edward s spe nt Monday in Da yto n
will be Feature Attrac.
t io11 in Game at
Park Nellt Sunday
L. H. Gordon ma.!e 3 uusine ' The Waynesville A. e's snappl!d ·trip to W ilmington, Lhj~ morn- (Jut of lh i1' lung losing streak, Ing. and wok 'pl'ing alley into camp, Mr. al1d Mrs. Vern Shnpson IIno 16 to 7, at Wayn Park, Sunday s 1/ s pent ' unday with relatives in afternoon. And how'/ Well, juat read the rest of thi ,and ee for Highland county. yourself. With two down in the first, Junathan (,reJ) Haines, of Day. tOil, visit~ d ir. and Mr Ed Cook Haine hit to left, Blair got a life on a wild throw, and Compton ' hit the iiI' t or this week. to right, but. Noggle put on a Mr~ . J . M. Thompson and son, bat for the benefit of his b~k8d Gene, al'e visiting fl'iends in calishenic pel'CQrmance with the Faitn ()uth, Ky., this we 'k. goods patrons in this community, ball escaped ~ll harm. Mt~. John . Thom on has r-e· theTwo were down in the home half turn ed frum an extended visit when Mendy walked, pilfered, and to h I' daughter in Dayton. wen,t on to third when Blair overMrs. D. H. Hock ett, Miss Grace t hrew secoJtd. Hough walked and anu Guy Ho kett vlsiLed Friends purloined, but Ellis reciprocated n ar Richmond, Ind., last Friday. Noggle' kindness. Ramby walked to start the latA good many of our citizens ter half 01 the second, and went to aUend d the Greene 'ounty Fair second after the catch of Gon'l At Xenia, at VllriOU . times last l!lng fly to left. He soole thjrd, and eventually got home on an error. week. One run. no hits, one error. , Miss Glenna 1arsh, of Dnyton, pring Valley came right back is spending her vacation here with the tying run in the th\rd. with h 'r parents, Mr. and Mrs. With one down Blair got a life on F' mn k Mar 'h. an error, and came. home on Compton' hlt. Noggle was. hit by a MI'. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall pitched ball, and Smith hit salely. left h r, Sunday. enroute to but Compton was caught at the Pendleton, Ind., t att.end Friend plot Hart ock to Burton to LoveYeady Meeting. ly. ne run, two hits, one error. An error gave Hough a life to Miss B rtha FHet' s poke at the Waynellvill , hu~ h 0.£ hl'i t last ~tQ I·t the home fourth but Ellia Sunday morning. (fcr uddl'cfOs was forced him out, Noggle to Hainell. Anothel1 misplay gave Ramby a much apprc ·iated. life, l',:1J1 gOing to -tltird, and Ed Ml'. and Mrs. hall. Jlett, nee !:Ilole. 'ingles by Gon and Lovely Roxie Sud'ac, of Indianapolis, and King's two bag-Ier plated are announcing the recent arrival four runs. Hartsock was retired, Noggle to Smith. Hulr made a niee oj II new duught r. catch of Burton's long fty. Four Rev .. W. S. Dibert and son, of r uns, three hitB, two errors. R.ipley wel'c guests of the former's OUf boys conti nued their lambbI'0t11er, Rev. G. , Dibert, and bastiJIg of young Mr. Reeves in family, MOllday nighl. . the ",tho Mendy safe when Benson his fty, and went to seci. MI'. and 1\1J's. 'r. H . Rogerll and dropped on a wild pitch. NORle took son, La\ I' nee, or Houston, Te;xas ond Hough's ~rounder and tOlsed it were week-end gue ts of Mr. and to fll'st, bu~ Smith dro,llped the Mrs. ' J. O. 3l'twright. ball. Mendy scoring. Ellis fouled 1\11'. and M~. W. F. Clark, were out to Compton, Ramby was aaf. gu.est s at a family dinner at the on the same gent's error, and stole home of Mr. and Mrs. laude Recond. Reeves knocked down Go.ns' sma hand "Handsom." Riggs in Dayton, unday. Hain s got · the ball to first in Mr. and Mrs. ,T. . Hawke visit- time for the put·out, HouCb ed A . D. Haines and ' M:arshaU counting. Lovely's lounb bsn w•• Harlan at the Ohio Masonic Home a wild pitch, so Ramby IICQUlLand Arlie Peck went to second. When Spring1leld, Sunday afternoon. he uncorked another wild pitch Mrs. akl esb was 00 send Lovely t().tbkcl Br~ B. . . . hostel> to the. Ruth and Naomi wa bonished to right field, and class of the Lebanon Presbyterian "Pig" Blair took up ·the pitchin. Sunda'Y school, Tuesday afterny" burden, Compton gOil' behind the bat. Kmg'S hit score his battery Mr. and Mrs. Dan 'Bl' wn and mate, Hartsock was h by a pitchl'I onl'l, and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. ed ball, and Burton hit to left but Brown , of Dayto n, were Sunday Mendy ended the visitor's 8I'ODY. guest of MI'. and MI·s. Morri Blair to Smith. Four runs, thr.. Graham. hits two errors. Tb.ree succe sive hits, a wild Rev. anu Mrs. C. . Dibel'b and pitch and an error gave the vlalctjildren retLlt'!led, Thursday even· tort! three runs in their balf of th. ing, from a two·week" vacation lucky' round. A,C was do ubi, p nt wiLh relative~ in the no.'th- lucky; King'~ Whome run, Eml' ern pal't of the tate. doub le, singles by Mendy, Ramby Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Andersort and L vely two errors, and a wild and ~o n.!l, MI'. and M'ts. W. C, St. pitch giving them six rune. With the SC01'e !jtanding 16 to John and Ro emary Bontley al'l! enjdying a picnic at Lakeside park 4 in favor of our bOYII, Ellil and King exchanged positions when tb Dayton, this aftc l'Doon. ,teams took the field for the ei.lIth. who has Two \ alks, a stolen bue, a wild pitch and Blair's double gave tb. visitorl'l tw o more funs in tlID er seasloll, an wo I 8 an a. (Oontinued on pqe .) Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mis" Doris Hawke and little Miss Anne Weltz motored to ' Columbus, Thursday. returning Mr!!. Lura Dennis and daughter, Miss EstheL·, to their hbme there. D,'. Rud olph, eyesight llpecialist, will be at. Cary'll Jewelry Shop. A large, plain-faced electric' Leban on, during sale days, Aug- clo k, on ·the front of L H. u t 16·17-18. Spec.l price s on Gordon's place or buslnela Is atg lasse. Examin io~ Fre. Get tracting qu Ite a bit of attention. green tickets. The clock was installed, Monda, , by the Cincinnati branch Mr. a nd Mr~ . Ronald Haw of tbe Postal Telechapli, Co. al and son Frank. and Mrs. Fra an advertisement for their bualTaylol', of San FI'sncisco, nesI!. It is operateciJ automatically ornin. were Su ndltY guests of by a 60-cycle electric current, F. '. H/lt' tsock and family md is guaranteed to be within 1Milford. l20th part of a second of the eorMr. and Ml· ~. R. J. Williamson 'ect time at the National observa. ~q n, Robert, and Ml'. and Mr., lory !l~ al! times. J!,esettiD, f~r ~orl'ect/On IS automabc, unle.. tne C. . HOll ser l'etul''I1ed, to hom!! in Lakewood, Tue day. ~ ~rl' ent is shut off for thirty 11lDutea, or more at it time. Luella Williams n Rccom them fo), a few weeks viRit. Of course, OWne1'S of local time deces are keeping clese watch to MI'. and MI' ·. Jack Bl'oWn and J'agulate and compare their so ~ and Mrs. J . M. Hart, oI ' Rich· :hl'onometers, watches, clock., etc mond. Ind .. MI·~. Maude Crane a ,vith the correct time. Up to this Mr. and MI'(;. Will Stroud a norning, Alonzo Curl had had the so n Wl'f·e Sunday dinnel' guests 'atisfaction 01 being the nearell :Mr. and Mrs. Otho Render!; un, ·ight. his watch varying but four nds. Wednellday of last week Mi s!!es ,eco Negotiation's are beiDI eomDoris Ha"(ke, B tty Henkle, " teted by whieh Mr. Gordon i. to Esthel' DenniR Bnd Ml'S. LUI'u Den· the local repreaentati •• nis 'viaited Northridge school near 'leMme '01' the tele~aph company. For Dayton, where Miss Hennii' will 1the prellent, local meas.... wIU teach this cominl{ sch ool yea I'. he transmitted to and froUl the Mis!;e Fl orence ))ny and Wini- Cincinnati omce by telepho", U fl'ed Conner are reprellentinll: the butlines8 jUltifies, a special tel.local organization IlS delegates to graph line will probablJ' be Intbe Epworth Lellllue institute ~talled. Mr. Gordon's , ......, ••• beine held on the Miami Valley perience lUI raU,..d and eom· Chautauqua groundll, this week. merel" tel eer..,IIer ~e" fluallfy JUIII t 01' tit.. work. Younc Women's bridp --- -. met Tueeday Silmlpsoa1nt. tile O. E. S. 10 PICNIC of Jill'll. Vern AT WA
... \ 1'''''''.... ~LD
~( O\lEQ U"OE~ 1\\1'({ ... ~(\"
'16.000 with Tbt' N w York ualty ell.. a. Ilureties. H. ... ('Qll n ""r, Gl!urare Gate. and Paulinl' Rill"Y Wl!re appointed apprai _ er . \I', N. ThomplWn. executor of elllllt 'of elia Thomp,on dec;eas. t'(I, tllc(1 b nd for the faltbful per. funllllllct> untl profler accounting, f .. r all II~/,Ronal properly coming inl O his hands, nccordinlr to law, tll\(l rge p, ,ates. admini trator of ~ta.t(' of Fanny M. Robinson, dC(' l'tllIl'd, i!-\ ordcl'cd to 1I~1I c rtain I)('nll. lit fixed pl'ice for interest of
'·a. Historv of It Gvne,ville' s Publl.c chools NEWS GlEA ED Shows Over Century of Achievement fROM CO~IRI HOUSE Common Plea ll Proce.,dinlll
tonI!. wh"I't,l er it may l:C,t, i" :10 1h'l' llllln(h, anll the . lul'Y of III thl' l'a~~! f LnWl'l'nCl' '1•. lIel'f( (,til' plnin. lind i~ illlli~lil\- lhe t!'unnt n Okpr \\,11" ~t,t lit 25. B1'own lid I·thul' F.. f~prun~. 1'lw In t., hnrk J\. Btuwn Ilc- I-:lli halo)' fr III th • Mhe. stllllt'~ or ;\ r",,,vlntlun \\n~ lIdo)1 t'd, clm;)n)< partMI'!\hip, Ot inlg bu 'in ,~, ullthH ~(' nlWtl tli urtl(lll and 11 111(> ,.f the the f<'lIndation. A "lon .. tablpl ul ,dw .. l hull f .' flllrthil1lt In,l ~chllu l till' fil'llI 11U1"1' vi' L. r', B"owl1 & HI'''' m' Imlt'! of t~t' \ I\yn .."ville the rlght of the lower enlrancl' pUl'PH~ I< a\lld , ' bvol bell 'til nlCf- l'umpl1ny. 'n\ u~ 'lal"\!Ilce ~'oltlY If h ' dlOOI Alutl1n1 at<~"eUtll(\ tl . f(lcill~ $t, 1I1al'y's hUL'ch. bl! 1\ tuinnll'IlI!-. IHlot h ~ hut I tuiti(ln n'll'l! ' . A, Ol' J ~ I ·. the plaintiff lIh II U Id. in \'lllrt: " U IlW brief II the ins 'ri ptiun: ". ehool BOlll'd \\ ~IS ut,lvll tlced fJ'l)/U $ Lrl to :l I'(! '0 \ ('1' from t ht~ uer 'ntlRnl!l lhe ~lIid I'~ tate . Willinm H, McMahan, executor '-IllS nQw t u tho c of U >< " ' hu mt't J. H. 'olenian. Pres., ,D, Wool · 11<'1' nll' 1\th, anll ('hl' l1li~ tl'y wus ~Ull' of 206,!l6, at th t /I .... t hanlllh t in t'adwalllld- ley, lerk, :F'rftllk Bnrnhart, T rcu" .. UI'OPP(·tI 1'1'(\111 thl' ('\It'd 'u lul11, ' Tn till' (' OS I' lIr Vil'!!11 O'Bani n IIf e tnte f Emma M Mahan, tI _ " I' JI II, in M Y. 1 4 , 11$ it. after Drpw ~ w 'et, J. W. Hain s, Wm. .full' Hl t h, .1nhn fr, (' Il~k('y WII. \,l'i'~U~ Ruy 'n'lIlion. t't al.. til" Ct'!lSl'rl. is ortlered to 111.'11 certain llll, l1ut th dl' 'II n1 )f n night? Yet. Bi~Il"." ha. B, LewL, 'who set !Il1Point 'd til IlII·mlll.' rl'hip ti n till' p"(lrl'lt~' Wil li l'C'II'1lprni \!d lIntl It b pl'e m i~e , htlw he mt'nliorl vf lIuc h a pe/'Iod thiS slone lind 'all the window, ill" lJotmj to flll thl' va 'Ull(,Y cau~t\d Ily to h ~old at nM I l'~~ thall tWIl Marri ... e Lic.ft_ •• ah Ad I'lllt'd lik!! 611'C8 th en! [f W\ol and lintel In thl' building, i 1'0;<'- the deulh uf J, J, . t o~ h er . lIml S, thil'dH .if the l'e'vlllualiun, pt pp d to (lnd r what thq yeaTS itive that thi i 110l th cornel'- n. EvC'rly \\' ,18ude . Irwin, re.celvinlf fore. I'\H)~<'n t .. art 115 In lhe ' 11 .(' nit' Thl' Hobarl I . uh nt! m'ght hrlng. \\haV vi iOll _ ton. but ,10 ~ not remember any· PI' I'ld!!nl In . 11'. :'>J o~hcr'8 lit ad, able '0,. v,,~u !< \ ilbul' Wil ~o n , man , of hbom, and Miss Mildred Il lfl'li 011 1 minJ ,t! think Ilbout the latt 1'. At tht' Au~ulIt me tlJlg , it was til' Illuhlt1fl' hn~ n(, auth ori t III Made Bl'unt, leacher, 01 Lebanon, "Th fir. t 'llet:'lln[t u.f ~he WayAlth ugh not a rl!pldent o f the decil\t'U to ope n tho fu ll lo:nn 0 11 mlliJltnin tlli ~ lI ,ti n in hio on BUt'tun Creg~, rndio operator, of n viII lliglt schou I Alumni wal town lit the time, OUy' ed itor re- St'lltembet' a. and pupil" werre· slIid conll'tld IInti the p<'titiun i" Ma on, and t.s ' Helen Louise Bar !nlllln, of Leball on. 11I1 t thi~ h nqu el or 1 4, but 80 m mb TIl that he left a lal'g , old· quired til [llukn H g'l'ndt! of 60 ''( . ur hprl'in di g n1 i~8e d. Uarolll Edgar Ackerman. dentist "ntel'talnnl ' nt glven i n adwnllad· fllshioned coppel' cent \\ ith hi ~ mOl'e, (. n I'xJ.llninutlon b ·fo rl? bin/{ 1n till' ('1\ , (' ,f Waitt'" l'nrlll' r P I, ratcr ro ,hall, Mav 13, 1876 f!lther!in-law, ,D. Wooll y to bl' promot ·d. 'up t. '. A. :-,j~ilwell a nti ti('!)/'!; ' J orllun VI'ISUS •. or L(>GI'unge, lIIinoiil, a nd Mis! ('rhis ha ll. tlle UPPlll' Story of the deposited in the ~lone, so it i.. wru ' CIIl IJUW red tv purl'hllo-'II a R·t C;,lIbrl·llth, et a i, l he tlt'fcntlant~ Ada Ml\ria ttlkes., of Lebanon. quile probuble that th us ual 1'. of ndrc\\', ' C >ographlca l n,ap~ m'l' ji!'l'ftntl'd 110 (IllY" to llklld. R_I E.tat_ TraD.ler. c'oJ'ds, newspapers lind oth I' me- t (lI' til lIS(' of the V~\ri(IUS clnsosc;;. I n til(' l' Il~(' 011' ~1' W YOl'k Life WiJlillnl ]0' . and Mary E. Jackson nlento~ wer~ thu!\ prcsel'V(>d for II ' ohoo l wa~ di~llljS. ' d for 011(. !lilY II)"u"tlnce , I" Vt'fSU ~ Benj amin ,F , 10 Lew S. Limb~l't. ~eal estate in TAKE pride in your St.te', progrjltu. future en filii n. It i aliio quit in I,ll't!er to let the ]JlI llil~ nlLl'ud O~b(llll, ('t ti l. til t' dl'ten tlallt. Tht! Cleal'er ek towilship. Visit this yoa"s Fair, sea how Ohio, proballle that the . \.on wa_ l.aid the county fnlf. Waylll, -\iUl' ,p,Uonll1 Blink, i~ Be. ~ie Owens Wendt to Clarby Wayne@ville Lodge, J. , & A, ~fl s. 1t\j lie BI"ph nnt \ li S employ- K"ll ll t('d 1"0\'(' t o ('Iefltl. .nce e lson. [nlot No. 107 in 90el alwaY' forw.rd in agriculture. II. but thi. w cnn not !ltate p si- <I, 'e pt ,'mblll' 1. 0- ~ub litult! ' Il fwi tl ll11wthol'rl pll'lltl 11 not Avalon lIeiD'hts. teaeher f or Room 2, du ' in~ the U'lIilt)' t tl the indi(' tnll'1lt iii d .. tlvely. industry, com.merce and fine .rt•. While seeking infoJlmlltioo tlIn(>ss of _l is!; L'hlllllllcr. Milc!; G. ag:lil1l\t him ond tl'illl i~ ~I.t fo r Emily S. Oram to The People'lil this point, ,Miss Trillena Edward!' Hamilton I·C. i){ned II . a m!\mb I'vf , ugu st ~5, Building Loan nnd ving,1 ComEnjoy tha axhibits, tha $15.000 h,,.- , told u that. during the- interim b . th bOlll'd. nn d I)r T. '1', r~ l )js was ' In lhl' D ~e of Thl' • pl'in Val. Ilany. 100 nCI'a in Hamilton town~ ness r.ci"g program, the n19ht hona tween the rnzing of th old build· chosen ttl III Ih,' \ de ' ICy. (Walch Il' V ' utionnl BII1111 \'{l r llR E v I'ett hi~iyrtle Land nbl1r~ Lapp and show, ~h. lOO-piece Ohio high school ing nnd the completion of tllC thi I' .nl and ~'O(l will s e tlw ~;nrly, Ih", de1e ndant i~ grnnted eorge Lnpp to Bert Cullom. Real new, cIa se were c ndueted in foundflt1tHl r" I' thl' (' /f!l'i cnt\y bei ng ::lIl clays In plend, HI it band and "Weshillgton lJve_," hitVJlriOU!l rooms over tOWll Hel' dIUI; displayed by th e pn" cnt ~I'~~id(>nt In lh cns\' of The.' HolJatt 1\1. t!s\vLiili~nOl Rlbbelt:rwn:n~P. Emma ~ convened in a r Oom ovel' the of th e board. ) JI S~ EhMb th Cab l,' (IJ " versllI. Wilbur , i\~o n , tortcal pageant.dram. with a cast of Fan" Whit store, now Barnllrd'!' ' mith \ li S emplo Yl'ci . :I!ptcmbel' the plnintiff hus no Iluthol'ity to Hcbb I \. to George Alnhl and 1200. mede up from every county In l GA. Ir. Lewis also tells us that 13, Il~ teallher (If RfJOm" nd 3 . - maintnin thi. a," lilm l' n hl'o " n ora Mahle, 10 IJcrss in Hamilton ' 1 1 f • U ~wM hlp. . Ohio• . Juliu~ Hel terburg, of Read ing. "is tant pl"llcipn lit a 1111 nt'y 0 >llill ('lInh·tlct and th petitioh i~ .Tosephine Dnrmody to Honor.. Ohio, was the contra t or who 40 JlUI' mollth. h"l'ein di ~m it;~etl . liuilt the structure. Of the ' On October :!,th, . U. ~loore' In the case <dI Thu P~opl e's llrmody. Real utate jn Franklin 88 flbata with 88 Ir>e.utnul girls in school board who authorized the re ilfTlPu as tr usurer lI ud. v89 Building Llllln & l1\"ing~ l).. township ,' perade nightly. stirrinCJ mUlic, 9 rac... building. William Biggs, no w !iv· die was sell' ted tQ fiUI, h hl~ V(,I'~U~ Emilv Sarah r'um et III Ich'in E. Wii on and Marl' M. ing in .orwin, is nt pr Rent th,' !l nexpired t!!rl1l, )n the Iu, l even- pa les by tht' 'f!hol'itf \\'l're al;p l'vved Wilson to Fred F, Frey, Rea e· ful be lata. colorful costumes, thriHln9 sole survIvor. IIlg (,f the M.T'f lllo,nth. the bu al'd lind aU nct' unts Ill' to lJ~ etUed, tate in nlem township. Adm'"'onll firework.. R~8e/'ving the privilege of gj)i n~ vol d to n. e~t'll n. hbro, I Y tion(1tcd Vi • I' G. Gabbard wa "'rnnted JeSI\ nlith and Mary mith (0 '" !\" C A ' .. Ro~' L. Hud son 'and Martha HudOnly 25 canta at ~ h 11 b ba k wh n, and if, othel' 1'E' Ii II )e Y t e ayne VI •. , .1; , ., 11 di\'O rce from .rohn Gabburd and R records of the earlier days al'e Slid to "pay th, a sotlal lon $12 the defendant 'Was p: rnn"cd ~Il!!_ on. eal e tate in Franklin town9ate. .AIso 2.s·~nt found, let 'us proceed with the for it" bookc8l1e and $!:!,50 per lod of min I' blild ship. sea" at the harnau ..--_ _ ._ L.ouls Berkowitz to Kate Rafalo stoty, according t o the r cords f dozen ior it, chair , The Wayne rKe.. ni9ht h 0 , . a the school board. 01', to giv th nl T ownship Teacher ' A ~ n . WIU' New Suit. Renl estate an Deerfield township. dlow .Itd " Walfli"9. lgrane t d th use 0 f R oom .." , 0 ne Bloom , eilz to Ella S. Seltz. ' more d"1\ th e.r ,gill e d and 0 fliICla ]11 r' The friican ~J. E, hurch title. the Board of Education for day each mont,h, t hey agl't'el ng t o pl'ingboro. Asking for aulhoYl'ty 67 Lacre , in T~arlaD townshW. ton Liv"." • the Wnynesville p cia I chool pay tor janitu"'~ ervices, fuel, etc, of cOurt. eonnrd Inney and Besse Tinbuilding noW occupied by the Distriot. No emb .. r 13th. Wilso n Edwards ney to Ellsworth James and Olive Kroger and A. K . Day stores, Th e f\ r t o I t h ese mInutes . . .... r 0 f 0 • J • t:'d d) The People Buildin~ IS r., (f aWl' r, war ~, ,V'II'L()nn A& James. Real e tilt In Wayne CHAS. .... IUIt, .... a.... EARL H, HANlFlLD, Dlr.ct.r delltroyed by fire ver-y early dated August I, 1893, th ' board wa chOllen to till lJIe ... aenney on • aVlllgs 0 " VP.fSUS I Will , township. the mornin" ~r April 2, 1921. Ell th b J d b th I " rarner, et $\. F llr mon y, f orohester j\, Campbell to William .. 1 beinlt' 0 mposed of Dr. J , T. is, e oan, cau. e y e I'emova CII)I!Ure nn I other J'elief. S Thi "'81 open to t he pub i.C'A at,ln"pdlld ,• • preSident, C. P. Woolley, Clerk, of O. B, Mool' fr um tb di~trl L. Hilton Jones ver us New York' H. Br~wn. ~ ~ acres iJ1 ale,m, :,~Th~O::'nil{;, s~c~o~~,y, J. J . Mos.her, Fran k Ba rnhart, O. ' L. M. 11 en del'lIon J'esigl1('d n entral i1rOlld Co. For money. HaA.~;e:C~rls~~h::g~~nw~w~~~ir~ I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!'!'~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"''!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~· B. Moor, and ". D. Everly. Wil Princip,d, Dec!!mbt:r 17. and (In J. W. Lin"'o Hardware Co., ver- r I N 7 Fra k the mUllic, as sown b y th e ee- lIam Jones was elected trea llrer IDecember 2 h ML ;1 A n n i e , . . . n ot o. 56 in n lin. ' The pods have apl)Ured recently. T ..... Will a,. Doeto..... retar,'s reeord: d.eclamatlon, "The at this meetinR", his term to start- Bl'()~n 'I'll e osen to fill the u Teck Bi hOlP. Fol' mon y. Zack Fletc her to Cecil F letcher. They have the appearance ot a C tjve Child," Anna Lile (C.d. ffeptember 1st, and submitted hi!! vncancy but all11 o~t i~llll ed iatcly P~;';;;~rt R1o'nl estate in Franklin. ilmall tomato Qnd are full of sn\all The American Fore8~ Coma lader); declamation. "The bond in the 80m of $12,000, with resignE!(1. rt wa not until the ev DJohn perch. to Boyd M. Ral. seed vel'}' imUar t o tomatoes. pany, Ilf Hamilton, of which Roy Wrede", CeOl'ie S. Baily; essay, 1 H, Harris, , W . ltoger!! and . ing of. w Yeill" Oa~' . 1 US. thal Lida 1. Frost:, executrix of the ~to n, receiv~r. 166.94 acros in Peterson says that th e pfants have Grant is president antl g neral "lIemories," Viola J Keys, (HawHaines as sureties. lIis. Flora Tibballs \\'n~ :lecured c._tate of Mary L. FI'ost deceu - Hamillon township. rIven the usual yield of potatoes manager, will doctor one larlre klns); declamation, "Isabella of A committee rellorted the nle f or the po~t. ed, tileel h r im.ent 1')" Carl and aroline SchaUb to Another patc h of P toslteYll in elm and a big mapl tre in thl" On the fir. t day of April. 1 f15. The inv nto~y of Blnnch e D. Enda tump. Real tate in Deer- the same rarden have no aign of court ho~ lawn. • AUlltria," Anna Furoa (Black- 01 $16000 worth of bonds. lenvburn) ; addreu, "American Educa· Ihg debts of $850 at 6 % , other- the onnual election resllit d in the Thompson, exeCltltrix of the state Reid township. the phenomena.- South CharlesBoth wer41 damaged by tbe tim::' James W, Haines, M. . wi e unprovided for. The board selection of J . W. Whill! nnd' Anna or IImuel W. Tho'mp on, deceased herman Hill to Enoch 'rool~y. ton Sentinuel. torm last week. The elm. tll!,;acli member was assessed also set eptember 4 as the dat Heighway as mcmll el' of th wa npproved b'y the court. Inlot No, 179 in Franklin. directly in !t'ont of the cou rt eitht)l-seve Jl cents to pay lor the tor starti ng t he I~J1 term, and, on board. Thnt au\tust body wa s 1'CThe wiIJ of Nlcko as Rou. ter, _~ linus. had a large branch wr~hhall and the printing olthe pro- ~e la t day of the month, adopted organized, April 15, ,,'ith . D. decea ed, was Illed 111 court. Bill. AlIo..... H.... y.RaID i. R.c:or-o.d ed off, Th i, oor' will be cemented gram . two new text boob. Everly president, Mr, Wo olley. Mary Mount, executrix of Ule William Niles and F. W. Hud. The mollth or July aw tlle rec- and the upper limbs will b tetheltLTbe eatebles and drin At the annual election . April 13. clerk, and l'tfr. as key. tl'ensurer. e tale of Margar t Bayne. de- dIe on, in fu ll contract No. 1011 41rd raiatall 01 the yt!ar todate, ed with a chai n. Th maple tree fOt' t he- first banquet were fumish- \894. Avary Needles and Miles G. The fOl'mer ord r, restricting the cased. filed hel' fir t Ilnd flnnl ac- 96; Charles Tyan TaT . Oil Co., when on the ni&,ht of the 3rd. 2.47 wa pJit to I<uch an (U(tent that ed and served by the · m!!mben a:al'nil~eeted members of u e of the ball to school 'purposes, co unt. tat. $7.3.50; Chades A.rgallt 'ryan inches of rain fell. within a few another IItfjrm might do furth r themselves, I recall OUr work in 'be bo ter m of three was reec'inded. ale by Wal~ren C. Young, nd- T r &: Oil Co., oil, ,3268.91; John' hou rs tim~. 'there were 10 other da'm age. This tl'e will also hIVe , the hall, the afternoon befoTe, and 1ears, and . . Woolley wa reMay 20th, til tax levy ,'ate was ·mini ' tl'atQr of the e tnte of Cli!- Thomas ervice Statton, i'88 and 'Periods of rainfall in the month itll upp r limbs ehained together. bow Will White TOlled lemons. elected for one year. et at mills, an~ the following f rd Cole, dece.&, ed, were approv- o il. $117.77; Blair ,. LeRoYi tar, which boosted t~e month's tot.al to In addition to this work, eaeh , W.-d1dn·t have a 'menu,' it was a The board re-organized, April h,clllty and jfUlitol' WC1'e hiI'd for eel. He fil d hi affidavit of final $3038.42; Mr8, Cora Ware. callt JllOre t.han an I.M.b *boye t.he I\or- tree will b thinned out BOrne. bill of fare-, and what-rbt1\~ of . S. MbBbet;-p1'es.- - M. " et'n'l: Supt., , , settle,,!ent. for tubercular patient, 18; 0 n- lal July-TBi nf 1lll: whnt, and> a ~pecial wat ring SYIit wu! Ju t listenl clerk. and Mr. Moore, Stilwell, $90 p r month: Prin .. D, ,O)'l nne ~ulbl e, administratri'X stan & Johnston, ,lJervices, $1.60; The July ralnf.1I was 4..1I3 tl!m CI' aled, It. is sa id both trees "Cold dishl!&-- R08st b!-*!f, boned They bought a hundred A. Ferree, $50; GI'adt·s. Misses of the estate of H.~, lark. de- Bell PI'e~s ,Iettel' hea1is. ,1I i Wood. intb , while the normal July suffer a lacl< water, because of chic\en, roast thieken. boiled diplomas for $15 f. o. b. aQd Diowiddie. Chandler, Dodson and cen ed, tiled hell' inventory. row-Weil stan age Co., supplies. p~eiptatiOll is a, ~& inch ... TheM tli great, nl'n(}unt ol':-Pllving_about dltckell salad, tonrue. Bread&the follow!n&, teachers: Benham. $40 each; Janitor, G, J. Bridget tockmnn i found 1n- $1.35;' Hines & H op kins, supplies, rami cauaed the rlvu guage read. the co urt house. bro1'n bread, ho~e-made b1'ead, 1 and 2, Miss J en - mith, $3ll; per mont.h. ' comp.etent lind a guardian is to be $4.01;._!lines . ' Hopkins, supplies. ing to r.each a . ')'l~ximum of 7 The cou ll ~y will furnish the Parker R ou e 1'01)11, Relishes Room 2 I grades 3 ,Miss Heighwuy rMigned ' as apPOinted. ,2; w odrow-Weil-Sta.nace Co., le~t, wlnle the minImum reading material nnd ' th Hamilton Arm is> piekles. cheesel condit! s a u c e . ' JUlia B. lJe~dricks and Olive . upplies, ' $L~l; Miatni Valley wall 2.8 teet. to do the work at $1 per hour.DeMertlt-J)ouna ake, white cake Spinncr, exectlj;riees of thc tate flo pital, care 01 patient $72; Figures for July, 19111 were: Eaton BuJl etlll, maJ"~le cake, chocoll\te cake, cocoa o f Mary Vandever Hurley, de- Woodrow-Weil.Stanage Co:, BUP. periods of rainfall. 11; amount of nut >cake, ice cl'eam, lemonade ," ceased, nre ordl~rcd to distribute to plie!!, $6; The Book Sbop, supplies rainl"lI, S.91 inclles; highest river Clarluvill. Homeeomi ... The Program: l nl!trumental thl! legatees f)~ the e tate c~rtain $3; AliCe W.'IrOneT, serv ices '78.- guage readin" 7;3 feet; lowest Now that th date. and plac. m\t k, Clark McKay; reading, tock!'! and bonds, 50; Elizabeth Stibbs, servicl!l ,84 river g\la(e ,eadinar. 3 feet.for the Clark ville ~omeeominc uS"" ep BefoTe Your Dool'," £tta Anthony . Sweeney, exec utor Waldron C. Gilmour, inquest. Miamisburg New •. have be. n decided upon th~ reKe~ Sellers) ; song, Chimina' of Lhe estnte of Thomas E. weeny $5 30 W Id C G' l ' B~ I ;" instramental musie, Clark decea~ed. is ordered to distribute .; a TOn . I mour, 1Ilmalnln, thing to do is to create T ...... Will Reeel". D.,r •• Mc sy; supper; "The Teacher," lIai,j all ets to sluch elistributees as quest, $5,90: Richard L. Williams , interest in the event and work for will r C I've thh ",ame. rvice. $10; Alb ert Milliard, 'rhree Warren county s t",dents its .success. ChAI!. A , Brown; "0111' Al umnt,." " service, $10: Erma Hibnar. e1'VA.. meeting of this kin~ wt)l Mlme Brown ; rema.rks, Prof. G. J, Frederick W. Hinkle, tru ste of ice~, $10; Oma Knox service 110; will receive d'e irees ana 8sinliJar Graham: 1nstrumelltal music, estate of GeOTJ~e R. Sage, deceas- JUlia Holland, services, $10·; }ITS. number ,:will be awarded two-year mean much to thos "boys" and ()lark 'McKay; duet, .tWhispering ed. filed his third ncco unt. LilJie Urton. service. $4.~O; Van teachers diplomas at the s ummer IOgl rl " who grew u p here, later H ope," Etta Taylol (Printz) and ThlJ, will of Eliza Thoma. de- les Lynch, sel'V ices, $4.50; Van convocation of Wilmington Collelre moved to lome other locality, and to be cOnduc~d on Friday, Au&,- atill hold a f ling of tcndernelJ8 Flora W~olle~ (Crane): reeitaceused, ",'US atlimitted to probate, C · St C I '"133 tion; "The Sio\lx Chief's DaaghW. McGl'llth, and Rosli B, Hakes amp one o. grave . • . ' ust 19. A to tal of 37 will be award In t heir hearts 1'or t he nelghbol'ed degTees and all additional 106 hood and events of th ir childhood tEt," Nan Wrigl1t (Dakin) i song, wel'e appointed executors nnd filed are to receive diplomas at the ex- ThOSe of th SAme age or younceI' "Csntilena." b()nd of $5000 with anie B. McceDes. who still live here will have lese ' The offtcers: J .' Will White, Grnth and W. N, McGrath a s Warren county graduat~lI , interest in t he-B.1fajl', because PresiMnt; Mollie E, ,Bispham, vice sUl'eties Ho rl'Y' line, Louis Kip· B. S. in Education- Che.ter there is no distance aml -yamr pte ident; W. H, A'\len. I\.ecretary. hart an d Hal'l'Y ettlemeyer wer e Beery, of Morrow, and Evan J . awny from home to lend glamo ur Reception· committee-Ettn Key ', aPllointed appraisers. . .g~ddom of Lebanon, t Q the daYII,now far in the past.Ann·ie U Brl)wn, J . E. Jan hey and J, 1', Riley waSl appointed ndBache.ior of Science-Raymond Clark8ville News, . Jq)J n Coi lett. mini tratol' or estate of James Smith, of Mason. .• ' In 1890-91, the ' old Union lIilnon. decea;-ed, and filed bond Teacher!!' diPlo~&--~aymQnd chool building 'Was r azed; >lind a The ilnt marriege to pe beld in Braddock, of Waynes~))e: Susan hands(jme, modern building was A motion wa I st at the meet- t he historic Grant Memorial M. E. Whitaker, of Morrow; and Joseph.' ~rec.;ted on the site-southeast The production of lard subs tiThe Old M. E. Churc~ Scene of the Fint C\)mlltenc:~ent . S ChurAh at n.,. Pleasant Wlnlt (If ,eptember 23, Which re~~. -.G aolemn ine WilBon, of Mason.- Western tutes jUmped from 37 »er cent of cQtner of },fiami and 4th streets, H r 101' a period of twenty four and 4, Miss Marianna Chandler; member of t he board. Augusl 30, quired the clerk to Jlrepal'e an Ilb- ized Saturday aftel'noon with Miss Star. the lard produ,ceq in 1920 to n year!!, !!urting with the fall term Room 3, grad es 5 and 6, Miss Min- and J onas Jann!!),. Jr, (fath r of ::Iil'act of the ptoceedings of each Hildll 9 8 6 r , of Moscow, ano A. K. PeT cent In 1931. nie Dodson; no teacher wns hired Mrs. H. H. WiIIi'amson) was s . meeting for publication in each of Palm, of Cincin:nati, as the-princi. n. Cha"~.IMlI.a ,Coe. 0.-W, . U of 1891" and endin~ with t he for Room 4; Roo,m 6, High school, 1 ct(>d to fi ll the vnc.ancy. The folthe two loca l papers, ,The Miami pals. , . ' , The 1932 Asaembly progTam I!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! pring term of 191'5 , Ij]) sch ool activities of th~ WayneSVille L. M. Henderson. They also ' set lowin,. bills wt)re allowed for clean Gazette And The Waynesville ' The, w~~dll1g took plaee at 2:.5 will come to its clo@e next S~nday chool hou e': C, J. Smith. New!'!, later con~ olidated by Mt. p. ,m., WIth Rev. R. B, B~!ld, of. eveniD&'. There have' been many Special Districl: were conducted, the admission f~ to commence- ing th featurell on th. year's pro~m , llere, some of Wayn esville's most ment exerclJeI Ii\ 25 cents, and Bnd Gl'ant Lewis, $7.50; each; a nd Mrs. T. J_ Bl'own. (The pres- fic lutinc- Clermont Courier: . Seed Pota OD PlaD~ among them Th~ Eureka Jubilee iIlustl'ious and s uccessful sons and l10wed each grnduate four comp li Mrs, Mary A, Wi se , Mrs. Melissa nt I'~pre!'ientative of The Gazette R dfel'n anr! Mrs , Oll:\n Hillman, consi!1cl'$ him~lelf lu cky to be a1'S inprs, the Redpath Players De entar y tickets. L daughtel',' completed their school On April 23, Room 4. grades 7 $5 each; M'r '. J essie Joy (mother lowed to attemd the bonrd meetPotatoes WIth seede, a wry un- Luxe and the Welsh Impe'r ial SiDlr. da~ and departed for institutions MONEY LOANED f udv9,nced equcation , nnd fi elds nd 8, was restore.d and the sala ry of OUl' village Illar~hnll), $4,38. ing!! and !t'lean the news for him- usual occurrence bere~ haft been era, Grl!),sUlke, the mBgici8Jl. the of grealer usefulness. Here have f the teacher was set at ,60 per Drawing wa s dropped from the lie fr, ven i~ some session s are not reported by Thad Petel'llOD. The Filipino ColleCiana, J.. Rev. "Billy' b !rUn the c ~hool days 01 others. month, al t hough the l'ecord do~s COUI' e of stu(ly. and pupils Ill,nk . adjou1'I1 d until th e wee smo' h ours eed pods are on nearly an oi the Sunday and Anne ",ampbell, the whose carf.'('rs, we believe, aTe des- ,p ot state who wns employed tOI ing a class gl'ade of &i'f" in any of the morning. It is a pleasure plallts in the patch , and lome poet. 111 spite of wide-lipread un- - , 0 em.,loyment th1'Ouchoat, bhe Miami LONG OR SHOaT TIll. ..., tined ~o become equally' brilliant teaeh the room. The salari es ()f the subjeot wel'e exc mpte(\ from ex-. nnd an · irtspirE~tio n to witness the plants hnve several of the pods. Peterson saye that the potatoes yaJJey. the attendance at Chauterm• • Allo SlIrfe,tq The record!! of the constructloll first three teachers was set at -$'tO aminatlon in that "llbject. Thc' careful co nsidet'ation given all were planted at the usual time and t"uqaa hae held up wonderfully .trac~ Writ. alld I wID ... daY's of the build ing are not per month, George J. mith we minimum pa '~ing grade wns set at sch ool matters .) (To be contin ued) were certified Early O~io seed. welL- Franklin Chroniele. , aDd He ;90. SaID D. Heald.. Ilvajlabl.e at this time , The cor~er- l1ired a s janitor at a sa1aJ'y of 65 tfc . =======:_-=====-_...!_ _ _ _ _=-==!"_ _ _===-"!'==-======'E:'-~==:c:ab======::::!lI_.._____ o::::a-====- MriiJle, Ohio. · 111
COLUMBUS Aug_ 29-Sept. 3
Clippings from the Exchange. Coming Into Our Sandum
5 % farm Loans
lPI' A" "-7-
===-====......_ ........,___....""""==a===:=r__ Bo" Watta Dream,!
WANTED " liEN, Women
~rb up to f16 'daily introducing Famous Guaranteed Hosiery, 126 styles, ' eolon. Ama... Ingl, Jow prices. Prodllcen -"eD new Ford to travel tn. Start ,;.ttl!out expe1'ience. Wri~. a.lelll WUkfttt ROllery Co., Dalr 2.1 Greafle1d, Ohio. -.Iv
FO.SALK FOR SA,LE-J ..... , DurO(!. male Iwe, e~t IIIOllthS old.. ellaibl. to be re.wtered. Wennl R.n... a. ... ·al0
FOR 8AL&-:-Barlett P ••re. milt eaat. of W..,lIetlVW, Oa '18. ~~.
POTATOICS-U 7011 ........
O.delt Inb ••itant Recently Found
Tla. Ski••
PuIlU....r Sub.crlptl.a Prlc., ,'.10 a Vea. 05•• Pho. . ................. No. 111 Elltllrp4 at :Po.tolflce .t W.yne. R..UIooac. ........................ No. 11a v 111... OhIo. a'H~~d et... M.n I
Mr.. J•••i. B. Tripp ---~,-
Tht' finding of Il turtle in Wa~h ington County with a t60 YN)l' old il1l!cl'iption cul into the Rht·lI. ha CI'ellted much inter'eAt among ('on· sel'vution ist.s. Informati on received at the Division of COl1l1el' VII~ion s hows.that Washington ounty has an honest·to·goodne. s "oldest in· habitant" with a claim to Ion· gevity that dates back to ' July 4. J 77 (? The turtle wns recently found by HO\\,n1'd Ward of Macksburg, While pLowing a plot of ~r()und near . '. Highway No. 21 The undel'sidl' of the turtle was marked with the words "L. Whet· 7. el, Bet y Zane Ft. HenJ'y lind July 4, 1776." Ev ryone familioT with early Ohio histol'y kn ows that L. Whetzel was 1111 Indian cout Ilnd an ear ly hist orical character, and that Betty Zane wa a co·t ntporary chara tel' in pioneer history wi t h Wh etzel. PerhllPs this tUltle wall a pet of Louis Whebel or perh ps the I ttering wa cut il'\ its shell in the pres nce of Betty Zane. The turtl~ also contained 11 "swl1l:\tika," a D laware Indian emblem, cut on the bllck. . Aecol'ding to biol ogists of the Di"ision of onsel'vstion, a turtle's ~pa n of life i from 200 to 600 years.
OLUMBU eclion, of the G nel'al 'odt! uf Ohi,p. which con· Oh! the :;kieJ\, lh. beautiful !\kie , stitute Whlll i~ knowlII as th Sec· That art' ~orl S lid blue aR a \l nu 1'I1bbe Act, provide that one· AUGUST 10, 1932 ba by's eyeS', half of the liquor fines collected A ntl when th& sun !Jinks in lhe ~ hall go to the state treasury Bnd west that the other hal! s hall go to the Tho, e are the sk ie!l that 1 love h'cal>uI'y of the municipality, town· Mon~IIY momin@. two mDchin&s coming in ~::..-!~~-:--------p'~~~b~~l ty in which the smashed tnto ellcll oth 1', both be.ing auiou!! to pass a track . The re· "'or then cluud ('hangc, take many beld. Accprd ing to shapes, ~ tatisiics mad\! IIvaHlbl by suit, where the road ahead hapP llns not to be clear, is disastel'. , One can hardly drive 100 miles on an Ohio rQad and not. witness , Somc lOOK like bears, 'orne like Sect'clary of State Clarence J. apes, B)'own, the am OIl11t. , of revenu e ! uch a taking of cbances as thi8. The most obviously iuicldal and mur· derous thing for a drivel' to do is to pass another car on a hill or Il And ther Iirc camels, ellch bear8 whi ch the sta te I'eceives from th'is a man" ' act, has been decreasing fot· the cUi·ve . .Re cannot see th r~ad Ilhe~d. If thel'~ ~appen8 to be a car ap· proaclllng from the front, hIS own life and the hves of the p ople in the Whi ch form an ancient caravan . pas t eight years. In the stati tical year of 1923·2 4. Ohio's treasury apPl'()8clling cat· are plilced in hideous jeopardy. The man who dl'ives 1,496,613.77. which ti CIII' while drunk is no such menace to highway Bafety as the driver Between om e cloud SInoll Angel received fig ure declin·d each year !If fol, peep • w~o takes this chBnce. Why will driver!! do it? Men do n ot jump over a 1924 ·25 $1,126,107.14; lows: olIff on the chance that the)' will alight unhurt. Yet they do the more ule litlle Angels, who sh J 925·26, $92 3,635.lI8; 1926·27, rt'ckl 88 and murderOUS thin&, of passin&, carll on hill and curves of be a leep, 11,6 15.09; ye.lI· of 1929, $553,crowded ron~ll. This is on ha~ard of the highway against which sane And b auti!u) horses' manes 626.36; y IIr of 1930', $335,606.03 <'I'ive}'s are. helpless. One may dl'ive e:ver 80 carefully himself; this ing high, no pl'otection again t. the fool who mlly swi ng over a hill aTound All these things 1. se in the which last amount is only about 22 pel' cenl of the amount collecta CUt·v at the hij!;h sp ed required to pass an approaching car. won derlul sky. ed during the period July I, 1923 There i hal'dly a user of the highwa}'s who has not had his n aTrOW e a disciple with pointed beard. to June 30, 1924. es(!ape at. the hand!> of brain Ie taken of. thi,' chance. It we did our Some of Jacou's Rhl' P, . whiCh ~--~duty a8 citillens, seei ng to it that in every such case the offender, even have just be n sheared, Th e cigarette smoker. of Ohio though disilRtel' wel'e averted, were prosecuted for his r ckl esness and rlepl'ived of bis riiht to be a menace on the highwll'YI, the practice And oh! Ruch wonderful, mlll'vel- have contributed $3,933,925.18 in oo s, things tax stamps attached to the pack. would shortly cease. But we do not do that. We are easy·going folk. If Laying hens and pulle ts t.hat And beauliful Angels wi h shin. ag s purchased at Tetail tares, we escap with our' lives we write the tncldent off OUT books and go on ing wings. which amount .has bE~en t urn din · I'un on the open range and use the in grim expectation crf the day when our luck will be something les '. to th state treasuTY for tbe first laying hous fo r fractional part '0 every day we have our collilSions on hill or curve; and, unhappi ly. And ther · 1 saw a mighty shark, eleven months si nce the law f the day require about 3 square .the carelul seem to suffal: more than the flrebt'ands of lhe road. • And the dove of I?cuce, !ram came, effective on eptemi)er 1 f et. of fioor space per bird. but Noah' ~ ark; 1\1:11. Stat Tt'easurer Harry S. Illyers conftned to the house need And ao eagr , with a turtle head, Day has handled the' collection of at least. 5 squat'e feet per bird. And Grandpa Moses, going to game in II very expeditiou!; man · bed. nEl)." with but little expense, doing Ohio and West Virginia farmers 1 b' m05t of the work requIred with his will attend the Ohio poultry Tour saw a m?nstr~us Ig mushroom, regular force of employes. Treas. And a Witch rlde past II cloud on U1'el' Day e timates Il hat when the in southea~tel'n Ohio and We t Th. O. S. U. Jt.... Stat1o.-W EAO her broom: . . yea]' is up, August 31st. he will Virginia on August 22.25. The I !law a mouse WIth rabbIt legs, balle coHected near' fOUl' and a route ha. been planned to comMaker) ('Musical 'Interludes by Fal'm Night Melody ,And II cloud duck. making a nest half million of dollar. ' bine . helpful vi SIts to i ucce jll\J) Music 8 :00 poultry farm with the scenic for her eggs. .. " .. , '.. . M. FerjfUS n Poultry Tour, Augu t 22 :10 Even t.hough. it i summer vaca· beauty of the Ohio rivel·. ..................... . ... H. H. Davi School Dialrict y tem . :25 And ~n awfal dralron with wide· tion a Ohio tate University and .. , , ., .•• .,,' J. H. Gourley open mouth 8 :40 Orehard Day- What to ee the fall semester does not start ... ...... .. " "" .. Adele Koch Be \\' as spitting fire, to the until Sept mber 28th, yet the 8 :55 Hom Exhibits t Stale Fail' E. P. Reed ybean Hay north and the south; 9: 10 Making \ AliI ..., university campus is, far from de· A. J. DeFosset And B real white tadpole against serted for there are 4,000 studentll COl ' Il'1' 1> :25 Swine ·Erysipelas . . In the ",.U .. r .. , .' th, sky. 9 :40 MUilic attending the fitst Bummer quart r .. ~ ..... t .. of '\\·... ~r 4-H WE AO HALF HOUR A fi ,h ate it up, as it floated by. requil'ing a Rta ff 01' 308 instruc· tMe' 4 ·h.,~. cI"'· ... ".. d. Silturda7, A q uae 13. 8:00 p. m. N('ERN : You are sure to see IJ you watch tors, some of them 11I0ted lecturer8 T WIIOM IT' MAY from other state uTliv rsities and The und l'r _lg ned. 8 allllllnl8lra(Musical Interlud s by l"ayet.t ounty I.M Club Or~hestra) th cloud~ tor Ill' 'l)onl8 nOn. with lhfl Will Nature II'hia Week ", .• . . .. , ,.. . ..... ,............, ....... H. E. Eswine ·AII these things, and people in everlll from forei~n institutions. a lln t> "d. ot lh ,Rlut p ! '''"ller There is a regular II arly taff of ~f(-(: I ur .., de c ased , hll.8 History of Lodge of 1000 in Payette County. t 1118 day ru ~ d crowds; , III I" 'obate ("(Juri or Warn: n When the glowing sun \links ,in the 150 ,:ngaged on VllTious repairs In011 I'll >:. Ohio. ,h II!. application I)f&)' and Imt>rovem nts, an additional west Ing It or ~n r!ill. authorizing him THREE M£ALS A DAY ft h, pheasants, partride and spin· Then is the time. when you see 108 jamtors, t n call11pu!! laborers let >l oll or til ('('rtalll ('Ialnl , b •• long. five painterl!, five ca:rpenters nin~ lllg to til "lUlte of Wall!)r M crlure IS 2700 YEAR CUSTOME ach. Tbe de~ ertij included jellies, them best. :\IIP(I. whll'1I ha ., be ..~rn .. d .~ plumbers. eight nil!:ht. watchmen tl tarts, ginrerbread and fruits. P r·tHe, a list of which 11\111111 13 iltHaving three 'l.IQuar .. meals a Then twilight fall so dewy, and looking atter the 60 buildings and tached t 01' mad 8. p rl Of .ald on till' III the P,'ollilte Phone 80 Bank Bldg. day is a eu tom a!l old as the cool, 400 aCI'es of campus which with 8l'pll(,lltlOll ot WarrC'1l ClOu nty. Ohio. Lik a sheet of black gll\ss lies the 1200 arre farm, compri e a Co!'rt I'Inld Ilpplicatj.<>n ",' 111 be tOl' h . , · Greek po t "omer, according to the PQol; plant worth over ~i~O,OOO,OOO. I!,g In t;h .. proh, ttl Cou rt. or Warr n W AY NESVILLE, OH IO ounty. Ohio , at th (· Court Hf1ua In ' ~~~~~~=~~~~~=~~ Mil! Alma Garvin, nutrition e~ ~~l'ank L. Hauis. prominent And th n the tars shine down so ,.... . th .. Vlllal<e o r Lehanon . hiO. on I ' tension speciali t tor the depart. business man Of this villai'e, passed oft . The public is invited to join tIll' I J Ih da y or August 193 2 at 10 ment of home economic at the O. away at hIs home Thursday at 11 From the great high ky, the WIth the state employes in their o'c lOCk ft. m . ' J~ 1\1, fn~. 'OMR ON , U. who flnd that the fir t men. a. m. following ' a StJOl.t ilIne. ' big world's loft. annual frolic and picnic which is A , Iltll1lllll~tl'lllor .1" bonia II n tion or three meals a. day was Funeral service were conducted to be held at BuckE!ye Lake Park \V1~h the Will ar\n~xptI . or the ntllde ome 00 Yllar B. . from hi late home aturday at Then the frog in the marsh begin this year. An elaborate and enter· ~!~~d . ot Wall .. r Me lure. de_ In the Greece of that time, the 2 o'clock, In charge of Rev. L. F. ' to sing, taining program ha!; be n arrang. daily meal schedule was pretty William s of Mt. Orab. Mr. Harris And the fiddling crickets form a edt one that will fur nish varied Phone ' much tbe same u prevails on OhIo leaves his widow, a daughter, two ments for bothMotor young B~at and f f 1932 Th I G k And ring: lighting bug!!, like fallen stars anHIse old. The . utboard arms 0 • e ear y ree a 18ons, and a ho t of friend to Go bumping around, o'er the . lub of Ohio will stage a regatta erved a .~rdak1hs~ a di~nerdwhiCh mourn his pa sing. nears and far" In the aftern oon llind a sailboat Wru! a !til - ay o. mea, an supCapt. and Mn. Chas. Garner • race nd Qjl rade will probably take per whIch wa a It&~t imple meal. and on of Ft. Hayes. Columbufl, place. There will be a water circull We H ..... ~ Compl... W. tch Butter was practIcally unknown were ·Sunday guest of Mrs. MBl'Y vaudeville acts, horseshoe and R...ir Senic:. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN i~ euly Greece. but chlleAe was Finch and Robert Garner. ba eb 11 c t t d ' Alld use only "enuine IDalerl·al-,. Cattle, hop, aheep a1ld c ah .. hIghly .esteemed. Pe. a s ~et'e lh ought , Heber EIlil! and the 4. H Club . a . onea 8, anemg and C .. ~ Norris-Brock Co., live wir. aile! t(> be ... healthful \food and DI·ckl·n". on "pent IIW lmmrng, all for ,,:a luable pri~es. rysta)s fitted while you wait. prolTemv. firm for the hk hut ... . girls and boys, who were in camp ., ~ Governor George White and David C bean!! were looked upon a\l a baSIC at Camp . Rook la$t week, returnfriends in eale. Lngalhi Republlcan candidate ary'. Jewelry Shop market 'p rieH and !rOod •• ritce. Un ion Stock Yarde' Clncia_ll. O. ve.~ table food .. These fgO~8 are ed home Saturday and report the for the governorshiip, will join a · 80 Yean . ........ .... Tune in on Radio St,atloll WCIt~ ~t 1 held In .hlgh ~egar 1n the bel!t camp J!.lltU:. _ ----I-~M.I:s':.l:1!~ona~n.Jl4.JIJlJILJiJL:~.ru;;ro::fl}' . , fOuI.·sorn in a golf tournament at L.baaon, Ohio FlttlnC....uIJl..JIIiII_ _ 81. . . .I-..... pre ent AmerIcan dIet. Store 0 E . 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daD, Callers at the hom of Mr. and Harbor Hills and both will be ~;~;:~~~P~eJl ~;v;e;n;]n;a:;!I;;~ market reportl. Hipp.ocrat 8. onl! of the first advocates of nutrition lhought Mrs. J . C. Gray Saturday after. operation of the Emp,loyes <\5 oela· that boiled cabbage fla';oTed 'WIth noon incltilded Rev. L. F. Williams. Mr. John Breakfield i a patient the same evenilllg at the park. ealt -was a !Q)ee1J\e fo? <!olie. Cato. of Mt. QJr~b. Mrs. Mar)' Doster, in M C1ellpn'8 h spital. where he - - . . -.. ... the Roman patriot who lived and Mr8. NIchols. . pa$.'!ed through an operation MonPUBLIC SALE T.__ about 200 B. C., ' believed that M~. Mary O. aid and fawlIly, liay moming. Di continuing i;;:;;;ing we will cabbage should be cooked without of Lebanon, werl\. Sunday gu~stll 8alt and it could be .... as Il! pan. of Mu, IlaI'J Hal and famIly. Miss Mae McKay was at home ell all our fal'm chllltteis at public of F u... aJ Senic. II1IIII_ LE .BAN ..... ON • • OBl_O • ...acea for all ailment.. n. Gree . and libI. Chu. Gray were from Colunlbus, over the week- auction, located 3 mile S. W. of Harveysburg and 6 miles . E. of also thought that helrsllradlsh wal in Dayton Thunday and retur!leCl d. OUX' convenient location, Buita.'on the Harveysburg important to' give a nunli mother b¥ --, of Camp ~ook, where th,ey Kil! Katherine Holland is home Waynesville, Oregonia r ad, 1 mile W , of ble sUl'roundings and quipment so that the babies mirht be .woq nslte~ their chIldren a lI.hoTt alter having IIp.nt several weeks and enable& us to Serve to the Best aJ),d well. time. . i nllrsetl tram,,) in Indianapolis. Wellman, Smiles K of Oregonia, J ESSE STAHLE Y l'ight at Flatfork Church, on Advantage. Th elaborate nine course d~nT~ trlekt bie.:l. rIder .ttractMI·s. J . E. Hill pent the week· W.dnead'. ,., Au .,,,.t 17, 1932 Plao• • 320, N . w 8 .. rU • • loa. 0111. 'lOT ARY puauc nen of the pr ent ....e lIo! l1ew ed JIIueh attnt n with his exhi- end with :friends in Indrana. Beginning at 1(11 :30 a. m. the developments. In England of the bition on the .met Suntbl1 evenAMBULANCE SE RVICE Mn. Arena Sewell, of Colum· fol1o~ing: Net'-al . . . . E AR L KOOGLE R II ventee1ltb , c tlUtry one of UJe Two Work Rors,es, 17 head of menus recommended.by an allthor. ~. ·aM Mrs. R. T. Moore aad bu , is a &'I!eet in the h ome of Cattle, D.ytoe P ho • • pa.-. 2e w.y. ...m., Ohio al\ T. B. tested; 71 head of Will. Dr._ • • E...... leHW Ity of tllat time for all Saiats Day f.-II}, C'mo t of the past week her brother,' ~W. C. Smith and Hogs, Farming Implem4l,nts, 400 familj, K E.moN aeas WAYNESVILLE. OHIO includel in the ftrst course !!Orne 20 011 WII·.,.t tIUa' J C " bu. Corn, Harness and Household dilhes, neh ae oy nil MeI,~. : 0 can • • . \Trty Mrs: James Petel'son Artlel s. geese. duck. mutton. venllin."" remo"ed , from two ltands of bees, .I . .. ......... of Yellow pring!!, roast turkey and cu.tucl. The 216 pouDd.s of honey last we~k. with relatives F. T. A. C. HUNTINGTON second eourse had twnt, DlO" ' '- • • -j-tnm!.-i~:-I~iMleet"""\\,&i!-lew.f&3':k\j~~..!..:~~~~~AUH. ,_ __ di h es : oranges, lemon p", lamb, 'S.bIerIM IO? ' he Miami Gu etk. a
Hurry! And Still More Ru.h!
Your Peace
Until AUl u ., :loth, we oller
Zinc Insula ted American Fence, per rod, CASH
Malon's Lime 50-pound Bag, at-
Farm Night la.lks, August 15
W.H~ Madden &Co.
Lumber and Building Suppliel Phone 14
Wayneaville, Oruo
H arvey.burg
Or No C.......
Centerville, Ohio
New Burlington
Cary'S Jewelry SIaep
A. H. STUBBS) ~tfOa ISA~ i~TKES c~LLl · Dir~.or
an ey \I
00r; er
AUC tl one.r.
i". Wt.'
Miss Belle Horn: :;8 !lummoned to Ken tucky . one day ' last week on account 01 the s'e rious illness of her sister. K. E. Thompson and family had for their Sunday a :f ternoon callet·s Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brannan of }Cenia. ' The George Anderson family was calling on old friends and neighbo1's here on Sunday. It wilt be remembered that they oWlled and lived on the Anton Davis farm here years ago. 'rile Earl Nicholls family enter· tairled several m~~chine loads of company from Da:yton on Sllnday afternoon. . The combine finished its work , in this neighborhotJd last week. Mrs. Mary Robertson, of near New Burlington is quite sick at the , home of her parents, P. G. Wells and family of this place. Several from this place attended the funeral of F'rank Ha rris at Hal'Veysburg on last Saturday afternoon. Johnny J ohns'~n a nd fa mily !lpent Saturday E!:Yen ing in Hal" veysburg. T he Huntin&'tons who live on the Jo:. C. Mannon farm will move to ' their new home at Chillicothe about t he 1st of Septem ber . . Richal·d Nelson" wile and da uCh· ter, Miss Ethe l of Lebanon, were Wednesday evening ,ca llers on K. E. Thompson a nd fam il,. Miss Mabel Free.e, the Larkins agent of near Dodds, was callin, on her many cuatomen ,here lalt week. Oti a nd Glend on Powell, called on K. E. T hompson, Thursday momilq. We are 10m to report Jam.. Gray lIeJ'ioualy tn at bis ho•• near Wellman . . Harry Clirle
USED ===50== 1
To Choose frQm· ...AII Makes Iilnd Models •
.red !tahn Motor Ope
par!'n! • Foulk<.
Bank, T. J It' Snlilh, Hom~r Car." Rogt'", .. Sitnp~on. Io'alrmoas !I'. Arnan or DQ~ ('rl'lItnl'ry , 7 Ion . Mr. A. K. lllt~. Lee Hawn Jam e>i Lovely, On'illl! Gray. 9K rugl'l" lIl'lll','ry, Jo'IIIr11!y lIal"llwa l'e (' 0" W. H. fad. len Lumber 0., Thl' bildren'l! lJand will play 10 Rtnk\'~ Hail'Y u., Gard\!n hln, their eleventh (and last) home Ridg ' Ht ud ill, G(,II. W ntel'house, Cllncert of tht' 1931 Rc a ~on Wed· W . B. R«tuil'(,~," Walt" .. CIl, t, WHn\:!t;ony UiKht of this w\:!ek in fronl bur 1"1.'1l1'H . \l ol'nee K eys, Mrs. of Van Ofte n'lI lore i·n orwin. TI' ua" l~ai l'ln u lI\ 'l'I!III1lt'I"Y, dona. The eo!\cert i~ donated by th e tion No. ~,--fin Shop, H, A. ur, Former s Exchange and ]Jow8:d. II\lI1. 11 - ll wanl Archdeacon, A.r~ hdeacon . Not th change!n Fal'lII e l"'~ Exchange. IlIght, please, to W ednesday, In ___ - - co ul·tesy to the merchants 01 Wayne~vill(', that it mill'ht b un 0 "cfosed" night .in town. Have y ou enjoyed these weekly concerts? If o. won 't you tell the children and their director, and ThC' IO('ul ruelul'y of the Roxan. also these big he.ar t ~d rrit:'Tlds '~ho na ' anninK '0. expccls to Ilegin made the.m pos~lb~e . • Followmg we g\v~ a re umc of operali I1!I no tipil' annual pack, Monday or Tu('~dllY, August 22 or the concerts aud theIr donern. Concert 1- Dona\ed b y the 2:1. Prosped!! for ut least an av~r. and Mr. Watkins. 2- JulIlcs age run al'p ruth er bright, despite cClure.3 -Mr~. Amelia While. lhefact that 11 IUl'ge portion of Myel' Hyman, L May.Hawk!' rn· the acr ag' cQntracted for was .. surance Agency, 4 ~D. Ra lph drowned out by the Jun e flood s. Smith, Waytlesville Dr UK 0,6- It is estimated thut ab out 460 J. C. Hawke, Eal'l Coy le. A, H. neyes are still avnilnbl • wi th the Stubbs. 6- Waynesvill National quality uVl!rag 01' b ttcr.
N..N. U, HOL
Ill!) l ..ltl·~· .wol bm frh·l\d. \If Mr . lIlIII tr,.. Le ~li l' (it'll), a'\, llnnlTUn<'ing th birth of 1\ daugh· HaSl un. ato ,,,'·II(hlll.' I ft'll .til\,' this w(,I,k II ith rl'll\tl\'l'~ 111'1'1'. t~r, TllIlJ',da~', A\lgu t oJ . W.y nelVllle, Ohio Wa ll"I' K.·nl'll'k 11,'101 , 1 1I~ti"l' Ii",~ ~l irill", ,'ali~bury, "f ('I~'vl' ("I'urt lit 11lL" T .. \\n,llIp hU ll t' III lund. i. \fi~itinK at lh~ hlYl'l1(' of , llYIW. "ill<' ThUl'~ dl\~' (,1I'nill):. Ir. Illlli JI! IS. IIl.'n Emri k. Ill', 1I11l1 ;\l r~ .•. ,\ ~miUI .. n· Mr. and Mrs. 'l'hl'rj ...Ione" un,1 It'rtainl!d (h,'11' "un IlIld (umilr. IIf ~;===:========J:..r= ,011 • • f Cenh'l'vill,', "p nt • undar On'xl'II, Fl'ilhl),. ~I .. r' han thTlI\' hundr II ~ ilh th .. ll' pan'Il~. 1r. and Mr!l, L e lIawke and family 'lUade a Mr. lind )1 IS. A \11'11 111111 ,.,un I!"l'lIdllul!'. lind f"l'ml'l' !;tudenl'l of J. B. J(\n 101. lour of Southern, Ohio, Sunday. l' turll~d h' th"il' hllllll' in Lynch· Ihe :-\alwna l • \11'111111 I Tni"l' loo ily at The Luuil'. id In t Is t W ~d- burg ;\"' ndH~ lIrtl' I' :\ Ihl'PC lIe ,k" L"liuIHlIl 1','lUI'nt'd to Ith ~ce nt'!\ of La t st rep rts rrom the bed side ne~cJay lit thp h('nlE.' oC Mr.;. AlbHt visit with lhl' lat[cI·'. I'all'nl", Ir. tllt'il' l'ho()hln~''', 19,,[ Wt'~k, to of \ . . Welch denot.\! n o improve. 10'0 ~urfar near Ltlbanon. Tht!t'e were nhn vh,t. and l\ll'~. ~1. I>:. Fri.'IlII. 1'111'1il-iPI111' in thc ciill'hth annual ment. thirty Jl1'~,ent. Ohl . ~Ir~. ~lI"lJn ~1I)1(lI', o f na~' on, :-: rmlll l' uninn. l'lld.,\, 1I~ uble di" ction of S. W iIlialll au nder, of Dayton 1\11'. and ir.·. harli!P. Early, son i~ ,' lwllding llti ~ \Il' t·k at Ihl' hllm~~ ,Stil\\cll, vf I.l'Unll()n, Chllil'lllll l1 visiled Wayn~.sville !ri n'ds the and dnug hter, of Miamisburlol . IIf Hurry Col'ultulll unll Mr;, William FOR ~"\LE. . pent Thur dny ev nlng at the 'Tf·iIthto11 . :-;111' cul\('" un ;\11" .. u1" the reunioll CUll) 111 itt.e(' , nnd 11 fore pnJ·t of thIS we k. .1I1l 'h, I riO G ul'l!illl1llll J1ai nc~ Sundu~' !lrter· f Irnwl' Upl'l"inll1utllmt of Wll yn shome (li Mr. and Peler Demus and so n, Peter Jr .• 'Ruhn 1I1 vlor Car Co. Phonl' dill' >\1'h\I(lI;;, U1(' pit' grail) was nou n. K nrick. (If New Vienna, callt:'d on relative 1.. Iln(ln, ( hi<l. OPt'1l ea fl '. Anno RIIlbl1l tlll lind tumlly ~ nrl it' d (lut u s ,\ .. igin.a.II ~· plllnned. Mrs. lIal"rY Graham accompan · here Tu sday afternoon. nil 1 Il da~ ~undllY , n"l' l'~oll. In<<l.. \'i ~ ited hl' !" Inflll'Jm\l cla ~1) Iflllhl'l'ings fel\tur d , ied her brother, H('nry lind Ril y of 1\11'8. Susan Evans is attending a • aylor. of Dayton, to anficld, ll1othel', :\1 ..". Lotti!' ~H r"r, .'\Inday I h. Thul'sd:ty pro'mm, while on for .visit. with their i tel', ?1fT .. Mr~ . enl" '" h;J~Il' bel'1l neAl' ~u Fl'i«1uy nil jnin{ld in the exercLes meeting of the Primitive Baptist I\' II the t w,'d,. lit I ni\" 'l"~ ity llttll , II hi h open d ~~ociution at Indianap olis. Jam!.' II h and family. Wlil le l' 1'<'nli .. I, llnd ll11' n are lit !l U. m., Bnd continued unti l Ir. IIml MI'. A. E. White lind In tel' Jacky Shalla t; of Cinnow rem lld ling thl' t'I)Untr~ hnme ul\r1y evening, "on, of ~lUlllb u s, ",ere unday of 11·. and MI''''. Lawn'nc[' ~urface PrlHlIIlllr at !l :30 IL, Ill .• Friday. cinnati, was t h e gue t o'! hi guests of fr. andM 1"8. Kesler ( 1) th \ Towns hip road. Chail'lllflD ~lilwell's g>lvel called COli , in, B(lbby Hyman. la st week. Graham and daughter. lhe Cl'nerlll l'~x .. rdi!'es to order, A M rK. Bell.., Sclllt. E:vl'l'ett Early b d Mr. and Mr. Lester G01:don 1\11'. ~"'Ioyd SavR~ and' chlldren RUtJl 1)I\'d 1l 1('11 EI\rly w 1'1.' Sun- ug I(' ell II , " Th II era II(S, " soun:.hevrolet 1 7iI cd by, 'hnrlea Wllt'rl!ll Wood and were u nday guests of 1\11'. and is, Dual Wheels and their week- nd gue t, Miss ' )art! n re fli e h 'ieh, of Lebanon wos Mr" E. B. Murrell at Spring Hill. 0., Ph one Betty H nr', 01 near Lebanon day dimler gu('~l~ of M I' . lind 11's. ach motol' d to hillicothe Sunday and Theod ore Rolfes in indnnat i. and followed by the d oxolo"y, sung by Mr, nnd Mrs. H. P . Godby and enjoyed a picnic dinner. in ih afternoon ail ed On Mr. all , and the pr<lgram wa officia lly lion. of indnnati, were guests of and Mrs. RIB · 8llrlr· 0]1 ned. Mr. Mary IIrmony att ntled .Mr.. 1\Ial·gal"l.'t Johns entertainThe chllirlllon firs t i ntroduced MI'. und Mrs. A. K, Day, Saturday a family dinner unda y.at the night. home o'f fl'. and Mr.' laude ed Friday ('vening :\1i ~g Ruth Ilo k Atrrl'd 11. B olb l'ook, of New York, of n ar Wllynes\'iIIe, ( -'~l'~ grands on of the IntI.' Pre ident Rigg , itl Da n. Mrs. Mark Rogers and daughter harles Doster lind J ohn Denny, ~Ifred Holbro k, who ~onducted weI' Mr, George Mills, t h mail man undl\y guests at the h om e the' religiou$ exeJ'(,!is's, concl uding of MI'. and . frs. John Poin ott in on Route I) "hanged his route of Wilmin gton, and 1\lr. and with brief rt'mark .on the disal'tica, and is now d Iivering mail to Dona ld Hadl!.'y. 11', and 1\11':. LeonaI'll GI'ay IllUIlH'nt program facing t.he world rons on the Kenrick road north and f l'. lind Mrs, :Martin D len, todn~' . II'. Rolbl'ook, It member of MI'. and Mr. Jame, Bt'annock 0.1 here. F R ,ALE- 56 a 01 Blan he. leT. were ~i x o'dnC'k the cia II of ISH2! lhad come on were Sunday j('uestl! of the torlev 1 land, good barn, double - 11fT. anti Mrs, Madillon Earnhart dinner gue ' ls of "'1r. a 11(1 • frs. [1'001 ·('W York WIth ml'mber of mm"s parents, MI'. nnd Mrs. T. B, corncrib and other outbuilding , and on, 01 Wa yn aville, ere Sun. George Gray and h . nnd MI' . his fnll1il~' to. attend th~ l·cuniM. Brannock. and a go d deal day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Low· Leslie CI'ay lind lion. four-J'oom hou , Aft I' bl'l f gre till;; from 01 fruit. 4. miles outhea t of ell Thomas and daughter. It is reported that James • Mr. nnd M:l"l'o. " [i llium lIaineR. Ralph It suey, l ayor of L bunon Wayn ville. fnquire. at Gazette Paul Warn er, of Middletown, and childr n, Rob l"t and (,lal"ll, ItTld Fmnk C. Anderson. on behalf ~ hoemllker sustain ed a paralytic offic pent 10 t week wi h hi grand· were dinlll!'l" gue~ti< Sunday eyen- !I.c t.he L,,;bllnOn RO.llIl'y c lub, a nd stroke at his home In Harveysburg , ing at the hOm of MI'. and .M rs . ~ !ngmg, tute AudItor .Joseph T. Tuesda y .evening. 'Ii alt I' Kent·ie'l<. Til it' moth 'I', '1 ra y j!'av a hort address. He T e lephone 58R2 Mr. and Mrs, Milton h eehan, Mrl<, Gcurllillnna Raine, rt!mnins wa foll!]w d br J OSI!ph E. Brate, f en te.rvill e, and Miss Margoret about the lime lifter bl'illj( in bl!d (I f IJannlton i II. C, Deland , 01 Rogers visited relatives near Lebten months with th' infil')\'] iti('s F~' l1?ont,. OhIO; .' . ,1. Gross . of a n on. Ind., from Friday until of ago . IIIcmna tl; Dr, IlIltJl:a{l, of Baton Tue day. f 1\1 E d Rou/le. Lit .. R \'. J. lL, Thomp (In, · R I'll I t l\'e8 0 t'lSsrs mel'y 1111 of Illinoi . Mis Adelia lifton b.cribe lor The Miami Gazette and get a y ear Mr. and ,Ml', C, H. Hartsock nmu.el .harlet on tend er d til .m 0 of klahol~1I ity: .F', , Betz, of 01 Remini, cen, e, s~rpnse unday ",hen they IIl'nved hiongo; R. E. Field, of incin. MI', nnd Mrs. J . B. Rich spent the WIth well-filled ba, kets at the noon nnti, .and T. II. RogElrs, of Hous- week-end at Green Springs, O hio, I '!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~"'!"'!!!!!~ Emery. . __________________________ __________________--, t he gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis I' hour. They were: Ir. lind MTS. Urn Texas. The thrifty-minded man } 'I' d ~('h oley, . Mr. . ~~ll h ,. Ih !.be afternoon a short tribute i. ordering hi. coal NOW Ilnd MIS. Il(H IIJd faHc~lld. was paid to the lule 0 , N. Sam!!, M~. J. W. Haynie. Mr. and Bert Borjror, of Mtldlso nvJII~, 1111, ' 1)1 HiIIsbol'o, Fronk Brandon mak- Mrs. Ralph Greegor and daughter. a. off-••••Qn price. wiH Da,yton. fro and Mr. . ~arle " HIIl- inA' tht' IIddre~~. This was followed Mar ian, and Mi s Mabel Smith, of leave a healthy difference v y and s ~, of (,llIrk~vllle. by IIddrc ~e by SUJlte Libl'llrian olumbu s, sp nt unday with Mr. I John Hcnt·y Newma n and Ex- and Mr • J. H , Smith. in the f.-mily pocketbook Governor Myers y, ooper. OfWe are naturally pleased when ver we hear when the cool day. roll The member of the J. C. t1~ers W I'e I ctcd, lind the as o. favorable comm nts on our work from he familie we family enjoyed their ciation recQmmended II Bucce or Hawke ar.o und again in a very f()]' the late O. N. Sam as a monthly reunion at the home of sel've, or t heir friends. It is alway gratifying toknow • hort time. Mr. and Mr • J . P. F1'omm, today . tru t e of \ ilmjngton ollege. t hat our efforts have been appreciated. Tho e present were: Mrs. Ray . A . tilwell , president of th See the different grad•• ,N. . Stud nts' As. oeiation and Hawk!J daughter and son, Mrs. However, we realize that real impl'ov~m: nt in our hairman of the J.932 reunion arl Hawke. Mrs, MarJ( Hopkins of coal we are h.ndling·, ( ontinu d from page 1) service ca ll s for onstructive riticis m, as well as com mittee, was l'e'E'll!c~cd presi- and Mr. Bob Johnson, of Dayton; and let fill your coal dent 01 the Mqociatic'n for the en· Mrs. Ralph Vance and lion, of ·' bouquets." We m y be blind to certain faults which gave lh m another in the ninth. suing year, an honor accorded Plea ant Plain; M1'. and Mn. J, bin. NOW. Bellbrook (and, we suppose but once befo~'e in N. N. U. re- C. Hawke, Mr .. and Mra. Lee are quite apparent to others. . Mike Weller) .i s coming to W ay ne unioll hi tory. Judg;e Robert J. Hawke and family, Mr. and Mn, Park for anoll! r game, next Sun- huwhan having selrved as head Melvyn Banta:, Mr. and Mrs. If any reader of this advertisement can suggest day, a'nd the WA' must put f the r union in 1927 and 192 . Maynard Weltz and on, and Mrs. any way in which our work can b improv d in any de· forth thel" be, t. efforts to win. The n (lm inatin~ committee con- Leah Strouse. La!jt . undayis figur s: i. ting of Mr . W. . Bo"",er and taiJ, we will be glad to give his ideas thoughtful conMr . Aaron BI'afman, of Lebanon, E.. roll_ at fo r .. ·H CII.b. ING ALLE sideration. Constl'uctive criticism wilt help us to realize PR V Y a'nd Pl'of. Kay, 'of Wa hington C. E~tra lumfY' a truly preour a mbition, which is to rend I' a ervice as nearly AB R H PO A H., was unanimo us iln its selection '" II mIum c:oa . Huff, Ie 4 0 1 4 1 of Mr•. tilwell a s pr,e~ ident of the .,.nro ment of rural boys a nd perfect 8S lies within our power. Benson, cf .5 1 0 2 0 a ··ociation. girl~ between the agell of 10 and Haines, 2b .. 4 - 2 2 0 1 Other officer for .2 10 8 4-H clubs now apBlair, c, p . ,6 2 ~4 5 2 21 Vice President, Fran:k D ....'U'uu, 46,000. O( this n umber A cenuine Red Aah ompton, ::Ib, c5 1 6 .Lebanon, who su.cce.eds .>:UJl!.UI1l~.;j 0,000 ,.re- g.it'11I and 16,000 aTtl L Noggle, s 4. () 0 1 3 2 Logan; ecretnry, Mrs. Eva Me. boys. Total enrollment ' f or the Smith, 1b 5 1 3 6 0 11 Kay, of L banon: and Trea surer, nited States, Alaska, Hawaii a n d Phone 7 Wayne.ville, Ohio 0001 Reevles, p, rf 6 ~ Mrll. McKay' at\d Mr. TUl't()n have 0 W . .tholr posts fO I" the post sev. he1t1 9 8 era I Y aI's. Total .. .. 41 7 14 24' '!" Itt. fine 80ft Coal W . A. C. ... ... ... - - ______________ ______
i R ... I E. lat. BNll.er. A.cI n.er .nd "uuNlace
Canning Plant to Start Operation.
Have your property covered by an experienced agent
,Buy Now
Suggestions Invited
Spring Valley Drops Tilt to Waynesville By Score of 15 to 7
Glen ROK.r. Pocahontas
Raven Red Ash Yellow Jacket Lump
J. E. McClure
-=- _ -=- _
Th. beat in the .market We aillo have in
OUT yard some good IUl\lp and egg coals at . lower prices
Waynesville Farmers Exc. .Co. Phone 25
Services At the Churches Sunday °
Kopper. Miami Coke
Waynesville. O.
AB R HPO A E Hartsock, l·f 6 1 1 l 1 Bur ton, .6 1 2 4 5 0 Mendy, 2b 6 2 1 :J 4. 0 Hough. ' If .3 1 0 0 0 El1is, Ib, p 5 2 1 10 1 0 Ramb Y cf 4. I) 2 0 0 Gon s, b 5 1 2 0 1 2 Lovely, c .. 4. 1 2 8 1 0 Kin g, p, 1b 5 2 II 1 1 1
° °
ST. AUCU5TINE"S CHURCH Fnth l' .F rench, Postor Services will be held ever y two w~('k s 00 Sa lu rday morlli ng .
FE RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 1\2 15 14 27 1<1 3 (Undenomi nlltlonal) 1 23 4 567 9hellter . Williamson pring VolleyO 0 1 0 00321 7 hurch Schoo l nt 9 :3 0 A. m. W ayn esville 0104 4 ~ 6 _ ·_1_6-+L;;,0;r1:...;·d;..;·'s:...::;~~ Earned Run S. V. 2; W C 5. Left on Base - So V. 13: WAC
.....,. 5.
- - ----
,.____~iII• • •- . . . . . .~IIIi·.--IJ!
You reading tile Reminiscences 0 f t t:, e ulong . ago, " noU) . being printed ever" week? We have received many letters . requesting copies of articles already printed.
Stolen Bas s..-.-Huff 4. mfth 2, Ben son . llul'to!,), {endy, Hough a, WA YN ESVI LL E M . E . CHURCH . G. C. Dibert, Past or Ram by 3, Go ns. Twp-base Hi Blair, Bu rton, W e tlncsday : Bible t;t udy and EJIi', Kin g. prllyur meeting at 7 :30 p. m. Home Run- King. Fl'iday : Jr. choir practice at Doubll' Play '- Mendy to Bur. 2 ::10 p. m. Hegu lal' ci1oi\' 'practice ton to Ellifl ; Lovely to .Burto n. Bu sp II it~· otT !teeves . 6 in 4 2.:l at 8:00 p. m. y : Sunday sc hool at 9 :30 inninp.-. ; oil' Bloh', 8 In 3 1·3 in- II . 'undu m. MOl'ning worshi p at 10 :30. nings:.off ~in,g,. Il. in 7 inninlfA; Epwoloth League al ., :00 p. m . At off EllIS, 3 In 2 In 11 Jngs. . Bm;c!; 011 BaJl:;--by Reev es 4; 8 p. m. the la dies of the by Bl ai!' I ; uy Kin,:: H; by EI1i5 2. chu rch will have ,c harge of the l'vice and a spec i~II pt'ogram will S.lI·uck O Llt - by Reeves 3 ; se be g iven. ,by Billil' .J; by Kin/!: 5: by Elli s 1 . Thel'll will be a short meeting Wild Pi ~ch s- Hecves 3: Bluil' 2 of lh offi cia l board ·on Sunday King- I ; F:lJi s 1. Hit Rlll ~ll1cn- by Blail' (Hart. morning immediately following the mOl"ning serViCE!. sock): by King- (Noggle) . Tit e 2 hl":-< .. :10 min~. WAYN ES VILLE C HURCH OF l mpil"cfI f'1'e l~d e l'gllst an d CHRIST nd rw ood. ( Undenomina tional) --.- -~ --Chester A. Will iamson, Minister U. e hurch chool at '9 :30 a. m . The THE MIAMt CAZETTE school that is "dififerent." Some. t.hi np; 'spccial 'each Lord 's Day. , For Re.ulte L()'I'd's Supp e l' tIt conclusion . Chri stia n Endeavor at 6 :45 p. m. [,eaderR J ames Iln d Lloyd Arth ul', Evening I!v angc \i s1~ic ~e rvice at I 7 :411 p. m. Set'mon subject, "Auth ol·fty in hris tianity ... · P I'ayC!' meeting and Bible 'tudy elich , Wednesda y at 7:30 p. m. W e are I"g the book of Acts. S hort r hoir practice at conclu91 on. T he I Chlll· .. h whero you ;feel at home .
hIDoae Uf.daM G;IIiUlt;ii
.AftlPIND•• . . . . twJat Cod Tlr_
'. •
-4" ........ ......... Mil';
-,. ............ u=
Don' t borrow your, neighboTl' paper. For onlv three cent. Q week you get all the Remini.cen.e" be.ide. all the n ew, 01 the neighborhood.
Don't Be a HSnitcher" Send u, 11.50 and we will .end you
Miami Gazette' fear
"Begrnnin~ this week, more than 6,000 ,000 new quarterll will find their way into circul ation through the 12 I~ederal Reserve Rank !!, acc ording to a not ice r eceived from Washington, D. C. The new qUarters will bear a Iikene II of GeorKe W aahlnaton, I and are being put out In eOlllmem- i oration of the Wa_hin rt;OD bien - I tennlnl celebration. "There will be no limit on the' DUlllber of coin. luted,
...... ., tS'" Ur:: .,,..,, .
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", ............ ..... fttIIe . . .
Eighty-Fifth Year
11 t1 (
AUGU T 17, 1932
Whole Number 6027
PAYMENT OF STREET Regular -' meeling of Farme r' The Y. F. 1. wili me(·t at the Grange 'aturday night, Augu st :to Mentlen a om the following prugram will IMPROVEMENT WURK wlll!n ust at be given: Devlltional lead DOijler Mu sic MOl'ris & Mai·y BI'own lessoll ieade l', Es lh,' DOSIer; ORDERED BY COUNCIL Roll . "Why I Chos' a ll recl'eati on al I aJ ar, Ethel t cnden1 •
hUI'~ day, AIII;!-
7 :::!IJ p.
ha1'l~ ~'
My Pl'es nt Occupation" Announee Ne", Contract. for Road cal old Il'rna Rich Juvenil e Numbel' J hn Pre lon Building- Boya in Penitentiar, !'o1orris & Mar Brown Music Ml's. J o iah Davis ill quit ~ick. Buay Makin r Fruit C.". "The Busine s of Making a Home" ora Rich, UI'oline 'wartzel Bobby Hyman i1< spend inK he Mu sic Morris & Mary Brown wcek ill Xenia. 01, MB ,'- ' R pl'eaentattvft Rev. G. . DiberL and family f the Social!. L party have file.d Patrl/nize the lawn fete and petitions Il'om thirty -eight counpent Tuesday in Hi1Is boto. The big baseball game of the help till Band, Thursduy evening. ties of thl! >ltatt! with ecretary of season, the one for wllich tile fans 1\11-.. bude rane spent 'l'u . - lllte, "Ial'ence J. Brown. These Encourage the Band bOY8 wnd have been waiting with bated petition~, which bout' mort! than day with relatives in Daylon. breatb so long, will be played at girls at the schOOl yard, Thul's day 20,000 nanlel<. are fur. the purpose Wayne Park, next unday after- evening. Heill' the O-picc band in t he of having placed on the official . noon. The Waynesville Miamis of hallot fol' the onling Novemuer MOI'e lhan 30 Friends from school yaL'd, Thursday evening, A n intere~ling fa m iJy reunion Miss Frances J ohns, of Lytle, y"ster-year are coming out of e lection, the nam ell of the P8l'ty Ohio Bnd Indiana will attend lhe James B. Hawke, of Springfield, cllndidates for national and state reth'ement long enought to ahow was the guest of Miss Jean Bak er, was held at the hom tl of J oseph Wlllllingt n Y arly M eling of visit d McMillan, when th po t I'ity of Ilyn~ , viII relatives, to- officeR. In 1~2 , when the candithe WayneSVille A. C's of this year last week. Friends, which opened TueRd ay day . Josiah McMillon rolled in f1'OOI how our great n'atlOnal game date of this party f or th pre iRay Ballenger, f New Con. variouil dir ctions bringing well and ends next. unday in thc Wilshould (01' Hilould n ot) be played. cord, d ncy was the ilame a~ for this mington ollege gymnasium. ill spending this week with P I) tmllstel' R. H. l-Jllrt'ock i filled 'baskets. The occasion WIlS in And don' t get the idea that this peaker include: Errol T. pnjuying his annual vacation, thi$ year, t.he presidential candidate te honor Qf Adeluert McMillan, Dis· fF,sme wilJ be a :tarce, either. Kenn eth St. John. ceiv d a total of 8,1383 out 01 the Elliott of Richmond, Ind" \'X cu· week. patcher for the American Airways rhose Miamis know the game, and Mrs. Lucy Howard and son , or Inc., Indian apolis, who had just 2,~0 ,346 votes ca. t tOl' president tive · sec retary of lhe Am ericlln sure diq plar it. Maybe, Father Carlisle, were week-end guest of by t he electorN 0'1. Ohio. J O!leph ,h,ampioll of en Friend . . Board of Mi ssion;, ; 01'. returned from a flight to alifTime ha8 slow ed up their legs and her uncle, H. P. KeYl\. . Walter L. olli ns; pre~irlent (If ta U(!rI on WIly nesvill,.. fri ud!!, to atte nd the Olympic games ol'nia added some ext ra Resh to their State Highway Director O. W. Wilmington Coli g; WaiteI' . mOl·ning. J'rall1eK, but w\! doubt very much The Cleaver, Ricl! and CaTl' Less than twenty hours were reMerrell announC s proposed highWo odw~rd, Richmond, Ind., ditar fly from Indianapolis to Quired to that their tded and true batting Reunion will be held at the Well,Mr. lllid Mrs. B. . Howell, 01 WlIY ill1proveOl nts for cont.ra~ of tite All1 e r ic~1n Fri nel; Or. ~ . eyes have been dim ned to any man School huu s Sunday, August Los 'Angele via Louisville Ky. H. 0 , ner·. Dayton, t r' IIs urer of POl't William] vi~Hed Wayn aville letting on 'F ridal' and Saturday , of the trip, omeHis ac(:ount g reat extent. 21. August 19th and 20th, for a total the Mon tgomery ou nty Dry iri nds~ Sunaay. times above t he sl orm c1u()u , was 08sie Orsborn and Dutch Burton F deration ; 01'. W. R. McChes ney, Mi ss Loube and Annal e rane of 62 miles, at an esUmated cost most interesting. Mr. Abijah O'Neail and Miss will probably be their starting batpresident of edarville o il g , \Vere • unday gue~t.~ of Ml', lIud 01 $2,360,000. Indud d are two Those present wer Enocll, Jane . t. ry, supported by such stars a Belle O'Neall, of Wasl,ington grade liminations, one on the C darville, .; Leslie. D. Shaffer, l\Ir~. Will t rou d. Carey and grandchildl' n, ~ en del1 H., ca lled on Friends h r, atu rPummy PI'endergast, Buck Crane. ational road in Belmont County, incinnati, paSlol' of lh.e Fir t and Virginia; .Mr. and 1r . Dallas day. Beev o McC lure, Carl Frye, Bill Friends ch urch; Richmond R. 11'. lind Mrs. Ralph Bigl{. lire e timated at $400,000 and another Carey a nd children harle and S~uler, Tom Burton, etc. Perhaps N~wby , Plainfi eld, Ind ., sup rin· announcing the bitth of a SO li, in Hamilto n and Butler Counties, Miss Alma Guitner, of Westerand Mr. and MrR. Harold RIp Surfa e will be there with his ville, was the w ek-end guest of Mal'jorie n the Hamilton-Eaton road, at an tendent of the W,estel'n Yearly Tuesday, Augu ~t 9th. Given Carey; Mr. and Mrs. Hat'old Hook old familiar battle-cry, "Two Mi ss Kate Hall at the Friends and children J ohn and Carolyn ; stim ated cosb of $276,000. There Meet ing; harles R. Hiatt, Win down; prllY for the batter," and home. in Ottawa Mi t5~ Gel'aldin Whit, o f Akron an to be two job chestel', Ind., 'superintend nt of Mr. and Mr.. Raymond Thornburg maybe Capt. Jim Bergan can be }o'l.'e~ h honors will be bro ught to the [ndiana Yearl'y Meelin!!:. Co unty both o'f concrete, five miles was the guest of her au nt, and child!' n F;v Iyn, Kathl'yn and induced to make one more appearn the Toledo-Elmore road and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uaines, of Edwa rd; MI'. and Mrs, T. L. W II th Alumni ·aSRO illtion when Miss Friday's del gates will IlLtend the MIII'Y ook. thi, week. ance 0 8 a pinch hitte,r, at leas t, to Dayton,' were fo ul' and a half miles on the a !leg comme nc ,unday evening and children, Thomas and Eleanor Thelma t. J ohn grllduat,es from Wilmingto n ';rhe little daught r r Mr. and Bowlill~ Gr en-Port linton road, Il0w the bOy8 how he used to ride callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mr . Robert McMillan and Witt nberg college next Friday, ment exercisell for It clu_ of 37 the ball out of the lot. Dale Ed Cook. Augu_t HI. '1'he young lady' col· graduut 1;. Dr. McChes ney will Mr . . Kenn th Elzey, uf Dayton, t an e ·timat d cost of $260,000. children Rex and Martha; Mr. and i ~ ill with c8.l'let I. 'vel'. (Babe) Adams, Ward l?ummill leg' attainments hav eatned for deliv r the address. Mr~ Willis McMillan and sons, and Lllrry Brown have a lso been Hats fol' the Warren County Wendell, her a fur-year cCI·tificate to .teach Th e hio tate Archaeological Gerald and Irwin, all of in ar)Y Ohio grade chool. For the J . ,Hawk was II gu a sked to take part in the fe tivities Foil'. See the new Turbanll, oltee and Hillto l'ical ociety i making Wilmington: Mr. an<1 Mr. Alark big politic 1 bunqu in Shorty Underwood says that 'h e, Berets and Crusher hilts. Grace McMillan (II Middletown ; M1·. and pa. t yellr hI' has aerv d liS treas~'I' ea t preparations for the Sesquihus, Illst Friday vening. ,Jim Lovely, Fred Braddock and L. mit!). urer 0'( her college sorority-Beta entennial ommemoration of the Mrs. Russell Wilson of · New ne other man, yet to be s lected Phi Alpha. lI1as~aCl'e of Moravian Christian h'~. May ook, of N rwlllk, Vienna; fro Bill y Wanen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook spent (mayb Charleg Joy), will be Mi St. John, the younger ~p 1'11. a r w days this w ek with [ndians at Gnadenhutten, Tu~ca st.tioned at eat:h hase to take care unday with their son-in-law .nd Allian ce ; Mi s Eva Mel\lil1an of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou t. .her dnughte)', MrR. E. '. rane. rawa~ uu nly, on eptember 2nd, ineinnali; Adell> I't McMillan, ot the umpiring. That, alone, will dau¥hter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Il)clianapolill; Mr. Lawl'ence Fur- John, graduated from W. H. S. :Jrd and 4th. There will ·be a hisDuring the s~ mn\er, Dr. J . T . DaVIS, in Dayton. be worth the price of admission. with high honor a a member of Ellis ha enjoy d calls from many Mr. Word 1'aylol' and so n. of tOl'ical pag ant with a cast 0'1 nas and Willard, Mr. JO R ph 1I1cNow we have told you of the th cIa. s of L930. the largest of his tried and true friends. Some o~hocton, \V r gu ts (If 1)r. L. vel' 300 lIctOl'S, indu.ding Indians Messrs_ Loren Reason and Milo Millan, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon r.lc- eyer treat in Ilt Te, just listen to what to gradual trom our schools. of them include Miss J nni e Din- B. Hall and family, the first of the British soldiers and American Millan Miltenberger spent several days and daught rs ora Lee bappened, I st. Sunday. Bellbrook, Her h ost of friend s arc el(tending widdie, of Indianapolis, Alfred week, . olonial troops and noted histori· and J o Ann; and lhu'bel't Me fillan lost week visiting relatives and - Mike Weller 'and all arne to hearty c ongratulations, cal honetors of that period; fl~ Watkins, of Morrow; T. H . Rogof Waynes ville. ·friends in Dayton. Wayne Park upecting another pisod !l will be nacted. PromlnMI'. and h ·s. lIiY41' Hyman \v r ers, o'f Houston, Texas; Mr, and Hom e mod iCe cr am WaS sereasy victory, but all th y got was Mrs. Walter Chandler, Phillipine, dinn r gue ts tlf MI'. 8m ])yman nt Ohioans will take in the Mr. and Mrs: J. E. ~cClure .ex- ved ' in s umptu ou helping!l and all the short end of a 12 to 9 Bcore. pect and a Boh mlan alnrintr Islands; Mrs. Winnie Mason and lind family, of Lebanon, Tu sda~ move mto their beautiful enjoy d the day to the fulle -t. exAt that, Mike played Il dandy n~w to of 1,000 members from Mrs. Mamie Cumming, of Xenia; evening. home, near the High school tent. same, and, ' had his mat s been building, this week. nd ~ ill also participate. Mrs. Chas. Squires, ot New York; .- - - --equally good, the score would Mr. and Mrs. Irsael Satterthwaite , ~h. aDd Mr. A. t. Zell and het'e will be ampl parking space probably have been differept_ and Cha~. tansbel'ry, of Dayton; daught r, of El'ie, Pa., visited for 'all who may attend and arMI'. and Mrs. C. P. Ellis and Society Eddy BUl'to n and Roy E1li did daughter spent the week-end in Two Centerville youths, aged 12 Sam Mered ith, of Johnsvill e; Mr. . relative and fri nd !l her over t he ran~em nts 8r b~ing made to fine work in t.h e 'field for WAC, Piqua, guests at. the hom of Mr. broadcast a part of the program. lind 14 l' spectively, ran afoul of . T. Bail y (nee Florence Wi!- w k- nd. · U Eddy making Red Crowl, admit. and Mr$ .. Leroy Hurd. ~;u 6 the law at Lebanon lallt week on), of Springfield; Ed Ballard, M $ r . Robe,l 't and arl S rvi. tedly a star short- top, look eomGovernor George White will de'when officer!! lenrn'ed that they of Jamestown ; Mrs. Mollie Hough Cha . Lewis and Harry Sherwood J. V. Hartsock, left today for mon in comparison. Lue Hart/sock The ladies of the W. F. f. 0- were I'obbing mail boxes of cur- J . Milton Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs, vi. ited olunibu s and Springfleld, liv er th opening addres at· the did som nice work in right, and Sault. st. M.arie, and Petoske~, ciety conducted a very intel'esting rent is. ues of pO I)Ular mllgazines ' . M. eHers and W. C. Gilmour, last Friday. 34th annual r union of the Ohio divjded hitting honors with Ellis, ~orthern Michigan 'for the Hay service at the M. E. chur!!h, Sun- and s ul> quently ellingthem in of L banon. These fr ie nds lind Elks Msociation at Cedar Point each of. them trettlng three IlAleties Fever season now here. day evening. Aftel' t he opening a hou Mr. and Mrs. D. R . ' mith at- on Lake Erie,' Monday evening, t o house canva!1 of the many oth rs huye added hQurs of in five tries. And don t forget happiness tu Doctor Sunshine's tended the Hum phrey!! family Augu st 29th. One of the largeat Mr. and M~. Harley Anspach-,- . . the following . progr~m city. Buck Reeder' home run. The two lad s w re aPPl'ehended life, and have be II made happier, l'eunion at n)'d Park, pring- golf toufnameJ\ts ever held in the 6nd son, of Middletown, were w!As carrl!ld . out: Re~<lI~g, 'A Tom Vor~t. of Dayton, pitching Sunday ruests o,t Mr. and Mrs. LIttle MI.s slonary Gu.'I , state will take place at the Plum J ~an by Deputy Sheriff Huilord and therns IveR, while cloiJlg ~O. A visit field, Sunday. htl fitllt game for WAC, won his Otis Arthur and family. Brook Golf ourse at Sandusky Baker ; Mlte Box demon tratJOn, after admitting their mis~ed8 with him sure does drive away the .firet victory in three starts 011 the Mr, and Mrs. Merl K rna and the 'n ext day. Memorial servicet Mrs. F. U. L May and her daugh- w re seve rely lectured and re urn- "blues." local field. On his first. appeafance Topsy-Turvy Sale Tue day, Wed- tel" 'and son, Mary Eva and Frank ed to t heir homes in Cen'tervI Ie. ~-daughter. of leveland, arrived will be l held for the late Judge here, Septeinber 27, ] 931, 'he held ne day and Thursday, Auguat 16- Jr. ; reading, "From Darkness to Re pr senting a well kn own today to spend a few day with Mr Charles Justice of Marion, Kayour boys to three hits while Bell. 17-18, at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Light", Mary M 5S ; demon tl'ation magazin e, the t"'O boys a,rrived in arry acey and Mr '. J . D. Ma'tlalt. or ' Edwlll'd Weigand of Cleveland brook was making four olr Bob Le~non, Ohio. Get your green "Our elv S 'tIl Africa", .Mrs. How- Lebanon Tuesday morninJ~ for the and Howard Robin son of CosbocAugspurger, but lost hi rame 1 ticket~. Ie en. y e Mr. Robert Taylol' and family, ton, officer!! of the Association who ard Archdeacon and 1\11' . R. A, pm'po ' e o f canva sing tile town. t6 O. The ne:at undar, our bOY8 of W lit Lafayette, hio aniv d died during the pa t year. Comier; demo.nstl'ati on, "The One or two other popuh.!' magabatted him out at the box. Mrs. Stanley Bailey, Bustained Three Candles", Mrs. A. K. Day, zin s w re being disb'ibute d by onstable . P. J OY and Deputy here, this morning, fol' a visit with Boys of the tin shop at the . Crowl started the last game with • badly sprained wrist in a fall at with Mi Velma Arnlitage a$ mail to loca1 sub c rilbers on Sheriff Wrn. lluft'ol'd were called Dr. 1. B, Hall ilnu 'family . a ,h ot single over third, and Wel- lhe Mme of her parents. Mr. and soloist. The green candle represent Tu ~ day alld decid ing t (1 e~pand to th home of Hari'y La ey on Mr_ and Mrs. F . B. Hendel'son Ohio Penitentiary have been work. ler flcored him with a double ,to Mt's. E. W. Hopkins, Saturday ed Prayer Li'fe; 010, "The Garden theil' business, the lads are said Waltel' ,U nderwood's farnl, below Miss Loui se }lend r80n, Mastel' ing overtime the past aever,al left. Zimmerman's hit sent Mike In evening. of Prayer." The fed candle stood to have added to their stock by l.owl1, Sunday mo ming. SOTne time Matthew TUI'ne r, MJ's. ,1. B. Gons week anJ just a few days al'o Trying to steal, Zim reaehed aeclor Personality; solo, "I Gave My collecting magazines fl'l~m local durihg th preceding night, and MI·s. E. C. Crane were l>avtoll 20,000' two and a half and one ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malady, Lite for. Thee." fo essions were mail boxes. ~allo n fruit cans were shipped to . , tbieves had taken all of MI'. # ond on 'a bad throw, and E, These they , old along with their Lacey's chickens, about six ty in visitol's Friday. the state hospital at Gallipolis. InDarby'S hit scored , hiil1. Penne- and Mr. and Mrs. John MaladY represented by a purple candle; waite flicd out to right, and the and ;family, of Mt. Oreb, were solo, " avlor, Thy ' Dying Love." other stock until 8 , customer on number. No clues a to the idenMi 's Ruth oo k WIl S elected re- mates of many tat institutions pl'ecedlng runner was caught at Sunda~ guests at the home 01 Mr. East Warren street discovered tity of t he miscreants ha VEl yet cording cl l'k at the Indiana will e njoy fruit and vegetables second, Hart ock to Reeder to and Mrs. L, S. Arthur. Saw Cin.cinnati Red. Play that her purch'ase had I)riginally been found, but we under tand Yea1'iy Meeting of lo'l'iend at the th i. fall and winter from containBurton. Tate out, Vogel to Ellis. e\'S rurni~hed by the O. P. Warden l> en !1ent thl'ough the mail to a that the poultry was insured F.·iend" chu ch Pe dl t r k near' n I.' on, P. E. Thomason 81 0 has thousMr. and Mrs. L. K. Brown, of J. C. Hawke and Maynard Weltz neighbor. Officers were immedi- against theft. Thi ~ is the victim's I d I' t Three runs four hits, one error. ' lle, were Sunday dinner ' , n ., a s we . Zanesvl Hartsock starled the loeal at. cinnati R ds play ball atelv no ti fi d and sCIon put an end second experience with chicken ands of cans in reRerv for his own saw n. to the "racket." . tbieves. Little M.i.ss Barbara Jell" and big family at t he Penitentiary now tack with Ii ,doubl~ to left. Burton iQ,ests of:; heir COVl!iftttrMi8! Helen M U L ftied out. to Weller, and Mendy H~b~dM~~ . e Q,atl~=============~=======~======~==============~Muterhhnruc~~Cffinewue numbering 3,766 men. I' guesls in the borne of Mr. and and Hough were given frell trans- the home of Mra. LeMay. -~-----~ portation.EUis failed but Ramby 'U W Sil M' ' Ad - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -........~------:------~------------ Mr. Paul Booram hear BeJlbrook, M doubled to right, Mendy scoring, Courtney ' veT, ' .(I. a Friday and Saturday. . rll. 'I" and . Mre. J. O.rfl. Cart. and Hough followed hill leader wrirht attended the Stokes ______ _ _ _ I'oc hel ano tatting t hread. when Barton threw the ball away. ' Iat'k'/!, Bu eil1a and R. M. C. a sPennewaite retrieved the ball, and reunion at John Roser's Camp, sorted Nos. I) to 100, 'not all Nos. U mps Edwards said his throw near Ridceville, Saturday. James K Shumaker:, aged 66 Mr. and M'rs. F. C: Hartsock in all t hreads, wllile it lasts 3 balls cautrbt Ramby at third. Three years. a we ll known and highly runs two hits, one error. and famUy, of Milford, and Mrs. f or 26c. GI'Bce L. Smith. , Weller started the third with Edith Harris and family were Sun• MI'. ant! Mrs. Hal'old Beckett I·e.speeted citizen, died at his home day dinner iuesu at the home of (ne' II'lna Shutts), of neal' in HarveYliburg, last Thureday (Continued from Pace 1) afternoo n. A ·troke, of apoplex)I, , Spring Hill, are anno un ci ng the guo Mr, and JIIrs. R. M. Hawke. tained the pl'eceding day, wall birth of a dUILghter ,Ja net Lou, Lhe direct "Ca use of his death, . Richard, four-year-old son of Wec.lnclIday, Augu st 10th. through he had been in pQor Mr. and Mre. John Stansberry, wa. pain~lly injured ' when he MI'. }lel'be rtFl clwurdll,.. of Den- hea lth for several months. Funeral fe ll from a foot bridtre near his ver, Col., MI'. O. •T. Edward; , Mr. service!; were held at the HarveYIL. parentI' home, Saturday morning. and MI's. J. \ . Edwurd " and burg M. E. chul'eh Satul'day atter, family, of Ileal' Gre nli Id, visitl'd noon, Rev. Thornburry officiatingl The Woollard reunion will be and burial wall made in Miami Wayn 8Vil1!! ' relatives .Friday. held .t the Warren County Fair cemetery. ' Members ot the Revolutionary ground, Sunday, September 4tll. Mr. and }'[I's . Ev l'ett Sal's, Though he was a traveling salesShort Trail association will take All friends and relatives of ' the Mr. nnd Mrs. Burnet Butter- man fOI' several years, Mr. Shunotice that a general mem~ersbip fam ily are cordia Iy Invited to atworth, und Mr. and MrR. Lawrenc(' make l' has still maintained hill meeting of the organization will tend. Brown and hildr('n attended the home in Hal'veysburg. He is eurbe held at " p. m. Wednesday, Walton family I'ell llinn ut haw nee vived by' his widow and two Bone, Misaes Pauline and Ludine AnAugust 24~ 1932, in the Shelter ROlnine Shumaker, of near HarPark, Xen ia, ' unday. House on tne grounds of the Ohio drews" r;>:t ' Oakland, ?tiTs. Frank vey. burg, and Everett Sbumaker, Stansberry, iii .. Mary Russell and Caverns, east 01 West Liberty., _ Mr. lind Mr!l. J. E, t-'.'a?ier, Mr. of New York 'City. Members 01 the Board of John StallBbelTY Jr. enjoyed Sunand Mrs. ad SherIVood, Mr. und day at Lakeeide Park and the SolDirectors are advised a director'. Mrs. Raymond' Co nnGl' and family . WOMEN'S CAMP HELD AT meetin, wiD imJ)'lediately fonow diers' home, Dayton. und W. S. t 'ahall1 attended th the adJournment of t he memberSh<lrw ood reunion at thc home CAMP HOOK LAST WEEK Mrs. Leslie Gray and her young ship meeting and all are requelted babe, of near Lytle, were talten Ed J etf<\I'i !l, ncar 01' gonia, Sunto be present. duy. Miami Valley hospital in DayThirty women enjoyed a briet naA\Cll ",,\.ut ,,~ The afternoon affair will be In to ton, lut , Wednellda1 afternoon. vacation last week takinr advanl\hll, ~" U. LI'May ent I. ' tained the nature of a buket picnic and The babe ' is said to be afflicted M6w UQ,()mt> '"to th f ollowing ~il'ls at Sllllt!ay din- tage of the three-day camp con· outing and memben not only have with a 'fonien rrowth on its . ner, honoring t he t nth birthday ductecl at Camp Hook, 'Neat of the privller of briruring their ~n per Up. 'aJ)~ S9& anniversary of her dau~hter Mary Franklin, with Mil!8 EU.abe*h tire fam ihes but 01 invltlnr as Eva; Dori. Bl'ck. Mildre,l ali". Grf.\ddy in charge. Five others .nman), ot their friends u may care The Millie\. Annie and Mame bury, Rita VanOfle n Bnd Sarah joyed one or mon days of treeto act:ompanl them, entertained the following ~om from household tuka bllt MlI1er. For those who may lIot care to to d ~nner at the Friends e.re unable to fllmain for the enpack a basket, special ratell tor lut Wednesday; JIIn. Ka_ry Dr. harles Elli . of St. LQllis. tire period. the evening meal have been ob- ~qpklln~ of Dayton; lin. S. M. spe nt the week-end with relative~ The camp wall open to .11 ..ome. tained at the dillin. baU. ' of Lebanon, Mrs. H. H. jn this vicinity. On Sun of Wanen and BaUer countlea bllt Through the courtesy of the mall- Williamaon and Mn. J. C. Hawke. was the guest of honor at 1\ ~a .... ;t •• • of\ly h\'o Butler eOGlIty ..0100 aiement of the Ohio dinner, served at the hOllle were reailltel'ed. 'ne eamp .... membel'1l 01 the a ..locilalliOIl and Mrs. J ohn ~o nducted mm San4a, alt.,.. . "\l) b. permitted to take tIae r:~~: Springboro. Other ~rougll Wednetda,. 11.60 trip tlarou.h til. C Mr. and M!!!. R. On TllelldaY, IIt&t T1l..hIt.. 1\\1 UM\'\'e1) ~'T'~ tor the rovehunent tax !!enta. A .peeial Columbus; Mr. home Williams and Ohio " ' , . ~1\O" : Dr.
hall. Thel'e will be three Engli h yuu n~ FI'ie nd pl'esent who have Real New Fall Hats at real low Just retorned fr om the Nebl'a ka Diamond Star. of Do .... n Yean prlces. Grace L. Smith. onfel·enee. Th ey are now UII U Peace caravan. All thOSe interestA.o Win Attempt to Down Mr. and Mrl\. J. E. Me lure were ed are cO I'dially invited. Wayneaville Team Dayton, last Wednesday.
The last. chapter ot Waynesville', st l'e t impl'oveme l~t program \Vn. nact d, Monday even· ing, whe n ouncil I)rdered the cl rk to is!\ue a warrant for $965.0H in favol' of . E. Edgingtlln, oj; Find la ~I , in full payment. for his . ervices and the mat rials used in coating our SlreE!t with a RphaH and gravel. Our streets are now seco nd to none ill Wanen county. This impl'ovement was paid for from the corporation" sihare of the Ohi o auto lie n e and IlrasoUne tax fund, which the late Ilaw provides shall only b used for the purno 'e of street maintenanee. Nut one cent 0'1 the cmlt came Crom direct taxati n . If it hd, the inlprov m nt most pr()bably would not have be n made, because municil)al fund s al'e a t en til'e ly too I w an ebb. oun il al 0 ord red th,e litre t commi sione l' t o clean thl heavy deposit of gravel and i'lt from the lat'ge sewer at the inte rsec tion of Main and High s treet - " If he can," as fr.· 'rallam, him , elf amended I h lI1(Jtion aft~' il had been passed .
Thelma St John Is Honor
Dr. J. T. Elli. Enjoy. Visits of -Friends
F. M. Holds
Two Lad. Peddle Stolen Maga.zine.
L Ch- k
L oses 8 Th ft
...---James E. Shumaker Sustains Fatal Stroke
Odd-- But TRUE
.11\ AN'{
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')A9AtI Otwm
Hi torl' ofWavnesville's PublIC Schools NEWS G EO Shows Over Century of Achievement FROM GUHf HOUSE Proce.di",.
rid" .! t tl : tl lll ~ th.,. u ~e I f thl.' hu. 1'\'n1 I11I 1t'1i ill t h., "Id lI<Inll' t,>\l n III t h l' l'II ~l' 'f A li" (; . sbo~ n ~ I'" 111 .1 "II' Ihlhtka l nil" tinl{~ dul" dl'l't'lbn' 11I' ! lif •• tu It" l'd "u.',. und ,·t, .,~ u ~ JH" " ph 1', O,burn. tot ul, the
(' I., The Wi. Pllrnace Co, ud The Ohio Metal " Mallllfadurinc Cu. Pur mune" torecloaur. and equitable relief.
Probate COQrl Proe ...i.a' J. O. ' artwright, &lIar4Uan of har le D. Jauney, imbeeill!, flied h l~ lleoniA. 8tcount. Harl'i~t W. Mounts, adminilltra. t d l( of the estate f harlea s. Mount ·. d e c: a d, til d her fil'llt a nd final a ccount. Firman orwin, administ rator of the estate of Maida Corwin Ileicelised. filed his tatell'l tit a cco unt.
III~ till' pl'I" i.lt' lIl inl '·UI11 "a i~l l. ,J . I' r it- Ihl -, Ifl'" utlu,uall) -\\,,'ll lIud .11 'nil' I, til ~· II cl' rwi n p ro p Tty 1-;, .lan uI· \111'" 1I11tlHl r171'd m' J\ ' ,'U I ;uvn' Vlll('" 11.1' "'tor l'I'\'n II-,' t! li nd 11Iu k l' ,..' tUl'n to com't. IU ~"1I \t' t l'llI).. . llf whl <:h im 1\11' t il\' 1'1.·" UL', , r<111III>tt 111101 1111\· In th~ "'11M' If ( 'tId ' Yuync Mill· l'ntirl'1~' Ill.!" \~"mJll 'nW 11 1 ,ol n lallll ,,1' Ill' I' rdl' lh!-. Itlll! fIll' di d"" \' ~ r' IJ !\ L.aura l iddlcl on t ht! adIlJll l.tI. till' dIll itlnlti,'" llj' th" , In-ll'1' I\<' t:u,ll,dy of th l!U" min r childree /4111'\ Sli ll,,,]) l e:ld hL- 1'1'11\ r t lv, I', ~ .. \\'1'11. ,\ IWtly.; dlll'lfll l, \\ tI~ glH' n t tl th ' cl e f <If Ih \lrcI'clling ~chuu l Y" IU li t Wilh 1I WIll'll IIf fril'ndl~' A'Il'('ting III 11Il! l'a: ' (Ii I 'W '0 ~ - -till' '<:1'l't"mbl'r 11l\'I' till~, >Iud th ..· \"r l'v'ry.,1Il ,.. hI' 1111'1'1,... who \Iill U I <II11: \' ( 'UlIIPUIl)' v~cd\i . t ile e tate Rickard hoafd ol'dl't'<!c! it" 1l1l1.Jl h'I\I illl1 \ll 'Iu\-.<ti,,\\ 11ll' tillt.> ~ltt'I'l'" lIf Lut:~· "hull LCL'O 'l'r 1 1'0 11\ tll ' cl (!(l' nll unts deceasc d. flIed his inventory. 'I)' 1ilmi G. ~ Ill', 1'1Ie .[lppl;y bl\llt'Y'~ Iif,,? ' F. t )~h n:ll! I't , 1.1, tll .. pla inti ff , Lizzie L. llopk ina, admlniatra. (,<1",l)IiIIL'(' wa~ din·cl~J. (0) f urni.ll .;\1111' :!,lth, tlll' It \Y \\11 ' ~"t at th~ ~U11l o[ ·o·:l .ll . t r: IX of the' e!ltate of Mary E. !lopfn! .. pel\!'I and jll k r.Il' the u~t' "I lI!iil., ,llId the ~tHnlllite~l' ill In lilt' t'as l~ )1' nion J oin t kill, ueQl'Il$ d, 6led her inventory lht' >tudent", nd ;'lud ... nL~ \I 1\0 h:.u dlli\'~., of the IInllulIl t: 111111,'1\(\" :ll'd. LI IlII !:lll II k, of \) t l'oil, y.t'. It is ord ered that an appeal be \'(1('11 !>l"lmot I'd ",'ndi l ion l1y it) lIlt n 1I11dl' i[~ ll'P,)!'l, Tlw \'1 "'l ~u~ EI h'l J ()lw :>, et ul by un !l.n.tt h. I'eby i allow d upon the C"ltliin "ubj., t!l \\('r~ j.!jven until ,"Ill .,t ~tl c nt ... ",b d ·l\rl·t! by 1I\1\(h~lt 'lice in th e ['dcJ' or dl · ·llIti ". N, T h mpson executor th,' lJ1id-Yl'ur hulhlllY to n. kt1 IIll'" \'.'ntul',', and till' OLHU't1 PI' - tlluulwn Cll'Ill! l"il th balan e of of the estate of elia E. ThomplIl' l"'~l' .1 <:Ii tt' th i~. n lh(' :? Ih I c~·l',ll!tl. 'l.ll'lIll I) ant! >-cdnt.ly. to ':'~I~~l' }lalU n. I. \ eav r nd 'u n, dec as!'d, giving bond ,,' tlw "nilit' month. A, H. l" ',I' l o~, ul'd \he . HI to Ill\' "I"'lnl fu n d . \ Ill~,rt 1 1~' B o n l r , it is ordered tbut !1 t'rctufore ordered in the sum in. '\U I.mplovhl to ("!lch 1llU"i.: Th .\ lul1\1l1 ,'\!'"o'illtiun \\:I~ tl'n- ,;!\I(1 "",OU ll t b~ paid to H . H. $400 and ib is further ordered \, (h :\\,md y i MI r~ ( 5 PI>r ' d red I h.· U~l! of trw .1'11001 hull, \\' ' aYe I' or hi~ 1I1Iorn y. l1u thenticat d tran criPt \I 1'1... ThLl ChTi$tmlls " Clition e-c. l\lHI . 11 . ON'dillg \1(1 fl'·employ· In thl' CIlI'C of ~'l'all.t. O. r.'t l1le.r dock t a nd jo u r nal entries D"rLIIIIn,• • ten.lt'd from u'mh r :!4 to Jl.ln. ~d !I' I c.-h Il\It,;k. umlN Th", .ume \ ' l' I ;,1I J ohn }{. All II, tal u efl\ult iug t o sa id CAUSe and the UMY ~, I,t .. 7. "rm . I i~ ~t't lIille an d Ii i'll gh'c n the, de· judgment, order and decision ap· Tuili('11 payrtll'll, mu I ha\-t! '.June 61h, W, 11. Allell WIIS SI"- it'll lum, 'J Ohll' R. , ~l le ll t o iii ' pealed fro m be made fo rthwith n r h r.1 . for on J anuary l"ctl.tI tu tUl tlll' \nC!\llc>' Ol1 th dl! n~~l'rl!1' It I t.h pehl1011 and e ro r Ot' filing with t he cle rk. ~!l, 1 tJ'7, th ~upt'tint nden wa' 1>0 1'd, C\HhiL't! by the II mh of ~l r. Jll'lltl III h I'em. Harry Z. Guy, atto ~ney for the in trl1~t(, I l notify th pupil that C, D, \\'0. 11,'~', IlllLl S. ll, ~:\'l'r1y III the <:Il.'~ of The . al~.,y ndlllinist ratol" 01 th estate of 1!t'linquen tui\jo mtl~ be paid tl. ·ume.! the dulil.'s of t:\erk, BUlldlUlr; :tnd , Lo n so IBtl,o n J oseph Lee F er ris, d, Wall 'j hill Cln "ee or th )' wuuld I t'''Sl~. EH1'ly ,au.! II kl" wel'f' v,l'l'><u ~(lck H t eher, th p pIs Ill' allowed $2 00 fo r .. '''·vi.· ..... be ~up d. Thi ' thre t.1! \;den t- al'l'oin~ c.l II l'ommitte~ to IImfl ttlf shull recover ~rum th ... d fe n ~ L. . And erson. aamllll!ltr:lltCIT Iy brollght r ulu, because the rt'~ulunon, \If 1'l'~lwct in menHlry dtilit t'h~ ,um o'f !ll) 11. ~5 . of th e e tate of E dwal'd .up nut nuent teporte<! the col. ui lilt WOOlIl'V til th<! cn~c of The humi VI\ I· ield, decease d. flI ed his le .. tivn f 0.46. M reh 2 2, He 1'w~ du:wn 11',,,, d '~k , f or Room ley ~uilJi1,I~ und L an ~~~lIcinti o n couot. rec-eh ed \'ommi ,ion of 15", f(.lr w ,.(' pu l'chtL~E'11 ugust 1 , and (.t }o ~an kilO, v'er u. eli Fle~ch ~ r L. '. A IIder!j()n , administrator making th.e coli t ion" n ugu~t:.!·. t1w blla,d lld"pteti 1 ntl ;::u~k Jdelc hel', t he ~)jl1nttff of tl)e e ta te of J ames Cannon, inA friend dropped into the office recently with • D. W o\}l1 .. ~·. G, W , Da kin . 1. iI :W, It'm o~ "('flit-tll wl'iung U:f a · Hhall l'ecO\' el' fl:olYl th o de h:ndanl comp etent, file d h18 f ourth account. the .u ••e.lion that he propo.ed to u.e candle. in hi. N. Hatfield not r l!ltt'd l OUI' Plll'i. uf the cunio:ulUlll. Ih' sum 0:(, :d:,Y76.!) O., . Robert Harri on, adminilltrator home in place of Electricity, " iUage \er k, etc lind J , T , Liddy The booru tmD~.ilct('tl <luit 1I Th,: • plmnt.llf, l\llllm l . a ll Y of t he esta te of Raylllond Harpr ~id d 8 J udge. and '. . Allti- LiL $.'If bu;:;in(' ~ ilL llll (,' melltill~ . I:!ulldmg lind l.oun lSl'ociat lon of ri ~on , de ea. ed, file d hill final ac· t in d , H . lemen ts clel·kil•. h .. ltl duri ng' tht! month II! "('lltt'Ol' I< rCll\khll - hl~1I re co\' l' f l'o ln the oun t. , W. looked into the facta of the cale, and found at t he annua l election h eld p'rl1 I) ' I', T ht' utiItinll l'vmmitt('c \.. ("fl'l'ldull t8 . :l.al' k Ft t h I' ... and J. A. Kellel', guardian of Per. that ELECTRICITY IS CltEAPER TO USE IN THE 5, an d at which 337 ballots W 1" lwrt('d u bulO1'\cl) ot ~:l:n.~o . and '"ell Fll'tch er, (be um Qr $2/50.- \ll('lip, B nnett, inc ompetent, i or· ca t. P. E. K nrick 144, J , W . t he janit(Jr \\l'~ ul'lle, ... 1 to rl'va r· 1 L, " " der d 1:0 ell ce rtain real state HOME THAN 'IS THE USE OF CANDLES. W hit e 1 3U and Ava l'Y Needles 13\l tli~h 11 11 th., tt'llchcr~' dt':<h>l. A '1 h' pflllllt.tff, M\allll an d make return t o the court. were ele t d. with H. W. Pr in lz I a th~l-bl\\lnd, 15-\'(,1111111' }<;l1cy, Buil ding and L nn sod a ti on of L. 11 . Hende l' ~".r administrator A candle power of Ii,ht produced by an ordin· ( L ou ' br ther ) 101, H nna h ook -1\l1'('.li/1 wns (lurchas~d frotl1 J . f'l'II nkllll. ~ hn l l ,l'~CO" r from t h of the ~st a le of waltu McClure, ary candle will COST ONE CENT PER HOUR. (Dr. lar. 's mothel' i and ' Littlc f(ll' .' J5 ' a nd I' l'('~, \ hite dcf('n dah t , "'ecd Fl etcher and d cea ed, fil ed certain cl ims b Elli 4 also running . r }Jortl'd tho ~n 1e <If I1n empty ~Il('k FI{' tch cr , the s unl 0'1 longing to said e tate. April 10th, · upt. gnsoli n bnrn'l f('I' 65 c nt" Tl) i- "~52:!, 2. T he will 01 Frank L , Harris , deELECTRICITY COMPARED ON THE SAME ported 'further tuiti on laW'" tiNII pM!ll Iy (lvt'l'fe d nl1 In the CORe of Th meric ~n ceu ed , was 'admitted to probate. 8ASIS COSTS ONE HUNDREDTH OF A CENT PER , Qf $13 (we w nder it Pro f. lv jn~ iurtlll'r tlna.llcial WOI'1 Ie" fOT th e 1.0' II &. ReallY 0., ve l'su s \VII · Anna L. Uarr i was appoint d remember , this it~Rl , (Inti the n l' \\' tel·n). rt wa. 1\1.0 decid"d to hll\'(' liltm Clem nl et III lh d f ndan ls execulrilc, no bond requ ired CANDLE POWER PER HQUR. r~al1iz d, " I cting the :.l W 11 drill d nil th "'II, t lIide of ~hall l'eCOV tll' f rom th . defendant Iyd e Leviey, J . W. Sn II and Ed. boal'u lime offie r to scrv l or an olh() r t he hui hlln~ Pens Pence h ad thl' Mu m of $1 511.00, Dakin wf! re appointed appraiaen. y ...a r. ~"acu l ty and janitor fol' til becn hnulillg WU\N' ill b~lI'rel. t o N E W SU ITS • Th r eport of distrib ution by In .hort, the co.t of li.htin. with n xi term wel' elected a s l ollo\\' 1\11 th oltl \\('11 ,and nll old dt!, k;, . J os pb H. F edd T , do in g bus· Lucy Borden . xecutrix ot the escandia i. 100 time. the co.t of Su peri ntendent, , A. tillwt> II , not in llil' lit th end f 11 f()l't n i~'ht Il\(''''~ II' J ()~e ll, h H , Fed d r up pll' tate of John Hayner Borden 90 p r mon th ; Pri ncipal. D. A. wcre to b di~cllrded t he wood en u. r'ranklin, V r us Harley G ibb a ppro v d by the ~OUl't. ' li.htin. with Electricity; in other "' • • • • .. • F rr e, 50; Room , 1 Jenni Din - purls to be sl)Ht for k inrlli n . und Gold l Gibb f Ol' mo n ey. William C. .Berrda)), adminiatra· word., if your preHn' lilht bill i. Now, to re!lum ou r tory where widd ie. 40 ; R\lom 2, Mar ia nna PI'ell itil'hl :\l1d ''Mr~. W hite <''nRC'nn '1'001 y verl'lU, .:lIoch 1'00- tor oJ e tale of H\lrace M. Clark. we left oft" 1a t week ; handler, 40: om ' 3. Carrie te rtainod t he uUll l'd a nd UIC 1 Y (til' divorce, ha rge n.'e e~- dect'a£ d, 61 dhi s first account. $2.00, the ..me amount of lilht The duti. of ll'uant officer BI,I\'I y (Mrs. W , H. Allen), $40; t l'tlch c 1': at a jOi nt nh'cliug h Id at t l' In" l"lUclty and gr .... s 11 glect o f A certified copy ot tbe entry de.produced by candia would be wert' ndd d to t ho e of J anitor ~ oom 4 , fi nn ie Dad.on. $45; (an t heir hon)!' 011 Nor th tr ('t, (nllw du t \'. t ermining the inheritance tax to mith, at Lhe handsome salary of adva nce o f 6 p r 1'n onth ) ; janitor the l'e;;id<'nce oi . It'. and , 11'i1 , W . Effie H p'kin . v I'~ U!; ue paid on th ~s tate of Caroline S $200.00. 1l01Jkins f o r di ol'ce. harg II a r Ad ams, deceased , is t o be certified ~rt)ss n I ct and (!xtreme cl·udty. without delav. Tn the calle of Jame)' M , Lackey L. 1\1 . Hender on, executor of as ,,('r 'us Er 'ki ne Robinson a nd tate of E;\1sworth L. Sherwood. deRalph F; . Ro\)in 11 , the plaintiff cealle d, illed lJis inventory. F rank , Winfield was appoi nted "hul1 ret'()YI~r from t he ,Ierendant tit· 8um of 253 . 1. dniinislrato l' of estate of Lucy In the (' 8>1(' of R b 1'1 W' il~on Winfi eld, decea ed, and filed bond Taylor V lll" U,1 • aul .. t hn idel', a of 5 00 wit h Clara Winfield a nd X.nia Oiatrict mi nor. flurry .. chn ider and Anna Mrs, Clem Lewi s a s sUTeties. Ed • • hlleider, th ,~ petit ion agai nst the gar Ludlum, E. . Dunham and A. E. H. HEATHMAN, Mana.er <il'fendant, Anna chneider, is dis- J . Scheu rer were appointed ap. L mi,,~ed I\S it pocs not lall! fact!! ,pru isers. ,u fficie nt t o c'o n. itit ute a CIIU e o f The e tat ' of Charle S~ Mounts ' -_ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ action, Within t n day!! t h ~ Iai n- decea sed, i exempt trom inheri. tiff i. t o ioect w hether he will lanee tax. PI'O eed agnin!<t au l chnei der or L ucy Borden, execuirix of e3Caroline Schaub to .,.,........- - - - - - - -- Harry . chn ei,dt't'. tate or John Ha ner Borden, de. DeBruine. Real estate ' 1 th e .case I'! B ar!'}' Olis [ctown ship. . Cl ung -ffl ll~l~ETher Jane u ey, -~ eW$, d eceased, to •• , ct 111 , it. is ()t'd rcd "by the co urt legatee, Lucy . :Margaret Ca.tnll'l'in .. Withers. B6 Director of ' F ....r... ~.r.. c. that the c(ll mpcnsatic.> u of said ..The will of .F..:tank L. Hat'ria, .de a cres in Clearcreek town , bip. \'u~te f or his el·"ie s b for fll· ceased, was filed in court. Martha Mllthews, dec a ed, to Our convenient location. luitain g t hi rd IIce-oun t be ". 93- and The inventory 0'1 Howard Hum. Xarpret Catheriilv Withel'S. 12 ble aUrl'oundinr and equipment from lhllt elate fo thi~ . ~ O , A tto r· pbreys, {'xecutor ot estate of Em . acres i n~Clearcreek tow nsh ip. nell' fe e before fili ng of thi r d oe- ma E. RoStl, decea!!ed, was approv. Ella :\" Seltz to Elizabeth B. enabl a u. to Serve to the Bell I: unt were . 10. F rom that date ed b y the l"ourt. . Preston fand Sherwood B, Se itz. 67 Advant&,e. to thi 15, T hese are to be paid ~hedule of debts of Fred EI. acres in Harlan townllhip. by the tru t ee. bon and C. H. Young, executors Philip B. Hawke and Elsie M, .AMBULANCE SERVICE estate of " . F. Elbon was an'llrCIV. 1Hawk.e to Alice L. Trickey. 6.90 ed by th p c<wrt. acrel! in Wayn e township , !II e'W Suit. Pb.o . . 28 ille, 0Ja1. The will of Floren ce E. Ferris, Enoeh Tooley to Sh erman HlII. William H. K.uhn, tal ver su A. deceas ed, wa s flIed in COUl·t. In lots, NOli. 178 and 179 in .---. . Bll lla l'd. et al. For money. rt is ordered t hat any &Ssi,n- li'rank'iin. , K nneth Ho rn VI!t!'I US Delm Dak· ment nl!retoiore made l'I in ee t.he Joseph Patterson to William R. in. For money only. making of the fClI'mer order of QS- Pattereon. lQO acrea in Wallhinw· The Peopl,e'j; 'Blllldi ng Lo an and ~igning t o The Filth 'third Union ton township. Saving$ o. ersus Lel)a Huge. Trust Co. , all dividends a ccruing - - -mun, Lew is & Drak e. Inc. For or whic h may accrue on certain se. Marri... Licen•• 1Il 0n r, forec lo 'ure and equ itab curiti $ n ow h eld by said bank as , Marion L. Loer. post oftice clerk IIOJIIEY LOANED I'e lief, collate ral tor the payment of eel'· of Lebanor. and Miss Hele n T. T~ c Pco~h~ 's Bu ildi ngbL oan and tain notes or obligatlon~ held Member. of Old School ReuaiOin, 1906--Pupil. of Collett, BII tterwo rth, Sco tt and Brown . lactory worker of LebaDon. avmgs o. vel' us a vid W. again t the estate of Rolph B. 10 pt!r year, 0 t ober 25, and G. J . Smith, $36. The f ol1 wing l , J uhn, 'ovcmbe r 23, but Bishop, E dith Bishop, Lei>1lnon. 'Bill. Allowed Parks, deceased be and the snme ' upt. t ilwell was gran t ed the; use class was r ee'omm ended for III mb!.'l'. Janney li nd CIl!,{ key fai led iti2ens a t iunal Ban k & T r ust hereby is ratified , approved and Floyd Lemmons, pay roll, -20B; LONG OR SHORT TIM&-...,. of ille hall On T hunK g ivi ng even- g md ua tion ; L ima Ma ria oOk. to put in an npP(lRl'll nCe, Super in· term.. Allo Su.ertnf aact ..... co nflrm~ by the 'co urt. • ing (01' an elocution a ry entertain. Jl' rede.t·je)< Moses ta nton, Luey tencl ent Stilw 11 n d Principal Lyman U. Black. admini strator Joe W. Davlll, pay roll $200: .lohn atradin&'. Write aDd . m':,lt, to be given by C, M. li lowers Adeline Em ley, Minnie P ea rl F err ItIlV l' inte t'e.1.i ng ta lk, and Uat h" way, J essI' Anna tl'on~, Mrs. Whi te ~~l'Vetl lil7 bt refr sh. (fa t he r , of Charles ) , 137 ; H. W. Q'f estate of arah D. Black, dec ~a!l Myers, pay roll, ,156; (Jharlea .ad ... rou. Sam D. ,B ..~.. Way' A lot of 0 1d ats. fe~ee s, etc., ,-. . . ,, .. p ' t 911 Jll ed, is rrd ered to distribute and pay Bradbury, par roll, $13t; A, T. .."..ul., 0I1il0. 'W:I . old f or $14 ,93. 1'>t!cemb er 2-3 harlotte E lizabeth Antri m. Mel· menis. (A CII" of • t\'o ng coffee nn 2. • . o,'!!r assets in,kind to those of such Rettig, pay roU, $239; Eden Terry .=:..=:;== and til' su perintende nt 'was vin" oit reamer, Sy lvanus Leg- would \.Ie mu ' t acceptable, along A 'ftel' upt. Stllwt!lI had repc.> r t. t 'b t III th pa,y roll. $93: E. D. Jones ,pay · I FOR SAL. Rulhorize<l to pUl'chase a st.andard till' Ivi n , David litl'ord Ridge an d a bou t 11 11. m. at som'e III et.- cd reco!p.ts of $9.1,5 hall r ent, and ~~~~~ u ees as ow receive e roll, '195: V, W. 'l,'ompklns, pay Enc~cl()pedia, to be paid f or by A nn n Margare t lark. ing of th~ pl't'~l'nt board .) the au(htlng eoml'l IIttee h~d report.. Julia Millard was aJ)pointed roll, $184; Harold Surface, ser· the receipt f r om special enterl\fa y we digl'6s f ot' a · 1 \II December :lOth . Mc~s rs, White cd n balan ce of 19 0 2:'181 Apr" 18, guardin,n of Bl'i~'tet Stockman, In~ vice.a, $I; Eden Terry, egine.er, FQR ALE-Pure Jer~ey milk, 7 t ainme ntll, if pas. ible. On the sec. mome nt s? T he members of t his alld Everly >i. l ' ordel'ed t.o in· the .new bu all"~ Ol'ganlzea WIth Mr. comp"tent cents a quart. Frank Miller. -a17 d 61 J b d f .~OOO ' '78 ; S. D. H enkle 8urveylne, ,41 .• '" an . C( on 0 • ., 26; Wilbur Gephart, services, $1: OJl d even ing of F e bruary, 1896, class have achieved pr on oun ced vesti j:!'nte l h" pUl'cha,;e of n .p ian o White, pI' Inde nt ; Mr. Caskey, ani and Maiden Blush apoles, the cO lllmittee on hou e Ilnd u('ce , s in lif e, bo th as t he wor ld in illcill Ill\t'i, T hey m ust have ' lrea urer, ood III nd Dr. Elli s, clerk. wjth The New York Casualty Co., Mrs. Ella R. Brown, dito~lnr, ,5; 4a 24 ,I h and a s the Almight y guage s uc- boullh L the in~ t rulI1 n t, becau se on I (Th a n k 9 1'\ ess l D?cto r ollly a s surety. E. W. Kn.pp operatinr mAintain. J. L, Mende nltal1. ,ground ' \\as instl'uclell to pure nse c~. " . L est e l' Iv\'n occ u pi e~ n Jon uar." 2.1, 1 9 , thn y wer n or . . kept t he Job t wo meetings- typeReal Eatate T .... lfert er, $89: Lealie Shua~, operating NOT Anyone that pr~fers the ach room, alld have 0 ~., ~ ~ ( ·1 a 01 ck f or , t 11 d promi nent position in Oh io's ed· d ar ed lo pa y f or a Chickering W l ' \I;" ,f ll were not nelll' y so numer· C C II' VI maintaiftl!r, '40.60; C. M. CharI. o ld OldOJ' ))ai~ting by one that Ma tt Ie . 0 lver to t h . alill:: III 8 e . uca tionaJ circles, a n d Fred Stan ton pianl) a t the lowest 'p rice obtai na • .' ous 11\ those da~s. S. D. E~erly Tglnia ton, operating maintainer, $39; uses orne brains wit h it aelr' Apl'li 6,. 1 \JO, saw the re.elec· has a t tained- equal . ucces's as , a ble. . t t h is latte r m eting, it was I even tl1a l~y f (ll.1 hell' t o the pOSItion tratemeyer. 26 acres in Tu,r tleWilson, services a ll mechanic Armitage, Waynesville. ·a31 tivll of!h M SST!'. Junney , Wook pmcticing phy!Slcion . Cliff R id~e' at. 0 de'iclcd 0 lJUI'ch ase thl'ee a!,d l'et8m~d It fo r sc\'e ral. years.) cl'eek township. ' R b t Sh tw 11 John S. Richardso n to Wilbert 0 er 0 e, s urveying, l'~ OR SA LE- Bartlet Pears, BenJ('~' und {':verly to the boal·u. and, fl,n a chievements in th'e fi eld of ' sets c)f \<:;Ie \ll ~ n tar y RC'lIdel's t he '[ he s upel'l ntE!ndcnt was llIs t l·uct· Ilcres i n Franklin : Roy Shearer, sUl'veYing ,$3 .• oun and Mai<len Blush apples. Ii fMtnig ht l",t ' \', l ' '.o rganizat io n , alesmun ship lire t oo well knowJl se ls of .R oom;; :J an d 4 t o m ake ed t o 1Ielect th e spe aker fol' the Stiver. 8] .06 George H'ealtle, surveying, $8."'aU "IlS (!trccl"d with J . W. Whi te , to rOClui t'e further Call1m en t., 'For t he c;c l('ct ion, Ie IlImcnccrn(m t. On th e 2.5 th of towns}tlp. ; W. C. Bergdall, surveying, J . L. Hendenpall , pt'C 'iMl1l, Mr . Woolley, clerk , and s everal years, harlotle An t ri m D\', EI1i~, W, H , AlI(' n and J. H. the mon th " t he 'same , aup erin te ndLeonard Mount to Marjorie ,1.76; Mike Wirsch dirt, '61.50; FOR SALE- Barlett Pears'. On .. MI. C'al'kt!)" t rea uJ·er. In his in· has held a l'espon slble posit ion i n ,Silk y w('\'e elec ted In embel's of n t, t (!achel's and )all1tor were Augen$teiD. Real est.ate in Olear- Zaln Armita&e, gravel, $190 i J . k. mlle east or Waynesvllle on 73. lJu!tunt! '!l ch[r" ..s, ~r e·. Whit e sug- one of t he FedeL'al Govern ment th boal'd a t t he an nual election offer d. CO!lt rac.ts f or anot her year creek township, Spencer, gravel, "'B.65; Fred Chas, Boran. ·a1 T ~el;tl 'd H~I'el'al rules for the con- offi ces .a t W ashington, 0, C. lind h!'ld Apl'il 4th, a t whi ch 349 bal- the Pl'lnc lpal to receive a salary Francis A. Hartsock, deceased, Kohn Motor Co., repairs, '9.49; POTATOESIt ),ou want new dun o! bll~i\l '1>8, t hl1t were in· Lillie ook , now Mr . Dyer, bask ~ IntI'. w Ol' e ·C[\I\t. Ca nd idates l'CC ived odva ncc fr()nl $5 0 to $60' Jlel' to Ros)! H. Hartsock, et at Hal1 H H' ll ,18 F intetest in lB9 acres in :Mu!lie al'l'Y 1, gas, 9.64; amous potatoes, ~e Robt, Friend, R. t cOl")Jol'at,;J in the minut Il. The reo in the >lucces of a t alented on. vo te~ a~ Collnws: Blli~ 240; Alle n month , township. (Contiaued Ou Pap I) -.1'1 porl o( ' num ber, bow ever . 192 (T () b e co n t'lOu e d ) ~howt' d IIthoba auditing lan e on committee hand of , 0 ,ne 0 f th elr . I a~ k'cy J!l. l , E.. B , M'Ie h enCl' i $l'i.r .\!a. 'r ht! sam e l:Iuperinten=>I<;=======-::::---=="""....~_____!!II"~~~_ _ _ _ _ "-=II::I.....-==-==-=-;..-....,____t;. . . dent., t euI' hers nn d janitor were ft!-bire.l f ur i hI:! ' nex t term , the S(l lary of th'l' teucher. lu l'(lmain the $Rm ~ , bu t ) Ir, S mith wa given ~k\~\N\ ¥fE\'\..'~I~1C. ~\f,jl U • IJ,:{ mniCn il1l'ent increll$e- $l W()!\." ANI( WMU.!. '- 60( }' r m on h- ul'i n ~i ng hi's stipend I~Ton I\~l) MOW l Or the niJle·rn\,nth~ t e l'lll t o $36 , ~""l GO F.St"M'rl-\\~ GIU~CJctt '1'4' CLt , per mont h, l l ('n', t hat fota lar y r'e · ~, \.l? ,,\'\' ~ll\C.f ntltin "d .t'nr ~c"(>l'a l yea rs. re ~igneo as Mi'll B uhnm Gi ' ". "\1' «WI.. tt!8 It ' I' (,f Rooln 4, f )\' the n ext tt!rm, Muy 11th. and Mis!'; An1lie U. Rl'o\\ rI WII hil'ed to 1111 the CO"'.~ vlIl·8.nl·)'_ TIll' (i, A. R. ",a ~ gran te d Ihit U ~ I.' of thl' ~chn t)1 IP'( '\l l )(l ~ :for I '\'II,rnti" n ' l)n y, thl' ~ct\' ice s to t, ht>IIl III t he hall in c ~e uf ra in. ~upL . • til " I'll rl','o tlIOH'mted the foil ""nJ.!' ;<t uo .. nt:< fOl' I{foduatio n: fl . • 'r.·d Whit, "unk I!J. T homlUl, M. ry '. 1· i ubu\l~. Wil1i~nt 1' ibballs 1.:11, · D. Kl'),: alld GI'ace C,)wgill. l' oj w""k, luU-r, ' lImmC'nct'm'l'n{ 1'<'" ." " .. re 1116ill , and $10 \1\ a1:l \k.na h~ tn lh" Alumni a ~cl ('i.ti o n u t 24 th, thl' opt'ning date tll mln. tt'rnl was _et for ~t:=Ittt:~~ tb janitor wa.
Eleotrlolty I. Cheape. than Candle.
Tbe Dayton Power and·Light Co.
- -.
5% Farm , Loans
wm-. __ _
" .n
"Too "0,
\ ,,,o\)\.o
"'''"0tG.''flU." "",' ( ....."" "•• W'M""
-..'" ft.
June Time ira Qualrerville
MI',. }'lor~nct! was plelller 71!th birth· lin Lll' n·nundell day anm,,!' Wednt!sda'· '",ming, when hili' Iy I(lIther"i:! ~L. CRANE I I PII..IW.... Sub.criptlo. Prlco, 'I~ a Y to Murpl'i8e hel·. A mptuoull :lUP· By Mr.. J ... i. B. tripp 11('1' was 1oI1'1'Vt!lJ, tent l' o! atco Pho.o ................. No. t 12 JJ:nlered at Po tofrlce .1 Wayne. t truction ul!log an immense angel ReaitMc . .................. ,..... No. 11. ville. Ohio••• Second CI.at Mall ....___________ Matler 1'ood cake \\ lth ""9" outlined in 'Tis early June, un,1 1'0 es birthduy cundl s. This cak' was lJl'~par~d by Mrs. Ucnry Murphy. AUCUST'17, 1932 Pl'rfuillC the pleasant ail' : All Lh cnlldcl,'n, grandchildren lJird~ are :inging _::::<:~=========~,;;~~~~=======:;z::=::>_~ Ane In happy trretops 'vel'ywh l'e und ~relit.gl'alldj~bl1dnm were And in the d ep, dark, shadows, preMeni ext: pt one granddaughter Janette, wbo lives 1,n Pennsylvania Down near the flowin g urook, J u m es E. S11l1lHiO ke I' passed Th . new tax 0 11 ch 'cks is causing many people who have been A bOYI.;hCI·' n lhe bank hlffilt! here Thlll'6day tt& . ~a:lt 0.1 payi ng small bills by check to pay in ca h-:-T1ill\resu l lf!-r.;-t-......!.~=~'lL~~!..L.2!2 iolluwilllg a long illt lO ll eepmg mOl'e ;:;ash on hand than formerly. \1 'Tis 'unday, lInd the church bell ness. .MI'. ::ihulOakel' had see me d l,3urglar~ lind. h oltkup men al'e not likely to overlook thi nd it Sello nuL their plellsant so und; lnuch improv ed in health. dul'ing . III q~llt.e pos Ible I~ will .result in an increase in the number of bul'- And along the path t o m etl'ng thl! last. month, and bis death, due "larles I) .and . robb h rU~8. 'rh I'll' S chipmunks :<Jarting I.e) apoplexy, \ a s .rat.her a sl'loqk. I eS]Hte. t e number Of burglary and theft losees mentioned in the round. He leaves a wif , twu SOlltl, Illld co u,-"ns of the daily papers trom the Atlantic to the Pacific, the )ne hears ' the watch-dug b (l ne gl'llnddnughtel', be8idl!s II fU~h dfea n.o t. seem to be fully llware of t he great change that has To strangers, keep away, of relatives and Irtellds, to mourn I en p tee 10 the natuI'e of reside nce burglary losses durin'g the I'm the bOR ol'llund this villAge FUlleral . ervices were onducted past twe v or fifte en years. Whi le the folks a re Irone toda~·. from the M. Eo 'hurch ::iatul'day Before. l~c advent of the automobile, burglars and thieves were at 2 o'c lock. furee,d to, hnllt their plunder principally to money . and jewelry, be- There on lh Friends gr en hill-top Mr~. Mary J . Finch ob el'ved aUlle they h~d. to cone Lll the 8tol en l~operty on their per~ons unless Doors beckon, welrome widl!; h r 88th birthdllY anniver sary they wbere wllIlllg t run the ri k 0 arou sing suspicion by e~rrYing And aged folk s are laughing }I'riday. Mr. and MI: . J ohn 'l'hompaway undle of clothing, lc. by hand. Li'ling happy, side by side. son ~we.re evening guests. Today hOWeve.r, it is a comP.!lratively simple matter :for a burglar More 'homes are in the buildingRobert Hough and Lura As hle y to make several .trlps.from t.he house to his car, under cover of darkThe wood looks white and ne,~·. gl.lVIl th ...· il·lends. t.he slip Wednesn as, Il~d finally to drl.vc Ilway with a s ubstantial amoun t othousehold Pllr off I see the ton,lbstones day and were marr ied in Kentucky and POl l ~onal tfeeta Without attracting any attention WhaUloever Where rest t he loved and true. Be~t wi. he of the co mmunity are It IS an accepted fact that many people dread leaving ho';'c for extended to them . even (I few days ~ecau!le uf th\! upportunity their absence IItrords bur- I sec the old white chur~h hou e The Friends l:iul,day School e nglaTs to work their will. • With benches, all well tilled: t ertaioed with a very enjoyable . S~l'cdy has. a fami)y ever closed the door ot their home at the The Q.uee r old-ta!!hioned bonnet!! party at the home of Mr. and Ml·8. begl!lnll1g of thell' .vacatlon without a feeling of migiving IIbout the mall folks that /lave been st.iIled Wm. Lukens, Friday everling. Ice po . Ible ~ce ne, 01 dIsorder and pillage that may greet their eycs upon Th(> rough and old·time figures cr am and cake were served. ~h Ir. r t~t'n : .~ he longer the period of prospective absence the greater Engraved above the door. Kirk J efferis pent the w'eek I thiS Illi glvmg. ' A n d hesr the s peaker dron eing with Junior Fl'O t and Ant.hOny The -fact t~llt many do not contemplate taking a vacation <foes As in the days of yore. Huntington. not. m~k them ~mmun from thieving prowl 1'8. These bold, bad men are. dally b~co llllng bolder and oft n do 'not wait for nightfall to ply And close by there's the old-time , 'l' h "Lucky 1a" so:(t ball team 10 t ovel'whelmjnlrly t o Hadan their nefanou h·ude.- Bllckeye Motoril!t. shed horses, during storm, Where TownlShip in their gam e here Were hitched, /lnd oft so ught Thul'sday ev ning. Our bOYIl weI' shelter far outclas:e d in ize and were In wi nter, to k p warm, also handicapped by two of t heir And while t he speaker'!! dronl!ing good pluyers b eiing indispo ed. Old h ads and young head \! nod, J oe OsbuJ'n was very ill ut the 'Tis such a lazy Jun~ day time but is report: d b ttel' now; Plea e forgive them, God. and Jam II Do t r is .'u ft' ring with • n. o. s. u. Ra41. t.tiOD- WEAO an injured loot. Better lu ck next time. boys. 4·H WEAO HALF HOUR le o Kirk is vi iting Auna J an (~fusica/ Interludes by Farm Night MelOdy Makers) Hiatt Qf Wilmington. :00 MUSIC The Dorea Society enjoyed B The M. E. Aid wa ent rtain d 8: 10 lndusu'ial aDd ommunity Gardens . V H Davis ~ upp er at the Annex Thul'Sday Thursday afternoon in the home 8 :26 ORts of S,!,all High Schools ... ... . H: Davis evening. Husba nds and families of Mr. and Mrs. HUI've Garb er ~t;a hzat!tm and. 90vernment . .. B. A. Wallace were guests. :40 near POl't William ., their daughter :56 ~ hlO It 1932 , Nutl'ltlon Prtlgram . ... .... . Lelia Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Fawcett Mrs. Ev elyn bumaker being 9 :10 Fact. tJ'om F arm Account R cords . ,Oo,.... ...Paul Fankhauser 9:25 MI\I~ WOI'k at the Slate Fair .. W. H. Palmer lind children, of Dayton, were hoste". i'uests of C. V. Robin on and Virginill H os ier returned home 9:40 u IC daugltter, last week. Thur day from a tWQ-week.'! visit . Satul"day, Au,uat 20, 8', 00 p. lB . Mr. Arena Sewell of Colum- in the' home oi Mr. and Mrs. r (l\~u Ical Interlude!! by Brigg dale (-H Garden . Club) . Nature T~I~ Week . .. ... . . . . H. E. E swine bus is the guest of he r brother, Sam. Cal'back near Xenia. Mr. and Ml's. Ru seJi Jefferis 0111' Nutl'ltlon lub.... ...,. Elizabeth (Jonve1l1 W. C. Smith and family. Rev. and MI'. Kilmer pent and 1amily were Sunday dinner last week at Epworth League. In- gue. is of MI'. and Mrs. A. L. Kil'k stitute. Chautauqua, where Rev. in Wilmington. Kilmer wa. a member of the Mi 5 Mabel E ...;tan and friend fllculiy. of Dayton were ov-er-night gue~ts, Members of the ' Walton familv Frida)" of Mrlj. Amanda turr. attended their reunion at, hawnee Mrs. Mamie Foreman, MisA Violet Park onunday. F.oreman lind Amlbrose Ftsher of Mr. lind Mrs. T. . Haydock, gayton, wC.I·e ~Ujl ts Sunday of Thomas and Myra Haydock. at1'. ~nd Mrs. TIIP~). . • tended tb FarCiuhar f amily re -. \\ . ' . Welch, W . . Tleheno r , humaket· Teunion Sunday at th home of J. an~ MI:a. . 1ary MaID qUIte Ill. · A. F arqu h a1', near X ema. 1' be "Lucky 13" lub met with Mr. and .M rs. W. V: Lacker have Ronald and Kenneth M.cCarren, as guesl.8, Mrs. Jes Ie ~artID and Wedn esday evening. Harold Tuckdaughter ot Londo~, OhiO. ef report d On "How to Mix 'Feed The annua l reunlon of the Col- fol' Baby hicks." Topics were lett and McKay familie . wa held as igned for the next meeting. In t he usual place on Saturday. Adjourned to meet with Kathleen There wa a large a ttenda nce. Robert and Wayne Gray August Mrs. Nora Holland, of Dayton , 28 . Swimmi.ng was enJ oy d during was ·t he guest of bpr uncle, Frank the rccreatlon . hOUIr. Stanley last week. . Edith Mac Brooks represented Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Hawkin s. the Betsy Ros Club: and Ronald of -Bridgeport, ! J'ld., were week-end and Ke nneth Me arren and Ro~~ visitor s in the home of Mr. and eJ't Gray, the Lu(:ky 13 Club, III Mrs. C. D. Miars. lh contest at Le~anon, Saturda¥. Th B -4 H CI b i d Kathleen and Ahce Gray, Nellis "lJASHINGTON LlYIS I~I e - oys u. and ea~, Marjorie Davis and Heber Oran Turner, are ~n camp thlll lis wer al so in attendan ce. CAST OF 1200 week at Ye.llow Spr~ ngs. Mr. and Mrs. Ruym\lnd Geesner EE thi, grut lallforical pag. A .keen mterest In horse llnd sons cd OregOlnia called on Mr .ant-clrama "lith YOUR cou,,pltchmg, hilS been aroused. re- and Mrs. has. Gray and family celltly. and a c!ub was organ ized. • unday eve ning. ty taki", part. Enjoy tho $15,000 Thu)'sday evenmg they are ex- _. - --~ Ntr"eu rac:ln, program, )00· pecting to put <In a tourname nt.
Relidence Burglary
Farm Night 1alks, August 15
New Burlington
pi~ boy,'band,
fro. Cearl Houe
(Continued from pqe 2) Auto Supply Co., f<lIppli('~. ~(iU2 Bant(ham Motor Co ., ~O!l IUIl.!)(j· .1. W, Linl!Co 11 81'dwal'l' 0 . • RUP~ plie.· and rt'j1ai rs. $11 .1)4; .J .hn lAw & 'o n, gn .. $50.91: :. D. Henkl'"" I!ervice~, 60; Van ('IUIlP ~
n., tala'n l' in \tI'ourh(\ I'
5638. $11.47; , 0. H(' nkl • b"idl('(' plan8, 1 .75; Leo Me olli~ter, bridgl'l'epairll ::1.50; Eu~e nl! lIarpel'. brid)tE' I'epail'f'. $!l: II. L. Sclluyll"l', pll~' 1'011. $l!)li: hal·l!.'.· ~~. Braduury. pay l' II. $6 .50; .1 . K. Sipe llc I" gl'lLvpl uno Rnn d, $10.OS; Eug-pne Ilal'p!!!' gllnl'oj mll pust!', $3. 5; Alma c l ~o n Bridge 'omp~n a l io n II l1d dml111gl'., $200' L eban on let! &. Coal Cn .• ie • $10.~ 35; T rusLee of Pllhli ALai!'s. wHte t rent, $10; Ohio (' ntrlll T el<, phone lUI, tollA. $-1·3.65' Ohin Cent l'~l Telephoncl '01'1>: r nt . 55.0; J. W. Lin~o Hardwar 0., , upplies, 4.45' Reir: Electdc , hup, lamps and I'CPll ll'S, 2.66; Jl.lary E. HOl>ping rpnt, ao; Dn. Ed wal'd nnd R b(!rt Bla il', ~ervices, $ ) ; Stillwater S!lnll t ~I'lUtn, carll of patient $ 10 .' 50; Rll'hard L. W illiams . erviccs $)0; Alb.e rt Mi 11 II I' d , , () I'viees. $ 10; Erma Hl bna r, se n' icc~ )·0 , 01118 Knox, ~ervice . • $10; Ju'lia Holland sel'vices, $) 0; Lillie 1·ton service ' .20; 1\1rs. Howllrd , awyel', servI e., 7 ; Mono\\' Whita.kcl· llelVic('!;, $6; 'ommi-sjonel'~ /a;'k I). , care <if plitieni;J<, $217; Trem<urer of tn tt'. Bl'e of V da WhiUi cl'e. $12. 6; 1 1's, E dward & Rob rt Blair, ,ervices, $20; t.akalta Mfg. u•• forln fOI' Pl'obate. $7; Lyle Blank B oo k O. Muppli s $22.50; L banon! itiz IIl1 National Bank Trust, rent ~afety box, $5.5Q; John Law & Son, s u,' plie!< $7.41; Robel·t Reichel. l\u pp lie~ . $6 hal.'le A. Hi ldebrant, uJ'pliell, $6: harles J . Waggoner , PI' m. on C I rk Bono, $60; WIlliam Lil enthai & Son~. ~up pli es, .3:3.6&; Ohio Law Reporter 0 •• lIu bc. Ohi o Law Bull etin, ~6; . D. H nkle, su rvey, 60; W. . Bergdall, survey. $14.00; Gorge Henkle, s ur$7; ol u~lbu.· Bhnk Book Mfg. 0 •• sllpphe" $) 5.50: Drs . Edward and Robert Blail" . en 'ie R, $l5: W: ll.. Fulkerth. washing for prlM nel'S. $49.0 3; ynthjo F ulkerth, feeding pri ~o nel'''', $512.21>; Drs. Edward and R obert BIni!' ~el'vices, $1 4; John Law & on ' ~srvices, 15 3.65 ; J. W. Lingo Mardware 0 •• sUPI>l\ ell, $14.10; Johnston & John ~ ton. supplie>, 5. 77; Baroll F. Dakin. servicl.'s :I.50; .T. A.. chillin g ~uPI,lie!l. $'4.47; J~tr Thompson, servi\!es, $5; Kaufman'8 upplie~. $8.17; Trus t 01 Public A tfair _. ligoht and gas, $9.79; Wadron . Gilmour, inqu t $8.90 : al'l Dakin. pay roll, $'54:
Meat CO li umption in G rmany increased 26 p r cent sinc 1924, and .meat eaters in Canada last year each ate thre pound mOI'e tha n in the year before. Per capita consumption in the United tatee ha. ris n slightly during t.he pa st two years. i ha~
Slanley& Koogler Auctioneers
polo tournament,
night hone show. pet sho.. end the gr•• to,t
EARL KOOCLER Da,toll Pho1lo
ICEDm...re 8986
Mor than a 'quarter million trees were planted by residents of SUIllmit CC)unty this spring. This n tn a recent addres Paul . ber i more thsn for any other C\lunty in the state. Total' tree lapp of the Columbia Gas and pj,anting in Ohio slightly exceeded Elect ric COl'porat~on gave an illuminating analy is of the ta xes thne million ;fo rest lJeedling . paid by e.lectric utilities in t he ..... For the fourth consecutive week United States. Th~l total for )932, the wholesale prices of farm prod- he said, wa~ l!lO,OOO,OOO, of have increased, to which $50.000,000 or 23.9 per c-+.w:;.'?-'::.:;..:...:;..,;;;.;, r ural eccmomr.~~1'tc'lUlt, went to the Federal GqvllrnROOT FOR AND CONSICl'f the ~gTic\l ltural extension service Of the ren~8.inin, $160,000,- iour Cattle, hogs, sheep and ·calve. at t he Ohio State University, who 000 the companIes paId $77 ,.o~ O,- to Norrls·Brock Co" live "ir. and looks upon this development as a 000, or 36.5 per c,~ nt, 8 S mUllJcl.pal finn for th. htrhest 'good omen for the future. \ax:es; $34,000,000 or 16.3 per pricel .,d good serv.ice.
exhibitionf of ..... p, cattle, live stad, poultry and agriculiurel products in Ohio'. hiltory.
Adm.,llo•• Reduced I . Onl. 25 c.... at the 9.t.. "'110 25-c.~t ..... at rac ••, hort.
.haw and "Walllill9'on Llv ..... '''Ill H. HANEfftD. Dlr:-C, M. IUR..
or 10. 1 pel' cent, a s state taxes; Tune in on Radio Station WCKY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~::~~~~~~~W~Mo~ntytax~;$21,OO~OOO, ~"S~k~~'C~d~n~~~ or 13.2 ,Per cent, as 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily $28,~00,000, s pec~al taxes,
Offices 'O pen' Daily Qpe~. -Septembe"
NIGHT SC·HOO·L Ope... Sep't ember 19 . The' seventy-third year of Miami-J~~obs' College will open in September with .a large attendance of young men and young women. These students come from Dayton, fro~ all parts of Ohio, and many from other states.
(M.cIoine SIIoreha")
Information about the various courses wiJ)' be gladly sent to any per on interested. Apply by telephone, letter or personal call. VJs.itors are cordially wel. comed at all times.
01 1111 klllas. . market reports The total amount paid by all . domestic custom '~ rs :for electric !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ service in a year, said Mr. Clap p, amounts to somewhat more than $600,000,000, t he average fami ly's 'll. . ' .• electric bill for a year being $83.&0. E stimating th',e total combined governmentl\l eXIl,enses for 19311932 at $1&,000,000,000, he Phone 80 Bank B ld g. showed that a cut of less than 5 per cent in cost of government W,..YNESVILLE, OHIO would mean a sa'Ving to the people of equal the UnitE!d of an nmount to theirStates total domestic electric bill. . This is a consideration that oug'ht to be borne in mind when 'advo- ' c;atesof governmentl ownership and operation of electric lltilitie& indulge in soap-bol{ o'rato ry to the effect that public operation means SO Years Experience ill cheap power to t he average conFitting ' and Making Glillea sumer. Money t aken from the utilities in the for m of taxes constitute 'a considel'sble part of the bill each customer must pay. This Leb.lIMI. Obio money mu st be f ,o und somewhere I ~lIoada" Thar.da" Satur.Ja, if it doe~ not come from this Ell... inatlo1l Fr_ source it will be exacted from another. Relieved of the necessity LEBANON, OHIO .at paying tax fI--Qr, to put it in another Wa Y, of collecting taxes 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 from consumers and passing: the money along to the public treasury - ther.e is every reaso n to believe that through superior management private companies could profitably make lower charges for service than. public concerns could. However that may be, before advocates of public ownership can exped to get. anywhere it will be neceftsary for them to provide a Rubs titute for the enormou public ,. revenue now derived from private operation. The Bum of ,210,000,000 a ,ear i not to be picked up abnol t anywhe1'e - Editorial frona a. Yode SlIn, 10, 191t.
Employment Deparbnent With improved business conditions it ill expected that durin, the coming year 'there will be an in~rea!led demand . for Mia~j.Jacob. I~duatell. A well-or.-u(led Employment Department is maIntained at .U times. Durm, nOl'1ll81 timet Dayton offers splendid opportllnltiel to young people anterin. the bUline"l world.
Miami-Jacobs Colle e
Used Cars With an OK that Counts
1932 Studebaker Light Six 50 0/0 off list 1932 fiord Cabriolet 1932 Pontiac Coach 1931 Pontiac Coach 1931 Plymouth Co ch 1931 Ford C acb 1930 Ford Coach, 2 () f these 1930 Nash Coach 1930 Nash S.dan 1929 Essex Sedan 1929 Ferd Tudor, 2 of these 1929 Elsex <;oupe 1929 .Chrysler Road.ter 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1929 La Salle Seda. 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Roadster 1931 Chevrolet Roadster 1931 Ford Roadster 1930 Ford R·o adster 1928 Buick Road sier 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 ChevroJet Coach '1928 Chevrolet Truck '1929 DeSoto Coupe Stewart Truck- Dual Wheel.
ther Amazing
V ~t1u ~
h vl'Ol t Ag n y
.1' rma
fRED' KAHN MOTOR CAR CO. Open T;n 8,30 p. m.-AII Day Sunday
Lebanon, Ohio
J£SSE STANLEY P.o •• 320, Now Bur.Il •• to., Ollio
Revenue Derived from IElectricity
Junior F.ir,
Buy Now-Save $50 to $300
We H ....e a Complete W.tch ilepair Sen ice
Alld Ul$ only genuin e mat.erials. l'ystals iitted whiJ you ~3it.
Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon; Oh·io · Store Op n Evenings
N.tlonal B_k
·D r.,.,.., • • E.tat.. S.ttle.. W.AYNESVILLE. OHIO
Sub cribe for the Miami Gttzetk,
A t ten t i o~n---...u.r
Buy Your Fence
DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist Cary'S Jewelry Shop
F. T• .Martin Auctioneer
5 &TISFACT'IO Or No Char••
Until AUlust z otb, we oller Zinc Insulated American Fence, per rod, CASH
ALSO, Malon's Lime 50-pound Bag, at
W. H. Madden &Co. Lumber and Building Supplies . Phone 14 Wa~
¥ille, a •o
Bale B.II Treat of Season Due Sunde
AUCTIONEER TUt'P,lny, A II I1 U ~ l 1r. " e d nl'~ du). ,\Il~II ~ 1 H f,,(' ~~ lo ll nl.
" I~ y
Fu rn . C,)., tl:i ) Bnl wn • t., Da y to n. . '. lIunti ll ~to ll f ll l'nl R Il'. :I m iles . ,
Thu r, dll . , t\ II I!'U~ l 1 II I t1 u. m . L o nll" A u <'lion 0., Larlf t in lila tt>. li at. !<!Ir t,l , 1.!H'i. mUl'\'duus aU dll~ , t'lll l ll' r \ an Ji!Ul'n &. W ayne ve., Dal't n. "allll':', Gr ll('t! LiIH'(oI n Sm it h. "' lid ~.. A 1l1!'IIH 1 !1 I t I p. m. II u Rehold ~Illp a t '506 Bt' kma n 't .. E a t Fa irmon h' l' ft'UI11 \I ith lh ., H ylon. nbo Itt 'i p. ln, ttt :!3 14 W est T h ird l. W anl',,,IB),. ' 1II:u~l:! It U. Ut! voe Farm Sal e onl y 2 miles W , o f Bun t! , T h un.. ,J, Y l'I"t' lI in!!" • (lr!n \ ' ollt' Y. \\' P I'V" I"pt! En'l'h:,,'! lin d \\(' 1'4.' F runk li n visi tm' , ih L ' 111111:nUt' l'l' un' nnw c orni ng ~al e . If you are going to make a sal e, se III , II , 1 III), I'llnciuct in!!, . ll'tJ almost every da y. I p r 50n a ll y con du ct flll'~. Edith B Vl\'ll1 lln , of '~lIh' r all fa it's lIncl IHh·C I·tisinll', Rem.. mb .. r 1 ati ty Y (IU or charge nothing. ~ i il (-, lri II Io:U "t :\t llll' hu m uf . il'. filld I l'~ . F: . W. H "pkjn~, thi s all m e lind )'011 1' . Ie will be given Immed iate atte n tion. \1 eek.
F. T. MARTIN, Auctioneer Phone 78J
Centerville, Ohio
11'. an u. l)(fnt
S(ln, J\ II ·~.
~I a x
~I r ~ . ~I r I'
H yma n :llld with M... 011<1 Koh lh agan, of ,J am t!~· ~IIIlJUY
town, anu • [ I·S. W iliilll1l H a ll , o f LaC()yt'Hl!, hip al'e vi>iting thtolr !ll i lt , nl'. L. B , Ha ll, and fumily. M I',
W ~l1 t
ubserib e for the Miami Gautte. I
Buy Now The thrifty- m inded man b orderinK hi. coal NOW a. off-••a.on pricel will leave a healthy difference in the family pocketbook when' the cool day. roll around again in a very Ihort time. See the different gradel of coal we are handling, and let ua fill your coal
bini NOW.
Glen Rogers Pocahontas Ex.tralumfY' a truly preMium coa
Raven Red Ash A ..enuine Red Aah
Yellow Jacket Lump
WILI'ren Cuu n ty il! um.ll'l· wa y \Iith t hr \/ bj "c' t III \' ''' W of tllgi n g u band t tl. til" I h e)' Oil -ll lul'doy Sl'ptembl' r 3" arru nling t o in" i"orma t iUll gi n ' n o uL la l WCl'k, The idl! lI I~TO \\ . (I Ut o f the a nnua l "u lld f es t~ i\'al given eneh yCal' lit I,ibl' !'l y, lndi anll , in whi h th MII~u n buml has plllycd lor the las t ~el'e ra l years . Uu rry )J ill, of Le b· lInOll , II h(1 p l;a y ~ wi t h th l! }1 11~ on ban d \\ s al U berty, llml hilS the pld g (' of ei~hl' 0 1' t n ban d dire l o r~ t o 'Onlt' t u L b 11 0 11 f r th Lmllll festiva l nolW bein g plann l'd ll\' lh" dh'I' Ct Ol'~ o f Lh bnndll in lhi. 'OUllty. Thl' dir' rto n, of ban d8 in Wa r · I'en coun l y i nc lude AIJ rt.!(\ Wat kin ~ . uirect oll' o f the Le bano n : ch ool ba nd an d the Morr ow band St.lJ II \I!Y W atk, in ~ , dircct ut· o ( I h ' W uyn<> 'vi lle a nd l\l. uinc\'ilIe ba nds; Ch a l'lo ~ !\-Ic ' I" It~ y , d il'l'ctor o f t h Ma ~1 1II band, nnd J os ~p h D <I, tl i, reclor of thl' Hal'''I' ~' s bu rl( 0 a niz. n Li on. It j ~ {lhID p \ llln l1d lQ ec u r som ct'l"bmt.,d bamd m aste r to come to L ' ba non t o dire'l the , mas. e d band wh<>1l I'Rc h ol f t he vl8iting bands i ~ t brown in t o onc jrigantlc blind u I'gan irtlltt io n.
Th. be.t in t~. market We a180 have in our yard some good lump and egg coals at lower prices
Waynesville Farmers Exe. Co. Phone 25
D r. Rll1l ol ph , ~ e"i~ ht :<p cialLl , be at ' ar y . J eweh'Y 'hop, L e ball() n, durin~ saJl ' ,lays , A Ul(ust 1 ',, 17 . 1 . 'pec ' I pric :; on gl ll ~~ e s. E xa minati on }<'rec. Get "n'eo ll t icket., Il iJI
HU H)' Li 7.ar eJltcI'c<i t h(' hOllpitaL nt thc National M ilitary Itom , Dayton, la st Frida y , 1'0 1' trea t ml' nt, u nd, p(' s ~ibly; an ope!'ut ion, He i a vete ra n o'f th e ' p a nl~h- nlet'ieall W31'. Miss F llye Kd ley and fil lhel', o f lI ill , b 1'0 , havp r n tl'd thl! Keys pr operty o n Th ird ,.tr el, r('ce n tly vaca t d by }l i, A Beti.htl B ro \\ n, and expcc t t o cs tablj ~h t heil' I'C. ide nce hel'c in thl' n ear future.
11'. a nd Mrl'.
dllught(' r~,
. S. E llis a nd
un d 11', a nd 1rR, L 0 IIII1'd Tinnt y nn d fam ily expec l t~, leave he r , T"ur~ da y 1l1<lI'nin!'l, f or a m utor tri p to Wn!' hington , D. ., and o lhe r p oi nt s of il1 le rc lI t in the East. K nn th ~'t. J ohn a nd Ke nn eth Fromm a re cha pl'ro n ing a COmpany o f t en OJ' twel ve Boy SQout. who went t o lhe Haw k("Lc lay cottag Itt Mlomi ' '' allel' hautauqua, Til s doy morning, to camp until Th u rlHl uy afternoo n.
Between Toledo and Cindonatt' Charted fo,r the )kneftt of InterBl ate Motor Telarillt. a. Well a. , Trallie Within the Border. oe Oltio
IT'S SHORTER 'f!c:n R;ofe~: to t'i allQwn
ITJS SAfER There's leas t raffic conge,stion on
II '
t he T oledo-Cincinna ti Short L ine
than on any other highw ay connecting t hes e two cities. There are far fewer curves (no h airpins) and all rail,road ltI'ade crossing. are exceptionally 'Well p rotected:
curves, a nd adequate widt h roadbed a nd bridges, the Rou le h ere out lined is a big time-snver f or tbe bu y mot orist-very prob• a bLy as much as t w o hour••
AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY T h e ba c k bone of the official Revolutionary , Trails Sy s t e m of
by the
Western Ohio. Marked its entire leneth
Short Trail Association
b y histor ica l markers of the
Ohio· Memorial Com min ion,
For , a ddit ional at r ip any in fo nnatiun relative to Stat. P arka, Pleuure Reaorta. Scenic Spots, Hiatorle Shrine. or tI» lluodrect. of other poIa\a of eapeeial iateft.t iIloIw tbia route, write
mapa or
WAYNESVILLE M. E. C HlIRC H G. C. lDibert , Pastor W une uay : The Ladies Aid 'o ci cty is m eE!t ing w ith fli t's. Mllry .Me lure al Z :00 thi p. m , B ible s tud y nnd prus r me eting a t 7 ::l 0. p. nt. 1eeti ng' of Official Board ·at :16 Jl . m. F rhl~' : J r'. cho ir pl'a cticll nt 2 :;1 0 p. rn. Heg llla r c hoir p rac tiee at. :0 0 (I . m. ' ul1t;!ay : unday sch ool at 9:30 II. m. Morning wo rsh ip at 10 :30 with ommunion service . Epw orth Le ague at 7 :.()O p , m. Prea ch in g s ervice al _ : 10__ p. _ m. _ WA YN £SV IILL E CHURCH OF C:HRIST (Und, ellominatio'nal )
~ c o l' e :
BELLBROOK AB R HPO A owl.r,c ~:<f " Wr<>lle 5 34 23 23 Zimm el'lulln2 b 4 1 1 4 K Dal'b y 3b 6 1 I 3 P~'n n ewlli te
2 1.~IJ!II• •IIi• •~.iiI• • • • • • 010
5 3
2 1 f
Tate , 1 b 5 0 1 Banon, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 R. Rurby, If, I.lIn, inlre r, p 0 0 0 0 W il lis, p tO O 0
0 0 0 0
Spahr, If
Hllrt~o ck,
Bell bl'ook \V A' . ,
1 0
You reading the Reminiscen ces of t he H/ong ago," now being printed every week? We have received many letters requesting copies of articles already printed.
3 9 9 24 12 7 W. A. O. AB R H P O A E rf 5 2 3 3 1 0
BUI'ton , 8M .... .4 1 3 Mendy, 2b .. 4 Rough , JC . 4 3 Ii 1 E llis, 1 b , Ramby, c fl 5 0 Ge ns, . 3b .... 5 0 R edcl', e ,3 2 Voge l, p 1 0 T otal. "
02 1
2 1 2 1 1 1 S 14 2
o 1 o 0 o 0
:1 0 1 - 1.
36 12 15 ~ 7 ]6 12 3456789!l 0 1 0 2 0 0 t 2-
for a "'hole Year
--------Lytle Defeats Our
-- - - -
DiI'color G, S outhard. M. D.. of the State Department or H Illth haM c Ul'lI p le ted the cnm· 1IIiI!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!'!!'~~'!!!''!!!'!!!!~!!!!''''!!"'~!' pilatlcn of th" annual ca rbon 'mOl\Pxide report. It ~hows that duriflg the year 70 person!! to ok a ria~ with thi dangerous (l'a. in domel tlr applianc A, 2~ of which were ratal and 46 non-fatal, In
._ ...,,,,_._~th re
TUNE IN Wed: - -;' p. ~ •. Goodyear Radio Pr~ :
Soft Ball Players
----Re(,)'cation ball, b Her knQwlI as soft ball , i ' bet; omi ng ~ great a ttract10n in th is vi cin it y. Good team s- and s ome n ot so Ifoo d':'- a re s pringin g up eVel'ywh I'e , and om e wond erfu ll y eXCiting ba ttles are being played al most eve ry even ing. Dud and the boy all ta'k e part, all d, so m eti m ~ s , even al'a ndp a mix es into the 'fun. W ayn esvi ll's "Old m en " we nt to Lytle, where the a ncien t gel)tle. The V ilJllge of Lebanon is me n of that commu nity took t hem nam ed de fl! nda nt in a d a mage su it into camp to the t u ne of 7 to 2 fo r $35,00 0 fil ed in common p lc,a s one eve n ing la s t week. , It i said court las t wee k by M:u:y.J oseph ine that Bill ':::,tl'6ud e's \ ond rful argent, wid ow of Sa muel Sa l·g.en t pitchin g deserved a muc h b·t c r • wh o wa s e'lectrucuted i.n J uly , fate 't han t h a t acco rd ed i t. l\l onday eVEm ing, t hese Sllll1 old 193 1 whe n he cilm e in contact with a J)o wer wire while working birds essayed .to s how the yo un g I ' on teleph o ne li n es at'th e re ar' o( ge n -rat ion h tW th e gam e . h ould the posto ffi ce buil ding on Mul- be played. T hey gave a Rne exber r y s treet. MI·s. Sal~en t, wh o is hibitio n of how not to sco re, but administratrix of het· husba nd's ch l'ofe Lu dw ick alm o. t s po ile d es ta t e, cluim s t hnt t h e village is the periol'mallce wh en h e h it a guilty of g'l'O!!S n egligence i n mai n - mighty s ma h, an d I'an (don' t say, t ain ing a nd operati ng .power lin es ," Wadd led ") clear to third ba e. withou t p r oper insulatl on. , T he score-ke epel" s s upply of pe ncils was eXhau sted bef ore the -.-- - fr a cas was over, 50 n ob ody knows WAS BO U ND OV E R T O COUR T list how llI a ny l'u ns t he youngste rs Chllr!es Rhoades , who ha s b een id sco r e, but it was II large plenty "' a nted by loea.! police offi cers fO]. After th e main bo u t, Corwin t' t t t h a n d W aynesvm e hooke d up In a so m e Ime o n II S II U ory c arge, l hree-in ni n'" t,uss l.e. D u tch Bu r to n wa s apP I'ehe nded by officers a t "" ~ Greenfi eld, t he f ore part of thi s hi t a mag nifi ce nt hom e r un t o left w¥k , Mal' hal C. P. J oy and D ep- fiel d 'for th c o nly ru n scored . Y ell utj S he d ff AI Schwartz r etur ned Dutch W:l pl;tying fo r Way n esvill ~ t h e cu lpdt t o t h~ village pl'ison on ,th is occa sio n, a n d made his he re , Tue sday eve n in g, and, t his b rillia nt play for t he p lea sure of m OI'Ding, Squire Wa lter K e nrick his da ug hter, Ma ry Ann, who Saw bound him over t o the Cou rt of t he act o' , Comm o n P lea s, und'r bond of Tuesda-y eve nin g , N ewt Wallace $500. ]~a iling to I ut'nis h bond, he bt'oughl h is Lytle g ang to W a yne WIl S co mmit t ed t o th e j ail at Park, a nd a d mini stere d Bnother Leban on. dru bbin g to Stt'o u de & o. :FIal'vey . RyE' mad e a I~ ou pl e of catches i n left fi e ld tha,t we r e l'eall y g (lod RITES FOR CHILD ARE ( no ki ddin g ) a n d Buck MendenHELD MONDAY AFTERNOON hall hit a home run, bu t Lvtle wo n t he rI'ci!4ion, 10 to S, Ralph J ohns' • M iss E li za b eth J e w ell Mal·t , II fi l'Rt b as pla l~ featuI'ed t he Lytle ye ar (l Id daughter of Mr. and ~lr s team ' p la y. Ju s t r ead th is s core Alex Mart, of Dayton , died Sa t ur- by inni ng s : day afte rnuon. Fll n eral service s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9--, we l'e held Monda~' afte rnoon and Lyll e 2 0 0 :l 40 I 0 0- 10 Way ne, ville ,2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1burial was in Millmi cemet e ry. 5 The Mart fu m ily f o rmerly 1' 1'- ~!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"'!!!!'!!'~'!'!''''''!!'!!'!!! ~ ided in Wayn esville, r emoving to Dayton !'>cve rlll ye ar, a go.
_. ..
Otirinat~ lind Spo nsored
-,- - -
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRUT (Undenom i na ti ona l) hcste r A . Williamson hurch eh o(l l at. !l :3 0 u, m. Lor d 's SllPpc!r a nd SCI'1II0n a t JO :30 IJ.. m. 'er m n s ubject , " The \ eak ne:<s oj t he Lu\\'." You Ill'e lwa),s w(' lcul1l1c al tlli. ~h u.r~ h . .
By reason of the ahort er m ileage, less ' congestion (both on the h ig hways a nd in the comm unities thr u which they pass), fewer
Choice of Knowing , Motorists
Ser vices At the ChuJich es Sunday
J. E. McClure
9 Don't borrow your neigh bora' paper. :I 0 1 5 0 2 1 0 · - 12 , 'Mr. und Mrs. W. . earH und For only three cent. a week you ,et da ug hter l~ft here, thi s morning, Enrn ed Rons -Bellb rook 4' W A for a ten -day m ot or t o ur of the 4. ' 'all the Remini.cen.e., beaide. all th'e m id-w tern State~. En ro u te, they A Loft. o n Ba es- B lib rook 5 ; W w ill pick of J ohn Sear , wh o ha s new, 01 the nei,hborhood. bee n s pendi ng ' silve r al w eek. In Ches ter A. W illi mson , Minis t er ' to len Bases Zimnlexman a camp a t Benlon ville, Ark ., hal"hurc h dl ool at 9:30 a, nl. Ellis. ' • ing hitcb-h ik ed thel'e fr om ] n - "Til e school that is diff re nt." Sa~rifice B iu Zimmerman omething pecia l ea h Lord's ogel, Burt on. d iuna po li , Day. L01'd's ~ upper a t conc lusio n. T wo.buse H itS- We ll r HartMr. und frs. Hal'TY Em ley hl'istian Endeavor at' 6 :40 p . m. s ck, E llis, Ramby. ' t rta ined the fol1 (l wirll~ dinn l' Mary Etta G'uy, Lcade r. E vening Home Runs - Weller, Reeder. Send Q' $1.50 and gu est" nt ~hcir ho me , n ear tic"U , evang Jill tie se rvice at 7 :45 p. m. Double P lay- E, urby t o Tate we will .end you S und ay ~ 1\11', and Mrs. L l'anrl r ermon subject, "Authority i n Ba se H it If Witll 8 O· oft' are y, Mi. B rthn al1d W a lter hri t ianity," P l'nye r Mee ting a nd Da rby 8; off Lan inrer 1. ' Care)', Mr s. H ll nn ah Taylor, Mrs. B ible st udy each Wedne day a t Base on Balls -by Willi 4 i by Effie m ith, Ml'lI. Flossie arey, 7:30 p. m. We are s t;u dying t he Darby 1; by Vogel 2. Miss Lucy Em l y , h este)' llr y book of Acts. hOI·t choir practice S truck Ou t--by Willis!! 1 ', by and Ern es t mith. 2 b . .~ .a.L cO-n clusio.n.....:JL:rn~~-"'\lfl-l~~i-HV~oU~;JJe1~3-. " , an8tf1~ 1 . by Th M' J R' Od: ' yoU f ee l at h(Ime. e )£dSIl&J ean Ice, 'C ' 8 , ~__ ild P itch- Willis . B urns, a n osep h'in e abaniSl!, ST. A UG USTINE'S CH URCH Pas ed Ball- Reeder Messi' • halmer Caba n i s~ a nd T" F loyd W atrous, of Dayton , liss Fathe r 'French, Pastor Im e;--l hr., 55 mins. N ellie W atk ins and Messrs Milo eTVi e willi be held v ery two wa~d~,plre!-Prendergl1 t and Ed. Mil te nb rger a n d L oren Reason weeks on at,urday morni ng. [1........._ • • • •_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. en joye d a ' picn ic supper at the hom e of Mr. "and Mrs. Percy Rea :o n T hu rsday. Mrs. Manha ll Mc K in stry of S ou t h Prospect tr ct, was h ostess to a n um be l~ of frien ds. rriday afternoon at, be l' h onle wh en she entertaine d at a del ightful gardc "" party co m pli me nt ing Thillma, ' urfae of W a yne sv ille, w ho is the hO Use gu est ·oJ Mi s Edno; Sul'fa ce of Mar io n avenue . I n t ile eveni ng th e guests en joyed a t h ater a nd g olf PIIl'ty.- The tal', (Marion) Ohio. J - - - ' DE F E NDANT I N DAMAGE SU IT
Cincinna as h erew ith is t he shortest distance between the two cities, Olllciall of. t he Stat e Highway Department g ive t he mUeage saving a8 about 11 miles.
MI's, Mary Ho pkin s l'cllll'lled to h r ho me ill ])8yloln , l a ~ t T hursday, nft I' II ",ho l't. vi ~it wit h h it. J . . Hllwke .
( ontinu ed trom page 1) We Ilre naturally p I IIsed whencvt!I' we \ h ar a bllll('l<>. and Zim s8crificed. E. D <II'by fann t.!d , b ul Houg h lel Penfavorable comments on OUI' work from th o families we n(' \~ uilt"8 fl gt! t IIW8y, and Mike serve, or t he ir frie nd, It is always g ratifyi ng t oknow ('o ull ted. Tate out, G on s to Ellis, On' r u n, O I! C hit, on e rror, . that our efforts have been apl)J'eciated . Rig ht bac k came th e W A ' . II (lugh hit und advan ced on a wi lU However, w e realize that real improve me nt in our pitch. ElJi~ llnd Ra mby gr ou nded S l'vice calls for COll tl'u cti ve !'iti ' i m, a well as QUt. b ll t ro wl mes ed up Gon's g J'lI lIn(i er 0 H oug h co uld SCo re. "bouquet ." We may be blin d t o c >rtain faults which G OIl ~ atll' mpted larce ny, but exaJ' quite apparent to ot h er. , pin' d, P enn e to Zim , One run, one hi t . on' ' rr or. If any rea de r of t hi ad v l'ii me ri t call s uggest I~ i ve hita, a wa lk, a sacrific e and lhl'C'(' eITOI'1I gave ' A five m arK. any way in which our work can be irnpl'ov U in,any d eCI ' ~ in th., '(o ll rth, lind Brot a il , we will b e gla d t o g ive hjs id a ' t hough t ful conthe \ illi8 to t he sh Qwcrs inni ng WII 1iTli ~ hed , R. s id e ration . Constructive riti cis m will h elp us to r ea lize e 1111 ing ill from left fi eld t o ollr ambition, which is to r ndel' a 13 .. vice a s nearly up t hl' Bellbrook burden. 1'0 wl' >I wtl lk followed by W elperfect a li e within our pow t·. l 1" t (mr- pi), h it, gil I' t h e viaitors two more in the fifth, li n d Men dy's ~ i nq' I ~, Ellis ' double and t heft (t he fll'~t of the game) a nd anot he r CIT OI' gave th lo cal the arn e Phone 7 Waynesville, Ohio num be r In the s ixth. Buck Ree de l'- J,Hanted the b a ll in t he Racll fO l' W A 's t, e lfth r un .!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!~!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!~~~!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In th e s ven t h, [md tw o misplays ! a n d a hit gave the v i itors t heir seve n tb counter in the eighth se8<ion. 1'11' 0 hits and two errors ga ve th m an oth c l' brace of consolation Sulucribe lor The Miami Gazette and get a year marke rs ill the last s pa. m. T he 01 R eminiacenses
Don't Be a UStiitcher"
A 6ne soft Coal
Koppers Miami Coke
I~ f U A ~" o ~il1l till ll
Fllt'llltlli UlI
- BUllll
.SurgeltioDI Invited
TRADE your thin.'risky tires for new
Gordoa'. Sarvlee' Statio. Pbo•• 47
Wa)'••••ll.e" Obi.
, r~7 ' y ..... til.'
PlaST· •••loe
At I"." 'rice" 0 ........ V.....
Proof: MUUoae .... 1NIOP1. bu~ GoocIJean ' Lat..t ur.dm. Cuanll.teed
~;·I·~··1·4~~S. ~~ Tu..... ...= .........I~ TIt.... Tb. . PriceI An for Cub AlIO CIa. .
aD. lara-
dHlla th••amoa.
When new tires COlt 10 little, more ,than ever it pay. to buy the ben. Who say. Goodyears ARE beat? The people who use . tlrel aay It- they_}buy more Goodyear. than any otber kind
iIe!~:~!:v:!:~.~::n:e~:~ f~~
11 that iao't eoouah proof, come In- we can actually d~mon Itrate the REASONS WHY you aet more for your dollan in Goodyean.
th._" th. NEW OOODYIAI
Sometblna N... out 01
AlIt ua to abow ,...
"RIDING ..' lib PLYlNO'·
-_th..... ~:
c.a. ..~~=~~
Eighty-Fifth Year
Congregation Visited _u.---.i--"I~6.j~-f+- Distant Parishoners
teve Ph illip s E Career by Winning R1ace at Washington C. H.jr:'air
Whole Number 6028 _ .__ :a:
AUGUST 24, 1932
A bout f\:ft~· membel'R and 1riend~ of St. Mary's Epilicopal church s)Jt!nt II delightful day, Sunday, at the nome of O. J, Ellwnrds anJ ~1r. and MI'i!. J. W. };dward and family near Green field. A bas ket dinner wac a pl'ominent feature of the oc Ilsion, the spacious dining roorn presenting a most attractive app al'snce with the long dining table and several small tables pread with a great variety of deli ciou ~ food; The ge.nial hospitality of lhe hosts arid hastes, ideal wealher and the beautiful scen l'Y sU'r rounding the plellsant hqme wer!? gnatly appreCiated _by the gue t s who were the Rev. J: J. 'chaeft'er and Mrl'. c~aeffel', Mr. und Mrs. W. B. Ru ssum, Mis~ Mal'gllr Russum, Dr. and Mr!'. Gail Ru ssu m and daughters, Aile Jane and rvalou of ,D ayton; Mrs. Anna Cadwalladel', Miss Clara Lile, Mi!;.~ Annie Brown, Mi Mam Brown, Miss Emma Heighway MrR. Edith Harris, Mr. Hani' Mosher, MI·5. Susan ' Payne and son, Ferrel', MrF A'da oUl'tney, MI'. and M rl;. Lee Hawke, Misl< Doris Hawke, Mr. Dean Hawke , Mr, and Mrs. Fred B Hend euon, Mrs. KaLhryn Tllrn er and son, Matthew, Mr. lind Mr . Ronald Hawke and ~on, Frank, Mr. and MI·s. JtJ. L. Thomas. Mr. William 'I'homas, Mis ' Td\len'a Edwal·d. Mis Margaret Edward , Miss Alice Flint, 1\1i i! Hem'ietta McKinsey, Mi!;1\ Jessie Clark, Mr. John Pence, Mrs. J ohn Gons, Mrs. May.n ard Weltz a.,.d children Anne and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. D. L, ranI' and granclson John Richal'l'l, Ethan Lewis. Robert Allen tlnd Howard heeter.
John Cummings lost a hoI' e by MI'!!. Maynar I .. Ilz nnu Donald Race for Two po.ta On COII.t~ nder ua le of August 18, last' ol'ds. His gazE' wandell'ed out of 8 Th. Old Timer. F_Illt Harel for death, lut Friday night. Hawke visi1.£>u Ge 0 1'1~e lo wll , today. Friday mOl ning's Cincinnati Endoor toward the tra/:k and the Comm iuion Ellpeetecl to Hold til. C.m~ld A,e ..,d Lack School Supplie ! Get them at quirer published the fOllowing di _ chat-tering crowd gathered rou nd. Gel your School upplie!; at .. Out there's where I art of got M,·s. Farr's Home Store on Third Spotli,ht in F .. U EledioD of P ..actice Def.ted Th_ Mrs. l"arr's Home Stor , On Third patch Ir'o m Washington . H.: started guslH~wful liIlany years street. street. "They said he couldn't do it" but -ago. And out there, tner.e.," he addUpenillK jotuna in . t..he national Baseball OId-Tlmel'8- Day at Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Ellis enter- "Uncle Steph n" Phillil)S wore his cd haltingly. "I gue!!s I drove tor Mells rll. Lee Lllmmon and R oy IJoliticl\i campaign havtl been the Wayne Pa.rk, Sunday, was a hUle tained Dayton friends \lver the 90 years hghtly today and dl'ove the last time today." JOtl' 'il'lln acled business in in- >;ignal for county candidates to Frederick McKinn,e y to victory in "Uncle Sj;ephen" dr!DVe the first success. The biggest crowd of the week·end. cinnati, Monday, resume activities attElT being more ()ne of the three heat!! of the feat- heat in 2 :12, the, ~eeo nd in the sellson turned out : WAC WOn tne 1w1is8 Nellie . Qutwright and Mrs. ure event of the Fayette County same time lind the third in 2:13. or less dormant !lince the primary Mi ss Grace Savage, of Lytle, wa!' argument 16 to B after tbe Miamis Maynard ,Weltz 'Were Dayton visi- Fajr' rlleing progl'am. May 12. . Benham drove Mtl1'ion Toddle the guest of Miss LouiSe Hough Within th past lew days there had driven their stal,ting pitcher tors, M~nday. "Driving his own trottel' on the Banley Google, droven by E Smith 'attn'clay evening. ha ~ been a noticeable increuc In to .cover in tVio innintr1!, and everyMr. Harris M0 8he~, of the D. trll~k where he b gan his rise to' fini shed thil'd in the filllal heat. political ~Ik in all sections of, the racmg world Came So mll,llY year ' , "Barney Google ftnil;hed first in Willialll HOI·ne. f DII}'ton, i ~ R. Smith grocery, is enjoying a body had oodles of 'fun. county, inv olving not only national ago, "Uncle Stephen" clime in fifth the. fir. t lleat, while an Guy vi siting his aunt, 1rs. Forrest and The Miamis showed their lack of we k 's vacation. state but c,Clunly candidates a in the first heat, ,fourth in ~he ec- driven by Gault, won the second." lIough, .<1111 family. well. practice worst in the field, errors Miss Pauline Bowman, of Fran k ond- and first 111 th thll'd and 1 Though now a resident of L b, . Principal interest in the county Mr. a,n d Mrs. I:loycl DaVIS are an on, Mr. Phillips was for many playing their part in II dozen o:f lin, is visiting her niece, Mis Bar- fin~1 contest. vote will ' center in the race for announcing the buth of a son, 'rhe flrs,t heat wa the hardest yeal'R ~ re l)ecl d oit 'izen 01 our th IG runs scored by the WAC'8 bara. Gray, this week. . county commissioner, witn two he said. HIS horse made a break town, and still owns a bUlline 8 Tu('~day, AUgllllt 23, member~ of the board to be electwhile t he older boys earned but Messrs. H. M. Sh rwood, Carl it took all he had to m~intain buildin~ and two or three residence George Carnahan, Mason, i\'I~'. alit! Mrs. A, L. King went ed. two of theirs by old..{a/lltioned an d Robert Servis were Dayton control. In the . econd heat Uncle properbell hel·e. He oft;en comes to to Sidney, Saturday to attend th~ will ~' un a long with Keller Hoak, solid hitting. If Christopher 1'!1at-' vjsltors, Monday morning. Stephen" was oft' to a poor sta rt. Wayn sville to look after his Wayne townsh ip, on the Demorunerul_of !l young friend. thewson Orsborn could have belln "But in the third, after coming· business interesti!, and to visit his cratic ticket, in opposition to accorded the same excelle nt brand The annual reunjon of the Hawke to seco nd on the back stretch, niece, Mrs. Oliver Davis, and olher Mill ' Mal'\ mph 11, of Leb- Emmor B eedl~ who is s eking reof fielding support that was given family will be held at nyder Park tlnale old veteran, whipped up relatives, ' and i~ alway!; warmly ,anon, is visiting her brother, Rich- election and Hay s Keever, Lebhis opponents, the score would in Springfield, next Su nday. to . pass Miss Mari on Toddle nnd gre led by hi. ho~t of frienu .. ard ampbelJ, and family. IInon grocery man, who defeated undoubtedly been much closer. At His pel'sollsl appearance and acMrll, Lee Morris, 01 Dayton, nnl hed 30 yards ahead. W. D, Corwin in the Republican that, the 0Id( 1) boy led the hur- spent "The cheers were dea'fening, tions belie hia actual ag by a Mr. and Ml'B. hestel' Goode; of primary. the wee1c-end here. the guest ler in strike-outs. And don't for"Uncle Stephen" ~as called back. score of yeaTS. Dnylon, Wl!re 'un day glle ts of Observers in touch with political get hi battery part-ner Howard of ber aunt, Mrs. Amanda Moffitt. He was greeted In front of the It was during hi eat'lier years MJ' '. Plossie at'll}, and family. aotivitie say thai of the two Dutch Burton, The butchman Mrs. Ralph Ha tings and son, of judges' tand by David S. Ingalls, in the horse-racing game, and candidates, Hoak, stopped about -everything that Lebanon, spent Tuesday of last Republican gubernatorial nominee. while he was engaged in business Mr. and Mrs. B. y. Smith at· Democratic came his way, and made only one week with Mrs. Laurence Brown. Then he. was p~e8ented .with an h re, that Mr. Phillips bought-or, i nd d the Hathaway r union at Wayne township's Jirst aspirant little bobble. easy chair, the gift of lOVing fan~. rather, traded for- hi! celebrated Hanllon Park, Lebanon, ·unday. for a to unty office in several year. is far In the lead of his r unnlnrEmerson (Rip) Surface and Misses Bernice and Lois Pen"While spectators yelled them- pacing horse, Blind T'om, at one MI'. and Mrs. A. F. Melioh, mate George Carnaham. Hoak. a sri (Cricket) Hawke, represent- nington left Monday for a , visit selves hoaTSe, he lett hi sulky and time holder Of the world champio ndaughtel' and 80n8 spent the week- veteran of the world war and &eing the original "Stansberry's witll their sister, Maud at Crystel grinningly str tched out in the hip for' speed in harness hor es. nu with relatives at Falmouth, Ky tiV1 bi Ameri~n Legion aff.ira, Wonders" of mor than twenty Fall, Mich. bi~ -easy chaiLl'ight in the middle For mor than 75 Ylaars., "Unci hns indicatlld that he- will 'make a years ago, wet'e the real veterans 01 the track. tephen" ha owned, trained' and Mi 5 Lucille Clark, of B llevue, strong campaign. nad Mrs. C. E. Earn hart, of the Miamls' playing ~q uad . • • • driven harness horses. and hlls 11.1at homtl asRi ting in the Ky., is On the Rep ublican side Keever, Edgar (Dugan) Bergan cracked lion and daughter, of Carlisle, were "The old man si!{hed as he PAt- way. enjoyed the reputation 01 are of her father, Walter lark. on the fac of primary ftlruree, apTuesday ted his horse in the stall. out a couple of nice two-banera, Waynesville - visitors, being one '01 the squar st, clea nest pars to be the stronger candidate and, in battin, practice before the afternoon. " I'm pretty tucke red," he ael- sPo]'t!lmen ever to mOllnt a tacing Mr'. and MI's. R. B. Davis. of game, his big brother, the one and mitted, though th~ sparkle of bike, May hi s future YElats be many WAYNESVILLE M . E. CHURCH Dayton. were . unday guellt..'1 of he having po lled approxitnately Mrs. Mllggle Burnet went to v'otes against 1800 tor Beedle only Capt. .tim Berran. took few Centerville, Tue day evening, for happiness in hi8 eyes belied his and full of happiness, her parents, Mr. artd Mnl. Ed COOk 2000 G. C. Dibert, Putor who was second on the ticket. Vlinp at the ban (he drove it to a short visit with her Bister, Mrs. Wednesday: Bibl study and Miss J>lne Boring has returned to Beedle however: holds the advallth au t-field, too) and retired to J eny Himes. - - - - - - - - - . - - - -... l tJrayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. M et- her heime in Wilmington alter II tag ot having Deen a member 01 the bench to manare, the team. mg of official board at 8 :16 p. m. visit with hel' ,ister, Mrs, Wymer the bOllrd '1'01' several years and i. arl (Beevo) MeClul'utilllooked Mr. and Mrs. Cba8. Jamelt and Friday: Jr. /loir practjce at Drake. a sea ,o ned ca mpaigner. good at first, and Ethan (Buck) lamily Pllnt unday in Blan(:hes' J. Mjlton Earnhart, who wu 2 :30 p. m. Regular choir practice Crane brought back pleaaant 'ter, guests at the home of Mr. and - -' --Mr. and MI·s. Wm. Hawthorne nominated fOl" representative to at 8:00 p. m. mem ories with some ot his fancy Mr • John Craig. Sunday. SUTIday school at 9 :ltO and tI'l nd , _,of Frank lin were the general assembly wilt run The Miami Maid Food club held plays and one ~ two ot hia a. m. Morning worship at 10 :3 0 \JndllY li'ue"ts of Mr. and Mrs. L. against Arthur Hamilton wbile Mr, A. C. ,Bowman and .familY, t hei r evel1th meeting on August equatiy celel>rated wild heavel (Do Tolling of the school bell on The subject of the sermon will . AI'thur. ' tanley Earnhart will OPPOM you old-time fanll rememb r the and RUBsen Neal, of Franklin, 19. There were t n members and Ralph H. arey in the race for Monday. ep ember 15 will mark be, "Self Encouragement.'; Epday he threw the ball from third were Sunday guest8 of Mr. and one visitor Ilresent. Evelyn Furnas 70 member and fde nds AbQut worth League at 7 :00 p. m. Evanprobate judge. In both of th ... ba e, at Lebanon, and tore t he Mrll. Orville Gray. th close Of the sunl}mer vaca- g listie services at 8:00 p. m. of the family attend d the fig~ts it is being freely predicted wa appointed secr tary protem. paddin ~ , out of ~eevo'i glove at Alexand rr union at Wayne Park, MT. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman and Each member took one salad and tion for !<tudents of the Wayne Next Sunday will the regthat both Hamilton and Carey, fi r 1.1 He Irot bis man, and won ula.r confe:rence year in our lust Sunday. Republicans, will be victorioul. that game, though.) om Burton son were dinner guests of Mr. and foul' sand wiehe . Our home demontownship schools. church, and the annual conference Inman Monger, }o'ranldin. wu made a couple of nice pla),s at. MI'I!. Saul Hurwich in Lebanon lallt stration agent, Mi s Graddy, and Raymond Jame , ot' Blanchester, Thursday. eveni"na. Grounds and bUliiding of will be held in Cin cinnati, August waR the Vie k-end guest of hi nominated for ' county treasurer by nort- top in the' eighth and 30th t? eptember M h. Warren co unty Democnta to optwo nice doubles_. C81'I (Mousey ) Miss Jearmette Fox is hOnle 'from the nutrition specialist, Miss Lelia ou ins, Charles Jr., Robert and POSe path the grade and high schools were present and judged our the present incum bentL.E. B. Frye wa full of pep a8 eve.. a1 the Springfield, where ,sbe has been J oseph James. WAYNESVILLE CHUR.CH OP Murrel, Harry Palmer, of .IIOD, are being prepared Ii nd all will hot corner, and lmashed out two attending the summer se sions a t CHRIST lowing are to meet with bot drives that woutd have be George W. Pl'at~ has returned will run 'again t C. C. Colline, the< Wittenberg college. be in readiness for the op ning our leader, Ethel Mendenhall, On (Undenominational) hits in any man'. ball pme. from n visit to his sister, Mrs, Republican candidate for clerk of of the fall .ternl. Shorty Underwood lind his gang Chester' A. William son ; Minister Jesse ham bliss, and other rela~ courts, with Walter Jordan MlDThe W. C. T. U. will meet at Thursday, August 25 to plan the ning agaia\ft William HqWord fo~ aot eold 'leet, and refused to um- t he home of Mrs. M. A. Silver float: EvelYn Furnas. Mildred Church Schql at 9 :30 a. m, tives in Xenia. Although plans have been sheriff pire- beu.u8e Jesle (Doodner) Thursday afternoon, -August 25. Co~k, Vivian Conner. "The School that i ~ different." The fol1owin~ are to meet with made fOl' a full nine month Lord 's Supper at conclu sion. Lewis wun't there, t hey said. Jim Everyone cordially invited. ' Mr. and Mr,. ta nl :l Bailey and Other contests Involve our ,I aper Tuesday, August 30, to garet Wund , of Morrow, Gibbons, a180, Aemed to be a!term, shortage in funds may Christilln Endeavor at 6 :45 p. m. daughter and 1\1i85 Dena Hopkins name will appear 011' t hIB ticke~ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gudgel and p lan our exhibit for the fair: Milllicted with ebilJlS in his pedal were Sunday dinner guests Of Mr Marie Pin !:, leader. Ev ning evallaga~nst Allen Huffman, RepublleaD extr mitlel, and viewed proCeed- daughter, a nd Mr .• nd M ~.I Catl dred Faul, ~dna B erg ,Mal·jorie nec~ssitate 'cu I'tailmlmts before gelistic' 8~rvice at 7:45 p. m . Thelma qrface. candidate for re-election aa couaty ings from a leat in the JrTand McClure and daug hters eame down Florence. Sermon subject, "The Greatest the end of t he year, although Mes ra. Orville Gray, C1IC)ster recorder, and J ohn Vall BOrD, Itand. And, ob yea I Murray from Dayton fOT the "Old Tinlers" , Adjourned to meet at Grade Memorial in the WOl'ld ." Prayer School build ing. arey and Hani!! MO\lhel' saw t he -Franklin, whose name wal WritteD definite plans alonl~ t hi s lin e m eeting and BibLe study ea.ch (Hoppy) Hopkina rot two nice ball game, Sunday. Dayton Ducks wallop ·the iney in by the Democrats durin. tbe hil$, if the 88me fly to center did Wedn esda~ at 7 !B O p. m. Short have Mt as yet betm made by Dr. and Mrs_ Warren Brown, of R ds in Da.ytun, Monday evening . primary to oppolle P. -0. Monfort. bounce of\' hil head a ~o uple of ECLIPSE OF THE SUN choir practice at conclu!iion. The candidate 'It)'r re-elec~lon u cooty the boal·d. time.. Other old-timer. whose Washington, D. C., arrived here, church where you fee l at hom e, J Th WayneaviJ) School band urveyor. work deserv.. honorable mentiOtl Monday evening, \!or a visit with If you're looking at the sun and the _pring Valley band are in - - -or - ••- - -i ncludes Jeaee (Pummy) Prender- her suter, Mrs. Mary J. Burton, throu~h rose-colored glasses, or ST. AUGUSTINE 'S CHUIlCH Maineville, thi s evening, assisting gata, Lawrence (Larry) Brown and other relati ves. Father French, Pastor the MainevIlle band Vlith a IB,wn Fiv~ tinted g18~ses of any kind. for and William (Bill) O'Banlorl. Mr. and Mra, Vance Smith and Services will be held every two f teo matter at 2 :30 p. m. Wednes- BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINMENT Gons, at fieClond, and Ellis, at tamilY, of Worthington. were weeks on Saturday morning, flrlt, led the WAC's in the fteld, guestl! at the home of Mr. and day, August 31, you will see an 80 Mh. Chari II Nichol of Cin inIn celebration of her' eond Roy plal'i.nr a little the beat of the Mrs. Frank LeMay from Thursday per cent eclipse of the s un. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST nali and her little grllnd-daughter, ' Five Warren eo untains now ..noThe moon is going to get in be- birthday anniversary, little Mis many !rood Ilamea we have seen until Sunday eve,ning. Mary Ellen Srilith, spent last .. . (Undenominational) tween the earth and the su n on Geol'ga nna Lee Hoblit had ~s her him pIa), at this atatlon. Their play week with Ml'Il. MaWe Williamson ing sentences in stat~ instltuwGILI will be elig ible for hearinrs before that day, and the phenomen will Chester A. Williamson on McClure, to end tbe first half Meael's. Keller Hoak and Elias guesl$ her sisters a lnd brothers, . th e board of ,parole durin!r SeptemChu rch School at 9 :30 a. m. at the Ferry parso nage. of the eighth, would bave .Braced O~lel\bee went to Columbull, be marked by gradually increasJ-ng twilight up fa 2 :8 0 p. m., when and two cousins, Rita. Conner and Lord's Supper and sermon at Mr. and Mrs. M r le Kerns and bel' and October, It has been aDa big learue ,.me. Buck l\eeder Saturday, to heal' Governor fo ur-fifths of t he sun's surface will Fra nces Rohl" The little girl was 10:30 a. m. Se rmon subject, "Some daughter ret,urned to their home in nounced. put anot~er ban , to soak in the Roolevelt, of New York, . urprised with a gift from her Gloriou !\fornings." You are leveland, Monday, after a visit Mrs. Dora Hall Race, to !ICON Gons ahead of him. Dem~cr.tic campaign in ri.<br--'-f-""- hidden. Then t again. namesake in Newark. N. J . always welcome at this church. with MI'. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, Frankhn, serving an i"; /l ..1:iii'iiiitiiiiil~-"';'-'--"'';'''':'~7'''11 and handled his pitchers in fine and other relative here. senten ce at the Ohio Refor1DAltory atyle. Mrs. Dillon McMilla.n had -as her for' Women at Marysyille, wm b. Next Sunday W endys one of guests this week, her parenti!, Mr. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fester eligibl e for ,a hearing on or after t he best teams out '01 Middletown, and ,Mi"a. Bert Dull arid luter and and Miss GI nna M.arsh, of Dayton September 15. Mrs. Purkey"".. w ill , be W AC'I opponents at brother, Susanne. and Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsh sentenced last September followWayne Park, and our bOYI will Shepler, of Temperance, Mich, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs ing her conviction on a ehal'le of have their work cut out tor 't hem. Ernest Butterworth, on unday. manRlaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sebold, of Vorel is expected to pitch this , . WalLer J ennings, of Lebanon, Clnc:innatil.. were lfuesUs of Mr. game. Mis, Gr~ce ~e n!-l ingL~n, whp is co-nvicted la, t October on a chaTJre Arter a quarteT century of acor- and Mn. w. O. Raper, last week. I! llIplOYlid m !ncmnatl prepara- of burg lal'y and now !lemn. a 1 ing for WaynelVi,lle team., the The eutire party Ipent Thursday lOI'~ to ,a ttendlng school there , to 15 yeal' sentence in the Ohio scOreI' ,was 8S lenient in the matter at Warner's landhljf, Indian Lake. again thiS year! , spent the week - penitentiary at Columbus, will b. of hits and errors as wae pOl8ible: Mia Luc}' ElJlley went to Har- ' end at home ..nth her paren ts ' at eli ~jb le for a hearing before tb. a ,ame araio8t a foreign team Feny. llOard on or after October 4, 1982_ would have been Bcored mucb ve-ysbul'r, Sunday, and accompaThree local pl'isoners now eenrf:U!~ , closer. Now, let's tell a little of nied Mr. Glenn Fealy and bis F. M. Cole and family, 0 ' mother te HUI.bor~J where they ing 1 to 15 years sentences in the the story. · ,, OaytQn wel'e Sun,day IIfternoor ~C¥..W~~t> Ohio state relorm_ory at KaDIISt., John and, Ellis , took eaTe of visited MIIII Faye Aelly and her v isitors aL the home of. Mr. a ni field. will be eligible for hurin. . ' Crane's ftrst olferlng, but KinS father. A\ Q.t~~\~~ A\ Mrs. F. U. LeMay. Mary Eva an( on or aftet September 8. The, muffed McClure'. liner. Bergen'~ Mrs. 'Frank L. X.ylC/r, of San Frank L May Jr. accompaniel life Wilbur Baber, convicted for _(louble scored Beev~, and Dlltcb Francisco, California, who has n \)()E~ them horne for It short visit. breaking and enterina: Noble Burton's hit Icored 8el'lao, apent the l ..t three mOillths with COqWPlQO Prendergast forced the Dutch· her, mother, Mrs. Edith Harria, ar receivinl Nook, convicted on tbe· ..me Local fri nd man, GOIIs to Eddy and Tom lelt for her bome in the wellt on post cards from Mr_ and Mrg. S. E charge and J ohn McKay cOAvicted. forgery . All were aenteneed Burton sent I- hit double oftr Tuesday morning. Gu stin and son " who ar'e enjoyi nr for November 9, 1981. u' motm' tour of the Easterr (ContiDll8cl 011 pace U ltJrs. Suellen Elliott and, daughStates. They have ,v isited nlan} = - ter, Julia, of Centel'ViIle and Mn points of interest. PERSONAL, TAX NOTICE Mae WilliamaonJ of SprlncValle)', Under the new !fax Law tbe have returned from a motor tr!f. ~lr . and Mrs. Ed Damsel anI vulting relativel at DeLan , tw o daughters, of Co lu mbus, ani eco nd payment , of perlO4a\ tal: Clinton ' and Monticellio, Ill., and Mr. lind MI ·~. Eli Gray and R'-l'and is due between August lII, ItS! PI~nl a Hay had a delightful trip. son, Donald G1'IlY, of Clarksyille s nd September 20, 1982. On aecull(>(1 ()tl Mr. and M ra. W!lltel ~ount of the great amount 01 work Fifteen -m embers and one visitor Mrs. Oliver Davis was in Xenia con nected with the preparine of Elzey, Su nday afternoon. attended the replaT meetinr of today, to aee her Un~le Charlea the duplicates and the fact that' the Good Cut Clotbior clu~ Phillips. Mr. Pbillips was taken - Recent gueRts at t he hdme ,of some of the necelllarl blank. hav. at tbe hallie of their leader, Mrs. "1'iol181y sick Wednesday of laat Mr. and Mr., B . V. mith include not been prescrlbed, it il a R. E. Hathaway, Jut Thursday week and wall removed te St. Mr . and lI1r~. Lee Earnhart ani impossibility to have tac afternoon. ~fter aett.ina' a date to Elizabeth hos.p ital, DaytoD, for children, of No-rwalk, Ohio; Join ready at this time. practice for their pia" the lrirls treatment. Hia cencijtion I, .. Id to Pyle, Ilf Beaver, Ohio; and Glem As soon a!! ready. notice will be laid plans for a hay ride (In Thurs- be improvinr and he haa returned a nd M'iriam Smith. o'r Lo:\ Angele: g iven I" aU newspapere in the day eveninat AUlfUlt 26. Each to hla home in Xenia. ali!. county and tax statements wfJ1 be member II prlvilBled to Invite two mailed. lfUelltl, and aU are requnted to A joll1 party of ladies enjoyed a MrK'. . W. y (, un ce and daughter, E. B. lfurr.H, 'hu.. meet at the rnid,nee of Vem picnic aDd' awimminw party at and Mr·s. Paul Flory, of Dayton Hough by 8 :30 p. m. Th* neJlit Wayne Park , 011 Friday _evenln«, wel'e guests of Mr. and Mrl:\. W. F GREEN-CA. . . .I:LL mHtinr will be held at the home AlilrUlt 12. The lah wal furnlahed Clark, last week. Mell!lrs. Younc< of tbe leader.! SaturclaY aftemOOft by IIIn. Crolll. tbe chicken hy • and FloJ:Y joined the party on Mn. Marp~ 'neapeow September lu. SteUa Butterworth and CorSunday. and esCorted their families CamJlbell ud Mr. Oeorr. ADna Lee Crane, Newt lleporter nen. the cak. bl' Mary and home that evening. of Dayton, art auoa _ ~marriae' wbieh tool ,.... Mr. and ?tin. ___ l._elll __oftade da7. ~ __ ~_ ••_ __ and Mr. a"d Mr..
Services At the Churches Sunday
Meeting of Miami Maid Food Club Schools_to Open on Septemb,e r 5th
Countianl Are Eligible for HeariD,1
Odd-But TRUE
Gi~.t 4.H Club
----..... --...
p.ny . . .arety, L. Earl Thomp.all II. D. ¥eVoy .nd Cbarlea E. lJt'nm.n were appointed appralll. e u. Eliz~beth G. Thompson. admin. !~l l'lltrlx ot the e tate o( Mar. .rI\l'I' I E. Gallaher. deceued, filed her fil- ~ t and final account. Common Plea. Proeeedin,. Havill W(' lIl1 was appointed ad' III,. " HS" I. f "W """k Li£ mini. tra tor of the estat of Lura Ill 8)' TIJE HOOSI ER ~ o nti nu e t o prosper and · 0 ~nllch th~ ,',Hl Ill 1lI " IIl l'll t I I,' I /ll nr,I \11\ ' '" \\' e lls, d(' c~a, I'd, a nd .... v bond of .' II"., urlln "" 'lI 1n III,"" \' r ~ u .. O. E. ,,- a nd WI·I. o"~r our young ter~ . nl ~ \ In·. '" $ J 200 witll • a r ll l-~ . HoII' 'rh t' .:1I1'~ \ l',,' May :lnd, ' upt. 8tH ell re('Qm' On t he 7tll of 18•• Ihe sUJ1t:rin1"( t ' .(' \',,\'t II' ll "'1 (,'III'I'I'S'Ill, el 81 , thl' t1t'f(, OIlllnl. T hl' lillm Ha mm ond as !\ Ur~ ti eB now I I", I"" . WI·I. III ,nued thl' [ oll vwing clll!' .tor te nd('n t l'ecoro m~ndE'd t h se Iud. \\ uO< PIIIl, ' I .r un,' .)_", < 1'1.,') 1,011' I th", I .' ,''\'.·l no ll · l'llt7.l' l l~ ,'l\li o n .~' 1 Bunk lia tll Hnllllll ond , o·nrad " Boardenr.tluatlt>n[ May 111, 189 : B i ' r\ts f OT gradu tilm, Mill' 17 . 1900 ~ U,","I ' Jn ' t I.' nu.1(' n I I n1 )r ' 0<"' 1'1 11 "n (\ 1'I'u" t '0. is .. "I'UII ted It'll Vc' t " ft:1dt'r a nn~ Rav or nell Wer e ~" . \lok , ('II ~ Dulce', Edward Little., Ma l'y Baily, ' arah Burnet. Ruth A n, ,. • rI ',10 "n'lII''I11\' 11\1, t'Iu I,' III.'". l' l n il ,II L'ro:<~ llctiti on. a y M 'l1 rllI' II f UI~,'" I)oint ed appra i' e rs, 1o;1Ia M i~che nl ' iI iam E. O'Neall Cha ndl r, Han), I rvjn D od~o n , l'nelt; notlllllJ.:' t1ning'. ho\\ ,'\'l'r. M r. Th" l'lIUihl hll' TI'\I ,;t c.ompany Tlelen Bar nhart i found to be many all d Mat J\, Pugh. omm nce· Geo rge A. Funkey, Lena B. Hu rt. Pl' ,' r," 11 ('('ph·d hi" fH le. Ju l ~' Hi , of (heIndl, .\ l ic:hiKliu, W llS np poinl. nn el)iI ~tiC und is to be admitte d III 'nt ell i ll weI' a fi nan cial ~ock, Freel BO)'d H nder on; untI ,,, U ' f) l l (I 1 "1' thn " )tll ".1 " 'II' , ' l"" nr lhl, trust mOl'h l", ··e 1".. \ I >; II . h "u n ,- ,J , , ," ... .. to the io Hospital fo r Enlleptlcs n lailu l' • this Yl!ar, for on th 23 rd. G org-e J ud on He • hllTI ~ Jan . o r ,~·' Ugll~,I TIW , lIpenn . I"J ll Il' ntt"t ·~ eX'I'l' ul"!1 " , , ,,fi llll ,I,-\i , v ' r 'u,' by Thl' fi- Th e lIdjudication and d termina. the bOIlr<! r imbur ed Dr, EUia. n y, Diy M&ychooley, W ilHam ullllllen d el I I I I (I .,t • \,ntHI} plllln " ,'" 111111' \ ' u)II" (" III'l",1 Pu""r ' 0 111 ' ' ~. , ~ ~ .. .. " " t ion of the in heritance tax to be $1.39, the defiejt on cQmmenCQ· Walt r to ea, Adda B. Thoma ' , b mude ill tht' Il'Xl. oook!:', and p lin y, uf J~l'!lnk1i Il , Ilsid on t he estl\ t of H orac M. mt'lIt, and SUj)t. tilwell\ $1.74, George Irvinll Thr ckmort n, -''( l',' - r~ , C11_·k- ll~' 11tHl n al' lr " ('I' I' 1[' ul" tl " t'''' '\ll~ "I'll nl '(\ II \I i~,J;l." lurk, deceased . is to be &'iven to Ih deficit n th bacca aure.ate Anna V. nd erwo d, Eli~nb th N. appo illteu t o act \\ ith him in th e \ ' ,11'1'1' fr om ,('tlrge Bc!'t II ml WI1S all p TSons inter sted. xtirci ell, Howe e r, th latter Iren· Wa.rd and . JIlI'}' Eli,.ab th Wil- '1 del'tj un. g'h'un l'u~ lody (lor theil' mi nor child , Milt rd E . Ringo, guard ian of tI man reported $. n t rect'ipts \illm l\t i ~. ln rillnnu hund ler re~ i !t n . J o,· l' philll' Clint' \V II S granted a Elilu May Ringo, et al minors, filfro m It un tata. The chool le\'Y "'II" "_ I , u , I . ,. ...t! II . earhl'r of R OIJ Ill 2. Au!:,u!lt ,Ih'tll' (' fl'(lm Win " on li ne lInu d his til' t and final account. W ontinu ed a t mill. jl l , .aJ I r y r e~ lgll(,u The inven torv of F . Zane l a th, II tHl Mi":, .lii L. .'dler. \In" \\n ~ dve n ~ lI!ltfJ tI~, nf lhOl ir mi nor B Kr 01 ~(\""1 3. "and AMiss cho sen 10 till I h \ ' UCIlIlCY, J . E. .:h1 111. Augu . L 2, P 1'0 f . J , H • B r own E ll tt!ach Mounts, Il S executo r of t h esta te a. mploy d to teach music for a , '" \ now .ur. mos J to III lhe cn ~e or David R (l~ to n , et of J olm H. Moun ts, deceased. was u .. ~ Don't borrow your neigh bon' paper. nln mOll lbi\ at a alary 01 $20 0' k J r , } Il! e mp lo)' d t o fi ll t he al1 n ~y \\ n, Oll lli I I' nI rI o""nt p T month. Eight da ys I. t er, the va nc. . ommencenlent recei pt !lell the n('w (l'xt boo ks, wh ic h the II I \. ' 1:/; l!" I lilt' Jl tldapp , administ1'll approve d by t h court, board IJdopted , ix' dny, lllter . . till t()r IIf L. ' stule .,f hllll' roust!, t al Il les by M. . Dra k , admini • For only three cent. a week you get board cun tr act d with Omar and ho,," rd a pr ofi t of 'L4.3 2, ao d th an e,ther wI'ek lilt I" Ioh lon R id~i' J I>hn H. ),ohn was ll10 dc pa rty de- t l'8tO," of the ! tate of Albert A. · dII · ·.. h I le\')' \\ 8l' ontinued at L all the Remini.cen,e" be,ide. 0.11 the rant WI to II a we In ....e mill . Th G. '\ , R . was "'rante d and Jalll : 'tllOPS wc r each ",h'cn f(l n1Iunt. 11111(' lI orlajJJl Wa!; g ran ted IrQn , decea ed were approved and 'h 01 ya rd, j ust ea t of the " " nil accou nt a re to be settled. buildinc. T h contract price was th U ' of the _chool pr emise ' 1 01' a conirllct for , 5,000 wl,rth of in. 11'a\' ~ \ tl fiI~ a nswer. new, 01 the neighborhood.' 0 per $100 valua Th a djudica.tlon an d det er. $l!.16 p rio t for the fir t 23 f et DeC'ontion Da r exer ci es, the su rance ut l1.:) n,·t v ni ll '" of thl' I Ne w S u it. . n, alld OI t l and $2.4 () pel' foot fQr the re. j a nitor to l'Ceeive $1.26 tor open· " " ll11nllti on of t he inher itan ce tax on Halti(, Bluck vers u. Leo S. t he estate of hllrl Kelly, demindel'. A chang in H. S. Tut int the h.lI, if rain ,made its use the rn(lnt h. th , Iludi t ing cOll1mittl' harg is cea ed, i t o be given to a1\ p er. b ook wa m de upo n the r com. ne . sar l', July 24 , the use o,f rep ort d II UU llllH'e of 1.04 G. 7 '. Black, 1"01' divorce . lis!I l\liJ1 nil' n odson re, i~n e d g l't.~~ negillct of d uty. lion i.nter~ste d. m ndaLion of the uperintendent. ' etca ll' Gramn;'a~s WllS subst,. IUl'ellce G, Reitz li nd F lo sie T he f ollo,vi ng accounts wer e ap. J u taft.er t.be start of tJle 1898. luted (or Harvey s tn the gra de.~. 11 ,' pl'incipul til t hl' High 1'1'110 0 1. N. proved, allowed and confi r med by Send u. $1.50 and !l9 t 1'm. ept ember 1898, th Th next term wa turted wI.t h cpte1l1ber 13. L 01. a nd Whitli ir May Heitz ,'ersu. Thoma {\ lIle~' . ct IlJ. F r money. fo re· th court . auditine committee reponed • a balance ot $706,80 at t~ e d,~ BUl'net Wil li. curl'd f or th e r os we will .end )'OU J. W , Godda rd , a dmini t rlltor 0'1 balance of ~21 8 0.84, and on J.n. p osal of the board , ~~rd mg to li nn, three dny~ later. at a ~nlary d()~ure. ~al e uf r III sta h l, costs, 0{ $50 p r month . Mill:! J nnif' tlIld olh I' rclic'f. the ('st ate of W. T, BelJ , decealled, uary 23, 18~9, the t achers were th~ r port o~ th audIti ng COIl1 !\fury J o. e]lhine argent . ad· First and fi nal. granted ~ two-<ia ys VlI'CatioD on i m ltte , uDnlltted eptember 3, Dinwiddie I'I'!>illnl'lI a ~ teAcher of harter D. Maple, a dn in i t ratol" Mal' h 9 IlJid 10 most pr.obably to N ovemb r 2 was se~ .n.l' th da te Room 1, • cpt embcr _7, nnd f i;;s mini.strloltr lx of the estat e of a m· be \l n t at~n~ iDg a m eetine of f or our teachers to VI Sit the olum elesl\n Au: tin WAS s cured t o lIel Sargl'nt. uecl'all d, versu Vii· of the esta te of E lizabeth Holley, hri tmtlS la~(' of Ll'b non f or money. deceased. Fir t and final. tbe Teachers' Associati on. . bus chools. October ~2, t he board ta ke hn plat;l" The In the matter of cha nge of trust ,Edwin • Eldr idJOte, executoT of Th Annual election April S, vot e d to purcha~e a plcto re of th e va ca tion wll. (lri~in a l1)' set fill' aaw Dr. E llis receive 179 vot , ,raduatinl class 0 f 1 ?OO, and . t o n cember 20 t o 3D, h u l ", a , later lee fuI" mOl'tagag bonds of T he t he estate of Mary B. Eldri dlrll de. j\1iami all y lIa ted Paper om- ceased, Fi rst and final. Em mor S. Baily, 121, and Ma~. t1av (! t he same hun, In the HIg h ('xlend ed to J nlllHH Y 2. The a.n nual lectioll, April 7. pan ~' , of Franll;lin. Katherine PI'esley F ogarty garetta Brown 110, the t wo for. !School r OODl . Cr,he pIctu re, no t h In lh e mll th'l' of the estllt~ of g uardian of harles W. Presl y. Dter bei n~ ' elected 28e ballota Jradua . ). ~h 1.s api> ,Ill to ,ha,v 11102, lIhOWeUIl toLal of ilS6 ballots ea t. This b oard re 0 11l.niud 00 bee ~ , t~e Oflgm of the Rogues Gal cast. B. S. Howell, 26 ,and ' hal!. ('lin E. Thompson , d ceasen. Ap- minor. Fir t. tella Ur hel. guardian of Rol. I:::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~ th 17th of the month, with the lery III H.. S. ow. ea ch cia,!'. ' mith. 12 • wel'C lccted , \\ ith 01'. pea l f rom pl'ob nte cour,t.. H. 'Q. Alexander, ~15; and N. L. J ames M. La(:key v\'r us Erski ne land M. Gepha rt, minor . S condo __ _ _ aame offi cer : White, president, donate lts pIcture .to th cbool Bu ntle'll, 0, t heil' cl osest opppn. R"bl ' nyo n and Ralph E. Robin on Rex D• .Snoo k • a d m InI t Ever ly clerk Caskey, treuurer . ju t before g raduatmg, v ~ rat·o r pressed WOod Prell. Co. _ lumber, In Ohio the tr In ndou whea t har· _.979 ; Lebanon Farmer's 'Coopera. A week later, the sUllerintendent • On J anua ry 7, 1901'. Roo ms 1 e nt.". The board l'co rga nizt!d. })I'il fol' forec lo unt of chllttel mort· the estate of J ohn M. Snook , ve t of last yea r l 60 nl illion bush· leman pI' sule nt i gage lind a ati~fIlc ti on of judg- ceased. F irst and final. t t $ re~ommend d tbe fo llowing class and 2 were di mis ed foJ:' one 2 1 with J . H. S D Eve rl y I 'rk lin d P E Kiln t A E Cl Ive 0., cemen . 136.8 5; H. T el , exceed d thiS y('al"s crup by for .raduation : J obn P. Cummings, week, t hough the record fails to . . ,. , .. • men. . ~. evenger and Elisabeth Cook, rravel and chip. ;t267.22', 18 million bu 'hel . II t acb 1' " l\'I'lll r ed F . "o tield, a minor . 1 E . • chu tt, I ld min ' I trat ors 0f S u n L . Wr ight (now Mra. Hiatt) state the cause, be it a n pidemic r ick. tre a ~ u r 1'. ~ . Mason umber Co, "". rail "material $6.16 ; BI.lr " Le"'Roy, 8upplie Addie Fredonia Gral)am, Thomas of measle . carlet tever, or what alaries weI' set at the arn e yea r of age by Pearl Fr eze, her e~tate of Gertrude H. Ea tman Mo re tha n 2.3 00,000 bushcs of Benj.",in Tibbalb, Ada Marie n oL April F ool' Day witn essed figu r e fol' t he oe t t el' m, but Mil l moth l' and nCJet fri end, v rsus cea, ed. Second. fin al and distrib- , $2.117.04; Van Camp St on e 00., ofield, a m.inor, reo utivt' Stokelj Ebie E. Rogers, Lelia M. the r ·ele tio n of the ltless rs. Par hall wt\s gi v n nn in c r ase Emer. on B. the commo n barberry hav be n " 'I'tll hi's fath er , CII' nto n A. Ch' I G d d' gravel, $622.62; Blair ' LeRoy, Githens, Mar tha Ther~ ~ Comp- Caskey and Ever ly to board memo 1:r m 30 to ,j O per mon t h. Mi ,~~ I' dl' n<r .... a r es u geon, guar Ian of t ar, J3,269.91,' Ernest Dakin sw ne destroyed in Ohio s i n c ~ 1 Ul 8, beton and Warren Haw Keys- bers hip by vote of 111 and 99, r eo Mary Wil kerso n (now M rs, hM. : cofie ld f Ol' dl vo l·ce. ,hul'g es nre T helma Gudgeon. minor. First. U; Franklin Vule, " Tire Co" r eo cnu!Oe they scutter black stem rust Supt. St:ilwell, all the teachers and spectiv I),. Reorgani zatio n was ef- Huffman, of Spring Hill) wu gros neglect . Julia Millard, tl(uar dian pairs, $1.14 .' Waiteg Garnoe, r eo to wheat. Some hav been fou nd in en t o • u ce('d 1r. Burn t a - -- J C · III d .. the janitQr were offer ed contr acts fec ted and the same offi cer r eo cho Probate COl'rt Pro~ e~diDI. hamefis ta nndo~, Iincom petetnt. e pairs, '41 .84; J. D. Adam Co.. every co un ty in the state. Pri nc ipa l of t he .H igh sc hool, but • ~ ~ er rs a n una aceo un . renair , $ 35,40,' L. I . Pence, rethe . uperint ndent and all other '" , tea cbel'i:j w l'e ofT r ed contl'tlcts. Alton F. Bro\vn, administrat r R.al E •• at. Trallaf.ra palrll.. $1;",f'901: 602·reWi'onIBa DCrildl!!,e OO"I I~.liIl11iiliiiliiliilll.III!I"'~".' May 5, Mes rs. }o' cl'I'ee lind f the tliltale of Andrew J ohnson, re pairs." . ; . • 0 \111:1, re·1I Burnet l'ecomm endecl Lhi. cln fo)' deccaslld,file d hi sa le bill. George W. orwln, et al to Ro pairB.l., 761.'1' W. A. Lutz, r epairs, graduation May t 7 : <lrl M. Ht'ss. Frank Wil1fliehL, a.l rninlstrntor and Grace Moor e. Real e tate $1; t"rank In Motor Co., upplit's. La urence She rwood, J ohn Jr. Wil- of the estllte of' Lucy Winfield , uu- alem t ownship. $UI1.40j Blan.hester Machine The Federal Land Bank. Shop, repairs , $13; Murray Lewis Iiams. and Herbel't . ' arwick. cealsl!d, filed his inventory. (Come on, 0 ve, t ell us about this Bert ha K Hess, exe utr ix of the Lou isville. t o Abbie M. and A repairs, U.76 ; Truatee of Public commenct'm nt.) MLs 'ell 1'8 re- t!~t llt ' .f Alk e hen weth, de· bert Romohr. 102,43 ac r es in 'Aft'airs, lights at garalre, $1.02; 30 Years Exp.rlence In fu sed to) co ntinue a ll teacher of cen~eu, fil e\l he r s~h,edule of ~ebtJ;, Hllmilton t owlIship. H. S. Conover" supplies, ,$50.20: Flttin. and Maldna: GI..... Roo m 2, and th p itlon WIIS 1 h Lcb,uno ,n. lll.zenll N atJ~~al Alber t J . and Edward LUmpkin S, . AleXAnder, supplies, $1.45; g iven to Mil'~ harlotte Antl'jm. I Blink and rru l~ L 0" a adm llll ~- to lill'ord D. Miars. 4.3.36 Industrial Tractor " Equip. Co., The committee in churge of com .. tl'~t or of the I_st,u le of J ames ~ . in he te r t ownsl)ip, Clinton repairs. $17.48; Spring Grove mencement I' port d net rec ipts I W til. , d ecease d! IS t o sell C«:rtn lll t y nnd W~~ n e t ownship, Tl;'actor &. Equip. Co., rep.ir , '3 .• L.h••oll, Ohio of $63.45, May 26 ; tqe s Ul)e rin~ r a L e state f or IIlte1't's t of Old esAlma Nil!!en and Ad.m 40; Kaufman's supplies, 16.83; H. Tu .....y. Tlaur.d.,. 5.t__ , tendent'f; sa lary was raised Irom tate. . Bridg to Co~nty of Warren. I'tf. Care y's Garace , r epairs, 12.iii t o $&5 per mont h, Ilnd fhe FI:a~ k Wardlow \Va apPo lll ted estate in F r anklin township. . C. D. Sma rt, Auto ervice E .... I••• loll F .... e t ate of E merson E . Vandervoort, (J!-'B;~d:o~n~ , gas, $17.82: Lawrence school levy was tl~ajn set at 9 mills dnlllll tl'ato1' of th LEBANON'. OHIO T he study of Hall eck's Eng li. h Lu lu Wardlow, d~cea~e d. and fi led ceased, to Oharles Vandervoort, • Shilter For k and Ho ist Li tera ture was adopted Augu. t 25. bon<l ot $1000 ,WIth Ii. L. Ba rl,?w, et lIl. 116 acres in Massie town. Shaft, ,2.80; Roger. " Simpson. chool tarted in S ept mbcr and G.eo t'lre GIlmor e as , u retle . • ship and Cheate r t ownship. Olinton Station. gas , $39.89; East End with a balance f only $4 3.1i9, LoulFe l?rak.~ Bnd .L ~cl i le DaVIS cou nt y. Garage, gas, $52.85 ; Mo rrow but the board bought a carpet for wer e npPolIlte d. ,admmlstrators of Charles Vandervoort to V eda V. G.ra,e, gas, $79. 26; Waynesvill t he stage in t he hllll , neverth less. t he e tate of Lula J. D.rake and Conklin. 117 acres in Massie town- Service Station. gas and oil, Mr. Fer l'ee submitted hi res- fil ed .bond of 220 00 WIth A. B. ship. $22.07; W. A. Hause. gas. 123,84; ignntioll II uperintendent. Qc., ~ orl'ls and M. . Drake al! ure-, Bes ie M. Bryan to gas, $17.71; w. H.". a Compl.t. Wateh t bel' 23, the Bom e to take ei. 'h es. . . 0 1:t1, v.a ns Hat field Ba hr and Fred C. Bahr. Co., lubriR.pair S.p.ie. fect N,)ve mbe r 7th. FOUl' days l\ n~1 hat'l s ~.. L WIS wcre apt tate in L banon, Frencb And use only ls. later, . E. Bratten was unanim-- jlomted appraI sers. " Nella B. Tr.ey to Charles E . and g.8, Crys tals fi t tedgenui.ne..JWlieria while you walC M. . Drake. adml nt strat or of. Coleman and Eliz. P. Coleman. $S 19,82; John Service ously chos n to fi ll the vacancy, a nd the sehool was d i. missed for t he e8tat~ of ;!~ l bert A. IrOM , de· Inlot No. 75 in F.r anklln. . Station. gas, $63.69; Feldkamp & Cary's Jewelry Shop 111. Corwi. S_ _l C_tnlisatioa t he last day of Mr. Ferr e's r eo cen~e d , hi ed h iS ~ econd a nd fi nal Mary E. Steillerwol~ t o EI,ie M~hael Gara.e, ~8, ,31.03 ; We ber, Inlot Nos. 983 and 984 Elijler Collia, gas, 8.83 ; Frank L.b._n, Ohio gime in order to a ll ow t he t eacl.ers account . ' , for the next :year I .t the same cbollen at the meeting of April 16. to attend a meeti ng ' of t hei!' as. Th est:t,te of F rank E. rOs le~, in Franklin. Sherwood Co., I UPP iel and ga8, Store Open Evenina:s A special meeting of the board s od a t ion in In dianapolis, I4J...ie8. t1l'cealled. IS el(ef!1 pt f rom mh~ rlA. D. Clevenger to William $60.64; Banpam Motor Co .• II'&s, CommeneemeDt 110'" a financial was called to convene, at the office I ' tunce tax, Anmce M. CrOSier , Greathouse. 132.70 acres in Wash. $108.05; Willi... Schnell, ~a8 . ~============::::: G of Pres. Ellis at 11 o'clock on the allccetl this year, '16.78 bein, Myer e nera History was executrix of tIne e tate is to dis· ington to: nship .nd Clinton 129.73; Blair" LeRoy, gravel , turned over to the board, May 22. mornin« of April 19, but when all adopted Novembe[' 1'7 an9 ~n. tribute certain stocks to Afmice M. count y, 1197.10: Blair cl LeRoy cement A ..... k later, the school tax levy other members, with the eXception draws Manual of the onst ltutlon CTosiel·. Ida M. Kl\elin, dj!ceased. to W. and sand, 188,37 ; Central Garace, of E. S. Baily, arrived the Doctor was a dopt d J an ua l'y 26,.1903. W8 raised to 9 mills. ale by ynthia H off , execu. T . Bates, Real e tate in Deerfield suppliea,- ,20.26. ,' MUs Lilla Benham was employ· was out on some e rrand of m ercy. \ l!'eln'uary 23, 1903, Ml. Everly trix of the e_h lta of Alice 'M. Slit- township. _ _ __ ed at the June 26 meetins as Mr. Caakeya88umed t he chair reSigned as clerk of U,e board, a nd ton decea d were app roved and Director of FUII...aJ S.r.ke U. S CROP PROSPECTS te,acbef of Room 4. at a ulary of tempor.rily, and Har ry Saxbe has, H, ' lements wa s selected to all accoun ts a'r,e to be settled. Marri ••• Lie.a8" The adjudiclltion and determin"0 per month, MilHl Minnie Dod· s ubmit ted a proposition to wire fill the vacan~y. ~ omebo dy m~ , t , BETTER THAN OHIO'S Lee Lawsin. laborer, of Frank· lIOn Iaavina: resigned at the May the school building for ele9t ric have been .tukmg s~h o o l propelly, (lti on of Lh e in herita nce t ax on the , OUT convenient location, luitalighta, he t o turnish all necessary or othe r Wise playmg, havoc,. b~. estllte of Alice henow t h, decease lin an d Miss E:velyn Dellaphine Crop prospects in Ohio are ble surroundings and equipment meeting. quite dift'erent from the combined On the 22nd of Aucu.at. the fixtures, materials and labor f or c':J use the bo rd or dcl ed t he J~ m- e<l, is In be giv.~ n to a ll persons in- Jordan , of Leban on. prospect!! {all !ltates, according en.bles us to Serve to t h. Belt s uperintendent aubJllitted a rell- '129.60. Just as tile contr actor ~01', to co llect a~ l keys til the ,build, tel'eg ted. T he ad j udi c~~ti o n and determin Bm. AlIowM to crop reports ju~t received by Advantalre • olution whereby Boxwell eradua. .. ad fiDbbed eX'planini' his ,\>roposi. mg ~h at were I,n the posse SlOn of tel were to be allowed to enter the tion, Mr. PreSident came In, and, \>ar b es not entttied t o th em. ati on of the inheritan ce tax on the Ch8l'les Hempstead. wo{)d for the department o'f rural economic. first year of Hieh school without of course. the entire explanation , Th e la te Waltel' ~ en kl e ( Bm estute of J ames Cannon. deeeased court house, $12: Reif's Electric the Ohio State Ulliversity. AMBULANCE . SERVICE pas lng an entrance ex.mination; had to be repeated for his benefit. D S. brother) was pa id $26, :Ma rch i~ to be give n t o all pers ons in te r. Shop, fan , ,11.50; Richard L. WitFigures for the United States Iiams, services ~ 10 ; Albert Millard point to han-esta of 10 per cent Pho•• 21t resolution adopted. bother rea· The contract was finally awar ded 2~, f,?r mak lll !!, a.'l}a p of the school ested , olution required aU other tuition to Mr. Sube on motion of Mr. dl t r lct, fllrms,hmg on e copy to J. A. Rebold is appolnt:e :,--a=-:p:::--..,..."....,,"""~ , $10; Erma Hlbnar, sel'V- more corn, 9 million fewer bu..hels pupils t o pay their tution quarterly K enrick, seconded by Mr. Everly. t he cou nty aud Itor and one t o t,he pra i er of e ts,te of Lura W ell s i<;es, $10; Oma Knox, servic8l, $10 of potatoelll a larger crop of hay '=;;; -;-;;-;-;-;-~..-. ;;;~-;;;;;;;;;'; Miller, Evalyn ' F unke y, 'Grace. arid in advance. clerk of the b~a rd . C~arle~ Smit h deceased in th,e plac of Roy C o r~ Julia H olland. services, $10 ; Mrs than for tne last two yeara but: __ _ _ September 6, 1899, the auditin, Marianna Pac'ker, Edith Crane, v.:a~ lu~e Il;t t hiS meetmg', JUst !lr- ne ll. ' • e , Lillie ,Urton, services, $20; Mrs. IhmaHer than an average crop for c.mmittee reported a b.lance of Martha O'Neall and Ruth Smith r lvm g In t llne t o help pu y t~ e bIlls Sa les of 'Ge,o rge P. Gates, ad. Howard Sawyer, servlcell.l $7; Mor. t e past 6,\,e years, and an apple ' $1264.36 OD hand, and ura:ed the were recommended fOT graduation (Boar~ pf,obably slapP E:d hiS Wrl~t ministratol' of 't he esta te of arah r ow Whitacre, services, ,5 ; Colum crop two-thirds a8 large as the .. colle tion· of $298.50 delinquent at the meeting held May 22. This an d. said, . r.:~ughty, naughty, .do n t An n Decker, deceased, were ap- bus Blank Book Mfg. Co., supplies bump~r crop of 1931, tuit ion fees. Octobe r 24 II&W the year's commencement netted th e do It ag~m. ) B. S. Howell s )g n e~ proved by the court. $67 ; takaltn Mfg. Co., supplies, Total production of all feed LOST board s et November 3 as the date handsome Bum of ,46. 30, as r eo t he e m~nut,es, and all ot hers, u ntIl • 0, A. Young, g ua rdian of $30; Waldron C, Gilmour, iDquest, grains, includinl corn, oats, barley ,f or our t eachers to visit the Day· ported to th.e board, May 2'1. Th e reorgan Iza tI on, ,as . PreSide nt , Frederica Craw ford deceased, filed $6. 70; Western Star, suppJie , and l'I'ain eorrhuma, appeaJ,'ll now t on schools, the pupils, of course, levy was kept at 9 n1i1ls. and the ~,h (l u gh t he ,,reeo ) d 'fa ll s .t o tell, his ioventor y. '7.50: H. T. Cook, .g ravel and Band aa if it will be Ina:er than for any LO T- A yellow gold ear rina:. H. S. Principal's Balary was set . How. come . . (Plealle w ri te and ge tting a short vacation, Th e invento'ry of S. S. Stahl, $66.42;'Mol'row Feed cl Supply Co ye... in the past 'four and third Reiul'll to Mrs. J . O. Cartwright A petitio-n, I lgned by all members at $60 per month , all other salar- eXl?lalll t he d tlemma, Uncle Ben. adm inistrato r of t he estate of cement, $79,60; Oregonia Brlda:e lara:~st since 1920. and recei~e reward. .a24 of the Senior class, and asking the ieB remaining the 18me a8 befor e. ThIS Teq~~ t comes ~:'o m one of Levi Stahl. deceased, was approve Co., steel, $73.33; MaBon Lumber Pro/lpeets in Ohio are poorer boar d to select the speaker fot ~ heated discussion arose as to th e you r old Ba nd boys. ) cd by t he co urt. Company, cement, $88; Vat Myel'S than ..re the pro.peets for the nuance of teaching mu sic and FOR SALE commencement. was received, (T o be cOllt in ued ) George P. Gates, administrat or services, $2; Linley .M yers, aervic· United Sta~a as a whole. Reports oard adjourned until May 3 1 !I'eb. 27, J 900. After a lengthl:y _ ,_ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ of t he ('state of Sar ah Ann Deck- es, $3; H, S, Conover!. bridge paint indicate probable harvest of corn re the question was sett led . diec ussion, pro and co,, the er, deceased, is ordered to sell $167.50; Lebanon Lumber Co. 16 per cent ley than l..t )'ear, FO R SALE-Bartlet PeaTS, B'engentlJmle!l solemnly "paued the pros finally 'Won out, and Problems of 1'uI'ill governmen t certai n stocks at private sale f or supplies, $12.10; Ohio CotT1llated potatoes 10 per cent less, much oni and Maiden, :Blu! h a,..,lell. buck" b,ack t o the young folk •. Culvert Co" sewers, ,489; Buck· le88 hay and about one-third as J. L. Mendenh.lI. May Everly (now Mrs. C. H. are being discussed by A. R. At - intel'est of said estate. 'a2~ J ohn H , Coleman, 222 votes, Tate, of Dayton) was h ired f or kinson of th e Ohio In mute on the D. E. Heywood was appointed eye Concl'ete Co., sewers, ,'7.90: many apples as were harvested and P . ,E. Kenrick. 206 votes, far m night pl'ogram l eve ry Mon. ad min istru tor of the estate of Oregonia Bridge Co•••teet. $10.· last year from full·laden tree., NOTE-Anyone that prefers the were elected members of the board the position at a monthl y sal ar y day night, f ro m WEAO , t he sta te· .Tohn E . rist, deceased , and filed 74; L. G, Anderson Sons Co. Lum· The nation'a wheat crop was 19 old order p.inting by one that ' f9r a t erm ot three years, at the pf $20. after her fath er had been supported broadcast ing stlltilln at bo nd of $28 000 with the United ber, $66.07 ; Morrow Lumber Co., per cent less than, lut yell1"8 and uses 80me brains with it se., election held April 2, at whie~ 314 asked to temporarily r etire f to m t he Ohio State Uni versity. States Fidelit y and Guaranty Com. cement and lumber. ,8.09; Com. 13 per cent smaller than average. ~rmi~le, Waynesville. .a81 ballots we re cast. J. W. White reo ceived 92 v o t~s, When the board re0 11lanl~ d, Ap.-iJ 16, on motion or Mr" Caskey, ' econded by Dr. E llie, Mr. White was accorded a vote of t hanks f or his eftleient ae.rvice IS president of the board. Dr. Ellis was chosen to serve as pre.ident, Mr. Everly as clerk and Mr. Kenrick as t r easurer. . The fo ur grad e t ea(:hers were offet'ed a $5 per month salary in. c rease fo r the ne xt year, at the meeting of April 23, but the new &uperlntendent was aiked t o take a eut Qf 510 per montb. The new faculty wal : Supt., D. A. Ferree, 5&0 i Principal ot H. ., Milia Minnie' Dodso n : Room I, Misa Jennie Dinwiddie, "11; Room 2, Mis8 Marianna Chandler~ ,46; Room 3, Carrie W. Bar.ey, fC6 e Room LUIa Benham, $411; Mu.le J. B!'Own, '20; j.nltor, G .1. t •• ; IIr. SIIlItli _#1...... . .~ltin!t~t, and II.
or, oflta)'ne ville',s PubliC chools NEWS Shows Over Century of A,chievement fROM 1_ .. '_\
You reading theReminiscenee. of the Hlong ago," being printed every week? We #aave received letter. reque.tinll eopie, of article, a/readv printed.
Don't Be a HSnitcher"
1 he Miami Gazette for a
-------- - -
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
II•••••••••••••• WATCHES
t--------------.. 1-------..,---- ----
Little Billy Roper
Barberrv (,omp Ie
ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CRANE I t Pllltu...rl Sub~criptl ... Price, •• .10 a Y_r OIlce Pho. . . ................ No. 112 )l;n lered lot Poetofrlc. at Wa7nea R ••I......... ville . Ohio, a.Matter s.oGnd Cia.. Vall _co ........................ .. no, .11
ratlication Is Now in K'avne 70wnship
uy Now
By Mr.. J ... ie B. Tripp
The s urvey is now bei~g ronA recent :\urvey I Wayne Tuwn8hip for the common barber- ducted in Ma sie townghll). Thl! men employed in thi~ w.or~ wish The thrifty-minded man I'y, which lIprel\ds lllack stem rust to (,"press their appl'cc lali on "r He was ~uch a litLle fellow. to areal crops, has been complet- the splendid. coop ·ruli.on of the is ordering hia coal NOW AUGUST 24, 1932 ;;r-Uuring the pa. t few weeks people in thll'l cummunlty. Ano his hail' was ti, ry t·co; as off-aeason ' price. will And he did not have a mamilla I il COU1n\on bOl'bel'lY bushes have To tuck him in his nighty-bed, been found on thirteen rural prop leave a healthy difference So lillie, and so I nely, el.tiell. even lhousand pounds of in the (:lmily pocketbook With wistful of blue, salt were used in killing thes!' He had t( go U I'S at n ight, bu~hes whi h is considered. t~e when the cool dayt roll Continual how ling about rcduc 0 earnings of many ~?~~~~'~'-I-.-J.lli.J.n tht! l.lu..rkJ[lJ!;~l.OJ1----t1ffi'IT"kihing agent. In sume ~as,:s II iI doing mUch to prolong the depression, intimidate the indi is aovi~able to resort i:o .dlggmg, arounc ni ain in a very drive money into hiding, . Poor darlin~ Iittle 'fellow, . how eyel', iC Lhey are nOlt PI'oper~y(cl~~~n short timl,. Why shouldn't Co,\pol'ation and private earnings fall below lhe In his suit of homeRpun j~ans; dug, prout will resl\!lt as IS peaks of two or lhree years )lgo? We were then living undel' abllul'mal With hi s little crollSed sUl;pilnd et·s shown in lhe accompanying cut. See the different gradea conditions. . Helping auntie, stl'i ng the bcans All pl'opel'tics are being covered When an automobile salesman without any capit".! could open an Trying so hard tQ b useful oul'ing thi!i survey for the comof coal we are handlinr, elCpensive show room and sell automobiles as fast a9 he could get them. And he worked the whole day mon bal'ben)!, which must not be and Jet us fill your coal \"(! wei' not living in normal times. When a bond salesman witho'ut long, confu~ed with the common known any IJrtlctlcal exp rience/ capital, or knowledge of the intrinsic value Wit h his heart so sad and' weary Japanese variety. l'he 8icco.mpanybins NOW. of the securitie he handled, 'could open an office equipped with e"penTryin~ so hard to grow strong! ing cut shows the outst(lndmg diflve furn iture and oriental rugs, and 11 securities, bonds, stocks, So he woulo not be a btll'd n,. ferences between these two V1Irie-~/~'n~INI~~~~~h~I'.t":!:..._ _.-:.._ __ ._-:-_ _ etc., to a cJamol'ing public, and make money faster than he ever To hi folks ' who were so kmd; tie, dreamed o'f, ol'dinary caution should have warned anybody conditio Though they t'reated hia. so !ovely itl' as well a coun!.ry properHe had mamma, on hIS mmd, ies are being surveyed .. Fourte.en Were not normal. When a real esLate operator could take wurLhles land and s II it at fabulous figures which no normal crop Wondered why, God had taken bushc~ on ten urban properties 'value could justify, it hould have been self-evident that there WD S hll.ve been found in WElyne town- . Extra lumpy, a tru.l y pre. omething \Yl'ollg. And so on through every Une of industrial, agriculW~:~\e, needed her sO batl, sl'lJp. . mium coal tural and financial activity. He had even taken daddY Biro~ catter the berlrles and a s DUring ten yeal'S of inflation, countless persons came to think that And left him, a little lad . a result tha survey covers every by their Own ability and ~hrewdness they were creating wealth for wood lot. stream, fe'1cer ow, orchard B themselves by $peculation when, 88 a matter of fact, most of them And when twilight shades came or Bny place where bushes may be ~rr~~.1 weI' creating nothingl and saving nothing while they lived in a fool' creeping allowed to grow. Undoubtedly the smp e or A genuine Red Alh paradise which they th~ught would last forever. Then it was he missed her most; barbel'rie found during the recent In pt1/~S The majority of per ons have more today than they had in pre- But made up his mind Rhe'o sec s urvey are re~Jlon~i~l~ for. rust reo , war time8 but they complain aboul having les becauR they are makh' port d in thlJ! VICinity 10 yearst iug comparisons on a false basis. TheIr'!' eaeb evening at his post; past. L,_ _ __ _ _ __ _~-....,..-This is true of individuals and it is true of companies. Industrial 0 he at out on the w Qodpile, Out beneath the gleaming stars, COllcel'ns expanded beyond any normal requirements. They have endeavored to ma,intain uperations on an inflated basis which cannot be And he wondered when the sun set A fine .oft Coal d Oli b cnuse thcl'e is no longel' any artificial demand to maintain Ruch Was sh thel'e. b yond its bars? produ tion. All IQvel' the nation, one-man industries and one-man farlns are fn his childish, dreamy fashion, ~~oppers stmting again on II deflated basis. You can drive through the country He thought she must be a t~I'; nnd see little .. hacks" pl'inging up on cheap land and in far-away t her eye of love was on htm places. Th occupantl! of the e little homes ar goi ng to produce their Though she was up there 0 far, living and gradua lly make a little s urplu!!. The big farmers who bought There he sat alone and pondered The belt in the mark.t high-priced land On the strength of high-priced crops, II~ well as , the At one star that shone so bright industl'ies which built and equippeo plants at peak prices and built up It must surely be his mamma W I:! also have in our yard Bame penk overh ads, are all going to have to readjust themselves to the Alway, he bid it good' night. good lump and egg coal!! at basis of the man who ill starting at the bQttom today. The laboring man lower prices who enjoy d wartime wa~e8 tor tile pallt decade is in the same boat. Then upstairs alone .in darkn.ess, The same inflation that aft' eted industry and the Individual also efWith big blue y 5 open Wide; fectpd government and taxation, and government is among the last to He Jay, trytng to se mam~a, I' cogniz conditions and reduce its mushroom expansion accordingly. Sitting there by hls bed . Ide, Th trQuble with government is fhat its managel's our public officials With hill funny little troul!er~ and public ervllnts) will not reduce their own functions voluntarily. Hanging there UI)On a chaIr, Th reduction will have to be forced by a tax-weary people who, alter It eemed he could feel her kisses they have adjusted their own personal and business aft'ltirs, will turn Touch hi s faee, as light a s air. t o their governmental problems which in a large measure they have _ _ _ ,. __ - - -r erm itted to expand, by their own indifference, without check during the past decade. . Emphasizing the term "hard times" has become more or less a Tile Cammon Barhary. racket Indulced in by a growing army 01 theori ts who would remedy Mr. and Mrs. George Beach are O\lr ills through ~chemes which try to create employment at public exentertaining her mother, Mrs. J. pense, ther by furthel' discouraging Industry through exorbi~ant buaEmancipator, The one person in Twelv chool children in Ohi o Bon thus creatinJr more unemploym nt. Most of our economic .doctors M Wilson , of Fairfeld. are 'afraid to' state in I?lain English that we are on a new basIs: that , 'Dr, and Mrs. W. E. Frost and ellch state finally selt~cted will have been given bronze medals, products of all kind WIll be selling at pre-war prices; that a large part Maynard spent Sunday in Day~n. have all his expenses connected and cel'tilicates of IIwBrd signed Mr and Mrs. . E. Goroon. MISS with the trip paid. of our unemplay dare ioing' to haVe to make employment for them0, Ph on The. tutue, On which Mr. Man- by Governor White, for r ' pOl'ting Sf' lvl'S at wall 8 more nearly what they received before the ~~r. Many Kathieen Graham and Miss N.elli of the jobs they enjoyed will never return becau8e the condlhons t~at Graham we(e week-end guests of hip has been working for four new locatio ns of common barberry. WA YNESVILLE, OHIO I'roduced them are gone lor vel' unleslI we start another world-Wide Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Me arren and years, represents the boy Lincoln, These twelve location!; cmnpri e leaning . easily and naturally approximately 600 bu sh Is. war which would be a terrible price to pay to stimulate employment. daughters in Walhonding. , Born to MI'. and Mrs. E. W. again t Q Rtump in the Elimple cos- "'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! Subscl'ibe for the Miami Gazette, , It may be hard medicine to take but it is reality and the 800ner ~e recognize the conditions and adjust ~ur8elveB to. them. tbe sooner w111 R081! on Friday, Augllst 19, an tume of the frontier. As was his ':: ROOT FOR AND CONIIGN . custom. be has a dog by . his s ide, we conquer the depre 9ion by merely r!!turning to more normal eleven pound daughter. )lour Cattle, hoa'S, sheep anel ...... Harry ettlem yel' of Olwe typifying his love for animals. an standard of Iiving.- Industrial News ReVIew. to Norris-Brock yo •• IIvo win . . . FOR SALE DATES CALL Branch spent Thur day afternoon ax m deled after his own 'parprogressive firm for th. h ....... with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray. ticular one, symbolizing him as a market prices and Irood I.rri... .Mrs. Laura hidaker departed rail splitter, and in his . hand a UDioD Stock Yanla' Clacla_t.!: O. Monday for AlbuquHque, N. ~ex. book ignif~ing inllPlrational Tune in on Radio Station WvIT where sh will pend the wmter thought. On each face of t~e 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, With her daughter, Mrs. Clint Gray pedestal is to be a group of herOlc market report.e. and family. Her daughter; Mrs. figures in medallion forms, done and Mr • E. M. Villars accompa- witn typical Manship techni9I?e, &! (Mu8icaJ Interlude b~ Farm Night Melody Makers) nied her as far a~ Dayton. l'epl'esenting so me of th,e quahhes 8 :00 Music JESSE STANLEY Jane Gordon left Sunday fOl' which the Mme Lincoln stands :16 Economic Information for the Farmer .... , .... ,....... C. R. Arnol.d forMiss her horne in Dayton after a - patriotism, justice, fo .. tit~de PIaOD. 320, No .. BurIiDlto., 0.1. 8 :26 Sehools and Taxes ,. . . . . . .... .. ' . .. H. H. DaVIS delightful two weeks with her and charity. The statUE~ , das Ical 'lOTARY PUBLIC '8 :40 Preparing Fruit .'for Market ... . ..... ......... .. ............ F. 1;1, ~eaeh cousin.L-1t1iI B Marietta GuY.. in feeling, will l'!se o,n its pedes8 :66 Ohio's 1932 Home Furnishing Progr.m.... . Ann~ Blebrlcher EARL KOOGLER Natl •••1 C. G. Randall na returned tal plinth to a height of 24 feet. 9 :10 Dairy Foods for the Europeans . ... .. . ........ . J. H. Erb to Mrs. Dayton Phone her home from Hale hospital Will. DraWll • • E...... S...... 0.26 Vocational Agriculture at State Falr C. S. Hutch ~ Phone 78J and is making setisfactor~ recovKEnmore 8986 9:40 Music WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ery from her recent operatIOn. n. o. I. U. ItaM. S.atioa-WEAO Mrs. A nna Harris and Mi s 4-H WEAO HALF HOUR Helen Harris have gone to DeyMiss Blanche Stephens, of Saturday August 27, 8' p. m. ton where they will make their pringeld, is the guest 01 Miss H. F . Thayer. Announcer home. . h ' k l ' t Leona Miller. Harry Hosier is on t e SIC IS. Nature This Week ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ..... . ...... .... . ..... H. E. EBwine Mrs. J. C. Pick.j n, a! Dayton, Miss Lucy Emley of Waynesville Music was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Belle spent last 1Neek With hIS mother, Talk FeaJy and family. . Ml·s. A. H. Harlan. County, 4-R Clubs M d Mrs Lewis Carter and Miss D01'othy Curless, of BlanMusic , son ~~ a here f~om Michigan with chester, is the guest of Mr. and 4-H Club Work from Parents' Viewpomt e M " L 1< edy and Ml·S. W. N. McKay. rs • ..,., , enn A group of friends of Mar.y Mr. ,and . E. (McKay) Rowsey, who IS Sub,cribe lor The Miami Gllaette IIrul let a year famIly. Mr . H. M. Flte and Jane Elle.n visiting her psrents here, e njo yeo 01 ReminiKen.e. departed M~nday . to .take up ~~elr a picnic at Fort Ancient, Friday reside nce 111 W!lmmgton. e~ evening. have been spendmg the summer Mrs. W. S. Edwards and children with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. have returned to their home in Frank Wilson. Cleveland after a pleasant visit in Mr. and Mrs, W. T. J ordan and the home of her parents!, Mr, and Mr. and Mr,,\l....Jolm-W Tbolllplion Mrs. E. J. Inwood. heard Gov. Roosevelt at Columbus Miss DOI'othy Conard was the Saturday. hOUSe guest of friends nt~ar Ridgeville, Ind. , over the week-end. . - - - - - - ---SEEK OLDEST OHIOAN WITH Mrs. Anna Scroggy,: ~ho IS N visiti ng her 80ns In WlImlngton, MEMORIES OF LINCOL fell Saturday evening s ustaining Who is the oldest per on in Ohio two fractures of her arm and a who heard. saw ot' knew Abraham severe injury of her ankle. Vernon Stiles has a ccepted a Lincoln'! . This is a question the. Lmcoln POSiti011 as manager of the meat l'1ational Life Foundation, Ft. department of a Kroger store in Wayne, Ind., would like t~ have Xenia. Mrs. W. D. Larkin and! children, IIlnswered. It put the. qu.estlOn to lihe editor of the MIamI Gazette (if Green field, spent a pflrt of last (W ho in t urn is pass!ng it . on to week with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hayibis readers. The edlto.r wlll v.:el- dock a nd fami ly. Ml'R. Lottie McCray alnd f amily comil any pel·tine~t IOformatl on the tandfield reunion at ~n ·thi s matter!.. 0 1' It may be sent attended OME to ·the greatet :· Fair in Ohio', history. Nev., to the ~ 'o undation at Fort Clarksville Sunday. before such interes:i ng Ind edu~tional ellhlblta, ayne, d . The reason the Foun a~lOn such thrilling entertainrr. . nt_ Subscl'ibe for the Miami. Gazette~ ~rying to locate this person IS t~at it is desirous of doing bonor to him = = = ==--=--=--= . You'll be inspired by 'lour State', glories in agriculor her if it should prove to be a ture, industry and fine oJri,. You'lI " entertained- by M'oma~. On Septe~ber 16. the Foundatio,n will dedicate at Fort the $15,000 harness rac:.19 program, horae show: be~ !wayne a heroie bronze statue ,of concerts end the thrj"\jng spectad., "W.shlngton "Abraham Lincoln , the Hoosl~r Youth." the work of Paul Manshlp lives, If ' with e cast of. 1200, ~any from your county; celebrated New York sculptor. The stirring music, colorful ballets, beautiful coriUIMI. ltatue, which will be the. foremost memorial to the EmanCIpator by Bring the whole femily b the Fairl j the state in which he spent fou.r I" teen years o'f his b oyhood! WIll .taDd on· the plaza of the Lmcoln ADMIS51()NS National Life Insurance CompanY'1! buildintr. Principal spea~er REDUCED I at the dedication ceremomes, which will be broadcal'll over a Or Iy 25 c.nt. to ... thi. "••,'j F.I,_ national hook-up on the . NBC with 25-c.nt ... t. av.n.b'••t the h.,.. "Farm and Home" hour, Will be n... ,.e•• , night hOlM ahow .1141 ,... Hon, Arthur II, Byde. U. S. SecreNnt, "W••hln'!!to" li"..... 1'h These rirls lire (i) ROIeUa tarf of Al1'lculture. In attendance QJ..,_._ •• . \JjJe~i al) - .c Frank; (2) Mariaret Finkle; (8) wU b~ the ~vernol'll and senators III-I.-it (If tie Winco W!I1 be be~utl- Gwen Kap)" and (") E ••IYII of 8evetal states, the nati? n~l ful1y Jlcn;t:':ly<!d at tIe Ohio S~ate Thawt, prima ballerina, All arl' heads of a number of patriotic F~lr lit C(; mbul, All~t I9-S p- soloi. til who bave 4i.tiDplahed and fraternal orpnizatoion8. outstandinr perlonacae In clvl~ life, tf:. " I' 8 in tl C! pi.._urcsque ballet . themselves In other procluctloJII. bullin.... education, art, hllltory, w;::;~ £1>1',n ~:II.'t or t!ie fel1tur~ There will be three II)'lIIbotical faJnOUI lJneoln uthoritiee and ellt.\.·tn ir\n!~lIL L. LI.lc;.ion. the pag· il1terlude. in "WuhinlrtoD Linl." oth.r eal.t-<h':.m-:, ··W:.~l:in~J n-Livel." each of wbicla will a,. p~ ,,~. :ll....·~ &l'e Lur of the at- b)'.. pr~ d~.. ~ . ""ut. •••• ....1.1 t J b.: tllt'n tInJ tIw f lIMA Wuhiapoa t r.3::t... III w1ala aN, o orr "fi ..."" ... he laM .....
Quit Kicking and Go to Work'
Glen Rogers Pocahontas
Raven Red Ash
l 'ellow Jacket Lump ft"iami Coke
Waynesville Farmers £Ic. Co. Phone 25
Waynelville, O.
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Farm Night 7 alks, August 15
--- --
Stanley, &Koogler Auctioneers
Or No Charge
... - ---
Centerville, Ohio
Ne\;\" Burlington
aUlnln and I 1rt.IDe-11 to a lamll ' d n" r, .,n ~'uncII&Y. Mr. lid l'Ilr. "'rank L. llcoll and ,IAuKhh'r, Mr . "••lIth lid r lOTI, M1. alHI r.ln. Wall('r AIII'n and oau~htcr, Vir. hila, and ''!In, l,'r"d l·rick . if. and II I' All. II lll! daught I'. ,·anc). ir. Pl'al'l ~; mrick and "&alight r. 131 iot·i('. 1111 nf na~' 1 n. fl' . .'u{'llt·n I-.llr nlt and daught,'r J ullll, or {'nt 1'\ IlIl'; 11'. and Mrs. F lli\ltt , illlan"u". and ch ildren , .10. (' ph, H I n. l\1argar{'1 J I1n, Hob rt IIno M rR. Mot' William!'on. tot ~pring all y.
'I' .
w. N. SEARS Licenaecl R_I £atal. Brok.r, Auctione.r and IDluNnc.
Waynesville, Ohio
a Decided Succesa
ANNUAL REUNION AT THE LEBANON PARK The third amll1al reunion of thl' de.e ndent!' of Benajah . Gustin . W8 . hf'ld in the paviUi n al Bar. mun Park, Lebanon, last unday. M,tre than a hundred membel'S and friend. of lhe Jamily njoyed l\ bounteous feast of good eatables at the no n hour. After d\nner, the following program wa gi en, Vice Pr sident, Will O. Gustin, of Wa)'nesville, priding : Singing, ··America." Recitati on, Janet ~elby , 1 Middletown. Address, 1.E, Gustin, of L banon, the family historian, who read thl' first will t, b probated in Warr n co un ty, in the very earl~r pat't of the eighteenth century, and recounted the family's military \'e '. ord. Tiginal p oem, by hI', Belle u tin Kitchen, of Monroe, whicb w publi h a~ t~e close of t.his article. Recltatlon, Katherrn lby, 01 Middleto,:,"n, The secre·
Get Ready for School Now! Shoo) day are just around the corner; only 12 days in whi h to equip the children with all needed upplies , Why wait until the last hour? Make an early trip here for supplies.
Onl' " I' Ih ' la L' ~ .. ~t 1'1''' ''11 , "\t'l' tn 1111t'n d II g'I'l'I'I .. d 11ll'
~l1l1ilal' ntrllil' h"I'(' WnYIII'~ \ ill .. :, houl
bUild III Owi!' lawn f('tl', ~iv('11 un
"1'hIIOI ('tl1I1J1U~ , lust 'rlIUI'>o·lIY" I .\ ' 111'111! . lI ,n. ,,111' \1 ' \"," COlli \\ l'ath" UI1<1 h <Ithet' ,ul\ er~cf d l' um . tnn,' .~. t (' 1ll'1l1 ~llln \I ; J 7.:W \\ liS cl :Ire I h~' Ih,. prl~jl'ct. ' Thl' I>uud. I\UI!I111'nINI to 'l~ hlY pil'cl'~ thr~lIgh tlw COLli II'SY, "~ I.hl!, ~pl'inll \ ~II'~' and. 1. 1I1ll~' II!~ bllnd~, .h~c Ill'q ,d ~Ill' IlIUl'Il. lhl' UKI1(\~l the l'ye t!Ir:'~ ~Ind,'-'I Ow directl,"ll ,!f till' II' JI11111 leud~r, ' Ianil')" \\ atk1l1s. _ =~ tht'
lim!l l'
Ian' K'II"" till in teresting Lalk, And r ad th mlnl.lt..s of th l, la t ~e", sion. . Offieel's for thl! n uin!l' yen\' were decl'd a ,. 1'ull ll w~ : Prl'silient Will O. lIstin, 01 WaYJle ~"ille i Vice PI' ident, J oh n Gu:;tin, o f Dodd; ec\,elary-Treu;!IIrel', Mrs. Julia Gu ti n [ul'!'I1, of Ft . Th.omas Ky.; Ass i Lant Sect' Il\ry, Ml'S, Emma Gus tin Kendall; o r Ander· son, Ind. 1emol'ial ll'ibutt:s to dec .. a ~e d kin mon were adopted us fo"o.~· : To B. F. Gu till, late of Red LIon. rilten by lVIt'''. Mal'sh ; to lVIrs, Norah Gustin "unden'oo l'l, late of Cincinnuti,' \,l'l'iltI'n by Hiram Baiu of L ban n. . Throughout th l • day, , plcnd~d music was rocei ed Ovel' II l'aUlo set in tailed by Paul Gu stin. of W~ynesville. .1. . A. Gustin, 2, of Poebles, hio, WII!'! the old· ~st woman ))resent, find 1\1 , E. Gus tin, 84; ()f L banon, was lhe old est man. The regi tel' followlj : Mr. . K. St phenso n, KathyI'D Jon Donald & Lena J one , Ida H . fa r latt, Harry Marlatt!, Mr, and ·Mr. He rman Baine, J. f. on over, J . Rotte, Mr. and Mrs. has. Gustin . Mr. and frs. John Gu tin, Mr. nd Ml'.. • F. onove r/ Edward J one. ill·S. Ol~ie Dill. Mr. J ohn ' Koest 1', It ss elma Koeste r, Mr. Jack 'J on s, L banon ; Mrs. Bell e . Kiuhen, Harry Brown, Kat.hyrn Selby, Jennett elby, Monroe; Mr. and Mr . W. G. Gustin, Mr. Hu stin Adams, W st Elkton ; Mr. anti Mr.. Granville Gus tin, MI'. liver aldwell, Mro!. Lena Gustin , Norwood; Mr , . W. Gu tin, Mrs. W. A. Gu stin, Peebles; Dr. and Mrs. Geo. . Gustin, Charle Gu lltin, Mrs. Elizabeth Cite, Mrs, EleneI' Lookey, Mr. and M1'8. Harvey Gustin, Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Tempelton and
family, Dayton; Mrs. FEmma dall Mr. Willard ous t , Ken· ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~~:~;-A: IWilda Foust, Mr. and M1'5. 10Tton
Robey, Mr. and Mr.. O. E. Gu tin, Mr. lar~m e Ramer, And ron, Ind.; Mr. lind Mr~. Hal'ry L. Brown Mr. Carl S. Brown , Cicero, Ind., Mrs. Allie Lodge, IndIanapolis, Ind.; Mrs. Lydia Bunn 1, 1\11', J, E. Gustin, Red Lion; M ... and Mrs. has. Lamdrum anhd family, Erlanget:, Ky.; Miss Alverta Gustin Miss Ruth Bal man, MI'. and M;!I. L ster Ogden. Mi s Mnrie E. Hendel' on, incinnati; Mrs. Julia March, Ft. Th omas, Ky. i Mr. and Mrs. ingleton, {r. and Mrs. Harry Selby, Mr. and l\fJ-s. Ernest Gustin and family} Midd letown; Mr. and Mra, Frank liorton and ons, Carlisl('; Mr. and Mrs. Evrin Blair and . family New Burlington ; Mr. 811U- Mrl;, N'i Ibu I' Downey and family, Oregonia ; Mrs. Milton Thompson and son, Mi s Helen Gul1ady, Mr. and Mrs. Paul . Gu stin. Mr, Will O. Gustin, Mr . Irene Baker and daughter, of Wayne ville. ----: In the year ninetee n hundred and thiry.two . ·Of· August the twenty-first da y hi Harmon Park at Lebanon, Ohio We would meet in a social wPfY The Gustin clan from the' North and the outh , And those 'from the Ea t the West To enjoy a fea st of friendship ani! love And dinner along with the rest.
La•••• Th.t th. 1'••t 01 TI••
The necessity of quality in lumber is reaJir.ed by builders in this community. Our business and reputation is founded upon the idea of giving the best possible advice and service to our customers.
Old Tim. . ere Defeated by WAC After a Hard Battle
B nd L wn Fete
\ Continuud from page t) tnird. I'ummy scored wh n Happy hit to rigl\t center, and Tom fl1l1o\\ ..d him when 1Illrlaock'. l'e. c;. II . :-'Iill" i ~ vi"il inl: hie; lu I'll lnl'OW went wild, 'l'h next Lilttll,'y j\(i1I'<, 1I11t! rnllli\~, hittl'r didn't - jullt then. Four runs \\ l'l"k. fou l' hits, two errors. FI l\nklin Th.lllnll i~ vi~itinl!' his 1I111'\,;ock fI ied out to right, E. dUlwhIL'r, \II',. ,T. L. l\ eTlrll'k, 1ll'lIr Burton singlt!d aod stole, and Fl' r r) . . luI... und Happy had an awful lilll~ \ ilh • t. J ohn's fly to center. :'olt'. :tntl Mrs .. 1. . Ilawk .. Imt! lI ough was "i"en ire transporta1.(' .. 1111\\,~" \\,(·rl. Dllyl')11 vi . it\I\'lI. tion, but Ossi hod the numbers of :'I IIIItIIlY \· .. nin~: 1~ lIi s and Ramby to end the inning fl'. <Ill<i 11'5. Hhel'll1l1n Ro~ er~ without ~col'illg damage. No. runs, Ell" lIlJ \\ J)I IIsnnlly Inc at d in onu hil, on e1'1'or. 'rane's walk and Bergen's see· !la'ir uC'\\' 1I 0 1ll11 alt ' V(!;tt nrrollton ond double gave the Miamis a. With the opening of'schoo l only 12 days away, ~i I'~. H. II. \ ' unce Iltld on, of run and ent King Crom the hurlPleu. ant Plain, \~Iel' gu' t !l or h. ing' mound in the second. Gon's now is the tim to pur ha s l:I 'hool supplies. Why untl 11". J. C. i1 awkl!, Illsl f'ridny li'iple and ijal'tsock's hit rBve wait 'until th In t moment. W al' again handling their fir t marker in this \ the following supplies fOl' hool us : : . '\Ir!'. Lillian I"ife and chlldren, of session. Willl)in~ton, an? "i~itillg ,Mr. and Eleven WAC's batted five hit!! tIf .. ". L. II. Gonion f or tl rew day. in the third, and t'hese, added to TABLETS, RULERS, PENCILS, PASTES, CRAYONS four Miami errol'S, gave the youngl iss~. 'M81'j ori and Jun e amp- Cl i' gellf;>I'atloll PENS, INKS even runs. An , bl' lI, r GIl' ndIII Il', Sp(lnt the week- en'or, a stolen base and a hit gave end with Mt·s. J\nni Gibbons and lhem IInother in lhe fourth, while And. in fact, everything neces ft.)' for the school family . Etldy's single, St. John's double, ' hild. Tubl!!t", Pencils, Pens. Ink. Hough's hit, an en'or and Gon's (l;1'n~er::: and everything tor SChllOI . bingle gave them three more in the fifth. . ul ~1r'.'. Fal'l"s Hume Stan' on In the ' sixth, Frye hit a hot Thir I sl!' ct. <loubl thl'ough the center of the (). I . ngl ~by i. having 11 n w lie ld, went to third on Ossie's out hip I'uof built on his ~usoline ~e l'- at firs t , and Al::ored after the catch an be traced to th lunch box. In Re le ting a.nd vke ~ talion. lit Main !; Il'~et and vf rane's 1 ng By to center. prEl,paring food for th child, it ' hould be the be t ~'rankli n roud. Huck rane .took ~p the Miami's and we handle the best in this line pitching burden in the seventh, Littl 1\1i '. Hdll'l'iet Me lure, of and completely fooled the first pringboj,o, is spendi nj( 1\ few butter to face him. Not so, JQltn MEATS, SANDWICH MA TER1ALS. FRUITS, days with her i~rlindpurents, MI'. Gons and Buck Reeder- they hit und Mrs. Elmer ~eehl\n . COOKIES. CAKES, JAMS AND JELLIES a ingle and a home run. Vogel ou t, pitcher to first. Hartsock Edgar Bergen:, of etroit. 1Irrived here, Satur day eve nin g, fo r walked pilfered and carne the reat. of the way on two wild pitches. :1 vUt to his mother, Mrs. Julia The s cond of these wall the Berge n; alld otheor relatives. fourth ball to Eddy. who purloined Floyd avag and family, of the next two stations, and rode Lytl e, Ml'S. Belle Dinwiddie, liIr . home On Bou"h's bingle, alter St. Waynelville, Ohio Phone 19 Lenh Strouse and son, and MI'. nnd J ohn has be n hit by a pitched ban Mrs. Tt'unlun WSII·dlow ond daugh- K nneth got oveTly ambitions, ~===-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=---~ ter enjoyed a family picnic a t and was caught at third, Tom Bu~I~~~______ nytler par'k, pringfield, Sunday. ton to Fry. Four tuntl, three bits, but no errol'!!. Mrs. F.mma Barg r John on, f With t.wo down in the fil'8t half Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. Alexandria, lnd .. , with her sons, of the eighth, Flye, O__ sborn and Arthur and two daughte r, of Day- I'une smacked out lIuccessive hita I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~'!!!!'!~~.!!!.!"'!!~~!!!''!! - tOI\U, Fla., and L 0 nnd his two tliat sent the former two acrosa Ro ns and a dauJi:ht r, o f l{ohomo. the plate. McClure hit a hot 1M _died inu" called on Wayne vlll friends III'oun(1er to Gons{ who f II as he • MCOIId. Thursday. wall about to tie d the ball, but -. - - - grabbed it up and thJ'ew to Ellis in ic. Ii r. Cannina Factory. Stllrted Tu•• daS' time to mllke the put-out. Thia F.IST. --~ was as fast and Hashy a play aa . • lIceceds The local canning factory st rt- has been made on tbe local ed work in arnest, Tuesday morn. diamond lhis season. Two runs, ing, nnd enjoyed 0 lull day run, three hits, nO errpr . ~he figures: not slopping until 10 o'clock at MIAMIS night. It is e tim~ted that between AB .R H PO It. B 65 ,O()0 a.nd 70,0100 cans of c~rn rane liS P 4 1 1 1 2 2 wel'~ pocked, the fil'l~t. day. 'Ihe McClure ib, If 5 1 1 6 1 0 !luah~y 01 the clorn belllg pa~ked E Bergen, 2b .. 3 1 2 0 0 1 IS said to be ell:c;eUent, especlall~' t Hawke, 2b , .... 1 0 O. 0 0 0 when th advers weather condl- H Burlon c 5 0 1 10 ~ 1 tions of the ea~lo n are c.on idel'ed Prender~8t rf 2 1 0 2 1 1 Roxanna factory, operated by L Brown. rf .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 t~e am~ c()mp~ny, tarl d opera- W .Banion rt 1 0 0 0 0 0 t lons thl morntng. T BUTton If 511 4 1 2 2 1 0 llopkins; e! ... ,4 0 2 0 0 1 Crop. Declined the Pall Month Frye, 3b ......... 4 2 2 1 1 1 Orsborn, p. 5S 3 1 1 0 4 0 The condition of most farm crops urface, lb . 1 0 0 2 0 0 declined during the pa ~ month. Dry wealher was lhe principal Tolals ...... 39 8 12 24 14 cause in many Ilrens in 'Ohirr-smr1rt-. fUI'ther west. W. A. C. - - --..- ...- - .AB R H PO A ,t~ Hartsock, r1 .... 6 1 2 1 0 ~.lr E Burton, 158 . 4 3 S 1 3 --- , St. John, 3b . 6 2 2 0 2 4. . . . A number f rcl nl her attended Hough, If .... 6 1 3 1 0 the band eoncel't at Waynesville Ellis, Ib _". 6 1 1 15 0 Thursday evening. Ramby, cf . 6 1 0 1 0 EACH EACH Ii s GI'ace :avage sp nt la st Gons, 2b . . . 6 4 3 2 8 lnPaI ... I~ Pain week at the nome of he~ grand - Reeder, Il . . . 4 2 a 6 1 fllaal. Prte. Sinai. Price mothel', ~h. Belle DinWiddIe, at King, p ... .. 1 0 0 0 0 PwSet, ••,,, Per Set •••••• Wayne ·vl,Ile. Vogel, p ,.. 4 · 1 1 0 3 Tub •••• Tube 'Ie The Ladles Aid and Lytle Sunday _____ _ ~chool had a picnic s upper at Totals, 46 16 18 27 17 ..n .... Wayne pat'k atul'day evening. 1 284 " 6 7 8 9MI', E:. J. Carmony, of Spring. Miamis :4 10 0 0 1 0 2 0- 8 field, s pent a couple of days last WAC 017 1q 0 0" EACH we ek with .his mother, Mrs. Mary . , . ., 4 -1 6 In Pain " l n P a I... armony. Earned Runs- Miami s 6; WAC SlaaJ. Price ..... Mi ~s Bernice Graham is visiting 4. 8"aI. Price ' ..H Pel'Set . . . .. . PwSet'."S' her aunt, 1I1r. John Myers and Left on Base Miamis 7; WAC Tube ••• Tube'4e family, in Dayton. 11. About seventy relatives attendStolen Bases- McClure. H Bured the Foulks reunion Sunday at ton, Hartsock, E Burton 3, St. the home of Ml:. and Ml'S. Henry John. lo' oulks. Sacrifice H
D. R. SMITH GROCERY =-=-=-=-===-__
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We belong to the William Gustin tribe Complete He, the father Of 'children, ten, Of whom six a~~r~~e,~li~v!!i~~w~h~i~le+-1\{f'!n--,M.,.~rl'~fflmtHl~~~riltt~Pw~~l!ejifi1:S=~~l!!"fen "r""""'Line of .. Paln four have p for a couple weeks. Burton 2, Frye, St, John. Through the valley beyond our Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and Three-base Hit- Gons. BUILDERS Sln&ie PrIce ..... P.Set ••••• Lumber which has stood the family Ilent <:l,unday at Snyder Home Run- Reeder. ken. : SUPPUES Our fnmily tr,ee has grown so tall, Park, at Spring·field. .. DQuble Play- E. Burkln to Tube •••" test of time, in buildings in this And it s branches so wide have Mr. nod Mrs . J, B. Jones and Gone to Ellis. and other communities. came . spread, John Preston were Sunday afterInnings Pitched- Orsborn 6; fro m our yards. While the nal11es an it the memories noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wi!- Crane 2; King 2; Vogel 7. stUI we hold iam idenstri<!km', at Bellbrook. Base Hlts--off Orsborn 14; EACH Of those who ate long since Miss Myrtle Souders invites Cl'ane 2; King 5; Vogel 7, Our reputation and experitufa.... . dead, you lo a recital at Lytle church Struck Out-by Orsborn 6; ence is at your service. Come in S"aI. Price 14••• Slnt1. Price Crane 2; Kine 2; Vogel 5. Some were called away, as ' but Friday evening, August 26. Per Set •••••• Per Set ••••, . and let us serve you. 7 Mrs. Kennet.h Caldwell and Bases on Balls-by Orsborn 2: yesterday Tube .I .... Tube ••••• two children, of Hinton, Ky., re- Crane a; Kink 1; Vogel 1. Still, they are as truly gone, Qua ... _turned to her home Monday evenWild Pitches-Crane 2. As the generations passed away lUt Batsmen- bI Crane (St. Yet, the race lives on and on, ing 8tr~er a few days visit with her GOODYEAR Now, it taxe s our utmost ability aur! , Ml's. GeorjlPanna Baines and John): by .vogel (Hawke). Umpires-Melvyn Banta and • LI...... C-..· Since each branch haa grown so Mr. ond Mrs. Walter Kent:ick. PATHFINDER big . 1111'S. Stanley Bailey is slowly Vern Armitage. . , .... To know t.he nft,me of each little improving 'from the injury to her right arm resu lt of a fallon the Phone 14 'I C. . .,. .... _ _• Wayneaville, Ohio "limb" . . And the tiniest, tenderest twig. stairs. and chUar!!n and Mr. Emet:y 441·. • Miss Lucile Clark, of Dayton Charleton apen t S'u nday wt&h Mr. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , We are hoping to meet with our Ky. , is spending several week s with and Mrs. Fred Schooley and family , loved ones her.e her parents, Mr. and M·rs. Walter at Madi80nv~l1e, I~~ Friends we never haVe met be- Clark. • ' Mr. and Mr!l. Glenn Johns and fore. . Fl ciyd Savage is running the child1'en and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, And hope they will tell us, some- barbllT-shop for a couple of weeks of Dayton, were Sunday II'Ul!IIts at 4·....cwtda ....... rwIIt coni. Good· thing they have heard in .tbe ab ~ence of Mr. Votaw, the the bome of Mrs. Margaret l ohns. ,_ .._t. Of our fathers in days of yore, barbel'. Mr. J. E. Clark and family mov. For, there were appoin'ted, historiMr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowe and ed lallt week to Clarence Smith's ./ an s, daughter, of Ridgeville wer~ house. Mr. and 'Ml'!I: Ben Hawke We are naturally pl~ased whenever we hear Who make it their business to Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs, and chi1<lren and Mrll, Ella Copse, Ke sler GrahllJ'l). find favorable comments on our work from the families we moved .Saturday to the E.d'a prop. 6o...-t_doD. The relatives ~ catterei:l about the Mrs. BeUe S.cott and grand- erty vacated by the ClarkB. 8 rve, or their friends. ]t is always gratifying to know land daughters, Misses Helen and Ruth Mr. . and Mrs. J. ' B. Jone8, Mrll. And these to the family bind. Early, were Dayllon s hoppel'!! Mon- Keslar Graham, Mr. 'lind Mrs 7N_"-r~ . that oU)' effort have been appreciated, ~ ~ day. William Coleman and family, Mr~ or .... _ • ..,..., 1 ____ ..;.. ___ _ A nd we hope we mar meet, from Mr. and Mrs. Louis Trickey, .Mrs Robert Hunt and J. E. Smith at. However, we realize that rea) improvement in our year to y'ar Alice MilicI' and so n, of Dayton, tended the Huntina-ton sale at Flat ..~c..a ..... ~rvice calls for eonstru~tjve criticism, as well as As a family big, and kind, moved Monday to their property Fork Wednesday. t. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .d . . , "bouquets. ' We·may be blind to certain faults which POI'gelting whatever has been here, recently pUII'chased ~rom Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley at. amiRs, . and Mr8. Ben Ha.wke. tended the y, F. M. ThurRday TUMliN are quite apparent to others. Brinu;ing plea ant things to ::..n::~::: I\1r. • nd I\lrl!. Ell'idge Shumord mind, , and ,on of Dayton. were dinner evening at the home of Mr. and WED. P. M. call .............. _ ~l'!I. J, L, Mendenhall, in WaYnell' U any reader of this advertisement can suggest Giving thanks for a goodly herl· ~uests TucRday ()'f the iT uncle and ville. tin - ' - . . . III-. _ ... . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Good,.. tage aunt, M... and Mrs. Wilbur Wharanf WRY in which our work can be improved in an~ deMI'. and Ml'!I. Walter Kenrick Of stature, and !\t..-ength, and .ton. James Haines and their gUem' taU, ,,'e will be glad to give' his ideas thoug~tful cony('Srl! Mr. and Mr,a, Mra. Kenneth Caldwell. lion and For the hardihood of our fatherdaughter, ot aid rat,loD. Conatroctive critiCism will heJp us to realize daarbter. and Mt.. Thelma Colehood vi itin~ the 1'01"""r'. man attended t~. Slade reunion at ~ USED TIUe II UP our ambitIOn, whieh i8 to render a 8ervice all nearly Who breasted thl! gravest fean A. C. Thompson JamHtoWl! Sunday, entertained by Ithin our power. Mr. and Mn. II t.J:l\Ju·le!l Mr. and )I.... C. R. Binegar TboUlfh humble our sphere, and company with II.... 8. R. B1U'IIett teU ~m the small our place , 1II0W TlJeada, Though we rna)' Dot aspire to and Mr•. Lee bl'llllUihl. the bones at fame a~~~::!~vif,~: union at i Tew.u, of We will trust Rilthel' Po er, be IIr. and Mrs. 10 1 .... true. at ......
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& CO.
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Suggestions Invited
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Gordon'. Service St;ation
I"'''''. Ohio
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- .
Eighty-Fifth Year
Waynaavilla Playen Outbit Mid- with lumbago, lallt week. dl.town A •• re.etioa Blit Lo •• Miss Ruth Newland, Of Chicago
G.m. by .. 10 1 SCCH'.
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs,'W. H. Allen.
Herbert Heisinger and Wendy's team. ot Middletown hung a 4 to 1 defeat on our W..4.C'1I at Wayne Park t uncWY afternoon, or, Tather our DOYS handed th vi itors the game on a silvel' platter, and, of course, Heisinger & Co. thank· fully and willingly received the donation. The game waa lost by poor coaching, and worse base running. Our boys out-hit th viJIilor!!, and should have won, but poor work on the path killed off their chances almost a s fast ' a5 theyar· rived. A few britht spots shone through lh gloom. Eddy Burton played a wonderful game at short-lltop, handling ten chances (none of them easy) without a bobble, and making severnl fancy stops that prevented a bushel of extra bases. Elli continued his good work , at the initial comer, and Gon8 slap. ped out three nice hits in four tries. The visitors were ret.ir d in order in the first, and our boy s wllsted hits by Burton an\i Mendy. "'1 ming started . th lSecond with a walk, and Taylor's sacrifice sent him down. Three ucceSilive hits scored as many runs befo're Eld· ridge was caught, Reeder to Mendy trying to steal, and Herb Hel inger fanned. Three runs, three hits, no errors. With one ' down in the home half Wentz and Gons bit. Helslng I' hit Reeder and walked :Vogel, forcing in a run. Hartsock l>opped to the pitchf'I , and Umps Lovely . cal1ed Burton out on IItrikes, although Eddy and a majority ot the tans ate po itive that he fOllle~ the third strike, which' the catcher most certainly did not hold. One run, t.wo hits. no errora. With one away ill the third, J. Hel inger walked, and Ramseyer's hit cored him with tbe last run of the game. One lIIn, one hit, no ,errors. The WAC's pulled one for the book in the sixth. Hough and Ellis lltarted off with clean hit and things had begun to look rather I hakyfor Herby H. Wentz ~opped out to shor't , and Gona hit safely to lett center. Hough tried to score from second on the hit, and Ne1,lbrander return d the ball in time to catch the l"unner in a run.down between third and home. Mean· while, ,E llis had meandered to third, changed his mind and started ~ack to seeond, and- yes ' they caught him, too. JUlt wher the coaches were while all this wall (Continued on page 4)
Get your ' School Supplies at Mrs. Farr's Home Store, on Third street.
THIRTY-NINE AT THE BOGAN REUNION The family oj the late Geor,e W. and Hannah Osborn Boean held their annual reunion at the "C. A. Halladay" camp on the Bunnell farm Sundar AUIUlt 28. The day wall an idea one for this atherin,. And at the noon hour 9 members and Kuellta partoOk of a bounteoull meal. Later in the afternoon hom!! made ice 'cream wasdelicious served. Only one memo ber! Mrs. Mabel Dunn, wa,8 abeent ana that ~n accollnt of ~lckne8s. After dmner the preslde~t, W. E. Bogan caUed the meetmg to order and a short business ' 8es· sian was held; the officers ,of 1932 were retained for 1933. A. 'history ' of ' the Osborn 'family which had b en pre,pared by W. J. 'Oaborn, of Wilmington, 'WU Tead by the secretary, Georle L. Bunnell. This was very illtere,ting for us to learn ,of our mother'lI people, all last year John Bogan told us of our father's people. Thill was followed 'by_ songs by the Hoak children, Ralitigh and Marianna Balan and Doris Dunn. The president then paid bribute to Bert Bopn who passed away last May, euloeiaing his Christian character and how helpful he had been while with us. Walter Bogan of Wilmin,ton, was called on' and made lOme interesting remarks and paid tribute to Carey Holla· day. the builder of the camp where the meeting was held. John J!ogan, wife and daughter, Priscilla and son Walter of WH. mington, Horace , Compton and wife Qf New Burlin(rton were also guests ~e iafternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Standiford are vi8iting Telatives in Miami county. Mrs. A. K . Day Is spendi ng "l few days with relatives in Cin. cinnati. Mrs. Earl Henslee, of New Car. lisle). is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. . \,;rane. Miss TriUena and Mi s Margaret Edwards were Dllyton visitors Thursday. Miss Louise' Crane, of Cincin. nati, spent the week.end at her h me heTe. The snnual reunion oC the Mar. latt family wa held at Wayne park, Sunday. Misses Mary Leah Edwards and Mary Jo Miller visited friends in Cincinnati last week. Mr. El1iott Wright, of Detroit, is spending the week with his father, Dr. A. T. Wright.
• _ ..._ - - -
.......T...K." ,
The Elliott reunion was held Sunday August 28th, in a lovely grove lit Ru s ell Elliott's, near Centerville. The day was ideal and a sumptioo s dinner w,a s served at noon. The following relatives we re pl'esent: Mr. and Mr. Webster Elliott, MI'. and Mrs. Joe Elliott and daughter, Jan t; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kimbal, son Ivin, and daughter Mary Evalym of Dayton ; harles Austi.m and son Mr. ChuI'chlll of hica~ o, Ill. Mr. and MI·8. Lawre nce E lhott" Mrs. Suel. len Elliott and daughtc~r Julia, Mr Ella Raine's, Mr. and Mrs. How . ard Miller, Mr. and MI~s. J ohn Mil. ler and daughters, Maryln and Doroty' of Centerville; Mr. and Mrs. B en Me ullough, Mr. and Mrs. larenc McCullough , Elliott Willia.mso n and Mr. lIO n, J Ub ph i 1111'. Mae Williamson, Misses Kat;herine and Williamso n, 1I1i ses Klltherine and Olive E lliott, Mr. and MI"!I. Waldo El1iott and daughter, Frances and son liifqrd. Mrs. Rena 8im l)5011 and du ughter Mar· garet, Mr. and Mrs. ,Judd Drake. Mr. and Mrs. amuel. 'impso n and daught.ers, Frances, Margaret, Carol Joan and two sCl ns; Mr. and MI·s. Russell EWott and ~o ns N(;vin and Richard. All went home feE!ling that a good day had been sl'e,nt renewing family ties.
w. C. Welch F!lneral Was Held Tuesday
everal weeks of intense sutl'ering wel'e ended when William C. George W. Pratt is about this week at the home of Mr. and The admission of the Warren Welch clied at his mome. Waynesvi'lle Ml"$. George Bocock, near Beaver· county fair was reduc d from 60 mid.way between and Harveysbllrg, ,at 10;30 o'clock town. cents to 26 cents, by the alurday morning. l"uneral serBoard Saturday when the mem Mis!! Evelyn Cartwright has reo gathered for a regular meeting. vices w ·re held at hilS late home, turned home after spending the The price of the family ticket will 1~e ~ day a!ternoon, Rev. G. C. Dj,bert officiating, andl burial was summer at a girl's camp in ' Penn- remain tbe same, $1.75; it made in Miami celTletl~ry. ylvanla. stated. Mr. Welch was b,t)tn on the The board is t operating with Aft-e,r a month's vacation serial'm where he died on July 13, eight boys and girls in sendinl!' vices wUl be resumed at St. Mary's 1963, and was 69 ye8~rs, 1 month Episcopal church next Sunday, baby beef to the State Fair this and 14 days old, H,is. genial disweek. Those who have taken their September 4. po' ition and many st,erling quali. calves to Columbus, are Donald ties won host of frie:nds for him. MI"!I. Kathryn Turner, at Dayton Runyan, of Clearcreek townsnip; Since the death of hi!s wife, some is spending a lew days at the home Anna Louise Davis, of Hamilton nine years ago, hi children have of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. township; John Sharp, Daryl maint&inelf the family home. He is Sharp, Ed. Chapman and Anna lIurvived by , a son and two daugh· B. Hende1'll0n. Chapman of Harlan township a'Dd ters: Irving and Miss Helen, at Mr. and Mrs. Tolian Lawson, James Benham of Union township home, and Cordnne. now Mrs. 0'1 Route 1, are announcing the The board also contracted to of Xenia. birth of a son, Richard Eugene. on purchase , straw for ,1:he faiT Wilbur Thornhill, ~...--.--Thur day AUlUlt 25. Il'l'flUIl!lS frOm Frank McCarren of The . contract price Mrs. Perry Wade and Mn. was \ harles Laymon were ~ue8t& o'f Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, SENTENCED TO MANSFIELD Tuesday of . last week. Rob rt Burnet, of' Lytle, did FOR HARVEYSBURG ROBBERY Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bentley, some extra fine trap shooting in Rosemary Bentley and Carl Can· the Grand American Handicap, .John Schoonover, indicted for held at Vandalia last week and is ner attended the Bentley family reunion at Fort Ancient, last Sun. burglary il} connection w ,i th a rob· some what richer therc~by. Entered bery at the Welch and Dakin store in t¥ handicap on the seventeen day. in Harveysburg a number of yard linei he broke 94, of 100 pos· Mi!18 Katherine Gibbons left here months' ago, was sentenced to sible birds, and placed third in that last 'l'hur/lday, enroute to Cham· serve an indeterminate sentence in position, winning the ;prize of $50. bersburg, Pa., where she will the state reformatory at Mansfield His 94 SCOI'C also won $38 of ad· visit friends for a week or ten Schoonover had previously been ditional prize money for him, but day". ? sent to the state hospital for his chancel! for the $500 prize insane at Lima for obser· went glimmering whE~ n he missed The Wayne Township Mothers criminal vation but was released from the one (If tl)e last fifty birds at which club will hold its first meeting for institution recently when physici. the season at th~ Grade school ans failed to find any indication of he shot. ..:.::.:..---.~~-building, Friday afternoon, Sep. insanity. ANNOUNCENIENT temb'er 9. s7 H RR S R Mr. and Mra, Jack Banta left F. B. A I ETIRES The annual reunion of the Lebanon, Sunday evening for a f'ielder B. Harris, for the last Compton & Mills families will be motor trip to Washin,ton, D. C., years superintendent of held at Caesar's CI~eek Church Baltimore, of in. schools, l'etired to. ~outh New -Burl n, on Sat· terellt along "n~4LUl1WJCL", .s.!o!~u--htlnr~:uttm""'-1T1'tv:ri~_I!mr'!r~rH"II't'mrr.--s-e'D't1tm'1i7er-1~,:ftH memben Mr. and Mrs. of families are requested to daugMen and Mr. b~ llresent. Friends welcome. Leonard Tinney andfamUy have returned after a pleasant motor trip through the Eaat.
Local Boy Wins Shoot_at Vandalia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew, Messra. Frank Crew and Phineas Cook attended the Crew·Rich reu~ ion which was held on Sunday at Glen.Miller park, Richmond, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Burnet Butter· wo'rth, of Lebanon, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, Misse8 Stella Daugherty and Louella Walton were six o'clock dinner lUests of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman, on Wednesday. . Mr. ~lId Mrs. HUKh C. Ridge an4 children, of Pittaburg, were r,!esta of Mr •• and lira. . O. M. , Rldee Irom Friday eranlng until Sund~f morning. MIAII Patricia and ~allt~r John remained for a week I vllit. Honorin, her thy Dakin, of ~ul~~:~~'I:::: Mias May Wright The Little Inn on Sunday Mrs. Stanley M. 'SeneI'll, anon, and their dau,hteJ'. Vernon BannlsteT, of EIIstban West Va.
Saturday, AUlUlt 27, was the ft1Ueth annivenal'l' _ of the mar· riale of Mr. and Mr•. Jen-, Ro· land, who reside on Cbenow.UI Lane, on Route 1. On they were IlleaU of honor Golden WeddinK celebration, at the htme of their IOn, Roland, and fqtll,_ TIle ~IIB~III Ga.ette J01DI the Itoata ot of thia ..tbaabl. couple hi extend". inK eoq:ratulatiou ... Nat
,.n of
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Becker. of Troy, Ohio, attended the Walk· hill reunion at Wayne park, Sun· day.
. . tOI' . . . . , .~
A very happy occasiun Was the reunion of the children nnd grand. children of Charle E. 'Ellis of Leban on, which wa held UII · day, Augu t 21, a1; the home of Cliarle Hagemeyer of Waynes. ville. This has been an annual affair' for the la t. 16 years in honor of Mr. Ellis' birthday and ill obsel"Ved each year On or near the twenty.fourth of August. Featuring the day's mllrrymakil'\g was the elaborate chicken dinnel' with all its delicacies, spread from overflowing picnic hampers and served at a ttr lH:tively appointed tab les un dl! r u large awning. Enjoying the day with the guest of honor Wl" rE' ; Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Blah' 1.IIJ Donald, Kenneth and Leon Ilf Troy; Mrs. Anna Hoover of Evanston; Mrs. Veda Sam and Velma of Dayton; Mr. , and Mrs. Frank Tietmeyer and Eldridg, Elmer, gene and Irma Helen of """VJIJ'''; Mr. and Mr. Chas. Carroll, Wayne and Jim Wright of Dayton; Mr. and Mr. ho s. Edwards of Harveysburg; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ellis and sons of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kancher of Mason and host anu haste • Mr. and Mrs. has. Hagemeyer and family. After a sh ort busines se ion it was unanimous that we meet next year with . Mr. and Ml's. F't'ank Tietmeyel' for this happy event.
KINGMAN MAN IS Wayne Township Schools FATALLY WOUNDED Start New Year Mondav; Ronald Shidaker. 21. former ulhi"t at Kingman high sc.ho ol, died in a Wilmington ho pital Tue day morning of a bull t wound in flicted accidentally at hi home Mon day afternoon : Shid aker, who had a hobby of collecting guns alld various types of firearm, was cleaning a revolver when th'" weapon was acci· dentally discharged. hid akel' told hospital authorities he did not realize .the gun was louded at the time. A on of W. F. Shidaker, promin e nt Kingm an farmer, the youth gained considerable notice in lin· Mrs. , WiIJ Norton , who has bell ton o. by hi athletic prowess Schedule for Openina Day -Ii while a student a t Kingman high iii is improving. 'choo l ,a numb I' of years ago. lias Leadu Werntz is v;"iti ng Remainder of , Term i. .AJa.. He is urvived by his wiCe and ill Dayton this week. nOll need by Superi n ta1lde1lt one child. 11s!! Anl'\a L e Crane visited An informal and unofficial meetrelatives in Dayton Tuel:1 day. ing , of the Wayn e Township Board Mi ss Duris l"iola, of Dayton wa ' of Education and their bus driven the week-enu guest of Milu Dori~ was held at the office at the Su•. Hawke. perintendent at the H!gh seho,!l 'I'he annual reunion of the de· . . d ' building, Monday evemng. Van.. l cendent of Philip and Emma !'i '. atld Mr . l'~I' vm M,ulfor a~? 'ous t\'ansportation problema weI" Hawke was enjoyed by 4'1 memo .c,hdul'en were at the tate Fau, discussed, and were as nea.rly setbel'S and fdends of the family at I uellday. tied as was possible at ttlls tiro •. Snyder Park , pI:ingfield, last SunMessrs El'ne:;t and Bumel ' In the matter of furnishing The scope of the Ol'ganization day. Butterworth we r at th State transportation f!>r tuition pup~la was increased to include the de· who are not reSidents of the d~ sce ndent · Of . Joh!) Hawke r., an r' air Tue day. 'trid, it was virtually decided ~bat elder brother of Philip, who was l\1r~. Ida Lawso n of oes, Ky., such students will be hauled at a the fir ·t member of his family t i vi iting her daught 1', Mrs. I.ominal charge, if such transporta· migrate from England and settle Leunard Tinney. Lion can ,be 'furnished without ill' in this vicinity. He late r induc d justice to pa lltmgerS who are reabrother Philip to follow hi ex· Mrs. Rowenll Zartman, of Xenia idents of the district. The bue ample. John Sr. was t hc grand. spent Monday with Mrs. Olivet route are to be operated on pne· (ather of MI". FI'ank LeMay and iJilvi!!, and family. tically the same schedule as lut Miss Iielen Hawke. year, with t he exception that eactl Sevel'a l vi our cilizens al'e driver will serv but two routea. JOhn ol1ett of Dayton, was chosen to serve a president, and visiting tlw Ohi.o !:)lute Pair at The ol'win pupils will probably be olumbus, this week, Mrs. Carl Hawke, also of Dayton, hau l d on lhe Ih-at trips of the to Rerve a8 secretary·tren Ul'",r of 8 from that direction. the ol'litanization for the coming , Tom :::itansben'y is enjoying 8 bus. Another economy measure dillyear. The time and place for hold· w ek'R vacation fl'um hi duties in cusljcd wall the diftContinuance of ing the nex~ reunion was left to D. R. Smith's grocery. , lhe telephone at the Grade build· the discretion of the officers. . R. Adams, of Dayt.on, waS a ing. It was at first sunested that guest in th hom. of Oliver Davis the telephone at both bundin,1 be dispens'd with, but • ma.Jorltt and family, all Tuesday. seemed to think that at leut one Ml·ij. Laura :lell is visiting at phone was a nece!l8ity. the home of Mr. and Mr • Horace The services of Mia Edna Drill of Greenville, have been enlaced Zell in Xllhia, this week. The contract for improvement lo filJ the teaching vacancy cau.. Mr, and Mrs. Ho-mer Rhoades ad by the resignation. of Mill of a sectio n of the Columbus· in· of Dllyton, were week·end guest cinnati road in .tebanon, Deerfield Bessie Stephenson. MIBII Drlll Union and Turtlecreek townships. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wemtz. come, to Waynesville with th. was awarded ,to the Bigler Paving very highest recommendatioDl, U Mrs. Dallas ox, o'f Dayton, Company, of Middletown, Ohio at a competent, experienced teacber. their bid of $173,881.66 and call8 took dinner with MrR. Sherman H r contract will be formaU), ~tl· Tinney on }' riday of last week. for grading, structures and paving fied at the regular meetine of the with 20.37 foot width concrete 'for Mr. adn Mrs. Elwo d Andrews, board next Monday evenin,. a distance of '1.108 miles. Also of Uayton, are gue ts lit the borne Th new bus bodiell have been construction, of a brid'ge over Little of MI'. and Mrs. Frank Stansberry received, and everything seem. to Muddy cr ek and wideninv. the be in Teadines for another year of bridge over Turtle Creek. Federal A. H. Stubbs was called to successful work. The board hal aid does not participate in .290 Lewisburg Tuesday afternoon to finally ucceeded ih lining up the miles of '37 foot width concrete take charge of the funeral of financial situation as well .. can paving to be placed in Lebanon. be done in these daYIL of uncerScott Horn. The project will be financed tainty for public funds, aad proaTablets, P neils, Pens, Ink, peets for a full ine.month. t . . . from the $4,490,00(} loan made available fOl' highway purposes in Erasers and BV rything for school are as rosy as could be expected. Ohio by the Tecent federal relief at Mrs. Farr's H ome Store on One thing i certain, Wayu. bill and will be constructed accorp- Third street. TowOllhip schools are in much Ib eting to unem~loyment relief reR" ter shalle than miD?: of tho.. Mrs. Myel" Hyman lind son throughout the State, due, alm_ ulations speCified by the govt'rnment. ' Bobby, spent Monday and Tue day entirely, to the Ilntlring efl'oN of at the home of Mi'. and 1111,"8. Max the board and the superintendent. Kohlbagen in Jamestown. CLIFFORD C. MELOY DIES Supt. Lotz; announce. lOme AT HOME NEAR LEBANON MI'. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey plans for Monday, the first da7, attended the funeral of his i l ·and . and the TemaiDd",~ of the term Funer-al s,e rvices fa l' Clitl'ord C. fathel:, Henry Blliley. in Miamis· as follows: Re,i.tration 01 Hi.L ScL_I Mel{)y who passed away at his blll'g, Sundat afternoon. St.dell\l home east of Lebanon, Thursday Seplemlt... 5, 1932 evening were held at the residence Mr. alid Mrs. Maynal'd Weltz en· Regjstration 10r Hiah Scbool Saturday afternoon at ' 4 o'clock, t I·tained at bridge Friday night, conducted by the Rev. J ohn Steph. celebrating the birthdav anniver. popiJ~ this year will take place on sary of Miss Dori s Hawke. the morning o'f September Ii. In ens, supply minister at the Leb· anon ' Presbyterian hurch. BUl"ial Mr. and MrR. Laurence Brown the afternoon clas I!S will meet in waH made in the Lebanon cemetery ... nd Mr. and Ml·~ . Harold Whitaker 20 minute periods for organlza"oD Mr. Meloy was one of the eoun· w(lnt to olumbus today and will and assignment of Tuesday's 10ty's leading citizens. A Ithough he sp sons. nd two day!! at the fair. spent the greater part of his Hfe Students will be Te&'lstered b, as a teacher, he was widely con· M iss Rebecca Elkinton, of the' teacher in charge of their dl. nected with farm organiza.tions Philadalphia, Pa., and Mr. Russell (Continued on pile ') and was one of the leading rural LaWall or Detroit, Mich., ,were figures of the co"!munily. week .e~ d guests o'f Miss Ruth E. Cook,
Nine-Month Term Likelv
Hawke Family Holds Annual Reunion
- ----.----
Contract Is Let for Road Improvement
Mr. and MI.-s. H. H. Wil1iam~on and dllughter~ attended the Hale reunion, h eld near the Springfield cl1Urch In linton county, la!>t unday. '
. .~.
W)U~. . ~tM'~
WholE! Number 6029
AUGUST 31,1932
Mr. and Mr . Orville Gray Ilnd daughtel', and Anna Lee Crane spent 'unday in ]"runklin, guests at the home of Mr. Ilnd MI·s. A. C. Bowman . Mrs . . M. ' ellers, of L 'banon, and Mrs . Vernon Blltlnillter. of j;astbank, West, Va., were afternoon guests at ]\11'8. Amos Cook, on Friday. Mr. anu .MI' . Prentice Tinney, of :Day ion', MI'. and' Mrs. Web· ster Tinn ey of Loveland, were Sunday 'guesl~ of Mr. and Mrs. .Jo e Tinney. Mast r Wford and James DaRter, of Harvey s bur~. nre visit. ing Mr and Mrs. J. E. Fr.azier. The entire 11arl y attended the Frazier re union at Fort An cient. last Sunrlay. Mr. ond l\1t·R. Wall I' C"handlel' left Thurl'lday for Tex.as and other sOli the!'n )loin l', leaving :::ian Fran· cisco about the mlddl~ of Septem. ber f ill' their home in the Philli· pine Island s.
A rather serious auto 'accident accuned near the home of WUllam Bel'nard on Route 42 above town, .. bout midnight, Monday. It ..ell\8 thal a cal' in which the Huitton (amily and two of their frieoda were traveling from Columbu. to Cinc innati, collided with the i eclln~ of two trucks, loaded with fruit, which they had met and Nere attempting to paM. The truck wall knocked into th. Idjoining field, and both Machin" Ne ,'e bllbly demolished: All the lllssenger of both machines ware njured, to a greater or leu exteat, he dl'iver of the ttuc'k belne hlll't '0 badly that it was neceuary to ake 111m to the McClellan hoapital 'n the A. H. Stubbll ambulalle•• ' vhich had answered a can for aid,. rhe remainder 01 the victiml wire Jro ught to Waynesville. and re. l urned to their hornell, later in the ·lay. We are informed that the OWller 'if the truck donated the melolU. with which his truck WAll loaded. i 0 the local troop of Boy Seouta. '{'he boys sold the fruit at a iIIII4l1I "llargin of profit.
- ----
Chester A. Williamson was in WILL CONFER DEGREES Belm.ont, Tuesday, h('lping to erect an Evang-clistic tent. which will he At the reeuiar Grane. meetJ. . dedicated by the hurch of Christ nn Saturday eveninJ. Septe8lbe,. II of Greene and Montgomery coun· the 3rd and 4th dec..... will .. ('onlerred On a claa of 11 CIadl. ties, hext Sunday. elates. Rev. G. C. Dibert went tIl Cln· As thi. ' is Inapeetioll nls1tt, • evenine, to at· , hart pro,ralll ..til be ~eSl3ions pf Ule follows: of the M. E. MusiC! SeJeetfou Ia~ are bein.l_ held in Orchestra. week_ HIt many "What the Farm Caa Ie nr.iI!arel,V COD- Hawb. ..'.nn•• •• ~
at.- ..
tl l'l'1I t'CI, 1\1 d his final and dis.tributive account, \.. ~. Stlawhlln, guardian ur Eltza Thomall. incomp tent. filed hi, third and filial account. b;vt'rett E. Iron:!. administrator uf th !'Rtat4.' of IlIaal' S. lron8, deCl'u8ed, filed hi t! fir t and final ac. count. Charles u~nel' rton, 4.'X '('u t or The thrifty-minded man ~illul!d ui 21) Hilt! 10 C lib; s,'V· In the l'll" of Ike G. O!\\",rn figureb us bl'fllre. Olllilll'lll' menl of the ('stale of 1'. K. Urton. de. 'IEH By TB ~~ }I i, ordering hi, coal NOW l'ral 'omplll1l 'Illary tickds WI'I'I' versu_ J 11 '!?Illl I . / Ollbol'n, I't al, rl'ceilll.! , tlii. year, nettl'd 10. n, ceal't.'d, filed his fir ~t and final "he nntlual ('It'clion, held April and thl! 1I ard !-\p Ilt lit I('ast pal't IllIotl(>d, anu 30 W'I'<, nl'prol'rtut, Cl,\·tum PI'0l' I'ty i. to lit' ~o ld Ill. aCl'ount. a. off-.ea.on price. will rt'. llltC\ll1 ' folluws: ,J. ' . Hawke of this amount for Warn'n 4.'d {Ol' IIlU~il'. ,['hI' Il:rd.h"lh'~ II' 'n' nut Il'~ ' thun th .. apprnisl,tl vuluc. The adjudictllion and d termin. Il:I r llld A. 11.,, \\\'11, RIlYIlI,lIIU !:l. leave a healthy difference 'l'h· Cil ~ of The Ct.mtral hin util> n (If Ihe inherit.unce tllX to ue 1~4, '"J. C U5, 1'. F:, K n rick 'ollnt)· Atlas. 0., v .. " u>' Frnllkhll NIL· paid on th estllle of Sarah Alln ~6 IIJld 'j lind Zlnllllt.'rmllll 3 for lis!; Hall di d jU>llld 1'1.' sch uol Jla"k ' , Oa\'i~ Furnu", '\"nl... ~n p, I'upI'r in the family pocketbook th~ t hl' -r RT l('rm. and '. 11. wa . r pen d In Scptembel', nnd lid" 81'd 8, R u,,:; 11 C. P (II'I t'lt, Idll tionu l Blink \\'a di, mi ssed \lilh · D~ck"I', decea!\l'd, is to be given to when the cool days roll t.'lelllt'llU! ] 'i t fOI' th on '·-year t his Mary Edward wa employ- Bt.'1l1' Hllin .. , \ innif\"t~d 1 I'l!dith, ut I·econl. nil per. Oll8 interested. term, Thl' t i w drcid d in Cavol' d to fill th "aellnc I M tel\cher ~t ·111\ lIfirialll LlilJ)IlW1 1, nnt! O!i\le . In till' ll UH? f }';l't ell u ' "ye. certified copy of the entry around again . in a very \'l'i'sUIi . L. 1I1"nlll"d nnd No.!v/I M. d "t 'rmilling the inheritallce tux to of b, 'Q~t'y, 8nd hI! I\nd 11'. ll f Room 4, at Iht' meeting h"ld l\Il\ril' PIU'~ hllll. The . 1i;sl'. ustin, BI'lIh ullI. ""nart!, the plaintiff "hllll l'('cover be puid on tho state of James short time. lIa\\ke w<t de Illred el('ctl'd. Thi eptemb I' 26. The up ril1tendent ne b &I'd 01 nniz d, April 20, -iva "o~ a commi sion of 10 '( Keys anll Lilc werl' "Ifl'red .. 50 frl'nJ the uefelll.lllllts the ~ 1I111 of !lnon, dl'c aSl'd, i to be cel'tifled with .B. S. How II, pr sid nt; . f or collecting 811 t lition, ,"ilh the J)t'r nwnth euch t ( t a h the gl':ld~ ~21l.!3.28 . without delay. See the different grades Thl! lise of H. lll'njllmin lind H. (,1'1)\ nl'!, clerk (\ nd' J . H. exceptiun of the Box\\, 11 stuuent>< rO()I11;; elul'ing lilt' Ilt'xt h'l'm, and George W. McGrath and Rosa of coal we are handling, \Jij; o. Ill'. us John D. lind Nurah B. Hakes, exec utors of the estate aQI< 'i, tr USUT r. A bill of -4 ' lIowed fur a ~upt . Brntten w ~ off red A \V ek I tel', \ . P. H Y flor I tribul nt t th.:- fun ral hO'wI'vel" II ll t neh I' \\ all t o I'C- HoLlidny \\ a di~ll\issed at cosls 01 () r EllUl Thonms, deceased filed and let us fill your coal i\"e I'xtra pn~ for atlendin r th!! plllinLifl'. b for the board with thc reque. t of Mi. Hall. . tll<'ir inventory. The e tate i exle8 ~h r ' jn~1itutl'. The janitor bin. NOW. J ohn Schoonover ' I\ M found empt fr om inheritan ce tax. that IIi fllrm now a part of the Tbe pen eri n SF em of \\ rlt· ori ina! t ny Bro It farm, the jDg wa. .d ptt"d. < l 01.'1' _4, a ' \\11" ,,",t lucky ('n\lugh II) partiei- jruilty of lIrcuking aud !lnt ring I'll I' ell-La le of Isaac . Irons, den ' t l>o k f~r p te in the gt!nOl'sl ad\'l\llcc "r IIml " ·n. "enle'nced t o sot'"e from J c 'ns .. d, is exempt from inheritance bonle 01 hi daught 1', ~r!'. L~'11lan was, 15, tu If,. years in Reformat I'y ut tax . Day) be. van ferred from Wayn e Ph~· !'ie . Th t , b ns "\\ t!.re P lid _al ri , . Iay 21, the schuol I,'\'y \\':1, ~Jl\n 1' h Ill. To n hip Di ' tri t o. 3 to the for th ir att nd n l the Warren Eva E, leKay, guardian of c ontinued at ~) mille lind Ii 'l; The cnses nr Jam 's M. Lackey Kud I... McKay, et nl, minol'S, fil d Wa 0 vill pecial Di trict. The ~ unt)' T h~' In$titu . . Icy, of Xenia, wa~ em- ersu~ Erskin' f{ub iu:-Ion und hilI' flt'st IICcouot a nd final as to quest \\ a . held ule> by r d lape n th ~ ~nd en·nlng of J n· principul of lhe High Hu lllh E. Ruu linso n wel'e dismissed. Karl F. McKay. for aeVE'r I mOllth b fore it a par)'. HIOS. ym nt of one bond ployl'd a Extra lumpy, a truly pre70 pel' The cnse IlL tildrcd V. Kellis finltlly granted. At thi 8\,1I meet.· and n i.ntere_t ordered, ~nd s hool at II slIlal'r (If A e rtilled coPY of the entry de: miunl coal in ,Supt. . E, Bratten re~om· it W $ .. dd U l f Y th librarllln month. 'fht' dollur clC!at'cd lit thl' VI'I· . WI Kenneth E. Kellis ,,'a s dill- term ining t he tnherit8Jlce tax to ')(ercises Wll ~ mi . ~e d Ilt cust: of plaintiff . .m nde4 lli fir t raduating cl ~ of th ~ b I lib ry 0 ('enls per l'Ommellcemellt b paid on ' th estnt!! (If horles In the mlltt I' of change of Kelly, deceased, is to be certified a fol io : ITIlla Elli , Ethel WH· week. F ou r n" hI, laler, the board g n 1'0U ' Iy donal'd t () th !fome· mmitte(' of lhl' Alumni trulito for mortgage bonds of The wit hout delay. liallUl()h, Leonora EIJi, Mab 1 dedd d to dep it their fund" coming . A cenuine Red A.h omp,to!), B njamin Stokes ilver-" lIb tbe loca' bank that offered association. 'On .Tune 25, the board 1iami Valley. outed ~uper om· David W lis, administrator of Fl'8l1k Hamilton and Je ae ~ , the larg _t rate of inter t. (At refu;\cd to again permit (l lawn puny of Franklin, the Uhio 'ay· the estate of Lura Wells, decea • Le ' . that time, "the Wayne ville Itiz.· t nnis rourt 10 ue Inlli)ltllined on ing5 Bank lind Trullt o mpany, of ed , filed his inventory. '1'01 do, is he reby notified and in· The uperintendent,.11 teachers n Ban k,--J .. '. Lemmoa, ea hier thl' cho I grounds; DUring th e "unlll1 I', ·Waynes. 'Uuctl'd to <ieliv I ' to The f~quit and th janitor wer offer d con· - was bein" clIndu ted in th room Real E.tate yi-... rera Home· ontlng lind abl Tru ~ t ompany of Detroit , its tract for the next year at the now OCCUPI d by the p() 'lofflc .) ville'!; uig al' a nd aroline Schaub to !lam 8lliarie , fay 25 , and the In calle of tie in bids, the decisiun • 'cho I I' uTlion8 wCI'e held. Thil< SUCl'E" ' 01' tru,;tt'e, all pUll rl> , tlo.:u- Maud lMorris. A. fine soft Coal tax levy wa continued t 9 mills, was to be made by lot, and the wus 011 of the lurgest Bnd m(lst III nt ~ , tile£:, '~II11~e ll e d bond'S, cou- fie ld town ship. R al etale in DeerJune ~O, Mi s Benham resigned depo iWlry nd the Village Treas- complete s ucc s e cv r 1I ' 01' d by po n;:, cosh I)n hand and other . Irons, deee ed, to HarIsaac a teacher Of Room 4, and Mi urer, whom a new state law had a t6wl1 anywhere neal' the, izl' 0.£ thingl< incident tIl th ~ aid' mort. h on s, t 111. 116 ucres ill Maria Hall wa hired in her tead. made treas ur l' of the 1I0ard, al 0, this. F orme r residcnLs and ronnel' gu~W indcntun.' und obtain a re- old }dr. lIurnet.a lso re 19ned a!\ prin. were to furnish bond. Th e record pupil rctul'Iled to rh town of ceipt. They ~. hall make a final re- TurU cr k township. Sar Ida Ellen Tindall to Rudolph tipal of the High sehool, and D. II. doe not state to which bank th th il' n tivity (I'om all port!:' Ill' (lort 10 the c urt, In the cas uf The Leuunon-Citi- hildc\". Real esl.nte in leurcreek Hiel, now a succea (ul attorney depo it WIlS awarded, the next the United 'tnt, s, and f ol' 1\ w ek The beat in the market J' dding in pokane, Wash., was eVllning (probably t he Waynesvill ! or IlI\JT > the to 'I n W!lS till d lCI zl' ns , ational Bank and Tru ·t 0 .. t ownship. Daniel L. 'tanton t Annie MarYHS US Ibert Staey, ct III, th mohir d to fill t he vacancy, National, however), uut th audit- over/l()wing. The ne\1 I' la~iI w " \\' Icolllcd t(J tion of the defendant for confirm· gl\ret tanton. 70 acres in FrankA new te.xt book for Physictal ing committee reported a ba nk W e also have in our yard some Geog-raphy was adopted, July 2 , balance of $022.42; with an out- mom bel'. hill in the Alu Il1ni A ~ 0- II tion 0 f sa les herelofor had was lin town hip. good lump and egg coals at al'ah J. Hughes. individually, cialion at a spl!cinl meeling h It! and the board purch a d a new standing voucher (or $1. Walt r overrull'u, and th moti n of t.be lower prices and Sarllh J . Hughes. as the widow Thursday, . Au~u t \Jth. in High defendant for II new trial was oV~ outfit for the Physic laboratory McClure wa in tailed a treasurer and the 01 legatee and divif. ha ~, 1\1. ,artwright ch ool hall. for $300, deferr d payments, and the Balarie of lhe clerk, nnd "lTuleu . Another year was added to the treasurer were s ~ t $50 elfch per was the pl'tl iden t 01 th a ' 0 iu· In the cas of The :fu tual Build- B e, und I' terms lind provisions of tion 011 thi auspicious occasio n. inK lind LOlln course of tlldy, bringing our yeal', ' ompany versus the last will .and . te8ta m ~nt ell. Hi IT chool up to fir t grade ratMarch 2 • ) 905, the board made Th e general welc omt> was voiced Thomas . Groves, t al ales by Lu ther E. Hughes. decea. ed, to ing. The superintendent explained it arrangements for the annual by J. Will White II m mber of the the sherl~ weI' approv(ld and all Emma B. Witham . Rea\. estate io Lebanon . third claK to grnduatc frOQ' th acco utlt,!; are to be settl d. Thoma s Pel'due to Bruce II. school. l iss lrma Ellis (ll OW ~h~. In th cas! of Bruce B. r ouse, W. E. 0' nil) es p iully wei colll- xecut r of the estate of J . B. rO/olSI! . and Mabel B. S helto n. cd the new cll\llS, and :Mis, live rou e, d c a ed, versus ThomllS 75.04 , acres in Washington townParshall later MI .. Jes.~e W. PE'l'duE'. t an, saleH by the heriff . hip. J ohn Bergan, deceased, to E Lcwi ", ami n \V d cell. ed \ mad were al1pro"ed and nil accounts are .fnon.... .!d 'lurt' Who r~ .. ld e t J!'al' Bet'gan and Jamcs B ergan u ':n ,\I, Nn'I'II ' I~ fitting I' ~ponl' all b huH of her to be H Uled. Wit )" , ' lIlp . , hlo ' 'IIrl\h l'IIIIme"1 cla~~mal()s. This VIIS und oubl·d ly. In the cap,e of New, York Life R 'al estate in, Wa yne tow nship. wll" h'IIIoI,'~ "I '\' flYJ1 ,'lwllh', hlo; .·rob. ••• (·u" .... \\'ar .. ., n ("' . u"., ... ~dgar Be l'gan, t al to Flora I . the mo·t ilugely Ilttended Il)eg.·ion I lIu)'ance Company ver!!u!! D. E. r'lIrmt'f' N ("h,"",!". whh'h Is 10 '0.1 (I IO • • U ..... , ....... t ....... li t \\·u)" III'.,' III", Ohio : ,f!.'lhn III vk~, t,he ll,s()ciatiQn ha~ ev r njoy eli. Gurri. n, tal, th l>lainti ff shall J ones. Real e tate in Wayne Ioll ...." .... t .. I•• li h ... " ..............,...... .. \\'h" r"lIlrI~" lit Wnynl'8vllle. (Jlllt>. On Wednesday. Augu, t , a reeov \' ir m the Jefenul\nl . the tow nship. F,· d Barnurd, " ' lit> r4'IIIII4''' nt WIlYFerdinand Kaiser alld H Annl\ Mo"gan wh() ri'ftilica ttl Ill' \·11 ..•• Ihl<) : (lhll> ('~ntrnl 'I'~le_ magnitic III parade wu: stug d in ~u m of 41100.30. XenIa. Ohio. 11: F . 1> : 1" l o ren ~~ IIholl ('01'1' . . whl('h III I')('nl II ILt to Joseph Doy n Kais r connection with the hl/me·cuming J t fl' r. w ho r~"IJe8 at l' go uln. I." bllnon, 01111) . W . tl . M {u.h1l'n & M. Doye n. 72.94 acres in "OO,IIU'-' hlo : ,.;,,,-1 ::II... ",,, 0,1. wllo r sides and, f \:our. , th choo l prep r d Vv ./ 1\' lllch Is I .. Ill"" 1. IVny", \'111 l'iew Suits ton town hip. A.t 3~tl~ 11. r.th :'\t . Day! n . hlo : Oh 1.'1 : .J4)hll S Olt. who r ~ltI ~ o\t a float to participate ill thia. A Wllllu", 'I'l, rn' . 'ho r>'sld"" at Horace G. Fitzpab'ick to Cor. '\'I\~' "e 'l\' l1\ . (Jhlo : lI11dl"rUll ~In~ " week Int!'!", Mr. How 11 ,\as paid Ida L. BUiche ver~u Hal'\'y . "CKo n ill. Uhlu : Ndith f,Jflward :t. wh o 1 "1')" I'. P . . Udr .. ~~ I " 'li "M QvlIl , nellia Y oung. lnlot No. 180 in $16.7 3 fo)' tnllts, lind Brown & H oppe, et ~Il. For mon y, forere Itl ~ ul I lIo\l·tCOf,1 ,· t .. O(.)'I(l n, hlo : "III en"Il (111,1 a ll Ilik nOl I e Oh io ' EI ..UI1\) f Conn!'r. who r.'slles R m l n "\~ IUlilreby notl t""l1 th ft t n ' r tha McKay $4.30 for tissue paper used ciosul' , appointment of receiv r Frank lin. Katherine D. Whitacre to Rose III \\ lLynt"vUI~. Ohlu : 110'o\"II'd ,11 1' - 1'1. B""" I o.s "/<~<' lIcrl Of the \"111 in the prepl\rl\tion of this fl oa and other relief. woo<l WIllo ,'t'~ hl s at 3r.'~ M ~ml' r l1!ld .. "In If' (If \lef' ('II nuw Ih . deone of the handsomest tlnd rno t l.. uciJIe H ,nry vel' us Harold T . Erbacher. 127.81 acres in Harlan AI" .. illL)' ton (hl(l William .hifher. c " I1~cd . hn (1\,,(1 In lhl" 'our( Ii township. who r"Ald.' 'll 8n11 1hV1111' Hr. 1\1'1- K(\h~flultl u r nil kn ()\\~ 11 rininul. dtllJt . interesting in the e ntire parade, and Holland Furnace Co. Hem'Y hlOn t. llaYlun. 011 1 . F:h JI, tr,rI'Y. nnd lit<1.>llItl"8 agalns l 8nltl p"talll. On Augu t 20 the lun guage POI' divol'ce ,a limony and other re"ho r. Ill., nl. Or"f(onla, OhiO ; Ulltl lhu.1 ..",d Sd,edu le of n"t>I. will M.rri••e LiceMe. curse in the high seho 1 wa. Ii f. • l"urlce J.rrr Y' , \\ ho rj>sW.. t\t 1>, for Ill'''rln "eror ."Id ',,"rt on Ohio : Wnltl't flllp), . WII\> tbe Ulb' dny nt S,~ pt(· OIher-. 1932. Ilt chan glild to two yeurs of German Edward Crist vel'Sus Fannie Be nard L. J ordon , farme:'.~ , of ,. regol1l", I lI t1d l f'to n , OhIo, n. ~. 10 o· I ~. O. Ill , Ilnd two years o f Latin, nnd the ond on, t al. For partition of Harvey ' burg, nnd Miss He nrietta U 8111"" No ' 1 - n,.rtlt· M1I18. who ri'iildea Wlln .... mv Mlgnntll" Ihlll ~6lh Old L,tle School H ..... Now T_ Hou.u W. H. Dinwiduie form was trans- relll property and other relief. .lcCarren, :!ac tory worker, of o.i Wnyn'cf< " Ill" Ohl : Fri'd )i;\I}()Il , dny or Au!l'u' I. '1932, who n'I"J~~ I'l Mu s u. hi : MI''!. Ii:. \V. Z . ROI,r,. ferred from one of th Wayne First Ma em Bank ver us Annie Harveysburg. .1. Hu lh el'rol'(l, \\'ho r sldt'8 at " nyPr Iml ' Judg und E) - 'fire the new eourse to t.he board, Aua:. commencement, allowing $30 for I T owrl!;hip districts to the Wayn - Irwin. For mo ney. Owe n onner, of Lebanon, and n ".. Ili e, hlo : 11\, .. r I~)\) 11. whO 1' 1'_ 'I<,rk or Iht> r"llnte ou rt U!lt 24. and it was decided to be- music. Mr. Bratten was authoriz- ville pecial di tricts. .Te ~se O. ThompSOn vet· u Lewis MI·s. Mollie E. ormack, of Frank- ... llII"ft LlI l.e\1l\nOll. hlo: \. I h~ or Wnrr II oti nl ~'. hlo. ~))~ " Id"1! III .~n" II, 1110 : &'in the new term on September 7. ,ed to arrange for baccalnureate , The new term o.pened as PCI' , iho n. For money. lin . - - - Edith Hn" rls wh i:il'nl(t ~1I III l~U K Charles Cornell became a memo service. This clus was r~commend- schedule, the, first we k of ,<,pGeorge Smith, facto ry worker, :Main St.. I banon, 0l,ln : \Viti PRell Tim ... H. y. Chan..ed ber of the board, September 14, ed: Luella Cornell, Rhea Rip;ers,l tembel', and On the 17th of the of Franklin, and Miss R osie Eastnd aLI tuk nOlle unll IIf" her ... b Probate Court 0:beca\15e Charley Smith had re- Belen Parshall, Slella White, Min - month, the Lafe icholson farm, -, of Fra-n'''' l n. "'fIottfie at thl' l tn\' ~ ntory' Ilnd ham 1\, Jlpral8 III lit oC th eM lal .. of Two pet'lod in the hi tory of <moved hi residence from the dis. nie Burgett, Edna Zell, Harold better known a. the site of T ele· Mima Emel'son, executrix of eg8 11 w"rl h l~ Sherwooll. lIe(' U8 d. '(riet. Tbe auditinr committee re- Cook, Ronald Hawke, Ernest graph mill on lhe Uiver road, wa tnte of Nettie chllef r, deceased, 8iJ1. Allowed was tllfd I n til Proba.tl' 'ourt ot local go\' rnment in the United \Varr en (:01.1110'1 "mo. on UgUilt 6. tAtes have b en marked by free ported a balance on hand of Robinson, Harry amWon and transferred from a townshi) dis· filed her~r st and fina l account. , Il nd Iho.f h ,,0"'1' will be tor ,798.91 . Miss May Everly Te- Raymond Spahr.. trict to the town district. The Jam s E.. Burke, guard ian of . I. Charlton, operating main· U32 I 1"'lnll: 0" the' 14th dllY or S "te." · 8i(ned a s teacher of music. OeAt the ' next rite ting, April 17, school w clo ed on . Fri~ay, Albert . Hick. min c'r, filed bis lainel', $319; William J. Pftanzer, her 19 32, at Uw Probate Ollfl of u. e oA public credit ; the fi rst, ] 830 tober 15, and Mis Celia Misail- the superintendent, principal and apt mber 20,. so th pupI ls mlght firllt and final account. labor and repair , $65.46; William W,,'r r 11 ounl,·. hlo. u( l..ehnnoll, to 1 60, 'w hen many hort rail~It. ttl In o'"lu"k 0, Ill . dioe wa mployed to take bel' the following teachers were ot- attend the great Warren Coun ty The inventory oC Lida M. Fro t, .T. Pflanzer,' labor and repairs, I'oad w re built with the a ssiet.. • 'W . Z . R 1.1, place. S, J. Casey al80 resigned a fered contracts for the next year fair. Mi s Lil e resigned as teacher xecutr ix of estllt of Mary L. $44.70; James Follen, services, l'rol'llll' J udgp or Wn rre n IInee f public Cl' dit, a.nd ~he secollnt)'. hlo ond, which begun 30 yea rs ago, in Il member of the board' at this at an .advance of . $5 per mo nth of Room 4, October 10 and Mis: Frost, deceased, was approved by $15; Penn Morton, services, ,70; .. S mIt . b each in - 8alary: Misses Cel tia Anna Vandervoort was secured Lo the court. C. Donald D Dilutu!!h, of- A \lgu8:..... t which credit was u cd principally latter meeting, and T . J eu . , -S 't r ent I' for Stahl _ _ _ _ _- - for building roads and 8chools. wa. chosen to fill the vacancy, 'but Austin , Lilla Benham, Ella B. take . her place. .. D. E . Heywoo d, a d n:"lllstrator of flce, $20; 1 " . . rlOg, . Off I ' Iil Keys and , Clara J. Lile . .Matt Par. MISS Shigley, pl'mclj>ul of the state of J hn E. Cnst, deceased. services, $28 ; Dr. S. Sterlinl': Stahl I . E' refulled to serve. E d d th d ' services, $27; Mrs. H oward SawOscar J. dwar s accepte e aha I also got a raise to ,45 per high II ~ool, e.ems t~ have ha all fi led his inventory,. yer, services, $7; Richard L . wH- 'ro ha'" Cou rt. w ... ~u Co... ,''', m,1o appointment to board membership month, Principal Riel refused the a~Yf~1 ~ Im e w.hlle tr~l!lg to ~rorce I, G or~e P. Gate! a s Ignee of Iiams, services, UO; Albert Mil- ..... Il....,.uP. or ............ 0' ~~-~~----------November 28, and thus begall the offer of $65, and was later raised dlsc,lphne. finally glVlllg up In de· H, I'e tg hton, ass!gnor , tiled hIS liard, seTvic es, $]0; Erma Hibnar, All .... C laraDU'''''', drcea... 01 cond chapter of his family's ser- to ,7(1. The levy was continued at paIr, and, on D c mbe .. ) 7, ten· mventory, and hI schedule of It 0 0 K . vice to our schools. His father, J. 9 mills. Arithmetic was added to dered her resignation. We Quote d bt. and liabilities. service, ",1 ; rna nox, s ervIces, Ma.ry An.oll, who r ! Idee hlat lem 1nt,!;' minute ,T. T. Riley as administrator of 1\1rs. '10; Julia HUrton, olland, services, $10; I!H~ VI' $t 4rd a )'1 h. W llllon Edwards Sr., had, been a the tenth year' ( sothomore) course Clerk C. H. Director of Fu.eral Senlce Lillie erV'iees, $20; Llz,,1 L"wl, whot .. r"atdlls a l W .. y-: ' prominent member of t h e b oar d Augu st 21 and t e use of Frye's ve~balim ; • Mi ss hig ey's rc igna- estate of James annon, deceased W . '"0 W n elld lle, hto . A1)801" m £\'alls. ho tOT many years; he, himselt, de· Advanced 'Oeo .....aphy wa-s subml·t. tion as principal of Lhe high school is ordered to distribute certain Morrowhitacr , erVlces, "'; • J,~.ltllf. 1U T:!111 ('r tghton AH,. Daye· H. Ander on & Co., s upplies, $18; ton Ohio' Pe'loTl Smi th . who re.ldell voted years of service to t'he same .ted or Natural Advanced Geogra- wa n ext read. There was II 11) otion bonds to said distributees and Waldl'on C. Gilmour, inquellt, '5.- al 'Wl\ y n;,.\' III ~. OhIo ; ]o;arl Evanll. Our convenient location, suitacause; and, later. in our Bto¥r we phy. . by (J ohn .) Hawke, econd~d by make return to court. . 90; Treasurer of State, clothing in- ~~~bllrr \\~,i~a~'w-;~A.:e,!~~~ll:t ,,!'~~; ble IlUrroundings and equipment shall see bow hls son, J. !lson Several more cha nges in text (0. J .) Edward" that her reslgna- , Len.a M. . I rons was apPolll tcd mates Da ton Hospital, $440.55; n cs\'lIle, 0 1110: Edith Erc.t, ",h r,,- enables us to Serve to the Beat Edwards, Jr., ably upheld the books were adopted about the ime tlon be cheerfu ll y accept ed. (Get g uardIan 0';( Hers chel J . Irons, et W'I\' . 11 r $2060'hu1' !iI.t,. Dayton, ta~lly record . Added to this M.iss school opened in t)le fall, Septem· that "cheerfully"; evidently, the ai, and filed bo nd of $3118.78 with A.\v.Tucke;"n' f~ire~~~ract 'No: ~rt';'~l1~~n~i ll h.c.r~~'.etl'x~~~, r e~l~t~~ Adv"ntage, Trillena Edwards and the JUnior ber .4, and at a joint meeting of me'!'be l's ~f the boa~'d had been J. C,. Mulford and M. C. Drake a F 1013, $73; Abner Berger, ' laying H oward h noweth, W llO r('slde" at '¥ts. J. W. Edwards have each tbe Towh and Township boards ha VIng t h eil' troubles m the matter uretles. • , .t $1744' Dell Snyder W(l"ne@v lII , hlo: Marlha LaCY. AMBULANCE SERVICE sen,ed a s. teachers. Truly, this W. P. Hay's farm was finally and too.) Motion C8nied. * • !\fotion T~ e. inven~o l'y of Cor inne Ruhle ~~~~:.nsatio n· a~d da;age.•, $85; ~n~ ~~:,13~f~:.t.,!:g~~~~d~!eat,0~~I~i WaYll••• Ohio famIly has exerted a. Jarre amount formally transferred trom Town by EdwI\I'ds, seco nded by l-fawke, ndn1lm tratirlX of estate of H. C. Mrs. G. Saalln, compensatIon and 'Wef>t 6th FIt.. /),.)( t011. Ohio : Emma Pho•• 29 or influence for goo<f'and fully de· ship District No.3 to the Town that a notice be printed in each Clarke, decilased, WIlS approved by damages $10. Frank Wilson (l rubb8. who realde a t 110 aalnserv'es a meed of praise fo r the district Russell Parlett was paid home paper (The. Miami GBz~tte the co urt. .' ' . J brl tlg.. st., Danofl. Ohio : Flor rlee 7" n ts Sept.. mber 25 for sand. and The WayneSVIlle EnterprIse ) The schedule of debts fil ed by S m~('hamc ,. $5~; Leshe Shultz oper- Ho~kLJi8. whO reside" at Wayne.vllle &ucee s elf our school. "" ' Y , d' Th W S S S hl d" at)ng mamtomer, $42.75; E. W , hlo ' <HaYlllond olone!', who r esid es Tbree day ·a fter Ch r.i!~as, t b e paperiog the black-boards, and I;ln In e estern. ~ur, annou~c- . ta ,' a mllll strator of e tate Knapp operating maintainer $39 ' at Way neevme, <Ohl0-t. I.ena Burris, board udopted a new mUB1(' book Eeveral more changes in text bo oks mg vacanc){ of prmclp al III HIgh oC LeVI Stah l, deceased, was ap- V. W.' Tompkins , pay roll, ',206; lj~:t:ne8'8~fo.a l &~\6co:~~~~I~~ ~!,: lor the school, and ordered the were authoriz.ed December 18. sch ool. M t.lon carried." pl'oved by t he court. E. D. Jones, pay roll, $189; Eden sldu at .11 6 Ba~nbrl d(1l" Sl. ORyton. irea urer. to pay one $500 bond Finaces must ha~e been running Evidently. it paid to adve~tise in Gel·.trud·e Bake: was appointed Terry p~y toll $180' A T Rettig Ohi o: Kart~' ·onnel·. ~hO ree ldes al and the mterest 00 all otherB 00 l'atber low 101' the janitor was one of thes~ new pnpe~~ (01 gu.ardlan of eell Baker, et al pay ;011, $235'; Cha;le~ E: Brad- J!~:II~~~~itl~I~~ w~o. re8~a!~no'l ~~~: POR SALK Janua-ry 1, 1904. o rdered to collect and sell all junk course, we l hmk the ad In The mmOI', and filed bond 01 $] 000 II $183 75 J W EI 00 h I:"ebruarrc 9, 1904, the board de"'Ion" about th l ' s tl'nle, J ohn Miami Gazette did the most "' . ood) with, 1' he O'hio Casualty Ins urance bury, pay ro . , , ; .Oe .. JlellVllI e, Ol1wlQ ; lQr I nn r , Jr./ W 0 ~' n. e '" Davis pay roll $194 01 ' Floyd resilies a t il-yn svll e. Ohio; J- omo.r cided to c ose school at the uaual Hawke seems to have form ed t.he. for, on December 26th, Charles o. as ure·ty, Lemo'ne, pay ;011, ,18i; Carl grtnvneBhlo';H) Ii:'~ml:e~. n~l~~~fr ,ca:~~ FOR SALE- Fresh J ersey Cow. J , H. Sackett. 831 time i.n ! he I!pring •. despite the 108s bad habit of cominlt late to the Car~y wos employed to flU the va· Charles j!~ft', .administ rator 01 Dakin, pay roll, $166; John Myers, r esIde" ut 'Mound COllI·t. L ho.non of cooMdera ble, bme, due to a,n board meetings as the minutes fr o- cancy at a salofr of $60 per state of. ]!,ltzabeth Hoff, d.ece.as- pay roll. $154 50 ' H L Schuyler 01)\0 ; Hadel' 'rnn ... r. who rc~lcJell o.L FOR SALESchool books in epidemic of carlet fever. Strange quently s peak of his arrival· after month. The recalCItrant stud en ts o,~, filed hiS first, final and dlstrlbu . 1'1 1t25·4. ' 'Ha'rry' Hill 10' F,ranlc.lIn. Ohio' ~'r~nk 'ramer. ,WllO good conditiO!l, L, V, Reason, pay rne 10 ' ' f 'books $90- C,r e~ hl e e at Norwood, 01110: Alonzo . a 1' t may seem, ..-roh n H enry Scb 001 part of the business had beeJ\o seem l 0 h ave ~e ttl e d d ow n an d b eOo t Ive accoun t • I coupo D Cramer. who 1'(,81r1 e a aI. M'180n, Ohi o; Phone 44R3. ' -, a31 boy and his ili ter Miss Susan, transacted. He reformed later. haved thpmselves from the nc e for· J. E. Belrcaw, administrator ot J!'a$O It . lieII and gas ,33'1 9: Wlllla l1) rum r. who rellloes ttt didll 't rai e a si ng j e objection to Nothing more of aTly note was ward. Goodness knowll, Charley ' estate of Dai sy M~rgal'et Bercaw, C~::r~1 sG~~ag~' repairs 'and ps: I~e':.~~t~:':;'t J'~~fo,~~t~~loraJ:~~' 'ri~~ NOT};~A ny ODe that p ~efe rs the this program. But to this boquet· 01 accomplished until A prj} ) 6, 1900, Carey was at lenst J:!hysically big deceased, fi led his first· and final! $47 88 . ' ner o who rellde. at Leollnon, hlo old order -painting by one that rose ~, the ~o ard added a thornwhen the board made its arrange. ~ n oul1.'h to enforce hl ~ commands, account. . . ,. __ • I" vln wiT lZ · 1. !Who tea /d e. lit uses some brains with it ••e for the s nlOr c la.~s , at least. Each ments for the annual commence- Ii necessary. LY1nlJ.n D. Black, admllllstrator . . . ., Wllmlngtou, Ohio. Dr. Milry ook, Armitage, Waynesville. ..81 graduate W/1 to be requh'ed to ment. Admiss ion prices were con. (To be continued) of the estate of Suah D. Black , SubBcnbe for the MIamI Gezetk. wlho r eool d es ot 'NaY" av-lIle. 0 1110 ; prepare 41nd deliver an oration, and =r nospeakel:' was to be hired for c:ommen e.ment, The victims of this ukase were: Edith M08her, B rtha M. Kenrick, Donna M. Ha,,'k, irgitlia HeSll, Anna ' E, Tliomson, Elizabeth Chandler; Anlla Meredith, Laura McKinsey Edith Sherwood, Eva Davis and Fred A. Caskey. The gentlemen alao voted to have the picture of tbe graduat.ing c lo s~ ot 1903 and the c('rtificllte lIS a first daM high 8ehelol frllmed. March' 28, ' upl Bratten recom· mt'llded the r telltion of aU teach. ra I ~ the 'n xt term, and "that • fonter r olution of the board NIlrlctinf the u'e of the Bible in ,III .,b~11I be withdrawn, and tlat'M teoacher be allowed its use ~ut t@arhlng of any creed." were Nlt!ommt'ndation Oft m'o tion ot John C, let'ood~d by John H. Cas-
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Waynesville Farmers Ext. Co. Phone 25 Waynelville. O.
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7 hrows lr~ .. --... rchliglat On Use of 1 axe 87 Rural 70wnships
Mr. and Mrs. Jo;ll.a Kc~lt'T and (amlly, of Toledo, Ilntl Mr. aod ISSUED EVERY' W EDNE S DAY Mrs. A. L. Kirk and £am ily, of Wil m ington, took Ilinne.' Thursday D. L . CRANE • PUllli.h_j $u".criptiD. Pric., '1.10 a Y_r with Mr. and Mr.. R. H. Jeffl:'ris Anillyzing how propl'I'ly taxe. Oftic. Pho.. .. ... No. 112 Elller II at Po.to t tlce at W.Y Dei and family. Jlaid by fm'mel's in 87 purely rural Miss 'hlll'lotll:' Thoma returned ...i ....c. .......... ., ........ , No. lIS l' lIle. Ohio... \t!r::rnd CI .... 11&11 townships al'(' dislributed, H, R. bom Sunday frum Il pleasant vi it M OI'C, Rpeciali in taxation fol' in Oayton. the department el f rural economics Mr. and Mrs. ha l:l. H, Gmy and at the Ohi Slate lUniversity, finds AUG T 31, 1932 Cumily had a. dinner guests Wed= = ======-=-=-=-=================:::0_-= ne8da~' eVllning, theil' parent, MI'. Ih~lt in . tl·Jetly rum I communities the local 8c hool district toCtk apand 1.1 I' ~. J. . Grl1~' ulltl Mr . )J1'oximately hllH CI'f th farm tax A mandll Start·. dollal', the county o nE'-foul' ~h, thl' arm!!n and In emphasizing domestic issues and in outlining what has been done tuwn ship nne-fifth, and the state and what he plant! tf) do in the nation.wide eWor 8 or en t he ""'-+itftf!'-'--tfle<fr--_ltfttfflfH'enbr.-M1'~~n one-fifti eth in 1!j3 1. All property ).tres!:!ion, th(·re is little doubt that Presiden t. Hoover"s statement of rs. Ben lli5, of MCtrrmi' . taxel< paid in the townships a,vel'dome tic atl'ail's' as contoined in his formal acceptance a ddress meets lIany HOMiet' is uut agllin aHer age 1.6~1 pel' acre in 11127 and 'th th h t A i I a week's illn ess . WI al' y apPI'oval of the great bu lk of t he mer can peop e reW . . . Welch. di(td lit hi b0nHl $1.61 in 1931. gardles8 of their political affiliations. 1' he 87 townships in clud'd in atu rday the . Ul'V y, Mool'e said, are nearly Pl'esid Ilt Hoover, on internationa l affairs, reiterated his support on the WayneSV ill e pik cf timehonored American principles of international cooperation with- morning, alter several we~ks of 100 pel' cent agricultural. They , Ivlllg ' h 11 11 ' hI" illnes . Mr. Welch leave ~ two out tnvO t e '1 nited Statea in any foreign a lances or a IgBtlona, daug· htel's, one ~0 11 and one grand- ontain vcry f ew villages and pracpolitical or otherwise. In this, to o, the American peop le will agree. tically n o public utility property But lhe PrE' 'ident pl'operly devot d the greater part of his address daught.er lQ mourn their loss, excepting loenl tel phone lines. to the disc uss ion . of American economic issul!s. It ill in the United Fun 1'11 1 . ~ervices from the lale Th ey contain only farm population Stales tbal WI! have to live, and it will be the American people who home Tuesday aftern oon at 2 and farm property. Such townshipB will pull themselves o ut of this depression by the application of sou nd o'clock. serve a ' a fair sample of whal business principles .. This cannot be done by talk about debt can cellaBorn, to .Mr. and MI'·. harles farmers c ntribut to government tion, 01' the elimination -of 1I0called ·barriers to international trade, Bogan, Jr., o n Thursday, August uncler purely rural conditions. Dilildb lltion of tin runds In trlct!, Tax I'ates in these stric tly which mean s only the lowering of American tllriffs to put t he Ameri- 25M~. ~~uJ~~~: R. H. Jeffel'i and aarlcultural town hlp . township', Moore cali pl'~ ducer into competition with the low priced production of Kirk were Sunday ,t iinner guests agl'icultul'lll EU1'ope and th Orient. pointed out, av ra&: 19 .38 mill s on That winning the battle over the dep I'es ion is an American affair of MT. and Mrs. J ohn Dymond, in each dollaH of valluation a s com- plained b~' the ubsenc f publ.ic . Xenia! o fal' as the peop le of the United States are conc rne d , IS pretty )lured with an average "ale in all utilities property, fol' I:'x umpl~ generally recognized by our people, Only the importers, the theoretical Mr. Bernal'd JOl'~an and Miss rural terl'itory in Ohio of 18.29 l·oad s. hit lightly incr as d the free tr-.:ldel's and the international bankers who have a ' big stake In Etta Me arren were quietly mal'- mills. 'The fact that the tax rate pre ure of taxation n flll'm propried Wedn esday morning ' . by m ' t,e,rna t lana ' I town E urope a,·, now talking about so Ivmg t h ~ d epresslon . Their mllny friend satwiJames· h for was slightly higher in strictly erty. for school and town hip pUI'· agr mentl! which . would put Uncle am Into European polltlcs.- The them much happine ss. agricultul'al t ownships may be exRepublican Bulletin. Mrs. Mabel Hosier and childl·en \======='-'=======~~=<=-=:...==::....:.;=====-=====-~ Th fellow who s its in hi oil heated house on the avenue, grum- were ' unday guests of Mr, and ~ .._ - - - - - - - - - - - - , y Carhack. bles becau se he lost a little money in 192, 9 an d IoD/es t or th e goo d 0 ld Mrs, Mr. Harl and MI's. Bel'ns Thoma. and Those Impudent 'days when he was II boy forgets how he us d to have to carry in the "hE;. W _ N. McKay entel'tllintlu wood fOI' the heating stove from the snow covered back yard. family, of Dayton, called o n !\Irs. Martins MYl'Ue Thomas Sunday. the mernbel's of her S. S. cluss on 'I . began b ac k III ' 1851 an d ton Mrs.Friday Amanda tunweek-end went t o Day· Wedll esday aft rn oo n hOlloring Where is the old 3-cent pIece'. Its comage fvl' the with == her hous -guest, M i ~s Dorothy It w nt oul of. exi"tance in 1889. 1' hey may have to be revived to pay Mr. and MI' . W. M. Mathias and Cut'lea,; tlf B lanchester. B,. Mu . Je ..:ie B. T ripp f r th 3 -c~t s tump. -Los Angeles T imes. lion. On unday they attended the The W. C. T. U. met wit.h ?vir . ' -_ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ " I. N. }'eterson and daughter 011 A free counll'y L one in which the citiz n is privileged to "cuss" Smith reunion at Glen Miller park Tuesday, the gov el'nmant and lhen remain at home on election day·.- San Richmond, Ind ., Mrs, Starr return- It is evening,and the ma.rtins d home Tuesday. The Ladi es A id of lhe M. E. Antonia Exprei:l , Fly again t the ro y sky; Bam. to Mr. a nd Mr. Willard hurch lnet in the church parlor ne clln hear their mel'1'Y laughter Bogan (nee Lula Fealy ) on Satur'Thursday afternoon. The followSix hundred vaudeville contOl'tlonist are out 6t employment and As they dal·t o'€~ r' head 80 high. ing officers were elected: president day, Augu l 27, an eight and one don't know which way to turn.- Des Moines Register. half pound daughter. Mrl'l. W. N. McKay; Vice-President -= Willard Taylor i. nul' lng Ii There are pretty, bright Mrs. B. 1. McKay, cl'etary. Mrs, dashes, broken arm, sustained while crank. P. Noggle; AssL eCl'etary, Mrs An(L the rich gl'Mn of the trees ing a Ford, F. P. Reeves; Trea surer, MrB. R. unday Augu st 28, being th~ A nd the far off can of Bob White D. Collett. C me, upon the summer breeze. birthday of Alan Z. Hartsoc k, of Miss Mary K oehl T of Youngsnear Wilmington, "Irs. Hal·tsock 'Thel'e' the soft rkh glow of lilies town, Ohi o, is the guel\t of MI'" invited sev ral relatives and J . E. Rober ton. And the rosy gllowing phlox; (Mu8ical Inledudes by Farm Night rtfe lody Makers) friends in to surpl'iRe him, Guests Anti th pretty g~,y snap-dragons Rev. Boyd of lh Fl'iend.s' 8:00 Music included Mr. and Mrs. tac)l Burchurch is liP ending several day at And t.he sce nt of four-o'clocks, 8: I rowing Pullets for Winter Egg . C, M. Ferguson nett, of entel'ville; Mr. and Mr~. the home of his parent in West:25 School Eqtialization or State Aid .. .H. H. Da vis Ro. s H, ~Hartsock and family, of On th shed, il'ginia creeper field, Indian . , ... .C. W. Gay WayneSVIlle; MI'. and Mrs. E. . 8 ;40 Stopping Slock Farm Leaks Ml'!\, Frank Leist, of Mi n1i hurg With it's lovely trumpet flowers; :65 Fall Planting of th Flowe.. Garden , .. .. L. C. Chadwick Mun non, Misses Ruth Glenna and Which will soon fade from eye- was a guest last we k of her .,.. . .... . . . .... J . H. Erb Ethel Mllnnon and Mrs. Archdea9 : 10 Dairy Products in England grandll1other. Mrs. A .11. Harlan sight 9:26 Home and 4-H lub Work , ... ................. Mrs. B. W . Yo ung con and , on, Brut, of WilmingWith th contin~r twilight hours. and family, . ... ..... .. ;.. . ...R. 0, Roth ton; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Luken s :40 Meat and th Chef Rev. and Mrs. Kilmer are atand family and h. and fr1;. W. Tn my arms I hold my sweetheart. tending M, E, onferenc at inO. S. U. RaIIl. StatloD- W.EAO Ki s her mou ~ !.o warm and red T. Jordan, of Harveysburg ; MI'. cin nlitL 4 .H WEAO HALF HOUR W. W. Co~sum and children. of , ee her prelty nnglets shilling Robert. Brown 'and Elizabeth aturday, Septem ~ r 3, 8 p, m. On her preciou darling had. Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Barlan Eva[ls~ Benia,. pike, were quietly (~usical Inlerludes by Jo hn T urner of Green Co un ty) . Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. HollingsmllTried by Rev. Kilmer, at the M. Nalur This' cek . . , ........... , . . .. H. E. Eswllle head, of Utica, Ge () rge Davis of And the martin Istill are fiying, ..~ . parsonage ev ning. S nding down their merry laugh 'They have the aturday 4.H lube lit the Ohio tat FiliI' .............. , ............ .. Eldon Grove Wellman. Well filled ba kets wel'e best wishes of a ~s they h'y to tell my sweetheart Educational Tours . . .... .. .... . ... R. B. To m emptieli on to groaning tables and What I tell her , is all "chaff." host of friends. three birthda ycakes add d to the attraetivenes of the meal. All deEdward Ranson and Fred Mc- parted as evening advanced, with Then one goes int(1 his small house ticks hi h ad out through the officials. The taxation program Mi llan, o'f Tennessee, spe nt T ues- best wi hes to Mr. Hartsock for door' . , , now under consideration by th day wi th t he Mc Kay fam ily he re. many happy I' turn. of the day. hl ~ e ye at me and whistles Governol" s committee i also reThe members of th Green Briar Joe Fishbaug h a nd daug hters. J ohn Stultz. hi s mother, and Wink I've heard all thllt stuff before, ceiving much attention. church hl've be4lutified their Alice li nd E leanor, of Middletow n, niece spent tate unduy with his chur h with paint, both exterior called at t he J ordan- ho me u nday brCtther at Five Mile. ommerce Director Theodor.l! H. and Interior; a lso new s hutters even ing. Tangemlln has declared the Ohio Mrs. Clara Merritt had a dinner onstitution forbids I gi'laUon ilnd doors. Hi Mary Ner Andrew. en- g uests unday, MI'_ Ilnd Mrs. A. R. E. Thompson, daughter, Misjl .tertoined a gro up of young p eople Mueller of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. for a "moratorium" on delinquent Mary Kathleen, will visit the atur day evening at the home of Mott taxes and mortgage paym nis. He liM and daughter. MNi. ('hildun 's home in Kentucky next Mc Kay fa mily, ~aid however, that it may b posEm ma Cline and Jllmes lill,j? of sible to modify the law concerrling , wee k. Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Liebe r t Dayton, and MI'. lind Fred IUrian. Mis Mary Net Andrews is at- and children, J Am es Fo ley, of the. payment of taxes. Clyd Levisy, Mr, and Mr/!. J. t ending Young Friends camp near Ch icago, are spe ndini' this week W . Davis and family, and Mr. and A ftel' an absenCe of more than Yellow Springs thi week. with t he J o rdan f amil y he r'rr. Mr . Ira Hartsock of Dayton, two years the Ohio Pen programs Vernie Jo rdan, and Miss Etta te nded the Whetzel reunion at the Mills Emma Lamb, sang several LUMBU . tatisticli regard. are hac\< On the air via of olumbea utiful selections, accom panied McCa rren, of DaY,t on , w ere quie tl y home IIf Mr. and Mrll. U, G. Whet- ing the number of divorces grantbus Radio Station WAlU. ThE' by her i'uital', on last Saturday married in Jamestown, Aueust 2" . sel, neur Waynesville, unday, ed in Ohio, compiled in t he offi c bond, under Director William ev nine at the 'church a t Green by Re v. Father Fre nch l and they of ecretsry of State Clarence J . Star-kloft', g.ave a program of Briar. we re t reated to an old-fashioned of a colony (If bees Brow n, sbow that for the first time marches and populaJ' airs last SunMiss l\larie We.ll!! l'eturn(\{) to belling on Sat urday evenine a t the tooExamination soon after a new queen has in eigh t year, figures fo r the day evening. '1;'his populal' organiza h er hom e here on aturduy even - h om e of his m other here. bee n introduced worries the stati tical period e nding on Ju ne tio n can be heard each Sunday ing alter spendi ng a wee k with h~r Mrs. Mabel F . Teny, of L eb- worker bees and often induces ~O~h, was lower tban in the pre- eveni ng from eight to eight-thirty sister, Mrs. rtlary Robertson , of a non, ' v isited t he McKay famiH es them to kill their new queen_ ceding year . Th ese tables extended o'clock, Director 0'1 Public W Ifare nea r Kingman. o n Sunday evening, back for 66 yea rs, and i n nine John McSweeney and Assistant K. E. T hompson an d f amily had K. E . Thompson and M. M. 'I;erry years out ·of each ten t he tendency Director Derrell Jones are expectP otato production prospects this for their Sunday g uests: Homer spent Satur day in Corwin. ha s been in increase th e number of ed lO appeal' on the pl'ogram with Hudson and wife, Lon Brannan Mr. · R ect or and wite, of Ke n- yea r compared to last indicates a has been to in crease the num ber of Warden P. E. Thomas in the neal' r early crop, about the same sm alle a nd, Ohnrles Dill, wife and daug~- tuclcy, 'a re visiting Mrs, Rector 's divorces by a greater figul'ettian in future. t Miss Pauline. son Charles Jr" h ome-folks here, Henry Hoare and sized in termediate crop, and a were divorces gran ted 16, 153 la rger late r crop. M~'. Mary Dodges, daugh ter , Edna f amil y: • while in 1931 only 14,343 were Mae all of Xenia. Mrs. Mabel lI, H . T e rry a nd K. E . Thomp, ued. T his repre ents a decrease T e rry, of Lebanon, M. M. T err y of son called pn Shack Morgan ~nd f more t han 11 per cent, while it W e a re glad to report the little is believed Lh at the a ctual populat his plac , Elmer Lamb, of n ear WayneSVIlle 80n of Mr. a n d Mrs. Elmer Lamb, Allen a nd Donald Mc Kay are on. Monday. tion increased b)' o nl y about one CoJe JlICk 80~ and Lamily of of near Waynesvill e, 'm uch better and a half per cent. sp ending t he wee k·end witt) t h e ir a t this writi ng. We all hop!! for a grandmot her s, Mesdames McKay Lebanon, eave UB ~ but pleaspermanent and speedy re(:overy. The Capital Ci,ty is gaily decand Hayworth in Wilmington . ant call on. Sunday J'!lomine. ol'llted fo/' the sta te's ann ual exposit ion, t he S'tate Fa ir, a nd c~'o\Vds are ' pOllring i nto t he il'ounds as the t u r nstiles click m~r rill'. Manager Cha rles M. Beer 1---"," states that t his year's exposition wi1l far outdo any previous s tate fair. All avenues are crow ded a nd t he exhibits and concession s outval any other year. Music is being iurnished dai ly by a boys band of 800 musicians st!lected fro m the various .pub lic' sc h ool~ over t he state. All are hou sed 1n tents o n t he gro unds. Of '{M' W~Q.\'O·~ G~E~"
WATCHES W e Ha.. a Comple te Watch Re pair Senice Alid U!'I!' (1) Iy g~nuilll' lYIulel'iul~. Cl'yslulfl. iitll'd while you wait.
Cary's Jewelry .Shop
u ••
Domestic Issue First
. Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Sight Specialist SO Yoars Experience In Fitting and Making Glasse.
Cary'sLebanon. JewelryOhioShop Tue. da y, Thuraday, Sa tur day E~ am i" ati on Free . LEBANON OHIO , .
rall-II •••••••••_ •••
R OOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle, ohogll, sheep and cai ne to Norris-Brock Co., live wi re ui progressive firm for hla-h_ market prices and good Unio n Stock Yard.' Clncinll&t!t-O • Tune in on Radio Station W\,;AY 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. tor our dally market reporUl.
tb, Ifl'-n,•.
New Burlington
N .. tional B_II: W lIJ. Dr~W1l • • E.tat.. S.t tl.cI WAYNESV ILLE, OHIO
Stanley &Koogler
JESSE STANLEY Phone 320, Ne. Baril......
Bank Bldg,
Da" tOll Pho ... KEamor. a,sa
Farm Night 1alhs, August 22
Beech Grove
-----.- ---
."'" ''',~ ''-U!. Ci~~,( J OQ ~\5 '(i~"V
!.~E~ '
Governor Whilte w ill open t.he t hl'ee day com m.~m orati o n of the 160t h a nniversaTlr of the massac re crf ninety old Mo ravian Indians at Gnadenhutten, T 1Jscar awu coun t y in 1782. The govtlm or will address t he ga theri ng on opening day, FridllY Septembe r 2nd , at 1 :30 o'cloc k together with Unit ed States Senator Simeon D. Fess. On afte rnoon At torney Sa t ur day General Gilbert Be t t man a nd Dr. W. O. Thompson w ill ' deliver ' ad dresses. Un ited · S tat es Senator Robert Bul kley is expected either Fridar Sat urda y. A gre at historica pagean t with more than 500 parti cipati~ g wi!l1 be given b.0t h Friday and a nd itiatu rQ4y. A !lmginlf society of several hund red vOices fro m Clev,eland will f ur nish t he mu !!ical pr ogram Satu rday.
aGN.l6M\r/I .1ft,l1 . -
The tablet st amped Bayer dissolves so quickly you get instant r~1ief frOfllheadaches orotller pm,n-,---"--There is rio disagreeable taste or odor to tablets pf B ayer manufacture; no harmful quantities of free salicylic acid to upset the stomach ; no coanc particles to irritate throat or stomach.
MOST . ~
CNt.1\. 1ft\.\. '
'That name t ells you it cannot depress the heart.
_ - - - -Odd:;-But TRUE
, fl.1\\\~
The Bayer Cross is not just a trade-mark. but . symb~l of safety.
On Friday, September 2nd, a class of 60 0 willi b e gradllated at t he s ummer . chpol at Ohio State Un iverRitv , the exer cille, to. b e held in the me n'l! gymnallium, following which a reception will be he ld 101' mem ' of the claas, Mo t of the are candidate!! 'for d.eea. The "OYlvocat,ion adclllelll will be deliver E. Held of the and Adminia
Sept. ath ~r,6th, 7th, 8th A BII 4 Day and' 4 Harness Horse Racing Eac ~l AfternoonRunning Races Eath Night-· Hiah Classed Free Attrac tions Lar.e Exhibits of Live Stock, Agricultural, Horticultural .nd Grange DtsplaY5 . , Schools, 4·H Club and Antique Exhibits Children 12 Years and Under accoml'anled by parents Admitted Free any day . . Soldier.' D.y, Wednesday, Sept ember 7th
Attend the Mor.. t llOmerv County Fair. You will enjoy t IIIGfty eductJtior:aal a nd eft~~rtainin. I_a,...
(0 rd 110m of the lastellt honea In th circuit, with harnt>1I>1 r .... .>.eh uftt'rnlHIlI an.1 runniJlC L R..a E.tat. Broiler. rlll'l't< lit nlltht. Th l'Vt'ntnlC fair Aactlo . . . r and In.uranee will 1)1' malil' nthat'liv ..' to further Blblielll 101' leila 1.18 t.hat at one l'xtt'nt by a .:ul1\l"II\Y of 27 lll\rsonK W8rne..llle, Ohio h IIded by .Jal'k <'hampilln Who will tim" t.he lI un hid hla face in hame stage (Continued from pace 1) a gllfulltic IIl'lJgrlllll of ,"ul'ied because of the ,wfui alns of man- al'rublltil: turn~. In additioh there Mo!t Reu.onable Terlllll hill~. happening nobody aee ms to know, kind, At 2 :30 o'clock thl8 after\I ill I e ho ~1.' l'how introduc ing ( ontinu d trom Paa-e 1) Ott. we il l The seore: nClon, the aun a lrain went into re- !lOllle of lht'·nnl,,.t III unt.'S in t.he WENDYS tir"ment, but not from the same lIlidulr we. t. pUI·tll1l'IlL I'Il'a ~c nol~ ~l\l-d\lll.y ,I llh n I' '11.', (If St'uvl.'r, i~ \·isitlng ub crlbe for the Miami Gazette. AB R H P,O A caus ' . howev r. This time the th' dl'IlRtlllHmt. It'll 'h"I' und rOOIll r.. irlld" h rl:'. th:i w('ck. nu UBI 'v('nts of the fuir will E 1J I . 5 0 eclipse wa caused by tb mopn include a hOI's' und mule team \ hieh Im:Wl'r, ruur Jlt' ed~. e ~ lnger s 1 3 0 0 coming directlt between t he sun Co lh'gt' Prell . Miss R ltbllin~, pullin g ('onle!lL (III :eptember 7th. ,"In. ()"CII I' ~mith pl'nt Friday J HeIsinger 2b 3 1 0 1 2 Ramseyer, 3b Ii O I L 3 0 and the eart, thus obscurinll: ']'here wil! be llbt'rul displays in all H(lom 17. \\ hh friell(l: III Lebanon. "b 0 0 0 about 80 of the lugn body L' ull1l'\'('i!,I- lr. lIulfmun, Ruo m Myel'l!," , I:l to~k oepart.me nt · and this year as . 0 0 0 f' f !louse- .bCleming, 1h 0 rom VI w. 0 our citi zens, a llo\'elty th I' will be un exhib-_ mil . T I r . 3 0 0 1 0 01 generation had prepared of the unger AIrL'icu!turl.', .1'11'. Cl·:J bbl.', Ruom IIY or, r smoked i ion of antiques in which tho en.).) . tire county i~ taking an int rest. MI'. lind Mr ... J. W . Lot:-. vi~it d Nh e ubl'lInder. If 4 1 1 0 1 0 glasseJl and othel' meal18 of opticlIl ~-iJ III 8Cll n omicM - Mi~s Henkle, 'l'l'lnti\'(;~ III Lo nd o nd~l'l'r, SundllY. 'r ompson, cf . " 1 1 0 0 0 Funn d isplllYS by incliv idullls and t t' i We ar naturally pleased when vel' h ar H 11111 1ll. Eldridgo, c 2 0 2 GOO pro ec Ion n order to gain a bet- granges 1)1' mi!;t' to be . peeially . M ts 'J 0 tel' view of the phenomenon. Book. , ~UIlIJ li l!s an,1 lockel' nt!· favorab le comm nts on our work from the familie w School SUpp\iI~S! G t. them at .~ . 1 9 1 This is the first. total eclipse of lllbol'nt.e. a on, e ~iguments aI" IIvuilablc 0 " foli w ': M I':'. FaIT'S ll U,III1! l:ito "e on Thit'd H HeI singer p 3 Mor thnn 1000 boys and girls 0 0 1 2 0 the sun that has been visible in sel''' , 01' th ir friends. It i . always gratifying toknow Bou ks I1nd ' UppHl'S - Mr. llllt· ~ tr~et. Dol:'nch, p I 0 1 0 0 0 this part of. the country, for a throughout the count.y will show . tiehl, H ,IO Ill 16. . that ur trons have been appreciated , great . many year 80 many who. thl!Y huv a ccOnJl)liRh d in Girl' Lo<'l,('1's !\Tn . . Buerkle, 1i:<. 11,. 1' thy Dakin, of Pullman T otals 34 4' 8 27 9 1 or us wer viewing d. for the fh-st theil' 4-JJ ('Iub ~ , ther e will be Wll i>h .. i: the guest of h r aunt, How v r, we realize that real improvement in our Ro In 10. time. Many amusing stories 111' county schunl 'l: hildr n's xhiblts W. A. C, Boys' Lo.:ker und K tly~ - ilJ'. :\li,, ~ ~larWright. told ot 'former eclipses, whell more of high m I'it, hUII1 ' del)'lonslrlltion ervice call. for con tructi e criti ism as well a Gal'8t, Roof 1.,1 •. AB R HPO A E illiterate people became frighten· proj ela will be staged by women ~IJ·. Ern t H rtso('k ; dllughter Thl.! sch~duJl! of da "~1! fOI' ~IOll ' guqu t ." W may b blind to certain fault, which 1'!",11ll1l Ilnd s.\l1 Milo altend,'d the Harlsock, rf .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 ed and expected t he end of tbe of the county. and the Duyton Art d3\' nft erll on is II foll ,)'\ 8:' l. John, 3b . ,1 0 1 1 0 0 world and the Great Judgement in t.itute, (llIe of thl! finest of its ar Quit apparent to other . Statt' FlIlt· Tu sday, Pc'I'iud l. - l~ :"O to 1 :0U Burton, s .. 4 0 1 5 6 0 Day. Fowls are said t() have gOlle kind in the middle west, will put Periou 11.- 1 :Q 4 to t :2." 4 0 1 3 2 1 to roost, and cattle came in from on an unu unl dis play. 1\11 .. RUlluld Hawke \\'a" ho stes~ Mendy, 2b If any I' ader of thi a dvertis m nt cun suggest Period HI . 1:2' 1 1:4. Admi8si()l) pri('e. ~hi. yeu\" have to the "JIIlIy ~[Ill,,,(ln~" and II few Hough, If ... 4 0 1 1 0 0 the field s to their stables. Pel'iuu IV.I :~5 to 2 :12 . any way in which our work can be impl'ov d in any deben cut in htlJf ;;0 thnt 25 cents Ellis, lb ..... 4 0 111 0 0 fl'il'n'I~, Friel y litll' rlloon. P"l'iuu V.- 2:16 to 2:36. will admit. one to l'verything tl1at Wentz, .c t .4 t 1 0 0 0 tail, w will be glad ' to gi e hi ideas thoughtful con' tuur, H ome R . - ~ :40 to II :3 0. M i,.ses 'Bl.ll1che and Pearl Riley Gons, 3b, l'f .. 4 0 3 3 2 1 i' on di p i Y within lhe gruunds. ' tuuy, ~l1d hllck: 3 :30 lo oj :00, sid ration. Constructive criticism will help us to realize t11:l·ompani"d· by Mr. and Ml'R. C. Reeder, c . . 3 () Advanc indications are that t.hel'e 2 2 0 Pupils. houlu plan tc) purchase L . Duke nttendoeo the tate Fair, Vogel, p . . 2 0 0 will be mor than ever t.o see and Il 0 0 4 0 our ambition, which i to render a en ice a nearly nil uovk.; not later tha n t onday on 1\I0nda,y greater and 'm ore varied line of · Ramby .... 1 O· 0 0 0 0 mtlrning. The book tore will b perfect as lie within our power. am us m nl>! thun in lIny PI' 'yious Every feature that will providll 11)1 ' II in the forenoon IIml Il'o m MI'. lind Mr. arl h rwo d at- Totals . .. . . 34 1 9 27 16 yellr. the ultimate in instruction und 2 :40 to .j :0 0 p. rn. Bring your ·tt'n <iell the Ansnn family I'cunion .. Batted for Vogel in 9th. amusement ha s been provid~ for bouk. to la&lcs li n Tt\esdIlY. b'tw('l:'n IIul'\'c y_bul'g and WiI: LOCAL GIRL BROADCASTS Reg! tl'lItion will co ntinue from ,!'lingt n, unday. 123456789- th th()usand w ho will attend the . :00 II. Ill. until 11 :4011, m. Do . Welldys 0310000 0 0-4 annual Montgomery Coul).ty Fair. 1>1i R L!!adn Werntz, sixteenWayneaville, Ohio not fllil to eli u s you r cours\! Ml. s raYe )( 11 y, iCllchu at W A Phone 7 .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1 to be hid In Dayton, Septemb r year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr~, 5th to th inclusive, day and night. with pot'l!lIt!\ before coming to thl' Gr~d() scho01, lind her father Earned Runs - Wendy}! Diver ity . of produetIJ sh ow n will Robel't WeI'ntz, of ol'wi n, broad. school for th is IJUrpo;;e. n,lo~'c d mto the K" ys properly on WA 1. make thl a comprehensive exp si- cast Ii prograll1 of 8WI:'et v cal UPtl ' I' ~rllde pupils will be reg· 1 hll'u :;Ll'eet, t Clday. Le'ft on Base - Wendy's 4; tion of Miami Valley agricultu'r al music ovel' Rlldlo Station W MK i tel'ed in their Hom ~ ruoms and ~l .• M ". J I b and civic advanc ment, a ll of at aytQn. Monday afternoon, at by the teacher in cbllr~e li S indio . r. anu r!=!. L. • g es ee and WA 8. cated below: daught~r, of near Wilmington, . to len Base - Thompson, E ld- which will be augmented by ample 3:45 o'clock. Th young lAdy pose. se a v ie of unusual s weatentertai-nment. 6th Grnul' C('/1. und 11.- lis. II el'l:' ~unda ~' ~:u~sts of . fr o nnd ndge, Ellis. Th pe d p.l'og-ram will bring F ox, Room 3. ~lr s. End Coyloe and son. Sacrifice Hi Taylor. Double Play- Neubrander to 7th Grnd~, 'ec, 1.- 1111'. Brown Me "I' . 'a muel Butt rworlh and Matson to Rllmseyer t o J . Hel ing- ~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~-::::-:::=---~-:-:-~-~=-~=--:-::== R I)m 7. ,\lbert Frye cEllled n Jr. A, A . el'. 7th Grntle, 'ec. n.- Mis Drill, Linton and daughter Ethel in Innings Pitcl1ed- H, HeIsinger ~ om 4. Wilmington, on last Friday. 7; Doench 2; Vogel 9. th Grad, ee. I. nnd Il.- Mr. Milt. arah mith, 1\11'. Belle Base Hi If Heisinger' 8; off Jam s, Room 'J. Immediately upon ~' OU" arrival Dinwiddie, Mr~. Leah Strouse, and Doench 1. Struck Ou by HeIsinger 11; in th building y ou will go to thc Mrs. Truman 'V ardlow and dauJrh. I' om and be eatpd until in ~t l'uct.· leI' were Xeni ~1 visitors, Monday, by Doench 3; by Vogel 2 . Bases on Ball ·by HeIsinger ed by lhe teocher t o go t.o book Mrs. ad Iroll and two son s 1; br Vogel 2, room or come to desk for regis· and 1\1r ·. Thomp '(1n and HIt Bat m8.ll-by tmtion. Upp r Grade boys may rent 8 (I f Franklin. Sile nt last 'T'h"?,..l o,, A R ecier). Umpires - Jim Lovely locker on fir t floor by eoming t o wi th 1\11'. nnd 1\ ;r . Elmer heehan. Atchley. t.he . chool office. Room 14, and Re. . ,Dibert and Russ 11 - _ _ __ _ paying Mr. Garst th fiOe key d • B nUey atte nd lid the annual picnic --P it. This hould be done not of thl:' GI'een(' county Fish and later than. the aftemoon of the Game Pro,ect'ive as. ociation at first day of chool. Grove', n aT Xenia, last All ixth grad girls will u.( ,K itelJs dn sday. the clollk room in the lun ch room. ST. MARY'S CHURCH S v nth and eighth grade girls everul of her il'iends perpe. will find cloak and lunch box ac- trat.ed n plensQ,Dt surprise on Mrs~ Rev. J. J . Schaeffer, Rector With the opening of school only 12 days away, commodations in the hallway f Le WI" Gar-don at \Vllyne Ptlrk, Fifteenth Sunday a1ter Trinity, now is t~e time to purchase school supplies, Why girls' basement. Upper grad l\1on~ay aveni;ng. The affair was Septem ber 4. Church Ilchool at wait untIl the last moment. We are again handling bOY!l who do not rent a locker will stag d in h onolr of the Indy's birth· () :30; ermon and Holy Communfinu coat and hlnch box accom- dlly annive.rsary. . the following su p plies for school use: I iOn at 10:30. modations in the hallway off the The l'ell:ula'r meeting of St. WAYNESVILLE M, E, CHURCH boys' bll ement. TABLETS, RULERS, PENCILS, PASTES, CRAYONS Th e ntil'e motning of the first Mary's Guild will be held at the G. C. Dibert. Paator .-'II PENS, INKS . day until 1'1 :40 wil! be taken up home 0'1 Mrs. Susan Pnyne on unday School at 9 :30 a. m. with regi tration and book 's al 8. Thursday aft.ernoon, September 1 The a:fternooll W ill be used for 1st., at two o'dock. This will be in Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. , I And, in fact, everything necessary for the school . There ~n be no pl'eaching ~er clas work can isting of 20· minut the form of III doll.o.r social. .:;hild . " ~O period fot: each class: same pro- " A full attendance i much de- VIce, mormng or evening, dUe to ired. the absence of the pastor, who Ia gram as High school. attending Conference in Oin. Plan to buy nil your textbooks or spoil the pleasure or Miriam J 1m, small daul<'hter ti. und s upplies on the first. day of your motor trip on thin school. Bring your book!l to c ia s of Mr. and Mrs. St. lair .F ife. of Wilmington, undel'went an operaWAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP on Tuesday. If uriable to purchas danaeroua tires when YOII CHRIST. books earlier in the day pupil tion for the rl.'moval of her tonCan traced to the lunch box. In selecting and can put on .Dew Goodyear. sil! at the Dill-Dilatush clinic in WncfenomlnatJonAl) may see Mr.' Jumes at the book preparing food for the child, it should be the best -world'. FIRST -CHOICE room No. 5 between 2 :40 ano Lebanon, last Friday. She and her Chester A. William IOn, Minlatel' and we handle the best in this lin.e mother and brother are now 4 :00 p. m. Church School at 9:30 a . m. tiree-at theee low prieN. I(Ullst at the home of Mr. and Mrs Athletiu "The school that ill dlft'erent." Le ter Gordon. MEATS, SANDWICH MATERIALS~ FRUITS, Thel'e will be several apecia) Athl lics: Coach. Mr. Huffrnan : 1ealU'1''''' Sunday and we invite you assistant in charge of upper COOKIES, CAKES, JAMS AND JELLIES to enjoy the day with os. Chri.. grades, Mr. Jame ; assistant in charge of 10wl:'1' grades, Mr. Young ah nd and c~loperate successfully tian Ende~vor at 6:46 p. m. with all whom we contact. Georee MIller, Leader. EveniDtr Faculty Manager, Mr. Hatfield ; Iistic service at 7 :46 p. m. Assistant Faculty Manager, Mr. Sehool OrcaDiaationl 7 . ".,,·m,on subject., "A Blind Alley or Garst ; H . . girls coach, MillS pOl'tsmanshjp Brotherhood, ExKing's Highway." Prayel' Hellkle; uppel' grade girls coach, MILLIONS MOlE PEOPLE IUY GOODYEARS eting ellch Wed~esda)' at 7 :46 Miss J. Fox; score1' for athletic ecutive COUlBeil- Miss Robbins, Huffman and MI'. Hatfield. Mr. p. m. Short choir practice at conWayneaville, Ohio events, Miss Robbin s ; tjmer 'for Let.t Llfetlm. G ........... Pho"e19 Vocational Committee Mrs. clusion, The church where you feel athletic events, Mr. Jame ; Athlet· Buerkle, rtfiss Henkle and Mr. at home. . ::;~~~;;;:;:;;:~~~~;;;;;;;~;~~ ic Council, same Sport manship rabbe. Brotherhood Ex. as Council. llatfield, ST. AUCUSTINE'S CHURCH Senior :lass-Mr. The primary respon ibility of the athletic manager is that of room 12. Junior dalls- Mr. Ga1'st, room handling the lund of the Sports8I1RRTWlST OOaD TIRU be held every two rI . Services manship Bro~herhood, contract for 17. weeks on Saturday morning. CA.SIl ....ca . SophomOt'e classMr. Huffman, athletic conte 18 and work in coordinatio n with the coach in mat- room 8. FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST Freshman class - Mr. Brown, ters of business generally. The reo tJ ndenominaUonal) spon sibility of assistant ma nager room 10, . Chester A. Williamion Eighth G1'llde-Mr. J ame , room consists chiefly in chee king eli. IaI'rL Church School at 9:30 a. m, gibiliW of athletes, drawing up 1. ~ Seventh S,ec. I .- Miss Henkle, LOI'd's Supper and sermon at 10:and su pplying the office a.n d conTu" , •• .......1. testil\g schoo'ls with eligibility lists room 3. (First hack and town pup- 30 a . m. Sermon subject, "Too Late." You are always welcome and assi ting t.he rrranagilr general. ils.) Seventh, Sec. n .- Miss Drill, at this chl,lrch. Iy . It shall be the aim of the .... ~ , athlJ!tic council to spill'e n o effort room 7, (8e(:ond hack). 'ixth Gl'llde-Miss J, Fox, to keep a th letics on the highest plane, both as to s por t.smanship room 4, (Both hacks Ilno town). ....... 9 •• Fifth Grade - Mr. Young, Tu. . . . . and athletic superio)·i ty. All mOlley accruing from dues, room 4, .(Both hacks and town). Fourth Grade- Miss McKinsey, f ees, admissions, etc., must this year be bunked by the sponsor of ~'o o m 6, (Fir!!t Hac.k). About 16 or 20 01 the male }'ourth, Sec. H. -Mib Campbell I. wr ..... the organization. The proper books will be kept by each spo nsor room 8, (Second. hack and town>, members and friends' of tile local . . 0 . ................. . Third Grad,e- Miss Lile, room 3 M. E . church gathered .t Frank In accordance with the economy ~ . LeMay'S grove la'llt Frida, morn. progl'lIrn of Wa.vne Twp. Schools, (F irst hack). T hird, Sec, IL- Miss E. Fox, ing,' and ' pent a busy day clltting ....... u.... .... ' . _ the following will not be furn ish .. ~_ . . . . a. . ... ed at school expe nse : constructioll room 7, (Sec.o nd hack and town). 'rood to be burned In the 1ulma.ceJ Second Gr:Bde- Miss Hartsock, at the church this winter. Ten paper, primary pencils and paper, examination paper, ink, . paper rOom 2, (Fir:~t hack and town), cords or inore of four-foot wood . . . . . nlllllwl e I • econd, Sec. II.- M iss Kelley, resulted from their lobora, which clips, thumb tacks, printed and ' or... or.New .. ..., ...... were directed by John Fromm and m im eo~ ra phed tests, reading cir- room 9, (Sec ond hack) . First Grade- Miss Reeder, room Wilbur Clark a s "Wood. Bosses." cle hooks, perfect attendance cer·At the noon hour. the WOOd cutt, (Fir t hack and town), tificates-, magazine, etc. Tr .• dr in First, Sec. H .-Miss Hunter, ters repaired to the Bocla1 room of To etrect further economy faT the church, where a bounteous and schoo l and patron, a ll text books room 5, (Sllcl3nd hack) . Your Old Tires appetizing dinner Willi lerved by remain the same as last year. CommiUtle 'on Dramatiu The necessity of quality in ladle of the ,Aid society. under Work · bQoks . will be used only in tOR NEW " t he .1c~er8hip of their ' president, ChairmaJl--Ml ss R obbins. . lumber is realized by builders thos' co'u/'ses whet'e the State De· Mr!. M. W. Silver. _ _ .... _ .. i __ GOOn-tEAR oi lJigh Schoo l plays and Coach 3b5 3h6 in this community. partment 1)( Eduuation makes speciflc requirements, namely: Pal'!. Law.-M r. Garst, All_~ Coach of orat ol'y and operettas £NJOY HAY RIDE Flcience. AICI'iculture and CommerOur business and reputation' cial. Teachers in the various - Mrs, Buerkl e. EATHERS Coach of H. S'. and Upper is fo unded upon the idea of j.(1·adcs and departments, h owever, Mrs. H. E. Hathaws}, chaperonaACIl Q\i r.uu Complete will find many helpful teaching Grade Debating and Grad~ Pari. ed a jolly party ' of 46 rirls giving the best possible advice aid!'; in work.books and related Law- Mr. Bro wn. !"emben ot the Good Cut Cloth: Line of · a nd ser vice to our customers. Chairmen of the various groups tng club and their friendll 011 a GOOD USED TIRES textbooks other tha n tholle i n use. R uch a portsmanship BrotherA goodly lIupp ly I)f drill a nd "prachay ' ride, lut Thurada, e~eniDg. BUILDERS ,I up-Expert Tin tice matHial is on hand, a8 hood, Vocational Committee and The pany. fi1'llt went to John Lumber which has stood the Dramalics are charged with the reSUPPLIES ~tandard q uip ment, and sho uld be Roser's camp, near Rid .. eville test of time, in buildings in' this .Vulcanl. . . . taken adv an tage of by al\ teach· sponsibility of calling their com- where. a "corn roast" witt! an th~ mittees into a meeting once a and other communities,' came ers. trlmmID'. was enjo,ed; then fol. rt·OOl our yards. This ~ho uld be lin outstandinll month to disc uss the welfare ot lowed a long, happy tour of the ...... _--: " ... :.::::. P. II. ~ ......._ _ • that departmen t and make plans yeaT in !lcholarsbip achievement surrounding eountry. Forre8t for Our schools. We mll t call Into fl)r the schQol year. A iter the time Houah waa chauffeur for the part, Our reputation and experiuse every means to help the pupils of meE'ting and work to be acence is at your service. Come in to a decidedlY high degree of complished have been o@1tel'lmUleO mastery in all that they undertake a complete report, and let U8 serve you, to learn under OUT tutelage. plana, will be made tll.!he I;!~::~ Whether you are younJP; or well tendant. So that mOlt ..i ellperienced in the -art 01 teachlnlf work may bE' done. the follo.rln. let us ever bear in mind that we l ub-eommitt.ee!l are have in our the children siAt the l~o,~~t:~!l=~ will be the of t:o.lnorll'n..·•• School DI&Y B-~-.IIU II C!all be When cannlntt with a PI' ure pf'tco('k on thE' ",,.lkl'r pen until steam t'stape lJl Ii ~ttlady lItream for even minute~, to drj e All of the air out of the ('l)oker. It} n t nough to wait until th cuping ga begins to ('(t(lker hlwl' th
Poor Base RunDin. Solar Edipae Costs WAC'S Game It Was Seen Here With WendF'aTeam
:. :.0. :;= _
Suggestions Invited
The Montlomery County Fair
- --
J. E!' McClure
Services At the Churches SuDda
Doa't risk . . aeak
Spark p./ug
- --
...- --
Men Cut Wood for Methodist Church
La..... Tbat Stand.
tb. T ••t 01 TI_e
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'4!! ......,.,.,. .......
~_ .W
Gordon' • Service station
Ehrhty-Fifth Year
VOC.r. Will b. A.ked to ReDew
Tllre •• Mill Le"" Which Will Not lncrea •• Tax Rat. The til'st summoJls of tille old ehool bell fo)' the 1932-33 term 'NilS answered by 637 pupils, Monday morning. While the enrollment was a bit smallel' than that of a year ago, indications are that regist17ations t hrouihout the remainder of the we ek will bring the total up to or 'over tbe former figures. Monday 's registration was divided as follows: Grade Building : Miss Reeder, 25; Miss Hunter, 17; Mill8 Hart. soc k, 30; Mi II J{elley, 16; MillS Lile, 28; Miss Elizabeth Fox 29; Mi s8 Campbell, 31; MillS McK1Dsey 82; Mr. Young, 55; total lor building 263. ' Departmental Gl'ades : VJ., 56" VII., 63; VIn., S~; total for ali irades, 421. High School: Freshmen, 38 ; Sophomores, 32; Junlorll, 19; nior , 27; total :lor H. ., 116, The purchase ot the three large new bus bodies was fully ju tilled when Albert Cleaver arrived from hi 1\1' t tript • hauling 51 passengeJ's in , BUll No . 6. '6 of whom were ated. The l.at 22 had entered the bUB in Corwin, an<l Mon· day evenin" the drivers of Bu~ses 6 and 6 were instructed to meet In Corwin the ne~ morning and di· "ide the load more equally. Mis Edna Drill, of Greenville, who had been IIngaged to teach in th ,departmental gradel, retused the position, dl.l ring the latter part of last week, 10 Henr:y Kyle, of Cedarville, Watl engaged for the position. Mr. Kyle, who has had five years of teaching experience comell to our schools very highly recommended. At the Monday ev nlng meting of the school . board, Mary Crane wall appointed to serve as School Librarian f or the term, and it was decided to dismiss school on Thursday and Friday, Se})tember 22 and 23, in order to allow the pupila to attend the Warren County Fair. The boal'<! also decided to ask the voters of the district for a five year renewal of the extra three· mill school levy that has been in effect for everal years. This is not a new levJlt and positively will not raise the local tax rate one bit when it is pa sed. In fact. the amount of taxes collected will be somewhat lees, due to the fact that property valuations for taxation purpose!! have been lowered. The Utica board came before the loeal board askinlt transportation rates for pupils of their dis· trict. whom they dl!sired to lIond to the Wayne Town~bip schools. The board named a price which would bately cover tiLe cost or the extra bus route that would be necessarv to accommodate these pupils. amount was more than the Utica gentlemen felt able to guarantee, 110, with th" exception of family, who lives just over the line they will probably make other arrangements. Wltile the local board i anxious to accommodate our neigltboT~ng \ dl!tricts, they feel that the Interests and convenience of the pUpils and patrons of their own -district should receive I\rst consideration at .11 times.
Service. At the , , Churche. Sunday
Mi.s Jellsie Clllrke friends in Detroit.
vi, iting
Mr. R. A. 1'08~ i~ vi. iting relatives ill Brown count)', thi week. Mrs. . Thelma Su ..race wa, the unday gu·est of Mi ss Dena Hop-
Mr , Laura Zell spen t seve ral day last week with l'elativ s in Xenia. Mi ~s Evelyn 81'twright ha s en· tered the l.ittleford-Nelson college at incinnati,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and Clyde Fromm spent tile week.end at Ind ian Lake . Mrs. Laura Side~ and Mr . F.'E Thomas visited the Montgomery county fair, Monday.
Mr. and MI·s. J. D. Bolin, of Dayton, were week-end gltest8 of WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHVRCH ¥ r. and l\[ r8. arl ~'I'ye . G. c. pibert, Putor Mr. and 1111' , Wilbur lark enWedne dar: Bible stlldy and tertained on , Wednesday in honor prayer meetmg at 7 :30 p. m. Mrs. Kathryn Riggs' birthFriday: Choir practice at 8 ;00 of day. p. m. , Sunday' Sunday sehool at 9 ;30 Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett a. m. Morning wol'!lhip at 10 :30_ at East Libert.y, called on Mr. and Epworth Leall'ue at 7 :00 p. m. Mr. W. O. Raper, one day ~ast Evangelistic services at 8 ;00 p. m. week, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP CHRIST (Undenominational) Cheater A. Williamaon, Minuter Church School at 9 :30 a : m. 'The school that Is different." Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chrilltian Endeavor at 6 ;30 p. m. Earl WooJard, Leader. EVening evangelistic services at 7 :80 p. m. Note chance of time for evening services. Sermon lIu_ject, "The Lower Lights." Baptismal service at conclusion. Pray.er meeting and Bible StUdy each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Short Choir practice at coneJusiQn. John T. Chase, millSlonary to Japan will be with UII Wednesday, September 14. Don't millS him. T.he church where you feel at home.
The winds blew, the lI'ain de cend d an(\ Rtopped thl! scheduled i>ase ball gam> between teams rep· re '\!Illing WAC a.nd Bellbrook when an inning and a half had been p1ayed at Wayne Park, llnday aft I'noon. Each.' t am had scor d tWQ run, but LUI! Hartock had made the olle and only f;aCe hit. ,J llsl look at the starting line-up of th two Ileams. Bellbl'OI)k: E:. Darby, 3b; Hopkins, If; Pennewitt, c; R. Darby, 5S; Tate lb; Harl'y Tul'n I '. 2b; Harold B rryhilI, rf; A rnolu Barlon, cf; Lansinger, p. W A : Hartsock, 2b; Ellis, p; Ramby, rf; Gons, 3b; Reed er H; H ough cf; ' Red ' Compto n, ] b; 'arleton ook, c; Chas. Thompson, ss. Be llbroo k' Tuns were th e result t)[ a walk, a theft thr e el'rors and Ii passed ball. Hartsock' s hit, an ~ I'\'or on a fielder'S choice. a passed ball a wild pitch and an inReid out had tie<! thl~ sco re for WAC. The visito'!'!! hiad been reti red without much trouble in the second, and Hough had stepped to the plate to start the' latter half when rain put Iln end 1.0 hostilities. The same teams wil) again try conclu, ions on the SlIrTle field, next Sunday.
The l\liami "laid F oot! ' 1I1L mel Thul'StillY, S<'plcmb ,. I. The meot·
Mi ~!< ~ar
h 'milh vi 'ited fri nd. entel'villl.' . la. t week.
J ohn ing hi.
taley, of Dayton, is "is it· M l·~. Maude Fetter.
,i~t 1',
M,'s. W. M. tuck, of Columbia i!l vi!';iting Wayne~ville Mo" fri ndR. Mr. Howard F lorence attend d th fu n ral of his I~te I' in W e~ L Virgin ia, atu'rclay. George MilleJ' i~ the !;(l l oi~t at the hur h of hl'ist eVllngelistic tent at Belmont, thi week. Miss H enrie~ta Thul'~day morning
McKins y left to resume her work in tht' Ashtabula scho ols.
Number 6080
Miami Maid Food Club in Seaaion
Guild WAYNE TWP. SCHOOLS St. Mar,'. Social I. Held 1-1-tI~....r.~L LAUNCH TERM WIT H LARGE ENROLLMENT The dollar social held by St. Mary's Guild on Thursday arte\'noon, September 1, at t he hom e of Mrs. Susan Pa~rne, was welt·attended conaidermjt the excel8ive heat, and a neat sum 'Wall added to the treasury. !IoAfter a bUsiness sellaion, a stiort .program was enjoyed. An interestin, description of a church ' recently built In Japan en titled "BllIhop Nichols Consecrates Hik<me Chapel," was read by Mrs. Lee Hawke. Mrs. Edith 'Harris read a timely article on present eonditions "The Way Out of the Debauch." A paper on "Activities 0'1 St. Mary's Guild," W1'itten by Mrs. Laura Mosher was read by Mrs. Bert Hartsock. During th lIocial hour, deliciou refre hments were served by the ho tess assisted by Mrs. Bert Hart80ck and Mrs. Ronald Hawke.
inK WII called to ol'der by lhe pro ident, Mildred Fuu l. ' Til r~ were' ei -ht mcmu;,l'lS and on.,. visitor pt·e!;e nt. The 101lu\\ iug ways of ~ rving The Contrrecation and Friend. of cottug cheesc wi 11 be ex\u\)ileo til Family Are Well Pleaaed at the Warrell counLy filiI' : Collage ch :> Ilk .., cottage With Reappnintment che se pie, custard, cotLagl! chc('~e and cuc ulllbel' salad, stuffed dat s According to thll li~ t of minis· and lea, stuft'e<I prun e!> cottage l'h se sulad, cottage cheese lind tel'ild ,a ppuintments read at the peppel's, cottage cheese and pears, 'l'uesday ses~ion of th Ohio Concotta ge cheelse sa ndwich e', co t- I' rence or the M. E, Church. tuge cheelle a , II mairl di~h, cal'l'ot hei ng held in incmnnti, the Rev· ~alad, tomato sulad. ' lL was d cided to conlinu e our G, • Dibel't j" return~d to Waym etingl; through the winter nesville fol' his third year in the 1I10nths. Adjoumcd to meet later 11a lorale of t.h l ocal church. The in September. complete list. of appointmenta was I' llblish d in thj ~ 111()rning's papers. Other appointments of former (lastors of the local clurch, and present pastors of neiehborinlr hurches, that may be of interest to our readers include, Rev. John A mUll l'tho at fit' t gave hi! C. Bickel, Superinte ndent of the nallle as Earl HellS but. was later iuentified as Thomn. arey, 37, of Dayton di trid; Rev. R. L. Croll6l, Uay ton . wa tak n into custody at at Lebanon; Rev. George H. the Lebanon postoffice 18 t Tue· :>mith at Franklin; Rev . C. R. day mOl'ning on ·a f deral warrant :pangle r at Ma on; Rev. · H. H. rh rging u 0' of th e mails with in/ferty at ipringboro-MorTowJ~ytle; Rev. G. W. Robin8 at Hart nt to defraud. arey pl eaded n ot rplilty when ·re ysburg.Lumberton; Rev. C. S. ta en t pringfield for arraign- ~ rauser at Worthington; Rev. III nt, and was pillced in the lark aron . Watkins at Cairo; and co unty jail at Springfield in de- Rev. Ralph oUon Jones at Oxford fau lt of $2600 bond. The court set Parish. September 20 a s a dat for his The return of the Rev. Mr. Dibert hearing. :0 the Wayn 8ville church had Carey, it is aid, hlld advel'tised bee n eagerly wiRhed ror and conu ed carnival equipment for ale. 'idenUy eXp'ected. He and his ex· He asked pro pective purchllsers rello nt famlly have endeared themof his equipment to make a de· s lvell. not only to the members of posit sU I>p osodly to cover (lOst!! of .hls congregation, but to the entire shipping. The hipment was never ~ onlmunit.y as well. We willh him made, aut.horit.ies assert. ,oel ",peed in all his efforts lookin~ He ill ~aid to have operat d in to the betterment and elevation of ' other cities. Ollr community.
MAN ARRESTED IN Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Burton reU. S. MAIL FRAUD tu l'I\ed to Elyria, last Friday . M BUI't.on i a teacher in the El;Y'ria 1',
>!c hool!';.
O. J. Edward and J. W. Edwards nod family, of nellr Green field, IIpent the week-end with relatives h re o Mr. and Mrg, J. B. Hawke and rinughter, of pringfi ld, called on Waynesville relatives, Monday afternoon. Mis May Wl'ight and Miss Dorothy Dakin ar dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R onald Howke this evening.
Mr. and Mrs, 1I1ilton ' Thompson and 60n were Sunday gu ts 0:1 Mr. and Mr. , E. M. a ~ey in BellThe home ()f Davis Furnas J ohn T. ha, e, missio nary to brook. located about l'At milles south of Japan will speak at the hu\'ch Wayne sv ille on Roulte 42, was of hl'ist, Wednes<ln,y night, Roy Pigott left ber , Saturday. destl'oyed by fi1'e on Wednesda y eptember 14. for a two-weeb vacation with after noon of last we k. The relatives and friend R in and n aI' origin of the I\re is unknown. Mrs. Amelia William s lett her e, Toledo. No ont> was nt home at the last Wed nesday, for a month's visit with relatives and fl'i ndll a t Several from here attended the time and th blaze was first dis· Cynthianna, Ky. vered by men working in the co Woollard family I ' union, held on the Warren ount~' Fair ground", ~ravel pit nearby. They were able Mr. and frs. J ohn Collett, and to remove practlcally all the Sunday. fur niture 'from the h ouse and Mr. and Mrs. Roske llr., of Dnyrailed on WayneSV Ille friet)d 8, MI'8. Ruth Talbott, of Piketon, confined their effort to pl'event ton, Monday afternoon. Ohio, was II. guest last week of th spl'ead of the ,I\ames to other her sister {I'S, R 110 Bolton, of buildings on the placl__ Mr. and Mrs. ' Will Young and The Wayne Township Mothers The Wayn esv.ille II1re depart. near J,'erry. ment was culled to thie scene but daughter, of Detroit, Mich., called club will hold its first meeting at on Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterthe Grade school building, Friday A s the first Monday in Sept.m~ Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis. of was unable to halt tht! blaze. Tbe Dayton, spent ' und~y a nd Mon · place is well known 118 the Mike worth, Monda y afternool1. alternoon, eptember 9. The new b r ,th ir regular meetinlt date, day with the latter's parents, Mr. Hamilton home and by our older Mrs. Louella Ramsey and son preSid en t, l\1cs. L. E. Hockett. is was alRO Labol' Day, a legal boliand Mrs. Ed ook. citizen as the old R oberts home, Erne$t 0:1 Cincinnati, were gue. ts especially anxious t hat all members should attend this meeting day, OUI' Village Council held tbeir having been built by John at the home of J\fr. and Mrs. H. Th following IlrOgra m ha, been regular meeting for September on ST. AUCUSTINE'S CHURCH Mr. and M~s . N. A.' King, of Roberts before the Civil War. H. William son, last Fridoy. Father French, Paator Knigh tstown, Ind., weI' guests of arranged; last Friday evening, the fir8t of the The 10~l\ which is (~ ' timated at Services will be held every two Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Elzey, la st approximalely $4,000 is said to Mr. and Mrs. Harry tarr, of Devotionnl s, MrA. G. . Dibert; month. R utine business ..... Wednesday and Thursday. weeks on Saturday morning. be coverer! by in. llrance a.nd Mr. Dayton, were called here la st clarinet ao lo, Jan e ok; mi scel- transacted, bills paid, and a ru. s talk, upt. J. W. Lotz; Miss Mary Elizabeth Davis, of Furnas wi1l probably build a h ome Tuesday, b~' the critical illness of laneou FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST trombone solo, Charles LeMay,; olution was passed, askinl the Mrs. Starr's father, John . Lamb. Corwin, wus th guest of her on a sile nearer Rout(~ 42. (Undenominational) , nddress by Prof. has. B. Bohl, voter o f the Corporation to pa.. ~ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr/<, Fred Mrs. Lillian Fife and children re· of Leban()n, supel'inle ndenl of the an extra 1evy of two and 0"""·-=-.....___ _ Chester A. Williamaon Everhart, Tuesday evening. turned to their home In Wilminj{. Warren County seh OI R. mills :for the nex,t five years, The Pi Epsilon Pi Class meets ton, Monday vening. after a visit Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wardlow ~-- _ - ... I If our street lights and the at the parsonage, Thursday evenwith Mr. and Mrs. Lester GO,r don . traffic light at the bank andLDolting, September 8. Th.e...Men's and and_ daughter, ' an~ Mra. Leah office corner are to be maintalned~ WOmen's Cluees will meet at the Strou e and son, attended a reun· Mill.'l Le Werntz, daughter of this levy is an absolute necemt,. church Friday evening. Program ion in Brown county, Sunday. Robert Werntz, will Mr. and Mrs. Edward . Noble, aged 69 yeal'S broadcast from W MK studio, 0 These lights are paid :lor out of the for LOTd'lI Day, Sep'lember 11 About tifty members oC th ~eneral ' fund, according to the died at hill home in Oregonia at an follow8: Cburch Scho'o l at 9 ;30 a.. Burnet family were in attendance early hour last Friday morning, Dayton , Thursday afternoon at laws of the State of Ohio, and f1)r m. Lord's SUPP'er and sermon at at 2 :46. I the reunion which was h ld in A most interesting tI rvice was after more than a yean illness ~e vel'al years the amount of ca.b 10:30 a. in. Sermon sllbject, "The Ro!er's park near Ridg ville, Sun. conducted by the Builders class of with a complication of di8eases. in this fund hal! not beer! adequate Mr. and Mrs. O. R, Unglesby, Chrilt Road." You are always day. Funeral services were held at the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanker and H. the Bible school at the hurch of for this purpose. An extra leV)' of welcome at this church. hrist Su nday evening. During the Mr. and Mrs. Rolla B olto n, Miss U. B. chul'ch in Oregonia, Monday A. ornell visited the tate FiliI' sel'vice, a hand some book,' "At the two mills, which expires thlll yea1', lYas voted for this purpolle ft"e ST. MARY'S CHURCH Visa B01ton al1<1 Mrs. Ruth Talbott afternoon, Rev. Fox , of Spring- at olumbus, a coupl of days Feet of Paul," was pre ented to years ago_ Sinc~ that time, propRev. J. J. SehaeA'er, Rector were unday gue ts of Dr. and boro" officiating, and the remains lost week. the mi'nister, Cheste}' A. Williamerty valuations 'for taxation haYe September 11; sixteenth Sunday Mrs. John Paul Bolton, of Oolum· were taken lo Lebanon cemetety Dr, and Ml·~. A. E . Sherk and son, who pl' ached a splendid ser- been reduced to lI11ch an exteDt for burial. after Trinity, Church Ichool at bus. Mr. Noble. a native of Red Lion Ml'. Mary McKay, of Dayton, monfrom the theme, "The Two that the . proposed rate will yield 9:30. Morning Prayer and sermon Mill er sa ng .a very littl , i'f any. more rev~nlle J . H. Patton, wh o has been. has been a re ident of Oregonia were Sunday evemng callers at Highways." Ceo rge at 10:30. "Sunset." Two than did the old rate. We hope to _ _ _- - , conduding s barber !ihop on MaIn for a number of years. He is Bur- the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. beautiful solo by hi widow, seven sons and Williamson. IThey were onroute little girls made the good confes. publi h a fun exp1anation of tbe COMPTON-~ILLS R'EUNION street for tha past year or more, vived !lituation ~Yritten by Clerk R. F. removed his fam ny and hou e- one daughter. Two of hjs sons, to their home from "New Burling- sion. Z and Donald, formerly attend- ton, where they had attended the Hatfield, next week. The Com~ton and Mills taml'll'ell hold etrects to Bu tler, K y., this ednrlWaynesvil1e McKay runion. ' High school. morning. --.~~met Satur ay, September 8, at their ' aceustomed place, tbe Cae· ~ liar's Creek ~hurch, for their thirty third annual r_unlon. Altltoup The Return of the Tormenter the weather wal not very favoraBro, O. E. Thomas, of Wilmingble for a reunion the register to n, was a welcome visitor at the showl there were 128 in attenThe declic.ation of tlte new r... regular meeting of l\liami Valley :rion dance. There· were ~uite a number Hall, the home of 'RuIIMlJ Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., last Frithllre for the first tIme. McElfresh , P ost, at Ftanklin will day evening. He gave a most i.nNearly 12 carloadl of nitroA bountiful dinner wall served ta k.e pillce at 3 p. In. Sunda" teresting account. of the sessions September cellulose burned early last W inside the church, instead of Qn ] lth, Rev. d. B. Parof the tate ounci1 of th e Ordel', needa)' 'l')'Iorninl in a fire that c1e- the lawn, as It Wlually i.. After !dn, former pastor of the local which convened in Co lumbu s. 1ast l!troyed .. warehbuse of the King dinner there wall an interesting ehurch, and a Legionfonday, Tuesda y anll Wedn esday. ')1ethodist Powder Company at Kinp Mills procram and bUllnell8' meeting. 1 aire, will be the speaker. A bilr with a klss estimated at several According to the custom of IlIlrade will precede the dedlcatioD thousand dollars. The fire, th several yean a numller of presents exercises. origin of ...·h ich haa not been de- were given aa follows: To the man t~rmined was one of the most and woman the farthest 'from spectacular eVer seen in' thia aee· hom . to 'the oldelt mother and tion and attTaeted the attention 0:1 ; to the olde.t father and hundreds in the southern lIection the younceat , haby pretlof Warren eQuilt;y. ' . ent; ud the reunion banner. to Mrs, Myrtlf' ox, aged 4,0, wile The flre was discovered mortly the laraeet family all preBent. of Clyde Cox. of Dayton, d'ied at A large cabin trailer, which IIr before 1 a. m. Wednesday and Several 1etten and card. were tiJIwnter anital'ium t his Wed. :: n() Mrs. A. H. Griffin, of New burned for several hours. In view read from relativel fro.m 'a , disnesday morn ing. , . Philadell)hia, Ohio, were towiD, of the fact that it had Irained con- tance who were unable to attend. Funeral ael'vices will be held at , long State Route 73, waa blow. aiderable headwa-ywhen dlscover- ,The lIame omcen were re-elec~ the McClure Funeral Home Satur- toVer on the Chandler hill, kilt ed and since 'there wall but little ed for the comlnlt yen. dllY afternoon at 2 o'c lock with ::'hursday evening, and w•• badl, danger of it spreading to otllel • - • burinl in Miami cemeterY. I llamaged. The damalred cal' "'u _ _ _ ___ - - h rought to the A. F. Mellob buildin~s no attempt wa. made to OHIO CIGARETTE TAX LARCE extingu~h .the blaze. , ' ! al'age for repairs. The ownlra EASTER STAR NOTICE we.re l'etuming to their home from u8!Ii~:;Ot~:I~~~::lai~tu~e ~~~~:I!~ One year awo thill week Ohio'S __ ' ~ ,n ex tended tour of the 1I0uthern less powder. It i. stored wet, in cigarette tax law, plaemlr a tax of ~ lates. . which condition It ill highly Incent on evel.'Y 10 cigarette., Miami Chapte1' No, 107 O. E. S' I flammable but non-explolf"e. AIinto etrect. wi II met in rt'gulul' seSlIion Monday ~ though a consi<lerable quantity of S. Da)" .tate treaaurer, evening, SiJptemb'I' 12, at 7 ::.10. a the material is uled by the eomthe tax "al Yiel~ed • I""L~_ C!M_ Vi siting membel's WeICOll1e. ' paDY in the mimufaeturl! of gUIl$4,25.0,000 durIng . Ola Hal'lsock, W. M., , ~JIIU "-ntIJIK; ~ powder there is but ~Ittle danrer year. total IS fairly close Minnie FI·omm. 'ec'y. of a serious explollion to the amount it wall eatimated the _ _ _•• __ • tax would bring In.
Mothers' Club to . Meet on FrIday
... ... ---
Death Foliowli Prolonged IIlnes.
Interesting Service A t Ch urc h f Ch ri.t
--Wilmington Man Addressea Lodge New Legion Home To be Dedicat ___---,-
-----.. ..----
- -Mrs. Clyde Cox Dies at Dayton Trailer Damaged ,
On Chandler Hilt
Labor,Da, Pa•••• Ver, Quieti, Here
ADDRESSED DOCTORS The September meetin, of tbe Warren Countv Medieal Society wae held at Harmon Han In Lebanon Tuelda" afternoon eom. meneiq at 2 0 cloek. Dt. P. H.. Kilbourne, earl.. nOlle anel
re~3~~:~Of~ua~Jtoll, .... The aub. ~ "The E,e." S."er11l atteDded. dlOC!tOl'll
Regular communication of Waynesville Lodge No. 16:1 1". & A. M., Tuesday eveninK, • eptember La. Visiting and IKljelurning brethren ate w leo me. Vern Armitage. W. M., Fred B. Henderson, Sec'y
We are truly gr"teful to neilrhbon, friends, aDd all, their klDdneas. and willa to ezprne our appreei&lion of their ... lilatate at the Ire It Jed oar Iao....
».w. ....._. _
tor,o/Wayne ville's Public Schools NEWS G Shows Over Century of Achievement FROM CURT HOUSE I
1t/dl. Rome Burna
Comm.. n P Proc:e.din ll& IIftel'noon of July 2, and an aud iand J.\ll'1'nz(1 Hh()uUl\~ \\'('1'1' 'lI~ag'LI.-I·(I~' HOlll Will< [\lund guilty o! By 'llIE no I E~ tionul SIOOO on the afternoon of NI ttl HII thl' Jll\~ili,,"s at th., "lllllL' thl' indi"LlIll'nt tiled IIgllillllt hirA m ttlr date of ujruat 29, July 17. The balance with $omtl ~nlllri'''' fls had lIel'" ofT l'I'd Lo alltl \'US (;11·<1 $2fiO IIIHI (·(IHt.... IrIS. lary K Robimwn. of \"xlras, umounting in all to $756.06 I hdr llletll·cl'~~o rs_ Tht· m"rTla~t> l'UII tract exi>lting I 8 ton, 1'1I11ch b tter kn wn WI\ paiL! July 30. Tht! board met Jub IH. but IH'b e,'n Erllla Hilmi\!' und 111.'1'lQ mU!it of Oll r read r a Eltli A n w uperintenci nl and teuch- 1'1'1.' it! 'nt lI uI\ l'Il \\':1. sick, ~() they mHn II ibnnl' is di~~ull'ed lind both li.:mh'y, 'ends ullr edIt I' tht' eJ', for th next year were hir d. (,l<l"-l'ssl'd thl·ir ,Y lllllathy by illl- I plIl'ti .. .- lire rt!lEI8scd 11'1)111 lhe Ilbli t 1IC1 in lotter of interl!~ting lay 5. Hel'b rt D. K IIi on, Who medical ndjIJU1·ning. [ (1 I l'f' lht.' · ~ilt i\ln~ tu the >lame. relniui c 'nl' • wttll'h he and canle here from pringboro, WII~ nll'l'tin~ uuout thL time ~1'~1\1 hI III tl1l' cllse of Ju~cph II. Fed· Th Hllo it>r appreci te v ry I!ngoged a uperintenlient at II hlWe b .. 11 helcl in MI'. 1f~ 1l' ~ Ut·I'~. doing bu ,~ in ~"' us JO~l'ph H . much. ~alIl1'Y oC f75 plu. $25 institl1\(! !'lon, nnw ownl'U and, OPHUll'tI l"ed(lt' rH 'upply etl., Fmllklm,+-+---&.-f-rlfp,,---I'-""""~>----~ "~In luokinlt' back ov l' my fee 'for the fil'St month, and ~ t 00 hy Myel' Hyman. VI'I'~lI~ Hllt'old Gibbs. und Guldie hool day, it "Il~ m !\ to me per month for lhe other ei",ht: Mutt P(\I' ~ hllll was pOid ~ t 0 for Gibb , the dl:'f(' ndantl! are gt"nntcd but YC$t rday, lhe time has Charlt')' 8re~' WII hired as pl'in- tt'nding t he. ('hOlll Krounu. ulll'ill!(' It) duy~ ill which to answe l', mOVt' flown eo rae idly. M ijchool cipa[ on a ,66.25 plu $1 .'76 nnU I-ucatio ll .• U Ullt ~a. anti l\lil<." 'l- Ill' demur. day. seem like Il big blluquet $75 ba; i8; and the Misse Au stin. c('lin Brlll1ll \In hired It. thil·t1 III lit' case f Kenrleth lIorn or tlo"er • and a 1 cull them Benham. Keys and Vandervllo-rt L<'Mh"I' 'fill' till' high ;';Cb(lOl . Mis!- \'l'r~us it'nn Dakin, the d .. f~ndant vel' 1 n ot their lragrance W~l'e engog d a grade teachers Cullette huvin~ I·t',i~ ncd. r.lol'(' i j.i'I 'nnlcd -W da y~ in whi h t has 11 ('n ~Q s" 'eet lind la tfor 37.50 plus $12.6 and $50 t<'xt uo k chang!">;, 1ll0Ktty ill the "I.:>a<l. I1HJ\'C r demur. iJig'. but. w('eter till than II per month, How IVa Hiat for lIl'ithml'li r anti 1) IIlkkel'ping d<,New Suitt these ale Friend .. hip and Id \'I\ding the lllw' s l' d tape? Th e flartml'llts \\ (>re iliad • Septl'lll1H:'T {emorie::!. s hool tax levy was reduced to ~O. IInri the slu dy of ugl'i ulllll'e 1111 in ~1_ L lIch, a minOt" of the .. fy tir l teacher IVa Mary mill,. 11I1d IlhY;liology Wl're IIdli'll 10 th e 1\ e lIf scv('nttll!lI years, by Evelyn Mosher, ill 1877. The next OmsI' Lewis was awarded the S 'v(,llth gnu,le COUI'~C. lilt tison, h~r n ext friend, vcr us wa M8l'Y id : then arrie contract for laying the cement Tht' cll·rk tll1d lrt'lIsul' r W<,l'e oakle,Y Leuch. 1"01' divort. hUl' e Dill \\ ho taurht m in the walks about the school hoo e, llaid t~l\'ir :mn\1!11 Slllllt'i s. [h~(,l' llI i - iP·o!'!.' n~~lect:. . thiru grade. and Ella Vance r ugust 1, at his bid of 9 cents per ! bel' 20, un,] thl' clerk wa ~ in;;tl'lI Jacob P. Zimmerlllan "crs us hi th fourth;' t i Fairchila quare foot, On the 24th of 't h ted to !It'ek in formation frOl11 the J "sum in e It. Flritto n and Amnnda cam next, but. after teacb~ me month, Mi s Austin resigned tale deplIl'tml'nt of educutiol1 as Pollock Britto ll _ To set asid deed [II awhile WII called to Kllna teacher of Room 1. and Miss to ",h,'I',' and ho\\' the mt'lIIb I'S of " f cOllvcyunce and for all olll"J' 114~ to keep hO\J tor her Donna Hawke wns secUl'ed to till Ifw bun I'll were t get their·s. pI' pCI' te\.iei. And I"C W \". Kops brother. . Mias Dora Ellis the vacancy. pening date for ' their sulurll1s, we fllean) . He H~ the atlol·ney. ' lhe fall term wn - ~e t for Labor 1"0;; a18(\ to illqui l'(' cun~l'rninlt the taught the remainder of the Alma tull versul'l Fl'ank Da~' , ept mber 7. 1(IIIn of ,lule library b O(l k:. The Scll\\,lIrztrauber and Stelll\ Schtnm. "I was thpn promoted upMore changes in text booke were I janitor \\ 0: Il:h-en an order faT 25 wal'ztJ'aulJ r. FOI' mon y. iliad tairs t() hat wa th n call d eptcmber I, Ilnd th trans- ' with which t o pUI-c1I!lSe a l'al'pl1l fer of the territory of ub-dlstrict , weeper for the hall. Probate C.. urt tbe 'Grammar Room.' Here, No 3 of W yne township was ac- I The board l'l'organi;o:ed JllnU~ll'Y Alina Burnley iJolved illY menThe will of' ickolus Rou tel', tal troubles. Then 1\ 58 Faircepted. Twenty days later M. L, 17, WlO, se ll' ling .Mr. lI ow 11 to ceased, was ,a dmitted Lo 1)J'obate Par. hall was appointed truant of- t agai'n ~el've .\S president, and F. child taught me again. My sc h dule of debts fll d by 1. t year in the Grammar ficer at the wonderful salary of I . schwlU'tz t(l llCl'''C liS e1cl'k-tl' 'n- V •Tho ,a dministratol' of s10 per' year. At thl same meet- urer. The !ltute Inw had uJ('nin tu teL.ofBl'o\ln, Room wa tl r t taught by Del1"I'ollscind), V. Brown. dtlla Zell, who resigned shortly Myer'~ geneTal history was been changed lind Walter ~l c Iur~ ~as approved by court. ' opted, the bclard agreeing to pay had l'etin!(l n. village nee urer . cC88ed, • fter th term b gan. Mrs. James E. Burke, administ.rator Bone then taught for awhile, of e, tate of Ilmuel p, Whitenack and tben Hattie Sllrfac~, of deceas d, i ol'del' d to sell cerSprin~bol'o, finished the term tain renl state and .ettle ali ac"1 wa now ready to launch count. ' my boat into what I th ought The in entory of Frank Winwa a mo t wonderful place-field, administ rator of estate of t he High room, Mr. Bone, Mr. Lucy Winfi ld deceased, was apHaretord and Mrs. Sellers were p1·oved. my teachers. All three dealt The Lebanon-Citizens Nationa.l kindly with me, and gave me Bank and Tru st 0., of Leb non, kind and helpful instructio n. adrnini hator of the estate or of certain real e tate in Deerfield burial, $20; R ichard L. Williams. "In conclusion it might be seTvices , $10; Georgia Miller e l"VJallles B. " ill., deceased, is order- township for lines, aid that I acquired readi ng, ~d to sell cert.a in r III e:tate and Bernard and VIola Thorman to ices, $10; MIJ rrow Whitacre, ervwriting and arithmetic, but make return t o, court. incinnati Gas &; Electric Co_ The ices, $5 ; Mrs. HiOwaTd Sawyer, W. H ... e • Complete Watch Ifreater yet t han all of these, Rep.ir S.r.ic. Anna . Stin, on to Edgar C. :lse of ert.ain real stale in Deer- s rVlc s, $7; Lillie Urton, services I W88 gathering fl owers from . $ 10.; Julia Holland, services. $10; And UBe only genuine materials. linson. Real el\tate in Ha.I· Y _ field township for lin $ . lie highway of Life ~ comburg. Naomi ook to Cincinnati Gas Erma Hibna.., services, $10; A 1- Crystals fitted while yO I1 wait. plete my wreath." o. The use of· eer- bert MUllard, services, $10; M. E. ,Iarencc F_ Buergel'm Ir, guar- and Electri Cary's Jewelry Shop • • • • • • • .. -. ~ • dian of Erne~t Buc\'germeier, a tain fell I estate in Deerfield town- Ro s, stamps, $3 ; E. S. Conklin , pr emium, $180; WaldTon . Gilfil d I ' 6 t d fi I hig for lines. Leb.non, Ohio This term's "'raduatin'" claBS was I11lnOI', ellS r8 an nn • .. uccount. avid and Ida Ertel to Cineln- mour, inquest, $6.70; Dr. Edwnrd Store Open Eveninlrs one of the smallest in numbers the Th inventory of Fred A. Rick- nati Gas & Electric Co. The u e Blair, services. $5; A. D, Spence, school ever turned out, but what _. d' of certai n real estate in Hamilton services, $5; Wa-ynesville Farmer nr .. , R Rllnistrntor of e8tate of th Y lacked I' n quanity was more Exchange, cemen t, $61 .45; J. K . -~ubeth R'IC IKar If., (ecca, I d ,wa township for llncs. El 'n quall·ty. On April I~ th.n made op I . William and Luetta Dumford to pencer, g ravel and Kand, $23.06; ) I b I h t ", 1907_ Supt. Bratten r~omnPll'O\'C( y , e cour . 1" . - incinnnti Ga. &; Electric Co. The Oregonia Bridge Co., ~rucking mended the MfSlles Ettlel aftd ~..., Irma " c py 0 I tlIe en t I'Y d e t ernllnll1lf . h f d the inheritanc e tax to be paid on use of certain real e tate in Gosh- bridge, $6.76; Dwight W_ Keller, L~ Sto k es an d L ea h mIt or gra uathe c!\tnle olf Alice Chenoweth , en and Hamilton tow nShip for bridge plans, $18; J. K. Speneer, ~OTARY PUBLIC gravel and sa nd. $36.42; Waynestion. (AU three have since cnanced decease<l is to b certified without lines, their names. ) All teaehe1'8, with d I William A. and Matilda Koehl ville Farmers Exchange, cement, N• •lo.a l '8 _11 the ellceJ.'&ion of Principal Carey, n.. Sch_J Float, a. uown Durin the Home-Coming, in 1906 c.;~~ will of Howard J effery de- to inci nnati Gas & EI t'tric Co. $33.16; Oscar B. Cain , lumber, $1.64; Ohio COTTugated Culvert d d Ott d t b' t The use of ce .... ~in reD I estate I'n .and the Janitor were offered conW ill. Dra... • • E ••••• S. u ... tract! for the next school year at the difference in price to students lara Hawke (now Mrs. R. H. cease L was a m.l. e 0 pro, a e. H,., a Co., sewers, $116.90: Oregonia WAYNESVILLE. OHIO the same !!alary and term!!, and Mr who had already purchased oth er Vance of Plea ant Plain) wa!l Th ebanoln- Itlzena Nat1~nal Deerfield town hip for lines. 0., steel. $59.45; Charles . -d ' r h • Bank and Trust o. was PPOlntAlfred and -Edith Watkin to Bridge Carey was t en d ere d a aa1ary ID- books. ~al .. 2 01' e1' -~rvlce all chu ol l ed executol', no bond required. Oi ncinnati Gas Electric CO. The A. Grahatn , ll)ne, $8.26; Mik e crease to ,76 per month. The board went t hrough the hbranan , but fa I. th balan e f Walter Rockhill, Waldron Gil. u e of certain rea) estate in Salem Wirsch, dirt. $10.60 · haTles A 1'- , ga!lt II Ii Tar, app iyi ng and flnTbe school levy was again set form of reorganizing, February the ter!'1 her cou.sm. Em,!,a Hnwke mour and a rl . Bengham· were tow nship for lines, ishing. $46'71.63; Herbert &IT. at 9 mitis, May 22, and $2800 of 15, 1909, b~ fe-electing the same fell heir to the Job and Its, emolu- apPol-nled ar'prBI' ~s, . tel -4'700 to b A ' 1 12 Th 1 1 W C ~' U t = H. E. Stokes and Mollie tokes gUBl'd rai l posts. $48.80' Zain ! h e approxlma y... so e officers, an on prl ,COnY- ments. ,e o.ell . . L. • e.nt . et··tal·n sale." bel'ng ma~e J ohn '--d II tted t th t ' ts t t th b I . , , , to Ci ncinnati Gas & Electric Co. 0 e con 111- mencement arrangemen were a communlca I O~ _0 e onl ( , Flin pilch, admini~tl'l\tor of estate The u e of certain real e tate in Ar mitage. If'1'avel, $163.40; J . ,K. ra...., was a 0 Spence r, gravel, $285: C. L. Baker lot fund, wbite the remaining started. Supt. Kellison was em- March 21, s ugR'es:lIlR' chnnge~ at of harles Plinspach. deceased, is Wayne town hi tor lines. $1900 wa,$ apportioned to tne tuito buy the diplomas grade the school basement, but the TC- orde l'ed to se . to gas, .$ 00.90; Ban.ha m Motor Co., gas, . ; P. E . Snyder & Son, tioft fund. ' certificates, etc. , and eBiffi grad- cord m s o ur el' l' el'ence The Lebanon-Citizens Nat· I e • lona Cincinnati Ga~ &: Electric <io. dynamite, $14.41; Frank SherOn Auguat 19 t.he board adopt- uate was to receive twelve pro- to the matter. eel new text book for the Fresh- grams free of charge. A called meeting was he ld at Bank and Tru~t 0., executor of Tlfe use of certain re al estate In wood Co .. s upplies, gas lind linseed man daBS, and decided to open May 17, Vernon Hawke, Ma.ry the chwllI·tz dt'ug sto re May 13. estate of Annie .Burton MOI'gan, Deerfield township for lines. oil, $26.86; Cinci nnati Oil W ork Icbool on Labor Day,' September Hawke, Charles E. Michen er, Lee anli Pre. HOII'('l1 wa instructed ~ ceased, filed Its econci a nd Peter and Anna Maloney to Co., lub(icant, $85.10; Oregonia 2. Right here, we wisb to state Earnhart, Robert FU'rnas, Bryon to pl1rcha e a Fi,' her piano finTalh~c:?I_ullnto'1 ' "'f ary R. Hedr'lck, CinCinf nati qas &. Electric Co. The Bridge Co., Te p1l irs, $16,15: MllrI M acy, E t h- f or th e ch 00 I b a II If th e same deceased~ wal- 61" d ' th e recor d 8 Bh ow ~h It • a t 't I 1..-,1&3 C. Pre1\dergaat, T erry t D use 0 c rtam real estate in Deer- r ow Hardware tore, cables, 60c: b ..n fin' Imany yean t he cuatom el HoslI!r, Anna Hllline , Josephi ne cOldul~ bet ecuretd fTo'h' $250 and Ithte E_ Heyw~otl was ~pp~in~~t ~ecu: fie~ ~~~~~i~e~~ie ~~~ 'to Cindn- Kilpatrick FYench Motor Car Co .• H U NTING s upplies, and aas, $1 '71.05; M. R. t o open the local schools on Labor Ogle!bee and M-ary Davis were 0 inS rumen. . r 'e, d ays a - tor nnd fl ied bond of 4400 wl'th t· G L El F ISHING D.y, yet .ome people are still recommended for graduation by r th y went to B owell .. lore a n d the Un;ted Stat F'd I't d na I as... ectric Co. The use Greath ouse , repairs. 35c; R enry • ~k.lDa , as thoulrh this were the Supt. Kellison_ • upt. Bruner _recommended the unr'l ' es I elY on of certain. relll estate in Salem Reeder, repairs, 60c; Frank Mil!- iII_ _ _.!'!!lJ.' alIA" year for that date to be choBen. Commencement exercises thL following clu~s: Lyman ilv r. ~ar < nty ompllny as surety. L. tow nship for lines. miok. repairs. $1.26: L. I. P ence, a... _I... ;;;;("0" ..... V.rily, it is an utter impoSllibllity year took the form of a class play. Lawrence Furnas, John Lemmon, ,; I ThomPS(IIl, J _ A_ Rc_bo ld and Cynthia Colliver to Cincinnati repairs, ,3.25; F. A. Butterweck, ~~~'=t==~ 901_ tltbl. . _ --opecially fo r scbool official$-- Vern Hawlle's p ortrayal of the Lu, cile orn II . Ruth Miller, Eth- ,E)I"nH I's'e' I.K,ehnel.' were npPolnted ap. Gas & Electric Co. The use of repairs, $50; Smith's Service Lo u- character. U nc 1e T 0 b y, was so re- e Ime J ones, El. eanol' E.4arn h aI', tonn ' estale of Annie BUI.ton certain rea) estate in • alem town- Station" J!'as, $33.10: East End ....... _ ...... t o p IeaBe every b 0 d y. ~ The t f ship for lines. Garajle, M,.son, gas. $68.43: Morellai Pence (Decker), Lizzie Pratt, aHstlc that the name s till stays Strawn. Peat! Colvm and Almn 10l'gan dece'as d -s Flosaie Emlqy (Oarey). with him. Immediately after the Waterhouse ' . ., . e ,I exemp rom Karl M. and .Jeannette S. Brown row Ga r age, ga!'l, $178.75; Eden Burns and MI'II. Ptrendergaat close of the last scene, before th y Mr. How~lI mu. t have succeed- IOhcrltahce lIIx. to Cincinnati Ga!! & Electric Co. T erry, pay roll, $177.75: Otto = ' = _ ed Matt Panhall Clean the had t ime to ' change their costumes ed with his piano deal. because he Me:rjla-,-e-. -L- j-c-e n.e. The u oe of certain real estate in Hoft'manJ,. s tone, $37_59 ; Eatl and ',or, ..u""...au _ .. .... bQU&e and aet it ready for the graduates Wilre called to t he wa paj(j 5.75 May 23 fOl' hllving Turtlecreek towns hip "fOI' lines. Ernf'st .r.;vans, compensation and ....w_ IOU UK)7 opening. ' 'front of the stage to re~e ive their. the instl'ument hauled to the Richard. Duncan, radio operaEldon A and Katie E . Short to damages. $40: Inair &; LeRoy, A two-weeka Christmas vac.tion diplom&!J. Ikyon Prendergast. $ebool house. The u·mc teaching tor, of MaS/ill , nnd Mis-'I Laura Cincinnllti Gas , &. Electric Co. The gravel, $425 ; H . T. Cook, gravel. was ordered tor ~his term at a who had played the part o f the corps, with t he exception of Miss Lee Thompson , teacher of 1\[ason. use 'of certain real estate in Turtle $150: Blair &; LeRoy. sand and meeting held November 18, and colored porterI was the only mem- Brand, was hired at the same salReal E~ltate Trall&fer. creek township lor Hnes. Il'ravel, $21.40 : Van Camp Stone all January 20. 1908. Fred C. ber of the c ass to expre' s his aTies and tel'ms fo\' the next yeur, Geor ge L. Venable to Cincin- Co. , gravel, $286. no I. lha to el 1l&DiI Schwartz wa s installed as a memo thanks. Ma'king a mos t elaborate Miss Elizabeth ollette waf; again Arthur a nd Ru th Smadbeck to nati Gas &. Electric Co. The use of ot.Il·rJ!~~ ber of the boaTd, replacing Charles bow, he extended a dusky hand hired a s t.he t hird teachet· in the Helen Mae Sch aeffer. Real es· certa in real estate in Turtlecreek NOT ICE OF APPOINTMENT • k,~ ~~ Cornell. The board reorgani2Cd and said. "Thank )'ou, soh!" high school at $60 per month. Lale in Deerfield township. township for linu. by re-eleding the same .officers_ Two nights after this class had . H. Clemen ts resigned a!l n Anna S. S~in so n to Edgar CarHarry L. ahd Luella Younll to Estate of Wil1iam C, Welch, de- g&1\1I~Jh. 1 Apr il 20, 1908, saw these stu- been recommended, teacher s for members of the board on July 1 , roll Sti nson. Rea) estate in Har, Cincinnati (las & Electric Co. The cease d. all , . . dents , elected fpr graduation on the next yea .. were elected, Miss an d harles Comell was chosen t o veysb urg. use of certain real estate in Turtle Notice is hereby given that HUNTING re~ommendation df Supt. Bratten: Edna Stout (elder sister of Mrs. fill th e vacancy until the next gcnW. F. h~~r itt and Elizabeth creek for lines. ' Irving D. Welch has been dulV .a. ' Ellen Sherwood, ' Mary Gray, May S. 1". Elbon) being hired to teach eral election. 'The clerk wus in- Sherrill to Mason Building L oan 0 ·. H_ and Rachel Wysong to appointed and ,qualified as Ad- nSHING Strawn. Bertha Smith, Amy Hay, Room 3 in place of Mi8s Keys. The structed to inve t igute the a nd. avings - Co. InlDt , No. · 5 in Cincinnati GlIS &: Electric Co. The mini trator Of the Estate of ~ " ran.1t Susan Wright, Sybil Hawke~ Flot'a grade teachers were given an in- of fire ef\cape~, A uglll'lt 10. outh Lebane,n. use of certain ,eal estate in Clear- Harn C. Welch late of Wanen ao.ton. . . . . . Berryhill, Fred D. H.wke, R.y- crease in salary of $5 per mon th, (T b t' d) Samuel W " Losb , et nl, to Cin- creek townsl'iin for lines. County, Ohio, decea.ed. mDnd Davis, Raymond William- with no pay for a ttending the _ _o_ .! ~~ lIIue cin nati Gas & Electrie Co. Th e W . - and Emma LewiB to The Dated thi s 2nd day of Septem~on, John Strawn and Settl Fur- county teachers institute. Matt USe o f certain real estate in Deer- Cincinnati Gall & Electric Co. 'The ber 1932. n.s, Mis es Sherwood and Hawke, Marshall got a $6 raise, too. The The majority of the hardy field townshi l) for lines. use of certaill real estate in Clear. W. Z. ROLL ntlw Mrs. Raymond Conner and 8chool enrollment had inereas- flowering bulbs Rbould be pJilllted Earl and Helen 'Bercaw to Cin- creek town hip for lines. Ju,dge of the Probate Court, Mrs. Frank LeMay. were the to such an extent that the ser- in October or NoVember. but a cin nati Gas & Electric o. The ChaTl e, 'l;aylor to Ray and 821 Warren County, Ohio youngest persona ever to have vices oC a third teacher wel'e im- few v81'ieties, n otably the Mllllon- u ~e of certail1 real e tate in Deer- Edith McDol1ough. 35 lIftea in &'I'aduated from W. H. S. perative, so Miss Elizabet h Col- nn Lily nnr! the Nankeen Lil y, field tow ns hip f or lines. Harlan tov,tn al1ip. ' FOR SALE Four men about town have rath- lette was hired for this position should be p lan,t~!." AUl!ust. F rank and Marie Wilken s to Cin The summer meeting of the 100 er embarrassing memories of this at a salary of $60 per, month. cinnati Gas & EI etrlc Co. Th e B ill. Allowed bu_s hel corn club ill Bcheduled for commencement. Toward the close Messrs, Kellison arid Carey reold tOI'nge h olding's of aU im- lise of certai n real estate in -DeerLewis & Drake, Inc., II1!PPllea September 7 at t he London Prison FOR SALE- Extension table and of the. program, a tableau, depict- signed 1111 superintendent and prin- portant ag1'icliltu ral products the fiElld township fOT Iines_ $23.40; Oswald Funeral B orne, Farm, Madison County. In 15 chairs. J. O. Cartw'right. ·s7 ing a miJitar)l camp at bight was cipal. res pectively, on the evening first of Augu st were less t ha n they Charles H . Spangler to C in~in- ambulance lJervice, $10; Lebanon yellrs the club has accepted 133 FOR SALE- Duchess P ears. J. 8ta&'ed , and this quartet, stationed of June '7, and Claude A, Bruner were a year agl). nati Gas & 'Electric Co. The use Cemeterr ASSOCiation, grave and member!!. L. MenAenhall. Wayneaville.s7 behind the scenes, attempted to =-~~~======:K~----~=' ~ == " ==~============~~====Z=~=-C:======~==:======================~==~~==~==~~~-==-~~~==~~====~=~ .k======-=~~=-=~ ~~~ Bine, "Tenting On the Old Camp
....._._Ibb . _ r.,....... ......... .......... .....
OnlV $1.00
......... ....tcMIar ....
--- ------
Ground." They escaped by way of the rear door before the bricks alleient eggs and decayed vegetableB began to fl y, but their accompanist was f,orced to stay and f.ce the music. F ortunately, the army ri8ell, can-ied by the camp guards, were not loaded, At this same meeting, April 20, tbe bo.rd pasfled a resolution payill. tlie Hon_ S. W . 1W0'¥.n '26'01' I pi enkes rendered. and then pr~ee.d e d t.o make use ot those .emces, Resolutions were passed, dedaring the necel!8ity tor a new heating plant lind a new system of "Jlitary plumbing, with an adeq ...... seweralf for the · same, and • . ementa f or bids were 01'd Noon of May 26 wall the Jet to~ receiving bids. which N ~o be made separ.tely on the M q, plumbing IUId sewer jobs, alId bidder wall to specify the q of the materials he would f. ad ...
eootnd for a .....111
....-111- illfludIqTNtI. lO-
r., PiIonnOUlE A 1189.50"
.... ......
Th e R eturn. ef the Tormenter . .
~'~--"'1 _7::. -. , 60f l' &t 1'I1I.C)I)" O f\F1N OIl ~o t\\E~ CHIll 1\ &n'SI\N.l.E?. - ~~ ~ ~\"'\.l ~ \JIll "'!>Ie. ~ 1llQ!
D .L.CRANE' I1''''rS.....rl...ato. P..... '1 .10 • OIie. Ph .... ... ... ,. ......... .. No. 111 at I
' ..
1I..w..c. ......................... No. 11.
vIII •. Ohio, a~'ue~1Wl CIa.. Mall
The thrifty-minded man i8 ordering hi. coal NOW a8 off-8ea80n price. will leave a healthy difference in t11 family pocketbook when lhe cool day. roll aroun 'f. ain in a very ahort e.
Spread tbe Gospel of "Buy AmericClD Made"
With sharply curtailed manufacturing operations, reduced wa ges and general umest, the tinie was never more propitious than the p ent for patr o nizin~ home industries. }'(H'get about irrelevant political iS8ueil-the biggest job that Unci Sam has 01) his hands ,right now ilS seiling American-mad e goods to the Amet'ican people. We have 123,000,060 people in the U. S. A. to 'feed clothe and provide with other necea ilies and luxul'ies o f life. The people employ.. d in Amel'ican indu stry should consider themselves a great committee to boom aoo boost American.made. Industrial le ad ers can very materially assist the movement by demanding that everything going into the manufacture of machinery and merchandis shall b ar the tamp, "Made in the U. . A." Furthermore. the government itself can aid American indulitries lind Amel'ican workingmen by making it o~ligator~. on every purchasing agent and department to buy only equlpm nt Made in the. U. S. A." Strange as it may em, even the government hBlJ ben gUIlty of patronizing ,foreign manufactur rs and foreign producers to the detriment of our ow n operators 'and oJleratlves. ' We make or prod uce pl'sctical1y everything needed for' t he in habitan tS of the United States right 'here in the United State thi ngs that are ither a s good as any made elsewhere in the world o,r amply good e nough for th e peopl millionaire, manufacturer, government fficial ll and workm n- who make or earn their bread and butter in the nited States. pread the gospel of "Buy American-Made I" It means dollars in your pocket, n o mat.ter who to u are_- In<lu stry and Labor.
See the different grade. of coal we are handling, and let us fill your coal bins NOW.
Glen Rogers Pocahontas Extra lumpy, a truly pr.mium coal
Raven Red Ash A ge~uine Red Alh
Yellow Jacket Lu mp
Every once in awhil e the board of health issues a lot of hints f OI' the care of children, but it is our recollection when we we.re a boy that the kid& whose paren ts paid . the least attentioft t o them were the healthiest.
A. fine
The Japanese yen ha now dro pped to a little mOl'e than fifty per cent of its f rmer value. Maybe t his is having something to do with the slowing. up of lh Japane e operations in China.
Sao Paulo, th coffe e province of Brazil, is still revoluting, and ~ use the old vaudeville joke they ought to have plenty of «rounds for It.
-:.-;;:=:==~-=====-- .====:....=--=-=--
Mt .HoIJy
An apple a day keeps' the doctor away but in the CBBe of the small boy it depend~ on the. color of the apples.
Farm Night 701ks, Sept. 12 4.H WEAO HA.LF HOUR Saturday, September 10, 8 p_ m. Musical Interludes from Weller Township 4-H .rchestra Music . . . .... . .. ..... " ...... , .. , ........... 4LH Orches tra Nature This Week .... . .... . .. R. E. Eswine Vocal Solo ............. .. ... ..... . . Arthur Boyce Richland Co. BdUCltional Tour . .......... .. . .............. . O. J_ Gramley Trumbone 0 10 ..... , .. . .... . ......... ' .. ....... Ralph Graml~y Music ... .......... .. ...... , ....... . ' ... .. .4-H Orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Earnhart and children visited King. Mill Saturda y a nd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. lal'ence Lun away and son I Jr., and Mis~ Bernice Ha nsley. of hampaign. m., have been visiting MI'. and Mrs. Harold Kellis and children. Mr. Dan MOI'ga n and children, 01 Lebanon, .... isited Mr. LeMurI'ay unday. Mrs. Etta Blair ;pe llt Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Dora Mo rgan Mr. harle ' rawford. who has been connected with the U. S. e'l'V1Ce, has be n 'iviting his brother, MI'. larence rawford and family, the past two weeks. He was f ormerly totioned in t he Panama Canal Zone. The . Ladies A id Society will hold an ice cream social in the church 1ard. this FI'ida y evening, eptember 9. Everyone welcome. Come ellt your fill of home-made ice cream and (!Ike. MT. and Mrs. Morr is DiU and children visited MI'. and Mrs. Harold Kellis Monday evening. Mrs. Ma ry Burgett is spending a few days with h r daughter, Mrs Frank Kellis and family. -DHi nd so n, l\'1(IOUlav at tbe C repps ,,"... I,un in Xenia. Clara Daughter. Mrs. Minnie Marlatt and son, Edward Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and children Mrs. E. J. Ru therford and Mrs. Harold Kellis were Dayto n shoppers Tuesday.
the projecta contests were given SHOW NEW FEA.TURES a ~ip to the National Club Congress, held at the International Results of the year's work cif Livestock Expollition in Chicago Alfalfa hay a creage in Ohio representative 4-H Club memberll in December. irom 66 counties were ex.. . A new leature this year was has been gradually growing larger bibited last week at the Ohio State the 'f ood, club judging contest, in In 1907 the acreage was not mor than 16,000 but it was, sp read into Fair, and exceed any previous showing, accordln,. to , W. H. which 67 teams of 4-H club Kirls every county save two. Now it is Palmer, state leader of 4-H club judged canned prodqcts and baked estimated at 200,000. However, work at the Ohio State ·Fair. goods, explaining their seorings. this area is only ab out 6 per cent The entries in Mgs, aheep, Special exhibits by eouJ\iies of the entire area devoted t o hay dairy cattle, and beef cattle IIhow formed anoUier new feature, in Ohio. an increase of 60 over last year. Medina). with a layout for a county The girls were represented by food eamp; lieauga, with a forestry exproducts canned and clothing hibit of 100 native trees; Ashland hibit of a well planned 4-H g i"" ~ made as a part of the project re- with a 4-H "Beauty Shop"; room. The II Lyle Rt'vue" con te ·t, quirements. Wi nners in many of Greene and Preble with a joint ex- was a center of attracti on. ~~9F~~~~-~-~~
. Odd-But TRUE
-: _ . o
~-~ ~ ~
• leE
....... •
2a.- ~ • " . . . . . . . . .~ veRt"
The best in the mark.t
An Omaha hospital patient is getting along nice'l y without a IItomach, possibly becau e this prevents him from taking the doctor's medicine.- Dayton Daily New.
It seems that you can buy about everything In cans now excepting PI'O perity.
Koppers 1\1iami Coke
Wi t h all th e black shirt, red shirt. br~wn shirt, blue shirt an d green shirt organization f!)Jreading over the world, the next year ought t o be a good one for the shirt manufacturers.
eOM~OEQ.£O "\M~£\.F ""'I Gait\~'t OlE "\.L _ ~~ ...0 *"0 ~\l. ¥NO
al 0 have in our yard 10m. good lump and egg coala at lower prices
Waynesville Farmers Exc. Co.
with the same cor))s of teachers with the exception of 8uperinten · Old RecClllieclion. dent a nd 7th and 8th !trade teacher. Mr. Francrs l'eplaces Ml'. Moore as su perinte nd ent and MI'. ---a sk ey s uc c eoos M i~8 Lewi!l in I~!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"~!'!!"!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-:-'!!!'!'!!'!!!'~~~~!'!!'!~!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!! 7th and 8th !trades. By Mr • . Jellie B, Tripp Mr. and MI'!!. . H. Deatherage have rctu rned il'om sevel'a l da}" pleasant vi it with their ~18ughlel' Lo oldng bllck thro ugh child.hood and family in Kentucky. years, Rob ert Gordon, Harry Tuckel', One vi~ion do r ee; and Ken neth Eakins went t o Wal A s ma II girl in II g'ay pink 'frock handing Thursday and remain d 30 Years Expe,.lence Sa Who gave her love to me. the rest of the w ek with relativ s Fitting and Making m..... Together t hrough the meadow, --We wandered, hand in hand, On through lovely ·fern dells St raight to fahry land . Laa,a.aon, 01110 I·,.o •••• ~ (.'ou.r •• " ·.rrpn f"ol.oj -y. (."'u Tu •• Thurade,., 5......7 , .. "" ",.u., .. ur •• ., .,.I.t .. " . Th ose days I WII!: her hero, 11:'10.... orth L. !! h.,r ...... d. " .. _ .... d EaamiD••i_ Fr_ And fe lt so bold and proud, [ rescued her frolill ro bbers, LEBANON, OHIO Amna M()I'l!:'fln. who rf'l'ldes al Wh o cam e in Ii great crowd. .x~nla. 1010. H. b'. J .: V l o ren n Jl'ttrey. w;h(J r r", ld ee at r(·gonla. And I~ing on OU I~ stomachs, h 10 ' I';"r l Sh t l'WIOoci. w ho I'(·slde. W e fi hed for doodle bugs, ul a30i! E . 5th Kl.. I ayton. Ohio :' And at the samet end of the rope William 'r H r )' , who r ('/lid ~ a reKo nlu. hlo : Edith Eldwaru " . wh o We always play ed at tugs. FOR SALE DATES CALL rt'H id e s at 1 08 flar Hord SI .. 11aYlon. Ohio ; EI ('() n or Olln l'r. who r,' 8 I tle~ And down the pa.t h of gladnes Ilt W aYIl "vi lle, 0'111(0 ; Hownrd SherWe traveled on and on; wood , " ' ho rE' HldE'S at 31i 12 :M e. m I ' A,-.. Unylon 110 ; WIIII IlIll .J crr Y. I'd like to call t hose days back who I' sid" a l S lll lthvl ll~ Itr. H 1Those days fa,rever gone. III Olll. UlL ~· ton . Ohio ; F:I.l e J e rl.r 'y o I st.ill recall the pink frock, who reSIllf'2 "I 1)1·"l\ool a. hlo : M'llllrl('e .1 ft're )" Whe> 'r e8 Id ~ al And funny tight pig-tails. regunill. Ohio ; Walter 'Blley, wh l) All tied with wil-pa of ribbon rt>sldl's at Mlddl<'tOiwn. hlo. R. F . And our shini'ng dinner pails. U. No . 1; Ber:tI ~ 'Mills. who resi d es at \\- ay n .. ~v ll1 Ohio ; Fr d F:IIX1 n . JESSE STANLEY IV 1)0 !"'sldes at t A on . Oh 10 ; M rs. E . I saved up evel'V penny, .1. RUI,hp.r t ora, who r ... ld .s lit \l'a)'320, N •• B.rll ••' ••, OWe' ] laid eacll one as ide, ne vil le. Ohio: Oliver )<; 1110" . whu re_ To buy my ~If It straw hat. s lcll"l' ut LeblHlO ll . OhIo; 1, .. 1111 Gilbert w h o r e@hh'r\ a t Malon . hlo ; One with a brim Quite wide. EARL KOOOLRR 1~"llh furrl8 wh o rt'~Id .." .. t IlU E . And then one day I took it oft' Pho... M"ln St.. ,,,,\.ollrroll. 1110 : will ·a... h And laid it on a log; ulld ull tak .. n lie nnd Ilr,' h reb~ KED.or. And turned round just in ti me to nollf led Wilit lh .. IIIl V ntory I.lnd Approl. m e n! ot tli .- esta t,- ot see F.llslVo rl h L.. Sherwood, ,1.. 1L ... d. It eate n by II hog. was rll~d In th " i-'r"hll.t f' 'ollrt ot __-~------------, W rr ~ n 'OU lI t)' ••J h~O . on Augu Rt G. \ And 0, how bad we both did feel, 1 9~2. n nel that Lilt' HIlI11 t" will b '0" h~urlf1g (I n th " 14111 dA . Y o t S plpnl• • ' W e sat d ow n side 'by side; I,e r 193~. at tli P"ol)llt e C. "rl of And J her brave defender, \Va'rr " n ount y. 0 1110, o.t l -e l.oo.n o lt . Direc:tor of Funeral Ser"lce. Oh io. at to o' ~ lo'k . m. Ju t sat and s obbed and cried. W . Z . HOI.I. My PI'etty hat was gone now, Prollat ...} lIdgp ot \V rron With the star up~n the crown, ('ounl )·. 11 10 Our conven'i ent locntion, suita Augu8I . The hat I'd saved so hard to get ble SUl'roundings and equipment With st,raw 01. white and brown. enables u lo Serve to the Best I ,vond r what became of her? Advantage. Her folks moveel fal" away; pro",tI' e GU ..'. \\ ,rr .,o C OUllt,., 010'" ] wond er if she married? I .. t ....... tt~r .. r H .......t.t lt . f AM if s he lives today? AMBULANC;E SERV ICE All".. ( ·..... 0 . .'. . . .. d..,., . . . . And if she ever t hinks of me? Mory AnlQn. Wl10 r~ "l de8 n t Wayne.."iJl~, Ohio Phone 29 Her old-time iboy s weetheart ~HI~ W es t :11 d ,t.. Da yton. Ohio : And if we wouLd have married? L lz1.l \\ LewJ ~. who r es ides al Way Had we not moved apart? n e llville. Ohio ; Absole", Eva.n . I" li o r esldea • t 1 24" l!re lK'hton A v P ay ton. O h io ; ;P~"'1'1 Sml~h. whQ ,r e.h1es
Phone 25
Waynelville. O.
DR. RUDOLPH Si.ht Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop cIa,..
Slanley&K. AuctloneenD.,.t_
.- ..----
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. McGrath and so n Geol'ge called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madden recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanlon)" !drs. M(\mie FOl.emal1 and Ed uhver, !Iii of. Oil Yton were Sunday callers ~t the home of Dr. ' a nd Mrs. Tripp ·Or. and Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee and Dr. and Mrs. W . E. Frost a!,d MaYI18rd visited t he Zoo in CIncinnati Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Caskey attended a. family r~union at Richmond, Ind, Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker and children Patsy and Jimmy 01 Cambridge. were week-end guest. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy and Herbert. Miss Mabel Starr and Mi88 Marga.ret Starr of Dayton were here for t he ' week-cnd with theil' mother, Mrs. Amanda Starr. Dr. and Mr' . C. G. Randall and Miss Helen RJIlnd all entertained reiatives from Indiana Su nday. Mr. and Mr!l. Fred Harlan entertained a ntlmber of rclatives Sunday. Mr. and lIdr . Wilbur Williamson and daughters ~pent th e weekend out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Syferd and John entertained company from Illinois Wedne;,day . Mrs. Sadie Reason accompanied Mr. a.nd Mrs. Earl Hockett and Ruth on a deUlrht1ul trip through Kentucky and Tenne_ and back t hrouch Welt VINini. the 'paat week. Their route lneluded ' Cu.m· berl.nd Ga,P.
henow e lh . .... ho r " .ld " III 'rhorfl h l, 1 Av .... .x~nltl . hlo ; H oward C il DOW tho who r.8Hl~8 at Wn yn(·i! vl ll ... Ohle, ; Mart h:. I. n c),. who r es ides III Wo. y nes" II I • Oh io : Ella L}ro.dd OO k. 'Wh o ~Nlld "ti at I ~ ~ I hlo ; F. lIf.
W e8t hlh S t .. lJay lo n . 0 1110 ; EIfI Dln. Orubl>s. whll 1' {'8Itl ~* ~l I I U lIftl n Ilr ltlge. St .. 1 'R y t o n. 011 I,,! , FI Ol·'·n c·o HO/'k In s. who resides at wayn svi ll e Oh 0; .Rtiymond o n,nPl'. W/)(> r ..8ld 8 Itt ~'oy n esvil l e. O hi o; l... n" 1~ 1tl·r l ~ . w h o resid es ttl 116 UR.tnbrldg~ St.. Dayto n . Ohio ... Ca.r l 'o nne r-. w ,hu .r es id ... at 11 6 " allllbr idge St. Da)'ton, Ohio ; Harr y Gonner . ... h o rf>8ldeM al %907 Eas t 3rd St. DaY l on . Ohio : (1<1ldi e Be n t ley. who' r ea ldeal at W OYn esv lll ... Ohio : earl 'o nn l'r. Jr .. wh() res ides I~ t W IL)'n 8v lll e. Ohio : H CJllH' I' Oon n e r. who lI'e@lde8 a t Tlpp e.etl. n o~ City, Ohio ; Emily J . M.lnll l r. WI1(, resla .. I\l Moun tl Olll·t. L ba non . Ohio ; Harl ey C r a m or. who reAI(]~aI al F'ratlklln. Ohio ' ... rnnk (,rll lnlM'. 'Who l'E'S ld~8 at. Norwood . 011 Iv; A 10nzl, ra ln~ r. wllo l'e 8j d ~8 Maso n, Ohlu; \"lIlIam ramer. who r ..sl(le. a t I.,.e\)o.non. '()h lo; IAtha Pat·rln . wh(> 'l'e" ld 8 Il t Morro w. Oh io : .I ~ n p 1; 011 n e ro who r Piddes Itt I,(>ban on . ,OhIo Irv in 'Vh e lz e l, Iwh o r e, lde. Al Wilmingto n . Ohio , IJr. dan' C' o<,k . w lh o r 6;<16"1I at \\' ayn".vllle. Oh io : .I .. m .. ~ 'M<:<"l ur ... who r .. s ltl ,," , nt \"a l' ne~"lI l e . Ohl~i. ' arah Kltlllllel'h'
1' ~8 1~ {'8
Oh io;
l'Val'IH·8 vlll~.
Farm{<t's J1:xchlLnge. whl t h III I O~o.thl Ilt Wo y n'HI~· III. . hl o; .Joh n Ih,w·k ~. " ' h o r e8 ld~H tit '''a),1I'' 8vl ll t> . ohio' Fr e d Rarnaril , woho r .. slde s at \\' fiY~ n esl'I II ... OhIo ; OhiO C' ntro l 1'. 1,, _ ,hon .' COrl) .. which , I~ l (1('ot,' <1 at \.<>booon, Ohio : \V. If . JI.I(l ,l(l . n & Co,. Whi ch I ~ I" cnl~d 1\1 WIIYII"~\'III .. Ohio: .Iohn 8cOH . wh o reKlde" at \\-a.'· n~,vIIJ". Ohio; l\II(1dl ~ I' \ln Ce tn~ t e r>·. P. n . addr~sa t. Wn,' n ... vil1o,. Ohio ; will each and "II tak(' n ,>l lc .. and are h oreby notltl ed IhK! B..rthlL 10}. H"8".· IUO ('xp!'utl' lx gt the 'WII I e.nd .. ,tate of l"h~nowetll d .. c ..,uled. ha, (II... In th ... Cou'rt 1\ Roh .. dult> p ,.all known dalmll. d .. bt" and lIahllltiu alfalnat .ald ... tat.·. and that Ma Id II<'hedul .. o( ~le ""III ~~ for hp.rlnll' bl'fnre .....1 ~()urt on . . . . . da, or s..ptemh r, 1'12, .t
10 o·clock. I . m. Wltn •• m.· .. I.nature thltl lin. W. P. IIcCarre1l 4a,. of Au.U.t. I'UI. lro. ROLL, dall~~ Rb. . . . . .nlp
F. o r. Martin
\V'uy n eS vill e. Ohio: I);'H I r;;vll n ~. who ' I'es ld es a t Wnyn .,8vll l" , OhIo ; "'"llul' ]~\'(., n8. who r ~8 ld 5 at Way n esv lI1 ~. OhiO ; fldl th Erll8l. , ",.1\ re s ides lit 914 'M C.... utllUI· 8jM D y ton. Itt
III lit
u4 Ii: -Of1k.
!!_.~.... ,,~.
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
DR.· R~
Phone 80
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Mt.PAllMBa ,
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~A l. E
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.I u ly :!t<, Ih·Il" I \I illd i,' um l grund . ""Il,, Pu ul ~ u llj:(' a nd " llliulll ,1\
}<'r.,,,h J {'rlll'Y ('ow. J
H. ::lal·k.'tt . "'
'l'1lt' li ll(' rUII " I' ~lItulllRY anti . ·lllld ll \ 1·II.h·d d l "lI ~hl "I ,,, \ • \-Inl \ll' l·k .• 'I 1" ,L ~uild I'lI.i n \I ~Ih
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gu ",t. \\ t'Ul n l'Suu), ut ,III', u ud .\II·S, J'lvyl1 ' " ugl' lIud fUlIllty , at 1',' 1. I .. II. 1..1\11 rly 11111.1 <Iu u~h . l,·r,.., ~\I "lJU' II' , L(J ul:lla, 11 ,rUanl II,'"
1\11'. and ~ I t·. Alvin :-;lInp~un, of Lynchbur!r. ~pl'nL SundllY hel'l' \\ ith n,lu\l\'.,s,
40 Used and Nearly New Cars 40, 'II
Thi: \\'lIym' 1'0\\ ll~hiJ)
Mo lbl'l'~'
i11'lU1l1 !;H\t' H IIIU~ l ca l
WIIlJllI'nl al Lytl· cllm 'h :::)ulIlJ uy II \ ' ('1, ago at I he (I 1' lIuull
~"l\l'l', 1IIIIeh wa s II
Girls' Print Dresses
' n l ' rI
,I>:ed uudil!l'Il:l',
Girls' Fine Prillt Fast Color Dresses--Just A the thing for School SPECIAL"
husn'l!Jcell ~o ill hold it" tlr ·t mel'ling I'llI' :,11<' has l",en i the Sl.'ll"on at. th \ (Jrlltlc ~choo l Il n Jructlll'C lwei 1,, 1' SI X WI: 'k" building, Jo'l'idtl~ :.fll'l'no\'". 'cpo VIVlth II Ul'ukl!ll Illp. I . Comparl.on . s7 _IU'. Jill II ,\1r'I, lilelln J ohn s uml W e I nVlte an d R'I I I'd I napectlon... 'i temuel' ~I. Paul lind Ylvllln, of Make U. an Offer • • • 14 YEARS OF SUCCESS " r.l r, u/,Id ,M r", U~III<1I.t IIl' ndl.'l'SlI ll childrell, lind hlldren. ul l)oyton ,, ('n' I l\) LUll, "jll'nt Oil' day IIl ' L we k .1 Your G uarantee of SATISFACTION • • • Every \leek.end ' o,'sb. of the fOllIlH·. \\1111 tlll'lI IIIl1lhel', Il ~. jllaqf"Ht ! Car RECONDITIONED and GUARANTEED Plll't'nt~ , 1)1', : Ilel MI'~. t'. \ . 11.'1 - Juhn!'. l' 01' ::>alc : ' foeks fl'om 1 to 10 dcrsvll. galloll., I lll' upple !Jutter, 1....liut, 1>11'. Anna Cadwullu,l l' slw nt .. t ~, ' ec "alt"t· henrick. I 1932 Ford 8 Cabriolet 1929 N alb Sedan }t' riday wilh I' lati .. in Wa,;h, n '.111'. and .\It :. 1J nalll li~IlJl('y al1932 Cbevrolet Coach 1929 E •• ex Coupe l un ... II. Mi~s I I'll Lile, "ho kllc.Jed . the l:llIl'nct~ I'ClI/HUII ( Free Wbeelin.) . 1929 E..ex Sport Coup« . had b t,'(i ll Yi~il il1 g lhl'tl', I'l'lurn J u 'e,' ('a rk, 1l.~1l1' l{l(lg' III~ :-ua1932 Chev Special Sedn,~. home wit h her. 1929 Ford Town Sedan Boys' and Girls' Schoo" Shoes and Oxfords, In .~tr. UlIJ l\1 n'. A. I~. Whit" unu. dan ( Demon.tra1929 Ford Tudor Th Woman 's uxiliaf'Y of 'l. ,1I 11 ~, of 'U 1Ul11bus, ICI' Mvnuuy Straps, Patent or Kid, tor) 1929 Plymouth Coach 1ary's chur~ h will JIll' t (In ~'I'i. 'uesls ot Mr. und .II'S. hl)sllll" 1931 Pontiac Coach SPECIAL , 1929 Pontiac Sedan day Ilftel'noO Il, eplembet· !l.J. at linihuill und tIIaughlel'. two o'clock at the bOlile of "II'S. ~lIssc~ ilel 'n und t:uLh Early I 1931 CheYrol.t Coach 1929 Oldlmobile Coupe W. 11 . Allen . molon~ d to J:in,mn coullly n \lellK , 1929 Chevrole t Coach 1931 CheVl'Olet Coupe JIl l' .' Olive)' Dav!>; in comPllny ugo and ::illcnt S I'<.lral lIay::s \\ tlh 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coacb . h M V ,<.. f D relatives and Jl'iendl! thlll·C. 1931 Ford Victoria 1928 Chevrole t Coupe Wit I'S. eo ,~uall1s, 0 8y\,(,n, The Ludie.s AId nWl.ts thl~ Wedi•.mnll, Sunday to wenl 10 New Coupe 1928 Chryaler 72 Sport se ' 1r". Peter Dem8 ' who is in Ilc~uay nHernQon at lhe hume of • • • • 1931 Plymouth Coach Roadster very poor health , . h 'l!. l<alph J ohn '. II'S. ticn l!~ ml'ick was !),uiLe ill (With Trunk) 1928 Buick Sport RoadMr. Ll oyd Davis ami sons, fo:r s veral da ,the ti1·~t of last 1930 Na.h 400 Coach Josillh a nd William, have rC'turnt'd week, !Jut. is improved at. t ill Lillie Boy.' Broadcloth Shirta, 8.oy.' Panta, Elaatic Bot1930 Ford Tudor 1928 Ford Tudor from a visi.l at lhe hOllle of MI'. MI'·. !<;lIlcry 'hal'ieton attended 75c value, and Ml'~. Howard Hurley, n 'ar the Gibbs I' 'u niun :::)unduy at t he 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrole t Cabritom., 98c value., FOR ONLy . , . ,. ew Burli ngto n. home of ~ r. alnd Mn;. John Li ibb' 1929 La Salle Sedan olet SPECIAL, at . . . . neal' Go hen, ' h:rmont. n,ullty. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Ford Coupe 11'. an d Mrs. \\ ilbul' lark and 11'. l!:. J. ':lll'll'1ony 01 ;:\pring, Mr. and Mrs. laud!! Rigg!! spent fil'ld, his motner, Mrs. MIII'y Carthe week-end ,i n Loui 'ville and mony and 11'•. and )\11'11. 'harle!! CHEV~OLET ACENCY other poi nt of lntt're l in Ken· 'Ja r K molored t o hampnign tu ky lind Indiana. ounty, Labor Day, li nd VI ited Ea.), Term.- C. M. A . C 12 to 18 Mo .-Ea~y Term. 1\1i s Dorothy I'elatives of l\h':;. lU' tIlony. Thu l'aday mo rning .Mr. li nd Alr.s. n a ymond lI arsh\V ayaelvllle, Ohio Wa 'hington, ni ter a two weeks bllrger and da llght~r. of Lebanon, vi it to her a u nt Mi s May Wl'igh l, wer Monday evening guests 01' i a tlvll ' Mrs. . B ut on rnett. pe nt .s ev I'al __ anu,' , ot h el' re • J oh~n. HPre - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:=:=============~==;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Phone 386 LEBANON, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Milto n Sheehan. day ' la t week with his gran dM!'. usi Montgo mel'Y and Mi, mother PI'estolll In Da yt.on. e nter ville, :l.r8. A nna r andel'S of ovingCora ' waggerl, of Lie•• led R..l Eatat. Broker, an d .Marg lit·et R gers vi it 'd ton, Ky., is ma king all xt nded Auction.. r and I.aaraace friends a t R esev ille, unday. visit with hell' son-in-law and r---~-------------------~--ll dau g hter Dr. a l1d 1rs. A. A. ' mith WayneIYUle, Ohio Cha rles Zi mmerma n retu rned }{e\·. H . H. Latferty , past r o ( Tu e day ev ning of last week from Lytle cb urc h a .tte nded M. E . conMost Rea sona ble Tenn!l . Pha!'r, T oxa , acco mpanied by h is fet'ence a t Cinoeinnati, )a 'li week. Because the old·ti me "undermother, · M~'8. l\1aI''y Zimmerman, A num ber f r om here we nt to Lob taker" did little beside f urnish who will make her home here. llnOll 'at u l'day afternoon to , hear the ea k t. many peopl sun . the t bands guth r II th re. it Ii ' May W r ight , Mi, Doro- wa s n ot as enjoyable a anticipated cons ider that t he co t of the th y Da kin, Mrs. E mma H, M Clu re li n accou n t of the rain. fun ral repre ents the val ue and Mrs. .t. H . ordon we re MI'. lind Mrs. Rober t huma rd of the ea ke t al on e. T his i not gu st s of MI'!!. J . W. E dwards at a nd Mr . a nd flb-s. Harle y Roudetru e. her hOllle n ar Gree nfie ld. Tu esday bush 0'£ Daytolll we l'e Sunda y even . t The {aneral director of t oo' The Mt. Holly churc h will hold ing gue ' ls of MI'. and' Ml's. WiIt day pcr1'ol'ms a myriad or an ice.crea m social here in this OU t· Wha r ton. F 'd ' b Floyd ' avag'e, who is employed '11 services which were never exVl ake rI a y vvenlllg, pt em er at Lvtle elevntor, did som side . Everyon e w Ico me. 01l1e eat ' p cled of th " un(fertaker." your fill of "home.made ice crea m work, lettering the llI eat h 'uck of T hese include the techn ical and cake." Ea rl oyle a t Wayne ville, Mr. 'avnge is very a pt at th is kind of work of ·pr<, pal'ing the body, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orsborn work. . compl ete eharg of the f uneral and sons, M, J, Ol'sborn, Mr. and Miss Clarabe lle Hun t and bl'other and lhe use of man y kinds of Mrs. rville Gray and daug hter, Wa rre n, are now at Kalma th Falls necessary equ ipment, and Anna Le Crane attend ed the Ol'egon, visiting th eir siste r, Mi A lal'ge part of the funeral larksville re union at Fort An- Mal'y HUllt and uncle a nd aunt, cien t unday. lItr. and Mrs. Lorenza T r uax. d lr ctOf 'S crvice to human ity In the most desirable fabric a nd colors at Mrs. Ed Long:acre s pent last week t ak th form of prof 8Hional M't'.- a-nd-MIS. Vl. O. ,Rope r ft C- in incinnati Ilnd a t tended th e M. a moderate price. wOI·k. Hi. an d companied Rev. a nd Mrs. E. confer ence which was he ld Bring your "passe " hat. felt or velvet. Grau ser t o t he ou nky club at t here. Worthingto n. S unday evening, M rs. Margal~e t J ohns _pe nt unfor a beauty treatment. We take them wh ere th Rev. Grau. e r offi c iated day aod Monday with Mr. an d at an ela borate wedding , Mrs. laude l.ewis a nd f amily on apart. clean, reblockand restyle at a mod' ocia l Rowand a tte nded the The Friendship club will meet fun r al of MI·ll. Bertha G oldsije rry erate cost. Wednesday u.:fte rnoo n, pte mber Mr. Alf red Hain es I·.turnel:i t o II I Phone 7 14, at the h ome of 1\11'; L. V. his home Ilt lletroit, Mich., TllesBran strator, Note the change of day aiter spending a week with h is Waynesville, Ohio place from Mrs. Gene Conn er's moth e}', Ml's. S. H . Hain es at the home of Mrs. BI·ans trato,r's. ho me of Mr. a nd Mrs , Wa lt er Ken. ON'T drive on thltt, Begi nning unday, Septembe r rick. , r[aky tires thl. FaU LI, eve ning serv ice at the Church MI'. and MriB. Floyd Sa vage, Mr. of Christ will commenc e 15 min. and M1"o;. L'Dwell Thoma and and Winter. With tire utes earlier than heretofor e. ~;verett Early uttended t he Montprices 10 low it 4oeen't hri tian Endenvor will begin at gomery l"a it· in Day to n Labor Day. .• . I" t ' Mr . and Mrs. W. G. Haines and G 30 paytotakechance~ s~rvi c e : n~ 7~30~m g .ava nge IS IC children and Mrs. I da Brown an'd Come In-1et our liberal family of Dayton we re Monday Mr. and Ml'5, E rnest Hartsock, !lfte rnoo n eallel's at the home offer 'cr your old tiree. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock, MI'. anV l r s, Walter Ke nrick. We'll do everythlnll we Mrs. E. W. H opkin. MI'. and Mrs Mr. and M rs. J . B, J ones, Mr. Chas. Rye, and Mr. and Mrs . and Mrs . Alle n Eml' ick and John can to help you let thOle Chas. Anderson and sons .attend ed Prest on were, Sunday liftern oon thin, riaky tiree oft your , the ervis family re union at c.all~rs of Mrs. Add a Mille r in P iq uu, Sa n day . .:....-----,;--I--8tTl'il~tttr!t:.,_ _ - - - -- .....--~c ._ -+_ c:as;. We'll make a prop" evel'al r ellLtives f ro m here at,osition to you on tbe Mrs. Otis LeMay an d s6n , O. B. tended the f unera l of Mrs. Bertha who have bee n spen ding t he sum- Golds ber ry at, her late r esi dence world's great~st tire fot mel' a t the Hawk e-LeMay cottage on Social Row Monday afte rnoon eafety, lon~ Ufe and on the Franklin Chautauqua !l nel t h burial at Centerville. MI·S. g r ounds, expect to leave h ere t o- Gold ber r y WBIS killed, on the Da yeconomy-the Goodyear I morrow (Th uI'sel ay ) mornin!?, fol' to n Pike T'hursday afte rnoon All-Weather. Don'uue their hom ' near Mu cl e Shoa ls, when h it by a n alito. Alabam a. ~11' . an d Mrs. Wa lter .Ken rick chances on thin, risky ntertain ed to six o'clock dinner ~ea. Come In-~ ua. F or the pleas ure of he r ni t eo Saturday . MI' . Mary Nichols, of , orothy Dakin, Miss May 'ha rps, F la. Mrs. Anna J< en l'ick Miss • •• fr equently the thought comes into the minds Wright was host ess at a f a mily and daugh t er, Miss Bertha of dinn er ot Th e Littl e Inn S umlay. Wayn e ville, and Alfr ed Haines of of u er s of ELE CTRICITY that cost is too high . Th guests w I' Mrs. An na Ha~k e Detroit, Mich . Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hawk e a nd son M"l·,'. S. H. Burnett has been a n Hubert, of Cla rksvill e : Ml'S. Em ma inte n e s uffcrler since she f e ll lin d • • • t he plain fact of the matter is that ELECBar nett. Mr, ' E .. V. Barnhart, of bro1< e h er ankle . tw o weeks ago. Cincinnati; Mr. and MI·s. J . W . An X-I'ay s howed t hat the large TRICITY IS THE CHEAPEST THING you , use in Edwar ds and family, of ncar bone was broken in two p lace and G ree nfield ; Mr. und Mr s. Ronald the small bone in one p lace. She your home. Hawke an d on, F r ank, and Mrs. if! resting som ewhat easier at this Emma H. McClure . time, und er t h e care of Dr. mith • •• when you sto,p and con sider the varied things of th is place. Dr. and Mrs, A. A. Smith' had ELECTRICITY does; that it is always ready to be f or thei r S u:nda y dinner guegt s : Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sand e r~ of Flo used. and the actual cost to you for the service it T homas, Ky., and M rs. Anna Th e necessity of q uality in , , andel's of Covington, Ky. Their lumber is realized builders renders, there are no two ways about i t Dur.i ng t he summer the auditor- Labol' Day guest s wel'e: Mr. nnd in this community. ium in the Senior bu ilding and t he Mr s. Cliffor d Doud na, of Da yt on. stud y hall in the Ju nior b uildin g The fo rmer is supt , of Da yto n . Our business ' and reputation h ave been 'I'e paircd . A ryew light- Pow er a nd l:~h.!. _ 0. YOUR ELECTRIC BILL IS TRIVIAL in g syste m anll the painting of is found ed upon the idea of Alt hough more bee! cattle in Complete b oth h!1ve mad e a great improve- Oh io ' nre on feed this year t ha n giving t he best possible advi ce lasti the nu m ber in the Co rn Belt ment. and service to our customers. LiD. of The Junior and Senior high is 5 per cent less than a year ngo. BUILDERS More than the usual nu mbe r of schools wer e cleaned a nd painted th e c.att le thi yMr a re t e ~s t ha n Lumber which has stood t he ==========~~====~============== SUPPU£S . . . . . . . . .N Juri ng the past yea r, b ut due to 1100 pou ll ds i n wei ght, t est of time, in buildings in this the constant u ~ e of the audi to r iu m und other communities, came . . . . . ..,. I ... a nd study hall wor k the re had to tro m our yards. ... . . . . . 1.1. be de layed ti ll th i su mmcI·. Othel' repairs were th e painting ..I I .... I ••• Our reputation ' and experiof Roosevelt an d Haye!l halls. and the bu ild ing ' of a eo ncrete wall, en e is at your service. Come in back of the t flldp b uilding. Th e . . . ..... Od' . . . . . . ' . and let 118 8e~e you. r pose of thiri wa ll is to keep mud
l l'~ . L (tie '~ nl'l~y IHI! IIlI! PUSL WIle".
Jersey Dresses
Mls.ses' New Jersey Dresses, In latest color8 for Fall, values up to $3.50
ut 'l
Boys', Golf Hose, 2Sc value, for
• •
Pboae I'
Professional Service
Just Received a ·New Collection of
J. E. McCI..re
Xenia, Ohio
37 Green St.
Tbls Tip!
Lum"er Tbat Sta.d. t". T ••t 01 ,Tim.
Improvements at o. s. & S. o. Home
.. ......... . .,. ..., ... ... .... 1...... .
........................... .... .."
' Use
The Miami Gazette'.
...--....--..~..--------~----------~--------~tr.building. ~e~~rt in the r ea r of the - .. - ... - --
.,...vnle. Ohio
The lIum mer me.eting of the 100 hushel co rn clu b ill lleheduwd for September '1 at the London P rison
Fa"", Mad lion Couaty •. 1)1 16 .Iae cl" has led 118
Gordon'. Service Station . . . . . .7
The Daytio 'ower and L~bt Co• , x.ma Dlatrlct
Eighty-Fifth Year
SEP TEMBER 14, 1932
THE WARREN' COUNTY I Smith.Hughel Boya WAYNE TP fARMERS' W pn More Honora f---fI----'I'-H----RR-lHflHFHfHf-~PutSuanl ~I~is annual cu~tonl: CLUB MET AT HOME HELD AT HAHVEYSBUHG I~~~ti~H~g~~{:!~~:~:~~~t~h:tl~~h1 Of L" V BHANSTHATOR recent Ohio tatE! fair, and. .
usual, th boy made a very credo itable showing. harle ' L May won second premium with hi disp lay of market val'i tie~ .of app les, and al!l() made a splendid r cord in the live stock judging contest. The Wayne TOWllShip chapter of the Future Farmer of America, a national organization of farm boys ponS)1 ed b Y·1 'I e . Fade ' I gove l'n • S l . ~ III ment, wa one o f the prize winnen in a fl Id of 40 compet.ing chapt.ers (l ne UJ' two of them fl'om 1 ndiana. Our boy, rece ived an urgent in· vitation fl'om ,t he management of 'he Fal'r to nter the ('onlpetl'tl'on • again ne1Ct year. Joseph K ~ey, the new director of t he ~mith-Hug'he s depa l·tment at Lebanon ' ' I' S a "<rraduate of the local departme nt, where th students ar(' trained to succeed in whatever pl'oje<'t they und rtake.
umb r 603 1
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Chas. Bu II, uC X n ill, ca lle J u ll M rs. Stella haner visitEUi he r Ro.tine Bu.ine .. Wa. Tra'D .act ed Int ereatinl S peaker. and Cood Waynesville fri eruls, ia ~t Thu rsday PlAna Wer .. L.id for a Very Bu .)' moth er a t Am lin, Ohio, last week. S"alon. aDei 51. ndin, Com· and Re.olution. Wer e Adopt . Music Furni.hed a. Plea .inr L."y Voted Fi". Year" A.o, Honold lI ardin lef t l u~t Sut urMillS Doris Hawke spe nt t he · n .. Ueei Were Named day to eniel' Wittenberg (1rl ll < 'j!E' P'r o,Tam for th e Occa.ion So Say. Clerk Hatfi.ld week .end with Miss Doris Fiala in e d b y Me mber. at ' pringfield. Dayto n. 0. ~;. t~TI(Jif o J'd has l'l·t Ul'n(>u 'r he fir t mee ting IIf ih Wayne F' th I t of Warren ounty W. • T. U. M'l'. and }\11·S. L. V. Brnn.tl'Dtor lY.e years ago e- e ec ors H . M. Sherwo od and E. R. convention was held at Hal'veysplea~antly enterluined th Wayne frt/Ill a vis it \ ith /'elat ivc:I in r owns hip !'ol oth ers club fo l' the Way nesville tho ught best to vote Ben t ley we re Dayt on VI'sl'tors, b u rg, Ohio, Friday, :::i(!ptembc 9th Twp. Pal'mel's' Club S ptember 8, Miami ounty. r eho l yen I'" was held at t he Grade fo~ a special I vy oOf t wo mills for Mon day morning, Th mor ning 8 8~ i o n wa s luken up at their attl'activ country home. ,c hool bu ilding, la8t F I·ida y Qfter· Miss Edna hlln£'I', of DayLor!, village current expenses. The year Miss L ucy E rnIe; wa s a Su nday by the u ual routine bu si ne:~. Ml'~. After the usunl bounteous uind II vncati on a t Rose LalYn betoro this special levy went into dinner guest at the home of Mr. Evo McDonald WIiS 1·leeled presi. ntll' membel's and gUll. t. gathered enjoy ,1I>" n. Cal'n! laRt week. effect the income 'into the f unds and Mrs. J ohn C. Adams. den t, Mr. Eldridge. of Fl'anklin on the lawn for th bu in(.'~K and . Dib ' I't had Aft r 1\11' ~ . vi,c e-president, Mrs. Adal\lS (Ii progl'am . All fe}t with Helen Hunt MI'. lind Mrs. Jamll~ Lovely Bnd 'on'd uet d the devot ional e xercises. "n 'hl' ch derive t hei r r eceipts fro m Mr. and Mrs. has. Un derwood "" . a'mevi'11 e r ec or d'Ing sec , y. an d J ae k on W h II ,salfJ" ,·S ep t e mb er d ays daughters ,pent unday with l·d . ,t!ading th e 1 (l 3rd Plial m, the General taxes was ins uffi cient to entertain d a large pa rty of rela- Mrs. Hnl'krlld 1', uf Lebanon tre8~. are hel'e, With summer"s b Ht f ulive. in Middletown. , , eCl'u tlJl'Y r ead th e minutes of the pay t he contracL price :tor street t ives at 8 fam il y dinn er, un day. u rel', weather lind lIutumo's be~ t or cheer." ' M r . and Ml's. H. . Coleman, uf May mceting, \\ hieb 111 ;\0 lillted llie " th MI'. Judson M 'Kim of wei ll, Iig h tl!o to sa y noth IJIg o. 0 or exMrs. Ruth Janne y and da ughter na t . Th e 'mvocat10n . l 'wa~ the , pcakel" His sub. was 4' "red by 'o 1'\Yo()d, we re WayneHvill e visi · llflcers f or th y a r as f ollows: pen es for services re ndered t he Miss Louella, le ft Tuesda y morn· j ct was, "Things to do, " He said Rev . G. , Dibert after which the lln's Monday aftern oon . resident., Mrs. L. E. Hocketl; people of Wa ynesvill e. A t the close ing for t heir winte r home in De· we s hou ld nth bec() me II humlln 1'011 wa ~ called and only one family ice Pre '., Mrs. R. G, Miller, o'f t he fisc al year on De.c ember 31 , la nd, Fla . q uestion box. We s hould be well was absent. Th 1'011 call WIIS , MI', IInjl Mrs. J. C. Hawke were 1027 there exist ed a large deficit Mr. and Mrs. H owell P eirce, of infor med and able to refute the answered by, "Where 1 tarted to \ unday gue~ts III MI'. and Mrs . ce., Mrs. Hom er Rllmby; Trea ., ,VII'!!. R. H. Hal'tsock. OBITU " ,"RY schoo . I.," whic h bro. ught forthI mallY II C ud 1I.>lwk e 11\ Dayton, · h In ' PIlun ' wor d 8 mean t th e I Toledo, who are vis iting relatives argu w hIC h ment and ful se statement of M The secretary aiso reported a of Wa\1 nesville ' were in l at Selma, were calling On W a "nest e wets. Let us IIskIf we ' repeal _ _ . _ relll l nt ~ Cence~. mutes of t Ie last MI' and Mrs D R l:lmith were p eople Jalanee of $41>.74. tlnd a balance # I to what shall we r epeal'! IT we meetinjt were l' ad and approved. ' . .., de bt--the village o ffi cials act n ot ' ville fr iends. today. want. state cont . I- h ' If Myrtle troup wall born at Music Ilf wh ich we never grq\ uut of t.O \\ n Monuny a.nd Tuesday, Jf $345 .02 in the H. . lunch 'undo Two bill i! 0'( one doUa!: lIeh 101' themsel ves but fO.r t h.e peo ple. Mr. and Mrs. (:1 d e Everhart t h.i nk federal con~~ol a ~~~iure wh~ l ugomar, Ohio, . A ~gu>lt 2~' 1 92 tired,' was furnished th~oughout un II short plea ure trip. Had not s uch. spe~Ull ~evy been of Middletown and ~r. Ilnd Mrs. ~111 enfone stR.te contl'ol?If we and d p!lrted t~IS 1.lfe at :stlllwllter th aftern,oo.n b.Y •. S. ElliS. Miss ?tlildred Hurt. ock. of Mil. Nere paid. T h president tben read a very , vo ted at t~at time I t i i-light have Fre.d Everhart spent unday a t ltke t he .Canadlan s ystem, how anatorlUm, eph.mber 7, 11132, The host mtloduced as the first ford, Rp nL Jtl J>t week with Mr" interesti ng letter from the new been possible. f or the Uayton Cleveland and Akron w,\U d e It work ? ff tax on liquor aged 40 yelil'. , 18 d,aYiI. . . p ll. kt'r of ~he after noon Prof. Edith HII1'I'i!:l and famil y. AlUnty Supel'int n dent of chool l'owe r and LIgh t to obtain a . bnn gs prospe"ity, why are' Gel'. he grad?a)'ed . .from Mia mi BOhl . who IS t he new c.ou n.ty ,j udgment against the village for Mi88 Helen Gallant, o f Lima, many a nd England not prosper· Valley N!lrse s tratnlllIC school, of sup nnl ndent of ~cho ols. HIS {11m ' M I'. and MrR. Ead lark, of .I lr. ha. H. Bohl, and announced t ail ure to pay t o them the oonlract Mrs. Ru t h Janney and Miss Lou- ous? ]J the brew r ' would use the i?ayton . I~ May, 1913. In early is to give serv!ce so that we may Brookville, s pent Saturday with the enrQ ll me nt of 537 pupils in our prjce for IItreet lights wheu and a a ella Janney were supper gUelits of fa r mers graIn, what about lhe in. hfe she Jomed the lLutheran ch ~rc h get value received. . the fOl'ln 1'" father. MI'. Walter ;chools. uKtody of the fl ower box a t the d ue.· ln that asa 8uch rate aa nec- Mr. and Mrs. Lindley M.endenhall,I"'·"'''''''' use () f 'milk and the grain 1at I ngumar, and, atter marnage ongl'essrnan Wesll was next 111- lark. essary to sa t i fy the judgment Monday. u. ed to produce it? she remov d her letter to the lroduced who bl'() ughL us new "t'8d build ing w&.!t voted to Mi Mr. and MrR. W. B. ~ lui I'll, and wi! 'I! room fo l' th e month of Sepwo uld have been added by court The resolution cummittee re- Lytle M. E. hurc h. where her from Washillifton. A few ( f action. Miss Alma Getner has returned J)(>rted a s fo ll ows : membership remained until death, the id as he Wished to leave with MI'. and MI'" W. O. Rapal' spent a emb I'; and Miss Hartsoc k's ro om The r esolu tio n passed by Coun.- t o Ott erbein college , where she iJi Wh el'e8s:- We l'epl'e~ ent t.h She was one of it!! most devou t his listeners were as follows. The couple o f rlays lit Indinn Lake, last l'ill hay ' charge of th e picture f or 11 at the adjourned meeting o n employe d a s teacher ot German, pr in<'ipl es of pul'ib.l' peace nnd membel·~ .• h was al 0 a mem ber Un ited S tates thought i was so week. In length of t ime . h e pte mber 2 193 2 provides tor a after sp ending some t im e at the pat r' tism. ., of The Ellstern S.t ar at Waynes- strong a country that it could ,hal'1e Lel'lf ay fa vor ed with a Mr. and Mr . Wall I' '!tlk r. of .I·omb(lne solo, his mother play!nr Be it resolv d :- 1. That we are ville, . . ignore everythin~ that had hap. t wo and on~-half mill levy wh ich ill Frie nds' Ho me. pringbol'o, were unday Ili a nincreaae of on e-half mill on u nalterably opposed to the rep al he \Va. mal'I'led to n yde G. pened pre"iously In the way of d . near ~ pianQ accompllniment, and Mrs. t he dpllar from t he fo rmer special Mrs. Edit h Harri ~. Mrs. La ura o f t he 1 th Amendm ent and the Cox, J une 5, ]916 . T hey settled pre~sions and s till go on a t a n even inj{ gucl'l ts of MI'. and Mrs. "eMay 1'(1 8d an ·in teresti ng and levy. However the t wo and one- MOilher, Mr. Harris Mos her and V olstead Act. on a far m close \;0 Lytle. A fe w un heard (mte. The world has Ed Cook. . nstructiv~ pllper, " Women Tra il half mills will yie ld mucn le88 than Miss Mildred HartBock, were Sun2 In or der to pre~erv(! the gaiM yea r~ afterwal'ds 1ih ey moved into b come HO revolu tionize d in t he T he se~Rior\s of the Prirllit.iv Bl al\el'~ in Edu cati on and Industry . t he 'former t wo mills. The H)2 7 day dinner gues ts ot Mr. and Mrs. alr~ady made we 'hereby pledge J,ytJe t o help in t he care of he r manner of transportation and com. BllptiKt ASllociation WlIJ'e held a.t A ftel' a pia no olu, " Ghosts in valuation of th real and personal Ronald Hawke. ourselves Lo ~ careful, conscl n- h usba nd 's fath er a nd moth er. mun i ation and we have really t he Midd le Run church, Illst Satu r· lht! 'h im ney," by Jane Cook. :) upl!l'intendent J. W. Lotz was inpro perty ot this village w.. $1 ,Fred Furnas h eld th lucky t io us no n-parti san studv of th e Fou r. years ago tlhey rem'!ved t o e1(,o lved a new world therefol' we day lind Sunday. trod uced lind guve II talk conce rn'037,390 and ' today the valuation ticket which drew t he late mod el prese nt cr isis. : I?ayton, where t hey have s ince re· ~eed 8 good, 'ound, sturdy steer. Dr. and Mr, . Edward Deppe ing the welfare of t he schools. He ()f real and tangible personal prop- Chevrolet sedan that was given as 3. We ack nowledge as did our . Ided. IIllf whee l of ~ve l'n ment t o control a r ty is $654.160. On this ba is the a prize at the Dilyton fail', la t c rusading moth er~, the gu'l di nl!: ' !\fyrtl.e w~s. a w.oman of very t hiS body. Infl ation .of cU.rrency wel'e gue!!ts uf Mr. a nd MI·s. J. E . ltrcss d t h im po rtance o f the oW levy yielded $2074,.78 and the Thursday evening. Hand of God in thi8. as weI! as a l\ s weet d ispOSition, klOd and ympa· would be t he worst ~ h l n g t hls.gov. Me lu /'e at :ix·o' 'lock dinner, ren wal of t he three· mill additionnl school lev y t hat is being propos d two and one· hall m ilia other National cri es. I t he t ic, one of h.er s tro ngest tr~i ts ~rnm e nt cou.ld poSSibly do, Judg-· Sunclay ev ning, ask d fOI' a t t he No vember elecKenneth St. J ohn re turned t o 4. We mny with great re luc t- of cha racLer be m.~ her grea t wll1- mg f rom Its effect on oth r will yield only $1 385.40 from the The GI)od ,ut I() thing 4·H Lion. This I 'vy, he said , is by no valuation of $654,160 f ()r r eal and his sc hool-duties at Hubbard, Obio. ance be torded to lin unpleasant I ing ne, s. to sac rifice he:selt t or co un tries. [f people wish ta:ces reo tangible personal pro perty. Con- lallt Thursday. He teaches Biofogy co urse of ac t iun, but II'm keep the oth ers In a ny ma n ner which would d uced they m ust n ot be ma kmg de· lu b will hllid il mal·ket in the meanR a new one. and positively s idering t hen that t here will not in the High s h ool , and ill assi tant end i n view following the h'aH be to t h e promotio n of t heir com- mand s upon co ngres {or appro- Sidell !ltOI'!, room. Saturday, Rep.' will not increasc t h taxes one bit; t mbCl' 17. (I'om !) to 12. In fact t. h actual am oun t will be b e one cen t of delinquef\ t t axell coach of athletics. blazed by our court\~eou, ances. fort or enjoyment. priatipns. s uch amount , will be just $7 .90 t ors, knowi ng that in the end F or ovel' eight years s he made 1\1\ 8 E liza beth Graddy, t h e new Mr. anel Mrs. Lrll'en Hadley a n d l<umew hat low r du e t o the demore than n eeded to pay the con· J ohn T. Chase Missionary to Truth w ill prevail. a brav e ti g ht to li('et wel l. Unable coun ty demonsh 'a tio n agen t made daughtl'l's hllv I'cturned to New. cl'case in t ax valuation . The tailtract pdce f or street lights. Japan, with the Yots uya Mission , ____ _ _ _ to d!l physical work, most of h er a f ew remar ks c ncerning t h work ark where Mr. Hadley has I\. posi· ur of t he measure to pass would Without a ny sp ecial levy this Tokyo, Japan, will Bpeak at the ti me was spent rt! ti ng, a nd rea d· of r ura l women fo r t he comi ng ti on in the pub1i schook be lin awful h ards hip on the year Council would have received Church of Christ., Friday evening, ing her Bible. he wa s ch eerful tQ y ar. 8chool R. Hc b sought the earn eat less than $650 tor the General. September 16. Eve rybody invited. the la t. a nd never co mplain ed, Mr. K ern wh o has been fi lling Mrs. Emma Grubb an d M 'l 'lI. Ella ~upport of the club for its passage. Safety and Service Funde. With When asked how "h e was, her fa ce t he place of county agent foJ' th e Braddock I1f Dayton, al1d MI'8, Dr. W. H. B ea chl er, peaker at uch limited income the s treet The Ladies Aid of the Waynes, wo uld light up wi¢h a s mile, as she summe r months gnve a fe w 'help f ul Elizabeth Lewis atte nded Baptist the co mme ncement ex ercises In light service, police protection, ville M'. E. Church will serve a would a nswer , I a,m getti ng bette r hints on living. Be than kfu l , be Association at Middl£, Ru n churc h. MIlY, was beCor(' t he club, trying t o fir e protection and other services Be lgilln hare dinner in the dining The (ollowing dispatch from eve ry day in evelry way. happy and be gen .. rous wit.h all the Sun day. induce t hem to s ponsor a Iyceuml- - _ would be much lessened or eve !) hall lit t he Warren County Fair Lima was publi hed in la. i Su n. h leaves to mo~ rn her loss a blessings God has g iven t o man . co urse to b e prov ided by t he Ox"!liminated. f,riund s on Sunday, September 18. day's Dayton New~ : Retit'ement of devoted h u~band. wh o' has h ad The special to pic "Traveling Mr. and MI'II. T. S. Hal'd in and fo.rd Lyceum Bu re au. The matter The village official s have cut 'ce, 35 cent s tyer ptate. - Rev. Aar on . Watkin: . former everything do n l;hat could be for Ab road From Ou r F ireside." was family !'Ipent unda vith- himl'C-·+r<rrn.-..."""......'TY.d -to the nanee comexpenses in many ways durin~ Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman, Miss Prohibition party candidate fo r h er welfar e. Her fa ther a nd handled in nn intere ti ng ma nn el' fo lks at Falmouth , Ky" Miss Vil'- mittec. A pen ny collection at each meet· 1992 but even at that there will Stella Daugberty and Messrs. presiden t and now a candidate for moth er, Ml'. an d Mrs. P . W . Stroup b y Mrs. J . W. White. She chose gin in I'cmai n d in K n lucky fOl' a ing was adopted lor the use of tbe probably ~e a s mall deficit at the Robert Hyman and L. N . Printz g overn or of Ohio on the Pl'oh ibl- of Ingo ma r , a broth r , Omat· the little I'ocky ~oun try of Wales. few wc kR visiL. cl ose ot t he year. Further report viaited Serpent Mound, Sunday, ti c>n tic ket, {rom the pastorate of tro u p o'f Ge rm:ant(lw n and two n count ry little kn (lwn, yet. with a Mr. and Ml's. J. O. Cal'twriD'h t clothing comT\1i ~eei nnd '200 was .. tra nsrerred fro tI e H . S. lunch will be made by the Village Clerk returning by way 01 Portsmouth, Wesley Meth od ist Episcopal chu r ch si te':!!1 Mrs. Gus Les8/c of Brook- long record of historic deedK. Ilre IC!lvi ng this week to take up f un d to th e checking acco unt. The when su ch deficit has been e8- Chillicothe and Washington C. H. of Lima has be n an nounced. He ly n. N. Y ., and Mrs. Mary Dean at These peo pl e fish for t he most thei l' re:i de nce in incin nati. MI'. club also d deled to continue warm timated. was twice a p r e~idential candidate, home, t hree n e phews and one part. Th y Jive simple lives, li re - - - - - --Annual Home Coming Services in 1920 and 1924. twice a candi· niece. also hosts of I' la tives a nd very indepe ndent, pa triotic a nd rc- and Mr~. J . W. Lotz will occupy lu nc h e~ fre of cha l'ge t o all pupil. the Cartwright. home her. aL the Grade bu ildinll:, and to sell will be observed at Ferry Chuch, date f or vic pre. ident. in 1908 fr iend s. Jig-ious, ' Sunday, September 26. T. A. Hall and 19 1 2, and is now wagi ng his ----T he meeti ng IIdj<lu rned t.o meet Everett .li:al'1y cOl'diall y invites. lllndw iches and warm lunches to of Indianapolls\ f nd., who . served seco nd campaign fOr governor of Card of Thank. O('tobe.l' ]2, wi th MI'. a nd i rs. hill fl'i'e nds an d patron!! to vis it his ~ ude nts at t he R . S. bui1din~ at a the church as minister a number of Ohio. Rev. Wa tkins is 69 yeal'~ I. wish to tha nk t he ma ny f riends Oma l' H ollingswor t h. . adv r tising booth ~t the Warren VCI' V nominal pr ice. During the years ago, will speak at ~th old and has served 50 years in t he b h I - - - ---Cou nty "'a it·, SepLember 20 to 23. Um mel', m mbar!! of the club have morning and a'fternoon services. mini stry. He formel'1y resided at a nd neigh ors f or t e r kindnes Libel'a l pfizell and s ouv nil'S given canned 187 'luar ts of mixed Cincinnati and h as held pastorate. a nd sympathy during the illness It Workin&' at L),nchbur&, a ~ ny. Tune in on W. L. W. Tues· vegetable!! to aid in t his worthy The Woman's Auxiliary of 8 t. An inter-class soft ball tour- in /TIany Ohio cities. a nd death of my wife, day noo n. Septemher 20 a nd hear pn~ject. Mary's Church met at the home ot nament is being held at the High . Rev. Watkins is a former pastor Iyde G. ox. Stanley Ba iley is wOl'king in the T he preside nt, Mrs. R ockett, a .. an nounc m n t of th e fair. Mrs. W. H. Allen on Friday after- school building. Last Friday atter· of the Waynesville M. E. hu reh, • .- - - - - I the ~'ah'l ey st ore 'a t Ly n ~hbu rg liigned t he stlln ding committeell noon, at the close 01 IIchdol, the and has many warm fl'ie nds here . J a mes Arthur a t tended services fo r tw o or tll ree wellks. P . A. HUll · n oon, September 9 " fOI' t h' y<!ar I!lj fo ll ows: The devotional service was con- Freshmen defeated the Juniors Who are al wa ys interested in h is at th e evangelisti.c t ent in Belm ont yan is taking h is plnce in t he stol'e Finance -Mr~. J . H . Sackett, dueted br Rev. J . J. Sehlleft'er. and on Monday afternon, the welfare. Sun da y a f t e rnoon. here . Mr!;. Leo.lard Ti nn y, Mrs. W . E. criptura quotations were given Soph&m~rell defeated the Eighth O'Neall , Mrs. Fred Gons , ' Mrll. Myel' lI rmlln , MilS. To m a rr. in response to roll-call. At the Grade ' The Freshmen are 1,-=:~:::::::::====~-===:-=-~-:--=-=-=-~~===~:-=-:-=-=-=-:-=-=close ot the bulinela lession, t OW"1H:hl!.dtiI"I4MH:e-""~-tfte--di:Imi-+=============:---following protp'&m -.ras rendered: fled Seni<>n and the' winners of Day.s· u'e'll ,"'ever I:'or,et Mrs. A. 11 . Earhll rt, Mrs. C. H . J oh n S. Lamb, one of our well Edwar ds. i. . Piano Solo, "Spring Morn,"this pme are to meet the Sopho. no ,.,. r, mrs. John Gons. morel tor the cha/TIp,i onship of the kn oW1l . lind h igh ly ...~ spectoo citl· H. S. Lu nc h- MI's. D. R. Sa1i .. .. Short Reading on Missionary building. . r.\~ft-, ~l"~ :.:,._ UN~ ~r zen'~, died at h i hom on Th i r ~ bury. Mrs. R. M . Ha wk e, .Mrs.. Work, by Auxiliary Members. "'-I~"" ~~u •_ _~ ' ' " _ - f\tW.L."'I 1l~\GI\ '(~U: ' 1() 1r\E ~tl' et .• u nday evel l in~. Alt hq ugh Bert Hat'tMck. Piano Solo, "Troika 'en Train- ' - = ==== ===== = ~ Of _ BIG fB..1..CWI& _ _ rade Lunch- Mrs. R. A. Con ~'t ~ CMCM-.G .~ ~. he had been a ffli ct d with diabetes ner, Mrs. J . L. Mende nhall , Mrs. ean}, ,''' - Mis8 Betty Harl.8oek. Extracts from a sermon by , ~~_ for yCIII'S, he had ueen con fi ned t o Kell l' Hoak. Bishop Vineent---Mrs. Harris. • • • --.......: Chl'istmns Seal. Mrs. L . B. his bed for onl y aboUL t o da ya. Ha JJ, Mi sl'I Kathry n ·Gibbon!!, Miu Piano Solo, "TWilirht In Fu n !'III services were held at the Autumn"- M'rs. John Gon.. ...... L i1e. M. E. p hu rc h. Tu sday a'ftel'n oon IlIl'a Piano Solot "SoI8ercio," .Miss P ubli l'itv- Mr~. F . H. Farr, My•. Rev. G. '. Dibert offi ciati ng, a n d Betty HartSOCK. F , Earnhart, . Mrs. Wilb~r the remain were laid to I'est in E. During a dellghttul social hour, The W. F . M. 8o~iety of the M. [<'()u lkes. dainty refrhhments were _rved E. Church held - very pleaunt and Miami ('em tery. Refreshl11 nt Mrs. Fred Xim· by the hoste88, a8IIisted by .Mrs. Mr. Lamb was bo1'l1 n al' R ic.h· mede, MI'~. F. E. Thomas, Ml'I!. S. profitable mee ~ at the home ot John Gona, Mi88 Olive" Allen and mo nd, Ky., 75 yea l'R ago, and in . Ellis. Mrs. .F rank Hess, Mrs. Mrs. MaRie Burnet, last WednesMiss ~etty Harisock. . J a nuary. 1883. was u nited in Hartley ftioss. - The meeting was dismi..ed by day a:ftern()on. Devotionals- Mrs. G. C. Dibert marriage to Mi ss Mart ha Kidwell Rev. Schaeffer, all feelinc that it I After the hymn, "Lead On, 0 PI'ogl'all\ (first hall-year} - MrB. who ~)I'eced () d' him in death, had been good to be there. K~r Eternal/' had been lIung, Mrs L. V. Branstrator. Mrs. F. E . 'March 14. 1932. On of the mOfit Van Ofl ell, Mrs. C. E. AnderllOn. G. C. Dibert conducted the dep leasant an ticipatio nll of th is 11' 0 1'· PI'og-ra m. (sec nd halt-year) WILL HAVE EXHIBIT votionals froin the theme "Onward thy coupl had been the ce lebra· \l h •. Lo uis Fires, Mrs. J. W. Lotz, t ion o·f their golden wcddill ~ an· \{ i 'R Ol a Hnttsock, With God." As a part ()f the serIl iver~ary, which wou ld have oc· The Good Cut Clothing club vice, she read a "election trom Mrs curred next J an uary. . met at the home of their leader, M. F. McDowell, "Lucile PemberThey ar surv ived by four sons Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, lut Satur· and two daughters Rob'rt. Lem· day a:iternoon. , "ve.n of the thir- ing's Jelull Chriet." The ladies uel, William and I,tlthe r Lamb, teen memben and two villtors aang a hymn 01 j::oD8ecration, and M rs. Flore nce Tuck an d Mrs. being present. The lrirla decided to Mrs. Dibert led in prayer. F J'ances talT. F() I ' t he past sev· hold a market tn ihe Stdes room The ' following officers tor too era l mo nt hs, R ob J'i has lived at Mrs .•J. E. Smith, (Helen Meon Maln ' street, Satu~~ morning enauinr year were then elected: homp, te nd I'ly ca l'ing· for his ,lure ) was unanimously elected September 17. The, alao dlacu... parents. tate secretary of the Ohio State the 'Preparation of all ,-xhJblt. !or Pres., Mrs. F. U. LeMay; Vi,c e Previcw . to beeonling reside nts \ uxili ary to the State B)'anch of the · Warren Cou. . lI'air, Dext Prell., Mrs.. G. C. Di..bert; Vice of Way n Kville . .a fe w years ago. ,elter arriers, at the convention week. Their summer proj........ Prel., IIrs. W. F. C""!:i Rec. Sec., MI'. and M I· ~ . La mb ha I lived on a leld in Cincinnati, on Labor Day. being judged. Their next meeting lin. R. A. Conner; TreBlt., Mrll. farm in t his vicini ty. They had en · l Hotel Gibson. will be held at the bo,", of their H. Archdeacon; Cor. Sec., Mrll. A. deared them elve!! to t he hearts o f Mrs. S'm ith tor th e past two leader, immediately after the close K. Dar; Mite &ll See. Clllle many gOo d friend s bv t heir t raib real'S ' hll8 been the very effie/en t of school, this afternoon. Cro.. ; Leaders for Xings Herald'; o f good l' harae t el'. None knew ,resident of the Dayton Branch Mn. A. H. S~ubbs and Mrs.. F. E. --~-.t hem bu t t o h onor a nd respect \ uxiliary of Letter Carrien, an Thomall; Leaden tor Light Bearth em. rganization of eighty-five active ei'll, Xl'll. G. C. Dibert and MI'II. ' ,embers. Ghmn BlJnd; PrOCRIII Com .• Mrs. Mrs. Smith will be remembered Calli. C.., Ill'll. lIuy McClllre P. E. P. CLASS MEETING r A a capable and well-lDted teacher aDd Ill'll. O. R. Unale.by. The toJlowiq IlIterelRlne proThe reg ular meeting of tbe P. in tht' towns hiD ffchooll here.. A committee ~ sS~m~ltb:",:~~:I.ram wu taWl'IIpened with vieE. P. dass wall h eld September 9, teat'hehl from the II trola lIIulle: readtq, lOA Zero Rw1932 at the parsonage at Ferry ,' GRANCE MEETING trlet 'met with MT, moved," lin. L V. BeeJc~ demODTen members and one viAiYu: Smith Rqh.. atratlcm "A 8unlltlne Member." answered roll call. The business At the Granle m..U... school build I..,. I. White. Ill'll. J. W. Lota, consisted of mate rial tor the IClrap ~ atunhw nirht the inC to eonalder .. A. Conner aDd Sarah book. We then adjourned to' meet cOJIIist mule th.ont... October 13. Ever, membe.. I. .rope from ' uqed to attend .. till Ia to 1M L ... ,. Will Yield Much Le .. Than
Rev. A. S. Watkins Quits The Ministry
'''''.. "
John S. Lamb Rites Were Held Tuesday
------ ...----
----_ ..----
Former Relident i. Cholen Secretary
Teachin. Planl Were Dilcuued
. llama'
i tory of W avnesville' s Publ,c Schools Shows Over Centur}' of Achievement o nlmon PI.,.
Proe., .diD'.
Probate Court Proc:eedID,.
ARE _ _ ~. , You reading the'Reminiscences the Hlong ago, '.' being printed everv week? We have received many ietter& requesting copiell articles alreadv printed.
Kin -.. } ; Ru um :!, Lillu n~nha ll1; III hi\' fllll\i)!'ltL~! 10 "lll 1',' llw pupil, rhl' 1',,11,,\\\111-\ I' U,PM "en' dl"" . ·III!! ... by tary B. net hen execu. By T Il.}} HUO I~ R Roum :; f:d lll :-Ituut ; }(1l,liU l , II,·", ·nll,,,, ,·J '" rdul n . m",,·tf a.t ,·, .. t~ li t' plu intilf. !:IL'P' t!ix oi 'the I) . tale oe Jo~ lI sw~rth W . of noW !>r(' t ·xt b ouk l·hllnlCl , \I'r Anna \'andl'" '' n ; muic ill ~lru c ~I allb II; tho 1"'<1101 11,· .... 111<01 1<1 1,'lIIh,' I' h; lI J'(I"ldUl1d~ . In c. \cr;; ul' . 11 tht' n, deceased, Wl're approved ,.uln · llu·d, :"I,l!'!\l her l !t, ,Ind tli t' lrt' ss, ~lr . J . H. Ll ntlln . U { I·UUI',.C ill l,,\\ till' ,",'Itlllt' ,,1,-. Ill., 1'1'1\ l!t·j.(l· IIl'nt·,. 1r'1I11. ~'t iLll; \ '. '. :O;lIlith , by court. ' he filed h er tlrst final n IIlutp .. f O('iol,('r I j ~ r . "Tile "Old jo'sithful" (M . L. I'lIr"hulll f l{I"1I11:' II "lu,~ !,Ioy III Ihdr \ " J' 1I~ J ~Iilh Da'I:, l·t 8)~ H imll1/"n d dishibutiv account. ' d"lk "11 III trueh·Ii" nn llty C. "8 IClIuned Ib Jllll ltUI. ~Irs. ,' , 111l1l'I1l'l' II!"1 , 1\l1d,·t till' "'Il,· \!' ·\U I1.11'1· 11.'1. u. !,..!iUIII G. Lain A c IIY uf the "ntr>· determining A Blun'!' t hllt th hOlllot \\ould Lmt"n r·fu:.('d hl;!r UppOIlntllll'l1 f .. l· .Il) ~I. Th"M'~lhdlla\ ' W"ll': HIl.IIII \ I""a nd,'r \ <,r<\! , h hu.n} <1 . Ihe illh~riUln.:e tax o n th ' I.' tate rlllni~h tltl' ml1ll-'rlal (0 1' buil(hng t the ,;a I ry ntTel~·oI. unt.!, Oil :,.ray I J.l·na " hituhr. Li nl," \J llb, I.uln; "' '''flU' I..(llin ( '0. vcr. U.· o f 1I 0nlt:e M. ' lark, decea ed is to LW O ~ "II; flll' LIUI\«tiJ II, "ro\',dcd ~'j , . h .. " u.s Itrant cci 1111 IIlI'r 'a: ... tv lilll l' I' I llrlUlln, \1111'1<' ;o.;hu t~. B,',, · l'IIU·ll·k li ll),n,' r, \'l Ld; :\1 Ili'gut'ct bl' cel·tifil'd wit huut de lay. of t... "I\ul<1 funl!. h I hmf\\ rllYI' mff Of> II r l1\ont h. I,i,' \\ Ilrn!'1, :-: ,., a Y, IJnK~ \1,·10,1 ~r hull \ ,. rl'u, A lplH' lOIu:< •'c hol1 ; The e.' lato Il f J o eph ' lA! e 'F erris h would tlrren '0 tu h,,\',' th~ Iflllclr J l.lh n O. ' artwright ..... II~ lhusen l~tll'lllllll't. .11l1l1l· · (;ilth"Il~. Ihlt-n .\lll '~, ·n l· ~: . (;1'11 . \l'r 'lI~ '. \\' . AI · dcceas~d , is t!xempt from inheri. ,iollet".! ill Ilu (; t th l' bOllrd. tI "ru IllUer of lh board, JUlie ,\J. J!u\\ k,' . \rilllam '\lll'h"lIl'" un.! len. l·l.li: ('. \\' . -'tlh'lI \' I'r~u " ~lul·. I",n ee !.ax. "Of (·uUIH'. the' bo)'~ w ... n· only to o) 17, \'I e J!'r d B. Sh r\ (Jod, "Ilu ~:dml .'l1li h. ,·n,· E. .(;t'ur; L"l" ( 'alluhall \'l'rli U ~ J uli ll ']'u1ts. eX'ccutrix of the es. ~l ud to \l unat .. th(' lab ul necl' sary htld l'elll OV d hi re~i<1 nel' t o Ld.. · At thl~ ~Ulll " Illll'ltnJr " f th,' h"urd I',\ul ~; \nn,,: R " ~ Smilh \' rsus tilt of Annie DUrig deceased filed an n. F'ailinl( h('alth for,'·d th!' "u11 \\ ~I i"Ul'd to all ,dtll,,1 ~. I "lll ll> r \· lIn'J'I'l'. ~ Smith; Il c l.m ber first acc unt, , . t .. In tall the auals. Thu \\)! thl' am "r ba. ki!'t I' ign:ltiu n ul' M i~" Ednu 'tuut a~ b')"I'II" or W U}nt, tl,wn,hip. ll~kllll! Elllle) \l' r~U~ l"ul'l't'i1 Gutl,,; Hru, n A cupy of the e n try deter minb8lJ inougur.lt ..d in th .. Wayn . tea ~h .. r 1)£ Roo m 3, Ju ly l 1'ot, 111111 Ih"1Il I .. 1111'1·t in j, illt "'~~lO n fit HlI'lIitl:tl' t ". I'r"u ~ )1. F. \ hi .. in K the i nh ritanc tax on the e • \llIe r hu u, lind in It . Cle~ or tht' po. ltion wa WlII,'n hy h r th,· T .' I\' n,hil' III>U.,'" 'oil th,' 1'\' .nin/.:' IIlUI1. l'l til: ~1aIlI'n ~C ll tt I'H Ul' late ,,1' Lida L. Drake, deceJllled is th Wa yn Tn"'n hip centrl1 li :r.ed _i.t.e.r Mi. Mli ria :tout. !l r Apnl -I, f il l tll(· ,"UI'P"'I' (,f " 11 · (hutl " ~" o tt; J . HUYlll vnli LIIW, to be certified without de lay . ' '. A. l:irun r re:<Ig'lled /I ' ~ upt'r· ",id I'injl; (he ("'ntraliz:1 inn fi r all .j" IIl~ 1, 1 1'l lll'~ ~:1 " .I<,hn LillI <\: '011 Th L banon- itiz n National hool . Th' . oal " erc r ct II Don't borrow your neighbors' paper. on th camp u no hea t ed gymn . intend lit, (etob r H, in ord r l u :('h(lo1. ill llll' til " lI,hip . Tilt' 01,·. ,,,I u, 1':1 lH" ( 1I t1r111n; A Ime da Bank nnd Trust o. executor of B1UJl\ with hard woud tl o01' no ~ho . accept a position" ith the Lebanon "ired n',ults OIU, hllH' 10 .. 'n il,'cum 1!ll'\'(;- \ l'l"lI~ J!mtt'::. )lal ~ hull; F. t he e. tate of Howard J trery de· For only three cents a week you get ,. b th facilities; nl> coa h t.tl,; h o I , and \ . '. ampbdl wa "li:;l1l'd ,It th i, j.,i l\t 1Il1'('11ll1! hI'· (. \\' ('1111"1' , I' '1"1Ji. (,h!ll l(', Junl" , c a . d, iii d its inventory. ' . all the Reminiscen.e., besides all the tnin th~ pillY MI. Th boys w 1'1' .ecarl;'d, at saillty lOf lO t) p.,r l'U U~P, II II .lh,· ""'nin~ uf April 20. '.11 Ih.' cOnlplllint III' fl ol'u thy Lydia. ThomVlSon, executrix of I!carc 1)1 all(,lwcd to take the baJl mu nth, to fill th YII CII IICY. Octobt!1' II r!:>I"lutl,," \\a, 1'1I ~" t'J l!U Ibfl' I'· 1'11111 1(;'; I "[,"1 t VlIl't "l' Vl'r us estate of Hany B. Thom pso n, denew. of the neighborhood. in id the: , chool hou e; when play 2 1 liW Lui tion rat,,!! rUIKcd . to !.l rln ' tltt' tl' I'I'it nry ,,( th(' W 1IYOI' ,· l.i v.alH·th I'IlIWI'; Chul'!<,:. }\l>lt~' I'S cellsl:!d. fil d her thit'd and final ('aNed, the ball mUl!t be delivered per Ilu;mt.h in th" H igh :!c hool, and "illl' 'Iwciul ~dl'h, 1 ,ll"trid tl/ the \'1' 1'~1I ~ lilli'll' .. (')1''I'(;'111(' t'1'; t l'vin L. accuu nt. nto tb car uf ~ It PSr.lhall, the $1.50 per munth in th,' grad!! , Waynl' Town. hip R,·j.r ulur ~(' h ll() 1 T l'lll'Y \'I'IHI ~ )1!tr~(lf t J. Tl'lIC\'; K . Dunham, executor of es· jllniror, and th v'r:; gllod fri UE'ccmb r III to January 5 Were dislrict. Th i, trllll sft'r \\a ~ duly . \/lIlU :-;l,tt l ... I'''I~: U'' J uhn W. ," :t. Lale of harles Kelly, decea ed f the boy.. A t ur quipment 'et ag the dalt!~ Cor till! ' hri t ma>- I1n(1 h'gally a '(' 1'111" 11 lI)' thl' Tllwn· tk'.; (hI en (; ro.. ~ \ l'~u~ Z,·IIn Pllt· till!d his final anll di t rlbutive ac: al·h boy furnished hi own r did ma. vaco.tinn, al the [)eeemb r l.ti . hlp hnUl'd. li·k \\' II~I/n. l't !II; ('hul'I ~. W\.' t ~o unt. . Mu~' I , l!lll. tltl' Wu.\·n p. \·i ll,· \l'I'>U~ Lll l.ll a \\' l'8t; C. S. You n ('r The executrices llf e~tate of with ut) , and they pool d their meeting, and the Wa yne, ville Send $1.50 and re our e s l~ buy a ball. Yet, from Natio nttl ba nk wa ho en 11 the tHIllI',1 "I f 'I l'd ,·" ntrll· l, to thc ~n n\(' ,up!. of l n ~ llI'un('e , do. " . E . Mil- Mary Yandever Hurl y, de eased, we will send you thi III ag r bt'ginning hav prung dept) it ory 'f r ' houl rund~, the t!'al'h 'r- li nd .,.,nn Ir' r,·r IhE' n xt IeI' : Ll'l.I na Kl'o nt'r I'er~u~ cll' A. llf o rdered to dis'tribut certa in two count)' c hamp ioll hip tea llUl. bank agr eeing t ptty 2 ',1 int re t -th, 01 ) 1'<11'. pair! all tlt(· ir 'JUt· 1\1'0 1' /1 ' r: ~' nlp~ o n E ~ttlJ) \'CI'~U~ slock to I.e gat es. Thi pioneer team. a the Hoosier on th dally balan te!;. "t!lndin" hill~. <"'III),ll' i('(1 1111 un· Lu cy Este:p; ,I. .t . B r U\\, · ct 81 Irvin D. Welch was appoi nted rem mber" it, wa s: Alb rt leav 1', 1'1here l'ems to ha\'c been quite fini~h ,t1 bu ... inl· ...... unll ud ju UTlll'r1 '[,I',U _ ' . U. ,'('xton, l't al; J)ori:; Ildmini sll'ai(1) 1' of estate ot William oq~I:!Waterh o use; Jame Mc. a bit uf turmoil and hilarity aOlll ng "'11Il' dil'. Thus llid t h,' WH yn -: vill" HI . . nit n'1'"u~ Cum Ra~nic ; oldi e . Welch . d cea sed, and flied bond lur , .l"red 1<' urna , Dean Howell, th e pupiltj during . the term. A:;: 'IIc'1I1,:;, D~ }uch, (lttil:ially pn '~ ~hllffl'I' \'el,U" Rulph Shll ff ~r' L. or 000 with The United tates William ~1 ichen rand Ro Hart· peCiial moeting wa held as the! rl'nm c' xi ,tcmcl'. , \1. :,\i. ltl't, l ' al v{'rSUi< :,\l ldli~ R. ~' idt'lil y ano Guaranty Co. us Boc k. . • • Ai cho I huuse o n the " e ning ot Wllyn . villt. ~C'h(lol~ WI'1C Tl OW ~lli,'I/I.· ; , ;} l\~l' ph f). Bllk·r \'[' r~lIS ~ul'e t. y Elio ' !flesbee, Ed. Dakin The boara held a peclal mee t. January 14, 1!lI3, at which time unell'l' the , up rvi ion (If F'n,.1 . Bliln It ~1. Bakel"; I. abell orrison nd Tom McGumn were app inted ing at the Schwanz drur store on the boarli con "idered th l! es Gilmo u/', Rupt'l'int 'nd lit ,It' the Fry v~l'~u.~ Luwl'lmce E . .FI' Y; F o _ app raise'rs. (he evening of October 21 , and let of t\\ O members of the se ni or cia ' Wa\'ne TtI"' n ~ hip school. .. but 1I'l'I'e (11' (ullnlOjthlllll \'('1. U<l Roy W il. :al es by James E. Burke. adthe contract for a teel fire.escape who had been su pended.by up· opei'ated 3:-; U "t'III~rllt di\'i,,! n -on, c:t a l ; L ,uit! !'ntith verllus L n· minilltrato r of e late 01 Samuel P. li. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a t the achoul building to Wrn. erintend nt ampbelL Ina much fllr thp ne. t tl'l'm, with II . F. )r l'. ;1l 1;! :.' III ith . Whitena ck. deceased, were approv·l · Ba)'ley 0., ot pringtleld, at as t Ie t one of the e tude n t.s Laughlin n!< principal. I In the matter of Thl' fricun M. ed and all acc ounts ra to be etSubscribe for the Miami Gazet~. their bid of $237.00. The contract was th'e vicitim of cue of m is· The record . o f the b(l I'd I) ~' l E. Churl·h . .thc corporatio n is h reo tll'd. . ' . I tipulated that the job wa to be taken identity, condition w re little r n h ' 'd to the j{1'eal b~' authllrlll d. to . I'xc~nnge the . The adJud.lcatl~n and determtnacompl ted by December 1, lind named by which they 'wo uld be a'mOunt tlf tUl'm ,dl Ilnd d;~l\ent-lio n f1 t'(lP I'ty de~crrbed . 111 said petition t lon o t the tnherlUlryc tax on the Mould be paid f or A8 oon as it permi tt.ed to return to their cia e thnt was IJI'e\'olelll in the "<'IInol f,ol' the propt'l'ty III M o nt~u mel'y estate of Sarah 1.0.uI8a J e op, de· bad b n accepted by th board. On s udent m t the e conditions, through(lut th(,' ('ntir 1!lH.15 ou nty. . cea~c~. I' t o be gtVen to all perDon't ~o your wh at rly, or ReorganizatlO1l oC th board and, in the pring, grad uated with t erm. n ly on 1ll(,lllber of the I I n the ca Of. t lIton tock Land so ns mterested. . t h H ssian. flie will g tit, i th with the same Officers, was effecte d cr dit to him el f; the other n.ever . n im' cllI .> . Be.. ip ~milh survived ' ~an~, o f DetrO It. ver sus J ohn R. L. Eal:1 J'hompson was appomtwarning of entomologists in Ohi o oil. January 2, 1911, commi ttees re~ittied. more than routine bu i. th final (')lami natio ns with pn~!<i ng otTman, et ai, The Fih, l National ed adlntm trato.r of estate of to arrange tor the annual com· grade. in nil ~Ilhj(,l't", and. for ?ank .of. M.O IT()W wa sub .tituted J ose ph H . orrmgton, deceased, who completed during the harvcst: m neem nt 'exerci es wer ap- ~h~u\\g'ho u~rath~ac;:~la?~d!~e o~ tl;~ ome r Mo n Pl;ob!lblr be:t knnwn ',I.. p~al ntlff In pla<:e of nl on t c k alld fi le d bond 0df 0$2300 with J. season a survey of the wheat area s 30 Years Experience In pointed o n April 17, and on May t o himself , Prlnclpa McLaull:h li n .a~" Ba nk. Lee Tho.mpson on . E. H eywood of the s tate. Flttinc and Makinlr Ola .... upt Bruner r commended term. and everythi ng in the ch ool refused to Ilermit he r to "rodu nlc. 1 he ca:e of Ifler~c h I .Ber.kl y .lS i<Uretle . . .. 16, They report ftie are thick r than ' I f or grad uauol1 ' : itself, eemli The to have ru n along '" v. r " us ora• Be r kl y \~I\ : (11)l IllISSe d E . B Yr on F to r f II OWllll\' t h eo (! a fairly well. T uular type of I t Willi not until May. 192 ,that err Is , a d miniStr a. Herbert S. Edwards, Justina Hart. .. Ir .. Be~si nel t .on recl'iv d the 101' w~nt of p rOl'lecu tlon. . of estate of J o~ ph L e FerriS, for any year in t\ Ive. One wheat BOck, ROll8 H. Hartsock, E. Carl eommencem nt exercises \ ith II diploma which , he ri~htf ul1y l'arn. In :h ~'n l' of The IIlcinnali decca. ed, filed hIS /\rst and flnal straw in three a t the time of the L.ba.oD, 011'0 Hawke, Glee He , George J. peakeI', imported music, etc., was I'd In 19JI). Th !. bi of lr lat~(i 011 Wo rk" ('0. v n-lus J. L. Burton III'count.. survey was found infested with for t heMart, following ~ nd 1,1\ \ ' lI t'ne Burton, t h c pl aillti ' tf Th W a t er h oUlle. J( ennet h N . H Qug'hl again graduat held : Elizabeth Lucile justice was brought about through:.t . e WI II 0fCC . . Me Ioy wa fil • larvae 01 the flies. A year ago on I T"eMa,., n.ncla,., Sal.rd.,. E.a.iDat'_ Free Clara Hawke, HUg'b C, Ridge aDd Thomp on, Mary herwo od . Nina the kindly offie: pf ~upt. }' . R. . hall l'ecover~ fm m the d~fe ndant ed In court, . . . Emma Hawke. 1\1oomaw t h s um of 15 .5 1. Th adJudleation and determm- I't!'aw in eight exhibited la.rv.e. t LEBANON, OHIO Damage to the wheat c rop from ommencement exercis 8 thi mith, Ruth Zimmerman, Ruth Th fi' f . b In t hl' casl.' o f J e. ~e P. Enni~ ution of t he Inheritance tax on the year again took t"e form of a claas Hartlloek, Ada MicheR r, Glenna e NIt OUI' oy~ fro~ Wltr' I' n I'(, l " l!. Jam "H E'nni, et ai, it is tate (If Lido. J. Drak , deceased, sow ing will b e great, is th play, the pili)' btling coached by Hoblit.• Albert leaver and Law- ?l!nty t~ v~luntcer II na vo l or I ,rdt.'!· d that partitio n of sa id is 10 b glverl t o all persons in· early. prediction. '.'o r wheat safely to M rs, C. A. Bruner, an elocutionis~ re.nce Brown, military 1'Vlce .nft I t.he n lt ed ).I1·open), be mad,e. lere. ted. avoid attack s fl'()m thi insect it and mus ician ot more than aver. Just before the close o'f school h~d . ffi c lnll ~ en,t e~ d t he In the CU$e of }' rank D Mill I' Merria •• Lie.D... mllst be !'lOwed after the fly-free age ability. The s uperintendent In the spring, the board off r d orld War III . Pi'll. 1~! I., weI' \'('rsu); J oh n R. All n, ec' al tho usu d an order to th effect that contrl!-cts for the n ext year to the s tu<.lent at hu ~ ch oo l. Ern e!>t d n1l1rrCI' of the defe ndant to aQ. J ohn T. Inz or , laborer of R ock- date which, in hio, variell from no graduate should receive his or upermtendent, all teachers and H!lll!,ll an.d CheRte!' . n ook w ' nl t il tionl'l of the petiti on wa not well Cord, [Ilinois and Mr . Maud H. September 22 at the Ohio-Michi· the janitor at the same salaries, IIlcmnotl the n xt dllY afte r war k n and was o'verruled gan border \;) ctober 5 for the her diploma until they had ~h..n&'· and at the same condition s. Mr. 11111d be n dc('llll' d a nd nl.istecl i n III th ' ca . of ~ntr:1 A~c e . Bennet. of Mason. ed their costumes and removed all th N Th I ... ~ ~ ~ p Herbert Doty, Jr., cha uffeur of s outhern counties of the s tate. trace. of make up. Our present Campbell refused to accept the ap- . e . • . Ilvy. e next ( ny, tance ol' porntio n vcr us Hal'ry rbal\A and Miss Katherine Elizaworthy postmaster had Bucce fully poinrm nt, and on Jun 20, H. }'. they wer f ollowe d by arl I e· HUl't t he plai n tiff !;hall recov r beth Angel, nur e of Ma n. Safe sow ing dateM for individual ortrayed the rol ot the villain of McLa~ghlin was em ployed as lure ~nd . Iarenc ~re ndc nhnll. rl'o~ t h· defen dant ' th urn of , Hugh Edwards, manager of fum s may be learned from county P superllltendent at the samt; salary who ,e nll. ted III thl! :ame b ranc h of :l72.D. Wine he tel' and Miss hir ley E . agricultural agents, the piece, and had worn the Coli· thd had been offered to hiS pred- service. Of COUl'l'le. th ~' were later In th e ea e o f t I A Graham , of Franklin. Heavie t infestations ' were :::~~~f:1 fa~~:~:d ~!aC:lac':.u~~c~: eces or, but this was later raised followed v~l'a l of theil' mat !l lancl' o. v ~ u;; J e.:~ r~'e n~c~~; Le t on H. Finley, ice dealer o( haste to remove the "Whiskers," he to $125. per month for 9 mon~h . ~ho e!ltel'ed va l·IOUl'lill'anchl'S. T w,o pluintiff l'hall .recover from the de. Fosters, and Miss Mae Klick, nurse f ound in thc n rthern half of the Nothing but routn:re ~UStness s uperl'!le nf nts of ~h e . chll~1. \\ . rc n dll nt the s um of !J7.77 alao removed most o~ the ' cuticle of Fo ters. atate wliere, in s ix countie • mo re trom hill upper lip. 80 he Iluffered and. the payment of bills IS noted R. . prrege and q co l'lze CI'('e n, l n th co 'C f e ntful AccopGuy O. Shuntakar, Ja.bo.U.l'-ot.~[lJl.IiWl.aJJL...01-1.ne wneat. straws we re during tbe- I'emalfldel'-(l ~ "r ., ..... . t· ,. M ' quite a bit of phY8icai pain, a$ ]913. gi. u 'Alion for consc l' intion (l ndu ct nc. 0 " ,,0 [0 I ~ n . II 1 8 U~ oss HUl'veysburg, and Mrs. Marie M. h osts of the insec . well a embarra.ssment, while reOnly two of the old members, eel here. B~n d r(! n th pIallltlff slla!1 recoil· Price of Harveysburg, The fall brood of flies begins t o Phone 78J ceiving his diploma. Charles Cornell and J . O. Cart. g fOI'e proc ding with the hi!V :Jr!J~fl thl' defe ndant the s um of emerge about the middle of epReal Eata •• TraDlfen In the minute of May 23, 1911 wrig'ht. held over a members of tory of the Wayn T ownshi p . , . <. _ _ _ __ umber, and continues to emerge we flnd the f ollowing: "Moved by the new board, which organized at Centraliz ed s h ool~ . It is <Ju r pur· New Suita . Samuel p, Whitenack, by ad- f10m stubble tl Id s for two or (0. J.) Edwards, econded by (F. the January 5, 1914 meeting, the pOS to ~o back to a bo ut t he yenr , mini trator t o Mat'ilda Whitenaek. three weeks l depending upon condi .) Schwartz, that ,Chas.) Cornell new members being Gllorge J. I 50. and briefly sketcJl the "C('ord 'nio n J oint .;t ock Land Bank. 326.63 acres in Hamilton township twns of rnolsture and temperatul'e be app'o inted to meallure the dia- Smith, Edwin L. Thomas and of Wnyn \ T ow n ~ hip :cl\ools up t il of Detroit, a cOI:p oratioll vcr us Carl and al'oline Schaub t o In early October they disal'peor, We Ha.. a Compl ••• Watch allce fr om the Ilchool house to W . .l"rye. Mr. Smith was the Iloin t of centr·alizati un . We !·: li l'.u T. lJal'll cll , c l al. For m one~', ~~ dwal'd E. eekamp. Real estate and only after they are gone ill it Repair Senice Ab Evans' house to deeide tbe 1""lo".. n to 'serve a 8 presid nt, hope to be abl e to begin this . lory )Jcn;onal judglnent fOI'ec losur and in Loveland. tafe for the wheat plant to appear ADd use only Ilenuine material •• matt~r between Township board Mr, Cartwright wa se lect d next weC'k. equitable relief. Luther John pencer Bnd Callie above ground. [f the plants appear Crystals fitted while you wait. soon, the tlies lay eggs upon and Waynesville board, and that for clerk-treas urer. The school was TlIE END 'ora Burba vel'~ us pencer to Lelia Coomer. 12.46 too them. orneH get one member of Town· temporarily closed, February 17 , .- Burba) rot' Jivol'ce. acres in Union township . Cary's Jewelry Shop ship bo.rd to accompany him. and becau se of an . e pidemic of' Ecal'let [u l 1l1J~CI)CC. Farmers have found the fly.free Mor r ow National Bank to in · if it ill found that this board is en· r, and the building was t h or- Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. 'e:ntl'al Acceptance orpo rntion clnnati Oil Works Co. Real estate sowi ng date early en ough that LebaDoD, Ohio ' titled to the money, that Mr. versus Hany Hu I'st. og no vit. wheat Bowed then will make good in :sale m t ownship. Store Open Evenings Bruner' be instructed to collect the on well-prepared fertilized Florence Enider to Fred W. growth same, Motion carried, "This prob-Iullnc-:-:::---...-----:--:----- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - ::== seedbeds. . 'chwenck. 35 ac res in Deerfield ably re1era to a controversy as to township. ~~======~============ == whic h district sh ould bear the tuiMatilda Whi tenack to Pearl C. tion expense for these pupils. Mr. V el'llon Cole to Virginia Cole, Wilson. Real estate in Hamilton Evans at that time lived On Mrs. et III. 23.56 acres in Franklin township. Anna Cadwallader's farm, k..nown Fay Campbell to Wendell B. township. ~OTARY PU8L1C a s the "Lile farm," and located ampbelJ. 5 acres in Salem just above town on the Xenia pike. NaUoaal 8_1& 1'ownshiv· 'No further reference i made to al'1 and Caroline Scha ub to Ohio Central Telephone Corpor- Will. DraW1l • , E.g,,, ~tllMi the matter in th records, 80 we Maurice Hampton . Real estate in ation , rent,$56.50; Ohio Central suppose it was settled amicably. WAYNESVILLE, OHI Deel·field · township, Telepoone Corporation, tolls, At this same meeting, the super· to Virginia Cole, $33.05; Jam s Hatfield, services, IItfo rd Co le int e n1ient, aU the teacher!! with et al: 25 .35 acres in F.ranklin th exception of Mr . Rhoades, and lo\\' n h ip. th janitor were returned tor the Ruth Watson to Cha rles C. Sn ell Mrs. Howard Sawyer, services, $7; next yen at the same salaries and Ilnd Fl orence nell. 10 acres in 1111'S. Lillie UTton, services, $10' julia HolJand. ervices, $10; Erm~ ,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_.. conditions. Jun e 9, Mrs. J . H. llamilt on t ownship. Linton, 111 larksville, a sist r of J o hn Hin es and Lizzi e E . Brown Ribnar, services $10; Richard WilMrs. B. . Il oilo' 11, was e mploy.e d liam s, services, $10; Stillwater _ _ _ _ ~U_N _ D_ _ _ __ Iplot No. 611 in Morrow. . to teach mu sic in t he school each Geol'ge 1. Ge1'8rd to Crosley Sanatorium, care of Edward Hen. dllY at a salary of $55 per month. Radio Corp. 13. 15 acres in Deer· ey, $108.60; The Dayton Stencil FO N[)- Pul'se. Owner may pro. The effect of h .. splendid work cUl'e same by seeing Mrll. Viola fiel d to wnship. Works, supplies, 29c; Columbus in our 'chool are still quite eVI· S~ Iv( s~ el' Atkins and Glady!! Blank Book Mfg Co. Buppli 's $3.50 Carey and paying fol' this ad . dent in our commun ity a fter t he M . /1 tki n. to C\lrtill T . Carson and M. E. Ross, stamps, $9; Star ~._. -=-=:-:=-=.-:..-;=:..=-...:..= lap. of 11 seO I' of years. Eth el Bishop Carson. 29 .34 acres Chemical Co:, Ilupplies. $8.82 ; Pi'uf Ern 5t F. A.my. l)e of the , FOR S>'LE in Wayne township. Albert Millard, sel'vices, $10; Daymo t popular and capable y<.t ung t" l ,' re t chaetrel' t o Philip C. ' on Dlue Print Co .• supplies, $10.-. ~ III n ev r t o hold t he po ition, was Kent. Real estate in ' Deel'.field 45; Franklin Chronicle, letter POll $A LE- Thomas 10 disc drill nil'ed as ptincipll i of t he High township. heads, $10.50; M. E . Ross.l. stamps in good repair. Mo nis Brown, f;l'hoo l, Augu st 11. at a salary of Ma l:l'icc 4Iampt,ln and Helen $6; E. D. Jones, pay roll, ,613.75; Spl'lng alley R. R, No.1. .821 75 p er month. Not onl y were his ., Hampto n to. Ella Crowe. Real es· Eden Terry. pay roll, $260; John el'vlc s t o the sch ool of the very tate i ,l Deerfield township. Thomas Services Station, gas $74 .• FOR SA.LE- Young ShOlt Horn highest orde r, but his wo rk among Ella rowe and Funk R. Crowe 37; \Vade S. Brown, supplies, $1.Bull, also Duroc male HOI!. the boys and young men res ulted to S uso n Elizabpth Bowman. Real 10; Mrs. Louella Young, refund on Rolla Bolton, Wayn~svme, R, F,'D ill llluch lasti ng r ood to the com· Mt>lt of The •• Boy .. Were Studen .. of Our School- Several Leavina at the Time to .Join the Force. estate ill Deerfield towOlIbiJl. taxes, $1.76, No. 1. .s28 munity. A gene ral change of text books '" was auth orized , August 21,L.and ~n August 24 , Mi s Louella ,,'omorin was employed to· replace Miss ;Elizabeth Coli tt~, who bad rei~ned 8 asslstllnt principal of the '\ Hllrh school. Mr. Schwartz reIgned as a member of the board, N o v~mber 20 I\nd O. J . Edwards was hosen to a sum his duties as c/t'rk.-trea urer ,( .o r the bal8n~e of the year. At. th reorganization meeting, held January 15, 19t2, Fred B, Sherwood was inlluUed as a memo bl'r 0'1 the board, and t he same pl'I!Mident and c1erk·treaaurer were ('ORting Ii in office for another y"ar. The jtradu tinr claM was ,i ell authority, April 10" to sleet .hll type of ~ommencement eltert'i... th.a t auitAld them best. This C'la ••• coarpoeed of: Merle F.1Iia. arie JUlIer, JRa Haml)ton. dna Jann y, Kathryn gibbons initred . . . .,. aDd a,. 20, Jolin HaWke was .electt .aau. tb )aool gift ration f Ilowt... was en.. n t at th old
Don't Be a HSnitcher" u.
1 he Miami Gazette for a "'hole ' Year .
Warning of Hellia'n Fly's Prevalence
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Speciarist
, Cary's Jewelry Shop
I I!;~::::::=::::::~
r. Martin Auctioneer
by .
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
lf~;I.~~or~hd·!~t.::·, !:~~~:!: $~g;
Days We'll Never Forget
H Idrick, Ky., i~ holdine ml'etinx
at the Grl'l'n BI'lar chur('h this
A StrQn,e wl't'k. Mr. and Mn. Edwurd" lind Mr. Littll.' Gruc(' Rt'YIl\Jld~, IIf Oliv •. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY nd Mrtl. Evan ' , IIf V!'I1I'uocia, , B'·8' ... h tOflk quite ~il'k in (·hul·eh III Wl'rt! Sunuuy gUII~t~ of Mrs. Mary Oro ". BI'illr on hl"l MondllY nij'{ht . ff8ine~ and famil y. We all bliP" llY the time thi~ II". D, L, CRANE I I Puhll.her SubacriptioD Pric., Mr. and Mrll.. c.:haL. Madden repear: ill pl'int thnt shl' will 1)(> OfIic. PhoD. . .. . .... .... .... N •. 112 Elllerl'd ~t Polttottlc@ at Wayne. ce ivod WOI·t! of th .. ""nth of their much b'tter'. Rellef_ce ... .............. " ...... No. HI vlll ... Ohio, 1I.\.:~:,:14 a Mall couMin, Jame~ King, in Los Angllls, I Rev. !lnd Mrs. R. L. Moonl'yhl\111 The thrifty-minded man aElidI., I'leaC""k',ltollr" II .Y'nn . culled "n sat out in the ('v"lIing twilight spenllt MondllY . night ~\ ith 1'. C. is ordering his coa l NOW • " • ~. ,11 . \\\" and fUlY\lIy of th.lI 1118(,{,. :EPTF;Mn"~R 14., 1932 has. H . ray l'lilturdny uft l'noun A nCf hTl ai'll ihe bird~. p 'ur forth ~f'V '1',, 1 from a dist~m'e uttendas off-season pricea will Th P. T. A., $ttlV€! a reception teh" I v Iy ll~ulrn' ed 'h u l'C~ at Gr~\ln Briar un Monfor the teach I '~ TUI!l'uuy evening ClI' 0 C . '. day ~vl!nln~. leave a healthy difference at the Gym. ~ofL, sweel light ~'n hill and George Davis has l'etUJ'lletl to in the fami ly pocketbook woodlund h.y I h' ) h' f . . . . Th L \Il' kY 1·,.,.' Iu b me t \\ ith th e L' k illl~Q did look the \\al 'rs .HI 1I!1l1t:' • CI·.C iI tl'r VI Itlng 1\1 Beginning wjtll the 1!J32 Fil'e PI'evention W e l'ay children TUE'sday I e J( •• , Hlstel' III Ilhn(lIS. when t.he cool day. roll (1) (' ut. the Ame~j an lire wa!Jte, whic h runs about' $!\t)O'WI1).001I-a-'T1'!ln",...t4\j.H:",-''TlI~mber8 w .. r - ' . around ·lP.':tin in a'- v-e-r-y-+----------l in half. plans wer(- di8cus:I d and twu d Illit a III fell n my TRY 'rhat .is the suggestion in nn al·ticle in Safegual'ding Amet'ica ollstTnlionH given . Adjourned to short tim~, l OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Ag llinst ~Il·e . The Am erican Ileople could take upon themselves no m et with the leader, H(-bel' Ellis, The sky roiled back just like a , FOR RESULTS finel'. J)I·OJOC L. In th· e days of distress, a half-billi on-d olllir waste is Fr'iday ev ning, eptcmber 16. . parchment ~croll ; I See the different gra4e • untlllnkable, and even th at seems a small matter in the light of the The school enl'ollment fOI' the white-rob dAng: I. circled' , '!.!!!!..!!!..!'_ !!!!..-!!!!..-~~ _"'!!_ !!!""~_... fact th~t tll'e de~.troys 10,000 lives annually. term ~ h ow. a decided increa~e A nd round of coal we are handling, the bay ThIS year I'Il'e Prevention Wee k will be observed from Ootober over last. Mi!<s Lucille Tucker hilS And s miling, bt!ekon4~d, me to go and let us fill your coal \J to 15. It will OJ) n with proc lam'a tions from the President of the 45 in the ltit and 2nd gl'udc:; Mrs. th ir way. nit d Slate and fr om governOrs of states, mayors of cities and other Imojean Voi }';( hus 34 in the 3r<\ bins NOW, ffieials. hambers of ommerc, tire departments, trade a8 'ociations and 4th grade; Mis. Winjfred The whole etlrth s emed to Change ! and ~tate fire prevention gl'oups will give every eH'ort to . instruct the McElwee ha : 38 in 5th and 6th , before my eye, I public in tll'e haxa t'ds and their elimi nat ion . Each of u w ill have the grades; Mr. Homer askey has 31 A holi \. light hone uown from E. J •. M E l N H A R D I chance to learn, plea.sanUy and pain lessly! If we fa il , we h ave s hirk ed in junior high. Ilnd there al'(~ 48 out the sky; enrolled in high, schoo l ' with II Thel'e came a ' roaring, like the a duty to the cummunity. OF CHICAGO Every fire reaches in to every .pocketbook- threatens ~very piece possibility oC mIne latc'·. Indic aIS COMING HERE AGAIN s Lormy sea, of pl'opel'ty in the community- endangers every life. It is a tragic, an tions point tow81'd aery suc- A nd then, a mighty voice spuke lie will be at the Miami Hotel, Extra lumpy, a truly pre· Dayton, Ohio, on WC<lnes dllY unneceSSlll'y WI\l:!te. 1t ii:! on ly mad possible by t houghtlessn ess, lozi- cessful !Schoo l year. unto m . nlium coal on ly Septen'1\J('r 2 I st . fl'om 9 :()O ness and ignoranc4ll t can be Rtal11P d out by though t and eal'e. Do your Mrs. A. L. Kennedy slIbmitted pal·t.! to an op t'ation at Hale Ho pital An icy sweat came oul. upon my a. Ill. to 6 :OU p. Ill. There is no Friday. from which ~he is making cheek, dlllrge lo come in to t.,lk with satillfac tol'Y recove ry. I fe lt my limb beneath me him. Gnly men III'/! invited. Rev. Robbins and iamilv have growing weak; He b.u b een comine h e r e (or A genuine Red A.h moved here, he hllving been asheard the voice, and felt, but m&llY ye.ra . igoed the Methodi st pat t orate. da nl<l not se e CAUTION- Do not wear trua. Mr. and M1·8. R. T . Moo l' and Th mllny Angels gathered all' aea or appliancea, that often family s pent the pa. t week out of round me. weaken the muac:Jea aa atranlltown. ulation ia danl.roua .nd can (Mu ' ieal Interludes by Fal'm Night Melody Makers) Jo Moat. of Franklin. called on (saw a ship with deck of /Shining occur ",ithout warn in .. re,ard8:00 Music , J. . Gray Monday. gold le.a of how larle or bow Ima ll A fine lOft Coal . J. Gourley :10 Cutwu l'ms in the Orchard Rev. Jason BiJdleculn, of OreAnd fiock. of Angehl clAme fl'om yOur Rupture may be. Hundreda :25 Pos ible onsolidatioll of ounty Offices . R. C. Atkinson ((,onia, wa 1\ • aturduy caller at oui her hold; of death. from Ruptur-e can be 8:40 }' itthlg Herds fOI' Wint(!I' Producti n . hlln MeKellip the home of Mr. and Ml'!!. Fl'8nk And by the living Gf~d who did avoided. Rupture .Iao often make me . ........ .. . E . A. 'Silver Wilson. 8 :65 Grinding' .F e d EffiCiently . e&uaea *tOfmaeh pain., baclcach., arl MoOl' and Mr. R. They came, lind bOl'e me o'er the \):10 lothit1g Pl'ogrnm 1'01' Ohio Fal'ln W omen Edna Callahan , Mrg. weakn".. anel. other complainta. 9 :25 The ommUntly !lnd 4-H lubll .. . .,. C_ C. Croy H. J e fferi wel'e Wedne l'day dinner Huming s a. Chicaco 0f6ce--12tb Floor 11 :40 Slatas of Ellr(lpean 'ol'n BOI'er and Hes ian }' Iy T. H. Parks guests of Mrs. Evalyn Shumaker' 'l'h . hodows -cntterecJ then 11'ke Pure Oil Bid ... T he belt in the market at Port William . ". ~ « 4-H WEAO HALF HOU R Mr. and MrR. Prank Kirk, of mormn.g breeze, We also have in our yard 80me SnLul'day, September 17, at 8:00 p. m. Houston, Texas, call\ld On Mr. and And 1 dl~ h ar th(~ voice say I' ood lump and egg coals at M,·8. R, H. Jefferis t.he past week. .words like these: . S. N. Mcintosh, Announcing lower pl'ices - - -- - - bl'lng you gentle, lOVing words, (Mu sicnl Interludes by Medina ounty Leadership lub) that's all, Nature. thilt w ek _ H. E . Eswine Pullets ought to be comfo.rtably ~ach one ilt stronger than the Medina ounty Leadership Club Rettled in t he laying house before , lItl'Onge t wa 11. they stS I·t to lay. PulletR that s tart laymg belol' they Ilrc housed Oh! h(>al' ye all, th poor in heart Phone 80 Bank Bldg. Vice Pre ident; Mrs. Henry pun- nearly always stop whell they ar be glad, kl e, Xenia, recording secretary ; moved . Once B pullet ~top. laying Go with the Mastelr, in white WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mrs. A. · C. Me ndenhall, Spring it takes two of thee wt'eK~ to get robes be clad; Valley, treasurer. Mrs. William her tarted again. I came to, there upon the Bootes and Mrs. Flora Crumley shor were named t o the board of I'd dreamed all thiR, befol'e my To maintuin a hil(h leve l of egg tr·ustees. cabi n door. Mrs. Flatter declined re·electio n production, it is not neees Bl'y to Loa.. Fin,era at Mill than a t.hil'd of th' bil'd~ cu ll mor'c I !lilt there till the dlll'kness had as h er ti me was taken up all FOR SALE DATES CALL cr pt by . Harley Estep, Franklin, a national executive secretary of from a normal Hock ()f chickens during tbe year. And stlirR grew pale and faded workel' in the mill room at the the Anti-Cigaret Alliance of from tht! sky; Mutual Furnitul'e company, sulfer- America which requires absence wondered what thi thing could d the 10. 0'1: two lingers of his from the county much of the time. Director of Fun .r&l S.rYk. mean, o r be, ·M rs. Flater was presented a dia- the late hours of nij(ht.- Suutli lett hand in an accide nt which ocAnd why this vision l~trllnge had urred Tuesday morning at 10 :00 IllOnd pin i n recognizati on of h er harleston 'enti ne!. Our .c onvenient location, luita· come to me? a. m. Estep was worki ng n a long 'e rviN! in the organizatlon. C larkaville Reunion Sunday shap r-maohin e, when ,th e accident Cedarville Herald. ble surround incs and equipment ROOT F OR A N D CON S IGN happened, and h e wa rushed to JESSE STANLEY A crowd stimatcd at about enables us to Serve 'to ttle four Cattle, hogs, sheep and calv.. Miami Valley hospital, where the Dry W.ather 1200 . attes ted to the success and Advantage. Phone 320, New Burlin&toD, Olal. to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and two fingers were amputated. The recent dry weather ex peri- popularity of the larksville reMiRIl Luuise Hall, of Chicago, i progreisive finn for the highut He was returned to his home in -need at Fort Ancient. tate Park union· here has worked a hard sbip gue~t oj' her sister, Mrs. Ervin market prices and &,{lod lervic • . Franklin W ed nesday. and is reEARL KOOGL£R AMBUl.ANCE . SERV ICE unday aiternoon., Even the th" th~ wate'r supply pastures, toUnion S tock Yarela' Cincin_tl, O. Blair. cuperating s lowly. - MiBmi~burg on weath er was in good l!Um or and Dayton Phon. lmceo, corn and garden tr uck. The Tune in on Radio Station WCKY TheOorcaR lub met with Mrs. 01110 Phone 29 News. tobacco s uffel'ed from the hot s un smiled favorabiy on {he gathering James McIntire on Th ursday 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily KEnmore 8986 until the festivities were over and aftet· cutting the corn needed market reports, . ~n' I).Jay on Jlrief•• The A id Society of the Friend ' water to fini h making, though a mo t of the hand-shaking had been hureh' met with .lrs. F'. D. ompThere was great di appointm e.nt large erop i anticipated . The soy done, t o n Thursday afte rnoo;n. among Frankhn citizens In t week bean c rop fared the best of all, Jt~rom small towns and large Robert Smith s pent last week when il. was 1 arned that the state just tne weather to cure it, and a cities all over Ohio and many w.ith friends at Lakeside. highway department had ca ncelled fine crop. The s ugar corn crop was points outside the state came the Oran Turner has retulrned to his the advertisements asking fo r bids tine an d at prices to satisfy.. . past resident.. of Clarksville to chool duties at New F'hiladephia. on the new bridge to be erected join with ' a grell ter part of the The many frie nds of' Lester. across the Miami river. No exJ>re~e n t population of the home HomecomiDIf at S.I ..... ta nfield are rejoici ng over his replanation wa given for the change lown to enjoy a day ju t . among covery from an operatIon for apWith the weatherman doing his themselves. Dinn er was spread 111 plans. Mayor Riley has been trying for bit, with the interesting crowds, un th e table!! 10l' everybody who pendicili in the McClellan hospital AT THE a week to g t in touch with some with three ex~eUent speakers, lots cared to dine in that manner, Xenia. The M. E. ChUl'eh membership on in the highway department of e nterlainme\lt and amusement, while others llad their meal in who could give him defini\e infor- the Selma homecoming which was uutomobiles or in family groups i g lad to w leome Rev. and Mrs. .1. O. Kilmer back a s pat tor for mation as to why the taking of held on Monday was termed a suc- about tpe Park grounds. bid wall cancelled . Our OW" idea cess. According to reports, the Vlsitmg occupied m ost of tbe llnother year. Mr. Hal'old ScammahsTn is a is t hat lack of funds was t ne caus committee in charge was well a1tern oon, bUl there was time Warr n county is prepal'ed to pleased with the turnout. lett to Ii t n to .r. H. Dodd's patient in hrist Hospital, receivmeet her hare of t he cost. The Senator S. 0 1 Fey talked to the Harveysburg band in a popular ing tt'eatment for her eyes. Miss Helen La key, of Xenia, is best information we can give our visitors in the .. afternoon, when concert. The boys and girls dereaders is t hat t he bridge will be there was the largest crowd. voted some time \.0 ball games and the guest of her uncl~, W. V. Lackey and wife. . . built but when. n obo dy know .Supper wAs served followin~ horseshoe pitching. Mrs. Jame/! Beam is teaching for At a late afternoon business Se nator Fess' address and much Fran~lin Ch~oniclli. Irma Evans, intermediate visiting was done at this time meting it was voted to hold the Mis M n. Flatt er Gi".n Diamond IImong" those who had returned to reunion again n ext year at a place teacher, who is ill of typhoid fever SPE CIAL to b e decided later. permanent Mrs. Canie L. Flatter of Yellow their home town for the day. NIGHT Following the supper, Aaron J. organization was formed and will prings ha retired as president of the Green e County W. C. T . li. for Halloran, of Springfield, and L. T. be headed by George Pen quite of Perform a n ce the p~ast 28 ~'ear.s. She is succeeded Marshall, of Xenia, addressed the Blanchester. J. H. Dodd, larksMl·S. Ada Dakin and daughter, crowd. - ville, is vice pt'e ident; Ed. Redby Mrs. A. . Turrell, Xenia. It is stimated that more than fern , 161 3 Thi rd t .. Da yton, secre i\1abtll {lnd fi ss Hazel Graeg of Other officers nam ed at the annual c onv ention of the organir.!l- 600 peop le attended the homecom- tary; and Mrs . Edith G I' athnuse, Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Elvis tion at th e First M. E. church tn ing durin, the day. T he Grove was Clal'ksville treasul'el'.-Clarksville 1ichael and Dorothy and Mrs. I ill' a Ie ae · wel~nday ews. Xenia were: ¥rs. A. L .. Oglesbee, a ' cene 0 activity from noon untl guests o( Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mal'latt. · . . Mrs. Flora Marlatt a.nd children .·pent Su nday afteTn oon with her tather Mr. Joe Marlatt. L _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - - - -- - -- - - . , - - - - - - - - - --. - Mr. and Mrs. EI'ne:3t Earnhart and fnmi ly a ttended ~he Earnhart reunion Sunday a t Roser's camp neal' Rid gev ill e. . 1111'. and M'·$. Emerso n Dill e ntertai ned Mr. Il11d Mrs . Raymond Osb01'lle and Mrs. Toms, Sunday. MI'. Timothy Marlat.t who is ill , remains about lhe same. Ht. Holly's e levelnlh annual ?~utP\~ Home coming .w ell be h eld September 18 at the Mt. Holly M. E~ OMI _ .,. church. Evel'y b",dy welcome . ... O\U.~ i .~ ..~.,. . Mr. lind Mrs. Clare n,ce Crawford e nta l·tained 101' Sunday dinner 1\1\,. and Mrs. Glenn Drunhot and ~¥'\.f\)\.. ~"" Cl~t'f\)\' son Donnic; Mr. lind Mrs. Louis , ;- _~\"• •1l~ r Druhot; Mrs. Kasterson, Mr. Charles Crawford; NIies 'l' helma Morgan and Mr. Henry Bergess. ,-!'i~ Miss Leona Green is spending ·the week with her au,nt Mrs. Clarence , Cl'awford. . I Mr. and Mrs . .Leste r Shaw of neat· ' ut'ing Vall ey spe nt Su nday with tbe latter's mqtheT, Mrs. Dora MOI'gan, Mr. and' M.I's. Don Martindale an(l daughter of Dilyton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge Murlatt, '
Do Your Part
Glen Rogers Pocahontas
Raven Red Ash
Farm Night 7alks, Sept. 19
Yellow Jacket Lump
Koppers Miami Coke
Waynesville Farmers Exc. Co.
Clippings from the Exchanges Coming Into Our Sanctum
Phone 25 W a ynesville. O.
Stanley &Koogler Auction eers
------ .- -
New Burlington
YOUBSEL~ F____~__~
Warren County Pair sse ADMISSION
--------Mt .HolJy
Odd- But ·TRUE
ssoo.oo IN PRIZES
... Wild West ..
Beech (;rove
',,'1\m ......~ ..... .'" dMClt.\. GIl.
225 atte nded c;:':~h -ai-breen BI'iar on last Saturday night and .5H attended the all day meeting o n Sunda~. Anna Telfare of . Columbus is visiting with the Andrew family .this week. Miss Lucille bome ' Saturday eN~~!=~ delightful trip to Mr. and Mra. Miu Anna Huffman and near
SEPT. ::
as,· U,
w. N.
L'a st Week's ActivitIes In "' avnesville Schools ,
lonal Prof Service 1l"I·nll , th, ,,1.1 111Ill' "und!'r-
,t nl.. r" .1111 httk 1II'l'it.\(' furni h till' I'll ket, 1It'(IIY 1'(',1pl(· ~lill \'"n'l<1'I' I 11 ill Ih,· (""I "f til(' (lltll'llI l 1"'1" I' <'11 t. Uti' va I u(' tlf th(' d \,\.\ 1,1<,I\\'. ThL i~ not ttlll'. 'I'h., !'uIWln! din'd(lr elf t op('d"rln~ 1\ myriu,\ o f ~ 1 vit·(·. whl It "1.'1' (' IlL'\'('r ox· III ('t<'ll Ilf t h~ "II T1(1 l'l'tak r." 1'}t('.I' incllltll' t h.· technkal w(llk of \11' plirinp; the bod~' . olllplet!' chorg tlf til(' fUll rnl lind tit u.. t' IIf Tt1a~~. kinds f n Ct' "nry l''luipnlt'nt. . A \11' () PI11'1 nf , th(' funera l dir '([llr's ~e\'\ k \ humanity tllk" lh form of profl' ional ""lI'k. Jl ill e poricncc and kno\\ it'dgo I' at the service of lh s \\ ho call Up011 him .
l. E. McClure Phone 7
W.,neuill., Ohio
Hi.h .. t Markel pric.. Paid for All Kin. of
{Undenomin'ltionan Moat Reasonable Terms l'he.ll'r A. \\,illianl gon, Ministe r M,.. i~ SI'II-1 .1.' 1111 T . Chn. ('. )!i ~.'ill lulI· l' lo FUJ'J1I rs in Warren 'ounty are Tht! 11 11th $chO<lI and pper 101';< hll \',· ;< " "·l'uJ.g:,''''lpltlYl,,·)<t1I<'~ .Jap<ltl, "ill ~IlNlk III the' chill'eh, ul'~'11 nol to phlllt theil' wheat btl1"1 id:\\ ('","illl:'. Sl'pt!'rnb"I' tu , fore October 1 in order that inCrud .. ol'ch e ~trll i!< 1.<1 huld it fi~st u,' Jlol ht1\'l' ,.ullll·li· nl l1\1m\l,·1' Hone.t Wei.ht Guaraat•• d nli!cting ttl-day. Tryout for new mlll..r u. tl!UIIl Ill1tl \\111 1'<,,'l'lIil Ll'1' . gi\'i! him JI !o:'l'l'IlL h('llI'in ~ fl' c' tlilioll with Hel!sian Fly may IInd('l'cl.n~~ltIerl. . I'r"j:t':\111 f"1 ~\tl\dnv. " 'ptl'lI11>I'1' nut r ..s ult. Through the 0(0)) rallH'mb" I" will be h ld and a check S('II.I!l' FOR SALE I h,' f dlu\I \OJ!' I. thl''' ·h".lul(' "I' 1 R~ f"lt" " ,; ('hul:ch Sclwol 1\1 ti"" eXf th F 'de l'lll Bureau of un former members will be mnde, perc ntllge of F'OR ALE- Duchess Pears .. J. A be tter balanced orchestra i: gu JIll' , tll h" phlYI'li II ilh vlh"I' !l ::111 a. Ill. J.u ... l'~ ~;lIIlPI'I' al (:,10- ~~ntoml>logy, th L Mettdenhall. Waynesville .s l( In Rye'. Bid,., N. M.in St. 1"lu"i'1I1. ' hl'i~lin n I':nt!" uv r at (j:- "lrll \\I S found lo be infested in ueeded and we h ope that Ill or e • ch,'ol~: . ;/·Pl. ,I h ~!II~"n hl'r<' :1 0 p. 111. Enw-j Wllu lllJ'(I, Il'ud,·t·. "\' art'c n 'oullty was 28 per ccnt. b oys and girh will be orne inter'."pl. ~l C.',l lllsk, thl'l'\! ~;I"'IIIJ11!' l·\,"ItI.(l·li~tic ""I'vicl' HI 'fhiR is about ~ v II times a s much I'sted in this 1\l'ld o f mu ie, ea',l·Ilt. ;-8 hll1KR h rl' 7 ;:W I. Ill. SI rm"l1 ~ubj('{·t, "131), t\y <I ~ wa:! present in 1931. YOUI' lH'cia lll' in th ,tri ng se-ction whicll . S('(It . .ll) .1IIu:' tln h'·I'('. I holel th,. MUll." l\:.. t ie,' tht> chllfl~(, ('o(JpCI'ation ill the date of Owing Subscribe for The Miami Ga~ette a~d get a year is rath er weak compared with the Uct. 5 I'Jll'rn~I,,'rli l,el'e. IIf l illt(. fur 'v(' ning . t' rl'i<'ell. W'l't('llt to prevent fly injury in stl'O njt !lcction s of brass lind l' cd of Reminiscen,es nil\' 7 ;lll>rr(Jw thl'1'l:. 1 '1'I1~'1'1' i\l . liltlr lind Bibll' ~tUlly 1933 is n eedt'd t o help in th ex in trumentl'. Reh earsals will be teJ'lllination of this p t . Oct. 12 .~II·h I' h('rl . ('1\,. \; \\' l'dnl'~da\' III 7 ::lO 1). Ill . We ' held regul r ly euc h Wednesday at The Fall brood of flie begin8 to (kt. II Kill!\," tllt'l'''. arc ~IIlUyill'g lilt' l <lQk of A ~t~. 2:4 p_ lit., the 4!xtra ~urric.'ulnr III l'ge about th middle of Sep,N{., l'hnrge WIll tll'made (oJ' 3d - ~hm I choil' pJ'ucli,· ... nt COllc1ullion period. ' nll:<. llln ttl. thl's~ g'lIllles Rni:! Ihe The church where' you fed' a; t(lmber, and continues to emerge f"u m stubble fields for t~ or Home Eeon.om;ca ~l'h<l I sollclls youI' nttcndaljce. h ~11ll' GUIll(>!l ilL Wllyn '"ville 11111 he , . ___ _ thl' e week. depending upon conThe Home ECOMntics work has playeu at R ,\bilzer~ field . ST. AUC.USTlNE:'S CHURCH ditio ns of moisture and temperabeen resumed with new an d gr I\t.'" thc gam!.' with :\iIl 81111 . it is turt'. In ea rly 0 tobel', th y disPa t h r Frene h, Pl\~tor er interest than the preceuin j.l' this J.'ritloy. G<lnJ(> clliled lit 4.30. appea r', od only after they are Services will be held t!very t\\ I> IrOne is it safe i or the wheat plant yeal· . . IllllSes are much larger lind - --Wt' · k" on l'atllrda~r morni ng. to aPJ)car above the ground. If the as a I' suit the sewing and cookin ~ .'\ H igh chool and .'evelllh an'l ro-Jms a re' being rearra ngpd 80 Eighth Grad~ tOll I'na 111 Ctll, hn's FERRY CHURCHOF CHRIST plllnts appear too !loon, the flies Iny ,'ggs UPDn them. t hus starting that 11 muc h larger space is availa- been sta l·ted b.v ('oul'h Illlfflllll ll. ( UlldenorninlationaH ble fo r the labor.a t oJ:Y work. E the damage that ha 10 t farmers The n ~wer plan of work which, nch team is J'equired to plRY IIch hest' r . Williamson millions 0'1 dollars in for:mer years of the ulhet·s uncI'. . Thursday night will be "fo ITY The fil'S t "'nme ~I \\, t ile ,Jllnl'or~ in keeping wi th progressive education ill the 11 me Economics ' " ~ Ni"ht" Ilt thl' uig t",nl in 13 Imont. fiel d. is g inl!: t b followed this c,tntestillir with th ... ]. reshlllen Mel' t at th.· home of ~~ . C.. l1 ubble year. In tbis wny ill >nd to BlIttehl'~ ' F'~e8hnlE'n. lien 'and at 6:45 p. nt. and \1'(' will /to t.t. make mUI'''' unifur nllty amo ng the 1':I~m(>I" JUlli()I'R 'lIvl1ge Rnd l\1i1. gt:!t hel' fl'oll1 tht>t·(!. Let's take a class ~ }; 11,11 as those of other I Th a great delcgotiolt. school. T I,(' pi II includes units of FJ'eshrn:n m(' stlirt('~ off with the PI'og' l'um foJ' :unclal' . .' ptel," cuoking st'w ing, It me mnnall'e- j t th ut bat. Sturke stepped lIer J ; hurch .'clt >\11 lit \/::10 u. m nl , ~nd hous hold BI-tS ellch fi' .plnte and 111l't. MJ·. Snvl\gl"~ Jt1 . Lurd's 'UPil('1' lind St'J'I11UII nt 1any and vllriou8 are the projsemester. ' r t ~Itch for a h omc ru n. Wh('/1 J 0 :30 n. II], .'E~tmOJl ~ubj('ct, The first project deals with food ~,~~. SIde Wll8 Ilmtlly I·('til'ed the 'JUc!gl'(\ by lh .. Wodd.' Ho me com- ects that have kept our younrer preservation and the laboratory J ~.hl'1l n had Illllrked 10 run8 The ing seJ'vitc lI'ill be h III eptl'm- citiz 115 out at' mischief during work consi ts of preparing vari ous unfoy ~ I'e not (Iu ite s suc- bl'r 2!i. Watch fot' further 811- th~ vacati{)n days, jU8t closed. arlicll!s sut h as preserves jellies ~~ s u . WIth Al1l'I1'~ ll>Rse. nl y You 11lJ'1l IIlwllYS weI- 'ollle o'f these are indeed quite and conserves. ' ree runs WerE' mild .. by them. rnOUllcelllent. me ut this chlll·ch. unique and nieritorlous. S veral The clas enrollment to date :fte~ the fir"t, l\vage lig-htened are as f ollows : own some\\lhnl llnd held the we ks ago, we heard of a wonderST. MARY 'S CHURCH First year 11 econd a nd third Fh'eshl11en t o ei ven mort:' runs in ful "Tree House," which Clyde Rev. J. J . eha /fer, 'Redor year 14. Grade' eight 26, making t e n~xt f OUl' innings. whil e he Fromm, J ohn ears and ome oC ' t>venlcl'nth 'unday ufter Tr in- UII:!ir pals had built at the home a total of 51. an d hIs. teammate w('I'e curing Ity, ,'eptcmbcr J . Chlll('h sc hool Heretof'l re. only two yea.rs nave se,,~ ~. Fina l . c I'e: of the former, and tarted on a been offered, but due to many reo Fleshmen- 21 run~. 2 hit". 4 at !J ::10. l\1orning Pl'IlyQl' and tou.r of inve8tigation. Some fond Hou~ed ser O lO n at 10 :30. quest Cor Ii third year it has been errJourns :1 ; moth I'S, who had grave fear for possible, through th efforts and r 1 () run, 12 hit~. 4 the aiety of life and limb of , ~ake ure that thc material tbat go a into y our building coop~ration of the s uperintendent errThs. WAYNESVILLE )... E. CHURCH their off pring, intercepted this ~lll gIve the greatest possible return In eom l I·t and atl facto be able to work out a program s cond gllll1e brought t he' G. O. Dibert, Pas tor trip with th e plea that the detIon. No expenditure is 0 important RIO that which you mal:e for the third year.' Sophomort's and eil!ht ~radc together. Batt des- Crudes Davi W dn esday: Bilble 'tud y and s ription be withheld until after for a hom place. school had begun again. and Schulet·; ophomor es-C:oo k prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. There iill a t hrift, nnd a r.al thrift A,riewtur. The id ea for the house 8eems and Le May. . Fr iday: 'hoir practice at :00 Fal se thrift ord rs th eh apest and vag~ely hope Cor the to have originated with Clyde's Th department is starting off Thi game' as very close and p. m. best. ' Hunuay : . undal' ~choo l at () ::10 mo ther , Mrs. J. P. Fromm, who with a good e nrollm nt of well hard fought throughout. Neither Rea} thrift, insisting on the be t, flnd!! that in th long run suggested ils construction as .. leam was s ure of victol-Y unt il the a. m. Morning \\Ior~hiv at 10 :30. interested students, the best 18 usually the ch ape t. • I'man . ubjcct , "The Temple means o'f. employment for bilBY, Our crop and h orticulture class la tout \IIa mad . The charm is thell' woodwork- th ir 4!ntrances doors ambiti ous y~uth. It i8 solidly and The final corQ: Buitllerll." Epworth L ague at i (!ontemplating projects and field windows, molding!!, stairs, corner cupboards, paneling. • , Sophomores- 8 run s. 6 hit. 4 ,()O II. m. Preaching service at 'ubstantlallY built, about ten trips of interest. When you plan, a home you cannot look too ca.refully to ' :00 p. m. On next undRY even- fe t above groundinth triple fork The members of the ' cla8s in errors. woodwork d tails. Eig hth Gl'ud - 7 r u ns, 7 hits, :3 init' we will begin a serie (I f 5"' 1'- of an apple tree at t he Fromm shop this year are already making Whether il Is a new home complete, a n'e w barn or s hed, mons on c ha ractelr "tud i f t.he home. The dimensio.ns · ar eight plans in advance as to the kind of errors. we want to serve you. Your s mallest repair job wm receiv the by t n feet, with an approximate project they will finish for the . The third game o f the ser ie twel e Apostles. same cheel'ful C<Jn sideration in pUl'Chafte of 'material . enior~ trying to You al' cOl'dililly invit d lo at· height of six feet at the comb of year. We feel that the interest has WIll find the Let us help you figure out the most economical can tl'UCthe roof, wbich lopes to a down the Frcshme n. Galll e Wedle nd t11 (!se me ti nlgS. been increased since we now have of aboul four feet at the eaves. tion. nesday. a shop manUAl giving outline sugLumb er hard and soC flnlsheu or unfinished. Window!, The walls a\' of plank to a h ight ge tions for the year. A boy may doors, lath, shingles, roofings, paints, lim , and, nail!!, furnace of four feet, the remainder and H ia look this over and see just what the I'oof being covered with heavy etc •• etc. he is supposed to accomplish durro fing paper. linoleum and ' tarR4!tire~ment ing his time in th shop. Thi paulin, making the house abBoenables him to plan ahead and we lutely weather proof. believe will give more definite reDIl hy·tailcd inhabitants 01 the The combined platform and ults. t ,'ees in t.he wooded sections of flo or is of heavy plank, and is well We have planned deftnite field Roy Ellis pitched a game that Ohi., arc about to enter upon the braced and secore. Here was trips for the 8tudy of oil type mo t hll za rd ous season of the year. the only sssistance the boys reW.ynelVilIe, Ohio Phone ,1 " and classes a well as to investi- was a hellrt-br cll ker to los' by the The squirrel hunting sea on ceived from Clyde's father. Of gate the methods of soil manage- core r 13 to 6, but that is lhe OI)enS for 15 duys on eptember course, Mother would in 1st that cOI'e of what purport ed to be a ment. 15, Dad a ssure himself that the build• A committee or 15mtth.Hughes ball game, play d by teams rep· Ac co rding to tine UJ32 fi sh and ing was absolutely safe. res nting 'Bellbrook a nd Wa vnesteachers ' 01 the south-we~t district game laws, the bag limit On !\quirThe interior, 'whieh ill Jj~.ht1ed--b1·t._-"'---""-"';;;------~~"'----------·'" visited our department Monday ville at Wayne park, unday afteris foul' .a day. The , ale of three lanterns h\lng from evening. They commented es- noon. While thc scor e how s thnt t!'els is unlawful and thc seasleeping accommodations pe<lially upon the advantages of Roy was touched up f or a total sohen ~ame abollt 1\Vl!- boys 1Ind here closes Oct ober 1. our farm shop course and equip- of 16 hit ., more than half of It is to be remembered that it Iyde, John, Dean Hawke, Leo m~t. . thes should have been fi elded ( r is unlawful to hunt, pursue or kill onner, Hugh O'Neall and others Plans were made for better out- rather ea y put-outs. He struck any wild bird Ot· an imal with out have slept practically every night lines of course:! in Vocatit nal ou t L1 batters, wn~ked but one haYing applied f()o r and received a that 'tht1y have been in town since hit three and rna e two wihi hun ting Ilnd trapping license which Agriculture for this yeat. first. of June. A broad board Some plans were laW! for intel'- pitch es, whilt! hi opponent, Lan- ell COl' $1.00, with 25 cents addi- the been placed in front 01 one ot change of F. F. A. programs for s i~gel' , was tJ'iking out three, is· tiu nal f or tlte clerk. The license has sUlllg 11 ba es on balls and hitting must be carr ied while in the field. tbe bunks to prevent the sleepers this year. rolling out the door. Mucb interest is anticipated fOl) one batter, Let s not go into the However, the owner, tenant, or from Entrance and exit are attained d tails of the mess; here are the the coming year. child l'cn of the IJWnel' or tenant, by means of a ladder, which is figures: . ---may hunt or trap on their own rai ed by an ingenius arrangement n. Sporto.a••hip Brotherhood . BELLBROOK hind without a license, o'f ropes and pulleys during the At the last meeting of the AB R H PO A E ~ ...... day, to pl·event. possible a«ident WaynesYille chapter of the Sports- A. Bal'ton, cf .. 6 2 2 1 0 0 to mquisitive small neighbors. manship Brotherhood in 1932, H opkins" s. . 6 2 3 1 3 1 All in all, the structure is a I'CMiriam Ellis was elected lem- Pennewit, c 6 2 3 4 1 1 markable bit of work, of which pora.ry president. Tate , ] b . . 4 3 0 13 0 0 the boys may w'e ll be proud. It wiU The good which had been ae- C. Barton, r f 6 1 3 3 2 0 pay our visitors to go and Bee it. complished during this first year of Berryhill If 3b 4 1 0 0 0 0 Doug las GriEtl!emer, national Clyde says that adult vi~itors are the organ,ization was discussed and Peterson, 3b, If5 0 1 1 2 1 dircctor of roll .c all, will address always welcome. Oh, yesl Clyde is 4 1 1 2 1 0 s ix regional con:fel'ences of Red a helper at the Gazette office, each futu.re possibilities of the brother- Edwards, 2b Lans inger, p .... 5 1 3 2 3 0 Cl'OSS workers in Ohio this month, Wednesday afternoon. hood were spoken oJ, also. The charter provides that on or - - ..... .....:.~~~~~ ~. before October 15, there shall be T otal 46 13 16 27 12 3 accord ing to ann()unc:Ee~m~e~n~t~~t~h~e+'tJ-=::-t:d:1r-:::-:::-===-=-_ _ _ _ American Red Cross.' a meeting to decide the amount of from nationa l h(~adq uarters plans the dues and the privileges of the W. A. C . . r financing the ememgency members. .AB R H PO A E fo This first meeting will be held Compton , Ib ,, 5 1 2 4 , 0 0 activities of the Red Cl'OSS during and present a reSUl1le of he September 19. Anrone in grades henoweth, cf.3 0 0 1 0 0 1933, r~lief work being carried on by Representatives from local 4 1 2 4 1 0 Red 9, 10, 11 or 12 IS eligible for Hough, If . Cros~c chapters ~hroughout h,ealth group~ in Adams, Brown, membership, 6th. 7th and 8th Gons, 3b 5 0 0 1 1 1 the United State8. Clermont, Clinton and Wanen grades may join as junior members Reeder, ss, c 3 1 1 9 0 1 Dix, nssistant manager counties will meet at the Cou.r t Althougb we believe much good Ramby, cf, ss . 4 1 2 0 2 1 of Everett the Eastern area, will be a fea- House in Batavia, Friday, Sepwas done last year by the Sports- Wright, 2,b 3 0 0 4 1 1 speaker at a meeting In tember 16. Mrs. S. W. Spracue, manship Brotherhood, we would Cook, c, rt . 4 0 1 3 0 :2 tured September 26. Batavia, chairman of the Chri8t.like to see ·it even bigger and bet- Ellis. p 3 2 2 1 1 0 Dayton. Among the topics coming be- mas Seal committ,e of the Clerter this year, for it is truly a fore morning, lUlnCheon and after- mont CoUnty Public Health league worthy ol'pnization. Tota'is 34 '6 10 27 (J noon se~ ions for . diBcusslon are is in chal·ge. of arranaemellta and I 23456789flour distribution,. cotton distribu- will preside at the meetinl~ Athletic. o 1 2 2 1 2 .0 50- 18 tion, the mobilizlation of commun- A discussion. of seal side plans B llbrook As in previous years Athletic VIA o 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1- .. 6 ity leadership, mlethods In a~minls- . ill occupy the mornine ·aellSion activities at t he ,High School will ____ te ring relief and! the a'ppr.oQching which ,opens at 9:30 o'clock and playa prominent part in the pumembership campaign, ends with a luncheon .at 1I00n, pils' lines. Chapten will be represented as Health ' commissionertl, public son ball is being played to 'J'~ \lows: Champaign county, Cin- ~.rth nurses, sanatorium auperinstimulate interest and to give the cinnati and Hami lton county Clark tendents, "chool superintendents b.oys athletic competition until the , Mr. and Mra. Joe Penllewitt en· cou nty , Clermont c ounty, Darke and l'epreaentatlves of loc.t volunbasketball season arrives. The tertaincd at Sunday dinner, Mr. county, Greene c ounty, Hamilton, tary organizations from each of boys are entering the games with and Mrs. Dody and son of Franklin Logan county, Miami county, the five counties will be invited to a spiri~ that is to be commended. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pennewitt o f Middletown, Piqlla, Preble county, attend the afternoon session which Not only do the boys enjoy it but Middletown. Shelby c ounty, U nion county and w!ll be given over to a dlacussion the balanc.e of the stUdents are 01 program with reference to the usiastic spectators. It,. is hoped Miss Celo Gl'een and A ndl'ew Warren county. - - - - - state situation. a sch<Jol championship will be Grcene, 01 Dayton are spe ndin g NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT The Ohi~ Pu.blic Health al\8Oeiaed with a feW' days. From the thi~ week with Mr. Hil y Gibsull tion, with which the local health _ ____ competing teams the coach will and famil y. Estate of William C. Welch, de- groups are aflIliated, .will be repselect a team for the entire school Mr. alld MrR. Charles Auten and resented by ' Dr. Robert G. Patercompetition. son David. Mr. Ennie Auten of cellsed: . . lion, ' executive secretary and Basketball is the king of winter Dayton sp('nt Sunday with Mr_ and ~otJc e IS hereby gIven t.hat Arthur T, German, field secretary, sports, and will start about the Mn. lIiley Gibson and family. h ·vm.g D. Welch ha. been duly both of Columbus. appOinted and qua hfted as Ad____ _ • first ot October. Light practice . . will be , the rule for t he first two' Mr. Ell .worth Glbso,,!, MISS C~lo ministrator o( the E tate of W ATTENDED FUNERAL week!l. The last two weeks before Green, MI SS Stella GIbson, Mtss iiam C. Welch late of Warren the first game will be given over Leon,,:, Green of Dayt!) n, attended Cou nty, Ohio, deceased . and Mra. M. A. Cornell, Mr. to intensive work. By the time the the ~Irthday party at Mr. an~i M~s. Dated this 2nd day of Septem- andMr.Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mr. and whistle blows on November 4th ErVln Mulf<lrd at Waynesvllle III ber 1932. Mrs. H. A. Oornell, and Mr. and f or the first game, thc boys wlll honor of M iljs Mabel Dakin'R W . Z. ROLL M1'8. R. G. Miller attended the be !n condition to go out and give eventl' nth birthday. Judge of the Probate Court, funeral tlleir kiDswoman, Mr•. theIr best towards winning that all Mr. anu Mrs. 'Frank Hal' tsock at· 82 1 Wane!) County, Ohio Blanehe 01Ogl ..bee Bangham, at important ('ount", ' championship tt>ndtld lhree da)' mecting at Mid· - - - -•• -+ - _.W ilmingtoD, Monday afternoon. for the third year. dlerun c'hurch Friday, Saturday Burlal was made in the celllel:ef"v I NO HUNTING S.f. B.ll and Sunday of last -week. at Port William. The Mt. Holly home cominJr Mr.. Bagrham died at her home, We, the undersigned, .1)0w no On la.t Friday the first p.me of will be held this next Sunday at betw.en Wilmiqton and Port hunting trapping <lr trlJlipaning the intramural 110ft ban aeries ""as the church. Everybody welcome. WUliam, Jut Saturda),,' .. the re"Iayed b tween ' the F.-eshman Bnnll: your bukets and I!pend the on our farms: sult of inJUrili luatained Jul, • Boya and the Juniors, and day with UR, September 18. GONS BROS. wh"en a of peralne, which .... ' ulted III an eaay for Mn, Frank Dakin th. neweomel'll In hirh with ... uliar Ire. caunJDtrR ... cc~::&=:'D~ Mrs. Hily 01 22 to Ie. re d.~1Ch1~ teUa ,
, 'JlI~ l'I','"hlll<'l1. Allh,IUgh lhl'
Late Classified -.Ads. Ridenour Poultry Co.
t" i
T. E. Carne.
These Are Building And Repairing Days
is \
Waynesville, Ohio
Lie....... R.aI E.tate 8,.•• r, Auctlo...r .nd I•• u ... nc.
u •• THE MIAMI GAZETTE For R ...llt.
Be Sr.ugly
Belore Winter Come.
Squirrel. Into
ve Gone Now
& CO.
; .··the world',f ,fated tmd bat non-skid
--- .... - --
Rel.ef Problems Facing Red Cro••
TRADE I .. you r old Ii , ••
G•• llnEA ALL-WEATHER husky b~ rubber center-to dli iD, gtlp and ~old on atlpper, I'OQA
M'orutoplRernember,btakel atop the wbeel_but It taka ,irill with tract{on to Itop tb. ar without 811p or aJdd. OtheJ' treadl come and tbe Goodyear All-Weatber .rowl more popul!!r eYery year. This tire outsell. Qn), oiher in the world. , Take advantaae of 001 tradeInaUowance-bll ve the world'. eafef![ and beat tires' on )lour ear forfalland wlnterdrlwlo.1
V ery
Will HolCi Meeting
Spring Branch
Poli.b RepalrKlta Tape Cement Sbellac Batterl•• "B" Batterl•• ••10 Tult•• . . . . . . .1. .
W ......II.., .111.
Efihty-Fifth Year
Last Week's ActivitIes r- -In Wavnesville S,chools
I Robbers Quite Active in
/t's StarUng
dpenill~ of School
which will in clude dresses, slipS The Waynesville chOilI had its and otber al·tic les t.hat they have fa ll opening on Septem ber 5. It made. opened with a large atendance but P~o.pecta for ' 32· '33 Ba.ke tball not as llIany as last year. , Each It is expected that Waynesville 8tudent was eaker to begin h is next semester work. T he number will have a good basketball team of chulars vel' grade r uns as fo l· this year a8 several of last year's playel's will still be in the linelows: Grade, 1, Miss Roede r 29; Miss up. A few new students transfel'Hu nter 18 milking a total of 47 in red from other schools mayprove' to be a big help to ' the tlew team. the first grade. L. Davis, E. Miller, C. Cook, and Grade ~, .Miss Hartsock 31 i Miss Kelly 20, making a total of 51 in D. Bogel', N. Meredith are some o f last year's line·up who may be the seco nd Mrade. Grade a, Miss Lile 30; Mis8 Fox on the 1932'· '33 team. C. Savage a1, maK ing a total .of 61 in the' and Marion Whitaker also expect to take part. Edward Franer and third grade. Grude 4, Miss McKi nsey, 38; Russel Treadway are two new Miss ampbelJ 35, maklnlr a total students who will probably play t his year. WayneSVille will be of 68 in grade four. Grade 6, Mr'. Young 68. There. able to put a rea.! fig hting squad fore making a tota~ of 285 pupils on the /tOOl' against other teams. The new coach, Mr. H ufl'man, will in the Grade Building. 8taft practice a bout t he middle of , Grade 6, Miss ,Fox 67. Grade 7, Miss lIenkle, 35; MI'. October. Although Buffering the Kyle 32, making 'a total of 67 in loss of fine star p la yers who graduated last year Waynesville grad e seven. Grade 8, ?1ft-. James,. 40, making still expects to ra nk high among teams. ' a total of 449 stUdents in the county basketball _ _ '....... r' .. ' grades. Grade 9, Mr. Brown 38. Grade )0, Mr. Huffman 43. Grade 1 L, Mr. Garst 19. Or, de 12, Mr. Hatfi eld 27, rllNW}J making a number of 127 scholau In high, school. This brln&'8 t he n umber up to 565 in both Gra de The F r iendship Club of the M. and Hi(h Schoo l Buil ding. After t he starting {)f t he fi rst E. Chu rch met at t he home of Mr week evel'yth in~ is going very L. V. Bra nstrator, last Wednesday afternoon. The hy·mn .. " America , smoothly. , The Beautif ul ," was su ng. and the Eip.th Crade CitiK.luhip Club Lord's Prayer and the ClWlS Creed T he first meeting of the Citizen~ were repeated 'for the devotiona l ahip lub was held at Way ne ville exercises. T he reports of t he secretary and ' School in room 1. T he me ting was opened by Mr. trea urer w re read a nd approved J ames, t he teacher actin&, as and t he program committee announced that at the next meet ing, preside nt, T he t()lIowing officers were to be held at the h ome of Mrs. elected President, Glenn a WOilla rd };ugene Conner, on T hird street, Vice President, Cha rles Davis; In October, each memb e:r would be IIcretary, Dor is Surface: T rea s- asked to take part in t he program. u rer, Charles Burton EHrnhart; Mesdames Wa lter Sh ee ha n, Mary McClu.re a nd L . V. Branstra tor News Reporter, Evelyn Furnas, Afte l" Mr. Jsmes gave a talk on were named as a committee to itizenship the meeting was a d- nomi nate new offi cers at the ne.xt meeti ng. ' journed. T he follow ing program was t hen T he second meeting of the club was held in Room 1 a t t he High enjoyed: Read ing, Mrs. Homer Ra mby: singi n~ by the entire chool bui lding. T he meeting was called to order compa ny; readmg, "The Par8on- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by t he president and s veral age Home," Mr . Callie Cross. This co mmittees were apr oi nted as fa l- was follow,ed by a F lower Co ntest lows: Constit ut iona , Eileen Hall , which was t he source of much H, A. Cornl'll tra nsacted bu i· Erma Wa ke ley, Paul Friend. merri ment. ne in Columbu!:I, la t Thur day. Duti ng the soeia l hour, delicious Hygiene, Floyd Lynch, Cha rles Miss Jane B ol'ing, of Wilming· Davis, Robert Young. Roo m Clean refreshments were served by the Up Committee, Mary J une Sheets, hostess, assisted by Mrs. G. C. ton, is vUting her ;;ister, Mrs . Mrs. L. C. St. J ohn, Mn. Dibert, . Wymer Drllk . E lsie Mae Wical, Helen Gr aham. P rogra m, Sue)la Bernard, Viola Ha rt ley Moss and Mrs. A. H . 1.1 rs. 01'1 Frye and ' Mr. and tubbs. CampbelJ , Doris Wade. Mr. GiJb rt F'rye spent Saturday A motto and club c-olor8 were ORECONIA HOME COMIN~ at I ndian Lake. select ed. Evelyn Furnu. News Reporter Mr. and Mr ' . Forr .t Hough and Oreg-onia will ho M its fourth Home Coming on Sunda Y Oct ober children pent unday with rela· Vacatioa Ti•• 2nd. Services wil be heid a t the tives in Dayton. chool will noll be in se8slon Churc h beginning with t h e Sunday Mi Helen M. Hawke pent September 22 and 23 because 01 School at 9 :30, followed by preach Tuesday night in L banon, the the Warren County Fair. inl!' I!ervice. A basket dinne r will g uest of Miss Eva Banta. be served at the school h ouse. The Di.pla, at Fair af ternoon will be devoted to reC. H. Chase and C, A. WilliamThe Home E'eonomic lilr ls and ne wing old f riends and heating son were supper ,g uests of MI'. and the Vocational AlITicu\ture boys from different ones who have come Mrs. W ill Brl\dl y. Friday evening. lU'e pu ttin&' on a display at t he back to enjoy the day with U B. Warren County f ail'. The two de· Mis Ruth Gardn I' and Mi s partment!! are to use t he sam e Hortense Edwards, of Dayton, ENJOY SOUTHERN TRIP booth ' were ,week·end g uests of Mrs. A. The F . F. A. department's exMr. and Mrs. Car) PIckering H. Stubb . baaed on the emblem 0'1 and Mr. and Mrs. E d Hamilton hibit ill Mra. Blanche Baker, o f Coving· the orpnisatlon. The Farm Shop and daughter enjoyed a delightful exhibit Include!\, projec:t!! complet- trip t h!'"Jugh KentookYr Virginia , ton , Ky" was the gue. l of her sis· ed by , tudents at the IIhop, sueb and Tennessee, villit l.ng many ter, Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, Ilnd all ladders, sewing hon e , waa'On points of interest and beaut iful family, last week. scenery such u Cumberland Gap, j ack and cold-iron work. Mi es Trill na and Margaret ' The Home Economic girls a re The Pinnacle , High Bridge, DIx unda~r at the going to display some clothing Dam and many ot"er place!!. , Edwards !lpent home of D.,. and Ml'S.' Gail Ru s. $Um a nd fl\mily, in Da yto n. o
Interesting Relic Bro,:,glat to iight from Archives of Hawke familv
Mr . and Mrs. W. B. Ru ~ um and daugh ter, Mis ~a.l'gll l ' t, of Dayt on, are the guests of Mis es Tril · le na and Matgaret Edwards, this week. Mr. an.d Mrs. E. T. McPhel'son a nd Mi..s Gertrude Galten, of S '" f abina; were Sunday guests 0 M,.. ilnd rMs. Alonz<I Ilrl at the Fiiends Home.
thut morning, It j ~ supposed tbat lIw robber had r fill t!d their tank lit 1'1". Lung's exp n e while mak· il1l1: t heil' g€:t.aw6Y from the (·\t·vot or job, Illr~ hal . P. J oy was notified soon aflt!I' the dis overy of the I'obben- at thesl! ~w 0 places. and a t horough s arch for the culprits \\'as ill titLlted.' far, no cluea as t il their i(\t1llli\y have been ob· la in~d.
The next night, or rather at a ve t'y early houl' • atul'day mornln h' work and ~torage roqm of the C ntral Garage \ I\ ~ broken open and an eight-eylendeT 1931 Modei Buick sedllrl , belonging to b . C. Ridge, was tak n. Access to the r om WII gain d 'by twisting the pao loc k from the large door on ~iami str et. Th e robberll were .lVide ntly co nv J'Ul.n t with the values of variou s machines, and must hllve been intent upon se· Juring a g 09d machin e. as several tth er cars stor ed in the room, and he tools belonging to the establiab ne nt, were n ot moJested. From here, the robbers are sup· ~ose d to have driven to Ralph H . ., mith's filling station, on Ma in treet. where they filled the 't ank .vith about, twenty gallons of the Je t grade gas. Here, a large »rench was used to break the lock 1n the p ump. ' Mr. Smith states ~hat he waa lwa kened h ortly before . ttlre. The marriage of Mis Betty ,'clock by the slight noise made by He l'mall ,: daughtcr of Mr. and he robbers, He fo und the maebln. Mrs. M. B, H rman of Cjncinnati, in charge of t wo men, one of lind Jo'redel'ick Latscha, s n of Mr, ",han! wa tending t he g~8 hOle Hnd Mrs. F rank Latsc hll of oliege » hile t he ether ma nipulate d t he Hill, was 'sol mnized at 4 :30 pump. Without i ui ng any ..arDo'c loc k Salul'dn y, cpt mhel' 17, lilli', he aliened fire on th e b u dite, at " Ru th-Mar,ian," th e country but, 80 far as can be learned, h me 'of the b.·ide', und(>, Dr. H. fa ilf,ld to hit either of them, H. Herman. neal' Lytle. When Ralph open ed fire, til. Hug b.I, ket s of golde n \'od, al lIIan at the p u mp j umped to tile the fire-place in the apaCIOUIi d!'iver's seat wh ile t he other telliving .rOllm, {()I'me d II setting for low dropp d the hoee and rao the sel'vices whlle lighted tapers in around the cal' to a seat on the ca ndelnb l'lI add d beauty to the othm' side. A ve ry rapid and, al .ce ne . yet. s uc.cessful retrea t wall beat Mr. La t!'lcha , attended by Mr. down Main street, in t he &,eniral harl es McM ichael Qf incinnati, direction of Lebanon. as best man, enter ed fir t. T hen The onl y deecr iption of the th brid de, ce nd cd from the bandits obtained ISO fa r is to the stai rs 0 11 the arm of her fath er, a~ effect lhat one was l!Iomewhat the wedding march WIIS being abo,ve the averag e heil'ht. IIr. played. Rev. Turn I' of Middle- mlth's shots were heard by t ?wn relld th impl'es ive single various cit.iz nB a bout Waynesville ring ceremony. and orwin. Th brid e was charming in a omewhat earli er in t he mornbridal rob . of .gra y . chiffon, . with ing, ha1'les S ma ll, night attendant ol'ange trlmmmgs lind orange at L. H, Gordon's station, i8 said to Roy Pigott returned, Saturday t urban . Mi II B etty LaLlcha, sister hav been awak ened by a coupl. from a vacation trip to Toledo ond f the bl'idegroom was brides· of fellows who were distu8sin&, the maid and was attired in a lace likelihood of ~ecuring ",8 11 at tbat. vicinit~. gown trimm d in fu . place, bu t who a bandoned that W. N, earf; is c o nduc tin~ a M'Ts. M. B. Herman, mot her 01 project because t he see e public s ale neBr Gree nville, Darke the brid e, was gowned in blue kn{)w that an at-!'te:>n><f:-:n~t~w "'-" a"' II -I'I!DtL..---.,--County today, chiffon, and Mr . Latscha, mother charge. f the groom, wor a Burgundy Once more, officials were lmMr. and Mrs . E. J . Burton , of velvet gown. mediately notified. and another F.lyria, spent the week- nd here A buffet supper wa !ierved to search wa begun. A descl'iption of with home folks. the sevent.y five guests. Mrs. Ed- the stolen machine, together .. Itb Mr.. and I·S. Emerson ~~ arnhort ward Dittoe of Iff tOil and M1'S. U~II! license numbe r, wa s br'oadand family spent Sunday with I C;:hnrlle~ A dams (If • .ovington, c~t OVe r lation W SHK at Dayfriend s in Dayto n. slste 's of th h tlde, preSided at the to n, aturday evening. No clu.. coffee table. as to the w h erea~u ts of the ear, W. K. Young joinc(l a party o f Late in the eve ning the bri dal or t he identity of the thieves lIa•• King. Mills teacherll in a motor couple left fOI' a motor trip to yet ben received'. trip to Ke ntucky, Ilnday, hicago. of tel' which they will re· Mr. Ridge carried $700 Inl1U, ide ' at NOl'wood. anee against the th ef~ of 1J1J Miss LOUIse Henderson spent Mr. and 'M:r~. Hel'man. pa rents car. two days la st week with Mis! of the bride, have been spendipg Louise Cra ne i n inci nnati. the summel' ab Ruth Ma r ian farm. Mrs. Ev,e rett Sears is visiting her paren ts, Mr. and Mrs, l-J omer Walton, in Spring Valley, to·day.
This Vicinity Last Week Wn yne ville ~C Cn\H til h VI' b I!n a {ecca for robber,; 13:t wt!l.'k. On Lwo succe &i\'e Jlights, VIBC~:'< 01 busi ri !!);!!. \\'1.'1'1.' broken into and cash and valuabl .. 1J1'OI)('rt y were lakell. In each in 'tance th e bandit nlled the tatlks or tlwiJ· machines with gas lit the ell.pcn~e of local deal r. Wh en the offi e of the Wa}'ne ville Farmers ~)(chang e at Co rwin wa!; opene(l Pl'iday morn· ing, it was found that thieves had th place during the paid a v~it hi , ht. Admitta nce had been gain· ed thl'ough the d oo r, whe re the lock had b en broken with a "Jimmie." Th e door to the office ~l1fe had been blown open, and a ~ maJl amount of cash and about $ 15U.00 in ch cks were taken. The , cntit'e roo m was ill a state of that a shambles. in Iicati ng thol'ough , onl'c h fo\' va lu able!! had btl(m mude, J ohn Long' discovered that a quantity of gas hnel been taken frof!1 the pumps at 'his filling ~tatl o n at th lower 'dge of town when he ope ned his eshlblis hment
Whole Number 6()S2
SEPTEMBER 21, .1932
SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY ST. AUCUSTINt:'S CHURCH Father French, Pastor ervices will be held every two weeks on Saturda)7 morning. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Und enominational) hester A. WilJiamlion Home omi ng unday, September 25. Everybody invited. Church School at 9 :3 0 a. m. iIe1p us to g ma ~ h all records :£or attendance . Lord 's ' upper and sermon at 10:30. T. A. Hall, a fo rmer mi n i~tel', wil l ,pr ach, his subje(t bei n~ "Home." Basket. in ner at 12 :30 (or thereabouts :~. Afternoon service at 2 :00 p., m. Bro. Hall will pr a h on" lmC) n, on of J onas, Lovest Thou Me1" Good eOl'lgl'egationa l andl speCial mu sic will be interspcT!!ed during a ll rvices. Comel !Vleet your old fri nds in the Lord's house, e njoy a "high day" of h:e.ppy -fellowship tlnd spil'itual f uting. You al'e always wcleon\e at this church. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J . J , chaeffer, Rector Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity September 25, Church schOOl at U::i0; Moming PraY!ll' and sennon at )0:30 . WAYNESVILLE III. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert , Putor Wednesday : Bible study a nd prayer meetipg at 7 :30 p. m. Friday: Choir practice at 8 :00 p. m. Sunday: ullday schoo l a t 9 :30 n. m. Mor/ling worship at 10:30. I h . th '11 b n t e venmg e r e WI e a combined se.rvice of the Epworth Leagu e lind t he 'r egular evening . L M ' Il b th sel'VI.ce. eroy o~a\'), W J e e leader. Reports 'Will be glye n, on the departmental work of the League, by each of , the vice presid nt . The to.pic fl)r study will be, "Re ourees; What, are They?" On next Sunday at 2 :30 p. m. there ' will be a special DistTtct Meeting held in the new South Park M. E. \'lurch . 'Dr. J ohn Edwards 0.( Chicago will be the Hpecial s peakel·. It is desired t hat each church In the district be !'epl'esertted. Next Monday lit 8:00 ,p. m. is the regular time for the meeting nt the official boaJ:d.
A Very Pleasant
Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. John Hole and son, harle, ca ll ed on W. N, A pleasant family reunion was ear's and family, Sunday alter· held Sunday, September 18, at the noon . hom e of Mr. and Mrs. .J . a. Rich. Mr. Walter Cla l'k, w ho has been 'Those present were Mr. a nd Mrs. ill for s veral weeks, is hi St. Ed All en and daughter, Mrs. E d Elizabeth hos pitD l. Dayton, fo'r Sellers, MI" and Mrs. Ira Rich an ti treatment. ' daughter, Miss I rma, Mr. a nd MT!!. Collier, Mr. ' and Mrs. C. Mr. alld Mrs. Howard Graham Charles H. }farbock, Miss. Ola Ilnd Mr. and daug hter, of Harveysburg, Luther Hartsock. Mr: and Mrs. were Su nday di nner gue ts of Mrs. Fred Braddllc1c and son Mr. and R. F. Mi lL Mrs. Well and Bogan and dllughter and Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. 'J. P. Fromm and Mrs. Shrarler of Lebanon , were J son Clyde spent Su nday at Dela· 8 fternoon callers, ware , the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvyn Banta . = ===""==""-
Painfully Injured in Fall From L.dde..
Under the care of Dr. E . P . Deppe, George Robertson II .... coveri ng from inj uriell which ... ~ul\tained in iii fall a t hill bo.... north of t OW ll-, last F r idllY aIlerno()n. He had mounted a ladder, that had been set on a box, int.nding to repair ,a window in the u,.. per story of 'h ie home when. tbe aecid nt occurred. He sUltained two fra ctured r ibs arid other painflll injuries.
._ ..""',- -
W.hile · .orting throueh 80me firmed deelared belore said CoUlrt Su bscribe f or t he lllami Guette. papen one eJa, lut week r Miu that he would support the ConstiHelen M. HaWke discovered a tution ot the United States and "aplIl' that, becaul e of ita qe and that b~ did ab801utely and entirely Its unique phraseoloD. will prove r enounce and abjure all allegiance Mrs. Maria Elbon Jrs been of ....eat .'i ntere!Jt to our reader8. a'lld fidelity t.o every f orei- , M·'~ .' 'Elln Me"~dl' th ,Yas, stricken selected by t he GI·a · Bchool 0 ·-d . h .. I ... i ... ... teac hers to serve as their su b ~t i · Th e ocl1ment IS t e una certh,· pr nc~" potentate, .' State or wit h serious illness at the Fd end s tute ,for this term. cate 01 dti~enahip illued to her Sover,eignty whatever and p~r- H ome, last Friday, and WIlS tak(ln grandfatber, John Hawke, by the ticularly tAl Victoria, ' Queen of to , the home of her dnughter in Mr. a nd Mrs. W. J. Baker and Warrlln Coun't y Court ot Common Great Britain etc, to whom he had' Dayton on Saturday. , ' Mr. a Jld Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and Pleae at Lebanon on the 10th day been lu~ject. sons attended t he an n ual Home01 AUlult, 184 • . We herewith. re. The 'Court thereupon admitted Mr. a nd Mr. Walter Frazier, Co ming" at Mt. Holly, Sunday. prodlJce the document. ul ing care said John Hawke to become- a citi. a nd Mr. and Mrs. Ead McPher. The W. A. C. baseball team ., r five innings it looked aa tboqh to lollow the o rlJrinaJ capitaliu.,. zen of the United States. lion, of Wihnin~ to n, were !!,u e~t~ of Mipses Trillena and Margaret eems to have gone into retiTe· the visiting antiques were ..... t ion, spelling and punctuation a ll [n Testimony whereof [ have MI'. and Mrs. A lonzo elll'l at the Edwards Rpent W ednesday n ight ment for the seaso n, Bnd soft ball to slaughter their out-put. closely as pos81ble: hereunto lIet my hand and amxed F riend8 Home, last Friday. a" d Thursday at the home of theil' hali takeJl it, place as a means of trou d settled, down to hll work, , . the seal of Mid Court, at Lebanon brothe r 0. ' J. Edwords, neal' recreation at Wayne Park on Ind his 8upp ortinlr 4elden lOt State of· OhIO, Warren Count y, ss. this 10th day of Auguat A. ' D. Misses Corrine Robbins and Ore nfle ld. Sunday dtern oons.' The first sel'· busy. Bill O'Banion made lOme H. M. STOKES Clerk. E liZabeth ,F ox entertained the ies was staged, last Sunday . , nice catchell in left. and "Buck" , I, _Horace M, StokCII, Clel'k ()t. 1844 . ' the Court of Common pleas for ' " school teacJtel'S at bridge at the It Is reported that B. V. 'mith In the first ,co nte.st, Ramby's Mend enhall made a one-hand" said County do he.reby <ertify that Mill aelenalao found .. 8everal home 9f ' Mr: anQ MI')';. L. H . has purchased , the 1'esidencc {If Wondel's, of WayneSVill e, hook- ru nning s tab in center that .,.d on the lOth day of Augu.t; A. D. tickets .of admiu ion to meetings of Gordon last Friday eveni ng. t he late P rO'! E. L. hepwood, on ed up with Wallace's Stars, 01 !l wo rld 01 trouble. 184.., John Hawke, 8 n!ltive of the Wesleyan MethodiatSociety, an Third street. ,T he deal was con- Lytle. T he game WIIS fast a nd furi· The " Cy ,Young" from Lytle had 'England, appeared before said Engllllh IOciety establlehed in the Judge and Mrs. F. M, Hap,i1ton, su mf!1ated last 'week. OU S, and was I'emarkably well play· the Wayne.vllle IIlunel'a eating Court : And it thereupon appear. year 1789. These tiekeb were ,is... Mr~. J . O. Cartwright. Mrs. Enln')a - - -,ed. Ed Burton did the h urling for ou t of his hand for the first lew ing to Said Court that on the 28th sued to her ~ ,J,'andparents, John Barnett and E. V. Barnhart, of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP T h l! me lllber!Ji (If t he Way nel\ville the Wonders, wh ile W ill iam rolJ Jlds. but the strain W'U too day ()f April, .A. D. 1839 the satd , Hawke and Mary TTeganna. ' and Cincinnat i, attended the fllnera l CHRIST cb.oo] Ba nd enjoyed a weiner Th omas QeI'V d in like capacity much for him, and his aeUvel7 John Hawke before the Clerk of the earlie8t are IlBued fOlI' June" of Mrs, Lu ther Sell ers, Monday. (Und enom inational) roast at Ha rm on Park, fo n~we d b y f or the Stal'S. cea sed, to be an enigma to the the Court .-of Quarter S81B10na for 1829 10Jltr belore the worthy Mr. a n'" Mrs. A. O. Griffy visit- Chester A. WilIia UUlon, Minister ~ t hLeabte r parts~ at dt he Opera house T he tars started oft' like a ba t ters: Stroud got five eleall blu tbe County 01 Philadelphia In the coup1 e bad been united in matrl- ed relati~e8 at Woodville. near hurch 'ch ool a t 9 :3 0 a . m. Th e In e anon, atur a y eveni ng. house \lfire, as though t hey wanted in ftve triel , alld Schuler oDI, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ButteJ:- to completely a tmihilate t he missed connection II ollce In . . state of Pennl yh'anJa, duly declar- mony. or had m\trratecl to the Blanche ter, un day. Wo dville is sehoo l t ha t is different. You will ed his intentlon to become a citl- Un,},ted HStat~. th Baid to be t he site of t he first 1 w()rth. MT. Gilbert F rye and Mr. Wonder s, but t his me ant nothing equal number of attempt!!, and •• zen 01 the 'United Stat., in eOIl_r. aw.e. waa ~ first mem- white settlement in thi!< section of enjoy it . Lord's Su pper si'mp y and and Mrs. Burnet Butterworth ot in t hl> sweet youna' lives of o ur hit the ball that time. Both w.ml formity to the Statute In I lleh ber ()f his tamil,. to mJ&'l'&te to thbl Ohio ' . I5CI'iPturall observed a t conclusion Leban on, were Sun day dinner boya. Wben t he t hird innina' had taged ninth-innlna raW... but cue made and provide: And the country, and aettl.d in thill viein. Chrt tia n ndea vor a t 6 :3~ p. m. guests of Mr. an d Mrll. Ernest been co mp leted they had taken a Waynesville's wa. the . . . aad said Court being lIatllfled from the It, BOoa after bl, arrival In AmerChester A. Williamson is as. Ma rie 'Pine, Leader. vening Butterworth . lead f rom wh ic h they. w ~ .. e ne ver larlfe st• The score by ina_: tClltlmoft)O of Bobert Berd and lea. He ,later Induced his brother, sisti nil' tor tbe nentwo weeks, in eVllngelistic l!ervlce a t 7:30 p. m. headed. The score by mmngll : 1 2 3 ' IS. '189Jam .. Collett two · cttilena of the Philip, latber 'Of John C., to 101- the evaqelistic meeth1a' in the A gOIlPel sermo n. Annual Hom e Coming Day will 1 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 9Lytle , 2 II 1 tOOl 01--1' United Statel, that tile said John low 1IIa esample. Thul wAIl OIIe of "big tent" at Belmont. The lotal - . - - -:- - ---"be observed at Ferrr., Sunday, Stars .. . 0 2 000 l 0 0 0- 3 Waynesville , 2 () 0011111-11 H.wke had l'Ulded in thl United our foremoat fanalliel establiahed. pulpit will be lIupplied duri ng h is CARP ARE SEINED Septembe r 25. In a~dltion tAl the W onders 0 1" 0 0 0 1 0 · -6 Af' ,_ Statel fin leat au Joha Hawb w.. one ~f the absence. rerular morning tlervlcell there will ter th... the witllin th. one 1M!' the Ilethodist Cbureh be a bu ket dinn er and an efterThen the old ( !) me n f rom both flf both at I. .t laid tim. held a llelDH Mr. Herbert IA ... of Plainfield, the ltate con- noon !!ervlce. T. A. HaU, who villages tr ied t heir tnmd at the iaat h. had Clf .004 III that de- N. J., and IIr. aDd Mn . Clarence del.al'tm,Mlt started last lIervad the church as mlnillter ram., and a wonderful eontett remo.... to the aetiv. part Lon.. a nd little dalllrhter, Helen L' I carp from the f orty yeara a J'(l, 1\'111 preach. hia suited. Some of the aHint ..... of the better- Louise, of COltambul, were Sunday Itt e at Clifton. subJeet for t he momlalr belli&' tlemen had alr eady plared III th. of oar com- ean n at the home of R. R. wuE:~I,ot:-J1.r:: lb. !lib out In "HOlDe" a nd f or the afternoon tll'llt pme. se ln W8I Iw...on and tam.." .... Eft Loll&' ... baek a U tII.e "SbnOIl. Son of JOIl8I" Loveat "BW" Stroud p iMbed l or 1ii.~tl1iil .Ia~.. to ltv home varlet... e~!tlplit:.It win Wee T lie'" Z.,.,en II eor4laU DUViIJe. r ih ~ ~ II. l~ las. ilia
S flt Ball Games Provided Much fun at l'ltavne Park Last Sund~Y
". 1If
.1 .1
.~ It e b M eek s,l,.~al·1 1,.~eSsenge r an d "
A rc. ,·ne Example of F' I·del,·t",. to Trust
_,_ __ fROM CO
property dUrillll' pendeDC1 01 tlle IAction and other equltabh reUef. h 'll fihntll \'I!I'1IU Lina M. Shl·l't. ognuvit.
Hr~~~~ ..~I,,~~ixdi:o::~U:n:U~~h~; I"tdit,r,
Spenoer, Iravel '17.60: y loa. ser "ervict'll 0 2&' Amos wu. 11.';111, rrivc;". $18:26; J<:. Knlll'll, ",ll'I1&tinlC mllintuin r $'1:
~;,"I.l'62:~~:I:t7.(,, "I1i~ll~ih:rl~~~i,~,ta(~:: el'lltinlC muintllin~ .. , $42 ; Fr.nk
Orll PlJtri('k, by her next friend, Wi 1:..,11I , m~l'hanit' , $1)6; 11 . '1'. Nina K"llis ver~ul\ Kelly P&ltricj( , Merri ••• Li....... ( ' 10k. l'1' u ~hllcl "t.lIlll', $15,20; Roy u.I I1K 11 , Iuil' p "hu,' kn iie, IInil. 11,' 1''''' ''' ,'.I lin IIllI unllr Iornilt! 1"uT divorct". alimony. cu!!tody of 01'v l"l!t0 s, rllrm~r uf M1Jdll'- GlosM"t', " lUllt', $10,20; Zaln Ill' nn: II ) S IE H I\t'Jl1'PJn~ up 011~ f lh' pll'n'~, 1(1/('" (11' ' 111 ' 111 ),.'. arul. ill."mlllllll 111 tht· "II, '" " f Ho ml o f ~;dut'a. chlld rcll, attorney f e8, etc. t 0"'" n. anti Miss franct.' s MaTi!! .'\I'mitll$!t?, J,(1'lIYcl, $168.15; Von ... Id It l uI' 11\,(' cent , : oo n uft('I' \llIh Ih" lall Ill'. L, ( , l.uke lls, U~l/I (If ( 'I"ltI'cr<' 'k ltl wll~ h ip VI' I" ' us Whitt,. of 1\1 I'row, ' ump ;klne Co .• gruvel, $4;)1.20; 111ahlilty \" I!tlin 1I (,I't '~S t " Probete Court P,_dlin.. .lohn Law & Xon, gili'! , $41.~0; Mr. M l'~k " retur n , a v"ry imtll I' ,:lid I. h:lll' Il"',;rd.,t! Il tlLlnll,,'r \\ tI!iJl1H U, 1I111'1o(lIll; dcmur!' ' r tht' 1'('c,,..1 h Ull \. lhat I~ 1\ ut:u"wn1l'r lI l"u }.ut ill llll 1l\1!>,'IH', fIr c .... d I ,H'1I1 " ,I, <:1 i,'II, Ull tlw wu- uvt·trult, t! UI\d de~Clltllln t \I'll ,' Th ... inventor f LiD k R ..al E.t.te Tran.fera 1o'3moul< Aulo ;upply 0., sUPJllie ,. 11lt,'1 ~ n t'C,' "tlry , 11IU\."~ It "I~ .'e and dl'm:tnd(,d :tn 'xplnnuti"/1 I'h"""I!'I:tph II,' b 1l 1~1I '1 i,l t" I!"nll~!cd :W day. III which t o. 1)lead and Lu .'1(' 0 Y 0 d ,?u. St t. r,a e lind repail'>I, $8.1.10, imJl",iltl~1 tt, " art (Iur ~t"n' "r Web 11'11.: CIIII 'll in all u <lu"~lionl'J hall' 1'\\11"" Ih(' Ih"t ph"IIt>j!llIph "I' hit' :\n~\\'t'I'.. of lhe ~ \~t. 1l~lt· ~ mlCllS I'll rices ~tewj:II'd Bl'uwn, by (lxecut r or !'.~~~~~!,!,,!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1.11, \\"Jlyn .. Tu~ n, hip , ~~h';IJI~ . <\.' Lu lhe nlotiv" COl' hi. nctiun , lLl' "\('1' IoI'\lII,1t til Wa I Jl I'",ill,', \. 11 In lh\' ell"" vf l lJ1lon J oint tock l't'u 'l!dc~ 0 I ai ' Drl1k~, de1 0 Uean. 55 ucrl!~ in Harlan l ' Ihl ~ w,,·k. \\ '(peet t tl btl TRY ' t own shi p. l'epiJt'd. " \\,\'11, h,. , aid thllt h", IInll/. lit/.! . I.... ~ I. l,,1t.1 ;,f thi. "h"J10- " ,IIIl.! B~/1k, '! f I ,drl.lit \'''rsu ~ 'The ~diudi~ri~ovaend' d aule to 'l' UT thil< hnllk in JUht wantl!d u hil if bu ll lind hl' ).'1·",,11 th.1I nl~. 1'"I'Utl l" \"" tlu 1 1' I'uuk I . ("Il (!y, " t Ill, ' ''0 1'1{ tio n of tb . h ' etermmaT hl' F d I'al Land Bank of OUR CLASSIFI ED COLUMNS t im" t o ('ontlllUI' nur . (' h,)o l didn 't Sl~y what he wantetl tIl 1II11l1l1l". 1,I .. i. "f il: .'WIH' I-', t; r dlith au,1 Ma ry [Joe Griffith pa id 0 _ t~ In e~lt:nce !tax 1.0 be Louis vill e to J , E. R()ss, ~7 , G6 FOR RESULTS a\ I ~', n,' Xl we k. In the u c if fur':' c/... rar\('I' I:'I'rlt'l'<,~il~ tlnd per- JlIIII \\' llIlIrd 'L" Ill<Jl~ r:u~ d lLn rt hu Meigh ~ d,~e eSJ ~ , o bCyt~era in Washinll'to n tow nship, tnl'lln ~ iI\H', w(' bl·H"yo thal ' !I1o~t. ot \VclJ'~ edllcntwll ,\a~ l,"\'l'rnr1C'~, 11(1" l lpwn Wet!! JI, llll.~ 'd and to all ' c a~ ,I!! to e gIven People's Bu ilding, Loan & t hi /,t rr of " nc of W uyn 8gained nt thl' o ld '"minu l'." '1""111\\"t.t, r< 11 .'01 II... "1'(1,.. The sc p ehrsd Co. t o Bann r W, l mtel'ellted. fth . -, IInll , 'lllt'I'l,d \'acatl!U, 'V illard Ullton e ons ueoldebis I k ' te wah 'l' t ville'.' lllU~t widelv kn " wn f o r,d In th hou ~t' that \\n. lat"I ' IILl! 111\\('h thl'lI " ""UI'I,'t! the :<cl'unll " 1I~ llIud' pal"ly lIef.~ ndllnt hllr in Lat e o f AI" ' h ' th 0 e csestate in llarcrell t own Ip m I' citizen , Il lIei lIn .. whn in home 1)1 M,,, t nd Mr~. :-;. L, l ' ll'l- \.,1 Y IIf Ihl' huildin!! wher~' thl' \\Itlt leave lo plt'ud .. ('tc. wa" a )rol~~d e nowe ,decclll!ed Ne,IV Yurk Life [nsul'anct' Cu. hi humbl e' WI\~' . nd by his wright f ur so mllny Y('nr~. Her, " .... ~l'/' IlIJd \ . K. nay t"ll'~ lin' III th~ l'U"" of Frunk lin lltio nnl Th ,PIn " _ Albert T. Moler . 05.4 4 ac res dlwption to ,Iu t)'. diJ mu~ h he ab~o rbed qui,,, u bit of )(II " I\. 11,,\\ 1<"·:II .. d. rur th,' IlIlrt><'M' 01 !Jan I. ""l'~U~ Zuck F I 1,(' her {md ~o n ; '/' / tntot ~ of L. M. Hende.r- /\fa, ie town ship , to pul uur ,tt \I n on th' Ill:tp , USbl' 0 1 the estat of Ellshelton J , and LlIIie ~ , Rose to ledge while lJst('nin~ to the Il'<:- I! linll: a C,.nt'CI't IIlth hi~ pho nll- \'cil FI .. tchel· j udgllll' nl " ' US nl- I'. :th \\i1I llruve of interi'st ttl 0\11' Bank Bid,. itJ\lion~ (, f th l! uth' l' )'lupil-, u~ I trl'al,h, Ttll' Tll 'l I'rl>ct'NI- IIl'!'e ttl h,wl-o III lllullltiff for -l UV , I " in- ~~~rov d . er ..... o~d, deceased, was tru stee of th e hurch of God. Ph one 80 rt"ader ',- Thl.' II tl8ier. hu: ~ight was nOI 't rong '!Il'iug-h lit, /(1\"' 11 til \ til(' I"'"j.", UIIlI \\n~ Il'rt'.l inc ud'd ttl thi. date, II I 1'h e . In ~our • f D Inl ots Nos. 199. 200 and 201 , in , WA YNESVILL.E, OHIO to pel'mit of hlA utt"mpting ("I heinl: -pnll-"I'I'II h,\' Ih" ~Iclhndj"t cu-t: uf this Reti n. ' ' 0 0 I e mv~n, O? 0 . E. Hey. Franklin• • • • l'I!Il~. His tint \ (;l1tUI' ' in th!!,1chu1'ch of' nl1t' ur il~ auxiliarr "0_ ' III I."a ~~' tlf J ohn T _ Hnrbin e, Jr. ~\f J~h~tll'1l~hator of the e!!tate W, E. Bnd Mllrgal'et ha ve r to " 1:'(\ rnin~ papers ! o III I1lcrdnl ! bU!!<lnes,- worl d wU".' pruloably, .11'- I rio' I"~, .\ kl1'~" I ud 1"lH' " ~att\t'r .. cI \ .... ~\lM ( hartl'S J Ul!. a1'80 n. et al 0 U . r lst, deceased was ap- The Cincinnati GIIS & EI ctric o. ~_nquirt' r! .Mol'nlllg pap rll!" Tht:' Jjvt'rin the old CIJh:inllllli ' "Ill - fur t111' l " I " 'It. l,ut lhe fil~t JUllltll1t'nl f I' 155 .25 was a llowed PI·Ave. ,by cour t. ' The use of eel'tain r eal est.at!! in n unq unl ilh.d "hll lll ilf I\ ilh interesl: at 6 ',( fro m i t ' ~e,l tlfie dh coPyhot. the entry de- Hamilton lind Goshe n to wn hi p for Ijr!lt mail of the d y fr om in- mt!rc inl Gazett e tll plHfon h 1" nll tld,cl' \\'01'; l1 .. t cinnsti ha ju t al"1'ived, an I lh t' and in Corwin f I\, the locnl u~ent. ~ Ut'("'~', It -t"unol '~I'y much likt' April Hi. l H:.!t und I sts. I nlll~ lng t e m erltance tax to lines, ta\t.hful I;atri r, " Web" ]\1 eks J~c ob 1<andall. ,lIis d{'liv I') thl' .. ITolt- , I' " cllnf1I' "~(:cl st'.'Ill ' In th~ t:~. ' ,,1' II. L , Ha n1inlf, t , ~; il d on the e state f Cyther~ idney and My rtle Mal'kwell to l<ometime. kn own alllO as toT <leU) Vice wrk~ "0 "atlsfll 'tury thllt ht' 111.'1 ~I' t,.', I'Hll,' thl' hllllll!lJ' d illy II I "','1_ L1~ " uulh Ll'bll non P a cking ti edg~~n, de-ce.ased, is to be cerb- The incinnati Gas & Electric Co. i La rling fr om l h postoffice on latel' sec ure-d the lll!'enCY f IJI' the ('t n,'l'll1ln l( f'l'l<'l' PIP!'/' lind hl~ (,0, \!t 11.1. I, waR ol'~lered to ho w I' Ylt~out d lay. , . The use of certa in I'eal estule in hi d Ii e!,)' nip, He has just )'lap!'\' lind its !lucces,; I'. Thl! Ut\1- p,·,'k of I'll'Id'il P PIll I'': . Cndaunt - aU~l!" hy llll' compa ny s hould , Ah c~rtlfied copy detel'ln.mn~g the DeeTfield t ownship fo r lin !!!>, m e rtta nce tax t u ~e paId on the Ethel M_ and Carroll Hath away brought th{' mail from th I'lIil- m rcin l 1'ribWl , Tu th "h' laIN "ti, ,,' ('h w"rh.tI \\ ilh hi~ 1lI1ichin 1 not Ill' di."" h'ed. way statiOn at orwin, and ha:l a added t.he 'inl'inna t i En<luirl'f and un'til hl' fllIlIll~' ~"t it a.tju . h'd, and LII thl' CII~C of Lcbanon - itizens estut!!d o~ s a rat LoUIS~ Je!!!!up, de- t Cincinnati Gas &; Electric Co. e , I t o e c ertified WIthout The use of ce rtain re nl estate in f w minutes be! T he must I· {'· a , Daytnn pap~l, holding the t';\"", II rkn , illl!' l'nlt' l't:tinlllent. )\' uticmnl Bunk ' T I"U, t ". vel'S US y l ur n wilh the ou t . oing mail. On AII)!u -t r.. 1 ' !l 4 , ;tl r, ;\Ieek" Alill'rl ' lacy. et a i, app"intme n t (pa \ F Turtlecreek town ship for lines, Ilgencies UJl until til' time \If hi~ It;l~ unit,'d ill mIll ri ngc to ~I i.;;, o f 1'1;' 'eh' r was urdel'ed, W . H . rlUl ~z t·, e xecutor of estate 0 mond p, Spahr and Bllrtha If thi ~ famlla r I'Y fails to bring death. t h ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN His first xp I'it!n e in catryinl( ('01'0 /.1I1(1'~y, Thl' ma ni ~e W ill< Fulhrth wali llllPointed liS s uch OI d dZadl e Venabl t ~eceased, i8 Spahr to Ella rowe, 20 ac res in back fond Tl!callt'ction to you, ur Cattle, hogs, heep and calvel or. ere to se ll at puultc all' cer- Deerfield township , just n of t \ 0 fa t~ is a cert.a inty the mail wasga indwhilt!htl\Va.snlt.tnniuti at " .. nth)' 0 1. K) t'(!C i,,<,I'. Norris-Brock Co" live wire anel Th" CII ~(! of Edwlu'd Blair a n d t U1l1 prop I'ly and make nturn to Ella Crowe and Frank F . Crowe Either, t he i1ver has n ot begun tu yet a boy, hi!> rath"r having the Chllllci in Cincin nn i hy th~ Rev. r epla e ' the gold , or whateve r cont:~ct for Lh ~ b, When Ihe in- ~:dwl.ll"cI ~( CI[Ug)I, II fmlller pa!<tnr Rtlbel'~ B,t II' versus Ra lph J on es co urt. , to L e . Field and Ada E. Jo'i Id. progressive firm for the h1Irh.., market prices and good service. shade yo ur hair may b,,) on yo ur tlrmltlc ' of age forced . 11'. 1I1cl'h,~ nr the \' II~'n~"I\,IIf~ (.'hul'ch o f that l\tll! dl:.m11iISeu without record, The schedul e of debts of the es- 10 acre in Deerfield t.ownship. tu give up the job his lIu n a~,;UIl1- J -nominati on , (n t he ca,'e of lary J o ephine t ate o f urah Louisil Jessup, d leo Dean to leila 1tt. Chancy. Union Sloe" Yerd.' Cincillnatl, 0_ Tune in on Radi o Station WCKY cd the burtll'n, alld bo re it os l on~ W('" ~I ,'('k!l wit: II public ::-ial'gcnt. administra trix. of t he es- ceased, was filed , 36 acres in Harlatl township ,' ns he was IIble. M ' t of the trip~ "pirited citizt'l1, vcr caltel- to do Latc of .'amuel : a rge nt decellsed hal'les H . Gibbs was appoint. Atrican Methodist Epi scopal 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily to an d from the I'ailr? nd stlltio,,!, all ht' ('ould f'll' th ' advan('emCJlt ' WI' Ul< iIluge of Lelban~ n. t.he d e: e d a dmini.stratol' of estate of Church of Springboro to Abram market. reports. pringhe mad on. foot, cllr l:ymg ~he mml (lnd .prl,}!,r : >I \~f the, cOOlmun.ity feJ)(.lunt i granted , ,30 days leave Ama nda Gibbs, de~eased, and filed oo k. [nlot No , 12 in sac\., on hIS back. Il1l!till1C he and It>' tn~tlllltlon:, 'I 'he Iolll!wtn~ 10 file pleadi ng . b nd ot $1000 Wlth sureties, Ed. bONl. ~~ - e ured a .ride un the hack that !n<;ident. illu"tmte~ this fha actl!!"The ca~1' of Robert Wilson TI( • W I11'd , R o Tom Neville and Ralph Clara MU1'phy and Ralph Mur- I'I• • • • • • • • • • • •~. n~et Itll tram fOl' the IIl'conlmod1l- I. It <illite II ut !)-. lor ~el'_ u. aul chn ill r It min- lI astlngs wer e appointed apprai!!- hy to larenee E. totler and II In thl' fall of 1!1 7 (I thi nk it ur, (> ~ a l wall dis mi ,sed r~ r want e rs. iller St.otler, Inlot!! Nos, 16, 17. t lon o'f gue t:l of th ' Wayn svill e hot 1, lind MY HI 1" passe n ger~ II'BS ). , M ,,"~I'!', J ohn H. a~key uf vrosecutio n. ' al es by George p, Gutes ad. 51 ,and 19 in Maineville. Banner W, tewftTtI and Minnie who cared t o Bvajl thems~lve. of nnd Wultt' I' .1 . Kilbo n, on on I In th .. c. ~I! of Wil liam Er t le an ministratOk of the e tate of AI'the s rvice. When the ma.i1 W8 . too Ii 'k t, a nd Me-. r •. Owen J . Bur. : inr1lnt ' bl' Dai."v }{,~ite r as ~ext t hur Quigl y, deceased; w re ap. tewaTt to The People's Building hca \'y li nd bulky to be carried. he neot IIn\1 ., 'Frank ~~l~ n, o n the frie nd; ~. rsu ' B oat'd of o unty p ro" d by the .cour~. The e!!t.ate is Loan &; Saving Co. Real estate oIten se urt'li a w he Ibarrow or a oth(\!' tl('k(lt,' ellA'ng d In a ~trenll- .o mml stOners of Warren ounty exempt C:r o.m inheritance tax and in Lebanon, pu h cart for t he PUI'V(,l • It was Oll , camplIlgn tfor lh(: ollice of t h " Th ird A me nd ed P etition " of the admlllls trai.or filed his first J> E. Shumaker to Mary R, 30 Years Experience In not until someti me aft r . th yea r To\\'n~h iJl !~'u!;tce:o;. l\1essr s. Ca. k- pIll in tiff i~ st rick e'n from I h an~ f\ nal aecount. Shumaker, Real estate in HarFitting and ]\faking , Clasln 1900 t hat he secured ht' hoI' e. e' . an.d KI!b n , hnd an n ou n ce.d files In lhi case. The plaintiff is . ~les by GeorgeP. Gates, ad· veysburg. • , Lady Belle, an d a bu.ggy . (a~d tnelr. Intenl lon,_ In calle of th~ll" grllnted 20 da y in w hic h to plead. mllllstJ'ator of the estate of Sarah Mary J. Bak r to William C. I~ter, a wag on ) ,to as I t hml In elechon , of hllvlnA' lhe truste Po I 1n the case of 1\'3 heets versu s Ann Decker, deceased, were apo Revenau2'h. Inlot No. 69 in Lebanon, Obio . . Ile ~ond, and erect · a mode~ n Linn. ~f . ,' heet ', t he plaintiff shall proved by court. Avalon HeillMs. h UI wor.k, . Tne estate of Annie Durig de. Denver C., Agnes and Rex D. TUM"'y, Thur.d." S.turd. , To hIS dube. as nla ll messenJ!'el' bUild Ing t o h Ul' d 8" a tow nsh Ip I'ecoy I' fro m the d f ndant the lI nti papel' carri r, Web ad ded ho u e . Th e ~ecolld fl oor wall to . um of 395,1 7, cea, ed is exempt from inheTitance Snook to Nellie . Wise. Real sEumiaati_ Fr•• m.any, o~d j ob!!. n e or t hese, a s r~ n lai n Il llll'go a.l"emb,Iy hall , In t h case of Louisa D_ Nirhols tax.' tate in Union township. LEBANON, OHIO hi . B. l'Vlce a a Ol·t of T own WI th. II sta.ge: {'or onven um ce of vel'. u~ Th 'oclOl'e Leg ner, et aI, the Thomas Neville. administrai.or Denver C. and Agnes Snook and I; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rH~t. ~e . wou ld traver t he pubhc tn(Ot'tm~s, a nd r~l1tal to pltt/n l d'!' !<hnll recover 'f r om t he de- of the e tate of Martha Neville Nellie S. Wise to Rex D. neok ,. ~treets rll1gmg. a hand be ll a nd h nle tal nt pinYR a nd t tlncra nt fe ndant t h e Rum of $9 0G .80, deceased, is ordered to sell certai~ 106.27 acres in Hamilton township I ~!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!':!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loud ly announc~ng the da te. !>Ia~e how troup !'l. ~ e~!lr~. 'B ur net an d In th case of J . W, Lingo real state at not Ie!!!! than 2-3 of Miami Savings a.nd Loan Co. t.o I' and other detaIL f all , publ~c F.lb~n and theIr ~lIppo~lel"~ WCT. rJar dwlIt'e 0 , versUi' T ed Bishop appraised value and setUe all lie- James W, an.d Lula Dv~r. 120 s~l~s, that were to b held 111 ~hl d, cldeclly oppo. ed t.o lnlll PI'OPOSI- th I)la intiff sh all reco ver from co unts. acre!! in Franklin township. V1Cll1lty, or these ame aervl c 5 llcm. t he defe ndan t the. Ui m of $681.11. ale!! by George P. Gates, adBarb~ra Vezendi and julius brow, or yOu don't ,know your coul~ .be secu~'ed for any o.ther ad Of oursc, W eb W8 ministrator of the estate of Ar- Vezendl to JO!!eph J, GoldshQt and Waynesville of fo rme r dan, vel.t llllng proJ ec t. Our d ltar ha <uPPol'ter of Me, ~I'S as key and New Suiib thur Quigley deceased were Mary A. Gold hot. 100,12 acres in Everybody knew snd liked Web, ,p lea ant ~ m o ries of ,summer K i1bon and t heir p,rogr s ive plat B. I<'ra.nk Rand olph ve rs us J e n. proved by th~ court; The elltateay; Hamilton town hip. and everybody admired bis fidelity afternoons 111 the early 70 s, when r I'm , About 2 a cit ck ( en tral nie Mau d .Rand{)lph. F ot' divo rce exempt from inheritance tax d B' II All wed to 11 is dajly task, Web would appea r' on the street ta.ndard time) on the afte rnoon an d other I'eli ef . Ch61rges are gros the administrator filed his :n t. • • 0 Fo r more than a hal! century, about 3 o'clock each aftern oon , (If el etion day. he drove h i!' neglect. and final account. ra Philip Heisel, pay roll, $40; H. Web carried the U, S. mail be· ringing hi bell, and. se minJ!'ly, wago n Alowl y up laih st reet, T,he iat;on Build2ng, Loan and Sales by George P Schuyler pay roll *258; E. Bl"ad tw e n the p o toffice here and tbe announcing: " I scream t onigh t a t, rif{hl pa ,t th~ village po ll ing p lace IW lngl> ompll ny vers us W. Frank mini trator Of the e!!~t~ bury, pay roll, $35.25 ; Carl Dakin raih'oad statio n in Corwin. Rarely Terry's. Right away!" f course wh ich, <I n that O()c a ~ion, w a: locat- 'h l'i t~ a nd Eliza b th ' heritt. Ann Decker deceased pay roll, $132; John Myer, pa-y did he mis II trip. Never was the what Web -really id was, "Ice ed in t he I'oom recently vacat " d by F OL' m oney fo reclosure of mort- proved by c~urt ' I'QII $168; Floyd Lemmons pay weather t oo hot, too cold, or too cream, tonight at Terry'S. Right the Recreation P arlor ", In th galt and equita ble T lief. The e tate of' Annie Duri roll, $224; Joe W, Davis; pay t ormy t o stop him. It was only away !" "Terry '!!" wa s a restau- waA' n, his phonoRraph was , no isily MIII'jorie Iren e oott, a min or, ceas d ' i exempt from roll, $214.50; Cbarles D. Brad· when the deepest flood s made rant and coniect ionary that wa, I!Tindin g fo r th the t he n p opula r by Gedr ude J on es , her m other tax. • . bury, pay roll, $325.75' A_ T. RetCorwin avenue absolutely impas- then co nducted in the build ing re- ail', " Red Wi ng," a nd on each ve l' us Walter G, Sc ott. For di~ Tho' tig, pay, roll, $266; Eden Terry Phone 78J sible that he ever mi!!!!edj then, if cently vllca ted by Lovely 's r ec rea- side of the wagon was a larg~ [llnharg~ i extreme cruelty. f the ~::atNev~I'ai roll, $222.60; E, D, Jones' poSllible, he wo uld arrange to ' ~~hG building..; iLizen,' to . e 0 roll, $108.50; V. W. Tomp= I -::~~~':"":"'~-------have his mail and him elf tran sented 8 much l-onger front.age on i· Vot e for nsk~y' Kilba n and outh Lebanon P a l~ing 0., et 81 r 1 red to p"ay-rotl, ,262.60' Contral _ .... ported to and f ,r om Roxanna or Main treet: it hall since been Prog ress." To be ' ure, th is Cl'eat - }'or di soluti on of c,orporation and a~~r:is~Je a not 1~8S tt~n 2 ot Garage, ras, $27.16' B~II Pre!!!! 1 L banon. ed quite a c mmotion am ong t he a pp oi n t me nt of rect~iver. counts. va ue an se e a ac- time cards, $12 i ' Coiumbus Blank t.urned around. Web's real name wall Willard Walter A, J oo r, doinlt business D. E. Heywood. executor of the Book Co'! 8upphes, $24,50; We t.- We H."e • Com ple te W . tcb Webster Meek, though most as F' ranklin Mot Qr Co. , versus estate of Mary R. Hend I k d eTrn Union, tel.egram" $1:88; Repair Service p o))le who knew him !!UPPO d it J al1~es • aul, and Buf oTt Saul. F o r eased flied hl8 inventor; C, e- 1'ustees of Pubhc Affair!!, light to be, Daniel Web-ster, and for equl tn bl re lief a.nd I'e training or The' sum f $200 • II d for court house, $62.85; The H, A nd use only genuine materials. :Year he, hill1self, Iwrote, D.- W . 'd er. • ror attorney fees in th~~:tt~;e f BEolmer 00" supplies, $~9_26; J?rs. Crystals flU d while you wait. )l eke" whenever his signature r ederal I.and Ban 'k of Louisville the estate of Jame C dO dward an<t Robert Blair, servIces Cary'. Jewelry Shop was 1'equired. He once told the v e l'~ u g hest r A. B ole and Alma ceused. 8 ann on, e- $10:50; D~8, ,Edw.Td and Robert writer that a former prominent Bol es. F OI' money, foreclosure The will of Ha. rry New{!omb Sr Blalr!o~ervlce, ~32; Dr~. Edward L.ba noD, Obio citizen had changed hi!! flr!!t name, cvat und oth el' relie f. 'de d ' d b ' and <"Wben Blair, servlCes $12' s, ad Store Op~n Evenings and his s i ter thinks that thi!! citiJ ohn O. Bilu er, Sr. ver us ~ase, mltte to pro at. Dr, Edward and Robert' BiaiT' ~en wa very probably ttte late ~oJ"J: ' ,Buue r, et al. To set EI" Th awh!Ul, &'Uudian of services, $20; Drs. Edward and s , h',compe~nt, was Robert Blair, services, $4; Rich. Drew weet, a most intimate and a"adll deed and tran fer of real es- all~Z:ed li:fe·long friend of Web. ta te , to set as ide ass ignment of The folloWin~r acl~~~~IC::'re ~rd L. ,Williams, . services, $1~ ; Web was the only SOil of Elnote ar:'d ,mortgage, to I'epo sess proved al1Qwed and ft dErma Hlbnar, servIces, $10; JulIa wood arid Ma-ry S, Meeks, and was lhe plamttlf of real and 'personal th co~rt. con nne Holland, services, $10; Mrs, Lillie bo rn in the old "Toll-gate House,' Urton, services, $10; Albert Mil'40T ARY PUBLIC pl'o perty to enj oin d efendant from jtJJlt above town on the Xenia eli -posing of , 0 1' inc umbering said J. T, Riley, administrator of liard, services ,10' Mrs Howard the ertat~ of David H. Green, de- Sawyer, services, • ,7; . MIorrow pike, Janusl'y 22, 1854. The house ",a.lon.l 9_11 still stands on the farm owned by Whitacre. rvices, $5; Georlfia ceased. F,lrst a~d fi nal. ·the Primitive Baptist church, of Fredenck HlIlkle trusU!e of the Miller, service!, $10; Jame!! Hat- Will. Dr• .,. . . E,"te. S.nlN wo uld ha ve g iven up, but about G estate .of George R. Sage, deceas- fte1d, services, $lO; Dr8. Edward ~iddle Run, and was the last resWAYNE SVILLE, OHIO o'clock in the m orning of Satur- ed, thlrd_ iden ce of the l.te Joseph Evans. , a n d Robert Blair service. $12' day, MO I'ch 13, ;1920, he was Wh n their son was but a yesl' /\fary Mount, executrix of Johll Law 1\ Son: ,ae, $2.94; G: =====~-=~-:-~~~= -:-=...~~~~ rather sudde nly clllled from this estate. of MarJ!'aret Bane, or two old, Mr. and Mrs. Meeks Lederman, 8upp'lles, ... 30; West!if a t his 'home 011 Third street, to town, occuP}'ing their moved . ~rst and Anal. ern Sta1', deeds and sheriA' !!ales In t he hous e now owned and oc- Wtlham C, Bergdall, h ome on Tyle r street, Just below blanKS, $18.80; Office Outfi tt8l'l1 cupi~fl bY ,Chas, E, Anderson and the fire departmeot and village t<lr 'of ,the estate .of supplies, 60c; Griswold Servic~ fallllly. HIS fllnera.l "'!lSI held at prieon. The house, we are told, Clark. deceased, FIrst. Station , services ,1' Mrs. , Cynthia ~h e l ethodist chul'eh the follo,~ WANTED has belonged to some member of J. O. Cartwright, guardian Fulkerth, feeding prisoners ,571' Ing MoO nday Rf te rntlOil, Rev, John the family f or mor e than eighty ~he e~ tate of Charles D. Ja nney, Tl'ustees of Public Aft'ajrs: ligbt' F , ad wallad er a.nd Rev. R. C. yea1's. Here , their three daughters Imbecll~. Second. I" '$81,82; D1'B. Edward and Robert W ANTED---FOI'dson Tractors to J o.ntlR officia t ing, and Postmaster Mr!!. Alice Barnhar t, Mrs. Dora .Harnet W. M!ou'n~. adndnistra. Blair, '22.60; Ivlns-Jameson . wreck , Eby Bros, R. R. 11, J. P. ';lmmings and the five R. F. trlx of the est~te of Charles S. Drug Co,. supplies, $3.22; W. H. outh Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. Speelman and Mrs, Ida tokes, D, cal'I'l er~ acting liS pall bearers. Mount s, deceased, First al1d An al. Fulkert)!, washing for prisoners wel'e born ; now, only M TS. Stokes ·012 ~h e T,:mam wer e J~aid to rest be. , i1'r vives. L. C. Anderson 'g uardialli of t he ,55.79; Lebanon Lumber Co' W e b was 8 great lover of rare opposition, but, happily, SIde hiS pa ren ts in Miami -ceme- estate . A fIli eted with an incurable nerJames Cannon, sawdust, $1.6 0 ; Reil's E lectric tery, VQUS affecti on of t he eyes from and beautiful fl ow ers, Md music. n ot know who had lett ered th cnt, Ph'st and fi nal. Shop, Lamps, $2.55; John Law 1\ FOR S ALE birth, W eb live d his lif e in semi- Many rare and fragrant plants placards, nor wus ,t he a rtist in- . In ~ mem?Ti al t ribute, pubL, C. Anderson, administraor of Son , services $164.88: Office ,Out.. darknes " but this affliction seemed we re ever to be fo und in his formed as to wha t u e would be lished m t.he J ~sue of The MIami t h e estate of :Edward' M. TlI1rkield fitters, suppi ies, 12,60; Western ill nO w ay t o <Il ffect his naturally home, and it WII his great delight mad e of t hem . " a skey K ilb on Gazl!tte fo r Ma.1'(!h 24, 1920 deoe~8ced. Fmlt and fi naL Star, sworn stateme nts, and bills F~R SALE- Thomas 10 disc drill III good repair. 'Morris Brown c hee rful gener-o us and helpful to distribut their blossoms am ong wn d P l'ogl'es!<" were d efe~ted bllt I~ !l rl es M, Cartwright very truly , tEh?jbetth G. Tho. mpson, a dmin· of sale" $12.25; Jo'red 0, J a mes sup dispOAition . n Ol" did it seem t o his friends, One of his most prized n ot bt!clI \l se W l! had n ot do ~e all snld: "We b's life iis an example IS ratr x 0 t he e!!tate ot Ma1'l'aret plies, ,2.16' H. T . Cook. gravel. Spring Valley, R. R. No. 1. .s21 bother his keen .a nd shrewd intel- tt'easure dU)'ing the last year £ h could to MeCU I'e l heir elec!.ion, of gelluin e fidelity, Never shall we ~. Gallaber, deceased. F int and $4 1,23; Linley: Myel'll, services, ,5 FOR SALE- Young Short Horn W eb continu ed hi s trips to 01'- se c thi. ~p lendid att:ltude of char. na1. , I ct . In fact, lls is so often the two of his lire was a larg e le mon .. Eug ene Harper bridge repair Bull, also Durol" male HOII; case w ith unfo rtunates who are de· tr I' which bOl'e quit.e a bit of wi n wi th th e m ail long a.\f ter a. acte l" more abundantly or nicely Juha MIllIard, guardian ()f t h e ,w ork, $6.50 ; Leo MeCollister Rolla Bolto n, Wayn~svill e, R. F . D d 'rtl 0nstrated.' fruit. man with less rrri t and nm~ition prived 01 their sight. he was Jl'Osestate of Jame!! Cannon. incompet- brid,e repair work, $2.50; J . No.1. +s?8 !!essed of H most r emarkable memory. While h,' was yet quite young the services of e ye. sight special. i8ts ,wer e 8ou~ht, but all refused to a ssume the risk ot c.nusing total blin dness t hat would be entail cI by a n o p ration, and advisNO CHPlQlIt ed ' lI-galnst expo rime nts. (11.1'11{ ~ Mr, :M eeks. senior , was a shoe'm aker by tr ll ~ e, an d plied his trade o"'lUtio 'f.if£(1' ~t.'s ~n v8rious shops about town, One IMPossIB\.e, of th e WII ~ I ~c!\t. · d in a build,'M !>O~R'w ~~-('r ing that, lJef ol'(, the ,disastrous (jut '3'5 rt"~ fire f 1900, l>to od wh l'e Dr. J . E, WitharD' s home now s tands and al1<lther wa in t he ro m, over the tin 'hOI>, n ow occupied by K. of P. kitchen. of course, little Web pent a $Cood portilln of'hls time at th e !1hops, a nd it was ouring thl' day ' that an amu, ing Incidf'nt ccun d that aptly illustrates hi/! natlaral hre~' dne ss, On da)', while hill father w ' nt to dinner, Web was left in ~harre of the shop. with iMtructlon ·to wait upon customer!! and ..U alloytbinl that Inight be called , r, All Wellt. II unt!~~~ ~~~~5 prk-e of a ball of ....,...a. W.b nemed tht" th cua· Cttntl!, ,
Common PI.,..
I rs.
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's JeweIry Shop
Centerville, 0 hlo
~lhiDfJ~~~~r~ •
that a heed.,
A Handicap
Day Brealt
D. L CRANE Paltli.laer Sultlcriptlon Price. fl .IO a V.ar OtIice P.on. No. 112 F:nter"d at PoaloUlce at Wayne. It..ldence "" ..... ,.. ... " .. ", No. 118 v1l19, Ohio. B!lM~eO:ol Clu. Kall
s.ilin CUrb. lay.
WINS OVER B, Mra . Je"i. B. Tripp
Thi. morning 1 I·U. carly, Ros ' t o gr t the I)r('1I1.. of daY i Loeal Athlete, Will Go to Carli,l .. SEPTEMBER 21, 19:12 1 sat and \\ atc.' hed the ~ u n rise Thi. Aflernoon for Anoth.. r Anu thl' \, hil ' llI ibl roll awa y, ======================================~==~== ~ Sof t Ball Conted I heurd the bird;, h ~ in tu slil· Am ong l he glus y flull er in ll: l e av e~ " . \ The lanJownar ill g~nel'ally an. approachable sorl ~f fellow . He is Ou r W. 11. S. a thl ele~i were th~ SPlllTO) W ~, too, Jid t \\ itte l', an outdoorsman and can ellMily IlPPt·t!ciate the sportsman's love of And O'e r m~~ be ll 'at.h l he 1:"11\'e:.; vi ct() ri ull s ill th eir tin;t cunt" st hunting. Hut he has very defiJlite riKht~ in saying who-stratl come his land In quest of game lind the encroachment IJPOIl these 1'igh,t R ~y 11 A.nt.l t he n, I'ig hl n ' 0 1' my cot tage l)layed und ' I' the ~ute lage \J,1 th iI' 11 'w couc h, Chul' le>; Huffmalll wh n few frequ fitly r'es ults in the closing of the land to all, There 18 little d oo r . differ nc li e tween invading the larmer's boundaries with out his I?e rTh el'!! came a humnlln~·bir d ; t he va l'~il y softball tea m look th e mi ss ion and trampling through your neighbor's flo wer gard en a gn1l1 st T o s ip t h e fl leda r fl'ull! II fl ower Mu on 11. S: t eam into caffiV , 8 to his wi ll. Th en, so n ll:~ of othel' bi l'd: I b, in a n in ll'l'esttng game, played The .fal'llle l· is human. He appreciates courtesy and proper can · h ea rd, at ,,\ru y n~' Purk, afl l' scll 01 last duct liS well as Ilny individuili. This y ar, before you start gunOl,n g on Among · t hl!m was the l ouin his land, s t op by his house nnd a sk permission. Spe~d !l few mmutcs Who sing, III the break of tllIwn, F riJay t:vening . Hoth t eam:l mlld e in e ha.l tin" with him. Let him s e that you respect hIS rtg~t s and have Anti as th m01'n ad\'anced 1 heard une or l wu cha nges in th eir starta desire ta, pl'otect his property. And, in the v8~t ,mapOl"lty of c a :;e~ . A lark , se nd fOI' Lh it ~ong , ing' li ne-uvs, but, as the n~ porte l' p ost d 1)I'operty 0'1' n ot, your requ s t for permlS Io n to hunt on hiS wa " u nable lo get lhe Mason r~ r o ll! f ar aw ay acro~ ' a fiel tl land will bu granted. . cha nges, in th ' bix se ol" th e fiel~ r hea I'd th bob·while ca ll: U Lh e hunting i good, slop by lhe hOlls e agatn when YOIl hav e ing plays un~ churged to t he POSI' flni llhed tl.nd I ave part () f YOIlI' bag. If you have bien unsuccessful st up H is my f avorite of nil hiJ'd~ t iun. l'a the r Lhan t o th e playe r. I love h im hes t of all . lind thank th e farmer anyway. You wili find /l ,,' elcome hel'e the n e xt 1n lh e fi l·; t innin , Girt4) n was tim e yo u wan t to go gunning and 1'0'111 discover that commo n co urtesy And t h n a li LLie dovo did cuo "a f" . o n shUl,t-sto p'" e n o l', but F'r'om her n'Rt. in t he a l)I) le t l'ee, in the g llm c fi eld p'ay go od dividends. l,;t'beck [ ol·ced . him Oll t, Gl'iffy t o The f1l1'mer hkes to have friend s in the city 81~d man~ casual lIe- I fe lt t hese luvely things were senl . 1 ill el" Walter Dwire /li ed out t o Th is mo m, lln<l just flll' m quninlances betwcll s port man and farmer ha,ve rIpened mto valued left, bu l Sm it h and W!11. ~wir e ~r i end RhiJl, 1I1'ele s fie ld manne rs, s uch as leavwg, gates ope n an~ bars hit do ubles and TUl'hee hi t at s lIlgl e d own , s hootinl{ tuward s tock, etc" caus, ma r c pamt t o be used m t he £ J' b 'ck, S m ith an t! William ~ cor I ltering of "Posted" Rigns than anythlllg e l e. ing. 'orgel' an d Brown walked bePract ie a better code of hunting e thi cs this season . Contact th e fo re Burnell made t he last out, tm·me r. Visit wiih him , treat him fairly, respect his ri hts, di vid e Mrs. Mary HlIln!!>; "as a Su n· Gri ff y to M ill cl', Three runs. t hree YOIlI' bng with him ; and you will hI' sowi,:,g . ee~ s of frien~ ship on f er. day gu t of Mr. nnd 1\1 1'5. Emest hits, on el·I'()r . tile fields. how him that yo u are genumely Il,Iteres ted m the Gnme O ~ wlli d a nd fami ly, ill Leba non, W. H. S. goL one of t heeic back Ht'storalion Prog ram, Explain its benefits to hlnl', to you, and to the MI', nn d Mr . Sylvan P on isett, in t heir half. 'ook lea d off with a co untry nt larg , Re cur~ his COOpel'lltion , and next spring y,?u will have uf Ul ic a, wel'e callers at t h hom nice do uble ~ o right, a nd Meredith p lE'nty o f covel's in whIch to l'elea ~e your quota of game birds. of 1)1·. an d 1\-11'''. Tl'ipp, Sun day. wal' safe on shor t-s lop' s en or . ow ttl g rain , that you may I'C UP th e harvest I J oe hc nowi th, oE tie u, call. Mi ller popp d o ut to hort cente)' ed on Mr. a nd Ml's. Ka rl Sh idak e r but Treadway',; single score d Cook li nd fa'm ily Sunda y. Whitake r popped t o :;econd, and Mrs. Mabe l Ho!;ier and childre n Bogel' flied o u t t o ce.nte r . One run ha ve moved from t he Ha wke two hits, one e rrOl'. pl'opel'ty into th e west ide of the Neithe r t eam W/lS able t4) score Lukens p roperly, iJ'l th e 'eco nd , hu t bu in eus urc 01'. Tri pp, who ha. been very 111, did pic k up in both halve s of th e is o.n the m nd. t hird . W ith on e down in Mason's Mr , an d M I·S. F rank Wilson half, mith got a life on IIInother (Mu ieDI Intel'ludes by Farm Night Melody Makers were gu ests in th e Fite hom e in tl rror at short-stop. Wm. Dwire 8 :00 MUfl ic Wilmin gton unday. h it a legitimate triple t o le ft. and . V. R. Wertz " :JO Oh io Farm Income and Outgo " . . Mr. and Mrs. Ra lph 'r. Moor e cam e On hom when Bogel' made a R. C. Atkinson and children Kpent. t h 8 :25 Co nsolidation of County W elfaTe ' S n ice wee k- wild t h ro w t o third. Of oCo ur e, . R. Arnold end in West nion wi th the ir par. ' mith had already sco red. TUl'bee 8 :40 Econ omie Information for thtl Farm .. , , R. D. Lewis ents. Eddi 8 :55 The Corn Harvest Ii'ield Day has en te red Ilch oal was out, Trc<Ldway to Millc~ r , and 9 :J 0 SigM in the Horse Bu in 88 " , , .. . " .. ,,, ........ , "" .. D. J. Kays ther e, SOl'ger popped to Griffy. 1'v"'o R. O. Fife 9 :25 Vocational Agri culture in 1932-'3 The la dies of lhe Jo nah's Run run ' , o ne hit, two err.o rs. "" .. '" "E. G, W ie. t:heugel chul'ch spo nsor d II very in te rest9 :40 FoO t't:~ try lIS n Prole ion oo k's bing le to right, two Saturday, 8:00 p, m. ing a nd inst ru clive ilvct· tea on mOI'C e rrors by s hort- top, TreadWe<Ln esday a fternOo n a t Hole- In- way" double and another error by (Musical Interludcll by 4-H Quartet'te The-W ood !!. Th e Il a k cr~ f or the s hort cenle l' gave W. H .•), four Nature This Week ',-"." ... ,,, ....... " '" .. ,. " .. " H. E. Eswine aft moon were M r, and Mrs. m ore before a put-out had been Local Achievement program s " .. ........ , .... , ,.. , " ... ,", R, B. Tom David Morro w. miR!lionaries fr om made in their half. Then Whitaker the west oo a~t of Africa. They too k the IIi." Boger hit to center Ilxperience will be as small as it bro u/l:ht t o the sixty la di es, as- Griffy walked, avage hit to left, TAKE TIME TO BE SAFE is possible under present driving em bled to h ear tnl!m, a very vivid Franel' f o uled out t o third, Davis account (If their work an d of the tlied oui t o cenie)', and tw ,~ more Take time to be safe i the re- conditions. comm ndation {)f the Ohio departIt is pretty generally the rule habits and cu st(JJltS of lhe people, c'O unter ~ wel·e in , ix l' Ul1ll, :f~ur n'Ient oj highways in connection that operators with no.accident They had wi t h the m quite 11 num· hi ts, three enors. Aftet two had b en retir ed in with its prom otio n of. highway records (those records for ' the ber 01 inte restinj!: cu r io. Mrs. Mary Shum ake I' and Mr . t he W. H. ' . ha lf of the f o urth, safely. Oblle~'Vance of thiS recom- gl:" at . part covering periods mendntion t8 a guarantee to 'of time of considerable duration) E. V, h Olllake l' I'emain quite ill. Mill I' s ing! d to centelr and Gue tll a t Hole-] n Th e-Woods, Trea dway hit a triple 1~0 the m t.oriRts of relative safety that are those wllo, questioned as . to i, their liability to accident OOW they make 8uch good records, ho.me o.f Mr, a nd Mrs. A. S. 001· same field Miller coring Whitaker lett, .on ThuT, day for d in n e r we re Igh tap tly ans weI' : .. B y ta ki ng Mr. and Mrs . Harry ollelt, of Los pOJ>ped to sho rt c nter f or th e !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! m t hird oul. One run, two hi ts, no time to be safe." . tressing th& fact that a min- Angeles, Cal.. Mr. an d Mrs. Rob- e rror. Thi \o\'a th las t of the ute saved in traffic may mean a ert Collett, Mr, Russ Youn g, Mr. Hcoring. W. H. . was ted hits by Herber t Kun tz and son Dan, ()f Griff\' and Fran er in th e fifth, and lo t of time wasted in the h()spital Dayton, a nd Mi ~s a n oll et t be'ck's 'bing le in the fifth, TurO. W. Merrell, tate highway di· Mr. and 1>h- . Franci a nd daugh. El' bee's in th s ixth, and Girton 's in Director of Fu.eral Senic. rector, urges al1 motorists to use ter" Mr. and Mrs. W m. Doste r. and the seve nth avail ed the ,dsitors Dost e r w ere dinner n othing. ' the s ame kind of comm()n sense in Charles W, H . .. h cheduled to ga to Our convenient location, suita· tlleir driving; to sloW down when guests und ay of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carl' and Mr!', Rose Car r, arlisle far a game with that ble surroundings alld equipment it is the safa t hing to do; to stay team after schOOl this afti;lrnoon. enables us to Serve to the Beat in line when to cu, in or o ut Th e ir n ext game at home "will be UNIQUE SIGN would be dangerous: to, in a word Advantage. played with King'l\ Mills H. S., im· Take Time To Be Safe. A fillin'" tation (lwn el' in A k- m ediately aChll' s chool on Wed· ron, with "a keen s n. e of humor nesd ay a ft ern oon , S e pt em t I er 28 • AMBULANCE SERVICE tt er come d wn, an d enc o ura..."e and also desire t o ke p the rec~ boys WI' th your pl'esen ce . Of ords straight. hilS in tailed a W.aya ••"me, Ohio P~. 28 ' t ere sted I'n the UJlique Rign. at h is place of busi- ,,,,nnr,,p you are m ne s. Th lJUl'pOSe bf th s i~n is to pl'ogoress of th ese s t u d en t s, so wh u~ let hi. patrons kn ow h ow his Ras not show )Jour interest~ Good, dollar is divid ed , Het'e i!l th r e- health v exercise is conducive to CALL suit of the audit he makes: much 'better wOI'k in the class rOom. The boy, charge no admis· "R oover. 1 cent s ion. fe . nor is even a free-will White, 4 cents ff I' "" taken Th core' . 0 et· n... ,. Me', ,n,~ cents .. . Freight, 2 ~ cents MA.SON H. S, AB R H PO A E Gas, 8 cent Total, 18 'h cents" p 4 0 1 1 0 0 The s ervice s tation man might E rbeck, rf , 4 t 1 1 0 0 have added that o ut of e very W . Dwire, lb 3 0 0 5 Q 0 JESSE dollar pent f or ga. in the s tate, K, mith, 2b , 3 2 1 3 2 0 p •••e 320. N... aarU•• t ••• 0 ... approximately 38 ce nt,; g oes for Wm, Dwire 3b 3 2 2 1 2 0 taxes the moto l'iilt'b ing the mosl Turbee, If .. R 0 2 1 0 0
The thrifty-minded man is ordering hi' coal NOW as off-season price. will leave a healthy difference in the f ... mily pocketbook when t he cool day. roll around again in a very 8hort titne.
The Farmer i. Human
Farm Night 7 alks, Sept. 26
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.
==~t::A~R~L~K~OOCL~~§E~R ~==JU~;~~~~~~~ Da,.t_ P.....
",...,.,. ,aere are some aouna.. tli human ear cant hear'says Sciezu:e - aJUl • 1at wetel ratL.. ».at, ••z ,.,.. - --
citizens, taxed ncco rding to aciarecent heaviiy of any s of ,BI'own, orger, c c , .. 22 00 00 41 statement of the Petl'O le unl [ndus- BaJ'nes , C ... ,2 0 0 1 :::;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;:;::;O:f~O~h~i~O:. ;""""==~ oil ins, 88 .. 3 0 1 0 - - T otals :10 5 8 18
.Odd-But TRUE
tint ",p"(t.i.\
~ OQ~~
T otal ~
PP A 01 2: 9 2: 0 1. 0
0 1 0 7 0 ,0 0 1,. 2 1. 0 41 0 1 0
<* '~~ '()W
Glen Rogers Pocahontas
J uJ'ies wer d raw n in W t~l'I"e" county Illst w ~" k Cor th e fir -t ti lJ1 l' und er t he n ew Ohio Jury o nlllli ~· sion SYRt l'lll arid anno un ced fo r th e October Le l ' lIl of co u rt. 'l' ht! g rand jury has been s ummo ned f ol' Mon · day, OC lo ber 3, while the pe ti l j UI 'Y will re pOl't lat I' in the month Uctober Grand Ju ry: h . . Rahnl, R. 3, Lehano n, J<l hh MIU ' mak er, R. R. 2, lark "ville; Charl es we ne y, R. R. 2, Franklin J. T . Felte r, R, R. 2, Foster ; Harry W. Le wi ', Leban on; N ettie EL11l'ick, R. R. 5, W ay nes vill e; T , . Patters on , Lebanon ; Rober t M, Blair, Leban on; George B, 'mith , R, R. 1, MoI'I'Ow; John G. Va il Leu n; Banner te.wart, Leban on ; MrR. William Ke rmod e, R. R. 2, Franklin; Ed. lark , R. R. I , Ore· gonia; H. . Eldridge, Franklin; E C. Monison, Mason. October Petit Jury: Mrtl. S. S . Thoma s, Lebanon; F. W. L oop, Lebano n; arl Ste phenson , 'R. R. 3, Mol'I'o w; H. S~ Albaugh, FI·ank · lin; Will ea h, R. R. 4, L e ban on ; Haz:el Harding, Franklin; Miron Johnston, L banon; Harriet Meek· er, FI'ankHn; Raymond Brook s, Harv y ~ bul'~; Fred H. Stullbs, Lebanon; Scott Whitacre, R. R. 3, Blancheste r; Mrs. Mary Hendri.x R. R. 2, Clul'kllville; Maynard Wenz, ' Waynesville; ElHs H. ow· an, Leban n; C. A. Hizar, ~, R. 1 Lebanon; OweJl Gross, arHsle ; Hersch I Bunnell, Le.banon ; Lo n Rosenberg r, R. R. I, lark sville ; Martha R. Kratzer, Lebanon,
Beech (;rove Not much news this week; everybody is attending the Leb· anon fair. . Mrs. J , B. McKay, son Maynat'd, Mr. and Mrs. Ra,.ny Ro e, R.oo rt McKay, of Wilmington, were Sunday dinner guest s of the McKay families here. Miss Anna Telfare, of Columbus vis ited Miss Marynet Andrews last week. Rufus Rob er n, of near Kingman, Everett Ans Qn and others, of Clarksville, called on K. E. Thomp on Sunday aft.ernoon. Rev, R. L, Mooneyham, closed hi meetings at Green Brillr on la t Sunday, and i holding meeting this week at Miamisburg. K. E. Th ompson will attend the Red ros!! meeting in Dayton on September 26, Rev. R. L. Mooneyham, wile, d allgh leI', E va Iyn, spen t F rJ'd ay night and Saturday with H. C. Mo.ore and family. MlsR Martha M. Ashley, of near Hal'veysbu'rg, was an ov rnight guest on Wednesda~ of l\liss Modena Powell, of thl 8 place . Mrs. Ethel Smith and son, of Barve-ys bul·g. gave us a short but
A great manY' farmers now plant tempo rary spring pastures of ,grain, and legumes, and other crops. These temporary pastu re8 are ready to graze much earlier l han the permanent pastures. They also 'c arry the Iiv e sto~ k until lhe permanent pas ture, gra ~se 8 !ire big enough to graze Without bemg killed out:' --~
The Ohio Agricultural ' Experiment Station does not recommend t ha t roughage be ground for dairy cows or that t he grain be mixed with the ground r() u ghages, The cok is capable of handling her own feed and t'he dair~'lllan if! wa~ting his time in trying to save the cow's time. '
Pall is usually a favorabl time of 'the year to start new lawns. At thi s time temperatuJ'e and soil moisture conditions are g;enerally favorable for the promlpt ger. Apples keep belter in. warm tali mination of seeds and f'or the maintenance of a healthy growth weather on the tree than they do in warm stu rage, Under such t hroughout the fall period. circum stances, horticulturists for the agricultural extension service at the Ohio State University RUg. Irest that picking be postponed late as possi ble.
The Miami
.-.__.... _______==c;;:~~4'· _110-
- - -... _
. .~ ..
"I k'' .'tAll 'NO . . . W""'\ las ~.\"*' I" III Uta"'C
'*' '" 1M eml\ , , ..,,'
Extra lumpy, a truly premium coal
W 'a rren Countians Named A. Jurors F or October Term
01 pleasant everiing. call on last Thurs day 0 Several from a distance attendIi ed church. at Green Briar On Sunday to hear Rev, Mooneyham 6 preach hi s fal'ewen sermon. Misses leo McDonald, Leo Lockard and Wilma Mooneyham, E of Kentucky, were overnight 0 gue ts 01 Mr, and Mrs, Bird Pow0 ell and family, of near Oregonia.. ' 0 !Awe11 Alexandria returned to 0 his home in Kentucky last Wed. 0 nesday .after spendinJ!: several 1 weeles wilh his sister. Miss Flora 0 Alexandria, at the hom'e of Mr. 2 Mik,e Lamb and family, ·of n anr 0 Oreg-onia. 0 _ _ __ 0
8 10 21. 10 3 I 234 Ei 673020000- 5 M. H. S. W , H, ." 1 0 6 1 0 0 " - 8 nijth , Wm. Tw o~ base Hit I)wire, Cook, Treadway. Three-base Hits -Wm. Dwire, Treadway. Struck Ou by Girton l; by Duvis 2. Base on Balls -oft' Girton 1; oft' Davi!4 2. Umpires- Chas. Jame!S and James Dwire.
,'''''l ..Ml\"'t."'·
W. H. S. AB R H 'Co o,k, l·r, 1f .... 4 · 2 2 Meredith, 2b . 4 1 0 K Miller, 1b .. 4 2 ] Treadway, 3b 3 1 3 WhitakCl', cf .3 0 0 Bog 1', If 2 1 1 retel's, rf . .. 1 0 0 2 1 ] Griffy, as ... avage, sc 3 0 1 E. Franel', c .. 3 0 , 1 Davis, p 3 0 0
00 0 1
See the difler.nt grade. of coal we are handlin~, and let us fill your coal bins NOW.
Raven Red Ash A genuine Red A.h
Yellow Jacket' Lump A fine soft Coal
Koppers Miami Coke The best in the market 'VI' also have in our yard lome good lump and egg coal. at lower pricea
.Waynesville Farmers Exe. Co
Phone 25 Waynelville. O.
Good Times A re Promised for the coming Winter. Be ready for pro.perity when it malte. its appeara r. ct!. There are three good ways for you to get your ,hare:
.ADVERTISE The Miamf Gazette i. the medium through which you can let · the public know what you have to .ell. Advertising- no
ADVERTISE In the Classified Column. Many people will tell you it is a splendid inv,e atment. They know I for they u.e it continually.
PRINTING Don't send y uur Job Printing 'away fr om home. W. are Prepar..d
To Do It
( R. C, Atkinson of the Ohio Ins titute is dlscus8ing 80me of .the problem s of rural government, and taxation in a seriea of addre sel! on the farm night program, WEAO, every Monday "'eM
at 8:15,
A pod pullet
to lay
by tile time abe 1& from 1110 to 200 eJays old. She Ian about 76
1 he' Miami Gazette Phone 112 CGuu.
'fOlD tile date ot lIer tnt ... \);_"'iiIiiiiiii;;;;;;;"_~IiiIIi_Iiill!!~~"~~"""''''
Stoops enning CO. NOW In New PI an t
Warren County Fair BriDg, Usual Rain
TIll' hl r~ ,·. t .1.. 11.11 hill "\"'" IIlIl.h· \11 thi . ""UIII ') , \ \\'<'h " f,'cot 1.. 111: 11f11l UII,' tht' "I' ninl{ , f 1\1< If, :1 nd fh (' :ultl U n Ii f w "h'. i" Itt'ln~ IlcI t hi, tc'~l.k ll " in th e' t. 'h,,·The S lo"I1. I'a kill Q' (n. " f !in i, h,'d n l ~h .: U lI H '11U ,.'f "11)1; 1'1" . Pu r!lu!lnl lo tho! an nual cUlltom, ",Ie,' II)" fll"I"'ltl \'\1 I ,u rl h ~ t.. ' . . . " 11111: IInll 11I'llItlng \\"i'hml:to n. II. \ till" ' I t. of whl ·h J:lI1H'~ ~ t ()uJ1~ C. II i. IIlIl ,h' 1l1 "~I I\' o f IllUI'(!"utc Ii the Warum Clu nty Fuir brought In Waynelville, Ohio i" .lh,' pl'('!li(il'lIt , i~ nUI\ ·itl ' he l plI lp 1' 1'11111 "It! 11; " I1 L',- un tl i, Bccau!lt' the old-time "underrain to Wayn('s vil1!! and vicinity. fll ll "l' a ~,m ll ( tlw t ilia tll a nnm)! " . I int:ltl',J t.. ill(·.I \"I~ aho ut , I \I, . r OLL' ", Bt';O; ,luc:licl tll stati s ti~s Maybe the ruin WUII n ot ('aused by lake.'" dill I ittle bes ide furnish . (). TIl\' S toops Packi ng o. h it. t\ tHl.tlllll \\ IIrth ,II t ~ Ig \I ~d dt,~t r ll ) ' pr""""l'" hy Sl'erl'tnry of Stat e ':'-========::;:::=:=00:::::= the fair. but the fact rllmsins. the ca keto many people still d <'Ilt·I·,'Il \·\" . Th,(> lllll \,, 11 bl' u ~ l' d ('IUI'('I1Ce ,1. BI·,)wn. ~ h l1 w in an 10ltobel't Arlll strong! of Dayton, n evert heless that t.ht' long drought con sider that the cost of the I JURt cnl'npleteu a n e w plan t, '1, m. (II I· \' ~hihli i(l ll JlIl I' I)t) ~l'S, September 22, 1932 ll'n' ~ ti'l~ Illunn,' l' I'e ~ul t!l of W lIS 1\ Wayn e~vill e Visitor today. was . brok en by a gentle and funeral r epresents the val u e l'l'i~ in j:{ fifly th u simd f~e t "r fl o I' - -- . .. l'i lllinn i I H'o~e uli OI\, with in this greatly apprecillted shower tha t of the ca s ket ni on('. Th i!'l ii'! not ~pn l't' . of brick. h o llow til" an d DANCE AT LYTLE ~ 111tl' whkh tlre' 'uI'I'ie<l t u tl P. 1. Robitz I' and W. C. f 11 during mo t. o f the day. Tu esOffi ~C! Houra : Ilt' lIut" C <l Ul't". (n 1I I'l'cent l\ix,John al'e spt) nding a few days a ('o ner t e. with a fi t' epl lof r OOf, ' 1'1 111 BIII·ton -" ill In;I U~\l l' ut\' tIll' t.l·U . day. month Jll'ri .. c1 lher up pear ' d a Ind ia n Lake. lightea, venti lated .I:11'(· ln l( ~I' a ~" n. by g- win/: o Ill' of s pl end idly 'l'he fun e r I director of toI lIiJr 2 tIl 4 p. m lind '; to Of co urse the I'ain came a Iiltic! total o f :! I II tid ntian ts bl' fo r e a nd ni ely equi Pll d. The C(' l1lpu n) hi" fIll-fl O da n(,l'~ {It Lytll' hall 11l' 'L JI. nl. bit 100 late to d o this year's crops da y perform s II myriad of M i~8 1\1nl'Y Owe n. of Dayton s \lc h (·o u I't ~ . The (,,' nvid ioll of d it! no t contl'll ct r r orn thi" Y RI' ,\ \.d n<>Hhl\" 1' \·,·n1l111. t; \lud mil . I ' mueh gopd. but it may h lp to sel'vices which were never exIllllr thll n huH .) f th,, ~ WII.· up - ~pe nding /I fe w dnys . un l l1 ~ !l 0 l O n, Ill . • and by 'bu t 81'(' putti ng lip lUI tlf \\i ll f('n t url' thl' d anc!'. brighten prospects f.o r another ncl s Home. J"ric 111: 1(\ hl' th ' upper COUI·t:;, whil e 43 pect.ed of the ··undertaker." IlIIJlelin l)llt'lIt. l Ol1lat e~. ' - - - YCl\r, We som times w ndel' if it ' o f till' te. ta l hnll tlhtdr cll nv iction T h n l!w equ ip m ent for c Ul1ni l1 L( T hese include t he t ec hnical prove profitabl to would not nnd 1111' 1 5. · J . MI'. 1'('\' rs('(1 nnd the cases it her retOru utoe!< is the on ly Oil" 1I ;.\<'U in Coast formel's in t his vicinity. if t hey work of pr pa ri ng the body, vi ~ ited th eir dau g hte r and ' fam nrancll'd UI' di ehul·ged. bout hio. T he cun~ fi lJ ()cJ wilh 1"IIlIIcould induce the Directors of t he compll'te char'ge of t he fun e ral ,mc-thir'c! o r HII CIls.es we rE' liquor in Pl easant. Plai n. S unda y. t oes tra vt!1l1 n a I) OW~I' curril' " ~y~ Fair to advance their exhib iti on t' n ~ 'il. while thrcc-fuurt hs of 811 tem Iln tl 0 tablN o'f .. al l i" d .,J\( i!'s~ Trill lIa and Margaret date about u mo nth or s ix weeks" lind the UHe of ma ny kind ot cll~l';; d i ~ llli ~. ('(I. 1'1! 1lHlIH IN i lI l ' oi , osil 'd in nch I'a n a ,.; it l run.ls III ('Cll'win wl'kollll'd o ll e of i t ~ II 'cessar y quipme nt. Lic.~.. .,d Real Eatale Br-ok.,.r·, ~~ d Wll\'d s en ter tain ed the bridge becau e we usuall}, have plenty of th sealing pl'ocess. f ll\'(II'ill' ~o n ::l yc,,,,le rtiny . rll}L J . l' h a l '~l' cI \\ l' re ul>lo liqulll' casl'S. A u c t ioDe",r and 1naur... ce clu b Wedn esday aftern oon of last rain during fail' week. A lal'ge pu r·t of the f uneral T h(' plu n!l f or t h . 11 \\' pl ant \Y . I ll\' i". wif,' and fumi ly, ur wee k. The rain con li nued througho ut direct or-'s ~e l'v i ce to humanity It cCl/ l'd,. o f the .unslI l·\' ntio n we l' l! draw n by Jam .." :t ool): and comp nllll'tl by Warnesvllle, Ohio ' up t . . Louis J . Tuesday night, and ( up un t il noon. tak es th e :form (1 f prof essional mmc.n tla- .' c'·;l'r nd ./.. J . lIl' \'lin. an ~l\ ' te l' n dl'partnw nt would i nd il'lIte tha t at l1a\'c r cc iI'ed highest today wos stil, falling ti un of I!-"pel·til (rum ev 'ry Kl'ction .,i l ('1Ig- in(> ' I' [l.re vi ~ iLinj.: t h thi::; tilll e nimr <1::; will ha ve taken work. His eXI1 rie nce and ( 0 the' co untry. iT. ' t oop.· an d 1'o nll e r··.· pare nt!;, ) 11'. anti Mr ~. uut lIS many hunting U('en se,' I\S kn ow ledge at'e at the sel'vice of Ills I yen1' wf1l'tl 4511,000 werr pur========~==~==~ I hi son, Holm s • toopS, a re am.mg liver nuv i~. th o ~ e who ca ll upon h·im. t he best knllwn e ngaged ill thi 'a pt Da vis und apt. L Ollis J . ('h a~t'd. That would be IlJl e v r age Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Drake and imp ortall t indu . tr}- in the co untry. Sodl" ', .. r the ni ted Stu t e~ Coa .l o f 5, ] 12 to en h cOllnly we re - Va n Wert Daily Bull etin. (;UUI·t! have lig llr il promine ntly Lh ey equully tlividl'd. q uite an aI'- the il' g uest, Miss Jane Bo ring, at- ==== =========== ,donI(' ~u ~ t I'n coastal wutel's In I'nl' of . ~p o rt"l11 e n . 'I'he • qu irre l te nd ed the Early family reunion LOST he ruic ,..enmun,;hip. Thel'e 's is n ><cilson II penil d last Th ursday and at f rt Ancient, unday . NO HUNTING 11 Phon. 7 p l' () fe!l~i o n thaL fill new 'pap e rs in lhc ~' tire 1'l' llU rted clu ite plentifu l, . II . th · h' ll t' . 11'. and Mr. N. A. King, of 0 I h ~ ,·a. t \\ ith hendlin pf; o f n c w ~ L'S j1l'CUI Y In e 1 cou n les . Kn ightsto wn. Ind .• we re callers at L T- Sid of t ent. between We. the unrl er"igned . lI lIcI\\" n o He dunt, of th e 1I" olectiu n o t' 'OUI' Wi Lebanon and Mt. Holly. R eward Waynesville, Ohio t h add ition!ll reve n ue secured the home of lIll', and Mrs. Waltet. hurlting tra pping 0 1' tl' IH) sing \'ockbo un d coast . llPt.. L . J. Se vi I' Cra m fl . hillg li c l!n~es nea rly t hree- Elzey ' unday afte rnoon for its retul·n. John Scott. 14 Fair on o ur fn, rms : · . St .• Xenia. Ohio. Phone 80 .821 ex'P ' cts 1,0 be in A ~ intic wut 1'8 fourth 8 of a mil lio n dollat'a .we r e GO N BROS. nftel- an absence of stJvel'1I 1 y ellr ~. tum ' d int o t he col)'c~!'s of the state T he monthly 're union and din- ;'!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!,,!~!!!,,!!!!,,!~~~~~~!!!,,!!!,,!:~,,!,,,,"~~!!!,,!~!!!,,!~~!!!,,!!!!"!~ lIe l' of the J . . Hawke family was ___ apt. J. W. Davi ~ , a l')cal !Joy by s por tsmen of Oh iO. lert h 1'4) a. a youth to !\'O to Sl'1I . I held a t the honlf.' oC Mr, and Mrs. 'tllte uditol' J os ph T . Tracy Mu yna rd Weltz, Thursday. r a ltd retul'll tc'd hll me t<l his pell pl tob r 16. . nn offie I' in the na vy. a pt. L. J . u nno unCCl! tha t ab o ut lara Lile. Laura Mc'evil'l', a nolive of F.ngla/ld and he will ma ke n d istrib utio n of _ . l\1is~e s noW' 11 true rn~ric<ln . hns covel'cd g'tl ~() l i nc luxes to ev r y co unt y Kmscy , Ev~ Reeder and Mrs. Lena t he \\'ol'ld from rclic to Anl tl l'cti and town shi p in t he stat e, t he Hartsoc k wltnesMed a show in Dayd ent t o Id Europ e. Th y plan for mer receivi ng $ 10,0 00 ea ch !on, l a~ t Thursday vening. to stuy a c(l uple uf weeks a nd li nd thc l wll ships tl J>pN)ximately Up to n{)on t oday one and threevi it "omll of Ohio's pioneer land 400 each. Distl'ibu t io n of gaso- e ighth inches of rain had fallen acIinc taxes to muni ci paliti es will be marks. amuel Butterworth ~~mad e ~o m time in Oecemb r by cording to Au ditor Tm cy whe n th s um of OUI' loca l weather lIuthority. l .3 00,33 _ will be moiled out. I..YRu.kT••• nd";". . . .W7 William J. S herMlod, Waynes, to... •......... ln8d. ville's sale surviving veteran or So c.n.. TncdoG s.fet7. 1111'S. W illiam Graham . pent WedT he Ohio tate Mu um o nth e Civil War, is qUite sick. !\Irs. So . . te .. ted Sup.r' ....t nesdny a t t he horne of fl'. li n d n ou nces a co nti nuance of its cir- usan Evans is aSlIls ting in caring I c.nIc.n-. Irs. Floyd ::)tlyage. c ulu ti ng Loa n llect ions f or for him. j 4. FuU o.enau ID ... .0Mr. li nd l\1 r~ . La w/' nce F l' i nd Oh io l' u bli c ~c h oo l:;, inaugurated . . Cood,. •• r . . . . . . .. mO \'ed to Lebu no n llls t week. last yeur. Th e re are thrt.c type . H: Chase,a missionary Of t he / bo_. ... _1IAdewsIL Hection!;, urchaelogi&1 AnH!l'\can hurch -of Chri t to T h lad iCH Qf L yt.le co ng l'egution or ! .. C _ _ ..... f . Ilf• ..,. ga ve the hurc h iI g 0(1 fa ll cleun- ( Mound B uil ders ,and [ndians ), Japan, gave . II very interesting _14'....... t ru .... ing on Wed nesday. Minel'alogy (u. efullmd intel' sting lecturc at the local church of ~,~lD...,._ . 1\.11'. and Mr ~. Don ald Hadl ey minerals ) and Ohio insects (but- Chris t, last l"riday evenin~. are now ,'tayi ng . with t he fo rme r 's tcrfl ies, moth ' . beetles and other .. pare nt8 II CU)' l a~k ~viJ le. M I'. Had- Insed " f r iend a nd enemies") . .,fws. harles Ord. of DetrOit! Lifetime GlUlrcmteed oywell ano lel' i helping his bther with the Each co ll ection ill ac~co mpanied by and Mr. George E. fall crol)S on the J l lI' n1_ II sllec inlly PI'CPlll'cd booklet a an son , Bel·tha m, of Sheffield, Ala., James Dnd 1,'t'Ilnc is Millel' a t- a id to tea c;he r and pupil. Thes were guests at the home of Dr. tended th e Miller rc uni oll a t l:II'e availabl e with clut cost other Mary L. Cook, last Wednesd A rm co Park, Middl t own , Su nda y. t han posta/tc. ThE' e c Jlections nig ht. MI'. lind Mrs. Williulll Roger s may he had by add ressing H. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubble and a n d daughter of Mnson spe nt Su n- ' hetron e. Dir ct OI' of Ohio tate daughters, Made and Wahneta. ot duy a L the hom e of 1t'. Dnd :Mr::i. Muse um. lumbu. Ohio. Rout 1. and Mrs . Marjorie Drako Supertwist Cord Tire. All other Analy.il in Stock- Our Cu.tomera Prank R o~e rs. d B bb' rId ' I 1'0 s of t h M. E. chul'ch an so n, ole, a n lana po is, R ,'V. Save ~ Di l'l~c to r H. G. () uthard of the . pent Tuesday with W. N. Sears EACH or Le ba non will pl'each at th tate' 0 pa rtme nt of H ealth r e- nnd family. ufte l'Roon ser vice a t L ytle churc h pOI·t.'l that typhoid f ever cases are IN PAIRS xt u\,\duy. E\'eryon e invit <l ow arriving at an average rate Mrs. M. L, Pars hall, Mrs. Week-end g u est s a t " Ruth- far- of nenl y 60 a week and t hat the Surface, Mrs. Lee Hawke. Mrs. 30.:t ~ R ... Cl. iall " farm weI' : h . ' and Mrs, l'ur al di trictl and small t own!! Maynard Weltz and c hildren Anne 10hn Wh itlock a nd ch ildren o f , upp ly a majo l'ity 01( these cases, and Jimmie, spen t Friday at the Zanesville an d Mr. and Mrs. Ed- City dwellers, acc Llstom ed to a home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Chanward Oi ttoe a nel dnugh te t· of In- !lnfe wate r s upply and pasteurized cellar, near Xenia_ Branch of HIII,boro Hardware Company c innati. ~ ' lk ' o ft en' give little thought to Mr. and 11' . H arry C( l'nclJ of t e danger they may e nco unter Mr. and Mrs. James Davis. tbeir nea r Fe rry wer e d in ner g u e_t.'! la t d l'ing vaca tion tri l~S. Raw milk three and two friends arunday at the h me of Mr. nnd a.n willer from the old oaken dved New London,,!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!!!~~!!!,,!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!~ TUNE IN SMrs. A li e n Emri k. bucke t a ccounts f or many of the Conn for a visit with \ -~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~;~~~~ ~ ~ daugh te r, Mi ~s leo ng in the citi es. Th.e t otal Oliver otber relatives. Goodyeal' were undav nfte l'n oon of f ro m typhoid la t yc_ar numbered Mr. a nd Raymond Wilson, Rildio Mr. lind Ml·~ . Wulle l' Ke nrick and 104 and 8 of them occurred daughter, Jeannette, entertain Pl'otram famil y. d uring Aug ust . Sept ember and to Sunday dinner, Mr. and·Mrs. Ml'~ . Lottie a rey, wh o has been Oc to ber. Paul Peterson and children ill fOI' nine weeks with· a broken PaUline. Harold a,nd Beat rice Thi6 month hip '\Il no t neal' so veil a t th O State TI'cll sul'e Harry S. Day' Anna. Mr. and Mrs. Walter WiI' IS and his official hn been busy son, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc]ntl're t l·nl'e. I Coodyeat' Mrs. Margaret J on nil. Miss Cleo the pas t eve 1'111 days mailing out a nd Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MebuUt It. Hawke. Mrs. Anna Long and Mrs. 0. 800 tat menta an.d 1.000 regis- Intire. _ _ __ 1;(}() million t h Emma Lac y ~ p e n t Thursday bop- t e red I tter s to vario,u taxing disPhone 47 Waynesville, Ohio tin. ping in Dayto n. triet who bond s are held by M iss Hele n Ea rly 'T'l'eagUl'e r Day in a·nticipation of year' course at the coJl ecti on of $5.786,000 of Bus ines. colleg e in matured bond s· and ~>1,940.000 iflte l'est , due the WOI:kmens' ComSubacribe lor The Miami Gazette and get a year week. . . Mrs. Ada Ch clloweth of Center- pensstio n and the Teachers' Re- Funeral services for Mrs. Luther 01 Reminiacen.e. ville is vis iting this week at the tit'ement system , In the for me r home of Jr. and Mrs. Frank f und there is at present· a total of Sellers were held at Mortuary R,6gel's. $41 ,000.000 in reSE!rve to meet el, Monday a'ftern oon. Rev. M.r. Walter la r k. who has be en claims of the department and in Row, pastor of Second Reformed ill for som e time, was taken to St. t he latter a total o j l $6G,000,000 Church~ .Dayton. officiating, and ElI;r;abeth hospital Dayton last in reserv. to taKe care · of the Wcd n aday, where he will undergo l'etirement of t eachers over the burial was made in Miami ceme. tery. Mrs, Sellers died s uddenly at an operation in about a w ek. state Friend here hope f or a speedy her home in Dayton last Friday covery. -~ mOlllil1g after motetlian a year'a Mr, and Mrs . Chalmer Reed er a ffliction with heart trouble. and son s have moved to Centel'Cecilia Missildine Sellers was a ville in with the former' s father. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones a nd daughte r 'of the late John and John Pres ton attended a surprise Drucilla Missildine, and was born party Sunda y evening, f or Mr. The Jiappy Hour Olub h eld a and reared in this villa~ where Cad Pickering at enterville, in most enjoyable meet ing on Tues· 1I10st of her life orior to her marhonor of his birthday. The M oth e l" ~ lub of Spring- dny, eptember. 3, at t he home of riage to Mr. Sellers was lived A bore) will hold a "quilt show" in J\I!'~' HatTY S.m lth. w:lth Mrs. Fred graduate of the Waynes;i\le school sard of t h e North Bradd ock assistant h.~ stess Twenty schools she hlter taugbt mUii . BUilding n e xt Tuesday afternoo n. one mem~ers. were present an:d the sa~ e school for 'a year or ~w~n Septe mber 27th. Anyone desirou the . guest hst rnclud ed : Mrs Morns Possessed of a voice of rar~ of displaying a quilt get in toueh (' I nell, Mr. Ernest B,utte~worth sweetness and power, her services wi t h Mrs. M. S. Miller, Waynes- Mrs. Robert Cross, Ml s. Hartley as solQist were lrequent]y in \\ros. . demand ville, Phone 66R31. president called the meetSh" . d b h h b d Mrs. Georgian na Haines cele- ingThe to order and the .~reed was re. e I S survIve y er UI an , ::", bl'at~d hel' 918t birthday · on Wedd' h Luther Sellers, Dayton' a f 0 1) owe d b yrea mg . t e sister, Mrs. A, Q.ofAlexander: • pe.ated of nesday, the 14. She has been bed ridden and perfectly helpless for tl1lnutes of the ~ast two meetmgs. Lewistown and two brothers. O. 0, After t he busmess ~as ,disposed Missildine, of Waynesville, aJld eleven months at the home of h er t he p~ogram COml!lllttee ent~r- Harry Missildine of K ns laughter, Mrs, Walter Kenrick, of. tawed WIth stunts, .and a SOCial , a 8a. Gu est s on her birthday were: Mr, good time was e njoyed. a nd Mr~. W. G. Haines and chilThe club will meet with Mrs. dren. Mr, a nd Mr , J. Gabelman, Rhodes Bunnell, October 11. of Da yton, MJ:~. J oseph Grassi, Mr. and Mr!;. B. L. Drake and Miss Lo uella F Ol):t of Piqua. Ho~sed Th ose fr om h e re who attended th e H ome -coming at Mt. Holly Mr. and Mrs. Fr.nk Braddock .' ~~ a k e s ure tho th e mf1terial that goes into your building , und ay we l'e: Mr. and Mrs, J . B. entertained Sunday evening in ",11 ~l l'e t he greatest pOSSIble retur,ll in comfort and sa ti fac.Jon es, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longhono}' ot the birthday of their lIOn, tlon. No x penditure is s o important a s that ,yhich YOll make acr e, J ohn Prest on, William Fred . Braddock. The rollowinll f or 8 ho m · place.' Graham, MI'. and Mrs. William guest!;" were present :' Mr, ,anci Th I'e ill 11 fals.,. t hr ift, a nd a real thrift. Cule mull , Mi ', es Thell1}ll. Coleman Mrs. Fred Braddock. and son Fal~e th r ift ord" rs t he cheapest and vaguely hopes for the and Doroth y Mo c~ in . They were in Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond be t. pl' ai ~ e of tbe t;plenclid serm on of Braddock and daujfhter, Jennie I Rf'al th rift. il\ ~ i~ti n g on th e best find-s that in the long run e Rev. Scal'l)' at th ~ afternoon Lee. Mr. and Mra. Warren Bradthe be t is u ~ua l1 y the cheape_t. I ~, \ dock and daulI'hter, Betty, Mr, . The charll) i, th e.il· woo dwork- their entrances. doors, ._ - - ./; and Mrs. Walter Wils on. Mr. and window , ll1 ultllngs. stal r~ . co rlt!!l' cupboards, paneling. Mrs. Raymond Wilson and daughWIl\!1I YCIII plan 0 ho me yo u clln not 10 k too carefully to ter, Jeannette. Delicious Ice cream woodwork dli~il . . cake and coffee were served. Whether it i!; a n e ~ hOllle comp lete. a new barn or hed. we want to Serv ' you . Your '111l111est I' pair job wil l receive the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT IlAm,· chee rrul c')Jl!lid <? ration in purcha~e of materials. Let u l.elp you figure ouethe most economical construction. Estate of William C, W.lch d.Lumber hard and s(l ft- fini hed or unfinished. Windows ceaMd. ' doon, lath. shinKle!'. roofinlfN, plAints. lime, sand. naill!. fumace~ .Nqtlce Is hereby given that te., au. Irvin, D. Weleb haa beeD duly appointed and qualifted .. Admlnlltratol' or tb. Enate of WilUam C••Weleh late of Warren
Prof•••lone. Service
Guard Officers Visiting Da vis Home
Late elasSified Ads•
J. E. McClure
Alway, Lower at Fairley', .Hardware and Implement Stores.
16 per cent Acid Proportionately Lower
AsLow As
Tabe. RepalrKltI PolI.1I Tape Ce_eat SlIeUa. WIUard aatterle. "8" aatterl•• RadloTabe.
W 8),D.Svllle, Oblo ,
Gordob's Service Sta.
Sudden Death Calls Mrs. Luther Seiler.
These Are Building And Repairing Days
.- - -
Enjoyable Meeting Of Happy H40ur <;Iub
. Be Snugly
Before Winter Comes'
Anniversary of Birth Celebrated Sunday
Smilin'Charlie Saya
.._ ..---
'rlae 111...1 G.zette
w.p......., 0 ....
County, Ohio, d.e....d. I h_r;t::I~hi. cia, of Septem- '
' ff'
Eighty-Fifth Year
Bandits Once More Raid the ReCOllecti(~'S , Waynesville . National Bank Tak n from the Gazette of Ten Y at'S Agql
Whole Numb r 6033
SEPTEMBER 28, 1932
Last W'eek's Activities In W avnesville -Schools-
Thl' agricultural exhibits eOIlA Creditabie Dil1>hlY W .. M.de ;;ist(>d of c Illl'lpleted projecta from by School Studellt. at the In' I! hllp depor ment with the 118Jay Patton, f BuUer, Ky., Warren County Fair ing ~ un IL a hackg-found . spent Sunday here, the gue t of The. Hornl.' Economic!! class bad Keith Walton. The Waynesville High School I>! a lli~play u'f dl' 8 , piUows alid 1r~. S. . Matlhews, of Pittll' planning t o have a W~lIlel' !'oast in ari o ll ~ uth I' small IlI·ticles mad burg, is viKiting Mrs. Maud e rane the school woods. The daLe bas not in th e sllwing ·Ialls. Tho e viewing this display can and lIuughters. I.J 'en :let. Eve/'y stud nt. i~ Y(!I'Y ee the amount of w'OJ'~ anx ious Lo have a so illl get tu· I:eadily MeRlSrs. L. M. Hendersun ~nd H , gethel' and IL general good ti!n • ' that waR done. ---M. Sherwood were in olumbus Nearly $2700 in bills and gold coin were taken when W. H. S. Sparta Wednesday of III . t \ e(.'k. two armed bandits, one of whom was mas~ed, held up the A census was Laken Monday Wa rnesville will meet Kings MI'. and M1's. G ol'ge Kel'n wer MI'. and Mr . Myel' Hyman and mOI'nillg at Lhe High Schot)1 build· Wayne ville National Bank about 11 :20 o'clock last Wayn gyill vi.' il or~, Thursday. so n, and hades Burton Earnhurt ing t(l se how many pupils wer e Mill!! In a 80ft bali game WednesThursday morning~ This is the second experience of a al the tuil·. About !HJ(/t ot lh e up· day, . eptember 28 at Wayne spent unday in 'incinna.ti. JI:1i ss Louis£' run', o f incin- TrrlY· per grade pupils Illtendllu. }o' iw park if weath r conditions are similar chara ter for this institution within approximately natl, sp nt Su nda with home Mr. ann Mrs. Nathan J ohn on wen t v isitillll: anll sUllie went favorable. Pl'actice will he beld Mr. and Mrs. has.Pisher and Tuesday after !>ch. I if possible. two yeal's, the bank , having been held up on August 14, folk!', het' . week-end rlshing. two hildl'en, of incinnati, were of I.ancastet·. wer The game will be called at 4:00. gU /:s tR of Mrs. W. H. Madden. the Sunday gue 6t8 of Mr. and 1930, At that ,time -$600, in bills of $100 denomination, The Wayn sville 'eho ol band Davis will pitch for Waynesville School Di'play at Fair played CUI' th, Wanen ounty Mrs. W, H. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Fromm and with F I'ainer behind the bl\t: wel'e taken at the point of a gun. Mrs. Lou Rnnsey and so n, Fair, 18 t Thur ~dlly. sa n, Clyde, spent unday with Mr. Wilh the aid of Mr. rubbe, th W. H. . will playa return soft Ernest, und Mrs. Mary McKay ,and and Mr. Melvyn Ban ta at D(.'la- oculillDul Agricultural The I'obbers entered the bank uall engagement with MaHon, F.r1daughter, Willa, o'i Lebanon, spent Mi ss s In ' z and Ruby James the se dan parked ut the side of the war'. ano liss Jienkle, the HUllIe Thursday morning and, brandishday, SepteV'ber 30, ut 4 o'clock. uncloy with MI'. H. H. Williamson visited fri nd in BJanchester, th t.convmi·s teacher, the boys and Wayn sville expects a large crowd illg guns, subdued R. C. Riggs, road. and family. Passers-by noticed the aban- latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. "~orrest Graham girls of both c lltsse' were able to La follow them, Cor many stlldent.a MI·s. gmma Egbert. who has a&!:Iistant cashier i HeJen WelCh, doned car but paid little heed until .Mi ss ~catrice Robitzer vi!!it.ed been vi lti ng relativ s here, left and tw o children, and Miss Su make a good 8howing in competi- re taking an intarest in the team. bookeeper ; W. H. Allen. pre8i. the next morning, due to the fact . ran. spent . unday with Telatives tion with the oth r vocational ex- W. H. S. expects more competifllends III Delawar Ohi o, from Monday evening for her home in 10 I1I cmnatl. dent; J, Q. Gons, a director, and that it waH parked near a woods, last W ednesday until Monday. nibil. t ion a8 Ma on has made a few Kansas city. She was accompanied much frequented by squirrel hun· c hanges In their line up. Miu Stansben·y. . by I\1rs. Mary L. Adam sl, who will Mr. and Mrs. chrofe LudWig The Wayne Tp. M o~he1'S club s pend a month with :friends in One of the men 'handed Riggs a ters. The Warren County sberiff's qtte nd ed a meeting of the Fairley Teac.her. Steak Roaat sack and orde,red him to "lUi it office was notified, Friday morning will m at at thl' Grade school that city. Hard ware ompan y at Hillsboro up." The other enter~d the cage and. upon investigation, Deputy building on Friday aftemoon, Thoma Mannington, and The t.eachers of Waynellville Sheriff Wm, Hufford identified it October 7. Tuesday evening. ' and assisted Riggs. of Dayton, vi$ited fl'ie·nds her , <chools are planning to have .. as the bandit cal', and a sumed When the Lwo-hold-up men first .t ak roast Thursday evenlnr, Mrs. Kezia h Th Onlj}So n and her Mrs. J. J . , chu. ler and daughter ·unday. nlade their presence known, how- cbarge. J. T. FlaCK alTived home, Fri- dl!-ughter, . Mrs. has. Myers. 01 :ieptember 29. It has not been deThe sheriff of Logan county who Oli e' of alifol'nia, were th ever, Miss Stansberry nonchalantly day , after spending eve~ral weeks IDclnnatl are both quite sick at 'ided as to where it will be held. came to Lebanon from Bellefon· est of MI'. nml Mrs. C. week-e nd gu laid SOll)e sheeb of paper over II with I'elatives in the West • th home of the for·mer. The purpose of the steak roast . Hightml\n. taine: last Friday, and' who also package of bills of large denominaMr. and Mrs. W. W. W elch s to get the teachers better acconferred with local bank officials tion which Rigg had taken ' from The W. . T. , will nl eet at Mr. and Mrs. J . . Hawke wel'e ()f Harvey burg. spent Sunday 'luainted. and employees ill said to have the vault a few minutes before. the home of MI'R. G. . Dibert OLU IBU ' - ::ie I'et/H'Y Sunday dinn er ~u ls of MI'. lind with 1\11' ,Alic McKimley. an exceiIent description of given The robbers failed to detect the W. H. Mlldden and Carl Hen· 'rhursday aftel'lloon ~epte mh el' State, 'Iarence J. Bl'OWIl, by Mrg. Samuel K. Haines, near Glee CI .. b a .. d Orc:heatr. move and did not see the money. the bandits, and to have given Whitc's orner. del'so n, were in Xenia, Thursday, 29. Everyone is urge'd to come. virlu\! of hi office, chief election There "ra S a very good turnollt Theprescllce of this amount of many valuable pointers as to ut1iccr of the state, ha ct!rtitied inspecti ng the waterwol'ks system ' Mrs. Edilh Bowman, of enter. tu the variou b lIl'd!:! of cle tlon '01' the first meetin&, of H. S. Glet m.oney (all -in bi\1s) on the counter their apprehension. The same men Dt'. .and Mrs. , A. Deppe, of ot tha t cit.y. and the woman, it seems, are also is explained by the fact that II Haz el Janet1, t he star ball- ville, and .Mr. and Mrs. hM. ill Lhe dgh~y-eight counties of the !Iub Monday, September 19, Th. Fl'lin kl!n, Ind., were Sunday guests lady customer had ree ntty called wanted for a robbery which they (If their 80n and duughtel'-i n-Iaw player who has been ojo urning Andel' on and sons spent the latter Slate the form to be used in mak- ~ro up con~isted of 56 boy. and with al'equest for bills of a certain recently perpetrate{\ in the vicin- Dr. and Mrs. J<:. I". Dellpe. ' here for severa l 'month~ , left for half of, last week at Indian Lake. ing up the official ballots for lhe girl". For the present the boys aad ~i rls groups will meet separattly denominat.ion, The rellene supply ity of lJelle(ontaine, One of hilI hOlne in Randallman, N. C., J\fal'tin Murphy and daugh- !liectilln on ov 'mbor Sth. U~on in the hope that in the two Imaller had been brought from the vault their confederates is being de· Mr. and MI'. . Ray U ok lind Tu sday morning. He has promis· ter,M'I'S. lhis ballot will allP '\lt' in Sill vertiand Mr. and Mrs. ObBs. Howin order to satisfy hel' needs, and tained in the jail at that place. tw-in daughter ' , of lI1iddlewwn, to retu rll and bring his brother ell and son, of Duyton, were Sun- cal and paNlileJ colunms the !lasR.es, the fundllmentalll of III,M Marshall Joy, Mr. Riggs and were unday gu , tll at t he home ed reudlng and ex»re lion can be had not been returned when the with him for the base ball season day gue ts of Mr, and Mrs. Forrest candidates of the DelllOcratic and ,1101'e quickly mastered. The lirll banditll ul'rived on the sce ne. ]n Mis Stansberry were called to of Mr. and Mr . Frank L May. next summel·. RepubliC1ln puties, Lhe Socialist, Rough. fact, the customer, herself, had Cincinnati, Tuesday afternoon fo MI'. and Mrs. tho Henderson ~ocillti t-Lab or, ProhibitioJ) and _lass will be held on Mondays and Mr. and Mr~. A. all~hn and enwrtained at dinnel', Sunday, Mr. left the bank bllt a few moments ~ee and , question some 8uspicious 'olllmu nist groups , in the above ~h e boy~' class on Thur8da, durMisses Betty H nkle, Irma before. But for this incident characters who Ilad been reported Mr. and Mrs. ,John Sander ', oS R. A. CI'O~~ , Mr. Lee Henderson Rich and Thelma St. J ohn spent named ordel' read ing from lelt to ing the extra curricular period. to the police of that city Il!I resid. HiIIsbOt'o. weI' umlllY j!ue~tB 0 ( and Mr. Fred Hende~rson and the week-end al Wittenberg col- right. Upon th ballots thi.s year these bills would moat probably CIa •• Ofticen Elect. . have ' been left in the safe, and ing in a rooming house there. The Mr. Ilnd Mr. Pet r A. Runyan. family. leg, where they attended a Soror- WIll appear tbe names of presidentrip proved to be withOut results. would, undoubtedly, have been infro and Mrs. J. W . Edwards ity "Rush." ~ial and vice.-presid ntial candiAt the annual election recently Mrs. Wymer Dmke, Mi!;s June The ,bank, was adequately included in the loot, entertain d 'for Mr. and Mrs. E . V, dules, at the head of their Jl8r- held al W. H. S. class offic4!rI were The $econd bandit who had gone surtJel agalnllt losses of this kind. Boring, M I'll. Ev ntt . em's, l\f rs. Burnhart, Satul'day evening, a few The Ladies Aid of lhe M. E. ticu lar tickets, Thu names of the eJectl;ld as follows: Lee Hawk and Donald HS"fI'ke A representative of the insurance behind the age obtained a quantab le of Cat·dR . n Monday evenS nior Class: Opal Ramby, were Da~' ton vi~itors, last Thurs- ing Mr. and Mr$. C. M. Robitzer church, who conducted the dinner I ct()l.'~ of the various parties and ity of currency arid gold from the company arrived here Friday day. haU at the Wanen County Fair grOUl'S are in file in the office of prcsid nt; Doris Sali8bury, vict vault before he re.joined his com- morning, and immediately began entertai ned at cards for the Bay·n- last week , neUed neaTly $400 on the'ecretal'y of State a.nd will pre~ident; Miriam Ellis, secretary u rigid investigation of the hold-up panion. the venture. not appear on the ballot as in lind Dean Hawl(e, treasurer. )\frs. I. W. Mill er tlnd so ns, Rob- halts. ~be baTIk su1fered a imilar dThe robber with the loot then 1r. and Mrs. Le ter Gordon and lU2S, Un1y the Democratic aDd Juni or CIa : Cecil Davis, preliert and Donald, of Ro sburg, Ohio perlence on August 14, 1930, when Frank A. Wright spoke at the ,Republican ballots roay by virtue dent; Inez Hayslip, 'vice president; left the bank and ran to an spent sevf! ra! days lust week with Miss Ma rtha O'Neall Imtertained Chu.rch armed bandits took $600 in 'lQ.O 0'1 htist unday night of an opinion of the Attorney Jacque Adams, secl'etar:Y-treuIlutomobile which was parked in her brother, W. N. Scars, and at SundllY dinner, Mr .. and Mrs. dunng the absen ce of the minister Generul, bear the em blem of the urer, and John Thomson. lIe1'lleant front. When he had started the bills from Vice-President J. p. family. H. H. Wilkerson, Mrs. Herschel artwright, and elleaped in ,n Dlotor and had the vehicle in Fisher, of Lebanon, MI'. and Mn. who is assisting in an evangelistic party and have II circle thereunder at arms. aut-omobile which had been stolen nlotion, the second man left the Mrs. A. H .. tllbbs is s uffering • t lair Fife and son, and Mrs. campaign in Belmont. enabling the voter to. with a Sophomore Class: Frank nawte ~_~ door with a command that the oc- in Dayton. Theile robbers were with a severe CII!!' of ivy poisoning Tt'r8n k Fife, of Wilminll:ton. ~ingle cl'08s-mal'k, cast his ballot president: David Boger. vice never captured. M1 s Lola Sears I' turned to her ~upants r main quiet, and jumped parents, it. and Mr . W. A. Hel' resident; John Sears, secret.,,; ~ duties at March. Brothers in Leb- lor a whole ticket. on 0 the running board. Stuaellh All P.lled Gearhart, of Dayton, spent unRunYaA, trea.llret,.-IIDCI.-_ anon, today. after a few daY8 abThe machine aped out of the The Boys' Industrial School ;rt day with her, sereeant at arma. The Normal applicants lhi!! year sence because of injuries sustain· vi1laee and Bouth in route 73, toLancaster undet· management of Freshman :. ponald Foulka, to pass an examination before ed in an automobile accident. Lee Le~m o n and harles Wade had ward Wilminlrton. Deputy Sherilr Dil'ector of Public Welfare, John presid nt; Frances Elli8, vict went to Indian Lak e Saturday. they could be admitted to , the , . Mr. and Mrs . ,. S. Ellis and, McSweeney and Superinuendent, president; Edna William Hull'ord ~nd Marshal Mae StallP' They tbok with them the motor- Rchp(ll. Word from the state headCharles M. Joy gave chase ahd A! R. Harsh, hal:! been a busy In· pcliee at Wilminaton guarded the ~he fint pme of the an'!ual ized house bOllt, which Mr. Lem· quarter. reports every on of the daughtel'S, and _MI'. and Mrs. Leon. stiluti n the past few weeks e'Ven ecr ·tary: Jane COOk, treaaur.7, and Albert Hawke. sergeant .~ 19 pupil8 as pa !ling. However, ap- ard Tinney alld family enjoyed a entrance to that city se~les for the base ball chaqtPlon- mon ha just finished building. pr oximately one-tenth of the ap- motor t our of Kentucky, the lat- \.hough it is the period of summer arm . . The fuglti~. wer~ not sighted ship of the world ill being plated in .... Normal schools at ter Ilal't 0'1 last week. Their itiner. vacutioll. The 956 inmates have however, :..nnt ill believed they the Yankee Stadium i~ New York Mrs. Ida Stokes an(l Mrs. Ada plicants II been kept busy gathering 2,161 turned olr before reaching W i1- ~tYt tll:~ afternoon, Th be contes- OouTtney accompa.nied MT . other points in the state failed to ary Included Cumberland Gap. bushels of apples , 5,042 pounds 0:1 minston and headed southwest, n s til year are t e Chicago Katherine Evuns and SOli, Edward, pass the· examinations. 'Ti. true, grupes and 114 bushels of potatoes toward Cincinnati. ' Cubs of the National league and of Cineinnati, to Sabina, where the best come from old Warren. Miss Lola Sears received slight, besides chel'riel:l, pears, peuches, The two men were described as the ~ew York I Yankees of the d but painful injil1'ies when ~he and the stol'ClI'oom is filled to youths atld of dark complexion. American league. ' . " ~::. i!a~~~ ~~~,t.ay with Mr. and Quail Made a Su..-.... y Vi.it machine in which she and Mrs. etc., Plenty of fruit bas Perlons who saw the automobile Charley RUftl!lIl', -!8 pltchlDar fOT . Mark Rogers were coming from overflowing. leave the bank Sllve authorities li- ~he Yankees, (wij'h Dickey receiv. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Walker, of undu), afternoon a covy of the Dayton-Lebanon pike, left the been canned and laid away for cenae numbers 446-906 which was lI~e ~is sl_ts, and Guy Bush ill Clifton, incinnati, were Sunday quail made a visit to town for a t:oad at the narrow bridge on winter consumption and the boys handler. while. We wen altraded by the Route 73,near the home of Chas. enjoyed a second growth 0'1 straw· issued in Columbus, Investi/ratlon pltehmg to Gabby Hartnett for t.h e guests of Miss Rllth is sai d to have ahown that the C.ubs. The first half of the first 10- This was the fir st viflit of Dr. and call of the quail, and an investiga- Hough. last Wednesday evening, berries for a week. The band of plate8 were taken born a car that mng. was played all follows: Mrs. Walker to Wllyne!;vi lle, and tion proved that nine little ones Th machine plunged Into t he SO m mberl:l continueI'! giving dajly FERRY CHURCH OF CN••IT . • BIlly Herm.n, first Cub ba~er they wel'e mu ch impres. ed \"ith CTO~ ed our back yard. The little ditch and was badly demolished. concerts on th~ campus. had been stolen from Columbus. (Undenominational) The bandit car waa abandoned, sl,nlled.to center .. Woody Engl!Bh the beauty of the village. (Continued on page 4) Mrs. Rogers escaped injury . The county Cair season is last Chester A. Williallllon about n09n the same day, on a by- hIt a smgJe to rIght, on which -.------:======~==========::::===:: drawing to a close, only four bein&' Church School at 9 :80 held t.his week, the Butler COllnt:y road leltdlng out of New Burling. ]Jab Ruth a ton in the general direction of Herm!,n ~orll~, an n, IS fair at rIa I~rr,;:;:;,~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~ CO\lnty at Old Washington, Kingman, near the l'uidenee of reach mar thud tn safetr· Cuyler Am~ ~~"L N~~~rs M.h~d. S~~m~~ ~~W ~~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------------~ Morrow, at Mt. Gilead, and Wayne said to have noticed a model T. center to score Enll'hs~. Moore and at OW ooster . Four independant ST. MARY'S CHURCH fairs are being held the same Ford coupe standing in the vieln- Manager Oha!ley GrImm fanned Rev. J. J. chaelrer, Rector week, A ttica Barlow, Randolph ity fOr about fifteen minutes be- to end .t he innmg. Two runs, three fore the a.rrlval of the other car hits, one error, t hree strikeout•. and Somerset. Fairs this year have - - -- ,.. The Ford is said to have been oc~ As we go to press 4 innlnp been holding their own with good . Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity cupied by a woman and another. have been p'layed, and the score altemdance recot-ds, due to a meus- October 2. hurch scbool at 9 :80; III'e to the red uced adm issions. man, and i8 also said to have car- stands: Chlcaco 2, New York 8. ,ermon and Holy Communion at rled 1111noi8 licen8e plates. Upon In the last half of the .f ourth, LO' :30. At lhe present time there are arrival of the bandit ear, all are Combs walked and Sewell fiied out 2) 9 inma.tes at the Ohio State . said to bave entered the Ford, and t? Grimm. Babe Ruth. lineled to Bl'ick plant at Junction City and WAYNESVILLE M. E. CNURCH Eceeded on their way leaving right, and Grimm mutred the G. C. Dibert, Pulor of thut numb'r about onehalf are .-========'=== throw.in, Combl. Illorin,. Gehrig experienced baseball j)layer~ and -.;:-'hit a home 1'\In into the ri,ht field Wednesda.y: Bible , study and ~be other half are ardent rooters ~rayer meetmg at 7 :80 p'. m. I 1JrII'E'D I U b!eachen, Rhth &corine ahead of and fans. Several teams have been L U~ I r.J\IU1 hIm. .L ar.erri went out En'll'Ulh to Thursday: The Jr. Choir will organized and both soft and hard .n eet at the church immediately Grimm, and Dickey expired. BUlh ball are played. On Sunday atter- lfter school. ~~eG::':'or:: Three runll, two hits, noons ,an outside team is brought F'l'iday: Choir practice at 8 :00 to the gl'ound8 and the gUild stand ,m. ' The great throng In the Yankee is u!luallyfllled to overflow ing with I\U stadium wu 10 enthusla.Uc and Sunday: Sunday school lit 9 :10 !lpeetatol's from the surrou1ld inr ~ . m. J\lorning worlhip at 10:80. making 10 much nolae that the reo community while the inmates ell- J.pworth League at 7 :00 p. m. ception of the radio aellount here joy the game from bleach ers er~t. wu ngelistic service at 8:00 p. m Mr, and Mrs. Getn're J. Water- is vllry dlfticult. ed j UBi outside the playing field. ~ t this meetlrig we wUl conti.lle house were in Columbus, Tu~sday The priso n team has wort over u I' study of the - characten of evenbig, Mr. Waterhouse havina o'Ir of games played this season. 'the twelve." At thia time •• wUJ been summoned to attend a milItary demon.tration, seheduled to :tudy the life of James: the '*PI Thoma s E. Bateman, Clerk If silence. be held in the new stadium recentthe Senate, shouldered his I I ly erected tor the UN of the . The Dayton District conferelll:& fowling piece ~ cveral da The Epworth League conducted Columbui . billie ball team. Owing ~111 be held in MiamiBburc' on week a\ld demon strated his a very Interelting service at the to tha Inc1emellcy of the weather, 811 the champion allot of Pike I¥ednesday. October 5th. The W . the demonatratlon wal postponea M. E. chureh" Sunday evenipg Qllnly, b,ringing in the full quota F. M. S. which w!!J~~ have met on The different '!inell of work belnti until Thunda, even inc. of quin'els allowed under the fish )ctober 5th wlH meet on October The purpose of the demohltra- conduet.ed by the orcanintion snd game coneervaiion lawII. As 1\ ith with Mr!. ·Dlbert. tlon is the distribution of medals were thoroUIlh17 eXj)lained b conael1uence. a n1Jmber of Clerk CHURCH OP of the Order ot the Purple Heart Leroy Moran, Misael Louell. Wit Bateman's friends , and neighbors WA.YNESVILLE CHltIIT . . Roma which were won b, many Ohio vet- lIamlOn, Florence . Day have been enjoyin~ savory meals erans. The pre.entation i. to be Hardin .Dd Rev. G. C.' Dibert (lJ nd.aomlaa\!oul' of squirrel pot.pte dul'ing the made 1I:r national aray 0.81'8 J'rank LeM., Jr. played ~ trumpet bunting season. • ' Chelter A. WfDfamIOD. IIIDi..... statione at Fort H.,.... near BOlo, hia mother playin~ the plano accompaniment, and I(I88e. Roma Columbua. Director H. G. Southard of the .. Ohurch School at 9:30 a. m. The Order of the Purple Heart Hal'Cil,,_ .nd Helen Hawke "tate Depntment of Health states The, school that II dla'ere.t." I Supper a' cODchalioD is • recent revival of an awud bMutifu] duet The [Aque II iD. that- Central Ohio is above seven Lord oritrfnaU-,-- founded br Gentrat a,lII'Untinc • visoroul campalrD ,nchest short of rain thia year .nd -,hri.tiBn Endeavor at ':80 p. ..: <(eorll'e W..~n !OJ' all olle.n or new ••mbeft. other Pllrta of the state have lut· . Iaude LeVeck, Leader. J:riDJIIc and enUlted mea of tile _aa&lol~aI ftered WOTlle, -which is almOlt 'vaneelistle lVVIce at 7 :80 p. IlL m. . . . Mel Bible StU, wbolly responsible for ' ihe recordmtlital'1 .a...l W......, at 7:10 .. In ed Inerease of Jl'I'hoici fever in cUlt pnetiH ........... rural dlltricts. With tlte of dbea~ to fever Penon ..1 Mention Mr. IHlll' Mrs. Hugh Ridge and daughter, of incinnati are liP ndinl/: II f w days here with relatives -Prof. und Mrs. J. O. Falkinburg of Hartwell, Ohio ure m~lking thei)' annual vi, it with olel fL'i nds here. Howarel henoweth, who ha beell at the Miami Vall y Hosvital in Daylon. fOI: th., past two months _with typhoid fever, anived home la t. ~' I'iday. H e il! still 81 bit. weak, atier his slrenuous illnless, but is ,gai ning every day. E. N. Oxl'y Sl)ent lust week attending t he Miami county fair, at
Two Armed Bandits Relieve Inltitution of Nearly $2700 in Daring Hold-up Lalt Thursday Morning-·- Not Captured
. ..
---Late.t Dope on the B. B. World Serie.
----_ ----
ma~e tw~~o~-~b~a~l!e~,e~rr~or~-F~~~~~~~~~==-~-=-=:-~-=;;~:;;:;::~-;::-:::~''::.=
---.. _
4. _-~_
Excellent,Service by Epworth Lea,ue
"11, •
Wayne Townshio's Early Historv of NEWS GLEANED Sacrifices Made and Dangers Faced FROM COURT OUSE C~mmon PI a. Procedin ••
I'd, 'Ut'd hi 1. bill. nlUl L. Harri , exel'utrlx 01 1lilt .. {If "'rank I•. Harrlto, <ieoceAlled, tilt," hl'r invt'ntury. ";\I .. lyn II. Meloy WIS appOinted l' £'culrix of e~tate (If C. C. Mt'IOl alld tiled bond of $3000 with I , \1. I>ill. iUld ~-rllnk A. I>Ilatu h all "lll'di('N. R. E. Mouney, Albert Blinla find Fl'nnk Gual'd wert' apfloint<'d upprlliser!;, , Th~ follllwing accounl!'l were :1p 111'0\' fl, all v\\'l'u anll confirmed by th~ Cuurt. EIIJ K IcKay, gUllrdian of Karl F . .\lcKny. min 1', ~' irst and fintll. Mino Jo:llIcl'l!U n. executrix ot till " of cttie .' cha.' fer, rJeceased. F i l'~ l lind finn\. .Iam '~ g , BUI' ke, guardian of A hl.'l't C. lii ck!!, minur first and (,huries H Il /f. administrato r 'H tau' or Eli zabeth Hoff, deceased. 1"iI'8t. final ond dit>tribulive. J , E. Bel'cllw, udministrator of ~~ ( a t e (If I ai . y Margaret Beraw, deceas ed . Fir t and final. Clal'en ce E. Buergermeier guardi a n of Emest B rgernseier, minor. first and final. Lebonon - itizens Natio nal Ba anti Tru s.t 0 ., executor of eatate o f Annie Burto n ~organ, deceasell S cond and final. .
HOG CHOLERA LOSSES SlAU TBIS SUDER One and a Half Million PI •• Shoat. Cinn Pre.entl •• TreallD.Dt
Ha.e • COlIJplete Walcla Repair Sen Ie. A lId u~£' ollly genuine material!!. 'I'y;;(uls fitt~d while yuu wait,
Cary's Jewelry Shop
1'/'1111 11 bl'ill g' not h'~~ tlt ftn tW('nl ~ ,u lli. il'lllJr til II't h 'l' 1I 0u t 0 ,"1 II 111 th ,' CII , l' (If Hacklll'Y Lebanon. Ohio .""\Iu n:<." III t hI' hilI II, • " '" .Ir\\,. du \' , BI'IlI Ii (·ro;. ('u. 11'1 - Us II. n. ~ ran k lin Store Opt:'n Evenings 11,·r.. I'<' (lIOl o'l,.linl." \\ Ith o\lr Thl' 1Ij!r\'CJl1 nt llh", 1'f'(l\irl ~·J I lI'l'I"1l 1"'1 ' 7. :lft"1 lu ' 11lS! III U jlltllrl11" 111 i~ I'c nd"n'd ill fav ol' of lIo~ rhnlera is nol cnu~ing II. hl-tnn ,I tht' flll;J1 .'ho"I" uf th •• !. 10 "U~(' the Jlul'l' hH \!I,. fuill'd 1"1' I ,Ii·, Ii. "f I'ruI'I.IOllf- 11\ I hi~ d.· .. ,· lI dnnt lin d tilt' ll,·fl.'t1 d:l!lt is tt} '' /In.;' 'f Cl\\ llshll', \\ . IIl'li"H' t hnt (II IIll'l' \ IIny If thpil' p:l~ nll'nl. "l pln"I' 'Illd rl'l'airi!l~ 11ll' "Itl ., ,·.·.·''It·l· hi" ('u~l", serioulJ 108 OR t Ohio !!WillO g'rowII \In I til' .. t lh,' ~l' I :1 1l1l'Ill,1' 1" Illdpa llli inll'I·".,t. ~l1dl lc titm" d.IIIWj!"I', \I( PIl" IH'd "' rl'olll lh., In Iii,' ,'U,,' " r A , B, :1,'nni1l ~. ~I'>I liS it did III t yenr when nllm '1'tl", It rl'lt"1 ~ tlll<l Ih~' .. ··!?\1I117.uli0I1 ", IlIlIl nt,l t.. ,' n I (lid f." W('I'" til h,", Hnd 1'1·\ <'~I'd,'" ""l\'n till' I'('I':-U' \\ alh')' La l'l'ic k. I't ai, t h ous and l!xlenl:!ive outbreaks o f the , llf tht· TCl"'rt~hll' "ill ht· in "1,.1,, . H'I'I'lt t ,l M ,'. ~yml1lt:'~. !:iul Il al/<o I'I \'I·!. I' .. uri j,( IUlll, tld" IHlulI l. :10 day,; disl'u!le were ex\) rienced in many 1 ~tf t hi~ I'urpv~ tlt \\ p l,uv(.l ...·.,II~ ~n IlI'O,,,J"rllhll t the pIII'l'h~~I!I 'S \\,~I'C " \\"' dlH' ~ dtl~' , D"l'l'l1Ih('1' :,! l, II t· 1'1'<>111 d·ut,· " I' dt'li\,l'1'V Ilf !'.Hiu lnt'llI 8l'ctions tlf the SUIt, declares A, t> 1'[ Ipt · 1 f('1ll IIIl nl tl( 1[' II I i \t'n t"1 ,· I.'i\'.· n til'I.·r! fill' ('fil' h , \!~Ii .. n \\,'1'(' R\\UKelWd qut (If OUI l<le~p "l'lIn<iu lll <tn<l tl nUI in w hich I" F. 'rhllik of lhe ollt'g of \leterh~' .Judj!l' Jllhn W, KI·y .... f ther !I~ it \\ n' pair! 'fl,r, "I' ~1I11ld hm'" \\ ith II. IWl. (. lik' (hlllld!'I·. (llld, 1111'11<1. . inlll'~ medicine al th Ohio Stale or 11 , '·:Ie,· P. I, l'~' , lin d Jluhlt h· th lieNJ Illlld\' !Iii'\" t In th . 11: I'ly jumpi ng ,ut IIf I'UI !.c..d. I\'t' fo und In tltt' CU-l' r I1 ulll1'; l'n , In '. Univers\t}'. l'd 111 th,' "lll"lo, ' lit' , \' Ull"'11 ti' \\hom th\'\' hud .old lh., lanl\. till' rin'" \\'II~ ,i.in!!, und the ie., a l SUS Ilr.,d . : I' CI' '', J . "'. Riley This fu",ol'lIble siluation. he be~ \llll't.', 01",.," "llIch \l:l~ JltllIl i ~h - II.' lh,·), ho:,,', 11I·,· ;\klllJ.! IIp. A 11 Uttl' lIll'l~ ~' oulrl h til t'ontillul' a~ rl'ccivN until liev s, can be tlxplain d by the f',1 in I :!. J, hn Smith, ~tllllu{'1 lleip:]I\IHy b.' f,'('blt' til II '"crih", thl' IHll'rill furth{'!' " rd.'r oj' CO U I-l. C(III<" 'l'nint:' thl' {ll'i)!ill, I h,unt!· lIlId EVilll Bane .. l' ntl' \'~d intu 11,/1 ,'\'a. hill~ hllli Ir 1l11'lId<llI ,' d .-lrllc10 ·t lhat more unti-hog chol ra In lbl' eu. l' of H 'rtha Wu t kill. .. II" nllli lhp,,' ,..ulJ~lqu'·ln lIf!fI'~1ll nt vf mutlllJI Pl)I'IIl'\ ' hIP Illln whkh t i~ ", t'nl lIN'l\~juni!d \,(,I'~'H 11 .'lell l·.ul'iy , ,t Ill, original serum was u ed in Ohio during th pa t pring and 8umm r fOI' • h"n~t ~I r. 1.,. ~ " : n~ " " \Y n~-nt' ,'II Fl'bl'uary ::!;!, 1'i('tl. bind inL!' lIll I hL' \'1",'1'. • • 111 this :;tcenc I NUllllllons fnr r'runees Thakara ROOT FOR AND CONSICN • • 1\ ,1>1 " )1 \\1\- OIl" l, f th four t nt'Il1""he" (0 etjuul I i)!ht, ~l~ \If l'nnfu,ion un.1 d('"o lati n. what ' h~I( 1 for nuuJ,rht. Order lhat 2nd immunizing pigs than was us ed in ,'ri~tlnnl t,l\\ n hip, iut o ~I hich II nl\nt~. llfi wl'll a:< in ~h(lnlll! till' \lU~ tu h~ <1,JIl~"! \\'E' 1111 s ( Ill It'ft lias su mmuns hI! iss ued tv her iff any single year sincu the s rulYl your Cattle. hogs, heep and cal v•• to Norris-Brock 0" live wire and was d iscovert!d, prnnto< frulYl thl' "lilt· I.l thl' la nt! . the bunt. in lIl'dl-'l' f ( II' eyery unt' to uf t:l'e"Ill' 'oun t y. It is estimated that nl! and a progreuiv8 firm for the hlgh..t 1Il r. 11 ig-hw;)y was to I"h'a n<" the pro\'i<il' 1" ' 1' hi!' .'I'';(inul Nafe ty; I Om '.<>ffe· Wlll; grun ted a di haff million pigs and shoats h!lve marlcet prices and good servIce. >\UII1 of ~tlo j)uun,l: \all(Jl'll \;,mll(- b'll, ~(,l'in)! til<' PI'I'ClIulintls Wt' hnd 1-'111'1'[' fl'llnt Jc. , I' lJ tf ee. Th e debeen glvell t:hil\ prev ntive treat- Union SloeS. Va rd.' Cincinnati, O. ... Iy , I U.OO(l ) to\\ alii thl' purd' n,,· taken the day bt'fllr' prev(·nt d the f .. ntiunt \\'as )!in.!n clIsttldy o f t h ei r ment f OI' cholera thill year. There · ,T une In on Radio Station WCKY PI il" o f lhe lnllt!. nnll ('ach of th(, i('e fl'<J 11 I ~qllling upon u as soon I child. fore. when the disease does make 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily ot I'\'~ wtj. . to ud an'e Il~ 11IrJ(e u a ~ il Ilth.. ,-\\'i"l' wout,1 hal' \! tilI ne. I n lhe eus' .of Board ()~ Edu aMarriage Licen..e. its appearance among untreated market reports. ,11m U~ h/.o (' oult!. Th,' Jllll'llll'l' wh t. and that th '\' wa~ 11 cha n e ltml of Frankhll , "eJ"us 'V lllngtl tJ f swine on a farm it does not spread ud\'linc{'c! lh{· mot<t es!<h WII" to re- thllu!(h at 'rl'at Ji"k, of ' !<a,"ing ""rllnklin. I't aI, Th{' Boal'd {,f EduEVlll'd F. nin, m echanic, of I,'eiv£' Ii' . inter\,,,t on th· alllount ;;(ome. if n ot :til the t h in~s from eHtioll of Frll nkli n' i ll !ll~e 'chool Law rence ounty, and Mr. Bessie rapidly to neigbboring h rd s beby "hil'h hl~ ('tlntributi(ln exce d- the boal, W· !'t!t t(l . H~ l'arlle~th' a ~ diMl'ict i~ uh>l(l lut ow n r in f ee I· mllces Mc IlIin, oC Lebanon cause many of them have been . _• • •_ • • • •_ • •III!'! vaccinated and are immune t o the "tI thnt I' th4' others until the Wl' coulrl to unload he r. I"illlpl .. eo:'t!> of this ca R to plaindi ea s . prllfit~ frolll ~1;le.'< weI''' . utlkient to "Th r' We l-(, n a!' I ven lo ns tiff. Re.1 Eatale Tranlfen The policy of huvlnll.' the new r pay tht> lulln . Each pa l'ln e r \l' a of g uo d~ in her. ~hl! p l'incipal of 1n tlie l!USl' of 1\ III rican Loa n & E mma Me lahan , by executor, pig erop treated early, before the 81~0 to re~el' ve '\000 acre!>! for whieh Wert> impl"mcnt~ o f h u~- R~lllty '0. vel'_us T homa. . hitnHl'lf and hi' heil'8, Mr, Heigh- handr'Y de~igm,d for M I'. Heigh- Chl'i ~ li . el ul. lIa le' by t he sheriff t o Edmo nd H. and Jessie Mab 1 approach of lhe di ease, i not wny to ha ve fi r, l choice. His per- way'~ pla nlapo n ; th e rtoSl con · WPI'E! apJ)rl)v'd and all account Keltner, 1nlots Nos. 3 1, 42 and only an indicati on of good judg43 ill Maso n. ment but the oundest economy sOlla) ho ldi ng" were to lie ul ong !listed of article~ cl e il('n ci for ~'1 r. Hre lo be ettled . 30 Y ars Experience in F1'8nk J . Pudellz t o Jo eph F. that swine growers can practic , plnnLution; th I' ~t In t he en . e of Am erica, n Loan & th Li ttle Miam i river, j ust below wa y ' ~ Fitting and Making Glllliel and adju ining the " T wn of Way. co nfli!;teL! of adic les of ba rt r i n. Rca ltr o. verS UR Willl.am lern- Zw ieslt!l', 100 acres in Harlan Scholk says, It is real insuranc to trl wnship. the swine indu stry, nesvill e." . The alJproval of two t end d f ol' thl' I ndia n ~ and lh!! pro e nt>!·, · d al sal s b~r the Lawre nce Shepherd and Elsie When ehol ra makes its IIppearp r t ner, to a . ole IIgreement WII . visio nR and othe l' nec .. u r ie,. fo l' wel'O Il)lp l·dv d !Inti all ac co unts Bell .'hephel'd to Earl . oyle .nee in a neighborhood, he advises a rt' lo be ~e tilud. , bi nllinj{ nd the p rofi ts fr om .' ales our journey, Lebanon, 9hio w r to b e d po ' t ed in th Unit.ed ' '''W. in th .' fir"t place , endeavT h · Cll lSe of '\l nh'a l U ni ted Na- and Winifl'e<l R. Cole. Reol estate that oil hogs in the vicinity be Tu .. da" Thu"day, S.turda, in Wa yne township. vaceinated or tr at d with what 'is tate. bank at t he bejtinning of or ed tC1 ecul' Ules lU!!t menti~n- \ iona l l3ank , T l'ustee , v 'rsus Emil A lice 1\1. Sutton, by executrix known as the Double Treatment, E •• mi.elion Fr•• ev ry three month. until the land ed; an d the n we !< ·t a llout. ge ttI ng .'ch ubl'l't, I' t a i, wa s di,;mis e d. Hut th t h I'S, , nm of w hich wer e In t he CI ' o r 'le mel"lt ' . Bow- l Vi t I' Van Riper. Inl ot No, 7 which con8illts of anti-hog-cholera wa paid for . LEBANON. OHIO sel'um and virus. This treatment Co ncerning l he first. eUler in VC I'y bu lky \leighing uJlward of rcr Vl! r u~ Wa llace W. Bowyer, in South Lebanon. Providlmt Saying .Bank & Trust insures immunity 01' protection ~lilli••••••••••••• lhi te rritory. Judge Keys ay : 50 , poundR. . he dl!f cnd a nl is g rant d 20 dllY~ "The fir t ttler at Wayne ville " \\' had not proceed('d in t he to fl it· Im !:1wer o r other pi ading. o. to J ohn T . Meadow. 102.64 from the dis ase in healthy wine !!!'!""'!)!!!~~~~~"!'"!~~~~~~ when properly atll'llini~tered. It·w re accompan ied on the j oul'll y under taki ng ab v~' n Qua rt I' of a n In th e cll se . f e nll'al Accep. aCI' 5 in Hamilton town hip. Nicholas Rou"ter, dec ased, to cannot be expected to cure from Philadelphia down th 'Ohi o hut· wh e n a IUl'gt' sh et of ict! lnnce 'ol' poJ'at io n vel'5 u ~ Edwal'd Iyrtle Young. Inlot No. I in animals already sick with eh lera . ' J"d.e John W. Ke,. to olumbia and thence to t he i came a~nin .~l our bflllt a nd stav (' rice j ud gment of l :3:~.!)7 wa LE'banon. or to protect hogs suffering from ite of Wayne ville, by Fran cis in o ne !'ide of her; W~ : nw it co m- f\llo \\' ~d pla intiff. Edward J. nnd Verna T . .Mabel' some other disease. If diseases in111 t he cnse of entl'al AecepWal' re n ' ounty wa: divided by th Baily, a young Englishman of inJ(, tln d happily e~ ' li r e d Crom lh t' A Iloc lnt Judges, May 10, 1808. education and mean s, who aiter- bout b .. f orcil reilc h d u:, , 'he wa;. ~n n ce orpoJ'atio n vers us Carmen to J . W, and Manda Rigg. Real vadt! the herd, he suggests t hut in learcreek town hip. the most expert available aa istThe J'igina l boundaries of lhe ward becam.e well known a s the imm ~d ia t Iy t1l1l'd with wnte!', but • . J ffel'Y , j ud lE m nt of $123 wall state Emil . chubert and (mo M. ance be scought at {)Dee, town hip wer as f ollows: "Be- author of orne valuable w ork all s he Wll ~ n ell r th e ~h nH' und al- allo wed plaillt iff. ginning at the northeast corner of and a promotor of the science of m o~ t t ouch cI t h botto m ( t he In cn;;e of H . .J. Bdl vel·su. Sc hubert to Lewis Barber, lnlo . 956 in Franklin. '. . etion 33 in the third township; astront;>my. Baily's 'J ournal of a \Vat I'. b in J:(. " l'ry low , . he was lrmll JIloh.- d f en dant Wl18 granted N M, F , Little, trustee, to am D. About 260milJion dollar' worth th nce ea t t o the northeast Tour rn the Un ttled ParU! of not Imlll "ulnt~ l y cove red, The 3 0 da ys to fil e pleading. of property is de. troyed by fire corner of the county; thence south North America in 1796 and 1797: l'iv I' wa g ri!'ing at a very I'a pid In th e ('lise of Flu re nce Bell v l" Henkle. 110 acres in Hamilton every year on farms and in cities to a point drawn due eaat fron> wa published at London, in 1 60, rill£', :a n<l , >1" \\I£' kn ew if we once s u ~ h 'lna !\I t, hl' defendant i~ grant- township, Sam D. Henkle to Ernie B. and towns of 2500 inhabitants and the north boundary of the third after the death of the author. lo~t l:l ll(' ht of h 4' 1' W() !!h ould never ed :JO duy~ lo file pleadi~lgti , Patrick. 110 <BcreS in HamiltoD under..:..--milita • range; th nee due we t to Quotations .{tom this book provide ~ee he r mOI'c. nnd. ag we SIlW Th e ta e o f Public.townshi.p th outhw t corn r of Section 25 interesting reading. the r e " ' U!! still a c ha nce of flavin\! Commissio n of Ohio versu ranville . Fisher to George ' The first annual Ohio hat hery· ,in the fourth range;. thence due "I set off On the first of Septem - so m e t hillg:'! f!'O m l he wreck uhre rt WII S dismiss ,d. north to the place of beginning, bel'. 1796, to make a tour of th ( t h o u ~h a t t hl.' ri ·k of ou r Ihrps ). The ca . e of ,'tate of' Ohio ex D. Vail and Edna Vail. 6 acres Illen and fi ock owner' co nvention will hi!- held at lh Ohio Stat Phone 78J .Wh n we take into can iderotion Western c~untry. • • I was in '~ hi c h , might tl'n I to mak e o,ur rei Ellwal'd : . .,.Turner, Atlo;'ney in Turtlecreek town hip . John E. Raisbec k to Myrtle I. niversity "on eptember 29-30, that the ea t line of the county company wl,th a gentleman by the . ltuatron n1 ~r c() nt forlllble whtl • Genel'al, VOI'SU ' .' ervi~·o Gnragc lII'ter. Real estate in Deerl6eld The gent!ral public is invited. wa a far east as wher the town name of Helghway, who Wll going we w ere ubltgetl to lila), h r e. and \\'8 8 di smissed. of Wilmington now is, we see down to the Northwestern !! ttl - not leave u. utl r ly her efl of eve ry The case uf Pu bile tiliti 5 township. James M. Sandlin and that th township .covered a larg ment to form a plantati on . nt:'ce~"ar y, we de term ined IIpon . n mnri~~ i on of Ohio versus R. p , ancllin to Robe rt E, Duerigen tract of territory, the we t line "Thursday, November 24, 1.790 ~n a kl~J!' ~n (> mor e cffort; th ~ re- "'eullIing wa!'! di !!mi~ st!d. bt!ing two miles farther we t than .. • • we started from Pltts- J ll.llIpln ~ In to t he boa t uJ? t o· o ur Th e cu ~e of Willillm M. Moses L . ta Ouel'igen. 50 acres in Tur now, and the outh line being two burg this afternoon about 3 mI ddl e 1n wut 1'. we cnnt!nucd to vel' ~ u s Edna Moses wa dismi sed , tlecreek township. Direelor of FUlleraJ Sen ice In the elise of H, L. Harding 'mile!l farther south than now. On o'clock; however, we did not pro- work n eflY thl'ct', h ours amld ' ~ va t Bill. AUowed th 26th day oLJune, 1806, Eaio'll ceed over four mile <lown a the n elds o~ ICll. \\' hl h wer e co ntmuul - a l \' I'SU' ~() uth L banon PackOswald Funeral Home services, Town hip watormed! cutting off stream w'!-s very slow, ll~d we ly fl oa tmg" by us. a nd whol\ce fury ing o. eL al H. L. Hllrding wa. Our conv nient location, !lUllaall of Wayne townShip east of were afrllld to venture ln thc we would e. cll pe ~:h e n th ey mad e uppoint d rece ive r and filed bond $17.10; lark County Commission ble sU I'roundings and equipment ae58r'. Creek. Turtle reek night in consequence of th rif· tOWIII'd us, by b tn t!: wallled by of 5 ,000 with Detroit Fidelity ers, care of patient, $186.60; Rich enable us to rye to the Best ard L. William s, services, $10; town hip wa. ,formed Augu t 6, flea, which were not c!lmpl t Iy one f oul' pt1 rly.. wh om ~e !;et on and urety o. a ure ty. 1804, and cut off of Wayne about covered. Therefore, seeIng some t~e bank to wa tch . ~n thl ~ manner In the ~ a se of J e nni F ord ver- Albert Milliard, services, $10; Advantage. two mile on the Bouth. other boats neal' the shor!!, we dId we p e r!\ev ~r tIll we had got sus Mrs. Eva pencer judgment Erma Hibnat, services, $10 j Julia "On the 11th day of September haded toward them and Joined ~ ost of the t hll)l(fl ou t 0.£ the b oat of ,420.57 waR Rllowed plaintiff. Holland, services, $10; Mrs. Lillie AMBULANCE SERVICE 18 f&, learcreek township was them for that vening. .. . . In one of th ~ cold.est nl j!'h ts eve r The ease of J. B. Cling,erman, Urton, serivces, $10: Mrs. Howard ~e&t1t!m8.J1 . " . ; the receiver, Vet'llU S Taylor :Bros. et ai, Sawyer, se rvices, $7; MClrr,oW·"I--- ..J-- .. f ·o rmed of the territory of-W~y" W ayn ... m., Ohio P~. 29 'and Franklin township" cutting with me . WIlS going to es tablish a t hermom eter Wfl...'! .1 j degrees be . waH di. misijed. Whitacre, services, $5; George ' off of Wayne a strip two mile settlement on the Miami river he low zero. and M IIlte n$e was the - --Miller, services, $10; James Hat. wide on lhe west !lide. On the 10th had got. every article that' h cold that t he hun chain which fa sfield, seI'vices, $10; Lebanon lee New Suit. 5 day 'f October. 1860, .Masllie thought would be n ces ry in his lened OUl' b oa t had the RAme ef& Coal Co" supplies, $11.26 i J. J. A nna Marie Baker. of Franklin, 'town hip wa formed ou of new habitation' therefore we feet on OUt· hnnds as if t he y had Vandenbrink, services, $1.60: Ofve l's u ~ Elden Baker, T. B, aoitar- fice Outfitters, supplies, $30; I.___....i Wayne a",' Washington to n- were not 0 badly accommodated a s heen bUl'lled with a hot iron. L~ iUll1 , pl'in~field , For divorce. Treasurer of State, <;Iothinlll 'for hip" ancl, on the 11th da~ ' of some of the boats were, who went (To be continu ed) harge 1S Iles ertioll. "iOTARY PUBLIC hospital patient, $29.83; Depart. June, J 5 J, some changes WI'Te sometimes mo t 'mise rably sup~ al'ah ERther Pierce, of Frankment Reports of Ohio, 9ubscrip. to made, by whkh a part of .Massie plied. with carcely a C'overing to lin, VCI'SUS Henry p, Pierce. For NetioDat a ..k wa r stored to Wayne tow nship. the boat or a blanket to lie down A hen that lilY" at the rate of Dept. Reports, $26; E. B, Murrell, divorcl', harge i dese:rtion. . envelopes, in~e , hich time t.here has been no on, and barely a pot or II kettle to d02 n gg a yt!al' ne ds J 0 pounds $96.48; Office Outfit. Will. Draon , • E".t•• S.ul... ~lamie Lamar vel' U Walter further change.' dress what provisions they might of f ed to produ ce a doz 9n egg.. tel's, !lu'p plies, 35c; Mrs. Flot'enc. For divo rce, alimony, Davis, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO John mith, Samuel Heigh.w ay chance to meet with, ' We had laid Bllt le t lht:' ~ame hen s tep pro- Lamat·, services $6.76; Saneo Prodharge is uct~ Co" supplies, $I 1.39; Columand Evan Banes signed and n· ill a sufficient quanity of beef, duction up t o 12 dozen eg~ a yeor injullction lind co, ta. t red into 0 contract with John mutton, flour, bucon and what afld s hf> need ti I)llly ubout 7 pound s gl'().tI neglect of duty. bus Blank Book Mfg, Co., 8upplies lral Acceptnllce Corporatio n $34,60; W estern Star, legal adverCI VI' Symmes at North Bend in other provisions we thought We of feed to produce a dozen earL"" vcr, en Os Edwnrd Price. 'Cogn ovit. Hamilton county on the third day might want, and we had three or ___ ~_ _ tising, $1.20; Treasurer of State entral Acceptance Corporation clothing .of February, 1796, by which the four good feather bed and plenty for patient $]8.55; Wald- ity, Shovel, Inc,. repairs, $70.6l vl.'r. us a nn d Jcffl·ey. Cognovit, fir t three agreed to purchase of bedding; and, as it wa very ron C. Gilmour, inquest, $8 .7 0.i Frank Bursh, repairs, $4.10; H. S. Gogs,versus Raymond Sim n A. trom the latter twenty or mOTe cold weather, we stopped every COl'a GraS!!, compensation anll Conover, supplies, $29.63: Carl E. oon , et ai, f or jer!!Qnal judg- dama FOR RENT clions of land north of the Little crevice we conveni ntly eould and es, $26; Jo~ph C. Chamber Blackford, repairs, $2.50; Waites me nt foreclo ' ure and equitable re.Miami river, the agreement stat- made oUl'l!elves a very comfortable lain, compen ation and dama,es, Gal'age, repairs, $44.10; Dayton lic f, Clift'ord Kelly, mowing Wheel A Rim Repair Co,. repairs F R RENT........,Thrce modern furing that the purcha ers were to habitation. • • • Anna !\lary Jon s, a minor by $25; nished room! for Jigh house"The next day, Friday, Decem1 ct lhe ections to be purchased weeds, $1; W . W. Huse, mowi~ $9; Harry Hill, gas, $50.12; Maine her mother, S. Rogers, 'versus within three weeks. The terms of bel' 2, 1796, we met with a disaster weeds, $2; The L. G. Andenon ville Garare, repairs, $2.76; Frank keeping. M'fS. Morris Graham, lilford Jones a minor, for divorc paynlent were named as follows: which thr atened u with veTY dishal'ge is p:ross neglect of duty. Sons Co., guard rail material lin Vulcanizmg " Tire Co., repairs "And the said John Smith, agreeable consequences, but from ____-Al ........&--+--:~;....... FOld velSus;m-s, Eva $8.40; Lebanon Lumber Co. guard $2,36; Griswold Service Station, . WANTEDhj- -amnel l-leighway and Evan Banes which we were happily relieved \'ail posts, $31.91; Mason Lumber repail's, $6.6&; Flack Equipment . peneer, cognovit. covenonteth and agre th to pny without experiencing any material 0., guard rail material, $2.13; Co., repairs, $2.40; Oregonia for all s uch lands as th y retain, loss. It was about 2 o'clock in the Blair & LeRoy, gravel, $9,802.14; Bridge Co., repo irs. $14; Spring WANTED- Fordson Tractors to Probate Court nin s hillings and four pence half afternoon; the river was vel'y full Zain Armitage, gnvel, $605.60{· Gr,ove Tractor A Equi.P1!'ent, ·rewreck. Eby Bros, ' R. R. 11, penny currency of sev n hillings of ice, anq ·we were flout.ing along The inventory of Lucille .BQerst Charles Argast, Tejan Tar A 01 paIrs, $7.03; W . W, WllharD6 Co" South BI'oadway, Dayton, Ohio . and s ix pence to the dollal' (equal at a slow pace, when. about a mile leI', executrix of estatl~ of Sarah oil, $2,611.11; Billir " LeRoy 901bs. Carbide, $6; Oregonia ·012 Loui It Jessop, deceased a s ap- gravel, $23; East 'End Garare sup- Bridge Co.,. !!teel $154.23; Morrow t o one dollar lind twenty-five above the town of Wheeling proved, cents ) pH IIcre fOI' each and every (where th('Te wa a riffle), we got plies and gas, $106.73; M orrow Lumber Co., cement $66.66; J. W. ncr'e of th land hereby contracted aground. and all OUT endeavor t o The will of . C. Meloy, deceas- Garage, gas. $168.49; Kilpatrick- Brakefield, stone, $1.66; Blair &. FOR SALE for, I' served ections always ex- get off· werl! inel1'ectual and no <,d, wa admitted to 'Pl'obate, French Motor Car Co. supplies and cement, gra.vel, sand, $42,c pted , purchnge m ney .. • • r medy was left but t o unlond the Sales by William H. McMahan, gas, $186.87; Waynesville Service C. Turton, sewer, $3.78; shan b paid by th e said J ohn boat. Accordingly, we loaded a (' x(!cutor of estate of Emma Mc- Station. gas, $28.86; C. L. Baker, LUlJ1ber Co" Bupplies, FOR ALE- Poland China boan, immuned. $10,00 to $16,00, also mith, amuel Heighway and little kiff which we had with us, Mahan, deceased, WerE! approved ga!>, $1.2 6; William Schnell, gas, $45.7 ; H. S. Conover, paint $37.EVt.Ul Banes in the f olJ owing man- and sent her down to the toWn i and all a counts are to be settled, $36,99: W. H. McHenry, suppli~ 1 20; Morrow Feed & . Supply Co., 3 open wQol bucks, and breeding ncr (viz, ) One Thousand Dollars and this we repeated twice before The es tate of Wa,ltet Fl'iermood $7.4 7; Hermetz Super Station, ,",8 rement. sewers, ladder.:.. $20.87; ewes. 4 miles east.of ,Horveysburg in pe cl e shall be paid in hand to it grew dark; but our endeavol's dec IIsed, ill exempt from in herit- $42,13; J. ~. Lingo Hardware ~o., Waynesville Farmers J!;Jtc'hange, Weldon Hell er, Wllmrngton, O. R. . 112 th e su iu John Cleve ymmes, at to ge t het off were still ine/l'ectuol a noe tnx. Lottie Friel'mood, ex- ~upplies, $239.68; Vietor Van cement, $5.40; Ohio Cor, Culvert No.5. the enJing hereof, and two thil"dsand we welle obliged to remain in ·tutrix, fi led her flrst and final Riper, gas, $72.20; Frank Shr,r- Co., sewers, $415.50; W. H. Mad- FOR SAL'E - Thoml\s 10 disc driU account. . of a dollar equal to fivt! shillings in this situation all flight. .. • Early wood Co,. supplies and gas, $90.76 den Co., linseed oil, posts, cement in good repai'r, Morl'is Brown, peci on every acre shall be paid' llext morning, Saturday, DecemGeorge r, Gates wall appointed Smith's Service Station, RU. $53.- $72.27; Fred Canon, asst. deputy Spring ValJey, R. R. No. 1. *s21 executor of estate 0'1 Harry New- 87; Standard Oil Co. Station ps, surveyor, $1.75; Sam Shearer by 'the said • • • either be~ 3, we sent another skiff load to l h Govetnnlent of the United down to the town, and, a /tat comcomb, Sr. deceased. No bond rc- $102.46; The ShaTtle and Bevill assistant deputy surveyor, $3.50; FOR SALE- Young Short Horn quirod, . States a ' the pu r chase money ing down the river about brenkMachine Co., repairs, $11.20; J, D, W. C. Beldan, assistant deputy Bull, also OutOI'l male Ho~. a~r ab le t o the Original contract fa t time, we got the m n to !ltop D, E. Heywood, administrator Adams Co., grader repaira, $S.99;. surveyor, 8.75; J. K. Spencer, Rona Bolton, Wayn~.viUe, R, F. D or tQ the said • • • for the ' and we then unloaded the boat ' of estu Ie of John E. Crist, deccas- L. I. Pence, repairs, $1.•76; Bay gravel and sand, $34.10. .s28 No. 1. use of t he General Go\'ernment a s the Origi nal price of the land, and uch fiv e shillings per acre shall be paid in discharge of the Original purc ha sr m oney, by the time the eam shall be required of the said • • by onl(ref>s' or by the proper officer of Government to wh()j!e · '411\0\'( fun('tioM it ma y belong. and the 'fA ~ -naQ'6~" re. idue of :-aid nln shillings and four pe ne hlllf l)enny CUrl' ncy tiS af"I'('saitl, CJr r emaining four shll1i1l1!;!1 f OUl' Il l'nce half penny shall b p id to the said' John Cleve. SyJ'lllll ..... .. on or bcfo re the thil'd .dl\ of F brunry which will b4' in thc yt'ar Onl' tho u.and eight huhdr~d lind Ont:', being fiv years from dat Iwrl'of, together \Vith h intl'rellt lit ~ix per cent ther!!1>11 aceruing, which annual il1t'l't Iht'rt'oll the said • • hl!reby bindeth tht'lll . elves to pay to th\.' • 1<1 • • • Yl'arly and every year on the third dllY of F bruary for tta. ft e lIuccl' i'ding years, which i 1 t ai ix !K'I' -c('nt ,milT oe I Illatecj on the amount ot the id • • • p r acrt', for e eh and r act hirh tht' aforesaid . IISIlT tbiDk proper to fh ') In; Iln I:-oH' H
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
, Cary's jewelry Shop
F. ·r. Mart.-n
Centerville, Ohio
.. A. •. H. STU·BBS
And There Are a Lot Like Him
- 'M~"('c:. • 'NC)Qa,[o ,,
A Tiny Itanderer
D . L. C RAN E I I p .. bli.he r Suburlptioll Price, 11.50 a Y.ar Office PhOIl. , ""... ..... No. 11 2 Ellt red at Poatotrlee at WayneR ••id_ee .... " ..... .. .. .... " " . No. III ville. Ohio, a~:~~;h1 CI ... , MM.II
B, Mr.. Jeuie B. T r ipp
am . uch n litt,!t, l<ilUp And [ hnve n o hom" t nil; WI)D't y()U let nl\! Itt' YIIUI' kittie' I I'll lJe eVl'r at your CIIIl'! I have tJ"amll ' d the long, whit(' , highwa y ('ve be"n hungr y, (' uld tint! w('t, The obj~c~s of the new HOOle Loan Bank bill were tersery sumnied liP. I' ~c ntly In a . pl!l!ch by . 'I!nator JumeM E. Watdon, of Indiana, who And us hur!1 U,' I have hUll ted liaYl' nut found H h unw , Il l'! yet. ~Iud In ,JllI't : "The object of Ihe HUllIe Loan Lllw Is to save old homeR and build My HUI ey eK a ' !Ill blu ' new on~H. W hen in full op~I'atiun it will prevent foreclosure of mort.'all't you S' I! th · tl'o uble lhCl"e? gages on Vll:;t \lumbers of homes anti permit the construction or new I'm so PI" ·tty, nnu all "poU t.> d on.es by those whu lIl' without sul1icient money. Have the ~ lJ ft (!Kt, I () ng e~t hair, "Ther arl' J 2,000 building and loan asociations in the United States I li l ) need a hOllle so badly , with ~ mellloel'ship of 'OVI,.. 12,000,000 and usset!> of $9,000.000,000. [ have a little hca rL o f gold , Of thlii ~um $8,OOO,OOO,00U ha~ lJeen lent" on small home mortgages. Th y t II nH! t.h\! ~' Ul'\! f :lll days The aggregation o'f lien ~ on home in all organitation. of this type That th e nighls \\ ill ,041 11 be cold totals $20,OOO,OUO,OOO. "I am as ked every day to state just hQW the Home loan Banks will I will till yo ur home- with l<unshine work to 1)'l1cfit ~he man whu has II mortgage on his home and who canMake it LI'ight, th e whole day nol pay the monthly installments. There is but one answer: long; "When this system Is in opel'ation, the association, of whatever And 1 kn ow if you will tak e me type lhat holds th mortgage on the home can put it up as collateral in I will soon grow big and ~tr o ng, The Waynetville National Sank, Scene of Another Holdup La.t II F edc)'ul Home Loan Bunk. lind thus supply itself with ca)!h that will I have the .. hOI·l Kt IiUle tail Th u roday, Sept ember, 22. nable it to carl'y ilionII' lhose mortgagors who cannot meet their inIt like my ~ eff, is nl'W, slallmcmtll. It can thus acquir means to make longer-term mortgages If you'l let m be your bahy tlnd lit Il lowel' rate of inter st thlln the existing ones and in that way r will wave it for you , too. FAULTS OF DRIVERS sustain II mortgagor until he again begin his installment payments." am pleadin J{ . IIlllr I'm begging There is something of interest here for every American, Nothing The f oll owing i one of a serie Anti 1 can 't tl o a ny tn ! re; 80 adds to the stubility of American institutions and the perpetuation of at·tiel s on Stl'eet and Highwa y am Luund , L o tind Il ~h It r of Am !"iean pl'in 'iples as widely diffused home ownership. The difSafety prepurt><i by the T r uffi e 'Fol'e the ('old fall rai ns do p our 1erence betwcen such Qwn rship and tenancy might well spell the BUI'eau of th e Ohi o Uepal1,ll;lent Oh! please kind fri end ha ve mercy differ nee between the Til publican form of government and a bolshevik of Highway s. I Do not dri ve me frol11 yOUI" d oor Th e lan ton, Ala. ews of A ugaUloel·aoy. A predilection for excesl! ively And send me cdld, lind hom ·1 ss u. t 25th cal"l'i ed th e foll owing edi- fa ·t driving and a tendency f Ol' Thel'e i ~ no calculating in mere figures the good that may be acTo h 'amp th e wea l")' I'oad once t orilll und el' the title , "The 1'l"end driving off the roadwa y ar Lhe I compli shetl by lhis home loan bank bill, because a great deal of the mQre, of Electric Rates." good annot be ll1easured in dollul'. anti cents.- The Republic Bulletin., mos t out tanding and glaring During the past 25 years, in - faults of motorists. Th e", tw I'm one of God' small creature. clud ing the peri od when the cost An nutom obil e load of tourists always makes us feel g lad that we the I It's not my fault tha t I'm he re; uf living WII ~ rapidly mounting, the Illalpractices, a 'survey b didn't hllve to puck th ) lug-gag ' . - Toledo Blude, And why shou ld I hav e to uffer cost of Icctricity has con stslIltly hio depntment of hi/!"hways pl'OJves, cau st! in the neighborhQod And lead a li fe . 0 coltl and de l'ease d. We kn ow why there ur so many pins in a shirt when the laundry of 45 per cent o'f 1111 accidents. dl'ear'! fn 1931 domestic cu stomers paid l' tUrns it. 'J'bey IIrc put thel·1.! to keep the shirt from falling apart.Next to th s tw o prominently am such a tiny kitten. 330,000,000 le ss !for power than Life. Who' s bee n dumped bes ide the they would have paitl if rates had bad operativ e methods of motor vehicles are th motol'ists' , not way, The man whose wOI'd is as good U8 his, bond, surveying the sec uri- old, and 'lee ping h y th he dge. Leen at the I () 13 I vel. If the having' the dght-of-way and drivgen el'al ("ost of living in J !}:iO had , ties in his safety box, may h pe it is much better.- Lowell Evening inl\' On the wl'ong ' ide of th e road. Going hungry, night a nd day. gon e down a!i fal' and as fa s.t as Leader. iolation of the right-ot -way • he cost of e;(!ctl'icity, it would .... !\Bfely rule is held I 'e ~ pon s ible Cor have m ant a ~ aving of $36,fiOO.And while they're inventing devices to, save labor and perform arouncl 25 pel' cenL of traffi c mi 000,000 II year to the nation- haps, but the percentag of II disia te1ul tasks, why doesn't soml'body come forward with a machine . 100 per month per family. that could get left holding the bag?-J udge. cidents due to driving on the Here i omething worth wrong sid" of the road is incalR. J. Murmy showed his horse at the fair last w 'e k and too k con sidering when electric Tate~ re- culably variable, for the rea so n First wl·iter: What are you so peeved about? Se ond Writer : Why shouldn't I be? 1 wrote a two-column premuims as usual. Mr. Murray ducti ons are demanded now, on that this offlll1se in many in stnnc s article on "Fresh Mi lk " today- and the editor conilensed it.- An8WIll"l!. made his firs t show at our ounty lh e ~ c o re that the ·general COElt of forces. other cars off the rQadway Iivin!! has ot last reversed its and thu ~ indil'ectiy caUliC' not 11 fair 60 years ago, Ev rett An son of la rk 'ville trend and is J!:() ing down, Eledric few ,a cidents tabulated in other. pUended ohurch lit Cre n Briar on compani s were not allowed to " fault" cIa sifications. earn great profits in pl'osperous In ordel' to combat the~e iault~ last Sunday mOI·ning. ~ with which to m et lower 0: W. Merrell, state highway MI·s. Mattie (Jl'nkin) Moore time profits in depre~sed times. In adand son of near WayneSVille were dition, their cost of operation has dll'ectol'l r commends the obscrvSaturday nilrht ,guest of the remained c mpal:atively constant, ance 0 r these saf ty l'U les for automobile driving : Vi ~ll family here. (Mu. ical Inlet'ludes by Farm Night Melody Makers) inasmuch a s they are required to 1 Keep your attention concenWe are glad t o rep ort Robert pl'ovide the same ~ua)jty of trated 8 :00 Mu ic on your driving. Know as 8:05 The Fal'l11l'r' ~ Dilemma and Organization , . J. R. ~!lg~er Andrew much better at this writI"vice now as in 1929, irrespect- much liS possiblc what's going on Ohio Livc Stock ooperatlve ASSOCIatIon ing_ We all hope f or hi!; speedy ive of their Hales. Further, they ah ad behind and beside you. 8 :20 G n rill ounty R organizlltion ... R. C. Atkinson and permanant recover y. have upheld empl oyment and 2 Follow as straight a cour e as The Ohio Institute Th.o se outside of the n ighbor- wage Icvels better than most other po sible. , ... .. ... . A. R. Winter hood who attended M,onthly meet- industries. 8 :85 F eding for Fall Eggs a See that you leave . D ~afe ...... .... ......J . H. Gourley ing here on unday were: Mrs. 8 :60 The Ro()ls of Apple Trees . The natural trend of ele.ctric "braki ng distancc" b tween your !l ,05 Emergency Economy in Governm nt Mabel F. Terry of Lebanon . MI'. 1'8tes is down, but to artiticially caT Ilnd the one ahead. C. W. Hauck and Mrs, Hill of GI'een .B riar, MI'. r duce tht>m i a mistake. That 9 :20 Market Owners of Ohio . ' . , , .. 4 Use hand signa ls t-o supple9 :35 Applying Busines_ Methods to Project Work .H. G. Kenestrick and Mrs. W. W. Welch, Mr . Dr. would save the averalJe family ment your top light, since your N. R. BeaT Ogle. bee, Mr. Wilbur Williams, less than a cent a day, and would light might not be working. 9:60 Safety in Husk r Shr dder Operation ... .. ..... Mr ,Rose arr, Mr~. Lillian arr rorce retrem' hment on the indus£ Have your car under perf ct aturday, October J, 8 :0 0 p. m, and arroll Carr, of Harvey ·burg. try, the expense 01 itl! service and control when approaching inter(Musical Int rlud by 4-H Orchestra) , Mr. and Mrs. has. windler of employment, and its plan for fur- section. Naturt' Thill Week . .. ......... ...... H. E. E8wine Dayton, celebrated their 25th wed- ther developments. 6 Give right-of-way to any With th Dairy lubs .... .. ......... " ..... . .. .... .. .. . Ivan McKellip ing anniversary on laRt aturoay drivel' 01" p destrian who in ista on it. at their farm here. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Spear o( T he three things t hat tend to By washing the heads of cabprevent mil feveT are: Cle.n Columbu!! were unday ' afternoo n Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bal(ter, of bage in running water be! re makquarters, a special light, bulky call er s at the McKay home. A nice iittle bri/!"ht yed girl has rbana, were Wednesday night ing them into kraut. the undesiraration, and the ju dicious use of ome to make her home with Mr. gue ts of MI'. and Mrs_ Ru ssell ble bacteria which lodge on the Epsom salts. - outer leaves and often causell J ff ris. and Mrs. Otis Powell. lage may be d stroyed. But Mr. and Mrs. Clark Van Horn spoi Mr. • Earl Nichols, has sold his th bactel"ia on the inner leaves farm here and bought property in and daughter, of Spl'ing Hill, are and thus can do t heir Dayton where they will move in spent Friday evening with ;MT. and workretained of conv rting cabbage into Mrs. J. C. Gray. the near fUtUTC. ~auerkl"llut. ' Mr!<. eth Frost and family enMrs. Almon Ferris who has been 50 seriou8ly· ill is much bet- tertained on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. One food difficult or slow of ter at thi, writing, We all h ope for Jes e Frost, of Pe eb les, Milt F'ro t is enough for a si ngle FOR SALE DATES CALL a speedy a.nd permanent recovery. of Wilmington, and an aunt 'from digestion meal. MO two fried foods should Greenfield, who is 87 years old Mr . Bernie Jordan, spent the never be used in the same mal, week-end with relatives and and Dr. and Mrs. W. E . Frost and such a , fried meat and fded potason. friends in Dayton. loes. -,~~ .---Cecil Kirk of Hou$ton, Tex., viljited his sister, Mrs. R. H. Litte n In On Farm Night Program Jefferis average retail price of milk and family this week. Mr. in The cities in July was 26 per cent , Farm Night, as publ.ished wee~ Kirk 'yas called here by the scri- above pre-war prices, iIIne. s orof 'his mother, Mrs. Iy in this pap r, a sene. o,f radIo ou A. L. Kirk. Wilmington. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ JESSE STANLEY disc ussions, is pre (lnted every is r(!POl.'tcu sOme better. - - - - - - -- - - Mo nday evening fl"om the stateP •••• 310, N.w BorU••t ••, OWe owned broadca ting station WEAO Mrs. Myrtle Tbomas and Miss by the members of the agricultur- Chadotte attended the funerlll of •• . EARL KOOGLER al extension service at the state their uunt in Dayton, Friday. L icensed Real Estate Sroke r, Day tOil P.o_ Schoo l was closed Wednesday ~-"L-H~~~:rrcm~a~nd state-wide farm Auctioneer and In . ur•• e. KEDlllor. 8988 and Fl'iday for the county fair. Waynesville, Oh,l o TheM. E. Aid will hold a lrried ch icken s upp r Saturday evelning, October I, in Snell's store room. Most Reasonable Terms Supper erved at 5 :30 o'cloc:k. Carmen Kirk spent the weekend in the cou'ntry with Edith Bogan. The C, I. . Clas~ of the M. E. Sunday School met with Mrs. Amanda Stan Thursday evening. All enjoyed lhe evening. Phone 80 BIl~k Bldg. Mr:. Hallie Cupp and dllughtel'S, Marian and Georga n, of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1" stol"ia. visited Mr; and Mrs. WIft"~~ Ru ~ ~ell Jefferis this week . .... ' _ to\'\.I~a . MI'. and MI'R. Homet' askey entertained a number of rels>tives IIW( • "".. ,oa,. lind friends Sunday. • EPT ~jMBER 2 , 1932
The Home Loan Plan
To 'Choose from- All Make. and Models
---Beech Grove
Open Sunday. Phone 326
Subscribe for t he Miami Gazette. F
Farm Night 7alks, Oct. 3
.. - ----
Good Times Are Promised lor the cominll Winter. Be ready lor prosperity when it ma'•• its appearance. There are tlaree .oocl ways lor you to get your share: ,
- -Harveysburg
Stanley &Koogler
The Miami Gazette i. the medium through which you can let the public know what you have to .ell. No Advertising- no Trade.
Odd-But TRUE
Ul '
~u\"Gr- '.
\1 \" '" " "U-' \,,~
MI'. and Mrs. R. T. MOOrE! and family are moving to Columbus where l\f r. Mo ore will take special work a't the State univel'sity. Francis "Dick" Ho sier was stricken erio usly ill Sunday. Mr, and Mr , Barnhart andfamily ha ve moved from the CrilhfieJd property to the lint Cleave r faTm ,M'iss Marietta Guy is entertaining hel' fri el1d Edwin 'trong ft'om lTdon Arka7lsas. Mr. al)(i Mrs. GC and daughter., .Margaret a nd J an e of .Dayton we.re Saturday dter noon callers. Mj'~ and Mrs. Balhlrd Wa.lIace, of Lytle have moved into the HaTris property. Mrs. Susan Robert on Sc hmidt of Wilmi ngton, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. , Gra y Sunday.
.~" ,_ _ """'_,
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'IIn\\ \)~'''~
the Clalli6ed Column. Many people will tell you it i. a .plendid investment. They know, for they use ' It continually.
Onlv $1.00
Don't lend your Job Printing away from home. We are Preparftd To Do It
.... , . . WIIC!W_ M ... 1..- . ..._ " " _ . . .
_ . . .luau",,_, O)Q\,"
Use The Miami ~IIL..lCli.. 1C
7 he Mio.m i Gaz Plaone 112 c'oU u.
T LIZE Compare. '
h your confidence well plac ed ? flill"". hut! become s para ted and for un houl' clLlled t o each , ne of the most Rignificant dey lo pments of nth'r, bUl ol1l1l1y, abl)ut dark, th ey the year is the close tudy given to finan cial condiKul tOl{l'lh ·r :lnd returned to their veral from here attended IWMt. tions of II~suran ce Cnrnpanies by insurance buyHome.Coming at. the Ferry churc Th~ quail, il is said. are getting [ hrist, Sunday afternoon. ers. tll lJe 'luitl.' Ilum ero u ~ fhroughout till' C u I1lI'Y, lind al'C vcry tame. Mi ~. J essie Clark returned aturFinuncial stability ranks firs t in the ev nt of dllY after a pI aannt visit to 'r elaStand Pipe i. B eilnl Painted lo ~s. liv s and friends in Detroit. The stalld pipe \s nj oyi ng a Th e old companies ill t his Agen~ y a l'e at the top C, 1\1. Robiher and W. C. St. new COll t at' plli nt. Th pipa is being pninted insic l!! and ut, lind John spent last Wedne da¥. Thursof th e lis t as to financial strength . th '. work iM bing dOln by painters day and Friday at Indian Lake_ , We would appr inte your bu iness and invite' from Ma!ne.iIl. The pipc wi.1I Mrs. Lore n Hadley and sUI'l'I~' enJoy It.S new dt:ess, .for It te'rs of Newark your' inquiries. has becn IlveJ'al year ' ~ lO c It wos afte'rnoon trea!\!t! to 11 coat of pa int. hart. N .. w Elec:tri.: Si,D The Oxley· Pac l> .·ug . o. have ins '.11 dab autiCul new ~ l cctric ~ ign in front of th .. ir store. It i ~ a hund "o lll~ Iltfair and will let the Ml· . Ella Folk and Mr. p oplu know a t 1111 time. t,hllt Wll vne vill hilS nn' up-to·d ute Zieglar and 'family of drug l<tu l'eJ , II nd tw hustler in were Su ndny guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. has. Jomes. th.. business. Ve rn Hough. who has been an Harvey.bure R suits of the second annual The "ucing Friday afternoun , the invalid for\1l year or more. show stag d by t he boys onli girl o lll~' dllY fil t o raCe IH the ... Ilrren 1·' l'llnk L. Hnrl'is. . E. L vicy fure d a relapse , last Friday, but of the Warren oun ty Baby Beef ounty fait· thi yeul', Was well at· and ' hu!'. ' . Edwards weI'e on lhe th ought to be g tting better again. lub at tb fail' last we k seem t nd (j and co nilid('red good by pNil jury. last weel~. to indicate tha t th girl uf Wayne tb ose in charge in . Spil(' of the M iRS Grace McLardie h·a s res um~;nl\'''' is bing put on our hill , Townsh ip are much mol' ucc ss· heavy track lhat held the spcc,l many of tb e machines stic king ed her duties as a teacher in t he Dayton s hools ofter having spent ful in developing calves int o b ef down to a c()n ~ idcrab1c exlent. and .huving to be helped out. cattle thon are their brothel". Of All f oul' o f lhe event: on Fri· let'S !'>!. Ed Th o mll~, Jnm e B n - th summer at the Friends Home t he six. culves l'ais d in this town- day's card w 1'0 run. Th fir st hlllll, and ha. Le\ i, f Wayne ?tlr. and Mrs. Samuel Butter• hip, not one boy own I' ucce ded heat WII. J'Un s hol·tly aft r 2 :3 0 viII .. , Ll'an 'acted business in ou r worth. Messrs C. W. Frye and in land ing t he prize money. Not so o'clock while the /lna l mce of the town, FI·i<luy. . Gilbert Fry v isited Mrs. Mabel th girls; t.hey fini shed as f Hows: day WUR not completed un til 6::J O. Ul' schoo l was closed Friday Evelyn J ohn s, fourth' Mary A. eurge . 1\1 ' loy, of Lebanon, ac t- in order that th e scholar might Dinwiddie and 'family in Dayton. Tayl or, eighth and Evelyn Fur- cd a s sturter. . attend the ' lint n ,cou nly fair, ot Su nday. III t.he two-yen r-old evcnt. the W ilmi ngton. nas, eleventh. 01'. Mary L. Cook was the gucst In the T own hip co mpetition . for firs t race on the Friday card, Dol'Th e', Grund Lodge. Knights of of Mrs. Alonzo ur i at dinn r at boy, tbe calf raised by · David othy, boy filly, ownetl by H. F. Pythia:, which is in se 's ion at Can the Friends Home, Monday. The Furna wa adjud~ed to be the best Krirn ndall. r ' lina, too k both l on. this "eek. is !being atte nded ladies were celebrating their birthwhile Eldo n Elhs' animal wa" heats and the race. by Frank' ilso n, who i: a membe r day an niversaries. oward d seco nd place. Only thl' c hor:-;e!:l wel'e entered Mr. lind 1 ns. Harry S. Tucker In the County competition fo r' in the race and • enllrico fini hed entel·tai lled at six o'c lock dinner Dr. J. T. Ellis very' quietl y boys. Leslie Earnhart, own r of ~cc o nd in b th h ~ at s with Gell ral Thul'~d a y. 11'. and ~l' . A. . celebrated the 75th anniversary of t he 1931 Grand Champi n, was Watts t h ird. ol lett. and . on, Rc)be rt, and l r. his bil·th at the home of his daughable to place no higher t han fifth , Five hOl'sci! " tarted in the three and ·11·s. }(owurd Graham and ter, Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, Monday. this year. y ear.old PIlC on Fl'iday aftel·n oon. daughters. The Doctor received everal post ommenting' on the display in The fil' ~ l two heat W I'e wo n by T. OUl' Town Hall ii nearing eo m· cards ond ot her tokens of felicitathe round hou e at t he Fair, last D. Vnll. black gelding owned by T. pi tion, and is now ready to be tion. w 'ek , the Le ban on Patriot ay s: D. Van limp, i " Ium bus. Lady occupied by the public ,a s 'follows. ]I! ssrs. Raymond Williamson of " Th~ display made by tbe Leb- Viola. bay marc own ed by Fra nk viz. : protracted m eetings, dunces, anon ond Wayne T own ship F . F. Mi lIcr. of Bellefoptaine. nosed oul (>ntCl'taillm ents, socilals und patent Cleveland, and George Gerhart, of Man sfield, called at the home o f A. Chapters were unusually at- T. D. an Cor first p lace in the medicin ~ I\ows. tractive." third and ti nal heat. The lIa d intelligelrlCe reached us Mr. and Mrs. H, H, Williamson, In the horse department harle f the L7 h 1'~ (\ entered in the Thtll·scJa~· •. of the ac cident thllt oc- .lIturday afternoon. They were T. Ellis won several premium 2 :24 trot [" riday aCtet!loo n, ten curred to Frank Me arl: n. Wed· enr ute from Louisville. Ky., to . ~ake aure that the m~terial thot es into your building with hi fine large orrel team, : tal·tcd. Th I' \\'el'e three sep- nesday, while making a trip to levetand. Will give th greatest pO~"lble return in comfort and satisfacboth a individuals and together. al'ate heat winnel'~ in thi event. Dayton with his truck. A bird ftew tion. No expenditur I 80 impo rtant a that which you make Clal'k Salisbury. of Huntington ____•• _ [ndinna Favorite. blac k gelding into th cob lind s truck him in the for a home place. W. Va .• Mr. Stella Evans and MRS. MARY BURGETT DIES olVned by Dr. Willillnls. of oll l'gt' eye, destroying lhc~ sight, H e is daughterl.. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. There is a fal ... thrift • .and 8 real thrift. Ol'n!!!', won tne fi rst heat, ru nning getting along u we ll as could be False thrift orders the cheapest and vagu ly hopes tor the Harvey ttye and children, and D. lhe mile in 2:17. ~xpected. best. R. alisbul'y and family were Mrs. Mary Burgett. a former The s cond h at was won by Real thrift, insi t lng on the best. find s that in the long ru n day ditmer guests of 1\Ir. and Mrs. re ident of Wayne ville, di ed early G nel'al Dougla~, brown geldi ng L)'tl~, the best is usually the cheape t, W. P. Sa li bury. Tue day morning at the h ome of owned by TIIW fOl'd & Peter, of The c harm is theil' woodwork- their e ntrances doors . 11'. and MI·s. Ben James, Arthur her daughter, Mrs. Frank Kellis, i nc innati. window!!, m oldings, 8t.air~, corner cupboards. paneling. ' , ora Thoma near Mt. Holly . .Funerol ervices The thh'(I heat was won by Rose Thomas and Miss When you p Ion. a home y ou .eannot loo k too carefully to will be held at the Waynesville McElwyn , bllY llIare 0\\ ned by Dr. atte nd d Lhe Troy I1'air, Thur day. woodwork dctail . Mrs. Ma l'garet J ohns, s pent Church 01 Christ Thursday after- I McMillan, of London. who ran the Wh ther it is a new home complete, II n w barn or shed. day!; 01\ the jury. il1 1. banon, I n oon at 2 :00 o'clock. Burial in mil in 2 :1'4. we wan t to serv you . Your smallest I' pair job will receive the Miami cemetery. [n the 2 :10 pac , fi nal event on week, at the clolsi ng term ' same cheerful consideration in purchase of materials. • the Friday program, Myrtle Mc- co urt. 1\1rs. Belle oon and daug-htet'S, Let us help you ftgure out the most economical construcKly bay mare belonginl1.' to the tion. T o na t a ew Mc ord stables of Indianapolis, Mis es Beulah, Ber.tha and Ruth. were unday dinner guests at the Lumber hard lind soft-finished or unfini sh d. Windows, Slaughter House won t hc_rII_ 1! ~~ all lhree heat home of Mr. and 1\11' • Alfre d Hay, doors, lath, hingles, roofings, pain ts, lime, Band, nail!!, furnaces etc., etc. at Osborn. MI'. and Mrs. K esler Graham, nnd daugh ter, Bel:'nice, returned 1;.t:IW'lUlll~-U.cuw.ect....;IL-l!lJe&.fI~IU)jte.J,J-_-= .'unday, after a fe,w day. trip to wos in the near til tran form ,t he al'ren cou nty I' at Altoona, Pa., to the "field meet" of . 1'IIilroad emploYEles. M1'8. C, E. Mendennall has .• • ' . t he building into a modern abbat- anon Thursday and Friday. Mr. and MI·s. : amuel Hoine! c ived word of t he serious, if not "\.. toil' for the slaugh ter 01 beef, hogs Mr. Alle n Emrick of this place Phone 14 Wayne.ville, Ohio et<:"l and the dressing of the meat. wm s erve on the grand jury next and !lo n Jam es. and I\h. and Mrs. fatal, injury of her brother, Walter Kenrick, in company with George Krobel. who waSoa victim Mr. Cayle al 0 bou~ht four w ek . of the "Baby Beef' cattle 1'4r. lJarry Laws of incinnati W. G. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. of an auto acc ident in Denver, raised by members 011 the Warren is spending several weeks at the AliI' d Hai ne s. attc~ nded the 58th Colo., one dJly last week. Mr. County Boys Calf club, exhibited home of Mr. and Ml· . William l' union of Mr. Haines' regiment. Krobel formerly lived in the vicint he 36th O. V. I. . at Memorial ity of Mbrro w. at the 'fair. and sold last Saturday. ol ~m an. The large t and finest 01 these Mr ', Blanch Graham wa ten- hall, Dayton. Tbul·sday. animals received the award as the dered a ul'prise by relatives and Sunday visitors at the home of .,uo.C'r.be lor Tlte Miami eGae"e anel let G yeGr Mrs. Keziah Thompson included : best calf raised in Salem T ownship fri ends Irom Dayton Monday ev nMr. Chas Myers, Mr. and Mrs. and weiJfhed 980 pounds. Mr. ing. The occosion celcbl'ating her Grange Meeiting 01 Remini.cen.e. Coyle paId .an average price of 9 birthday. . Paul Haines and children, Joseph Be of Speciillllntereat cents per pound for the animals A lnge nu mber 'from b e re atHaines. Mr. a nd Mrs. Morrison and daughter, and Mr. and Mr8. Joe l.e purchased. te uded th e f Jome-com iug At F\ll'l'Y Every Gfa nge in America is Th ompson, of Cincinnati. and Mr. !!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!~~~~!'!"!!!'!!!!~~~"!!'~~'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ • -unday. ' holding an op e n meeting of special and Mrs. George Th ompson, of LOCAL BUSJN~SS MAN'S Mr . Margaret Johns , Mr. and r e t to tudy IGrange accom- Loveland. MOTHER BURIED HERE M J!I:l. Ed L ngacl'e visited W a IteI' inte plishm ents and opp ortunities and lark ut • t . E lizabeth Hospital Home Coming Day WIUI ob ervFarmers' Grange No. 13 will deFuneral services for Mrs. Nora Sunday evening ond later attend- vote ed at Ferry Church Sunday with t he lecture hour at the regBoyer, woo died in Miami Valley ed .iJlt! t heater in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Coleman, ular meeting on Saturday even- splendid success. T. A. Hall of hOSpl't II,I M on d ay 0 f 1as t wee k , Misses Thelma and Dorothy at- ing, October 1st to t hat purpose. Indianapolis, Ind .• who served the were held in the chapel at Miam i tended a birt hd ay party Thursday . Broth er W. R. Le wis of Clinton church a s minister torty yeaTS cemetery afternoon and ing for HOl'old Kelli lind Co un ty will tal k on the " Farmer's spoke both morning and 1lfternoon and captivated everyone in attenburial was in -M~IW---~*-+;imi~';'hter a t their hom in interes t in--lPaxation." urviving are one da ler, Bl'other James Gribbons will re- dance with his charming personalTheth man Mrs. William Dyke, o'f Tippecanoe and )yractical . inspirinr . r. ond Mrs. W. F. Graham in po rt on t he possi bilitie!\ of in- ity i. ordering hi. coal NOW ity./. one on, Edward Mullen, of compa ny with Mr. and l\{l'S. A. O. s UI'a nce in t he Grange. sermons. the mm of Hastings & Mullen and William s of Dayt n we re over Mu sic will be furni shed by the •• off-.ea.on price. will her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L ytle Sunday guests of 1\[1'. lind Mrs. Grange orch estro and a spec iol Oregonia Too leave a healthy difference Beltz, of Waynesville. from the Nat ional Master, message Grant Corn ell near Piqua. Mr. J. E. latk has emp loyment 1. J. Taber will b,e read by Mrs. For Mt.Holly-Corwin in the family pocketbook Le ona Hall. " in Indiana for a f ew weeks. NO HUNTI'NG when the cool day. roll The public is invited t o this Mr. ' and Irs. A. . Thompson The combined {orcCl! of the . W~ • . t he un~ersigned, allow no s pent one day last week with th e mceting and a large attf)ndance is around .gain in a very Corwin and Mt. Holly teams were huntmg trapPlOg' 0 1' tres passin g latter's son, Mr. Roy William s nnd expected. -. - .~ --.hort time, not strong enough t o withstand the on our f arms: fa mily in Dayton. . attack of the Oregonia sluneriJ, Mrs . W. M. Co leman spent SunGONS BROS. in a ~ame of baseball played at day with Mrs. Georg-Ianna Haines. Blaze Destr4)Y' Barn See the dilleren t grade. Corwin last Sunday. Tbe boys Mrs . Emma J an ney of WaynesAnd .)ta; Contents from the Capitol of Wadrlnrton of coal we are 'handling. vil le s pent Monday at t he horn e of Township won the deelsloD by a Mrs. Walter Clark. . and let u. fill your co.l Fire completely destroyed the score of 19 to 8. Emerson Dlll. of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray of barn on t he farm ' b elonelng to A. Mt. Holly. Is said to have pltehed NOW, Blanchester were calling on Lytle' F. Melloh, W. C. St. J ohn and a ,w onderful game 'for the J friends and relatives Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham, Fred Barnard, and located near , but · poor support proved Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, , )'egonia, between 8 and 9 o'clock undoing. Emerson also miSled the Satu rday night. The ori~in of a ss istance of his regular umpire, Bernic e spent Friday shopping in t he fit'e is undetermined, though Pete RUllY~ ___ ____ B cau se the old-time "under- Da yton . it i t hought that it may have The young fo lks of Lytle church taker" did little beside furnish caught from sparks from the WINNERS .IN CONTEST he ld their social meeting Monday ~tralumfY' a truly pre· the cask et, many people still evening at the home of Rev. H. chimn ey of a near-by house. The mlum coa consider that th e cost of the H. Lafferty a nd daughters at building, together with its conThe following were winners in tent, five or six t'ons of hay and the guessing co ntest spotulored by pl'ingbo,ro. ' f un eral r epresents the value a lot of 'harness, E!tC., was totally M)'. Walter Clark underwent a Everett Early at, the fair. John of the casket alo ne. This is not mu,i.or operutiol1 at St. Eliza- consumed. The 10'$8 is partially Rinehart, Eaton, Ohio. ftl'llt prize' true. cover ed by insu:rance. Charles A I.nuine Reel A.h beth hospital in Dayton Monday Scott McClure. Ll!banon, Ohio: Howal'd lives on tlhe farm. Th e f un eral director of to· mOl·ning. second prize; Leon Plel'llOD, Leb~ ...-. Mr. and Mrs. Fore st Graham day performs a myriad of anon, Ohio. third prize; William Dwire, .Mason. Ohi<l. fourth lIrize. services which were never ex- and childl'en, Miss Slle Crane. Mi s REMAINS OF 'MARY KNIGHT Mildrcd Graham and Mr. Kenn eth weight <If t he coal was % pected of the "underta'i<er." Smith vh;ited Messrs Ethan . and SENT TO PHILADELPHIA The pounds. These include the technical Clyde Coleman and families in A fin. eoft Coal work of prepari ng the body, Cincin nat i. Sunday. Mary Knight, 85 years of age, Vegetables may be stored MI'. and Mr. Walter Kenri ck died at the Warren County Home, throughout complete charge of the funeral the winter by Slimes Haines in companY 'with Monday, September 19. following a hole in the garden, if It ":··'....·'ml and the use of many kind!! of Rild Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar of an illn es of -long duration . The necessary equipment. Jam eRtQWn. Mrs. W. G. Haines body was s hipped to Philadelphia, drained, and settinsr a box or barA large part of t he funeral and children. of Dayton spent Saturday, where 'funeral serv ices rel in the ground. It the garden 18 wet and 80&'I1.'Y. simply lay tbe bardireCtor's service to humanity Sunday at t he ,home of Mr. were conducted according to the rel or box on its tilde on top of the Th. b..t In the mark.t MI' . J oseph Grassi at Piqua. custom o( the· Society of Friend!!, takes the form of professional and Mr. and Mr~. puy Rout:r:ahn and her cousin, Edward C. Knight, of- ground and cover it over wltlt loll. work. His experience and daughter$ had for their Sunday ficiating, and burial was in that 'W. allo bave In our 7&tcl . lOme knowledre nil at the service of dinner guest~: Mrs. Mary Boltnot, dlty. 100d 11Imp and ... coale at ol'Cbardl In Ohio are eleap_ lower prlea CriM Boitn ot and Mr. and Mrll. Ma,ry Knight WIl! a native of iqFewdamage those .!~ o eall UpOD- him. . trom wtdeQ)read FftMc Brown frf Tippecanoe cltv, Wayne!IVilJe, The Q.ughter of the drougllt, and unleu relief eo.1S MI'. and Mrs. Ben B oitnot and son late William and Jane Knlpt, ahe quiek11, the apple et'~ of the of near Troy. W81 . born and lived the .rreater .. HI 8ufrer from lick of liu -'---part of her life In a 101r cabin on !tate and color and be da....d hi quaJ. Ont food dlftlcult or IIlow Newman's Ilun • it,.. ........ 7 d~elltlo. Is l!oOURh for a She had been m.al 110 two fried foods Conty Home be und in the Mme tried t aft fried
20% Acid
Per Save the Ton Difference
Fairley Hardware
LeMay-Hawke Agency
DR. E. F. DEPPE GIRLS BEAT BOYS IN FOUR RACES AT nnOll nl' . op ning of his ofBABY BEEF SHOW AT COUNTY FAIR RUN tic c a t 11is )'('sid n e in th lal'nee prol erty on fourth St. WARREN COUNTY FAIR ON A HEATY TRACK the
- ON-
September 22, 1932 Office Hou n : Dai1y- 2 to " p. m. and p. m.
Su nday- 9 to 10 a. m" appointm nt.
and by
U ••
These Are Building And Repairing Days
Be Snugly HaUled Before Winte~ Com~.
QUALITY You aet qualJty here becaule Goodyear buUde MILLIONS more tires lind ClIO therefore offer the world'. gr eatest values. Come and seel
* ••••• ".LlU"
Oftb. .ls",,, (1 .., . . 106 .. . 104 •.111 .....) .,. 8u..... nrlat Cord IlDllar tbe tread. twD do DOt;n1I1 froID ..... te bea4-tber are ..aU,- cor4 ....... etrt~ • aDd tlaat. "bel
_"Itb-. REAL TIRE SERVICE Your tir •• are expertly chaolled hel'e. We deaD anel Ilraphlte. your rlml, cbeck a1i&nmeDt, put In the correct
the tim bot .., A Ani dau Job by men wbo kIlow bowl _
Bay Now
---- - ..--Good
Tube. Polisli Repair Itlt. Tape Cemeat Shellac WIDard
aatterle. "8" aatterle.
Glen Rogers Po~ahon...
Raven Red Ash
Yellow Jacket ,Lump Kopp.r.
,M iami Coke
J. E. McClure
FIIWI. he. Ct. ............ 0.·
Eigtity,.Fifth Year
•• -
Whole Number 6034
0 TOBER 5. 1932
ndet· the law the Cou nty Audi-
VILLAGE COUNCIL ti~ti~Jhg~i~:~~IIE\~~'teva~~ili DURING PA S WEEK
Mrs. J, W, White is quite ill. Many Citizen. Ha"e Mi.tabn Id_ Miss Sarah Smith was the Sun- Strict Economy Mull Be Prae of OIIieer'. Power.·and Dutie. day guest of Mrs. Annella Pence. Beeau.e of Fund Sharlage Say. Mar.hal Joy Master Harold Stroud was the Membe .. Told unday dinner guest of Frank LeVillage Marshal and Township May, Jr. Routine business held t h atConstable C- P. Joy received a R. M. Hawke was hostes tention of Wayn e . ville village hul'l'Yup call to come to Crosswick to Mrs. the new Bridge club, Saturday la t Thursday afternoon. It council Monday night, except f or afternoon. that Ed Henderso n had been a r eminder t ha fina nces of the bibing too freely of forbidden Mr . Mary Hopkins, of Dayton, municipality were not in lhe best ernges, and had been terrorizi WIIS the week-end guest of Mrs. J . s hape, with II little mOl'e than the entire neighborhood, eS~ItlCllllly C. Hawke. t he women and children. $100 remai ni ng . in the fu nd for ficer placed the man Mrs. Laura ZeU was the week- general opera tin r expell, es and arrest, and brought him to end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace with no money in !light until Febvillage prison to regain his Zell in Xenia. ruary except for p rhaps $200 due Friday m.orning, Henderson 81'raigned before quire W Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, (rom the di stribution of intangible . K nrlck, eharged with drun KeTleSI! I of Cincinnati were Waynesville taxes. Cond itio n of the vi llage finances and dl orderly conduct. and a fine visitors • .sunday. was brought lo light whe n it was of $60 and the co t was a ssessed. "Uncle Steve" Phillips, of Leb· suggested by ouncilman Witham Unable to meet this tax. he was anon, was a Waynesville visitor, that repairs lJe made a soon as taken to Ltlbanon. where he will possi ble on the 1'00.( of the lock-up remain an Involuntal'y guest at the Monday nlorning. which iK reported by him to be in Hot I Ful\(et·thfol· many days, Miss H elen Hawke spent the leaving hi wife and three small week-end In Xenia, the guest of very poOl' co ndi tion. It wa th en that Clerk Hatfield children without his care and sup. Mrs. L. A. Washburn. reminded ouneil of th finan ci al port. Mr. a nd Mrs. H, B. Ear;nhart condition of t he village, a nd sug· The offic er tells us that, in spite of th havoc he had wrought. no are announcing the birth of a son, ge ted t he 'remuining money b e pent with an eye to economy. Th e witness or victim of his actions Sunday night. October 2. subject of the repair of the lock.was willing to prefer a specific Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Anderson up was discu sed at length but n o charge against Henderson. Wlten Mr. Joy arrived, the man had and Mrs. Addie Smith visited action tak en . ounci! voted to rene w itl! co nquieted down. and could be arrest- fri ends in Dayton, Monday. tract with the Dayton workhouse ed on only the charge of drunkenMiss Catherine Branstrator, of for the care of prisoners. ess without the sworn s tatement Wittenberg college, spent SaturA representallve of a Cincinnati of !lome one who had witnessed his day at her parental home here. concern sell i ng street stop signs actions. attended the session, and co uneil There seems to be a mistaken O ur school teachera enjoyed a after so me disc u ~~ion decided to impres!!lon among our people that wiener roast at Roser's cam P,e'I'I1nQ'.'1hold the ma tter of the purchase of a police officer can make an arrest Ridgeville, last Thursday ev such signs over until the next and have puni!lhment inlticted Mr. and Mrs. George W meeting_ without hfving seen the mi~de The s uggestion W8. made howmeanor OT' presenting proof of· the house were Sunday dinner ", .. "Int,.! ev~r that such 'hms wer needed same, This idea i entirely wrong. of Mr. a nd Mrs. H. W. at Miami lind Main streets and ut. The law plainly stlltes that the Dayton. ,the intersection of Rou tes 73 and officer must eitheT' see the misdeed Mrs. J. B. Chapman. of Colum- 42 . _ _ _ ___ - -for which he makes the arrest, or must J?osse s a wal"l'ant for the ar- bus, spe nt last Friday here. the MASONIC NOTICE rest, 181!ued 'On the sworn state- guest of her mother, Mr. Eliza ' m nt of a reliable person who did bath Baily. witness the misdeed. When t he Regular communica t ion of Mrs. E~ma Dakin and Guy Dakcase comes to trial, t he officer is Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F . & in, of Xenia, were R:uests at the required to prove hi charge, just A. M. Tuesday evening, cl obet· the same as any private cithen. home of Mr. and M~ . J. W. White, 11. Visiting and ~ ojou rning brethGood citizens who witneM v\oJa· last Friday. ren are welcome. tions of the law. should be willing Vern Armitag , W. M. Mrs. Lura Dennis and Miss to assist the officers in this man- El!ther F. B. H ender~o n , Sec'y. Dennis. of Dayton, spent neT'. Friday nilrht here. guests of Miss - -- -'1' _ ...- - Doris Hawke.
When the IUlIl appr'll eme nt wa, made in 19:11, it wu somewhat low I' than thE' 1026 Ilpprai ment with the cxception of Franklin (11·P01·lltion . 1 hay give n carefu l atte nti n to tho t)'£'nd 0'1 vallUes and am t hol'oughly convi nced that all land an d bu ildillgll in Wa,rren County art;! at presen t valued too high , ' iJased Iln their true yalue. in money which is governed by actual sales. r feel that a ll property in Warren ountry is as nearly equalized in va lu e as Clln be do ne , therefore a blanket reduction on alJ land and bui ldings of l !) perc 'nt wlll be gh'en to all of W o,rren ounty with the exception of Franklin orporation, where 11 15 P rcent reduction will be made in order to eflu alizc. The new valuations will be effective beginning with the 1932 duplicute. • . IRcsp'y, W[LL R. LEWI Audi to r - - - - - - -- - -
-, -
:\11'. Ill1d MrR. a d Frye spent the Mro. EatherStout, Timothy Marl .. tt week-end III Indian Lake. • Three B.,y. Voluo.tarlly Retire Lytle' K. Belt. a.nd' S. E . Mart from Team Wb.en Thei, Eil. MI's. W. N. Npwland. of hicag o aibilily i. Que.tioDed iR the guest of Mr. and M rs. W. Called From Thi. Life H. Allen.'
Me ~l'. arl. herwood and W . After defeating the Kings Milia S. Graham 51> nt la t week at H. . team by a score of 8 to 'l . Another beautifu l and well spent In(tian Lake. in a last and furious game, played life came t o an eal·thly close, n t h diamond at the local H. S, MI' . :lnu Mi ·~. J . B . Hawke. of .:ampu s, last Wednesday afternoon Il nothu!' of Gou's se rvants Wal! called to her, rew I'd whe n Mrs. Spri ngfield. call t'o on relatives here uu l' H . . soft ba II leam journeyed Esther Stout pa ~, ed away at the ~u nd& y ('vening. to Mason, Friday afternoon, and home of her daughter, Mrs. Maria lost !l slugging match to 'he H, S. 11' . and Mrs. MOl'I'i .. Sherwood, Elbon, on Main s treet, Su nday of thot place, by a score of Hal·veysbu rg. \' isi ted r elatives ltou m nigh t. The last sUI'vivor of one of "f to :17. Becau e their action in I' ere fievera l day", last week. the old est and most highly est eemplayi ng with a pick-up team l!d families of our community. he l' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ta ylor, 19ainst Lytle on uDday, Septempassing brings to a cl e a n ea rli r \.If Ridgevill e, were Su nday guest be r 18, was questioned a s an in· ehapter of our communal life. fring ment of t he Stat@ rules. of Mr. !lnd 1\1r. . J ohn Long. Esthe r handler' 'tout, daughter Russel TreadwlI Y, Everett MllIer ],'11' . and II' . Edward Kiser, of and Lawrence Davis voluntarily o f Aal'oll r. and Maria Chandler wa .. bol'll. Januar}' 23, 184 6, in lhe Duyto n, weI' guests of Mr. and withdrew from the team, and will hand ltlr homestead, located just l\fi' . . ('. 111. Hough, last F' riday. ~ Iay no more soft ball for W. H. above Waynesville on Roule 73 . '. tbis yea r. However, none of Mrs. Rn Iph Vance. of Pleasant _hem have been declared ineligiand n ow occupied by her ne.p hew, Lou is W . Chandl er, and family. Plain, spe nt Thursday with her bl e to play by the board of faculty Here she grew t o wl)manhood , a pare nt. 1\11'. Hnd Mrs. J. . Hawke. ~pon so rs . ' membtl'· of a large fami ly, enjuyAs these lhree are about the Mrs. Maude Crane pent ~g best du cati ollal advantages afmost experienced, and the most wel'k-encl in Cincin nati . f orded by th e cOllmlUnity. trained g UI' . t ur ~f\'. nnd Mrs. Miln er xpel't players on the team, 01&1' by up-righi. God-f ea ring parents. tl. oo ys were under a decided ,h andi· Tw o of her brothe rs, the late :ap. With these three playing, W• Th e New entury lub held its Aaron. JI', and Edwin Chandler, Mrs. J . A. Wern e l' and Miss Jean H. S. had defeated the Mason DOY' fir)'t meeting of the year at the have. left a·n especial iml>re8S for on, of lJayton, were g uests 3 to 5, in a game played at Wayne home of Mrs. has. H oug h, on good on the life 01 OUI' co mmunity. Fergu (tf MI'S, J. W, White, last W d- ark two weeks ago. , eptem ber 30. Al'l'ived at womanh ood, Esther We understand that their Th e day \Va ideal and all but ~ nte r e cl the t eaching profession, nesduy. )ani hment from soft ball doe8 not three m tn bers answel'ed to the a nd was employed in the schools of Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Crane and l fl'ect th sta.nding of these play· roll call ' with "Belil~v e It or Not Warre n and Butler counties for r hildl' n were guest of Mr. and ! " S in the game of basket ball. in Nature." oleman, at Norwood, M.ay we suggest to the boys and ~o m e years. A n interesting note i'g Mrs. H. Th e pl'ogram was Ii nature study th e fa t that all her children fol- un uny. thei r mates that the better plan .. I\1ra. George mith hiad RS her s ub- lowed her into this n oblest of adhere st.'ictly to the state rule,. ject, "OUI' JnRect Ft'iends and prof e sio ns. , he later went to t. Mary's Guild will meet on to no matter how trivial and unjUJt. F oes." MislI MIlY Wr'i ~ht dcscribed Kall sa where s he was engaged Thut'~day afterlloon, October 6, at Lhe y may seem. and t() ever elve' the in inst itutional wOl'k (01' $o,"e two o'clock at the home of Mrs. l:8refu I heed to tho advice 0'1 their " One or Nature's Wond er Grand IInyon of t.he olorado." time. I.e ' lIawke. ' L'oach. Thu!!, and only thuB, ma, Bot.h paper ~ were VI?ry interesting On Apl'il 19, 1877, . he was Mi ~s Lucil lark, of Dayton, the very bes t results be obtained. and instructive. 'The program united in mal'riage to Marshall H. S. holds an exalted place closed wit h 1I hum orous reading f:itout at Kansas Cily. Kiln . They Ky.! is attending her father, Mr. in W. Warrell ou nty H . S, basket Wa tl'r lark. at ~l. Elizabeth by Ruth Hockett. later returned to Ohio to rear ball circles, due to the splendid Afte ,· ad jo urn ing the hostess a s- ~h ei r family, res iding on farms in hospi t.al, Dayton. work of th,eir two-time Count, s iste d, by Mrs. Ward served dainty the vicinity of Harveysburg and Mr. and Mr ~ . R. B. Davis, of hampi ons. But four of the .... l·efreshments. Oregonia. Dayto n, were Satul'day night and oned veterans of this illuatrloul, The I{U sts of l he afternoon MI'. Stout departed this life at have graduated, and two wet' Mrs. Kiser , Mrs. Hadan and Oregonia, April 24, 1908, and, a ~und a r gu ats of her parents, MI'. bunch more of the f\r~t line !lubs, who <laug hter, of Dayto n: Mrs. Ken· few years later, wa f ollowed by Ilnd M" R. Ed ook. wel'e expected to become relrulat. neth Houll:h and baby daughter and their elder daughter, Miss Edna. MI'_ E. . rane and family this year. have moved from the MiAS Ruth Hockett. Saturda y night s upper eptember 1, 1909, Mrs. Stout were trict. This leaves Coach- Bul'· The October m i~e ting wilt be lind her daughters took up their guellls oC MI'. lind Mrs. Seth di man, a new man here, with the with M . LeMay. abode in Waynesville, where the Th(lI11Ull, in Daylon. tuplmdou8 tas k of buildinc ail youn~ ladies were engaged in the Mr_ and Mr . E. L. Thomas and almost entirely new team abollt teaching profession. Here, her life Capt, Lawrence Davis. We belle. . has been a bened iction to all with Mr, Willil\m ThomaR s pent unday that this can and will be done \if Mrs. Mary E. Harris, of Clarkswh(lm s he came in contact. Quiet with MI'. a nd Mrs. Seth Thoma the ,boys will give Mr. HutrmM ville, was t he guest of her daughand unass uming, yet kindly and and, s o n, in Dayton. their whole-hearted support . . . ter, Mrs. L. V. Branstrato'r, and cheerful; a loyal and devout adMr. and Mrs. Vem , impson and their utmost efforts. Come on bora family. last week. herent to the faith 0.£ the Society son BIl en t Sunday at the home 01 let's win that County Cham.lIJoaI of Friend s, of which she was' a her pare'llts, Mr. and Mrs. Perry hip for the third conseeut... Mr. and Mrs_ F, .A. Snider, of I b b d During a J oft ball game, Mr. bhthright member. Though for Pu rd y, n ear Lynchburg. The regular meeting 01 the Miamwb.urg, w..ere truest ~(tlulil' . The Qaby Be f u oys an time! , We quote the correBpoildenc. Wayne Township Mother Club d8 u~hter MI'lI J R Wade -and gIl'I1I were ex-cused .fr:om_ scha.ol Jame fell and se riou ly injured years her lIuffering!! have been intense, she has bor.ne them with • Tueaday, Octob I' fourth ~o ~tten~ his shoulder. will be held at the Gt'ade school ramlly I~. Thur~day' Mr, and Mrs. J. E. White and between Supt. Lot! alld Mr. B. B. , . an all day tour of Clnclnnatt. palience and Christian fortitude. daughter, and Mrs. H. E. Legler, Townsend, Commi8llioner of Ohio building, Friday afternoon, Octobever expres. ing her appreciation of of Dayton, were unday guests of H. . Athletic ABBn., concernlaa MisIes Dorill Hawke and Louella TlIey visited Kroger Grocery com7. A talk by Miss Elilabeth Soft Ball Reaulh the many efforts of her children addy, Warren C~unty Uome Williamson were week-en~ guests pany then went to Kahns Packing this matter: Woynesville d,(>feated Kings and friend!! to alleviate, her pain. " '. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, emonatration Agent, w\l] fdtu re at the home o't Mr. and M~s. Clar- h ouse where they ate lunch. ~n the "Mr. Townsend:-A number of I B ck anel family ITave reo Mlll~, eptember 2'7 in ~ ball game Her earthly life has e ded, hut once Long. In Columbus. afternoon they vi. ited the NetherL. V. an unusulilly lood program , the schools in ' Warren County are at Waynellville by a sc re of 8 to she yet livel;l in th~ lives of her land P laza and attended the Albee moved their home to the hapman literary an(l musical numbers to be playing Solt Ball • • thi!l ,ear. 7. GriWy pitched and Franer children, Mrs. Maria E lbon, and pl' ope ty on Foul'th treet, recently We have arranged to play ia the given ~ pupils cif the Eighth Mh. W. N. Seal'll, her two daugh- theater. caught for th e wj'nning team and Isaac Stout, principal of the tel's and son. J ohn. visited at tile vacated lJy upt. and Mrs. J . W. neighb,orhood of six games uad_ grade. TlIe program, as out-lined, T ••chera EDjoy Steak Roa.t Krenor pitched with Hines behind Junior High Rchool at Lancaster. Lot?. home of Allen Hole in Beaverfollows: O. H. S. A. A. rules. Durin, th. the bat for the loosingteam. town. Sunday afternoon. Calif.. The teachers or WDyne ville summer, the men and boya of the Sunday ji(ues tll of Mr, and Mrs. VocaJ mu!!ic.. " " ...... Girls' Quartet Wayne ville also lost to Mason in Her reml\in ~ were taken to the enjoyed a st ak roast at community have playe~ oceuion· M'rs. M. W. Silver, MI'lI. W. H . JSchools Glenna Woollard. Dori!l Surface, ohn Rosers camp near Ridgeville the secol'ld game playedwithMason White Brick Meetinghouse, Wed- Myel' Hyman included: Mr. and a lly, so, naturally. the queatioll played Friday, neRday afternoon, where the beau- Mr.. Sam Shallot anci three so ns, arises whether 01' not the boy., ' Mary June Sheets, Edith Hoyle Madden, Mrs. O. R. Unaleaby and last ThUT'sday evening. They roast- The game wa Ernest Hartsock attended ed the stellkR ove ,' a large open September 29 at Mason. Grift'y tifully $imple burial service of the of indnnati, and Mr. and Mrs. who are chosen by our coach to Recitation " . ' .. " Viola Campbell Instrumental music " .... Louise Zim- the Hamilton fair. last Friday. after which' Il d licious picn\(! pitched and Frlllner caught for Friends was held. They were then Max Kohlhagen, of Jame stown. make u~ the H. S. so'tt ball tea., merman , . Waynesville, while Girton pitched tenderlv borne to their last resting supper was . I'ved. can continue to play on teanu, Mrs. Mary McClure left here Mrs. David Wo ozl ey and daughDialoRue .. , Leo Conner. Eileen Monday morning, enroute to Du: After dark they acJjoumed to the with Brown eatcbling for Mason, n lacc. 'beside ller loved ones in tel', Ma.ry, of Dra\!osb urg. Penn- other than on the H. S. team. W. HaU. ' cottage and gathered ab out the This was the thircd game in Way. 'Miami c metery. luth. Minn. , where s he will visit sylvllJ\ia. were guests of MI'. and wish your interpretation 'on this Recitation .. ,. " , Evelyn Furnas her siBter, Mh. H . K. Childlaw. open tlreplace t o enjoy stunts and nesville 80ft ball season. The M.'s. II . H. Willillm son and family mattM~ and would appreciate your (Continued on page 4) Instrumental music . .. ..... .. PauJine score was 28 to 20. stating wne er or nottlie 60JjOt games. Tuesday and Wedn esday. Friend. the H. S. team may plal tbe aame Mr. and MI·s. Myer Hyman and with t he older hlen 0 the eom· Recitation .... ,.. : ... "." .. Doris1.~;~;~~i!~~~~~~~~~:.~:;;=t!:-:;':Ji~k==============-=====-=-----._-:-_-=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Vocal m~ic " .. , ....... Girb' .., son spent Friday and aturday in munity, and, s hould this be an ofTalk ............ . Mlss Elizabeth Stranger' in Town Cincin nati, where they attended fense, would it make them inellaithe Temple services incidental to ble for the remainder of the Every woman, and I!1Jpeeia]), the observance of t h e Jewish New school year?" every mother, who is interested in Mr. Townsend's reply :-"It I. Year. the welfare and success of the , Mrs. Glenn Bland has received not advisable for t he H. S. bOJJi Way ne Township Schools ia earn· ,. three·year teacher's certificate, Mt'B. L. V. Branstrator enter- members of ·the H. S. soft bal estly urged to attend t hia meet. and haa been el'cted to Berve as tained Mrs. Lida Montinger. tenm, to play on outside organiuing. If you are not a member of SUbstitute teacher ' in the Spring!\II'S, Ellen Gatch and M'rs. May tions in this same sport. If they do the club, no more opportune time boro schools. Leopold, CIt Milford, to dinner, last th-ey become in eligible for the could be sel cted for becoming a F'l'iday, in honor of her ' mother, balance of the season in 80ft baiL m ember of the finest, most etrect- ...MT'. and Mrs. RUBSel :Stockstill You will observe that the r ule MrR. Mary E. Harris. ive organiution in th,. com- and daughter. of Portamouth. and stllte!! that a Iioy cannot play on munity. The membership dues are Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell were Mr, and Mrs. Roy' Wright. and an independent team and the H. S. very nominal--only twenty. five Sunday luesta of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ite m and team in the same sport. If he do••, cents per year-and how , the II. A. Cornell. dllught 1', of leveland, were Sun - he becomes ineligible in that sport mothers man~Be to accomplish 80 MI'1I. H. F. Zierer, of Dayton d,uy guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. for the rest of the season. A boy much lood with the moneY at their ,a•• an interl!1Jtintr and inetructiv~ Marlatt. Mrs. Kem and daughtel can become ineligible this way for di!lposal will alwaya remain a talk to the members of the Kinp remained for a week's visit. ,;olt ball, but at the same. time he mystery to the men of the com- Heralds at the II. E. church. SatIVoul J be allright for basketball, munity. • urda,v alternoon. ... .At a meeting of the Board oj 'Tov ided he is still an amateul'." punsors. Monday evening, Mr. L, Mr. and Mr8. Kenneth Evan. and V , Beck was tentatively chosen tt dalll'hter, and Mr. and MI'lI. KenlIerve as Scout Master of Waynes. neth Elle, and daughter, of' ville Troop, Boy Scouts. Mr, Becl< on Dar , were Sunday guesta of Mr will probably be a ssisted by Mr, an MrL Walter ElleY. Huffman, H . S. athletic coach. u'nd Bert O'NeaIL Mrs. G. C. Dibert waa hosteBS . Aside fro IT! the payment of 'l'he 121st anniversary of ' tlae. to the regular meeting of the W. bills, and routine bWllne., little Mrs. Jenkins "'and Mrs. O'Brien 'ounding 0.£ tile Friends church & C_ T. U. at the M. E. parsonare, was definitely accomplished at the in transit from Cincinnati t c 'fIring Valley was celebrated Sila• . last Thursday afternoob. Mrs. J. meeting of the Wa)'lle Tp. school Youngstown called on Dr, and M'rA, lay with special mornina aIICl L: Mendenhall, presided, and the board, Monday evening. Witham 0'11 Friday. , Mr. lind MI' , titernoon services. hostess conducted th~ devotionall. Jenkins and Mr, O'Brien spent f The Rev. Samuel Moeher. of Temperance postel'8 were riven to Mra, Jenkin. with Mr. Jenk~n8 week i n the Witham home rec/!ntl y 'urdington; 0., preaehed the aera committee to be pOllted in each and Mr. O'Brien spent a week In bElcau se. or injurie!! r£'ceived in an mon at the morninlr se1'Yiee, at of the local school buiJdinrl. The the Witham home recently because au to accident on the detour soutb to :30 o'cl ock, which was followed fonowlng prOl'ram was enjoyed bv of injuries received in an aoto ~e 'Y' a pic.nk dinner served on the . or town. cldent on the detour south of town all present: awn. Reading. a selection by S undav will be "Fami ly DON" at Former pastors of the ehoM Mra, Lura Dennl. MllIIIes Esther Pitt, MI'\!. Dibertj readilll, the Wuyne sville hurch of Christ. 'articipated in the afternoon ~ Dennll.z. Louella WilUamlOn and hlbition in Brlet,' II,.. Ella Special features aI'£' being ar· ~ram at 2 o'clock. A hlltor,. of .... Doria nawb, and Mr. W,rn. Hutr. tin; readiq, "Proldbition'. rallged for both morning and 'hurch prepared by E. H. Co.... allel," Mra. Tom Carrj reading, man wltneued the O. S.U.·O. W. eveni ng s rvices. Walter Elzey vas read, and deseenciallta 'o f MY"Succeu of Government Control U. football game at Columbua. has been training II Junior Chorus 'ral families that formed tile eGDSatunla,. , as Canada Seee It.. )lre. Callie wllich will furn ish a mu~ical pro- ~I egation were pre..llt. 'file .... Cro'lI; readin" "A Mild Catechlam gram at the evening hour. The W. E. Bogan, the 1Ir, and Mr •• J. C. Hawke enwho .... Mra. Lena Hartaock; readln, an tertained the followlac. pe.ta to minister will preac h a short ser· \erved the at two article ~ Billhop Potter, Mra. Sunda7_ dhner at til. Little Inn: mon on "Christ in the Home." eparate Curti. Tomlin.on; reuintr. an lin. ~ R~kin., III. lIary 1'Jl.e Mr. and MI'\!. Milton Thompllon attlcle on Proilibitln from Collett, 1Ii'. and )(l'8. John Collett nncJ son spent Sunda y in Bellbrook lI....n G~ Bulletin, IIrL M. aIlei claqlster. and IIr. and lin. wbere they attended the eelebra- lad was . Silver. - ' Carl Hawke, of Da,ton. tion of the Golden WedcUQ of MI'\! arcr..k J'rlo" ThompllOn'lI rran~" IIr, an ,Pl'hw Our bo)'a Valle, Mrs. Elijah Caeq, 1Ir. _nel Mn. CUey are well ........' fa thla vicillity. havin!L l'HI4IIf for !!everal ,.... Tllelr friend. asta.... eoaarat1lla'io d
Mr.. E.ther Slout
New Cp.ntury CI u b Met Lalt Friday
of Interest in School News During the Past School l+eek
Mr•• Dibert Ho.te•• At W.C.T.U.'Meeting
121&t Anniveraary Observed by Church
nd E. 8. "nell For lIloner, fore I-:"a M. Dakin, ltllCUtrix dI ... ~Io!lur • lillie IIf real elltate and tate ()f Frank Denver Dakin, de· "'Iullabl rellel. \:l'II~l'd. ftled h~r IIchedule of debt&. ( ' Iar.. nc BUt'flrermeier ver. u II. S. onlJ\·pr. Ur. E. C. Morey
Townshio's Earl, Historv of NEWS G Sacrifices Made and Dangers Faced FROM CO
Lic••••lI R.al Eatat. BrOker. Auction•• r and I ••• ra.c.
R"lll'I't G. McConnell. et al. For an fl Wahel' .'I-aner were appointed Wayne.vllle, Ohio mlll1 .. Y. tll.-ectoRure and equllllbill SIlJlllli1l1!r llf the atate oC Harry rdief. Newc()J1\b. Sr.• decea,ed. Har old Longwurlh versus Am· Thll \NiB or nurence E. Ferris, Most Reasonable Terms <' I'i,'a Lvnll'wol'th fo r Jivor!:!', ,Ie elll'ell, WlI S Ildmitted to pro.bate. Common Pie •• Proceed in,. ('c l1 t ral Acceptance ' orponllill n Sarah J. Hughe .... xecul1'lX of 1l I",lIche,1 lh !>, murlling, we b Kan kin dl in/!: U Iii ('. II" Ill.'d Clur bll\n· 'r lU! c lI ~e II f t-;: H, Gmi YI' I'"UI! VI'I';;U. Raymond Hall lind Ima eAtnt!' of {,.uther ~:. Hug~e!\! du· Uy THE liO l E l{ thl' galll ' career «,gain- nor d id we "('l~ Into thC' f,"'rn Ilf /l tl'nt, IInll , Ulldey U ib b~ nnu:->, . McH 'n ry lIall. Cugnovit. W . K 1I0fl'Ct· and cell I'd. is ord red ' to dl~trthul e "rlll th Jf. whilll W I:' " (>l'I' III the C:et\~ ' thi s routinl'. except t o luk e hlll'ing f\'u 11111 ,lUI' (·I\'('l<! und " U J' \\U. dl ~JI1i ~~cd wl t huut I ' cord . RobeTt'\ . Brown are lhe att()r. c~rtain s !ls(!tt! to 'undl J. Hughes. I n l he ells!.' of The Mill mi VIII · William H, Drake , Ildmini~t r ulor built 1111, 1a,{ lillIe, t he IlllJ lIIl' nL WC' l hl' :,cllnty p ittlUi ce \\ 1' h'HI Jro nr h"I~I'~, w,' laicl uUl'~I'I\ "" down tIl la l~e d UUI legti sbuve th ' wate;r (i n the "'r eck, till th(' i'o l'ttin g 'f the 1'1'''1, 1I1ll' of ul' h~' tllt'llS k"eplllj( h'y Hlli lding anu L Olll n A ~s()cl llti oll of ~!!tate of Otis T. Hend raoll. de· w. Have a Complete W.tc. \l alk in ) O\Il' !iLod.: in Il'oze t v ~u n, and uur w(lary lill\b~ told Uti IIHtc'h . I(,,,t Ull" hlliia n" ,;h .. uld \"' I''' l l ~ Zli ck 1"lctl'!}('II', ~al l~' by Ih e ccusod is ordered to sell ce l'taln R.p.ir Senic. th In lIduYt, th .y WI' pu t down it WII ' t iml' to lillIe t he sce nt! onl't! '<ll'III lIUl h "r~l·s. Tit n,' l morn· ,h '!'iff wel'C RI>PI'ovllll and all ue· \'('111 e'tate for int rest of soid es· Arid li se only g nuine malerials. :If'a io, 8 lig ht IlS if bo und with more. •• 'il' 'u m !jl~ ncl'd "" ill/!:. 'l'Ut·~dil~. Mf\I't'h 7. liS lIno n I'OUnl~ Ill' lo bl' settled. 1}1~~~~....J:l~llUl~~1-.p.et-I-UU-II.----===::: rY!lt.u ls fit hi la-you wai~I-__ ~ll' l" 1n ' ue h n 'itunt ioll , und we w('re . w e we l'l.! undor the nl'- .• , it \IlLS tlH~· liJ!hl. W' c l, nti nul't! I n thl! cu~o 0 lcTrtrlll • , I'nil l property. _ M.rri.,e Licen.e. In ~u b l ' cr' " ath l'l', it. iti Il ceo sity of g,t ling a nothl'I' VOfIt t,. !>ur J"UI·I1t.'y, unll Lh middle nf th(' tUIll'~' '11l'po rutio Jl . vers us Moss nnn M. Barmann vers us Wi!Cary's Jewelry Shop on lillr WI! hUd /lv t pUI'i hed . Ilnd ('any U on ; b ut cr wo could onll' .III\' tWt.'i,tolik UI' Il'i nd [( >iRh· Uundnm, a 'OgTIov'i'l judgm'l\t of lillm W. Barmann 'tor divorce 'hal'les E dward O ~ born. Lebanon. Ohio P ' ibl . :y IJ\igllt, had not. th to an y reso lution of this ki nd, or \\\1'1' a lnH'!lt WlIl'n tlut I' ith fatigu I', :sua.!!:: \HI" ~et u,..id,~ tl nd hdd fO l' ~ha rge is I\I'OSS neglect of duty. el' o't Morrow. and Mj'S, mil lore Opan Evenings 1 i\'~I', \Hli 'h \HL ' no~ \'Isi ng rapidly det rmine wher we w ul d go t. iL . II i;. "Il>(on hilS been ov'r· lI:lught. Proceeding in ald filed Fmnk Bea l. et nl versus Dodds Knox. nurse of Morrow. ' Iimplell'ly c vp red our boat and accomplished. we Md th lIlH\'- I ur-n l'd t\\'i~e or thrke-- ill fa'l, he undur suid judgmel11t is <I i~mi:!se tl Ilnning o. et ai, f or llccounting Charlie H, Hill, !!lationllTY e ll· obtigeg u~ ~o de"i l fro m OU1' At.· tifi eat ion t o s th ' riv('l' frozen 1'1'1HIc11 to U ~ such 1\ ui~mu l story and thl' or der rel!l ruini ng Th e equita ble r elief and injunction. gineer, of Masu n; and Ml' . E IJllIl tilm'vt. 'I'ltu>! \\ ent ou r bo t; altd O\'cr on e nlOre 8nd close up al< flf the trinh" both of patience ond nion Ga~ & Ehlcil'ic o. from Ped Tn l Lund Blink. o f H ill, of Marson. ' thu \\ CnL ("'cry hop., of our flro· fa t as \1'1' ; , thi did not Incvl·lIt. '1IiJld, which 111' hnt! L1ndergon '. I'nyin~ in thl'it' bonds IlLl tht' d • villl', ve rs u Welte,' Saute r. Har old V. Bettis, paper hongt!t. c etll n oIl uur Journey; thu s weI' up fro m getti ng a boul reH~Y thul I \'elih' bl'Ii,,!' if the di· f!'ndanl ill d iR~o l v tI. Th clel'k i lIlon y, fOl'e clo,8ul'" and equi1able i Motl'o w. alld MJ'tI. E dna livtl r U L' tI ttcl'l ng prospects cut a gain st it shou ld break up ngtlln. [,Inre had LJ~t'J1 m\1 ' h j!'1' 'litH, lie hen,by ol'd red to notiry sa id COIII - rel ie r. a ll of Morrow. o;hu IL. and non I ~ft bu ~ th mis- Aeco .. din~ly. two uI th,· nu'n wl10 (·jllll'I' ",pulll IUlve ,:unk undel' iL 01' pallY of lhi~ Ol'dl' I' by ma ili ng u Herb el't D. "' ruck. SlIl es mllll , of cl'abl ull of tilting our h bita tio n had ol;colllnani d us. LJe;ing pl' tty rill lIIl'cl hi!; >\l' ttl ement on the , put. cl1J't iti('d COllY uf lh i ~ entry, L C Latonia KentuckYr..and M10l8 J\lur.. ' h "\I I n lLrU' 'as,' I) f O . k• vel'· Proo.te ", ourt ' h OSptla " bi e ,.... n t hQ 1n ... or es, It g od m chlinicK. \\ l' d Ispate ",[,h(' nex mOl'ni ng, Wetlrl('s,lllY I'aP 0 t J'IC cella A. Maas. of .Morrow. 'II liS till dUl.'k when th ve nt. ha p· them off to rove; 'reck aero" till' th of .\luI'ch, hy doylip;ht, 0 111' :111' K,·II), Plltdrk. the def 'nda nt 'RO SH Powers Wli 8 -Co und ! eebleEdwllrtls Kindred lo borer pe ned. II nJ th is, adde d t o the des· t.he wood, where lhey might h(lve (' a\'Ulcade Wn~ in moli"n . lind i~ t t> pll. to lhe plaintiff' 4 PCt' minded und i~ lo be admitted into of Ralph Franklin lid Misli Eva Inrie lution \\I hidl wa making arou nd the advuntage of II saw to !lU \\' the ~lJ llH.! vI' the J1al'ty rod' on first to \yeek f(,r NUPPOJ't of chil d. t he Insti t uti un tQ r the Feeble· Little , of Franklin. U ! , wbu p o ~ er we co uld hear plllnks for the bou~ (for us to nil di:<l'ov"I' lh' 5\>o t, 1'or ... e were In tilt' case o f Olma Mu ll VeLlJ, minded. William Harp r, labore t" 01 T he estate of Luthe r E . Hughes, F ranklin bu n tl~ discern, heightened the ef- oth I' l oo l ~ w had plenty ol th m tra cling with out atlY uthel' guirle 1"l'lInk ,'cllwul'lt.tl'aulter und stcllu and Mi~s Eliza Williams. :feet of vur £orlo l'n ilUll t.io 11. with u ) and whcl'e lh!.')' might Ihlln \\ hut lillie kn wlt'dge of the ~c h\\ Ill'ull'uu'b er. th dt:! ' nda nts decea d, . is ox mpt fr olll inheri· h ous keepe l' o f }' ranklin. Rt)OT FOR AND CONSIGN " Snme women who were with huv the I\ ...~i~tnnce oI mor hand cou nu'y the nll11l had L\cquircd by te gl'llnled :30 duys additi onul Wnce ta x. )'ouJfCattle. hog , $he~p IIno calve. our ,party ha d kindled 1I fi re on the required. c,cordingly abo ut th hunling OV\?I' it. I could not but. titlle ill whi~h t il file a n, wea'. ales by William fl . Drake, ad· to Notris-Brock Co., lIve wire and banks, lind when we saw that n o middle of lhis month J anunry), wi t h pleasure behold with what ex. In the cu~e of :e ntral Aceep· min istralol' of the e tat of Oti s more uld be don e we tOck our they sot out Ivr GrOve re k, lak· ~(!ditioJ1 th" piol1o('l', ill frollt tnllcc t1rpol'uLion Vlll'SUS Rllymond T. He nder on, deceased. was ap· Jaco b ,C . Chr istma.n to lnu. ib· progressive firm for the hli,hut bwnkotl\, and, cl ari ng a \\lay the ing Wilh th l> m all the too ls which cleared the wily for thl' wagun . . Hall and Alma Hall, jUdgment proved and all accounts are t o be bee 199 .41 acres in Wayn e town- market price8 a'nd good servIce. Union St~k Y.rd.' Cincinnati, O. s now, la y OU 1'S Iv08 d own bef-or it they might have occasion for in There wel'e but t h\'ee or four f >I'm; I'"ndere" to p/uintiff for $ 152. ' cttled . s hip . Tune In on Radio Station WCKY and. ovel'co mo with f atigue, gave t h 'ir undertaking; and th ey sel t hem and they gtlt ihe ,'olld clear JO and co~l~. nnice M. Crossier, executrix or Oti T . Hend rs n. by adminis· 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m, for our daily oursel up l O I' st. Some of th bout felling some tre II irn medi· as fast as the wagon 'uu ld l)rOIII the case of Fit'~, l Mas II .Blink t he e!!tate o f Frllnk . r osier, de· trator t o John ummings. R l!al market r,e ports'. :party we r so treded by t he in· a tely and soon put their wvrk in a eed . W h ile w(' weTC proceliing on verRU" Allnii! I. h 'Win, the defen - cea cd , tile d her first and final ac· e tat in Wayne Town ship. t n e cold, and by 0 long expos- wt u'f lurwa rdneoss. Bu t wha t reo Il~ this rllt , we ob ervod at some dUllt if, give n 10 dUYti ad ditional cQ unt. J , R. Hensey. et al t o Ethel May uro in the wat.er that their t o! Iieved us most ill our di t re S WllS distanl'e befQr us a human being liml' to plt!ud. hllrJ es H. Gibb s, adminis trator R onik r. Real ' eslate in Turtl e· ~I were fl'o t-bitten ; vthe l'~ had th eir meet ing with a supply of dllrl into t he w ands nnd 'ndenvor In the n;;(' Ilf Henll'Y IT rz g a nd <1f the estate of Amanda Gibbs de- creek iownlll:rip. I swelled up hI large knots a s g llnpowd er. whi h. tho ugh mUll, to fl ee from u,. 19numnt Ol what Kuthnrine lh'rzo~ \'(>I"U' Willilllll c('ased. flied hi s inventory . . ' edl Fletchet· t Ol Harold E. and big a n g. As to myself, 1 felt \\I8S vel'}' acceptabl t o us. as w t his mil{ht nwnn , we deiaYNI th e Hurnoill', lhe mollo n uf the de f en· , Th e e.stat of Ot is T. Henderson Marie K. Mills. Inlo.L 7 47 in no ill effects f~ m eith r. • .. • wer e red uced to our last charg e wugo ns. a nd some or u:; went intu danl ,t o make p'titian rI fin ite an I decea sed, is xe mpt from inheri. Franklin. "As day lighL advanced . we had a nd \\Iere in a g re t dilem ma what t h WOOds a nd tfll('ked the root· ct'rtam \\f overruled, tonce tax. Thomas C. and ·Pearl E , Qroves '1lsu an pportunity of eing in to do , as we depended o n o ur gun .~le p!l of a man lor 80ntl' liUle di~· ] n tlie cl\~e of W illiam W . Russ The inve nttl ry of D. E. Hewood to The Mutual Building and Loan what situlltion w st ood ours ~lveB fa r our daily food . t il nee . '\Vh n udd\ln ly a n j!;'J' O vt'r ' U, Rut h V()ll num I~us~, II cl i· executor o'f the state ot Mllry R. Co. lnlot NOB. 124 and 126 in and h N, instead of finding any Whilst they we re g c,tting th e ma de his app 'UI'once fl'om b hitld vorce waH ttr ~ nted pilllnt lff nnd Ue dl;ck. d eceased, wa approved. Franklin. ' 80 Years Experience In laY of comfort or h op e. we observ boat ready in th i manner, we so me bus hes and hl\~li l y inquire I! to:ts t o pla Int Iff. R ob..·t Lamb was appointed &d. David R. A 'hworth to Jaco b . Fitting and Making Glu... ed our misforutn e increasing up. wou ld occasiollolly take our guns ",het her t h er ' wel'e a ny Ind ia ns in Tn, t he case of Flor a Jones ver · ministrator of estate 01 John Lamb hristman. 1 9.41 a cre s ill Wayne on u f oI' thebllnk whel'e we a nd go over t o see th m and en· OUI' pa rty 01' wh th l' we had ~ee n : u ~ k:lmer J OI\P~ and Julia B ~l'gan. deceased , and filed bond of $1000 t own hip. lay ;was fully rif ty fe eL high courage t hem in t heir unde rtaking an y. Th e h ideousnl' s~ j ihe man's It II.' o~'d cr d t hal d fe ndan,t PII Y lO wit h Th e United taLes Fidelity The Edward Meincll E iltate t o 4lnd ,n early pe rpendicular The e t wo men hRd lately come cou nten ance (\\ hieh \Vas pai nt d vial nllff $5 p~r week un t il f u n h· nn d Guaranty 0 . , 118 surety. J , L. Ada Moore. Real estate in Deel-. , L.bano.... Obio mn.ch so that it could Dot fr om Eng land a nd Mr . H. mee ting wit h large I'ed spots on 1-\ dark er onlet' Ol t hl!! co u rt. Mende nhall. A. K, Day and field township. T .. ..day. Tb"nd.y, Satu..d.p b scended or d sce nded them Ilt Philadelphia, gave them bac kgr oun d lind h i ~ ~udde n up· I n tht' ('ase of Curl ~Yay n e Mi~- les T. E1Iis were appointed ---E ••min.tlon Free without gr at difficulty, ther fift y pound!! ~urrency for t he ir se r pearancc ~l8\'tlcd u at Rr, t . but dl 'L<) n vel'. us Lau ra MI~ dl ~lo Jl , UI· p raisers. Bill. Allowed happened to be a little 'bit of level vice f o r t\v o years and th y wer e ~o o n g uessing h i ,i tuution, e put \'orco was gt'an led plaI ntIff. cn re Hele n Owens was tound insane LEBANON, OHIO wher th boat we , and where we n ow going down with him to help him beyo nd all oppreh n icm nnd of chi ldr n to defe ndan t. plain tiff a nd iR to be admitted to the Day. James FoUen, service, $15; placed the things we had prellerv· him form his settlement. on th e i nform d him that he wa$ per- to pa y 5 yer "',oek for support of ton ta te H ospital Penn MOI't on, . ervicell. $70; Book ed fro~ the wreck; but the water Miami river; they hall g t their f o t1 y !laf . He then bega n to in· , ame, P lalnllff IS t(1 plly alLorney M rgaret Lee, guardian of Ben· hop. suppli 8, $ L1; C. Donald wa rising 80 rapidly th1it it had wives wi th them, which. togethe r ( 0 1' 11\ us t hat h hud bCl' n a pl"ison. ree~ r I' defen uant Iln d costs of .i amin F . Lee, el al. minors. ftled Dilatush. rent. $20; Book Shop, &!overed this place. and we were with anotheT person, Mr. 1:1 igh· er am ong tht' i ndia ns ever !li m'o lcuon . . . hel' inventory. supplies! f2.76; swalt! Furrel'al under the necessity (worn out as may and myself (7 in all). f 'or med th e close of l he last Am eri ca n In t he cu,se of H , L. HardIng, et Jame E. Burke l admini trator Home, burial services. $50; Ohio we were) of CArrying them still our whol company. But what is war, nnd t ha t he hUll Illcditate d his !II V r , us So uth Lelba non Puckln~ o f ' estate of Minnie Ohmer deoe8s. Stale 'Sanatorlum, care of patient, higher up the bank. or they would very remarkable. and what may escape eve l' s in~e he hud b een in Co., It cOl'lI orllt io n. Qt ai, it is or· ed flied his flrst and flnal ~ccount $5: O. S. Higgin, services, $1; bave Ilhared the fate 01 our vesa I. people who were traveling near th eir ha nd s, but. that never t ill dl'~d tha t, t he I:ec,!i 1!1' ~ivc due V. E. Edwards. administrator of Cli" Brant. services. $1; A. L. This was a m08t laborious under- never happen to seven Qthe r; n ow hu d he been able t accol1l· JlCt t lce of dlS olulton of s aid corp or stat of Sanh L we Gebhart de. Hannah, burial service. $100: taking, and to have hauled Utem to 4,000 miles from their country, we plLh it. He ll, k Ii what COIIl'se the t ion. The receivel' i au th urized cea ed. ' is ordered to sell ce;tain Hatfield. ervic, $10; the top of the bank would have happened to hi! all English." n nreElt town lay f~om us, anti, to sell la bels t J. 50 p el' tho ug· stocks fol' interest of said estate. a MilleT, services, $10; Mar taken u soroe day; we were. The river remained frozen over aIte r te ll ing him. he Mid t hat th e and . ' , In the matter of the jfuardian- row hitacr, services, $6 ' Mrs. ther foro, under the necell8ity of 'f or nearly five weeks. and. when lndin ns n u dou bt hail b en pur· ]n th e ca~e C!f Hnrry Olls Mc· ship of Edward H , Pierce, et ai, Howard Sawyer. services. $7; LiI· hauling them u~ oae by one. about the ice did break up, conditions suing him over si n('E' they had tn i ' j lU ng v r su I£ t hei lon e Dudley minor h irs 0'1 Edna Hall Pierce, it lie Urton, ervices, $10; Julia two r three feet at a time. and ere about the same as tho~e en. ed hi m. and t hat he in t nded La I'L ul, th e fOU1'th a cc:o unt of har· is ..dered that Raymond E. Dun- Holland. !lervice , ,LO; Erma Hib· lodge them behind the trees which countered in the December thaw. cl'lcupe to the fir~t t own rol' pro· II'S J. Wuggon'r. tl'ustee, was ap · ham appear in court and give good har, services. $10; Albert Millard. grew on the bank, and which pre· The new boat. which was forty tect ion, H e sa id t hllt they ha d use d IProved, and ~ o nfi}:m ed by th e court. cause why he has , no't filed his in. 8ervices, $10; Hieh. aTd . Williams, A,nn w LUlza Kmn er \~as granted ventory. services. $$10 t Book Shop supplies !Vented their rolling back iato the feet l o n~ and thirteen feet wide, him I' marka bly we ll eve r si n he river, and this we were obliced to and which was con tructed entire. ha d b e !,\ wi h lh em. t r E'ating him II d lvol'oo fro~l Jay KI.nry er. The William H . McMahan, executor $2.20; Book Shop, ' supplles, $2; H. continue to do until we saw the ly of green. hand-sawed lumber, 81' one of t he ir own children. li nd c':' tod y of th elr so n. WIlha m, w~ s o f estate of Emma Mc IIhan. ,de· C. Hamilton. supplies. $l2i Leb· Phone 78J river had ceased risipg: and th~n , was finally completed, and loaded. doing evel'ything in th'it' pow r to 1 'I ~en to d f.e n ~ nn t, t~ e other Chll .• cea s d. flIed his first and final patr.iot, legal advertising; Nie lilftl them for a day 01' two. 1n About 10 o'clock on the f)'lOrm"'''' r nc1 e r h is fi it uut ion com fortab le. dl e n to pluln t lff unlt l f ut·the l· or · a ccount. Waldron . Gilmour, in· order to rest ' ourselves from our 01 February 20, 179'7, the Th Y had /live n h im a wife and a del' of court. " The adj udication and determina $6.30: William Shotwell. latigue and to fix up some kind of once more embarked on m thet (i t i t heil' usua l practice In ,the ca e of M.IIlf!l1 ValJey tion of the inheritance tax On ~he $20.25; , Dr. Edward Blair ballitation to ·protect Uil from the journey down the' river The t o pu t whit p op le w ho," they I Bulldlll,g Loan ASS(ICllltlOn versu s e tate of Me.llvina Mason, deceaa· $626; A. W: .. i counts continues: . wish to enco u ro)l'c to com arno nA' eci~ .Fl etcher, et al. ales by the e dt is to be given to all person8 in· contract No, 1014; .iDelf:!llency of tbe weather, · . I'IiJ(ving thus happily escaped "Monday February 27- Ab out th em. under th e protectio n f ' hel'l~ were ap Pl'ov,ed and all a c· terested. $210; Beal. IItone. '$17.25; ffrotn . thi danger and saved most half.pa8t 3' o'clock we came to DOl e mat ron wh o i~ called theil' j co lnt>:; ar eJ.QJ:!..e se t . . 'pg D. Welch. administrator 1I. L. SehU}!l.e.r, pay roll $236 i Carl Director of Fuaeral '.nice . '01, OUl' property ft;om tbe fiood,:"e Columbia _ our long.wished.for lilother) a nd p lenty of land t o B 'Id ' th.e ca~e MII~tl ':'al!ey of estate of William C. Welch, de. Dakin, pay roll, $152; Johl1 Myel'll '!let abou~ rectanll' ~ coven~ port----having, through unforseen eultivat if he chose it . And t he u~ , Ing an an S OC lutl on ceased. filed hill inventory. pay roll. $162; Floyd Lemmon8, ~ unde~ w~lch to lodge It; and thu difficulties and unavoidable delays liberty of do ing ev I'ything but vhl ~~s a ck F letc he r, sules ary MUrray Bridge admlnistra· pay roll, $196; Charles E . Brad· Our convenient location, suita· snd OWe"(hd wltb a num~er of blankets been six month!! on our journey. making his e~cnpe . With nil these R 'I I~ weJ'~ a&provc~ d all uc- trix of estate of Alexander -)lur· bUry, pay 1'011, $350; Joe W. D8't'j~ ble surroundings and quiproeJlt and some coars,e IlIIea ;Which we We put our boat into the mouth inducemen t. he said he could not co ~n ::T 0 e sett e,' . ray , S~ .• d ceBlIed, flied her af· pay roll, $196,50: A. T. RetUg. enables us to Serve to t.he Belt 'I.-d b ht th us' It Wall a M R' g~v up the idea OJ never seein g B .n . t e ca e of Mluml ':'al!ey fidavit in lieu of an account. roll. $222; Eden Terry, par. ;:ugh ~~f of ~Ildin&','but such ~n ';i!~~ Lili~igh~i h:~f~:nd~o:~ again t hose f d e nd s and r elativ s u~~d 'Jlg ~nd Loan ASSO Ciation A certified copy of the entry de$88'0; E. D. Jones, pay rol Advantage. one as answered our purpose In bllsiness to do with a gentleman in wt\om he had 1 ft in hi s s r1y days ~~lSU~, e~1 .~letcdh'~, e~ al! c<l n- ~el'mini'ng the inheritance tax to ; V. W, Tompkins, pay roU: -th~ situation we were in. We made lhe town whose house was about This man. when he wa s taken mil JOn, e an Istl'lbuhon. be paid on the estate ot Mellvina 1.38; Stanley Doane. services AMBULANCE SERVICE ·t by fixing two poles in the a half mile oil'. be took a canoe prisoner. was a ~lave to a person I New Suit.. Mason. deceased, is to be certified 60; Robert McMullen, labor: cround, about ton or twelve feet and went. down to him this after- In Kentucky. ' t" without delay. Orie Dou&,hman. laborer, $4'; w.y •••• Obio Phon. 29 and layinc anoth~l' noon. and did not return till qllite "A bout 3 or 4 o'clQck th same I FII' t Natl nnl Bank of Blan· Alton F. Brown, was appointed Doulrhman, labor. $6; Frank a under. U'aversely at ~he top of them. ThIS late. _ . . Heighway informed afternoon, we had the !;atiRCa ctio n ?hd teE' v;r us haE'le D. Corwin IlJminlstrator of estate of Peter B.. mechanic. '&2; C. M. 'was the front of our tent .and me that nearly half hi land was of ee ing the Li ttle Miami r iver' ~n ' . Murrell, For money, Cleaver, decca edt and filed bond operating maintainer, ·was lefL open; th41 bac~ and sJdes sold and a great part of it settled; here we halted. for iii wa on th~ fO rt;clos ul'e, ~a 1e of l'eal estate and of $1500 with the United States $39; Blind Pensions. quarter !lndwer~ form~d by str~Jgbtpole!\ the price he asked :Cor it was $2 banks Ii! lhiR "ivE!f that the Lv I'n equltabl rel! ef. , Fidelity Co. as surety. May Har· ~ September 30. '1 085.74; E. lea!llng against the honzontal one. per acr ; • • • the lots in the was ' laid out, and we were soon I h Flrs~ NatI onal Blink of Bla~. Ian, Charles Win,field and ~. T. ,Knapp, operating- maintainer, , whIch wa placed traversely aeos, town whJch he had laid out were j oin d by our I)ther companions. c s te l v ersus Charles D. Corwin Moler were ap'pomted appraIsers. $39. 'tOT ARY PUBLIC ,and over the~ were thro,,":n *,6; they consisted of a half acre who had proce eded on fi rs t, und " ._- -~::-:.=== ===== blankets. etc.; thIS .ecur~d us, 1n of ground, and you were obliged wh o in form d Ul\ that they had Natl...1 B_III • measure. from the r~m. which t.() build a house in a certain time. recogn iz ~d th!' s pot about half a a nd b efore nig ht they had got tho woods. In a short time, the of nearly all , Perbaps all did not ~an off almost as fast as It fell, and "Heighway remained here, mile up th ~ d ver. We acc ol'p in/l· ~ ve l'a l ?f lhe logs I.iq and the immense trunk began to rive way, encounter 'the same , inciden Will. Dra_ • • E.l&t•• S."a.. 'In order to keep out ~e co,ld, housed hi8 goods, sold his boat. etc Iy went on a ni! go t t he goods ' out ~ IJ,U e l'IlI sed several feet. They all and. carrying all the leSHr trees and hardships, but the majority WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ke)tt a large tire burmg 111 t~e and hired two wagons to take what of lh e wago ns that night, 0 th ey Jo rn,e d che el'ful\y in this work. · • before it, fell with a tremendous experienced severe privations. Not front 1.11. our tent; and thus clr· good!! they could, and, on March 4 might rc tuI'n IIgain as soo n a, they Wh~le the rnajor paJ·t were engag· ctash upon th ground; bruin, 80 now. whell all part of the '<:um tanced we endeavored to 1797. the two wagons started ac. thought v ro pel' : here we could no t ed 1n this necessary employn,ent finding his. habitation in motion. country can be reached within a make our elves as comfortabJe as companied by a guide. to conduct bu ~ cOhgrat ula te OUI' f l'le l'rd Heigh. Dr . Bane and myself, with two of began- to look out be10re it Ihort time by railroads. It may be ~e ,:ould, consoling ourselv~s that them tlirough the wilderness, and way upon his urrival lit the. ea t of the men , took our guns and a touched the ground. and, with a of interest to know what beca.m e ' Jt might have been worse WIth us. thre of f o ur pionee.r s, to clear the his new co lony, H appeared ~<l uple ,of axes andwent bear·hunt., 'udden spring. arrived there first. of Baily. On the Srd of Apri] .and that even now we were not so road of trees. • • - And on the hem·tily glad tha t his j ourney was mg, W e had discovered marks 01 Immed~ately Dr, Bane leveled his 1797. he boarded a ' flat·boat at badly off a~ many ?f tbos~ who 6th of Mach. Dr. Bane and myself at , an end, and he s e med t o ey e eve ral in ('~ min~ fllong. and we piece and shot him through the Cincinnati, and in tbat manner WANTED ' had d seended the river thIS sea- started about noon, accompanied the ground lind the co untry about wer e now gOIng t o s ee if we COuld body, but only so as to wound him. to New' Orleans and the son. . by several others in the neighbor. with that degree of ~eCl'et pleas· hoo~ Bo me of lhem. in order to and the bear began to turn on him. Sout;hern country; returned by Fordson Tractors to " Here we found full employ. hood, some of whom were tempted ure which A man may be conc eived flll:flls~ o ur~elve with provisions. • • • This afforded me .time to horseback through the '10untry to WANTE wreck Eby Bros, R. R. 11, ' n1ent fQr some time in drying our by cUTiosity and others with a to tuke in viewing a spot wbich. in . Th.l s be mg .a new s pecie sof come J'ound to Dr. Bane's 88Sis- Knoxville, Tenn., and, on the 28th goods, which h~ got wet when the prospect of settling there., We point of cul tiva t ion. wa s to be dIVer Sion to me. I I!mbl'aced with tance. when ' I shot the animal of January. ] 798t., boarded a ship Sou't h Broad way, Dayton, Ohio. .<!J..,g ' ice stove the boat. Some of the were mounted on horses and hlld the work of hi s own hands ; he pl,e asure the op. p,o rtunity oJ gOi.ng through the head and put a period at New York for !!inrland, and ar. packag es were so much frozen aij each a gun. and across our saddles sa med to anticipate , his labor s wl i h them to nj oy it. We had not to his existence. After that ,we left rived at Bristol March I , 1798." ' to take two , or three days can: we bad a la rge bag containing and fanc y he saw f ruitful corn p:oceed ed far in the woods ere we him t o our men to carry to camp, Such was the character of the FOR SALE taritly standing befoTe the fire ere som e corn for our horses and field s and blus hing orchard s in (iIscovereu a hole , illl the top of a whilst we went to discoveT the and women who firet settled we 'could get out their conUmts to provisions fo,r ourselves. as also every obj ect h e beheld and ex- iofty oak. whos e diameter was up. haunts of ome others, and. In this COUll try now knowlI as Wayne FOR SALE-Poland. China male dry the m. This took us near thre~ some blankets, • • • We kept pressed. a sec\·et. satisfacti on in \ Ilrd of three feet at the bottom expedition we killed two Or three Township. I it any wonder that "weeks du~ing '''hich time we ha the r oad a long as we could. an" thinking- h e sh ould nd hjs days in -." • We saw evident traces of' d I' d vow e t tit 1 such people 8hoa'" .aatabli-'- the , pigs. E. Evans. Phone 470, R'_ nll • • " <l c· hI"d d,aw on the bal'k of the tree ..... , e an a we quan 0 IN' .. ....ot into more comfortable lod~. when that would not assis~ us any till S d eI'19h t f uI country. t i1d turkeys. aso grthat hady not very best system >Q...., of schoobl p08i"ngs. tn the neighborhood of tins farther, we struck out mto the "Th e next mOl'nihg. nothing was an J Was soon 'r esolved that th~ any pro~pect of extreme want." sible for the education ot their FOR SALE-Poland China boar!!. 'Place we had found a log house: woods and toward sundo'wn found to be hea,l'd but the Round of the tre sh ould come ~Iown . Accord.. Summarizipg in conclusion. des~endants? Now, we are ready immuned. $10.00 to $15.00, alao whicn appeared to have been used ourselves about twenty miles Irom ax reso unding thl'ough the woods. Ingly, our two men set at it and .Judgp Ke~s says: "The foregoing to trace the record. and see how a open wool buck", and breeding for 'th e PUl'pose of storing :fodder <;:olumbia; here, having spied a Jo: V(ll'Y one who was 'cxpert at t hat when t hey had nearly got thr~ugh narrative iII11strates the hardships loyal t9 the example of their fore. ewes. 4 miles ea t of Harveysb1:lrg 'for caUle. It was open on all httle brook t'unning at the bottom art was gone out to cut down we t ook OUI' appoint:e<I station s t~ of the e8rly settler!! In reaching (athel'll these deseendants bave Weldon Heller, Wilmington. 0 ., R. sid es between the logs, but this we of a hill, we made a halt, and l t rees t o build our il'ien\:! a house. watch th e egreSS of the tyrant of the West. and is a fair iIIu8tration proven tbemaelvea to be. No.6. .n2 soon renw died by lin'ing the 'Whole = .... =-= ........ _ ... __ ~_1~=====:;::""1======= with blankets and eoal'lle linen ''Which we had covered our tent • wilh , W e also built up a chlmlley In it, and had our tire , !Within dOOTS; so that , DOW IS IT TRllf:.UNCU. JOIINI~A" ~egan to look a little mpre I~II"SO,~MMI£.'N J:ACT JG(J""'IUK11Q.200SEVELlS RAILorder. thoug h theTe was no D4NIH. WILLARD,w~o IS 01(5 jng t o the h ouse, n either was PLAN IS TIlE SAME At:; 1'4£ 8~ QALaOAO MEN 1NI there IIny window. f or all the light Of.JE lllAT PRESIt>E.NT 'We had eame down the chimney. CQONTQV ,oU!) A DEMOCQAT. SAW which WIlS large and wide. or in at ~::NE:1l RECOMM~Nt>E-O '11IAT HE CAN SU ~ '~5£"TlAL the' door i however. this was' a lux· ~STAVEAQ ~FEQE~ 8E1WHN THE \lry with which w~ could dispense. AGo'? considering t he hard hips we had NII='Wc" &lCP!USSEI> '"' C:iOYliRWlOal rone tllTou~h; therefore. hauling ANDl\k6'M~ all our goods to this Jllace and , 6[~Y IV llII-ClSU8UCAIof Itowing' them under this roof. we ~AKtlS. ' may not impropel'ly be said to have commenced bOllsekeeping. This wa on the 24th of December and, it wall about a mile from where we were, we made a al~e lor the convenience 01 dranillg our to the houle. or we Ihoald ,JI8ver have accomplished It. ~ four hone. aboard -.rlth h expedited UI ill this d • • vel'J
I.____________ DR. 'RUDOLPH
Sight Specialist
~ Cary's
Jewelry Shop
F. -r. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
=z:::========-=---'-==========::====:::::1_-_••__.....====================:;:;0;:;==...""""....6:=t1..... JIMMIE AND UNCLE JOHN
."'..,.rt)' n, • had tuk
Jimmie I. No Sapl '
Mr. and Mr .... C. H. Dl'atherage had lUI Sunday gu('~t~, MI'. and MrR "Aunt .:aUy, do you ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY R. H. Hartsock an,1 children, Wi!· !'it here Oil the top stell ton, Owen, JaM' and Jean, or go right un "ilh yuul' ,D. L. CRANE I I ' P.bll.la... Su~.criptloa Price. .1.10 & Year Waynesville. ., lind, A rlllauclt ,! 1 OBic. Plaoa. , .. . ., ........ No. 112 Ellt"r d at Po-.toftlce .t WaYne. nul.' lilT, of I .• aWlit omie, not! Men<.!in' is one of a•• l.t.ac . .. .., .. " .... ........... .No. lla viII . Ohio, a'M~::d Cla.. M.all Kansas, i' vi iling his mother, Jl<)U c'rul uJtel'Ouun jobs that's II .'\1rs. Rose .lIrr, and uthn reln- II IIf) mOUl intt'rl;'stin ' ill :lhtl preijtives. ' Miss fI Mub .. 1 and e o' good cumpany. Make YQurOCTOBER 5, ]932 ~i!lf onfut"labl" 11oney, ana tell ,'Lan and friend, of (Juyton, WHe IlIC what you bin doin·." here Sunday with I Auntlc, ' - ['VI.) be,en d' "Wei, olng Slal·r. Alic .·uml! thinking, " Judging from. l' ports "belter' limes" at' on the e t "Hum, thinkin' ! That'll a good, to k ep them comang_ Acti n is n 'ede,1 to hasten th.~-tolltim1tt.>-ft1ffi\HI~r.t--JU..[liUlCill1~~U!.l.L-l.ll..:-uu.!.:-':LUI-=I+---:-+."hmea"7lt1tlfhiY?" sign! 'Bout enythin ' Man~ mOI'c .m .. n must ' b' put to work so they can buy the food The Pl'ienu's Sunday .. h uh- ab out voting. Rem mand cJot h lOg theIr families n~(ld. And it mu.st be done with les~ than enjoyed a wine r ' r'uust at bel' tellin g' Ill" that wome,n should . ' . hom or Mrs. Rusl' C tllT lak ' an jnt rcs t in poLiti(!s? Well, tl..e Jlormal amount 0-( money. fortunately, the des ired result can be accompli hed by ad pting family Thursday evening. - Lhinking it () V '/' , Aunt .' ally J've ~\ pohcy or .cJov()ting the publie funds to the most useful and most nec: D. ook ill au agnin f ullow- detid d }'ou 're right, yu u 1'"l!nenlllv eSijllry II ft'a m l . ing II short i11n e:!!, a .. e 1 find ." ~ .. . l;'ul' instnc , in the maller of I'oads arld streets. there is no queR ' Mr. and M..s . J()h n Ke nnedy en- "I' 8m I~ Well, if , ilas heard h?1I but thut many mo ..c mileK of useable surfact' are essential. These tertained company .'u ndIlY· that he' d Iliff tit. t u kill himself. I'm \\,111 be most useful ",hen the type of surface chosen provides the Martha Ashl 'Y Klll'nl Tuesday not ALW A \'~ right, . nnabelle. great t'. volume of ""copl , w'th ' says, ••we ni"ht . I .goo d I'on(I s, A l! one aut h Ol'lty .. with Mal'\.' K. thle!'n '1'hol11ll- and you talkinK 0' vuting that wa i a l"ight SlUlu't re mindel' 0 ' One 0' n!l pr~f(jl p.lush seat d hm oll~lnes to Fords, but we do not prefer to son. l'lde, nll~e mr!es on . horseuack through the mud 80 as to be able to ride J. W. lark iH ~ p e /l d in g . am the tim !!s when I \\,U2 e'ood and n nlll~ an a limOUSine wh ' 11 we could make it al\ the way oller II cheap time in Walhond ing wi l h hiH so n. wrong!" .. road III a Ford." . Roy und 'family. Ten il f" . f ' Mr". Will. LUWflOll a nd children " 011 yc ·. Aunt aUy , you . .' m es 0 satlS aelol'Y" sudace i much bett r than nine pl'omi sed tu tell m' of that the mIles of mud o r du st IIntl one mile of "excellent" road. Each Im- and MI'. '1'. B. Tucker called on Mr lal!t . tim e I was over her ." pl' vemeni should b' justili ble from the standpoint of need and ami Mrs. A. L. Ke nnedy unduy .. Jt. ~ kind 0' painful jest reo I!hould bc within the s izlj of th l! J)ocketbook. lIening. call in' it, 11 1m""" bu' '~n (,. a 'It rna" ln I'oa'i, lind :I.rell ' t b ' 11 ' h Mr. and Mrl;. hn. ' B:dwarus J • 0"" ~ I'll tellJ Ul (lng t amount of the expenditure, not help you in your thinkin' the pruducts used, govel"n~ the llU 1l111el' of men employed, spent undliy aflel'l1oon with Mr. and Mrs . Howar d :,; urface, near Pacifi st say th ll P;:;P;;ity-:' ill not I'eturn '0 the world until the Utica world disUl·n~l!,lInd.if t hn t i. true, ,\hich we doubt. then we can predict M. E. hel'wood : pent t he past that there 11m t gOIng lu b IIny mll rll prosperity. week with hi s brolh r , William in Wayne ville. A Bri~i sh, ~c~ nt ~ sa ), th aL our sleep is controlled by the amount of IOdme ln lhl' syste m. That explains why oysters sleep all ~rove th tim. They are said t o b (ull of iodine.
. C omlng . K eep Go od T Ime,
These Are Bulldln_ And Repairing Day
By Mr.. J.uie B. T... ipp May the Lord pI'esel've u. , that terrible night 011 Halloween, when thl' witchee~ took flighL; . Ii won' t l!\! ' long n ow, we will. e them suon RidinIC theil~ broom·sticks against the moon. ' ails all dirty. hand .. lik claw", GI'ecn ye, shaped like big pawpaws, have heal'd thfl m Ilt night, lind 1 know w II They are hOl'rible f olks, by the tliles lh"y tell. From my bl.'d I'oom wind () w, in pillin vicw 1 hav\! s .. en them pa . on th ir way thrq ugh, een the owl s and the cats against the sky. On the Witche backs as they bl'oomstlck by, Over the hillR !lnll the topg of the trees Over the bridge. , and rivers, the , Long ago, 1 heard the folk s tell Of seeing the Witch ()l'I, und hearing them yell.
On(l tim our milk had s hsrl' ne edl i; inIt came from our cow nil mOld Nipple Pin; 'he cou ld nut . tand ~ till at milking time Her eyes were wild, he .. mouth full of rhime. Shi! had been bewitched, right there in her sta ll And the finest cow we had uf them all. Away we went over hill and dell To get the Witch Doctor to break the spell.
harles Foley and son, fem, of On\! trnuble abuut photogrllPhing an eclipse is that if omethin g got's wl'o'!g l(ou can'~ ask the eclip e to come back tomorrow fo,!' near Wilmingto n, fl pe nt • unday afternoon with the J ordan family another Sitt in -.- Indlanapolis New!!. here, Mr. and Mrs, Raleigh Bogan, of . Thc!" Illay not be anyth ing in this but coincidencll but an e lenear New Burlington, attended "hunt In th e Atlunli(' ily zoo diad of indigestion the day alter the Rally Day se rvices at the · Maine election, church here last ·Sullday. .0, M. Ridge and.wife, f Wayill1ybe Cermany'. idea of di 'lirmument is to give every nation an . H. Morgan McKinqual numbet' of llI.:!n und weap III and , then let them try t{) disarm nesville, I ~y Rllctor, and Lewis Mabley, of you all 'bout it. 'Twas back in He came and took a wisp of ber une another. near Gr en Briar, called on K. E. 1916- you wel'e just about tarthair sch ool til n 80 you won't re- . And hung it right ov r the barn If p litical . eclip es could be made of as short duration us an Thompson and (amily Salurday in' member; but, Wilson wal! runnin' door there; lip e of the un, wou ldll' t it make a Jot of ex-politicians happy? evK,in~. Thompson and family fur President. B th ))art;ie~ were o when the old Witch came hoek doin ' their usual amount 0' agitaagain The n wMayor of New York has made a big slash in city salaries had for their Sunday afternoon tin', !lame a lh~y're doin' right Th devil would get her, and "hich i no way to muke Tllmmllny 1 el good. call rs: Orlandu B~'llnnan and now only the D mocrats hlld a wife and Mr~ . Mllry Dodge and bind her with chuin. catchy slogan 'b out keepi'n' us out daughter, Ednll! of Xenia. John She came in the form of a big . - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....- -J Slyder and family, ytvestel' 0 ' Will'." black cat "You kn ow how tis with us wimRaxer and family, of J ohn sville, Now what in the wO.1"ld do you OhiO, and Howar d Mill r and fam- min, Annabelle? Most of us don't think of that? lik War. The men folk~, tried t o We heard a cl'eech, and a terrible ily, of New Lebanon. P. G. Wells, and familY j were tell us not to be taken ill by a yell Sunday dinllOr gu sls of MI'. and phrase, that nO one could keep us Found the devil had got her and . (Musical Interlud R by Fal'ln Night Melody Makers) Mrs. Mylah Powell, of neal' Olive out 0' the War if it , uz our own bOllnd her well. salvation to get in it. Fact is BrlUlch. 8:00 · Mu8ie . D Mrs. Val ora H ndrick, and most 0' the men folks 'round here Her eyes were green as green 8:05 orne Upturns in ounlry Living .. , . " E. I Te~rea'J . Mrs. Sully Jona:, of Middletown, . ed we should a bin in it right then could be 8:20 The Prop sed 'ounty Am num nt ... . .. R. C. Atkmson Ispont atul'dllY night and unday Well, anywllY. I liked the idea 0' More loam in her mouth than 8 :35 Ho~ Fair!>! Help Livestock Farmers ... ...... , ...• , C. W. Gay with their ]larent, Mr: Henry bein~ kept out,- and r '~oted th there was in the sea; 8 :50 Opportunities Through iJ-H lubl! .... " J. E •. W~onset,ler Moore and family of this place. Democratic ticket for the first and And there she lay, th old hag, 9:05 Oh,io Hom e De~'!10nstrlltio~ W or~ , .... ...... Mmme Pnce Mrll. G. Binkley, of Lebanon, onll7 time. Lan' sakes. Child, the cau&,ht fit last, 9:20 IIlg II orn .llc~er Effic,.entl y . ,... ...... G. W. Mc~uen spent last week with Mrs. Roy votes weren't much morel'n count. The Witch Doctor took her 9 :35 Som lI1anu~acturcd App!e Product .... ..... ......... H. D, Br own Drumand and family. ed and we were in the Vli'lIf, up to aWQY tied fast. 9:50 Why ehmnary Educ.atlon? .......... O. V. Brumley . our neckF." rf you take a few hair from a "It was a nice slogan, all aturday, Octob r 8, 8 :00 p. m. horses tail but it didn't mean a thing And take a breastb ne from a (Mu ical lnterludes by 4-H Orchestra) guarantee wc can have of a sound- it did make a lot 0' us wimmen let half-grown· quail Nature This We. k .. , ...... H. E, E!JWine ly-priced, abundant supply of first our emotio11s git the be. t 0' our And with a snake skin tie them At Un Ie TO,Ill's ubin , .... ....... . ... . ............ ... R. B. Tonl quality pure milk. It should be political intelligence. real tightemphasized that a fair price to "Votin' all Tight, Annabelle, They will pas your house in the 'p roducer does not mean an ex- but that'll onlv a part of it. Don't th ir wicked flight. I , ce ive price to the customer. It be taken in by II parcel 0' high Sub.cribe for the Miami Ga:teUe. a means only that a fair shaTe of soundin ' promises. Wimrnen's got Just hang thi very odd-looking the selling pric will go to the to mix their votin' witb their comthing farmer. In addit.ion..! prosperity mon Ren e; they got to 1100k back By the side of yo ur door, with a for agriculture is renected in the a bit." dead bird's wing; An editorial in a recent issue of lives and businc ses of us all. And .hang beside it a bull-frogs the Dairymen's League News !!aid The .f armers of the nation have leg, . that there ar two main reasons thei yes on the N ' ork milk And an old hen's tooth,- from for low prices in the New York shed where the Dairymen's Leaa wooden peg Milk Shed: '(1) Low commodity gue is working for a fair delll for You can bet your life they will Bank BIde. prices generally, brourht on by the farm r. Th result will mean 'Phone 80 pass your dhor, economic deprell8ion; (2) Price much, not onJy to the future of Apd go aste~ than they el7el,' W AYNESV ILLE, OHIO 'cutting by independent dealers agriculture, but the futtlre of the went dore Marked Decline ill Call';e" Food For they know you ar onto their obtaining their milk supplies ITom nation at large. unorganized sources. cr.ooked ways, For Relief P~rpo.e. Dlle That situation is not pertinent And they'll IItay away for nights to New York alone. It i8 found, in Thousands of hardwood tree To Lack of Surplu a FOR S ALE DATES CALL and day. onc pbase or another, in every seedling lire ready for distribUsection of the countl'Y. All pro- tion from the State. Forest NurOhio s relief arencies will 110t If ever they get 8 lock of your ducers of farm products have 8uf- sery. Fall tran"plantlng of hardhaif fered from ,low prices resulting wo?d trees lluch 88 b~8~k, walnut, have as large supplies of ·canned Go see /l Witch Doctor, and (raJ'll the tWIn factors of depres- whIte tI h, red . oak,. \\ hlte oak, goods to distribute to the unemsend 'u p a prayer; sion alld lack of farmer-organiza- ·black locust, and tulIp poplar, mllY ployed this wintel' as was the case If they get your picture, right tion. be begun as soo n as the leaves fall through the :heart Hard times will pass-indeed, the from the tre.es. Evergreen trees last year, · as ert Miss Minnie They will stick a pin, and sickend seems in sight now. But the such as the panes and spru,ce may Price, state home demonstration nea will tart. JESSE STANLEY other - and more impoJtant _ be plant d ortly In the sprll1g, ~or leadel' for lhe agricultural exten- Be cat'eful whenever you eat a P ..... SIO, N.w Barlla,t••, 0.1. price boeie can be eliminated only they suffer more from the .heavlng ion serllice at the Ohio State peach, by the producers t hemselves. Co- eft'ec~ of alternate. fr ezmg and Unillersity. And throw the stone where the operatives, with every farmer in thawmg of the 6011 than do the Witches can't reach, EARL KOOOLE R Last year, she points out, centhe territory wOl'kinl" loyally, . is hardwoods. Make a cross with tacks on the Da)'tOG , Pho ... tral canning kitchens w,~re estab· the solution. .. heel of your shoe Orranized dairymen are the best Subscribl! for the Miami Gazette. lish ed to take care of truck loads K Ea mor. a 'S8 Then the Witches can h/tve no of surplus on the farm. This year power over you. tile sU I'p lu s i 'not avajlabl~ and Witb cat and owl, and leatheryp .. odu~ts to b . c anned can beob-' --------~----------------------~---------------~--------------~----tllin d . on Iy in small quantities winged 'bat Each old Witch wearing a peak. Relief agencies in sevElraJ. urban ce nirlrs are canning fruits and . ed hat; , ~----~---------veg tabl s for u e of social agen- All dres ed in black, and flowing cies doin~ relief work. In mo t clothes With horrible eyes, and croo~ed case this canning is beitlg done in small community grouvs in l7arinose ous ections of the city. The plan No space at all between n ose and , and chin, ' is so IIl!l'anged that eac!h section They could crack a Dut if they does the canning for its own local groups, put one in, To meet the increasjn~: demands I! you listen. you'U hear their victim's groans of home canners for r<!liable in.formation 'on canning, a, 6e1:ie8 of When the Witphe ~ get them, meetings have been held ,by spec· they crack their bones. ialists and extension workers in The , only time now that the Stark, Huron, Ashland, Franklin, Witches are seen Miami, Licking, Lorain, Preble Is the night that folk~ call Halahd helby counties, A part of lowe'fi!n; . each J'lleeti ng is devoted to discWls ing the latest information about Ju st that one night they're allowed to ride high, canning and in an8weJ~ing 8ueh AgainBt the moon, in the midquestions as : What causes corn to night sky. poil? Why are corn, beans and peas difficult to keep? Can beef May the Lord preserve U8, that _ • •\M\.\,'V awful night; and chicken be canned S:lLtillfactorOn Haltowe'en, when they take ily at home? Etc. ~ ..---. tbeir flieht, The time is coming, we will see __ • W,1)Mt WI them aoon, . Riding their broomsticks against WItt' the moon.
Form Night 1alks, Oct. 3
c:== = ===========
==================== =====,= === Th e' R eauI't. W·II ' Ane ct MOlt 0 f U..
Stanley &Koogler
Be S"ugly Housed Before Winter Come. ~[ak UI"\I l/lut the materi al that gooes into Yllur bulldiq will g ive the grelli 'st po'ssible r eturn in comfort and satlsfaction. No expenditure is SI) impo rtant a~ thut which you make f OL' II. ho me plae . The r e is II falae thrift, ant! a real thrift. Fali' thrift onll' l":< the ch e:l flef' t and vaguely hopes for the b st. Real thrift, in isting on 111\' best, finds that in the lone rUII the best is us ually the cheape t. The chllrm i thei.. wood work- their ent.rancee, do ore, windo ws, m old ing:;, , t.aiI"R, cornor cupboa1'ds, paneling. Whe n you p lan..a hOll1 y ,u cannot look too carefully to woodworK details. Wbeth ' 1' it is a n w hom comp lete, a new barn or shed, we want to serve you. Your smnllest repair job will receive the SII lne cheel'ful con si~,,.ation ill pUl"Chllse of material!!. Let us help you tigure ouL the most economical construction. Lumber hard and soft- finished or unfinished, Window., d uors, lath, hingle:., roofings, faints, lime, aand, naile, furnacea etc., etc.
w. H. MADDEN Phone 14
& CO.
Wayneav ille, Ohio
Subscribe for the MiamI GueUe. II
Good Times Are Promised lor the c~ming Winter. Be ready for prosperity when ,i t ma'•• itsappearar. ceo There are three 600cl w ay, fo r you to get your .hare:
ADVEBTISE~ The ' Miami aazett. la the m edium through which you can let the public know wha t you have to ull. No Adverti.ln g~ no Trade ~
Odd- But ''FR1)E
Smilin' Charlie Savs·
-All, a '* """' O\_~-"
..... .
....., ,' ..... ..""' ~
One time long ago, on a very daTk . ni,ht. Old Satan drove them away out of sigbt; ,'ince then we have never seen them more Squeese t hrough the key-ho le of our bedroom door, . Now there are times, when we get our breut., Oon't wake with a black cat on
our breMt,
ADVERTISE , In t he Cla •• 'fied Column. Many. p eople will tell you it ia a aplend id inveatment.
They know, for they u.e it continually.
PRINTING Don' t send yo u r Job Print-. ing away from home. W. are Prep a reid To Do It
ADd ... tb.1r ,reell .yea. IIlomn.
'lace at
their breath on our
lI~t• ~
We, the
7heMiam ,Piton. 112
Reliable Merchandise
Mr. and Mr~ , Elijllh 1\1. Casey, jot'mtor I"t'>!ilientll lit this c()mmunity celebl·atl'd thl'it' gold('l1 weddin~ 1111 nlVl'1'81l1·Y ut t h il' hOll1c in Be\!bro(Jl!, last ,unduy. whlln their ehildr('n and grand 'hildren ~l>r\"ed II n t'iubornt din nel· ill lh it' honor. Thl' worthy principals Wl re mal·.. iud in Falmouth, Ky., fifty y(>nrs ago, Mr. asc,Y being 23 yeal's or age, and hi bride f ur yeol youn J,ter. Th' IIllljor portion oC thl!Ll' wedded life has b~en Ii ,d in th i ~ s(·di()n ,)'f Ohio, whe.·e they hoI;' IVun t,h respect and aumiration of .. t'l1ultitude of fri nds. Both a e remarkahly hole and well pr el'vpod. and antieipate many mOl' !' )' \!dl· of happy companiontlhip. ~r_ lind l\trs, lIsey werc the recipi III of many handsome and "a1uable gifts in honor of their anni\·el'lUlry. Among these was a large f{)Od cake thllL nad b en in a heart-shllp d pan which was more than a h undr d y aI's old On this happy occasion, th y wel"l~ surrounded by theil' five s ur. viving chlldl'en. together with the llllters' companions, as foil ws : M,·. and Mrs. Geo. W. Adams. of orwin; MI·. and Mrs. lem Pentt, of near Bellbrook; Mr. and Mrs. R olland Kline. of Dayton ; Mr and Mrs. Dewey Casey, of Falrn ou th, Kr. ; ' and Ora Cllsey at
\\' <' re(.1 n . llI'~ inl n' pon·
1 ilit)' lI~k<'l.
and " tl1\'1' me,·(·h/ln. For
I nlron , .
(0 ollr
f CII Ron, 11't!
nro d~ct l'
ha 0<11., , o nly
f \\"1'11- ~t \)-
li!!llecl 1l)l\nll furtllrt'rl' wh ll huy
r epu UlI iOIl
ity lind vlll\l
built up o ver
a long pel'iod lli yen .
, olllinu~d
from p g
of tomato pureto 1,403 gallou of
Death Angel R eap s A Heavy Harvest OBSERVEA~VERSARY During Past Week T---
trinR' bpan , 580 Callnn. of apple
lah to t'xprel8 my sincel'e butter, bl'. id"l( l'anninll' thuut<andl tu .. ",·ryone who "0 kindly rendered ailj at the fire which de· troYl!d our barn last Thursday. w. E. O'Neall.
----- .... ----
of "allun~ IIf huit. TIll' cell b locD lire bt'inll uver huult'J in pre!!ara· lion {Ol' lhe wintl'l' 1<1.'111000 fast ap· proaching and much painting and redeeol"lltinlt i!< hoing done on various building~. The prison pop. ulation ill now u)lproximat ly 3,700.
--- ... - ---
Then· is quite a little activity ..... . Timothy M "Iatt R'v. J . J. Schaeffer, Uector !lit:. Ilnd Mrs. Robert Walton and among th m II on fined in the big Theodore Ro o~eve\t is com ing Tlmulhy 1arlatt It ,,'pll known '['\\l'lIli('th :unda), aft r Trinity ~\ln. of Dayton, were Sunday }l~nal in titution in We~t Spring ami I'('~I)( cied rl'~ill('nt Itf H. Ocluhl'I"!I. hlll·ct! :<cho ula t 9::.l0; gUt' tit. of Mrs. Addie Hartsock. Street. Up to dlltu th' lIubsi"tence home to cllmpaign against his Holl~·, IIiI'll :It thl' hnnH' I»f hi" :\1()rlljn~ Pr' Il~' l't and .·i?l·ml)Jl at uepartment hll call1led J 1.824 (\u~in F .. nn'klln. The War of the Ilaught(lr, ~II· . . John Ry~'. la. t Il) ;;lll . In thl' aft ' n-won :-;l. MIl'Y'~ Mrs. J. H . Smith, gallons df tomatoes, 4,641 gallon s R oo~es. -Al'klinsn Gazette. J-o'riduy ('venin". I Pl1th "as tlut' t(. l'nll~l't' lt'lIti on will ~o to Wilming Mo., ar visiUnlr 1\ f'll"oke of apuplexy whkh hI' ~\.l" tl) n tl lld j oin ill a union~l'r\'1:l"e__tt~+"~.:L-"-"""' .... ,~Amelia.::.Wi~f__'!'-----!"!!'~"'!!!!!"!!'!"!!'-~~~---~---~~~~!!!!!!'!"!__ tninlo!d July ~ 1st. Funent! St'l"yice. All R8int ~ elluI·eh at " o'('ln 'k. wcr,l he ld 'ut the lcCluru fun 'rul Monday afterllClun . . It"". ~t"ve n s, o f Spl"ill/{ alley. offi cialing. a'HI bul"ial was IllII(le ill :;Ifiu lIl i ce metcry. I r. ~J adult, lhl Ide. t (I f n lal"gl' fumil }' of child,' 'n, hnll Iiy pd till" I!n'H(~)' portil)n or hi" I ife in Mt . Jl ully, \\ hl'l·' he 1V1l ~ highly e1't ell1l'11. Iii I' wif~ pret'e led him in dl'a th a fe w year. IlgO, 11 i~ Sll r· viv d b·y his dllu~ht e r, i\.11'1I. Ry t', 81H1 11 Ro n, t to MudaU. of ill cinnnti. Fiv In·o tll<'I·~ II Is!) ~ U1 ·vlv C. hOl1le,
--WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C_ Dibert, Pastor \ ('(In(lsll:IY: Bibll' . lUlly and pl'a)'!! I' meet ing ut 7.:.10 p. m. Thul'i\(]ay; The Wom n' F ol'>ign Mi, i unary ~ll Cil'ty will meet wilh _II'S. Dib ' lt at ~ :00 p. Ill. PI('Il !lt ' not· 'lhe change of dute fr(J m Wedut>~ JIlY t o Thursday. The Jr. Ch oll' \,·ill ml' e t Ilt thl:' chu,· ·h
The Fri~ndghip club 01 tho M. E. churc h will meet at the home of MI·B. Gent', onner, Wedn sday Ilftl'rnoon, Oct() ber 12. M,·. lind Mrs. P. L .. Reason, Mrs. 1I1111'Y Ward and Mrs. adie Reason visited Mrs. N. R. Thomas at Bed~ ford, [nd., on unday.
Messrs. Boy d Henderson, Kenn th Fromm, Edgar Smith ~nd Gilbl'rt Frye spent Friday, Sat.urut.t :OO p. ll'l. . . I·' riliay: Rt'gu 1m' Chil l r pt·llellCe day and Sunday at Indian Lake. at :00 p. m. SundHY : Bunday ~calO o l ut 9 ::.10 . Mr. and Mr. Forrest Hough Lytle K . Belt. 1I. 111. l\1 o rning worship lit 1 0 :~~O . end children spent Saturday night . ft r !lel'Hal week~ of evere uf- Th t; th tl nlll of the morning se rmon lit the home of Mi". and Mrs. Allen That Good All Cast Iron Wood Ce ring, Lytll' K. Beltz di ed III his " ill b '. hl'i ·tilln Platforlll and Didier, in Dayton, and Sunday at h OIll ' on Wat r s h 'eet . nortly b e- its S tlllldul'd Bearer . Epwol·th ih' home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stove, full size f ore 5 o 'clock ' unday evening. L!'3A"Ue at (i :3 0 with ['ci1 Davih Howel in the sa me city. Funeral sen' ic s we re held ut hi u ~ lea(1 r. Evunlt...ti ~ti c se l·vices at horeen Enamel Ware, evera l of our baseball fans "Ye hom thi,; (' dn sday -aftel'noon 7 :30. :;crlllon s ubject, J hll the from •• und bur·ia l \\'n muue in Miami mEln of tempel·. Ollr annual homp Editor" jncluded. witnessed the ,. " urlle. (' metery. co min~ and rally day will b held rame at larksville, unday after· noon. Th Clarksville AlI.Stars, Green Brier Enamel Ware Mr. Beltz, lUuch mope widely on O,.tober 16th . \ . - - - - - -- - - - - - Their grandchildren present with "Biff" Wysong pitching,. de_ ___ :!!!~~~!!'!"~!!!!!!P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'"'!!'! were; Mr. and 1\1r. John Frame kn own a s "Dyke," \Va a .n lltive of from • • :: -- - -..- and children, Marion, Erne t, Ray- 'B1·own C unty. Ohio, wb.e,·e h WIIS WAYNESVILU, CHURC H OF ft>atct,l a strong team from Wa!lhington . H. Both teams were com~ rllond, Robert. Louise and Norma born neal"iy 79 'leurs ugo . The CHIUST posed mostly of professional playJean Adam , Gertrude ond Orville Ja ' t twenty or mor(' y lUS of hi~ •• I 1) ers. ' (undenominat ana Casey, of Corwin; fl'. and Mrs. life have been lived in Wayn svi\lc bester A. WlIIiiamson, Minister Howard Dalton, Mr. and MI·s. MH· or its vicirlity. where he was well hutch ch ool at !J :30 II , m. t on Thomp on and son, and Paul known ns fI gardener and 'fruit cui. Hilheft M....... t Price. Paid for Gustin, of Waynesville; Mr. , and turis t. He is survived by his widow "The scho ol th;at is different." All Kind. of Mrs_ Earl Quigley, of Dayton; Mr. two daughlers and II !l01l_ All othet "l~mnily Dnv" will be observed and Mrs. Berry RIl111tf and daugh- daught r, irs. N() rah BoyCl', pt· ·· LOI·d's Day,· OctCl ber 9. A special ter, 0'1 Florence, Ky. , Earnest, ceded her father In ueath un 'ep. program is being arranged lI.nd you Fire of undetermined origin Aliee, D wey Jr.. lind Donald temb r 9. 1932. uri! invit d t o come and bring th _- _ _ entire fnmily. hl'i~tian En completely destroyed the large Cas()y, of Falmouth. Ky. barn on the W. E. O·Neall farm, Other gue t; included: Mr. and Sylvuter E. Mart lit 6 :30 p. m. Lola ears, Mr. Keys, son and daughter, MI'. E"e ning ev!\nge~ istic service Ilt soulh east of town, last Thursda, yh' e tel' E. Mart,' aged 7 :30 p. m. Another speCial pro- morning. The building, together and Mr . Mitchell. of Dayton; Mr. Ho.e.t Wei.ht Cuaranteed and Mrs. J. S. Fil r. of ferry; Miss y~~rs, and f?rmerly Il ~en ~nown grllm fcaturing a Junior Chorus. with practically all of its contents, Jlelen Gulady, of Waynesville; Mr. c,.tlzen of tbls cOIn1uum1.y, dIed lit Serm on subj~ct, .. hrist in t he including about 43 tons of ha1, lind Mr . Perry Guthrie and family t-I h.ome, 1.6 N rth , Plaza ave., 1 Home." p'1'ayeJ: meeting and Bible was a total loss- practically undllY· Funeral1 study each Wednesday at 7:80 p. cBvered by insut'anee, Some calves In R ye'a BId... , No. Main St . Mr. and Mra. Pepper, Mr. and Dayton" last Mrs. Ca~1 McK insey, mother and ~ el· viccs. wet'C held a~ U,e (;llul"ch l nl. The mini ~ ter will be with us also quartered in the building. of God III Dayton, thIS Wednc. day l this week nnd we will resume th were relea ed before being harmsister, 01 Bellbrook. aft rnoon, lind th e I'emain$ wel·e ~ tudy of A ' ts. h rt choir pra tice ed. Splendid work of volunten fire ..... to Miami c metery fot at conc lu sion. TIne church wher fightel·1I confined the blaze to one The gain of one is another's brought burial. He is survived by his widow you feel at hom ,c. buildinr. and undoubtedly saved loss. All a sick man's b dy geu Mrs. Alice Marl, two so n ~ nnd a - - -- nearby structures. The. stronger hi conscience get!! da ughter, Alex, Fl'ank I:Ind Eliz~- ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH sQveral tel')ant, R. H. Blair, thinks that th& weaker .-Exchange. betb, nil of whol , n~side In UU), Father Frlmch, P astor fire may have been caused by B .... nch of HiIl.boro H.rdw.re Company ton. ('rvice will be held every two _pontaneou. combu tion in the haT weeks on Saturday morning. EASTE RN STAR NOTICE FERR Y C HURtCH O F CHRIST Miami Chapter o. 107 O. E. , (U ndenorninatio nan will meet in j'egu lar session MOllChester A. Williamson FOR S ALE day evening, October 10, at 7 :30, hurch ch ool at U :30 a. m. A bi-cen ten nial program ill b U. . Route 42, the Waynelville FOR ALE-The Coleman prop- given. ViRitlng m mbers welcome. LOI·d's SUI)per allld s rmon at 10 :30 Lebanon pike, was reopeoed to ern\On , s ubject "Apples of Gold.' Ola Harts~)ck, W. f. , erty, hou e has 7 rooms, hot traffie on Saturday &Iter beiDC lIfinnie Fromm, Sec·Y. You arc always welcome at this closed for more than two montha., wllter heat, lar,e barn, good lot, church. p,r ice $2000; thl is a nice home ; The highway lor four miles north if you want if for an investment; of Lebanon ha been widened a nd Y. F. M. NOTICE will guarante to le'a s it to pay Is your confidence well placed? Te urfaced. 10 % on price II ked . Shown by , The next meeting of the Y. F, One of the most significant developments· of appointment. W. N. Sears. 05 ~f. will be with Mr. and Mrs. Eli the year is the clo e study given to financial condi~ unday, October 9, at FOR ALE- Good home grown Furnas. 7 :30 o'clock. t ions of Insurance Companies by insurance buy~ Timothy seed. S. S. Ellis. 05 Lesson Leader, Raymond Brad. era. dock; Devotional. Margaret Radley recJ'eational, Eli Furnas. - --'Ii'in-a-ncial stability rankS first in the event of r. visited . L. W. Radio Stu.dIOB iu ]oss, Cincinnati atul'day. Rev. Hutchinson, of Xenia: The old companies in thi Agency are'"'a t the top held services in t he FrieDdl of th e list a to fi na ncial strength. church, Sunday evening. Friends of Harold eammahorn. We wou ld apjp ciat,:! yo~r busines a~d invite, who is in the Veterans' Hospital a t Dayton, have received word that your inq Ui ries. his con ditio n i!l sliglltly i nproved. MiBS Kath erine Holland was t he guest of f riendl in Greenfie ld. Ohio, last week. LOOK AT tHlSI T he W. F. M. S. met with Rev. RATUa... Mary Antram near Wilminc t on, on K ..... " baodaome, Wednesday. . Why bu,. aoy HCOIlCI-choice tin T he entertain mell tby th e Ca ee , n t. ' T, a c;tloQ n e D.' F IRST-clIoIce coata DO ~ar Creek Gra nge quartet in t lte WftJ'. With the 19S12 Christmas health M. E, church here Friday even.uUt wl.,. S.. p«twlat monl CanluUJ mouDt" free. ~,..... pat. seal Cllrrying the pictul'e of two ing was very amusing a od well _ to !ittl children singing from a book PlIII o..naa. In aU of carols, fhe theme, "The Child Mr. and Mrs. T. C. a a dyoek me and Around the Gorner," wbl the tain1!d-en S unday, }fl'. and Mrs. C. bo....... oo eWe_II . Ohio Public Health Association has E. l.!a ydock and son. Mr . and MrL 0 ....nt.... 'cwUf ebY adopted for this 'Year's seal sale, is E . O. S hidaker a nd IIO n l Slid Mrs. _ Id·........ tr..bbv Ph• • 47 COIDpaaJ' • pal·ticula,·ly al~propriate. Abbie Haydock. near Wilmin,ton; New In ...~ ..a,_ Ti)e theme, ta~en from the 1931 Mr. a nd Mr~ Frank Graham and .......70II . . t beca ...., WA YNESVILLE, OHIO prize winning Christmas Beal ed- daurhter, of Yell ow 8&>1'111&8 M ILL IO NS MOR E ..,pla buy Goody at itorial written :by G. J. Kochender- Mr. and Mrs. W, D. lAr k in The,thrifty-minded TIr•. fer o'f. the Man ~8 fie1d Journal brings children ot Gree nfield. i. orderinr hi. coal NOW ho'rne the fact: that while one is usuaUy ready a,nd ellger to help the a. off-sealon price. will LECAL NOTICE child who lives "just around the leave a healthy difference corner" (jne i i~ Ilpt to forget the . Notice is hereby r iven t hat i n ick child who lives around the pursuance of II resolution of th e in the family pocketbook seco nd corner or in ,some remote cou ncil of the vill~e pused on when the cool d.y. roll community. the seco nd d ay of September 1932, Th is year, between Thank giv- there will be submitted to t he .round .r.in in a very ing and Christmas, the Ohi.o Christ- qualified electors ot said .hort time. mas H ealth Seal Committee of t he _gen eral elect ion in the which John A.. Elden, Cleveland, of Wa ynesvllle ' on t h e e~hth is chairil1an, hopes to raise $2fjO,~ of November, 193 2 t he qlMlltlon See the different grade. 000 101' t uberculosis work in the levying taxe!! f or the yean 1 932, of coal we are handling, state, ____ 19S5, 1934, 19S6 and 1986 at the .nd Jet fill your, coal rate fo r each year of t W() and (lnehalf mills on each dollar of the bin. NOW. tax v aluation of the tax able property within t he villaire ·of Waynesville in excesa of the rate received, m~ny authorized by Sec. 5426·2 of the General Co de for t he pUl'polle of cu rrent expen ses. Those who vot e i n f avor of the ~tra lumfY' a trul,. pre· propositio n of ma king . uch admlum coa ditional t a x levy will bave 'Written or pr inted on thei r ballcl'ts "For t he tax levy" a nd thOl e "ho vote nst such additional tax levy have written or printed on A I.fluin. Red' ~.h ballots "Atralnat tbe tax
J. E. McClure
Starting October 8
9c to
'91' Get vour bargains while thev last 9c to
Fire Destroys Barn On O'Neall Farm
'39. 50
Ridenour Poultry Co.
Heatrolas, Parlor Furnaces, Kltche n Kook Pressure Stoves, 011 Stove., Radios
Use The Miami Gazette's
Late Classified Ads.
Waynesville" Ohio
Federal Route 42 OpeD Once More
! "Child A:;u:d l' C
II ·pus
he orner."
New Burlinlton'
---,.,. - .---Lytle
Gordon's Service Station
LeMay-Hawke Agency
=:,. . ._. .
3 4 Good,..,........ 5 6
Buy ·Now
You reading the Reminiscences 01 the Hlong ago," .now beinll printed even wee'?
- -- -.. -. Spring Branch
We have
Glen Roser. pocahontas
letters requestinll copies 01 articles already printed.
Raven Red Ash
Don' t borrow your nei,hbor.' pa.per, For only three cent. CI week you all the Remini.cen.e., be.ide. all the new. 01 the ne;,hborhood.
3rd, 1932.
Announce8 the openlne of his office at hili rel idence In the C1ar~ e nee Rye pr operty OD FOllrth
Send u. SI.50 and' • &fIill .end you
. ~,.
Don't Be Q "Snitcher"
he Miami Gazette
In Warn_ville, Ohio --o.N-
Pelitical, ~
September 22, 1_ GIla ...... ~to C p.,,""
p. ...
Yellow·Jacket Lump , A fin• .oft Coal
Miami Coke The but In \h. market
\ We a lao have In our J1U:d lome rood lUMP aad en coata at
lower prlca
Etc. Ce.
Eighty-Fifth Year
Last Week's Activitie3-, . In Waynesville Schools I
Whole Number 6036
TOBER 12. 1932
Financial DiRiculties of Waynesville Are Great
50 'I'her will be a balance of By R. F. Hatfield, Clerk will be admitted ' on their memberub uL $2UO in the Bond Rel.ice· tickets. ship On MundllY (If thi ~ week the In nt. Fund at the close 01 1982 Friday was Freshman day at The meeting ,a djourned, to reMr. . u 'an Evan$ is illage Clerk 1"11 called befor'c but to offset this there will be • WHS. All boys were required to convene Mi a Ellima Heighway on October 21. when new home on Tylor str et. · lh liud~et 'ommissiorr f or que~· deli 'it in the Genel'al Fund of w ar tra W hats, overalls cut olr Sweepinl V ictory for All CaDdi. Wednesday in incinnatl. fol' membelshlp will tioning 'in connecti on with lhe ahauL $500. Tbi!l deficit will b. above the knee and three quarter applications be accepted. date. Forecaat at Meetin. Mr. and Mrs. James BrannQ k length hose. The girls wer requir_ Vem H nugh spent a part ot village budg l a ' pns ed by the increasl!d to more than $900 by spent Sunday in Dayton. Attended by 100 la t \\" e k with relatives in Dayton. 'o ullen lasl. July . At this time the th time of the first tax settleed to wear I ung dresses and old Soft Ball Game serio usness of th illage's finun· fllshioned hats. Very quaint cosMi R J sie lark is spending a D_ H . Hocke.tt Ruffer'ed an at· cial aWair8 \\ UM Jully bruught to ment in March of 1933. In maldn, Our W. H . S. 80ft ball team, week tumes w re worn by Jane Cook, these estimatell the Clerk hal relatives in incinnati. with A n overwhelming Ilepublican tsck of a cute indigestion, last light. Louise Hough, Marjorie EarnhaJ:t. still mln u8 their .t hree star players takeJl into a ·count · money which week. vic.tory in WalTen county for The tal( rllte f or municipa l )lurmet anbther defeat when ~h e Morand Ruth alisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Elzey may b' r ceived from intanfible po!;e~ ir\~id e lh e Ii ft en mill limlta· pel'llOnal property tax, none Iof The High School weiner rout row H. S. team won a hard fought wer Leban on. vi~itors, In t Thur'S_ national. state and county tickets Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm Ilnd t.ion is to ve one t 11th of u mill decision on the local campu s, last was held back of the gym Friday day. which has been r'eceived up to thi. was for cast Monday evening so n. Clyde, pent SundllY with higher ~thi !l incl'ease wili yi Id time, Her' it i. so that you can night, with about a hundred Friday afternoon, by the score of r latives in Dayton. when memb I'S of the county cenMi s Ruth ook was the gue~t about $50) than la st year. un· se it: pupils present. The freshman girls 3 to 2. The game was mainly a ommitte, candidate and lind boys wore red crosses on their pitching duel between Griffy, for of Miss Thelma Weidner of Day- tral Mr. and Mt·N. 11. P. Godby, of sid ring the t<ln'perc nt "eduction ton, Tuesday. • guests gather d at the Lebanon Cincinnati. wel'e unday Ituests of in real estute valuation re ce ntly Balan ce on hand, Jan I, noses lind green ribbons tied the locals, and C. Robinson, for 1933 . . . . $ 200.00 House to lay plans tor the current Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day. made by the ounty Auditor, a . around their hands or necks. EVeTy the visitorll, but the Morrow boy Harvey Hole, oC Near B aver- campa ign. conservative estimate of th e PQS- P OR ible receipts 193 3 .. 1,6.5.00 freshman was called upon for a was accorded a little better supThe meeting, which was presid- Mrll. ictor Burris and son, Paul, sible incom fol' Waynesv ill duro f Rhort speec h, some being good port, both at bat and in t he field, town, spent Ule week. nd here eu Over by harles.J. Waggoner, of Dayton. were unday gueRt of ing 1933 would be ab out 1545. Total receipts and balancel,7 (5 .00 sports and responded while others and won t he vIctory by the small- with J ohn ears. chairman of the coun t y central MI'. and MI·s. E . R. B ntley.· «'I'om this I.IIllount there must be Deficit in Genetsl Fund. I'an and hid. Everyone enjoyed the est of margins. Frank hidaker, of Harveys- c mmittee. attracted 1(10 persons January 1933 ... , . $ 600.00 After the visitors had been re- burg, . ufficient money pll.l cd in the ])al·ty. and Dr'. J. T. Ellis sl>ent active in Republican politics of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc lure en· Bond R tirement Fund to pay Expenditures .for Bonds and tired scoreles8 in the first inning, Sunday at Woodstoek. Warren cou nty. tel'tained Miss Kathryn Boger at bonds and interest due during Interest ., .. ... :.... " .. 1.387.50 Good Atte.Dtlance School. Cook started the home attack pellkel'. at the gathel'ing in- six o'clock dinner, last Friday. U)a3 which will be xactly $1 :187 .• Expendilure {or all other Waynesville schools have set an with a walk, he was forced out Mi 8 Juanita Brannock was the pUI'PO es Not included enviable r cord in attendance dur- at econd when Boger grounded to week-end gu st of h . and MI·S. cl.uded Mr. W~ggon 1', Judge Davis Furnas and family are ing the opening mo nt h, and one the pitcher.! but David came home C. E. Elzey at OregoniB . ~Imo.n ~oss, candIdate for the U. domiciled in par't of the S. L. = $2,187.50 • DI trlct oUrt of. Appeals, and Cartwright homestead on' Main that i D challenge to t he pupils witb the nrst run wh~n Bobby for the r mail'lder . of the school Burton Allen hit safely to left, and Mr. and Mrs, Mort Roush ~i8ited Judge Francis Hamilton, member street Thi s mans that UDder the . year. Tbe following table showl! two vis iting Infield en mishandled their daught.er·, Mrs. Evan Gustin, of that body, both of Cincinnati; present xpenditures ca lled for by at Dodd. , Saturday aHemoon. L. T. Marshall, Xe nia, candi~ate I Mr. nnd Mr.. W. N. Sears atthe . attendance record in the vari- t he retu rn of the ball. Franer'H ordina nce or contract t he Council f or the Sou e of Representa~\Ves tended the hom -c min~ at the ous grades and classes, the first triple to right sent Bobby home can not see any light for 1998. M. r . and Mr8. Benny Wertz and figures being: th percentage {)f with Waynesville's other run. Mr. and Mrs. It' red Weller, of Day- '1:om. the Seventh Congress.lO nal Dunlc.ard church n ar Miamisburg rn the above calculated l'e ult. the , perfect attendance, while t he sec- Marion Whitaker walked and pur- ton, spent unday with Mrs. Dell dlstrlct; and Arthur Harl'lllto!,. unday a'fternoon. possibilities of expenditures durLebanon, speaker of the OhIO ond is th number of pupils who loined the next station, but Hawke Venable. ing 1933 for street lights 01' any Hou e of Repre entatives, and have been neither absent nor took the count, and Franer was Mrs. Mary E. Robinson and ther purpose baa Dot .... a tak•• candidate to succeed himself. tardy: caught at home, ttying to score Mrs. Serena Kerrick, or Dayt.on, More, t chnieal troubl and an· :nto con.ideratioll. Miss Leada Werntz, daughter of A 11 forecast th re-E:lection of were when Foulks grou nd ed to the unday gue ts of Mrs. the voters of t be village 1 Miss R eeder ............. ,..... ,98 20 8 pitcher_ Mr. and Mr '. Rouert Werntz, will ])I'e ident Herbert Hoover . t he Flossie arey and family. nOYllnce for t he W. lI. : basket failShpuld to vote favorable on the pro1 MilS Hunter ...... '" .... 97 1 C. Robinson singled to start t he sing over W M'K, Dayton Wed- victory or Davis S. Ing~lIs for ball team, twi hnmpion ' of levy all but one·half mill of 2 Mis Hartsock ............ 98 26 second, and was safe at second nesda y at 3 p. m. g overnor of the state of Ohio over Sunday, October 16 will be Warren ount>" has developed .. A p02ed which i a continuation of the 2 l Miss K elly ,., ............... 99 17 when a force play was messed up the pre ent Democl'atic incumbent, Promotion and Rally Day at Ferry Mr'. Bnd Mrs. B. T. Vice, of Day- (;overnor George White, and a Church. A specia l program is question ha. arisen concerning the levy vot d five years ago the tow n 3 MillS Lile .... ... ""'''''' 99 26 An other force play advanced him 3 MiS!! E. Fox ... " .......... .98 24 to third. and he seored when Dona- to n, and Mr. an(1 Mr . E. T. Stroud ~rw e.pinlt' victory for a,l1 Warren being prepared. Evel'ybody invited eligibility of Lawre nce DIIVis, will be without money to pay for une minu~ of street light service were unday guests ot Mr. and county Republican candidal 8. " Miss McKinsey .. .. ,....... ,97 i~ hue hit safely to right. steUal' forwal'd, and 'o le r main- or fOI' any other purpose, the " Mjss Campbell ... .... ,.. ,98 '9 P . Whitaker started the third Ml·S. Otho Henderson. Mr. Eva Millel·. and M;r. and ing veteran of last year's tam. The various candidates for money for which ill derived from 6 Mr. Young .............. ... ,.98 ~o with a triple to left, and King Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brannock, co unty offices were in troduced Mrs. R. G. Miller I.Ind fan'lily enIt seemB that some of our citi- General Tuxes. Money .in th. · 6 .......... ' ........ " ........... 97 .. lolted to Grffl'y. D. Robinson of New Vienna, were Sunday during the meeting and received joyed a picnic supper at Davis 7 . . ...... ,.. .......... ........... 97 2~9 duplicated Whitaker's 1eat, ' and gues~ or the former's parents, II treme ndu ous ovation from com- Furnas' carnj> on the river. Sun- z ns unthought d ly but t clmically Str'Mt Fund or in tbe Water Fund cannot be used for any otber 7 . . : .... ' ...... _ .. 96 ~7 f ollowed the latter home while Mr. alld Mrs. T. B. Brannock. mitteemen, precinct wlOrke .. ~ and day evening. violated one of the rules of the purpos_e_. - - - _ . ' - - 8 .. ' ..... , . .. ........... 99 29 Waynesville fielders took their others attending the sel ion. Mr. and Ml's. J. . Hawke and Ohio H. S. Athletic Assn., when Fre bman ,.. '................. 97 27 turn at mishandling the ball. This Chairman Waggoner announced Mr . Jbe harp, Misses Fannie they presented Lawrence with a lyde Sophom o~es ............. .... " .. 99 18 end d the seoring, for Ebner Sharp, and . Ril et harp , of Fal- lhe 10rmal opening ]l1 onday of grllnd so ns, Kenneth and handsome sweater in appreciation Jun!or ... .. ................... 9 6 16 fouled out to Franer, and Tester- mouth, Ky. , were Su nday guests of Warren County' Repu blican head- Fromm, saw Thurston, the magi- of his athletic ability and his 9 8 ciao. at a Da¥ton theater, last emor . ,............. ....... fanned 'tor the Il!eond con- t.heir Ister; Mrs. Thos. Hardin, quarter. two doors abo'Ve the Lebsplendid sportsmanship, last spring Thursday evenmg. anon House in -Lebanoln. time. After that, neither and family. . The presentation was by n(l men a T o'tal E nr 011 m e n t , u"97 .. ,... -9-8- 4-'-1 .. Wayne township wor;kers attend team was able to get , a run ner Cha" T. Ellis i a member of a reward for hi s rvices in winAfter a month" vacation at home ing the session inclu<l~ad t he fol- the Federal Grand jury, nQw serv- ning It will be noted that Miu any cl08er to the scoring station the second consecutive Lile's third, than third base. The return game Miss Kathryn Boger returned to lowing: J. . Hawke, Wayne town- ing at Cincinnati, and Frank Le· ounty championRhip, but was II K lly's S condo Mi The pastor and congreg:atlon of • the Eighth grade and t he opho- is being played at Morrow, this Dayton, Sunday, where she is tak- r hip chairman {j( the c ,~n tra l co m- May and C. M. Rohitzer are servo token of the esteem in which t.h mo re clallS are tied for leadership Wednesday afternoon. The score ing the Nurse' tr,a lning cour e at mittee. Mr . Henry Sat;terthwaite. ing on the Federal Petit jury in you ng man is h Id by local lover lh Wayne ville Meth odist Epla. the Good Samari.tan hospital. MI' . Earl Hockett, Mrs. O. M. the arne city. copsl Church expect to oblerve in the percentage column, with an by inningl!l: of clean sport. . . Mrs, JOl'eph Tinney~ Mrs. almost perfect core. In. the other 123 H 67- RHE When the question arose, the lhe ir annua l HQm ·eoming with a Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clinger and Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gon , M.i~ faculty athl tic . board of t he (ull day of servicell, and a reunicolumn, Mr. Youne's fifth grade, M. H. ,So ........ 0120000-876 son, of Dayton, Mr'. and Mrs. Margaret J ohns, Mrs. .\!.rnest which a.1so has the laTg"est enroll- W. H. S. . .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 5 6 Luther Perkin s, of Pasadena, Miss Butte1'worth and D. L. Crane Aliee Gons, Mr. and Mr . Fred sch6bl ubmitted t he proposition GOIl S, and children, Hel en Mar- to Mr. H. R. Townsend. Commis- on of their niemberAhip and ment, leads with 49 pupils . who Batteries : C. Robin son and King; Irma Rich and Bert O'Neall were Editor, the Miami Gazette. , garet and Robert, Mr. Elias Ogles· s ioner O. H. S. A. A., for his in- fri nds. next unday. have been neither · absent nor Grifl'y and Franer. Sunday guests of Mrs. Maude Rev. V. F'. Brown, D. D., of Mi ss Betty Oglesbee, Mr. and terpretation. We quote his reply, bee, tardy, but Ie closely followed b,. MET TO ORGANIZE CLUB Crane and daughters. Dayton, a IOt'mer well beloved Mrs. . M. Hough, Mr. and Mrs. verbatim : bis pupi~ of last year, the ailtb ' grade, 40 of whom still have a everal local women attended Kenneth Hough alld daughter, Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. "Quary - Can a group · of PIlf)tOr an d district 8uperintendent perfect record. Amelia Williams included Mr. and a meeting at Lebanon Friday Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell, MillS pusiness men make up a. purse and (only, they called him the prealcling elder in those days), wlll An old·timer 8uggeata to the J. H. Smith, of Springfield, evening held 'for the purpose of Monlmia Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. buy a sweater for II high school PI' achaL t he morning .Bervlee, and... _ _ _ _--:-" pupils that inter-elau rivalry Mo., Mr. ~ d Mrs. M. B. Kern, cOMidel'ing the organization of a Keller Hoak 'a nd familY" and Mr. boy? the choit· will render special mUlle along these lines might prove to daughter and friend, of leveland busine 8 and professiOllal women's Rl)scoe Fumas were g uests of Mr. "Answer-:.-No, this is a violation and Mrs. Ed Kiser at a steak din- of Rule F'ive and r odeI'll the boy in honor 01 the occasion. be as interesting u inter-c1ulI Mr. and Mrs. . M. Rollitzer a nd club in Warre n cou nty. A fellowsh ip bas ket dinner wiD rivalry in athletic!!. Why not give A dinner preceded the evening's ner at Eastwood Park, Dayton, on ineligible. If thi boy has already daughter Mr. and Mr . ,J. D. Marthe propolition a trial! I Su:nda y. program. latt and L. N. Printz. I accepted the sweater t hrough be erve<l ill. the church parlora of the l'ule, I suggest at the noon hour, and 1 :30 p. m. =--~-----------~====~====================~ ignorance Sport.......p M. .tiq that he immediately return the will mark the b ginnin@ df an imA large and entbuslaetic comsweaLet or give it to yo u; which promptu program , Thia aervke A meeting of the Waynesville pany of women attended the Ocwould be better, and you can give will be devoted chieHy to talk. br. chapter of the Sportsmanship meeting ot the Wayne it to some boy it wou ld not out·ol-town visitors, and it • Brotherhood was held October 10. Township Mothers club at the quite probable that a number of make ineligible. Fourteen memben, In good standgreetings from former -pastors IMlci "If thi is not don immedill Grade ichool building, last Friday ing from Jast year, were present. members will be read. this boy will b ineligible for The following membenbip com- afternoon. Th e erv ice. of the Epworth high school athletics th is year. mittee wall app,ointed: Winifred Le&lfue and tbe regular evenine Mrs. J. A. Hartman cODducted ani not a 'crank' on the s weater Armitag:e, Cecil Davis, Marvin the devotional exercises. reading proposition. But the great major- serVlce will be combined to form a Fox and AnDa Lee Crane. ity of the schools of this state Bre fitting cloMe to what is expectec;l to The amount of dues was an- the 121st Psalm, giving a ShOI:t absolutely opposed to high school be a red letter day. Everybody ia talk on ··Ptorres.s," and offering nouDced. One third of the indiathletes receiving sweaters from co'l'dially invited and earneatl, vidual dues must be paid by Octob- prayer. any sou rce. If t his boy intends to urged to attllnd any or: all of th... er 21 in order to be eligible to vote The treasurer's report showed a take any part in high school service!!. and all dues lI.hou1d be paid by balance on hanp of ,U61.49. and athletics. this must b' att ' nded November 1. immediately and I must U inbills, a"regating $8.69, were Up to the present time, seven two fOI'med by you what action you paid. home games, and possibly eight, ordered have taken. The financial committee aD· have been scheduled for ' the ball- nounced ~erioul " I think it would be best to also that the annual Hllllowe'ketball team, to which all members en Carnival give me the boy's nl.lme. Those will be held at the who have almost mad thil:! boy Gym on Monday even in" Octob'er Vern AI'mitage, driver of one ineligibl f or a year Qught to b of Warren County's larre gravel 31, and the membera of the special , admonished not to do anything like committee in charge of this event truc ks, had a very narrow esc.ilpe I this till the superintendent it! con- from death or serious injury, laat were asked to meet with Mrs. sult cl. Some M ~ur outside frie'nd Friday morning. He had delivered Myer Hyman to perfect tbeir plans make us a great deal of trou ble a load of gruvel at tbe aite of 'th. The lunch committee announced which would be avoided If they new bridg that is belnr built , that warm lunchee would be only consulted the schoo l authori- over aesars creek to replace the Mrs. J. R, Wade, aecretary of lIerved at both bulldin&'8. ties. " the local unit of the W. C. T. U., 0", MondlY, October 81. At (lId covered bridge about half wa7 Th c rule, which the Commis- I:>Atween the t wo towna on the has been requesteci to pubUeh the Grade buildin". one item will be Ye llow, mellow, ripened days, sioner sO unj ustly enforces in this following !lObedule of radio broad- lIerved to each pupil every day Waynesville-Oregonia road, alld Sheltered in a golden coating; in!ltance, follows: "6. A high the brakes on the truck pve war, casts, to be given during the week free of charce, and weekly tickets school pupil who accepts it'om any allow ing the wheels to slip to witJI of the Union'B State convention at for extra aandwichea will be sold O'er the dreamy, Ii t leS8 haze, source a sweat '1', a jet'sey 01' any in a few inch es of the railroad to th, puplla for 20 centll each. Cleveland, October 17 to 21: White and dainty cloudlets floatin~ aW91'd ex eecling one dol1al' ll·ack. No warnhlg of a rapidly apStation WGAR (1460) , (491h At the H. S. building:. weekly ($1.00) in value other than those proaching south-bound pasaeJ\l.er Monday at 3 :30 p. m., Ill'll. Flor- lunch tickets will be 101<1 to the Winking at the blushing' trees, usually given such a s, medals. train wa s hend until the train ence Richard. pupil. at 40 centll each. The refob s, ribbons, let te l'!!, gold foot- was almost 011 the truck. Th. And the sombre, furrowed fallow ; Station WHK (1390) (216), quea~ of Mn. R. A. Conner for balls, basketba lls. baseballs, and d['iver jumped from the truck, nTlIesdiaY at ":80 p. m., Dr. Ernest new cooltipg uten.ila, to be uBed Smiling at the' airy ease track insignia shall be ineligib le caping with minor bruise. and ChelTinaton in the. preparation of theBe lunches Of the southward-flying swallow . for high scbool athletics. Th e Station WJAY (610) ' (491); allowed. tche~, but t he truck was badl)' , chool which violates this r ule wil l ,Jemoliilhed. daily . at 10:16 a. m.: pre.ident, Mn. L. E. Sweet and miling are thy ways, be liable to s uspen. ion. (Group Monday, Mrs, Helen .H . Green IHoclltet:t. .treued the necessity for This is the second wreck 'tor Beauteous, gol<:len, Autumn days! a etion in .the raisi ng of funds bY and Mra. R. D. Sheppard. the renewal of the e!rtra three mill truck. In the earlier part of such means ' n, dances, sh ow~ , do· this Tuesday, Mrs. Francea E. Fuller Bchool levy a~ the coming: elec~lon th ~ ummer season It left the road nations, entc rtainm'ent, 8ule of j Wedneaday, Mn. Viola D. Ro- and cu.stody of the ftower box and refreshments, pictures, etc., to be on the Malhers hil , near Orearonia mans. the picture for the en.uillg month 'Shivering, quivering, tearful days, I) n the Lebanon-Orearonia used to pUTl'ha~e weatel's and and t he drivel' received 'atafike, Thursday, Mrs. Mary Harris waa voted to Mr. Young'lI and Mi88 inFretfully and sadly weeping; , \ jerseys s hall be re(!'arded I.IS a Armour, of Geo~ia. LUe's rooms, reapectivel,.. ludes. After the machine had of , the ~' ule.) Any schoo.) violatio n Friday, Miss Mary B. Erwin. The lIterar, and muaical pro ~ Dreading still, with amdous gaze, whi ch gives sweaters , 01' \le~mits been repaired and rebuilt, lIr. • _ .. by pupils of the Eighth Icy fetters round thee creeping; them to be g iven will be suspend· Armitage was installed as ill grade, aa announced in thhl paper 1rol11 the tate A. sociation Rnd ed lut wee~ was thorourhlf . enO'er, the cheerle s, withered pLain. Mr.' Armitage Ie the Worshipful th recipients be declared inelig}. joyed. MI.. Eli,abeth Graddy, Master of Waynellville Lodee No. Woefully and hoarsc~ly calling; bl~." Warren Ooun~ Home Demon.tra.Thus it will be seen t hat the L63, F. &. A. M., and is ,8 former tion Apnt, I.ave a moat InterestPelting hail and drenching rain hands of the local a.ulllOrities are e mploye~ at the Pennllylvanla illl talk, ouUlnine her plana for On thy scanty vestments falling. tied in this matter. They feel t he raitr{)ad, having served all teleMr. and Mn. Chas. E. Michener the future, and atreaiq the neeleen injustice 0'( the ru le. and ~ raph operator at the WayrieavUl. have traded their farm on the eallity for co-operaUon. Sad and mournful are 1;hy ways, have done all in thei r pOWer to <t"tion for aeveral yean. pike, better SupL J. W. Lotz read a comDayton.'Leballo1\ Grieving,. wailing, Autillmn days! prev nt its infliction. known al the Harlan homelltead. munleatlon from the leeretaJ7 of Lawrence has volunteered to and contalfting '15 aereB r to the Southern Ohio Teacllera' Will Carleton, in Farm Festivals. return the swea te r to Wymer Jamel B. Foraithe. of Soulhern AMn., iDYitiq the ladiea to vieit Drake, head of the citizen s' comHilla, )"eceiYina in ex- the I_on of the Asaoclailoll'. mittee that presented it, as 1I00n c,::~n~:~:: COIlIltll'land near ~~~~:I~ft~.:e held in Cincinnati. aa the latter returns from a busll)tl claboIota Po__ dd It. e .. trip to Columbu8, thia eveninJ. to be riven Boz," wblch had When Mr. Lotz reports Lawrence e the September name to the Commi.. ioner in ColumblJlI, as he hall been ordered liVen to do, that otBeial will have the of at least one elM'" true- ttalbUaluNi of Fre.hman Day
---------Narrowl, Elcapel
w.e.T.V. Progra m
To Be Broadcalt
Farm Traded for Property in Dayton
------ - -
t.::~ =;;~~be
Thl' RChedule ot debta of LueUle administratrix of Btate of Slirah Loui.e Jessup, deecll ed, \\ llK III'PI'OV d by court, Chlll'les II. Gibbs, adminilltrator {If e~tale of Amanda Gibbs deceas. e d, filed his lIchedul of debh. The ":llat is exempt from inberi• .ommon Pie,.. Proc: .. din,. lanc' tax. In tl1l.' ('1St' (lr UU'~li Vull l'Y Ltlfayette G"aham was appoint. I\l'i~ divided hy u lin, heginning ~.t hIlt II,ft 1'1'l'111:l1l1' Ut IlIHI'kl< li n till' HUlltlinl{ and Lo n ;.:cucial iun, o f ('0 admini!<tJ'ator 01 lltat of Clara t hf' curncr IIf lnmlM "wned hy Ell -udall' [lilt \" Iotl't LHlck to OU1 ' rl'l'(lrd ~ . !·'rHnklin. ,·,;r~u ' .. 'cell FIHcher J. Graham, d cea8ed, and filed TIlt' fil' ~ t nuthl' lltil' r('e,'rd. ( I { •/ ohn ••\II. nl'lIl' r.1.·1\: Iy' . l1Iill in und 1I.1ll'k FI.,tdlt'r, it is onlcr'd b(lnd o[ 1600 with AI chwartz t Ut. W(1~ 11l' 1'1>\\1,,1111' R~I til I is· 1\10:(,. KI'lly ' ~ lim', ;lIltl nlnnin~ Iltl l' tl arl~ l"oVlJ h ! or lh ll~l.l ' IHH'hl l'!'I Ihllt t1w l'hl"l'llf I'dunll tl> plnintiff Ilnu lara Schwartz as surety. I rid :I' h '\o l~ thut Drt' 1\\' IInhh' 1\1'1' thl' l1fl' \\ ilh ,uld ,1()hl1~ I n lind WI.' til 'IltiC1 111'ti : ,J:ln\Jlll'), 4. ('. W . ,. Ul1l (I f $!'.Ii~! , the lUlI ll unt 0 el' M o~es Kil'by, . . F.ulass and A. l'lI lItntrwd In nil " ItI rt 'C llrd book, hl'lh', lill. " th ., ('o m,'r II f Ed· \1i"l'i<'l;'-" II, IIi , t. 1:1, • SIl; Jj\nu:u '~ lh,' Il. "t hwartz were appoi nt d ap· \\I1\'ll'ln a r e r~ l' ontltl he Iw.,CE" cI- "JIll) LYllch' . Innd; theIH' ,- on the 21 E. . ("l1l'k. J)j ~ t. ,.2 .1.:1 ' ; pllid f il l' ta,,,e. . 'I h l l'Il lll' of A. J. Ml\gic versus I'raise l·s. 4-IIJr." , ', 1' t1 w 't'tp.n 1,hil1 .Btlllrd !I f litl~ bHw.'l'n K I'lIy u n d ;'IIi a jah F '1,1'l1ll1' }' 11\ I't"Il' l'::;, :-;,'11 (" 1'" lli:;l. Fl l11'u Bell Ware. x cutrix John ~" o t o th .. lanlill o f Willilll1l Ii. '. I (JII; 1 1l~1 ' tim,' , M :\ 1'(' i a lIalll · ,10(' 1I 11 1'nll, et ul, is disl11i s ~l"d ~;dUcllli ,'n I' n r I f ty YI'III'S Ill' 111 , ~re .. II ithout I ('conI. estattl of William L. War!!, deceas· rh~ v )'I' l' lIt'1il"l II f llw . •' 1' lltl·I.... , (rNcul l; them'" ull the linl' ~l" tIlnn d . IJ i~ . I; ' 11 5 : !.\Iul'ulry 26: In t hc 'alll' (\ I Unvit.l •. Jo: rtcl 'd, is to s II c' rtain real estate :3 1) .50; \I'e b II,;\, , ,\ill (IN ' (> " f int~re~ t. tWN'll Wm . .'Nl'llll, lind ;\liclIJflh Ann 1'. H" oll n. ll i~ t . :1, J(\ hn'll n. T bij llh .[I'lhn;:.nn . ,J.,hn ~hll'l'h I , t: '''. F. 11:, I'I'illg tOIl, [)j :;t. Vl' ''' U" ' alley J . Kipp, ct II I. !l'1rti. u ,01 settle all I\Cco unts. t(l n Ul r I'Ade l',': . , Donald Oilatush was appoint. lJt'i "' l' ~' uno ,r l~c Jlh H ~i~ cy: th l'l)('I' H, • {la ; 1\la n' h 5 , \\I n1. II. \'\-nnbl ~, t i".11 i ~ lw t.l el'l'd. , "" ' 11 ~'ll(' In the ca ~e .,r 1- ('ueral Land ed administrator of the estate A PI' i1 7th. 1 4~. n t h ' litH, h ' I\\' ' I'll Abrn m f) i~ L :.! , ,:1:) ; ( bl.' mnn Itl tH h~" , I h \ ' C' Ih\< dl\\' I·t'ct'h'",.! !If Lincoln lind 1" lIue Linc ol n t" l'un1l' .ml' o f lh l' ttl't'nti", l ant! Ill'~ l BUllk, " f Loui,.,!ille. \· N . IIS htl, . George W . Nuss, deceased and fil. lma BaieR, l5 ed bond of $70M wi th The United ' 1'("l'k; Ih("I('c illl" 11 knu wn l"dl1l'ntlJt" li t' hi,. d l y ill Il' )' A . Hal S tln,1 At Roltanna. F.ctory, Weiah . on E ley.tor S.,.le. ,tntl . )1. trn. hl t.'n , bll' r l'l'~ .. un I' t ' ),(,<,1, t tl thl' Illou lh ::\<lu thw '!.(I'1'11 (l hio ) ; ;\Ial'eh t) . 1>. !lll) S nddititl llnl lime is· hereby S tate~ Fidelity &. Guaranty o. BIt \I f ''' llynI' T I 1\ n. hip, T wo 'I h ti S, l'Ilf1tt' d d r... llllll llt tu atlS\\' t' 01' surety. Rex . D. nook, Kenry , ,md lind Eigh hunl \t'cd alltl t hl'n"" f: the m'!.' u p t oe Litt l." C. II nl~ ,' y , 1 i:-<I, t I. '. 5::.1 ·1; ~II tlwr" e plt!~\d. hurtR and Harry HaTding were UIIII \1 '[ i3mi rh'('r t il th p ln cl' f h.'lri ll. :\ful't·h \ ;>, ·::I t'd., :\I Y I' I ·~ . j)i ~t . II , I n thei~('U ' I'\,cnt \··[ IU r (j o l1 !'S, 6c d! of Walt r OllieI' und ap pointed Jlppl'ai erlit. tt-rrit n ' inC'lullcd (Il l; . \t"'l' h ;!!), R uth .I .. nl·~ , Ll i"l, l1Im~ , bein" t hI! a til unl f I h nin", . All th FOR SALE DA TEll CALL The inventory of Gorge W. Me· $10 ' Albert Milliard, sen'ices, $1 () Ih Cl"cin t I' n titutt, I\nd bl' kll OWI I 2. ' , ,"Ii : '\l lll'1'h ;{ 1, ':\1. . 1:I u r ):!t'~~ , (; l'O I ~l! Jot'dan , 1181111crOl, doing :.l, !<c h(loJ District No. 12." n i~ t. \'. ~' I I. Anl l ~" " 11 .1 0 \\ II l he h u~ in .. ,s II h Comer • J ordan vcr. Grath and Rosa B. Hakes, execu- Richard L. WJlIiamH, sel'Y ices, ,10 Kaufman '~, supplies, .$ 3.67; .Freel ~I\~ C. F . Gall>rcath, l\lay Va. tOI'S of the e tnt 01 Eliza T h n f oll ows till" qllalifi c t\ti (1 n ~ Ii',,(' it gOt',.. Procter supplies. $'70.26; hll erflf ntl n1 ~ r ll U S new ilir ct or~ I'I(>ct('d t-\ III il t.J, I X; (i Wm PI'tl l I' quali (i a lbl'l'a th and !:inrnh Van Meter, all, deceased, \\'a approYl!d by Bryunt: Pier e o. s upplie s,. $1., il\ th(' vlll'i Oll s d b t ric ts at an ('It-e' tipd t •• ~ ll (,l't't' d ~el h 11 1'\\\ ri l(h lll ~ ~Ih' (h' fl' ndllnl;;, wel'e gl'anttJd 7 C-oUTt, 15 ' Van Cump t one Co., gruve l, J oh n 'Flinspac h, administrator l ion h(' 11i AJl I'iI I\. . ' om of th c II . l'IH1nl d iri'('tlll' i ll lli t. ~.). I\ da ys 10 pi tid , c\'emlll' or nl l.lve . Ill d IIil' ector~ W('I' l' re.l'lectecl. unt but hif\ t'l'lll oi " Ili e(> 11\1I ~t II:IVt' 1'hl' ense of Rulh Dn ssett, ' /I t he estate of C harl e!! Flinspach . a~d, $94.80: Della Snidez', road · JUst. r "ud this li ~ l of new nam e;; ; b" " 11 ,'xI' ,' edil1~b' ~ h ln· t. fOI' 1\ ,. Il1 in " r by ,'cna Figgins, her rnoth. decellS d, filed his fit'S!; and /i'nni way around No: 7-29, $ LO; L. H , Brown Jr., labor. $5; Jack Ro ~zc I G t'IJ I'~ <' M , :lell, Pl'ter Dinwiddie. fino 111<' . fo ll nll 1111<' tl ildat ' d It<!111 lll' nnu nex l friend, et' 'us Z na account. JESSE STANLEY Wm . B. 1(' ' I ·Hand, [gra el \ ' en!lrd ill " t )Jr,'ced ing- an iLt'1lI d,it e d ~hl Y I:b s,,("tt and Gt?orge Bassett was Ge.orge Fl. Sm ith, executor of the repairs, $1; William We ill, repairs, Jac(lb ndE'rhill, hristian Hist' y, ~2: ,,,Joh n ;\J;Il·tin Hllpuin ted s ,ll' ol di~llli~~NI without pl'cjlldicf.'. estate ot Lovina mith. decea ed, $!; H. 't;'. Cook, gravel, $6.70;.J . PhOD. 320, New BurllD,toD, Wm , Hllmilt(> n. Ge urg i.> ·. all'. din,.'tl' " to lill t h vacancy ca u. el The ("lilt' of E!;tella Noye versus filet' Ilis supp l mental inventory, W . Lingo Hardwul'e Co., supp lies Gil es Salterthwait,,, Ellis Ward, by t he dCHt h III Will . Pmt C'1' il' C. L. enard and eva Venard The final and distributive ac- $4 0; J. W. nell, cement, $24.10; EARL KOOGLER Tf'. aac L. l\Iill ~, ARl'on handl e}', ~ub·oisll'i ,t :\ 0. t. (signed) J. wa ~ tlismi!\Sed. c lint o;f. E. C. Dunham, exec utor J. K. Spence r, gravel and auml, D., IOII Phon. • eth rtwriKht, A. het· Brown. HI\1i unll, . W. 1'." The ('I\se of . B. raig yersus of the esta te of harles Kelly , de- $S6.90; J ohnson & J ohnson, lumJame!! WstRon, E. A. Br wn, Th.. nl'lll1 ('" o f conte mporary Harley Gibbs and S. A . 1cH nry ceased, was npllrov d, allowed and ber, 136.19 i Buck ye Concrete KEnmore 8986 Co., co ncl'ete tile, $39.S¥; had. s Edm\;lnd Throckn)(l rton. Th omus tl'uch r ~ of t hUl'l' listed a );we f l· WI\H di smj,.l;;eu without J·ecord. confirm ed by the cou rt. B urnett, John Morris, Aar on low, th nunh' t'a ls follnwillg !It'h In Ihe ca. I' of The Miami al. The fir t account of Julia Tufts Argas t Tejan Tal' & 011 Co., 011, Evnn$, Ralph Hunt, J . L. 1'0 ' l ~y, name indi aling' the o1i,trict whel'l' Buil(ling nnd Loan ASRociation executrix of t he esta.t oC Annie $177 2.06; W elch & Dakin s upplies ollin. repairs, Josiah Hough, . •l.'orJrt' ' V. ,/'I S- ellch taught; 'Ilnlucl H l't, 13; V(,I'SU. Zack FIt!t 'her, fili I s by the Durilt', deccase d was approved, al· $1.56; W . B. pin, J . T. McKay, J , W . 'a nby, ~ul ·ll.h ~. Bl'lIwn, 10; l~ml1lt\ Brow n shel'iff were appl'oYl'c.1 lind oll ac. low d a,nd eOJlflrmed by the court. $8.45; Hudley Gara"e , r epairs, $2; W m. mith, Abijah JohmWIl. Rosa Powers wa. found feebJe- East End Garage gas, $71.73; : H. I . '\,ill'),. 1 1; Hamuel SCOtt 'o unts are to be s ttlI'd. J o. hua tiles und A. D. udwIll. 0 ; mo, Sellel' ~ , 1\; P. Hsine~, 6: In th clt 'e of e ntl'nl Acc p. minded und is to be admitted into Kilpatrick.French Motor Car C.o., W. Hav. a Complete W.tc:h Repair S.. nic:e ladeI'. In titution for the Feeble· Illlpp lies and gas, $78 .70; Bnce Lizzie V :tul, ; Robert \V Cllst, 3; t nce CorporutiOll vet·sus M os~ th Smith, repairs, $2.05: J. D. Adams And use only II: nuine materia ls, A perusal of the pay vou chers lind ElWOod HII ~s ey, 2. Bunch'en, a co~~novit ju dgm nt :Jf minded. 0" grader repairs, $117.69; Fre;i i:sued in I 56 in in deed quite in · The estat of Luther E. Hughes, The TO'w n!;hip board evidently !IS .!l3 WIIS ~p.t II 'ide I\nd h III for rystals fitt d while you wait, terest ing. .10 t 0 £ these seem to held but tw o me tings each ~' ear naught. Pl'oceding in aid flied deceased i uempt 11'01'11 inheri· Kahn 1\1 0001' Co., repairs, $22.0&: HersChel F. James. repairs, 5.S(); have been the !l8larie~ of teacher. l\t whi 'h all !Iub·di. tt' ict. wet'e 1'1', under Baid judgment is di mi sed ta nce tax. Cary's Jewelry Shop who not onlr. taught all sizes and prescnted. The first of the . e whose 8ml the order restrai ning Tli e S ales by William H. Drake, ad: Frank herwood Co., supplies and g. a s, $ 131.16; Morrow Garage, L.banon, Ohio ages of pupils from the tiny tots minul s ure 1'(' orded wa. h e ld at Union Ga. & £lecll'ic Co. from min istrotor of the estate of Otis $43.61; C, D. Smart, li:IlS Store Open Eveninp of five and six years to thei.r elder lhe office f J ohn W. Keys in paying in theil' bonds due the de. T, Hend erson " decea sed, was ap- 1I:1lS, $22.02; Wayne ville ~attery S~a • .L._ _;;;';';~"';;';"'_ _ _ _ _ _J ist ers and brothers, young ladie Waynesville, April fO, 1 5 . The f ndant is dh;solved. The clel'k is proved lind all accounts are to be tion, ga , $27.72: Smlth' Service and nI n in their late teelUl and ciistrictA WCI' I'epr e nt ed a. f:l l· hel' by o rd reel to notify said ~ett1ed. JOEL EVANS early twentie8, but each was s up- low: The Lebanon·Citizells National Station, gas, $70.7 L i . L. Baker, o. 1, al11ul!1 I 'menlo ; ompany of th 'is (Ini",r by mailing S'1lrveyor WM E.tabli.hed Boun- posed t o ul~o att nd to the janitor • o. 3, olomon Gause; No.4. Mah 8 C I'lified cOPl' of this entry. Bank and Trust Co, ; 01 Lebanon !ras, $93.62 ; Western Star, letter . da.rie. of Several Di.triet. work , ventilation, sanitation, etc. I n Mills; No.5, Wm. Barley: :-i'J. In the case I, f rn Patrick vel" guardian of John A. Cavoet, a heads and envelopes, $7. 50 : W. H. Fulkerth, expense, $04.02. ~ev ~rul descl'ipti on s of . Sch() 01 No furnace heat; n o shad d 6, Jo!\iah ,mft; No.8; J. '1'. Mc· SU8 Kelly .Patr·ick, the defendant minor, is ordered to expend n ot windows; v ry few crude allll Ka y; No. 10, K A. Rogers; N . 11 i. to pay to t he Jllahltiff 4 pel' more t han $150 for repai rs to ---.~ funds in his hands. belongir~i' to small blackboards. and pratical1y A. D. adwallad t'; No. t 3, buildi ng. I'l. w~ek fol' . upport of child. Id TQwn. hip, a s appeal'S by the In the case of Alma full ersus Annice M. Crosier, executrix of s ttlem nt of his Ilccounts, as n one of the auxilliary helps t.hat Gruham . Mr. McKay wa!\ chosell to p('esid . li t the meeting, un I th Fmnk Schwural'aubet· and Stella the es tate of Frank Crosier, de· balane d on the books of t~e minute!' at·, igned by JOHepll O. Schwartztl'llubl!r, the defendants ceased, iii d his first and final ac· 'l;ownship School l unds, ill! per Key. , le rk of Wayn e TOWI1i"hil). IlI'e Ml'nnlecJ 80 days additional cou nt. page-, also a book of accounts, Charles H. Gibb!!, administrator . Hel'e is some of the bu ~ inp ~~ till1\.' in whi h to file answer. a bill of order from March 9th, ---of the estate Dr AmandaGibbs, de. th ey tran u('ted: 'lI~l)hen Burne.t's 1831 to April 7th, 1849, inclusive. Ne'w Sui.. cease d, flIed hi inventory. 0 land was tl'l\n~fel'cd fr om DiKI ri ~ ~ S. S. Bain ,Treas. W. Tp. N . 3 to Di~t1'ic t o. 7, bt't th .. 1(!. The ~lutuul Builoin" and Loan The estate of Otis T. Henderson One of th e soundest rule!, 'for A t..rlle copy, April 18th, 1849. .. quest of eOl'gll Ms rs, ,Helll'!' 0., of Miamif;bul'g, Vel'SU E. L. Eostrom, lerk Wayne Itoy E. deceased, tance talC. is exempt from inheri· safe driving i!l to " wa teh th e lark, E, Kinly and ,D. , atl- RCJbin. on a nd W illa Mite R()bi n on. The i n vent ry of D. E . Heywood other fellow.' i This is the eonclus. Township." wal1ader to b , I'e tOl'ed to Di sfr!c· Mr. Hadden, the. retiring treas1' mon y: foreclo. ul'e and eqllit- executor of the estate of Mary M. ion of the Ohi o De partm ent of , No. 9 from District No. 11 , to 1"0 aule reJief. urer, was the mat..ernal ~[and Phone 78J which t hE'Y had been bran fet'I' d, . 1cKinley Parker versu Liz. Hedrick, d ceased, was approved. Highways on the bl\8i of kn ow). father of Mrs. W. H. Allen, and was laid on t he t.l;Ib le . .r siah rart zie Park r. F f' clivOl·c. harge is for many of the earlier )lears was Real Ettat. Tran.'.... edge and facts brought to light by manager of the To 'Vn ~ hjp . sc h oo lit. l!TOSS neglect (If duly. Waynesville's leading dealer in s urv ys and studies made in conu •• wa granted furtber titlle , in \vhich dry goods, clothing, etc. His sucarl'ld a ElIc!n Tindall versus Le lie al\d Edith M. Haggerty to nection with Highw,ay Director O. THE MIAMI GAZETTE to file hi .. l'ep o r~. The ~u bject of hilder 101' a re training harte and Lulu Stephenson. Rudolph cessor, Mr. Haines, was one of t~e For R••• ,.. e tnblishing a W,ayn'e ' Town ship ordel'. 3\1,36 acre in Ha~]an township, W. MelTell's safety program, Illading founders of the Wayne~ High !lchool cam ,up, bu l got n o First National Bank of Blan. · and 2 :30 acres in Clinton county. ' U the motorist forma this habit ville National JlllJlk, and for sevfarth e l' thun tI~ lk . 1'llxes for co n· "h ster vcrsu ' harles D. Corwin Elsworth Biggs to Wensel and he is constantly alert to the ebb ral years served a8 its first. pl'elliYBrious distl'ict. as folio",,' : No~. R fi l H R Itt . and fl ow of trafic about him, and .. M <lent. An enlllrged portrait of him E. B. urrell. FOT money, u na e rres. ea 1'8 a e \D ~uch a habit is a natural, whether 1 and 13, 2Q; tla h; N6 ~ . 4 and , M( roreclo~ure, 'flal·e of real estate and <::orwin. ~ now occupies a place on ~onor on 50" eac h; 'O At 10, 70; No. 1 L equituble re liel'. David Mason, Jr., to Jones W . conscwllsIy or' unconsciously per" ' the wall of the institution. $1 75, the vouche l~s bing made Clarencu Eiu erg meir Head and Lillian Head. [nlots formed by the motori st, means of lie it was, also, w~o built and pa yabl t.o th n'pre~entative at ROQcrt G. McConnell Director of Fa •• raJ S.n;c. t Nos. 18 and .2 8 in Oregonia. keeping his mind (In the all-Imfirst owned the palatial residence the met<lihlg, , ilia M. Wilke-ISO" to Le f'ta.n job- of operating • car on Third Street, now the home of Joel Evans \\'a~ paid $15 f o'r r elicf. A tkinson. Real e tate in Wash. !lafely. The habit 1a a iao a souree the Misses Trillena and Margaret Our convenient location, suitamaking a ma p of t.he Township ington tow nship, of other good. I t develops an Edwards. Th grounds surroundble lI urroundings ane. equipment Probate Court PrO<!e.din •• ,choo l Oistl'ict, llnd we quote the Susan J. Btandenbu1;g to Harley inte1'e8t-o-n ttle part of the motol'ing this mansion originally includ. la, t three pa ra pgrap hs, vel·balim . Th e will of H ester A. Young, de G. Brandenbu rg. Inlot No. 20 ist in the fellow he watches ; thia enables us to erve to the Beit ed th~ lots whereon the homes of "A re olution fl'om the Board of ceo ed, was filed In court. in Lebanon. interest, a8 a rule, acts as a coun· Mrs. Frank Zell and the late C. T. Advantage. Eflucation of , IlAhin!!'ton T own· Alton F. Brown, admirtistl'ator Alta Lyncil to Gordon McNeil ter~ctant to hi&'hway discourtesy. Hawke now stand. GEORGE S. SALE ship 10ntgomel'Y ounty . 0., wa of ·state of P'lter B. leaver, de. and Gertrude McNeill. 57.201 Tt is a reminder that the ottJer The amount named in this repr senled by Abn r Ha rris, asking cea ed, filed bis inventory. AMBULANCE SERVICE A. Old. time Sc:hool Director acres in Salem township. driver has richts equal to one's ceipt seemin gly indicate that its fl'uctional dist rict No. ] 2 in . The inventory oC Anna L. Harris Thomas C. and Pearl E. Groves own and that infringement o n transter was merely a banking are now considered to be nec Sill. lhut PIM.. 29 W.,...vUIe, OIalo the south cBRt C-Ol'n r of suid town oxec utrix of (!state oC Frank L. to Mutual Building and Loan Co. tbose riChu is done at one's own transaction . The fact that 9 mills, not luxuries. ship be reattached to sub-distl'ict Hard, decea E:d, wa approved by I I t N ] 24 an d 125 In ' .,t>....ran· k riskThand imperilment. fbe fraetional part of a cent, were ties no s os. . f tehl th Lead pencils were very rare and No. 1 of Rai d Township, b y a r s· the court. al'counted for al 0 indicates that scratch·paper 0 wa ,lzes. ng ~hat e =~=::==::========= tablets alnwst un· I olution dated ApI'j\ 19, j ~ s i~n. The third and final account of lin.Edna I. Sharp to. Lylal) May ot~e.re Jlr~cttee ~rlVer emJ>bas th board was in .about as close heard of. Most of the pupils' writ· ed by Daniel rosly, Clerk, f:1nd Lydia . Thompon, executrix of Wells. [nlot No. 956 in Franklin. drlVlng 18, a mut,!al . propOSition: titraits finan eially a s are their suc- ing and ti!furin~ was done upon JORep h Tate, hail'mlln, A, H{lrri s state 0;( Harry B. Thompljon, de. Annie MI Stanton to Walter that the highway 18 o~ed by all cessOr s, t oday. If the Poresent extra slates which could be washed, being a co mmitt e of one ,from was upproved, all owed and Franer 40 acres in Franklin town. and not by anyone driver . COI1t vy of three mille fa lls of renewal dried' and used again as often as ~ni d Board to prc>lent the afot·e. ccased, co nfirmet.l by t;he court. ship. . f' id.ering this, Director M'err,:1l lit the coming electioll, our schools required. A method for this pro· 'mention d r esoluti oll . A. D. adTh ' b nd of George P. Gates, Jacob C. Christman to Ina Lib. poanta out that t h e highways ,:"Jil may be left in even worse shape. WANTED was quite popular amon g wa lkldel' moved said resolutio n be t ha t . April 17, 1849, Mr; Hadden the boys was for J ohnny to spit on adopted, being duly second ed. Re- assig nee of . H. Cl'e ighton was bee. 199.41 lIeres in Wayne town. become sa1~r only when mOtorl8~ du ce ll to thE! sum of $3000. I'e ship. . develop thIS much l1eeded spirl, t qualified as school director of Dis- his slate, give it a swipe or tw o Th e inventory of Helen S. Han. Otis T. Hel1derson, by adminis. of fairllesa toward one another W ANTED-Fordson Tractors to trict No.7, which, quite probab)y aero the leg of his trou er , and cock, adminj ~ h'atrix of estate of trator to John P. Cummings, Real when at the wheel. wreck . Eby Bros, R. R. 11, "'a8 lor a time, at least, the Way- proceed with his work, bli sfully unG 'orge L. chenck, dec ased, was estate in Wa shing t on to wnship, So uth Broadway, Dayton , Ohio. nesville pecial District, and aware of tbe myriads of microbes approved by court. J . R. Hensey, et al to Ethel May ·012 John Brow n qualified as treasurer lying in wait for him. The wl'it r ,A ai mp'le and inexpens ive Ronilcer. Real estate in Turtle. of lhe same district. Mr. Brown p leads guilty to severnl such per· creek township. LOST swine sanitation ey!!tem consists !urni h d bond in the sum .of one formances during his Hoosie r mal' ks were made by . Mr. Hurris, Cecil Fletcher to Harold E. and in the bOUliRIJ of BOWB s horl"tt-=======;;;;:::::;:=~.:!iv.;""".....;:-hu:ndre<l dollars, with Reuben T . scho ol days in th 1890', so before farrowing and of sows and M,'. Mill s, MI'. ~h mp on, after Marie K . Mills. Inlot 747 in Garretson as s urety. . kn ows by p rsonal experience Franklin. their litters for aoout two weeks LOST- One licen se plate No. which the motion was lost. The fo llowing notices of the how the results were accomplis hed. 246,080. Return. to Gazette "Wm. Barley moved that a Thomas C. and Pearl E. Groves after 'farrowing In pene which qualification of directors of the And oh! those dear li ttle damp mill on t he dollar be levied on the to The Mutual Building and Loan have been cleaned and scru.b bed. office. vario us districts.. Some .of the ponges which we were aJlowed to Township fol' Elducati onal purposes Co. Inlots Nos. 124 and 125 in The sowa and pigs then a·re hauled l)~mes listed f-ol1ow: Luman Jones, keep on our desks fol' the PIII'PO e • to a clean pasture which has been which was lost. A. D. adwallader Franklin. lIn1uel Clements), George Steven- (jf cleaning those s lates. Thut is, FOil SALE askecl that 00(! min on the dollar David R. Ashworth to Jacob C. ~speeial1y prepared and !lOW\') to a : 00 , William \i'raham , R obel·t we were alloww to k eep the \;Ie levied, whicn was lost. Josiah Christman. 199 .41 acres in Wayne 8uitable crop. In tllis way the pigs Stewart, James M.' Hid e, Samuel sponges until we had squeezed a~e protected from infective F OR SALE-Jersey Cow, good CI'aft as ke d that t hree.quarters of town ship . ao k W. G. WeI h, J-ohn Cheno· ome of the dirty wate.r therefrom a cent on the dollar fol' the above The Edward Meincb Estate to material in old hOJ: lots and weth: Patrick McKinsey, J ohn down the n ec k of ~he girl or boy condition. Price reasonable. J. mentioned purpose be levied which Ada Moore. Real estate in Deer. bom association With mature L. Mendenhall, Phone 4.5RI2 •• 012 he rwood, Amos T. McKay Sam. who sat directly in front of us, field township. . Will'! curried. Wm. Barley moved hoge, ottJer than the motherB, until 11el J ones, Solernon Gause, Thomas and then- but let's draw the CUI'· that the members of this Board they are at least four months old. FOR SALE-40 Poland China pigs ' Ilarles, Abraham Mendenhall, tai n o'f J orgetfulness over what Bill. All_eel draw on t he contingen t fOl' one J~bn Edwards, James Graham, happened !!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! Ju st weaned. A. L. King. • 012 next. It was alter dollar eac:b as pay fo r t heir E. F. Schradllr, Jabor and BUP. ' JOieph Neuman, L v.i Cook, Henry e ve~ts of thi character that the FOR SALE-Poland China male services a s m embers of school plies, $27.64 ; F. J. Heel' Printing Norton Wm . . H. Anderson, David unsanitary methods of erasure pigs. E, Evans, Phone 470R. board. sTried . Co., supplies, $4. SO; The Johnson. Chandl'r and Absalom E. Merritt. were usually adopted, or when we ""\Vm. Barley moyed a recon- Watson Co., s upplies, $98: James ·n2: Th next transac.tion recorded had umwn a caricature of teacher Lie.need R••) E.tat. Brok.... sid erati n of the vote: on the reo Hatfield, services, $10; Georcla i the :formation of District No. 11, and 'she, or he, sta rted in our FOR SALEPoland China boars. Auction •• r and In.urane. solution f l'om the Board of Miller, servicES, $10: Morrow Whit the f ollowing r cords and descrip, direction. And do n' t forg E)t those immuned. $l'0.00 to $15.00, also Education of Washington Tp., acre, services, $5; Mrs. H9W.ard tion be ~ng writte n by Joel Evans, cl'atching, screeching slate pcn · 3 open wool bucks, and breeding Mo ntgomery C:o., which was cal'. Sawyer, serYices, $7; Lillie Urton, who was til en clerk of Wayne ( ils with 'ometimes a bit of grave l PROF. WM. H. VENABLE ewes. 4 miles east of Harve)'1lburg ried. Th e re olution wa s t hen services, $10; Julia Holland, servo T ownship: and some other hard substance Who Onc:e Taultht in Di~ tric:1 No. 2 adopted. .. ... ,. Weldon Heller, Wilmington, 0 ., R. Moat Realonable Terms "At n meeting of the trustees ices, $10; Erma Hibnar, service., No.5. -02 heM M.arch 14, 1853, School Dis· trict No. 11 was made from Dis· tricts Nps. 7 and 10, described and ie . to be Y(l1. ~unde d a s follows, viz.: • "Beginning a t th comer pf the , CAN'T Sf.E MUGU CIFFERENQ 6tH.' E;) R.E-PUBc land owned by Eli J ohnson, ne.ar Oltll.Y TWeLVE YEARS }I.,6O WE. WERE opTHE!tE !T'i, ALI. ovtll YOUR"OW~'1bWW McKay'S Mill!!, in the line of I'V~ atl1A114LY H~O .. y l.YtS L1CANS ANt> OE~OCMTS, UNr.!..!: JOliN, AND I LIKE Ef{A1)NG UNOflt A SIMU.AIl TARla:F. T~EY PAPU. Yo,.' wu..~ otiLV Mlt4f 't'j!AIl' oLD Mo elj Kell y, and running with the lot~II.f'). WoiT CI- Th F~ ROOStVELTS IDE,A OF A'TAAI r-F FcA.!tEVENOE C.A-LI..ED IT TilE UIoo/DERW(IO[) TAAlFF. FAl:roRJIES , TH!.I , TN~ rt~ 5t lW ....a ".1. UPUet.I~'" lin between said J ohnson and DewT ~ ~IJT JIIl'TUJ". ,.....- .... I'VE H~ARD PLE.NTy' KICKING MOUT o t! TARIFF . Kelly to the clll"ner of Lynch's WE~~ SUUT DOWIoI f.Vfll't"WiJE~E " MORE C.oI'GIlt.SS 11M) 10 Do .AFTER. IT GoT IN "'IoS Tiley 81LI En It. LOT <if TlfIS land i tlrence with the lin(! between 'TIIE-Y S~:(IT IS FtESPCt.JSIOlErC," "1 UCNOFOUP. PEOPLE WERE OUT OF ,WOR:K THAN EVER uu'U"""'1 To C"AI.lGE TMT rAIl,,,,, ~ 'b PItQ !'aid K lly nnd Lvnch to Micajah ~Li -:Y ,~ (UJohnson's land;' thence with the ... LET~ STEP OVE.R, li:>TH~ LJB~lARV) I'LL SHOWVou. nCo'!' 0Uft. La.aOItItllG tofEN. TIf!N '~I:1b."!~1 ~ / WfLL ;J(MMtE-/M GLAD To ~ING To TELL TN~"'. liJIe between said J 0l1n80n and w,.~~ UO!(!o","UJ.v STAUeoUl'. IS 'tttAT R..tGtn', UNCLE Lynch to Lynch's corner in the StE YOI) TWIIolIC.I~~ roRYOV ~o I'~ NoT GOI"" To ',J:'. ItE OP~NE.t) Fop. oua ~ICI'" ....:_...,,, JOHN! LETS Go Clal'ltsville road; th ence with the SElF, ,Ur DON'T LH A~Y So YouJ.iG Nio bot" ~"'I", lines of A bij ah John~on, 1 aiah ONE STRING ~u WI TH A '-) so .... Martin anti Thoma$ M. Goode to LOT OF SWffT SOUIoJDI~ J Otthun tiles' corner in, or near, ih Wayne ville and Wilmington ONEYlIIV lum-pike r oad: thence with the lin, b.tween uid Stiln and Goode ITTa..L.S OF to Seth FIl1'J,\8s' land; thence with PlaPLE JU'I~U~ t1I Fumas' \lne to the river: INC T,.. down the river with Its . ,... CoITJ • • • •dllrl to McKay '!! .aw mill lot, lot; lbeft~e with the UVltotG.",",~.'.n ..id loe )lard lot and -f~=~W:UII' t,o the bqia. i an thereill en·
7he Little ' Red District School as it
Existed i". ) Wavne Towt;Jship for Years
At 80th Factories
The Roxanna and Waynesville Cann ing Plants
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
.. ---
F. 'J . Mart·.n Auctioneer
Watela tlae Other .
Fellow; a _Gui~e. · For Sale Dnv,ng
Ch arae
Centerville, Ohio
u-w. ...
decides not
5,""" ,."
THAT~ ".. al
Have You One 01 Old· Time Claalk Milk Pitcherll?
Oct ober
, O. L. CRAN E I I P ••II.Ia.r S"hacriptioa Pric., .1 .&0 a Y..r .Manl' Ohio hou~ewive~ Ill'£' now ____ otic. Plto. . .... .......... ..... . No. HZ Entered at Poalott lce at WDYlLel . . . , . . . . 1:. .. ... ............ ... .... .. No. HI vJlle. OhIo, a~~:..nd CIa .. lIIall searching 'lh ir att 11'8 lind i'toragc COL MB S - Thc threp . peciol rooms und visiling anliqul' sholls in earch of the {Jld-fuRhlnn d cha k ~alltry reduction billl' have b~en white pilchers and glasses, which filed with - cl'etnry of :tote. OCTOBER 12, 1932 havc come into VOl«Ue> again with 'lart'ncE' ,). 81' wn Ilnd will become the move ment to r . tore thl' milk ('Ir~ctive within the next ninety pitcher to the Jnmily labl '. duys, reduced pay checks to be isMilk glnss was one of th· tirs~ !iu.(\ for the Ih"t tim Janual'Y 14. ; _ - -- - 1 typel! or gIlls. is ro untl·yI 'fhc meMures reduce the pay of D urihg 19:3 L fire destroyed approxim at Iy 10,000 -,h'Yi!1t ' t muu('I i I IF Nearly one.third of these were chiluren under ten years of age. over a c n UI'Y ant a III llg O all( state u/tlcialR and employ s, electTwo - th ·l happyd' is I thl!'t hou!;c'.I'ife Vlho ellnf I'V·.~ ~Aounty offi"~ 'Io ls lind J'udg 8 and ' 'IruB o f· tl\e t0tal wel'e b urne d t 0 d ea th In homeDo . 'h h IV ttl ISP ayf I Wit ottlcial~ 01 cOlllHy election boards. n 'Ik T h total economic 108s was $464,633,265. . . ., . n tbl e !!el'\lin~ A d' 0 f II. owmg : ml .1l Ie t' anll y.... 'cor Ih rL'I've othel' emergency me8sur s .I n ol'der to vi ualiz these facts, compare. them with th eo t h t'. k , ue s op- cepe!", Tht! annual fire bill is about equal to 76 per cent of t h e mterest h() one b an Il k' d r wh '0 or~~ If tive at once. A cummittee rna '"I\' on our national debt. k'asd een J th a s, u Y' Ik() lI IS was aloo nanH.J by the governor d on us h In U h 'war. a ~ to .· nv ,,0 n."t,·gutc b'lghwlIY n~~ei'Rm nts · 'I'h new exci!!· and Itlisce lhineous taxes recent1y Impose I"k e ru ' m, I!' h'l wl1l produce, in a year very little more than the annual fire bill. liS II C Ina- I e (jpui1uen e.·~ , W I (' _ _ __ , all fires arc e&l!l'1 y preven tab] e. copie~ have II "Iui ~ h Artl'cll' 16, ell' n .'1, of vcr 80 pel' cent of tthe pool'el' I F ire is th e g"eat destroyer- not on I y 0 f I !Ves on IJf lh~~ ._ tate of Ohl' o, · an d propert Y.. b u t 0 f Tons Th ucency. 'lk d . k' t ' (~onsll'lull' . C coming ml - rlnhatk Inlf with Cli . 11hm IS PI"" ,'ldu5 that I' n 1"OJ ""2, and ' very emp IoYlI'lent, businel!l~ opportunities, oommum'ty an d'.n d U.8t ria I pr () - rapidly ' de. gre . or every hundre d indus trial establishments burned In the last mand foil' cheap and eron',micnl LwenLY years ther 11ft r . til' ques. five years, 4:1 wel'a !lot repuilt. The waste WIlS complete a~d .a'bsolute. fo ods and th movement t il im- tion "Shall th re be a c nvention The conqu st of liTe is simply the conquest of p!l~hc Ignorance. prove financial condi ic.n . on th' to revi e, alter, or amend the lllxnes and indifference. Each of us owes the oommunlty a duty- to fal·m. It hus been poin (0(1 ""l that !:lI nstitution," shall be !'! ubmitled eliminate the hazards on our pl'operty. We cannot aft'ord the "luxury" one quart of milk a day UP I)li~ H Lo th voter of the stote at the of lire. mOl'e than one-half (J( h ' food g neral election. In oc ordll nce needs of nn adu lt an(1 a largf' por. wit.h thi. con titutional provi ion, tion of the ·fo od n/'ed of a child. ,'{!crt'lary 01 :'talc, larenc J. And whil milk ta.~t(. milCh y fine Bro wn, has notified all b<lsrds of One of the tel Irrams placed abQard the train. which 'Yhite Hou e out of one of th o old .fa hioned cl ciion aR to the forms of the Bids estimated in the hundreds, was from harles A. Lmdbergh , It chalk-while pitch r . ii i$ j u a . Questions and Issues ballot. This only state-wide qu slian to I'ead :- "Will you pleas accept my best wish 8 for the succ~ss of the whilesom and heaJth' l£i\in ~ r, ut i.t, thve led up ~ n ut th November campaign fOI' your Te-elect.ion. Your single purpose of devoti on to the of any other kind. I t is expected that I'xhlbi IJl th ' Iection. ~e rvicll of the American p ople dellerves every 8upport. Yo ur experi- - -nce ·yol.lr COUl'a~e and vision are, in my opinion, needed to pilo.t U!! these (,Id-styled pitcher.' '''''ill b" I 1\otice aL t!his eM'ly date ha sOfelY out. of the world-wide depression trom which we lire emerging." included in the ' dL play in Fall festival to be h Id throughou t th been iss ued by Warden P . E. Thomas of the Ohio Penitentiary tanding right behind Governor Roosevelt · is Jac~ Garner, one s tate the n xt two monlh ~. that. eatab les p j)sitively' will not be tap fr om the p"esidency if the Democrats are victOriOUs. And he received for inmate of the in"ou ld have incr 'a sed expenditures two billionll last summer, had it s titution f or Thanksgiving. H e not be n for Herb rt Hoover. And think of the taxes necessary to auvis s that TlO fo od hould b niSI! two billions of dollars! If Garner has his way, it y t will cOJUe to mailed or brough t Lo t he place as po . This time it's up to you. it will not be delivered . The Warden now has 3,7] 0 men in his P oll bo ks are beginning to come in all over the 8tat~ and the charge, Quite ~l large family. reports show that the mu ch-vaunted switching of Republican farmer over to the democrntic column, is a pure myth. Ohio farmers are fed up on this depres ion and are confident Hard-Working Hoover alld •. P. Dunkle, executive clerk in The lazy farmel"'S reason for the office of Governor George not Uambling Roosevelt is the man to finish up the job ot routing hard pre! rring scrub, low produci ng White, spendinl~ a week-end in the tim 8. cows may be enlightenillg' to m untain coufltry of W e t Virdairy farmers in g neral. believes ginia, captured a diamond ra ttle , nake measuring forty-two inches C. R. Arn old, rura l economist for in length with five rattle. "Si" the agricultural extension service used a two-prolaged stick in eft'ectat the Ohio State University, who ing the reptile's capture and has formulated a lO-plank plat. brought it bacl( to olumbu with (Mu ielll Interludes by .Fa1'm Night Melody Maker ) form dealing with this slacKel' in him. He will pre. ent it to the Ohio herds. Zoo. (Mu ical Interlud s by Farm Night Melody Makers) l\foratoriu m. nlay come and go, 8:00 Music yet there never can be a. moratoriW, A. "Lon" Bail y, the good B. A. Wallace um on the feed consumed by in- looking cllshier in the office of 8 :05 What Governll1 nt pends for Agriculture :20 Planning Your Farmers' Institute . . J. P. Schmidt efficient, &nprotitable C{)WB. Such State Treasure'T, ' Harry . Day, Is 8:a6 Good }'a11 Plowinlr ... , .. . .. , ..... ...... . ..... . ... .. ....... ,.C. O. Reed animals, however, have certain ex- porting a fine French briar pipe. 8 :50 Producing Feder Pig .... . ... . .,.. J. S. Co/l'ey cuses for existinlr a t the xpen. e humid or and several cons of im9;06 Meaning of Home Account Records .. Mr . J_ Puterbaugh of the farmer. Although Arnold port d tobacco, presented to him 9 :20 LightinlC th Hens ...... ,. ... ., '. .... . R: E. Cra) believes the sCl' ub cow runs up by fellow mployes of his office on :86 For tryon the Farm ..... .. ................. .. ....... E. G. Wlese~uege coatly board bills without making a r cent birtbday, at which time H:UO Painting the Roof ... ... . . . . . ,.. . . H. P. TWItchell adequate return, he ays the lazy t he Wilmington man was host to farmer's reason for ke eping her II fi h fry, after landing a good aturday. October 15, :00 p. m. might be Ii ted something as '1'01- catch of blac\< bass at Buckeye Program, Knoz ounty 4-H Clubs lows: Lake. T he Value of a Scr ub Cow Music by Fredericktown Orch&stra 1. he con umes a lot of cheap The count.y fair seaso n 'in Ohio feed so that I need not haul it to ends thi week with the staging of market. the Fairfi eld County Fair at. Laning a federal tax of eight cents. 2. he reduced my taxes 98 her ea ter and th Tuscarawas County The Georgetown - Wittenber~ e.xhibition at :Oover_ Th former game will be an interesting con- value is low. 3. (f she dies I do not lose very as usual proved the drawin~ card test under lights. The Tigers of f the year with thousands of enth Blue G1'8 la t year scored a much. 4. It take very little time to . thu ia ts pre~int from all over tOl.lchdown on Witt~nberg, a team nlral Ohio. Five county ·fairs that went through the s eason un- milk- her. 6. She is dry a large part 'of were held !list week apd also the defeated. Witt nberg and Georgethe year and doesn't require any big pumpkin show ' at Circleville, High ~chool tUQent or twelve town have met thr e times with at which time $4.,000 in pl'ize ou nt.ies will be gUQsts of Witten- the · following victories for Wit- care.. 6. She never yields much milk was awarded j 'ol' the bes t pumpberg Coil ge on annual School Day tenberg: 27-0, 21-0, 18-7. and does jURt about as well on kins and 'f arm pro ducts of Pickto be obs rved here, October 21, corn an fodder as sh e does on away County. when Georgetown of Kentucky According to R. C. A tkinson of balanced rations. me t.8 the "Fighting Lutherans" of the Oh io Institute, cou nty govern7. It makes little diffe rence Althtgh the fall semester at Wittenberg. ments in Ohio quite often can whether or n ot r rilk her on Sun- Ohio S te University opened last Paro hiol and private schools on make lIubstantial savings by con- day. week, udent.a are till regi stert he InVltation list include Cen tral Bolidatinr th e a uditor'. and treas8. I am never pesterecl by ing and the tot.al enrollment ill apCatho~k High of prln afteld, urer's ollleee, t he recorder's office neirhbors who want to b\lY h r. proximate.ly 9 , 000, slightly less 9. he ke ps down the arplus than the samE' period in 1931 . Cat,h olic High of Piqua, the O. S. with eitller t he auditor or clerk of cl S, O. High chool of Xenia, St. courts, an d the transfer of the of dairy product and in tllis way Campus and other fraternal activiPatrick's of London. H{)ly Angela coro ner's duties to the prosecuting is no !'mall e(onomic IOTce in the ~ies are in full swing and Un iveragric.ulture of the naHon. of Sidney. St. Bl'igid' of Xenia, attorney. sity authoritie are a i ting sever~----~.~ ... ~ 10. I never have to i up a l hundred in obtaining part time St. Mary's of Urbana. Catholic nights worrying what to do with High IIchool of B lIefontalne and Lard cans, barrels, wash tubs, employment to aid worthy studof Troy. and othe r sortl! of receptacles all the money I get from my ent in obtaining an education. From these public high school" make aood winter storage contain- cream check. hu ndreds are expect d Champaip en for vegetables. Lar d ca ns are Directo~' H . IG~ Southord, M. D. Lara"t Yield of.. Sweet ,Corn Madison, Green, Miami, Loaln, e peclally fi n e for the sto1'8ge of of the tat(~ Department Shelby, Union . Fayette, Clinton, "oot crops. All b ut about a half Health, sounds a warning that the The largest yield o f sweet corn inch of the tops should be cut from Warren and Montgomery. seed of our winter crop of cold s T he visiting high chool students the roots which are packed in cans reported to the department of a re scattered with the fading of horticulture at the Ohio State will be admitted at the east. sid of and the n stored in a cool moist year and the voice of the Un iversity ,this year was .produced the t he stadium upon ~eir presentin.1r plac or buried in t he ~arde n. cougher is alr'eady heard in the by (;eorge Eitel of Circleville, sli ps 0" paper SIgned by t h Ir land. Colds aJ'e catching Ilnd no Picknway County, Eitel produced one t eachers. Teac he rs will be ad~it knows just when or how a cold ted at t he n orth Ide by pre,entlng Subae1'ibe for mi · Gasette. 4. 02 tons or-'Country Gentleman will terminate. The best method of sweet eorn peT acre on 6.6 IIcre8. Pflltection, foy' both t h e sick and 1ndentltkation slips; a nd . b~ ]lay· the well, is for t he patient with a cold to go home, to bed, if necesSIlTY, and to SlllY there until he 'has recoveud . The patien t will need quiet, re t · and proper care, and he cannot obtain these in school, office, shop 01' factory.
F acts Ab out F·Ire
-.--- - ---"-=-:======================= Lindbergh Laud. Pre.ident
- - - ----:-:--
Farm Night 7alks, Oct. 17
----_ ...----
Odd-But TRUE
A M 'ULE ~\ ~GQ\tU\.'t\)\\I\\' · ff.tt""~\. ~U.l.Ql. C;'UlG\ ~'*', "'\\~,. . " ~i ~l'" at: ~ CO\.,. ~\\\.t\) ,~ 1\
"" ""',
"",..ft'" t.R-
... "..." "*''''-', "\\\tt"-r-
:t~""" "\"aO),..-cCWl~" _ ,.".
/ ' .".
Fodder is rustling In big bushy lStIlCKS, The hunters ar out Their cr uel gun CfOCk. ; Wild gee are flying Way up in the sky. Wild duck!'! arc quacking O n water ' near by. The beautiful leav now Will soon flutter down ; Jack Frost will nip th In nti! they t.urn brown. Then comes t he' pure white oft whil'ling 1m-OW, An d cosy home fires Through the wi ndows will glow.
Oldsmobile We are immensely pleased to make this ann ouncement to Warren County and to give opportunity- for discriminating car owners to see and drive the 1932 liner Oldsmobile.Sixes and Eights. This reliable firm will represent Old,mobile along with the Chevrolet· line can OLDSMOBILE HAS PRECISION AND HIDDEN VALUES Distinctive New
7 4-1I 0rRepolV r
ix- ylinder Engin
tl'ling With Dash Control yncro-Mesh
LSI'ger. Roomier Fish r
Free Wheelinlr
BoLlie - L nger Wheclbn :<
Si lent.- hift Transmission
The W oman'~ Civic Leagu e bene87 -11orscpower Optional Mohllir fitted by a very en joyable lunchEight- yliruler Engine or Whi\lcord Upholstery eo n given at .. Hole-ln-The- Woods' on Wedn esda by the following hostes es: :Mrs. Mary DoMer , Mrll. Silent Secont! Geur , J ennie GI·aham. Mrs. Lida Halton end Mrs. a ie ollett. A bout . <lund-proofed Ride R gula.lol' nnd Doubl - 'action forty ladies were present. Hydl'lIulic Shock A lI~orbllr~ Fish r Body Construction u ndllY callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J . C. Grey were M1'S. Jont Morris and two sisters. and All Very Moderntely Priced Mi . B everly and Mrs. A~k i n s of Washington . H. Mrs. Bern.ard Jordan was the dinner guest 'f hursday of Mr. and 1\1r . W. T. Jordan. Afternoon .call ers were Mrs. Anna Randall, Mrs. Minnie oilier and . Mrs. -eertha Gray . ,.,.i s Grace Smart and friend. of CinCinnati, were unday evening qinljer guests of Mrs. Mary . Haine s and family Mr. and. Mrs. A. S. Collett and Robert 'entertained f or Sunday dinner ¥r. and, Mrs. L wis Cook, Mr.' and Mts., Wade ' Coft'ey of Greentielll, Mr. and M~s. Wm . Gillam and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gillam Bnd children ' Lois, Wilfred ond Helen . . Mrs. Berda J ordan al'\d s ister Mrs. Bertha Gray were gue ts Frl- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. day ~f Mrs. A. Z I Hartsock, of W.ilm,ington, . T he 7th and 8th grades, under the direction of Mr. Caskey, presented an instructive chapel program Friday afternoon. Evelyn Carr gave the Scriptu1'e reading a song "Darling Nellie Gray," by 80 Years Experience In th sc hool; a song by 7th and 8th Fitting and Makin, Gta • • ea grade i ",The Harland Goot." llWas followed by a series of seven cleverly enacted stunts feaROOT FOR AND (:ONII4lK L.ha_n, OLio . turing "Believe It 01' Not," by your Cattle, ho p, • •ep ••d eai.... the different student; a song. Tu..day, Thurada" Saturda, to Norris-Brock Co., II... wlr. . . . "Old Black Joe" and ann ounceE . aaninatio. Fre. progressive finn for th. hID... ments by upt. F ranci~ completed market price. and rood ..me.. L EBANON, OH IO the program. U.ion Stock Yard.' Ci..I._'l!I[~ Mr. and MTS. W. T. Jordan en- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Tun e In on Radio Statio. W tertained at dinne ... Mr. and Mrs. 12:26 to 12:80 p. m. for our daIlr A. Z. · Hartsock and family. of market reports. Wilmington, Mrs. Bertha Gray, of Waynesville and Frank Jordan. .A trudc . from Indiana loaded with barbed wire and nails, 'IOTARY PUBLIC went through the guard rail at the upper bend of the "S" hill Wed National B __ nesday morning. The truck turned over two or three times and WDR Drawn • • Ea.t.. S.ttl.d completely wrecked . T he driver WAYNESVILLE. OH_IO _o--+....... suffered several broken ribs, and B an k B14e, e 80 crushed chest. Both driver and truck were removed to Indiann. · WAYN E SVI LLE , OHIO Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Gray enter- Subscribe for the Miami G1lzette. tained at dinner on Wednesday his
fRED KAHN · MOTOR CAR CO. Open .S unday.
Phone 326
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop ,
ARE _ _____...-~
Don't Be a "Snifclaer"
lM \86'1
FI weI'. are beautiful ever more fair; Than at this time of year In the Octob r air, Two pretty hurseR lop down the I'oad. Hitched t o u wngo n Gold corn. is lheir 19ad.
As the New Dealer in Leba non or
~". ~~t$ "" nttu. .."" ""'to. .~~_\
.., ,\1_.....
Lenv('s on the maples Ha ve turned gold and red, I u!<t rs of beau ti B Wav ovel' my head. eri kets a ...• singing Their October sung, hihlt'en fruln Rc hool ' Come luughing ulung.
Fred Kahn MotorCarCo.
ces f he ong ago, now being printed every week? We have received many letter. requesting copies of articl.. already printed.
. . -.0 ~"a.
Gold and black ~hudows A nl1 .bright col I"NJ leaveR, Gray . und whilt! pigeons Hencath the blll'n cuv eR. Cooing and dreg ing Th ir feathers there, One leather dl·ift." Away, ~n the air,
You reading the Remini.cen·
.,.,\.1 "."
t\at O~\~~
Announcing Mr. . J ... I. B. Trip p
sister,and Mrs. Nettie -. . . . . . . . . . . . .. anon Mrs. Roy Camp, Camp. of Leb. I,• • •IIIIiI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. M. Mathias and Don. of Dayton s pent from Thursday even ing until Sunday with her mother, MTS. A manda Starr. On unday Mr. Mathias. accompanied by their friend, Mrs. Josephi ne Ca1'ter came down and they went on to Russellville for the day with Mrs. t 1\I.r. and Mri~.· Edlrar Reevee arid Carter's parents. , Knthleen Gray was an overnight child1'en have moved to Xen ia. ~fl I' Mbs Katherine Warner, of gu st Tuesday or Mary Kathlee n 0 t. Greenfield, is the guest · or Miss Thompson_._ __ • _ __ Kat herine HollallP. Rally Day "Was observed at M. E. Sunday school on Su nday. Aunt Sally Keen Miu Helen Hain es is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ch as. Maddux of Kirkersville , Ohio. "What, no voti n ', Annabelle? Mrs. Clara Nisonger and son, of Born' in Taft's admi nistration near West Manche,ster spent Lut week ez I kin remember,- twenty-one, with her sister, Mrs. How&1'd Mc- aren't you?" Clure and f arnily. . . h A S II b t "You're rlg t, unt a y, u Mr. lind Mrs. G_ A. "Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Gnmt Phillips a nd son why waste my perfectly good time spent the wee Ii-end with fr ie nds In v()ting? PoHtics are so rotten~ Ci ncinnati. that's what I've heard." Mr. a nd MilS. Clyde Ewing have "Um ! Po1.itic is j ust like cookin' moved to the farm t hey p urchased I aUU8 sed, an d I've seen a heap of near W ilmina ton . rotte n cookin' in my day. When Don't borrpw your nei,hbor.' pap,r. The Inwood sisters were host- you put in ~ood ingredients and For only three cent. a week you ,et 'esses a t a parcel hower fo r Mn . handle 'em nght, you get good reChas. Inwood -(Ethel Cook) on suits. Bec lI z I was 'Wastin ' my all the Reininiacenaea, beaide. all the Sat urday . The bride rece ived ma ny t ime' t his morning, usin ' y~u r own words, you're eatin ' your third newa 01 the ne;ghborhood. beautif ul and useful .iftl. helpin' Q' ap ple pie r ight this mi nB. H. MUler, T. C. Hayd~k, W. ute." H. Reeve. and f a mily attended the " Oh, b ut Aunt Sally, this . . annivenary reception of the Cottage Bakeries in Sp1'ingftetd, Wed. l uch a ,orgeoul pIe I Just can help eatlnr it." n elJday evening. C.V. Robl rpon and dauchter " Me bbe so, Child, mebbe 80 , • d d if I'd chosen streaked , Send u. $1.50 and Mildred entertain. OD Sun aYI a pples that wer e ba d a t the Mr. and lIrs. lto), W.d. ano h ' Id' b fi to we will .end YOU family o f Jam••town IIr and Jlra t • ple wou n t a cen t eat. ... "J hl'ld of I do my own pickln', Anf\e bclle, Han..I F . we...• ana c rell, w In' it'. t he .ame with poUtles. You Dayton, a nd Mr• and Xn. La Sa ret e ood resultA wh en ),ou do Robison a d f amllr, of Y.llow selectln '. Mayb. ONE woman Sprl..... do much alon., but when I ~1JU<o~ of 'em eet to be as care"oUn' .. tlte), are oar sovernmnt Olll' e....I.·.
New Ilurlington
7 he Miami Gazett Itlaot. f
Hoa ell laltt'. la 1 Thul'!'dal' aft rn",' n. 1..._..,. ....------• 0\ ft .. th.· inlfing .. f u hymn,' ~r .. A . .... llM ~' ,,1f,'n'oJ J"·/t Yl'r To_ _ _• F• M• S• lind W . .. ('Ill! k lld (Il" ,·,'Ii"lllli .'t.'lL'ctillll t'lltit It·d : " 1'h ..
u ...".;:;
Wt~ .
I ..
Camaban ~ .. _1-.-.... ... Voter.' Support
CHAIlTER No. 1110 R .erve Ol.trlal 110 • Ohio, will be preHllt and deliver an addre on the work of the Red Report of the condition of the Crll . Every pertoOn u. Warren Waynesville National Bank, of County interes ted in the Red Waynesville, in tho State of rOIl8 ill urCt'd to athmd this Ohio, at the close of bu.in.... meetin,." on S ptemb I' 30 , 1932. !!""!!!!!!'!!~~'!!'!!!'!!!''!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!'~ , ____________ R E SOUnC B:B
repre en"U,e of the Red Croll! in
Geo rge arnehan, candidate fOI' t he uffict' 01 county ("ommi&G. (" PIt rt II' • h, . tl'.~ W l,'1' JUjr." ~i(l rll' l' st ateiS that his candidacy is to Ih. l it td,or III" t'"~ uf th .. W. ) frs. Fronk 1.,, 1\1 ~' , thl' lle l\ ilHl('Iw iM not in8ponllored }' I "\ (,,'\\ t th, 'l. ~~ par. (I n. presi" .. "t, outlint'tI thle pnll{l'nm of hy onynd ent an.1 party Warren . .. . ",' rk f " r th" ("nttlin.r YI·Ur. men· tioning l·t'uding (lh(> ~cript ul'ei<. 1Ij1!~~'I.:.~~~~~~Z::i. ('uull ty. dl wCOUDtI .•• • • ' .:!!IO.U 14 .r, 9 1:!7.C.U I,'war d hip. pray" r and the n cd WAYNESVILLE M.. E. CHURCH ~[r. arnahan :Curther states -'=--""=-="== lat"· "e In I1l' Y tn a(' (" ompli~ h re!>ults. thllt if I eted , h will serve the G. C. Dibert, Pastor 50.000.00 aec ur 1611 o wn e d •.... . • CttART£ R NO. 11811 1\11'';. Ann a ~ hl! l' h(ln il< Yl.'l'y ~ i c k 11'8. ('a\li t' ' ro ~s read nn article I)('('ple of Warren county to the Other I.oond.. .tbek. anel R • • t\' \\'Plln e"dny : l1ibll' . tudy and bc>!L of his abi lit y, and t hat his r. .O~6 .7 5 'n titled, "Wh n Feurs nit' li \\111' Ilt h(!r h O I1l l' un Thi rd st n 'ot. lIeou rltl slI owned ..... . prUYN 1II l' ~lilJj( u t 7 ::10 . p 111. B ILn k ln g IhOU8U. S .000.00. lin d, ufter a hymn hud blet''' ~ unj{. fir. t co nside t'ut ion will be the 'WeI· ~I r ~ . Rh u de ~ Bun nell wn'l F urll it-ur e a nd fl x 'J'hUI 'l' du ~': Jr. ' h oir prlll,tice a t the mt' 'tin g \l'n. d i~ mi llRe d with a Inr' and in ter est o f citb en s. lure.. .. .. ...... $9 70 . 20 8,1 10.10 pray 'I' f b(medict ic n by th t.' ho;\{· h. f\ U'." {I, lhe Hap py Ihlur club, .t :U U II 11\. Long ye a rs o f business exp riRea l b:8tllll' owned " t h"r Tu,'"du y a ft ern oo n . . _1.il1111..llli ._ Friday: R"I(ulul' r h oil' prurtic(> . than ,b nk ltlJr houae t'1\~. l'lIce ha vE' taug h t him th value of Rel .rvo with I' t dar al 'Re· !;JO p. 111 . II do lla r, lin d If elected , he l~ . · O . ~ O l\JiSA Kn ~ hr y n Roge l' lit I'to in · nt S7und • .rve Bank " ... " .. .. . . uy : Annu lI l Rally D(\y and promises to jlUrSUe all intere t s of W c f e1 a special r esp on Cash a nd due t ro m ba nk. ~ ~,39 .uu S HOWER FOR BRIDE ed seYe ,'a l friend and nelghbol·,. II II) \ l'o lll illg. S u n, day s 'hool at Ou t81 d Ch eC k s and oth er RCES Warren count y with th same dililast T hur. day (, \'(, lI ing. :10. 62 " lIMit It 1U 8 • •••• , • • ,. !) :ao IL. 11\ . M O l' n il~ K worsh ip at aibility in r commendin g Loa n. and dlftc un ta .•• . . H\I .O I~ . Oi On otu l'day afte rnoon , Oct ob er gen ce and forethought t hat he nedemptlo n fu nd with U . Ov erdra ft .. ............ 4 Z ti l I U::iO with Dr . V: F . BI'ow n o f )11-. li nd M n<. h s. Ame. Sile n t 8 . Tr i'a"ur .. r all(l d ue w uld app ly to a ny bu ine 8 , th e home of Mr. and ;Mr!'\. Ead nltf'<l latn er nment ca skelll a nd othe r merch anf ro m U. s.. Treasurer . . . undn y w il h 11'. and )\l r~. E mll n :l ~ I n Ill'! lhe speake r. Ba ~ k('t project he might undertake Cil H ck tt on Route 2 wa.~ op ened ttl • url t\ II o...·n . d • .. • • • • Ol h .. 1\88 t8 •. .. ........ d in ner in t he plISel1Wnt at noon. hi mself. Olh r bond .. ~ l ock ll a nd . about f Ol't)\ gu ests. the \)~t as i Cl n Bro\\ fl neat· 'ent rville. to our patrons. F01' d ise • cu r lLi II " · n e<J . . . . . . . At ) ::{O ". Ill . tlw l" will 11 an in· Total. .. . . . ... . .... " SH 9. 1:! .Vi 11'. arn aha n a ks that Warren bei nlt a s hower give n by Mr:. bank I nlf H ou ... . . .. U5 0 Rev. ,. . nibert , II·s. Dib('rt for \llll i pI UKra m. Dr. J . . Hick I co unty voters carefully consider Rhodt!8 Bu nnell . h s. Eli F u ma s F'ur nltur& a n d II • thi r eason , w bandle onl y Ll A:B I LI TI ES t ule •..• .. . . .. •. •• • ,00 and Mi.s Kath Ie n Graham in all Q ch iltJ rl' n, Murtha an ti h ll l ' I ('~ ou r d i~trict ulle ri n tenrl lit will b e his qualifications for commie· I Capi tal .toCk paid In .• • • $1 00.000.00 It .... I •• I U 0\ ned oth r v i ~i t.ed in Ohio City, lII on da y. U ' II nci t uke part in t with the produ cts of well-estab Rioncr whe n going to the polls honor of Miss Ruth oak, a f all Surplus .... .. .. . .. , .. .. . ~(I . O \J O .\)\) th ball k ln houae . ... progr ll m. At 7 :00 p. 111 . a .s p ciu l U ndtvlded pr oflt . - nc t . . . 7. :! 4.{) 4 bride. A delightfu l social t ime R . . . rv" with . (\.,ra l Mr. and 1>1 1'1<. T . E. Roge rs an ti Ell'" rt h L{' Il\: u ~iel'vice will b e Nove mbel' 8.- Pol. Adv. lish ed manufac tu rers who Cl rcula Unc notes ."utHelen e B a nl< .. • .. .. . • ll'eceded the ope ning of the Inn ny Mi ~ l\1al'gal'et Ro CI" ~ P ()l1t utur. atandl 0tr . , .. ... . .. .... 50.. 00 0 00 Calh and d UI! rrom b a nk . . da y in Dayt n Ivlth 11'. and Mr . . he ld wit h Il'Idn ia Hardin as lead· ovely gifts. DenlBn d d . pOllt , .. .. .. .. I r, '1. 1I0 . ~ U RED CROSS MEETING OUl8lda c hec kl and othe r have a r eputatio n lor qual er. Tim" deposit. .. .. ..... . 4~, UO :43 c ull It e ma .. , .•.• • , . . . . . ~9 . 39 During the serving of th da intv El'nest ROgCI·R. ¥ 0\J m'e e(ll' d i~ lI y inl' il't! t o atBill" p Cl y nbl 'lnd l ' al a· Other A •• eta ...... ...... 117. 30 refreshme nt course . on "The an nu ul meeting of the of t h(. ity and vatu buil ~ up over OUllts •••..•••••• ~~,3 9 a . Ol ' ha pter of the Wllfl'e n oun ty Mr!<. 1 al'i ~ Pre ton a nd on 0 f te n t! lhc!\(' nI('et ll1l{ !'. Total. ., .. : .... . . .. . . So l 13. i1i~r, guests f ound a hidd n cal'd that a long p eriod of years. Total. ... .. .. . ....... '~ ~ 9 ,U ~ . 9~ America n Red Cross will be he ld answered a question which had Le banon, W l'l ' .'unday aft or n'oon LIABfLlTfES been much t1i scu. ed during the eall er !> at the home (If 11'. a nd WAYN E SVilLE CHURCH OF in t he Mayor's offi ce, Lebanon, Slate or OhIo. Coun ty of W.rreD, . , : CHRIST Cap l tlll I t ck paid In . . ..• U 5.000.00 afternoon : I . 1... M. Hendermon. C..,hler of tile Ohio, October 17. ] 032. at 8 :00 p. Mrs. . K. Day. n ,5 QU .1l1i abov ·n am ed bank . d o a() t emnly ( Und enom in ational) m. Officer, for the ens uing " Rut h ookha r les Doster 4 i6.£; 11 W.r.~~~ed fj':oflti':':net: : . ar lhat . the ab<We .tatement I. Mr. an d Mrs. h a ~ . And 1'80n , ~ he ter A. W illiamson, Min ister will be ele cted u·t t his meeunll. . .,m a nd OepoI U • •.•....• R .:jil 9j Octoher 18, \9 32." tr ue t o til. b ea t ~ e my kn.ow 1.4&. Tim e deposit • .. .. ..... . . 910.00 Mrs. rvi lle Gra y an ti da ug hter Mr. Fred ::>pald ing, a n d ell t. tJu l'ch School ,a t !I :30 n. 111 . Bill payable and ra· 1.. M. H E NDERSON Ca.hI... and Mrs. ha .. Gray wcre Dayt ol; "T he s 'hool that is diffe r nt." dlllCount. . . . . .. . .• .. . . 1 " .500.00 Sub.crlb d and sIVorn to bllfore GRANGE MEETING vis itOl'S, Monda y. m" tl lIlI lOth (ln y " f l)<) l oL~ r. 193 . L ord'~ 'u pper :at co nclu si on. T o t ..!. ........... . . . i3.77rC5:' R o .. H . H artlock, Nota.ry Public. hl'i, tion F.ncleavoI· at t3 :ao p . m. Mrs. S mith whu hus been Stat e o f Ohl~ Count y of Warren, U : Members of Farmers' Gra ng Co r rect- A Ue. t : Ev(>n i nj( ya ng Ii:,t ic service at W . n. A L L E N bI, H . S. Tuek erL Cuhln of the No. 13 are anticipating pt'OgTam viRiting hor motlll"I', M r~. Susan J .• W. W lUTE 7 :3 0 p . m . ""'llI on, subject , .. iv· a ova- na med ba nK. do .0.eDlD.,. " I . t Ml's. F loyd Sa vage spen t Thurs' " Il" th"t th e abov • • tatem.nt ~ 0 1 unsua m er est at t he regular Evan s, will I ave this week for ing W. 1>'. 1»JtK p." P rll.~ I.' me ting an d day with her mother, Mr s. Belle Otreclon. tr ue to the b at of my know ••.t • • meeting Saturday evening, Octo.: h er home In Okana, Flu. Bib l St udy e3'h Wedn e day at Dinw iddie in Wa ynesvill e. and bell t . ber 16. 7 ::\0 p. 111 . Short c'hoil' pl'actlc(> at Mr. H. S. TUCKIIIR, Cuhl.. M n G . . '1 1 • i h and l'<lrs. J. . Hawk e visit· Be lle Sco tt, Everett Early aso range W I VI S t t e S u b . "rlbed a.nd ,,,orn to .,.for. co n clu;;io n. T hl' chlurc h whE' " yo u and"irs. TRY me th Is 1U l b da y o r ()(>tober. 193 2. l{Jcal g range and f urnl h the pro- ed Me. SI·. . A. U. Haines and M. daughters, H elen and Ruth at. Harla n at the pl'in gfie ld at home . fee l Corra!iarltte~i~rd . Nota ry P u blic. S'ram during the lecture hou r. A OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS tended th e Br own County fall' at Maso nic home, ·unday. T : F . McOtnNN large attendan ce iii urged a Thursd a y. . FOR RESULTS ST. AUGUSTlNI&:'S CHURCH Ceorgetown A. 8 . LJ~ I';TT Maso n Orang is famed f ol' it Mrs. All n Emr ick. Mr. and Mrs )\h'. lind Mrs. a rl Limbert, o f Fath I' Fren (:h, Pastor . D.. OOK good pr ograms. Ke nrick spent Friday in Walter Dayton, a nd Mr!'. ho . Albin of Services will be held every two Da yto n. S pl·ingflcld. were call ing on ' Vaywe ks on aturday morning. Mr. and Mr . Ed Long acre made n svill e If I nd s thi a ftel·noon. ----a busines t rip to Columbu s Fri· FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST day. !\fl'. and Mr '. H . A. 0 1'111'11 ( U nd en ominatlonal) Mrs. • H . Burnett, who has mid fl'. ami M I'1<. Warre n B I'ad~ bec n ill f or severlll weeks, i s dock and daughte r visite d rclah e t el' A. Williamson tives at Milton, Ind., Sunday aft er. The Pi Epllilon Pi la. Ii will grea tl y improved at this time, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke of noon. Parlor Furnace.- Pre..ure Stove.-Full-lize hold it's monthly mee ting at ttt p llr ~o n n ge, 'l'hu1'lldny eve ning, Dayto n, w er e Sunday guests of ymer DI'lIke pen t a f ew Mr . W 6-hole, All Ca.t Range.-All Calt We wi.h to announce that we have on .ale now ' r 13 .. Br . Hani ' cia of Mr. and Mr . Lowell Thomas and days t h is week in olum bus. Du r- Octob daughter , Be t ty. . buys ha s been inVited to attend . Wood Heatera at our Market W~rren County Baby Beef at a ing hi ~ ab. ence. ir!<. Dnlke vi it· thi III e ling and a good tim'e is Mr. Ma rgare t Johns spent ed at tb h m of her parents in bi ng planne'd. The Men's and unday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert very 'little additional price than our regular Wilm ingt on. . \i om en's las • wi ll meet at the urlnce near Lebanon. Mrs. Walter Clatk visited her Oil Stove. (Iowelt price. for yearl) - CongoFancy Steer Be.f. The.. Special. are on our ctober Ml·. and Mr . . H nt'y atterth- chur h, FridllY evening, 14. Progl'/1111 foa' Lord's Day, husband a t S t. Elizabeth hospital and family att('nded a famwaite Friday. Mr. Clark ill get.ting along leum Rug. rerular Fancy Steer Beef: hurc h ily dinn er nt the h ome of Mr. and o ·tob r 10 II f oJlo w~: f airly well but will be in the hosho I at 0 :30 a . m. T hi will be SMOKED MEAT ltfrs. Harry Satterthwa ite n car BEEF Promotion and Ra 1I;y Day. A go d pital a couple of weeks yet. Leba non, und ay. Mr. and Mrs. Therle J ones and Aladdin LampI, program ill being plan ned. Von 't Chuck Roast, lb. .. . ... 11 c Bacon, Breakfast. 3 lb . Complete .. . ............... _. .. _. piece or more lb. . .. .. tOe The Woman's Auxiliary of ' to mi s it. Lord 's SUflper and se rmo n son Milton 01 Centerville were Short Ribs to Bake, lb. . .. tOe Mal'y' hurch will meet OJI Fri· at 10 :30 a. m. ~;I.'rrn n Bu bject, unday · dinner guests of Mr. and da y alterno n cLobcL' 14, ut two "Rightly Dividing t h World of ;frs. J. B. Jones. Steak'l Chuck, Ib ..... .. .... 141: Hams, Sugar cured , Mrs. B elle Olinger of Clarkswhole or halt, lb . ....... ro*c o'cloc k at the home of h. Truth." You are always welco me Steak 's, Shoulde'r Round , IbtSe Smoked Callies, lb . .......... IOc ville pent Sunday with Mrs. at t his church. ha rl R R. F razier. Georgianna Haines and Mr. and Steak' , All hind quarter, Ib lie frs. Walter Kenrick. Bacon, Jowl, 2 lb . ........ ISe After a splend id vacati on and a ST. MARY ' S CHURCH Phone 32 Waynelville, Ohio . Swiss Steak Shoulder cut Ib t 41: Pickel Pork, lb. . ........... lOe Mrs. Mal'garet John. attended a family. reunion, pt J ames W. Rev. J . J. chsLejf~r, Rector sh'o wer at the home of Mrs. Earl Ground Beef, Fresh a s a Boneless Cottage Hams, lb. tTe Davi s and famil y accompani d by Br_eh of Hill.horo Hardware C_.a.,. Tw nty " flr ~ t u nday after T ri n· H ockett neal' Waynesville SaturTose, Ib .................. :IOe J . J . Devli n and Captai n L, J . ctob r 1 6, C hurch schoo l Ilt da y afternoon Jltiven In honor of ity, VEAL Servier left, la t week f or t he Liver, Ib ... . ................. 6c I} :30 ; M orninil: Prnyer a nd er mo n her n iece , Miss Ruth Cook, whose Ea st. Brains , 2 lb. .... ....... lSc Ch ops , lb . ... . ......... 12~e.15e wedding will be an event of at )0:30. et ober 18. . PORK Roast, lb . ............................. tle MI'. and Mr.. amuel Butter· Mr . Max Ramrlton, of Dayton, Stew, lb . .. ............. .... .. ... .. 9*e worth, Mr. a nd M\·s. caUed on Mrs. . H. Burnett and • . '1......... CallieB, lb .... .. ........ 7 ~e Steak, Ib ......... .................. 20c Butterworth and Mr. Gi lbert Frye family Sunday, POTk Steak, Ib ...................... IOc LUNCH MEATS were Sunda y gues t of Mr. and Mrs. Ida Day, of Franklin, wall pork Chops..Jb. Burn ett Bu tterworth, . in a guest Friday at the home of Mh. ~~~~~~~~~~k4~~~. The opening of a new Waynesville Store Loin aout, Ib ..... ... ... 12~e . AI ' M'iss FI'unces IWis e nt rtained Belle Scott. Minced Ham, lb. . ............. 15c Ice Gons deligh tfully Mr. and ?tIr . Ra~ond Weidner . M ISS .t8;" .l t I . t h n number of her ~;chbol m ates with Fresh Hams eac ers of and daughter, of roy. spent the. enler ~.e.u. we ve Whole or half, lb. .. .. 9 ~ e Weiners. lb. .. .. .. ... .......... ... ISe Adam!; t ownship schools, li nto n games, m usiC, danci ng a nd refr esh week-end 'With Mrs. Louella Frankfurters, Ib . ......... ..... IOc· co unty, Friday evening. A sump- me nta at he t· h Olllr~ , 'aturda y ev en wanko Spare Rib~, 2 lb. ............ 1 Ie Boiled ~am, lb . .... ............. 27e tu ous th re .co urs d inner was ing. a nd thereby han gs a rather Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dill and Frelh Side. lb. ... ........ .... h '" amusin'" ~ Carrying full line of ,., tor". • It seems hat an grand·daughter, of Dayton, calJ· follo \!led by br luge. Fresh Sausa,e, lb . ............ l~ ' Souse, Ib ..... ........ .. ,....... ISe ice Cl ' am freezer h ad be'n bor· ~' , MJ . J. B. Jones Liver Puddinc, 2 lb . ........ lSe fro m t h h ome t eonard ed on Mr. and r owed Lard, pure home rendered .Mr. an d Mr . has Rye enterunda'l. ean 60 lb. net ..... .. . '3.00 Ham Loa't, home made, lb. 20e Mr. and Mn. Calvin Lon"aere fo llow I' n g g ues t )a t Tinn ey to be used in the prepaTatalne<t the' Mr of pm·t of f he refreshmen ts. and children and M·. and ..M-. 2 lb. for . . . . ... ISc Can Foods, Pickles, Cheese, . an d Mr s. P etel s ' tion Thursday . When the loa n was made, Mr. ~.~ Milk, Cream, Cakes, Oleo, But;.. Henry Foulks spe.nt Sunday with and Mr. and M rs. R usseI M oor e Bre:ad, double loaf 'lto . M d'" S: Tin ney J ·okingly . stipulatM n , 1'. an ,ul'S. I the latter's 81'ater 'at Ml'dland Cl·t V • Of all Kinds of Haml 8 for ... . .. ......... ..... 13e ter. t he ' f r ezel' h otlld be r eturned J Sunday afternoon caner at the J o hn so n 0 f J am es t own; and M I'. 'Mrs E)' RussAI f L tl v ry ear ly on .. Iunda y morning, ~ Save Your Sole-U.. Our Fr•• D.livery- Phone 66 and . L ~ • 0 y e. home of Mr. a. nd Mr8. Walter Kenand t hat it should be full when reII M Sh d . t ur ned. When Frl,lDces' guests de· r ick were: Mr. • and Mrs. C. R. Rear Kroger Grocery in rooms fOl:merly. occupied ': . erwoo IS m oving his Binegar of Jamesto'Wn, Mr. and An t ique s hop fro m t he Phillips parted about midnight , . S at urday Mrs. Therle Jones and son ' of by Harry Sherwood. r oom , J' us t ba C' k 0 f th e Kroge r nigl1t, lea ving ab ,ou t half th e ice Centerville and Mr. and Mr-, J . store on Miami s tr t, to the K. cream . une aten, F ather Sid took a B. Jones. , • -" P , room on M' t reo hand in t he pl·o,~edings. Loading VJ a m s t r ee, Mr. Mid Mrs.• Charles Clar", l'n cent ly vaca t e d by H oug h & S on . t he f reezer and iUl con te nts into company with relatives m " In· from hi au to, he set fo r th, ~ nr o utp t ~ M I'. and Mrs. Grove H imes and t he home of n eiglhbor Tinn ey. and diana, were dinner guests Sunday I..... daughte r, I\1rs. Maude Gesncl' and t hu f ulfilled th'9 argeeme nt to ~i ~~t:~1u~rI!· Milton Sheehan r Mrs. Lizzie Hibberd , of Cente l'. t he lette r . Mrs. Ralplt Johns and Mrll. ville , were Sunday ' guests at the ~iiiij,lI~i ~ 1 Clyde Wharton accompanied Wi!h,omes of Mi'. and Mr. J. E . I d' K f' dEl J h F I'azier and Mrs. Sadi e Conn er. a me ur.son. an Tuesday ve yn of 0 nsla8t to Cincinnati
p() 1it i~ al
= =--=--
Reliable Merchandise
- - ---
n. .
...... .,
d. E. MeClure
Coyle's Quality Meats
Fulfilled C<ltntract T 9 The Letter
Co.t 01 BI.etrl.lt~ And C••t 01 Livia.
May we suggest the' readina of the follow.ing Editorial f .rom the Clanton Ala. Newl on the subject-UThe Trend of E lectric Rates ... .
During tbe PII ~t 26 yearl!!, including the period when the cost of livi ng was rapidly mounting, t he cost of Electricity has c nstltntl y decreased. In ] 93 1 d omestic customers paid $330,0'00,000 less for power t ha n th ey would have paid if tates had been at the 19 13 leve l. 11 the gen eral cost of Jiving, in 1930, had gone down a s far and as fa! t a s the cost of electricity, it would have mean t a aving of $36,60 0,000 ,000 t o the nation- $100 per mon th fam ily. He re il; something worth considerati on when electric ra te redu ti on are demanded now, on the score that the general cost of living h as at last reversed its trend and is going down . E lectric c mpa nies were not allowed to earn great profits in protlper oul\ time ~ with which t o meet lowered profits in depress· e d tim 8. In addition. th eir cost of operation has remained com· paratlvel y onstont , inasmuch as they are required to provide t he same (Illality of service now as in 1918, irrespective of t heir sal e~. F urther , they have upheld employment and wag e levels betti>r than most other industries. The natural tr end of electric rates is down but to artifi Cially reduce t hem ill a mistake. That would I!8V~ the average fam ily I ss than a ~ ent a day, and would force a retrenchment on tti(' industry, lit th (' xpense of its service and employment and it pla n lor future dev lopments. . ,
TIle Day. Power III Light Co. X.I. Dl.trlct
week, on a tour of the city, 01 the Warren County Calf Club. About one hundred and sixty enjoyed th trip. , Mrs. Margaret Johns attended a dinner of the central executive committees and candidatell of Warren County, at the Lebanon hotel Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith had for their dinner guests Sunday Miss Mildred Miller and Mr. Jos~ eph Strickrod, of Covinrton, Ky. -- • LECAL NOTICE
Mr. ari d Mrs. Chas. Davis a nd daughte rs, har lotte and Virginia Miss Eval yn Leas ure Mr. Law: renee Davis . . and Mr. 'an d M rs. R. B. Davis, of Dayto n, wer e un. da y a fternoon g uests at t he home of Mr. and Mr!\. E d Cook. Mr . ' an ~1 Mrs. S. M . Sellers. of Leba non, Mr. a nd Mr . A. H . Ter. l'ell and son, Benj amin, MI'. and Mrs. Wnl" 'en T era'e ll, of New Vienna , a nd Mr, and Mr . Donald Had ley wo r e S unda y d inner g uest . of Mr. and Mrs. Am os Co ok and f am il y. . Mr.· a ll d M,·s. Dallas B oger en· ter t ai ned t he fo llowing gu est s a t uppe r Wednesda y ev e ning, in h ?nor of th e latter's birthday an· mversa ,'Y: Mr. and Mrs. Mort Roush, Mr. . hades Boger and MI·~ . (;;vml Gusti n and sons, 'Hugh and Bob by. T he choir and In ernbe r ~ of the conj!'l'egation of S t. Mary's Episco pal chul'cn a cco mpanIed the recto r Rev. J ohn J . Schaeffer t o ~! I inin j:')ton S un.day afternoon and JOI:ned 111 a um on servi ce at All SaIn ts' chu r ch. Rev. Mr. Schaeffer preached a fin e se rm on, h ili! s ubJect bing- " Less to live on more t o live fo r!' , DEATH Edward E. Vanl'tla ter. aged 68 years, and a wid ely kll own resi· dent o! thig vicinity, die d at hi s ~(1 m e ·,IlI . We llman, Sunday mornIng. I< nClal cancer, With which he has been afflicted for about a year, was th~ cause . of his death. Funeral IIeT'VI Ces were held at his late home, Tuesday afternoon and burial wall made in Miami cemetery. He is survived by his widow. •
-- ...-_ ......
The esperlence 01 tire·uaen
i. that Goodyear Tire. &lye treateat value at eYeJ'y price-eYery year the pubUc buy.
MILLIONS . more GoocIyeara than aDY other make. That'. a pretty deflnite iadlcatiOil of auperlor mue.
Sept. 11th Goocipea, .uilt .
•11 100 Million'''' Tir.
Gordon'. ~e~vice Station
Notice is hereby given that in purs uance of a resolution of the council of the village pallsed on the second day ofSe\,tember1932 there will be 8ubmltted to th~ qualified electors of said village at the general .election in the villa,e of Waynesville on the eiehth day of November, 1932 the question of levying taxes for the yean 1932 1933', 1984, 1935 and 1986 at· th~ rate for each year of two and one. half mills on each dollar of ihe tax valuation of the taxable property within the vUlare of Waynesville in excels of the rate authorized by Sec. ' 5626-2 of the General Code for the pUrpOH of current expenses. Thos.e . who vote in favor of the P!,?POslt lon of makin, luch ad. dltlon~I ' tax levy will have written or prmted on their ballots "For t he tax levy" and tho.e wbo vote al\'ainst sucb additional tax levy wll~ have written or printed on their ballota "Acainlt tbe "z levy." September Sr'h. 1982. 026
'1' .
Your pride in ownership of your home is no greater than ours in the materials which go into it. The personal satisfaction, year after year, of seeing such materials live up to all we have claimed, strengthens our conviction that our policy of "Quality ':Materials" ·was . wil'lely chosen. If you .are planning ' construction of any kind-from a new home down to a new com cril>--we ask the privUege of helping you ft&,ure the job. CALL IN ANY DAY
DEN &: COe
Eighty-Fifth Year
STATEMENTS. MADE IN COUNTY NEWSPAPERS To the Editor of The Miami Gazett , Waynesville, Ohio. My attention has been called to an advertisement appearing In the Western Star and Franklin Chronicle under date of October 18. 19112, ~tat ing that there ar persistent rumors that I am to become probation Qfficer of Warren County. This, of COUl'se, has been brought about by my activity in the Interest of my friend, and your friend, Ralph H. Carey, candidate for PrQbllte Judge. I kindly wish to soy that euch an appointment is not in the hands ot the Probate Court of. this county but resta with the Judge of the Juvenile ourt, wh() ie also Judge of the Common Pleas Court. and who has had charge of such ap' pointments for afproXimately 20 years. However. will say that such appointment has never been mentioned to me by Mr. Carey, or by me to him, as he, if elected. will have no juri diction over same and no tho ugh t was given t his either by Mr. Carey or myself. [ will say that inc this appoint !f1ent has been spoken of. lnnocently or ()therwise, has brought back to me memories f tlIteen years 0'1 s rvice in t he interest of children. How well this work )Vas done it is not for me to say. All I can say the effort wall made. And by beinll c'on nected With the c~i1dre n 's work of Warren County ha brought me in very close touch with the Juyenile Court tor a pedod ot fifteen years. 1 could not 10le interht in t he proceedings of that Court. I CAn and do commend the w()rk of Judge Dechant and his very able probation officer. The reason that I reter to t his is that there hall been a very unul u.1 amount of caseli in the put year or more to be taken care of, and as tar a8 I can. learn all eases have been dlllposed oC in the interel!lt of all conc med. Again relerriny to the Probation Offi~et. of the uvenlle . ourt. I realize t he great re ponsibllit y of that office, and not being unmind. ful of the fact that yeara are swifUy gliding by; that I , at my age perhaps could not ~ve the eervice require d, and therefore J am not now, or ever will ~ an appllcan t for that very responsible position lUI I know what the duties are. . . And in ' closing I wi h to congratulate . the present Probation Officer f.qr work well done, and with kindest ·t houghta for those who have inspired me to write as .above, 1 am. incerely ~ youre, A. D. Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Pe'rcy Re on were Dayton visitors, last Friday. M;I·. and Mrs. Fred Everhart visited in Franklin, Monday evening. Mrs. F. H. Farr visited the Misses Ella and Sarah Ebright in Dayton, last Friday.
Plan to attend the Hallowe'en Carnival at the Gym, Monday evening, October 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carr, of New Burlingtonl Were Monday guest of Mr. ana Mrs. Chas. Ame . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Cinci nnati, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert. Xenia. were Sunday guests of her parentsl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker. Mr. and MTs. Orville Gray and daug hter spent Sunday atthehome of Mr. and Mrs. J OB. Wolfe, near Clarksville. Mrs. Will Shambaugh and daughter, of Lumberton , were guests of Mi llS Lizzie J oy, last Wednesday. . Georg.e Miller is leading the alOging 10 a series 01 evangelistic meetings ()f the Church o't Chri8t at Jamestown. Mrs. Bernyce Hyman Wright and Miss Kathryn Kemple, of Dayton spent last Friday here, gue ts of th for mer's parent.!!. Mrl;!. Emma . pakin and Guy Dakin. of Xenia. wer Sunda)' afternoon g ueBts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White. Mr. J . B. Cra bbe and family have moved their home fiom the Michener homestead. near town. to the Gilliland property on Third street.
Meeting Held by Happy Hour Club The October mee.ting of th& Happy Hour club 'Was held on Tuesday the eleventh, .t the home 01 Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell with. Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Miss Monimia Bunneell aasiatant hosteases. Twenty-two member'S responded to roll call by telling the ft1'8t thing thej' ever remembered . . The annual election 01 olllcerl was held and resulted 88 follows : Op.1 !te.eon, prelident; Edith Gons, vice president; Reba Braddock, secretary.treasure1'; Jean Bunnell, assistant secret.ry~treas urer ;. Nellie Bunnell and· Anna Hoak sick committee. The business session was followed lIy a piano 8010' by Mrs. John Gons, a reading , by Josephine Gons .nd contests. after which the hostesses served a delicious lunch. Invited cuesta were Mrs. John Goosl Mrs'. J_ B. Rich. Mrs. Charles Snepherd, Miss Cora Shepherd, Mrs. Sadie Reason and Miss Rutb Satterthwaite. The next. meeting will be held November I, at the home of Mrs. Eli Furnas.
IN LEBANON, OCT..25 Spea k.,,,. of Prominenct' in Both State and County will Addr.... Gath .. rlna
peakers of pl'ominenc in both stute and county P91itics are scheduled to app ea r a t a mammouth rall y of Warren county Republicans to be held on October 26 at the Lebanon opera house. According Lo hades J. Waggoner, chairman of th,~ Warren county Republican execu,tive committee, thill gathel'ing will be one of the largest held in the country during the current campaign and is epected to attracL a record throng. The session is scheduled to get under way at 8 IP. m. Speakers of prominenc:e will in clude Hon. J. T. Begg, ?til's. Charlotte Hyde, Judge Simon Ro 8, candidate lor the court (If appeals and L. T. Mars hall, candidate for congrel<S from. the 7th dis trict. Various Republican counly candidates will be presented at the meting. Music will be furnished by th Wayne ville band.
- - ----
Arrested Suspects W reck Town Prison Marshal P. Joy aTl'csted Lowell ray anti Geol'ge Gray Jr., bolh of Daylon. wh o \ ere acting suspiciously, last Thursday venlng, and placed thelll in the village pl'hlon for safe l<eeping. orne time, during the night. or at an early hou l' the next morning , the stove and other fUI'niture i1\ the cell room were completely demolished.whl:n the pl'isoners ev;dimtly mllde a det rmined effort Lo escape. When th e officer found thiR co ndition, he immedialely placed his prisonel's in the cage. The men were removed to Leban on, Friday altel'noon, and were lodged in the County jail. Saturduy morning. in 'Squ ire Fl'onk Gallahel"s court, in Lebanon, Lowell Gray was tined $5. and th'e costs on a charge. of dIsorderly ('ondu t. Officers .fiolled to co.n~~ct· the brothers with l'espon slbllJty for a broken lock ()n the rear door of the Fairley hardwllre tore. George Gray wa$ Ilrrainged In Common Pleas court, char'ged with the possession of liquor, and wa ~ fined $250 and the costs. He L aid to haye had a pint and a half of liquor in his po session when arrested. Neither brother was able to pay hi fine so both are being h ' 1<I in the jaii at Lebanon . They formerly lived in the Lytle neighborhood. A new stove was installed in the cell room at the village pI'iso11, this (Wednesday) morning.
.- ....---
Woman.·Auxiliary Of Church Meet.
Honorable Arthur Hamilton, peakel' of the House of Reprellentatives, is a. candlidate for I' -ele tion for a fourth teJ'm as Representative of WanEm County. Because of bis busines Ilbility and exp rience in legislative affairs mallY of his friends predict he wiJI b continued as repl:e entative 1rom his county. SpeakSl' Hamilton's home is in Lebanon. As a citizen.. busines man and civic leader 'he i. considered one of Ohio's mc,st successful legislators. He was formerly in the drug business and ha . been l!ngaged in the canning industry slince 1914; he WBS for three yean! president of the Ohio Canners Association and director of the National Canners Association; he is a director of the Lebanon bank, Chamber of ommerce and is a Rot.ari·an. At home among his neighb()rIJ and associates he is "Art Hamilton" but· to' the people 0 :( the State of Ohio he is "Speaker Iffamilton."
ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERVICES AJ THE CHURCHES SU8DAY WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenomln.t1oI3.1) Chester A. Williamson, Mini,ter Church School a t 9 ;30 a. m. " The schoo l that is different." Lord's Supper at conclusion. Christian Endeavor at 6 ;30 p. m. Jeanette Fox, l ead er~ Evening eva nge listic service at 7 :30 p. m. ermon su bject, "Giving Up." Prayer Meeting and Bible Study each Wed ne day at '7 :30 p. m. Read the 9th chapter of Acts and come out this Wednesd ay. We believe yo~ will come again. The church where you feel lit home.
Farm Deltro yed The tenant house on fhe old about MendenhaH homestead, three miles W~8t of town on the Township road, wall totally destrofed by fire of undertermined origm, last Wednesday evening. We understand that no in uran ce was carried on the house. which had recently bee n vacated. The farm was for -many years the home of the late Burton Earnhart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson EaTnhart having lived in the hOIl e which burned.
----... - ..---
To the Voters of W arren C~unty It having been brought to my attention, through the medium of a paid political lidvertisement inlIerted by my opponent, and appearing in The Franklin Chronicle and The Western Star under 'date of October 13th, lIuggesting therein a rumor to the effect th at I have some arrangement or agreement with A. D. Haney whereby he is to be appointild Probati on OffiCeI', in the eve nl of my election as Probate Julde. J hereby wish to pub· Iicly announce that I have n o ar· r.angeme nt. agreement or understanding with A. D. Haney. 01' with anyone else. concerning a.ny such appointme)'lt, and [ further YliHh to announce that T haVe made no agreement or promise of Rny .kind nature or description what oever relative to the admil'\lstration of the affair.. of t he Probate Court after my election. Furthermore. the affairs of the Juvenile Court tor t he past nineteen y at·s haye been administered under t he jurisdiction of the Common Pleas Court. and I see no reason to change. RespectfuUy. If Ralph Ii. Carey
After nearly a year's residence herel 88sisting in the care of his brotner's orchard, Mr. O. B. LeMay left here, Tuesday morning, enroute to hia home at Sheffield , Ala, ' Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman aiid son, Robe~, were gueats of Mr. and Mra. Sol Hllrwieh at slxo'clock dinner, served at the home 01 the latter tn Lebanon, lalt Frida;V- evening. .
Deprel.ion Plant Attracts Attention
. Mr, and M1'8. George . Waterhouse were &,ueats at a dinner d.nce ....given by the board of Ohio Real r.ostate dealers at the Hotel Biltmol'e in Dayton, last Thursday evening. David LaWl'ence wae the prineil?al ape.ker of the evening.
to a briny solution to plate each day. Many beautiful color eft'ects may b.e obtained by dropping bits of various ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH color ed dyes on the plant Father French, Pastor ,"",wI'n has tarted. Mrs. Everhart Services will be held every two '1 proud of her plant, one of w'e eks on Saturday morning. handsomest in town. FERRY CHURCH OF c)lRiST Y. F. M. NOTICE ( Undenomlnatlon.l) Chester A. Williamson The Young Friend Movement Church School at 9 :30 a, m. wlil meet with Mr. and M.rs. Br addock Sunday, Octo- Lord's Suppel' and sermon at 10 :3Q a. m. Sermon subject, "Shall 23, at 7:30 p. m. Devotional Leader, Rhodes Bun- We Baptize. the Baby? " We will nell; ' Lesson, Ell FUJ:nas; Recrea- begin an evangelistic campaign. Nove mber 13, with Evangelist tion, Roscoe Furnas. Wm. Grant Burlingh le.ader. Watch for . further announce ments concerning the meetings and our· evangelist. You are :always welcome at this church.
Monthly Meetin, Of the PEP Cia..
Mr••nd Mrs. A. S. Cornell had aa dinner guests Sunday, Judge and Mra. Franeis M. Hamilton, of Cincinnati. Mr. and M'ra. Arthur H.milton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry HamUton .nd daughter, of Leb.non, Mr. Charley Baily and motber, of Miamisburg, Mrs. Lola Penn.wlt and daurhterl Janice and Mrs. Marc Wilson ana f.mily, ot Bellbrook. .
The " Depression Plant" in the window of the Fairmont Cream Station is attr~cting quite a bit of attentioll. The plant, a chemical formation, is .ma de by putting a piece of coke in a di sh 01 water, to which a bit of ind igo and some
7 he Methodi.t Home-c.,oming \tas Quite Happv Occasion
The regular monthly meethllf of the P. E. P. cla8s was held October 13, at the pal'8()nage in Ferry. Wilma Smith read a shorl p.... lIage of scripture and Mr. William- Good sized eonsresationl attendA bounteous basket dinner was ed the Home-Cominl' services at enjoyed in the social ' room at the son led in prayer. There were eleven memben pres- the M.. E. church, I.at Sunda.v. Rev noon hour, and the real home-coment includinc our tea~hn Mr. Wil- V. F. aro'Wn, D. D.• of !:?ayton t • i~g service was held. in the afterliamson and c1.p mother, Mr•• 11. former p.stor .nd presid1ng eloer noon, Holton. The minutes were re.d of the church, pre.ched a m?lt After music. by the Junior and approved .ble ..rmon .t the oIornllll' ..rvlce choir, Ruth Conner and .Doril! It w-. mov~d and leeonded that choolinl' for hIli theme, "TranI- Beck featurinr as soloists. J ohn we join the Cbrlltu-n Endeavor ftpratlon." Dr. Bro.wn b88 been. Shultz gave a ' reading. "FriendSociety in • Hallowe'en p.rty od member of tbe Oh10 M. E. Con· ship." Frank JI;. and Charle!l LeOctober 27th. in the basement of ference, one of the larrest in the May _played. an instrumental duet the Ferry .Chum of Christ. United statea, "nee September, and Mrs. Frank Farr read a short Thill W88 to be a apeci.1 meetiq 187~1 .nd now bllt four members historic.l ketch of the local .nd Mr. K.rrla' clUa, the Senior of Ulat body have given more Methodist church l that had been 80ya, were Invited, .Itboulrb none , ..rs of .. mce than has he. written by the late Ge orge S. wetle pre_nt. Adj()u1'1lecl. The church choirs provid.ed Sale. Impromptu t.lks were given W. weDt to the home 'ot apeelal maalc through oat the day, by Dr. Bickle. district superintenJe.nette Fox, (a member ot the. vocal 1010 by C. Ernest Earn- dent, Dr. Brown, F. R. Moomaw, cl. . ) and enjoJed our refrellh. hart. of Carliale. at the morJlUllr lin. lIoomaw, Allen Hole, menta 01 routed welnen .Dd ..nice beiDa ..peel.Il, well re· aa,mon H.tftel•. Nld others. m.rab...nOWL Then lO. .e of the eelved. A union .arv1ee of con. 11071 . . . . their a~ee. Tile A ot the .. rvlc.. Ifr8Ptlon and the Epwot:th ..eath. ".. v81'J '-aJopble. was bt two r'fl:.t ... held In the evan mg. The nat meetfDa' wID be Nov. .a~-r ~ I~~elli.
II. 10, at .... ~...... La.....a 'fh«*aa, .....ne.
OCTOBER 19,1932
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman of The Woman's Auxiliary of t. Norwood, and Mr. Ethan . Co lem.n, of Cincinnati, visited rela- Mary's church met I>n Friday tives here Friday nlcht and Satur- afternoon, Octobllr L4. at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Frazier. day. The devotional serv'ice was con· Raymond Witham and wife, ducted by Rev. J . J. Schaeffer. with their interesting daughters Scriptural quotations were given from Cincinn.ti, called on their in respo nee to roll-call. At the end uncle Dr. Witham and wife Sun- of the business se$sion, the program for the day wa taken up. day afternoon. The readings from "Building a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock, Christian Nation," given by .l\frs. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brad- Bert Hartsock and .Mrs. Ronald dock and daughter were Sunday Hawke, were of s pecial interest, dinner guests of Mr. •nd Mrs. relating, a fhey did, to the work of the church among the Indians, Fred Braddock. th.e first Americans. =ru-g'"'h, of Dayton Mrs. Gertr-u~d""e-'P The reading by Mrs. F. B. Hen· spent Sunday with her mother, derson/ Supply Secretary, on "A 11 Mrs. Susan Arnold. and attend- Saints Mi sion in the Virgin Tse d the annual home-coming ser- I.nds," beld undivided attenti()n, vicesl at the M. E. church. as it ill to t his Mission we are sendour upplies thi fall. . Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Mainous ine.Dur ing the delightful social and little daughter, Betty Lou, hour delicious r efreshments were and Mi88 Lucile Mainous, of Nol'- served. Mrs. . R. Marquardt was wood , weTe dinner guests of Mr_ a guest of the afternoon. Mrs. Ray Mainou8, on Sunday
Mi s Gertl'ude C. Hohll't lind Mr. F. Rue Dinwiddie were married Wednesday night, Octob!!I' 12. the ceremony being performed in th ir new ly establi hed home in Dayton by .the Rev. R. J . Leisi ng, ot Holy Trinity hurch . Mr. Dnwiddie. a young nlan of Waynesville. He is the son of Mrs. sterling worth, i a native of Mabel Dinwiddie, now of Dayton, and received his education in the Waynesville sch'ools, gl'aduating fr om high schovl in the class of 1921. The foll owing excerpt is from the Dayton Herald: When MI'. and Mrs. F. R. Dinwiddie l'etul'n f rom their honeymoon at the end of the week they will find their home at 60G Otterbein avenue quite different in appearance thau when they left it late. Wednesday night, following their marriage by Rev. H. J. Leising o;f Holy Trinity church. Employes of th Hewitt Brothers Soap 0., where the two have been employed for some years have put thro ugh a huge scheme of retaliation f or ome of the tricks the two have played on them in times past. There are billboards, decorations and a " pecial lighting arrangem nt" to gl' et -th newly weds when they return. Ins id e. too many startling changes will greet the couple. Mr. Dinwiddie. , is assistant treasurer at the soap compa ny. where he has been empl oyed for 10 years, while the bride has been there 13 years, recently resign to prepare Cor her marriage. As their fellow employes at the soap. company said Thursday : "They didn' t tell us when th were go,ng to be .married. b\l t hey'll flnd out we know it ,n()w when they get back."
ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J . J. Schaefre~r, 'Rector Twenty-second Sunday alter Trinity. October 23, Church school at. 9 :30; Morlling Prayer and sermon at 10 :30.
WAYNESVILLE M. I~. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, P·..tor Wednesday: Bible study and prayer meeting at 7 :010 p. m. . Thursday : Jr. Choitr practice at 4:00 p. m. F'riday : Regular choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Sunday: Sunday sc'hool at 9 :30 a. m. Morning worahip at 10:40. The subject of the Inoming aermon will be. "Thre,& Ph..etI of Christian Power." Ep'lrotth Le.gue at 6:80 with Winlfr~d Conner -. leader. Preaehins .er~ice .t 7 :80 p. 111. At thil aervice we will continue our study of char.cters of the Twelve At tilia time we will Andrew, Vou ~0~1:~~'!'1'
Whole Number 6036
I -
-======= 1i II .leanne M l'edith attend d a show at Keith ',; Friday ey nilll(. Mr. and Mrs; V l'uon motored to lunlbus, afternoon. John . Turner. o f Witt nberg, college, spent, • undllY here with hom e f olks. Mi SiJ Beatri ce Robitzer attendcd the O. W . . home-coming at Delawar(', la!\t Saturday. Mr. ond MI' . G. F. Brown, of Leba non. and Mrs. 0 , R. Ung-Ie by pe nt M'o nday in pdngfi Id. . MrJ<. George arothers has moved her home to the apartment over lh Fairm ont ('ream ~tation . !\I r. and Mrs. Roy Noggle and so n, of 'pl'inl!' allev. were Sunday gue~lM of Mr. an'd ]\f'rs. A. O. til'iffy. Yel\, th e l ot h rs lub will hold thllir annual Hall owe'en arnival at th Gym, Monday evening , o tober 31. Member ~ of the "bridge club" were nteTtained ut the home of Mrs. J. O. artwright in incinnati, Saturday.
Mrs. Seth ook. Mrs. era Brown and son, Allan. of WilO1in~ ton. called on Wayn svill friendt!, Satul'day eveni ng. .Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears were in Xenia 'unday aflernoon in attendance at the .llrviee of d dication o'f th Church of hrisl. A metal bar'!' I about half full of ~Jlecial high tC)lt. glllloli1le was sto len from t he l'ear of L. H. Gordon's sel'vice station, Monday night.
1I1r. and Mrs. Will Bradley and
Mr. and MI' • Walter Elzey attead-
ed the dedicatory service for the new Church of Christ in Xenia, unday afternoon.
Miss Jeanne Meredith entertl,lined at lunch on Sunday evening the follwing guests : Mi Ruth Hunt, and Mes rs. Budd Cook and Randall Lilley, all of Morro w.
EMMOR O. BAilY, JR. BADLY INJURED IN TRAFfIC ACCIDENT Emm l' I). Sailey, Jr., evenyeal'- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Bailey. of near Lebanon, uffered injuries Friday afternoon when he wa struck by a c.r in front of the Bailey home on the $outh Lebanon pike. The lad h ••• fractm'ed bone \11 bjs ri,ht lee and a fl'aciur d right collarbone and is confined at. the Blair Brothers ijospital in Lebanon . Tbe accident occurred when tbe boy tepped front a car driven by tan ley Eamhart directly in the path of a machine driven by a Mr. Gonigle, of CincinnatI. The boy is a student in the seco nd grade at Ridge school and Mr. Earnhart had picked up several of the children after school Friday and was dl'iving them to their homel in the neighbol'hood on his way back to L banon. . St0J,>ping ot the Bailey home both EmmaI' and hi IIlster. Evelyn alighted from the car. The Gonisle car was being driven tow.rda South L ban on and the accident occurred before anyone pre.ent realized what had happened.
Officers Named by Friend.hip Group The 'following officers for the ensui ng year were eleeted .t the meeting of the Friendship dub, held at the h me of Mrs. Eu,ene Conner. last Wednesd.y aftemoon Mrs. A . H. tubbs, president; Mra. Ernest Butterworth, vice president Mrs. L. B. Hall, 8ecre~ry, and Mra Ray Mainotls, trea8urer. Every member present contributed to a miscellaneous pros ram, which closed with charade.. Refreshments wer served durinr tbe Rocial hogr by the hosten, ."llted by Mrs. R. S. Weaver, Mrs. .8. s. f; Uis, Mrs. Robert B.ker Jr.• and Mrs. Ray MainouR. The next meeting will be beld at the home of Mra. F. H. Farr OD Wednesday afternoon, November g
---.- ..---Jr. O. U. A. M. to
Hold Open MeetiDI
Mr. and Mrs. Vern liough and Paul, and M'I'. and Mrs. Forrelit Hough and children were ~uests at. a picnic at Englewood l PIlIns ar being made for aa Dayton. Sunday aJternoon ana Q,pening meeting, to be 'r.0nlored eve1ling. by Miami Valley Counci, Jr. O. ' U. A. M., at t heir hall in th, I. O. Dr. Ma be I Gardner and Mrs. F building on jo'riday evening, Elizab th Sc hen ck. of Middletown October 28. 1932. Prtl.ent .r.neeDr. Mary' L. ook and nieces, Jan U (.or a street pAraGe preand Mildred , were Sun ay gues ' ~eding the meeting t o be bl-Id b, a of Mr. a.nd Mr. : H. L. Yetter. near dt'um corps from Lynchbur~, aad CenteryJlle. Th!s wa .1h fifth on- addl'e sel! by Ron. Chri.tian Voaler .in()innati, a forlfler State nual dmner glve~. In honor of of the e w men ph YSICians. Counsellor of the Order, .id Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson George . Shilling, of Blancheater ente rtained at ix. o'clock dinner ~eputy State Counsellor for tIlia Thursday. Miss Dorothy ' McClain. dl8trict. The general public ia Mis!! Loui e Treadway, Messrs. earn~stly urged to attend thia Wallace Treadway and Wade mee~mg. ~urt~er details will be Turner. The occasion was the. publrstted In thiS paper, next " ••k. birthday anniversary of Misses • - • I McClain and Treadway. RUMMAGE SALE Mr. and Mrs. F . . Hartsock of Rummage sale at the Su.... Milford, entertained at a family dinner party on Sunday, celebrat- reek Chri$tian church yard Setllr ing the twenty-fourth ann.i versary day, October 22 berinnin~ at elf their maniage. The g1.1estS were 10 :30, consisting of apronll dre.... 1\1 rs. Edith Harrill. Mrs. Laura es, new con'119tts, fancy artlcl~ Mo her, M'r. Hards Mo her, Mr. furniture. home baked fooda and Mrs. Ronald. Hawke and flon, cann ed 'frui ts and some antiqll". Frank of Wa ynesville, and Mr. Lun,ch will be served. F. T. Martin, Auct. and Mrs. Charles F_ Mosher, of d~ . ~~~-----------Cincinnati. ~o n,
he Little Red, District School as it NEWSG Existed in Wayne Township for Years fROM CO Common PI.,., Pr,II>e.!ed
_tate of R. J . Irwin, decelaae,l1, to hI! givl!n to all penon ted. :O;urah J. HUll'he., executrix of tht' l'sLBtt' of Luther E. Hllrhea. deceased. flied her firllt and final alec-ount. 1I0rry L. Darmody was appoint·11 gUllrdia n of Mary Koll llway, inCIllnpet ent and filed bon(l o{ 6200 with New York a uslty n. !;urety . The estate ot Thomas C. Co lin. deccnsed . is ex:empt hcritil nc(! tax. Patrick ou lIum ini tutor of th estate hi~ first IIll1l final uccollnt. Frank Winfield, administrator of htl estat of Lucy Winfleld, clecell!> cli, lA ordered to sell certain t'eal estate tor interest of said tate.
Arthur Hamilton ,
y!'ar. 'hi;; distril'!. and it \\11'; lIL'cid~(1 thllt In thL' ~tI!!1J Ill' tht! l'tI ulltglllllery IER , By THE IJ lI 're i. tll T wn hip seh 01 ill. l'd",I' tll bt, entit I II t.l drHw hi" f' lll' 'l'luill 1'1'("lu\:l>I (I. cr Ull MiTh' :tall mt't'ting IIf th e T llw n- ('nuln rntill n fill' the lIc'nr 1 1i:1: 'I.' lI1J1l'1\~lItiHn. "ueh nWlllbl'r "f ' the ; lIli V,,11 ')' Ollt l'cl P ~,pet· '0. , the Bhip board \\a. hell1 fit th IItOI'1! \ hite . "'o h)J'('d bolll" nlll~t lll' pr.l's nl (",r 1'{'IIl-rl\~1 motiull of the dd ' ndl!lnt to Kt rikc vf Runt! lI, K~>,~ & 0., III \Vuy' M l" T M Jo' T lit Ihl.' n ·.xl IIH('I IIlI!'•. I\\lJ llIu.1 n- front thl' tlil''; the p 'tition herein n "ville, St.'p IA.I III b r 2 , 1 & • \ iUl ')/j "!l 1i5 1 1 muin fur tit IN,,,t (lilt! hour. '"1K ""L'nllh.,\, JOliah 'ynit pl'ttsidin , A hi hw uy 14 38 'I'h' ~d1U(\ 1 'nuna'rntl"n fl'l' thi~ In th ' CI:-il' of Illr 'ne O. Iti lz by which pupitq in di8tl'ict No. 6 ;;1 1" 40 ~'e~l' tlh.OWl·d :!6:! whitt. buy~. a!j:~ nnu flu ~~il' Muy Itie I7., vcr u blight r aeh lhe lIcho Ihou wn 7013'1 "h,t, glJ'I~, ~5 t:ll l ~r('J boys und 1 '1'h')IlIII:\. 1. li nley, d III., it is purc:hn ed from S. Ivanu. ~ rnell. tl 42 8' 14 'i 21 CIIIOI't'<I girl~, ". Il tuuli !If 7a IInlt·red lh 1 tho !lc."t'·ond flnt ~hall William orneH lind layton J ontlS 4 42 ITl 3 3 school pupil~ in the t\lwI18hi)). within fl e t1UYR pay t the clork Mr. I'aft \V releasc J Ir m his ola 32 7 1 1:! L'rIt'!!,I' , I y~'r ."'MI. cl~ol\()11 to of ellUl.ts lhe co Is of n tio n; lha dutie as nlanager of township 10 13 23 1 1 ,,~I!I·\lt· n~ I,bmnnn In dl;;tl'll'l No. 4. d~(etHll\nl'~ ~quity oJ: l'edempti n 'hools, lind his bill Of $100 fIr "!5 "6 60 1 3 4' 'but th!' ,lIrt! ~Ol' n( the othel' "i~- be fot~cll)Ke!l tllld !<RiGI premises bl! Re al Elta.te TN,,"f.r, r(' airll in Distri t No. (; wa s al: ;., tl'l t. "crt' 1I,.l,·uct d to ch OS\! II d th d r I 1. 27 2,6 ~:::. " ,1 their Ilwn libl'arilln~. This occllr. :50, un lit an 'I' I~r 0 !In 0 ue low d afler a fund ' had beL'n s~t Mary It Shumaker to Event V. 1 U) 4 1, iRSlIl'd lO tht! ~her if1'. a idtl for that purpo e. _ _ _ _' _ tld <ll tht' nl ·t'linJ,( h Id April 16. 111 th~ ,'IISt! of lice G. ' Osbor n humaker. Real estate in HarNtlw dist!; t fti ciols weI' " 'ysburg. Davia Fu rna. , uS J o!<cp h PUb "·'(j1331()\)f).. 2". ,17, ,,. 1. I61, d ut Th"hil'h r0 IOWing I ' t prl'. f vcr. . ;:. (lrn. e.' I a ., ('hoa n ftS follow at the 'pring :harl E. und Mllr)' C. Michener t ota l 73 ~I( (' . I.' rephr 0 . n ~al ) ~ by the . h riff were approv II lecti!)11 in April, . 1 59: Dir ctor' cOlllmitt~ mllrked th tart of rcal anti all ccounb< ore tIl be .cltled. to Jame B. and Be8llie Forsythe. - R sTamp cU, No.3; harles learcreek township. It should be I' III l1lbel'ed thllt nctivil~', llOWeYCr: tn lhe ellS!' of Th 1Lebanon. it!- "1 llc res in Ev na, o. 5; I an I)ra)" No.8, the~e figure. do not intlud' tlw "WL·. y UI' committee IlPPOilltNI A . M. co il Id . to Cincinnati and lerk- Rclb rt Hatton, No. 2 ; Wayn s\lille pupils; thl'}' w re in a to select a silt! for II llcholll hou ~1! zen Nutlonal Bunk and Tru t o., uburbon Bell Tel ephone o. The L d of LI'ball (1 11 , \'cr"us Albert tacey, a id Pugh , No. $, and , iIliam special district at tllut time. om- in sub·distrkt '0. 4 in sai t(lwn· eL al., it i. ol'dl'~'ed that I'eceivcr u se ofrelll estute in Deerfleld 8arl y, No.6. _ Pollllt'nl Adv pare this total with total enr.lll- sh ip. und to Il~tlel'lain wllat alt l.'a- file inventor)' and upprlli~C01ent towJlshil) for line ~ . . A. D. 'lldwallad r wn~ chosen to llIellt of the W. T. J. W. McClUng to Cincinnati and 'ntralized lions Illay be ben fici l1y mad~ in Idthln ao days. ' pr ide at lhe mee til\~ held at 3. school 5 7. and J1ublish('d In th.e lin es ui >Ulid district, uete]' dulv In the cost) of i izens Sct'vice Suburban Bell Tel ephon e Co. The W. K y,;' olti 'e, April 1 , 1 59. this paper last week . And th (onsiderinj!' lhe premise I·e.~pect- 0'1 f h usc of real e tat in Deerfield Waynesville pupils are included in fully re port: I (I.. () 0 io, vel'Su. R. H. tow nship for lines. Jalle Phillips llnally ecureJ her is used to II dee nt, Iivin' wag, latter figures. Of cOllr e. in the "That thll schoolhouse lot BI·ouk·. ju!l.:m nL was rendered to r lea as a patron of No.3, in Alice M. Robinso n to Raymond , I'igh t up agains t peusa llt Ia.bor . .• ' I S plui ntiff. ' Sa lly_ _ Keen rder to become affiliated with the earlier day '. pupils Hartmnll . In- ..._ _Aunt lind Eva. inIrene tarteu to whl'l'e the ohl sch ool hOlls In the aile of The Mutual Build- T. that works fur a few cen ts a Ja y. lot o. 105 Springboro. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ : ! Wayne " iIle schooL, and Isaac Sel- scho ol somewhat younger than ituated i the mo i eligib le site It may make businc8 fur othe l' in!! und Loan '0., vcrsu . T. Alice M. Robinson to John C. and lers wa.s transferred from No. a they do now, and, during the win- lor II school house. co untric , Annabelle, but it allus ' ''fhlll the Wa ynesvil l llnd R\lberL, cuufirmation, deed and F.lizabeth Gilpin. Inlot. No. 105 in to No. 4 Now, let' quote a bit ter months e pc ially, they con"Tell me what th y mean by a make trouble f ur us." 1rom the cle rk , J o . G. Key: tinued their chooling at two of Ray Yille l now Lytle) t·... ad will ~~~t 1'~~l6~~~~' J.) 'fic.ienty ju dgment Spl'ingbol'o. 'Tariff For Revenue Only/ Aunt "T.he p titi n pr sen ted to a fhree yeal's older in age lhan an y maT< a Ultable boundal'y oll the Mary R. humaker to Romine Sally." . In th~ ~Ilge uf BOlliI'd of Erlucaformer meeting of this board by . pupi ls now enrollet! in school here out h . id~ of tho (Jist det, alld the humakef'. 151.25 acres in Wayne " Wal now, Annab lie, that.'s Jest My rand othel' :f r the relnstate- But what ha becom of the good. half- ection line running throujth ti()n (~ IIJarcrcek T o,w nship Rural township. another one 0 ' those periodical big families that lanel. of Juhn' 'henow(ltb and Pistrict, on th' relation of . Donm ~ nt of f~rmer sub-di trict No. 9 old-fa. hioned Alb rt Fra nk teph n, contract- troub les that's puppl'n ' up fur at"Was then taken 'up, and, on motion u ed to be so prevalent in the others to Allen BL'own's wcst line nld Diiatullh. pl'osecu,t ing atturney 01', of leveland, and Miss Martha tention, Lemme sce--do you recall all I(Jrlner pro eedi/lgs had in ref- vicinity? As an example of wllat will make B suitable lJOundary on of Warren count~', \I·el'~us William Jftn!! G~ull1bach. b auty operator. my sister 1-rom Massachuset.ts thnl erence to the same wel'e cancel- we mean : Aaron h ndler, whose the east side of .llII id eli tl'ict. (sign- O. I.Jtll{an: the defendant. is grant- of :Morrow. Live tock can grind their own wuz villit in me back In 19191" led . A n w petition was then pr - name was listed as a 8chool di- ed) J osiah mf't, , iliiam Oraham ('() 30. dlllS to file answEtI or oth r Jumes P. Hay B and Marion A. " Of coure I do . She made me l'oughag ch BPCI' than fUI'mers nt d by besterfield Myers and rector in last week's inst.allmen.t, Gorge M.yel', Samuel I ments I pleading. . . Hay II to Lnwrence P. Brew er. 2 t he loveliest doll clothes I" ~n . the case of Mlamlsbur~ Ilcres in Clearcreek township. others praying for the sam object was the f ather of 19 children ; and and Empson A. Roge l's, commit. "That's right, honey. An' those cnn do it f OT them, says E. A. everybody know of t he good intee." . \ ~Ullrhng a.nd Lonn. Assoctatio n namely : the reo stablishing of . • do ll clothes came from cottons ilver of lh d.epIll'tm nt of agriThe report wns finally adopt d 'rs~s el1t~ ~f .. Mentz and Wul· ' former ub-district No.9. Jonas T. t1uence the Chandler family ha. BIll. Allowed nlad in the factory where ber cultural engin(H'ing at the bio McKay moved that said petition be exerted in the life a nd affair of and lhe committee digchuI'ged, l)ut tel' E. M nt~. It 1S .order d .by the John Meye r, pay roll, $86.75; husband worked. He' wuz a textile tate niversity. not before lot f argument, , ith cou': that th shertf! apprlll se a?,d J. W. Davis, pay roll, $136; !.em man, hut ' bout all th two of 'em received; which wa carried. It was this communit.y. Fi nuings of agric ultural experiThese director were elected f or everal mot!lIn and counter-mo- otT ! for ~a!e the premises de Crib· mOll. pay roll, $142; Charles had at t hat time wuz what Silas then moved by Mahlon Mills that, Icd III petillol~ and for ca h. , Bradbury, pay roll, $U7 ; A. an' I could give 'em. They WllZ in ment station in 15 leading livewith til 'concurrence of the Massie a term of three years at the reg. tions. Th n came the presentation of ~n . the catle o~ 'rhe P op~ s Re ttig, pay 'r oll , '175 ; Eden Terry down-right n ee.d." Township Board of Education said ular election, held April 4, 1 60. stock producing state show that subdistrict No. 9 be re-instated j Aaro n Evans. No . 1; Levi C()o k, a petition, igned by W.m. Gause BlIllcllng, Loan & a,vmgs 0 ... ver- pay roll,!. $382.25; E. D. Jones, pay " Oh, Aunt Sully why was that? roughage dOllS not ne d to be handler, No.3: lind twenty· five othel's, II kin$!' tha t Sll S Lena ~l agemnn,. L WI & 1'\111, $11>9.60; V. W. Tompkins pay :which wa carried. A certified copy No.2; Dav id "'~ause his factory, same .21 ground for a ny ' cla of livestock in Teference thereto was then Alien Haines, No.4; WiIIlianl the lands and children of David Ol'ake: (~c:., Judgme:~t ~~ re~dered roll, $96; C. M. Charlton! ope rat- practlcally every other factory 1n except. swin . In the cuse of hogs lio to plamtlff for 1. . •06.36 WIth in- ing maintainer, $36; Frank Wilson that sectio n.. wuz shut dow.n . W e grinding is r ecommendoJ for soymade out. and sent to the Massie Barley, No. 6; Jesse Hartsock, No. Wi! 'o n, and t he land s of Township board for concurrence." 6; Davis Furnas, No.8: alvin (Ferry), fl)rmcl'ly belonging to t, I'est an~1 to. Le'.~lIs . & Drake f I' mechsnic, $4J.60~W. C. Bergda)]. , wuz 'operatm' under u tUI'lff fur bean und alfalfa bay. Henry Clark, whose family Oglesbee; No.9 ; George ale, No David WilSOll, be tran j'erred from . 83.55 With tlI iele$L Ilrveying, $14; r 'rank Roberson, revenue only. If an an ima l posse 8es good :would be affected by this change. LO; Mahlon Mill. No. 11 ; J ohn dil.!trict No, 4 in Wayne town, hip. I .1n the cas ~f We. tern Indu s· s urveying, ~7; H. P. chuyler, pay " Why, Aunti , I thought unem- teeth, accol'ding to Silv 1', there i Bates, No. 13: and M. Harv y was Warl'en OUllty, to district No.5 tr l .8 ,0 rporutlQn, versus V!ln 'and whose school tax would naturroll, 180: Ca.rl Dakin, pay r oll, no I' a SO Il why it -should not be alally bo to the support of the newly al 0 e~ected for a term of two in ugar reek town hip, Ot'e n HOl!le 1 ube .,0" et :nl., the recelv· 107.50; Ohio Central Telephone lowed to do its own g rinding. years In No.9. county. fOf edu cational purpo ses. e~ HI, .authorlze(1 to •. s II p r. nal reinstated district, asked to be al1>., re nts, $66.60; Ohio Central Although some farm 1'8 claim t hat Here are ome of the bills pl\id Thi wu. Illet with a l'emonstrunce lO t l ty to A. W . hill en for cash Tel phone Co., tolls, $42.0t;;Ulblowed to remain in No. 11, but his ground roughage is more palatable ' re4ueat was denied POIIII!bly, our at the meetin~ ()f April 16, 1 60, si;8ned by.r. h~nowelh and {Or y n t e su m of 400. , . . a non lee &: Coal Co. Ice, $1.2.16: than ungnlund roughage and conn xt quotation wi I explain his at which JOSIah Craft presided mne others. hturlnan Furnas tentIn the case of Ne\\ Y~lk .Lit Western Un ion, te legrams, $ .38 i sequently r suits in a greater reasonll. Remember, these events Levi Cook, wood for N • 2, $7 ; porarily settled that qu estion when Ins urance 0., versus B e~Ju mm F. Ohio tate Reformatory. supplies, utilization . of the low grad occurred about two years before H. W. & E. R. Printz, glass for he' Tuled tllat the petition could 0 bOl:lI, ~l al. onfinnl\llOn •. deed 0; Drs. Edward anp Robert )''()Ug~agc, s uch claim ar not No.9, 30c; Wm. J ones, lath and nol be received by the baal'd be- and dl tl'lbutlon. Delfi~l ncy Judge- Blair. ervicea, 55; Drs. Edward the outbreak of the Civil War. r cogniz d by de.parlm ents of "A petition was fresented from plutering at the colo. red school, cau e it had not been draw n up men t to New Y?rk It.~fe l~surancG and Robert Bllli r, se rvices, $32 i animal husbandry through out the o. for $353.:15 WIth mte rest. Leba non Cemetary A86oclatlon : the chool board 0 Massie Town- $9.65' M. Mills putty._ glas et<: in a t chnica\ly I gal mUllner. country. ahip, Warren Co., praying that the at NO.4, $38:14; Wm. Magee~ Rotert Hatt?n was denjed .a Jud~m nt, W.Li. l' ndered to Way- burial, $20; Richard L. Wllliams, . Grinding roughage also is an ' colore() youths residin~ in Wayne wood, putty, glass, nail!!. etc,. at transfer' fo r hI land and hiS n~. vl1.1e Na IQ nlll BRllk for $700 !lorvices, $10; Erma Hibnar, servexpensiv pI'oce du to tbe fact township be returned to Wayne the colored chool $16.76; same. children from district No.2 to 1.· With Interest. ices, $10; Julia Holland, services, that the capa city of most nlills are ·townshlp. and under the Bupervis- sand, et<:., at sam~ school, $2.50; and a motion to "reconsider the In the c~!!. of nnn M. Bar~II.TI.n $10; M.rs. Howard Sawyer, servlow, requiring much power, e/fort Mauie Township board and with Charle!! Kinman's bill for$4.37for vote wher eby the lands and schol- vcrSUR Wtlham W. Blu' l11ann It I S ices, $7; Morrow Whitacre. serviclind lime to do the job. If rough. -of , Education for educational pur- laDor at the colored school wa re- an resident in Raysville, and also ol'd~l'~d that the d fo ndant pay !O e. $6; Georgia M iller, services, JIg must be ground for c attle, it POleS, it having been shown that duccd to $3.50; before it was the land and scholars of t ph n plnml1ff $36 as of Octobcr B 111 $10 ; James Hat1Jeld, services $10: Iiho uld be gt'ound to as oarse a l1el'S from s dvance nnd the .u m o'f ~35 on the Stillwater Sanatorium, care of the colored youths had been tran - paid ' Alfred Winslow teaching th Bu rnett nnd IRanc grad of fin neBS n po ibl . If a ferred from Wayne to Mas ie ~olo;ed chool (3 months), $120; su b-di trict No. 4 to sub-district th of each month unltl furth r patient $105.60; Drs. Edwards and hammer mill b used, holes in the ord er ot court and 50 to Frank Robert BI~ir, ervices, $24; John township upon a request of the Wm Graham nails glass et<: f Ol' No 3 wa also 10 t sCl'een s hould not 'b e smaller lhan Robel·t Furnas' iands and chil- Brand on and Jam es E. Burke f O'r Law & Son gas and repairs. Maule TowUJIhip board andwith No.' 13. $6:05; 'A. d. S~ith, an inch and a Quarter in i;liam ter. tbe concurrence of the Wayne wood for No.9, $4.75; J . T . Me- dren were tran sferred from No. 10 attorn y f . $17.01 i Franklin Chronicle, 3600 ployment was a recent thingTownBnip Board ot Education. Kay, wood, etc., for No. 8 for 6 to No.9, Bnd this resolut ion waS 'I'he case ~f K enne~ h F!0rn ver.sus tax tatements, $30; S. Fred Co., that until lately the country had adopted: Dean Dakm was dllsmls!\ed wlth- sup»lies, $51.29 ; Drll. Edward and been prospeTous for years ond }fahlon Mills moved that the yearil $34.62. Poullrym n producin&, eggs for petition be received. Carried. Wm . J. T. McKay, E. A. Rogers and "Wh r eas . th ~ )'esident tilx·pa y- out record. Ro~e rt B)air, se:v~ce8, '3~ i ~ila- years.' , setting purpo es with the help of Barley moved that they be receiv- Wm. Graham were 8 p ' al" . . . , there's lob 0' othsJli artiflcinl lamp light. should provide ed into Wayne township and under ccmmittee to investigate the con.- never bOI'ne n share ill cpmpariew U llb Roy Miller, jail, $2.50; W. H . Ful: thiJ}kin . that same thing,- but a ration containing gr~en fced, the supervision of said towns'hip dition of the sehool buil\lin.g in dis- 8q ~ ~ith oth r sub-di. tricts {or it ies Service Oil Co., of Ohio, kcrth, washing fOr pritl~lners, their memories are poo~. Why, eod liver oil and milk in some form boud, and also, that the Wayne trict Nos. I, 2, 3 and 4, and t o bulldmg a school house; thel'efore Yel'. u R. If. Br ook!' (al 0 known $65.22; MTl!. Cynthia Fllikerth, An!labelle, back in 191~, the- The gTarrfilllt'mll~be....alfaJfa leal townlhip board be not held re- r~port at the next meeting. be it as Raymond R. Brooks). og· feeding .prisoners ,566.50; J. Fish United S~te8 was saddl d w!th tJ;e meal, alfalfa or clover hay, or soy. ·aponBible for any misapplied Jesse Butterw'orth, the new "Resolved, That a talC s ufficient novit. er, drayage and freight, $9.26; Democratic, Under~~d TarIff Bill beans. belonging to or for the education clerk of District No.2, was chosen t.o build a schoo l hou se in sub-tlisPerry . Eamnart .. versus .. The Griswold Service taUon, ~8 and Merchandi!e. comln 1~ here fr om I =========:::::================~ of said colored youths. The motion to preside at the me ting held ep- trict No. "b le v!ed on .the. taxa- Dodd. unning 0. , et al. For supplies, $22.10' John Law &: son'I0t.h~r countrIea came In on a 10wl., wa. then agreed to, and they were tember 17, 1860. On motion of Mr ble pro))erty of sa id !lubdl!;tnct No money. services, $186,83; Book Shop, sup- tarl/f-rone fur Tev~nue only, not ·receh'.d. Barley, the board vote d 1Q appor- 4 l OT the PU1'pose of building said plies, $9; Frank Roberson, servey- one f.u~ · the protectlo.n of our ow~ ing, $10.50; John Robinson. aur- laboran ":Ian: The l~ea ~ack 0 Probate Court P .. oc:eed iIlC. "The following amount of taxes tion all the available funds amonp: sc hool hou~e," The amount to be levied for this veying, $1.50; W. C. Bergdall, such a tarl/f IS that things Import"all then arreed to a ll being nec- the districts that were in debt and The fifllt, final and distr.butive surveying, $17.60 ; Bell Pre8s, sf- ed c~e~p can, be sold, cheap--the o . . . .ry t be asses ed on all the those who would not be abi e to tax, all seL at $(\00. and the di· taxable pToperty in Wayne town. continue their schools for a six. r ctor of the district were named Ilecount of Mary ·B. S nethen, exec- fidavits and sworn statements . $4 ' laborln 1Jlan s money s supposed fur'ther';' . 'ahip for contingent, colored school months term. This action was re- as a. committ e to contract for utrix of estate of Ellsworth W. tvina.JamesOn Drug Co., supplies: to .And dO,es,!, t I~ work out that and incidental expenses: No. 11; considered, later in the meeting" and s uperinte'nd the construction Snethen, d ceased, was approved, $29; Hilles' & Hopkins, supplies, 3 0 Y~rl Experience in ,75;No. 6, $50; No. ' 10, $25 ; No. and different arrangel/lents were of the new building, but t hey wem allowed an<l con'firmed by t he ,' 6; Charles C. Hildebrant, supplies w~rJ.Auntle? ., Fitt1n&" and Makinr G1aaae. court. made. h Id s ubject to the advice of t he $6.01; Charles C. Hildebrant, sup.II the laborm man ,H~D any IS, $20; No. S, $10; No. 4, $50 The sum of 28 is necessary and plies, $2; Frank Sherwood 00. money, Annabelle, ~hat JlIIght be , The committee appointed 'to in." tow~ hip boaTd. Immediately, on No. Ii. $50; No. I, ,50 ; No. 2, $20 and foT' the payment of indebted vestirate the condition of the mot.lOn of MI': Barl y. the board is all owetl for suppott. of Be'n Jamin upplies, $~; W . C. Gilm()ur, 'in- ~b~ case,. but ,factorIes here, par'ness 01 achool for colo~ed pupils, buildings in variolJs districts re- adlll cd th~ di rectors to . contract F. Lee and Setty 1\1. Lee, minor. quest, $7.90; Reif'! Electric Shop 10 the hlghe8~ wages to l~bor In ...~. 0 ..10 ' Th e in ventot·), of Irving D. labor and repairs. $5.56; William t~e' world ~an t co.~pete WIth for. fo~ a:nd bUIld a substan tu,Il bame $60; and $100 for incidental u- ported as follows: r .... ,.. Sa.ttartl&7 Welch, admi ni trotor of estate of ~. Pftanzer, labor and repairs, ~I,n tacto.rles. peym. !'ext to no~h "we, :tour comml· ee t appoll\. t · ted buildIng. penees, to be applied by and for Directors in all districts, with E ••• I •• taF .... William . Welch , decea sed, was $54 '10 ' ReWs Electric Shop m -fur labor ~n addItIon to rettm' the use of school board. the foree~m!ne tbe· school houses 10 the exception of Nos. 4 Bnd 6 were approved by court. lamps ~nd labor $5.06 Trustees o'f their goods into ~he United Sta~8 ,oing a s contingent funda making to LEBANON, OHIO 3ub-d~8tr~cts Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, ordered not to pay their sch ool The inventory of Eva M. Dakin, Public Aft'airs. light and gaJ, under.e , low tarlft'. Our factor!e~ lD all a total of ,505. M. Mills also s ub-dlstl'lct. !Jo . . 4, etc.. report teachers more than $80 pel' quurt'- exeoutrix of estate 0'1 Frank Den- 19.17; William J. Ptlanzer, sup. have to sh,ut down. The laborm ~1Iii• • • • • • • • • • • • • moved that: one 1-8 mi11be asse'\lsed ~ter eX!,m~nmg the school house . er, each, but in the lotter two dis- vcr Dakin, d ecensed, wa~ approved plies, $157.66.; John Van }tanp:e man doesn t hav,e any moneY.beon the taxable property of this ~n SUb.-d1 tTlcts Nos. ~, 2, 3, and 4, tricts the ante wa raised to $100 . - - Co. supplies $1'10.76: Stanley E. ~ause ,he does~ ~, ..ave. a Job. toWt\!!hip 'for educational purposes. we think the hou ~ e~ In. Nos. 2 and ea ch for l he same period of time. by court. The inventol-Y ' of David Wells, Agre~d to. Said amounts were or. labor 117 r Lingo Hardware CoUl'tle we dldn t notIce tbat ,u nfit 'for edu.e~tlonal purp~8es, The djl'cctors were also ordered adminishator of el3tate of Lura Ross Co" ' shells' for dog warden, $2; Underwood Bill eo ~uch 't~, after . . . .' del'iI!d returned to tbe ' auditor' Of .. and a·(tel' examlnt~g the terrltmry not . to hire tellche rs from the Wells, decea se d, waS approved by Harry H~ll, gal, the ~ar"'h8n we qUIt makmunem-War I.. Wanen .county , for collection." c1ve any changes Normal Schoo l if su itable teachers court, • _$70.97. • lIupphes, ,T HEN we had . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ we could n ot pe,rc: ' A further "feason for . Henry could be obtained f rom any other Th will of Hester A. Young, de· ployment aplenty. I' Clark's request is appended to tJte that ~ould be profltll~le. . A Teasonable program for the (SIgned) E .. A. Ro~ers, Wm . ource. And, whAt do 'yo u know cea d, was admitt~~d to probate. FOR SAU "SO that's what 'Tariff for of this meetin,. r1illute . abo ut that,? Do you s"Uppose such The ac1judi¢8tion and det ermina ~ Improvement of county govern- Revenue Only' means, is it "At a meeting 'of the Townsbip Oraham, Commlt~~e. actions by tQw nship boards were t ion of the inheritnnce tax is to ment might well include three Auntie?" Board of Education of Massie August 20, 196(). FOR SALE--Open wool buck The committee was paid the t he ca use for so me pf our laws be given to all' pe l'sons interested. planks. The first would be the "That's part of it, Annabelle. It township held. on the 18th da.)' of lambs ; one fre, h cow. Cliff The estate of Alb ert A. Irons, wonderful U\l1 ot $1 each for for compulso1'y tt'Ainin~ for g ot!! f u rther. The farmer gits April, 1869, ~id on petition transconsolidatioll of county activrties hu rt, too. When whe.at an' corn an' Beckett, Phone Harveysb urg. making this investigat.ion; but teachers in the State of OhIO? deceased, is exempt frolll inheritfer the original fractional sub-dis, ·026 The .Jevy for duca tional pur- ance tax. The first. and final ac- under about a half dozen depa rt- hides kin be imported cheaper trict No.6, Massie township, to what did they ever do with so much money1 After a g ood bit of poses \v1l" et at threefourths of n count of M. C. Dralce, administra- ments. The second would be the than he kin Taise 'em, the !farmer FOR SA'LE- PoIand China male fr~ctioDal s ub-district No.9, pigs. !:. Evans, pho ne 470R. Wayne tow/lsh.ip. Signed by .Jos. argument, lind after on e or two mHl to t h e dollar on all land s in t or, was appi·oved. allowed' a nd creation of a chief executive of. can't !!eU H IS produce. A/l' whe"n motions had been turned , down., the to wllship, outside ' t he WIlY-. co nfirmed by the c()lurt. ficer, 'who should in m ost rural he can 't sell, he has no money 80'S • ·n2 H. Lippincott, Clerk, and . J the board finally decided to bu ild n esville Special d istrkt. t ion .ana detetmin. Th e ad j udica counties also serve as the head of he ki~ b uy, has he? No, Annabelle Warwick, chairman. new school hou se in Disbici No. -.-a a· t ion of the inhe1'itance tax on the one of the depa rt ments. lAnd the it's a 'V icioull .circle. I nevel: saw i'OR SALE- Poland China boan, <II do hereby certify the foreF armers will have cheap feed cstatc o! William L. · Ware. de- third plank would be ftexlbility- the , t ime when .yoU could ' have , immuned .• LO. OO to $15.00, a lso g~ing t d be a cprrect copy of the 4, and appointe d a committee of cea sed. is to be giveTi to al\ persons the po$sibility of devising dif. your cake an' eat it too. Accordin' 3 open wool bucks, and bre.eding certificate returned to ,m e of the live of its members to select a site this winter. The total su,p ply of all ferent plans of organization suited to my way 0' t binkill'. t81'i/f f or ewes. 4 miles ,east of HarveY8buN fe ed gtains is unusually large und intf'res ted. concu:rrence of Massie Township for the same. adjudication find determina· T he to the different sizes and types o'f revenue only does just one thing We ldon Heller, Wilmington. 0., R. Each clerk was allowed $I for fal'mers .have fewer animals to eat SeboolBoard with the. Wayne tion of t he inherita nce tax on the· counties. . n2 - it puts our labotln' man, who N o. 5. TownShip School Board in refer- taking the school enumeration in it. ence to the reinstati ng of Bub-district No, 9. • Jos. G. Keys; Clerk W. T. .A pril 26th, 1869." John Hain s was ap-pointed to I.MIIEI4'IIIOU_.I""RIa'WCXI~ WAil' ~_DI succeed Henry Clark as a director ANt> 1WAT, IS .JUST.O... OF-1ME RMSoMs ~lMlln 12DM~; 1Ur WAS A SWEtTOtl£"JIMialeJ lUATS ftn<.. ,D" .I_Tlll. DlRU:T of district No, 11 , when the latter oOkcaJl.l'!~OFf IlSF' ...... l1Im£ AD.£ A lJ:IT .oF lJISHW I AM GOING "It) ~ NOaIIER WAY II) Lll'i TO CRACK SCM5 01:THfS& wall tranllferred from the district, ClAL nET.1(oU CAN'lHANIJt' and, on the , 8th day 'o f May, the IHlt:CTIlON. THE OIMOCM'fS' 'We . . . ('.()I.I.~AGN · ~6 · PaRK &\Alia. TAXE~ ~ICH I~ ~OPLE tollowjng officers 'wcre cholen for HEN9I Woov.R. WAS M~S T1(Ar .AU 'SellDlt16 OOai TA>tl!:s £)01011 kNOW A; ~T ,1NEV , ~ . VOlLD ALLICIIOW-.' the renewed district No.9; Ro bert lOVE-TO IT,' FQ.rnas and George Myers, direc~H.INI) . '. SkY~MSH • ~;LL F£.eL THE SAME' WAY At BCTEMI> "TO ~:lOP.S,RstiT,. to~ and Jonathtln Mosier, Clerk. UTlt.E ~TER,toV,WIIE'" YOU COMM ~JKE • C!..DfI.IE;S -I"' J.l'" . Mahlon Mills wa chosen to preside at'the meeting held in J. W. l~ ~ TAX ().,~ 5'1'I:)U ..... ,LM-, WRE$lUMG HAIlDY.·W/1W ~US. Xeys' office. September 19 1859 l..a IS IN<RlMEO IT IS Here ill some of the bUms" the; translacted. . . • 'i.'. ON IN HI6IIH PR.lCM1tI1ME The clerk o f Diltrict No.6 was I CU5lCM£iS. 'IWA'TWAV IN appOinted t o .s uperintend and hire C __ iP lElYl)4IN6. teachers to conduct a school for colored pupila for three months .~ and was intltl'Uet4ld to brin~ in h i~ biD at the next meetinr;. The dlrecton at the .. me district were ordend -repair and place III order ... bOUle for th, IBme to prelent the bill at Ia1Hmretti••
Republican Candidate FOR
Representatiye to Ohio General Assembly Election November 8
Finds Grinding of R ough'age ExpensirJe
r. h
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry Shop nu,.-,..
A Lovely Maiden Fair
,'.10 •
L. CR1.NE OIic. Pho •• " R .....
pabli.hot" Sub.crlptioa Pric., .... Ho. 112 iolhttlrl'U n.L Po~tortlc.. .. villi,. hlv, a. Se('ontl c • . "." . . . . , "0. 118 MAtte r
Ilt Wa}·n{·s. 111011 Mull
Fear Stifles I~itia~ive
Mr.. _ J ••• i. __ B. Tripp ' -_. B, _ __ __ _ _ _,
I met a littl{, mlliden Who had lenllln-ti nletl hllir' Her face was oh, 1<0 beuuliful' She wa the fairost of t hl·' fair, Her Y '8 were nil a-spal'kle Just like u bl'iIliunt g'm And this maid ' n wOl'e her beauty Like 11 roya l diud em.
.'r.h,t! . only thing that keeps most of us from po Ibllitles and of getting the highest sa There ':Ire v ry few human beings in the WOl"Id who are " . II~cllt a shcet o! I ~e, somethmg. and as long as 0110 is afraid 01 anything he cannot IIchiey perfect happineKs. . , . sure l I( play th\! nllchlei Primitive man must have lived in a state of almost constant W~~ . my h art, that qu'er terror. He wns all'aid of wild beasts, afraid ot enemies of other tribes. , Sh c~lce . afraid of the thunder and lightning, airaid evil spirits that lurked tk~o fr u po\,! me u,n aware . in the darkness of the forest -of real dangers llnd of unreal dangers o~t. steals m. the night, which he imagined. Very tew people in these days have the perfectly And l~~~t me wondermg whether natural physical fears that surrounded the lives of ou.r ancestors. Bu t Brought happinesA or bl'ght who of us has not some mental feaT, fear 01 something that has not I . happened but which we think may happen to. ourselves or our loved It semed to m e thlll night and day . ones? Had both become liS on e i In, the past two or three years the peopie of the nited States Here W IlB II thing I had to iace hav b cn the pl'ey of R new kind of fear. 'rhey have been afraid that, Th er' wa. no u e to l'un. in tn popular phras e, the bottom has dropped ou~ of everything. They r never can tiT will fo rget hnyc t earet! that neVE\!' again W uld they have a job, that the fa ctories The wandel' of tha t da y, that have shut d own wou ld never start up, that t hey would nevel' be Wh n r first met that lov Iy maid able to sell the products of the ir farm s -those and a thousand other 'T wa~ in t h > month oC May. r ' lus whl h have no relation to common sense or reality s emed to take possession of perhaps the majority of American s. I loyed to be at her dear side And that is on e of the reaso ns we have b en so slow in co m'ing F ou nd it a pleasa nt place; black fr om the economic crisis. We have been afraid to use ou r intel- r Joved her I mon-tinted hait· Iigence and common aense and go ahead when everybody else was And t h beau y 01 her fnce. afraid to do anything but accept conditions as they are and ,paint them Wi thou t her I co uld not go on, I1'lentnlly, much worse than they are. W ould not know what to do. We see sign that this widespread fear is beginning t o di appear. I told hel' t hat I loved h er and We do not believe it ever had any real foun dation, and we believe She said, the sam e to you I ' peop le are waking up to that fact. )f we are right, and h ope and courage Ilre beginning to replace fear, then we made a good start toHO HUNTING '\'Ilird th e Tetul'n of good times.- North Lyon County Journal, Kun.
=:~~~~=~~==~===~=~====~~===~::, _
Farm Night 7a/ks, Oct. 25 (llfu sical Interludes by Farm Night Melody Makers ) Music 'fhe political Parties Lell'istatlon for , Improving t.he Farm Situation J . I. Falconer Marketing Probl ms and Organization .. , .... . '" F. S. Lyl Ohio Live Stock Coopetntive Assn. 8:50 orn Horvest Fild Day .. , . , ............... " . . . ". R. D. Lewis 9:06 Election I ues of lnt I' at to Women .... " ... ..... " Mrs. R. E. :Miles 9:20 Stol'ing Veg tables." ... " '" ... " ..... ,. " ..... ". , .. EaTI Tussing 9 :36 Parasite Prevention In Poultry , " .. ".. .. .. R. E. Rebrassiet' 9:50 My E:xperience as a 4·H Club Member .... ".. .. ........ Don Reh) Saturday, Octo bel' 22, 8 :00 p. m. Nature Tbis W ek ,.. .. ..~ .......... ....... "" .. " ,... " .. H. E. Eswine Progra s in 4-H Pig Clubs " ... " ................ " "." ... J. E. Wuichet
:00 8 :06 8 :20 8 :36
provements are to be finished before the fi1'st of the year. BEST OF THE NEWS Commi sioner Wm. Rinehart haa been working DIRECT FROM THE H.Conservation and nirht to stock the stream!! and inland lakea of the state with tHE STATE CAPITAL game fllh. before the inclement weather leta in. He has placed ~y
We, the under signed, allow no hunting trapping or trespassing on our farms: GONS BROS,
. -- .....---
~ ~in· Ch~~rdi~~~Y9
-~--~~ ~~~~~~-~
i, th' month when th' ~ld maids'
hope, • .:and "' -=--h 1 ri'e • V7..
e .(J .~t
. , -, '.u~ ...
Guellts lit "HoleCor . ix u'c1ock t1inner day w~re Mr. und Mrll. !'on, Mr~. Lilly W La Verne Hchools, in Willlon, Uuyton. of t 1\11-. and In •. Homer 1~ . a key entcl'tain('d guest Sundll,Y. l\fto. and ~I rl;. Walt I' Cast, oC Wayn ville, were Thursdav ev n. ing gUC8~H 01 Dr. and Mrll. Tripp. Mr. aMi Mrs. Mott ;Iine and B tty, ' of Dayto n. were Sunda y guesls f Mr. and Mrs. Freel Harlan und Mrs. ,lara Merrit. Robm' l ollell is in Washinlr4-H Steel' lub lour. Mr. and MI·M. Ralph Fr,an cis and dauKh tcl' ntel'lai ned company Saturday. A lice Gray was an overnight guellt Tu e~day of Mal'y Kat hl een Thompson. HIlI'I'y Wil ~o n, of Dayton, is here with his parents, Mr . and AI'S l~ran k Wilson . 1rs. Manii For man a nd Miss Vi olN F ('e man, of Dayton, were Wed nesday guestll of Dl·. and Mrs. Tripp. ' , Mrs. ora A. Th ompson called on Mrs. has. Gray T uesday afternoon. MI'. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan 'were s ix o'c lock di nn er guests Tuesda y of Mr. and MI·I'I . Wm. Watt, ' of Franklin . . Mr. and Mt· ~ . A. L. K ing, of Waynesville, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. '. Gray one afternoon thi week has, Madel n was a Columbus visitor recently. Th e Friends hurch Emjoyed a bask t dinn er )a!\t Sundloy a t the chuTch in hon or of RllV. Amos oo k. Mr. 0 k is ju t n ow able to be out again f ollowing the indispoRition caused by being at. tacked by a n e nraged bull . everal \Yea k ~ a go. Mr. and Mr" W_ T. JI3rdan and Mr. Bertha Gray attended th e Baby B af show at Wilmington atu rda y aftern oon. Mr. and Mrs. ChBS. H. Gray were Middletown visitors Friday. Mi . es Reva and Irma tump. of Utica, Wl'Te here onEl ' day la t week. The 5th and 6th grades, coached by Miss McElwee, gaVEl the followi'ng ptogrBm at Chapel Fridoy afternoon: Sonl!', "Colum bui. the Gem of the Ocean;ft devotions, Mary Os born; recitation, "Columbu ," Marjorie Davis; ssay, "Lit of Columbus," Barbara Thorn. bury ; song; a cleaver play by Minnie Campbell, Virginia Hosier bry CaTolyn Lukens Martha A hi y, Kirk Jefferis. E!ilIy Carr, and Junior Hartley; announce· men~ by Supt. Francis. Robert Mc arren announced thEI program. The iour lower grades will give the next pr~.
=:::~~~~~~~~=~~~-.- H IGHWAY ACCI DIE:NTS Odd- But TRUE ~\\i. r 101.1:.1''''' f t
O\t~\. \'N
(~"\Wi6) '#t'" 001
.'' M'
Wh." your car b'9In~ " a.,lng up" th ... a"'"mn daYI, do .. ', bla",. 'he ca •. 110m. 'ho ga •• lln. - aff.ctod by .very chang. of " o"gl"o hoot," cauI~d by .harp w.ath .. cha"II'" Nat If you u•• Mobllgo. with Cllmatlc-Cantral, how." ... Fo. Cllmatlc-Con'rol ""all$ g ... olln. thai I. selo,,'IRcally praadlu.t,d al tho 10 adapl 1...1f to .v.ry wealher varlatlo .., a .. d glvo ya"r car I.. h'gh ..t lev,' of parfo,,,,ance "nder all changing woath .. condillo .... Rememb." Mablleo. alone hal Climatic-Co .. ".'.
U,lIted $..... Waa,h., "'N.U oHlcl<ll NC~I . h_ the t.m ....alu .. of a ~plc.1 OcteIHo, In MaW.... territory varl.. from \I to 9.~. 0 ( . . . . . . .f 71°.
The Waynesville Service St.. O. R. UNGLESBY, Proprietor' Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.
Ha• • a COlllpl. te -WateL Repair Soryic. Al')d use only genuine materials. , Cry.tals fitted While yOU wa'it.
Stanley &Koogler
Cary's Jewelry Shop Automobile fatalities have increased almost 260 perclant during L.b• • o a. Ohio the past 10 yearS. The number in 1931 wa.s 30, Ii 00 a s comJlared with L.._.....;S;;.;t;.;;o.;.re.;...;O;;.;:p:;.;e;;.:n;;..:E:.;v~e;;;n;;;in~ICS:.:.._-J but 13.939 in 1921. J ESSE STANLEY It would seem hayd)y possible PbODO 320, N. w Bu rllaa l • • , Oili. to hold the increased use of motor vehicles solely respon8ib~e for this •• enormous upward trend. So an in· EARL KooCLE R lifOT ARY P UBLIC teresting study of what motorists do--or fail to do- on the highways was undertaken by the Ohio H.U ••al B. .II KEnmore 8986 department of ~ilIhways as . a Willa Dra... . . E.tat•• S.ul•• ~!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~ _ , means of ascertaml~g Just what WAYHESVILLE OHIO were the causeSj aSide from the ' Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. multiplied volume of traffic . The s.tudy revealed a strOnl!f element of carelessness and a p'r eponderant disregard ~or th41 Tights and a a safety of others on tho part o:f numerous motorists. Licea••d R.aI El t at. Broker, What, in effect, did these motor_ Auetloa• • r aad la.ura.c. iats do? The most glaring error was excessive speeding, which, in Wayn.nUle, Ohio Phone 80 Blink Bldg. many ,instances, was made so much the worse by recklessneu. WAYNESVILLE, OH IO Most Reasonable Terms This SPeed-mania class c!omprised abo ut 4 0 percen t 01 a 11 viola tions '!..~!!!.~~"""!~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~~~~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!' obsel'Ved. Infractions of the right-of-way safety rule were next in the lilt, totaling in the neighborh,~od of 25 percent. T~en came exhibitions of bad car management by driving oft' the roadway, running around 20 percent, while automobiles operat· ed with on ly one headlight or with non-illuminated tail-lights made up the remainin, 15 percent together with violations miscellaneously classified &8 "on the wrone side of road, jumpin~ traftl c liahta etc." Characterizlnl' tbe bil'h ' death rate trom automobile accidents as a challenge to the motoring public O. W. Merrell, state director' of hi,hwaysl appeak to motori t in OhIO to refrain from an), of ,. tie" and ·1 .. ",,,1.... e:~J~:!~O~~~~' b, l18fe -_.~ •._I '"
~~\(\~ ~t\\) V6\~~ ~tl"i
biggest value ' your gasoline money can buy
00 COQ."'''1 . \\\e
Get the
· -I large consignments of bass, COLUMB U S - A n .Issue ~re-- marblehead and bullhead catfi.sh in qu ntly presented for determina- Buckeye and Indian Jakes and An 011 day meeting was held at tlon to Secretary' of Statc more wl'll u':e pJacAd I'n pating. all depic:ting the life of the Methodist church t Olive f EI t.' Clarence n r thou6-nd" ~" '« Ch J • Brown. as Ie ee 10 olUce other waters under hi juriadidion Columbus. Branch laflt unday. of Ohio, is II to the propriety of from va1'ious hatcheries of the Mr. Harold McKay and family, om individual becoming a candi- atate. DUring the recent twenty. ate dinn er at the Greenl Home in dut for two oftlce, or holding eventh annual convention of the Martin, ville, la ~ Sundl~y. two offices at the !!arne time. No The largest, in fact the only Ohio ongres of Parents and W. E. Barnes and wife, of d finit or clear-cut rule can be Republican meeting in Central Teachers, in the Capital ity, in Harvey burg attended ' c hurch at Kiven, which will operate in ev ry Ohio, to be held in 'anticipation of which 8.000 delegat s and visitors G.I·oen Briar, last Tuesday even· casc. How ver, it may b said that the coming election, will be on the participated, a tre planting cere. ing. where one office operate &8 a "n:lluu" of October 18, at Memor· mony in memory of Dr. Randall Ed VanMeter died on Sunday ~heck upon the other, or whete in Columbus. The prjn- J. Condon, wa condu ted in the morning at his home in WeHman. they are Inher ntlr incompatibl , will be that of State Ho Park. Dr. Condon WIlS Mr . J . B. McKay and Robert or where 8 per on IS 10rbidden by ntend of the McKay of Wilmington, 'were suplaw to hold ome certain two of- of i01~:-1~trerl!!~ena!')l-'MI'l"V!~-!bc-jiiutfitl!';h<rn~n;.r::ei:~'Ciiit;;'mi:"~;.H)er....~~~t-s -of the McKa~v families fices, in these cases the 'person terms in the lower house of Conevening. maY' not hold sueh offices or be a gress before being elected to the Harry ne and wafe spent undidaie fer them at the same Senate, and was the keynote Sunday with Ele haw han and aker at the Chic. .o convention family in Dayton. election. U"I IIli 80me one ot the above cases apply, it., is po.lble for 0 his party this year. It 118 been Thorough sterilization i absolute R. J. Murray and w,ife s pent Ilenon to simultaneously hold a8 arranged to give his apeech pub- Iy neeess~ry in a penal institu- unciay with Charles Swindlel' and many offic 8 as he may be elected licity and he will be heard over a tion and Warden P. E. Thomas family, in Dayton. or appointed to. national chain of radio stations. has a number of "his boy" busily K. E. Thompson, Al,bert and ____ "Pop" Boening and hie Republican engaged on this important task. Carl M'ountjoy. called on Sill Bids 'w ere opened by the High- Glee Club will entertain those Lately over 10,000 pieces; mat- Lamb o.f neal' Waynesville, Saturway D partl'(lent of the state sev- present and the candidates for the tre ses, pillows, billn'kets and other day morning. ' eral days aBO, under supervision 01 various state and national oftlces articles have b en sterilized. EighC. W. Schaefer, of Dayton has State Hi,hway Direetor O. W. will be in att~ndance_ teen men, are now employed in the for the Earl Nlchols farm Merrell, for th construction of ~oap factory and thousands of ved here Tuesda:v· apprOXimately 80 miles of ImThe Knighta of Columbus, pounds .o f all kind s of soaps, dis~ Lamb, wife and E. T. AI, provements, at an estimated cost Italian societies and other oTian· inlectants, im.ecticides, soap powWaynesville, attended church ()t $1,167,381. The largest job will izations of Columbus have rededi. ders and compounds, furniture Clarksville on last Saturd be on state toute 11. in Montgom- cated a statue of Christopher Col- and metal polishes as well as soap l' y and Preble counties, estimated umbus, exercises takinl' place in spray for horticuLtural use are to cost $90,500, covering 8~ven t he State House Park. A fine manufactured. During the past miles. Work is to be started im- parade pr-eceded the ceremonY r a nth 34,592 pounds of soap mediately and some of the im-In~lmll)er of handsome fiQats partld- chips alone were manufactured.
If.G\·,,Wi ft.f.'t
""~ Qt\\.\' ,fOOQ,~05 t~~
~t .O~ 't'4~AA\' \.au~Rt nm\'t\\\t\ tf\~\l"\.'. \W:\UO\t\Q
W N 5 EA,R 5
Glt\",\) C.\\\.\) N\'-\)~\. , ,"-\ UM6 ,Qt)I\"( WlN\'( Of ,,\, . ~l\\ ~~t "(Q.f.,,'Uo.tO .~
~, f\wa't "\\9\.~f. '\.\(.\"1 ~<:Q.a'~ 1\\i UM\l!b ~~'!~ ·W~~ M~~~ ~ ~~""''' . . . . 'M \Q\\ • \1 ,00,," ·49 ~,., ~, ~\\' , OUk\MG
' M ' .",eM . . 'tUM ""l MD\Mt . , • •UO ,.\\:1 'IVt.",. l\IlB ·11' ~_,
At Both Factories
ope. . .
biriD, put
S. WEAVER F. T. Martin,
C'Q"E'\\(.)~~ Of ~~ ~\\'l G6\\.\ft\~S 0' ~f. ~Q\\\.\)
ROOT FOR AND CONSICN your Cattle, hOra, IhMP ucJ cal~ to NorrilrBrock Co., wire ... progre.llive finn f or til. II...... market prices and "ood ••m . ... \JoloD St ock V......• CID.la_d"O "rune in 011 Radio Station wa~i 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. t or our a&17 market reports. .
The Roxaona and WaynesviDe Can.iD, Plant.
Auctlon•• r
C.nterville, Ohio Phone 7U
A. H. STUBBS D I.....o .. afF....... ....... , Our convenient 100..... ble IU!i'Ollnd_ _aabl.. US to Adva.Qtqe,
ute Die. in Richmond W (lrd "R~ b 'en rN.· I\·~.t hl'r.· of tile dl'nth of rill'/<, ~arnh Lalit' Shutt'. "'hi h orr\H1'~li Il t the Marlral'l't Smith 110mI' in Rirhmond. Ind., on dob('l' 1 lIh. Mrs. .'hule, whll \' a. in the l'ight it'th Y Ii l' ()f her ag ,will t' be:4t remembered a. lhe wld,l\\, of ttH.' latt' Ro rt 'hut, nnd the fosl r daulflTter of fro an d Mr. A mOl! 'ttle., wh o nt one ·time occIIllied tl1 Third sir "t ft'l'ldellc t> now thl! h me of F. B. H ' TId r~on and family. "h had rcsldt'd 01. the R.ichmond home fat· lhe paRl 17 yean. Funeral arrnng Alent ' were not I IlTner!.
--- . . .. - ...---
EXAMINED BY PHYSICIAN Th c IInty bonl'd' () f ducnlion al a m cling held in L banoll on 10 t Saturd)i Huggested that I cal ~uperint ndents in Warren county have bOYtI on the " riou s athletic tooms e mined by their' Camily phy lcian . to determine lheir l'hysical fitne~ to particlpnt in mt r cholast.ic ports. This 'I ill not r('quire !lchool to name doctor phl'S! al xaminer.
Subscribe :for the Miami Gnette.
School Ca'~Fn!l;lar' ICI,de Hiatt Die. For Future I Suddenly at Home
New Burlington
LECAL NOTICE Notice ill hereby lriven that in
M"mh"I"' u f th.· W. F . !If. ~ . llf pursuance of a resolution of lhe council of the villa, PlWled on thl' }'rlcnd,,' chUlcn attt'nd .. d th .. the second day of September 1932, Triennial fi~. IOl)an' (onfer.'ne" J~.,le ••d.r A IIl10UnCt;ment of the death of there will be submitted to the in Wilruill/tton Illst \\·l'''!.;, at W. H. 11'. 'Iy.le Hiatt, of Winchester, qualified electoT!! of said village at RObert and Rubr ~llIith , ottl'nd S. :1 llu\Jllwe'l'll rty (or ('aeh Ind .. \\'I\S rcreiv d by friends here lhe~eneral election in the village ed thv honH! fOllfing gall\(>.o Ohio ' ll'l11('nl[\1 v I{rll(ll' rounl i~ listed la~t ,w(' k. M!'. Hi~tt died suddenly o{ Wayne~vil1e on the eighth day W '~Jeynn lIi\"l'r~it~· ~ulU1-duy. fur F'dday aft.'I·I1(Jl1n, Octob r 27. lit Ill." home In Wmchester SundllY of November, 1932 the que8tion of iligh schllol (lar,t v sponsored b J l·"CIIlIlg, Octllb l' 2. Dcath was due levying taxes for the yean 1932, ~1 r. W . F. K illJr Q f 1<ron is t hI' Prunk Ho),in :;un wa the Sunduy the S.'nior t'I1\"~ wrn be h It! "'ri- ttl hel\rtt~ouble: 11933, 1934,1935 and 1986 at the guef't of hi~ clonght.·j'. Ml"~. Jl' >'e tin .. t' c nin", elc bel' 27, at th£' Mrs. UII~tt Wlil be remembered Irate for I\ch year of two and one. Ilill and fl\lllilr, ,Il' nll ' I' "U ~t {f h~~tt'r <.• :11'(',. . .. .. . .. Wr ht t d ht d 0 II ar 0 f the .. l\'\'mnn"ium. liS ue I g , youngeR aUf er half mills on each Jl1i~::! Jl'mn Evalls, wh ll h3" bel'n Jam!'!' Zl'lI, of Yellow fipl'inl!'~. ' Ba~ketbllll Jll'actiee!l will 011l'n ur . the late . israel B!,d ydia . tax valuation of tb taxable v(\ry ill or Iyphoid, f; uff red a \Hl .· a Wllyn \' ilI~ i.sitor, W 'd- next wl'ek with 1:1 Il'ame at noon~ ' ,rlj('h~. B S!dCA hiS Widow, Mr. 1 property within the village of ~erio u rl'lap~e. 18 t week but m>sdll~' nlol'nin.g. 1111 Octuber 26 and 27 , ITII\t.t I~ ul'Vlved by one c;taughter, Waynesville in execS!! of the rate impro\'CcI again. 1'h ... Wllyn t'~vil\t Hc hool flll'ulty MllTJone lind one son, WrI ght, who authorized by S 'c. 6625-2 of the Dr. anll Mr",. , \ . ([('nd l'SIm hdd Ihe ir ~ccolld meelin 'fuN!- ill a cadet at West Point. General Code for the llurpose of Mr. an,l Mrs. L. S. Holland :lpent afternoon lit High ~ch(Jo ll~~~~~~~~,!!!!!,!!!!!",!!!!~~!,!, current expenses. unday with relotives in Richmond 'pent • unclny with th ir II n l\ad (Iu da\lp;htc, Mr, lind Jrs, G('orge hllilliing. Mi.~ ()ri nll('Robhinsan d I' 1 Those who vote in :favor of t.he Ind. l\ lis~ Alic' amnbell W('l'e le,lder proposition of makin~ such ad· Mr. nnd Mrs. Everett Nickerson \lender. n. for th di cllssion of the ~tudy ditional tax levy will have written are th' par nO t af 1\ daughtel', III r. and II·H. C. L~e Hawk e and U') k, I'Th Art of Learning" by . • or printed on th~lr ballots "For bOI'n/October 17. Cumil>, enj oyed a m tor tt' i11 Walt.r B. Pitkin. Lhe tax levy" and those who vote thl'o uflh orthl'rn Kentucky, Sun('ullnty te chers will me t FOR SALE against such additionlll tax levy An O-bushel yield and large day afternoon. ctober 22, at Lebaoon IT\gh will have written or printed on ear placed high on the . talk are M-'l I'lan k I' .lo,"ly rn_ s('ho ol lIuditlll'ium with bot.h mornl' their ballots "Against the tax II' '" ..' . h d F R A LE- 3econd prize Ram I J' promi d for th annual stat, corn ov ring II'om a fractured knee, in~ alld aCt I'noon ~e ~I on!\ !Ie e lamb, Open Wool Shropshire. evy. 3rd, 1932. o'al'n,,·1 whlln playing ·bn."ketulcd. Joseph Fileh~ .. former uperr . f J h Ad R D 4 September _u huski ng conle ts. October 2 , ai ~. ,U ~ inlendE'nt f Butlet· Co. lIc h o ol~ nquue 0 0 n ams, . . , T. E. ROGERS, and pr . cnt a~ i!!tunt late dircctol' Phone 16R31. ·019 026 the Alva Oyled farm at .t11e cro~s ball at Y · lI llW 'priug . MayoT of educalion willllddl'cSS t h j('I'OUP roads of route~ 40 and 3i. Dem W. N. M ~ h !In c. y pre~irlent of onstrations to be conducted at l'dlll'ville college will 01>10 addre ss the corn hu king contest w'iII ;' ho" c ,eorge th nlcctinp;. the efficient use of farm power, the imp l'tance of method and The ilrst 'essit)n is called for 1============== 9 :30 o'clock. tim liness in cultural pra¢tice, ALLEN HUFFMAN All the Spooks , Goblin, and utilization o'f the corn crop, and verybody I."e :xpect tv attend the use of fertilizer on corn. Boo.tel· Club Allen Huft'mon Republican
On ThurRt!ay "vl'ning, the 20lh II pl'ace worker f Wa~hinl(tlll1 D, C. will peak at
~inll Stllnton,
(o'l'iendll Ml'l'ting )[OU!lC lit 7 ::10 p. m. Everyone cordilllly invited. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~_=~
______ _ _
STOVES Bought, Sold and Repaireil
Late CIassiiied 'Ads
Opp•.Central Garage
__ _
On Miami Street We Invite Inspection
Mothcl' lub Un.llowe'en at the GYl11, .Monday Plans ar' under way for the ev ning, Octob I' 31. organization of a Wllync ville Hi~h scho ol booster club. The Mr. and l\l\·s. Edward Tate und put'pose of this ,organization is to .1r. and Mrs. Rob ' rl Davi~, of bll t. th school through wh 1 Day tun, wel'C un<lay gue. l ~ of .O nle lind unbi.us d publicity esMr. and Mrs. j.:;d,Yllrd 'ook. Mr. pccial1y in writin,g for the ch aol. Harry Haines, IIf Dayton, wa!! an t wn and C()Unl~ y papers. The afternoon culler. membel'~hip will be limited to and Se nic)l's and pupils of Mi!! J osephine l\lai nou. of Junlol's A or B average. The rna imum Ann rbol', Mich., and Miss number of membl~ r will be 15. Ayleen l\1uinoll ', who i!l attending school at incinnnti, Silent the w ek-end with theil' parent" Mr. ORANCE TAC!; NE)(T YEAR lind Irs. Ray bin ous. arnival
STOP • LOOk Aladdin Lamps· ONLY
Get Your Aladdin lamps and Lamp Supplies Here
OR, YES! S54.!J5 • FuU-Size Plain Range, . $Z'.50 Only .... : .. _ , . , . . . '. . . , ... , , ...... . Washing Machines SS9.50 And Up .......................... . Wood Heaters, All Full Size, $I.Z.50 Only . _........ .. ...... ... .. , .... . . That Full 6-Hole AII·EMme] Range, Only ............. ,., ............. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harold r born entertllined the follOWIng guests al SU PII I' Monday evening: MI'. Gorge Moon, of O ~bo l'l), Mis, H lell Gulludy, and Mr. and )1r~. Milton Thompson and ;lon. 1\1)'. Illld Mr~. Myel' Hyman entel'tnined lh following gue ts at unda~' dinn r: M... and Mrs. I. 1"abe and son, and MI', and Mt·s. Mllx Hexter, of ,incinnati, nnd MI'. and Mrs. Jnk> Kohlhagen and Mr.. J, Bl och, of Blanche tel'.
Mrs. Lydia B. Vandervort, 01 Lebanon, hilS purchased the residence property of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, on North slre' , rom H. . and E. S. oleman, th deal being completed last Saturday. Mrs. Vendervort ex, peets to ventually remove her home to her new pro per~y, Mr. and Mrs. RU$sel Martin ntertalned MI'. Von Gu tin, of Birmingham, Ala., at supper, last Tuesday vening. In the vening, the entire pal'\'y motored to Dayton, wher they visited ut the home8 of Mr. and Mrs. . 11. outhard and family, and Mr. and Mrs. harley Martin and family.
candidate for Warr n County Recorder, 11 eleded, I pledge continued efficient, courteous and economical service as in the past.
Reliable Merchandise
Samp les of next y 111'S au~o license tll!t. received by the Bur au O'f Motor V hicle.1 show that. hio is t o have m or e vivid markers than Cor . vera l years pa t. The n w marker, ar brig;ht oran.jl;t', with black numeral. and !laid to b leit-ible at gr. a tel)' distance than th is or Illst yeELrs 1)10 teR. The ' app or at word Ohio and the year the 101> of the tmgs in tend of at the bottom as heretofore_
DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SERVICE Phone 99R3 Next Door to Watkins' Reltaurant - -WE CALL AND DEUVER- -
We feel n slleeial respons ibility
in 'recomm nding
ti1r~1injS, 'PATHFINDER
caskets and other merchandise to our putrons.
this reason, we handle only the products of well-established manufacturers who
have a reputation for qual'['he fnrm prjc~' of wool sh ow d a gr>ater advancEI fl'Qm August 16 to S ptcmber 11) than did any othel' farm comlnodity, due primarily to r n ewed activity in the I "til industry.
ity and value built up over
IIaa:r oth_ tine .... at hlp_ pdceLBut tJae Good,. . Patblncler
a long period of )'ears.
6 ..... 1''PIies''
8tlltem"lllt of the ownershlo a.nd of
hlll1ml Ouette.
pu IIl!h ,I Ilt W,,:vn IIvlI1e Ohio. as rl"llIlr,'( 1 h~ Iii , A t r Cllnlt'"·, s on AUlrll a t 2~ , 1912: )'ubIl Mhf'T. O. L. Crane. 'VaynosYl\l. hl o ....Mllnlll \' omdi EdItor. D
J. L MeClare
Bondholrl ~!j mo rtgllge • and other security 1'010 ·re. Non . Sw orn to IU'<) JltJl)sc rlbf1d beto.' Ill!' till 12th \1:1)' or O<;'lot>~r , 19,12,
Wayae.vWe, Oblo
aucb .... perfonaanc:e ....t
""'become , a.. OF T. . 'a
mal\IUrrIII (·n
, ~r-AoS
~.~-':.='=-\'3I:::. __ c:..s ........ tt. .....
..... '
wllyneevllte. Ohio.
Ml popular ....... Iow Pf'k*I
Gordan's Senice Stalion
............ _ .. _n.
....t . .
Phone 47 .
' - ........ IMed-~ . . ,....,. ewd .. ~ ....., ... . . . tllet·. C8II ~.
L. lIl . II nd .... on Noto.ry PulJlle
S LA.GIST LING Tlln in .... worltl
~~Jou!u.r~~~~ ..... :.. ,........ .' .... $4'.50 Berry BowJs . ~eh, Only .. , ...... ...... .... , ..... " . " ... .
22 Rifle . Only _........... .. .. . ,., ..... ,., ... .'~.9.
" • • ~OO Block It, 8 for ............................... .
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Braaeh of HilI••oro Hardware Compaay.
Your pride in owneTship of your home is no greater than ours in' the materials which go into it. 'J'he personal satisfaction, year after year, of seeing suen materials live up to all we bave claimed, strengthens our conviction t, hat , our pplicy of "Qua li'ty Materials" was wisely clto en. If you are planning construction of any kind-from a new home down to a. new corn crib-_we ask the priviiege of helping you flrur the j'ob. CALL IN ANY DAY
&: CO.
Everybody is invjted to Day service at LytLe Sunday school next Sunday a(ternoon. Waltel' Kenrick in company with, Mr. W. . Cohee ol Eaton, made 0. busine s trip to olumbus Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emriek spent und y afterno n with Mr. Ilnd Mr . Hany ornell neal' FelTY. Mr. ·'Lee lIias(ln of Mason is spending thi week wjth Mr. and Mrs. Charles lark. Mr. and l\frs. Henry Foulk wer entertained to djnnel' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gebhart at Mia.misburg. ' Dr. and M1'8. A. A. Sn~itb had {or their Saturday gu~ts the latter's son and :family from Cl'own Point. . MI'. and Mr . Earl Y oun~ and fami1y and Mrs. Emma Lacey spent undliy with Tim Barton and iamily at Btillbrook_ Everett Early and daughters and Mrs. Belle scott and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and daughter motored to Adams county Sunday. Several from here attended the home coming 'service, Sunday aftel" noon at 111 , E. c:hurch at Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton spent unany with fl'ie.nd at Springfield. '. Mr. and Mrs. Chal'les McDargh and Mrs. Nellie McD.argh of Urbana visited their aunt., M'rs. Georgianna Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Fliday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andel'so n and sons of Waynesville spent S.IItul1day at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. , Mrs. Mm'y Canllony accompanied M'r. and Mrs. W. F. Clark and other relativse on Ii \'I1otor trip to Pickaway county, Sunday and visited the caves and rock fOl'mations there. Mr. and Mn. Waitei' Kenrick were called tQ Jamestown Thurl!day by the sudden death of the latter's cousin, Mrs. Minnie Binegar. Then on Sunday afternoon, Miss Thelma Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Kenrick in company with Mrs Ida Ch.ristopher of Springboro, attended the funeral'services at her late residence arid .bul'ia l in Jamestown cemetel'J. . Mr. and Mrs: harles Clark had for their: Sunday dinn ~r guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dinwiddie of Bellbrook. Mr. and Mrs: Le~ Mason and son, Leroy .of Mason. Mrs. Margaret Johns entertained to dinner on Sunday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Alb~rt Surface and son, Pa.ul, of neal' Lebanon, Mrs. Mary Doster. and Charles Doster, of near Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley of Clarksville, Mr. and Mr8 Glenn Johns lind children, Paul and Vivian, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith 01 Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook and children, Ruth, Erne t .lId Warren of near Waynesville.
---_._ . ---
After the lea vel! fall from the rOll.buh.... rake tIlem UP' a"d bum tIIent. Black spot mildew
01 o o( ' "
, ,
ne Republicans of.Warren County will · hold a Rally . in the Opera House, on
Tuesday •
BON.J.T.BEGG MRS. 'e RARLOnE B¥DE JUDGE SIMON BOSS Candidate for Court .f Appeals
BON. L. 'T. MARSHAI,I, \ Candidate for Conar•••
by the
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6037
TOBER 26, 1 ~32 1
CHRI~MAS , SEALS I EIGHT Ha:)~S~:7::,O:;NT""""'\'IE~ST~W4.-lummJ.wuu~~·~Ch~arHe· ~~· GRANO JURY RETURNS ommitlee CAPACITY CROWD AT finished a:sume charge of first in ' the anen cO\lnty llll> cli Htl'ibul.ion !lnd :<ale llf WRECK : <:hrigllllUl; Hellith )o)l'llh; in '\ ur~ell IN BAD AUlD named at t'tlllg REPUBLICAN RALLY IN ~~:~~~:1~:~~~r~ei:~~I:y~l~~!~; H. TOWNSLEY ADDRESS NINETEEN TRUf BILLS couTity WUl'k'I':; frolll vul'iou s 81.Octions of, h~ldlasatthl' ultire Incuunty Lebanon t w ek1()\\'nship At ten d LAST SUNDAY EVENING ~~~~h ?:dtheW~~~ter~~~;~~~tlO t~: OUR fARMERS' CLUB IN REPORT TO COURT held in Licking ' county on Friday inC' Gibb ro unty hea l h Tllll', e, LEBANON ON TUESDAY of this week. A. ('ai, of inci nnat i. til' I,1 til
U 111
Hon. J.mea T. B.aa Addre .... Bia Audience-County Ru .. • A ro;und PlulDed' Launching one of the most inn, iv cQmpaigns Warren county has wi tne811ed in several years, Uepublica ns fi)led Lebanon opera h () u ~ to capacity Tuesday evening in th e first uf a ser.ies of rallies to be b III pl'ior to the e lectio n, November . ' "he gathering, estimated at more than GOO people, heard the eloque nt appeal of James T. Begg former congressman and promin nt r publi an of Cleveland, to sup port republican candidates from PI' sldent Hoo ver down to the least important or the county candidates in the. cUI'rent campaign. Mr . Beggs 'cited the records and accomp li hments of both parties and asked members of tbe I rge gathering to usc their own judgment 08 to which p&rty wa the betler qualified to administer the alfairs of the nation in the present economic cri is. , The speaker gave bis audience II clear-cut and concise view Qf the hazardous pel'iod through which our country has ~U$t pallSed, and expressed the opanion that withut a continuance of republican administration and principals the future, probably would contain many mor uncertainties. harles J. Waggoner, who pre· sided over the session, expreasod . gratiftcation at the large audience )Vhich gathered for the rally. He introduced th vOllnty candidates, all ot whom, received enthulliastic 1'e ponse. Mr. Waggoner an nounc· ed a serics of repuplican meetings as 'f()llowlI; Mason Wednesday..t October 2 Fridar;, vctober 2 , - outh Lebanon. atuulay, October, 2 - Morrow Tue day, November 1,- RarveysburR'. Mr. Waggoner also announced plan!! for a mammoth run·around for Fri(]ay, November 4, at which tim a cavalcade of se.veral hundred automobiles ' will tour the county in the interest of republican C3ndidates. Annou,-cement was als!) made of the apPe8l;'anee in Lebanon, ~ atllrday. afternoon at " p. m., of David S. lnplls, republican candidllte tor &,~vernor of Ohio. M.r. [ngalls wUl speak at the corner 01 Mulberry Street and Broadway, diredly in front of The Lingo A Co., hardware store. He will fly to Lebanon, proceeding by plane aft.e r the meetln. directly to Dayton, where he will addreas a maS8 meeting in the evenln•. Other speakers at the session included Mrs. Charlotte Hyde, ot Morrow. and L. T. Marshall, of Xenia, candidate for Representative to Congre s from the 8eventh congressional district. A large delegation of Wayne township republicans attended this session. Music was furnished tor both a street parade and the meeting by the Waynesville High chool band.
MI'. Beckett, husking 1220 pounds was penalized but 15 pound, October Meetin&, was !held .t the finishing first with a net score 0 f Home of Ml'. and M r.. Omar 1206. Second was Harvey Rye, of . Hollingsworth Near Oregonia Waynesville, wit.h 1162 ~ Ib, Third was Orlill Sellman, Wal/Des. ;ville, 1127 JAi j Harold Shutts, Wa y Oh sun and ki s and clo uds (Jf nellvillll, fourth , 1119; G, C, BeckJune ett, Waynesville, fifth, 1105 3'-4, And fl owers of June lo~cther • Lester J, Milletl county agricul- Ye cannot I'ival ( O t· one hour tural agent, was m charge of the Octuber's bright 'ulu c "eather. contest. On October 13th MI'. and Mr,. Omar Hollingsworth vC I'y hu pitn. bly entertained the Wayne T OWII. ~hip Farm el" B lub. A t the no on haUl' a bounteou co untry uinn er wa. sel'ved to about 75 members and guests, &ftet' which all ass mbled in the SPl;lcious living l'OOIll for the business session a nd the program, The meeting was called to orqa!' by th president, A. S. Collett, and the Lord's Pl'Ilyer was repeated. A t the 1'011 call, H. M . SheTWOOO trunsacte<i which wa an w red by current business in Columbus,' Tuesday. events, only olle family was absent. The minutes of the la t W. S. Graham spent two or meeting were read and approved. three days last week at Indian The host introduc d Supl. Dru· Lake. hot of Leban on schools 8 S the first Mrs. Msry Stuck i8 Illaying at speaker. He said, "We are living the home 01 Mrs. Lemmon in Way· through tryi ng tim but we must learn to do without, to ope rate ne3ville. with what we have to operate on. Mr, and Mr . J. Ward, of Frank· Then finally we will strike a ballin, 'Were undar guests of MI'Il. ance." Mr. Town Icy, editor of t he Amelis Williams. Western Star was next introduced Ji}, V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, He expressed hi s pi asu!' at being was caHing on Waynesville friends at the club and enjoying th dinTuesday morning. ner and good fellowship. Vocal music was furnished everal d1 our citizens attend- throughout tho afternoon by Etbel ed the Republican raUy at Leb· Sac'k ett and Virginia n8l'dln~ anon. Tuellday evening. "Horne Hazzards," was the Mr. and Mrs, N. R. Allman, of special topic of th afternoon, but DaytQn, were Sundsy guests of in the absence of th I atler it. was turned into a round tab! di cu . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. tubbs, sion anti many helpful and interMr. and Mrs. E. R. Bentley and esting points dis us ed. The meetinlr adj ourned to meet Clarl Conner visited friends at Fort Ancient, Sunday afternoon. November 10th with MI', lind Mrs, Harvey Sackett. Miss Mary E. Carler and friend IIpent Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents near Roxanna
UII'Y Jury
Wa. in Su.ictn for Three
Day. Two Week. Aco- Repl>rt o layed by Injury t.,. Foreman
the Ohiu Public Health
Thl' county cOlllllliLt'e iR C m· of GeorgI! A , Me luy of Leb· llllOn. (:h 'lirman; and Mi ~" K~ther. in~ ibbins, ullnty health nurse, und Mn<, L. 11 . Hull, l)f Wayne)'· "ill . AI' I' an~('lIlcTlt , havt! be n matle f, )r un othcr m ee ting to be ht'ld at Leball on on th evening of ThuTs· du ~', Nov~mbe" :L DI', N(!al will aguiu b' lIT sent t o as, i t in plan· ning for th 1 932 cllmpai/ln, Th e llll'ding ,~ ill he held in lhe town· ~ hi l) office s at 7 : ~IO p. m. plI~e d
Car Carryinll Party of YOliO, People Toward Leb.non Collicl•• With North Bound C.r
Eight persons were injUred, t,wo Th e October rand jUl'Y In it ~eriously, and at least one seem~ng repul't to th e 'Ollrt late 'atunla y Iy falally, '" hen two aulomoblles , ~1Lel ' 1I 0()n l'elu rneu 1!1 bills. In collidcu h ad-on on the Lebanon thei l' thrN'-day ti C ~ it, n two weekJ jJike nor th pC Lebanon sho!tly .ago th ·y on~idcl'ed 3 ~ cas s, igRfLN 8 o' clock Sunday eve DIng. lIoring 12 nnd continUi ng three UII' The C)'n, h occurred on a straight til the next \(>1'111 uf court. T. , . tl' teh of road, just north of the l'uLtersu n, of Lebanon , W8$ fure· Nate Monroe ' fal'm north of Genn- , Illan of the jlll'Y. towil, when a co upe driven by Roy Fiv\! indi tmellts were I'ctumell Engle, of Spri ng alley, and a a gainst Port r Fletcher charged sedan driven by B, H . Moredock of with i ~ uing ch cks without sufAkron collided, All occupants of ficient fund s, cllal'ule indi ctboth ~81'l; w re injul'ed. menU, I\' I'e reurn d un each of th Jullowinl!:' hecks; (1 Deeembe r' Th. Inju~ed lU, Hlal, $6.45; to harles Poe; Miss leta Dakin, of Waynes(2 Dec mber 26 , IIl3]. $ 15 to ville, a. passenger : in the couP.• hal'l eH ~ o ej (3 December 3 0, driven by Engle, IS the most lIelllU :.II, $5 tu H. C. Hamilton: (4) ou Iy injured. She suft'ered a January 2, 11)32, $17 to 'A. D. fractured skull, probably internal pe nce; Junual'Y 4, 1\)32, $20 t o injuries, and several cuu about A, D. 'pence, Fle~cher is in juil. Elmer Earnhart, of Dayton, wa, the head and body. Very faint Three bills were I'cturned again t hopes of bel' reco~ery are .e'.lter. gverett Radel', alias Earl Ua viII . a Waynesville visitor, M ntlay. The following account of the chargeu with i. uing forg d intRined by attendmg phYSIC1~nll . ~h s, Fred Gons and Mre;, J ohn • he is Witt nl.l I'g, G Qrg town ~:ame \\a, checks. id to have been sittmg epllrale bills were re· , ubmitl(·t\ by a IIigh ~chool lltu- turned rOI' each of $1 checks B. Gons $P nt Monday in Dayt(1n, on the laps of the other two dent wh I ~tt nded: pas 'cd in Lebanon on July ) I Mns. Glady ~ ~oy Ilnd so n, aJ'e girls at t he time or; the collision, We stllrleu from WBlynesville I !132. Rader is he ld in th county to hav been hurled a distance vi siting MI', and M'rll. Nel so n Wat· Ilnd Hi;,rh choo] ina sc hool bus at jail, f thirty feet or more on the hlrd. and son. kin s 6 :3 0 p, m, The most ,If U K W I'e Edward ,Zehring, f ormer aulo· RUl'face pike. Lateat reports f,om in a high state 0'£ exciteme nt for mobile deal I' at Franklin, who was Mrs, 'Maria Elbon was a Sunday lhe h()spilal, Wednesday after· we had nevel' be n to a football apprehended about a month ago dinn I' guest at the home' of Mrs. nOOll, indicate a slight improvegame, n t he ride up \\Ie sa ng and afteI' a search of three yeal's, was Sidney Chandler. tne nt in her condition. talked and ui , cuss d Bch'~)(l l work. indicted OJ) two counts. He is Mi, R Olivia Cox, 01 Lellow We made tht' trip in one hour charged with isuing forged inMiss Lucy fo~mley , liB the. un- pring8, who was riding in the and a half and on alTiving at Wit- strument : (.1) a note to t he As· day dinner guest of Mr. and MI". Mol' dock car, suffered a comtenbcl'g we cli. covel'cd crowds sociattld InveRtm nts 0, (If outh Truman WardloW. pOllnd fracture of the jaw. He!' ~(ling to 1he gume. AftClr inquir- Bl'nd, Ind. , for $429 on May 20, condition is regarded as lIerious. Mary Hawke, of Dayton, Miss ing the WilY we 1inally Cl!lme with- 1\)28; an.) (2) a note fOI' $927.The liat Qlless seriou, Iy injllred in s ighL of th light of the football 60 to the ,~ me compBTly on May wa. the wee k-end guest of her include: field. B. H , Moredock, ot Akron, 8, 1932. Zehl' ing is at liberty c uBin, Mi s Helen Hawke. n alighting ftom tb(~ bus w uncleJ' bond. multiple lacerations about tb. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. IOles, of found we \\' ere twu ur three 'block head and body, p['obable fractured Bertha Gray, of Waynesville Il'Qm thc Ea,'t I' n entranlce where charg d with shooting with intent Dayton, were gu at' of Mrs. Imes hip. at the Orange & Bla ck, Sunriay, w W~l'e uppo ed tc go, One t WOUlld, was indicted. It is alMrs . Moredock. a compound block fl'om the entranCE! we saw leged that she shot Charles GI'ay Mr. and Mr . C. Weddle, of (ract,ul',e of the left leg and .caIp J ohn Tu)'ner. a g)'aduat and at their hom in Waynesv ille on Dayton, wel'e c;!alling on Waynes- fncerations, ba ketball playel' of Wj~yn es\1il1e May G, ] 1)32. he is at liberty un- ville friends Tuesday aflernoon, Mis Irene Haw ii, of Yellow la t year. We all greeted him der bond. SpJ'ings, injuri 8 to both ankle., heartily: M r. and Mrs. Edward Cook were and a probable fracture of tbe Everett BOl'calow, charged with After arriving at the J;\"ate we as ault and battery against Hazel Sunday guests of MI'. and Mrs, right: ankle. , had t o line up ill double :tlle to get Bar al ow, last JUlie, wa indicted. Waltet' Siehr, near Sp l·ingboro. Miss Mildred Dakin, ot Wa,Mr. and Mrs. Earl tang, cf in. We went up a flight oC teps He is held in the county jail. nesville, cuts on the head and faee. Dayton, were gue8ts 01 Mr. amI Glenn Borden, of Franklin, and gave our ticket to the gate l\lis.'! Emma McCray, of WayMrft, J. E , McCltlre, Sunday evenAn indictment charging breaK' andMrs. Mrs. nllie rOilS were guesh man, and we were there a t last. ing and entering wa~ r turned ne ville, Incerations qt ' the 'scalp, ing. o'f Mr~, Fred Bl'8ddock. last Thu rsThe ga me had turt d so we went against Dee Hayes. Hayes, it is including an almost entirely IlCVMiss Jane Boring and Mr. Louis down to one end in front of the a lleged, broke into the home of day. ered ear, a bad cut on the leg, and bleachers where we 10Ulld eats. Mary L. Shatts on August 8, 1!l32. Haines. of Wilmington, were Sun. Miss C1ennn MUl'Sh, of DlLyton, several body bruises. Th e game was still in the first He is in jail. day guests of Mr, and Mrs. :Wymer ROl Engle. of Spring Vaney, lVas the Sunday gu At of her Drake. ' ST_ AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH quarter, lind we saw Witt nb )'g Pete Pfeffer, charged with as· parents, Mr. and Mrll. Frank bad cut about the scalp and haoM Fathu' French, Pastor make II to uchdoWll and kick a goal. sllu lt and battery againllt W, J. How It H.pp....d At th end of the first qllarter Manis la , t Allgust, was indicted. Mus h. Jacob Strouse and will be held every two scorc wa 7 t o 0 in favor of He in in jail. flPent Satur'dd~ay'y~~~~~~,,!l.l~~I"W1~;'~~~~_ aturd .... ....-0flI1ng. Mr. Fl'nnk Day, ot Winche ter, ' 1'heM itlses Dakin-.and-MI.. -,"'--iT ... visited the f', Wittenbel'!~', at the end of second An indictment was Teturnell Ky:, s pent Tuesday ni ght at the I'ay wel'e passengers in the coupe Mary CUneo FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST and third the se ol'e was 7 to 6 in against larence Mason, charged home of hi " parenlll, Mr, and Mrs. being driv n by Engle, and were favol' of Witt n b rg. with breaking and entering the A. K. Day. dl'iving toward , Lebanon. Mi.a Me Mr. and Ml'S,. Milton Thompson (Undenominational) In the fourth quarter the crowti toul house of James H . Curtis on Cray is repOl·ted to have .. id that and ~on spent last Friday in Chester A. 'Williamson be ame eKci ed b cause Qeorj1;e- April 20, 1932. He i in jail. n-n s Sarah. Black/.>urn and Mr, Engle, who was driving at • rapid Osborn, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Church chool at 9 ;30 a. m. The town waR showing improvement. 1'0111 J, J(lhn on. churged with Blair Miller, of Fi.ih I't9wn, Pa., rate of speed, evidently sweTVed usual "Fifth unday", special of· G (lrgetQwn had a better defe nc John. Grody. were guests of Mr. and M,·s. Keller his car to the right to avoid hittiq fering will be taken. Lord's Sup- and Qn every play gain dI slow but breaking and entel'ing a poultry a pedestrian. who was approachlne Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil Bon and p~r and sermon at 10:30 a. m, su r e. Th excitement b~!c ame in- hou e belonging to Rudolph Roth· Hoak, the past week. children, ot Lebanon, ,were Sun- Sermon subject, "Knowing Him," tense, the crowd was Ort, its fe t" mlln on May 20, ] 932, was indict. Mcssr!;, Edward, Robert, Jacob from the south, thus throwin, hia day guests at the' home of Mr. and You are always welcome at this Wittenberg heQame wOITied, but ed. Dedrick Wright was indicted and hades Strouse attended the machine directly into the path of 011 the !!ume charg , Both are in : church. ' Mrs. Chas. Arne. funenl of a Telative in West the Moredock car. alas fo1' Wittenberg at the end th jail. Mi'. and Mrs. Moredock and the aTrollton, last Thul'sdny, Rcore wall 19 to 7 in favor of }I'rs. Leonard Tinney and bel' Hany hatt.uck, charged with Misses Hawes and COlt were ;reST. MARY'S CHURCH Ge orgetown, G orgetown had breaking and ent ring on charge. house gUest8, Mr. and Mrs. Frallk MI's. Be$sie White an(1 daughter turning to Yellow Springll after worked hard and had weln out. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Reed are spending a .few days with preCened b}' arl L, Stephenson, Mis Geraldine, ot Akron, were spending the day with relatives in On arriving at th 'chool bus wa indictea , He i held in jail. relatives in Cincinnati, Twenty- third 'un day after Trin. , guests of Mrs , White' sist r, Dr. Cincinnati. we fOllnd that many had left 101' October 30, Church school at Both machineJ! are said to have Mary L. ook, last w ek. the bU ll before th game was over E. B. Murrell, republiean candi· 9ity, been damaged almost beyond re:30, Morning Prayer and sermon to avoid the nJ'sh to g t out. -On date for reelection a county at 10:30.. • lIT. and Mrs. Homer Pyles, of pair. the return trip we stop ped at Yeltreasurer, is confined to his home Lebanon weI.' Sunday afternoon R~lief M••lure. low Spring~ for s andwiches. in Lebanon because of illness. callers at the home of Mrs, Pyles AYNE~VILLE M. E. CHURCH Dr, Ed. Blair, of LebanoD, wu At last we arrived at, dear old fath I', W. f1, Dl'ake onR, 73, Misses Trillena and Margaret G. C, Dibert, Putor sUlllmoned immediately after the WayneSVille, W ~ wer.(! ~rlad to b-e Edwards lelt Tue.day morning of Wednesday; Bibl study and baCk although \ e did have a good Paul Lin'demo()d was sev rely accident. and adminlatered fUlt last week 'tor Delray Beach, Fla, prayer meeting at 7 :00 p. m. tin,e, cut allr bruised when his motor· aid, An ambulance eon'l ....11 the ACcol'd ing to reports received cycle skidded in fl'ellh gravel and mOI'e !teriously injured to the where th~y will , spend the winter. There will also be I\' county Epnon~tld Foulks hcr ' , th Bukk Sedan, belonginlr upset Monday aflernooll, south of Blair ho!,!piLaI in Lebanon, while '----Mrs, Eva Long and M'r and Mrs worth 'League meeting held in OUI' , Every citizen ot this community the otber-I< wel'e tl'an8port~ to the . Eilhth Grade Citi:ee"llh ip Cluh .. to D. . Ridge, which was stolen t own. Long, of Columbus, we're church at 7 ;46 this p. m. . from th entral garllge on the 8arilc place by passing motoriat.t. every readel' of this paper is Herbert und.ay afternoon callers at the Thursday: Jr. ChOIr practice at A meeting of the eig'hth gralle Miss Ola Hal·tsock iii I'!!Jlresent. All wer<: kept at ,the hospital durnight of eptember] 6, has been cortlially invited to attend the of Mr . .and MJ's, H. H, 'Wi!- 4 :0 O.~. m. R I h ' p ct'ce citizen~hip club was helel in Room r {!oyel'ed at a garage in !<'almouth ing Miami Cltapl.er No'. 107 O. E. ing tnc night, but Miss McCray open' meeting to be held by Miami home F rluS:y: . egu Ill' C olr ra I Iiam~on. 1 on Friday. The me.eting was Ky" .where it has been stored for S, at the annual meeting of the and Mr, Enrle were abl~ to be Valley Council, Jr. O. U. A, M., called to order by the pre, ident, the past seve ral weeks, at 7 :30 p. "'. Grand hapl.er in Dayton thi "emoved to their re pective homea, at tbeir hall in the I. O. O. F. Mr. and 1ttrs. Ralph Linn and Sunday; Sllnday school at 9 :80. Glenna Woolard . Thc following lette r, received week, buildil\C', Friday eveninr, October daughter Dale, attended a sur. Morning wor hip at 10 :30. The Monday lIfternoo n. After' roll call and l'eading or by 0, M, Ridge, Tu e~d ay morning It IS said th'at' a Cincinnati 28, and every member ot the prise Sunday, October 2Srd in subject of the sel'mon will be, min'utes, old business and new Mrs, Jan e Wenv I', Mr. and Mrs ul'geon, who was passing the Order is earnestly urged to be honor of Mr, Linn's father, near "Some,:rests for a Christian Life." business, was d ispo. ed of and the was writt n by J. 0, nrtwright, t. B, Lackey, ann 1\11'!.\, Minta present. BlanC!hester. Epworth League at 6 :30 p. ro. fo llowi ng reports were s ubmitted: who is now connecled with an In - Bentley, of Xenia, were Suhday hospital when tire victims arrived, sum nee 0 . , in incinnatj : "The voluntarily rendered mUch valuaThe meeting will ~e Evangelistic service, The cbaracYard clean · up c-Qmmitte e: Yard laim s D fJlldment has informed gu st s or Dr'. and Mrs. R. S. ble assistance toward their cue by the ~n. Chriatian Mr. ' and Ml'I. Frank Reed, of tel' lor our study will be. Philip; was cleaped, me thau Cliff's cat' has been locat· Wenvel'. incinn.ti, a former State and relief. W88hi~on D.O., are visiting at The matter-of-fact man. cl n n-u p ,ciommittee; Room ed in II garag in Falmouth, ~y .. ellor, and reputedly one of the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard and Ml'S. E"nest Braddock, \Va. cleaned. The W.,...... jU.. Vidi.1 where it has been for several alll!Mr,Mrs. best speakers for tbe Junior Order Tirlney. Mn. Reed and Mrs. Tin· WAYNESVILLE CHURCH, OF Room Ella Bl'addock, f DlIYThe progra, m committee had w ee k ~, Wa s stolen by Raymond in Ohio. Mr. VOller haa an, iuplr- ney are .ist.~. Miss Cle.ta Dakin, the mOllt ledand Mr. and Mrs. };:=, R, Bent' arranged the following pI' gram; CHRIST lind Claude Pl'ice," ing mesare of true patr\otilmwere dinner 'guest of MI's. ously injured victim, is the daulh. Recitation, Doril! Wade; a , (Undenominationln Raymond Price is the son of Mr. not radicalillm or prejudice of an)' Mrs, Emma H. McClure and Ml'I. tel' of Walter Dakin, who 'resldell Izabeth Lewi , la ~t Thursday. Jingle dialogue; Census Man, Rob· sort. His addresse8 are 1I1waya well Lester Gordon were guests at the Chester A. William.son, Minister ert You ng. Erma Wak,!ly, Bobby and MI' . Claude Price. of Wayn~s. ~t Spring Branch. Since the death home 0'1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WOttn hearinc. Church chool at 9 :30 B. m, The Jame ; recitation, Germ Proof, vill', He was sentenc ed to a term Mr, antI Mrs. My er Hyman, Mrs . of her mother, a few year. in the Sta te 'RefoTmatory at Lan· The meeting will be in cbaree of Edwards, near Greenfleld. two or school that is different. Lord's iola ampb II; guitar solo, cast r, and lal-er ' escap ed - from J, P. Fromm, Mrs. W, . St. John ahe has kept house for her fatber three daYII this week. the Hon. Gearte ShIUi~, of BlanSupper at conclusion, Christian Eileen Hull ; essay, Health, June lind Mrs. Ada ourtn ey attended and brothers. She is an alumnus of thlJt ins titution, and hilS been a the ses;.io n of the Grand haptel' Waynesville Hig h school, havin, chester .Deputy State Counl\eUor Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Leader of' the Eighte.enth Ohio dlstrict, to Mr. and )frs. Oliver Davill and Everybody. Evening evangeJi tic Sheets; funny recitati()n, harl for II year or more, of fug-itlv ,E, S. at Dayton Tuesda y graduated with the class of 1981. which the local Council has reeen~ daugbter Rachel and Ml'I. Nettie service at 7 :30 p. m, Sermon sub· Davi s. 'Iaud Price, mention ed in the night. Miss Mildred Dakin coullin of Evelyn Furna s, 1y been tranaferTed, and himself Kepler were Sunday dinner guestll ject "Question letter, i thought to be a cousin of Answered and leta, is the second (iallChter of of Mr. Raymond. and Mrs. Wm. Fulkerson Mr a speaker of more tban ordinary f Xllr. and Mrs. ~eter Demas and Les~ons Taught in the, TransMr. and Mrs. Ernest Dakin, who ability. He bas spoken before am)" of New Vlanna. When interviewed by O. M. and Mrs. Moni s ' Fulketson and reside ncar Spring Branch, ' figuration." Prayer Meeting and REPUBLICAN RALLY Tuesday eveninl!:' . Sheriff Mis, Kathl'yn VanPelt. of Sprinlit local audienccs in ,he past, ~nd i. , MT. and M'r,. R. E. 'White f Bible Study each Wednesday at Miss Emma Mc.C ray iii the aecAT HARYEYSBURC Ridge. Fulkerth stated ,that 0 far as he Vall ey, were (undllY eveni(1~ r1 d daughter of M1'. aJld Xr•• 7 :80 p. m. ShOTt choir p"actice at alwaya 1U18u~ed ,0'1 a hearty wel- Dayt;oll" and their luellt the culprits bad not yet been ~uests of Mr. anti Mrs, W. O. Armstl'ong McCray,' who reside on come here. Nellie Hulsinse... of Califomia conclusion. The church whete yClU Ther ' Will be an ' old-time Re'· ne\v hended. Haper, !f the weather is at a!l pro- ealled ' on Mr. anCi Mn. Waltet feel at home. the G. C. Hartsock farm, <In the ubHclln rally at the H:arveysburg aPIJr The Clll' is said to be in very fai l' pitlOUS, a patriotic parade wUl tour Elzey, Sunday evening. Bellbro!)k pike. All the youll&' 1 'Gym on Tuesdny evening condition, ------ -~BCf;ides playing for the ' bl£ Re· the )f:ception of Ollr principal _treets jUllt betore ladies are well and favorably at 8 o'clock. The speake!rs for this some bulletwith. publican rally nt L ban on , Tuesholes in the body. the meeting. This parade will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart ac. own througbout the community. ('I cc-asion will be Hon, D an E, Evidently, some of the shots fired day evening, the Waynesville headed by the drum of the compuied Mr. and M.... CI.Jde tanley, Hon, Arthur Hamilton T'ru,~ee. and Hon, C. Donald Di Jatush. by Ralph 1J. Smith at the ret.reat- choo l hand ha an onga£ement to beiilblbol"1 Everhart, of Middletown on a , Lynchburg CouDcil. bandits, after th y had raided fllay fOI' the Dern ocmts at Fl'anl;t. DOSTER-COOIC In8 Councils have SUllday motor trip thro~gh lIouth. Good rnu ic will be furnished ing the galloline pumps at thi~ fillin~ lin, SaLurdaY evtlning, Reliet ~'ork in the ~ounty was for the occasion. to participate. in the ern Ohio and northehl ItHltuCky. station, did not go 80 wide of their considered at a meetinl'; of the the meetinc, and large dellelrtlticlnll Mr. and Mr .. Earl Swain. of !)'lark, after all. ' from lIeveral are Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis and Warren CO\lnty T wnshiJl Trustees near Rid~evil1e. Miss Laura Mc"----LOCAL 'GIRL HONORED Onee more, ' let UI urge dlu,hter Betty, entertaine. at • Aasociation held in Lebnnon on Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edwards friends to come and hear 6 o'eloek dinner Friday evenilll't~ll last Friday ' evening. C, Dona-ld Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Edwards what principles this Order hunor of the blrthdn of Mr. Dilatush, W8ll the speaker of the athcrine Branstrator, of Wayand daughter, and ' Mr. and Mrs. , n esville has been appointed a stu· for. This invitation Includes Oliver Davia. Guutll wer~ Mr. and evening. Robert Crew recently enjoyed • All of the townships in the dent aMslstant in the d epartment . man, woman and child who is Mn. O. DIVill, and daughter picnic at the home of Franl; to set there. , RUbel ~nd MI'II. Nettie Kep.1er. , eounty topther with a majority of English at Wittenberg College. Crew. _ ___ of the school 'boards were rC!pOnly those l'Itudents whose aca· Miami Valle, Council R tv. G•C • Lloyd Davia, raented at the meeting. Georlte demic work has been of high grade Mrs. Frank LeMa)', Mr!!. F. E. • - .. K. W. Mn. Viola A. Keto7, "realdent of the assocla· are named to fill these positions. and Mrs. Dallall Boger and Davl. Hon praided. . --- - - - -.-dou ••.:"ut.. for ..Ie at The lIest aeeUnl of the group Mon.) y .ftenooD ... hel' lunary 8 at lAbannn. d
Hon: Chril VOller to Speak for Juniors
Relief Work By Townlhip
------- -
- ...----
Clothing Club Will Meet With Leader
- -- --W!
Dora McCaule, to The lIIein·I. . . . . . . . . . . .. . l'innati Gu Ii Electric Co. The u to uf certain I'\'al estate in Turtle nati Ii: Suburba" Bell Telephone Co. The use 01 certain rt'al e.tate 'r ek town, hip for linell. in Deerfield township for line.. • 1 Eml'rson Muon, executor of es· W ilUam C. Back to Th .. Clncm. .ate of Mellvina Malon, decealed, nati &: Sl1burban Bell Tt!lepbone /l Ied hill first and final account. o. The use of real ••tate in Deer. ~d tu sell ('ertain stocks for inter· ii~hj township for lines. 30 Years Experience In ,common Plea. IPro<eedinl' 'fhc will of Julin Winfield, de· Fitting and Makinr Glaa'.1 Elva Vonderheide to Th Ci ncl'ased. was filed in co urt. Bell TeleWhU. t'e~en lly carching thruugh loud enough to drown the noise Wll~ PI'l'purl'd to defend \lur cruft In tl\l' cl.l~1' u1 Mvntgolllel'Y Por. A erW\cllte ot tra nsfer ialue cin nati o.& Theuburban u e ot real estate in a pll of Id n w papt'rR thAt had thu\. nm ba k fr III the ~ h ol'(l, f a~aln.t bllllfdl'r~. 'und II "t'ry !iI' 'Iy ..Iain I'n}tJuct~ 0, VE'I"US ~(jami l(l the County Recorder as provid- phone tuwnship for lines. b. n a ~ulllulat ' ~1 by his (at.her, era hing. lJu hes followed by a tinw f hlld. 1(1(', rOI·. in ~lt\lf the VullllY l'o/lled rllpler eo .. ~Cnlur· cd by law in the matter of estate Deerfield Lebanon. Oltlo Percy H. Rogers to 1 [elen F. Mr. ' harlc. 1\1. Bro>wn found a plun • litl of ,s ome heuvy b'ldy tinn' T hav" takl.'t1 to tcll it, I' ~I' wn~ uV~'ITu l {'d to whi<'ll defen· \If Hobert G, ross, deceased. TuNday, Thu... d..", 5atur.,. Rogers. Inlotll No. 7110 in Franklin COP)' of The Wllyn ville NewlI, fallinjf Into the waier. ] turned th IlT\1ln'. nose 11'1\: within II ya.l'<I (I( elliot ('xct!jJts Defendant is allowed The inventory a nd schedul of James and COl'delia Litt! to Ex.minatlo" F .... dat d October ,1 7. The Paper h ad of th canoe, and paddled the CHllue, and I \\ ll'" pounding him :W dUY!I in which lo til un wei'. d bt f Ch 1 P G'bb d Ii~~:~he an account o't a "Fire her to the bank. The lorch. blllz- over the helld wilh lilY \I ll', liP ' In the ea e of Walter A. Puos, m~ni:tr~tol' a~ e\h~' e!tat'!: aor Robert Jobn@on. Real e tate in LEBANON, OHIO .. held In this neighborh od, ing brightly, lit up th cene IHu"ntly with as litth~ dYI! t as 1~1' lInl<lin, d'ling business as Frank- Amanda Gibbs, d eased, was ap. Uni un township . J ohn B. Pence an(l ~~rank A.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. that. we belit'\'e will prove inter· ahead of UII, and our 'YI"S "'. re if J hud been Jloundin so me in· lin l\Il)tor ,0 .. ver~,us Jllm Ii aul proved by court. Pence to Mary M. Sinclair. 96.90 I '!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~~~~ stine to our rellde ,R we are graWI d by lhe Ighl of 8 ~ne aninlah' object. whil Dave was lUld Unroll't 'uul illjuncti on is Martha Albul,ta Moore, is foun4 acres in Wayne tOWYlship. . I~ pub!' hing it il') plac of the buck that had fll1len dead into pllldling fol' life t\nd ;<h" uling t.o hE'rciJy "tlcat t,I aotl abolished. fe bl .minded and is to be admitBenjamin F. Vint!'ee and E li za· achool tory tbill week. the ri\·er. He wa about being 11ll' : "K ep him out! kl' II him oui. In th ' lise p'f Xda L. Hu cke ted to the institutionl for the beth M. Vintl'ee. 10.89 acres in Th WaYllesvitl ews wa n dtawn into the eddy f the cur- .111. 1 I\~ it that wn ;;n 't what I wa s " r us Harry . Hoppe, el al feebleminded. w k\y p p r publi h d Ii,y Mr. rent when I cauiht him by the ll'ying t o do! jlldgment was 'r elld r d plaintiff R b t La b d" • learcreek township. Robert Johnson to Luther Spenc· "lOT ARY PUBLIC ~~ S" t. that W8. t!ventllally b I'ns and held hl' m While Day~ with in. e tate 0 er m,Lamb, a ~ll\mstratol' D." Wha t w uld h v!' be en t h I'n the SUlll of "~ 4,42.96 . of John deceased, OL ia Real estate in 'Union town hip. combin d ith Th liallli ,nEette dr w his hunting-knife across his u ltimute l'('s ull u f thL lH)Ullli c t(!rc, t lll)d ~osis Iwreln expended. ordered to 11 certain real estate er.J ohn Natlo"al B_leJ 'N. ;Lockard to ylvia 111 the p rsonJl] column of this throat to bleed him, alter which trilll f mu,", 1(' lind ~ p(, l'd. [nl1l In thl! case of Harry Herzog and make return to court. Stacy. 173 acres in Sa lem and .. m I ue we find anotll r item of he was . fely depo it d in the unable t .·ny, fo l' j ust at that time and Katharine Hen g versus Wi!· , Donald Dnatu h. administraDrawn . . Ella'e. Settle" township. int re t. Mr. • L. rane had r - bot m of the canoe, our cnn o(' gru u d a log that had liam Romohr judgllllent is rendered tor of estate of George W. Nuss, arlan WAYNESVILLE, OHIO H. Clyde Coleman to Lydia B. c. ntly joined bel' husband at their While Oave wa ' reloading hi f allen Into thll Tive r 'from the east plaintiff in tl)e um of $ 2li() , deceased, filed his inventory. n/l,.. r"oT't . Real est.ate in Way· n w home in Lond on. Ohio l and ritle, 1 ask d him what bl'OUg'ht bank, and ' in an ins tant Ullve nnel The case of arah Ellen Tindall en 1 S Ir I d' f Editor Swe t highly COPlmenos th tbe deer to the rivel' : was it III t·e· I went to join the hear in thl' verSUR Rudolph Chil ders was dis. ai' e8 . w n. guar Ian 0 out ' record. James oryo una .. couple to the eitizens or h.• for the purpose of drinking, rive r. [ was almost thrown on the ml·~..,·. ,i W""'-I un dered B. to Davis, deliverincompetent to court a isnew Marriale Lie.nou that communily. ~t"r. Cran had or was there some other object1 huge beast. who . f OI·tunately 10 1' In the matter of The odnlville bond in the sum of $14,000. bl,lt r cently 1\ end his onn - tn reply, he told m that they me. appenred t o \; 1.' a mu~h aston· .Methodist J;;piicopal hureb of 'George P. Gates, executor of the Chades E. Doster, farmer of Lieenled Real E.t.'. Broker, tion with The Miami GUlltte, and were eating the sllcclllent aquatic i",hetl lit tllil ~ udd ' n tum of atYair. Warell ounty confirmation deeQ estate o'f Harry Newcomb, Jr., de- Harveysburg and Miss Ruth E. Auetioneer and In.uranc:e which grew abundantly in a. 1 was (nnd 'hich probably and di stributi on. osts to plain. ceased filed his inventory. did not re1urn to Wayn sville for RIO Cook of Waynesville. r id n until th spring of the ~till shallow water, and of savell 1'l'I~ from a t lea st . me tiff. . Eveiyn O. Meloy, executrix of Waynesville, Ohio 19 8, when he a umed chaTie 01 which they ware very fond. brok n bont's , fo r bef or he reIn the ca of The Peoples' the estate of C. C. Meloy, deceas. BW. Allowed th pap r wb re h learned his Our craft wos again headed covl!,'ed from his 1\ t.onishment, I Building, Loan & avings Co., ed, flied her inventory. Most Reasonab le Terms trad , and ha b en in charge ever down the stream, and we scrlltin· I'egained my ,f,' et and re newed the versus William A. Wamer, et ai, Harry Bentht!in, executor of the Kaulman's, supplies, $4.94; Co.inre. hIed every winding of the banks fight,belabol'ing him over the judgment was rendered to th~ estate of Dora Graper, deceased, lumbus Blank Book Co., supplies, The Hoosier for another pair of' gleuming eyes. head with my pole. The water plaintiff in the ~Im uf ~5823.1-l is ordered to sell certain stocks for $33,36; Woodrow·Weil·Stallag FOR SALE DATES CALlr In Ie than half an hour these \,\'here \\fe wel'~ happened to lle ' 'l ith interest. interest 01 said estate. . Co.• supplies, $16.26 ; C. . Hieht- --Scarce thr I.' gen ntiOn8 hav appeared, <lind we succeeded in about five feet deep. lind '~hile In the CII e of Dllvid G. Erte! Gorge P. Gates, administrator man, supplies $6; J;>r8. EdWArd and pa ed lIince our country was a killing a fine doe, which We also Un e I\nll I could stand on HIe \ e sus Nancy J. Kipp, t ai, on of the estate of Fanny M. Robi. Robert Siair/... service, $20; Drs. in liur canoe. 'fhe bottom Mid U OUI' arms 'above moti n of plaintif'l' it is ordertd son, deceased, is allowed $600 on Edward and Hobert Blair, services primitive w ildernes • well atock d placed Ilh all th varieties of native curr nt of the l'ivE:r bore us the surfac!' of the water, the beal' that real estate be sold at publi : account of cOmIlen&tation and $8; Oswald Funeral Home, burial pme, in an abundance that would wiltly down the stream, and in had to wim; and when he let him- 14uction tor C8 h. D an E. tan ley is allowed $600 services, ,50;' Clarle County Co m· d licht th heart of an enthusiastic Ie than two hoors we were lIear ~If dOWI1 to stalld erect (which is George Gray, Jr., WII found for services. The administrator miasionerll, hospitalization of pa. hunter, and many such there were the mouth of Caesar's reek, and a bear' fi hUng p o. ition, it j!uilty of the indictm nt chargtu filed his first. account. tl nt $lO~: Jamea Hatfield, servamong our pioneer forefathers.- just b fore reacbing it we shot our barely brought hi heud out of the herein and \\las fined $250 and A certified copy of the en try de- ices, $10; George Miller, services, Sueb being the case, isn't it a third and last deer, e spike-horned water. An other happy accident ('ost . termining the Inheritance tax to $10; Morrow Whitacre. services, JESSE - TAN LEY 'little ingular that we have 10 few buck, which wa lItandlng on the fa"ored u : In the tipping over of In the ca or R. D. Black VCl'SU be paid on the estate of William L. ,6, Mrs. Howard Sawyer, services, OH bunting adventures handed down gravel-sp it just where the little the canoe, it \\' 0 caught by n . C. Easton and Annn F. E:aston, Ware, deceased, i to be certified $7; Julia Hol1(md , services, $10; P.olla 320, New Burll"ltoD. ..to u from the f&thers~ It sur ly stream locally known liS Lick Run broken limb, and whit enoujth to t he plaintiff is grauted lea e to without delay. Erma Hibnar, aervices, $10; AI· EARL KOOGLER i not becaui\e the e rly Bettlers puts into the river from the west. throw us into the water, didn't umend his am ndod petition. A certified coPy of the entry de- bert Milliard, llervicBs, $10: Rich· had no huntinr adventures, for Here we landed , and after su bm erge lh~ canoe, and the fire In the case of ,Jesse O. Thomp· termining t.he Inheritance tax toal'd L. Wmiema, services $10, Wil· Da,ton Phone many ot them were keel) sports- securing our game determined on from our tOI'ch w'a s thrown !'ion versus Lewis Wilson judgment be paid on the .estate of Hester A. lIam R. Henderson, in full conKEnmore 8986 men. We ollce aaked an old rentle. returning up the river, IlS we were among the dry gl'flSS and leaves in wus rendered plai,ntttr in the SUIll Young, deceased, is to be certified tract, No . 1020, $73; H. T. Cook, man whom ,,'e knew had been in already some fOUT miles -from the bottom, \ hieh blazed up f 19l.43 with j'n terest. without delay. I{ravel, '28.65; Oregonia B~idge hit early youth fond of hunting..t if home, as the :river run, and the brigbly and gave u a good fightIn the case of Walter Poos Gertrude C. Crop per, adminis. Co., steele, '83.11; A. W. Tucker, be had ever gone fire huntinc. vur paasage back would be a long pull ing light. versus James Silul and BlIfort tratrlx of the . estate of George W. In full contract No. 1019, $90: A. queltion caused the old hunter to against t he current. Dave resignalll, the defendllnt hn leev to ropper, deceased, filed her first W. Tucleer, concrete, $29.68; Leb· , break torth in a burst of merry, ed the rifle to me, as he complain· While I was dealing blows with further plead herj~i n with 20 days. aceoun't. anon Lumber Co., supplies, $42 ; rollick inc laurbter, which wsa a ed of his cramped position, lying might and main on the bear's head ---ales by Harry Benthel'n, ex""u- WayneSVille Farmers Exchang, • .In t h e canOe's bottom. Being Dave wn floundering to my a • New ,S Ulta · L .GAd lIure l'Uarantee t hatour quellbon tor of the estate of Dora Gr:aper, cemen t , ,42.«0 u; . n erson had recalled recollections ot some naturally rather of a ItlXUrious dill sistan e, and between u and the arah Nobel versus Estel Nobel, deceased, were approved by the Sons Co., Lumber, $4.50; W. ludicroul adventure; so we waited position, I pulled an ar[)'lful of dry beaT, we churned the water of alias Estel Sp.enc!er, for divorce. cou rt. H. ,Madden &: Co .• 8upplie , $26.· patiently until the old man's bunt ~ and leaVell, whic.h I threw the Miami into foam, and en· Union 8vings Building &. L oan The estate of arah D. .Black, 22; Ohio Corrugated ulvert Co., of hilarity wu pUlled, for the Into tbe canoe to lie upon. acte .. as livt>l)' a 8C ne a ever Co. versus Mollie R. hields, et aI, deceased, is exempt from inher!- sewers, $146; H. T. Cook, gravel followiq tale: As we considered our hunt vir. 'h:anspired b tween only three for money foreclosure and other tunce tax. and lIBnd, ,6.87 i Oregonia Bridge "Yea, I've- been6re bunting, tually over, we abandoned much actors, in fiye feet of water. With relief. ' The following accounts were ap- Cp., steel beams anill:lteel, ,871.92 and will tell you about it: In the of our eaution, and under the im- the hope that we were not to be Irene Southard Baker vel'llu.s B. proved. allowed and confirmed by Johnston Ii Johns ton, wuard .rail lone ago, when I wu a boy, pel;- petuB of nave's strong, stead y eaten at once, our courage reo H. J effery to revive judgment, IIC- the court. . material, '48; Mason Lumber Co., ba,. .. early a8 180t or 1805, strokea, we made rapid headway tur-ned. and we fought. with some tion for money and other Fellet. Lyman D. Black, admilllstrator ,uard rail, $16.04.; Leba.non Lum. Lucy Meloy Southard Vel'SU8 o~ the estat~ of. Sa.rah D. Black. bel' Co .• guatd raIl, J38.80; H. S. Daye . came to me one day, and up 'stream. We had already passed method, and uc ceeded in k ep..ked me to go with him, the over more t.han a miltr of our ~n~d:~rtl~:v!~~7':I~~~~ ~~lf"~h~ The Direct lfnnuJ:acturlnll' Co. ~nd FInal and dlstnbuhve. Conover, 8upplies, U2.40; Stan • . .xt niaht, on a fire hunt. Now, u hom.eward way, and had reached time. Frank Coburn for money. ,L. S. Shaw.han, guardian .of dard Oil Co., lubricating oil, '120 .• you know, ftre hunting requires a point on the river wh ere there Ina N. Bowlin~: versus John W. ElIza Thomas, Incompetent. Third 55 ; East End Garalte, supplies and l ome preparation, and these de- was a low, denae swamp on the Dave, who by the way, was Bowling- and Howard W. Ivins for and final. gas, ,77.86; C. D. Smart, gas, taila Dave agreed to look a:iter. eaat side l while on the WteJlt there "a mild a mannered man ali ever canceUlition ot note and discharge Sales b¥ J. A. Keller, guardian ,12.06; Smith'. Service Station, On the appoillted nieht, about nine was the esea-rpment ot 'a high scuttled hip of cut a thl"Oat." was of mortgage, to \!njoin defendant, o£ Pel'meha Bennett, Incompe,tent, ,as, ,32.84: J oh n Law &: Son, gas q'cloek. Dave and I met at the plateau, Teaching to the water's now thoroughly aroused, and was J ohn W. Bowlina: from claiming were approved and all account! ,31.02: O. R. Unglesby, ps, .22.eanoe-l'andine. near what it now edge. We had scarcely passed the for going in with his hunting- interest; in renl I.' tate and all other are to be settled. 87: Cincinnati on Worles Co., oil, the foot of High street, Wayne&- lower end of the plateau, when my knife and milking short wOl'k of propel'relief Sales by The Lebanon-Citisem U5.40; Hermeb Super tation, vUle. There I found a c.noe, and attention was attracted b): a pair it; but I urged tl1at we wet'e _._ _ _ National Bank ,a nd Trust Co., ad. gas, ,54.63; John LOll", gas, ,26.· all neceSaaI'l' preparations com- of fiery orbs that clistened (f ut ()t doing well e nough....... that we were ministrator of the estate of James 95; L. H. Gordon, 8upplies, $3; • • • B. Wills, deceased, were approved Morrow Garage, Kat! ,$46 . 19; Fairpleted. There was alight ftoor lOme low bushes on the east evidently drowning the bear; who of ~ark made Bcron the middle of bank of the river. I saw that they now was a aJlXiOU 8 to escape 8S and all accounts are to be lIettled. ley Hardware Co., supplies, 87c. tu canoe, OD which wu placed a were the eyes of some · wild a sho rt time before we had been. John Gunckel, repairs, J9; Banle Bldg. thin covering of earth to serve.. animal, but 0'1 what kind I could Thi!! we preVented by well -direct.. Real E.tat_ Tr",'.re Sherman Fox, services, U; Frank Phone ' 80 a hearth fo!' our ft.re, a generous not gueu. I knew that they were ed blo,,", , and by (j ne holding him Minn,iek, repairs,. $4; William WAYNESVILLE, OHIO upply of rOIlll (the dry outer bark not the eyes of a deer: th ir off with the paddle or pp le, while Ellsworth L. Sherwood, ~.~tta~~~r~e~pa~il'$~I~and gas, $31.21; of the white oak which burns peculiar BCintillation, their lesser the other pounded his I1..QOC evot, cutor, to B. V. and Ida L. Motor Co., gas, $169.22; with a clear red flame, burns .Iong size the wide space between~ them ed head until t he bear had ut ea es e ID ayneaViIle. Motorcar Co., without repleniahi~ , and is very --afI convinced me that tbe were little life left in him. when Dave, Lallra E. Le wis to Tom and gas and suppllea, 1236.57 ; Waites free from smoke. Across the bow not deer'. eyes. Morever, they by a well placed etab, behind the Frnnces L. Forkner inlot No. 49 GarlIC', repairs $114.95; Oregonia wal a low sereen of leaf-c:overed moved at times as if the head of f ore·shoulder with his knife, put in Aval on Heigbts. Bridge Co., repairs, W. B. Collins branches. be.hlnd .... hich the hunter tbe animal was carried about in a period to the contest and &,aVe Permelia Bennett, by guardian repairs, $8.46; Franklin Motor Co: w.a to lie, and which would con- irregular circles: this is never t he us the victory, to Jero me Williama inlot N o, 36 axle, ,5; Fred Kahn Motor Co .• ceal him from the game, while the calle with the eye of the deer, While one of us wa!\ righting ed by Item 3 of the will of Har rY\i n Pleasant Plain. repain, '4.92; Famous Auto Suplia'ht would fall on hlB back, ena- which either pass huniedly from our canoe , the other pulled the ~. Johnson, dec~sed, compensa· Robert [1. CrOll!, deceaBed, ~. ply Co., supplies, .119.64; FiI'a¥bUng him to 'see all that wu pa.ss- one point to another, or remain carca ss ot t he bear to the west ~on of trustee, Central Trust Co., Mary C. \,;ross 116.16 aereB 1ft lin Vulcanizing. Th'e Co., sup· Intr in front, while he to whom was with a fixed and steadfut gaze. bank where we built a fire IS fixed at ,343.29 attorney fees I Wayne Townllhip and real estate plies, 12.17; J . . W. Lingo Hal'd. aulaued the duty of paddling the I knew, therefol'e, that it was wru~g the waie l' from our clothe~ ut $65. The TrustEe filed its first in ~aynesvi ne. ware Co., repa.lrs, 176.43: J. W , VIva .Antrobus, et al t.o Samuel Lingo Hardware Co., supplies, canoe would be eiredually con- no deer; but 110 matter- it was unloaded our deer, removed the account. eealed by the fire in front of him. some kind 01 a wild animal, and ent.rails from t hem 8!ld also from ' Georg W. McGrath and Rosa 'Y. WrIght, real estate \0 Frank- .284.60; Frank Sherwood Co., goas ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ' .{t thia time all boys kne.... how to consequently game. I took aim and the beal', to Iightcn our now heavy B. , Hakes, execu,tors of estate of hn. ,Sl.92: Roy Pigott, sharpening four Cattle, hop].. sheep and calve. l'bOOt, and to ahoot accurately by pulled tbe trigger.-Wbile doing loaded canoe . We fe-emlla. rked, El Iza Thomas. dl~eeased are order· Ora Dumford and Maude DUJl175c Blanchester Machine to Norril-Brock \,;0., live wire aDd 1lreli,ht.80 a steady hand with the 80, ~ ,heard the voice of my com- and after 8 wenry pull of two est of said esta'te. fard to Emma M. Stopper 20 acres relHlirs, $19.36 : Franklin progressive firm for the hleh... paddle, a careful watch in. the panton warning me not to fire. I miles. and ~ ha~r. we reached our Robe~t Lamb, administrator of Deerie\d Township. _ advertising bridge, market pricea and !rood Ierne•. bow, the strictest silence. and wopdered at Ilis admonition; s tartIng-point Just as estate . o~ J ohn Lam b, deceased, John E. Sharts to I:u~y M. B01: St",r, advertising Unioa Stock YanIB' Ci"ci._tl O. ' flied hIS mventory. den 19:78 acres 1ft Franklin U2.76; Baldw in Law Pub· Tune in on Radio Station WellY IOmeij)iDe to shoot, W81 an that however, it came too late, for It wu needed to rive us capital sport had been uttered simultaneously "The dappled-gray ,coursers of the FI'ank H. Winkler to The Cin· township. Co., subscription. $9.60; 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, We lit out torch, s hoved out In~ with the report of my rifle. At m\l rn ' r Van Riper, gas, '52.69. market reports. to the current, and with a lew lI"t I looked at the bank to see Beat up t he light with their brigh~ ~----_ __ ... _ ••______ IItrOkell, of the paddle were early the effect 0'1 my shot. To my silvery hoofs, Prollpect. in the poultry busin· Oil. Our torch, which blazed up great surprise, the eyes were And chase it through the sky," ess are brightenin,. At the present briaht, threw a warlJl light over still there, and gleamed from the wet and weary, but very proud of pricea of feed Irams, poultry prod the .ur1ace of the atream, and re- bushes a8 bright as ever. Had lour night's adventure on the ucta offer the best market for the fleeted in red ligbt every object on misse<\- my aim?- 'Tis true, the Miami. fanner'. labor. T . 'G. both banke. As soon as we were v:oice of Dave had. to some extent fairly uooer way, Dave toole up his disconcerned me, bll,t still I be. poaition behind the leafy !lcreen" Iteved my bullet must have sped Apples stored at a temperature prone at full len8th in the canoe truly, a8 it was fired with a good of 70 d,egrees ripen twice. as f'a st bottom. while I: sa~ in the stern to aim. As I was turning to Dave fol' as apples stored at 50 degrees four direct our coulae. I shall never an explanation, a new Bound fell times sa fast as apples stored at forget the romantic· eirect which upon my ears, that explaiJJed all, 40 degrees, al1d eight times as wal produced on my mind durin~ and caused . me nO small alarm. It fruit stored at 32 de~reeR. t hat excursion on the Little Miami was a sound not unlike that some. by nill'ht. The IIcellery on the river t~es uttered by a frightened 'dog, which IS, at all times beautiful, only louder and more threatening pnder the red blaz-e 01 our torch The.n I knew it well; I knew that I Ollio's champio n, speediest w.. like enchanted fairy-land; its had shot a bear. While my ball Phone '78J pees and banks tinted with ver- wa not heavy enough to kill it, huskers will be named Friday, million, while the rippling flood it bad hit and stung t he' fierce tober 28. Selection will be below ran like molten gold. The brute to m(l,dnese, and tbis was FOR SALE rapid changes from tbe black. why my companion had warned me the Alva Oyler Farm in .~ _dows to tbe ma~cal cleam of not to fire, There was a"ll instant's County, at the crossroads of FOR SALE- Open wool buck the torchlight, produced the mOISt silence, then a quick · crackling r ute 37 and U. S. route 40. lambs; one fresh cow. Clil! bogey effect on the IhlveringamongBt the bushes, tollowed by Champion huskers from I 20 Beekett, Phone R81'Veysburg. lea"e. and the whitened and twist.- a heavy 'Plunge, and the bear was counties will gather Friday at 10: Director of Fu ••raJ Seryi.. ed roota that the fancy can con- in the water. 30 n. m. an.d , at the crack of the ·026 ,ceive of, and heighteneQ the of" Good Heavens, he' s after UB!" gun, start husking for one hour FOR SALE-Poland China male fect. to a dewree of lublimlt, shouted Dave; "keep him off. If and twenty minutes. The one who Our convenient location, lul~ pigs. E. Evans, Fhone 470R. which c,ould not fan to impl'eBl the ever he laYS a paw on UB, we are husk s the most and t he an2 ble IUlToundings and equipment will re.pres~nt Ohio at the !'118ltlClnall dlillest imagin,a tlon. , It was in gone." enablea uB to Sene to the Belt autumn , too, and the 101laee which The first 'plunge of the, bear corn husking contest to ~~R SALE-Poland China boan, Advantare. bad not yet commenced falU.'1 brouwht him half way to the s]ow- this year at Henry County u./uU,''',1 Immuned. $10.00 to .$15.00, abo Your pride in ownership of your home is had assumed those ric.h. varlea Iy-moving canoe, and before Dave November 10. 3 open wool buclu, and breedinlr tint. which cbaracte'riae our could get Our heavily-loaded craft T\\:o contests are to be ~"",JI:,,(l-- 1 no greater than ours in the materials which 'KO AMlWLANCI. SERVICE ewes. 4 mil.. east of Harveysbu:rg Amerioan sylVa. Various hiles of under ' good headway, our ,e nemy OJle of huskers from t he Weldon Heller, Wilminaton, 0., R. rreen and rold and yellow 'lind was nearly within reaching dis. one of huskers of ota.nil,;n" into it. The personal satisfaction, year after W~ •• YiUe" OW. No.6. . ani Only t he winners in deep red Were exhibited up<>n the tance of us. year, of seeing such materials live up to all we luxuriant 'rondage that lined the Now everyone wbo knows (lorn contest will ~o to n rlver'a bnke, and bere and there thing about it knows that States west of Obi o do not have claimed, strengthens our c9~viction that dropped like embroidered eurtain. American blae,k bear is a good shock husking contests, for ~wn to the water's edge. It was a swimmer, and that when he is in ~ar1l1ers the~e husk fro-m the our policy of "Quality Materials" was wiaely aeene that 'for wild beauty and a firhting mood he is an ugly tng stalk WIth half as much loft, picturesque simplicity, is ~el- customer to gr&jlple with. Our :rhe winners will receive chose n. If you are planning construction of dom equaled and for the once "We situation wai a decidedly unpleas- prlZes from The Obio any kind-from a new home dow~ to a n~w were .. mae on .,urp,le seas, to the ant one: the tables had suddenly whi~h, toge~her w!th the .,.m" .. t.'~1 ilJandll of the blest. ' Lulled by the been turned upon UI and from agricultural extensIon service corn crib-we ask the privilege of helpinl you beine hunters we had 'become the the Ohio State Unive rSity, drowsy, dreamy motion of 0 boat. aDd luciDated by the hunted. To 18114 Oh the east bank spons~ring Corn Field Day. figlll"e the job. of the ",rrou!'dinca. I we would be in &ll impenetrable Be s ld~s. the contest~ . a nu swamp; on the west w.. an almost of exhlbl ts' and n18h lorptful of the Wltd rouaed by a 10" peJPendlcular 'b lufr· to jump ollt educational in nature ::-:~I~fro~. m, Into the river and abandon the arranged. Corn harvesting m!:,,~:,!I':1 CALL IN ANY DAY canoe to the hear oifered ua no a.- ery manufacturers plan ur dlatatlce luranc. that he would choo.. the demonstrations of their mach boat rather than ODe 01 UI; ao our Preparations are being made o.ly allenative a.ppeared to be the Lieking Count)' ~tnmittn ~ outrun hlln. Dave atrained care lor a crowd ot~~1~5,~0~0~0_pe!oPle' l 1ItIIlJllIo,... 1e e" muele to canM - forwa ..... whUe 1 my rile aad eel&id • of
ccount of a "Fire Hunt" Copied from llEWS The 'Old Waynesville News of 1887 FROM CO THOUSE
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
Stanley &Koogler AucJioneers
Ule ' Miami Gazette'l
F. or. Martin
------To Name State
HUlking Cha
Or No Chars.
, Centerville, Ohio
Ss ••• r:
At Both Faetoriel
.lIt feet
The RoulDa and ~WaJDe.viUe C · Plut.
('''n~icll'rah''· "BvinK
American Education Week, N 6th- A ) Message to
The Pu nkin Demon
D. L CRANE I p ..blilharJ S .....crlptlo. Prlc., fl.1O • Year This meSl;aR'1' iH sent 10 you in homely virl Ul·!'. ()f lht' common OtIc. Pho.e , ..... , No. 112 li:nt~rpil nl pOltortlce a.t w.~ II ... • connel'tion with American r~duca· pl'oplc - that the bl'!mhdown . ...i .... c • ..• . .. , ...•. ... , . N viII". Ohio. Sp()olld Cia •• MILII ....... o. III Matter tiun Week, c"leb1'Bted dUI'ing the have cume. Our sc hooL lire t.h.
TOBER 26, 1932
Different Degree. of Driv,e r.' Ability
week whicl include . Armistic Day. Each year at thiR lime parents, citizens. teachers, and children join in Il n aLional t.ribute to the common schools . "He looks lik e hi s daddy" is a ment thuL hru< s'-ll'r d many
Motori sts vary tc> a co nsiderable e xtent in their driv-ing a ilm~~~~tl,~*-~~ l ' a fact that raises its head in the study of almost all phases of l'e em tramc safety and so has engaged the attention of the state highwlIY their parents, de pal'nlcnt ia itS saiety promotion, . some mea ure, to hold the ideal . 'I h numbel' of drivers worthy of being classified as excellent ill their parents have ror them in amazingly low- ncarly non·existent. The numbel' i barely above one health, in hom e, in I arni.ng, in Jl rccnt. There is a mulUtude of drivers who qualify as excellent in citizen. hip, in vocationa l suc~ss s this .or that respect bu~ fail of all-around excellence because of impel'- in leis ur a nd in characler. " All I fccti on in a nothet· direction . Their very excell ence is, paradoxically, am and hope to be, l owe to my th d efect of some: pel'fectly proficiant a far as driving itself is con- angel mother." i. a gl'eat man' s C4!rn d, eg ism lower this proficiency by generating a wrong attitud e tribute to a wi e lind fa ithful towal'd safety, the fill s attitude that they are so good it isn't n eee _ parent. What will your child say l1ti"y f or th m to adhere closely to the r ule of safety. of you when the Ktormll of life The greaL majority of motorists are in the "fair" class. The re have test d the body and mind and IIrc probably hal! a million or 80 "fair" operators in Ohi~. ' soul which yo u helped him ~o build Do you work as hard to make a A numero us ~roup, right below the "fait" phalanx, is the one desigIlIlted li S " 1?001·. ' Then come the t errible. not-a·brain· in-the·head driv- s uccess of your child's life as yo u el's--ve'1' prolific. do to make , a s uccess of your To impruve the general quality all along the line is the aim of business ? YOUt· child's schoo l is lIuthoritic9, and' to achieve such tin end they are devoting every your ally. Every day is does somerc.cility at their command. thing for y ouI' chil d. A sou nd sc hooling is the richest legacy you can leave him . It. gives confidence and aecur ity. In the home a child lays tht> The r epubli~an party at its primary election in May decided be- founda t ion of life. He esta blishe. tween two candidates its party nominee for judge of the probate court proper habits of eating, slceping fl nd Ralph H. Carey, of Lebanon, was no minated. elimination, and exerci se. His Mr. CaJ'e.y i a native of Lebanon and has been a citizen here all home provides him with good of his ~2 years. He i an a ttorney of very consid erable ability anll book s, a place to tudy, mus ical hus practiced in the courtll \lere for many years. He has sel'ved as instruments, pets, a garden, play n,ay I' of Lebanon with credit to himsel! and to the community and space, and the sti mulating influhil S never h eld a county office. MI'. Carey's practice 0'1 the law has ence of intelliegnt family discus· given him It great deal of Ilxperience in the probate court where now sions. Th home train s your child lI e s eks lo pl'eside and we do not hesitate to say that that expel'iene,a in the perfol'mance of si mple lands him in well to lieI've with ' ability a s probate judge, chores; it teaches him t he value of Mr. rI~Y'~ opponent on the non·partlsan judicial ballot ill a money and gives him his firs t ex· democrat. havin", come by t h n ominati on, n ot as the resu lt of a party perience in cooperation . 1n the ell'cti n, but because, there being no candidates. certain voters wrote home he learns to s hare with tli name on lh e ballot. Mr. Carey's opponent, for approximately 25 others, to keep his word, and to years, has n ot. been a resid nt of Ohio. He returned to the heath of re pect authori ty. He learns to hi fath ers only a year or 80 ago and is already aee king public office. be loyal and a um e responsibili. We recommend that the high state of efficiency and public con- ties. With hi brothers and siste rs tid n ee in th ollie as buiJt' \lp by Judge W. Z. Ron, Judge Alton F. he tak s the initiative in filling Brown, Judge Al x Boxw II and Judge Robert Shawhan and their leis ure moments with worthy prede.c IISO I'S will be carr ied on more reliab ly by one who ha had con- activities. Most important of all, stRnt practi ce in the ' court nnd who is qualified by his experience. And he learns the value Qf home. Did you ever stop to thi nk what that one is Ralph H. Carey.- Western tar. the life of 'Y1lur child would b A man will fOl'give and forget almost any negligence around the like wi~hout t he common school? How he would spend the l ong day hou except letting the ~aJt shaker get empty. where he would play, what friendEVl)n if you don't get anywhere it's a satisfaction to know you ships he would make, what influ. ence would mold his young p rdid yo ur best. Homility, how his faith in himself and human nature would be ~f The hardcst joll oC all is trying to look busy when you're no ~. fee ted by a thoughtless world, how he would make that important transition from the slmpl life of the family to t he more complicated lif e outBid. where he would learn n t only 0 read, to write, and to c~' phel' ou t the thousand and (lne other matters that determine his ability to I!'et (Musical Interludes ' by Farm Night Melody Makers) on in the world~ Would you be Everybody !leems to tuxn partisan after theylve rec ived the willing to undertake t his ta k yourself? Your child's school 'reppl'opel' publicity fo r being non·partisan. resents you. It !leeks to do for all g :00 Mu ic E A H 1 8 :05 Analy is of Party Plat'forms ... .............. "... ........ . . e rna the children wha t the be -t ,and i :20 The Farm ituation ond Legislation ....... " ...... J . I. Falconer wisest parents l'I'ould do fo r their 8 :35 Economic Infor mation for the Farmer ........ .. ..... C. R. Arn?le children had they th time ,and . 8 :50 Putting the Garden to Sl p .. ., .." .. ... " ... L. C. Chadwlc the talent. "I sing the praise of the 9 :06 Farm Women Study Citil!:enshlp ...... ' ....... . .Blanche B. Bowers 9 :20 Finishing Market Turkeys.... . " ..... >. ........... , .. ".,P. B. Zum.bro Unknown Teacher. (l,reat g nerals '9 '35 Making Dairy Butter ..... .... ...... ....... .... .. .. D. S. Kochhelser win campaigns, but it is the Uri. 9 ;60 A True Hog Story, ............ :." .... . .... ...... ..... ........ David Fyft'e known Soldier who wins the war. It is the Unknown Teacher who Saturday, Octob r 29, tI ;00 p. m. delivers. and guides the young. He lives in obl\Curity and contend~ .. (M'uaicallnterludes by 4.11 Orchestra - 'TT---r.,.....-,"'_.==l....,.,.i ..h - hardsh-i'p;-F-nr--him --no-tru m'ature This Week "'" .. . .' . . . . ............. , pets blare. no chariots wait, no At Uncle Torn's Cabin .... .... .. ..... .. ... . .. ... .. .......... ... . golden decorations are decreed. He ke e~s the wa~h along the borders of darkness lond makes the II tended the weddinr of M attack on the trenches of ignorThelma Morgan at Dayton Satu ance and folly. He awakens sleepday aveniJ1C. . ing spirits. He quickens the indoThe Mt. Rolly M, E . church wi Mr. and Mrs. Geo ..... e Bratton and lent, encourages t he ealrer, and hav Rally day h('r.e Sunday, ... 8teadies the unstable. He comOctober 30. Everybody welcome. Ml'll. Kenneth Brotte n and Rev. Scarf was pleasantly sur· ter of Dayton, spent Tue.aclay d municates hi s own joy in learning -prised at his home in Spring Mr • .and Mr9. Herbert Marlatt an and shares with boys and girls the best treasures o( his mind. He Valley, ' Friday night by about -1amlly. ., lights many candles which, in fort)' members of his conpept\on Mr, F!anlc Pene~ 18 very III later years, will shine back to Mrs. Eamelt Earnhart sad t hill writmg. cheer him. This is hi s reward ." daughter Mrs. Herbert Marlatt, Mrs, Flora )lenderson, s.on Henry Van Dyke, ' and Miss Clara Daughters dauptler spent Sunday WIth Let no man tell you that democspent Thursday in Dayton. father, Mr. Joe Marlatt. Mr. and Mrs. John Rye were in Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O sbo~ racy has flliled . It is precisely at Xenia shoppingt Saturday. and Mr8. Toms, of Xema these p oints where the American Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oraw- spent Sunday with MJ'. Emerson SY8tem is least de mocratic- where it Jeastreftects the ideals and ford, and lIIr. I~utber Morgan at- IDill ao<l family. .
Ralph H. Carey
Farm Night 7alka, Nov. 1
\Wt. Holly
Odd-But TRUE
~,~tll. 9t.:~... '" UI,I",... \~~\"I "bit~\\~~tb ~\,\\
r~f\~'t t\~t.\.,( 't\)\."\Q.t~
"'~~, b' \\\)~~" f\6\\\\\.Cb
,,,.,, ~"'~ "M\l\\\Q\ \\\E-~~ ~
"'\, \'tttP\" - - .". -
contriLution of lI 'm ocracy tu civilization. Intu th~1l1 wc hav· dmwn nearly one ptl'l'~on in fOUl' of OU1' lolal r opu lul ion . These sch oo ls ar .. intelligent, h OIH'"t, ef. ficient t o 11 (I"!ere(' Ihut is tl'ue of no othe r bu s in c~.' of like ll1ult'ni . all othc .. -b=ine~s as managed
8c hools. A oW\'ku would mo\'(' for. ward t it a n e\ level o f achievc · ment and glory . 'I' he future a! democra cy und th(l fulul'l~ of the C Illmon Rchoo ls arC' one and in · eparable. Let th m go f Ol'wanl and upward togethel·. Wh nt th(' Rchoo I !Is today demo(,lIlcy will be to· morrow. Th n ext tim you )lass a school pau se a moment Lo think what thut school man s 0 human· ity. ~ call the long da rk ce ntUri.e s whe n the rna!l:es were kept in ign ol'un ce--when gl'C'l'd 'find oppre!<sion ru lpd the wo rld with an iI'on hand . From the v I'Y beginning oC mall ', ·tru~gle f o'r knowl· eoge, self fespect, and the I'ecogni tions of hi,' inali enable right, th e sc hool has b ~n his great ally. W e ref"r tp the common sehool as .. ommon" becaus it belongs t o u all, it is ourselves wOI 'king toI! ther in th edu cation of our ch ildren . But it is a 1110, t unco mmoninstit.u t ion. It is relatively new. It i~ dem ol'l'a cy'i'< greatest gin of civilization. Through out th e world, am o n~ IJPI ard I'trugj!;ling p op le s, wh el'ever pal·ent.. , share in the aspirations of th~ir ch ildren the Am rican co mmon schOOl is being copied. Let us ched~h and improve OUI' ~c h ools. Let us se t h child in our midst a 8 our greatest wealth a nd our
in "ollnty hI' 1l11ldl' hy kind~ "f ~Ilunt~· re lil'f Ilncl wclflil'l' work ulHI('r th e dit'l· ctil~l uf !,-~n~l'-\\ lilfm'e boal'd
gl)VF'I'IIIl1l'nt ,. ,~t pooling v'lTinll~
By Mn . Jelli .. B. Tripp
WI'. thl' unci l' 'ign d . allow no huntin~ tl'o, l>ping or trc~pn. sing Thl'n~ ' a great. IIi):! yellow d mon on OUI' farms: GONS BROS. With thl' awfule;;l lookin'! grin: H e ~ tund : out-ietc Ill y wmoo\\', A nd i ~ Iwldl y lel'ri ng in, Ii i~ ey(·. 11)'(; jU1'lt like fire Th .. J'() ~ B ho le un lop his head, Frum whi t: h thc' , 1I1 ,)k c i' potll'ing 1')11 ~" fl'ightl'I1{'U, J' m 'must dad . Oh my! 1\ .:-
i~ ~o
Th(~ \V Ol'~t.
p\·c ever
!!""'-------------. WATCHES W. Haye a Complete W ....
Repair Sen'ic. And u ~e only lCenuine material.. ·ry. tals fitt£.'d while you walt.
Cary's Jewelry Shop Lobanoll, Ohio Store Open Eveninp
borti bl , SeQ l1,
O\tUI'~ t o me Th il t thi l:! i ~ Hallowe'en, Alld this dcmnn is ~l pumpkin Wi th a cnndle . E' t in:id , nd c!,(lokl'd \f'l'th, and great big mouth ~l11ile!l . a wh (11 mile wide,
It Kuddenly
Arthur Hamilton' Republican Candidate
Ild ,0 I g-ot n falsI' face And I'i ~ged mYH<'If up, loo; And climbed abour I 11 broo mRtick J U8t all th wit h e~ do: r join<>d th e alh'!' C!E'vII And we I1'I'"t from dOllr t l' dool', ntil th clock !'trllck midnight. And then, lJ allowe'en wa~ 'e/'.
Representative to Ohio General Assembly
--- ------
Ch oice of topics by . 1 10 al farm er.' in stitute co mmittees f or the s n.·on 19:12-33 indi at~ t h:lt n quite ven tlue e-way pr ogram will be in vo£ue thi s winter. The three major su bj('cts ~e ) ected by the cOlllmittees lII' C: (1) Farm bllsi ,,· e~i\, suc h nil the 11I·oduction, marketing and managpment !l ido of ngl'irultul'f', (2 Community to pic ~ , which ine lud laxat ion, I'ecrention, - Politica l Adv Church, school, te , (:~ Farm h ome program :, which d elll with thC' ~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!"!!!!"~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! family. child tnlinin ", conveni en- = -' - - - - - - -_. ces, I' ligiouR education, etc. Subscribe for the Minml Gazette. Subscribe for the Miami G.zette.
Election November 8
- - -~ponsibil~~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let us exalt hlnl above ind ustry. , mod above btl ine ~s , abI'ove politics" above all petty and self is.h thing that weaken and destroy peopls. 1 L t us kn ow that th e race mov ~ r forward thl'ough its childl'en a nd I by the grll"ce 01 Almighty God. setti ng our fae s toward t tl ]norning. dedicate our~e l ves anew to welface of cbild hood. J . W. L tz.
--- ... ... - ~
Harveyabur:g The ' Massie T own hip . unday ,('h ool onvention will me t Su nday. ctober · :! O. The unday chool and chu)'(' h sel'vice, will b htlJd at. t h Fri end:; chu I'c'h in t h morning. Th I' w ill be bask t din· ner at noon at the m lind tbe regular conventi on meeting at the gym in the afterno on. Mrs. A. Z, Hartsock lin d son. Milo, spent W (>d nesday ,.."ith h er porent~, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan. Dr. Tripp ha. been v ry :ill th lagt few days but i )'epol·ted belter. Fire of undertermined or igin de. stl'oyed a building on t.hE! Coll ett farm Sunday evening. A tractor, som wheat und other implements stored in t he bui lding, w.ere conumed. The autpm obile, usually kept there, wa$ out. Mr.. Bertha Gra y of Waynesville was a Saturday dinn,er g uest of Mrs . W. T. JOl'dan. Massie Town hip School will hold al local }.:lasket-ball tournamen t at the gynmasium the first week in Novem bel'. Teams will be made up from grades 6 to 12 in. clusive. Both b oys and girls will play. On Thursday night, November 3, thel'e will be 4 games ~ Boys 6 vs ; 7 VB winner$; Girl!; 6 V!l 7; 8 vs 9 . On FJ;iday night will be 4 games played by winn rs of Thursday and teams ' grades 1 1 Bnd 12. Saturday night w.il1 be fp l' finals i 2 games to be played by 4 highest teams. A sma)) chal'ge of adm ission will be made. Everyone come out t o start the basketball se ason with pep and encouragemn t for th e aefLms.
, A Republican Rally will be held in the Harvey.burg School Gymn~sium, on
Tuesday Nov.·
At 8 p. m.
Everybody Invited to Come Out and Hear the Issues of the Campaign Discussed Good. Music - Political
of Wa yn esvill called on Rev. Amos Cook recently. G. M. MacQonald hilS been quite ill. Mrs. H. M. Fite and Jane Ellen of Wilmingto n were Week· nd guest of Mr, and Mrs. Frllnk Wilson . Wm. CampQell entertain ed with a delightful party in honor of his birthday Thurs day evening. . Alice and Kathleen Gray and Jack Stultz; are' out of scbool with iIlne s. , Mrs. Eva MacDonald WII. S a deli· gote to th Sunday School Con· vention in; <:leveland last week. The four lower grades ",ave a splendid Chapel progrom' Friday afternoon. ' Mr. and M'r • BeTn 'Carr entel'tained a number of rela ti1,es S unday. Mr. and Mrs. H omer Caskey, ('ntertained with a six o'clock dinner Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. West of Cincinnati and Miss Ruth Nesper of Mr. Auburn. Charles Doster and Miss Ruth Cook of Waynesvill e wen~ united in marriage by Rev. Thorrubury at Maplehurst, October 18.. They hav:e the best whh es of all.
, .
. .
To Choose from---All Makes and ·Models
A good form of insurance against disappointment a nd costly delays may be obtai ned by over· hauling' the sprayer in the fall. It is best to carefu ll y drain all chambers where water hu accumulated and is likely to freeze. t~ oil all working parts upon which rust is likely to accumulate, and to take note of all needed repairs so t ha t the neceseary supplies may be obtained and the work done during the winter when there is m,p re leisure· time:..=--_ _ _._ - -..",....
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. Open Sunday Phone 328
:\fl-•.I.·lInn(' :\f I"(hth !<8W the n'l'ublil':ln I"U' .I" at Yt·l\"w :;l'rin"" ,m,' Ill' ht lu l \\ <'I'k. :1'I\l' W. C T, r, will Ill('el ul 1Ill' hili 11' of :\h '~. ,I . L. 1cncl 'nhall Thll ,"d~l)' lIt'tL'I'l111"1l at :! fI' lock.
The Doughman Dry Cleaning Service
~11. :In,L !II"" ,'(,hn Lrll1lt 1'1In.III~· nt Hidrc~vilh'. l:uel'\>1 MI'. !lIHI Mr., Haynwl1d Tl\ylor.
vote'! "Not much," th ma n who neglect.'! to go tl) th polls wo uld Ufl8wel'. BUl i~ tll U~ trite? Let's • , W. ,l ohnlWIl ~]I l'nt la~l Thur~~It,. lilld MI':, 11InZIl Cu rl !,]l~ l1l cO llllilh.' r, dny with Jrielll1>1 in P UI'l \\-ilI illl\l, ~l l>ndll~' at the hllllll' .. t h~r l.H'olh"f Pho ne 99R3 One voter in th city of Ne w ~~llIl('r .\I e Ph~'r"t\n, in ~l'W Vi,'n no . Yurk returned a Republicll u memMl~' JeRnne l\ler <liLh uUL'J1(h'd ber of the Assembly, wh ich ma de We Call and Deliver lhe f()()tbal\ gume ut W itll' nb r~ ~lr, Rn~1 \lr R, J . C. Jill\\ k,' lInj,,~ l,d a mutor lrill Lhl'lIu.: h hou lha mujorit~ in the Legislature of o\lege lu"t l>' riclay l'V'enintc, 1'I1~tCrl1 Ohi .. lind W l·~t YirA'iniu that glate for 'l'homas J efferso n ' lint! gav him t he vote of New , Mrs•. Em",u Jlllln ~~' nntl I i~!'< SundllY, Kntherm Brill \\\}r :unday (linYork, without w hich he would not Mr~ . Vemlln J\1uinoll: and liltl' lIl' l' gut' t~ uf Mrll . .Tul in Dutloyon. have been elected. The whole Under Au.piee. of the W.yne Town , h ip M ot.h "ro Club. a t t b . daughtt'l' La ... cl·nn, left Tuesllo y p olicy of the United tates duri ng Wayne nill e Gymna.i um, o n f or n. bril'f visit with her parcnt 1\[r, anI! Mr . GeorR'C' lr ~1l1illoll, the Jefferson and Madison adof nllyto~, \\ ~re u nclllY gut'. l" I' r lit StN\l ' n ~, Ky. ministrations; a !?eriod of sixteen II', HI'mu lto n . lIunt. Mrs. Amnntla ·yellr , may be saId to have hu ng . l e~ s l''' . iJl'l'lIclwl Bunnl-lI, (If l\laffitt, . on thal ont! vote. One vote elected hl\lIUn, ntHi 1~ lIymn1\d Cun ner Promptly . t 1:30 p , m. MIlI'C US Mortoll, governor of Ma sMr. an d Mrs. L _lie \~ nnllow and RI'l' l\tll.'l1l!in~ a dil\pln of stoc k sl1chusetts, in an aggregate vote ch iltlren and MrR. Martha 1.llcy, f"ed itl ~l. LOlli .. Refreahment. con8i8t~ng of regular Barbecue of nea rly lOO,OOO. were Sunday gUl's t of Mr. nnd ne vote elected William Allen Sandwiche •• Doughnuta. Weinera, Pop 1\[ · .~ I·t<. Frank Robi nso n nhd 1\1 rs. Jo' n tnk onk. in lhe Chillicothe, Oh io, district hl'stcl' Cl1l'ey \' i~ited ut t he home Corn, etc., on aale for 5 centa. t ongress in the year l834 and Irs. W, A. e \Vlllnli hili, f!' - of 1\11'. and l\l l'iI. Hnl'ty Cooper in on e vote s ubsequently made him Mi •• Irene Dunh.m, of D. yton'... r eal p almi,t, w ill t ell you r turned lo hel' home in hicag'tl, olumbu!l, Sllnda~·. , nited States Senator for six years ( "ture and unu. ua l tbin l. of yo u r p . . . . . 11 for 5 c:en h. n Ftel' a two-weekll v j, it with h('r f i,. ~ KlIi h!'y n Bowman, of Midaft I'ward, sister, J\h's, W, H. All en. dl e lown, Ulul Mr, and l\11' ~. Orvill€' A till rmoe rel1larkab le case F ollo w inl A re the C o.tume. to C o m p ete for P rille. Civen b y ar take rs are preparing the was that of Dan Stone, who in Richard Campb 11, of tbe fll'!)l Grny and dauKhter ~ p.nl undnv Wayne,ville M erc han t. . tute lI ouse Park f or winiel' and I 30, was a c ndidate for the Ohio or Fra:tier and Campl;l~Il, was con- with l'(' llltive~ in olumbus_ HI NE E, JAPANE E, BES1' DRE S 'ED, P IRATE, have rem ov>d the belllche , flowers ia~e Legislature , Walking up fined to h is home th", lalter PlIl't of Mr, and Mr~. F. Bu C'le l' and \itt! lind potted plants, placing them in MillO Stl'eet on the morning of IRISHMAN, ITALIAN. TALhE T P}<;RS N, lOST OMIlast week be('lluse of illll !;S. daughter, Joan , of Dayton. \ erE' slorugt> unttl the an'ival of warm the I!lection, he overtook an OLUMBlA AND UN LE CAL, GYPSY B PEEP, MI. AM,OLD-FASH I NE;D GIHL REU RIDING 11 OD, MAG Mr, and Mrs. John Trend wav dJntlCl' ltuI';;L~ II I Mr. nnd Mrs, weather n ext year, The benches Ilcqu~intance going to t he pOUII GIE AND JIGGS, DUT H TWIN, M T1' AND JEI<'F, Mr. and Mrs. Ray lainous noci \ e )'llon htin u ~ ·unday. ha \ e been placed in the who lilt nded to vot the opposite .~AIRY, HOBO, L W , WI T H, LD D 81' TWIN," Mrs, . Gorge H nderson visited of t he lIpital to keep company ticket. Ston e solicited his vote . .Me ' ns. Ed urtd Will Lukcns. of LARGE T I ~fMEDIATE FAMILY. OLDE ST MA SKRD PE'Rrelatives near Oxford ·unday. a dozen cords of ~tove wood. "W P ndl~tQn Ind., w!!!'e gU\)~t. of with automobiles, disca rdc" 'furnitul'c e a1:e old friend ," he said , So~£t SKELETON, LOWN, GHO ~ T, S PANIARD. INmAN, u " and -r know r;ou will h ow a Jilt'. nr1<1 roll'S. ElmC'r Sheehan from Mr. and Mrs. Mark. R og r8 and OOw BOY. lind wha~ htlVe you, It is 1Iiso f ' d th • f k IS$t Wetln '_ dI1Y until Friday. daughter were unday dinner J'uvorite. haunt of r'at~, some of nen marWas 0 Party s. lIpirit atindue8.11." . that time I guests of the former's pm'eub MI' 1 Mr. and Mrll. 1uynn l'd Weltz which huve g rown to mllmmoth compllratively quiet. Admiasion, Sc and toc and. Mrs. Nathan R ag 1'8. 'neal: lind rhildr 'n lind Mi, Doria HlIwke . iz , Rnd the place is damp and T,he voter repUed, "Well , Dan , prlDgboro. Mu.ic by The Paul Wrilht Or cb edr • • D ay t o n , Ohio although Q score or tt d f U .pent Sund:lv ill ' D l11wure. hio untenllble, mOI'e of e m~loye urI! 10rced to vot you refor a pre e ow. I Will , you.' goo Carl S. Bangham, Lebo non Ford gu~~ls of, Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn hold fO lt h t ere to take cure of A single vote elected Stone and ~ aler, ' flIed a voluntary p trtion Banta, machinery, shipping, etc. Visitors j:'ave his party a ma jority of one ~!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'~!!!II!'!!!II!'~~~~~~~~!!!II!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!! m bankruptcy in nited tates ~ take a trip throught the th St t L '" court at Cincinnati on Monday. M, L. 1111'~ h oll had lhe goot.l should windi ng orridoM and tunnels of In e a e egislat ur e, wh ich P nding a dispoc ition of the OInt- 101't um', unday aftcrno on, to the place, just to a.:quaint tbem- made Thoma Ewing Un ited States l. .eI. ca"diel ••M ter, tbe s hop and office of th~ caplun' thO! lorge t ba!;s that has ' bl na~or. Mr. Ewin~'s vote on t he ·th P 08Sl y the worst questlon of confirmmg the a ppoint Bangharn Motor Company will be t~en t!,ken fl'O~l .t he Little Miami se IveR WI tty rl"~I' In lhl ~ , vlcmity ' for a long clo ed. ' basemen t chambers )f any Capitol ment of Ma rtin Va n Bu ren as Am'. The public '01" Goody_ ",hilt'. Th e fish weighed 3l-i. pounds building in the country. bllssador to Great Britain en abled ·rlr.. Ihe beet aaatn In .19D For the pleasure or MI'. and Irs Scarlet feve r is now on the in- t~e. Vice-P re Idllnt to give th e deHonor'i ng their guests. MI'. and ul t b.u ~ery year alnc:e 1916. Frank Heed, of Was hlnlCt on, D. C. MIlS. rCllse and during 't he month of c ldlng v-ote ag ainst it and cldled That'. a record you dan baDIE Reed, of W a~ h ington , D. . Mr. end Mrs, S. S, Ell is enter011. The pubUc: KNOWS tin ptember, Ohio led the country Vall Buren home. Van Bu re n be'. a nd JI.1I'S. Lt>on8l'd Tin ney en: tained at dinner Monu8Y eveninll 1\-1 muea 'b y MJMrlence. LMt tertained a 11l[1fE1 company of with 693 casils repolrted, with 11- came Vice-Preside nt, and then Mr. and J\!!s. Ret'd , fr, and 'Mrs: moatb. GGoclJeu boUt Ie. and ft l nds numb ring IinoiR and Penns-ylvania followi ng. president, and g uided t he general Leonard Tmney and family and ni5,Igbbor. alurday even ing. , Dr. H. G. outhardl, Director of policy of thi!\ count ry for f our lit mllUontb tire. • Mr, and Mr. Dalla Boger and yea rs. Wh, buy aOJ aecood-clloke family. Mr. and Mrs. Amol'l Cook an l h e State Department of Haith, . Many other inllt4n Ce!\ could be tin wh_ CooDYEARS ClOet ay thut there willi pos lbly b gIve n t o show t he imp ortance of f~mily enl(>rlained at a six o'clock Do ..... ~ dlllner Wedn esday evening in twice a s many caS!ElS durin g t he a single vote; but these few -"'ould and a deCided inall pl'esent honor of Mr . and ll,1'\,. Chlnles crense inmonth November .and Decem be~ any tllo ugh tful person Dost r. The gu stl! included; Mr. with no notable decroea e until next opportunity at th e nnd Mr~. hnrle Doster, MI·s. HIS is an appeal to the THINKING p pie of Mayor June. In IDece mber la t Mary D tel'. Mrs. Margaret America' in cities, villages and on farms. W e A.LLEN HUFFMAN .10hn , Mrs, Elizabeth mith a nd year, , 2,a3~ cases were reported The n ewest lum inary in th e with 2,345 for J anuary, 2,220 for Mr. and MrR. Donald Hadley. poul try world ill the record break, have all been affected by the economic disturbF bruary a nd 2,285' f.or March. Allen Huffman, Republica1) That was , several hundred above ing New York si ngle co mb white Phon. 47 eandidate f or W a.r ren County legh orn pullet t hat laid 35& egg ance which has swept over the entire world. . This Recorder. If elected , I pledge conthe average for J anua ry, February to break t he pre en t world's reca nd March th i y,ear. The lo w tinued elllcient, co urteous and bas resulted in a loud clamor for a change. W e all in Weight of eggs. She cam Waynesyllle, Ohio ~ month fol' la t yea r was July with ord economical serVice as in th e past. n two eggs of e qualing the 295 case, with 321' for July th is withi \ want a. change - but we want a change f rom c ndireco rd of t he number of eggs establish ed a few yea rs ago by a ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l1li111• •111.................. thirty-Mth Mr. Harrybirthday Lack celebrated his year. tioos. We want wages, we want jobs, we want anniversary 'British Columbia pullet of t he • Sunday, Octob r 16, at hi hom~ Bids are being computed for t he same breed. money and credit. If you will just stop to think nellt KitcheneT. heating of t h e new s tate office A basket dinner was enjoyed at buUding, now nea ring completion about it, you will realize th~t this change is on its P rospects in t he poultry businthe noon hour, by a group of in Front Street in t!he Ca pital city ess a re b rightening. At the presen t way. because of the heroic measures taken by the. fri nds nnd relatives. The landscaping h ~18 been under Those pre nt were Mr. and Mrs way for severa l wE!eks a nd tr uly prices of fe ed grains, poultr y prod present administration. The change cannot be made W al'ren Lacy, Ml'. and rt rs. J. A, add to t he attractivene s of the IlCts offer the best mark et f or the T ray!;er and two daughter~, Mr. b autiEul new building. Work 01 farmer's labor. overrught by any magic of legislation, We were a a nd Mrs. Errtest Brad dock, r<",A ' l' m V dam age d,on e by the ex....--.-AI' ~.u·.~etting into this mess and it is goihg to take Dayton, Mr. and Ml·s. t..e!!iJc+" " v .., on laat !lp rinl~ is W§11 under W ard low and ch ildren of Center- way an(i the seve rlll hund red oftime to get us out of it. It is only the unthinking who ville. Mr. a nd Mrs. has. Lacy an d fices on t be twe lve 11100['8 will soon • rrs. A Uen-Em:rick sp en t- Saturdaughter, Mis Marie Edrick a nd be ready for accup ancy. No def ifcd that they-can- bring about- these changes by a frien d,of inci nnati: Mr. a nd Mrs. nite date has been lIet but official day in. Le banon serving on the 0, W . eott an d fam ily of near Mt in charge predict t hat th e man y grand l ury. change in administration. But the thinking man and M rs. Leslie Gray has been quite Holl y, :M r. and MI·s. LOll Carter department of tate will be rewoman will realize that the change we want is a and on of Roxl;lnna. Mr. and Mrs. quest.ed to move 'f rom their pres- ill but is somew hat improved at F ra nk Cook, Miss Ma ry E. Cartel' ent locations a bou t t he last 01 De- tllis ti me. \ in conditions and that the best way to bring change Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lacy and Mrs. Martha Lacy and Mr, HaTTY cember . . fam ily of Dayton Were S unday Lacy. Ibout that change is to support Herbert Hoover in Wi lh t he op ening of th e h unting guests of Mrs. Emma Lllcy. season ne ar at han(1l the ·ConservaA splendid program was enjoybits tremendous job of lea.ding us to a change for tio n department of t he state calls ed at the Rally Day service Sunatten tion of the 11I Imrods to the i ay afternoon by a large crowd. fact t ha t onl y fi ve r abbi ts or hares Stanley BaHey is work,ng in ma y be t aken ih ,OnE! day, f r om one Fairley's Hardware store at hour be fore s uu rise to one h our f_uchburg , but spen9s the weekafter sun et. Rac(!oons ma y be mds with his wife and daughter taken fro m November 15th to Jan here. uary 15th, opossum and skunk Mrs. Lottie Carey hasn' t been Novemb er l &th to F ebruBry 80 well the past week, 1st, fo x Nove mber Uith to JanWalter Olark r emain s at St. uary 1, mink No v. 16th til Ma rch Eli:tabet~ hospital but. is retting W e feel a special respon BwcUye 'folks are th.in1cing bard right now_ Ohio is feid 1st, a nd muskrats No vember 16tb al oll4r mcely now. Mrs. Clark 15. Hungl a rian partridge to March vis ited him Frlday_ up 00 false economies. State retrenchments on the better s ibility in, recomme nding and r ing-neck pheasants from Mr s. Copsey, mother of November 15th t o ~! 5 th , with limit of life with continued extravagance on luxurioa casket$ and bther merchanft'ered a of, fo ut of the f ormer and t wo cock birds of t he latter in any on e a first 'dise to our patro ns. For . three years ago, da~ . . wJrlch impaired her speech. t his reaso n, we handl El nly ~vid S. Ingalls brings fresh ideaJ$ arid unquestiOned T h indjc~-;;e that over Mr; and Mrs. Kesler Graham and ability to our old problems. We need him in the GoTerthe 1>~'oducts /Jf well-es tab300,000 m or e vo tes may be cast daughter spent Sunday in Columin Ohio on Novemb er 8th, t han in bus at the home of MI;. and Mrs.. DOt'S chair. Gilbert. Bettman, the most vigorous attomer. l ish ed ma nufacturers who t he lust pnside ntia.l election ':raul' A. E . Whit e and sons. Mr . White has been quite poorly of , ) ate. general the State evet .had will make Ohio again the outyea~s ag~. There ha.s been a hea:vy have a reputation for qual- I Warren Hunt· has returned from regIstratIon tbis yea r, ind icating standing factor, on the floot of the United States Senate that the total vo te may r each 2- an extended visit with his uncle ity and value built up over aunt and sister at Kalmath Falls, 800.000. Four years ago the vote a long period of years. ca t totaled 2, 608, 346. Elaborate Oregon, MillS Clarabelle Hunt, who .. We O~CI ~ and all other caodida!e$ OIl the RepubIicaIa preparations have been arranged a ecomp!Ionied him there will remain - I 1"a«- Lee B. Palmer, LieutawJt Goftmor; lobo "". during the winter. by Secretary of st~~te, Clare nce J. Blicker. 'M y General; Geo. C. Braden, for Secreraq ql Mr. and Mrs. Harry· Graham Bro wn. to tabulat e Ithe r etu!'ns 'and Stale; Jo•. T. TOICY, Auditor; lUrry S. 0." TreaJutcr~ dihner Sunday forty expertll will b ~ employed on tertained Oco. H. Bender and L T, ~ for Coci~. broth.e re, t he work co n.tinu ol~s l y until it is lat&e; Curington T: Marsball, Thomas A. Jones, PBnlc w. 'and completed . On a~lc ount 01 the Griser aDd Edw. S. Matthias for }udaa of the Supreml loIaVTn,ft in honor large ballot definitl~ r esults in the Court - to the ,eople 01 Obio, both ruralaod Sayior. s tate may . not be . vallable until the ~oo6deat lIIuraoce that efttJ caodidate it ' br, callers w'ere.; Mr. long afte.r midnight.. tminins .od es~rieott to properly repreteDt ~ Mrs, ' Wl\liam ,S aylor and Mr• ~...- -. bulinetl, ltp1 _ executlft Itdministnltlon. Don't Mr8. Yinger of Dayton. the }~' ~ . . 00, a sepataIC DOCI·~ LECAL NOTICE Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick P.o•• 7 \ Notice is he reby gi en that In Miss Thelma Coleman attendWaynesville, Ohio pursua nce of a resolution of the ad the luneral of Pro C. W. 0 11-Political Au" council the vm~ge passed on born In Dayton Saturday a'iter-
~11:l ','
~:ccretury of ~tlll '. '11I1'e lll" J. Bnlwn, Ulfcct IHtl' nli n lO the fact that ..I ction dll) i8 but U lIhorl time hence. IInu thul P/'ovIsions f ur voting ure maul' lIy Ill\\, for thu persons who "x~ll'('t t o be a bs(. nt, irolll th'ir IClo:"1I1 rCllill nCe un Ill · tion JIlY. l'o.'r~OIl8 having I' 'llson to believe thut. t hC.'Y will nol be Ilble to votc bY ,l'ea80n of Ilbsenc\~ on election uay outside of th il' c'ounty and at ll.'a t, ten milell di tan,ce from tlteir voting pl'ecinct should file with lh£' tloUJ'd of Election in their ('ounty un .. Applicatilln for bsent Votets' Hallot." If qUlllifi e(l electors, lh ' board will t,h n furnish th·m with ba ll ts. which if voted aml ,]'elur neu to the Bosl'd of Electinllll . not laler them no on of ov mber 8th. will be sent to the voting booth lind deposit d in the ballot box in the same mann r as though lhu voter hnrl been at th ' voting boot h on
Monday Eve, October 31
Political Annouc:ements
Gordon'. Service Station
Natal Anniversary C e I b rate d S unday
S.ID ails
---.- ..--Lytle
Republican Candidate for Governor of Ohio, willsp~ak at '
LebaaOD, -0. On the Issues of the Day, on
Oct. 29th
at 4 p. m.
Everybody Is Invited
the r~ will b e submitted to th~ n~n,~d~e~ri~~Memori~ Park cemetery. Dr. Osborn =~:===~:::::~::~::::~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;~;~~e~C~ddQ ~SQ~~bu19~ _ _ ______ qualified elector s olr said village at ' 9f an auto accident near
C ,L I MAT ICC 0 N T R 0 L
ville Service Sta.
the general electioln in eighth the village of Wayn esville on the day of N,ovember, 1932 the question of levy ing taxes foy l:he years 1932 1038, 1934, 1935 8lnd 1936 at th~ r ate f or ea ch year .of two and one~ half mills on each. dolla!' of the t ax valuation o( the taxable propert y within the villalle of Waynesville In excess of the ra~ Duthorized by Sec. 5625-2 of the General Code f or the purpose of Cll rrent expcnRel . Those who v6te in favor of the proP()fl iti Qn of making .uch ad. ditioul tax levy will have written or printed on their ballota "For the tax levy" and those who vote against luch additional tax levy will have written or printed 011 th.ir ballota ..Araiftlt. be to levf'." September Srd, 1932.
o2 v
T. E. ROGBRS ")'lit'
THIN'K IT OVER Whil.Th.,. Is Yet Ti. . . 1,,_.,
week . aand lIlII.RIO. Edwin Linneman .: and family ot Dayton were weekend gue ~ta of the latter's paTents REPUBLICAN STATS CA)O'lUGN CO)OllTI1lll ' Mr. and Mts. Henry Foulks. Thei~ Chari., H , !zwii. Chair...... " B. Bto..t 5trMt CoIWllbal, ~ Sunda afternoon gUilt. were; Mrs. !lansford Tewell and Political Adv !,f Franklin alld Mr. and Ilbur Foulk. and tamlly. were bUllY hl thl. aection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======== night, enterina' I'8rages tires, batterie. and gaaollne. owners of the automobiles were, Mines Eva and Ethel Reeder, Jen Harrill and Robert Hunt. Mn. M8l'II:aret Johlll y:.ny with 'Mr8. Eliubeth .,ton attended a e nher W!dnuda, at ome o~ Mr. and lin. Wa,..enIIle in bODor Charln Deater, II"
wecldlq took
Eighty-Fifth Year
BIG MOTOR CARAVAN Location of Voting Booths on Tuelday Voting boothll the vari ous OF REPUBLICANS TO precincts of Wayne will be located as tollows for the election, next Tuesday, VISIT WAY NE5VILL E North Corporation 8: - All of
Gi.aAtic Proce.. ion of A ..tomobil.. Due to Arri.,. at 9 , ~5 m. Frid~y
No.,tlllnber Meetin, of Loe.l Or,aniaatio:n Will be Held ,. t
town, n'o rth of the center of North street, will vote at the Fire Department on Tyler street. South Corpo'ration - All of town, south of the center of rth treet, will vote at t he Central Garage, cornel' of Main and Miami streets. East Wayne-All of the Townehlp, east JOt the Little Miami river, will vote in the Council room in Corwin. Northwest Wayne-AU of the Town8hip, w st of the river and ' north of the center of State Route 73, will vote at the Township Hous • Southwest Wayne - All of the Township, weet of the river and south of the center 01 State Route 78, will vote in the Grange building on Main treet.
G. O. P. Ticket'
oming a: a climax to a 1?rolong d busineR dePl'CR ion, the generul election next Tuesday is of ut. mo t importance to every man, woman and child in the nation. Beli ving that the nation will b best served and the c louds of the dc~ pres ion most quickly lifted by a continu ance of the pre' ent ad mini b·ati:on. The Miami Gazette tak~s opportunity to urge its reader~ tosuPpol'tthe ntil'e Republican ticket from Pt'esident Hoovei' down to thlB lea t important county office. We emphal'liz(~ p~Lrticularly the neces ity of returning Sp aker Althur ' Hamilton to the state legislature. M l~. Hamliton ha Merved ably in this capacity and ha won a hORt of friendS throughout the state. Ralph H. Carey should b elected to the office of Probate Judge in , Warren coun ty . apable, hivelheaded and efficiEmt, Mr. Carey has served well as Mayor of Lebanon , and ha trained him elf several years f?r this post. · L. T. Marshall. for congres hould have the supPOI1: of Wayne township citizens, William Hufford for Sh riff, as well as the two Republican candidates for county ommissioJl, ,and the remainder of the county ticket.
Gym Frid.ay
Whole Number 6088 ,
Republicans Had Big WAYNE IWP. VOTERS Time at Harveysburg'I"'i--MT'l K[O TO APPROVE,-A large and enthusiaRtic crow that completely filled the H. S. attended attheijal'vey R publiclln Gym, meeting ma!!., burg, Tuesday evening. The prinCipal speech of th v(>ning Wll~ delivl!red by the Hon. Dean E. tanley, of Lebanon. Ron . Arthur Hilmil and that habitual leader of thl!. arren County ticket, . Donald Dilatush, alsb made short sp eches Excellent music for the occasion was furnished by ' the Harveysburg band and .orchf;!stra. vera i from Waynesville attended the Imeeting. .
SCHOOL FUND LEVY . Money Badly Needed to Malnlai. SY6tem in Spite of Reo duetio n of Bud.et
At. the c ming el ctio n seve~al lown hips in Wanen County, lDWltb election less than a week ellJ'ding Wayne, will vote on what Anticipating and hoping for. an distant, local interest this week is will be called an additional three ext~a larlie attendance, the Novem centered in a gigantic Republican mill levy for sl:/1001 purpo ses. b r meetlng of the Wayne T ownrun-around to be held Fhday, Nov. This statement is misleading as Mothers club will be held at ember 4, and which will extend to i t is only a continuation tlf the Gym, Friday afternoon. M ' . every section of Wanen county. same levy which we hav hl\d ever N. M. Stanley, of Dayton, .presiTbe motor cavalcade is 8chedsin ce our Rchool wa centralized ·ent. of the Ohio League of Women uled to leave Lebanon at 8 a. m. lind "ill not i llCl'ease the prese nt Voters, will addre ss the meeting, arriving at Springboro at 8 :30 a. levy 01' the amount of talC. to be and Mr. ' . . Ellis. president 01' m. Lytle at 9 a. m., and arriving paid above that which has been our school board, will explain th in 'Wayne ville at 9:46, where the paid in the past. necessity for r newing the threeparty will be joined by local Re. The laws of Obio say that sucb mill school levy. as this proposition pUblicans who will proceed with levies shall be .fol· a duration of is to come before the voters at the the group' to Harvey burg wher electio n n xt Tuesday. ~~~~!;~;;;;~~~~~~~ not more than five years, conselunch Will be served Il~ 1'1 :30 _ - -- -::.= ,quent1y the votea:R of this district In addition to th 5e addres ell. must sanction this levy after each o'clo k. the following musical and literary Edgar mith is .jl!;sisting W. L. five yeaI' period to nlake it possil:!le Prominent" speaker who will program will be given by pupils of as a.c company the party ar Drake in t he drug store. fot' the Auditor, to .levy that the Seventh grade und er the follows: John W. Brickf}r, candiMi Dori s and Pean Hawke are amount for the operatIC;' " of our direction .f/f Miss Eiizabeth Hendate for attorney-general; en aDayton visitors, this afternoon: school. This levy has nevet fa iled kle and Mr. Henry Byle, their Born - To Mr. and MI·I;l. Asa to carry by a large majority, and t~r Cliff Martin, of Cincinnati; L. home room teachel' ( T. Marshal1 candidate for congress Lamb aturday, Octobel' 15, U five yeal's a~o produced a revenue Part I. D an E. :stanley, Arthur Hamil· daughter. uf $13,300 but, o",ing to the de.. ton, C. Donald Dilatush, Frank C. MI~s ue rane h9 taKen II crease in valu of our ~xablB Vocal solo ..... .,. Vivian Conner room at the home of M'r. and Mrs. property and a change in the law Anderson, Ralph H. Carey, candi· Reading , "Little Willie's Hearing" Lloyd Davis. date for probate judge, J. LowrY goWtning the listing of personal . . . . . . . Max Stephens Mr. and Mrs. harles Young. of prop rty, will pl'oduce a revenue Miller, Judge imon RoBS and Mrs. Trumpet solo . Frank LeMay Jr. Laura Dow Gebby, Bellefontaine, Lebanon, spent Sunday with of les than 9,000 at this time. Dialogue . Anna Gay Treadway, fl'iends here. To meet 'the lIecessity of operat.state central committeewomen. Robert Haines, Ruth Burnett, Mrs, Funk Miller is slowly ra-. ing the Rchool within our means. The complete schedule foliowa: Charles Anderson, Roy Crockett covering after having been quite the schoQI budget has been reduced Leave Lebanon 8 a. m. Piano 8010 ........... .. ,Ruth Conner !lick, last week. from $63,000 t o about $30,000 Springbo~o 8 :30 a. m. Violin solo '....... Mildred Cook Mr. and, MYs. C. H. MOl'gan all~ and a continuation 01 the .present W. E. O'Neall and fllmily lelt 'Lytle 9 a. m. bone solo .. .• Charl es Fires _._'..____ ~, for Florida. nounce the bil'th of a 80n, Thurs- thl' e mlll I vy is necessary to Wayn sville 9:45 a ~ m_ day, October 27 . Clara Lile 8pent Sunday produce that amount. Harveysburg: .11 a.m. (Dinn r Part 11. ::::::::~::::::~~:::~~::~::~::::::~::::::::~ It would be well for every v()ier Mr. and Mr8. J. V. Hartsock and relatives at Waabinrtoll C. H. Piano solo .. Naomi Ramby will be served at Harveysburg com daull1ht'er, Dorothy C., spent to "tudy th situatio n and under· )liM Doris Henderlon, of Cinmencing a t 11 :30 a. m.) " ,Benjamin .... RobertPurks, Hiatt,Willard Henry Ralfowe'en in Dayton. sland the "Additionlll three mill cinnati, pent the week·end at bel' Playlet Purks, Morrow 1 p. m. . Mr. and Ml's. Glenn Frye, 01 levy" b for gping to the polls, on home here. Furnas, Howard Hall, Buelah Pleasant Plain 2 p. m. Dllyton t spent t he week·end with election day. ,D. N. ¥eKeever i. quite ,Ick at Bernard. Maineville 2 :80 p. m. Mr. anu Mrs. Carl Frye. - - ••- - - the home of hili IOn, Will Mc· SOllth Lebanon 3 p. m. Piano solo . . . . . . Dena Davis Keever, on. Route 2. Song . ............ . Group II Mrs. ' Ernest Butterworth. enterKings Mill" a:30 p. m_ tIIined the memben of her bridg n; Mr. and MtII. Elmer Sheellan Mason 4 :16 p. m. club Saturday afternoon. Sunday In Franklin, Iruesta Mr. and Mra. Carl Croll. Mr . W. P. Salisbury i visiting ing the evening a number of at the home of her daught 1'/ Mrs. Ll' MilIII Ola Hartsock attended the Sehool Lund. unplanned event added to the en- Russel Benson, in Cleve lana. . elSiona of the Ohio O. E. S. cOnPupil ~ ar again enjclyinlr the tertainment. ",ention in n.yton, last week. Mrs. Bertha Doan, of Wilmjng. advantage!! of th hot ~unches servOne .of our baby Freshmen, 'Earl ~n, is the guest of Mr~~ Mary L. · . MilS Louile Crane, ot Cincined undel' the auspicesi. of the JUlti, came up to attend the Attendanta at Ferry Church of Conner, on account of his misbe- Adams at the Friends Hbme. Mother'S lub. A redudlon has Ballowe'en carnival Monday night Christ weI' surprised. unday, havior was put .to bed by Mr. Mr_ and Mrs. John B. Gons and Not even the deluge of raiD en malie in the price 01~ the meal Brown, Mrs. Vance Smith and daughter October 30, when the services the Fre hman claBS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland spent that fell, Monday evening, could Ann. of Wellterville, were gueata wen! closed in an unusual way. tickets which makes theilr present sponsor. . ' the week-end touring Kentucky. dampen the al'(Jor of our Hallowof Mra. Frank LeMay and family, The added feature was t he mar- cost 40c. A large perc~ntllge of the Mr. Huffman, the Sophomore Mr . J. R. Wade and children e'en revelers, so, a~ usual, the FERRY CHURCH OF CIIIlIIT last week. riage of Edwin B. 'tt'ong and pupils purchased tickets on Mon- clas spon sor gave an illustration visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hallowe'en carnival wal! an unday the fir st day on which lunche at how a strutting gobbling turkey F. A. Snider, in Miamisburg, la t qualified s uccess in abo \It every __ , IIr. and Mra. Orville Campbell Mary Etta Guy. (Undenominatlo_) nd family, of Wilmington, visited ' The groom was attended by have been served thi sclnool year. goes about the farmyard; gobble, Friday. en~e of the word. The merl')' Chester A. WillialUOn Rlohard Campbell and family, Fri. Luther Villars, who is hi" I'oom- Ba.ketball Sea.on Open. No.,. 4th strut, feathers and all. An ' evllngelistlc campaign. will crowd of masqueraders that filled Church School at 9 :80 L a. day Bveninr. mate at college, and the bride by r Mr. Lotz, taking the place of begin at Ferry Church, Sunday. the hall was quite liberal in ita Lord's Supper and ..rmoll at Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock BeTtha Filer. Harry Owen and Waynesville's first team defeated Mr. Gar t, as the Junior sponsorr November 13, with Evangelist Wm various booth and concession., 10 :30 a. m. Sermon subject, 'Rope' alld children spent ,Sunday in Cin- Donald Clark furni shed music for the second team \n a game played seemed to be .on the war path and GT8nt Burleigh leading. thus giving material aid to tjJe Watch for further anDouncemellt! cinnati. guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. the ocea ion: Mr. Owen. singing at the school gym Wednesday, expressed this mood by giving 'a n Mrs. Nelson Watkins and son, worth¥ cause :for which the ' cone rnin, our evan~IUtie aem- C. Death.r.... \ "1 Love You Truly" and Mr . October 26. The pupils of the Indian War dllnce, lind not omit. Roger, are vil!liting at the home (l·f 'Moth rs club. 1S laboring. Paul' ' Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt in Wright's orchestra added muclL.t.o Mr. and !In. Ben Champion, Clark accompanyi ng and playing school were dismissed early to see ting the whoop. paign which begin!! November 18, Mr. Hatfield, the Senior class MaDchester for a few days, with Wm. Grant Burle\ah leader. of Dayton, were guests o'f heJ,' son, the wedding march. The groom, at- the game. All players on both the gaiety of the evening witll You are alway welcomll at tIlil! Chal'lee Anderson, and famil>" the tendantl! and musicians are all teams were used ' in thi!! practice sponsor, gave the Domestic Science Mis8 Je8Bie Clarke, accompanied their dance mu ie, and everybod), church. Ars$ of -the~&elh--------a~IelII~ at Cincinnati Bible emi- gam . The seore was 34 1;0 8.. class pointers on makinlr a plum- by a cousin :ko.·m..-J..I.UJ:W·~..aJlW-jI-htKl-~e time o:t-tAeh'-livel!. To date the fint squad consIsts pudding. Ill'. and Clark Starr (nee nary. Prizes, that had be n donated b, Donald Hawke, left Tuesday to oJ ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mabel Planck) are announcing the The groom is he lion of Evan- of several m re player~ tban alAbout 100 students enjoyed the spend the winter in Florida. local merchants, were awarded to I . fun and frolic of the evening. Rev. J. J, SchaeWer, Rector arrival of a daughter at their home gelist F. W. trong, of Ft. lowed normally. Mr. and Mr. Carl Sherwood the rollowing costumes: Hobo, The Kings Mills .game pro,,!lse 1'he grade children gave their pent everal days last week at the ari }r'ox; Spaniard, Tom Fordyce; Twenty~ourtb Sunday aftl!r n.ar Xenia, October 19. Worth, Texas, who conducted h Mrs. Morris Graham, Mrs. meetings this spring at Xenia alld to be an interesting one on Fl'Iday parties in the afternoon from12 :40 home of hi8 brother, Fred Sher- Gipsy, Anna May Watkins, Little Trinity, Novem ber 8 . Ch ure Elizabeth Baily and Mrs. Julia Waynesville, and Is himself a stu- night, November 4th at the Gym. to 2 :40. They had lots of pop- wood, and family in C lumbus. Bo-Peep, Jane Hartsock; Gold lIChool at 9:90, sermon aftd Hoi, Donovan visited Mrs. Jane Wright dent for the ministry. They defeated the Wall~ehs la~t corn, .apples and candy. Miss Evalyn Gordon, of Xenia. Dust Twins. Yvonne St\lbb. a nd Communion at 10 :80_ In tbe in Springboro, la8t Thur"day. The bride is the daughter , of year and think the:r WIll agaIn was the guest of Mrs. Carrie Mel- Barbara Lou Bland; Old-fashioned • - - -- afternoon at " o'clock the eonM;r. For.r eat Crane and daughter Walter Guy and a graduate of this year. Come an sel! tbe new ligan and other Wayne@ville Girl, Mrs. La)1ra Sides; Red RidlDI greption . and ehcti, of All Salnta S d I hi h h I ' h tb ftiends, several days last week. HQod, Ellzilbeth Burnett; Oldeet church, Wilmington, will visit St. of Oineinnati. were un ay ruesu Waynesvi! e g se 00 WIt e team in action. Meals 8erved on Election day by masked person, Will Conover Mary's for a union aer\iee. Rev. of Mrs. Maude Crane and ,f~ily. class of '29. T.aeher'. Meetil" M. E. Ladies Aid Society at the (aged 89 ye'an) j Fairy, Wilma Donald .Elwood. rect9 r of All It is reported that quite an A wed,ding dinner was served at Grange building. . Your choice, Jeane Doughman; Ghost, Ha,old ' Thechools of Ohio were disSaints, will deliver the aennon. r~::n!eo:e r:~l!~~ 1::,,!:0::cm~!: ~:r~~clc~ ~; a~ditf~~d t~~h'e ~b~:! missed chicken or Swi~8 Ilte ak 101' 25c. Stroude; Indian, Jimmy Miller; Friday in order that the Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and Mutt and Jeff, Chal'ies and Harold "'YNESVILLE II. L CHURCH Pina!.~ed at the Gym, Monday eveJ'l- named participants in th~ cere- teachers might IItttmd the W .. .. the following gilests were Teached's meeting. The tea~hel's of ~on, an!! Lou ;Printz were Sunday And erson; Dutch Twins, Sarab, G. C. Dlbel'\, . . . ., A party of evangelistic students Misses Faye Aldtidgll, Southwestern Ohio Distr'i ct met at dinnel' guestl! of Mr. and Mrs. Milhu' and Mildred Salisbury; On next Tuesday the people of Jacob Kohlhagen in Blanchester. Best DI'essed, Virgil .bIewbeart: Wednesday; The W. F .•. S. is from ~he ' Bible Se.minary at C!nand May Vawter Cincinnati, while the teacher's of meeting with ltlra. Kim••rl. at 2 cinnatJ asaistedWlth the servIce Bible Seminary, Mise Central Ohio met at 'Columbus. Waynesville will go to the polls Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCullough Mos'. • Comical, John Sears, Mal'Vm thill p. m. Bible atudJ and pra,er at t~e Church of Christ, Sunuay Fox, ~Jiss Marpyet Some of our teachers went to wilh .. he power in their hands to of near Centerville were callen Fc"," (tie); Oowboy, Seth Hoak' meeting at 7 :00 p. m. Choir evemn,. Misses Eileen and Lois Columbus where they he:ud Lowell provide money for the running of at.. the home of Mr. and Mr•. Red CI'O s Nurse, Grace Hoak; practice at '1:.6 p. m. PI.... 1Iote Harold. Or~born and of Dayton, Mr. Rodney Thomas; Glen Frank, of University the Village of Wayneeville by vot· ElmeY Sheehan. Tue!\day evening. Miss Depression, Viola Campbell; Wymer Drake was quite pain- Chll1~se. Bobby Hyman; Japaneae the chance of tim . e for choir theIr liome . of Xenia, Mr, and Mrs. J . of Wisconsi'n; Welsh Sinlers; ing for or against a 2 ~ mill levy. Mr.I Bruno Rosselli, o'f Va8~lIr College. Five years ago the votera voted for fully burned about 'the tace, n~ck Owen 'Mnrtsock; Pirate practice fTom Fl'lda, t.o Wedfte.. S~~~;~~~~rl!i~~~~~~~~Urn~~:!:~~minister. . verett eal'S; nc e am alld day. The Kin,'s Henlda will meet tl • - ••- - The others, whp attended the a two mill levy which since It was and c es w en at the' home of )In. Stab),a ~n etreet, thil\ 'Alol'ning. at Cincinnllti, heard ad· for a five-year period, has expired. horne explode!!, Sunday "lOrlling. Mis!! olum bia, Mr. and Mrs. Perr'f VI. N. Sears and fa.mily },ave J. 'rilomas. ' Saturday at 2 :00 p. m. , . Lucy Emley, Ml'1I. Flqssie dresses by' FrancIs Blailr, Sup't of Council placed the fenewal of Buch Sunday: Sunday aehool at 9:80 Carey, Mrs. Hannah Taylor, Mrs. Public Instructi9nS, lUinois Uni· levy at 2'A1 mms no.t lIeeause more moved into the Colema~ projJerty. a. m. There will be a special attrac Eftle Smith and Ernest Smith were '1 ~T versity· }-Ienr)1 C. MOrJrison, Pro- revenue wall needed but 'b ecause, of on l\jorth street, lately purchased Epwortll Leagueri tion in our Sunday acbool next gueeta of Mrs. Mary E. Robinson . """ I . fessor 'of Edu cation Sit Chicago the great reduction in tbe tax by Mrs. Lydia Vandervort, {)'f Sunday, come out aDd sbare this ·a nd Mrs. Serena Kerrick in DayUniversity. MUBic was fu.rnlshed by duplicate during the past few Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. N. P . Blatt. and with Us. Mominc wonhip at 10 :80 ton, Sunday. the All Oity High Schl~ol Band. years. If the people fail to vote to· children, of Mant he ter, were The Waynesville chapter of t1ae Sermon aubjeC~ "Lenctbenlna our Mr. and Mrs. ' C. H. Hartsock tinue such levy the ' possible Honor RoO week-end guests. OI Mrs. Blatt's t!:pworth League entertained the COTdl, and tstrenttb.Dlna our visited their lon-in-Iaw an.d fol' bonds and interest, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. oth r . chaptet'S 0:1 Wa.rren Count,. Stake•. " Epwortb !.tque .t ':80, dauahter, Mr. and ){~. HOUlS The following are the honor enues with Kennilon Yoll1ll' .. leader. Emery, at Green Spnngl, last The New Century club was en· street lights and other services Ul!lIlesby. at a combined bu iness and social students of Waynesville High, havPreaehiftg .."Ie.. at 7 :80 p. m. week, retumill,_ \lome, Friday, ac- tertained Friday afternoon, Octowill be totally insuftlcient .. I'4r. and 'Mrs. Glenn Barnes, Miss meetinlll at the M. E. church, last an; average of 90 ' or more in At thll meetiDI' we wiD study the compa1lied by Ml'I. Emery and her bel' 28, at "Diamond Hill" the In letters recently received from BetLy and Mastel' Bradley Barnes, We.dnesday, evening. . their subjer;ts: character of, Matthe., the MaD of two chi1dr~. home Q( Mrs. Frank U. LeMay. the clerk of Harveysburr by the of Dayton were callers at tlle Aft "n ' j"d by W K Sophomore-Frank Hawke. er SlJlgl gf '" .' • Buaineall. . )lack Davi. and ' family have 'The opening number of the pro· clerk 'of Warnesville it was learn- home of D. L. Cl'ane' ..nod family, Y ung, Miss He en Hawke co.-FreshmenRuth Sallisbury. moved. theil' home tram Mrs. gram was a piano solo, "Gra'Ce ed that 'they are WITHOUT Sunday afternoon. ductl!d the dE\v6tioll.a b, and Mr_ 8th Grade- Eileen .Elall WAYNESVILLE CHUaeH OP Xe.lah T)lomplOn's house 011 Main Note . Waltz," very well rendered LIGHTS s ince they received in· The Guild of St. Mary's Epi co· Young favored with a vocal 1010. GHRIST atl'Be't to Mra. Marla Elbon'e by Mary Eva LeMay. This Was foIpal church will"hold !In oyster supDuring the ensuing bUl!lille.. . Hallow.' •• Pa.·t, suftlcie~t revenue fro.m taxea. to I hou.e OJ! Water street, better lowed by two excellent papers, The Seniors enteritained the maintal.n such stree~ hg~t serVice. per at Grange Hall on Saturdlll' . session, an invitation to hold the (UnalnomblatioDal) known as tbe Biapham bouee. "Ohio Public School Syste~." by lfi h Schoo l and Fllcullty with a Accordmg to an art~cle l!l anot~el' evening. November 12, from 5 to.8 next county meeting in F,r anldln Chlllter A. Williamaoll, Mlftlater Waynesville ae)ioola were cloaed M~ 'w. F" Clark and "OhiO Inthe Gym !Weekly paper the reBld~ntlal section Price 25c. Your Patronage I~ was accepted. H a11:11owe ' en . Pa in D ' at Wilmington was without street solicited. Church School at 9:80 a. m. The that belne the date of the stitutionll," Mrs. J. C. Hawke. The company then adjourned to Thursday mght, ctobl!r 27. UT- lights a shOTt time ago~ Whether A trumpet and trombone duet The Robitzer Dam trial, which the social )'oom, wh.ere seasonable school that ~ different.' Lord'al:~:.;tb~~d;iltrict teachera all8oeiation Supper at conelualon. Christian I in the lltate, Local played by Frank LeMay ·Jr. and they have such service at the pres· is in progress in the Cdmmon Plea~ refreshments were served, and Endeavor at 6:30 11. m. Emeat atteftded the aouthwest-. Ch,arles LeMay respectively, was ent time we are unable. to say. court at Lebanon, is t he subject various gamel! and ~tunta were InWoolard, Leader. EvenlDr evansesaions at Cincinnati a pleasing feature and was followAccordin« to the latest e.ti- ()f much interest to our citizens dulged iq,. The largellt delegation gelietle 8ervice, .t 7 :30 p. m. Ser· Mendenhall has ed by a well.preparedand intere.t. mate!! 'made by the clerk alter tak- Judge Clevenger, of Wiimington prelle!'!t represented the . South man subject, "Satan-Bis Per· of the death of her ing paper Qn "Ohio State Unlvering into consideration the levies is tnrtng .the case. Lebanon chapter. .~. W. F, C~rk spent the • _ .....- - - Bonality-Hill Power and His nieee, , J. ~ewton, ared 16, sities," by Mrs. J. P. Fromm. The allowed , by the budget commill8ioo Powerle8B~e.s." Prayer Keetlng whlchocciJrredat the ho,me of the p_rogram closed with a .so ng ~y there will be about $200 available week~end with her daughter, Ml'S W. C. T. U. MEETINC and Bible Study each Wedneada), latter', .p arenta, . Mr.. and Mrs. Warren . LeMay, jlnd a plano so 0 The Woman's Auxiliary ' of St. for all purpOlles after Bufficient R. 0, ~i"s, in Dayton. Mr. lark Mary',s Church will m'eet on Fri· rnoney h.. been placed in the Bond joined t he t>artyon Sunday, and at 7:30 p. m. Short 4)boir practiee Robert Newton,. in Denver, Colo., by ,Anne Smith • • Mrs. J. ·L. Mendenhall was hostat cODclusion. The churcb wbere on octo.beT 22. The Newton 1am- After adjournment a ve~y dainty day afternoon, November ·4. at Retirement Fund. And 1200 Will escorted his wife hl?me , that ess to the meeting of the W. C. T. yoll feel at home. in· the Morrow lunch was served. Guests of the two o'clock at the hOlne of Mrs. not go very :far to pay for street evening. U., last Thursday afternoon • .The Mrs. Harry Palmer and .Mrs. top ic fol' the meeting waa "Chris· afternoon were Mrs. mith and L. H. Gordon. Mrs. (;ordon and Iirhu, fire' protection, oftlcers Oeborn . o~ ,Mason. called at the tian Citizell~ip." ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH is co.\nc the daughter Anne, of Columbus; .Bert Hartsock, joi nt hostellMa salaries, etc. . Father FreDCh, PutOr one of our 1(ra. A. K. Day. Mr!!. R .. A. Conne~, iS8 Louise McCune. dioee..n That means that without the home;;; Dr. and Mar. J. E. Witham After Mn. Alonzo Curl had Services 1ri1l b. belcl enrr two voten hal Mrs. Morris Silver, MUlses AnDIe president, Miss Laura MacCrack· favorable vote on the CONTINUA- Satard.y afternoon, while their conducted the dev.otional!!, Mn. G. hUllbands were .canvassinf the en, educational secretary, and the TION of the levy which has reo C. Dibe'rt l'ead an article entitle", weeke on Satarda1 aOl'lllq. r.-~~o:: and Mame Br!w.!'_ _ _ Mr. "Obllervatlon and Enfo-rcementWoman'8 Auxiliary of Chrillt cently eXllired that Council will town in tlte Interest8 0 Chur'Ch, Xenia, are upeeted on be without money to provide for Palmer's political campaign. Not Repeal," and Mn. W. H. • _ . PAIlTY ~~1~ir::~r{~h'n°,!,-..~e Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- Madden read, "How One Ballot thia occasion. It il hoped that the ulual !Jarvice!! exeept for the FAREWELL - dati ECONOMY SALE TO START were dinner guests of Mr. nominee A.T MYER HY,MAN'S STORE every member of St. Mary'a large sum of $200. Turned the Tide," Mrs. Curl read Bernard lIeUoh ' Interlalnecl a for I. Samuel Butterworth, on Auxiliary wjll Qe pre.ent. Subm.itted b" Afternoon eallers at the ~:~~~t::~~ lltatementa o't betll , - - R..-.F~ Hatfield. Clerk. Hoover and Governor few frieDcia at bis bOil' ~l -..,.----.,.....-.BU.t.h.I:1II'ortb home were Mr. and eveDlq ill bOllor of BdIl O'N and Mn. Lena BUUoek M'n. Mabel who .eft for Florida lI.dar. 'I'be ~he, Will Vow .. , Antlta Dlnevenllll w.. aplat ill .1IIlc aDd pm. . At
. - ..---.,--
- ---4> .-. ...----.--Weclding Held at .
Last ' "' ee'k ' s Actl·vr·tr·es In W·avnesvr·l"e Schools
Church Service.
Had' Jolly Time
Woman'. Auxiliary Will Meet on Frida,
_ft ... __
.. ..
epublicans Ask Your Support
For Vice Prel,ident CHARLES ClJIRTIS
Vote for
Economy and Service
For Auditor of State JOSEPH T. TRACY
For County Recor!ier ALLEN aUFFMAN
For Treasurer of State HARRY . DAY
For County Tnasure'r E. B. MURRELL
For Attorney General JOHN W. BRICKER
For Surveyor P. O. MONFORT
For United States Se.nator GILBERT BETTMAN
For COllfre sman at Large (Vote f-or two.) Georre H. BENDER L. T. PALMER
Judge of Probate Court Qualified by eapeJ'ience in practic. in tb. . Probate Court
For Chiet Justice of the Supreme Court CARRINGTON T. MARSHALL
For State Senator J. LQWRY MILLER · For Representative to the General Assembly ARTHUR HAMILTON
Sheriff Warren County
Re.,ubliun Nominee for
For Reprelentative to Congress L. T. MAR HALL
For Clerk of the Common Pleas Court CLY E C. COLLINS
For Lieutenant Governor LEE B. PALMER
County Commissioner (Vote fOl'",twe) E. ). BE..r.DLE BAYESC.KEEVER
Republican Candidate for
For Judge of the Supreme Coul't · (Une.xpired Term) FRANK W. GEIGER
Reprelentative to the C,neral Allembly
For Judee of the Supreme Court (Full Term) THOMAS A. JONES . EDWARD S. MATTHIAS
Mr. Hamilton ba. . .rved Warren County exceedin.Jy wen in tb. th .... tenna he ba. repreaented tbi. county in the General .........~. H. b .. brou.bt bonor and di.tinctlon in that aervice and bit record d....."ea tbe unqualified endoraement by · tb. voter. of thirt county.
For Judge of the Court of Appealtl ,SIMON. ROSS
For ProHcutlng 'Attorney C. DONALD 1)ILATUSH
Re-elect , Arthur Hallliiton
For judge of the Probate Court " RALPH H, CAREY
Clerk of Courts WalTeil CoUnty
c. C.
Republican Candidate for
Suneyor and Civil Eo...... Rep.. iean Candidate for
Qulil....~ a p .ri.1-. ia tIae offac. c.nha.-..c....I __EfficieDt-ECGDaIDical
' ",
Seventh 'Cong;reIJlional 'District
, 'I
0.. G.tI T. . 0..1. , .. AaoIIaer
.EcooomicaJ.-.. Efticient.....:.Capabl. Yeur
s..P.... Solici,"
for re-election -
Republican Cand'i date for
Warren COUlllty ~,
Hi. bon..t, capabl....d economical ....ice d...rv•• bia ....elec:ti..,
Th. up able mana.un.nt of tby office deN"" the .ndor••~ent of ~e public
.' .
·C. Donald Dilatuah
Judge Simon Ross ·
For Coroner '
Republican .Nominee for Court of Appeal• .
Pro••eutiD, Attom.,
tbe Non.Parti.... Judicial Ballot
Qualified Eflicient-Capable Hone.t~E8icient-Capable
• "'~fd
•• """""_""teI.
- -
ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. CRANE t r oe.. P ..... ." . ., ....
P . .11eberlsllbnriJlticta Priq, ' 1.10 • Yaar No. 112 Enter II at PQet""flce at Wayn ... Ville. Ohl\>. ae)l::~:~'d CluM Mall
a _llillac • . , ...... ......... " No. 118
lly traw milk" II IOOd for tender roa. bu be . One way to protect roses i to fir t bank the Koil round tht' baM> uf each bush, til! • bundle of r~'e straw around --'---40----' the 1'Iant, and then bank mor~ I!a rlh IICOU nd 1he ba~e of the :ttra w
The Little ed, District choat Existed in Wayne Twp. for J
A IIml.. milk to be
dollar a hundred poundR un lalm, lerrome ha~ are wlJrth four dollar a ton more for feedin, dairy ('attle than timothy ha)'.
W. Haft. C-..... Wtela aepa" ler9iu And use only renuine materia1&. Crystalll fitted while you walt.
Ca ry's Jewelry Shop
Lieen.ed Re.l E.tat. Broker, Allctioneer .nd " .. aranee
Leba8GD, Ohio William Barley was appointed s uperintendent of the special Mr. and Mr!>. 111. K !'lherwOQu Store Open Eveninll'll school for colored children in dis- have returned home fronl s,~veral NOV.~~BER 2, ] 932 Wa ynesvill., Ohio trict No. 0, and the clerk was in- day visit with th ir'son, F'rE'd and structed to subscribe for an educa- family. in olumbu .. Mo i Ueasonable Terms Subscribe tor th.e Miami Ge.c",. tional journjll, published in olum- Mi.~es Mabel and Mnrgaret bus, one copy to be e nt to th ntl friend, of Dayton, werE' un. Business is good wh .n there is a steady demand for products clerk oi each of the sub-districts, day guest.s of M r~, Amanda Start·. w~lch 8~rva .garlUln and Imp«lI'tant needs Bnd when that demand is and on.a copy to the clerk of the MI'. and Mrs, has. Madd'n atbem&, falrly met. Measured by this stan dard the business of tended the Ingllll: meeti ~Ig in has n ver been ilU good a~ in the l.). S. at thi.s moment. nurn. ""nn.....,II'1>rn-;n,rrtt-Ll!bllmcm ~(\turday, , There are mOre young people in IIchool than ever before. They been attending Waynesville Mr. and ~1 rs, l(nl ph A. Francis lIl"l! In charge of lhe mo t able and beat trained teachers that haV'e ever school, while visiting in town, entertain ed j;:ueH!l over th week· b~c8sed the natioll. Theile teacher8 are presenting the strongest cur- cau e.d a bit of "tempest ill a tea- end. rlcul~lm ~o fllr p rfect~ d and are seeking tOi make it better,. They are pot" at the meeting held p1.cm- lIfr. and MrR. Lyl e Robert, (I n and wOI'kmg In th best bUildings that ever housed the nation's millions of ber 16; 1861. It seems that lheir daughters ha yl' nH,v«)d in with Mi, s voun~ otudentJs The y are ~uppor t e,d toa remar k a bl e d egree by an in- parents were I' sl'dellts ..v r DID. Lu Sla hMiller. J ,." • . ' c I I 1 F ' I I Justice t Ihlren~. l!1formed, and sympathetiC public. trict No.2, and the Board register• c 00 was c M el) TlC ay llat Phone 7aJ T~ls IS of t~e utmost importance for men and women in every ed strenuous objectiOns to their be. the teac;h r ll might attend the of the Supreme Court other h~e ot busmes . ft means that better time8 are ahead. The ,first ing enumerated as pupils ().f the ~i~~:ti:eache rs' meeting in Cinwea~th 18 human wealth, Upon that all other wealth is built. Thirty town school. Th committee apMr. and l\1 J'l\, Dave mith and A Record 0/ Acconiplishmcnt million American students are getting the best education ever given pOinted in District No.4 reported friend s, of Hamilton, cal1('d 1m Mrs to the m~88e8 of the Il ople. Th ey are learning to live on a higher that they had contracted with J. A .1 1 f I 'f Th ey arc bUI' Id ' I and r . ha s, Born on a Fllrm. pane Ole, up h ea I th and vitality, They are being ere'y &. Cleavel' to bUI'ld thel' r ne\', G manu8 Th tarr d £. t the new my ur,Mrs, ay aDaly ,ernll on. Mr. . Me'10TARY PUBL IC ' CarrinV10n T . M.,.b.U Taught Countr . Sch ot aug ht t 0 va Iue a fl ne h orne I'I e an d to p Ian for it. Th ey are learning bschool 'ld' houlle t bf or ""'941.I ted and Mr. and and how to learn and to keep on learning as a life-long enterprise, They UI mit 0 e c0'b P vemb I' V y have Illovetl from (ow Vlenoa Natio.al a..k are, learning eitiz~n8hlp by. practicing it in th~ schools. They are being ready for occupaLDCY y a he into the. tump property. Th y 28 Years Experience at the Bar tramed in 886ntlal vocabonal skillil. The higher uses of leisure are 1. They also reported that t Y have purcha ed the J Iferis ~~ro c e ry Wille Drawn • . E. tate. 5. ttle" opened up to them in the fine arts and in the recreational and social ~d pUl'cha8e~ . ground for . a ,and began buaint'ss Monday. 12 Years Service a~ Chief Justice WAYNESVILLE. OHIO lite o.f thQ sch ool. Above all, they are seeking to develop fine charae- right of way glvmg aeces t<l the Mr, alld 1\11-., Milner Bria n, Mr , t r-to quieken ambition, aspiration, cou~age; to cultivate industry and new temple of learmng. Mo t of Winters and daug hter ' of Dayton Under his Administration the Court stan s in first thrift, to establish all the Yirtu~s that underlie excellence and happiness th e day was occupied with the wer e Sunday call ers ~l t he ho m~ rank for Promptnu and Efficiency. of life, ' purchas of a new wa.1I map f o r of !\I rs. J. C. GI'ay, Th~se products of schools are the pride of America. They are each of the eleven school, The G. M. 1acDona ld i~ , till unable He ad"ocat~ a Reduction in chI? mtmber oj Cuurt. to the basL'I of all nthe. products and the promi e ot a quality of con- maps w~re finally bought (or ~90 to atte nrl to his b8rber buslineSll. 8umption such as the world nas not yet seen. The busmes8 man who ca ty 'I he School ('numeration tlb·. and Mrs. W. T . .Jol'd.an and Redu ce the burdens upon Ihe Taxpayers. ill prepared to take !ldvanUge of thi8 unimproved products of the SCIO"110II! 1 sho~s a total enrollment of 7&9 Mrs, ora Thomp son wc~re in will reap 4 rich reward. Dishol'\est business mult (Cl'Ow less leas. PUPilItS, D dl 'h clerk of franklin. atul'day evc>ning, ,attendNon - Partisan Ballot The saloon is go·ne. Gambling has few defenders. Specul~tion hall had E 00 u ey, " e new ing the D mocratic rall y. 'HU GH K. MARTI N , _<t.:y. a hard blo~. P overty can te wiped out. Graft can be abolished. Ef- Wayne TownshIp,. records lh, M'r, and Mrs. Bernard JOl'dan Election Nov. 8, 1932 Columbus, hlu flciency can take the place of weakness. Honest, intelligent. couragetes of the meetl,n&-, held prl1 were Sunday evening , gu,~ st~ of . OU8 industl'Y and business ran lift America, They can achieve the only 21! 1862. R. O. ~rtSPlQ was ap- MI', and Mrs. W. T. Jordan. goal worthy of lin intelligent system- economic security lor all from ~oJ..Oted to meet WIth t~e board of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hough. of - Political AcJv the cradle. to the gl'av . Today bauine j good in the Bcbools. Tomor- Sugar Cnek TownshIP. Greene Wilmington, and MI', and Mrs. Rob ROOT FOR AND CONS ICN ~~~~!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!"!!!''''''!!!!~!!'!!'!~!!!!!!''!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!'!!I row business wilL be good in t.he factories, the shops, tbe lltore!!, the Co~nty. and demand that a lax be rt Hough clIlIed on liff Hough Cattle. hocs, sheep and ca In. '" - - - - --- - farm!!. . leVled .Iln ~e property of thai. p~rt unday. Norris-Brock Co., live wire alld . In the face of danger or disa ter on a sinking ship we would of thel!'. Dist!,lct. No, 12 that 18 In· .M rs, Bertha Gray, of Waynes- progressive firm for the hiabut strike down anyone who attempted to save hjm elf at' the expense of a eluded In Dlstr~ct No. 4 for the viii , and Mr~. Berdn Jordan were market prices a.nd !rOod .e"lce. child. Children come first no t only on Binking MiplI. but in our bearts. purpose of helping to .pay fO,r the in Franklin Wedne day and were Union Stock YaroL' Cincin_t!t O . our home8, our ~hooI8. and our churche . T hey are first, The nce can new school ho.u e. Thl tet:rltorYi supper guests of Mr, and M'r • J . Tune in on Radio Station WliKT !!ave itself-ean lift itself hIgher only as children are lifted up. In thi. the Fel'1'Y neighborhood, ]s stU R. Baker. . 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dan, unique -Period of depreselon, with its extreme want on one aide and ·as a Pllort of Wayne market reports. its extreme fortunes on the other; many school are carried down to School distril:t. The disaster-their doors closed- their funds cut oft'. Boards of Education were prohibited from tlnd other public officials are hard pressed financially but we cannot chools" in 'Itrord tl) gIve up the idea of children first. By living up to the motto use , DavisdFurnas ALLEN HUFFMANI "Children First' we are laying the foundation for a new revival s ecurSuperinten ent, an d wa ed by the finest school sYlltem obtainable. Let's keep the children first. to visit ea~h chool in Allen Huffman, ReJl,ublican J. W. Lotz ' . and report IIot tbe candidate for Warren County next meeting. Recorder. If elected. 1 pledge conA special called meeting of the tinued efficient, courteous and Phone 80 Bank BId,. board wu held May 17 to con- economical service all in tbe past. WAY NESV ILLE. OHIO A.. sider a circular of iJlstr1Jction~ a II I'YOV from the State Commiasioner I)f I _~_ I;_ ' I _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _'_ ....-_._ _ _ _ Public Schools. Th clerk "'as in- . "... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..._ FOR FOR SALE DATES CALL 'stncted to eft'ect the changes 1n (KuBical Interludes ' by Farm Nigbt M'elody lIakers) methods of procedure that were STUE~BS 8:00 Mu.le . . . h demanded. by the State official 8:05 lIeetint the Depression " .. , , " '"'''' .. , ... J. F. Cunning ~m No~ing serlou&--just a matt r 8:20 YOllr hYmen' lplltitute Program ............... , .. J. P. SchmIdt of red tape. S :35 LeIl80M fro ... Cattle Feedl.ng Tests ,,,"'" '.. .. .. PaUl Gerla~rh Another new TowTlship Clerk, Ohio Experiment Statlon Samuel Mc une, records the pro. Our convenient location, suitaS :50 What Happen! in the Dark ............... _.............. ...L. D. KinlSbury ceedings of th~ meeting held April ble surroundings and equipment Ohio Live Stoele Cooperative ASSD. 20, 1868. The enormous sum of e.nables us to Serve to the Beat 9:05 Aceountin, for the Family's Financea.... , ....... Thelma Beall and $&20.73 had accumulated In the JESSE ST.uJUY Adele Koch handa of the tr a urer a a fund Advantage. PlioDe 310. N_ BuU•••••• Old. 9 :20 Observations on j 932 4·H Clubtl '" ........ , ....... ,H. C. 8amsower for educational purpo es, and this 9 :35 Loc:al .Museums for Sehl/ols , ' .. " ........ ............. Harlow Lindley was solemnly doled out to thi AMBULANCE SERVnCE . Obio S~te MU8(>!lm various districts.. The tax levy for E ARL KOOGLE R 9:60 piowillC tor Vqetablea ............. ............ .... E. R. Lancashire this purpose tor the next year wa D.,.t_ Pho_ Phone 29 -Political AQv Saturday. November 6, 8 p. m. 'ut at 3-4 of a mill. Davis Furna KE . .. or••••• L tr ) gave such an excellent report of (Musical Interludes b y 4- H 0 rCnea a his visib! to the IIChools during the My Expel'ienc:es in 4-H Club Work ,..... ' .. .. .' .. , .......... Eileen Campbell preceding winter that The Miami Booka 'for 4-fI Club Members ... , ....... ," ...... , .. ...... , ........ .. , Adele Koch Visito.., fore-runner of The Miami Gazette. was granted the .right to . )ft'bhodlet Eplecopal Chun:h.- aalell publish the same. Jesse T. But.,1'" approved and contlrmed. terworth . Will! appointcd a the In the cue of .eenjamln F nJr.- oIleial I visitor for the next lin lllngleJ'-ve"IUII hal'l ~ , r port ~~~l'm';."n~c:g!g·a~(a~~~\,o~r O~~~~ l~ to the board. ~ , to which defendant exceptR. De(MAt the meeting held eptember dallt to r,:!over ot r.lalltt\ot!! h... co...... .1863, Davis Furnas wa apher .. ln. J *dgmenl II r.nder~d pla.ln___...-...J.I llir (0. paid eo.te. Ordu d JI.S' court ID(MI'I't&I to go before t he State thllt app al bond b fix d at 1200. in an eft'ort t.9 secure! . _ - rleae .....eeclt... Ln th.e caee of Tbe Jill.ml Valley le~isl~lon tbat would J:lutldlnlr .. Loan .A•• oelatlon ot In th oa.. ot Jeee. P. EnlR ver- Fra.nklln v..... u. Zaek 17'1 teher. et the oard to collect the tax III. J.m II Knla, et aI" the real 81 It Ie ocrdet'ed that th all rift pay demanded 11'0111 a portion utat I.tt to be aold a.n(l r turn to Cecil l,i'fetotter ,hOO ror exemption Creek Township, Greene made to court. hi th ClUe of )lab.,1 Olneburg f P4Irmlllllton IA granted lo file re- v ",U8 .Albert Glnanurg. th e m.r_ eou,:,ty, in 1 61. The a ternol)n I), here.n In th .. calle of Walter rlalre Contrllct was dlnolv"d, Plaln- sellllion 01 this meeting omn and Geodll'e Jorllan part· tllIt la restored to name of ¥albel temponrily adJ'ourned in ner. et '. yet.us . ' F, a t breath. Leroy. . b d et at ~ In thfl caa ot Th e Cook Coffee thai the memben of the oar "ortn Fletcher wa (ound ullt)' Co.. "eTau. ROy a. I!iurroul'hll. tal. might attend the funeral of Mrs. ot INuln" ell ck wlt110llt Ruf clent motion was o\'erruled, i H O dd Th hIt' n funda .nd waR aentt'nced to one .111. the. ca. or 'a.rl Wa~' ne Mld- a on, e Be .00 enumera 10 , year 11\ th e !penll n:Unry at hard dlewn v..... UJ! J.aura Middleton. this year, dropped to 684; our labor, PI..lntlfr UI appear totler U. 1132 C, oun.tr.T wall. now bittet'b' eOiaged mar nee Malon Iwall fOil nil aullty w ~l\OOW caule etc!. In c·1\1 I btrlfe, an. d many of the of ~eaJr.·-g alltl flnterlnlt' with In · In the c. e f l'ork Lite ., tent to .t~al and WI\8 ~ ntenced to Lnluran e o~ Ve":IU.' D-: E. arrillOn older ,boys !tad enlisted in the oOne 1ear In the Ohio reformatory et al. "'ont!.omalion. deed and d18Sentence was ,ulpended on re('Om_1 trlbutlon. Plaintiff to recov r F. Chapman, .father of m&nd.aUon of proeeoutlng attorney. 65~ , n and lnterut" Evuett Rader "'lUI round ~U'lty became a school direetOf loItterlnll an4. pubUahlalr torged l"~ 1864, havin" been a1ftCh.,clt. and ,.. .. · .. nt.meed 1011& 'Y--VC!Bu..-RD'Ir1!T'"-e:-k-ailified 1i' h ruary,,~. l"tl. t 0 11 year at reformato.,.y at ...... a l.bor. Buretl Weele, one In the matter ot The. Soclalvllle Hili for mQney" vacancy .jn District No. ) 1 Mary .11.Ballli.. , ,Dey verllue .Fraonklln d b y the d e ath of Mahlon Nationa.l .. CoOrporalion. Itor cause mon ey. Mills. Norman L. Richmond ver.ue .JeJI· aamlne. .1t. :BrllllOD. et aL. for money. forecloeure and eqUitable relief. In8"rallCe . ompanr. '9.46 ner .. s . • I:Iptlng-fleld Iilelallic Cuket Co, In nlon toWtiahlp, a corporaUon. v reWl 'JIhe C.' II. V, '1', Robel'te b) MutUlll Bulldln'!' Una-Iub)' Co.. a corpora lion. for and Loan Q . [nlots Nos. 12i MId ~ money, ' 125 In Frnnklln .. Rebeoca Elisabeth Shutta ver'MIAmi l,lVin",. an'd I.oan Co, .u~ Eldon De8lT\ Shutts, for dlyorce, lIalp}1 n . ("n"c1,\,I~k . 2·"i,11 acr~.. 10 Yean Exp.rle~ ID Oharge 18. &1'0118 ntlclect of !luty, In Hamilton township, G~ taura Wall IY verlus Lawrence l.ocre nn fle}'noll'lll 1\11-11 Opal n",·· ... kl Fittl Dir an d .. a D.I 'Wakely. tor' dlvol'ce, Ch ...ge Ie noli! to r' r' nk .anrl lay ehmld ~L gro.. ne&lect!_~o:;t;d;ult~y~.;....,.u.... Real .... tate In 'nt/rlcks Hal'lIi1tonandtownship. .lame. 13. Ii ~fy"tle S p --. •• ee........ t d.. . . L. H 'ndrl leS til ,-:eva H. ·Mlll er. .. -...... , 178,56 MorE-II In U Io n tOfl\'nslllp . ... ..... ,In tbe m.ttet ot til_ eatate . ot 0 A Hart'le<>n tl) Will Hunter.. T. . . .,. TIl...., . . . . . ., Sarali E. Sutton. dec aled. pay- 1nlo't8 'Nc;>", II anll 12 In Oran\1or .. Id HlpectiVe legacies view, E__ I_t" Free be made to I rene lL Hlae. fOI' Carl anti arc>, tne Scho'1b to "NON, OHIO Harold a nd Paul Hlmee. Minnie l~ aoci Nancy EII1.aheth LEI ~ and to Earl Ph.lllips for Jarvi . .. Fl,eal "state In 0 erflel\l r!:~.'~'-'P!~lClifford. mlnon. the . tOWln.8hlp, . James Pile and F, W. Fran .. to andupon Robert In court. laId 68- John R. and Opal M. Baker, Inlot dl.Chat'ced In N'O. 43 In FJ'ankl1n. THE REPUBLICANS bF WARREN COUNTY W ILL STA GE THE USUAL RUN-AROUND ON TH IS DATE, !'1.~.a~~!'raCI!~ Btl\lnley O. Fe1dcamp and Mary "' ... appoJated Edna Feldcamo to lara. [Ilrp-h),. AND THE SCHEDULE BELOW HAS BEEN ARRANGED: . of Florence E. tDlot. No_ 7 In MaJn e,'tue, bond H.«lulreO. no.. . nd JI.ZBIU. A 1l0_4 • apPol'n ted apWoodrow",W ell - tanage Co.. Supplle8. SOc ' · T, JI.Jld er~()n If, 0,. N3"10U lu'Vpll"", Jam~ .. l' ollen. 8e1'\'Ices $1 Morton. II rvl~e . JOHN W. BRICK:ER, Candidate for Attorney-General; SENATOR CL1FF MARTIN , of Cincinnati; L. T . MARS. .C DJlatllsh, rent (or STOLE N--Spare tire l tube, r im 1"'e....o. HALL, Candidau! for Con gress; DEAN E. STANEY, ARTHUR HAMILTON, C. DONALDDILATUSH. F RANK . I.. "Vllilam s. and bolts. I know wno trOt them ._.'vl,..... MIllIa.rd. Mr_ C. ANDERSON, l~ALPH H. CAREY, J. LOW RY MILLER, JUDGE ~IMON ROSS and MRS. LApRA . DOW r, .8 rvlcea. 10 pie... l'etum them if you don't 8 ,'vlceH. $10; GEBBY , , Bellefontaine, State Central CommItteewoman. wan t trouble. Th. y were .tolen Ie '1\, j~!; Morn .Hn.ttleold ueorg'l a n e.ville. Ohio. Bos. 9 1. ·n~ navllle. Oblo, Boy 81. e n2 tal<. /lupd sam~ tor ~B"!rr';Ulrh~ Addlnl" Bur~T MORROW ....... , , .. , , .... , ...... 1 P. M. LEAVE LEBANON . . " .... ,' ,·, ..... 8 A. M .
F. -T. Martin Auctioneer
Children Firat
Center ville, Ohio
Re .. Elec Carrington T. Mar~hall Chief
-.-= .-
-----Political Announcements
'A rthur Hamilton
rarm N•. Itt 7a g,
A. H.
Republican Candidate
Stanley &Koogler
,Representative to Ohio General' Assembly
Election November 8
DR RUDOLPH r_Lt Specialist .• . •
Cary' JeweIry ..,..up
Pock.tbook. lIJIItNIne.•a ...-.rd If return·
,. .
SPRINGBORO . '. : , .... , .... " .. , 8:30 A. LYTLE ............... , .... , ..... 9 A. WAYNESVILLE .... . : ... , , .. . , . 9:45 A. HARVEYSBUR(~ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A.
M. M. M. .M
PLEASANT PLAIN ... . , . , ........ . . 2 P. M. MAINEVILLE .. , , .............. 2130 P. M, SOUTH LEBANON. ..•..... , . " .. , .. , P. M. KINGS MILLS ... , .'..... . ....... 3130 MASON •.......... . ... .. ..... 4111 p" IlL
'.IL .
I. Invited To Join
Council. Jr. O. U. A. M., t Former R ....... OF succelll. Friday evminr, wa. a Iplendid Auto Thief Caught About 8 more than By Cincinnati Police At Home hundred membeTII of the Order JUNIORS ASUCCESS •crack led by the American ftar and the c. P. Joy received notice, Mallni drum from Lynchburg ]a
Anna CadwaJI der and MillS Clara Lile expect to re8urne their wintt'r rt! iden('p a~ the Fritmd~ Horne, ~aturda)'.
"I, .....
parade and op n Council, paradl d the pri ncipal by Miami Valley $treetll or the town, and elic ited much favorable comment. ' After returning to th(' hall, an enlhusia tic meelin~ W81' held, CharI W. Day preSIding. After a pleasing bJack-face comedy skit by two brothers '!'rom Blanchester Cou ncil, the Hon. Gorge L. hilling, also of Blanchester and Deputy State Counsellor of the 18th Ohio district, delivered th principal address of the eveninJr. The speaker dw It mainly on th e impol·t&nce of true patriotism, an~ urged his hearen to be e.~pe ially rle of the mOllt acred duties careful in the selection of United of the funeral director is to States enaton and Cnngressmen, and State Legislators. He named ma.ke tha last rite a beautiful some undidates for the e offices who are known to favor the expic,ute in th memory ot those clusion of the unde irable foreign element, in order that American who remain. To thift nd he jobs may be saved for American employs all h is skill In the workers. He also paid a glowing tribute to t he fine Orphans home preparatloo ' of tha body, selec- that are being maintained by the Order. tion of merchandlae and dlrect, WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT ini of the funeral. We measure
The,Memory Picture
our lIucceslI by the we
wbi h
xt nt to
purpos• .
..... ,
.I. E. '. "'eClar_ Way••••ID., 011.0
A.t the meeting of the Southern Ohio Teacher A sn., in Cincinnati, last Friday, Mr. J. B, Crabbe director of the Wayne T ownship Smith-Hugbes department, was elected President or the Southwestern Division of t he Ohio Vocational Association. The selec· tion ia not only a personal honor to Mr. Crabbe, but reflects credit to our school and community, as well. His hosts of friends and admirers extend congratulations.
..... ...---
Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Drake were , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J'ifIS~u;nday dinner guest& of Mr. and Lee Hawke and family.
late Tuelldny cvt'ning. that the in cinnati pollee had IIrrt.'~ted Ray · mond Pric, lind werc holding him for lhe local authorili . The officer W!'l1t to incin nnti this morning, lind brought the you ng man to Wayne vill for arraign· ment nnel a pI' liminary hearing. Price is ch rged with having stolen . . Ridge's automobile from thto enll'lIl Garage on lhe night of 'eptember 16.· H has also been a fugitiv e frum the tate Reforma· tory at Lancaster for more than a year. _____ _ _- - -
. Mr. and Mr~, RUflRel Ben Ron and l,hildren, of leveland, were weeknd ~e!lt of Ml'lI. B en~on's parfOnts, Mr. and Mr~. W. P. alisbuTY
Thomu ~
Y III'S, lifl·d III hi ~
board. or election to the omce of Seer tary oC State Clarence J . Brown. The boardll of election will tel phon" to Hecrel.ary Brown, the reRult:; upun the IIrllt 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 unli toudl 100 thereafter of the nt!llriy Y,OOO voting pr ct!l in th fltale Precinct utilciailJ will ' make t heir .reports Immediat Iy to the bOllrds ot election upon the comp letion of the cou nt, an no cluse l>ostpcln ing their report to the following morning. All boards of election~ wtll l'enlain open until lhe actual counting of ballot!! is completed. Besides voting for presidl!ntiRI and vice presidential candillates, state nd -.county officials, this will be the first lime under our new election laws, that congressman-at-large In the state will be elected. '
~unduy . aflcr UII i l'!I!\ pC !'l'Yl'ral m onLh duration. I"qncral ,l' l'\'icc~ w r helt! lit. hI>, h_te hOllill thiR ~~::~~~~~~~~~~~ (WctlrH', clay) a(tl!rI)onn, and burial wn>l mude ill ]~(,ll1ol' iul Park cemetory at Dayton. . fi s Gertrude Hoyle sp nt SunMr. Mllnnil1~ton Wil U son of du,' \ ilh friends in incinnati. Willinm i\Il\nllin~ton, and WII. born Mr. ami 1\11'11. J. W. Lolt enterand rcarcd in W s'YIlt!svilJe, thl' lllin~ \1 the former'. unday School The busiest tel phone number in fUllIily huvinl(' lived in the hom·e da ~s Ttl ~day evening. Ohio on t he night of November now oecupi 'u by Dr . n. . . Wcavcl' 8th, will be "State 1000" at and fRmily. Shol,tly uftel' his Uttil' Miss Alice Britain re- olumbus. This is the number of lllalTiage hc moved to Springfi eld tUl'ned to oillmbu!', ;londay. to the thnn 1\ dozen long diswhol'c he WII S employed ,b y the I' - ' 011"1 h r tudies in a chool in tancemore lin s which will convey eleclnt rnlllional Harv tel' Co. for II that city. tion reurn~ trom the eighty-eight lIumbl'I' of yeal·~ . Thll family later remove,l to Dayton for res idence: . ti S!! Mary aroli ne Lukens, of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is l;un'i\'cd by hi ' wiLlow and Hal'vcysbul'g', was the week-end Are Recovering twHt' o daughter. , h ·s. David 1'1c- ·gulist. of her grandmother, Mrs. Connaughey and Mr . Brice Wel ~ h. Le nn Hllrtsock. Improvement 'is noted in the ix gt'nntlchildl' -n, tw o brother condition ot lin. leta Dakin and Bnd a ~is l el', Isaiah .'Ml1llnin~lo n, of Mis Mildred ·Dakin, loeal girl who caltie, Wa, h .. G .o rg MallTling~ ~------------------------~~ SHEJ tJ l-'l'~ I N I· A n '-I · l lru.~ were 1111' ~iouslYb injur d il?l a hearh ton, of Ton opah, ~ev. , and Mr. on co I IOn a qut two ml e" nor Edward Gaines, al!;(lI ~ urvive. A so n '" \11 II F:IV C' O'UIO , I'I."~"S ~ or Lebanon on Route 42, ten dllYs Milhll'd Mannington, pl'ec~ dcd his J I,'" fl .· I'. 1': l1nl" agoS"IX 0 :f tlI e erg . ht ,..: dealh . , ,, . C .,.. ~o. 1~820 .,c t'IIns 0 f th father in -_____ ._ .Ja n t H J·; nt1ls . tl t n.I., accident were able to return to .. H), " I dull Qt I1n ord er or .!IlI le. duly th('ir homes from Blai r 's hO~Pital' l 1~IPl U N I fl'orn tiRi d "Ourt in th· abOV e He is honest and capable. Lebanon, during the past week. _ • "tnle(l C''' ~t". lind to m IIlr<\·I" d. 1 will urr., fil l' snh' . Ill' wn)' of Jlu~II' His policy Is to build up in Miss C1eta Dakin, woo waR auction nn t he pro· mlses. In WnY stead of ~ar down. thought to have been the most I IlI'8 "llI l" \Yarl,.'n Co unt y , 01110. on seriously injured, having suffered a . ---.-:. 1" n <1a)' th e " th .lay tlt D c~mb er, As fiead of the State lIu reaLo fractured skull, is said to be reA t a speCIal me~llOg, ~eld Mon- .\ . ll .. 19a:.: a l ~ o'u lQck P .. M., on of Accounting hi ~ work II! au ~al, th e fc.llowll1g (\(,sl'l'lb~" covering more rapidly than her d,uy evening, o.~r.vJllllge Instruct~v r\.\n J1 f',ltI}·. t o -wit : impartial nil\! r .. lin hle r... port cousin Miss Mildred. I Str et omml~s lone~ W ., . Gla - " ~IWsIRt(&, e tl III lh _ C OUnl )' or \VaTI' n a to the actual facts. , _ • I ham to purchase tile and othel' ' " Ih tll >lIttle or bin . and In lhe 10NIC NOTICE nee ssary material t o eliminate the (HIHl"' l\t ~(1 Illl\ ~ ot Waynesville. Ohio needs his !Services, at t.hi· MASO dangerous curve at the upper inler- .\n(\ " (' In g 1.0t N o 13. as clealgllattime, especially in view of the otl n til ,· r .. corll d plat or Evo.m!' section of Third Ilnd f't'lInklin Ad lllil n .., Ih \ ' Jllag' or WaynesRegl,llar communication of Wayfinan cial condition of the Slate streets, locally kn.own liS "Mrs. e \I' llrr fI l~ O\ll1t)l' , OhIQ. nnd 1111 its politics l subllivi , nesville Ladle No. 163 F. " A. M., laude Crane' s Corner." This v ill Sa i d I'" mlfl cs nre IOCI\t c ll on 3"d Tuesday evening, November 8. corner ha be n knQwn iRS th I'Itft·.. ' Mill the n Nne.l 'vre ~ t on the sian!, that demalld both a r... · t Is haplnA 1\ Stree t IIncl th ., Ele tion of officers and payment of most dangerous in lthis vicinity fol' II\\· .·. duelion of taxe,. and the ex· al" til on the Ellst III '\!'rnnklil1 dues. Visiting brethren are wel- a long while. on iderably more Suo'" \lense of goyernm nt. In Wo),np,vllte Wllrreo '''ll), . Oh IQ, come. . A UT M than a hundred mac:hines have left 4,,' 0:>,,111 REPUBU<.;AN n<';KI,"l r~n I stat .. II .... Iwen regu l",,·· Vern rmitall'e, ' r' ., the road at this point and have I)' apPJ'lll8ell " nd er order or the IlLIiCflON NOVIlMBER. leu F . B. Henderson, Sec'y. landed inttle ditch or in the ad- cuurt a l thO' lIum of NinO) Ilundred I S~OO ,t) O) dollar8 lil1d will nut 1)01 ror Jess than lwo-th~Tdl at sal<l fleW during two QI(\ y aI's. While none of the passenPl,rn',,"d calu e . !'RAe\' C AMPAIGN COMMrI'l1l(j r ·~ Tn18, uah. gers have been selriou Iy injured, Hony W. MUl.., o..~ W . H. F LKF:T 'l'H so me of the eSC8lpes have been ' ll er.!t. ',,"ar-ren Cou nt y. . P-1IIIIOuIlt..- '?fIlo miraculou indeeu. l'he improve- '. Donald DlIl\tuBh. All' y. n 30 ment is certainly not heing made • one moment too so,on. Weare intormed Mr. Graham conceived the plan for removing the menace while patching the surface of t he street in tllat viclnlity one day III t week, and that it was at his suggestion that council acted.
Phone State 1000 Bu.ieat in Columbus
Accident Victims ,
For Auditor of State
Dangerous Corner to Be Elamm.lted Soon
·r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l jO~ing
~e pa~
A.. Further Evidence of
Carey's Qualifications for Probate Judge
--~ '----
Th. receat report of J. D. Br...., Ohio in.pector of public record., ha. the followin. to ..y .fter hi. esamin.tion of the record. in M.yor C.rey'. office:
"Three separate dockets are in use, one for tate cases, one for village ordinance cases and one for village ordinan 'c e traffic cases. "The dockets are perfectly kept. "We did not find one error in the rec ording of the cases.
"w. h ........mined aumy court. of
variou. kind. but we h.v. not found in an, city or vill••e better Nc:ord. th.n thON which are kept by the mayor of Leb~ QOD.
"Not a flaw could we nnd in the warrants, affidavits, dockets or cash ·book. "This is a very remarkable record and the mayor is to be highly commended
LOCAL PHYSICIAN IS PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY The November meeting of th Warren County !11. dieal Society was held Tuesday :at Harmon Hall Lebanon, with Dr. Mark Millikin, of Hamilton, a s gtlest speaket·. At the election of otlfic r3 for 1933, two local physicialns were .n amed; Dr. J. E. Witham, president and Dr. Mary L. Cook, h·easurer. It is best to st'ore big cans or blll' r Is of gasolinE! and kerosene away from farm buildings. tore these dangerous fuel in underground tanks or :store them in a little shelter a saJe distance from the buildings .
1931 Tire Tic...t
00 ~~~.~!!~~! .0. 'ASIIMOD CAU 1\
.... ..---
forh~paii~~inlrclaTe:.---------------------------------------------I+--u=-~~~~~~~~==~-I----~~ !'S. ill at the Ben-Ha.wke. ._ "Mayor Carey. deserves the highest commendation for the excellent m 1W>.l"---i-1 Mrs. Messrs. Willia m Rust .a nd Paul Savage of the Y. 1M. C. A., Dayton in which be has performed the duties of this important and responsible position. were Wednesday evening guests at t he home of Mr'. and Mrs. Floyd yot. the "Th. people of thia YiUa...... ind.. d fortuD.t. in the aeleetio~ of • chief Savage. Mrs. Ed Hopkins of Waynesville e.ecuti•• who ia eminentl, cap.ble _d v 8'7 coaacientioua in the performance of spe nt Wednesday with hel' daughter Mrs. Stanley Bailey whose hi. duti..." , IiclletlfrCli.ht-e ••• Iittie daughter hfLs been sick the . ' (last week. In t9'1 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Roger s Tbia evident. coupled with the wide experience Mr. Carey has had In ~he practice of law in the aF • pa.... tF .. MILLION-. .... of West Carrollt·o.n are visiting at .... _ 0 1 Am.IaI ............ the' hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Frank prl;lbate iourt and in the representation at widow., children and bereaved men with family estates Goo4~ tIMIr rJa8T-cIMtIGe dnl Rogers, ' before Ule probat. judie amply quaUftea him for eminent aervice as judge of the probate court. The Ladies' Aid meets this Wed..~,_"""I'~""'" .... .m.ttlae~Ia.~ nesday at the honne of Mrs, Allen a.cr .. I ...........tF. Emrick. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. 8. Babhington of TrentQn visited their aunt, Mrs. liN .....__ GOODYIAaS. H . Haines Wedl1esday afternoon ... lI"t ...... - ....... at the home of M·r . and Mrs. Wai....1 ter "'''IlCltCI\..
..,..., ......... ""II
Proven Ability Eliminates Speculation I...."
by C.rey-for-Probat. Jud •• Cornaaitt.. M~ H. Keelor, Lebanon, Chairman R. E. LeR'Oy, Fr'anklin, Secret.l')'.
Your pride in ownership of your home is no greater than ours in the materials wh~l!- go into it. The personal satisfaction, year afte;-year, of seeing such materials live up to all we have cl~imed, strengthens Qur conviction tbat our poli cy of "Quality Materials" was wisely chosen. If you are planning construction of any kind-from a new home down to a new corn crib-we as k ~he privilege of helping you figul'e the job.
Mrs. BJ!rgdall is up around again aftelr a sev(\re attack of t onsilitls. ' Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith's
H. MADDEN & C(T.-I--
Phone' 14
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Warnesvllle, Ohio ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;~liille ~ C~~ :: Point, g~~~qhte~ spe nt the week-end with them. .M r. Evere~t Early, Misses Ruth -=~~======~============~======~==~==~==================~======~==~======~ -
L. T. l\1ARSHALL Repul)lican Candidate for
CONGRESS Seventh Congres••onal. District
Born and Lived Entire Ufe in Greene Count, Attomey and Farmer
Early and 'Bernice Graham spent Friday in Cincinnl~ti. Mrs. J : E. Cla:rk and children were week-end guests of her parenta in Indianfl. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and Miss Bernic4~ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and daughter a, Belmont. ' . Mrs. Allen Hole, of near Beavertown, s pent Friday and Saturday with her sister, Mrs. J. R. Johnll and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brock and son, Billy, of Indianapolis, Ind., were week-end guests of Mn. Alice Brock and Mrs. Maty Marshall and also called on Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Dr, and Mrs. ~ A. Smith. MY!. Margare't Johns attended a birthday dinner Saturday evening in honor of her son, Glenn Johns at his home· in Dayton. She also remained on Sunday. . ,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton made a business trip to Indianapolis Monday. A small c:rowd was in attendance at the box-social at Lytle cburch Saturday evening. Mr. C. R. Binegar, Mrs. Truman Payne and little daughter of Jamestown were Sunday afternoon guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mn. Guy Routaahn and daupters IIp'ent the ...eek·end with Mra. Mary Boitnott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown at TlpDecanoe City and in the afternoon vlaiud Mn. Routzahn'l nephe.... Ben Boitnott at Troy hoapltaJ. Mr. BOitnott lOlt his left at"m in a com "u.ker Jut .
To tbe Voter. 01 WarreD
Being confined to the hOl.lse at present and as I may not be out in time to take an active part in the campaign, I take this opportunity to solicit your support for my election , to the office of County Treasurer ,for a second term. If reelected I wHl, as heretoiol:'e, conduct this office carefully, courteously, and economically. Assuring you of my sincere appreciation of .your ·s upport, I am, Very truly yours,
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Num,b er 6089
Roosevelt Sweeps United States Clean .
DIOCESAN OFFICERS Last Week's Activities In "' avnesville Schools VISIT lOCAL BRANCH WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Pe~ e~thusial!Jl1
Hoover Faj~s to Carry the MOTOR HUN·AROUND ,Strong Republican fiN Al fEAT U'RE States Of THE CAMPAIGN Ohio Among the ·Unfortunate.County Ticket Wal Scratched Badly-Keller Hoak Wins Most of Republican County Ticket Winl by Smallelt Majorities in Yearl·· VanHorne B"atl Monfort···Ralph Carey Win. In one of the most sweeping 1 faith. Stanley Earnhart, candidat... landslides of voles ever reiister«;d tor-:iud~e of the Probate Court, did in this country, Governor Fra!,klln ~how hI !tee Is to Ralph H. 'Carey D. Roosevelt was el cted l'resldent In NOl·thweet precinct. and gave ot the United tates,TueltdllY. ,.Im a good tight race in one or This afternoon's papers conc.ede two others but the latter managed the electioral vote of but ailt of to pull th~ough the entire townthe forty-eig ht atates to President ahip with a lead that stood him in Hoover. Th new pr sident will be good standing when otherpreci"ncts backed by a nice working majority of the cou nty reported. of his party in both houses of the Cb'Ia f J ,u t .ce, ' S upreme Cou.. t National Congress. ' EW NW SW NC SC Govern"r White is re-el c ell at! We g ndt 46 ' 59 26 33 27 governor of Ohio together with MY: II " 119 139 62 116 83 f' h D a.r a .. . t he mil j orlty 0 t e emoc Supr.m. Court Sbort Term state ticket S h 69 7' 0 35 '8 4 L T M b \I tep enson .. .. 2 · I' harsb a , h GelgeI' ..... 92 122 49 89 66 X en a, as een c osen Supreme Court Lo•• Tarm sent the. Seventh Ohio (Two to 'elect) Congress. HUbbell .... 30 47 22 24 16 In Wayne town hlp prob.ijly Jones . .,..... 81 90 36 77 65 M.tthUls .... 83 91 38 91 66 )arf,est vote of o~': hjstory , . Zimmerman 38 66 28 34 38 poI ed, Of course •. the majonty . Hender80n . 65 65 28 29 25 most cases 'Wall With the Repubh. J ..... . Court of Appeal. can tI~ket. Go~. Roo evelt carryinlr Andrewl » .. 5() 64 33 36 29 but one precinct, the northwest RoIlS . 102 113 5 A 106 76 townlhip .... ,., ... Preaen't . PrOM" Court Wayne Earnhart .... 88 126 64 51 44 Oarey , ..... 110 113 60 128 89 Keller That the "oterI! of W.yne Township are unwilling to go to the additional expense ot holdini. convention to reville or amend the ConlUtotion of the State of Ohio nice majority, a did cornTa,aeJU . I I of t he Americ.n Leirion. IS cone usive Y proven by the So far a8 Wayne Township, It- followin&, vote by precincts: self, ia concerned, the additional Coa.titutlo_1 Co.yeadon three mill levy for sehool pUTposes Yes ...... 59 60 33 67 59~ w.s cont\nued by a m.jority of No .. ....... 108 116 63 107 ., 182. The vote by precincts: Latest unollicial and final reEW -NW SW NC SC turns from the County Board of For ...... 113 110 66 164 114 Elections' were received direct: Against .... 10. 119 62 54 46 F P 'd l The citiaena of our vill.ge al&o R I ' or .... I.n , decided that Council should have oOleve t ............ .................... 5466 more tonda for perating munici- Hoover "" F" o' r·'·;;.... :~... .. ·:.:or .......... 7.19 I ff I h h '"'~ -
fw• o-:nil:b-:~.frk - medtiJiThyle~Pft~;e~ht~hClh :;:;!~t! '.'....::... ::::"::":.':::':!.'~,':::.'.:. :~~~ e ounc .,. al . e vo e on For Lieuta.UIIt Gounor
, The close 0'1 the 1932 campaign took place JaJlt Friday, when a motor ru n-arou nd Look plac . StarLing fronl Lebanon. the party went to Sp ringboro, then to Lytle. arriving in Waynesville about ten minutes late. A good sized crowd greet· ed the Republican motorcade when it arrived here. After so me good music by the Mason band. county chldrman C. J . Waggoner introduced several good speakers. chief among them being Mrs. Laura Dow Gebby, of Betlef ontaine, Hon. L. T. Marsball, of Xenia, Se nator Cliff Martin, of Cincin· nati. and Hon. D. E. Stan ley, of ~~banon. Several of OUt· citizens J~med the company here. and conttnued over the remainder of the route ... Arnvl!l~ at Harveysburg, a most dellclous meal was served by the HaTveysburg women, and a large crowd had gath.ered to hear the speaker. on the Issues of the day. . Leavltlg thePI,' motor-t cade w nt Harveyaburg t M. . e. o. orrow, as .. n Plam. Ma~ne8vllle, South 1Iebanon , Kings MIlls, Ma~on and thence back to the siartlDg place L d t h ' t" d arge an en uSlas IC crow 8 gathered at i:!ach place, and, the run a rou nd wa a ucceSR in every war th
Rtra~lon ew~~ehl:l~ ~t aF~:nkU~Oit
was an old.fashioned red fire a nd torchlight demonstration . ' - - --- - -
MOTHERS CLUB HULDS EXTRA GOOD MEETING One of the most largely attend. ed and most enthusiastic meetin~s of the Wayne Township Mothers elub was held at the Gym last Friday afternoon. After t~e sin.ging of "America,' the musical and literary pr\>gram was given by pupils of the Seventh grade, a announced in the Gazette las~ week. 'and was most heartily enJoyed. During the .bu incss ses~ion. the flnance. commIttee r eported profits of more than $7~ from the annual Hallowe'en carntval. Custod of voted to MillS 'Ljle's rooms, .... "n" .. ti ,"'" was decided
Frank Cook is qui te ick at his home on the Upper F'ranklin road.
The Woman' s Auxiliny of St. Mar'y 's Church met on Friday Peter Demas Home-made Candy afternoon, November 4, at the so ld at the I~ail' mont ream home of Mrs. L. R . Gordon, Mrs. tation. Gordon and Mrs. Bert Hartso ck, Joi nt hostesses. MI'. and Mrs. Myel' H~'n,an and Miss Louise Mc une, Dil,>cesan son visited relative in Cincinnati, P1'esidellt of C()lumbu , Mrs. Laura Sunday. Mac I'acken, Educational Secreand Miss cha freT of Urbana Mrs. Otto SebaJd, IQ,f Cincinnati tary Ilnd the majority of the members was the week-end g est of M,rs. of t. Agne Guild ot Christ W . O. Rap er. Church, Xenia were present. Rev. J . J . Schaetl'er conducted Mr. and M.rs. Jamel! Lovely and c!aug ht rs spent und,ay with rela- the devotional service. . The program opened with a tive. in Middletown, plano solo, "An English Dance,!' Mrs. Emma Barnett and Mr. E . by Mrs. John Gons. Miss McCune gave a talk on the . Barnhar t, of indnnati, were program of the church with specia l in WayneHville Tue!!dl~y . stre on the United Thank Otl'er. Peter Dem!1 Home-made Candy ing. This was followed by a vocal sold at the Fairmont Cream 8010 "My Task," by Mrs. Maynard tati on. Weltz. Miss MacCracken talked on the I\1r. and Mrs. A. L. King were ~ducation~l work. giving the subweek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jec~ outhned .for stud y this year Clifford Buzlck, of Sidney. peclal attention. the American Mrs. has. Ord, oj: Detl'oit,' is Il'\dian and China. making an extended visit at the The, program closed with a piano hOn'le of Dr. Mal'Y L. Cook. bsoloM'. A LBove ong." Paderewski, y ISS etty Hartsock. ,{cBsrs. Russell Bentley and Carl Mrs. Cadwallad r appointed Mrs Connel' visited relativl's in Decatur J . J. chaeffer. Mrs. harles R and Portland. [nd.; Monday. Frazier, and Mrs. W. H. Allen a~ delegates to the annual meet'lJl Dr ..and Mrs. • S. Stahl, ot to be held at Piqua November Frankhn, wel'e gueatEI of Mt'. und and 16 ' MrH. W. H . Aller'l, on Su~day. Duri~g a delightful social hour delicious refr shments w r ·. e serv Miss Emma Reighway is spend- ed. ing the week in CiTlcinnati. the Other guests present )Vere Mrs. ,tuest of Mrs. Emma Barnett. . J . L. Hartsock and Mrs. L . M. Henderson . • _ _ Mr. and Ml's. Emil Brown. of entel'ville. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. harte Ame ', on Sunday HUNTERS W AkNED TO OBEY CONSERVATION LAWS MI'. and Mrs. Howllrd A rchdeacon spcnt Thursday in Columbu • . With the opening of the' hun".... the guests of Ml'. and! Mrs. Frank mg season near at hand the ConKenty. servation department of the state calls attention of the nimrodll to Mr. J ohn . Talbott. of Colul1)- the 'fact that only five rabbits or bus. spent the week-end at the hares may be taken in one day, home of H. H. Williamson and from one hour before s unri se to family . \ one hour after ·s un!!et. Raccoon 'The women of t. Mary's Guild may be taken from November 15 will serve an oyster Slipper for 26 to January 15, opossum and skunk cents at Grange hall Saturday from November 15 to February 1 fox November 15 to January I' evening. . mink November 15 to 'March l' Mes r . Ben Davis, P . A. Run- and muskrats Novel'\1ber 15 ~ yan, Harry Shaw and so n left March 15. Hungarian partridge Tuesdal'j nig ht to hunt , bears in .nd ri ng-neck pheasants from Novembel' 15 to 25. with limit of Penn y vania. ' four of the f ormer .nd two cock Mr. O. J . Edwards lind M.r. and birds of t he I.tter in anyo ne day.
~:aS~ ~r~~n~~~~I~~Se~r}:id~~I;:'i~~
----- - ...--=--
Pep, Meetinc The fll'st Me ling of the year. Nov mber 4, 1932, was 'IIPpropriately opened with d votiorials by Mr. Glust. illce the SpOI·t manship Brotherhood is the predominating as ociation of the sc hoo l. the Codc of Good Sportsmanship was read and exr.lained by Doris ·alisbury. . The Freshman closs then enlertained the high school with the "Alma Mater" song. Mr. Lotz talked on the value of apol·tsmanship In athletics in every day li'fe. Then our new coach ¥u'Hulfman, did a bit of .adverti ing for the Junior class fOl' which he was duly . presented II chedule pencil. To 'add variation he spoke briefly concerning the game. OUI' cheer J aders added pep to the occasion by leading the high chool ill yells and songs. We feel that thi meeting has
Will Sponlor an Armistice D'a y Party Plans are aoing forward for the I A ~ . D . annus l'mlstlce ay celebratIon !!polIsc.red by the R~Iph P. ,!ook Post of the AmerI~an LegIon. Arrangements are beml mllde. to hold the a~nual post homecommg on next Friday, November 11, and that Memoril,,1 l;laU will remain op~n. throughout the day. W. A. 'ReId IS in charge of the day's, program and announces that the~e ~Ul be plenty .of lunc~ and at ,sllt 0 clock a fish dmner Will be served. All ex- ervice men in WafTen county .re invited. At 11 11... m. a salute will be fired commemorating the ceslI8tion of ho~tmties on the morning of No . vember 11, 1918. .
FAIR BOARD ELECTION The Warren County Fair Board is planning t he annual election of, directors for Thursday, December 1. accor~ing to an announeement this ' week. Membership tickets will be 80ld on November 9 a nd 10. each day between the hours of noon and 5 o'clock at the office of the secre~ ta.rr' Theile member hip ' t~ckets wll a~so s rve .as family tickets for tIJe 1933 fair and only mem ~ bers of the Warren County Agricultural ociety will be entitled to vote.
affol'ded us a good startforfurther pl'P and in our athtet'lC~s and OUI choo l. ___ D. L. S. Election Return. The returns fr om t he Wayne High Scbool. Friday November 11, day. ov mber the seventh were as foll uw : , RooseveJ t .....' ,. • ... ........ 96 H oover . ........ . .... ';" 123 White ................ . ......... 115 Ingalls ...... 96 Only the president and state governor were voted upon by the .tudents from the seventh to twelf.th grades. The following committee was lelected from the two American History s ctionll. This committee had charge of the election and , co mpri. d the election board: Grace Hess, Hazel Higbtman, Miriam Ellis. Wallace Bernard, G~rland Ashorn, Ori Hardin. The who! affair was carried on in a very , atisfactory mu nner, only ene v te being rejected, because of ltlconect maTking. Ad.... nc • . _ Inform.tion ..On .. lb. Sprina Valley Gama The team and entl:1usiastic supporters 8l'e looking forward with high hop\ls of deteating the SprinK Valley team next Friday eveniDIr. The more conservati.ve membeta are lookln~ for a cl\)lje .ame, .r emembering that two of the Spring Vall 'I players made the all-eounty team last eeason. Many remember the close game two years ago when they beat the home team by two points. in a close, hardfought game, and think the game will be one of the beat of the season. Armiotice Da, Pro.ram The Seniors will entertain t he High chol , Friday, November 11, in honor of Armistice Day. with the following program: Tap .. , .. ,................. Cecil Davia Devotiona ls . ..' Rev. Williamllon Playlet, "AmericA Remember•.·' .... .' . . ..... Th Sen ior Clau BenedictiQn ". ,....... Rev. Dibert ¥fork? Perhaps you have noticed lome of the upper classmen seem out o f breath after wallcin, up tbe stairs. Thc reason is that we juat found out walking up stairs ill work. , . Now of course. we Juniors .nd nior. think we are pretty smart so i,magine our embarrusment , when in l'hy ie class Mr. Hatfteld a ~ked what is wo,r k and no on. knew. The , nexl day he explained that work was equal to th eforoe timea the di stance thus: Work-FD
ing should aiM be an open meetIS CONVALESCING I ing, and should be held at the Gym Wa'"'esv i1le fd ertde. NOTICE on the evening of December 2. J" pro osition followlI' E. B, Murrel, county treasurer. . . North S U1 Sawyer ............................... 5382 The teaehers and fathers. as well Mr. and Mrs. Ru el KerriCK and who has been c.onfined to his hOQle The Guild of St. Mary' Epi co· F U2 . "' ............... ". 6767 as aU mothers in t he township, are d ht M 'I A f Mi 0&58 Palmer For Secr.tary of S.a.. t b . 't d t te d aug er, art yn nn , I'J amis- for several weeks with illness is pal church will hold an oyster s up., or ..... " ............ , ... ".... Ap.iDl!t .. ............. .... ... 68 .. Myera .................................. 6168 0 e mVI e 0 at P . burg, were unday guests of Mrs. able ~o be up .nd about his . h~me per .t Grange Hall C)n Saturday a.nd 18 expected to be out some evening, November 12, from 5 to 8 The unollelal count of the votes Br.den .......... ~ ................. 6678 pr!r:~n~' o~'t~:-~~ro te~:Jeto:f Flossie Carey and family. in W8,)'U8 townahip foUoWl: For A.c1.... r of Sta.t. W pmen v.oters, gave a good A good oyster stew with all the bme nellt -week. He is well on the Price 26c. Your patronalre is solicited . For ¥utler ........................ ........ 5006 address. outlining woman's duties tlIimmings will be serveljJ at Grange ro.d, to recovery at this time. EW NW SW :NC' SC raey ....................... ............ 6865 and privileges as a voter. hall Saturday evening lor only ======~==~~==~~~====~~~~~===.============= Hoover .. . . 144 148 '72 16S lOS For T,...hurer of Stat. , Mr. S. S. Elli , president 01 the 25 cents. Supper from 5 to 8. ' Roosevelt .. 122 189 70 78 70 FerC1!son ....... -........ ,............. 6006 board of education , made an apFor eo-...or , Day , .. ........... . ........ ...... 6966 peal for the Tanewal of the threeMr. and Mrs. Charlles Rye and White ,,, . 142 179 76 97 89 . F. . Attorne, Ga.eral mill Bchool levy at t he e lection on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and Ina.nl ,.,. 110 127 86 111 78 Duffy .. , ................. ,.. ,.,'" ..... 5002 Tuesday, explaining how the daUghter spent Sund slY with Mr. • t'" Bricker ........ ' ................. , .... 6881 funds 0'1 the board are ex£ended. and Mrs. Ed Hartsock, of Spring F or L. . . . ._t ...o••nor FOIr U.lteel Stat•• 5 ••a'or Valley. Sawyer .... 108 144 64 66 68 B lid 5481 and sh ow in~ how the regu 11.1' rate Palmer .. .... 138 138 69 146 99 BUtt ey .......... ~ .............. , ....... 66' 67 has never een sufficient for the Mr. and ~rs. Geof""e IIartsock , For 5 _..~ 01 S.... e ~.nc ·""·"""""",, "t" La " .. ' past several years. His remarks m '" Myers ...... 106 144 8' 66 68 ... or n. rae were ably scconded ~. and Mr. and ¥rs. Ern4!st Hartsock Braden ..... 117 132 8'1 141 96 Truax, D. .... ,........................ 6196 Hawke, another nlember of the enjoyed an auto trip to Serpent FA. 01 S Younr. D. ............ " ..... " ......... 4861 board: Mound and West Podsmouth, on B tl or iOlt i88 6';'·63 Bender, R . ........ , .......... " .... ". 6420 . Light refreshments were served Sunday. ~acyF er ...... .... ..T .140 118 88 141 101 Palmer, R. .... .......... 7618 during the ensuing Mr. an d Mrs . J. C. Haw k e, and Il1o F... R.presaat.d ••....to, ......... C-..... _ _ _social hour. .. ......... of H.lloran "168 ' . , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. :Fl'omm and FeraulO" .. 101 187 81 81 69 ......................... , ....... ., CI d S d D Day- .... .. .... 140 i8s 88 1'" 101 M.rsh.1l ",." ........................ 6848 son, y e. spent un ayat elaF 'Aft 0........ " For Ste •• 5a_.or ...... . ... • ware, guests of Mr. and . Mrs. DO« .._~.~ . 61l 66 &9 DeArmond .. " ................... :..... 6169 Melvyn Banta. Brl~i" .... 186 181 66 14l 100 :!,Iej~~~~.~ti~..t;;."~;;·c.!!~.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. ,r. Elzey, of I F.. U. S. S._tor A .1 Farmers Grange at Waynesville near Lebanon, and Mr. and Mn. Bulkley ,.. . 107 166 67 68 68 F.. ha ...... , was host to the Warren County Albert Brannock splent Su'n day Bettm.a .. 188 188 86 180 98 rn rt ..... .. ....... .................. 621S Pomona Grange on Saturday Octo- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. eo-aret Lar Hamilton , ............ .... ...... ......... 7062 bel' 29, approximately 100 being T. B. Brannock. \ D. .. 10817it 62 68 Co_t~ C-.i.. ioaer ...... attendanee. An ~nusuaUy inter,. Youq. D. .. lOll 1&8 151 61 66 D. .......... " ...... " .... 4837 esting session was held. I ~he Woman s G~t1d of the Bender, R. 12" 11'1 88 118 84 ......... ,.......... .... ...... . 8603 All of the sub~rdinat e granges Episcopal church WIU have an Palmer, R. 129 iS8 69 ' U6 ' 97 ......... " ..... ,.. " ... : .. ". 6963 In the county were represented oyster supper at Granll;e h.1l Satur Rep... _tali. to (:0-. .. ....................... ". 6864 and interesting reports were givlln day eve nmg. Noyember 12 , from 5 H.Uoran ~, 106 i69 65 ;6~. 60 D For P;-~U·a ~ttol'llay Of the regular Pomona officers to B. Price 25 cents. 184 1S8 78 144 106 iJatuah ................................ 7286 , twelve responded to the roll e.li Ma haJJ Mr. R. Hartig. of Detroit, Mrs. rs F;;" Stat. S••ator For ca.....f "PI~r' 01 eo.IIIOD with Frank Barnett, of the Hamil- t. Heavy and Mr. Gib-son Ord. of DeArmond 108 181 60 . 81 68 P 1m . e ton Township Grange, presidin&, Chicago, were over-night guests Miller ...... 184 186 ' .87 186' 98 • er .......... " ... .." ..... .... " .... 6928 master. ' of Mrs. ehas. Or d and Dr. Mary L. Collhla " " .... .. .. ... , .... .... .......... 6706 . The degree of POmona was . R.p. , to c.••rel .A __'I, Cook, Saturday night. Earnh.rt ., 1t9. 1'10 82 87' 61 Jord f1tIIr 5 •• ferred on three candidates Hamilton . ~47 136 72 145 100 Huff'" .... , ...................... :... ... 6334 lowing the work, dinnf:r was Mr. and Mrs . Mark Rogers, ac· ~or CO~l7 c-a1..1..." ~t" .. R·...... ·.... 7176 in the banquet hall. companied by tbe former's Rister. M;is8 Anna Mary Rogelrs, of Spring boro. spent Sunday with their Beedie, R. 11" 188 67 106 7" p.fl .............. " .... ........... 6912 furnished ' by th'e Waynesville brother i~ Muncie, Ind. Keev~r, ~ ~89 A'll. 188 97 Munpr-. ..~~~~~.~.. ~~.~.~~ .6608 Grange orchestTla Mr. and Mrs. Lou 'P ohlman, of ~ ....... . 1.0 ~'I !tora.r 0 Murrell .""" .... ....... ..... ,, ......... 676S • Dl!erPark, and M;r, and Mrs. Dila t uu• .". .9 149 1 6 ' Fllr S..".,...r . I.,~'un LODGE .ot Norwood, were Sund.y a.Il Ccl!iane HoELECTS OFFICERS Osborn, afternoon callers .t the home of P.lmer ..... 110.f1'19 18 81 . 87 Va Mo fo ... ................ ...... ........ , 6602 0ft 1°0 8" 29 8 n rt ..... ~ ...... .. ................. 8068 At • regular communicatiem at Dr. and Mrs. J. E. ~itbam. C o Ili na .. .... 1 •• ~ ' u 1 7 F... eo..Waynel!Ville Lod.e No. 163 F 6 Mr. and Mrs. Vern. Hough and Jorda. .. ,... ~ ~t·80 611 6" Gilmour .. ...... .... ...... .. .......... 8970 M., Tuead.y ni.ht the following family, and Mr. and ~n. Forelt Hllffol'd .... 137 14'7 76 168 110 JUDICIAL u.m,""'B were elected for tre en- Hough and children 1fere Sunday P... F... ewell ....tIc. eI ... ' • . . - . year: jfuests at the home Ib'f Mr. .nd Wund , ..... 104 184 15 , '11 . 70 Co.trt C. StJohn, W . M. Mrs. Will Williamson lin D.yton. Huffllla.. .. ua l,Sa ,. 141 81 W.,padt ... .... ....................... 2892 E. C. Crane, S. W. , Fer T ....._ lIa.....n I ................ . .... . , ..... 66'18 S. E. Thomas, J. W. Kunler .... 107 171 16 77 89 F.r J .... ttl til. S~•• C-rt F. B. HeDderson, Secretary. Murreb .... 1.. 1.e '71 187 84 (U_pIrN T_) :a. H. Hat1IIock, Treasurer. Per ~ Step. . . . . ............ ..... j ....... 8180 Robert A.drew" S. D. Va. B 119 If. II 1~ 81 QeIPr ................. .................. 4880 C. A. WlUiamloD, J. D. MGntort ;. 111 lit 'l1 1106 84 r .. J.... • 1 ... h . -•• ~ F. B. Farr, T,ler• .... .... 1'0I!t c.. If (1'•• O. I. Waterhou_, trustee.
Pomona Gran,ae Entertained Here
~!~~.h~~ ..,.i:: ~:: :~ 1:~ ~~
o..,...: .
::G:..,,· . . ·. ·. ·. ~· . . ~r. U41 .ft!~no~~jO~~l:n f:.~r:he o~ut~~
Gilmolll' .... O l t . .ft 1.. 101
John Ii lpaeh. admlnllltratcw of tb e tat of Charlet lin pach, de
L tie ed, District School a it Existed in Wayne 70wnship for Yea .rs
First and Rnal. J, Hugh , executrix of tltto I.'statl.' uf Luther Hu,hes, de· cl'a~l'd. F'irl\! and final. I'll trick CouRhlin, adminiltrator ,) f thl' l'~tate o'f ThomaA C_ Cough. lin. deccallt'd, }'irRt aud final.
Common Plea. roe.eelin,. \ In Lh" l'U!'l' of Ll'~lInoll- iIi? nl< fly TIt'F: 1I0(),'lBR New Sulta dl'Tlt, lin I. \\ l' )<\'01 (iI1H'~ f~tll', Its rhu"",," J. ])ill. ~l\lil,lItd Balik & TI' U~L O. t'I'''U:; N(lrIl1ll B. Roosa vers us Effie M. . . I'("("','II,"nt i" aile uL II. I'fI1eil'nt U" Tit, l' ' I\lilln \\'I\~ t'ec!! i I'U: a lHI Tlltl 1,IIuwinIC C'llllllllnlt:lltlllll - ~ , . I Jlwrt Stll~\Y u, 'I't, l al, confirm ation, Phil1il'~' I'thui' S. Hall lind Gor. ' I that l,f Ihl' l<:i'"III"l'nlh lIll'ntl- thl? mntter W8,' I'l!fl'l'I'erl to J)1\ \'lA I 'l,1I 1\111) i"II'1 '\I iUI1. Jll'ticiency II tlll \\ "'11..1 III llll', 11l\'l' lt hl' C ."-J 'l l " h Burno.>tt, \V IIII jUt h~lll( nl tl) II £<1l1c!nuL. Fl'dl!l'U I IljUlI P . lIa\1 fO I' partition at real Fnrna~ lind .'t~p en ml'nt in Chlc"g'(). I H:, \L~\ ~ 1 O\I~ lu~th;'IJ of ,"<lllcil- Th" hoard ~\('l' 'pt('d n jlh'l1n"itinn \\l'lt' fi\'l'll power to art (11'1.<'1' lhl'Y Lllnd Bll')k Loui"vl lle for 57411. 4 IIl'l1l\t'rty a nd olhel' relief. t ' Crulll F:tbnn , . Ilro\\'n wherehy hml th,.rllu~hl.y cIlTlvas""d thi! nl'l! 11 l"-. pll'illit'(1 not gulllr of inlJ ~. lurin ld,"I' "."pl'ration I IIntl ellt~I'in" with int!:'nt Marria." Linnaa. !luelle" molllll' th .. 11111 \'uu UI' a - llllt !-",'n tl omllll U'l'('<'/ I '"I ! I Intl t • ~I tu 8.'I ( III. 1'11 , ' lotal 'nun\l'rlltillll hl·cllkin'. ~ ... r I 1. ", L'itil,na l "l'ounu ad,'lo.1inin" the f,ll' thi: " ell!' \In: 733. 10 ~l4;'Rll\nd hi~ tl'inl if\ se\ fori 0William F.dd v~ furniture u"ealer, tl n,1 il)t~'I"Kt · ()€ (lUI I \\n~"p uy ,YU ~ ... loJ .1 •• I' 0 nollL'r p,'lition lri, and Elizabeth un with u in ou r ~~nl1- ~ch 01 ~ite in ni~trict Nil. :! £01' th ~ I h sign!'" UY \ 1'1IIbIJr lO. Runl IS Si.'t ul. I 160 ' . Itf ,rin I-..;...------=;.;;,::Ti:lf.:.:- s clet v '!ro! (s. Our o~iomnwdalioll III a new :;rhll,,1 ,Jo,,'nh Painter tlfH (lt 'rl~' ~\'as pre !fany Shill tttl~k.._I' iiI II, eU.......JUW'+-':wJllOI n, t d IlnU"e. Th 11{' In! Ictnl~'f1t Bal'ney Ha , factory worker ny i:; t "·nll"· ~J'h( t ' nlHlu.• Jr:du~' Il -" """oulI,1 \\ :I~ to he ~l'lll lId III thl' 11I1I1r b al t 1l'11' '" rne,f! • - ~UUI ,,. t I ,I d sch\lol lJl'oplJrty so IUIl'Y aR it 1\111' in,.; he"l :elltcm or 1" l I)lh ..,.;ninsl him. Tl' illl IVIl:; " l fit 1"1'Unklin, ' and Mis" Mary Dal('II . v.'" m"l't ""t!1 Y ~~onu n n ' " f h r d fi " Frankll' n. :>:UI' I'l1Ibrl' t 5. n Oli '\)(1 lon fad r.v workel', ilf fllul'l h :-:l.ltln·(luy .. 1 !tach nll,"1 h ·111 ul<Ic'11 1'0)' :\Chl)lll1)UI'P')!'~~, lnlt ,' hen Thi ~ petitioll a!\ked orI' t . ormu· f the lJlli, II ~c hu~lh,)u$t! in W.\ynes- th- !'c hoo l Wlls either di.coTltinueil tioll or rt nt!", :<p~ci I, Istnet I' ,'ll) 1500. Andrew Hiram Ge l'ge, truc:k 1 e·, b'i kf L W I'igh\ pi IlIl d dliver oC Wilmington, and MillS \illI', OUI' obJ·l.'d Il 10 nov ne t h \l r Tl'l11ov<:!tl the ,.,'''']'ounu, , ""'Il, \<l re· plllt oe o. 'h in Wuyrte town'hill, h" ' • tl thl' I.!Stli le Qr th donor. I'lL l uf , p.'l- f 1 townsf I\> ,ln g uilly i In" In Ictlllllnt Tht'lOla Hill, school teacher, of int ' I'l' t Ill' !:'(!Ul' tHIn. liopilllC )·uu v~rt . Thl' !:,entll'IlHlO nl!'o decidt'u to ('lintltO count)'. UIl! purt u \JI'lllll ~1~HlIl£t him. ~\()f'r w. The' Bayer C(OSS is pot jUlt a trade·mark. but. ,ill goi tht' l'ubjet'l CIl o.11'ullle ('on t'n~ct n'e\\, bulleling. ill Dislri t,-; ,'u ll('y town. hip in Greene (111 Illy. Tum .1. J"lm ~l)n pll'adl'd Real Eatat" Tranaferl iderotlo.1ll, \\1) r emain yO.uI·~, t!tc. , I tI;,. ;~ and 13 liS "Olin as was Onl' (If lhl' l'en~llnR givell wa~ th~ ~uilty ,, [ till' indictment filed symbol of safety. (slacnl.'tI) J .. lm (. Rillg, "I.'Cl'· h'Inl. 1" nil I WIIS ,'ct f Ot' practic/lhle, and that the new build lack f bri d gel! ncros;' l~, ae S~ll ' s n~uill . t l .ot' 'n Glenn Br ck to Ali ce L. t!l~rt:~ minut f il to statl' what ing~ in s, 2 Hnd 6 .·hr,uld bl.' neek and , lhl' hinll'0hllSibilit'k\' I,r Nov"mbcl' 22. n llIil i!.' lix -\I nt 81' ck. In lLlts NOB. 3, 4, Ilnd 6 in That name tells you It cannot depress the heart. built 'uf bt'lck I' . ton loundn- tl'ansportfltJUl1 w en t cree wn ' J 5(10. Lytl" . UCliOfi "'" wk 11 in T gard to 1he TIle mlltt 'I' wa~ I' f el'rl!l) ~ ,tion;;,. Th "f also n"'rced tu pay t\ Ildctl. Edward C. 'I. ' hrin~ pI IId ' d 11 t Illll'le" \yan alld Luella Swan to d umenl, It. inVltution, bUl lhe o " f 81·thf ul un d much WOI' k' (ItI gul Ily 111 t" h I 01'Ictml!ntll Ii Iet I .I. ' ~~. n I\at ,. nnel VI'ola Caster, ffi . I \,rUlil\lll orne\] $112.59 fOl' tht'ee· t The tablet stamped Bayer dissolves so quickly you c If, • f ul'lli -he t h e f ti1,', ellat !ou rth~ of an acre II g1'oun U BeI· 1\1 Dal'the .IS ., I 'f '. T rIll ' ISn W(>I; 1 N ., UI'lIl1:S. \1'1 0 was t o con/'I' as!'llln~t h1111. J~ . H!lvink and Mary . h l'Oflllllllt . (.'8 f rom t'.I!' \1 t- h01" vem b e l . d e :set orfi d0 Gear"'!! .. Il rO() l in xistence u an attemp 'o inin" the seh 01 iiI.' ill ,' 0. 6, WIt I' 2" olld u OIf\ s Wt>l'C XI.' Ir ~v'·nk. 1011 a "I'Cs I ' n H"-ilton J get instant relief frolll headaches or other pain, \.0 mninl.uin IIny orL of a par .n t... l. d h t '" I " ... .. ... .. h' ., and lIppoin1ed It committee t.o tw<) 0(1111' S t 1\ WI'I'(' oul'ctec. at 2()00 "a(l h . tow n. hl'p,. . teo ..el' rgnni;l!al.lon In l. I. VICI1l finish the deal. \ hen thiil commit0 n 111'1'1 l5 , 18 7 ,.I11r. 1\< F url1l1S > I'f Cif('I' \VII I etcl' J. F.. Castel' al1d VI'ola aater , _ h t.l it". e l i t WI'th 0 f I.I.. !'UU 1 an(I b uttery ane I was laude WI'lson and Loretta WI' ~ "" There is no disagreeable taste or odor to tablets of , !t. pr 'scnt-. ay1 sucre ~Ilr, lbt ' t.OO ""ot busy, h(,l'lllon 's synonYl1l rt!pul'll" LIIII t h h 1I( JIll' lson Wayne TownshIp ~ other II, I~ .,. ' "OIl " ", h an d J 0 h n W 00, d 0 f scntenc(!r I tO~)llY a " f $ ~. 00 . . for was eems t c) have broken Ioose LCWIS une 0 10. '\ftpes ' I n Haml' l~on t own hip. the Inn t "uctIV' orgnmza' \ ' /I II £'y t own h IP, ' an",I SlmL' <" Pile and F. " W. Franz to by Bayer manufacture; no harmful quantities of free liontal' w ha e. A special nt eting wa:; hel d , pl'lnl1: "",('rett nr4'n Iow WUoI f ou n d .Jame. April 26, to draw SIn nrder for the u I Lama 1', of hcstrl' to" nship, guilty <If n!lsault I.\l'Id batte r anu B IIJ'al)lln Becket and Anna May tf I h S Mr. Fumil' ol'is w th t tatc h lh ey h II d d eCI'1.1 I! d l hat t IIe wa~ ~entl!ncet.l to pH)' salicylic acid to upset the stomach; no coarse to proceed fille of B ftbet. lnlot No. 133 I'n Franklin. I latur were highl~' uccessfu.I fund d ai, but he I' ith 9 t h theof omell J une und . l. at IIOU Id b gl'fln l ('. d Th e .,10 .. 0 , ~ L .. .. ~ on t Ptltltl n Wl ' III ' Jlm J . Sherwood to Sndl ' e Ju t I ad whllt I rk Me une say! anoth r pecll1) was ca lI ' d to coo- new sc h 00 I hl' repor t e d , wou Id IJl l h cs. e 0 f P orte!' F-I lch er, onnel·. Inlot No. A 'In Waynesvl'lle a particles to irritate throat or stomach. happen d ~ "On Illotion of Wi11 iam ider a chang!) to anothtil'Slt . lh a l aCCOnlll1O d a t e auou I. t 35 pUPI'js, line I E verctt R a d cr, a I'1881 E al' I DItVIS . f or .. and Sara E . Ro" rt P. Tucker Barl communication wa. sent 'n I h own an d b y l'ccom- Tucket· U to th y aBoal'u of Education If mu;t bave been ugges t e d b y 1\1 f. th ere was " . UI't a""Ie b UI'Id'ng I I gOOl Cllua to The Mason ;Bllilding. u r reek Town hip, Greene ornell. Tbis new site might be 5('. the vi inlt)' that could b I' pail'- mondnlion of t he prosecuting at· J Onn and avings o. Inlots No. i, cured f r $10() l)lus the qual'tcl'- t.l at u \' er~' :mall expell~e. The t l'n l'. it i~ Ol'del'~'d that a N olle 49 Ilnd 60 in Mason . G.Nul •• I.,. WITHOUT T"" ClIO<! o~ii~' 0 hl~e aAk~dft~ ~/dl~cle~~ acre ot gr und contained in the mot leI' W8" tinally 10i1l on the PrQ,(lquj b entered hel'(lin, adle onner to William J, Sher- NO TABlL" ou nt" the am unt due, -137,37, old site, and the board might re- tab le f(lr future nction. The ca e of Union J oint tock wood. Real esLate 1n Waynesville. • ., it was lain the buildingmaLerial ' that At this same meeting Lund Bank of Oetl'oil, il c()rporaOsca ,p J. Edwards to C. !U n. Robwith ihtere t. from th time ] wer d the d di0 rect· buy tion miltht be SIl1 llf(e<l from t h e razmg ors (') f N 0, 01' 1'1' . versus H . F.ad oodwin wa itzer. 2.50 acre in Wayne t wn-duo thl boal'd '( December, 1861) of the old building. (Relilly, thcy n w seats [or t heir <: hool, but not dismissed withou t t cord. . shiff' 80 t hat. the ~ame may be levied a ' T t h e (,Il.se 0 f !lrI Way.n e ~Id ovmg a b out as pay more th an 80! or t.h tllll; a n ary E. Lemon to Lee Lemon . h L 1 seem to have b een h dire ted by t e egis ature of much trouble with this selection Il comm itt e was aJlpoint d to exam- tlle!on. v.ersus, Laura 11ddleton Inlot 0 . ) 1 in Waynesville. hio. n motion of W, Barley, J. the present bo rd had in el cting ine the on dition of th Corwin platntlff I . gUIlty of cont mpt Of rcn Glenn Brock to Alice L. raft was appointed to convey the thre new bu. bodiel! last summer school hou e, lind meeting adjourn. COUI·t, It IS unle.l·e,d th.at Ii pay Bro k. Real e tat~ in Wa''1Ie t y, b e I'leve us. ) d un t'lI J une 1• d f ertuant ·1 $1 0 1mme\lIa.te.l y an.d lo'''n-h'lp. " , id communication to aid Board G~d th at wnI en of , Educati' on." MI'. Furna ,wa - lind T h boaT d t oug h t It h a d set'" I t·100 was l h ~t he be. conti.ned to ~a ll unbl '. n J une ] ,1\ re~ou Lewis Stibbs to Ohio Central paid the magnificent sum of $,21.75 tIed the difficultv when it voted passed tran!'f rdn'" part of N o.8 saId um I paId an· 1 contcn)pt 1 _ _ __ . e s. iT .. ~. .. Te nhone Coryoration. The use S In hn~ I'nlnrest 0'" &fety the Obl' Q . Ia t 'Ive "• rVlc f or bI· I~IS t Q chl;lOge th ~ ite, bot a p ti tion to 'pr ing Vall y town hi p, and, Du rged I v '" , lerk !'tIc un!! appointed Joseph signed by a mllJon . 'ty o f th ' cllse. of H~! l en ollins ver· creek of cl!rlain rea for estate of hl·ghway".., , under . e Ch a t ef t OWI1S h'Ip pro ba bl y d 'd I I I . e' k In the t own hip lines.in Turtle. .,.da iot Oi.,e. Simpl. Rule. for depart"'~nt ,.. ", Lyle, father of Mr. Anna Cad· patr ns, specially those in the wi e, th ne\ Iii trict wns formed. RU Pil';ll . 0 11ln5, dl'y orce wa" g~ant F . J. Lewi s to Ohio Central Makin. Farm Butter Dlrecto,r O. W . Merrell, undertook walladet', s a director of. District . Mt. Holly neighborhood, put The committee that had bee n ap- ed. plSlI1tltf,. are of (he . mmor T lephl\t1e orporatl·on. The to determine J'u t what are No. Q on April 25, when W . anl/the1' fac Qn the matter, an d pointed to sci ct n w s ite in No. 13 child was " Iven to plal-ntl'" De :..v 'ml· th. "..'ho had b ""'1\ I cted t o till another sp cial ,,-as called for was una bl e to repol't, so t h y a d. fenda.nt IS . to .. pay '~3 II. • of real esta·e in Union Makl'n'" hl'gh qUall't bu>ter I"" kl ' eo, ... .. charBctel'I'stl'cs of good drivers, the office, failed to legally qualify. July 21.. Because of t he quaintn e journed fo r another week, at support of minor '~hir:r wee or tor lines. the farm home is not a ditHcult A good driver, according t~ the Da if a few imple directions The scbool numeratl'on dropped of its phraseology, the originality whic h time ' ' ' . Rudolph D. Childers to Sarelda proce.,.. t h e commIttee reporte d The dl'fendant was gl'anted ten findin"s should do more u. I.nan a .. ' +hl'" 673 t d th at 'It. was un bl e t 0 a"ree, so days to 1\1 an swe 0'thEll n Tindall, 46 acres in Clear. are car fUI~ foll owed , Ilccording -el"ely.. IItBrt • .. aln , ~' year stop and steer his cal'. th , b . d h ' h of sonl of heJ' r a'lgument ,an .. " r r o. e.r p Iea d . creek township. to D. S. ochhel' er, extensl'on'" Here IS e oar over w IC the t>romi~e nce of ome ot the the matler wa referred to the tng \11 the case of 1I1arJol'l Irene speclall'st for the department of He at all times bould be alert , ,a nd Davis Furnas pre ided, April 17, si ..... ers, we quote the petition in entire boa1,'d. cott versus " 1"1-'11' G cott he sh"uld an'icipate po sible . 1l. th 2 .... j " " .... . , 8iU • .Allowed dal'ry technology at the Oh'l() State blunderv 1 6 ",,: 1, Ben j amtn ~.. a el'; ,full. F our site were Teeommenoed to In th ellS o'f Benjamin Frank. of ~pede trian and Jess L. Butterwodh ; 3, St phen "To tM Honorable Board of th board at the S ptember 16 lin Rlngl r versus "harles . B neKarl D. Dakin, insurance, $187.- University. k drivel'S h meets anll passes. Burnett· .. , J ohn W. Clark: , &, EducatiQn of Wayn e T ownship, meeting, which were listed a dict, exccutOll of e tate of Louis 2&: Mary 'E. Hopping, rent, 180; Immediately after mil lng and Specifically a good driver, the William Barley; 6, Josiah raft, Warren County, Obio: f ollows: Cyru mith's corner; G. F . oleman, dec alsed. motion for Richard L. Williams, services, 10; while the milk i ·s till warm, he Ohio Ilepartnlent of hirhwaya "We, the citiz: os of Sub-District E, Ini th's corner: Graham' S new trial overruled. It is ol'der d Albert Milliard, services, 10; says, it should be carried to the 8aY8, hould8, Davis Furna ; 9, Chesterfield 1 Keep his mind on his driving. Myersi 10. Geol'ge . ale; 11, No. 6 ·o f said town hip, respect- gate, and T. D. Nea)t's corn r. that defendant re~'over oI plaintitr Erma Hibnar, services, $10; Julia milk house and s parated by the Darius R owe; 13, William Graham. fully petition you to rec:oDsidel' the A.fter quite II lengthy discussion, hi~ C()~ts H olland, services, ,10; Mrs. use of a centrifugal separator. 2. Keep in the lin of traffic, It should be l' memb t· d that only a tion. in reference to the scho ol the board de id d ~o make the 'In th 'case of I.. C) uisa D. Nichols Howard Sawyer, services, .$ 7; .Mor. Like all other 'm ilk uten!\ils, the, 3, Anticipate what othen will the clerks of the val'lolls sub·di - h.ouse lot Uiat \!Ill last set(lcted by selection by ballot. and on t.he versus 1'hcodore L gner, confirmn. row Whitacre, tlervicea, $5: sePll:ratodl' Ilhould b . clean ed and do. , tricts were member of the town. Davis Furnas and oth ers, and keep fourth ballot yrus Smith's site tl n, II ed Rnd distl'ibulion . Georgia Miller, se rvices $10; sterlliz:e atter it IS used. The 4. Watch out tor ped atrians, ____ James Hatfield, ervices, ,io; Mrs cream creen of the separator bowl particularly children. hip board. hortly after they had the one that was fil'st selected by wn chosen. ~lr. mith was present convened at 1 o'clock for the aiter the committee that you, ent out and informe d the board that h I! Probate Court tella Kelly, service. $10; Charles hould ~e adju ted to separate a &. low down at schools, crolis. no on ses ion. "on motion of WiI- for that purpos for the following \lias ready to make the Iteed of Hobson, services $10.; Frank, Sher. cre.am WI~ about 35 per cent but- ings and inters ctions. Iiam Barlesk' the board adjourned reasons: The fir t chosen lot is a tran. fer whenever the board saw Lafayette Graham, administrll- wQod 0., suppi!es, $2; William tariat. Thl ~ve the best thi~k- . G. Signal the car behind when ness of cr~am tor p~op r handhn.g changing his cour e, till 3 o'doc p. m. to atte nd the very n.ice level , with a good well fit. Yes, you'v guessed it; Davi tor of the estate of Clara J. Gl'a- Huffo rd, expenses, $84.95; meeting held in the M. E. church of watel', with a road and gravel Furnas \<Va appointed to close th.e hll~, deceased, fil ed his inventory alto Mfg. Co., supplies, $ and ch~rntng. A thlckel' cream 18 7. Know the feeling of bavlng All n Huffman stamps for office, n!ore difficult to ,handl an~ may his machine under cont1'ol. to express our r gret and 'sorrow walk, from the pike to the schopl d eal. Mr. yfUS Smith was lhe and it was approy,ed. 8. Obey traffic regulations, lig. on account of the assassination of hou e, and the location is hard to father of Ge I'g J. mith, wh o has The inventory of Alton F. Brow n 14.1&; E. B. Murrell, services In gIve a greasy bod!ed butter.. tbe Presid Ilt of the United States. be excelled' ",hereas, the last -se- taken such ex'cellent cara of the lIdmini. trator of the e tate of Truso rer's office. ,$15 i W. After s parataon. Kochhelfier nals and 8i~n8. Abraham Linc\>ln," lected lot is not s \jitable for a grounds and the janitor work at Peter B., Cleaver, was approved. FuLkerth, expense account, $366.- 8ufgestl' that the cream be cooled iI. Has his automobile inspected The school houses were getting school lot, bein2 hilly/ with n o our High 'chool build ing ever The adjudicatioll and detel'mina. 26; Mabel ScovilJe, assisting BUr- wi h cold water to a temperll:ture regularly. o~t of repair quite frequently; ground, suitable ' for Children to since 'its construction in 19l5. tiorl 01 the inherH:ance tax on the $8 ,40 ; Dollie S. impson, as near 60 .degl'ees ~ahrenhelt as 10. Drive wilh his mind as well some were becoming tOI) small t o play on, and it wiU cost a large ' An oth el:' interesting item ap. "state of J () hn S. ThOmas , deceas. surveyor, $8 Stakalta bIe. If Ic,e Is aV~Il)able a co~ler as with his hands. accommodate all the pupils of sum to make a Toad or walk to the pears in t he minutes of thi latter ed, is to be g iven to all perso n ' insupplies Wood. I pos8lb~e and des lrnHigh""ay Director Merrell stren. ' the cream IS stored in a 'uou I)' n outagel! motorist~ to ' their di trict; special committees' Muse" or the children will have to meetlng: lOA mot.ion was' pr ,eseolltc~ltercstad. had advised new buildings in m ore go over a branch and up II hill and passed appOinting William Tile fil'st anti fi nal a cc ount of 2; Morrow Lumber and kept cold and practice these prIncipals, by which thlln one district. 80 :the board ' which in ' the welt weatber i very :Barley a committee of one to ad· George P. Gntes, administrator of ~ 15 7.25; W. C. Turton, Attimtbe ttot.prep.atre it fbor they would enLoy driving and ndopted measures to meet the muddy of bJue and yellow- clay. B y just a seeminlr difficulty (if pos- the estate of Arthur Quigley de- $195; Oregoma- 13ridge Co., a Ime I may e would make the ntghwayrfree of financial side of the question. The complying with this, you will sible) in sub·dlstrict No.9 j nrei· ceased, was app roved, all owed nnd $49.07; Lewis & Drake, necessary to warm ,the cream accident tOT their families and levy of a pecial tax amounting to preserve peace and har mony in' eren ce to hiring a teacher ther,eln, confirmed by t he c ourt. cement, $162.60: J. K , Spencer, sftlalghtlYTthC\ produe h aldmbild 18dd others. $],000 to c}'eate a building fund t he sub-district, and receive our complaint baving been made of Harry Benthie!!J executor of the grllvel and sand, $56.70; H. T. erlv?r. .ec[eamst?u te.rpen. , - - -- - wa o l'dered, but belore the meet· sincere thanks." the trouble to the board." estate of Dora ti,aper, deceased, ok. gravel anQl sand, $79.28; m. a SlOg ,e c~n am r 0 Illsure BOYS out of school between th~ ing closed th's amount was rsised filed his firSt and final account. Abner Berger, 94! rviees, $8; J. a ~nlform npemn, and tempera- ages or 16 land 26 have practically to $2,500. If th y had held a more Robert G. Morris, administrator K. Spencer, gravel and sand, $23 ,_,tuIe. , . doubled their enrollment in the than half-night session, Iill their of the estate of Rachel A. Morris, 8&; 'Lewis & Drake, Inc., cement, Un~el' ~08t farm conditIons, he evening cJI\ ses in agl'ieultul'e_ , deeeas d, fil ed his schedu le of $18 ; W. . 'r~rton, cenlent, $20; say~, It WIll not be nE\cesu,ry to Last year lhere were 1;642 stu. s uccessors of today sometimes do, Heaven only knows where the taxdebts. Morrow Lumber Co. , sew n, $4 .• WHIm the c.ream as It Will be dents. This year the.re are 3,117' Al ton F. Brown was appointed 50; Corrugated Culvert 0 •• ab!>,!t the rljfht t.emperature and students. payers would have gotten off with this spec:ial building levy. guardia n ad litem of Hugh F. sewers, $20~; Morrow Feed Ii aCidIty for churnlDg, The CTeam Added to this, they a s ess.e d a 'levy Black, tl minor. Supply Co., sewers, $7.76: Robert should !'l.ot be mOT~ t~an t~ree ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ of $1,200 .for educatiol1\lI purThe will of Daisy Dyche Mllple, :ReIchel, supp\ie , $ 1.25; The days old If g~od quaht.y IS delllre~. po es, and $800 more for con· deceas d, wa admitted tQ probate CompreSljed Wood PrelJel'ving Co., The ~ chqrnmg temp,eratures Will tinge!'lt, bringing the total levy fol' W. hastel' Maple was .a ppointed lumber, $793:56; l\trs, Katie Fritz depena upon. t~e season ot the • the year to $4,500. They did show executor, no bond required. L. S. ompen ation and damages, $10; l.el!r and certall) other factors. a little mercy to tbe taxpayers, as hawhan, C. "Eulass and • E. Oregonia Bridge Co.,teel, $31.. :thIS t.emperature for farm chul'n- - - - - - - -....- - - - - they pllssed a motion t hat no Lewi we re appointed appraise~·s. 13; Van amp Stone Co., gravel, mg Will b.e !rom 52 to 60 degrees STOLEN ." m em b l' ho uld rec Ive any pay ales by Rosa B. Hakes and $38.40; J ohnston & J.ohnston•. FahrenheIt In the Bum!"er and 68 for his service ' in attendin~ this George W. McGrath, ex,e cutol's of g~ard rail posts. $24.40; H. S. to ~4 degre-es 1ft ~ wmter. When FOUND m enng. They had been in the the estate of Eliza, Thomas, decea!! Fugett, guard rail posts, $40 ; East the temper,,;tu1'e IS too low ~r ~oo habit 'ot allowing $1 each per day ed l were approved by the court. End G8l'age, supplies and gas, hlgb . undeSIrable results Will be FOUNo.-Stray hog, Inquire at for this servi'ce. Charles S, Irwi:n was appoioted $97.62; Kilpatrick-French Motor obtallle<l. . ' . . Gazette Oftlce, -... ·n~ . guardian of Anna L. mith, incom- Oar Co., suppJies .and gas, $213.. BelOTe pourmg .the cream mto A petiUon signed by S. L. Cart. wright, AJIlos Hartsock, William petej'lt, lind filed bond oC $200 with 37; Hermitz Super Station, gas,. the churn, espeCIally ~ wooden 1\1 ani , J ohn Archer , Jonathan F; the U nited States Fidelity Co" as $37.U; C. D. Smart, ,aB, $34.71: ~h.\lrn, , the churn houId , be Wilber, Jo.bn W. :Borden, Theodore uret y. J. 'C. Hawke, gas $6.31; John Law thoro~gh ly !I,calded .nd then co01- STOLEN- Spare tire tube, rim F. Moor , James L. Bor de n, E. F . Th e Le banon-eitizens Nat~onol & Son, repairs, '$7 ; J. D. Adams ed WIth , cold water. All wooden and bolts, I know Wh0 Kot them Huffman, Nathan J ones, Samuel V Ball~ ~ Tru st Co" was appOinted Co. repairs, Nation,al Carbide Sales b.utter ladles s~ould be treated 80 please return them if you don't; ornllll, Ann E. Prllter, eih Cart0". of Old.Time Country Sd.ool Hou.e. HdmlfH~trator or the estate of Corp. supplies $6.10: David Brunk SImilarly. The cream is best POU!- want trouble. They were stolen wright, J onathan Haines and J. Josephme fl. Wa dey, deceased, no Tepair~, $1; Oregonia Bridge Co., ed Into tile churn thrQug~ a stram Monday night. Sam K orner, WayM, Archer, and a king for the The petiilon i's dated J uly 11, bond reqUIred. A. C, Murrell, EI- repairs, $15.65; Smith's Servic;.e er to remove curd partlc1es. Thenesville, Ohio, Box 91. creation 01 a new sub·district irom 1866, and is singned by John W , ~~~la' ~~e o~o~~:: ~f~~,icta:t n~~a~ bert P. Sn~der and lsa~c J. Irons Station, gas, $77.42; Morrow .G ar- churn. should not be more than pattg of Nos. & and 6, was pI'esent- Marlatt, Titus Everhart, Charles' Th t t l t' d were ~pPI/I/lted appraIsers. age, gas, $37 .80; Banghma Motor one-thud f u l l . . . FOR SALE OR RENT ed at the meeting held September Wilson, George W. Haley, John t Ime, e () a enumera Ion rop. Damel H. Hodtett, executor of Co. , gas, $35.48; Oregonia Bridge After the cream IS pou~ed In the ] 8. ,1 865. The boundari s mentioll. Pratt, Jacob P reamer. Josiah ped to 728. the estate 01 Naomi T. HOfkett, Co., estimate on cost No. 1022 churn, coloring . matter l~ added. ed 1'01' proposed n ew district were Craft, William H. Platt, John . h ,. , -; -. deceased, filed his first and final $300' Hiles & Huddleson in fuli The ·cream is agitated until butter FOR. SALE or RENT- The.David "Beginning Oh the bank of the Grier Smit.l1. Jacob Knee, George Thi is the month to se lect the account. ' contr~ct No. 1023, U15. ' grtanuleskcollect to 'about Ute size Evans property acr081 from new ~ ittle Miami river at t h S. W. . " cocker els for next spring' s bTeedMary C. Cross, executrix of the o. corn e.rnals. Then the b~tterHiih . school building , in Wayn... .... M. Sims, ~, B. ,Sims, Geor<>e RoJ· · fI k D ' t k t II t h f .... b '~C • - • milk IS dra d III d~' h t orner of L. Cornell 'l! fa~'mJ start· lind, H. O"ughtc.r/l, Jacob "Myers, 109 oc . on mar e a e estutll 0 A O ert ,... ross, deceasF ' f h 11 t 100 a~d' d A'ttnethouhBn ,:"a8... Vl'a edr ville. Susan Ev'a ns Brown, phone ing north and with the west line W R J O t S H early hatched big c,ockel'els. Save ed, f\led her first lind final accou\1t orty-seven 0 t e 1'8 4 e. 'l er. e c urn lS evo l ve Ohio,, n9ilIiam :ye, b t. ones f or t h e b' re e d'109 " th e wash wat er 131, LebanoJ1, . f aid Cornell's land to ge~heT J . Mames A h oa s, h . . the e The following a,ccounts were ap- b oys att en''d'Ing th eObi o 4- H "'I ' '' u b tour to SIX t Imeo, with the land s of Richard Gause, ccoo!!sm'gan" A . 'J. M.· e~ks"c, ~~~d Wrhlit~ Hock. " ./I' proved allowed and confirmed by Congl'e88 last week at the Ohio may be drained off and not more , S th art wright, J " nat"an "al'n e , p" ~ - -- .... - - - lhe COtil·t. ' State University indicated their than three.fourths of an ounce of v " ney, hal'lee F razier, FOR .ALIt L. n Wakely, William Lucas,Lucas, J osephLevi Myers, J (lhn A million cords of fuel wood Jam es E .. Bu rke, adm~nistrator c h' Olce ' 0f careers ais f 011OW8: 1 5 sa It a dd e d t 0 a poun d 0t b u~er. S. L. Cartwright and thence eastwardly taking W, ' A . HQssfall, HaTmon Protchard, E. J. are Ilse!1 each year in Ohio farm of the estate of Minnie Ohm er, de- wanted to .be enr neers and ' 14 • - • FOR SALE-Your choice of four' Watso n, A. Hoover, J, Smith. J, Gottsey, Joseph Miller, harles H. bome for h eatin~ and cooking p,UI' cen 'ed. ,F irst and final. preferred the teaching pl'of6$8ion. TRY good cows, all ajvlng more tha1l' Archer, Wimam Morris and J . Wi!· J ones. Philip Copsey Jr" Peter poses. U nle s this wood is cut with Anni ()e M. Crosier, executrix of Four wanted to be doctors and, '2 OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS three gallona of milk per da)'. Sea b ; thenc down the river, to the Bock, E. Cli ngan, Robert; Pratt, distretio n the stand s in farm t he estate of Frank E. Crosier, de· said the wyould like to become plac of beg-inning." Th e petitio,n - David Lucas, George A. MorTi J timber lots may be depleted, ceased. First and jliDaL .... county agri~ultural agents. FOR RESULTS D. H. Hockett. R; D. 2. "DIS era st.ate as their reaMn, " We hope r:===o::::=======-====';"'=======-::=======": ==============d~===z:::;===_,"""",*",_==""",_ c:a::======-=---".=:o::=-"""",,,,,",_==",,,,,,a:===~,",,,,,__~,".__ t o gl!\ a schQo) that will be accessable at all Umes to t he youth l' siding in the above described t rritQry.We. believe the school ,in District No. 6 is too la.rge Jar one t 8 her t o manage so as to give t.h e neces arr attentio11 to each h luI' t;hat 18 de it'oble in imparting' proper instruction." But Stl!phen Burnett moved that th e p(otjtion be. laid on the table, and un the tabl~ it went. ' .;;;~-Th spt1cial committee that had bl! n appointed to investigate the ctlndiLion of the variou buildings reported that new buildings were hadly need.d in Districbl Nos. 6, 2 and 13, and that in the latter two d Itl'icta Dew altel had been 'off red free of cbarge, They also .ree ,Immended .xtenlive rellaira on lh. bullciu.. in Dl8tr.iet No.1. ' Enumft'&tion TIllK'd' t{l 722 thi " ~l'QU<'tlt I'ulin~ ,,[
,UIlIt '
~\lpl'I'lnl"II . ,John CUl·kII!Y. John
' hel;\hlln ulIII
ASPIRIN Becau.e • •••
Traita That Make A Driuer
/fly Sweetheart and I ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY
D.L.CRANE P.bli..., Sub,crlptlo. Prlc., ...10 a Y-, 0Ii•• Plau.. .. No. 112 I':nler~d at P o.toffle8 at Wayn... Se ond CladM Man R..I..... .. 10 ....1... . . ... N o. 118 ville. Ob i". a.Malt er,
B, Mr.. J.lli. B. Tripp
Beec:h Grove
Fund amentala in Road BUI"ldl"D.
lebanon, Ohio tore Open Evenings
w. N. SEARS Licen1ed Re.1 Eatate Brale...,
Auctioneer and laluranc.
Director of Funeral Service
Most Reasonable Ter,"!
Pt-e 29
WaynelviIle, Ohio
.. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN l'Ou r Cattle, hOgB, sheep and cal.,.. to Norris-Brock Co., live wir••'ltd progressive firm for the h!.a'h... market prices and rood I."iee. Union Stock Yarda' Clncln_t1 O. Tune in on Radi() Station W....KT 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for our daily market reports.
F T M a rt-In •
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Only $1.00 '*
1for .. -two . 1IWIIIW,-.. ~1NI _ . .IlIA . . .W""~OIl
NOTARY PUBLIC Natl•• al B_ k
W ille Dra_ • • E.~t•• S. ttl." WAYNESVILLE O HIO '
'" l'ran." Bid" 80. '011, M ....
Phone 80 Bank Bldg. W A.YNESVILLE, 'OHIO Subscribe for the Miami Gelette.
Price. in 1842 Pricei in 1932
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Farm Night 7alks, Ivov. 14
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Our convenient location, sulta· ble surroundings and equipment enables UJ! to Serve to the Best Advantage.
H a r veysburg
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
tt._ a C9mpl.t. Wat•• Repair So"ic. And u~e only genui ne materials. rystals fitle.d while you walt.
. :r
DR. RUDOLPH • Sight. Specialist
OL 'MBtlS [11 t ~oming Down in tile melltlow, beneath thl' essiun nf t.ht! Ohi o G Inel'al AIIbright sky, . cmblr. which II ill bl' the 90Lh N VEMBER 2, 1932 We went to piny, my ~wetlthea .. t :l'.·sioJl of thot body. th!!11'e will be and 1 i 32 t;('nDtur~ lind 1 ;l5 m'~lllb I'll of There among the daisi!:!, in th() tbll 10wl'I' house. They represent golden sun (!ach mlljol' PSli.y in all of the We would hold hands, and (lur ~1l1lDLo rial dlstri~t, while ill ~ev In arc nt mag.azine artiel , Bernard E. Gray, Highway Engin er races run (" 'al of the counties tbE!l'e )NtiS no of ~h~ 1:JPhalt Ins titute. empha~iiz d the fo)]owing rund.ment.lll~ of I. in overalls, and n yello\v shirl cuntcst for HuuRe m ' t-llhcrs as one HIlernoon. loa UI IIlg: . She in a k dress, V:ith a very 01' lhl' othel' majol' p,lnlti s ' faj)'d MisM Mary Kathleell Thompson. . ~ ')hd attitUde 01 the engineer towar{} dlfrer ypeB n-r-~;;r.~+---;rlmn.,....~t..r--"':"----~Ti!""'mTmrnTIT""ll. candidate', U ~ually, ~pent 'undl1y IIltern()on with MI'. mg S ou bo to us the 10weMt co t typ adequate for Little bare I ~l> all l>unburned IIlId whIm thi" flituution exists. the Churles Schaefer. present l'I'afRc con\.litions . brown cOllntl'Y com' erned is strongly at' al'i "chaefel', called on K. E. l"1 Everd~ proper enginQering principle. such as adequate iJrainage For' heT little "tockings , would tuehed to one 1) 1' the other mujur Saturday afternoon. care u ge,s Ing and rigid inllpection, hould be applied t o low.cost always slip dawn. partie., and th(' pro spl~cti" op. Howard McKay hllM returned surf8ce liS well as expen.s ive one8, 80 that, as traffic grows, aU finished positioh candidates ('onsid~I' the fr olll hi. T nne.s!!e trip_ wor k ,sel'V. as a tOlmdahon for additional improv ments. There, we ~wo pla>'eti through the race hO}l1' IE's'" fl'nrn t.he start. In Miss Lizl':ie Wilson, or Lebannn . 3. WW~thth Bom e type. of "urIacl', nlilintenonce cost incr ase- with long summ er sw et, t he !J I st l' ~8 ion, in 1936, the nl last we k with ber sistel', t Imo. ot h er partlculal'iy low-cost surface the reverse is There took OUI' ginger bread , lime !igur ' ab ove u ~ed will pre. I·S. Almond Ferris. . I tTr;:.e. .Mam~ena.nc work i c~mulative and decreases I\S the years pass. each time til cllt; vail, but in th 9th . es ion held Mr. and Mrs. rnie Jordan JS III a~ 1mportant factor I,n. any sou nd road program. Thet'e with Q dai s,', 1'0 tickl hcr eo rly in I !J 31. thf'rp wert< 32 enll. pent unday with Mr. and Ml'll . . ~; .' 100 many. cOI~mu~ltles have built "costly monuments to chin tll l'S and only 12 members of the Cleve artman near New Antioch p;,de - roads costing IlIfi.nllely more than is ju!titi d by the trafficAnd as k, d you love m/!? Ilnd lower hOll 11. The Ladi es' Aid of Harveysburg ~hen a c~ mmon I>ens attitude would have given them three tim s the kis!! hel' again , er"ed dinner at the Gym for the uleful mllag fO.r th Slinle money. I tilled hel' small 1\) in S with dalsie8 H G S b I l\~ D D' t Republican RUIl:around. f atured 6 Th h" . . 0 u t arc, I. ., Iree or Ii I d . I t v..·d I .' e englDee~ l' high.way official wher best serves hi s communso W lte, of the iate Vel}Ul' tment of 11 alth na rive, on as r ,'1 ay, c eari~ 1S tho one who fil·~ t tudl " local traffic and matel'ial8 and then Then told hel' she was the most issues J a warning again st "hippinl,1; Ing ovel' $ 100. They fed over 200 a apta a low·cost surfacing plan that really meets local needs. ' beautiful sight. a parrot. Plu'I'l1k t or ,other bird people . hesc five statements 01' worth rememberi ng. Every road is an When schoo l tim e came r ound, r f the p si ta ine family to another K. 1<:. Thompson. 'Who has be n indlvld~lllJ?r()blem and mu!\t be tI'eQted a8 such. Even 80, certai n look her with me slate. 01' () f offering ~ uch a bird confined tIl his bed lmd room for g nerailzatlOnR.hold good, one of them being that fir t-clafl,~ weahterNo other boy could I bear with fo r inters tate t rans portati on, un- several week with illness is abl her to lIee. I Ii t bl " t ' ti t to he up and about his home. Hnd tlroof roads, SUItabl e f or a fairly heavy volume of traffic can be bUI'lt t Or f th d ' ells rs 0 Illl1mg a cl!r I oa e expects to be out and around soon. I),usnn dollar a mile by using bases of locally · proWith wire and beads , I have made [rom the ~tate Department of M P' ' °d"ery ~w d uce matlmals .~Ith ,a. bituminous surface. A multitude of counti s. Health unless such bird origi nated ' n. abenee Thom)lson, had state.s and mUDlCII>alttJ s have aiven thel'r cltl'zen" long wearl'ng her n Jring, f" th .1' t 'b t for hel' Su nday aftel'noon callers, .. ~ If 1 say it myself, it's a beauti· rom an aViary or u el' ul . 1'1 U - MI·s. I"annie Davi~, and Mrs. A11'ce B~l'VICea bl I.' roo d s and s.b 'ects without inflating t he tax b i l l . ' in'" ., ful thing; ... estabIi!lhment that is free from E Terry he has promised that she will psittaco. i. infection. The warning . We 81'~ glad. 10 8ay, P'nt the reo 'f ill issu d on an amendment to the IJ d b some ay .e my WI e, interstate quarantine regulations POI-t we received 18 t week that N vel' again d es a. man feel nil impor~nt and /3UCC ss/ul a o n Then we'll be together the Test Ildopted by the U. . Public 'Health Mis Belle Horn was seriously ill .Ih day he grlllluates. from college. of our life, . ~ . W h' at nel' bome in Kentilcky was I will build her a cottage in our . rVI at as Ington, unh'ue, to t he delight of her many pretty ,lane ' Ohio friends. Nfter you've lost m()ney th re'!] nothing so irritating as t o hear And fence it around with II long The 1 32 automobiH Ii ense . M~. and Mrs. H. J . Lun(ly and of 80m body who's mao.! n lot. daisy chain, plate together with sUI}plies, a,'e LIZZie Oren of near hester, Mr. And lhere we wiII live the huppiest now being shipped to t 1e variou and Mrs. H. S. Rowe and Robert kids local communities throughout the McKay, of Wilmington, spent Everyb dy would be a ' paid reformer if raising money were just And Jisten each night to the stale, where th y will be placed on Su d y 'th th M K f '1' a little easier. katydid. sa le Decernbel' l !<l. ThE! color of he:e" WI e c alY anll leg - - -- -- - the /lew tags are orange back ground with black numerals. The Mr. and Mrs. MilS elman, 'son nee Q month every man compluins of his family's extravagances outsta nding change illl license Orville. daughter Ruth, and Mr plates for 1933, ' is that the word Rose of Brookville, were Thur ~ The W()man's Guild of St. "Ohio" and the year date: or day guests of the . H. heafer M n really h ave the best 'of it. and th women know i~. Mary's Episcopal church, Waynes- numerals, are at 'the top 01 the family. )II ate. Previous to 1933, this line Mr. alld Mrs. Biuey, son Ralph, ================~======':': ' -=====::,.1 ville, will seball rve Waynesville, an oy ter supper r at Grange Sat- has aiways been carri'ed under- and daughter Catherine of Dayurday even ing, November ]2, from neath the license numerals. It h as tl)n. were Su nday afternoon caIlel's been [elt by the tate DepBTtment at the C. H. Sheafer home here. 5 to B. Price 26c. that the change will contribute Howard McKay, son Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Jont Morris of much toward preventin.g dllplica- Allen McKay. Amos Eaken Nellie Washington C. H. were Sunday tion of plate and 'Oy a lternating Marr. Marjorie. Robert and Roger g uests of l[r. and Mrs. J. C. Gray. the date from top to bCittom each DaVl , Mary Kathleen Thompson, (Musical rnterludes by Fnrm Night Mvlody Makers) Mr. and ~r8. Willard B ogan year, it will be necessary for the attended the baketball pme at and daughter, . Mrs. Ben Fealy, plates to be held for a perioll of Harveysburg Thursday night. Don8:00 Music 8:05 hick n Pox, Roup. and old!! ... , ....... C. M. Ferguson and Miss ' B erda Fealy attended two year!;' in ord r to accomplish aId and Allen Mc Kay Amos Eakin R oger Davis, Nellie Mary, Marjorie 8:2 0 Organized Agricult.ure . .... ..................... L. G. Foster the funeral of Mrs. Hannah Kar- o duplication. Davis and Mary Karhleen Thomp. 8:36 Wo ost r o·op PoulLr'y As ociation .. Carl Funk Pres ren in Springfield Friday. :50 ontagious Abortion in Cattle .. . .. " . B. H. Ediingto~ Next week the.r e will be a bom- on were p]ayers in the ~me. Th Ladies Aid of the M. E. 1):06 The F8mil ' s lothing Oollar .. Thelnla Beall and Bertha Everhart Church realized a nice sum fl'om bardment all over the state of. 9:20 ottage eeae '" . '" ......... .. .... L. H . Burgwald the dinner served at t he Republi· Ohio, the large artillery fOTce Th e farmers' institute season in 9:36 History Exhibits f or ' Institutes ., ................... , .. Harlow Lindley !;an Runaround Fl"idIlY. being compo. ed of ~imrods, so me 720 Ohio communities open\} :60 Sources of Winter Vegetables . , ... , .... _.. . . Leon Havis amateur!! llnd expert!!. In all ed last week with the launching 0'1 A number of students of tht probability a great deall of " tame Sahlrda~, No .. m·bar 12, 8 :00 po .n. high school attended the Wilming game" will be slaughter'e d, c,aus(ld t he Hopewell Institute, Guerneey by ".I1 Orcheslra) ton College-Findlay College f oot by t he amateur squadron affected County, and the Jack on Institute (Mu ieal In teTlu d NOble Counly._ How eed are Di~tribllted .. ., ........... , .. ' .H. E. Eswine ball game at Wil mington Satul'day with tage fright. Reports indicate Thank gi ving at Uncle T om1s Cabin .. .................... , ........ R. B. Tom afternoon. that game i plentiful, especially study of butter marketing in Dr. Tripp is in a critical condi- ri ng.neck pheasants, due to t he 9 Asouthwestern Oh io co unties vigilance x(lrci~ed by the game shows that about 6,600 tion. farmers in inspel'tors of the Conservation t he area are sell ing to cream Mr. and Mrs. lark Van Horn Departm('nl. RemembE!r though stations while 2,700 dairymen . and daughters call ed on Mr. and that on]y two male birds may be Mrs. J. C. Gray Saturday evening. taken in anyone day, alld the send their eream to the creamery by truc.k. The local basket baU tourna- pheasant open season e'nd . at one ment held at the gym Thursday, houl,' after sunset November 25th, Friday and Satllrday evtln ings Was The Qpen rabbit season does not a decided succes. On Thur day end. however, until Janual'y 1st, 30 Years. Experience In the 8th grade boys won with a limit -of five rabiibh i n one Flttin&, and Makinr Gla.... 5th and 6th grade boys; day. - .....-"-"'-HT-"'·.. :O:·- grade girls won over the grade g irls; fresh.man Now thot election i~1 over the F' or t h e second time within eight girls won6th over the 8th grade g irls; ten efeelin~ which has existed in Le"a DoD, Ohio months thieves broke into the Leb· and t he 7th grade boys won over many state departmentJ! is beginT. . . .'. n.r_~. ' 5~lucIa, anon Farmers' Cooperative Com- the 8th grade boys, Friday even- ning to abate, and state official E.a. i• • l ioa Free I pany on last Friday night and ing the fir!\t game was freshman and employes are getting back to LEBANON. OHIO caped with approximately ,70 girls against the 7th grade girls normatcy. Times will b.e lively in and was won by the freshmen: th e Capital City early i n the n ew aiter blowing tbe company's sale boys won over t he 7th grade; the year for the 90th e 'ion of t he and scattering papers and books freshman girls lost to the sopho- General As embly will convene about the office. more-junior girls; the sophomore Monday, January 2nd. There will The robbeJ'y wa discovered boys lost to the f rcshman boys. be lively times around t;be Capital On Saturday evening t he finals building and hotel men and res· shortly before 7 o'clock Saturday Were played. The sophom ore.j un- tauranteTs arc looking lrorWard to morning when Herman Goodwin, ior girls ]()st to the senior girls, increased revenues during the life mill fore man , rePorted for work. and the fre hman boys lost to t h e ot the session. Entrance was gained through a junior. sell io)' boy. Supt. Francis window at the west end of the awarded token.!! to the captains Between the hours of 12:00 blrilding and a door at the south of the winning teams. Mr. and Mrs entrance was also found open. It BaUard WaJ]ace, Paul Francis, and o'clock noon, Central Standard is belIeved that they left by the Herbert Carr acted as. re.f ereee. tlme, and 6 :30 o'clock ,,. m., elect iort day, is a legal part holiaay. It south door. The thieves, usil1tf 'an electric Mr. and Mrs. Daley and Mr. is observed generally in the larger drill, had bored a hole in the. !front McVey e'n tertalned compally Sun- cities, in t h.e banks, public offices panel of the safe and had f~'~::~~~t -"""'-L.-==,,-_ __ _ ___ and railroad offices in all comm~nities. There is one offi ce in tht) a beavy Clha~e of 80me state, located in the State Cap ital, presumably nitro-flycerlne, in the which call n ot observe i.t and 'that hole. Heavy sacks of ':feed were is the office of th,e Secretary of piled aro und the cabinet to deaden Stater as the elaborate election the el'plo.ion. ' machmery 'Will be get1;ing under The eJtplosjon wrecked the safe blowing off one of the doors and Through the t h oughtf ulness of way to receive and tabullate the reo t1lliatinl' the other beyond' repair. Mr. R. A. Cross, we have been turns, tiftr men and women being Papers were scattered . about the permitted to see an old sto re ac· employed III such work. The maj or rOOIJl but nothin, w~. taken except count of Elenor Hockett, giving ity of t hem will be on duty conthe mon ey accordi ng to M. C. purchases at Mr. Rogers' store in t inuousl y lor twenty-four hours, DMke, manager of th,: eomp~ny. 184.2. As a contrast in prices be. until all counties have been heard The r oJ;>bery was lmmedlately tween the cost of groceries ot from. ----;-' reported to Sheri" Fulkerth and that date and this, it is welI worth IIUIilR ...·.',1!I 8A)I. E an inveati,atlon bepn. Finger- preservation: . J~ p"nTI'rIO:!\' print . experts were ~all ed but . . ",,,,un: N ·U.HMON PUJA8 follOWing lin examination of t he Dr. to Sib cotton cham, , ......... 7I5c wreckage were un able to fi nd any ' 15lb pork @ 2c .............. 30c . Ennl" prints. Several paili!' of canvas 6% Jb cheese @ 3c, ....... 26c J e88~ P VI! a.S!, No. 118 20 , Ifl0000es were in the oft\ce and of3·th butter @ Sc, .. ....... 9c JaJll~" fJllnl •. e t a I " ficers b.lieve that the thieves alb butter @ 4c, ... .. 12c By vlrlll elf an ol'dor of sale. II uly used them In eamin&' on their Slb butter @ 6c, , .. ' ... 16c IS8u ed from said ourt ii, th e ilbove CRB . and to me tUrected. I will wOl'k. . * bu. corn meal .. ,..... 6 1·4c SllltM otf I ' relr snle. by way of public ~ gal. vinegar.. .. ... 121$c a uqtlon on the premh.e ... In Way· 7Jti 8u~ar @ Bc, , ...... 66c " 08\' 111<1. 'War.ren County. Oblo. on the 6t h day of December. *gal vlllegar ., ... .. . ,12*c Monill'Y A. D . 193 2 at 2 o'cloek P. M., on ll,i lb butter @ 4c, .... 6 1·4c oalll ·day. the (01l0WIDI~ deacrl bed 1 cheese, 61b, @ 4c .... 26c 1'''81 "ala l e. to·wlt: "Sltull1.eil In the Cou nt)' of Warren By an aceount with Thomas In tile 'lilte o~ Oblo. and in the· In · eorp!>r"t d Villa\" ot Wayn ....lyllle. PhillipB in 1841, it seems the b 111g . 1.ot lSo. 13. 9,8 d ea lgn ... t · price of day's lab.o r was 60 cents; I\.n<l ~d -on the re('ol'lle<l pla.t; of Evan.' by the month. $10.60. Buckwheat A.dllilion 10' the Village p t Wayne s Vill e. " ' urr"n Cou nty. OhiO. ~as 37 ~ per bu., oats 15c. Sala IJr<'lliIM$ II re I OCl~ 1 d o n Srd Compare the prices of today, Street 11>1)11 the ne ,veal Slbreet on th e eveD In one of. the worst depres- W"Rt 1& hap'man ' tree t · arid th o n ~a. r 'It the Bast hi Franklin , sionll this world has ever known, S treet on In \Vaynesvl1.le WarreD and you will see the difference in oL.nty. Ohio. Said l'en l e8lnt~ has 1J~le n r gul81rprlcn : 11' appro 18"(\ un der order or til" Ib Pork .. . ............ ,... ", $2.25 cou rt a t ( h~ Bum or Nine Hun"r ed Cheel• .. ,.. ,.. , ..... ... " .. 20c ( ,900.00) do1Iar~ . and will not be tor I ~ .." tha n two·th~rdtl af _Id Ch.... .... .... ..... .. . .... 22e 80ld ILppral."d calue. Butter ... .. ... ..... ... ..... , .. 26c T rme.-Ca.h. W . ft. FULKt.RTH "bu. Com K.al... ..... ......... .... Ii Oe Warren County. O. ~ ...J. Vlnqar ....... ....... ,.. . 16c C. Donald!lherUr. Dllatu8h. Alt'y. n30 25m Sugar .. .. ........... ......... , $1.24 • - • Exceptional-amei-Mit;' pork A .tad, of 8000 pip by arricul. production waa shown by 11 Ohio tura! UPI~tI atation in 1\ farmers this aeuon, accord Inc to ...... abo. . . . . . JaWh pereentage the report. of ooUDty qrieultural of 1ita WiWhlq ODe pound at ~nta who apoaiored the OIIto bini failed (o liVe Port Pro~uetioll Club. Eleve.. of Aa . . the 113 a..,irdta to memberahlp pTodueed more tlIan 1400 pou'" ... Ia Of pork witItiD 180 of farro •
The Woman'" Guild of' St. Mary'll Eriscopsl church, Waynesville, wil serve an oy"ter ~upp .. r at Gran~e hall Waynt!s"iIl~, Saturday eVtlning. Novemb~r 12, from 5 to 8. Price 25c. Another fllrm hand hus C(lme JESSE STANLEY to mllke his home with Mr. anll rs. . H. Morgan, at Green Bdor MI'. and Mr'. Asu Lamb, hav e II nt'w cook in their home in orwin. EARL KOOCL£R M. H. Tet'ry has abtlut recOvered Da,.toll Pbone {rom his rl'cent ilIne~s. Johnie J ohn son and son were KEnmare 8986 ~hopping in Hal'vcY!lbul'g Sa tl,lrdaY' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
been cleaned and you have
put a lo t 0'1' .leftovers in your attic and shed to gather dust and rllst un til spring hou se cleaning, 'when they will be taken out, cleaned all over again a nd put back to again gather dust and rust. Most of these articles could b e 11I.ivertised
Gazette , and
.possibly we could se ll the m for twice their worth. ' Dig th.is sluff out and try to Bell it. It- will pay.
Ule The Miami Gazette Columna HeiR You Get Rid of You~r Attic Surplul
iD~. II...............................~........~..~"
hom f Prot. and at 7 :30 p. m. I Sunday: ~unday . eb(llli at II ::10 . W .flll'. Jl\~: .11'. ('hili!' pra4'ticC! a. m. Our atll'mlan.· .. wa. HI~ la.. t t .a~IHI 1'. n;. AI.7 ·Hi .p. Ill. thl'H!' ~unday. Wt' h4;lpt· lo hav.c 200 nt'xi ." ,'" •. \\i11 I,,· 11 '''l:!!:11l\11 trilll Pill tIll ill :sun,iMr· )h1rnmg wor~hlp at lll :30 t MI .. I I~d ~I"ll 'Ill'dalrch Il't' Iwnw uf lhi. lIllIl The ~e "t\1on ~ubjl!d will ht', "Th(' ! a~IV uru:<~lt y i •. " PIlII(,(·tllln" and "lIrlruy~ very I'!'II I!,?lakl'r~," ~:pw(lrth LeaJ(ul' , ~ t' . , ' "~ • ;":'\. ,. vivIdly tl'" n '('il~ \If Pl"Oli'l!titln for at 11 :.lI) wllh l.tono'Uce Day us <h~l ~?, ~V· t,\lnt tl)(' hoy, 1'8tlwr than (ht· """otleg. I(,IUl(·I·. • , I,. . . . . . . , ~r:k T . MARY'S CHURCH I\' 1'," Thi~ play i~ lll'inll: pu L on AI 7 :30 p. m. II GO:lpel tea m d \ <lI , o~;.1! C~411 CI. frolll, th J ('v, ,1 , .J. haetl'H, Rl'ctor ' :llmo~l ('nlin'ly by lHlme tulent; frum rh W ilminlotlon col1l'ge will thenH'. ~llI' nl·~t l('~i Wllt(>I'~ . lind Tu tilt tUth :undny lifter 1ll0~t (If the ehara t 'rs bl\ing be wifl1 u~ lind put on a sa<-r'd Irs. A. 1\ . n~y outlined the \\ ork n fr um th ,Junior nnd ,'elli r pTOgl'Rm. You tire cordially invitell {m·, the ~,onllng ~!"n~' lIli)ng th~ hurch Ink TI·inlty. ~ oVl'mll r 1:1, c1nl'''('~ (1f lhe lIijlh S~hnl)1. Nil t attt'nd any or all of tht'~e mc~t. IIn.s ,~f Th!, ~ull,dlng of III q'hu"1 /It n:3(l; lI'orning l 'l'ayl'l' til!lrgl', :11'1' mude f(ll' thi~ pngl'a inlti!. .Itlll" Mrs. G. . D,bel't I'NlIl and Thu/'~day: Tht:> cll\llt· will II Ih~~us!<t' d the !"'('on ti chuptel· 01' thc and ~ rl1\on. l1t 10 ;:1 0. 1 WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF 'lItlluy ill!' the yenr. "Lndy Fourth, --------------~-------------CHRIST J) IIlthter u f China.'" A fler II h~Aulirul vocal <lu('1 by ( Undenomination al) 1\11" . lit. I). Bnird lInt! Mil;. Car! ' hester A. Williamson, Minister Sanker, 1\l1·S. II. n. Willialll>wlI hUl'ch 'eh 01 at 9 :30 a. 01. I' at! "Thl'N' P Crl:!Ol'lll nllpr One "The 'c hool thnt i~ dift'erent." ROllf," and cnndu('(cd il sy nwoflium LI1I'd's Buppel' III conclusion. of' 4uest il1n!< anti !U1'i\\('I'1' con('ern· .'.i.p.p.e.,.y 0 hri . tiun End 'avol' at 6:30 }l. In. ing mi~gi()nary wOl'k. Ethan L(>wis. Leader. Evening Tlurin~ th e busin !< S'SSiOIl , it ..,vang listie ;crvice at 7 :30 p. 'm . was dt'cid~'d til h It! a Wa. hington ~t'rll\o n onject, "Bllpti!<m t)nd the Ten IInti Bu:mnr ill tht' ~ cio l room 'pi rituAlity." Pruyer I,f thu church on Sat.urday evening Highe8t M et ing and Bible tudy ea'h Wed 'oveltlbt'l' 1 IJ. II exhibit of ncsday at 7 :30 p. Ill. ,hort ch() ir nntiqu\' quilti'l and other interest. pl'Ucti II at. concl'l Illn. The church ing I·.dies will feature the occasion wh l'e you feel at home. The nexi me tiJ1,g will be a qUlll'lE'rly tea !,It th I homt~ of MI'. ST. AUGUSTINE' S CHURCH snd MI·~. J. W. Lotz. December 7. Father' Frtmcb, Pastor - - - ~ - -. ~ ervices wi11 b held every t1,>{O we ks on Saturday morning. L(I!!
with .. handaome bl . ., eak. I.tured the oceulon. The rue.tII were Glenna Wade, Ruth H 1.11 LeMay. Ruth Connl'r, Sara Conller Yil'ginlu May Ruberta, Jane and Jean Hllrhloc k.
winter means r ads!
8. THDAY .... Mrs. G. C. Dibert entertained a rroup of IIttl. ririe on Thunday thl' :lrd, celebrating the lIixth birthday annlvenary ,If her little daughter, Wilma. A dainty lunch
• CHU CH in th
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominational) Che tel' A. Williamson R viva I begins unduy, November 13. Wm. Grant Burleigh, of GI·ayS'On, Ky.. pr aching and GMrge MilIt"r in charg of inging The len's and Women's class S ",HI meet at th.e church, }'riday November J 1. Sepurate bu ines meetings folJowed by a joint program. Everyone invited. Program fo r Lord'. Day, November 13 as Coli we: hurch rhool at 9:30 a. m. Lord'. upper and ermon at LO:30 O. m. Evang list Wm . Grant Burl Igh will preach. Evening service at 7 :45 p. m. Let's start the me ting with a great crowd. Evangelistic el'vi e nightly beginning at 7 :45 p. m. Good , pel se rmons and so ng, You nre always weloome at this chureh.
-- - .~---
Waycehs Wiln First Game ()f Season
I'uh'onizl' t. Mal'Y's Guild SaturulIY n igbt at Grange hall. Jl1l', lind
l'j"itl'(l ,lay.
Mrs. O. R. Unglesby
1·('I :ltivl\~
in Lebanon,
P('tl'r Demas II,ollle-m ad uo ld. -at _the Fairmon\.-...\...J~=-il-l-_ _ Stntion. ' l\1i~ " Luella Willinm on enter· lnilH't1 the Bri/Ige club Thursday I!v~nin~.
ll:s, F. H. Furl' is hO!lte~!I to the Illl'eUnja" of the Fl'iend hip club, thi ~ afternoon. P~ter Demas an,1 fami ly of New Vienna, l<pl'nt .. undtly with Oliver Unl' i~ and fa mily.
Oel yOUl' SlIppeT at Grange hall • a(ul'day evening. Guild 'ot St. . 111J'Y'~ Episcopal church .
MI'. and lIfr . Wymer Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman were in Dayton Tuesday night.
Me rl'l. Dix on and A. P. Lovely, The J 9 32-83 basl<et baH s('ason of Iiddll'town, were guests 01 got under way in th local s': hool Jam 5 Lovely and famil y, Friday. la t Friday ev nine- when Kings Mr. tlnd Mr. J. W. Lamb, 01 Mills n. S. was ha.nd d a defeat by the score or 2 to 7 by the fir t Oregonia, are ~nnouncing the birth string m n. The local I'eserv's also (If a Bo n On aturday, November 6. hung up a win by t;be score of 17 [1'8. Oliver Davis, Mrs. Nettie to 6. A third game 'WAS played be- Kepi r and Mi Rachel DaVia tween two grade team of the visited Mr. Stell hen Phillips and local school. Mrs. Lida P ence at Lebanon, A Ith'ge crowd was prcsent, ap· Thursday, parently , onderinJ!: What k ind 01 a team W. H. . would hav this J . V'. Hartsock, in company ye l ' with only oTle I' gular left with Stanl y Cook of Springboro, fl'om la!lt year crop. The firsl nttend d the e leotion returns party sqund had little difficulty in win'· at Miami Hotel roof garden. Dayning and sh owd good form with ton, Tuesday evening. pr mises of anoth.e'r cl'8ck team to nrry the bonners fOI' W. H. . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crockett The lftrting line.. up for W. H. and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. included Davis and oQk. forward Ellis Me lure and daughter. of E. l\1i11er center, '\~it h TI'eadway near Springboro, were Sunday din. and E. }lyt)nel' guards. Coach nel' gue ts 01 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huffman also gnve Whitaker, Sheehan. MEETING POSTPONED The ladies of t he Ohurch of Becau e of Thanksgiving Day, r I·edith, Bo~er and ' avage a durirlg the game. Cbrist will hold a baked food sale the next regular meeting of the workout local H. . team will meet W. . T. U. which was to have theThll pring' alley high school in Mt . Laura Sides store loom ~D been held November 24, has been team on the loc1Il floor thl Friday Vr! ed nesd ay, November. 28, begin' postponed to Thursday afternoon, vening and if thEI pring Val1ey nmg at 9 a. m: Ral ed bread December 1. boy arc up to thetr slandard of doughnut a speCIality. Come one I P/lst seMon fans will have a Come alii chance to $e what the locals can MI," and Mr . Mar.ion Fabber, 01 . land under pre ure. SPliing Valley, baac Kern!!, niece am! nephews, -and MTS. 'Dasle Du· irginia, en. Vall and daughter, joyed an election party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J . R. Wade, Tue day evening. Oyster 8\lUP, popcorn and candy were served at 11118$ Thelma B e,all, Home Man- a late hour. agement p cialislt from Ohi o State University was in "Lebanon, Mr. Walter Clark, who 10r the Thursday and Friday, Novemb r past two months has been under One or the most sacred dutiCl8 3 and 4 to meet wilth th women in treatment at St. Elizabeth hospital Warre n County who. are serving Dayton, w~s removed to his home of the tunersl director i to as leaders in this years Home near Lytle, Friday. Mr. Olark i Demon tration program. gradually l'ecovering and wishes to make t he last rites a b-e autiful All of the women ill the county express hi appre.ciation of t he are invited to take part in the pro- g ifts of flowers and fruits which pic~ul'e in t he memOl'Y of those ect. 'Household E ,conomies' which h,e received from his many ~riend!l. wpo remain: To this end he is now being tudied. Miss Elizabeth Graddy, Rotn,e Demon!!tration EV ANCEL r all . preparation of tile body, selee· value and will Ibe in igb GraYson, Ky. , w begin tion of merchandise and direct- almost every connmunity in the an evangelistic campaign at Ferry county So that every woman may Church, Sunda y \ .November 19. ing of the funeral. We meaSure have t he privilege of taking part Evangelist Bur eigh hae had in them. You are urged to watch several prominent pastorates in our success by the extent to to r an announcement f the datelJ Virginia andhaa done • great of these meetings in yo ur locality. work in the evangelistic field. He which we ac~mplish this is the autbor of a number of bo b which have lIad a wide lillIe, ROSCOE FURNA.S purpose. among "The Angel of the MASTER OF G.R ANCE Flamingthem, Sword," ''Vncle Tom' , - .-. --R oscoe Furnat~ was elected Mansion," and several 1>o0ks of Master of Farmer,$ Grange No. 13 sermons. George Miller '\\1111 direct at the annual mtileting wh en of- the music and sing nightly. Ser- ' will be held each evening fi cers for the con~ing year were vice!! (except posslbly Saturday) be. selected. Other officers elected in• ginn ing at 7 ;46 p. m. cluded Ronald ' Hawke, overseer; Robert Crew, steward; Oecil Davis WayaefY1Ue, Oblo assistant steward : Elsie . Ellis, SPRfNGBOROMAN lecturel' ; Mrs. W. A. Swartzel, DIES SUDDENLY '''!~~----..Ji 'I' n"OI",n 1 James Gibbons, tl;easurer Shultz, set!retary; W. A. William A. Early, 64, prominent wartzel, gatekeeper; R eba Brad. esident of Springboro and well dock, Ceres; Adra Braddock, rknown in W",ynesville, suft'ered .. Pomona; Lucile Fires, Flora; heart attack, SaturdllY. while Miriam Ellis, ladl7 assistant stew- visiting at the h ome of 'his nephew , ; . Ernest Buttf~rw'ort h, trustee; E . B. Early, hi Middletown, 1In(ll V,rginia Hardin, pianist ; Irma died Monday. . Rich , chorister. Funeral services · will Ite held at ~ the Early home in Middletown WA YNESVILhE SCHOOLS TO Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. HOLD SPE,C IAL SESSION EASTERN STAR NOTICE Plans are undl!r way for the us ual session o'! n ight school to be Miami Chapter No. 107 0, E, held Thursday, NQvember 17. This S. wfi) meet in rerular lenion is a means of ipterpreting · our Monday eveninr, November 14, at ~chool to t he peollle · of .the com- 7 :80. Election of omeere and pay_ munity, Who are ,c ordially invited ment ot dUes. Visltinr member. to attend. The folllowing s'c hedule welcome. will be ill opel'&ti<m; OIa HartBoclc, W. l\t~ Sch ool will not be in session in Minnie Fromm, See'y. fore~oon. . 1st hacks will ar'rive at school at FISHERMAl<4 SEES DEER 2 :3 0 p. 1rI. ~nd hacks at 8: 00 p. m , Wbile fishing near his bome, reLunch h our fTom 6 :00 t o 7:00 cently, Frank Braddock ""<8S. at;. 1st hack pupils will be dismissed tracted by a aHgM movement a at 8:30 p. m. IIhort distanee away and' saw two 2nd hack pupils, at 9 :00 p. m. deer jump into the river alld swim Lunch will be ~erved at both acrose to the other aide. Watching build ings at 6 :00 p. m. them go . up the bank, a movement ..... on hia part startled the graceful WORKED FOIR FRIEND creatures and they ran away ' in the direction of Dead Kan'. Bollow A beauttful and touching tribute to friendship was paid when Mr. CARD OF THANKS. R. A. Cross spent most of election day on our streets canvassing 8Up'I wish to ' thank the voters of pOJ't · for his old frIend; Judge WIll Waynesville and Wayne Township P. tepben on, who was a candi- for the splendid support ,iven me date fo r the unexpired term as Judge of the Ohio Supreme Court. at the polls on Tllesday. C. C. COLLINS, Although Plist four score and ten Clerk of Coum. years in age, "Uncle Dick" is reo mllrkab,ly hale and well preserved. Hill arguments for his friend were Now that the eleeUoD is over and pithy and to the point, and not the will of the majority has been tiresome a s those of much younger expreued, sball we not all do , our and les.'J expe1;'ienced workers are power to help our n_ly elected 80 liable to be. Many of Judge omelal8 make our Nation, State Stephenson's votes in this eom- and C9ulity better? munity were a direct compliment ~~=~~=====~==~ to his friend, Mr. CrosB. -
The Memory Picture
Your pride in ownership of your ho~e i no greater tha n ours in the materials which go into it. The persona.l sati~faction , year after year; of seeing uch materials live up to all' we have claimed, strengthens our conviction that our policy of "Quality Materials" was wisely cho en, If you are planning construction of any kind-from a ' new horne Qown to a new corn crib-we ask the privilege of helping you figure the job. CALL IN ANY DAY
w. H~ MADDEN Phone 14
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Wayne.ville, Ohio
Special Honrle Agent Vi.ited COlunty Seat
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J. E. atoClare
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To Choose 'from---AII Makes and Models
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Kahn Motor Car Co. ,Open Sundays
Lebanon, Ohio
b ....b.Nd F...... P.ltor Rev. Aaron S,-W~.-;;;:;.::::tlli:. pastor of the " ChUTCh, who wu Go'Vemor of Ohio tlon ticbt 'IOtes, "IlItC"Uy
.,~. .~. . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . .~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~et~
Call .112
For Belt Reaulb in ·Ad. m.e
G2 _
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6040
NOVEMBER 16, 1932
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. matter how good a farm n man The l'OgUlrH: meeting or the I"ruit and lin n have been liven Harv y ackett waH hosp itably may have, or how good a farm r Friendship club of the 1. E. to the Worthington Home and hrist HORpital, while in our own opened to the Wayne Twp. he may bc', he absolutely cannot A few phea ~ ants were killed b~i D. E. Standiford is visit ing rela church met Thul·sday. October 10 town we have given Thanksgivin" Farnler'8 <;Iu b Thursday. Novem- pull out. He sighted th fact that hunters Supt. Lot& Prove. to Pupil. and in this vicinily, Tuesjiay. with Mrs. F. H. Farr. The n w ~nd hristmas baskets and ftowers ber 12. At the noon houl' about 70 many farmers in Iowa arc going liveR and fl'lend!' in Lena. Ohio. Patron. That He Krlo",a and officers, Mrs. Stubbs. president. fruit. OJ' cards to the sick and members and guests gathe'red at into bankruptcy as the only Mr. Ruth Dau~hel·ty has been Donald Hawke arriv!!.1 home, Leona Hall, secretary, Mrs. fain- shut-in s. . the 101lg tables and partook of a means by which they can salvage a quilt! sick for the 1)8 t 'two weekI<. Can Play the Game alurday, fn)nl a llho rt tl'ip to ous, treasureI', fill ed their respectWe have helped th Mother's bountiful harvest feast. The meet- litLle from the wreckage. Prices in Florida. ing was called to Ol'd l' by Pr~ld L900 were somewhat the same as lIfj~ Loui ~ rane. of Cincinnati ive offices. The devotions w~re lub at different times with their ent A. . Collett. l\!l~1 M 1:S. White they al'e now but there wel'e much spent th ",eck-enLi at he" hom Supt. J. . Lotz fU II' nished the led by Lucille Sulisbury, The usual good work, also help~d two Dr. and Mrs, Llvyd B. Hall were o/f"cred the iUl/oelilion. Each lower ta.xes. and fewel' d emands here. best su rpri ~e. nl~o the "big kkk," (Hnner gut!~ts ,If Mr. lind M1'8. L. bu siness session followed and the families who were Unfortunate in member resp(lnded to 1'011 call by made on the hrmer. MI'. Lewis new' committees for the yeal' were having their home.1! destroye.d by Miss Doris Huwke pent; SU11- or the trio of uasketlmll games V. Beck, on Tuesday. giving Bometl)ing for whioh they feels that so me drastic change will appointed. The program fol' the fit'e, duy in Dayton. the g'uesl of Miss l)lay d at t.he Gym Fridlay eveni ng Many of the members have were thankful. All membe1'8 were have to take place befO)'e the A 125-ycllr-old quilt will be on aftel'n oon consisted of games lind Games hud been scheduled with disphlY pr sent. Although thc cQuntry is farmer will be able tO'llgain come Estber Dennis. stunts. The la i number on the memories of dozens of daughouts at the Colonial Tea at the the H, S. learns fl' m Spring which were fried and sold to help goinjf ,through one of t~ dal'kest in to hi8 righ ts. Mrs. ~!lrah M UI'l'a.y Kimmerl Vulley, but us thnl !Ochool has us· M. E. hurch. Saturday evening. program was a paper pl' par d the treasury' grow. Helen Margaret Gons and Roxy makes hours in hel' history all Iiad l11any and read by Mrs. Ira Rieh, entitled " nt Su ll y'S Doughnuts," I,(mded operation, diff rent 01'The approximate total for the An Old " ewing Bird" will be "Some Good Deeds of the Friend· things for which to thank the Carolyn Sackett favored the club so y() u kn w they'r good. rung ment had to UI! Illade at al- on exhibit at the Co lonial Ten al s hip eight years 1921 -1929 for the with two piano 8 010s. Creator. lub," which follows: The minutes of the last meetthe M. E. hUl'ch, aturday eveing The dub adjoul;ned to meet Mrs. Mug-gie Burn t has gOrl 010, t the last moment. "The question was raised In our above mentioned items would be In the cUI·tain raiser, the ing were read and npP\'<lved. December 8th with Mr. and 1\lrs. to enterville to spend the winter club as to some good $735~ Is the Friend hip <;Iub M ra, Ma ria Elb\ln attended deedfl meeHng Freshmen team walked all over The host introduced Judge Dech- W. R. Lewis. with hel'. sist.er, MI·s. Himell. our club has done. In w'orthwhile 1" the much lighter, but plucky Ot'thod ox Friend:! Quarterly Meet- lo oking ovel' the oldest Tlje finance committee reant as the 6peakel'. · Th judge available Mr. F, . Hartsock and fanlil)" Eighth Grade team to tLhe tune of ing at ew Burling n, last Satur- records we su mmed up a few of f.0rted a play well started entitled teU that everyone had listened to 80 many pol.itifal s peeches lately of MilfOrd, were dill MI' 'guests of ::12 to 4. The litlle fe ll ows were day. t hem. They date back to 1921 and 'Where's GJ:'andma?" to be given , December 8th under the ausplcea tlllt really pll-lice and quiet were Mrs. J . L. Hartsock, on Sunday. game tu lhe cQJ'e, and were in Ml' . R. 11. Vance, of PI asant continue until 1929. t li r'e tJ'ying their bE'~t nil the WilY, o'f this club. n eded rather than speeches. He We held marketR and helped the Mr. and Mrs. E, . Crane and but the FroMh were just 1,00 big flf! Pluin, was the guest of her parents High school band. We bought The club adjourned to meet called to nlind the fa ct that MI'. and Mrs. . J . Hawke. last son, saw th hi tate- Penn. them. January 18 with Mrs. Stubbs. Thomllil lefferS(1n was interested Chtistmas seal each year. and football gamc at Col"lmbu s, Sut.ur· Then came th game betw en Friday. in agriculture and on~ llaid. when it wa cold, b(lught coal for day. the Paculty and the Blls Drivers, I'People who labor in thl' 'srlh al'e Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gloeck 1', of need y lamilie)l. We sold coffee and and, b lie"!! u:. it was some game (lod's cho~en people." The judge Mr. and Mrs. Warren Braddock • either teum made a f;ubstit utio n ,pringboro, were Sunday guests sandwiches at public sal sand <'njoys good jokes and so do his The Rike-Kumler ompan)' and daughter, were Sunday dill- througou t the elllire game, though of Mr. and ~hs. Adam Mclloh and each member brought wasle paper 1istenc1·. and he cracked tl few to Oayton has completed full plans ner gue t · of l'rlr. and Mrs. H. A. to sell for ca h to help along. One children. the Dr'ivers did changl(' th posinmus the club. for its Annual Thanksgiving Day Cornell. year each member contributed a tion or their player. to some exMr. and Mrs. Chas. Chambers, dollar which she had earned herThe subject fol' a debate: Re- 'foy Parade, which yearly attracts tent. Th line-up: FacultyHuff. of Duyton, called on hel' brother, sol ved, "That good llUslness meth- I houndreds of resident from all self. On a few occasions we gav Mr. anti Mrs. Sam hallot and ods aTe of more value to the par'te of the Miami Valley. The sons' of jncinnati, were Su nday man and Young, forwlards ; Kyle, J, P. Fromm, and family, Sunday spectacles to people who were Of the ten special levies voted farmer . tlian great soil fel'tllity," parade will tart from th Mont- gue ts of Mr:. and Mrs. Myer center ; Loh and Jame , guards; afternoon. found needy and worthy. DriveJ'!I- leaver' and Hildebrecht. on by resillentt; of certain school was turned Into a round table dia- g'omery County Fairgrounds at Hyman and son. When the church needed reMr. and MI'S, John Sanker ond decQrating the Frlend"hip Clu dist~icts and municipalities in tbe fOl'WU1'ds; Henderson., center; u8slon because of th absence of 10 o·cloc.k sharp, and will reach Mrs. Lew $tib bs an d Mrs. Hatv y Hole ami T01~l Burton, Mis" Tillie anker, of Mason. were WIlS called upon and as usual it county last Tuesday, aix were IIUCQrne of the lead er. Mall,- ideas Rike-Kumler' al:!out 10:30 o'clock unda), jtuests of MI'. and Mrs. readily resllonded. After all we cessful. Defeat 'Was accorded levw r ' brought forth by W, R. allowing ample time for the people Mabelle Hunkins, of L banon were guard. . As we said in the beginning, Cal'l anker. Lewis, F. U. LeMay, Elias 0 lellhy from outlying communities to get callin.g on Wayne ville friend are a church organization and ies at Mason and in the Olive Irua r'd Lot z was the f1eature man Branch Students Hall and Hop't. V. Bran tratol·. The qu stion int.c OilY ton to view t.h(s remarka- Monday afternoon. Rev. and MI'I\. G. C. Dibert and have contributed to our church kinsville of t he game. All his pupils and school districts. was raised, I'Can a farm r pay ble event. with basement supplies. paintl rhildren were dinner guests Mr_ and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and their friend were eagerly watch· ('If Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. church debts. desk lamp an(\ In th Wayne Township School ut on a farm with farm -produce Young and old flock to Dayton Lou Printz were unda~ dinner ing 1'01' a chance to gilv him the nt present prices?" W. R. Lewis, every Thanksgiving morning to see flower for pulpit, ch urch carnivals district a lhree mill levy for ftve las Thursday. who knows thl,! ins and out of thls stupen!lous spectacle which ~ue l!tl! of MI'. and MI'. C. M. m rry ha I hB!. But "Prof." soon help to Aid Society, repairs fo:r years for school expenses canied. Robitzer and dllughter. tUl'lIed th tabl ~ by his lively and farmjng sincl! 1890 said that no ushers Santa Claus into Rike's Mr. and Mrs. James Hartsock furnace, centenary fund, chair With one Greene county prceinct energetic play, Rnd soon convinced and children spent Sunday in for primary class. song books for unheard (rom ,t he vote stood: for hristmas Toy~and. Plan this Mr. and Mrs. E. . W oollard the spect.ntol' that he not only Dayton, guests of Mrs. Mary Cor- Sunday sch ool, and a fixe!l sum the levy, 589, against the levy 466 year are more elaborate than ever !Ions, of Dayton, WeI'!! Waynesville corporation voters before. They have been expand- dinn I' guesb of Mr.. Eu:t,.tlu,,," thoroughly knows \he game, but n II and family. paid yearly for ministers' salary. is am ply capable of personally passed a two and one hal! mill levy ed to inclUde all th famous Lewis and .rrands n Eathan putting his idea. into execution on far five years for current villate Misses Elizabeth Henkle and omic Strip character ill person. expenses 255 to 114. The Dayton Art Institute has Mr. and lob's. Clyde Everhart, of th floor. He Ivas consilderably the Thelma St. John spent the weekIn the Butlerville sehool district cooperated ·in designing costumes Middletown. were Monday night high point man of the. game. The end with friends at Wittenberg a three mill levy for ftve yeaTa and masks of amazin8' t·.esemblance and TUesday gue!!1Jl of the former's work of Kyle at center also at- college, Springfield. carried b~ a vote of 65 to 42. . to the chflTacters. parents. Mr. and Mr . Pred, Ever· tracted much iRvorabl'e comment. Member of the W. C. T . U. The Drivel'. were led by Albert At MaIneville a three mill levy The order of proces Ion will be hart. leaver, II veteran of the first are asked to rememb r that the for five years for s'c hool expenseB as follows: behind oS heralds on date for the next meeting has been ca1'1'ied 205 to 38. horsebaCk will come float on Mes re. H. . omell , F. H. team to play baSKetball for W. H. postponed to Thur day December 1 The Twenty Mile Stand three WAYNESVILLE M, E. CHURCH which you willllee Barney Google Fa1"\' and . M. Robitz I' attellded R, and George Henderson, a W. mil) levy tor three years for school G. C. DIbert. Putor and Spark Plug, Moon 1\Iullins. the cottish Rite ceremonial at H: •. till' of former Y1!ars. "Drivand Mrs. Gectrge WaterMr. purposes curied 98 to 21i. Kayo and Emm¥chmaltz, Felix the Ma on Ic T emple in Dayton, el's" Tom Burton and Harvey Hole house were guest at the annual Unless the u. s. Post Office De· Wednesday: Tne Jr. Choir will the Oat and hiS many animal last were Rub tituted :for their brother Military ball given at the Miami In the Otterbein Home School Thill' dllY. partment makes . a new ruling district a three mill levy for three me t at 4 :00 p. m .. The Ladies Aid (t'iend , . The Katzenjammer ( ontinued on pOlge 4) Dayton, last Tuesday hotel in within the next two y ars placing society will meet in the Friend- Family. The Gump Fanlily and years for school purpOl!es carried Mr. F. C. Harts, ek and family evening. postmaster of the third classifica- by a vote of 53 to 10. 'Ilhip room at 2 :00 p. m.. Bible their fanlous cal' 349, Mickey ()f Milford. Mr. and !\Irs. Ronald Hawke and son. Frank, were Sun· :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ tion under strict civil service and tstudyand prayer meeting at 7 p m and Minnie Mouse. Then there is The Mason Village vote on a M,·. and Mrs. John Collett and :retaining p .r esent incumbents in Choir r.ractlce at 7 :45 p. m. Happy Hooli~n, The Hooligan day .evening upper guo ts of Mrs. M iss Mary Collett, of Dayton, office, Waynesville is destined to two mill levy for two years for . Dlln t forget the Colonial Tea Kids, and tho e ultra-polite gentle- Edith Harris and iamily. were Sunday ufternoon callers at have a new postmaster on and village expenses was defeated 225 given by the W. F. M. S. on Satur men, Alp'honse an~ Gaston, Tbe . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil after December 18. 1934, when to 205. day afte:rnoon and evening. ToonerVllle Trolley .:fairly burst- Telephone advance orders .to Ml·s. The Olive Branch school levy ()f Lanick. Hartsock's commi ' ion exR. H. Sunday: Sunday chool at 9 :30 ing with all the' Toonerville folk W. F. Clark, Mrs. M. W. Silver or three mills for three 10lt 57 pires. a: m. Our attendance last Su nday YQU know. Jack-in.the-Bor, The ~J. 0 l\~,al·llIt.t on ~r ...he:f.o.r.e to 12. . Mr. and Mts. J. V. Hartsoek Just. who the new official will was 199. We 'Would like to reach Toy Soldier and China Doll And Saturday for Aunt SaJly s Dough. The annual Red Cross roll and dau,hter, Dorothy G., spent In the Students Hall School Dis-. be, of courlle, nobody knows, but 210 next Sunday. Morning worship as a grand climax, The Spi~it of nuts," Can~y Ot' Baked Goods. Sunday In Milford, Ohio, dinner the political pot is said to have trict a three mill levy for three Day, call opened on Armi stice at 10:30 Epworth League at 6 :30 hristmas Boa~ on wbich ' rides guests of M1' .. and Mrs. S. D. already 8tarted to boil. It's scv- yearll wa defeated 73 to 37 .. The ladies of the hurch of Regular evenin~ service at 7 :30. anta Claus himself. Interspers- Chri·t and will continue as usual Shl'iners. At Hopkin ville a two mill will furnish eatables of eral months before the appoint- school levy for two years wu deThe Jr. Choir will be with us and ed through th~ parade are odd kinds at the' Thanksgiving m •• rKP,l;. through Thanksgivin!!= Day, aesi ng !!everalselections. The Pastor characters which I!-Iways make in Mrs. Sides' toreroom WednesMrs, Vernon Mainous and daugh- ment will be made, but. ther ill an feated to ~8:- _ I will eiv a short talk on the youngsters s.queal WIth glee, such day, Novemb r 23, beginning at 9 cording to an ~nhouncement ter returned home. Saturday. after old adage to the effect that "the early bh'd catches the worm," and charac.t ers of Thomas, the Man of as. the UpSide-Down man, The a. m. Your patronage is solicited. by harles J,'Waggonel', county' a two-weeks visit at the home of some of the "birds " are said to Moods. the lormer's parents in Stearns. GIraffe, dwarf!! and other grogetting busy. On Wednesday night of next tesque figures, Jiggs and Maggie, I<entucky. MI'S. A. O. Gl'iffY' was hostess to Red l'OSS chairman. The names of several eX'CelJeJilt wee!., Novem bel' 23rd. we will hold Mutt an!I Jeff and the wild. wild a number of her (riend at 8 jolly The quota this year f or WarC. W. Frye suffered. a 8eveTe and likely prospects are . a "Harvest Home." service in the Z,ulus W1)1 alao app~ar in the li~e all·da'y qujJting bee. la~t ThursChUTCh Ilt 7:00 p. m. You are of march. Tw'o 16 piece bands Will day. A SUlllptUOU& dinner was ren county is $2,000. !\1emoer- attack of acute indigestion at the being mentIoned. Several of Under the direction of Rev. C. Unglesby service 8~tiOIl. III t Fri· friends are urging the selection J. Yeisley, of Columbus, sU'perinasked to ~ring to this meeting add to the t)oJiday atmosphere. served at the nooo hour, anJ a ship will be received at any day of Miss Lucy Emley, capable asevening. but IS able to be provisions of ~ny ' kind that can The parade will form at the most happy day was enjoy d. The sistant under Mr. Hartsock. Other tendent of the Columbus district about again. be u!!ed In our Christ Hospital at Fai!grOunds. and proceed down p,'uests: 1\Ir '. liffordRunyan, Mrs. bank in the connty. ,- d' I d J h P of the Anti-Saloon lea/lue, a ternCincinnati. This will include. MaIn Street to the M()nument, O. P. Lile, ,Mrs. JOB. Cornelius, name!! ~en~wne InC u e o n . . perance tilly,' was /liven at th.e tr. The need for funds this year Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke Fromm, Lester H. Go:rdon, Jesse E h canned goods, fruits and vegeta- around.the Monume9t and baek to Mrl:l. Harry Emley, Mr. Walter visited Messrs. A. D. Haines and Prendergast, Dr. H. E. Hathaway . c urc , las t Wednesday evenbles, such M potatoes, apples. the Flllrgrounds. Wills, Mrs. Orie Gu tin and Mrs. i ver~ great and every citizen Marshall Harlan at the 0hio and John P. ummings. Each ha in g ' beets. parsnipa, carrots, etc. When the procession reaches Rarlan Hal'Vey, of Dodds, Mrs, is asked to enroll early. T he play waH in the nature of a Masonic Home at Springfield, Sun- his special coterie of friends, and Rike-Kumler's store, Santa. Claui! has, Pyle, of neal' Lebanon, and ___ ,:t_ria l in the U. S. court. his special qualifications. Doubtle!!s , ...... day afternoon. WAYNESVILLE CHUItCH OF will receive the keys of the city Mrs. t<;dwIII'd ook. anyone of th number would Mrs. Willon, a CHit 1ST I---~---.-~-----....I Mrs. Anna Sheehan, who has from Mayor McDonald and then make an excellent official, but none f'o.t-IMI,-B",°ltin~dlHHfo ..rOr-_ _-':"_ _ ";'" (U lulllllominational) IUIcend to the roof and show kidconvalescing from a' rec~n~ seveTe could give .more univer.s al satis. IJOld .~---------.------------.-----; illness. suft'ered a relapse one day Chest,.lr A. WilUamson, Minister dies just ' how he gets. into chim· faction than hilS the present inonly lJO.n. who had Churc\l Scbool at 9:30 a. ~. The neys. Within sight of all, he will cllmben_t.___ • __ ~ his !jweetheart w.h ile into be imdisappear into the chimney. de,chool that is dift'erent. Lord's toxicated,' and had been sentenced Supper at conclusion. Christian scending to Rike's Toyland where to life imprisonment. thus deprivEndeavor at 6 :8'0 p. m, Sermo.n he will remain during tile Christing her of hi!! support. The variou. . subject. "·T he Lord's Day." Prayet lDas season. house here. Saturday and Sunday. roles were nacted by High school Parents are espeQially invited to meeting and Bible Study each Prof. Far.r, of Wilmington college tudents, assisted by Re'l. G. C, A remarkable and noted bovine stee l steel' shoes. Te:1t and his was Wednesday at 7:30 p . m. The dri!e t.o. Dayton and .to bring the principal speaker. Dibert and the director. theu chsldren t-o see thlB Parade. . " . W . 'II I t steer have led parade~ in rodeas: church where you feel at home. After the play; Rev. Yeisley Revival servicE!S. began Sunday It is a fun.ction which has grown YIsltor was In aynesvl e as !;lept together in big ' hotel ana Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea· ST; AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH to be a Miami Valley tradition- it . Friday, "Bark 1· ... a Texas steer have. been in a number of ball con, Mrs. Maggie Burnett, and Mr. morning at the Fel'1'Y Ghurch of ~ave a very touching recital of his family's bitter experience witb hther Frencb, Pastor "lever tails to deligbt the heart of which hi owner, ' "Tex" McDaniel, rooms." and Mrs. Elmer Shehan attended Christ with lar~e attendanc!! at the liquor traffic. .services '. ill be held every two every child who lIees it. is ridingftoom the L. H. 7 Ran·c h. Barker is II beautiful cherry red the funeral of William A, Early in l;1oth sl\rvlces. Mmister Chester A . William son ill being assisted b~' weeks 011. Saturday morn In,. fnear Bark er in the southern part in color; is plump, sle,ek and well Middletown last 'l'hursday. William. Grant Burleigh .gerreul . of Texas to New York City, ar- built, and weighs 1200 pounds. He ' RY CHURCH OF 'CM-IST ' 0 rived in town about 11 :30 a. m., is deeply attach'ed to this owner. Mrs. Margaret Thomaa, Mrs. evangelist, lectul'er, autho:r , Bnd FER and attracted quite a bit of aUen- and will follow him like a dpg un- Bertha Harter, Mi". and Mrs. Joe Goodwill Amba fludor of Chnstiun (UndenomlnationaH . tion; despite the cold, disagreeable Ie s tied and ordered not to follow Max and Mi Gretchen Fowbel, Normal Institute at Grayson', Ky. Song' services are in charge of Chester A. Williamaon weather. The following descrip· He has learned several tricks. such of New Madison. Ohio. were supThe usual holiday dlsplay of Revival now on. Evangelist Wm.. The wedding df Miss Neva Con· tio.n is copied from ,the reverse as kissing his master, lying down per guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Miller of Waynesville. Amcl'ican Flags mostly on The evangelist ill preaching a GrAnt Burleigh is bringing stir-- ner to John H, Kelly, of Clncin- side of a post-card, bearing an ex- and rolling over, etc. He Is quite George Hartsock. Sunday evening Main street and appropriate series of sermons on great :funda· rinn messages nightly and George nati. took place May 31. 1932, at cellent picture of Mr. McDaniel docile and friendly so 10,ng a~ exercises in the various «rad•• Ky" in the Chrilltian IKld his pet, 'which he Is selling to Tex I about, but -has been known Buy your Thanksgivinlr dinner mental themes 8uch 88 the followof our' school marked the :full MI'1 er l'S dell'ghtl'ng everyone with MaYlVilIe, ing; "Have We B God?," "Ha.ve The Rev G a Banko b ' t t th d f t an at the market, given by tbe ladies his splendid soles. Other C'Ood Cbu-h ... . ... partially defray his expenses: to 0 Jec 0 e avances 0 s r extent of Waynesville'a celeWe a Bible?," "Have We a musical features .are bein~ r;)anned oftlclated. "This Texas teer is named ge£.g during his master's adsence. of the Church 0'1. Christ, in Mrs. bration . of Armistice Day, laat Services each evening a 7 :45. Mrs. lCelly waa attended by one Barkel·. after the town of Barker, Soon after his arrival in town, he Sides' store room, November 23. Savior? ," "Have We a Creed?," Friday. Does this not leem like "Have We a Church?" "Have Program for Lord's Dar' Novem. of her classmate a, Mias Minnie Texas. He roamed the pI·.airi.es in modestly retired to th1! M. J. Ors- Operl a~ 9 a. m. Come early and a rather unplea~nt commenHope of Life Be· tary 'her 20 ~ Church Schoo · .t 9 :30. Margaret Wittmeyer: The best his own fashion on the L. H. 7 born black$mith shop to change get your choice of, good things to We a on our ' memory and apyond?" He is an eloquent lind Lord's 'S upper and sermon (by man wall Robert Wiegel. Ranch fol' 7 years. Was roped out his hoes. ' eat. preciation? Just fourteen short stirring speaker and a keen stuevangelist) at 10~30 a, m. Evening Mrs. Xell)" dauebter of Mr, and of' a herd of wild Texas cattle on Another interesting member of Mr. and Mrs. Chall. AndeY80n Services begin nightly al years a&,o, we were a. t the hei,ht evanrelistlc servi.ces at 7:4& p. ro. Mrs, !oJolan Conner. of Waynes- the 17t1:i day of Mllt'ch on account the party is Stubb . a faithful and Mrs. Chas. Shaw were called dent. of pahiotic ,tervor the pride You are always welcome at thia ville. was a .g raduate of Lebanon of being , an exceptional ~pe~imen. little dog. He has flollowed his to Cincinnati, Tuesday eveninw. to 7;46 p. m_ and ftower of our YOU1\C manchurch. high school. cl8lll! .of 1928J _ lind a His big horn spread is 52 Illches mastel' and his boviM friend all IIttend a meeting of the beUrrer. hood had just been released THANKSGIVINC PROGRAM graduate of Deaconeas HOllpital from tip to tip. He wa brOKe to the way from home (In foot.. His ents in the 'milk strike. A truce from lIervice in tbe mOlt awful School :of Nursinl", class of 1931. the u6ddle aiter namel'OUS daus of small stature and hilS tan-and, b f h t camage the world has ever ST. MAlty'S CHURCH d ,....,.. • . I . was effected lust e ore t e mee • Mr. K e tl y, son 0 f .... _r. an .. &I·S. hard pitching 'and then W~8 white shaggy coat, seemmg y In- ing convened. . The following prolrram will be kno.n, Praetical1y all our Rev. J. I. SchaefFer, Rector Ben Kelly, of Morrow. was a used as a lead steer in th bIg dicate that he is a mil(ture of the given at the regular Grange from this vicinity were to be November 20, Sunday next gradllate of Morrow h~h achool! round-ups, becoming so gentle arid shepherd and spa,niel breeds. He is Sunday · was ' Vern Hough meeting Saturday evening Novem- returned to us II&fe and. apbefore Advent. Church achool at cla88 of 1927, and a «radaate 0;[ acculltomed to his ,vol'k, he follow· an affable little fellow and makes birthday anniversary. and the f ,19th. parentl Y sound. Plan. were 9 :30; Momlw Pnyer and sermon Ohio Mechanics Institute, class of e.d the chuck wagon on the 1'8nge friends wit~ evt:;ryone he meets. A lowing relatives gathered at lOon un der way to live thlm a at 10r80. • 1929. lie is an employee o'f the during the day and would bed few burrs In hlB coat gave mute 1I0me in honor of the event: R~v. C. A. ~11?;!:~~ royal welcome when th.,. n-· Union Gas and Electric Co. down at th'e cow camp at night to but eloq,uent evidence ~o the many Euphemia Hough and Mr. and Lucile Salisbu and tllrned,.and we did do jllst that Mr. and Ml'8. Keny are at home be on hand to get his oats at day- nua mlleR he has tra"eled in side Guy Kibler and children LANG-THOMPSON thin•. Nothi~ wu too ,ood for to thelr frlendl at 3778 Penns,l- break. He followed the cowb()y, excursIons in pursuit of the elusive Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. ' Betty them~ never would their IICriMr. Ray Lang and Mn. Ellouille vania avenue, CincinnatI. Tex, whe) broke him and worked rab.bi~ . . . Mr. and MI"!. George C, Ha rU,o(!lt. Thanksgiving ~t~~._ _ _ teea to their country-and ThomplOD 'lVere qJJietl,. marrIed iii • - him some al his cow-pony, causMcDanie! was JOln~Q at St. and Mr. and Mrs. Foneat our's--.nd to humanit, bl forCIncinnati, la.t .FrIday lIlominl, NOTICE i~ .uch an a«cetion between Louis by hl8 partner, ~unmy Cot. and children. ,otten. Yat, before tile ... th4IJD that Tex purchased the steer trell, who i8 making tne trip with MId lmmecllatel, left for a .bort decade I. hall 0911'. JIIl7 hon.ymoon trip to Cl1ioaco. Th.y A "Colonial Tea and Quilt Ex- from the L H. 7 Ranch at a 1ancJ him. Cottrell III a!1IO I!a native of Uttl. or no aUeDtleD ... expect to return to Clncinuti, to- hlbit" "ill be held at the II. E. Brun. The ateer was a very Barker. Hc goe~ In. dvance and •••.."'··DW....., fit \he ,,:~;.,;q day. whIr. a furnished apartment church Satunta, aft.mooD and valuable . .et on the ranch. Tex. attracts crowds by bla playin. and awalta ~em. lvenlne, Novellllber 19. under the belD•. ao proud of breaking sucb !Iinglng of cowboy IGnp In the Wan, ·the world hal lin. wILla. secoDd dau,hter allapice. of the W. F, )I, S. a ma.hty animal as a Texu teer, townll the, visit. "Ob LON of ~ Ie ...::;;:. of )lr, ud Ill'll. Geo.... J, Smith, Admillion, 10 C81lts. There are eneeived th. ldell of ridinr: him Mr. McDaniel .ill a . . . Mr• . Lalllr · Ie a nee...,..l ........J exhlbfta 'I'i to 116 yean from Tn. to HeY York City. boy, pleaeant. robun _u aUorllQ. 1'belr...., lel beeN. ..nJ more modln. 1'0 wtthballd tbla loIut. hard ,rind appeannci. Be arrd we , . . , . _ _ _ .......ta). .~ d4 Goodt Uld CMId tor ..... OD III Jd d. of IdIIlt ...........' assured of 'r~;;:;..m;:
Voters ApprorJe of ----.. ..----
Six Tax Levie. in County Election
Annual Roll Call For the Red' Cross
Temperance Play Given in Chura.
Genuine Texas Long Stc~er, ~~~v~~~'n~:t~!r~~OUght His Master and Party Visit l Lown ve~:~en~1 ~~:rtF~ren~:etiM~e~i:; Big Revivai Meeting.
In Progre•• at Ferry
M '
•• ,- ' Y .
arnage oung d C OUpIe A nnOUhCe ,
. L€st We Forget!
---... ...----
•. ~
... '...-1
BF.ST Of TIE IDS he Little Red, District School as it REWS DIRECT ROM THE : Wb.e Doe. She Get Her "Pep.?" 'E xisted in Wayne 10wnship for Years fROM C THOUSE THE STATE CAPITAL Common
By THE Hn SIER An Idj urn tJ meetina W8 held April 26,] 68, ",h.-n it \\a~ decld.. d to build a ne" . chool hou .. in Nu. ,a bUJldinll funt.! of 1300 be ini d again t the taxpayer!! (If the dhtrict for the purpo e. At thl lAm m t.ing, Davi }' urnas wo. paid $1~60 for his ervices a. uperint I'Id nl Ilf lhe towm.hlp houl, 'tor the ,ear, bing paid 1.150 tor each 0 the thirteen daYII he WII 80 ctlgag ,d. And that the 7.50 mor t han id EHi ' annual ~ lary for doing much the am~ ork. Tht' board started another big arrument and much striCe amon,i . th patron! on the 18th of June when th",y decided to /lend colored pupib to tll common ~ehoola when It was impracticable to s nd them to a sp dal chool 01 their own. Remember, th ' ' was jllst the b ginninr of the post Civil war reo r onltructlon period. and rae prejudic was running pr tty high. Our colored cit.lz ns had then just b en rei a ed from bondage, and, naturally, did not po eS5 anything like th high degree of culture and T finement 110 many of their ra-ce disrla}l t01lay. The enumeration f I a bit more to 717, this year. .?rot. William P . Harford was unanimously selected aa superint nden!. of sch().ols in 'the five MlUtary diAtrictll by tbe represent.a tlve • William Ol'.ham, George S. Sale, Davis Furnas, Robert F. Furnas and J . A. Drey r. This bappened at tbe regular fall meetln&" held SeptelOOer 21. . By the time the day for the next r gular nleeting bad rolled around April 19, 1869, the question of rllc aetl"l!(&t1on had become a topic ot uDlversaJ and vital Intereat, and -petitions plor were del. uging tbe board. The ev r faithful Davi Fuma!!. William Graham and St phen Burnett were ap· pOillted to canVBSS the situation and repol"t at II special adjourned " Ion to be held 011 the first day of May. They were allo to investipte t.be aPllroll:imate cost of in. tltutlng and maintaining separate
roc: .. eclin.1
Bnd Williani Graham, 11. a eommit· l ltnHwn a~ th(' Creen Briar school. 1'111' rl!-:/' of Jo'i r,H" Mu<PII Bank tN~ I make n examination a.nd The fulluwin" pllnlgrlllJh from the "~' !'~lI" IIni ' I. 11' \\111 \\I\~ tiL · ' ''port a s to th b ~t plan f~r minut 1\ s m. to indicllt thllt th ' In;' ,cel \\ it huut u'eHn\. Jl l ovit.!ing bl!tt~r lacilitie~ for. th board antitipatl'd J gil l troulJll1 he- In th ' en . t' of Ed\o\ard ('ri ,;t \. r· education of th ("olor d )'ouths in fore' thl' building ('ou ld bt' ('\1 01 - • U'< }' allni' ('onlhin, l't 01.. tlw Wayne town!lhip, reported v rbally plt.ted. "llIlntiff I . I{runl~~ IIt>flllis. il) 1l to that they had v~iled ub~l~lrid$ "l\/olioned lJy William Grah'lIl til,· till tLlII n(h'd IwtitiQ Il. It I ~ ur10\0.. 8 and 10. and recomm nded that. . hould a !'Iu il or ult~ oec-ur ur ~i{'l'~'d that -t1r\'!ce lb· mude in thiR that a house be rented in sub-dis- be br ught about. in CC'I;\. 'lU('nc~' udi"n on lh def 'ndant, Will ial1l tr ict No . 8, th .. !Saml.' to be i'epalred of any or all t ro,uble. in , ub·di x· \11 ,t. wh osl' ft·. idenc.· iH unkl1()v, n and fitted up, a cheal' teileher t tl Lrict No. 1 a in which th e WII~' n l' lind lhl.' ht'ir~, tli \'i·, c~ ". ,·xl'eub)rs, be hired. nnd a "c hool be '/ltarled 1'o\\'nKhip !<c hoo l board i. II purt) LLdll1ini , tl'at l1r~ Hn d SUt'l'l'I'I'O r \lI' there for th ducati on of th or Interl'8t~ d the l'I rk shall. and ~UCtll"!'.UI" in inl(' !'e"t uf, ill [illd III colored children, nnd try th l1ereby i. nuthori:zecl to draw all the l' lat,· und Pl'dPC1'ly Ill' ~ aid periment. order UI' o rder~ on the lrea ury til WilliuOl n i~t. ,~huM' numcs ami "William Barley moved that the 1I fray the exp n e n ec 'slIarily in - fe~!d(.'nrl'~ IIr.(· UI\known,. hy publi. report of the committee b reo curl' d in d fen M o f . aid ~ull, llr nlllU n for IX c~l n "l' e\ltl\,l' "'Cl'~~ c ived and the conditions compiled s uits and the boar d will b.-COli,., in manlWI' I'r ·,..c!·lbc)(\ hy HllllUl l' HI wfth by the local directors of ub · responsible for all damage !I e!<~- I l'a~" cof nun n· ... ldl·nt dl·'(l'lIdo.nt . di trict No. 8, which was accepted d in conseqUl'nce thereof; ",hieh I In th' ca~ ' <i f .'urah . r. l'th('r and ad pted by the board. , wa s adopted ." Pi('Il'l' \' .' r"lI ~ II l' III'Y I .. P ,l er a At th 'ir 'ept mber 20 meting. dh·uret· \\a~ ~mntpd 'plaintiff. ~s· ."Wllllam Barley motioned tl1at the local director of sub-district the board reI< ind..,d thllt part (If II ttld~' Of chIld Wlb $1'1\' 'n til pial n· No. 8 r quire the colored children tormcr moll n which au thoriz d tiU'. . , to go t o the Ichool prepared f or tlte sale of the Qld building "nd Tn til£' cah,' of ~ am lle l Bllxncr them and not permit. them to 110 lot in No. I I (thl' orwin chool) , v'tsU. Ru by E. BI'i ~ n~ r, 1\ div ol'ce to the school prepar d lor White and d cid d to (>~tllb li h an the r \\ li S ),(i\'('n lh~·. phllnttlf. fhp (Iechildren, which was adopted." ch oo l f O I' cnl\lred (·hildren in the [<lndunl was 11[\' st.ed (IC ~ o~\' er In Later in the meeting the !!um of old building. WlIlium Darley was ftlul e. Lalt'. C(:~t~ to plaintiff .. $60 was appropriated t o pay the selected for the special superint.. n . In th e I'MH' !I[ '111 6' Mu tuul J)ulld teacher t this special IIchoo1. . dent. of this chb I, and we COl· illg !\n~l 1. un II. v~rRUS Roy E. "N. N. MOllh r pre nted a lot powered to hire a teacher lind ltllbin.·o ll, f't al judgment \Va re n· of rules for the regulation of contract for necelfsary s upplie ~. d ·J' 'd to l1 1ainl iff in s um of .:1 165 .. chools and the b tter vroteclion TtJ e dir 'c l on wert' til buy an" 35. of 8chool property whIch were bell and a new st uve for the new In tIl(' ea ..e of Eth~;1 Younker V('fread and l'eject d." Mr. Mosh er. school. and were to take not III I'e ~u. ' harle Rh adl~ II I11l!mOrll nwas the tather of Mr. Edith Har- h.an 16 seats from t he old sch oo l. dUIll oC agl'eement and settlement ris, and, at that time. W88 th Hiram Kilbon. o ne of the direc- iH to be made. 'Ollts to deJendan t. clerk of !lub-district No. 9. LOrtl, pre en ted the following item· In t hl' ca:l' of Garn et Ruth At a special meeting held June i:zed bill of th cos t of the new lot Bruno \' r l' U!l Frank V. Brun o, n 6, 1869, the board ordered new and building in the di. trict : ,livOI'C wn:! gra nted p'laintifl'. buildings in lJub·difltricts NOB. 11 Mr. A. Thomp on, for sit, Pluintilr [' ('!ItoI' d t u muid'lI lIume and 13. The I!um of '''00 was ap· $300; J. Anderson, grading, $3 i .If Garnet Ruth nmpbell. propriated to buy a n w ite in No J . P. Hal'lan, building, 1,449.60: ___ _ 11, and the local directors were in· Wales &. Sharp, tence lumber, New S."il. structed to adverti e for bids tor U3.60; Jo I Ev n~ . sUl'veying, etc J ea n 11 1\1 I'edith v('rsu RnndalJ the eon tructlon of the bUilding. $9; H. Kilbon, advanced l or po. t. In No. ]3. the local dlrectorMwere fencing, nails revenue .:tamps and Lilley for llasturUr. EV8n~ verslus Mal'y E V 8n~ ordered to proceed under a f~rl!Jer chain bearer's tacks. $39.65; H . f or urt di vorc. hurge i>! j(ro. negcontract to have their bULldmg ' h I' I b ] 50' erected on the lot that had been ~lul1an, au ang urn er, . , lect. A. L. King ver:" u, Lew Ka k, donated for the pupose by Cyrus and Swe t, printing, $3.50. at 01 flH' money, l'<ll'ecloRure and (To be continued) Smith. This school came to be other [,!.!lief.
C LUMBUS Secretary of larence J. Brown has re.. !vcd numerous commendati n f" I' th~ excellent rvice rendered tIll' IIl'oplc of hio elecLion night and arty Wednesday morning. ., . r.u<l 1I retul'ns w ra received fl'O Ill bOIlI·tl lI of elections over the s tll ' they wer broadcast by SI'c r(' tllfY Brown Crom his office V,'I' station W L W 01 Cincinnati, tlt t' l'{)sley Radio corporation, ot her broadea ting stations in th "t nle availing themselves of the I'prvic' through a special hook-up. T .. leph onl.' operators were also on <lil l y throughout the night to furIl i'ltb elect ion lleW8 to those who ~lll1t.'d for information. ~lule
nofficial returns hav
G{) vernor th state Ii kl't d VH hi up pon nt avid S. ln gall., by a plurality of 206,000. Ullilt'd ~lIl1N; ' enator Robert J. Bulkley. Democrat, is next in line with a plurality ov l' Gilbert Bettmutl, RepUblican, of approximateIy 150,000. Roos evelt. carried Ohi o by 75,000, disappointing ItIB ny who had wagered tbat he would have mor than 150.000. Ut' 'I'ge White leading
_. th I Ii er cJoem't loolt ·seventy. Nor way ~ou f",", al your Il%y v 1«1 tbat old. The WomaJl 1!'bo • ="~UV. · e, aDd yout bowela are ......... .. ~ 12l t ber or~ ball bc:all have wiD
...,. ..-ryt
er &(Ie
Meo. WOIDell, and ebjl~' who run-dowD, who tire easily. I'lt bilious apeDs or have frequent beadaeh.. are IIOOJl stralsbtened out when' tb~ .ret this p~ptio~1I1 preparallOn of pure pepsin, active MllOU aDd fresh laxative berbs. (Syrup pepsin is all lb help the bciwela n-S and you do not form the very b.d babit of always laking aft
midd~ 'YOW'
vital orpDB to IIIcnr aqwu. You may DOt be Sick. limply lIupb. But why ~ a cOuditioo: at half-bealtb wba:l tIMre's a atimnlant tbat will .tir a .tacnant snWD \0 new tile ad - I Y in a Week's time' nua remarkable stimulant is ~ bumlela. It is, in fact. a eathart.ic:s.) ~ doctor'. prescription. So. if Keep a bottle 01 Dr. Caldwell's JOG'... liNd or tryin, every patent syrup pepsin in the house, lind mecfidDethat cOma al o0 8, lell take Il sumulatlDJI spoonful every the d .......t you want a bott.le of no. a.nd tbcn , It 19 all that a grelll Or. c..Jdwe1r. s~p pepsiD. Take /Dany t>eol1le ever take to keep a bit 01 this dl'JlCious aYnlJ) every ~trong and vi8orous.• ond absolutelY " - or 10. Wllil yOU know bv the free from c\nn.dloaW>n.. "!!!!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"~'!'! ~
harle Sawyer for Lieutenant Gov I'nor and Gorge S. Myers for 'e r 'tary of tat.e, wer the other two !!tate candidates winning out un the Democratic ticket, the formN' having in excess of 100.000 over Lee B. Palm r and Mr. Myers over 40,000 more votes than hi (\pponent, George C. Braden. A nother Democrat, on the nonpartisan ballot, arl V. Weygandt f or Ju stice of the Supreme Court, 'wa ucce Ful over the pr lIent incumbent, arrington T. Marshall, Con,gress, are Delllocrats, Charles ussume offic Monday, Ju"!uary 9, Republican, by a plurality which V, Truax and St. ptlen M. Young, tb 0 w legislaturll meeting one lice d d 100,000. the former n re ident of Bucyrus week previous January 2. As that the la~teT of Cleveland. day will be observed a s a holid!lY, Auditor J oseph T. Tracy and and makes tour succes ful Demo- tbe fl-rst of the New Year fallm~ . Day, will suc- Thi cratic candidates on the ticket 01) un day. The legi lotors wi! c ed themselves in oftlce for froln .C leveland, U. S. Senator Il) et Monday and pr bably ad· an other term, both winning by Bulkley. Judge Carl V. Weygandt, journ until the DeJl:t day: The unofficial pluralities of over 26000 S. Myers and Mr. Young. I gislatur will'be D ":Io.erntlc, t~e The same returns indicate that George Probate ICourt A Democrat, Will p, Stephen on. enat being evenly dIVIded, whJle J ohn W. B ricker has been success- wa ucce$8ful on the non-partisan the I.,owel· House \ il1 have a hes ter 1Iiaple, x.ecutor of ful as a candidate for attorney W. ballot for the short term a Judge Democratic working majority. th e, blte of DaL)r Dyche l\laple, Gan ral bY 'a small margin over of the Supreme Court <if Ohio, ~~~~""":"'_ _ _ _ _~~'!!!!!!!! til d his inv nt{)ry. bis Democratic oppo nent, Rober~ Thomas /L. Jones and Edward . ~hoo)8. W. . Thumpspn, ex cut~ r of . Duffy. S veral otber special committees Matthia, RepUblicans, were electth e tat f elia E. Thomp~on , bad been appointed to report at de eased, filed hi ~1 Achedule . of The two new ongressmen-at- ed to su<!ceed theml!elves as Judges tbla I18me meeting. Just read Clerk tlebls. lal'g , who will s rve in the next of the upreme Court for the foil Jos. W. Keys' account of one of, term. The Constitutional ConvengU;1)r~\ian of Anna l"lrmnn King, th,. reporta. tion propoeal wa (I teated by over ]0'. King, minor, fit.~ d his fir t and "Josl.h Craft reported verballY flnol account. and Lucy Ii'. nell. Inlot No. 261 in a quarter of a million votCl!. that he had notl~.ed Clayton Jones J.:rn !It Eva.n s, executor of the lason. of the detel'mlnation ol the board Official abstract must be certi- LO. T- Black and tan hound with G. A. and Minnie A. Wilmer ~o estate ()f Eugene Evan . . deceas· to retain POIll enion of certain diseye out. Willium Spray, on eretary of ta to 08 ed , flled hi s fir t and final account. Joseph S. Hinkle. ~eal estate ~n fied to the puted round contiguolls to the early as pos Ible, to that tabula,- OreKo n~, Phon e G77R, L ban o ~ Tiol Ruhlman gllllll'dian o f Nol'Frunklin township. chool hOlllle l"'Ounds In 8ub-dls·n16 bert Ruhlman, ct aI., minors, filed Melvin C. Cummings to Joseph tion of the officia I vote can be com- Reward. trict No. 6 until di8p088l!ssed by hi ti . t and filial account. S. Hinkle. Real estate in Frank- pleted and certificates ot e lection law, and he had got pretty well Issue'd to th08 entitl d to same. Will iam . lIowmd, odminlstt'n- lin township. ble I'IW for it. Hill report accepted. . FOR SALE Sarah D. Bla.ck, deceosed, to Ly- All expense accounts of candidate~ l I' of the e tate of Nellie HowThe gentlemen decided to reano compaign c ommittees, must ani, d.-cens d, filed hi" atilt ment man D. Black and Leo S. Block. move the location of the Corwin als b(' filed within ten days after FOR SALE- Your choice of four in Ii~u of nn Rccount. Inlot No. 336 in Franklin. chool house to a lot just below lection, time limit being 'Friday. The inv ntory of Robert Lamb, laude il. R.ue to William, John good ows, all giving more than and adjoi ning tbe tollgate lot which admini ~tTatol' of the estate of and Matthias BUl'ggraf. 249 acre November 18, at 6:30 p. m. three ga\lon~ of milk per day. See they expeeted to buy from .. Mrs. John Lamb, deceasi~d , was aJJflrov- in Wa ~hington town.hip. D. H. Hockett. R. D. 2. -n16 Thompson. The &'Pte was on the All elective swl officials will ed by court. Caroline , . Adams, d~ as d, to Harveyaburg pike at about the The cuse of William . Howard, Eugene Hawk. et al. Inlot No. 26 f)a.t entrance 0'1 Miami cemetery. ndministrator C)f the estate of Nel- in Lebanon. Now read what was probably the ! li e Howard, de(!cased. versus Eugenu Hawk, tal., to Haz!-ll .. ~- - . : . . . - - -.....- - -.....---~~-----~~------\ most important report of tbe meetCharle W. J ohnsoill. et III.. ,was dis Lewis Brookes , Inlot No. 25 III ing. mis d without record. Lebanon. "David Fuma•• Stephen Barnett 0. •• f til. OId.Ti ... School HO\IIe. Fl' d W. Wads\V'orth filed an apAnnie I. Irwin to Maude Hinkle. :=~====================::======~========~====~=~~:f:~~:V~:~d~~~~~ted guardian Inlot No. 69 in Mason. of John S. 8w()rth. et aJ. Samuel T. and Elizabeth Vail . The e tate of'Lorenz Bahr, de- to Loui a D. Nichols. Real estate - Iceased, is exempt from inheritance in Solem township_ tox. live 'M. Bohr and Frcd C. E. D. J<>nes to Nelia J!>ACS. Bohr, administrator~. filed their Real estate in Harlan townshIp. first alld final account. Louisa D. Nichols to Helen S, A certified copy of the entry de- Hancpck. Real estate in Salem lel'mining the i nhel'itance tax to be township. ' G. F. Boughner, deceased. to paid on the estate of John S. Thorn on, deceased, is to be certi- Lucy J. ReY,Jl()lds. 2'0 acres ill It is gratifying to know that even Salem town hip. fied without delllY· Mary L. oOK was released Lucy J. Reynolds to Abner ~, though I was unable to be active at t he end guardian of Jane ook, et aI, min and Ruby T. CUftis. 240 acres IJI ors. township. of the campaign l;lecause of illness, th~ Laura S. Dunham exeeutrix People's Building Loan & ~avvoters of Warren county showed their fine the estate of David E. Dunham lngs Co. to George Hendt'l cks. ceased, filed his first and final Real estate in Mason. spirit of hearty good will and ' approbation count. Charles A. Oeder to L ster Lee J . T. Riley, administrator of Oeder real estate in Hemilton by re-electing me County Treasurer. \ . state of James Cannon. decease ' township. I thank you . Charle" A. 0 der to Wilbur flied his first and f\nal account. Helen BUI'sh was Doan and Shirley Oeder Doan. guardian of Uowar L. , min- Real estate i .... Hamilton township. or. 1 _.. Annie 1. Irwin, .e xecutrix of the 8U1. A 10,.,_ estate of R. J. Irwin, deceased, fillee & Coal Co., ice, ed~nal acOOttiR+.-Central Telephone The case of Anrtie Irwin, execurporation, rents. '65.50; Johnstl'ix of the estate of R. J: lrwln, ton & J ohnston. lIash cord and ladeceallcd. versus Maud Hinkle, et bor, $2,'70; Trustees of Public Aful, was dismissed lNithout record. fairs, light, '48.76; Charles HobThe will of C. F. Broughnel', de- sin services, $10; Mrs. Stella Xelceased, was admitted to court. A Iy.' services, $10; J,:mes .Hatfield. certificate of tran :~fer issue to re- services, $10; GeorgIa M1l1er, ser. co rder os provided by law. vices, $10; Morrow .Whitaere servThe inventory of C. Donald Dila- ices. $5; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, lush, administrator of the estate services, $7; Mrll. Jul~a , Holland, of Geor.ge W. Nuas. deceased. was services, $10; Erma Hibnar. serv-
E. B. Murrell
THE ttlOMES .IN·THIS SECTION Have been cleaned and yoa, have put a lot 0'1 leftovers in
attic •
and ahed to gather dust and rust until spring house cleaning, when they will be tak.e n oul, cleaned all over again llnd put back to ogllin gather dust and rust. Most of these articles could be advertised in the Gazette, and possibly we . could Nell them fo r twice their worth. Dig this stuff' out and try to sell it. It will pay.
Use The .Miami Gazette Columns to Help.You Get Rid of Your Attic Surplus
npp'roved by court:. I>f Evelyn The inventory Meloy, executrix of the estate C. C. Meloy, decea:!ed, ' vas cd by the court. Sales by Frank Winfield, administratol' ot the estate of Lucy Win. field. deceased. WElre approved by court. . . W. N. ThompsolD. 'l?-dnH!lJstrator of the estate of 9arolln.e S: Adams dcceas d, filed hIS appllcatlon duly verified for a c.ertificate of transfer of real estate. . E. C. Dunham was appolnt~d ~xecutor of the estate of Jobn Win flcld, deceased, an.d flied bond of $6000 with the United States FidelitY' and Guaranty Co. as surety. E. A. [,udlum, J. M. Lewis and A. J. Scheurer' were appointed appraisers. Gl'ace WadRworth was appointed ~ua I'd ian of Hazel M. Wadsworth. at ai, minal's and filed bond of ~lOOO with Edward Blair and Charles J. Waggoner as sureties. ---Muri. .e Lic.n... VirJ!i1 L. Robins,on, watcbmaker oC F'l'llnklin, and Miss Carrie L. Lamb, factory worker, ot Franklin ,John Benry Phillips, farmer, of Lebanon, and Mrs,. Sarah Esther Pierce, house wi of Franklin. William Adk farmer, of Franklin, and Edna Frances Mince, of
ices Albert Mmard, services, services" .; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; $10'; $10; Richard L. Williamll $10; Treasurer of State hospltillza tion of patients, '39.29; Lebanon Patriot, advance notice to Bank Depository, $10.20; . Franklin Chronicle, advance noti~e to Bank Depositors, $10,88; H. E. Warwick . supplies. $9; W . H. Fulkerth washing for prisoners, ,60.0'7; Trustees of Public Alrairs, lirht and gas Mrs Cynthia Fulkertb, . .25; Columbus Co., form s. $4.50: Stakalta , supplies, $12: WoodrowCo., ~upplie8, ,5; Teleh C..... ation O' I{v~~:ern o'Uo~ion , ' , It is with the greatest depth of feeling sherifi' $1 49· E pain ~nd 'Iabor, . ; Stillwater Lhat I take this opportunity to express to Sanatorium, care of patient, U08. 50; Frallk Sherwood Co., supplies, t he voters of Warren county my intense $2; A. W. Tucker, In full contract No. 1018, ,38 j Eugen~ Harper, re appreciation for the large complimentary pairs, $10; A. T. Rettig, pay roll. $98.75; C. E. Bradbury, pay roll, vote 1 received in ~y sixth successive elec,30.25; H. L . SchUyler, pay roll, $192.711; Car) Dakin pay roll. tion to the office of Prosecuting Attorne , $167.60: Philip Heisei. lillY roll, $62.60; Mrs. Mn. W. T. Vanderend damages, $26; C. service., $37.60; V. pay roll. $160.211; E. D. par roll $178.26 Eden Te!'!7, pay ro 1\ '847.25; A. T. Retti~, pay rol. 1221.88; C. E. Bradbury, pay roll, $122.1 Joe W. Davis, pay '170.0 Lammons, $163, M)'8T8, 8 UII: _III!I.__ deceased, to Lamsoft, I; Fred C. Bahr. Smart..... M!II'!I~'n. 1191.69;
Donald Dilatu.1a
My Oid Kentucky Home
B, Mr.. J .... ie B. Tripp
D. L. CRANE OfIic. Pho.e R•• id..... ce ,. , .. ... "
Publi.h.r Sub."riptioa Prie., '1 .150 a Y_r No 112 len Illrf·,l at POBlottle" at \VUyn6.· • vIII Ohlu. as SCI'ond CIa.I. )daU 'No. 118 ' Matter N
Right uown U\1ulr thf' puncheon fl oor, TI1t!l'l" " 0 hluck of 'llIlshilll' uefore th door: And in on(> corm'!· :l big, fnt bed. With the gl.l~ ... ~ t quilt upon it Rpread, And 8t ruw·fra rlll' d pictures on L1,..
E 1B£m 16. 1932
Safety Reaches Its Majority
Sermon for 1932 Christma Seal Sale Putting Y r 'fhanks Into Giving ThUll k ~g l"in/Z i" of rel1lini~l'ell('l'. In of ehlll'ch(·~, tt-lis "j' th~'u~ands uf h()l1lel<, the hand . of the nnllOnul cl oc k hu\'1o' ul>'n pu:h 'U hack thl"(,l' c ntul'i Ii nnd ten yenl"l!\, ilnd the .'tol·y (,f lhllL valiant band of Pilgl'im ll has b"~ll rdl.rd. rhe dif. fi cull i(' " f lutiuy 1Il1l);!' 1I more sympnlht,Uc to II I' ,('ital uf the bu r'<il'Il" uf thll ~ (' carlr cla)"s when ur nutiun:!-1 hi;.llJ r·y \I'l\~ in it ~ in· c('ption. Th(, pulpit , th t, 11I"'~>I , the :<choul, t h ' rntlit1. huw brought lo 11$ tilt· " linin , ~ tt)r '.\' Clf lhut period llf t' ul·ly h ),(lIS nl. R~ ~p 'l'Uu l u: II e f -'I.'I f or t he gn'<!l ull.1 ~t.)l'ieJ pu, t. who would likt, a r'c tul·n t o th e period of the PilJ;"rim .. , that fll': t T h:lnks~ivin!l' OilY? Thl'('t' c ' ntu l'ie~ of I,rog-res:,; hn\'e udde.d bll'hsings innumcrablt, to flur ' daily lives, until, today, WI? aim os! take f I' grantt!d the lux.
ul'ies of ye:<tcrday. But threc hundred year:; hay nut I'radicat\·c1 sicknes:; lind di. Q, It The tll il of trouble which ' l'I~duC!pd t hat Pilgrim band 50 per c('nl wQult! ~till be with u. if it were l!iven 11 ·hanee. We hall never kno\\ what maladies laid their arl"('Klin g hanu on thus.. Pilg-rim fnth I·~ ilnd mother ·, but we nlllY bp sur l' that the re was on foe p( the human race who was not abo <I'nt - - tuh Qreu lo.sis, W e would, ha ve to go farthet· bark than Pil. ~l'illl Ilnys to find aileI'I d when humanity WII immune to that most pf'r~ i ste nt en m)' of th e rue , aud not lrntil 25 years ago. whe-n the ~ hril'\tnH\~ , eat began it.; beneficial ,Work uf edu 'ution alld contrnl was tlwl'l· !lily perclJptible progress mtltl t, in combating this ancient, impudent, rei nUe.:s enemy. The los, fl'o m tuberculo is ha, bel'n rellu ·ed fiIty per c nt in the past 25 y ar and that 'i a mag. nifi cent bles ' illg', It In ans that lOO,OOO more people lire with us to nj o. th blc ~. ings of Thanks· gh.ing Day, who unde r the old mortality of 26 yeal"· ago, would have be n l'ell1dve(i dUl'inlC the pa:5l year. 'rhis i ~ a bright ' id to the pirtllr , nnd it should encourage us. Thi, is n ot a medical problem a lone. it is everybody' cru ade. W ne d the ski ll of ~cie nti st. the a ssi ·tlUlce of the teacher, the , law of thu lel!;islator, and the pllssion of pl'eacher end prophet. Ab ove ull. we need th help of the home. l' 01' it i there, in the inlimaci '8 of daily habit, thut the battl i to be fought and there it will be won.
Electricity SUBELY IS CHEAP Th
us of Elcctl'i 'ity in
The organized sa:f ty movement in America is coming of age. rura 1 d i~trict8. a.nd part~r.ly 0"_ _ _ __ It wa s blll'ri in 1U12 to ·o moat the appalling dellLh and nj;"lrlAntl--lII'lUJ-L. rat R then pl'E'vailing in many indlJstrios. It nas !linee immense exm I·e than n million fa m s in the 1.lIlnded it~ usfulneHI! HD that ·it works not only to protect lit in the The old mud chimnt·y nt,(.'dR a prop factory, but ill the home, on the highways, in the school - whl!rcvur Rorne of it'fI l!:l1 rll' r'ighl at the top; co untry. bl"i ngil fon·cft! n~ t th e atth(> I"i k of Ilcri(ilml >x ists. .. Ther "s bUI·lcy, hanging brown ll>s nehi (· eml!nts ar its munument, Despite va!;tly incl"(~a!l.ed tention of everyone, th · potential ltnd dried, indu sll'ial production .ratalitie have been cut more than tbirty pel' Wilh hunting I!un ~ on eith('l' ide. cl!nt. Fac tod 1I vhleh' were Ilnce k rlown a s "human slaughter hou ses" A big gourd ViIII' i ~ r:limhi nJ;( 0'1'1' fOl·ce ex rcised in Ihi. I'e, p d. ·re now :;ofer for the ~ ol'kman thall iH his home. Accidental deaths to Th e old po rth 1 >rIl Jl ~ , h ' f ore thp cbildren hove belln cut through the introducUon of safety ~ducati1)n door. into school cUt'!'i ulur)1~. The num ber of chiluren injured or killed by .. utomobile ~ h ,l~ dl·opped mat rially- but the adult toll of aut omob il es I sUI! h ' Ill' thump:> (if darki s hee\R , At a v ry small CO:l, l)llmping, milk"'T: Il S jumped nl a dizzying rllte. And banj 0 III U i' lI 'I'I' . l11e , leah: In lhi ~ la~\ fi eld the saft'ty movement hU B met its gr ate, t obsta Ie They IJluyed tht! Qld CO" died, yes ing, eni:lilag cutting, pou ltry operaThe highways are lhr·llngcd with Irresponsible, incompetent and reckMIlInIl1 , 1<: s driver's that last year claim d 34,000 lives and were r spo nsible And you stole lil Y midlin, sto le my tions, electric hotbed H, r cfrig-eration, £01' hundreds of thousallds of accidents, aiety on th highway can ham, ClIm e only when auUnllobile operntol·!;-,-like (actory worke rs and ex- And th1'ough lh field of s ugar household ('\ aning anti cooking can l'I.'Uti e -- r aliz(' Lh(lir· respon~ibility and become " sufety. conscious," cane Th n organized sufeLy movement will have conquel'ed Its greatest Thel'e used to l'UI1 a lli vers' Ian . be uone . 4!nemy. And through the ol' chnl'd'~ dusky . g loonl Fall apples Rprclld their swee t perfume; hOVe A nd there thE! cricket sent hi s tl'i11 , Mixed in with ~u n gi; of whippoor. wills. (Musical Interludes b}' Farm Night Melody Makel's ) Ther(' pennYI'oyu l and pepper:menl Oft sel1l abroad their fragl'8nl 8 :00 Mu ie vJ e .hould like to 10 over scent. 8 :01l hunges in Horticultural Prllctices . . , J. H. Oo'u rley :20 () p Lives to k Mal'k tin.g , . . , ....... B. B. Bl'umley your problenl' with you. As the fire light flicKerR to a n fro hio Live tock Coop rath'e As n. These sweet old memot'ies COllle 8 :35 Pl'oduc ns' o·op ommi ion As n. . R. 0, Smith, Mgr, c= and go; 8:60 Plowing f o t· orn , " " ,.. E. P. Reed 9 :05 The Family's Food Dollar Thelma Beall and Alma Galvin T Rmeil the burley, cut and dried, The larJo(est ingle item of cost P. O. Beck Which Dad smoked by that same 9:20 :;) me 'fhings 4-H r.lembers Should Know faced by the motor vehicle opera. fire ide. 9:35 ·oil hcmi. tr·y fOI· Farmers G. M. McClure tOI· who fails to get hi rna hinc h or the ong of whippoorwi ll Jl :50 Th" Win t!1' Garden ,G. N. Poesch StilJ Far off, upon the old home hill. FOUl· di , tnnt lI tates ' will hare ready for th s ason ju·t ahead is Saturday, Nove ... ber 19, 8 :00 p. m, with 11io the black on oragne the possible accident, according (Mu iClll Intel'ludes by 4-H Ol'c heatra.> co lor· ehem fol' their 193 3 to the Ohio department of highautomobile licen se pia tes. These ways. Thi. should direct special lub Achievement Meeting Muskingum County ~·H . Lute, are Florida, Louisia na , attention to brakes, steering Xenia ' Qi.trict Mi May lIarlan wa eall d to olorado and Nevada, • eCl'etal'Y mechanism and windshield wiperl:l, \ Middletown the first of the week of Btat lal'enee J. 131'owl\ has Brakes s hou ld be adjusted for U •• announced. lncid ntally Ohio ha equalization and for quicker by the death of hel' aunt. H. HEATH*N, ManaKer J'IIL_...I! _ The?1. E. Mi s ionary . oei ty twic as .m any registe.red m otor stoJlping, the 10 tter beeaus t·eTHE MIAMI GAZETTE ~ "nalUG will give a Thanksgiving market in ehic! K a, t hose four ~Itat s com. duc d vi bility ill n invilable Mr. Snell's roolll Wedn esda y, billed, product winter. Keeping the ~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~;~~;;;~;;;;~;;; November 23. Two ~tates, alifornia cor ulld of r con trol at all times Chas. H, Gray and Idaho, will hav the SlltnC colors when the str et BUt·face i least Bogan attend d the A~el"ic~n in rC"eI· ~e ~o lUbinution , Ol·ange on fuvoI'able to it requires attention Legion party for ex·so Idle.rs In black. to the ' teet"ing mechanj~m, and if Lebanon Friday v ning. Ohi " adjoining neighbor tat s any season demands a maximum Our bB ketbatl team won ov r . will ha e the following colol' of efficiency on the part of the We H .... a COBlpl.te Watd. Belfast on the hom e floor Fl'iday sch Illes rOJ' thl'ir licen plates: windshield wiper, it is winter. Repair Ser.. ic. evening, 21 to I . OUI' teams play P ell n, ylvlln il,l, g old on hlu ; Michi . In cidenlally, tbere is tar less And use only genuine materiall. Kings Mills tams here Friday gan. black on, white; l n~iana, xcu 'e f ol' l·eca lcitrant starting of Crystals fitted While YOIl wait. evening, Novemb r 18. white on r ed; K. ntucky, white on l he engln In cold weather than Mrs. Mary 'rucker alld Mi s Lu- green; lind West ViI'g inia, yellow ~h a vCI'age rnotol'i st realizes. Cary'. Jewelry Shop cille Tucker entertain d at dinner o n black, With a battery of full strength, an :ome 111' the oth I· tate com. electrical sY!ltem that I clean and W dne day vening in honor of Leba.Cla, O.io Hal'ry's 17th bil'thday, the senior bination aJ'e to be: . ew York, pl·operly adjusted from s witch t<> Store Open Eveninars c1as~ of th., high sch oo l and all th black on ~'ellow; llIinoi!', white on ~parkplugs, and a carburetor ad. teachers. Gu st~ were Mr. and blue; Wi scon ~i n, whitl! on blue; j ustment that is suitably effectMI' , Ralph A. Francis. Mr. anil tinn e.otn. black on aluminum; ive, together with a choke that is Mr,. H rb rt at'r. 1.1 iss Hele n Iowa, \\ hill' 011 mif!ni~ht blue, fu IIY' o perative, there if! no reason Randall, Mr. and MI"i'. fl omer T. 'ew Jet"l'<cy, red on black; Ariz:ona why an engine should not start Cas key, Miss WinirreJ .McEI\\' ~ , cc'ppel' on biark: and Missouri buff r adily ill old weather; otnerwlse Ull chocolat<>. Mr. and Hr, has. V oters, Mr the car own r may be BUl'e that sborn, Miss Ell n Me· - - -- - - - - Glenna the engine ii! not dollvering fu ll arren, MillS cneva Robbin!! I\fL s p rfor-mance at an y time, that it Charlotte Thomas. MI$s Vh'ginil1 is wasteful of fuel and co tiy to Tuc ker, Misl'l Satu Kib ler, Mis o perate. Thelma Kibbl '1 ', Ralph Rich, Barr . W, Merrell, state director of Nold er, Robert Gordon and th highways, p'oints out that th e foreHi8~hwaYB sighted LITTLE BITS guest 01 honor Ran·y Tucker. ear owner will realiz -Rev Robbins' conducting a that the seasoned preparation 30 Years Experience In eries 01 p~otracted meetings at This year in pnrt.iculalr' motnrist takes the car through the ' winter A mall quantity of palatable 'the M. E\ c hur~h. Fitting and Maklnr Glallu would d o well to consider winter leave it at the end in far beta lfalfa hay, led with timothy or a Miss Grace mart, of Cincin. preparation of their cars frorn the and combina tion of timothy anil sila!l:e, "llti WII~ a gUCRt unday of Mrs. angle whe her they can afford not ter m chanical condi tion than it would otherwi e onsider from 1130 . timulates the ewe's or lamb's ap· Mar~' Halnee lind family. .1 to spend the money for it. The petite for the Ie s palatable timo· MI'!!. J\111ry'Tuck r, Mills LucillQ av L.II ••on, Ollio the viewpoint of afety, eonveni~=======~====~ rage ear in u e ,l-oday is older and effiden ., this prepara- ;:: thy, Alfalfa fed in this way also and Hal'old were Dayton shoppet.s and more worn han was the case ellee T...... ,., n.racla,., S.tlU'da, tion is les expensive to have dOne will increase t he pro duction rec· on aturday, FOR SALE DATES CALL in other sea ons. E.amlaati_ F .... than to neglect. ord obtained. ' ___ - - Lic.. n.ed Real E.tat. Broker, Audio.eer a.d · I......c. LEBANON. OHIO While the average of farm crops , New W.,"Hvlll., Ohio ha rvest d in Obio in 1932 was I nearly the same as that i n 1931, Miami Quarterly Meeting was the yield per acre was 6 per cent Most R easonable Termll le s t han normal. Final figures are held at the Friends church h ere not yet available, but thi year the on Friday and Saturday. The Dorea. Club met with Mrs. wheat yield per acre in tbe state probably was n ot far from 19 Frank McIntire ThursdllY. JESSE STANLEY Grant Phillips and Adam bu hel per acre lUI compared with working for 29.5 bushels in 1931 and with a Dickinson Jr" ar ten-year average yield . of 18.7 I he Creamery companies in Cin· EARL KOOGLER cinnati, during the strike. bush ell. ,Mrs. J. . Pickin of Dayton, is Da,.tOll PhG •• The Wooster C<loperative Po ulest of bel: In other, Mrs. A. H. KE.BlGr. 8111 try Association , an organization of iarmers marketing - Dieirdeath 01 Hnrold Scamma· the auction m ethod, in four horn, Wednesday nfterllOOl1 .came months has grown from a one- as a shock to OU1' commun ity, coun ty affair handling 160 cases ~f although he had been S8'r lously III ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN eggs per week into an organization for several weeks at the hospital your Cattle, hoas, .heep and caly.. selling 600 cases of carefully' pro- of the Military Horne In Dayton. to Norris·Brock Co., live wfr. ad duced and graded eggs a week. Funeral services were held In the Dir,e c:tor Gf Fua...al S.nic. pr'o gt'esaive firm tor th. blah... At present t he Association has 180 M. E. church Saturday afternoo n mar ket prices and good •• rVI.e. members keeping about 125,000 H e leaves a wife and three small Our convenient location, sulta. ! Union Stock Yarda' Ci.ein_tl, O. b e ns in ten counties. sons besides six brothers and a ble surroundings and equipment Tune in on Radio Station Welty sister. 12 :2 5 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daU, The domestic allotment plan for Mrs. Ella Noggle, an age«\ ' enables us to Serve to the Best JIlArket reporta. , farm relief ' would be much like resident of ou r community, died A dvantli~e : _ . • the basic surplus plan for paying at the home of her daughler, Mr . for milk. The miller, fo[' example Lea Laurens near Xenia, Sunday would have to obtain a permit for morning. She had been ailing for AMBULANCE SERVICE every bushel of wheat made in~o Dlany months. Besides her husband flour for sale on the domestic with whom she had lived for more pa..-. 211 Wa" •••"m., OhiG market. Tliis permit would cost than 68 years, she leaves three approximately the amount 01 the sons and fo u r daughters, 22 gra~d tariff or 42 cents a busbel. The childre n and 3 great grandch l]s um thus collected would be prorat dren, She was a good woman and ed back to the producer on that her passing away is a grief to per cent of his crop which the many friends, __ • _ __ Mr. Cronburg de'm onstrating his remote control switc:h. domestic consumption of wheat is to the total produetion. Curiosity nrouse~ in the mind of boy in Spokane, Washln, ton. lhe a youth b)' an encyclo paedia de. boy's inquiring mind con~inued to prompt him to seek new truth~ scription of the phenomenon of about electricity. tftJNTINO c1 electricity led him irl a career His constant experinlents have that has made him an ell~ctrical ex- beoll responsible f r· numerous reo ae r.. lor ..~ pert and an inventor. finclrlent~ and additions to th tcle. i r.DIIUiI At an age when other Iboys in .the phonic art, especilllly in develop.· ."~p'! t1.. little . town of Sheridan l, Montana, ment 01 new circuit IlI'l'Pllgemenfk , were Lhjnldl'l~ abollt flshing and His creative genius, how V(ll·, has swimming. laude 1. Cronbul'g was !lot beeu confined to telephone de· probing into the depths of electrical vices, but also has been applied to Phc-ne · 78J principles and constrUcting ex peri- pi·oblems in other lines or the ela . ~.:"""a-~ mental np aralus out ot~ discarded trical field. •• wIIl=:' . .::. Mr, Cronburg and an associate , beer bottles, broken boilers at1d bailing wire. Spurred by hIs in- Wayne W. Lingo, of ·lcveilmd, satiable t h irst for knowl,edge after recently received a pa tent on a reading lin cxplanution t)f electric- mysterioU!l rem ote control switch .OTAOY PU8UC itv, the you-thI ul explor.er hod ac· to be used for novelty advert.ising. cumulated a store of i fuormatio n The rheostat· like I W itch wh ich fitll Nall.aal . B.,.Jr ..fII. about his ad pted study at the age on the outside of ft display window WUIa D ... _ • • B ...... SenIN of 14 that equaled the knowledge enables window-shoppefll to turn WAYNESVIU,E, OHIO ~~~ ~aincd in a normal rour·year elee· on or shut off, electrical applianc(lII tri~1I 1 at college. inside the window at will without .. UNT.... Among hill he entering the store. constructed a Mr. Cronburg, whOle telepbone 11m 11mD I . . n.HINCI career cover. 28 yeara in Spokane, which tJeld 10 much him tbat be Jett home the Cbic:qo and Clneland, t. DoW YOtelephone itl catioaal bllUUctor for Tbe Ohio earlier From at tPIII "
Farm Night 7alks,
Spring Styles In Auto Plates
The Dayton Pow~r and Light Co.
Winter Preparc.Jtion Of Automobilies for Safe 'yon
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
:0:Boy's ==-==-==-Jllquiring =-= ------.' Stanley &Koogler Mind
Leads to Inventions
F. -r. Martin
Farm Women Keep Home Cost Record
... ........ G iF~~9J! Centerville, Ohio Onl, $1.00 Or ,No Charse
pm FRE',E
T...,.... Com.--
DR· R. S• ftna'~ l·TM"
t Affair.
• for Brid •• at Franklin
Dod,. HUlley, Inc., of ColumbUll, wu the lowat of llix bidders rel!pectively. h, yes! on the Miami River Bridg job at til final a(or wa "'&C ulty. 32; Franklin. according to a report 1>rl... TIl. (I. from the ollke of the state lIigh. The big j(1lme ot the vening w_y director. The Columbull ftrm's th con t.e t b tw en the ot $98.429.01 comlla.... with Wa),cebl of 1938, led by Captain bid the engin n's e timate of '113,~ Lawrence Davia, and ably coached 870.95. by W. • Huffman, and the WarBidll were opened ten days ago r n County chola tic hampions action had be n taken Mon· C)f' 1931·82. Homer Kinnard day no morning, it was stated. It was playing in place of tbe aforesaid learned, that a contract o.vi8. The Champs took the floor would be however awarded or bldll rejected with !fo practice whatever, and time durinc t he day. ,r • ea y meat" for their . were ~ tartunate opponenb!, a. the 29 to "'o'_ftllft datio n _CompatIY, 13 Icor readily how. 80.37. Th tor going i by no meanll l "'"";""'· oluman aUbl for the Champs. nqr Is it a know for the Wayceh . Davia and "'.',.,VI.r, Lima, $103,b' cohorts played a fa t. a nd clean gam and do ...,p, ,.,,l and Iron their vietor)' -in fact, many of the fan are of the opinion that they are the speediest auregation ever to rep~sent W. H. S. on 'the haN wood court. But we would like to see them play tbe Champ!!, after the latter had the advant,aa'e of one w ek's practice. If they can beat the Champs under those conditions (and we truly believe that they can), Plans are being made to build prollpects for a third straight a replica of it pioneer log cabin at county championship will be ex- F~rt. Ancient s tate park some time tremely bright. in the near ;future. The cabin will The startin, line-ups of the be built of cbestnut lOIS wbich 'Will two ' teams follow: Champs _ be brought from t he Erwin Ellis and Homer Kinnard grOVel! at Fort Hill in Highl&Jld forwards; Paul Savaare. center: include a stone II replace Ballard Wallace and John T,\rner building as plannoo. guards: Milo Miltenberger. substi: county. Tbe. ben~es and other eQ1~lp· , t~te. Waycehs--Lawrence Davis of a settler's cabin. A site jUl!t back of tbe pavillion and Carl Cook forwards; Everett MllIer center: Edward Franer and at the left of the park entrance Rusaei Treadway, guards; David Boger, Marion Whitaker. Charles ~:: ::iidln~ntativeJy selected tor W~rk on a similar cabin at SerSavawe. Norman Meredith, substl. tutes. Mound Park walJ eompleted summer. --~----TAX NOTICE and
.THANKSG·IVING ' DAY M'ORNING AT 10:00! Sal1lta Claus Will Be ' There in Person! All of YOUir Favorite C~mic Strip Characters! Don't Miss It!! a
Thi gigantic spechlclo start · at 10 o'clock sharp from the Montgomery CoUlllty Fairgrounds . . . proceeds up Main treet to the monulll llt ... turn around the Monument. and gucs back down Main Street to the Fairgrounds ... stopping fir!lt, in front of Rike.K wnler· . '
Here, SaQta Claus, who will be in the parade in .,enon, will go up the ladder to the huge chimney on Rike'. bwldi~ After wByin" bjs greetings to the kiddiel he wi)) de cend into Rike's Toyland where he' will bold fortb until Cllri,t:maa. Come one l ! I Come all ! ! r I
Enter Rike's Toy Coloring Contest in Toyland ••• 28 Valuable Prizes!
--------- ...
Plan to Build Log Cabin at Ft. Ancient
!!~=~::::==::::~:~;i~~~~~~~~'~~r-:~~::~;~~~~~~~~~l;:::::::::=::=:::::::~;::::::; Last 1yy~ , eek' s A ··· ctlvrtres smooth tires are dangerous
County Treasurer E: B. Murrell announces that the boou wlJl be open until December lit to receive the second hi·anllual instal. ment of the tax on chattel property.
The Memory Picture
Miss- Helen Gullady is vi iting friends in Osborn. Mr . Ed cook spent the fore part
John Donnell, Warren county returned to the Ohio Penit.en· tiary late last week for alleged violation of th~ parole under whlcl1 be was . released from the institution lIeveral monthH ago. .uUlllnC'1I W&8 convicted in common Aupst 21, 19~ on a of bavin&, de troled a con· mixer owned by the eounty ..... IMlntenced tQ the penitentiary for five yean.
at the wel'k in Dayton, the guest
of her dauiht\!r, 'Mr . R. B. Davis. Mrs, Jane Wright, of Springboro arrived here, Tue day, to spend th winter with her sister, Mrs. Julia Donovan.
of the fun!tral dirutor il to make the lnt rltel a beautiful pidure in the melDory o'f tbole who remain. To tbia end be employ. all hi. ,Ilill in the preparation (If the b ody, lIeleetieD of merchandi.. and dh:eet-
We meuure
On Fridn¥, t he Seniors, presented an Armi tl e Day l'ogrom to the High sc hool tudent n follow :' ' B d L M Ceel'1 DaVIs Taps ' u e sy lnvocation .. .... Re . Williamson Playlet, " Amel'ic8 IRemembers"enior Cia s Benediction Rev. Dibert All cla;l'es IVel'e !.Ii smis d at 10:40 in ol'der thaI; this pl'ogram might be attended ,by nil the students. At 11 :00 a two minute silence wa observed in commemoration of tho e who IOlt their live during th war. All c1asse wet'e l'eRumed in t he afternoon .
Miss Nellie Cutwright was called to Dayton this morning by the very critical iIInes of her brothel', Paul Cutwrlltht. Pep Meetina , Miss Winnifred Armitage, Mrs. Har,old Smith and Mrs. George J. The weekly pep meeting was BURIAL SERVICES Smith spent last Thursday with held on Friday, In the High friends in Springfield. ARE HELD SATURDAY Schoo l gymnasium. The meeting openled whh 0. so ng Mr. alld Mrs. Milton Thompson "America," !lung '~y the entire Another brilrht atar added to and son were guest. at a surprise tbe Heav8IIs when the piTIt of party, &'iven in honor of Mr. ,:rt'oup. D votionl\l was given by little nine month. old Jamea Vernon Mustard at his home in il'. Brown. The athlete's creed was read Maurice Hopkin. took ita flight Dayton, Saturday evening. by Lawrence Davis, a member of on Wednesday ·evenin. from the home '()f Ita parenti, Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornell, of both the Sportsmanship BrotherHopkinll, near Morrow. Social Row, were &,uests in the hood and the ba ketball squad. A hort talk was _ given on servicel! were held on boome of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough Saturday afternoon. at the Green Tb.uTllday afternoon and evening. Briar 'Church. conducted by Rev. The occasion honored the birth· II. V. Lamb. Interment in Mlami day anniversaries of Mrs. Cornell cemetery. and Mr. Hough. The bereaved parente have tbe Mr. .ympathy of an in tlUII, their darkeat hour.
One ot the mOlt .aned duije.
ina of the funeral.
Returned to Pri.on For Parole Violation
...... ,
1.1. . . lIeChIr.
MAYBE YQU'Ye tott... by OIl -.aootb tit.. ",IlU. rOIl'" .. we mOlatly dry. But look out Dowl Slippery drinnt c1a~ are abead. Your; riak. are multlplled. Better chanae at QIlce to .ur.-.... pplnt new Goodyear AII · W.atbere . They' ll protect yQ'U all winter, .... you moo.,. OD replll ... md dela~, anel I'W be Uk. Dew for eprint .nel aul1lIDer. 80 trade ID your UDooth tlr~ thle weekI
"The Duty 'of an alumnus, by Miss Henkle. The cuach t.hen gave his usual fferings to tbe program. The special feature wa a debath . en b s be 0" ~ glV Y even mem r8 , the deb~ting club. sponsored by Mr. Brown. The question was, ResOlved: 'fhat a White Pig is bet.. tel' than a bluck one. The 'meeting closed with th,e 8igh chool song and . a few cheer\!.
C..... r Traction MeeIn.......
Waycelu va. Monow H. S. The "Wayeehs" will play their third basketball game ot the leason, at the Gym, on Friday night, November 18. . The first game will be played betwE n the Upper Grades and W.y .... iII•• Ohio. Pho•• 4·, Franklin Jr. High, at 7 :15. Following t his game the second tea 01 will play Maso n' IS ec 0 n d L~!I!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! team. The next game will 1 eature Waynesville'!! first team, against Morrow's first team, making three games in all. Come out and support the team On FtkJay night. Good !!UP P Ol't means a successful team .
Gordoa'. .eryl.e Statloa
Hunting Sea.son Opened Tuesday
wce... by the e~tent to 1~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lif~~'~·~I~~I~'~~w~a;8"ai~veritable Waterand pheasants whleb we a~mpli lJh tbia I' in thi vicinity. From arly sunrise until late in thE: afterno on, the PllrpO••• boom elf e~llldilOg shot gu ns was almost continuous, until at An epidemic of bad colds, grippe times citizen were ' ab le to WANTED and threatened pneumonia is quite gain a our most I'ealistic: imprc sion of prevalent among the t,e acbers and a big battle. ' W corn. Clarence I!tudentl! in our schools. Mr. Ira Ra\lbits . eem to be quite plentiBrown, one of the teachers at the Rye. R. R. 4, ' WaynelVilIe. t his year. but the supply o~ H. S. building went to his apart- ful pheasant.'\ does not seem to be ment ot the Little Inn. Tuesday nearly great. Rabbits may be YO. SALE aftern oon, seriously threatened hunted so W.~....W., 011'0 throughout t he ba.lance of with pneumonia. the' y ar 1932. but November 25 FOil SALE-Poland China male pip. E. Eva••, Phone 470R: Rev. and Mrs. J. J . Schaeffer, is the last day on which pheasants may be legally hunted . Dealers in . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;=~~==~~ Mrs. Mrs.Mrs. Lee Hawke .-: Miss Edith MameHarris, Brown, L. H. shot-~u n shells and other hunting Gordon, Mrs . Emma H. McClure, supplies rep rt a Tother thriving Miss Emma Heighway and Miss business during the past few days. Fortunately. no hunting acei· May Wright represe nted . St. Mary's branch of the Woman's dents have been reported locally so , and it is to be sincerely hoped Auxiliary 01 t he Episcopal Church, at the annual meeting in Piqua. that this good record may continue throughout ~~~~~~n. Tuesday. 0111'
on s-I-i-p-p-e-r-y roods
MEN ARE M.oRE THANKFUL" Every man 'i!; thankful for th.e roof over his I head-bvt men with. a gdod Red Cedar Roof have reason to be more thanktul, ~ecause they do not face tll~ expense of an ea ·replacement. ·
ANTED--~'o b~y
Our Red Cedar Shingle are guaranteed. 'They are ea y to put on-and once there-will Jast almost a lifetime. . Roofings are only one item in our line of building material . No matter what you plan on building, we have, all C!f the materials in titSt grade quality-and priced as low as,they can be ~ad anywhere.
I De.ire to Tlaflnlt
Two young ladi es and two young members of the GQspel Team
COUMY CoID...l ..lo. .r.
We submit plan books to those undecided on the kind of construction desired.
Keller Hook
w. H. MADDEN & Phone 14
In Appreciation · I ,am takiD' thi. opportunity· to expre•• my th.nk. to the voter. of Warren County for their wODderful .uppolt OD Tu8ac:lay, No.ember 8th.
Htq.. C. K ...r
BllrSINESS REVIVAL SERVICES The Rev. Mr. Robbins is conductintr a series of meetings at the E. church in HarveysbuTif. lr.v.. ,rvI111'1" is cordially invited and receive a. warm welcome.
---_.---- NOTICE
The polltofllce will be closed all ThanksrlvlDC Day according an allDouncement by Postmaster R. H. Hartsock.
In wJtatever line you are engaged in can be increased by judicioua use of printer'I ink through ),our medium,
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Eighty-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6041
NOVEMBER 23, 1932
amid the wreckage of his hbpes The final survivor of another of Sules was bOl'n in u .log house our pioneer familie s departed this that formerly stood 011 the Sale and plans. Fighting out of bed with a brace about his body and life when Mrs.' Mal'y E. Wllter. homestead. near Cor'll'i.n. the a I'olling choair, and fighting his house peacefully vassed away at f:ll'm now being the home of Alcuh I at Parme!'!>' Loot Incluc!.... Ca-mp Equipment, Call lil lhe Fal'mers' Exrhange Denatu'l'ed fOI' l)enalul'ed Alcohol. her home otl upp J' Main street, ot I.eonard Tinney and family . ,Here woy to cqlleg at tbe are of 31 Exchtlnge. Clothing and Other Article. yeal'S, then to contp'ess for four t. vel'Y early hour Monday morn- she grew to womanhood. receiving . E. Michener wa s in olumbull ing. A semi-invalid fo r several hel' education in the distTict Mr. W. H. Madden wa. terms, then on to hili present high of II. Valuable Nature Tl1 esda ~r , aU ntling a State Dairy years, Mrs. Waterhou se . llstained ~chool of that vicinity. known as lark svill e visilOI'. IgHl Friday. Il'I tin Y. a broken hip as the result of ·a fall "Hardsc rabble." or the O'Neall Nine camp s alo n~ th e Litlle Mi· Mr. and Mrs. ' has. Ames spent at her home on the evening of school. Her falher was tor many ami RiveI' al ' old pl'ings, the Mal'Y Elizabeth, daught(>r of July 24. She was immediately re- y~ars clerk of th e board of direcSunday with friends in Dayton. and MI·s. harles Davis, is ill moved to the McClellan hospit.al tors of this school, and ever took MI'. and MI's. . B. Ludwick I..:arby Mathl'ts WI Camp, one at Mr. of scar'l t fever. in Xenia where, she r·e caived the a prominent p.art in the affaire of vi ited fl'iends in 1I iIIsbtll·o. ' u n- ·tubbll Mill and the T odds Fork day. eU I11(l belonging to Harllid Jack Misse. Louella 'Vil1iomson and best of care and attention, and the comm~nity : Mr. Sale! wa! also el'll brokerl Into and l'oulHld la t ViI'glnw Hardin were Du)'ton was returned to her home only lust a local histori.. n of more than Mr. and Mrs. W . B. S41ui res visit- \WCl'k Wednesday IIftcl'noon. While it average ability, many of the m08t cnnsitiel'ab I4! lQs es uf- ,isitors, Monday. ed fri nds in Dayton. :-)unday Tcrcel with wa known that her heo1't wa in a authentic records of our communthe vario u ~ owners. by all rnoon. 11.. and Mrs. J. P. }'I'omm and erioull condition, she w.as appal'. Ity in th earlier day that are Officer l' ce iv d a rCJ)Ol't of the ently improving ni cely, and her cle- now in e)!:ist-ance being the result ,Iyde. spent Sunday Mr. nnd Mrll. F. f~. Shel'wo(lu, loblH!ry at Ih Mather " Mill amp 8 n, ' . mise came os a decided Ilhoc.k to 01 his laboTs. of Colull1bu R, vi ~ ilell l' ,lalive here Oll Jo'l'iday nigh t and after inveRt,. relatives in Dayton. On March 11. 1889, the deceased her family and friends. gating visited th camps at old • this week. . , fi d' " th t ' it r.11·S.. E. Mich nel' and chil- Funeral services were held at her was united in marriage to James JlI' lIIgS n 11 nme co ages dren ~pent Tuesday with relative late ' home at 2 o'clock this after· C. Waterhouse, the marriage being Miss bOl'i Hend ei'Son, of in- had bllen broken into and ('ansacK- at • outh harlest.on. noon, her pastor. Rev. G. , . Di· solemnized II~ Lebanon. Two chilcionati, spent unday here with ed. dr.e n, Alma 'M. and George J. came home :folks. MI'. lind Mrs. lyll Egbert. o{ bert. officiating. and th remains to bless their home. but were deA check-ull al the Math ers Mill amp t vealed t h l dishe. ilver- Xenia, WP('e unday guest of her were tenderly bo~ne to theit' last- Pl'ived of a father's love and care MI'. lind Mrs, James Lovely and kltchen .utensil, bedding,. parents, Mr. lind MI'~. ' Wolter resting place beside lhe kindred when Mr. \Vaterhouse de,p arted daughters spent ,llndoy with \\al'e, she loved 80 well in Hami ceme· ollie clothing and <l lher equip: Bilk r. this life, February 28. 1895. relatives in Middletown. tery. men bad b cn taken. After the death of her husband, Mary Elizabeth, only daughter At lhe I u bbs Mill camp b lonp:Mrs. Zan a Stephenson and Mrs. Mr. and Ml' . Otto bald. of Mrs. Waterholl!!e a asum d cha1'le of George • and Mahala (Martin) itlg lu Arthur Young; , orne bed· Floyd Moore, of Middletown. were Cincinnati, were Sunday guests of of hel' father's home until the ding, tw eot. a g un. fi hing rodR Sundny guests of Mrs. Hannah Mr. and Mr . W. O. Raper. lattel"s death in 1913 at the ad· and oth r articles W l'e taken ac· ,Tayl or. ' vanced age of 96 years. Her's was Miss Emily Jacobs. of CatIisle, cording to th ... report fllorle to ofa life Qf true deV'otlon to her , MI'. and Mr. John Hawkc visited het Bunt. Mis8 Emma Iicers. family and friends; no sacrifice Harold J<lck I' port4.d the ,theft visited the il' daughter, Mrs. R. H. Heighwlly. aturday afternoon. was too gTeet, no serv.ice too ar· 01 a Victrola £1'011'1 his 1'odds Fork Vance, lind family in Pleasant honol'. lIe created a wholesome duous to be rendered those she WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Plain, • unday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers camp. nthusiasm among the students loved. , CHRIST were Sunday dinne"r gues of Mr. ' {rom start to flni h. The loss su ll'ered by ow ners of Ir.and Mrs. Earl Murray and A de cendant of 'Widow Smith.' ( Undenominational) Mr. Upshaw hBS given inspira. and MI·s. Hebel' Ross in Middle- cottages at Cold Springs has not Mr. Murray's mother, of Xenia. Th Woaycehs of W. I}. S. added at whose home the Brst Methodist 'been determined. Camps owned by ',II re unday dinner guests of MI'. Ches,ter A, WilIiam80n';1linilter t ional addresse before more than town. another to their unbroken string of meeting in this vicinity was held, the !ollowing perso ns were broken and Mrs. Oliver Davis. four million students of the high Miss Jan e Boring, of Wilming- into at old. I>l'in~t': lDr. Ronlcker Chufcr School at 11:30 a. m. schools and co lleges and has victories when" they defeated th she united with that Church in early life, and ever remained a "The School that is difhrent." taught them th'! motto which has ton, was the ~uest of {I'. and Mrs. of Dayton; Dr. Fi her, Dayton; fllr, and MI'. Sam Byman and Mason H. S. team 26 to 14. in 11 and f.aitllful adherent to its Sunday will be "Adult Day." enabled him to fight on where Wymer Drake the first of this MI'l~. Fraser. Wilmington; Mr. daug~ter. and Mr. and Mrs. Sol game played at the local Gym last true 0 long as health and week. Come and help make it a great lnany men would have quit. Champlin. Wilmington; Nathan Hurwlch, of Lebanon, were !ruests Friday evening. Although Ma ~n teachings. strength would permit. she W&8 .one. Lord 's Supper at conclusion Mr. and Mrs. W. P. alisbury Hale, WilminFo!t n; 101'. Hunter. of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman at most re~ular in her attendance at 0'1 the Church School· hour. Chri • William D. UPllhaw, America's visited the former's ister. MisS WilmingLon ; al'1 S. Bangham, six-o'clock dinner last Friday doell not appear to be the strongest its servIce • and h r keen intertian Enqet.vol' at 6 :30 p, m. Jean- g~eatest battler fQr prohjbition, Emma team in the cOllnty, at present! evening. alisbury. at SpI'ing L banon; t. Clai!' Fife. Wilmingnette Fox. leader. An unusual and who was at the head of the Valley. un(la)', .i they do show signs of potentia e!!t in its activities and welfare. t n; lind J. L. B1;'own" Lebanon. ' meeting II! bein~ planned. Even- prohibition ticket tltia fall. will Althur Hamilton. of Lebanon strength that will have to be never abated. .... A few years ago, her dllughter, ing evangelistic sel'vice at 7 :30 speak at the White Brick Meeting sp.eakel· of the 0 ,\0 House of Rep. l1eckonec;l with later 00. At that., Mr. and Mrs. Iyde Evel"hal·t, W E Alma L ft'erson . preceded her p. m. Sermon 8ubject, "What's In house, Thursday evening. Novem- of Middletown, spent last week . C. T. U. M ETI", l' sentatives, was removed to ·the Waycehs' victory was by' no in death under particua Name?" Prayer meeting and ber 24. Miami Valley Hq8pital at Dayton means a push-over. At the hUf the here, guest of his parents, 1\11" 1 . sad circumstances. Her Bible study eaeh Wednesday at The next regular meeting of the last week for observation and score stood 10 to 5, in the local II' Mr. Upshaw ;13 6 wonderful !ond Mrs. Fred Evel·hart. 'Matthew and James C• 7 :30 p. tn. The church ""here you orator and has a mellsage for . W. . T. U. will be held a.t the treatment. Attending physicians favor, and the teams added 16 and also called within a few f4'el at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, of Friend H ome on the afternoon of tate that Mr. Hamilton may un· 9 points. respectively, during the eveq,body. There will be no ads of each other. She is 8urat th ThuTSday D t! IlIber. 1 with Mrs. dergo an operation the coming last ha1:f. Waycehs' starting line. miSlll on chl\rge. and all are wel- Cincinnati. were guest ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH come. home of the latter's parents, Mr. Alonzo ''url as hoste~. week. up included Davis and Cook at. the vived by her son, George J. Water' forwards, E,v erett Milier at center house, and her grandchildren, Father French, Pastor and Mrs. Nolan Conner, last ,!,eek ._==:====-=-=-= For Denatured Alcohol stop at and Treadway and -E. Franer at Mary Virginia and James LefferServices will be beld every two Mr. and Mrs. . M . Hough. and of Latonia, Ky. the Farmers' Exchange. the guards. A number of sllbstitllweeks on Saturday momini· 'Mr. and Mrs. Ke nneth Hough and before the tinal tiona were made Plans for another open meeting daughter wen! unlley ~ests of Mail ChriatmtJla blew. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of the Wayne Township Mother!! whistle Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward, n l'he big game WB1l preceded by club. to be held at the Gym on the Harvey 'burg, (Undenominational) Packag4~s Early! even in:&" of Thu rsday, December I, two game of Ie importlmce, In the curtain raiser, the Waynesville Cheater A. Williamaon "Man - Devil or Monkey are bemg completed. An unusually grade team, Ol' "Runts." defeated Whicb? " Hear Evangelist. Wm. Our evange\i tic campaign will good program is being arra nged, & similar from FI'ankHn in a con~inu until Sunday, November The Thankstriving meeting {Jf Grant Burleigh speak on this !'Ilb. During the hoJid~iy time the and a special" invitstion is being fast and team :furious game, although 27. Service each evening at 7 :'6 th New Century Club was held jed unday afternoon, November volume of mail inaeases ap- ext.ended to the fathers. and the our boys were somewhat handi capStirring cO/lgJ:egational singing at the hospitable home of Mrs. 27 at Ferry church. proximately 200 pel: cent. It is members of the school faculty. ped by size- or, rather. the lack of Jlnd good special music, Georg John Fromm Friday afternoon, , ' : h' . 'b'l' t the second .Me r F. Lloyd ]javl!! and G. D.' U P YSlcal \mp08&1 I Ity 0 Several of hill neighbors and It. Tbanlu.l"ia. Pro.,a ..1 Miller ih charge. Evangelist Wm. November l8. This "'as ,.. M Iii! it d d th I bb t handle. this great mass of mall friend s held e big corn husking bee In the second iame , the Reserves I a en e e annua rll I matter efficiently lind promptly lGrant Burleigh Is bringi.n g om Ohio program and was m08t inEach grade put on a ThanksgivW. H. S. were forced to bow in ' su p er Lebanon L dg~ No. 15, Y. within a few days .. Th erefo re at the home of Frank Cook. on of -wonderful Go pel me sages. At- terestinr. defeat , t o the Reservetl of Mason H. ing program from 1 :40 :until the Rou.te 73, today. Mr. Co(}k has tendance bas lIeen good in . pite of Mrs. Ward d 'for Ae 'Monda even:.:l.:.:n.e..:.'- - - +1 to assure delivery of their S. by a score of 14 to 16. Th~ close of schoo Wednesday after.the bad weather we have bad. "Why State Parks inb' Ohio?" h'ri$tmas pl'e$ents. car d s. an d been very sick for quite a while. first three perl()(!s o'f this ga~e nQon. t' d She 11 The wedding Jas. G. and the knowledge that nis corn Lord's Da.y. November 27. there a bl y t rea t ed th III su lec an a Gillespie of Dayton and Miss letters by CbristmllS Day tbe The Jonior dass entertained the were rathet slow. then Waynes'Will be three services. Program 'for were made to feel proud of their Gertrude J ohn o.n, of Louisville, public ,Rhould SHOP AND was unhusked and exposed to the ville school and upper gradee Wedcame' to life with a vengeance weather was retarding his recovery t he day fonows ; Unified moming state. k pIa e at the Ferry MAlL E AR LY. Do :~o ur C hn!lt. ay altel·Iiloon. but they had delayed the resurrecMrs. LeMay very feelingly sang Ky. , too the hu sking b e. Lyman Day hence 1!ervice begins at !) :30 a. m. " On the Banks of the Little Miami parsonage The pupils were dismissed early tion a Jlttl~ too long. At that. they Monday afternoon, rna shopping so t hat yt;lu can Sponl;ol'i~d the affair. (:hurch chool at 9 :30. Preaching nnd wIll not return until MOlldiY put up a good lame. many of the ~h's. Baily pve the "History of November 21. The coupl was mail your gifts, grl!etinrs, and .and Lord's Supper at 10:30. SehoenbTunn," a pioneer !etUe- attended by Mr. and Mrs. Leamon letters to relatives, ,friends, and Mr. Elias Oglesbee and sister. spectators _ying that it wa really mornin,. Afternoon service at 2 :3'0. Even ment and' later a park. while Mrs. Oliver of Dayton. loved one at least, a week or Miss Belly, entertained at dinner the best of the three. Many good jng evangelistic service at 7 :46 p. told of "Some Park8 in A good sized congregation at the 10 day!! befol'e Christmas. ac- Sunday, Mr. and Mr!:!. li:dwOllrd replacements for the "Varsity" Pareat. See School i. o._tl•• m. At the afternoon eervice Bro· Elbon 'o." co rding to tbe dilltance. Thill K,' er, o,{ Dayton. Mr. Bnd Mrs. are beinr prepared on these The se l:iion of night school wu "Bul;ley will pre,.ch on "Man, Devil Ohl M. E. service, unday evening. '11 t I a k · t " tai beld Thu t:sda Y November 17th .. After adjournment Mrs. Fromm h artll"" 'enjoyed several numbers Wl no on y m ,e I Cd n Fletchet· Bohlander and son, ot Reserves. or Monk~y!" You are alwllYs Games with t.he team!! from scheduled. A rarge pe~centaa'e of aided by Mrs. Hawke, 1Ilrs. LeMay rendeJ'~d hy the Junior chpir of that they are l'ecE:ived , before rippecano'l Clt y \ 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 'We~come at this church. ... C d ' Christmns Day, bu,t wilt be a Q. Gon~, Mi ss A ice Gons and her Carlisle H. S. will be play d at the plu'ents attended. toiether , Revival now o~. Evangelist Wm. an d ~.. rs. onner serve a very more than a score of children s great aid to your postal s'e rvice " tempting lunch. voices. The children arc being d nou se guest, Miss Martha Timmer. the Gym tonight. This will be the with a few teachers from neirh. The guests of the afternoon tr.ined b" Mis Helen Hawke. who and to postal employe an man, supeJ'\l lsor of music in the last \tpportunity the fans will have boring ehools. The total number ST. MARY'S CHURCH were Misses Annie and Marne condllcts -"a praetice Se8l1ion at the enable them to pend the Clinton county schools, Mr. and to see our favol'ite)! in action on amou nted to approximately 2Q.O. 1'he Ech4ldule was oarried out Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Brown, Mrs. Kimmerle and Mrs. chu«h each Wednesda'y afternoon Christmas holiday with their Mrs. John B. Gon s. Mr. and Mrs. the local court for some tim,e. as their schedule calls for g.ames all anrtounced last week. r " Raymond Conner: immediat Iy aftel' the close of 'familie. Fred Gons, Helen 'Margal'et and Novemlter 27, 'First Sunday in away from hom e until after the Pupils of the first three grade. -• school. , ________ ~......... --~'" . Robert Gons. Advent. Church 8chool at 9 :30; wea'@ given the advantage of r~ Christmas vacation. ]loming Prayer and sermon at msining lit home on Friday. 10:30. Rev. Mr. Nybladh. Tector <Jf Chri8t Church, Xenia, in charge. F. F. A. Nowl
"Let nothing discourage younever give up," wn ' the motto ta ught to th Iltudents 01 the Wayne Township -scho()l Wedne s· day <&t noon hy Hon . William D. Upshaw, fOI'm)' Congr ssman from Atlanta , Georgia, President· 1111 Nominee of t he Prohibition party in la t campaign. Taking as his subject, "Pluck and Purpose," and without any :reference to hi candidacy or politics "the Georgia Orator on Crutches" sat pal't, of the time on Il tabl and leaned 'on his crutches in his most fervent moments but kept the boys and gi rls "going" v ry minute with atil'ring eloquence. Telling the stol'Y of his 'own ~b'uggles as a farm boY, of having walked between his plow handles and dreamed ,of the great things he wanted to do, .and how through a foll he lay in bed seven years
ew Century Club
- --
Hold. DelightFul Monthly Meeting
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert. Putor :w edn'eaday: JT. Choir pr,actice at 4 :00 p. m. At 7 :00 p. m. we will bold a Thanksgiving service. This will be in the fOTm of a "Harvest Home," service an.d you are asked to bring donations <if canned fruits, ' vecetabiesl ~otatoe8 -apples, &'I'OCerie8 or cain. 1'bele cronatlons will be forewarded ·to our Chri8t H08pltal in Cincinnati. Friday: Choir practice at '7,:80 p. m. Sunday: Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Our attendance was 207 "st Sunday, and weare plannll1&' for 8 greater number next Sunday. Morning wonhip at 10 :30. ' The subject of the morning Bermon wlll be 'Driftlnr ,It'a CauBe and Cure.' At 7 :00 p. 'm. there will be a oComblned lervice of the Epwol'tb Laarue and preaehlnl 8ervice. The outatandtng :feature , of toi. meetinc will be a dramatized Bible play, 'The SIlversmith of Ephesus. On Monday at 7 :80 p. m. Ie the regular time for the meeting of the officlAll board.
-_ ..----
Whole'Cile "Belling"! _ --=S'!nda Morm _·_n-"'g,17-___ --=-~_-
Old Man M'inte£ to Kick Goal
Most of our eitizens who were aaleep were awakened by the loud revelry about the mid·night . hOllr that separated. last Saturday and Sunday. Investigation revealed the fact that three eopules of our newly-weds were bemg tre,ted, to a charivari and ride by their you~ friend8. The couples, In the order of ·their <:apture, were Mr. and Mrs. E(lwin Strong (nee Mary Etta Guy) 1.Mr • and Mrs. John Kelly (nee .Neva Conner), and Mr. . anel Mn. Robert Davia (nee Ruth Cook). After al1 the vlctimil had ' been collacted, the bride8 . were lIeated in children's, toy wacons, and tbelr spouses Were compelled to pull the wagons over the prinolpal ·.treets of the town under eeeort 01 the ent.l re hilarious crowd. Everybody bad heaplI 0' , ,fun, with, .the pouible exception of .. few dla&'J'1lntled cl~lzen., w.holle slumber" were disturbed. • - •
Mr.. Koebel Diea Sudd~nly in Denver
home in Denver, Colo., ahortl, aftet 9 o'clock, Monday evening. The deceased W&I the .wldow of the late Geol'jfa Koebel Sr.j the famil, havi~ reslded in tne Morrow lIe,-hborhood for a lrOod many Jean, remorin, to Denver about fourteen y8a1'll ago. She wu 67 lean of ap. and II Iurvived by two daarhten and a 1 OD: Mrs. Mh. A. O. IIndepbAll, of Wayn ..ville. and K .... Barbara Newton and Georre 1I~~'I;'~~~IK.oebel Jr•• ofallO DeIlVV. Foul'teea I IrraDdchIldreD .anolv.. Tb. fUDeral arran,emeDta' have not been leam::..::".;;,.;.h;.;;,ere.,. _ __ =---::;- I ......
Growin, j~ Int .......··.J~~~~~~~~~-...;.·
The revival meeting at Chlll'Ch is continuing thru week. Some ,s tormy Jli,hts inter. . Julian Crabbe fered somewhat with attendance Vice President .... ' . ,Robert GoDS but "it was il'atlfying in spite of ecretal·Y ·.. .. ..... , Harvey Petera the handicaps. Evangelist Wm. TI'etlSurer ..... Russel Treadway Grant Burleigh, evangelist of ..... , .. RQbert Cleaver naUon. wide reputation. represen. Watch . .. .. .. .. ... Ernest, Slieeta tative of a mountain e<bool Conductor , ... ...... Hardin Peter. is doing a great. work and author Plan for the year were du... of a number of fine books. Is 8 ~ ussed the most important belne brilliant man and. a preacher of the' F. F. A. minstrel to be given rare power. He preached a I!crles Janu\lry 23. Also the parent aDel of clear, thoughtful and though' ,on banquet and an Oratorlcalcon. provoking sermons last week on test for Agricultural 8tudelltl. some great fundamehtal questions Plaps 8l'e aillo being laid for _ such as "Have We a God?" ete., tl'ip to the World Fair 'n ext June, this week he is preaching 011 such the group to go in school bUlBell, themes as the following: "The and to camp out while on t'he 'trip New Birth," "The Golden Text ot for a week. . the Biblet "The Greatest Ques. Robert Cleaver, Reporter tion . in the World."ete. George Miller, one (If our boys, . Pop M..tl_. has charge of the music and is On Frida.y,. November 18 p rapidly developing into a first- meeting .and aSBembly was bel In the for all IItudents' and class singing evangelist. There 'will be three service8 ~LelIC neTII of the Hial! Sebool BuildSUllday. November 27. At the ing. ' alteritoGn servicebeginnrng at 2:- ', The meetillg _was opened with "e. ao p. m., the evangelist will de- votiona and the Sportsmallmip liver his famous sermon-lecture, Brotherhood prayer by ¥irlam "Man. Devil or Monkey?" Ellis. A sacred ,son, was sung - - --.. - from our new son8 books. ",bleh · TWO HURT IN, ACCIDENT have recently been purchased by EARLY SATURDAY MORN INC the school for alBemblies. The Code pf SportBmanshlp followed by Virginia Foulkl. A feature W&l Mr. ' and Mr8. Harry Streine, of !liven by the F. F. A. which wal Newport, Ky •• are conftned at the II recitation by Charles Burton. Lebanon HOlpital recovering Mrll. Beurkle led the aBHmbly from injuries 8uffered eariy Sat· w.i th IOnp hom the new hoob. A urda7 mornjnll' in 'all agtomobUe few pep sonp and yenl were led accident oceumnc 011 U. S. by the e}aMr leader. _~_ I. K. J. Route .2 north of W.YI\ .... 4>...., ...Mr. Streine luffered • concussion of the b1'8ln and hit wife a fractured nOM. Tile, were taba to Lebanoll by paaaine motorist.. The acetdent oecured wIleD a ear ........... _b)' ......... ' brod\er.in-1a1r IIrIdded IIIIcI' ~b~ID tllmed on the rea' betw..D JI'u:~.laI~""violi n...nl. aDel S V of
M1'8. Clarence ' Mendenhall baa M r.. C arI Oak . e received word of the sudden death • ed b Frte~n.tU.1 01 her mother, Mn. Lola Koebel, Surpna.y which occurred at the latter'. The Duke home was the gatherinc place 0'1 a merry crowd on Saturda, niJrllt, when a rroup of friendll walked in on to remind her of all evenine of r.jrie.hlnel~ta of ice-eream Arvad to the
-----Reyiyal Meetin"
- ---
ed, Di trict School as it NEWS Existed in Wayne 70wnship for Years FRO Gnu" HOUSE
7/a Little
• p,.'ate eo ... t K l. [)unhanl. xecutor of !.be l·~tatc !,f Jobn WlDfield de~'ea" d Ilh·L1 hi", inventory. . 'l,IlIJ "il.l of Lina Baxter. de l·d. \\ a. tiled in court. ~~d,· n.. l'h tI b on d of H UVo'1lrd " ... Ivtnl!, Common PI ••• P .... . 'r'~ By THE BOOSLER ' I firmed by tbe board, anti an o'rd r I rourage ·of their convicti ne. In Ihl ~';H" (.John T. HilI billt'o cl<l'CULIII' of estate of Loub Keller Quit a numbey of n w lucal granterl on the tre&sur~' for $3.:30 Well. lhl~ action (If the J in ./r .. lH~U~ ('hal k JOi,l'pll Cl\ I ~on. LI 'C(,B 'ed, WUb redul'ed to ,&000 •. d'T tor " re "I cl d ill the vari. amou!'t of xp nse : .IL as furl her ~onrd tin d up a lot iJf OPI'<I ·i· t't til. ('<J nlirn .u 19n II.nd di nbu· Jo·.\ huu'". Lou ' tile.s and H arlo FOR AND CONSIGN IIheep and calv,. fU ulxJi tricl.il lit the s rin m nttun d by H . Kllbon that h · tlon among th patron of K I. ,til,n. . I I~Y ' \Ird !> \ \t!rt! ppointed apprais live wire and I etl n In 1 70. Ju~t reaS th! heal! a~d ttl IOV in the. choo) and a ~p cial me ti.ng ~a , called In lh.· (lb" of C n~ nCl! Bu ·rgl!r· \!~ IIr th\' c<llate of Laura M. Ii~t. 0 1 Eu en. EVlln ,( . OUIII! ~ er r.esened and no ...· llub- I for June " at theIr reque t. A nwi y vcr'! U> RI h,·1t (; . ~r ~ 'l nndl .Jonl' .. ue(.'ea>ed. . progressive flrm the hlrhut ye ' . . ..,'J ' L Butten,' rth J ct to t.he dl:,po a) of the board." petition, . ii!ned by most of the ('l al. jU d)!nll' nt ~\I\ ' r(:ndered t ll , .. "rgo! P. at.es wa appointed market pric I) anti jtood 14Il'vlc•. ~ Jo J\' Glbb/l 3 y a'r ' The tollowu)g comm.itt e report Ipatron . of the di~trict, and uskin$! plaintitl' f o r $7 0 WIl.h I~ I , In· a\llll~n'~lrato r of the e tate of W. Uftion Stoclo: Y.rd.· Cincinnati, O. teph ' n tB.um'ett:'·2 ear' ;' All ~ .ee n~s t.o ~,ave llta rted a. real di.· th(' boa~d to r conpid r,ill ae Ion. !l'r ~ t frurn thh dllt . A. Early, ueceaB tI. and filed oond Tun e in on Radio Station WCKY 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m . lor ou r dally Halne. , 3 )' I'IH ; 5, '},amuel Bro"n, cU~l<.In. .Y.our . Cfl mmlttel! . ~p- \Va~ :ece,ved. Betore a~llon on the In th l! en", of L · I,tlnon· 'i izt>n: It' 1l ,OO with l!:rnest R. Early )' ara' John W Marlat.t 3 pomted to Investl!fate the petltton petitIon the board 1" viewed are· Nut ional !-la nk IIHI Tr u, t t\ ,m· uII,1 AlII" . Early as suretiea market reports. )' a ' t.h ook' 3 ears: 9 pre nted by Robert F . Furnas port from th I 0.1 dlrecLor~, tha~ pnny \,~ I'~\I: ,\lhl'l't '·lat·y., ct al. , B".ulah Browning, guardia~ of Rob rt ~'. furna, 3 yiar!l ' 'lO' an~,ot.h I'll prayi.ng .to .be attached wa dated Jun 2. Th body fi r lhi~ :(l nfirmRli 'n. ,h' ed a n<l oi 'l ribu· f!erlilce ~lackbul'n, incompetent J.co~ H. ZeU 3 yean' 11 Hen!" ~o ayne. "llle dl tnct. and to lake r port . • ys : ticln. llctici ' nt' Y, jUc!!! II\" nt of til~d her IOventory. ' 3 ')' aMI' 13 J~me y Into comllderatio~ the general in· "We gave notice to lel thr 5 .6 36.9.j. I . It on F. Brown, administrator fcf(jn e 'N all 3' }'ear ', ' t I' t of Bub...<tl trict No. 9 in contract for building in The ]n th e (a If ~Ia l'o n Build ing of the tate of Andrew Johnson The TOWlU!hip board, com osed 'Ya}'ne tow!lshlp nd No . .6 in fa · "I i.a mi Gal!. ttl' so me twenty da~ Ll' un & :u\'in~_ Compnny "I,!r~u I dcc a. d, filed his schedule of f. the .following Bub-district cf, rn lue to'\\nl)hlp, would I' pectfully prior to letling the conlr ct t o W. Fru n k :hl'Hilt Rnd Eli z'lu et h d ·tl t~. m t arl. in April: I, Benjami~ r~~.ort: . build the hou e. n opening lh.~ ~h ~rrilt. jutl!(tll ('nt WIlS I't.'JI<Il!rtld The fir t .accqunt of R. R, Re· fa\her ' 2 J ohn F I i1dine' 3 That. w ba"e perfo1'med that propol!Bl we IIwarded the contracl tu plain tiff fur . 1 ·r,0. 5-1 with 7 ', murk, guardlsn of Otto Hurtielter t phe~ B~rn tt.; ": Allen 8ai~e ; dut . , &nd would rt'commend that t o one Thoma. Wil. on, a{ Ilan' 'Y' lJ1t"rl'~( h UIll t hi dale. In. ne, WUS appro" d, allowed and 30 Y ars Experience in ~ r. and 1\1r . Frank Hartsock 6, William Barl )0; 6, Jo iah .Craft. LeVI Hart&ock. an<! J . H ockett and burg for the Rum of fourleen hun· III thl' ca,.C! fi r Hertha Walki n. cII,nfirmed by th e Cou rt. Fi tting- and Making Gluae. Russell Angl" pcnt un · Mr. , .Davis Fumu: 9. Robert F~ tenant and the farm f Robert F. dred ,and forty do))ar~, · lind El • \'l'1. us 1l 1'1" n Eads u mi nor. e al ~ "ed " : \ adsworth was apPOintwith 1\1 r. a nd Mrs. Ed. Peppel' Furnas; 10; JaC! ob H. ZelJ' 11, J . F.llrnal),'90llth o'f the Harveysburg ~cul.ed a vouch r C() r the 5um of C. Donald I) ilal u~h w a~ a p p.-I nl<,d ed. guanlian of J ohn . Wadswortll Dayton. U. Dr yer ; 13, James . 6 'Neall. P!ke, be attached to orwin, sub- flv h!lndreiJ dollar ~nd t oo k bOlld j! ullrdian of nil minor . Harold mm ur. a.nd filed b nd of ~300 with Mr. Ennis Autel,l, Mrs. harle L.banon, Ohio It will be noted that for the 1irRt dlStriet No. 11, and that A. Antrim of aid Thomas WIL on for the ThllCkuI'8 , ~u 8t diun o f FtUnt'es th e lilt d late Fidelity and and son, David, of Dayton. lime In several y~ra. William Levi . Lukenll, William Janney, failhful per'formance on his . part Thal'kllrti, oni l1 M, i: j!Tanted lea lie GUllnmty 0., liS surety. Settle. Autel') Tu_.... y. Thur~d.y, Saturda, MI'. and f rs. Elmer Poff, of Day· Graham did not. npr ent. No 13 CalVin Dakin and Ttnner Welch of th~ contract. Th housE' I t o to fil e a n 'It!r. Par til ilJ n ortl er ed mt'nt o f $1 15 was made for dam· ton, MI'. and ~r . Harold Rogers Examin.tlon Fr •• at this meeting. Maybe the G;een be attached to He.TY~sburg dis· b bUilt t.h size of the new hou~~ by court. ag . r (·eived. Bellbrook. Mrs. Em ma Gibson LEBANON. OHIO Briar achool hou e Ilaht had some trict, and that th location or the at orwl~, and equal to It In [n th E' 1.'11 t' of ora Burba venus George F. Fryburg r, xecutor of on Mr. lind M·r s. Hiley &rlne upon the election. school hou e In s ub-district No. 9 ~veTY particular DS. regard s nla~t'r. Willium BU\'ba, a di rte wn of th .. estu.te of Edward on over called Edward Roberts, hill family and changed t? a point on the or· lal and workmanshLp, anu furfil h- AI anted pl ai ntilf. Plaintiff i~ r eo L1ec, a 'ed" tiled hi. eighth acC!ount: Gibso n and family Sunday arter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. property were transferred to th~ Will and Bul"ll n!tton free plke near d complete, ready for o\!c upllncy. , tored to h t· maiden name of orn 1'1 ed \~ . Wad worth g uardian of noon. Mr. and Mrs. Fosler Mote, of I :============~~====~~==~ Harveyllburg pedal dietriet for wbere uid pike ero e a Sugar " We have been to 'see Mr. David Dl'eak ·ell. .John . Wadsworth. ,minor filed Franklin, Mr. lind M'rll. Alva HartIchool purpo , but the boaJ'd Run, and that Davis Furna and Mason. up on . whose IS!ld the board III thtl ca e of Frnnk Beal. e t ai, hi ~ first lind flnal' account.• ock \Vere unday dinner gucsts d nied the following petition from H.enry Upp be att~hed to sub· 10 a ted th IHte for ~tlld hoI:' e, but V('rRUS The Dudds anning 0 •• et Ed . G1oeckler, George eller8 .of Mr. and Mrs. J oe Penn witt. the boa~d o"! Sug u Creek town hip dl lrict No.9, and we would lur- have not succeeded In maklng an y aI, on npplicllti n il'l ()pen court nnt! E. U. Graham were ppointed MI'. Hiley Gibson and daughter Green County: ther ~ornmend the buildiDlr. of a legal arangemen.t for the lot. MI'. lohn \ alker, \ . W. Sweny, al·· npPI'lIls r of e t.ate of W. A. Ear. Paulin, IIpe nt MonMy arternoon "The Board ot Education of new house upon Ule site mentioned Mason has proml ed to be pregent roll Hathaway Rudolph R-lthman Iy. dec a ed. in Bellbrook. upr Creek township. Green above. a the old one il! n worth if po sible at your meeting. C!alle~1 J . I' Prl!nd rga t, Cur l 'l'homp o~ . H.enry \{ ipp wa appointed ad· Mr. and Mrs. J oe Pennewitt County, Ohio, would rfllpectfully repairing. A nd would turther rec. f or next aturday, when th~ busl· }:;verea Runyun lind Ro ue rt Hart.· ~llnl.lltralor of lh estate of WiI· r quest your honorable board to om.mend that the pra-yer of petl- n-:ss can be transl:'cted dlrecti r man were given leav(' t o fil inler. hum I~m yel', d\!ceased nd filed wore in Xenia shopping Wednes· strike out from sub-district No. 12 tioners be nol granted. (Bill'lled) Wlth your body. ( Igned), Robert vLlling pl?tition s. bond of $750 with George R. Chao day. Mr. and Mrs . Be rt Bunn 11, of ill our townshif the )ota In the Allen Haines, James '. O'Neall, f'. Furna N. N . .Mosher. [n thl' calle o f Anna Ma,'y J nes n~an and . George . Jone liS urevillage of Clio now called Ferry) William Cornell, 88 Cr.att." No account of Mr. fa so l1' vel'S U Ii ffo nl E. J O)1es, a divorce liaH. He IS ordered t o mako settle· neal' Dodds, Ml·g. Ben Gruber and and the farm now' owned by Abner The records further . tate : "On pre ence at the me ting is ",Iven, ~ a. gl'anted pla in t iff. Pla intiff ment upon l)ayment of Sewell children of n ar WayneSVille, pent Monday II:ftern oon with Ml". Wilpon to be added to SUb-dIBtrict motion, the report of ttr..e commit. but the bard did decide to ~us· wa. Tl'~tored to maide n name of Bros. o. of th sum of $366. No.5 of uKar Creek township tor tee wa~ received and the com- pend building operations until Anno Mary Rogers. Ada Hill was appointed admini - Hiley Gibson and family. reasoll. which will be made known mittee were di charged. Wm. Ba.l'- after their regular iT t rlx of the estate of Alva Hill fro and Mrs. Frank Hartso k, by th bearer of thil petition. ley motioned that above cited reo meeting. The Harveysburg board Ne w Suih d cea ed, and flied bond at $3600 Mr. RU8 ell Angle sp nt Monday (signed) Henrl' H. Hale, Clerk port of the committee be- adopted, ae nt a . communication acc pting I rk eeil ver u William .with Fred ear and Emma Hard- afternoon with Mr. and 1tlr . Joe O. W, Thomas, Chairman which was agreed to. It :was then the trans fer of several' patron . Thompson, et ul, fur mone", fore. wick liS S tll' ti . Fred Sears, WiI- Pennewitt. Clerlt Jo •. G . Key. seems to motioned to reconsider so mucb of At the September 19 me ling , a nti equitab le J r lief. liam B. Davis and Ed. Knocken- Ml'8. Ada Dakin and daughters. ~ve become omewhat mbed-up the abov adopted motion as re- the !>oard conti nue~ to debate pa Douie omb' versu ~ J ohn o mbs haullr ,ere appointed ap.p r aiser8. Mabel , nd Opal and 80n , Glenna I.P c0P7.~r this .petitlon. but we ters to and includ.es the btnds Ind moti ons and re ClOd them, ancj I d' h' Dora arnahan was appointed and M Ivin, attend d the birthday quote ' It Just a It app a1'8 on th,e IICholan of DaVl!! Furna. and finally wound up by continuing the , r Ivorce. arge I gross neg· administratrix of the estate ,(Jf surprise party on Mr. Edm ond Henry Upp be reconsidered 'Which question to the April, 1871 , m et- lec6.of~~tY. ieb rt vel' uil Julius Laura M. J ones and filed bond of Marl att Mo nday night. reco-rd,a. Davis Fur".s and J 08. G. ' Keys wall arreed to, It wall then further ing. Thomas Wilson's contract Vezendi. A pp al from J. P. Rob. 1&00 with Chester T. J ones and Mr. Will Poft' is pendinJr a tew .. ere appotnted a committe t o motioned that tbe lands and schol. 'With the local directors of No.9 crt W. Brown nnd GeorgeE. Hoadley Co-rd 8 a s . uretie . oorrow approximately $600 need. arB of Davis Furnas and Hepry was transferred t o the local direc- Y h harles S. Irwin g uardian of days in Dayton. WheD'~ur baby fa... toaeI aDd ed by the board to defuy its cur- Upp be and remain in sub-di trict tors of No.1, and all patrons of °H.~Fe~r. koebintl~~n:1:'u alvi n Ann L. mith, inc~mpetent til d a.DI waabl, to a1eep reiUully. 100. rent eltpenses, aD4 wer to pay No.8 instead of Bub-dLib'ict No. 9. N o.9 who resided in Ma j town. his Inventory. ' for ODe COIlUllOD ca\lM, doctol'l .ay. 6% interest on the loan. which m()tion prevailed. . I hip were tranaf rred t o either the Pummill for money, f oreclosure R b rt Bishop is to di!lpose of CoaatJpatioD. To ..t. rid ~u.it'kly 01 ' .. itia! "teps wer.e t.,ken to erant "Upon ""oUon. the local dlrec- Massie township or the Harveys· nnd equl itablGe relief. " the eRtat.e of Margaret Bu r ton Ute aCClumulated waw wliieh C&UM Benjamm Mathe1' s reQuelt for a totl! were instruded to proceed burg cboqls. har IlS ruy v rSUB Dertha minor. . . , ~tJ_Ii" aDd cUacomf~.,ve • nc;w achool hou e in No. ,I, and and secure a site, .nd erect bouse James S. O'Nea.ll reported that Gray for divorce, d.minl of dower Bond of executor ot the estate of dOle of Catoria. (4,toria,. Stanley Cook, Raymond and cleaaliua the, board adjourned to meet in aub-diatriet No.9 in accordance the local directors of No. 13 had = - - Jo!!eph G. Keys, decea se(l i to be you know. II made ,~y fOI ApTiI SO. with the report of the C,(Jm.mittee· sold their .old IIchool lI ou e to leducl\d frQm $22000 t o' $1000 David Buttock al'e r ceiving treat- Children', delica\e DMda. It ia a pW't At this adjourned meet.in~, "R'. l!Iald motion was carried." ' Daniel Gard tor the enormOu s um more centl'al locution. or to all ow The followi ng accounts were ap. ment to prevent rabies. following v.,etable preparatioa; CIOIIIaw '" ltuboD> presented a statement that Let'll pause • moment to' con. of $lB. them t o tran fer th ir land and proved, allowed lind confirmed by bite which they r c ived from a hIIiah drUf., 110 narcetb. It 11 .. mad dog more than a week ago. mild aDd tentle YOIl CaD aive it to • ~hey ha~ 80ld the old Khool house tust this rigam81'01e ",tth the ll.t'OThe original resolution to build families t o more c·onvenient and the court. 10 Corwin and lP'ounda belontring ceedure of the present board. The a new hou!! in sub-district No. 9. more l'o ngeniu l di t~'ict tor school George P. Gate!> adminuistraior The men were attacked by the JOI1IIjf iAfaDt to nIieve coHe. YIt it it to J. A. Dre yer for the aum totlll writer lrnowa by penonal experi. and to transfer the lands and purposes. That petiti on was denied at the estate of t 'anny M. R obin· imal, a beagle hound which they _ effective for older children. c.. encountered wh ile walking over t tbl'ee bandred and twelve and ence tba.t the present body can- families ' of Davis Jo'urna and 0 D. H. Gard, 1. IJee H . Rogers. son, decea ed. First. ~atin belp wDl brilll f60 60-19~ dollars, h" J. A. Dreyer, fully C!onsidera, each a~le 01. eveTY Henry Upp from No.8 thereto was A. Brown and oth.~rs tried tbeit' ~ ~trud C. Cropper, administra· the ~btarh ook farm ori the Iued comfort aDd r.tIul ~ to alP'eelng to pay the eash for the question to come befo-re it be- finally adopted at the me ting luck with a similar !plea, and gain. trlx of the e tate 0'1. George W. T ow nship I·oad. They took the ~ur baby!. Keep a bottle OD bUd. same on coming in 108se8llion of f ore a motion il! made; the motion held April 17, 1871, aiter con. cd the arne degree.of u cce~. ropper, deceased. Firllt. dog home with them and while GeDulDt c..t.c.Ia .....,. ... tile the pl'il.lI erl y execute deed 'for the then u"lluaUy ptllsell unanimoully, siderably more oratory. When J as . D. Card pre enled E. D..Jo nes, executor of ,the es- putting it in the ba~n the animal . lIame. He allO presented a bill for and very rarely inde~d Is a former The board thought it! troubl~!l . till another petiti on, Davis Fur. ~le of Elmer E. Jonell, deceased. uddenly sprang at them and all three were bitten. The Gog died expen... incurred . for ba~ng action rellcinded. These R'entlemen with new hou e fights were over, na , chairman of the meeting, got Flr~t and tinal. pnnted noticea o~ sale, pO$bng seem to think- and nihtly so, we. to r a little while at least. but the 1'alher wal' m undel" the colinI' and The en1ral Tru. t. Co .• Trustee t hat night and the head wa s nt ame, and for servlCes of auction. believe-that the propel' time to old figh t in No. 13 bobbed up once r ule d that all liueh pctitions of the estate of Harry B. ThompColumbu s where it was found that the animal was suffering er a,,!oantinr to three dollaTi consider all sides of a question ill mOTe. E. Keney and others sub . out ot ol'der since the son, deceased. Fir t. . and tlllrty cents. On motion, the befo1'e action . has been taken. mitted a petition asking the board pa cd its resolutio n. J os iah Emerson Ma on, exeeut,(Jr of the trom rabies in an advanced tage. sal, AI mention~d above was Call. Wben they do act, they have the to move their school house to II clerk of No.6, took exception to e tate of Mellvina Mason. deoeas'" ' l!~ E N cpr JO~ " t his ruli ng and aPI!1caled directly ed. Fil' t and fln!!l. the board, but a majority ot Ransom L. Gibbs, executor Ohio's 4-Ii clubs plan to end a member voted 'to s u tain tbeir eatafe orLaiirs . Gibbs aecelffifj-jct~rfe-ln11l1In:" oi-...l.6 rural boy!! and n' ruling. Third, ' National .·H Club
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Spring Branch
Cary's Jewelry Shop
F R E , F U L,
Loole to ' this cause
ree Men Bitten by Dog Wit h Rabies
OJ1~~~~¥~~f!:~~~~M~]~~~~~~~~~i~eChicagO, were ,mu rll~. ll"'" ~ 1. heNovember 0 10 e 27 e· and sp gates will meet with about a in building their new thousand boys and girlB from prac· Thomas W.llson, whose bu tieally all staies In the country ill contract had been t:ras!el'l'ed fr om Real Eatate Tr_afera a convention which represents the No.9 to No. I, wa allowed $1·60 bigh point in t he nptional 4-8 more because of It he change in. Albert and Clara B. Stacy to The club program participated in by location. Federal Land Bank. 280.90 acres 800,000 rural/eople between the N. N. Mosher Ire igned as a in Clearcreek tow nship. ages of 10 an 20. director In No.9 On l\lay 11 and Otto B. Dumford and C. Belle ---.~ ~ .... . Jonat.hsn MOIlher wa apPoint~d to Dumford to J. Claude Hamm ond flll the' vacancy. T'h e transfer of and liannah Belle Hamm ond. 10 The estimated real eatate Davis Furnas from No.8 to No. 9 acres in Deerfleld township. mortgage indebtedness of Ohio left a vacan cy in the directorate Carmen C. W ilHams to Geol1l'e farms was 260 million dollars in 0'1 No.8, and on June 8 ClaTKson S. Williams. lnlots NOli. D, 10 and 19JH. This indebtedness was on Harvey was appointed to fl1l this 11 j'n Lebanon. appro,qmately one-third . .of the vacancy. On August 9, J esse HartJohn E. ' Sharts to L. R. KeTbv farms In the . state. At 6 per cent sock was apl10inted to fill t he and Eliza Kel·by. 4.80 acres in mterest, the mterest to be paid by vacancy in No. 6 caused by t he Franklin township. . about a third of Ohio's farmers on T. U. U. Woodrey to Lulu Maud their real estl'te m'ltrtagelnamoulltdeath of :To lah Craft. Betore the date f.)r t he next reg- Woodrey. 80.65 acres in Deerfield ed to 15 million dollars. 1"0 have ula r meeting, September 18, 1"011- town ship. k~pt the interest paid on tbis debt ed around. a new State law had George E. Hall toEJdridge En- With no payment on the principal
THE HOMES IN THIS SECTION Rave been cleaned and you have and shed to !father dust and rust until s pring house <!leaning, when they will be taken out. cleaned aU over again and put back to again gather d\l8t and rust. Most of these articles could be advertiAed in the Gazette, and
WANTED SPE lAL TREATMENT Hem. orrhold.. or· Piles a Specialty. AI 0 VarIcose (enlarge!l ) Veins and leg ulcers. onsultatlon tree. Consult Dr. E. 1\1. Steel, Masonic Bldg., Wilmingto n, Ohio. jll
FOIt SALE FOR ALE- Pure idef vinegar. J . L. Mendenhall, Phone 46R12. dU 'FOR ALE--6 bJaek Gil ts and a boar. Big Type Pola~ Chl· na. W B L . • oy, R. 4 Wayne lie · nS() SALE-Poland China Gilt, Bred. A. L. King. . -n23
_,~~~teff~e~ct~'Rri.e~q~~~~a~lil~~~~~t~e~rta~in~m~e~n~t~H~ou~se:'~I~n;.c~.~';I~n~lo=t~N~O:.~W~·~O~u~hl~h~a~v~ehj~k~e~n~6~3~~r~c~en;t~0~i~F~O~R~~S~A~L~E--poland I
were to be Ralston to Wal. sch oob. Here' s the seleetion : in 217.33 acrel) in McGuffey's Readers Spellerll, Turtlecreek township.to Walter D. Ra y's Algebra and and Arithmetics Mary B. Compton Brown's GrammeI'll, Ecle cti~ Ralston in 217.33 acres in TurtleGeographies, White's Register and creek township. Electie Penmanship. All were to John W. Compton, et al to Wal· be of the McGuffey ser les. D. Ralston in 217.33 acrel in Thfl . local directors in N o. urtJecreek tOwn8hip. were mstrqded to pattern Walter D. and Verna E. Ralston new · after the to Mary B. (lompton. 2 17.38 acres building, such impr(lVe- 1 in Turtlecreek t.own.hip. ments as Otto B. Durnford and C. Belle but not to cost Dumford to J . Claude Hammond $1,860. . ' and Hannah Belle Hammond. 10 Ben jamin Mathler reported that acres in Deerfield townsh ip. t~ e directors of No.1. becoming ~Issatl8fled with 80me of the mater Bill. AlIowH lal and workman!hlp In t heir new J h La buHdJng. had emp,loyed Mr. A. E. 0 n w, supplies, 80ci Drs. Merritt to inspect the bUilding. Mr. Edward and Robert Blair, servi.oes, Merritt had recommended that $10 $1.7.~0; Drs. Edward and Robert be deducted from Thomas Wilson's Blair, services, '82; Drs. Edward contract price, Th'is action was up- and Robert Blair, service., U: held by t he board. Drs. Edward and Robert . Blair, services, $12; Charles Hobson , (To be contin ued) services, $l~i Stella Kelly services $10; James l1a.tfield, services, U O; Georgia MiHer. services UO: Morr(lw Whitacre, services, ,6: MrII. Howard Sawyer, '7; Julla Holl and
I put a lot o't leftoven in your attic
pOl1llibly we could sell them for
China male Evans, Phone ~70R'_d_ l
You reading the Reminiscen-' ces of the "long ago," now being printed even week? We have received many lette~s requesting copies of articles a/reaJl' printed.
NOW· Don't borrow. your nei,hbors' paper. For onlv three cent. a we..It you get all the Remi~i.censa, besides all tlte news of th .. ne;,hborla{lod.
twice their worth. Dig this stutl' out and try to selt it. It will pay.
Don't Be a "Snitclaer" Send u. '1.5' and will ••nd you
Ule The Miami Gazette Columns to' Help You Get Rid of Your Attic Surplus
• Tit" l<.r(ow
their t'to y our
(0.' • .....'..b l[. ,
7 he Miami Gazette lor
ItAe,. fear ,
Dr ve with .ar~ Winter Ha Is Greatest. Says Director M
PubU.II.r Slibacription Prie., tl.1O • Year ~'Q driv' - :'ith care, 1I~~~rvingl ~lImbinnti n III ith enid, the No. 112 1':111 n'll at PO.lOrUe. a.t Wayn~- traffic regulation: (lnd the right" s lippery "OIHlitiol1 of lhe COL MBUS- Expense IIcco'unt~ \'1 11 •• OhIo, a. Second Cia •• 10'11"1 of other. , with U lIulchful ey f()r of j;tl~t't" lin.! high\,ay: N o. 118 Alatter ar~ now bt'inl!' flIed with Secretnry pedelltrian, ~houlJ l/(' till' liim of (h'iving mUI'e hur.unlou". c,f tute IUl'ence J. Brown, infim;te anti Kllt'ptl Ill'\! n 'al'lv al- cUI'!'ed at the late election. 'ccrenIl mo tn ri st!< ilt nil limes lJUt mOl'e e!lpeciuJ.Jy , in th . winter, when II UY S c()ntJ'ibutin~ fa tor, in nc- tary Brown is hoping thut It will N V ~: MBER 23, 1932 traftk huza!'d~ Ill'l' multiplied. ac- cident~ involYinj!' mot(,r vehicles. not b~ necessary til refer to the cording to the Ohi u Ih;pal'tme nt of rn th<' OIonth!! of Hhol't days the tto)'ncy General o! the state, any highway. I1IUtOl'iRtl!, II'lwth"r driving in city \'andidates to!' office due to delinA !\tudy of m"tor v"hide ac- (. 1' alonl!' l'U)'«1 hlJ/:hwaYR. EU'e anx- quency 01 ' failUl'e to file such eid nt tiiati!\lie~ ('nvel'in~ 1928 io i"u~ t il I'ellch wurlllth and light . stutem. nls on time. Official com. ' The w~t' lcI-w ide George Wu~hington Bicentennial Celeb ration 1\)3J in hio ,; ho\\' ~ thllt more Then, too. old urtt'n dull ~ thtl ~\ 111 be otllclully closed tvmoJ'l'ow with services in the churcheK pOl'son~ Ill' kill .. d in Nov mbt!r fucu l tie~ , illalling U ll e .. bliviou ;; to pilation (II the vote in, Ohi8 i~ now Undl'l' way and as 2,700,000 In h 0':10 I' of the .Futher o f Hbl untry. The United States George thall in lillY ()t~~I~U\ If the dungel'. uitizen exercised th ir fl' anchiso, \'~as~lngt.o~ Bl cent.e nnial , ,olnmiRshm reports that Than 8glving year. Mor('~I', in !Jl'upoI·tiun t~) th The cal' Hhuuld be k 'pt in good dist ribut'd among 8,G78 precincts ~c rVlCl!!I . Will be held by ChUl'ch ~ of all denorn inations in el'ery city density of trafll c mOI'a alJlom obile conditinll 11\. nil timeH, 'but the thl'oulothout the "tllte, it. will be III Amen ca and ill the IUl'!!,e cities ab1'oud. accidents occur during 'nvember. obligations " f the CU I' ov;ncl' ha v' n that th e task is II tremendous For the l)a~t nine month,,. !I in ee February 22, million of peop1 December, J anuary and F t!bruRl'Y not 1.1 'en di ~I'hargl'd wher~ he h/J ~ , In all co;ncl's ·of the world have participated in what was the greatest than dUl'ing any other f OUl' ave/'- had his mll ~ hine put in g ood one. c lebl'ntlon of histol'y in hunol' of II National hero . age months, proving thut the ope condition fol' 'iI int r Urivillg. HighSlaLe Highwuy ViI' ctor . W. A few yf th highlights of the celebl'll~on are: ration of car during the f 11 and wa~' Directul' O. W. Me1'r('l1 points Mel'I'('1l received bids for prop d . Committe 8 were appointed among civic, fraternal and religiou~ winter month" i8 much more dan- out. n ie ellen mor in~partant highy,ay improvements Tuesday of bo d les 6, well as In th e Rchool . g-el'OuR 11lall at any othel' cason of UIUt hc s h uld ol)cJ'atc the! vchicle this week totjlling 22 miles of 1\10re than 700,000 eparate and distinct Bieentennial ommie- th' yeal". . with a full undel'Stnndin~: (I f the grading, filling lind s tl'uctural, the slons and committees functioned actively duxing the celebration p riod The cau.es are alm ost se lf-e\' i- I'XllU hal': I'dF wlli h will bt.' en- estimate f I' sam being $215,000. Nation-wide educa tional contests, in the elementary schools, high dent, short days of wintt:r r suIt c(lullte l'l'd . Th!' hn bit. of ,-peeding Inclu dt:!tl was a mile of new paving school and institutions 01 higher leurning have been conducted by the in an iller a liI' in the ('atio of s huuld ht' ~lro ngly cll rbed, ('s- in 'uyahoga co unty . The work is commission. Mor'e t han two million American boys and girls ' huv niJthL driving Bn~1 lhe p<>ycho10giclll I) du lly on wet 'II' icy p8lvemerlts to b l'u s hed to cum,pletion, t he )llIrticipatec.J in these contests. ,. . effect oi dark, ~l (I )'my days, in anll in crowd II t ruffie. contract5 including a 'claus e to that More than one mitlion copies of the George M. ohun so ng, ========-,=-==============_=-===:==="'~ =>j effect. Th uuRanda of men will be fI}'ather of the Land We Love" were distributed. kept on , highway work every day A special Bie ntennial quarter dollar was minted and put in l S t hroughout the winte r. unles. ingeneral circulation. I clement du y prevent. Our post office is!!ued a ~e l'iea of twelve George Washioll'ton st'amps to commemorate th c lebrilli on. 11. . S hel l'one, Dil'ector of lh Mrs. Marne Foremnn. Miss Violu Wakefield, the birthplace of 'G eorge Washington, has been reOhio tala mus urn , located in Foreman, and Ed Oliver, of Duystored and turned over to th Government as a national shrine. North High stl'eet at Fifteenth More than thirty milli on George Washington memorial tl'ees \.on, flpent unday afterno on with avenue, ann ounce that a, hnll of Or. and Mrs. Tripp . Am riclln Boy -Youth'll om- trllnl'p ortation has been arranged have been planted sinc.e Febl'uary 22. Rev. Amo. ook is qu ite ill. pan ion reader s are due f eor a rare in lhe bas ment of the Museu m, Abroad, seventy-eight countrie!j have partiripatetl in the BicentenHarry mith, of Dayto n, called udventur t1l1'ill in 1933, according direc tly untler the rotunda at the Ilia I Celebration. This waR a spo ntaneous movement, without official at the home 01 M!'II. Amanda tan to word jus t received from H igh st~eet e ntrlin ce. A 1\ methinvitation fro111 our Government. ' Twenty-six foreign cities have nllmed !ltreets, parks and squares • ntl Mr~. has. H. Gray Monday Am e l'i ca'~ favorite boy's magazine of transpnl'tation or e sh own, ' Boy' will welcome the n'!ws that for Geo~'ge Wa8hin~ton. In Germany alon e four cities have renamed afte rnoon. the can oe of the pioneers to Mr'. and Mrs. J ohn K ennc.d y na m del'n Rohinso n CI'uSe)e story, tI torou/thfares fOI' Gorge Washington, res!!nt day of aeroplane The Government of P oland i !l~ued a Rpee ial postage stam p in tertain d a, numbel' of l'elat ives ill which tw o bOyR lind a lman batIncluded is the first automoon unday. , de with l'uvlIges and build II civilih"llor of the Bic en1enial el bl'atioll. owned in olumbus, operated Our girl won to the tune of 27 zat ion with Ul'i!' bare han.ds, i on In Vi nna a new munieipal apartment house was named liftel' gas und the firs t steam auto to 17 over Kings Mills in the the way! de rl!'e W~ahi ngton. in the Capital ity. The In e very tate, city and town in America, commemorative obser- basketball game here Friday ev n- In this story th thl'ee h eroes esttracting many vi itora. ing. The boys w re not 80 lucky. cape into the depths of the vances wer held. Play and paKeant~ were produced, Bicentennial They lost 19 to 15. The teams A mazon jungles; there they are H. G. outhard, M. D., Director trees wcr!! planted, contest w re conducted, me tings and parades play Martin viii' here thi&Fl'iday. s tripped and left, to die by ho tile the tate Department of Health were held. Joe Moat, of Fronklin, coiled nat-ural abundance of th.~ jungle, is ues Borne timely advice to those on J. C. Gray aiurday afternoon. natuhal abundance of th,e jungle, who handle wild ra\Jbits, if they FOR SALE DATES CALLMrs. Joe hambaugh has b en they build their fortress. From \IIould be safe from tularemia, or ill the paat week. advance notices, it's a at ol'Y read- rabbit. fever. Never put your un:rolr. and Mrll. Ballil Daily called ers will never forget! pl'olected hands inside u wild rabon MI'. lind Mrs. W. B, McVey Othel' good things, we I,e arn, are bit, alway w ar tubber gloves Sunday_ o.n the wil y in Th e A,.,erican Boy- when handling them; must , be The Chapel program Friday Youth's ()mpanic)n for 1933. thorougb1y cooked, so that thel'e afternoon \l'as in charge of th Adv ntur s in all parts of the is n o red meat near the bone; in 7th and 8th grade r oo m. Program world ; stories of school and col- order to m'inlmize possible in(Musical Interludes by F rm Night Melody Makers) op4ilned. with the 2 grades singing leg .; helpful· tories 01: the pro- fection no rabbits which seem low 8 :00 Music JESSE STANLEY a:06 Heatil)g the Poultr~ House , ' E. L. Dakan "My Wild Iri sh Rose, " Ilt camp- fe!<sions; SI)Ort inteJ'views with 01' can be run down and killed fire. This was foll ow d by a medley famous -c o ache and play.~l' ; vivid with a club s hould be taken home Plaon. 320" N•• Bartl.,toD, 0111. 8 :20 Bulletin for Farm and Home , .... , .. J. E. McClintock but hou1d be buried. 8 :3 6 Co-o., Milk Producers' A s~ociat i on , . J .. R. Smart, Manllger of old ~outhern melodies. "John article! on travel and scicmce. Brown's Baby" WIl S the n ext We suggest The American Boy:50 K eping power in Horse Pow l' , W. F. Guard EARL KOOGLER Superintendent T. C. Jenkin of 9 :06 Th Family'!! Home Furnishings Dollar ... ' . Anne Biebricher sel ction. A1i!!e Bogan then pre- Youth's Companion a s an ideal D.,.t_ PIa.ne " . .. .. ...... ........ .... ..... Thelma Beall lien ted Rev. G. M. Robhins, wh present fOI' tbat so n, nephew cous- th Ohio RefOrmatory, announces U:20 Why 1\ ount:; Hi torieal Museu m . , . Harlow Lindley (ave a short talk. frs. Ca .... read in, anc! n ighbol·. It.'s a .chal·acter a schedule of seven games for hill KEDGlor. 8188 !l ::16 Training for Faml Living ". L. E. Jackson ~ letter fl'om MI'. V. . Toll, a building, imagination- tining pres- pig- kin artists this sea on. In:former up rint ndent h re, now ent that renews itself every cluded iR the Hiram House team, H :liO Orchard u1tur ., ............ C. . Bittner located in New Mexico. month in th y ar. An Ilttractive Cleveland, College of Chiropody, (Musical Interlud s by 4-H OrChestra) /lift ClIl'd bearing )'our name wi11 Company I, 145th Infa~try Akron, aturday, November 26, 8:00 p. m. he sent to the boy if YOll request Hospital Company, l\ledlcal Corps, ~rove it. ub~cril)tion prices are only Akron, !mme, Ashland, Jeromevil1e In Lerest and Activities in the H Ollie ." " .. , .. Faith Lanman Wild Turkey .. . ." ................. H. E. Eswine $2.00 for one year or $3.00 for Tigers, United Cab Company, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ferris three year. At the laU [. rate the Akron and Fi her's Foods, Lorain. and daughter, Mis!! Lucille and magazine co t s only a dollar a The Refol'matory population is :Mr. and Mrs. ecil Villars, attend- yea!'. Mail you r ol'deJ' direct to The now 3,256. ed the ministe rial refreshment American BI> Y-Y() uth's o mpanion Now that the open season for play at the Olive Branch school 550 W. , Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, lIou e 011 last Saturday eveni n~. 1tlirh. ServIce on your sul)scription wild game is at hand hunters are tal't with the i~lsue y ou returning daily with the limit a1Charles Wene, of Love1und, will lowed by law. ~abbits, or hares, spent Fl'iday aftern oon with Al- . pecify. are p1 en ti fu I s nd the sa me is true I "!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~ mond Ferris and wife. of )'ing-neck pheasants being more I~"._____________ Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKay, numerous of course in the level attended church at New Burlingcounties at the !ltate. They are as B)' Mra_ J ... i. B. Trl .... tOn on last Sunday. a rule. well fed , the birds 1I0t ' Mr. Upshaw , of Knoxville, Of being- timid and dailY visitors in , Tenn, wi1~ speak, n xt Wednesday mllny barnyards where, they feed Director .f Flla.ral Ser.lce Th snoW fell 0 softly o'enr,a6'le3Jrd1'1a01ntlldrtt-'1!dlge:-,_ _ _l-_:--_+;;ev~e~nhir.:n;geVll!_t-tlUt~~h_~e Methodist church The Golden Rule of the Road is with tame fowls. While quite a few And b autilully covel'ed AmI mother for us had a big from a distance attend- to show the same courtesies and Hungarian partridge are seen, Our convenient location, suitaSaid, "on Than~ giving y, we will open our eyes," ed church at Green Briar on last consideration :for ot.her users of they ar fast, great tOT cover and th highways, as you w()uld have not easily kmed. The season clo~es ble lIurroundinls and equipment The next day, a farm wagon-bed full of straw Sunday. for pheasant!l and partridges on enables us to Serve to the Belt Drives in on l'unne"r'l' with BiU's paw and maw, K. E. Thomlhlon spent Satur- them show you. Ohio has no driver's li~ense law, November 25th. Bill is my cousin; apd lives on a farm , day in Dayton !UJd X nia. •. Advantare And i hid in the IItraw, to keep himself WAl"m. Miss Geneva Powell, of near wbich will again Ihave it.s innings in the next Le~i~lature. Eggs from hens fed cod liver oil Oregonia, was an overnight guest The grelltest percentag:e of high contain much of vitamin D, which AMBULANCE SERVICE We all pitch ill with laughter and hout Saturday of Mi s Marie Wells, of way accidents ocellI' 0/1 Sunday, nutrition e;xperts say is essential And make the straw fly, as we dig Bill out; . thi~ place. W.,.ne •• ilI., 01110 Way down at the bottom. we see something red Mrs. ·Mabel F. Teny and Mrs. 20.315 per cent. SaturdllY runs a fOI' the proper growth and main- PIMa. 21 second with 17.604 per tenance of teeth and bone. We have found him atJast, (or. it i~ Bill's head . AJic.e E. Tetty spent Thursday in c10s cent. Tuesday Is the safest day We get him by one leg and pull him about Lebllnon. While uncle and dad take the tired horses out; K. E. Th ompson and family, with 11.442 )er cept. The Motor VehIcle Bureau has They lead them away, they had to be fed entertained !'everal frienda from over 600 branch agencies While we play in the straw, in the old wagon-bed. Dalton, last Sunday eevninji!';. J!<lmcr Lamb amI wife, of near throughout the ~ tate for the conMother and aunt are now with eaeh other Waynesville, pent Friday after- venience af ' car owners 8IDd dealer Mental or physical diaability i ~l\fy Aunt Mary you ace, is a sister to mother); noon with Mrs. Lamb's home folks no bar to driving a car 'i n Ohio. They talk about making a comfort and quilt Henry Moore and family. half the cars jn Ohio are Only And about the new barn, that uncle has built. Mrs. Mab I F. 1'E ny. of Leb".,~,,,,,,,,, Unele came ln and said, "Lon&' before day anon, spent the wee'k-end with her cove).'ed by pel'. onal llilbility inurance. s Before it was light, we were well on the way; home folks here. ~ ...---The road are so terribly blocked liP with snow A WARNING That we' jUllt had to , come OR-..J!ImII~Yo u know outstanding talks on Night program for Det:nc)e said, you recall the two Perkins airle! Information 1rom the Columbus are: Some Dairy ExperiOne had straight hair and freckles-the other one, curls. ments at Wooster What Chicks il1- office indicates that checks are 'Th prettiest one came home the other day, herit, the Farmer's Voice in being dr.wn on StatE' highway And is going to have a wedding, they sa)'. Government, and what 1he Govern accounts in various Divisions which Uncle John then rambled on with his talk, ment Spends for Agriculture. are not genuine .checks, having And said that the Grimes kid, was learn in' to walk. Farm Night is broadcast from the been drawn by a mystical Division I did, so love to hear Uncle John laull'h, state-owned radio ~tatlon, WEAO Engineer and made payable to He was always so full of good natll" and chair. every Monday night from 8 to 10. certain persona who arE! not even employes of the State~ highway And I never saW feet so terribly large department. These checks are Each one of his ,hoes would have made a .coal barge; ' drawn on the Treasurer of State. He said, next week we are goibl'to ahred, Luke Brannon, Residient DivisGet our corn all in and under the shed: ion Deputy Dit·ector. Mom, from the kitchen called dinner's r.ady, Pop said, 'take 'it easy, and all go stead,. Girls lind young womEm who are There lay the big turkey, so IOlden alld brown 'That it made our mouth8 water, before we 88t down. worried about that extlr8 quarter 0'1 a pound s hould remElmber that the dieting fad is the mos direct We all became quiet, after taking our plaee, hcentive to tuberculo/lill. While dear old dad said, the Thanksgiving grace; There was everything there, but the turkey was bOBS, Of everything else, and the 'cranberry sauce, . Aunt Mary said they mutt leave promptly at three, Then-before they got home, it would be dark you see, }o'or you know on our way, there are deep drifts of snow, And traveling on runners, is terribly slow.
D.L. CRANE OfIic. Phon. .... ". R•• i ....c . ..... ' ... ....
W. H••• a C_pl... R.pair S • ...Jc. And use I)nly genuihe ma~rIala. Crystals fitted while yOII walt.
Cary's Jewelry Shop Leh._a, Ohio Store Op n Evenincs
Bicentennial Ended
Lieenaed Real E.lat.. Broker, Aliciioneer and laauronc. -~,.aynesvllt.,Ohlo
Mo!!t Reasonable Terms
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Stanley &Koogler
Farm -Night 7alks, hove 28
The Golden Rule the Hig:hway
Wille Dr... • , E ...t ..
.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!' ~
1jOUtSaie io
'''0 w1Iol.·~" .... '''U t'" 8ul}lt:rltM .aa. aa4 ". wlU ....47011
When thr~~ o'clock came, goodbys weTe pid, They were soon in the straw, ill. the. old wagon-bed; All wrapped up in comforts r and quJlts to keep warm And they wjlre soon on thel~ way hOme to the farm. And Bill disappeared, dow~ mto the llt~aw, All covered up warm, by hlB paw and hiS ~aw_ ,"",========:=====rcommWlit;y. Ita Pllt"pOM ieiO create a common eOlllClolll. . . . 1\ and bo .I"e a broader and better rn:~ outlook 011 lit.. Ita lecturers and I DllrD~' III U lIN instru.ctiClns. .... to bring new ftI\IIIU\IJ thoughts and idea. which the community can aaaimilate and put into The development of community practice. Interehange of ideu and loyt!tiell may be lurthere~ throqh experi.nce. on the part of the the UI8 ' of hiltorlcal exhibltl at people tIIemaelvel lead to grea,t er Fannerl' Jnltitlltel, accordinl to commOIl InteHltl and mutual Harlow Llneller, curator of the undentaltdln,.. Qhlo State lIQ8tum, who wiD Some of the hiltorleal dllou. the place of maleuml tn that may be uaed at inatltutell, are 1'11~ Obio on the Farm Nllht demollltratioDi of QUIllin, and p~ In cooperatioD with the wea""" , el,ellll, batter maldq, ~ltllraJ eneDlion ..nice at "ulling, quiltinr, pioneer dreu cit tile 0 S. U both IIUd, ihoemllkiq. tllrelhiq, • I'a~, lMtItate, 1te .,., COl"n luaddq, candle malinr, piOll• the op~tlalt' f01' brbW· .... ,.... lllaaiC, alld earl, tIIat P 11 pi. . . . ~
thi.Nnwspapft-. It wilt brittg ',ou .b u1Jen
Only $1.00
on w nipt before going and givin~ his life for his cOllJntrv.1 Little Ehzabeth wu in flOW has . every hl~ury. _
vices, early costume8, hand woven coverlets, early farm implements, early land grants, early local ne"!.paperl and boob, aU "lip b, contrait with the /reeent to build an a'ppreelatlon 0 the If"!at chanr.a that b~ HUI tav= in the
In whatever line you are engaged it can be increased by judicious use of printer'I ink through your medium,
Di-*.• •",O
ufo Licen
NQmetl Lad Week
__ - _ S .. f('tar of ' Stale (,lar n~e J . Hrown announ"~ that 1933 '1 1I tlllse tags WI 1 g ) on gle through Ollt th' atate on Decemb .r 1. . 0 ~emb I' 3 L w lll altam be the d 'adhn for UlSC of 1932 plates Dnd c(!ording to inRtructioll received by depuly commi ion rlI last week the n w ta may b pla c e~ on car Decemb er 10. J, C. Iiawke, comml _ioner In chal't:e or tag for Wayn svill • sl.at s that 700 plat , 50 le8s than laa year, h~ bl';cn .\gnt'd for dhJtribution lllthl ter1'ltOl'Y. T he tag numbers r~n g f r om 237.651 t o 288 ,201.
CAriltma Seal To Help R eel ero•• Relieve Dire · Need.
.. are:
lut r: Up to 26 hur tapO u $ 7.00 26 t lJ 28 horftpower 10.00 2 to 82 horsepower 16.00 32 to 3 8 horsepowtr 2"0.00 Over 36 horaepower 25.00 Ohio's 1983 a uto tap will be llrBnlte alld black- black nu merals on an orange background. An (Jutata ndi nl' chance is that t he wo rd "Ohio" al\d the year date ap· p ar at. the top of the plate instead of under neath the numerals as in t he past. Ohio's n eighboring states will have the fo ll owi ng color schemes lor their 1933 ta~8: PCl\nsylvania. gold on bl ue; MI ~ h iga n black on white; I ndian. , white on red ; Kentucky. wh ite on green ' and West Virginia , yellow on bl'a cle. 0 puty commissioners who will distribut e tags i n Warren county are t he same a last year. They
Lebanon- Carl . Bangham. lo'ranklin- G('rdon L Roy. Ha rve)' bU'll'- Jo:d. I-akin . Waynes.vllle -J ohn C. lI a\\ k.·. Morrow - Clint Ha rner. 1\I u ull - ll . . II ut.cht.>n!<.
--------Won Correspondence Scholarship Awa rd
Show" olonial Tea
n t ••BU!II' .•
priaeipal tlI m t t nlf be th obwtvanc of the Bicenten nial year ill the hlUAil' and . 1'10 in tht' lint! B tt play givt'n in old tim" !'u~t u l11e:l . fo~v('l'y· H n ~ i~ cnrdillll)' invited.
Christ ma s Seals I Use ' them o n lettert', greeting cards. pac kages. Tbey help in the figh t. l a gains t t ub ercu losis. T her are t hou and of children in Ohio today who a1'e suffering fr om this digease. One of them llIay be righ t II r und t he corner from you . OUI' a .-si ta nce is n eeded to give these children a chance t get' well Unemp loymen t, ins ufficient f ood worry and tubercu los is mtll'ch abreast. BY bu:(ing ea l~ from t he Wayn e T o\\l n s~ l p Mother 's Club Seals Co~mltt you will help thi otgan Ization carryon the g rea t work of tubel'culQ is pr vention .
The Colun TI'!} IInli I'xhibit IIf Iln1l4Ul' anlf other articles. . I" , M . so ' jety in .:-in· n by t he dll ciul uf thl' M, K c hurch, ' utur!lay u.flt! I·nuon and even ing. \\ a8 Ii 8 Ue Ce~!I ill even' ~ 'n ' I' uf lh e wurd. The e xhibit o f a nc ien t quilts and oth!.'1' IU'U 'I 'S, ~om of t hent 1I10r(' t hun t w o ccn lu ri l:!8 old, proveu to be ur i n l e n ~ i nter ~t to t he many llnt r ons. Espec'ial inte rest ~e(' m . to have uitac hell to a C PY of the 11 0 ly Hiblc . 111 0 re t hlln 125 y al'S old, th e Il l'Opm' l~' of 1\1 1'. '. M. Robilzel'. AllOt he.r it'm of int' r· cst W~ all ohl butte l' CL'ock that \\11 brough t to this co mm unity I ' W J et'sey by lh ' paren ts from of t h Inle 'a m ll I W . Hoger when their ~UI\ was a n infant in
The I n1.ernational COI'l'C8POnOence dlOOI of crall ton, PIl .• i giving to Buford Bemurd a free ~c h o l8 r hip in Aviati on l ec hnn ics. This fr c scholnr hip is in connec ti on with our 40th nnniy r"a'I'Y Tht' RchoolS. with about {OUI' million enrollments. BTethe largest of their kind t each.ing over 300 courlles. Thi lad wa g iven the opportunity t o tak this co ur e due t o the r commendation of Mr. Lotz:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . superintendent of choo ls. 11'. Gord on. propr ietor of a a rr n~. • III We all be, local garage, i /I f ormer studt.' nt. Tea and (t hl'!' ret\' e~h m enls ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM , E. H. o\l ~ey, Spri ng alley. is were ~e 1'\' ed h~' a bevy of yo ung like Lindbe~h -loeal repr esentative. ladies. attil'l'd in colonial garb, The pupils 01 1\11', Genev i ve but thO$arne AlJ\(~erity and under t h(' l'fti cien t directio n of ~fIII sbary will pre ~ent an u nsual Mrs. H. E. ll illha way . T ues<! y vening, Noyemllrak_ aMp ,...... .beeIa but It tall. " lialcs of ")\ unt 'ally's doug h. lit 7 :30 o'cl ock in the . . . tbat QRlP to .tot J'OUr CU'. n ul'!," popcor ll , cand y, baked odlst Church. QIt Oie prot_doG DOW for .lIat•• goods, etc. Ilulrmentcd t h net r eceipts to mO l' I!' thu n for ty dollurs. lIuy new tine aDd . . . moall)' . . After Ih I' gula r me eling. of t he MI'!-I. P I'snk LeMny, president 01 .-ccur-. ~ d-,.a. more in. Harveysbu rg O. B. S. Thursday t h society, PI'O I)l i eve ning ,' th e memb rs tender ed a ~e r e .. ting eve nt. in the fut ure. surpr ise to. a nie Shidaker, who has been clto e n Depu ty Matron SPEEDWAY fOl' the 2 1st Distr ict ,' A dainty salad co urse was sel'ved at sma)J tables gr oup ed a bout the Chapter room. While the member and g uests wer e ea ted at the table , Helen Rundall in behalf of I h~ Chapter, presented Mrs. While se.arching fo\' a ntiQu s to Shidaker with a boquet of l'ed be exhibited lit t he M. E. church, rOlle·buds as B token of their' af- la ~t week, l\bs, all ie Cro s unfection f or her. ea rthed a cop)' of T he W st rn Mrs. Nell Conklin and he r sist el' ' lal' t hat wal, pu bli he d in Le bwe re guests of the evening. ' anon all August J7, 1838. This I co py had bej! n mui led to Geo. lla r la n, hi na me having been wl'itte n on thl! margi n. It is in an excellent 't a te of pr se rvation. Th e paper was, at that time, publishe d by Morris & Denny, who Subscr ibe for the Miami G..etM. An epidemic of iIlnes am ong put out a si:t-co lumn lour page the teachers of the H. S. building !'heet. The content of th first two is inconveniencing our schools to pages ar more of a literary than a considera ble extent. Mr. Ira O . a new naturo, while the remainBro wn wa s severely stricken with ing pages are llilled with local news pne umonia, la st T uesday after- and n otices, editorial comme nt, noon, arid was removed to Miami and the quaint Ringle-column adValley hospital in Dayton on vertisements o,f thOle da,.. We quote th ma rket rep ort, Thursday. He has since been reo moved to his home at Versailles, publi hed a of August Ii. 1838 : "Sugar- 7 la nd 8 cents. Darke county. fro m whence come "Mola ses-·1 cept per gallon . satisfactory rep orts of hi recov"FloUl, -Sl1peTfine. $6.26 & er y. Mr. Charles James, prineipal of $6.6, 0 ; Camml)n, $6.75 ; the stock One of t he most sa cr ed dutiea the Junior High, was stricken with conti nues much greater that it We have r ecently added t o our l ine of quality e oals uS)l.ally i at this sea on of t he cr itical illness, laat week, and has of t he f un eral di r ector Is to t he well known Cinder el.la coal, Block and En. been unable to be a t his posts this y ear. Arrived this week, 2471 ma ke the last rites .. beautiful barrels. week. During the interim , Mr. Brown's "Pork lind Bacon- I n pork t here H. S. mathematics are being ca n· ha b pn no (!hnnge. but In bacon picture in the me mory 0'1 those bu ine s who remain. To this end he ducted by Mr. W. H. Harlan, of there has bE!en mor the t emporarily defunc t New Bur- doing. " Beef- ai el! at 'former prices. lington scho ol, while Mrs. Chas. employs all his skUI in the "Lard 9 3 - ·~c & 10c POl' pound. Ander son . and Miss Thelma St. .. F or tho e who wish to buy Ohio Coal we will r eceive a prep81'ation of the body, se1uGrain- Oat in fair demand at John are capably tilling the vacan· C41' of Bucke ye Block Coal in a few days. This is from 56 & GO c entJ~ per bu hel. Corn in c ies ·on t he Gr ade facult y. t ion of merchandise and directthe ear, 87 % per bbl." ()D on e of the best mines in Ohi O' and due to low er freight Rere is just one of the adverti e ing of t he fu n er~1. We mea ur e rates will sell lower than OUI' other co.l. ments: ou r success by the extent t o WARREN OUNTY CANAL Notice to Contractors which we accomplish thi8 I Proposals will be received unt il Price Delivered Mra. Harry Carley. of Dayto n p urpose. lhe 30th inst. for eonstructing an received a sever e scalp wound and em bankmen t contain abo ut 50 , leas s erious when
put on new GOODYEARS for WINTER . . . . . ,.
~ rot~~a~ \'lJy'
O. E. S. Honora Mrs. Shid aker
Cole...n Aladdin LaDip Lalllp'
Bring in Jour old Lamp and get
Gord on' Service Sta tion
Epidemic of IlIne•• Hampering Schools
For it on
The Memory Picture
Cinderella Coal
Buckeye Block
Motoristl Collide With Loose Horse
Denatared Aleoho
.Waynesville farmers fxthaoge Phone 32
W.ynelville, Ohio ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.
Iddings. also of ing was wrecked near the north ,ate to Miami cemetery on Route 73, shortly .. fte r 1 o' clock Tuesday afternoon. It is said that the car was traveling in the ge neral direction of Harveysburg, with a pro Ces· lIional cb8uffuer at the wheel, and had just reached the brow of t h e hill when a loose hor se suddenl y obstructed their path. In t rying to avoid a collision, the driver drove hi B machine too close to t he sid e of the road, and ran the . car lIead-on
Allen's Parlor Furnace
stone abutments cl'ib ~am w Dam, 120 fE!et lorag -Bnd 6 feet high- near the tow n of Leban on . For pal'ticulSi r s 00 Au~u s tu s F, Hinsch. En ~ri n e.er, resldjng in Lebanon. Samuel Forrer. ActifJg Canal Commi sloner August 17. 1838."
Every man is thankful, fo r t he roof over his head-but men with a good Red Cedar Roof h ave reason to be more thankful, because they do not faee th e expense of an early replacement . . Our Red Cedar Shingles are guaranteed . They are easy t o put on-and on~e there-will last a lmost a lifetime. Roofings are only one it em in our line of building materials. No ma tter what you plan on bQildlng, we hav e all of the materials in first grade quality-and .' ,r.iced as low as they can be had anywhere.
Your Christmas Toys' Here
J. L .M eClare
Wayael.iUe, 01110
- --------
Late 'Classified Ads. rAIRL~Y HARDWARE' COMPANY
. (The follow ing poem wa s handed to T he Gazette a propos of the passing of t he old bridges we knew an d loved in o ur childhood days: ) Some part of life bec omes obliv ion . FOR SALE Som ething whose l'oots Jie deep - - - - - -- - - - -- - . F ORS.ALE- 4 Big Poland China within the heart Of simple fol k i.s lost, as one by Brood Sows, bred. C. F. Max-
into the bank, rather than r isk a turnover. side-way The injured ladies wer e broup;b t to the office of Dr. Mary L. Cook, where that physician and Dr. E. F . Deppe attended their inj uries. Mrs Iddings escaped with m inor bruise8 and contusions, whUe the Th ese pi oneers of other days deopart. ne driver was unharmed. The ca r was Only t he co un try fo lk. wh ose considerably damaged. ~ areless tread - -E ndears a dusty roa do, can ever kn ow The -peaceful, clattering j oy of I rude p l~nks spread Mr. Leon Salisbury of Cleveland Above a d rowsy cr eek that gleams was an overnight guest, Friday, ·o f below• . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mrs . Willi: m Dow returned t o Her e was a. Irefuge fro m th e s udden sbi>wers her home in Cincinnati after spendin~ two weeb with her Aunt Thilt swept like movinlr mU8ic field and wood. Mrs. William Coleman alld family . And hel'e cool. tunn eled dark Mrs. Clyde Wharton; Miss Eva when sultry hours · and Morris Wharton Were Dayton Danced with white f eet beyond the visitors Thurllday. bridge 'li hood Mrs. Juan Campbell and Mrs. Yet there are souhess me n whose hand and brain Lawre nce Elliott of Centerville were afternOOn gu'ests, Friday at Tea l' d own what time will n ever g ive agfli n. t he home of Mr. and Mr8. Walter ·.Anderson M. Scruggs Kenrick. Stanley Bailey, who ' has been clerking in tbe Fairley Hardware Store lilt Lynchb urg' for several months, is now back to the store in Waynesville. Mrs. Lottie Carey, who has been The contl'a ct for the new Miami ill 'for some time, is not near so River bridge ' at Franklin was well a t presen t. She is at t he borne Ilwa rded la st 'Monday by t he state of her daughter, rdrs. Frank Rog- highway de]partment to Dodge ers. . H~8Sey. Inc., of Columbus, at t heir bid o! $96.4~t9.01. The Columb us Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lo:nlrllCre firm was the lowest of si:![ bid ders Mrs. Margaret Johns were guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. M..,]v,.,,, on the p roj j~ct. F or 'f urni llh,ing and delivering Swank and children in Saturday evening, and later at- brick fo r approach es, a contract wa s awarded the ' Peebles "Paving tended the t heater. lilt's. Alice lIIil1er and son, Ray, Br ick Company, of Portsmouth at ' were dinner guests Thursday of their bid of $6,780.38. ... Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henkle and visited Waynesville seho ol in the BIRTHDAY DINNER afternoon and evening. Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mr. and The eounl!I'y home of . Mr. alld Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick spent Thurs- Mrs. Max H.ollingsworth waa t he day in Dayton and called on Mrs. of a happy gatherinr on C. W. O. bum In the aft ernoon. "''''" .. .. v in celebration of t h e Rev. Lafferty was unable to be n."...." ... u anniversary ot Mrs, here for the church III"ice lallt Hr. Heftl'7 WoolSunday, b ut will PT'!!-8ch lIext Sunorge W oollard. Folday a fternoon and abo the followIIUlnn't" .,,,. dinner a deinc Sunday. Sunday IIchool next ''f',''U''U ane1~(lon wu. enjoyed. A Sunday wlU be .at 2 p. m. PI~!• • ll mr fellt,ulr4'! W&l!l Henry Woo)Mra. llarnret Jobnll In eomhi' boyhood da:va. D mE~8ellt were George pan, with lair. and Mra. Glenn loh.. ..d ehUdrell 01 Da,ton, Eddie Wool· wen dinner peets anday 01 Mrs. MI'II.
For any old Stove a
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch of HilI.boro Hardware Co.
iw~e~1l~,~S~p~rl~.n~g~V~a~l~e~y~.~R~.~1~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,
- "'-- - "
--. -Contract Let for·
Franklin Brid'g e
To Choose from---A1I ' Makes and Models
----- _ ---
We submit plan books to those undecided on the kind of construction desired.
H. MADDEN & . . . 14
Warn..vllle, Ohio
~~!!I!~~IIIII----IjiOI-iliii-iiiiiiiiiiiiilliiili __• ~
.:I.&ly and n. ClIIarllllDotter DoIterand .....Mr. WWmlqtoa.
Fred Kahn Motor ' Car Co. Open Sunday. Phone 328
Lebanon, 0
, J
Eighty-Fifth Year
NOVEMBER 30, 1932
Since our la t i sue wa printed noon, and on Sunday afternoon the Death Angel has reaped fu neral 8ervices were held at t!te , I Claruville M. E. churc h. BurIal rather heavy harvest ,In ~ur com· I was IIIade in the Olar'ksville Miss fary Cmn e spe nt Monday Miss Mary Cook spent today in Sheriff.Elect Doel Qu ick and in DJ1yto!1. munity. His choice of call has cemetery. Dayton. indeed been diversified: A mother, Mr. Bocan was born &n a farm Efficient Work in Apprehend. Ronald Ha rdi n. wh o is attending whose work had been well done, near CI"rkBvllle nearly 83 ye~r Miss Sue Crane spent T hanksinR Bandit: Wittenb I'g co llege ~pellt th week • 11 81'0, and had devoted hi s entIre giving with Forr ilt Graham aru:l and whose hfe bad been we life to agrioultural pursuits on family, end lit. home. The ohio . ervi( e station spent: a humble, but faitbfu l, various far ms in the vicinity of MI'S. J ohn 'fhomso n has gone to servant; an aged fat~r who had Clarksville, Harveysburg and WayMiss May Wright spent a few ~rl'end~ )'n opel'ated by W, II .. Putlkel'son and Dayton to sp nd the \ inter with '!'enred a fine ,family: a . young nesvl'11e, H e '18 surv Ive d by th ree days last weElk w'th , r " I'f k h d sons and three daughters : Charles, Dayton, ' son ~t the uppel' pml of Main her daughtel'. h mot h~r, w os~ · I e wor a, Boga.l'l, -of Waynesville, Hotace and street wa. the s 'ene of a Wanted- R() ugh , wood ab I\liss Louise Crane, of Cincin· I l i b ~ 5 k seeml.l1gly, but. Just beg,un, but who J. Hamilton Bogan, of Harve"s· ut ' J nati, spent Thanksgiving with to ( ·u p a out ., : ]1 o'cloc eighteen inches long. Inquire at was called to leave her babes to burlr, Mn. Lucy Wilson, of Hamil- hOI' mother and sisters. unday morning. The tati on was Gazett offi e. the car of other kindred: and ton, Mrs. Nellie Brewer, ?f ,Cuba! in charge {)f the night attendant, Mrs. Elvin Fir wa called to th mothe ' scarce1'y beyond and Mrs. Irent! Hale, o~ Cmclllnatl Mr. ant.! Mrs, harley Stans· Buford Bernard, with whom two ana e,r . I Twen ....-four .....andchlldren and b f 0 ,.. ' It d I t' , Dayton la t we.ek beca'u e of the th '" e of I fe VJ .. ' d Id erry, 0 a ....on, V1S e re a lves neighbo l' boys, Rob ert All nand cridcal illness of 'hel' brothel'. e ..irlm 1. three great gran chi ren also and 'friends bere, today. Harry I';lul'nu~, were staying, when '"---survive. th lone bandit entered and coverMr. and Mrs. Cliff Lewis, of KATHERINE A. RICKa RUTH K. McMILLAN I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and cd the" ys with a revolvel'. So Centerville. were dinner guests of Mrs. Kalherine A. Ricks died at Miss Olive Allen spent Thur d y grotesqu e was his appearance, that MI'~, Emma Janney, on 1'hu!·sday.· her home in Lebanon, Thursday, Mrs. Ru th K. McMillan, wife of with relatives in Cincinnati. one of boys is sa.id ' to 'have started , . ' November 24. Cerebral hemmor· Dilloft McMillan, died at the home Til 11 ' . t laughing, thinking the w~ole matMr, and Mrs. L, H. Gordon were hage resulting in t wo or more of her sister in Cincinnati, satur-I e hvan~EI stic campaign, a ter' a huge joke, guests of MI'. and MI' S, E, B. paralytic strokes. ie giYen s the day evening, as the re ult of a Ferry C urc closed Sunday ~Ith The robber abO rt <:d'nvinced the MUl'l'ell. of L~banon. Thllnk sgivcalise 01 her demise. paralytic stroke. a large attendl;lOce at all serv Ices. boys of hi" sel'iousne'ss, and de- ing nay. The remain s were brought to :rogethet with her husband 'nd George MiIIle.r has charge of the mand ed all the cash 01'1 the premMr. and Mrs. Fl'unK Day and Waynesville for tuneral el'Vicell chlldr~n, Mr ckl\l~Mllian had come s inging in an. evangelistic cam- iSI! '. Upon being giv4:!n the conat st. Marys church, Saturday to thIS community lome months paign at Bower ville this week anq tents of th cash d,'s,wel'. he in- daught r, of Winchester. Ky. spent afternoon, Rev. J ohn J . Schaeffer aao to keep a home for her father- next formed Bernard that ()~hel' money the week-end with l\h, and Mrs. officiating, and were laid to reat in.law, Joseph McMillan, on the . was . creted about the place. and A. K, Day. in M,iami cemetery. latter's farm. A few weeks ago, Mrs. St, Clair Fife and two demand d this also, I e given to Nettie Kepler went to New Mrs. Ricks, 'Yidow of the late she was called. to Cincinnati to children of W ilmington, spent the him. When hI. ordel's had been ViMrs. nna, Tue8day, where she will Winston Rick , and a daugllter of a ist with the care of a sick week.end with Mr, and Mrs. L. H. complied with , he departed up ~pend winter at the hom e of Martin and Susan Hu y, was a relative, and from there went to Gordon. Rou te 42, the dir ction from Mr. andtheMrs. Peter 0 mal!. native of Cin'einnati, where Ihe Detroit to visit her mother. Sbe whence he had come. The boys wa. born 66 years a&,o, lacking but wal return in, to Cincinnati from Mr. and M¥. Samuel Butter. notified Ml'. Fulker on of the hold The Ladie ' Aid of lhe M. Iil. a few days. For several years Detroit by railway train when worth were Thnnk giving Day up as 0011 a s possible and an im- church will $ponsor a "Pageant f after Ute death of hel,' hUl!lband IItricken. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest mediat seal'c'h fa!' the culprit wall Wedding: Gown ," in t he near Bome eight or ten yeara aro, ahe Funeral services were ButteTWorth. begun. Th loss, which included all ,fl! t ure. Wait for further announcewa a resident of Waynel!lVilJe, the Friends meetinghouse, M d M J V H t k the cash in the stati01ll, was ful1y ment. , 1'. an '1'$. . •\ soc 'I o-V-6r d b~' I . ' d t1rlDg part 0f whi C!h ti me IIh e I'lYe d 'a fternoon, Rev. ' Fol-r, .. and daughter, D"Ol'ottry., at'n'j'oyea 'Y vUl'g ary Hlsurance. MI', and Mrs. R, B. Davis. of a big Thanksgllving feast with Mr. The boys described the bandit in t he apartments over the mineton, oftlciating, and Gazette office. She was ekilled In wa" made in Miami d M W Pdt. as n. medium sized man, attired in Dayton, Mr. and 1\11' • C, B. Fry the care of the lIick and afflicted, Mn. Kdlillan was a dau an 1'8. m. ren erg;as ' badly worn overall l nd a worn and Mr. Gilbert Frye Wel'1l Thank a nd devoted nlueh of her time to of Curt. W. and Lydia Mill8 Emma Heighway and M~s, denim jacket. A knit lltocking cap Jl'iving dinner guests of Mr. and the nundng prolell8lon 110 lona aa and was born in Toledo Maria Elbo were guests of Mi,slles was pulled low over his forehead, Mrs. Ed Cook. h r own health and strencth would ..ro. AlthouCh she eame ,to Annie and Mame Brown a t the wltile a. IB rge handerchief, tied pilfl'llt. She I. 8ul'Vived P.,y two community a .tranger jusf a Friends Home, Thalilcagiving Day. just below the eyes; completely hid Messrs. L. C. St. John, Fred B. . thel'emaindel' of his fllce. aons, Edward Rickl!\ of ' Dayton, monthl aco ahe lOon end.ared Henderson, R. H. Hartsock and D. and Albert Ricks, who lived with herself to a large circle of friendll. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, On Monday afternoon, Sherift'- L. Crane attended a communicahis mother ill' Lebanon. She ia ,u1'Vived bf bel'. hu.band Me8llr8. Kenn et~ Fromm and elect William Huft'ord came to tion of past masters of the Masonic and CWo , man children, two and Merlyn Banta of DelaWAre, spent Wayne ville, and, after a shor t in- lodge , at Dayton, ' aturday atterJOHN BROWN three Tun old. the 'l'hankBjIlvlng holidays with vestigation, drove to 1;he home of noon. relatives here, L, W, handler on Route 78, J ohn Brown, col~red, aged 47 Mr. II.nd Mrs, Harold Earn ha rt where he arrested E1Terett BingfltALINDA WILLIAMSON , years, died, last Tuesday, at the Mrs. Malinda Williams, aced 66 Mr. and Mm. W. E, Cornell and ham, ,whom he took to Lebanon entertained at six o'c lock dinner Warren County Infirmary neal' yeara, l and wife ~f William WiI- Misses Dori8 and Ruth Salisbury' and lodged in the count y jail under Thursday evening, M.r'. and Mrs. Lebanon. ' For mo re than two died at their home in s pent the week-end at Pittsburg suspicion. Under close questioning, E. L. Harlan and daughter of Dayyears prior to last September, he Iiam., HarveYllburc, Monday night. Her with Mr, and Mrs. William Mich- the ('ulprit is aid to have con- ton, Mrs, Viola Harlan, Mr, and had been a faithful empToye of death was probably caused by an ener and children~ fe!sed his guilt, and to have stated Mrs. K N. Hough and ' daughter, the Diamond lIil1 orchard a, owned St. Mary's Guild will meet on that he had nQ assishlflce in the and Mr. Everett, Harlan. by F. U, LeMay. He was stricken iitfected foot. which abe had mallbwith prreumonla while worklntr In ed, and had later t reated with an Thul'l!day afternoon. December I, hold-u p. ' Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mt· AccoI'ding to hl R story, Binghanl aud Mrs, Charles hlipman, Mr. Xenia, and waa later sent to the unsterililed T8zor blade, Funeral at two o'clock at the home of Mrs, services will be helel at the colored F. B, Henderson. Election of park d hiR auto a short distance Warren County institution for Robert Chapman, of Columbus. above ~h e lItation on Route 42 be. Mra. Jane Wright and M~'t1. Julia care and atte~tlon. The body wall Ba'p tist church in Ilarveysburg, at officers and paf ment of dlles. 2 O'clock Thunday afternoon, ind , fore a~ uming his dlwui e. After broUifht bere, Friday, for burial Donovan spent Thallksg'iving with burial will be made in Miami Mr. and Mrs,' Oliver Davis, Mrs, the robbery, he returned to his Mrs. Elizabeth Baily and Mr. Fred in Miami cem.etery. cemetery. Nettie Kepler and Miss Rachel machine, and drove t() the vicinity John was a native of , North Deyitt. Mrs. Williamll is well known in Davis were enttlrtained at the of Wayne Pa)'k, wh lBre he dis. Carolina, and is survived by an thjs community, she anti her hus· home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demas posed of the outel' lothlng h e had Mr. and Mrs, Joseph B. Myers. aged mother and a Bister. who rethe in New Vienna, Thanksgiving Day worn, He 8ays that he later reo of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. sides in Detroit. Mr. LeMay IIpeak!! band ha"iq been t urned to tbe station in order to Ralph Graham and daugh ter, highly of hiB honesty, tIls generos- N. L, Bun.ell and farms for . -and-M • Oliver I 'earn It any suspicions as to his Barbara , Ann, ' of Detroit, Mi h" ity and his faithfulness. ~urvived by her Nettle Ker.ler and Miss Rachel identity were being- entertain ed. , were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. ===-=-==_==o:::::=:==.".,=~ Davis vi81ted their unele, Mr. He stated emphatically that this and Mrs. J. E, McClure, The WARREN S. BOGAN r= Charles Phillip8, in Xenia, 8atur- is his first and only offen e of the Graham remained until Sunday. Warren S, Bogan , an aged Bnd day. kind, although he admits having h\ably respected farmer, died at Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Thomall enMr~Georre Saylor, and sons, tried 1.0 sec ure the assistance of tertained the iol1owing at a family the ho m~ of hill son, Cha~lea Boran ilienda in othel' imilar projectJi. of De n, spen t Saturday 'With J , w 0 resides on the HarHs ~arm on ,Bingham. said to be a native of dinner, Thursday: Mr. and Mrs. V. artsock, rabbit 'hunting. the HarveYllbuq pike, ,Friday Dyke, of Dayton, Mr. and They report these animals scarce, Kentucky , has been employed by Ralph morning. He had been ~flUcted Mr. Chandl er for more t han two Mrs. Lowell Thomas and daught r with only niM. to t heir credit ~or with heart trouble &lid hardenin( years past, and hM always borne of Lytle, Mr. aTld Mr . Madi son an an cia, jJlunt. of the arterie", for yean. and had an excellent reputation for honesty Earnhart and son and Robert been confined to hill bed for allout Mrs. H. V. Walter, Mr. ancf MTB, and Teliability. His most intimau Thoma8, a month. Dan Walter, (.f Leban on, Mr. IIncl friends are inclined to believe hili ST. AUCUSTINE'S CHURCH The remains were takeD to the Mrll. F , B. Henderson.. Mrs. stAtefllent that thi is hi ~ first 0/Father French, Putor llome ot hll lon, Horaee Dogan, Kath yn Turn er and I90n Matthew. fen e of this nature. tord has cleared up hlscaseaugurs neal' narveysburg, SaturdayServielll will be held e~_ry , alter· Miss Louise Hendenon, Mr. alld At noon today, Mr , Huft'ord lltat- we)) for the next administration of weeki on Saturday 1II000nfnR, Mrs. J ohn Oons, Mr. and MI'S. E, ed that the young man would the sheriff's office in Warren coun ty C. Crane and children comprised a probably be arraigned belore Such prompt and efficient acti on ' in FRUY CHURCH OP CHRIST family party at the home of Mr. Ma~'o r Carey of Lebanon tor more cases would go far toward (Ua••aomiaatlona)) and Mrs. D. L . Crane, on Thurs· preliminary hearing t hi s afternoon. abating the prevalent wave of Cheater A. WWiam.on day. The celerity with whl,eh Mr, IJu'f- banditry and crime, we believe,
!;;;.r~;J...=-=-=':'=~=~===r======"'~==;:';"'=============:======:'!"'="",~==",,=~===:_;;;;::_=~_=_= __=::-.~~~~::~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
l:Ion . WtUiam U.,.haw of Atlanta Georgia, former Congrell8man rep. resentlnr the At)anta Dlltrict In the HOUM of Reprellentativel!l for four tean and the eandl~ate for president on the Prohibition ttdlet in the recent election! WI. the ~peaker at tbe meetlnL at the Friendl!l )leetin, Houlle, Thundal'
addre. WI. on "America's Greatat S.ttle." '!'he 'follqWinf were some of the 111Ih. Jirhts 0 h~1I addrelUl: "No individual or no naUoJl 'ner drl1lk its way to pro.perity, In other wordll you can't balance the badret with a cork ec:rew. "My course conc'rninr the eent pr_dential camp&lan hal been as strait a. a line. I am IltaDd In.. riaht now where I alwa)'ll have been all of th41 old I'one off after liquor lIundln" by the sober ' of my country. No maltAr how you voted iD the recent campalln, I lay this 1I'lth· out any biltAm.... tor thOle who did not vote a. I did' but I uk you • to band torether In ' the ,,,,t to aave the. }'outh of America the twenty-etrlJt mlllion ec:hool boy. .nd .trl. w,ho ha.... grown up uader the' tutetace of the wet metr6pol-
Ibn prIM.
Sunday will be "Clncinnat i Seminary Day," Unifted ..114 nine at 9 :80 a. m. followed by Lord's Supper and sennon. lIulllca) . peeial. alld addr_s b, studentll of Clnein. n,tl Bib~ , Seminary. Don't this. A.n ofFerinl' of fruits,' V....tabla, eanned &God. or tClod stuff of any kind will bl taken for the Seminar),. You are alwa,. w.rcome at thil cbureh, ---_ ST. IlAltY'S CHURCH
BeY. I . J. Sebae.lr, aeeto~ Seeond SUMIIJ in Aavent, De-
WAYNESVILLE iI... CHURCH O. Co IH",,- ..... ' Wedn":r.;. Blbl. .tudy and praler me at ':00 p. m. Jr. Choir practice at 4:00 p. m. Re,. ular choir rapctlee at 7 :4a p, m. Sunlla,: 81lDdQ ac:llool at 9:.80 a. m. 'Momi. . wo~hlp at 10:30. Epworth LeqUI at 8 :10 p. m. with B&rdln .. leader. Preacbtlll HfYI.. at 'I :30 p, m. At thJja We ,..11 .onUllue our _ad, of the cbaraet.-. .f tIM Twelve and wiD have for ... .~.. atudy: ' Juclal, tile ••• Who Might HaYe Been.
week at 7 :80 there wtJt ........ meetiq held In ttae ba.e....t .f
~I J
Leg Hold on Borrower.
On Tueada,
cember 4, Chu~ .ahool at 9 180': aermon 'I\d Holy Comm,nlon at 10:30.
tile eilureh, "Liquor baa no more place In tbe eonatltutloJl of 1111' eCluntr)' WAYIlUVILU au.CII aP than a ratt1emab hu in JOur CHaI.T habie. era.ne. (U........tIeaaI) "The Weta are now erJIa, for a referendum, they are UI Oheatu A. WID..... MtJdI&er . for a courtelY \Oote. in other ChDrob ' word. we ah01lld briSW out our 8uadaJ pr:ayer Irtr ad tit. kID It. never win a battle on. IDoh oa a
aak_ It._
Uncle Sam Getting
Whole Number 6042
h) A A I t I al' R • \ n, 1'50n, '\\ e "ey IIr·,ld son of MI', und Mrs. hlll'l es E. And 1"son, W8:! the tit'st victim of the local rabbit huntinK sea on, !lnd receiv~ injuricR that par,.. will maim him for life in ticulal'ly sad accidtlntth!\t 01.' urrell on the L. E: Hock it farm abuut noun last l'hursdu ,y The lad und ' f th h d t ih f t h IS '8 Ct' a gone 0 e al'm 0 hunt, had pal'ked their mac nine j the ~al'nyard at Mr. Hoc kett's home, and wel'e hunting in the field just above the tenant house • K that i occupied by W ill ,.I e eever 8nd family, Accord ing to the sto ry told bl' an eye witne s, 'ha,rle Jr. was a few J'e~t ~head of hiS fathe~ when a !'abbll,Jump d up . ome. dlst;allce ahead of both, hal'les Sr. allned hill gun at the ho'!' , lind was av· parently Uj' ing to hold .the sight anW the anilllaishouid get out of the range 01' his n wh n his hand slipped and the gun was di chlU'ged. The full chal'go strUck the boy' left leg about midway be· tween the knee and the ankle. 'liter ally blowing, away abou~ Lhree . inche or the bone, it is Baid.
ITEMS OF INTEREST REPORTED 'BY PUPILS OF PUBue SCHOOLS Mothnl Club Prolram The Waynesville Mothers Club will hold their annual reception lOl' the Wayne ~ville Scho ol t~chers at. the gymnasium on 'l)hursday, December lst, at e ight o'clock. The program will con.ist of a few selections by the school orchestra, a violin il~ lo by Wilton Hat;tsock, a recitation by Lois Jean Larrick, a piano 8010 by Evelyn J ohnl>, and Chrlstma carols by a grade chorus. This program given by 6th grade pupil will be followed by a lfGcial hour consisting of game8.
Franklin VI. Wa,nenil!e Friday, December 2, the three Wayn esville teams will travel to Franklin, and they wiIJ do their best to b ring home three victories, So far our t am has made an excelle nt showing and w expect them, to do s o again but we mt..t not expect them to do anything without support. Go to }'l'anklin, Friday nirht, see a good game and help the team to victory. ' 'J'he games start at 7 :30, Be prompt so that you mllY get a good seat. D. L, S.
---_.-*- - -
GIVES POSTAGE RATES FOR GREETING CARDS The fo llo wing bulletin, iS8ued by A , Til to n, Third Asst. P08tma~· tel' General, and recently received at the Waynesville po~toffice, is self-explanatory, ,and corrects a general mis understanding of some postal rQtes. "There appears to be s~me (lonfu'on on t he part of the" pu~.b~,I:~i,c~~_ _ _ __ 4as well as some postmasters respect to the rate of postage on Ctll'istmall-..an4 e,tftel gneting tmHsent undel' cQvel' of unsealed tinvelopes. "Printed gnleting cards mailed IJnde'r cover 01 unsealed envelopes are chargeable wiih postage at the third-class rate of l';i cents for each 2 ou nces or fraction of 411£ ounces, regard less of whether ad. dressed fOI: deljvery through post office boxes or general delivery, 0)" by city 01' rur«1 carrier; the 1 cent drop·lettel' rate applicable at nonlettel' carriel' oftice~ docs not apply to such cnrds in unsealed envelopes "Pri nted hri tmas and other greeting a I'd.; in unsealed envelopeK mill" beal' a simple written in. RCl'iption not in t he nature of per Bona) correspondence.. s uch as Sincer'ely youl's,' ' Merry Christmas 'Happy New Year,' 'With best wishes,' etc" together with the nallie and . aaaress 0 e en er and of a<ldressee, withou t s ubject.. Ing t hem to mOl'e than the t hirdclass r ate. "Gt'eeting cal'ds, sealed or un . sealed, bearing w"ritten messages other t.han th simple inscription! above men,tloned, as well as all cards sent Ill, sealed envelopes, are ChSl'g able With postage at t he first c1a!js rate of 3 cents an ounce or 'fraction of an ounce, Il.xcep;t when the I · cent drop-letter 1'ate applies.' Postmaste,' Hartsock .also ann?unces that the loea) ~08tofftce :V1.l! be cJQsed all day on December, ~6, 1932.. Ilnd ~anual'y 2, 1933, t he offic~a l hl'lRtmas and N~W' Yeal' Da.ys. T,he ~ural carr~er8 wlll make no dellvertes on elther of th ese ~~ __ ••_ _-:;.,_
Teacher. B.elfaat • Two of our teacbers, Mr. Brown and Ml'. Jamel!, have been unable to teach l'ecen tly because of illness The scbool sent each a bouquet of flowers as an expression (If sympathy and hopes for peedy recovery. Mrs. Charles Anderson is teach· ill&' Mr. James subjects 'in tbe upper grades and, Miss Thelma St. John is taking Mr. Browns place in the upper grades and Mr. W, JI. Harlan is teaching his High school subjects. . Junior Party The ,Junior lailS of W. H. S, will enterta'in t.he High Schoo[ with a party, December 22, 1932, to celebrate Christmall. ---HoW' tbe T •• c...... Spent the Tba ..lulh,i'rla' Vu.tion Mrs. Buerkle spen t bel' ThankR. g iving vacation 010 tly aL Lebaron Thanksgiving Day wa' spent at Urbana and aturday In Cincinnati MI'. Kyle was at home in eclar. ville. Miss Jean ette Fox entel'tained visitor~ from Wittenberg Oollege, Miss Heflkl e was 'at home with her pa re nts, ' Ml'. Hattielel spent Friday and Satu rda~ in Clevelan d attending the Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, Sun. day dinner was taken wi~h Dr. and Mrs. John Paul Bolton of Colum· bu s. Miss Robbins spent Thanksgiv .. ing at her home i1'l Franktort, ·Ohio Mr, Lott spent vacation at Forest, Kenton and Marion, Ohio, Mr, Hu1t'man at home in Co lum· Strengthened by , the addition bUll. 'Of much. excellent new !1laterial, Mr, Garst, visit'ing a roommate, who is an in terne at a ho.spital in much of it from the ranks of the Indianapolis, __ * ___ Cou nty H. S , champions of ' 1981 a.nd 19-32, the WAC Independent basketball team has been reor@on . "WI:IERE'S GRANDMA 1" ized for the current season. The The Friendship Class of the M, team haa taken. membership in the E. church ill sponsoring a play, Warren County Semi-Pro league, "Where's Gl'andma?", to be given comp~ed of Lebanon. Mason. at t he gym, Thul'Sday evening, De. Kings Mill., Fosters, Springboro cember 8. with Lhe followi ng cast: and WayneSVille, And will play all its league lames on f oreign /fOOr!! Grandma Virginia Hardin the firll,t , 0 these to be played at Gretchen Blake , Irma Rich Springboro tonight. It is POlIIible Bob Blake Gilbert' Frye that one or two exhibition gamel Jack Worley .. Henry Kyle be played at home before the Lucy King , Thelma St. Jobn c1oll41 of the HUOn. Arlit'le' Truedale , Elilabeth Fox Boyd Hepdertoll is ud Carol Worley , .. Beatrice Robltslr Ve", Am'" il Mldni,ht .. , Kinnison You. . whOle Dahlia .. , lira. Leonard Tinney Admill8lon 20 eenta _Dd 10 eeat.a 'A~.....,.. ';in.~a. Iltalllard w.~~:
WAC Balketball . 'Team Reorgamzed
:,\11'. Anderson immediately cnrri",j hi~ son to the machine, and bl'ought him to their home on Thi"d stred! where Dr, E. F. IJ ' ppc udminlst I'ed first aid. As ~OO Il U~ }Jos~ ibl , the victim wall Laken to Miami Valley hos pital in Dayt on, in th McClul'e ambulance lIel''', a bluod rallsfll ion was found n C~~~ I'y, du to the lad's weakened CQ Il(liticlJI Crom the great loss Irf bl o\III, !::Io n ait!! I' hi ~ al'riva\ at the hO!lJlital, the mangled fte:!h was reo moved fl'(/OI the stump but the ope ration wa~ not compieted, due to the wakened conditio n 01 the patient. B o, pital s urgeons ex· pected to complete the amputation in a se ond operation.at 11 o'clock this mOl'lling, Latest reports frllm lbe hospita l indicate II very satis• • factol'y recovery. The boy's right leg as also somewhat , prayed by stray t\hot, but to no serious extent MI'. and Mrs. Andel'Son have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire 'o mmunity in thes , their days of tribulation and calamity. They are to be congl·l1tulated. Il.owever, on the bravery and I rtitude of their i90r.. Although It Is known that he I" as Buffering intensely, tbe 1ad bore his pain with a toi~ism rarely found in one of s uch tender years. He gave more attenti n to the reo lief of hi s father' mental anguish than to hi own pain, repeatedly "eminding the latter that he could not help what hlld happened, and Lhat it might hav been much worll . harlcs i a bright and likable boy, a student in the sllVenth grade 01 ~chool, where he was fast bui lding a rellU Lation as an athlete, and was a gen ral favorite among his teach rs and mate. A.h'eady, his bright, cheerful disposition hall made him a Itl'eat favorite amonr the othol' patient!) and the ~ttend lints at the hospital. The surgeons expect hi~ hospital confinement to last about six weeks.
H.~""'.lIa'" M.
eel, Di riel chool a it Existed in Wayne 70wnship lor Years , By TilE HOOSIER --- 'ev ral m'w m n were Induct d Into tIffiN' II l11ember!! or th" board .11111 clerk, of the vpriou , 8ub·Ji~· · h t' Id.A prj'1 1" tl'lct~ lIt t he mel' t mg u J 72, Th n w m"lnbers wet·,, : Jua, E. Gibb., o. 3; eorge W. !lakin, 6; W illiam orlleH, 6 ; .Io,hu C. McKay. 8; Harris 11 Cord n, (gr lid! ther of OU1' ,)re t'nl township 1'1"rk, Leste!' '"t'qon), .'). 9; and Jona Jann y JI., No. 11. Uen Haines. cl rk nf N , 4. was <!hosen to aCI a~ pr IIidt'nt of the b<)ard for tb~' Vl'Ilr. Mel\.~r .., liaines, omell and a commi~tjann y . wer t' appointed Ant'n l'e mves IgP t tb lo • "'" I g ar rongement.~ in the vllriou;; lIub-dill.• 'vllerndne~'nd. 1 purch~·e a ,•":hl':"r Th"l:: snnd .."r'ou(!tl'n ,~ ""'~ ~ b ' •• 0 u Ine"" ceu p'I d the atl en t 'Io n 01 th board throughout the day. This seating committee rep rt d , t 1I0\l's lit the SlOptember 16 eeting III "You; onllllittee af.poillted at th me ting in April ast to Pf cure 'eats for sub.dl tr.ict school hou ';!!! have 'furnl hed ub-di tricts No.2 and No.6 with aid r quired furnitur a per bill • amounting t o $600,60, ie III per cent, net ,54046 · (W~ h;ve alsQ visited sub·district No. 10, whi~h we found in very ·bad condition. We recommend th al"he chool hou e be moved to • favorable loeati n, and the a more house h refitted." Pr viou to the reading of thi report the board had ~ ed on and paid the Toutine bit 8, so they forthwith adjourned 10r dinner. Right after dinner, they adopted Butterworth' motion, AS fol· J lows: "Resolved. that thre members of said board be appointed as a comlDittel' to designate a new site for hool hou e In ub-district No. ' 10, and upon auch site bing deighated by the committee, the local directo rs 01 said di trlct No. 10 are hereby instructed and directed to proceed to purchase aaid designated site, not to exceed one acre of ground, at a reasonable priee. and in the vent of their not being able to procure said vound by purchase then to ro ceed to eonaemn lli8id Irl'oun as directed by law. "~nd said local d iTecton are futther instructed and directed to pr~eed to move their school houle onto said site. and put the ~me in su itable condition to keep I!!cbool in without delay, "And furtller,that said local directors be alld are hereby !luthor iced and empowered to borrow a s uftlcient amount of money to pay lor aaid site, to move the old chool bouse and to make needed repairs in the event the fund8 in t.relUlurer's hands applicable to s uch payment be in.dcient, and t hat thel' pledire the township board for payment of aaid amount of money, wit" !l nalonable amount of intere8t not to exceed eieht perc~n( per annum. And that they repoTt their action at the next regular meetipe of the board.
Thl' l'lOat ing c mmltte wa 1'1.' . iuincJ to s~rvt! 11\ this cB~cily and by Jacilb Zell' motion, they were "ill,lruded to pr()cul·t! n(lw ~~a~ f(lr the -chool hou in sub·distric t o. 10. and thE' cl rk be auth rized t o draw an ordl!r in payment when ('ompl tcd. and, I: o. the local directol'l1 of said district put said new st1at.s in place. nnd the bill f01' the SlIm to b aid with theY (' pense of repairs in iel diatl'i ,t , A specjal called meeting was held, October 30, when, on moti on of J08. E. Cibb~, seconded by J . H. Z II. th lease 0'1 some g-round for the I'elocation ot the chool house in No . 11 wall accepted, the ground being lea e<l fr om William O'Neall. Tn cl rk was granted an order for $1.1)0 to pay for having th lease r cord d. hal'l s D. Woolley, (?tIrs. D. L. rane's father), wa the n \\' clerk who a umed charge of the record at the relrular me ting, .. held Aprll 21, 18 73. He had been elected clerk of the town hip and 8" uch becam clerk of the board, T~'o new local clerks. Ellis Ward I ' II d nd "I'n Jsoubb~d~'t~~'::o =~dre :~, ta b~t Allen Hainea, of No.4, waa cont.inued as pre ident of tb hoard
for the y ar. All of the bu .sines th y transacted throu~hou~ ~he entir year wa' 01 a pure1y r outine nature. New mem bers 0 f the board to be installed. April 2(l, 1874, were : Ab.raham hoemaker, No.1; E. A., Brown, No. Z; JoJdwin Chandler, N o. 3 i Amos Har tsock ,' No- .... Wm 'V, R, Hoel, No . 11 j and Cyrus Smith, No. 13. President Elaines wa.s once mOTe lected, The continuation fund was apport ioned to th e various sub-distri ts, the tall levies were asse sed, and routine bu si. ne wa taken eare of at this meeting. The Common hoo.! Fund as di tributed a follows at t he eptember 21 meeting: 1 -~102.'66. Z-$66.30; 3- $85,66; ~ $93.06: 6-$58.65; 8-$503 .44; 9- $78.44; 10--196.06; 13--,8 1.76. Just why districts 4 <Aod 11 did not share in this distribution is not explained in the records. Routine busine)JS occupied most of fhe time, but just read this: "It WIUI on Dlotion agreedtbattheele~k be inltructed to draw an order .on the treasurer and pa>u the ndte helq to 01 d by Mary Ann .,tump when ue, If _ab the "0 ••,." Can you imagine 'anybody not wantinl' the money due them? The baerd allowed the clerk $6 for hisllemoel!!. A lot of new members put ill an appearance at the April 1.9, 1876, meetinc, so that the ne,,, rOlter read: I, J. B. Rogers ; 2. Jeue P. Butterworth; 3. Edwin Chandler; 4, Allen Haines: 5, R. F. GauH: 6, Georre Vetter: 8, J. C. McKay ; 9. ~. S. Smith; 10; John R. Lincoln: 11: W. R. Hoel; \8 j Cyrus ' Smith. President Haines contjnued in office. Mr. Woolley ftled a new bond aa clerk. and Samuel W. &.,el'B filed bond in the !Sum . ()f $8,000 as trea8ure:r. 'J:helatter'. bondsmen were his father.
Joseuh ROKers, WI' II iam R UlCe l'. TOI11.J. John '0 11 found guilty llllli JOI'I J::Vlln!<, (II II t' iudi tl1lcnt ,d 8j{llinl;t him Tht, fomilirll of William Hobl II and ~ nll.'n('l'c\ () ~ 'I·VI.! (rom 1 to nnd l<'I 'anklin Thoma!! wert.! trt\n~- l5 y\!UI-~ ill thl! Ohi(l penilentinry. ferred to Sugar Creck town. hip, 1Il"ri('k Wrl .. ht'\\lI,~ foun d IPuilty '" indlctm..'nt filud , ... him Cl'e n c,lunty. for ~chuvl pur- or the Ilguinst poses. Ml'sdnme;; Churle. Rye. and was s 'nlenccd to !lcne f1'()m Viola Cnr!')', J<aune, John~. lint! I tIl 15 rear in lh Ohio p 'nih~nL lit r K nrick and Jess p, Thom · t infY. 8 were members of this lalter Ralph H. Sinll('J' \\10" found family, I l f , om dissatisfaction musl haw m und wu. Ne lll'lIeed to pny Jin e :lrip,en in regard to th~ munDer of of 11100 alld cost;;" . purcha. ing new gchool ~eR lI, CllI' In Ihe ell,.~e uf The P('oille's we find the fQllowing )' solution: Buildinl<, LOllll 111111 a\oingR 'om"Re olved, thnt no seats shall be puny VCI'l; US 1.. nil Ha~ mlln, ct ul. .:ontrllcted for in any sub-dislrid. ,ollfirmulilln, del'l u nd distl'ibuI-n thl' to-'nah l'p unle authorized I io n, .. a alB l' gular me ting' by 'this bOllrd In t!l(\ ea, {' I.f ,TO${'I)hin Bailey Llere's snothe.· l'it of cost.savin'" " .. r. Ul\ . . Ri.lnl'Y Wl'st UV(,I'. tIl ,10L. u " , legi lation: "On mvtion. th {'Iel'ks f ntlunl IUl ~ ktwe to file his unf dl'~thrl·" t·, that use coal h.. in- ~ \ll' l'. ~ n structed to huve Allen Halne fur1n the ~ea~(' (I f Mildred F. ,'eoni h said coul all at the am(' tim , field, II minllr. I Yl'al's (~( agot', I)y ~It wh(l lesale rflt • . " Pearl Jo'rct'zt', her moth r and h d t h n"xt frl'clld, \'el'S,'''~: l~lllt" ', "'\ B. T Is rep rt WO R rea a t ' . . .."" - ." Septembel' 20 m eeting ' "The com- Scufield. n mitICH', 1'~I'Iidillg with bis . , t d. ' 'ne hous fnth r, Clinlon A. l~ ofield. di. Rllttee IlPpOlll . ~o expml d "I in tH~tI'iCl. 1 o. 1, a, .j an 1 Vl)rce \\'II ~ gJ'ant('d th plaintiff. have visited said hue lind fin d rn the as of nn,R Marie' Baker ~hat N . 1 n eds 25 "leWd slOaNt ; N40. v l'SUS Elden Bllkl'l', a divorce was ". no new " eat~ n~t ~ N °' 11 ' ~fa~~~i~ thrhirJ~i.~tlfF\\,~~d ~~~~It~~ S ot. in lCC)od con Itl ond:' ,0. d' l,jnl'ntl'/T. , d !jellts old and in ba con Ilion, nn 'We think s hould have new 1\ at." I1atq hattuck WIi S found g~dlty The report was received and the of the indictment fill~ against him committee discharged. the mem- and ,I'D se ntenced tofrOnt 1 to 5 b rs receiving $2 each Cor t heir ye t·s in the Ohio P\mite ntiaI'Y. llerVI'Aes. ," On motl'on, th clerks of 1n th e case a f ... o\'a 0 !'bol'll Nos. 1 and 1 .1 were tn tructcd til Ifardy Vet" us Aa ron Osborn, lOt ai , l'eseat th ir chool hou se, and cer· iUs ordered that pm·tition be mode tity the amount to the clerk of the f pl',operly ocsc riued in petition boar(1 and be au thorl' ztl<1 to I'S~UI'l ~ ~ ()rders for th same!' That's how Ne w Sulita they observed their resolution adopted at the spring meeting. James H. MO"I i, 'versu J hn T, Jonas Janney Jr •• clerk of No. ll , ElUs. FOt, money. lI ucceeded Allen Haines as pr(,!liThe itizena Building L n & dent of the town hip board at thlO 'aving. A soc-iatlon ·ver US T. G. meeting held April 17. 1876. .Hill enbrand, et al. FOl' ~el onal After the bill s had been paid anJ Judgmer,tt f oroclo UI'~ appollltr~1ent a Jew oth r minol' matters had reo vI receiver and eqtlltab)e rel~cf. ceived attention, "the ,following Jos ph May an~ Anna Bralgan petition was then read, and. on versus Lo~la Robm son, e~ al. To motion of Allen Haines, was re- contest wl.lI .and oth r rehef. ferred to a committee. with inJohn WIlIu\ms vel'sus Sebastian structions to investigate and rt:port 'a t an adjourned meeting at Wayn esville on the 1st Monday of Rhodes Obediah }Io ulks. . W. TMhaeY ' pnreelCsI.tlenatt °apnpeo,.on'~elodCkasP·thmat· Rh odes, A. Foulk , Bed ent Baird, a arah E. rispeD, Wm. H. Duke. committee, Cyrus Smith , Edmon d Josh~a Simons, All~ert ,tat Y H. Throckmorton and J. R. Lirlcoln. J. NltkeJson, J o I l~. SmIth. f. S. Raysvill\!, 0 .• April 1'7,1876 Baird, Jam H • Morris, Jacob "To the Honorable Board of Lan b It f Wh '· ' V'II' .L Educs'I'on of Wayne Townshl'p, . l, U us hne¥. 1 lalll • Rudd, .fohn Brown and William Warren ,County, Ohio: Duke. "We, the undersigned petitionAt the adjourned meeting, held erll, pray your honorable body to on May 1, the pedal committee divide su b·district No.4 so as to reported as follows: "W~, the make a new district out of the undersigned committee appointed territory lying Bouth of the south by you have e>;amined the terri. lines of the lands belonging to tory comprising disi,rict o. 4 and Cllarity Carmon (formerly Samuel report favorable to a divi ion Montgomery) and Samuel Cornell t here9f. (igned) ,1. R. Lincoln, and such other ,territory a your Cyrus ' mith, E. Throckmorton honorable body may think proper. Com." All of ~hi.ch we respectfully ubThen up popped the inevitable mit l;Ie.hevlnr that t h.e cause of counter petiti(ll' : educa~lon and .hu~e,n:~y demands "To the Board oi Education of an action of. thIS klR~. Wayne Township. Warren County The petibon was Signed by Joe- Ohio: , ' iah Hough , Henry Staey. Thos. E, "We. tbe undersig ned citizens Kine. Stephen U nderwood . Allen of sub-district No . 4 in Id J;lsbert. Jeptha Lamp, J. B. remonstrate against a I
Have been cleaned and you haye and shed to gather dust and rust until Ilpring house cleaning, when they will 'be taken out, cleaned aU over again .nd put back to again eather dust and rust. Mos·t of these articles could be
' ad~ertieed in 'the Gazette, and possibly we 'could sell them fOT twiee their worth. Dig thill stuit' out /lnd try to sell
it. IIi will pay.
Rob rt G. the estpt.e of C!ceRsed, Will! approved. A cel'tift d copy of the entTy determining th inheritance tax to be paid on the estate ot Daisy Dych e Maple, dl'cea sed. is to be eel'tifted WI' th ou t de Iay, Harry llartfielter WllS appoi nted ' {Ott0 H ar tf e ItHer, ,?on!liua~; d !anDo tineu In ayton tate 0 PIta. l ." . t now I'e lull\g a ml' I'I t ary home, Indon. Ind., Up"n the resignation of R. n. Remark. Anna N, Hatfield. administratrix of ~he esWt te of George W. Nichol. d u.1 fil d h . t 811l1. eee Stll', e guardian er mven ory Minnie te wart, of lurion Gard. Jr., minor. tiled her s('cond account. The stlite of ora Carnahan, decea ed, i exempt from inh ritance tax. ' John W. cull and L. Earl Thompson were a·ppointed administrator of estate of Emma J , cull, deceased, alld filed bond ()f $1'0000 'th E C M ' .. , WI nger" and J. ornson, French Betsl Lee T hompson as ureties. Frank Stitt, Harry McVay and T. F, Bel'caw wei's a )~oin ted apnra" s r I er .Nationa l Th' 1 ebanon-Cltizel\.8 Bank & Trust. 0., administrator of, e. tnte of Josephin H. WOl'ley. deceased, filed.it inventory. George P . Gates, admini trator of estate of W. A.Early, dec:ea ed tiled his inventory. Anna N. Hatfield was appointed administratrix of the est.ate (If Ccol'g W. Nieh~ o n, deceased, and fi) d bond of ,11,000 with Herbert Hatfield and Leola H. Thompson as 8ureties. S. L. Mont. gomery Ed Thompson 'and Waltel' Rockhill w re appointed appraisers The adjudication and determina. tion of inheritance tax \)n the e. tate of Daisy Dyche Maple is to be given tO' all persons Intere ted . It !a ordered the certain real es. tate In the estate of sarah Louisa Jes op. deceased, b transferred th d 1- t f th upon e up Ica e 0 e county. D. A. Young, guardian of Freder. ica Crawford. Incompetent, tiled his first and final.account . Bessie T. Raney, was ap'j0i nted IIdmini tratrix of eitate 0 Clyde H. Haney, deceased, and filed bond of $1000 with the Fidelity and Deposit Co .• as surety. C. E. Demitt E. A. Ludlum and ' A . J. Scheure; wer appointed appraisers. • Marria •• Lie_ ....
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Ohio stands lIecond to none of her lIillter IItatell in the matter (rf afet)· control. In a citation to Highway Directur O. W. Merrell from national \!x~rtll wOl'king in the field of afety control t hc state' mci ntlt marked highway sy tem is deacri ed as a model of p1'oper traffic regulation . All point of hllzol'd on t he ~tatl/ routes &Fe designated by standard warning sigl1s which ~n'e ,d illtinctive and ,"sdlly under to()d. These shapes and their uses are a follows: . - ircular- IndicaUnr rai ll-oud cl·ossing. 2. ctogotl- Jnuicating "Slop" 3, Dlam01ld Shape _ Indicating ".lflw" I
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Drawn , • E ...... S.ul.d WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
. 4. S(luareJndicuting "Caution '.
All wprning silfn ha ve black legends. on gl'ound Thea lemon yellow yellow is u cdback. for WAYNESVILLE, OHIO wal'nin" signs only. All Othel' signs Phone 80 Bank Bldg. are bla~k on white. In the country k d' I f mar ers ar space at lnterV8 80 approximately one mile and at; . t roa d In ersec t'Ions th ey ar eccc t e d about 136 f et beyond and facing th intersection. . A change in the direction of a ~~u1ey aut ,!~:~;:ri:c~~~~~~:nO~ctht; inter ection with a small plate im. mediately beneath bearing tbe letter lOR" or "L" to indicate whether the tUl'n i to the right or to the left. The advanc ind ication r:If a c hange III ' d 'Irect'Ion .IS ' con. th:med by a marker with an an'ow below it imlll ediately a,t and o n the fylir side of the intersection. "-t t' f stat 0 rou t cs or In eraec Ions 0 United States highways in t he cou ntry are marked by tandard:: "Junction" signs erected in adfal' side of the intersection. Several hundr d red reflector signals have been erected for night signals at points of more than ord inary hazard, such as sharp turns, etc. White center lines ate painted on the roadway around curv s over hill at approaches to railroad erossing . and at all other hazards where traffic should keep to t he right. xc pt on concrete pavement. when black center lines are
-============== _ _ _ _ _ __
cUes~te~ntint:~~l~! :~~kepl~i~is !,~~e ~
ill is not safe to .attempt to pas!! a ear ahead. Keep to the right of tile whi lin on. curve and over hill .
Sml·ll'n· Charlie Savs-, Onlv $1.00 ." _ ...
Jor , _ Wb.... , . , . 2& bit I..un. Bub"'r1~ DOW .... .."tll ...... )'oll
Howard M. McCl une . meat cut. ter, of Mason, and Misa Mildred A. ramer, beauty operator ,(If Mas n. , _ _ __
ComWalter C. Anderson and vision in said ub-di said to, nshi." A. parently, ."''''S:.j~?..!'TF'''- E. Leroy. Real estate in • I er pe I loners were not 0 deepIy interested' · in "t.he cause of Ond P. S'pahr and Bertha educatinn and hunmnity"). Spahr to Catherine BaJlin&,er. 92 The remonstrance was signed by acres in Salem townahip. , . W. J . Carmon, Henr y Denlinger, J. R. Law to W. H. Fulkert.h. Geo. W. Murphy. J ohn T. Githens, In10t No. 66 in LebllD,on. H. JC Sides, Geor~ Bowker, L Alma ijegner to Wiiliam H, W . Janney. Samuel L. Janney, Beekley. 10.89 a<:res in Deerfield ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Thos. Goodell, John Carmon. towns hip. James' N. Thomas, Oliver ThQmas, Louis D, Brace to Mary Ann W. B. Kenrick. I. H. Davis, F. M. Brace (nl ot No. ' 147 in Franklin. Pugh, T. S. Kenrick J, A. Githens. Charles Poe to Welby ~cGaba ,D, B, Cox, A. Cox, ,M.' Pugh, and Vesta McGaba. Inlot. No. 116 Albert Cornell, Albert Havens, ·A. in South Lebanon. C. Mullen, Miche Geiger. James Gertrude L . Mitci)eU to William Anderson, Albert Wilson, Rush .Edward Blair. 10 acres in TU1·tleKeaver, Geo. W. He nkle, W. C. creek township. Wil.son / Aaron Cox, A. Keaver, E. Board of Trustees of The SociaJ.. KenriCK, C, K. Jan ney, James M. viUe Methodist Episcopal Church Chenoweth. John B.urgdal1, J. G. to .Cleveland and Henriette 1\(. Haines. Jacob Haines. J. W. Clark, Scott. Real es~te in Soc;alville, Horace Clark and C. R. Morford. R. C. Holt' to Ohio Central TeleWe quote thenE:xt two para- ph one Corp. The use of real estate g rap'hs 'If t he records: in Union township for lines , L. Smith m ovl~d an adoption Lucy , Winfield, decea8~d. to of the repo rt of tlhe cOJ:lltnittee. Fran\< Winfield et al. Inlot ~o. 28 which, after some discussion was, in Morrow. " qn motion ot A. Haines, so ametld. Frank Winfield, et ai" to Jennie ed a8 to make t he south line ' of Ford. Inlot No. 23 in Morrow. Ch 't C ' d C C 11' arl y aTmon sail , orne s Bill. AlIo..d lands to the lands formerly owned I by J ohn Graham the east line of J . J. Vanderbring, repairs, $1 i said 8u ~·d istrict, lej~ving the said C. L. Duke It Son, evergreens ana Gl'8ham·s lands in district No. 4. labor, '10; Penn A. Morton, servo "On motion 01 A. Haines the ices, $70; James Follen. ,senices, new su b-district is to be designated "16 S P d· •• C I' '" ; anco ro uc... 0., SIlPP lei No.7, and the clerk wa~ instructed ,4.09. C. Donald Dilatush, r,nt for to give notice to the qualified elec· o.fIlce, ,20; Treasurer .of State, tors of said district to hold an elec- board and ClLre ot patients, $3194 •• tion to elect three clirectors there· 81;, Charles Hobson. !lerneell '10., f t th e 1et IT.. -~ A ' S II K '1. o , Il I II)U ugu st next.' te a elly, services, $10: ''''aMes But the tigilt ",elnt merrily on. Hatfield, services, $10 ; lulia Ho~. Th e pl'e~id ent cal"~d a special Sland, ae.r vlces,. no; lirs. Howard meetmgo ~t the tOWllShip house 'on a~)'er, serYl.ces, .7; MOlT0.w June 3rd for the pprpose ot " tak- Whitacre, servICes, $5; G'orIPa ing Into considerat'ion the pro- Miller, serv ices, ,10; Erma Hlbna.. pri ety of l'eseindinll: a pOTUon of Rervieel, $10; Albert :Milliard, ae" the resolution in reference to icel $10' Richard L Wlllla dividing join t sub-district NQ, 4. serv'ices, '$10; Comm'ilBioner mo~ and anY' other business t hat might Clark County" care of patient, p ro perl y eo me up ," ~ 108.60 ; Woo d row·W eil·Stanage "On motIo n, of L. S. Smith, so Co., supplies, $36; Woodrow-Weil. mu ch of the resolution as .re~erred Stanage Co., Supplies, $10; L)'le to th~ ordering of B.n election f or Blank So ok Co., warrents for audithe ' organization of a new dis· tor, $160; Waldron Gilmour, in. trict 'Was rescinded. motion. the quest, $7.90; Frank Sherwood Co., clerk was instructe to notify the supplies. $1; Sam D. H'e nkle, exboard of education, of Washing- pense!'. $103.08; Stakalta Mfg. Co_ lton township, Montll:om ery county supplIes, $7.50: John Myers, pay tl nd (Sugar Oreek to\vnship, Greene roll, n06; Floyd Lemm~nl, pay county, of t he actio I'll of this boud roll, ,95.50; Joe W. DaVis, pay roll and . on motion, W, H, Duke and $171; V. W. Tomp!dns, pay roll, J osiah H ough were requested to $96.251 E. D. Jones, pay roll carry said n otice('l to said boards!' ,284; ....den Terry, pay roll, $359= The Washington township board A. T. Rettig, pay roll, $178; Char: (Centerville) sent the fol1owin~ les E; Bradbury, pa)' roll, '180.50; Teply to the September 18 · meet- S. Wtlkerson, team $4; Clem Balding: "The resolution of thill board win, pard rail posts ,80' }....!b~l.non setting Davis Wha'rton over to Lumber Co., district No. 4 beinlr made tem· Spencer, porarllYh and at tnel requellt of ruard Said Warton, and havlnar been ~I(~~=~. rellcinded SOIM five since, we y therofore consider n(l ~~I:;':!';~~~ juri~dlction in the Ii re.-. ...... dividing territory eount)', the county tween U8 as we unlde:rsl:allid tbat you h.,ave side." In plaia EnllrUjlh of our bUllinlWl; owaAlh ( 0 be eOIl'~.I1I")
THE HOMES· IN THIS . SECTION put a'lot 01 leftovers ih your attic
D. P. Carnahan, adminwualor the ostate ot Cor. Carnahan, ('eased. iiI d hla first and final count. j.'ai~y Lee Baker, ruardilln of Juanita al., IIccount. mino"" tiled ht'I' fir tBaker. lind et final 'I'h will of Lottie L. BIlI~nell, dl'cellseti, was filed in court. Dora CaJ-nahan, IIdministl'atorix of th e~tat. of Laura M. Jones ri I t.'I e d her inventorlY. ' decease. Th,' In\'entOl'Y of W. heater Maple, xecutOr of the estate of DlIisy DYMC Maple. deceased. wal! ved b the
.. We allus had ~ idea that affection
that wuz worth damas!es couldn't b~
alienated - - - -
The succea$ful 'farm organiza~ion has 'a definite objective pOSS ible of obtainmellt, chooses its leaders carefully, diseeminates facts about the organization to its membershif' and builds .. program that wi! meet the real needs of farm people.
============;;;;=:= .,
...... c:
wold ServIce Statl~n. servlc,es, 90; F. ~. Butterwlck, repalJ'B, J . W. LJl1go Hllrware Co. p 4 and Tepain, $167.95; J, "'~~_'.A~ cement, $28.60j J . K. W"r:'TED gra'vel, 1.2 •. 10; Lebanon Co?~eratlye Co., cem~mt , $1 • SPEOIAL TREATMENTS-RemPhilip Helsel, pey roll ,26.50J _ orrhoids or Piles a Syecialty • Dakin, pay toll, 1189.50; H , V i Schuyler, pay roll. U83.50; AIR\> Varicose (enlarged ens d II and leg ulceril. COllsultation tree. Cbarles E. Bra bury, ro • Cons ult Dr. E. M. Steel, Masonic! $3'.5'0; V. W. Tomp Bldg., Wilmington, Ohio. jll\ ' l,"oll, $58; Mason Lumber pail'S, $72.011; Simpson & lumber, $388.30; Lebanon Lumberl FOR SALE Co" repairs, 164.711: J . Henry __~~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _-'-8 sa H S C IUder, $31i ' . ; • , on over, r'OR SALE- 2 burner ;()il 8tove. ~uppJies, $77.60: Leb.,non Farmers Used only a short time. Inquire Cooperative Co., cement, $11.40; at Gazette Oftice, Oregonia Bridge Co" estimate, $2500.261' Bllldwln Law ,Pub. Co" Ofllee Outfittel'l!. FOR SALE- 6 black Gilts and a .Big Type Poland Ohbia. plies, $5.80: Johl,lson Watson W.boar B. i oy, R. 4 Wayn esville ·nSOi supplies $12' O"'ce Outfitters l' e8 '06' Leb'" P tr' t FOR SAL Poland China Gi1ts~ SUPP 1«:8 t • • , • anon a to. Bred. A, L. Kin&" ·n2~ advert~s!ng, $18.60: We, tern Star, advertlslnr, $18.60, Heles·Huddle- FOR SALE- Poland China mal& pigs. E . Evans, Phon" 470R. ~on, extra work, $$.60; J, W. Shu. .~'Z: mard, guard rail posts, $40.
THE COUNT Y PAPER SPEAKS J a m tht' olde t bus in\'NI in thi!'
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
t own ; Old mills have bee n abanduned ; I pl:'rsi!lt. Old hou ell,' old hot el,; o f ~rel1 t reo D.L.CRANE I S"b.c.l.tioa Prlc.. '1.10 • r B, Mr.. J~ •• ie B. Tripp nown • 30 Yflarll Experienee ID Oftic. Pho.. ..... "'" No. 112 E rtle r l'd ..t po.tortle. at· W .. yne.· Ha ve g on their wa y, bjlt I , I vi ll e. Ohlu••• Sel'ond Clas8 Ma ll FltUn.r· and Making Gla_. RI.i~c . .......... .. N o. 111 Matte r till e ll i t; OL M IH S - 'umpl,ele uffi cia l po n my inky pages th er e appea r Wh en I J(ot ur this morni ng I' tUl'n~ lIf the hILI? I!lj) tlo n. a n· T he tory of t his pla ce th rough. ] bega n to whe ~e. an d ;mepze, n'Ou nclld by ',!cl'eLlil'Y o r Sta te NOVEMBER :10. 1932 u~ tlte yea l" ~. L.b.Don. 0.10 I be ni fur warll. I h"nL backwll1'd ' Iar 'ne J , BI'own. giVE! }{voscvelt "Till r gn' w W k in the kn ('8; a plurality of 74.016 und Governor TII~Y. Tbur.cIa" S.tllrd. y to ld of youth and war, of g irls My n l).~e IlIuk " d likl' Ii bunio n W h it~ l!02,675. fleel" lI ry Brow n Ex.min.tion Fr •• who wed, An d my eye were watery, brl'. announce" t he tOUlI vClte east in Of rich and pOor ali ke. of t hi ef LEBA NON, OHIO , Plea! e XCU8 mt' .imlt a mom nt; the stale al 2,644,079, the large On e 01. th e pl'inc ipa) iRSUllS of th e late co.mpaign 8 11 'in For 1 havl' Lo !lneezl! once more. on For Li('ut n:ani a nd ge. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. And how they li ved- th ough mI). t Ievery campIlJg n, wall aid fo,. t he t'ar merA. All sort s of poatent me,dl~!t{l-,es-l·---~ ~--.~o€itm:r=u:o:--+n,~J· ·-blmf~.....,&wyer. De-rR~at, of t he m ar e dead w e ~e offe rc.d. and no do ub L a great many agricul t urists who take thei r a Il lul'ality U\'''' I' . Lee R. Palmer Wh ile ageless t am of the prespoh~i 8 SCL'l ously, are exp'ccting somethi ng in the next adm lni tratio n An d the buUu n ~ eln m)' garmentR !:I.42~; (il'urg!' S. 1YI!r .• Dem t tl pull 9 fi nanci al ra bbit ou t of · Uncl e Sam's plug hat and su lve t he Wilh each outbU I'st, oil! l(iVCl t'I'ut, had u plurality ol'er Geo rge e nt I.lge; ~Ilrm pro ble m over night, But these a~rkultu ristJs will be disappointed way, '. Bradl!n 1'01' !')~CI'l~t.aI· Y f /::)tate Man' varied a -t have a lwa ys b en my textJI!st as t hey hav!! .been disappo inted In t he past. when they have ex. T'vB been ulowin. wheezing, of 43,S :HJ; Jo. eph T. Tracy, R • What happen ed long a lta. an d pected some I)a ten t remedy to pull t he m out o! thei r difficult ies. sneezing. publican, had !l Illurulity uvel' ",)l at rom next. Fo rt un ately, however, a ll ~arme r8 are not waiting for a magic All the blollmin' live long day; URni IE. Butlel' f01' tatl' Auditol' \ govern rn 'ntal c ure fO I' t h4) depression. Some of them are doing th eir The last buttori ju. t w(>nl flying of 44,4 II.; !lany '. Day, Uepublistill best to h Ip lhemselv III by cutti ng COl'lts and expenses and usi ng every A nd my Cal'tllsfI is onl1l·e. cut! had a ))Iu rality IlV r Joseph T. Though I am old. in trut h can say effor ~ to , ol,:e the prl?b. ms on t he far m, After all the ave rage fu mer I will have to hold my clothe on Fergu son fOI' Treasuret· of tate, Nothing can be 0 nea rl y up-t o. in Pit of hiS pes I rn~ . t il! utterlm ces, i an optimj t. F ol' he (Joe a heaej With cotter.pin8, a nd baling lIf 52,33]. For A ltoI'll €-)' General dote; yell: after y ar pla,nlmg the crops n whi ch h e says he is los mg mone y wire. John W. Brickel' received h opm g! that somebme he wil l get ut of the l·ed. . . At· hoo.p·o. 1,192 , I 5 vote while his Demo- Both yest rda)'s 8lld morrows [ urvey. cratlc oppon nl, nobert S. Duff y Fa rmt;rs hav';! noLJet ?o wn on lheh' own eft'orts during th heat o! me folks tell me I've hay fever pollod Of ne'er·do-well an I t hose of 1, I 2,097. TilL gave t he cam pa ig n which Wlls Jus t ended. Some time ago a r epresentative '(l B high estate. 0 '( the ·U. S. 0 pnrtmMt oC A g ricu ltu~'e after a survey of co nditio nH ut ['m her(' to Ray it ain't. Bl'lck(>I' Ii plumlity of 10,088. in the Middle West. aaid: ' And this awful ·n(!('zing. \ neezr lived hecause I served, a n d still shall live ing, . The count ( 0 1' nit:cd ' tates ." M id: W,est Ijl rmet;s are waging a finish tigh t to keep their outgo b low t heil' ID(Omea. Vegetable and fl'ult gardens a re .again fa hiona. Wou ld ry thl' . patience of !\ Senator givQS the 1)I'eSE!l1t incum· Becau ~l1. f all ] have. to all I Phone 78J give! bl.e. They ar taki ng' no chances with the family f oo d upply. F ar mers saint, benl, Hobert J. Bulkley a plul'ality \\' 111 !lla ugh ter alld cure m ore meat this year than in an y yea r since Bla t it all, It's growing, trongel' of 166,343 ove l' hil' Republican - Bristow· Adam!! war. bbages. carrots, lUrnips, squ a sh .. nd fru it will be carefu Lifts me t h ree feel from the upp onent, AHorney (leneral Gil· stol'cd in the cellar. The wood lot is already yielding new stacks flool·. II rt Beltman , FOI' ungres man·at Egg laying experiments indicat e stove wood to l'epel the attack of Old Man Win ter. Th e tarmer is Wait a moment. thel'e' ~ one COIll· luge 'hurl es . Truax, (0) led the that a hen laying 160 egog a yeaf i ng ticket with 1,206,631 votes; is worth approximately t hree cu lling right and left. Be is culli ng un profita ble .ncres, unpro fi ta ble cows, u nprofit able hens. Everything that d oeSn·t. help to balance th e 1 ju. t have. to snee? on e more. Stephen H. Young, (DJ 1.200.946; timps n much as a hen t ha t lay~ budget goes in10 the di card. Nevel' be fore ha~ t here b ee n such carefUl At.Chop-o.o. George H. Bendel', (R) ],00 ,662; 100 eggs a yea r. R~r u tl ny of f a. rrn xpensel5, and never be fore "'dve t he farmers made T Ilerc' s a wllter 1a II just pouring L.h' T. P 1m r, (R) J .1-02.567. L\." ;;uch a ji .. ht to ,pet a little mo r e of the co nsu m l"S do llal". Neighbors Ie f Ju St'leI! ,llpl'llme (', OU 1't, C81' I '" ., In a tor rent from m" no.·e ' , · V' U TA dt ')603 4 Ie alTlng . t 011 a l'e coope l'lItin"" in th e ownershi p and u ~e' of the lal'g· e~'am' pl· ece~ . ' of I ~ Inl"J""'~ I"'''' ..'Mil to ~ wol'll out, tire.) and frizzled T ...M~ygnn h II ,.836 •.')·6 , Th 1ll 8chin el'Y. ltain ,v days in 1932 81'e th r ift days-days t o re pair hal'n". A d ' ai'" a • , .,~. e I. J'A Il'l-I"'IO ' n .. . n by bOllk, looks like a l'OR, St't t 'l\l na I vo t e wa . vL e. l, v "3. 61n· a nd overhaul machin ery . The horse is winning '-ck the D hort. haul]' d I u ", " .tllltNN ()Ol'nluN 1" .P. .4!l "" ~ m 80 izzy. a nd . 0 dazzled, N I 01)6 55 bll~ineSIl bectlu~ the fa rmer fi nd that a !lCOOP of oats and II few fo rk. ·Everything . to me looks blu : 0". _ ' _ __ . ennis fu l ~ of hay grow n on t he fa I'm a nd f d t o a good hors supply the P leu$e, excuse me :tor Q moment, The vot f or Judg'e of t he J 880 P VII. Caee No. HUO H ere'<\ another one. Supl'emo ou r L ("ho l' t Ileno ) was .11.01 II Ennl., et /II .. c hcnpe t fue l a n.l power for so me of t he farm serv ices." At.Choo.o.o. u. follC)w: Frank W. Geige r , Now winte l' is a ~ ha nd and t he Cl'O P S have' been g'at h red. More Dy \' Irl II I! "t an order or II Ie dUh' tl'om aid ourl, In l he a.bov·. lSl'mtol'M nrc PI'upar ed t de~e nd on th emselve fo r t he wintel' tha n Wa! - - - -- - - - . - 777 .041 i Will P. tep henson , l88ul'lI ('.1111". and to medlr ('tpd. Iwlll 060, 97; fu ll tel·m. Willi am P . olul"d lh ea e a f ew yea r. ago . It"ventuall y these individual efforts are going o rr .... rOI' 8alp, by way or publlo to count, The ral'm r will not always be broke and depressed. He will arveya urg Henderson, 620.520; :harles H. aUNlon on the pr mt8e', In \Va:\'<:ome b8ck.- The Rep ublicaJl Bulletin. Hubbell. 323.401l; Th oma s A. nuvllle. Warren cou ntl' hlo. Un
Cary's Jewelry Shop
He Iping Ourlelves
ROOT FOR AND CONS,elN Cattle, hop, .hllp and eal~.. Norris-Brock Co., Iivi wlr. . .~ progt;eJ!sive firm for the hlall... market p ri ces and good "rYl... Stock
CiQCi. . .tI, O.
e in on Radio Station WCJ(Y 12:25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daU, market r ep orts.
F.' ·r. Martin I-=-~====~~ Auctioneer
Or No Charge
.Centerville, Ohio
Director of Fu •• ral S.nici Ou r conven ien t location, . uita. ble s urround inga and equipme nt enables us to Serve to th e Belt Advan ta ge. AMBULANCE SERVICE
MOllday the 6lh day 0
PIaoa. 2i
Stanley &Koogler
Dec mb r,
A . D .. \93 2 at Z o'clock P . M. on A !'ono,men have rece ntl y d etected signs t hat t he inhabitant s of has, Madd n was a bu Ineas Jon , 71)3.217; Edwa ni S. Ma t. ~al(l (IlLY. the foll o w i n g de"crl b ed visitol' in Xenia T uesday. th iRS, 842,1!1 i harleel B. ZimJESSE STANLEY M ara were ell d eavoring 4l.ttract t h e atten tion of t be p eop Ie 0 f our menna n. 7i ,67 0. New ly elected rflnl Pll iate. to·wlt : In th Count y or "\'arr en )anet. ,Perhaps they hav a bonll issue on sa le.- al t Lake ity Mr. nnd Mrs. hllS, I 11 . Gra y and t..'1te {J fficilll will take offi c' t he In ooHiluated P •••• 320. NI. B.rU•• tea, owe the Stntt> ot 01110, a n d III t he Tn . ae new·... • family en t rta ined at di nn er' on second Mo nday in J an1l8ry. The c rpo/'ated "llIage or W ay n Blvlll e C" (Ut\! b ' ln g Lot No. 18. Il~ deslltoA.l: Thanksgivi ng Day. Mr. a nd Mrs. hier Justice a nd othe r .fudg es of p (\ on t h e r l' orded p i nt or Eva n ~' EARL KOOGLER For e nturies the Chinese we're kn own as a peo ple who would not J . C. G1'8Y. lhe upreme Co u rt will a SBume II<ll(IQn t o t il V II\ (\&, of Wlly n ~ • flght. Now they a r known a a people who will nllt do anyt hi'ng else. D.,t0 8 Pho. . Wanen Bogan died at t h home thelt, dutil'S on J a nuary fi r t, 1933 ville. Warr n oU llty. OhIo Sa Id VI' tnl e8 Itr located' on Srd --Oklahoma Ity Da ily Oklallo man . of his 80n, Charles on t he Way ne · Th r 're 0 Judg of S KE.mor. .t•• 'treel '",," th n""relt SlIr t on the 8:00 Mu ic' ville pike eady }\iday f rom t he CO~l'~ (full ~rm ) el:~t~'d. upr me W~ t Is hapman , trcoet a n d t h" , infir mities of old age. F uner al n"lll' 8t on the E;&8l I. F rr.mlclln .Ire t III Way n 8vlll ' II.rren Some one wants to know what George Washington .....ould do if services were conducted Sunday Over Ii dozen sta te and national C:ou'nl . Ohio. (1 () were her e toda y. han ces ar he'd be kept bUllY tr ying to fi nd a a fternoon from the home at bjs convent;IQnfI are cheduled S u le) r~al eS l ate has beEn r eIlUIa.r. , do llar t o thr ow I1C1'OSS th e Potoma . -Miami Dally News. son, H orace. Intermen t ~t Clar!c. Ol unt h of Dece mb~" In I>' IlPprll l.ed u nd er Qraer 0 1 t h court at the BUill or Nine lJundred ville. . City. which will b tlng a n Lic•• ~." R.al Eetat.B ...k .... do ll ar. and Will not b Vermis iOIl has been obt ained to launch two new Amer ican ship Mr. a nd Mn. Harry Osborn and visito rs from 1111 over th e county, r~900.00) t or t ha n t w o-th'rda of Id Auctlo... r .... h ••• raec. wit h champQgn . )t Be ms a clevel' way to get the stuft', but' what d oes family had a s Thank ~gi ving Day inc luding a meeti ng bI t he 30111 apl) r Il18f'(L cnlu 4l. T erma.-caah. one do with th e ~hips?-Ric h ard T im s-Diapatch. guest Mt·, and Mra. Wa n en Os· ational AS$ ei at ion of Maj or and Wern... III., Ohio W. H . FUL KERTH I born and Eva ngeli ne of Cowans Minor Leag ue Basebllll clubs. Sl"' r~ rr, W~rren Co unt y 0 Kansa City thieves carried a way a tw o·sto ry, even room h ouse. Cre ek. onfel'ences of th e Ame rican . I ona ld D ll atuB h. Atry, ;' 80 , M08t Rea.onable Term. I1n d if the own e l' hadn't dug a cellar it the tlrst place he would have ,Mr. \ rs, W. O. Walke r and Legl() n of Oh io and Its Auxiliary family wt!re Thanksgiving' Day wil l be he ld thl week with over !luffe red a tota l I s.- Roc:h ster ·;rimes·Union. , guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. K en· 1,0 00 In attend nee ~nd Loa-Ion ned y and .Herbert. Posl' comma nder an d adJutantl Mrs. Amanda Stan, had as to the n umber of 750 will meet at guests on 1 hanksgivi ng pay Misses the me time. As a result of the Mabel and Margal'et ' tarr a nd conventions hotel a nd restaurant f rie nd, of Dayto n. busi nells will receive It g rea t imWal ter E bright and E rne t fJetu, . C. C. Hayden Weavt'r, of Miami. burg', called on om Dai r y E xperiments at Woost er • On account of slow d elivery of , Ohio Experim ent ta tion C. H . ' Gray at ur da>·. J .A. SI'IPb el' Th e sc h00I St u d en t s were tr ea· t material Offi B the I ne w $ 600. 1000 State :15 oil Building bocg ine at t h B!lrn- Now . ., . ed to an excelle nt addres by H O Il ' Ice ui ding will n ot be read y 26 M 8 : USI C ncy ad hearl y a predict~ 8. :40 OhIo Seed Irnprovt' ment A oeia t ion .. ... , M. M. car ff W.D . U p haw a t chapel W edn es- fOl' d Ioccupa ' b Ii pve t at vuloul! ,tate New Carlisle, Ohio day a f ternoon. Foll owing t his Rev. e . t Ill · Mar ke t'III .. . ' ., , ,," ..... J • R • AIIgyer Ruth Murray g~.. v ~ short talk o'n departm 8 :50 om n ense 0 f Co-op. h 'n~ can begin t~!ansfCJ'ing . Ohio · ive Stock Cooperative Assn. " Thanksgivlng.'1 t air q Ulpme nt into th e new st ruc t ure a bo ut Mllrch fu·st . 'T he land· M B . tt M · . p 'e k 1) :00 Home Demon strat ion W I' ............. '0' ...... .. , ..... mnll en:::lriT.l;:;e:;I-!~~r~s.~~a~rr..rl~e~fliI:~~~~~~9i'iii!'~~~':ist'I,~!lr1i~~~iAlc omp]eted and '9: 10 KUBic ' ::g i26 Row to Use Your Stat Mu seum .. ... : ...... ... .. Ha rlow .... u'ol:ey en, in be autifY. 9: 36 A Program !-or B4{Ys and. Girls .......... ,... : .... B. B. ing Day guests of MrB. and the Ri ver Order your 9:45 Futu re Far m rs In ActI on ............. Vernon Benroth Haine and family. Vaughnsville, Ohio Mr. and Mn. C. H . Deatherage Old Ma n Winte r ha s caused an 'U'u.·~l Interludes by F arm Night Melody Makers ) sllent Thanksgiving day with Mr. exo dus of Sta te House Park Chrillmoa ( .... You will want Ih • q and Mrs. Ross H . Har t ock and philo opherl\. an c\ . tatesmen. to C""rda in '-.-rleJ J._ ( usical Int.erludes lIy 4·B Orche"trl\> .family a t Waynesville . gether wi tlh the melting pot of'" ...., U II· iate.t d.ai,na _n" Saturday. December 3, 8 :00 p. m. Robe rt and Richa r d Franken h~mani ty w~ich gathered ~aily to al,na 12 to th. box Mu sic by Licking· County 4-H Club Orchestra ealled on Dr. and I.\Irs. · T ripp dISCUSS ~he Ills of the nahon and the be.li. alway. th. ' . • '.R Clubs .of Licking County ' Thursday afternoon. rem ed~ neee 8ary t o restol'e either prinled or unt he cheapeat. Call in an" Mrs. Clara Men'itt is ve ry ill. pea ce and nap piness to a trpubled . . Rev. Amos 'look re mains 'i n a \\'o dd . Even the sqUirels are not prin .t~cl. aee them. V Twenty-eight per eent of the Vel' )! serious condition . . makipg a s man y visitations as Alice alld Kathleen ~y spent ,I money 8pent on .roadB last u ual b ut park a ttaches are look· Friday aftel' noo n with Alice and fn WIU! obtained throuah the g after t heir intet:ests and keep Edith Bogan. the remaining 72 per them supplied wi th an abundance Mr. and ltfTs. arl Moore and derived fl'~m property bur.tion of nu ts during the wint e r months. fa)njly and Mr. and Mrs. Fred .according :to a reeent !IlIrvey Wal'd en P. E . Tho ma s and hi s The avel'aIPe Ohio farm family taxes in 1116 Ohio towMhlps BOJa", wel'e guests at dinnel' on .. ma.de by rural economlstll at the TJlanJc..~gjvjn g pay ot Mr. and Mrs. assistan ts are bu sily engaged in peuds 3.7 c·ents per person per Ohio Sllate University and the Joe $l)am gll~ glJ anI! family. pr eparing tb big penal instituti on Mr{I, Arn!>rpse pe~ke r , of Dodds in West Spl'i ng street for the meal for food. aecording to Miss Ohio ,A.gficultural Experiment called 00 01', IIn l/ ' f>11·/l. 'fri pp Sun- Christmas holidaY$- Th e 3,800 in· Thelma Bj!a11, epecialillt in home Station. dll)'l Ilfterno pn,,. b~ given a special pro. management for tbe aITicultural • - ...- - -aD exfra i n:ner Witll IDE! <extension serlljce at ~e ' Ohlo State trill1mjngs. Movif;! '~rove~ • 1 alsQ be g ivC!1l In tile ....".. ,,~ a nd Chi hl'las' hQ1H!!l 12 Card. with 12 Envelope., family all IQt its f~od in towll, the COIl. per n }fn . Ellzllb~th 1{Plvors.m , · of be di t;1'ibuted , Onl~' one te." :person per meal would be between the Ma ool c li ()m, SpI'1ng tield, pound bOl(orllay be sen i to allY one per box, printed, only we,ek with C. H. Schafe r inmate. Th e r eglllar Sunday evan 10 and 12 cents. she I\&Y,8. At farm Ing broadoa"\'ltrs over WAIU trom priCe!! the value of the food pro· Bad times . are good times for 01 this place. duced on the averaee farm wife and daughter f ou r t(l nve 0 ' 1I10l!k by the pr \lIon amounts to $187. However. If tbe mllgazine reader.. according t Q and . two sons, of band t ill continu es to make a big same food were bought at retail tbe editor of youth's favorite Cleveland, w I'e Tbanksgiving hit wit h r adio audlell e~l!. prices, it w~uld be wQrth $317.. maenine, The Amerlcall Boy· guests of K. E. Thomp 'o n. wife Home account records, accordmr Youth's CompaQion. More people and daughter; Mar y Ka t.hleen. Mr. to Miss Beall. show that farm and Mrs. ohn Rose, Walker flliJlilies spending, the least f9r are wrltiq ~ban eyer before, he and Willianl Bumell , of near f ood are using a variety off fO?Ld staites, and finer adventudre, morhe Oliv~ Br.un cp, We)'e cailers in t he ~h e W F . M. · S. of the from their own farm8. Such ami - ,r pp j ne yarns, more oWIl.F ir t evenmr, Fdends' hurch , will h llld a quilt iea are cuttinf th,,;h' food costa by reading thrills are dUj! th rnaga. C. H. SllbJit{lr, WJte an9 daugh. sh.ow lind program at the church . 19 ts . 0 milk ' and home zme . b'b h b'IS. Elizabe~h ter. WilmaBalVl\rse~ at thlil 0 fl~e. ltf r . F r.'0ay evemn . g. DJ."cem ller' 2 a t USing IIU licn er t an ever in $tl'jngfioeld grown !rults, vegetables, meata, tory. ' 1 '" I 7 :3Q p, m. :and cerea~ : The American aoy,YoLlth·• . and K, E. Th-olnP pn, pf ~ i~ p .alle, lIhe man y f rie nds of Clark Substantl~l s,avmgs, she lIa,s/ Companion /in 1933 wiU be loaded spent S.turd a ), aft;eJ'nQPI) n WfJ.Y- Walk er tende re d him a ,surprise m.y be obtarned by maklnr breaQ from cover to. cover with rrea' ~e8vllle, I Tue sda y evening, November 22, in 'In the home. With whe.~ .elling at experience.. Foy adventure, the Mrs, Mary noi>!!rtson !lna celebr ation of his birthday. aboo& U . cents a bllllhel • and a reader will travel with the Royal ,lor a" ~dn~ of nil, Mil. and Mrs. B. R. I1'.ickin90n, bu.beJ oj wheat . yieldmr 60 CanadIAn Mounted tbro1ll'h foreets wa~ to,e ",up 111 g u~st .o of Columbus. a re guestiJ in thll The•• beautiful Chri.tma. 'pounds of whole wheat Rour or 40 and mountaiDs, peftetrate to the her parents p, G. Wells and f amIly home of tlleir sol'\, Adnms and .._ _ _- I po~ndl! of white Rour. homemate military posta of BOl'lleo' ride wltb Ralph al .. of P/ly~o nh Silent f amily. , .. Carda, your name neat I, bread is cbeaper than ready-ball d cavalry ID India plunp into the Thul'$(jay af e rnOOI) ·\V,lt t he Dr. and ~rs. Walter DuffliY, of bread. The amo'u nt of flour from a Amazon junele. • Schaf er 1a,-np.r tlel·e, · . .. olumbul!. were week· end jtuests printed in acrlpt type the bu.hel of wheat II enourh to make There'U be char.ac:ter.bailding Mr. and · ~ts. ShermaJl re n IS. of Mrs., Duffey 's brothers Wf.\)'QIl correct w.y~ make an ae. from 48 to ·57 pound loaves of atQries of the prof.uiona of daughter • . Miss Lu cill e ./:I nd M~fi. and Mulev mith . bread. 'eebool and colleae life. T.bere'n be ~lmond Ferris, Pl!nt Th/Jnk sglv, . Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Mflddoll, of e~pt.ble · remembrance to Aoother rood way to' save money articles on .port, travel and mg Day wjth John, Li zzie and Klrke.l· ville. Ohio. were. Thankllls to cook wheat and serve It as a acience. that. take boy. to the Mary WllsOll at Le~an o n.. . . giving gu eRt R of Mrs. Dal-!y Haines you .. friend •• 'breakfast cereal. A bushel of Orient, that explaill/ the myateries Mrs. Catherine JOldan "a a1J ~htel Miss Mlldl'ed Ro bison 18 at her wheat will make about 432 man· of ocean liners and air tnmllports Miss Ha:nllah and . 80D, E. d.• IIpent home here for a few we.!k8. s ized servings. At 42 centa a There'll be stories that atlsf, tb~ T.hank:r!vlng with Mor r ill lInd Oran Tu rner, of the New bushel. the cost of this wholesome. boy" whole.orne · aPJletita fol' fUll Mary .rown. of near Ferry, Philadelphia 8ehoola. !Illent the nutritioul eereal amounts to and thrill. and hi. keen desire to Ed":ln ,Sanders. CharI II T! rrell ThanKlIglvlng vacat!on with his about ten such serving! for one learn. O'f Wllmrngton, attenri~d cnu~ch parent. here. cent. B)' cookinl and canning the The American Boy-Youth' here. and ate Sunday dInner With - - -- - - -- ,wh. .t In advance. it ia 8a8Y to Companion costa just $2.00 a Itobert MCK)l;' • <:::_prepare t~e cereJIl fOil breakfast in or $;1.00 fbr three yean. In other ..nr~;.:n~ T:'°n~:;1\'i~c~i~ ~~~ral of Warren a .ort tllne. w~rd!, when you subacrlbe for lIer with E J St r buck and CI k ill I t S de • three years, the . . . . .Ine'.· avings !family of wilmlna'to: i.:e ~al:age~:tf! • - . Swiaa ),odlel'll will help ellte~Jn. enable them to Ifn you a 8ubThou from a dlataiaee who at- South Lebanon, a Cl'Ciwd of .cJme 600 dalrJlll'" ,crption for a donar " ,.a.. ' tended chureh 'b ere on Sunday l!lellts of A. B. Tallmlae" 'I~'ne anel eb"H muers a'Sup,r Creek It. the for that boy .,ere: Edwin SMlders. Chailes MIllS Je88le L. aarn.r. on o.eelllltH 1 who Ohio a C....be be ""1 TerreU, of WUmm.ton, WUUam Charles !leha!er and pion 8". ..... maker Is . . .teI or eon or LllltellJ, Mr.. Eva 14c:Donald, 1Iam. attended a larre at tile ftftee.dI Anel an Harv.,.~, Mallon on la, t Fr!!Z OhIo SwIllCbeue ,our liar),. 'I'IIo...,aon Marie Mn. Vernle J n. A ..... &be b'-bllala~ ofp~ '--DortllN aJId a Ilae WeU..: paat week with ",a'1i' v" .... tal1lll b1: 01. ,Ca.n....CIIarIe, W ..... ~U1'dAvl trt ndll 1ft DaytOJI. _n of t1lc.e ~ Of QIarte. Ill'. and Mn. Gle••
Fa'rm Night 7allts,
Christmas Cards
--- .. ------
New Bu rling'ton
Come in Gnd .zct them
L ._ ~
tendecl tile tuenl
==I~ .t Clar
They are Aida,. cla .. cttrd. '
-- - - , ThE' WK~'('\ h~ I, f W. II. l'i. 1'111 in 1I110thl'1' ~t I LInt-:' "id fUI' btl"~et' l
ball 1 " 'rUl!'niti~n \\ h~n they dl'('at-
,'11.. H'lll11r"III"nl .., f jrlw thai .11)'011., opI'I'ntitt I IIwi,,,. ('lIkl,' fur hln. mill ,·\llti"t .. r 1III I'IIIa11)' an,1 ) • II fp" of :UIII, ('onlllw In h,' I I "u hJ" ~"n\t'. ,I,'dlll(' Motul \ ,'hid. nUrt'UU IIIlit:in );;. Thl'\' tlribul Ih' f'aiilIJ'l' of fhi. "lany <'lIll ~ tTl' 11 r. hl pl'Up rl~' 1\11111. ,Iy t ml~lInlll'I· 'ttln,ltn~ 0 ,thl'l' lh n \' ·1\~ iOll. luch or th (,ollfu~it)n 1lT\ ~ e , f 'Olll pro i~i n r 111(' Ill", which ha ~ h~ n inlt"llr.. t "11 by I h(' . ttornc.~ ('l'n('rlll tbu~: "Th opertlti(ln (If • mot!)I' ,,<,hlcle of ihe mpl'))'ltl' Lt. lin "III\llor". whIch op r lltion j,. ,utili III l. inlHl1litt('nt anl! ~e('ond ilI7 to hiR emploYIIH'llt f01 :;0 ,), oth l' PU1'PO (', do~s III t Mel' I'lIl'ilv Ulakl.' ,uch employ., u (,'hllllft'eu'r within tb(' Illt'aning of Ihe I , . H 'fhi. would apply 10 0. t r .) \' h.\ Jllay (lcell. iQnnll~. rlrive n de. li\' r \ mc k. Thl' TI' . ult of confusion hn. been that. only apPl'oximaiely one-ten th tlf dl'iv(\r nctually. ubj ct to th
Nj th~ CnrJi .. It.> II. ~. I :3 \n a ,,1111 IlillY!!'\
:n t, '
.~ N.t
lir. and Ml" . M. D. Baird had Rt. their Thankt!giving dinner gu .. ~i~, Mr. and MI'II. N. p, Blatt lind l'bildren, 01 Manchester; Mr. ant! Mrtt. O. R., Unglesby, MI'. and Ml's. ('arl Sanker, !'tlr. and Mrs. .... _--=-=_-I N l ~o " Watkjns and 80n.
tIll' h.cal G) m. la:t Wl'um'~da~' l" I'll· i 1\,;:'. W i I h th , co I'll:! t 1 (I in fl\v o l' of th~ local. tit 01' hlllf, MI'. utl,1 1I1r,... John HIl\\ke isit,1i8~ !\Iary Jo Miller and Mess I'll, C Beh 1I1dfnllln in"ertl'd Ina!'\. of ('d 11'" :1 1111'), H o pkill ~ in l1ayt<,n I P.dgar • mith and John Turner hi~ I>l!co nd • il'ing 1111'11 into the :lInday. ' , \I'('I' \' lI:ue~ts of l\1i~s Evelyn Cart.I ine-up. Ct· the IICOI' WIIUIII !lOll htwl'ight al silC· o'c!ock dinner, Friday Coat of El"dricity I~!;, hllV 1Il'4Hl much IIIIll' e lop. l )11' , and Mr" II ' nr}1 'arpenler , l' vening aL the laU r's home in ~i(l('d. Du ytlll1 , \\ 'I' ~ wl't'k·en!l ~ue8lll Walnu t. HillR, Cincinnati. Miss Th(' cost. of electric po\\'eI' for In tw o Itanl~. IJ fOl'e t he m1lin He MI'. llllel MI'~. 1I0\\'1\1'd 1'l·hd4'i'l· aTtwri~ht nccompaniedthemhome op('l'ating equipm nt for 'f arm l\Ild evenl, the W ynesvi Llt! Gl'l.d e tean, I cun. I home is being Inve tigated in a'nd Res('n' s of W. H. 1:). cl e f lIil'd I . ~. MI'. and --M. " w- Ha . , . t he (jradl' ttl ni l\lId Re~ l've>! from ~Il-. nnl! Jl'~. h , Al'thu)' at1t! (Iqua, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ~ml! cou nh . Fo~r t? , IX. farms I a rllsh> by . v(>r~' ~o mf 'lrtaul e t ,"hild l' II 1\',' rlo! Thanks:!!iv in!! Day "'.iJliatllllon and son, of Dayton, 111 t;acb of t;hese mne cllun t"e ~'C margins. IgUI'Rt of )11', nnd Mr~. L, ' iI1l SKeK Gl'Gce and Louella William· l'Q ulpped w~th mete s on cl. ctrlc I The Wayc h. tl'lly I to Frllnklin Al'thlll·. ><011 . Vere TllIInkF!givlng guest!! ot l:ang .s, refrigerators! feed gnn.ders thiR Friday evening. fot' Iht'i1, l M ' I ' J . • th lr . parents, MI'. and Mr, H. Wll tl'r . l'ump. , . milktng mach m<:s, f\!'l'\ game o f the seaMn on a IOI" '1 ~'I :lnJ\II .l l!\. '. L,. ~cnTdhcnhall 11. Williamson. br od l'S lind mcubator s, lind In . n . or C)lI '. I"SE! II ill'" u 1~al.H. - I". '. a ,. nrt ln" 11' . t ' .~ , 1 t ' l. t elgn ~Ol_ 1ge CIO' "' I11)4 )4U,,~t s Ilr l'T!'itlti I'llIInk,,in Ir. and Mrs. R . H. Hart80ck ne 01 wo l!ls .... nc ~" , e C riC n of thell' loyal ~ U\lPOI'tel\ l'Xpc('t: 1)11 ' llIll hed,;. _ --- _ w ceolllJ)any them, und nil Ill' ~. tllJd hihlren and Ml'S. Lena HartOne lot o·t Felt Hats, in IllOSt. sa nvuine of victory. 1'hi~ \\ ill Mr. lind h~. EV"I'etl S(><' rs sf~nt l>oc k ~of I)ent the . t' ., , ~ ho me l't[r. Thanksgiving and Mrs. A. Z.otHartcolors .. . 1 1h , su ccess. f u f bann lOll h(' Ihe fir:;t r('al te~t of the rebuilt 'rhanks"inn " I' ll ~Pl' itl'"... VIlI y, ,:,oe k, n IIr Wi1l1lin~lo n, Mrs. Lena ' t orgRntta ' 'bl .... ~ of her p I'etlts, MI'. li nd 1\11'£01. II k nII a d e1\ mt 0 Jec lve P08S1 C te m. - _ . - - - - - . ' jt'UIl!lt. no lot of Felt lind of obt~inment., hoo es its leaderR 1I oriwl' Walton. nl'\Roc I'('maine.i for a longer Velvet Hats, black carefully, diss minates fact!:' about I visi t , I ' tUl'ning J:.!m~~y. and eol(H's . ,... <7 ~h, Ilnt! ~lt". Howar'd I'chd ea· I w hav\) boen properly T('gister. t h organ;:r.lltiOn to its membel" t'vn WCI',' 'J'hut:lk sgivil\l~ g Ut'sls of 'd, th vndl' l' thereby putting sh ip, a1ld hu ild a l>rograro thaL One lot of F elts ' ,\1I·s. Bel· tie rch,lcac G,n aud 8lin, th 1h m~eh· S lind the public be· will meet the r al needs f farm ft 'and Velvet brown,1 ---Bru ',in \ ilmington. nd the p l'otertioll provided by people. l.,vy and block . ~I. , The date fOI' the open ml'e ling o f Mr. lI1ld Mrs. 'tu nley Bailey und the Mothel'!! club, which had been Berets, dllllghtIlJ', RIH!l'It T hank giving at MTs. Gertrude Malsbary present~"'• • •".lIIJI.~.".IIIIIi r• • •• • •".~l lanno un ced ·(or Friday veiling, De· at 35& 50C cember ~. at the Gym, has bue n the home of .}ft·. ilntl Mrs. Perry ed IH~r music pupils in a recital at lidvanc d to ,{,hul' d y evening, Well r, near \'enterville, the f . E. church , Tuesday ev ning, Decem ber 1. An extrB good ~,,· o. I'. and 1'011'8. 'Richartl . ,all'l pbell A fair·siz d udienee was present g ram ha. been pr pu t'ed and all and.Mso n 'pent ' unday in Harv ys.. d . d h tea e hers, pare r\ ts and ch ildren II I'C bUl'g, gue~ts t th h 'm ' 01 MI'. an enJoye t e following program urged to attend. Elich pen;on is ancl ~Ix. has. Bogan. Follow the Leader, The and Man asked \.0 bl'inl!', app les, popeOl'n 0 1' ean Baker . candy' for refreshments. , p. E. !';,llllldifol'd r(>tllrned hont R ving in Dreamland, The Old ---" ,..- - r n.d'IY night. li fter .n two·we h I Mil, ie Box- Betty Davis viSit at the hum' of W. A. W lllcOL t Gruce Note Waltz, Jingle 'Bells, Don't forget CARD OF THANKS to send the ill L 1111 , Champaign county. Duet- Mary Eva LeMay. We wish to ('xpl'esl; our sincere ~lrs. Fl'llnk S t an ~be rl' y, Miss Voice, Oh Dar, What can the appreciation tu neighbor und MUt'y and Rus I 'tan 'ben), spen t Malt I' Be? ; Drink to Me Only friend Cor their kindn l! and Thllllk givi ng ;n Oakll~nd , guest!! with Thine Eyes--Mrs. Malssympathy at \.he time of th e death bary. of our m oth 1'. We wish to thank or 1.1 . and 11'~. R(I s Andrews. Military March-John Sears, th donor, ot floral t l'ibute" J . Night ,Alarm, Presidents !\I r. an!l Mr , J Q, ia.h Davi, fr. The E , Mc lure C()l' his efficient mann I' 'ArMANDER March- Doril! Beck. in cOllducti ng the ervlce. Mis es ancl Mrs. Lloyd Davi s and sons Duet, America First and Last-The Q\JALrrv ~ Annie a nd 1vbme BrOl" n and Rev. wel'(, 'l'hnnk..givi ng dinD el' g uests 4.75·19 Ruth Conner and Mrs. Malsbury of MI'. and Mrs. 'Davi,' Elam, ()f G. C. Dibert . wltbln reach of an. Minllet In G, P\8ntation Melodies Xenia. if' 80 • Mr. an(ll\frs, G. J, Wntel'houst' Rita Van Often. Eacb Other Slllee ID MI', and !'tIt·s. 1\1. L. Parshall and Lily of the Valley, Patriotic MedIn • ~rdon Pain ley- Ruth Conner. Mr, and Mr . Maynard! W ltz and children were Thanksg iving .guests Vo ice, ally In Our Alley, The Girl I Left Be1Iind Me-Mrs. a the home of Mr. arid 141' : L ee The 1Ir t meeting of th House· Hawl<e, Mal bary. hold Economic will be h Id a t th The Mill at Sans Souti, Federal WaY1D••.,.m .. , Ohio PbODe 47 home or Mrs, J. B, J one on Mr. and frs. .T. E. Frazier enMarc.h--Jane Cook. ~ Thllrsday, December 1, at ,l:30. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leon- Voice,Father of the Land We Love ard lind children, of Kings Mills - Mrs. Malsbllry. ",,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!'!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!:!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! Mn. C.toL.attend. Duke, leader. You are and 1I1r~. Sadie onn el: at Thanks: invited Play The Glonou Wish. Mrs. Ed Hi)pkins of , ayfle ville givil1g dinner. , Reading, Our Washington- MiSt! spe1lt Friday with her daughter, IJawke. Rev. and Mrs. D. JR. Dunn, of Mrs. tanley Bailey nnd 4aughter Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman, La 1'0 1', Wi., visit'od WayneEvery man i tl1ankful for the ' roof over his Misses Thelma and Dorolhy, sJ)ent ville friends, unday'':'' Rev. Dunn preached at the mOI'ning service of Tuesday of last week with relatives head-but men with a goo<;i Red Cedar Roof have the hUI'ch of Christ. in. Hamilton. . reftson to be more thankful! because they do not Mr, and Mrs. M. B. Net'man of "Rath-Marion" farm spent Thanks Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brown, and face the ex pense of an early replacement. giving week with theil' daughtet· Mr. and Mrs. Dlln Br wn and in. Cincinnati. I dallghter, tlf payton, were unElay Mrs. Melvyn Swallk and chilo aftel'noon vi ItOrs at t he home of ~ Our Red Cedar Shingtes are guaranteed. They · dren of Dayton spent the week.end Mr. and MI' . Albert Cl·aver. are easy to put on-and once there-will last almost with her parenb, , and Mrs. fr. and Mr.. th o Hend;.ers()n, Ed Longacre, and Messrs. R. A. Cross . and a lifetime: Mr. an-d lItrs, Gqy Rbu tzahn and George Henkle were 'J>"hank giving We have recently added to OUT line of quality coals dallghtet's spent Thanksgiving with guests of Ir. and Mr s. L. M. HenOne of the most sacred duties the well known Cinderella eoal, Block and Egg. rs, Mary Boitnot and son, rist d l'son and Boyd Hendersoll. of the funeral director is to Roofings are Ol11y one item in our line of building at Tippec81l e eity, Mr. and Mrs. Chl\rLes Clark were Wanda, Ellis and RlUth Dodd, of make. the last rites a beautiful materials. No matter what you plan on building, we Sunday dinner guest of Mr. lind Leblll'l~n, h'. Staten, of Morrow, Mrs. Calvin Longacre. plc\ure in the memory of' thole have all of the materials in first grade quality-and lind Mi s Lucy Emley were Thall:b Mrs. Mary Carmony attended Io!iving !1:uest.'! of Mr.. and MI's. wbo remain. To tWs end-:he"-fil-tt---...-.m,...,....t--n l~v a s they can had an·y where. a famil dinner Thanksgiving at TI'uman Wardlow and daughter, _ the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. For tho e "Who wish to buy Ohio Coal we wi)l receive a Clark in Waynesville. -+~olt'o-ft'IKI--Mflo-€iarlH1011ra~chl11Tt-+I~mJl'I():JfJI-...aIJ-hl.Il-.jlkDl -11~W41f.f1----.....,............- - caT of Buckeye Block Cool ill • few days. This is from Niss Clarabelle Hunt and Mr. children of Valley, and preparation of the body, selec· Carflon Cook were mauied in 11'. and Mrs. Grify spent one of t he best mines in Obi 0 and due to lower freight' nay ton Satllrday November 19. At unday a t the home of Dr. and tion of metchandise and direct.rate will sell lower than our other coal. present they are staying with the Mr. A. B. Shelton in Cincinnati. latter's parents near Waynesville. ing 01 t he funeral. We measure Mr. and MTs, W. G. I'lllines, and Mrs. Anna adwallader and We submit plan books to those und~cided our succe by the extent to chUdren, 'lobert, ' Mildl'ed and Mis8 luro Lile s pent ThanksgivPrice Clara, of Dayton were SlInday ing with o-ther meml:,ers 'Of their Delivered we acC'Ompli sh this which on the kind of construction desired. 'guests of the [ ormel"s mothsr Mrs. fu/1'li l~ at the home o'f Mr, and Mrs Gec)rl1;ianna Haines and family. N. 1. lyburn in Wa hington purpose, Mr. and '. Mrs; J . W. Kel'chner • H. and family cU Dayton were David Boger spenl; .Monda:( in Thankegiving ~inn e r guests of Mr. Dayton, the guest of his sister !lnd Mrs. Louis Trickey and fal'/\- Miss Kathryn, who ill in trainillg IIY. ' at the Good amari'ton hospital The -Ladies' Aid will meet at the and attended the 'rhanksgiving home of ·Mrs. Stllnley Bailey next dance. Wedn esday, Decembel' 7. This will be the Chrlstma@ meeting when Mt: and Mt' . Dallus Boger en. Wayn eaville, Oh io W a;raenWe. 011•.' Ph one I. Mllall presents will be exchan~ed . tertamed at Thanksgiving dinn'll' Mr. and Ml'S. Kesler Gl'ahlim and MI', and Mrs. Mort Roush, Gharley' daughter attended a family Thanks M' M . Phone 32 giving ,d inner at the home of Mr, , l~$ e!\ iriam ~nd Frances g'IlIlW til
Oa Yoar Fire 1••araDoe'
w. N.
Waynelville, O.
Fall and Winter Millinery For lale after December 1
51IC 15C
Mother" Club Date Changed
Pupils Heard in Music Recital
00 50 $115
figure it out, y 10 urself
li,a GDn E• •
Gordon'. Serv.i ce St•.
"IIIiI••••••" ••"=••••••"
1• • ..." ••
The Merpory Pictur'e
Cinderella Coal Buckeye Block '.
Denatured Alcohol
...... .,.
J. E. lIeClare
Waynesville farmers bchange
W ayoe,ville, Ohio
i:~~:~·I~~~:R~. ~o~m~a~H~a~r~d~in~ll~lh~d~K:a~t~h~r.Y~~n~~~~~~~::::i::;~:::::i::~::~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~;iiiiJ--:Thank\,!g~ving ,g~estJ~ o~ Mr. and
nesville. and Mrs, • VV. Albright Mr, alld MI's. kIva W. Scott of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:'~f guests Daytona t twere MondllY he home of Mr. ~n . ~ .Walter Kent'ick, Mr. and MJ'S. Ed Longacre en· ~ tertained to Thanksgiving dinner , I MI". and Ml·S. WilbUr Swank, Mr.
-:..---------.::...--.!-..:;;;--..:..- .
r---....;:..-....- ....
Mr· , H. IIlld E, .Stokes Jolm Lemmon family were of Dayton, Cllll'ence Dunham and family, of Lebanorl and Ernest Hartsock aJld f amily.
• Stronger Tb~n He§Was. ~t.· Twenty , ~h~dr!r ··OfMD~it~n, S~~~k ~~:. ho!~'gU~'s~: M~~~~(leM~~1taf:h _ Margaret J <!hns. Graham and daughter, of Detroit
yean F r~-FIVE FUll strootl
old, aDd still
peiIon 10 ~ . . it ia ~itted to ...aiD ia t1Mi Qat. . . The nap fIIUfII. men and womtJI Jel6t(.n one /JetII.e 01 Dr. CaldJDtlf. .rup pePlin Ita Hen u.ei up i. ",..,/ 0/ ".. nwdt the 'I/ltem n«d, lIu help, ' Get a bot\le of tbiI de1iciolll I)TUP and let it e.acl tbat CIODStal1t
Do YOIi ",'ant the &eGret of such vilAlity'llt isn't what you eat.. or JUl)' tonic you takt'. It'. something anyone can domHl:i:l, you ~ ,tart toctay and see rctulla in a I All you GO is give your vilal na th. riaM .lill,ul:dlt. famous uoetot dil( vered th~ wony about tile condition of the a), to timul.,te a I'IhlAi! I ~h Iy,tem bo'fo'eb. Spare the cbildren tboee to De her '. It bnnlllllre::tt viIOf' . llilious days that make UI. miIvItble. 'lave YOllr houllehold from the .. . rrwl. DeirI, :J Ilhvsiriuu'l _ _ ,ri ..,tI.,>.. ~" it's qUito 11lIrm~ . IIIIe of calbllrtics which I..d to '00'" nt ootlle clarollic consl!pati,!n. .And lUard ;>"in. C.el
I'. 'h'e II t to
apll'llt alito-llitolCleallon at )'Ou
pow older. DI ('.. Id1welI'••"rup PPj)S'A II h.
flll kG ~
II prepar
IiID ~
w. H. MADDEN & -CO.
Mr. an d Mrs. Morris Miller and cbild1'en were entertained to dinner Wednesday at tile home of t he latter's parents. MI'. and I'!frs.· D. B. BOOkwalter at Miamisburg. Mr. and }\frs. Frank Shumard 81ld Mr. and Mrs. Rooert Shumand of Dayt<!n WtH'e dinneT gU~$ts Thu'rsdaY"(jf Ml'. and M1'S. Wilbur WhlJ,rton. ' M.r. find Mrs: Fl oy~1 Sava~e and family .lire mOving thl w ek to the Deweese ~lIl'm on south Yankee Street, west of here. Thank ~lrivinQ: guests 0'1 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides were. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hom mel of Day tori, a1ld Mis~ Velma Smith and Iter. man Rmith. .T he MotheJ"s Club at Spriniohot will have a pagj:!ant 'of' weddingg-owns and old fashioned areases at the llchllol build!n~, December 6 at 8 p. m . '{dnllSSlOn a can of troit or one pound of vegetables "ueh as rice potatoes, macaToni, oniQns, etc., head of cabbage or one dozen e~gs. MI'. and Mrs. Charles Clark had for their Thank ~~iving gU8RtS: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and daughtci' Mildred. of Brookville, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of Centerville. Mr . and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and MillS Mat:garet RogerR of Wavnesville, and Mr. and Mrs. Waitei' Clark and family. Mrs. MarKaret Johns entertain· ed to dinner Sunda\' evening the followl1)1r JrIlestll: Mr, and MM. Allen Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JonM. Mr. and .MT!!. Kel!ler Gra· ham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mr. and MJ'III. Carl Dukt', Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Duke and 8IJU, Dicke,., Mr, and Mn. Ed Lonpcre. MllIM! a.tII ••ul E a Reeder and Bend!!e
. . ... Rob
A Praotloal
saw VVill Rogers in. "Too Busy t~ Work," . at a DaytQn thea~er, Saturday. '
Mrs. Mal'i~ ElbQn, Mrs, Raymond Conner, Mrs. Ray Mills Mr:s Sadie Con ner and A. H. Stu'bbs at~ tended the funet'al of Donald Oliver Elbon at 'Lebon'01I Monday afternoon.
Wife and mother, most of all, deserve Bomethinr worth while ~or Chrilltmas . . . something· that will continue to bring her joy after the smaller tokens of good will have pall8ed Int<> her bouquet of memories, She de. serves a gift worthy all gratitude, .for she is the best Wife and mother in the world.
1\11-. and Mrs . L: C. St. J 'ohn alld daughter. Miss Thelma, and Mr. and Mrs . Glenn Bland a1ld dough. tel', Barbal'a Lou, speltt Sunday at the home of Mr. andl\l[rs. Rol Ross Ilt Lebanon.
Mr. and Ml·S. N. A, King. of Knightstown, Ind., werQ Saturday Bnd • undBY guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey. The entire pan,. Rlle nt Saturday evening at the hOlM of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey ' in Dayton .
Helpfulness! ,
Charles B. Lewis entertained about twenty·five of his reJatives and friend s to a sumptuous dinner served at his apartment in the J, W. White building, in honor of his birthday anlliversal'Y, Sunday, . '. Miss e~ Mal'Y Jo Miller, EVelYJl Cartwright, Lena Earnhart and Mes!I"s. Edgar Smith, John Turner Ralph and Richard Miller were guests at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Edwards, neal' Greenfield, la st Saturday.
l'aDl~Y' Gilt
A May tag for her Christmas ill a gift Uie whole fAmily ean plan together alld one that she will enjoy the more because its benefttB will be aha~ed by every 'm ember of the. family. It is -!rift she will cherish for a lifetime becaulle it will spare her health, give her ~dditionallei.~ ure houn, bring ber happinel'lll in POlllel'lllinr th.e world'. finest w~lIher and life-lasting lIelpfulnllll.
(1"" ,.-
-- •"".uU (
Palrle,- Bardware
...... sa
" . . . .wI.... .O ....
Eighty-Fifth Year
- --:
Club Use. DEFENSIVE ARMOR Mother. Wayne Tp. Slaareof TO BE INSTALLED Healt~al Receipts AT BANK SHORTLY An al1;icle, recently published In the Wl!sterlJ Star, concerning the disbursement of Christmas Health Seals money has caused much com ment in Wayne Twp. The article stated that money had been returned into all township except Wayne and Franklin. This W8l! a county report and prior to this year, these two townships . namely Wayne and Franklin Irllve not beenalhedwlth the county organizatioll, therefore the County rQpott showed no sales In theRe districts. the 'Way~e Twp. Mother's Clu'b ~as .always had a separate organIZatIon. and 80 '10 of the receipts have gone into the Mother's Club treasury to be used for the needy children in Wayne Twp. Last year as a result of the senls $46 was added to the treasury. In behalf of these in our township who lire needy let us help. Chairman of .C ommittee
t=±== .
Whole Number 6048
DECEMBER 7, 1932
BifTgham Arraigned And Bound Over to Co. Court for Trial
Everett Bingham , the young 'I"an who was arrestlld by nt'I'litelect Huffo rd on the afternoon of November 2V , suspeded 01 hav ing b.. n implicated in the hold-up at t.he }' ulkerson ervic s t.ation on the pl'eceding 'unday morning, was srraigned in SCluire Kend ck's Justice of the Peace COllrt about 11' o',clock la t Thu rsday morning, chal'ged with robbery. lJpon enter_ ing a. plea of guilty to the charge, he was bound over to t he 'ourt of Comm on Pleas und r a heavy bond IJnable to fUI ' ni ~h thill bond, he \\' 8S re~lIrned to the CDU~ty jan a t Leb811 0ll, where h IIwait::! the IlctiOIl of th e grand jury.
Prize iQ Buerkle incinnati One Citizen Thinka In~provement Mrl!. Osca.r mith spen~ WednesBoucl "F•• hion Show" uay of IMt " 'eel< with friend s in Would Benefit Enti.·e Town Lebanon. Member C,o mpete. See the "Youngest Gt'andmothel' -Others Differ Alive," at the Gym Thul'~day night Mr.. L. H, G()rdon, 'who has been H. M.. Sherw ood and . B. Lewi s confined to hel' hom e with grip is Th ' Wayn 'rown~hip Mothers L08se8 by two hold-ups within Our iIIage Council had an in- able were Dayton villi torI!, last Friday to be out again. club v'l'y happily entertained lhe "(!sting ~tl!lsion, la~t Monday t a1ternoon. a many years ·seem to have made teacher1!, l)arent~ Bnd pup ils of Ghl'i tmas p cials on DiamQnds. al'ening. C. M. Robilzer owner of their impreSsion upon the directors Our, ~~h ool.· at- Ii well attended Quality Gifts at most appealing Way n Pal' k and onEl ,,1[ th heavi- Watches nnd Rings at STY'S of the Waynesville National ~ank, open meeti ng, held at the Gym prices .. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Leb- cst tax pRy r8 of the ,c.on\D1unity, Jewelry ShOI), Lebanon , Ohi o. last Thul'sday eve ning. nnd extenl!live improvemenl$ of n alion, Ohio. csme bef(ll'C ouncil with U l'eAfter s~vera l selections had I qu st for the op nlrtl= of one MI', and MI'S. John Hawke called defensive nat.ure are to bll InMrs. Maynard Weltz, Mrs. Lee squat'e of a n ew street. and his re- on MI'. and Mrs. "Fred ~lawke in b en rendt','ed I)y the School etalled in their banking room in Hawk,e ..and Dean H.Bwke were Do-y. quest was opposed by Charles Rye larksv ille, Sunday afternoon. ol'chefltra, under th direction of lhe very near future. ton VISItors last FrIday. who presented a remonstrance their effi cient 'instructre s, Mrs. In an interview, Monday mornAlberta Buer kle, the audience Mr and Mrs J 0 Car twright against the proposed improvement Mr. C ~arles . James, principal ing, President W. H. Allen atAted sang Am erica. Ilnd Ree. G. C. DiSund ~ sign d by about fifty property of the J,unlQr HIgh ,school, is .slowly of W~lnut H iils' ~er that contract has been entered into bert eo nduded the devotional exvi itors in Waynesville. a, wners and taxp,a yers. , recov rtng fr om hIS r cent Illnc . with C. H. Wis & Co., of St. ercises. ~' he new street 111 qu 6tlon would \V h i ', . Louis, for the new armor. A new Tickets now on sale fOT Junior be a co ntinuati on o:Jf Franklin e. ave a so I.ltl on. Turn a. 11'11.DU1'ing the bu~ine83 session, the steel-lined counter is to be intreasurer t'eported ' ,97.82 net reClass Play, December 15, only 20 c Road, starting at the .1 unction of i~~eG ~n~oT~U~o\r!~nc~gh~eD It at stalled, completely separating the ceipt.'" {t'om the Hall owe'en carlor the best laugh s In a long tim e. that stre l with Main heet at the be l' 8 OJ , centwork room iTom the adjacent nival .. and a t otal ·b alance on hand . . ul)per end of lown, and l"\lnl)ing lobby. Surmounting this, and ~x of $255.9(). The flow r boll. and Mrs. Emma Barnett and Mr. E. in a dil'ect line to a jUloction with l\fessr!\. Cl1ester William on nnd tending to the .ceilin$', will be a picture at· t h Gralle building were V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, were Wate r stre.et,. one squl~l'e j'~rther James Arthur attended the evan F. F. A. New. screen of bulletproof glas8, with aWllrded to the custody of Miss ~lDday gue ts of' Mr. and Mrs. R. clown t he hilI In close proximIty to geli. ti c meeting at. Dower~v ille seat. next Satut;day evening', ~o try The regular me eting oi F. F. A. McKinsey's a nd Mr:. YQUng'8 G. Miller. the nuan to Wa:5'ne Park. The JaRt Friday "ening. ' use of tellers and c1er:ks .in transChapter was held Wednesday after 1'0 0 m ~ respect.ively. for the followstl'eet has lliways been marked on acting bu iness with, the public. Little Miss Jean Ornham of Day- tile vi1Jage pla t, blj~, because of Dr. A. T. Wright spent last noon, ovember 30 with ·the newly ing month. These awards are made But one door is to be made in ton vi ited several days laBt week a dee p ravin runnmg' down the Thursday in Springboro, the I(uest elected president, Julian rabbe, each month by vote of those in atthe counter and creen. Tbis will with her grandparents, Mr', and center thereof, htl's n,ever been of his sister, Miss s Lydia, Mary presiding. Aftf:u' roullne bUlline~ tendance al the dub's meeting. be located at the rear of the Mrs. Carl Duke. the following committee was ap· County Superintende nt C. H, put Into .hape f . 1' the use of traffic and Dr. Emily Wright. lobby, and. will alllo be the only pointed fo r tb Green liand Bohl, of Lebanon, was then in[n fa et, It was JU t Q t'e w months Mr. and Mr~. Ray Montgomery ago means of entrance to t.he director's FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of our ciaizens knew Mrs, Lura Dennis and Miss degree which wilJ be given Wed- trodu ced, ond made some very and family, 01 Springboro, were that tbntmany room. The out8id~ of this room, (Unde"omlna••onal) s uch a. treet ~ist.~ d, even on Esther Dennis, of Dayton, wer nelldny evening, December 14 : pertin nt, as well a interestine, and tho of the work room will ..... Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr . the plat. week-end guests at the home ()t James }lagermyer, Menior, Robert remarks on lhe subject of sehool also be protected by bullet-proof Chester A. Viilliam.eon Mark Rogers and daughter. G~>DS junior, harles L May, taxes, anu th beneficial use that is In his arguments foj' the pro- Mt·. and Mrs . Lee Hawke, glass. . . Church School at 9 :30 a. m. sQphomol'e; harles Jame , fre sh· being made- of the 'funds 0 Taised. Mr. and Mrs. ~ohn Craig, and pose\.! improvement, Mr. Robitze'r The work of preparing tnis Lord's _ Supper and sermon at His remark ~ were followed by the Paul an~ Robert Duke lett Tues- m.an. equipment has already begun a 10 :30 a. m. Sermon s ub ject, "The Mr. a.nd Mrs. Lester James, of tated t.hat it would b'e a benefit following program, pre$ented by the factoty, a,nd will be installed liS End ot the Road." The Men'S and Blanchester called on 1111'. and Mrs. t() the ntir town, as well as to day morning for Ciolumbus, where Junior Cia .. Pia" pupils of t;he SiJtth "rade: Violin elf; that the IItreEit could be the.y ar , enrolled ,In the Choo l of oon as completed. The Wise com- Women's cla.s ses will · meet at the Charles James, Sunday afternoon. him built without additional expense Ot'chardmg.at OhIO State. "Depend on Me," n thl'ee a\!l solo, Wilton Hart ock, piano acpany has installed , deJfen,siv'c (lhurch Saturday night, December The Woman's Auxiliary 01 St. I:<> the. taxpay~rs, the C'ost of con· , Mrs. Hannah Rqgel's has ret~rn farce will be given by the Junior companiment by Jane Cook;, rec· equipment in Beveral neighbo 10. Brief business meetingR folbonks, and lheir work hall proven lowed by a program and social Mary's Church will meet on Friday ~ructlon comll'lg o~t of the gaso· ed bom a two-weeks visit at the Class, Thur day evening, Decem- ltation, Lois Jun Larrick; piano to be highly satisfactory. hour. You are always welcome at afternoon, Decemb r 9, at. two hne to" fund. whIle the county home of her daughter Mr J 0 bel' 15, at the Gym, at eight solo, Ev lyn Johns; Christmas o'clock, with Mrs. Edith Ranis. would be required to illS.tall the Cartwright in Walnut' Hill; . . o'clock. Admis ion, adults. 20c, carols by the Grade horu~. this church. Election of officers and payment of necessary ew~rage. He Cited the ' • children lOco Children below the A "J.o'ashlon Show" was then staged by s veral 11\.le impersonatST. MARY'S CHURCH dues. danger .At the. juncti<tn o'f Mill A group of students from Cln- fourth grade, free. , 01"8 of the ~~ntler "ax even one f)'i Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector ii)treet WIth MaIO sta'eej~, th rou~e cinl\ati Bible Seminary furnished A.aemblT Board of Education participatine Th' S d d Mr. and Mrs. y1 Thac.kera o{ now us d by many. patrons of hlsl programs at Ferry and Waynes· Ird un ay in A vent, De- Sprineboro were week·en(l guest!! amuseme!'t enterprl e 81nd express- ville ChurC!hes of Christ Sunday. On December 2, the pupils of In this · bit or hilarity. Herbert cemb r 11, Church school at 9 :30: oJ Mr. and Mr . harles Clark Ilrl.(l ed the vIew tllat. as one of the the High School Building met In Buerkle) "INlser half" of the Once more our village Morning Prayer and sormon at Sunday guestl! of Mr. and 'MilS. community's heaviest taxpayers Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Strong the Gym fOl' the r gular Friday ' mUllic Instructress. was awarded and tram cop, Charley Joy. sete 10:30. Calvin Longl1 cre at Lytl . and Icading ·employcl·s of lIlbor, he spent Sunday in Xenia. Mr. Stronit afternoon as~embly. the ' prize :for beauty, though the nature of his prize has not been 1ln e.xample in law observance. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mrs. J. C. Anderson and frs. wa, justly entitled tp, the serious preached at the morning service at ,The progl'sm was as follow: divulged- pos ibly. a padded rollFollowing his annual custom of B S k S' I d h'ldt • c()nsideration of his request. the ChUl'ch of hrist in th~t city, S,0n.1! :..... . By t IIe a~embly ing pin. G , C. Dibert . to es I vel'and an Mr. C I o~ In trebuttal, Mr. Rye and his s8ve.ral tear, Char.ley wa the . Paalor Winton Place, and'en,Mrs. " f 'h I .re.Mis es B etty Henkle and OIa Scrl~t~re Readmg .Betty Hartsock · Communit.y gamell and stunts Wednel!da,: ' The W. F. M. S. is Younts. of Dayton, were undw. mon ralor are 0 ti e op nlon H first to uy his automobile tall:S for 1933. His new meet' n" w·t M L t t 2 00 ~ M d M M that the proposal will benefit no artsock were Sunday dinner In plnng Talk .... .. .Mr. Garst were then indulged in, and refresh: guests 0. r. an rs. . . one but Mr. Robitzer, Sind wilI not guests at the home ~f Mr, ~nd Mrs. Tal~ , . , . 1 eo I r s . 0 Z a . .. . .. .Ml'. Huffman monts Q{ cak , candy, popcorn and 237,551, wiII be vroudly this p. m. Jr. Choir practice at Silver. eve n ben fit hl' nl to the extent that C. L. Hawke, hono.tlOg thel.r house SerIes of Cour stunts .... .... . .. applcs were njoyed. 4 :00 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:00 t M D d M 0 on his. coupe just a s 800n as .. .. ... .. .... .. ........ Booster Club • __ - - law allows, and will be kept clean p. m. in the 'Friendship room. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Puke -and Mr; he think, it will. They concede his g?el'l 8, .rs. e71ms an ISS en1 Assembly singing. IlO that "he who runs may read." Choir practice at 7:00 p. m. in the and Mrs. Keller Hoak att~nded th!.' poil'\t that th e necessa:ry ' fiU and 11 8, of Dayton. Yells ....... L d by Cheer Leaders J. C. Hawke, local di tributor auditorium. annual banquet Qf the Warre n gralling would be paid for out of , , " .... ,... Dean and Dorothy of the ta'fs, states that local numS un day : S un d ay Sc h 00 1 a t 930 F' Boar t ian d th that ~asoline but point Messrs.WlllJa,mson . Jame· Arthur : coun t yair out whl'letax. thefund, necessary sew- Che.ster attendedIlnda The aSstrmbly, each Fl'!day afterbers star with 237,,651 and extend a. m. Our attendance WILS 217 sioners at the Lebanon b f t o an d Inc ' I d' 238 300 Th S Th d ' rage would be in tal'Jed by the uS.lOe s meet1f1g o the C. E. noon durIng extra currlcula1- PClru IDg ,. e last unday. Momil1g worship at ur ay evenlDg. ~ou~tv 'hI'. expe.noe - 'ould even- society at the home of Mr. and. iod is rapidly growing in favor with The P1'oposition to continue the first five sales were made to Mr. 10:30. Sermon subject, God's Call , . " .. '" " 1\1 E C Wild ' D Jo)" R. A. Conner, Mrs . . F. E. and Man'a Reply. Epworth League .Meliara. A. . P. Lov~ly, tually' ome off the taxpayers. 1"8. • • oO.llr 10 ayton, the pupils. three-mill add itional tax fot: school Thomas, R. H. Hartsock and G. D. at 6:30 with Helen Hawke as M1d:dletown, WIlliam Johnson, of They also tllink i.hat tIne gasoline last Thursday evenmg, State T.at to .be Civell purpo es was...adopted by an official MlJle, in the order named. We are leader. Preaching service at 7 :30, Sprmgboro, Harold Orsborn and ml?ney that w:ou1d be nf,Cegsary for Rev. and Mrs. John J. Schaeffer , . . maJority of 137 votes at the elecinformed that the new tags m the subject of Barnalias, The James Lovely motor~d to Por~ thI S work mlgllt. much better be Misses Annie and Mame Brown . Every pu.pli test wllJ ~ g lv n tion held November 8. This illbe ' legally used on ' and after ' unday, to wltne~s the bIg u ~d f or the mamtenaTl~e and re- and May Wright were dinner m Wayn ldAy,.j1- fomiatioll--Wa~ contained in an cember 10, 1932. football game. paIr of s 're ~s al~eadY . lD general guest.' of Mr. and . Mrs. S. M. cemb~r 9.. Grade~ from. ~ to dfficial , report from the Warren The numerals on the plates WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP , u.$e. M!. Robll2er s cla Ims to con· Sellers, in Lebanon, on Sunday. 12 . )n~IU81ve, wd1 p~rbcll?ate. county board of elections that wu in raieed black figures on a bright CHRIST . f 31deratron a a heavy taxpayer and Miss Wright remained as the P~Plls In the following subject TeBd at the regulaT meeting of the orange background, and are lIur(UDdlllomlDatloaaJ) Burlington, was the guest. 0 a large mp10yer of labor are g t of Mr nd Mrs Sellcr f WIIJ be tested: Wayn township school board, mounted by the name 01 the state . and Mrs. JOSIah readily granted. but his opponents u;s I . a . s, or English- all grades. 'Monday ev ding, The exact fllrures l~t . Her da~ghter, { el that what they consider to be a ew (ays. and tbe numerals of the year fOT Cheater A. WlUlamlOD, lIinllter Arithmetic- 3 to 8 inclusiv f the vote were: 1:'or the tax, 600; wh\ch they at:Q issued, in smaller Church School at 9:30 a. m. Jan . ho ha3 . pending th5 the best interests of t e entire Honoring the birthday annjverHistorY--"1\1 an4 8, Junior and Against the tax, 463. type. Thef will probably be the Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chris- wee.k WIth her . gr8ndpal'eD~, re· community entirely /) erbalance sary of her aunt, Mrs. Sears, Mr. Senior. Very little other bU8ine8~ of • most easily read 01 an'Y plates that Usn Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Evenned home WIth her mother. these claims. and MTs. J . E. McClure entertainAlgebra, General Sience, Ge- definite nature. Bside fTom the pay have been issued in t his state tor ing evangelistic service at 7 :80 p. After carei'u\ ~onslderation, and ed the following guests at an ometry and Chemistry for High ment of , bills and sal~ties and several year. m. SermC)D subject, "The Menace some (liscussion, C()uncil laid the elaboraLe twelve-o'el ck dinner, SchOol Studen",. oth'er routine matters, was ace om--=~....;.. - - • of Moder.nism." Thl! "Builder" matter on tlte ' table for further last Wednesday: l\fra. Lallra Seal'S, The e t ,ta are i suM by th~ pUshed, l~'llch member of. ' the class will also present a playlet at ~ction. of Bellbrook, Mr. and Mr~. Perry State Department ()f Education board was allowed his prmcely 1"1 ...... .., "I' this service. Don't miss It. Prayer .. - Sackett, apd Mrs. Richard Sackett and are taken l>y pupils throughout 8ala1·Y· of $20 f6r the year, 110 and BlbJe Stud)' each Wednesday . Mr. ana Mrs. Myel' Hyman and and son, James Richard, of near the siate ilnta laus will surely visit .t t y • at 11 :80 p, m. Everybody invited. son spent unday' with relatives in BelIbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. J . H. . leastl five homes in the township. The church where you feel, at home incinnati. Sackett and n, John Perry. T.acMr. Me.tin. The regular Waynel!ville Faculty ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH meeting was held Tuet;lday! DeL cal friends of two Father French, Pastor ' cember 6th, at the grade Building. principal members of the cOl~p.an:vl Servfc.. will be. held every two " d The dis ussion of the book, "Ext1'8 8y Alber' T. ReiJ. have receiVed ",ee~ on Saturday morning. Now We Kno.w Whv They Called Them. .I ,~ins Curriculum Attlvjties" was con. tinued, tinder the lea(lership 6f lactl)rine 00, • .1. _#..1. ..... .u.. ' ~ ,-H&~ . incorpo,ation company ~.lre, ther~ seriOLLS \\tILC-U? \.I'C Co!npnny, Was the vi<:tim of a len.: uin e b'l,I t very pleasant surprille, 1,000 I~re~ of Friday t!vening. In celebration ' of and J. . OJ! his lJirt.h(lay anl)iversary, llra. Weinhardt. The purpoae for Which OU_ llIich~ner had invited a few neipthe company wae organized ie the bors and friends ~o spend tbe SAY I - LI~ S~t.I -Yo lJ manufacture and sale of V'endine evening with him. TU.L. 'T~E OloD STIff' To lJlachines and sheet metal product.. Arthur . Hamilton, elected · thi8 at·tls furnished a pleasing diverGUYS ,- "'~o rio You M,AIi! IT T \ill~! QUAIlT$ Already the new concern has r:e- fall f~r hla fou,r th term as repre· siol1 IlJld at a 15eaeonable hOUT Kiu llN\i. I AM.- JOliN t> AW[' Wt'LL THroW 1111 TilE ceived an order from the Jndianap- lIentatlve in the Ohio leneral uAnnouncement has been made May Wl"Ight and Miss Grace 1ZDC,.I'-EHl..Lc.R. -WfU\.T eROOKLY~ ejl.ID~~,AND olis Street Railway Co. fOJ: 800 ~.m~y !lncl Ipeaker 01 th! house that the State Bn.nking Depart- Hockett IIllsillted Mrs. Michener in vending machines to be inltaIled faT the past two years, th18 week 111M. IS IT PR.~~\'IAJl. S1'uJ:l' ment, having in charge the liquida- serving light refreshments, to ~n the latter company's can. . announced hi. candidacy 10r tion of lhe.Commercial and Sav- Me ::II"S. J. B. ,Rich, C. T. Ellis. K. Both ,the ,)tesars. IIRealter, . ' . ings Bank in Xenia, will pay a 25 N. Rough, Lyman ' nay, Jamea Drake are The hOUH II heavily.· Democ:ratlc per cent d'ividend to the 3,()00 dl)- Gibbons, L. W. Chandler John as a relult of the landslide of boys Mr posHors 'pl'obably on Decembel' 15. Ada.ms, Seth Furnas, Earl Hoc1cettr aon ~f M. De-mocratic votes in the lalt elecThe .mount to be dilltl:ibuted is Ra,Ym llnd Conner a nd Raymona ~he 80n of tionand it II very lll1likely that a about $77,000. The bank Wall Starr. Rej)ublicari speaker will b4! named Drake. Both aTe closed las~ }<'ebruary 29. ' The disof Waynesville . However, whoever fa deCided uptribution will be made from the of frienda In on aa the lteRubllean ean~id,te for assets of the bank that have been are wishing for them the utmost speAkeT,., will automatlcal1J' be , collected ejnce that ttme by the success in their new bUlinelB ven- made mmorlty ftOOt leader in ease Surpri~ Banking Department. ture. of • Democrat beine named apeak War veterans claims amounted - - - -... - . er, to $8,988.98. Funds from the sale Mrs. O. O. Mi sildine was happily Mr. Hamilton may have two opof automobile license tan Q)" Dil- remin~ed ' of her birthday anniverponenta in the party caucul aever Belden, amounti~g to $4,526.- sary when a number ot her friends cordlne to newapaper reports. 75, were allowed. , Twenty-seven arl·ived ,at her home on the lAbRepresentative Jonel, ot Jaeuoli claims of children in. the O. S. It anon pike, Ia.st Sunday mornin" , " , county, and Repre"lltatlve Keifer S. O. Home in the hands of Supt. laden with two handsome birtbday ot Clark county, are uid to alao Hay!, were allow ed. cakes and ' other es8e"tials ,for a Mrs. Sadie Conner wa's 1I0iteu a!pm to the ollce. Mr. Hamilton OIaims disallowed were $3,357.- bounteous feast, The \day waa olle at a 'fare-willI reception, last defe,a ted Jon.. in the party eaucuil 08 tQ Harvey Iiliarh, clerk llf court of rare pleasure for the loltowing Thllraday e:vening, honoring Mn, yean aeo for the IiIpealtenhip. as iee fu nd; and $2,557.28 to guesu.: Mr. and ~ Victor CarMary C. CrolB, who eJtpeetJ to heriff John Ba\1ghn. penter, of Middletow'n, Mrs. Corleave here in the nelLl' f\lture to • - • No definite anllouncement has del.! a Cr08ll, of Lebanon, Mra. J. spend the winter in Florida. The CARD OF THANKS been made when a dividend wllJ be E. Frazier, Mrll. .Sadie Conner, evening was pleaRntty pa..ed with paid by lhe Banking Department Mrs. Mary C. Croll8 lind III... c:onversation. and at a seasonable We wiah to expre.. ollr alneere to depositorll of the Exchange J osephine Banta. hour the holtaa served delicloua appreciation to friends for their Bank or how much thll dividend .~ ..... refreshment&. The ruestll were: Idndne.. and IJ1Ilpatby at the wj)J be. MATERIAL READY Mn. Mary C. Cro.., Mrs, Edith of the deathl of OUl' mother4 Rania, Mn. Maria Elbon, Mn. We _flh to thank J. E. McClure The Brat sbipment 01 yard CooclA EASTERN STAR EUzabeth Lewis, Mn. Grace for excellent !lemce. Also Miaa for the ne~dy of Warren coanty Smltll, Mn. J. E. Frasier. lin. Lucy Emle}" Rev. J, J. Schaelfer Miami Chapter No. 1011 O. ~. S. Jlae am~eG at Lebanon . .The mat...Sam Horner, Mn. Robert Baker and Mn. Tripp, for lone.. kind w ill meet in regular se8llion Mon-I ial cOll81at8 df Ii,ht and dark ollt. Sr., KJas Joae~h,ne Banta alld word., and tho~l.hta. dal evening, December 12. at '1 :80 bleached .~d unbleached ,; MiU Emma BelCh"')", Mr. Alb.rt W. Ricks. dPrints, liJrbt DirtA pot luck suppn for memben - - -•• _ _ Mr. and Mra. EclWard W. Ricks onl)" at 6:30. Memorial and InaDW sCome MASONlt NOTICE .t • lltall&tion. Members are u-..d to CAIlD OP THARKS be preaent. 0 aeplar com,mullllcatlon Wa~Ola Jlartaock. W. M., ~:~'~~~. r A. II. I wlah to e.p..... 1117 aineeN nenllle lIinnie Fromm, Sec',.. To'........ 18. appreciation to Delallbon ibid \ . TaMClaJ' aDd frie.cIa for tIlelr Idiid.... 1.1J~ I1lstallatlon Mal7 Wedell., of De QlDPatbI' tile tbn, of tile cIeatIl IOJoara.... TlsI&ed WQIlenllle trtaMI. of., WIfe. _..... DlIoa ...... MI'. Ccmtract H •• Been L.t to St. Loui. Firm for Inat.ltation of MaD,. ProtectiYe Deyiee. iD Future
Maynard Weltz visitor, Monday.
------ ..----
New License Tags Being Distributed
Official Count of Tax Vote is Announced '
r'ormer ••'a'''nelul·''e Bo I ncorpora e New Indiana Firm
Gentlemen Surprised Neighbor and Friend
~tJ~~-;~~~f.;·~-~:·ij;~~~:'~r--4~~~~~~~~~~~;r~J~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~h;~~~~~ told is a que . stioJL T /. R I ry e·e ection \vho Sold ManhattaJt Island to Pet!~l· Minuit really Olj~ it.. A.Spea6erol H,
'Dividend. Will Be Paid By Cloaed Xenia Bank
,- --- - ---
Birthday,Oceasion Of 'P leasant
·1 · Farewe1 Reception . hbor For L ov eel Nell
---.. -..--_a'
.. .•..--
A U70
d, Di trict hool a It Existed in Wav~e 70wnship for Years
No pe On under th,' leen yt!ar~ will bto ""l'n chauffeur. Urlvl'r or II pI~"" n~1'1
H... a OlD pl... Waeda epalr e ••I•• II,t II ,. ,,"1\ .rt'lIuhlto materlala. 4 ' r~1 11,1 ... nlll'll WhIJ4' yuu walt.
WILBERFORCE I ~fh!~:. m~~t_ bl'
twcnLY-"l111 Y' I Th hill IOcome fl'om lIutlllll.1 Hy THE HOOSIER the A)ril mct'ting ill 1 75. t.he ehos II pn·"idel1t for th ... ~ ... al'. 1'h. 'h t' en. " d Jt.hll ( II UI"" Sr., , bile lit-enlle8 this yea .. will rt'uI'" b rd had adQ1Jt d 1\ rt'"olutJnn to land and f 1111l1e, I!f 'I Ill h'n BUI"l \'l'r,u , 11" I' .,: '.. Baul r. t' l II. WII Bi,.ho)l Jo hua n. Jone!!, 76, llellrly $20.. 000,000, accortllol( t o nut Sugar CH' k tuwn~hil~ ".'r- the el1'crt that all new ~chool ,('0 1. n'll . Eli Burn ll. l!'all<' ScUl'n. "<'111><1 . lid 01 mI' ,,j qtl",ut r,'\:, r h Af ' M h d ' t Motol' VehIcle Bureau ~ lInllltl'. h. 11 • reI Ul't II thdr rtrl'ul'1Il (0 tnU , t b cont.racted fllr nd bou~ht ~tlmu t'1, J ann y. J. G. Burn<'tt. l '. • 1(\. lll~hop \l t e rlcan et 0 1 I The only classification of l1Iutlll' <.'vn nt to till' tli\ isicm, 8 "a hv lh,' lown,;hip 0 rtl in rt! IIla r .1"r!orJ, 1'. Whu rton. JlIl\1,·: I',,; 1;. ' In tht' ,':h,' ,f 1-'11';,t • I tl,'n, I ~~pi~~o lllli church, . a fo~mer v~hicl. s to !!how . in I' 1I . 'H .1111'.' m. II n, \Ih. b \\,'11 duly • und\!d, ;.~ .. ion, BUl mulli llcati n ' t In at .(11\ nnd t\\~, 10 bl'lnnl1:in)! l ) \\ , H nk ,r ~l m' l,'r .,QI "OqlUl', hl1t1 1'1 "~lIh: nt (I f Wllb ·rforee Umy r- H).SO IS lraill!l'S, WIth 11 'aln of 011" hi build 1111 thl'f ~,'h "I house in lhl) .. ry next r ulal' III e in Il , nuk,' " Ilr trun.f"I·I·~d frOnllvl'I:OU. h,lh'~ 1. 1'>\'\1111. E. B. ,Hy . died ot hi residenct' at thIrd.. " joint sub dl tri t • ,J. -l wa put (Sept mb ' r, t i5) wh n the board di.",t rict - - j to th~lrid .' . 4 {Ol :\11 ~I ,lI. )u,I~lm'11t' " J'.~ nll 1,·.1 \1' Wilh 'l'CotC J \hree miles eaBt of . Oluo motor veh'cles un~ll. l!).OH upon th 1111 of th , Y0l!-!\ ..nd in.trutt~d the cio!rk" of '0 .. 1 and "chllol purp~. I,!". ~ . },h"ntl m tilt' ;tllm ,f •• nll,O . .' 'ni last ThursdCl)l. '!' r ~I~en d by th mUtllCllluhly •.\t the • pt miler l. lnE't-lll1.1 I n Ihl' '" ! fl .1 • atl"!1 nl l3i~hop Jon~ wu~ prominent in 11'\ whIch they \\I re own d nnd nn", ," Bnd ll!su)t(>d In . IX )'ea j 1 t buy new ~ all; fur their . i t~, nny" chooL. ' John' (> r. \\ • , le('led to b\IY tho! B Ilk " f~ 131 I\~ hC> h !T, It ~rp (\l hn ll til • 1. E. 'hurch, lind had operated, ,at $6 p r year: . It n moti n tIll! cl I'k win' t rll I ad 0 gan to ga th r in " al illr 11 the ,,('holll:. In Ih" \ !'rslI;' {harl." n. 0 1'\\111 an.! E. eJ'\'ed in th ' ast south and Th fee for Ith hexa~lmll;tlon u f lrlict(>u ttl nd (ll't!, for sealed arn~sll Bt "lhl' ~ ecial me 'tin oJ to 'n",hip, nd " on III lion. the B. turr r:.11 J,ud~lIlent , a~ r .,,"ll1rgd ;nitldle wcst 0' a n;ember of the IlppIlCAnl!!, !\ nt t , ,ssulng of P opo ,1 f l' iJuild lng aid h~ul'e ~ay 'I, 1 ;6 ~en we find Kthl~ 10('81 tlil'octOL1! \' ere ;lutho~lz~d \" , l" plaintiff In th ~.l!n~, "I' ~ :~:i3._\1 ~I!i~c\lpncy. He ' wu born in Lex- Ch~uffe\l~: I..consc>! I , $8 p T year, a requit d by lu,. On ~otion, notation. " ri motion the f 110"" pro IIr eh 01 1 0k:; f or. ," ~ Ig nl In Ih" ,.f \ Irj~ll 0 BHni (J ~ ingto/l a un ty, So uth Carolina, p lapp IcatlOn, Edwill ,handler, L. ' . ~lth and in mmittee wa ap~inted to in. ~ h lal·. , lid Pl"~ nt thei r blll~ a~ 1l'1"U~ I ~ .Il lI: l1 i' l)l. ,t nl, g Il's Il un' J &, 1 66. He too k a normal ,g. Rogcl' .'vert' npp~mu.d to , "!ligat a er~in contract b _I lhe ne,xt rt'gular "e, 10,n •• f hl' loy th., "hl'nll' I~ et~ R~lll 0" ".1 I anti CHI d coJl g~ Illeparatiory cour e at DEFENDER CARRIES BANNER elect a loe bon for Id . ~ch 01 tween N Irwin agent fo't ch ool 00 I'd,' Thl L the a rhci' refl'r- 11 flt:('"unl, arl t ,\ lJe ~l'ttl I . (haffin UnIve rsity Orang burg, S. hou~ ,' , . • \furnitur' 'and til' local director IInCe f n) kin..! In, d~ 10 the ~uhNe' ; ~, I C., whi ch he CO mplet d in 1 0 Flying D bann. r which read~ CI rk Woolle faithfully carned of sub.diStrict os 1 and 11 ' je t of flee to' t buo\u; In tho! ' l ind at'tl'I' a year spent. in te ching o Qut hift in tl'uctions, and\ on c- C~' ru mith Edwin' hand ler and I J' o rd ~ ' o f W yn '1' 0 \\ n~hlll Trumun', C sl,).n ve!'IIS 1\1111'- h return d to that choo l and took "Bur hri tlll8!l eals, Fight Tub r l ob ,1' 2 ,th b .. rd tr) t ln cal1t'd G. Vetter!" Thi I'ommittee was 'chvo ! . . . . . iell.1 Ca. '1111. (or thvo{lrc,' ~hlll'~e the ('o IJeg' course grl\duating in culosis" the airship "Defen d r" e sion at the ,dul r hop. o~ call d upon for a r port at anoth er 'ow, h r s a P~P'lsltlon. alon!! I, l'xtt\'ml' cl' udly. J , 1. Ihl,')' I~ 18 1 II tth t he Jegru ' of bachelor will leave Akron a s oon 11 8 HaitII' W~uUey 1n Waynellv ll1 e special meeting held June 3, but the line of au I1lary h~IPS. PI' ,- I thl' (ttOrnl'~' . I of Ql't~. • pr , umnbly l n the rl)om nov.' oc- a ked f r and r~(. Iv d th fo]Jow- sented at the same meetUlg: , I b - C' II took work at Howard UUlver weather permits for n l our of the northern a nd ea stern counties of 'up i 'd br H. f. herwood) ~Ol' ing in truction .. " t o continu "W h [·eby . Ilgrl.'e to furlll.h ! Pro a t o1Jrt , . Isity, Washin~ton,. D. C" ~~d Wi~- the state. th purpose of appro lng th It investigation, and. if necessary, \Va,yn Town. hIp, W.orren. county. h r1u~ H. Gibh., EI<inll,ll1 t1'lltl)r b rforll~ UniverSity follO Wing hi The tri p is bing made possible select d by th committe, and pr secut and call for witnl.'sses, hlO, 12. et 0,( l\h ~c~ II s ~l)llal.1 of I.'.'ta l;; uf nlllncli!l' '..Ibbs. d . KI'II~ullbo n. fl'01l1 haffin, He . ~c by the Goodyear Tire and Rubb r aw.ar~ing th c ontra ct 101' the papers, etc," pon the motion of map", 12 ,eml-mendam, glob ~-; ~CRS 'u, iiII'd hi~ aJ)pll'allOn. dul y CUPI d val'IOUS hal'ges 8S 8 ml~ls o. of Akron, own ers' of th hip, bUlldmg of the house. WAllen Hain t he I cal d ie etors of 12 Gl!ographlC mod Is ... and 1_ vl!"ifled f o r a 'er(ificllt~ of tramuer tel' of the A. 1. E. hUrch lind in hehali of tb 1932 hri!!tma Th c mmit~e reported : " e · sub-district ' 0 . 1 and 11 were key f.o r . m . I r t~ r hund!' d it is orJ"r.t! that U Iccrti ficat nlso , tirved ~ n th~ faculty ' of Wil- cal al e, now in it second eek. • • have deCIded on the oufh- directed to produ ce the originnl and xty dollars. ~ I.' guaran~ee , Tr nsrer i~Ru (> t\l o u'nty RtlcoruCi' b rforce 1lI.verslty, to the pre ,I_ The principal cities which will be - I' t corner ol . .Tohn B!own pro 0 al between N. ,Irwin and modl'l !!Jl' ~wo year" W Curm, h us provided by law. : dency of whl,ch he was ~Iect d m reached ar Akron uyah oga Falla (probably !"ea,~t hI farm~ In or the~~elves for eati ng chool any te1'l'l~onal chang l! ,that may The elltate f He nl'i lta ':f0pp~. 1900 ucceedmg S: T. MItchell. H e Hudson , Bedford, hagrin Fall!), near Ray ,~lIe. the local dtrectors hou,e if possibl , orCUl' ,I hlle · w.e mll~e aId mod h. f cJ ecl!l;l: d. L ex: Il1pt from mh.m- hold th post untIl 1 9~ wllen h leveland. Berea, M dina. Wadsreported that they had contractAt the r gular eptember meet- We Will furn! h 'ald models, etc' ltnn !! tax, WIIS elected to the Episcopacy of wor th, Barberton, Ke nt, Ra venna, d ""ith J ohn Brown f or three- ing, the following report was ub- within 1 t1a~, ( I' .cepe ~he key). lI al'r~' • chwa rh: and GI\' n- the A. M . E. Church by the general Newton Falls Warren , 'Nil es, fourth df on~ BcTe of land at two mitted by the chairman of the in- Terms, ca h. Excel. ,or . ('hool F~f- dvlyn I. . ·rhw;u·tz, executoTs of confer 'nce at Kan lllls itl', Mo. Youngsto wn, Allianc Sebring, hundred and !<Ill and 25-100 dollars vestigating ,committe : "R !ef all niture 0" pe~ J. . Nlcke r son, lestute! had ! W. 1·chwa rtz. deJ He Is s urvived by hi w!dow, Salem, Lisbon , Loui vii Ie, Canton The rep ort wa , upon the ,call o,~ the evidence tQ the board for their Th propo, ltion \~I\. ~lccep I d. ceased are to distl'ibu t.e in kind eel;' Augu. ta lara J oryes, who III a and Mallsillon. the b~al'd, unanimously adotted. c!lreful consideralion as there WII and the lerk was Instructed to min of the remaini ng a -ets of the step daughter of BIShop Ale,,:ander tute i o thc ben liciurics under Payn e, one of the founders and J oslah Hough, lath r of C arle~ considerable of di.cr~pancy in the dra w an /l rd )' for the al1lo un t . to· M. Hou~", and then a loca evidence. " · gether with the f~eight charg , tOil will o( ~Ilid d cede nt, firs,t P!e ide nt of Wilberforce director III No. t, wa'dauthdoted ! AHe 01' 0 r leSli careful c 11 when th goods arrIVed. harles H. ibb!<.. IIdmini trll lo l' nlver Ity, otle daughter and three to llave the lot surveye ,an , m. .r m feh · t d yru mith wa, .elected a of c tatc of Amunda lGib b ,decea ~o tls: Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Byrd, H. Dule was employed. to bUIld ~'a I Sidl!~atJo~ 0 f t I h reroJ ,at: m~~ president for t he year wben the ed flied hL sa1(' bill. of Batesville), Ark . ; J oshua H., Jr., fence five board high karounbd arg!i~na 0 : d e: ':noti~nu r!;hich board r 8 mbl d April 16, IB7. G I'~C l hlenbr ck, guardian of of BOllt on; li ilber t H, Jones, who cMol h ouse lot," the ,~or t o e . c y.m e d 'I All n Th y paid ihe bill" a, e s d the EJi z beth Jan e hi nbl'ock, minol', wa~ pre ident of Wilberforce done und r the upervl lon of the R~ uly ~ecNnd~ ' r~~xrhe bo~d tax levies, di. tributod the con- filed hi first and final acco un t. eight years untjl his resignation loeal directors. alne,' 0 O. 'n Th ' il d f tinuoti Qn fund among tb various The will of LotLie L. Bu hnell, 10 t Ju ne. nnd who is n ow a facNow they were Te~,dy t? ~peJ' ~e f Or mls~e~ean~r. of the c;ea~ a~d ub-aistdcts, and adj oul'Oed in deeca ' ed, \\In ndmittl?d t o probal ul ty member of t'he chool and the "s aled proposal , I ~lcDak d a recor h\h v~eeUlted in lv nays peace. At the SeJ>tember 16 me t.- Beulah Browning. ~uardian of R v. A.le xander H. J ones, 01 West Dulte, (1athllr of Car . u e an nay, w I hS i th C()u ing, J on a W. tubb. wa selccted !ltal'Y B I ni ce Blackbu\'n, an in- he ler Pa., H was a m mber of ~n., Sam. Henkle), 8Iu~mj~ef5;~ ;~ ~~~~Y:::~~~i~n,llrt ~fe nerl ele~ a sup~ri!lt.ende!,~ of tht; sc~ool in ('om pet nt, i. ordered Lo Pl'ocecd WiI~erforce lodge of Ma on , ,Itemlzedhbldwtbatto~k· . d fa in his district he either did the Vlrglnla MIlitary distrIct. immcdiai 11' ro pay ellch &nd all of X ·nlll. _ _ __ _ __ __ I n d't t d f April 21, 1 79, after Cyru aid fOUl' re pe ,tiv . claims a hla broi er, • . u e, propose to erect the building fot' $1125; nit Jun Or wall e ea e or re- mith had been. retained in t.he ~bove !jet f orth out of the funds in Read, S.le for W alllllh but Thomas P~ncock,. uncle of M!'S. e ee on. • president's chair for a nother y ar he.r handfl alii uch gUlilrdian, George J. SmIth, o/fered to bUIld Th~ writer was, well ac:quamt- and the bills had been paid, and Orion F. rllin WR appointed Shelled black walnuts are readthe house for ,897, and, of COUl'!e, ed WIth All n ~al':le8 durl';lg tile other officer' bond. approved, the executor of estat Ci t Martha D. ily old if clean and properly hanr~ceived th contract. . latter year of hIS hf~, and IS IlU!e board adopt dare olution "that . ' d ceas d and til'd bond ot died. Th nuts should b cr eked Thus 'Waa the orig1D of the that he wa.s the . vlctI~ o! a mIS- the ' Eclectic Education eries, 3g~nO with ' the nited tates when thoroughly dry, if ted of all "hool that !ater became the Lytle undel'standlng In thIS 1nstance. namely: McGuffey'e Reader and Fidelity lind GU81'anb,. Co.. 8l'\ ,s ur _ foreign material, dried, and hipSpecill Ol trltt School. The The gentlel,Tlan may have erred in peller Ray's Ar ithm etic Hal'- t Ef er B rcll~ ·"homas Ic- ped in boxes or barrel. A bushel building was later remodeled and his method, and .qulte ~robably veyls Crammers, and E'clectl.c J~l'mi~~ and EIiM 'Robin. on were elf walnuts , weights about 50 .nother room was added. It wa. did, but his intentions were pure Geographie be adopted for um'uted pp'rai!lers p()und~, contains 1100 to 1500 nut the I It of th~ district ~bool~ in and honorable, !And were 10r t1le ~orm use in th , chool of this a,p~hl wUtof Li~a Baxter. d ceas. and furni hes from 7 to 12 pounds Wayne township ~o be dllContmu- best as he Baw \t. The S;8me ma~ township." tl • dmitted t~1 probate of meats or kernels. ed. and tbe buildu.'g and .groundJl, jUI!+ as truthful~y be. 881~ of the BuiDc our jUclement on some ot e , II as a _ . were Ilold at pubhc au chon only chatrman 'Of ~he mvellti,.tmg com- the sample ot writing we have Marriage Li.:rna". • - • .. bout a year &eo. mltte~, EdWin Chandler, a flryn, een within the last few years, we Subscribe for the Miami G&.etM. In the meantime, a regrettable y~t , kindly •. adherent. to ,the prJn. can heartily r eC!omnlend to the L e l\f. Palmer, t~!el worker, of r miaundentandillr; and altogether clples of J'ltr:ht and Justice. III be present board a repet ition ot the Ft'anklin, and Mi f\ j~e llll V. Brew" ..ty mellS aro e in the board, due !laW them, T hi8 ~as certamly. a Iollowing invt'stment: "On mution er, uf Franklin. ard awyer. service , $7; Morrow in tbe be"';nning to hdir disre-rd most re ...-rettable mIBUn~erllta.ndmg l't w · a agred to bu'" one set f Wh ' t k . r $5' Georgl'a e. "'ld t h If the • Real E.tate T lranafer. I a er, se VI"es, , of a resolution that had been Ie- that cou no. ave ansen Thompson & Bowler' writin!t Miller, services, $10; James Hat,.lIy adopted. This trouble was the t-oard had .cont~n?ed to be gl?vern- cards tor each chool in the town- , N w York Life Inliiurance Co. to fi ld, ervice, $10; Stella Kelly, ouree of much embarralll!ment to £d by their orIginal rC8olubon. ship, at one dollar each.' Arthur Ncwfa rth. 139 acres in se rvice, $10: Charle$ Robson serv one of the most worthy members, W. J. Carman succeeded Allen At the September 15 meeting Deerfield t(}wn ship. ices, $10: Book Shop, supplies, and, lor a time, cast what are now lIaines a8 cJer~ of NO. , .4 when t he Henry McKins y, . . Gard a nd Ar thur and Alma R Neufarth to 9,15; Fairley Hardware Co., ceB('en to be unju t reHectlonlJ board reorgaBnlzrid • Af~~ 16, }8'17, L . Smith were elected to buy William Winkelman. 139 acres in m nt, $91.80; L. G. Andersoll S<ln upon hi oo nor, and E. A. rw C,ne r em WYP the coal f or all the schools while Deerfi Id township. Co., bridge repairs, $4.29 i Morrow rra,,'" Bldg. It will he remembered that. at E. A. Brown, clerk of No.2, was Edwin handler was to b~y the Milton,. Keev I' to . E si~ W. ~'eed and Supply Co, bridge re- \ • __...... _
Cary' J welry Shop
I . l.enD", Ohio H ()Jl4'1J );v4'nlulre
~ Io)t
National B_la-
w n..
Drawn • • £ . ~t • • S.ul" WAYNESVILLE. O H IO
Phon 80
Blink Bldg.
~a&cray~~ Kcl'eek e"~t own 17~N IIC~ Here'S the result of the 18 hip and inl ot :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I school election, a announced at and in Lebanon.
"'~'---':"'--':-":-'---..,.,.-";'--I-fjI!e--A-l~ril19 meetin~ : ' No. 1, Ben-
What Public Utility Ser.vice Really Means (Editorial from PDttstown, Pa., "New")
George B. CouTtelyou, president of Th e National Electric Light AS$oeiatiop, rna-de a precise statement of t h e dutie otan electric utility, wh en h e said : "Its () bligations are: First tit, furnish an adequate a nd COlltinuous lIupply of e lect:ricity at a fair and realJona ble price. Second, to supplern.ent this with n series of definite human COlltacla through which the relations between company a nd customer may be maintained on a balli. of mutual re8pect, u nder. .tandinr and eood will. "This is the kind of Ilervice our customen have a right to expect of
More tbey cannot' a<lk; les8 we Bhould not live.
"Th~ whole "PoweT PToblem" has become conf used the past few years. We have been led. to t hink of t he indulJtry as a remote and gigantic thing, whereas, so far as we lire concerned, it is an institution 'rendering a very personal service. Its job is to provi de us With kilowatt-hours, at an eqUitable price. So long a s it doe that., it is doing II good job. When it f ails to do that; the time tor t'omplaillt ha arrived. "Bickering!! between frij!nlla and enemies of t he electric industry ShOllld not be allowe~ t o confuse this f a ct.. It is within the ';power of each crl us t~ apprail;e the benefits we receive fro In electricity, and then relate them to t he price they cost \lB. When we do tbat, we gc>t t.he clearest possible IInderstanding of wha~ electric power I1l1d utility service really means."
The Dayton Power and Light Co. Xenia Didrict
PE TREATMENTs=a;;orrhoids or Piles n Specialty_ Al so Varicose (enlarged) Veins and I g ul cerf\. ol)sultation free. Consult Dr. E. M. , teel, Masonic Bldg., W ilmi ngton, Ohio, j 11 FOR SALE
W ANTF.D- to bu~' corn. III1'ence Rye, R. R. 4, Waynesville. "d14 FOR ALE- 2 burn r oil stove. U ed only a hort time. Inquira at Gazett ffice . FOR ALE- P land hina male pigs, E. Evan. Phone 47011. ·d7
Tu~. p~r,$35.ro;H. ~ 6~~~uel ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nos. 3 and sand $23.60; Va,n Camp Stone
Fr(!llch Bauel', In'e. to W. W. Whitaker. Real e tate in Salem to wnship. 1'.:. Frank and arde O. W eimer to Daniel antJ Grace We im er. Real estate in alem township . L. W. Witham to George E . HjlJ and Effie M. lIiIl'. 20 acres in Deer· field t.ownship. J ohn E. Graham and .Anna R. Graham to Will iam Hinkle ' and Belle Hinkle. 46.09 IICl'es in Salem to wnship. Mar tha p. rane to Ora F. ·rane. Renl estate i,n M~so n. W. W. Whiteker t o French Bauer Inc. 105,90 acres in Turtlecreek to wnship.
jamin Mather. 3 years and clerk, No, 2, E. A. Brown, 3 yeat'S and clerk; No.3, Thomas J ohns, 3 years, E. handler clerk; No.4, Albert Wilson 3 years, Josiah Hough clerk; No.6, S. Lev Cartwright 3 years, Charles Hawke ~ years, Henry Prater, clerk; No.6, George Vetter 3 years and clerk; No.8, Amos Wilson 3 years, Martin Harner, clerk; No.9, Lew S, Smith 3 years and clerk: No. , 10 John R. Lincoln 3 years nnd clerk; No. 11, Hiram Kilban 3 years. H. Mc!Cins~y clerk; No. 13, J. K. penceh 3 years, J. D. Gnd, clerk. "On motion of L. , mi~h l the local directors we're authorized to' furnish erasers for their chools. Bill. A lIo'wed Well! How had they been cleaning Richard t. William , services, the blackboards, anyhow, surely $10; Albert 1l1i11ial'd, service, $10; not like the boys sometimes cleon- ,~I'ma Hibnar, servi(;e , $10; Julia ed their slates. Holland, se l'vices '1.0; }11's. HowSt-oddard's Mental Arithm etic, Cornell's Physical Geographies, Brown' s Grammer, lind Redpath's Un ited Sta4ea HI tory were added to the list of text books, and it was decided that "the higher branche. of science may be taught when deemed necessary by the local sub-distric t , directors of ' any Elementary Algebra, namely: Pllysl010gy, Natural Philosophy and Civil Government." (To be continued)
0., stone, $241.18 Ohio Corruptcd CulveH; Co., seWers, '119.34: Mason Lumber Co •• matet'ial for guard rail $114.36 ; Zain Armitage gravel, $148.20; Blair" LeRoy, gravel and $and, $23.21: H. T. ook, sto ne, $915; Johnston & J ohnston, supplies, $14; Ro)' Pigott, services, 40c; hel'fllan Fox repair, $1.50; L. I. Pence, repair work, $2.2.6 : Kilpatrick-French Motor Clir Co., tires and gas for county cars. $232.U; Smith'l! Service Station, gas, $43.27: William chnell, gas, ,57.23; East End Garage. repairs and gas, $60.43.; Central Ga'r age. gas, $33.29: Hermetz Supply Station, gas, $29.41; Morrow Garage, gas, $21.92; Fred Kohn Motor Co., repairl!\, $3 .97; Franklirt Motor Co., repairs, $1.75' O. D. Smart, gas, $19.89; Frank' Sherwood Co ., suppl\e8 and gas, $64.63; Blanehc~ter Machine Shop, l'epair work, $7.50.
KJl. PAllMEll
-- "',. -
~~lVum~ber, Please?" Has
Many Varieties' Abro~d
Poor Relief BonJa To Be laaued by "' arren County Poor relie! bonds in the sum of $30,400 will be Issued bY Warren <:ollnty according to action taken by the board of county commissioners at their regular meeting he ld on Monday of last week. The bond iss ue is being made In accordance with e m.ergency relief legislation passe d by the eight),-ninth gen eral assemJJly. Of this amount, $16.,960 has b ee~ budgeted to the eleven townships of the county ~or relief p~r during the com1'l11r year WhIle remainder will remain in tbe county poor fund to be expended fOI' the hospit.alization of tu bercular patients, care of crippled children , etc, . The bon ds bearing. interellt at the ra te of 6 per c~nt will be offered for sale to the highest bidder on December 27. 1932, at not lcss than par and accrued interest. They will b~ l'etired annually commencing March 1, 1934, a nd cont inuing th rough March 1, 1938
ASPIRIN Because ••••
An American toulrist Is greeted with , an odd assor tme~ ~ of reo sponse, wilen he rings a telephone in foreign lands. Instead of the familiar "Number, please?" be hears the cheerful voice of a frau lein announcing "Hier Amt," if he happen8 to be in Germany. The tOllrist undoubtedly will be startled, but there is no cause for amazement. The German operator mcrely is sayinJr the German eq u i v al e 'n t of ."Number, pleaae? 'I wllich iD Engliah means ''This 18 the exchange.'; , CI...tlc Slnet." But Germany isn't t he only counBerodotUII 8 tlmated t bat 100.000 try that furnishes BU tpfilea for the men wel'@ l!llIOIJEI!Il fnr 20 years III telephoning to\lrlBt. 'l'bea-an me, bulhllnjP: fhp Ol'Pftt I'IHnmht. vnrietiea , of "Number, pleaHT" in Europe and aU of them .,und u•• equally .minlem.lb1e to t he a..,..e Amerle-D. THE MIAMI GAZETTE
~ ~-...-
"I am IistenI1l&'." The Belriall op erators ra pond ' quite almUarJy, except that t)ley add the name of the city in which they are located. They aa, "J 'eeoute, Anvel'a" for "I am liatenior, Antwer p." The perplexed American ia confro nted by a triple problem in Switzerland. There the operaton anllwer "Number. plea.e? " in three lan&'Ua,eI, French, German and Italian, depe.nclinr upon tbe part of the coalltlT from which the caD fa made. The PoUeb operator wal"e. fomualitlea by limply ~riDa' lIer IncUvidaal Dumber in ....poue to • cal!. LUtewl.., the relponlft In Spain, Oseeboalovakla and Norwa,. are abbreviated. In Spain, it'. "Na lDero T" iII. nlne " Number''': "Proalm" for "PI. . ." In Cl4IC!holIonkiat aDd "Centra1en" in NorwaF. w1ale1a it • ~..Ieat of .................... --J;.
The Bayer Cross is not just a ·trade-mark. but. symbol of safety. That name tells you It cannot depreea the heart.
The tablet stamPed Bayer diIaolvea 10 quickly you let instant relief from headachea or other pain. There is no disaereeable taate 01' odor to tableta of Bayer manufacture; no hani'lful quantities of free salicylic acid to upset the ~ch i DO coane particlea to initate throat or atomach. NOTA_un AH
Unci. Pet.r and Aunt Pe"y
D. L. CRANE I I P ....IIU.' S ....crl.lI_ p ..... fl.1O • Y.., OIIce P . . . . .... .. ....... ... N •• 112 Knt(lred at po.tortlce at Wa,. .... • It.• I...ce .... .... .... ........... . No. t t. vll\tI. Ohio. a.MattaI' heon4 Cia.. Mall
B,. Mra. J ... I. B. Tripp
The Siociall ts, Phohibitionial.>i and ommunists, wh ose c"n.dldate DE EMBER 7, 1982 ( o r president w~l' e voted upon in ve ry co unty of the state, polled a t otul of 0 ,71 4 Yotes, as ~ o mpared with Jl t otal of J 6 ,bOO in 1 1)28, according to fig ure co mpil ed in The 66th annual convention of the National . ~ cre tary of Sllt te CI8lre nce J. J~ t ompleted its work at Wins ton· alem, N9rth Brown' offi· . Of the HI3 2 total nltlcant b cause of outstanding action taken on many impo:r.t;!!~..ru~~~.....Jil~~L.---r:___ _ --I-l:JI.CLCi.OClaJist al one polle.d 64,094 questiom and fOr its far.reaching scope as l'epresent.8tive 0 Cll votes. F J'o l11 1112 to 1:9 30 the farm pe.ople of the United States. Following are some of the OllL~L.IIU." hard) ; ~ o ialisl vot e gain was ali) out 700 ingfCllturell the Grange favors lind opposes: Her voice had an oily 'crackl e, pet <ce nt , t he !:;"cialist La bol' gain Th. National Cr,an •• Favon Like the bubbling of fryinp; was 30 pel' ce nl. t he Prohi bitio n· lard. ist gain 130 per ce nt und the Philippine ,'ndependcnce nt the earliest possible date. communist guin 102 pill !' cent. Reduction of railroad freight rales, made possible by further HeT gray hair, i l i. led t ight in n Alth oug h these look \ille large ecOnomics In operation. hard knot, ga in it must be l'ememb Elr ed that ontinued ·development of inland waterways for promotion of Held up with a n old horn comb t he t otal of "m inor party" voles for Ign and domestic commerce. ' There the two of t.hem sat, so represented in 1932, is only Adequate tariff rat es on an important fats, oils and oil.bearing contented ~li g htly over th ree pe l' ce llt of the materials. By the door of thei r humble total votes cas t. Entranc of the Unit d tates· into the World Court with proper home. S tat Trea urer Harry S. Day, is restrictions. Such adjustment of dilJ'e rences between the railroads and highway Inside of the rough old eabin, prepa ring to collect th e Public transportation agencielJ as will best pt'omote the intere ts of arricul. With it's board fl oor so bare and utility Ex cise Tux , which will be .,Jue in a few da ys and will bring a ture and of all the people, ' clean, Th e teaching or vocati onal a~riculture, home.making, trades and Smoo'the.<! out nic e upon t he ord· revenue i nto t he st ate t.reas urer of five an d a haH million dollars, industries in the public school8. ' bed Exemption fr om tax of farm u e o'f electricity for the producti on A bright patchwor k quilt was fall ing shor t of co llec tilms I y ar du e t o decreased 4!al'nings. f food stuffs and other raw materials. seen. And on the home-made bed r-oom For- that reasQ n t axatiun on steam Prohibition of sal of war munitions to foreign powers. lin es a nd lect ric roads has been Requiring all alienlS to be registered and to pay a Federal personal table, Was as old fa hioned frilly yarn reduced from f ou r t o tllree per tox of from $6.00 to $10.00. cen t. Th er e will be e ven n greater Introduction into the public schools of a course of in truction mat; d aling wih the injurious effects of alcohol and narcotics. And on it WM Aunt Peg' s coal oil s hl'inkage ne xt yeal' owing to the abandonme nt of e lectric line in Encouragement of tree planting and protection along the public lamp high ays. Lying near it, a 'rat purring cat. Ohio. The past year tnt!se lines paid in to t he state coffe rs the sum Cooperation br all farm iroups in Il united program for the betterment of American agriculture. When the shadow began to of 500 ,00 0 and it i est imllted that next year they will br inlr only a · I C 0 lengthen Th • Nahona ran.. And the cool dew began to faU- SCllnt of $30,000. . Any general ales tax that will levy a tax upon the necessities of From a tall oak tree on ~he hillside State Auditor J Olle}111 'r. Tracy life. , A hoot owl, seJlt out his call, l'ep orts that sufficient mc'ney will Repeal of the. Eighte nth Amendment, the Volstead Act, or the enforcement legislatiol) cov~l'ing national prohibition. And farther away in the distance b e paid into the g eneral revenue E tablishment of a national bureau or department of education. They fancied they heard the roar fund f rom taxe 'C ollected on Advance payment of the Soldiers' Bonu , or compensation to And the noise of the re stleas city, pu blic utilities payable December World War veterans, whose disability was contracted since the close of And were glad of the peace at 1 t o 15, to return to the Highway fund, a loan of $3,OOO, OQO. Emth IT war service, except In CII e of dire di tre 11. their door. of Auditor Tracy's office Any consideration by the Fed ral Government of the cancellation For they dearly loved thi hillside. tployes o the number of 125, recently of World War. debt due from foreign nations. And the peaceful life they led; cele brated with a victory dinner The div rsi n at ga oline taxes to other purposes than the, con- They love.<! to sit there in the even. in honor of Mr. Tracy's rei-election tructionl and maintenance of public highwa)'ll. wu a1) informal aft'a ir and The introduction of adverti ing or propaganda into the public A~~gwatched the sun set all It gr atly enjoy d by all p~lrticipa~ golden and red. schools. ' ing.
Highlights of the National Grange
CQLUl\1B S -
The long days work was ended, Two old folk. 'were taking the air Uncle P tar, smokinr his cuddypipe, Aunt P IL in h r rush-uottomed chair.
Socialit-Labo rite ~,
Sight Specialist
30 Year Experience \n Flttine and Maklnr GIa....
Inve tigaUon of the validity of approximately 40 ,UOO proofs of heirship was open ed in Xenia la t Wedn!! da y in connection with pending litigation r e lating t o various ancient es tateK. Bourds representinjC the ev I'al lines, conl<)sting 01 thl'ce or fOUl' individuals named by th e heirs, ar exp t'ctE'd to pore over t heA pap er now on flI e in vaults in the base. ment of the Citizens' N.a lional Bank, Attorney Frank L . J ohnson, counsel fo )' some 0'1. th e li t igants, sa id that use of the witn s r Oom, and the basement of the court· h ouse had be 1\ obtained f or the investigators, an d other!! will per. use the doc umen ts ai his office and other places. Validity oI t he proof s of heirl!hip, wh ic h were obtained by Mclain Clltterlin, preSIDe nt and treasurer of the International Cor poration o f . Bogardus, Cox, Edward ~ , Baker and Sprin ger heirs are nec e H~ary pre\iminary to ne~o tiati o nH f Ol' sale of inter ats of heirs, fo r which Frank &nypp, of Osborn, a n agent of the 'Corpora· tion , i sa id t o have declared he can produc a buyer . Other lin II are the Mercer and Harpe r heirs. The examining boards 81'e composed of individuals f ro m several Mat s A ttorney J ohnson said.Xenia Herald.
.Cary'S Jewelry Shop Leb.llon. 01010 Tu..da,., Thllreda" Saturda,. Ex. .inatioll Fr.. LEBANON, OHIO
·Auctioneer r. Martin
Centerville, Ohio
A. H. STUBBS Directo, of FUlleral S.",ice · ,
Phone 78J -,..
Our convenient locati.on, luita· ble surroundings and equipment enabl es u s to Serve to the Beat Advantage. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phoft. 29
AnotlLer Committee Appointed
GovernQr GeOTge White has appointed a Ranc ~ k F'arm and Hom e Protective committee, the first of a series of 88, one for each county in the state. The duties of th committees Ilre to render assistance to hard-pressed mortgagees, both home own er and farmers. All who wish may bring before each county committee the details of mortgage foredo ine action or anticipated actions. The ommittee then will investigate each case Ilnd recommend a course ot procedure.
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Farm Night 7alks,Dec. 5
8:00 Music :05 What do hicks Inh rit? ........ ' ,' .... ,......... G. S. Vickers 8:15 Why a Garden Club? ........ ........ V. H. Riel They were powerful "skeered" 'that a weasel 8:26 MUBic Or a pole cat might come 'fore ,. . L. B. Palmer :40 The "'armer's Voice in Government daylight; Ohio Farm Bureau ." .......... " ... R. B. Stolb Soon the light went out, and the .. . ... ,,. :50 Farm heese cabin was dark , ........... ". .. .... Lelia O.le 9:00 Safe and Sane Holiday Menl , And stood sil ntly there in the 9 :10 Musie nl&,_h_t.___ _ ••_ _ __ .. . .. .. . ....... . , A. F. Schalk 9:26 Sweet Clover Disease . , 9 :36 14 years as an Extension Agent ... . ........ :....... 8 . L. AnderBon R. Bradfield 9:45 Feeding the .Hidden Hungel' in Crops .... ".. ., (Musical Interludes by Farm Night lI'elody 'Makers) (Musical lnt rlude by '-H Orchestra) Saturday, December 10, ,8:00 p. m. Holme~ County Club Program
Valu. to Farmer. of Stde .. "'00,000. Po.t. Are Worth Ahout 20 C.llle Each
To the Horae o horse, you are a wonderful thing; .
No buttons to push, no horns to honk, You star yourself, no c1ute,h to slip; No spark to mlM, no gears to strip; No license-buying every year With plate.s to screw on fmllt and.ua.r: No gas bills climbing up each day, tealing the joy of TIle away: ' No speed cops chugging in your rear, Yelling summons in your ear.
Your inner tubell aTe all O. K. and, Thank the Lord, they ltay that way; Your spark plup, never miss and fuss; Your motor never makes ua cuss. Your frame is good for many a mile; Your body never changes style; Your wants are few and e8JIY met; You've somethi ng on the auto yet. , (Exchange)
Ohio uses about two million fence posts annually having a gross value of $400,000 according to F. W. Dean, Bpecia for the .gricultural extension ser· vke at the Ohio tate University. The pOlts, he says, are worth about 20 cents each. The , creosoting of such po ts a8 cotton wood; willow, maple and beech hardly pays at the present time because of tenthnes osage orange and locust posts may be bought for: the price o'f the preservative. rn cutting posts from the iarm woodlot, Dean luggests that only crooked, partially decayed, diseased, and other undesirable trees be used. By eutting out these "weeds' of the woodlot. other trees are given a better opportunity to de. velop into marketable timber. Among the good, durable posta are: Ossge orange. which will last about 70 ~ar8; locust posts which last from 30 to 60 ye.rs· red
When pla stering begins falling trom the ceilil)g its tim e to look after repairs. That's what Gover· nor White 4id and his ent.ire fOTce of clerks was fo r ced to m,ove from the office they occupied, to the front or reception room. T,hia makes it a little inconvelllient for visitors who call to see the Governor as they are forced to stand in the lobby until ther are called by an attendant. Re'p airs are being ru shed and they 8uJ'ely were needed. Santa Claus headquartElrs in the Capital City has beell cs,t ablished in the State House Park. He arrived Saturday with his reindeer and can be f ound any day in his Alaskan hut distributing popcorn balis, candy, nuts and oranlres. The Ilpitol ha s been brUlantly illuminated and the decoratiOlfl!> in the bus ine ss section of the cit y add to the yuletjme IIpirit. They 'iar excel other years and visitors from all over Central Ohio arrive daily to inspect th brilliant electrical dis· play. Holiday shop,p ing is on in earnest and this is 'true in all Ohio cities, town and villages. Old Depre ion has been forced to take a bacl:c eat. Steam heat transported from the Ohio Penitentiary to the State Office building in Front street, thence up Capital sq-eet across High and into the State Houae PaTk, will soon be used in heating the Capitol building. It took over a week fo~ the men engaged in the work of laying the steam pipes in conduits, to drill through the stone foundation of the esplanade, demonstrating that when the Capital was built by hand labor nearly one hundred years ago, it was we1l built and would stand the ravages of time for many more years.
JESSE STANLEY Pbolla 320, Ne,., B.,II••
EARL KOOGLEIt Da,.t_ Pila •• KEDmore ••••
-r -
When th stars came out. all ' a· glisten Aunt Peg, lowed it was time for bed; They carried the rush-bottomed chairs inside, And shut up the chicken shed.
Wayn •• vill., 0Iai0
'Ohio Tall Litter Club Nine 4-H club YQungsters have become membel'8 of the Ohio Ton Litter Club. Ea.eh litter 01 pigs raised by six of the nine boys attained. a weight of 2300 pounds within 180 days from the time of farrowing. The best record was made by H. E. Bailey of Hanover, who fed a litter of 12 PolandChinas to a weight of 2818 pounds
w. N. SEARS Licea.ad R.al E.'a'e Brok." AuctiOIl"' .Dd 1......._
Wa,nHwllle, Ohio Most Re ••onable Term.
Order your
--- -
B.autiful ehridma. Card. in a ..orted d.· ei,n., 12 to th. box. either printed or unprinted.
You will IIIGnt til. · lat." de.i,n. • .. d the b_at i. alway. th. ell.aped. Calli,. and .ee tlaem.
Funeral services for Mrs. Wm. coloredciti.. years; mulperry; zen who died at her h~,me here Yfilara; white cedar 20 to 26 Tuesday night, were conducted years; catalpa, 20-26 years, che.s~ from the Zion Baptist church nut 20-26 years; and white oak, Thul'sday afternoon. about 15 ye.rs. Osage orange may be cut for Mr. C. G. Randall" Misses posts at about 20 -years of age; Helen and Rebecca Randall were locusts may be cut for fence PO!lts shopping in Dayton Satul·day. , David Compton suffered a stroke when 16 years old; red cedar, 30 yearSj mulberry 20 years; white of paralysis Tuesday at the cedar, 15 years; Catalpa, 15 years; home of Frank Shutts, w,h ere he chestnut, 20 years; white oak, was employed, and pass,e d away 3'0 year.!: _ __ .:. ....____ Friday evening. Funerai services were conducted 'Monday. Rev. Amos Cook is showing some Attitade~
~_~J.\J~I&.t~~A..l~~Ul.AJl.el:JiCl~If.e.Jl1.~I~'N lliama, respected
"SOlE MEN ARE MORE TllANKFUL" Every man ~8 thankful for the roof over his head~but men with a good Red Cedat Roof have reason to be more thankful, becaU8e they do not :face tbe ·e",pen.se of' ;n early replacement. "
Our Red Cedar Shingles are gllaranteed. They are ~a8Y to put on-and once there-wil1l~ alm08t a lifetime. I . RoofingS are only one item in our line of building materials. No matter ,what you plan on building, we have all of the materials in ftrst grade ,quality-and priced as low as they can be had anywhere.
We submit plan books to those undecided on the k1nd of construction desired.
w. H. MADDEN & .
Phone 14
Two in Tran."ortation Problema Give,.
Mrs. Mame Foreman, of Dayton was here the tlrst of the week with her sister, Mrs. TrilPP, while Dr. Tripp was 80 seriously m. He is restitljr ,e asier now. Rev. Thornbury gave thl~· address at chap el exercises FridllY after. noon. '
The transport problem is usually viewed from two distinct attitudes One is that the railroads are beine Ilnfairly treaf;ed and that all common carriers should be regulated as much, alike as is feasible. The Our buketball boys lost to other is that the railroads are a dy- Martinsville on the home . ing industrY and that there ill no Friday evening. Both hi~:h schOol iJ9lnt in cramping the style of and gl'l~de teams played. OUT girls procre" by utendillg strict regula journe~ed to Leesburtr Saturday tion to their >competiton. . evening where th,ey won another To many uninformed or unthlnk· g'aroe. They haven t I~st any so persobS, this lalt argument , is ' - - -DeJrBlllalilve one. We see trucks F .....ra 0.. Top I ... ...,ltin" merchndise and freig'bt a few years ago, the rails The averare farm family ac· were supreme. We lee buses ply cumulates more wealth tlnd lives the hlJrhways loaded with passen· loncer than ,does the averare city len that billie traveled by rall- family. road. It'. euy to believe the - - -- - ....- - - . "dyinl Indllltry" araument. . T_ lhell Loa. The ftgurea, however, pamt a Approximately a million cordI dllrerent atory. The raUrQads It.ill of wood, worth five dollalrs a co,d, C&rT7 almost an the heavr tonnaae f thl country They IItil move 75 are uMd for fuel. by Ohi!~ farmera ~er cent of an 'freiaht tonnare." No each year from their wilodlota. other medlum baa arisen that abo.. .., lin of Hill, able to take their place, particularly on that the ntlro.ct. han 1011..1: haula. placed. The nil. are resolve a tlnu. to~;be~~:tIIe=:~~!~ W. aut a tranaport nation'.
The_l!robllm. theD,
12 Carda with 12 Envelopet, per box, printed, only
condition. IrGe,
were or panll,,"
web iI1wate to .~~lf:.f.....1uI plan
Come in and I r.aped them
Theae beautiful Chriltmaa ' Card., your name neatly printed in acript type the correct way, make an acceptabl~ remembrance to your friendl.
They are 1ai61a. cla.s cCJrd.,~
he Propett7
f tal. The property I, \0 be told In ord~r to Atlt'y judgm~nt of th court In tile ca e of Jl" e p, Ennl v, J amt!1I Enni , l't al.. In llartition. The Brot,herhood ()( the M. E. It. hal'py ("to\l'd, the nunl crt! of -------l'hu l·th entertain d about thirtywh ch )It' ,'CI"d ~h f C'Ondel'lt hopeI' line of the men anu ~oys C)f the al1ll ellp etll-tion of tb.. pon ors, c ngreglltillll in the church, Tue.aattdtdl'd the dane at th' .Jr. O. da)' ev nin(\,. L. C. , t. John presid• ,M. hall, 'l'UI'. doy v nin-\t. lr. Ulld Mr~. Ullwani Mi ..sildin( ed at the meeting which featured Local H. S. Lad. Defeated in Th aft'nil' WfllN IIponsorcd by ---c- - urI! anullunl'ing thl! hil·th of U SU ll, me nb I'l! of th 10 al .o" ncil of Th WAC independent bask \G&lI1e at FranlcliA, La.t Friday nn int Testing: dis u ion of preslUI'vin EUl!cnu, '"l\'\mlbcr 23. 1ht' Order, aJld il i. ,l!lU@o to . ay ball leam WI! victorlou in it!' nr~t enl day economk problems 118 Evenin ..-Grade Team Win. thal no Illr~I'I'1 haplJier r IIWI'e official gam since becoming memh. (\lId 11'~. Robert. I'IUI of npp li d to the spiritu(l.l Jif of rderly cf(md cv r att nded a bel' of \he Warren ounty mi'L ebulloll ~Jl(!nt. unday with lr. mankind. Games and a ~eneral dane in thi hall. pro' league when they went to The Wayc hs of W. 11. nUtl J\ll ·~. T. '. Jlll" llin III1U family. good time ccup i d the evening, 'plendid music f r til oc('asi n Springboro. last W dnesday evel1- trllvelNi to Franklin, III~t Friday nnll on appetizing oyster sUIlPClr WI furnished by Friend Dance ing and de1eated that team au to "l>l'Jl·ntl On h'." u 'Wnirl\~ind of \Vus preparcd and served by the I' be rll, admitt dly the must 19 in a fast and furious game. Tl:I e evening, anti got a 2 to 20 , pank., (un i ' to bl:' gil' lin hy the .Junior In('n. A. 11. Stllbbs was chosen to opulRt orglloiznti n of its kind r sel"o'e squads of the two team ing that, we II Iiev, will prov~1 cla:<!1 DecClllbcl' 15 . at W. H. S. ~e ..ve a. ·president of the Broth r'" tbi I'fitory. Their progral\\ played a good game as II prclimill- quite ueneticinl LO them in th~ G~' \lI . hond for the ensuing y ar. ....:-_bllth di ersified lind happily chos n ~ to t he main vent, Waynesvill I nl:' run. Th bOy$ had lH'cviously \ llltc,' in ludln/; the .n\ewer ,·OU11\.I... danjce" winning tbis. contest by II j:om- been victori()u8 ill gum()~ with G "~1.\~ ... ,~ .. t"',"I'('nt ~l~~nl~U.clk,o'n " ..lnhte. VU.LARS-PL YMIRE nnd th qundn lc ~, so lilUC .. en oy- Sortabie mllrglO. , I .. ., ~ ,II, , • "., u~ cd lJ mo~t dancer, The orch stru The WAC's w re not 0 for- thr~e other cbool tcams vI th ~ hils Ul' l'1l VN' ill Ult h~I' home in c rri iWl own nlict'ophone and Lunate wh n th y m t lh~ Mason cOllnty, and ill Lheir game with the Lytic. Mis8 Macy PlY01ice nnd Mr. Ross amplifying system.• Il wontlerrul ilid 1eam in II. champion hip game play- I' chamPI'ons 01' ttl"'" L932 tou~nunlcnt Villars p rpetrated a surpris on .1 :II 'Y'~ J ",dry "hop. L 'bll1l on, I . f ' d I 'I'h d h to ~he di tribution or ound, 11-. d at Klnjts Mills, Tuesda,)' ev~n- all f lheil' viclol'ies having b. n Ohll), holtls muny pltJo$ut ~ in t.l(~lr flen , a t urs ay, w en J'l _J8lly h n • quare (Inn ' are mg. ·Two foul .shots, caged dunn\,g ",on on th il' hOnle Hllo r, Th y W I'e tort! tllr Ylnl ill the sc i ctinn of lhey were quietly married at the b(lln~ called. . . the la t few mll~ule. ! play, ga beginning ~o be a bil uverc (lIIti. In\' Iy "i Ct!'. hOl11e (, f Rev. R. L. ross In LebTh dan 8 WIll. be c()nttnu d Mason a 2 to 26 victory. uent ano. co ky, s ' emingly t o be . anOll, thllt mi.ni ter oftl<;iatlng. , eh Til . day ~venmg so long _as gathering the lflrpre s ion th(Jt th SupL. I.\lhl !\!!'. J. E.' Sprlllki tlrs. Villars has be n a trusted I~tere t 1 ,ro antfest, lind t~ 51Z reputation (Jl th eir l'r "dl'ce SQr s and. son, Of j IIlg ~, MII1~, W 'Y' t\~s istanl at the Friends Home for Phone 7 Wayneaville t Ohio of the crov.ds warrants thelr conlind thems Ive 1I'01lid ~~Irry th('Jl1 gu st.~ of Supt. an d I n;. J. W. til' past two yelll' or more, and tinulImce.. through. {,O,t ll, 'un doy ,vcning. hus Illa~o many. ·f riends in O,ur ;.~.ItaiIlJ;~aJldrd~~Ia; ~IJ_Id~~~~.l»aJ&~ A nomInal f e of 10 c n pel' Th W F M' S met In th hOll\!! W hen the fir t quartel' oI comrnu Olty, espeCiully among: the .11 ~. penon is nInde ' d children onder 1 e '~: 'e . W I ' F 'd I h . 11'. >tlld Ml ~. RnynJP nu onn er young folk. Ml'. Villars 18 a ~""'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!""!!!!!!! i d b of Mrs. E(ltth ,ompton on ~< nes rIlly n g L ga. m cendetl th' and I"anlily ~ I) nt Sund . D ,_ pl'O pel'OUll you1l2' lal·mer. For the . year 0 f age an accompan e y day. ~co.. 14 to 4 III Wayceh's favor • ay In 8l t h '1 . sOllle adult being admitted free of The <\uiH Show and nt.ertain- thi ~ j'celing <if ovel'~QntidCII had t nn, gUl·st~ at t~e home of !\fr. und l)~eSen t ey wll,make their horne ch rg . A check roOtn,wherewrap!' . t t the Friends' hurch Frl- reached its height. Then th MIlS. has. E. Edwurdl<. l "lth th groom s parents !l ar may be tored at the !Small cost of m n n . d b I F kr b J I J II BCl'ch Grove. Th Gnzette Joins Don't forget To a Friend 5 til ' 1: . ta' d d day was apprecIate yangI.' ran In oys proce e( to Ii! a te 1(', nu MI'I'. Earl Mu rray and t heil' many friends in extending to send the ( r . hristmas c~n . ' hIS a SOft' main me t' an , audienc . . . the balloon in Ll. v r~ thorough Mr. and Irs. Jack Willitt of DIlY- congratulations and best wishes. _IUl 'de ei IPoPi. I.' c. tr~ Mrs. arnh S~rawle dIed at the mannel'. At no tIme did they o ul~ l un. pont laat Thursday with Mr. n d un~ .coun 6r. home or her mece 1\1 . Elmer play our boys to uny greut xtcnt. and l\1r.. li ver DaVis ulld I\aughS "PI II a • an ar 0 I'e y ('Jng 'Per-- Chenoweth, early Friday o. Ill . but they did fordbly demostrat ter, Miss Rachel. fected whereby th~ sp/lce oC t he Funer!,l services wllre held unday th fa ct that bMketball games da~ee. II floo!, 'WI~ b d ver~ afternoon at Arthur's Funeral m\l~t b wo.n On the Ileor, and not Lot st \\' o. l ' d :f)'om the b d. it! \i ma ria y . mcreas , an, ~ Home in Wilmington. on reputation. h.lll'lc8 A. ndell! n at th Millmi cour~, FrIends. orchelltTa will Relatives and tri nds of Mis' This t ndency Qf over-confluence Vall·y htl ~pitnl is t o lh e t'ffect that FOR SALE 1\ll'nlsh the mU~lc as long as the Irma Evan ate njeicing ov~r her should 'n ot be blamed uJlon onch he i ~ rccov ~rit1g !.lSi niccly nnd o. are contlOued. marked improvement in health in HulTman and. his m()1hods. The rllpidly 8 ' coulrl be expected. a Dayton anatarium. same thing is v 1Y liab) to. hnppen FOR SALE~Pur Cid t vinegar. Ml's. Mami e FOI~emnn ha rcMr. and Mr~. J. W. Miller of to any good team, and, in fact. did J. L . .M ndenhall, Phone 45R 12. rl'turncd Lo her home in Dayton pringficld spent a part of la t happen to last yellr's team under d21 afttlr luwing b('cn I:alled suddenly w ek with relatives here. the ,e fficient coaching of the popFOR SALEPoland China male the b('(Jside of Ill" Tril)p, f Day· Past masters of the local Ma onic ular John Pyle. It was tben deLodge saw the Ma ter elect, F. D. t cted in ampJe time Lo pr vent velsburg, who is ;;bme better at pig:! nd gil . E. Evans, pron ·d 14 No bid wer received when the Compton received his past masters serious damage, and the same thla wl'ilinjr, but w bo i' still very ~70R, Lebllnon. resid n e prop rty of the late degree in Xenia on Friday. elnS t.o be true thi year. Mr. ill. WANTED = Ennis was oft'ered at 8heriff's Our community wa addened Huffman has a sembl ed a good "1 1\1 W S'l M G Jer'"" J t week by the death of Frank fast team, one P'at i improving "' rs. . . I vel'. 'l'S. • • -Ale in partitiQn on the premi es on t " Dl'\ rt ~I' r 0 R I)"'leuby Urs "'" n · . . :~nd.... ..Irs. " .OJ. upper Third treet, Monday alter- Blal'r , or Xenia. l\ native of h hig ' teadily and rapidl", • and one that L. V. , Bl'anstratol" ioia WANTED- Second-hand bicycle n~on. The property had been 8P- vi1la~e and well ~nown ere. 1 p~rf~ctly capable, of puttin&f up lire}' witnes d '''rhe Procession (or 10 yenr-old boy. See L, H. praised at $900, and could not be Senleell were held In the M. E. a wmmng tight. agalns~ any lIIss of W uding Gowns" at l I f E Gordon, d solt! ~or I s than two-thir-ds of church b~re Sunday afternoon, B school team. h h' L b I ~ . , the appraisement. (b is quite prob- conducted by Rev. 'Kilmer. An encouragtng incident of Fri., c ur~ In e anon" ast ue!!day --~I ~danew ~~u ~ V~~Silluwas~~~~~dQ~~~ dd~w~~~c~nl~.~~• • •~• • • • • • • • • • •~• • • • •~~.~~.~• • • • • • • • •~ prai ement will bave to be made week, a victim of grippe. ' work o! Vin~ent Griffy, a Fl'eah· The Business :UIU .Prole sio nal r--=~~~~==~=====~=======~====== man_ who reheved Cnp~. Lawrenc Women' club of LE!btll1on will holtl :: D~V1S at forward durm!f the In t th II' regulo!' meeting and enjoy a ml8ute of the game. Tbis young- dinner at the Leba ln!)n House, Frister s~em8 to always have. ome- day evening, Decem ber 9. ,All thing m reserve, and .does hlS beB~ bu ines8 ond professional women work when. thq battle l hottest nnd of W Ut'ren county :~re cUI·dially Inof the the need IS lfI:eate t. vitcd to attenLi. In the openmg game of th ___ evening, tho Wayne~ vi1le ' I'ude team, or Runts, malUlged to ekl! out ~ 13 to 12 victory over Frank,· lin Gradu. Charles Davi!!, ki~1 brother of Captain Law.tence, wal! the individuat stal' of this game --Hair Cut and Bcoring all his team's points. Th.l Tu day wa a busy day at the VVet Finger VVave ........ ......... / .... ....... :; . Franklin Reserves cleaned up. the Methouis1 churcb. Several of the Plain Facial and court with the Wayne ville Re- l ladie gathered at the church 10r " ' V ... .. ... , . . . . . . Wet Finger Wave ... ...... . serves, to the tune of 21 to 7. an all day s~wi ng, while a party of The teams travel to the county the male members were ju t a ~~~e~i~~~:~~~v~n~r Marcel ................. ., ........... " .... special protected wlekets for the busily engaged ir.1 tdmming the conclusion with the Lebanon trees nnd hlubbery on the church Plain Shampoo and ehool teams at Harm on Hall. and pa,rsonoge pf'emise. At tbl' Mareel ... , . Here's hoping that the lesso /1 or noon bour, both po,rties partook of the Franklin defeat ba been w 1I a bount QU$ repast, served in the learned, dining rOOt;ll of the church. Not..
WAC'. Win One And Lo.e Another
New B. urI.Ington
r ' 50-ci
Late 1")ass' ified Ads.
Wh)' Not Save
Z5% 0. 'Yoar Fire I.s.raace!
No Bids Received for The Ennis Prope..ty
N. · SEARS, Waynesville, O.
First Anniversary Specials
Beauty Shoppe On Friday, Dec. 9 and 'mday, Dec. 10, only
Busy, Helpful Day At the M. :E. Church
World's Finest Washer
....................25e 40e 11.0. '5C OPEN'BOTH"EVENiNGS'" , ......... '
'CO OR WHITE ~~~~~~=~:::=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~iijii-f-~·i~i~-~tnIYW~a~~wcialtimee~o~ ed;-bU~ n lot of go od work wns nccampI ished.
Sensible! Pt'QctiCIII!
OOODTLUl. .... C••••T111A8
.While Present Stock Lasts
That Jibnries ue aJnong the David . Compl<m, a well known impertant institutions of OUI' state farm mployee who ha lived in ill recognized by Governor George the vicinity of Harveysbul'g and WhIte, who took the t"rouble to W llman {or a good many yeai'll, stop in the mid t i)'C a busy day an died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. speed. .,. Ttn. write a .let~r to ~he Pre. id~nt ?t Frank hutts, near HaTvey"burg, the OhIO LIbrary ASSOCIatIon lin at an early hour last Saturday Eadt hU answer to an inquIry which the mOI·ning. HIs death wns the rePnI. TuM , 0genIM ~. Illtt~r bad 'sent ~he Governor, suIt of a troke of parnly~is, which 3ts3}i CI..... • J·15 ~. Gove~'nor WhIte ha,'t statea tnll,t h sustained the preceding Tuell4.M-1L._... 4.11 S ••• he nas a high reg0t;d fO.r the COI1- day. The remains were brought •. !II-lt._ .. _.... 4 .... elusio!,s of the Oh~o Llbr~ry A.s- to the A. R. tubbs !uneralparlors 4.!IO-ll_ . 4.17 I." SO~i.tlon, at their meetmg I'" bere to be, prepared faT burial, and '.75-19_ _ 1.&7 S ••• Columbu!\ this fall, when they funel'al services were held l\~ the 5..... 19_..:-. s.n S .... I.IS .pled.ged thems Jves io three ob- Fl'iendH' church in H8l'veysburg, !1.....11..:_. I ••• S .... 5.25-1l... __ ••M Jectlves: M-onday lIf'ternOpl1., Rev. Robbins l ;--Amendmcm-ot present- fn- officiating. Burial wag made In Cub Prlc___Free Mu"odna tanglble5 Act to provide prompt Miami cemetery. :Beyond the fact a nd more adeqUate income 'for that he was a son of Samuel 1083. r.ompton, was 63 years old. and 2. A J>ermllnent tax support JaW had Iivo,d near the- place of bis to provide income and under whle,h denth for many year, very little III needed De)" libraries can be of Mv. (:Impton 'lI life history is Phon. 47 WaYII...ille. Ohio established. known. No nealt, relatives are s, A reconstitution of the Staile known to survive. 11111Library Board and the State lJi~_ _ _ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~I brary, Funeral services for ElmeT E. The Governor tee\~ that com· Sears, 71 -years' olld, retired Daypetent ~rained librarians ~hould ton police officer. who died Friday be a,PpolDted to t~e. State Llpral'Y lat the St. E lizabeth hospital In r~gardless of pohtlca.l c0!lsldera- that dty. were cOlnducted Tuesday tlon~ and t~at the sltua~lon the Iafternoon at th(! home of his pu~hc librarIes !Ire now tn Is olle I granddaughter, MrS4 Naomi whIch should enlist the cooperation Allamon, The ' remains were of all groups of citizens. brought · to Miami fOT Yqur own library, as well ns burial. those throughout the Sta.te, is ()f Mr. S()ars was sl brother of Mrs. ~our!e , gr~v()ly affected by ellist- Elvin Fires, and WaS quite well 109;. conditIOn!!, but eyen whe'n known In t his oConnmunitr' He had bustness becomes brISker an,d been a valued mernber 0 the Daygo,:e~ment runs more, . ton poli~e force 1'01' several years 0lnJca1l1 ~nd smoothly, hbr~nE!8 Erior . to the st~lrt of his fatal cannot enJoy ~he same bles$lOltI!; Illness. . , We have recently added to our line of quality coals be(Jause there IS not al) adequate the well ' known Cinderella eoal, Block and, Egg. legislative provision for them, Much theught is being given to how a reasonable, permanent and prompt income can be assured all tax su pported lIbrarie~ in Ohio.
••••nEA. •...e..... ....•....••• ....., .... ..•,. ••••••••
Gordon'. Service Sta.,
Hol: Oven Pi~' Platel
16e, 25.
Spark Plug., all sizes • I,e Complete Iron Cords • 170 COJll. Xmas Tree Lights 41. Cream Pitchers' .• . . " Baking Di.hel Sc, IOe, 1se Lard ·Cans • 450
Repair Kit •
1,., .,e
Enamel-Ware • Cups and &aucers • Joe Cong. Rug..· 9x12. 14.8, , , Colored LaniP Bulb. .<1,. Electric Corn Poppers School Tablets, 150 pag~4.
Cinderella Coal Buckeye Block
For ~hose who wish to buy Ohio Coal we will receIve a car of Buek~ye Block Coal in a few days. This is from one of the best mlrles in Ohi 0 and ' due to lower freight rates wilJ sell lower than our other coal.
Denatured Alcohol
briefS :
Phone 32
..... ..:Ue, ' 'Ohio # ...
Legi.lators· Nee.d Not Secure Commil.ion
-- ~ ~
neces!?ary for the 'n ew members to
obtain a commission from the Secll·etat·y of Stat.e to qualify as law makers On the first Monday or January. The commission cost $5 each. Several recent.ly elected members have ent their certificates of election to nimh w~th for a commi. sion . The 1jecl~etal1' holds the certiflcate of elect'lon issued by tbe Election Board sufficient for tbem to But w
ba~i;~uIIlIin« ~b~e~bO:nyJ~~~ent oC t~, e ~I~ r::ti~~ fQr to Port William, citle, a8 the t~e
. --+t~o""w""n"". of Octa, Bowersville alld "uprOtne Court 1~~i1otla Port William will be most affe~hd each HODS" the The Ir!'ain elevator" in those vil~ quaUtkatiolls of I.ges will be 'forced to truck grain and other product to. way point of loadinlf.
Clarenoe J. Brown; Secretary of
State, hllonded elltch of the 167 Lalt Train Run on members of the I.egislature a $5 Tbl\.nksgH'ing. , ' Gra.shopper 11'~UII(J~nl girtTheforSecretary t uled it was not The last train on the D. T. and I. Railroad was operated over tne "Grasshopper Division," running from Jeffersonville to Port WiIHam and the actulll work of te8lring up the rails has started. The ten mile atretch of the division from ·Jeffersonville to Sedalia ' remain in operation because line continues to cllrry a compar~ltively large amoun~ of freig~t, despite the fact that the engfne has to run backwards in getti g
Bowli10e, 25., 500, $1. Mixing
Saturday ·8 pe.l.,s .-Inc'h File. lG-lnch FlI••
11e • 17e
Whole rfeel8, pair Toilet Paper, ~ r 41118
• ALADDIN LAMPS • • Crosley Electric .C ablnet Set, 5 tube Fltz All Wrench Set., six double end
..... sa
• •
I ~======================
• •
. ,•• £1. . . . . . . . . . .
Eighty-Fifth Yeat
BUY __ IN ~W ~A~Y~N~E~S~V~I~I.~LE~!~__
Attention is called to the many u~eful hl'i!ltmoll gin Bus-gestions oWered the people of Waynesvill e and vici nity in advertisements of merchants appearing in thi~ is, ue of Th Miami Gazette. '
Club W.. ODee Power for GoocI--Sh_ld Be Re.i..d
Do you remember our one ftour. ishin&' community club, the Men of Waynesville1 Weil, what has become of It? Why should it reo , main dormant an:.- longer?ltwaa a grilat power for good in the community during the war~ and for Ilevenl years therea:fter. S urely the need for public . pirit and leadership in community advancement is just as veat now all it ever was, The club did a world oJ. good, not. only in ae. compliming public enterprise, but in the engendering of a much better feeli[!g of friendship and comradeship among our men, be theY ' resldents of the farm Or the town. Why not revive it, and con· tinue the good work! Heaven know, this community needs some thiQ~ ot the lort. The Jut active presillent and IIBcretary of ,the club were Sid Ellis an~ ROil I1artsock, though new offiecr$, who had never been installed Into office, had bellO elected. The duea WeTe very nominal, not over flfty cents a • year, .a s we remember_o that objectipn to reorganization can not be jUlt!y rallied, The club wa~ and should 'ever remaln more an aid to frJendshlp and better under " lltandlng, rll~her the:, II mone),. making aeheme. Let 5 Tevtve It, Rnd try 1he plan 8IfIIin. A movement la now on toot to call It publtc meetIng, whel'e plana fill' revlvln« thl. power for good will be discussed, Every man In Waynellvllle and the entire .ur· rounding community, be he youn. or old; should be Vitally intel'ested· ln th II propoltton, and put hll , s houldell to the wheel, doln, all in his power to push the good I work along. The date for the reorganization meeting will be an· nounced in theBe coluJJlnll In the v ry near future, P088tbIy next
- - -.. _ . auuOUNCEMrll' l' OF Il11R Iall
" Buy in Waynesville Tbis Christmas" is t he slogan adopted by t.hese enterprising bu iness 'm en, who know they have as good valu. to oWer peQple of this comlllunity as the stores in neighborinr towns and cities. B'y advertilin. these values the mercbants, whose odvertis.e. ments' appear in this i sue, show a progressiven ess that is wOl'thy "BUY IN WAYNE VILLE THIS CHRISTMAS,"
Enterta •. ned Frl·endAt S d O· un ay Inner <7
Mi ••ionar v Tea at , Home of Mrs. Lotz Last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. J, W. Lob Wal! hostess to the W. F. M. society of the M. E. church at a tea. Mrs. W. F. Clark conducted the devotional exercises from the theme, "A Cup of Cold Water and the Oall to Worship," closin" with a prayer. Mrs. G. C. Dibert con. ducted the lesson study, '·Shar. Ing In the Peaple's Livelihood," and Mrs. Kenneth Hough exhIbited an incenlle burner and a rice bowl that had been used for hundreds of years in a heathen temple in Korea Mrs. Crispell,· of Dayton, rave II moat Interesting IIddreBll, ChoNina for her aubjeet, "A 'New Earth," and Mrs . .Alberta Buer. kle favored wIth two beautiful vocal 80108, flI Jleard the Voice of Jellul 'Say" alld " Bethlellem Shep. herdll," DurlnC the busineea session, the treallu",r reported net receipts of trom the Colonial Tea, recently lriv,n by the society $35 of this amount being contributed to defray the college expen el of a young native gIrl in China. The Chrlstmall offering for the day amounted to U9.41.
• - --- -
Woman " . ' AUlU~I·aary
After returning from ('hurch Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. F, T, Martin and son Russell of terville entertained at dinnel' lhe f Ll . M d o, owlllg gue!lts: r. an Mr . Maurice Hunte'r and :family, Everett, Verna Mae, Dorothy and Ti3mmy; Mr. and Mr • Romo Riggs and daughter Pauline and little Margaret Fleenor. In the afternoon t he guest were given imitation moner aDd asked to visit t.he "Big ChrIStmas Opening" of the )lttle store. "Bo1\S &, Co, Inc.," in the , basemE!nt whicb Was fittingly decol'l\ted with posters in keepin~ wit h the t>Ccasion, Christmas decorntions 8nd several little counters. After being seated on bench s, swings ~tc.. we w~re introduced thO the little clerks In costume by t e manager, Mr, Bosll Vel'lIa )(a~) as follows, l\l.rll. ~ OS3, C811h regIster ~Ierk, .(I~a \1h ne) alld Sally Bos (Tommy), Billy B.. ~s (Dorot~y), Willy 8 0 (MaJ'gnr t) A gift packag~ .was t~en pr e· lien ted to each vlslior WIth. ar~quest to periO'rID, one at a time on a. specially prepar d J\raHorm, the htUe Iltunts whicb they founrl el(plaiDed on a. small paller encl osed In the pac~ag With th tiny gift, thull arousmg bu"hel~ of li1ug bter and fun. .. . .Th~n came t~e !f1errlme n ~f spendIng the inutatlOn money i(Jr ~uckers, pop.c?,n balls, .candy al1d lce~rea.rn whIch the Itttle . t ol'e had for 8;81e. . All enJoyed a v ry plea sant wmter's day.
_ -~ - •
Met at Harri. Home Local Eaatem St~r , , IMtal ......New Officers
Sever.. SClllp Wound QUality Girts at most appealing pl'ice s. ary'" .Jewelry , hop, LebWhen Sled Collide~ ,vith Auto
- Injur~
anon. Ohio.
S' ~ riou5
tWtJlve·year.old and Y(J ungest son. or h, a,nd Mr.. E, v . H opkins, WlI S painiu lly in· JUI'ed ih the fir t locill.l coasting aCt'ident or the season whtlJl sled n whi!;), he was coasting on th hill, on Miallli Sll'f!et, collided with an aut o at th cl"()s:jing of toin and Miomi S~feets about 6 o'clock lVl onday eve-ning. The crowd of boys wilh whom he Wa coast.ing i aid to have had watcher!:! po t ed a t the crbs • ing, but f or so me reI 'O n Clenn raiJ e(1 to r e cive lht, \\'arning, and crashed head fil'!!t into the I"Unning boal'd of It 111a/:hine which b I'e nn Indiana lie n e, The urlvcL' il111110diately st,oPJled bi s nla 'hin c, lind Look the injured bor, to th office of r I'. J , E. WILham, whCI't; it WIlS fo-und t hat a IUl'ge gash had b en cut in his scalp, f uul' .,titches bE!lng nec!,s. Sin)' to close the wound. On Tue . day murning, beyond the naturnl !;orene s~, Glenn i. !mid to h ave. felt littl th e worRe f or his ex. pel'ience. \ it n SRe ' u,y that the driver of the car cou ld in 11 0 wall be h Id regp(uLib lc fO)' the colli sion, 'ije Wnl! not driving r;opidly, but th o icy cunl1ilio n af the ro adwa}' made it impossib'le for him tQ !!lnp a quickly as hIe otherwise w uhL hav . At; that, hoc is said to hav c om t o a complete halt within the spaCll Qf ten teet, an~ 0 have Insil\t.ed that the victim have imm cliale medicB,1 attention though lh lad , a t first, obj cted to thill a. b ·ing unnecessary. T hai onJ~· one hoy wa s hu rt, and t.hnt h g apell more serious, if notrotu l, injury i~ tbo rno t f or· tunale part of the wlhole occuranee. Ince Main tr ~t ha be· come a part of tJ, S. Highway' 'No, 42, coaslioA' on iitl'eet; that (ll'OSS thi ' rOllte ha become dangerou Officers hav repeatedly warned t he boys and girl (!f th is L'isk, not fTom nny deFlirll to deprive th~m of -the ir III I RUre, but. mereiy a II. ' afety measure. Tbe pl'es'ent state (If viIla",e finance · will not permit of th (lmpl,,~'n1 Itt of a watcher a ench cfMsing-, !!nd it is very doubtful that he would be able to avert acci~ents it onl! 01' mOre Clenn,
of your support. Try them first blliore gOing elsewhel'e.
Wh le Number 6044
DECEMBER 14, 1932
, All COAsters are 'Warned to reo ST, MARY'S CHURCH The Woman', Auxiliary of St. fmi n ,I1'om cl'08sing Malin atreet in Rev. 1'. J. Schaeffer, Rector Mary'a church met on Friday At the regular meeting of coming down the bill streetll of F1>urth Sunday In Advent. De. afternoon, D eeembel' 9 ,wi t h M rs. Mi~tnl Chapter,· O. E , . Monday Waynesville on s led.. 1110t only is -eelJlber 18, Church Bchool a~ 9:80 Edith Harris. Rev. :t J , Schaeffer evening, the elective and appoint- there danger to the stlfety of the co~ t el's but it sh<? ulrl also, b Morn In" Praver and senn n at conducted t he de,-otioual service.. .... f h . • # S 1 "jI,.· we omcers or teen umg year 10 :80,. CTiptura q..".tatlons Wel,'e were installed, and a memori.al PQtntel1 put that Mam treet I a On Chriatma.Day ther~ will be civen in reaponae to roll call. service for deceased members wa National Highway and therefore a union lIervlce of the Church Election of officers resulted in h Id N I . ffi • I d ' a swn IItre et. Due t o tile .fMt tMt school and ChlU'ch at 10 :00 o'clock re.~ection of the 'old offtcers Ai e . ew e ectlVe 0 \;er~ mc u e: a ~ Ied is d811sed as. Ii v.eh icle it The children'. aervlee, c01lliatin~ tbe conclusion of the ~uainelll Lucile Bland, W. M.; L.. . St. mu st top befor Cl'OSSIOg such of carola, recltationa etc. aDei the · 1IC$8lon the program for the J"9 hn , W. P.; Ed~~ Hartsock, A. street. Coa ting o n any street or ~ . take · W. M" and R. H. ~al'tsQck, A. W. dllnget'ou$ but es· t will b e t 0 11 owe d a-It Ch r IBtnta. t rea, .. erDoon , Will n P. j Min'n ie .B. Fl;omtn and Bertie hig~wllY j by tlle aervlce 01 Holy Communilln The , prolT,at'n Mills' continue in the , office of peclaUy so when a th t'o ugh 01' st p str' at is crossed, ' < II. -. CY ' UaCH piano Bolo, .. I!.ecretary llnd ufla8 ure r, respeetivT, E . ROGERS W -""YNESVILLE ." Count~ . DerrYI ely. .t\fter the meeUn~, a pot luck MayoI:' G. C. Dibert, Pallor John Gona. Mrs. . '1 upper was greatly njoyed by the - - -who Was a delepte to the bl d b d ts Wednesday: The Jr. choir will Meetina at Piqua, rave a very in. asse", e mem ers .an gues . HIP BROKE IN FALL meet at • :00 p. 11). Bible stud, and tereatiDI account of tl\e proceed... • ~. • Prayer Pleetln~ at 7 :00 p. m. Il18a. Reaeiinl' from the new atudy NOTICE , While descending. the ' steps Choir practice ,t 7 :'6 p. m. baok "Facln. the Future in leadAng froha1 8/orch a b h er home Sun~' ~UDday IIChool at 9 :80 Indtan lfluion," were aiven' by A, B. Stubbs, 'funeral dh'eotor, on ou.t '7, . ul!sda-y afternoon , a, m. Momill. w~r-hlp at 10:80. Mrs, W. H, Allen and Mlsa Emma ,nnounces that-, he will give a Mrs., har.les Watkins !\Ifpped 00 Sermon subject, Made to have Heicbwa,.. The pronam closed hand80me 1933 , calendar to any domtnl~n/f ,Epworth .Leque at with a 'piaJ'jo 8010, "lin.!promptu;" one who will call fill' it at hil<l'home ~heh Ice· .and fell, breakilng a pone III 81' m;ht leg. . , 6:80 With Mr_, Kyle .1 1ead~r. !t-t 'b y Mr. Schaeffer. ., '7:3'0 • Dr.. 1Jl~kel~ our ~istl'lct Dunng a dellsbtful 80C.iat · ~~!!!!I~=~==-~=~===~~~=~:;-:::::';.-:;';;;'=:;;;-";;':;;:::: supermtendant. Will b" with, 'us delicious 're1reshments an\l preaeb" a180 co1lduct the ',tat 8erved~ . Quarterly Con(el't!lIce. On Wed· ' . '- -' neada, evening 0.( next week the ' choir wi1l ,i ing tile Chrlstmal THElY ARI: NOT Cantata.!,. '.'Yueltl<te )(eJJli3ri~II." . ALL DEAD YET On l''r1day even in", of next ' week, the children will lrive their Witli the tbetmOTileter standin« Chrislmas provam. at rix above tero, "Bob" Roser, . of Utica, made tile .tatement in WAYNESVILLE ·CHURCH OP Lovely'. recreation parlor, Tues· CHRIST day, evening', that he could eat a (Und'bO~""UOaal) pint of ice c~eam '.... hile aittlng on Chellter: A. wm .......,. l(jlltltel' thee~rb in -front of the b'uildLne:. , " '. ~II Bob hael ju~ bished eamll Church Sehoo~ at 9.80 a. m. one pint, II.... LQvely offered to (Jom~ and ,you",l . eome apln. donate th'C' , cream if he ate it Lord 8 $upper slmpl,. and, KripthOle condlttona. Bob torthtually observed eac.h Lord II Day performed his part oftha. at conclusion oj Church Sehool 'c ontraet, 'then nmoved tpl coat, Jl~riod. Chriitlan End••,or ~t reaumed his ~t, and ..ked for 6.30 p. m. E ..nlJl~ e"DI"IIItU: another pint of iee cream. . service at 7 :30 It'. m. sermoll I~b-o . • _ ••_ _ __ jeet, "The Llcllt of, the World." Prayer meetl~ and Bible W A.yqEHS LOST BUT each Wedne!lda, at ':80 p. . OTHER TEAMS WON .,cbul'ch where JO'J ~"l at
Little Jan Hal' ock, dlll1ghter fl·. and 1\11'. R. H , Hartsock, Rel'ioll, Iy ill.
~ 19~O ;n
nited States Bureau of the en· sus showed the POp Illation of Uhi t) to btl 6, 647,6Y 7, lind the average of the last thr e decade indi('atell that Ohio'l! population i, ill reasi ng at the Tate of J ,69 pel' cent per year. ' ' jog tlti ' fa ·tor lh PQPulation oi this state wO\lld ap· pear to be 6,87,3,197 person s. Uf this number about 160,757 are ali ns, whi~h givel! Ohio '97,7 r l' cElnt Of citize n s, Record ill Secr •
Snow and Rain, Ice and Sleet, Added to Drop in Temper,. turco, Prove Summer Over
Winter hn ce ~t inly a i'!'ived in this co mmunity with a vengeance. He fh sl unnoun 'cd his presence Frank LeMay is serving o n the when the hell vie ,t SIIOW of toe ju ry ill the U. S, Coud ininc ' npast lwu Q l' l111'"e y aI's fe U, Fri· nati, this week. Lary of /:ilate, lal' nc e J. Brown' day night anrl Saturday, MComMrs. Ruth Daugherty il' in a stati stica~ lHvi sion show that 2,. panied with sume moderatelY very cl'itical condition. with scant ti44,07 0 pel'son; voled in th late cold w ather, November electio n lind a s about 1 h ' ~ now had melted away to hop s f or hel' recove ry, 67 % of t he I)Opu lalion have pas:!· some ext ent, when rain £ell, S\lD. hri ·tlllas specials on iamonds oed their tWt>nly tirst birthday, it day afternoon and fl'e zing, cOho Watch s and lUng, at C'al'Y'~ appenrs ,that nearly S9 per cent oj verted the entire landscape, roads Jewelry Shop Leban on Ohio, thOll eligible to VQ't· actuully did and sidewalk:!. into a veritable .. J 1 so. glare of ice. A\!tomobilcs, caught out Oil the road witho-ut Ure chains Mr, hart s ,Dibert. M Ohio Thl! JIJin tllieth G n el·nl As- are said til hav 4Xperienced great ity, Was the guest o f hi bl'other, sembly Ohio will convene ~n the difficulty, it being re.ported that R v. G. c. Dib rt, Thur day Cllpil;a) of it.l' two weeks from nex ~ at on(> time unday evening, sevnIg h\. 1\10nday. Jahuary :tnd, There will eral ' machines wer temporaJ:'ily In t he Upp r Hous siranded on t he Mason hill, below Mrs. Pr d B. Hendel'son enter- be <12 senator's and 16 Republicans. t"o wn Cln Route 42 , unable to protained the meml)ers of l1el' l)ridge 16f DelllO'crats nurnber, 16 al'e attorneys, ceed either up or down the bill. club and 11 'few gu sts Salnrday two t his are bankers, two mel'chants, ,Most of the time Qn Monday afternoon . two realtors and oll ly one fa.rmer , wa spent in ,r moving the ice, The memberH can ha~ e the service. em ploy s of t he tate Hignway Mr.. Mnry McClul 'o al'rived home Tuesday mOl·ning lifter it of aphYllician for one ha been depll.rtm nt scattering sand on elected . t() t he upp r branch , len·Week!! vi!lit to relati"es at the bad g rades, c\lrves and tutns There i alRo a l'etited l'Illlroad along t.heir routes. In town, a Du lu th, M;inn. conductQl', a teachel', adver·tiain ~ majo ri ty of t he property owners Mr. and MrlS. ' Iyde Everhdrt, of mnnager, educational adnlinistra · had removed th~ ice from their Middletown, visited his parents, tor, accountant, president of a . ide walk K, when another heavy 'Mr, lind Mrs. Fred Everhart, a day printing eODl])Uny, an inlluranc snow fell on Tl1esd a y, This snow mlln and a chain agent. 01' LWO, last', week. WRlj fo ll l>wed by 8 decided drOll There will be J a5 m mue l's in in t~e' t~p I'nial' , and lhis Ro~ Elli \1'8 ainfully, though the House of RelHescntat.ives or mornmg. seve'ral I()cu.1 therm,omen ot s riou ly, h\ll't wh n a trllcior low r branch, 8f> of whom are ters registered as low as . two de· which he was try ing to sturt, back D mocl.'uts and 51 Republicllns. gr es a,bove zero. !doton sts say Ht'ed, M.onday. . Numerous pl'ofes ion Bnd Vllca. that , thIS s.n ow commg ,on top of tions are repreBented, theY' being the Ice already, \l!\ the mterurban Don Leigh, infant !lOll 0 Mr. 55 attorneys 26 la~merll fiv r _ roads made drlvmg much more (lnd ,Mrs. Harvey Rye, was ' seritired four bankers, fOur'rUbliSh- difficult ~nd dan,rerous. However ously ill with pneumonia laRt w ek el'8 and editors; if spirjtua advice the C08~tlllg. aCCIdent that befell but is repurted a very much imis n«leded, th~ee milJistet's may be 91en ,n HopkIns on ~onday ev~n proved. . (lolled upon and the same numbel' mil' I . the n'lollt erlous reported ., Mr, and Mrs. ~. C. Crane and of merchants ca n be found on the So far, Th~t thIS IS th~, motor age, a!,d children are returning their roll, as well as three home managresidence ~() Dayton, this week. ars, th rlle oil men, three salesmen. that. Old DobbIn ,has almost dlsBiter haVing spent th e surnm r a j ustice of t he peace, an , authol', appened a s ,motive power tor coli ge ptesid nt, broker, president pleasure vehIcles" was proven 9 nd fall hflre. 0:1: a laulJdry companY"wholesaler wh n H rbert McMIllan and Rus· M,.. Cha.rl es Jam es wa able to buUaing and trnde e.ounciJ, depart sell Tl.'eadway came out, Sun~ay resume hi s teachi ng duties in the ment manager, <! mmerciol artist, afternoon, with the onl., sleIgh Juni or High school, Monday morn- ab tractor of titles, magistrate, that hn!l yet appeured , on the ing, after an a bsence of two we eks motion pi ctuf operator, retired scene: due to illn ~s. railroadeJ', r01ld cOI,tractor, dairy. ThIll pell 01; bnd ~eather alld In spite of {he bad coJd weathel' field r epresentative lile inaurance, lCY roa~s haR concl~slvely- proven and the ext reme difficulty, of manufaetllrer, 10e o lllot~" engine a: the wOlth of the [Qad imp!'ovelravel a good sized cr~wd attend- and a rui/way motorman. There is ments that Street Co!!'mi!I!IOner ., also a fraternal ol'ganizel·. a. w 1_ W, S, Graha~ and hiS helpent d the J r. O. , A. M. dance, fal'e directOl', a coal miner, an have r, cenUy In, tall~d at the InTue. day veiling. -accountant. contractor, publicity ter~t!ct!(ln uf Franklin ROlld and Md<. ELizabetlt Baily nnd FJ:ed man and manager, of '& 1)8ckinJl,' Thlnl treet, ()r the Mrs. Crane Devi tt have receive'd word of the company, truly a diver$illed Ii t of and t~e Bradley comers, The very' cri t ical iIInes . of their occupations. outer sld ~ of the curve has brother, Warner Devitt., at a banked hl~h, and the rOlla~'~IIV hospital in Cincinnati. A total ot .1J, UIO been con Idel'ably , wi'~~~~~~m----.:........:---t1~ , fatal Il~d non.faLal Injuries and a UI' ay a one, thIS IItll? Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanby and oceupational dl eas II was filed k?pt at I a!!~ four machl.llelJ from lion, of Dayton and Marvin Hay with the 1ndustrial ommission in dlllBster at the Crane corner. The and !lon , War~el' and Robel't of the month of etoh 1', 360 les Pay iOn P.ower & Light Co•. hal near Tippecanoe ity, were Satur- than th pr vi us mOl1th and 4,182 set bll ck It~ p ole~ at the Brlldley day night and Sunday gUf!\tI\ at.! Jess than in October 111 31. There corner, uddmg qUite a bit of m1lch tbe hO/l1e of MI- and Mrs Lyman were !l6 Jata.litles ~8 more than needed road way, Mr. Graham Day. , ' • the month be/ol'e and 29 more oel'tainly de erves credit for thlll than in OttOb\ll' 1931. These oc- improvement, a~ it was made Our W ~ b'a sketbllll league curl'ed in 4 ~ counties. Eight coun. at ~ill. suggllsti on, and according team .ran Into oodJes of tt'ouble tie reported cl RT recP1;ds for th ... to III Idea~. in their game ag-ainst Kinis l'4iUs tint ten mont.hs of tile year. There Ilt. that place, Tuesda~ ev,e bing, wer 893 accidents' with 18 10 mg by a rather lop·sld ed 01' . fataliti~1j due to motor v(lhieJes Roy Elli s was unable to play, ~nd . his ab nce seemed to up· et the Stat Director ot fllghway s, O. entire team. W , Merrell, announCC8 a tentative , ' .. list of projects for letting on Friand Ltvc Wl,re day, Dec~mbE!I' 2!lrd., totaling , !a II of thE) Church of hrlst 22,560 miles, th engineer's BIble Schoolpr sente,d three l!hort estimate for same being $1.001 •. playlets Ilt the .servlces of th 5<40.(;6 and all of wttich arc m f EYII!r,. Pupil Teet 1lhul'ch ?ndaY"nlght The sketches g ney federal aid projects , 11'1 Every pupil tests weW! given w re entltl d, The Work Hinder· cluded is 3.!l74 miles of concl'ete in the hi ~h ·chool and g;..des on ed," "The WrQnl( Wa~i to , Conduet on th e Dayton. 'pl'ing1icld · hig-h ' y. 1n 'the ni.gh sChool tIllmr- - - - - -+_ a Sunday .School" and" "Th SillS was estimated at ~2()2,.92.ll, and were givlln il'\ Am!3ricall History, of the S\lnday Scho I. 15,730 miles on th,e F osto.ria-Mill- 1l~llgllsh, Algrcbra, Geometry, bur'y road in Seneca /lnu Wood G('nt!l'~1 Ci' llCC and PhY~ics. , In countie. ~h estin1llte tor which th ~ 7th and 8th gl'acie$ tests were i~ $J4~,8jO.62 . M~cbl) f the I',a nd i,tjven in Erlglish, Am~ri ~nd brtdg e w~ ~k Will be don e dul'· 'H is tOl'Y and A 'jthmetie, i~ 1llg' the . winter ,Ill.o nths, the t h\!< 6th g.'a de a test was g ven in w athCt, b elllg permlsslblc. At'ithm tic. , i~
H, G. ·ou thllrd, )1 . )). , Director' Ilf th e ~ tate Departm ent of Health I
5"0 t C ,. oun... r epC)rt& 114 ca. es of mallppx dUI'- I·· 1' hc S~OI' ~, co urs~ " Accounts and iug the m on t h of Novemb er, In- ACC6 Un~ln g belp.g condueted at. flu enzlI in()'eas d from 110 cas ~ t he Smith R~g es room, High the fil st hlllj' (If November t~ 2Q( School ~uilding is getting a go.od in the last hal f. Th e ov-en)be o. lltal.'t WIth a IT enrollment• .Any cases. o.f scal'l t fever numb ,. 1. othel's who are interested are in~75 then be ing 1.62 l the pJ' ev iou ! ,.to enter this cia••. Regular month, La. t year' thel'e , \\' Cl ' e 223 meeti~g 7 to ·9 p. ~, 'l'hu"da)'l. deaths in Obio tr'Din ~ 'al'let f 17o" Ow~n~ to tl)e Jun10r play to b" a rate of 3.30 pel' 1 , OOO , populatio~ Thul'sday night, the next ' will be held on 8atul'da u\r ••r';'n,,_ December 17·from '7 t .o Qme! ·Be 8Ul'e t o bring your Gym aheeM.
Bank 11TIprovements u, Now Being I~.talled 'R t.
' k emar a e Woman Celebrate. Birtbda-
Work oj ln stalllng the new de· . . femllve .' improve.melJts 'at t he WayneSVIlle Natlona~ bank was I ta rted i"il\media tell' a~tel' the eloQ of banking houvs, Saturday Honoring the blrthda)' a"l\inr. afternoon., and by )fonday morn· gory Qf the fOlmer, l4ra• . Eli'!aing was sufficiently progre$$e<t to beth Baily ent rtained .h e r AQ:nta, permit the continuance of business Mrs. JaM Wrigllt and 111'11.. JJ1l1a 'as usual with little or no incon~ Donovan, at a aumptuous dinner, venjence to either bank oper'atives la t Thursday. The lJUelJt of or patron!;., WiJ-f ord Squites is honor is a remarkably well .,redoi·ng the carpent.er work of reo . crved woman, both physically and IIrranging the counters and fCreeJl me!ltally, and, altho. well adsupports, and it is expected that vanced on her jourlley throUCh the entire installation will be com· life, Is as atrile ud aJert .. mOlt pleted by the latter part of the women who are tell lean "er week. We ' hope t.o be able to liive iunior, ahe eontina .. to eojo)' a more detailed deacriptioD o:f the ~rue hapPIDeu tor many lIlon irr~provement in our next issue. yean I
A Go.II HoI.h'. A relriltertMI IIoIMeba cow
ed by L. W. Mkbet. of LoY.Iand, produced more milk In October than any other of tile '7142 C01fI In the 88 Ohio Dair, Herd 1mueoclattolll. Uell!kll, milk.. three
,Loa. 0. Cull I _ e • th ·no to IJrnV1dt' th e IItt! open lot ma, b D~. ",fr. ~' o u Jd th,' pu · By altirtinr Ii\! ~k to IDII" Hal'tllock and Gros ",11 h income for Ohio III11 ( .. I r I nt l·.·ntrall7.t>,1 cluartt>r It i pouIble to pre erve were Sun~ c·h ... I Irk, IfJ r~ I n t .. u· \ "J:ulIli hI! manure lbroa.t\ the addition of their Jlaren~ fllrmt'n wil l be 27 per cent 1e .. than it WIl K la . t year, accordi nr '"I,! Ij .. ~ .:.. t ordi nar)' u~rpllo phate, which . T. J ordan. I But t, It.-Ill rn i, thl' fe-rtillzer commonly applied Mrs. Bertha Gray viaited hill' to I'ul'al I.'conumist lit th ~ Ohio niver ·il}. The e timated \Th .. ~ nlmuntltJ in the field t vr crop . I t can be ap· daughte~. R. J , Babr in Stat~ inconw of farllle l'S for HI:12 if! 146 'PI,Ytilln ,41 lun 11 th' " llou ,<ub· pl il'd in thl! table at tM ratt' of Franklin Friday, i,li q..lct l\l lhl 1'1 ~\ll a r :l'p t l' mbe r thr('l'.t ou r t~ puund per day. or MI'lI. Bernard Jordan f Beech million el nlla rH compared t o 200 the B UIHlI or ~:duelltill n build anI! :!O nal·tin', und he' pr 1<1"'111 a nd:; pound p e r w(;llk, for each ] 000 Grove pent Tue day of last mill ion d o lh.ll'~ they are eRtlmat ed lo.'l'p in repair Ih f('nc ll al'uu n,1 ldl'l k \ll' \'(' au~hl lill'(1 tn born)\\ Ipound of Iivl! eie ht of anima1. wellk wit h Mr. and Mrs. W, T. to have r c('iv d f or their cr ops and livelltock i n 193 1. ~ < itt 10t .ltOf cour (I, thi,. J1rl, p,, ~nl 1 he . um Ilf 1 Oil II thl' he~ l 10h nur ~o treated i. the best Jorda n. l. Y{.' I t l' l 11 '01 uht.!linahl«, 1!j(1'\' lIing hlllllnf e ,1 fc rtili~ er the fume r "'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! ~8rt ~~ i~k~a ~~~o~ntln~!l~d~e~Y ,~~: t (l repa y huH th.., lI um in ~ ix can U~, n ah~plil!atio1i of !lix to ': m lnth .. , ~ nil Ih" rl! t in welve t"n lund. nf t I II manur per acre Paili $25~ for the olh er l'iL . l;le 1. nil ut h ~. Th" lo('n l dll"t'c t UfS of Nn" n \l'u n~ th t' a dd it io n of about 200 d, the deal bein ball d on t hl.' d f h h t : m e gen"ra l provi ion. . 4 a n,1 :, " erc 'U h Il rd red t o bu) pllu n . ('I l:< u\?e rp Osp a e per Th e clerk IV ~ in. r llcted to nd . \ n DFh ,'.at s f ur unl' .'chool ; th . l' !l Cr!' f or. land g oml!' to corn , which \" rtis, in The. MiamI G.azett a nd , ~'~o:~ \,{ ,~~:e \'~ t~~~er b~~ ~~~C~:'~ I~~,.!h~n I~~pus~at 16 ~ost J:e pon-lt~~~~~=~-I~ the \\ e st~rn . tal' f ill' ~I(I. for t~"1 11 \\ E. ul." .. moved, . ~co n" e d T hc' advisability 01 hauling ('~ n truch on of Ih hUlldtllgs, , al~1 ancl CIIl'rh rI th thl' loc al d ir c- nla"u re direct.ly a nd . preading it bld to b ~pc ned on the a fl!'I' lor ill di"lril-t ~ CI, :; IIc i n~tru t d Ion till' field can n ol b ul'ged to n oo n of ~ul)' .3. . to ' 11 olt! , h'l"l htHl!" t o lh beKt ~t. ronIl Jy, Iipher ru rts There are .Three 1t n,lI~e ~ buill wert' ~u~:ll ad\l\nt:ll-\'I', :lno also tht, I It o n lonl y two ex ptio n to th is rule. mltted f~ r Ith r f ram e tlr. brlc,k which . uid hOIl ,~ ~ta n ds if the ~' I ne up pl ieR t e t re m Iy sandy on tr\l~ tl Ol), J , .,K . ~p(ln\'I'I' ,rh,d I nml it flt'llil 1' " III the .ch ool ' ho:.lrd. StIli , lin e! ,even heTe t.he cond ition mo unting to I_ CO , C, J~ ar!a n ~ on,1 tho: I'll' sid. nt II tHI (' INk \\t'r :11, not er lO us xc('pt 111 th e outh. 11 32 ; and:ll. . [h;rbphIlP" to u hori1.I'd to Illllk 1\ (lui! la im ('rn pll d o f the stat . Th seeond We have. recenlly added to our line of quality con l ~ 1.1 30. Th bonl:d d culed I,) adopt til' 'd rur the . nm'~." ' l'x c ~ p iun I in the ca e of very br,'ck ~on t rut~lo n . alld thll I'n~. . ' lI w cum," 1\ 'loll . lin .. r cu m- hilly or loping lan~ where wa8hthe well known Cinderella coal, Block B ~c1 Egg. tr ~c t \\11. aw ald'd tLl M r, Da rb)· nrllti\' 'lui .. n\o~t of t il bu~ i. l ing may b(' eXC('lIl lve . However , s hire. . , n ,. tr;tn: \'l " \i'il1lo( of m re ly e Vf' n he re it i w 11 not to over· ,T hu we, the Og lg lll u~ thc o III 1'lIutinc no urI', pri l ] , 1 1' l loO k th fa t thol a coating of b1'1<.' k chool h uu)<e th a L, . lIl1 .• ta nd.; Illl? uut:t81l0lllg fl';t!ur' wus Lht:> III nu re on such lope is of va~Ue near toe hom e of Jam.' nllth and fll t LIm! '·thl' t"ral director. of in holcling ba k wa ste fu l rOSl0n . l r . an d Mr;;, J oh n , hu ltll on th l ' h. ull.di.·trit'l \\'r(' au thorized of the soil itself. B llbroo k .mke• and oC th ~ old t() <- ontr(ll Ih'il' 11\ n ,chool hou es - - --Fol' tho who wish to buy Ohio oal we will receive a oll eg e Hil i school,. about mld wuy u~ to gt(lnlin~ privile~(" to cxhibl. betw t!cn Wa~n ~Vll1 ~ an d Mt. I i(ll)', >tl'." S\'pt'~mb r 1!J of the " car 01 Buekeye Block Coal in a fe w days. This is fro m Holl,V, on th h enJa pIkE'. a nd !lO W i>unw yetll', .. motio n, the local one of the best mines in Ohi o and due 1.0 lowe r fr eight. the h me of Mr. and Mrs, 1I1! nry dir' til ' vf ach were in tl'u e ~d Gerber, t he magician, e ntertain· W ellt(! rma n and daught er:. J ohn t" t U\' 'crayon , Ilt t h e po~t tl1ce. ed the sch ool childr en at th e Gym rates will sell lower than our other coal. . Hawke t II ~ u" that t hl'sc \\hil'h' ute to be .furn i. hello a t tll n Friday afte rnoon, and gave a p\lblie ent rtainm nt in the even · choQls u ~ e.rc: e d d t h Id cb oll l cent. pel' box." that t il d 111 a corne r of R 'I!' ,'othill)1' but roilltine Wllc acco m. ing, :tIr. Mary Hall1E's and Mr! , J . lawn fS1,'m , n o w own d?y ,,',. pli hed a th ~ejl ular m e ling IIf Price Delivered te lla hane r ~ n d Iamlly , but J 2 hut 11 pednl me tinR' wllS W. SnE'1I ntertained with a pa rty and qu ilti ng F r iday. Member of much m pr!! famI liarly known as cnlll' ei on . ept mb r. 30 f or "the the J oe J.!1I111 e~ !arm" . c6mideration "I' y urch ns of the ivle Le gu e wer E' gu est • Littl Esther Lukens i sufferIt wa In .thl, old , choo l that Mr c:hlht~ Hnd dlctio nU lIClI tO l ' u~ of Hawk~ fi n1 h. d hi. el ement: I,Y to\\- n ~ hi p school . ftet ,orne dis- Ing with p neumonia, Our grade ba k tball boys ~c h oobnjt , fil s . fathe r , , PhIlip eus ·ion . Ii \I ott, WA,; tnken on a Hawke, ~nd fam ily then laved on motion t buy ,. id chart a nd 10 t to New Antiocb by a Illnall the Harrll farm , n ow the ~ o mE' of dictlo na ri e" 01H1 "'a lost. O n nl a rgi n aLurday e vening, and the Ron ald Hawke.,and fam l.Jy, Ilnd mntio n, Henry P ra let' an d J . D, high sch ool b ol's lost to Adams Henry Prater and famI ly laved o n Gard wer a PJlointl'd a committee Town h ip, The Kingman girls can· Mis ,Helen H a":,k~ 's farm .. no w to co ne!!r with R" W. B rown Il nd ce ll ed the ir game w ith our girls. Our it k, Mrs. Mary Shumaker, OCC U pl d . by W llha~ Wardlow get ad,'ice in ref er nee to th and fa .m lly. John stili bl! f ond le jtlllity of makinJ~ aid pureha, e," Mrs. lara M r ri tt. Rev. Amoll memorlei! of the day. when h , t o· Wh en the n ew board assembled ook, and Dr, Trip p re main about Phone 25 gether WIth Har r>, Prater an d , t.h pl'il 1fl, I 3, 8 l veTa) new :fac s t he . ame. The snow and ice Saturday and other boy a nd girl of the nel!th- were il/un d and nt 1 a t on e t rie d borb ood. uBe~ t o trurlge two ~11I1 S and tr ue ve tertlrl had retul'ned to Sunday cou ed motaM ts much in hill, Mrs. or more a ro,. t he .fi e ld t o thll~ old hi p o. t afte r a f ew yesl's' ab e n e eon v 'nlenee on the school. carrYlllg hll! books. sl I.e 'I'h root I' r ad . J B Roger No Elbert Wallace repo rt th e only and a buck t of lunch t he oIl n , l ' Peler I'll nio~' . N~ 2· Edwi~ accident , damaging th e DeSate fro Ee in t.h e more . evere w ather , I h.ar dl r. No.3; E. ~e i.ey, No. and cro . mg the Iattle c re k on a ~ ' Henry Prater No I) ' G eor~e foot log wh e n. he didn't I'Hd e V'ett >r, . 10. ; (' na c 'W ilMn . ~o. across on the l CI!. No ni ce motor . L 'mith No {). l\f J ale busse ~ t.o convey t he P UI)\1 ,t o N'(,. '10: J . W.' .Ha;'t. ock,· N~. 11 ; ~~hool In t ho, dllYs; n~ wal m rru. Smith, No. 13. E . ween ey v1and to 8u p~lem en t, th!llt' Wa. dl sen to t! I've as pt'e ident day lunch ; noe even 11 klnd ·heartthl! )' (';1 1', I mmE'ililltely aftel' t he bOljrd had r('conven d after the n oon reees • Gilt Clufl t h [ ollowi ng pelil;ion \Va presentU. rend a nd, on moti on of ·L. , mi th, wac gran L d ; " The pa trons, 01 . ehool dist r ict No. 5 for con· ...' enience 'nke, a nd tha t each hou e rna)' be r pre 'n ted by t hree dir ctoTS. we petitio n yo ur ho nora Brand New, Guaranteal ble body for a d h·ision. maki ng: Middle Run i he IiIBe un t il r eachincr: th fa rm of Evan hellQweth, th n c south to the far m of J ane Liil e," T he petition wa igned by .. Lt'v artwrjght a nd thirty-thre e (I the r rellidel1t vot('r of t he d is· trict;. n moti on of Ge(lTge Velter, the new ub · di !ltri,~t was to be des· h:~ n atcd as 0, 7', and the cler k wa. " inlrtcl' e.d. to give legal n otice of scho \ m ee ting t o be held in' ai d . ub-<l l trid t.o elect t hree di l'CCtol'S, on e t o Ilerve tnt: ee -Y '~.I'8+....- -ft Oll too IIcr ve two 17C1lrs, an d one !'erve on year." L J . ale pr I;ented a request { Ol ' t\ new school !bouse In No . 10, li nd L, . m lth, yrus mUh ~nd Edwin handlClr w ete appoint e» a c o m m i tt~e t o inve tigate the prop· o~it i Q n . with in truction to reo WltbcMit a doubG one of the m«* IImIAUonal KlecUtc a.Ji1prap ort nto an lld jou r ned meeting to lor nlllH. Three big Ice t t.YS, Shtlves arranecd to accOmbe he1d April 21st , moda.te dlfrr:rent aIM bcttlea, 6>ttllc'.Aln~ ,p:J.r~ IU'et. for the G eo r~e V tte r submitted a res· a"relie fant.IJy. AutoInatlc ,chrom1um ~ctell bardware--llroomolutron aut~o rizing th e purchase ~ll !,&& ~ld ""erMa<! UDl~. 0nJ7 $411 c:ur.plete. '1'IIl11 11*'o f chart and map cs scs, containina an~ "d lly Wt::ll ~_. . ' . GO charte, Bnd cl) t ing $(0 each, but Yl' lI ml t h '~as the only one of his ma tes who fa\'or ed the in· Opportunity vc tm ent, the ot!her nine voting IlgaLt. it. The boaTd did, however, The a bove will be a gif t in many . d ecide to ~ ll]'cha sl~ th irteen copies homes. Anticipating t his demand, of W b te r 's nabridged Dictio n· WurlHzer w ill delive r up to and a ry, nt $ 10 pe r COpy, f OT t he use inclu ding Chri t mas morning. A I)f the schopl!!, this vote standing small d o wn dep osit is all y,ou need 8 yeas against a nays , Ludlow Dayton, O. to pay. (To, be continued)
Li Ie ed, '.Di trict School as it Existed in Wayne 70wnship fOT l' ears By TH E H
IUnt \ 1
W e locale~ one on .u ne of g round on the outhweKt corner of .th la~d K owne d by A a r o n Wnf;ht, llust d uli th Be llbroo k pike , The other on th c-o rn,! of . A.aron outhw ~t han~1 r . land, lym~ south Il~t of th pIke, line ~o bea;;m near a cuI· vert and run~l~ , WIth the bra!lch of I. H. Harra hne on w t tde, Bn d t hH aT • om (amili II in di · nd ~nough of tbe la nd of I. 11 . trict '0. that would like t o be . Ha rrIS to ma!'-e on ~nd o n ~-quar. t ran f r r d, hould a new district ter ac~ee, )Yln~ parallel wnh th~ b t orm d. nd th r are orne ten outh Ime o f lI8 ld Chnnd~ er's land. or twel\, hildren in di tric th t (silPle.d) B. Ma.ther, ~ oluah H ough would b tran terred. I n Rub- Lew . Smith, c~ mm lttee" di trict No.5 the enumeration i Th e boa rd d ec ld d to bUild. a !l.eveRly holaN.' ( ign d) Nathan sch ool hou s on each ot the , Ites Jon • Auon Chandler, J . W . rllcomm e ~d6d by the commItte t Bo ~den John Borden Asher Cole. t he building to be 2 by 36 ma n, 'Philip Hawke , 's. Le art- f ee in dimen 'ion" "and e wright, J . 0, Falklnburg, HQrace either fra me or, brlc~, a may be ha nd1er, C. N . Mur-reU, eth art determrned ~ereafter. The, clerk wright. Job Prater, J obn M'cBryant and )Qcal ,director . wel'e dlr cte d Har 'fl. mit.h, hal'lu Hawke, t o a certam the pnc of t he lun.d J oseph E'van , He nry Praler and >lel .. cted, and t o cOntract {or it If David Lashley. possible. The)' . wer~ a!. 0 t o have The commiLtee r.eport d . as plans a~d . pec lfica tlOn for the fo llows at the apPoIn te d tim: new bU lld m g p repa red , and, were " Your committee mflde a t horough t o rep ~ a t. sb ll another adjo urn· inve tigation of district No. 5, and ed III etmg, to b . h I~ 1a).' 29. Plans a-!1d specltkallons (or ~h.e fo und it very inconve ni nt ror many of the scholar a ttendln~ nc",! bulldmg. t ha t ha d been .pre. hool w i~h ,t he h ouse in the pr II- par ed by .John ,N. Fetter , archItect nt loca tion, W e al 0 f ound t he a nd ' master b lllid r. we.re ad opt d . cho I hou e very much out or re- a t this I tt er , meeti ng, a !ld M~, pab'. We, t h eTefor e, r ecomm end a Fetter was pa1d $ 10 for h I e rvldivi ion 01 th district, pr o-.:ided ce, (Try ,a o,d get pl.a ns drawn th 1" can be effic ie nt IIch ola rs tor two bu lldmg f or $1 0 Ii.OW , taken/rom di trict N o.6 to j U$t i - Etv~ n in t heM day!! of de pre SI 0~ . 1'1 two scb ool ." ( igned) Hem:v And M<r. Fetter was mas.ter or hiS McKinsey, ~ . R. Lincoln , J. D. craft. ) . Card, commIttee. Aaro n Wrl,gh t was J;>r,esent. and The boarcj f orthwith voted, on ubmltted thIS proposition to th e motion 0'1 Edwin bandIel', t o board : "I- will take one hundred divide the di$trict. Then t he dollars f or one . acre of ground artument atart ed, and 'continued where the commltt e has selected u~til Friend Edwin so~ght and o~- a ite l~r school lot. to be u e~ a 8 tamed a I' consideration of hiS long as Jt may b need d. provlded motion. "Smith t.h en moved that that whe n it ce~!e to be ulled for the board pr()ceed to biJild two school purposes It shall reve,rt b ack IIch.oC}1 hou ~tl9, th iJl ye~r. in ~sid to t he 'f a rm to :which it tmainally dw let, wh Ich motion was second- beloneed. Provided furth er t hat r por t ;
Cinderella COB'I Buckeye Block
Dellatared Alcohol
WaynesvHle farmers Exchange
Wayne.ville, Ohio
The Biliest Bulldllli 1__ the World
I. Made Up of Small Parts
. . . . .......--, . - -
Mention "Lumber Yard" to Botn,e folks and a ll their t houg hts are of some vast big construction job. .
Wh en we call your attention to our business here in Waynesville, it does not necessa rily mean that you, have to be pl anni ng ~ new home, a ne w barn or som e great big im. prove ment , to need us. W e want you to think of us wh en you want a ~i ngle 10-foot board- j ust a few pounds of lime-some ~hingl es--a bito! t ar-supplies for any k ind of littl e repair job. "
Once you have f ound how obliging we can be on small se rvice-then we know you will j ust naturally come back her e when it is good Lumber , Cement, Lime or other building materials you want ' for t he big j obs. And, by tJle way, take our .iDcere aDd boae.t tip-
w. 14
au ILD
MADDEN & CO. WaY4uville, Ohio
~.na, .....nt
Pro,r_ et
Be rn Will Yi.ld La.,. AllAl4al-R, tur ...
80 Y &aft
PI~lD~ lind Maid.. G. . . .
. Cary'S Jewe.Jrj SMp
·w. N. SEARS Lice......
SPECIAL TREATMENTS- Hemorrhoids or Piles a ' Srecialty. Also Va rlcose (enlarged Vein• and leg ulcer!. Cons ultation 1re., Consult Dr. E . ·M. Steel. Masonic , Bldg., Wilmington, Ohio. jll
Manure sa ved by a sound man· ageme nt prQg ram at t he barn, will R.al E.taa. Brobr. Le--". yield enough more crops to ,!lilY t he A •• ti....r eBtl I••• raace first in stallmen t on Ohio s f arm T. . . .y. n.rI4III.7. Ia._"~ taxes, and leave a mp le W.,....Y1II., Ohio . E ........... r .... th e) bank for Chris tmas FOR SAL& LEBANOllf, O)JJO to J , A. Slipher, spec ia l Moat Reasonable Te1'D1. for the agriQu iturlill ext ension WANTED vice' a t the Ohio ~;tate University. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Ohio farmers. he sa ys. are keenly interested i n building t be Wanted~A hundred 8 to 16 lb. soil a t li ttle or no cost in cash outc Subecribe 101' the lIiaml 'G ..etta. 'Tur k eYII delivered t o m..1 place lay. T llere is no p lace or 110 device for another buyer 'on ' TIcI,eday by which they C!Ul do t his be tter morning, December 20. Will pay DI ....tor .1 F_erat Serlin t ha n by thollghtfuil mana&,emen t 01. 16c. Also. ,(lucks. geese and roa.t· th e f arm's ~ upply of manure. DER.~ON illif chickens. Phone 99R2. Will Mq'ch man ure (~an be saved in Our cOllvenlent 10catloD, lulta- GU Bti)l . dU lot feedi ng by usin g a 16t of the tiOTAaY PUBLIC ble ,u1'I'oulldinp and equipm.nt · smallest possible !li llC. In this wa y it is possible to ' eliminate hun, N.tleaaJ .. . . . tnabl .. us to Se"e ~ tbe Beet WANTED-To buy bard coal dreds of t ons ot r,ain which oth erAdftntqe. brooder stove. Howard Sham,vi e wo uld -fi nd fit s WilY t hr ough., Wllie Dn_ •• L ...... I.".... baugb, Harve1sburg. ·d14 the thin bl~nkc.t 0:1' manure a Jld reWAYNESV.ILLE. OHIO ~LANeE SERVICE m ove its solub le lioRd of valuable , FOR SALE-One IO-month. old nutrients. Most lot.s can be reduced W.,.....I... Hampshire Male Hor. Price to one·halt . of lP' ne.fourlb . and reasonable ~ John WilBon. Route 2. often ti mes one·fi .th, their O'1'igin- I WaynClvUle dU al s ize, with ga in fo r t he valu e of manu re, ThCl areal Slipher believes ~==~~~~==~=~ FOR SALm:.:-Dolly type power s hould be so sma.l tha t the depth " . A U DATES CALL wuber with IAII motor, wri~r or manure aCClun, ulated for the rolla neal'ly ne1'(, cheap. or w\11 !'!flaEon wi ll bc '2 to 3 f eet. This can lie donc by a llowillllt each bead of teed ha, or Ifl'Illn: cattle n ot more t han 60 square FOR SALE-Pure Cider .tlltea,.. feet of area. J. L. Mend.Dllall. Phoae 41811. However, eve may be done In b y Ioppjn, off P 'O R SAL&-PoJad' ChbIa . : : yard. the op en .lalla STANLEY ,lIP ud.uta. B. Il~ pro.. ~aJ'ded as a ma.keil!biJrt ' ·'14 tolerated roof can be nr ,nvtlj'l ..", the laterinr be reA,rranlrt!d
ser· II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
L. M. HEN ,
Stanley ..f. ItIUV6 Mdter .g::bb!~r Auctlon.en
,1ba. La........
D. L CRANE .".., .... _
P ••U..... /5 .. II.crI Pt!0. P riM,
,'.10 a
.-_•• ....•. '" ..... ,.. No. 112 Entered at po.tortiQ. at waY!!-n,... vlllfl , Oblo. al SeCond Cia•• lIa a c . .... ··· ... ................ No. III lIIIaUer
to defendant. Virrll O'Danion, aalBIOln. et al Charles arding and made parties leave to file an1nswtehre case or TPhleapdinlrl', e eo pes B UI'Id ina Lnan &, . Savings 0 versu.s "'. v;';I' . fi Wilham A. ~rarner, et ai, con ('m. aticn deed al~d distribution ordered. In the cas,\! of The People's Building, L<i~an & Savings o. versus D. W. Bishop, et al judgment w.as l'elndered to plaintiff in the sum of ,1&,420.43 with interest from thill dal;e. ' ,In. the case of Harold Longwol'th versus Amerlica Longw!>rt.h, a div<Jrce was gJranted plaintiff. Custody of chilcL was given plain tiff. In the case of J. E. YO/'k ver us Gabbi~rd, t he plaintifl' was . leav~1 to plead. The ca se of lrt!ne Southa l'd Baker versus B. H. J effery was dismissed wtihollt record. In the CBlle of Carrie Speidel versus H omer E. Howell, et ai, trial by jury with verdict to plaintilf' $116 intere assesse against J oe alnd Howell and t. $11G andd interest assessed a gainst Hom er Howell. In the case .of David 'Reston and Altce B . Reston versus Dale H odapp, et aI, confirmation, deed and distribution Qrdered. Deficiency judgment (ll 1$778. 62 . In the ca8E~ of Norma B. Roo a vers us Effie M. Phillips, et ai, Donald Lee Hall is made party defendant and granted leave to file pleading. In the case bf Cook Coffee Cpmpany versus It. S. Burro ughs, et al it Is ordered that the restrain ing OJ d~r heretofore allowed be mad e an injunctiom f or period of 90 days and the IPlaintiff recover from the d~fendant the costs.
HalTY Bartlelter guardian of O,to H .... 'H · all fined in 1I11yt 0 n and filed hond or $ United States Fidelity ty.
Sales by Be s~ie trix of e!llate of J deceased, were ap uccou n l ~ aTe to be
Quit in bales that appear On external Jn~pt'("tJ l) n to contain , t\"ll1my hay.
Farm.Night 1a/hs, Dec. 19
'----------------------------------------------------~ 00 Music 8 06 Wha t the Government Spl'n(j, for Agl'icullurCl 8 15 Equalizing Ohio g<.lucation
B. A. \ aHnct'' '
Fop R•• alta hio 1<'nrmer ~::-:'~=-_~~~_~===~ L .•J, 1'abel' . .J. R. All){Y(,I' Amle' Biebricber
L. L. PUm 1ll~11
8:25 M\lsic 8:40 Natior;Jal Grange ews Ray Lew, .1armel·, of Miamis- 8 :50 o-op Economic T"eedel' F .inL hing burg, and Mi s Rut'h 'Eileen Car- Ii :00 Bringing hristll1a/l Spirit into YOUI' home . n Ie, of Franklin, 9: 10 MllSic j udgnU!nt was rend ered to plaintiff !l :25 The State Foresh'Y Division Edmund 'ecl'el'rt. In the 8um of ,237.27 and costs of Real Eetate Trall.feu 9 :35 OutlOOk fCJI' mall Fruits . R. C. Sudds $1 0.05. A. W. ~rllrion A. O'Banion to J . 11. Hendricks 9 :45 Why se Forced Vegetables In t he case of Lewis It rea l estate in Deel'fi Id t ownship. Saturday, Dcccm"6l' 17, :00 p. m. Inc., versulI, Henry N. Oram,. et Gorman F. and Hazell M. Hall to Jack~on C unty Club Program . real estate is to be lold subJec~ to Donald Lee Hall, rea l estate in Hie lien of mortga.e of The Fed===="'---== ~ =-r-~~ nion town ' hip. C PI P eral Land Bank, but free and clear Sum Iron to Miriani uemening. Hay Better a Little W et ommon ea. roceedi n.. other liens including any right et ai, real estate in Union townIn the case ot: Josephine Bailey of dO'w er of Emily Qrim. Ordered ship. versus A . Sidney Westover. Trial that an order ' of appraisement be Baling hay on e Ke Jingly dry Jennie Iron!<, et. ai, to Tobias William Long, of Xenia visit d days result heard by jury. Verdict to plaintiff Issued to sheriff of Warren COUllin shattering till' Bl'etncy, rea l e~tate in Union his parents, Mr. and 11'8. WilJiam leaves. Thi~ practi('e fl' (j\Jentl y fOr $600. ty ' township. In the caRe of Charles Casner I~ the case of Anna M. Barmann lowers the grade, or at least. rePhone 78J Anna. 1\1. Barmann to William Long r., Thut·sday. Urton and ElJa Urton versus MII- venus William W. Bumann, a W. Barmllnn, inlot No. 230 in LebTh chihJI'CJl of the unday ton A. Clark and Grace A. Clark divorce was granted plainUIf: nnon. Schoo l met at the church J<'l'lda y - -'- - - - - - _.± Roy HOI'd to Peo ples' Building, eveni ng to pl'netice for the Christ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=========::::=~======~ mas entertainment. Loan & 'avi'ngs 0., J'~al estate in, MillS Mary Savage i.8 boarding ~r;::::~==~~~~~~==========~=====~ts':"I Harlan tow nshil" . h h h' B II Issac and Agnes rouse to ' . P. Wit er gran<imot er, 111rs. e e Krohn, r al estate i1'l Sia lem town, Dinwiddie, and attending Wayship. nesville Rchool. Tillman Barton and 1~lo rence M. Rev. C. A. Williamso n, of the Ba rton to Charles . 'F'ishe'T, trus. Ferry church, called at ~he homes tee, 108 % acres in Wayne town. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Fhill. . and Mr. and Mrs. Frllnk Rog'ers L')' b Wednesday afterno.on. .<:'llla >l h K . arnE~y t.o Roy MI'. and Mrs. J . B. J ones vi ited Hord, 100. 6 acr'es in .Harlan town t heir brother-in-law, . Mr. John ShitYdia Ross to Ada ;Bell e Mast, Zimmerman last week, who is et al, 1 0i acre in U~~l'lan town- seriously ill at his hom!) in Da:rton Mt·. and Mrs. Amos ook of G. Jones, et lal, to Earle near Wnynesville weI' dinn er C. J on es. 13 ,70 acres in l-Tarlnri guest s' of MI" . Margaret J ohl)$ on Monday of last 'Week. townsh ip. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur W hal'ton attended a bi rthday dinner unBill • . Allowedl da y at the home of Mr. aJld Mrs. S. . Wright, cost bill in certi. E lridge , humard in Dayton. Nlew S"I .. IiCllti on, $43.68, Rei!"s Electric Mrs. Leon Salisbury and son, Charles Casner Urton and Ella repairs, $2; Kaufma n's sup. Wendell; of leveland are makEieholzer ver~UB Milton A. Clark $11 Kal'l D. Dakin, insurance ing an exte nd ed visit at t he home alld Grace A. Clark. Cognovit. Charl es Hobson, sU I'vices, of MI'. and M/·s. Allen Eml'ick, Eby Brothers ver8US Richar'd 10 i .85: Ke lly, services, $10; wnile Mr. alisbury is working in Plowman andl Hubert Renll. Ap- amesStella Hatthlld, services, $10 i Indiana. peal. George Miller, sel'vice , $10; MorM sars. Guy Rou tzahn and row Whitacr e, Slerv'ices, $5 i Mrs. Albert tacy made a bu siness Probate C:G.l Irt Proceedi.... Howa rd Sawyer, services, $7; Jlllia trip to Dayton Monday. Mr. J , E. Clark is now wOl'kin~ W. N. Th4)mpson, executor of 1f01land service, $lOi Erma Hib· estate of Celia E. Thompson, de- nal', services, $10; Ri cbllud L. Wi!- at night a t Moraine city, cease. d:.. tiled Ilis schedule of debts. liam., servi ces, $10; Charles Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Fran!! Robinson D. ~, Heywood waa appointed repai:8, $1.60; Office Outfitters, spent Sunday in Dayton. executor of lestate of Lina Bax- supphe ', $1.13;. olun;,bus Blank MI'. an d Mrs. Herman Saylor ter, deeeased, and filed bond ill Boo k Co., supphes, $l,l; Westel'n and son cit nllytC'.'1 sp.f.l1t unday U 7000 with L. Earl Thompson tar, envelopes" $10.35; Columbus with the latter's parents , Mr . and and J. Lee Tlnompllon, all sureties. Blank , a ook C~. , forms, $,10.75; Mrs, W. C. Long. Frank V. Stl~~~, L, .Earl Thomps on Fastener Corp., $UIIMessrs. Clyde WhJlrton arid S. and J. W, Lmwe were appointed ap ; Western Star, estates H. Burnet~ made til business trip pralnrs. . 5el~ll(lm'~nt blank!<, ~:3.50; Stak- to Da.yton Monday. Howard W. Ivins is appointed Co. $3.50; Western Star Mr. and Mrs. Charle Mullinex cuardian of Catherine Retallick :st8ImIHl u . en~elopes for t~easurer, and little Di clley Tron!< wer unand WiJliam Francis Retallick. ' Ditto Inc., 1 dltto roll, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Be88ie Retal1llck, executrix of e s. i Johnso n Wat Ol~ Co., sup- Irons near Springboro. tate of John Iltetallick, deceased, is phes, $6.80; H!'ITrY Z. Gray, servThe Ladies Aid had a very enWho 1~ offering at the) holiday seallOn the choicest of meats oJdered to plrocllre an appraise- I.ces, $90; J. Ml1to ~ Conover, ~erv- joyable meeting las t W ednesday Dependable, steady and ~eliable, this modem meat market mant of said premises. Ice , 120; O. S. Hlggir,I!" '8eI"Vl~es, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Baily. 'C ynthla no,ft', executor of estate $20 i M. ~ . Osw~ld, bU~:1B1 servIces This . was the Christmas meetinlt has during the yean wo n a host of (riends in W8¥l1e8ville ~nd of AUce M. !~utton, filed her first $100.; C;htl' Bra~t, se rvllce~, $1; ~. and useful presents were excommunity. and IInal aCCIDunt. S. Hlgg.lns, serVIces, $I L~' C. G!I. chauged. A very appetizing lunch The wQl Mt Mary T .. Death, de. mour, !nquest, $6.3 0; w . e. G~I- was served. Two new members, ceased ' '''ll$ filled in probate. mour, ~nquest, $7.50; W. C. GII- were added to the list, Mrs. Alioe Rememb r, that we are here to serve our, many customers Clint Hinel!, guardian of Addie mour,. Inque t, $5; WI!stern Star Miller and Ml's. A. A. Smith. Mrs. and friend as we have always served them--1flving the best as Dowdell, inco:mpetent is ordered t o dog h ee nse cards. $6,,50 ; Kallf· Ruth Savage of near Five Point sell certain blonds. at not less than man's s upp1ie~, $1.59 i I'arvey Hill, attended and Ml'R.. Adda Burnett, economically a8 possible. the fixed pric:e, labor, $9; W~lter Leonard, labor, who has bt>en ill fo)' some time Frank Wiinfield; 'adminiRh',.. t"1' . $t); Ha l'r), Hel sel, teaml~, $9:. Wes- with a broken limb, is now on Smith's meat market extends holiday &'l'eetin&'8 to the people of .e state at L,IlCY Winfield, ter n tar p.ay book.s, '40, Pierces crutches a.nd wae also able to ed is ordered to sell certain Se~vlce StatIOn. la~or~ gas, attend. Mrs. Ed. Hopkins of Wayof Waynesville and community alld expresses the hope that the for illteretlt clf said estate. supphes, $5.60; W. P. McCat- nesville was prese nt, The January long friend8hip built up through SO years of service will conThe adjudic:ation 'and determina- ren, garage rent, $36; O. Mon- meeting will be held at the home ' tion of the i~lheritance tax on the fort, ~arafl'e rent, $.16, V. ~ W. ot Mrs. Robert Friend. tinue for many years to come. eetate of Celia E. Thompson, de- Tomp)nns, garage rent, $48; A. T.. - - ••.:..:.::=.:::.. ceased, is to be given to all per- Rettig garage rerit $39; Mrs. Anna • . sons Inter~stl~. Doughman, garage rent, $64.87; Charters D. Maple was Harry Hm, gas. 1102.81; W, H. '" trustee of th~ wl'll of "lIry Con. McHenry, supp lies, $9,21; Kau/-' lU I 'les, -4 . Church The Ladies' Aid of the ~:riends stable, decea!led, and filed bond of man' s sUPP ... as ; 0 regoma met -with Mrs. Horace 5200 with IT he Detroit Fidell'ty Bridge Co., repair wOlrk, '24.75; Oh' C t dC ' rt C Mitchner on Thursday. and SuretyC~o. as surety. • 10 $oll'T7~gaJ eh The Dorea Club held their U ~e J h 0., ' Evans HaU\AId was appointed sewers, .. i 0 nson... 0 nson ~ monthly meeti~ at t1.'} e horne of ap~,afaer of '1I!tate of Jull'a W, Re- C0., was h ers an d st ee I , ''P'~13 •5Q ; J oe... • L ew I s, $10763 cKay Thurs"ay. tal ick, deceaned, In the place of H T ' s ewers. . ; mfS. Clarence M Oregonia Brtdj!'e Co .• ~)th Est. on The erry Wives Club ,,'as D. Lollar. The estate of Lucy Winfield. de- Contract No. 1022, $21159.90. pleasantly entertained by Mrs. ,.::.....t~II i'II(II... 'ceaaed, 18 exempt from i~herltance B. MillerQarn on Friday .. . AH.small on the afternoon. lot belongt.\x. NOTICE OF APPOntfTMENT ing to Joe Anderson burned Fri- " The I!!tate of Edwin H. Smith, day night abollt eleven o'clock. deceased, is exempt from InheriEstate of Mary E. Waterhouse, Six .pigs, two cows and a horse Route 42 .ta:nce tax. perished in the ftames; • I Bessie RetaUick, executrix of e8Notice is hereby itiven that David Noggle had a serious attate ot John W. Retalljek, deceas- George J. Waterhouse hall been .tack of heart trouble Friday, but ed , Is ordered .to eell certain prem- duly appointed and qlllalifled as has entitely l'ecovered. iSlls at privat:e sale. Executor of the Estate of Mary 'Miss Mildred RoMson ent.erA certitled copy of the entry de- E. Waterhouse late of WaneD tained a party of friend s from teT1!liniJlIL' th~~ inheritance tax on County, Ohio, deceased. Dayton, Thursday night. the estate 01 Celia E. Thompson, Dated t his 8th day 01~ December decea$ed, is 'to be certified with- 1932. I ou.~ delay. . D E Sta I Att Ada Bill, jldminietratrix of es- ean, n ey, y. '''Iv d . W. 2:. ROLL, bite ,o f '" ,Hili, eceased, filed Judge of the P~olbate Oourt her in'Velltory. D28 Warren Cc~ unty, Ohio D. E. HeY1~ood, execu~or of es• _ _- 25'~ ,W ....·IiRiIi... , tate bf' Llfta ' Ballter, deceased. is )ol'de~d to sl!lJ certain bonds for New inter4lstil ot~.'d estate . Wt1lard "'j~gar 'was appointed Names of t hirty-nv'e WaneD .dlJl:)n.str.~r · of estate of Emma Pta'!:. 'd~eeafiled,~rld flied bond ' of countiana who will sene on the 2,000 With T'he New Xark Casual- grand and petit jurie!1 for the t.Y. Ccl, · .8 au~'ety. GeOrge Perri ne, January , term of court, were Cbarlea Xvll 1.1Id ·Oli'nt Nixon, were drawn · from the jury wheel last Wednesday morninga,nd' are as ap£oin~ed .Pl~rai,lIe",. . ' The Lebanon-Citizens National f01lows: :Raitk I: 'ft\lS1~ Co., : elt~eutor of .es- , Gra'nd jury- Russelll ConwelI, tate of HOW4lTd ,Jeffery, decealled, Plea$ant Plain; ' Herbert Carr, V ·h' /),~dered . to 1tIe~} cettaln sto~ks Harveysburg i Rezin Meloy, Lebanon;' Charles Hagem~lyeT, Way. • I, 1 f t J . fo~ mterest of. said estate. 'IloHI8~lfl II Distingu;shed ., .' . , . Starke)!' Ji'rIUe)l, gUardilln of A I- nesville; Garnet Wilson, Leba non i Betsinger, M'180n; Ellis -:.- W ..rl'it;er Cabin8~ ~~~d !l~: ~~el:::~~J" ftled \jis, first French McClure, Lebanon; 'RoJilert Roser, ~ =. ;: .'1 ( I Lebanon , p . W. Doughman, Morrow; z, 0 , Worley" MQrrow ; George Light, . Cozaddllale; Marie Benham, Lebanon, He111l'r. Brady, Morrow; Clint Taylor, C arksville Complete an.d Margaret -Wund, Morrow. With · Petit Jury--J. C, Adlams. Waynesville; O. L. Brunk, Lebanon; Carlie Allen, Waynesviil1e; Frank Kindel', Franklin; Anria 'P enqult Milson,. Stanler E. Lebanon; Cath.erme Traln.e r, ; H . O. Eaglin, Morrow; Jo'. marksville; Jil hn Waynesville; D. R. H(l'CiK'~U;. nesvilIe; Charles Mlll'l'IOW Rosl! ·Farquhar, Thoml180n, Le~non; Olr O. dine, 'Waynesville; Walter Wllllon Waynesville JeS8e hunt, Lebanon; A. c. i llob, ert Anderson, John Hlnes, Morrow. The Ul'Y will VIe Stokea' Speeial Jel'ley paataul'ised milk ~ eream. The Standard lor Quality. Alway. unlfo1'm aad a."a,. j! fHlb, cle.n ~nd pun. .& ..... ~ . wIIl _ _ A. a protection to h_lth UBe ~ .lllt always safe. DECEMBER 14, 1932
The Pioneer Meat Merchant for
30 years
Marriale Licer... e.
-r.· Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
Announcing Our Annual
I t
POiasettia Show
It the
Beautiful Poinsettias, 45,000 of them, typical of the' Christmas season, all in full bloom un· der orte roof-that is the sight that greets you at the Mulford
Greenhouses, Lebanon, Ohio.
See this wonderf.ul display. Open Sundays and each evening to 9 p. m., until Christmas.
l -.
New Burlington
a ..II••lj
Lebanon, Ohio
. stationery , 25 cent, .nd . Sha vi~8 and oiI.et
Jurors Chosen
, 'lUI DlIt" STBRE ' ' 'I WAYNES
_ _ _ _ _
_ i ;.........
_0 _
a ;t oast ,
'1 I
....... .,.....
.......,.. .....
~-" ........... YlU~yrzE~ .......... •
It . . 'IIC'I
• pb"
1'. . 1M
htlme of Ibt'rt Urton, near larksvillt' . 11(,(. 16 Ma. on Grange , I' gu o lar ntl'etinJr. . n.,c, 17 l"arn1l'J'. . I'ange, rel(ulA r meeting, l)ee. 20 - Hom e Ext ension Lunche on , Le~ an n n, ) I ;ao d. m. I c. ~ t -Springhoro G range, E".,,,t. l' guIlT meeLinll.'. [l1'C. 1 o-Leba nn n II· ang ~. r ftD c. 23-Homilton Towllsh ip IIlu,' m\ "tin • Grange, reg ular me'ting. n er. ll\--Wa hingt on Town&hiJl nee. 24-Mu!<sil' Gnm gl'. reguFHl'~ Bureau m('t'ting, 7 :ao u tIl la r m et ing.
4.H Club. M.et Tw ., humirt'd uml t"l·llIy. ti,,' -l·U dub
II'" m Il l".,..
Thi ~ \1'11 1I1l' l' lil1 g~
th ... t h i I'd "f lisp ~ut'h to h he lll in WI1I'I'("l l
PlI l l'llh and
friend s attendl'd t h(1 A,'hil n'l,wllt IlIl~ Ni ng la!<t. T hur ~da~' nilrht li t t h,· Allw rk an Ll'lo!'ill ll hall a l F"ltllklin., ~ounLy.
MI'~. 'W uller n ClH'dofl, of FI'llnl-' j WII" chairman of lh~ IIrllj:l'lIll1
The following stores will be be open every night until 9 0' clock until Christmas:
lin .
consiAtl'd f Huil,ienl nUIll· talk b 4· n rlu b cc ngn', " 1 d l egllllJ~ nn.i rel\dinj.\'.'. Guy Dowd~' , I\~si tnnt st.lt(' .I-H. du b Il'ader gavl' un intcl'l'«tinll t'alk. The Ill . mb r . of four boys; and nine girls' club ... recllh'cd t llllir d-ll c1 ub ccrtificn e$ (\lin l1l'cmiu11l R nW81'ded for completi on of thl,il' project.. Wa;;hington Bicellt nil j.
\1 hieh hl'\'I<,
Season's Greetln.s
Fred .Barnard & Son Myer Hyman D. R. Smith A. K~ Day Fairley Hardware Co.
ul silv'!r spoun~ tlonat. d by tllC' sry J(lW('lry ShOI), of Lebanon , ' Wl'r pres nted 10 'the O\llllluTHling l girl of esch club rcpl'e!lent d .
Gift .Suggestions For Dad Ties . .. .... . ... . ..... .. ... , .- . . . . . 29c to $1.00 Hand kerchief . ... . . .... ..... ...... .. 5c to SOc So k s .. . . .... . ......... .. . ....... .. lOe to SOc J3ath Robe ... . ....... , .........• $2.50 to $7.50 Pajama •. .. . . .. . ...... ' . . . . , . . ... .. 9Se 10 $2.50 Sue d e Lu mber J a kets ... ... _ ..... $1.98 to $5.98 Men'/'! Muffler . . . .. ..... . .... _ . .. .. 98c to $1.98
For Mother
P~udjon of Tobac:c:o Productilln of toba('c thiR yelll' in hio decl'cn..~ed au I'('r ('(10 t
Irom the U. S. Depurim ent of A~ · ricultur. Thill crop, howey er, i but slightly smnlll'r thnn the n. erage crop for th s tate in the year. of 192<1 -2 . TIle tolul crop (I f the U)lited States dl'upped in ah out till' ame proportion.
Elec:tric ity on F a rm.
Seven farm rs of ~ arrcn County ar cQopel'uting in II rur al I el<'ctrification proj ect 1:; 1 ctric 1metel's will SOOn be in. tallpd on each piece of electrica l equipmen t that t.h se fSl'mers u e. The meters will be read each month ~Ind 8 reeord will be kept of these relldillj!;S as w 11 as the amount of work each piece of equipment (loes. Meters will be installed on Jl\ilkin~ mach in 1;, range, water. pump. . motors, I' frige,rators. eta. lIO that t he o~~cr can tell just 1.low muc.h e l~clr lclty each uppll!'nce IS u lng. After enoull:h d~tLl IS gathercd a CO\ll\ty tOU1' w111 be h Id vi~ili n g the homes of each of th ~e demon t ra tOl'$.
Wayne. ville, Ohio
Phone 7
Deaths Th c wido\ oj H.olVli rd Manning· on , diNI nl h er home in olumbus Tuesday, Decembllr G. F uneral ~tll'vi c ' S '\'en~ held T u esday, Dece lllb"'I' 13. It·. Mannington . · II native uf WllynesvDle, prec dcd hel' ill death scvc7'nl months ag o,
Buy in Vi aynesville this Christmas!and Save Money
--Mr. ' a nd MI·S. R. B. Davis, 01 11':. l\lllry R. :'hillnokel', aged Dayton, wcr Saturday g uests of 60 yU~HS, di d al her hom in he r pal'entl1, Mr. a nd Mrs. Edward Handker chief ....... , .. ... > • • • • • • , •• 5c to. 25c Hal veys burg aL a very earl~ hour .ook. Til .- «uy murning, a[lel' an Illness . Box ed Ha.ndkerchiefs; 3 in a-box .. , .' . . 2Sc to $1.00 of t.hree YCl\l'S 1'1'001 tUQ l·cu la r. T . .E. Bran nock, who bas been tadie ' Purse ... ... . . ... . ...... . .. 9Se to $5.00 ·t roubli'. She wa the widow 1 t he In very poo r health f or several Ma nicu re Sets . ....... . .... , . '. , . . 9Se to $1.98 IIIt.e J lines E . "hulnaker, w ho mont hs, is re po rt d to be very Com b a nd Bru h .. . . . . , . , .. . . .. ... $1.98 to $5.98 t.lied Augu tIL, 1932, fld j ur- much, orse. vi"cd Uy two ons. Romine huAll n A ilk Ho e . .. . . . . . . ... . .... , . 29c to $1.50 . Gettina a Go od Start makcl", of Hal'VeYI' bu rg, and E vera ry's J ewelr'y hop, Lebanon. . ht . h H {d I ~hllmak r. of incinnati. Oh io, hold many pl~ a ures in Th e elg y·elg t ere Qr ca ve~ etc • tore fo r you in the selection of distribu ted by t he W arrl'n ounty Funeral servic s will be held a t I I 'f Fair board to boy and g irl in the th M. F;. church 1n Ilal've ysburg ove y gl ts. county are getting away to a go d at 2 o' lock ThuJI'sd"y afternoon, M.... and Mrs. Ray Boyd, ()f start. According to reports they and burial will b~1 made in Miami Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Silk Undies .......... . , ......... . ... 2Se to 9Be are th e beat bu noh of c alvc ever cemetery. _ _ _ _ Frye left here,. Sunday morning, Silk Combination Set · .. '.. , . . _ ....... sSe to $1.98 received in Warren Coun ty. Very . . e nroute t o' Pikeville, Tenn., where little sickness has occun:ed so far lIol'l\ce M. Tlbl)al , 5 • proprle- they wilJ visit re latives of the J)ance Se ..... , ..•..... , .... . .. , .. . 5Se to 9Be and at pre ent, all calves a rc doing tOI' of .Ito lawn PO';l ltry farm, f orm r. BeadR' . . ... . ..... . .... . . .. _ ...... . . 2Sc to 9Be fine, There is no doubt b ut tha t .. c Ilort~ o~ Da~toII, dIed ldon~ ay Kid Gloves .. " . . . .. , .. . .... .. . . .... 9Be to $1.98 can look f orward to h avl nlt th(' avclllng ID ~h.am~ Valley ho pltal - -- - - - - best show of beef calve ever (lX- followin~ an lll nws r.·o m a comhibited at the local fai r nex yl'8r. plic~tion I?f (Ii~ense. Fune ral nlverslty onora - - - -servIces WI ll be h ld Thul' day mlll' ning at 10 o'clock at the •• • ntertaln I e residence with i nterm ent in . . ---M OIoria l P lll'k ~: enletery. Irvm FrIend, 80n of Mr. and Belts .... . . ........ . .... .. . . ..... SOc to $1.00 chool C ass MI'. Tibbals, so n of Wa llace and Mrl!. Robert Friend, 01 Route 4, Tie . ..... , . . . ..... .25c to $1.00 d(ll\n Stoke Tibbal , was born .. and a graduate from Waynesville R d Mrl! G C Dibert rr ncar Lytl, lay '6, 187<S. Both his High school in the class of 1920. Shirts . .... . ..... . ..... .. .. ... . , . . . . sSe to 9Sc and eMr~n Glen~ Bla~d and ' 1il!~ pSI'en were n atives of Warren has .been honored at ~iami UniBm Fold , .......... . ....... . . . . .. 25c to $1.98 ;t J h h 'l county. ver Ity by bemg appomted to a Th e lrna Spats . .. . .... . .-. . . . . .. . . .... .. ... . 9Sc to $1.50 . 0 n very appl y e nUl'v1ving 81' h is w id ow. one special committee repr senting b ~~~~nepdeo;~e~s o!-r ~~: on, WnJ l8~e J ; T~bba)~. w,ho has the univet:Sity dUl"ing the . ChristMU E S d S hi t ht b been n. oClated wlth him In con- mas vacation . The appomtment n M' , j ~tz e ~ \h e ah~me o~ dueling Rosela,.~n f Hm,.; • his i mp1ie . tha~ Irvin is considered .by Mr. • d Ms Ih:nd last Frida' mOtb r, w ho reSide a t Wllnnng· t h universIty as B representative ev~ni~~. The ' evening was plea.- ton ; tw~ si ter , :Mr.s, Mary o lle~t member of the scholastic body, antly s pent wUh ga mes and oth r a~d !Ifi. F lora ~ Ibbllls, Of . ~11amusements, and delicious r _ mlllgton •. Lb~ee bl ()t~en, W!lham fr Bhments w e r e s ned at a nnd BenJamm. ( If Cm ci nnatl and e 1 h Erne t, of ol urnblls. Wayne.ville; seasonab e o~r.:... _ MI', Tibbals wa a n eph ew of We Han a COlDpl.'e Wate" Mrl>. Maul'ice SHYer, of Wayne R.pair S.mee Iii______...___.._._~~lubl!!eribe- fep the l\fiam' And use only genulniiieeniilurar.:1i Crystals fitted while you wait. ' j'
figure it out, 'yourself . II' your tI... a.e lII'e 1t'J' .mooth rlllIIl
For Sister
For Brpther
. ed B"bl
---- .._-, R. SlIIltb's Grocery
Tidal. to Bat lor Cllrl.t• •s
D spite
very i ncl em e n t weather
a large s ized audience gr!!eted the home talentat tpjlay, Is Grandma?" he Gym"Where last Thurs.
L.baDO_. O"io
DR It S WEA'VEft .
u. J
. Way_ •••me, Ohio.
PIIo_ • •,
In additio n t o ~he hazards of Uppery pa vcmelnts l'esulting fr:om cold drizzle!!1 sleet or s now. cold weather br~n g~; . a menace to mot or v.ehicle owners ·whic.h hardly if eve1' reoeives II second 'thought even from the · most precautionary ~n t heir actua.l driving. This me nace is no t on the nighways but is r igh t in t he garage itself a nd no one is· immuned to it s lethal effects. It is c~\rbon mo noxide poisoning, t he danger 'f ro m which increases in evita bly with t he event of frigid and chilly days. It becomes cold in the garage aJld the motorist clo os Lhe do ors when be warJnJi up the motor. He may or may not l'OaJiz(l hOw dnn ger ous . It .is to cl ose the d oor s;; the tJ1in~ ill · tUt J1e docs do i t .' And in a . closed ga ra ge it doe n't take long :for e no u g!l cnrbon .m onoxide gas to be genel'a ted to' (Ivercome and as· phyxiate him. The Ohi o de-partment of highways points out that the one sure WillY to preve.nt such a tragedy is to Iseep t he doors 01 the .g arage 011 n wheneve r ~h e engjna ;s l~t running; make lit; a 'P'J'acti~e neV8r to run the. m otor of the cl\r in the goal'age unlellil i;herB Is pl(lnt~ ot !rel3h air. Remember this. You ean not s,e it, you can not. taste It and' YOI1 elln n ot feel it until it Is too late. The onl y certain means to avoid it ~ t reachery is fight It with f re h aiT,
· Oranges .. . .'.... ... 20c. 215c It 30c
Grape Fruit ...:....... ... lie," fo .. 25, and 3 for 25e
-. 4c lb•• " lb. 15c
Grapes Fancy Red Grapes, lb. ... ..... ,
It.a:._•• .......
e.ry'. Jewelry Shop Store Open Eveninp
Dates, bulk. lb. .. ... " ... , ........ , ........ .. ................. 9c: Fancy Layer Figs. lb, ...... ............. ................ .25c It 28c: Candied CherriesI lb .. ..... ........... ...... .. .... ,... ... ,.......... 35c Candied Citron, lb . ... ... .... " ... ....... ·,................ ... .... ..... 30c Candied Pinee.pple. lb. .......... ; ... .... ,.............. .'; .... :.. "Oe
Eating' Apples .
Willard .atteli.. aad Battery C....I... 8u.oe.. WI.ter au a.d 011 801110 8uper.Il~•• Etla,,1 ~ T .. ~ t-,= G "-=,,,e:-...._ lor CI...........d St.... n .... L....t Batt.rI.. ~aI"
e~ha~ ~~e PH~apd~~ I ~~~·=·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= impoEsibJe"~y .t o seled a star of the 1-
Dates, Figs, Candied Goods
Home Tal,e nt Play Is R leal Succe••
1 lb. Box Fancy Chocolates ........ ...... ....... .. . .......SOc 1 lb. Box Chocolate Cherries ................ ....... ...... ..... 2I1c Bulk Candies lb. 1rom . . ........... .. ........ " .... tOe to 25c
Orange • 'dozeD
The Qt.JALITT tin within reach of all. Other Sizes In Proportion
--- -....... ...----
day eve ning. AI,though sponsored · • by the Frie ndabiip club, the play WIlS enacte d b;y various yOlln~ people about t<),wn. in a manner W . AYNESVILLE, OHIO highly (omplimetrt ary ' tIJ their hi stri on ic at taiuInents. So well' was Phone ~O ' Bank BId."
Christmas Candies
...... _ .• __ a__ a_.__ ~
"0"" ....
IDtTe class
pI'Otected fro . . .klda a,,' fr.. from the _pe.... eM' of t:In ooubl••U wlot ••
Phone 82
tb. full .Ipcof nf .. c.JOOoly'...... "nalble ~~lItion . And new I«a'" lau .bout -rw1C1I ... lo,,~ on cool road, •• un .. o.t ."mm"" roooaa. So> Cn....,....... put 0" 1\0,", .tW ....I b. l'recll~aU, aa II~ .. " ... . . . . . .t .prl"" .nd You'lI be
. H W H S A
lh.,ellppery roatl. 01 fall ami ..-lnl<,r ....k.
................... 10"
Tangerines Tangerines, dozen .............. ,... ", ........... ..... .. ........ .. .. lSc
New Crop' Nuta
C •• oU".. Tax I.com.
English Walnut:;J lb . . 1Sc &r 22c 'Filberts, Faney, lb. .. 20e Extra Faney Almonds, lb. . 20e Extra Fancy Brazils, lb. .lie . .~____GkMrl~~~~,
mia•.a Ware at New ·Low Prie.. J P)'rex W.... at New Low Pricea
The a vlJrjlg.e Ot\io townsbip hal an inc ome from the general propel'ty tax of $6.169, 'receives $1,68 3 from the gasoline tax, a tot.l Income from revenue receipts of $8,766, and epent $7&7 tor poor relter. the township, which bBrr of 2.703, general ~::=~.~~I k('s $963, prote~tio .. charities hOllpitala,
.. Coyle'_ ' Meat: Market .. · We w.·n t , tQ many friend. and. pat- . · r~n. for their paet and future patronage. ' Alea .wi.hing· you a Mllrry Chrietma. and Pro.peroue New Year. Our Meata 'are aU home killed in ou~ new, mod· eto . aanitar) elaulht~r· ·. houie. . :etocke.le~ted . from the 'beat of the com·m unit)'. a ••urin, everyone the be.t of quality at more rea.onable pric••• We aleo' have a · full Une Chr!etm~, !nd . N~JV y P~f ~
· All
(,If Dr..... ~"d
1,.". P9\11,,., '9' .f.1,ye r,
PI.... Fl'(lsb e-1lt811, wtJol~
pOIIDd ... ,.... .. ... .. ......... ., .. ·.Jh Pork, Steak, Ib.. ...... .. ..., iji
Pork Chop" rtb or Loin, lb ...... .. .................. .. ,Jo. Loin Pork Rout, Ib .. ... .. .... Frelh Harne. ' whole or half, Ib ................. ............ ~c
.u . . . . . . .
~ l~ . ...... ·....
··,·...... .. , ·~e
~"ins, ~ pp!ll'lds .............
'P. ~ ..... "".,W.!, "0'" hf ~M
,ia '.""
OlllUlk JlHat, lb ... ... .... , .,~, SwislI Shoplderr, !j) ........ , K,
. Steak,
p!u, GJlu.p~ flT'
S"ould-r, . tt l f'f ,
t~~h 4
........ ...... .'.... .
~H'" ~Ph '
:O~~IJl~l~: . ~~~.~~..p.r..... ,...... ~
"ho'. OfIt,J?alf, . .Ie ........... I~
1faRIMr ~alHe8, B~Fpn,
,Jol"l, • .,,,., .. .. .... , ~
Pub r~~ $au..,e, our PtrJ1 ""kit, I J'§ rn.h Sid., 111 ....... .... ..,.
Short .Bib. to Baae 01' Boll, Ib . . . .......... · ......... ·nh
Pan Bom. Render.,.
.,,..... ..~ ......... . ...... Qf poaDd ................................ 1.. o,.te....~ .............. .... 4ft
"'1'4- r;:\I:.t.~ . ~.~u:.~. ~~~. J.. . ,..... lie St••k••",,"d .r 1,0...
I.poud .......... lo-pound eaD .. ..." ... ... .
HallUl Co»qe, )one,e.. "u,.11 ..... ,...,.............. .I~!
_ or...
IN· PROJECT TO OPEN LOWER fRANKLIN ROAD Council Alao Decide • • t Adjourned S ... ioD to Order P••co R.· moved from W ..ter Street
F armera Club Met At the Lewia Home ~~~mrnrfurr>~~mm~~~~~~~. once called " the nller of The Wayne Townlbip Farmer'lI Life, andi:f he were here today h e elub was llleas8ntIy entertained would ~ot be very, pop?lnr, beat the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. cause ploneers Ilre often corned. R. Le)Vis. We may all be pioneer in an efThe sumptuous dinner was scrv- fort to make life happier ror oured at the Sbaron Ohurch and then selves and others. He f el that we members and guests went to the should all be discontented optiLeWIS home for tbe business and mists. The pecial topic, "My program. Philosophy of Lih" was giVe b Y The meeting wall called· to ordet Elsie Hockett. A Christmas r dby A. S, Collett, president. The lng was given by Leona aaU. he invocation was followed bf Rev. meeting adjourned to meet JanKelnor of the Sharon H. E. uaty 12th with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chu~~h. At the roU call all HQckett. fal~lIhes wer~ repre8ent~ after ....... whIch the mmutes were read and SUFFERS BROKEN LEC ap.proved. Music wall oBered throughout the afternoon by friends of Mrs. W. R. Lewis. The I Word has been received here club bought .6 of Christmas that Will Tibballs, a former resiHealth Seab from the Wayne dent of this vicinity, but who Township MQth,:r's Club. lives at Wilmington! is ,:onfined ,at The bost Introducted Rev. the Bethesda hospital 10 ClncmKelnor as sp aker of the after- nati with a bToken leg, sustained n oon. He chose for his Hubject while on a recent business trip to "Pioneering," He spoke of Edna , that city.
December 19, 1932 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Friends: , __ You 81'e ~ordially invited to at.t I'Id the Chri tml\s program giv n ~uality Gifts at lU')st appealing on Friday, December 2:3rd ~t prlce..~. ary'g Jewell'Y hop, ub- J :40 p. m. Each of the rooms 10 alion, Ohio. grlldes 1 to 5 will have a separate I program and t.he Qphomore Class , arl Hawke, of D~lyton, visi~ed wjJ) give a Christ mas play in the hi par nts, Ml'. an ~1 Mrs, John sch.ool gym for grades 6 to 12 and Hawke, last Thursday. friend. During fhe afternoon of Decem,Mr. and 1\11'8. John '1~. Stansberry ber 23rq the Sophomnre Class will ji)'e announcing the biirth of a on be on hond at tbe chool Gym (J lan Eug 'n , 0 cember 7. ' to receive any gifts tbat you may Mr. Randolph Hon'ison, of Cin- be able to contl'ibute for Wayne cinnati, was a Sunday guC!t at the Township's needy citi~ens. Articles of clothing, fruits, vegetables. etc. home or Mrs. Sidney handler. will be gladly received. [r it is inMI'. Aaron Sears is very crit. convenient to bring your contribuically ill at the horne of his tion send the same on the chool dau~h~r Mrs. J ennie Mullen, nea" hack. The Clotbing Committee of Feny. the Wayne Town ship !dot~er' Cary 's Jewelry Shop" Lebanon, ClUb, h~s charge of dIBtrlb~tton. WIshmg you a Merry Christmas Ohio, hold many plensures in and a gappy and Pr<,tspel'OU8 New /ltol'e 1 0 1' YOtl in tbe selectio n of YeaI'. ordlally Yours, lovely gifts. J. W. LOTZ, Supt. Mr. and Mrs . Franl( Rogers and daughtcl'S, of Lena, Miami county, nre vi iUng relative in Waynesville and vicinity.
Whole Number 6045
DECEMBER 21, 1932
----- I !
Mis Ethel Mendenhall ,was hoste R at a very pleasant shower, given at the Frienda Home last FI:iday afternoon in honor aT her friend, Mr, Ross Villars, nee Mary Plym,ire. The aft.~rnoon ~II most hapPIly spent \\11th varlOU!! con,t~8ts and conversation, and dehclous refl'cshmcnt. were served at a sea onabl hour. The honor gue twas th recipient of many handsome present. The guests: Mrs. Harley Plymire and Mi s Lucille Feni!!, of Clatkl\ville Mrs. Donnld Hadley and Misses Doris Hadley and Mary Caroline Luken ~, of near Wilmington, Mi se Evelyn Furnas, Mildred Foul, Virginia Denlinger, Edna Bergl\n, . F lura KHopkins, H II Sarah Corrme urnas, ate a, Anna Ma~shall, Clua Lile, Emma Raphun, Annie and Mame Brown and Mesdames L. V. Branstr?-tQr , How4lrd lmmes, Frank lIilller, Chule Jones, Seth Furnas, Lena Hartsock, ~ary L. Adams, Matgaret MaT,t m. Ann~ Ca~wal\ader . Ada ~enklOs, MorIa Elbon. Ella MeredIth, France~ Nioholson and Al onzo Curl.
E."I,. Eape"b to Combine Sabbath School and Mornine Wo... hip . , in One SeMlice
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH lippery streets and indisposition G. C. Dibert, Putor · prevented MAyor Rogl1rll and Wedne:day: Bible study arid Councilman Day from attending prayer meeting at 'T :00 p. t.he adjourned session of our ViIChoir practice at. 7:45. The Ladies' !age Council, Monday evening, 80 Aid Society is meeting in the the president pro tern of that church at 2:00 this p_ m. body, Dr. C. W. Henderson, preF]'id ay : The annual children's sided at a rather short meetine hlistma program will be given that mayor may not have made ' a bit of' village histo'ry. The 'Vilat 7: 3 0 p. m. Sunday ' There will be a comlage attorneys Messrs. W. C. and bined e;vice of the Sunday Charters Mapl~, of Lebanon, were lIchool and morning worship at 10 present in order to interpret any a, m. Please note the change of question of law that might arise. time from 9 :30 to 10 :00 for the It will be remembered that, at ()pening service. Epworth League tbe regular December meeting, at 6 :30. At 7:30 p. m. the children ~r. C. M· _ _ ' two weeks previously, will sing Christmas songs; and the Robitzer had l>l.'e e Jlted a request 1 Christmas tory' will be told. tbat lower Franklin Road, between , Th time 'for the singing of the Main and. Water stree~, be opened Christmas cantata, "Yuel-tlde lind put mto shap for the use 01 Memories," has been changed traffic. This petition was met by CLUB ENTERTAINED from W edneaday night of this a remonstrance signed by Charle.s 1 0 week to Sunday evening, January Rye and eventy-one other propMr. and Mrs. Tom HUI' t, of The finance committee of t be first. orty ownel'8 and taxpayers, who Springboro, were visitors at the were more or less interested in '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-' Mrs. Mal'y McClure very plea, _ Friends.hip lub .ve~ pleas~nl1y home of Mr. and MI' . Jame antly entertained The New Cen. entertal,ned at a SIX 0 clock dmner WAYNESVILl.E CHURCH ,OP the matteT. After paying careful Re.. A_a Cook 2 O'clock, Rev. G. C. Dibert Lovely, Sunday evenilllg. CHRIST tury Club at The Little Inn, Fri- at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. ~ . heed to the arguments of both ' ( Undenominatjo1laJ) day December 16. Hall ~n , T ues4ay evening. The ll1ll'ties, ' Council decided to lay the Tbe Rev. AmoB Cook, aged 83, offlciatingi and burial will be made Miss Bcrtha Filer, a student at , gut\sthst llIclud d tho ~ who took Chester A. Williamson, Milli.tel' matt l' OJ! the. table. a na,tlve of Wayne township, in Miami cefJletery. the. Bibl eminal'Y at Cincinnati, Th program was opened with a part and h elped in sponsoring their Church School at 9 :30 a. m. A Mr. Robitzer tben drew tho at- founder and ftrst paltor of the is spending 'her Christ.mas vacation vocal duet, "The. First Noel," by entertainment on the seventh 0:1 Christmas program i being prewit ome folks a F'erry. tention of Count.'il to his con ten- Qrthodox Friends church at ema, Mrs. CUI'1 and MillS Helen Hawke. this month , making a total of 22 pared. Lord's Supp r at co'nclustion that O. J. Edwards bad built and tormer paltor of the BaneYI-; Clyde C, Cox, aged 48 ),ears, Mrs. Allen bad a v ry interest- guests. ion. Christian Endeavor at 6 :3() Mr. harle Bail~!y and son, a fence in the new portion of burg apd other Friends churches, only son of the late William and Atter dinner the evening wa~ a . m. Evening evangelistic . service Kenneth, of Miamisburg, visited ing paper , on "Dramatic CharactWater street, recentty opened to died at the home of hill son, about CasBie Githens Cox, and a enjoyed wittl music, cards and 8 at 7 :30 p. m. The evening prolrl'anl traffic, and that fifteen fett of tHis four miles east of Waynenille on 10r many years resident 0.( the Mr. 81111 Mr~, Stanle:v Bailey and ers Of the Bible." MTS. White l'ead an impressive social good tim . will feature several good musical fence extended in front of his the Harveysbure pike, last Saturneighborhood, died -rather daughter, 111lday nfternoon. sketch of "Devotional Characters numbers and ~ dialo,ue, "The (Robiber's) premjlSeB. He aaked day. Be had never Cully recovered :suddenlly at his 1I0me in Dayton, fiss Dori Hawl(e sustained of the Bible," taking Ruth for her DEATH OF FORMER RESIOWC"NT Fir-st Ohristmas." Prayer meeting that this fence be removed, in from a broken leg, sustained when Monday evening. He has been a , ~ and Bible Study each Wednesday order. that he might be enabled to he was attacked by a bull several sufferer from Bright's disease f or three f~a-ctured rib!! and -other subject. Mrs. Curl and Mis Hawke closclean and im,p rove his own months ago, but pneumonia was sevel'al months, but the immediate p.ainful injuri~s !n a coasting aeMrs. Oliver Davis has receive<l at 7 :30 p. m. The churcb where llremises, mowing ' the grallS clear to the immediate caUBe of his deatb. cause of hill death ie named as cldent at Fr~zler g ft~!ld, la t Wed- ed the program with a duet. notice of the death la t week of 3"0u feel at home. nesday evel')Jng. During the social hour a very Mrs. Elizabeth Proctor at the the line of the street. When coun. . Mr. Cook had been engaged in heart trouble . His health wa known to be in ell adjourned, it was to meet last the ministry for mote than fifty home of a daughter in Mineral- ST. AUGUSTINE'S ' CHURCH Messrs. L. H. Gordon, Q. M. tempting lunch was served. pl'ecarious condition at the time Ridg and R. H. Hartsock ap1ttonday evening for the purpose years, and was one of the most Mrs. McClure had for her guests point, Wisconsin. Mrs. Pl·octor, Father French, Pastor of 1urther considering the fence widely and best known Friends of hi wife's death last September praised the prQperty belonging to MTs. Maul'ice Si lver, Mrs. W .. H. who was 90 years of IIge, we well Services wUI be held eVU'J two proposition and any other business ministera in this territorY. He anil and he had been confined to bis the estate Qf the la1;e Mrs. Mary Madden, Mrs. Viola Carey, Mrs. known to pur older residents. she wee"s on Saturday ornin,. that might legally be br-cught be- his 80n have llaO eon\lucted their home for sevel'al weeks. Accord· Waterhollse, lost ThurSday. J_ D. Marlatt, Mrs. Fred Kimmerle having made frequent visits tQ . and Mi 8, Helen Hawke. fore it. The attorneys were IUIked dairy farm fQr a good many years. ing to reports received here, his relatives here in her younger days FERRY CHURCH OF .CHJUST Jonathan Haine~, of Dayton, is ( Undenominational) to be present in order to answer Since the death of hili wife supper had been erved about 6 any legal questions that might a year or so ago, he has made bis o'cloek Monday evenjng, and when helping care fot Frank Cook, who Chester A. Williamaon arise concerning the fence. home , with his lion Charle8 D. COok tbe nurse l'eturned to the room ha been seriously si(lk for several ,Unified service beginning at After one or two bills of minor who, together with two brothers, about ten minutes latel' he was weeks at his home I)D Route 73. 9 :30 a. m. Church School In Mr. Cook is imptoviJlg slowly. nature had been allowed, last Seth Cook, of Wilmington, and breathing his last. charge of Perry Thomas. Lord's Mr. Cox was the last survivor f flfonday evening, the five members Jonathan Cook, of R.oute 2,. sur. Suppel' and sermQn at 10:30 Il. 0:1 Miss Elilmbeth Chandler, 4ecided, by a vote of .four to one, vivea him. . his lather's family. his nearest Middletown, m: SPllcial Ch,riatmas feature8 for flnd ~iss Ruth to take the Franklin !toac! proposi- Funeral Jervices were held at the surviving relatives being cousins. Lord'l5 Dar,December 25. You are tion from the table for further Harveysburg Friends church> at He was & worthy and re.epected Chandler, /)f Greenfi'eld, have ar. ' always welcome at this church. hete to s pend their Christrived consideration. Forthwith, it was o'clock Tu'ellday afternoon, Rev. member of Waynesville lodge No. mi\~ vacation with home folks. m()ved by Conner, !econded by Alonzo Leimre. of Sabina;&88i11t. 163, F. " A. M. ST. MARY'S C'HU.RCH Archdeacon, that: the clerk be in- ed ,b y Rev. Monte Milner, of LeesFune'l\41 8ervices will be held a.~ Mr. and Ml's. Lawrence Elliott FirC' , probably caused by a de- by insurance. Mr. Planck states structed to have an estimate of bu1'J, offtciatintr. Burial was made the M~Clure funeral home, Friday and !tIes, rs. Everett Kenrick and fective chimney, did considerable that his household good s 8ufl' red Rev. J. J. Schaetrer, llector the cost of the proposed job made in Miami cemetery. at 2 o'~lock, and burial Buber Bailey, of Centerville, and damage the home of Ross practically no damage. Christmas Day, a union service be made in Miami cemete~y. Mi s Dena Hopkins were Sunday Planck and family in one of the F of Chujrch and Church school will and have the same presented at th~ next regular meetilli. The II C.....f TIIa.1u Jo ..... Edwin Ro.. evening guests at the home of Mr. hou ses on Mrs. P. D. Clagget'!! ire of unknown origin destroy- be heln at 10 o'clock. The chUmotion wa. carried, MellSr&. We wish, to expre!18 our sincere d M S H B '1 fsrm, about two and a hall miles ed the barn, crib and all other out- dren's servic , consillting of carob. Archdeacon, Conner and Hender- thanks to all the dear, kind friends John Edwin ,Ross, aged 60 years an r . . , al ey. ' east M WayneSVille on the buildings on one of Elia Ogles· recitations and the Chrilltmaa son voted in favor, while Mel\8T8. who ininietered to Ul\ during the died at his borne near Oregonia On Monday after Man , postel'll Harveysburg pike, about 10 bee's farms, occupied by W. treat, . will be followed by semee Carey and Witham voted apiut ilIneBII, and at the death of our early Saturday morning atter an were broadcast announcing the o'clock Friday night. The bl11ze, Thompson and family, ond located of Holy Communion. . illness of five '\1ieeks, caused by Christmas exercises 'of our school8. discov red by FOl'e8~, Hoblit, who about three miles East of town, . The. children'S birthday offerin. its adoption. During the debate loved one. on t'he ,nption, tbe name of Sam C, D. Cook and Family. a malignllnt, carbuncle. Funeial Separate exercises will be beld ' in W,,"S returning , from a call at the Saturday night. The barn and for the Children's hospital will D. 'Henkle was mentioned in conservIces were held at the Beech each of the first five gradel!, Fri- bQme of.-another neighbor, con- other buildings, 'tJogether wiLh be prese nted. neetion with the -preparation of Mra.. S.tJ. Cook ' Grove chUl'ch Monday ' afte.rnoon, day aftern oon, while 'the .sopho- sumed about all the weather board their contents, which included - -- - -- - the e 8 t i m a t e . F r i e n d s· here received word, Mrs_ Ruth MutTay offieiating. and more class will entertain the re- ing on t he west end of the main three horses and other animals, The fence proposition was then Monday morning. 01 the death of burial was made in Miami maindel,' of the schooi with a part Qf the,.JJouse before it was ex- hay, corn, implements, harnells, taken up, and, after Mr. Robitzer Ml'!!. Seth Cook, which occllrred at cemetery. Mr. Ross was a I'lative Ch~i8tmlls play, to be given in the tinguishe~eighbor and volun- ete., were totally destroyed. hid proven to Counell the exact her home in Wilmington, Sunday and life-long resident of l tbe Gym at ' the same hour. The teenl I I'Om Harveysburg assisted in Heroic work by n ighl:lors .and location ot his property lines, and a.fternoon, as the result 01 an at. Oregonia neighborhood, and is patrQns are cordial1y invited to figbtilll\' the fire. The loss to the other volunteers was required to the f act that the fence doel ex- tack of pneumonia .. She ill sur- eurvlved by a S01'1, a daughter, a attend any 01' all of these exer- buildil g, which will not exceed save the house, a new building The Friendship club enjoyed a tend in front of his propertv, that vived her aged hUlband, and a brother and two sisters. cilSes. $150, it i~ said, was fully covered bqiIt about a year ago. Mr. Ogles- very pleasant meeting at the home " two d a bee lIlIYS that the insurance of M.r8. A. H. Stubbs, last Wed~~ , "Wd uu~~~y ~ ~;~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~. 8~~$UH will only ~fl;~S~¥8ftwDoMThero~.w~e struct the mayor to notify the - -- - covet the IQ~8. tastefully decol'~ted in tl'immings ot .the Edward-,. at the Slra·k.. BRA . , r' 1 Hl\nnah y • , Ch .pln appl'Opl'late to t h e season. Present o.wneni land and . their agent to ~ave the ' parlors ·ill Wi minrton at ~__ _ ._ _' _ An over-heated stove pipe is After M1·!I. L. C. St. John had Q«~iling~n~nmo"d~~~ a20~~kT~N~y~~moo~~d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.~-~~~~~~=;~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ th~gM ~~" d~~d a hlue~nducl~iliede~tion~ueuillM period of thirty days. In the th~ · l'~mains witt. be taken tt , that did quIte ,a bit of damagcr to ana the usual grist of bUllinel!8 had event of tbeir failure to comply Lynchburtr for burial. aoMEN -"RISl' ! .T.II(1:~Ul)l".STQ\IKI. the rooms occupied by Harry !>een tran acted, the followina with this notice, the fence is to ~e Mr.. J . . . _ _ n.-.o" ON~ :~~::.~~:I=LI Lizar at the home of Mr. and ~tr$ program was given: Sincine "Holy removed by the proper villale ~~~~i::~ C':I~E MEN IUWE' ~I~ PA "RUSH ~ -"-'HC)ward Florence on one of the Night," Mrs. Maria Elbon at· the authorities. , ' Mn. .Jane Evans !J."homsoil, ~uv CAN'" WK Stonybrook farms, formerly a part piano; recitation, "Christmas Haa Mr. W. C. lIaple then dre... tbe 88 yean, widow of the late , .'';' • -~. of the Abtom Ebl'il;bt farm, about COl)'le," Raylon Crabbe" reading attention of ' Council to a proviaioll S. Thomplon, and , a 10~1 '." ' 1 "'OlE"'" ~A"£ -r~E'Q. .1$4T HO\,II:a. 'J)AV , 9 :30 Saturday night. Prompt "The Christmas Guest:' Mra. o! .t he contract , wi,~h ~he Darton time resident. ot thi. vicinity, • , A~P -rIME NI 0'" "AU: O'I/fll TIM" work by the family and !Iei.ghbors, B. Hall; play, "Giand~a Martin's workhouse, which they had reeent- died Suh.bl; e"ening, at the borne WI HAI/~ ".TE', N HC1UA9 A.,AND and ,th.e fact that the bUlldlng was Christmas Giving," Mrs. Elmer 1), directed, the mayor and clerk to her daqgllter, Mn. Ann~ $bonk A TliRR,8LE T..a "N~ A 1-44LP 'TO cQvered with B metal roof p'robably Shl.!ehan, Mrs. L. V. Beck, Y1'& sign and execute. the !1eetioJi in ·Dayton, ...here aile', was IIpend~ IiiET IWV PAy saved greater los!!, or the com- Will Sl. John ' ?tlrs. Nelson Watquestion provideR that In case Of the w.ipter. She i8 thourht to U~F'ELL~~USEI<E~nsli~MO'RI'Iil'J'III~.·l plete destruction of t he building. kin!! nnd Mr/'l.' Ernest Hartsock. the ' death of ' ,a WaynellVille .su.talned a slight paralytic L~"'S OR(i.~ft4I'2.E' - - • The loss, which it is thoug ht will During the social hour, refl'eshprisoner, while confined at the Jut, Thurlclay, but her not exceed. $ 100, was fully menta were Mrved by ~rs. I .. D. penld institution, the vilJare shall death WIUI caused by all attack covered by lD surance. lUch, Mrs. J. B. Rich, Mrs. Hartle)' allume alI reipon~lbUlty for of bronchial double · pneumo1lia. • - .... Moss, Mrs. Dallas Boger, Mrs. funeral expenses. Thii, the at. is survived by her daught,r, . ", James Lovely and Miss Inna ,torney stated, OOllllcil cannot Shonk. and three 101la, Amos ' - ';.'S,;~ '. ayce I an Rich. Gifts for poor children w,re legally , do. He lugce8ted that the Loudy V. Uld Robert S. , : I~·:,,,,,,.. :::· brought, to be "given to the section be so challged u provided of Wayne.vtlle. Fu'n': ~.:- ,\' ,. Mothere club for distribution. The that Council .ball auume re...ere held at a Day· next meeting will be held at the ·8ponsibillty f01 eare ot the body parlor, th. afternoon,' The Waycehs of W. B. S. home of Mrl!. Will ,Strouil, wu made in Ilemort.} , snapped out 01 their losing stnak Ja~uory 11, 1983. immediately .after Winr ,notUlecl of ,the dea~ ~~ ..a W.Y1le~le '~emete~j near th,t city. . . Friday evening, and defeated • -~ prisoner in' the Dajton inatltutioll. the Monfoe H. S. team· by a very , He pointed to ·tbe 'ae\ tbat, undsr tin. R.tIt A. . . . . . . . . sat,i sfactory ' /leot-e in a fast game ENGAGEM~NT' ANNOUNCED the orlrlnal Pl'ovtllon, the Job lira. ,R uth A. ' Daqherty, .,ed JSJo~*.:,. ~M .IA.~played on the latter team's court. The engagement of Rutb .armitrht probably be given to a D.,- 8'7 Years, died at her bome on ~",,*T&J) 1'~DE:1U'T.otol ,.,. 1aTT4 eIWCO!'TW The Waynesville Reserves, how- ~uet.e Kempton to HenrY' G. Sayton undertaker at i1lcreaaed lOwer Maln atreet &Milt 8"0 OF S'tO(kllolQ ~1'I"CIlIiRf,?· tlClCIiL~" ever, were not quite 110 ·... n'~n"_'.A lor it! beiDI announced. Mias pense; allllO that the State o'clock Tuuday 1Il0min., after aD 1'48HI) <!!il..v ~IF:N!) KiB....l -: ~ being forced to bow in defeat to Kempton it! a popular teacher of makes 110 provision for the , filnellS caused by callcer, ...d of ~~~1t..~! the Monroe Reserves. Not to be lhe Wagner achool ot Dayto1l. ,Sh. ment of funeral eQaII'" ..veral monu.. duration, she hayoutdone by their high achool rivals is • trr~duate of Maftchut. municipal corporatio.... The Iq been IInder tile doctor'a care the WAC'" journeyed to Spring-Ico,ne.re, aDd plana to teacb ~O&INt ..... IlIltrUcted to enter Into cor- dDce Jut Octo"', aDd Juaviq ,",' bora, Tueeday eveniq, and took y.ar. respondenee ...itb tile Dayton n«ered IlIt.....b durllll the ... .;. ~. the meaaure of the FOltel'! team Mr. Saylor, formerly of L~ , authorities in hprd to the eba.... latter ...eeks. She • IUntvecl by of the WalTen Countv league. well known here, ,etift in I " , before completin. the contract. one. c1au,hter, llila Stella - - -.. - -~aatin,a. Worthy Pa~f. _____ • Daushert)r, ...ho l'eaided ...ith her IS RECOVERING O. " S. this past 1ear. mothtt. been worlcina rePlarlJ In REMOVING ICE PROM ROADS lira. Daqhert, ..... the wiclo... years at the N. TIM)o of the late 0.0.... Daurbertr who the beat wIah....f tlleiI' A. drIaIina nbl that'" fallo form. . NIIded 011 a farm below 1,......11. 4a1'bl. mod of the dar, . . . 011 10... _ _ _0 - - - - - ••- - ......cJ mMt of tIM IIIOW fMm d..tII, ........ ber ............ dl fee to propertr . . . No
r--------------....;;.--------------. Several More Citizens and Former Res"d en t s f th e COmmUnl"ty Ca 11 ed By Deat h Dunn "g Past Seven Days
New Century Club Met at The Little Inn
Three Blazes Cause Considerable Damage to Rural Property. Friday And Saturday ,Nights-All Insured · at
Mrl, Stubba Hoate.. To Friendah!p Club
WE 1)E:I". . D
t=:. .
h d WAC Win Their Gamel
Ita p,aent
1he Little Red, District School
as it
HOUS t [
Existed in Wavne 70wnship for tears
Common PI"." Procl!edinWI
Geo.... • MeGratil eeutor of estate of Ell.. Thom ,decealecL filed hi. ftrwt and ItDal aCcoulit. John W. Scull and L. Earl Thompllon, adminiatratorw of estate vC Emma J. Scull, deceased, ftled their inventory. The administrator of the estate of William C. Welch, deceased, is oruc!'ed to sell certain property tor int rest 01 said estate. ~rtain stocks are to be distrlbut tI belonging to the estate of J ohn HaCkett, deceased. The will of Fr_"k S. Thompson, deceased, was /lIed in court. Sales by William H. Droke adminitstrator 01' estate 01 otis T. Henderson, deceased, were approved, and aU account! are to be set-
of J ohn Gith ns, 1111luel ~ol'nell l'OmIiHl(Jlltl! lhe pupib o f .!lul u l~· In 1I\l' l'n~l! llff 'I'he iule (If Ohio anti W. '(1 I'IW 11 , th\! w ,t tl'i t, and cvmmullity ,,()ulll he Vl'r!<lJ J) I' HIIY ~, ~ O dn~ )\ lIr1dllion. h 'n ~J'\in ;ha nJler. FU~ Irne r 0 :Ill'ah ,I annc~' s west line ben tittcd by the 1!8tub li ~ hl )\Nlt of ul timc ' ,a, ~ivt'n fIll' obs I'VutiOfl, 8mit II IIml l~. ' . :milh, the com· lh nee 811u th '>I ith sliid lint! to the a gnu!e sellOol in . . aid ' di~trict. J II the cu. t' II f the Iiamis burg mitlec tlHIt hl\\l b en IIppoiuted to COnll'l' III Jaimes '. 'Chomas' lund ,RI'memlJl.'l' nliit Ihl' IVII:' Lhe fon!•. lIiJding & LOlln As.~ ciation v 'rs us We hive recently added to our line or qunlity coals illHHl igul ' lh ... Nljuesl fllr It rlt~ \\' U1eDce east ;" ith ~aid lines f Ab- runner uf tho 'ulw1n Spl!cisl dls- 'l' IIi(' III. ~lentz, tal, eonlhma. Iwhool h u (I in No. 10, 1 P rted p1ClIl Keev r, ~ illinm Burnett h'i('t.) We lh reforf' l'eC.,111m~lId tinn, llt'l'u lint! l\il!ll'ibut.ion. the well known Oinderella coat, Block Ilnd Egg. in v r f the illlpl'ovclll nl, lind Step hen Burnetl t o the west .J hllL thi. b<>llnl stubH"h 11 rt'Ud" (n the ('aRlI 0/ Mal'Y . Dey" -rApril 21, HI 3, th(' bo I'd auupteU line of Wesle. Haine,,' lantl b~ing ~ch ool ill uid sub-eli 'nit-t. " (~i~n. " UI' 'nil' fo'llln~liJ\ ntionlll Bank thl'lr rCCOll\1ll md(llioll, nd al!8llll::.· the bOllOduT'Y lin or ~llb·distrlct old) lIeli Iininel!, 'rl'U l:il11ilh, th" tlef ndant is gl'an'tud 1111\\'(1 t~ rt a spe 1\11 I v~· of' 1&00 for Ute 0.5 A" the bODrd f Ug1U' "ro<ek J os iilh 1I ough, Illl'ud within 10 (IJ,I YS. purpolle. 1' b io al dlrl!ctors (If the tu\\nship, Or nl! C()Ul1ty, a.gr cd ! The b iud U 'eid -u t o t~bll:;h Th ... CUR' ut' J,'rOIlI Drllyfuss, do. district cr ill ~trud > I to "CIII' to this Ji\' ision , it WliS decid d t o lhp fil" t gruded ~ch ool uf the i 'lll bll:;inc ., :\1\ ltltel"llalionlll Ring H d. For tholl ' who wish to buy Ohio onl We will J'cce ive a l lluy S. 1'. Kendall Ul' ~o nw uther d signat the n w t!lstric:t us N . l.llwnshiv in • ' 0. 1 J; t o ~ui1d 1I IH)W (' n. V \! I'~uS C. H, ~ rcig h to n Wtls Marri ••• Li~.D.e. car of Back y Block Coal in a few clnys. Tbis Is from com ll(Jt nt per un to draw up 12, anti a p~cial el~ ' tion wa 1'- hom lc in - 0 . :! UUfl11g the SUlII· d h nlb"",1 \\it hollL I·ccord. J. Wilbur Earnhart. farmer of plllhS anu IIpe cificiiti n~ f or the d red to t'l i lh! 'e dil'ec rs, lll ' l' f 1 5; to \)ui)d UII additi fl n In the cn>-", I)f J)'. L. II iit'd ing, et one of th best mines in' Ohio and due to lower freight Kchoot hou , :lnd 11140' pnt the SllIlle nOlhet· speciul el'ctian WII!! called 10 the ho us(' In No. 11; IIHl a ~, (Jli~· al. \'1'1·K U. vuth L bOllon Pa king Lebanon, and MI 8 Hel(Jn Irent! ratea will sell lower than our other CQlIl. to lh hOllr(1 tOf th ir approval." t o replace th' directors of No.4 ed 11 le vy of :l,6 00 f ur th tl l' builu ('II., .. t nl, 'e ltllin prll l)Crty ill t tl b Houser, ot Lebanon. Tblln they ndj oul"nl!d lor II weel<" whll hod been lran s:ferred t o th ~ ing pUI'P I.e . 1\(,1(1 fur inl \re~t of s oid ~ tllte. Re.1 Eat.te Tran.f.r. but, li S no (lUorUm appenrt'q n new di tricl. A special meetillg \\,11 .' called, 'fill' nlll ll <,,' I, f the c ·tat • lif Ce lia Price April 2, th Ildj6ul'nment was Here IIrc l·he res ultll llf the JUII 9 , to co n, id er th mlltter of K 'l'h" Ili I'!I\J n, dec M , ed, Wli S dis· Delivered 1 aile and Agnes Crouse to O. R. continu ' d 1;0 May I.. J o 1 E an~, SPecials in NOI<. 7 and 4 : building lhl; allditi on to i.he hou e mi. ~cd with out r~cord, Krohll. 32 acres in Salem townIl.Ot Mr. Kendall, had prepared the o. 7, report d Mil 1 : . Ll'v. in o. 1-1 duti ng the current yell I'. rn thl' C1\~e of ~~lul'(!nc G, Riet:r: ship. plans and p eUlc(ltiQns that werc artwright, 3 years ; W. H. Hoblil They d chJed to IIdvllnl'C the PI' - ilOU FllJ"~i l' .l\'tR)' Ri tz, ver8Us Timothy Marlatt, deceased to presented and adopted nt thc lal· 2 yea rs; Levi Pene ' , 1 yeaf ; jecl, "pl'ovided th o local direct.or s Thoma" M. onlvy . et aI, co nfirma. Otto 'J . Marlatt, et al, ,eal estate in ter S(!s jon, Ilnd lIt' \\Ia paid 10 art'Wright, clerk. .. 41 + wOlltd guaral1 tce that they t iUII, deed unel diln'1'ibution. Wayne t ownship. 1:or hi sernc a. Q . 4, held May 22; George W, would pay 1111 int rest o n mOll ey In th(· 1;. >lCJ of .Hebecca Elizabeth Nellie M. and Walter E. Mentz P rhap a bl'iei' sketch of tllese Henkle (father of '8111 D, , 3 tha~ would ba\' to be b rrowed f o l' ' hutb V Cl',; U$ Eldon Dean 'butts to The Miamisburg B. and L. Asspecifiention will prov of in· 'I ar!!; Ibert orne ll (fother of th t. purpose." EvirilmUy this lh <- plail1titf wa s granted a divorce BQciation, inlot No. 385 in Franklin tere t. The Insidc ' dlmen ions were A. . a nd H. O. orllcl1), 2 'leal's, gUIlTsntee was gi n, b~cllu se the IInti I' e~tol'cd t o II I' maiden lIame William A. Warner and Chester to be 40 by 32 f ct , and 16 feet Allen Haines appointee cl rk. uirector WE1'C i'n tructed to hll e of Re ('('ell Elizabe th anders. A. Campbell to People's Hui high between th joists, Tn When the board II mbled on J I Evan prepare plnns lind In th ' cll ~e oj' Frank forgan Loan and Savings Co. 106.83 aores fou ndatiol1 IlB to be (If t one, June 2, Pr sid nt E dward Sw ~n- !lp eificat.ions for the building qdlllini h 'atol' o r (? tate of Bnrbllr~ in Hainilton township. "", Phone 25 embedded in toner .te, and WRS to ey "a not eligible to erve longer, sli me to be presented at an lId- MOl'gan, d ' cell!lI!(l. v rsl\s A. 'W . June Mvrton to Barbara 'E. extend at I II t I!O inch below having been transferred from No. journed lies ion on Jun e 14. At. Adama, thel'(' is dlle the plaintiff Schleehty. inlot No. 876 in Frank. the eurface ' f the gr und and 14 4, so ('yrus Illilh was hosen t o this latter meeting, 1\1\'. Evans Was fl'llm the defenllant the um 0/ Ii 11_ inohes ab ve in all place. with lIerv the un expired term. employed to draw the plants for tI $4250 . George W. Nicholson, deeeased, 1 ur iron venti\\ltor nil a cent ~ r Just the other da y, a good .friend ·'two.st ory brick h ou e in said $ubto Anna N. Ratfteld, et al real esNew Suit. tate in Lebanon. ' wall included, Tile wall were to calle,d the WTit e1"s attention to district, sa id bouse ~o be 35 feel be built of bri k, on and one.balf the Cact that of all ,the old·time wide by 46 feet long." Hildegarde E . ,~eter verilUS Rob. Emma M. Grubb' to Charles J. brinks thiCk ap to the gAbles where choo1 dir ctors so tar menti oned eptember Hi, t h ~I erk was in- .rt Insk Il nd Daisy Insko in Re. Cl~rk, real estate in Wayne town- Tire V()., supplies, $3.10j Smith their thickness might be reduced to this chronicle none ar living tructed t o "a uvel·tlse Cor bids for plevin. . hip. Service Station, gas, $28.89 j to one brick, The joists were to be today, To David W. Thoma goes building a sehoul house in sub.dlsWilliam Best, deceased, to Elvin Tru.stees ot Public AII"airs, lights, . Probate Court 1 burr or white oak, th floors of the hO.nor (iI such he can iders it) trict No. 2 ~"Rat Tail"), sa id acres in $4.64; Rogers & Simpson Station W. Best, et aI, 10.2 TR¥ olid ;yellow pine, and a flue was of b.el.ng the first. elected of th.e house to be builded according to T Wayne town hip. supplieR and gas, 411.33; S.· C. to be built at each end Qt the build- townsh S UI'VlV1~g school dlr~dors or tillS the plans afld specifications oC lhe he e tnt of 'John W. R taW k Robert J. Thompson to William Alexander, supplies, $6.25; David OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS p Th e reco rd s s how th' ing. A 2 ~ bl 8 f(lot c10ljel was to I. a .. house in sub-district No. 10, except js free Crom inh.eritance tax. N. Thompson, real estate in Leb. Brunk, tool repairs, $1.26 ' J. W. FOR RESULTS be l,Iuilt at each end of the room for ~r. Thomas was ' eleoted as a that the :foundation is to be 24 The will of ,[ ry E , WaterhQu8e anon. " Lingo Hardware Co., supplies and 3·0 t erm. 0f inlltead of 22 inches in the gl'ound. J occlI ;sed, was t1le,d in CO urt. use 8S cJo~k ro oms. Two outer director . ' of No ,~ l' a Otto J. Marlatt and Lillian Mar.. repaira, $162.27, Central Garage, doors, each 8 teet by 3 feet, 4 three years' at th pring election A motion to buy aritllmetlc charts Orion F. rai n, executor of es- Jatt to Mellie Rye, real estate in 1118, .'87.74; East End Garage supWllS lost. tate of Martha D. Crain, deeea ed Wayne township. Inches, and surmounted 'by a of 1884. plies and I11s, 161.53; Famous . H ' t.h f th iii d hi i nvcnto'ry. Rosa B. Hake!! and Branson Auto Supply Co., I!upplies, $30.59; transom, w re to be ma~e an on er,: s b e roster 0 ' e n~w -:"Another- p cial nleeting WI\ Th f 11 end of th building, whIle three tow,ns h Ip oaz:d (tbe clerks of the cal ed November 15 to consider , e 0 owing ;accounts were ap· Hakes to Carrie McGrath, inlots Frank Sherwood Co. upplles $27.window on ea b side and two at varIOUS 8ub-d18trlcts) that ass em" , pI' ved, allOWed .a nd confirmed by NOB. 72 and 90 in Harveyaburg. 31: John Law & Son, gas, $22.68; one end were to have two sash, bled April 21 1884' No 1 J B ,the purchase Qf. a hlilf acre of the court. . Rosa B . . Haku and Bra.nson C. D. Smart, ga., 126,17; Morrow each composed 01 12 panes, 12 by Rogers, 2 Pet~r MOfliort: 3 Edwl~ gro~nd to b added to t~e chool Chs1'les H. Y(;IlIng. exee~tor of Hakes tQ George W. McGrath, 80 Garage, gas, $91.68. Ruby Vall 24 inches, the 1II\9h to be hung with Chandler 4; Allel\ ' Haines 5 lot In No. 12, and to fUlther n· ~tate of Nettie Jordan, deceased. aeres in Wll8lahigton township. Riper, ps, $36.'70: Waynesville w. H.... a Complete Wat~. uitable cords and wt'igbtll. AU Henry Prater, 6 George 'Vetter, sider the building pluns in No. 11. First and final. Frank L , Mackey and Julia C. $erviee station. gu, $18. H; R.... ir Ser.tc,. Danie WI. Hod[ett, executor 01' Mackey to Edgar Jordan 166 acres Holthaus doors and windows were to have 7 S. L: Cartwright, 8 Isaac Wilson A quorum of membel's was pres· Transportation C.\ And UBe oDly genuine materials. freestone sill and caps, and -each 9 Lew S, Smit.h l() Matthew J. ent, ~ut I~l'k Woolley wa n t . stat of Naomi T. Hockett d- in Turtlecreek township. express, $3.3.4. ' "Crystals fitted while you wait. . 80 hiS dutle~ were tempol'Qr! 'i ellil ed. Fit.. t and final. • I , 11 H enry' u ~ucKtnsey, 12 ' d t. \11 11' Th M window was to be ' protl.'d l'( by S ae, Arthur C. Dobbing to Hilde• - • Cary'. Jewelry Shop hutters. T~e shingle to , to IJOSiah Hough 13 Cyrus Smith aSf.'lgn c . • en III<' ~. , Bt·y. 1'05 .1, executrix of es.- gal'de E. Zeter, 183 acre in Har" by five U " " . and Lew S. SmIth . 'was chosen , ' boardd fpurchased a balft acr of tate ot Robert G' Ct d be... Bupported to slIrve 10 J h E b dd ., ,. ·o~s, de«ase. lan township. L.ba_., Ohio a six-sided b Ifry wa to extend six as president fot· the year. (Thi ~rou~ rom 0 n ~ans 0 e a J. Jr t ~\nd .final. Wilson Bl,'own al1d Alice Brown Store Open Evenlnrs feet above tlae center of tbe roof Mr. Smith was a brother-in-law 01' eid t~lthoeo s.:hdOOtlblot..ln No. 12 , PII~" Harry B nthein, executor 01 the to Albert Gibbs and Ellen Glbb8. AU outside woodwork, excepting the late C. T. Hawke.) ng. '" an e "xpense 0 f I!ur. estat of Dora GrupeI' deceased t 1 acrll8 ill Harlan township. 'zs the shingles, was to be well painted I S, L. Cartwright. Henry McKiD. veymg thereoi. FiI"St and final. ," • , The eOl1tract for , recting this sey and Edwin Cllandler audited ~0~1 E~an ' plans for the new J . T. Riley, ad ministTator 01 esAbo_t 20,000 Memher. Tak. building Walt to have been let on Treasurer Randall's books and ac- bUlldmg to N? 11 w~re adopted. tate of Jamal; Cannon, deceased. P.rt ' iII Varied Prop.m. June 2, but when the board in- counts, the new bonds of the b.ut the numbcr of wmdows to a First and final. Ohio Central Telephone Corp., Of Gard.. Group. veatigated tbe propo itioJ\i it was clerk and treasurer were filed and Side wa reduced fr~m 1'our to Annie I . Lrwirl, executrix of es- rents., ,55.50; J. W. Linso HardDirector -of FUDeral S.",ice found that nobody had bid on the approved, and a committee was ap- three. He. wa ,employed to prepar e ate t):f R. J . lrw'in, deceased. Final ware Co., supplies, $1.28; W. C. complete job. lIO Clerk Woolley pointed to examine the school the .speclficatlons, and . the cl~I'k Laura . Dunham, executTix ot Turton, coal, $16.60; Drs. Edward Probably 20,000 people are Our convenient location, suitawas ordered to advertise for com· l houses in Nos. 2 and 11. Cyru was lD~truc~e~ to advert1 e for bids estate of David E. Dunham de- and Robert Blair, medieal services members ot about 400 garden "Iete bids to be submitted not Smith Henry McKjnsey and Anen for thIS bUlkhng, ~nd a1$0 i()f the ceas d. first and "nal. " ,J J65; Christ Hospital, care of pa~ clubB in Ohio, declare V. H. Ri s, ble surroundlnr!! and equipment later than 12 p'clock noon of Haine~ were appoiflted a~ a com- new buLldin.g in No.2, th e 10 t Fit'mun King, g uardiall of Alina tient. $5; Stillwater in tloriculture for the enablea ua to Serve to the Bed July 13. Tbe late Perry 1!:. enrl 0 examil1~ e coun y ~ III FebTua.ry, 18~5, F. King, deceased. Firs\; and 1\1101. care extension service at Advantage, submitted a proposal to do all but auditor' books in, referenc.e to being set as the date for 8"vnrdl?g Erne t Evan, , .e xecutor of estate Commissioners, care of O. S. U. the IItone and bt;'ick wo:rk and State Common 8etiool fun(is <Iue the contracts. But another speCial of ,E ugene Ev8.ns , deceased. $126; Richard L. Williams, serTh" activities of Buch clubs are furnish · hill own materials for Wayne township!' meeting was called, January 28, Liobn Ruhlman. guardian of viee, $10; Erma Hibnar, services varied, be. says. 'Some of ttael1\ are $813.75; He also propO!led to havil The clerk was instructed to l:8~5, when it was ?ecided to N rbert RuhlmEJn , et aI, minors. $10; John Holland, services, $10; beautifyinr tbe approaches to th4\ir Pboa. 21 i1I•• '01110 Rader" Son, of Xenia, do the I'place to the credit f di1ltrict No. bUild a .three-room.. stngle tc1t'y First. and final. Mrs. Howard Sawyer, services, $10 communities. Others are b-eautifyOJ.lV.e M.Bshrand Fred C. Bahr Morrow Whitacre, services, $Ii; ing the highways. Many of them bTick and stone work, and to 4, $75, and all other districts who building 111 ~o,. 11 III place of the furnish heir material for the ad- had not paid for six months scho~1 tw()-story bUlldmg, so the dnte f or ndmllllstrators 0'( estate of Lorenz Georgia Mi~er services no; SteDa are sponsoring ftower sh()ws, and ditiodal lsum o:f $939.60; bringing to have credit of a suftlciertlt awarding the contracts was 'defer- , Bahr, deceased. First and ftnaJ. Kelly, serVices, $10; barles flob. better yard and g.rdell contests. FOR SALE DATES CALL lIis total bid to $1753.26; His bids amount to pay all defiCiency to red until the fir t Saturday in harles ~. Gibbs, a~mini trator 01), services, $10; Ohio Central Still others are active in developwere guaranteed by Stephen Bur· run their schools six months, and March. of staLI'?f Anllindn Gibbs, deceas Telephone Corp" tolls, $46.70; Co- ine and apon80rinr boys' &lid girls' !lett and. Stacey P. Kendall. Napoi- then divide the balance of the I;on- ~t this same meeting, the Measr ed, fil ed hiS fir t snd final account. lu!"bus Blank Bo'ok Mfg., sup- 4-H flbwer clubs, of which there eon B. AnthEl1I)' submitted the only tlnuation fund equally among ,he S. L. Cartwright and Edwin R,aymond E. lOunham, guardian phes, 40c; Colun'!bus Blank 13001( were 167 1"'ith a membership of C)ther bjd on th~ complete job, his s.everal districts." He was also to Cband)er submitted 11 most exce ll. , of Ed"":Brd R. P1erce, et aI., minora l\lig; Co., supplies, $27.50; Co.- just under 200() this year. Some bid amo\Jnted to $1772.49, and \)uy a secretaJ")l desk for us.e of lent report of their official visit to filed hIS . fir t a<,count. lumbus ,Blank 'Book Mig. Co" sup- are Intercsteq in the conservation being guaranteed by Samuel W. the }loard, but must not pay over the variou s ~Qhools throughout The , Jnv()nto~'y ,o f George ,P. ,p lies, $60.45; John Law &: Son, ot natural rural bea'u ty, others in Rogen. Of course, the ~o'ntract $16 for it. Then they adjourned the township. Most of their rec. Gates, executor of estate o! Harry gas, and alcohol, $6.52; Outfit- the beautification of commllnities .JESSE STANLEY was awarded to Mr. Kenrick, he until May 5. ()mmendations, especially those N'ewcomb. Jr.. , dece~sed" was ap- ters, supplies 90c: Welltern Star, by the elimi~ation of unsightly agreeing to have the building comAt the adjourned session, the pertaining to the relati()ns between prov d. . tax notices, $39.45; M. E. Ross. , advertisinr and dumps. All C)luba P •••• no, H.w BarU...... ow. pleted by: October 1st. This is the ommittee appointed to examine pa'rents, teachers al1d Rlipils, and S!lle by J. CIlllford Evans, ad- staml?s, $3; Kaufman's, suppliea, are bettering ttJEir community by EARL KOOQLER old building now known as ' tbe two school h()uses reported that to the support Ilnd enc:cllrragement mlnlstrator of e~!tate of WiIlial)l J. $8.32; E. B. Thirkield &: Sons Co. interesting and helping others who O'Neall or HiJ!ey !!Chool. they had performed that d u.ty, of teachers by the pati'Oi1S of the Evans, deceasedl, were . approved. s upplie8, 16.85; Frank Sherwood illterested iD gradens. D.,... Plio.. In the meantime, other matters "and find the house in sub-district schools, are just as applicabl e to. His first and fin il1l account was ap- Co., supplies, ,2j Drs. Edward and There is no )'e8$on why each ICE• •on . . . . of imllOl'tance bad been claiming No. 2 to be in a very dilapidated day as t hey weJ'e when 'fir t ma<\e, llJ:·OV(Hl. Robert Blair, serviCes; "82.60; community, no matter how .mall a pari; of the board's attention. -At condition ,.nd illy 'f it for edu,cation nearly fifty yelll's ago. Coming :r~e first nadl final a<;count of W. H. Fulkerth, washinr 'for how larre, should not have at the May 1 meeting, William Chen- use, nad we blllie've that the' educa- from men of their high standing WillIam H . ,McMahan, executor of prisoners, $40: ' W. H. Fulkerth, one garden dub, accordi,n g Qwe~h, W. J. Carman, and flineteen tional intere/lt 01 said district!n the community, these idell'S con. estute of Emma, Mc~aha,n, ~eceas· supplies, $'1.60; Cynthia Fulkerth, Such elubs ' should be de()tner patrons ot N~'.4 had allke.d ~ould be enhanced ""y the iebllild- ,! stitute a me~sage fro.m the Better li d, \~as . apPl,'oved, ' allowed and :(eediqg prlsoner8, $402.26; J. W ' )'lot ilone for the interest tor Ill)d received a d~vlsion of their Ing of said house, and we wquld Land that should still be an in" confirmed by the court. Lingo lIardwar~ 00., suppJie~, $8.. of ml)mberl!l, but for WANTED district, the boundaries of the ne~ recommend there be a tax levied spiration to all board membe-.:s, 'I'he schedule 01 debts filed " by 21; Lebanon Lumber Co., saw dUllt tbe , t of gardening In , district to , be sa follows: 'Begin- to t'he amount of 41,000 for the !teachers, pupils and 'patrons of Alton F, Brown, administrator, of $].60 ; John Law &, Son, 8C1rvices, the community. ' In organizing a gud,e n club, SPECIAL TREATMENTS-Hem, ning at the corner of James N. pUrpo,se of rebuilding said house. , our schools. As such, we submit estate of Andrew Johnson, deceas· $188.88; W. C, Bergdall, assisting Thomas' and William Duke's lands "And your committee find that the repoyt in Its entirety. ed w8s.np Pt'oved. surveyor, $15.75; Robert Shot- Ri«!s suneets that retailed Inorrhoids or PileI! a Specialty. at the Clearcreek township line, the house in No. 11 to be in a good ' "Wjl, the committee appointed ,~he lIlventory of the Lebao6n- well, a8si~ting surveyor, . $UIO; on plan or organization, Also Varicose (enlarged) Vein. thence running: ellBt with said line condition, but too small to ac· (Continued On Paae ' 8) ltlzens NatioOllI Bank and Trust Frank Robinson, assiating surveyor activities, etc. be ob- and leg ulcera. Consultation, free. Co., administra,tor of estate of $7; Trustees of Public Affairs light talned from the local' county Consult Dr. E. M. Steel, Masonic jll Bldg., Wilmington, Ohio. Jos~phine Worley, deceased was and gas, $«).63; Miller Hardware, agricultural arent. ' ~ approved by the court. supplies, 45c; Kaufman's suppliee, _ '__ • __ - - The i!IVentol;Y of G'eorge P. U.90; Lester Frye, labor, $8.8'0; , T . .I A I I M POIt .ALa Gates, administrator of csta,te of IA!wl8 1& Drake, lilC., coal, $27.51: r o . ",.11 p.t W. A. Early, deceased, wasapprov l'4cGetchina Pharmacy, .upplies, M h I·C J h ' I ed by cO\lrt. $1; Dr. Robert Blair, Servicea p~; , ot 8r:~ ome ,0 nny FOR SALE- Pure Oider vinegar. T ToT I Mf 0 1 1 , want you to to town with me J. L. Mendenhall, Phone 451U2. ' BEI Sle ..... aney, admirlistratrlx Staka ta g. 0., supp ea. ' 73.a new BUlt. You know school d21 01. cst:! e or Cly de H. Haney, de- 95 j ' A. W. Tucker; ' 1st elltimate on lltarts next week." ceased. tiled her inventory. cont-. No. 1015, $75; H. T .. Coo!.', 10bnny:- "On Mom-will you FtOR SAL~Poland China male D. E. Heywood, xeclltor of es- gravel, $:13; J. 1(. Spencer, gravel, buy me one of them witb two pall' rlirA and gilts. E. Evans, prC)l1e UOR, Lebanon. ·d14 ' late of Lina Ba);ter, deceased, tiled $20.30; Morrow Lumber Co., of pants?" his ipventol'Y. cement, $160.~7; C. E. Bradul)ry, _ _ _ S::::: o Kenl'y Kipp. administrator of pay roll, $19.75; Blair and Leroy, €' tate of WilHam Altmeyer de- gravel and sand, ,9.38; W. H. c(>a5e d, filed .his 111'!\t and fin~1 ae. Madden & Co., cement, ,69.60; count. I H. T. ' Cook, gravel and .sand, C. fl. Young was ap.polnted ad- U8 .• a:,Lebanon La~ber Co., su~ mini:trator of e,state' o.f Jo~ephine plies, $66.59; V. W. Tompkins, p'ay Barton, deceased, !tnd filed a bond roll, $134; E. D. Jones, pay roll, of $7000 wltl~ The American $483.76; Eden Terry, P.y ron, SUl'ely CO. 8S Burety. 0, S. H'iggins .401i,13i ,,", T, Re~ig, pay roll, G. 1.... Bl'o\\rn Ilild Hany Murphy ,1711.2J;r C, E, Qra!lbury, pai fgl1 were appointed appraIsers. fU8,71i I JOf W. l)avjl\ pay" "oil, 'I'hl' !! tate of William J. Evans, 1169; John Myer~, paJ roU, 'lilt i decel\~ed, i exempt from Inheri- Floyd Lemmon., pay roll, UOS.O~; ta ... t'e tllX. H. L. Schuyler, pay roll $198: Carl Clinto., V. Blllck, executor of et- Dakin, pay roll $140; Sam Sh••rer tRte of Frank Black, Is ordere~ to road surveying, '1.75;' Blair " ~E'11 ('ettai n real estate for Inter. Lero)" .ravel, ,Ul.OS: J. K. est of saill estate. SPllnceT, aranl, ,.84.91: Zaln It is ordered that a certiftcate of Armita..e, gravel, 1846.40; Howtransfer be 1ssued upon the appll .. ard T. Cook, pavII, ,98Z.80: L. ('atlon of Anna N. Hatfleld, exeell- G. Andenona Co., guard rail trix of elltate of GeQTge~. Nlchol- lIIatertal".86: JOIm_oll I: Jobnson ~on. lltake., ,18.80: W. H, Madden I: Thl' will of Mary E. Waterhouse Co., eament, '''''.62: frallk Daldn j II'C"!I~p,1. was Rdmitted tQ eourt pard raU 121.80: Ernllt Ceol'«e J. Waterllouse was appoint" "0; IAwla ..ti '(''I'e(,lltor. bond requlred.j 1.15; Ad...
11y TilE HOOS[ER
Cinderella Coal
Buckeye Block'
Denatured Alcohol
Waynesville farmers Exchange
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.
,A l'-elec'trie Kitchen on Whee lc
Frank V. lAMa. I eN . , , .
,. Cift-
TAe Little Red School Houle a,
Eziated i,. Wayne Township for
inc alld th., Motur V.hlcle Dlvi Ion ntIS OF ImREST 0' thl''lullrtenl S crl'tary ut Slall' will find the the REPORTED BY PUPILS grrountl ftoor.-, - - Ililitol OF PUBUC SCHOOLS beenTh' l' otulHla
SuL.crl,tI_ Priee, fl.1O • Y....
Annex un
uf t h ~
han\l ~om(lly dl't'O l'ut ~d f or No mutt . . " huw htll'U , Ul' tea herij otic. P ..... ' .. ,,' " . . , ... No. 112, Entero::a at Po.toft'ce at Wayn..lh~ Chrbtmas h oJlda~'~ with a Ane R. 1-'--~ ville, Ohio, ... ..conel Clal. )(.. 11 "00\ Drk. Wu Lh' nuj, !'how' them may by your honorable body vIsit the • _ e . "'"'''''' ........ " " " AO. III Vatt.r COLUl\1BU - In itiative peti- tall hristml'ls tl'(, () '('ullying a 9Choola 9't our township, submit that ~e appn'ciatl~ Ul1l' ir labors Illl tions covering II. l)t'oposcd law. pro- place in lh., cent(·r. Old Nick Ive shoulu. y." feel tu sa y io the the following report. viding lhe "Grnnting of Aid tCl makes tl'ipl! from his iglou in the DECEMBER 21. 1932 "Owing to th ill health oC one boart! thlll·. if tln·y could ~('e their Aged for Perllons." were III d with St.ate HOU SE 1?ark '.and has a great wily cl aI' to lIJllJoinL a committee of the members of tho committee, eCI'etary of 'tate, Clarenc J. time with the kiddi ,; Whll may be of thi ~ kind e(lch Y';lr. it would t.here were but two of Us thtlt pl'{)m it' the intcrc!'\L in ou r Kchoo ls BI'own, !!everal days ago, The Fra- in the b1.!iJding, giVing them all Iln Inl'olrl''''lRhrf! visited the schools. We found In conclu MiI n, we append the ternal Ord r of Eagles .has be n invitation to visit him IInc! "promis. them, with. buL few P'Y., .. t1,t.ln,n<o. the folll/win l( "tuti>ltiC!l1 of Lho dif- most active in behalf of thilj pro- ing them a treat. Th e Capi~o l it;sell Light the Candles on your tree of hopc8. - - -____ --l.11Jl_COlUUUOD.,....JIt1,JOoI;l;,...mo tl!<Hell·~I\--ho:=;;::r&IChools in the 1.0\\ Illlhip," . This is Christmas. posed law and about Ii hundred hall been nic ~ ly decorllt d and era seemed to be enthused in their L':\t hearts J'efresh and toke joy and gJadneslI to those who are work. and are laboring hard to thou sa nd signatures were obtairied forms.a part of the schem t o (In lh tnull', the number of the 11llavy laden. make the d corati~n" in the dow nadvance the caUlle of education. diRlricl, til em.)\Jment. the aver- This mea ure, if enacted into Jaw, town district brighter and rmH'e This is C\1rilltmas. glve a maximum of $26 per will Listen closely for the melody in all creation because it i.9 there They seem to feel that the reo IIge II.ttendanc (', nnu 1,\1e name of month to impoveri shed persons handsome than vel' before. for those who will hear. Have all know that dupllcity is disarmed by sponsibility (to a ir!eat exlent) the teacher iII' l' iv!'n ill th order who have bee n residents of Ohio the gazing eyes of Love which comprehenc,ls only that truth is all In aU reste upon them how well our nam' d, ) {01' at least fifteen years. Pl'oviANNUAL ELECTION' This is Christmas, 8chools succeed, They do not all 1 25 ;! 1 G(Oor~~ Bno\l sion i. made tbat in no event can And- 'tis Chiidren'lI day- the day which should resound with the follow the same plan of instruc- 2 !lO 27 . A, Brown the p [so n bejng aided hnve a e hoes of their laug]1ter- a true reflection of the Child 01 God wholle tion, ,b ut "eem to have . the Ilame 3 :"4 20 1)01'8. NEilsQn The annual election of th(l birthday it i , " total income exceeding $;300 per stOCkholders of the W aY'ne~vi1le WAYNESVILLE, OHIO object in view. While we found 4 31 2 May MElI', hall Carry glCts, Let Love shine, Happiness is in the heart only when annum. Nati onal , Bank fol' the .purp of 'Bank BId,. most of the schools well attended, 5 1.8 j 5 A, B. hantllel' 'we are giving-Love, electing directors f or the ensuing Phone 80 The o):len hunting season , tot: year will be h ld at their bOllklng None is too old- nor none too young tq gaze into the starlight there was some comp laint of ir- () 40 27 O~car l\10niol't night an.d se again the vision of the manger. Feel that spirit of Him, regularity in attendance, which i~ 7 28 2:1 A da ohle rabbit!; i~ fast drawlng: ,to a close, room ()n Tuesday, Janua1"Y 101.1\, The Child King-JesuB , very annoying to th~ teacher, and 8 2 1 1 5 Qua l\tend nhall time expiring at one hour after 1933, b tween. ~he hour of 1 und He brought to us an everlasting heritage of Love-Peae_Hope, very injurious to the pupil s, 0 00 tl O Mary SIIlIt,le suns t January lst. That, day 'fal1- 3 p, m. L. M, HF.NDER Set aside the .frown and hold out a hand of hearty welcome to "While w~ were well pleased 10 30 27 BI' I'nia JI hnl<on ing on Sunday, time will be up "OTARY. PUBLIC Sunta Claul!. It is the Rpirit. of HIM you welcome. with most of the schools, we would 11 50 40 Della Z/!l1, the previous . day. Time Hmlt on Natlon.l B ...... Forget the trials of the day or the hour. Know that this world of foxes also expires January 1st, on Married Life OUI'S i& I:0verned by 11 wisdom far beyond the comprehension of man. ask the board to excuse us from 12 40 30 Florence B('ttz raccoon Janua~y 15th. and oposWill. Dr.1I!rD • • E.tat•• S.at.... ]i~ven us the swallow'l! fa ll ie ~uarded-so are you_nd yours, ' all making a report of each of them 13 27 23 MiHs. ewell nlank'ind, and he who learn!! the p ace of ever-reliance on HIM, will for these reuons: First, there are. sum and skunk February lat. Wife:-" Boo-ho-ho , B()()-ho-ho.' WA.YNESVILLE. OHIO hnve no fear and can well afford to make this day of days one of re- a tew of the teachers in the townf thc. e teach er~. harl s A. Muskrats in the inland trapping Hubby:- "F'r cal's Mke-what's joiclng' and praise giving. ship that have just begun teaching. Brown died lit hi: home ' in dL trret may lIe taken until March the matter?" ~!,!!,!!~I'~!,!!,!!!,!!,!!~~~~!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas chimes are ringing throughout this land o! ours and to They not having had much experi- Eugen , Oregol1, 11 year or two lst. Wifo:- "Boo-boo-boo-ho_'bo_ho_ l\ most favored people. They are echoing thru our meadow land and ence, wo do not feel at liberty to ago, May 11lfshall later became I must have. so me man y." gl'l!llt marts of commerce, , The rhefs in the Ohio Penlt,enHubby:- "W 11. can that sob We, a free pe6ple, mBde so through our Calth in HIM-must criticize or judge harsllly ; some of the wife and worthy J~ lpmate oi them are doing laIr work. Second, the latA; Jo~athRn G. ,~aJOes, anel tiary prepare meale; for an aver- lItLltf. Her bere'!,! Ilom money. L'i cenaed Real E.t.. te Broker. neve~ lose t he understanding that it is the democracy of our religions, Auctioneer and In.urallee giving to every man his l'i~ht to worship in his way. which makes each we only spent a half day in each , still resl~e5 I-? Wayneg'nlle, though age of 3,850 men daily. The menu (£risks pock\!ts) Take t hi s dalbie," Wife :-"Wha On> 0011111' uct' eding Chri&tmas further proof of His Mercy and HIli Goodness, school, and that .ill not sufficient n~)\v an l~vl\l~d_ Au;on B. h~ndlel' is varied, being change.d daily. Th Waynesville, 0"'10 time tor U8 to pass judg]llent as to \I ~s 0 pl omment )Il the affa1r8 of co t of feeding that number ac- F't ~ryjn' out loud?" None' shall periah. whether they are, or are not, doing thIS commun!ty f?r so many cording to in tit.u~ional oftlclals 'Tis hristmas. firBt-clau work. We think a com- Y ars th~t he ce;tamly needs no average .2 cllnt/l per day per man _ Most Re.a sonable Terms Awake and salute the happy morn_ mittee to make a report of each of fUI'thee Ih ~roductlo n. Oscar Mon - in actual fOod cost. Almost e rna Th.rill ugain in the jpy of service-and the love of fellowmen. the 8<:hools, and do justice to the f Ol't has me eried a surveyor impossible but nevertheless it is a teacher. should visit the schools of Warl,"en county for a good matter of recl,)rd, To this amount, at least twice during the term, many years. 1).ella Zell was ' an the state pri on fal'm contributed "We 'feel that we have done a aun,t of ]sasc Lmcoln, Ml'~. Grae food products lit no cost to the ~a"m IL,. lood work, and that it has been an • mlth .~nd Fl'ank Mtltenber- the state, aVl)ragi ng 3.1 cenil per I ., I 'i e III , incentive to work. It has been a g r. MIS DOTB N Ison,. who taught day per man, figured at market !:';;;;:~~~;:;;~=:::-:;;~~~:::;;::::;~::;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ good Ijtep in the right direction, No. 3 - the Chandler scbool:- value, thus pringing tbe total value "'= -- - - - - - - ;"and, II continued" would be of l1n a lly ~~ccumbed to the entreatle.s ' of food pr pared daily to 11.3 advantage to our schools" If the of Dr. J, ,":" Word , a~d no.w con- cents 'per man. 30 Yearll Experlenee In 8 :00- 8 ;3 .. ,,' Christmllll Program patrons would visii them and show ducts a pnvate chool, WIth, the _ _ __ Fitting and Making Gl..... Saturday, December 24. 8:00 p, m. th e te t.._ .J!'ood dClct(ll' One week from next Monday, aa--we11 ,a·~ t 0 tL....· ..., 1T • h aa her Hole pupIl, b at ' aCrreTII. children, that they are interested th II' 'ozy orne near arveys urg. Jan.uary 2nd .. the Ninetieth Modi Oft CQunty Club Proil'am in them, it would be a great help, (To be contimled) Geneta1 Assembly of Ohio will L.b...on, Olalo convene, Th day will be obllerved Ta. ..... ,.. Thar• •". S .. h . . . .' Harye,.sb~rl' .as a holiday and for that reuon E •• lDlaalloD F .... thE) legislatul'e. wiU potlslbly adShe Sold the EIIP journ after a short ge8810n. ulltil Rev_ Amos Cook, qed 87. died LEBANON, OHIO God'. Baby at his home F,rlday morl'inl'. Ill'. the following day. It is the conCook had spent pra(ticaUy all his iii. sensus of opinion that leaders in life in this community, aerving the both branches wJ1J advocate a Ahort Ho...:.e.M.... PrQd'uId. M .." , Pro.. Friends Chureh for many yeare, He session rather tha1') a lon,' drawn B,. Mrl. Je .. ie B. Tripp Profit.ble Whee Milk leaves one 8 n. three I'1'&lld. out one. V(hich wUl mean quite a children. and twopeat ..rand chi!· '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ., Cheap little ~ving in rllven.u e. dren. beeidee a holt of relatives snowftakes softly falling, and trlend. to mourn his pauing. Feather), The fi.nishing touches are now Throurh the crisp clear ChristMakin, cheeee on the farm may Funeral steviees were conducted being put on the new State Oftlce DIU air; prove a profttabJepraetlce when from the Frlellds Church Tuesday Building and it Is saiif'several deDon't yqll hear the Angels singin!\" milk is cheap and when ~ bleh at 2 o'clock. Interment in Miami Of a ~by, deaT and fair? partments will begill moving into qualit:( p~oduct can. be produced cemetery• . the new home the latter part of and dl8trlbuted at httle C08~. ac- Mrs. Marne Foreman, Miu Violet All the Shepherds on the hill-side , . February. NOlie of the elective Leave their flocks, and wallder cordillg to A. B. Stoltz, ~halrman Foremall and Ambrose Fisher ot , state. officials will have quartel's far· : . of the department of daIry tech- Dayton vieited Dr. and Hn. Tripp there, although the Governor will have heard about the Baby, nology at the O. S, U . . Sunday. Dr. Tripp rem.a ins about The, I hav,e a su,ite for conference purAnd bave seen th;e guiding Star. Home-made cheese aelhng for the ume. p08es, The State Library in the 12 centa a pound wholelale means Hn. Amanda Starr was a Sun- See the Angel's white wings ilashState H;ouse as well a8 units in the iug. a gros income of 51.26 per day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Anne,x move to the new build, Phone 78J As the), pass you thr'Ollgh the bUlldl'ed poun<ls of 4 per . cent Chas. Gra)! and family. 'air; Mrs, Mary Shumaker passed milk, he points out. If such chene the "Peace on ' Earth, and sell for 20 cents per pound, the aw..~ '[geeda)' following ~ Jo.nl' Hear . odwil, . grou receipts amount to about illness She leaves two scna and one BrOllght U8 by tllis Babe so fair $2 per hundred pounds o.f 4 per Il'anddaughter, beaides a number cent milk, of other relative. and friends to Hear Ye all, The Heralds singing "Christ." OUT Saviour ha~ been Xn making farm cheeae. Stoltz mourn, Hi'll. Shumaker Jlrecee.ded born; advises the ose of clean aweet her in death Auruat 11 ot this for everybody, milk, aeat the milk to 86 derr ~8 year. Funeral services were eOIl- Happineu On this glorious Christmas Fahreiiheit. Add chee.. co.lllr. If dutted from the H. E. Church morn 1" desired, using one-~lf teapoontol . Thurllday at 2 o'clock_ Interment Bleu our little Christ-chlld baby, to 100 pounds ~f mIlk. Add rennet, in Miami cemetery. He belongs to )/,(lu and me; flrt!! diluting it with. pint of cold Dr. S. L. Eby, profesaor ot water. Use one-third ounce or t!"o education tile UnlvC\l'Iiity o'f Let us tr)" this M,erry Christmas How kind and thoughtful we can teaspoonsful to: HIO poundll 0.£ mllk Cincinnati recently donated to the be . . Junket tablets may be ueed If' 1'8n- HarveYllburg Hlah school ftfty.four net in unobtainable, Cut tlle cUr:" v01umes for the achool library. Give your heart to this deaT Baby, A relative in Iowa got .dd..... Your golden hour may pass canIs mixed and by rniltake Nn when suffiCiently II.rm, which 18 Among the boob are fiction and away; about 30 minutea after- the eo.rul~ school texts which were «lad!y cac:17,000 eggs to Mrs, F. T. IIQrphl ant. has beell added. Stl, the curd cepted . . Supt. R, A. Francia an.d Do not walt until to-morow, in Boston. To save, her Ida a Make it your gift, thi Christ: ' gently for 16 or 20 minutes. then eome of the members of his faculty .he rented a etore l'04)m and mas day, __ ••_ __ heat at the rate of two~egree8 in are ta~ing post graduate work at them all-at ~6 Uftta per d five n inutes for S~ m~nute8, or the Unlverllit.y. less than regwar retaD prlel. Too MaD,., MOr~•••• until t.he temper"ture IS 100 liIeFriendll here have received th. grees F"hrenhelt. Cheese must ~e sad news o.f , • y bll'l".mmlr+-=======~ stil'\'ed contlnu.u8ly -during th18 0, Tolle • • t · her . home in ,New o.n chattel mortgages in three ,Ohio , period. . . Mexico, where Ille had gone in co'u ntles increased almost tenfold The curd is allowed to hopes- o.f benefltth,1' her . famnc in 20 yeara, accoiding to a survey , . in 'tbe whey at. this temperature health: Hr: Tolle wal lIuperlnten. of the farln mortgage situa~i6n in until firm. or until it hu expelled de.nt of oUr' '!chool ·for two yean. Putnam, Union and Greene 1~' a 8ufficien,t amount of wbey and about ten yean a,o, M.... Tolle ltOunties just completed by the de. "' until the aoid hall developed sut6- leave. her husband and an eightof rurl\1 economics at the detI)'. This requires year-old Ion. She was interred in State University. 1. Farm prices of agricultural Iy an additional , New Mexico. \ , - - ---.... ~ - products in the Unit~d States in .. dent acid hal ",Mch ~ Are of undetermined ori&'ln V.I •• of C_nin. Prooduet. creased from. 62 % in J une to 690/'0 be determined by the hot Iron destroyed a latle bani. double . , in SeIltember but declined atain or by the acidity. of 'Whey or by c:rib, .,.nd tobacco lIIed on th~.Ellu Vegetables grown thiS. year by and on November 16 were 54 % of the tirmllen of the. curd, the. whe,Y 0rl"e farm! oeeupled by the Ohi? farmer8 for , CAnmllJ <;9m- the aV6J.'age for 11)10 to 1914. (a) Grailware 34 % of the preis withdxjwn and t~e curd III Wm. ThomPlOn family, Saturday pamell are valu~d at ,1,887 ,600. drained, e.elline. Three 1Mad df horsea, ~o eropa prOVIde 'more ~han a war averuge. Duriq: the draining further ex- some hop; com. I\ay. Impl_ment. half·mUlion dollars of bUSiness a (b) Meat anima ls al'e now 57% Jlullion of the whey goes on and and lIarneu were cOD.amed. Fire Sweet corn used by tbe of the pl'e-war- avel'ag'e. the ,acidity develops for at least flghtilll hindered by Jack of companies sold for ,600. (e) Dairy produots ne 68 % of another ,hour, After wbich the aaIt water. and tomatoes for ,~OO , OOO. the pre-war average. , . may beadc;led at the rate Ijl a Our rirl" buketball team won - - (d) Poultry and eggs are 116 % So It ~. of the pre.war averag(~. ounces for 10 pounde of curd. The ' over the Morrow rirls on the home cheelle is then put Into the hoop floor Saturday evenln&, and our ( e.) Fruits and vegetables ,are and and the pressure applied. bO)'lllolt to 1I0~w bOll. First Tourist : -"I motored up 5.70/. of the pre-war average. After it has been in the press 10r Ross Plallclt·. hou.e, qll way to IiCC tbe scenery, but 2. Prices paid by J1armeTII for 2-f. to 30 houl"$ it is removed alld Waynesville pike eaualtt Are 'egads, one can't see anything for commodities bought 011 November JllaQed In a. curing room at a tem- day eveni. . . . Dd one end "aa the billboards." 15 were ' 106lA of the pre-war perature of 50 . to 60 degree~, . burned 'c01lliderabl1. $econd Tourist :- "Yea - the , average, • - .. billboards bother me t~o-;~ut not 3, Thll purcha!i\ing power of where It IlhOuld be turned every few day. and Sh9U)<1 be rlpelled In IWtlclllt.rllb t. ..... a. much al the. boardbllls. brm pr\lducts in t~rms of the from 8ix weektl to six months, de. ' , • - • . ~ things which farmers lbuy is 51 ~ pending upo.n~ the rate of curin&'. OhIO ,h ortlcu.lturllta will meet ~t Now ThO? Do,,'t S....1e as high all in the pre-l\rar p,eriodThe entire proceu is dlacu-.ecl, the annual meetJDIr fJf the Ohio 1910 to 1914, ~ r~~~nt ~une~!n ~1l l1!.~~lJl State Hortleultur.l 80aMtrat ~e He :-"Ah Edith-I've found a 4. Farm wagel were 84 % as ~h!l"1e pn ~~.. t;ryn: It U'a), ~e o~- p, S, u, ~ ,JAIMal7 .. t:o l!'eb.,.. for you. You will Iairly thrill high as before the war while the lalnflli ffe e 1J:p.m ttl, ~epartfrl·nt ar,. I. ...,.. ..... , ~ -. tremble at his very touch." general wage level i1,l citiea w.. p'f !lair, tef!hnplplY ,~ til- Ohio ,,",ita ............ J!iater-ID-law:- "Ob - who is 177 % , (Tllis ratio is more than Ina~, U"lvera'\J, all ho~ . . . . etate are 7" two to one), --.:.--•• - - - Illvlted to ...piMa In .,...•• an· Re.-"II, dentlat," 5. Hog prieeB jn Chlleal'O on Denounced the Meretary. • _. cember 9 reached the lowelt point NOTICE 0 ·, "'PPOINTM£NT I• ••1 ; '.!IIUI. ft • • II. . P ....I. _ Faria. tor 64 yeara. n 1 '1 " • •" . l . II , 6. The aver88'e of milk Eatato of Mat)' E, Waterhoule, c-. .., 4lthouP the lanne~'s groBs in- cows in Ohio on No,vellnbil!!! 111 w,", dee....ct. ' tha Pttst wo____ fat ella.... part,). e01lle an. opeNtiDg expenses f34, per head with '101 NfJtiee II . . . .' ..vo t "ThII II ...0, • _oak ad a au.......... deducted III" per cent on the same ~~rte I • ..t1~OU:aav:ed...D prill• • Bam""r. Y01i Inlow I of what It ".. m1918, there are 7. The .. v.,..... z'ileu~of the Eatate of ctreadetl tile . . . ., of llleetl., ilion people Oil larm. today thaD wheat ill the E Watuboue law of W'anon yoa-l . . IHh .......... tM".ere III 1928. November 16 was Cout7. 01110, . . . ._ . ft...._ a.-- to JOD. bUlhel and a new Dat.eiI tllIIMIl_ of Kn. a..Werl- uOliballou--1 the farm price.
(Colltinued from pqe 2)
This is Christmas
A'.· aht 7a
Dec. 26
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Mr ,
Cary's Jewelry Shop
============='= =============:::u::o...
-Auctioneer r. Martin
Centerville, Ohio
Farm Product Price.
Compared wit'h PreA P . ar verage rice.
In order to clean out our stock of. High-Grade
christmas cards,
Weare going to make the following , ext~emely low price to you: 'Tw'o dozen higb;.grade Cards printed, for
I i
Two dozen high-arade Cards . unprinted, for '
__. . I . .
_111- ..........
mOlle, I. th. bank lor Chrlaltma,." TM. meetinl hall bHn plannt'd by
~~c~e~~~:t~{~~:!r~~d Ll~:t:' R~PORTED BY
the You can't afford to ml~~ an opI'ortunlty like thit< to ~et ~ome orth while information.
La .. 4·H Club Me.tin, Interul in Po.ter Conte.t The fifth Ilnd last <l·R lu U Many lIur>l unll girls 1)1 Lhe UpPI!J' Mrs. Mary Hopkins, of Dayton, Acbievem'ent meeting w held III grad,,;; al'l' louki ng fOI'ward to l> en! lIer ;!3 Hamilton Town~hip Grange, Regular M l'ting. is the gucst of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. the High chool building in MOT. compel-ition in the IInnuul poster D comber 23 Warr 'n- linton bairy H rd lmp rovement .6.l\SOrow last Wednesday eveoio,g . .Mr. ('ontl'.l ~ tagetl by the Farm r' Hawke. cilltion Mel'tinl( "'arm Bureau office, 1 o·(,lock. 7:. O. Worley, leader of ih.· 1or- In~titute \'ommitte . To date 82 Me t.'s W. J ohnson and De ember lit Pomona Grange. rllw All- tar club wu~ chairman KLndent · hllVI' l'egi~tlllrl'd and en- Fred BI'ad dock VI , . . Cincinnati of th progrlllll wlliclt con!\i~tcd of teTed the po. ler-multing contl'st. visitors, Tu sday. . Jaouary " "The Gr ",.ing of Good Crops beg,ins at the. Barn." Talk and d\!' USlIlon by J. A. '''pher, SOIls lind music by th high scho I orch'lltru Tho purposl' uf th' onte!'t is to r opa Speciali t.. O. . U. ounty agents office at Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck and nd short contributions of singing. Il.d"crti"e thl' ' ayn T ownl'hip 1 :30 p. m. recitation or talks by each dub Flll'ml'r'~ In,,titute h c1ult'u al the daughter, Doris, were Dayton represented. Ninety dollars in Wayne 'rownt'hip ~ch l:, o l gY m, for visitors Saturday. January, oj Sc and .R ccaning Demonstration- Blue Ball chaol premiums was awarded lomembers January !l 4lnd 10. Th· f ollOWing ,Janullry " rptingboro Grang , Regular Me eting. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas of the ten 4-H lub repre nt d prize,. will be uwarded t o fhose visited their son Seth, and family Janullry 5 L bllnon Grange, R gula,. Meeting. at thi meting by ' Mr. ' MiIIl'r, uce _!'fully c()mpetin~, . in Da,yton, Tuesday. Ma.on Gl·ange. R gular Me ting. ounty agricultural all' nt. Wash · Pil'l!It prize ' J n"lIr 1.00 ingLon Bicenteninl spoons were .('conti pl'i,;' Mrs. Lydia Presnall, of Fair$.75 Jnnunry 7 Wayne ville Grange, Regular ¥eeting. 11\ arded to the m o~t Qut.stllo ding Thir'd prize . 50 mount, Ind ., ilS the guest of Mr. Jnnunry 1l·10 Farmer's Institute at Waynesville. girls of each club by 1iss Grudd y, b me demons ta'ation ag nt. All olher >ltuuents, making a unci Mrs. Robert rew. January ll - L2 Farmer's In tit.ute at ,MQrrow. Two hundred lind fifteen 'lub post!:I' will ue give? 1\ lead pencil. veral Ir "' here attended the Januo.ry J 3-14 Ii' rmer' Instit.ute at fa on. parents: and friends The l'ul('~ prOVide' that t.he fun 1'01 of Mrl1. Seth Cook at WilJanuary 13 Hamillon Township Grange, Regular l\feeting. bTaved the slippery r ds and POBt 1'8 b> Judg d by an In tltute mington, this a:fternoon. Phone J.anuary 14 Malisie To nship . range, Rea-ula]' Meeting. zero weather to attend th Achieve " c~ltm\lJtl~e, and I.n ust have b~en on ment meeting. The result!' of all dl play 1." a bu ~ mess hou . In he j\fjss Edna Shaner, of Dayton, . . five meetings held ill Warren l ~oll1.llIunlty. n ~'l'l'k_ prt'ccdmg ~h WlIS the week-end guest of her Approximately 100 farmer are be present to talk and lead II dis,.. County are as follows' IOstltut. PupIls In both hlgl1 mother, MY'S. Stella Shaner. plllnning to I\ttend a m et;ingatthe cassion on the above subject. Mr. . schools and elementJ\l'y groups CQun. t)Tagent's office on \Vedn s- Slipher says "Manure saved by a Place , Attendance NC). of lub !Winllin g the lo~al contest will be Mr. and Mrs. AI!in Simpson and day afternoon, January 4. !>Ir. J. A sound management program at the Lebanon 250 ] 5 entered in th state ('ante t. daughter, of Lynchburg, spent Sliph r, who recently published a barn will 'Yield enough more cro,Ps Mason _ 200 . . Sunday with relative here. bulletin on "The Manag-ement of to pay the first iMtaHment on Frankhn 226 l :l JunIor CI... Play Christmas specials on Diamond8, ManurQ in Barn and Field" wiU Ohio's farm taxes and leave ample Waynesville 60 5 n December 15, the Junior Watches and Rings at Cary's ~~~'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!I.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~I :M orrow 215 10 class Of W. H. "Depelld • pre, nted _ in thTe acts, On a farce 1e." Jewelry S~op, Lebanon, Ohio. It was a tr mendou success, 81,1 94.0 51 J. V. Hartsock and daughcharacters ha~ng . their pnrts to ter,Mrs. and Mrs. E . G. Coyle and Bon perfection. Take C.r. of Seed COI'n Alter all expen es are paid, the were Dllyton visito1'8, Monday. The recent Bub-zero weather cia \ ill have madE~ a profit of Mrs. Laura Zell is confined to may prove serious to the fa~mer s who have not taken proper care-'(lf about 25, Thi is god, consider- her borne unable to be about be· ing the condilion of the weather cause of trouble with her back. their seed corn lor next spring. If on the night of the play. the corn was thoroughly dry and The M. E. choir will &'ive their M. E, E. ,tared in a rea onably warm place csnt.ata, ' ''Yule-tide Memoriell ,. little damage lIM been done. Many May we offer out best wishes for a year abunl-lii'b School Auembly on New Year's ' Nilrht, January farmers remember the y ar of The regular High School assembly dant in health and prosperity 7 And may we take 1917 when a cold spell similar to to be h<!ld Fridny, December 23, Mr. and Mr . J. L. Mendenhall the present one made it almost im- will consi st in a hristmas pro- attended the se8sions ot the State this opportunity to thank you cordially for the possible to seture seed corn that gram, given by the ophomores, Grange, held ~ in Columbus last would 1rI'0W for less than $5 per featuring a. olle-act c:omedy. "The week. privilege of serving you during the past year? bushel. No doubt the safe thing to hri stmas Party." The Sportsmando will be to rUll a germination ah ip Brotherwood will present a Miss Erma Sears 18 assistinar with 'Of course you know we are always eager to test before you plant ,next spring. program f ollowing t hlc sophomore's the work at the poat offtce, durinar the disability of Min Doris play_ Mrs. Buerkle will lead in Hawke. advi e you on ,any matter of insurance proteetio~. ANNOUNCE BIRTH singing hl'istmlls carols and cheer leader will 1(~Q d in High perhaps we can be of help to you right now. This is a Mrs. SU8an Evane i. a"lillting in . , the care of Mr. William Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stanl.l erry. chool so ngs and yells. good time to review your policies and determine if T. L. C. at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. ,E!. I>t Dayton, are announcing the Ft-azier. birth of 11.· a daught-er, Joyce .Time. Charm your property and possessions .are adequately pro. V Third C aro I e, a t u>laml alley hospital, last, Thursday. "Buster" is a After losing tWOI hard·fought Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye arrived tected against all hazards. We shalLbe glad to help forme I' Wayne"ville boy, son of games to ' Franklin and Lebanon, home Tuesday evening alter Mr. and ~rs. Charles Stansberry, Wayn sville travell d to Monroe, ,spending a week with friends in Don't forg,et you make a survey. No obligations, of course. who now holds a responsible Friday, ~ecember 16, and defeated Tennessee. to eend tile \ pOlition with the Civil engineering that ql1 lD tet by a score of 30 to Again thanking you for pa8t con8id~ration8, and department of the Dayton city 25. in a fast and !furious game, Mr. and M~. EmU Brown, of government. He a]so enjoys Monroe held the lend throughout near Centeml1e, were Sunday anticipating the pleasure of serving you further, we quite a bit of local reputation as the game until thl! last quarter guests of her pare,nta, Mr. and Mrs an amateur athlete, specializing in when the' Way.;:ehs ste.rted throw- Cha~. Ames. baseball. . ing in to ba keta, t(1 take the lead I , Mrs. Forrest HOUlh was called Sincerely yours, - - -- - - - -at Th the end. d' t t 0 D ayton, .'L' ... ,IS (Wednesday) . e seco n cam was defeated morning by the critical illneu of In a fast game by a score of 20 to her sister, who is suft'eriDg with
PUl' calendars bearlne tbe
title of "Watchful Waiting," will be ready for distribution. on and alte!' SlIturday, December ,24. W e Ilsk that you call at our office and allow us to 'willh you a
J. E. McCLURE, 7
Bat u;isheslor your Happiness during
the Christmas Seaaon and throughout the New Year ' ,
Fairley Hardware
Le~ay-Ha~ke Agency
Several . persons from this com- 16Th e fi rst t eam rme. up was as munity attended the Wakely sale follows: . .near -m. '"BOlly on e nes ay. vis alld Cook--Forwards. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ Dr. A. A. Smith was called to Miller- Center. 'l! -tha--bome of .Ill' Charles Watkins Franer and Treadway-Guards. . . . . . . . . . . ._ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-. south of here on Tuesday of last Meredith and Griffy, substitutes. week. on account of Mrs. Watkins ---• fall on the ice, breaking the large The Chriltma.. P';'rt,. bone above her ankle. She is doing The Juniors gav,~ a Christmas nicely. party at the WaYTliesvllle gymnasThe Christmas entertainment ium for th entire High School on of Lytle Sunday 'School will be II\{Onda y night, Deeembe)' 19. held at the church Saturday evenThe students ""ere invited to ing consisting ' of a pageant, come dres!!ed in Iittlle tot's cloltblinll' "Christmas around the World," I For entertainment there Were songs, etc. Everyone cordially In- game played by all; and ,refreshvited. ments consi ting o"l apples and , Walter Kenrick made a business popcorn. trip to Lebanon Monday afternoon I All had a goodl time and in Clyde Wharton haul ed tobacco spite of the I\evere weather a large to Germantown last Wednesday. group of st\ldents ·a ttended. Mrs. Kesler Graham and daugh-' - - w eeld t,e r, Miss Bernice, Mrs. Margaret Auembly
Phone 61R2
The following merchants will be open. every evening until ' Christmas; &Iso, Monday moming December 26 and January 2 until 11:00 a. m.: .
k~~~~tH~b~n~d l ~W~~~eH~ _
the play at Waynes~lle Gym asse~bled In the fltudy hall. Thursday evening. I meetmg w.a opened ~y devotionals TI,ertiloltieters iii tilis secl;iOli and a scrIPture rendmr by Mary ,.,--- -- '. registered ] 6 below zerQ Frlaay l·ane. Edward Franer, a former morning. This is the :coldest ~nce stud e~t of Monroe, gave u,s an inJanuary 23 1930 when it was terestmg talk On Monroe 8 team. 16 'below. " Following this our c:oach, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones 'and Huffman, made n f,ew remarks. Mr. , I son, Milton, of Centerville were ~otz fo!lowed with an~ther of his Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. mter~ tmg ta.lke. J . B. Jones. , T.hls meeting ~onsi!!ted m.ainly Mr. Frank Wilson of Harveys. of hterature. BeSSIe Woollard read burg wu calling in our village a portion of "The Vision of Sir 'Monday. I Launfal" and Virginia Foulks Mrs. ,KElsler Graham and daugh. read an E?gar A. Guest poem. « ter 'were Lebanon visitors Sl4tur. Tne~e readings were followed by day. ChrIstmas carols b~ the school, led Ralph Johns a1forded the , 'Chil- by Mrs. Buerkle. :I,'he cheer leaders dren in town a real' sport Sunday ended the progrllm by leading us when lie hitched "Old Dobbin." to in a few cheers. ' the "leigh and I took thelJl riding F. W. A. all the afternoon . . . . . . .111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mrs, Mar- jaret Johns were in Dayton shopping Saturd~y. , ' Joseph GithaD!1 received wo.r d MondflY ' evening of 'the death of his nephew, Cylde Cox at his borne Sep· in Dayton. Mrs. Cox died tember 7th last.
Myer Hyplan A. K. Day Fairley Hardware Co. Fred Barnard D.. R. Smith Kioger Gro. & Bak. Co.
Here's a toast · to
HEA'LTH! Use Stok..' Special , I.rae)' puteurised milk and cream. The Standard for Quality. AI.a,. UIIitorm and always frelh, eleaD ~nd puu,
AI a proterlion to heahb ~se p..teuriaed -iiillk, WI always safe.
--_. - ,'..---
pneumonia at the St. Elizabeth hospital.
To 11 Friend for Christm ..
Mrs. A. H. Stubbs andaa:iWJffi"'~------"":"-·and Mrs. Glenn Bland and daughtel' were in Dayton, Sunday alternoon, to attend the golden wedding of Mrs. Stubb'l grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes, which was celebrated .at the home of Ih er parents, Mr. and Mrs. \W. A.
Will be helcfa1 . at the 'WaynelvlOlle SC'hool Gymnasiuin on
M ond ayd an Tuesday Janua 9 and ' 10, 1933 I
Gearhart. ) lIrs .. Mary C. CrosB, who had expected leave here last Thursday to spen.d the winter in Florida with her brother-jn-Iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weatheral, received word, last W4!dnesday, ' of Mr. Weatheral's rather sudden death. The remains were taken to Ontario, Canada,' for burial, and Mrs. Weatheral may stop in Waynel!ville on her return journey to
Good Local Enterta.·nment and G00,d Speakers
WEL~O"E ~ .. •
ii~~r~i~~~.~~~~;:~~' ~~.~~~~~~~~E~~~E~E~EE~EE~EEEE5E~l
e -ARS
To Choose' from---A11 Makes and' M_odels ~
Mto HollY
Mr, Frank Peni:e and Ernestine Earnhart :are still among tholle on the sick list. Mr. Emest Earnhart'~ Sunday School cIa!!! enjllyed a bob-sled ride last WednElscJay evening. The Mt. Holly M. E. Church is giving a Christmas entertainment on Friday evening, December "28, Everybody welcolne. ' Mr. Linn Marla,tt and family of Xenia, Mr. Jamel! Valentine and wife or Dayton Bent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. ~ Marlatt. Mr. and Mra. Marlatt hay. 1'etumed 110m. IIpe.dl1l8 • )(ra. , , _ week with IIr Smith of Ohio.
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. Open Sund•••
Eighty-Fifth Year
Wh I
DECEMBER 28, 1932
Number ~046
___ tZ! -~---
Several More Citizens and Former ' Residents .of the Community Called By Death Sin'c e l~ast Wednesday
~rN·7.~~4I'~FA"":.L-:-L- DUWN STEPS
A fractUl' ~ of the sku 11, su, tain· ed in a fall down lhe cellar st£'ps, Aar~D Sear. 01 het' girlhoud bere. The family in the morning, r~su1ted in the Mrs. Maud FetteI' ate nris l· Af t l' an illn es~ Qr 'evel'Ul months later removed to Rushville, Ind., death of Mrll. Albert. hutts at her mati dinnel' with Mr. and M rs. M. duration, Aaron Hears, uged nearly for U !lh ol'l r side nce, returning L.baaon M\lDiei~1 B1IiWI.....d home on Route 3, unday aftn· L. Parshall. liS years,· died at tht! home of hIS from thl'nce Lo Xenia, where the, Op.ra HOllae SeeD. of BI... n(l on, daughter, 1\1TS.' Jennie lIh.llen, in I'cmainde)' of he~ liCe has been RINC OUT, WILD BELLS nnu Mrs. Shutts had r' en Mr. MiSii Louise Crane, 1)( Cincinnati Ferry, at an early bOllr last. Fri. spent. 1"01' the past 36 y ears she Earl,. s'IIDllay MoraiD. about the usual tim e, unday morn t the week·end with her . Fl ' had be 11 employcd a\ the Xenia day nl(ll'nlDlI' • unera erVlCcCS were l1tional bank, most of which 'time , Rinr out, wild balla, to the wild sky, jng, and Mr, Shults went to the and s isterS. Ilfeld t O~e!, J hhurcAhl'b .Mho,ntla)' s he served as II. teller. he ' W.II The old Lebanon Opera BOUler The ftyinlr eloud, the froety light; barn to do hi s mo.r-nlng wOl'k d llrs. Frank L May en- a ternoj)l1, AeV. !> ,n rig -, .all· f . T ' it ME ' church prDminent iii. the I\'lhlda a,na , The. year iii dyiAg ~n the night; while hi!;! wife stal'tt!(1 pl'epal'iltions memories of Warren countlana for Ring out, wild ben, .. ud let him die. fOI' bl'eakfa M. When he falled to lp.rU... 'll .. 11 MI'. and 'MI'S. A. K. ay ~ist d by ~. ~. ~llhan\ 0;, o.ffic~t~ !~'~Ie~ 1~1)/~t'O~nine~t1Y··identifted many yoal's $.fI the Bcene d 10 apvenr to a ~sist wij;h ~he milking, 1fl;~t:;Y~\le ur~~ne~~y. nlt~._ e:S~~t$ is wit~ t.h <l nihil or the Xeni.a , many rousing political meetinp Ring out tbe old, ring in tbe new. as wa her usual c:ustom. he be· survivel! by th ree daughlers and Bu, ~ne, s lIn<i Pro,fe 5101'\a1 Women II harle. B. L wis enjoyed Chrilltane; · demonstrations. good ahowl IUn&" haPlIY bells. ,acrOI55 the snow: eame 1I1nrmed nndl in tituted a a 80 n : M1's, Muilen, "irs. John club. h I' 8ur':lVed by 'a brother, dlnn I' with !'dr, and Mrs. (with l'eal actors), and later a The year 18 coin I. let ,him go; eal'ch, eventually filldin~ that she Reedcr, of Cent. rvilJe, Mrs. '~' ,Bul·ton EbrJg;ht, of Seattle. ter Roberts and daughters. moving picture house, is no more. Rj'll~ out the f~,e, rinl in the true. had fall n dow,n thie cellar steps, l)h rwood, Df Waynesville, and Wa~; Two cO.lI~tn!l. Misses- Ella Located in the Lebanon municipal I ading from ,the kitchen, She wa and arah Ebngh.t, {If Carmontte. Mrs. Wymer Dl'ake and brother , Jam es N. eliTtl of Dayton. Rlnlr out the ,riel that sap the mind uncon cious when h4 Jp real!hed her T om Boting, and Edgar Smith --L.__ Dayton, aho survIVe. building" the-hall sutrered the fate of the building. Fo)' those that here We see no more; a nd never regAined co n s~ iousnes8 were incinnati visitor. Tuesday. Mi .. Em~a Ebri.ht Warner pevitt A mal55 of IImouldedng ruins and lUng oot ~he feud of rich and poor, before her death, which oceurred MillS lo.mmu E brig ht, daughter of Mr~. Elizabeth Bally u nd M... four walls are all that:. remain. toJllnlr In redren to all f1Iankind. hOI't]y after il ol' dock ih the Waite!' Underwood W8J a hrist. day, ot the three·story brick bgiJd, a:ft.ernoon, mas dinn er guest at the hom of the late lr. ana Mrs. Georg F red De-vili rllceived' word of the Ing which stood at the cotner of Rlt\&' out.a IIlowly ctying cause,' . Dr. Ma'r y L, COClk wa quickly Mr. and Mrs. Frec\ OgbOrn in Day. ~Jbrignt died at. ber home ill }"ema death of their brother, Warner lallL .i hur oay mOI'nlllg, atter an Devitt, which occurred, Thu1'8day. Broadway and Main 8"re~ in And ancient fo'rml of part>, strife; lIummoned, and evelrything human · ton, of sevllfl1l 'months with in a incjnnati hospital. where be ill De Rift' ih Mbler Ulode l of life. ly possible was (Lonl! f9r the inju'" Lebanon. The fire waa di.sc~vered Wit" sweeter manners, pUl'"r, laws. cd woman's relief, but to no avail. Mrs, fl ore nce Hay and Cal'l Hay heart t1'ouble, ll'uri eral &erViCeb hed be n confined to al)out 'two at. U:40 o'clock Sunday morning. Replacement eOl\t will-amount to H l' inju)'ies, beSide: the IIkull frac. of Dayton w,el'e Chdstms jfuests were neld at her late hODle, which week. Funeral servi(1es w~rl\ held approximately $150,000. Insurance RinJ out talse pride in place and blood, tUI'e are said to have included a at the home of Mr, and Mrs. s he had t'ecently s):lIU'ed wlLh Mrl\. in a incinnatl chul'ch at 8 o' clock L. A. Washburn Monday afternoon f on da y morning. and burial was ot $41.490 ill ca'ITied on the bui.1dThe civic slal1der and the spite; broken neek a bro~ten limb, and , Lyman Day. incin'naH cem tery. ing, Rlnr in the love 01 truth and l"ight. severe facia l gash , ' Mr d 111 til I B'I d and burial wall ma<.l· 11\ \ oodlanu made in a MesSJ'!l. Fred evitt, J . B, Chap.. Orig-inating in ths extreme east Ring in the common love of good. Mrs. Mar garet Hi ey hutts, wa" ' an r. , n ey III ey an cemetery at Xenia. corn r of the bulldlnl, Aamel the only daughter of the late Jo- dau~ter . were dmner gue t s st hiss ~brignt wa bol'n in We.y- man and Emmor Baily went. from ' f.lpread l'apidly tbrough the Interior Rinlr out old sHapel of foul dilease, seph W. snd Ellen 'Hisey, and wa the ,o me of Mr. and Mrs. Frank nCllville, (lnO Iwed thll early pan here to attend the funeral. of the strudure Ilnd for more' than Ring out the narrowing lust of gold j born snu reared in t.he house where Hax In Dayton, Monday. The deceased wns a son of tbe late Thomas and ' Angelina Devitt an hour threatened an enUre Ring out, the tbouBand ware of. old, I<he met. death . She is survived by Mr. and M.rs. Lee Hawke, and is survived br .his wi dow, hill downto)Nn busines block. Burning Rin&, In the thousand yeara of peace her hu band, Albert Shutts, a daughter aJld ons were ChristmD.j! si tel' and his brother. He waB embers were carried for lix bloe.ka daughter and two llna: Miss Marie dinn r guests at the home of Mr, quite well known in this comby the wind and Lebanon ftrelDen Rine in tbe valiant m.an and free huttl!. a teacher in the Norwood and Mrs. Maynard W Itz. munity through rel\ltionship to his assisted by fiTemen from Muon The la1'l'er heart, the kindlier hand; .. !'chools, who spcndls hel' vacations motber, ister and brotber. and Franklin battled the blaze for Rlnc out the darknels of the land: and week.ends at home ; Joseph Mi, Grace Pennington and Mr. more than f!lllr bourll be.fo1'8 let-Ring in the Chl'ilt that Is to be. hutts, of' Leban<!,n, and Harol.d Warren Smitb, of Cincinnati, wet tinll'it under control. - LORD TENNYSON hutts, who reslldes neal' hiS dinner Illests of the Misses Lola Coan'n'Iisl.lionel'1I of GI'e ne counL~ Mr.. Morria Ko.era ~tream of water were poured parent' borne. and Erma Sears, Monda>' evelng. were nam d (letendant in thret: After a pl'otracted illness, Mrs. on the smouldering I'UJDfI through· Funeral servicM were held at , , Ult tiled in the Court o~ Common MorriS Rogers died at ' her home out Sunday to pr~vellt a pOllible her late home at 2 o'clock thIs M.r. al'ld Mrs. San'lu 1 Butter· Pleas of that count.y at Xenia, las\ on the Township road, west of fresh outbreak of the blaze. (W dnesday) afternoO'Tl. Rev. G. wort.h bad for th~lr dinner guests 'fllur «ay, demanQing totals of town, Tuesday nigbt. As we go to The l1amel were discovered by. C. Dibert officiating, with burial on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest l!:bO,U UO, l)aseCl on an. au.tomobile press, fun ral· arrangements have traveling saleBma" who happened in Miami cemetery. Bu,terworth, and C. W. Fry and accident lao\ August 4, near Mid. not been completed. . by the ealt end of the ·buildinc ' family. die RU1\, in wnich a ?!lorrow, utllO Mn. Li"'e Roberta !i_,11I . notic4!d dense cloud of School .., The Wayne Townsbip Bo rd of Woman WIIS in lued .fatall y, anu pouring from the win owe. Eduoation. accompanied by its her daughter and a glanclson were Lizzie Robetta Smith. dallghter The sale8man, whOle name ' t ° clerk invaded the County Audi- hurt pllmtully. 01 tbe late Adolphis D and Mar:v A not Itamed summoned Grant Shat James Gibbons seems to be the epor II I tor's 'office at Lebanon in a body Plaintiffs in the suits are; Frank Rob rta, was born November ' 14. Jerj the night watchman, and caned pioneer in the cultul'e of a new - - -.Tuesday afternoon. ' , WardlOW, as a.dministl'atol' of the 1868 and died December 21, 1982. firemen. agricultural product for thjs Last 8Pl'ing/D~" B. 0, Skinner" , l'state of his wife, Mrs. Lulu Ward at her home in M.uncie. Indiana. namell had spread to tliLe milvJc\nity,J While on a visit to the state dir etor of education at tile J. E. McClure is. critically ill low, who asks ,$20,000; MI'6, Koth after a brief illne 8. nioipal oftice and throu'D tM Sunny South last winter, Jim se· sugg ,tion of GOVE!I'IlOr White, ap. ;.vith pneumo~ia. Mr: Walter Town. C. W.althall, Qaugh~er of M.rs., She leaves to 'mourn, her hu .. auditorium, whieh Beat. 4/000 per· cured lome seed of the cotton pointed the Ohio School Ul'vey send, of Xenta, a hcensed morlic- Wardlow, who seeks Judgmen~ fot band P. 0 , Smitb, one brother" IIDns. by the time the flrllt firemen MiIII Liaaie Joy ie quire sick. plant. alld decided to try his luck ommissinn , to. n'I,ake a study of ian,. is assisti.nlr in,' t.he care of the Uo,OOO and Billy, Gene Walthall, h!ls, M. Robe~t8, ot Middletown. arrived. Firemen 1rom M.-on .nd an ita cultivation. Accordingly he Of. b d Jill • Id b h olher Mrs Oh three 'l\leces Mrs Tom call.d Mrs .• Maynard Weltz was a Dayplanted tbe.seedB in the houselold Ohio's school 8ltuation. Now, alter u mel55 urm&, 1m s ness. .. yeal:s 0 , y 18 m '. 0 " \O~ ." , I'mmed,'a:tel'" Franklin wel'~ I'" • T .a... n sevel'al months of intensive stud}> ~althall. on w/lOse behalf t6, 00 Walh of .Chlcago, m., Mra. for assistance. ton vlBItor, Ilea-". garden at bls"home on State Rout it has received the report of its Mr. and M.rs. Russell Martin and 115 sought. John Buchlc;elt afld Mrs. Forest Valuable city papers and docuM .... J.mCII Lovely was caUed to '73, th1s Ipring, and carefully Research DirectQ~" Dr. Paul R. daughters, and Mr, ~nc:\ Mrs. Mjs. Wardlow died in Miami Pe.ak ()1 Middlcwwn, and a hOlt of anents kept in a fireproof , ~fe were FrankUn and Iliddletown Monday nurtured the plants ~hroughout the Mort of Columbus: University. R08~ Planck . and famIly spent Valley hospital at . I,)ayton 72 'f riends. _ laved wliile the few whu:b wepe by the death of tw~ Irie~d. ' summet and tall. HlS success was L. ' L. Rummell, secretary ot; Chl'Jstmas at the home of .ft?r. and hour after IIh was InJured ~~en She waa a hfe 100ll' member of not locked In the safe were carried ' indeed remarkable for the latitude thi~ coulmission a~ld /leld ed itor of Mrs. Clark starr, near XeDla. tbe, automobile she wes . drl ,mi' the. hdstlan ehurch a~d W~8 an from the blazing structure by fire· Mr. •nd uCfI' M. B. Kern .nd Several n. ice. tho rifty nlanta proH k dd d If tho county maanta1ned ~ctlve member at Muncte untIl her ... ddt bl" the Ohio Farmer, will be at arM.r. and Mrs. ha Rich and sB 11 be 0 W e 'JI d t ;:'1 men .n~ I!pec~torl. . daqbter, of leveland, are spend uce qUI e a siza e crop. 'Veysbul'S'. DecemblBl' 3 1 at 1:3~ to daughter Miss Irma gave" famil e I 1'0Qk-. aynelivl e rOB, wen III ne . StandlDS high in the hrht 01 In, the il~UdaJ8 with relativeB here OM of the plants, measuriilg discu!s t.he propo:sed .measuI.·e of dinner on Chriotma o Da~ ~"h thYe over a bmige abutment, plunged M Tht\' fU~peralhtoFok placleHat the. leaping ftames; the town (1loe1c , ore tha" three feet hom root to l' f ed t th ... IV d"wn a ,1.6 toot embankment and offit and lep 0 unera ome a t M.rl. H annab T d on dl BP ' Jay tn • equa Izutlmea on 0ure olf ,ucastate Ion I\UPP0rt. Wl a ..lock followingd fPl'esent.: " . a cree • k be<.! .... ,, "b ro k en arm l·a b Ie ' 2' '"" 19"2 o F 1'1'day, D 91" which was given to the city i n 1 .YlQr waJ th e, t'IP, h as b een i p ace gl'eater m'l" Mr. d M redH Brlldtl upset In ." ecem ,. and which stood on the aoutbweat Chrllttnal dilln.l' ,lMlIt o~ her J. C. Hawke's shor' wIndow. and Many people of 'W arren County M" an d fa 1'1" an r. sr ey witt! i,n fection setting in, caused and burial was made at ihe Elm ' orner of "w, "e bul·ldin.... nieee. un. FIOI8ie Carey and k attracting considerable at+ention who ' are interested in the school 088 an amI y. '-"e1' d 811,. 'h H e1' h UlI ban d• a, f 0t""er C '" ~ f ' ,.. . R'd I ge em elery at, Mun~ie .... <>'clock in the morning family. rom who have this meeting The Fifth Grade school pu~i1s, Green countian, wall preSident of Mi .. ' Oli •• the hands stood illle ei,ht .. --d v N .. ' ul - -of under the direcll'on of t elr the Mumi Valley Milk Pl1oducerl:\' MIiI~"'~-----''':''''''''''''''o-'-'''-.... r. ~ ... -A III, native ' M'I s 01 we ' "'''c r' 86 yea- old later. An hour later the I-~ S t day the lant teacher, W. Kennl'so" Young, association at t h e time 0 f h'I relj· An r IS, K h crasned into the smoulderin, in· nd'l'S "'1'_wn, '"::: "fe~ a udr~ beat. ' Jim haa received no porCITY ADDS IPHYSICIAN gave a delightful p;o'gran, ,n" jdence there. igM years ago. of R. R. 1, Wl)yne!!ville. died at terior of the building. ; .. lUea_. r. an _rs chase oft'ers for his seaaon', crop, --hrlstmas carols at the 1.... l'i nd~ Mrl\. WalthalJ, uccol'ding to iler !J :50 O'clock Thursday evenln&' at, Firemen directed their tel' "7· hDweve~. , BC(QU e of the itlc.reased number Home, la t Friday aftern·oon. damage petition. sustained a Mc lellan , hospital, Xenia. She Fuccesl!fu\1y preventing' tbe Qr. and )(n, BaUe, CantpbeU • - • o-f caUs for cit), physicians. due to broken back, fractured in three had beea:' iJl tor tWo monthl. the from JlID.'e~dlnl throurh tbe main of "otel Biltmore. Dayton 'e,aUed the recent cold weather and tae Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Oglesbee and pLaces and her infant lion sulferelf first senou. t\lneS8 she had ever v d wntoWt\ bus[nea l)loClk alld were 011 Dr. and lira. J. E. Witham. J preva.\ence ot inftuenza, Dr. Johri <laughter, of iIear Wilmington, a scal~ wound extending hom ov~r expe~ienced., ' . .. greatly benefitted bv the reeellt Chriatmaa Pa, P. Bolto n, lL22 Ollk St., yesterday were hri!!tma!l guesb at the home the right eye to the back, of hlS MIS!! Morrts bega~ 0.11 paantlng heavy rains ~hieh had c l r e 1 \ c h e d ' was apPOinted as ll~ temporar~ dep. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Co~le. head, and which, it is estimated, (l3 y ars IIgo at Wllmmgton colthe eJtterioJl o~ the majority of \he Mr, .Dd )In. J~ Leaf, of Leb· uty ci~y health C9!l\milullonel', Mastl'r Gerald Coyle accompanied will disfigure him permanently, ,lege, but gave this, up when ,be be I building8. IIIIOD. apeDt ChriliJDaa ' here .t the The Wa,ren-Clinton CDunty With his appointment 14 city phy· his gl'andparent!! home for a The Wal'dlow automobile at the gan studying m,edieine at Iowa . , The opera hou" ....as conatructed home of t~e lattfr'. parenbl, MI'. Dairy Herd Improvement. associ a- sicia1'\snow are anjlweri~ caU8 w ek' visit. . .time of the aecidllnt, was en route State univeraity. She pJlacticed iJl 1877 at. coat of '8'~OOO. The and Mra. Frank IIUler. tion met at the county alent's of- from the city' nEledy.- Golumbus . to the borne of al10ther daughte'r. medicine in Dayton for 10 ye.re, audltoriumotthe b~i1dln, baa been flce the afternoon of December .I)e~patch. ' H!lJ16ring M1'8. Ada Jenkins, o~e Mra. Frederick Spahr, Bellbroo k. tbut ilh Ived a growing practice in uSed for a ,m ovie houle fot the la.t MeuR. Edwucl, Robert, Jacob Omeel'l were elected .nd plans - --' !If .Itll ,fou!'der for whom their Mrs. Spahr is a daughter.in.Jaw the 90's tb return to her home near 10 years and th&lalt ftlml entitled IItnd Chari.. Stro...... t Chriet- were 1ft.de for tbe comlD-r year. Lara e Cl"Owd at D_ce tnatltutlOn IS named.1lbout twenty of Wttlton Spahr ,chief deputy WaynesVi Il to I'ear orphan,e d chil"Hot Saturday" ........Iled upon DaY.t tile home Of \uelr Bilter Several new membera are laming Y,ounl/i pt}Ql>le .from tbe Ada Mis· under John Baugh, Green county dren. the screen late 'Saturda,. nllrbL 1f.17 Cline, In DaJtoIl. the alllociation ao that it's Buccess --8~0.n In WJlmmgton ceme to the sherift'o The 1ami!y homestead of ~05 Aboot two :vean ace tIM .. ~.. ' I b .... th III auured for 1933, An~ one InThe largest and happie t crowd Friend Home, Monday aft~rnoon Greene county commis ioner are aeres, SIX 1I')11es from WaynesVll1e. The oUlen e u repo..... II terested in becoming a member of the season so :far attended the and snng a besotif,ul ChrIstmas charged in the damage 'actions with became Miss Mort-is' permanent building wu remodeled and orated. Fh:ep.-oof eleetrical cilatrtbution of elcht nicel:v iUled o~ thl8 alBoclatioll shoul\! see Jr, O. U. A. M. dance, Tuesday ca:ntata. Mrl!. Jenktns . and h~ lIe&,ligently failing to build euitable home, thChrlf~1 ~et;r tgo:=l'lWOl' County Agent ~ester J. Miller or evening. Frien,ds' Ql'chest,l'asure friend s deeply apPl'eclated thiS guard rails on. both sides of the In th e last 20 years, however. ment. W&l in.tatted th~Qchout. • y ........ D O . Mr. Frank RobInson, cow tester. doe attract the dl~ncel·s. kindly rememberaru:e. south approaeh Lo the bridge, at Mi ss Morris spent her time in Mr 'a b4I1n. F ' the p()int where the I1c,c ident oc· painting, c:opy ing famous ~~~:~~~~--:--~?:-:j CLybE ~ COX tamll; pl ' .llfo~. cu.rred :(1'011'1 blnck Rnd white r. • lira, !toolcl H.wke ' Clai;" is made that · the 'I.' olldway tiolls. Thus all the cqlori l18' . It is utd "the aeeenteof 10.,e Cbriatmu-.rttti lira. The Star ' - ....."""'- .___""".....____ was unsafe 'for travel by teasonof liel' own, ",( all that is left of the la...u.... .nd luaU,.. ' fresh gravel and berllls oj '100 e Miss Morris , is !\urvived· ,b y two Para-dille.'! Our, departe~ friend clay and dirt, th War410w car ~ ister~, " Mt!!•• Clata Thomal and ~pent,' six ,ears IIUniDa aDd mhd.. IIr• .and lire. N. A. lUll', of skidding in the, soCt materiaJ. Ml's. Lucy Williamson, of R. R ••• tering to ))rl", hia ID'vaUd wife Knilbtdowll. bid., .Dd IIr. Wa~el' pring Valley, and a brother, bac:k tQher nOfll\.1 lIuHh. AD to ElUr at the home 9f ~. pencer Morris, of I;Jayton. RUTH ANNA DAUGHERTY Private .!unel·al serviceB were no avan. She' aeparted tltb .llfe. and lin. Ill! Gray in Cl.ar1cBvll1e, September 1, 1982. SuDda)' 180181118. conducted Monday afternoon at Clyde Q. Cox, onb- ehUd 11 J .... O.I~ and Stanle" Ruth Anna Daughertr the the l·esidence. William and Cauie A •• Cox, n. 0II1II ••• d M ' daughter ' Qf Elliott lind Eh~l\beth born near L)'tle, Ohio I " ButlervtU~ en 1"1. Warwick was born in Hamilton 1$84. -and departed th\. ute ~ AJleJllt..eon.. e6a. B t u c e c o u n t y , Ohio, July 4, 1865, De. pa ted this ' li;fe December 20 , cembel' '19, '19&2, .pel .,_,..." BOJI 6 ,montlu!, an~ 17 If.", lI;oet 0.J . 'J:;1;.,:~~.: 1932, ag,ed ' 67 years, five months 'hiB life h.. -b~I!1\ Ipdt near L7de.' !fne! sjJ¢teen days. , ' , in the hom. where he "ia ~OIi1l, On"September 21, J882 Ahe was A lal'ge "cl'owd of boys, gathered Hegr.d~ted from L~ BiD ItilltAllJrtalaiillill united in marri41ge 'tt) George M. lit the Grm on Tuesday ,even~ Sehool and afterW.rdll worked 111 D~oghertY. To them one daughter fot the ceremony of the. Green Dayton for • few yean. W.. Stella E. wall born. Uer husband ~and degree. Twevele bOYI!. were """l'rieci to Jbrlle St~~p of ~. died January 27 1916. I lntl'oduced to the mnterleB of pmab Ohio, J'Il1l8 6. 1916. " She lived o,n the farm until the this degree and are now full to hOllsekeepinl on one of h" fall of 11)17 wh en he with Stel1i1 fledged F. F. A. membe~II, 1athefll f.lJI\a. After .. few ,e.,. moved to their home in W,a ynes· t Honorable trlembershlp was eon· he' moved 11, wltb hill parentAl I. Ville. , ferred upon Mr. Hatfte~d _ member . Sbe was one 01 a family of six i ()f the, High School faculty who llliS L,t1e' to h.lp- eRN for them. F~~r lears a(q they removed to 1>a7tOJi ellildl'en four of whom preceded always shown' inQre than ulua. in" Ohlo. wttere bave BiDee rftId.ll=~~:;~: her in d'eath. She leaves to mourn I tere.et in the success: of tbis or· ed. BIa f.~ de.Pi!n.cs tIll.llf. In her departure ' her daujthter. one gamzatlon. , Mal'. 19'. arid ')al. mother,. tn $ister, Mrs. Carrie MacMab~n. ,of , Mtet: ref,reshm.ents of «hot doC" November 1927. , ' ' ~ , San Monica; Cal.,lI,nd many other " andwu:heA and tocoa ,the meet- ' Wal DO~ ,a. ~a.ber _ relatives an'd ft-Iends. mg clolled, to check up another ohueh orpal_tloL U. beUeMd She was a fa,t.t!Jul al\d c~nsI8l- 1 Inter~lIti~1' iDi!tdeDt in the hiatory fir the RaW." oa. ., 1M Ant member of the WaynesvlJ1e M. of ~haml Valley Chapter. ~1I1f .e '.... bt • E, chureh; a loving molher and Il The boys of the Smith IJuahell ~,'''--M l! Itdti "' til. ~ ..... {lood neighbor, and will be greAtly departmen't will have char... of f~... ~ "Ialt1l:1f 'W~! mls ed by all who knew het. the corn Ibow to be given in con· d tile Ila. ~ ~' nection with the tarmer'1i itlstitute w.. .• ._ .U.. Card of Tllaaln .January 9 and 10. Prises..01red $1.00, ~I ..a_...____ .a It..Iptd.... f ... ..- _ _ ..... - ........ I~~~! I wish to exprel55 my sincere 7lc.nd 60c wUl be oue ,or frlead. Bo. . . . . .4 ~ 14 appreciation to m)' neil'bborl! and each of the e1aslM! 8i yellow. white ~~Ia:a:v. "'I~oa, .,._.,._._... friends for their help and kind- lind mix,d eorn. PiCk )'OUt ,ood 10 wua ne.. durin~ the illneSs and death ear aamplea 'nd "i~hu brhlj( bl !!..!!!~-U.. ;::;·liiliili;-.. of Jt\1 'mother. . tile Blah achool bullcllll,1' ot nd Be "_~ - .. To' Mr. Dibert for hi, kind word. 1t in by the bon. . , J . . . . . . . ., ...... ala ..... ' I!!~]!l of aympath, alld J. E. McCIu-re Th.,Ihort eou~ mMUaf wiD _~ . 'il for hia helpfulnt'81 and excell81lt held on '1'buraciay ~~ \ .:.._lfII_" - OM _. a Ie"ice. her 19. We are fust ........... oar _ ... '" .. Stell. DaucbertJ, aCfOQnt books. Tltere lad .... ........... ' ," ---. - - , oft the roll book tor..a..fJJr ~ .. Graee .ad t.IIIiI Pebnl~ are AI Ia hII ~ut~: • \' !peDdi1lB. the hoHclara at home SlIIith Kg..... with tIIelr parentII at J'el'l'f! G...., hlB vaeat_folil!Dll[MII 4!-,.~~ • a madeist at ~eInM. • Itb . . ~, . -~
Pickin' A Cotton, C A p. k olton . Ie in'
'. cur'vey R FOled
.n. . "". UDEi' 0 ..
D.ir Improvement AlloCiation Met
Acti vitiel Amotlg Smith-Hughel
YD.-. fI' .-r _..:. .
w=.'rIibt ....
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-~ LOll at .... ' 001-
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Waynesville Merchants Extend
Th w,eet bells are singing, the old year is dyin". Take onC0 m OI'e " gre ting from me. And ob, may the future bef oTe you that'8 lying, Prove all that you'd wish it t o be.
Year's Greeting to Friends
AU J 11",,· ~.u" .{"a. _"'~~ ",-VUllling- a health) May the New Year hold f or you all that you liked in t he old- lind more o'f it. May it bring YOU ' much tllat you would welcome bu t do nol hope • fo1'---that it may be inde d A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Here' to lhe N W Yellf- mlly bt h old fo r you p rosperity tenfold; may it make up to you in world ly ~tood lind health f or IIny lossel in t he pa l; may it keep y u lit t he top of the wave, and help UI to merit your con tinu ed and a pprec iu tl'd pa t lron agc,
D. R. Smith
Fairley Hardw.are Company
Gordon's Service Station, ~ ------------------------~~~-----, --------~~ ..
,. ,
T o ? ur ol ~ frie nds, to , o.ur c hj!ri~hed new' friends, and to those whose fr iend hl,p we are s~rlvJng to WlD, we wish a Happy New Year, an d hope we Will be permitted to Ilrve )'ou indefini tely.
)Iay the New Veal' ffllfil1 our every' wish for you. That i t may make up to )Iou in full tor any advel'$i~ 1932 might have bro ll1!'ht you """"and fill your cup of e heertulness to overflowing- is our w ish for your New Year.
; ,.
The Waynesville Servic~ ' Sta.
Kroger Grocery and Baking C~' .
Mobilgas and Pdobilgas Ethyl , O. R. Uf\!GU~S8Y. ProP.
A. K. Day
May the gods of joy, happiness, success and sunshine com t o you with the dawn of the New Year, and remain thl'o ughout 1933. May our bUllinels dealings be as pleasant in the f uture a s they have bee n In the paat. -
D o
• To 1933- the year that is coming-a health) M~y your New Year be merry-and bring you unbounded prosperity. May It be bridlt and bring hopes of a rOilY'future, and be In truth- A Happy New Year.
A siru:ere appreciatio n of ' your plltronage, pa st, present and future, so a hearty good 'Wish tor- A Happy Ne w Year.
If you have a song to sing
Doughmans Dry Cleaning
Dr. H. E. Hathaway
Smith's Service Station
Sing it now; Give tl'le day a welcome No matter how.
We hln with joy the coming 01 the New Yeat·, and lire wishing for you the happilleu and most prosperous year you have ever had. W thank you for your generous patronage and confiden ce, and hope your )oya1 support will continue for MallY years to com e.
Archdeacon- Sales Company
Here'a pr08perity alld with It health and Mpplne_Here'lI the esteem of your fellow mea with the fulftllment of your most cherished de&ires all through 1983.
As the old yea~r dies, and the new one is born, ",,:e feet a .deep gratitude for the hlapplnesa and 8uece8sof 1932 which our 'fn ends I\lade pOBSible. W.e wl.sh you a1) the compliments of the season. and hope i933 will brine you much bappine88 and success.
Frank Stansbeny
If our sincere hopes for 1988 are fulftlled, tbia ill eoitlJ' to be the. very best y~ar you have ner had. Because. we are wiabinc f01'/OU all the. good thl!lgs of nre,and hoping that all the happines an prosperIty conceIvable Will be yours.
Fulkerson Sohio• Service Sta.
Waynesville National Bank
Here's a Happy N ew Year's nay to you- and 364 other days after it, j ust as happy, brlmming ov r with prosperity. We couldn' t wish you mor e l
Frazier & Campbell ~ .
That this New Year to you may be In other yeara a memory, Filled to the bfim wjth happine&8
A year of happinetlB That' s our New Year's wish for you.
That all your future life wi11 bleB!.
AI we approaeh the Ney Year let ua face it with a will to make the best of thill'l u we find them; determined to make 1933 a yelir of better mutual .underatandlnar a lid better appreciation.
Fairmont Creamery Company
A -year of health
A year of prosperity
Waynesville Drug Store
W. are thanldul for our sueceBS 'i n 1932: We feel it is but are. flection o'f your good will and patl'o ....e, and it elves us lVeat ple~sul'e to extend to you . our hearty wishes for a Happ~ New Year.
Fred' Barnard IGA Store
Garey's Garage ,.
0" ,'0
, We are wiabing for you all a year ()f pro's perity .and good health, and all tl1e joys thele things bring. May it bring to you achievement, in hopes fulfilled 'alId wishes reali2led, and be 'replete with happiness.
That YOU and YQiURS may enjoy it-,.and many more as rood- is the since.r e wish of
c. Lee ~)awke ,
. We hope your New Year will be a happy one, and tli'at Health, ' Happiness, Prosperity and Welith will be youre throughout the eomlng year.
. ' '= Thlll ~eeting that we send you Is jUlt a New Year's rbyme, But it'bean OUr kin4liest wishes For you at New Year's time.
Roge'rs & Simpson
T., Jeff Smith
~e are wishjng you, n HallPY Ne10V YelL'r. May it urinr y~U II. 0 a~verslty and great pro,8'perlty.May every 0 ne of the &66 days b6
'icher and fuller than thle one belote,
w. r
. We wish for you all ,those th ings thst wtJl brln, you happlneulu,d success. 'And fol' ourselves we are wishing, and resolving. that we will merit .a continuation 0'/ the patronage a nd support accorded in t he palt
H. Madden . & ' Co.
Dr. R. S. Weaver
Happlaesa, Healthl Prosperity, Wealth I'd' liye them all If r cO\lld; . But I inee I cannot, I apa wl.hln, at least, That you ret aomet hine eille ,.IJust a8 roo~l'
James Lovely ..
tel' and Happier than i .... T d ...
... .t'da7'-f lnd each Tomorrow Brichay.- 're,.ftSI If.
Coyle's Meat ' Market
For that whicb ba'J;BSed aiI'd eone, let UI feel thankful. Tile New Year is here-let u8laa It with Ijoy. Ma, It .be brleht .nd briq ho~ of • rOIY futve--may we meri a continuation of the s upport &eeoN.ed ua in the past.
All of III are wlahlng for all ot 70U all tile Jo, alld ha bwlu e can coDcelYL Aad If, perchan.e, w...ave omitted all' whleb )'Ou would particularly tre..ure w,'re hop" that too P! you...-.nd quleltl,. • • , ..., ":
partrctlu itl
J. E. McClure
M ' ..Happier you:.Yt..~~'NJ.~ar.a:tat eontaJ tIl'laame amoutlt of Uappiua lind Brlchter tt..: ite ¥. :'.dI '1'0..,. hi the New Year proye
Io o
THE MIAMI GAZE Pulleher 15IJlteeri,tl- Price, '1.10 • otic. P ..... ., . ., .. ., ...... " ... No. 112 Enter'!(l at Po.tottlce at WaynNR. I..... .N vill e , OhiO, •• 8,,0011(1 ChUa Mall
Estate of. Mary E: Wilt I'h ou e, deceased. Notice ill hl'reby given that George J. Wa!alrhowlI' hu been d,uly .. pp o illl~d and Ilullliflell ~Il' Executnr' uf the Ji:l<tale 'if Mary E. Waterhoulle late Ilf WUrr.,il ounty, Oh io, tlt'cea!<l'd. DatC!d thi 8th duy II f Dt'cc llIb er 193 2. Dean E . Sta nley, Atty.
Tripp CommOil Pie .. Proe_din.1 COLUMB S - - • eer Lfl l'Y I,f a e . .... ......... .. . "" ' y- o. 11. Matt",. Inll N. Bowling versus John W. tate larence J . Brown ha!\ is. Bowling anti Howa"d W. Ivins. Th e snow belen n falli tlg one ev sued instruction t o the Motor ing, ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN onflrmaiion and di tribution also Divi ion t o mak all pos ible ha te .DECEMBER 28, 1982 Anti cam down th ,~ Cattle. hogs, aheep and cal~.. an. attorn y 1 e oC $76 to Maple in the distribution of funds recelv· night ; W . Z. R LL, to Norris-Brock Co., ltv. wir. alld & Maple. • from t he sale of lice nse {'lates d I anJ road· Judg r the Probatc 'ourt prof.!'T e8slve firm for the hlPIn the. ca:>!!! of ohll \ Pulverzon e It covered t hll fent eM f r 1933. same be ing I OI'warded D28 _ _ _ ~~~ _ oun t~', Ohio marl<et prices and good serVic•. OUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTION way Corporation v rS Ulj Miami Vnllt:y And buried the 1m hes fJ'o m to the vllrious cities, incorporated Union Stoek Yardt' CinclD_tl. O. oate d. Pap er 0., on application i ~ to serve YOU and this t own and this community to the wholehearted villages and cou ntie of the s tate. slgbt. Tune in o ~ Radio Station WOltY ANNUAL ELECTION iii grantetl to me am endetl xtent of our abilit;y. The m on y is used in t he coil· 12 :25 to 12 :8 0 p. m. tor our "",...1,--_ _ -----t~~W~il~li~n-m~.~a-w-y-e-v-,-a--m~i-n-Ot-.~b-y~h7iS-h~~~mm~~m-~ine , and hedge st ructio n and maintenance of high · market re port!!. THE MIAMI CAZETTE Th nn nUII I IC'etio n of t he way and aid very materiall y in fath er a nd nelCt friend, Uoward row, the un mpi llymcnt fttoc.khold en of t he Wayn c;;;vi.ll o :"""_........_....;..__________-,-________________.1 Sawyer, versus Th e P(>l1 n ylvan ill W r powdC'red lilke beautiful relieving itu·iltion. evetal da ys ago ec re· Nat Ional Bank f or the purpose (If Railroad ComJ)any, a I rpoi'ation. girls, Tr ial had by ju r y. Verd ist t o d . An d the broken twigl!, on t he t re tary Brown received a check for el ec tin~ di rectors for t~e n, uing $15 0,000 ft' om the leve land year W J Il be held at then' banking fe ndant . lim us In the ase of Stale of Ohio Had little nobs on them like branch of ,t he Bu re au of M o to~ roonlS on Tuesday. Junuurr 10th land Vehic:les. T he fir t distributi on 19:13, betwe n th e hours verSU8 Edward ZetHi ng for mer pear l!!. of funds made by, creta l'Y Brown 3 p. m. pl~as of not guilt y cb~ nged to There in t he warm Nom by t he early this year a mounted to L2, . Farm Night will not b e broadcast f ro m the Ohio Stat e University L. M. HENDER ON. ashier WAYNESVILLE. OHIO wi ndow, on Monday. Jtlnuary 2, announc officials in the agricultural extension guilty. lmpolli lion of enle nce sus· 000,000. I~~~~~~~~~~~ pended. ost to d f ndant. I watchcd the snow fa ll f ro m the Phone 0 Ban~ Bldr. service (It the Ohi o S~te University. In Lhe ca Re of Sallie P. Studei' All offi ces in t he State Hou e sky; • ~ 8 the stste.own d station. WEAO, will not be on the air Monday. hawhan an d ust lik e tiny white A:ngel 1eat her will remain pen next Monday, ntght becau se of thCl Ne w Year's holiday period at the state university ver us Robert J. Pa ul Holthaus, administrators of It ca llie twi sti ng a nd t wirling by even though it is being obs erved li S the coilege pi agricult'ate will hot be on the air that nia-llt. . . Farm Night will be bt oadcast as usual bn the following Mqnday t h ~ estate f~. T. J ohn , lleceas d . And Il l! I st ood wa tching the n ow a holida y all over the nat ion. The Nineti t h General Asse mbly of ,flight, January 9. The program is free of all commercial adver tis ing TrIal had by Jllry nnd verdict to fall, p laintiff for '1560. Oh io ,neets on t hat day · and ~OTARY PUBLIC and is purely educational in nature. How my heart ac h e~d, you never Governor White has re qu sted Th4! case of State of 'Ohio, ExSaturd ay, ·December 31, 8 :00 p . ni, NatloD.l B..k ret J . W . Morgan v rllu h eriff . can kn ow; tha t out of co ul'tesy t'o the LegisMadiso n County Club Program of War re ~ ounty; was dismissed For I thought of nil' dear little lators and expectan t v·isitors. Will. Drawn • • E.tat •• S.U'" Mamma f or wa nt of prosecution. Costs t o udm inistl'8tive officials and t heir Lying out , under deepe ning employeil be present to transact WAYNESVILLE. OHIO plaintiff. snow. any business which may be necess· New Suit. a ry. The Senal li nd Hou e will Ralph Bruce versus Sylvia Br uce t hought 0'1 the moun d all snow convene at ten o'c loc k in the f d' h covered or IvOrce. a rge is ext re me Way out, nea r t hl! h i'" whi te mOl'ning at whidh t ime they will WaYJle Qrganize and a.fter all officl"ls cru elt y. • beeh swo m into office, ad· Andr'a s o. a corpol'ati n VOl' us Knewwood; Lieenled Real Eltate Broker, ih I!now-flak.esl f ell over it have jo urnm ent will und oubted ly take Auction.er and IDeur.ac. By THE HOOS1ER t ownship. All pades were to study A . C. Mlie I ntyre and E . K. Mans. gently, ____ . . reading spelhng, (Do they teach field, f or mon ey, h d d place. Waynesville, Ohio Probate Court A1~gt i~ ~t~~d~tone" that gua'f • ince the IllJjt 1,>r VIOUS Inste,ll- that subject any more?) writing R. R. Remark, ICuardi8n of OUo It has been pla nned to have a ment of this chromcle wa written and arithmetic. Grades four five tbe writer hs identified and in- Mix, II ven and eight were add Halltteltel', filed hi s fi nal a ccoun t. Down my fa ce scalding tears cut Christmas ~tage show at the Ohjo Most Reasonable Terms . tervlewed some of the pupils who geography to tbls course, and The inventory of E , C. Dunhaifr fUI'l'oW , Penite ntiary thi yea r bu t owing attended school at No. 3 and No. grades eight and hine were to add ex ecutor of t he est ate of J ohn And a br eak in g ac:h e filled my to t he heavy expe nse which would II during the school year 1 84-85. grammer to the total. Ray' s Winfield, dece ased, was approved. heart, n ece sarily be in curred, it was de · According to th~se "boys," both Arlthmetlc~ Eclectic Geo~aphies. The estate of J ohn Hackett, de- Though 1 k.n ow 1 willi be with her cided instead t o sub, titute a the teachers, MISS Dora Nelson Harvey's lirammar-s and McGuf- ceased, is exem pt. f rom inh I'itance some t ime p ecial picture program and to and Miss Mary lagle, were teach, fey Readers, up to the ninth grade tax . In a I nd, wher e vve never will purchaseout of the amullemenl. ing their fi rs schools that yelU', w~r the text books prelM:ribed. The will of Frank S. Thom pson, part. . fund . two new talk ie picture and both are fondl y and respect- NJnth grade pupils wel'e to read deceas dJ was atlmitted t o pro bate. machin es and an extra s i:r;e large tullr, remember etl bY theiL' former from their Ul\ited States histories. lt0b'e rt J . hawha n was appointed But to.night, sno will lie there a. new screen. thus insuring fir t glisten, rfte amusement the year r ound. pupils. All new words in their reading ex.eeutor , n o bond required. J . S. Ml Nelson is r emembered as Jes801lS were to be spelled in all Morris, Martha Kratz r and Ha:rAs the moon thrOYi'S her s ilvery All pictu res have been donated by 30 Years Expatienee in an excellent and j olly teacher. but grades. The flrst two g{adea were old . Swen y were a,ppoin ted ap· rays ; the various film companies. In· Fitting and Making Glauet A nd will s par kle like gems on the mates of course did not work on firm disciplinarian who was not to c9nftne their writing operations praIser!!. prone t.o .. pare the r od and sp oi1 to their slates. but the remaiader Emma Deb old. execu trix of the headston e Christmas day and they were given the child" if the painful nece!!Sity were t o practice with pen &nd ink e8tate of Edwin H. Smith. decea • Thllt marks the enll of h er a .sPecilll Christma dinner. fOT tlte alternative ar08 . NOT did lor a given amOunt of time. Now, ed, filed her flTllt and fina1 acearthl y days. Assistant Commission r of L.baDOn. OIaio And it neee ary t o call "ton lllanufacturetIJ of typewrl"-rs ·transf er - - - .- - M otor Vehicles Edwar d T. Fogo, II ... d ...,. are count. . Ad certifica t h te of R Ta ..... '. Thureda,. s.t...., she the direct9tB for a ssi tance. he a v.ocating the substitution o.f Jssue 0 t e ounty ecordel' HarveYI1,ufg, has been awarded the Decoration ~.alDi •• tloD F.... .. of t th C of t ransfer was isof the Purple nY' .eal't, authorized by ')".. all told of a severe and well thelT machines for the a.... certificate PUPI LEBANON. OHIO merited thrashing she administer- manu.1 writing eY'en in the-earli0 e ounty Recorder upon CO/'lgres , for all those World War ed to Harry W!lIiams "on of Gus ellt grades. aJ,lplication of Mabelle K Burg· A Christmas cantl ta wa pre. V Williams, who was almost. if not A week after this meetin'" administratrix df the estate of :ented at the M. E. Church Thurs- eterans wound d in action . The te a lar"e as was teacher George R. Stile.• iJ'est-ned a d"'J'-' decoration hasqays be\' in revived from .. 'fI Th ' M. t Thomp f on, dee eascd. llay evening. early colonial commemora. hqU"rsei f. It seems that teac~er ha d ret;tor in ~o. 11; John A. Pastors e lnven ory 0 Anna N. HatThe school gave a pleasing tion of the bi-centennial of I:-------~ heard that Harry was gullty of being appOinted to fill the v.ca.ncy field. administratrix of th e estate Christmas program at the ' Gym George Washington. The award u ing profane and indecent lan- and on the 13th of the next April Geoxge W, Niehol$on. d eceased, Friday afternoon. ~~he first six made by the Adjutant General WATCH ES guage on the play ground, 0 she Aaron Chandler l'el!i&'Ded at! a was approved by court. grades, under the elffident direc· o'f the United 'S tates Army, mak· made an inve t,igation tou~ during director in No. 5, tie late Joseph The inventory of Dora arnahan tion of their teachel's" Miss Tucker ing the third decoration for Mr. W. Hue a COlllpl.t. Watch one aft~rnoon recess, nnd, ss she Evans beinK chosen to serve the administratrix of lh e tat e 01 , rs. Volers, Bnd Miss McElwee, F ogo, he having been previously Repair Senic. rounded the corner of the build- rest of his term. ura M. Jones, dec.eased, was ap· pre ented delightful songs. drills, awarded the Distinguished Service And use (1)ly genuine materials. ing, Hany fully p1'9ved the truth Timothy Marlatt had replaced proved by the court. dialogue, and l·ecit&~tions. These Cross and the B'ritlsh Military Crystals fitted while you wait. of the chal1fe. She grabb,d the George Vetter aa clerk of No 6 Harry . Schwartz, and Gwen· were interspersed with Christma Cross. ' C 'J I boy by the collar, ellCorted (Mt. Holly, Martin Harner dolyn Schwartz, executol of the I! rols sung by the gll!e club under ary I ewe ry Shop him to his seat, and !!old him to of J . C. MeKay in No 8 C F estate of har les W. Schwar tz capable direction of Miss Stev. The Inaugul'al ceremonies to be L.baDOD. 011io remain after 8cb ool. After the Chapman in place of Hen'ry 'Mc~ tHed their first and final accwunt. ens, who also a s isl,ed with the held on Monday, Januar;; 9th, will L. H. Gordon wa appoi nted al>· musical nunlber1! g iven by the be marked by extre me s implicity '-___S_t_or_e;...O..:p~e;.;;n;...E;;.v;.;e;.;;n;.;;i;.;; n:a;;.!I_ _1 close of the se ion, one of my Kinsey in No. 11, and Josiah informant and another boy were . Houlfh Wat! continued in the pre8iof the e tate ?f Mary E . gl'ndes. . in accordance 'with the wishes and sent to the thick t back of the dent chair when the board as. deces ed, In th e place A president of the Alumni, desires of Governor Whit, wbo sellool house to II CUTe a switch, . embJed for reorganization April of Chas. MacD onald presented to the will again take the Oath of office ....- - - - - - - - - - - and were warned t o get a golld 19, 1886. Names of ne~ local The hi ' k h on that day. Lieutenant Governor ' r ~eturn. Harry directors of $C 00 a Wletoerb eset" . f " ' 'anp66rin'" ' ' ' .. on the ref.0rt Bank t & 1 J h Co., C ex.ecutor Ii 11 the alumni. Disedt 11a~gift e ItCh eo ar·I e8 Sswyer 0f , C·IDCIDone, too. On the, ~ Phone 78J was called to the platiorm, or- 0 this year's election il1c ude es ate 0 o n . a, furniture. Supt. Fralncis acl~nc)wl. nati will abo be inducted into Director of Fla•• ral S.nic. deted to remove his coat, and reo E]ijah Rosa. B. E. Stokes Thomas ordered to difltribute edged the gift in bc!half of the office 'as will the other administra· calved the best thrashing the J ohns, G. W. Henkle,' Nathan in kin~ !d sai~ school. tive officials, George S. Myers of young lady had in stock- and the Jones, Joserh 'Evans, J. M. Earn. admllllstratl'lx Rama Carter ' of Iletrol't was a Cleveland, to ucceed Clarence J. boys say that was plenty. One ot hart, Danie Woollard JR ' Haney, Brown, .A,uditor Joseph T. Tracy Our corwenient location, Buita. tb.e boy&--lInd he a director's son, H. S. Matthewman (the~ se'xton to transfer cer tain of his mother, Mrs. and Trea$urer Harry S. Day to hIe surroundingl and equipment too--u~s that Miss Nelson · ad- Miami cemetery) B K Sides and to Bessie T. Haney. Eliza r, and' sister, Mrs. A. succeed themselves and John W. enables us to Serve to the Beat ministered the only bit of corporal WiIlillll O·Neall. Nothinar but rOIlWilliam H. Drake, administrator L. Kennedy and family. Bricker, Attorney General elect, Advantagfil· WANTED punishment he ever received in tine was transaeted at this l!Cssion of estate of Otis Henderson, de· Mr. and Mrs. Basil Dailey and to succeed Gilbert BeUman. IM:hool. . ceased, filed his first and final ac- Harry McVey spent hristmas Two a..itintive petitions have been Frank Braddock, a pupil at No. ' count. with the McVey falmHy at New filed "With Secretary of State AMBULANCE S~RVICE SPE tAL TREATMENTS-Hem9 that year, says that Mies Slagle Georg J . Waterhouse, executor Vienna. . Clarence J. Brown, one "Granting P~ - -a 21 W ' II ....... · or rhoid o or PI'lel a Srecialty• Th. Ori.iD of CaatNllllatio. of the estate of Mary E. Water· Mis8'eS Mabel and Nlargaret Starr of became very much enamored of Aid to Aged Persons' sponsored .,.....,. •• VII'O I V ~ (I d V in Order of Eagles ., A. en arge e. John Collett, a Prominent young hou~, filed his inventory. and fri'end of Dayton. came down by the Frat"rnal -.. andso leg Ill'lCOSe ulcers. Consultation free. man of that district, during the The inventory of Ada Hm, ad- Saturday evening 81nd remained I1nd the econd authomatically jn-I,==-==-==-=~=-===-===-=~=:=-=~ICon 8ult Dr. E. M. Steel, M..oni~ winter, of ~ourse, this attraction S~~tember . 20, 1886. on rninjstl'atrix of the estate of Alva over Monday with 'their mother, trodu ing 11 bill in the le.g islature Bldg. , Wilmington. Ohio. jll finally rip~ned into romance with , motion of W. H. Gard. of No Rill, d ecea~ed, wa approved by Mrs. Amllnda Starr. )fro and Mts. which would chana ~he Crabbe FOR SALE DATES CALL the usual happy Tes\1lt Mr. and 10, he, O. F. Chapman of No: \!ourt. W. I. MllthiBs and Don, ot Day- Act from one-half of one per cent Ada M. Anderson and Bellsie R. top. spent Monday here with them. to two and thre·e-fourth8 alcoholic FOR SALE Mrs. Collett have maintained ~heir 11. and S. L. Cartw-rijrht of No. home in Dayton for many ,ears. 7 were appointed a committee Anderson, eXl!<:utrices of the 'estate Capt. Chas. GarnEll·. and son of contents, no other change being But Ed Thomas and Lou Chandler of three "to investigate and of Albert Anderson, deceQ,ed, Columbus spent Monday with Mrs. asked for the Jatter, sponsored by F'OR SA L 33 Fall PiKS. Le.ter didn't "tell on" their teacher ~.ake i~to cOllsideration whether filed their first and final account. Mary Finch and Robert Garner. associations against Prohibition, GitheM. Waynes ville R. ". .n alo~ those linee. It would be the best interest of They are t o distribute certain asM oard reorf:nized. the S$l~0018 of the township to sets to said beneficiaries. rd' and Mrs. J. C. Gray enter- contains 101,000 signatures. R AL ,,- Nit turkeys. See consohdate th b d' I dAd . . f taine to Ohristmall dinner, Mr. the b en ~I' 1 29, 188", the follow no> new e IU Istricts , Wi lar pgar, a nllntstrator 0 d Cliff Burnet t. " w i t h the I' f'" ' E A d an Mr s. Chas. Gra',Y and familv. '. .. Ap clerks became members of that v ew 0 crea ••n. a the estate of mma pgar, · eceas• JESSE STANLEY body: Jonathan Graham, No.1; Central Bleh School in the ed, filed his inventory. ~lrs. Ma~e FOiJ'eman and Miss Fo'n ALE- Birds, Yellow C.~ township." Tllil ,ppea~ to Rollie Sutton, executor of the Violet Foreman of · na)'ton and DaVid W. Thomas!. 3; Robert Brad!lanes in filII aong, $5: hen!!, flOc 'b ••• 320, N.. Ba,II•• t •• , 0.10 dock 9; W. H. liard, 10; and J. have been the very beginning Sarah E. Sutton, decJ!as- Mr • Oakley Ridge of Waynesville Mrs. Julia Henderson . ,. ~z~ C. McKay returned to the clerk- 0'' . the movemen.t which. about . is first lind final account called on Dr. a)ld Mrs. Tripp EARL KOOGLER FOR SALE- Polanil China male ship of No. 8 ·Josiab Hough, of thIrty yeah later, culminated Thompson, .executrix of Monday. pi gil and gilts. E. EV!lI1s, prbne Da,toD PhOD. Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Bennett of P~JI.cly No. 12, was choeen to serve as in the creation of (lur present the estate of Samuel W. Thomp. Pr.pared · Br.akfaeta 470R, Lebanon. ~dU president for ' the year. The, reo Wayne ~WJlship Centralized 50n, deceased, filed her affidavit of WilJl)ington were c,allers at the KEDlDor. 8986 Send Hu.baDd. -01 Chil. port of the spring election sh?ws Schooll. Now, Jet's wakh the ft'nal settlement. ' Randall home M()nd.ay. eD Geol'a-e H. Smith executor of I Dailey is ill .. the8e new directoT8 : C. H. Whlt.- idea ero,w at! our chroniclc -';'----~---drea Awa, Hap», ker, 1; Tim()thy Marla.tt, 6; Rob. proceedl doWn, the records 01' the estate of Lovina Smith, de· . and MI'. Roy Clark and ert Bradd'oclr. 9; Ghaa. F. Chap· the InteneDiq yeam. ' . ceased. flIed his affidavit of final ren and J. W. C!lark were here man and George ~. Stiles. 111 and settlement. fl'om Wolhonding f~)r the ChristBrea k'iasts that will send ~he Lebanon-Citizens National mas holiday with relatives. . husbands aWILY happy and , the Eli Burnett, 12. And rlgnt here we wish to correct an unintentional I Bank & Trust Co., executor of the Mr. ansi Mrs. G. ~. Mae~onald childr~n to school with a sbng in ' ..._ _ _ _ _ __ misstatement made last week. estate of HaTry Robinson, deceas· . fal",!lly ente~tl:llned WIth a their heart s are not difficult to ,. Samuel Butterworth Iha~ell with ed ill ordeTed to sell c rtain real es famIly 9\nner ChrIstmas day. ' prepal e, according to nutrition David W. Thomas tl),e honQr 01', tate a.n d nl.lke return to court. spll'Cialists f or the agl'iculturll exhaving been the first. elected of -'--tension service at the O. S. U. our surviving scbool 4Ir~ctors, · ~e. Marria •.e LiceD... A. W. Eastman to ,C incinnati Amonlf the breakfaist , men Ill! blving been, eteeted a director Jil Harry Willis Bowman, f~er Gas & Electric Co. 'rhe ·use of real tJley suggest are three more or less Np. 2 It the eleetion in 188". , 'ot Loveland, and MiSJ!! Rosa Mae estate in Hamilto1'\ township for popular ,and appetizing ones. One 1J0nt. rac~ fpr erSj:ti! ~be new Hoskins, domestic of Morrjlw breakfast consIsts of baked or Zenas ,H. Grtns\eYI pre8Stl?~n of oe E , and Rebeoca L. Defolse, raw apple, r olled oats, bacon or )3ulllihlp in No, 2 a]!4 P I H •.:"!~ a"/lrde!i ~ l'el1'f~' entica Cincinnati, lind ~1!lS Nellte P. Jr., to Federal ~,nd Bank of ham und egg, bread and butter, We lIave recently adde d 1.0 our line ,of quality coals l»e\ng tpe lQwest relPonslb~e da Steele, Blan<:l\estet, Louisville. 198 aerlSI In Cliilton beverage. For children omit the ill, ~a~tl instance. lIis tQta~ pel Curtis t.e.slie Boyer, f~ctory and Warren Countlel. ham Ilnd serve milk all the beverthe w 11 known Cinde rella coal, Block lind Egg. Vil!t~ '1112" .in No . . II, "ng 8004) wllrkel', of ~1iamitlburg,and ldiss I age. iD l'/"O n ~me p! dis o~bj1r bleSWI board ap. Odema Llluise Miller, of FtankBi Ie Allowed Apo~her good breakfast might ~,,1'8 ';'e1'e J. K. l{a\nj1s, Frllnklllt to , ~tn, lin. · Joshua Fisher, freight and 'dray- consist of prunes, cornmeal mush, upon whfcbR lEt.,. Tr-aaef.n age. $8.60; Stakalta Mfg. Co., sup poached egg on tOllst. bread and Sm\th, A~I Allen ,.n~ Gelll'Je D. Thornhill. , Of tile tOlm.a. plies, $86.25; Penn M()rton, labor, buttel', coffee or milk. Still another At the fall ·meetin" September &htp In. the IIlJrh Wilson Brown and Alice, Brown $I; Erma Hibnar, services! $10; breakfast suggestion by the 21 ".a motton to employ Prof. BOhool of Speeial ells- to Albel't Gibbs and Ellen Gibbs- Julia Holland, servl(les, $10; Rieh- specialists is tomato juice, cooked F or those ,who wish .to buy Ohio Coni we will recl)ive .a Pr~b"t to teach mUl!ic in . the trlet; 2nd. anT CAlI be 11 ac~es in Harlan township. ard L. WiI~am!!, I~el'vice!l., 'lQi whole wheat, buokwl\eat cakes and c~r of Buckeye Block Coal i 11 II few days. This is from r.ehQols of tbe townilhlp at a ~ade, upo~ towlIshlp Beuie Retallick to Mary Harmon Charles Hobson, !lervices, $10: syrup, coffee. It iii best to omit t he ....lar.y (j'f ".61 pel' 'schilol••Uow- end said Special may 'Unite 121 acres in Turtlecreek township George MUler, $10; )to·r row Whit- buckwheat cakes for children and one or the beat mines ·i n Ohi 0 and due to lower freight in, one lesson per week to each for hilth IIchool purposes; 8rd t the Gilbert Gappertoo and Gertrude IIcre, services, ' $6; Mrs. Howard to serve milk as a drink. l'ates will seU. lower than OUI' othe r coal. --.....-'.- - - .- - ecbool, wa~ amended ~o aa to ~08t, adviaabDlty, e~, of e&tablieh Gappertto to Fred Carr. Real es- Sawyer, serVices, ,7: WUliam A Literal Spoule allow any Bub-district to have tte Ing a towllllhip hl,h IIchool inin Franklin township. Shotwell, services. ,20; W.ldron 'privilege of .t be benefit of t e dep,ende/'lt of ~id apeeial diatrkt. Brandenburg and Zilla C. Gilmour, inquest, ,7.70; She- the wife:- "These strikes music provided any such sub-dis'RellOlved, That said eommlttee to Ance Evans and Waldron C. Gilmour, inque8t $8.70 make me sick. Why don' t both Delivered Price triet ·allow the .mount to be be inlltrueted to deviae means Real estate in Burroughs Adding Machine Co., taken from their lIroportion of the for • gre~ter consolidation of ·township. supplies, 75c; H. E. SimplIOn, sides in this co.1 controversy wipe t,ultion fund, and provided furtheder aeh~ol efforts in the townahip, Beck t o CliffoTd P. postage, ,1.20; L. W. Nisbet 00., the slste clean and, go ·a head!" He- the husband- "who ever that the said Prof. Probst agre witli a view to leu COlt per estate in Morrow. lumber, $32.11; l'Iorwood Feed" t(l teach any number of the IChools .:apita 01' the enrollment, inJohn Retallick, by ex.ecutrix to Supply Co., lumber, '16.78; Ohio heard of hand-wiped coal T" .~ that desire bil services at tbe same ereased lenrth of lebool term for Mary Harmon. 121 acres in Tur- Corru/rated Culvert Co., and a better s,.tem of township. $20.50; H. S. Conover, SU I~pllles. alilount pro :rata .. if be tau~ht' DIl~" Da. at Wor" in .11 the aehoola of the townshIp. C. Conley to A. ' M. and 122.96; Alexander E. Bo Said .. amended. wu put Real e tate in Deer· ing. ,8.&0'\ t. L pan,air'::Ollltom.r-"Have you any ba~ aDd this educational The Shart e " Bevil ..-na.'" .A Interelt. of Wayne to'lt1Ulbip deto Roy Alfred repairs, $18.60; Karl Green Clerk- flNo--no m.'am. mand that tbe aplrtt, If DOt tbe 102.(\9 tluranoe premium, ftotbtq but the old ~allhioned letter ef tile law puaed by the Jiam Schnell. .... n.bt shirt.I!· Ollie ~t1I.... April la. lS.a. Kahn Motol' OareD.• nl'.o... be eomplled with. (lee State 09; Columbus BlaDk Pilon. IJehool Co..tllloaer·. report $19.60: J81 •• P.... 'II aad ,U •• ).. aapplies. ,29 lira, Peten :-"18 ),our bu'-'d IU (To ......~) Co., IUPpile .. a IOll1ld l1eep ...'" _ _ _...... _ . 011 lin. NeL.oa :-"So1llldT-NotbiwCt~P" .-._ _OHIO" I
B, Mr.. J ... i.
Farm.Night laths, Jan. 2
The Little .R ed S~hool Hou.e a. it Existed in ToWn.hipfor Year.
DR.R"DOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry SIlop
. . . .------..·
F. ·T. Martin Auctlon••r
Centerville, Ohio
---_ ..- ----
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Cinderella Coal
Buckeye Block
.-...---R...... H."',
Denatured Alcohol
WaynesvUlt farmers
W.,. .ville, " ..
JAnll ry
J anuar J nual'Y Jllnu r I January .'a"uary ,January January J lIu8ry January January Jallunry Jall\lsry Janllll :'y
J nuary January
:JJ l'unllma G raulCl'. 4 "Th
(inJ'" in!\" .ur Good .I'I)PII .B<.>glO>I R.t the Baril" Talks Rnd di ell •. lOll by J, A. Shpher. :lo ll lind ,'!'Ups fln\'ciali~t, O.~ , ,,!'Ilunty All.' !It'~ n tf\('{' 1 ::lO" .J 8 ('ond R('caning Demon. trillIon, Blul' Ball Sehoul " "l'Tingbllro Urang', Regular mc{'tin g. f> L banon range, R('~ulur meting. t\ Mason Grange. R 'gull11' III cling, 7 \ aync~vi1le ~mnJ:', Regular me(>~ing. ~- H) Farm rll' In!'ltlt utI' at W:Jyne vIUe. 11-12 Fat'm r8' hllllilute at Mort'ow. 1:l-14 Fllml rs' Institute at Mason. 13 Hamilton Town hi~ Grange, regulat' m ting. 14 las i Towmhip Urang(', Regular meeting. 17 Warr n ounty Fruit ~ h oo l, eOl1du~icd by ouT\t'y A r-icuLtur I Agent Miller. A. L, Pler'stor/f, and }'rank B 'I\~h, of 0, •. U. , l pringb 1'0 ran,:te, Rep;uln ~eeLmg . 19 Lebanon Grange. Regular nle~tmg, 2() ~a on Grang , R<.>gulsl' meetmg. . 21 Wa-yn . vill.- Grange, Regulllr meetmg,
~:;;::;::::===:::==::;-~~=====::;:=-=::;===~ ~-=- --
ANNOUMCElENT OF SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (U ndenomlnationan Che ter A. Williamson, Minister hurch ' chaol ut 9 ::lO u. m. "The ~c h ool that is dilf rout," Lord'f' 'uppcr at canc lusin n. Evening evungelislic sCl'vico at 7 :30 p. m. 'ermon 5ubjl'Ct, "The 18_ t~r's all." Prayer Me ting nnd Bible tudy l!ach eveni ng (It 7 130 Jl, m. eh Irch whal'e YOU feol at ST_ AUGU.STINE'S CHURCH Father French, Pastor Services will be held very two
weeks on Tu sday morning. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr, and Mrs. Clyde 'wharton and (Unc!.enomlnatlonal) family had for their dinner guest.s Cheater A. Williamson hl'istmas, Mr. L~e Greathouse of Unified service beginning at 9 :30 Benry Foulks ha beeh quite ill payton an~ MIl< Velma · antI a. m. Church 'chool in <,harge f but. is now on the m nd. flerl)lan ml!h. • I Perl'y ThoJU8l\, up' t. LQrd's SupA numb l' of men from her held MIsses MIldI'd and Kathl11 n per and sermon at 10:30 a. m, a "wood chopping" for Prank Orahanl of Da,yton were week-end Serm on subject, "Thl! omrade of ROiers on Tu day of III t w ek, ,vuests of then parents, Ml'. and the Cl·os.',." You are alwtly WI'Ith wood being donated by Walter Mrs. Forl' t Grabam. comc at this churcb. k Mr. and Mr. Herman Saylor larh~rl and Meredith 'V hitaker and son, ~ugene or D~ton, ~f.,ent ST. MARY'S CHURCH came hom\} Friday evening from Su nday WIth Mr. and rs. WII ~ am Rev. J. J , Schaeffer, Rector Wittenber (!o lleg, p~ingtlllid Long and Mr. a,nd Mrs, Wilham C h and ill8pend this week WIth their Long Jr. of Xenia were afternoon Janua ry 1, ircumcision; hurc parent Mr and Mr, Walter guests. 'chol)l at 9 :30, ermon . and Holy Wh·taker • Rudd Saylor of West CarrGlIton ommunion at LO:30. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacr!! and called on relative8 here Monday. Ml's. MaTgaret John w r Dayton ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuriul!I and hoppers Wedne day, . . daughters spent Christmas with , G_ C. Dibert, Putor . . Mrs_ Floyd Savage of fl~ar Five the latter' , parents Mr. and Mr!l. Wedn .da)' :, Mr. B ck WIth hIli Point .pent Th\lTSday I~h Mrs. William Graham. class 01 High School boys w1l\ h ve Belle S4!ott and Saturds)' WIth Mn. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton ch{lrge of the r )fer III eting at Amy Bailey, J k visited her si ter &l r Margaret 7 :00 P. m. hOlr practice Ilo t ar_ John ~'otz. and son . ae . ' John~, Sun' day. :00 n , 1l1. m.... f C '" .. d and Mrs. Ena . Robm ue on 0 atmCIDThe Mis ell H len and Ruth Sunday: un sy 8C h 00 I a L!l :30 flati were Frlda Y gM ts W tM he Earl" and Bernice Graham spent 11. m, .l\lorning wl)r hlp at 1 :30. .. of Mr an d rs .. I D t "'I)e tlomlTl unjon of the Lord'lS supuC~r!~an ' . . , Mon,d ay a,f tern oon n ay on, ~ el' will be ob erv d at this hour. 'd M-. Barry Graham atr ~ttle Nancy WlIIlam returned P;nwort" r -- g"e at 6 :30 p. rn , Mr an J!:f' "....."... onn r a8 leader. tend ..~ d a family dinner Sunday at to h'er home i n d Dayton d I it Thursday Ith h ' With WinifreQ the hom of Mr . Susan aylor and after an exten vs w ar A~ 7 :30 n, Ill, the holr will jng Bona Henry and Riley in Dayto:n. Ilrand,pllrents, Mr. anti Mr, A, th~ Chris'imps CJlnta1-a, "Yuletide ~b_ and Mrs.. Walter Kenrl~k, C. Thompson. Memories," • Mn All n Emrick and MU8 Friendil here were sorry to learn - - .. Tbeima Coleman pent Thu1"8day of the death of Mr . Allen . Gregg OBITUARY SKJ::TCH in Dayton. in Dayton ThllrsdRY, who e husMr. end Mrs. Ralph Dyke of Ql,lnd passed aw'!-y Just (11 vel) tla)'! four !lear and tOllr }'eal's I a Da)'ton were Sunday gllests of Mr. before. _ •. plp@ Qld "ge ~o reach, yet oQr d and Mrs. Lowell Thoma and Irvin Friend of MlI~ml Unlyeralt.y cea8ed bl'qtljer WQuid Mve peen 85 daughter, Betty. N 1 is .pendlng th holiday With hIS jf he ha d lived IlJltil Jan~sry 11. Mr. J_ E. Clark 1111~ son, oe, parents, MI'. ..nd Mrs. Robert 1933. He wps born January 11, IIJ'e victims of the f lu. Friend, 18.8, /1Jl4 pas ecj to ~he Hom e Mrs_ Settie Bolse.r and dauetter Mrs, Margaret lClbn_ . "t.ertalned Vnseep, December ~3! 1932. ~ge.d Clf Dayton call~d In her mOJ her son, Glenn Johns and famUy $4 )'Qllr , 11 months, 20 duy . 111'1 Mts. AIID L. Smlth Sunday an Mer of Dayton, to dinn.er , Monday_ fattl er, vl!or/fe Seal'll, wa of Monday 8U sts were Mr, and ra. Mr. and )frs. Walter Whitaker Qu~,,~r P(lr J)~age anq pa sed Crom Y AllMen H8l'dd L~ttl~~rl Swank (1nte,rtained with ~ faJllily dinner thl hfo In ~eptemh l' ] !}y, ago tI r. an ... k d 'tb Chnstmas Day. only 72 year~, of Dayton spellt tne we -en WI A large number ot frle1\ds from Ajlron WA the elde t ~on of gQod .M~... and dM~8. ES~~l:fif:U~Y and here attended the 1'unl'ral of Clyde O)lrls~l.n paren tatl'e, it bei ng a d m-rf.:n p{;ilie attended a fam- Cox of Dayton at McClu~e funeral bJllriding pf gpoa Ql1ak r blooq nauf;hrlrtmas dinner at the h ome ho",. Yriday aftern?on. Mr. CO.x with tl)" nQblr t ~ype Ohristian y M d M Ed 1I0pkins in W811 formerly a reSident of ~hls manhood in ~IS fatll_IIr, of 1', ~n rs.. place and frtell4l and old nelghAa.f on unIted wltll the Sugar Wl!Ine Vlldle;.. W'!li m B~dllll bon from her. were lIall-bearers. Creek Christian hurch , F bruary _'1'. ,a n JUr. . I sh f el' Quite a number onjoyed the 22, 18G8, at the age of twenty. apent Sunday WIth t e °lrm d Christmas ente:rtaln1ll nt .t the Rev. A. L: McKjnney pp.stor, and b~oth~r Mr, E. L. Bergdal an Church Saturday evenil1$; after remained", /Ilember !-I"tl! his death 'Wlfe 111 Dayton. which the Sunday School visited nearll 6/i yare. . bam and the homes of the IIlek here in town Mr. and Mrs. Forest G:a In tnp Il1jddle penod and ~hildren Doroth~ and D1C~ey have and sang Chrietmall carole. 'which active ,ear#! of his life he was a been real aick WIth tile gnp. d <Nare very much appreciated by belphJ rnemb r iT) many IIctiyitie Mr. and Mrs. W. G __Hames and the following ehut-in!': Mrs, Ellen of tho church, H waf! tl) oldest children, Robert. frtildJ:ed an CopseS' Mrs. LQttie Carey, Mn. member of till!! cbprch a t the time Clara of Dayton Mpent SllndadY Georg'i~nna Haines, M1's. Alice of his 'passing, arid l>eJong d afternoon at the h.ome of Mr. .an TrickeY. Mrs, Ann Smith, Mrs. that cia s of representative fa mi)tn. Walter Kenrlck_ " Ailda Burnett and Henry Foulks, lies wtJich compo ~ ~he la rgel' Miss Miriam Salisbur y of Cleve Mr. and Mrs, Jam es John!! elt- lIl11lJlllership Jl generation ago. it is land joined h~r parents Mr. ,and tertatnect the :following relatives to to b41 a~VoUUY h ped that the Mrs. Leon SahsbuQ', here friday (linner Ch1'lstll\AS day: Mr. and famiHes "t Rq l!1,:!1I"per" ot the and the family spent ChrIstmas Mrs Allen Hole alld Ian of Beaver present day will - awake to the 'With Mr•. Salisbury's parenti in tow~, Mr. and Mrs. RUI! .11 Camp- peat task now before us, ch~lJengWa)'1lesvllle. , b e l l !lnd little daulthter of "!MIl' 109 liP: m~st earnest ~ervlCe to Mr_ and Mrs William CreIghton lientervllie. Mrs. Viola Carey of help /l ,be ter qaly, spent Sunday 'with the former's WaynesVIlle. Mr. and Mrs, Lester The sub ept Itllr sktlteh was brother near Dayton. Kenrick of FelT v Bnd Mr. and Mrs the father o'f three dallghtel'S and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and Ralph Johns and daught41rs. one son, six grand cll jldr 1) and 14
~~~ w~ , M~~ d~U
guests of the latter's parep.ts MT, and Mrs. George Weller and her grand father, Mr. Frank Weller, near Centerville. Mr. and Ml"S. Kesler Graham aJld daughter, Miss Bernice were at a family ' dinner Sunday at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Albright at Waynesville, Mr. and M'r s. Stanley Bailey and daughter were entertained to d 'nner Monday at tbe home of I , Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hax in Dayton 8P nt Mr. and Mrs_ A'h~' Sides. Christmas with t elr . 80n-lI1- aw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ' l{ommel in DaJ1;on. '
Jiis cpmpanioy) iii liie, Mrs. - - Sh Another -Corn ow ~U~pM~~"a Alln .. ~flntJlI.JI1 Seal'lI, WAS called to I • Be"Jng . PI anned' ten join the "Cholr IQytl!lble" al;lQut yean IUI'Q . The~ Wjlre united
in marriage by J;lev, Q jffi~h, palltor 1 th 0:1 the M. E, Church. Centerville, Plans ate being made 0; .no , er December 19, 1872. Since Mrs. large corn show in Waqen eounw Sellrs death he had made his home this "'ear some time S in 11February. '.&. h'I-s CI,I (ren, I " f b WI~" c h'Ie tl y VIith MI'S. According W Stan ley e ers 0 t e Jennie llul e,.. fl'om whose hom e Lingo Hardware (Jo.; the show will and care he pa seq ~o the Home be open to a ll Warrfin ~ounti~ns Unseen, Friday morning at ' l ;:'10, as well sathe township 1)0,4erJng pe"ember 23, 1932. '10 on Warren in adjacent eOllllties" ,.. Exhibits will be made in the Junior 1'1 np' whattbe f.~ture hath, CIBY by 4-H Club and Vocational C)t Jtl#rv~1 or su rp rise, Agricult.....e boys. As.ur cJ /Illln~ t~at life Ilnq death Now is- the .'t jme to select your H is ":1erC!), p,,,lerl!i? , samples which hOi/}1l be as near uniform ears al pOlBlbte. AU ears And 80 beside t he Silent Baa, in the sample should be eft"', I wait the muffl ed oar, ' ' !l1ft>ooth or rough and ot the Ilame Nil harm from Him can come to me genenl appearance. See Mr. On pce411 or on sho1'e_" Sellers, of the Lingo Hardware If you use RAT LURE, World's Company, for exhibit space;. Car" TltanJqa . The f<amllr wl/lhe~ to express apBest Exterminator. One farmer While preparing to go to the preciation . to ill 11' fr ie nd and 'killed 62 Rals with 84 baits. Get rome of her late brother in Cin- neighbors 'who assisted In time f your~ now. j:Jnnati, Friday morning, Mrs. sickness and death f their fathe}' , Ellubeth Baily was stricken with alBO those who contributed beau28 Baits 25c; 84 ,Baits SOc ~n.conselPlisness,and for a time t.iful floral ofl'er1 ngll. bop" f(W )Jer recove r'y were ~-Sold lind Guarl1nleed by almost aba"d~~ . She has since Miss Henrietta Mc1<fnHey, of tho rallied, howevu, ;&~d now seems 'Ashtabula schools, is , pending the well advanced on the 1'OO(! to re- holiday, with her mother, Mrs. covery of her _usual h4clith, IAlice McKinsey. .
RA T 5 D I E
.. -----
WaJD ~5Vme
Drug Store
Here's a toast to
.HEALTH! Uae Stoke,' $peclal Jersey pasteurized milk and cream, The Standard for Quality. AI"'ays uniform and always fresh, clean and PUre. AI a pro~tion to health uae past.urized mUlt, WI alwaYI safe,
n, J. D. Marlatt II .tIltlg at the home of Mr. and n. . B. Kl'rns In Clevelud.
Mr. and Mn. Fred B. Henderaon ~J1cnt ~unday evening In Daytun, gUt'llts of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane
I deaire t o thank all everyIII' hl're who h~ye malle the aurtions I have conducted a suce ' ~R, a 1111 \I I~h eVI.'I'Y line .. Happy and ProsperOIll;! New Year.
1\11'. and Mrs. ~dward J. BurLon (If ~: lYJ'ia, are · spendintr their hl'i ~tm a s vacation here with home f IJlk .
Mr. unJ 1r)<. '. L, )noughman Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Lovely, of Dnd chilllr!!n WN!' Leba non visitors l\1iddl town were Christmas guelb! ))onday. . 1,( thl!il' ,o n. James lovely, and F.unk FaIT i Ilgain abl~ t-o b(' family. ru t uftt'l' a couple oI weeks InI' (i"t' ~lr. an d 1\11' • Harrison Sears, of , n.p 'I IO n . Arcanum. al' guests of the forMr', 'u y n c1wU. of Van Wel·t, lIIel':~ brother, W. N. Sears, and
Phone 78J
i~par!'nl~ l"1H'nding the' h"liIIIlY $ naJ siglel·.
with his fam"y, -;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~==!"""'============~=='n Mis!! Marjorie Edwards, and Mr. or. K~nnHh St, J o hn. of neilr Gt! rge Edw ard, 01 near Gr enYoungstown: is ~p ndinl; th' holi- Ileld, are visiting relatives and <lays ut his homo! h~l·e. frie nd s here.
CIlI' . of ROll burg. Mr. and Mrs. FranK Stansberry d"ill'd hi . ~on, \\'. ., ears, and lind family were Christmas guests family w"~ ral tillY.' last w '<.'k , t the home of Ml'. and Ml's. Ro Andrews. near Oakland. Musler Max I fu y is \rj~ iting hi Miss lara Lile and Miss Mame father. i\lurvin U. lillY. I!\llrf family 11 IIr 'I'ippeeun u(> ity, Lhi We k. BrQwn attended the funeral serviccil of Mi Emma Ebright at ~Ir. nnd f rs. D. L. I'ane spent Xenill, Monday afternoon. hrj tmas al thl' IHlOl e (.1' )[(. lind Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart, Mr, Mrs, E. '. I'llI'll' tlnc.l child\' 11 , in Day~oll. und Mrs. Cylde Everhart. Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Everhart were CinclnMr, llntl lI1r~. 1I1yer Hymnn and mlti visitors on Christmas Day. ~o n Ill" dinn I' ~ue, ts OIf Mr. and Mrll. :Sol Hurwich, in Lebanon, The W. C. T , u. will meet .a t I hi ~ evening. the home of Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall Thursday ' afternoon. DecemMr , harl('s Fit\hr nd fomily, ber 29, at 2 o'clock. Everyone flf incinnl1ti, were hri stmR welcome. dinner gu.est s of It·. W. H. Allen and family. Hobart Marsh, of Springfield. Miss Glenna M.arsh, of DayVertlcnn Fox, who is a sludent nn(1 ton, were Christmas _ guests of tit Wittenberg college', is spending th II' parents, Mr. and MTS. Frank lhe holidays with he r pllrcnl_', Mr . larsh. lind MfR. :Frank Fox. Mr, and Mrs, Clyde Evel'hart, of Mr. aDd MI's. liver Davis and R hID . h I Mlddltown, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul 1l1 I i. s ac I' aVI sp nt rslma!! Everhart , o'f Miamisburg, weI' Ilt the home of Mr. nd 1\1r/:!, Petel' hl'lstmas guests ot their pa re nts. D mas in N~w Vi en na. Mr, and Mr . Fred Everhart. ... I ~ M H d ,,,1'. Rn(,l'. . . ye !' yman all 4.H CLUB WORK son, MI'. (lnd 111/,,,. ,lilt. Robitrter nd daught I'!ll nded Ma,onle TO BE RAD IO FEATURE party in Lebanon, Tuel ac.lay evenl'n", " • F' t ' th t I th MI'. Jnhn J.
SO~ Important feat\lre. of the New
1. A Six-Cylinder 05 Horsepower Engine 2. New " Aer-strellm" Styling • 3. Sa! ty Plate GlIlS$ 4, A Starting lnuovlltion- The Sturt ratol'. 6. implified Free Wh e Bng 6. Synrro-Mesh Tran mission with Hent eeonl l 7. More Miles PCI' Gallon 8. A 63 ,-pound Counterweicrhted l'ankshnft '9_ Fi her "No ~dr ft" Ventilation 10. A Fourteen-Gallon Fuel T'ln l1. Airplane Type Instrument Panel 12. Hal'dwood and te I Bodies b~ Fi her 13 . It's Lower, Longer and Roomlel' 14. Fisher "Anti-draft Doors 15. Larger and tor Pow rtol Brak fl 16. A Heavier Double Drop Fr ame. , 17: Easier Sl ering 18. Cushiol1 Balanced Engine Mou ~ ting 19. Stabili ~ed Front E nd onstruchon 20. Octane Selector
"4HeaCJ~bngwo rke h~~n ::ucati~:~
h'. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, K 'nn th Fromm amI brl,~n Banta of I lawore, 81'e sp ndlDg their hrlAtma!O vacation with home folk hOl'e. d I f A . rlllh.r erlou , epl em 0 IIu I~ rag1l1g in th rs (!omr!1uutty, especI.nl,ly ~lll?ng the' youn~er ~enerlltlfJ n. F\lttu~\1lely" no btaHtie hllve as yet. t suited. hrll<tma dlnlJ l' gUI!stlJ ot ?ttl'. and MrR. F. II. Henderson and Mi s ul~e wet' > 11'. DDIll Newsock of Br okville Mr Kath'ryn T\lrn l' Mr. and Mrs. Joh~ B. (Jo n.
valuo," the 1933 4H Radio service LEBANON, OlJlO P.hontl 326 will open on JanuarJ 7. with a _ , di cussion of the tblnjf!l a club member learnB from helping In the -:: organization of a 4H Club. Lucille l\10risey, who . has been a club Don't torlre~ , 'fo a Frlen.d member in Paulding County, Ohio to send the 'fo r New Year tor eight years and president of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!~~~ her club for lIevllral ye.rs, will tell _ _ _ _ _ ~ _. __ how e;hlb work appealed to her Jlbout th 'Pr~j~t8 IIhe IIOlected, and why lIhe beheve~ that cl~b work presents splendid educa~onal a~ van~ages for the farm girl. Vh'all Slmder, a 4-H local leader, also from Paulding County will explain how enrollmentll of new member• Mr, Jo~ McKln ey and family •.are encouraged a nd how c0'!lmunof :Morrow, and MI'. li nd Mrs. A. . tty support tor club work 18 88ColleU, of HlIl'v :ysbutll', were s ured. An explanation of h ow .. hri ·tma. guests of 1~!Jo. Alioe 4-H club is organized, a.d option of McKinsey and Miss Heruietta. the ~\ln8titutlon, election of oftlcers seleotion of local leader, appointW A 'TE 200 Plymouth ~oek. 6 ment (It committeea, and the like to 7 lb. hens, Hc delivered. will be ~iven by Edwin Lowe of ma~1 hen~, sta!\', (rye. etc, ac- New London County, Conn. Edwin l! o!,c1l11g Q~ gt·ade. No, wormy or hall b~en a clublllember for four th~n poult! y accepted . f hone 99112 years, and wa. selected al a dele~ Will Guatrn. ga~e ~o Camp Van in 1932. He hall Mr. nnd M1'1\. l\1l1 rr <lY (fopldnB, been iQ8trllPientai in organilling a - f Dayton . and Mr. and Mrs. JJoultr~ clu~ and a weedleaa rarden ta.ileL. h c lub, Pirector C. W. Warburton S.tnnley B' Ch (ond_ f a~g ~er the United States Departmenrtl'-v-", J " , . ~ojned in the l' 8 ma!1 est vlt e8 ot Arrtculture will diaeulIII the at the home Cif fro and Mrs. E . need tor 4H clUb work. The new W. Hopkins. 4-JI music serle• . wUl brinr eaeh Dr, '3Od :11'.. Bailey Campbell of month .ome "Iectlons from the Hotel Biltmore Dayton and Dr. world's great compOiere. During and .M 1'fI. J. E.' Witham' and Mr.'!. the, January program, compositions usan Anlold called on Dr. ,G. by Schubert. Mozart, . nd Berlioz Randall ltnt! . fartlily ill Harvey~bti1"g wlU b. prClsented. " I hl'i,tma tl!teJ,Vloon, ' I Station. scheduled to c!lrry program. Eastern Standard tIme, Mr. lind 11·s. Ernest Manh, Mr. J.2 :30 to 1:30 p. m. For thiB section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l1li• • • • • • • • • • • and 1\'11'8, IIIbb J't Johnson and Mr. Cincinnatt, WLW,
Will be held at theWaynel vil1e School Gymnalium on
Monday and ruesda-y_, nuarv 9 and 10 1933
Good Local Entertainmenl an-d Good Speakers ,
Lebanon, wcre hristmas ay _--,.... andM~Burn~~~~o~b~ guest~ of and ~rrs, Erllf!st ::~~=:~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~===~=:~;~~~~~;; MI'.
Mr. and M~~ . R. II. Davi!l, of Dayton, Mr, and Mr'. . Samuf'l BUUer\\'01'Lh, has. W, Frye and family, MI'. 8111\ · }lII'8, Ed Cook all d Geo. W . P rn tt en j oye d a hrislmas fea~t at t hl! home of Mr, and Mrs. arl Fryc~, Sunday. M r(;, Belle D\nwle'4Ie entertained her entire .f$mll:y at a jolly hristma8 dinner, Sunda)'. The guests wel'e; Mr. and Mrs. F loyet ~vnge nnd family, ' of Five Point, MI" . Ilnd l'Ifrs. Tl'u man Ward,low an d daughter, and. 'Mrs, Lilah Strouse and son,
Do You Read the Old' Home Paper
Celeblatln~ the fift;y-firet anni ... ersar~1 of thel\' marrlagll, Mr. ' tl nd Mrfl. J ohn , Hawke entertained ·th member of 1.helr family and MI'I'. Mal'Y Hopkins and Miss Mary Hawke. of Dayton. at an 'labon1t nOllo-tide fe ast, sel'Ved 'It t heir home, last &l.urct&)'.
Mr'. !lnd MI'8 • •J, 0, Hawke called Mel!8rs. A, D. Haines, M.ar}\all Hal'lan and Stepht!n W illiams li t the Ma~on i c an d K. of P . homes in Spl'ingfield, unday afternoon. All of the Ji'ent lemen I~ent hearty greeting!> to their man)' friends' in t.his community. n th
Fire of undetermin ed origin, but possibly cau ed by an overheated chimney, did quite a bit of damage to the floor of an u{l8tain room at the home of' Clarence Gwinn , on Harvey ' lI,} ,e's farm , south of town , on SUll day af ter noon. It L th ought thllt the loss, which was fully coyeJ~ed by inau i'/lnce will 1lOt eX!leec! '61l~ Mr. ani! felps. 11. p. N.~iUer eDtel'tained the fll!1owjlli I!;uestit ..~ a (~l1y family d ,i n!!.!' It'll 61ull£mas Day' 1\{r. and M.n. Jlu,,"U R~Il~ still 'a~d oa:!!hter, of Portsmou"" Mr. lind )irs. M.' A. Qornell, Mr, and M~. W. E . Cornell. Mr. an d Mre. D. R. Salbbury a nd family, Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Comell, Ml'. and Mrs. Wal'1'eR Bra4doek and ~au ghter, aad Mr. B arq tt,ater· Mr, and Mre. Leon ' Sa li. bul')', dauglltel' an d lon, Mr. , andl1.Mn f Rassel Benlon, and .,. rn and Hr_ and Mrs. Jack Prltz, 01 Cleveland, Mr_ a nd Jrka., dRa". , Rye, and children an 1'. and MH, RuueH Salilbul'l ud famlly formed a happy ChrIatmu party at the borne of Dieir W. P. Mr. and
chihlrell ate
It i• .fUlI ·every week with ito"'t of' interelt to every reacl." It i, )'our paper to
read and u..
at all
do Jour Job Worlc
Eighty-Sixth Year
January January January January January January January January
Harvest in HOARD OF EDUCATION Death'., Community Not So EORGAMZED FIO~E HeavvDuring Week NEW YEAR'S IW 0RK MRS. MORln~
JANUARY 4, 1933
6 Mason Grange, Regular meeting.
Number 6 47
7 Waynesville Grange, Regular meeting. 9-10 Farmers' Farmers' InstitLte Institute at at Morrow Wayncl/v ROGERS ~~~!~~~~~~~~~~ 11-12 . ill e. 13-14 Fa1'l'llel's' Inlltitute at Mason. Funeral serv ices for MI'!;. Morris __ IS HamiltQn Townl!hip Grange, tegular meeting. , Rogers, \\ho died at her home on 14 Massie Town.hip Grange, Regular meeting. Seth Sid'Well ElIi.. H •• Ginn the the Town~hip road. west of lQWll , 111185 lara Lile I:!pent the we k- John O. Cartwright Write. Leuer Superintendent George J •. Graham 17 Warren County Fruit School, conducted by Moat Yean of Service.. )a t. Wednesday morning, were end with relatives at Washington ' ReealliD&, Hi. Di.trict Expired at Home in Xenia, County Agricultural Agent Miller, A. L. Pierstorff, held at the A. H. St,ubbs funeral C. H. and Frank Beach, of O. S. U. Pre.ideal of Board home, Friday aft rnoon and burial School Day. Frida,. Night M.iss LQuise Hcnder!\On wa~ the Janu~ry 18 Springboro Grange, Regular meeting. ....ia mad ,'in the nterville January 19 Lebanon Grange. Regular meeting. cemetery. Mr~. Rogers IS survived guest Qf frie nds in Brookville over January 2() M'allon Grange, Regular meeting. . At theil' first regular meeUng for by her husband, a daughter and the week-e nd. J anua ... y 1, 1933 George J . Gt'aham, 8,5, former January 21 Waynesville Grange, Regular meeting. the yeaI' 1 !133, Monday evening, foul' 80n$. M I's. Harvey Rye Was hostess to Deal' H(losie r : sup r intendent ot Waynesville January 26 liThe Forage Problem." Topics discuss cI by J . A. the Wa "'ne Township Boud of I want" to tell you of the interest the membet's of h e~ bridge club, d F Id . h D Slipher. Memorial ~all, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m . , R F E 1 have had in YOUI' ~c.hool history, schools, die l' ay mgt. ecem· January 26 Forage tor another part of WArren County. Di sJ:;duciltion complied with the letter BERHNA 0 ,U RST Thursday aHerMon. especi ally as you are now coverber 30, at hi s home in Xe nia. He cUBsion by J. A. Sliphe r, Morrow, 1 o'clock. of the tat.e law whic h says that Bernhard Fuerst, agec,l 77 yeal'S MI·. and ~I's. E. . I'llne and ing the period when I wa in my had been ill of heart disease since January 27.28 Farmers' Institute at Springboro. they sha ll reorg~nize at the fi l'st died at his. hOllle on the .D ayt? nchildten, of Dayt.on, spent Sunday 'arly chool years. I wonder if January 3L Fllrmers' Institute at Harveysburg. reg-ular mc eting of eaell calendar L~banon pIker neal' the JunctIon with Ml'. and Mrs. D. L . rane. Chrilltmlls night when he sufferlld anyone cis had the experience year. The process of reOrganizn. WIth ~oute 73, Tuesday. December a serious attack. Prior to that that my brother Ilnd 1 ha.d. We Ronald Hardin return d to started in the old frQme building time h had been in excellent tion in this instance consisted of 27. HI death was the result of a ~= the el etion of '. . El1is and R. t~o-week~ illneSll with a compl!ea- Wittenberg ollege Monday, after lin Ute J oseph Haines farm, and health. M. H awke to succeed th n1 . elves tlon of dl eases:, Funeral servlc~!! spending hl'istmas vacuti n at 'bout ctober 1, 18 0 (a m~nth Prot. Graham. as he was always for another y at. a s prc~iident and were . held at hI S lat~ hO.me, Frt- home. del y on acc ount of the building kno wn locally, was one of tM lead· vice I'l" side nt of the board. They day. afterno.on! Rev. Mlt~er. of unfinished, much to the de. Mr. T. . "Mudd 'n, of NOI·th ing educators in Ohio fOT years.. n.wer. Ina a hnd t1ir d thejr clerk tOl! a period Dayton~ officlatmg, and bUI'lal was Lewisburg, Ohio, WnIl t.he gue~t of ~lbeing ght of t h tlmall boy) wer popils He retired from the profession in (If ' Lwo yeal't;, last Jllpuaz:y, and made tn Beavercre~k ee meter~ . in the new Coll"g ' Hill building, 191 6, when he relligned as superinThe Emmor Baily home, so long hod 111111) entered in to contrllct Mr. Fuert is 8urvlverl by hI Mrs. W. H. Madd en, {onrluy and ( nd lal'ch bt, 1881, moved to the TueSday. tendent ot Xenia schools. aiter and so favorably kn()wn to our en- wi til t he Waynesville National widow, two sons and ftv daughBe1ll.mltJk pjk and ntered dishIding that post nearly flv y~ars tire community as the abode of lliank .at. the !lam ti'me .to act as ter~, Mrs. Ada Jenkins and Mrs. Lena lrict No. 7.] woulcllike to know ,if {tnd for more than 26 years 'Pre· . . depo,ltory Jor school j:und f o1' JES"E BENTON EDGINGTON Hartsock accompanied Mrs. Doris l n YOne el e a tt nd ed school in all vlous ly prinCipal of C ntrnl High hospltahty, kindness and good the same length of time. A resolu. ;> h~c buildings. You r l' cords Hollingshead to Wilminglon 'hoo l in Xenia. He was a teache r cheer, in no more. Mr • Elizabeth tlon was also adopted thaI. ap. Jesse B nton Edgington. aged Tuesday. hould show t hat, fl'om October, or executive school head for over Mrs. Vern Hough is quite sick. Baily, much more widely and ai. 1portions the finances to the vari. G9 year, who lived on a farm 18 0, untll the close of chool in 50 b f d hear Leba'oQo, died at Miami The Friendship club of the 1. y aI'S. M and Mr Ralph Truax spent 'fectionately known as Li:tzie ou sU - un s, V 11 h 't I ' D ft E. church will meet at the home the spring of 18 1 the College Hill Pro:. Grah~m was born on a t he rw~ eek-end 'in Cincinnati. Baily, departed thl life about. 10 ,' Cl," Id ell 'Ell!, t he newly a ey PI a mayton, a er of Mrs. WI')I troud, Wednesda"', district had t hre teachers, Miss farm In Wa. hlngton county, Ohio. o'clock last aturday mOl'ntng. r .el ct d pr(' Id nt of the board. an illness caused by pneumonia .. ~. King, Mi~s Mosher and Miss DidNo.vember 7, 1847, the son of Mrs. Mary Hopkins, 'of Da. yton,. Her death came as a sad shock to l has ~lready given more consecu. and other complication. Mr. :January 11. rick an. In this I believe 1 am W I Ison ~n d ar~ h Di ek son Grah am is villiting Mr. and Mrs. J . C. her many friends. It was known tive y ar!! ot service ITl this ca.· Edgington wa~ twice " d ' married and Miss ELhel Mendenhall spent. right. Be was reat'cd on the farm, at- Hawke. that she had been a victim of paclty than has any ()th~3 r DIan ill tWI~e WI o.wed. hiS Bec~nd CO~l. Sunday ;n Dayton. Mrs. Margaret Your history h.as been 01 further tended tho district ' Bchool and diabetes for several years, but 80 th e history o'f either th~ township pamon havmg formerly been Ml II Hadley substituted for hel' at the Interest because my grandfather, Bnrllett academy in his home Mr. and M'l's. James Lo~elY and orten had -she rallied and resumed or town chool/J. Available records Ann,a Bell~ Doggett, of Bellbrook. Friends Hom-:. Absolem E. Merritt, WIIS ~ member county. He received 1\ ,certified d.augh.t ers spent Sunday WIth rela· her aelive pla~e in Hfe her friends si nce 1848 bear out thE' truth of He IS sUI'Vlved by evers l. 80ns and of the' Board of Education, and a to teach school when he was 16 bves In Middletown. could scarcely realize that it wa ibis statement. Not oOily is his daughters. Funeral sel'V1ces were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hay, Mr. prime mover in building the years of ag , but did not begin .M d M s Tom Hurst of not to he so once more. term of service u president the held at the McClul'e funeral ho~e and Mrs. Albert Marlatt and a "Union School." The item that She wa stricken thepreviou long st, but he has ne'tlcr served Tu esday a~t.ernoon. and bunal large party of friends from Ollborn father and his as ociates had tbe t.eachlng until he w~s 19. He Sri!' ba:ro ~~lied on M.r. 'and taught two terms in hIS home dis-'Of rJ 'Lo I day even Saturday evening soon after her on the bolm} ln any other capacitv Was mad m the Spring Valley attended the Jr. O. U. A, M. dance idea of centralization IIfty yean .... 1'11. ve y, un - return , . . ' .i, where s h havmg ' . to the p r t e cemetery here , Tue-.J t I'i Ct ,and th . e'!l wen t t 0 Sangamon in • ames from CInCInnat been elected sl.· ..... ay eve n'Ing. ago is very intere ting. May I suggest that duplicate or county, Ilbnols, where h taught C 'had ben called by the death of her dency on the night he fi rst assumf ur term. Because of hhl father's Miss Gnce McLardie, of Day- brother Warner Devitt, She soon ed office a a me",b~r of the board mQre copies ot your articles be railing health he retur~ed t o Oh~o ton, WBI the guest of Mrs. Ada appare~tly rallied to the kind ProbablY his nearest compeU. filed in th school 01\ township und 'for two tel!ms again taught m Jenkins at the Friend Home on ministrations of loved ones for a tor for this honor is found in the library. his home ~fi~tric;t school. ' . unday. short time, but l)alure eventually pe.rson of the late J osillh Hough, With kind regards, Very truly, He married MISS Mary E . HOBom . 4~JTlIlnded its toll. · ,father of hal'le!\ M. Hough lind . f Lale Conner Bpent last week I~ A throng whiOh Included fellow Mrs Allen Emrick who served as \.....I Dec.ember 26, 187'7, and the young J. O. Cattwrill'ht. couple went to live at r.ebanot:t, Clnt'innati, the Cll.est ot tllB JIl~1'll:lers i'n the New Century pre~ident for seve~al years whi)~ ....-------~----..,.---------_-_ _.J P. S. Please tell John Hawke whel' Mr. Gra.Jtam ,took a cou!"'e brother-In·law and SIster, Mr. ,.,n4 cllJ,b, r.fiami Chapter, O. E: ., and representinR old No. 12 (later the Tuesday wal. inde~~ ~ bW'lY day Of course. chief interest in this that he omitted some thlnrs that at Lebanon unlversltr, 'from whIch Mrs. John Kelly. Farmers Grange, and wInch com· Lytle> diRtrict) on the board. The at the Court\\OU\le til t..\lbanorl. As community centered in the io- I eould tell, but won't. • • • • he -:vas gradaated m 1879. ImMost of the local business pletely filled the laa'ge hou e, at· late Davi Furnas also saw several Monday \\'&11 tlle I gal New Year tallation of ommlllsion r Keller mediately afterward he was em- 1I0uses were cl08 d on Monday tended the beautifuU y s:impl vcars of service a.s president in ,holidaf, new \,loupty officers were Hook, who wa chosen to serve as Many thanks, John. for your pl~ye~ as ' superl~tendent and afternoon and evening, because of funeral served Of the Ftiends the earlier dayS', as did Cyrus not indullted Into qffio \Intil the president of th board Sheriff kind words of appreciation. The prlllclPal. of the hIgh s choo~ . at the New Year holiday. conducted in her memory, Mond~y Smith. fatheT " f Geor~e J. and later date, All bad . previously Hufford has named 'his on preparation of these articles ill Wnynesvllie. He held. the posItion a'fternoon. The remains were lalll Miss • al'a~ Smi~h. taken their oath of office, and all William Hufford Jr., a his chief proving to be quite ' a source of for even years, and In 1886 went Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burton to rest in Miami cemetery beside _ _ _ ____ - - - w~re received by hosts o~ happy deputy, while Cliff Beckett Jr., will intet'e t and pleasure to me. I to Xenia a prinCipal of the hlgb an" daughter apent Sunday at th, ,he!' husband who had preceded her Are Becoll1ling 'fr Iends and remembered WIth bow- serve in like capacity f or lerk note, however, that you modedly school. . home of Mr. a~d Mrs. Art.,ur In 6eatb a few years ago, erB of beautifUl flower, Collins. S urveyor VanHor,n is said refrain from mentioning the fact As a member of the diftlO State Atkinson nellr Lebanon, With the exception of a few Mena~e In C~ounty The new offiQerll Installed In- to have selected his bl'other, Rob. that you. yourself, were a me!nber T ~chers' A~ocjation" W e s t e r n ' . Y!!Art! r~ltl4ence in Springfield, Mrs ~. _ ~ ".. eluded: Kellar Roal and flayes W. ert Van Horn of Fran~lin, to of the first Board of Education for OhIO' Supertnten(1ents RoundMr. and ],In. N. A. Kmg, of Bai1y Jived a busy life of u efulKeever, replae\n, W. D. Corwin serVe a Chiefl of the County Road the .Wayne Centralized Table, Central Ohio Teachers' as- Kni htato n Ind. J ere Sunday --tIftd-tc~ndllellll to those abo'Qt Rais are becoming a .serlous and Emery Beedl as memb~r~ ot Maintenance depart.ment, a pOsi_+!'lmnlIDt-D1strict:-1l1i1d-'-1!Iet"-t--u- - - ---' ocistion the Miami Valley School- evening' and Monday guests of her In our community. She Is 801'- menace tn n,any fal'mB in Warren the board 01 County COmml!l810n- tion until l'ecently held by Eden masten' club and department of Mr. and Mrs. Wlliter Elzey, vived by her daughter, Mrs. Jose'ph County. ~{any requests have come el'S: Ralph H. Carey, replacing W. Terry. superln.tendents, o~ the Nati~nal M~rshal 'JOY was called to Leb- B, Cbapman, of Columbus; .her tb ounty Agent Miller for III Roll &II Judge of the Probate 1n addition to thes activities in EducatIon a~clatton he ~as WIde. ano , Tuesday afternbon, to give SOft, Emmor D. Bally, who reSIdes methods 01 extermin~thlg t hjs pest ~ourt: J ohn W. Vanliorn, raplac· the VIII'/OUS offices, a I.\ew Grand gun. You dou~t1e811 remember, alaft ly ~1town m . the teachIng pro- evidence bef re the ' grand jury, near Lebanon ' .nd a brother, Fred It is conservatIvely 6l;Umated by In~ .... 0, Mqn.fol'~ as ~urveYdr; Jury ; ",as ~mpaneled, Tuesday ,I,hat the preSIdent. of this ft~ fe!l~aon ~f On~o and other states whIch had a s\mbled that mbrning Devitt, who ti s aided in the came the United S at~s Dep~rtment of WllIlam Hulford. repla~lng How· morning, and wall started on what hoard wa George J. SmiUl, Ule and maintenance of ber home Agricul~ure tha~ thertt i: ~ ' ,40 ard Fulkertl\ , as Sherlfl'; Clyde is expected to be a busy invelltiga- only ell todlan our high IIchool dUrlng .h~s actIve y?ara. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. An· sin-ce the death of her husband. damag to each and ev ry farm in Collins. elected to serve as Clerk tion ot alleged violations of the building has ever known, and himSurVIVIng are hI widow, two daught,:~, Mrs. L. K. Sone, New drews and 80ns Jo[e 81ld George, Two aged aunt~, MrR. Jane Wright pur county, annlla1l1. of Caul ~s, t.o which Ilffiee be had laws. Added to theile, t he tax col- elf the worthy son of a father York. CIty. who was at her fatlte~s of Island View, Ohio, are spen4lng .nd Mrs. Juba Donovan, three With this problem in mind. Feb- previously b\!en a(lPoin\ed after lection situation is ~aid to be ill Q who had done mueh lor our Wa)'l1e T wnshlp ' ::lchools.-:-The Hoosier. bedSIde, Mrs. . O. Hale, Xenta. their vacation with Mra. Emma (ff'andsons and a granddaughter ruary 28 has been designed as the the death 01 hi, predeeessor; and rather muddled cond'itio'(\. and one ,son, George .J. Gra~m, Hamilton. a180 survive. She was quite proud day on which rats in Warren I p Ollatd' DUatUllh, Allen Huff"· __ ••_ __ !:,roprietor of the. Aldme Pubhshof the tact that one of her grand- county will b fed their last lnlla) mlll'l, Mit W. 0, Gilmour, who suc· Mrs. Cordia Truax and .Mrs. mg company, Xema. Mr. W. E. Cornell and daugh- sons Is the fifth genera't ion of the of a pp~ipn wlli~\t wHI Cll"Se eer- ceedetl themselves 88 Prosecuting How81'q Florence and daughte.r Law Blair LOlt Pro.f. Graham was a mem~er ot ter, Mrs. D. R. Salisbury, 8pent family In direct descent to bem' tain death. Jnformatjon on this Attorney, Oounty Recorder and '!'(ne guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe in the FJl"Ilt M. E. chu~ch, Xenla and the week-end at the home of Prof tbe name, Emmor Bajly. rat killing campaign will be pub. Coroner, respectively. E. B. f411 ..... Tinney, Sunday. belonged to the officl~1 board. Fra- and Mrs. Wlllilm Michener In lished frequently in your local relJ, l'e-elected to the olftce of • _ . ~_ _ ternally, be was a member of the Pittabul'J'. Mrs. Gtenn Blanll attended an pap I'll and can also be obtained County, 1't'easurel', wlJ! not enter I The iiiI'm of Law & Blair, well Masonic lodge. . Mr. and Mn. Frank Stansberry O. E. 8. officers' school of in struc- from your cou nty agricultural liP on tllS new term until next Sepand widely known conductors 4)t Funeral ser\T1ces were held at and family enjoyed a IlUmptuouB tion at S.blna, last Thursday. ngent. Keep this date in 'mind , te~!lel'\ motion and talking picture theathe First M. E. cburch, Xenia, on turkey dinner at the home of M.r. Monday at 2 p. m. Burial in Wood and Mrs. ROlli! Andrews, nelr Oi~div~dual in the eonland ce",etery. __ • land, SundllY. Poor relief bonds in the amount lIagratioll that totally destroyed By Albert T _ -Reid On the Fenc. of $30,400 iSllu!ld under an act ,of Lebanon municipal building at Mary Carolyn ,L ukens, Qf Har. __ _ _ _ the last legislature, were sold by an early hO,m' on Chl'istmal! m0".tveysburg, spent part of her holi· Warren county on Tuesday of last Ing. Acc o.rdmg to J .. Ray Law theIr day at the FriendlJ Home "uch to wee.k to the Ryan~Suth~tland Com- loss~8 will approxlll~ate $12,O.~(), of her Grandmother' pany, of Tllledo. hial\est at eight partlally~o 'IIfed .by ,"sul'A~ce. All and other residents of bidders on th. Milue. The sale was of thet\' calking picture equlpme.nt, home. Quite a bit of ~xcitement preIliade tq tile Toledo concern on a inc;J __ ding the ~creen, proJection vailed abo'u t town this morning Hr. and Mrs. lrving Pence, of <\; 3." ,p er cent issue and broullbt booth and mllchmery, and 12 reels whel1 it was reported that Shrofe Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Homer a premium 0'1 $129, 01 1Um, was destroyed. by t.h~ fire. B. Ludwick, resident managel" of Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Will St. The funds will be m~ Ie available Me_s~~. l~aw . & ~1alr ol'lg;nally th,e local Fairley hardware store, John and Roeemary Bentley were for relief ;purV .e~ in Warren fo?nded the ~}amJ theater In the was the victim of what appeared Sunday dinner guests OJ! Mr. and county atlq funds will be distribut. WII.ia~so,n bUII~in~ ,at the corner to be a selt-intlicted bullet wound. Mrs. Jeff Smith. . A h . of MaIn and l\1Ulnll streets, now Il .... among t e townshlP.s of th ~cc\Jpi d so.1e1y by the Centra) Reliable information ooncerning the OCCUl.'an,ce is meager. Miss Katherine Bowman, who is ~~untytUid aeft~dt~nc e WIth. ~ppHca garage. For ,yeaI'S, the enterprise About all the facts we have been employed as a nurse the General so ns al e ~h e co~ml~lon:~i floul'i h'ed, some ot the best piei. able to glean are that a Jocal phy- hospital.ln Cinclnnat'i' l Is q~ite evedr . mothn s a~Q, esd.'m ~ Ing E UI'es Qf the- day being shown ' to nee s i n e varlQus 18 t Flets. ' I d f r c·' I·zens. T"e sieian was called professionally to sick. Miss Bo..rnal'l ill a si8ter of Th b 1 'Il " . h , arge crow s ou h fI L I e a ance WI I'emaln tn t e theater was later sold to T. Irving ..... the Ludwic.k home shortly after Mn. 0FVil1e Gray. county fund for care of tubercuP f L b n ho SUAC6_Mr. and :Mrs. Orville Gray and 8 o'clock. t.his morning. The doctor . Jed. ch'Ild rell fully ence, conducted 0 e non. " .......I081'.... pa t'le~ t s an d crlpP it "for several treated, Mr. Ludw!Ck for a bullet daughter, and )felllrB. Chester h!ord!fl!s~ellan~lolubs rehe! lW ork: years long r. With the advent ot and , wound that, seemtngly~ had been Carey and Frank Robinson visited T e IV1Slon WI. e a ~o Iowe ound pic~\lrel!l, interest in the ael! intlicted from a pIstol of .38 friends and relatives hi Cincinnati Clearcreek to.wn8hl~. ,too; Dee.r. ~i1ent mil vies waned rapidly, alJd ~~~~:r~b~~: ~~~ei~~h~8 e~ote::ed I~~~ ,Sunday attemocm. field , t,ownshlP, $900; Franklm t he local place was evelltually town8~IP, $2300 ; FranklIn Wei· abandoned of center and through the space Kr. and Mn. Myer Hyman and fare Committee, $4000; Hamilton __ _.___ •___ __ /)etween the fourth and fifth ribs. IOn WerlCUIlJtI of NT. and H1'I. tClwneltip, $1000; Harlin township It bad emerged from the back, .. Sol Burwieh at a ,,'a ~'alock dinner LACY ~CARTER ,800'i ' Massie tQwnship, $200, I shor:t; distance below ,the ,l eft arm. Hrv~ at their hOllle In Lebanoll, Salem townsh'ip, $500; Turtlecreek ,Mr. Harry Lacy and MISS Mary Ba'lTing the development of unfor- lut Wecln..qy ''fm~, .' township, $6000; Union township, Cart.et aurpris d . their frienda lIeeD complicatlol1s, th. wound I. . , $450;, Wasbington township (none not considered to be lerlous. • JJIIl.I Gibbonl alld J. P. Tho~ when they went to Covington, 1<y., reque ted) ; Wayne , township, and were· quietly married Jut Th. doctor m~e an tlJllbedtate left )fonday, for a trip to ,Florida. '1500, tuberculosis work aod c~u'C Saturday. and compl.~e report of the wOlllld Mr. aDd Mrs. F'rank Kanh are of crippled children, ,629Q l unMrs. Lacy is the third daughter to Manhal Joy, .. he ie required ..... Mrs. GlbboDS with th~ allocated for work relief purposes of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Carter, to do In lueh c..... That 01llclal. ean of the farm , durlna James ,7160. who fQrmerly resided cn the Le. in tum, forwarded the report tQ absence. May farm about mld~way b.tweeD the oftlce of Sherlfr Rufl'ord. Mr. ..d )(ra. WalteT Elley, MOTHERS CLUB WayftesvilJe and Mt. Holly OIl the .... lira. Sarab Llpplneott . .d lI..... Xenia pike. Until just recentl, ..... ENTERTAINED FRIENDI AT Moaher aDd Frank s.wke was enrolled .. a student· I'D the NEW YEAIlS' EVE PAilTY 1 'w4.4~... at the home of IIr. and Mn local lUKb eehooL lteJllletll Ekey In Dayton, SU1Iday Mr. Lacey, ill · an youne flll'lller, a 1011 of Mr. and lin. Fred Bnclcloek, att.rDooll. Usa anel Ii... 011 MI'. and )(n. Dallas Bacer, and Uaclenroed fa1'lll, t ., ....... III'. aDd lin. I'n.nIr Be. 1p01IIO.... tile Tow_iP eel an IDvltatlo. cIuee ad wateIl at the lalor .n, .turdq ~~~l~~ coaple wm
Mr•• Elizabeth Baily A P" I C II
Tuesday Extremely Busy Day at The Warren County 'ourth ouse
• •
& Heavily
lin. 1 : _ fW
- -
- ; . . .
7 he L Ittle Red, District School as it 1NEWS GLEANED Ex.isted in Wavne 10wnship fo r l' ears
fROM COU_RJ H' USE C,,"'rt, " PI .. , Proc:ee~lin •
)Jy T~ _HOO 'lER , Fnul'th, the di:;L!ln('I' 111'<'('" or' rnr Tho '"slIluti oIJ f ill' '''''II'll1n;lI h'n Thl' til"" HI' 'I II ', . "IUl'lII Act'CII( ' M "S. ch, pmnn, Cnrtwril!'ht the rhildl'o.'n to \\!llk IH'II" th~ Ilul· ' PI'II((<lings, iTll'luJlnr II Il'('hlll~1I1 011" Cnl'lll)tatlull VI'I"";; Wl1liom .,",1 Glll'd. ,the Ilcntleml'll Ilh l) lll.le\ road lhrouA"h CII'\' ;111 untl .from d,'~'l iVli,ln " I' til(' Int. III IIlC 11' \ ' . ,Ic CH l,,', .11'" \\'a Iligll\i.l<,'d thel'~ to 'WR~.'I1 I')"'i1Ie ;,. lln,'l,r ' 111\ pOI'ntl'ti in Ih ... lIlinull's. "itll, III l'I'I'O I'd. ulll1llttNI thlVP T('~nlulion8, wel'~ lice unt of ruilJ'ofid tl'nin!', pll,\~'ln" ' ' \ ·1,1 'l'iu 1 IIIN' llng \l'lL e I':tll d, Iltl "nl lil'l'k"tl Wll" llll' pui nted n. Ill. e\ n. th(' co mmilt(!(> to cnn· v,hicle. llnimul~ ul)ll trlllTIll)<.~ I 'celli IH'I' !.,H, ' t~\ !'ollt<ici ·I'.thl' u,', dl'llIl \Y el"I'k Ill' Ihl' (!lIu rt". ' I tl' . ' l l t~ I n c' (! 0 t II 1I ~ II t , i \l lIt: I II tlu' ('/1'(' l.r \\"illiutll Sow)'<!\' 1in" UW jnv('~tigations. on,1. th t Fifth the fa l1 I1!1( I ufternoon, ~es~ rB, Gal'll, Smith rl'" rl115 ~nl (\ l~r \1~ 111)-, IlI'l' ll LI)ll)J'ai ~ J uL ,Hi,l IIY jury ill Vl'l ~\1~ "I'lli' l'l'nn~\ hanla Raill'onJ un,1 H lli n s vere nplloint('(i os " . ~ m thL' t 'fnt ory d t' '1'111 d : Lh(~ probate II\l rt. Th(l mutl"l' \\U~ ·(Jl.llp:IJI~r II C(Il'jllIl;nti nl1, (11'( 'ndanL to invl?stigat till' Ju~tly b 'l ong ~o thl' di~trl\!ts undo" l lak n u 1It1 1'1' ell n h ICl'u'tiu" until II' gil hnl·in ' wi, Io llut day llllt! I'l'· rllnlntitt \, )lllrehl\~e (If II ~ i oi charts for th ~ control of the township " 01ll'1I ,JUflU tlry 5, I ~\I. \ lH' n it \I/I S Ih" ('(' 'l'J' lit' tI "I" "d""l it ' (;Iltl t d here· a h . honl in tll<' t ",II _hip , T1ie~ F or til ~. lind oth l' rea "1~ we ol'k deled to bu y Ow I"t at ti ll' " O\lI"': ill ,'xl'l'nd., ,1. \\l'r(> to r ' port lit An adjourn d your hllO ornblo body to .l{rtlllt the v, luation "p I'ov idl'll tl,at nft "I' n III (h .. maltl'!' t,f chu ng'1! to tru~· . inn to be held on the aftern oo n PI'I1Yt'l' l<et ftll'th in til' ab ,)\' " \ c(lll1ltlit te e. (II .1,\. april int "II by thi, (t l 1'" .. "PI'll! ~t' l,,1011U~ of Th e If May lG. petitiOn." I lllceti nK, hll " ill"("ItiloCutcd lhl' mat· ,\Ijll nti \' Ulll'Y CIHlll'd Pa ller ('om· Th territOl" 'In 'IU ... t;"\n htl(l tel', tlnd enn ,do nutllin !! ,in "('('ul'im!' !lDry, 'J h,' nti:.... nK Tru st 'I'" of ' . t t h I!'I adJoul'neu m ting, the been tra.t\sfer ' ~, - b~ r t . t a III t\ I If" Intl\\1l ,.ul'ltl'l' ~ullth ('b"nl" l. T I,II'(\ '. b IIPI'I'itl\('clu, tI'U,:tl'l:' nnt! 'hnrt ommitt('c (n t the ChnTt 0 11 t th let 100 ~u ·t 1>1 nc R. L, (aJ!wl·iltht. A. p , O'Nl'all T hl.' blllllu\l,I· TIU!'t Ctlllll'Sny i~ to ; la, ) r llortcd that th~y had · . · , a e Wllyn , flil1t· ,'peei.'\1 nn (1 J , G. II II Ill. 'S W\'rl' :11lj111i l\ ll'" \«( \~ \' ,.(IU, :"1' fUI ' II " lIod or nbout t w ' n t 'Y )'~aT!l PI'P' m muer~ (, f (hi ~ CUt\lmitll'l', hul •• i, ty tln)'~. .. ' I1 t h (> tellcher" and .Ii dlstr1ct . Qn rerl'c d' Wlt y' r ctOI'S of the SChoO)R at t'egon i~ ,IOU Iy at th v l'y Ul' g ent. Teque t \ (>n Jlln1.IIH~· :.!2 lh~y l'ePOl'tl'e l th :lt III 11'<' 1'1' of Th • :'Ilu\llal .Build O\jv Blanch, I,wi ng 'Hill. Hkkory of the 'ownel'S of UI.,e land. ne they <'Quid H·ne-h nn a g1'eelll l 'nt inK 111111 I, .. n (' 'ml'a!l~ V~I'~lIf- n o :>," ville, lIary jsb\l.r~. H enpeck and of whom WB!! SHtt'rthwaitc, with M I'. J o rlt' s, ~o the ~(HI'II (h', ,r . I{ohln~"n alld \\'11111 "II t' RohinI"lIlt F.wK, wh~t! the ickel on hu~bnnd of l\Gry ,T,hc ~attll rth. ! (·i(j(· c1 to u~e the clI l1(lenlflctl tin. t '"II'li 11\1<.1 i ~ II , lI t·t'c! UIIII Ji,,chnrts wer iJj use. They found waite farm is th Ill'<'l'Crty uf lot. Th e 10c~1 \I in'cl ot'" n1 Ih,' di" taihutillll. l)dit- i ~ II('~' j1!llgllllt'nl j'ot that the hllrt were quite a help HIlI-yey Rye, anti is occ lJ'pied by tl·let . ~\I('I'.e 111 tTuclell. lo pl'epll l'r \ lI!!.2(i . ns to tench ing whcn ue; d by t a cheTS onlal'ence a" tenll.n~. ,cli on s\1IlC ,un llf(ll' In~tl\ll'l the Gwinn t't' clerklnentlo t ad CI·tISI' 1)1(1 .;. 1 /11' lllil' ht' Probate Co-urt
ROOT ,FOR AND CONSIGN )'our attic. hoge, sheep and calve,. to Noms·Brock Co .• live wIre anlt pro~res ive firm ,for the highest mark t pric es' and good sen·lce. ' Union Stock Yard,' Cindnnati, O . Tun e in on Radio Stntion WCKY t2 :25 to 12 :30 p, m, for our daily market I·CTlorts.
for the Miami Ga?lelte.
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist I
iI"" .'OW
' 30 Y cnrs E:xpnlence In Fitting and Making GloUei
Cary's Jewelry Shop L.banon" Ohio Tue.d.y. Thuuda", Saturd.,
refel T ' II i o clln!ltructi on (If th l' Jouilolil1o,:' te, 'I,. Tlw fuil ,, \\ in~ lH:C unLs wei' tlPEllaminati"n F,.a the Ilt'!< \ I'to j.(ulll· prov"d. !tl)l)1I L'J IIntt c(m fi l'ulI! l.i br LEBANON, OHIO y, AprIl 30, at 2 o'clock p, m .• 1TI!'t'tinl!: of th e bonrd , tIll' cuu rt. and. the cl rk w , inslruet. ~ d to Tn the m~nntime, Oodll W, (11:'01''';0 t:. FI'y bul gol', ('xec ulor notIfy the ml'mD 1', of Wa Vnc !'· Underwo U hRd becolllc n din'('l. ,,· of tltt.' l! ~ tIIt~ of r:\l":lrtl I ' 0/10VCI'j Crop. Declined Lad Year ville pecial dl trict of said Il1'et - ,in No. 11 on ctllbt'r 23 , 1~~. del' IlHcJ, Eighth, . 1\1. harltQn operating maintanlng. l;aving b('!''n nppointed Ilnd 'lunli1,' )'(),1 } '. Wadf\worth , gutu'dinn of er, $24; '\ IIlter Leonard labor $12 Then the bonrd got bu sy and T • fled to fill th unex lllred tern) f Jt,lhn S. \Ylltl~\\''''i h, l11il1 ol' . Fir t Parvy Hill, balor, ~12; Zain According to g y rnmcni reseined the 8.doption of the ras' . MIltthl'wnlllll, who hau r - lin d Anal. sand, $787.07; Blair & ports all impoltanc fl e)d crops save IoJution, sp'Jn ored by Mr )hap - Sll1'rlc«. , V. 13. ·ar miitlltt. administrator L roy, sand: $189.90; , J. K . corn have deolined in volume this man at tb 1 t " 18yton app IIrR to noL (If til e. ta tll of 'O I'S "'nrllallan de sand, $70.85; Ma!!on y~al'. c.ompal'cd with thtl average .. .e as meetmg. . l . fil' I ll eti:!. ed. PII',L and hnal. Lumber 0 . , g'uard rail material, Yle ld s i nthe years I 9 24 to 1928. r eived and the part referring to Cartwri ' M e s rs. h :wc b' ('I'll th,o roll~ hi " .~ 11'1' ' . ' high chool education adopted: were a~ It,. M~nfolt, and .Grnbam with till' .1('('isIOll of th e Ilr(lbnt l' Minni.. t '\\ ul'l, g uard ian of 68.16 Johnston & Johnston guard Th re were pl'oduc d t,his y ar 20 "Your committee appoint d to inv ,.Jpomtedll eomJDllt ee to court. and I"\ud hnve b(>~" creat· Mado n Gnl'd, J r., minol'. 'cc 11d rail material, $1.3l: L wis & per cent Ie s tobacco. 12 pel' cent inve tigate the manner in ' whlch .es~.vJate the n cl fo a n ew ing some amcie'y I1nl\lng th m<'m· Th e C5tate of 'uUlu el W .. Thomp- Drake, Inc. , matel·ial. $27.33; less wheat, G per I' nt les' hny. we may be l afford increased bUlldl Ilg and 11 chang of , ate in bel' of the bt1urd, be~llu~c 1\ cnUct! ~un, decca. I'd. i exempt from in- Fl' nk Beal, stone, $4.50; Emma 23 P l' cent fewel' nPI)les , 3 per facilit~es for the education of our NO. , 0, and were insh'ucted to reo m eling w us held March .: t fl. h... litance lax. MolJenkamp, ton, 60c; Standard cent less oat a.nd About 2 per cent advanced . pupil~ would re peat- port at an adjollrned sessL ,n to when it was .1 citl d thll~. Ill . ca. e Th e c. tate of ALbert ,\nderson Oil 0., oils, 89; Fl'anklin Minnich I ss potatoes. orn Pl' duct Ion is fully report that we have given the be held two weeks later. , 1 a n appe al. the bQa,ld ~ould i. )( mpt fr m inherilatlce tax. tool repair, $2; Spring Grove Trac up 11 p r cent. very car (ut and labcrlous Action Oil the Satt el,thwait e-Mc" by i f ormer act1 0n 10 1\0Geolg J. Wat I'house, executor tor and Equipment Co., re'Pail'S, • - • attention, and did. on the evenln petiti on was' indifi l litely th!' c(ln demned lot f or of the e tate f Mary E:. Water- ,2.97; Van Camp Stone Co., sand ANNUAL ELECT ION Phone 78J of the 2nd da of M g postponed at lhe April :'10 mel lting, bUllchn ' P\l1·lloS~, . hou t!, tJec:ea ed, is auth'ol'ized to and gravel, $125.80; H. '1', Cook, The annual electi n of the Wayn viII bY d ~Y. :;eet .t1VJ and the committee thaL had bt!en TheRe n lA' names nppellr o~ the sell certnin bonds for interest of Kravel, $022.00; Trustees of Pub· ,s toekholders of the Waynesv ille n es. e oar 0 e ucatlO'tI, appointed to investiga( condl cions list of c\erkl! ~vh()n the , bon!' .as- said e 'tate. lic Affair, lights, $3.47; Roy Pig- Nali~nal ,~ank for the purpo e of a .d. l'ec~lved ~rom them a prop- at th hool hou e ill No. , I) I' • semb!ed for ,.ts regular spl'lI1g 'a1e by 1\ntoJl V. Black, exec ott, s harpening saw, 60e; Kilpat- electing ullectors :tor the ensuing OSItiOn. In whIch they agree to ported that th y found th t Iuild. meeting, April J6; A, E. Cheno- UtOT of the astute of Frank Black, rick-French l'tlotvrcnr Co., supplies yea)' will be held at their banking on Tuesday, January 10th jte~ool any and all puplla which we ing in such a dilapidated and I'un.... ath, No.7, Newton L" Bunnell , deceased, were approvedl, and all and ga~, $280.97, Oregonia Bridge room(l 19:13, between tbe hours oJ 1 8n(1 wllIb to IICJld them at the same ex- down condition that any aU;. I)mpt No.8, and Henry McKlnsey back aceounts are to be settled. 0., repairs. 06.10; Hadley's Garm. Direetor of Funeral S.""ie. pen!e per capita at it was now cost to repair it would be useless and on the job i~ No, 11 . ~el'e, are ~~e Alice Jone ill an epileptic and is age, repairs, $2; L. 1. Pence, re- " p. L. M. HENDER ON, Cashier ing them to achool their own unprofitable eXpense. In regal 'd to new 'local directors h ~ d. C~h\IP to be alhnilted to the Dayton State pairs, 2$; Fairley Hardware Co" pupils, but we find that this w'n th o need f or a changl' of site they Sur:!ace, Samuel . P.UR, H ard~R HO.lJitll\. su pplies, $1.34; ,D. Smart, gas, Our convenient location, suita· be an increa ed e.xpell/!e over hi t aldJ "on viewing tbe gr,)unds ornell, D. J. Wllham\Vh e~ Y W. N. Thompson, IIdministrntor $24.41&; Frank Sherwood Co., gas. ble surroundings and equipment we have been a'n h w a upon 'which the building now Corron anl'l Alb rt . ar on. of the state of 1U'0line S. Adams $4.69; East End Garage, gas, enables us to Serve to the Best as will be e P 11 g ~retolor, slands we lind it rough an din. JO$iah Hougb wa ' co~tlnued i ' ordered to ell cCl'tail'l personal $41.88; Morrow Garage, gliB, $67.. . • Advantare. . . II en by section 3 of convcnJent, there ,being a <le\lp president ot tile townshIP. board. Pl'OP rty for inter 'st of ~l8id ejltate 03; Hermetz Super Station, ga~. Pbubhsbed rulell and regula. ravine l'unning ,lIllgunally th rouQ'h After O'rganizing M. Soth Long, a'dmnilstrator of $31.62; H, T. Cooke, sand, $25.20 \lOTARY PUBLIC A MBULAN CE SERVICE ons~ ut ~0~J' committee is not the grounds: on each side 01 the paying the ;:cgular ~~ls: "oar e the e taLe ot William 1. Long, de- Eugene Harper, repair, $4; H. Natio..l B_ II of the opinion that the time branch are abl'Upt and pout)) passed a motIon :forblddmg cea ed, I to distl'ibule pay over T. Cook, gravel, $16.40; W. H . W I Wayne.wille, Obio has yet arrived when it will be places." local directors "to 'Pay cut of and a s'ign in kind certa'in litock to IFulkert-h, stamps, $1.60; S. Fred 1 .. Dr.wn •• E .t.t.a S. lll.d Phona 29 best the township to enter inThe to bu ild a.\SChOOI .funds ,-"on y. of s ucl\ distributees as will i 0., supplies, $1; Zain Armitage, WAYNE SVILLE, OHIO to thuJ arrangement wit~ the Way- ?ew bnck bUlldmg, and Gleorge ..'mploYI~g ~nntto~. m hlml reI' I the same. I· and, $63.80; W. P. McCarren, De!!'\TiUe board unless we can ' v tter, Sylvanus Hartsoek and t: espec\lve dIstriCts. More h t L. • ndel'so n was appointed garage Teot, $1.8!1. thill manner reduce our p Charles Cornell were appoiuted a luck for th ladY t Qdministrato l' of the esta,te of May · - _ . number f ., resen committee to "select a si te for 'The clerk was ms ruc , . 0 a - T. D ath, d ceased, and filed h cd And fUrl~er SU~t:U!trict d schoo!lI. !)Rid house, and report hI this vert-ise 101'. biNdS f6 r :u~~t; t~e of $30,000 with El'nesti,ne Death, Lieenaed Real Eat.t. Broker, R1T • ,WI regllr to d)s- board at the next regUlar' J1'leetin g ,\new houl'le In o. • t e l s 0 Lowry and }'tobin Thirki4!ld And r- r A uctioneer and In.uranee WANTED tnct No.6! that or, i1ln their judgment it opened the fir t of on a s suretie/i. Allen Thirkield, Ul1. IU" t.he school In that dlstl'1ct be ditl' nece sary to lIeport befo re. and each dlstrlct wa. . e G1aClys nd Fkw W.,ne.yme, Ohio =====""-- _---or. continued :for at least one yea'r, meeting, to calla meeting :lo: r tbat vast sum of $320 "for con~!nT~! Cheney ;were apponted Ilppraisers. Simple Alteration. May S.... e and other educational facilities 'oe purpose." A IeV)' for $1000 for the school tbe .next year. I J. W. Guddard was Ilpp'ointed ad· Thou •• n d. of Step •• Most Rell!!Onllble Terms furnished to the pupil in building purposes was alllo 8 ,uthor following pr!'l en dO( mini stl'ator of the est tC! of Floyd LARGE NArIONALLY KN \Vii And further, thai there be a con' ized. , and read, but Its a op e- Bryant, decea ed and filt!d bond of Reduce Labor . MANUFACT REtt will Ulrt yo u tinued d'ort made by this be dAt this same meeting, the board :feated °In be a 'com- $500 wth tanley M. :eller and in business for Y\llll' If, t:11i11j( tIl. to reduce th Jar also accepted the trand( If of "Reso ve, a L .ere . har! s E. Va'nNess II l!llretiesi Many thou ands of weary tep rect to We fumi h ntwrly our l' tf Sidney Lamb'.s ,farm :from Clear- mittee Retallick, eXI!cuUix Of mlly be l\Ved with the help of • • • eyerythlng, Many make $40 to $60 creek tOwnahlP to Wayne town- the presl .en s.a e on , a the , e Ioat f John W. Retalljck, built-in kitchen equipment, acweekly p:ofits. Steady repeat bu Ic .00 s,. . Jonathan G. Hames beca'me III ship for !,!chool purpos.es. Also, into conSideratIon the method .to d ceasetl, flI d her first. and final COI'ding to peCialists in home econ nes . Wnte quklily. G. . HEBERdlr ctor and clerk ot No 4 on under date of July 13 is note d the decrease the number of s ub-dl5- 'l1.ccount omics for the agriculturll.l exten·, WAYNESV ILLE, OHIO LING OOMPANY, Dept. l!HIU, October replacing his' :father: transfe.r of "the lot 01' pare el of tricts, and to" better accommodat Th of Lovina Smith, de. sion service at the O. S. U. Phone 80 Bank Bldtr. Bloomington, III. J 1\ ISPECIAL TREATMENT~Bem AileD Hames, who, had re m.oved land (about 20 acres) kno\l 'n as the scholars. J h E cea ed, is exempt from iinheritance The day of the kitchen' pantl'y, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ orrhoids or Pilei u SrecialiY. s his residence from the 'distrjet. the \'\lbert Stlley homestead" , iro,m A .week ? ;a't tax. they believe, is doomed. Built-in Also Varicose (enl~rged Veins ' FOR SALE DATES CALL and leg ulcers. Consultation free. C. F. Chapman p.resent('d this SUb-district No. 10 In Cleal:1t reek 8b'PP911nted dfll'Sect'LorCIO .t who Edythe M . polson and Raymond equillment is the key to compact Consult Dr'. E. M. Steel, Masonic resolution, which the township to sub·district N ( 12 t e p ae.e 0 . . nl Vo 11, R. Ross were a.ppointed adminis. arrangement and work Bldg., Wilmington, Ohio. j11 solemnl ado te ' board in Wayne township. These ' two had resIgned. " trators of the 'e tate ()f li':dwin Ross table, . cupboards, I.rontng 19'" Y P d, on SepteJo.ber tra1Jsaetions will probably l18ve H. W. Owens, of Xenta, was deceased and filed bond of 10,000 fuel ?lDS, dumb-:"'8Iter, and Sink, . Resolved, That scholars dball some bearing on our story Ii Ii ttle awarded the contract, June 1, ~or with William L Ro-s md Robel·t All kitchen eq:npment may be FOR SALE ,not attend the schools of 8ub-dis- later ' on when we come t.:o the erecting the new Mt, lIolly budd· J Shawhan a' ~u;et;es Ed C built in with the xception of the trid in whic'Q they do not resipe." organizatiOn of the Lytle Spec ial ing at ,his bid ?f $1693, his only Drummo'nd ' nnd stove. Even it mas: have a hood FO~ SALE- SS Fall Pigs. Lester .comp~tltor haV1ng been p, E. Lucius Fl'aziel' were apl)ol nted ap. above it for col1ectl~g team and .And at the May 16 meeting they distr'i ct. G1thens. Waynesville R. 4. J4 JESSE STANLEY had decided to discontinue the At the regular fall K.enrlck at $1820. The bO,ar? also pI'ni sers. \ the odors from cookmg. . FOR , ALE- Nice turkeys. See 'ho.ol in No. 6,....and to Bend those ~eptember 17, Messrs. Vettft', ~eclded t~ buy t~e~ve White and Mabelle K. Burger, administta· Another way to s~ve energy m Qlift' Burnett. llUPUs el ewbeTe· W lI lt" 't .'fartsock and CQrnelll'epol'te!i that one Yaggles Mamkms at $26 trix 01 the estate of William G the kitchen is to adJust all work- PIa.DO S20, N.", B.rU••to., Olala "" e. e II wal h ' bl payments to me deferred untIl • ' 'ng !urlaces to a . ,EA.RL KOOGLER tnd see what happened. t ey were. una e to buy any t b . Thompson, deceased, is ordered to I . ' FOR ,S ALE-Poland China male Wh t h b ground SUItable for a nePo" Sd\oont June 1, ] OJ, and not 0 ear In- distribut.e and pay OVC-f in kind t he helght. Many women have tired pigs and gilts. E. EVl,lns prone D.y ton Phon. , I,'n. ~ o.aTd a~mbl" £01' lot at Mt. Holly, );lor could they wrest. \ ' as:;ots and property to Mabelle K bocks and rO,u nd shoulders from 470R, L~bapon, " , "d l 4 T on April 16. get ' any proposition whatl!!over. . (To be continued) Bu rg!:! I'. . and sitJ. G. RalOes had replaced I hlS however, they had de- II _ . T he will of George W. Griswold, bng at tables ,too lllgh or too. ',K Enmora 8986 lather as clerk of No.4, George cided that a lot of one acrebelong- .J Info r mation ldeceallcd. wllS admitteol to probate Vetter returned to bis post in No. 1ing to Clayton Jones, would 1l1L the ' be remedied. by I 6, and A . .P. O'Neall. H. S. !need, because th board continued I g. S. Teacher:- "Where do, 1'.eal E.tate Tr.,Il.fera adJustmg the helght ?f wor1cmg Mllthewman and Willis! O'Neall them ota the s,ame committee, go who don't mind theij' )arJ obri JJ. LeSellT llnd Florence E. surfaces to the heIght of the were the new -clerk!! in NOli 10 the additjon of Henry Prater and ent ,!'I' L SCllr to 'Ii' _I.rank Deweese and May uSing them. . 11 d IS . " Timothy Marlatt and Insty ted' 8. A very SImple test for the heIght H~:nh I respe.ctlvely, but 1?8iah them to secure 'the land by u~on_ . Bmier~-"Down back of the R . F . DewEe~e. , 34 ,<l~res in Clearcreek of the work surface .can be t ~ was continued ~ prEl-l:l1dent ilemnation proceedings if they icol\~ ch'utes w Spike, Nelson's crap township. . made by standing erect and plac~ t e boar~. New. names a.ppea.r- tould not purchase it otherwise. «ame.." ~ . Nell C. Bemberger :(1 ~1.lce '~ar- ing the ,h ands tlat upon the surface Ing on the hst of dtrectors indude ' \ TIson, Inlot No. 642 un Fl.<lnkhn. If. the table II!! too high c.ut off the George Ar.chdeaeon, Daniel Shep. . =A, M. Morse and ~arah Mors? to table legs. If it is ,too , )01'0' raise it he.rd, F. C. B urne.t and Gilbert Roy Morse ~l1d ~IJdlred Morse. t-y ,usi n g casters o,f by attach~ng Graham. ' , Real c,state 10 Deerfield town~hip. block!f to thc bottom of the table
l'xperienc d in their u e, bnt the committee doubted if the good accompli!'hed would be Ct,)mme.nfurllt with th c J\ $35 per s t. However. the board decided to buy charts fOT each and very district that expre !led a wilih Cor the same. The cntralization committee submitted this rep I't. which was
"a 'oint pe I I.on
~e'lltlng t o h cu ll cl.'. Ion· PI' s(' nteil ut
dil J
F. ·r. Martin
, tan~l
Centervill_. Ohio
e"aro1l1in~ an~
~oard ~e~ided
w~ r~commenq.
b~omeB ~hat
fO\:l'i~ 'hos~
tda~ eT~
ll11ow~ ~ u~.
0~dthTieehaP1IPobll1ted ~Ot wi::~~ Be~~ic
No;" gh~ ~~s
i.ncl~des ' bo~rd,
J~ffel'Y, R~Y'
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers -
,~ol'king · whilesta~ding
Su~h un~omfortable posl~\Ong I!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~! ! ! !!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~~~!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~! '!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wh~le ~orklng ca~ fl~ homemak~r
The signatures of Mrs. ':Mary C. Satterthwaite (Charlie's. grandmother) her SI'X d 1t d , , Honty McX' 'aUI( 1 en ' an II petitio Insey were atta ed to . n , whose pl1raseology mak S It qUIte interesting: "Wei ~h under~lgned eleetors l'esiding In lh territory hereinafter de. sCl.jbcd. (but the petiti\1il.1 doea not describe the territory) do most re. p ct.fu Uy 'pray your oonOl'able body to change the :hotmdariel! 50 n to incll:ld all th~ te,'Titory east 'ttl M' 0 1 th • L1 e river now within tht' limils lIuni of Waynesvill h ~
di trict tor sch()ol pllrposes, We give these 8t1100n,g other I.:ason 101' the ~hang.! asked for it! thi8 pctitlQl'J,. First, the distance lice , ary to bo traveled in attendlng ~dlool is "ery !linch g.-eater than ,.tWaetor)' IIchool privileeeli ". ,t elf the river. Soc PJld. it is y tOT the children at vres,,~t ero O\'er the tertito1'y of I 1"1 In.te enina Khool d trlct in I l'nit'!' to .ttend thett own aehnol: lhl I' laim SO b. 00 •• ___ • the'
,C- 001
rh a btt . . . . . ."
Tefiol.utlo~ w~.!!10~0~:~ ad'YeTnhatn~hnay
sub-diatr~ctprsebsentl ~,umbe
,.. "."'1.111
A Future Mona" ch of the PfYA~st
Vincent \. Sa~e to An1\e S~ge. leg!!. . . Relll estate In Derfield township . In testing the heIght of t he sink R. H. Slusher to Cen.ora Adams. mea!ure from the bottom o( th e R ea Iest·ate m. . L . boaTd. e anoll. b ' Sink not from the dram :: Bill. Al lo-ed the sink .. low can ', " not be changed place the dishpa n James Follen, service!1 $15; Penn on a pan or r ack. \ Morton, set'vice~, $70; Lewis & Drake, Ino., sup plie. , $28.41; C. Donalll Dilatush, rent, $20; The Westel'n Star, advertising n Qtice of aale of pOOl' relief bonds, $22.80 ; • H. C. ummings, car for sh eri!! $995; W. H. AlldersQIlI Co., Bub· \ 8criptiQn, $12.60; Ed. S. Conk , lin Ins. Agenc)" expenses, insurance, $172; Day. Sam D. Henkle, ~j27.70;
AS' P I R,I N always SAFE
ton Blueprint Co .• supplies, $1.36 Woodrow Well Stanalte Co. binder $6.75; Bu,r rough$ Addi ng Mach ine Co .• labor. 75c; Blind relief, quar· tel', $ \ 041.68; li. L. Schuyler, pay 1'011, $162, C. E. Bardbury, pay roll, $42.; J. W. S nIlIL, ceme nt $28. 76; Oregon ia Co., steel, $356.42; A. Hoppe & Co., cement, $,1.!lG,I)O; Buckeye Concrete t ile, 144.65; Ioe. W. ~vis, pay roll. $142.60: 'Carl Dakin pay roll Stiff; C.Eden E. Bradbury, pay roll. roll , 1172,50: Terry, pay
1806.lUI: A. T. Rettig, pay roll, 1119: John lIyei'll, roll, Floyd Lemnaolll, _,vJL_llI.
GeilUiDe Blyer Aspirin, tbe kind dQClon prescribe
H eadaeb. Rheum.tllm ,
Dever makes &19' .,~·ue.
millions of
tban thirty years. can eosH, pe ,~eotified by t be name Bay, r ~4 t.l\, wor4 IJ8Dujne.
I -TIl' rilent man
.uaen have proven lelIe for more
Nellnltla Lumba., Tootbacbe
OeD~De BaYlr Aspirill i. I.,. ud lure; alwl Y. the lame. ft hili! the uaqualifted eDdoneMlIllt of phyaiciBDa aad drugil ta .~IY. ....... It dMlD't d. p..... U•• lIearL No harmful after.eftocte follow'ita 11M.
Bayer Aspirin i. the amv .... aaticlole for paiDI of ell ki4zda.
- .::-::
Friend Amo. CoGIr
ARY 30-FEBRUARY' 3 Pennies
O. L. CRANE r I Pulan.L.r Sulucriptioa Pri". '1.10 • Y_r No 11" 1';nt~ll.cl at Po.toUlce at Wa.ynel· Offi co PboD O .... . .. .. • • ,'111,. Ohio al Second Cia .. Mall R •• id_co .. , . .... , .. ... No. 118 I . . Maher =========~==================~==~
======.. -.-===:x::========= The Time for Summing Up ",,'w I
Thl' yeul'~ uf dt)pl'e~ion hav!' l'nth.d and we can begin to sum up Hunl timL's have bl'[l ught ill wlnd~-but they have 01 80 brought
h('althful bre"~e ~. Bu~ iJHl~~" K all't! indivhlua\;; hllve been forced to "write down" jlHiliouH ."tJlUlItillllS lIn(1 stn ndl-ll'lls. This hus naturally caused Ii j!"rellt dt·u l uf illll'd ~hip !lntl a long black Hn of bunkruplciell. But reul read· j uslOl'nl~ hut! to OC\'Ul' lil IlUt H 1'()~ lId f uundution under illmilil! ~ and II 1/8111 eHIS Ii fc. Those wh l) l'xponded lind " jJt'l'uted on the prindple lhl\t that wh ich g e eK up nl!l!d never come cl ow n, and that boom prosperity would 'o ntinuo unubat tI {orevel', hud to b(' d fluted . The in<1ividulll hili> fuund Lhllt it i po~sible to live hal)pily and (:()ll1 fodabl y un a pn,·wor ba~ i !'l. \-1(' hnK fou nd that the arbiter o:fl wages is whnt the dl)lI ar \Viii buy. He'l! come' down to earth. ']'he\:ie al'e t.he " healthful bl'c Z '!i" of depression. The d ecks have In' n cl Ill' ' el fol' actio n, nnd th e way to recovery i ~ open .. '.Phis III Amel'iC'u at lhe Oil ning of 1!J33 ~a vast and incalculably I ieh land , which i ~ gradually emerging from depre ion and elltering a ne w {'TIl. It is still a lund or p1'o ml (\ 1 a it was in the days o:f th e r onauts. It no I st nothing thnt iL really possessed. l ts earth is still Llultful, its TIline. Ill" I\UIl filled with metals, its factol'ies are ready to make the nece ss itie ~ a od I uxul'ie ~ ils people want. Its people are c()urageo ulI, and they sU Ii have faith. ItR leaders retain · those vital quulitics -intelligence and vision. Ameriea will pull out of the depression- and, from tbe lessolls thaL depl'e. sion ha taught, it may find n mean s of preventing both extrem rises and extreme drops in the ec nomic and social cycle, ond of creating genuine permanent and Ho und prosp I'ity.
- ==
B, Mn. ,Je..ie B. Tripp
God called our CI·jeno, ~'i! faithful
one ome unto Me. thy work iM tlone; We let him go with d~ep rl!gnt Ilis loss is tlne we can't forget.
Apent for F.lectl'i ity
A fair ship from the far· off s ho.r c ~pread snow), Ku il s, and bon' hun o'er' The w~ter8 tippled 'round Ow keel, A guiding angel, u~ the wh(l I.
buy n Jot of h Ip fol' Lhe.
rUl'ln ~
A bell struck i1vcry. in the ni ~ ht, I We knew h e'd oC light;
'uch 'd the shon' j
And there UPOll the Il:old~n shnr(' He met hi s dt'ar old frlendg of yor . They greetcd him with. ho il thee,
friend. Ye ~hought not, thi wo.ult! be end;
Warm hands r each l.ld f urth, on
tll!', I
hands closed,
Of friends he th ought, ill dealh reposed.
J . F. Cu .."la.haa, M. of ... c..... ~ o' ••,Ie..It...... Ollie Stat. U.lverllbrt II . C, R"maow.,r. <lincCor of ....Ie ..ltu,•••• C...1oa •• ct. •• tat. . . 01 ..,.11" J. P_ Sc hm,dt •• tat. I.pcr"'•• r .. t F....K.· I.utltuc.. for ,II. . .,kultllra' ..t ........"Ie.~ J . I. f.lco"or, c.alr....." of til. " ......., o"nuaI_lca; It. L. 0......... ........ of tho poultry ".part••Dti c:. W. Gap. diu.- .1 ... . . . . - - . II ....... lIu.
Friends, whose praise he had always sung, bandry. Friend, who were young, when he was young, His is a 1088 we all must take, Each day, leaves somewhere heart break.
Ohio State Univeraitr. Columbus, Jan.30-Feb. 3 /I
He goes, but we his 'fri e nds remain God sifts the chaff, but saves the grain; His silver head hM W.OD it's crow n Dith angel's, he is smiling down.
Farm Night 7alka, Jan. 9
Ohio Farlllers, leade rs or :farm Ilrgani zations. c(!\()n o mi st~, and hl ff membcl·.· of the college o·f agri culture at t he O. . ll1 . will go into a huddle here at Farmers' We k, JanuRI' Y ~o to ~' bTuary 3, to diFCUIIS waYR and [Ilelln of bringing about a b tt t' day for Ohio agricultllre in th immediate future , according to an a nn ounce· ment this week by o ffi ciaL at. the
Every p0l:lsibJe attempt, is being made to plan the program so that it will meet present -co ndi ~jons on
. Ohio farms and will olfer definite uggestions that can be applied profitably by the individual tarmer Among the Scores of problems to be di cussed by authorities as well ·a s by farmer and othel~ a.fe taxation, rural credit, crop and livest ck production, poult.ry, home economics, book eping, ft'ult, vegetable gardening, home eonomlcs, b okeeping, fl'uit, v ge beautification, agricult.ural n• gineeJ'ing, soil!~, dairy technology, marketing, farm lea es, and land utilization.
The lite he lend was always good, He was true to friend s and neighborhood. . He ha h!ft this world, With all co\leg . :00 Mu.ic The fi eld s of agricultuE'e produe. ... L. L, Rummell .:06 Farm Tax Relie'! from S hools It's csre, "The Ohio Farmer" A.nd hliB gOlle, where peace is tion mal·ket.ing cre dit und relief . . ..... ,.. L. W. Gosa 8:15 Inspecting Meal Food Products will be covered in detail when everywhere. 8 :26 Mu sic so me 6,000 Ohio farm er!! and their 8 :40 Poultry Queatl on Sox . ._ . _ . P. B. Zum~ro famili es me to delve Illto the more :50 Marketing Llvest~k by Truck . .. ................. 0. F. Hennmg sc rlou problems now confronting \):00 A Wc-k of Campus Life for Farm Women .. Mrs. B. B. Bowers them. 9:10 Mil ic Mrs, W, D. Larkin and chlldre~, =-~-================~-9:26 With 4·R Clubs in 1932 ..... W. H. Palmer ==================e 9 :35 Life Within the Soil . . . ."'" . .... . .. .. ..... ... F. J. Salter 01 Greenfield spent last week ,1D t/ -45 What HOI tic411u1'81 Grads Do .. .H. Robertson . and the home of Mr . Larkin's parents. . Wendell Paddock Mr. and Mrs. T . C. Haydock and Ilturday, Januory 7, 8 :00 p. m. family. . Hocking· County 4·H Club member. Rev. J. O. Kilmer Is conductmg It yOu Use RAT LURE, World' Nat.ul'e Talk ., ... .............. . .. - .. H. E. Elwine revil a1 lervices at the fri . E. Bt! t Exterminator . . One farmer -=====-=="=====",.-:===::;::=== church. His brother, I1rl Kilmer, ...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• of Weathoro, delivered the sermon ldlletl 62 Rats with 8~ baits. Get on M.onday night, . yours now. Prot. Matvin Compton, of Fort Monmouth, N. J" wall CIIlling on 28 Baits 2Sc; 84 Baits SOc friends here, Saturday. Ml'. and Mrs. Ed Tobin, of ChiSold lmd Guaranteed by cago, were gue. t8 of relatives here COLUMBUS- Over five hun- The Ninetieth General Auembly last week. Mrs. B. H. Miller was caUed to dred re~ervation have been made is now under way and within the ;Qr a testimonial dinner to be next few weeks several hundred Middletown Saturday by the sud· given in honor of Se~reta.ry of bills will have been dropped into den death of a brother, Earl Dun , . Stale larence J, Brown, m one the 'h~pper and nume~oull new lap. of th~ CaPital itl"!> leading hotels Jaws wlll aOOn be embodIed in the . Mr. and Mrs. Jt. D. Collett and Friday e"ening of this week. I~ is Ohio statutes. Next Monday will be sonl were conllned to their home w. H ...... Compl.te Watch !\ponsored by employes serv,".g Inauguration Day but ~here will by grippe la$t waek, R.p.ir Seryice Mrs. Annie Curry entertained under the general secretary and tS be no elaborate ceTemomes. Gover And use only genuine materials. in the form of a :farewell, Mr. nor White will take the oath of her family at dinner on Thuraday. Crystals fitted wh.i1e you wait. B:rown leaving ol1\~e January 9th. office before a joint seuion 'of tile Among those present were: Mr. Cary's Jewelry Shop being succeeded by Hon. George legislature, afterwards holding a and Mrs. Elmer Curry and daugh· S. Myers of Cleveland, who be· reception i~ his of!lce for the ters. Mr. and Mrs. Ra~ J ones and L.baIlOD. Ohio gins a two year term on that date. "eneral pubhc, as will other state children, Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur Store Open EveninllS offieil,ls. There will be no lnaug- Curry and son, Mr. and Mrs. Th~ new term of the Supreme ural ball and no prellB smoker. as Chester Curry. A son, Orville, wa Court of Ohio is scheduled for in former years, and routine dut- unable to be present on account of Tuesdiy, Jununy 3, 1993, begin.- ies will be curled out a8 usual. illness. ning at 9 o'clock a. m. East~rn lb'. and Mrs. Chas. Maddox and Standard Time. On that occasion Mild Influenza is wldel, preva- MiN ' Helen Haines, of Kirksville, HOIl Carl V. Weygandt, of Cleve- lent In Ohio at present, 4~60 cases Ohio, were gllests last week of land, Chief Justice, will ' preside having been repo11ed to date to their mother. Mrs. Daisy Ha-ines. for the 'first time. Jud,e Thomas the State Department of ftealth. Mr. and 'Mrll. Carlton Smith and 'Bj~rtecm:;~~;~I~ ~:lIi;'\[lle \lum. a baske'l o,f \um .. tu~ A. Jones and Judge Edward S. Last year only 332~ caSeB were da.ugbtera, of C(llumJjus and Mrs. Matthia$ wi~1 begin their fourth reported with 865 in 1930'. The Chrisman, ' of Cleveland, were ~OW!l on • i int hem f ami at West term on the bench, while Judge peak was reached in 1'928 with guests in the home of Mr. ~nd Mrs j3ranch, low", whe.re Pr!'~ idcnt Hoover was born. Tht.)' are lu to Will P. Stephenson will fill out the 15,?54 ca~e8. In th,ls aliment the W. C. Smith a part of last week. unexpired term of the late Judge p~ttent qUite often 18 to blsme for The Missionary society of the !be White Hou~ r Jas. E. Robinson. Judee . disaster O? accou"!lt of .a too Friends ~hurch met with Mrs. J. f B R. Kincade will have four years ea~ly activity, caUSing an Instant E. Compton on Wednesday. more to serve and Judges Robert InJury t 0 th e hear t , or on e th a t _ _ _ _ _ __ _ L ·'lDe.tolle Nee.e ••• ry I 01' "", H. Day and Florence E. Allen eac.h manif_e s_t_s'_i_t.!_e_l.i ~ .lat4!r years. . TRY The three distinct beekeeping will have two yea1.'ll more of theIr areas in Obio are based e~tirely regular term. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS upon lhe geological ~or'lllllti o n of ---Subscrib. for the Miami Guette. FOR RESULTS the soil. These areas, llste~ accor<\State Treasurer H.atry S. ing their i'!lportllnc~ m ~Q"tt:r reports t)lat , .& ,262,843.96 producti on, are the glaelal dr\f~ ~ "tiUt)' eJlcilie ~J{I)15 l>~~~I' ~ II. . .IIJI!111.....IlJIII!II.........l limeKtone materisl ill t.h.~ ~or\q. certitil!d whll~ .~81 west /lllll west part of lih\! state, mains outstandi11' which is t~e best )lonElY 1II,lI.I041:
The sam ,ires that ,,'r ing you!' electric light a lso carry Ie ·tdc pow I' !l nd h eat for many u whith are as big a con\'eni n t s lignts them11elv eH. You ur not getling full value for t he money YOll Rll nt wiring \' OUI' hO Llse and harn unle 's you put el ctri c pow er and heat to work . They are the heap , t help you can hire, doing big jobs for . f w centA a day.
.To pump wute)', ook , refrigerate, saw wood,
. harp en toolA. grind and mix feed, cut ensilage fill the s ilo, cool the milk -many other choresElectric ity does the m quick ly and heaply. If you are u ing Electricity for lights only, you will be pleased at how littl extra these add d servi ces wiJI cost each month. The more curr ent you use, the 10w'a1' rate you earn per kilowatt hour. We invite you to ask us to asHist you with problems as oeiat d with . your farm.
.;;...--_..........- --
New Burlington
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
The Dayt.o n Power & Light Co. E. H. HEATHMAN, Manager XENIA DISTRICT
The Dayton Power an~ Light ~o. is o~e of ~he large taxpayers in OhIO. In thiS way, It assIsts mater~a\1y in the conduct of government, support of schools and in the maintenance of publk service,
Drug Store
gow-Sa1e 10
pa,.... It 'VitI 'briag thie ~,tJS
you ba,'A
...... .......
64 litigation. As -the 000inborrowedfrop\. way Department has been and the state stans out a .clean slate .at the belrinning of the New will Year, January 1st.a very Treasurer Day abo begin, in short time, mailing out cheeks totalilll $257,000 to the very weak IIchool districts in a. numbcer 01 counties, pleasing news to many counW boards of education. The Charity Newsies 0'1 ' the Capital City are truly a hustling bunch of fenows tbl. week dJlpensing edibles and clothing t~ tbe needy of the city, taking care of thousan"s of kiddl~s so that they m~ contoiune In schoo l. The Newsies have over $26,000 .in Q asb with which to stock their store and
and private indi'viduals are sending in additiontll tr~~k.loads. of p'rovisipns and llecelllllttea of life, • -dlus insuring ~ bountiful suppl, ",rt~ w~iFh to a,d Hle wort~y ~~t,
If\1e .ta~ lJar ' ~x~p'~naqon is 1»alni t\e'4 l"Jld1! eedar, 'f~p'ra4.)'
anlt Friday pi *his w,ek ~t Me~or iai !fan wit~ ~ I:lalll of 2ljQ ,p. plfcants, as compared witb l*lIt .Iune, tM W1n\er el¥8 Illwa,. pell1lr leu In lI\Jmtler, cRmpoUd mOlltl1 etuderata out of law 101J8I'e, It1ldenta frQm P~... ..tatea .ad o",el'll wIIo talled w JIU8 prev10ul .hmlnatlona. ThiN _m be ave ....tone at one-balf day each, at wllleh a lc!taJ of 0•• IUl1ldred quettt__ be po1lllded. The bar euaJIaatIOD eomaltt.ee It eomp.... 01 ... I-'
......,. tro. ....NJ
A.RE. .
_'!"""...._ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . .
You retldi'llll 'Ae Remini«ence. of tlte "t10116 trIlQ," noW
being printed eHrY weelc~ We A.f)e received'many 'etter& . requ.ti1lll UJpie. of article& _, _ _ J • d UlWWIIHIY pnnt•
Hor.e. Need Att • .,~tlon
1'0 keep
powel' In horse power,
authoritIes recommen d t.hat horses be given better care and attention thl'ou,g hout · the year, 'that their teeth b
examined regular,iy, and that til y be tl'eated fO Jr pat"8sites durjn~ the winter. It. nlao is de· sirable to k eep thelr feet in propel' condition and to .c are for
their &houlders and
Don't borrow your lIeighbGr" paper. For Gn'v three ce~f4 ~ ~e. J'fIt" .ef
,Ie. Ilf",;,a;.,en'H,· .,_;t#~4 all the """4 pi tlte ,..;,lah,h"fHI.
Don't Ih a
sectIon,formation the glacla)In Band \One and lind shale centr"l nerthea t O'h lo, and the resl~ual sandsto ne Ilnd shale area In ea _ tern Ohi o, wnich ranks third in honey pI·oduction. ___ _
,.".1wtll". "., "" I.n(l•• )'011
" MIt
7 he Miami Gazette lor a ltltole fear ·
. , 'rhe priCk! t !lUi! was the brlgh~ spot 111 Illst ~alr's "grleul. tur. Egg, - were the 'Q1l1y tarm Jll'Od\l\it tpat old, in the latter part of tl'\e yepl', I\t price! higher
tl)an the' pre-Will' averaClI. While the index number of "Ularm prices IItpod at 61, that of eggs was 110, Cro.tro.d Ch.tter
Bro!.vn :-"0"'
Nate Qralla,"'B ~hh afternoon
saw a cow with four calves." All', Perkins :-""Fo\lr Caloves'" Old Man Brown:-"Ye~D. on each lei, Gid'ap Napo18t.ll."
Cinderella .Coal W~ have recently added .to . our line 0:1 quality coalsthe well known CindereU. coal, Block lind Egg. .
Buckeye Block
" For those who wish to buy Ohio Coal we will receive a car 0:1 Buckeye Block Coal ill a few days. This is from one of .the best mines In Ohi o and due to lower .freleht rates will seU lower than out other COlli.
Pr.i ce
Denatured Alcohol
Waynesville farmers · PholM •
Lytl now
.Cap. Arnold one 01 the bnt t;fl EXPERT Will DISCUSS not the bt'" informed in BUSINESS I'"!OND1TIONS the country el'onlllnl~ (,on<IitiOll!' hilI' b"l'n . ecun'll to
Earl ' Taylor
I . lind Mn. D\lllaid Hadley art' UI) Inll' l th h orne ,~t M r.
aft r Apendin --t th form r' l'hi i th time of lh~ year /lilt III 11~ar larkl!lvi\l(l, wh n busint', s men lind women lire • 11" •• 1a,' ,oil', 01' 'incinnati, planning theIr Ilctivity for tht' • ntl lr. Tilnl n, Blll'ton of Bell. fut ure aud a\l "rgt\l\ltaliot\~ artl bl' 1.11, Wl'r 'r.hur'lday Ulot af making adjl-lstJllttnts in their II'P. Withu r Wharton. programs for ihc cUlllin yellt'. We h .. W. F'. lark of Waynl'~- eM only gUihlll what th future •. d I hIM vi II ~'Vl,lItt' 11.'1' mell '1'. l'!l. Ill'y holds for us but we definitely know l "mony Saturday. \\ hat has hap}lcned in the PI\St. Mr. lind tN!. J. B. Jon s had Therefore, lh wi~e person wji\ Cuf dinn r gU't • undny, theil' study Pl'C nt lind pa t ~o ial and on, Th 1'1 ,JOMeS and family, of ~onomic fa t and u&e them Illl , etllllrvillQ. n ba i upon which 10 build their Yi~tim~ of the grip, Wh o lIave program ror (he y L' 19;{a . War. " n (juite ill th~ JIll t week w re: l'en ouuty peopl ure v ry forhm . ?Itti'. W. 1. olel11an, lr . 181:- lite due lo the Itlct that 1'1'0£. • H. "are~ JOhT1~_ 1\li~s Rulh Early and Mllrlllll'll .1 " hnt'.
In California
( I ll
Jll'('~l'nl t hi" vi w point. and (hscus~ pI'C~· \' nl cQl1ditibn~. Mr, ,\l'nCllti fl1r l 11131\\.' "ears, pl'Orl\t~ul' f RUI'IlI I ' J.i(,uJloll1ic; of O. R. ., wn~ bol" l'owt'd III~t yeur by lh t' Unil~t1 ST. AUGUSTIN~'S Stntes LlepllrlOl(' nt t, f AgriClu1\ul'l' Father Frend), Past.or Mr. and Mrs. Miltcln Sheehan of at Wu hiJlgton, J) . . to mak;1 erviceg wiU be held every two ellterville, vi ited Mr, lind Mra. ' tudy of the W l'ld wid econOll\ie W"l'J;S 1)11 'J'uc ~day mo rnill~. T. K Rog ra, today. d pr~ io n. II has a lIutionul view --point lind has many fuds which FERRY CHURCtt OF CHRIST
Earl Taylol', well ·known pianist and song-writer died Saturday, December 24, at the ~antn Mon ica Calif., ho pital of an ' acqtt: intes. tinal obstruction. Stricken on Mon day, Mr. Taylol' wall rushed to 1h hospital, but failed to rully. He was born in pringfield, Ohio 4tl years ago and had lived in Southern California for ten years. fie had collaborated with Irving Berlin and for years 'WIIS Ii. headliner in vaudeville. His wife, Mrs, Ethel Taylol', who survives him. was his partner 11\ a vaudeville team known as Tayl I' and ArnolQ. ' Funeral services· were held Tu sday afternoon, December 27. In tennent in Forest Lawn Memorial Pa rk. ,Earl Taylor was the son\ of the late A. S.. better known ' as Sam Taylor, and Carl'ie Warwick Taylor, fromer resident of Waynesville.
Insurance your property covered by an experienced agent
SleDa 'E. Daugherty
rli ~s Ruth HI)ckett was ho tess we ' l I'I 'ren C1untuins con well (Undenomi lilationall to a c(lmpany 0'1 friend at her afford to have upon \,h ich to base hesler A. Williamson home on Roule 2, New Year's Eve. Ph01l. 58R2 OUI' future activities. hUT'n .'cho ol at (I :30 u. Ill. .l\IIe~srs. Herbert Carr and Fred Waynesville, Ohio Tht. nl ('tin!:" "ill l)~ " cry ' ! n- j L I'd's :upper :tnu st'I' ll1on ' al {ormnl and 1111 qUl"tJOns Whlllh 110 ::l() a. ro. 81~rm(JI1 >;ubj\lrt, Hagel'meyer, of th Harveysburg mdi ....iduols would liKe to u..k tl'. " 1cckll\!, ~." Y uu n.\·e 81\"1L>''' \\'1.'1. ncil;hbol'hC)tltJ, al' /lerving on the gl'uncl jury at Lebanon. Arn old will bc f1l'(llnpt ly UI'ISW I·CU•• eOOle at this chureb. omt" t() thjs"1 ling pr pareli t --' .. H t . ask questions" hich you fincl flO I ST. MARY'S CHURCH . Little pl!l'm~~ nt change is noted ' tanley ail\lY. E V d \,Itlll t you lit this lillle and YOU j R v. J, J. chllleffe.r, Rector , m the condItIOn of Mrs. Anna IIClll~,r·o;n~lu~bu. :sp 'n~ ' ;~~~r~~y a Nev. Y IIr put)' lit th bome III will be I\' 11 repaid 101' . our etl'OIt. Fi rst 'unda" uttC l' Epip hany ISh "han, who has been seriously 1\11 d Ruth H oc kett nOI·th of Way. Thi" mE' tin, open to all mcn January ('1nirl'h schon l at 9:30: fOJ: the past s.eve ral weeks. !liternoon with Mr. and irs. nes"ille. d ' 'IV t '11 " • , ."'ler Grahsnl nnd clau"ht"l'. an women In arl'en oun y W1 . l\1<11'llinJ: Prayc!' and ~~ l'In Q n at M H'Imes, f ormer IY M' K Dr. A. A. ' mith \va ' ealleu to be held t th L baMn High r~. 1''''' III . ISS ?tirs. ',lo ph ith liS had tne the h me f MI'. and Mrs. William chool auditorium, Tu sday ni~ht, 10.~ 0. _ __ IEthel She han, of. Centen:l11e~ misfoTtune f (rac.turing her reighton Monday on account of January 17, at 8:00. WAYNE.SVILLE 1M, E. CHURC H underwent a~ operalJon at MIamI houlder nd badly l>ruising her the llIne Ii of Mr. I'eighton. G C Dib ;t P t ylIl\ey hospItal, Tuesday morn· hip, in a 1all Thur~dll)' , at her Mr. and.ll1 . Edward Patton and . . . el., as or mg. hom nonh of town. Mr. lind MI' . Ralph Baldwin Ilnd More Delay in New v ('lillE' 'UHY : 'l'hl~ W. F. M. S. ill Mr. and Mrs. RUs ell Bugdllll daughtel', Virginia Lee, (If M i d d l e _ l I l e ii ng with Mr.. A. K. Day at Mr. and Mr". Josiah Davis, Mr. Mrs. Will Schuler wa s severely THE MIAMI, GAZETTE a!ld on of Da},ton ",CI'e SundllY town wer \I' ek'end guests of Mrl! Street Dec ision 2 :00 thill p. 111. IBibl tutly and I and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and. family dllln l' ~uellt.~ at lhe home of f ro Patton' liister Mr. Bene Scott prayer m ~ting at 7 :00 p. Ill. Choir 1spent New Years Day WIth Mr. stricken with grip Tuesday, and Ml·!'. William , Berguall. . and family. l . Another chapter was added t (l Ilflletice at 7 :45 p. 1\1. and 1IIr . Howard Hurley, of near MI·s..L, on SaIl bury and Chl,l . Mr. and ' Mrs. Loui Tricky and the much mooted question of Sunday: undoy school at 9 :3 0 Kingman. dren, .?tlJrl~Ol a.nd Wt"ndell hlhe daughter, Mrs. Alice Miller, enter. whether or not f rankHn R oad, bo. ~. PI. :Morni~g w o~.ship a~ 10:40. 1 Mrs. Don Hartsock and children ben, 111 With. grip. attended tained to dinner Sunday, b. and tween Main and Water streets, I' erm ~nt ~~b~ct, .tThheL Greate tt S'a rah Katharine, Ann Louise, 1\11S Berllll'e rohBllI Mrs. am Henkle, Miss Elizab th shall be put into condition fOI" or t am y. "'P~\'() I eague a Josoph and Milo called on little and .George Henkle of near Way. traffic. when our Village . ounci! 6 :3 p. m. WIU\ ~nez J.a~l s as Jane Hartsock on Thursday. Jane and nesvllle. held Its first l' gular meelmg fOT le.ad r. Evatljtel1.! tic SO' l VIC at ha been quite ill but is much hn. proved. Cllivin Longacre' and Ed J,.ong-· the year 1933, last Monday even - 7 :30 p. m. acre with the assistance of "eigh. ing. At an adjourned session, two WAYNESVILLE'CHU R CH OF bors buzz d several eords of wood weeks previous, the village clerk CHR IST Relativu here ,have received fonday, for Mr. and Mr . Frank had been instructed to hav Sam (UndenomiinaUon al) word that Mrs. Nettle Kepler Rogers. D.,Henkle PI' pare an estimate 0; , • • sust.ained painful injurie in II. Floyd Savage of Five Point re- the approximate co t of the pro. hesle r A. Wll1il~m on, MlIllster fall at the h ome ot her niece, Mrs. turned to work at Lytle elevator posed job. CI;ur~h '('honl at 9 :~ o O'!ll. Peter Demas, in New Vienna, Monday aft r several days absence Mr. Henkle perso1)ally PI' sent.~Ql'd s upper Ilt conclu 10 0. hns- Monday after.n oon. with tb grip. M fa. Savage has cd bis estimat to ouneil Monday ttnn Endeavor 81t 6 :3 0 p. . m. For many you OUl' e tabli h· also been ill evening placing the probable cost Lola eors, L,~aclel'. EvenlOg Mr. Irl! O. Bro~ was !,ble ta reo meni haA been known for the Mrs Su ~h Saylor and son of II.t $187060 a little more or a evange listic 'enr-ic:e 11\; 7 :30 p. 01. 1 Kume ht!l teaehmg duttes in ,the t'riendly g uidance offered those Dayto~ w rl! Friday evening little le ~. tli. estimate call . fo~ : rnion ,' ub ject, "A Gr ~t Gospel local schools, Monday mornlllg, II h PIctu re " Prayel' Me t lOg and after an · absence of more than , a tal . we s rve. urs is not a busi- guesta ~t. t b e h0!Y'e of· Mr. an d two concrele reo DIng wa S, eac Bibl Stud ea h Wednesda at month dlle to a severe illness. Most about 60 feet In I ngth, and Lor ,., ." Y., . Y of the ti le has been sent at his ne , but a service institution Mrs, Wllh/lm CreIghton. The young folks from the church approximately 100 leet 9f )·oad. , .,,0 p. Jll . The church ,\h re you . P '. P , . feel at home home In VereaJ1les. tb help our client!! .in every here were entertamed at t he M. E. way a a ~rade of 01 out 13.9 per ___ . possible way durin3' their Ume Very inclement weather · and at Franklin T hursday even· cent. or orrow. This attitude is re- church flooded Toa<ts ':tailed to keep a good ing by the young folks of that Arter considerable discus ion, Il g em e irlt sized ' congregation from enjoying flected in evel'Y service per- church. Council finally decided to hold tho Announced the cantata, "Yuletid Memories:" Mrs. Joseph Gra SI and children matter in abcyanc a whi longer. formed- botb large and IIman . ~-~il1en by t he M. E. Church choir, oD\mittee was in Our clients ai'e our friends, end Mrs. Eva Haines 01 PiqUa, The Stre t Misa Mildred Eaton and Mr. Floyd structed to confer with the board A nnQuncomellt of the engage- S.unday evening, under the · direcand Ilothing is overlooked in of J,..jberty" Ind., were of ount.y ommisshmers ant.! 111 nl of Miss Margaret c.·ane bon of Mrs. Alberta Buerkle. DOORS our task of removing all un- Su.nday evening dinner guests at other officials at the cou rthous ROOF ING d~ughtl')' or Mr. and Mrs. C~rl Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ball and son, , MOULDING SASHES necessary care at a ~ime when the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter to se how much ultl, if any, could Crune 01 Lebano n, to Mt·, D1Ck of Richmond, Ind., Mrs. 'Mary f LiME GLASS SHINGLES already Kenriek. Their afternoon guest~ be received from the county in Dum[()rcl TAR these. fl'ie n~s are Dl~mche ster, . was a Shoemaker, of Dayton, cousins of were, Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ca~ (! the project is untlel1;aken. 1\"1' at sur~n~e of) t~e evemng at 0Mn. G. D. ~il1e.r; Mr. J. A. H~r. LATH CE MENT heavily burdened. ~I LL WORK and Ion of Centerville and Mrs. ---- - - --N w Yem~ Eve! 81 ty at t.he home ner, of SprIng, Valley anp M1SS /. B. J ones. . OBITUARY of ~h. and Mrs. ,C.arman Crane . of Opal Harner, of Parkville college, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick en· Mam stl'eet•. Ih'ldge and ~Iv,e Parkville, Missouri, were callers tertain ed to a -delightfu l New Year Margaret 'R achel ShuLts, the 'Hul1dle~ fUI'nJsh,ecl the. evenmg S at the Mills bome New Yean Day. What ever your building or repair job may be wecansupply party the' following' guests: Mr. daughter of Joseph and Ellen enterto lllmeut 8,nd delJclous reo ' and Mrs. ReRler Graham, Mr. a nd Hisey was born June 25, 1873 and fte hm nts wel'll served at a vel')' you with material!! in large or ""maD quantities. , First-elaS!! The boys of the Smith Hugbes Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mn. Margaret departed this life on Christmas la te haUl', at which time the an· department will have charge of material at lowest cost, plus prompt service is a combina· J ohml, Mr. and r5. Ed Longacre day, 1932, at the age of 59 years nounc ment wll$ made by Mrs. the corn show ta be given in con· tion you cannot hope to beat. a nd Mrs. Leon Salisbllry and and six months. !iff Beckett who found the good nection with the farmer's Institute Waya...vlUe, Oll'e chil dren Miriam and Wendell. A On September 5, 1895 ~he was news on two hearts in a nutshell. January 9 and 10. Prizes ot $1.00. lunch of plne·apple herbert, cake united in marriage to Albert Those present on thi delightfuloc. 75e and 50c will be offered for and cofl'u was served, Shutts. To them three children callion were: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff each of the das es; yellow, wbite were born, all of whoJll are still Beckett and dElughter, Mr: and mixed corn. P ick your 'g ood 10 living. They are, Marie, at home; Mrs. Robert Creme, M1:. and ?,Irs. ar samples a nd either bring to Cowd.~n, and Mi Bes the High sch ool bulldinlLor sen i~l'aJ:~e~~ar t:ee~~~~f p~:~:.flon and Harold on WiUiam •Don't forget Ruth, Mnrgatet and lona Crane it in by t he boys. ' to send tbe Sbe leaves to mou'r n her going, all of Lebanon ,Messrs Pick Dum· her busband the three ehildren; ford 0.£ Blilnch~!ster and Thomas - - - . !!!!!'.'!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . four grandcbildren, be$ides many Pasey of Lexingrton, Ky., Misses other relative and friends. Elizabeth Heukle and Jea!'lette She was B member of the Way. Fox, Messr. :Luther Hartsock. nesville M. E. ' cblUcb. Kenneth and H~lrold Fox aod Mr. FOR SALE l She wa a loyal wife, a lovin~ lind l\hs. Carmo,n Crane of Way· , Phon,e 14 Wayne.ville, Ohio mother, a fond grandmother arld nesville. ' FOR SALE- A few bllshels York -~ ~ a good neighbor. She will be Imperial apples. C. E. Michener. grtllltly and sadly missed by all ,Fewer Auttomobile Waynesvillil. who knew her. I ~~~Th_~ LicenaeTagl Sold . ~~~~~~=.= _~ ~ ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· We wi b to e:xpres ta relatIves, --neighbors, fdends and all, our Friday and Saturday were apprel;iation of their sympathy I.' pecialJy busy days at the ' esbe held at Waynelville Sch()ol and many acts of kindness at the tablisbme.nt of Jr. C. Hawke, local time of our bereavement ot wife di$tributor Qt nutolllobile license and mother. tage. During thl!se -days and evenAlbert Shutt~ and Ch1\dren. jngs, 246 sets oJe tags, No. 237770 ____ _ _ to 238,016, inclusive, were sold. TOWNSHIP TRU5Tt ES TO Fo!' .the entire Ilast week of 1932 MEET .'\T COURT. HOUSE receIpts irom th.~se sales a mo unted to $4,650.25, b~lt Mr. Hawke says Members 01 the Warren County that this amoul1lt re~resc nts Township ' Trustees Association actual decrease of about twenty have' been advi sed that their meet. per cent, as c~nnpa red with the \hg scheduled for Fl'iday, January same pel'iod in 191h. It is quite 6 will be held in tb'e common probable that neveral owners of pieas court room at the court machines who ' ~o notespecia l19 hO \1se. The January meeting wa!i n~ ed to use then' c~rs du.ring t~e to have been held tn the townMhip winter month are wltholdmg t he Ir offices at the Lebanon Opera H ou8e purch~sc until April 1, when The meeting will be h eld c 0) . p)'iC~8 will be decreased by 25 %. ;__ _ ___I111I111. . ._IIIIi.._._• •iII.III!I. . . . . . .~.. menei ng at 2:30 o'clock according Mr. Hawk~ wall Ilssi sted in t hese -::--::--::-.::======:::::==.~====~~~========~ A. Meloy sales by an~ nIl; irandsons, Kenneth __ .' __ ___ ttohe George association. " president of FrQl1111'l Dc>nald Haw~e, who ---- - were quit\! ,b'u y young m en, M~SONIC NOTIC E , especially du.ritllil theillst ,two da ys and evenln!l's. - - - '- - ;Regular, comm~nieaHon of Way; !)etv1lJe Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Op,e rate P ,ublic Tuesday vening, January 10. Barn Here Visiting aodlo;oo rni ng brethren .are welcome, _ __ L. C. St. John, W. M. , J 1 L K' . F ; B. Henderson, Sec'y. O!D.,. em,~ 18 sponsormg. a H\!re are Some lrnportaat 'fea ture. o f tb. New Cb. "rol.t , __ . ' I new mstltutlon m our communit y .' . .' to be known as t.he Warren County ' , 1. A ix-Cylinder 65 Hot1lepower Engine Sprang Branch Auction ~arn, BIRd to be located at 2. New "Aer-stream" Styling . Ernest Hartsocl~'s Wayne Hatch3. Safety Plate Glass " (Delayed) ery at ,the edge of town a n th ~ up4. A Starting Innovation- The Starterator. ", 6. SlmplHied Free W heeling Mr. Emer eon Mason, of WIlY- pel' Franklin road. The company, 6. yncro·Mesh Transmi~s~on with Sitent. Second n esvllle IIpent Chtistmaa with MI.. expects ta speeillltte in tbe auctiOn 'I . :M ore ' Miles per ,Gallon and Mu , J oe Pennewltt, sale of livestock "of alr k ind!!, f arm 8 . A · 63 %-p,ound Counterweighted Crank haft Mr. a nd Mrs. GIbB on spent Tue ~-, Implements, fee:d, poultry, house· '9. Fisher ( No·draft." Ventilation day d ternoon in Bellbrook. . hold goods lind, in f act, anything to. A Fourteen-Gallon Fuel T'l.nk Mr. a nd Mrs. Bob Stiles were you may ha.ve to sell. They will J 1. Airplane Type Panel .hopping in Spr ing Valley Satur. aell for cash, only, and expect to 12. ,Hardwood and Fisher da y afternoon. . . make a very reasonable charge for 13. H' Lowel', 1 l. Fisher "An ..._",.,m~ Mr. and M~. Everett Bunnell their lIervices. Their sales ~1l1 be fl. Larger and ore Powerfu I Brakes alld little sa n James Virgil. were held every Tuesda y, beg mnln, J • A Heavier Double Drop F rame. Sunday gllests of 'llr, a nd Mrs. January 10, 1933, at 10 :30 a. m •• 17. EIl~ier tccring HUy GibBon and family . After sharp. You can go and spe nd the 18. Cu~hion Balanced Enl!;ine Mou nting noon callers were · Hr .. and Mrs, clay at t hese sales with a lood 19. tabiIized Front En d Con.truction JaM Smitb, of Batavia, Mr. · a nd qeal of profit to youreelf, J"unch 20. OeLaD Selector MI'II. Artl1'11r Mo-aft •• , Mr. HoU""'t will be served on ,t he grounds, Mr. and M r.. Henry Berget of Dayton. -EASTERN STAR Mr. Wlll Polr it spending a few . days bI Dayton. Miam I Chapter No. 107 O. E, S. Mr. aDd Mrs. J oe P enll,witt will meet in r egular seuton H onapeM Monday ,nDiIl. with Mr. day avenine, J a nuary 9, at 7 :80. Jour ad POliter Mote. 01 Franklin. Oyster supper. Visit ing membel'll _d Hi'll, Clareace Lan, nf welcome•
I .'
u.. ,
Friendly Guidan,ce
J. E. M.Ct....
Estimates Gladiy f 'urnished
Late CIassified Ads.
w. H. MADDEN '&
...- - -
the Gymnasium on
Do You Read' the Old Home Paper
Monday and Tuesday, -January 9 and 10, 1933
Good Local Entertainment' and 400d Speakers
Will Auction
It il full every week with item. of. interest to every reader. It ia your paper to re.d and use at all times.
Let ua do ,our Job Work
Eighty-Sixth Year r
"RAT , KILLING DAY" IN 'WARREN COUNTY To Aid in Worthy State Wid. Project on That Date
Whole Number 6048
Farmers InstitlJ~te was Best Held Here ilrJ Late Years
28 TO BE
County A.r ent A.ka All Farm.r.
JANUARY 11,1933
Th Wayne T own. hip Fal'me!'!! In. titule, h eld at the Gym on W. S. Graham was a Dayton vil'itor, Saturday. Monday and Tuesd/lY, wa s accpnled better attendoncl! this yea r, than Mr • L. H. Gordon is recovering was that of lasl year. Two xcelJent speakel'l<, 11'.', Fo ;~tel' Tyler, III alter a two-weeks iIlne88. 'Alexandria, and Mr. C. A. Steele. of Houth Vi!.'nna, were furnished Meet- Mand), and Ezry at the by the State Department of Agriculture, and to thelie \\"~I :!' added some Gym Thursday, January 19th. 01 the very best ll)ca) talent. "n - " -R t h f M oc u c- ens, 0 ason, was Th e institute had b en \\'ell advel ti ed by a larg'e di, play ' of a Waynesville visitor, Tuesday. posten that had been pr pared by pupil of our schools in fl'ie ndly John Staley, 01 Dayton, is visit- competition with each other. Prizes in 'th i ' conte. t were awarded a jng his sister, Mr . Maude Fetter. follows: High school- Cecil Hal'tJ'llan; Grade 'chool-Hobert JanIe, Mrs. C. E. Michener Bnd Miss 1st; Elizab eth Hoblet, 2nd; Mary Adamf!. 3rcl; EiJe n Hall and Edna May Wright spent ,T hursday in McKeever, honorable mention. Dayton. _ Ano~h r inter sting feature wa. a orn "h(l', conducted and Come to th 'Rural Celebration' J'udaed by the boy o! t he Illith. Hughes department. JLV " e expect to January 19th. See ome old time .. dancing I publish thll results of this contest next w ek. , Officers fol' next year wei' nc.minllteti anti lee ted by acclamation Mr. K. J. Vale is visiting his sist er, Mrs. Anna E. Sheehan, who aslollows : Pre side nt. L. . l. John; ice Pr sident , L. V. Bl'onatrat r is very ill. ecretary, !t'ma Rich; La'dy 01'1'0. pond nt, 11's. L. ~. John;
11, M. herwood den hall and W. A. wartz!.'1 ere bU!line s in Franklin, lust. Friday. Ileporla of Officer. and Committee. appointed memb41I's of th com. Show Ora-ani.aUon to be in mitte to dr'alt resolution!; and Don't forget to slIve Januol'y 19 Flc.uri~hin.1 COndition adjo urnment was had {or di~n . to attend tp fun frelic at the Gym
Mrs. Howard BUl'tqn and baby Monday Ahern_ft. Se .. ion The Wayne T ownship Motbers daughte r Ill'\! bo th quite sick with The farmers of Warl'en County Mi II DOl'is Beck rebdered a grip. club held it fir st meeting foJ' the will enlist on Febl'uary 2a for a piano soJo to open th aftel'noon y ar 19iJ3 at tlle Grad chool sessl'on and "I' St I k f Ml's. A . H . ~JnrJlhart hils 'been building last Friday afternoO'n. one day ~att1e against the :at ' 'u . - c e sp II rom the subject, "A Home Is Not a sick wilh lh,' grip but much pest, mankmd's m-ost destructIve Mrs. L. V. Beck co-nducted the betteI'. Home Until It's Planted." mammel. Many thousands of devotional exercises, the minutes The speaker stresRed the imdollars' loss every y ar is caused of the la t meeting were read and portance of 'making ' farm h flles, ~I i .' Barbara Gl'IIY \, Oil (I u ite sick approv d, and the reports of variby rats in Warren County, and with gl'ip, the latter pal'j o! lust rats ate found on almost every including the tenant hou!'!e, atous oth L' officers and committees week tractive in appearance and utility. farm. Rats y arly destroy ot conwere heard, the treasurer's report sli\ne property worth at least two He advocated t.he landscaping of Mis I'uuliue 'tarr was the ,'un. showing a ba.lance of a little more the adjacent grounds, and the cul- day gu t of M is~ Rulh Helen than $400 on hand. dollar" for every rat. They cause ... -and menace health. No ",Iva t'Ion 0f hard y Rowel's and disease The ~ chool lunch com1l1ittees ret I h b b t d . d th LeJ\1ay. one wants these p sla about tl'le ol'name!n a t~HI'~ IS' u ecne e pOI·ted theil' departmenttl to be in a uee 0 ar I cIa ornamentation, Mr. E. H. Bl'own, ot' Dayton. v ry satisfactery ccndition since P remises. Fr' Mr. M;i1Ier, County Agent is UltS S h ou ld be cuUivated giving called on Wayneijville fdend s, the l'ecelp~ ot evera! donations, di~ecting the local drive. The cam especia l attention to apples and Thursday'. for whieh a yote of thanks was paign will be counducted according the smaller fruits, such as straw· extended. The ale of hristmas Mi&s May Wright was the guesl to a plan perfected by the Bioberries, grapes, etc. The house seal!; amounted to a little more E. Michener twO' days Mr, and Mrs. Myer Hyman and Executive ommi~tce, El'U at Butterworth, l\h!<. L. B. Hall and should be sued all the center of o'f Mrs. • logical Sut'vey, United States Dethan $50, 01 which 8 '7c iii k,ept for partment of Agriculture. The bait son spent Sunday with relatives in Charles T. Ellis. ornamental planting, ever looking last week. the local work, Mrs. Nilla St. John that. will be used is also prepared Cincinnati. to the betterment of its appear· The Scbo ol Band will play at reported that the clotbing comunder the sup rvi ion of this Fed· ance. Fences shOUld be kept up, the "Rural elebration," at. tht: mittee ha distributed a large Mr. and Mr,. J. E. Frazier I'ng the road tax. B illY and girls,' nor should trash and debris be al- Gym January 19. amount"9i clothlllg in places where e ra! bureau. In each OOfnmunity in visited relatives at Oregonia, SunMonday Morillo, I d t I the county, there will ~e a local day dternoon. he thinks, sntlu ld have w II round- owe 0 accumu ate. it will uo the most goo (I. distributor to handle the bait for The Monday morning, or th ed lives, not devot 'P entirely to This talk brought lorth a spirit. Aft rthe!! reports"Mr. Young's Mrs. Bernyce Hyman Wr!ghl his community. Mrs. J. B. Oons a'nd Miss school ession, was open~d with uny ()n activity,' and is of the ed d!sl1 useion of the be t methods was a guest at the hom of hel fifth grad pupils gave the following ' pl ndid program \lnder his The method to b us d will make Louise Henderson ' were Dayton the invocation by Rev. C. A. Wil- opinion thut their te'uther ,houl d and chemicalR for spraying fruits, parents, last week. person al direction: Choruse$ 'Long it easy to'r everyone to get rid of visitors. Monday. liamson, minister of the Waynes- aid them in the choice of. an the selecdon and CUltivation ef Mrs. Nate Rogel', of neal Long Ago" and " My Bonnie Lies his rllts with litt)e effort and ex. . ville Church of Christ, which was avocation <!arly Hfe, the meral strawberrie/i, and kindred ubjectll pense. Three kind of bait will be Orvllle Gray v18ited his mot~er, 101l0wed with a chorus by the pu- side being given the foremost con. The. Sm.ith.Hughes boy, under Springboro, iB visiting at tbe home o,ver the cean;" piano solo, "Old , 1uroi hed- numely, ere h hamburg Mrl!. Jos. Wolfe, near ClarkSVille, pils of the first grade and trumpet. ide/'aiion, Fnrmin~t !lhould be the dIrectIon of their instructor, of her soV' Mark Rogers. Indian Holiday,'" {Ilry Eva LeMay recitatiQll, "Tomboy," Barbara flsh and cereal .s c that- all Sunday dternoon. and tr9mbone duet by :Frallk and treat. d a a bu ine!!s, evel' remem. MI'. J. B. Crabbe, then gave an Mrs. Su an W. Payne !!pent rats will find al least one of them Mr. MUl!ball Haines, of Dayton, Charles , LeMay. The first tate berl'n~ that the farms pro~\lce our ('xc llen demonstration of the evil last Thursday in Lebanon, the Haines; chorus, "Old Black Joe;" piano !lolo, .. cottish, Love Songs," to their liking. To each O'f these viIJited his mother, Mrs. May speaker, Mrs. }1'Qster Tyler, tood. Boys and gir1n sh IJld I!BI'I), effects of beetles on the farm. gU~6t of Mr$. Mame Hatfield. Doril' Beck; l'ecitatjon, "Were b three baits will be added the new Haines, lallt week. of Alexandria was then tntro. be given orne worj( of their own The eighth grade chorus ga,ve duced and gQV~ a most interesting ,t o do, such us the light farm chores a vocal !:J lection, and Mrs. raticlde, powdered red squill. If Misses Annie and Mame Brown My Grandma?" CHarlotte Ra-rtMr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart discussion ot the topi, 'I tory thereby fo. lcring in rest, in the Tylel' spoj<e o( "BalanCing the spent Friday in Lebanon, the man; choru8, Medley. the baits are used according to Rev. G. C. Dibert then gave a directions, they will not normslly visited relatives in Middletown and Tellin~ to Children." weltar of their. h ome. The i~. liou ehold Budg~t." , gue~ts 01 Ml'S. Stanley ellers. very intereflting illustrated talk, kill dOgil, cats, poultr human Miamisburg, Sunday. Mrs. Tyler Believes in the ef- portance of ngncu)tural expert· MrR, .TYle~ tbmks that the dfJ· Mr. J. W. Cast and on Red· showing several famous cartooDS beil'lgll, only rats an · " mice. ficacy of the iamily libl'ar¥, and meni B4tion , su ch a Ohio State crease In pncea of fatm products Ceci1 Davis wa tI;le Sunday din. thin'ks that childl'en !lhould rcad and Purdue unlv rsl'ties was stress may be. quits successfully met by a way, ot Clarksville, spent Sunday and paintings. This lllaterial has \.; (1 11 perfected Custody of the flower box and 'by the United tates Biological ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson stories but shouid be carefully ed, the p aker showing how th ese more rtgld budgeting ef hou ehold with Mr. and Mr . Wal~er Cast. ~he picture for the ensuing month urvey and is the !\Iafest and best Earnhart an.d !amily. provid~d with the right kind of stations have don much to in. ~xpense.s lind sUPp~ies. Good health Charles Shaw is critically ill at rnt poison known to science. 'Mrs. Dudley Keever, of Center. bocks' many of the current maga- crca e the yl Id 'Je plant and IS a pnme easent181 to the main. hi home n ar Oregonia, being was awarded to Mr. Young'. and Each package of prepared baits ot pro perous and happy seriously threatened with pneu- Miss Lile's rocms, respectively. . I "d ville, was the Sunday guest of her zl' ne"P, 'lihe thl'nkuQ, are .... ,.. orallu~ un- animnl produ ct, thu. increa ing htenance During the social hour, toothsome contains elloug h materia to rl fit for children to read. A cllild th inc me hom the' farnl. omes, a generous use of vitam~n , moni&. refreshments were served by Melthe average farm or business brother, Dr. A. T . Wrigh~. cannot start to read too 500n in Me ST. • L. uke, J. L. Men. such as ,carr~ts., lettuce, s unshme, 'Mrs, Ira Borinl, -of Wilmlngtcn, lite, If the right kind of good _ etc:, bemg qUIt helpiu1 in the premlses of rats making ~bout 100 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noggie and dames F. U. LeMay, Myer Hyman, small bait. There i8 nothing more visited her daughter, Mrs. Wymer books, etc., are provld d in ol'dl.lr mallltenane~ of. health. A. house· so n, or Spring Valley, were Sun· L. V. Branstrator, J. H. Sackett. ·to add, simply expose the baits in Drake, the fir t of the week. to train his reading ta te along hold ~rst !lId .klt should always be day guests fo Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Charles ~nder on, Tom Carr and Fnd Gons. !small pietes about the premises the right channels. She advocat kept .1n rendlll~s~ ~or all emer· Griffy. that ar infested. Full instruction Peter Demas and son; ot New the telling of bed-time storie t o a Vln 00 1 gencles. All m~urles, such a8 for Itsing the baits will be included Vi.enna, ca1le~ on Wayne.ville children, believing that the age ot " bur~8, ~ut, ~"uI ses, etc., should Mrs. J. D. Marlatt returned home in every package. ' frlen!ls"last FrIday afternoon. two yeafs ia not a bit too y01,lng rece~ve lmme~~ate and careful at· Sunday aft rnocn, after a visit at Under a cooperative arrange· Miss SteUa Da gherty was the for the start. Falrytor\ell are a tentJon, S~r1!lzlld bandages and the 1I0me 01 Mr:-nnd Mrs. M. B. ment, the bait will be furnished t f M' d M E t B t- great aid to the children's imaginaI' C plenty of lodme r mercul:ochrome, Kerns in Cleveland. at wholesale cost making the gues 0 r. an r~. rne, u., . l' or some equally effective anti. '. f 60 ~- terworth Saturday Dlgbt and Sun- bve and Illventlve facultle.$, but t· b' dAb d ! -Mr:-O. J. Edwards and Mr. and cen .... day. tales that would in the I a t bit S P Ic;-mguse.. n a un anceo special campaign price 0 Baits will be furnished to anyone frighten the HUe ones "hould nev r The radiO annou:nced Thursday fresh n1l1k and butter shculd be Mrs. J . Wilson Edwards, of neal' Following an investigation tbat in the county, bu~ it is nece sary Rev H. H, Lafferty of Spring- b tId' afternoon the death of Ex.Presi- served at each meal. The home Greenfield, visited relatives and has been in progress since .the to re!!erYe the bait in advance. To I bero, ril preach at the Wayne8- e Si~ pupils of the second grade dent, alvin Coolidge, 60, at his raising and canning of fruits, friends here today. destruction or the Lebanon Opera be sure of getting baits. write or ville M. E. Church, next ,Sullday then sang a song that was much home in Northamptun, Mass. HiM vegetablea an.d meats !A a glJllat MI'. and M . Guy Kibler and hllu e by fire, Christmas morniq, telephone t~e office of the county morDiD,. appreciated, and Miss Betty Hart- body as found on the Roor at help to ~essentng expenses, a8 \!Jen children, of Dayton, were Sunda~ local officialsandstatefire manhal. agent. sock favored with a piano 8010. his bedreom and death wa. due to a an ,aId to better health. Meats afternoon callers at the home of reported Tue~d8y that they beRats are highly migratory, so it Jlr, p. E. Michener was in Mr. C. A. Steele, of South Vien,na heart trouble. ~he thl~.ks; should be browned .be- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough. Ii ved the blaze was of incendiary is hoped that everyene will cooper· ColuDlbul Thur,day and Friday, was then introduced, and spoke enH had been io IJ ual h alth as ore being. canned. Bome bakmg, , origin. ate to free WatTen County of in attendance at a convention of tertainingly ad ' instructively of far as his wife arild busine s as- butter·makmg, the manufacture of Mr. and MI'S. Morris GJ,'aham enThe build-ing, which also houlII!d rats on this date. Inter\lBt your Fe~ De~lera. "The Farmer of Tomorrow." sociates knew, having been at his b.9usebold soap, and m01'1I! ~tten- tertained Ml', and Mr~. Ralph the variou city Dffices, was gutted neighbor, talk rats every place you Mr. Steel him elf a farmer office dUl'i eg the m()rning. He was bon t o the texture of f\lbflcS in Le\V~ ot Daytcn, and W. with, 10 estimated at $80,000. .' . ' , the laundl'y, and more careful- at- Graham at Sunday dinner. go from npw until ,February 28., 1\(r. Harry VanTre88, of Mexico, The elimination of rats :from an a brother ef the late Roy VanTress :tully r~a~J~~$ the sertousness, th.e the la t living x,pl~esidellt.. tention to the selection and u~ The Inves tiglltion is being conentire cemmunity can be accom. 'visited Wayneni1le friends the r~sPOnStblhtle8, and the oppor~unJ' The fu~era~ took place Sat~l'. keep of clothing and equipm~" Mr. and Mrs. Jes e tinued. tlell for good a!,:orded by ~grlcul- day morning In the Pre byt~rlan home ~ewing, are other Co nO!1l(. ao)), of Sabina, were Di 'cove ry of the fire 'was made pUshed only by organized efrort. latter part of last week. ture as a vocation. He aId that chu.rch at NOI'~hampto~" and hLs :e- which I!he recomme nd\l~. lie also a'iternoon callel'1! at th lIome of by ~ trllvelin~ ~Iesman ~ho was -- Mn. J. L. Hartaoek bas 're- some people thought that Qur mains wl!re laId lI~vay In the fHlmly urged pnrticipation in the I!octal Mr. and Mrs. Hawke. passmg the bUilding at 20 clock In turnea h01Re &1t"r an extended country demanded the Tetum of cemE!terr 100. mdel! !lway. where life of the c()mmunity, lIuch as the nlornin~. He gave the alann, visit to ber daughter, Mn. Robert beer, when wh~t was really wante~ all of ~I S famIly ar,e mterreil. , home talent plays, community en. Mr. ,nd Un. John B. Gons and bot th e IJlaEe was 80 far advanced Walton, and famll1, at ~aytoll. ~as a cha~lte In governm~nt poh. Pr SId lit and Mr s. H~over, and tel'tainments, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Banker were that th~ building was a total 1088. Cle!. He dl cussed the sct'lQusne many notables of 1iVashtngton at-I dl:nner guests 0'1 Mr. and Mrs. Fir('rnen kellt the flames from ,T he- Woman's Auxiliary of St. of ,taxation, especially commend. tend d the tu nel'al. ' (Cont\n~~~ Q__ Jl, ~fe 4) Victor 'e~r, of Middletown , spl'ellding lo adjoining buildi!l-P Mary'. church will meet on Fdday i __ Sllnday evening. - only aitet' a long fight. afternoon,' January 13, at twO' • _ o'cloQk at the home ot Mrs. . The ,first 8ale at th , Warl'~ n - - - -..- - - Oeorge Hartsock. T. Reid County auction baf~ at Wayne Mrs. Day '--------"""----.. .f" Hatchery, on TUMday, was vorl' The Bchool Illnch committee 01 .. ~ • .! ta d we II att en d e-,t.... an d i8 sal'd t o '-nav'.! • • •_ O,Il AfllIOlf n - 0+ It' 1tI,~un'1e~!l 'L - the Mpthers Club Ml"Ved IUlIcb at been lIa t iaflietory. inlf ~8 ~p HIe ~el'minal:hlD of ttl,. It t}ie (lpn, )londllY and Tuesday fOr A , ~ocial hour, plea antly oc" . MI'. K. J. Vale and Mr. Dean cupied ' with ' piecing blocks lor a fIlllI- leV)' 10r ' sct\pol PllfPO"eS In the 1I0nvenjenpe ' Plltronll of the Wayne 'fDwpship Sllhco) P!ltriC~ '"rptere lnstltllte, Reynard cf Smithfield. Ohio, al'e the S mill levy vot.d Novembtl r , visiting, Mr. and M't"8. E. L, friendship quilt on the "Fan" pat. 11132 to l}e e4iectlve fpit the Ol'~-, Ml', and )Irs. 'fom Ihlrton, and Thoma!!, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. te1'n, proceded the meeting of the rent feat wa/l added to the r.te )lr, aD4 )lJos. Jarnes Hartsoc:k an!l Earnhart and familyto~' a fow W, F. M, society ef the M. E. "hUl'c h, held a~ the hom of Mrs. Rheet by ~he Budget' Commtsalcn chlldre" spent last Saturday even~ da y,:;. A. K. Day last Wednesday. aftermaklng.a 6 mm levy. JDC at the hO'Ne 01 )fl'. and Mra. R. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thom~ noon. . On aC40unt of the fact that It S. Uartaoek '!.n Middletown. gave a family dinner, TueiKlay Afk'r th e meet.ing had be.en euJl· wall a tnleundel'l1tandJRI the \ . vening, for the pleasure or Mrs. ed to order by the preside.nt, Mrs. Auditor and Treasurer have agreed Born-To Mr• .-od M"'. Wesley Thomas' brother and cOUl!ln Mr'. Frank LeMa-y, Mrs. Day conducted to correct the 'WaYne TowrY'll!p HowaN of Oor .. \n, on Tuesday, COME \ ' I th JanuarJ 10, & daucliter. Mr. K. J. Vale and Mr. Dean Rey'nard, ' the dev otional exercises, and Mrs. School District, ~up ieate at e re- Howard II tbe local Hetton fore. ,(.HICK-U, of Smi thfield, Ohio. ' I G. C. Dibc,·t gave a resume of , a quest of the Board of Edu~tlon, I d , !bapter of the Ii utly, "The Fourlll thus eliminating the 8 mUl levy man on the Pennqlvanla ral roa . CHI(M.-~ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and Daughter ." A viotrola selectio. voted In November 1982. This reThe Brotherhood of tbe M. E. C,,,IGeC Mi s Rachel Davis visited at the Watl follow ed by a program 0'1 quires a great deal of labor in churcb baa taaued Invitatlolls to enhome of Mr. 'a nd Mrs. P~ter De· selected readil1a-s, unde~ the directhese offices but will be cotr..,u,d te~n aU lUle l'118lPtlen Qf the mils in New Vltnna-, Sunday. Mrs. tion of. Mrs. Mary MIlClu~e. as soon all poulble. ' coqreptloa In the .oelal room. Netti~ Kepler who was seriously Th e n&l(t meeting will be h~d Anyone havlnc paid their taxel of the ollllroh O'n M~n4~' evelllng, iQjured ,in a recent 'fall at the at the home ot Mr$. Raymond In Wayne Town~hlp Sohool Dis- JanUli'f lG, Demas hCIl1~ . is thoulI'ht to be re- Co~nel' in li'ebruaI:Y. b'let w\l1 be entitled to I r.tund.r covering nicely. . - --for over payment. , ' - Rev, Ind Mn, S. J, ~hle".r, COUN!Y' INSTITUTE -Amended ta.x recelpta I~ Re- Millea Anllle aad "am, pro,wr, Hank and Willie will be at the fundlln wUl Dot be ,a vailable untU and Min ••., Wn.bt were eall"n , Gym ThU1'Ilday nigtit, January 19. A county W. C•. T. U. inl!titute Januaty 20th, 1988. at tbe ho...e of Mr. p<\ )Irs. Will you? will be 'held in the M. E. chu~h - - -... _ . Stanle,. Senen 1n Lehuon, Sun· Waynesville's team iD the War· at Lebanon, Sa.turday, J'nuary 21 . BUlTHDAY luarRISE da)' atwnoon, ' ren County Independent Basket- beginning at 10 o'clock.. A covered Honoring her blrthd., annlverJobn Walker and family, who I>all league will meet the Spring- dillh lunch at the noon hOllr. bora team in a pme at Harmon The afternoon program eomsary, few of Mill Katherine have been Iivlnc 011 the Allee Ual1, Lebanon, thi (Wednesday) prillCS apeakinf' and two playlets, Brill'lI !friends perpetrated a very ChenO'w th farm north of toWII, ev~nlng. The a-ame will be played ~me by members of tbe Lo)';al pleasant BUrpri,. on ber at the bave removed their home to the 8fI a preliminary to the Harman Temperance LeciOD and one by home of Mn. E1Rma .Tanney, lut Goshen neirhborhood. Geor.. W. Hall class A team'" game. the Y. P. B's. ThuredaF evenllli. The evenine Smith and family expeet to occupy • .- • Everyone welcome. ' wa. pleuantl), puaed with "arioul the Olaenoweth fann In the neal' DEATH pmel, eonteltfl and eon".~tlon. future. The iavited !rUnt. Included tbe MI'. and Mrs. Ralph Greecor The remaiDe of the late D. CllrMissel RubJ J~m. . Lou'" Boar', and dauchter, )larian, Mn. ROle tis Baney were brou«ht to Xlami In Pnfe ~"cI lIi~m Beet$, Barbara \"a,.q., II~ Mabel Sntith, 1Ir. and cellletery for burial, Tuesday after Health Seal t.;1t=~ ~~ IIlj1 ~JUlP J.-. ~.~ )I", PI f:lehlm~DIl; Mrs. C. , noon. Mr. Bailey, who ."... Ibout Wayne TOW1lIl~~" - - -.. - • II. Bre.... &n.ll Ibown. lira. 72 Jean old. died IUddlnl, at hill wIIh to II.... _k ~ Sa aH . . . . . La-.naee Brown home Deat" ()aJlJand. 8~otl1- tr(lIatecl to thls -~.;.I;, ,"~.~ .... WiltoN at • I. .... .. the naul\ .r ,Iaeart at- a IIICI.... QI&Irl.l'~1i
C 1 . C I'd ge Foun d Dead In Home b}' W · e
Opera House Fire May Have Seen Deed of IncendiarY
r---....;-----.. .---"
School Levy to Remain at Three Mills ' on Dollar
By Itlbe.,.,
She Certainly Earns Her Keen
HOltel1 W F M Soc."ety
---_. _..----'
7 he Little Red, District School as it Existed in Wayne 1ow,,-ship for
}I e~rs
1)f.Sl'R::OBi DR. R. ·5. WEAVER
Salvi of W. N. Thomp on, ad· mini tntor of ~.tate of Caroline S. Adam., were approved by court Lebanon Citillen National Bank and Trult Co., exetutor of estate of JII)ward Jeffery, decea.ed, filed Entomololi.ta Show W.y a schl'dulu of debts. Phona 80 Bimk Bldg. .Th' adjudieation arid determlnaReduce Coilly Annual tlon 0 f th e In . herltan~e . tax on the Food Lone. ta te FOR SALE DATES CALL '&I . ofbHoward Jeffery, daceas· 1'1, IS t e given to all persons In· tt'fested . Tllrrible art! lh ' tiny mon .'ters that attack th family's stored
COfl1mon PI aa Jl"roceedinc.
the T ('" 1Itl' n rynnl. , . nn(1 I III tIll' '''HI nf II. R. Tri\'(!tl vel'I grl\ IHtf nt hN Il f •rnnll', F'.. 1\.. ~- R II~1'rt1, ,. By Tl"'; Il(tO ,'1I\R All t t. I1W1I1 " I's. ~,~ 'pi U. W. ~:l'~ ::'('I'fal'I~' hil(l I(hl.' 1I1" I,'I'k i~ 1111' II. 1' .'11>'. Th u!'. L. 1-'1''' 1110', ,I. II. I ~U~ J uhn I\ \ll ney, I.' aI, the 1!t'1l1UrTh 1'IUI_, alil' lI 1t) a . pcd:t1 In '('t. " " 1\ ' 1' II • l'~"r~ Il u l'l .... II wman, J , R. Hisl')', K II . R,lb· I l'l'r e,I .10hll Ki rl lwy \\tIM!lu:;taincd 10K, .July 27, \\h"n Ih' 1{l(,I1 I I"rt'~- "'lul l.' and .1 (1hn 'I'lIrm'I', [111(1 !'tjll l'l'ts, \Y . W .' Arn uld , hn .. n Ull - In I h., '11"(' r> t' R. [ . Shick en\U s tot's oi .'1" (i \ \'I'l' n:lnll'd as I 1(' irlv~ ill Bcllbruu l. . hum, 1:\ .. M l' K inse~', M . ('. Su ttl'r- C. t '. ~:n ... t, 11 an Li n lln F. Eust.u n bllillHn g (.,dlllllitlel', lin d " t'l'e {R ight he n ', it Illn y b(' just .;.t!< th \\!l ile. r. MUl t!.l, . Iark, llluli(,11 \l\' ·I'rult'd . 01'Mani ••• Licl!n ••• "nuthori:wd I hav,' thr t R w 01(1 .If (.xpl an c•. Oa n lllrk, P. Cl nr k, Uh v ' r lJavi , .1' 1'1.'d to VIt'IHI by !to E:lmer J. She til, carpenter, of od supply. But even though their ( Harle I h I put in ,. tl' 11011 101' th e \I ho wond,' r why th ..• .1. 11. Clar k, Wm. lIum ph r ,\I b I'l wa_ (,'li nd gUl lly o r Lebanon, and Mrs. Jennie Beel, of appetites ar ray n us, they can !oundaiion nd I ll'8 ('XCllvlltil n mono of the t 'nchers 01' nll n R. K L. IIw illdk lml'llt lill,d 1I1{1I1IlSI hi m Lt!bano!,!. be controlled or complctely ext 1'JESSE STANLEY fell- n ccll llr. :\1::... oil<' 11(, \' and t<.l" I~~r.lct l'cl\(\ol~ tire not,i nc luti- W. 'r , Fru Olt', T.1-;. ~lll n( t)n, .1\- , D . li nt! \1 1\. lint!d l ClOa ml en" t,. Ge~Hge Collctt, laborer, ot P Ii- minated with a, !ittl effort. In lhl.' ('tl~1.' l,r .111 hll Wlllia n\ ~~~I Lake, Wisconsin, nnd MillS Among the denizens of the corn Phone 320, N.w BurllD.toD, Olal. ,n(' "'ind,, \\' ill tlw ('(,lilt', lint! tel " lin IlIH C,hl"'01 I,', The only ,.c~- Rpbl' I't. , h n lnh R('Ctl(' I'" WII\. h: v (mh':J trJ~~" itl~( .ud <Ii ~ ~'1'1 \\ h~H' h ett Jlbl" to ~ecu re Rc<'tll'r, Frll nk R~e\lcl', r~lI en ,ide 1\'('] SUl< ~l'i)USI iU Il 1\1 , But'l'klt',' f' t fll f.hzabeth J . Hamilton, of Lebanon meal bin, the box 01 dri d fruit or us culled' fur In tIlt' of tht' tow n$hip W m. t-tt'tllil ick , a nd Mn l'Y A . Rt'- tlll mill io n or dl'ft'nLllllllii l'lIl' h UIILI R I E T lhe can of dried beans 0111' 'oc11 of to bl'mnd ]11 oar I't urntion. TI1l' reg ular. tslli k, (I t hink ihn t Oliv('\' I)av i!; all of .tl'f lid 11 !: I'l\ nt l' d ;30 ea .tate ran.r.u casionally finds these u'nw('h:onJl' EARL KOOGLER a Cll t no t l) l'C(' " ott(' hlll1llr\!cI .,! "lundlll)C 1.111 , ~urh U~ the >lala- i~ Ih ~ol(' ~ul'\'ivor o f til (,RI' dllrs addiliu nal tilll(' to fi le Etta B. and J. p, Larrick (0 vi.sitors which entomologis ts have . " . .. " 111 . tll l' 1I1l~WCr, U 'tlIllrl'~r 'll olht!r Jlll'atl- I .1IlClnna .. •. Da)'tol) Phon. d"ll nr:- <>\er Iln,l IIhl'I'(' thl' ori){inal i1'll'S h( ' h',wh('r' . '" l 't(. ., n I'0 110 t J'IHl' d \ }K'tltllln I'S w h 0 stI' ll r '''I(h .1 Gas &. El ctric Co. the gIVen sue h names a s saw·toothed ntrn.l 1'1'1«' on the" holl' illt.." n thl" LJ!t III tI .l! l'amte fu nd a l'- t nitory, ) inll', u!le of renl estate in Wayne town- beetles, common bean weevil KEnmore 8986 l tlle rl!{Culllr faH lnl'l;ting whH:h th(' kep I. T hen, 'l'he que1;t io n dt'bateu PI'O ' III "I ' I'lll' Fed.ml Land for lines. fI.our snout moth, spid r b etle: h~ld uJ!:u~t ~ . till' I.'rk \\11,1 ' in~ ~s n ow • .thl' "nl:ll']~~ we n! Ii. led /ll1d con f ill' Ko nH' ti me, but fl nu\l y Bunk \'l'I':;U- Clw~te .. A. [J ules, et I WalLer und Celeste Kellnel' to <!Igar tte be tI , and mallY others. Eltru ,t«n to nd\'t,rti,~ for bie!. (,'r 111 \\'hl\~ 1- k:~I)Wn .''' thu .res u la \, , 11~"t by a vo le of 14 t o .t . Of th~ ul. IJ ud~l1tl'nl til plnill tiff fo r indnnati Gos & ~Iech'ic Co: the Weevils and ROlli ' moths the !!iu lc of old l'pholol house nd lC' IItlCll'Ithl) . (l1,l)tlllJ, untl t h iS wa, ('Ight epn lll em be l'';. of t it tw ,) , :!(jG~.~O, ' use of real elltate 1II Wayne lown- usually enter homes in c:ontaminnt in n. 0. an d ht' lind the' PI' ' nll aut omatac al.IY ea h mon th .b oa rd wh(1 vot ed on the In hi' of CI,'Ulell t S. BUwYllr s hiP fo r Jines. ed food products such as flour w"re allthm'ized to borrow lOO() Igf'ther WIth the llpl'cinl mi sce l- l ioll, only William th en n Wullucl' W , Bowyel t he William B. and Grace C, Mather ' or breakfllst fo ods which fOI' u.e (If till' l'ontin~('llt fund, . filIC(l\~~ blUI! nUl/we\I, a t the m t- TT.l mb r r t he Wayn<'~\'ille BOl1nl cl\!fl' IHln ll1 i~ j,:r:rrd" ,o! :10 \11l;'~ in to Cill innati Gas & Electric Co. ~ave been exposed to the egIS' lay, Jl l're'~ th l' c" I'1 uf t h(' apP(' inl- m g. f",r:., rarely a l'e t. h na mes uf hu t n II' a [' side nf ( Corw in , SUI'. whirh III pl(JJI 1. t he u'e of real estate In Wayne ang of beetl s or moths in ware. m nt of Wayn t wnllilip's Lr. t th'" teac hl'rs mentio ned in vi es. In th!.' (' 11M' "I' "'t·,t rn l OI' lines. ' houses or store rooms; acc ording tru ant offic(\r ll S Clprk ' VoolI<,y 9 Wh n th e board fi na lly ("'I' p., \ 'an tl ,lrT1C Tuue 0 nnd Margar t Mentz to to the f or th r ports it: I en year I 1 ~rted with a bled for its r egular 111 · ('tinl( f I' l't III. O... ll'r i'llle of t·t!al t'stll ~e. incinnati Gas & Electric Co. the agricultural extonsion service at " D ember 16, 1 y ed me .March 7, r('or gl,ln izntion, April 20, 18!11' 1" utigm,'lIt to Wrig ht on I use of l'eal e tate In Franklin the O. S. U. "B)' mutual nlr l' !'Ill nt of a for I' p.ut P.ose o f p r ovldmg funds the ne w cl erk wel'e indul·ted l'hri~tiul1 . Rul'Z un un!'lw r lind ,townShiP f or lines. ontainers and receptacles C T ma jority 01 th .. memberR of t he lO{ t he school in N o. into member!.thi l>: Ave,.y @elll('s. p 'tition. ViI'gi nia ole t o incinnati Gas should he th oJ'o ughl¥ I lined of ho)'(.1 of t'ducatioll of I' orne No.1; Philip u lti'acl?, o.:!: In Ill' ('USt' o f A 1m3 1\ llIII versus & Elee tI'ic O. the us of ral es· old flour or meal remnant!! , before t ownship. and in compliance with the J O.l!huo hen oweth, 0 . 4; .Jos. ·W . I' mllk S('hllll l·tztmuher lind Ste lla tote in Franklin township for Jines a new supply is obtained. In· law, Fr nk Barnhut a ppoint- . 5. 1II addit IO n to wh'at Hise y, No. 10; a nd W. T . Pralll jut!'1ll n( t o I H. . and Mary henoweth to fested packuges are best removed ed to . rve a5 'l'ruott t Offi ce r 0 f aIr aely r eceived, .for tllls o. 11 , Other new local plnll1titT ft)r 5 incinnati Gas &: Electric Co. the from the house immediately and said distr ict f1>r till' prese nt P po d' and th me tlng ad- armlln, Isaac (IInp on . Frnnklin nin n J oint. 'lock Lu nd Ba nk lff 01 real estate in Clearcreek all cereal fragments should b e Itchool year ." Th e new Qffi cer wus Journ to me t on the 23rd of t h c Ca r man, rsaae olllplon, F l'Illtk nOll'olt, ' 8 CIII'I', III.! I'SUS J.l liza '1'. towns hip for lines. cleaned from cracks, crevices and tht> f ll her vt our Rtemnled f orm r , a~e month. par ker and Fnl nk l1 ami lto n .. IJnrlll)lI, e n1, jlldil~men t to pla in . The .M iamisburg Building and the corners ,ot shelv S. E . V, Bnrnhal't, now a Whereas, W , the members ot I J osiah HOlIg h WO!1 cont inued U1; tiff {Ol' Loan Association, to Dan B. and Packaged breakfast f o ds, the r '!lident of incinllRti. the .Wayne T ownship chool board president. The ca~ .. of Da\-id G. Ertel vel" Jane Salyers, Inlot No. 432 in e~tomologists y, ar sterilized Jab I Phillips in No.3, nnd lie Ire to . do all in our powel' for: Tho hoard a repled the ' 1' Nil 11(', J . Kip)) was dl ' miss d Frnnklin. ":'Ith heat and th n pack d in • Ivanu Hartl! ock in No. 6 were the upbulI(ilng of our sub-dis trict of Dr. Hunt '!, Cat'm from INlr· 11\ tit .. eu ' (' of Anna Mary DeLinley M, and Mary Johnson be tIghtly seal d contll,inel's, This th new clerk to appear when the schools, for the advllnc ment creek tOWll. hi p to . uh-d i!<tt' ict No, IJo/lt'd veri'll!'; Dllt"!' 11 11111 n on ap W slel' Howard, real e tate in trees them of all insect life. hoar d met for l ' organization, of the pupIl!! aU nding the ame, .12 o:.f Wa yne t ownship, a nd bought "Iiclltion f tl efemhlnt, CII. is con- al m township. ,Beans, cereal -.....- - - - - - - -- April 21 , 1 90, nnd President. r :", WalTe n connty mop :for cllch tinued un t il 11 let te rm, Wesley Howard to William C. drIed :fruit may be sterilized IR J osiah Hough emulat d Lord W e I e I that the in t r- _ 'hool a t 8.75 cach. In till' elise of J\[ .Ivin Moo re vel" How rd, I'eal stat in alem the home ?y the. heat m thod if Director of FUDeral Senic. Tennyso n's brook. New local est 10 the ub-districL sc hoo\.$ "A motinn to employ Prof. J . Annie Moore , t.livorce t o plain. town hip, they are slightly 1I1f ste d and the dir dor included J ohn B rgdall, be increu 11:<1 system Brow n to. vo al tiff. hild b "iv n t o plain'tiff, . I<'irman R. Evans, deceased. to food ha. not beco!"e unfit tor Hen'ty U\>p, Jonathan M. o ole , of education, be It . IJIQ'!;IC 111 th sub-dl: tnct fo r t h ----RIchard Pierce Evans, tal. real consumptlon. ometamee flour or Our convenient location. lultaand Ed G r a y , . . ~esolved, Thllt we pay the next school yellt at a salary of New SlIita e-tate il) Franklin. IJleal can be SIfted to !'emove the ble aurroundlnlrs and equipment O'Neall, 1\f'lni'ort and tUlhon of those pupil shall . 52 PCI' month, one les. 11 to be At'end v' r sus Kate ArAnna Lyle Shurta deceased to :-vebbed pellets of meal sunoundenables us to Serve to the Beat Prater were appointed members of sllccesdully pas the T ownship ",iv"n we kly in each seho I and e nd, {Ol' d ivorce. Charge i willful William L. hurts ' et al IOlJ .the ansect, and the remainder Advantage. a committee "whORe dllty it should Pupil' ellllmination in the High each 1 ss n to continue on hour; nbS(,IlI:C . Arthur Bryant i the at- estate in Lebanon.' , subjected to the heat treatment, be to cont r with the board of , chool departm nt, and th.()se who provid d. that in case two, or more torney. Virl!Jil M. Shurts, et al to Roll- The commqn method of ,.t AMBULANCE SERVICE ducation of Waynesville Special are noW ill the Waynes* agree to eOl1!\O lidat Addie A. Hartsock versus Birdie ond F. Pierstorf, 110 allres in beans. Is to place them 10 a thm distMct, and ascertain what vUle Public for th pUl-pose of mUijic les ons, Ie ander, et ai, for money, Union township. layer In the oven and subject them Pho.. 29 . Wayn •• .,ilIe, ' Ohio term can be had with aid board resolutions wer unani- then the salary shall proportion- cl o ur anll other relief. Jim Reece and Nancy Reece to to a of 130 to 135 deto receive l'ICholars into high ly adopted b! thE' bourd March :ally be . reduced, was submitted John Connors, inlota N08. 379 and grees Fahrenh('1t for minutes. school from the township chools.' .. a, and th e pr 51dent and clerk and carried." Court 3 0 in Franklin. The thermometer nadlng should Charle M. Cartwright presented w re to en.tel' into a Tax . adopte.d: Wayne DOl'a arnuhal1, administratrix Lorene W. Metcalf to Edith P. be taken from the Be ds in the ns a resolution that had been contract .W1th 0.1 the tUItIOn, 3,000; same, (on- of ·e lute of Laura M. Jones, de- Warrick and Arth\lr C, Warrick, center of the layer. If b adopt d by the board 0'[ Warren WayneSVille dl trlct In ac- tlng nt, 2,000; pl'ing alley, ceased, filed h r "lie bill. inlot No.3 in Springboro. are to. be u ad for plan tang, raIse County teachers, "the sen e ()f cordanc the resolutions. :$72; Sugarcreek, $76 i Clearcreek Harry D' nlhien, ele cutor of esJohn T. ' Collins to Richard P the temperature slowly nnd take which resolution i to aTrang n Tben they apJ.ourned to immediate :Xo. 2, $96' and leal'creek No, 12 tate ,oI Dora Gruplar , deceased filed Coop t 91.17 acre in Clearereek care that the temperature does not WANTED course of study :for the Iy reconvene !n a joint session with 24. . hi distributi\'e a,ccount. towns hip. 135 degr. C's Fahrenheit. pupIls of the township to prepare the WayneSVille board, ClerK Woolley IIppomted J. . The inv ntOt'Y o.f Orion F Crain Jacob Frost to Earl Frost inlots ::'Igher temperature mny destroy them to enter the high schools of All m mbers :of both .boards weTe to serve as local director ex CutOI' of o'f Ma;tha D Nos, 45 and 46 in South e germ. W ANTED- T buy all kind of the county." T.he board endor_ed present. at thIS meeting, Messrs. :tn place of Georg!! Henkle in No. rain d c as d was approved .rohn T. John on and Elizabeth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= hicken!!, paying highcs t market this re olu~ion. Hough ~nel Woolley being selected -4, llnd E. I? Bu:nett in place of I Th~ inventor~ o.f D. E. He~ood J hnson to W sley Howard, real price. all 69RG. - jtB The. acbon of the le_arcreek to p~e ld nn~ to r~cord the pro FrmI~ ,Hamilton an No. ] 2. exc II to I' of e tatE! 'f Lina Baxtel', estate in a1 m Township. towDshlP boud, tran ferrlng the ceed1Og. onslderataon of the f 1_ PhIlip urface and N. L. Bun- decl.'ascd wa approvell 'Charles W. Johnson IlDd Mary W ANTED to buy- Br d r house, lands of Mr, 'Kenrick fro,m di tr~(t lowi?g p tjtion f.urnlshed the nelJ !ailed to attend the regular I The lnve ntol'Y ()f Bessie T. Johnson to We ley Howard, real octagonal sectional hou ' preNo. 1~ of that townshIp t o d.' s- m~~lve for the ,n,teettng. meetlDg 01 August .31. Maybe the Haney, ndminis trntrix of estate of estate in Salem townshjp. ferred. Write car' Miami Gazette. trict No. 12 of Wayne township , Your petitIOner represent :fact that t~e followmg mntte,. was Iyele 11 an ey d(lceasetl \VIl apRosanna Clevenger and Harley JU was rat:iMd and accepted. The that they al'e e~ector~ o'f th.e ter~'i- 1;(, co!"e up for con sideration will I)r ovcd, . ' , S Clevenger to We ley Howard real W ~NTED to bUy- Gurden trnctor names of F. E; Rosnag]e, pre dent tory I eluded )n the SpecIal DIS. I explain the latter 1\1 mber's L An" erao~ adm ' . t t f estate in alem township 1> b'In on, k are trict here'In s oug ht t 0 b e est a bl'lSh - I, abse nce, as th e ""t u d en t mentaoned . . . of May u " T '" Ueath InIS dra or 0d - Dors and Nettie .Dors to tilat I' preferred. mu st be an . E . .,0 c Ier, . I!state Robert d J to the Clearereek township ~d, and tha the creation of said was his brother. cheap and in worlcing condition. signed . tiled hi .. invent . • ecease Arch Cornett in lot No 320 In WritClmr -:Miami Gltzellih.- J1-1 C(lmmunicatioD. Mr. Rosnagle was special sc hool district is necessary "On m(ltion, Larone Bunnell II TI·um"nn B Id d M d Franklin' . f th er 0 f Mr. H. E. Hathaway?: f th e f l> II owmg . . I.' \ ~ h 0 fa,le.d ' · pa s at the ' , rl lSappointed WO an execllau e ' PUPI the a rea~ons, to-WIt: t? B. John on \Yere Sam John son to Arch Cornett, HUNTING LARGE NATl NALLY KNOWN and Mrs.. R~.rv y Burnet, and de- . 1. A large enumeratJ~n of youth j t?wnshlp eXlimll1a~IOn, bu.t ~ad tors of estate of Geol' e W. Gri _ inlots, No . 326, 321 and 328 in MAN FA T RER will start you a PISHING parted thiS life only a year or 110 In . d Franklin• Ie.~._ in business f Qr your!!ell, selling diro the d' hamlet t 'tof Corwin and sur- \'8IOCe wa pa tedd a thspeCIal. examlDntlon 'I I w0 Id , de ceased , n o bongd require, .... _ lu~I.\IJI" y agTo . 'u_ tb t h d b ~n ~~g erdf l or · f ' h d ' t sd gt~an hI!· h e hprllvi ege to nt- . B. Kaufman, G. F. Brown and Sam Johnson to Lila Ross, real I .... rect to fnrmer , We fll rnish nearly I . ., e commh""e a a een ap. e a van ta ges urms e I en e Ig sc 00 at Waynes- Ge ·tt· d t . d estate in Franklin b everything. Many 'make $40 to $50 ~~:\,'=r::=I:~= poil1 d to confer with the Way- school youth by attending H gTaded l ville on the same conditions a s to ' I ~. , sr er were appointe William A <:'ott to G ..... "blOI~ .U, ........ • __ II• • •hADl:CII, _ weekly proflts. St. ady rep at bu it nesville board in regard to rates school.. " the payment of tuition as i given ' Holmes real i Un' eorge ~PID' ness. Write quickly, O. C. HEBERof tuition for town _hip pupils in "3. A territory sufficient to sup- r pupils who passed said examina- t .<I t ural ship , n Ion town LING COMPANY, Dept. 1990, Waynesville Rjch school reported port a pe~ial di trict, and the ·tion." t~ 0 ~ a e 0 I lam . are, Charles M Leslie ree' t Bloomington, Ill. Jl1 verbally, Augu st 25, "that CO!lt extreme 'limit are within reach Text books were adopted as I ;::e E ! . Rolland F pierstorf'rea l et;e:-.e .0 """"'~_I' lila would be the same as is no'w of the school house now located 'r' foIlOws: McGuffey's Readers, 1 to t ton . an (;y, rUB. ee 0 es- Union to';nshi es a In II...... lutlMtlbe SPECIAL TREATMENTS-Hem,.••1D_,0Il .... .... charged individual pupils. namely 01'1 the hill near the hamlet of l 6 inclQ,sive, an<t Word Lis t· Rao's ad "d' deceas-p_'--orrhoids or Piles a Specialtv. . ·t 'N Th' d ,,, e 18 II' accoun ' Th Also Varicose (enlarged) Veins e tern ory sought to be /" ew tr Part, Elementary and ' ;'11 J C d ' • t f Bill. Allowed 4 f or a term 0 f twe1ve weeks. C orwln. and leg ulcer!!. Consultation free. On motion, the repol.t was Teceived included in said pecial district is . Higher Arithmeti E. and Elem. ' .' a mll1lS ra or and the committee discharged." that mhraced within the follow- .Algebra; Harvey's Review Gram- ' Robel t nllth, filed ]nc., coal, $16.- . Conl\Dlt Dr. E. M. Steel, Masonic jll Bldg" Wilmington, Ohio. ThaL doesn't sa y that the terms ing lines as n aJ"!y as the same is I· mar , English and Elementary flrFt, final and dl!,tl'lbutiv &: Drake, Inc., c?al, w re acce pted, or rejected, either practicable: (Here follows a I 'Grammer ; Eclectic Geo ra hies I Eugene C. $ .. ,Cha;les Hobso?, I!ervlces does it7 lengthly and te,hnical description ' both elementary find com~et~Co~ tor of estate of. Ltlhan J. Small,· $10, ~tell~ Kelly, .servlces, $10; llller FOil SALE Dr. Fish r tried to Bell a copy of of the proposed boundary lines ,.position, New U. . History ,Guide filed second Ilcc:ount. !t , $10: Morthe , (tb n new WaTren County that enclOSed all of No. 11, and ·,to Health, Copy B ook s, 1 to 6 in- I B. Hendt'!cks and Olave S. ow Whitacre, serVices, $6: Mrs. atlas t o nch distt'iet, but a major- parts of No. 9 nnd No. lO on each 'elusive; and Eclectic Practice. The Spll1ner, of of Sawyer" services, $7; ity 01 the clerks said, "No." The eide.) . , Ip ,resident and clerk were auth<n'izHurley, servIce.' $10; Erma b oard of ugarcreek township, "Yo. petitionere pray that such eel ,to contract for the books, nnd tfo cetrttaan bonds $$\00'. RMlcbEarRd L. . " . '. ' . : ' oss FOR SALE- A few bushels York Creen county. «Bellbrook dis- proceedings b e had as 1\1'6 8uthoriz J/_ E. Janney was appointed agent I r l e es, 0 sa,l es a tor tr icl) consented to the transfer d by Inw and that the ' special Jl accordance with th I ' W . . '1 hOI11Ps?n. admlRlstra stamps, $9,. WIlliam Lillethal & Impe 'ial apples. C. E. e of J ohn T3ergdall' land fr!>lll disdist;icl may be established I In sOD:le manner of our ot' esi...'\te. of 81'011ll1c S. Adams, SonJl, supphes, .$71; Lyl\! Bljlnk . .....d.. Waynesville. • d esCTibed." 'records make absolutely no mennsed, 18 ord re (l to ;Jay ,to hlm- Book Co., supplies, $30; lo!!!!!!!!!.... tr!ct No, 4 t el district No. 12, all as wlt.hin t he boundaries of Wayne The petiti on was signed by H. i>ion, the Corwin citizens had suc- ~elj' Ii stalll t Oly .compe[ls~tJOn. Blank .Book Mfg. Co., supph~s. ,- -t own, hi p. The names of J. . Mc- Kilbon, B. H. Mills, R. F. Shid- I, ceeded in having theil' Special SHmuel Baker IS lnc0f!1pet. $18.50, W. rvons, att y. \ A. was apPOinted fo! Co., prelllr e, president, nn_d J. S. Turner Ilker, R. McKinsey, Wm. Hixon, A. ,School District establ1shed. It is ellt. lerk, were • igned to this com- Emley, J. H. Adair, n, B. ,Godfrey : quite probable that lin examin\lIn and cd b011d ,of $600 mlu,m on '" ,J. T. Riley, municat ion. 'l'he p resident WaR t.he B. M. An son, 1\1. R. Shank, G. R. i:ation of the Warren County ourt With Jay i\1. ogan nnd Alfred C. Att y.. premIum on bond, $25; father of Mrs. Ida Kelsey, and Stiles, J, C. Waterhouse, W. A . record s which I hav e had ncith . Brunt a . s U.rctl.es. J . Waggoner, Agt, Ui S. the ti~e nor th t 't ctr The adjudlcatlClII1 nnd determina- FIdelity & Guaranty Co" $154.50. ' _ . _____ _~_ _ _ . e oppor UI1l y o , ' .. t" . h 't h - _. -- • mllke, will reveal jtl t how this ,IOn 0. J.'~, III e1'l ance tax on t e ' I I'' worthy, result WIIS. accomplish d. - GRAND JURY REPORTED ..._ _.... ______...._ - ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J a I 13e ~hat as it may, we find these t~ elSt ,°(1 eR~I\h'en I 0 p , persoEns 10ON MONDAY, JANUARY 9 , itellH! in the minute" of tWs meet- er c., IC UIl. 1C~I'C e- vans. ' . ' 1 ing . held August 3] , 1891', "0 xeculOl, filed llls fhst and final ' n account The grand jury lor the Jan 1lary I:motton, t he fractional part of ~ub, . l.d Hoppe . and Herbert term of the Warren coun ty com- I ,dis trict No. 9 that was not tllken A. Edwa
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The~ ~,ou auth~rized th~ offi.cla~ ~peclal wl~h
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efilfdWh~lttehr. vo;r~ISt' t ~rran,~If!c,;ase~,
~c)lool her~in
~. h~s ~ewls ~Drak~, ~c~ou.nt 7~i9 ~:~IS DUlth~~, admlnlst~adecea~ed, hl~ ?e~rgJa servl~es, ~uha eXeCl1t~leS ~state Ho~ard l\1~ry .Va~,dever ~eceased, J~ha Hollan~. ~~e .~ltd~l,etd s~dlt ~. ~W~:~s S:~~~~:!'s '~Ie-
.J?' g~!II
H~ward o~,
~ Miche~er. r~" !!!~o!!n~~!'!M!!!.!!_~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;;!!!!!!!!'~!"!!!~!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!""~!!!~
I A WO,rld's
Amer~cand ~~r5e~
c~t~tet o!bFlI'~lan~. EI~ans, dece~
Re cord'
into Corwin Special di!!trict was I'. attached to 5ub-di stdct N 8 : ,On motion, th~ clerk' was in s ~~uct~ " ed to. draw an orae,. 01'1 the ll'ellg~ I' urer In favol' of the treas urer of 'Corwin Special district f or the :amount of money that lIaid distric t .may . be en .itled to al'i~ in~ f ro m I.prevlou s l evlC~!, made by this bourd when it i~ a ~c rtained what that !umount wi ll be." A I . nc now some of the good citihI!" I:zerlli (I f the Lytle neighborhood ' g!n ~heir campaign for n special ,d]!;tnct and n graded sch ool. (To be Continued) WheAt in G.oocl
C~ndit ion
,Ohio wheat was in better condi· .an the first of December than m an y other important wheat !'>tatc. With half the total wheat a('l'c age in the' entire country thl'_ IItates, Kan as, Okiahllm.: and Temll, report their wheat crop~ .to bl! 'in exceptionally poor condItIon. The averajte condition 01 willter wheat In the entire eOQntrs b Deeemb r 1 wall the 10 eIt on. eol'd far this date, ~i011
executo l'S o'f. estate of mon pleas court adjourned Wed· I Hoppe, deceased, flIed nesday at n(lon after remaining in then' fi r st , final and distributive session ~or a day and a half, They A th C s to the court Monda". n ony . .- weeney, executor # of tJ8latc of Thomaa E. Sweeney,. T wenty-two witnesses were exce:l st'd, fi led llis first and final amined , by the grand jury in its consideration of 14 cases, It is reMYI·tle R. Da~', executrix of es- ported. fit.altc hOE Afidam ~dl. fiDaYI' deceased, Garnet Wilson, Lebanon, and 1 C(l Is I' t nn na account. ~l llde C. WiUlin\rer, executrix. Betsinger. Milson, were ex· f ' d f 0 ('state of Anrla T. Geering, de- cuse rom jury duty, the vacaJl" cen~c{! filed her third accounl. es being filled by J . P. Rawles Tht! will of Wyatt B. Morton, Nellie Fisher. rlccea!'led, was filed In court. D. Maple took the deposition of The jury: Russe ll Conwell, HerNettie Conic lin, witness. bert Carr, Rezin Meloy, Charles ('lint<'n V. Black, executor of Hagemeyer, J . P. Rawlel, Nellie ('~tntc f' f Frank Black, deceased Fist1er, Ellis McClure, Robert Rossol<1 certain renl estate and ali er, 0 , W. Doughman, Z. O. Worley accounts are to be settled, George Light, Marle Benham, A certified copy of the entry Henry B~dy, Clint Taylor and determining 'the 'inheritance tax Margaret Wund. _ _ _ _ on tl1e estate of Firman R. Evans ~ed, is to be ' certified without Helpl•• P_ p_l_ delllY, ........ Six 4-8 clubs are helping Thl' invl'a:ttory of John W. Scull and L. Earl Thompson, admlnillm- unfot1.unate famUl.. in IIMnliton tors of estate of Emma J. Scu11, county, l'eportl tile count, 4-H f)p<'eAlled, wall aEllr'll'n,v.. ,~_ club qellt, who ..,. tbat dDriq W. C. J[a.ftllii .. ~. _a.d.i." of Cal- the.. til....Ix poq,. . . . .
Kee~a:. i!.t=:~:
Ie 01'-
M ORE than
three thousand births without a lIingle lou of either mother or childl That is the nffidal Piatt County record of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, in fifty yeara' family practite in Illinois. NO. wonder mothenl have lIuch entire confidence in givin, little ones Dr. Caldwell'~ Syrup Pepsinl I' you have a baby, you have conalont need of thia wonderful preparation of pure pepsin, aetive I14!nnll, and herbs. A child who this stimulant 101' the
.;=~I :~n:':'IDI :J~.~z:!I:~:
condition of constipation. It buUdI them uP. and is nothin8 like the strong cathartics that aap their Itreagtb and .enerlY. ' A coaled tontrUe or bad breath It the lignal ror a spoonful of Syrup Pepl!in. Children take it readily, for it ia really delicioualn flavor. Taste itl Take Syrup Pepllin yolll'Mll, ""hloB aluaiab or bilious, elr you are troubled. with liek headacbes aDd no appetite. Take IOlne ror lIVe,.l da)'l h... run-down. ad . . bow it picka JOlt up.
It 1.1 •
Best of the News Direct . From the Ohio State Ca L-______________________________________
D. L CRANE : Publi.her Offic. ·Pbo.e ... No 112 . . ..... R ••ldeac. ... ,..... .. .. .. ...... No. 111
HarveYlbur. ~------J
1\1r8. Anna Harris, of Dayton. waH a Sunday visitor to friend~
We H... • Compl... Wa.."
u~e \'y~t..19
IS.•.CriPtloD Pn... .1 .10 a Year COLUMBU Hun. Clarence J. at Poetotfle• • W.YDea • Brown, who has served six year
late 18{1I1C W. Tuckor. the first to Misses Virginia and Vivian By Mr.• ' J ...i. B. Tripp hold tht' 1'0. ition. bei Tuc!ter entertai ned with II party at ,Cary's Jewelry Shop vIII.. Oblo. •• Second l as Secretary of State, bid adieu to by ovcl'nol' Chari Fostllr. their home 'atu,rday ovening. tu. Matter Lebanon. Ohio . his "family" of state employes Tucller l1'Rllpcd the squirrels in the dent fl'om the high 8chool wel'(, There are hOfl!e~ Wilh heauliful Store Op(ln Evening! Monday and returned to his home ' vicinity of Huyden Falill and Dub. guests. plumining tails DECEMBER 28. 1932 at Blanch ster, linton cou~ty Ilin ~~d t~l'y were brought to the Mrs. Everett humuker fell in And coats of the t nd regt grllY: where he will assume a more active Capital lty. homes fur them being their apartm nt In incinnati ant.! Wholi!' silver hou rM !<tep frll nt mllnagement of The Bl'Own pub- ' made out of small pint!! boxes and suffered a fractured leg. She was c1_u d to c\lJ1,1d Iishlng Company, lately remodeled r)laced in thl' trl!es. The grounds takl'n to the hospita l whel" the As th<'y playfully sCll mper o\\'uy. and rebuilt aflel' a disastrouB lil'e. were the I' ndezvous of numerou s fracture w!\ reduced and wh re The lend ing of money to Ilnancilll institutions. the creation of May while Secretary dogs and an order waSI is~ueJ f or, sh will remaltl during con vales- They go daneing and prancing. ~OTARY PUBLIC public works and the providing 0'1 adequate charity have not brought Brown was eng~g d in. omPllign- bid~ing them pal'k privileges and cenca. on clouds of 1'0 C. back pl·osperity. We mny b ttCI' . face the fact than to hide from it:To iog in Northwestem Ohl(). Our giTIs bas ketball team is And lhe red fades out, a.nd rnoun1 then' owners WIlI'n d te) ke p them N.tioll 1 SIiDI. tain& of s n o w~ b' Hure. the t hillglS WI? have done in an effort to end the deprellsion The scrverance of relationship away. It ha s been In elf ct .·ince. k eping pu it- r .. cord in fine style. Wlib Drawn • • E.t.at•• S.ttl.,. ,. f 1;om between the .. hl'ef" and officl'al The PI' Re nt .·quin·cl lIrn, n m ·lx. They Ilave been valuab Ie. They have prevente d the situaLlOn th h wun fIover Leesburg girls on Piled high. fl'u m IIvenu R on ('uch WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 001' sid worse than it Will! and Is and they have placed us in a position to go fa.m l·ly brought l o a cl ose II ture of '""l'a"J anc! red r'orlcintR and Thl! orne h I Frida y evcning. lea ant IlSS0c illtion of six yeal'~ hav inbl' d Jor the pa t 52 year!;. ey n ot ost II game so fur P forward if the imfJ tll S is givcn, but where is the impetus? . The b oys record's t \1\ tI B hind which lh(' beautiful h lt l'ilCS hide. during which tim<! the geneI'D I I -_ - _ - - _ - - .B h I n o . 0 .l!no . Th e imp lus ca n only come' .through a resumption of production. Secretary of tate wa more of a ot t hll firRt tll\ r\ I'('(lo nd teams ~ ost .t o Ma~ on thl' . aOle evening. Then oul they comt', Rnd lI\VIIY 'The eight t o ten millions of unemphyeJ would supply that impetu~ if fri e nd than s tern dictator in an they hnd work and wuge~. And righ here we come again t one of the executive position . P oa el\~ed of a MI ~ .La~ra W nrc! i~ r cov ring lh y go . fallacies Of argllment- lhat the major cause of our difficulties is keen kn owledge of human nature. MI'. and Mrs. Rhodes Bllnnell rrom InJu"le~ lo her back, suffer~d Follow d by sheep thn t on' while 0 .... rproduclion, Th m'e cannot be overproduction 80 long as there is acquired while he was working attended a meting of the Hilarity In a fall on her fron l pOI'eh recent· ~s snow; underconsumpti on and no economi ~ t, business leader or statesman his way to the front rank s of stntl' clull at the home 01 11>111'. and Mr . Iy. d he had a number 0 f co II er The picture is perfect, and ,so om' un plete .f aney, 1 h '/II' t he while would huve the hal'dihooll to say that consumption has reached its politics as a state e mploye, be was E I'nell t Mannon, 0 f n c'~1' W I'I nllngTh ay.F f 'l h That] able ' b hi s kindly and genial di~- ton Sunday Januarv 8. . ree.lIe ami y aH mov(oJ 30 Years Expnlenee in llml·t. , - Wil so n en- IlIto the Ehza ThomaR t s heep bleat. Fl'ttl'ng an d M a k'1011' Gla,,8et OSI~lOn to organize his forces reM• ,'. Ilnd Mrs. WnltN' ~, . nro '! p ry. Th E- l'a Clln be no 0 (>rproduction in this country or in the wQrld at P Thl' Carter Brothers ba sketball in gr'e ater effici ncy and in- tertain ed !If; their gu li t!! Thul'R day ' . ' Again rome rn ol'E' h or~ s-a piny· ling!! so long a s t her is a single person who needs and should have canacity. He hn mad e a Mr. and 1'.11'8. Paul Peterson and tealYl will play II X nil\ .t urn in full I Home article that. he is unabl e to buy. That is worth repeating: There ""'''8:• .,U .. .\ the Gym Thursday evemng, Th t' crowe. Le 1L ...on. Obl'o " . Carters al'e plalln ing n t e ur They t (W , had b n hilling behinc\ 0 of which both himse lf and faml Y· can be no overproducti on in this country or in the world at large so a ssistants can well feel proud. M,.R. ZIIYlI'1 F. Hlame>!; Mr. thro gh til t h th '11 a cloud; Tueacla" Thund.y, S.hlJ'd., · a 8 Ing Ie person wh i d h Id h . 1 E I~' U· u ewes w el'c ey WI Th Iong as t here IS 0 neelS an S ou ave Rome artlc e verett James, mISS ora Sbep. meet many teams. ey .Cllttel· lhe . 110W lil, e f!~' ing E.amiDation Fr•• thut he is unable to buy. Hon. Geol'g S. Myers, attorney hehl'd hand bMr. Erne t S~ekPhl~d, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Daile" are W ,StPhraYh I '1 LEBANON, ,omo The great obstacle i'n the way of prosperity's return is the InabiJ- of Cleveland, was inallgurated w 0 ave een 0 11 ollr SIC 1St, able to b t f n . th '. I t el' I V r ho f ~ , as they II• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ity so to adjust ollr affairs that the consumer will be placed in a po i- Secreta'ry of State to succeed Mr, ar~ .improving very ni cely at thi s cent iIIne:s~u 0 owmg . elr Tt!scamper away. ti n to buy the things he n eds and should have. and thi condition will Brown, on Monday, January 9th. wnt~~~'I'~ of Rev and Mr:s W E Mr.. and Mr. ha~. Collier With, shining eoatH anll y!'s Ilk !lot mlprove until some method is f Ilncl to give employment to those The new Secretary ",as born on a Bogan Friday ev~ning w~l:e, Mrs: h~ve returned trom a visit. with lire, who wish to work and who annot· now find productive labor. farm in Sandusky county fifty-on e NIl ' B II d M' M . . hiS brother Will and famlly in They mount the clQud!l going an I onllllla Indiana ' Mr. an d M h'lit h er an d h'I~ h er ' .• ' a way t 0 ge t th e ml'11'Ions b ac k n th' ne who. con d aVIs 'elr j 0 b S years h I ago,t'l He flft attended f rllral Re I II unn rl!. E rnest C0 IO at g od wag s wh o n ow arc working occaSiOn~IY at low wages or not sc °t tall kU~ngl a ceoeunrs~e~;: ~or~~:i u~~~. 'Frank Graham wa~ called lieI'. remained on ~he farm during With si lent h()lIf.b(lut~, and fiying . . II pro bl em '1 or College nex I at the age of s ixteen Saturday to' Jas per, 01110, ., manes PI'O bl em. n d it IS and beea\! e the Ir absence, . Ht HII, will have solved the entire Am rica to !\Olve for Amel'icans. We need not worry much about our became a teacher in the local of th e serious illneRS olf her fathel' Th y .make a bolt f I' the WId . ky f oreign trad e if w ca n keep all our domestic trllde 'and see to it that schools, sev ral years later being Mr. George Honaker. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT plaIDS. Am I'icans thcms lves lire abl' to purchase the goods they need and enabled to attend Wooster College Friend. of this community were Some are hitch ed to chariot with cnn produc dhd would produce If given tile opportunity.- The JU- for II period 01 four years. After shocked when they heard the news Estate of Elizabeth B. Baily, wheels of' gold public-Bulletin. engaging In business for a time of the d 8th of Mrl\. Curtis Car- deceased. Driven by charioteers 01 olel: he enrolled In Western Reserve ~o n , Doyton, who farmerly lived Notice is hereby given that Who are dressed in garment of Law SchOOl and in 1910 'V8S ad- near Roxanna. Mary B. Chapnlan and EmnlOT' D. paJest blue ,.------~-----------'''''"-------------, mitted to the bar. He served in the Mr. Thoma: Sheets left WeCl- Baily have been duly appointed Sparkling with jewel!;, ot crystal General A sembly 01 Ohio and WllS nesday, December 28, for Illinoi s. and qualified as Executor of the d lhe author of the Importnat law where he ha enlisted iin the nliVY. Estate of Elizabeth B. Baily late ew. . Phone 78J establishing v ocational schools f OtT MI'. and Mrs. Raym ond WUHon Wanen County, Ohio, deceased. Theil' flying hoofs scatter the ~----------------------------....: blind, so that they might earn and daughter, Jeannette e ntertain· Dated this 6th day of Janllary frightened stars their livelihood. He al 0 WaS the ed a s their unday gue sts. Mr. and 1939. . Who were hiding behind the sun8:00 Music . F. L. Mori on author and sponllor of several Mrs. Theod ore McJntire. Donald DfJatu h, Atty. set bars; 8 :05 Taking th Farm Inventory . .... .. J. E. McClintock other very Important measures MI~8 Ladamna Sinclair spent W . Z. ROLL Then . heep and horses with flying 8 :16 Fal'merjl' Week, Janual'y 30-February 3 which were enacted Into law. In ThurRda y night with her friend Judge of the Probate Court, manes 8:25 Music Warren County, Ohio. Melt into the blue of the Heavenly 8:40 Poultry QUC Il~ion Box ......... , .. " . P. B. Zumbro 1928 Mr. Myers was the Dem. MlsR Dorothy Bqglln. , L. L. Rummell ocratic eandldate for Lieutenant:60 A Minimum tandard in Education ......... . MI'. Goorge Bunnell went to - - - -plains. . . Minnie Price Governor. but was defeated in the Highland, Saturday n'lght to re· 11 :00 Home Demonstration Work in the Future . ~Ii.ina {):10 Music Hoover landslide. He is the fir t fCl'ee a bask etball gamc. 11 :25 Newcr Vari eties of Small .Fruits . .... . J. S. Shoe"!aker DemocTat to be elected Secretary Pedestrian :-"Say - you jll ~ t Mr. and Mr!!. Lllth r Haines and B:35 Mnnagem nt of Mllnur in the Field , ........ J. A.. hpber of State since the fall of 1916. His family wert! Satllrday enning call- missed me." l!:45 Plant Di$eas s \: ........ .................... H. S. Young 'friende and tho e who know him ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flivvering Fool :-"Gee I'm Saturday, January 14, 8:00 p' .m. best are predicting a succe stu) Raym ond WJl on a'nd daughtcr, sorry. Tell you what you do;ROOT FOR AND CONS1CN My In1pl'essions of the National . 4-H Club administration as Secretary of Jeannette. four Gattle, hop, sheep and calv. stand right whereyou are and I'n ." . .. .. ....... . W. W. Brownfield State. ougl'eS!!, hicago . . MI'. and Mr.. Raleigh Bogan Bnd to Norrie-Brock Co•• live wire .tld ., Guy Dowdy N w Flashes . ........... ........ .. .. . . ..... . daughtel', Dorthy, spent Sunday tfr again. " progressive firm tor the hleb'" H. E. Eswin~ Nnture Talk ........ ..... ...... . The pleasant weather experienc- with Mr. and l\tr" Horace F. market price •. and &'Ood •• rile.. ed thus far this ye,.r has enabled Compton. U •• Unloll Stoclr Y.rdI· CilleiD_I~ O. Highway Director O. W. Merrell TUlle in on Radio Station W\iKY MI . Monlmls llonk attended THE MIAMI CAZETTE ~213. The total cash receipts to keep a large force of men con- aesar 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our dalb reek meeting Sunday, F01" R •• ulta amounted to $2314 for the aver- stantly at work on highway projMr. and {r. Homer Haines and THE MIAMI GAZETTE Market reports. ects. In awarding contract it is family took dinner 8unday with ~ru1J~II\"' 1 age farmer keeping I!-ccounta. The source of cash expenses stipulated that more than three- hel' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tasso were feed, $284; taxes. $218; fourths of the contractor' labor Terrell, of near New Vienna. labor. $162; fertilizer, $83 j and must be hired from the county reMI'. and Mrs. Wallter Willlon Hi.h •• , A •• r... Souru of C .... all other items, $557. lief committee's list. Thousands of spent Sunday with Mr. and MTs. Information gain d from the men are j)eing employed and mil- Zimmj. F. Raine .• W •• D.iry Pr~uet . Which R•• farm account records, according to lions of dollars expended In these MI'. nad Mrs. Philip Coffman, turned $718 i~ · 1931 . the economists, are in of llear Covington, ·K·y., and Ml'8. Coffman's parlfllts,. Mr. and Mrs. About 1300 Ohio farmers who county agricultural agents, Members of the General A sem- Wilbur Wilson, were Monday . . keep I'eoords of their business groups ot vocational arricultural are back on the job after a ix after afternoon caller's of Samuel • . made an average farm income of teachers. In thifl way the data are vacation. The old hopper is Wilson and wife. $603 in 1931, according to rural used in helping hundred!! of indi- working overtime and bills al'e . \ eCOllOmists for the agl'icu Itura1 ex- vidual farmers who do not keep dumped into it with great I records of their busine8lM!s. tension sertice at the O. S. U. Anti-temperance leglsla Bee~h These farmers, the economist the Jimelight, together ---.~~-say, lived in about ,7 I) Ohio counwith Old Age Pension and UnemA lIapp)' and frOilpel'OUS New Proaram, of F....."· W.ek ties and cooperated with the colployment Insurance. Tax payers Year to one lind all, is the be t lege of agriculture ill keeping of t he state will watch with great wish of the Btlech Orov (oue. their accounts and in having them . Some 30 farm organizations will interest the outcome (If tbe eco- sp o'n dtmt. 8ummariz&i at a serielil of 1~4 meet at Farmers' Week, t he O. nomical proham l'e<lommended by Right now I ft rood timo to submeetings held throughout the sta.te Governor White, who It Is a\legeQ S. U., January 30-Febl'uary 3, holds tJle whip hand' In Democratlc scribe for the ' MiAmi Ga2:ctte and especially for that purpose. get all the n ws all th·e year tresh. The avel'age. size of the farms Taxes, mortgagee, farm credit, state politics. K. E. Thompson, who has been was 143 acres: The sources of cash marketin., and farm accounts will confined, to his home for a couple Squinels occupying the State of weeks with the flu, rem.lnlil Income were distributed a s follow! be among the topics to be discussdairy pI:oducts. $718; hogs, $.140; ed by the department of r ural House Par\( grounds are the off- about the same. spring of a dozen and a half placed poultry $355; sheep $93; cattle, Not much new this week 'everysteers, $'77; crops, $418; and all economics with visitors at this in the park in 1880, by custodian one has the flu. of the rounds at that time, the other sources were respo nsible for statewide farmers' institute. Ml·. and Mrs. Elmer Lamb and children, of near Waynesville, were Sunday dln,ner guests of Mr. and l'Ilrs. attie. Powell and daughAlbert T. Reid ler. . . We are g lad to replort the little Reynolds girl ot Olive Branch Im~tA" AND IN .t-fy f)AV proved ttl this writinllt. MI's. Thomas Powell remains SHf. JUST RAINEt) GA"S about. the same. ~"D DOjiS foR. fOll1Y Several of our j~armers pre trucking their hogs to market this OAY'S AWt) fOll'T'( N IGMTS . week. A (DMPLf.Tf. WASh-OUT George Shank and family moved from near Wilmington to Wellman Carl Schaefer, vusited Olive Branch on Sunday aftllfnoon. Logan Powell and family, and Mrs. Ballard Williams lind hll. dren, of near LebanQn\ "'lire Sunday guests of \fl\Oll'\~ft rowel} .nd Ent6r~d
)(a I1
=======================::::::1===:::::111_-= Where Is the Impetus to Pro.perity?
R.pair S.nic. only genuine material•• tltted wbile · you wait.
Caesars Creek
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
C 'J I Sh ary s ewe ry Op
F. 'T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
Farm Night 1 alks, Jan. 16
= $603 FARM INCOME FOR 1372 FI1
Gr'o ve
I'" _~D_o.....;..;.~o~u_R_e_ad_· h_e_O....:..-:ld~H_om~e~· p~~p......;.e_r_~1 ....
Things Were Different in Noah'! Time
.... __
We 0\"11 ,lad to 'r eport .Mrs. lfi.e Lamb, wh o has been 80 sick
itt her home near Ore.g onia, much better at t his writing. Mrs. Helen Powell lind c\\i1~r'1\ of Olive Branch, called ~I\ the Wells family, hel'e \'I{\ !atgrd&y evening.. Mr. arpa ~ and 'fllmlly, will move to a f.rm at Tu,rtlecreek. Mr·s, Ltna Wilkerson .a nd Bon and Ml '}o'lora Alexandria, spent 'II,turday afternoon wilh U!\I Thomas Powell famil)', h e, ...... , I Faye Eugene and Hlu'()ld Powell of Lebanon and )todena Fowell, I were Sunday morning callers of Miss lIary Kathleen Thompson of this place. . 1 Wayland Jordan and tamlly, ot Hyde Park. spent Saturday evening with M~ Catherine Jordan and f.mll)'.
-_ --...
SUlDm""" It..o. . Last season 181' farmers met In groups with eounty .~eultural . .ents to 8ummarla. their reco ......
The, uaed the facta leamed aboat their bUIIln.. tlaelr arop ad U.. . . . ·JIOI.~~
It is full every week with items of · interest to every · reader. It 'is your paper to read and use at ali times.
THE MIAMI PhODe iD your newl
Let UI dQ Jour Job W
~~~~;~~~~~~~~~MIU;:~~aI:Dff~~OF~~~::~I:ns:ti~tu:te~vv~a~Be~st~--"'1~~•. CE.~.y --
January January January January
13·\4 Fann riI' Institute at Mason. 13 Hamilton Townl1hip Granp, reR'ular me tin!!:. loa Mati Ie Township Gr8n~e, Regular meeting. 17 Werr n ounty }!'I'Ult 'chool, confluc.-ted
Held Here in l ..ate Years
Meeta in Da,toD
The bUline.. meetiq of the Chri.tian Endeavor of the Chureb o.f Christ waa beld at the bome of Mi.s Mary Jane Woollard, of Day ton, Thursday niiht, January 6. The business lIession opened with the election of officers os follow8: President, Jeanette Fox. Vice President, Ernest Woollard Secretary, George Miller. Treasurer, Marie Pine. Reporters : Earl Woollard and James ATthur. Meetin&' then adjourned to m eet at the Williamson home in Feny, otU,.... '" .. V 2. , The rest of the evening was in ,a1;lles after which delici· refreshment were served.
life. ,He cited the ca •• of the Apoltie Paul when he was conftned in FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST prison for many mGntha. (Undenominational) ThiM tlllk cIIIl 'd forth a wealth After a most excellent Teadinr Ch ster A. WilIiaJll on or tiil< u_~j,m. especially among the by MillS Irma Ric:h, Mrs. Tyler diafen'. Ilnd Women 's IM. t· Illeel latJh. Il f Ihe nlJdi~nce, and ~' all cussed the quelltiun, "Have You at the hurch 'aturday eveninl\' Iollow~a with :I ShUl·t talk by {lir. h s n Your Highwayf" Janua'rY ) .1. S parate b\l inl?"~ L~ · t (>r J. Mille'r new Warren or coutse, the speaker considers me tings and a jo.int program and Ollllly oll'ric:ultut'lll agent. agricultUre 118 one of the most im. oc ial hour. ].;veryone invited. Pro· MI': Miller l!tl'ol!.~c d the impor. pOI·tant highways. She believes the gram for Lord's. liay, J~nUllry _15 lance of con'fel'(mcr-s amon the farmer to be capable of the soluas follow s; Unifier! se rvlc ~egtn. p('ople n ow that t~ e y hllv ~ gun tion ot ' many of hie problema, ning with hurch SchGo l PIll'loJ a t til ~eriou Iy studl' Just what IS the using a carclty of lood atuff8 as a 9:30 a. m. Help us to arry out L o~ t for the public good. Taxes basis o~ solution. Mothers, who our N w Yetlr Re!! lution and 1 mu.- t be J' du cod. and public alar. more gener.al\y notice the little make a good Rtart to " I'd the iNI mu ~t be cut, but cm' should things of life, will natural1ytake b\lilding of II bigger IIl'Jd better be ullt'd not to place t.o grea~ a the lead along thClle lines. Farm scho ol thi year. 'Lord 's 'uppel' re~tl'ictio n on ~d ucatto n, w~lch women, who have returned to this and sermo n /.It ) 0 ::30 a. m. ,ormo.n C! n n VOl" be replaced. Farm Pl'lC~8 highway after having followe.d the suoj ct, "rrayer." You Hl'e al\\uYH hl\\'o dl'opp~d lower lhan those m low road for a time. are finding welcom at thi s church. [lny th'!' hne 0'£ en~eavor •. and many a nd varied means of assletthi.~ 'Hong mUi'\ t: b Immciltately ing with the finaf\ces of the home. ST. MARY'S CHURCH c)"lldicntrd in- SI)me nnnner. He ome are selling all 80rts of garden Rev. J. J . Schaeffer. Rector quott'd PI·(I/lidcnt·e lect R(l osevelt' orchard, dairy and poultry prod· Mr. HUffmans' Warriors will ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; Second Sund ay after Epiphany. fltnt mcnt that tbe Ilcllp le mUfl t get ucts, home prepar d eatables, meet Otterbeit) H e on January !! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ~!' January 15. S ' }1001 at n:30, Morning PrayhUI'ch r al)d el'nlOn at tflgethcl', and thllt farm(>r ' mort· Howers. and, in fact, a great diver- 13. 1938. The IIcene of combat will lCag~s lind debt , a s w(>1I . as Euro- sity of produots; others conduct pla.ce in the Waynesville Gym r 10 :30. pean debts. must be readJusted be· refJ;"eshmel1t booths aloag the main Three game8 will be played, the f ra prosp rity !Can come. to our highways, while still others open grade pme starting at 7 o'clock, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CfoJURCH llat!lln , Two vocal selectIons by their h omes as temporary lodging which will be followed by the reG. C. Dibert, Pastor r ssr . Keith Walton and George for tourists; all in an effort to in- Berve game. At 0 :00 o'clock the The Spring VaUey Bakel"Y i announcing the production '\ ecJn aday: The 1"1 iendship Iub MiIlH follo,vcd. crease the family income. Poultry, Otterbein Varsity , cr:.ls W. H. of a 'new five· cent double loaf of bread to be put on the market; i meeting with Mr. WilJi:lnl ----.- . sh thinks, is a wonderful help S.t will take pJace. January 20. The new l oat i to weigh one and one-fourth 'troucl at :1 :00 this p. 01_ The JI'. Monday E."nlna 5.lIlon 'along theBe lines, not only as a "Friday the Thirteenth"- a red pound., practically the me size at the former ten·cent loaf hoir meets at lhe chuI'ch III 4 :00 The Monday evening session, ~ou rce Of. revenue. b,:,t as. an aid letter da'y for th.e "Waycehs". adn i to be its full equal in quality. p. m. Bible study and Jlrayt'l" which had an al tendance of 250 m balancmg the 'lamlly dIet. She Otterbein's team 18 strong and A contest will be conducted until midnight ,of January 31 meeting at 7 :00 p. 'm. Regu lar was opened witl~ excellent rnu8i~ urged g~eater care In the ~~lection cbeering i intense. to select a name Cor the new loaf. Anyone, but mployee8 oj the ch oir prl;lctice at 7 :46. by the Wt\y~e8vil1e Schoo l band, of c.lothmg, both as to utlhty and The boys need your. support and bakery and their fl;llnilles, who live in the territory. served by Surtday: unday .chool at 9 ::30 whi h \\"8S fol)o\ ed with a splendid appearance; a more care1ul planfine sportsmanshIp . •he bakery or its truck routes h eligible to enter thl~ contest. a. m. Morning wor ' hip at 10 :30 talk b~ the Re'v. G. . Dibert. I)i!lg. of ,work, with a vie. to _th~ • _. I l"he prize will be a Ix Month up ply of the new bread, or wit.h Rev. H . H. Lafferty o£ The spe.aker spo~le of the peculiariehmtnatlo~ of u~ele endeavor. 180 loaves. See Springboro, a the preacher. Bro, ti of life esp,ecially at, present and the lnstallatlon of as many • Lafferty i a good preacher. is and urged 'the acceptance of th' labor s~ving devices In the home n to bring a guod message, and 1:1 Iy Bible ' as our upreme guide. as poslble. ~he spoke of .the great e I •a w shouJd hav a good hearing. Ep· both in commumal and individual value of United eommumty effort, dr_i••_e"_O'.f_tb_e_W_a_'D.e.a•••iI.le_T.Ml_c.k._f• r.f.u..r.th_e.r_.,_a.rt..ic__ worth League at 6 :30 p. m. with ~~~!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially in regard to the Church, , __ The me ting of the Kings Her. ,'U •• _~, ... Fox as 1 ader. E\'angelistic e; the school and social life, and aids was held at the home of stressed the ~alue of these institu- their leader, Mrs. A. H., Stubb , ..Monday at 7 :30 p. m '. ~ evening of next tions to the community in a finan- last Saturday afternoon, instead at 7 :30 there will be a men's cial sense. A proper amount of of at the home of Mary Eva meeting held in banque't room of the right kind of recreation, she May, because of the illness of Mias the church. A very Ane program beli ves to be a valuable a88et to LeMay. ' and has been planned, and' all of the After the secretary, Claire Diany community. Above all, she men and. poys of the church are Have your property emphuized the impor~n(:e of the beJ,"t, had read the minutes of the 1lrged to attend. universal helping hand. meeting, Mre. Stubbs read and cove:red by A special series of nleetings will Misses Wylodine Kurtis. aod explained a chapter Gf their study be held in our ' churchbeginnini an experi'enced agent Pauline Friend then favored wltlt "When The King Cornel In." March first. a trumpet duet, and Miss Ruth was follGwed by readinCl by Salisbury executed a mo~ enjoya0'1 the members. After the WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ble tap dance. Miss Beatrice the two visitors became . CHRIST of the lociety. During Robitzer gave two pleasing read. (Undenominational) ings, and Mr. Steele de~cribed "A Bocial hour various games Chester A. Williamson. Minillter Well Rounded Farm Lite." and dainty refreshments were enPhone S8RI Church School at !1 :30 II. m. The speaker expressed t~e be· joyed. A Glad-band school with a vital The next meeting will be held lief that honest endeavor should WaynenU!e, O~io proaram. Lord's Supper at con· be the chief aim of all. and that at the home of Claire Dibert on clulion. Ohristian Endeavor a1 the mo t serious consideration Saturday afternoon, February 4. 6:30 p. m. Jeannette Fox, Leader. should be given to the beautificaEvening evangi!listic service at -====~:::=;======== tiQ)'l of the American farm bome. 7:30 p. m. Sermon subject. "A Big Chi1dren should be t1'8ined in the Disappointment." Good congrega· home to respect the laW8 of frie,n dtional and special singing. Prayer ship and couJ;"tesy; our. aehoolll Meeting and Bible Study each should receive a full measure of Wedne day at 7:30 p. m. The moral support, econd only to that Alfred Alonzo. Linton, 86 native church where you Ieel at home. which should be accorded our of Clinton county and prominent churches. Activ nd co-operating business man of Clarksville and ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH churches. he th,inks, are the great. for nearly sixty years Father Fl-ench, Pastor est incentive to the hom n' Wilmington, Services will be held every twu For many YI~ars our establish- , munities. The care and rearinr of Thursday mornina, Janual')' 6. weeka on Tuesday morning. 14r. Linton was a brother.inment has beEm known lor the orphaned children should not be left to lodges and other secret law of Samuel Butterworth, hav. friendly guidllncae offered those organizations. Generosity, without ing married Mary Butterworth, we serve. OU,rs is not a busi- profligacy, should be taught in the dau,hter' of the late Edward and ROOFING MOULDING DOORS nellS. bu t a !!el'vice institution homes, and neighbors should visit Hannah Butterworth, pioneer reeUME to help our clients itt every each other more frequently, eating idente of Waynesvill., in October :aLASS SASHES George E. Niswonger, state possible way during their time together quite often. This be con· 1893, MrII. Linton preceded her fAR CEMENT SHINGLES wants the whole of orrow. Tillis attitude is Te- siden one of the principal ad van- hUllband -in ileath a little more MILL WORK LATH ' tagell of the Grange. the Farm than a year ago. 'Survlving are world to know that Repl'esentative Niswonger never had even fleeted in every se1"Vice per- Bureau, and kindred organizations three sons and a daughter. Funeral ' 's ervic" were held in the ,fai~test idea of introducing a formed- both large and small. He urged the selection of the best What ever your building or repair job may be bill in the Ohio legislature to J;!l'o· Oor clients al\e our friends, stTains in 1arm animals ,a nd the the Friends cburQh at Wilmington seed for crops to be cultivated. and interment was in Wilmington we can supply you with -materials in large or small vide a ' law licensing catll. a~d nothing is overlooked In quantities. First-elass material at ,lowest cost, plus A story that he was contem. our ta3k of removing all un- More, mQsic by the band closed the cemetery. day's program. - - - - - ••- ' - - such. .{lction was published prompt servi<;e is a combination you cannot hop,e to necessary canS at a time when in Dayton newspapers, Including (To be continued) ANNUAL PARI~H MEETING bea,t. The Herald, about ten days ago. these friends are already At the annual nteetil1g of st. Since that time t he telephone in heavily bu/"dMed. Mary's parish held in tbe churc~ the Niswonger residence fias been used to record hundreds of objec. Monday 'night, the following • l'WarClel1lS and vestrymen were eleettions against any such legislalion. ed for the ensuina year: W•. H. "Put it on the front page that I Chalk up two more victorie8 for Allen, senior warden; F. B. Hllndon't intend to IIponsor any legiso'ur High S.chool basketball lad- derllon, junior warden'; Har:ls lation to, tax cats," :declared Rep. diesl The boys journeyed to. ICln,. MGsher, E. L. Thomas, L. B. GGr. Niswonge~" adding, • 11. . . . ' Mills last Friday evening, and pro· <Jon, -W. S. qraham aad D. L• , "and I never intended to intro· • ' ceded to show the basketball prane, vestrymen. ' duce such a bill."-Dayton Herald. ' Phone 14 Waya~15vUle, Oblo artists otthat school wby W. H, Delagates to the annual diQceian S. must once mOre be con8ider~d ~llvention which will be held 'I.. u Berious contenden -for tbe Chrlat church, Cincinnati, were county championlhip. named a8 follows: MrI. Edith Har--- ~ In the first game, W. H. S. Re. riB, Mr. !lanlB Moilher, Mr. and CHART,E R No. 2220 serves took the Kinss Reservee in· Mrs. F. B. Henderson. Alternate., To a Friend Don't forget Differences between employes Reserve District No • to camp by the, sc:ore of 21 to 18. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Gordon, Mls8 for New Year to send the and the management at toe Report of thtl condition of the The first quarter of this pme Emma Heighway and Mrs. Emma Charles Meis Shoe company of ,Waynesville National Bank, of was '.quite exciting. the tK\ore betn, H. McClul"e. , • _ _ _ _ ' Lebanon ovel' proposed w.age cuts . ' Waynesville" In the State of tied on two different oecallio,n l. have been adjusted and work at Ohio. ~t thl! close of bUline ... -T hen c\asls bepn to tell, and Way- INFORMAL -.EETINC TO the plant bas peen resumed. ' a ll December 81; 1982. nesville forged to the froilt, ' never BE HELD AT LEBANON ReSUmption of wor.k followed • to be headed again. week's shqt down at the Lebanon RElI:lOURCIDS .' In tbe second, or main game of plant brought about January 1 ,Loan. and dlsc,ountl ........ 21. ~1fi_ 21 the evening, WaycehB Bhowed the From all indications a capacity .. ....... ,. 291. 62 "rowd -ill be preaen~~ at Lebanon . . .Cilovernment when the company asked workers OVerdra.tta Klnge ftrat team t h e route to the . .." United States to accept a' cut of approximat~ ly seourltles owned....... 60.000.00 tune of 30 to 17 in a "ame tha. HJch School A.uditorium next Other bonds. Iltocka and ' , ,• . - • T -_..a &-ht t 8 'I k ten per cent. eecurllles oW'Iled . . .... 82,041.76 WI8 really much clGser, excltmg u .....ay n.. a 0 c oc . It is understood that a compro· Ballking lhouse, $9.000.00. and better played tban the ' Ic~re Profellft C. R. Arnold one of F urnltul'e !lnd flx. . ' the couatriu b'eat known . Rural mise was reached Saturday night tUI'es, ; ........ , •• 99 ,67 9.998 _57 seems to indicate. Econom'-h will dl·.cu.. the' "Outwhereby workers returned to their Real Here aM! :;0111. ~" ..taDt fea.tur.a of tlae New Che ...ol.t Estate oWDed other We believe tbat Coach Jlulfrnoall .... • than 'banklnllr house 8.000.00 ' . - . 11 look for'" ....L.ulture and IndUltry ; jobs at a reduction of about five tleserve with F e.deral Reis d18play\1lr exce ent ,J .. '''''''....n.1 1. A Six-Cylinder 66 H01'8epower Engine per cent. 8""I'e I;l.ank . ... " b' " 'k" 12 618 94 W h en he Ulel h IIIThil informal meeting II open to ·.·.·"IQO.·A~ Cas~ ana du e trom an I •• ~ ,. 2. New "Aer-strea1X,l" Styling ' ' II 1 f Wet d Outside 'C'hecks and o~her whenever practicable. a peo~ eo . anen oun y an ll. Safety Plate Glass " . eMIl . lteml;l .. . ...... . 46,30 not 80 liable to ' be farmeR and . bUlinells men and ICK RUMOR WAS 4.. A tinting Innovation- The Stat'terat.or: a thoroughly experienced women ar~ urreif to attend. , A FALSE ALARM ne~_en;llr~~~u;~;~d a~thd!!e 6. Simplified Free Wheeling trom U, S. T,·euurer... 2.1100,00 in case 0'1.' an emel1iencJr ~---. - - -- 6. Syncro-MeBh Tr.ansmi8sion with Silent Seconel ~36 .00 Waynesville's ' next pmee NAMED PARLIAMENTARIAN 7. More Miles per Gallon Reports that "Bob" Zwick. Oth er assets ............ 8. A 68 ~.pound Counterweitr!tted Crankllhaft TOlal. • ..•.•••••.•••• S410.167.88 be ' played at the loeal Gym next South western Ohio's arch crim9. Fisher "No-draft" VentilatIOn inal and racketeer, who was ' LI.A:BILITIES Friday' evenine, January 18, with Edward Buell., lameatowu, 10. A Fourteen-Gallon Fuel T'mk captured In Toledo Sunday morn- Capital stock )lald In .... the Otterbein teamll their op. who ia well known here, haa been ).1. Airplane Type Instrument Panel ing, was taken through h~e just ,t~Jt!;:~"d' pr'oilii':':'net::: 2f:~g."09 ponenta. Three ramea will be &elected b, the Democratic 12. Hardwood , and Steel Bodies by Fisher beror noon Tuesday enroute from Clrculn.tln~ notea out000 o. played OD thla occasion, the grade it, III the Ohio Bou.e of 13. It'~ Lower, Longer and Roomier Toledo to Cincinnati proved to be n~:a~dl'w.lTik8:· i';<'ili,ii~~ &0. • team, or Charles ,J amea' Runta. . .ntative. to act al Hou.. D81rua" I H. Fisher "Anti-draft Doors Hi. Larger and More Powerful Brakes ' rl'rtfflefl ... nd ca..hletTs - ~8 meeting tbe visitinw trade bo,.. in He is a eripple false. 10. A Heavier DO\lble Drop Frame. Zwic,k, who has been badly D:~~"nkd" d~'~t:!:t~d~~~. :::. )!\U'2~~h the curtain ralaer. And, by the aboat b, the aid of tbe 17. Easier teering wanted by the police of several Time deposIt. , .•. .• ...•• 37.'1115.01 way, tbue Runts bave pia," ••v- chair. 1 S. Cu!;hi9n Balanced Engine Mou!'ting 87 07. 00 e.ral pmel but, so tar ~Ia H ••on • _ ••- - cities \n this section of the stlite, BIlt. lI&yable a.nd redia· 111. Slabihr;ed Front End Conltructlon count. ...... . . .. . , . han not )'~t tuted defeat. Sort of I ACTlOII DELAYED and especially by the police of Cin20. Oetant Selector Tota\. .... , ....... ". • u 0 ,U7 .• ~ remlndl an old timer of '!Dutch" cinnati, where he is under indict· ment for murder, had evaded all ·i~~f;:~~n~jt~d~~;~. ~r.V~·~:' Harlan" RUllta~ r.ter 1'0" the effort!! toward hill capt,u re for tbe dQ~.mDi; eallnw tournament tor t.oT JfJN ltat.lDeat II iD nleeaalOIl pas' four years or more. He waf! hI captured in Toledo, Sundar eveD&K:DBIEUIClIN ~~\:,. iDe in a CUD battle with a rookie after botit had bHn policeman, , OPEN EVENING. 'H'aa;~:*~~~::-:; W~ wounded. The Toledo CoI~"ICI,~4UNi~l ALL DAY SUNDA bave tlImed him aver by Agricultural gent. Miller, A. L. Piel'lltorJf. Ilnd Frank Beach. of O. '. U. femorial Ha\1. Lebanon 10::10 a. 1)1. January 17 & 18 L ad t'l Trainillg- Meeting in Household ECllnomks. }'arm Bureau Ollke. Lebanon. Jllnu ry 1 :springboro Grange, .Regular mlleting;. Janu I'l' 18 We hington T\\' p. ~'tl. rm Bureau Meetin&" Home of Will. ilIara. January 10 L banon Grang , Regular meeting. lanual:' ill Lorai Project mee~ing in pringboro. January 20 Ma on Grange. H gular meetiryg. January 21" HODle Account Ke )leI' MeetIng. Farm Bureau ffic .. Lebanon. ' January 21 Waynesville Grallge. Regu lar meeting. ' 1 nuary 25 Lebanon Farmers Club at Home of H. E. Cowan. Tanuary 25 "The Forage Probl m." Toples di!\Cussed by .J. A. lipher. Memorial Rail, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Jan1l0ry 2G Forage for Southern part of Warren county. Discus ion by J. A. lipher, u Btlerville, 1 o'c lock. January 27-28 Farmer' lntitu te at Springboro. January 31 Farmers' Institute at Hllrv yaburg'. January 30-F hruary 3 Farmer Week, O. . U., Columbus. ount~·
Otterbein Coming Friday Evening
New,S -cent Double Loaf
~=============~::::======~=~ QtI~"i",a
Klen", Herald. Had Good M et·
Stella E. Daugherty
---_....--Alfred A. Linton
Dies in Wilmington
Friendly Guila ance
Cats Will Not be Taxed in Ohio
----..--H. S. Balketba IIers
Estimates Gladly furnished
• "s Mill. JOn
J. E. IM cClure
CO. _
Shoe Factory Strike Has Been Settled
- ----
we ask -again .are the old junk articles in the attic being kept there,
w. H. MADDEN '&
When classified ads will bring vou customer.s galore; it will be surprising • how soon the junk will dis. appea •
Now Don't put ofF this matter; it might b~ 108 ,-t--late then."" See U$ Qbout it now.
'. . _. ___
asette About It anti Be Satialietl
Eighty-Sixth Year
Whole Number 60"'9
JANUARY 18, 1933
La'st Sessions of 1933 Institute 'Well Attended and Interesting
School Classes and Organization. sill' Engaged in Va..-·-'·
Farmers Cl'ub Holds \. er Go d Meeting A t Hock'eft Home
The Wn ynv Township Farmers' tion!l in our sc,hooJ' which has had public enterprises, together with lub I1Wt a ll Jniluary 12, at the '·' d' t d h Id b lileve:ru1 special occasions durinc the th UJr a tJaeen groun 8, 8 ou home uf MJ·. and Mr~. , Earl HockIs there anything more disgust- school year, ·the moat recent 0 f b eau t'f . eache - ." Th 1'ucsday morning se sion the 'mos I u1 p la ces In cU. than inditrerence? If you don't was opilned with a vocal solo by conlmunity ,no rna tter h ow ' saIl 1 Lou Printz spent m A do lar8 worth of fUll for 20c J vcry 'cldom ha ppens that all have enough interest jn a thing to which was the initiation 01 a eroup Mrs. Alberta Buerkle, director of 't . 1- Thursday evening. ers' 1t a pnv members !II" ,pr esent but they Spring" Valley work for It and put something of of Freshmen a few weeks alfo. I may b e. Sh consl' d music in WaYlle ville schools, and Icge an d an h onor t a b e ch 0 sen t.o w('rc at this meeting and th y, toMary and Emerson Earnhart are yourself into it tben lor your own The next feature on the year'a F F the invo cation by Rev. G_ C_ Di- s pea k a t th ese 1'n 9 t't Mrs. Lee HaWke and II'SS Dorl'!! "ethel' wilh "cverla J gue. t s portook Mandy and E~ry-Num edt I • I Ut e8. sake, if for nobody else, leave it schedule is the third annual . bert. II")', te.ele then told of Aft . t tal . Hawke were Dayton v··t T h " " ~ " A. ministrels, to whicb all mem• er more IDS romen mU$IC lSI ors UI·S a lh e noon ha Ul' or a bountiful alone and do something you can "The Place of Form Legumes in b y Mrs. al'IS b Ul'y an d M'ISS H ar.... • day . M1'. an d M r s. J . E . MCUre CI bers of the local chapter are lookdinn r. put 1I0me effort into. the Fm-m' s Future" comparing'1 soc, k th . t' 'ti D t " t ' F'd f log forward with great b intereat. . e th n omina rng MI'SS Belty "Jnr.tsock '''as vel'Y . MI" Om " I' Hol1iu"sworth, the were ay on Vl81 aI'S, n ay a tel' Is there anything tlO exasperat- This the farm to a Ananoial bank_ S01 b ' tted t i cpmml . thee lC ~ . show promises to e better su ml e re.por g ven In e sick with grip evel'a] days lAst newly' t'lectt'd pre8ident, with a noon. ing a8 some one who doesn't know d and fertility were likened to th e first of this report Last week, and f II h ._" h t h ts" If at Ri"h scbool than any preceedjng one, an CJ4p ital 0'1 the bank, and the ne Mr. Steele opened a. discussion of week. , 0 W ,wc l~ ase n remar"" assu mMrs. L. H. Gqrdon i slowly re- w a e wa~t . k p.... . d many predict a great succesll_ ccssity for replaCing: draughts on e d h I~ d 1I lel!_ covel'ing from an attack of sinus you can ma e u your min DUring the year there are sev"Co. operative Marketing!' This, A good supper (If pancakes and u'Pt. Lotz ";lV Bome most in - trouble. certain things how do you j t d b I " era I joint meetings of all the this capital was tressed. Meth- b e thOInl.._ ...., lS us goo us ncss. sausage at Gran ge ,Ha ll Jilnuary It .r estin!: cUI'ent ev., nt!l. Rev. Diever hope to decide even the most Chapters in Warren and Butler od of making these replacements F arm pro d uce s ho uld no t b e so Id 28, for 25 cents. bert then gnve a, talk wllich was Mr. George Moon, of O~bol'n, Is simple problems of t,.hls th~ng were t hen cons idered_ Soil that f·or JUI! . t . th e b rok er; or counties. These are all branehell any price , . thorouo-hly enJ·o Yf!d. S. "'. Elli s a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs called life? ha lost its humus, 01' moisture, ml'ddl e man, . Eddy S Sou sap hone s 01~ 10' a r eaJ very "ably handh!d the '"subject, Milt(ln ThOmPson. the Nationa.l V'5 ~an.iZlltionB, and . IS .me l'me d t 0 0 Ifer Have an opinion of your own ca.n~ot .be. revlvlld by ~he me~e for it, with no regard to the cOllt part of Thursday e vemngs pro- . "ShOUld ountie!1 be Consolidatand express it. Haven't you been each Chapter entertains the others ?ppheatlon of c omm~rcl81 fertll- of its production or the market gra\" at the Gym_ led." He explained hi~ r ea ons for Mrs. James Lovely spent the . contact with orne people who The climax of the schedule for Ize ra or manure. , 1t IS here that demand fAr the contmodl·ty. Iong as you have k nown ..... v Mr.. and Mrs. LeonarA T:"ney beinl!'' OPI)osed to. it. . . week -end wl·th relatl've- at Middl e""em the year is the Smith-Buche.. ... d town and near Hamilton h h d i· l 'd ~ Home Economics banquet, to t he legume C~O(lS com~ to t.be aid Farmers should combine to regu:C Ith f I I were Sunday evening ca Ilerll at After !lOme. IS,CUBSlons on vart- ' ave never a an or rlDa I ea. which all parents are invited, and o e armer, ~ep ac~ng sarge hte the rates of production, and to the home of S. S. EIIis. ous other subJ eats the club adStop beine 110 weak that you )I l'CenUlge. of thlS nOlsture while m"rket their produce to the best j urncd t o meet hI February at the The band numbers in the Rural always have to follow the crowd! is the main object of all money ruso producmg II more 01' 1 s prof- possible advantage. He does not Mr. and MTS. W. B. Squires wei' hom f Ml'. and Mrs. J. T. Dear- Celebration are splendid- Come Make a re olution that atter this making activities of: the F. F. A. hear them, Thursday evenin&,. whenever you are a ked, to give during the year. Hable crop.Llv stock and thei.r by- holel the National Farm Board re- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Co r- dolT at Lebanon. PT_ ductRh 8b~~I" atl~o a gR1'eat • a1d tOt spnnsible for tbe recent fiasco in nell at Mason. on Sunday. W. N. Sears conducted the John your opinion, one way 01' the J. B. C. th IS fe 8 I I,a Ion. ota t Ion 0 the wheat market, but does advotb d t ' t b ' d' CI' IP" and 8 gcnerou~ use of well- cate the Bubstitution of home pro- M J s h Sh b' h f N dshl'p P oinsett sale at Utica, last Friday 0 er, an 0 s op eIDg me locre. F. F. A. New. rs. 0 ep am aug , 0 ew len 'n the b f K 1B h D. L. S. h d • I a se nce 0 ar rown, W 0 Boys of the F. F. A. are ar at r otte d manu!', Ilugmen t e d b y some ducts for imported luxuries. Burlingl;Qn, was the guest of Mrs. commercial fertilizer, he eon~ld- Apples, he B8~'S, are much more Joseph Evans, on Saturday. It~ was sick. . Ora_isatioa. work on the minstrel to be given en'! th e be. t. me thod tor revivlllg healthful than oranges and other Miss Elta St_ John and Dr. H_ H. W. H. S_ has quite a few organ. on the evening of February 2. A Mi Margaret Rogers spent the Mrs. Will Stroud was hostess to special feature is being itljected worn-(lut 1l011. He advocates the l citru.s ~uits. He advised against oy beun, ulfalfa and clover us the the lillIe.\of whole milk, stating that wee k-en d at the h o~e 0 f h er the regulal' mee tittg of the Friend- Herman, of Dayton, were Sunday izations. They are: Boollters club, into the entertainment this year, most profitable le"'umu s 01'0"'8 and ·I th b f h ld b Id father, Ernest Rogers, In Dayton. Ship club of the M. E. church last evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. F. A., Debating club, Glee club, I'n the form of a play of -e....o _ .. >, , on y .e utter at s. au e so , " E. McClure. Sportsmansbip 'BrotherhoOd and ... . M:iss Katherine Boger, of the I Wedn sday afterllooll. After Mrs. Orchelltra. characters. All plan I are beiDl adVISes that lhis hay, a8 well as retaining t.he remainder to be fed com stalklf and. stubble, be to "tock and poultry. Various mem Good amaritan hospital, Dayton . R. . ngle sby ~Ild aond.ucted th.e Mrs. St. Claire Fife and chilThe Booster club has just been worked out to rnak~ it entirely h <)pped b fore ~clng allowed to bers of tbe audience completed spent Sunday here with home devotIOnal exercls e~ and the bUBI- dren of Wilmington, were organized. The officers are: Vir- different ~rom anythin&, ever J)ut Tot and plowed lnto th ground. this di cussion. folks nes of the mel~ttng had been at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. L_ H. ginla Foulks, president; Wallace ~n ~8 a ~tnstrel. Nearl~ all materHiJ! talk brought out quite a spi'!'Mr. • H. Bohl, (If Lebanon, transacted, tbe following program Gordon, last week. Bernard, vice-president; Juli8JI 1&1 III .enbrely ne~ .and 18 pre?,lcted it d discussion. Warren County Superintendent of Miss Marie ' Campbell, 01 Leb- was e nj oyec1: . Cral!be lIecretary-treasurer; Doris to be a regular SIde buster_ Harmonica. solo, Mrs. Robert Arthur Freeman, of near Xema S I'ri>' ed'to' hi f 0 1m Robert Cleaver Cecil Davis then favol'ed wjth a Schools then read the list of anon, spent Sunday with her trump t solo, Mi. s Betty Hartsock awards' in the Corn Show 8S 101- brother, Richard Campbell and FUI na $; l'lla(ling, "He and I," Mrs_ a former resident of ibis vicinity i a:.o :~y, t I' In c' e . hurl a . ll at the piano, and Mrs. Tyler fore. lows: White Corn Lowell Starke family. cion Watkins: Current Events, called on Waynesville friends, ailactiv~iea. aynellVi esc 00 S 111 Wa,.ceh.lI B,.... J .... told "The Future of Ohio's Poul- Is~ Earl (Pat) Moran 2nd Yel: lIfl'lI. Frank Fllrr; New Year's Wednesday morning. The omce" of tbe SportllmanFriday the 13th beld no Jinx try Industry." The speaker said lo~, Corn, Chas. W.' Day', 1st Mr. and Mr$. Ssm ShalJat and Gr etings., Mts. h 's Rich; reading, Ilhlp Brotherhood are: Miriam Ellis JQr. the. Bharplhootlna "!'aY!1eavlUe that the same methods, on a mod- Lvm"n Day 2nd Ronald Ha.w ke famil", <If Cin¢innati, were S(ln- ."When . We are Young," Mhls "Mrs_ C. A. Hough, 01 Lebanoll, t t It. ..... Bald date ,.. ,. ,~ h h b -II 1 k I presl·d'ent·, Cecil Davi-, .vice-presi- qUID e . waa on Will Hled 8cllle, ahould be llsud in t he 8rd Harvey Peters 4th - Mixed day guests of Mr. and Mr$. Myel' Trma Rich; harm onica solo, Mrs. w 0 as een I severa wee a, 8 h d te f th ·' ,. Hyman. I<'u ~nn,u. convalel!Cing at the home of her dent; Virginia Foulk., lIec.; thet t ~y prove mu I" 0 e mana~ ment of 11 smaI I fl 01::k as In Corn, Charles James Jr., 1st; • " d ht t B Ohi Wallace Bemar..! treaaurer_ Otterbem Color Bearen, bJ a Il large r one, and that careful and Charle" Burton 2nd ' Albert Durin'" the social hour, refreshaug er, a ryan, o. ..... • 32 t 25 Th ... .. The officera of the F. F. A. are: score OL 0 . e . .me wu complete records of utilit)' and Hawke, 3rd. " Get your supper at Grange Hall menta were ~erved by the hostess, Spon ored by a Wilmington ftrm Julian Crabbe., prellident; Robert fast an~ hard fouabt from the thE' cO t or upkeep should be kept. Miss Elizabeth Graddy, of January 28. Pancakes, with. the Assisted by Mrs. L. C_ St. John, Messrs. George Killer and Keith Gons, vice.-prelldent: Hardin firat whlst1e to the 1aat. Both h.e would select the type ot Lebanon. WaTren Counl-y Home trimmings, sausage and coft'ee for 1/'~. Elmer Sheehan, Mrl\- S. S. Walto,n broadcast a thirty-minute Peters secretary' RUBselI Tread teams played excellent ball, but chIcken that PI' duces lar~er and ' Extef\aion Agent, then gave 'a re- 26 cents. Eilts and M1's. L. ,B. H~11. program over the radio at Mt. way ireasurer' 'Robert Cleaver- never were the IQcal bop to be more C"''''S e pecially . 1n the. 8·u me 0 1 her wor k an' d I·ts Impor. b S un day ... _.t ernoon_ " . d VIC . t 0 r Y on this day of day • .... , Mrs Howard Ca e and daughter t The t h next h hmeetLng ' F b wllI be held 0 re, reporter: Jame. Hagemeyer, ClOn-'den Ie month wben egg-production ,is low tance. She cited the fact that . II • C urc ID e ruary f d ' me of ..... mes • h ' h d 1 Miss Marian, of Lebanon, visited ' . . ' Mr and MPeter Demas and ductor: Ernest Sheets, WAtch. dog_ an ga .. - . and prIces are Ig !r, an B so 85 <70 of the family income is spent b' M' E H . h . AD. V. E. F, The Reserves sco.red its ftnt pr duces the ellrl1 t hatched for the home as the basi of a plea t elr aunt, 1 s roma elg way rs BeedlE" family, and Mrs. Nettle Kepler, of One of the mOlt active organiza basketball vicbry WIth Otterbein hicks. Constant wat~h 01 the for more IntelUgent buying, and S a t u r d a y . . . New Vienna, spent Sunday at the by a Bcore of 17 to le. Hock shou ld b kept In order to a more efficient Ill'stem of houseMr d M ;r C H k d home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis The future team of the Wayne.eliminate tlJe drones, or non-pro- hold management and home eco- an ra. _ . ' . aw e an and Miss Rachel Davis. ville High Scbool showed their L Mrs. Mary Hopkms vi;lIted Dr. and Id b ._ .. • du ne~8. Grnin mash, -water and nomics. Mrs. Ralph Vance at Pleasant Mr. and ?firs. George WaterA good sized company attended I ~ I , " ability in what coo e ellJHlC.... oyster shell sh find to be .the, The list of awards hi the poster plain, on Sunday. hou e were in Dflytol\ and Troy, 8n invitation dance riven at the of them later by talling over "e [e.eds that supply the most Vlta- contest was read, as published in Monday, to attend the tuneral of Jr. O. U. A. M. hall, Saturday OtteJ'bellJ( grade team by an over~ mlDs to the 1owLs. Feed plenty of this report la it week, and one of Mrs .. El\1ma. Janney and Mis~ the f ormer's aunl.t, Mrs. H.' W_ evening. MesuII_ S. S. Ellis, ECfwm whelming victory of 2' to 18, milk, 'a nd keep the hoppers of the best farmers institutes ever Katherme Br111 were week-end Beedle, wh(l susta.lned fatal IDjur- Ramby and Vern Armitage fumwhiCh 'lad not been beaten for automatic feedeTs well fiJled with h Id in Waynesville was brought t . th ', "-- - -~ 1M d h h d h h b d years. dry feed at an times, but the use to a close. ' gues s Il.... e..,Wllli.u..Jlj. ~u.r. ...an ~. es..w en sean er us an were lahed the music. . Reports of the activities of bold. 0 M. S. C. of scratch grain she find to be Mrs. Walter Clark, near Lytle. struc k bY an autQInobile in Dayton up artists in lIurroundine towns "'_ last Thursday evening. Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth EvanB f d Cia N detrimental. She advises the u~e ~r. and Mrs. John McClure, of Beedle died before reaching Miami and daughter · )IT. and Mra. R. E. during the 'past ew ays seem to S.. iop. .. . . . of well heat d and lighted portable ' Spnngboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Ja"k V II h 'tal t n- b '" Wh' d ..: M indicate that the new bullet-proof P t· II II f th I r Miller and family, of Franklin ~ ey OSp l. ' () W Ie s~,e waB lte, an ....1'. and I'll. Kenneth armament·has been inlltalled At the rae Ica y a 0 II left 0 brQoder; hou8~s that may be fre11 d 0 J TEll ' S d b mgt,taken 10. an ambulance,and Elzey and daughter, of Dayton, Wayne,vine ~ational bank at t"e piotures bave been take.n for ~e qu nt, ly mov .<1 to new p.astures In order to eradicate parasItes. These ca e or r. . . J5 un ay. her hl~band stili. ~emaln8 in a very visited IMr. and lIrs. Walter Elzey, right time. let'll hop. 110, anyhow I picture. Some time ap should lie th Oroughly heated beW_ S. ,Graham, O. R. Unglesby !lre~art~us condItIon at ~he same Sunday afternoon. No reliable trace h.. yet been pktures appeared in the C()rridor :tore yOung chicks, especially those The Woman's Auxilt.ry of St. and A. L. King apprai ed the instItution. Funeral se~ces were fou nd of the two bandits who held of the school, sbowlng the memihat have been artificially hateh4ld Mary's church met on Friday after estate of the late Mrs. Elizabeth held at her ll\te llome In . Dayton, Mr. and Mra_ Sam Hyman and up and roblled the First National of the senior cia. wllen they are placed in the~. Best results noon , January 13 at the home of Baily, last Tbursday. The farm i and at a fun~ral home In. Troy, daughter, Marilyn, and MI'. and bank' at Morrow of ,2,140 'durine just buddlnl' promises. Many are obtained, she thinks, when Mts. George Hartsock. said to have been valued at $9,000 Monday morntJ?g, and burIal was Mrs. S.ol Hurwich, of Lebanoll, the noon boUr la,It Friday. Miss to acroemaenxwl~elJnl nt~ewJ ~l thebe . oung chicks are first fed at the Rev. J . J. Schaef\'er condCleted made at Troy_ WHere gUe8tS of ~r]_ Uk ddiMrS. M~r Margaret Wund, · the assistant i f llnc bl ::0 "u' ."e Y t slx C oc . 1 ervlce. . MrB. Joseph Evans had 8S her Mrs. Beedle who was .71 y_ea.rs yman a' nner, r n- cashl-er, and a "ominee for the ofn uTh 0..., .... m, ' ....ill age of 24 hours. Should also be t h e d evotlolla . . l " f 1993 , ' S ri I . . guests at a sumptuou s turkey din- old, was a .res ident of thiS ViC.11llt.'1 day event"&,_ flce of County Recorder at the (j . . ese In,,.ures w taught to use the roots as early c ptura quotatIons were gIven ner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. f m t me a :l was mllrr ed In be more digniAed than as pO!;lIiblc very low roosts beu.g· in r~sponse to roll·can_ or , 0 e. 1 , n4 I Mr~_ Laura ' H_ Mosher was lUt · election,' was. alone in the fit'Rt ones dlBplayecL After a short busine88 session B. Morgan and son Don, Mr_ and Wllynes;,tlle. She h~d made many bank when the robbers entered P rovided f~r this purpoee. Cocker" surprised and enforc"d "'s. As · J anior CI ... Ne•• els hould be separated hom the d urmg ,wh'IC h Mrs. Sc h aeuer an- 'Mrs. Fred Baker and Mr. and ?tITs. 10.ca. I. 'frIends tn later years while pleasnntly h M d M F on d HSunday ~- k " thel·r deman10 VlSlting at the____ W,JIlterbouse 'home. and w enfamily, r. an of Milford, lS. re and ar ....Mr. oc th.e robberll left the bank to enter rtlfnainder 'or the ftock and fed nounced the names . of the new Claude Bakel', all of Day tOll_ • The junioTl! were all. elated plenty of wet mash' and o~her fat;.. Diocesan omcera, the program was ,The Guild of St. l\fary's Episand Mrs. Ronald Hawke and lion, their macbine, a volley of shots Christmas week due to tlle arri"al · tak en up. YOUNC FRIENDS icning feeds in 01' dor ·to rush th elf copal church will serve a pancake _ _ _ _MEETING arrived, unannounced, to spend tbe was fi re db" y citizens w h0 h a d been of their rings and pins. Mis8 Mame Brown read the lat- and BaJ!~!LSUpper 'for 2& cent , The regular m4~eting of the Y. day at the Harrill-Mollher home. aroused by the lady's warning. readiness for the market. Artificial heating and lighting of house.a, es- ter part of Chapter I. in the 8 u Y Saturday evening, January 28, at F. M. will be held Sunday even- The occasion, in celebration of Blood stains found on their car, SopiooDlore Cia .. N. . . , pc~iaJly in the coldest weather, is book, "Facing the Future i~ Indian Grange Hallbeginning at I> o'clock in"', January 22, at tbe home of MI'II. · Mosher's birtbday anniversary which was later abandoned, lead h l ' Ia • -. .. egg -'''18'sl'on8" May· Wrl'.. ''ht Your patronage Is so IiCl·tea. Ch"a' I' Ies an d R ut h Dobter . bl e an d a Iarge to the bell'ef that at least one 0' ,' The ~p. o!'llore c au IS th J) nnlnlf ec .. u e 1;t, JncreaDes . ' whl'Le . ' -.ol·SS w. - 'as very enJoya " f Hi h ' P.ro Iita bl e b.A < 11 -tte . ~ . the bandits had been · wounded, an~. a . ~ entme party ()t .e &'_ produetion and so · Increase profits ,n a we wrl n paper gave a . The leader8 are: birthday cake was a deli"'htful S h I F bruar'" 1" The aopho A. f r ellh supply of oyster shell arid re 8U !1le of. Ch.apter ·D. Large parties from Blanchester, D votiona)., .. .. .. Sara Br~ddock featu re of the delecUible dinner, neighboring hospital8 and physi- C Q, ,e .1... . , •. wllter should be given frequently, A lettel" from Bishop .Tenkins of Kinga Mills, South Lebanon, BIlII- Lesson Ro coe Furnas which had been planned by her cians were asked to notifYI the· mores are ~~ious to rnak~ 'it a big at least once a day for this purpose Nevada, to the Diocese of South- brook a.nd other surrounding R E h M 1 ans were aske(l to not'lfy the soccess a s It IS the Ilrst tIme the)' This talk was most thorouirhly ern, Ohio, concerning their gift to tOWl1s helped to compo e the Inrg- ecl'eation ..... . t el endenhal daughters. authorities of any run-shot vic- hav.e had the honor to entel'tain - di eussed, especially by the ladies the. Advance Work. o()~ the church, est crowd that ha s yet attended c: tim!! who might apply for treat- thetr upper c1aSlllllate.. of the audilmce. · whlch bad made p08!lIble ,t he com- the Jr. O. U. A. M. dances, Tuesment. So 'far, no results have Ei.ltth Gr.... N _ _ pletion, of a cburch buildinr at day evening. been obtained Irom thi.s source. Tu•• da,.. Af'.ra_. S••• loa Hawthorne Nevada, was read by The First National Bank of Member·s of the ai.btll ,",oe Th' f I Friends expected to return Mrs. O · are. very "roud 4)f their buket. H ... ]\[rs, D. R. Salisbury and lIIietl Mrs. ams. lS was 0 specla Caroline Barnett trom Miami ' ,Sabina was robbed of ,a,60 In .. Betty Bart.'1ock rend~red a piano as St. Man'a Auxiliary Valley hospital, Dayton, to her cash and currency when three un - ::~et:~::h~!:YPI:;::. ;:~ ::~: duct before Mrs, Tyler 'told of a part in the gift. home in Bel.brook, today. The lad y ma 'ked young bandits held up the playe" are: "Changing Agliculture and .ChangA short sellSion of the GuUd was sustained a broken hip as the re(" rl ( ...... institution, Tuesday a/temoon. ~ WayneniUe 11Ig Farmers Institutes." Agricul- held, followed . by a. delightful 8ult of a fall at her home several ~eor~e Un lOr, The bandit car,alilM coach bearSprinr Valley ..... ... G.me cancened J'd, bas made wonderful Bocial hour, during wbich delicious •. b t ' .. I ing Ohio license 240-705, was seen ture, she ~.fl Franklin .... ....... .... ll .. ........ _.. .. la .~ r freshments w re erv d weed ~go, u IS i'ecovenng nlcey d' th h P rt W'U' stridea in advancement 8ince the e e s e. The bo[ly of G,eorge Gra~ Jr., Besides his parents, three broth- apee 109 roul 0 I lam .a Carlisle . ... ....... ...... 3, ' .... ........... 2& days when people lived in log • ......... T~e Wayne8ville'~asketba1l1eague aged 30 years, wbo di~d in a ho~ erg and a sister, he i~ survived by sho~t time after the holdup oeFranklin . .. ... ... " ... 12 ...... " ..... .. 13 cabins, prQdu!l.ed their own woollen NOTICE ,t~am won a mce 39 to 34 pital at Indianapolis, Ind" Mon. his wife who lives in Kokomo, Ind. curroo, but trace of the car was Lebanon ." ............ If "" .. ,.... :.. ,20 vIctory from the Springboro team day, was brought to the McClure Gray was released from the War- soon lost. Two. ~uspects a~e being Cal'lisle . .. ....... .. .... 2 ................. 38 clothing, and ,rode borses to and from town to learn the newII of the I would like to canespond with at Harmon Hall! Lebanon, last I funeral home at an early hour' ren county jail at Lebanon about held by a uthorItIes at Xema, pend- Otterbein ... ., ... ...... 13,: .... ...... .... 26 . day: Wonderfully improved roads, any' descendant of .Tonah Sands, Wednesday evemng. On Tuesday [TUeSdaY morning. The deceased three we~ks aro, baving heen h eld jng Inve.tira!i: -..__ __ .The regular piayers are: Rob~rt nece~llitated. by ,the advent o~ the who waa born in' Londoun County ~vt;ning, however, they were not was a son of Mr. Ilnd ' M'rs. George as It prisoner tbere 8ince October James, Charles Davis, Chari.. uutomobile, kero$ene, electricity, Va., June 10, 182~ and. la~r qUite so fortunate, and lost to the Gray Sr., who teside on the H. M. 17, when he and at;lother man, Earnhart and Robert Satteftbthe radio and many other inven- moved to WayneSVille, OhIO, In Masol). team by a close score in a Clark farm, near l.ytle. · Lowell Gray, of Dayton, (unrelat;.. waite. They bave been u11J;ed on tions have tl18terially aided In thIs wbich place ~e ,kept a drug lltore &,ame played at Springboro. Gray died from injuries Tecelv- ed) were arrested by Marshal C. by the cheer leaden, Evelyn Fur. adva ~e~ent. The ftr.st Farmers' through .the 7'0 . and later. Several from heJ,'e attended the tid ~b{)ut midnigllit Friday nirht P. Joy because. of alleredly sUllpl. Institutes IIponsored and M.ra. H. D. Convene, 12681A. funeral of M,r s. C. K. lIimes at whe'n he fell from a Pennsylvania cious action. While confl.ned In the The followinr program will be naB: and , Rita Van Often. ~e financed by the State Edgecllfr Drive, Los Angeles. Calil the home of her pal'ents, Mr. and train, between II1~dianapolis and local prillon that night, t hey be- given at the regular Granre meet- eighth grade student. have ,Ja,JPeCI of Agriculture, were held • - • M1'I. Charles Sheehan, in Center- Greenfielq, Ind., a1:t~ be. had been cal!'e ob~reperoul!, a!ld demolished inlf, Saturday nlrht, January 21: to support their telm by attend- ' ing the games and c:heerin,. ThenhBtate apeakera_ dedwetlt b RURAL CELEBRATION Ville, Monday afternoon. Burial slOb gged b~d- antbunl'bdel,ntdd'bed ma~ qbeuflte a 'bbl~ of thl·e Pdr18 \lln Ituhmlture Song .. " ........ . " .. " .... By Grange 0 e was made in Centerville. Mrs. w. 0 was rl mg e ID aggare ore eln&, pace n s ceU. Accomplishments of the past year on w .t t h ey concelv best met~ods' of "r:lsiDttoJllbOre S :p~~r~ b Y :::e GWayn;~vUle Himel! died at Miami Valley hospit- ~.Itbh h(~. Th~:~I.an:1 thde b~:WBOll BOdth ,were. ladter trlehd, f I ........ .. ... ,. .. . .. John Shu lts corn to llred more op uJ C 00 an, a t ~ ym, lin- II in Dayton, Friday morning., 1!1 ea ~esu e 1'1'1 s ea . .. an • ~e~tence on c ar~es 0 n· Readiq ... . ...... . .... " Cora Rich followiJ\g an operation fote he dIed, Gray told authoriti.. toxlcatlon and the malicious de.- Pia I Virginia Hardin more hand to raise more corn, etc. day, January 19, 7.30 p. m. Mandy, EIl'Y, Bank and WiBlel . that he had hitc:h!..lIiked from his Itruction of propeny. ~':n:o 0 ... ...... Lecturer l'Now their lIulljects deal more c.losely with tbe general The Little German Band. Special Mrs. Mary Hopkin!, 01 Dayton, home to Rlehm~nd, Ind., where be Followin. his release, Gray An Elltlm'~t~ · ~f · t·h'~ "G'~lte .. ,:. ..... . ment of agricultural and 101011 and feature numbers. A who III a guest in the home of Mr. boarded a tram. He fOlUld a stayed at the home of, hili mother , M A Cornell conditions. Young people IIhould prolT&Jll 01 fun and mUlde. Admis· and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, was hOlltes.~ stranger aboard the train and n ..r Lytle, until the latter 'Part of &;i' .. ·n .. • .. • .. · ..... .~ Slivers to a group ot ,friends today. Fol- a.fter the ~wo h d ridden for a IMt week when he I.tt, statilll that R':diq' ~" Wh~ "Kili;d the 'Graqe' given their opporlunity to advance sion, Adulia, 2Oc, children 10c. with the tlmel, and not be. held to • • " lowing ' a delicioull dinner, which time he saId the other mall lIud· lui wa. , goine to Kokomo, . Ind., io ' ElJIabetb Jonllll the antiquated methoda ol their IIIASONIC INSPECTION served at The Little Inn, the denly pulled a blackjack and .1om hia wife. Nothta. more wu J Frace. lEn. ancestors. •ore Clo-operation, aDd \ , p.rty spent the aftemoon very ~truc:k him over ltead. Palliq heard fftm him UlitU the lIew. of ciii',::::·.:: Wh~t" I tliJoy 1M..ll"i1;;ioI.. , a higher .tandal'd cd. cOlllJllunlt7 The UlDuai i...pactlon of Way- pleuantiy at tile Hawke lIome. In- from tbe train, ·.td be .a. bla death wu reeeiMd bJ'''' darlq the Lecture hoar. Uf. alwa,. workll to the advnta«e ...ville No. lea P. a A. M. eluded in M1'IIo Hopkins' guut list ,uftconsci!)ul for 1&7 .other lIondal' eTeJdaC. • _ .. - _ _ of the IndividuaL J'anaera lboalc!l wUl be laeld Tuesday evealq, were Mrs. S. M. Bellen, of Leb- here h. bad ... Jl'aDefaJ ..meet were beld at tile take a kee.... 1ateN8t .. tile 14. W. B. TJdele, bt DaJ- aD lin. Vuce. of Pleas- covered a),oat at I o'tleell fan of til.... blltltut.. ; cdIIw. ll'oUow- aat BOQI'la, II... MftII _We p~ will lie MrftCI I. H. WIUiun· H. Tu ... day Morninll Se .. lon ,
Club Met .ra. Stroud
Killed When Hit by Auto
Ala",·onal B an at Mo rrow a nd Sabina Victim. of Holdup.
• _•
Blow on Head and' Fall from Tral"n
Near Indianapolis Prove Fatal to Jray J " L, ast Mon day
Program PI.nned for Grange LectureHour
t. ................ ···.. Bon
"'" atme
-- - - - - Ed. Davia and CliDton ixon were NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT appuinted appralJera. . The will CIt Wyatt B. 'Morton, de'I.f.,,,E.."',.t,a,..t,e. of Ruth A. lJaulChe.. ty. J~rll.""·V ceased, wall admitted to pt'obate. Notice b hl'rt't.y It ivl'n that L. C. Anderson, administrator 01 ~tt' lla E. Dnuglll'tty hilS bOl'n duly estatE: of Ralph B. Park" deceased appuinttld anti qualified IlR Execui~ ord red ttl ~~Il l·el·tain property trix of the El'tute of Ruth A. COIllIllO. Pie.. ProcHdina. for inter Nlt o'! Raid estate. Dauf!:herty late "r WIlI'I'cn Cuunty, In the case of C. S. E vy, et aI, By THE HOOSIER Edmund Retallick Illlluel Jones ]a'll' and thereby renting a Fal'ml'rK, like all other busineNs Ohio , d cc('u~ d. Marrla •• Lic:e"••• Dated thi 14th day of January versus ·Richard PlOUghman, et al ...... a_t skirm'-" noted ~'. n G; W: H.enkle., N. ur Hain s. W. H. vac~ncy in the board from said All .h" "'" ., .. Dlnw dd P II B men. Itte finding iL increasingly leav\! is give n plaintiff to tile peti· Ellner U. Jone, laborer, ul 19aa. I Ie rlSCI 1\ A. utterworth lIub·di tl'ict. it \\ a . therefore jol'ftt JIINtill&, of tile bonds f Waynesv ille, and Mrs. Flora auW. Z, ROLL Clearerelllt and Wayne town hips, Caroli ne Phi1li'p~. Jo~d\\'t\I'd Merritl. deelll('d advill8ble by the clerk to neCCS$ary to l\Jeste and plug all tiDn. Judge of th Probate ourt. held at the Lytle Ilchool hou e Martha P. 1l1lchener, Elm r E. fill said vacancie under th old leak!'; til econon1Iz,~ wherever it In the cas of R. D. Black versus dis J011el<, factory worket·, of Way. fl Wnrren ()Utlty, Ohio on AUllult 22, 1891, at which Ke v I" a.nd Catberine Kecver a51(· law in ord('r to organiae under the is po ible to do 80 without lower- , . Easton, ~t I, t he defendallts nesvill e. A.llred E. Cain, "hoemaker. of to fi lII their a nswer. hllve I ave hall.l. E. Ro... -.r1e presid nt and ed to be tl'anaferred to the Waynes new. And, as there had been no ing th ir ('fficicnc~1' and to corIn the ca'se of Edward Crist ver- Lebanon, and Miss Bertha R. l~rn· N'. L. Bunnell act d LI$ clerk. vill p 'cia l district ror school protest against anyone serving In rcc~ly solve the Farr,I' Manag ment NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT_ ",W ayne town.hip Willi repre ent d purposes, but th request of onl~ the new organh:ation that had problems eonironting all farm SUI! 'Fannie Couden, et ai, partition Zell, 01 Lebanon. Edward A. Kais r. farmer of was ordel·ed. '-7 Avery Needles, Philip uria ce, Mes rs. R tallick and Merritt. and been ch08 n by the several subdis.- operators at the present time. Estale of Elizabeth B. Bally, In t.he case of Sarah NObel ver. Monroe, and Miss . Ilroline May dec ase .1. label PhilliPI, Joshua henoweth, M,esdames Butter orth and Mich· tricts, except in No.7, where there Altho mllny hio :Carmel's have Urton, of M 0 .... 0 ",: . . S. V. Hartsock, A . E. Chenoweth, ener was granted were objections rais d by patron gl'eatly reduced ~h eir expenditures us Este l Nobel, alias Este'l Spenc. No~ice iR hereby given that N. L. BunD II. J, W. Hisey, Jo. On June 1, J. G. l ia..ines Dnd J. of that chool again1!t the person tor fertilizer and have disc on. er. divorce was given to plalntift'. Mary B. hapman IIl1d 'Emmol' D . Real Eatat. Tranefer~ .t.h Hough and Cyrus mith While C, Munay er appointed local claiming to have been elected to tinued feeding baLanced rations. Care 01 minor child to plaintltJ. Baily have 'been duly appointed , William A. Scott. to George and qualifie.l as Executors f the H, B. Stokes, J ohn G"stin, Nathan directors fol' No.. 4, and amuel repres nt tbe same, he proceeded the decren es in their fficiency of oats to plaintiff. }[o!mes, rea l etate in Union town· L. Lupton, F. E , Roaangle, J. R. Pugh for No.3, and on JUly 16. to app oint as follows: N'o. W. production have in 'th la t analy- In the case of Helen S. Robinson E tate of J.~1iZRbeth B. Baily late Gre If, H. Kelly, W. Cleinhen and William Carmony and F. A. Sur. J. Retallicl<; No.2, Philip S ill 10wcl'ed th eil' iann incomes. versus CalVin Pummill, et al hip. of Worren ounty, Ohio, d ceased. Homer Ross to Flora M. Ross, It. M. Duke performed a similar were appoint d and qualified No.3, Jabez Phillips; No . . 6, A detlliled study e'( ao me 23 judgment tlJ plnintiff for $36'/2.76 Daled this Gth da y of January In the case of Truman assoo feal estate in Mason. · (llllee for Clearcreek. The petition as local directors of No. 12. It Nathan Jones; No. 6, George Vet- Ohio Farm R eord ' indicates that 1933. A. J. Back and Berthn Mae Back for the formation ot the special might be noted her that no ) gal tel'; No. ,Amos Wilson; leaving a eftieienl production still pays reo vers us Mar.ietta Cas \I n, motion Dilotllsh. tty. to James H. J nnings and Edna M. C. Donalll district was submitted, and Josia'll representative. of ub-districts V8t'ancy in No.7." gal'dless of the present low priees sustained. W. Z. nOLL J e nnings. The new law, here referred to. paid for agricultural pI'od ucts. In t~e case of Clarence F. BuergHouCh moved that the prayer be Nos. 3, Ii and 12 had appeared at JlI!lg o r the PI'obate 9urt, WIlliam Fink to Leona Fink, in· granted, ~ut his motion was COUrlle, were No. 11 or No.9, now abolished the s ub.district board of Farmers who were most efficient ermeler vt:rsus Robert G. McCon Warren County, Ohio. ",nowed under" in a wone ava. course, were No. 11 or Nok 9. now <l directors and plliccd all di trict in silt or mpl'C re~lpects relllized nell, et ai, conflt'mation, deed and Jot No. 2GB in Franklin. Leona Fink to William Fin'k , Jr. lanehe tlIan that which enoompas • I gal!y n~er'F d into the Corwin school und~r the t1lrect c~ntrol an average farm in ome of '15.37 di tribution ·o rdered. Go!)cl Roada Coat. Money In the case of Clark Cecil versus inlot No. 2G8 in Franklin . ed President Hoover last Novem- Spe~lal dlstrtCt, r presented at the the township board, wh!ch was per acre, while farm incomes on Miami Valley Building and LOBn William Thompson, t al judgment bel"-18 to 1. The territory sought se lon. composed ~f ~ repre~entativ~ fr?m farm wbose operat.lrs excelled in Far m rs and othcrs dwelling out to be included in thi new speeial A~ t he August 29 meeting, eaeh ub-dlstrlct. ~hls o.rga ntzatl~n only three re~pects llveraged $6.6B to plaintiff for $1560: judgment Association versus Amanda Cole, sid of incorporl\ted places paid 39 inro~ No. 367 in Franklin. district lncluded subdistricts Nos. Presld nt Needles refused to ap. of the board r~matne.d In vogue 1ft per a cre and the income of t hose to The Peoples' Building Loan & Amanda ole to Miami Vall y p .r cent of the total rllllel costs in 10 and 11 in Clearcreek township, prove the nlinutcs of the last reg- '~aY!le township until all t~e sub- who were most efficient. in only Savings Company for $39'0.47. Building and Loan A oeiation, in· the tate in 1931 , O'r a bo ut 351f.t and Nos. 3, • and 12 in WaYIrle ular meeting unle!!! the entire (listrlct scho~ ls, to.gether With tbe one factor averaged nly 3.34 per In the. case o'! Lauro Wakely ver. 10ls Nos. 649 and 660 in Franklin. million dollar. Thi s am ou nt paid towllshlp. ~oard joined him in a yea and lLIly three speclal district schools were acre. sus Lawrenee ' Wakely, divorce David G. Ertel', et al. to Anna by farmers for the ",upp ort of On September 26, Jabez Phillips recorded vote. ~bi they proceeded merged into t he present. c.entraliz. l\Iost fal'mers keel!) some records was grallted plaintilf. Plaintiff reo roads was 8 34 per cent increase 0, Stevenson, real estate in Hamil. over alld Joahua Chenoweth called a to dO,The pr sldent stated as his ed s ystem. The membershIp of t he of their business trllnsactions but lito red to maiden name Qf Lau what was pai d in 1921-25. ton t~wnship. speoial meeting of the board "to realon for thi ~ action "that he W815 board was th~n reduc~d to five! the many We'rren County , :far~ers Lucas. William 1. Long, deceased, to M. eonsi<ier the matter of a special not claar as to t h action of the members havmg the .rl~bt to hire a undel' pl'esent cond,itions are di . In the case of II. L. Harding, Subl!cribe fQf t he Miami Gazette. dutrlet a.t Lytle,''' Messrs. Phillips board at that meeting being legal clerk from amonr thel.r own num· covering that their IPl,'eient method et ai, versus The South Lebanon Soth Long, real estate in Harlan and Needles were appointed mf.l1l- in the matter of the transfer of bel', ()r from the outsIde. liS they of accounting is inadequate l that Packing Co. a corporation et a1 township. F!.o rence E. Ferris, d ceased, to ' I bent ot a committee to "seeure the th.e lands of parties named in said saw fit . When the c.)e~k IS not an their reCord can nc,t satisfactorily application gra nted. Rachel E . Worley, et. al. real estate services of an attorney to resist mtnute~, and it was for. the purpose elected ~em~er of t~e bo~rd, he be used in making detailed analy. in Turtlecreek township. N• .., Suit. the formation of a apecial district of getting a fu1\ expression of this has no vOice 1ft the dehberatlons of ses of their busilrless and that 011 the line proposed by the meeting a to th~ confirming of that ~~dy. . their recorqs are of little help in Crff d Bill. Allowed petitio'ners as lIet forth in their tbe tran fer of 881d land ." It. wd.l be noted. that, In the or. anaw rl'ng the I'wlpor'ftnt qpe. You nety I or Solsman, Brown versus Mrs. ...... for money. 0 C T I t f h petition. Alao to inveAtigate the " The bill of F. A. uriace for gamza I.on .0 t IS new board in tions regarding their farming Ida B. Cram I' veTSUS Harold hio entral, e ephon matter of the school bOllAe and servi.ce a clerk and ul!ppll'es 1893, dIstricts ,Nos. ~ and 11 had operations. Cramel' , for divorce. Charge is rent, $56.60; Ohio ntral R Tel.'feWAYNESVILLE, OHIO h C II II! Iot i n th e Iate Bub·district No.9. " furnIshed for Lytle Special dis. 110 repre~entatlon; t hey. had been Realizing the need for and in- gross neglect of duty. pone 0., to s, ",39.06; el S Phone 80 Bank BIde. Under date of December 12, trlct'~ was disallowed by t be ~er~ed tnto the Corwin Spec~al tere"t in a practic:al, simple and Electric Shop, services, $16. 4; 1891, Cle.rk Wooll ey recorda a no. unanImous vote of all members distrIct. The Lytle Special dl . trll:t euily kept system elf farm record'! Probate Court Proc.ediqa Trustees of Public Affairs, light, FOR SALE DATES CALL $61.26; Fr d Procter, filing cab· tice from Henry McKinsey, clerle present. Frank Barnhart was once --:as ellteangled in a maze of lItlga- which will satisfac1torily meet the ot the board of the Corwin Special more selected to serve os truant tlon that lasted f or two or three present needs of busy farmers The Lebanon.Citizens National inet, $274.50; Drs. Edward and diltrlet, wbleh ealled for a speeial offieer, janitors were hired at t he ye~r8, so the township board main· county agent Miller has arranged Bank and Trust Company, exec· Robert B1~ir, services, $17 i Still· alld joint meetine of the board of rate of .16 cents per day, and it !8tned control in sub·district Nos. with all farmel's w:ho are 'interest. utor of estate of John C. Half, de- water Sanatorium, care of patient, Wayne township, Harveysburg was. deCided that the next school 4 and 12,. the .coJ?ponent patts ed in adopting suc:h a system, at ceased, tiled its first account. $108.50; W. H. Fulkerth quarterly Mabelle K. Burger, administra· expen e, $67.66; Stakalta Mtg. Co, Special and Corwin Special to be tenn should continue for eight of the speCIal dlstrIC~. ~he case one o'clock, on Tu(~sday,'F bruary . finally reached the Cncl.llt Court 7 at t.he office 011 the County trix ot; estate of Willian, G. supplies, $6.60; Dayton Blank held In the Convin Ichool house on months. December 26. The purpose stated Whatever else may be said in of Appeals, and was the. source ot Agent. At this meeting, the 8C- Thompson, deceased, flIed her first Book & Printing Co., supplies $10; for the meeting was the considera- regard to the Lytle pedal Dis- mach bitternesa and etrlfe. counting m ethod mow in u e on and final account. Daytc)n Stencil Works, repairs, JESSE STANLEY lion of the request of Ed Roberta, trict grade school, it seems to have One of my very good friend!!, hundreds of Ohio fal'ms and H. D. McVay, executor of es· '1.60; John Law & Son, gas, labor Apes Wrilllt, Harritlon Gordon, been all excellent: place for the who has wltnel18ed more than three which requires no previous at- tate of Alonzo Cassida" deceased oil and grease, $6.70; Dayton Plao •• 320, N.... B.rU••to •• Olio Haltaock, Catherine Haltaock aeledion of the most de8irable BC«?re and ~n years Of. the fu~ny counting experien,ee and a 8ur- filed his nineteenth ac:.count. ' Blank Book & Printing Co., up· EARL JCOOGLER Ploreflce Thorpe and J . Hockett to wivel from the teaching force. thl!lg of .hle, tells .thls amu sln~ prisingly mall amount of the Robert J , Shawhan, executor of plies, $5.16; 'Baldwin Law PublishD.ytola Phoa. haye tlMir lands transferred from Don't take my work for it; jU8t anecdote ID conDect~on with the farme r;'s time will be thoroughly estate of Frank S. Thompson de· ing Co., Ohio Digest Service, $LO; I(_e ~Ihip to the Corwin ask Wilbur F. Clark, Frank H,caae. The next morning after the explained. Those interested in ceased, filed his inventory.' Suxlee Envelope Co., suppii s, KElllllor. 1986 Speefal diatnet f~r school purposes Farr or ChAl'les E. Anderson. And , Lytle case had ,eached the Circuit strengthening ' t he ''''eakel' ieatures The will of Helen H. Bennet~ $64.46; W. H . Anderson Co" Ohio lIlo fartbft me.ntlo~ of the matter I strongly suspect that the name of Court of App-;sls, the late R. M. of their farm l)usilness, those who was filed in court, digest service $5; Oolllmb\1~ Blank .. IIIMe UlJ'Where tn oUr record. Dr. J , W. Ward should really head Duke wall pasillng the home- oithe leel that more ilnformation reo George' P. Gntes, adminis trator Book Mig. C.o., supplies, $4.69 i C. L. Barnard in No. 6 was the this list, although his courtship late Samuel Pueh, ?nrou~ to . his garding the details of their busin. of estllte of Sal'ah Ann Decker de. Office Outfitters, 1 box fil , 65c; ollly ftew cl~rk to com.e to the may liave b~lfUn at the old Chan· home. Mr. P~gh haIled hiS nelg~. ess would help cope with present ceased, was given an allowance for Archie Shuer Co., supplies, $49; nl1llar meetin~ of April 18, 1892 dler 8cl)001 1n No.8. His worthy ~or, and, comanll .tQ the .fenc~, ~llId conditions, are urg.ed to attend t.he extraordinary compensation. Drs. Edward and Robert Blair, altbough Kartin Harner was re- helpmate taught in both IIchools In a slow, drawhng vOice: R1Cb. meeting on Februllry 7 or 8 and Alice Cain was appointed admin- services, $3; tn.k altn Mfg. Co., t1U'lted to the derbhip in No.8. and for twenty-two years afte; ard, I hear they've taken the to start a farm IIccou nt r~cord istratrix . of estate of John Cain, supplies, ,4,20; Trustees' of Public • • Avel')' Needles wall selected to thei? marriage both were a bless- Lytle school to CongrellS." alon&, with others illl their neighbo; d~ceased, rand filed bond of $2400, .AtJair , light and gas, $39 ; Cyn. Dire~to.. of FUDeral Senic. But let's ~t bliCk to our new hood and county. WIth . Delia Burke and Maym thia Fulkerth, feeding prisoners, prMfde over the board'8 delibe-ra. in&, to the Lytle community. WlIen ~e board re-&8lleJDbled, styled board. Nathan Jones wa The projeet wiln be conducted Burl<e as surety. Eli McCreary, $378 .75 ; Oynthia Fulkerth , feed-· tIon8 thil year, and the \lnly new Our cllnvenient location, suitatoeal directors beside Mr. Barnard April1!, .1898, for the purpolle of selected to serve.~ pre8~dent, and by County Agent Lester J. Miller Fra~k South and A. O. Weaver ing p riso ners $13.50; W. H. Ful· bl e surroundings and equipment were W. J. Retalllck. D. J. can~IDIl the rellults of Ule spring the body . was dlVlded lllto three cooperating with Ithe Farm MaJ).- we re appointed appraiser. kerth, washing for prisoners, $36 .• ell abies Ull to Serve to the Best IIlItIIiII, Will Talmage and Wilham electl0ns'llii.t-tlad been -lie un er age men ep . 0 th LOI'I~ admiaieba* 1'8. Edward and Robert Blair Taylor. . a new State law, and for reorgan. Amos Willlon and j, Taylo; estate of William 1. Long, de· services. $100;- Ivins-Jamllson Advantage. The Waynesville board present- izing, If it was found that al1 sub- were to serve for ene year; J, C. ceased, filed his first.. and final ac· Drug Co., supplics, $2,66; John ed its biD of $282 for tuition 01 districts .bad met. and held their Chenoweth, Nathan Jones, George count. Law <\ Bon, gas, oil and labor, AMBULANCEttRVIC£"' town.hip pupfla in the high school elemona, only fOllr of which had Vette r and J. M. Stllcy were to U George P. Gate, administrator $166.46: W. C. Bergdall, surveyor for "!e &chool year 1891-92, and leeaUy held said elections, to-wit: sene for two yeaTS; and Philip of estllte of Sarah Ann Decket , de. assistant, $7; Waldrin C. Gilmour, Ph.oa. 21 Wa.,.ae •• iII., Obio cot ita eheck, too. No.• elected J. C. Chenoweth: No Surface, Jabez PhiUips, J. W. V ceased, filed hiB first and final ac· illquest, $8.10; Warwick's Grocery ---------_-', "On motion, the clerk was lO, J. W. Hilley: No. 1:2, J. M. Hisey and the unelected Tepre--count. supplies, $3: J. T. Riley, Agent, a.tbo,riud to draw orders on the Stacy; No. 13, J .W. Taylor. All of sentatlye of No.7 were to serve PractIces Requirina Little Money Rachel' E. Worl y, executl·\.x of prllmium. on blind. '15; Fred O. ....urer for 1eachen' pay and for theae held th,eir elections in accor. lor three yean. An aareement was estate of Florence E. Ferris, de· James, s upplies, $1.4.0; Walter to Be Emph,a.iaed At d fiI ed .....ncr inventory. S pmner, . co.ti1I.~M" purpOlle8 i n ayor of dance f with the provisionll " of reached to fill this vacancy at the ' cease, l!UpP Ii es, $5.40 ; Philip nb-diltrieta NOli. 8, " and 1 2when Section 8916 and 8~17 of an regular June meeting. Farmera' Week A certified C\lPY of the entry de- Heisel, pay roll, $11.50; Floyd prvperly siped billa by two of the act plUl8ed March 15, 181}2. TJ\~t afternoon, the rJ!quest of --termining the inheritance tax on Lemmons, pay Toll, $76; Joe W. old directors alld attested by 01le "Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and B in :Mrs. Rachel McGuire to be trans. Ways of obtaining the larges.t t he estate 01 George L. Schenck, W. , Davis, pay roll, $94; John WANTED me.~ of the Lytle 'Special DiI· holding their election8 had faHed terred from district No.1 to Way. possible farm inl~ome with the deceased, is to be certi fied without Myers, · pay roll, $135 ; Charles E. trlet board are prellellted to him to comply with section 3917 {If nesville Special wee denied, and smallest cash Olotlay will re- delay. . ' Bradbury, pay Toll, $108.25; A. T. duriallr the present sehool year." same Act, which requires the the total levies were set at U624 . ceive the attention of some 5,000 'Roberl J. Shawhan and Paul Rettig, pay Toll, $20: A. T. Rettig, W ANTED-To buy all . kinds ot The president and clerk were judltes to take an oath, or affirma. June 19, A. E. Chenoweth was Ohio farmers, Jan1uary 30 to Feb. Holthaus, administrators of estate pay roll $111; Eden Terry pay roll chickens, paying highest market ebOlen u members of a committee tion, before entering upon their appointed to 1111 the vacancy as ruary a, when they participate in of ~. L John, deceasep, are or- $381.50; E. D. ' Jones, pay 1"\111, pri CE!. Call 59R6. ej 18 ' to "confer with attorneys in ree- duties as lIaid judges, and wllre director in No.7 , and immediately the Farmers' Weel<; program ot the dered to sell certain bonds for in- '10'3: V. W. Tompkins, pay roll, erence to the Buit pendin¥ in the therefore declared not lel'aUy quall1ied and entered upon his departments of r()ps and soils in terest of said estate. $13 ; V. W. Tompkins , pay roll, L7tle Special Dis~lct c.e, and ar· elected, and it was ' foond that duties. the college of agriculture at the Louise Hufford was appointed $90.63; J. K. Spencer, gravel and FOR SALE nate the matter of feell in cllIIe there had not been a majority of The board then proceeded to Ohio State Univerllity. ma~l'on. of Warren county jail lIP- sand, $97.1)6; Van Camp and & - - -- -.. . . : - - - - - - - - - the wit wall carried to a higher the IlUb-districtll electing to make a el.ect teachers in the various dis. Homemaking, livestock , po'Ultry, on resignation of Mary Fulkerth. Gravel, sand, $4 .20; Famous Auto FOR SALE-A few t urkeys. Cliff court." legal organization lInder the new tricts, at the monthly salaries and fruit, marketing, Ilnd ot~er major E. E Oswald was appointed ad· Supply, Co., repai!!! and suppli es, Bur nett. __-= ======~ ior the number of months iisted fields will aU streiB! means of in. ministra to r of estllte of Harr y $43.70, Harry Htll, g.aa, $64.85; . ' , . after their names, 'as foUQws .; No. creasing the farm income that re- Ross, deceaseli, and filed bond of East En~ Garage, truck, $44.52 ; FOR SA LE-A few busliels York l ·V OO 1, COl's . A. bunn, "0, 8; No.2, quire ~o or very little cash outlay, ,2000 with ,the New York Casualty Carl Dakin, pay roll, $111; ~.I ImReri~1 ap'ples. C. E. MiClhener. l\AOO Ada J. Surface, $35, 9; No.3, according to officia.1s of the agricu] Company as surety. H. L. Haroing Bradbury, pay roll, '21.50. \WayneSV1lle.
i Ie
ed, District Sclaool as it
E%isteJ in Wayne lown hip
Fortner. to Operati
the Fa
--- - -----
Stanley &Koogler
. . . .===
'Minnie Satterthwaite, $36, 9; No. tUl'al extension service of the Ohio 4. Ocho Hendenon~ $35, 8; No. 6, State University. . Charles Austin, $37, 8; No.6, Crop and Soil topics of pal·ticBenjamin Parker, $40, 8; No.7, ular interest to f armers at this Wal:er Henkle, $8li, 9 ; No.8, time on the Farmers' Week proLydIa McCoy, $37, '8; No. 10, gram are those dealing with the Lelia P. KuU, ",0, 8; No. 12, cost 'of ill-timed cropping operaWalter ,Keever, $40, 8; N'o. 13, tions, liming practices for the pres... Rosa V:anDoren. 'SO, 8. ent and future, effieiency in using The dIrectors were . authorized to farm manure, buying seeds for . at a salary of ,3 per 11,933, the truth about timothy, tqe Imull~n. direetor of NO, 1 W811 use ,of fertilizers at the presen.t In'.'""'"'1'''''. to have: tbeir we)) reo time, commercial outlets for soy. palre.d, wha!e the duector of ~o. 2 beans, choosing the right legume, was tnstructed. to have a new well and more corn and grain through d~g at Rat Tad • .And Prof. J. Ad- timely harvesting. • _ ._---dlson Brown was re·engaged to teach music at $1 per lelSOn, On August 21, "The matter of OHIO PUBLIC HI~Al.TH employing an a88istant teacher for ' ASSOCIATION TO MEET, III was, after some discussion, ---postponed until th~ next regula, Members of the Board of m'e eting, and a committee of two Trustees of the! Ohio Pu})1ic (George Vetter and J. W. Hisey) Health Association and repre. was a ppointed to investigate and lIentative directonl from local af. ascertain whether it would be' ad- filiated 0I'JaniaaticI'l18 will meet in visable to nire an assistant ·teacher. the Neil House, C,o~mbull, ThursSeptember 4 was seleeted as the day, January 19. opening date for the fall term of The meeting, which will be preschool, and the position of truant oeded by a lunche()n at 12 o'clock, ofllcer was oWered to Elijah Comp.. is beillif held for the purpose of ton at a salary of $26 for the electill&' o III eera, directors and school year. members of the executive commit. (To be continued) tee, aecordine to Dr. Kennon Dun~~~---' ham, Cincinnati, president of the All..' . Good For... AS80ciatlon. Reports from special Alfalfa produce. just all much committeu wiD alao be received. '.000 TO ATTEND forage aa red clover. Alfalfa also --~-•• _ ••- - - "bout O.Ovo ! •• men .1Ie!· .... yi ld f th lIomcmcke,. .. ill .t""n~ tar",. InerealeB Wle e a 0 erops at n. a.mra Owa F ••lt n.· " ....k . J . ... 8U .F~h .•• al follow and haa long roote that enth. O"io l>lftU U.nblru1J<.-u. - ~~~~H:o--li'I,...-tttf'01q1lrihmr-ttrrf-lJIil.1raclecl c urd.nor lo t;. Ii. cran........ i.atI. JIOtber: ""Heavens' ;';.~ ~i~~~\I>s..!'. :r~~:Ii:~ apella.____•• __ .____ What happened to baby! Row did be dl.ell..... wltll the little tu-.a get such a bruise j~:~~:.. al~ltl!':' Aecplt.....f eo.r.. 011 JaIl hud' l ur '. _"'_11.., .lWOI __ , }tou.... N1II'IMI: ..... plIl[UclD,mum-bat II ~! !:..r:::..'1c.,·~~3~,:; ~~~f~~_·whiIb)o·""* IAI to Jet 011 the
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Victor Van Riper an~ W. W. Shurts were appointed appraisers. The adjudication and determinatlon of the inhe.ritllnce tax on the estllte of Ellsworth L. Sherwood, deceased is to be given to all per. sons interested. Julia B. Hendricks and Olive S. Spinner, executrices of estate of Mary Vandever Horley, decea,ed, filed their first and final account. The inventory of George J. Wa· terhouse, executor of estate of Mary E . Waterhouse, deceaeed, was approved by court. .The e!!tate of Florence E. Ferris deceased, ia exempt from inheritance tax. .. .Patdck Cooghlin was appointed administrator 6f estate ' of Anna Coughlin, deceased, ana filed bond of $4400 with ·M. H. Oswald and E. E. Oswald as IlUreties. Jame8 FoUen, C. A. Hizar and Wililam A. Meyer were appointed appraisers. The will of Helen H. ~ennett, deceased. wall admitted to probate The will of Elizabeth B. Baily, deceased. was admitted to 1probate Mary B. Chapmall and Emmor D. Baily were appointed executors no bond required. Oakley Ung'leaby, William S. Graham and A. L. King were appointed appraiaerll. Truman B. Griswold and Maude B. John80n, executors of ••tate of George W. GrilWold decealed ftleet their inventol')'. . . The adjudi~tlon aDd determinati of th i h rita ..L on e D • nce tax on Wle e.tate of R.. I. John, deeeased, is ~o be Kiven to an person. intere.teel. The adminutrators flied their ftnt account. Neme DaTia wu appomted ad. Dllllialnatrbt of ..tate 01 JIItta Wil. IOn. dee..... ad lied hoDCI of
be fell $1000 with Jolla ..... _ .
A .S ;p I'R I' N is always
SAFE beware
imitations tim-yo.... tb DUlle Bayer aDd IdaUou. lWiou 01 __ ~ ~e .~ 1UI11iDe OD \he paclla• • PIVncI tlaat it II ..rio pactured above you caD Gever be A.plda ~ lure you are takiaa o.eaenuiae Ba,.. AapiriD ...t tho_cia aI . ......z
PNICdbe ia tIIeir d.u,
New . .
Best of the New Direct From the Ohio State Capi
a.palr Se","
: P .. ~U.h.r Sub.crlptloD Pric., Sl.IO a Y_r COL MBUS ,('c)'ctary of Th(' 1<,)Chdulur buck Office Pbo•• ,,, .... No. lIZ Entor~,l at PoaloWee al War~e•. Stat George . My •.~ hus com- this week is confronted vll1~, OhIo, •• SecOnd Clas8 ... all R.al...". .. ..... " .... ... . " N o. 111 MaUer pleted the di str'ibuli (\n of nel.r li onal l e~il'\lnlion I>cing roduc('d ,6,000,()00 to mUlliciplllilie~ anu daily by mcmh"I'< of both branches counties I'ev nuc. derived iromthe of the- G nel'al ASl'\em bly. Tlte JANYARY 18, 1933 of Governor s ale ot motor vehicl ~i en;le plates I' cOlllnJcndlltiuns the former r cciving $ 1.4 91,900 G 'ol'~e While to consider the neand the latLer $4,501,604. This will Cl'ssily fo l' curtai ling thl~ ge n£'ral furnis h cities and cQunties im - ]lower of c unties, municipalities 1 . mediate fund ...... ith ..... hich t o carry nnd ODtll'ds of educati on to i sue Ade ina Plltti'S t st lor a singel' waS never, as you might suppose, work ant! to meet J' _ .nd!\ is t. cciving s erious eon. "Can you Trill '! an you illlitute' a mocking bird? " No, it was an uary payrolls. ecrelary of tale -idera(ion and new lawB aft'£'cting you lIing a simple ballad in hone t, strnightfc)l'ward fashion? Such a Myers is being highly commend d btlilJing alld ionn ompanlcs will hallad liS 'H ome, 'weet Home'?" Ttuit was a fair test. for his prompt distriblllion of undoubtC'dly b , enacted as are Simpli city "holl's quality naked and unadorned. And is only motor vehiale tev enu e~. .· ult ()f hi ~ me, >;u gc on th,~ svbject .. gonuine wurth that dares chailenge its criticism. ____ . The j o in~ legistative com)mlttee fm It takes both coul'ag anu the consciousness ot value to come be. The Stat Depsl-tmenl of Agl'i . ta.xation hu. also Introduced a bill fOI'c the wo!,ld wilh alr(>ctution. Our assumption of numbel'I'es little culture and Obitl Fair Managers makinit' man y minor (:orrectiv Association at th ir joinl meet- am<.'ndlll~nts [0 the intangible tax ail's, poaes Ullli prejudices iR but th confession and apology for weak· ing held in the apiLnI Cily, tlis. In\\,. Night .e~. ion. may be adopted ness. cussed num ero us ~ubj d s pertain- . h OI'lIy hy I he Jegi~latom. The s trong are always simp le. implieity implies strength. The ent to all fair. The Director of Statisticll IlIl'nis hed boy · H. G. weak hide thei!' detect/< and their lack with tricks and trills. Agriculture, Earl H. Hane f It! The highest attainmen ts In painting and sculpture are not the presided, and oth rR o[) the pr _ Southard, M. D., Stat Director of kal idoscopic, brightJ:,' co\ored canvases of battle scenes; not the com· gram 'Were L.B. Palmet·, Pt· !:Iid ent Hl.'alt h, how that during: t.he. first For n " In~' ycars Door rt)l , plex many-tul'1'ented statue structures that misguided patriots some- of tbe State BOllrd of Agri ' l.1Itul'e, t n momh~ of t h . Past year. 1, !rl~Il' kr ill ,' . ;)s the we;) I>.lc),el<lr In America, e\laded his d:uu. Now C02 I'esid nt. of the s tate s uetimes erect in memorial of achievement. The greatest picture in the Judge I. L. H o ld ~rman of Dayt on , II Ib r~H,!I~'1 Ih~t on Ncw Y ear', El'e, ill Toronto, Mrs. Percy '«::1II11es. hi~ \,orld Is a moth r anti her babe. As the sense of skl11 grows strong l'resident of tbe hio Fair Mllnag- tumb J to influenza while there 1"" '" .rJllr~1g t '0 y~ars o f rlh:ess, became his bricle. Mr. Dohert)' is 58 and were a,!I3S deat hs from plneumonill It.) brnJ..o· .,g. lind the ye k en in its perception ot beauty, non-essentials, jewelry ers Association, harles M. Beer, during the same period. Diroctor tate Fair Manager, Hon. A. r. lind dl'lIpery, are stripped orr and the true artist finds satisfaction in Sandles, Civil ervice ommis!';ion- :uuthnl'd statel< that because of the fl owing lino and slItiny flo 11 te.xt ure of the simple human figure. er and several others. Over six pO Ol' r eporti ng no es timate can be Bi santz and son, Charles Freder-I Braial••• A,.i", ]n the 'World of l ·tl.el'. , that \ hieh lives as poetry is not the half· hundred fail' men from over the mad r,f t he number of cal:!es in ick of . olumbus. the wide-spread outbreak of So)H "1 don't know whether t o hearted, labored ult fnnOCK of a Poet Laureate on some quasi "great" state were in attendance. Mrs. NeUic Bunnell and Miss give you a .,ook or a kiss!' called mild inftu enzlI .t hat has been oeension. R~thel' it i the simpl e stanza that sang' itself out of some Monimla Bunnell were in Dayton She-" l have a bOok." nlore obscure poet'a heart that bind us all with living bonds through State Treasvrel' Harry . Da y t1CbPIJO'lJlllting schools in various Friday. cu mmunity of .feeling and xperience. The great song is neiler the has compiled his financial report pal·t. of the state. of state fUllds fOI' th year elIding Alway. Keep Farm Record. oralorio but th~ ballad. December 31, 10;l2, it being rec 'l Reai worth ill always unassuming and natural. High thinking ord fOl" completing same at uch A farm without a record is like eeml! automatically lo draw unto itself the complement of plain living an early period. The receipts duro Mi~~ Anna () hn s of near Wil- a watch without hands. The farm Napoleon was alway» mos t 8t elise in the SpaTtan simplicity of camp ing the year handled by t.hll st at nn lh 'b allle fI Id. To his mind, the grandeur and splendor of ' hia treasury total d $98,2l4 ,349.80 ruing-ton J'pent the week··end with may be running but it; is impossibl "'Tench court wet'· a conceMsion to lhe limitations of the less great. and an additionai cash balance at her fd en d fiss Jeannett e Wi! on. to tell much about it. If a record Great mind s focu. , d a they are on great issues have small the heginnlng of the year of 1111 Rhode Bunn ell ha the grip at is kept of the farm business and summarized at the end of each IJot)'en with the trivialiti s of eu tom and convention. . funds, totaling $17,621,953.13. this H writing. H . d f '1 year, it teUs how much the farm omer lun s an ami y t()ok · h I t is onl y when th building is right, true in conception, strong The total di bursements d unng t e ~ untlay dinn r with Mr. and M has paid for the year's work. It in foun dation, pure in outlin e, that the aJ'chitect dare let it. stand year were $106,723,964. 2 and II Ra y Bail ey neaT Spri ng Valley. also shows what parts of the farm cash balance December 3 1 of forth unad rned. $9,112,338.11. Olltstanding w8rMr. Edwin Sanders of Wilming- business are particularly efficient, o with hunlan $Qui. Our PQO I' t rms "homlines It and "human- rants on that date totaling 1,575, to,n vi ited aeflar Creek: meeting and where the leaks are. Informa- HUNTINO -P ISHING n Sll" may stand for the truest aristoeracy of human -charatter.- 627. leaving a balance. ubject to . unday in t he intere t of Young tion on an easy way to keep records may be obtained irom ,y our I'.~ Richard Lloy d J ones. draft at the begin ning of 1933, Friends , ork. It.. ~..P.r.UD.. of ,7 536,711.11. Mil'!!! J eannette Wi! on entertain covnty agricultural alent or frona rural economists for tbe agriculcd the "Live Wire" cla~ls of extension lervice at the O. A total of 74 falal clajms was uesars reek Friend Sunday tural S. U. A.Tflied with the Slate Indu ~tl'ia l cheol Friday veing, January' IS .. -------.~~.-----ommission la t month, 22 less Afte l' th' . busincs ml!eting a than in the month before. Th~ e social time was ebjoyed after There's no teDing how long !.._________________________ fatalities weI' l:JPorted from 37 which .1'c1re. hments were served. Methuselah might have lived' if he 8 :00 lusie J. P. Schmidt counties. Six countie. had no Mr. and Mrs. Zimri Hllines and had had his appendix, teeth and 8 :OG What Fal'mers ar ayin, at lnstitute tonsils out. used Ute right brand C. M. Ferguson iatalitie for .the fir~t eleven }lr, and Mrs. Walter Wilson :16 ucces 1ul Po ultry Raising of toothpaste and smoked coughmonths of Ja t year. There W8, a ended the farmer ' Im,titute 8:25 Music .. J. I. Falconef total of 1010 claimR filed in 0 - Kingman aturday. les cigarette.8.-ExchlUll'e. 8 :40 Economic at Farmers' Week .......... Alex Laurie vember for fatal and non-fatui in-. Mi,s. Ladonna S.i nclai·r visited ..... 8 :50 Flow r Arrllng ment . Grace TI'esch jUl'ies and occupational di case. h I' fl'le nd ' at pnngbolro a few I): 0 Rejuve nating Old Garments WOH•• f tIa. W I.. 0;10 Music . . O. C. Cro) the smallest number for anyone days. las t w£' k. 0 ' 26 Meeting t~e Ne de ()t Young People , ... Mtss Dorothy Bogan I!ntertam.,. G. W. C nrey month since January 1926 !l :36 The Land Utilization Movement , . ... John D. Rockefeller says the . e t! hel' friend Mis Lula Sohns of 0; 45 Vocationai Agricultul' 'a t Farm rs' Week . . . , . W. F. tewart The Ohio Penitentinry New near Wilmington, over the wee~ reason. he never Ilttends dinner• aturday, January 21, 1932 or. banquets is becallle the mOlt pays Warden P. E. Thomas de~ erv- !ftld. . . R. D. Bard n ed commendation in hi condu ct Agricullural Engineering os 4-H lub Projects .. Ral eillh Bogan and family enter all of the speakers remind him ......... Guy Dowdy of the big institution in West tained B . dinner guests Tuesday of automobile wheel&--the lon~r ews Fla hee . . ,.............. . . H. E. Esw\ne Spring street. It says num rOll im evening A1I-. and Mrs. William the "spoke" the bigger the "tire." ............... .. at-ul' Talk provemenb conducive to he Ith ~'"r hI' I~ th one who have been ~ade, old delapidated - - Ih o moU, fire-trap workshops being replaced l.I'lG.U, ' OTI III I-JI~ ~~II~~IY ~:c:'l\t :nought to th by large, airy. thoroughly modern The Truth '.fhl. 16 not "ropnllaodll, to~ f!nch industrial quarters ancient gloomy Probal e OUl't. W . rr n County, Ohio in til II'IIHt"r of lilu Hlate ot w w !rt~ ~~II\r~~e b et Q~t, we down- vermin-ridden cell blook wit'h ElIswol'UI I. >' I "~' \\' 00 <1 , d (~eo.s d fifteen century toilet facilities and trOdd n (}rew. For nil of you kn~w, ~ hrl t came to Ilrth that wlleo "straitJ'acket" cells are n n., more , Anna Morgan, who r,ealdee at B, Mr.. J e ..i. B. Tripp 11 walked not IW'Ith ,rloh ~, or cll reO being replaced wilh s pacious, X"nlll , 01\ 10, n . F . D.: F l J. · fl,..·~'. /Who r ~Id .. t Or t r_~o!!.h.. clean and airy cells, plu up-to- Ulllo ; J,ar l :,ih rwood, IwhQ date toilet facilitie . The popula- ;\jo~ I ~. {j lh . t ., Dayton \\ 111111111 Te" r~' , who " ~ liI. I'lealle Uftte n n \110m nt whll tion today is 3,860. _' 1' gonia. hlQ. EJdith J';:dwllr(l •. '· .· .ltlf·~ tIL til Hartford Sl .. ))a ";.."~~ ~o~~ 6°I~ g to th (lowoJ)·trodOhiv 1 ~1cun" r "u nn ~ l · who 11 n r W " '1.t ''''a)'o g,'IIl, Otilo : Ilay od h~lll U. all. In n n t en 11H'I'WOOd, \\ ho reBl thlrly-lhr e M ~J11t" r A\rc .• I myto u. 'fIhlnA'lI ILl' nOt . blld now . ae Jetlr;». \\' ho r _hI s at big Wo.e" i. 25 OWo Co..ti.. th )" r go~nl!' l'O be. ltd. Uloi mo/1l. Dnyum, [n tlp1t or th" new ~lIll11el'8 r\'y. who r s id es at The H. A, I. class of the M. E. Jt'ff ballyhoO h wlur,t Leara How to Far.Jeh )hl't, Ml\ul'l<Je Jetrr .. s" WI~() Tlmee Will be wqrl!~ t nn vef, Sunday Scltool m t with Robert II t uro 'onla, Uhlo ' ''{al't!)r n r t' talks to ao? \\ ,ho r\' '' I(I ,,~ III Middl pto'Wn, Their ....... Gordon Tueflday eveing. I: . ],'. 11. 1\'0 , I : Bel·t! ~lfI1l8. 'W he Alva Kimball sulrered a painful r,· IcI~~ fit "' a~' I) 8v.l1I e. ()lllo ; Frill! The radio t lIs . )' ()U what n x l 10 b' h T 1'; 1\)0 11 . who resides aL Mas"n. (,Ihl'O : c l women cut .on IS t umb uesday while Mr~. E . .r. II l1 therr ... rd. w h o realdeB IVIUp p a • and ·r lip!. we will not During .1932' 7196 farm . cuttmg wood. "' nY I) B,·t ll e. hlo : th'er 'M lbon. eooll Conn I: , in 26 Ohio counties stud ted how to . The Carter Brothers ba"ketball who r ~lf ill( ' B a l L bun'On, Ohio; Lelia " lUaU"r. Wlllllc"er the llllpe rs mnl " tlIHI~rt . \\' 11" rcal<l<,s a t l\1u.S()Il. Ohto : furnish their homes, according to team finished up in their usual Hunl I \\ ·ho r I!Ild~ .. Ilt 129 E , W'::~II knoll'. tlinl wllr lIu-re 18 c'Om- MiAS Anne Biebricber, speci alist in style Thursday evening when they 111';<lllh aln I'll.. L ' 'Ilnon. hlo : Jilin"" E . l·. wh o re Ide3 at WllynesIngm~'::' ; 'IL)\en billion!! I\lone. rhome furnishjng for the agricul- won over Xenia All tar with ' a l1'1l<:Clu II l'. }hl 01'. Witham, who reo tit \V aYne@v lII~ . hlo : Way . w~n l(l~dtih el'R . ru-~ . " turvlng. nnd tu I xtension lerv~ce at.the Ohio score of 46 to 22. A prelimin.ary .Id,s U ', ,' 111,' Nllt Han k. loca led ra e . . game was played between Kmg- \\ ' tI)· " a "11 I,'. 'l. hlv ring with olll Ohlo[ John C) Adams. State Untverslty. man and Harveysburg lndepen- '" It o t ' '11<1 s 'lL \"IlYt1t>sv· \I ~ . Ohio. More tb~n 3700 tarm women, dents, in which Kingman was H. ~'. J). ; .1nltrldn Ado.rm:, who Ttl · !t 18 lIn\l,l. thl\t lh Bchoois will ,"ot 31 dO' . J\( \\· IW I\ ('sv ill . hl'O. F. F . D .: 11')°~~rll ~J~~ the chlldr ' n must representing 8500 diti'erent h01lles victoriou~. I,. ;\1 . J~ nil r~OIl, wJ\O :reeldea at \\ n.' ·" '8 "illt~ . hlo : D an l@ ,·tanl y. lIurr r 11, tear ; Id 0 d IItudied how to increase the comMr. al)d MI·s. Horace Stump and mh l> r<l.!! ld .. ~ ilt l,eIJ11,I1"n, Ohio, will l'I'ri~'~;l1 I~eetl:;.!.~;~ n:nglll~o. 0 fort, attractivene88 and cOllVl'!n- 'Miss Miriam. 01 Utica were here eO'"h lurd I,ll l a k ' Ilotlc,~ Ilnd ar II I ' b)' lIotlfh!<1 tll1\t til Sch dille ~·h r<l wtll be no pJa \Ior them, ience of livin&, rooms and other with 1'eJatives Saturday. ('It lJe\) ls of (II " ~"tt\ t a of Ellewurtll ~cePt III hl~ rolll, · · Id ' 'th l'ttl h tl M d M R K I d Hun g r nnd Ill"lde. wIll wolk ~ e rooma WI I e or no cas ou ay. r. an rs.. ab er an I •. Shll,·\\,ood. 0.1 e~ t\$ e d. Wl1 6 fli ed til Lh e P"ollnl e 'oun Qf 'Van n I;ly IIt(le to This was done by learning the friend 01 Germantown called on ('u ll nl ),. Ohl'O.\ on the 11 11 11 (Illy of 'jool) l~I~~U d to l)~g. and 110 pla Ce use and arranrementll of furnitur.e Mr. and Mrs. Chas, H. Gray and JlLnuury. 1 93~. n"d Pla~ \Jh" sam will "e ro r h.,~rin g- on th e 31~t da \, . pictures, floor coverings, and other fam.i1y ' Saturday afternoon. of J U>nIU I·Y. 1933. at th ~ 1 rolJl\l<l H ~llr .you .. j; l\th r "ough lln. l\ man furnilhings already in their homel!. Nathan Gray, of J"ytle, spent the <'ollr t. Or Warren ount!' . hlo ot II", ('ourt Irou lI~ III I~l'hano n , OhiO. . good and nWls I Smith who About 3400 . nomemaker8', rep- week-end with his son Earl and ut I U o'rioc k II. m, A nil ~h how everen . 3110 d'" k.now8 t () advJ.e;l . . resentin,. llleren t homes, WI'fe . . W. , 1. JIOLrJ l'ro bate J udg .. of ~'II o",mun 1st',, · will ho.ve UB. but studied bow to use l'tIpair and eare Supt. Francis took his ba ket W tl'rr n OUlllt~. 1'110 If w~:~ ~vw u~a~etchllnce to brutb. for furniture. In Trumbllll county baJJ .boys to POl'tsmouth, Friday pure untl1xed gl'C dy uilklnd alone, 400 women valued the re- evenmg where they me~ wltb overCHARTER NO. 11117 An~IIRg~al~:~~ Ie . ~ pail'S they made at '2400. It is whelming defeat. The girls tclm Reaer ve Dlatrlct N'I): • Who Cll.I1 11ol He eaved 1):\, I he long-eat probable, Miss Biebricher say wClnt 'to Kingman. SatUl'day evenof prl\yers. that the 3492 women in t~e state Ing and won as' usual. Kingman Report of condition of the Harveysburg National lIaDk, ot They hll\' · lI.k n our 1.\11. lOlL'S their who have learned to repair futni· wmea here 101' both girls and b o.ys . lfoltlbring confl~a.t... es this week. Harveysburg, in the State of An,1 omfort..1o henrtll th a t tUre have done about the same Oh,o, at the close of bUline... ur~ now ruled Iwttll ha\~ i amount of work. If 80, their value The students have been enjoyU)' thbu8aude. OUIl' peOPle are tramp- of the work would run in the ing the regular bug-bear of midon December 31, 1932. . N;nfagk,:ba~t 8.11, ,ust deep ."r- neighborhood of U9,200 on re- year exams this week. R.lllSOUR(}ES row their load; CI ~cated alld no pair of furniture. An exceedingly Mrs. · Hariett Smllrt of Cln- l.oOanll and dlocount•..... '43,141.10 .............. 15.02 TI~/~ec h?:~Tee~o~ ' God' conservative estimate, ahe believes cinnatl ,,1as a Sunday guest of Overdrafta United State a Oovarnm.nt, I t'l! ~llOugh tOI ma.ke even 8 'lVould be about SiO,OOO that farm Mrs. Mary Halnos and family. e<>curltlee oW<ned....... 9.604 .19 bl'lgllt AI,ge 8 wesp. 'Women saved thrOugh participaFrank Hough of Midland visit- Other bond •.•toclu and . eecul'ltle& owned .... ' " . 24,078.90 :rhoee folk s fir . BOt hObo ~. Indeed, tion in the project. ed his brQther Clifford, Snturday. Bo.hkln&, Hou.e .. .. . M rs. Ma m e . F oreman a nd M'ISS Furnltu r6 &ond fix"",,' not ere MIt 1\11. not for .allch pe"ple. eac n • - • tUl'e., . ...... " ... '100 n,110.00 nallon would tnll; NO MUCH E"ERGY Violet .Foreman of Da,ytoncalled Real .etate owned olbel' We hILve I)een told, men are now T ., at the home of Dr, TrIpp one day thllln 1!anklnl' boua..... ' ,898,IS tl'illnhlg fo'r war, Reaerve with Federal The rum})! 'Ie c'Otl)ln&". lrom n ..ar tbfa week. Reserve Bank ..•..• ,.. .,580.&8 a 11(1 f1'om IfarYOU : . rich, It wll,••oon "'l'here 'W&8 much in your lerMn. C ar I M 00 re en tert&·In ed Cash and doe rrom ba.nllil 6,304.81 "Natch O\lt, aU Oualde C!beck. and oC!hel' bl' too 1Mt'o , • f vice which I enjored," .. id the with a shower to r her sil!lter Mrs. ca.h Item •. ... . . . .. , ..• 321.06 Til re will be no 'Ilelp ror )'ou, I Idnd clerIcal vilitor to the atill- Fred 'Bogan one day recently. Total. .... .... . . . . . . . . 10i .49 .52 cll.ughL In their hate, penpirillW lIethodlat preacher in A number of ladles met at Mrs. LIAlJLLlTJEB This counlry 18 ou·rll. ·tlVlI8 .not made the vestry at the c1ole. "But," be Menitt's room Friday to sew for Qapltal stock paid In .. , •• IU,eo•. OO jU8t tor YO~lt 11 bUy your end I. continued, "wu' there not too the Red CroM. . ....... ... ..• ... , 3,6110.0' Bel~e~I::; 1\ g.,. . Blut h enll'lrY, too much excitement, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartl!lock 8wplus IJndlvlded 'IIfotll8-nel". U5.Ti With , mllny YDU kllOW, thal thing. too much noise, too little calm? and family, of Wilmin~on, spent Demand Depo8lt. . ..•.••• 64.0'.,15 Time d4!po,U•....... ,. .. 910.00 art' n"t wdl, A t t Id' th S d 1\" Gooel men rll!k their Uvea. ttll. great re we n o 0 In e acre Sunday with their parents Mr, and Billa paYable and dl.~ount. ., .•.• , •• ,.,. a,aoo.oo truth 10 lC I~; are Mble t lIJI'l.tlu Book tbat there was no noise Mrs. W. T. Jordan. Br:~~. ~~~ "I\' 0 . ' • • heard while the Temple wu in On ThuTSdal' evening, February To ta 1. ..... ....... .. .::ii1)7;491." }'(Ave bet'n tJlrt'lLlened. for teULn. haUcling?" 2, -there will be a Fiddlers' contest State of 011 r, H. ·S.. thue oold tact. to )'(IU. 'Ab, bat there il thil diti'erence,' at the town hall. All ftddlers invlt- abovlI--,,:, . ,..__.. )OGura the other equally good and equally ed. .'11' true ~.oln reliwious man replied. "We are not _ Mr. and lin. A. L. Kirk, Wilbur aDel buildhl« temples, we are blastinlr and Kenneth Kirk of Wllmmwwn, rooks r' B&r17 Orr alld famUy ot Da)'ton, to In ot1ler ....... tbere are two and IIr. alld IIl'I. T. M. Baxter of DeW. b ....... of .... ",..t, aDd Oft U...... ".,. anda7 III OM If flea • IIDd U Iderla a1Id
Ha_. c.......
And Ulle only rnulae . .t.rt.& Cryatals fttle while ),011 walt.
Cary's Jewelry SIIop L.ba_., Ohio Store Eveninp
I" Don 't T ry to L ole Y.our NaturaI·' Simp Icdy
Natla.ot B_k
Will. DraW'll • • Sett". Witt.YNESVILLE. OHIO
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist 30 Years ExpeTlence lD Fitting and Makine Gla....
Cary'sLebJewelry Shop _ _ , Ohto' TuUday, Tbar....y, Sata.rde, EJlomiaatioa F,... LEBANON, OHIO
Caesars C ...ete k
=-.,::;==== =======-:=:=============== '
= .......-....
F. T. Martin ' Auctioneer
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
h 1 'a 'R 1'- J s, an. 23......:.....;.._-'I
1~lg t
._ _---
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Jour Cattle, bop. oheep and calTtl to Norril-Brock Co., Iiy. win aM prorre..tve ftrm for the hWh_ market pnces and C'Ood ..nle•. UlIlo. 5toclr Yardl' _t~ Tune in on Radio Station W 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for Ollr daU, market repol'tl.
Do You Read the Old Home Paper
It is full every week with items of interest to every reader~ It i. your paper to read and use at all ' times.
Ph. . . ,
Men Entertained la,
P'enaDa 'I'M IIIAQ friadl of n. Tho ..... Pow II, be baa bean 1 0
"",oalll m for q uite awbiJe ill not 10 w.1I at this writlnar. We all Join wI&II the family a nd fr iend... wllhlnc her a I'put'dy and perm a• ant recovery. Mra. P. G. Wells, whCl has b n 1I110r quite Borne time i much b ttel' at this 'Writing. Mrs. Clyde ams an ti chilliren lpent the week·end with 11 I' home folks a t live Branch. Bifd Po'Well, wife and son. Frits, 01 Or gonia, weI' Sunday dinn I' IrU ta of P. G. Weila and :family. Ttle Terry brotus lost a flne youni at er one day last week with indigesUon. ' X. E. Thompson and famil had for their Sunda fte Y a rnoo n callers Mr. a nd Mrs. C. H. Morgan and nbl'I.I--- u _ L . 'U' bl M ~ ................-. OUlll _0 ey, r. Troy Mines E L b H I , mma am, a7.e Tuttle, L una Fox, of Waynesville Malcolm Powell, the Mi ses Alta P 11 and Rub y Coil tt G of near Orego:i.' Ma~~:aWe~~eoi thil plaee . ' ... . R. J . .uunay and wife were dinner g uests of A. B. Talmage and family one day last week lin. Mabel F T f 'L b .. erry, 0 e -
r • Edi h McKay. is much im. proyed at t hi writinl'. MI'. Haine and fri~nd, of entl'rvillc, wer caller. at the (It K. E. Thomp 011 on Sun· (Ia~ ning. , Mr. and Mr . Howard McK.B)· at· l ndpd churt'h Mervic s at hester on ' unday. Mr ,; J. J . Fi hb~ugh and daugh· (.er. Ellen, of MIddletown, spent atherine Wednesday " 'ith Mrs. Jordan and family. FloI' nee ullivan, of Spring Valley, spent Sunday with the Jordan family here. . The club will meet this week W l tll • Mrs. Walter Ellis at h r beautiful country home neat Harveysburg. K E T . . . hompson, who has had th fI f th t th .. '-- . e u or e pas. ree "'"e ....., I able to be out. agam Lit 1 M" . t e aTJOrie Je,Bn Rernold , who has be n so serIously m. ha!! so :tar recovered 8S ' to be obI ta attend church at Green Briar on la t Sunda y. I 114 Sh . rl!. .er~an P owell, wire ant! SO?, of. Ml~mlsburg, spent Slmday WIlli hiS sick mothel' here. Mr•. T homas Powell.
Myro n 1l'aD~acted
Keelol·. of Lebanon , bUsines, here, Monday
nlorning. ST. MARY'S CHURCH M I'. a nd Mr$. Oliver Davis and Rev. J. J . chaeft'er, Rector Mis Rachel Davil1 spent Saturday Third Sunday aft r Epiphany, January 22. hurch school al H:30 i n Xenia. , ~ o rnjng Prayer and sermon al The German Band will be at 10:30. the Gym Thursday, January 19th. ---Don't mi s them I WAYNESVILLE M . E . CHURCH G. C. Dibe!rt, Putor Mrs. Kathr)1n Turner and Mr~. W dn e dlLy : Th e Ladies' A id :1tIarjorie Roll , of Dayton, spent Sunday with F. B. Henderson and Society i meeting at lhe church at 2 :00 this P. m. Bibl t uuy and :family. prayer m eling at 7 :00 p. m. ho\'!' Mill Ann Crane Bnd Mi 9 Bar· practice lit 7 :4.5 p . m. ba ra Gray were o,'er night unday : Sunday chool all 9 :30 of Miss Frances Ellis 11. m. l\i ol'l1ing worship at 10 :30. ~venl ng. Epworth Lea.gue at p. m. with Virginia Hardin a s leader. EvanA good old-fa hion d 8UpP r or 1C~1i~lic el'v ice t 7 :30 p. m. pancake. maple syrup, a and coffee will be served by WAYfoi E SVILLE CHURCH OF women of St. Mary's Guild. CHRIST Grange Hall Saturday eveninjt, ( U ndeno minatio1lal) January 2 28, beginning at I) Chester A. Willi,.mson, Minister o'lock. l 'he ,Quarterly Evangelistic SUbscdbe for the Miami Gezet~. Rally 0'1 the Xenill Area Churches of Christ will bfl held Thursday ~============--- evening, Janu ry 19 at the Xenia Everett Villars, of Harveysburg Church of hrist, Columbus and Hill St. Let's ta~tl a great delega· is our deputy school bus driver. Rev. James Lamb and daughter tion. Program jor Lord ' Day, JanMjss Emma, and Misses Hazel T uttle, Luna Fox. have retu rned uary 22 as fo lloWI!: Church Schooi to their home in C01'win, aft r at 9:30 a. m. Lord's upper at COD. hrlstial1 Endeavor at spending several weeks in Ken- clusion. 6:30 p. m. Evuling e.vang Iistic tucky. service at 7 :30 p. 111. Sermon sub===========~~ ject, "The st." Pray r Meeting _-.-.---_~ and Bible Study each Wedne day at 7 :30 p. ' m. The church where you .feel at home.
At Grange Han
Friendly Guidance
Saturday, January 28, 1933 Beginning at 5 o'clock
For many years our establish· ment :has been known :(or th e fl'ie ndi)' guidance offered tb os41 we serve. Ours i not a busi· ness, but a service instit ution to hel.p our c1ienta in every possible way dur ing th eir time 01 sorrow. This attitude Is r eftected i n every sel1'iee per· formed-botb large and smaU. Our clients are our friends, and nothing is overlooked in our task of removing all unnecessary care a t a time when tbese f riends are already heavily burdened.
. Guild of St. Mary'a Epiac~par Church
-J NEW C.EVBOLET NOW ON DISPLAY ......... s - .........t
' ........f ... N_ Ca._let
1. A Siz-C,UDd.r e6 HompoweT' Enc1ne 2. Naw "Aer-etream" StrU_ 8. Safaty Plate G....
•. A Starti_ IDlllwation- Tbe Starterator. I. SlJDpltled Free Wbeeliac I. Spero-lInh TraDllJlllaalon with SUent Second '1. Ilon Illl.. per OalloD ' 8. A 88 '" -pouDd CouDterwei(hted Crankahaft 8. I'IIher "No-draft" VaDtilation 10. A POUl'teeD-GaUOD Fuel T'lnk 11. ~JaDe TJpe IDatrument Panel 12. BaidwOCNl uad Steel Bodies by Fisber 11. I~I Low.... LoDcer aDd Roo~ier 14. 1PIahu ..Alltl-draft Doon 16. t.rpr aDd Ilo,. Powerfal Brakes 11. A Bearier Double Drop Frame. 17. Euler Staerm. 18. CUlhla BaJaDeed hrine KouDtlnr It. StabUlHd Front End Conltruetlon 20. OctaD. Selector
-. ,
Late' Classified Ads
lHS h.
pal' metll
'" III tr!l,'k Oil \ I ) 19 ~7 Mud, ·' JlllN 1111 lion,,' huck, ~'l"I\lI'"ll with 1 \+ yurd du.nl' ,'U , 1';1\('11 bit d, r shl\ lI " " ,blllit wllh hi .. 111,1 81'uciCkntlOn nod n "'e or lrll~k ut(,>rf'll. '1'1. H (\r\l r Trust!' 8 I' • ~ . ' r\'.· • h., "Itcll t to nj~cl !luy I' ",II Iolrls, , • \ \ .• t-l. (lilA I I M W t<;, (' HNElLL ~; . 1... TH fA nuu,l'd u r '!'r1l81 CO~ I. I L ll)1: IJ N . it' rk
Stella E. Daugherty Phone 58R2
Waynesville, Ohio
. . ._------...;,--.,..-_----....
WIND MILLS CAN PUMP WATER tbey cannot toast bread. \
(By C. M. Ripley, General Electric Co.)
Hundreds thoulla:rlds of fBl1'Jlers are now buying electricity cheaper than they can make pow.er in \Ileir own wind~ill8. A windmill ean pump water, but it can't toast bread. Kerosene can make light and heat but it can't run a ra.dio. A truck ca.n carry a heavy load, but it can' t cook or heat water. A horse can pull a ploW, but it .'can't sweep your floor, or ma ke ice, or cool milk, or t,nake ultra-violet ray's.
But electricity does aU tbese things. and many, 'many more. It is the manyhanded servant of U8 all. And, according to the Government Report, it costs a bout a quarter as much as the a,v erage power n()w used on the farm. Of course, ,a ll the power Which tbe farmers now use · could not be electrrfied with present-day apparatus. For example there is no electric plow. But th~ sa me Department of Agriculture Report states that 30 % of the energy used on American farm s could be electric energy, witb advantage to the farm,e r. In the past two years almost one hundred thousand farms have been connected to the power lines of electric ligbt companies. This is nearly as many fa rms as the total that were connected up to ten years ago.
Estimates Gladlv furniShed
What ever your building or r epair job may be we can supply you w ith materials in la rge or small quantities. F irst-d as materia l at lowe.st co t; p lus prompt service is a combi nation you cannot hope to beat.
W.i.ht GuarllDteed
CHA$. AMES Ridenour Poultry Co.
Kesler Graham. Leon Salisbury npent the weekend with his famill/ h ere. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith entertaj ned relatives f1'om Covington, KentUcky, Sun day. . . Mr. C. R. Binelgar and niece, Mrs. Minnie Ray,ne and little daughter, Shir ley. of Jamest own were Sunday dinner g uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J ohns and children of Daytolll visited their mother. Mrs. Margant J ohns, SundaY. , Mr. an4 Mrs. William Coleman and Misses Thelma and Dorothy, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kellis at ·Mt. Holly. Mr. and Mrs. Kems are announcing the bilrth of a so n, Harold Irvin, born, Sunday, January 8. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emriek and Mr. ando Mrs. Walt-er Kenrick attended the funeral Qf Huber NuU at Springboro, Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W:alter Lacy al)d Mr. Ernest Lacy and children of Dayton spent Sunday with Earl Young and children. 'Mrs. BeUe Scott, Ever ett Early and daughte1't! entelrtained to Sunday ' dinner, Mr • .and Mrs. Huber Persley and family 'of near MiddletoWD. Mr. and Mrs. CbEl1'les Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus 'W atkins, Mn. Margaret Johns,' M:rs. Alice Brock and Mt't!. Mary Marshall attended the funeral of Mrl~. Ethel Himes at Centerville Mo~day afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy and. Mr. Wellincton Cornell moved to Warren st. Dayton Monday, and Mr. and Mrs. Hat1 ey Bumett of Centerville moved to the Stacy which they recently pur~hased. -Mr. and Mn. eller Grabam vfdted the latter'. uncle, Cbarla Gattnel' of D. .r III mlabuJ'Ir, San· da7. ae is neoyertq frOlll the
Building and Repairing
FOR SALE--FuU blood J ersey bull, 2 years old, $26. H. E. WiliiamsoDj Spring Va lley road. ·jlB
& ·CO.
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Phone 14
In Rye' . Bld• . , No. Mai. St.
SUNSHINE to 'Iou r tablet
Ow Moth,,'.
~~~=~~~==~~=~===~~~=~==~=~~~~=~=~=~=~===~~M~ ~~~ guests ~ ~p~~ were Saturday 01 Mrs. ----------~
FOR SA LE-I0 SOW8, 60 shoats. John Gyoker, Oregonia, Old Russ Murry Farm, R 1.
your property covered ) y an e~perienced a gent
I.; 11\\ . ..' ..mill' \H\ :11. Ib:L'I jlP lllll ' ulll· ... hn l r ( 1 ' ) rllt'd ~O .. 'lueit\ trut.' k. hi lll"nu1iP llunlp l"} ,tJ • 'uhf (HilL I \\h(\~ s. ~o'\r) II. V . ltrtt~ ""I tllll~ e'luIPIH'L! r"Mlv for duty. t III 11\.110 ll,,· ~nl IIllun or ft'lhl 'f'r\l ~'
II ,t tLUI.'
U•• THE MIAMI I GAZETTE FOI' R•• ullt Su. Let's a great delega. ~=====:::::===:-~=~ gation. - -P rogram for Lord's Day, January 22, as follows: Unified ser· vice beginn ing witlh Church School period a t 9 :30 a . m. Lord's supper and. sermon at 10:30 a . m. Hi.beat Mark.t Pric.. Paid lor Sermon ubject. " What the Devil All Kj.de of Teaches." You are ,a lwa ys 'welco me at t his ch urch .
William Gra ham is very poorly at this time and is staying a t t h ~ hom e of his son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gt'abam. Miss Miriam Salisbury return..... 7 ed t o Cleveland Su:nday where she W.~.. Oblo :will contiD ue ber scbool. ~ Clyde' Wharton made four trips ' -_ _ _ _iiiiiiiii_ _ _ _ _ _~ , 1 to Cincin na ti We,dne da y n ight, I"O'UU'"K hogs for Thu rsda y market iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Ro bert Frien d and Orville Phillips spent Saturda y after noon in Dayton. Mrs. William Long spe.nt last week with fr iends in Miamisbur g and Dayton. ' Mr, an~ Mrs. Charles Clark a nd At Wayne Hatchery Mr. Lowell Thomas were victims Barn every of the grip the PE~st week. ' Miss Ruth E"rly is quite sick and under the 'Doctor's care at th.is time. Rober t P ressler returned to Brln. Q& your Liy. Stock. Im- Lytle last week after . spendin .. plament.. Hou .. hold Gooda. .. and any thine you haye, and some time with relat ives in Washlet ua .en th.m for you. ingto n, Pa. . 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' Mrs. C. W. Albright and Mrs.
"Ill I, .. r .. c .. "·.·., b,'
lien Emrick, Mr. I1nd Mrs. Ke lel' Graham , Mrs. Margaret Johns and M sra Horace and Ernest Foulks, Relatives here received word Monday of the death of George Gray at t, Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis. He was in an ncci· dent aturdllY cnroute to his home at Kokomo, Ind. He is the 80n of Mr, and Mrs. George Gray Sr., who live on the H. M. Clark lann neal' here; Mr. J. E. ~lcClure went,after the body Monday afternoon.
CHURCH . Father F rell,ch. Pastor Services 'W ill btl held every two weeks on Tuesday morning. --FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominational) Chester A. WilIiam.o n The Quar terl:f Evangelistic Rally of the XeniB. Area Churches of Christ will be held Thursda)1 evening. January 1 9, a t the Xenia Church of Chr ist, Columbus and
r .. WhMlllp.
entertain d on Sund,y vening', a w ek ago, lb following guests: Mr nd Mrs. C. L. Duke, Mr. and frs. J. B. Jones, Mr. and Mr.
:I. E. lIeClar.
About. sixty men and boys of the M. E. cun,tegatiun enju)1ed a SUPllcr and get..together m .. eting, given in the: church parlors, Mon· day e.,uni ng, under the II U pices of lht! Broth l'h oo d of the church. Afhlr all hnd done full justice to 11 I.oountilui repast of hilli, the locnl troop of Boy Scouts gave an l! tru good demonstration of their fir'sl aid op rations, a physico.n b illg r, ported a having said that their work was well nigh perfect. Splendid talks were given by Mr. E. . Harl y, of Daylon president of the M. E. Brotherhood for the Dayton di t.rict, and by Mr. Tittl , of OilY ton. The reml1 inder of the v ning was pi (\ antly occupied with various game Ilnd contest!.
lOr T,.u I .. a or WarlJe W ilnlm '"unt). Ohlu. al thr (lrtln 01 lli~ I'h'rk vi "!lId ""W<I1 hll' .ll nordoll'~ llutag,· ,mill 'W\'L"n u'l'luck 1' , '11., II: .t t'll ~1u.n(1~ th
Pancakes·· Sausage·· Coffee
25 cents
M. E. Brotherdood
Ernest Smltk Viaited relatives in lndi.napoli,. Sunday.
COCOA A real ".lue at thl. low price
Ceokl•• '
AMorted. Fresh
I.. . . . . .. Avondale
a !~:: 150
Bo.la~ CouDrry
d.w.ICoII •• Freeh
T._.I.Oraage. 11~
O....e Fruit _4
~ 15" 4 ibM·loe
MewC.ltb... Wlalt•••tatoe. Oaloa. G........a. D••lelo. Apple.
10 J~1f l:Je
Sibil zse
Pre •• rves , A.lOtted pure &vor.. 12 oz. Jar.
MEATS Weare, again hahdling Freah Meata. ),eaidea Smoked Meat,a
aotle Cr••k .... a ~~ir.~I. CounttT Club .rowa Cak. a .!t·. ,a ,e
..P..... SpiCy
With II ....h.le.r
Make thl ••tore your headquutere for Chlc:1t... Feed. En M..h and other teeda. Hlah- qual. Ity .t loY/cat "rice..
PIC'KLEa Muter Bralld. 0 ........ dJIl.
.' . . . LI••r P • •1a Pork Llalu ell.okaoUt
__ tnaqe.
......W . . . . ._
lb.la~ _ III.
Eighty -Sixth Year
JANU ARY 25, 1933
Whole ' Numb er 60&0
NOTIC EI To the. Real Eatat. Tax Pay.r.
Qualifi c(\ li o n ~
for joining ? The of Wayn.. Town.h ip School Editor Doris SaO. b\II'Y ~ tud ot Inu ~ t hllV (l an average of Djltrid Assemblic. Uri · Hardin not 10\\"('1' thon B (n ot. h If go diffIcult a s it Class Ncw:; OUlltlS. ) BIlt. if you Th Ima 01 mu n fall Jamel and RUllel Clift Held at Mrs, L, H. Gordon ill very sick. Athletics I will cC)nj.inue to take 1'ell,l 1\1l1ry r(ln e b <'10 II' l h!e ~tll ndard- you Ilre has returne d from n Humor , LI!llda Werntz dr opped. Splendi d Pro.,-a m to b. GI,,_ at Mtilmph i., Te .... .. fo.. Sheriff estate taxes withou t penalty up Mrs. William Rolli nson is quite Organi zations Yeo;, we havC! a ColO titution . In Vit' inin Foulk ~ , to noon Saturda y, Februa sick. Qf CIi .. t ...... County School CymlLL liu.u, Tu••da,. ry 4., fdcf, it is a r gular organiz ation Thomas Clark is again able to Sinceri ty with irgoinia Foulks aB preaide nt 1933. be out after a severe sick spell. Erncst Rogers is seriously ill at Janua.. ,. 31 incel'ity ought to be the f ou n- Wa.ll ace Bemal' d, vic -presid ent; Owing to the time require d 'her'11f Frank Setty. of Clinton his home in Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanker redation of our li vct!, it ougoht to b,' Julian nlPbe, secreta ry and treas- tc) make the change On receipts county, leit fo(' Memphis Tenn" moved their home to Mason, last W. urer; O. Raper and Doris ie slowly The officers of the Harvey sburg Salh~ recover bury. the editor basis of our r(l latio n hip wll.h ea rly thi!:l week to return James W ing {rom due to the revised school rate, week. in -c h i~f . Eve'I'Y mf,lm b,~:t hu some a severe attack of grip. our f e llow men, Farmer ll Institu te uociati on have lift, 82 years old, and his brother Jlrepared a most eltcelJent program 'J,'o hear some peoplc talk, you officia l du ty so our clu,b is JOO% we will not have opportu nity to RUlIRcll Clift, 26 years old, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook MislI Doris Hender son, of Cin- for an institut e to be held 3 live, mail new at the might stateme belielle nta. t Therefo hey are re pe!'fec t. A.t Richm ond, Ind., who were Ilnest- visited relative s in Dayton , SaturBerni,ce. Graham ' sta ement of r'evised tax will cinnati , spent the week·en d at her Sehool Gymna sium in that town on the times these things are stated, ed in that city Saturda y in connec- day. home here. Tue day, Januar y 31. To the best you think that they really n/clln Senior Scbolaatic S .... d ine tion with the robbery of, the l~iTs t o'nly be moiled on request . M' Ed Sh f D ~f local talent have been added the Nationa l bank of Sabina Monday J. P. Ennis, of Maineville, trans- what is said; . and ~f only th y ISS na anel', service s of Mrs. tlldents receiving un "A " aver. Mary F. Hendri x, acted busines s here, Monday would ~ollow It Ollt, It. wou Please get in touch wi\h the spent the week-end 0here ayton, aflerno on of last week. ld be a with of Clarksville, and Meurs. F. G. ng(: ill any elas fllr the semeste r, ,wonde rfUl accompli hm cn1. TreaBllrers office prompt ly. The arrest of tbe Clift brother s mornin g• bome folb. lIall and W. R. Lewis, of Wilmin c. Peopl live $0 fa t, they think WCI'C exemptC!d from' lhat mid-yea r is believed to havc cleared up the ·E. B. .PJ. "'URRE LL M1'. an d ,M'1'8. S• K • H ames, Guy HockeU ' f , "ftn, as guest speaker s. of TI VanWe f 11 rt, thl\t eXll ll1inai only 0 S ,..., one ion. hour Ie at 0 a time has owing robbe.ry, the thit'd reputed robber vi!ited Bellbrook, visited Wayn sville re.l. home folks the latter part be accoun ted for. 11 11 promi. (' tio' i()J's were among thos,! carryi ngenAt the mornin g Se8ll10n, ?tin. A already being in custody . Tl'ea~ur er. atives Friday. of last week. Hendrix wlil discuss "Money and I made one hour, it is bl'(,ken th t· average s: ____ __•. . The Clilts had $1,)27 in their Our Boys and Girls," and Mr. Han Winifre u Armita gc' ne xt, ot' n in even a shorter U. S. possession when arreste d and are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King tran. will tell of the "Challe nge ot Pancak es and sa~sage , at Grange time than oft [fj. tory that. and People Plain 81' the Geo'met n't ev ry. n said by Memphis police to have hall Saturda y evemng . A sacted bUlinellS In Lebano n, one Fa:rm." In the afterno on, -fuJI meal being fair to themllc l... S j th ey Mary CI'ane -V. S. History and Mn. , confe Red to the holdup, in which for 25 cents. dsy last week. Aendrix will list "The J07s of won't allow their inner clv s to A.ml'l ies u Literat ure. $2.700 was obtailled. . · a Farm" Mr Lew'· wl'll G Miriam be true EI1is-S or Several local Odd rellows at- L'IVlng sincel'e Charles hol'than , for d if th ey did , Day accomp anied Guy and Howard Wells, whose home is G lVen ' , • 1] . discuss on "Tbe Morl System ,"... and near Lebanon. Ohio, on the. Way- Hocket t on a short visit to Van- some of this idle chatter w uid be TypIng tended the installa tion at Lebano n Mr, Hall , will . . tell F of lk alfalfa T . pro11. change d to stateme nts that are . lly good 1I'jl'1III 11 ou s-- ypmg Jlesville pike, ha confess ed to his Wert, Thursd ay night. . An especIa 'iduction all . program was .Monday evening . g Green "'-ld" , worth while. 'Growm and Orie that HlIl'din you vv can bepart in the holdup and I! Physics and Soils enjoyed during t he lecture hC)ur Get your sUFper at Grange hall In the evening , M1'1I. Hendri x • ?II ~B. A.ddie Miller, of Columbus. lieve. H a~e l Hightm an - U. S, History at the regular meeting of will being held under $10,000 .00 was Farmer s Saturda t he y, week-e Januar nd y guest 28. :J.mel'icQ Service of Mr. and n Litc~tu re and Latin IV will deBCribe "Tbe Mound Builde n," If you come under this cla s~ ifl bond to th Clinton county grand Grange , last Saturda y evening . Mr . Howard Archde acon. be,ina t 6 o'cJock. ' t WI·t1 b e cation, don't laugh and pa s if ofT, [nell Jnm e._Sh orthand I. and an d M r., H a 11' s !!U blee jury on a charge of robbery . "What 1 Enjoy MOllt of t he "Everg reen Institut e." but f or at. least once in your lives, Typing H. Wells was arreste d in company Program s," in respons e to 'roll call, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay Mr .alld Ml'Il. H. Hinkle and Mrs. Special feature s of the inlUtut e Opal Ramby- U. S. HistGry, brough t out many interes with Arley Ingels, living ncar Leb- were Sunday dinner 'eueste of Mr. be sincere with youl' elf lind thin k ting Mary Weddle , of Dayton , vi sited will include a. Poster Contest , a hange that saying ull d Typing II. anon, after going through a red and Mrs. Ed Berger in Lebano·n. seriousl y. pointa and valuabl e luggest ions to John Jane!! •. Thursd ay,' Corn Show, a Balling Contest , and "Her t oday, but gon tomol'l'ow,' Doris alisbury- U, . His~ry. future program builder s. After a traffic light at Xenia Tue8day . L't Latl' n JV - reading Mrs. Albert St'annoc,,", of near to. a motto of your own ( or "v and Rup. night. Wells was indentlf led by I eratu r e , MiSl! Sue Crane spent last week • Display of fQuilt& )'y- mertcan by Mrs. Cora Rich, John . • t Ion are Officers 0 t he 8SS0C18 William S. Snyder , cashier , and New Vienna , 8pcnt last week here thmg' you say and do, f true a ll d T ngonom e .... in ..,y. the home of Forrest Graham Shultz gave a moat intere8 ting re",jth relative William Be, 8 ~ie Doster, and Woo other lardprellide friendll. now, tru nlwaY8. " BOOKkeeping sume of the accomplishment& of and family near harlcs tringiel low, a custom er, , nt: A • S• Lytle. Collett, vice preside nt; Mrs. Lucy ' D. L. S. a s one Of the bandit wh(l came inand Diology. the Grange dUring the put year, Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Crane and County Trea8u B. Murrell Cleaver, secreta ry; Mn. Lula Julian l'abbe-S oiJl!. to the blink. . and its present conditi on. M__.. of Lebano n, wurera E.Waynes W. H. S. VI . M""o,, ville Ellie, lady co.rresp ondent; Howard Rus!lel T~('i\dway-C;oils. A third man remain ed in an auto- children , of Dayton , spent SunAnna Ramby favored with a read- vUsitor, Tueada y afterno on. Wayne svillc High School defeat. Graham , treasur er and, Clint mobile parked at the curb during day with Mr. and 'Mrs. D. L. Crane. On t\l honor list 1st semeste r lng, and Morris Comell 'read an ed the Mason l ' am on Fdday, fl'om the Senior clas!! . .. Cleaver and Howard Sbamb au,h, the r bbery. wet'e: Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ungles by Januar Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook VISIted 'members of the executi ve commit y 20, in a bl'iU innt ga me of Winifir ed A rmitage , Inez James, excellent and timely article, "An spent Sunday at the home of Mr, basketb Estima te of the Grange ." 141'. and Mr8. Walter Sieker, all. Vir inia Foulk . OBITU ARY and Mrs. N. P . Blatt in ManchesMrs. Silver's solo wa$ very much Springb oro, Monda y evening . near tee. 3rd term H on or Ro;t,!: The game was not 3. y ior either ter. jl V' . . F Ik enjoyed, as were alao a rea d'ang by team. At the' half, the .core Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ' Van Hoose hung 1I1al'y ran, Irglllla ou s, Mrs. Lucile Salisbu ry and a Anron ear, ag 84 year, passe d I Me8srs. W. C. S t. John an d D. 12 to 6, but t.hl.' final ]nez James. Doris Sali!lbuI'Y. qUIlI' t e l' cnded away Decembel' 23, 1982, at L. Crane attende d inspection of A DIu·ton, were week-e nd guests h I h . I . humoro us paper by France s of EIlI!!. R. Iwith a score of 28 of u r . and Mr8. Earl Coyle. 15. s aw 0 e, t e emor c ass IS Dallaa ' Bogar won the prize . A . Mid t h e h ome o.4' h is d aughter, J enme CC& in a . 0 ge at ~ebanon, Friday ' T he Maso n ,... Res l've were Qu iLO Pl'out! of itself. Mullen. He wns united in marriag e night. ~ guessin g contest . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires downed by Wayc hs' R SCL"VO!;, to Anna M. Benham, Decemb r , F. W . A, spent Sunday with Mr••rId Mrs. who stole the gam from th m by The remain s of the late Mill 19, 1 72. She passed from ber Mr. Willon Vale, of Akron. Juaior New& !lpent a sco)" of 22 to 5. Frank Squires near Harvey sbur,. Rache1. Madden , who died . ' t' earthly to her heavenl y home Ias t wee k here, VJ51 h ' at her t di8cu~. ion were claSl! motto and The Junior class ha been work ·.... home m North Lewisb urg, Batur• Novem ber 9, 1922. He Tlved a part Mrs. Annn Sheeha n109andIS aun, Wayne sville's seventh and eigh th dues. but as. definite decillion j • ' other grade team how d rea l fightin~ III on s veralpr ojects d Mr. ' th and Mrs. H. F, Burton en- day night, were Interre In of hIS life with his other two relative s . . , in order e spirit in the fir t "'ame of the rai~c ell ugh f und. to IJPOI1l}O to could not be reached it was left tertAined Mrs. Albert Branno ck Itemetery at Springf ield chureh, r. the open untU anothe daughte rs, Lucy Sherwo od, and r meeti .. ng could of near New Vienna , last Wednes - near Sligo, Tuesda y afterno annual Junior and Senior banqud Messrs. J. N. Squires and H. M. evening, the grades \\'imling on. by It 'ln u with the coopera Minnie Reeder. tion of the be held. d herwood attend d a Thresh er- large margin . day. .Miss Mad en was an aunt 0 f til He bad been a suffere r from a men's conven tion in Columb 1. ·t . e The Freshm en are very pubtie, bU8Y We hope to ma~. e I a sucus l\f. S. C. , and quite h H dre~ed dis age wbicJJ 110 medi- last Thursd ay. f X 16 lateII W. H. M.dden plannin g a WallhinKi;Gn and Linh Miu Bert a yman, 0 en .... we known ere. ~Ill aid eould cute. But be was C~~th Early, wh o has Ibeen iIlior col? p~ogl'am fo! the , High school, is a guest aM II hOdme of her ~ele W. H. S. n. Morrow ""nera l s-e-rv-j-c:-ea--for the patient<, and bore his suffering v 22. and aunt, the pa~ t week , has been great1y WillCh IS to be gIven Februa r J. P. Fromm spent the latter 11O n F ri day, JanMuary 27,. W r. an Mrs. myer t>_L.ft-t Thom8on' were held at late ., J aynles- mi~sed by her cIa smates. ~-... bravely . His life was an open book part of last week in Dayton ~ The Freshm en h.ave t~o student&.. , help- vi e is to go to orrow and p ay pure and spotle s. He united witb- lng care for his parents , who chapel Tuesda y afterno on fonowon the Honor Ron dUring the last are their team. Morrow . is said to be Now that the exams, are over, lIix week$. They are Jane Cook the Sugar Creek Chr.istlat;l church in very poor health. . . Mi . ' te and The Friends bip Club will meet :.,d b Y burIal plenty fast. Lebanon won over the Juniors are again m 66 years ago, and his faith in Gol! a;'~h ce:~ breathi ng Ruth SaUebuiy. b at the home them 01 Mn. by a Ray margin of three poinl', nonnall y, but that determ ined look MainoUII .... r. Tomso n, a 80n 0 never faltered. He was gooCi and e r. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and and over Wayne sville by J M J Februa ry 8tb illlltead of at the and Mrs. John S. ThomlO six points n th eir faces signifie s t hat they n, J~-: 1 kind to everyo ne be met. His ~Ughters, of Dayton , spent . . , cburch. Sun- From these results you call see mean bU!liness. I at Lebano n. Saturda y eve - • ' gre test desire was to be among Ei.hth Grad. Cit• • •hip CI.b y here with the former 's mother there should be an exciting game. '~ ., after several years of ill h_Itb. ' Sophom ore fife... his 'childre n wbo loved hill') <Jearly rs. Mary McClur e. The 'meetiDlr 'lila. caUed to order The ~dieJI' Aid of the M. E. Go to the game and help the Mrs. Sarab W. Mille, widow of and as they ' watche d his life by the preside nt, Glenna Woolla rd. church WI)) ba,,:e an ~uter Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsoc k and boys with your support . market , t.he late Benjam in F. Mm., wbo On the Honor roll of the Sophe- Roll call was relpond ed to slowly ebbing away, there were children were Sunday dinneT W. M. B. . more cIa s are: Marvin Fox, Betty naming "our favorit e season by the date of wh,,:h WIll be announ e- died last March, died at her home ta d th . d : memorlCs s mpe on ei r mIn . fiartsoc k, Frank Hawke and Ruth on Miami atreet about 8 o'clOCk • guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. The minute s of the last meetin g ed later. Tb .. Booater'. Club never. to be forgott en of a fOod Deathe rage in Harvey sburg. Penning ton. Marvin Fox: and Betty were read and after' the old busland kmd father. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hough, of Mt. funday mornin g a f tel' an iOnell 0 f Ad What I You haven't heard of ~Ial·ts9ck have a straigh d' d f b i HoUv, were He leaves to mourn his 1018, Sundav afterno t recor neS8 was Ispose o. new us neSl !, on. many months duratio n. Funera l Messrs. C. A. W~l1iam son and "The Booster 's CIubl" Well. lIervices wer.e held at the McClur e fOI: the half term. three daught ers, Minnie ReedeT, James Arthur attende d a big was taxen up and the 101l0wlnr rue8ts In the home of, Vern . f h meet- here's your chance to gain some Hou,-. 't'Acomml' ttees h -ere -.1apPol· nted ·. and tamil v. ··t The c a ll'men 0 t e Clomml '. . . . , s " of Centerv ille, J ennie Mullen, 01 ing at the Church of Christ funeral home W e d ne_y IU er· I it b in . enlight Room ening _ informa I n0 Erma on, Rev C A WilUamlO tion. Wakely Its , purMiriam for the ' n o· va nnne, • 'Party 0 e gwen Ferry, uucy Sherwo od, of Way- Xema, Iast Thursd ay evening . , . W Mrs Mary Hopkins returne d to elating and burial was made w. pose? W'hy to boost Februa ry U Ludino ayne ville b y th e op h om or nesville, one son. James F. Sears, in Hartma n ,' her home ' • ." ton. Ma..... ' e-ret . School, of cour e. Y s sir, we boosl are: Marvin Fox, e Evelyn ( in Dayton , last Friday, Miami ,cemete ry. of Dayton , four gr$ndc hildren , Peters, , Outside -. Carl Greene , Rober~ after. two weeks visit with Mr. ~nd Mrs. John. Reeder, of (not boast) our athletic s, athlete Mrs. Mrs. Mills was. lIative of WA7s Vlrginla Denling er, Mary Allen Saterth walte, Thomall and B host of relative s and !friends Centerv ille, and Morns Sherwo Fordyc e; J. C. Hawke. od cbeer leader , studies, the whole and Mary Kathl'y n You'ng. . neeville. havine been born her. . Program- Cbules Boyce, Robert Jr., of Columb us, were Decembel' 26, 18'7. a daqbte r of Fre.hm aa N ••,. Dear fa~her we Know YOll are guests of Mr. and Mrs. CarlSunday school in genenl , and last but not Furnas , Robert Y~unc. Mn. Clyde Bunnel l was taken to the late l l1aac Wood who at Sher- least, 0111' instruc tors. We ' also one restlD~ The next meetmg will wood. iami Valle, heepl. l iii Sa) WIT, t ime conduc ted 'a carriag e paintln write school news for the county The Frellhm all l class h4!]d From thiS world of toil and a meetFebrua ry S. M' d M last HAC Friday afterno on, for examin a sbop in R build'!ng that stood jut. II strife ing last Tuesda y, Que'stio ns for r. an 1'8.. " orne were ahd local papers. Evelyn FUl'nas. tion and treatme nt. across the street and fac'-'" the Ari weh~~U~d~the ~Q~ ~~~ united ~". ~rs.r~S Warren Braddo ck andd~~ daugh~ -;~~======~=~==~~=========~==~~========~==~=~ h~~ H~i . As ahe w~s a Pllrt of your life. n~~ ~a ~ " K~ eJlta edM~T ~~m~ t~r" Betty. honoim g the latter's a position as teacher in the ~wer NoTth 8tr~t. She is surrive~ C'lr:."1 n , d 'T't..Jt:' S'T'O~ I r I I:' A. birthda y anniver sary. 80uther n pa.r t of Warren County by a ~on and three da~ghten; ru:.L. lJ 1 ru:. 'I ' We are only longing and 'Waiting 'V ~ W. and beran teachin g this week. ' H. Mills, of ,~an Francl8 co, CaUl., When our loved ones we shall Mrs. Edith, Harris, Mrs. Laura Mrs. WUI Pme, of LJtle, Mrs. see Mosher, Miss Emma Heighw ay and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kelly and Frank Colema n, near Bellbro ok It Will the.n be a hapFY reunion ~r. Harris Mosher were Sunday Harry Kelly, of Hillsboro, spent and ,Miss Carrie of MiIls j who rellidea By the si(le of the ~ilver sea. dinner rueste of Mr. and Mrs. wt Wednesday here, a-u este of at her parenta l home: Ronald Hawke and Bon. their sister, Mitis Faye Kelly, and dllught er, Mrs. Anders onAnothe r Ellis, their father. precede d her parentl l in death jast Card of ThaDln The quild -of the Episcop al . The family wish to thank n4ligl,J- church will serve a pancak e Mrs. Ross Planck brOadcast a a yeal' or two II roo and sausage 8uPlier at Grange program hall of vocal music, playing bor~ and Ir Iends for tbeir lervice , Saturda y nigbt• . berinnl Miss Martha J. Wamer , 89~ of ng at 5 her own guitar accomp animen t. near Selma, died Wedn beautif ul ftowers and con80linc e.,. Price 26 ' cents. Your over the radio at Mt. Drab, 18j!t !.Januar y 18, at ~he home words, in this bereave ment. of her In.'~..,n".'o" Is solicite d. Friday afterno on. The family of Aaron Sears ei ~te r. Mrs. Howen Pi!lrce, of Tol ... . . R b' . Mr. and Mrs, WJ1l1er Drake exbeen '. M ISS Beatric e 0 ther very Ido, wnom she ..had _ _- -vlsltibg pect to move their home, next happily enterta ined Mrs. Bernyc e ' • Hea vy, week, to apartm ents at tbe resiWright a nil the Misses I Inlpe ctlon dence of Miss Stella Daughe rty. Hswke Bnd Thelma St. John ' Crea tes Hav oe Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings eXbrid,e, Tuesda y evenin ,. . .Iom e C pect to occupy the McClur e Mr. propert and Ml'Il. y, vacated C)J.rles by the ])rakes. Reynolds, Aeavy winds Sunday toppled the The annual in8peet ion of Wayof Sprin, Vaney, wer~ Waynes. ~o u th and north walls 0;( the Leb- Membe rs o,f the Happy Hour club nesville Lodge No. HIS r .I: A. M. visitors , Friday. Mr. Reynold s anon Opera House which was de- and a few invited guesta were enable to be at work arain after ' la8 held T'Uesdal' evening Herber t 8troy'ed by lite Christm as mornin g. at the bome of Mrs. illness of two months duratio n, T. Leland, muter of Stillwa ter, The n orth wall fell on Lopp's Lloyd Davia Tuesda y afterno on Lodge No. 616, of Dayton , wu the of restaur ant and ·a djoinin g build- last week. At tbe close of old-faa bioned supper of inspecti ng officer and 'reporte d the a vel'Y ings at 11:30 o'clock Sunday mom pleaaan~ social se8llion, Ip2tnc:aK." , maple syrup, sausage lodge to be in splelldi d coaclltioll. deliciou s ing. ' . coffee wiD be served for 26 A large .n umber was pre.ent froID refresb ments were se~ed by the Lives of more than a dozen host.ess. by the Guild of the EpillCopal ot her lodgea, twenty -four beiq . persons were imperil ed, althour b church .a t Grange hall, Saturda y represe nted, to witne. the excelan of them eleapeel withou t luju17 Dr. and Mn. B. E. Hathaw ay evening Januar y 28, belfinning at hnt work put on by the 0&"" T~ e walls were all tbat wal left and Mrs. Mary McCluTe were o'clock. The Stillwa ter ,lee dl1b led b,. of the old buildirtB' which housed gueats at an 'I. O. O. F. banque t, the opera house and town ·han. Mn. H. P. Godby and so n Paul Mr, J. D. Connel l, with Jh. U in Lebano n, Ja.t Friday At the time of its destruc tion by evening. The banque t Will Aerved Cincinn ati, and )(1'8. C. T. Ham- Smith, pianlat, Ancle r" ....ral. musical DDmbe n whlela ..... 1\re, the entire bUl ine. lIectiou In cC)mmemoration of the founde r , of AabJud , Ky., were gr_tly appreci ated, acWIDc " " at the bome of Mr. and was threate ned. ' of the Order iu this country . much to the IUccna of tIie .....ao. K. DaJ, on Monday, Tbe walls toppled when the cit)' Many of our citilens are taka IHammo,ad nmaln lnr for a mOA was swept Sunday mornin c by Q1l' usuany luone wind!!. No ot1ler Inc advant qe of the many bar1.~D~:led YIIlt. 8igniftcant damage , howevel:.- wu ralDI tbat are bein, offered at JI~ Gr..t Janual' )' ..Ie. reporte d. The 181_ ... atutad Jut Thand a,
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000 with Amerlt:an SUret)' Co. al The Ulle of real utate ill Deerfle1d NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT l urety. William Villars, Jamet! township for 1iDea. ' , Char IE's Hoyer til Cincinnati E tatt.' ot Ruth A. Daulrhert)'. Clevencer and Harry Settlemeyre were appuinted appraisera. Suburb~n Bell Telt'pholle 'Co. The df'cllaHed. . . ' Notictl Ig hert'oy ~Iven that. Helen 'all Cleve. daughter of u e of real estate in Deerfleld town Witttam Caneey, encutor of elltat.e ' lor linea. I Stel111 E, nau~herty ha~ boen duly of Mar~ Constable, deceaBed, filed Elm r Lotshaw to Cillcinnati & appointl'll IIlld qualified a~ Executhe ftr,t aecount of th UecUlor. Suburban Be ll Telephone Co. The trix of thl' J~~tllt I)f Ruth, A. Common Plea, Proceedi.,. By THE HOOSIER should con\'cne at o'('lork in tb at the rcqu Ii of Altol'ney Millon °H. L. Hardillil', et ai, versus t ' E. fE~warhdsL' admGini thrator ot use of relll e tate in D erfiold DII~ ...hcrty Illte (1 f WIll'!' 1\ County, J. W. Taylor reported to the mo:ning" and s hould dismiss at ;1:- lark. After Mr. Clark had car _ • outh Lebanon P'lcking Co., et ai, es lite 0 .sara owe bart, de- townsbip for lines Ohl\), d coa CII. ' firs'" .,And finlll Jerry PA~"hl' D.ated this 14th day of January D C f(lb r 18 meetlne that lJut o n80 e ''n tb aft r~oon, an d t h e board fully and fully xplained thl' status Application grant'N!. Ree ivcr orcllased . ' fil d hlS u'" ll 'to l'nCI'nnat'l & p~pil wal atl nding hool in No. agreed to iurntsh grade blanks for f the ea e of the boal'd of Lytle dl'r d to 'cr e notice on Thc Gual'. aecount. Suburban Bell T lephone Co. The J93:.1. 1!l, while the foul' or five other the use ?f the teach rs. Teachers sp cial district against tbe board dian Wlll'chou jn~: (). Ross Farquhar was appointed ad· use of real estate in Deerlleld t own Judgl' of the ~~o~~t:~~~rt, prospective 'p\lpilR refused t() at.- for an. Ight-nl()nth te)'m for the of Wayne Townllhip district thell In the case of Virgil. O'Banion ministol' of estate Qf Benjamin ship lor line. fl Wan"en OUllty, Ohio t nd, 80 Messrs. urlaoe and Phil- follOWIng year w re selected as pending in the Court of ommon vcr us Ray O'Bafllon, ct aI, . hllr- L. FlIl'quhuf, deceased, and tiled W. L. ~ierson to Cincinnati & ....... IlpI we.re appointed as members of folJo~s : Cora Dunn No.1 ; Charles Pleas the followi ng rc~o lution was lerl D. Maple wa!1 appointed ~unr. b.~nd of $ J,OOO with SeYll1ou~' S. uburban B 11 l'elephon Co. The a committee to invest.ig.te the Austin,. No. I); Waller Henkle, No. unanim usly Ildopied: dian ad litem. llbb~ls and Hazel A. Farquh8l' as use of real stnte in ~eerfield NOTICE Of APPOlNTME'NT ~~ lIituation and l1l4Ike recommend a- '7; LydIa McCoy, No.8; Lillie P. fiRe olved, That whereas an ap. In the caRe of Norma B. R 0511 ul'E'tte. C. E. Moore, C. W. township for )ines. E tatc o'r, ]!;}jzabeth B. Bail'y, Sarah and Charles Wire to Cintlon to the board. J. W. Hisey lltat Mull. No: I?; W. ~. Keever and plication ha been made to the vel' u~ Effie 1. Phillil)S, et al. .l\1~gel' and ~. C. Bo)'s were apdcce!l~ecJ, '. cinnati & Suburban 'Bell Telephone ed that liteTftry a ociatio n me t- Hattie HIg InS'!l I tant, No. 12. ourt of omnlon Pleas of Warren Robert W. Browltl wn~ appointed lJom~e~ appra l8ers. Notice is h reby given that In,s' were being held in the cbool Each Wa to receIVe $40 pel' month County for n mandamu Lo ompel guardian ad litem for Donald Lee WIlham Fraser,. admlO\strator Co. The use 01 rea) c~tat in D erMary B. hllpnllln nnd Emmor D. hou e in No.1 O. This, he said, was excep~ 'Miss Higgins, who WB to this board to apportion and pay Ha 11. P rtition ordered. of state of Zep.ha~lah L. Enfield, :field town hip lor lines. Baily have been duly appointed In the ca e of Hilton J ones ver- deceased, filed hiS anv ntory. M. S. Ander 011 to The incin. a violation ofa proyi iOn 01 tlie be ~ald 80 per month. This rC8- over to Lytl special district a I a e, which (\'ranted the ground olution .wall also adopted in thi part of the money now in the u New York Central Rail r ad The fir t; .and t\n~I, .Bccount· of E. nati & Suburban Bell 'r e illphone lInd qualified B ' Execlltors of the Estate of r: lizall th B. Bajly late 101' 8cltool purpo es only. H "was eO ~,n ctlon: tr asury of this district, now, if 0., motion sustained. Plaintiff Byron F rrlS, admlnlstr~tor of es- Co. The use of real estate in Deer" of Wal'r n County. Obi , de~eased. instructed to' probilJit the h olding Resolved, That each aid ourt shall award a permp" has leave to file amended petition. tate of Joseph Lee FerrI , deceaa. ,field towntlhip for lines. Dllt d this 6th day of January of any nleetilltrS in aid house," ~a~ pays $40 per month hall be tory writ in said malter, our atln the case of E dward rist ~d, was approved, ~llow d and COn· Arthur Neu:farth to Cincinnati & On February 1,9, 1894, the com. hmlted to 8 months of school. And torney, Milton Clark, is hereby VerRUIl Fannie Qtntlon, et ai, ap- lirml!d by .t~~ co~rt. . uburbnn B~H Telephone Co. The 1 !Jaa. mittee that had been appointed to all that pay not to e teed $36 per direl.'ted and employed to talee pl'aisa) confirmed. rder to sell. Tlle ad~u(!lcatton ad determma. use otreal estate in Deerfield C. D.o nald Dilatullh, Atty, W. Z. ROLL Investigate the situation in No. 13, month ?,lay run the school for 9 . uch action as is necessary to In the case Qf Oovie Combs vel'. tio ... of bhe mherltance , tax on t he township for lines. carry said case to the Circuit sus John C omb~, a divorce was ~. ~te of ~ohn A. Groves, dec~ased C, H. Campbell to Cincinnati & J25 Jutlge of tlll' ProQlIte Curt, '!Verbally reported t hat they bad months. Warren County, Ohio. compromised with the tea~\'Ier The teaching staff for the next C6urt, either on error or bY' ap- granted . IS to be gIven to all per ons mter- Ilburban Bell Telephone Co. The (Mila VanDoren) , and ordered t he year was completed when the fol. P ai, or both, a he deems best. In the Oil e of MasM Building, e tet!. . • . use of real estate in De rfield lowipg teachers were selected at And the el rk of this board is Loan and Saving!\ Co" versu~ W. DaVId Wells. admmuiltrator 0'1 township for lines. school eland," The committee allPolnted to in- the June 18 meeting: Wbittiel." authorized to execute on behal! of Frank Sheritt and! Elizabeth Sher- estate. of Lura Wells, deceased, ' T. F. Bercaw to Cincinnati & Yeatigate the need for an assistant Burnet, No.2, $40, 8 months; O. this board !,!uch undertakings as r itt, confinnation, deed I1nd dis- filed hIS first and final account. Suburban Bell Telephone Co. ' The teacher in No. 12 rep.orted ,J,at B. G,leason, No. 8, ' $85; 9 months may be necessary fol' that purpo e, tribution. . The e$tate of.Sarah Louise Geb· use of real eHtate ill Deedleld town they found that 11 ed to be real, Orpba Carmon), (nOw Mrs. W. F. The board' als.o formally enl---hart, deceaseq. IS exempt from in- ship for lines, lnd "recolllmended that tbe lo~al Clark, No.4, '$36; 8 months; plQyed Attorney Clark to repre· New Suit. herltance tax. earl :1r\ d aroline Schn ub to direetor employ one, which was Frank McCoy, No.6; $40, 8 sent them in the mandamus suits Milton M. Jacl!t ver u Walter tella E. Daugherty was appoint. George Van Ness. Real estate in 30 Years Expnience in db!!e at a .. Iuy of $26 per lr\ooth months; Rhoda Altrich, No. 13, that bad been brought against Throckmorton 81nd Golda P. ed executrix of estate of Ruth A. Deerfie ld t.ownship. · Fitting' and Making Glallel On motio_, tl\e rep.ort was accept- $25, G months. ' them by tho tellc;her!\ of the special Throckmorton, fOI' money and fore Dl\ugherty. W, S. Graham, Ross R'Obert G. McConnell to CIQTence ed, the eClmmittee discharged, Ind, The petiti.on. of James M. Cben- district. closure. H. Hartsock and. Erne t Butter- F. Buerg rmeier. Real e tate in the actJo.n c,f the local ditecto:r in oweth Sa~uel Jones, All n Hainet! The contracturnl agreement American Lonn and Realty Co. w.orth weTe appOinted appraisers. Washingt.on township. Lebanon. Ohio Wyatt B. MOl·ton, deceased to eJnplo)'ille ·..id auistant teacher Jacob Hainelil Wm. I. Cbenoweth, finally signed by representatives v r su Clifford ,r. Witham and Tu • .day, TIuaud.J, S.hu· ... ' . . . ratified b)' the board! ' Wm. J. Carmon. E. E. Keever, of the two boorde in th financial fary E. Witham" for money and Marr~.,e Licen... Pendleton Morton, et &1. Real es· Examia.tion Fr•• A.Olie otller bUll allowed at Catherine Keever, G. W. Henkle controversy f~l1ows: foreclosure. John J. ElIswlck, plumbe~, of tote in Lebanon. this meeting 1/Vaa the Bum of $1 • and Samuel Side\! that their lands "It i8 hereby mutually o81'eed by American Loan and Realty Co" outh Lebanon, and Miss Marjorie Mianll Valley Building and Loan LEBANON, OHIO paid to "T. II. Clunon faT brlng- be trans! rred from sub-dlstTict and between the Board of Educa. versus Roy Knott and Rhoda Edith Marsh. o! South Lebanon. Association to Edward );' Rnd CIMa I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ing aDd talriq puplll to WaYlln· No. 4 to sub-district No. 7 was tion 01 Wayne Township, Warren Knott, lor money and foreclosure. Ida Banker. Inlot No. 148 in IYiJJe Hllool." Now, what do the granted after due deliberation and County, Ohio, and the Board of Probate Coprt Proeedin,. . Real Eat.t. Trand.u Franklin. lIes1l'1. Burton, Smit.h, 10hna.- the board arreed to accept the Education of Lytle Special District • Leona M. Kl'oenE'r, guardian of C. B , Cox to Mutual :Building Lena Burliss, at al. to, Anna N. ...lor alld juniol', Hendenan , transfer of the lands 01 Harrison of said county, that in considera· Arthur Kroener, insa ne, filed her and Loan Co. rn lot No. 118 in Hatfield. Real e tate in I,ebanon. Franklin. Lura Well s, dece8~cd, D\lvitl HlIdebrecbt and Cle.ver think pI. Corn en from Clearcreek t.owMbip tion that said Board of Education first aecount. , that' We'll YeJlture to I'll'" ttt.t A contract was entered into of Wayne township shan consent E . W. Barkalow, administrator L. G. Ke nnett and Ja11e V. Ken- Wells. Real estate in Mason. the pliee pel' mile driven was co~- with the bo~r~ at Waynesville that an order of court be made in of estate of Jennie P. Barkalow, n,e tt to Walter Updyke and Ru th Bill. Allo.wed aid.rebly 1,!1S than twelve een~. special dsitriet, pr9viding for tbe . case No. 139, Warren Oounty dir. deceased, filed his first lind final R. Updyke. Real estate in FrankAn~ we clOD't mean by that, U'l't tuition ot township pupils 'in the cuit Court, The Board qf, Educa account. Un. Morrow Lumber Co., cement the bUI drivers ju.t mentlon,d W~yne.ville .high scDool. tion 01 Lytle Special Scbool DisGeorge P. Gat1es, admini tratpr Walter Updyke and Rutli R. $68.40; H. T. Cook, gravel, $13.70 are 0 . .1' ,aidj far from iL Augu t 20, "the clerk and treas-- trict arainst Isaac N. Walker. as of estate of John A. Groves, de- Updyke to Jane Kennett. Real ea- W. H. Madden II: Co., cClment, 25 A. E. Chenoweth and J. • . urer Were instructed to employ Auditor qf Warren County, direct. ceased, flied hi in\'entory nnd his tate in Franklin. H; J ohn Doughman, service, $6; Staer 'Were appointed memben ,f IIOme peraons to make the appol'- incaaid Auditor to draw his war· flrst and final ac(:ount. Jobn Connors to William Harper Rollert Doughman, lIervices, $4; ROOT FOR AND CONSICN a committee to 'laY..t~ate ~e tioumetlt lor the Lytle Ipecial dia- rant in favor of the Treasurer of Mary Mount. IIdministratrix of and Lizzie Harper. Inlot No. '380 Frank Sellers, Ijervices $5; Vel'hon M.tIabUitJ of hiriq a teaeber trict," and the board rescinded its said plaintiff for the sum of $1,400 estate of Oscar B. 13ayne decellsed ih Franklin. Michael, lervice, $9,84lj Morrow ,onr Cattle ~ bogs, zheep and calv•• Norris-Brock Co., live wire alld No. 13, and tb~ matter of lairlqe action in di.penline witb the u.ch nqw in the hands .of, the Treasur~r filed her inventory.' George Van Ness' and Emma Van Feed' II Supply Co., cement, $32.- to progressive firm for the blebut ,,"11 teaeller for a &em of ~ ina of m~ric in the schools. Prot. of Warre'll County, Ohio, and Olive James, sldminiatratrix of Ne88 to The Kro,ger Grocery and 94j Willis Hitesman, lumber, $33; market prices and good se"lee. aoatha .... left to tl\elr juqDlea' Probst'l propol jti.on to teach music bejng the money restJ:ained of the estate ot Harlan Whitacre de- Iiakiltg Co. Real estate in Deer- Mason Lumber Co. bridge material U.ion Stoe. Y.reb' Cinei•••el. O. with power to ad. .t .1.26 per leas on wal then re- levy of Wayne Township School ceasedJ is ordered to sell c~rtain field township. .72; Howard T. Cook, gravel, Tune in on Radi o Station WCKY 1. R. Moore, represeDtinc No .•• jected. . BO,~r~ fo~ the .vea1 1894, bonda for interest of said cstate. William Winkelman to William .287.72; ' Zain Armitage, gravel. 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our, ' daU, A special meetmg of the board The~ I!, that eve nt, said Board The following Ilccounts weTe ap- Hemmerle. 139 a<:res in Deerlle.ld ,54,40; Zain Armitage, gravel, market reports. w.. the only ne'1!\' member ,.ben the lI~rd 1IJ881IIbied for 1'eOr,..- was cafled on October 29 II to eon- of Educ:abo!1 of Lytle Special Dif- proyed, aUowed a,nd confirmed by township. $425.60; W. Ft. Madden & Co., ceo I_do. OD April 18 1894. Ilemben sider the mattel' of paying m.oney tnet hereby arreea to accept the the court. ' Sjmon A. GroS1l to Vernon , and LUmber, $35.24; L. G. RIMy, Vetter and Surface were claimed ~y the Lytle specia l dla- sum Of. U,6~0,00 i!l full payment George l1hlenbl'ock, guardian of Whipple alld Loui8e. L. Sons Co., IUm.bel', $6.22; appointed .. a eommitte to i•• mct as their proportion (>f taxes and sattsfac~lon of Its share of the Eli1abet~ Jane UllJenbrock, minor. 70 acres ill T~r tlecreek Lumb er 00., material, yeetlpte the lituation in No. 13 levied by Wa~ne townsbip to con· funds now In the hands of the first' and final. Milla:{d F. Bastin to $73.76 ; Morrow Lumber Co. guard aD. report at the Dext reru~r tI~ue the IIc~ooll of aaid township, Treasu.r~r of Wayne Town8bip, Cynthia Hoft', executTix of e " Hays. 100 aeres in Salem township rail material, $28; C. D. Smart's aHtinlr. A Bidt sehool tuition bill saId levy beIng made prior to the and arl81ng on aCC!ount of an order tate of Alice M. Sutton deceased Edward F. Banker and Ida Bank Garage, ga and repair, $29.14; of fl88 ""as paid to the Wayne.. elltablishment of said Lytle special of tJle Circuit Court of Wanen First and final. ' • er to Jobn T. Dishun and Emma E. John Law" Son, gas, $20.87 WayWAYNESVILLE , OHIO Yille .choaL district." C~unty, OhioJ ~n Case No. 134 01 Starkey Frazee, gu ardian of AI. Dishun. 69 acrell in Franklin t OWJl- nesville Sel~ce Station, go , $13 .• Phone 80 Bank Bldg, PlGf. Charles Brown ao,.ht and "AttornllY William C. Thompson saOhl~ court. en.htled, The State 01 fred Frazee, mi,nor. First and 69; Roy Pigott, services, $1.25; H ; obtained permiaion to addresa the presented the cale for Lytle dil10 0!l relatIon of the ~oard of final. Iwood Ault and Annie Ault. to S. Conover, Bupplies, $4.78; Cen• IIoard upon tile aubject 01 TOln~- trict and Milton Clarle 'Wa!! p"~ ~~uc~tion ~f ~ytle S]lecial School Charles H. Gibl~s, administrator irt bli'les and Louis lncles. trsual Ga rag~, parts, $7.60; Bennetz FOR SALE DATES CALL Ihip superintendency. Hia reo eDt in behaJ:f of Wayne TownBhip l!(Itract, Plaintiff I.n error, VB . The of estate of Ama'n da Gibbs. First 176.94 acres in. Turtlecreek townper StatIon, gas, $7.~8; Morrow ~~----_ II1Ub_ridl'eDtlJ::.:-e:relateLJUlcll._4-du'lt.d·d,~.fter a ..!ull dlsc.ussion, Board 0.1 Educatton of Wayne and final. ship Hardware Co., 8upphes, $J.10· WOod impJ'eaaion that a motion ~s the derk, on motion, wa. ordered ~owf nshlp, ~arren County,. Ohio, J. Clifford Eva!n!, administl'at.or Mr. Ingiesand LOllio lnrles to Way~esvilIll ' ~verland saJlI'els~cAn0'_:f--' ~_ ~ forth1V1t11 submitted that • super. to tender to the Lytle special ~ .end ant In error. Wherel~ oid of estate of 'Wjmam J. Evans, de. Elwood Ault and ~nnie Ault 96 80 suppltes, 4Qc; Welch & Dakin/sup- . . acres in Turtl~creek townahip.· rPelle8: 60c; Oregonia \:: IntendeDt fo~ the WaYDesville chool district the amount of the Cll'cuit Court ordered that oid de~ ceased. First and final. TO'Wlllhl, scllool be employed for State Scbool fo und. now in the fendan~ proceed immediately to Henry Kipp, adn~inistrator of esRobert Marchant to Georlle C. paIrS, ,20.15 i IIDlatriil!k.. F",pnt' the eomtar year. However, when treasury apportioned to aubdia- :~ce~tam ho~, much money is in tate of William Altmeyer, deceall- Davidson. Inlot No, 676 in Frank- Motor Car Co., ~s $1'74.21; Frank tile oratory had subsided and a tricts NOI. 3,,, and 12, late1y e .ande of Its treasurer that was cd. First and final. lin. Sherwood Co., gas, '6.~1; Morrow JESSE STANLEY d.U~te retorded vote was taken taken into said speeia' di~t provlde~ f~r ~e ~ontinuation of George W. MeGrath and Rosa B. Gwendolyn B. Shotwell and John Garage, g al ~nd supphes, . 77.17 j the proposition lost, Dtne to on.e. from this to'W11l5hip. Provi~ed, tilf! ~a:o.olaWn sub·dllltrlct .No. 3, 4: and ParKs, ex~eutors of estate of EliZa L. Sllotwell to Mutual BuDdinr ROiers " SImpson. Station! gas, PIa •• e 320, N •• aDrlin,to., O~. At the afternoon seaaion, it was Harne will be accepted aa full dill.1D. ayne to~n8hlp. an~ In I!O Thomas, deceased. First and 1Inal. and Loan Co. Inlot No. 806 1n $56.92; Standard 011. Co., od and EARL KOOGLER 4edded to drop music from the cbarge of , an claiml!l of aid Lytle Olng It apportIon .aecordmg to Harry C. Schwartz and Gwen- Frankl"n g'reases, $96.97' WaItes Garage, coune 'Of I!tudy. and Mrs. Rachel ap~eial district against t.h~ Town- aw, the !'I0ney reah~ed fro~ the dolyn M. Schwaltz, executors ot ROf I Robinson to Mutual p~rta and 1 bor, $191.80;. J. ' W. D.yto. Phon. , MeGuil'~ made another futile ap- ship board for monies in the treas· W~lch w~re leVIed b! It, as estate of Charles W. Schwartz, deand Loan. Co. Inlot No. Lingo Hardware Co., supphes and KEnmore 81188 to b" traDa.ferrecl to the Wa'1- ury. or" taxes', already levied." se ort in aa,d petition, In May, ceased. First and final. 21 in Franklin parts, $677.32; Fred Kahn Motor nelTUle special dilltri~ for school Mr. Thompson, as ag8l1t for Mes· 1893: amo,ng st . all 01 the 8U~William H. Drake, administrator Oscar BaYJlo'r e to Mary Mount, Co., parll'l, $2.14; Davi~ Brin~., !'!'!!!'!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!! purpoaea. Tbe following res~lqtion ers. Gleas~)J!. and Keever and Mis~ ~atrlctsT' 't hat constituted !laid of estate ot Otis ~r. Henderson ' de. et al. Real estate in Union ' town. tools, $1.40; Ruby V~~ RIper, ps, was adopted: . eas' Higgins and Carmony, teachers 'la~~ ;oWOllblp scho.ol district at ceased. First anell tinal ' ,$22.$8; Western Unton, telerram, "Reaolyedt That each ~chel' in. th~ Special district, made ap. t~~dtlm~ of maldn!" sal? Ie!)' whicb Sales by executors of estate of . Snider to Cincinnati and 40cj Book Shop, supplies, $7; be requeated to meet once eaclt plication to the board I, to lIal or er of said CirCUIt Court R. I. John, deceaued, were appro". Suburban Bell Telephone Co. 'The Brown & Bunnell, coal, $18.1.3 j month In joint meetme at IIOme authorize the clerk to rive each was afterward approved and con- ed. A cel'tified copy of the ent.ry use of real estate in Hamilton Drs.. Edward and Robert ~latr, cODvenient place in the ·townlhip 0111Bid teachel'8 a certificate of ~ed. by the Supreme Court of detllnnining the i,nheritance tax is township for lines. ~erv!C,e8, $60.75;. Erma Hlbnar, to disculII school matters; to ~on. their election 811 said teachers at 10.. In case No. 4594, ~nd a to be certified without delay. William Dumford to Cincinnati ~ervlce., $10; Juh. Holland, servsuit as to ",hat would be to the the meeting held April 16 and tPecl~ mandate, was duly Issued A cert,ified cOPl' of tbe entry de~ " Suburban Bell Telephone Co. ,Ices $10; Mr.8. Howa~d S~wyer '7; beat iDterest of tbe schools of the June 18, . 1894, and for ' two y sa Pl court,to the court of Com- termining the inheritan~e tax on The use of real estate in Hamilton Morro~ ":hltacre, • servtces, $5 j toWllahi.,." This seems to have months back pay." J'bis the board mon ~s. 0 Warr~n County to the estate of Ellsworth L. Sher- townshipior lines. . G~ol'g'ni MI!ler aerytces $10' Stella been the oriiin of the 'm onthly unanimously reluled to do. carry /laid JlJqem en t Into execution wood is to, be cer'tifieq without deWilliam Nichwit to Cincinnati" Kelly, ~e!VICea, no;, Charlres""Hioo.::1- -j..... teach.fII' meetill,.. ' On JanualY' 26, 1896 a Ilpecial ,(lJ'o be Con~nued) lay. Suburblln Bell Telephone Co. 1'heson, servtces, $10; Wood,-pw_ WelIIt was decid,d that all lehoolll meetinr qf the b.oa.r dwas called '-_ _ _ _ • Tbe will of George C. Wager, use of real estate in Hamilton Stanage , Co.; , supplies, ,10.60; dec.~aed, was fil,~ in court. township 'for lines. Woodl' ow-Weil-Stanage CO'I sup, Wel)ster E. '~ool~ine i. ~i""Ora Doughman to Cincinnatl & '13.2~; Oolumbus Blank ~ chl\rged as admiDlstrator 01 the ea- Suburban Bell Telephone Co., The House 1nc.• tax services, An . . 1 . 'tate of Bellin~ Woolwine, deceased use of real estate in Hamilton . ~tencn Works CO. t :Robert 1\Iorrls, executor of estate township jor lines, Btamps, $3.11; Office Outfitters, L'E'P 4 of David J. Morxis, filed his first A. W. Cavott to CincinJl8ti Sub supPlies, $9.75'; Book Shop, s~pr..r..1 .li t ~ Did you get yout' money's worth and final '8ccount. urball Bell Telephone Co. The use pltes, 60c ; Western Star, taxation '..L~ ~ 1'~.4.... . / of what you spent last year? This Edythe M. PohlOn and Raymond real ,state In Hamilton townlUlip cards and envelopes, .48.22; Book ~~".1 ..,.~ '~ '-n is a question that few of us could , R. Ross administt'ators of estate of Jines. Shop su~plle8 $3.40; Western Star ~4~~... answer cODlcien.tiouslJ'. If vou John Edwin Ros8. dece_lIed, flied ~ila DO\lgbJDan to (lincinn~ti " tax recelp~, $17.50; Office Outfit.. ~.. kept h.ousehold accounts and tljeir inventory. !rhey are ordered Suburban Bell Tel~12hp~e C9. The ters. supplies, $17.88 ; Western studied these aecounts you would to sell certai~ st:ocks for interest use 0,1 real estate in Hamilton Star, bar dock~ts,. ,67.50; Hulm~n know the anSVfer. of said estate. township fO}'l'lilles Supply Co., supplIes, $15.7(> i DayL. M. Henderson, executor of uJacob Stein tp' Cincinnati and ton Bl~e Print C'O ., blue print, U., to tbe present tilDe no better method of leuning Where our ffIW ta~e of Ellsworth L. SherWOOd; de- Suburban Bell Telephone Co. The $11 ..45, H~r~y E. Rudman, dollars are roing, and 01 flndinl' ceased, filed a s(:lIedule of, debts. use of real estate iJl aamilton sel'VI~eS, '12, Wel$tem Star, a~". if they are bein, properly used, Pendleton Morton, filed his ap· for Jines. dor license, ~9.60 Lebanon Patnot has been devised than the use 01 plication for: a ce'rtificate of trane Pauline TerwilJeier to Cincinnati adr. dog notIces, $6. the Household account ,hook which ler. " Suburbal! Bell Telephone Co. .. - - - - you may obtain without charBB The will of Ru'tb A. Daugberty, The use of real e"tate in HamUtQD ,A venera.ble Scot purchased a from your Home Demonstl'atJon deceased, was filed in probate. townshtp for UDes. ' Ifttle radio set, and a few days Agent. .1>. E. Heywood, executor of esH. H. Creamer to Cillcinnati II: later his friends asked bim how he l~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday afternoon, January tate of Lina Baxter, decellsed, ia Suburban ~ell Telephone Co. The liked it. 21 at ,1 :80 yoU are urged to come ordeTed ' to sell ce~tain bonds for in ule ot Teal estate in Hamilton "Well, it's a' right to listeq to," to the Farm Bureau office in Leb. terest of estate. . township for Unea. he :replied, "but those bulbs are anOn and obtain one of these The wl11 01 Zepl~aniah L. Enfield Joseph Schell to CinclJtnati "" ·n ac sae gud to read by."- The • • Dl"eetor of Fu'. tIT... S.niu books. Miss Thelma Beall, Ho'me deceaBed, was adlt'litted to probate. Subutbari Bell Tel'phone Co. The LOcomotive Engineers JournaL Management Specialist from 0 S William Fraser w,a s appqinted ad· use' of real , estate In Hamilton • _ ••_ __ U. will be present to discuss 'ac~ ministrator and filed bond of f400 town~ip for JineL Our convenient location, luitaThe Ex~ion count keeping and show each home with Thomas D. Io"ruer and Sadie' M~. Clara Keiser to Cinein-.ti ble 8unoundingB and equipment maker I)ow to simplify ber records S. Simonton as sureties. Charles • Suburban Bell Tele,hone JJo. .Newltweded: "What do you Tbese records will help you to J. Waggoner, C. H.' Young and The 'Ise of real etta" in Hamilton thlfik of tbe state of matrimony?" enables us to Serve to the Beat quickly check finaneial leaks and James Follen wele appointed ap- townahip for u.~. Old-timer: "Waal, It's been my Advantal'e. will be your certificate ot good praisers. Clarence 1. J'oranan tp CIDdn- observation lhat It is the exception management. The adjudication and detern;llna- nati " Suburban len relephone to Ltncoln'~ rule. It continues to AMBULANCE SERVICE , The farm women Who have kept tion of the inheritance tax on the Co. The uae of Teal utate In endure- half slave and half 'free.' accounts agree that one of the estate of Fanny H. Robinson, de. aamUton townahip for Jine.. great~8t satisfactions they have ce~, i8 to he ,iven to all pe,lohn Z. Stane *0 CiaebuaaU .. ~ -.' . experIenced from their reeordl is 80ns Intel'elted. Euburban , TeJephone Co. ' TIle H_ to Kill W_9II. the Tealization of the value of the The wilJ of Ruth A. DaulrherlJ', uee of real edate ID Hamilton To kill IftIln weevils, use fumi. contribution that the rarm malres deeeaBed, wa. admitted to probate. towalhip for Hn.. rants auch as carbon disulfide or toward the family livinC. Patrick Coughlin, admiDlatrator John Bubenateba to CbIcinu"" other lesl!l inflammable rases. In. - - -- _ of .tate of Aa.a CCI1~1i1l med Subarbaa B.n Ttiephone Co. Tlte fo~ation about tbele lUI. other bia inftDtol7. ... of n.1 ..... fa lumtaants may be .obtained from T... 1ai E..... AUce Cain. admJnlatratrix 01 ... t'wIr,hfp _for ...... tbe county qrieuJtura} arent. tate of l~D Caia, cI......d. tlecl lohD •• OiMIIIutl" ~ ~ •- • three her la•••torr. aa-..a.- --" worda an ato.t used Ia tile E.,.ueb WIIIIaIa N. Clo. ft. The Det ClUh IDcome til. . . f1l tarm.n ... ... III tile I·~" ~
7lae Little Red, Di8t~ict School as it IEWS 8. . . . . . Exi8t~cI ' in Wayne 70wnship fOT tears FROM CO HI HOUSE
- --
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialisl
Cary's Jewelry Shop
SlanI &K00gler Auction s
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L. Kennedy, 'Who hal reopened bJaeamith Ibop, Nolder and Richard DaY'is A play, "Civil S.me ....... Drnmin, Sunday dinner with Lewis pTl'sented by • group of Ch..ter ISSUED EV~RY WEDNESDAY ~itol Snell. . . young people In the Friend" Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jeft'eri! church Friday evenlnr. D. L. CRANE I I PUblll".'ISUa..CPIPliO. Pri•• , tl.IO a Year OLU 1B -A ll Act~ of the l the bunk \In !; loo ted. Motor B, MFa.' J ... i. B. Tripp called to Tippecanoe ity Mis Auita Nichlol, of Da,ton Oftico Pho.. . ........ .. ... No. 112 l,nler .t ~l Po.loUlee at W~yne.- Gun~ral AY~embly, aft'r favorable V(lhicl' Divi~ion untler Secrel.ary Sunday by the death of Mr. Jef- spent the week-end with her cou""-N v III '. Ohio. ~. Second Chua lIall ,, ~ ~o R••I_c. _...... -. ...... .. _..... o. 118 feris' aunt, Mrs. Eliza Johnston. sin, Mis!! Ruth Reeves . Vatter action by that body, '.Ire placed in of' !'itu le Mycr~ i~ open day and There will be an Old Fidrller8 Vernon Stiles sUlltained a "fract h cust ody oC cCl'etar~' or State , l1i ghl. Informati on l'C!g~lrding cars on my hut 1'001 Iiel the snow, Like diamonds sparkling neath onte t at the Gym Thursday ' turcd wris t when he fell while JANUARY 25, 1933 George , . Myerll. [f the Act is nri aud Ikt!nst; T1umbebi ma y be securing, February 2. working in a Xenia store on Satur"emergency" 01' a tax meaSUl' , it cd I>y callin!!: Main 3357. the moon; Kirk Je1!'eris spent Sunday nnd d nd like a cloud my breath does go becorn s a la w efTect.iv with he Th t".. d th a~r. and Mrs. Elbert SchwrikGovel'nor's signature_ If it is an . cy. aT' whl!<permg aro un e In furs I'm wrapped, like a Sunday night with Billy an. Act of 0. general n •• tol·" 'it does tlot I gllllaLlvc hnll!! that member .of Mrs. Myrtle Thomas and MillS ert and daughter of Glendale, coocoon. ~ become effective until ninc1.y dn), the Gencl'al ASl\embly w o ul~ It~e Charlotte Thoma s were Sunday were Sunday guests of Mr_ and A publication of the Nationa l SafeLy ouncil cnrries an excellent after it has been iii d_ The cts t o complete tht. PI' tlent, sessIOn 10 both snow covered bare and guests of M1·. and Mrs. A. L. Ken- MI'S. . P. Nogg Ie. b rown N w Yt'ar wi!!h: "Three hundred and s ixty-fiv e safe and happy clays to are edited in th ; :Latistical depart- Murch, S~I t~lat ttl Y . may return ne d'I an d H er bert . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson enyou f or 193:1." Like bony fingers, rattle drear; ' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Francis en- terl.ained a large group of relatives ment of Secretary MYC1~ ami here h.omc to . th Ir prof~s l!>:ns. or vocashake their icy coating down tertained a number of guests Sun- on Sunda y. Mrs. Peterso n's parent,., If tllllt wi sh eould bear fruil. it would 'be a magnificent thing for the "head notes" app ~aI'il1g at th e tlons. With ovel' 200 blUs lntrod.u~ pon my head, RS I draw neal'. day. . Mr_ and Mrs. Crone and lamPy, 01 the country. It would Ilave thou 'ands of lives which wou,ld oth rwise be beginning of acb section 'lrt' sup- ed to date an.d scores to follow , It .... ~. \ ~ may be the nlldllie of May, or lLeedlessly d('stroyed- it w()111d keep fol' useful purposel\ t.he bill ion or »r1ed• Fro t sparkleR through the mo onLebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Jame l)('for~ the . tatt;oRl11e n are enablNI light, 'keen ' Caesars Creek Peterson and family , of Yell ow so dol18n that is wasted ann ually through a ce iden t~it would nlake Motor V hi ele Icgi!;luti n ill hav- to Say adieu to one another. And . now lies thick on my wind'ow Spring, Mr. and Mrs. J. n. roJ' happier an d bett.cl: working conditi on s, and more efficient indus: ing its inning in the Gen ral A~- th~n th I" is a~waYR lhe 'Probab ll ledge; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Laird of Reeve. and Mr. and Mr, . Albert trics. Nothin g is so de~trl.lct ive to t he mOI'nle of the worker as a series se mbly. A number of bill!'! have 'ity of bein!!, called bac\!: in special And covered is each spot of green Camden, Ohio were guests of their Martin were am ong tbose pr I nt. of erioua accidcnt~ in his plant. been in trolluced, five of which a1'e se~" ion. And buried deep, the roadside daughter, M.rs. Luth er Haines and Rev. Kilmer is ill at th h m The safety III vement hill" been making good progr ess for a long being support d Ly th Ohio tatE! hedge. family of near new Burlington , of relati ves in Sardl.nlll . time. Th l' has be en a general dec rease in the number and severi t~ of utomobile A ~ociation, t.hey b in~ Saturday. . Th e Women' s Quartet of th M. 1he Drivers' Lk nse bi ll. a bill t o' accidents- aside from those eauRed by automobiles. I think of hours of summer s uns, Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Mrs. "E. church rendered music at th Harveysburg r ed uce gasoline tax 1;r( .• m foul' t o Of flowers wild, and rtowing Walter Wilson, Mrs. Rob rt Fur- Farmers' In stitute on Wedne day t T h carel S8, reckless and irresponsible driver kills about 33,000 three cents, one protectinl'; autograpes; pe ople a year nowadays. nas, Mn, Lothair Winfi eld and afternoon . ' An independ nt FarMers' Instimobile drivers frJ)m dumag~ . uils Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Reves, W cnn make 1933 t he greatll t safety yea r in our time. We can by guest riders in calle of accidcnt, tute w ill be held in the scho ol au- And as I wend my homeward way daughter Virginia 01 near WaynesThe shadows, take t he strangest ville spent Thursday :wi t h Mrs. MI'. and Mrs. Fl'ank R eeves and do it by giving th Iittl ffort, the lit tl e thought, the little care, that a bill to reduce nuto licen. e ,fecs dilorium on Tv sday, January 31. shapes. Theodore McIntire. son , Jene, spent Sunday with their is needed to make our homes, our places of business and the public and on to pre\' nt sel'vice f pro- 111 rs. Mary Hen'drix of Washington MI 8 Anna Louis HOlik and isters in Mason. township and Forre t C. Hall, for_ highwaYII aaier. We can do it by giving consideration to the r ights of cess on non-r sidents. When home I mix f or me the best si8ter, Monimia wer e weele-end • _ ...._ _ __ mer ag ricultul'al ag nt of Cli nton And drink to old friends of the guests ot Monimia Bunnell. t he other f lI ow. As Ind lvidunls, IV have the power to sall'e thousa nd Among other bills introduced in oonty will be thc peakers. There past; j irt'epla ceable live thjs y ar- L t's do it ! Emily Haines enteJ·tained a few Subscribe for the Miami a.1~t... the General As embly live several will lJe entertaining f eatures put To friends who were so staunch of her f riends on Tuesday evening. providing variou method~ of tax o.n 1>;.' lo ,a l tnlent. Miss Graddy and true the guest Were: Misses Esther relief [ pr property owners, lower- and MI'. Mill er, Warren county Deal' friends , who were too good Jean and Phyllis FJaiDes, Rebecca ing of interest Tates, legalizing B.2 Ilg nts will be l>resent. Th ere are to last. and Ruth Esther Miars, of near per cent beer, legalizing puri-mu- baking contests, a corn show, etc. ' tuel race track be tting, sterilizin g as added features. EV'eryo ne ie Cold winds come like a driving sea New BurUniton. We H."e • Compl.t. Wau" of defective, to p I'mit pnynlen urged to attend. And shake my warm hut, ae I Raleigh Bogan and family had Repa ir Ser"ica :00 Mu sic of delinquent taxes in ]0 semiC. 8. L vicy and C. E . Gordon dream; as their dinner guest Thur day And UBe only genuine materials. :05 om1l1unily Deve lopnI nt Thro ug h 4-H Clubs .. , . . annual or 60 monthly payments we)' in 0 troit the first of the Beside my roaring fire side evening" Mr. and Mrs. William Crystals tltted while you walt. · ..... Mrs. D. D. Phillips. Allen County with five pel' cent interest, Lo re- we k. lIfr. Levicy drove home' a From drying boots, there rises Bissantz and son Charle Frederick Cary's Jewelry Shop : 15 Fat' mer • We k li iA'hliglitR ........ ... Georg B. Crane quire state h iJrhway director, n e w motor cal'. 8team . of Columbus and Mr. and Mr :25 (u sic county commission rs and town"Miss Adventure" js the play Evan Q. Bogan and children. L.b.DOD, Ohio :4(\ Economic Infor matiu ll for ~h Furner , .... '" . C. R. Arnold ship trustees to includ e i n highway being prE-pared by th junior class My soul is filled with joy and pain Bobby and Marjorie of Dayton, O. Store OpeD Eveninp :50 .. gehlhll' ilrieties for hio H D Brown t d' f t J dr am of forests now unseen; Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan have 9:00 io' nrm Wom n Turn to Ma rketing Mr~ . Bllrbar~ Ehlers improvements provision for plant- , tFo uehPl'ese~ e '!')tbl • e n:ear .u uhr~. Of myoId lite upon the plain returned home after a few days Preble County. ing trees Bnd shrubbery along the urt er notice wlI e given 111 t IS And those, who sleep beneath vi.it in Highland county. highways, to declnre ' a m oratorium column. 9: 10 iu ic . . . 1. P. BlatUer until July 1, 1935, on foreclosures Th three Martin children of II :21) 1 ctri Hut bed Jl cnting the green. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bogan of E. G. Wiesehuegel on pl'operty on nccou nt of delinqu- Wilmingion put on a plllasing t>ro- Wlien we with jangiing bridles near Waynelville and Mr. and Mrs ::ni .'tate 1· rll:ltK {rom Abando n d Farms !) :45 The Arm y Veterina ry Sel' il'e . Major F . L. H olycross nt taxes, to reduce the maximum gram at the regular P. T . A. meet Robert Wilson of Dayton. called rode . .,OTARY PUBLIC aturdny, J anuary 28, 8 :00 p. m. taxes ~ to r educe the maximum ing Wednesday evenhlg. The proAnd wind and sunshine with UI on Charlie Shepherd's Sunday N.U.y1 B..IE played: afternoon, January 15. . ........ R. B. Tom legal 'rate of intere~t from 8 to gram eo n. i ted of readings and Recl'eaLion .... Guy Dowdy 5 per cent, to all ow deductio n to mu~ic, both vocal and instrumental With happiness our only load : Paul ~eter80n and family of th e wm. DraW'll • • E.tel•• S.u'" N~,ws ~ ' I ashe$ We had three good basketball . . H. E. Eswine farmers aggregating ,500 from Natul' Talk Of sunshine, falling through the Z~ar nelghborh.ood took dinner ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO listed value of d nmeslic animal!!, games In the Gym a turday evenraln_ With Walter Wilson's Sunday. tools and machinery nnd grain on iog when Kingman ca.me down. Mr •• Nellie Sunnell aceompalli----!-"---~--~-~ hand. In additi on SCO~'e5 of other The . Rl'ade boy!! won :19-10; the Well, let the cold winds ~eep at ed her lIOn George Bunnell to Barbills hav{) been dumped into the girl won .11)-14 i and t11e high 'Play, veVlburlf Saturday night where lie PROGRAM OF COMING EVENTS FOR FARM FOLKS hqpper. ~ch oo l boys lost 26-24. Two boys And shake the ice from tree refereed a 'b asketball game. . teams from Otterbein home will limbs brown; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines and Friends and patron!< of the Ohi9 play h re thi ' week. I've sat and dreamed, "till it's BOn Errol Dean, s pent Thursday State Museum are in ited to attend Mrs. H. M. Fit and ;Ja.n e Ellen most day, with Mrs. Haines' parents, Mr. and January 2[; L banon Farmers lub at Home of H. E . Cowan. an entertainment of short talks or Wilmington were Sunday And my warm ftye is dyinr dowll Mrs. Benjamin Carey of near Tanuary 25 "The Forage Problem." Topics discussed by J. A • . and mu ie 8eh unday afternoon g ue ts of 1111'. and Mrs. I~rank WilSlipl! r. Memorial Hall, lOa. m. to 4 p. tn. at 3 o'clock during the month of !IOn and Ha\:ry Wi! on. has the grip at January 26 For gc for Southern part of Warren county. Di$JaDllar ~', at the Illlitorium and if The glee club (s preparing the this writing. eussion by J. A. SLipher, uBtlervillc, 1 cYclocK. t he att ndance warran ts th e enoperetta "The Gypsy ~over," to Mrs. Raleigh Bogan was in DayJanuary 26 Annual Wal'ren County Farm Bureau Meeting, .\S~ " '\ I • • ' I~ ,,( ', U. IU1IPOflor tertainmenta wi 11 be co ntinued. be presented about the middle 01 ton, Friday. M moria I Hall, Lebanon, 1 :80 p. m. The Mus um is' situated on the March. MiB!! Helen Stevens the Mr. and Mrs. Homer Haines at)anunty 27 Hamilton Tp. Grange, regular meeting. campus a t North Hi"'h Street and \\ n) fir "'0'''' hlp. \\Inr.' n ('on music instructor is in charre: tended fhe funeral of Mr. Roland ... ..hiD January 27 Meeting in H ousehold Economics, Farm .Bureau C~nterville, Fifteenth Avenue. It is ope n daily .;o ur the 1 ·' tHt~nl \ t...n1'" Entlhur Df'H"E. M. Villars is operating the Kinzer at Martinsville, Monday office, Lebanon. 't~1' :'U. '11,:12 form 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., holidays inWarren Portable Mill, succeedinlr afternoon. Phone 78J January 27-28 Farmer' lnstitu til at Springboro. ropulnlf n .... ... 23(\ . ....... 1930 cluded, and on unday fr om 1 to "rnl 1 r:l-lln.ri~~ and wage':l January 28 Mas.,ic Grange, regular meeting. 5 p. m. pul tl L1" "I1.~ Ihe YPt<r 19.1'2 $4.081.a5 . January 31 Farm rll' Institute at Harveysburg. T n , " n I II I t Io n . . . , 2,677.3 1 n.OO January 30-February 3 Farmen Week, O. S. U., Columbus, O. 'I',H 10<" . . . . . . . . $1.9 9 The State Bullding ommlSSlon \\' o,'n"III" 1I , (llllo. Die' ptn 11er 31 , 1 32 February 6-7 Farm Account ummary and beginners school. has not a yet announced t he dnt~ I h"" .. I,.,· c' .. rtlr,. th .. 'nllo,,,I ... to he County Agents office_ f"On4'C'1~ of the dedi ation of the new deL. n. K>]U N [< bruary 7-8 Farm Account ummary and beginners sehool Township I.. rk partmental home. The program will ount;y Ag nis office. GB~~EIl .U, 'I,()WN. 1fII' I~ :'1105 be in direct charge of Gov rnol' F' bruary 16 Annual meeting of Producer Cooperative Com• 11I1( ' 1i:1I"1'S George White and will likely take miss,itlt A s'n., incinati. 1'111 prQt>HI \' la x . . . . . $ 8,0.4. 40 place ome time in March. Tl is n('1! (la~( 1111 ~ till' .•.. ..• ,.. • ~.UI O . OO February 16 Garden and V ge table School, Memorial Hall, 101l.· r ' l tl n .. " tox ... •.....• 93.2 1 probable that a number of the deLebanon . Conducted by ounty Agricultural Agent. f'll<'ltrett(, 'rIl X •. .. .•.•.• • 6.19 partments will begin mov in g into !'~'lIenrpllC" H lid ...... .• \ 600.00 '1"o~a 1 M Jstw lltlnt~ ou" ':=:==:::;::::;;:===:;:::~;:;:==:;:;:===;;==::~ their ne~' quarters the latter payt J:ec Ip l • I'" •... ,.... GOO.OO ': ----;of next month. After the dedica- 0"11081 iory 11\lol' Sl . ....• 1 40, 4n 411 must call .ro~nd this afternoon tion the public will be given a Toin l fl ect:'lpt~ .......... ,11 ,131.2S chance t o view t he beautiful ne.w A book agent once called on President Linlloln and sought to and thank your mother for these . tructure. I'A l· MF.~T , sell him a book r 01' which h had no eight beautiful apples." F.x("'cll~h... 1' \' l c4~8use. Failing, he ask d Lincoln if ";P-please, sir," stammered TomSecretary of State George S. Oeoern.l Comp n"ntlon IJf Tr u8t~ s, 750.00 he would nol: write an endorsement my, "would you m-mind thanking Myers highly eomm emis the action '0 11111 ""atlon or " I ·rk . • . %50.00 'rotnl G n('ra l r~xec utlv e of the work which wQuld enable her for 't-twelve apples?"- By- of Virgil Ingers oll of Sabina in S"rvt(' , ..........•. • . , 1.000.00 reporting the theft of his automo- Poor It IId-Mcdl III him to 8 11 it to others. Whereupon stander_ t 'f-I! . . . ..••.• , •••.• 4 9. 4fi the President, always anxious to bile licens tJ.lates immedjately BIII·I'er,~ .. 1 B" r ·n~ ~ .. . . . _..... . 3. 00 ob~ige with a humor entirely his A woman whose lrousewifely after he llnd n ot~d their di sappear- ( her Poor n II r .1••••••• 39Ul P oo r l-lell('(, . •. . 90.4 6 own ~rote "Anyone who likes this feats were always pushed to the anee. The blink at Sabina was It ",'Totul ;lfnlnt nan'" nnd H,a' kind of b~ok will Ind it just the limit of endurance and strength robbed of $3,500 a few days ago pllll'-J..:tlXl,. li nd l\[atPrill ls 4.1;04.13 T otal hWaY8 . . .•.. 4.554. 13 kind ot book he likes."- Readers' was observed to have changed her and as the robbers wheeled out of t. "mptprl,·"Hi ompen8.atlorl of Dige!!t. routine. town a citizen caught the license ot ticf" r tJ (I nrt Jf1nlp]Oy eos 'l' ot II I e m lprle • . . . ". - - -"No, I've let up a little on doin' numbers. Inquiry developed the . ~ n<·r:ll $~'PJ' II "R . .. ..... . morlnl "0), Elxll~n~"8 . ' 'Thanks, very much," ~aid the my work that way," she admitted. plates had been sold to Virgil In- M NOle ....... . . ,....... ... . I vicar 8S little Tomm)· handed up "I've found that I can't wash, iron gersoll, but the latter had report- 8merA'en('y n e ll~f , ..... ". his oireling for the harvest festival and. be a Christian all in one day!' cd them stoten a few dayll before (,a 8 "' ~lX .... . . . . . . . . . . . . • ~ '1' otnl :lIf ls"c ll a n eotljj .. T otlU l 'll)'rn .. nt@ .. .. $1
'"'" __
New Burli II
Best of the News Oi reet From the Ohio State Ca
Make 1933 a Safe Year
Farm Night 1 allts, Jan. 30
' I.
----.. . -----------.. . . .
F. T. Martin . Auctlon••r
-============ ca;~::;,w;artman
,, (')11\1,.\ Ip'
s. ..... 011...
O~ ~OTII!IlS-oF TM! '1)10.'1, -
OUIt. 'UTU,"l
IS OUI 10 •
"... (Wfo)IMlJr.ONS Fl rN OS
./onIlRI·, '
Do You Read the Old Home Paper
J, 1932
(C' l Prk'SI . , ..• , . . , .. ...• • . O.U5.17 1 1ur lll l'/' Year ...• 11.1.14 .23 T lnl Hel.' I)}ts and Balanc' lR.7ti9. 7() P"~11" .. nts ()urlnj\' y ar• . . . 10. 032.59 I.l tarl (· '. 0,·(, mber 31, 191112 ( 'I ('r k''' 1 :.. ............ 0.737.11
n( .. ~I PI.e
l .f!l(l ,U. NOT'OE
I'rohat tl urt. W a rre ll Co u nt y. Ohio In til mntter -Qf t il es tat of Jl:lhl\\· orth ,~ S h«rwood. <le,:eued
It ia full every week with items of intereat to every reader. It is your 'paper to. read and uae at all times. "
GAY! A ADOUNCEIENT OF GOOD ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES AT THE 100 pt'oplt' atmucb larger aucllt>nc(' hould tendltd the lecture at the Lebanon CHURCHES SUNDAY tU,h j'h.}ol auditorIum llUI\. Tu lIa e patronized the musical enterApprollimat~ly
day night h n C. R. Arnold discu cd ~he OutlooK of farm bUlli. ne~ , Mr. A rn<>ld. Prof < 801' of Rural Ii: onomic!! at O. S. U. has mad . a tudy of onomi condi· tlons 11 QV l' tho United Sta teg nd gave so c ver "aloable facls II pr dieted that in 1933 we would ee pnct' go lo,yer but that the price th t' farmer has t o pay I r PI' du cts \' ould b nearer the pric h ts for th products he ells, Aec ording to .Ir. Arnold, we will go IIro und that. long looked for corn r and will finu prices rising lightly during the Il\ller part 01 the comine year. A rise in farm prices will be an indication that the depre sion i over as hi tory prov II that aiter a panic like we are baving far"l pri e always rise falter than other prices.
Friendly Guidance
tainment and conll'dy sketch given by the Wayne,.vil1e cllo 1 band at the Gym, la!lt Thur!<day evening. Those who did att.,nd wer eertainty w 11 rewanl(.>d. A program of nsemble and 0 10 numb r • with Director tan ley Watkins all ma t('r of c remonics. PI' ceded lh com dy skel h, .f A Rural Cel bration." In this numbel'. Ezry and Mandy (fr. and Mr. Emerson Eat'nhnrt) took their family t o the ounty Fair, and a wonderfully good time wa enjoyed by all, even little Ferr e Payne, who peddled pop-c orn, etc. AU special numb rs of the program were 80 will' ndered that th selection of a " ta.r" number w 11 nigh impo ibl . un Ie, it he Eddy Marlatt's SousaphC;lOe solo, "Old Black Joe," The boy wa to re pond to an encore. The band is sho, ing remarkable improvement in its work, both in ensemble and a individuals. Too much prai e cannot. b given their instructor-<lirector, and the com mittee of parents who have 80 loyally back d th m. The organiza tion is one of which a community much larger t.han ours mtght well b proud.
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH G. C. Dibert, Paator Wednesday: .etble study and meeting at 7 :00 p. m. Choir undllY untlay : undllY ch()ol at 9 :30 a. m. Moming wor hi» at. 10 :30. Epworth League at tJ :30 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominational) Chester A. Williamson, Minister hurch chool at 9 :30 a. m, 'Supper at conclu ion. Christilln Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Earl Woollard, Lead er. Evening Evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. Ser. mon ubject, "Where Christ Is. " Prayer Meeting and Bible Study each We dnesdny at 7 :30 p. m. Tile church where you feel at home.
.Ir. aDd ~rs. arl 'herwood, in Dayton, Friday.
Mr, and Mr~. W. M. Terry, or Harrison. Ohio, are visilinK Mr, and Mrs. A. F . Melloh.. Mrs. . D. ' Ridge, Mrs. 0 , M, Ridgc and l\1j~ Emma Jleighway were Dayton visitor, Thursday. Mr, Harry Dumford and family, ()f Dayton were guo t of MI'. John S I Adams and lumily, on unt ny. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Em I y, of Findley, . Ohio, clllled on Rev. and Mrs. G. . Dibert. Monday afternoon.
Mr. . Lulu Flora,nee and daughter Lucile, of Falmouth, Ky., ,'yere w t> k-end guests nt th ho me of Mr. and l\lr . T. B. Brannock. Ml's }<' Iol'unce is II niece 01 1t', Brannock , who iR criti ally ill.
A j olly party, compoll d of Mesdam e, !\jary M ~Olure, J, D. Marlatt, C, M, Robitzer, L , H. Gordon Dnd Emma H . McClure, s pent last Friday at 1\.J1 all-day quilting be\! the h me of !\figs Ro e Wilkernear .Morrow.
Raymond l'riec, charged with having broken into thE' ntral Gar ge with int nt to steal, and with having stolen D. . Ridge's automobile, pleaded not guilty to both charges when arraigned before judge C. B. D chant in Cern· mon Plea court last Saturday to answer t \I'i indictments found al(llinst him by the January grand jury. His trial on the first chal'gc was set for tomorrow, January 26, nnd he must an ~wer to the second indictment on January 31. He is being h Id in the ounty jail und r $1600 bond in each case. Everett Bingham, charged wilh n filling station r obbery at. Wayne ville, pleaded not guilty and is held' under a $2500 bond, He will be tried February J 6. Ernest B nnett, indicted on a charge of shooting with int nt to \\'ound, ple!lded not guilty and ill held under $2000 bond.' He will be tl'ied February 2. Howard Young Bnd Howard
Oraft', both of Franklin, pleaded guilty to the dlal'll'8 acalnat them lind were I'iven Jail IIvntencel by the court. Younl', indicted on a charge of carrying concealed weapon", wa~ lIentenced to lerve thre(' month~ in the county jail and was fined the co ts in the case amounting to $29,86. Two bills w r returned agAin t Graff, on chareing him with operaling a motor vehicle while intoxicated and the other with stealing automobile accessories. He wa given a 60 day sentence on the first charge lind 90 days on the second, the two sent nces to run concurrently. The court al 0 fined him the co~tl3 in both cas s amount ing to $56.65.
Insurance your property covered by an experienced a ~ent
SleHa E. Daugherty Phon 58R2 -
Waynesville, Ohio
- - - - - -- --
Building and Repairing'
-============== ~
OTI F1 ST. A.UGUSTINE'S CHURCH fro ~l· ....ek D•• le.-. Father French, Pastor , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wh itaker l ~ d b ldH w i ll L re c IV I' II b y be held every two entertained at a sumpt.uous dinner t il r'l\Board r T rus t e. or Wa.yne morn'ing. l\Ionday, honoring the birthdar T" I" osh il), Warren Qu nt y , hlo. at n ttl c o r th .. 'J ,r k of IInl (1 anniv rsary of tlheir son, Hichard II", "''' ". hlp nl nQ rd .m·s O ll ra. ~" "l nlll fERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway '''''''11 o'cloc k I). m .• Mast!>rn Stand· For many yean our establuhe (Uudenominational) pre ented the honor guest wilh a Irrt'1' tim It, DA \: FERn Anv 21. J"~ ment has been known for the Chester A. Williamaon handsome "Merrlf·go-round" birth- iOn t' ILlld on Q· hlllt (1 y.. 1 vnr d ca- ac lt y truc k . h ydraulic dUIII» bell. friendly guidance offered thOSE Unified Service beginning with day cake. 'Rb . d UIl I wlw el" SO l/ii H . D , llr •• we serve. Ours is not a busilull y equipped t'~ady Cor duty . Church School period at 9 :30 a. m. Norman Thomal~ , nominee of the lnll t Is (l ISO Ih int , ,,lio n Of 8l\ld TruRnelli, l>at a service in'stitution til 8 to ott r 11.8 p.Lrt payment lor Lord's ' Supp,er and sermo~. at National Sociali!!t party for the ,a id tr uck <> lte (1) 19 2. Mod 1 lilt r to help our clients in every A nice surprise treat was given 1,0 :30 a. m. ~ermon subj,ect:, The Presidency of the United tates nltllonl\l trU Ck. ~QulpJ)ed with 1% posaible way durinc their time another large crowd at the Jr. O. ~cond Commg of CltriJJt. Yo,11., lit- the last~"O ,o r three national yard dump b...... E n. Ii bltl'let· e hnll su.brolt with h l 8 of lorrow. This attitude is re- U. A. M.. dance, Tuesday evening, are always welcome at tbls e lections, will speak in the Opera bid s p ' ' Ira Cl\ tI~1 "nil Dame ()f truck orr r rI , Th(- Board ot Truet" .... " when the Messrs. Phillip Campbell church. House at Xenia at 2 o'clock Saturflected in every aervice per.' n " th .'Ig h t to rej Pct a ny or "II L. A, Jeft'el'll, of Xenia, put on ST. MARY'S CHURCH day afternoon, .January 28. The Lid s. formed-both large and small. and w. " nR.AHA f a special song and dance sketch general public i ul'ged to hear ais IV . E , eOftNELL ' OUI' elient. are our friends, immediately after the intermlSr Rev. J. J. Scbaeffer, Rector addrelul. A nominal admission fee ~:. 1.. 'rHOM 1> Fourth Sunday alter Epiphany, of 10 cents will be charged. Goard ot Trustee. and nothing is overlooked in sion. Mr. Campbell is a singer of L, n . OOR 0 ' . ClllJ'k ability and his partner, Mr. January 29: Church school at 9 :30 our taJk 'Of removinlr all unJeffer~ is a tap dancer of much Morning Prayer and sermOn a~ Pupils of thE~ Fourth grade, !!!!'!!!!!!!'!!-"!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~ neee.....' care at a time when more lban average ability. So 10 :30. under the direction' of their MOULDING ROOFING DOORS th... friend. are already much was their act appreciated teachers, iisse Laura McKinsey I:.IME :;LASS SASHES that they were uked for and FRIENDS MEETING and Alice Campbell, will furni h heavDy burdened. TAR CEMENT graciously responded to a pair of First Day, January 29: First the program for the nleeting 01 the SHINGLES encores. Their piano .accompani- Day Friendship School at 9:30 a. Wayne Township Mothers club to MILL WORK LATH ment was played by the one and m. Meeting for worship at 10 :30 be held at the GI'ade school buildAt Wayne Hatchery only 'Happy' Suydam, Clarksville a. m. , lng, Friday afternoon, February 3. Barn every recular pianist for Friendl - - -- - ••- - l\(is Beatrice Robiher will also What ever your building or repair job ~ay Qe orehestra, and, that boy surely can give a reading. Every mother in we can supply you with materials in large or small tickle the piano bye just IIk~ noY t he community ill earnestly urg d quantities; First-class material at lowest cost, plus body's bu iness. The Xenia gentleto attend this meeting. prompt service is a combination you cannot hope to At 11 ,00 o'clock men have promised to return, some Earl Young is absent from the ---W.~ beat. Tueliday evening in the near Lytle elevator on account <>f havTree,or, Oli .... r Sulky Plow, future, and, of course, "Happy" ing the grip, '. J Breakin, Plow., Cor.. Pleat.F, will always be there. Richard Hudman of, I?ayton ~s II head 9f Hor ... aad many oth_ ____ _ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!"!'!'!!!"''''!!!!!!!!!!!~ making an extended VJlllt to hIS er IU'ticl... ' granq-parents and aunt, Mr. and According to reports that 'We . are in a position to handle Mrs. Louis Trickey and Mrs. Alice reached WaynE,sville Tuesday anything you have to sell. Come Miller. evening, tbe S. Jilred & Co. store buy what you need. Mr. and Ml'II. Melvyn Swank and at Lebanon, one of the oldest and childre~ moved. last week fro~ I best known stores in Warren Sel'Yice _d a Square D..I to ' aU. R.t.. ...ery r .... ollAble. Dayton back With the latter S counW, was foreed to close its parents, Mr. ·and Mrs. Ed Longacre doors to the Ipublic, Tuesday Wayne.ville, Ohio ,' 'Phone 14 Entrust that tre.asured time piece of yours to Miss Ruth Early is much im- morning. The sa,me report says JOHN L. KEMP, Man. our expert care. proved from he.r recent illness. Ithat a petition in bankruptcy has Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett beef! flied, and thllt the Messr!). A. It will be returned with every pivot and bearing spent Thursday in Dayton. B. Kaufman and C. C. Eula s, of free from dust, oiled for another year's faithful , Mr. of Akron spent a Lebanon, have bE!en appointed to service. ' week te- act as receivers for the defunct I--- - -You are inc the machinery of the ;Lytle business. However, Wednesday at this store-and at Moderate Cost. elevator. morning's Dayton and Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray and papers failed to 'publish any acMr. and Mrs. Martin Dolan · of count of the f\linl~ of the suit. Blanchester attended the funeral • -~ ....- - of the former's brother, GeorKe Lebanon, Ohio Gray last week. Miss ~ar~ Corine Furnas of Route 15 lS III from the effects of the grip. Seventy-five pl~ople from WarTwenty. I8dies attel)ded the meeting of the Household Econom- ren county attended the fruit school last Tuesday at ics Project :at the hame 01 Ml'II. growers ' . " ){emorial Hall in Lebanon. The Jessie Longacre, Friday afterforenoon was devoted to the noon. ' . . ' study of the cultivation and disMrs. Leon Sahsbury and S~JI. ease control of I!mall fruits such Wendell, I'lpent the w.eek-end With as strawberries, raspberries grapes 1932 Chevrolet Coach ....... Radio EquippNi in Waynesville. etc. The afternoon was spent in Mrl!!~ Clyde Whart?n and daug~~ discussing the cultural pra,ctices cans 1932 Chev. Sport Roadater ........ 2580 milea tel', MISS E!~, were In Dayton Frl- and diseases of tl'ee fruits. At the day and vlslt,ed Mrs., Ro~ Lucas conclusion of thle Bchool a short 1932 Ch••• Coupe 1931 Ford Tudor who, is very III at Mlaml Valley examination was given those who G_..1 hosp I t a l . . ' attended the meeting. This arous. 1931 F rd C 193 1 Ch o oupe e •• ~an Mrs. Will PIne o~ Route 5, was ed a lot of interest and brought up 1931 Che~. Coach 1931 Ch••• Spt. Coupe called to Waynesville Sunday by many valuabl~ points. Everybody 1931 Ch••• Spt. Coupe 1931 Old. Spt. Coupe death of her mother, Mrs, who attended this session felt it 1930 ·C ha•• Spt. Roadder 1930 Ford Tudor Benjamin. ~i1Is. . . ' was well worth while and that they . • C";"_L 1929 Old.' Coach . Mr. W~l!a!" Graham IS not so had received a I.o t of good in193'0 Che... _..... well at thlS time. formation. Special !b;k 1929 8w.·ck I). Lu:& CouP. 1929 Pontiac Spt Roadlter.·/ Albert Stacy of Day to'll wall - - - _ ......- -- / lea,UILII!: on Lytle friends Monday. 1929 Chev. S"dan 1929 £.eexCoach . }Jrs. A. C. Thompson visited her 1928 Old. Sedan 1928 Studebaker Sedan son, oRy Williams and family in ____ 1928 La Sail. Sedui 1928 Buick Spt. Roadster Dayton, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E:li Reynolds and 12 ~-lb. sack 25c 24"-1b. lack 49<: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones attend- daughters Ivalene, Grace, Marjorie 1928 Chry•• 72 Spt. Road'r 1928 Buick Sedan ed the funeral of the latter's Jean, and Fran(:es Lorene, of or 24 ~ tb....dr 1928 Ch ••• Coach 1929 Che•• Truck brother-in-law, John Zimmerman Olive Branch, spent Friday even1931 Che•. Truck 1929 ,"ord Truck thiil Wednesday, at his late resl- ing with K. E. Thompson and , dence on Wayne St. in Dayton. family. 1927 Ch~•. Co:ach 1929 Ford Tudor Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mr. . Mrll. Mary Robe~tson and da\lghand Mrs. C. L. Duke and son ter, Zora, of near Kingman, spent 10 Ib Robert, Mr. and Mn. J. B. Jones, 'the week-end with P. Gi Wells and .ea., Talc or Clean ,Quick Mr. .and Mrs. Ed Loniaere, Mr. !family. , . Ih. and Mrs. Melvyn Swank and cb.il-I K. E. Thompson was in Dayton dren, M.r. and Mrs. Carl Pl.·Ckerin g land Xenia on Monday and TueSday. Country Club. No. 2 caDI and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Johns Rev. and Mrs. Jlames Lamb and ~aallDow.r ' OPEN EVENINCS. and Mrs. Harry Graham epent daughter, Miss Emma, Miss Hazel ALL DAY SUNDA¥ lb Saturday evening with Mr. and Little and the Rev. Mike Lamb and ' caN Phone 326 r ' Mrs. Kesler Graham, and daugb- family spen t last wee It ,with friends LEBANON, OHIO Special low price. Stock up tel', reminding Mrs. Graham that in Kentucky. . pt. 10e , =================-========~, Saturday was her birthdtly. . P. G, Wells andl daughter, Mrs. l 10b... Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Haines and Mary Robertson, spent Satur<iay Special low week end price t ... .IIJ. !!!!!'!!'!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!"!"''!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!ll\on, Robert of Dayton, were Sun- and Sunday with relatl~CII in
---... ...._---
Treat Given at the Jr.O.U.A.M. Dance
..... ., ••..w.,O...
.I• ..
L tl
Rep ' ort Sa'r. Fred'. Store is Bankrupt
Estimates Gladly furnished
w. H. MADDEN & CO.
A Service ,"Tonic" for Your Watch
Held Fruit Grower.' Schooillt Lebanon
.." "
eiu. Pork aad
a.a.... the
alze eaa. • at a .pecl.1
low latroductor), prlce-
Beech ·G rove
Avondale Z4~ 37c Country'C lub Lar"98~!cS1e86
Gold Medal
'fe_pl. Oraa.••
. . . . Clal...
8re. . . . . . .
Appl_ .....
I SS. . Ca....e 'I-Straw••r!'l••
'. J
Werk'aT. . Soap
SUPPE'R Pancakes·· Sausage·· Coffee At Grange .H all
Saturday, January 28, 1933
25 ceilt.
day evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Other callers at the Kenrick home Sunday were: Mrs. Belle C()on and daughters and Herman Albright of Dayton; Mrs. Adda Miller, of Columnus, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon ()f Waynesville, Messl'S John and Fletcher ~lade of Franklin. ' Relatives of Mrs. K~sler Graham tendered her a surprise Sunday in honor of her birthday, They arrived about noon with well fllled baskets and lovely presents. The gqeats were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E, White and 80M 6f Columbul, Mr. and Mn. John lI,el1l and daugh. Ml'_ and Mrs. aerman Albright lon, of Dayton, Mr. and IIrs. Albrllht and litt1e laeque alld lin. lIarr Murph), of
Hamilton. Mr. Cecil Lamb informs the B. G. reporter that he and his cousin Louie will leave soon 9n a trip thl'ough the wild west. Luck to you boys. A little Lal)'lb ha<s come to make its home with Sil Lamb and wife. K. E. Thompson and family entertained two m~<chi~e loads of younjll folk.s from .ltema on Saturday eveninlr. Mrs. Catherine Jordan, daughter Mis!! Hannah, sons Ed and Vernle, spent Sunday with Charles Owens, of Lebanon. -Will Gustin, W-8JD.eIIvllle poultrl dealer "'.,.,., .. r'. on Sund", afternoon. 1. Lee Talmallili of South Lebwltb ht.
5 pkp. . , .
To• •
I 1........ L.tt•••
Layer C.k.
Cri.p, freeh baked. Spedal
. Oven Preah dally. T .... loaf
4 . IOe
IS. Z Ise '01'
lb • • • • Devil', Food - Cocoanut MarahmaUow
Oat•••lc:. .k ...
.r ........... lb.,•• .........
lOda Craek.... a lb. plt.. l,e Country Club. Crl.p, Ilak,
lit. Ioef . . '
lb. lb.
--------Eighty-Sixth Year
Whole Number 6051
FEBRUARY 1, 1938
J, E. Me lure has just added a bit 01 lhe most recently adopted apPllra lul; to his funeral eq\lipment Ralph H. Carey, for the past Commenting upon the reaJgnaThe puzzle 8J! to the identity of robbery of the First National bt.nk The instrument il1 qu esti n. known seven years the mayol' of :Leb-anon, tion, the Western Star says: the two bandits who held up and at Morrow, which occurred a day Mrs. W . O. RapeI' is quite sic k. as the Uam sey P ortab le Addres ee the Marrowbones at the min- tendered hill resignation from that 'fIn presenti\1g bis resign.tlon, robbed the Waynesville National previoua to the Sabina robbery, office to the LeDanon council at Mr. Carey expreB8ed the pleasure bank on last September 22 has at have 80 far proved futile. Vern Rough is visiting relatives y ' tem, bl'oauC8lsts the softest, strel Thursday evening. sw eLest stra ins of pipe organ the clo e of a business session, held that has been his in serving a. last been solved, according to A. P. R. C. Riggs, assistant cashieI' of in Dayton. mu~ic fl'o m relcords originally W. E. O'Neall, of Green C;ove 'on Monday evening, January 2a. mayor of Lebanon (or three and dispatches from Wilmington under the Waynesville National bank, Gag, jokes and songs at lhe plll)'ed by the most famous artists Springs, Pia., is visiting relatIVes The resi,nation tOok effect. today, one half terms and stated that it date of January 81, and published went to Wilmington this morning, in this morning' Dayton and. Cin- in an effort to complete the inden. minstrel Thursday night. of the organ, and is so arranged here. I,nd on Thursday, Februa1'Y 9, Mr. was with regr t that he leaves the cinnati papers. The dispatch fol- Ufication ~f James Clift and thllt ten large . re·cord are played If iou want to know what a Garey will assume his duties as office. Council reluctantly accepted lows: . Wells as the bandits who held up John Stan berry and family without attention. from the opera- ease of spo okeretus is like come to ju~e 01 the Probate court 01' the resignation, . coniratulated "'T 0 of three men sentenced to the local institution. Since the have moved into the Penc flat. tor. Tho mllchinel which is placed the minstl'el. Warrell county, to which office he Judge.erect Carey and wished him life imprisonment Tuesday for hold·up, the bank has installed a was elected last fall, after having success in his new responsibility. Mr. and Mrs. Myel' HY\llsn spenL In a room out of s ight, operates robbing the First National bank of complete new bandit.proof arlll· Sunday with relatives in Blan. over a loud speaKer, and is control· Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shutts and defeated the present incumbent "Ca rl S. Bangham, who waa eleet. Sabina, 0., confessed last nicht ament, in an effort to prevent a chester. led by a compact system of remote family, of Lebanoll, were week·end for the Republican nomination at cd president of council at a meetauthorities said, that they also got recurrence ·of such a disaster. con trol switc h e~" the operator guests of relativel here. the primary election laat May. ing three weeks ago, automatically $3,()OO in a holdup of the Way___ _ • R. F. Hatfield spent unday with lJcl ng enabled to regulate the _. succeeds to the mayoraity. The Mrs. Florence Hay bas been a vacancy t hus created will be filled nesville bank. his. mother, Mrs. Marne Hatfield, in tempo and the vo lume of !lound by a Mingle turn of the switch. Nor guest at the home of her daughter Alot by appointment in tbe hands of "They are Jsmes Clift, of )lie-h· Lebanon. doe the music have the ordinary Mrs, Lyman Day, and lamily for an It eo a IY' council. Council at the present . mond, Ind., and Howard Wells, of near Lebanon. Sentenced with fhe .Miss Clara LlJe wa s Cl)nflned to grating ound of mechanical music some time. , . ., time includes O. M. Abbott, Carl them wilen they pleaded guilty was the hous.e several days. suffering I n fact, a per on unaware of the Mr. an d M i le Gray and VUI ' to econ s. Bangham, Frank A. Ditatush, rs. Orvi Century CI~b witil laryngitis. Russell E. Clift, aloof Richmond . p)'esence of the machine would be daughter were Sunday guests at AI _J Clarence Dunham, R. Wilds Gil· "The men said they sccaped in ",' Mr. and Mrs. James Hawke, of a~ u .. ed that he was liste ning to t he home of his father, John T. InUruer ar.e chrillt and J. A. Schilling. , "Mr. Carey entered the mayor'. an automobile which they had Springfield, called on relatives the very fine st of organ s, which he Gray, in Wellman. really is. office January 1, 1926 and ia senstolen in Richmond. They we nt to The New Century club enjoyed here, Saturday afternoon. Dayton, where they separated, MI'. Me lure tells us that the in· Mrs. Lou Vinson, Mrs. Tansey Accol'ding to this m01'1ling's Ing his fourth term. He has been Clift going to Columbus and ~ells the first meeting of the New .Year Mr. and MI'1I. Atonzo Curl, !itrument is portable, as its name and Miss Jean Ferguson, of Day- metropolltan paper, B()b ~WICK, a practicing attorney in Lebanon to West Carrollton. with Mra. Wilbur F . Clark as Misses Annie and Marne Brown denote!!, and may be u cd where· ton, were cilliers at the J . Will repute<! to be Soutnwestern for nearly 13 yeara havin, been "They Ilaid Ru sell Clift was at hostess, Friday afternoon. were Xenia vi8itors~ Saturday. ever lcctl'ic cUTl'ent is available. White home, Tuesday afternoon. UnlO'S moat notorious bandit ano admitted to the bar in June 1920 iangster, has pleadea not gUilty \0 following his graduation from the s fair at Lebanon, when the The first number on the program Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons were The set include two lOUd speak. ers and , a .microphone, design~d Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jack . Davill 'ha~e it. lIecono charie of muraer, pre. Cincinnati Law School." Waynesville bank was held up. "The three got '2,300 in the was a vocal 80]0, "When Honey in M4son Friday evening, the especially for USCl in large bome so ld theIr home at Ubc!l and w!ll ferred apinst nlm jn the hamll. The Miamj Gazette jolnll in con. Sings the Old-time Songs," by Mrs guests of Mr. and Mr . Carl Sanker fun ra) where all friends may not. soon take u~ their' reilidence In ton county courts at. Cincinnati. gratulations to Lebanon fo"t hav· abina robbery." Wells and the Clift brothers had F~lu).k LeMay. The subject for .the A. H. Stubb conducte.d the be eated within range of hearing. apa~tmeJIts 10 the home of Mrs. 'fhe second murder charge places ing had such an able and efIlciellt responsibility for the death of mayor, and in wishing for the been indicted by the Clinton af·t ernoon, "Ohio-Fl'om Saddle- funeral of Jacob Bunger, an old The repertoire of records already SadIe Conner. Friends of Mrs. Rilla Burnet RODerl H. Andres upon his Judge.elect even greater aurceu County grand jury at Wilmington bags to Electritity," was a bly friend, at. Lewillburg, Saturday include~ some of the ma terpieces of musIc ar.r anged for the. organ, have received wotd t hat she sufAccording' to the Cin· than he ha s attained In his former on the charge of having held up treated by Mrs. C. M. Hou,h and afternoon. and robbed the National bank'Itat Mn .F. H . Farr. A vocal solo, - --+Em o each played by an artist, for fered a slight stroke of paralysis cinna~ .i!;nquirel', Zwick not only office. I Know That My Re· last week but at present her condl- pleaded not gUilty to tbis secono Sabina. U pon th c i r pea 0 f ~I Y "Gypsy Love Song," by Mra. Mrs. Charles Ord has retorned to instance, her home In Detroit after a three- de nlel' Lweth," by Handel. The tion is thought. to be improved: ,barge, but hIlt attorney s intend to to this charge, Judge Clevenger LeMay, closed the program. a cunie of venue to some had impose~ the maximum penal~y Atter adjournment little Klases month s visit at the home of Dr. collection will be added to from time to time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew and other County court in case this NOTICE - life lmpnso nmcnt In the OhlO Betty al\d Dorothy Younce annd. Mary L. Cook. Mr. Me lure aliI() intends to add their houae Kuelt, IIrs. L,dia caae comes 1.9 \rial, pen itentlar.y . E1forts to connect daughten of the hosteaa: en~r. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of Zwick reported to have ()l·iginal. thelle culprits with the hold-up and tained the club and visitors with Dayton, v\lIited Waynesville relll- a number of po,phlar and secular Presnall, of Fainnount, Indiana, records to his collection, and will attended Farmer's' Inatitute at Iy been 'II resident of Middletown, On account of the fact that vocal mualc. tivea, Tuesday evening and attend· gladly place the outfit at the Harveysburg Tuellday. The InBti- conducted a rei,n of terror in this E. B. Murrell, Treasurer, hal )frs. Clark, assisted by her ed the dance. OBITUARY ervice of chur(:hea and other tute wall a suece88 in every way, section of the state two or three extended the time of pardaughters and cranddaughten, a,o, durinK whicb time some Inent of taxes without penaltJ Misses 'Louella Williams nand societies to furn.i h . mu sic f~r and their display of posten, T_-C erved a moat dainty and tempting Sal'ah A., daughter of .-. hmeh. Invited guesta were Mra. Doris Hawke spent SundllY ill lawn fetes, soc'lsls, etc. ThIS quilts, ruga and baking was worthy ot our citizen. claim to have 'rom .January 20, 1988 to of note. . recognized hia appearance on our Saturday, February " 1938, I and Rachel Wood,. was born .De. Mary Carmony, of Lftle, Mrs. 'Middletown, guests of Mr. and service he intend to be grati . cember 26, 1847, m Waynesville, Claude Riggs, Mn. C. W. Younce Mrs. Mark McMillan. streets on various occasion.. He nave also extended the limit 011 was finally wounded and captured payment of Dog Tal[ until that and di d January 22, 1933, aged and daughters, and Mrs. Paul 85 years and 2'1 days. She attend· Flory, of Dayton, Mrs. C. T. HamMr. and Mrs. Will chuler, ,Mr. after a battle with a young police- date. P·l elBe Becure 'Y our IIcellH by man in Toledo, a few weeks ago, ed . the local .school and b~came a mond, of Ashland, Ky., Mrs. ':A. K. and Mrs .. Char1es ~ay and Roy Pig. WAYNE~~ILLE teac~er . until h~r mamage to Day, Mrs. Maurice Silver, Mn. R. ott spent Sunday with relatives Ial' . rd\ . and, aa loon al able to starld the that time, otherwise a penalt)' BenJamm F. Mllls on February A. Conner, Mrs. W. E. Cornell, and friends in Cincinnati. trip, was returned to Cincinnati of ,1.00 · will be added. Yours respectfully, to face .. number of serious 13, 1868. To them were born Mrs. G. C. Dibert, Mn. D. C. Ridge Maynard Rl'ch .Gnd J ohn Geyer, I' threll of whom ~ Perlon. it, in tile H.ad.hak. A lady with upraised browl, cbarges that were being held sev e.n "hlldren Y ' and Mrs. J , W. Lots. of Wittenberg colle . ge, spent the WILL R. LEWIS, with the father have proceeded the ' Pethap you think a handshake languidly' gave me her hand as again at him. He had been wanted Auditor n'lothet In dea\h. Mr. . and Mrs. - - • week·end with the former's is a ldvial lhin.g, but to an though she were the Pl'ince88 of the police of several .Ohio cities Mills were permitted to enjoy paren.ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich. ob erving person i't is the keynote. The Delettable IIleB. To me she the char,e8 at Cincinnati were more than 64 years of a beautiful . Mr. and Mr . Clarence Edwards to one s personality. Though was only dislrullting, thoulrh 1 u",ameu to be the most important, and remarkable companionship. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank sometimes your opinion thus think she thought ahe w~ do in, the l5urest of conviction;-' Of Mother Mill$ we can best speale. Shutts, of HaT'V1!ysburg, were din. form d i very wr~'ng, usually it is me the rreatest favor in the world. !lS the Proverb from her Bible to ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. rig-ht. ' . Another lady -wall 80 enrroued which she adhered so closely as al Elsewhere in tbi. ia'Il.e-:W4i,-&M-Ht-a-'~:h.---Once at a publk aiTair, when I In what ahe w~ saying to me that vietory. Yel, sir; that is just what Friend. "Strength and dignity are publishing the financial report of wa being introdulced to a young she kept shatll1&' my hand for happened at Morrow last Friday her clothing; and she laugheth at the Wayne T.owrlllhip Board of Mr. and Mrs. Ru sel Marshall and man, he Yery condescendingly of· three minutes. After she had finish. niiht; t he time to come, she openeth her Education for the year 1932. This daoghter, and Mr. and M.rs. Olyde fered me two finge lrs to makel Not ed her story she said, "Oh, r forWhat a pmel Fast and fUriOUB mouth to wisdom; and the law of ia only one of thill kind of reports Everhart, of Middletown, called on to be outdone I off,ered hjll! one of ,ot to shake hands I" and calmly from .tart to finiBh. In the whirl. Speaking before a recent meetkindness is on hel' tongue. She that are required by law and that Mr. and Mrll. Fred Everhart, mine and much to his embarraas· proceeded to do so, much to my wind, 1I0rrow klltpt pace with Ing of the Lebanon Gran. ., IIr. looketh well to the ways of her are annually publiahed' in ~The Sawrdayevell in g. ment he was forced to take it. The discomfort. However she wall 'onl, Waynesville. Waycehs ahowed ex. Charles H. Bohl, county IUperiDopinion .instantly formed in my an absent-minded old dear to me ceUent team work. The "Two Gold tendent of schoola, ,ave a 'Ve17 household, Ind eateth not tbe Miami Gazette. Others include bread of idlenes. Her children similar reports from the municipal Mrs. Clyde Bunnell and Mrs. mind that he wall an egotistical, and I minded It not at all. Duat TwilUl" (our guards) were comprehensive explanation of the rise up and CIU her ble .sed, her corporation, and the Board of Roy Luc'lis were returned to their good-ror.naught alld how I .would . These instances lllustnte a ff!W like two demo'ns in the IaBt halt, much disCUSBed Kort plan for the husband, also, and be pl'alseth her Towllship Trustees in both Wayne homes, last Thursday, from Miami love to 6ick a pin in the bubble of of the many types of handBhakes. all over the fioor, and what a de. operation ot sehools iD Oblo. saying. "Many daughters have and 'Musie township8. · Valley hospital, Dayton, where his conceit. Upon closer acquain- It is my personal opinion that feole. At the end of the half, Superinte~dent Bohl pointed out done virtuoullly, but thou excellest May -we urge upOn our readers they had been taken for treatment. tance this opinion was only 'everyone has his own individual the Bcore was 15 to 10 in favor of . .the OhiO School Surv.,. Com· them all." She , had been a.most the importance of reading theBe reMr, and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock verified. handshake and by this theory Jam W. H. S. The list half was . very mISSion, appointed at the reqa.et patient lIufferer for Beveral yean, ports carefully in orderthataclear and family, of Wilmington', and At the same ~ft'lIlir anot~er m~n e!la. bled to make a pretty ~ood e~. fast and the outcome Wil.l vety . of the governor, proposed that but always ready to (teat her insight may be glined into the Mrs. Lena Hartsock were enter. took my hand lD :a vice·hke rrlp ttmate of what a person 18. or 11 certain until the last few minutes n\lc1eU8 of the school 8ystem be friends "\tilth a smile. The death of matter of how oor public funds tained, Sunday, at the home of and s hook it , vigorously. Though not. Rutll PennlDgton when Wayne.ville pulled awa; saved by establishlnr iI mlnimuDl her husband and oonatant compan· are uled. So many people are Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, the my band felt like a piece of pu lp, W b Vi t A.' from Morrow the final 8core being level to be guaranteed, by the state ion left. for }ler many lonely houn prone to live heed to wild rumorl occasion cele brating the birthday [ liked that man. T~ me he was a,ce • are c o~. I ID 26 to 20. ' Local rroper~y ta~tlon, which which only Carrie could cheer. of needleu expense and extrava- anniversary of Mrs. Lena Hart. trying t9 show his mteresll and Bang! Another Injun hit the Keep up the good work, team, a~pears lD8uft\clent lD many d . On Sunday m()ming at ~Ix gance, when, if the)' would only sock. friendship through that handshake. dustl WaftAIVW. has another and come on W. H. S., let's back trlcts to support even the curtailed o'clock after several days of In· take the time and trou~le to read t hen with our cheering I ]lrC)g~am8 of 1938, would be nIlevtense Bu1feringj theae reports, and 80 inform them- ~ The Reserves .won a very hard. ed to the extent of the! state aid "Th f 11 UPOll the bOUle a Iud. selvea, their opinions would Rei4 fou.,ht game, fighting from behind guara~tee. . '. . d:~egl~om • doubtless be dift'erent. That III.the -'='" '='-=" ~to win out. The score at the end ·· H~ .explalned that althoueh, no A h d n those features fair purpose for which the iaw requtrea of the first quarter was .7 to 1 and ~rovlslbn ~as been made for rail:nd th'fn a . ' t h e reports to be publtahed. it looked all Morrow, ' but once m~ th.e s~ate. funds to bit ,uled In .\nd "Jowly fl'O~ that bushed Ind - - - - - ••- - the boys started, there was no t?lS eq~ahzatlon prorram, the taxa darkened room holdlni them back, and , victory tlon wlil not be on real. estate beTwo angels issued where but one came by their hard work in . the yond th.e maximum 3-mll~ prond. went in." torm of a score of 26 to 19. cd f.o~ In the commis8ion I report. . II S C AddItIonal revenue must be obtain. ~ . . ed from other sourc~a. She leavea to mourn her pusln, C .... WitJa Weal Caorrolltoa Emmor D. Bailey, a member of three daughters, Carrie at kome, Miami Valley Council J. O. U. • h . F b· . . legialative committee; Ruth Pine of near Centervil1e and On Satu rd ay mg t, e ruary ~, and grangE! a former Wayne.vme bor. Minnie Coleman of near Alpha A, M., is makinl' preparations to the Wayc~hs leave. the county fot' gave an interestin, report of the and one son, Wilbur of California, entertain the other Councils of a ,arne With West Carro11t?n~ The meeting held recently at ColUinbu. the 18th Obio diatriet at a bill' nlso five grandchildren and one school of West Carrollton IS m~ch for the of dlseuuln. rural who baa been' aa • erandchild and class initation to be held in· the t.h ln t/lat at Way~esvll1e that wUl come before two great grandchildren with • local ball on Frlda, evening, Febt heIr team competes wI~h ! he Ohio Generel Auembl at the ruary 1'0. One of the best degree number of relatives and friends larger schools of . the dllltrlct. current eell,llion. . y 1 llta«a in tbe Ohio order will con· who feel as the poet, However, Waynesvdle hal! het . fer the rltuallatic work upon a ~ope8 and a lood ·f\ahting spirit. , - - ~ ~. "We loved her, for IIhe gave us of large claa of candidatell ~at ia There will be two gamea, th e Hob~D herself, to be recruited from the variou. fi rst squad and· the reserves. And giving, brought us to • hiaher CouncUa ··tbrou,hout the district, W. M. B. . plane, . and from neigbborlnlr Counclla• . We mourn, and deeply mourn a Tb.ere il a Itron, probability that J_,.". New. woman, . one of the mOlt brimant and .m olt All that we Junlora have to lIJy The Rt. Reverel\.d 'B enry W\ae A noble woman whom God saw It aucceuf.1 of the ),ounrer political is, buy your pencilll of us t04ay. Hobson, Bishop of the Southera to give. leaders in this lIetion of .Ohio will T~o fora '"IIickle. That'B cheap Ohio DiocUII of the ProteRaat Ah, 8urely, wben the portal opened be a member of this cia... Tbe enoucb and we Iruarantee that chun:h, wUl b. at . 8t. .,,14ft. . pr.s'41nl' oftlc'f flf the 4istri~, they're rood stuft'. • ...__ ft··_ Suna, monu.... 1'9 'e~ the gll@ Wtl ~{lv! sp 11',,1 1IJU flop. G. L. Stlill'1l8, of ltlanphester Have 10U leen the new melvbers February 12. A cordial i~vJtatfoD in il' 1"i~ol"'", 1h. name of the dein the .Junior clasa:--Ruth and to come and hear BiBbop BOHoD The angel biddin. 'W.lcome, ..itl, PH that w1ll ollota-. bu. Neva. They're back at lehool. ill enended to all flWelJ done, miD' of the lar membe... art ttl B. G. - - - -•• - ••- - - 0, Servant, tbou wat falth-ful \0 the oplnloll that It wtU be the MES LOVELY BUYS the end. MiltON team~d the,. are n01l1 S.aior N.w. - - - -... - • better. POOL aooll IN PIlAKKLIN Lut week the Senion were busily SIGNS CONTRACT It the weath~r \a propltioua, a big occupied, durinr _.everal extra street parade, l..d b, the drum cUrricular periods, witlt b\l8ineu Hltrlan Wysong announced thla corpa of the Lynebbara Coancil, pertalnin, to graduatioD and other 1"'.~fellti(ID wellk 'bat he would alp a ecm- will precede the meeting. At least eveDu to be b,ld later ID thl' trac!t to retum to B;ouaton. Tena, one, and .,robab17 more, of the edtool,eer. of the THai Leape tIUI SprlDtr. State CoUDCQ olleen wiD be in It baa beeD decided that we ,Ive Wywong pitched for· Houston tile attenclaace. Dad • apecIaI Invlta. a "Prom," ,rovieIlD, that the latter part of la.t le&I01l ad ti01l hu been uteaded tbe ilDaDCU of the cJua aN nlllelat ftnilhed with a lfOod averqe of Bem. ClaN1Iee J. BroWb, • lb'other to IOftl' eapeuea, TIM 1IIQa}. ~....lt. PPlel won. 01 tile Blucla.ter eo"DelL Of . . . . . . . . . 01 The . Bouton teUIl tralaa at cov., aD __but of I1Ie Order, ) _1UI.olle hoa. ud will opeD tNlftlnc ............ it ..... their ....... 10ft about J(aleh 1. W"... will _ 1fta, ........n........., lao we ..... at that Se 11"""", ~ to .. i4~
Hi,tory of Ohio ia Recounted 'for New
d· PI d S tv
Financial Report. Now Being Publi.bed
W II E i
. ntertain
Cla•• lm-t·.oIat.-OD
Bi'hop to Vi.it St. Mary'.
of Ed In H. mith, eI.e ••Md, was approved, allo ed Illd c:onftrmed by the couto II len S. Hall~ock. adm Inlstraof state ot Geol'Kl! L. Schenck ~Il'd her first and final
LI Ie tI, DistrIct ScAool as It Existed in Wavne 70wflship for l' ears
Best of the ew Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
COL\lMBUS-The joi nt. resolu- LaBt y UI' lh(' ('ollll'l\i~~illn co. l ~l1c Colllmen PI ••• P " ioc •• ediil'l,a tion pr'oposing an amendment. t.o ~ ... te $IlS6,OO(), $1011,(100 lJerng M.rri.... Lic ..... the Constitution tJf the United ChargNI to tho cigal'ette Lux 1n th ca ~ r The Ma,on BuildSam H,·nl..h '\('11' 1" 1'{'("' iI'Q ,:J5 Lani('k lo the c(lunty pl'o!<ecutinlt By THE HOOSIER Ralph V. hase. foreman, of States flltinlt lh commcncem~nt bureall, which l'eturnl'(1 til the pel' month r ill' j'iqht month,.. whil!' lIt 0,'11 ~' to nr:.c rtain hi~ decision inli(, Lonn and .Iwin.' I). versus Juat Illst jo'rid"y afternoon, an- tho I'll!!! " url1 to ht' puid .1 0 mure 1111 the matler. \ . )''''rank • heritt a'nd Elizabeth Loveland. and Miss Hehm M. Reid of th term oJ President and Vice geller'al rl'V nul' fUlld ' of the stat President. and members of on- in a little ovel' 15 months, lh Rum ath r rood Irl nd told m II nother mOl'!' Lh" ~un\(o itflll'. ,11('cin 1 I1weting wo. called on Sheriti. olltirmatiorl, clocd and tenog"apher, of ;oveland. grcss and fixing the time of the of $6,331),584. Admini~lering the At this m~(ll in,.;, the board al,.\1 I Sept 'mbt' I' 1 • but Boon adjoul',u~d di tribtltion. Deficil1n.:y jud!\,ment amusing ann~cdote of tbc l.ytll' Re.1 Eatel. Tr.n.'.... as en,lJling of ongre~, perhaps gasoline tax cost $lI10,UOO per !!chool tll~l', with (tbe requ At ri cided to bU)' Ii ,I' ~ hy 0 foot l until .'cptl'mbl'r 21 when Attorney fur !l .22. that it be incillded ill thi. chrOll- m ri an fllIg rut· I'llch S honl l BUIT. or L 'banOn. was employ d In lh Cll)le of 11I1'Y Brumfield Gw ndolyn B. S hotwell and John better known as the "Lame Duck' year and the net l'e,'enue to th amendment, has be n adopted by slate was $39,328.002. The elMsIe! . The late WnilM Tibballs at houstl. t., \'''pr ,'cnt the board'!; int relit vel' us Everett Brumli ld. it is 01'iId a farm n ar ~ L, ' hot..'c ll to Mutual Buildlni · ilied tax in its firRt ye.al· of operat h& t un l' s t nn d Chllt'l ~ n. (;1 m(,l1t~. Uw newly i n thl' rl'covery of ~ori\ mj)'nppro- del'cd that. service by pubJi atioo nnd Lonn Co., inlot No, 806 In the General Assembly oC Ohio. The amendment. -provides that tion will show collect.lons Q.( $18, Lytle, nd WIIS bitt rly ¥po~(> to cl rk lIf Waytl<' town~hip. printed school funds, which, be Inll-d • - - - · - - - - --f"l<oonkJin. - -the instell_tinn of speclall'<chool pl·C . ented hi~ bond U$ ('lerk t' - r- I ltcthel' with other funa hull causod In til ('all of Id:a B. ram r Dora T. Pa"ker, et al to Rnbert the terms of the President and 000,000 from intangib l Ii and dl triCit. Quite early lIn tho morn- lieio of the bAni f educution ut l th allicin of a tornlerly trusled , vel':.\us Harold rume(' it is ordered Borden. inl9t No. 325 in Franklin Vice President 8hll11 end at noon ·sup rvisio n of th ~nllectio n 01: on the 20th day of January, the $44.000,000 on pf'I'Ro nal. tangible!'! ing of the day upont which vo~- the Au 'ust 17 ml'elin"'. clet! officinl. that. service by "ublication be (I "ubtho di·triC" .. The bond and ,. r~op ~r" ... Myrtle R. Young to harles S. terms of Senators nnd Rcpres nta. paid into county trengunes. . .... { t he tn""res r <> c • wo in thl' pt.'nal f;l1l11 of $/iOO, ctobnr 18, n motion was adoptmade. t L tlo lr ' Ivin s and, GladYij H. Ivins, real ~s- tives at noon on the 31'd day Of ,_. I t' y " . I)nd ~Vl\, ~iA'11 d by J. W. 'Yhite cjl by th boaI'd to sul>mit a prollThe ca.s of lI.fary Adele Jone~ tate in Turtlecreek township. held t h Ou' e ec Ion a January, of the years in which Aft I' foul' weeks of le~ is lative and hitche I I n-' A, latflU o. ,un~til'''. It \\' I\S I',-Itlon to the TI"u st('('s of Wayne vel' us Floyd Reed idi mis.cd Tlbb.Us rod to town, I '1' t.t"d hor e to 'o ne ., ,, ~ ~ George. Bauer and Mamie E. such terms would have ended if sessionR the eneral Assemb ly of lar spo t· t 'I 'mmccli duh.,., ac 'ontl'd by th .. boatel. Ei .... ht lo\\ II· . h'lp thnt .. ach take half of "'I'thout record_ his .aml ·tch· t' . . . ' n Bauer to Louise M. Kesling, real this article had not been ratified, Ohio is sta rting ill the fiflh week of •t h hI mgb pos . , e\\ht'n 1 ad the- COPI' of Rand & Mcl'rnll.\·'s tins thn' Ilnlount of money remainin'".. In th ~ case of Trumall N. Cn son e tate in Clearcreek township. wCl'e buup:ht far 6 \l r copy fol' in bonk as funds of ea h yrganiza- ve~sus lariett a Cas!:on, I'cstrainAnnie I. Ir\vin to Maude E. and that the terms of their 8ucces- with almost a clean Rlate as far I t ely a very uSy. n . . result of the election became the use of the Vl\rillu" ('l1~lolll. llnd lion. They th nrc t'd f r a joint ing ord r \\as g'rtmted. No bond nkle. real estate in Deerfield sors shall then begin. The Con- an nacting leftislatiory is concerngress shall allsemble at least once d, only two billl< having becn known that evening, wall !l0 stun- the Eclecti o1'i(' of te·t books n1l'('tln~ wilh th4i township tru - reQuir tI. in every year, and such meetinjp e nacted into law, bj)th merg ~cy ned that · he1 set forth for his wa unanimoual'.' adopted .tall use l •. ft _. an" til latter offici.al aCIn th case of Wa.ltet A . Poos p. hill faith ...., '-'" A nni I. Irwin to Ma~de Hinkle. h ome, en t Ire y ~~o r ge tt'ng I 0 pali ~ntlv- durin ,,~ ... the next five , y ar~. EliJ·a. h. cdpted their proposition. A com- ver us Jam . aul. trl' a} was had . 93.59 acres in Deerfield township 911all begin at noon on the 3rd apPI'op l'iatiolll4. A total of 266 bills ~ d 'h' h f uI .ee. W Ie was s day of January, unless they hall have been introduced lind this may ~ . ompto, .... wa. !'1C'ctt'li !'IeI've It. n·liHee of on 11'1 tnberofench board Petition dillmissed. rE!strainin 01'' f h' .. t the hitthing .to. Herman Kuhnappel to William be increased to six hundred or wait 109 or I1U n truant offlcet' lit n (lIQl'Y of 26 WII ~ teetI'd for th purpose ot d· der di solved. Hendel'el', 38.43 a~res in Salem by law appoint a different day. The amendment further pro- mol' before th dst of t he d ad pOst. Nor did he remember the ~ year. I'!'ecting a compromi e with th.. In tl1e case 01 JOines Rossman town ship. pllrht of the poor bea t until th Thi. mt'eting ('ndeu harle 0. \ t'fltAte if po~sible. Mes r8_ J. B. versus Th Frankliin Township incent Seiler to Sei! r Motor vides for the line of succession in line which by legislative n.lj!~ next morning. However, ,alihou~h Woolley' mllny year of very!. pre ident ot the board of township Tru tees. Judgment to plaintill' Cllr 0., real estate in Deerfield the Vice President 0 '1' the persons takcs place on 'rue <lny, 'February lrom wbom the House of Repre- 7th. Tile legisit\tion introduced Lo greatly disappointed with the r - ficieDt; senicl' II the clerk of the trust es) and J . D. Gllrd compo!)cd (or $1655.56. sentative may choose whenever the date concicts principally of elecsuit 'Of the election, 1\11'. Tibball ~ Dyne Town hip Boattl of Educa- this committee_ Luther Spencer was found guilty township. Marion S_ Hardy to Mabel Frasheld no bitterne s. and jovially oll . May 1 add that gleaning the iter recoO\'enlng, the board re- of the affidavit flied against him er Holthaus, real e>'tate in Turtle- right of choic shall hnve dev lop tion, taxation, motor vehicles j oined in the merriment his lap e ll ed upon them. Immediately upon and repeal of prohibition measproceeding. f th board from tne fused to pay the tuition of th and tilled $260 and cosls'. creek township. the adoption of the joint resolu- ures, together with scores of minor of. memory had occasioned. minutes he record d has been in- Larl'ick children in the WaynesGeorge Beckelheim er was found Edith Haye8 to Wilbur S. lIlar- tion by the General Assembl y of bills. When the board as embled for deed a plea ur and inter stin/t ville school, and the clerk wall In- guilty at the affidavit filed again t hall and Catherine Mal'1lhall , 101 Ohio it was filed with /3ecretal'Y of ::::::::::::::::::::=:""':~=-::-=~~ reorganization, April 15, 1895. privileg no a task. structed l s cure the names of him and fined $500 and costs. acres in Clearcreek township. - - the withdrawal of special di trict. larence Brown's salary a~ th presid n of nil township Th ca e of Etull B. Larrick Karl'y S. Sprong t~ Edwin Hix- tate George S. Myers, and that official torwarded to Governor from the township organization teacher in No, 6 was increased school boards in Warren county. versus Sylvan E. Gu stin, et Ill, son, inlot No. 79, In Franklin. had reduced its Toster to eighL to $40 per nl!lnth after Ge!ll'ge in order that they might be con- was dillmis ed without record. harlell E. Mears and Emma G. White a certification of ihe action member, Three of tbese--W. J. Vetter 11ad made nn earnest plea I ulted in T gard to the matte}) of The ea e of John J. Barr versus Meal' t.o Charlotte Blakely Eld- of the General Assembly of Ohio. placing the state in the roll of Retalick, Nathan Jone and Georg in hi Lehalf at the Odob I' 19 teacll 1'8: salnl'ie~. Elijah Compton Mason Canlling Co., Inc. was dis- ridge, real e tate in Franklin. Vetter--had been re-elected fol' meeting. The bOBl'd al 0 authoriz- was rehired a truant officer, but nti sed without record. J. Warren Wood and Helen L. states ratifiying the proposal which three-year urm , and Mr. Jones ed J_ W, Taylor to e 'erei e hi own hi salal'Y wa cut tQ $15 for the The ca e 0'( Lucy Meloy outh- Wood to People's Building. Loan will become the 20 Amendment SO Yeal'S Experience In was c.ont.i nued in the office of judgment in having r pairs made year, and h as required to keep ard versus Direct Mfg. Co. and & Saving Co., 66.32 acres in to the Constitution of the UniLed States. Fitting and Making Glagea president, 0 no changes were at the chool hou e in No. 10. an itemiz d account of his work. Frank Coburn \ as disml sed with- Clearcreek township. Mr. D. A. F nee aliI) ar d beAt a lIpecial meeting, held No- out record. Joseph Francis l\fcKinney to Warden P. E. Thom now has noted In its personnel. The teacben of tbe variou. districts pre- fore the board at the regular vembel'f 13, after a joint s ssion New Suib Grace McKinney, 14.0 acres in over 4,000 "boarders" lit the big "nted a petition a kin, for the meeting held on February . 16, with the Town ship trustees. at Turtlecreek town8hlp. institutiOn in West Spring L.b.lloll. Olaio apPointment of II township super- ] 97, and "g v a talk upon a whieh tbl' compromise committee Mary Brumfield v,~rsu Evel'ett Thomas J. Furman and Alice During 1932 new arrivals Tue.d.,., Tburada),. S.harda,. intendent. This petition was at serie of bookS he I seJling to be reported it progress, Clerk Clem- Brumneld, fOI' divorc:e. Furman to William . E. Humphrey umbered 1838. The oldest prisonE •• mln.tlon Fr.e ftnt laid on the table. but was used a a lii)rary." The board de- ents reported that he had Kentu!!ky Sanitary' Bedding Co. and Jo sie Humphrey. 64.27 acres er received was 83 lind the youngLEBANON. ORIO later taken up, and was denied by lerred action until 0 later date_ l th names of the presidents of versus J. B. HoPpinlr, tor mQney . in Turtlec1'eek tOWnship. est 15. There were 407 between a recorded vote 01 five to three. Philip Surface read an interest- vaTious township school boards in James Ro smart versus The Lura Well , deceased. to David the ages of 30 and 84. During the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Levies for t.he next three yeal'5 ing statem nt in regard to the this county. "The bonrd in lluucted Franklin Township 'Tru stees, for We lls. real estate in Mason. 205 parole violators were reo were adopted as follows: Tuition ~ransPol'tation of pupils, and ,also the ~Ierk t~ correspond with 1hese money. Federal Land Bank to Harvey turned. There were 183 ill iterates, $2500, Contingent $1000, pring mformed the board that he had pr~sldents In an endeavoT to get.8 M. Burnett. 86 acres in Clearcreek 883 with high school education and Valley Tp. $90; Clearereek Tp_ changed teachers at the Rat Tail unIform aalary fot' teache~, thl Pro bat. Court P r oceedin.a township. 1.246 with common school training ,80 school becau e of the pllor h alth board Buggested tht experlenced Nellie Davl , administratl'ix ot Frank' Black, by executor, to T~achers for the next year were of the former teach r, C. A, teach ra be paid $35 pel' month estate Of Etta W~I 0:0, uecealJ- Robert Blickenderfcr real estate in The annual elinn r dance of the 1I1red aa follows at the regular Brown. His action WM comm nd- and inexperienced teacher ,be paid ed, filed her inventclry_ Hamilton township. State Employes' Beneficial AsWAYNESVILLE, OHIO JIleetiDI beld June 17: Mami ed and ratified by th board. ~30 per montlJ, and also allow Mary B. Chapman and Emmor Amos C. Brehm, deceased, to Ida sociation will be beli1 Wednesda) Miller. No.1; Whittier Burnet, No Walter Wilson, No.8, and J. D. them the janitor fee of $8 peT Bailey executrices 0.1' the estate T. Brehm, inlot No.3 in Spring- evening, February 15th, with din- Phone 80 Bank Bldg. I' Charles Austin No.5; F. M. Gard. No. 13.. wel'e the new m onih." Elizabeth B. Bailey, deceased, filed horo. ner served in Memorial Hall and McOoy No 6' Waiter Henkle. No. l1lenibel'8 wbo appeared at the reAt the joint session, the tw o their inventory. McKesso n-Vogeler Drug Co. to the dance held in the Elks Home. 7; Th~ma~ RoCers, No.8; Man- organization m£leting held April boards selected the Messr!\. O. J. A certified COJlY oj; the entry de- William K Bools, real estate in Over 800 members and guests 8)'C FOR SALE DATES CALL uel Brown, No. 10; Rhoda Aldrige 19, and John V. Bur!{elt 'Was Edwards, J. B. Gra~am, J. V. Bur- termining the inheritance tax on Loveland. le}:pEtctIBO, including Governor No. 18. Eac.h, with tbe exeception cho en to serve as president for gett and Nathan Jones as members the state of J ohn ~, . Groves, de- Carl and Oaroline Schaub to Vind members of his cabinet of M:r. Rogers, was to receive $40 the year. The Rev_ .John F. Cad- of a joint committee to gQ to Leb- ceased, i to be cel·tifled without cent Seiler. real estate in Loveland state officials and members per month for a term of eight W8l1a~er, het' gua~~lBn. present~d anon Bnd accept service of a sum- delay. Howard and Margaret Corwin of the General As embly. SecremonthA lb Rogers reeeiving ,35 the 111gh school tUItion bill of MI mons in a Bult that had been JQhn H. Bean was appointed ad- to Waldo Corwin. real estate in tary J . Manney announces that per m~nth • for tbe ~me period. Elizabeth Ward, (late Mr • Fred brougHt against the two boards llJinistrator of the ~l88te of Mary Har]an township. the new State Employe MllIlua) J. F. lrIiI8eldine wa. again employ. B. Sherwood) and a~ked that it be jointly. However, this suit never A, Bean, decea ed, lind filed bond Sallie W. Carson to Charles E. and Directory will be ready for dl ed aa truant otftc:er at a salary of paid the same n5 that of a Box- came to trial. Our records !!~em to with sl,Iretie, Siulluel Colwell. and Emma G. Mears, real e tate in tribution within the next thirt)' JESSE STANLEY ,25 for the Ilcho01 year, and v.' 11 graduate. Action on the mat- indicate that John B. Graham, O. Webster Kirby and Noah Powers Franklin. days. Pbo.e 320, N •• a.rUn.toD, O~i • .......b director was authorised to ter was def rred '\lntH the next J . Edwards and Henry Prater were were appointed Bpp_raisers. W. A. Paxson to W. S. Paxson ~ ' ' ' G eorgo L ' k the trustee of Wayne townsh'IP at 11; is ordered that t1~e execeptions and Frostle L. Moyer, 147 acres in When new taxation measures are hire a janitor for his school, but Tegu I ar meeting, artie EARL KOOGLER mllat not pay more than $3 pe}' next explained to the board the that, time. heretofore flied by Robert A . . H.amliton townsl1ip. adopted it will be. neee al.'Y to Daytoa Phon. month this, of service. situation of. sc~ool, hi locatIon in will the · e is one the petty an- gal'd to the and " This Her KEnmore 8986 na cost for operation .000ncea of • school dlrectoT, 8 th.at h e' I'lve d f urtb ~r th an ed a bill o~ $250 for l!e~viCe8 in by tho said Raymond E. Dunham, . 2585 in Lovealnd. life ,leaned from the minu,t es of mdes from the di tnct chool. The behalf of the board in the Lytle guardian, as altered by the agree· York Life Illsu rance Co. to October 21: "The girl of David board chose Na~han J onel! to help ca~c, This bill seems to have tem- ment of the parhe~i;I>e. and ..""".-!-c.-.'" H.' Bernard, 14.7 a cres in Underwood who re&ides In district measure the d1 tance from his poral'l1y stunned the worthy aame I hereby approved. Turtlecreek township. No.6 and ~anted to go to school house to the s~hool hou e, the members of the board, but finally Chnrles Poppe, t'l'ustee of tbe New Yorw Life lmu.rance Co. ia dlatrkt No.8. claimine that os a perllon would I!'O lIO as ~,ot to "it was moved by Surface, second- will ' of Gustave Po'ppe, deceased, to Walter J. Jackson. 99.46 acrea Dir_tor of Funeral S.nic. there was no class In No. 5 far trespass on any other farm. ed b~ Vetler, that a bill of $50 be tiled his eighth account. in Union tow nsbip. e,,~u,b advanced for her; and the Some of th~ member!; a ssembled allowed to them (the lawyers), The inventory of L. C. Anderson George L. Schenck. deceosed, to &e.cber in No. 6 claimed that-she lot a few mlllut~s on the after- which W8!\ understood by the board administrator of. the estate ot Helen S. Hancock. inlot No. 3 in Our location, suita"a. nelt ready to be advanced; noon of June 21, Just long enough at the time Mr. Olark met with May T. Dea.th, deceased, was ap· Lebanon. ble surroundings and equipment OhiCl\ H';m...ura P.rti .... t. , ~D and, on 'motlon of Retallick. the to ~e~forll\ theRe sad dut!,es: "A them to be the extent of ~he proved by court. enablell us to Serve to the Beat teach. was sustained, and the lirl motlon was made by Retalhck, s.ec- cnarges. MoUon carried. The clerk Sales Ily Edythe M. Dauttemont Bill. Allo,," Home Ecoao.ic•. P~r_ Ilf Advanta,e. . was not allowed to go to No.6, but ond ed by Gard, that the meetmg was instructed to corre~pond with and Raymond R. Ross, administraRobert' Van Horne, pay 1:011. muat eo to No.6.'" ' be adjournep on".! account o~ th~ the parties and tell them what the tors of the estate of Edwin 1\0 S, $362.26; J. Myer , pay 1"011, $93; AMBULANCE SERVICE Nothing fUTther of epeeilll note funeral of our d orm.er dClerC a~ board would agree to do." deceased, were approved by coUrt. F. W. Bowyer, pay roll, $81; A. T_ f rlen. wu accomplished until January higl\lg esteerne . . Director J. D. Ga'rd had a bit of Robert J. Shawl1an, executor of Rettig, pay 1'011 $101; W. A. Selker About sixty thousand Ohio farm ________________________ .v' Wa)'n ••.,iIIe, 01110 81896 -when the finlll agreement Woolley. It was agreed to hold a pleasing Information for his con- the estate of Frank S. Thompson, pay roll, $71.50; V, W. Tompkins women jn threefourths of the i~ tbe'Lytle Special District suit special meeting on Saturday ai ter- freres, viz.: that the school house deceased. is ordered to sell certain pay roll, $88; E. D. Jones pay cOl,lntiea in the state' 'particitlated (publlabed as a part of this chron- noon at ~ o'cloc~ p. m_ June 26." in his district had burned down. bonds tor Int.erest of said estate. roll, $77.50 '; J . W. Dans, pay r oll in extension projects conducted iele Jut week) was ratifted _ . At thIS IIpeclal meetlnljt, Mr. the kids of the' district Ada Hill, administratrix of the $122; Fl oyd Lemmons, pay Toll, lest year by 'e xtension workers in ' When they met for reorgamza Jones and Mr. Larrick reported IA•• i"" ".d t hat fire, but how about estate of Alva HiII ~ deeeal!ed, filed $166; Edward Simpson, pay Toll, home economics for the agrleul?) He state d, however, her n,nal account. $29; W. B. Schuler, pay roll, $81; turaJ extension Bervice of the colt"on April 20 ·John V. Burgett that they had measured t he <lls(~ather of Mrs: Frank Kellis) , 'bad tance from the latter'$ re idence if the building waB Immedi_ The execu to r of the estate of Oharles E. Bradbury, pay roll, $66 )eie ot agri\!ulture, announces ben elected to Ilucceed J. W. Hisey to tbe district school house . and replaced t he brick walls could Howard Jeffery is I)rdered to_dis: SIIAI Evans. servi ces, Miss Minnie Price, s tate home as the local director in No. 1(); the board dllcided that t hey could saved. The boal'd told him tribute certain asslets in kind to Pulp &: Paper Co. materials $4..60; dem.onstration leader •. , busy and save ";";hat he could. those of such djstributees ' as will C. D. Watkins, stone, $4 .80: C. D. In fo,wardln, , thIS pro,ram. , and C. A. Brown had . been elect- not ]~gaIlY p.ny the. tu Itioll fot' lvJr. to .ucceed ' Philip Surface in Larrlck'!\ chIldren 10 the Waynes. nlso agl'eed to :replace the r eceive t,h e ·same. The inventory Watkins, supplies, $1 ; Mon-oW ' which included work in clothing, l'I'o II but Mr. Brown refused to ville chool. Rev, Cadwallader text books t hat ~ lid been o.f the executor was approved. Garage gas $25.89' Black &Dunn home management. health, nutriae';"e,' so Mr. Surface was chosen withdr~~\1 h;s' re~uest in rell'~l'd to Idllstlw ..'ed in the ' conllB\P'stio n. Emma Hill was appointed ad- gas. $2'3.05; Frank 'Sherwood Co., tion, and interior dec?ration, these to ftll the vacancy. the tUItIon of ?,ll!,s W~rd, and the Some of the pupils in No.5 and mln istratl'ix- of est;ate of M. R. gas, $8.98 j Waynesville Service farm women were aSSisted by 3150 Several new teachers for the boud procl'eded to. hIre teach.era 13 must have been "playing Hill, deceased, and 1i1edbon d wit h Station, gas, $4.62 ; East E.rid Gar- local ~omen who served as local next year were hired on June 16, for the next year. ~I s Cora ShInn hookey," because ,Officer Compton sureties. all'e, gas, $1'2.86; William Schnell, commtttee members and leaders. the I)ew list reading as follows: at Red Oak, lind MISS EUa B. Keys was instructed to see after them. Th e Inventory o.f Robe,r t J. Shllw- fas $532 ' Shartle &. Bens Mach. A total of 9.000 meetings were May Harper, No.1; C. A. Brown. (now ?tirs. Amos Cook), at R.at A special meeting was called on han. executor of estate of Frank S Co.: repair~, '$38;'50 j V. W . Tomp- held thr oughout the state during No 2' Leora Smith (now Mrs. Tail, were the Qnly new names on ry 6, 1898 to adju $t a Thompson, deceasedl, was approved kins rent $1 .60' Smart's Ga rage, the year. Willia:n Bergdall) No.6 j OlaTlmce the Iillt_ Miss S~inn w~s ~o receive between the teacher and Nora Cox was appointed admin- gas,' $30.26; . Ce~traJ Gara,e, gas In 'addition to t~i8 work with H Brown No.6' gam D. Henkle, $35 per month. and MISS K YI'I $40 a pupil at t he Red Oak school. istratrix of the ~!itate of CaTeY$18.94; H.. L. Schuyler, pay roll, homemakl!rs. extensIon workers In N~. 7; Thomss Rogersl No.8; Eli 'l;'W? letters from the StateC~tn- (Sound" ,a s though the Spanlsh- Cox, deceased. and filed bond with $190' Carl Dakin pay roll $97.60: home econorr\i~ assisted state, . Crew (now superintendent of mts. loner of Schools regsl'dtng American war \lias not the only sureties. J. 1'. Me'Kinley. Frank A. T: Rettig, pay' roll , $9; .charlell county, and township, relief organi. Miami Valley no pital In Dayton). the Lan;ick controversy we're read one to break out that year.) After Barlow and , Grover Young were E. Bt'adt>ury, pay roll, 110; John- zanons. Suc~ work includes the No. 10; Rhoda Aldridge, No. 13. Augucst 1~, and tbe board finally hearing hoth Ijl des of the conten- appointed appraiselrs. ston &: Johnston. lumber, $15.68; development of plans whereby for trtIoIe"Y_ 1& b .. Miss Harper, C. H. Brown and sent PreSid ent Burgett and MI'. mon, tbe bO,a rd tol d the teacher .T he Ildjudl~atio~ la nd deter min a- ,J ohn son &: Johnson, lahor, $6.6.9 ; milk can be obtained abd fed to Inu'!. 8"btcrl Gti cow ...iI ~"========:=:====;=====;:=:::::=====:::::O""'== ~na her r~ealcltrant pupil t o bon of the InMerlta.nc e tax ~n the Winner Brothers, labor and sup- nearby children at home and in " . wlllleDd YO\l thei'r dlffe'rences, and "Ids! and estate of Rachel A. Morns, de- plies $9.10' Johnston &: .Johnston Ichool, tho assisting ot social ceased, is to be gi'ven to all< per- labo;, $4.35'; Johnston &: JQhnston: workers 90 that they could teach make uP." The , board wss reorganlz,e d, sons I.ntel'ested.. labor, $7.10; James Follen services families how to use wheat and April 18,1898, under an other new William N. Wilkerson, tr~stee of $15 ) Penn Morton, services, $70,; 80ur, the preparation of tood budg State law . Under the new system, the estate of Thom!,,!! S. WIlkerson C. Donald Dnatush, rent. '20; ets at minimum cost to maintain each district elected a direcwr deceased , filed hlS second and Ohas. Hobson,. I!ervices. UO; Stella healtb, the organizing , ot canning and two substitutes for terms of final a~count. . , Kelly, services UO; Georgia Miller centers, and the he,l pinl of tne Red L~u!Be Dr~ke and LUCille DaVIS, services, $10; ' Morrow Whitacre, Oros8 ..nd other groups that are th)'ee years. Here's t h line up, the first nomed in each district beln, !ldmlUlst ratnees of the estate of services, $5; Mrs. Howard Sawyer making over old garments for 't¥e the di1'ector: No. I - Elmer Earn- Lida J. Drake. deceased. filed their services, $7; Julia Holland, needy. hart, Corl Wilhelm,. George 'Wit- fir!lt ,lind final acco !~nt. _ services, $10; Erma lJibnar, aer- - -- - -- - craft ; No. 2-Philip Surface, W. N. Thomps~nJ admInistrator vices, $10; Daytoll Stencil Works, "Hadn't you better ~o 811d tell Charles Brow n, H. E_ Stokes; No. of estate of C~rolme S. Adams, de supplies, U.O'; Woodrow-Wen your fatner?" said the motorist to 5- C. Hawke, William Harta()ck ceased, filed, hIS fir l,t and final ae- Stanage Co:, 8upplies, $18.60; the laTmer's boy who stood looking' Jason Sheehan; No. &--Sylvanus count. . . . Woodrow-Weil-Stanap Co., sup- at the load of hay upllet in the lane I'.!!~~'~'~!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!! Hartsock; Oharles Cornell; Frank BeSSIe Retalhck, exec_utTlx ot es- plies. $6; Columbus ' Blank Book "He knows," replied the boy. Smith; No.7- Abner Chenoweth, ta te of John W, R.j!talhck. deceas- M!~. Co .• forms. $37.95; William "Knows? How could he kn ow?" William Dinwiddie, Judson Hess; ed. filed her eale bl,n. , Hulford. stamps, ,1.50; Western " He'e under the hay." No.8- Walter Wilson. Henry Sat- . Sales by C. ,Manm.ng, guar- Star. envelopes, $10.75; Cbarles .... tel'thwpite, Evan Stanfield; No. dian of Cal~9 Keelnan, tncompet- J. Waggoner, premium on bond, Fa.t Worker FOR SALE lO-John Burgett. Ben V. Smith ent, were approved by court. ,5; Stak~]ta Mfg. Co .• suppliell, Albel't Shutt~ ; No. 18-J. D. ,A ce.rtlfierl co.py Ef. the entry de- $3.40: William Shotwell, service. Minister.....!... Poor woman! It is a Card, William F. Graham, William termlmng the IOh 'rltance tax on $20; Book Shop, BuppUes, $2.25. hard blow for you to he made a FOR SALE-New and usedlum. Stan. the estate of Robe t O. Stonebrak• _ ••_ _ __ ber. sash, doors and framos' widow, still there is a comforter er, deceased, is to certifted wltb pipe flttinga and pll,llnbing sup: eTo be conti~ued) Head D' tlte Cia... Bill for ,you.". delay. pliet!. Dayton Wreckers. 651 the elWldow- (Snltf, enilf)-"What's Richard St., Dayton. Ohio. .122 his addrel81" "Do yOU know, Mr. Nudol', that tate ot decealled are Teac:h.r-"Wil1lel Deftne pune__ _ "I aiwaYI know who t. wrong In FOR SALE-Used Ford80n parta. ;\'our doll' stays awake all night, ordered to dUltriibllltie certain aMeta ture." Alao allto and tractor repairing. barkinc?" in kind to 8uch dt.trlbu. WlIlle--"A puneture is a lIttl.. the a1'8Um.nt." D. It. Mdllllan, R. R. 3. .r21 "Yes; but don't worr)' about tee.- as will the same. hole In a tin aluaU, found a Cl'eat· "How" him. He 1I1eepa all riilht ill the clay The tnt and acc:ount of cllstanee frOID a auaee or repair ''ii, Meinl who retl anat7 Intt 11'0 IlALE-A fn tbne."-Anwf'fl. EIIl..a DeB.", of atate abop." -ClaiWNIII'. X. . .,..,.. h
I I '
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary'S Jewelry Shop
Stanley &Koogler Auction sers
+11h·n(~1l!~WLk.i.0J,nila'.D~e~c:e~m:.:.b~e~T~;2;;~~:.:m::;;~~x.~rs;~~b~e~a~n~d~tih~ea,s:a~m~e~ar~e:-..fid~i~S'~' h-~·c~a;r~1~a~nfdintC;a~r~o~li~n~e~~sNCh~a;u;b~~t~o~in~a~u:t:g~ur~a~t~e~n:e~w~~bt!ui~~r~eil~al~u:B
Onlv $1.00 '.0
----_ _---
tum,.. <lua
Mother Nature C. E. Leviey, of
IIa1'Old Me ., aDd lamb. lin. Ho ard lIeXay arid loa villited
Publi.her S .. bacrlptioD Price, ' 1.10 • Y..r .... "0, liZ I~ nl ""'(1 at Po,toffl e at Wayne8Ilvll" •. OhIo. a. 81!cond CIa ... Mall .. N o. .. Malle r
BJ M I' •. J ••• i. B. Tripp
hall a new cal'. Be ready will bl.' ftr!;t? Miklo Lamb and Mal olm
lin. Amoa Coa!Kon. r, WakeI' Mltch••r, Mi.. Flor· Mltchen.r, IIr. and III'I!. Law~
friends in LeballOll and Kinp Mills ()n lut. Sunday. . Mitchn.r, Mr. and 111'11. SeVf'l'al from Harve"sburg, at. .....'" ... "'~ Halnel and family. Mr. and ' .tended Monthly Meetin, hue on Ralph Leaming and fumily, unday. and ~nt. Homer Haines and Mrs. Lucy 14. Ferris, or Lebanon Mr. and MrM. Roy Jones was a bUBine88 viaitor in this and Mr. and Mrs. Zimri neighborhood one day last week. elicioull TefTellhments of Mr. and Mrs . Cleve Zooton. uf , apples and candy were near Antioch, s pent Sunday after. ·th L J d . noon WI tile or an family here. Thi! community was shocked on la t aturday eveing wnen it re.
H ... • ~:l~~ Repair And aBe oftl, rnul. . . .terIaIIo Crystall fttte wbU. 7011 walt.
(If n(.Oar Oregonill. . H. Cary's Jewelry Shop nnd ramily. Mi~~ Lula L.be_a. Ohio Old Mothl.'r Nature, wittl smiling Louis Mohley, of neat Waynesville Store ]o'''~BR AHY I , 1!1'.13 brow calied nn K. E. 1'hompsolTI and Is placing new leaves on bllre tl'ee family Thur day eveing. · . bouO'hs: M. M. Ten>" George Davis, and .. Mr. lark, attended 11 min; meet:.It i such a big world. there is so much to uo ing at Lt'bllnon on last Wedlnesday vening. You, th(1 rendt'I' o)f tlli. urlich., (lntrol th nation'8 fir loss. 1 wonder sometimell, will she ever Th 0 m an f' d f M ceived the new s of the sad death tiOT ARY P UBLIC gel through 1 y 1',lel1 S O f a. of lark Vanhorn. of pring Rill. Wha you d ab out it wil i uCll'rminll the ~ize 0'1 the lOSK ~W.lL..iI.9~--::-_ _-:-_ _ __ ,ThCl III R!' Powell :-"111 be llll!lll ed to The bereaved family have the sym. N • • i ••at B _ II ? nd fur nil tht· yenrs to cnmc. If, 11K in th pas.t , you are careless and On the frozen earth so bro,\'n and ow Olll '" 1e IS · some belter at pllthy ot all il\ this their dal'kest W ill. Dr~W1Ir • • I~norant, fire \ Oilt ' will continue to cOIIl lcn thousand lives and half a cold, lhis writing. hour. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO billion dollars annuully. If, (111 Lh4J ol hel' hand. you take the little care, Shc turns the lin \ ith hi ~ ray" Qf MI'_ Ilne! MI·s. harles S,cha~fer .M rK. lara Conner dau hter I :nll thl' few I RRO IW, gu to the snlllll expeTiI!l' thal will outlaw fire 1>0 gold. very pll'asl~n1)y ent(!rtatn~d ~rs. Ethel Smith and 'son, E~win: ·am Shanks Sr., spent the fore f r . . your own property i. concerned, loss will drop to a fraction of Who drives Jack FI'oat with his icy (With th~ 1\8S1 tance of the _MI.' of Harveysburg,. pent Sunday II)r111Cr leveI8. · breath sl's . Nellie. Mal'y and ~arJone with their co usin, A. C. Conner, at port of the week in incinna.ti. The W. F. M. S. met with MI's. p Away, to the lan d of lasLing death DaVIS, and l\~at·y KaL~leen fhomp· Morrow who has been quite sick. Jes8e Hill on Wednesday aft r.on). lit theIr beautlful cou ntry M' 'N n' M h i cl'h pS YOUI' ell' 'lric wiring hasn' t b en expertly examined for a Y long time. P I'huJ)s th(or' Dre pile~ oj rul.Jbish in youI' garage or attic or Out come the leavcs on ~h p opiar hom', the church people on last M 16 e let S Ul'pda ' fOt near noon. I wh1'te W ~ d . A d I' . orrow, sp n un Y a ernoon · The Ladle Aid met 1n the t P ~I' h apl! your h(,:lhng pant Ilnd flues are in ne d ot o v e r · . ' b osem n. ('"nes ny eve~ tng. e IC10US with relative in Harveysburg. church parlol' on Thursday afterhaLlling llnd repuir_ rr s " you ure "all king" for a fire. It may be a small A refreshing hower comes in the lun ch of sanuwlches, cocoa, calces, noon. fire or Il gr!1st OM- bu t it will cost you mon ,:/, as well as every other night. and popCOl'n, was served, after Mrs .. C. D. 11iar!l Will! the gue t of citiz~n. You will pny ~h\'ollglo insurance rates, t hrough taxes, through Drops tr'ickle d own my window which' the vening wa very pleas. f ..lends in Leesburg last week I f pane antly !\pent with general conversa· os!'! (j busin 8!\ und l·mployment. And /lowers awak e, to the soft tion, vocal and 11l!ltrumenta'l music. 14r8_ J. C. Pickin, of Dayton, Homer Haines and family enter. Fire is nev(' 1' ·1111 individual matter. It touches the whole com· warm rain. Those iortunate enoulrh to tajned as their dinner guests Fri· \\'as the guest of her mother, Mrs. mu nity, lh whol!1 uotit)n. It's indivlc.Julll only 0 iar as control is can· be J)l"I~se nt wer.c : Howard McKay da), evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. H. Harlan, last week. ct! rned- and lhnt'K whet'e. you. as an individual, can do an invaluable Open are windows now. and doors. and wife, HaTOld McKay srld wiCe, Bailey and children of neal' pring Revival services will begin at wOl·k. And laughing waters t ouch the K. E. Th ompson and wife" Glenn V1I1Iey. the Friends' church next Sunday . ~ .shores. Davis and wif, R. J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Theodore McIntire evening. Rev. Samuel 1rI0slier, or And through the meadows when' and w.ife. Th omll,s Rich and of neBr New Burlington, were Cardington, OhiO, will be the Phone 78J 'we pass, wife, A_ B. Talmage and wife guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond evangelist. ; ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The clover i coming and merald and Wilma ehaefer Messl's Albert Wilson and daughter, Jeannette, Miss Ruby Smith I nrolled at I ; grass. Otis Ri h, .Juliu s peski, Allen and Sunday. Wilmington college for the second Raliegh Bogan and family were sem ster. Blue birds are winging now over. Donald !'IlcKay, arl, William and 8 :00-8 :25 F9I'm )'!\' In!llilutes of the Air A I·thur ' chnefer_ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lumpkin und&y guests of Mr. and Mrs. head, . J. W_ Wuichet :4,0 Adju. tmontlo; in Lh Hog]i' eding Program .John L . Kemp, was hE'i' ~ last Woldon Wilson and on, Gerald, of entertained the Spring Van y H. .. D. S. r.lyer The sereech owl hoot trom the \leek ' 8 :60 orne R s ulls of Ext nsiun WOI'k . buying ~tu ff ior the com· neal' Xenia. S_ basketball squad with a turkey same old shed . !) :00 Young Motherl'! Ilnd Hom' DcnlOn stration Work . . Minnie Price Edna. Marga·r et, Helen and dinner at their lIom'e ' aturday Old Mother Nature, the deal" (Jlu munity s[)l~ at Waynesville" which !J:tO Music i!< held on Tuesday of each . week. ~unior Leaming called on Everett evening. . A. R. Winter !l :25 annibalism in Poultry .. soul, Thurman . \;evens, llf Jamestown Haines and family Sunday after· F. H. Beach Is wide awake now, and hns taken Miss Mildred R obison, or Day~) :36 R' pons ~ rl'()m Pruning Bcat' ing Applc TI'ee wa s hel-e last ' cek and b,)ught a noon. R. Bradfield 9:46 The oil, What It It·!_. .... ton, is spending a few day at her control. h-uck load of tack. Mr. and Mr . Wesley Humphreys h ome here. alul·duy. F brullry 4, 8 :00 p. m. Miss Marynet Andl'ews is visit· of Wilmington, were entertained ROOT FOR AN D CONSIGN :00 Them onll: ing her uncie. MUl'rllY 9r1~en and to dinner Thursday evening at the NOT IC E OF APPOINTMENT your Cattle, hors, sheep aad cal. .. Ii :02 At ncle Tom', ubin f amily. at Montgomery, Ohio. to Norri.·Brock Co., live wire home of Mr • Humphrey's brother, Mr. Charles : 12 Music EBtate ot: Ruth A •• Daughel'ty, progreaaive firm for the hid_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ rolr. Artbllr H.rtman and family. Mrs. Rose orr and Miss lauR. E. Eswine 8:16 Nature market priees and rood ... Mrs. Raymund Wilson, Mrs. Rob. deceased. Mrs. Cllal'les dia Gray called on MI'. Mary 8:22 Musi' " . Notice is hereby given that Union Stock .Ya rela' Clncln_tl. O. t· · " -'('I t. IlEl'''"'1' 01, 'rHE ert Furnas and Mrs. Lothair Win. .. 0 . C. Croy Fine)) Wednesday afternOQn. 8 :25 N 'VS FI!l~h I:! Jl(~ I 0 (\10' fmlJ( ··,"I' ION field and daughter, Virginia were Stella E. Daugherty has been duly TUM in on Radio Station Welty Mr. and Mr&. k. H_ J efferis at12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dan, tended the funeral of his aunt, Mr I~'" IIII' ..· ' ••• .. 1 Y"ar Endl"K n ..~m- guests of their parentll, Mr. and appointed and qualified a9 Execu- market report., trix of the Estate of R\lth A. h .. r lIl ••. ltl:t:l. Mrs. Ernest Hurley one day last Con ervation in Ohio will reo Eliza Johnson, at Wilmington Tue: The ommitt~e for Untangling Dauiherty late 01 Warren CountY,I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!! Metaphors is hard at work now on ceive the attention {)f economjsts, day afternoon. " ·nYn .. ·I··.. '~".bl .. Hur.1 S .. hool D week . Idr t. n .. rr.... l ·o .... 11Y Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Mr. and Ohio, deceased. onator Nye's l\upreme effort: "I foresters, and farmers at Farmers' Edwin Randall was here fr om Dated this 14th day ot January f el I;onfident lhat ·thi troop of W ek on February 1 and 2, college Tenne see Wednesday with his IU~(' flU"I'" Mrs. Glenn Davis, of' Wellman, were callers of Rev and Mrs. W. 1938. pirate in the grain trade, these of agricutut'e, when · t.he Ohio parents, Dr_ and Mr . C. G. Ran· 11 ...... 0 ... ' W. Z. ROLL ·l'a""_I.(1,,I\l I.~v .v «-x· E. BOIPan Friday afternoon. economic I eches in the Northwest Forestry Association holds ita an· dall and sister. Miss Helen Randall " 111 ,.1,, of 2. lir. IlI l l1s .. JU~ie of the Probate Court, 1t' lI'v 1 ..... ..... __ . •• .. '~~.317.4~ Miss Dorothy Bopn attended a these barnncleR on the II:rain·mar- nual meeting. DI·. and Mrs. Tripp went to Day WarreD County, Ohio • ~.r. ()O birthday surprise given in hOl)or of fl Sinkinf{ Itn<l 1-1ont'l Ile· keting ship. will be unhor ed.".... tem Wednesday for an indefinite ttrtlfnl1nl I~'u nl] . ~ •. ,.. ..... ",. 1. 4· d ,., j I H'II F d ·j·a .... q -L'rtl (·p(.• I" Of dtllt"; lIer Jrlen , .mar or e 1, ri ay stay. The pre'carious condition of Detroil News. Three men will be named master the doctor's health neee situted buti uJI <of :!.GG mills evening. Abandoned hiJI fal'ms in Bouth· farmers 101' 1932 at Farmel'8' I .. ,·~ .. ............ .. . 9,473 .5 3 Mr. E:verett Hables _s pleasant- eaatern Ohio now cover a million the trip being made in an ambu· Th average hio county spends Week, January 30 to February 3. lance. Tr,led Tn" II ... . ...... ~.3M76.96 Iy surprised Friday even inr by a acrea of land. If such land is al· I frum Rtal on Ir- 877.8<0 large number of frl' en .... "- and rela. lowed to remain Idle, it will be !lixty. i/otht hundredth or one. per They are Ralph H. Varian, Stark Nellie Mary Davis was a supper .lntT c""'R duclhl~ T " In .•..... 1 cent of its total budg t for agrlcul. county; Leland R. Clever, Richland guest Saturday of Alice and Kath . ft"nl :t I tronl Su h 01 LanrtH ''''] tjves who haa gathered to remi nd \'aluele8s within 30 yeara and will altd P}'OIH-t' l\' ....... .. "to,. f b' . b e era de d a Imo.... ft" b eyond repBlf. tut' . Thi fraction Of one per cent county; and Wilbur W. Reynolds, leen Gray. nO/l/o,lllI r)' Int t) r M L ,.. . 531.60 1m 0 f h'III b'Ir thda y. Tb e f a IIoWlnc is uscd for agricultural extension, Licking county. ,·lnt.- ,\ Irl ror I:)du Cntlonn1 08' 1)0 guests were invited: Joh'. and 1(1'11. If it il planted to timber. this land Mr. and ~frs. HoracQ tllmp and fairs, and farmers' inslitut s. T , ~i·n~~ II~~.. ~~~n')lh· 'r' 'i,i8~ 1. .. Emerson Sinclall' and 1amily, Mr. will produce a crop of timber daughters, Marjorie and Miriam of l.-ir· 8. Rrn It II Hu~he8. 694. and Mrs. Audrey Crew a n d famil)' witllin forty years worth at nor· ..... ~ • I]ncome from poultry, eggs,. and Utica, and?th. and Mr8. Matt . Cline \'''r~':~~~~ ~lt~~~~''~~rn ~~:r Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones and son: mal pricea about $240 per acre. Brown a unt.y 4-H club gil'l dairy prod?ctll was greater last and Betty of Dayton, wel'e guests lIIiniJ Iln(J VI'lllPI d hll· Mr. Herman Jones, Mr. and Mrs. • - ••- - - Sunday of Mr. and Mr. Fred dl"f n f, 'O tH !''In LP n nd '". R.a have helped the county R d ro s ye~r t.hat It :-"as bef!>re the wal'. ~. (; 0"""" lJ\ nl . __ . . . . 46 .4fi lierh Bogan and daurhter, Mr. Subaerib. for the IIlami 0esetM. Harlan and Mrs. Clara Merritt. 'n Its l'elief of the unfortunate by ThiS greater )ncome IS due to exLh ,. _ ......... . . _.... _ 71.18 Mr. and Mr . J. C. Gray receiv. ~,aking clQthing out of cloth sup·pansions ~ithin t~e industries and ed the sad news Saturday morninll Trn"l no·,· "" .... . .. , 37.7 44 .07 plied by the reli f agency. not to a higher prIce level. of the death of th ir nephew, Xf."-Ir~',..nu"l Sltl of ",."pel·t)· .. - . . . . S 949 .75 Clark Van Horn. at his home on 1 n.u r"m' O' AOju.tnlPlllH . 900.00 Sprins- Hill. He had been ill . only TOlal 1{('() Ipt.. _.... -:-iaa-.99-s-.8-2 a few days oi flu, developing into lIolnn'·•. ·J nntlJlry I ..'. J ..:l2. double pneumonia. He leaves his nell ·ml f'lIn.\ ..... - .... • ~.769 .• 9 130nrl Il ellrf"n\ r11 Fllnd. 2.069.11 wife, two small daughters, hi.s one sister.,..anJ.L...OL..JIl.W!.I..-.Ill..I-..! T(.t.tI Rnla.n (. .... ...... 6,52 .60 , 'I'ola l l:('C~"lts Blllnnc(' . ... . ..flni! _.. _. '4 ~.(j~2 . U relatl'ves and friend's to mourn his passing. Funeral services were 111 . nnl . EMIt.XTS conducted from the late home _1·.... onnl .-r,·tCOf"t Monday afteTnoon. lnlel'ment at Admlnls!r'ntiOJl" 'mh,!r" HOll r~ ... r Lebanon. ~; dll~"t io n . .. . ...... ... 104 .00 400 .00 M.isses Mabel and Margaret Stan C lf"rk •.' • .. •....•• ••. . .• All olh",· Admlnt. trali<>n and Paul Smil y, of Dayton, were 26.00 l't... llLri,·s 11 nd Wag 8 .. unday guests of M1'$. Amanda 1 notT lI~lIon PriJl('111IU8. 're(l('her~. pte 22,841.30 Stan. Tbey <\aUed at the home oi tI IIxHlllry gencl",_ I'~m pl")' e~ r or Ll hrarl68 . 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray and fam· I:}mpIDY'·1I (or T"lIlll!port~ily 'in the evening. lion ()f hil(\r n . •• . . 8,65'.!.7 0 Il rl1lion or School PlantA mos~ Interesting and enter.1!llllt l)r~. gnjo\"1n(>bra ·,Uld taining ella"el program was gi .... en OLh r En'pl0y s • . ..... 1/773 ... by the 7th and 8th grades Friday Totnl P .reonol 6rvlre _ US,806 .'~ afternopn. With Betty tultz an· B-1i',., •.,Ut"'''' . nounclng. the progt'am opened . ArlmJnlslNHlon orrlc . , 'r O',,! UI)Ok~ . with singing "A Spanish Cavalier. !'IelloQI 1.1 rrt.ry 9<tok8 .ltl r J':<lllClI.tlonlll . -.. Carl Bogan led the devotional. A u .. 1 •..• - - .••. • • ... - • •. recitation, "·T rees," by Eldred Tiet .l}o'onlu.rs .. _ . .... _ .. .... . . . • _ ..... _.. ....•. meyer, duet "Little Brllwn Church, -----1 / Jack Lee and WilHam Sanders, ac· Tot,,1 • ll(jpJle~ .... .' ... I~ 2. Helen Rae Thorn· ~-M"+"" I RI.a .o r M.lllat .......C'e. 11<1 1"1Cl\ ,\ Ild a rounila . :~ "Daffodils, "Rich. 'Hu I';" ull"n"n I lln(1 Pu rn Iture . . Davis ; V in quattet,. ."Noc--- -- 1 . Tolnl l\I ltl~r ll\l t r \til-l in, rn," Helen Ra Th ol·nbul·y, Edith 10 10." _ it • pc'mitted to I"un nr ... .... . .... •. '1 ft~ _ 8~ 'FI;Y·FlVE old, aDd . till ~ Mae Brook, William Compbell, 1) -..'.I ..II.... ~n ·. 1tr.~I.(·e ....... lr.. 1 . . .aiIl ia tJui· syatem. . . fIOlD8 strongl :.totot "ph Ij:1 6~ s · ;l III and Jack Lee, accompanied at the . The nap fItDII mr.n W ·1·'· an~l)urtntl{t 1l , Do you want the secret or such piano by Kathleen Gl'ay; recitation l'\lpll~ .... .. ....... ... . I.a C)_no vitality? It iso't wqat, you eat... or led IIfItm OM httIe oj Dr. C.ldJDtl1'. " Flower in the Crannied Wal1," li:c.1l1 a t ionf\J , . ,.,.. .... . ~.I ' Ita Men .,.", t. any tonic you takl'" It ~ somdbml "'"'II ; preo! IJ1IIdt Ute .. need. Lavone 0 born; Vocal combat, 7th Tolal EQull'll'Ient R plMe· I'No bU8iness man in any town shoulcl allow \ anyone eao do-soml\thl!l8 yo~ .~ m('nlrt .... . ... _.. , ... 1.5U .1 . gnde against the 8th gt'ade rec· I'>-('on statl Loday lind !,ce. results ~ a Ulu htlp. . . .... lin d "pr·n .,1'4.'" ".r'·t .... a newspapel' published in hiB town to go without Get a boUle 01 thia delicious citation, "Burglar Bnd the. Old weekI AU you do IS grve your Vital J:"plllr>l. 11001 lIuUdlng-' 14 .81 1 ~"p[\lr~ ].<I'>tor VehIcle. 8ed IYIUP and lel it eDd that constant 'Maid," William Sanders; two se· his name and business being mentioned somewhere organs the right stirr,ulant. In 'rrl\n81)IJrtln/f PupUs . 2t.a~ 1'Orry about tile condition of the HI" ) Ira OLher l'J<lulpment . 11._&1 in ita col\lmnB. This dO~8 not mean you should have A famqus doctor dis~overed the bowels. Spare the ch ildren ~ose lections by the "Jazz" band; and \\' 0 l<'r . . . . . . . . .... .... .. ae,i wa9' to sllmulGlte a sluggi h sys~em bilious da~ that make them mllU- Bnnouncement!' by Supt. Vt:anci$ a whole. half or even a qUlW'ter page ad in each issue. 1':I" c u ' \cl\y . . ' . ... - . . .. ~~o .r' to new en.cr~. It ~'rtnl!s fr~~ ~I~r able. Sa" e your b OW!ebold from the: completed . t be program. T oleJlh nne .• _., . . , .•• .. . • : 81.60 ,.,tl .",rld Lodging 0It ot the psper, but YoUI' name and bU8.inclls should to t;l;o</!I ' nrg()lI . Bemg 3 phYSICI3n s OU;!' girls' basketball team up· ' I'l ]>uj)lI" use . of eathartics Whic:b lead .t o •• ' ...•.• ••.• •• • .43 prcscr:\pt'i ol1.· it's quile ltarmlellll. chronic constipation. And lUard held their record Saturday: evenTultlun PILld to Oth r be m~ntioned it you do not us _more than a two· Tell your ,irll!lgi~t you \\ an l. l~ bolt!,: against auto-intoxication as you ing when they won ovel' Highland H.T. ·1>IHlrlttlJ . . •. , ..... ' •. 111.14 Haulin.g ....•. , • •... " . line space. A stranger picking U)l 0. newspaper of Dr. Caldwell's syrull rICI'~ln. Qet grow older. , . gir\s 22 to 21; the grade boys lost Oth r •.•• .. . -' . .• _ . . , .. 17$ .S1 tho ben.\.-n\ or its rfl·~n. blc.a~l\'e should be able to tell wbat business is l'eprese nted lIyrup p~ps'n II Dr. Caldwell's h n:J active s,·n'l~. n nd t!lat pUl'e such a wfll1 known prep:lTalton you to Oitcl'bein Home 8 to 23; and . 1"()trt l ('ontrncL alld Open Onlt!f S .1''' Ice ' .. . . __ • "Z.17 the high school boys lost 19 to 23 per):>;n. tr('t tll1,t 1 C! ~y l1'.cr to wt,'rlt. in a town by looking at t he paper. This i the best SF} i~ wherev~r dr'J!IS are ,old to Otterbein Home. Our teams go . .'-IFIll .... ('h.I'IfU ... 4 Co...... . . ._ . 1!\.I~e tl!'fr.·' lll howel$ In 10 ~":tIO". ('un ln~lIrlLn ' 0 .. _ ... _ . . . . . . : $ 17S.liO possible town. advertise,.. The man who docs not ad~ Gel rid u VI. u le mstter tbat IS- 'Stow ulld) l ':111 1 tlx;tenslve. to Kings Mills for a game Friday Tl'(\~Il"r8 [tel!rement Con· tributlon ••. . •.. •. .... 7S11.6& vertise his busine88 does an injustice to hi-nself and evening. T (, tAI 1"1 ed enn.fgeS Tbe Junior class of Massie. J:ligh the town. T he man who insists on sharing the busi· II. nd Coni rlbllUons •. • . iU.16 school will present the play "Mis lI_n.... t ~ervll!el ness tha.t comes til t own, but refuses to ad vertise his n()fI(18 MaturIng ._. ..... . . UO.OO Adventure," Tuesday evening, 1" I ere8L on · 8 .ond8 . .. ..• H1.60 own is not a va lu abl~ a ddition to any town. The life Febl'uary 7, at the Gym. . The Dailey·McVey family enter'ro~!tl D<:bt S rvlc .... , l.287.60 of a town depends on t he live·wide-awake lind libel'B1 tained relatives Sunday. '1'0 ' a I OI~It\lt"ement3 ~'40,8U._H advertising busl·ne8s men."- P ublishers' Auxiliary. Dl'. and Mrs. W. E. Frost spent Ual .. a ,·". n~" ... her al·, 1M2. e; n e rjll I~,'n ll .. .. ..... ... 1,001.98 Sunday afternoon ..... Ith relatives i:lnklng Rnd Bo.n(! Hellr',,· • 111 lit Fund .. ,........ 8.686.11 in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Humphreys TOlILI Ralanc ....•. , . $ 4.898.59 and family are moving from Cook's TotRI J)I~I)UrHe,1'I Jlt anel Hu Itln,' _......... .. - . . ,.'4S.5!142 farm to a farm nell,r Lytle. l! "!li D U A DILITI I!ItI Cleo Kirk spent Sunday with \ ....,1_!ll'IE'r · . Anna Jean Hiatt at Wilmington. In" ~nlOr)' ::ItlpJ)lIea Ilnd Mf\L~l'll\I M . Eat. . ... ... 1 1.0(10.00 Mn. Carl Osborn II! quite ill l.anOIl , '<'8tl ";st. _. _. . , 2.500.00 after receiving a bad 1all lest BuH~ln!\'. (Cost). Ed .. , 80.000.00 1')'lulplllenl ·(Coet). E .. t. .. '1.000.00 week .. Kenn eth Kirk, of Wilmington, . 'l'olol A" ... el. . ........ " '70.600:00 •• 11111. _ Spellt the week·end . with .Kirk Jef. 1.1Runde(1 1 rht .. .• ':' • • . ~ '14.000.00 feris. . Oftice PM.. ..
..._R.'I~C. .. ........
=============:===============--= Th e Respons.·bo .l·aty Is y ·our.
E...... S.u...
New Burlington
F. ·T. Martin Au.c tloneer
----Caesars Creek ----.
Centerville, Ohio
· Farm Night 1alks, feb . 6
_ -4>~"' ----
===--= -==-=-=====-======
- ----
Stronger Than He Was at Twenty ~
Adl1erti,e· are invited to read the follow·
. . _ •• •
in.lrom tlae American Banker's Magazine a. it mi."t .ive tlaem a new slant on 6.':· ne•••••you~ own bu.iness ::~as well as tla. matter 0/6uilding up your town.
.,.mtn "em u,
_----......---... -'-1IIItt.
'l'ulnl l.Iahliltl ....... .. '14 . 004). ~O
1·;xce.1I or ,,~rrelenc,· of "Wh at's the trouble?" asked the A".<'l8 ..•...•.•. " •.. ' 151.500.011 exeited woman &II the street ear School 1)1 trlel P O . .Add stopped suddenly. nO'8 , ·lIh-. OhIo . ~~·::C~~~'~~~D 1 (,Prur), tl1. . r~ "We just ran over ·a doll'," exI". <'Orre("t. plained the motorman . •'W.. he oa tile tTaek!" ''No lad • chued him up an
THE MIAMI PIMa. ia roar ....
ial m et iq of th recall· 1I·m be held at H rvey~bu~. F"bruary 8. All memh'r.. of h"ulIl"holcl economiclI inten'II' I'd. \\ ill rlea!\t' gf't in touch (Continued from Paee 1) with th 'i r J)r"jcl·t leader. SIlCC(,~ •• No ul'finill' date ha~ been Mr~. Hartl"y Mo~!t, >,'1 thu~ Car, but this malter will Proj ct IAlllder. ree i more ott n tion in th n .. ar futurl'. Plana for graduation are undt'T Marking the urn of a half cen· tury of l'rogre~ in ' <.'I ntific in- way, a1 o. It wa voted that CliPS nnd Stowna would nol obe worn Ilt , 'e tigation in hio IIgri ulture the commencell'l nt xercises th i year. fifty.fint annual report of tbe F. W.A Agricultural Experil'lIent Ohio Allelllbly Ultion WII!:! completed thi month. A regular weekly II sembly Will! held in the Gym 11 Friday, Jan· uary 27, at 2:40 p. m. A pep meet. ing was held dUring the first part oj the period. which included lin inti'!><juction of a II w hig h-sch ool ong. Thi was foIl wed by pep talks from members of the faculty Ilnd team. The 1\1ason Jubilee Singer., who were eh duled to appear ot this time, was delayed, and the assem. bly was held over 8 hslf hour. Their program consjster of piantst; n and campfire melodies of the Southland. O. W. H.
In. of chain.prC\j ct
----_ ...- - -
4, 110 ..
Mr. and 1\{rll. Ray Hawke and daugbt r, Mr. and )frl!. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook are Day- Hawke, of Dayton, and Mrs, R. H. Vance and son, of Pleasant Plain, ton viSitors t oday. spent Saturday at the home of l:! you would like· to see how their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. n~ar monkeys boy can act, attend Hawke, helping their mother celethe minstrel. brate h er birthday anniversary. Orange Raper is again able to 1\1r. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, b about atj.er a three.weeks Mrs. M. D. Baird and Mrs. Nelson illness. . Watkins attended the funeral 0 Mr.l8nd Mr . W. E. Stroud and Mrs. W. L. Brown at M son, son, attended the basketball game Tuesday afternoon. Mr!\. Brown, a sister· in· law of Mrs. Unglesby, at MOITOW , Friday night. died at her home near Ma on , Miss Sue Crane and Mr. Forrest Saturday ni.rht. after month of Graham and daughter, Dorothy, inten se sutrering. spent Sunday with relatives in Cincinnati. Walter L. Williams, of near Kingman, a son·in·law 01 the late Mr.' nnd Mrs. R. B. Davis, 01 J . E. Janney, left hi s home' one Dayton, were Sunday guests 0 day la t week enroute to Florida, th laUer's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. from whence he will bring a Ed Cook. truck ot fruit. This is Mr. Willlam ' tbird hip 01 this Little OF no change is noted in t he cond ition of Mrs. Anna Shee· character, upon which he takes a han, who has been seriously ill load of nOJ'thern grown fruit and vegetables to el(change for his retor several weeks. turn load. Dr. and Mrs. Tripp, of Harveys. "'!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!!!'!!!!! burg, have gone t o Dayton to spend the winter a nd lI1'e at home to their friends at 116 Iroquois Avenue. Owing to Dr. Tripp's condition he was removed to Day. ton in A . H •. Stubbs' ambulance.
WAYNESVILLE, CHURCH OP CHRIST (UndenomllnaUonal) Chester A. Williaml!on, Minister Church Rchool at !l :30 a. m. '8 Supper lit (tonc lusiOll. Christian Endeavor a~ ,6:30 p. m. Jam es Arthur, It·ader. levening evang Ii tic . erviee at 7 :30 p. m. ermo n subject. '1'he K-in(!:dom of Heaven.' Prayer meeti ng and Bible tudy each Wedn sdny Olt 7 :30 p. m. The chul'ch where yOlu f el at home.
ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH Father Fre I'ICh , Pastor Services will bie he ld every two weeks on Tuesday morning.
All 19S5
FERRY CHURCIH OF C'HRIST (Undenomi,natlonal) Chester A. Williamson ' nifled sel'vic beginning with hurch School p~lriod at 9:30 a. 01 . Lord's Supp rand sermQn lit 10 :30 a. m. erm!)n ubjecl, "The Lamb at the Door." You lire always welcome d thi church. ST. MARY'S, CHURCH
NEW CARS Sold and Registered in Wa'r ren County for the month of January, were
Ie. of aou
tholl8ht to be reeoverlq from • aerioul I1ID.... ulrared a .."Iapee lut Tu lIday. His uncle, Jonathan HaineM, or Dayton, haa been hert', allsistine with bis care.
Debatin.1r Club
Rev. J. J . SchBetrer, Rector Pifth Sunday after Epiphany, F bruary 6. Chureh scho ol al 9 :30 ermo n and Holy Communion at 10 :30. ____
A D bating ciub was organized in W. H. . wit.h Ruth Pennington a. president; Juanita Brannock, vice-pre ident; a.nd Charles Borton ecretary treasurer. They were planning to debate with other schools but all of these have backed out except Otterbein. They will be heard from in due time. V. E. F.
Lack of familiarity with tuneral mel'chandille naturally impoSI)K a burd en upon men ahd w men when th~ need arises lor such purchases. The e~tab Ii hed repulatioo of the funeral establishment for fair dealing i consequently an important factor. Our organization ,h as be-:.n se l'vi ng the pe-O"pi 01""thir community, anti their fAt hel's and moth 1'8 before them, :for many y ar:! nnd has eliLrned an unbl e m i~hed repulation :CO l' giving honest value at all timel!l in merchandis e and service, The :family can tef.1 safe in this kn ow ledge.
J. E. McClure Wayaeavllle, Ohio
! Insurance
fRIENDS '~EETING Mr. al!d Mrs. B. V. Smith, M1'. First Day, Jarluary 29: First and !frs. L. C. St. John and Day Friendship School at 9 :3 0 a. daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn m. Meeting for worship at · 10 :80 Bland and daughter witnessed the a. m. ! Waynesville-Morrow H. S. basket---_ ball game at Morrow, la st Friday F. F. A. New. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHtptCH ~v ning. , G. C. Dibe:rt, Putor 1 The F. F. A. minstrel will b Wednesda ' The W F 101 S 'S l M r. and Mrs. Theo Gates and given a t the Waynesville Gym meeting Mrs: 'Ra;m~nld daughter Fr~~c.c, of Richmon~, on t he 'evenlng of Thursday, Conner at . 2':00 this p. m. Bible Ind.·, are vlsl tm.g. the for:mer 8 February 2. stud aird r . t' t 7 '00 mother, Mrs. Wllham Robln80n, This will be one of the biggest p Y Ch l' P payelt · meetln7~4a6 . I who has been ill but is tbougnt to m. . p. m. be' . Mrs. R0 b'Jnaon ,8 f ea t ure 0 1 th e seallon. "Th e BI 0 0 d . Thu d0 r . rac Th IceJ a Ch' '11 1 lmprovmg. and Thunder Health Sailnytoreeum et ~ t~Y 'ho . e f r 01~';1 daughters, Mrs. Fannie Blanton holds the record for awln' off, Lev aB ke t ~.~ : r. an rs. a~d Mrs. Ocie Ellis, of Mt. Orab, choppin' off, hack in' off, glbbing . t ~e .a Th' XI?'~' H Id Visited her on Sunday. e IIlg era hypergermical , hyper II: a 8 t r ic s, '11 a ur ay. hypercritlcals amputatin' pal. WI meet at the parsonage at Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman enterm putatin', co~git.at:ion, 'he~itatin" i:.OO, P·H . {he I~other~ ?f the I wined with a dinner and theater prescribln', descrlbin' and !Iub- tl~ng ~ the.ra ds 8 rj 4. also InVited to party last Thursday evenlne, crlbin'. ' a en 18 meet lng, .the twelfth birthdey anniversary Those who miss thi swill mls un(lay: Sun~~)r school at 9:30 of their 90n. f\faster Bobby. The the laugh of the season. a. m. Mr. Beck s . class of High .guests were MI88 Bertha Hyman, of , School b~Y8 receIved the banner Xenia, Charles Burton Earnhart, lor the hIghest pllrcentage of at- Miss SteJla Daugherty and Mrs A Co ....ectiolll t endance last SllInday. Morning Bernyce Hyman Wright . Frank Hawke'. name wal omit. worship nt 10 :30. lE:pworth Leagu e . . ted la t week lrom the list or at 6 :30 p. m. with LueUa William~ Mr. and Mrs. Josiah' Davis enter. Sophomores having a straight A ao n as leader. Evangelistic service tained with a sumptuous family record In studies fot' the first at 7 :3 0 p. m. dinner, Sunday, honoring the half .01 the school year. • - _. birthday anniversary of Mr. Davis arid his grandson, Roy Hurley. Tbe R•••lt of Mill-Yev EumiDAtio. gue8ts were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley, 80n and daughter, of near J•• ual')' 13, 1933 New Burlington, and Mr. and Mre. (Note-In the following table --Lloyd Davis and 1I0DS. the flrst column of figures repreMrs. L. V. Bec;k was hostess to sents the number in the class, 8ee- t he regular meeting of the W. C. ond, bighst grade; third,. lowellt . T. U., last; Thursday afternoon. grade and fourth the medllln. Aft h t b . . er a s or usmess seSSIon, 34 P6 ~f 70 Mrs. G. C. Dibert cotW!cted the It+~~...u , : :: ...... 36 95 58 18'8 devotion.al exercises, and Mm. ..•.....•• 2100 74 • . . . . . . . , 40 9S &0 7 a Alonzo Curl an il MIrS. J. H . Sackett tlJ 98 48 7S ~ ~~ '~~ 1sang ~ dud, Mrs. Frank LeMay at 92 ~o ';3 the plano. l~ G~ ~~ ~~ l "Victory" was tlhe theme 'o f the 3 9 9$ day, and the sentiments of several 7 911 Zoo a l llOted welfare wo~rkers al.ong the I . ........ • 100 " . Ii 1 t emperance were Cl'~, . d M TS. h . . ........ 33 100 25.J 7 I ne 0 .• . , .• .. ' 40 94 6 °, 18 Sackett quoting. the views of '. 7 "'.~ .-,-- ...:.- .... : ::: ::: 1~ ~8 47 87 Evangeline. Booth and Jane 9J~ 676287g; Addams;' Mrs. Bieck, tholle of LEBANON, OH.I O U 7li 8Jji Senator Morris ' Sheppard ; Mrs. 19°9° &7e.59~ Lena Hartsock. those of Ella Bool; •....... , . . 4 95 70 ~3 and Mrs. Curl, those of Ernest H. , , , •• I .. ,. ~,, fr . .. .. .. 'l9 97 J\. ~i s9g Cherrington. . r. . ••.• • 24 Mrs. Fr~nk L.~May discussed --~ •• - 4. .....- - - - - temperance from a lega) stand£x~ellent point, and Mrs. Curtis Tomlinson PUfC,.rlnulated. Flout quality read an inspirlllg selection from Iu,er at II .ped.llow Nice. "The National Voice." Stoele up Ind Savel Mrs. Beck paid a glOWIng tribute to tne work of Mrs. J. R. Wade, 10IL.ba, The regula, meeting of Farmers who hal IIharge of the local Flo..yer Granre No. 13 will be held Satur· Mission work, ano several other day evening, Febrlllll'y 4, An en~r members "Iso expr.e.s·e d tMir comtainlng pTogram bas been preparod mendation. --for the lectul'e bou? a. follow.: .
your property covered by an experienced agent
. Pho". laRI
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Call, write or phone for a Demonstration •
_ _I
~, H t \ JU )J f
Victory J;>j14::u ••ed at W. C. T. U. Meeting
A Seryice "TODic" for Your Watch Entrust that treasured time piece of yours to our expert care. • It will be returned with !'!very pivot and bearing free from dust, oUed for another year' faithful
. You are assured of Professional Watch Service at this 8tor~and at Moderate Cost.
Lebanon, Ohio
If: ..... ....
111... £XT~A SAVINGS ~
Another Program Planned
Solo ... ,.......... ..... .. ..... ,... !Iary Rye ~ecitation ............ yvonne Stubbs Roil CaU . Valen L"~ne Tableaux- Mr. 'a nd 1\{1's. Harold Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Lot ·, Mr.- alld Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr. and M~. Jra Rich, S ara h an d JI mmy MI·ll .... =, D~pnaId and Mildred Salisbury. LOl'raJne Yd H ome· r an d E I'Ieen Ha 11 all d. JUrs. Ramby. . I ........ s R eCI't a t'Ion . ....... ,.......... Ell en~..... Essay ................. Roscoe Furna!! "'teII a Daugber ty E 88ay ........... ,., Stunts .... :......... ..... " .. ... .................
What ever your building 01' repair job may be we can supply you with materials in large or small Quantities. First-claS8 material at lowest cost plu$ prompt service is a combination you cannot h~pe to beat.
E.timates Gladly furnished
w. H. MADDEN &
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Tomato Soup Hulthful, delJclou.. At a Iprclal . to.:k up pric.
TG .....'lC!k De."ra Sealed blde-w-U-l -b-e reoelved by t he Boal'd ot Tnul Ilea of Waytle l'ownah lp. Wilrren ou nt:.-. Ohio. at
the office or the lerk ot sa id rOiW\t1shlj> at GordoI1'!! Ollrage until ~e ven o'doc k P: m.. Ea8tern Sland · ~rd t111'e TUESDAY. FEBRIUARV :no 1833 lOne and (1 y") yard <:aj)aclty tru<:k.one·halt hydrauliC (lump bed. !ab. dual w·h~eh. S'Ox5 H. D, tire •. ~nd Cully equlnpRd renelv tel' duty. it 1,11 also, th e int entio n <>t said T~ul!!/fl.'}f ~ otter ""'. pa.rt paYment (01' . \l!.1,d .truck, ene (J) 1927 Model InternJHj.onaf ~ ru ckd e(lulPned With I'>' ~Jl.r.d ",urnp be .
Eactl pidd&r II-h.llll· swbmlt with hili bid IIP ecHt CIlU cn 'l.n41 name of . truok oU .. r ed . TIle jlIo~"d .0 , Trueteell reo
ser ve th e rIght to
r,e1ell~ !/,Ily
or .. 11
John Shultz & Virginia lJardin bids. W . fl. OR.AHAM The lecture hour is open to the W. E. CORNELL .E. L . TH MAS public and any visitors will be welBOIl. ,·d Of T.rustees come. L. H . GOnnON. Clerx
o Cora
Meat Speci4d.
-a o. I......
[] Kraut Avon~" . No.2", D ~l••u • .Clifton brand ' • for Waldor. Tillue 4 fer
C ....ic .....
. .Ir.....tealla
••a . . . . . .
.,.... la.
Pr'oduce~ Speeial.
"' . 1 Springboro Grange, Tegular meetlng. 2 Lebanon Grange, Regular meeting. 3 Mason Grange, regular meeting. 4 Waynesvil1~ Grange, regular meeting. 6·7 Farm Account su mmary and beginners school, County Agents office. February 7 'Women's Camp Reunion . February 8 Chair Recanine Meeting, Harveysburg, Ladies Aid Room. .. February 10 Sec()nd Recantng meetine, Lebanon, Farm Bureau oftlee. February 16 Annual meeting or Produce,,! Cooperative Commi~ion Au'n., Cincinati. February 16 GardeD and Vegetable Lebanon. Conducted by County A.~e,ult;ur1'1 February 16 Annual Meeting of Produeen r.<,..,n .....I~tl,,,.. . mluion Alls'n. Cincinnati ' February 17 Garden and Vegetable School. LebanoD, eenducted by CouDty AIP"I.
D ivo..~.oap~"4"'n." D Cat.up ::'i:!;rd. at:t.:lSe C. .L . .
w. ••tat... o 'oald.' ~.;:: IS. ... ...... .,. oo ...... Coooa F1 L.J
at pGtIac!a
February February February February February
o I'll ...... ~QS l~ 17.
lb . . .
Colllltty Cub
.• w ••• Petat. . . . 1l1li . . . .
N.w .
Mocher e':nd "
o Oat. o .....C....il••f2.. 'Sn,,·a•• o ....t ....... f:D" 'S.SI c:o.elry Clult
.,111. . ..
'I'..... ~.......
5J.oI. . . . . . t
Eighty-Sixth Year
FEBRUARY 8, 1983
Whol e Numb el' 6062
ENTER TAINE D CLASS Miss Beatric e Robit:t;e r ente'I'tained a group of young ladies, membe rs of her Sunday sc hoo l class, Tuesda y evening . Foll owing a busin 8 8 session during which the c lal!8 orga nil'. ed unde r the name ot "The Berean Clu b ." a social time was e nj oyed and reat freahm ents were sei'ved by the hoste s.
'arl Miller, Frankli n, Ohio won
lnter.l ti,..
Walhia lton _ Linc:Gla
second his exhibit uf Woodb urn (ornwith at the Ohio State Corn and Grain Show held in connect ion with Farmen! Week, Januar y 30 to Februa ry 8. , Mr. C. E. Troyer , La Fontain e. Ind. the judge said, "The exhibits in this Ch~ 88 were very close and that there was very little difterence betwen Ii:rst and second place." Mr. Miller 'also placed 8th wi th hia sample of shelled W.o odburn Corn. Ther were 25 'exhibit s in this class. - - - -- - - - -EASTE RN STAR NOTIC E
ST. AUGUS TINIE'S CHURC H lea ther Frem:h, Pastor Servic 8 will be held every two Valenti nes ' from Grace L. Smith's. very wc«:! ks on Tuesda y mor ning.
Nice line 0'1 Va lentilles ·at GI'acll
L . Smith ' .
Mrs. P. E. Kenrick critically ill.
DeFoll ett Appear ed FERRY Mrs: CHURC C. M. Robiue r and dAugh. HI OF CHRIS 'r Crade Pupil. B e fore County Board Miss Ka te Hall, of t.he Friends ' ter, MISS Beatric e, were Cincinn ati ( U I1denomil1latton al) orn e, spent last week in ('incinvisitors today. L.a.t Week Chester A. William son nati. Literar y and tl\usical program s M"n'~ and ' omen's Class s will Itaynion d Davis and Frank Carapprop riate to the Februa ry seaMr. t1nd Mrs. W . N. S(,III'8 vi sit- meel T liu1'8day e ve ning, 'Februa ry ~a~, of Dayton , were Wa'1ne8ville Warren cflunty catlle will be rasun, and given by the two divisions tI, at the home of Mr. aDd Mrs. J. VISit ors, last Wednes ed reillti ves at Pasauc na, Ohio James dllY P. Zell, evening of f ourth grade pupilB, feature d 71 . y ea r old, of tested for tubercu losis this spring ent.!rvill e Station. Friday. ' II. Murphy, the regular meetin g ' of the Wayne f':veryb ody welcom t•. P rogram f or J. L. McKitt rick, enroute !rom Yellow Springs , died appa rently of in acco .. danc~ with action taken by T ownsh ip Mothers club, held at Vern Simpso n and family have Lord's Day, F e bruary 12 as fol- Hamilton to his home in Ur bana a hea rt a t tack while he wa b~i ng the board of county commissioners the Grade &chool buildin g last Fri·. moved into th Lamb I'e sidence (I n II w.; Unified senice beginni ng ('alled on Waynes ville friend to: assisted from his automo bil e which at.' t heir meeting on Monday_ The day afternoo n'. ThIrd slTeel. \\ ith hurch School period at 9 :30 day. had kidded from the road and commi sionel's a ppropriated Mill8 Laura lrIcKinsel1's pupil!, $3000 u. m. LO"d's Supp.e r and sermon f r t he work a nd an nounced that Mr. and Mrs. Mel vyn Ba l1ta, of at 10 :30 a. m. S r mon subject under the directio n .of Mrs. H. L. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook were overtur ned on Route 4 2 ab out 3 it Miami Cnapte r No. 107 O. E. S; , will probab ly be started within D~laware, . s pent th e Buerkl e" 8uperv lior of music, will meet in regular week·e nd" 'uppositi ons." Yo.u are always guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs miles south ot Xenia during the a mont h. . ' Walter Seiker near Springb oro, heavy snow gave the fll'llt half. After a long, d.y evening . Februa session Mon- With relatlVes here. I \\e\come at thi church. storm Saturda y aitet·Act ion was taken Monday after Monday. "Washi ngton's Birthda y." by the Visiting membe l's ry 1.3, at 7 ;30. Forrest Hoblit an d family have ' Iloon. He was enrout~ to Waynes- Dr. A. J . n FOl:lset.t, 'federal welcome. ---group, four pupllll gave a readinlr, veterLucile Bland, W. M., t ok en an a part ment in th e home ST. MARY' S It:HU RCH Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham ville where he and hi s brother inar ia n, appeare d before t he board .. 'Ti, Splendi d to Live Sp Minnie Fromm , Sec' y. of Mrs. Em ma Ha milton. Rev. J . J. Schaeff er, Rector and two childre n were dinner Horace had made freque nt visits with the info l'mation t hat local Grandl y." Six pupils pV'e an exerFebrua ry 12, Se ptuagesima, guests of Miss Sue Crane, on to their sister-in -law. t he late Ml'8. ca ttle mUR be retested befo r e el e, "Febru ary Days.'" which was :rhe ? oard of trustees f t he hU l'ch sch ool at {J :3 0 ; Mornin Tuesda Laura Zell. y. g April 1, 1!l33 if Wa rren county is f ollowed by a reading , "Tlte Home "The Sweet Girl Gradua Friends Home held th eir quart rly PI·U yt'I·. and s r mon by Rt. t ," by A paftBing motorist, who went to to be I' lai ned as a n Rev. of Washin gton." A group song Miss Beatric e Robiue r. meeting at the Home, T uesday. acc redited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bolin (nee M I He nt·y Wise Hobson , Bishop of . Gladys Harlan ) have remove d r. Zen's all8istan ce, inqui~e area. "The Flag and the Eagle," closed U' d M R ' While conduc ting the devotio nal I d d I ~(luih Th \lr n Ohio Dloc:ese whethe . r or DOt he !>Lr. an hurt and r l!. oy ogg e an ree yen r ago Warren co unty this half Qf the prolram . their home from Xenia t.o Dr. Mr. Zell i8 said to was exerci!Jes at the opening of the son, have replied became a n accredi ted area when of Spring Valley, we re S un- I Mlu Alice Campb ell then pre- meeting , Mrs. Anoa Cadwal Mary L. Cook's FRIEN DS MI~ET ING bunplo w. lader day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. .'not a bit" but while he was bein~ the cat tle of the co unt y were senteeJ her pupils in this Washin r· r ead a most interes ting O. testFil'st Day, Janulu y 29 : Fir t Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. W. Lotz were helped from the car he suddenl ton-Lin coln program : "A Small on the 'life and works oftreatise Gritry. ' y ~ a~t ttiose showing reaction s to Day Fr iendship School at 9 :30 a. in Columb ua, Monday . where Saint Mr. collaps ed. Carried to the home of Boy's Speech ," Benton Hoak; rec- Luke, which she, berself, had Tom Pi erce is recoverin g n;cely m. Meetin g f or WQlrIlrup at e u rculin t est were dispose d pre10:80 Lotl 'attende d a meeting of the Asitatlon, "A Valenti ne," Betty pared. The reports of the renee Lile he was found to be 0 (. In ca e a retest hould from the effects ot' a min or opera- 8. m. not various sodatio n of Boards of Educat ion dead. t ion for Lhe r e moval of a nasal Br~ddock i song, "Lincol n," group, officers and commit been author ized. state and tees showed the growth of Ohio. Funera l service . s "~lItory of WaBhin gton," thirteen clu.b to be were held 'in fede ral authori ties by law. could . -- I WAYN El?VIL LE M .. E. CHURC H ill excelle nt conditio n the M. E. church at Yellow prings cease t certify st ock rirla and boys; reading and tab- and 88 usual exceedi ngly Mad M A T G'I ' and dairy d G. C. Diberto Pator busy' Mrs. Edith Harril, Mrs. Ronald Monday afterno on and burial was product s for shipm r. n rs. . • I pin an I W d d leaux, "A Modern Mother ," Frieda Car~ of the f1o~er box and Th F ' d h . ent outside the Hawke, pictur~ Mr. Harria MOlher a nd in Miami cemete ry. Mi s Bessie Bennet t, of Spri ng-. a -ne ay :. e flen s . Ellis. reade~. Scene I- Little was awarde d to Miss Campbe county. This wou ld m an 8 virtual ip club Mr. Frank Hawke were Sunday ll's James P. Zell, boro, sQn wer of e Ja~ob dinner H guests of cutting oR' of the county from out.. .Georre Washin gton, Wa"1ne Scott and Miss Harboc k's rooms r .. 1; meeti.ng Wit h lIf1's. Mamou s at 'for the and Mrs. George Har' sock, ~1on 2 :00 t hiS P'. m. Bi. 1hle study and gues t so f ' M r_ and Mrs_ ~ .' I Colonia l Father. Harold Friend. e nsuing month. • Charles T. and Mary A_ Zell, was bom , • 7 00 h and Mos.her 8 e mar ketil. of Edwlllrd Sunday Road, . Cincln- spent hill. earll'er life near Spr'tntl 1CThe )pl'actl I'UY .r mCe_lOg lh : Scene II~eor.. WiJUamaob, commi sioners were informDelitio us refresh ments were \. l' a t 7 :45 p. Ill. p. m. C oir na t 1. , .. e d b y D r. 0 F Valley but had been a residen t of Max Hay; His Modern Mother . served durinr the social e ossett Thur.d ay : The it had J r. Choir wi! hour by Mr. Will The Woman 's Auxilia ry of t. Yellow Sprinp many years. He been hopell to pay th e that Martha Blatt. Two IOnK' b, the Mn. R obert Baker Jr., Mrs. nle~t at costs the home of I'eof' Mr . . and Mrll. J. P C. Branno ck, Q/. New wa.swell. kno.wn and had mllny testing in this county Mary's ~hurch will meet on Fricroup cloeed their enterta inmenL Hise'1. Mrs. Amos Cook, aris, Ky., spent last week out of state here frie nds 1ft th.l- ~ommunl· ty. Mrs. a d f " afterno on Februa ry 10. at ec k 8 t 4 : 00 p. m. I f d b t n h euera un To the school pro~m wa. add· Earl Crawto ni, Mrs. Will Stroud II u t at such Sunday IlChool at 9 :30 with his brothe~ • ~d . , T. B. Brannock , two o'clock a t the hom of Mr. • 0 . m.u nday: He is survive cd a much apprecl ated readinc . and M:r.. Robert Crew. 'b y his widow are no t aval'1a bl e. I n d"d Mrs. Farr' cIa.' IVI ua I counreceive d the who ha been critical ly 1lI lor May Alexan der Zell, a daught er' ties are accordi ngly being Lee Hawke. several weeks, but who seemed Mlu sked to Clara Zell, who 1-. employed' approp riate fund s for the aworK. b I Mr. and Mrs_ Jo iah Davis and :tnne;el.~:~t~~~da~/o ra;~en::~:!: slightly better a.t last reports . the Miami Deposit b:nk. Yellow In Warren county the cost of a wor hip Mr. Lloyd Davis att end ed the Mornin g at 10 :40. Mr. and Mrs. H . O. Cornell. of Sprinp , one brother, T. H. Zell, retest should not exceed ,S,OOI) funeral of the f ormer 's brother , Epwort h League at 6 :30 p. m. with Route 1, had lor their dinner real estate dealer and former city ~nd !'lay fall below that figure. which wos held Monday at his 1I1r. K yle as leader, Evange Bstic guests on Sunday , Ml'I. Cannan auditor it , of Xenia. and one lIiater, IS sa id .. Local veterin arijlns will be l"e rvice at 7 :30 p. m. At this meet- Cornell and children , Aileen Lol.. home near Xenia. Nellie Evans, 01 Oregon . . used wlth the work llone under ing t he High School boy's cl!l8s of Virgini a, Ruth and • - • 5... federal or state supervi sion. The Mr. and Mrll. Clifford Buz ick the Su nda y School will have ton, in celebra tion Jack, of DayThe Waynes ville lads 01 the m:rtest three yeats ago cost approxi Editor ...... "" " 0' Doris Salisbu ry to be able to put thill game and children , of Sidney, wel'e call - charge of the singing and will sing ninth birthda y .nnlver sary 01 H i'll rL AlI8emblies ....... ,... .. Orie Hardin ed here Saturda y becau se of the mately $6,500. m RJl cia l numbe" " Cornell, senior, n in their winnin g column. The commissioners Clua Newl ....... Thelma Colema n 'Ionda.v: On Monlday of next ==== === === === making There will be three g'ames. The sudd en death of Mr. BU Rick ' = Aft~rnoon the appl'opriation s tatedinthat IV >e li: III 7 :00 p. Athleti et ..... _........ . lIal'1 Crane m. the regular they yet, undefe ated grade team will mother , Mrs. A. L. King. the retestin g of cattle in WarHumor ...... ........ , . Leada Werntz m t il1'" to mainta in their winning " of t he brother hood wl'll "BI~ea" Mrs Lau Z II Friends . of Mrs. Jessie B. Triilp ra e , one 0 f Wayne$- Ima rl'" county Orpni atioDl ~ ... V"-'ni a Foulks '0" _"'"'''' a necessi t cOl1dition in view of _ _ __ -,--'s andtyrestrict ions wilt regret to hear of the serious b(> held in the banque t room of the most highly respect ed It is W.M. B. recalled that when ch ur the h. Th ma~ r will bl! eats, gamn acciden t that b !3fel h cr recentl y and and, wido-w of t he late t The special ,speake r •v Frank Zell, died at her home on er of t esting cattle was first prowill be Rev. H. Are we doinl all w. caD do to Th Third street at an early hour posed several years ago the bome of her sister In Dayton . J . Moore tv I reau ted promot e aehool • of Lewisb ul·g. All of the S e penal ", of 1011n" Are 'We N 0 d oubt the under-c laumen Her back • an H. E. Monday eyenln" . Sbe had been I'n in eon!!ide badl"J injured and men a nd boys ,~ f th,. church ~abl OppOSI' t'Ion. I n sev· . Jivinc ap to the ndards of are very animos ltated becauee of she narrowwas unda, are School attenda nce contest POOl' bealth ainee .. the death of her eral coun t'Jell orgaDlz ly escaped brcakin... " atlOna' of sportam aDlblp for which oar the S enlora "hold l. up" .. cord.ially Invited to , attend tlo.ls W&l paid when the "Blae" di'fillon the her neck. husban d, and durl'n" the past few farmers opposed to th e te·meetln" school ItaDd. ' . " enterta ined the victorioull "Reds" months her decll'ne had 8"" carse h 00 I .b us.., and they probabl y .. been rapl·d. ried th e ft g ht t hroug hi We could do more than we wiah we would Pall imperc eptibly .. · ocal courts · at. the church, Monda'1 evenlnc · Word haB reached u that Dr. F. · and WAYN ' into d E5V Ohio I L S ' C \b The followl I have done to .p....d aueb a spirit LE n, CHURC program H OF was l -iven b Funera l !!erviee8 existen ce. But they'll regret S • T rlPP s con it on was not enwere beld · late home at 2 o'clock hel' thl's at 'a fterourt OJ)by practic lq Kood Iportsm anlhip asubmitt ing. upreme In eac~ court CHR.I T malevo lellce later, for tbat ia couragi n t e auditor ium under the direcng for a few days after his (Unden ponent ominat ional) f at .Aho th t t I tio d n d th of t L. b V. takl Beck : it Ult exactiv noon, what Rev. w ar G. _ C. I Dibert 0, an . offi remova ciating, en Y l from Harveysburg to Da." _s_o_ _ e . : ••w _ er_e_ e_ eated. ~ e e p annlllg into our homes and injectinnK Son'" K it do. We are plannin g, our . ' devotl'onala" Rev. D'1be rt i and budal waa made in Miami cet- ton, but Is better at the present, Chester A. Willia mson, Mlnlate r into our commu nity. . reading and bebind the closed dool'S time. He receive , Sarab Conner : vocal 8010 cemete ry. d 11 beautif ul Chul'ch chool at 9 :30 a, m. Vivian Conner . Are we creatin g 'the relati011llhip ; song. Blue mem: 12, some vel'1 coneequ en- ba ket of flowers from friends In M r!!- Zell, only daught er of ord's Supper at Con(!lus with other schooll thai we wlah to ion. Chris bera of Junior choir: piano 11010, Nathan and Mary Jane Cartwr plans are bein&, perfect ed. Dayton . ight Endeav elltablish ? II the commu nity w.oald or at 6 :30 p. m. Ern,st Mary Eva LeMay ; talk, L. V. Jones, A few of thelle plans were was the last survivo r cooper ate with us e.peela ll,. in comple ted at Woolard, Leader. Ev'enin g Evan. Beck; vocal solo, Winifre a meetin g last week. d Anni- of one of t he oldest and best Mts. Edith Harris and Mrs. gelistic service at 7 :3:0 p. conduc t at the basketb all gaDles. A commit tee waa appoint m. Ser. tace; readlna , Mrs. ed lor Ronald Hawke atte nded Mrs. R. A. ConDer was bostess the mon subject , "We Need Je.us," plano solo, Beatric eL. B. Han: k:IIown familie s , in . this vicinity. we feel that it would help u. the purpOle of Inve.U pting ' Robibe r; For several years after their to the rell:ular the funeral of Mrs. James F . Taylor, In additi n to our reglldar meeting of the W. leave the impress ion of our IICheO} POlilbiJIties of a speake r proOcram mU8lc, Leo and Ruth Conner ; song marriag e. she and Mr. Zell lived F. M. Mci etY ,of the M. E. church, for the in Cincinn ati on Saturda y 'Riter- of congreg ational spirit fGrwbi ch we atri.e. and special si nlrcongreg ation. comme neemen t exercise s. on a farm near BellbroQk. but re- la t W dnesday afterno on. After We ahouldn 't bold our aporta- clau voted on, ' and chose The noon; Mrs. Taylor, mother or Mr. ing, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Martin wUl The compan y then adjourn ed to moved their' home to Waynes Rev. Frank L. Taylor, died in Califor- ~blg for us. Prayer , manshi p tip to other schools a G. C. Dibert to preaeh meetin g ana the socia l rooms, where a bounte- about twenty-five years ago. ville t~e opening and devotio nal exerthe bac- nia on the 29th of • clses. conduc ted by Mrs. W. F. and Bible 'tudy each Wednes day at OUI cafeter ia IUDCh someth ing we have and the, was sernd, Hilr nearest surviving relative is ~ark, Mrs. Mary ',\\leClure present ~1~:tr :tI~:: f:~~~~ ...llJ Jl.jtl haven't , but in.te&cl we Mould tIT Q]lIlA ti;:: ~~~;: ;~.eJI.w :.~b-_Wlb elre you and various ,limes ' and contest s a niece, Mrs. Ethelyn hold aervie~s in Jones Britto help them to hold and to ullder- W,.".......... 111 .. will also were enjoyed . ton, of Mishaw aka, Ind . A brothel ' e(Readin g, "Notes part in a Doctor' s stand some 01 . the practice a and exercite tl.' Other arranre menta in-law, T. H . Zen, of Xenia and Notebook," Mrs. Glenn ideas that we deatre to ba.••• ' -will be made later on. a sister.in -law, Ml'8. Nellie Evans, vO,cal duet, "D~ell With Bland ; IT}" do n W' For the remain der of thla sc:bool Thee." of Oregon , also survive . The late Misses Irma Rich and The]ma YY £S ."" ueg;:t S ilJ~ Jl;lother .,..••...'---- -.- ---- ---_ --- By .4l1Mn 1. Reid James year let UI do aU that we can to Zell, Who died 80 sudden ly ~t. ,John practic e and etltabUlh aeta of , "For the Heal. J . ._ N... last Saturda y evening, was also a IIIi' of t.h;e reading Sick," Miss Irma: 'Rich; sportsm anship with all with whom brother -in-law , and at the time of d~et, "He Careth for Y~u," Are all the claaae. l uffering Misses we come In contact . from this lIo~alled "depreMiion"T his ' death wall en route from his Rich and St. J ohn ; r eading, •-. Our financia l statu. sl'!emll to be a home inYelJo w Sp rin lr8 to Wayne Poreigl1 Miseions ?" ' Mrs. "Why F ra nk ... " familia r 8ubject at all ofoul' class ville to as!!ist in her care. Wqc.... ' ~inI Def••t LeMay. ,: I, meeting!!• ."Pay YOllr duell," is an - -- - - The conesPQnding secreta ry, Wayeeb a met tbelr Waterl oo age~ld aloe-D. but !t J, repeate d ~ ~. Ml(s. A. K. Day, l'e8d a most inwhen they played West Carroll ton alraln and apin until it even faill tel'estinp: letter from Mrs. C'owan ,. \ . to re'giste r on our minds. The laat Saturd ay nicht. of Michigan. The March ..' f~1 The game proyed to be one of queatlon i&--wb at's to be done ,viii be h eld at the home of Mrll. the most exciting' pmes ' of the about it! Duell micht be caned '1 M. W. Silver. seallon. The store at the half .tood miniatu re taxe.. What doel Final arrange ments have about the - ••-~-1'7 to 18 in favor of Weat Car- rovernm ent been comple ted for one of the do wheDp eople fail e rollton, but in the lut half Way- to pay their Evel'1o ne largest and best fratern al order nesvllJe sliced off the marcln aDd knOWI that .t meeting s ever held in WayneSVille thq are politely rethe count wal tied from time to lined L01 tlaelrp •• ropert y. But when the Counci1s 0'1 the 18th time. In the lut minu~ Stapp wou . , lIat apply in our case' Oh 10 ' dl 8 t·ric. . t· J r. 0 . U . A. M., hol<1 Id t The WayneSVille Farme r·' Ew_ tallied a goal for West' Carroll ton, Certain ly Dotllf ..... b' we would t.heir dl8trict . claM initiatio n in h thUII ended the ;ame with a Icote aroun co eewnr ooks etc., th h II U ' ange Co. inmen e . a 0 f _Iami announ for a program Valley Council · ca nd enj;erta t ce at the G-n01 30 to 28. unpaidd du11... wbat would be the on Friday evening , Februa ry 10. H II M d am .. uee 'i n 't The lineup wu a follow. : Ollt' eominl to IehooU We One of the best degree staffs in a L_ on ay evening . Februa ry 13 h' . h e Stat e wou Id n I_ve anyt Ina to .tud)' by t he WEST CARRO LLTON Keysto ne Steel t and WiTe will Co confer the degrees . A number of years a""o they and b..ld.., the teacber s . B J' P from upon a 1arae class cal'ldldates d I d would be "plenty mad." .. which will probab lyof include on~ Carr, f .......... _...... :........... 0 8 I've ope a new process known u Some thin. the .tudent '••anle f h b ... Galvan ealing which replace the ..... Stupp, f .... ... , ..... .. .. ..... .. :..... 2 10 0 t e est .. nown of the of younge honor r Mould ofll galvani zing process used in the be reeponl ible for political leadel'll in this section. ,H ahn. f ............................ 1 0 2 One .or more of the State officers ?lanufB cture of wire. This " Yea, but I b wbat if you Beckma ll, c ,.... ,.. .............. 1 2 .. bla debt.&. is not an d Bevera I promin entlaym embere Just Fahme y, e ......... .... "......... 0 1 1 have a senae 0 trade 0110r" but no name or zlcatch phrue tor athe o ld galvani ' ng "roc-. "cents or dolla" '" An:r lurMitchel l, C .. , .................... 2 1 i pation are expecte d to be present and b t d' t' t l' ~. _ apeak, and. If weathe r conditio Cowden , I .. .. .... .... .... ..... 0 0 0 ns II a IS mc prOC6S whlch ..is eon~ permit, .. atreet parade, led by :1l~1!~~s. by this compan y through ........ . a Great S-... , the Lynchb ur8 drum corps, Total .. ......... .... ...... _.... 12 8 80 It ' th precede the meeting'. Of eoursewill all IS is combin ed with The annaal P. F. A. ml11lltrel b t he ~8e of process high grade copper WA YNBSV ILLE went oft with. mem ere bane, of and the a Order, S 1-1-1 regardl e.. bear~ng 8teel wiJ:e which mug it , B F P 8001l1 1-80h. 01 where are their membe nhip may p O~SI bl e f or be held. h it com:pa cordlall y Invited Davia. f ............. ,............. 4 1 9 to guaran uJ to A coocl crowd attende d the tee theirt lence to ou Wbl.k er, f .... ... no .......... 2 1 & attend. any other fence of equal We IIm.r, C ,: . . ............ ........... 4 t 10 mlDltrela. It baa beeD reporte d I FraDer , I ............... " .... ,,_,0 I J that uollDd ... was taII.n in. • • J. L MEND ENHAL L n.t deplal Ie 'PI7 Tnacl" .", I ................... 1 STOCK HOLDE RS MEETING ''tIte ioa p04 la oa."coulde riDe HEAD OF BUREA U 'fila ...... &eco~ e. .. eltlaat loa " . .... At the HDW IlrpJllu UolI Iel he" in Lebano n, 1. L.
f' M Itea or H Id Th e ia
Enterta.on Win nin "Ree l,"
Mra. R. A. Conn er Soci ety
Jr. O. U. A. M. Plan a Big Mee ting Here
Farm ers Exch ange Anno unce s Prog ram
o r
III.. ...... wIIo,,_
.... eleetecl JlNIWei.
eo:~~~~lty ~he a:=:~~a~t p!:~~
th" .state 01 Thoma Floyd Br,. ant, deceaRd, filed hi fint and flnal aceount. in the la t thrctl years varied le8s J Lucill B-oentler, aclmlnlstralrix of lhe estate or Sarah Louisa Je • hundred pound to $3.05. Theae sup, decea ed, filed her IInal Be· cl)unt. . prices IIrc the avcrlll'e of all . markets for thc first week in Julia Millard was appointed au· ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~--------~~~---------~~-~ l Common PI~. P~~eed~ •• About 18,000 • . H Club Cirl. ia January, comput d by ~he departny THE HOO ~IER vlie:- A. }~. 'hl'nuwl'l hand OUI'- incluriin~ "Qt. t,) th •. lIan'l'y:shuI'g ' In th~ raSH of 'o lomon l"red and mini~tratrix of the estate of Brid· 79 Couali •• Aleo T.k. III nt of rUfal conomics in the ((In Bnrnhar,t . High "cholll fill' [lo. I,'l'll ' rauuat('s L('ui: J<'red "'I'I" us The S . FI'I.~d 0., get tocluruln, d ceased, Bnd filed coli ge of agriculture. liani on ol'nl'lI 'la, mful'nll\(f 'I'he n w bOlu·d ucl ~.pt(\d a I·"SI.]U- from. o. 8. "~[j .. ~ Ellu ]{cy ~ then ct ILL. H is ol'der d that officers bond mith 'ul'eli s. PauJlne Riley, Part ia Work tha t h~ lVot.lcI b [lCrcpt(lo in di,- tion Illnci ng the ~ulury Ilf ('l(p<'I" 1uPPcufet! Iwfllrl ' (h e blln1'd lind dil'et(o!':-I nnd ' all shalt holders 01>' Geol'ge Gates and Howard onover IrI('t 'o.:J if h" oulll ecure hi" lenuctJ l Ilch el nt ,10 pt'r month 2'aV(' thl'm [1 tnlk in I' '~l1rd ~(I thl,llll'a l' Oil January 30 and show were appointed apprBiscrs. .TRY About 19,000 Ohio far'ln women OUR CLAS!IFIED COLUMNS Di stribution made by the execu. t111.!I1.1J fro m ' 1 'm'crt'ek town. hll) for tearhing Hnd ju ni tor dulles, ' hunging of . (IIlW II f the t xt bl.ok~ cnu:;c \ hy ~aid company hould e tate of Howard Jef· in l!ome 10,500 hornell and 18,000 di tri·t lO. 1 1. Th,· fol1owiJlg' while inexpcl'icn cd t('ochers WCI'I! ('~Jl 'cililly gcugl'aph)' lln!i hi ~l(l ry. ' nut di~. olv!.'. Rf1 civct's app oin ted. tOl' of th FOR RESULTS ,tandm committvl's were named to I'cr"i"e $:15 nel' II I nth [or tht' Af '1' quitt.' a Jeng hy cli"cust:lion I A. B. Kaufman nnd I::. . EulasH, fery, deceased, wa approved by 4·H club girl!!! in 79 counties parby Prl'sid!.'llt J'. ] . Bard: '1'(,llch ' 1' - ~\m H.lrvi e, but th length of br thli l'n!.'mb(;r. of til J hOI\rd,:. . ' ac('~pt('d recriv'l·ship. 11 COl'pora- ('ouit. ticipated in cloth ing work Jed by and Tt'xt Books, Philip '\JI'face the term WAS ioel' I\;' ed from eight 'tilllell and .r, O. Fulkinburg l lion~ nn I tirm~ enj() h~ II fl'om in. L. M. Henderson, ex cutor or the c lothing s pecialiSts, ~gents, and nJ .hn r!, Hawk; lluil(\ing and month~ to nin\!o (M Ol'!" grief for (who happl'nl'd tu COlnl' in at tllt lItltuting any uil$, etc , Howul'lI W. estall) of EILswOl'tl) L. harwood, ro und ', .J ohn Burgett. n nd , olter John Henry choo lboy nnd hi~ tim ,) , th W>lg II m()linn Illaue [ lIin~ npp int'd c 1lI1 ~,~ 1 for r 'ce iv. til d his apJI\iclltion for Il ertifi· leaders for the agricultural ext n· \lOTARY PUBLIC cu t o'f transfer, Ilion service last year, according by BUl'ton Earnhnrt, , ec.' o t;1deil by ~'rl'. Wil on; uppli , ylv<l1rus Hart- sl·t r. Olive Jam ~, administratrix of to Mrs. Bertha Ev rharl, extensio,n ck amI Elmer b:nrnhart. Megsrs. tOl'ris I1I1!'r. EUI\ in :.uorl is • il\'C'l', lind ~JLrri ·cI, that 1n till' case of Frank .B aI, et ~I., N.tloD.l Baek June 20, Prof. Brobst, of New handlt,,· and Duvld ThoIlHH! ap· n'w (' I IU;~~, b~inl!' "tartrd in g Il- vel'sus Dodd anning Company, a the estat.e of Harlan Whitacre, de. specialist in nome economics 'fo r Will. 01'._ . . E.tat•• !ett". Burlington, Willi nwlo>'ed to teach Jl ar d before th~ buard u) diH· rnphy be ill~tructcd til huy the l corporation. et 01., first s ries of clUIsed, filed h r second acc~unt. the college of agricultur . . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Ilfrie W . Si~ker, executrix of mu. ie in th b hool at II f'n lar), u. R till' :;\tuati')l1 in th", flll'nwr :--:ntul'1l1 /('1lt)~r(\Jlh)' . for (Ill'il' t xt motion well tnken. W ords stl'ickBy remodeling and repuiring of Sl? p I' month for eight III nth subdi tricl No 3. flel' \.Iuitl) !I bit hook". but old <"IU ~8(," ~I,II U$e the ', 'n from the peti tion, Remainder lho es tate of Louis A. ieker, dc. clothing, I'U I'nl women are prolong- ':..,-_- _ . ---_ ~==.:::..:::..:::.====':.=.=.=.~ lind t achers were hir d a, fo1- of dellat!', "a motil'ln \\ as made hy old tl' 'l\t bookF, f n(J :11 :0 thnt thc:rc I f motion ollcrl'UIl'd. Delendnnls ceased, .flIed h I' fir t and Inal IlC. ing the Iii of their families' co unt . lows: '0. 1, Wbit liel' Burnl't; No. Hi y, s co nd d by Hnwke, that be no chu ngl' in tip hl Ktory. p; i" ('n IUtecn days tv dcmunel' or A cel·tifted copy Il f the ntry clothing. In this way they are help. 2, }Jllu B. K ylI; No . 6, ,Eli rew, the mel.'ting stand ndjourncd to Evidl>nUy, lI. \\'. :ih'C'r had b~en llll 'we l'. ing: to supp lement reduced farm No. G, harle. usti[) ; No.7. meet on ,londny aft l'ooon, IflY choseo ,Q dit, cl()1' of the newly reo In Llwell se 1: urt Evans vcr u det rmining the inheritance tax on funds. estate of Rachel A. Morris , the , l)le~t Austin; No. , H ttie • at 2 o'cl ock . .M olion cal·tied." S o i n!'tutl'u !lU bod i ~trict 1'\0, 3, with Mary Evan s a divorce was gra nted Due to lhe lack of I'ell..dy cash, , 'eall; ' 0 • to, Florellce Litt! ; far a thi8 case WM ('oncern d, probably Edwin handler and plai nt iff. ORts to plaintiff. Care dec ea ed, i to be certified without homemakllrs throughOUl the state I No. ] :1, Edna Robinson. All but t hey might a weU hBve adjourned I avid 'l'hoJlln~ as hi~ tlS:ocilltell, lit mino l' child to ddendant till delay. WAYNESVILLE, OH 0 now are wa hing their own matedTh will of Alice C McFarland, als and garments which they have Phone 80 .Mi~s O' l'all were to be paid 4() sine di~, jor less than the number Thi , item iC) lI o w~ in lhe minu-tes: r~lrther ol'der' of co ur t. Bank BId,. p r month, and. he was to receive re,,!u ired for a quorum appenred tln 'In the matteI' of ' th,' anmgement The n e of Addie A. Hartsock deceas d, was filed in court, not been in the habit of clean ing ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a5 per month. t he later date. President Gard call. for a scho ol, in Distrl cot No , 3, it vel' us Birdi Alexander el a1. was Alton F. Brown, administrator of at home, Mrs. Everhart says. Some the estate of Peter B. Cleaver, de. harl e trou exhibited som~ ed a p cial meeting on Ma~' 30, was mOIll'd by Hawke. Reeo nded by dis mi 'sed without recol'd. FOR SALE DATES CALL of the 19,000 fum women particimap. and oli cited orders. Th e but. 0 far as the records how th Silver, that 1\ comnlit.tce be aPr Tn the case of John E. York ver- ceased, filed his chedule of debts. pilting in the clothing work of the George J. Waterhouse, executor agricu ltural extension S I'vice teJl board order d a ll . chool de iring trouble of pOor old No. 3 were pointed to vi~it the J>aLrons of Lhe s us Harkeas Gabbard, defendant of the e tate of Mu!'y E. tWater. of mRp. to repol't within t en day. \et S vCl'ely alon. 'I'he only district a nd ge~ til. nl to sign ,a has leave to file motio n. ving in tim, energy, and Attorn eys lar k & 'ummlngham bu.in 58 accomplish d was th-e co n tl'lltt to tl'anspoI' their children The Cou rt hereb y filC(l the urn house, decea~ed, filed B schadul o f money due to this service to farm atte nded the meeting held on Aug- ,el ctio n of lht! pre. ident, treas· to the Wayne . ville High school of 1080 as an aggrega'te amount debts. people. The e tate of Georg.. W. Nicholu t 16 to pres their claim f or the vr I' lld clerk a n committee to [his wintel·.'! Th(' 11101ioll mu t to bl' expend ed by th\! prosecuting In Lucas county it is estimated payrn nt of a 250 fee, for er- prepare the annual tax. 1 vy fol' have pr vail (I, becau Re "the co m· attorney during the yeur ~933 f or son, Ileceased, is 'exempt from in- that the 414 women who took part mitte ap poit\tl'd wa . . '1'. Hllwke the compensation of offiee assist- herita nee tax. vices render d to t1\e board in the adoption by the bom·d. JESSE STANLEY in the clothing work r modeled Anna N. , Hatfield, administratrix This levy wa ad opted as fol· a nd ylvanu ~ Hnrt :nck ." Th ' ants, clerk and stenographers. LYtle case. Action on the matter garments which now are va lued at Ploa. 310, N ... Burll.,'e., Ow. was deferred while the clerk and low on June 111: ontinuatio n meeting eve ntually adjour ne In tilt: case of Fiirs t National of the estate 01 George W. Nichol. more thim $4,000. treasurer searched 'for an old re- :fund , ' 2500; co ntingent fund , r econvene o n Mo mlll~T afternoo n Bank, of Blanche!;ter, versus son, deceased, fi led her first and In Trumbell county alone, t he EARL KOOGLER ceipted bill. $1000 i Spr'ing VaHe y town hip, Augu st 2 . . D. Corwin and E. B. Mur- final account 1500 women who remodeled 2,400 Da,to. Pl'ao.e The first a nd final account ot garments throughout the help of "The Lytle board came and pre- $40; Clearcreek town hip, ,GO; At lhis tHI;vurn u .ession, "the rell, confirmation deed and di striented a p'etition to the township total Ivy, 3600. The repre~enta. committ aJlPointed to Ca ll UI~OIl uut ion. 0 ficieney judgment , for Fai ~y L e Baker, guardian of Jua. the agricultUral extension service KED.ore 8.88 board that had':been pre ented to live of a school furniture concern th patro n~ of di!<trit't O. 3 re. 1551.67. nita Baker, et al., millors, was ap· are estimated to haYe saved from them. and that was si~ed by (I ubmitt d proposal to furnish ported ~hnt they thoug'ht, a there Raym ond Price was found guilty proved, allowed and confirmed by $60 to $ tOO pel' family. number of land owner in District new s a f or the R d Oak school, seemed to lIe som who thought of the indictment filedl again t him th(' court. -------.-~ No. a, asking that they be relea - but the bo~rd in tructed theirloca l hest to have :l ilc hool th~re t hat and sentenced to not lless than one Th Lebanon-Citizens National ed from Lytle Sp cial and taken repre entahYe to purchase the it would be best to ,hire a t~acher' year in the reformatc)ry at Mans. Bank & Trust Co., trustees of the back into the township di trict." seats whel' ... e~ th y cou ld do the and pI' ce d us in oliler districts. field. ' state of George E. Riley, Director 01 Fu.eral S.nlc.e 'Thet'e was a motion ma de by WiI- In the case of Floyd S. Reed vel" ceased, tiled its first account. Deefsion upon the matter was de- best. ferred until a special meeting. lOA re ult of, ~ lect ion held in so n, seconde d by (7) Earnh8l·t us Virginia Jones, it is ordered Coreelia M. Cross, guardian 01 h Id Augu t 20, when Di tric~ No. "'\t~at. was ? rtgmally , known as (probably Burton), that th that $25 deposited by plaintiff as Maxwell W. Cross, minor, filed his Our c(lnvenient locatIon , lulta. 8 was restorea to the township DIst r Ict No. 3 for the purpose or director and ub-dil' eto!' be em. security fol' costs bEl applied as fir t a nd final account. hIe 8urroundings and equipment sy tem rei a ing itself from Lytl pecial lo,,,ercd to hi re a t !lcher and pllrt paym lit on costs taxed Mattie Hoagland was appointed Eeononti.t. FiDd. Taite. H.n enables us to Serve to the Best A ~pecial meeting was held, district having been handed to this mak Clther necessal'Y 'arrang • against defendant. administratrilc of the estate of Advantare. August 27, at which C. H . Hawke bo~rd ~as ordered read, after ments to stlll·t the lIchool." A divorce was granted p laintiff Elbddge Harris, deceased and ftled Dropped fl'Olll 1164 to An IIpri; ing at the choo l in No. in the ca e of Ralph lBruc~ versus bond with sureties was cho en to preljide, President whle~ It was accdPted, Stnd a $U8 .... Fu... . unsmomous yea it an banay was 5 ca 11 ed ! or a speClI1 . l mee t'mg on ylvia Bruce . ' AMBULANCE SERVICE Gal'd not be~ng The adjudication and determina. pres~nt. It seems taken to admit k avo ae subthat .the spec)al meeting of a week di trict. " D cember 1. .. iter ~everal 1'eIn the case of Solomon Fred and tion o! the il1heritance t a. on the Phoa. 29 pr .VIOUS had no~ bcen conducted Because the election resulted mark. by C. T. HUI ke on tll Louis Fred versus T'he . Fred estate of Mary E. Waterhouse, de. Farm prod uct prlces hav e declined 63 per cent during the last strIctly to the letter of the law. llnanimou ly 'and b cause mOl' pr ~I'(,S. of the ~(bool in his dis- ompany, ~t 1.11., it is ordercd that cca ed, is to be given to all persons three years while building materi- I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! The roll ~ad not b en c~Ued at hal! the voters participat- tric.:t, lmd remark 81 0 fr om lhe the . Fl'ed Company be dissolved interested. Robert G. NorrIs, administrator als have dropped 20 per cent in the. belrinnlng of the meetmg, nor ing in the election (two of them teacher of that distr i t, Miss and the defendant i to pay costs. was a yea and ~ay vote taken when hart not been voters very long Minnie Hathaway, she handed in The receivers are to proceed to of the estate of Rachel A. Morris, price, iertiJizer prices 26 pel' cent the board dec)d~d ~ return th e at that time, I think) are still liv. her resignation as teacher on a wind up the affairs o:f def~ndant, deceased, is ordered to sell certain farm machinel'Y prices 24 p~r cent territ~ry. of. -u.b-dl trlct ~o . 3 from , Lng in the community, this notice compromise offel'ed her by th The S. Fr d Company, Bnd report bonds f or interest of said estate. and farm wages i!;,om 50 to 60 per Sarah L. Francis and Grace cent, C. R. Arnold, ru ral economist the .Jurlsdl.ctJOI! .or. ~he Lytle in fulJ is inelud d here. Thi copy board. The I'esignation was accept- the il' pI'ogre s and proceedings to Speclal.to .be JurisdIction of the is made dir c:t1y from the original ed by [( unanimou' recorded v te, COUl't. A cCltified copy of this 01'- Brooks, administratrices 01 the ea- told Farmers' Week vi itors last Township ~oard. These defe.cts document that was read to the Aftel- a ' good man y years of del' of di olution is to be pre- tale of George B FranCis, deceased week at the College of Agriculture Farm taxes, Arnold said averagwere remedied. by a second mohon board on June 19,1 99-not from ab ence from the po ition, Davis pared nnd tran smitted to and flIed flIed their first account. Furnas .returned to the chair in a in the officc of ' the f;ecreta ry of which was p~ssed, refusJng to the nlinutes. The inventory of Patrick C. ed $164 per farm in 1929, but in ~pprov~ the mmutes of t~at me.et. "We hereby certify that the temporary capacity at the opellin~ state. Coughlin, a dministrator of the es. 1932 were ,U8 per farm. Land lng •.It IS presum~d that thiS motton following i a true statement Of of the r e[(,u lal' meeting held April In the case of Nornna B. Roosa tate of Anna Coughlin, decca ed , values have declined and in the spring of 1932 the average for nulh~ed the action taken at tbat he nanl es of thl' vot r , the num- 16, 1900, Presidertt ard being ver us Effie M. Phillipl3, et a1., ap- was approved by court. meeting. b fil'l d absent. The ull ual accumulation of pI'ai ement confirmed. No election The inventory of Alice Cain, ad- the United States was 11 per cent HUNTING A quorum failed to appear for er 0 vot s ta lee a~ cu. j)aid;-ntt., _ 0 take order to sell. - ministratrix of t he estate of J ohn lower than before the war. a PISHING the regular meetiJlg of Ocu bel' 17, and the, result o,f a. pCl!lal election ney was called before the board to Although farm machin ery prices ••• u-P... - a b ...... Cain, decea$ed, wa approved by New Sui" so another special was caUed for hold n In s.ub-d,stflct N,o. ~ of t~e explain one of hi s biUs before its are still q uite high and have d e- eJ ...._ ..eeSeeS tuU ~olallll'" court. IIiIIl1aIJ ..4 October 24 to transact the business Lytle Speclill School D1Stl'lCt, thl payment. Then they ejected Friend Frank A. Burns versus Esther The estate of Mary Harrison is clined only 14 per cent during the ,.... 'rapPl",_It• .. Iuable \I,,_\IoIl at>ou that should have been attended to 22 d~y of May A. 1899, .to ~e- Furna to erve liS president for Ma on, et aI., for fOrE!clo ure anll relieved from administr.ation. Har- last year, farmers are meeting the f, WII. rnol __ ~ ..... I." ~. "-' a week earlier. The first things te rnune whether sa Id .sub-?Istl'lct, the en. uing year, and J. Milton judgment. rell L. Harrison, one of the heirs, ituation by us ing more man labor, p.,.... they did were to read the minutes ~own a~ N~yt' S~Uld. ~It~d~a~ Keys was chosen to flU the lIacancy olomon Fred and Louis Fred filed his application for a c~rtift more horf!(! labor, and raising more .~ colta. Horse feed ls much cheaper and call the roll, aU t he members Dio:ic~al e pecla C 00 as director in district No .. 1, versus S. Fred Company, et aI. , for cate of tra nsfer. than fuel or repairs at the present except Walter Wilson responding, "N' fAt caused by the lack of an election., dis olution ' 01 corporation ap The admini tratrix of the estate arne 0 vot r8: rms rong C 1 W'lh 1 ,, 1 h t0 pomtment . . 'and he arrived immediatel)1 after- M C Ed' Ch dl D'd ar I c m wa, a 0 c osen of. receIver and equita- oC Albert M. Callon, decea ed, is time; and whether pricea adjust -ward. Clark & Cunningham, the c ray, wm an. er, ay! li I've as s ub-directo r in the sam ble relief to distribute to Blanc})e D Calion to' lower price levels or not, farmLebanon at1(orneys, were. present ~ha;d~~~at ~. W'h:~I~I~~:, DJaO~~ di!;trict. ,(.Ro,~ many of my, reader Carl T'hompson versus Gail D. certain stock ~ belonging to the es- ers will make adjustments to and pre ented their argument in C M ' d Ed . L Th remembe r thl. fill olel gentleman Thompson and Wiliam Wathol tor tate. The estate is exempt fro m meet it. In 1929 Ohio farmers ' b 'll . c ray an Win. 001111$· and hi~ quaint often amusing t' , f I ' . f f h spent about $94 per farm for avor 0 , t e paymen t 0 f th . eu I Number of votes for withdrawal b t k' d' l 'k' ?) St h B ' par ItIO~ 0 rca estate and eq ult. inheritance tax. machinery while in 1982 tlley lor $250 "or ·Iegal servl'ces render . u In y remm S . ep en ur- a· ble relief Ada Hill was apponted adminis... J . ' Number of votes agamst with- net was chosen a t he !lecond sub. ed to the board. This was finally d w: 1 0 . . . . Agnes Hardy versus ' Alfred tratrix: of the estate of Thomao spent only about a third as much. Farmers are raising more of allowed and ordered paid by a ra .a, . . d (hrec tol'. "By ]'eason of failure to Hardy for divorce Charge is J one deceased, and filed bond with their own home-grown ieed and unanimou 8 recorded vote. All other M:I~e ~ o~~:;nds thIS 22 ay of si~n tOil p~lI boo ks the~e was . a gross 'neglect of du ty. sureties. , George J. W aterhouse, executor the amount spent for purchasing bills were ,allowed, with 1he x· . . D W Thomas Judge ~all~reTio elect a SUbt:d ll'ectol' bID Southern Ohio Loan Company, a ception of A. B. Chandler's bill for Ed~in 'Chandler' Clerk H~~ , l~ tC dW~;~ ba mHO 10tl1 mkadc,- y corporation, versus Andrew Zapp, of the estate of James C. Sales, de- feed in 1982 was only one-third as t . '1 eges a t II H'I. II I.,ey. Th se..orn on eu bey at' soc f orE~C1osure and ceased. i ordered to sell certain great a was the case three years wa er pnVl 0 ege M. W. ilver ' Clerk". Dav'd . t. t'iflat et aI., f or money, bond s for interest of said estate. ago. Fqod is being raised for This was referred for investigation An audit of the tl'ea ur~I"s and one I yea r. M~ction C~~';'io~d. e The~: equitable relief. home 'consumpti on. Less fertilizer to thli! clerk, who was in tructed to clerk's accounts 0 1\ A ugu t 21 II t' d b H.t k ---is being purchased and more labor pay the bill if he f ou nd it to be Ahowed ' a balllnce on hand 01 $1,. was mo Ion ma e y 81 soc , Probate Court Proeeedin,. being used. Clyde Henry Shutts, farmer, of correct. (Continued On Pa~e 3) J. W. Goddard, adm ilnistrator of A few remarks were made by 206 .. 38, Sevcral bi1Js were paid, Waynesv iUe, and Mr!j. Carrie Elea~gn~Hart~c~~y~gfu~h~ =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ nor Lakes, factory worker, of Leb- Stella Kelly, services, $10; Georgia teacher (Charles Austin) .was try· ~==="""'== By Albert 1. R.eid anon MHler, services, $10 ; Morrow Whit ing to get It library for his school Real E.'at. Tl'aa.fer. acre, services, $6; MI'!!. Howard (Mt. Holly}, and to get it he was Elizabeth McCray· Cooper, et 81, Sa yer, services, ,7; Julia Holland giving entertainments to raise the to Orvi n B. McCray, real estate sel'Vices, $10; Erma Hibnar, BervWANTED money; that he was greatly in need 1 in Washingtoq township. . ices, $10; E. M. McLain &: Son, of a large lamp, and asked the Aubrey McCray, et aI, to Ehz!,-- burial services, '100 i M. E. Ros$, W ANTED--To buy all kinds ' of board to get one for him. It was beth ~1t:Cray Coope~, real e.state m stamps, $3; Bell Press, postals moved by Chenoweth, secollded by chickens, paying highest mal'ket Wash ington township. ' and printing, $3; Johnson-Watson price. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, Burgett, that the board purchase Elizabeth McCray Cooper, et aI, Co., 2000 eYt;ilets, $2; Oolumbus Ohio. the lamp. Motio ncarried. Presitf to A~na Mc~ray Hawke, r~al es- Blank Book MIg. Co., supplies, H; dent Gard informed the board that paR SALK tate 1n W8shmgton township J. F. Cunningham, dean of Coll5lge on account of failing health his Eli2~beth McCray Cooper, at a!., of Agriculture, ' due college lor teacher (Miss Edna Robinson) to O';ln B. McCray, real estate In farmers' institute, $175; Karl D. FOR SALE- New and usedlumhad to give up her school, but that Washmgton township. . Dakin, insurance premium, '14.36: bel', ~sh, doors and frames; h e had already hired another." McCra~, real estate in Washmgton Mildred Neihaue, hydrophobia pipe flttinra .a nd plumbing sup. However, the record does not state Wreckers, ' 667 townshIp. . treatment, $28: Mary E. Hopping, plies. Dayton the name of Miss R obinsoll's euc· Pr!ary P.ettts to Emma G~te and rent, $80; A. W. Tucker, flnal esti- Richard St., DaytOll, Ohio. 'f22 cessor. SusIe Wr Ight, real estate m Leb- mate, $54; Mason Lumber Co., sup Prof. Brobst gave the board a lecture concerning the advantages anon , plies, $01.08; J. K. Spencer, gravet FOR SALE-Used Fordeon parts. Also auto and tractor repairinl'. Blanche Brown and Josie W. Hill U 72. 72; Kilpatrick-French Motorof a musical educat ion, December 'f22 real estate in LOTeland. car Co., gas and supplies, $105.66. D. K. McMilIal!' R. R. S. 19, and the gentlemen decided to ROBS C. Lewis and Viola Lewis hold a special meeting on the first to Mrs Russell Copr, real estate Monday in January, 1899, to dein Hami1~on township. termine whether the Professor Ross C. Lewis and Viola Lewis to ahould be employed to teach music Sallle Harris, rael estate in Hamin tbe schQols for the remainder of ilton township. the term. However, the Arthur Greene to Robert Harricontain no further mention of tbis son, 60 acres in Franklin township. IIpecial meeting. Mary Davis and J 'ohn Davis to FinanMI! mu st have been runWilliam H. Venable and Gla4ya C nin« low, because 8 resolution was Venable, real estate in Clearcreek adopted t'alling upon the county township. auditor ' for an advance draw of , John W. Scbleehauf to Alice 11ISO. Elijah Compton was rehired ~ Schleehauf and Mary Schleehaul, truant ofll eer, he to be paid II 122 acres in Harlan townlbip. tew ach offiCial trip he made. Thomas McCray, deceased, to New names appea:rin~ on the F~~ Anna McCray Hawke, It al., real roJlter lit t he rll'organization , e'fI estate in Washlncton township lected April 17, 18991 follow: Roy BIrdie Alexander, .t aL, to Earnhart, Sub.DiatTtct, No.1; 1ttt~~E SPECr,' Sprinl' Vaney National Bank, 100.Burton Earnhart. Director, No.2; 78 aerel In Wa}'De town.hlp. Oeo,," Ha"kll'. Sllb. No.6; CharIeR Lawrence Wakete, to Spriq Braddock, Sub, No. 7; J o~eph Vall., National Bank, 101 ac.... 1n R • Director, No. 10: Allen W.yne tOW1l8hip. Ib.." • b, o. II; .t. D. Gard. ElIlWorth L. SIIenroocl, dee. . . ... In oil" u president, to Joh. C. and K.Uada V. Adami C!ommltteel!: 128.8a aena hi towaahlp. alld T Roe C. T.
1 he Little Red, District School as it 'NEWS G Existed in Wayne 10wnship for tears FROM coun HOUSE
STUDY CLOTHING AnT ~Rt~e3 f~::n C~~~P~~J~!-~C~ '~I.~~Ir! ----- - -----
Slanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Price. for Farm Product. Studied At Farmer.' Week
10,,,,, UO.--
, !
The Little Red, District School Wayne
Wo Ha •• a C.aple•• w..... R.p ll lY' Sonice And use only .renulne materia. Crystala fitted while you walt.
Lebanon, Farm February 10 Second Recanlne meeting, . Bureau ofllee. D. L CRANE I I PUU.s._'S ....C,IPtl_ Price, fl.IO a By Mr•• Jo .. io B. Tripp February 16 Annual meetinr of Producers Cooperative ComOtIc. at Poatofflco w.~Y., ... _1 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cary's Jewelry Shop out inu ed Fron Pag41 2) millsion Ass'n., Oindnati. .---P .... ...... ... ............JIC N•• 112 Enlerfd ville. Oblo. aa Secon4 at Cia.. R 118 Katter Lebolloa, Ohio I;ccun d.. d hy II is y, lhatl Dnvid February 14 Sewing Machine Clinic-Home of Mrs. Longacre Store Open Eveninp I get the fragrant. ollor of tho T hOIl1I1 ~ Ill' inl'lructcd 10 '~faw an Lytle. bloom in' lOcust tre .. ~, ordel' for Lwu Illont h.· tlay for F ebruary 16 Sewing Machine Clinic- Merritt's Room, HarFEBRUARY 8, 1933 I hear th pleasant "buzzin' of leuchl'f in .Ii"tdct. No. 3. ~Lnd that veysburg. the hard work ed honey bees, th clerk he in. tructed to honor February 16 Sewing Machine Cli1\ic- Cottle Hall, Maineville There's a red bird In t he l ree CAl l'"' m-.bY--a--Y4'~:I---I!-=>.l:UjIU,lI'--Ju- Sewing Machine Clinic, Lebanon. OJ~~ciJtemelllt_-~~T~.:m~mw-wrr~~..:::.::q~~~~~=February 16 Garden. and Ve"e-table School, Memorial Hall, nllY vot E' ." ... bill tail a-flic ker in' a nd When th e board fi ll nll y finisbed Lebanon. Conducted by County Agricultural Agent. And see This talk about radio and othe{ forms of news interest ~lDd wi hit; udj n tm('nts. t he line-up \ F ebr uary 16 Annual Meetfng of Producers Cooperative ComOh My! how he sings. vertlslng competltion- "what'e all the shooUn' about?" Radio is an mis' ion Ass'n, Cincinnati h fi rs t aboul a. fo II ow ,I.e agreeable forin of entertainment--when it doee not become a bore. Th black birds' surethaf Ita lkin' a: slood namt'd in ,· nch di Rl.rict bl!ing the F \l bruary 17 G~rden and Vegetable School. Memorial Hall, th ey f 0 II er up e ]> ow, Most of us accept it as entertainment and are not greatly interested dirt'ct ol': '0 . 1 - J . fm on· Keys, Lebanon, conducted by County Agr'l. Agent. SO Years Experience iD ill its other functions. It never will take the place of the newllpaper Fe br uary 17 Garden and Vere table School. Memorial Hall, Fitting and Making Gla.... The old he ns. a nd the roo~ter, C l'l Wilh 1m. • l ell hen Bumett ; a re a-tollenn'" the " • n hIIH, r~I II I' ry E. L(l b anon. C on d uc ted b, C0 u n ty Agr'l. Ag e nt. as a medium for disseminating news, for the reason that Its record is k cow, ' b ' ld I 1.,IIu. 2 - Bu rll)n lo.81 11ow Jae et 18 1\ UI nay ye t k Ch~ A Br(l wn ' No 3March 2 Orchard Pruning Demon stration . (Place t o be an· ISO transitory. Imagine trying to establish a 'tact or settle an argu- Th e b . , ! hi t oe., . <o!'. . • . ment I)y a broadcast that already ha~ vanished into thin air. On the LollaMlIl, Ohio ~n fl~8 as~eswi th his ba ll of M . W. i1ver. 1. avid Thomas, Ednounced later.) H p . win hand I"!' ; o. 5- . T. other hand, the newspaper record exists and may be referred to. Tu..da". Thur.cIay,· '.turda, mud, he has no tIme ~o r e ·t. l£awkc, G 'or!!' \! W . Hawke, William Folk frequently miss a broadcast of "Amos 'n' Andy" and are not Ezaminalion F .... greatly devastated thereby; but did you ever know anyone to miss an The sun sure is a shlnin ' h e is Harl ock i O. 6- , ylva nus Har~ LEBA,NON, OHIO EXECUTOR'S SALE OF shinln' left and right, sock, I"rank S mith, har les Co rnell benefits gained by a separate installment of a serial story without gettin&, all worked up? Homes He works twelve hours of t h ' N o. 7- A. E. hC1.1oweth, Charles school were not commensurate PERSONAL PROPERTY have been wrecked by the action of some member of the family in . day, and until it' s most night Braddoek, '~i1I!a l11 H. Dillw.iddi ; 'with the . expense.. This quest~on destroying or hiding a newspaper. A person may lay down a newspaper There haa been lols 0'1 rainin but ' N il. B- Davl!; ]i UI'I1I1 S, E vall ta n- had receIved conSIderable atten· The undersigned will offer for t~ listen to a radio program, because he knows he can take up the he howed his face t oday field, Ill ren ce. Hor m II; '0. 10- tion !it several meetings. Finally, paper again. Were it to come to a choice between the two-of dis- . And every thing is right nuw, a ll J os ph W. HIsey, Albert Shutts, at thiS meeting, M. W. Silver pre· ule at. Publie Auction on the 23l'ci D.,. of February, 1933 pensing with one or the other- the newspaper woul~ win in nearly the gray clouds cl eared away orwin B . Halllilton ; N . 13- sented a resolution that called fOJ Albert Smith (son of yru and f t he discontinuance of the school. every c.8se. At the farm llltely owned by Our idea is that the radio 8upplements the newspaper and, in the We have to have the ra iny spells bl'other of George J. ) Alten The resolution was at once adop~ John S. Thomson, now deceased, you know that without doubt; Kibler , William Sturr. Th(! st and- by a unanimous recorded vote. sit.uate between Waynesville, and news field especially, merely advertises the publication's conte~. Lots of things are helped by ing committees: T esche.rs and Then bUliness picked up when they Lebanon, Ohio, on R()ute No. 42, That is the testim ony of a number of newspaper owners who operate them, though Bo rn e a re dro\v n Text BookA-S ilver and Hisey; tried to formulate plans for the ae. about 2 Y.: milel! southwest of radio .tations as a sideline. More and more, newspaper8 are bacoming ded out; Bui lding and Gro unds -Hartsotk commodation of the pupils. After beginning at 1 liehldes of servite. ']:'hey purvey so much valuable information and do You know the good old weather and Hawk; fiupp lies- Ell rnhart much argument they decided to reo Waynesville, o'clock p. m., the fo llowing perso many other things for the public which the radio. cannot do in a man has never f ailed us ye t, lind Smith. scind the vote, its allthor was the lIonal property belongolng to the He gets here so me way, and On perm.nent way. that we fail to see where they are seriou81y mer.aced Diractorl.' . Hartsock, Hawke and only director who voted for its estate of said John S. Thomson, time, that you can safe ly bet. Earnh art w re Ilppo intedl a s a adoption. C. T. Hawke, who Vias deeeal!ed by radio competition. and alllo other personal Take the matter of advertising. Te be efYective it must exist in Some of the spots up on t he hill. cummi t e t o illvelltigate t he mat- acting as president pro tern of the property of said estate: te r of securing fire insuranc:e iD aI. meeting, then appointed Burton a fairly peTtJlanent ~orm. It must also have flexibility, ideally provided geu mighty hot and th y Household Goods, Implements, by the newspaper. Handbills and circulars have an ephemeral evistence I guess that Is because they' re school building'l', with powe r to act Earnhart and J. W. Hisey lIS Etc., 4 Cows, 42 Hogs. See large according t o their b st judgment. members of a committee to hire a bill for particulars. mueh nigher to the sky; even when n ot a positive annoyante. Radio advertilSinl' goes in one ear . .Junc l 8, the board met in A. B. teacher and make lIuch other ar. Terms ·Cuh. lind out the other. Most of the newspaper advertlling has a lon~ life Down on the crick bank it' is coo l, . ides' wareroom in the I. O. O. F. rangements lIS would be neceuall' that is the place fer' me, . building, now occupied by Rogers dn order to start on scbeduled time a nd great r authority. We haven't heard of the women of the nation AMOS E- THOMSON dlscardinr newspapers and turning to 'handbills, shopping guides and I love to 1011 there in the . hade, & Simp 'o1l: imltead .of at their LOUDY V. THOMSON (To be continued) u. unl meet1l1j! place 111 t he town· • _ ..a_ _ __ the radio for thei.r advertising information. as lazy as can be. Executol'll of the estate of John board decided W~ iO to a IIhow to be entertained. We lilten to the radio, In a There's one place wher e I love to ~hip hous . Th S. Thomton, deeeaaed. train stopped at Stokeadal. The thnt tb n xt t erm should run for majority of (aSe8, for the same purpolSe. An advertitllni talk over the fish, it's lIorter of a hole, Junction and the· brakeman came Stanley " KOQrler, Auct. It'll plum full of nlu d sucke r eight or nine mo.nth , at th~~ option in rloldio. ~o us at least, is about all efYective al the advertising on a -~.---and shouted: which L -keteh-with-m: pil I . ! the lucaLdixector~ t...eKPftI'· theater drop curtain. We are anxious to have ie over with and forgot"Stockdale Junction; chang. SublCrib. for tale Mlaml GeletM. anced teach r . should be paid $40 ten in order that th entertainmen t may proceed. -The Publilhers Which is jist' 'a small g reen eaplin, p r month an d beginn er $H5, with cars lor Wellsboro I" -.. Phone 78J with ji t' any kind of lin Nobody rot out. Then, after the Auxiliary. l'tO'l'loB But I could set tber e all day the excepti on of O. 6 wh ere the train had IStarted up aralD an Te 'i'w0dl; o.al"n en rollment was by f ar the laTge$t long. the fi llhin' is so fin e. !l nd whOI'll the teacher sh~lUld be old lady whispered to her nei,bbor 8eale4 bid. will b receive" by "I Intended to Co to Wellsboro, tbo J!>OUd ~r Tnlltee. of Wayne Thel'e with a hunk of corn br.el1d, pnirl 3 per month more than the Warren County. Ohio. at and tlWeet milk In a jug, scal just na med. All WElre ex- but that brakeman i. the worat l'ownablp. tb oftlee or the Clerk ot aald I lazy through the summe r da y, pected to provide for the ir OWI;l gossip in this country and I wan't 1'0WWI.hlp at Gordon's Garage until .even o'elock p . m .• Ela.tern Stand· going to satisfy bis curiosity." janit or service. :.....-----------.......;;-----------------' as· happy as a bug ; ud time TV_DAY. PlilBall.lJlY 21. leas ----~There with the cool fr sh wa ter After he had per onally al~peared 8:00 Music One and one·halt (1 ~) yard ca· Earl Jones a-runnin' round' my feel bef ol'e the board on ug ust 20 and 8 :05 Liming Suggestions for 1933 . " Professor: "Give what )IOU eon. paclty truck. hyd •• ullc dump bed. I spend the happy summ e r hAd made a pI a f or mu ic in the ,abo dual wheol .. IOx6 H . D . tlrelS. 8 :15 How to Handle Seed Potatoel :.::: :.. ·.·.:.::::·:... ::·Ei.~i B. Tuning sider the mOlt memorable date Lnd fully equipped ready tor duty. 6 :26 Music hours, and find life mighty chool ', J. Addiso n Brown wa em- In history." It 10 a lao the IntentJon of uld TCUB8 :40 Care of Small Animal Pets .... .... - .......... _.......... 1. H. Knapp teee 10 otl r ... part payment. tor pl oy d to tl'ach t hat subject in the 8weet. Student: liThe one Antony bad 1&14 truck one '50 Farmers and the Extension ServIce .... H. C. Ramsower (.I) 1121 Model Inter. to \' ship ~c hools d uring the ensu· with Cleopatra. II national \rUCk. equipped with 1'& ROOT FOR &ND CONSICN 9 ;00 The Economy Cookin&, School .:.... ......... .... ... Helen Brown yard dUll'lp bea. ing term, hi c o mp~ n sation to be TrumbeU County Illaell bidder aball ouobmlt with hi. ,our Cattle, boca, ,heep and Harvey.burg $1.25 pC!' lessoll . "[ saw the doctor you told me ble! .peclflcallon and nanlll ot truck to Norril-Broek CO., live win ucI ' 9 :10 Music . j The enumeration in the 9 :25 Ohio Honemen at the lM83 International .............. D. . Kay: orrered. The Boare! lit Trultee. ~.- pro~..lv. .nn for the ~b'" see." aerve tbe rlaht to l'eJect any or all t ri U d d Edith Bogan was an overnigh t ed dl. it·iet. No. 3 was very small, !J :35 Home Economics 4·H Club Work .......... -.......... Hulda Hoi'll mar e p eea an coo •• ee. "Did you tell him I Aent you?" blda. D :46 Bigh Spots from Future Fanners .................. R. A. Howard ~uest of Carmen Kil'k Tu esday. wilh II still !lmall r enrollment in ; . ~ GRAIlAli U.i.1I Stocle V.rcL' Ci •• la_t1 O. "Yes, J did." Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cos urn w r(l the school, Rnd lhe board llad for E . ' 1.. . -¥:1~ Tune in on Radio Station w..,n Satu1day. February 11, 8 :00 p. m. "What did he ay?" 8()ar4 of Tru.teu 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, guests of Rev. and Mrs. J . ome time f ' It a nd ar·gued that the 'He asked me to pay in advance. L. H . GORDON. Clerk l\i y 4-H Experience .................................... " .... Howard Hothern dinner market reporta. Scoring Goris' Projects .... _...... _.................................. .. Alta Schlarb P. Thornbury and family Tueence day evening. Scoring Boys' Projec~ .... .. .. .......... :.... ................. Robert La)Wr: The independent Farmers' In · My Trip to Pittsburg .. ..... . .. ... ....... ................... .. ... Marlhall Finley New Burlingtoln I1It:ittlte held here Tuesday was a very successful ·affail'. Mrs. HenMrs. T revor C. Haydock, Mar. drix, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Lew! prohv- jorie, l\1y l'a IITIlt Thomas llu;ydocir1 ed very ab e speakers on t e . p nt Thursday wi th Mr. Mrs. chosen slIbjects and the entertain- W . D. Lat'kin and children, of In, features glven by local 't alent Gr en fi eld. exceptionally good. Mrs. R. D. oll ett was hQs,t ess to L _____________• ____________.....- I were Robert Freeland was stricken t he ]\ferr y W iv~!! cluj> on Thurs. COLUQU8-Secret.-ry of State property owners for tJichway eon· with sudden illness In Dayton lllst da y. Georre S. MIen announces s ~c. Itruction, is. ano~her proposal. The Friday atid WIlS taken to a hospital M l'~. Diade m Harlnn. who bas ond diatributlOn of the ..otor vehl- bill would enable thetle sub-dlvil in tbat dty where he remains at b en in failing h ealth for several de revenue fund totalinr approxl- ionl to pay aaaeumentaoutoftheir present. Hi~ condition was at first yeaTS, is not 0 well. mately $3,000,000. Each county llhare of the .asoline tax. It: would considered very grave, but he is Mr. and MI' . Warner Morris auditor in the state received a run into mlllionl. Additional ule of reported to be showing some im- were guests of relatives in Cinwarrant in the amount of ,2,000, the 18S tax funds il urged in a provement now. cin cinnati part. of la t week repreaentina ita share of ' tbe bill introduced by Rep. Hu&'hMcThe musical program give') by Rc.v. am Mosh er, of Cardingamount oftbe five percent Namee of Cuyahoga county, who the 5 and 6th grades at assembly ton, Ohio, is conducting a. series equaliutlon fund avail.ble for would let alide ",000,000 to re; Friday afternoon proved very en- .o f meetings at the Friends' church Mrs. Geo. Evans died at her distribution, totalinlr ,176,000. In pay over-aaaelsments on highways. tertalning. Martha AAI)Iey Ilnnounaddition to tllls each county ced the son·g by aS8embly, "Darling h ome outh of town early Thuraparticipates in the diltribution of "lloneat John" Brennan, Com- Nellie Gray." Devotions, Arthur day morning after a Iillgering $1,783, Thill money I. to be used mintoner of Motol' Vehleles, is put ShafYer; song. "The Miller's Fun_eral s ervices we're held by the county for the eonatru~lon, ting Into practice in the Bureau of Daughter," Mary Osborn, Barbara Fr iends Church funday reeonltruction, maint~nance and Motor VehieJes, some of the Minnie ell. . B es ides her husband . ~--------~~~~----~ repair ·of roads and biahwaYI, Secretary Myel'll .t.-tea that a dis- ISObriaU,BC whUe serving a8 and Mary Eleanor Teoi- quiet and 11 love l' of home, ~ihe had tribution of revenue to munlcipaU- ing Alrent under former Governor tstlon, "The Flag Goes By," Irma a host of fr iends. ties w11\ be made as soon · a. a Vic Donahey. One of his late~t of- Oamp; two songs, "Poor Old Man ,' lasses 4 and 5 of the Friend.' check of the applications for ~r- flcial acts ill to etfeet a net savtr,l(! and "Sailors' Life," tWenty boys Sunday chool have pUI'chased a istration can be completed. The to the taxpayel'll of Ohio of the and girls; reading, "The History of new piano for the church, l1nt distribution of t.-I funds thie lum of '6,247. The peak of the Our Flag," Martha Ashley; a n,year totaled ,6,000,000. sale of motor vehicle plates hav- nouilcements by Supt. Francis Ing paaaed CommllBloner Brennan closed the program. Cae.ars Conservation Commilaioner Wm. reduted th. blaaket bond covering The Fiddlers' Contest ponsored H . Reinhart ma, be I'ranted po~er the 660 deputie. reglstral'll over by the Sunshine Club Thursday Miss. J eannette Wilson ,,~as an with ap'prova} of Conservation the state from ,S,983,000 to $2,' evening was well attended. There all night gue t of Miss Jean "No business man in any town should allow COllneil, to extend open Beaton oa 454,000. The premium on the for- were nine "JidIUers" entered in the Furnas, Thurllday night. , a n-ewspaper published in his lown to go wi thout game, increase balr limits and ,Ive mer was ,14,967.60 -and on the contest. The /lTst prize--a cake-Mr. and Mrs . . Everett Haines the Commiaaioner wide]' discretion latter $8,712,10. Commillioner went to Andy "idee of Spring Hill were In Dayton on Wednesday. hi! name and business being mentioned somewh ere and autbority. The-Houae fllih and Brennan hu In view otber savinca second- a basket of grocerie!;-'-to M r~. Raymond Wilson, )11'11. in its columns.. Thill d oes not mean you shou ld have rame committee hal approved I\leh In the Bureau wbicll wUI be made John Little of Xenia; third- a . Theodore McIntire and Mrs Ernellt a whole, hal f or evell a· quarter page ad in each Lsue a measure. The same c ommittee u · ocu.alon wananU. He announ· sack of flour to Woodrow Collins H ul'ley were guests of Mrs. Gr8C!e hal killed a bnr which 1Iaa beeD in- ces that .. lon, u he il in charge of Wellman. All three 01 these Furn as nnd Mrs. LothaIr Winfield' of t he paper, but your name and busines~ s hould troduced to abolish county ftah aDd of the Bureau It will not be used u gentlemen are left-handed. First of near Waynesville, Thurelday, be mentioned if you do not use more than a two· lame protecton. a polltlcalsubterfule. and second prizes Were given fOT I Mr'. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan line space. A stranger pickinr up a ne wllpaper I -- the best musical numbers put on · a nd <laughter, Dorothy, IIpE'nt the An income tax meuure hall been l P,...o..c• • f iliad outside of t he fiddling. The first week-e nd in Dayton. should b e able to tell ~hat bUllilless is represented Introdueted in the General Aasern· , these a sack of sugar went to . M r. Earnest Sheets and brothel' in a to"n by lookinc at the papn. ThiB is the best bly w~icb would useas an eamed I We stili tbink that in any serioul Wen;el (Bab~) Herres, ~cco rdio n- Jam es took part in the minstrel at pOlaible town advertuer. The man who ·doe s nQt adincomes witb an exemption ot accident absence of tbe body is ist; and second to the Osbor." .t he High chool gYJl1 at Warnes. for slnrle penon. and '1,600 for better than presence of mind. sisters (Ma.ry aged 10. Jo aged 6, ville Tl\urday night. vertise hili business doee an injustice to himself an(1 married pel'llons, plull addltlonalnde. Pat and. Mike were working on and Anne aged 4) singers, who reMr . and Mrs. Wilson Shepherd the town. Tbe man wbo Insists on sharing the busiemption of ,200 for .JOb d.pe - a new building, Pat WllS laying seived a box of candt each. All and daughter and Miss Hue I nelll that comea to town, but refuses to adv llrtise his . ent penon. Tax on Incomes.wJOoOu~~ brlclu and Mike w.. un-rlag the entries in each contest received a Stephens of Centerville called on be one per cent on the tll'llt . 'hod. Mike had jult come up to the box of candy. The prizes were Charley . Shepherd's Wedneldf.y own III not a valuaMe addition to any town. The life 2 per cent on the tee01\d '1000: 8 fourth floor wben the whistle blew donated by the business people of afternoon. of a town depends 011 the Uve-wideawake ami liberal per cent on the third ,2,000; • per "I hate to Wllik down,!' be said. the town. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WUSOIl advertilllnr businesl me1\. "-Publishers' A ux ilia ry. cent on tbe fourth .ad fi per cent "Take hold of thla rope," Pat The basketball teams journeyed anti daughter, Jeannete entertain· .. on all above Ulls total. said, "and I'll let you down." Pat to Kings Mills for games Friday d to dinner Sunday the following let blm down half ~ and then evening and, as usual, the girls gue ts, Mr. and Mrs. Vergo Mitch· A bill baa been Introduced let IrO of the rope. llike landed in came home victorious and the boys ner and daughter Elizabeth Anne whicb would Increue from two to a mortar bed, not muc.h burt but vanquished. Our teams play Mor- of near Spring- Valley, Mr. and four .yeal'l the t8l'l'llll · of count)' anary. row at Korrow Friday evening and Mrs. Theodore McIntire 0 ;£ near clerks. Another would have a "And why did you let CO of the there will be games here Saturday New Burlington and Mr. and Mra. craduated taxation ecale for chain rope'" be demanded. evening. • Walter WilRon. nore., ,6 for the tint unit aIId ''I thou.ht It WllII coin. to Ernest Dodd BufYered a badly Homer H. Haines of New Bur· ,260 fCIF each unit in exc... of 110 break," aid Pat, "and I had mashed finger recently and it was Iington was among dairy fannen units. R the Xuer bOl .,.. . ., ia- priliDce of mohad enollrbt to let ncceuary to amputate the member honored last \veek at Fanners' tentatt trueD co..l.., iftto Obio "..... at the tint joint. Week in ColumbuA. l[r. 1Haine. nlDay IIOt briDe iato the .tate ·IDOH • - • lIiu IUrpret Starr of Dsyton celved 8 gold medal In rec:Olrlllt:IOD thalli. plloM of ........... tW Roa..who.. wIIo an haft.., speat the latter part of the week of recordl endlnlt in t the ...tlt of ~ troable with til. ftriou. typ.. of with her mother, Mn . Amanda Warren-Clinton Cow Ohio 181011..1 to. In ol'd~:=n IDJuiou bouehold Inaecta IIOW Stan, who baa been quite III with sociation. HII' herd dumpl... of ~..!~"-'!; • looIl to tIltit ....tr ....... 001.. averaged 466 Iba. of bm ..........j-:.~..;:.rtQnI f.r A .... I . . . B, Tripp, ~ho with IDa the VIII - It 1 tho'" Dr. F. S. Tripp, pn_Ilt&tlon
..._c. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..
No t a M a tt er f or Fear
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer
Farm Night 7alka, feb. 13
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
... - ..
------.-- .---
.. _.
Best of the News Direc From t he Ohio State Capitol
AdHrtise are invited to read the followinglrom the A merican.B anker's Magazine as it mig" give them a new slant on bur.n..s---your own bu,iness---as well as the matter 0/6uilding up your town.
. _.
IDa, ..
..!......: ....,
C!Jub wu lipid In the El,hth grade room with all Illl'm b~'r~ indl1dillll' thll tearht'r pICHen •. Rt'l'ortG ,IC'n' 'in'lI b) th,' <lit't'ert'llt ('ommith! :.; lind lIew committ 1', W"H' :lflJ1tdnh·d M 1'(111,)\\''': (Continued !rllm Pace n H~Olll Ab,a 'I (jUnior, E\'\'lyu ji'Ufna~, Rita \'IUl~)fll'll; yt,rd - F<lfo!\l ) 'OU can't hIlV(' D darky show with· Dakin, B obb~' .Janlt'~, ha.rl~ . ul "Oml' kind of gllost. Da.vi s; Pl'o,g'1'Um .'uelb Bl'l'nnnl , A" {or mu.ic II W 1'1' entel'tain- EI, ie Jlla' \\'iral, ~1[Jr~' 1\1. fJtart,t j d by the I'dal'ky quart' ," and Petl'r!'. 'th PI'0J-ITam inelud(,J tft minstrel (\$ n: whol<>. Anti Lyl . . t('ading!! by \,illin Ull1llb,lll, RobTinn y IItl!rlnined Ut'l with sevl!rnl It Adams arl G l' l'lll' ami 11 Il'n vocal 1010 pi ying his own ac om- rnham. ' panim nt n D 'uit.nr, The n t 111 ,ting flf lh> club The prO,gl' m \'lldl'd 'with th will b(! he ld Friday, F bl'\llll'y 1 7. grand, lIinale, Thi. enn h,itl'o n very enjoyable \lcning of l11u~ic lind laughter. E. D. H.
'Id. W 1'.1 ' I 4111 1'~ at tht' h,,"1I' "I' \It ". FI'lIn\-' r,ulfu:, l\[r:. ~I~ry 'llIt-II,all hll~ I,",'n
l'll thl' Ladil'
~tu~ lIlg I~lth M I>'~ (lin1\'
II) IW}-\ 1111':
,\\ :tIt 'I 1\ "HIl'~' 11) roml'nny WIth ~Ir, HUl'ry (.nl~ I,f 1. .."an~~n, sp nl ~111n(hl>' of I:t~t
111 (
the openin, IIf an ofIlee f/ll' the ICl'lll'rlll practice of
inllocent i .... open mind of whicb ' " senses, aatd • aUra<te4 to' tne IIrca\'Jl~5S. Cnrtiarin &(0 it . . . . . WhCD they heard!, ~r little children and COIne uato me." - Todq in one of the· bil Eastern cities is • heautiful bc-onze stabile of Abrahant Lincoln. · Daily aroo" itt ~~I and up )Iritlal ......re littte d!llWeti. The ~Ictvre· shlows .. ' ~ of you~ters brushiiDl USI the statue !Ie). that It may ' preleGt a per~ct appearance on the , I W umiyersary of_tho_birtb,of A.....tc.'t I'"t inan.
Room •• and 2
In the Old Citizens Bank Build·jng
)11'. and ;lIt'~_ ChIli h" ('Iar'k tlnJ M(\I', i. Wh:U l OIl , IH.' nl 'l'hUI '~II.IY in O"'>'\,on. It , . MUI'/:,ran't J "hJ1 ~ ;Ind M,l'~, gne~ S\\unk wen' LI·lmnnll VI. I· tor: Friday. MIS. ,hurll',' Mull.' ni x SI1t'nt a I~=========-I!=C:_ _ _ _ _" couple o'f day, 11\, \, \I ' <'1, with ht'r molh 1'. Mr ~. EVil II Ol'llh,n, who i~ 1 very ill nt ht' r homl' at Sp1'ingbol' OlJr usual Friday Afterno n usW ays n nd 111 111\ to curry on Mr, and ~II''' . ~1I111' 1' McGrud 'I' !.If s mbly op ned with ongs led by throughout th yenr with the pres" nt'lil' <'nt('ll'illl' ~ Pl'llt Thul ~cluy Mrs. Buerkle, follow d wHh p p lit ill~uffici lit fundll \l'n ' tht" with their ' lI ldn ~. )1 1', lind !II r- , Laek of fam iliarity with Utlk by Mr. Gar t, Mr. James, principal .ubject for discu ion by Hal'Vl'Y HUllwtt. )1 r. II nr! _11'''. (' 1, ii" funeral mqrchllncil$e naturally the coach, and Mr. Hatfil'ld. Th(' m Illbers of ouneil lit til(' regul:5r macj (' :t hu~i1ll'l-- u lri II i , . s,\leaial feature on the pl'(lgrnm meting, 10nlillY night. imposl!!! a burden upon men and was a playlet in pant mime ~iven Jerk lIotn(!ld IlIl1de a tcntlltwc Wl' dncstiuy, women when ~he n~('d arises for 1: 1'. nnel ~1r" hu\'I," ('lIu'l- Illl I by the Junior. In closing Dorothy report a to the amount t o be ~~ such I pUI·c hases. The lIstab. ::I! r, . S, II. l:lUl'llI'lt Vi"'IICd, M 1', and De.an led u in sevel'a l or our I r IVOri fl'O!1l tn(> ,aunty hut With lit!hed l' putation of the funerul new song EllId cheer. tlUlL ,the ~und!l WII! fall short of and 1\11' . Eml Ru I ,nI' tt. FddllY Nev eOVE!fmg vlllllge cxpens , several .'lflemonn, n('ar .\I ilhlll'to In. establishment for fair dealing Mr. Rnd Mr~. William Kh illh(' ~ hu ndred doUar., ,It'eet lilthting i. is con equen t ly lin important chil~lrt'n til end ' (I th e fun ra l probably the bigge~t problem to Clee Club New. factor. ur organization has of he form('r' ~ "(\\In. r.r l·~, Ella be solved. ~ecn serving the people of lhis The GI Club has chose~ "Bon Harri ~, lit Spring-b/ll''' Slltul'duy Voyage,' a. musical comedy, for afternoon. community, and their fathers their operetta this year. The Mis Ethel rame!' uf Bro kvillt' and mothers before them. for -------~~~----=============~~~==================~~ characters have not yet berm e. and j tis. Hazl!l Gregg 01 Franklin many years lind has earned an lected. although they wiU be ome IN MEMO~lIAM w I'C w<,ek- nd guc, I of Mis Ilnblemished reputation for .une t1\is week. Watch f oOT further Helen Earl~' . notlcell abollt it. giving honest value 'a t all times In the first two distl'ibut\on~ of I r, A, A. mith and Walter Izora, daughter olF 'ilu p, alld R. D. H. 1933 aut\> licen c 'funds made by , J< nrick vi~i{('d Albert llal'l'is at Mary E. Hawke, wa. born in Harin m rc~an(lise and service. The Secretary of ttLto Myel'e, , al'r~n l3lair ho pitsl Lebanon ~ondny veysburg. Ohio, AUlltu t ]3, 1862, family can feel safe in this At the regular meeting 01 the Cit ....... bip Clllb county \las recoiY d nearly $33,- afterJloon. Ilnd wilh little warning, departed Vegetable grow t of Warr.en Board 01 Education last Monday knowledg , 32,766 I I sac Lincoln, of Wayn 8ville, this Ii!e from h r home in Way- County will meet for 0 one day Tbe meeting of the Citizenship 00. Wurrents totalling v nink the bill/! for the montb of have been received by County Aud i making an ext ndeJ visit with n . "ill, hio, on F lriday evening. schoo l at Memorial Hall on Friday January were presented and or· ==============~ itor wm R. Lewi and will be di · i sister, Mr• . Frank Miltenberlter Februnry 3, 1933, a,ged 70 years, February 17. dered paM by the board, Following tributed to tbe val'ious county and nnd family. !i m nth and 21 day:!. Last year many growers suffered tbe discussion of other routine TRY Mr, and 1\[r. Ben Hawke atlIer girlhood and, in fact, the . evere 10 S s from th if cts of business Superintendent Lotz, who ,OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS municipal funci;' within the next few day!!. tended the funeral of the Ionn r's grc:ater portion oC her entire life numerou~ insects and diseases. had attended a meeting of' the FOR RESULTS ' Of the first settlement W nynes- uncI, Mr, Jam Zt'JJ. at Yellow WR~ lived in Hnrvey:;,burg, or its Thi .chool is fr e and open to Association of Boards of Educa. orwin pTings 10l)duy aft l·nnOI1. dose vicinity, until tlH' pring of men, women and children who lire tion of Ohio at Columbus tbat day ville will l'eceive $225, 25 and Hal'vey burg 76. Irvin \'o ung and Hudson Wagnel' 1920, ",h",n sh e and her husband intel'c$ted in learning more about gave a. hort report of the meeting Of auto license funds collected, of Frankfort, 11eh" ,sI1l.>nt several .. ' moved 1h iT hom to its pre ' ent tho gr()wing of gllrd n crops and James E. McClure presented the 23 per cent i retain d by the ' days lasl we k with th ' foL'mer's location in Waynesvil l . the control of insects lind dilleases board with i1 paintings of Wasb· tatc; 47 per cent ~oes to the brother, Earl Young ancl I mily. lJ r education wa,ll obtained in affecting them, At Wane. Co.at)' A.ction Ba,.. county in whiCh the tag arc sold ill' . Ilnd 1\11', FI'ank lIax of the Harvey burg sch ools, and h re . W. Marion and A. L. Pier- ington and Lillcoln, and the board voted him a card of thanks for 25 per cent to the district in which Dayton were unclllY dinner guests early in life. she contracted a sto rfi', p cialist of Agricultural the ~ame. E •• ..,. the cars are regi tered; and the Te- of 1L-. and Mrs, tanley .Bailey beautifully devoted and life-long Extension Dept. of O. S, U. will be After the di eu ion ot' other maining 6 per cent into a state and daughter, Phyllis. ft'iendship with th e late Elizabeth pl'esenl to discuss the topics ar. business matters the board adequalization fund for distribution Mr. and Mrll. WiI1iam Creighton Devitt Baily, . inc(~ the rec nt l'an~ed in the pTograni. .At 11:00 o'clock journed . among the 88 counties of Ohio, spent Fl'iday at the home of the death ot her friund, Mrs. King has Pro~ram. Friday. February 17 ~-- Lot ..... B...-I Sow" Pi,., Cal... The _18 t .1932 ettlement ~f tag latter's sister. Mrs. Su an Snylor ottell been heard. to _ay ~hRt life 10:00.8, m. Use of C~ver crolls in Y. F. M, NOTICE Hor.. .... M.I•• ; 1800 Ba"~ funds In th! county amo,unt~ng to in Dayton. had lost much of It happmess !~T Vegetable ProductIOn. ClaicJq, • di......t ........ $~9~. 8 WI]) a1 () be <hstrlbuted Mr. and Mr~. Earl Young &rid he~. To.day, the !rie'nd al-e aglltn 11 :~O a. m. om~lon Vegetable The regular meeting of the y, Have your property '''lthm a few days, family moved Tu (,!!dIlY to the umted .. n that lJ8P~)r Land, ",here dl 'ea es and th 1'1' contr I. F. M. will be held at the home of 0.. ....ial.,. i. ill Stock of covered farm of ~r, Howard Rogel'S, on they " ' Ill never agalU be pat'ted. Noon, Rhodl!s and Jean Bunnell, Sunday aD Iliad.. C.... brillW ~ollr \i.e MASONIC NOTICE , th To\\ nship }; oac!, . outh of town ~n :r:'ebruar:.:, 1904, she ~n 1 :30 p_ m. Tr?ublesome In ects, evening, February 12, promptly at an experience .! a gent Stack. even thirty. pests and thell' control. Stated communicatiQn of Way- Mr . Ag nes Swank has been cry unate~ In m.arl'lage to .A. ~,Kmg, We 'are i.n a position to handle The"leaders in cbarge are: nesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M, ill !line FI-iday cvcnin~ with n the I'ltes bel~g so lemnazed In H!,;- 2:~0 p_ m., .<Ulustrated) EconomanythillC you have to sel1. Come, Ical fertilizers IO I' Vegetable Devotional .. , .. , Amy Bailey Tuesday evening, Febl'uary 1(. heart attack. She is I'<low ly impl'Ov- vey bu I·g. Ince thalt day, th e ~r s bur what you need . has been a life of 10y~1 de~otlon crop. Lesson ""'" . Raymond Braddock Visiting and sojourning brethl'en ing at thi!! time. The grand childr n of Dr. A. A. to each Qther, and happlne~s In the - - -- - - - Recreation Stanley Bailey are welcome. Smith returned to their home in w Hare of one another. Smce re- Tourists : "Is there nny speed law --~ L. C. Pbo ... SItU unday evening after II moving their home tC) Waynesville her ?" 1tfot her-" Hey Jimmy, whllt's all JOHN L KEMP, Mlr. F. B. St. John. W. M., Dr xel Henderson Sec'y. couple of day vi it her " ' the ir home IiCc ha been placid Native: "Naw, you fellow8 can't the racket up staiTs?" Wayne.ville, Ohio !!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!~ William Gl'sham ha n't been so and serene; happy irl each ot.her's get throu.gh here any too fast for Jimmy- " Psw just threw his well of late and i ' n ow staying at ociety, and keenly interest d in us." heavy undel'Wera in the ball." the home of his on Kesler Gra- the development of alJlother young 1 ham and w i f e . ' family, 80 dear to b(lth. While on a trip some ,veah ago, Roy 'Lac;y, Joe Mnnning and Tony l3rettie oi , . , week-end with the grand- ed to be a very mlJllor lIlJury, mother, Mrs. Emma Lacy, and at- from the ell' cts _of which sh"-->......# ..;..._---, Entrust that treasured time piece of yours to tended church service Sunday not recover desplt.e the most tenour expert care, afternoon. der and skUtt!.!1 care and att ntion It will be returned with every pivot and bearing Mi sarah oTine Furnas of She was stricken with heart fail· free from dust, oiled for another year's faithful Route 5 hn greatly improved ure on aturday evening, F ebruservice. since la t Wednesday of her recent ary .;I, and quietly paBSed away illness, , while her beloved companion was You are assured of Erofessional Watch Service Mr!l. Allen Emrick is 'Under the gone to summon medica) aid, at this store-a.nd at Moderate Cost. ,1 core of Dr. A. A, mith, the result Mr. K~nlf wa~ a fait!dul and of a fall Saturday injul'ing her devoted WIfe a kmd and mdulgent Hmb ' ' mother, a true and loyal ;\'riond-a Friends of Sherman 'RQ~er~ of goo~ woman, Can more be said? A Lebanon, Ohio West arrolltol1 will be pleased to ~reat lover and reader of the b~9t , learn that he underwent an opera- lIte,ratur?, she took: an espeCial - - -.-:.......;.----~-----~-------~--' tion for catarnct last week and is delIght 1D the claSSICS llf poetry improvin~ nicely. He has been and pl'ose. At her r~quest, a p~em, almost bljnd for some tim , that had b,eeD wrJtt~n espeCIally Mrs. Martha J, Miltenberger !for, bel' son s graduatmg ~lass, and has been quite ill for three weeks which she greatly adm,tred was Smooth and fra,rant lb., w1th bronchular pneumonia at the read at her funeral servlC:e. home of h r !lon, Frnnk Miltenberhe leaves to mO\lrn her d.epargel' and family. She is now on the ture, he r husband her son, Chffor.<f Full bodied Il~d flavor, Ib.. me;(~~nds h~re are sorry to ' gl'anddaughte,r, all of wbom she r . M . P , ~oved most dearly. of the Illness of 1'8. elfY Funeral services were held at !llna, ricb anil whb su!Jel'ed n stroke recently th M CI f Ih • W III. diatinct\v. her home near Springboro, e . cure unera ome In ay Albert Harris, spn of Mr. and ~eBvllle on Monda,y a!tel'~oon, M J Rarr's was taken to the Febrlla.ry.6, the Rev. _G. c. DIbert , rs: eSB . 1 . officiatmg, and the tIred body III Blair hospital In. Lebanon eady which she had lived was tenderly Thw: day mornmg, . where be borne to its last rellting place in underWent an operatIon fOT tlP- M' m' ceo etery D R'l'Ilar .1.. p.cka.. ., Countr,. Cillb pendicitis. His condition remains la 1 m , scrious, --Misses Helen and Ruth Enrly enCarel of Than)" .ad gi~.n b •• ,?,ith •• ch purch ••• of tertained aturday evening the We wish to eXprE!BS our heart.. • • • • • ••at)' Misses, Ethel Cramer, Razel G-regg felt t hal1ks to the many kind • I;IOUDd. Bernice Graham and Cleo Hawke. neighbors and friends who tcnderThe 'Lytle Hunter's and Angler's .ly ministered to u! in our hdUfS of ~r,•• b.• ju, Com1l1 uni ty Club met at Lytle deepest ber,e avement:, the passing Hall Monday livening, and planned of OUl' beloved wife and mother, an' oyster supper for the members Mr , Izora King_ 2 \&1'1. etallCl and their families, in the near Her ,Husband and_Children future. ___._ _ 2 I",... healh 11. Mrs. Stanley Bailey received word Saturday of the serious , \.,.. trwt.a O... Coffee. Specl.llow price iIloe s of her great ,nunt, Mrs. 6 poulldl 100 Edith Bowman of enterville, who I I • bara suffel'ed a str.()ke of parnlysis. _ ' \..0 ... The health soap. Special price Mr, and [\'1;, Harvey Burnett Herman 'D avis, 66 years old, have rented their farms to the "'''''''WI;n"nt, farmer, alnd brDther of b.raIO. follo\vin~ : Rulph Johns and Davis, died Snturday afterDOORS ROOFING MOULDING The alc.nt .i:c b.n Geol'ge GI'ahum wi\1 do the prin· at his'home on the Peterson SASHES :iLASS LIME cipal farming !lIlJ Sallee Mc· road, south of Xenia .. SHINGLES CEMENT fAR Grudel' will ljve in the small ' tenHe was a Ii!elonlt l'esident of Household cI~aD.er. Spedal ant hou se, raiae tobacco and work the Union neighborhood, lATH MILL WORK carw I I . ' f or Mr. Burnett. Mr. Graham aoo Surviving with his widow, Cora ~- poWld pack... Country Club e..porated. Tan cans ' family will move to the Kenrick Frazier Davis are a sister, Mrs. vacated by Ed Bogan. ' mes Elam, New Burlington ,p ike, W hat eve!" your building or repair job may be . house Twin loaf • • An al1 day met'ting of the d two brothers, Russell Davis, we can sup ply you with materials in Ia.rg'e or small Country Club. La,. loaf 4c Hou!>chold Eeon ornicR Project will pike and Josiah Davis, quantities. Fir. t-clas mat eria l at lowest cost, plus Ib, Waynesville. HlIlrvey Elam, be held at the home oj' Mrl'<. JeRsie lb. I •• prompt s rvic~ is a combination you cannot hope to cre next Tue~day, February clerk of Green county courts, is a Starlight. Crl.p, !laky, freah ..........__.L.... beat. 14. A sewing machin!! expert nephew. He was , member oC' from Columbous will be presen Union Methodiat Epil!COpal cburch DI7 81d. ..... anti he will be pt:'eparcd to over- and belonged to the Odd Ffllows Country Club. Lar,. quart Ian haul and repair machines, Come lodge. . .~ lb. early and bring your sewing Funeral services we re held TuesEmb . . , Brand. lib, .... maehine. afternoon at the home. MI'. and MI'!!. Harry Graham and MtII, Kesler Graham were Dayton shoppers Friday. William Long, Ir., of Xe1lia mted his parenti here MOll.,
Village Council Discussed Problems
I '"
Auto Tax Funda To be Dlestrle buted
VEGETABLE GROWERS Board of Education OF COUNTY WILL MEET , Met. Monday Night
J. E. McClure
W.yaeaville. Oblo
SteUa E. Daugherty
A Service "Tonie" for Your Watch
45· ' ZS. ·
COUDtry Club
ree '.
••d Jo••tII.n Applea
Service.s Are Held For HermlaD Da v;s
atiemooD. ,
..SO. . . .p
Old Out•• "
ace. I I .
C••kles Appl. B.tt•• • ••••t ••1ta
Estimates Gladly furnished
Cele..,. Lettu•• pelnlt
lIa.w.11 H....
C. . .t17 CI... Paa.,. .0. . . . . .. .
. .. ....... s.tt
1 11 11 Eighty-Sixth Year
Whole Number 6058
FEBRUARY 15,1933
Mrs. Ray Mainous was hostess Tw elv farm acc ount record s were summarized at th me ting to the regular meeting 01 the held at the c()unty agenl's ()ffice, l;'riendship club of the M. E. Monday, February 6. About church, last Wednesday afternoon. accoun ke 'pel' were Ralph Carey entered hi After Mrs. J . B, Crabbe had con- ~~~:!~::=~~~~~~ ============"=== unable other to altend but their boo . up on s ducted the devotional exercises,-o will be collected and the ' result.'1 dutIes as Prob a t Judge last Mr. L. V. Beck, recounted Mrs. George l\1i1Is is very $ick. compiled into B county 'summary . week. Mr. Carey !Was may or of Current Events, and Mrs. Will , Mrs. P. E. Kenriek is cl'itically Deare.. W.r. ~.(erred br M110 Body W ... F_.d MoDda)' By Me. Stroud led in several interesting Ill. OrviJle . Gray w~s a Dayton Practically all th I' cord s sum- Lebanon, unt.il a I w weeks ago . ford D •• r •• Stall-R. S. CGa Who Had D.eclieci the visitor, Monday. marized were in t he re~ ,. whi,ch Judge Roll, Who has a dmin istered and amuKing stunts. The little ~1Ts. Anna Sheehan is not nearly Ma.k•• Patriotic A....... p~'oves that the farmer IS In dn'e th it f th t f th Misses Raylon Crabbe and Lavern so well. Riv.r Two Da,.. e wor '1 e eo ur 01' e past Mainous favored with readings. Emerson Mason is again able to circumstances. twelve years, returns to the pracbe i)ut after a brief iIlnel!s. Mrs. L. H. Gordon is still very Some of the belt Jr. 0_ U. A. II ti ce of law at Lebanon. H e plans During the social hour, delicious One of the most distressi ng acrefreshments wel'e el'ved by the seriously ill. initiatory work ever seell in Wa,· Forrest Hoblet and family have to occu.py offices in t he Citizens hostess assisted by 1\Irs. Nelson cidents this eommllnity has known moved into part of Mrs. Emma neaville was enacted at the bi&' Bank buildi ng ' on BI·ondway. Judge Watkins, Mrs. Homer Ramby, M.rs Vern Simpson was a bu siness class initiation of the eighteenth in recent years. I'esulted in tb~ Hammons house. . Holl was elected to the probate Mary McClure and Mrs. Vernon visitor in Dayton Monday. Ohio district held in tl1e hall of bench in 1920 and asumed office dro'wni\lg of Philip Curtis. a young Mainous. Mi ses BeS!! anll Mary Elam, of Hen~y Satterthwaite, is seriously Miami Valley Council IMt Frida~ in February, 1921, succeeding colored man, in the Little Miami Spring Valley, visited their cousin --sick at his home on Route 2_ evening. Although inelement Judge Alton F. Brow il . river, Saturday afternoon. Miss Dora Stiles, on ·Friday. weath er and icy streets had caUled J udge Carey was admitted to the According to the st.ory as we Mr. and Mrs, 1-1. M. Carey were the abandonment ~f the nreet practice of law in JUlie, 1020, fo lhear it, Curtis was attempting to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, of in Dayton Monday afternoon. parade, tbe hall was filled with A meeting of the officers and lowing his graduation from the ride a. horse acro ss the river at the Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Maynard Weltz and Dean Juniors to an extent that almod old ford near the old Spencer saw hu parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook members of Troop No . 4() met in Cincinnati Law Scho'ol. In 1926 Hawke were in Dayton, .Monday. cramped tbe maneuvers of the de. the dining-room of the M. E. he was elected mayor of Lebanon mill, about 4 o'clock when the gree staff which uemplifying tb. Mr. Morri s Fulkerson was sick ehurch Thu rsday evening of Jast an offiel! that he held until Febru· accident occurred. While heavy ice . Mr. and Mrs. G. J_ Waterhouse degTees. hnd formed 'at each side of the the latter part (If last weel< but week. The purpo!;e of th'e meeting ary 1, of t his year, when he rewere Dayton visitors Saturday A nice class of candldatel reo stream, the center of ' the channel was on duty again at his filling was to advance six local members tired to assume the relsponsibilities statio n on Tuesda}". ceived theit' work troin tbe craek Armed with a fonnal demand afternoon. to the Tendel'foot degree, and to of his new office. He won the reWR~ elear. After passing through p rfect an A:rea Council. Those publican nomi nation for tne judithe governor o.f Ohio addres. Mrs. Ralph Miller was hostess to degrSl.l team of Milford COllncil, this stretc1J of water, t he horse reMrs: Mary Spencer Hugg, of present were : nev. G. C. Dibert, cinl post at the prlmuies last May sed to the gov~~nor of New York the members 01 her bridge club, admittedly one of the very beat ill . Cusc.d to IItep back onto the ice, the state of Ohio. Under th. and with its rider, was drawn Detr It, spent. sevel'al day~ last W. E. O'Neall, Ronald Hawke, and was elected at the November f()~ the ex~radl~lO~ of Mrs. Patsy Saturday afternoon. ChIt. Sherlft' W,)ham Hufford, acleadel'Ship of drill muter, Bro. week with her aunts, Mrs. LIndley Raymond Conner, J ames Kerdck general election. under the ice. companied by Mrs. Huft'ord, Men~enhall and Mrs. Margaret F. U. LeMay and A. H. Stubbs. 1.1iss OUie Brown, chief deputy lefi Mr. Bnd Mrs. Mark Roe ers and Samuel Bateman, their work Ia eo The young man is said &0 have Mr. C. L. King bul'Y, of Middle- in the probate olliee, , ill continue Lebanon, Sunday, enroute to daughter vi sited relatives at nearly perfect that their lerv~e. once scaped to the river bank, Martin. are always in demand wbenever but went back in a vajn and fatal Frank Cook who has been quite town exe~utive vice-president Q{ at t~at po t under Judge Carey, Brooklyn_ There the sherill expects pringboro, Sunday. !lnd wherever a biK meetin~ Is &0 MIRS Mary Waggoll_cr becomes to be given cu tody of Mrs. Clift atL mJlt to rescue the ho rse. His iII at his ho:Oe on the upper the , CounCIl acted as temporary MessJ'$. A. H. Stubbs and Lloyd be held. Their work at CtDcJDnati cries for help attracted the 'atten- Franklin road for several weeKs, chalrma~. . the new, depu~y clerk In the ?ffice and will return, her to WaTl'e~ Mr. Kmgsb ul'y o~thn.ed to those 8ucceedmg MISS Robin Hamilton, county to answer to the charge of Davis were in I;ewisburg on pro· on the oecuiOD of the bie ltate tion of Ernest Green and Harry is reported to be in very eritical meeting held on JaJiuary 28 elicitprese nt the ol'gamzatlOn of the who has held the post 1Qr the past having been implicated In the hold - fo sional business, Tuesday. haw J·1'., who were coasting on a condition '11 ed mucb pralle in the columna of . up and robbe . 10undbuildel's' Area Cou ncil. He eight years. f tb W nearby hill, and who ran to his asry 0 e aynesvi e Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Alonzo Curl and .... Nata'onal bank 1ast summer. - - ...._ _. While Mr. and . Mrs. Stanley t hen discussed--tlre---orgnnizat1on :ili tanee. The young men did all in Mrs. Maria Elbon attended a the Cincinnati paper". ., They·_. 'f always accompanied on all tbeir ' 'd t b th The woma n IS their power to effect a reeeue, Mr. Bailey were attending a basket- and adm inistration of a di b'let Excehent sal 0 e e WI e funeral in Wilmington on Monday. of James Clift, who. together with trips by the Rev. Mr. Rippl., Shaw being drawn into the water ball game at the Coliseum in Day- rJI this CouDdl. The organization t!a Harley WeLls, confessed to the Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pence, of pastor ot one of Milford'. l.adiq at one time. A long pole · was ton, Monday night, thieves looted consi ts of a District Chairman. robbery of the Waynesville bank, Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mrs. ehurches. They are aLso one of tile l'cached to Cudi!!, but he wal too their car, takin&' an extra tire and Distl'ict Commission 1', Chairman after they and RUBsel Clift (broth- Pence' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J . two degrte stalls In the eDtir. we/.\k to maintain a hold, and "vas wheel and other aecessaries. of the COUl·t of Honor, and a er to maintain a 100'lO member Finance ommittee chairma n. Mr_ Me mbers of Farmers Grange. er of James) had been sentenced Smith, swept onward to his doom. . ship in the Beneficiary Decree, 01' Authorities wer immediately Herbert S. Warwick, of Youngs- F. U. LeMay was el cted District wllre entertained a t tlil~ ir last meet at Wilmington to life imprlsonRev. and Mrs. J. J . Schaeffer en· insurance branch of the Ol'del', the ing, February 4 , with an excellent ment in the Ohio penitentiary for notified, and Coroner W. C. Gil- town Sheet &: Tube Co., was Chairman. the reeent robbery of tbe National terlained Bishop Hpnry W. Hob!lOn other being located at Riclunond, The local couts need several program which follo ws,: mour per!\onally directed a seiected by Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati, at The Little Inn, on Ind. . bank at Sabina. search for the body that continued to take oharge of the Chambers' officers who are willing to give of 010, "When You Ilnd [ Were After the initiato1'Y W01'le. Bro, Wells and James Clift are re- Sunday. fol' nearly forty.eight hours before MDrtgage Bureau n ow being estab- their tim e and ability for the Young, Maggie", Marl' Rye. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Th Robert S. COlC, of lIillerabul'J, being successful. The actual w~rk Ii hed to give advisory aid In advancem nt of th Scout move- Roll Call - Th men writing ported to have told the officials Ohio, manager of' the B. D. fol' ment In thl area. The boys al'e was done by W. B. Schuler's com- mortlfsge problems,. some advice to the ladies and that the woman drove the car in Dayton, are announcing the th t ~ Oh ' d Mieh'.. ....._D. 0.. 10 an getting along very well, but with a pallY of county road workers with the ladies to the men. Thla which the latter part of their of a nine pound son, Wednesday, d eI' a ates d a roull Ine pa t roc I tl adescape was made. It wm be ree Ivere competent l ead~r they can be ad· the a iRtance of numerous citizens Mr. and Mn. E. F. Earnhart, brought forth fun as well as ad· d ress. Th & spea ker named lOme 0 f membered that when tbe bandits' Febru ry 15. A small charge of dynamite was Mrs, Glen Bland, Mrs. R. H. Hart- vanced to a gTeat~r d gree. Hasn't vice. Rudolph Hildebrecht haa moved the clluses for the severe ftnatH:lal exploded under the ice. Sunday sock, Mrs. Myer Hyman, Mrs. C. Waynesv ille two or three public- The Valentine Tableaux added a aband.oned cat' was found along a1ternoon, but accompliahed Uttle M. Robitzer, Mrs. W. C. t. John, spirited men who wllI take hold pleas ing Dumber to I:he program Cae,ar's Creek in the vleinity of trO!l1 the S. S.' Ellis place to Mra. stringency in our Nation, and cited remedies tor the preeent reor n othing. Mrs. Ada Courtney, Mr. and Mr8. and help make t he tl'OOp here a soc Tho e participating were: Mr. New Burlin~on, a day of two P. D. CJanett's 'farm on the aftel' the hold.up, residents of the veysburg pike. liel and future prevention of aueh The body wa finally found. · J. O. Hawke, Mrs. J. P. Fromm cess. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker, Mr. vicinity reported that a woman . calamities. Several other vi.IUn« The WaynesviJ)e Distl'ict will about 1 :30 o'clock Monday a!ter- and Mrs. Bernyee Wright attend· and Mrs. J , - W. Lotz, Mr. and was driving the second car which Messrs. J . Q. Gons, J. B. Gons brethren made short talks. Sandnoon, by Vern Armitage and ed a district mee.ting ot the O. E. comprise Wa ynt\ and Ma ie townMrs. A. H. tubbs, .~[r. and Ml's. picked up the robbers, and Roscoe Furnas attended the wkhes and coft'ee were ..rved hips. an other young man, whose name S. at MolT'Ow, Tuesday. Ira Rich , Mildred & Ronald The men are reported to have tunera] of Edmund Kizer at Day. after adjournment. we have not been able to learo_ Sali bury, Sarah amd Jimmy ". ton, Saturday. - - -- - ---The men were eonductinll' their "._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Miller, L OTraine and Eileen Han said t hat mrs. Clift had departed search from a boat when the body" for the eastern part of the country Rev. Folger spoke at the Friends and Mrs. Home r Ra·mby. Music was located. Calling anothel' boat 1+----'U!.!~llL~"":'::J1JJlA. wa s iii charge eo desCl'iptiollB and warninp .were Quarterly Meeting here on to their assistance, the body wl~il--flf-'l-:IrI1H.,"l-:Ulliib--JWl'\Jlli lIent 'to the police of varlout! day and called on Ad.h H. Jenkins of Irma Rich_ !lOon towed to the bank, where it Recitation, tfG"randpa'a Valentine," ealltern eities. She was apprehend- at the Friends Home. ed In a Brooklyn hospital, where was recovered. The current had ,'..- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' was given by Ellen },foss. Thomas Christie Madden, brother Orlando Battin and 111'8. Louella drawn the body nearly a quarter Henry Wad. worth Longfellow, the The essays, "The Idea,l Woman," she had gone for treatment, and of the late W. H. MaddeD, died at Smith of Selma, Were down fOT a of a mile down the stream from Editor ......... .. ... Doris Salisbury great poet wa s born February 27, by Roscoe Furnas, and "The Sheriff Hut\'ord was notified. hia home in Nortb Lewiab~, meeting of the Friends • • I board where it had e.ntered the water. Assemblies 1807. William Cody (Buffalo Bill) Ideal Man ," by Stella, Daugherty Monda)' morning, aiter an illn. . Ode Hardin The body of the younr man was Class Newl ..... irhelma- Coleman is another of February's favorite Home on Tuesday of last week. of two weeks with tTphoid fe.,.l'. were very much enjoyed, ellfirst taken to the home of lIis pasons. pecia1Jy by those lOOKing tor Funeral servieel will be h.ld at Mr. and 'Mrs. S. S. Ellis were rents, but; was later removed to the Athletics ................. Mary Crane These are only a few of the more such a person. Bumor .... ......... . Leada Werntz guests at a card party , Saturday Union Cburch, 80llthwelt of A. H. Stubbs funeral home, where birthday in F ebru ary. importan t A clever stunt by John Shultz, Organizations . Virginia Foulks evening; at the home of Mr. and Clarksville, at 2 :80 p. m. Th1ln. it was prep.a red tor burial. Besides th ese birthdays, we should Virgin'ia Hardin, and Sid Ellie, Mrs. E. A. Welbaum of Miamls- day_ Burial on the family lot at Funeral services will be held at not forget Ground H og's Da y o ~ S••"ter Es .... Compared ended a 'most . Interesting Sevel'al of the lady members and burr.' that place. friends Clf St. Mary's church have the Baptist chureh (colored) in the second, and Saint Valentine!!' progrs·m. He is survived by a lillter, Mils Comparlso.n 01 Wayne Il'wp. adopted a new scbeme for raising Lebanon, Friday afternoon, and Day on the fourteenth Addie Madden, who has made her Averages In Wlarren eounty The Smith-Hughes boys, under Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Mis.ses funds to' be used for the main· burial will be made in the Lebanon Semester exams. held in January t he direetion of Mr. <:rabbe, wi11 tenance of the church and the Clara Lile, May Wright and Mame hQme with him for the pat f." W aYDe •• iIle.S pfill/l boro cemetery. Note--The first column repre· give the program at tbe next T, Brown, called On Mrs. Ella years; a bl'other, Clinton MaddeD, Philip Curtis, eldest son of M.r. W.aycehs scor ed anothel' vietory ular Grange meeting OJ:) Saturday furtherance of its charitable proj- Babb at Spring V IIIIey , Sunday of Clarks:viIle; and a half.aUter, sents the We,rren county average. ects. While listening to the radio and Mrs. OU~ Curtis, who ·resides f011 W. H . S. last Friday night Ahs . .ElIa Crawford, of Ithaca, N. last week, Borne of theBe ladies afternoon. on the old James farm. about The secQnd column the Wayne twp when they journeyed to Spring- evening, February 18. Y. Judging by their performance In being broadeaet heard a program midway between Waynesville and ave rare. borQ, accompanied by the Waynes- the F. F. A. minstrel, we expect He was formerly a teacher in the 8 ........... :. 72 ... . _ ... 76 as an advertisement for a MinneMessrs. A. H. Stubbs, L. H. Arithmetic Lebanon on Route '2, was bQrn in ville Band. , an exceptionally program. firm. Included in the pro- Gordon, W. S: Graham and W. N·I~w:re.B--I~I---"~tWtn---i!M""I'""-----~ 7 ................... 71 ........ 66 Franklin, and' was about 22 years sandwiches gram was the announcement of a Sears were in Lewisburg, Monday, schools be'!ore goinl' to 6, of age. iJe was a y~'ung man of in the lead contest for the building of three. where Mr. Stubbs was caned to Lewisburg, where he lias been 8115 ..... _.. .. ... 60 ...... 61 to 8 at the half, but Springboro culture and refinement, havlnr atletter words from the letters con- conduct a funeral. gaged in the, retaillu.mber busine.. 4 ................. .56 .... .... 67 tallied 12 more points and at the ~-- ----tended Wilberforce University fol' 8 ............. _.... 74 . .. 80 BROTHE RHOOD MEETINC ~ained in one ot the firm's slogans. . . for more than twenty .years. a couple of years. Reeently he had end of t.he last quarter the score Prizes were to range 'f~om $500 to .Mr. and Mrs. Vern Britton and Mr. Madden was well known aad 8 .................... 79 ........ 76 stood 85 to 20. been employed on a tarm; He is English . , , The Rev. ' H. J. Moor.~, of ,,,,,,,"IL' $2.60 in gold IChlldren, who were calJed here last highly respected in this comma.... 7 ........ _..... .78 ....... 69 survived by hla , parents,. siatel' • The Waycch'sreservlls won over burg, addressed a mee't inr of the The ladies c~mbined their efforts week because of the death of Mrs. ity, where he lived witb hia brotller , , ~ , ......" .......... 73 ...... 60 and two brothers, . Springbo!'o reserves by a 85 to 12 Methodist Brotherhood, held in the and im mediately got busy upon I Britton's aunt, Mr~. Laura Zell. for a. short time previous to encq· 6 .... _.. ,. .'....... .. 73 ........ 77 The young man was also a ., count. The winneI' sh eld a 12 to 7 . ................. 77 _..... :83 Bcore at the half and were neV(lr social rooms of the church, Mon- the' construction of a large list of ' left T,uesd~y mornmg for: their ing in business at North Lewiab1l" g randson of Mr. and Mrs. James day evening. The pro&,r8rm wu pa;,e- words which was mailed to the con- j home an Mlshawaks, fnd . lind where he has often viIIiteci. 8 .................. ,'72 ...... 86 C. Curtis (Mr. Cu.rtls being seriOUsly threatened in the second ceded by a. flupper, prepared and test headliuarterll Saturday even- l . Since the death of hia brother, 8 ............. 70 . : .. .. 68 more familiarly known as "Sim") Spellinr , half. A t t db ' ToUan Lawson and family have Will last summer he bad maintain 7 ................. 62 . ..... .. 63 • Waynesville's grade team lost served by the men, themselves. i who lived oli the Harry Murray Various games, stunts, music and t~g· s s a ~ ~ .~eb any]' moved their home to the George ed ~ general su~ervisio~ of tM 6 . ................. '73 ..... . . 66 farm on the Waynesville-Bellbrook pp their first gam e this season, to conversation passed the remainder ey may ~lDhlS h eha Ie Hartsock farm, recently vacated latter's retail lumber busine .. h.... 1:;" .................. 66 ..... ... 77 p~ke for a rood many years. The Springboro. At the hali the score of the evening. purposet! 0.... tee . urc . by Armstrong McCray and family. ' . • _ • L ............ .. 74.- .... 80 was 11 to 11 · but Springboro family is well known and ,hlrhly _ _One ~f the h~p,?let!t featuTes of Murrell Tinney and family will oc3 ... ........ ......... 77 .... . " .83 respected throughe>ut the enti" cd Ii lead whiMr t hey held Mrs. Clarence AUell and son the e~tlre aft'all: IS the tact that cupy the Cartwright farmj vacated 8 .... ................ 71 ........ 77 community. the r elit of the game. Preston Vaughn, of 'DI,yton, were ~ome of the most zealous workers by the Lawsons. 7 .......... .... ...... 66 ........ .. In this cause are members and outcome being 26 to 16. ' guests of Mr, and M.rs. · L. D. workelll l!l another denomination. 6 ............ .. ..... 72 ........ 71 Celebrating the twenty-tifth anChiles, on Sunday. 5,................... 73 .... .. .. 79 These ladles are to be congratulat- niversary' of their .marriage, Mr. La.t Ca1De of S ... OD , ............ ... .... .77 ... ........ . ed i upon the broad-minded sJlir.l t and Mrs. Alonzo Beckett entertainWednesday nlCbt, Feb~u.", II, = The· Waycehs will go to Blan·Clvics 7 .. .................. 72 ... .. .;. 44 they have thus shown. God speed ed a number of friends and rela. the Wayriesvi!le A. C. will pIa, the 6 ... ... .... ... :.. .... '70 .. ,.. ... 44 chester on Saturday, February 18, the . d~y wh~n such examples of tives with a sumptuous dinner, Puro~ Pep Iflrlll of Dayton, In a The W~'Yne Township Fanners • , 6 ." .,·... ............ 48 .... .... 89 and play that, as ,yet, undefeated Chrlsti"n unaty shall be the rule, served at their home in Corwin handIcap game at the local G:vm. . Blanchester has played nine 4 .................... 80 .... .... 78 not the exception. Sunday' , the boys are restricted trolD IIlloot club was delightfully entel'tained • , in its own coun ty and won - - - ' -.....~.- • . ing within the foul lines. The pia 8 .................... 62 .... .... 77 on February 9, at the home of Mr. History all. This will be the last game •• 7 ... .... .... ... , .... 56 " ..... 67 and Mrs. J. T. Deardot\' at Lebanon The Keystone Steel and Wire Co. C. B. Jones, formel' Waynesville team is the same which pla~ed On account of below z'tro weather • , 6................... 77 .~ ..... S8 of the season before the tournagave nn entertainment Monday boy, is spending two weeks in here last yea~ under tile DaJD. of ,. 5 .... , .. ... ...... ,... 64 ..... ... 74 ment. Blanchestc~ has the advanseven families were absent. After eveninl' at the Gym, which was Dayton, where he is attending the Nieuhaul" Dohle. The, . .". of a larger schoql and of play· a Bocial hour the usual feaat wal --Examinationll pl'epared by local much enjoyed by 100 members of annual meeting of N. C. R. sales- played ud defeateel lome of tile teacbers an~ therefore not a sound ing on its hom e floor. There will be the Waynesville Fannen' Ex- men. M.r. Jones, a 100 point sale8- best Ex-high teams In Ohio u.• enjoyed. Mr. Geo. Younr was the speaker basis for eomparison--all others th!'ee games: the varsity, the re-' change Co. The · Exchange Co. man, has been transferred to year, and ha_ been clrawlq 80• • uniform tbroUl'hol1t the eounty servel!, and the grade game. The and gave a most.. tereetlnc ' re, gave 5-pound sacks ot flour to each Little Rock, Ark., and with his very good erowda. la the pn....... first game starts at about 7 p. m. Bume of causes fo the p"sent one present. family will remove to that city. the WayneavUJ. Reterve tea. The ,grade team has a good ree. play the Sprlncbol'O I'J~ depreasioJl closin, ~is addre.. with F.ltraU7'. C ....t ftrst rame is IChed1l1ed to 8 brief sketch at Calvin CooUdge. Thl. year February bas' only ord having been defeated only MfS. Carl Duke read a life twenty-eilht days, yet it il cram- onee. This looks like a promise start promptly at 8:00 p. . . __ Wymer Drab doiDC the sketch of Thomas A. Ediaon. mad full of blrthelaJll. Moat people of a good hlgb school team inside PROGRAM OF COM INC EVENTS FoR FARM FOLKS Gooel millie will be fun..... Mrt!. Harvey Sackett 88nr know of the birthdaya of Lincoln ot a few years. W. M.B. throu.bout the erinill•• several lIelections, Misl Helen alld Wasblnrton, but few leuow of Tllesda, nlCht, reb.....". tla Hawke aecompan~. the many other binbillaJll which February 1'7 Sewing lIachiDe Clinic, Lebanon. dUMnr this month. Everyone A.HIII ..I,. Frida,., Februar,. 10 Rev. Cross, . J'td,e. Shawbaa the W. A. C. . . . .tball . . . . wilt Februal'Y 1'7 Garden ud' Veptable School. Memorial Hall. travel to Datton &0 _ two ..... and others added to ·the plea_nt abould be acquainted, with at The Friday assembly opened Agent. Leb&llon, clDchacted bJ County of the 1I• •i...laco'" . g •• CaIo leaat two oth.r famoui blrthdaya, with the usual singing by the en- meetinlr with ebort tala Februar7 20 Second Recanina Meetln'i at Harveysburg. I.... All pia,.. are The gueat llat !naladecl: IIr. Uld that of Cllal'l. Lindberr on tire school. The Introductory February 22 Warren County Beet Ca f Club Banquet, LebWatldn. ratau....t 11& anon Grange Hall 6 p. m. Mrs. eM Brant, Jadce aad lin. F.,1'IUU7 fourth. aDd &110 tlaat of talk " .. riven by Mr. Hatfield. February 22-23 CIarUTiUe Farmen' IDltltute. R. J. Shawban. III'. aDd lin. Oeo. fto1llU A. EcUaon on the .l......th. Hul'man, assisted by John TIl ~ Karch 2 Orchard Prunlq D.mollitration. (Plac. to be an· Youn., III'. . .d lin. lMae lro_. I'I'eeideDtl btel_ LIIIeolll and Wallace B.mard, nounced. KIT. Ra, L. 0r0Ie and 111'. Uld WublaIrIn . .e bon In P6ftaary 1~::oi=::~:lrOf IIIftre1 of lin. Ralaton. IIIIIud lI'iIJJDoN WhOM Irulea. Mr. The chlb lIdJowrMd to _eet III ..... of Kareh I ~h.t of Dr.
=-- -
Proc:.ram Given at Grange
T. C. Madden Diu Af Sh II ter ort lae..
Try Novel Plan to Rai.e Church Fund.
Farmer. Club Had Sm.U Attendance
Wayne.ville A. c.'S To Play Pep Girl.
-----4. . . .
a hI)
h li d. 1l
cam" look t'd \' t'rywher; it (I ·hl'au. She
Truat Co., truardian of _tat. of John Allen C.volt. minor. Second. Anthony Sweeney. executor
to man, of Franklin.
A. Bora, theatrical mlnof Columbus and MIIB Roseen na Patricia io'8rrplly. actress, of wa l'a<o",1 fn of e!!tate of Thomaa E. Sweeney, Franklin. I By Mr •. Jessie B. Tripp tl' lhl' oth"l a lu decca ed. First and final. Arthur Will iam Harp, !!aleaman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II"'ld~r. ulltil -h,· , f r~cd om . A. Edwa~ Hoppe and Herbe ~ of Germuntowll. ul\(1 Mif\8 Vi ctoria Th, t own uf l1al'\" .. y"hu\'~. Uhi" flu),1 ~~I! him II. hI' 11·,1 his !\ .,·k lllwrl'. ,nd lhlll i, thc \ uy IllIr' .' 1. ny IIIIH' illl:lln J[ ul'\;ey . Hoppe, executor~ of c~tate of Hen· ~; liz aIJe th Leichty, of Franklin. wa laid ut in the ~"'ar I :!H lly II lhr"u~h tIl\' I'll hk~ fmck Whi ~hlll ,>nutiful t\lWIl Kilt i't~ n:lI11 '. LnLI'I' \\IOul,1 1'1,1" ubl'"n~ 1 on h"I'~1' hltl·k. Commoft PI.a. Proe•• dID,. r ieMa Hoppe. dcceased . First, fin al nlan b~' t he nllllll' of \\'iJli.lllI Ha'r - he kn ' 1\ ~,\ \\111. :,nd I.'ullit.. d thcm un. nft ' I tht.' hi~ wu udcn lin ' had \\ hlOn I h,~' d :'Plrin ~h~;' W!l~ ' In the cas Ilf Solomon Fred and distributive. Real E.t.to T ... nafor. 'C,' ,;ho \\,11 Ilf the QU llkl'l' faith :-nf I)' 0 th ~lInny ~llU h,ltlnt! hN'n I'll1l1tied, iL ';'8" rim'"" b~f\,rll UIlU ulIl~' h~ , I " hl.vl'h I I' towII 1 Lflui" l~)'ed " e rSUll Th e Fred Myrtl e R. Day, executrix of 1.'8, th I th I I r h L .. f Ihl"\·"'·""lIlg WIt n \J y rev ' I'. . tate f Adam R. Day, deceas d, ,J Ohll W . Sc hlechauf to Alice nnd and It tlland~ todQy n rnonunlcnt r,> to I' ~r up,'n ... \\llrm til' , ", r " t e .. t"I'1! tH ue lI~('d a "\ ' " '1 cI I (",,, u corp., i.h rece ive rs author- F ' t d Ji I IoI'Y 'ch lee ha u'f, 122 ucre~ in liar til his m mul'Y. Thl' home which hI' \\ atl'l'- in plo:a :LIlt J'laC'~ until < n \ 'plin BII)('k . f or t ht patl' .. n~ ~'ncI·., nnd ~l""'1 tll . lan on llc i7.l.'o to dl.'liv er all furnilur de- Irs an na . built ma ny year ago ~s ~tilI .1I11l.d tllne tIl 1'l:tU I'JI h,·"". T t1l'rl' "',ari thl! whu tl'atll'u with him, anti l'od!' ~l't~Ullful IJlll. In I, ~h~, ,"Vlon:n~l! ~f f'c l'ilwd. R c iverll ordere d t o take Mabelle K, Burger, administra- Ia n lo wn ~hi p. lam M. W iIRoJl· to W illiam in, and in fillt. ondlti n, and 1'1 1,'l1d ~awln~ of \h C1' \\' 10 the hUI'>''',, ' ISPIIIlK tlll,1 ,umm, I. 1 ';:" t H:r . e inventory alld upf)1'aise all a et. trix of estate of Williom G. Thom p Bruckman tlnd F lore nce BrockilL i hill tim" thl.' h ome of thc- .:'ho\'- lield. (,If I'll, "'luil1'e1", Wl'rt' at I'· Il is bu in s" f\ llu l'i -hl'lI lint! hi~ I rould IO:lk d,lIl'\ n 'lll\ , t e l Wta\'m~ and prollcrty. Cou rl appointed Ss m son, d cea se d, fi rst and final. maker tamilv. inl: lheir nut~ f"I' thl' winter, ont! ~torl" ~re'w j~ttl a ~1: nel'~1 , loI'L' I fi hl~ II, g l" I'n llgl'alf. 10m H'MI( I Hyma n, J ohn fi oddard aruLHar.t)[ Lebanon Citizens Nationol Ban k ma n, !'('u l esta te in Salem town. i, a st;,mK lll·ick hOll ~c with wou ld ~amp~r up a trCe chntter- The t,,,, n flourished !I~ II' Ii 81Ui Ii hl~ uf (·,,1'11, ",111. {; o..\y ,AT~hen l Gra~' as a ppraiscr;;:--and T r ust 0, execu tor of estate of . hip. ' J ohn <:. nil to ll ersehel F. SInd l ~ Lhe ('a e of Fnmk Beal et al J ohn C. Hall, decea sed, first, !'tron&' w U ,and ~ta nd : back from in~ , lln~riIY at him fu!' trespassi ng mnny hOllH'" sPl'~n!! lip 1l1'IHIn;1 him hlll(l,·. "('1'(' ,,;.\' :n ~ ~u gl~; .\' In , c Jum 8, real state in th elrl'ct in Ii ('I\Utiflll big yard onto lheir Il'rlilory. W id!' 'sIn> t>l IV!'!'l' lai(1 ou t on bre(!ze, lint.! ,II' 1IJ~e tn f str\\lnkg vl?r 'us Dodds ann ing Go a 'corp H . D. MeV y , executor of e. Late l\lild/' d ' I t' h Id t b' t " ~llllk~ h. ", man~' l:ll" 0 111 1 · . . , . , of Alonzo _ asseday" d eceased, Lebanon. in whirh Ilr w man y tn II j)1n an. ome 11ll!!: (' W(\u ~c a I I!ither id e of \\'h iell ~I'()W l'I'iant I', l ' 'Th' h i d c t aI, leave gran t d to withd raw N' t th E d wi n H. Sidw 11 lO Mart ha L . ecdnr tre s, whi h w r nl dOllb Ion Iy, wh n hoI travc ll'c1 f rmileR mOille t ' \, 'e" which m't overhl.' lI~' fill~'d pour y ~rlll!n',. e re t I ?vde dl'muTl'er fi led and filed moti n. me 0 n . '1 1' H' ; ' h 'th . YI " " I to ~tand 111101 I~l en ftl.)l ith ct GII\'~, II dE ' George P. Gat~s, a dministrator Si dw ell . 31.47 aCI' 8 in Hamillon p Iante d br \ 1 Itlm stVey. a. nlg t "l OUt el.'lnl!' a . Ill!>! e and forlll d n!/:f n arrh through . , I' OWOI' • Smith was f ound f h n\. Dec ker. de- tow nshi p. He WM one ,of th arly I1cttlers homelutht shining from a window. "hit-h tl) eld,,!' Th 1'1' ll'(,('" Illhl('tl l ·tl~1 he was /I luv<"r a bt" QI ~ guilty of t ho indictme nt filed ~e:ss:::,tefi~ft :~~ Ar n Id E lv rs to Ardell Elvers, or Mil ic Town hip , when h cnme but J'l~ h drew nt'Ill'pr to th be u· ~r\>nt b Hul \' u; tit to\\n and what 1I111,IK~). and - 'C t (, Ul' h and I ngains ~Im an d waR 1ined $200 I b th l I d t 'r I t ' U 'd h lh ' ' , \\ hl tl.! cloud' tlunllllt:: live r en . ' d M. oth Long, administrator of te al c ·t at c in Mason. to I arve urg e pace la I u po 111 I~ woo a lOnjr C ,~a-, . on~l) th~ OI~1 GllVel'nn~t'nt FI II Ill thl' tup "r th' hill he could Ian 1 co~t f W 'II' I eRtate of William I. Long, d cea ed Ja mes A. Hopkin to Lucinda 1 raIl, J~ IltIW Iln IlllpJ''!.v['cI hljfl? - look dow n on 'lIes~I's rock, flQ\\,n t ' case 0 I lalll E J'~e fi rst and final. opk ins, i O\;) a crt's in Hnl'lan town· Julia B. Hendricks a nd Olive S, way. kn owll ns Hnuti' 1:1. un.! l~ ill~ lilCl' II . iln'\, l'ihb'ln at th fool V.CrRUS B~:rdd Of d unt!! ommls· . 1':l\' I' I"d. b~' th"lI ,':lnol" t'\'c ry day IIr th .. hill, upon which gl'C'W many . lOner!;. e e ,n Hnt IS granted S l)in ncr, executr ic es of esta te of ~ hip J . \V, Long and Ava M. Long lind (IVery hou r n! tlH' t\~'{;nty-four. jI " \nor,, 1:I I'k~ll\lr •• pll ppie!l ami the leave to .fiIe . motion. . Ma ry Va ndever Hurl y , deceased, to Lucill Ul! . M(lunt 7,44 acr es ,In Thr t!)WIt of Harv\!)"Shurg-. was ~nowy blo,,~om~ uf the bloot! rQot , Wult 1 Sleker was ~ppo mted fi r t a nd fin II I. Turtl creek tOIV n!;hip, • known during the war bl't\, ('cn nnW upp lcs and i'cm:- llllll many Tr~ tO~'I~f ~heH Orph~ns Asylum , Ro-ber t J . hllwhlln lind Paul J ohn Drake to Annie F. Kroell , n th North SInd the So uth as an (tlh'cl' kind~ of flO\,'el'!", \ hich he n~ K III r:r sk om e In the place Holthaus, adm inistra to! of estute inlot No. ] 6 in MUllon. undf>I'I!I'llUnd rullway. The . (lei ':I ('omIlUrE'd to the. th ou/th ts, o f angels 0 E e er oa . of R. l. J ohns , deceased, first. Wil liam . Back t o Isabella Back !I f Fl'i nd~ did nut hl'li eve in I in th!!ir Jlllil'ale beauty. , . rne. t L. Ben ~e\t. wa s f otlnd Ada Hill, admi ni~tl'atri x of es. 58 acres in D · er fie ld townsh ip. luvery. anti h IpI'd mony :;laves t "And this i~ Horveys burg," he gUilty o~ the Jndl~tmen t fil ed tate of Alva Hill, decease d, a dminJ oseph T hor ne lilld Clara Thorne paFS to frl'cdmn. Whl'n a /'unllway wou ld ~ll Y. It 1i(>1\ like a gem in the against hIm .nnd wa fined the costs istra tO l' of estate of Thomas J ones, to Ma rtha Mc a1.>e, inl ot No. 533 !llavl.' WII~ advert!. d f(I1·. and the . un~bine, it iR t hl) place on which of prosecu tIo n, decea ed, fil ed her final a ccount_ in Fra nklin. notice happened lo be tacked upon G d ha ~ ~tl1il cd," lund as he turned ~~ the ea e of A. D. Barkalow \V, N. Th ornp on, executor of e8William St ri ngh am , to ,Kate lhe door of the ?II eling Hou~ • it to l'etJ:ucl' hi~ stnp:l it 8 emed t o VCI ~ U H: W. Meckel', t a I, the tate of Celia Thon'lpson, ,decea sed Stringham, real estate ih Fral'lklin S to reco ve$r fro m ~ H. is allowed $2 50 out of t he a ets township, eam down in a h urry. Many a him that lhe hand (If God reached ~llImtiff ;>1:1\'<' was takcn 3wa~' in a eal't or rorth and touched the clouds brinl(- Ill'g I' t e sum 0 f 3,446. 4:$ and of th estate for attor ney fee t!. H Alice Eic hel berger t o Realt y sl{ligh by Fri e;> n tl~ ', no slav > wa jng (Out .'uch e(llor and be'outy as to r ecovel' f rom . W. Mung r t he fil ed his first and final account. Builcier!l, Inc., real estate in Wash L. M. Henderson, ex cuto r of es- ingto n low n$hip. eVl'r returned to an own l' no mat. no 1'IU'thly ,)ainteJ' co uld ever 1'1.'. S\l nl of 3,3~4.9 4 a nd shall recover ter wbat thl' r~wa!'(1 mi)tht be, by a pr duct' on C'tln\'Il~, He was v l'y from both h IS costs: tate of Ellsw orth L. Sherwood , .dcBl'idget tock man , deceasl'd, to Quakf>r. ' fh y beli w (\ in the thankful [ or his JIlany bles ings, In the case of !tWOI'd J ones ver cea d, filed hi schedule of debts (Continued On Pawe S) brotherhood of I1mn, regardle~s ol l and ('specially his lovely wil a nd sus Mrs. Y?unety Salsman, t~ e a nd it was appro ved. The inv ntory o f N elli Davis, color, ne elclerly Quaker, who Lhe ten childr n which hall been de~endant IS gl'anted 30 days m . adm in istratrix of estate of Etta wa!! helping n ~l;lVe to scapI.', wa. born to them. Toda y there are only whIch tQ plead. driving 01 ng the road whe n he twu of hi ' direct descelldants liv~n ,the ca e o~ T he Bro okv~l e Wilson, deceased, was approved by met the owner of the Rlnve. Th ing.- They ai' Mis An nie a nd BUIld ing, & Savm gs Assocla.tJon COUt·t. man d Inonded t() know what the harle ' Madd n, hi grand children v r us Im e~n !' . Gross, ~t al Judg The inven t ory of Mary B. Chap. '1 'iOTARY PUBLIC Stre•• Sc_ in Harv.y.bu .." Tbe Madden Home ADd Cem e tery Are old man had in his sleigh, " P un- harl 8 i at pIres nt th post ment to pill mtlff from . Im eon A. man and Emmor D. Baile y. execu. kin ,," he lIid, "will the!' have one? mastl'r of Harv{l),sburlo(', ha, th Goss, f or $17,0 34.67 WIth 7 ~ in- t OI'S o f estate of Elizabeth B. N.tio••1 B.ak Wh.... th. Tree. Becin on tbe Loft Hand Lookina £ a.t Look under th{l COVer and !I e what only drug st Qre he.re an d is a weU teregt. Bailey. deceased, was approved. never been named. a nd he called it, trees, he . aw lh welcome home· fine oneR they are. 1 know tbee will kno \\ n notary. ' In ,the c se of J. E. York ver sus The estate of Mellie 'E. Graham, Will. D...... . . E.tat.. S.ul", WA.YNESVILLE. OHIO when aaked whe.-e h e li.ved, Just a lights gleaming through the dark· ~yant on when thee se s them ." William H. A ntram . born a nd Harkin Gab bard ,. o~ motion of de- deceased, is r Heved from admin beautiful spot in the woods among n eS!!, and his heart was g lad. He Tarnation to you and your pu n- ' railled in Harveysburg, nnd a 1'endan~. th e plat:n tiff shall ma.ke i8tration. ' the trees. tho ug ht of the little squirr I that ki ns," replied the ma n lind owner promin nt man of Warren Cou nty his petltton de~l1It~ an~ certalll. Urs ula Wesley was pronounced At the fo ot of the hill upo n c.ha ttered so angrily at him in the of the slav. and as the Quaker is the grandson of a sist l' of The cou rt on cl onslderatlon grant insane and is to be admitted to wbich be lived was a crystal stream mo rning, and smiled. He aw on tllrnec~ out. to let the irate man William Harvey, . he was N artha t he same. , the Dayton State Hospital. which went bubbling merrily a long t hese trips great floeks of qu ail pass his sl!'lgh Rtruck n stump that Antra m an d Will iam 11. Antr am New Suite A. A. Sprague and Charles 0 , all the yeaI:' round. It was called whirri ng befoJ'e him as th y heard had be n buried in ~hl' snow, and is named William Harvey Antram. Everson, executors, 01 estate of Ho mce C. Simpso n versus Edith Alice B. Everson. d eceased, ' filed <;:aellars Creek. Trees leaned over the rattl e of the wagon . They turned over, and out rolled the III.' WIIS a g reat fl'i~n d to the the clear waterB of this stream. wQuld rise from thc long grass ~ egl'o, Had the mnn looked bac.k colore d people. Mil s Annie Madden K. Simpson, f or divorce. Charge is their first account. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 'Llttle white and Indian children along t he trail, a nd the call of wild JUllt then, he would have en b lS, lives on t he plemlsan t ave nue on g ross neglect. Robert E. D,u erigan wa appoint- Phone 80 Bank Bldar. played, there in the summer time t ur keys would reach him coming pr operty roll out from under the wbich iands th Qua k r Meeting Probate Court Procee.u.i&. ed appraiser of eat ate of Carey aide by side, and flsbermen sought fro m the woods a nd th ickets and heavy covet", fOI' t~1.' wl'ather Was lInus. For 1118ny yea rs the mi nis. Cox, deceased, in place of }'rank it out for t he silver beauties at ti mes the cloud hu ng so low very co~d. T.he fl'lghtenecJ negro h,r of t he meeting house, was Edythe M. Pol so n and Raymond Barlow. Nora Cox, administratrix FOR aALE DATES CALL which they caugbt from its wat ers, over the hill that they semed to a~ked hIli fncnrl wh" h{l bad told Amos ook. A good, k ind ma n Ilnd R. Ro ,executor Qf estate of filed her inventory. manY wild .animals drank there a almost bru h the gra se a nd the the mn n to look unci r the eovars1' I on who was alwa'ys faithf ul to his J ohn Edwin Ross, deceased, filed The will of Georg~ Wager, de_well as the hom flocks of the late fl owers growing there . " That was the sate t way to tru·t. He pa ,;ed 'awllY recently, t heir inventory and it was ap· ceased, was ad,mitted to Probate. farmers. 'On one of his man)' trips to Ci n- get h im not to look," said the ' and his pul pit has not b een filled- p rQved. Floyd H. Savage was found inIn those daYB not a fence was t o I he is sor Iy missed, by his communTbe will of Alice C. McFarland line and is to be admitted to the be seen .and the farm stock r.11l?":r.---:-,----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tiy Acros f r om the Meeting Hou e deceased, was admitted to Probate. Dayton Stat e Hospital. wandered at will, and often the there i an old Quaker cemeter y, A. T. Rettig was appointed admin- O. E. Sams. executor of estate of farmer would not lIee his flocks which is no longer u ed for buria l istrotor a nd filed bond with sure- Amanda 'E. Sam a, deceased, filed JESSE STANLEY for weeks at a time. The rich farm purposes, but which is nicely kept. tie . hartes Mount, Owen Cross his fir t account. P •• ~. 320, Ne. 8urliD,t.e, ow. land could be bought f or a dollar It lies on a I itt1(' plot of ground a nd R. . Mitchell was appointed Flora Bell War , ex ecutrix of
Jnlr f f r htlr, a nd
l'XCCllt un,ll'r
Stanley &Koogle Auctioneers
u<l a hjllf an acre. Indians roamed wh ich He.s slop inJIt t owar ds the apPl·aise1's. estate of William L, Ware, dethe 'Woods and hill . It wa a pretty u nset. Amos E. Thomson and Loudy V. cea ed, filed her fir t and final ac· sight to Bee the glow of the Indian harles Ma dde n and family live Thompson, executors of the estate count. eampfires. shining t hrough the in a bea utiful home on West Main of J ohn . Thomson, deceased, Julia Millard guardian of Briddarkne s 01 night, aDd little Indian street. By t he si dt) of their home , filed t heir fir t IIccount. get Stockman, incompetent. filed children playing around In its (an d owned b 1lhem i tella E. Daughe~YI_ executrixnal accoUDt. _ light, heal' the barklng of thei!' upon w hich a U. lB. hurch stood 0 e e tat e of Ruth A. Daugherty Albert J. Bennett. Jr., filed his dogs, and the neighing of thei r ma ny years ago, the chu rch has deased, fil ed her inventory motion for removal of Homer J. p.Q.lti'ell. been gone many YE.ars no w, but the The- inventory of Truman B. Bennett --c.o·administrator of es· There was an old Government ol d' b urial groun d is to be, een Griswold. and Maude B. Johnson, tate of Albert L. Bennett, ,Sr., de· Trail, over which William Harvey th ere yet. Many of' t he head-slone.!! execut,ors of e tate of George W. ceased. ar still standi ng a nd up on Gr iSWOld, deceased, was approved Lucinda Hopkin s. Willi appointed tr,aveled oCten. He bad a ~ small store, and ofte n in fine weather orne o'{ them one can read such by court. ' administratr' x 01 estate of James w ould leave his home just a s the names a these : Th will of Mary Bean wa til· A. Hopkins, deceased, and filed first gray streak of dawn appeared ¥.ary A nn, daughter C W. , and e4 in court. J ohn H. Bean was ap· hond with s retie. Henry in the East. He had t o drive to the B. Allen, died F e.bruary 11, 1846; pointed executor, no bond required A. M. Lewis and Jesse Poe were city of Cincinnati to get the Sup· A View of the "S" Hill in the 2 1st year of h er ag e. Samuel COlwell, Weh ter Kirby appointed appraisers. plies f or his store. This trail ran In Memol'Y of Mary Barrett, and NOllh Powers were appointed Edward I. Grimm was appointed from Waynesvill e to Wilmingt on <:innati, he bought an unus ually Quaker, "now lhee b ur y thy self who d par ted t hi H life June 12, appraisers. administrator of estate of William The following accounts were ap· A. Carroll, deceased and filed bond in the Count y of Cli"ton. There it larg e wooden box full of good s. again," he told the slave a'l'ter the 1841>, aged 17 year s, 2 days. Ct08ll d the creek ab ove the dam , Th e m ercha nt asked him wher he heavy sle igh had been r ighted', Lean na, Wife ~)f William Ham, proved. allowed and confirmed by with .uretiel\. Charles J. Waggoner Hhe dam has n ot bee n there now · hould mark .t~e box to be se.n t. and don't thee lo ok out lit anything Di1 ugh ter of Jo g~~ ph and N. Ed- the court . Lawrence Shawhan and Harry E. for many :years.) but t he.beautiful ~~h el'eu pon WIlha m Ha.rvey repll ed and [ will soon get my load of wards died Apr il :~. 1830. Aged 25 Rollie Sutton, executor of the Hall wer appointed appraiser. creek flows on, .and is known a The place wher e I hve has n o punki n. «afe to L muel. house. I years, 7 months. estat of Sarah Sutton, deceased. Julia Millard. administratrix of the Indian Spring. ltis n ow on nam ." ,T he mercha nt answered, will leave th ee t he re, and thee do Maria J. Cla r1<, d parted t hill ' First and flnal. estate of Bridget Stockman, ' dethe proper ty of Mr. Kibler. Its " Then whnot name it after your what ever he tells thee to do, and life March' 28, 18 39. Bess ie Reta1Jiek, ex-ecutrix of ceased , filed' her inventory. She _ _ _-'WllteI'tl spar kling and blue flow be- self, your n~me is aa rv~y, j ust add thee will come out all r ight." Samue l Carter, died Jul y 22, estate of J ohn W. Retallick, deceas is to distribute certain bonds to tween rocky banks whereo n gTow a burg to It and call It Har v ys- Another time a goo ~l Quaker house 1860, aged 59 years, 5 months, 12, ed, fir t 'and final. heirs and make return to court. many kinds o'f wild fl owers. Indians bUI·g." o -it was selt led then and wife hid a pOOl' woman s lave unde r days. Richard Pierce Evans, executor The estate is exempt from inheriand white Ie as well, stopped of estate of Firman R. Evans, de- tance tax. ~~_ _ _ _ _..t.o~tinlulLits..reJrE,shing waters. ~--====== cea!led. 'First-and final. ~ nes by Rober G. Morris ad· . William Harvey enj oyed every Dean E. Stanley, trustee of es. ministl'ator of estate of Rachel A. step of the WilY a long t h i. trail. It tate of Walter W. Vorhis, deceased Morris, deceased, were approved was some thing of which he n ever Third. by court. He filed his first and partired. In t he earl y morn ing he ~uge ne C. Dunham, administra. tinl distributive account. would stop to listen to t he ro bin a~'ne L, ~"ears to r ,o f estate of Lillian J. Small deSales by Frank W;nfield, adminpour f orth hi song so sweet, clear ,. T~ .I cease d. Second. i3trator of estate of Lucy Winfield and ' ioud, and th ~TI! arose the W. J. ' Curran, administrator of deceased, were approved by court. cho.r us of m an y other birds as he estate of Robert Smith, deceased. The estate of W. A. Early. d~. traveled dthroUgh the cool, white By TH E HOOSIER Four districts-Noli!. 2, 6, 10 nnd Mt.s. S ue Hiatt, ot: Win chester, In- first and final. ceased, is exempt from inheritapce mis~, II n ' saw t he sun rise lind l 3- ha d mad e n o cha nges in their /lla na ) presented a bill 'for Lebanon Citizens National Bank tax. George P . Gates administrator wip-e t he mist away. Dew sparkled oRi cinl!! when t he board was reo janitor ser vices r end el'ed at one of filed his schedule of debts. The adlike j ewels on the deli ca te fr ondR NOTICE organ iZed, Apr)' 1 15, 1001 , but the h h I~ Th b , ministrator is ordered to sell eer" not ed in "t e. dset h0 0t s, II t e' h oard · b on ds a tprIvate ' f ollowing changes \\,'ere i r'emem. I Sarah , WI'fe 0', . N , John a, D'Ie d .... ...111 sa Ie f or o f th e WI'ld f erne an d pt'e tt Y fl owers. And the h and of God seem t he other five: In No.1 , Will . .J.' ulete d .a .a eae er s sa arIes m· February 10, 1841, aged 89 years less than the fixed price. t', th' Our sto ry ul the W a yne c ucl e Janitor wor.k , so~ , th e y re- 6 months, 8 da"s. ' t b e d t'o t oue h In 0 ea u J every In!\, ' Town ship Distr ict ' chools. as Retallick a Jld O ~cUI' Mill s had reo d b ;, , MAma,. Liccn.o. around him,. such ' I t it d placed J . M. Kcys and Stephen fuse . to pay t~e 11,l. MIsses Ruth Ab\gal, daughter of B. and F. Leonard Howl\rd Michael, garThere wen I.imcil when he did Wou'ld ~y ~i~~o~•• all~~:~:P~C~ Burn ett as director and sub-d il',e ct. Chan.dler, HlI;t~le 0 Ne all, Celeste Lackey. died March 13, 1842, aged not reach home before night, in AU$bp, MamIe Pugry, - - - Ed. 5 years. ' ' age owner and aviator, of Foster. nice weath er, and the old Govern . ciotc a history of the · orwin or, respectively; in No. 3, Sa mu el Illo nds ~nd MI'. H'2rbert E. Corron Dorcas, wife of William Stewa,r t, and Miss Nancy Elizabeth Abs· ment Trail wn~ just as beautiful ond Lytle Special Dist1'ict Pugh had replaced Edwin Chan dl er ~' ere hired t o teach at No~. I, 2, died August 9, -1854, aged 78 years hear factory worker, of Foster. in tJie m oon ligh t as it was in the s 'hool s befor e we p l'oce ed with as sub-dil'ecto.r ; in No.6, William ." 8, 1 0 and 13, 1>,IIt t he du·ecto.rs In the year 1900, the population William Edward .cox, farmer. th e ~toJ'y of the Wayn e T own. CO I'nell had r c pace I d S y Ivanus In N" earl" morning', the moo n th rew its o~ . 3 '.5 an d',) ,we r. e no t qUI t e of William Harvey's town number- of Peebles, and Miss Virginia Eliz. , ship Centralized Schools ? ( Harts ck d' t ' N 7 d t h t th t lights and shadows a round him 0 as Iree oJ'; In o. ,rell y 0 u'e a , 15 !me. ed four hundred and thirtv three know that the records of th e Go 1-"dU· t soc k ha(I l:ep Iace d a.,d the whole heavens were aglow I.' r g . The n foll owed ~l leng thy discus- - the exact number is not" known Corwin sehool nre uvaila ble, an d W "-I D' 'd d ' b d ' t with twinkling stal's-th niaht . r., IIlW I 1e as s u • Irec or; sia n of the t ex.t -boo k question todav , William Harv , 'ey was lal'd to I think that thosn" of th e Ly' tle an d Il1 . J n h W'I d was pure silver to him. At home "hi.' o. 8, o I son Ilal'e· the board finally deciding by a yed rest " in Springfield, some of the dear wi'fe sat liste ning for the schoo l ,also may' be o,b tain ed. pIa c erl CI 1I1'lmce ,'"I.or (l l'me II a s su b- an d n'ay v ote to IId,opt a new series family rest here and , some in other . F u r na. wa s con- l or the next fi ve years. R owever, places. There are many beautiful sound of the returning wagon. The T llis part is en Ure l.v u p to "" ou, dl'r ectol' . D aVIs Wi ll Y. Oil please write or teletJ' nll d ' 11 th ' f or the record d'oes nOlt nam e the new gardens in the town, among them night. wer I!b still t hat shl! cOllld e I e pres )'d en t' s Ch air hear t he clop·clop, of th horR "s ~:~:~t:o~~c~~iSh t o l ' he Miami another y at', an d ap pOin ted t hese . eries. The late George Hamilton. is one that blazes with flowers in f ct on the har d trail long b efore standi ng commilte('s: Teachcl's one of the mo;t t~uly brave the season of flowers. and is con. s he · hear d him dJ'i vc Ilround th t> and Text·books- Smith and Retal- chaTacters this lcommunity has sidered Holy Ground by the ClWller house to the barn; the creak of the S . F rs,nk Elbo n was ch ose n, De. lick ; Buildilllts a nd Gl'ounds- ever Im ~ wn , and possessed of a TherE\ the humming birds ,h over harll l)ss and t he !'li ttle of th e t rac~ cembcl' 17, 111 00, to fi ll t h p va can· Hawke IInc! Earnhart; uppl ies- wonderful ' memory', then expound· over the blossoms, and the heavy · bain ~ were music to her, for s h ~ cy as U l;ub·directol' In No . 18, Hi ~ey and Corn ell. I'd the merits of a new Rand & heads of the clover is bent by the WAIl HO glad that he was safe ly WilliHm ta n ha ving- moved Ollt of Burton Ea rnha rt r epor te d tha t McNally IItlas, andi suggested that weight 01 fat .gold-banded bees. home aga in, th ~ dif'tl' ict. Direc t or Silver , of No. he had obeyed th e;> boa rd 's in- the bOQI'd purchase 'a copy for each Dew sparkles like jewels in the There w 1'1' times in t he "'int r 3, I 'd a ~cn era l di~cu ss i o n of con- !\t)'u cti o n ~, and that the sch oot'in of the schools. The matter was laid morning light, and the Bonga of , \:CIIMJI wh 11 t rn l't.'linll' wa~ not , n Ilitions ill hi dist ri ct. o. ~ had b een cl osl' d. Henrf on the table for fClture considera- birda fllJ the graden, pink roses ~Iell an t, when .he f ou'lld the nights Pre~ide nt Ful'l1 II , C11lled a ~ J1 cial Woollllrd pre.enteel a pelition tion. , peep through tHe window!. Tiger "~ ry blllc k. a nd ' old blast .. of icy me ti nA' of the board on Marc h 9, signed by sevcrRl rt!s id l'n t ~ of the Then came the selection of , a and white lillles bloom there. and "ind would ~end the dend Il.'aves 190 J, to ('onsid er the IIdvisability territor y forml'rl y includ ed in dis- music teacher fur the coming term aU ill peace. There are two apple w hirlinlot aro u nd h im. and thl' bare of c1n~in g t h(' ~c h() Cl I just mention· t ritt No , 9 a Rking thllt the dis- Applications for the, poaltlon b .. trees In thlll garden whose pink limb (If the trl'l!S w(luld r(1::tch Ollt I'd. " It \Vn~ m o,'ed by KeYfl, ~e co nd tl'ict be l'c vivI'd and that a new Iheen made by T. J, Smith (not our and white petala fan like anow on li nd t oucb him with hard iCf>-C O\'1'I' ed hy I1(jrf~uck , tlm l BUl'toll Earn· house he built and ::t flchool be l'fI · lOld friend, the bu her, however) one durtnll' apple-blouom time, d en,.... and ft. would have t hart bl' il\ "truct d t o Fee th e tab\i:<h{ld. He was informed that, and Prof. J. A, Br wn. Mr. BrOwn and it seem. that thE\ sunset la .tat of lWaco nand ,,,alk t tl'achl'r of uistrict No. 3 and ask a ~ mORt of thr tl'rritory W8 l' in- Igot the Job at $1 25 pel' lelltlon. mOTe beautiful from this rarden from trN·1om... her t il I."!", e her IIchool the next eluded in thE' Corwin Specild dis- IBurton Earnhart ~ ade a motion tbl\n 0,. other, There Cbriat 'Walb earl), tall trlpt! " rl' beau· \\'('~k and . i f ..he IIh,icctecl to that, trict. th(1 petitionl'1'I! must flrst se- that district No.3 be abandoned \he dusky twilight, and this II II n tltl' lid vee, ,, \\ ' uld to order it dOlled at the end of the cure tht>ir reJt'alll' frnm that di... Ientirely, and C. T. Hawke moved Jan olle of the m&n7 .-aMld ...... IlP ill the sk,. ve nlh month." Tn. motion trict bttfore the town hlp boar. that Ita school dlllCoatlnaed, Oil the III h l f tb • I'vtdl'n Iv rarri" <I . t or the,. Jo med f.rtInrWa
-===================;:==== =========-===
1 he L ,·ttle 'R ed, Dr·s'tr,·,c t School , s EX'I·sted ,·n W' 7ownsh,·p 0 r a'
EARL KOOGLER Da,t_ Plio•• KEDmo ...
ROOT FOR ANDCO"SICN rour CaW., hop. .heep and ealy.. to Norri..BroC)ck CQ., live wire and progresaive ftrm for the hwhen market priees ,a nd &,ood lem••. V.ioe Stocli, Ya.....• CiAcl...... O. Tune in on Radio Station WC~Y 12:25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daUJ market reportl. I?
40S.. R
WANTED W ANTED- To buy all kin4s of chi~ken s. paying highest market price. S. D. Henkle. Waynesville, tf Ohio,
FOR SALE FOR SALE- Thomas 10 Dille Wheat Drill in good repab'. Morris Brown, Spring Valley, O. FOR SALE-New and used lumber, sash, doors and frames; pipe fittings and plumbing suppli!!s. Day top Wreckers, 667 Richard S~, Dayton, Ohio. ./22 FOR SALE-Used Fordson parta. Also auto and tractor repairing. D. K. McMillan, R. R. 3. '/22
HalYe,.buq on Saada, moai., dueted II, extelllion Ipeeialllta In beeauN of the ..riou. I1In... of bJa brother WWiam ~r. Howard McKay attended quare terl)' meetine at Xenia on Saturda,. MrI. Mabel F. Terry of Lebanon spent the week.end with her home folks here. ' Mrs. Ella Ferris will enterta,in
Mother'. Garden
that field. TIIll work included the
diuemination of IllIormation OD w. He. . . C. . .llte and clothine! nutrition, family health, !:Nerett and vanoul meana 01 luppleme~t- ~ncl u .. onl, ....1. . . . . . . . . ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Haines and family Mr. and ing the family income. Cryatale fitted whU. JO. . . . . . Mrl!. Homer Haines and family en· Forty.six thousand boys and By Mra. Ja.. l. B. Tripp D. L CRANE ~ I PaltU.ta.r ISlIbaCriPtl•• Pri.., '1.10 a Y_r joyed an oyster su pper at the home lirls participated in the activities OIice Plio. ......... ... ...... .... No. lIZ Entered .t Po'totfle • • t wa~elal' of Zimri Haine s and wife Thurs· of the state's 4·H clubs last year. .L._ Second Cia.. -" Leba_., ow. R.al_c . ............ ,..... ...... . No. 111 vllle, Ohio. alMatter There I loved t.o sink in slumller, day evening in ho nor- of Mr. The e clubs are assisted and or· Store Open E ...llliftal8 Slumber that wa~ l'cst{ul. sweet, Haines birthday. the Friendship elub this week. ganized by lhe agricultural exten .. Eugene Boga n of near Waynession service. In 1932 they produc. FEBRUARY 15, 1933 Drowsily, 1 ~ ate h e d th e COI'n ville spent Saturday night with his ' ed pro d ucts va l ucu.l at more t b an h t "randparents, Mr. and Mrs. Char,600,000. blades h Dancing in L e summel'~ en. "ley heph rd. • . Farmer' Inst·Itutes, w h'ICh IS And I loved to watch the shadows Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and The Dorcas Club met with Mrs. one of the e~rliest types of agrlcul. More hOme rule for chool districts than exists under the present Flickering gayly to an fro; Munimia Bunnell e ntertained to R. D. Collett on Thursday. tural extensIon work, had an atten· state aid law is assured by the plan for school relie! recommended by And from way out in thc cornfield dinnr unday. Febl'uary 6th, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips and danc~ o! 790,000 people in t~e the ~hio chool Survey Commission, according to John R . Williams, Hear the cawing of a crow. nnd Mrs. Glepn Davis amd family so n have mov d into Mrs. 729 Institutes h~ld ~ast yea~. ThiS preSIdent of the Ohio Education Association which represents the uf n ar Wellman and Miss Mildred Powell's prop rty. type of community tnst~uctlon, he He hool fO'rces of ~he slate. The regulations governing teachers' Flow 1'8 jn my MothCl" s gard en rt ha been c rrled on for 30 Y..n E~ .. salaries, h'ansportation expenses and other operatl' ng costs would be Long of near cntervillie. The Young Women's cluss of the asse 8, • S a -ttln'" anel u_ .. I.... 01..Bloomed so pl'etty and ~() fail': . Th Y '" M h ld t th 58 years 1n the state " ". ~- -enLirely abrogated if the plan embodied in House Bill 267 is enacted. e . P. ,wss I~ a f M. E. Sunday ·School were pleas. lhome or Rhoades Bunnell !lnd wife nntly entertained at a Valentine In the field .of marketing. 1 ~,. _'S , 'cho ol boards and .citizens need hsve no fear that the setti ng And at twilight, Mothet· t old me up of a state equalization fund is going to lead to oCentrahzed control Christ, was often with her there. • umlny (Ovcning. party at the home of Miss R\lby 000 ~arme!s thiS past year recelv· WI} UI 01 ed ucation," Williams said. "The plan will operate almost automatic· And she nid, that In het. garden Born to Mr. and Mrs. And Smith on Saturday a:fterno-on. ed ald . Thlrty·five ~housand ~8rrn. Leb__ • 0Ial. ally. Di stribution will b based on two factorB:-the number of pupils Many thin"'" did sh e behold; r w, February 9th a daughter, Lincoln Day was appropr iately ers attended m~etmg! to disculll! T . . . .7. n.rMa" ......~ it! averag daily attendance and the amount of taxes levied locally "'Marj ol'ie. celebrated at the M. ·E. church methods of keepmg snd analyzing E ....I••• S- p_ and spent for schools." . Often stars would wink right at f ccount records and t o se Dorothy Bouan aook' dinner "'ith parlors, Sunda" by a banquet and arm a. f LEBANON. 0810' her I It must be understood, William s pointed out, that t he Mort pan .. " t. el t . g t'0 ilt not 8imply an extension of the present state aid law, but is essential· With their twinkling eyes of gold , J annette Wi} on, unday. after dinner apeechee and a special cure ~n orma Ion r a In I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .~ ly dift'erent in Hs plan of opeJlation and that it will bring state aid to Mr. nnd Mrs. RhosdE! program. economic trend~ and problems. II Rev. and Mrs. Kilmer were call. Work of. conSiderable value, ~as all schoolll in Ohio, with a co'nsequent relief fOl' /local real estate taxes. Through the air right on the were entertained to 16 o'clock At present, a school district in the "weak" class, to meet the regflow ers dinner Thursday evening at the ed to Decatur Ohio on Sunday to conducted In uch fields as pou try ulations of the department of education must levy 9 ~ mills locally. There leU fresh lif giving dews; home of Mr. and Mr.!!! Charles take charge of the funeral services livestock, c:r~P8, soils, fruit, vege. It then opplie8 for stale aid. Since the number of districts applying is And t he honey from th e blossu ms Doster of neor Harveysburg. of a for mer parishioner. table gard~nmg, and other. fields. MrR. Edith Haines called on 111 i Lulu Ewing returned to her The agTl~ultuTsl extens.lOn se r· constantly on the increase, no district can tell in advance what it can She said, seemed to fairly ooze. count on from the state. A clause in the present law empowers the Mattie Coy Tuesday aft~~J'noon . home here on \ Saturday after a few vice, which IS the only service :from th 0 U used by rural people IIttte department of ed ucation to "issue formula s and regulations for Down my Mother's lovely garden determining the educational need of districts for current expenses." Ran Ion ... lines of pretty tr.ees; Mrs. Ralph Tolle 01 Alexandria weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs E. e • . • , In practice these regulations govern the salary schedules and the c o s t s " Va., came home on account of th~ G. McMillan, neu Chuter. ' had its state ~unds cut 60 per ~ent (.f bU8 transportation for pupils. . When pink blossoms were upon illness of her father, Mr. Henry __ • recen.tly ..Agrlculture. My~r pOints This daUB has b!len eliminated from the proposed IlI;w. them Satterthwaite. out, IS wIII.lng to take Its c.uts Under the Mort plan, as proposed by ·the Ohio Scl1001 Survey Thell- were weighted down by bees. Mr. and Mrs. Zimri Hllines were ng With other agenCies. Commission, the amount to go to each school district has been deter· However other fitate agencies were mined equitably in advance on a basis guaranteeing a $1200 le,:el of Many birds came there to warble. guests of Walter Wilsonl and wife cut much less than &'gricult.ure for education in every district in the state ($40 per elementary ~upII per There a meadow lark did dart; FTiday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett SPRINC BRANCH the six.month perioo. Haines called in the aftE~rnoo n . Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pepper, ' ___ - - 'YUr, $68 per high school pupil, for cIa 8 .roam. units of 30 p!1plls ). Th.e Pouring out his magic music state department will give to each district the amount as;fngned to It traight out, ,fr{)m his happy heart Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan at· of near Bellbrook, spent Sunday EXECUTOR'S SALE OF and no more. Administration of the state aid wiJl be entirely left to tended the funeral Qf little Richard with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartsock Phen. 7U the local boards of education. . . And I heard in Mother's garden Turner of near Spring Valley on Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and PERSONAL PROPERTY To share in the state eQualizapon fund for school8, local distriCts Many strange and lovely things; Monday aftern oon. family spent Wednesday afternoon will have to levy an amount which will produce three mille .on local With her harp did deor old noture ' Mr. and Mrs. Kellar Hoak and with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell The undersigned wiJ) offer for real eltate. To participate in the presenl lltate aid tund 9% mills must Often came, to touch her strings. family were dinner gues'ts of Mr8. and son James Virgil nepr Way· sale at Public Auction on the -••-----------~ b levied .. . . Nellie Bunnell and Miss Monimia neRVI'11 e. Onl" IQcally apPl'oximately half the 2,000 school dIstriCts of. the state A d Ii efl' 24th Da,. of Febna&l'Y, 1933 ca.n partIcipate in the existing state ajd for schools. accordmg to ~be n at eve c'a me many r les recently. I Mr. John Spitler spent Sunday • • terms of thefresent law. This means that .city Mcbools, many of whIch They shone like jewels, everyMr. and Mrs. Frank Graham afternoon with hi brother, Mr. At the farm lately owned by lire in need 0 help (Toledo, Youngstown, ,Akron, etc.) cannot hope for where; autoed to Dayton Sunday after· Will Spitler. John S. Thomson, now deceased, Director .f F.............. tate aid unle~s the law is c.hanged. All city scbools as well as a11 I loved to sit with Mother noon to visit their 80n G~10rge who Mr. Joe Pennewitt is still on the situate between Waynellville, and village and rural schools will parliicipate in state aid under the Mort nd watch them bumpng through is at the childt en's ward of the sick HIlt. Ohio, on Route No. 42, Our cODvenlent loe.tioJ. IIdta.. t~e air. . Miami Valley hospital. Mr. Rueael Angle spent the week 2~ miles southwest of plan hIe Iunoundinp and equip•••' mel!ds trhl! '1~~0 '''The Ohio chool Survey Commi ssio~ re Mrs. J ohn Wilson is 0111 the sick end with his parents in Dayton. Waynesville. beginning at 1 enabl.. UI to Serve to the . . . program as an equalization level for Ohio s c 00 II, since 18 18 e There sh~ placed a little fountai.n , list. Mr. Roy Smith and children, \ o'clock p. m., the tollowine per. Advanta,e. \cv('l at which prllsent state ail! districts are nor'.'l~l1y scheduled," Where birds camc to geL theIr MI·s. Homer HUI'nes ac~ompanl'ed d U' d U HII G'b I b 1 . to th Williams said. "Since this is the ·Iowest tigure at which schoQ~ A:an be d' k . ' an ..... r. an ... rl. ey I son Ilona property e onClllg e decently ope rat d in the state it meet the JOvemor's 8uggest)on that rm s , . by Edna Leaming, Jeannette WiI· and daulh~r, Pauline spent Thun· estate of said John S. Thom!Gn, b f d to conduet s~hool economIcally and ",ithout 101lJ of At th.e base. of It she pl~nted son, Dorothy Bogan, Do:nald and clay with Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith deceaeed and alao other peraonal affici:nc;. oun Old tlln !lPlCY gardcn pmks. Williard Haines attended! a Y~un8 and family. ,roperty of said lllta~: PIM.. J. People'g meeting of Wilmington • - • Household Goods, Implements, ... n. Mort Plan My dear Mother, now is resting P ...... t St.t. Aid 5,.a'em for Ohio Yearly meeting, Sunday a1ternoon DII Etc., " Cows, "2 Hogs. See laree (H.... BiD No. 2e7) Has been gone for mnny years; at Wilmington Friends church. Sclloob IU\Ift bill for particulars. And when J think of her garden Our meetIng was well 1representTerms Cub. 1. Restricted to districts whose 1. Would apply to all school dis· I cannot see for the tears. . ed at Quarterly meetinlg held at AMOS E. THOMSON tax valuation is Ie s than average. tricts of state. the Friends church at Xenia on Saturday. Rev. Samuel lKosher of LOUDY V. THOMSON 2. Districts share equitably 2. Di trict does not know in figured hi advance. Fixed amount neal' Cardington, Ohio WIaS present SII_ri... Work! of Fa....r.· Executora of the esta~ 01 JoliD advance what it share of state aid on $1200 basis would enforce and gave the message. S. Thomson, deceased. _ _ __ _ _ _ hulituta., 4.H CI.... Stanley. Kooarler, Auct. economy. will be. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mc arren and 'aad Oth.r C..-pa • - • 3. Existinlr rellliations would be 1\lr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Gordon de· 3. St.ate department of e.duca· parted Sunday by motor t spend N'OII'IOIII tion fixes salary and transportation eliminated. Distribution would be some time in Florida. T. orr""", Dealer. Summarizinl a few of the aervischedule. These regulations create autom",tic on basis of pupils in atWilliam Lemar died at hi Another good woman gone t .O ces rendered to Ohio farmen la.l t Seal d bldl will be recelvetS by tendance. Supervision of the red tape and encourage -central the Doud Of Trustee. of Wanl. spending of state aid would be home on ths Avenue Saturday reap her reward in heaven. This year 'by the Ohio Agrit:ultural ex- rownahlp. Warren County, Ohio, at control. night. following several week!'! of place wa saddened on IUlt Sabbath tension service, D. S. Myer, extenthe ortlce or the Clerk ot .ald left to local boards 0'1 education. i11ne . Funeral service from Mc- morning when we receivE!d the sad sion supervisor for the service in r~ahlp at Gordon'a Gar..., until o'clock P. m .. Eaatern Stand· 4. To participate local districts Clure Funeral home Tuesday at news of the death of M'rs. Emma northwestern Ohio, tJlis we.ek seven 4, To participate local districts \rd time (Spencer) Townsen, wh,o .died at pointed out some of the highlights TIJID8DAY. II'EBalllABY :n. I ' " muat Jevy 9'At mill (or 8 mills if would levy 3 mills (2.66 county 2 o'clock. 'One and one·halt (l~) yard eaMrs. E. B I Dakin is quite ill. bond and interest levy is 1 'At mills equalization levy plus .35 mill' her home near 14a.rti.nsville, of the alrl'icultural work of tills paclty trUCk. hydrauUa dl)fJlp bad. levy.) }ab, dual whee". 30d H. D. tlrea. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clinton County. It 'Will be reo :farm agency. or more). ~nd fully equipped ready ' tor duty. Gordon on Sunday, February 6 a membered that Emma npent ber Seventy thou..nd farms and ~ t la aloo the In tentlon of a.ld T<'u.· son. Bern J. This is the fourth childhood days near this place. homes, he says, were visited lalt teu to ofter IU part payment for tru~kl one (I,) 11!7 Model Inter· child in the home, the others being She was 77 years old allld will be year by county extenalon aeenta .ald national rUCk. «IulppecS with 1 ~ )lard dump ben. girl8. adly missed by all who lrnew ber. to anlwer queationa, to ,upervi.. Ella'll 'blddeT Ihall alJlbmlt with bll William Martin, respected color· Several from a diataMe attend· the work of 4-H club memben and bid Ipeclflcatlon and nt-me or truck _ _- ' ed ·citizen. of this village, died at ed the series of meetinls that were leaders, or to follow-up either work offered , Thr Board of Trultee. re· tb right to reject an" or .11 the home 0'1 relatives in Dayton held at Green Briar last week. or group activitJes in the counti... lIerve 8:00 Music bide. W. 8. GRA.HAK llarveysburg Girls basket ball Each extension agent attended 8:05 Palture Management . . ... , ' . , .. ,.. D. R. Dodd Tuesday and was \buried in Miami W. E. CORNIilU 8 :16 Some Recent Purebred Sales ..... ................ ... " .. , .... ,C. W: ~ay cemetery Thursday. team has played ten straight pmes about 200 meetings ' 'during the E. L. THOMAS 8:26 Music I Capt. Chas. Garner of Columbus and won all of them. . yeal'. 'BoArd of Trulle .. 8 :40 What Equipment for Farm Chicks? . , ...... ............. R. E. Cray wa here Sunday \\ lth ?frs. 'Mary Mrs. Etta Jordan spent; the palt In home economica, according L. H. GORDON. Clerk 8 :60 40 Years of Farm Re earch ., ' , C. G. Williams two weeks with relatives In Dayton to Myer, 60,000 Ohio farm women 0:00 Summer Care of Winter Clothing , ....... , ..... Edna Callaban Finch and Robert Garner. Bern J . Can is on the !lick list. Walter Lamar was ulled to took advantage of the work con. Subac:ribe tOI' the . Miami !l :10 MUlic . Supt. Francis and the members 0:25 Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk .. . " .......... .. .. .................... J. H. Erb , 0:36 Ohio Farmers Raising Beef C!'ttle , ............. ...... ,.L. P. McCann 01 the Board of Education ,"vere in 0:46 Ohio' Large Markets for Fruit ... .. ."...... . ... J. H. Gourley Columbus Monday at the meetins II and Harold Robertson of the Association of Boards of Education. Satll.rday. February 18, 8 :00 p. m. Se\reral from here attended the 8 :00 Th me Song • 8:02 4.H Club Work in Huron County ....... ,......... .. ExtenSion Agent funeral of Mrs. bora King at Way. 8:08 Trips Awarded Club Members ... ,........ , ... .. , A Club Member nesville Monday afternoon. Our basketball team journeyed 13:10 Music. E I' K rat ~er 8 :13 One Week Among ~tlends .. ". , ...... , ..... ,..... ve.y!l to Morrow Friday evening and 8'17 Experienccs from EIght Years of Club Work , ... Wilham Smith came oft' with the usual story8 :21 'Music . . .... "" ... , .... ,.......... . .................. .. Mra. Ann Charles girls won 24·15 and boys lost 23 8 ;24 News ' Flashes .... " ". " ... ... ,,, ............................. " ' ...... , .0. C. Croy to16, On Saturday evening Carlisle teams came here for games which & LeRoy, cement, $10.30; J. W. ·resulted In the. following s~ores: Lineo HardwJlre Co., repairs, $747. grade boys, Carhsle 16, Mas!ne 13, 47: Hermetz Super Station, gas, high school b~ys, Carlisle 18,. From $12 69' Franklin Vulcanizing & Massie 34; glTls, Carlisle 11, Tir~ ~., gas, $7.06; , W. N.Cox, Massie 16. Mr. Lillian Ca~r de· $16.06; Albaugh Good serves a great deal of credit .for , (Continued Fron p~ 2) An impression has existed for Borne time in the minds of those who have not Co., brushes, $2.80; J. W. th~ w.ay she has .handled h.er glrl.s, pay roll, $.62.26; Carl Dakin brmgmg them ID vlc~orlous m John Stockman, et aI, real estilte takelll the time to examine the fact~, that the Public Utility Companies haven't felt pay roll, $78.76; H . L. Schuyler, every game so far thIS season. in Franklin. the "depression." Joseph and Carrie M. Guenther pay roll, ,127.50; Charles Cook, More power to her! . to Albert J. Scheurer., real estate lumber, $97·. '6; Ralph Miller, As- .J. C. an.d. Chas. Gray were WII· 'We who are a part of this businesa know better. It is impossible to disturb sistant Surveyor as chairman, mlngto~ vl.sltors Monday. .. in Turtlecreek township. $3.60; Frank Robinson, Aasistant The Jum~r clas!' play, Miss world-wide business conditions without affecting our industry. Surveyor as chairman, $1.75; W. Adventure, presented at the g'YTT1 Bma Allowoti *10 C. Bergdall, Assistant Surveyor as Tuesday eve";i";g was very amusing With each passing month many customers find it more difficult to pay their bills Erma Hibnar, services, • j chairman, $21; Columbus Blank and entertammg, The cast of Julia Holland, $10; Mr~. Howar Co. suppllea $8.70. characters: Sue, Evelyn llcCarren; ~o U$ promptly. Others find it necessary to deprive themselves of our, services. As Sawyer. $7; Morrow Whitacre; $5; , , . Betty, Rhea McCanen: Peggy, most persons kn9w, municipal governments are experiencing financial difficulties, Geolll'ia Miller, $10; Stella Kelly, • - • Ruth Varvel; Samson" Robert $10; Charlell ~obson $10; TrUltee~ . A new circular iaaued by ,the Davi ; Miss, Prim. Rachl .Sham. and our reven~es from these 80UJ'ces are greatly curtailed. of Public AffaIrs, water rent, $10, agricultural extension serVice of baugh; Josephine Carter.' VIrginia Ohio Central T~lephone Corp 1" the college of agriculture gives Davis; Sarah A,nn Haskms. M~ry By the nat\lre of oqr business we are ,\bliged to ke~p our induntry at 100% rent, $66.55; Oblo Central Te e- detailed figures oil what t!Je Edith Doster. Rebecca HaskinS, Iltate and federal rovern- Vivian Tucker; Albert Brown, phone Corp., Tolls, $4:<!.J5; Colum. working capat!ity always, regardless of diminished demand. " Present conditions bus Blank Book Mfg. Co., .Iuppliel\ for agriculture. The Howard MacDonald; Cyrus, Louis have created a serious 8it~tio.n for our own and other Public Utility Companies. $SO; Western StaT, advertIsinc reill called "G~t your Fac!ta'. Snell; Mrs. John Tyler Caryer. ward, $8.60; Office OuUitters, sup· A free copy· m.y be ,obtained. trom Esther Ross; Extra college girls, plies. $2.50; Columbus BI.ank Book your county agncult\lral .gent.,or Rebecca Ra~dall lind A~na Mac 00., !Iupplies, $3.50; Fidelity • the agricultural extenaien service, Donald. MUSIC was fU1'Dlshed by S. E. Cutler, se~ ices, '1; A. , A. College of Agriculture, Columbus. the Junior school orchestra Inder wide~spread Burroughs, $1; L. S. Tllfts, bur!al __ _ the dierctlon of MiM Stevens. Mrs. Burroughs, $1; L. C. Tu-fta, bunal Carr coached the play. servicell, '100; Columbull Blank All to Hia Credit - - -- - Book Co., suppliea, $1.50; $Bnco Sandy lIeemed worried. There was During the past five years, 4000 Products Co., Inc., l1uppllell, U'.· lomethlng on his mind. Ohio farmcl'8 have planted 9,250 , 68; Ohjo Penitentiary JUg "8.1es "What il itt" asked his friend. 000 tree" 88 demonstrations. Dur· Dept., 'SO; William Huft'ord, w..h "I want your help," replied San. in« the same period, 1600 4·g club inc 'for prison en, ,47.98; Mn. quietI)'; "in lact, I w.nt you to membe1'8 have planted over 1,000, Della Hufford, feedlne come and choose a Bult for me." 000 trees and vocational a!rt'icul. HII friend limited I'IHldeatlY. ture 8tudents nearly 600,000 trees $489.78; TreuUl'er of State, llerYicee lor Crippled Inltltutloll., "But I don't thine my ta.te ill . ' - - -- tS.69; J. W. Davia, pay, roll, '98; L._w.ar th-. voun," he replied h 1. I II ,121 211' ... , Taxes, debts, K 00115, unemp oy· F. M. B.owrer, palY "'48'25 B' perhaps not," Hid the Scot ment inlurance, technocracy, and I Carl Dakin, par ro, .; • . thinkl. . Jour eredit is." the aetlon of the legislature in Schaler, pay roD, ,US.88; W. A. • _.. .1--LIn, ex.penditures that bene.ftt roll. ,158; John .. 10.10; 1'Jo)'CI Leaa...... I'arnaen I. U Ohio eoa..- are the farlller. are among the topics tou, ,11'7 tIteIr eerti1led ...... llP~oat ill the mlnclt 01 Oldo tWr farm.., aoeordJD6 to • recnt
Ca,,·. Jewel" .....
New Burlinaton
Home Rule Allured Under Mort Plan
DR. RUDOLPH Siehl SpeciaIiII
F. T. Martin Auctlon••r
Spring Branch
Or No Char••
CentenUIe, Ohio
--------- -
Beech {;rove
Farm Night 7alks, feb. 20
----_ ...----
au.*. I;:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~~:::::::;:;;::::::~::::::::::::::::::::!::~:::::::::::::::::::~::=;;=
POPULAR FALLACY EXPLODED namely: The Public Utility Companies Haven't Felt the Depression
New.. Gleaned Court Hoa"
Misrepresentation and propaganda against Public Utility Companies should be honestly examined before being believed
AYNESVILLE HIGH'S MalOnl Invited to BOO TER 'NEWS Hear Doc Waddell Dependability Lack of familiarity with !uneJ'llI ml'rch3ndis(! naturally impo e Ii burd"n upon men nnd women hen the need ari es lor u h purchas s, The stab.Ii hed reputation of th(1 .cu neral establi!\hnlCn t f or fair dealing i COMCquenUy an important factor. Our organization has b n socrving the lleople of thi commlln ity, anq their lathers and mother b fore them, for many years and has arned an unblemish d reputation for ,giving honest value at aU times in merchandise and service. The family can feel Slife in this knowledee.
J. E. McClure
W.YD••vUle, Oblo \.:."""!'-----"""!'~""'!"--...,
Insurance your property covered by an experi.e nce :l a &ent
SleDa E. Daugherty Pholl. 51U
' Wayne.ville, Ohio
-- - (Continued from Pare t ) tion by the.' Hqphonwl'c c1a~i\, lhe lIum:m Ford, DltTcl'cnt nU'l1lben; of th,' clu~ ' II ~I 1I~"'cl1lllled l u r pl'e. t>l1l IhE' Ford, I1u)!h GU~till, with u uuking Ihl \\ uel' l'an I1n hi ~ head for 1\ J'adiator !'epr ~ nteJ the " : puttt'ring Enginc.'· Olher mem· b I' f the 1m'. I'l'pre. cntt'd th e wheel;; and spare til' . Thi. ('xtl'aonlinary Ford Wil. cngineerl'<i IIY Noah ' ,'wman . N. P._ . H.
Th~' !llILlHl II ~ lIf
\\ ihnl!ll!"t,'n al'l' Ju:.inl! . ,}!"cl-t n).("L'1111'r
11 . . . . . . . . _ to have U I nH'l'ting "it h (; ("' l~I' Wa,hill ~ t "l\ in,pil':ltitlll alit! Kin~ S, I,,1\I <ln FERRY CHURCH Ol~ CHRI!T ~I'illlming: in thl' Wiltllill ~ 111 " ( ndenominational) l\ l n ~ "llil' T l' lllplc TI It,'t1 .I~· III\! ht . ell s ter A. Willillmso n FebruIII' ~' ~I, Th e plllll:ipu l _!' l'okl'l \lill b~ th,' im l'lllll li(\lI ul tll "llrl"h~l ' nilic d ~e.'r\"irp, IIlJldnnill1' lrollinA' Ma ' l,n , \\ ho i~ (lIs-I k nuwn ChU ITh .~dlO(' IIJl'rtod t 9 :30 a. 111 . n ~ thl' mo"t 1I1l 1hUlll. 1" 'I' ulillr, Lord' . uP.Jl ' r ;lnd ;,t'r lllonl1t ~? : :lO •. IllH: \\·a ,It I.' II . !\J:o ~ I III . f ... ,rn 1111 II . • 1\\ • • :-; nll ~ n ~ub.iel· t, •. . "'h~ llntllU~ pl '~ "ch !> 1 I11lln III th" wo rld . •'.J J!I" \ lIl1t ~ Al( utn. t 1.l1Imers loll .. ,' ul' l uund in/, t o\\n , tll'l' J.( II ing. I t ' ,I ll :n,· :tI\\'I1~ ~ \\{'\e "Im e III thlR i ~ plunnccl to rtlll k" il t he l ilrg(' ~t hUl'c h. alten ded 1 1 1\ ~u ll ir ewnt III thl." ST. MARY ' S CHURCH Wilmin gt" n \' a l1 l'~' . r; ~" ' :' Y :Vl a ~ on Rev. J . J. chnetfcr', Recto r who n m ~ 1\(IlIld hea r H,' v. Wil d· F"b l'lJ:l r}, HI, ~ e xligeHill1n Sund pll' b "W ,·tl\'in~ " "r MlIlInl'Y." dllY, ' hlll'(' h \ l'huo l a\ lI.::lO; 10rn: J in!!' Pru~' I!" lind fHlr nw n lit LO :3 0. Rev. MI', N' yblatlh. " f hrl st Woman's hun'h, Xcni , lI ill IHcHc h.
Debaiin\l' Club Th D baling lub i. progress · ing very nkely. Wcdnef:\day, Feb· ruary 15, tll\~ y IlTC going to debate Their subject is: He.olv ed· that : Buying on the installment plnu sb ould be encour g d. Th pllrti ipantll in this d bllt will be : Affil'mative hart ~ Bu rt on. The WnnHlIl's Auxi lia ry (I f ' t, Evel yn Peters. 11111" S ch ll!' h met on F r iday nItE' 1' 'eg a'live - Vil'g inia De nlingel', n oon, F(> \)I' uary 10 , fit tn> horn of JURnitn Brannock. 1I11~. Lec Hawke. . . E. F. R c\" . J . .r . 'cha ctret' con d uded the d voti nul !;c !" vic(·. Script ura l Senior New. qu o tal\ o n ~ w(' re g ive n in 1'(,S]lonse During the pa t we l< thl very t o !"oll-call . Important group of enior had At the cl0 5 (' o f th busin(, '" another get-to-~ethl'r . ~el\.~ i o n tll c pmgr alll \\" 0 ' taken up. After much discus ion , we voted Readi ng;; hom th :tudy-book. to hold baccalaureate sel'vice!! in " Fucing th e Fu t ure in Indian the High schoo l gymnasium. Mhlio llS," wel'(' ~ivt' n by W e al 0 voted on the list of Be rt Har tsock anll Mr~. D. commencement speaker pr sen ted nme. A vo tll . 010, "I Love the by th committe and p laced the N Ilin ( I of J(,~U8." wag J' ndcred by names in order of Jlre!eren~c. A s h ' . 1I1Y1HIl'd" eltz. n IIrtich' on we have not y t COnllnUfll at d the wOl'k of th e church in th!' with any of them, therefOl'G no mounnins o f Vil'ginin , by Archdea definite d cision has been made. Ic on Ncvc, Wil li rea d by Mrs. p, . How" r, wc are sure that whoever lIelldel'~on. Th p p t· jt)'Ulll clll~~d is ('ho en wiIJ be well forth hear- with 1\ \'"ocal du ct. "Whh;peninl!; ing, judging' from the names a nd 11 0\1 ,I> bv HI'«. fuynl\rd Weltz recommendations pres/'nted by the and h ' . 'n. L. 'rone , ;\1rs . •lohn committee. Gon ~, ncc ompani. t . Dt'1'illg a delightful !<ocia l h our Freahmen New. delici ous refreshmen t" \ r\! ~(, I'v (' d . Th Freshmen hav e a new pupil, :Miriam lili t<bUl'y, coming to Way . DEATHS nesville from Cleveland. The Freshman cia s is vel'y busy Owen . ) Ii 'gif1-, ag ~d G, c ivil working on the Wa 'hin gt on Ilnd Lincoln program to be given for war vetertln , eli cI at hiR horne in the High School in th Gym , on Lebanon la t Friday. !\II' . Riggin WII a fC)l-ntol' po ~tmn ~t(>r lind February 22. .-:=--- - - - - - lIIayor of Lebanon . Funeral . (')"vices were held in Subscribe for the ~Iia~i Gazette. the f thodil<t cllurch at Lebanon, Monday art rn()on.
Auxiliary Of St. Mary's Church
BASKET. BALL .At W aynesvl"lie Gym
ht, Fe b • 22 Wednesday NI- g
PQr.ol " PEP" Glr 1S~ a
The l'emnlnR of MI';'. Murga\" ItII H udey. wh o wa ~ u r c id en t t 1 linton co Ull t y 1 0 1' many 'leurs. were intel'Ted In MII;ln1i emetery a t urda~' ofternoon, l
Mrs. Hurl ey, w h 0 was an aun, of Mrs. D. L. rane, died W' dne . . 1. • h d ht day, at t.. hom 01 El l' aug er, 1\1rs. O. J. lexa nd el', in Dayton. " k' following an i IIness 0 r t pree wee s. h :f e was years 11 age.. Funeral service for Will iam aged 71 yeaes, werc beld 'Me lure funeral ho
FR IENDS MEElrING l-'i r8t D ay, January 2 \1 : .First Day J''1'icnd l:' hip School a _t fj:;) () a. m. Meeting for \I o!"s niip at 10 :3 Ill.
WAYNESVILLE M . E. CHURCH G. C. DIbert, PllStor , mIn fidny : The Llldi ' Aid , oc i(l ty i~ mect ing in the church lit 2 :00 this p , Ill. Billie t udy lind p1'ay l' m t'ting at 7 :00 p . m. h oir practic at 'i :-15. Thur_da y: Th e J1". hOil' will Ille t ilt the hom of M t·. an(1 Mrs. R rk at 4 :00 p . m. Hunday : Sunday school a t 9 :30 a. 111. 10('ning wOI's hip at 10 :40, Epll' l·th League- a t G:30 p. m . 1\ ith Ronald Hlndin a leader. E vungt' li~ti CT'vic(>s nl: 7 :30 I). ll1. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF . CHRIST ( Undenominational) ChI.' ter A. Willilll1l On, Minister hu rc h ' chool at 9 :30 n. m. Lord's S upper II I concl uision. hrist ia n Endeavor at 6 :30 :p. m. Et ha n Lewis. Lender. Evenilll~ evangelistic I'vi e at 7 :30 p. m. ermon subject, "The Prodigal Son." Prayel· .M ting and Bible tudy each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. Th churCh where you Ieel ut home.
In the Old Citizenl Bank Building
U •• THE MIAMI GAZETTE , Fo.. Re.ulta
One i the bill. introduc d in the House of Representatives seeks t l·s tabJis h a tate P olic~ System in Lh,· Department of Highways. The bill culls for t he appointment of a ' ullel'intendent li t II 80lary of . 4,000 P r year and the nppointIIwnt of 60 patrolmen with the approval of th e Director of HighWIlYS, who has the power, under the l/ill. of fixing ,salaries of appointees. This bill hII creuted considerable discussi on by reason of th e exptJnditures involv d and the pportunity to odd many n w employ e(Js t o the payroll in the way f cl tkR, secreta!'i 8, stenographCl'S, etc. It al.o would permit the pU l'ch ase of n;lan y new vehicles, equipment lind oflice supplies. It is an udmini~lration measure backed by Governor ' hite. The special committe to investibribery chnrges macle by Repr e~entative Forest V . Ha1l of S n ('caville, Guernsey county, promi!'le~ II thorough pI:obe of the utrnir. Hill!, a minister of the I, alleges hI'! was offered Sl, 00 to "forget" a bill which he wa SDon oring. and which would reduce interest rat on chattel loans. He has charged a ambridge 10lln official with ot\'ering the brit;.c. th hearings no doubt will attract mnny spectato rs 10 the chambers where th yare to be held.
ST, AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH 'J'he Temperane~ committee q'f the H ouse has voted out a mell8Ul'e Father French, Pastor Sel'vices will be held every two which would re'peal the Prohibiti on weeks on Tuesday morn ing. department of the state, e tablished 12 years ago under the Miller bill. The vote was 8 to 5. It now go 3 to the Senate for approval and if passed by that body and T hcl'lllometers t'egi t'3red L2 be- signed by Governor White means low !lero h l'e Thor day. a vere setback for the friends of .Rev. hester "\VilIiamson or t mp erllnce in this state. Ftll" 'Y called on 1\1rs. Georgiann Hlline!; and family We Inead ay. Th e House has al 0 pas cd a bill comb'lnl'ng the dutl'e of vl'llage Mrs. Ootlald Ha!.tle~· spent ThursI h F clel'ks and treasurer u ', 180 a bill cay at t e "riend • Hom e at Way~ nesville. limiting the combined salaries of 11'. and ML·s. tanley Bailey at- husband and ' wife in state tended the funeral of their aunt, employ to $3,000 a yea1', Mrs. Edith Bowman, t he h ome except employe of welf8l'e 0 M
Waynesville 'A. ·C. Wajlnelville Relervel
A Servic:e 4' Tonic" for Your Walc:h Entrust that treasured time pi ce of your to our expert care. It will be r turned with every pivot and be~ring fre fl'om dust, oi led for another year's faithfu l Nel'vice. . You are assured of Professional Watch Sel'vice at thi store-and at Moderate Cost.
1~"SALE1#-t PorkSBea •• 5. f-ur.
-- - -_.---
Many Requests for Rat Bait Received
Vegetable School At Lebanon
'ID 11'11'& 1MICe. Spedal
Peaeh "'1Il .. .....,.,...
Z No~~_.
Ita"- or
A Preliminary Game---Springboro and
Rooma 1 and Z
p rmits - __:-_i1~~~~~~:~~~~*~~~o~f~h~e:..rfid~a~*i~~MITr~s~.~;n~faf~~in~s~t~it~u~ti~~ons. lities Another to use coal tar Bellbrook. as wel! as oll ·in treating fth. William mith of Mimnist su:rfaces. The S nate by a burg spent last week with his si ter vote of 21) to 7 has voted to extend Mrs. Ralph Johns and family. fOI' two years the au~~ority g~ant l\1rs, William C~leman and Mi s ed to c ounties and c~tles to dIvert Thel ma were Dayton hopper their share o'f gasolme tax funds l\1on dny. ' for rellet. purposes. Th Senate Mrs. Bell Coon an~ daughters, h~alt~ ~ommlttee ".as appro v d a ~1i s~c~ B rtha and Beulah were b~ll whi ch w~ul~ hcen. e funeral Su nday u(tel'noon callers at dlreclol·s. A bll1 which would TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ADMISSION horne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ~ontro,l \ professio.nal at?letics, b.o:x• TEN CENTS Kem·jek. mg and wrcsthng, by e~tabh8bCHILDREN The young folks of Lytle church men t of , a state c,?mmisslOn, has Firat Came Star... Promptly at 8:00 o'elock . . had a valentine party at the church also been approved. Several hundred ord~rll have been Monday eve ning. for the Rat BaIt to be used Dr. lind Mrs. A. A. Smith visited Mr. T. ,B. Brannock not so conn ctlon with the . war on Albert Hanis at Blail"s hospital, well £It present. rats, February 28. Fourteen other Lebanon, Monday afternoon. adjacent counties IHC holding the MI'. and Mr .. Sallee McGl'udet. M.!'. and Mrs. C. E. l\fi~hen(\r Iltcampaign the ~ilm e day. Red- qu-Ul of neal' Centerville mOVed to the mixed wltb fl. h, meat alld cereal tenant house on the Harvey tend ed t he fl1neral of a relative at Richmond, Ind., Tuesday. will be used as b? lt. According to Bumett farm Tuesday. County A!!,'ent MLll er, the success Mr. Leo n Sa lisbury motored to of this poison depen ds sOOlewhat Cleveland last week and his FARMERS EXCHANGE on .the ;veather.Rats are not very daughter, Mis.s MiIiam, . returned 'H OLD ANNUAL MEETING actIve In e."t!eme cold weath er. with him' Thursday a:nd" entered Therefore, If It is ~eal ~o)d, on the WaynesvHle school Monday. . ' 28th 'o f Ft>J>r uary, It nilght be well Albe\.t Harris re mains seriously The annua~ meetmg of . ~he . tohold the bajt "for several days 'Il t BI ., h 't 1 L b stockholders of the WayneSVille until the 'weather gets wum er. I ..~ . aIdI' sM oSPIDa, led BHnon' . Farmers Exchange Co., was held at d l th e b' an 1'8. onaof thea forey th e GrangI.' ha 11 .Monda'" . Full directions f Or us~ng alt wetr' e1, week-end gu sts . 3 ' About . accompany eaeh package· mer' s bl'othl'l' an d wife, Mr. and 100 wel'e present, and ~t the noon Wedne8da~, Febl'uar~ 15th wl11 Mrs. Raymond Hlldley, near hour a sumptuous dInner was be tbe deadhne fol' takmg orders. Clarksville sl1rved. . " . Interesting speakers were pres. Mrs. ,Allen Eml'l k IS slowly Im- ent from Dayton and alter the I p. ovt ng, but not able to walk yet, talks several new. members were since h er l'ecen.t. fall, ~ll~r daughter elected. O. E. Michener retained Mrs. and Erne t hel' Leon_ Sahsbury IS caring for h I's position au... director , , . ' " Butte\"worth was elected a director . Walter Kenl'l~k, In company in place of Chas. Ellis, resigned. Mllny people of Wal'ren County WIth Wal ter HIbbard. of , Center- Barvey Burnett W/iS elected preslwho grow t:.heir own garden vegE'ta- Ville,. a ttended the Dls tnct Con- dent, Lindley Mendenhall and bles are planning to attend , ~he venhon of the Farm Bureau Iu- Frank Hess, advisory council. Vegetable school at Memorial Hall surance agen~s a~ ~he General The annual report showed the IISFriday, February 17. This will be Denver hotel In Wllmmgton Wed- Meiatton to be in good condition. an all-day school b eginning at 10 ne day. . • • o'cl ock and lasting un ti l 3 :30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were Even ir you have only a s.ulall guests at a birtl1day ciinner on WILL DEDICATE O. S. &: garden YOIl can well affol'd t o last Thurs da y nt the hom e of Mr. S. O. HOME BUILDINGS spend the day at this school to get and Mrs. R omo Ril\'gs, I)f Route 5. up t o da te Informa ti on on diseaseE in honor ' of t he pirthdnys of Mrs. Arrangements are Laing COOlDown through t he age the constant use of and contl'ol of in~ect8 which affoct Cial'k and Mrs. RiggJs' mother, pLeted by the ofllciab of the O. S. your CrOl) g, Many local and farm /\frs. Peny Thomas. & S. O. Home at Xenia for the wood ha proven it to be the be t material for wom· en hn" e )'n(lic~ted t he." will atMr and MI's n-Ipb Johns en <H " . ' .' • .n.u - dedication of two new buildings at tend. , Bring your _dinnel' and stU)' teT tained to dinner Sunday~ in the home, whicll will take place home-building. A lum b J'-built home with wood all dny. honor (11' the birthdays of their on the afternoon of February 23, floor, wood mantl e, taircase, window frames SEVERAL daughter, Francis and hel' grand- the exercises to be followed by a and doors brings kindly memOJ·ies to m08t of us moth r, Mrs. James .J?hns, the dinner, to which Gov. George Master Lawre nce Britton, of follOWing gu.ests : ~rs: VIola ~arey White and other notables have . because it was in such a home that we war born Mishawaka , In d., t a s the guest of Of. W~yn 8vlIle. WtlhaTn Smith of been invited. The principal speaker Master Haro Id , troud, on unday. MJa~lsburg, Mr. ond J[r~. Lester at the dinner will be J . Prentice and raised. Lumber giv s that "homey" atmosKennck of Ferry and' Mr. and Murphy executive secretary of phere that all other mat rials l~ ck . Use lumber to Mr~., Jame!'. .Johns.. the Phll~delphla Children's Bureau build your home. Lumb r' gi"es greater home comfro and MI's. HarV\lY Bu rnett Philadelphia. It 'is expected that and Mr. nnd Mrs. J .. B J~ne8 Mis8 Emma PU8chner, e hairman fort at ~ore l'easonnbl COAt. Let us help you in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e tel1ded the ~ooperatJvE1 MIlk p!;O- of the Children', WelfaTe Commitplanning your home. clucerR m~etmg, at the q.range Ball tee 0'1 the Ameriean Lea&'Ue InFOR SALE WayneSVille, Monday. ' di 11 1 will b MrR. William Long 18 auf!'erinr anapo" a 80 e pr88en • FOR SALE- Clermont Range. In II'reatly with her foot which she the Ice at good condition. Harold Earnhart hurt When IIhe fell PholHl 22R2t. ' her home. Friday. yeari. The,. ",en:. IIr. and Mrs. I. Several relatlV'ea W. Kercb8l' aad two e!!.~ren! dinner Sunday at Mila lnu Dem.... ISIeaaNI and likthd MI'8. LoUis T~~~r·=I ~ =~:= 11I.nll . . ~ of Ji
w. z.'
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
Country Club. Special price. Quick cook or pl.
Country Ocndem.n ' felley
3 lID. pkp. Ik
Illtaol. com. III No. 2 caM. Spedal price
Z P~' :lg e
:5 Z:5 e cans
TillY Pea• . Tender. Iweel. Savor"
Pineapple 11ticIt.1icw. No. 2" lise
Gelatine' AppleButter Z 1- asIa I.ec J8-oz. lin. SpuW
Apples ..a.e,. Delleloa. • pouOd.
l7c Cel.r~
Lettuce Or.....
Larre Stalk.
2 Large Head.
F&Dey Florida
. d l'leD
, \
French Brand 2 IbOo 45c Co"". A1. new 10'" prl• •
Mint Pattie. Dellcloue'C'.nc1·'
IIn.p.. Ci'tap I.,d " ' "
11>. 17c
Tomato Juice 4 cUI.19c Countr,. CI . !>. 1I".-ci.1
Your Home!
Late CIassified Ads
w. H. MADDEN It:
Bacon Pound
:lZc BoI. . ._ ·•••II.dO..... I'.aaklvten
Eighty-Sixth Year
FEBRUARY 22, 1933
Whole Numb er 6015.
Count." h. S. Ba ske t Ball Boy Scout Troo p is Prof . Blough ~Will POlt ma.l ter M.cCray / De ath An gel On ce Mo r Grow ing Nicely Add ress Seni ors ReSigns H.s Office 10u rna me nt ~Cl~~~~~·~n~nRJ--F-iv-e--Of--th-e~Si=x=n=="-v-n-Ie-r-ll-be-r-s-en Ga rne rs Heavv Ha rve st
After 29 yell,rs service in the Centerv ille postofficc, Postma ster On last Monday night, repre- and game Clarenc e McCray has resigne d and on Sal.urday afterno on, sentativ es from eacb school in a semi-fin will retire all soon as his success or, al game, will be played Warren county met at Lebano n to at 2 Once more the Death Angell Mamie Fore man, in Dayton Edward W. Keever , takes over the p. m. betwee n the winner s of I1raw names for the games in the the Mason, has reaped a heavy harvest from day afterno on, and the , Tiles· crffice in the near future. Cllrlisle and remaln s the Kings basketb atl t{)Ul'nam ent. Ml'. Keever is the son of Dr. our midst. Four of our useful and were brough t here to be laid to Mills-F ranklin games, The third A~ 1\ result, WaYnesville drew, Dudley Keever , of Centerv ille, and well known citizens have been relit in ' Miami ceJ)'letery. game, semi-final, on Saturda y as the first oppone nt, Lebano n, afterno on, a nephew of Dr. A. T. Wright , of called from the joys and careR of Dr. Tripp had lived in thil will be played at 3 p. m. whom we will meet at 11 11. m. on betwee n , the this place. His appoin tment was this life into that peacefu l and world for 75 years, 5 months and winning team ,of the Friday mornin g. made on recomm endatio n of eternal reet. A man Who had de- 7 days, and \Va a gradua te ot Otterbe in-Spri ngboro game and Th followi ng i a schedul e o( that of Senato r Simeon D. Fess and he voted his liIe to the alleviat ion of Medical coll ege in Cincinn ati.a the game playe<l at 8 p. m. the games to be played t.hroug hout on Friday. will serve as acting postma ster otlle'r s' pain and sufferin g, wholly For several years he practic ed his the tournam en( at Kings Mms on until such time as a civil nrvice unmind ful of his own health and profess ion In Kentuc ky, moving Saturda y nigbt the first game, j"riday and Saturda y, Februa rl consola tion, betwee strengt h, and three mothel'R, f rom thef\~ to Dayton for examin ation can be held. n the winning a few 24 and 26: whose childre n yet remain to call years resid enc b1!fore coming ' teams of the two gamcs played to at The opening first-ro und game 9 :30 p.m. on them blessed. Waynesville_ Friday and 1 p , m. will be played on Friday mornin g on Saturda About 16 years ago, he and hil! DR, FRANK TRIPP at 10 a. m. b tw en Morrow and consola tion,y.onThe second game, worthy compan ion purchas ed the Saturda y night at Harvey sburg. The second prelimi - 8 o'clock, Sunday night, at the home of suburba n home now occupie d by nary game will starts at 11 a, m. the losers will be played betwee n MI'!;. Patsy Hoffma n lift, 24, his sister-in -law in Dayton, the Albert leaver and family, and of the games play.ed a t betwee n Wayne ville and Lebano n 2 p. m. on genUe spirit of Dr. Frank Tripp, since that time their life has been aturday and at 3 p. m . former night club cigsl'et girl, was On Friday afterno on the first on Saturda y. rtitumc d to the Warre n count~' departe d from his tired, pain rack· lived here, at Utica and in Harvel' S ,The ,third game game, second- round, will be played Saturda y night jail in Leban rJll I alit week, by ed body, and burg. Last Saturda y night, Februa ry whence it had returne d to God, courteoHe was a most affable and between Mason and Carlisle at 1 played at 2 p. is the game to be berift' William come. He had been Hufford m. us gentlem an, whom to on Saturda and y his and p . m. The second game, 2nd-rou nd at 3 18, the F. F. A. boys, undel' the in failing health for several years, know was but to adm ire. He specia l deputy. Mrs. Della Hufford. p. m. on Saturda y. is I!urb tween Kings Milia nnd }'rankl in The woman had been arrest d at directio n 01 Mr. Crabbe , present - and, a few weeks ago, was taken vived by his compan ion, Mrs. Jesr will follow at 2 p. m. Next, will be ,t he request of the locul officer, Ii Prof. W. H. Blough of Witten- ed a very enterta ining program at from his home in Harveysburg to sie B. Tripp, and by a sister, lin. the consola tion games at 3 p. m. Dayton to 'spend the winter. she, was leaving a hospita l in berg College, Springfield, Ohio Anna Montie th, of Boston , Mall!. will the Granite as follows : betwee n the losing teams 0 f the Funera l service s were held at Brookly n, and wa re turned to thi s address senior student!! of Music by the quartet , Jllcque WayWaynes ville-Le banon and the MARG ARET ANN KENRI CK county to an 'wer t.o the charg or nesville High chool on Adams, Wallac e Bernal' 4, Cecil the home of his sister.in -Iaw, Mr~, "Highe 1\forl'ow-Harvey burg games. having been implicu ted in the Educat ion" at a meetin g beginni r DaVis, Charles Hartsoc k. Sevenil month or intense SIIt~ . The schedul for Friday night hold:up and. robbery. ot thp Way- 1st 2:40 p. m. Wednes da:v, March ng Paper, "The Future Farme n of feri ng with that dread malad yIS as tallow : At 7 p, m. the first 1. nesvIll NatIona l Bank on SeptemAmeric a," Harvey Peters. cancer, were ended when Mn. Profe SOl' Blough represe ntl game, /lCcond- round, will be played ber 22, 19 32, when 2,!JG2 was one of the fine old arts colleges in Monologue, "Yep, I'm Still Happy' Margar et Ann Kenrick , widow of b tween Otterbe in nnd· Springb oro forcibly taken from the in titution . Ohio, founde d in 1845" and Julian Crabbe . t he late Perry E: Kenrick, died at Th S ci>nd game will be played When arraign ed in COUI'\. at Leb- gressin g under one name andpro. Music; quartet . her home on Frankli n road about in betwee n th.e winning teams of the unon, la t Tuesda y, the woman one place for 88 years. Reading , "The Last Will," James 6 o'clock Monday evening . She WlIlyncsville-L banon and the MorHageme yer. J. H. Smith, is quite sick with waived prelimi nllry examin ation, was a life-lon g residen t ot thia flaving experie nced attenda nce row-Ha rveysbu rg games. The third grip. and was held under $7500 bond tO , alike in an arts college, and Monologue, " Just My Luck," vicinity, having been born at Lytle game at 9 p. m. will be a conat a ~wai,t the action or the n xt ,grand Iltl'eat state Charles Burton . Octobe r 8, 1854, and is survive d univers ity, Pro'feseor solation game betwee n the two Mise Lillian Baker sp nt Satur- Jury. Her hu band, Jam g Clift, by one daughte r, Miss Bertha Ken32 Blough is enabled to speak on Pantom ime, "Someb ody is Praying 10 Ing teams 01 the Mason-Ca\'1i-sl day with friend in Cincinn ati. of Richmond, Ind . hi brother , advant ag s of both training for You," Hugh Gustin, LeiteI' rick, Funera l service s will held and the Kings Mills-Frftnklin s. Russell lift, 24. Ilnd H ward Mr: and Mrs. Myer Hyman and at her late home at 2 be ____ _ _ _Schaffe r. Cecil Hartma n, reader Mr. Mary Weddle , of Dayton . games. o'clock Bon visited Wells, relative 23, of s Music, near in Xenia, L quartet ~)anon, SunThursd ay afterno ()n, Rev. C. A. . are The first game Saturda y at 1 visited WayneSVill e friends , Friday now serving life fi ntences in th Playlet , "On Your Way, Muskra t," day afterno on. Willialll'l!on. offiCiating, and burial p. m. will be a consola tion game Ohio peniten tiary, ree ntly imErne)lt Sheets, Noah Newma n, betwee n the losing team of. the Mr, and Mr • Alonzo Cur. visited MistJ Ethel Menden haU called on will be made in Miam i cemete ry, posed ullon tltem in the Clinton Richard Adams. Otte rbein-S pringbo ro Rame ' and Westbo ro on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. ROBS Villars 01 county court Ilt Wilmin gton after Music, Lyle Tinney . LILLIA N MARY MILLS the loser8 of the 3 :00 o'clock game Oregon ia, on Tuesda y. Dr. and Mrs. Deppe tOl)k din- they had confe ' ed to tlll.' hold-up Song, by aU F. F. One-hu A. boys. ndr d people at1;ende d the plnyel;! Friday afterno on. The sec- ner at Friends H ome on Sunday and Mrs. Lilljan M. Millll, wife of . I'obbery of th(> bank at Sallina. Vegeta ble School held Friday, The quartet was accomp anied Mrs. H. V. Walter and Mrs. Dan Gfoorge D. 'Mills, died at her bome After receivin g se ntence, Wells Februa ry 17, at MemoriliLI Hall. Mr by Miriam Ellis and Betty Hart- Walter, of Lebano n, visited rela- on Fourth M r:. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke vi itstreet about 6 o'clock tives here Friday afterno on. ed their sons and families in Day- and the elder lift cont . ed to Pier tortf and Mr. Marion , special- sock, Tuesda y mornin g atter ' a protrac t.having p rpetrate d th This Waynes was ists an excelle nt procram In Plant Pathology Ilnd Hortiton, Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Curl spent ed ilInese. Funera l aervice l w\11 be ville robb ry, and are said to have culture lit O. S. U. discIl.sed "In- and Mr. Crabbe and his boys deTuesda y evening at the Clinton held in Mortua ry Chapel at 3:30 Lee Mason, of 1\Iason, wa a implica ted the woman in their con- ti ct an<l Disease s aft'ecting Vece· serve much, praise tor the manne r o'clock Thursd ay afterno on, Rey. Madden home at Clarksville. week-e nd guest ot his brother , fessio n. . table plants" and "Cultu ral prac_ in which it was given. G. C. Dibert officiating, and burial Emerso n Mason. ------ -..-. tice8 in growin g Vegeta ble cropl." For depress ion prices in paper will be made in Miami cemete ry. This was the first schoc)1 of this Friend (gazing aloft) : "Aren' t hangin g and paintin g, see Fred Beside her husban d, Mrll. Mille il Mrs. Sarah Lippinc ott is very type held in Warren County . Ac- you worried wben you see your Everha rt aJ the Fairmo nt Cream- survive d by a son and a daughte~ se riously ill at hel' apart.mentK in cording to Cou'nty Agent Miller hUBband looping the loop?" ery. Lester Compto n, of Xenia, and ST. MARY'S CHURC H the Llbr~ry building . everybo dy who ' attende d this Aviator 's wife : "Oh, no. You Bee Mrs. Lorena Barnes . of Piqua. Rev. J_ J . Schaeff er, Rector meetin g I'ece ived a lot of' valuabl e I remove all his loose cbange Mrs. Vern Armita ge was the from Mr. and Mrs. Lawren ce Fry, 23, son of Mr. informa tion. Februtl ry 26, Quinqu agesim a r and son his pockets before he goes up." James, of CincinnMuelle we.ek-e nd guest of her daught't'"r and kM.rs. ati were guests Sunday . ,C,hurch school at 9 ,30, MINNI E B. BARBE E Ora Fry., of .E' I'anklin II ' j __ , __ -= of Mornin g Prayer and sermon at MISS Velma, in Springf ield. wa the Curls at Friends Home on I ed last Frlduy ntght near Sunday Mr5. Mi' , nme Bar b WI'fe of • 10:30. Charles Barbee , and ee, Brookv ille, Florida and his com- l elder daugh. ' J Mr. and Mrs. William McHen ry, panion, Walter Brown, 22, son Mr, and Mrs. Albert Heston of ter at the late Lafaye tte Nichols of . oD l' of N~rwo~d, were guest~ of Mrs. Mrs. FRIEN DS MEETI NC lark an . amp; al I) ,of ' Springb oro, were Sunday gues~ of and Mrs. Melissa Nichol! on, LLr.t died Ameha 11 WIlliam s, la t Frlday. Mrs. _ Jane .Fl'an Wright .klin. and Mrs. Julia ·at her houre In Lebano n, Tuelda y JVas~¥-inj ured when First DI\Y, Januar y 29: First Donovan. Mr. 'John Marlatt , 01 Canada , t~e. auto~obiJ c in which the,Y Day Friends hip 8chool at 9 :80 a. evening , after an illness of about were m. Meetin g tor worship at 10:30 called on Anna Marshall at the nd,mg skIdded from the hlgh.way two weeks, caused St.. cerebra l W.Jc.h . D.f•• ted Friends Home one day last we k. and .overt.u rned. Fry ~as Mr. and Mr . Roy Cornell, of hemorr hage. Funera l by a. m. killed Editor , aervice a will Doris Salisbu ry Wayceh s went down to al'othel ' Mason:, andd e outl'lgh t and BI'o\ n dIed a few j Assemb lies WAYN ESVIL LE M. E. CHURC H , Orie Hardin defeat at the hand of the hi.hly were ."un Miss Louise Hough be held at the Waynea vllle Church For depress ion prices in paper h ~ ur8 later in u hospita l at Brookay r;uests of Mr. and of Christ at 2 o'clock Friday afterCiao. ' News d ' Thelma tl Colema F hangmg ~n paID ng, see re d VI II e. n I Mrs. W. B, 8quJre8. ~ G C ert Dlb Pastor orraniz noon, and burial will be made in E ed . h Blanch Athlet'l ester cs team. From , .., ~a.v Cr,"e F ver art at the Fairmo n Cream· M E . ... .,Wem.. ryan d B rown I eft F ran kl,. ID re· Humor ., the beginnl nc It was vert plain cemete ry She i8 I!u-ive d '" Leadll nJoy a Turkey supper Febru- iami Wedne sday: Bible study and ery. ' hUl!ban .... what the outcom by e would e her cently and had planned to. hike to Organi zations ,,, Virgini a d .ber moth ••th ary 23 prayer meeting at 7 :00 p. m. Choir for 26 t t th . M E' Foulke At the halt Blanch ester led by church, sponso;:~ sbya tiheeLad er," e Tampa, FlorIda, where they hoped PI'Actice at 7:46. 'I'es' daaSu].gsthe Ml'I!. Mary McClure. Mrs. H. E. to trers, two sons, a brother alld , secure employ ment. 12 points and at the end of the Aid. 5:00 to 8 :00 p. m. Thursd ay : The Jr. Choir will Hathaw ay an d Mts. R aroId S 'th Sportam an.hip ml . . Details of the IIcciden are lacklast quarter Wayceh s tral'led '6 meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. were Dayton visitors , last Friday lng but. it iM known that they were You may say you .. CLYDE REITZ Mr. and Mrs. 'John H. Kelly, of have gC)od afterno on, to 14. E . L. B eck at 4 :00 p. m. . k ' s t nor th 0 f sportsm an hip. PIC e d up b Y a 1110 t Cincinn ati, on were The guests Waynes at ville the Reserve Clyde s won a Reitz, 40, field superin S un d ay: S . un d ay school at 9:30 , Mr. Earl McMakin, o~ New Broo k '11 Sh tl V1 e. very fast game from the Blanch es- home ot her parents , Mr. and Mrs. tendent tor the Wester n Air Ex. or ya iterwar ds th e And kid yoursel f along, a. m. Our atten d ance last Sund ay Vienna , and Mr. Frankl]' n L t bll k'dd d d t But stop and thinkNol!ln how Thomas Conner do you , ter Reserve s by a score of 20 to 11 , Monday night. omo e S I I.' an over urnpress, passed away at his home in ' was 207 an d th e banner for the transac ted busines s in Lebano au · h Th d' act n, e d In a d't Waynes ville's grade team staged 1 c. greatea t percent age of attenda e river 0 f th e Salt. Lake City Saturda y, Februa ry nce last Thursd ay. Latest reports car tram the bedside 11, ot IlTcoma is belicv~d to have been seri- Wben everyth ing goes wr()ng? . a great comeba ck after the first 01 Frank Cook, who has been ------; '--:'-'071 wen t t 0 M're. A. K. 0 ay's c IIUIII of . . d serous I y InjUre defeat • by overpow ering High school girls. Mornin g war_hip the The body was brough t to When Dlaneveryth ing is going fine Misses -Elizab eth Henkle , Irma iously ill for several week!!, denote The bodil.'s or the two young And the team comes out on top, Miamisburg, Ohio, for burial. at lO :3 0. The subject for tbe ser- Rich and Thelma St. John chester team by a large score of a. change for the better. Funera l services were held Saturmon will be, "The Oonque st of the week-e nd with friends spent men were sent to the Unglesb y You pat the players on the back, 21 to 8. , at Wit- Undert aking e~tabli hmeni in And say "Boys, you're n'~ flop." Mr. and M Fear." 'Epwort h Leque at 6 :80 p. tenberg col F B H d day afterno on. Febrna ry 18, bulia} , )!lICcellent team work and fine k r8. . . en el'son, e te m. with Florenc e Day as leader. basket shootin g on the part of the Mrs. O. O. Ridge, Mrs. Jolm Gons in Hill..... . ... ?V ceme ry. 8 ul'! iviIII' - -- - But wh'e n things go the ot:her way, players made tbe victory possible 'ss Lo' U· d EVllngelistic ser:vice at 7 :30 p. m. are and hIS WIdow, M Mrs. SteUa I . ulse Mary en Carolyn were R . Lukens , of ' Githens 'l'he membe rs of the Friends hip Harvey sburg, The oppone nts getting breaks, Dayton visitors Thursdenon ay. 11ItZ, and two sons, Charlel spent the week-en d l 'and • 0 s. e e You watch the player with thumbs Robert, and m other, Mrs. Mar, class will ' attend this meeting in a with her grariclmother, Mrs. A••embly, Frida~, 17 Lena down body. They will hBveeh arge of the Hartsoc k, at Friends Home. Stokes, of Kokomo, Indiana . The 8peci¥ feature ot Friday' s Mr. and Mrs. Greego r, On every move he makes. 8inging , and will render som assemb ly was a talk on Sportsm an- Mrs. J . W . Haynie J{alph and Miss Mabel special selectio ns. Our special Miss Annale e English , of DaySmith of Columbus, were Sunday A umptuo us chicken banqu et That is the time when you should ship by, Rev. Dibert. WILLIA M LEMAR ton, and Misses Alberta and Leona feature d the anniver Mr. James, with the aid of t.wo guests of Mr. and i er f O d I sary of the Mrs. J. H, sb ~s M prhotfjractte dme.etin.gS wi I Hay, of Osborn , were week-en root d foundin '" of the Knigh ts Smith. egm arc And cheer with all your might William Lemar, son 01. Charles rs an contmu e to ~.d.e boys, rave us a good " the twelfth . Dr. Stanton , our Con- guesj;s ot Mi.sa Florenc e Day. of Py- To show the boys that you ' re right eighth and Adaline Rhame y Lema ' demons .rabon of several thias of the as celebra Littl~ ted J ean by and Crown Jane Hartsoc there k, born ference evangelist will be with us on a: farm near misund eratood basketb all rules. enterta med their teac her Mis!! r, wa~ A Turkey 26 cents per Lodge No. 538 at their hall last Ola r 't Oh ' S t from the fifth t9 the end of tbe plate, at M. SUPP'lT, d New Bur , Our assemb ly closed with a few Hartsoc k and grandm E. church ,Thursda.y ' Wednes day even i~g. l\1.~!f1bel other Mrs. 's of ding °ten'd hl~, l,sfP ember .16, 18~~ An want them all to fight. series. ells aDd songs evenin g"Febr uary 23 . 6:00 p. m. the Order and then' ~amlhes L H ts k • I epar t? t he If you !lay "That was eaay. t 18 I e at his bome lR The W. F. M. S. ,!i1I meet at Come and bring four friends y . d:;a.eve ~rngOC to . supper on MOn-\ HarVeYSbUrg , • Obio, numb er ?f abQut elg~ty emoyed He shot ju st like a d\lnce! " Saturda y. the home of Mra. Silvers On Wed. Th. Soph •• ore P 7 art • , the occasIOn. The Februa ry 11, 1933, alre 71 years er of the Ju~t go out on the ftoor :yourlel f nesday of next week at 2:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. James Harner , of evening Wo.s mostremamd Mr. and Mrs. Fromm and passed And shoot a basket once. months and 25 days. The Sophomores, on Tuesda y night son, Olyde, sperltJ . P. Xenia, and Mr. and Mh_ Charles with cards, nnd withhappily Sunday with beautif ul pipe He was one 01 eight chUdre1l WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF Miara 0'1 Brookv ille, were Sunday organ In .piieo l fog, made things seem relative s in Dayton . Mr. Fromm 's all of wbom have gone to their re~ music, the latter being con- In order to win all their gllmes CHRIS T ' bright. guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Coyle tl'ibute d by Bro. J. parents , especia lly E. McClure. The boys need your 8Upptlrt. The Waynes ville Hi bunch fell in In very poor health.his father al'e ward, but one brother , Walter ot (Unden ominat ional) and son. After the guests had been fed t o So why not give them all you 'nea l" Oregon ia, Ohio. ' have line ' Cheste r A. Williamaon, Mini.te r repletio n, severnl bountif ully till. But give it like a sport. He leaves to mourn their lou To bonor Mr. old and St. 'Mrs. Valenti Kennet ne. h Evans After and ~d a plates pleasan were t tbree-w~eks' one brothel', fifteen ni'lcea and a sent to various ' Church Scbool at 9 :30 a. m. M. E. E. visit in the home of her sister, ' Mr~ host of friends. Lord's Supper at conclus ion. daught er, and Mr. and Mra. Ken- membe rs a nd fri e nds'of tbe lodge, Treadw ay, on hil neth ftery Eb.ey IIteed, and daughte A. K. r, Day, of Day- and several men" fr om tbe street Mrs. C. ,T. Hammo nd , Christia n Endea,v or at 6:30 p. m. ton, ---Come 0 •• Let'. Go In polo, 'always, took the lead, ealled on Mr. and Mrs. were ' invited to share in the feast. ot Ashland , Ky., left Friday to George Miller, Leader. Evenin g Walter Ca.rd of Tu.p Elzey, Sunday ,afterno on. WhU~ Davis, his horse less In- visit relative s in Cincinn ati. _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ Put on your wraps and let's . We wish e'Vangelistic service at If :80 p. m. dined, to thank the friende get started . Do you think l~OU can Seemed doomed by Fate Sermon 8ubject , "Rebui lding the RUl'olph Hildebr echt ancifamily F. B. Hender son and family and neighbo rs who were so good to lag INCOME TAX DATES to be ready' by Feb,r uary 241 We are Walls Around Jerusal em." Prayer have remove d th'e ir home from the behind. were Rupper guests at the home of our uncle, William , Lemar; allo going to Kings Mills wher~l there Meetin g and »ible Study 'each S. S. Ellis farm to the p, D. ClagJ. Q. Gons and family, Monday Mr. McClur e ~or hia service I and In order' to give the taxpnye rs i to be the annual ballketb Wedne sday at 7 :3 0 p. m. The get farm on t:h e HarveJ 8burg ll,ll Then Mr~ Brown, our racing star, evening , in celebra tion of the Rev. G. pike in the First District of Ohio all as- to urname nt. Come alld chureh where you feel at home. recentl y vac.ted by Forest Hoblit bring your Beat Hatfield on a kiddie ear. ' second -annive rsary of the mar- words. C. DIbert for his kind sil!tanee poe ible in the filing of sportsm anahip witli you, but not The latter reached the goal at last riage of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Gons, and family. Mrs. J. B. Rich, 1032 Inc ome Ta x Re turns, Col· the kind that you tOok to HiB tric1cle just wal!"t fast. ST. AUGU STINE 'S CHURC H , Blan., L. Earl Hocko~t lector of Interna l Revenu e Lou is chester , .... Mr. and The W. Mrs. C. L. D. T. Peel, U. meeting , Father ~cench, Pastor Hatfield and Garst and James and h f II formed y lived on the J. L. who Wh'l . which was to have been held at the I e you. are gath erlng ServiceB will be h.ld eve1')' two denhan farm, have moved Men- ~. Huwe has nl'rtl ngoed t e o owup your 'Brown , RAT BAIT DISTR IBUTE D theil' mg schedul e for Warr~~ county : sportsma~shIP, a~so weeks on Tuesda y mornin g. ,et YOUlr vocal The tamoul Itylists of our town, home of Mra. G. C. Dibert, 1'htJrshome from near Xenia to tbe . Leban on, Lebano n CitIzen day, hAIl Nabeen chords postpon WIth ed ~hlch becau se to hell' Dean Oreued "dumm ies" up in fine ar. vicinity ot Palnter lVllIe Xr a d tlonal Bank, March 4. Rat Bait will be distribu ted to of the funeral of Mr!!. G. D. Mills, , and Doroth y suppor t the team. By FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T lin. Vem Rough uslsted ray with the Frankli approx imately 200 farm.r l ift n, frankli n Nationa a l support promin ent , we membe ~ean r, and follow~ (Unden omlnat loaal) will ng be t.he movlnc last Thurad a". To show the belt" ..,Ies of today, Bank, March 7. Warren . County on Februa lT held one weelr late.r, March 2, cheer ~eaders I~ all the yells Wlth Cheste r A. William son ' # - -The pOlson bait 1IIlll be plac. 111 pep, vIm and vIgor. Unifted service be&'innina with SaDdwl ehee were brouah Last Saturda y was the ftfth t in. on Mears. Bert and Charles O'Neall barns and cribl wbere rata . . GIVEN EXAMI NATIO N There are foUl' equally matche d Church School period at 9 :80 a. m. birthda y anniver sary of little ~J1I, , arrived h.. from their home at found on the above date. Miss --team8 in the county this ye.ar, and Anel the punell the1 Hrved AD ,.. Our superin tendent , Bro. Perry RoseJDa17 Mulfor d, and delerT- Creen Cove Springs , Fla., last Frl- Ion I wbo placed an Charles S. Whitak er, R. R. 6, we will have to ft,ht f~'r onle ..... Tbomas . who hall been absent for afterno on her mother , lin.In the .eI our moeb praise • clay evening , havin. brough several Lord's DaYI because of lIulford . eaterta lned three Ervin Waynes ville. lIecond alterna te for laurell. A square ciaft" eel a pantom lm. load of lusciou s Itrawba rriea t a call at the .chool 01' oIIee, .... of her appoin tml'nt to the U. S. naval to th~ dealpa ted oft tMtr .... We are looking for iIlneu will probabl y be with ae small Dtaplay ecl the "Sophl " in all tbetr loeal market . They report their blank Oil Tueeda r. reb,...., .. Pauline anel Phytlls academ y trom this district WAIl dynami c expolltu latloM a,aln. Relp UI alva bi~ a "royal St'n aDd LBltu Btanllb8 prIIIIe. 1'17• .,. alven a substan tiating examl~atlon RpectatorB, 10 don't to bl mOlt bappil)' lituate dl dill.PJilCjfblt w.lcom .... Lord'i Sup~ and hoaor of tile eYUt. Happr • - • UUdia Dew home, and to be hlfor admlslli Dn to tbe' institut ion Come and brtna all lin. Pnak E. ft~ sermon at 10:80 .. us. Semon IIlIt- . . . . . . . wnder lul blrthda r ca'. the Jut beet week of by F. W. healtIl. th, a can ,.11. BftD tlMt eo 10ft J.t, ••,... on TrIaL" Too , :... lee . . . . f oee.aaIiKI the ...... ., of tile U. S. Ash..-ol ~or tIIm llivU..m oe , . . at til. rllrll& tIlDe. II~, aeu....... ... ....... ..at ,. roll d with Wt1ynl' ~v ill l' T),I)o p Buy Scouts, on the pl'cvillU l; Fridny e~ening, pa Sl't! thc' i!' Tenll'r{oot t sts at a meeti ng h Id at the home of A. H. Stullb~ , hst Friday vening. The troo p i ~ now COli1pos d of ev n Tend er feet, f our ec nil laR lind f ur Fil'st la/\ scouts, Their !l xt me ting will be held on Tue 'day «vening, Februa ry 28.
Veg etab le Sch(»ol Well Atte nded
..----- -
Fran klin Youn g Men Mee t Trag ic Deat h
=== ====='_==-=-=-=":-;==.===============>
f P' C I b rate Foun ding of Orde r
. .....
.D- ...... TIle,
T E S. FRED CO.', of Lebanon, in R ·versbip and Ordered Sold---Completely The entire. Stock of this great store is ordered cleaned up and prices have been cut to insure quick disposal. Every article in every department must go. '
Women's Wear. Men's Wear, Notions, Shoes, D:ry Good....Everything The stock has been moved to Main and Mec~anic Street:., in the rooms formerly occupied by the Bangham Motor Co., for tthe aale.
Re, d D ,·sfrl·ct S~h00 I as It· Ex,·sted ,·n W avne 1 own'sh I·p F.or l' ears
S.le Ope.s,
.P riday, Pell. z4tb
.• a._.
Several high schuol tuition bills tat.e of John Winfield, deceased. $13.65; Griswold Service talion were paic1. tiled a schedule of claims, debts gas and supplies, $3,21; John Law October 26, Dir.ector KeYb was and liabilities. and Son, gas and oil. $73,60; Mc· b d k d d L, M. Henderson, executor of Graw HiJI Boo k 0., supplies. $6; instrude to teacher uy n new es Red an chair fQr . the at the estate of Ellsworth L. Sherwood, w. . Gllnlour, inque t, $7.30; W, Oak schoo\, Then they started deceased. filed his first and final C. Gilmour. inquest, $8.20; Lce V, h t h' t account. Bone, ' iux Oll lot, SOc; Miami · Gazette,· dog iax notice, $1; Mal" c beWIng on t e ellC en reques. ~mm-~~P~.~~~ L ~H~~nM,pMfun ~ row Lumber' Co., ce ment, $3. 0; -'-------------~-------------_-------------J~d ~d h c®~m~ H PrM~~U~ t fi II Clara Louise Smith. minor, filed the condition or the fence ( or may M. W. ilver presented a biLl for energy we en enry a er na ~ ]n th case of R. D. Black ver. his 'first account. L wis & Drake, Inc,. 8 wer , coal and cement, $62.60 ; L. G, Andel'be the lack of one ) about. the old $27, the tuitiQn of his sons in ::;ei~h~th!~~~::;e:;!~!;dn:;:e sus C. C. Easton and Anna F, 'handler schoo l house. and Di- the Waynesville s(!hool. hut the . P t h 'Th . Easton, the amended petition is Marria •• Lie.Il... Sons' onll 0., lu mb r, $1982 j r ector Thomas and his associates , motIon. oor eac ers. e maJo[d dismissed. Motion for a new trial Carl Joy Lath, paintel', CIt Cin. Lebanon 'Lumber Co" materials was overruled. $72,] I,' W. H. Madden and 0,. were instructed to ge t busy and board refused to pay it. Experi. ity of the board positively cou an li n of our kind fr iend eneed teachers were voted a salary not see things that. way. cinnati, and Mllis Edna, B. Wilson 9 K h fu rn ish us wit.h the roster of rem dy t b e d ifficuJty. Clerk Clements jrailed to put in In the case 01 Ida Jenkins vel'· nurse, of Morrow. lumber $9. 6: J, , pcnce t' was any or all the Wayne Townsbip The board got a.f ter Clerk C.· H. I'aise irom $40 to $45 per month, an appearance for the meeting of sus FMlnk Jenkins, service of proClifford N. Dumford; dairyman, ed !fravel, ' $!J7.95 ; Barrett 0 .. , Boxwell graduating cIa, se lements on ,June 16. and told h,im while beginners were advanced February 15, 1904, so his duties cess is to be made on the defend· of Blanchester. and Miss Margaret tal'Vla, $18.70 ; , D. Smart, ga • in ce 190!). or tell us wher t o collect so me t uition bills from from$B6 to $40. and the length of were temporarily assigned to ant by publicatipn. Thelma Crane, file clerk, of Leb. $16. ; L. H , Got'don Ga rage, gas. they may be f OU"lld '1 We have the Lytle p cial and ugar Creek the school term was set at fight Henry Prater. (Alild this page is 'Union Joint Stock Land Bank anon. $142,64; Lawrence Brude r. parls. the rost r of t he classes from t.own ship, Greene county. districts. months. Then they voted to re ease otle of the neatesit, most clearly of Detroit v.ersus Frank P. Coffey. Newton Isaac Huffman. farm r. $4.36: Roll erY,ice tnti on, parts, 1 91 to 1905, inclusive, and "The clerk was also instructed to the lands of W. P. Hay. in order b k) plaintiff to recover of Lucretia of Oregonia, and Miss Thelma $1.99; tandard Oil 0 . , ker osene ould ve ry much lik t o com· communicate with the clerk ot that h might be transferred to written oj tbe enUre large 00. Hopkins Ind The Aetna Insurance Lorena Stephenson, stenogr pher, and oil. $19.05; .F red Kahn Mot l1r Waynesville. \Valter Henkle was "After some dlscusllion on the subh l $20'7 . .B·d plet the list, learcr k t own hip in regard to I'nbt:ru ~ted to i rame the map of ject of schools and sch()Q1 l.ws, Co., the sum of $9,943.58 wit in· of Kings Mills. Co'. par s'I ' . d; t'eg~mla Ill~12g0 annexation of the latld 01 Harg '" and especially what line of legisla. terest. 0 ., sUPP les an repu\l's, '!' • ; ri on Cornell to see if . they had each sub-district to be hung in the. 1" • oil t The People's Building Loan and Real E.ta.t. Tr.... jf.ra ;r. W, 'Lingo Hardware Cu" supAugust 19, T. J . Smith and W, al 0 released the land on which schOOl of that district. he to reo hon wou <I mOlt L,ene.,t coun ry Savings Co. versua David W. . plies and r pail'S, $340.,8 9 ; ,Fam. A. Whet el w r e hired a teachers Jacob Cornell 's new house was ceive $1.60 per district extra for Rchools. Burton Earnhart was reo Bishop, et aI, confinnation, deed Wilham C, Back to Isabella ous Auto Supply Co ., tub s and in No . 5 and 6, and ' the board built." thi ervice. quested by the board to corre- and distribution. Back. . 58 acres in Deerfield repair, $5.24; J. D. Adams Co .• fi ally de - 'd d b a ecorded ote spond withh our representative8 in township. suppll'e". $1.43'. Blanche ter Mach. L n d e y I' V A c· I t ' g h Id D Th,ese teachers were hired at the b tb b ' f t L...I I t In the case of Solomon Fred and Cl Th 0 t d· ' tl Ie 0Id ehan dl er ce b pe 28 la tl'lIee Insl'der wasthee rental • e- June 15 meeting : John P. Cum- . 0 ranc ure Louis Fred ,v ersus The S. Fred Co. Joseph Thorne orne d t es 0 h 1..,eI ea's ad' ~ C andI .1lira 553 I'ne hop. parts and repn;~., $10.10 o Iscon t mue cbool, No.3, and send its pupils m er , 0 can m regar 0 sc 00 aWB,.n In· !O Marth~ _c abe, n ot No. Morrow Carage. gas. $25.48; H. . to the W nyne ville chool. Th n 01 the unused Chandler school mings, No.5; Mary Pugh. No.8; slat that the welfare 0'1 ~ountry Inventory and appr.iBemen~ ap- In Frankhn. Conover, supplies and gas, '10.78: they bought eight. copies of Mr. hous to June Reed whose home on S. Z. Varnes, No. 10; and Edn. schools be taken int,o consideration proved. Record dlspen8e~ With. Jane Ken~ett to L.• G. Kennett. Frank Sherwood ~o" ga, 25.24; Hamilton's atla - at $7 each, and the Archdeacon farm, together stout, No. 13. Mi811 Cecilia Missel· in any me.slIre ' or bills that may The cale of John Ratliff versus Real estate ID FMlnkhn. South Broadway Filling Station. adjourned for the day. w.lt~ his hou ehold goods and pro· dine was hjred to teach music. hav come before the body to be enact. Frank Ringler was dismilBed ~ithArthur N. French to C?harlotte gaS. $7 .82; S. C. Alexandel' Dept. • When the minutes of thl's me'et· VISions, had been destro. yed . by ing been chosen over Joseph Hale ed into lawB. The Mesll'S. Ellis. out record. W. F h R Itt L b Ho~kett, Day, H.wl"e and v1U OII of In the case of the American anon • rene. ea es a e In e - Store, $30,01; in .. were read on October 21 ••n .. nre, Aiter a 1en gth . Y d ISCUSSlon, of Springboro, for the post. ~. S h IIsupplies,$5 16 W ' t Willinm G .. th e tl d c ded th t the J. M. Keys w.s appointed to the p-.ant bo.rd, , ' allo, "'ould unLoan • Realty Co. versull Louis . c nc ga, . ; ob iection ..... s ral'sAd that the res· e g n emen e I a .......... W R L Nelson and Lucy Nelson to I' $67 A8 J al h esL ar· & - ' on tran..tlerrl·ng . , - " the pup1'la of Sta te Iaw wo.u,ld no t aIIow th em t 0 serve a8 dl'rector I'n dl' .trict NO.1, doubtedly .pprecl·.te a bit. of help. itbam. et ai, given 30 day. in Andrew , . Yeazel Inlot . . No 41 In . age. supp les, aw ' blutI S $14 99 ...U ; ' t 0d nWid' u ' otl by t"'e body nom a.,. " on. gas, ..; m I) (' lng No. 3 to the Waynesville aehool I~se th e b U1 Id mg f or any purpose August 17, fillinIP • the ,vacancy by fulleIPI'slatl • u " ~ which to move plead or demurrer. Avalon Helchta. Co .• repuirs. $7,50: Pierce's uper was contrary to law. An amend· whatsoever. . the death of W. J. Retallick. Ed sembled in Columbul. Nnr S.it. William B. Hayner to Albert J . Service Station, gos, $5.80; Mostcr ment to thi motion tunsferritlg Another special meeting was Thomas taking the place of tbe de. Mr_ Prater aarain oftlc:iated 88 Scheurel'. {nlots NOB. 96, 97 and Electric Co" repair , ' $5 ; A. L, in~tead of to Waynesville was held on January 12, 1903 for the ceased on the teacher·text book clerk in the· ablsence of Mr. Ida Jenkins venus Frank Jen- 98 in Morr~w. To hle, gos, $10.66; W. . New. adopted by a recorded vote.' The purpose of. co~tracting for mapa committee. Richard A. Crall had Clements. April 18. Here ill his .c· kins, fol' divorce. Charge is grossc Abba Hltellm.n Clement to comb. ga. ,24. 3 ; Kilplltrick~ Buckeye school house still 8~nd9, 0'1 th~ Bub·dlstrlcts. ~alter Henkle been elected to succee~ the late count 0'1 another i mportant lltep neglect of duty. Henry Joseph Fink and Besse French Motol'cor Co .• ~IlM, $!l 9.25, just beyond EdgeWOod station on submItted a p:op~sltJon to make. Amos B, Sides as Township Treas· toward eventual centralization: The Peoples' Building, Lo.n and Fink. Inlot No, 71 in Morrow. ___ _ __ the Upper Waynesville·Franklin map of the dlstrtcts for $6 each, urer and. by virtue of that office, "Motion by Earnh.art that the Savings Co. versus William Cohen. Carlos Sarrent to Ethel Sar. Now the girl re beginnjng to pike in Clearcreek township. He agr~ed to file one cOPY. of e,ch treasurer of the school funds. He boar.d employ a Township Superin- et aI, for money, !orneclosure and gent. Real estate i n Union township. As he was preparing to remove map w l ~h the County AudItor and presented his bond in the penal tendent to take re~~ular supervis- equitable relief. smoke pipes, W pr sum next J. R. and Huldo Lamb to J. W. they will toke up cignr anll chel\1. his home from the district, Albert to fUl'ms~ anothe~ . copy to the sum of $7,000, signed by hil ion of the sub·di:strict schools. Smith presented his resignation as board, HIS proposItion was accept- brother, the late Robert G. CroBs, After some discusllllon, the above Prokt. Court PncHcli... Lamb. 40 acres in Wayne Town- Ing tobocco. But we dare the.m to tart raising m o u ~tllch e~ , directol' of No, 13 on December ed. Still another special was held and J . E. Janney as sureties. A. motion was amended 80 as to In· The Leb.non.Citizens Nation.i shIp, 111 and upon his recommendation on April 2nd for t he purpose 01 E. Chenoweth and B. V. Smith clude that C. A. Bro,w n be employ- Bank and TruBt Co. executor of C. G, Hill to Isabelle Hi\1. Real O'M 'Hadley wss chosen to fili traMierring the late W. P. Hay's werll named as a committee to .... ed in th.t cap.city tor the coming estate of Howard Jeffery deceased e8tate in Franklin township. th~ v~cancy. 19;nd ,to the Waynesville Special slst President FUTnas at the trans yea~.t a salary ot ~i46 per .month. filed its first .nd final ~CCOUDt. Charles Corwin to First NatlonDavis Furnas was once more dlstnct. but they SOon learned fer of the books and funda. Mohon ea'rried. lIr. Brown made a Sales by The Lebanon.Cltizena al Bank of Blanchester. Real e _ • • • chosen to preside over the new that a transfer made. at any other A special meeting was held, Sop- short talk on the wOlrk and duty of National Bank ' and Trust Co., tate in Harlan township. Car) S. Bangham to Earl G. board that assumed charge or af- than a regular meeting would be tember 19, to consider a petition a township 8uperilntendent, de- executor of the estate 01. Bert fairs on April 21 1902. Here is the illegal, so Brother Hay was forc· from the teachers, "that we be tininr ia general way the work and Drake. deceased were approved Ellis, Real estate in Turtlecreek personnel: No. i, W. J. Retallick; I'd to wait awhile. granted one·half day eac,h month system that the b~I"r~ should e~- and conftrmed by court. township. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No.2. Burton Earnhart; No.3, Henry Pra~er see!!,s to have to be counted as a d.y In school p.ect to ,et f!'om hll~ In t~t POBIThe Lebanon-Citizens National Albert L. Ertel to Alexander B, Phone 80 Bank Bldr. Edwin L. Thomas. No.6. C. T. been the only new dlr~ctor when for the purpose of meetiDg to- tlon. Mr. Irons, the Insurance man f ·d. Real estate in -Deerfield • emem .er 1m. , made • tate of Emil M, Runyan. deceased, township. Ha1\'ke; No, 6. William Cornell; rre board was reorgatuzed, April gethel: as a b?dylJlcom~ny W1 No.7, A. E. <lhenoweth; No.8, 20. 1903. The, nam~8 of the, memo tbe teachers In the Corwin. Lytle p~posltion to mlurt~ all the town. ill authorized to release a certain D. W. Bisbop to People's Build. FOR SALE DATES CAI.I..., Davis Furnas; No. 10, B. V. Smith; bers. are not listed m tb~ mmutes. and Waynesville &chools to dill- shIP school propeuy at a -1'8 ct of land-from the lierl"Created ing, Loan and Savings Co. 8eal No. 13. O. M. Hadley. Hadley and Davl.! Furnas was cQnt1~ued as cus! matters pertaining to our 10 % for three years. This mat- by Slid mortgace. estate ,in Lebanon, The following accounts were James Hlteman. deceased, to Ret&lIick were the committee on pr~sIdent••n~ the standmg c0'!ll- work as teachers/' The petition ter was r~erred to the ~omn;,ittee teachers and textbooks; Hawke mlttees re'!llamed the same. Wlth was signed by ~. Z. Varnes, Mary on school hoaae and grounds. .pproved. allowed .nd confirmed Abba HitemaD Clement. Inlot No. a!ld Earnhart on buildings· and the exceptiOn that Mr. Prater re· M, Pugh. John P. Cummings, N. Tile board made quite explicit by tbe court. 71 in Morrow. Leona ¥. Kroener, guardian of Harry L. Van Tress to Ti1J\1) grounds; and Smith and Cornell on placed C. T. Hawke on. the build. Edn. Stout, Annette Jacobs, ~uth arran,ements for tht next term at supplies. Ed Thomas was the only lngs and grounds committee ••s he A. Chandler and H. E. Hathaway the June 20 meetiltlg. The term Ode Artht{t Kroener, ftrat account Donnen. 46.80 acres in Turtle. chool officia~ in the towqship who had !eplaced the same gentleman for the township; W,hittier Bumet was to last for 34 weeks; daily E. W. :b.rkalow. administrator creek township. JESSE STANLEY had not nud some previous ex· a drr ctor. for Lytle; Ella B~.'tKeys for Way. sessions W(lre to begin at 8 o'clock of ~tate of Jennie P. Barkalow. Frank Sheritt to Mason Building P •••• 310, N•• Barll•• t ... OW. perience along that line. HIs After they ,had received and neaville; Paul H. ''Yfight for Lytle a. m.• , and were to cloBe at 3 :.30 p. deceased. First and . final. Loan and S.vlngs Co. Real estate father was associated with him as thoroughly discussed a commu· No.4 ; and Apphia Miller and E. m., wlth an bou]' and a half Inter- - -eeoree P. G.tes, .dministrator in South Lebanon. nication from · the ,Clearcreek C. Miller for Corwin. A committee. mission. to be divided .s Supt. of estate of John A. Groves, de. EARL KOOGLER a sub-director in No.8. The levy for the continuapon township board formally releasing ot teachers attended the meeting. Brown and the teacher SIW lit; the ceased, First and final. Bm. Alto.eel Da~toD Pho". flind was increased from $2500 to all the lands pf Harrison Cornell A le!lKthy discussion accomplished te~eher8 were to be allowed one Robery Morris, executor of estate Helen Doughm.n. services, $7; KEDlIlor. .IS8 $8500, raising t he total levy to from the jurisdiction of tbilt board nothmg but to lay the matter on Friday of e.ch m~nth for th~ pur. of DaVid J. Morris, deceased. first Charles Hobson services $10 ,' "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! $4600. Jabez Phillips objected to they tinally accepted the said lands the table for future consideration. pOJ!e of holding a tea,chel'!" meeting and final. SteJla Kelly. serv'lces,$10; Georgi~ ;: but any te~cher.'Who falled ·to.t. Helen Van Cleve, executor 01 es- Miller. services, $,10; Morrow tend theBe meetings, forfeited his, tate of Mary Constable •.JieceaJ!ed. Whitacre, services. $6; Mrs. How. or her, pay fOT th.t d.ay; all final ard Sawyer. service, $7; Mrs. teachers were to re~elve ~he U. E. Edwards. administrator Julia Holland. services. $10; Erma - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ __ WANTED same salary aB that paId durmg of estate of Sarah Lowe Gebhart, Hibnar. services, $10; Clark Coun. the la8t term. with the exception deceased, first and final ec Comm~rs, care of patients ------------------------~~ of the teacher at~ M1 . . , aVI ells. administrator 01 $325,60; Clark County Commis. the board authOrized the .p.yment estate of Lura Wells, deceased. sioners, care of patients" $21t; WAN,;{,ED-To buy all kinds , at chickens, paying highest market of $50 per month 'o f the same First and final. Treasurer of State Care of patiteacher could be secured. The . administrator of estate of ents. ,$.60; Stillwat;r Sanatorium price. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, tf ~oth the p.residelrtt and clerk Roy Van Tress, deceased. is order. care of patients. $]08.60; Drs: Ohio. tailed to put In an appearance on ed to proceed in the settlement of Edward and Robert Blair, services, FOR SALE $12,25: Drs. F:dward and Robert - - -- -- ,- - - - - - - October 17. ~ Burton Earnhart ,the estate .ccording to law. t ook the chair and "enry Prater A certified copy of the entry de· IUair services $32 ' Drs Edward FQR SALE- Forpson tractor with the pen, but Cler,k Clements also termining the inheritance tax on and Robert BI~lr, se~ice~. $18.60; Moline corn plow attachment; had the bo.oka With .hlm. so they the estate of Fanny M. Robinson. J . W. Lingo Hardware Co., sup. J ohn Deere plows. P rice $126. coul~n't read .the lI'~lnutes of the deceased. is to be certified without plies. $4.60; Lyle Blank Book Co" Harvey Rye. Waynesville, Ohio. . supplies, $16: John Law Ii Son, prevIous 'm eeting. Superintendent del.y. ~rown reported the schools to be The flr!t and final account of D. gas and alcohol. $1.91; Drs. ·Ed- FOR SALE- New and used lumIn excellent con.dltl,on. and the A. Young, guardi.n of Frederica w.rd and Robert Blair. services, ,ber. s~sh . doors and. fl'lI mes ; teachers to be dOlrlg c~od work He Crawford •. incompetent, w.s ap- $2; State Treasurer. due for sup. p~pe fitting:! lind plumbmg sup. thotight that the pupils were not proved. allowed and confirmed by port of Agricultural SocIety for 6 plies. Dayton Wreckers, 657 getting enough variety of work in the court. months, $1050; Office Outfitters, Richard St., Dayton. Ohio, .f22 reading, .n~ 1l8keell that ,'!lore The total compensation of George supplies, 76c i Drs. Edward and FOR SALE-Used F d 0 rt books tOl' thIS subject be prOVided P. Gates, administrator of estate Robert ' Blair services *47150' AI t d t or s n ~B: s. Tbe b rd uth • .. h" t f F ' U R bi d " l' " so au 0 an ractor repairing oa a orJze,.. 1m .~ use 0 , anny . . . . . 0 nllon, eceased, Cord~lia Runyan, services. $5 : J . D; K. McMillan. R, R. 3. .f22 lill .own judgment, in obtaining ia fixed at $860. W. Lmgo Hardware Co .• supplies, mor~ books. and JDlstructed the . Elmore D. Graham. administra. clerk to issue an order ' on the tor of estate of William Wheaton. treausrer in paYlYlent for the same decased, is ordered · to sell cert.ln They also deeided to pay the atocke for. interest of said estate. teacheia for their time spent in O. K. Brown W.II aPPOinted ap. attending the W.n.n County pr.iser of estate of .tosephine Bur. ton. decealled, in the place of O. S. Two-lICore fll111 /lt1l1'8 travel \»h this special train; (upper left) .......... ; , ............ o.a Institute at Leb.non, On December 19 the clerk was In Higgins, . IdkheD ~'h('re famous ~hel.8 prepare llian' meal. eD renlte. stTucted to hive the Iplats of the The flm and enal account of .&. spectacular speCial train. unusual llghtlnc and for the aU.. Brotb.~ tb_ter. II.., 01 til.. various aab.diltrictll <!X.mined by Milford E. Rilllro, cuardlan of (!Overed with gleaming gold and electri c kitchen which General pl.ayed 10 "UDd Street:' Warsome competent pe~)ll to .naure Eul. May Rinco, et ai, mlnon was lver and quipped wlLh all con- Electric was asked to con8truct nen' n•• _t ~O. . . that they fulftlled the reqaire- appl'oved, allowed .nd confirmed elvable I clrl al devIces, as In the train. The )cltchen wa. In· Tbe train" ecbe4\1Jecl &0 ..... . ' menta of the State law. The board by the court. "If \I '8/1 a replica or movledom's IIta ll ed because , temperamental 1:.01 Anlelee re•. 21; Ja DeD ••r Is ftI' 11 d d I Hat ramed Mlillbu B aell. will carry s tars Insisted that (ood be prop. Feb. 23: Kana. Cit)" ..... ' U; a 0 0 cia y .opte • ong Ottle L. Brown and Mary L. t wo·score lIlo,'le celebrltles from erly preserved and prepared, AJI St. Loull, Feb. 25; IndJaupoUs, of supplementary reilldllll!' bookl Wanoner w.re appointed deputy lae Pacific to A Lla nile seaboards, tbe chet has to do, atter receiving Feb. %1; Ch.l ca.o, reb. II: 1;)1. th.t had bee.n selected and purehas clerks of tb. probate Court. , Uipplng tit l'BrloUd clUe!! en ordcrs tor meals. Is to prell a trait, Marcb 1; OIe,elaod, Mareb ed by Superintendent Brown. C. H. You Dr, administrator of route, jlldllclln~ WlI shln J:; lon. D. btillOll and the toad Is cooked au· 2; Plttlbur,h', Marcil I; WUh. (To be Continued) elltate of Joseph Burton, dee.... I '., wll r Ih e y attend til Ro(),;c- tomatlcally, IArter ilie meal Is IngtoD, D. C,. Marcia of; Baltl. .d, ftled! hie Inv.ntor)'. t Jnau &lIr. l J' 11 101'1" :1. surved. he preases I\. ,button and Dlor." Marcia .; Phllad.lpllla, It II IBid tliiBiiiiiibilcut a Ralpb J. Wricht "'u appointed T pCd I lJ'nln will rc~ nlblo) rh e Illslles are wnshed. ElectrIcity March 7; BOlton, Xarcla ., ud 'way over the top of the AI.,. b}' admllllatrator of .ate of 'Willard a II} In~ III tO tH' us Il H.a ~ ll ~ (," EII pre~ I'\'es tl1e food auto- Ne. York, March t. meltln. the lee with vine,.. T. Wricht, clee ....d. .lId Sl.d 1~j. tHlu l $, tnlltically. On the observation Amon, tb. atara ached.ltd to J-'" thInk ho- DIMe .---.r It bond 'WIth IUl'etI... lI'rank Vo... clt r. " small Oldillo n or Malibu " .tJoard .re Bebe Daalel...... ...._, n eil, h. the movie C;O!ODY·. bathing Jain" C•• nlY, Warren William: would h.ve been it inltead of ler, Herbert AlbaUl'h .nd 101m 1.' ell t. ltalj beon buill, wltll .,alm Joe E. Brown .nd perha.,. 0., vin....... ItacI .... Amm. IODtr ware .ppobated ."nlNa. 1 11' 1". t<llnd and electric IlIn· Klbb.., Mary Brian, Loretta , eall .0oCh. ~ TIl. lIdjacilaatlO1l ad dftenDl1•.tflU,i to 1(,lJd added reaUlbi. Youn., BelLe Davis, (; (' I)r~p Brent ' natloa of tile laJHrrltaaee tax 011 III (' ~dl e,l)' .. here ~ .... lind Laura La Plont t',,, ',"ell aa Cheer up, 'I'IIlqa aot. bad the ..tate Of Bath 41, 111;"1,, ~I;n.l ,,:11 plirtleJpate In 8 , a Bcore or potenUal ; 1 , wbo U th.y ....lIt be, Th. bafta't .. to . . . . . . to aU pe. . . Ia. . , 'I" 11' ,I,· IIt; ·1 I.' It r wllJ lIl.ke per· , Mid to h the DlO•• L . lI.uUCul tolq back to ...rhI. l~e1llullokl eoI Ul 11.,· lU"I:ouulIl ,,~ .......... ·. . . . l /I "'..traer I II, aU HolI,.88IIo ... _ ...,..... .. 0. """'ft; If . .
1 he L ,·ttl e
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Train Takes Mooie Sta,s AO'OSS NaAoh
Linea Llnel written after a ramble b autiful Miami ceDtt'tt'ry.
Best of the News Direct Fro m the Ohi o State Capitol
Wo Ha" . Co....... W Repair So"l_ Place I I Publl.b... SlIblcr lptl.. Price, a And ulle only renuln e mat.rla Jl. OIlieo Pho.e .. ' ...... ,.. No. liZ Entered at POltott l". at W '1" here winds blow high. where Crystal s fitted while )'0'0 .att. COLU MBUS- A lively fight in state-w ide conven tions in Colum. SeCond CI .. a Roal_ co ......... ' ...... .... .. No. 11 II vlllO!. Ohio. Ia.Matter Alrrlcu ltural wind . blow low, Pro"pecl:" R.part the lower branch of the Genera l bUR, bringin g thouwn d of vi sitors Cary 's .Jewelry Shop Where wild binl~ ~ \\t'<'lIy .i ng; Pubilih ed b- R~lral ===: 0:::= ===" ""== ==== ==== =--== ==== ===.... 1 Where ABSem bl 'i h as been precI'p 'tated by to the Buckeye Capital . cores of I waving Kra~~ lind be!luleou~ the action L.b••oD, 01.10 of the motor vehicle them visit the ~ t8te house FEBRU ARY 22, 1983 Econom i.to /tower!', make coverlet. commit tee, in reportin g out the the legislat ure is In session,while Store Evenin.. all .alike, for set'f and king, = bill which ·..·ould transfe r the anxious to see how the law ~overn""!!!~ ~~~~~~ ~~~!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Motor Division from jurisdic - ing body functio n s. Tn addition to :: A Though t The gap between the pricell of tion of the Secreta ry the of State to the everal conven tions in the city . . . . (·U . lIl lll~dit.ics tile. fal'mer buy. and that of t}le Highwa y Directo . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 do not know lhe day, lhe hour, r. At at the present time, th e 1933 Auto Nick Carter has come back I th., 111'1 (Os of things he sells IS ex· the commit tee hearing When I st\a\.1 h(,81' the call; former Th41 ace 01 all dete tlves, who was a hOl1.sehold 'word when Show is being held In the new Il t'ct('d to be narrow ed in 1933, is Govern or Vic Donahe we Deep-d own 1 fp('l, (ht:'l'E' is wc~c ve~ young, has ret.urne d alter the passage of many yeal's, to a th.· opin ion s lated in the ou~look ces with Secreta ryy joined for- Audito rium. gaily decorat ed for power thl'lll again those of us who rememb er when hi s' hairbre of escapes , report f or ngrlcu l~ure pubhsh ed George S. Myers in objectinState the purpose, includi ng the addition hi brillian t detectiv e work, kept us awnke until the weeadth Holding lhe dc~tin ' ~ (I f ull. g to of , 6,000 elect.ric bulbs. This also small hO'.lrs annuall y by the agrlcult Ul'al exten- the transfe r daiA'led 01' the ,mornin g; when we simply could not stop reading that it is bringin g,visito rs here from over we made KlIrc the hero would win out in the end. 0 strongl y did until :ion J wuil. st.'rvice of 0 , S. U. . . would give Butocra tic power t o the the state, all anxious he hold us in 30 Years Experte nee la thos days that if a window llhade sudden ly snapped The repOI'l states thl adJust- directo r In naming employe~ and twenty- two differen to inspect thl" to the roller. I kiss the Cl'OSS, I kn nw no f{'ar Fitting and Maklnt; GlaIH . t makes of new \ e lIupressed scream s with difficulty and our hair tood up menl will come about on end. tllll'ough lur- designa ting their compen sation. In models. BUlliness is n W'hen strings u iJU n the lu to When our elders forbade us t o read the thrillin g exploit of Nick ow booming 1I t· decl in' ill retail prices and a letter read t o the commit of life shall-- mil)! And cn~ . e tee arter, Ih y did not underst and his fascina tion for us, possibly through else they would a slig'ht adjust,. membe rs at the hearing Govern or at hotels, restaur ants and thc.atrel! Tlw mu~ic t.o b mute. have rend about him, to. And now he is back, and ready to L.ba_ n, Oblo thrill u ment in agricul tural )ll'ices niter Donahe y conclud ed by tating again . He is equippe d with all modern method s of crime detectio the first few months of the year "ripper legislat ion at this that Tueada:r, nurlcl a" Satuda ,. The Rieht Ch.nge wits have sharpen ed with the years. There is little doubt that n. His time have pa ssed. E •• mi •• tio. F .... again take his place in the hearts of those who love thrillin g, he will would confuse and enrage the clean, 1\ holesom e stories of crime-d etect.io n--in ~a~ed upon the Q~inions of 40 people, most of whom are "How much is a mariage licen se? which the crimina l always LEBAN ON, OHIO playing loses., th oulth taxing Nick Carter' s ingenui ty to the agl'lcul tural ists who reo for honest. and econom ical govern · asked the young man . Millions of Mr. and frs. HalTY Ho. ier, r e- ce nt ly gathereeconom • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. readers will w Icome the return of one of ,the most utmost. d fr om 34. states, the ment and a chance t o earn famous a living' charact "Two dollars, " Teplied the cl rk. ra ceived , in detectiv fiction. a valentinI" worth whll repol·t cites the growin g shortag e The outcom e of the bill in the "H'm, I've only got $) .6 0 wit.h Tuesda y. A 10 lb . dnu ght I' put in of gonds, great.er public confide nce House is problem atieal. her appeara nce a their home on and improv emen t in blllnk me'" credit "Then you're lucky." that da y. he has bE-e n named n, the Un'ee factors which The populat ion of the Ohio J oyce Ann e. There til' th r ee other si.a ,·t the agl'ic ultu ral industr will y to- Peniten tiary il! growin g by leaps daug hters in th home. Hard to Convince ward the J'oad to an improve d and bond s and is now approxi THE MINES LOOK FORWA RD (pili ETAOI SHRDL RR . 1\lr. and MI·s. HatTY Orr and !ltatus. The metal mining industr y looks forward with more optimis m mately 4100. At pl'esent rate of in. I "Prates or. a man wishes than ~a,mily were unda y guests of fro for some t.ime. to The rcpOl·t points out that. taxes crease it may soon reach 5,000. speak to you ." It beljevea thaL th depress ion which has held it in leash for several and Mrs. Russe ll Jefl'eri~ and decline d from $167 8 fal~m in Ohio Hospita l reports state that during years, is slowly. but surely, being conque red. Many propert "Tell him ,J am out." , ies aTe family_ in 1929 to $118 in lOS:! but that the month of Januar y .sick bing placed in r adiness fOI' increas ed activity when the ~alls A did, but he would not go. ' number from h l' propel' attende time d fu rth er reductio n or shifting comes. II end him in to me and ]. will the funeral at L ebanon Friday, of the f arm tax burden is ntacessa of totaled 6,069 and hospIta lIzation s ry if In the meantim e, the nation owes t,ts mine, as an e!sentia l basic Phillip number ed 196 while 171 were dls- tell him myself. "- Allt for Ali a. urtjs, grandso n of Mr. fm'm produc t prices remain as low charged indllstr y, a certain obliga.tlon. It owes them a 1air . There were fifty-five policy that will arid Mrs. IJ· H. urtis, who met 8S aL present . not force further retrenc hment. It owes them legistax major and, four minor operati ons policies that death by dro wn ing. will encoura ge And not hamper them-- not only nowlative "Dul'i ng the last t hree years," upon inmates during the mont? but alter the deof pr ssion i vel'. The Civi c L eague' annual patty , t.aielS the report, "priCE'S paid PUBLI C SALE by When good times return, we will make tremen dous demand s upon f or membe rs and their familie s far m rs for m chinery , not includ- Jan~al'Y. Blood tests we~e g~ven 234 mmate~ an~ 196 were !ub,ect . Phon e 78J Clur mine. took the form of a Vnl ntine in. automo biles, declined The undersi gned will offer lor purty thi s year. It was h Id in the per cent. while farm produc only 9 ed to vaccl!la tlon. The Pen Con- sale t at public auction , on th e Gym lind was nj oyed by a large t1 elined 58 per cent. A a prices cert Ban~ Will b~oadcast a program 8lb Da,. of March. 1933, result Qver RadiO StatIon WAIU, Sunday pi crowd. liltle ne ",' machin ery has been evening betwee n 5 and At the late residen ce 01 William 5 :30 . Robert Var vl101 is criticlllly ill at purchas ed and cheap Illbor has o:clock, con isting of marche s, C. Welch, in Mas ie Township, hl!1 hom e o ~ the. Cook farm. bl) n substitu ted. Warren County , Ohio beginni ng at overtur es and !oloB. Mrs. Luul!le Flte and .Jane Ellen "Avera ge farm wagt.s in Ohio 9:30 o'clock a. m., the persona l Directo r of Wilmin gton, were week-e nd are now $16.76 a rnol~th Fuaera l S.me. 8:00 MUlli.: with . The twentY'8ec~nd annua~ ses· propert y, goods and chattels begu~sts of Mr. 'Snd ~frs. Frank boal'd or $26.50 a' month 8 :05 F ertilize r Sugge. tions for 1933 longina withou ' to t said slon , ' R. M. alter estate, and th ot ~e NatIona l Drainag e, R:15 F r tilizers for Vegeta ble Crops and Harry WII on. . Our conven ient 10catioD, .ultaboaTd. There are now E. R. Lancas hire WIlson hundre d Conaetv atJon and Flood ?ontrol right title and interes t of said 8:26 Music Mrs. W. C. Walker and c~Lldren men avai'lable for ever a, 40 ble surroun ding. and equipm ent farm estate Con!!",e in all s8, the persona recentl y l propert held . 8 :40 Economic Inform ation for the Fllrmer y l!l ~he ... C. R. Arnold Patsy and Jim m)l nre her w.th her~jobs. y CaPIta] . City under the auspl<:e . of roods and chattel s belonging to enables us to Serve to the Bid -8 :50 Suppor t for Ohio Agricu lture H. R. Moore parent , Mr. and Mr . A. I.. Ken~ '1 "Whole sale prices of fertiliz er the OhIO Waterw ays 9:00 Farm Women in Better Health (Jommisllon, said estate and Irvin D. Welch, Advant age. ....... Nellie Watts nedy. t er Ia I hase db · n f includi ng: !J :10 Music brough . t . some . of the I ma pure m nu ac- d . Mr!l. Clara Merr! tt IS very !1I. f mO!t th Unoted "ted 50 Head of Cattle, 4 work turers during the pasty lall, !) :25 A Year with Ohio Farm rs from ramage enginee rs 0 Horsell, e nl Word W. W. wa!\ Brownf AMBU LANCE SERVI CE receIve ield d by fn ends h' h i) 9 :35 Ohio's "-H lub Advisor s , .. , ... C. C_ Lang here of the death unday night of \V 1(' 12srr ng s U PP'~e8 tllhre ma d State II to the Congre ss. Govern or Implem ents, Etc. e large bills for !):46 Necess ity or Minera l e, White was a P~. Bpeake 29 r at the a.nnual particul arl/. . D. W. Ashcra ft Dr. F. S. TriPP . were per cen t Iower an n year b t at the home of hIS d f]1 d b ' th most f the decline Terms 'n anque Ca h an Saturda y, Februa ry 25. 8 :00 p. m. wal io 0 owe . y sister-in ·law, Mrs_ Mame For man ath , WI. f 0 If h t. Id Elwood Mead, ssioner of the IRVING D. WELCH '( A nnou ncer--M argaret Ulmer) . s u, in Dayton . Fune1'81 servIce or !lU ' plies an U n Ite d States Commj nC d'te tprIces B f RE!cillm ;a-" ureau 0 All Admini strator of the estate Accord ion Solo ne!;day. , , nI ~a es. • . Walter h Allen t.. tion, of Washln C., who What the Univel's ity 4-H b Doing ...... of William C. Welch, deceased Our ba ketbalJ t eam pl ayed In ~JlI~ ?f t e .fac t"!lt aver- spoke on 'IConstcton, D. Progres Howard Shamb arger Group Singin t s ... Univer sity 4-H lub two ganles this w/!ek, their last age age IS mcre!l~mg, pnces for on ' the Hoover ruction J oe E. Gordon , Glenn Wykett Auct Dam." Arrang e4-H Possibi lities William Smith b"e f' ore th e t OU I,nament. 0 n F'd 'fOTAR Y PUBLI C ' Ihorses hnve dechne d le.ss than ments were Fren h Harp Solo n ay made prlC for. s for other farm lIVestock visits to a Cap_ Johnso n evening Sprif'lRboro cam hel'e and . The undel'sl gned will also ' It offer . b I I • d Govern ment ErOSIon proJect near NatloD " . . . . defeate d b'oth our boys teams. The , ....ne co h ~6~ar IS e n: . ral~: Zanesv ille and to a State Forestr 'i at public auction at said time and "core' Ma~"ie GI'ade~ 11 place, all his pring. uo:n right, title and in- Willa Dra_ '. • E ..... an In . e near Athens . David C. W~rner, b rio Grad~9 15; l\hs~ie iii~h, 18, 1 1.11l~~1 Statesl or~~s, terest in said above describ ed t WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO th ere Il~e IfJUSj Secreta ty of the Ohio Commi ssion, PROGRAM OF COMING EVENT S FOR FARM FOLKS Springb oro Hi h 20 . On Saturda y I Ig ~ more propert y. ~n onea :: was Chairm an o~ the Arrang eevening our team" \\lent to I many r aes liS IRVING D. WELCH ere were mente Commi ttee. Carlisle and cnme h ome wit h three :yeal's a ~o . March 2 Orchar d Pruning Demon stration. (Place to be an~-victorie s. The ~COl'e: MIlS, ie Grades "Total n~mb~r of cows, both nounce d later. ) EXECU TOR'S SALE OF During the preBent month State 27, arli~lc Grades 18; Ma~s ie b ef and ~lllry, IS ~ow thl~ March 2 Annual Meetin g of Nationa l Wool Grower s Asso., I reest Hreasu rer Harry S. Day will co]PERSO NAL PROPE RTY Girls 24 Springb oro I) l' Ma ie on record III the Umted States hittend en Hotel. Columbus. and lect approx imately $30000 00 from High 45' Carli le Hig.h March 3 Dyeing Demon tration, Lebano n. t he cali C)'op this year is expec~d insuran~e co~pani~3 permitt ed to The undersi gned will offer March 9-10·] 1 Corn and Tobacc o Show at onover H.ardwa re Ou r girls have a peril'ct record to be the larges~ on record., 0., Frankli n. wonl every gaDte th ey played thi. to d creased milk. product OWing. do busmes s m OhIO. _ This is the sale at Public Auction on the l~n March 16·18 Corn. Itow, Lingo Hardwa re Co., Lebano n. season. Too bad there i n't a co\\', total product ion of ml~k pel' half year tax assesse d by the 24th D.y of Februa ry, 1933 last state, one well known ~ompany Februa ry 24 Harvey sburg Grange . girls' tournam ent and what I\. pity Y 81' wn no largel' than March 2 Orchar d Prunin g IR the alone paying $426,00 0. ThIS money Demon stration . Conduc ted .by. Mu Oa\"~ .cou]dn4..evach th -boys y ar before. At the farm j~"~~~Ye~~tr County Agent and Mr. Holland, Special ist in Horlicu lis turned into the reneral revenu e John . omson, now tea~. .. tates close to mark'l!t, like fund of the state. The further tur • O. S. U. - -- - _. ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN Marc.h 16 Washi'!!Z:ton Twp. Farm Bureau Meetin g, Home of Ohio, report pLans to increas e po- of $257,55 3,81, one per cent sum situate betweEln Waynes ville, and ex- Lebano n, Ohio, on Route No. 42, four Cattle, hors, sheap aDd cal... , N. A. GlIbert. tato acreage . but the increas ed cise tax collecte d from . public about 2 ~ miles southw est of to Norris- Brock Co., live wire 884 March 24 Tandem Hitch Demon 8tration . Four four, Ave and SIX acreage s in these states is Elrpected utilities , bas also been deposit ed to Waynes ville, beginni ng at 1 pr()gre sive Arm for til. h ....... horses. to be ofl'sei by decreas es in lItateB the credit of the state. Sunday School at 10:00 n. m. 'farther faom o'clock p. m., the followi ng per- market prices and !rOod terrie • • !pat'ket . Mornin g worship at 11 :00. ' 1\I.ar)l sonal propert y belongi ng to the Unio"! S.ock Yard.' C;nellln at1 O. "A 30 per cent decline in cigar Tllne in on Radio Station W"EY The first distribu tion for the eatate of said John S. Thomso n. 12 :211 to 12 :SO p. m. for our smokin g and 13 per cent drop in :sear of gasolin e tax money daU, ill Antram , Pastor. ) decease d and also other persona l market reports coml84 Everyb ody wel- cigaret te sales are expecte \ . d to in- made by State Audito r J MI'. and )il'!l. Luther Hain s jure the prospec "ropert y of said estate: ts of the tobacco Tracy, the amoun t being Houaehold Goods, Implem ents, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ Camde'.l' Ohio, Thursday growe r. _ _ Ito Y'ISltto1\lrs. 338, the eighty- eirht cOllnt, \ Hames parents, Mr. Etc., 4 Cows, 42 Hogs. See large "The amoun t of lard in storage the state receivin g $10,000 i cs each, bill for paTticulars. and Mrs. Charley L~ird . . Has it e,v er occurre d to the over- a pretty big dole for the Frank Shephe rd and family ~f is the least on record, 8,nd hog amount ing to $880,00 0. A further Terms Cash. burden ed tax.pay ers on the farms of the average county· to farmer s to near COl'win w re g u sts of hIS product ion in Europe is I'e ported Ilium of $401,10 0 1.8 being distribu t. 0'1 Ohio and in the villages of the the users of municlp al·owne dpay on the decreas AMOS E. THOM SON e, which may help ed among 1,33' townsbips. each harley the demand for pprk produc state which depend upon agricul- ty service. This is pla)'ing utili- parente , Mr. and Mrs. LOUDY V. THOMSON ts." receivin g $800. Santa heph,erd on Sunday , Februa ry '12 ture, that they are paying nearly Claus with a vengea nce. repOlt for Ohio wss written Execut ors of the estate of John ---I MI'. Thomas Sh ets has been byThe C. $6,000, 000 pel' year of state and R. Amold of the departm ent .The present month has. and will S. Thomso n, d$lcease In a recent address d. local taxes that by all the rules of City, former GoY'. Samat Kansas operate d on fo(' the remova l of bis of rural economics of the college wlttlesli a number of nationa l and Stanley " Koogle r, Auct. R. Mctonsil at the . Naval hospita l fairnes s should be paid by the res- Kelvie, publilh er of the Nebras ka G{eat Lakes, Ill. idente of certain towns and cities FarDter, stated the matter in the hands 01 county agricul tural clearly. r IIlld W~I!. 'l'a8l!ti !Perrell and of the state? in these words. ______ _ Miss Charity P eble were Sunday By what process of legislat ion have no 'compla int .if rn,u.n!ci- dinnler guests of Romer Raines r' -----.~has this enormo us annual tax pllhtles want to own. t~e.lr utlhtles . and family. . burden been IIhifted from where it bu.t. T. want the m"!nlclpally owned Raleigh 'B ogan and .fannly cnbelongs over onto the shoulde rs of lutlh.tJes to pay th,:!r sha.re of taxes tei'tQ,ined to .sunday ]\frs. W. D_ Larkin and c:bildren Rev. the farmin g In~ustry? The farmer rec~)ves next to no Samuel Mosh'lf of near.dInner: o n of Greenfield spent the week-e nd We shall see. benefit from thIS propert y. Why Ohio Rev. and Mr . W. ardmgt ~. B ogan with relative s here. Th f has probabl y should he have his taxes increas ed of n4ear Spring Valley, Born to Mr. and ' Mn. Albert MISS' Anna e ave!.age ar!'ler uestion of ' on accoun of it?" Sohns, of Antram s Corner and l\Ir: Martin Jr., Februa ry 18 a lion. tllke~ !10 mteres~ l\~he ~f ublic I But 'the t advoca tes of municip al and Mrs. H orn Compto n, of New P. M. Michael is in Grant Hosm~tl~IPal Ifow~ers t I~ding :enter owners hip will cry out that it is Burlington. Evan Bogan and fam- pital, Columb us for treatme nt .lId utI Itle;' .IS. ~ lectric light uncon8tit~tional 'for the s~te to ily and friends , Mrs. 'Helen an operatio n. wante a mumclp a e Farmer tax the propert y of any sub-divis- Wethe.rilltheir nnd son Armond ~~an; or ;waterh sy~te~, ~rit ion of govern ment. This is not tTue Dayt all called in t he afterno of Earl and Kather ine Hollallld were on. Gl'eenfleld visitors on Sunday . Idn t give a . 00 a ou : ein A long Jlne of court decisions Luther Haines nnd wife called Reviva l service s whiclll have B~t dnow~daY:hw~en ::s::g\oa~ has establis hed the fact that a city on 'Harriet Wilson Wednes day bee I) in progres s at the crus e ufh e~ e ID~r oks a Iitt]e has two clalles 01 power"'fiendl l' of taxes, e armer °there is an a'overn mental, the other -the one afterno on , who i better nt this c.hul'ch, closed Sunday . , proprie writing . Mrs. Alice McMillan is 'I'illiting ~eeper and finds that h tary or businel l. In the exercis e of Jeanne tte Wilson was on the friends in Indiana polis. Import ant relatlo~ship ere. mil itl bUBinell powerll, a is sick list Sunday . Her cousi n Miss Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chenow eth r In O~IO ~herer ;~ ab~ut ;!!erty - roverne d by the BAme rulescity which Jean Furnas was her guest Tues- hll.ve been enjoyin g a visit from Ion do ars wo .. 0 wn 'contro l a private corpora tion. day night of last week. tbeir grandd aughter , MilS noroth y owned by the ~lt]e~ and to s, When It .acts as a proprie tor MY's. Zimri Haines called on Mr_ Chenow eth. used so!ely for buslne ll purpose :, rights and duties are indenti cal and Mrs. It. E. J ones of New Bur- family Sunday . and en tn-ely exempt fTom ::xes te with a private compallY engage d in Jlngton Friday evening . any ~ind. Th.e averare . x ra. the BAme punait . _ _ _ ___ _ for thIS state ]8 22.44 rn,llls. .MultlThe United States Suprem e ply these two and ther~ IS your (lve Court laid down the BAme rule Mr. and Mrs. Harry llowe, Roband million dollars. And In ten years conftrm ed the rigHt of the ~rove ert McKay, of Wilmington" spent federal this would run up to the enormo us govern ment to impole excise Sunday with the McKay ftlmilie l. taxes sum of ,50,000 ,000. Mrs. Rena Powell led th sing upon the State of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lundy, Kr. Carolin a , The farmer r~oeives no beneftt when it wall engage dSoutll in,the private ing at the Green Briar church ~n and Mrs .. Bernar d Balnell .lind son, from the operati on of theae busl- busineas of dillpenl inl' lntoxle atinr last Saturda y evening , and Lonme Mrs. E\u:abe th Orr, MISS June ness propert ies in the to'll1lll, but liquors. Lamb furnl.s hed the instrum ptal l Randall o~ Chester . apent. , !I\I?~a)' every dollar of taxes they ellcape is How much longer is agricul ture music:. evening WIth the McKay 'tam~hel. an added tax burden on those out, to be unfairly tued for the Wrn. Gustin, of Waynes ville, M. ¥. Terry transac ted b\lllnel l benefit side these townl. . . of the ullea of municlp ned and It. E. Thomps on of this place in Waynes ville and Lebano n on 'Let's brina' the questio n a ht,t le utility lervlce in the aUy-ow eltles and made 8 busines s trip to Olive Saturda y. closer home. Branc~b nnd Silver Grove one day t Thurm an Stevens , of Jamj~st Ohio! own There is an averare of $300,00 0 tOW'llI of last ~~eek. -_ ...__.---- the stock bu yer was here again lut worth of this tax-em pt municip ally Th4! many friends of Miss Floro week and bought a lot 01 stuff. Intndu. cing ,row fertiliz owned bUllne81 propert y In eveT)' tomatoe a In prefere nce toation for Alexa,ndria. of near Olive Branch , Oliver Jacobs and family ha.,e the old county in Ohio. If thll proPlrt y method of broadC Mtlng fertiliz was I'lad to lee her at Green moved from Wellmall to the er $lauttl were private ly owned it would pay f01' this crop, the agricul tural 'cJrurch on last Saturda y even farm. exltate and local tax.. of ,8,100 a tenllion lemce by tMs Dr. Jitney, a federal Yl!!t:4!J'1l1la'r. actlvtty year. Munlci pall, owned It pa fW alone hal helped Ohio larmera Burnell and family have lan, of Columb ul, was to Dotbm .. A certain a farm near Fort Ancien t week allflti q Dr. W. III requlrect ...,. . . . "",000 In ltal. to pay the a_-1lum 7 • .,.... dI • _ ••___ 10111lllY JohftllOn and family have the T. B. testlDC of pvernm enL II one clue Ie ex....pt the fann at Olive Branch IIr. ud lin. Or.mdo BI!~IIUUL1l fl'Olll tu.., that . .oum mut be by Frank Burnell and XO'Dia. ....Ilt S1IIIdQ ~ift!,na
Nick Cart er Retu rn.
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Harv eysb urg
The Mine . Looking Forw ard
Ma rtin
Auc tion eer
I '"
Or No Cha rge
----- --------
Far m Nig ht 7alka, feb . 27
Cen terv ille, Ohio
i 9:
Cae .ars Cree k
Ove r-Burdened Tax Payers
~ apku~~eand ~~tlywill ~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
..--- -
New Buri ngto n
USED C A R S To Choose from---All Makes and ' Modes
Fred Kahn Motor Ca r
lipread 'l'Itat Ie ...,.. ..
~ 1!i5 fr~~~ '1
X. E. ThO~I::~.
0 .... . Sun da,
t lb. ~ould ndure It DQ loncer "It eoatl • ,",at d~al mort> than
one would think to bffume a brolld miftded and inwlllgent man ut th(' world," h r rnark\?d, serenely. The girl saw h('r chanc(> ane! took It. '~I suppo 0," she aid, "ond I dC)II't blame you for I!&ving your mon y." ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~'!!!"'
Insurance Have
your property covered by an experience J agent
Stella E. Daugherty
EdIIa .. ca.p I WlIlCOlID'I OettpbUI'lr Addntl Ift'D Chari s Prle.. . r.I\ Oration-C.eU Hartman. Other February Birthday_Robert Thomas and John Michael. (Continued from Pq. 1) One Act Play-"The Truth lor a Day." Thl! performance mel with great Announcements. SueceS8 And lh pntil'nl t'mC'rged O. K, I The prO(l'Tam was closed with the jttless. , High sehool ·song by I. M. J. Of course this was not all the fun, EiabtL Grad. N.wa For game were plRnned for veryone, nd the Sophomores have won a . The Eighth Grade class is studymg hard for the State test to be "rep" given March 31. They expect to For giving parties full Clf pep. . M. E. E. rank high, or first in the country. The claftS held their regular meeting ot the "Citillerlship Club" Friday, February· 17. This afternoon the Freshmen A duet by Eileen Hall and Marar entertaining the High School rie Tinney, accompanied by a and seventh and eifirhth grades itar, was a special feature of the with a Washington Bnd Lincoln meeting. program. The llrOgTam consisted The &'rade team and their coach of the following: Mr. James had their p'iclure taken Opening song by the entire school last Monday. eripture reading by Ann Crane. ---60. Grad. N ••• Highlights in the lives of W8IIhington ODd Lincoln - Charles The Sixth grade is planning to Jomes Jr. have a room program tor WaShO' Captain My Captain - Ellen ington's birthday. Guy. There are 13 contestants in the The. Character of Washington- oratorical contest. All these are
NOTlca OF .\P'OI ...........
E tate of Laura J. ZeU, deceased
Mes rll. O. W. Joltnson and V. alisbury visited lPort William Sunday 11ft rnoon. "'OR SALE- Reet.l buby carriage, and play pen. In good condition. Cheap. Mrs. A. H. MellJoh. f22
F rmer. .ti u contest HI b. dq d Tbuncl.,. -I ev aln&'. He Id at Centervlle - -----
NoUce i hereby .iven that T. Befor little Stanll"Y went to H. Zen hal been duly appointed Annual tanners in~titute of the party with his /li~tl1r Helen, and qualified as Executor of the E tate 01 Laura J, ZI!I1 lale of Wasbington township i~ b('ing held the ulI\llll inslruclion.ll which pre· Warren County, Ohio~ deceased. Wednl'sday and Thursday in the cedI! a. children's pal'l)i were given Dated thid 20th day of Febru- township hall ~t Centel·vill'. The by mothu. lIuWCV(" ' , lhe young· ary 1933. committe in chnrg(' is comprised ster e Ill"! to have fallen !\h(Jr~ o'i Shawhan & Brown, Atty!!. of Frank Cotterman Edith An· . h drews. Dale Saltn!! .. ,' Mol'Y Brown expectatIOns, for when l e two j~e. RALPH H. AREY turned ' home, H clen r ported, Jt Judge of the Probate Court and Charles Graham. Warren County, Ohio nder til direcLion of Ed Nixon was awful, 1110th r. Lan ley did all m - -----.of Lebanon, an old tim fiddlers' the don'l. "- hicago Tribune. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
Mr. R. E. White, of Dayton, was a Satul'day afternoon guest ot Estate of William H. Maddell, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey. Notice is hereby givt)n thnt Carl Mrs. RoIlS Planck was enter- D. Madden whose Post Office Ad. tained at silt o'clock dinner at the dress is Clark ville, Ohio has been home of friends in Dayton, on duly appointed as Administrator Monday. de bonis non with the will annex d Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Cllrl and of the Estate ot William fr. Mrs. !'daria Elbon IIUended Mr. Madden late of WarJen County, Madden's funeral on Ohio, deceased. ' Dated this 20th day 01 February Thursday.
Our 1933 line of Wall Paper just arrived. In beautiful designa suitable for the entire houle. Ovt'lr 150 patterns fro.n which to aelect. Prices loweat in 15 yeara, S cent. and up. . Colors, sunfaat Come and see U8 · before buying elsewhere . We take back all double rolls not uNdo
Mr. and Mrs. Clydle Shutts, ot . Donald Dilatush, Atty. Lebanon, wet'e Sun dillY guests of RALPH H. CAREY ' PIIOD. 51U the former's Bunt, ~~iss Phoebe Judge of the Probate Court Miranda. m8 Warren Count.y, Ohio Wayneaville, Ohio A. H. Stubbs was called to The courts have ruled that a Lewisburg Tuesday evening to take eare of the 'flmeral o'f Mrs. college can compel its students to =======::::===-=-=..::-=-=-======~~========~ progressing very well. get vaccinated. We wish the lIame Victoria Hilleary. 7th Graci. Sec. 1 N~wa ruling could be extended to get. Mrs. W. H. Madden and Mr. ting them educated. - San Diago There are eight conteatants in Fred Grauman attended the Union. the oratorical contest. We are loainr one well liked funeral of T. C. Madden at North member of the cla88, Milo' Hartsock Lewillburg, Thursday. because he is moving away. Mrs. Fred Everhalrt has been suffering with a badly infected arm SeyeDth Gracie Sec. 2 a ••1 for the past week, bu·t seems much Mr. Kyle's Seventh gra.de have improv,ed at present. 18 contestants in the oractorical (From the Fostoria, O. Times) Mrs. Oliver Davi!!, JIoirs. Charles contest. Be thinks that they are Davia and daughter Mary ElizaLack of familiarity with doin, well and haa some hope for "What can be done to improve relationship bebeth, and Mist! Racbel Davis, were tuneral merchandise naturally them winning aome bonorl for tween municipalitie and utilities? Is there not gueats of Mrs. Rowl!na Zartman, themselves. impoS'es a burden lipon· men and enough at stake in this great industry; has it not conin Xenia, Friday. women when the need arises for tributed enough to the development of our state and D. R. Salisbury Juas rented the such l'urchases. .The e tab· our municipalities; are its hundreds of thousands of Dr. J. T. EUis home at the upper tockbolder and can umers not entitled to ask that lished reputation of the funeral Mrs. Ida Brown and 80n, edge of town, and expects to 1'('we should . e tab1ish closer relations, talk things establisbmellt for fair d aling move his household thereto in the Ernest, ot Dayton, w e calling o er, and before we decide that we cannot agree, is consequently an important on triend. here Tuesday of last very Dear future. e tabli h by conference the validity of our points of week. Very little changel is noted in :factor. Our organization has difference? We cannot afford today, if indeed we Several crops ot old tobacco the condition of Mrs .. Anna Shee- been serving the people of this could ever afford., political solutions of economic were sold here last week for 5c han or Mr. T. B. Brannock, both community, and their fathers problems. ' a pound. 01 whom have been· seriously ill and mothers before them, for It i ju t a important to the community as to the Mra. 1. E. Clark, Mrs. Clyde for several months. many years and has earned an utility, th~t all problems arising out of their TeJationWharton and daugbter, MiN Eva. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murray, 01 unblemished reputation for Dayton ahoppers Woonesday. ship be understood, fairly discussed, and amicably Hr. and ·Mrs. Charles Clark spent Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis giving honest villue 'lit all time. settled. and Miss Rachel Davis spent Sun- in merchandise and service. The Saturday in Dayton. No industry has done more for community de· day in the home of liIr. ·and ' Mrs. Harvey Burnett is on the sick velopment than has the gas and electric; none has Peter Demas and family and Mrs. family can feel safe in this done more to create other .i ndustries, stimulate emknowledge. Nettie Kepler, at New Vienna. Mr8. Stanley BaiJey and dauBhter ployment, provoke population growth and communwere Thursday Irllests ot Mrl. Ruth Relatives here hllve received ity expansion, and lower general taxes by it own Savqe on Yankee Street. word that Edward J. Burton sub"g,.eat tax contributions to the public treasury. Walter Kenrick h.. been ap- mitted to an emergetlCY operation The interest of the community in the utility is pointed by County Auditor, Will for appendicitis in . Elyria, this: Th'\t its citizens receive first-class service and Ee R. Lewis, to lUIIist the tax-payers Saturday. According to the lame pay an equitable rate for it-a rate which will cover in makin, out their tall retuTn8. report, .he stood the operation weU the actual cost plus a reasonable profit. The duty of Mr_ and Mrsl James Johns spent and is recovering nicE~ly. the utility is to provide that kind of service, at that Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Harry Johns in Dayton. Mr. W. P. Freeman was removed Wayael.We, Obio ~nd of rate. The overwhelmjng majority of utilitie8 Friends of Albert Harris, who is from Miami Valley hlospital, Dayare doing that, have done that, and. will continue to at Blair hospital, Lebanon, are ton, to his horne pe:ar HarveY8do it, . pleased to learn that he Ie much burg, Monday mornlllig. Mr. FreeUnthinking O'iticism of the utility will benefit improved and now on the road to m.n, who is we)) ladva?ced in no one, and solve no problems. It clin only confuse recovery. . years, .lIulltalned a pal~alybc stroke whatever-issue-there is. It is easy to say that rates -several young folka trom here While 1ft Dayton about a month should. be cheaper, when one is speaking from the a birthday party for aBO. soap-box, but it is usually a difficult thing to prove. Mary..Young at her flew borne Master Charles Andierson. victim The utility and the community must cooperate and at. the Rogers fatm 9n the town- of a serioUI hunting accident on work 'together, each meeting the other half-way, ' if ' • last Thanksgiving Day, Is recovershIp road. municipal progress is to be assured." Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKirby and ing most satisfactoJily. He ......s f.mily alld Mi.. Ada McKlrby at able to visit the schools, last FriDayton were dinner cuem Sunda~ day afternoon, and e:agerly anticiat the hpme .ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph pates his return to his class room ( within a few weeka_ Mr. a~d Mra. Donald Hadley • _ _- - were week-end gueats 0'1 the latXenia Distrid E. H. HEATHMAN, Manager ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook, near Waynesville. L_-":'~~--~""'~-,----'!"""""'---~---,--,-" Min Sara Corine Furnas baa re;;~~~=~=======~===~~~~~~~~~~==~ turned home much impl'oved in At a special meeti'ng called tar health trom Richmond, Ind., -where she hal been under the eare of her the purpose, Tueaday evening, our uncle. Dr. M. W. Yennr. Township Trusteel purch~ed a Heber Smith, of Dayton, spent new truck fot the use of the road 1·"""IPf!1'la' daya lut week with rel.- repair pn,. The new huck is a Ford, c.pable of hauUng a lo.d of alld friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ro,en and one and .one-half tOilS, and was d.ughter, of M.son, visited th~ purchased from tile Jollyer Auto Co. Ln1:tf1rtof Miamisburg, at their bid of At a ..,edallow .tock up p who remains very III at the '746, they bein. th.~ lowelt bidof Mr. and Mrs. Frank ders. It ia equipped with a clump Rogers. bed 01 one and Ollie-half cubic Mrs. Anen Emrick is not im. yards capacity. The Trustees reproving as tast 88 her friends tained the Old tntemational truck wish. She is stili unable t& walk tor use in cBles of e/1lergency. the reault of a tall three weeb ago. . Mr. a.d Mrs. Robert Friend and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenriek at- their families at an clyster supper tended the K. ot P. banquet at at Lytle Hall ne:ltt Saturday Waynesville Wednesday evenin~. evenill~. . Lowell Th.omaa visited hia mother Mrs. Elizabeth 100~es and Mrs. Mrs. Irene Thorn ••, at McClell.nd Marraret Johns spelnt Thursday Tall cans· finest quality. hospital, Xenia, where she remablB with Mra. Allen Emrick and very m. . . dauehter, ' Mrs. Leon Sali.bury. At a II*lallow price. Mi.. Evelyn John. aU.nded a Dr. and Mrs.. A. A. Smith enterbirthday party ThursdaY' evening tained Sunday Mr. anld Mrs. Harry caos at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keller Miller, ot Covington, Ky., and Mr. Hoak, near Waynesville. and Mrs. Arnold Bridges and Mr. Mr. Willi.m Haines and aon, H.rold Bridges, of Dayton. of Darton visited the l'f'nll"m'~t". mother, Mrs. GeorriaDn8 Frat;lcea 10hns ent ertained the Haines, Sunda,.. follOWing little friends to a Mis. Velma Smith, Mrs. Clyde ~arty We~nesclay evc~ning honorWharton and Herman Smith were mr her bl~hday: H~len Marga!et Lebanon 'Vislto.r s Saturday. GOIIS, ~OUI8 Jean .Bak~r, Ahce Down through the ages the constant use of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, Jean Hen~ of WaYI~esvllle, and wood has proven it to be· the best material for Waynesville, e,lled on MrL Anna Manlyn Whitacre. Mr,. Chal. M·uUinlex and Mrs. Allen Emrick Thul'sda, afternoon. home-buildini' A lumber-built home with wood Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Salee McGruder wer'e called to .floors, woor mantles, staircase, window frames were called to - W.).ne8Tille Mon- Springboro Saturday by the serifiDe• •andard pack. No.2 C8D8 evening by the death of their ous ilIn ... of · their :mother, Mrs. and door brings kindly memories to most of us II1l1ter··ln-law, Ml'II. Anna Kenrick. Eva Hormeil, who paged away becau e it was in such a home that we were born Mrs. H.rry Burnett and children early Sunday morning. Mr. and cae and Mrs. Emma Lacy .pent MOil- Mn. Mullinex. Mr. and Mra. Mc and raised . Lumber gives that "homey" atmosday alternoon with lira. Adda Gruder and Mn. Harvey Burnett phere that all other materials lack. Use lumber to Barnett. at.teBded the funeral WednesdaY' Mra. Eliubeth Smith and altemooD. build your home. Lumber gives greater home comPeatured .a t ID atremI, 1_ pIIce Glenn Jollna, of Dayton, were Sun-I The body of Clyde Reitz, a fort at more reasonable cost. Let .us help you in day peats of Mrs. Maraaret fanner J'8IIcl.nt ot tbia community planning your home. John.. W88 b!'ou,bt from Salt Lake City Mr. .ncI Mn. Roy Smith and Jut. week to lUamhlburr and d....h_ and lin. Kate Smith, of Ml"rie.. we!'. held at Brourh's lit. Bolly and Mr••nd MI'II. .Keller Ifn.raJ parlor Saturcla, afternoon Graham ad ""rbter 'IiIited Mr. with burial at Kl&iiiI.burg. Kra. and Ml'L Barry Graham Sanda, ....ts wtU lie remembered as Stella lb.••d lin. Ru"d GItUu, da. .bter 01 Mr. and lin. 14 lor aDd I • ...." 01 Weat CurolltoD G~ 01 tbe DaJt,oD Wa,n III., Ohio wen..... plb. She wID NtarJi 8alt Lake
-----_ ..---
..... ,
RED BRAND FENCE (- ......----_........ .....1
1hh OrdIMrY
Copper Be.,ln, .
Wlnn" of the Gulf of Mexico W...her Tett
"G.I...,,,..ttd" : Ihown oppotille ' al.... ,OocI :
Waynesville farmers bchange Co. Phone 25
Wa yne.ville, Ohio
t own.hip T,'u.tee.
Buy Ne'w 'Truck
C...pbeU'. TOIIA.TO 80UP
r ......
CO. altenlooa.
sa'- I' Char_
R. . . . ad ........
~ aooa
pk• • Spaahe"1 or Noodle •• Counery Club
Smooth and t,allrlnt
C.ke ....dlae.
8uuencotch. 21b. cake
......... -5- .
Norweailn. In pUle olive 011
a p~i. 17c
P. 8 G. Soap
TOMATOES ·5 S9. TUNA 1'18B ·
w. H~ MADDEN &
AIt.O or c:o.at17 CIa..
. Your Home!
COllI I... Leca.... .1 ... ,..,.Ion....
The Dayton Power & Light ·Co.
Fence ..If tOIle.
The alanr lize bars
5 ban
.1 0. 1SC
Wisconsin or Lotlilhorn
Kr.lia P.ck~c
pk,•. Chcuc. Speda\ feu ....
Baaana. Fancy Ripe Fruit 4 pounds
. Str.w1terrae. pte. Lettace 211~ . To.atoe. ~f~ lib. 2
• Bolol.a .0" & .. t
SLICED, 12'1'c Pound or More Piece .. ,.. ", "
B. . 1,1.. . .........118
. '),,, Ib.
••••11.1...·· . . . . . Ib~
l Eighty-Sixth Year
Whole Number 6055
MARCH 1, 1933
., ALL COUNTY SELECTION All Count,. lot Te.m Guard, Trainer- Morrow Guard, Eisenmenger- Fran]clin Center, C. Robinson- Morrow ~'orward, Davi_ W:aynesvllle Forward, C. Trent--Franklin 2nd Team
Guard, Rayburn- Franklin Guard, Treadway- Waynellville ' Cent.er, Hudson- Franklin POl'ward, Hancock- Lebanon FOr\\'ard, Brock- Otterbein Th 1933 Warren County Basket Ball tournament herd at Kings Mills Jaijt Friday and Satur· day was won by . Franklin from Morrow by a ·score of 28-14. The Waynesville champs of '3 1-'32 "ere def Bted by Morrow in the seeond round of play by a score of 26-17 after they had beaten Lebanol1 by a sco.r e of 23·18. After the final game Supt. Rprinkle of Kings Mills awarded the trophies to the consolation winners, Maaon and Lebanon, second place to Morrow and to Franklin the championship cup for the year. Morrow-..... i.
of Mason. Outsi de of the first quarter, which ended 3-3 the game was all Mason. At the half 9-6, at the end of the third quarter I 19-9,.
Honor Natal Day of Mrs. ~dith Harris The membel's of ' f;t. MIII'Y' S Protestant Epi 'copal chul'ch showed their love for Ml's. Edith Harris and tb ir appreciation of her worth to th" chu /'ch by calling on herthe ' Tu esuay, February 28. dUring hours uf 2 Lo 4 and 7 to
floyu avage, well and favorably known ooth het'l! Il1Id at Lytle, died of a sudue n heart aUs,ck in a Dayton bORpital ab out 8:30 o'clock MODday evening. About two months ago he had Iremoved his home to th Five Points neighb or ho od, and was immediately stricken with II ~ vere attllck of inftu enza. He was later 1laken to the hospital for treatment, and. ingly, wa recovering nicely. !l'hock uddentodeath came a~1 a sevel'e his host of :friend.
FraDkliD.Kin... Mill. Franklin and Kings Mills met in the second game of the afternoon and coach Keyaers' men soon had everything their own way. The Franklin regulars were nearly all 9 taken out at the half. The first h p. m. and congratulating her q n Funeral services will be held at quarter ended 16-0 for Franklin, aving reached hel' 80th birthday. his late home near Five Points, half 21-4, third quarter 27-8 and Some who have lived that T hursday afternoon 8't 2 O'clock, at the end of the game 28-11: number of years we . peak of as Rev. C. A. Williamson officiating, aged; not 80 with Mrs. Harri . On and burial will be made in Miami LebaDD ... Ha~e ....burl never thinks of h I' y('al.~, e c pt cemetel'Y. , At 3 p. m. the losing teams of with the fullness of them for good d Mr. a~~ge was a life-long resithe Morrow-Harveysburg and Leb- deeds done. nt of t s vicinity, having anon-Waynesville games played. She has helped rear and train born near Lytle on April 15, 1892, Th~ L b H b several generations of Children, the only 80 n of the !'ate Charles sed to e be anon.arveys urg game who will n ever stra y from , nor Savage and Mrs. Cecilia Savage, all one way with Har prov - cease to be thankful for he"' WI'SI! now Mrs. W. F. Graham. He wa yabura "ettl'ng the "hort end of ' ve .. D words of counsel anti IIdviee. a most likable young man of the deale w1·t.h a al score of 67 -22 Hospitality and ch ef.'r ~re€'1 ali Iestimable character. He is survived HlU'veysburg pu up a good fight who enter the doo.rs o( that hom<', by hi Widow, Mrs. RutlB Dinwiddie but were outclassed by the county whether ope comes to mnk 11 Savage, his mother, Mrs. Gra.ham , seat lads. friendly call or ask advise 0 1' help a nd five so ns and two daughterll, P I M Ch I C f or se If , c h u~'C h ur community. au , at'y, aT e, lrace, KenOtt.rbei ...!pri....boro Mrs. Hanis cnt " I! -Cully in all neth, Evcrett and OrviilJe Savage. the towns be ~t aeLivilie , is ev r The opening game of the Fri- cbaritable, hopeiu l nnd belpful , 1\1ayl on ~, Gebhart, aged nearly day evening session between and we wish for hl'r many b 'rth- 81 year. dIed at the borne of Mr. SpringbOro and Otterbein. Otter- days full of the thin s that make and Mrs. E. J . Hardiman, near ·bein held the upper hand during life rich g Lytlll, about noon la~t Friday, the entire game, At the end of the . after an illness of abot~t fourteen first quarter. the score IItood 8-0 months with dropsy and heart A REAL SALE Otterbein, half 11-2, third quarter tl'ouble. Funeral services were beld 24-7', and ended 29-16. at. the Hardman home, Monday The J. Mason Pru.jl;h ~a l e n ear afternoon, and buria] was made in . Morrow.W., ..... m. ~deBvertown last week WlI S co n· Miami cemetery. . 81 ered the best of the season as 1\1 r. Gebhart had devoted his The eigbt o'clock game between it was a. large sal e and a veTY larl(e Waynesville and Morrow proved crowd was in Iltterid nce. F arm entire life to agricultural pursuits, ha.vin~ been born ill lbe. vicinity of to be another exciting game up to implement sold b<!Y llnd new im. MI amIsburg and ov t th the end of the' thil'd quarter when plement prices. ?1r. Pru~b receiv. ' m IJtIg o. e about thlrty Lytle' nelghb. o rho.od Morrow took the lead to win by a ed over $800 more than hc had "nine polnt margin. invoiced his chattl \' . . F . T. Marti n y~ar . ago. HIS. wife had pr~ceded In the openjnK quarter Tread- auctioneer of ent rv ille sold the h!m In death In 1924. He IS surby a brothe d ·r II lit way made a free throw, Morrow en~re ale in tne remarkable time vJVed who survive the rreamnall',oderr If ers made a field basket and Treadway of only three hours. • . . ' 0 an orlgJn~1 family of tifteen children. (Continued OD page 4) • - .... - - WhIle llr dM G bha t had . .ofantheirn.w e tb r t k IRISH PROeRAM no chIldren • 0 • n, ey 00 . eIr .hearta atnd An Irish progl'am which promises ~:. Hard~~nthlntol tthte to be very enteriaininl1: will be me, w. e e a r wal b u a pre ented during t he leetute hour s-;naJI ehtld , and carefuilly reared at the Grang meeting. ~tu rdny hIm to manhood. night: The program follows : Fun ral services fOl' the sixMu ic, in charge of Ra ymond monthll-old child of Mr_ and Mn. Braddock. Robel·t amp were held at the Roll call, Irish Jok e. home of its grandmot.her, Mn. ======--========= Irish Sketches _Catherin e Gibbr ns Zula Camp, in ClaTksville, Sunday Dr. J. E. Witham was a Lebanon SPr0lofi . Thomas Hardin afternoon, and buria] w.as made in visitor, Monday evening. 0 table Pig Rai ing . Clarksville cemetery. The child . ...... ... .. . L. E. fI ockett died at the home of iits parent. Mr. ana. Mrs. Walter Cut visit-e-; d+:Rwr::',~ '::-d:;-i<'cng .Tuanita Btannock near Clarksville, last Thursday day afte rnoon. • relatives in ClarksviUej Sunday. Stunts
Lenten Service! at No Real Cause for Worry St .. Mary'. Church Over Stability of~ur Financial Houae
Beginning March 9 services wiII be held in St. , Mary's Episcopal church each Thursday evening during Lent at 7 :30, with the exception of Holy Week when the Th ree Hours service will be beld on Good Friday. The Tbursday night sel'vices will consist of the Lita ny, with special lipeakers for each evening', as follows : March 9- Rev. Donald Elwood, rector of All Saints, ·Wilmington. March is-Dr. Phil Porter, rec. tor of Christ church, Dayton. March 23- Rev. C. O. Nybladh, Christ church, Xenia. March SO-Rev. Herman R. Page, rector of St. Paul's Oakw ood April 6-Rev. Don V. Carey, rec· tor St. Andrew's, Dayton. April 14, Good Friday- the three hour serviee from 12 o'clOCk noon to a p. m. Speaker, Rev. J . J. Schaeffer. Subject of meditation ll, The seven last words from tbe cross.
April I~, Easter Day.. there will be II festival celebration of the Holy Oommullion, with special .mualc at 10 :30 a. m. Sermon by Rev. J. 1. Sehaeffer. - - -
A great deal of an:xiety and ap· prehension has been prevalent in our community because thc WaynesvjJIe National. bank , in company with an ' almost majority of th e bank in the S tate of Ohio, announo ed on Tu esday morning that checks on other banks would not be honored for the immediate t Lf t I I lire sen ,excep or even ua co laction, and tbat, until further notice, not more than fiv e per cent of any individual deposit, or checking account, might be withdrawn or checking out. From a purely local viewpoint, we believe much of this anxiety to be perfectly groundleas for these reaso n" v The refusal to t ully honor checks on other banks was forced upon our local financial institution by the fact that surrounding banks had declared a moratorium, and were refusing· payment on fill c h eok s. Th e wr I ter WaS shown a
large nUmbtll' of these checks that had been returned from the clearing hause bearing notations of the moratorium and prospects of future pa}'ment . In plain language, 't wo uld be l'mpossl'ble for the I Waynesville bank to eal'TY the obligations of its neighbors. for even a l imited time. It wauld be the utmost folly for the local institution to carry in its safety vault at all times a sum 0'1 cash equa l to the amount of ita deposits, yet this wou'ld be the only method by which demands for the entire amount could be met d d't' un e . present eon Ilona. Local checkll come under the same restrictions a those on other banks. Those calling for an amount in excess of five per cent of the customer's to tal deposit!! at the c10 of business on Monday evening~ will not be honored. All depo-it!! of cash tbat have been made ~ ince th e op ning of the bank on Tues aay ·m orning are subject to full withdrawal at any time, either by cheek or on demand, but no check is credited as cash until it has been collected. The moratorium simply covers depositA tbat were made previou!l to that time, and accounts with other bank •. We wish to stress the fact. that th WayneSVille National i. amplyrespoDsible for its oblip.tions, and will pay them, dollar for dollar. A nice point was caned to the writer's attention yesterday. No official or director of the bank is indebted to it fOT ~ven a siarle penny. This condition Is true ot but very few banks throughout the state, and the fllct that It Is true here is a splendid recommendation for the local institution and it., management. . In closing, we wish to state that · thi8 statement has been prepared at the djrectiQn of the editor, not at the instigation of any of the bank officials, nor has any of them been connected jn the least witb ita preparation. We attempt no uQ
- -=.
Rex. Burnett, seven-year.nld son Mr. and Mr" Roy Elll'!! were v '" 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett, Dayton visitors, Monday. of Lytle, was seriously and painfully injured, and his yo The Fl'i ndship Club will have brother, Robe.rt, was less lIeriously a penny social, March 24.
hurt, when they were struck and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith were run over byThursday an auto l evening. about 5 :30 Dayton visitors Sunday afterDoon. 'clock lut The opening pme of the 1999 Warren County Basketball tourThe lads had started to run Miss Clara LI'le spent the weeknament between Morrow . and acroBS the street from the Rout- end with relatives at Washington Massie Township turned out to be zohn .. garage in Lytle directly in p. H. a rather slow game. Monow won front of s car driven by Amos . by a 22 point margin, the final Thompllon who was enrout from Ml'. and Mrs. Myer Ryman and planation of the bankinr cti.is 8c-ore standing 86-14. The first Dayton to' Wilynesville. So elollel'" sO.n a.pent Sunday with relatives in througbout the entire state, and J C i nation, nor do we eSllay any uquarter ended 8-2 Morrow. The and suddenly did they appear thaL mcmnat. . position of the banking relief laws half 16-8, and the third quarter 22 Mr. Thompson was totally unable .Miss Doris Hawke was a Sunday enacted by the Ohio LegiRlature at to 13. to stop his car or to turn uide, al- dinner guellt 01. Mr. and Mrs. W . a late hOUT Monday night. Theae though he is known to be one of C. St. John. . to jos have been most adequately W.,n... me-Leb.DoD the most car.e ful drivers in thi han led in the metropolitan dally vicinity, and ill !aid to have been MII!8 Louise Crane, of Cincinnati. press. The Waynesville-Lebanon game traveling at a rate of speed not !pent the week-end with ....-Ilel:+-_ _ - -- - . - - -- - - Jlroved to be a very exciting conmuch in eltcess of 10 miles per nto~her and sisters. nea-i1'le test with the champs of '31 and at tbe time of the accident. ~ ... '82 playine ba ket balJ the way it The boys were drawn under the Mr. and Mrs, F. U. LeMay Wcre G· I W" H should be played. This pme was , = machine, and Ru lustalned manl' dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. one of the best of the taurnament. Samuel Meredith, of Johnsville, broken hones and other Injuries, K .. Day. last Tbul':sday. Both teams showed good clean wa a Waynesville visitor, SaturEntered . in a contest with Ituwhich nec:essitated his z:emoval to basketball. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas visit- denls of Commercial schools from day. MIami Valley hospital in Dayton, ed their son Seth and family in Lebanon slarte.d the game I by the United States, Oanada and where he is reported to be recover- Dayton, Sunday afternoon. making two field goals in the 6nt Miss Lilla Benham, of Lebanon, Great Britain, wherein each w.. ing as nicely all could be expected. two minutes of the game. FraneI' spent the week-end at her home required to prepare a paper on Paul St. John, of Oakland, Col., RQbelot was much more fortunate had a foul called on him but Leb- here. "Why I Decided to Attend a anon missed. Franer then worked Staff Then mather reminded U8 to wear than hi~ brother, and escaped with .was a guest at the hOme of hi s Private Commercial School," It through for a nice shot and Davis J. A. Hartman is critically .m Editor . Doris Salisbury our rubbers, take umbrellas and bruises and lacerations of a minor father, W. C. St. John, last week. wall announced in Cincinnati. tollows Ull with a lonr one to tie with pneumonia at his home on Assemblies Orie Hardin all the other unpleaSjant rainy Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Gon s were Monday, that Evelyn Cartwrirh1: ... the acore, 4 all. Lebanon called Route 2. Class News Thelma Coleman day implements. The clock Inguest!! of Mr. and Mrs. Vietor had been awarded fpurth place. time out. Davis made a free throw .Mr. and Mrs. Basil Smith are Athletics Mary Crane forme d us that it was tcm minutes Carpenter,' at Middletown, SundllY One other contestant in Ohio won. and Miller mi8lled one to end the announcing the hirth ot a daurh- Humor Leada Werntz past eight, and we had to take the evening. hon orable mention, consequentlJ flratquarter 6 to " in favor. of ter on Sunday. Organizations Virginia F oulks eight-fifteen bus. It is necessary Evelyn' oi ..1riendlLarc elated oval" Waynesville. to explain here that when a bus Mr. and Mr . M. D. Baird and her success, and the Littleford. At the opening of the second At present, Mrs. L. H. Gordon Hi_I. Sclaool Qpe~etta, March 9 passes our house going towards dalJgh·ter spent ]ast Wednesday in Nelson school i very justly' protld quarter a foul was called on Davis lIeems to be sUehtly better after a White Plains, five minutes later very cordially entertained by Mrs. Mason, ·guests of Mr. and Mrs. o/itll pupil. for hooking but Lebanon faned to very serious iIlnell!!. "Bon Voyage" an unusual musi- another will go to Tarrytown. My W. H. Allen, on Friday, February Carl Sanker. _ _ _ _ _-I-:;:-M=.is~5:=E~v~e~I~. is the':""'),ClWlPl' make the -shot. Treadway worked cal comedy will be prese.nted sister said, "Here come~ the down 24. , a fast play along the side linea..and. _ Mrs .. Anna SheebaD, 'wbo bas Thursday ev ning, March 9 th, at bus," where upon I toolk just one The first number on the program James Gibbons and Jesse Thomas daughter of Mr. Il1Id Mrs. John 0 . . rlrlbbled in for a basket. Lebanon been SIck for several weeks, reo tbe Waynesville Gymnasium by gulp of coffee. ran for my coat was a pi81l0 so lo by Mrs. John arrived home from an· extended Cartwright, a native of Wa~e. follows up by maleing a fast break mains about the same. tbe High School boys and ~irls and books, and started out the Gonll. Th'e topic for the afternoon trip to Florida, Monday afternoon. ville. and, together with both' her parents and her sister, is a and sinking one. I5'avis cages one Glee Clubs. Many clever dances door before I realized that I had waa "Our Trip Abroad." Mrs. accompanied by W. E. O'Neal!. alumnus of W. H. S., having and makes a free throw. Lebanon Mrs. Ch.arles Hinkle, of Hamll- and song choruses, solos and duet no carfare. I dashed back into the " Cadwallader hild a most intereting Miss Sue Crane returned home gl'adu8ted with the class of 193'1. puts in a substitute forward. Fo~ls ton, is visiting her brother, A. F. feature the p rformance. house f or my carfaJ;e and was on rtaly. while Mrs. Mendenwere called on Franer for charg- Melloh and family. this week. A cast. of thirteen characters bolting out the door when the told o'f Russia- The Five Sunday evening after spending She is "If~ry popular with a 1arce ing and MilleT .for over the shoulMeBSrs. Harry Sherwood and supp I'ted by a ch~rus' ·of forty e ight-fifteen bue whizzedl by. 1 had Year Plall. This is a subject much several days at the home of Mr. coterie of friends, whom the Mrs. Forrest Graham, ne.a r Miami Gazette joins in extendln, del' and Lebanon makes on]y one Carl Servis transacted business in voices offer an evening of fine en- missed itl That meant 8m houl' in talked of at t he present time. Both heaTty congratulations on her of tile two free throws to' end the Morrow last Wednesday evening. tertainment. · . detenuon class, and there was papers were very inatructlve. Miss achievement. The stoT'Y, of the play con~18ts to be a social hour that lafternoon. Betty Hartsock and Mr. Ethan second quarter 10 to 7 in .f avor of the locals. Mr, and Mn. Frank LeMay en- In the expenence of two American Lewis favored the club with Mr. and Mrs. Myer Ryman and ---.., £ 1 ~t the opening . of the third tertalned Mr. and ' Mrs. L. M. youths on II trip t o Europe, their Senior News several vocal duets, which were son were guests at 0 six-o'clocl< OBITUARY .. th Hendenon at dinner, last Wed- affair~ of the hent·t with girls in greatly BJlpreciated. and el)joyed. dinner at the home of Mr. and 1 t er a Le b anon payer ge"" to e neaday. c... t of the Tb e fi nal num b et.' was a plano . qual' ball from Franer while trying severaI d t'ff er"n coun t TI.CS an d S La t week the· prellld'!nt < solo Mrs . Sam Hyman 'In Le.banon , la 8 t work in for a shot and make. a their return' trip. cnlor class ca)]ed a meetin, by Miss Hartsock. . Fl'iday evening. Lillian M. Mills, the eldelt basket. A fOUl was called on Tread Mrs. James Conner, of JamesTickets will be on ale by Gl ee to choose. a speaker for commenceDU1'ing the social hour the hostM D n S b M daughter of Martin a·n d Mart... way . and Lebanon tied the score town, spent last week he.r e, the Club member~. men t exercises. Fl'om a list of Sill ess served a most appetizing H rs. . . mit, rs. F. B. Beal Hal'ner, was born near Old10 all. Lebanon makes one on a cueat of bel' SOD, Ray G. Conner, cnndidates, Mr: HutchiMon of lunch. . C:annd:r::ll~d ~~ :~: g~a~~ town, Green County, Ohio, Febl'tl'VOt play and ba.- In another and family. . On Beinlr Late to Schod incinnatiwlls chosen. We believe Mrs. Allen had as her guests ary 28, 1870. She departed this ..." Th . W T mh him to be one of the be!lt. His ex- Mrs John Gons ... · B tt R rt and daughter at Miami Valley hos- lile fronl ber h' orne I'n W '11 PI ck board to lead tbe Dr. and Mrs. u. E. Hathawav e Rtralns of" as hat. e . , MISS e y a p't I S d ft e from the ba "" I H Th' D " . d perience is varied and we have sock Mt'ss alargorl'e Earnha t and 1 a, un ay a ernoon. Ohi o J'ust as the new a),nelVl day Boore 14-10. Miller then proceeds and Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hawke at- uman mg to 0 ' accompall1e ,I.U r , . waa to make one on a pivot play and tended the mniversary celebration by a masculine voice bl'iskly ch osen him throllgb lIome of the Mr. Ethan Lewis. Miss Doris Hawke entertained dawning, February 21, 1983. Her bat!! in two rebounds to end th.e of Springboro Lodge, I. O. O. F., counting, "One, two three, f our ; be t recommendations. W:e are - - --- - - - - the following guests at bridge, las· ag.c was 62 yearll, 11 months and scoring for that quarter with Way- Monday eveDlnr. one, two, three, four," fl oated up ~nticipating an interested audiThllrsday 'evening: Misses LouelllL 23 days. . nesvnle leading 16-14. ' . to my bedroom from the raq,io in . ence for an interesting addreBS. Williamson, Beatrice Robltzer, Alm llst all of her Jite waa Ipent Davlll makes a free throw and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- the living room, wl1l'ning me that At this meetine the matter of Messrs. Henry Kyle, Boyd Hen_IJn .Gl'eeneaDd Warren c:ountie. She Miller sinks one on a pivot play con and Dr. and Hi'll. H. E. Hatha- the time was between seven-fifteen diplomjls 'was taken . up. The ~• derson, Paul St. John, and Mr. ao,1 Jeaves to mOUTn her departure, her to make the SCOTe 19-14 with ,~ way attending the funeral of Mrs. a. m. and seven-thirty. I thought echool board haa been so liberal The Waynesville A, C'I. barely Mrs. Mal'nard Weltz. Ihu sband, .t wo ch~ldren, Ltster II. minutes to play. After a time out Ev~ 1I0rmell at Springboro, last .-1'11 get up when the next song to give us our cboiee of book or nosed the Purop Pep girl. team of. Compton, of Xerua, Ohio. and J(ra. period Lebanon makes a baaket Wednesday afternoon. and exerci.se staTt.~," and kept Te- rolled diplomas. We eJtt.end our Dayton out in a rather exciting Cum",lns B. Jones, a :former Lorena C. Barner, of Piqua, Ohio. . hi ' '1 th gratitude to them for this favor. at the local court la"t W Waynesville boy, who has made Two ,rand d.aulrhtera, be brothen an d Treadway fol 1ow., with one the time peat Lng e reso utlOn untJseve neA from the side. This Wat! the signal ~A ballt.et '" ball •"ame between . wast ann ounced t.o be s:yet· a de fI n1't e coneI us i on h aa n8l!day evening. At the end of the goo<\ Wl'th th e saI es f ()ree'f 0 th c an d f our .SISte ra, besidee marrr for Lebanon to open up on lonr Smlth-Hu,hea team ' abd the Fa- thirty. Immediately I 'tumble(l out not been Teached, but will be flnt quarter the score .tood 1 to 'National Cash Register, paid thi s other relatives and frltndtl. shots In a desperate attempt to m?us Auto Supply Co., of Lebanou of bed before I could think, for given •• ttention In the near future ... in 'favor of the fair SeX. During office a very pleasant call, Satut·S~e was a member of the Wa,tie the score, but they were beld Wlll be played 1:lulnday night at if I'd thought abIJ ut it I probably the second quarter the boys made day mominlf· He is now located at nesV1lle M•. E. church. She .e"eeI to obly one mora basket and the WaynelVllle OJlll. Oame called would have been there fOI' another ·J_Dr five poUlta 011 foul shots and one Little Roek, Ark., haviDI\' charge far some time .. eouhty president Franer makes a counter Just aa at 8:16 p. m. Admlaion free. 8fteen minute-reriod of setting up The J\lnior c1aas liaa a new field goal and held the Purol Pep of _Ies operationll in that territory 01 the Women's Cbrlltiab Tem. the game ended to 'wln bJ a lCora lIisa Elizabeth Chandler baa ac- exercilles. I hadn't not.iced until member, lona Crane fronl Lebanon team to 2 pointe, endln, the balf Mr. and Mrs. CharIeR F. Mosher perance Uni01l. . of 28-18. cepted an Invitation to apeak in then that it was a very drizzly and We hope she will not ~e diaap- 8 to 6 in favor of A. C'•. At the of Edward. Road Cincinnati. enCaNI MlUer rot tbe t~p 0« duriq Cleveland Monday evening, Februo day, and I reflected that if I pointed with her enroU~lent bere. half the flnt .trin, bunch went in tertalned at a be;utifuJly appoint.f T ...... the entire ,ame and .howed bI8 UJ' 27, before a branch organiuonly known ' how tired I to replace the sub, that bad played ed dinner Sunday, in honor of the I wish to expre.. 18J I'ntttucle abUily a. a pivot rqan. Treadwa,. lion of the Childhood Education shollld feel in tbe morning, I Ei,.,. the ft1'llt half. DurlllC 'he ·thlrd eightieth birthday of their siater to nelghbon and flien. for . . ." and Franer did Kood work aa Aaoelatton; Ber topic wa. "Some would have waited until another The Eirhth grade iIIni'o""td quarter each team made two points Mn. Edith Harris. The color kindne.. dUriaK the 1Un_ and guarda and Davia and Whitaker Aapeeta of Proirrealve Education Hme to begin that. book the night day vaeation due to In tile l..t period tbe ~rll maD- acbeme of pink and white waa ear- death of IIlJ wife. AI80 to·..... a. fou ..bt hard at the forward pqI- ill a 1"10._-'_ Wort.." before. I had found it ao Intere t- -ent .... to tl. the lleore to 11 all and ried ou~ in all the deeoratlolls C. Dibert aDd lira. tlo';' Altbo. Wldtaker faDed ..........iq that I had 4nlshed il. It took ""10k Call1pbell and Wakely it look.. aa thcnqrll aD overtime flowers, favors. birthday cake, etc: for tIMU couoUq . . . . "to eonlleet tor an, lIouaten" lin. p, p, 1'II01llJ*)1l, of Hamil- lIIe an uDUluaUy long time to received ftrat dd .. eoI&- period would be needed to ..ttle 1'IIe Invited pests were Mrs. Edith J. Eo lIeCture . . . .. played a pod ....... ton, .... called here Jut ...elr hJ "aah and dreu. T eouldn't ftx my tor the ontortle1~ eo. . . tile eODtelt, but. in tilt Jut I . . BarrlB, II.... Laura lloehet, Mr_ ..niee. 1" ... Aft. AlllIa lIatr and it a. eight hat , . . . . loul ".. ...Ied OD dI. Barril IIQ_r. Mr. and lira. Rott. . I aat do a to pia .... utn Frukl -7"""~-~-.",,,,~
Former Wa v Ir
----Mr•• Allen Ho.te•• , - --
New Century Club
----_ ..
W. A. eta. Defeat Da -"on Purol Girls
".L ... -
liltera, too. ....
aI. Ra... ....
h Little Red, District School as it NEWS Existed in Wal'ne 70wnship for t ears FROM 1
Common Pie... ProceediD •• H.. s."... Fa""era Many dlliin in a "chllol of 11 good stand· furnished to the pupils Fr • anti In th CBS oJ George Arend Millicm. of Dollar. I :11'11, hull be 47 11 l' month; pr • that the following books be adopt. ver'u Kate Arend. Il div orce was n \\ I) ('Iect .I hoar.] a em· I vided thnt any numb I' of months d: Jones' Reader; Aiton's De· ~ranted plaintiff. hl'd, JI.\)1UnT'y 2, . IVOti. T ownship 11lot to eXCeed twent~'-four rap· . criptive "reller; mith's Arith. [n the case of Virgil O'Banion Applying !lcientiflc methods to !)ulHlrint nu ni Bro\lll pr iding proved , tudr a Ill! training in a m tic, thrcebook . series; Frye's v r u. Roy O'Bal1lion, et aI, distri. olvin,. I mportant agricultural until III y hn 1 :<cl ' I'd Burton good ' ol' mlll . ch oo l shall be Geographie; Montgomery's B .bution of money 'Was ordered. problemg 0 that Ohio formers F;nrnhort to act a I' I'm"n nto prr:i counted quivall.'nt to the "ame ginnel"s Ameri an History; Mont- . In the cas of Frank B ai, et ai, may save millions of dollars, the dt-nt for tht' y ar nnd the tllWJI hip number of m nth~ ElJlP r-ience in gOInt'I'Y'S L atling Facts of Ameri· er us Dodds Callning 0., tal. Obio Agl'icultul'al Expcrime nt rl rk to !ler,' a ~ clerk of lhll boarel teachin,,; and provided also that an History; (w studied that book it is ord red that petition be iTlllde taliofl i~ a ssisting farm rs . to As Mr., Il'nwnt. wos . xtremt'ly tlvidenc of !lpecially broad or In Indiana. too ) Blaisdell' Our definile and certlilin. economize in their production bu~y With th o t own. hlp tru. te R thor ough Rchol:l1'ship as indicated Bodi s and How e Live; Gibbs' In the case of olomon Fr d and method , according to offiCials in ~ l the ame tlln . 1r. Brown at· by th teach!'l"S cl'rtifiClit or Arithmetical .Primer; Eggleston's Louis Fred versull S. Fred 0. , t.lt the agricultural extension service It'nded to hili 'chool duli " for him. t) therwise, llnd al so the iz and First Book of American History: aI, receivers ordered to accept at the O. . U. Th .clerk's salary wa s set. at 6r. difficulty of thl' chool to be Burk tt, Stevens & Hill's Agricul. Aaron Brafman'!! bid of $5,000 orne of the achievements of the f or the y 3.1', and the treas urer wa. taught may be taken inlo con· ture ior Beginners." The motion for all merchandise, furnishings experiment st.ation in putting the to r cei e on am ount equal ttl 2 <': sicieration in determining the was unanimously carried by a yea and fixtures upon receipt of CII h. production of agricultural prod. of tb money spent. Th dale for rat of pay. and nay vote. Once more they The case of Union Joint Stock ucts 011 a more ec onomical ba 'is meetin was ct as the first Mon· "The term Normal School a s adjo urned t o meH again in two Land Bank v rsus Eliza T. Dar- are fourld in recent 'Cacts presentd y of o.ch month. This dat still h rein u 'eel el"lplics t o a s hool j Wt:l k , but all th y did at thot nell, et al wos dismissed without d in a radio broad ast on the h Id . any name What soever that offers es ion was to assign the cue of record. Farm night program from WEAO Burton Earnhart harles mith , e peciall}' fitted for pre- the s chool houaes to v4riou!! In the case of Carmen . WiJ- Before the stotion discovered the amuel f tcdith, WilHam orn II pa ring tel\chel's in scholarship members 01 the board. Iiams versus Geo'rge S. Williams. need jor lime, there was prac. nnd Frank Elbon r spo!,d d t o r 11 meth ods of t a ching and school August 7, these books were add- motion to modify approved . tically no lime used in this tate. all, and, as n absentees lire manage mellt f or public school ed to the course: OeGarnio's The case of The FarmerM Na- Today. t he few farmers in eastern tional Banlt of Clarksville versus Ohio who are not using lime adver no t d, lhi ecms t o ha ve been thfo' work. [n elis e o f que tio n. the Languag Lessions, books 1 & origin f the pre~ ent i?ed board. work oC the Ohio State Normal Moth r Tongue, book 2' Blai dell's Lawrence Brown waa dismis ed ti e til is faet by their fields of red Pres nt-day teacher. are 0 ked to 5ch oo l conn ected with Ohio Uni. How to Keep Well; The King and withont record. sorrel instead of r d clover. r ead and consid er the f Hawing : versity and Miami Univ ers ity shall His Wonderf~1 Cattle; Robin on l Everett Bingham pleaded guilty The station has been a lead. "Motion by mith, second d b ~' be take n n . tandard." Crus o (why.clId they do so?) Tales to the indictment. herein fil d ing faeto!" in the state·wide reo fere dith. tha t th l! use I)f th > indio Aliho ugh the ll(l Ord saw much of Tro y ; PIOneers of the Revolu- agin at him and was sentenced to juvenation of orehard~ through vidual orde r . f or t eache r ' pay be good in lr. Brown's scb dule, ti on. Supt. Qrown was instructed not less than 10 years in the reo the u se of fertilize rs, effi i nt continued the balance oC the yeat:, th ' y wer not q\lite l' ady to adopt to purchase book covers and mend formatory. sprayillg, pruning, thinning, etc. and that the cI rk notif~' each it but adopted one of their own ing material!l ~or all schools. In the Case of Kentucky Sani. It ha contributed to the rational tc cher to have their certificate S that paid the teacbers 40, $45 or (Preparedness, With a vengeance) tary Bedding Co. ',ersus J. B. Hop and economical f eding of nil of time.' hey had taught be:fore t he $60 p r m&nth aeording to their Presld nt ~arnhart. was to look , ping, 30 days additional time to kinds o'f livestock, pointing the board on the 1st Monday of th e training and xperience. They I1lso after the Window bhnds and black plead . way throug}J the u e of silage and Co., month. If they Call~d to do so they all(j wed ach t Dchel' $3 e-xtrn p r bo~rds, and Charley Smith and 1n 'the case of Lewis & Drake, home·grown teeds to the cheapen. ant Calclliating Machin would not g41t their pay f&r month for janitor work. WIll Cornell were. to buy the coal. Inc. a Corporatiol~, versus Henry ing of the dairy ration. The machine, $275; Erma Hibnar servanoth r month." The motion Wag The hOur of holding regular . The W8Ylles~llle bQard met M. Oram, et at, IProperty to sell statioll has shown the greater ices, $10; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, adopted. . mee tings was ch nged from 2 :30 With the TownshIp board, Septem- for $4·000 subject to mortgage of profit obtai'n ed by ieeding an eCre services, $7; Morrow 'Whitacre, Mes rs..Earnhart and ~eredlth to 7:30 p. m. on regular meeting ber 4, and W. P. Hay's lands were Federal Land Banik. of corn as ilage rather than as services $6; Georgia Miller •. crvices, $10; Stella Kelly, services, were appOinted at! a committee to nights. Now th~ ion is called finally transferred from the town_ _ __ s.helled corn or stover. investigate the report that Wayne t C> order wh~ncver all member (at hip to the town school. It was d'eN.w .!lur.. Also, the tation h as contribut- $10; hnrles Hobson, ervices $10 township wa being o\'ercharged least .ho e who expect to come, cid d to pay. tho e tnitio.D ot ed to the poultry i ndustry- in the H elen Doughman, servic s, $'7; L •M · 1ery. lind it~ is rar Iy that one of them e I ementary PUPI Is ID No. 3 In any 20; on th e ugal' C ree k t ownsh Ip • White versus Frank R. all-mash ration for laying bens, William Shotwell, services, At a p cial meeting, held Febru- mi. ' es) arrived at Supt. Lob;'s school they \l\'i bed t.o attend, and Combs, for foreclosul'e and money the use of legume hays In place of Karl D. Dakin, illl'ur nee, $194; Waynesville Nat~ ional Bank vel'. green feed ii, and all-night lights Western Star, advertis ing rates of ary, 11 , th IS com~ itt ee repor t e d offi e, any time nfter supper on teac hera w re reqUIred to file a that the rumor, whll sad, w.as only th regular meeting nights. But monthly l'eport to the board "giv- sus Charle Gray and Bertha C. for laying .hens. It has developed taxation $228.24; I Lebanon PaC' too true, so th board de~lded t~ how thOSe boys do work after they ing the names of pupils enrolled, Gray, for money land foreclo!lure. and introduced new varieties of triot, advertising rates of tllxation hold u.p paym nt of the bill, untl! g t started. number of times each was tardy Probate Court p"':'ceedina. farm lind horticultural crops whic.h $228.24; Barrett BI'Oll., supp li es, HENDE~SON_ an adJustmen.t COUld. b made. When th resull of the election or absent, a."d state c~use as nearhave had wide distrib ution over $5,76; Office Outfi tters, supplics, $6.60; George Killeen & on , supAnother peclal me tmg wa held were Cllllva s.ed May 1 it WDB Iy a posslble." EVidently, the George E. Young was ~pPointed the state. . WOTARY 'PUBLIC on Wa hington's Birthday, this found that S"e~eral di tricts had board was getting tired of irre«- administrator of els tate of Lytle K Th e agricultural experiment plies, $1.36; American Association NalioDal B_II time with t he president and clerk fa 'led to eJect school dil'ectors so ular . attendance. An item of the Beltz, deceased, alild filed bond of s tation's finding in the proper of State Highway .officials, books of the ugar Creek board in atten- th~ following ~ppointments ~ere bills allowed : "The Holden Pat- POO.O with sureties. placement of fertilizers in plant. on specification for hlgbwoays and W illa Dr aWn • • Ettat.. S. ttl... dance. It was found that they had , d . No 1 Warren H Keys. ent Book C\lver 00., book covers, The inventory of Nora Cox, ad- iTlg corn have been adopted by brid~e, $8.75; Wald r o n . GilWAYNESVILLE, OHIO b,8sed their ~pl upon th~ en?mera- ~:. 3: E. Thoma; No. Joh~ $3.40." m!nistratrix of entate of Corey farmers In many states and have mour, inquest, $8.60; Grapevin e bon of 190 , for.7 pupJ1a, IDstead Nixon; No. ,John Wilson; No. A speCial meeting wa caUed, Cox, deceased, was approved by caused all the leading manu- Garage, gas, $23.40; ERflt End - -- -- -- -___....~~~ ~'f th~ enu~erabon of 1904 fo1' J3, Asa Whitaker. Aft~r they had September IS, because E. D. Har- court. . . . facturers to change their planters Ga1'age, gas, $4.69; W . . Turtc)TI, coal, $8.05: ' . . Alexander, sup· 4. pupils a It . hould. have been. declared a teaching ;vacancy in ris had res igned as teacher o-f No. ' T~e. IDventory of Julia MII.lard, plies, $32.05; harl es L. Bak r, T~e matter was amicably settled the chool for No.7, these teach- 8's school. 1Ifis! Sarah Burnet was administratrix of t~state of Bridget . Vail, refulldWithout any more ado. ers were employed for the next cho en from am ong five lll>plieants Stockman, deceased, was apPl'oved W",gg(Jner were appointed ap· gas, $3.67; A. ment tax, II t 6.16. The salaries of ~hese. teachers year: No.1, Jnez Williams; No, to fill the vacancy. ' The inventory .of Stella E. praisers. were allowed, Aprl~. 3. H. . E' ! 2, nna Meredith; No.5, 'O onna Octob r 2, Supt. Brown and the Daugherty, execul:rl,x of estate of .....- - The Lebanon·Citizens National Hatha~ay, Inez Williams.' Anno Hawke; No.6, Ruth · Chandler; teachers were instructed to "allow Ruth A. Daughert:v, deceased, was Bank and Tru t Co., guardian of The sweet . young ' thing had Meredith, John P. C?mmmgs, R. No.7, J. P. Cummings; No.8, E, no ehild to attend any school in app1'oved. . . John A. Cavolt, minor, is author· Th';\ ~dmmLStra~,()r of the esta~e ized to conHnue it!l previous con- broken her g las es. he took t he C, Runt, E. D. HarriS alld An~a D. Harri ; No. 10, Anna Vander- the township wbo have any contaremains back to the optom trisl. Vandervoort. S.upt. Brown s~bmlt. voort; No. 13, Robert Hunt. Supt. glou disease, and, if any contro. '}f Wdham C. Welch, .deceased, IS ted the followln!J .Ilchedule J.n reo C. A. Brown wa a1 a re.employ- versy arise, tbe parents must get a orde~ed to sell c~rtalD property tractual obligation with Mrs. Liz- "Will [hav to be examined all Cavolt for care and mainten· liie over again?" she asked. gard to the tralllmg, exp nence, ed at a alary of $50 per month, doctor's certificate stating that for Interest of said estate. ROOT F OR AND CONSIGN ance of said ward. The second ac· "No," he replied, "Ju l your four Cattle. hoes, &heep and cal ..... sala!," etc. of t~achers for the and the board adjourned to meet their child, or children, have no Homer J . Benlle~ ~nd Albert to Norris-l3rock Co., live wire allci eyes." coming ye~r, which. by requ~st th~ one week l a t e r , c o n t a g i o ull di 4se." L. Bennett, Jr., admm!strators 01 count was approved by court. The will of Maggie Car y wa progressive firm for the hlrhed bo~~d was lncluded 10 the mm.l1US At this adjourned meeting, they The last meeting, the minutes estate of Albert, L. Bennett, de. filed in court. market pricee and good leryie• . The salary of te,!-chers who bought some maps (rom George of which are recorded in the lar- ceased, tiled thell' first and final L. M. Henderson, Wilbur F. Jay Walker: "So mllny people Union Stock Yardt' Cilleh,_tl, O. have not had' at .least ~Ight months Hamilton on apPTOval, set the gest book, was held December 4, account. Clark and William S. Graham are struck by auto~ while alight- Tune in on Radio Station WCKT approved expelJence In regular Alton F. Browl~, of from st reet cars. 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daU7 at was only 1'Csult of esta.t e of Peter B. Cleaver, estate of Car Official: " Well, yes; market reporU. months of approved study an for t uition lund and accomplished. ceased, filed his s(:hedule of debts The will of Laura , de- [but those people have paid their:l~=====::::;:======~== tral·n1·n.g I'n a good Normal chool George J. Watelr house, execu t or lJAi mills :for-c:ontingellt, making The-board started tbe new year ceased, was admitted to probate. ares. It's this running over in addition to a compl te High 8 total levy of Ii mills. of 1906 right by holding their of the estate of MBl'y E. WaterWalter C. Peters was appointed people who are waiting to get on school course shall be $37 per The maps ordered on approval first meeting of the year on New house, deceased, filed his schedule executor, no bond required. L. W. that makes me mad."-Pathflnder • • • month. from Mr. Hamilton seem to have Year's night, Supt. C. A. BroW1l of debts. Smith, C. E. Harner and Albert - - - --"eTtead~~a~:a~f eigt~~~~~~bsw!t~ been unsatisfactory, for they were presjding until a permanent or. M.IJn thHe dmlatter of the estate of Scheurer were appointed apprais· St t f d f th . It 1 . a e un s or e agrlcu ura reJ'ec~d, June 6. D. Cliff Rid~, ganization was effected. Frank 1 es a ey, deceased, certain real estate is to be transferred ers. P erience, the 'board being satisfied extension service and the Ohio WAYNESVILLE, OHIO rna , Elbon was ehisell to serve as . of Edward T. Grimm, administra. Pres nting the J"hnson by evidence furnished that the ,. Mary Chapman "guardian Agricultural Experiment Station Phone 80 Bank BIde. < nd a l'epresentative of tbe Ra d president . for he year, while M. ' tor of estate of William A. Caroll, experienee has been successfu l Stan Ie" R Chapman incompetent hav!! been drasUcally 1'educed. The " .1Ifth acoount . , decea sed. filed his inventory. a school of a good standard, or & McNally Co. Bet forth the A. Cornell was to act as clerk. The filed her budgets fo these two agricultural merits of their wares, and the other membe rs of the board were . . Ralph J. Wright, administ rawho have had in addition to a Elmer E Evans was a 0 t d FOR S A LE DATE! CALL board discussed and voted on the Burton Earnhart, Charles Smith ' . . .' pp In e tor of estate of Willard F. Wright agencies have been cut much more complete Higb school coudr e aut proposl'tion until several of the Samuel Meredith Sr. The admlDistrator of estate of Emma deceased, ftJed his inventory. then other stale agencies. least eight months of stu y an Z Evans deceas d d iiI d b d I . suretIes e, ,an S eP Mon on The will of Laura J . Zell, ae. t1'''ining in a good Normal SClrlOtH.. members got tired and departed township treasul'er, R. A. CroM,' of ~4000'With th-; board being sati tied by evid· for t.hei]' homes without the form- also filed his bond 8$ treasurer of 'I' . •• • - ceased, was admitted to probate. P UBLIC SALE ' fort, J. R. Law and Charlee J. T. H. Zell wa.1! appointed executor, ence fu:rnished that the wor k h as Illl· ty of adJ·oul'ning. However, they the school funds. been of . a proper tandard and got together again on the evening Steps toward the eradication 01 no bOlld required. Alvin Fires, well performed by the applicant, of Ju.ne 17, and eventually bought irregulal' attendance and tardiness t h I I John Hawke and William S. The undersigned will ofter for t he Johnson mllps from Mr. Ridge were taken, February 5, when the 0 sc 00 more regu arly, and the Graham were appointed appmisers !lale at public auction, on the shall be $42 per I1lonth. - eJ'ght se' s of them. board instructed the teachers to clerk was ordered to have notices The wl'll of Malina ' Buffinger, J ES SE STANLEY . 8 t h Day of March, 1933. "The salary of teachers who " of th' a t' I I' h d ' t 0 '" see what hahpened on "notify parents that if their IS f bcion m wo was filed in court. At the late residellce of William P ..... 320, N.w Burll •• , • • , o.Je have had at least thirty-two ~... th thpu I) IS Ie Of decea'ed, ~ · July 3 , 1905: "Moved by Smith, child, or children, is tardy without cours 0 0 0 f th e oca papers. In the nlatter of the estate of C. Welch, in Massie TOWnship, months of experience in teae h109, e,. n.e 0Z was Lawrence Brown, deceased, there Warren County, ObiQ begl-l" the board being satisfied that t h e ·.'econded by ornell,- that the text Iwritten excuse they - will be kept in The Milnnl ttese papers th th ' ImBtl'--&I;+-----£l_r~IiIrR ••:t::_1roOOl..E_ R'____ aze .e, E e experience has b en mar ke dly suc- books be purcbased and owned by' tat recesli." Teachers wer.e aSk.ed to the Waynes"l1le t o . er I'S due the executrix individually {} :80 o'clock a. m., the personal Da,toll Phon. cessiul both in instruction and dis- the Bo.ar d of EdUcation, and lurge parents to send then chIldren . n erprlee, on her accounts, $2468.71. property, gOllds and chattels IleKEDmor. 8888 by F. H. FarT and tbe Edyth M D'Autremont and longing to said estate, and tbe late N. L. Bunnell.. One father was RaymOn: R. 'Ross, administrators ,rjght title and interest of Baid asked to keep hiS .daughter at 0'1 estate of John Edwin Ross de. estate jn all the personal property home for the reri1amder of the II '. week "on a t f 'bl ceased, are ordered to se certaIn goods and chattels belonging to ccoun 0 a POSSI e b d f . te est of ."id estate said estate and Irving D. Welch, exposure to scarlE,t fever." (We on s 01' III r .,... . . Including: George. P. Gates, administrator won d er I' f Mrs. R u th H ar t soc k M R b' Walton of Moraine F D t of est:lte of Fanny . 0 mson, 60 Head of Cattle, " work Horses, WANTED AS an aid toward balancing . arm, a~ on, deceased, is ordered to transfer [mplem.ents, Etc. Se large bills for remember~. anythmg .a bout thIS. ~ certain stocks and securities to particulal·s. lhe uatlonal budget, Uncle Sam's On A pIll 2, Corwm B. HamIl- B II C b' Terms Cash lobacco crop ill \he most Importo wa ap . t d t ' d' e e or In. W ANTED- To buy all kinds of n .s . po~n e 0 serve. as I- I ~nna M. Stonebraker, executrix IRVING D. WELCH t!lll ~ Of hIs agricultural products . chickens, paying highest market rector m Qlstllct No. 10, fillIng th~f tat f Robert O. Stonebraker A s Administ rntoT of the estate price. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, Whea.t and cotton. corn and vacancy cau sed bl' the death of 0 es . eo. A, th ree .' 0 f t h e deceased, IS ordered of William C. Welch. deceased Ohjo. 1\ogs, may bring more ' dollara to tf F ran k S ne d ak er. I'.s . 'd Ito ttransfer tpe farmer himself, but It Is todistricts held no election, ·Mr. certam stocks to sal . ,ega ee. ~ Joe E. Gordon, Glelln Wykert Auct \ . bacco that rolls up reve~ue for Hamilton was continued as R~ymoncl ,H. Wllkoft', deFOR SALE tbe federal treasury III Washdirector in No. 1()~ and W,arren ceased, filed hiS seventh and final The undersigned will also otl'er lugton. Tb d · J h account. H Keys ' E L The real Importance ot tobac'. ,.. :omas af! . 0 n W. N. Basore was appointed ap. at pubUc auction at said time and FOR SALE- For<lson tractor with' Wilson were appomted as dIrect. . . I f AI' C place, all. his right; title and ineo as a tactor in Uncle Sam's Moline corl) plow attachment; ors in Nos. 1, 3 and 8 respective. PMra:;er Jn til; p :ce 0 Ic e . terest in said above described finances ls disclosed by a compar· John Deere plows. Price $126. d d l Iy the appointments bei d e a r an, . ece s~ • property. Iso.n or what tbe government col· , M . ng rna e M........ . L.ce. ... Harvey Rye. Wnynesville, Ohio. I cted in taxes on thIs product on ay 7. Tbese teachers were M' IRVING D. WELCH llUlt year and what the farmers hired for the ne:x:t term: Ruth clerk of Franklin, and 18S Doro of the nation received tor their Chandler, No ' 6' J P C · try J kl' . Gephart, factory worker, of , . . ummmgs, F leading cropl. , No.7; R. C. Hunt., No. 13. Miss ran In. . Our entire wheat harvest ot Donna Hawke (Mrs. J. Wilson EdDewey Hatton , t~uck dTlver, of 1932,' at the farms, brought Its wards) was tral1lsferred . from Mi~dletown, and MIBlI Belva Etta ,r01l'er!l a total of $255,000,000. College Hill to Red Oak, the trans ChIlders, housekeeper, of Lebanon Our cotton Aelds yielded a fer carrying a 80111ry raise from crop that brought too growe~s $46 to $60 per month, and Miss R. al Eatat. Tra.de ,. U18,OOO,OOO . Tobacco production Drought Anna Meredith W8<S re.eroployed Otto A. T horman, shipping the mep who planted, tllIed,cut for .No. 2 with the same raise in Charles Franklin and Nettie aDd cured It a total or slightly salary. Conklin to Jobn A. McCammon, less than $125.000,000. 'A special meeting was held, 101 acres in Washington tow nship Yet Uncle Sam'. collecttons Ul May 16, because President Elbo n Anna C. Swigert and Milo W. tobacco taxes for tbe year was. moving from the township Swigert t() Lewis L. Keller, inlot amounted to $398,678,618.56-a and his plaee on the board must b~ No. 70 in Main eville . nm exceeding by many mlUloJls all that the «rowers of any o( ~lIed. Clerk Cornelll was called to Marie Brockmeyer V08seler, et theH crope received al a return the chair, and t h e names of Asa .to Charles E dward McOurdy on . tbelr total Jnveetments and Whitaker and Wahen H . Keys real estate in Turtlecreek town. their labor. • were placed in nOllfli nation to 1111 ship. Oddly enough, per~apA, the t he vacancy. Alte t h'ree ballots Miles Hadley, dee eased, to Laura Iremendou. tOlal of tho go\·ern· had reaul\ed in a hopeleBB tie Haynel, et aI, 103.13 acrel tn mUit's tobacco t4X coliec-lioRS 1~ the_ l!ame of._J W. Hisey WH Washington township." dft \,Imtft,. to the ~hrl\ll from lubmltted as candiLuei11e Boeratler ..to Wllbl1f tlle m.ll~Bt unit iil w1n r b tolll1c· date, but 110 . .emeet Rawke real .state ill 1I...le town o I merthaD~I'\1'I. (,I~I\~"; l{'~, possible. Four ballots ruult- ship. ' • 4Ml Utrrlllly "Y tho bllhoR~. ect ill a tie ...... RiM,. hato th r ell'l I trl';I.~ury tlt;1D \,tro , 'me work· X., 110 Meama II m 1I1ltdilpated . . .
L. M.
------ ...---- Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
Uncle Sam Collects From Tobacco Alone More Cash Than Farmeri Get for Wheat or Cotto~'
Mr. Earnest fumily "pent the wee ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY tOTl with Mr. and Mrs. ger. M I'. and trs.•J ohn RYI! and M I'S, D. L CRANE t : Pllblla1t.r IPtio. Pric ••• 1.50 • Y.ar B:r Mr • . Je.. ie B. Tripp LE'nn I\lichael spent Thursday wilh Ollie. Pbo. ............. , ... : No. III JO:nterf'd at ••• Po.loUleD WayneaviII. Oblo 8 cond III Clau ldall \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lob-. and M ..,.. Elton Evam.. R•• i..... c. .... .. " .... ........... No. III Matter Hevival meeting bE'gan at this A little white J' oL(·d fl)(uJ'e place lattt Wed ne dlly. Everybody Knelt tIt eve by mathe t"" hair. invited. MARCH I , 1933 In th e cool ~\\' 'et du:;k of twilight Mrs. FI'ank Dakin and daugllter, To s nd up hl'r uauy pray()r. Mabel. al'1d M 1'8. Etta Bakel', Mr. and Mrs. Elvi. Michael 8pe nt unWith her 10vl'Iy fae~ uplifted day 'with Mr. and Mrs...JIerbert ----4Aflid-'o,yt,lfe-~K' ll . plt!~dlOg eye.,. Marlatt !lnd Ron, Edmon. Many people ask, "H ow do you finc;l t~e to r ead?'" dlOllIled hundfl clnspMr. and Mrs. Ruymo'nd Osborn And her Ii Betore answe ring this que tion I must 'blush !lnd coole that my ed '" 'k ' land h ·s. T um, of Xenia, spent readi ng cov'e ra a pitifully s mall range wben compared t o that of some She s poke t o God, up in lil t) s l'~ ~ unday afternoon with Mr. and men r know. In a month I read perhaps s ix or seven books and twenty Deal' God won'l ~'()U bl~ss my Mrs. Emerson Dill and lH,ln, Billy. pu blications. I Mr. Morris Dill and family eallmamma? ed on Mr, Harold Kell is Ilnd family I gain a good deal of time for rending by not playing bridge. I Monday evening. M.ore time is gained by using half hours that would otherwise be spent And my darling da dd y l ou? Ml's. Rolano, of Lebslnon, took in bor edom. My practice ,is to hav interesti ng book s alway s n ea l' me And help me t o hl' U good Iittl supper with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert in antiCipation of a fre moment. 1 pack a couple of books in my bag Togirl be always kiJld 811,1 tJ' u ~ Marlatt Monday. when I travel and two or t11J'ce are always on the table at home. As she kn It ih ' I" ip the lwili J{hl The Ladietl Aid society will meet The half hours before dinner and after dinner are u ed for Silver starR hegan t o peep: at the home of Mr . Earnest Earnreading magazines. fn th venings 'at home, wh n I see an h our or And she wound h er little prayer hart ,Thursday afternoolD. two ahead of me, I turn to a book. up with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. larence Crawford I lind it i a good plan not to accumulate unread books. Therefore N ow J lay me down to slee p. had for their guest s Sunday 1\11' and Mrs. Lou Morgan and ' son; r buy only for immediate con umption. nread books quickly acquire - -- - - - - lel'cd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan a slale look. 1 resist buyi ng mol' book s until I have either r nd 01' Harveysburg Mr. and Mrs. White and family, of discarded those on hand. Dayton, lilt Ie Jlrl iss Dorothy MichI read almo ~t no fi-ction, noL beeaus I do n ot enjoy it, but beRobe rt FreeJan (t I\M rctuI' ned ,leI and Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry cause 1 get more stimulatlon and usable ideas out of other books. Biographies, economics, phil osophy, business, essay and humor are t o his home th e pa;;t wee k f rom Burger, of Dayton. Dayton, whcI'c he has been v 1')' - - -- - ---my favorit(' diet. -lmperi:!ll Magazine. ill for some time. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Born, t o Mr. Bnll M T~, F rc d Don 't you ever wonder how you managed to get ulong as well as o~an (Josephine Shambaugh,) E state of William H. Madden, 21 " n son , deceased. on T ue ~ day, F nbrual'y ~ .. h " ou do? J James J oe. ottce'ls ereby given that Carl D. Madden who e Post Office AdMr. and Mrs . W. P. Me arren dr ss is Clarksville Ohio has been What's the id ea oC teaching a boy to play golf before lIe' l e~rlled and Mr. and MJ'S. hus.. E. Gordon I duly appointed a~ Administrator how to make a \lYing? l'etumcd .Tucsd~y evem,ng frum, a de bonis non with the will annexed hor,t SOjourn 10 FT!0l'lda.. M Isa of the Estate of W:illiam H. N~llJe Graham rernul.ned w I~h the Madden late of Warre n Count It's just as well that some of us business men are not required io MI ~es McGarren durIng theIr par- Ohio, deceased. y, pa s highschool examinations in arithmetic. ' ent s ab ence. Dated this 20th day of February The arier Broth el'S basket ball 1993. team came off with the laul'el s . Donald Dilatush, Atty. Some people arc making such thorough preparations lor rainy again _Tueflday evening when th ey RALPH H. CAREY days that th y aren ' t nj oyi ng today's s unshine. played ~olender BI·()ther, . of Judge of the Probate Court hel'e .. T.he Warren Count Ohio ~======~~=========================== Dayton, at the ' Gym score was 49-31, In the, prehmm• _ _-..:: ary game Kingman Ind cpendent.'1 beat Harveysburg ep n<len Population H.I IDcl'~ 3 1-21. Mr. and Harry . Agricultura l productioll1 in Ohio t '1 d ~:shif 11 l t ' d In 1932 was 9 per cent lower t han 8:00 Musi , u~, en el sme in 1931 and excepting the drQu/tht anll y, Ig :05 Spri ng Pasture Plans . .. . ' .. C. W. Gay Mrs. Osbo~n sunday School class year of ] 930. the seco nd lowest 8:15 Beginning with Alfalfa , " .. ,., .... . " " .. ........ C. J . Willard fro~ Sp!mgfield church, Thurs- ince 1918. Total popullation in 8:25 Music . day evenmg. Ohi o has increased 34 per cent 8:40 Farm POWCI' for 1933 . .......... R. D. Barden , Several from he re attended the s ince ] 9 13. ,' 8:60 uts, Budgets, and, the Farmer ,H . C. Ram80w~r f I Wednc da" artsl'noon of Alma GarvJO unera . J • 0:00 Have You Had Your Egg Today? Dr. F. S. TrIPP aL Wayne Ville. 9: 10 Music Our basketball boys drew Il :25 Timely Tiling Topics .. .. ... Virgil Overholt ..... .......... ....... Robert Smock Morrow as th ir opponents in the IJ :35 Nitl'ogen for Orchards .. .. , .. D. R. Dodd county tournament and lost to 9 :45 Geogl'aphy of Lespedeza in Ohio them 86-14. in the j1l- t game played Friday lit 10 o'clock. A number of fans f"om here attended different se sia n of the tournament. Harry' McVey I. quite ill at the home (I'f his parent at New Production of by-product feeds crop in Ohio wer~ ruined by t he Vienna. last sharp dip in temperature, acfor farm Uvestock is smaller than Mr. and Mrs. Horace Slump and cording to horticu lturists for the for nineyea,rs. daughter, of Utica, ~\'er here agricultural extension service. The time to control peach leaf Saturday at the bedside of Mrs. curl, a di ease tbat exacted heavy Clara M rritt who r emain in a No seed oats shou Id be planted very critical condition. toll in Ohio last year. is before the trees show signs of life in the fbis pring without first being MI'. and M.r.. W. Ill. Mathias tested fol' germination. This can spring. and Don, of Da)'ton. pcn ~ t ~~=+-._....,,~_- be done b lY..etting a pair of blot- day. afternoon \vi h"""Ml's. Aman Most of the late maturing va.r ie- ters and placing 230 kernals be- Starr. ties of corn, on test two years in tween them. The blotters are then Mr. and 1\1l' . Homer T. Caskey lIortheastern Ohio , have fallen placed betwelln pie pans. After down on their rep utation as beiog the lIeed germinate, count the entertained relatil'es Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Francis the best and most economical s prouts and compute t he percenand daughter spent the week-end rieties to grow 'for silage. . ~e. , I ' in West Union. Prospects f or a -good peach Subscribe for, the MI.mi Gazette. Mr. ano Mrs. W. T. J ordan an d their daughter, Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and son. Milo, and Mrs. ,B ertha Gray were shopping in Dayton Thur day. Mr. and Mrs. Bemard J ordan, a! Beech Grove, 'and Mrs. Lena Hal·tsock, of Wayn e~v ill e, were calling on Mr. and 1\1rs. W. T. J ordan Sunda y afternoon.
When I Get Time to Read
Farm Night la/ks, March 6
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
B"by's Prayer '
COLUMB The pper House or' Senate of the Genera l Assembly of Ohio, will decidc the fate of the trlln!!fer of t he Motor Vehicle Division , from the office of ecretary of tat, eorge Myers, to the Highway Departme nt, wher patronage would be dispense d by Governor White. Great pressure was brought ' to bear by administration forces in the Low er Hous~, which agreed to the transfer, To become effective it must receive a majority in the Senate which body is evenly dividcd politically, 16 Democrats and 16 Republicans. The bill has been refHred to e mmittce ann will probably be voted upon in the near future. - - -- ' The Bureau' of Motor Vehicles created in 1908 , was placed in the Department of Slate. where it haa grown from a few thousa nd Iicen . es with a revenue of $10,000 to its present proportions, the iss uance of approximately a million and a half licenses with areve nue ;;'~imat~d ~t $lB,O~O,OOO f or 1933.
ist~rse: ~y ~~ea~ec~8tabl~e::~7~~~
or a period of twenty-five years. Since assuming office on January 9th., Secretary of State, George S. Myers, by economic meth ods has saved th estate $25 000 ,. Conservation CommL,sioner Wi!!iam H. Reinhat:t warns hunters and trappers that t he open season Cor mink and muskrat in the "inland trapping districts" of the state ends March 1st., while in the "Lake Erie trapping district." which include8 water, lands and marshes within ten miles of Lake Erie, the season does not close until March 15th. Commissioner Reinhart has been busy the past year stocking the game preserves of the state with wild life and h is several model "ranches" for coon rabbits aJld other wild game in the northern part of the state .re the envy of a number of our neighboring statel . Preparations are being made to transfer the' various departments and divisions of state government
WATCH H.... • C•• pI...
R.palr S.....i •• And uae only rnu1n .....t ....... Crystal8 Iltte while 10a ",alt.
other than those occupying the Cary's Jewelry Shop Stale Hous , to the n ew State Office Building on Front Street. L.b.DOD, Qlalo The contract has be en award ed 11 Store Open Evenin" Hamilton County corporation and the entire twenty-. eve n departments ' scattered over the city are to be housed in t heir new h,ome within three days, The pl'ogram for the dedication services and in'spcction by th e general p'ublic will be announced in the near future. . . . The posItio n of state libranan he~d by J ohn Henry New~aJl, liP' 30 Yeal'lI Experience III pOinted by. Governor Wh,te, has Fitting .J\d Maklnr Gaa... b~en abohs hed by t~e tate Llbrar~ Board. Stat~ Dlrectol' of S~op EducatIon, B. O. Skmn~r. has anL...- _ , Olala nou~ced that .the pOSitIOn was aboh.s h e d a s an econ?my measure, TuNda:r, Th......:r. S ......, It WJ\l become ~ft'ectlve Mar~h ] st Eumin.llon Free a,!d the .operatlon of the ,hbr~ry LEBANON. OHIO Will contll'~u e under the directIon ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. of Executive Secretary, Charl es DAle. . Th.e salary of the state hbTlJrlan has been $6000 per year. The Highway Department announces a letter of Emergency Federal Aid projects o n Friday, March 10th., m ost of them bridges and approach es. wit h 3.616 miles of road improvement on th'e CanIi ld e -Niles Highway in Mab onin~ county,- estimated to cost, $66, 908.9 0. The entire mileage of ~he propolled improvements is 4.164 and t he estimated cost of all the labor and materi.l on the eleven sp cial projects is $260 ,3 31.45.
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry
F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
The tate legislature has ent r. ed its ninth week of activities. It!J last act before adjourning last week was to complete legislation _....~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ extending for two years on poor and unemployment relief acts, passed at a late special sesllion. Cities and counties may continue Di ..ecto .. of Fa.oraI 5 ..... 5•• to divert a part of funds allotted from gasoline tax for relief purposes. Both branches of the legis- Our cClnvenient Ioeatlon. luUalature thilJ week are wrestling with ble 8urroundinll and .qulpment enables us t~ Serve to the Beat bills including the Prohibition and tax measures with unelmplo)'mlmt Advanta,e. insurance. ---AMBULANCE SERVIC& U •• pr-.. 21 w.,.••ri.... ' OWe THE MIAMI CAZETTE Fop a ••• lte
----- ..
Trade jobs with ,,
your wife ~'
for just ON~ day!
Say! Who OWlUJ the Highways, Anyway?
-------C eaara Creek ..
E II. r l - - - '
HE modern hi,bw.ys were rlrhu come before thoR of com" pl.nned for the IIM'r'DlerJciaI ulera. The UJlited States T origin.lly of the private car driver• •,. Supreme Court has declared this the Ohio Railroad Emplo),_ .nd ClaDI Lea&'Ue. Private car driven are allO the countrJ's home and f.rm OW1ltn. The)' conatitute the rreat .rmy of the nation's taxpayers. Two-thirds of the up-to-date blahw.y 1),.teJIUI of the UDltecl Statll have heeD built alit of property aael iocome toe., and oDl)' oD.thlrcl out of lice.... f_ and paolia. len.. ' A. a coDMq1Hl\C4l, UIe Leap. deela...., the .....' mack, wblch baa eIIOnnoulJ iner..... hlp.. eoet.. . ..,. a apkf-W7 paW .... ., .~prl... eM
#oM_..... .........
to be the law. an,d holds that aD1 State m.y control or limit the u.. of Ita roads for profit. The bea9)' truck, ~YI the Leape, should be rtlplateclln the intend of afety and rood tranllJOrtation. Tbla. It I• •tated. I. the aim of the railroad.. The LtIaCIIe denl.. that the railroad. plan to iDCNaH the pa)'11lenta requlred of private ca, oWllers fol' theil' u .. of the roedl. Ott the colltnrr, It "11, the nil ctrrlen ha... npeatecllr polated out that If .......w. Umita an . , . . tile . . of bi,bWllJ
• ..
Haines, Miss Edna Learning lind Sa muel Wilson attended a Bible scho ol confeTence of tlle Yearly Meeting at Wilmingto n Fr.ie nd s' church last Tu seley. Charley he p herd~ ente rtai ned to Sunday dinner, MI'. and Mrs. Wilson Shepherd nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stephens and daugh ter Miss Hazel of Centervi lle. Fran k Crew o't near Waynesville called in the afternoon. Mr. Arthur flartmlln is all the sick list. MrS. Hattie Elliot of Greenfield is visiting her si ~ tcr, Mrs. J ohn Wilson who is better a t' this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J esse Fawcett and SOD of near Oldtown called on Ralph LeDming and tamily Wed. nesday evening. Wal taI' Wilson and wife were guests of MI'. Bnd Mrs. Paul Peter son and family of the Elellzer neighbor hood on Sunday afternoon . Rev. ,and Mrs. W. E. Bogan called on Mrs. Nellie Bun nell and Mis's Monimia Friday eyening. Everett Hain es and family autoed to Lebanon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ra ymo nd Wilson and MiS!! Jeannette were gueah of Earnest Hurlay and wife of near New Burl\ngton one evening last week. Raleigh Bogan and family took dinner with Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan Sunday. , Mrs. Zimri Haine~ and Luther HaiDee called on Mrs. Lydia Mills of Corwin Saturday afternoon. 'ltIrs. Annabelle F*lrll and daurhters. Vel'1l0D Honaker Cllarl" Ward of luper. Harold McMUlan took dillDer 1'_... Graham atiel 8aaldll7
LET her p oat and do JOIIU work wilDe 100 etay . . . . . eIa", III the kitc:heD. Jut ODe da, of i~ and you'll . . .....,
to ooaeede dult she Deed. a more lDod~ WIly fII ~""f thot .he need. Pyra/uJ What Ie P)'l'Ofas? It" pe-n.J glUl like that whlela 80. . . . eltJ' ......
- · ~u .torecI .. e,BntTft aad deliYered to ClGaIIti7 Ia_ " .' ~.o'ftllu c.. ....... ba ....-..a, beautiful 1M __PI' II i ul'Dl with _ hot, Woe. inetentlT aIIlt:rolled . . . . It . . . , ....., with mu.ch of tile drucl8ery or tile eoaa.,.'1 •
that busl.... 01 fuot:II . .d ~ . . . . . . . . til"" with cuU-oD .to.... Pyrolu briap to tile ~ • . , • COD\,ea.laaee _ iaaportallt _ that pre"- ..., _ I I ~ ... llU
aael mapl~" ued III 1M field .... tile facts) I It .. DO _ _ _ aee • .., to bay. type of ..... ..... JOG reaD, doD't waat, .... to 11M ,. ldIMI 01 ........., , dua't ......t1ydedre. Umply beeaaM thepdee_ .......
l'yroJlls G_ u sale and depeP¥fa",.. TIM ",.....,..,. <yMsystem MllCU'a QI& wiJllurrup£«J IJupply. TIt. iAstallntion. i,n cludes th.o .U.r8eU" and dunabl. d
c l);net and nues..,,)' Pipilll n,ht to:fOUl r kiLelien dove. And t.h.o COlt " GIlly • •• f
tbee W. ,.... ••" " .....
0/ ... ~I ~ to odNr .,... ... ..... JueJ.. Yau owe It to ,.,....U aDCI 10aIr ~. I.dt ... ,at leut to tn.-liB-a. 11M Dew PJrolaa ...1 GIlt .. ..... coa&
with ... witJaCHit
P. E. SNYDER & SON Phone 3021
afrair with Ialded 88.UI.
Lebanon winuln•
'AYNESVILLE HIGH'S COUNTY BASKETBALL I f"r.nkIiD.M ••on BOOSTER NEWS Thl' first quartl1r of the FrankTOURNAMENT AT KINGS lin fa.ofOilMas !tame ended to in (Conti ed from Mo. on put up
MrL Weltz to Sing Will Demonstrate For Motherl Club Efficient U Ie of Dye
The efficient u e oC dye ant! the A vocal ~1I1u by Mrs. Maynard incre8t!ed use and c1ajoyment of Welt?. lind a literary and mUllical fU'\"(lr n. a color in hom e decoration will be 1"""",,,'0'" by the pupil!l of the Third --hard fight throughout the game --the 8ub-ject or dil"cu8s ion and ullder the dit'cction of their (Continued from pog 1) but at the start ot the s cond ing good gradel\. Arn one them. are FRIENDS NiEETING ~rR, the !\Iis. es Clam Lilc = = ' demonstratilm Fl'iday aft rnoo n, period Franklin tak s a I) point Glenna Woo"l lard, Eileen Hall. First Day, an1~ary 29: First Elizabeth Fox, wiJI fea ture the mis l' t"o ,fr<'l' thr,'\\ \'Ul follow I .<.1 and .nllow!\ Mason on ly two Margi Tinney, and Rita Van Day Fritmdship School at 9:30 a. MI·5. Sarah Lippin cott is re- March 3, at Memorial ball. Miss m cling or th Wayne Townup with u count .. r lind Davis pOI~til <lul'lnlit the second and third Often. m. Meeting' for worship at 10 :30 cover ing nicely from a severe ill- Ann Biebricher, Home Furnishing shi p Mothl.'rs club to be huld in nmkl'!\ a f ul >lho t 1\ llei an open I period .. T,hc (rn~e ended 22-1 in The Eighth grade pupi ls took a. m. ness. specialist Qf O. S. U" will start at their ul;ual room in th!! Grl\d shot to end 1I ' i1unrter 0-2 in fuvor of hankhn. t.heir six-weeks test, Wednesday Mrs. D. C_ Ridge w~s hostess to 1 :30 p. m. to give some hell) in the schoo l building on Friday. Mar 'h favor of lhu loeniR. and Thur day. Th y all made good WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the membeTS -of her bridge- club, 3. Every mother in our sc-h 01 t~ me t oas of dy jng sa~islactorily. tory ill carne tly urged to att~lld. lorrvw mad b, 0 baske to ti Mor-row·Otterbein grades. G. C. Dibert, Putor Saturday afternoon. Elizabeth Graddy, home · demon· ~he core and then sink. a hee The Morrow-Otterbein game at Several pupils and Mr. James, Specinl revival meetings will beto bring . at least one lady The Friend hip Club will meet stration agent, urges the women friend with h r. Thi club is not throw, ",llkh "8 Clltl('d on Davi, ~ I)'clock aturdny was won. by our leached attended the tourna- gin this evening (March 1st.) 'and t o 1 nil 7-6 Davi ~ come!' through Morrow 23·1 . First quarter 8-2 ment at Kings !\I ills, continue until un day, March 12th Wednesd llY. March 8, at the borne int rested in room decoration to only one of our busiest and mQs ~ for a 'ount r nnl), t(l l' Colluweli JOTrow. half 10-10. and 1 -15 Rev. Lafferty ()[ Springboro will of Mr . Mark Rogers. a ttend this meeting She. tates that effective organizations, but their bl' Olle by I). Robitlson of Mor- Morrow, at end of third quarter. Sixth Gr ..d. New. preach n Wednesday, Thursday meetings are a.lways t\ BOUTce 0 r Mr. Frank Dibert, of Ohio City, color is. of al) mod\!8 of home arid t'ntertainment. rOw. Fran ' r follows up with a The ixth grade have their and Friday eveninl~ of this week. is the guest of hi!! uncl e, R ·v. G. decoration the least expensive and inspiration ount rand Trend,,'oy and Whita · Lebanon-Kinlr. Mill. number increased by one boy. Then, beginning next Sunday al; C. Dibert, and fnmily,for a few most efl'ective. By its aid the home- From mo,nth to month, som grade makel' can overCOme architectural of our schools furnishes b program ker mis. fuul shot . Da"i make a The Lebanon-Kings Mills game known as Walter SaylOr. He came 10 :30 a. m. R(~v. Frank W. days. defects in her home, or make a that is not only highly entertaining long "hot to end 'lhe scoring for a~ 7 p. m. Saturday eve ning was here from New We ton and we Stanton D. D. c,ur Conference thi half. Griffy was put in for won by Lebanon 20-13. hope he likes us as well, or beUer evang list, will be with us and M 8111·S. W. L. Brown and Dan room appear 18rger or smaller tha n but al 0 gives nn excellent thon he did his former c1a Sll Ilnd preach twice on Sunday, and Arthur, of Mason, were dinner it is, higher or lower, warm r or demonstration of the progress " rbilak r and the half end. with both teams pal~' ing good fa ~t Muon-Otterbein school mates. then each evening at 7 :30 during guests of Mr, and Mrs. 0 , R. cooler, brighter or duller, as she being made by the pupils in their preparation for the stern r duties Unglesby, on Friday. may wi h. ball. - - -- - the following week. The loeal mis ed four foul The consolation game b~tween Dr. Stanton' is a very able olor harmony Jends distinction 9£ life in mor mature years. shot to ope n th,(1 s(.'o(ol1d half wbile Mason and Otterbein was a rough preacher and a ,,:ood evangeli t. Mrs. lIfnry Zimmerman i8' in a to ,t he simplest surroundings. Most rorrow chalks Ul' four points t o game with Otterbein getting a We are fortunate inded to have very critical condition at the home women lIave a fine love of color "Well, th e depressio n can't last take t h lead which t hey h Id to three point lead in the fir t quarter 0 this good man with UI! {or these of her son, Charles Zimmerman, on and only need to Jearn how to apforever." the end of the game. l1 0rrow only to have 1>1a on forge ahead, days. Route Ii. Scant ~opel! of her reeov- pty it understandingly. , Busin.e ss Man: "No, n ither can works in for another basket to to tak ~e lead 15- 1.1 at the half At the regular me~ting of the --ery are entertamed. With a little time and thought ]!'-Pathfinder. nd the third quarter. The locals and contl~ue to hold I~ throughout Trustees of Public Affairs, Com- WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mr. and Mrs. Ethan C. Crane, ~nd a.f w cents spent fo ~ dye it ... failed to connect fo'r a single point the remamdcr of the game. The monI:y known as the Water Board, CHRIST of Forrer blvd., Dayton, ar an- 18 po.sslble to convert the dlsca1'.ded this quarter. fmal score WIIS 19·16 Mason. on Tuesday, February 28 it was (Ulldenomil!latlonal) . "I 'y got a bad h Dd this mornnouncing the birth of a daugbter, fabriCS a~ound Y~\If hom~ mto forrow started the 'last quarter Franklin-Morrow decided not to mail t he quarterly Chester A. Willia'maon, Minister Nancy Lou, at Miami Valley hos- usable Qn~ attractIve n:aterl~ls. ing," by inking .. field goal. A doubl , water statements for the period Church School at 9 :30 a. m. pital Thursday February 23. "I'm sorry. J do hope you'll b e Help Will also .be gwen In t~e foul WIIS called on Franer and The championship game at 9 Iending February 28, 1933 until Lord's Supper at conclusio n. Chris" selectIon of materlRl to b tiRed In Ilbl to shake it oIT.>I - Bo ton Evan hire ot 1\{ortow. Evanshire O' clock Saturday evening resulted the first of April instead 01 at the tian Endeavor at l'i:30 p. m. John Mr. and Mrs, Phil Zepf, of Imaking slip coverll for fllrniture. Transcript. made t he point. Morrow follows i? 11 rather ea y victory for Frank- usual time. Under this arrange- Sears, leader. Evening evangelistic College Hill. incinnati, came up up with two countel'1! and Griffy 110. Although MOl'rowput upahard ment the last payment date will. b e service at 7:30 p. m, Sermon sub- Tuesday night to join. the parcp1aces Whitnkel' who went baek tight they howed they were tired April 15. ject, "The Church of the Future." illhioners of St. Mary's church in bl at the half. Griffy misses a from the effect of the ' hard The members of the Trustees of Prayer Meeting and Bible Study exte ndin g congratulations to Mr~. P ROGRAM OF COMING EVENTS FOR FARM FOLKS free "hrow and 'Miller make! two. schedule thy had had to take to 'Public Affairs, name1y, W. C. St, each Wednesday al~ 7.80 p. m' The Edit h M. Hilrris on her eightieth finals. The first John, A. O. Griffy and Oakley church where you lreel at home. Morrow came through for a' get into th birthday nnniver ary. counter. Trendway kept working quarter ended 9-2 Franklin, half Ungle by, felt that sucb act ion was _ __ March 2 Annual Me ting of' Nationol Wool .Tower AliSO., M,. and Mrs. J. C, Hawke and hitlend n Hotel, Columbu .. hard and fina11 managed to make l4-~, third quarter 21-11, and th advisable at t his time. ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH March 3 Dyeing Demon tration, Lebanon. Mrs. Fred Kimmerle visited friend 8 basket after Davis had made a finlilseore stood 28-14 Franklin. R. F. Hatfield, Clerk Father French, Pastor Mareh 9·10-1 t Corn and Tobacco how n~ onoverllardware 10ul shot to e nd th point makin~ FraDkli.. Services will be held every two at the l"raternal homes in Sp ringCo .. Franklin. . field, Sunday afternoon. The), reof both teams fo1' thi! game. With weeks on Tuesday morning. March IIi-L8 orn ~ltow, Lillgo Hardware Co., Lebanon. only one minute to piay all the B F T _ __ turned home by way of Vandalia, February 24 Harvey burg Grange, regular were taken out exc.ept Trent, C., f . 4 1 9 Leon Salisbury and Allen Emrick FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST and stopped for a pleasant calJ at latch 2 Orchard Pruning DemonRtration. Conducted by the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Davis. Hart, f . .. . 5 4 14 to Washington C. H. Wed (Undenominational) oo nly Agent Dnd Mr. Holland, Sp cialiet in HorticulAt the start of the half Monow Hudson, c ... 1 0 2 nesday. Chester A. WilUamaon Kellison. ture, O. S. U. came back hurd nnd soon 'h ad Ra. yburn, g .. 1 I 3 . h iarch 16 Washinlrton Twp. Farm Bureau Meeting. Home of Harvey Burnet~ attended a Unified service begi nning Wit Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demas and 0 0 0 "verythin'" their own way. Tread- E Isenmergcr, g . .. N. A. Gilbert.. ... Po ing of the Coopel'ative Milk Pro- Church SchQol period at 9 :30 o. m. family and Mrs. Nettie K p1er. of March 24 Tandem Hiteh Demonstration. F ()ur four, five and s ill; waq and Trainer had a busy time T 6 28 ducers at Greenville Friday. Lord'a Supper and sermon at lO:80 New Vienna, Mr. and Mrs. Jack hOrs~8 . at the guard positions while Mil- otals ,.. .......... 11 Mrs. Frank Carman of Dayton a. m. Sermon subj~c~, "Jwo Lead- Willitt, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. ler had a hard man to handle at Morrow Wednesday afternoon with ers and Two Dest;lme~. You are Oliver Davis and Miss Rachel center, D. Robinson who made the Allen Em1'ick and dauahter. always welcom'l a 't thiS chu rch. Davis were delightfully entertainall county first team. Davi$, all Robinson, c, f . .... . .. 1 0 2 • ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. county first team forward, and Evanshine, f "P" ....... . 0 3 8 Mrs'. Saliabury. . ST. MA.RY'~ CHURCH Earl. Murray in Dayton, on Sunday Trainer of Monow, aU county firat Simpson, f .:. " ......... 0 0 0 MISS Bertha KenrIck of Y'ayRev. J. J. Schaetrer, Rector tea'm guayd, both put up a great Robinson, D., c ...........3 3 9 nesville spent the week-end at the Allh' Wednesday', March I, lergame. Trainer, g . ....... ',....... 0 0 0 home. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter vice at 7 :30 p. m. First Sunday in OBITUARY Parker, g . . .............. 0 0 0 KenrIck. .. . Lent, March 6, Church Bchool at KiD,. Mill.-C.rli.le Kelly, K' ... • ....... ,, 0 0 0 Albert Harfls IS greatly Improv- 9tSO: sennon and Holy CommunMargaret Ann, daughter of Our 1933 line of Wall Paper juat arrived. Thomas aDd Phoebe Brelsford The last game of the Friday - 6 - l' ed and was able to be brourht ion at 10'30 • home Irom Blair's boapital Sunday . ' . _ _- - Goodill. was born at RaYllville, now session between Carlisle and Totals .... ,.............. 4 In beautiful deaigna luitable for the morning, Lytle, October 8, 1864. Passed her Kings MiUs ended 27-17 in favor NOTICE OF AP.POINTMENT girlhood daYII here and on March 7, entire houae. Over 150 patterna fro .11: Lee Greathouse of Dayton, of Kings Mills. 1876 wall married to P ny E. spent Sunday at the home of bls which to aelect. Pricea lowe at in 15 Estate of Laura J. Zell, deceased daughter, Mrs. Clyde Wllarton and LeNnoa.Spria.boro Kenrick of near Raysville, by Rev. Notice is hereby given that T. family. 01 Waynesville and for mOl;e Dodd yeara, 5 cents and up. Colora. Iunfaat 'The Lebanon-Springboro game H. Zell has ' been duly appointed The' time has ,arrived for the than 50 years they had lived at 1 p. m. Saturd.y was a one and qualified as Executor of the Mrs. Frank Hess was a Come and lee ua before buying el.ecollection of ])el'llonal taxes and happily toget~er at their late res!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Estate of Laura J. Zell late of visitor Monday. will end March 31, 1983. idence. One daughter came to where. We take back all double rolla Mrs. Henry Foulks has been Warren County, Ohio, decealled. Far mers and live stock men are bless their h ome. quite ill the past week. not uaed. Dated this 20th day of Februullred to li.t their live stock, farm Mrs. Kenrick, with her husband , Misses Mildred and Kathryn UTU. . U'; .... machinery, etc., at full became a member of the Church ary 1933. - l......·.DI.m of -n.:,ton spent Shnwhan I: BrownJ Attys, with their 'parents, Mr. and Mn. ' reduction and in addition mained a' faithful member Dl'Itil RALPH H. CAREY an exemption of $ LOO on live death, and to h er the privileges of Judge lJ'f the Probate Court Forest Graham. the hou8e of 'God were very dear. Have your property m8 Warren County, Ohio The Ladies Aid meeting was P08t- stock. ed from the ht of March and All of the abo~re it ms must be Her h ome was ever open to her covered by meet Wednelday the 8th, at listed as of J.nuary 1, 1983. friends, whom she gTeeted with a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'-~!!...~~~ -~~~..!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"'!!!!!!!!! CAJlD OF T.,ANKS For the convenlience of those emile. To her neighboTl! she was home of Mrs. Calvin Longacre an experience ' agent Misses Minnie and Anna SelkeI' liatini the followiing schedule is obUgtng .nd kind, ever ready to I wish to thank the Friendship help in time of trouble. And to hilr the Mouin children, of Spring suggested. class of the M. E . Cburch for tbe spent Sunday afternoon at Horsell, pure b ..ed (average), friend s she was loyal and true. She beautiful Howers and the cards of Mr. and Mrs. William $100: good grad.e, $80 ; Mule!!, was a l~ver of flowers and pasaed they sent me while in the hospital Coleman. (average) , $80; Cattle, pure many happy hours watching them bred dairy, $40, grade (average), grow and bloom. and also others who called, lIent William Graham il much wane $20, Feeders, (average ), cwt., Weare often asked , "How :much does a cards and other flowers. Phon. 58R2 Two years ago in October when Mrs, Irene Thomas at this time and is no ... at the $4; Sheep, pure bred (per bead) breaking under the weight . 0'1 funeral cost? " The 'a nswer depends on the grade home of hiB Bon and wile, Mr. and $7, Grade (per bead( $8; Hogs, years and ill health, her companjon Wayneaville, Ohio of merchandise selected and the amount of service Mrs. Harry Grabam. ' Brood Sows (per head) $10, Boars passed away leaving her and the Subscribe f or the ¥Iaml Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shumard, (per head) $6, Fe,e ders (average) daughter very lonely. Now the required. In our showrooms we offer caskets and Dayton, were dinner guests Sun cwt $8.60; Hay, 'T imothy Clover daughter, Bertha, i left. alone, other necessities. in a wide range of style and day of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ton, $3, Alfalfa $6, Soy Beans $3; save the loving memory of good prices, with superlative ,Yalue in every grade. W e Wharton. WilIeat per bushel, $.40; Corn per parents. '.l'hree sisters, Mrs. Je"nie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hough bushel, $.20; Oats per bu sbel $.15; Bah1 and Mrs. Ida Custenborder are prepared to make the service as simpl e or as a!1~ son Kennetb ~! \Jfaynen'iUe Rye per bushel, $.25; Barley per ot Dayton and Mrs. Mary Nichols elaborate as the circumstances may require. vlSlted thtl; former II ~lItel'. lin. bushel, $.20; S ~I Y Beans per of Sharps, Fla., four nephe*s and Allen Emrick and Ia.'llIl~ Sunday bushel '.30; CIDiekens, (light three nieee8 also 8urvive. We always do our best to help our patnfns -atternoon . Mrs• . Emrlck 18 slowly breds) $.86, (heavy) $,60'; Ducks She had been an intense sufseJe<;t the merchandise and service suited to their from a fall three weeks $.25; Geese, $.70; Turkeys $1.50. ferer for many months, but this condition and needs. We serve all cla$Ses in the a,o. To avoid the inconvenience of ahe bore with patience and it Sixty five persona, families of waiting, would suggest that you seemed t hat she wa8 only waiting c.o mmunity, giving to each case the most reverent the Hunters Bnd Anrlers Commun. come early. If you mail your re- until the angels opened wide t\1e and Bympathetic care t hat lies within our power. ity club, enjoyed an oyster supper turn, please follow the above in- mystic gates arid just , all the at Lytle Hall Saturday evening. structions. shadows were gatherin, ' on the Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Long of Day Only one.half of the tax can be evel'ling of February 20, 1933, she ton, were also prellent and Hr. paid at this time, no matter how heard the call and answered the Lon, gave a fine talk. small the amount. summons at the age of 78 years, For the convenience of the 4 months and 12 days. Mrs. Nellie Montgomery .nd Phone 7 Wayneaville, Ohio dauchter, MisII Cleo, Mr. and Mn. public, the following' will receive Our love and sympathy go out Jacob Gabelman, Mn. W. G. retuml: the bereaved daughter, to whom Halne. and children . ot Dayton I .A·rUllUr Bryant, Franklin, Ohio. a devoted andare Joving had ·been were Sunday visitors at the home Frank Wilson, Hal'veysburg, Ohio. mother, and her thoughts ex- - .. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenriek. Walter Kenrick, l,ytle, Ohio pressed in this little poem. Mr. and Mrs. Ru~sell Burnett , John C. Hawke, Waynesville, Ohio and chUd1'e~ are. movJng from the Lee Henderson, Waynesville, Ohio. "You have left me dear Mother, Gone to the land of rest. Stacy larm on the Dayton pike, to A. M. Parker, Mo:rrow, Ohio. It seems 80 hard to have yo u go the farm of CharJe8 Graham near J . A. Rebold , Mason, Ohio . . But God above known best. Ridgeville. E. C. Jeffery, Oregonia, Ohio. . Mahlon Gebhart, who . hu been Mrs. O. B. Cain , Maineville, Ohio. dl for ~bout tw;o years, palled, Mr8. Victor Van Riper, South Leb- Your toils and labors are ended. You're there with Him above away FrIday at nl! late home north anon, Ohio. Where pain and worry ne'er linger of Lytle. ,He has been eared for Auditor's OffIce Lebanon, Ohio, .. The reward of a Mother's love. by foster children, Mr. and )fn, • .:. ••_ _ __ The se two Irvin Hardman. Funeral lIurncea fence rolls, taken I feel it wall planned by the Master CARD OF .·fHANKS were Monday afternoon and down for sh ip'Twa~ the ordinance 0'1 tate; burial was made in Miami --ment, went cemetery. We desire to el:press our heart But I know not at what moment Down through th ~ ages the constant- use of t h rough the ,I, also shall stand at the gate. Our town and community were felt thanks to our friends and Gulf of Mexico f h neighboT8 for 't heir kindness , ood ha prove n it to b~ . the best material for h d b !.Ilddened when t ey ear 0 t e shown us at the Ume of the death Your loy-ed ones moom their loss Fence Wea ther , death of Floyd Savage, who p.... dear hom e-building. A lumber-built home with wood Test. "Gal vaned away Monday evenlnw at the of . our 80n . and br~ther Philip And we that are Jeft do pray. " il Gaines Curbs, E speCIally do we neated" still al. floors, wood mantle , staircase, window frames State h oapita1, Dayton. Tb e ....m 'f Ish t th Ii th . t t k A That we may all meet together m ost like new, formerly of tlds plaee, now livinl 'II' 0 an ~. ~n er a er, . On that beautiful isle o'er the and doors brings kind ly memories to most of us on Yankee St. bave the qrnpathy H. Stubbs, the mllnJster, Rev. A, way. Ordinary gal. of friends her~. S. Herndon, the l!:raduating class becau e it was in such a home that we were born va.nized was Rex and Bobby Burnett, area 8 of 192.9 and. the Boy Scouts of Funeral service waa held at the ruined. and raised. Lumber giv.es that «homey" atmosand Bon8 ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert ~khn, OhiO! aud for the beau- late residence at ~ p, m. Thursday, Wl,Jich will \!ive Burnett. met with a bad accident tlful ftoral tnbutl!8 .that we re- conducted by Rev. C. A. Williamphere that all other materials lack. Use lumber to you most - for Thunday evertinl, when they left ceived, alao do we wW! to thank lion. of the Ferry church. The pall build you r home. Luml;!er gives greater home com. r,:0ur . fence the Lytle garage to run acro. the all tbose who work!ed 110 dUirenUy bearers were: A. S. Cornell, Ed street to their home. They ran to rescue our 1I0ln and brother W, N. Sears. Roy Hathamoney? We RED BRAND 'Galvannealedu fort at more reasonable cost. Let us help you in from behind a truck In front of a from the river. Rias aDd IIr. Ruter. FENCE at fair at:andard market prices. planning your hOJne. ear driven by Amos Thompson of Mr. and In IIlaml Ceinetery. Warnnvill•. Th., were taklrll immediately to Dr. Smith'. ollie•• Bobb, 'received CQta and ·bruu... .... Doria aboat the bead. wldle 'Rex wu I F. hurt 1ftore ....ou1r, ...... - - O;:d!:=~~ of lew.. 11m .... 11 I)
pare 1)
Wate" Statements T B DId e e aye
----_ ---
Time For Playing Perlonal Taxes
---_._ ..
,The Cost of a Fttneral
Stella E. Daugherty
James E. McClure
Your Home!
Eighty-Sixth Year
tip 60 y a I'S
Mrs. E lizabeth Lewi s is quite Dr•• tic Me.. uro W •• Neco ••itated sick. by Shrink ill TAll.tioll
London- A can of r h >l'rlCH, pu t ago, was snltl at th e I!8.le of t he pro perty of the la te . G. H arred, S uth Solon b~nker and fa rm owner, LQgelh I' with a can of pea'r s that t ook f\i· ~ t pl'ize n the first Jamellt wn fa ir in GI'C ne county 40 years ago. ']' hcl'e were many IIntiqu s in t he ~1I 1 e tha t broug ht big price , one sil ver candle-stick brought $ioo. Th cl'c were 750 a utomobiles at t he sale, one of the largest att nded in the history of Mad, on county.
J. H. Smith announces that he has resumed work in his ba rber sh op.
MARCH 8, 1933
well lll! the members of t he Wllrt'l' n County Beef Calf club, sponsored by the ounty Fair Board a re planning t o attend t h meeting at the Lebanon Grange Hall on Wednesday night, Marc h 15 at 8 :00. Mr. L. P. McCann wh (,l ju dged at the Warre n County fai r last year will discuss "The proper ca re and Mllnagement of BeeC Calves," Earl Reed, agr icultural Mr. agent <)f the New York Central t;ailroad will show moving pictures of a "Rodeo and Cattle Round up on t he West ern Plains." A very educational a nd entertaining even. ing will be offered f ree of charge t o all Warren countian!l who wish to attend.
Mis Theltna t.J uhn waR a unday guest of MiSil hm Rich. Sele ction by CI ... W .. Confirmed by Bo ......! at Relular 1'!'eeliftlf. Mayna rd Rich is home fro m Wittenberg coll ege , ill with grip. Mo nday EVflllill,
fan e Mr. and Mr. . Carman vi!!ited relatives in L e~anon TuesMessl'lI. Walter and Charles The twenty-n ine young ladies That · tax ing valua tions of all day, Burnett wer e in Lebanon Tuesday and gentlem en who g raduate Irom p roper ty in this village, both real nig ht. Messrs. L. M. Henderson and Wayne Town h,i p High school next est.ate and per sonal pro perty, have Wilbur Clark we re in ' Cincinnati May a r t o receive t he n ew type shr unken to an extent that f ew 01 No permanent change in the today. . . 1" b co ndition of Mrs. Anna Sheehan of hoo k dipl omas. The new our Citizens rea IZ,e 18 pr?ven .Y is noted by her friends. Mr. John Staley, of Dayt on , is diploma nre decidedly red uced in the ever financial sLralghts ill . visiti ng hi. sisler, Mr!!. Maud ize, and ate inca ed in a neatly which our village co uncil and otber Messrs. Edward, Robert, Jacob ---Fetter. officials now find themselves. Whell and Charles Strouse spent Sunday A vocal so lo, "The Hill T op," by decorated smooth leather binding, a n additional levy of two and a with r elatives In Miamisburg. Mrs. Maynlll'd Weltz, wit.h Mrs. MI'. C. W. F rye and Mr. and T he election was made by the Mrs, Ca rl Frye visited relatives in half mUls was vot ed at the lu t Mrs. Elsie Ellis and Mrs. Reba J ohn B. Gons at the piano. and Miami coun ty, Monday. graduates, last week, al\d was ap· proved when th e Scbool Boaril, at . November electioll, it wall t llought Braddock spent la~t Thursday most excellent pl'ogl'Bms by the with Mrs. Goldie Borden of Frank· Mr. a nd Mrs. Maynard W eltz its regular meeting on Monday t wo divisions o~ the third grade t hat t he amount so raised would lin. Le t the Legislatur paas the and lion, Jim my, visited r elatives evening, instructed Supt. ' J . W: feat un d ' the meeting of the be sufficient t o meet all our necappropriation bill and g o home. in Wilmingt on, Sunday. Lot z to purchase t he r equired Mi$S Kathryn Bowman, 01 in- Wayne Township Mothers club at essary village expenses. And, In theBe critical times, when half num ber of certificates. und e~ th e old valuations, this cinnati, is a guest at the home of th ~ Grade schoo) build ing, la st DR. FRoA N~ W, STANTON Ml'!!. Muk Rogers was hostes The Board also placed an order the people don't know whet.her wQuld hav e b~e n tt u , bu t t he new I her sist er. Mrs, Orville Gray, and Friday after noo n. they are going t o eat, tbere is no to the Frien dship club of t he M . with the Acme School Supply Co., valuations pu t a very ' dee ided family. The first half of th<! program Do not tail to hear Dr. Frank of Cincinnati, for 100 folding crimp in this balance. given by Mi Clara Lilt's uivision: W, Stanton during thi s week in use to pass any such nonsensical E. chu rch thi s aft;ernoon. and useless laWI$ like lecalizing chairs to be used in t he Gym. The Mrs . J~mes LovelY and daugh. j Song, "My Shadow, " group of AI) village offi cer have drawll Mrs. An?1 a Th ~":1son Sh onk ha r new chairs are of all metal conbut half of their legal salaries f or ter were Sunday guests at · th e boys; recitation, "My hadow, " t~ e Methodi st Church. Meetinga horse race gambling, the ptlrchase some t ime, and Marshal J oy h~s home of Mr. and Ml'I!. Lee Lovely Frances J ohn : ' shado wgrllp h > eaoh eve ning, excepting Satur day. of $66 cuspidors, the establish- b~ en a bU Siness v IsItor t o Wayn es- truction, well e nam eled, and fold ment of a . million dollar! state VIlle 'for the pasl seve ral days, up " ery compactl y when not in not y t dra wn one >cent 10r his at Springboro. "Mother Goose Rhym es," .entire This evening (W edne day), will police system, ripper legislation. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and use. year; the bill of th Dayt on Power Mrs, Rachel Harding of Frank- group, with J ean Baker rec it.ing be fam ily ni ght . The ser mon subThe gimtlemen also engaged in or a bill making leca] a favorit.e daughter spent Saturday night and & Light Co. for our street lights lin, Juvenile officer for 'this county the r hy":1 ; song, " My Shadow," ject will be Family Religion. On list of contractors that will foster Sunday with f riend s in Dayton. . a bit of discussion as to t he availa. has not been paid fo.r f our IllOIl1.h , transact ed legal bllsines here last twelve girls: . corruption in the High. bility t(l check of scho ol funds now leaving a balance of $456, in Thursday morning. The pupils of MIS. E1izab~th Thu rsday evening the service will wholesale Department'. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dav is. of on deposit in the bank during the round figur s, dtl the company. F ox then presented a -plea mg begi n at 7:00 p. m. ilnstead of people of Obio do not want Dayton, ap,e nt unday with the pT ent bank mor atorium. They Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, of Puppet how : ong. "The Star 7 :30 and the subject wiU be, liThe ornet hing had t o b e done. and that Immediately. Dayton, were Sunday afternooll Child," 10ur gi rls usinlt puppets ; Old Rugged Cros '.', Friday night any more new tax laws and what is latter's parents. Mr. an d Mrs. Ed, finally adopted the lIame plan folmore they demand that public of - Cook. lowed by Coun cil: allowed their Various plans for the reduction caller. at the home 0 Mr. and reading, "The tory of Hamlin," bills, and instructed the clerk to of expenses were conaldered by Mra. W. B. Squires. Marion Smith; pantomime, "Th will be younl!' people's night at ficials exercise the usmol\t econMil!ls Helen Welch; of the Way- issue the v9ucherll as soon 88 the time Dr. Stanton will prellch omy in government. To this end Oouncil at its rllgular meeting, Pied, Pip~r of Hamlin.... ent ire Alonday evening among others the Mr. E, C. Crane., little Miss gl'OUP uSing puppets; plano solo, on t he subject of The Il:ind of Re- the Department of State and the nesville National Bank, has taken funds wer e available t o check. room in the home of Mra. Mary A light question a8 to validity elimination stre~1; lights. l\h. E. H. J oan Bates, Master Freddie Bates "Dolly Waltz," Doris Fire, a sist ligio n That Appeals to Young Bureau of Motor Vehicles are IIIMcClure. People. going to d 0 their share. We are of the inde mnity insurance polinecessar~ street lighta. Mr. E. H. ana Jack Crane, of Dayton, were ed by a puppet. . Mrs. Ella MeredIth returned to cies carried by each of ". even Ware expecting a great day gomg to t.ry to reduce the cost 01 Heathma~ manager of 't he Xenia Waynesville visitors, on Sunday. Rev. C. A, William on had conoperation this year a full 25 % in the Friends' Home Tuesday after bus drivers was ql and next Sunday, b eginnin'l with the dist rict of'the light company, .had ducted th.e devot ional exe~c i es a t order that if all otlaer departments spendin .. several weeks with relahappily settled. Sun day School at 9 :30 a. m. We The Woman's Aux\liary of St. the openmg of th meeting, a nd be en r quested to meet with • - ---an a t tendance of 245 last Sun· do the same it w~l not be neces. tives in Dayton. ouncil in order to confer upon Mary's Church will meet on Friday during the busil1 ess session it wa sary to pus any new tax laws. As Mr. and Mre. I. D. Welch have this plan but was unable to come afternoon, March 10, at two announced that t he clu b had re- daS'. The door of lhe ' church will be a start in thill direction we are to· moved their housebold goods into belot'c T'ucsday afternoon, so this o'dock, with Mrs. Emma H. Mc- seiv~d a8 a donat ion t h.e entir e ne fo r the I'eception cof members day illBuing an order that all and the home of Mrs. Welch's mother, receipts of an entertamment that pha e of the Ituation was defer- Clure at tbe Little Inn. at the morning alnd evening after March 7, 1933 no expenae MI'!I. Viola Carey. red to an adjourned meeting to Me8llrs. Alonzo Curl and L. H. bad been given at tile Gym on t he items for meals will be allowed In 'Gordon were in Clark ville, Mon. pJ'.Cceding Friday eveni ng by the be held at tbat time. The r egular monthly meeting of this department. If it i. necessary Mr. and Mrs. Vern Simpson and Tuesday aftel' noon, lifter the day afternoon, to attend the Waynellvil\e F amH!r Exc~an ge The Village ot Lebanon was sit ua t ion has been explain ed t o funeral of Mr. John Murrell, Co. The fl ower box and pIcture the bro t herhood will be held in the for an employee to be away trom son spent Sunday witb Mrs. durll\, tile day be ean b\lY Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. named defendant in two dama,e home bllnquet r om of the church on h im, Mr. lfeathmlln quit e readily fa ther of county treas urer, E. B, w~re .warded to the cOl'e of Misg his meals out of his salary or Harry Purdy, at Bufol'd, Ohio. Buits flIed in common pleas court agreed to the reduc t ion, compli. Murrell. Llle's and Miss . Har tsock's rooms next landay a t 7 :00 p. m. carry a buoket. Many people, who last Wednesday morning by Frank mcnting ounei! upon its action alfor the n ext month. art out of employment, would be Mr. and Mrs. Howa.rd Burlon Loop and 'Clement Satterthwaite, t hough he deplored the necessity OD Saturday, J. B. Crabbe atMrs. A. O. Griffy. M1'''. B. V, EASTERN STAR N'Q TICE only too glad to carry a dinner and daughtet, Mr . Arthur Atkin- doing buainess as the S. and L. Ice thereot. He tated that, with but tended a meeting of the executive Smith, Mr s. Charles Davl ' , 1r8, Miami Cha pter ~~. 107 O. E. paU with 80methlnr )n It. Estimat- son a.nd ~rs. D 1I.a Ve nable villited Cream Company, and Frank Loop one exception all mUllicipalities in I board of the Southwestern Ohio Tollan Lawson Ml's. J Olleph Tindoing business at Loop's Food the di tl'ic~ that are I)erved by hill Teachers Association at Cincinnati ney a nd Ml'S, Leonard Tinney S. will meet in regulllT 8ession \1\1 the cost paid for mealB . In this relatives m Hamtlton, Sunday. department and the Bu'reau during Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boorom, o' f Shop, Total damages asked are !Imlay evening, March 13 at 7 :&0 company, have found similar, or where plans fo~ t~~ year's wo;k ~erved _dough nuts and coffee dul'the past year, we expect the sav· Bellbrook, and little Miss BarbaT8 $3,~71.68 and represen a . Od VI itil1g mentbe1'll welcome. ven more dl'astic nction, to be and the annual institute were laid, mg ffie oclirnour. inlt to be at least $30,000 annual- Jean Crane, 01 Dayton, were c lalme~ t? have been suffered by Lucile Bland, W, M., n ecessa ry . = ]y. VVe have heretofore put other guests of Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Crane the plambfl's as a rellult of. the colMinnie Fromm, Sec'y. . The new schedUle. as flnally measures into etrect in the Bureau Saturday evening. Ilapse of the Ol,lera House walls on adopted, calls for the elimination of Motor Vehicles making an an. . January 22. FLOYD H. SAV.ACE 01 13 Iltrer.t lights now in operation nual 8avinr. of $24,000. We ale Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert, oC The first suit, brought by the Sl'educing the total number of Iighbl alsa issuing an order t.hat al1 other Xenia, were dinner g ue ' ts of hel' a.nd L . Ice Cream Company a partf rom 48 to 30, t he reduction being Lying peacefully and quietly in ~xpe08e item" tl\ th. department parents, Mr. and Mrs. WaIteI' ner ship operating at the rear of quite equally dj tributed all over "Beautiful Miami ceme't ery," with must be !leld \0 • mlnlmum.- Baker, on Tuellday, celebrating 82 South Broadway, ask. for damNeal meets Pat ricin Galloway town. In addition to this, the six t he bir ds singing SWeE!t1y in tll, Stjitement by George S. Myers, Mrs. Egbert's birthday. ages of $2,168.24. It is ehar..,d .. .... ." Doris Salisbury and falls in )ov ~ with he l" Accord· eve1'l,t'reens, with mo~l)Elr liar-til III l!Iellfl!. ~'ry Ilt !!Itate. 250 candle power lights on Main Editor that the vil)age was negligent in to he r grandfath er'S will, in!; Assemblies .......... ". Orle Hardin stTeet are to be reduced to 100 _ _ _•• _ _ _ H. A . Cornell ~nd Myer H¥man permitting the walls of the OPera bis shroud, with no mqre t,roublell Patricia mu st live thr e yea rs in candle power each. The changes Class ' News ...... , Thelma Coleman atte~ded !he Shr me ceremomal at R ous t o remain standing followor wor r ies in the life, ,a re th~ re. a r e to be effected by operatives of Athletics .. . ... ,,, ..... Mary Crane a f oreign ~ o llntry unmarried to mains of Floyd H. Savlage, son of CinCinnati, lallt Thursda y. They jng th e fire and that their collapse company on Friday, March 10. The Humor ........ ,.... " . Leada Werntz co,ne into her inherit ance, She still hester and OeCe1i1lt flavage. Jle were accompanied ~y Mrs. Hym~n , four weeks later damaged the t h company on Friday, March 10. Organiutions ... Virginia Foulks ha five months probation. Come wa born near Lebanon, 6blo, Mrs. ~ernyc~ Wright and MISS f urniture, fixtures and equipment and see how it ends l The nllw plan reduces themollthly BeatrIce Robl~zer, who :were guests b el o n~ ing to t he company to the 15th, 1891 and departed ' The characters are ns fo ll ows: "It won't be long now;" You bill for street light from $1U to COYllty Sherltr William Huf- at an entertainment given at the extent of $1,199.76. It is further t.his I FebruaJ)Y 27, toaa, aled hear it everywhere; It meaDIi until Neal Standish ...... Dean Hawke 41 yeaTS, 8 months and a day~, ford and 1111 deputlea, C, P. Joy. Netherland. Pla~a fO.r the .plellsul·e claim ed that damage to the jce $75, a savin&: o.f $39. Larry O'Connell . ... Cecil Davis At the Monday evening aesllioll, schoo) is out. The Seniors have cream plant amClunted to $619.48 Almost hi~ enUre Ifte h. beell M01'l'aw lil'a"t and Cliff Rines, as- of the Shrlfters ladles. all members present voted to deny already made many of their prep- Mary Walsh ... Marjorie Earnhar t spe nt in Lytle "nd vl(llnlt,. Waa slsted by t wo Federal officers .., K . and that the plain till's have all • · . 'd d th mrs. izzie Thompson celebratthe petition for the opening and arations 'for graduation. Every- Priscilla Standish ".Roma Har din married to Ruth Dinwiddie ' June f rom C· mcmnah, ...ral e e resi- ed her 93rd birth d ay, last Thurs· r esult suffered a bust'ness 108,s of Patricia GalLmuy ... "~ ''''''' '' ' grading 0.'1. the square of Franklin thin~ ill hurry and4)lIstle even Winif red Ar mitage 14t h, 1911. To this union were dence of Mr. and ~r8. A. C. Sparkl day, with a birthday dinner. the $349. Road, between Main and Water though there is quite a touch of Anotber Buit, brought · by )(r. ... Jacqu Adams bo r n seven children, dye sons and in Convin, last Thursday evening. guests being : Mrs. Charles Meyers! streets, that has been before that well-known Spring fever In Andre Maurols two daughters, Paul, MeLry, Charle! About fifty bottles of "home brew' Mt'B. Charles Morrison Mrs. J oseph L(>o p who o,perates the restaurant "Madame Pletri" " .J ohn Thom on Co.uncil for the past three or four tbe air, wbich lasts the year round Vivian , ... ".. Ru t h "alisbu ry Gra ce, Kenneth, Everett and are eald to have been f.ound on the Boettner and Miss Charleen Mor- a t the front of the Broadway propmonths. This denial was made as a for ome folk8. premil'l es. After the owners had rison, of Cincinnati, Mr. and 1\11's, rt y, elaims that the collapse of Margaritta Betty Hartsock Orville. measure of economy, largely. Tbe end of every day means that He was proud ot his family, and been thoroulrhly warned Ilot to re- J. R. Thompson and Mr. F rank the. walls damaged the stock, .. .Margaret Rogers Gretchen . you ean mark off one leBs to worry While the money to pay for the fur~ltu ~'e andfixturell of . his Babette .. ......... Ruth Hockett was a good provider to them. Was peat their otrenlle, all but two Thompson, of Waynesville. same eould probably be taken from about getting through. bottles of the Illegal beverage was Despite her many years of lite bUsmeRs to the "mount of $1,168..... , Mary Allen h onest and Industrious. The teachers have a time in Doleia ",'" .... the gasoline tax :fund, it WIIS He took lIle all It aMn8 and destroyed, together .w!th its con· Mrs. Thompson, undoubtedly Way~ 96 and tha~ he , has bee.n deprived .. . .... Charles Hartsock thought advisable at t)iis time to rounding up enough students to Tony made the but of it. Wall alway. talnel's. The remammg bott1~s nesville'$ oldest resident, i~ re- .of a proflt of $234.49 a. & Another important event of the have a claBs (or operett;a pnctice, spend it in other 'ways, rendy t o expre8S hlmeeU and had were taken. to Lebanon where thetr ' matkably well preserVed. A Iife- resul t. Con aider able discussion was also. ClUB program. and senior play month 'for out High chool Glee a quIck repartee. contents WI.)) be tested and held a~ long citizen, her reminiscences of - -- -•• _ ••- - - County is tbe Warren raiaed as to whether auch Villaa e practice Btarted Menday, all going His was n~t a brUllallt IItyle, his evidence In eaae of another ilfl'ense I the growth of our community are Musical Festival Mal'ch 81. It will funds as remained on deposit in on. wa s not a forceful way; he always In the future. indeed interesting. Her husband , NEW MANAGER AT A )iive of industry where all the be given at the Lebanon H igh had a genial slnlle, and a kindly the Waynesville National banlc, the late J . Milton Thompson, LOCAL KROGER STORE. 01 building. All high Scllool the official depository, are availa· par~clpantll are working toward worp to say. He leavell beh\J;ld to pout.TRY RAISERS TO answered the first call fOl' men in in the coun t y wlll take. Glee Cllibll theeame goal-the end of the ble for .checking purposea during mourn their lOlA, 1\ mother, a Our ~ i t izen s were 'greatly Bur- . MEET ON MARCH 14 defense of' the Union at thll out· the present banking moratorium. IIChool year_nd in time all will part. devoted wife and children a host b~eak of the Civil wat, and re- Jll'lsed, Tuesday morning, when IIr 'Opinions of Wayn'eavllle and Leb· graduate. of relati.ves and frlellda. ~ A ... lllbl" anon bank officials on this question Approximately 100 poultry rais- mained in service to.r what was Bedfol'd Stricklin, ot Middletown, Friday's assembly cqnsl ted of "Sunset lind evenln, etar, are said to differ considenbly. ere in Warren county will attend probably t.he longest period served assumed the management of the And one clear call for me: Council finally allowed ita ac· I:f you think your school the best, devotionals by Mb'iam Ellis, 8 t he poultry school at Memorial by any man of the community who local Kroge.r stOl'e, relliacinr the was engaged in that struggle. popular 'Myron "Jack" Banta, of Tell 1em 10. Inl,,,il,,+. entitled "Taking Teacher's And may there be no moanln&" of Hall on Tuelld.y, 'March 14. cumulation of bills, and instructed Mea'bwhlle, his faithful companior. L ebanon, who hal manared the the bill' the clerk to iSl!lue warrants for the I:f you'd have It lead the rest, ,' ~ by Miss Renkle's seventh The poultry t\Ock baa ' been the VVhen I put out to sea. grade, al').d grollP singing. lame as soon as funds are avall- . Help it growl best paylnr tarm enterprise the remained at bome, doing all ahc establishment for the past two or For such a tide a8 moving seema paet year. Aa this is the time when could to -help the cause, and ten· three years. Jack'. happy ' amU. nble to cheek. When there's anything to do, CI... Tournalll'ellt .t HilL School cadng for their eldest Ion. and , pleuant, !8ccommodatlnl asleep fanners' are getting thelr spriDi . Let others count on you, Too full for sound and foam chicks, many problems will con· Frank, then a vet'y young child, manner bave won tor him a hOlt COACH ENTERTAINED You'll feel «ood when it'B througb Basketball is still flowing through our veins even after the county When that Which drew :from out them. WUh this in mind, Her's has evet Deen a 'busy life of of 100caJ friends who are loath to Don't you know. RUNTS AND FRIENDS tournament ·has passed. The clae~ the boundl'l!I. deep, County Arent ...iIIer hal arranged helpfulnell to those about her, learn 0.1 his departUre, and who ff you're .used to riving knocka, WllrlllanlelllJ; §s in ptogre8~ at. the ag .. hl hoine. TurDS a poultry school at Memorial Hall Ma~ .he be spared to enjoy mllny wish for him the utmolt suce_ . , Chan.., your style; more ye.rs of happiness with in any bUainellA ..Dlure in "hie.. high achool building. The t our on .the above date. The pro.gram is UII. Our grade school baketban bouquets illltead of rocka Twilight and evening bell, he may engage in the futur .. cla!Be~ 'from the' high school are a8 followlI: team, eommonly called "Runte," For awhile. And after that the dark: all playing each other and the one was very lIucce8llful ~uring the Let the other tello.w rout, And may there be no sadness ot 10 :OO-The Prolpectl for p01l.Itry In 1988-84. season just closed, lOltng but one Shan him as you· would a postj with the highest percentage at the farewell end 01 the IIchedule will be crown11 :OO-The Kind of Chieka Needgame, and that to a team that far K.et hi. banter with • bout, PROGRAM OF (:OMINC EVENTS FOR FA... POLItS VVhen I , embark. ed champions. ed to m.et depression times. outclaued them in 11Ie. Lut WedAnd a ImUe. have been played 110 Two games nesday eveniDr. their coach, Mr. When a me.ber from afar Fo... though ,rom out our bourne lIareh 14 Poultry School, Memorial, Hall, Lebanon. . and the Seniors and the Sophcl1 :80-Hiah point. In Chicken Charles James, entertained the Com.. alo... ot time alld plaee. "areh 15 Annual Achievement Meetin, of Adlllt Project. i. defeated the Juniors have Rearin,. 1. Jl'eedbac aad Care of ,The ftood may bear lne far, bop and a few ' of their frlelleb Tell him whe ~lld what Jell are• Warren OOllnty. the Frellhmen resl,lectively. with an o)'Bter Bupper. The popular Make It mo.... March 16 Dlscu68ion of Proper Care and Feedi", of Beef I hope to. see my Pilot face to face Jl'Joek, 2. Dlseaeea aad their PreCalves by L. P. McCann, and tr.. mo.VIe, Lebanoa When I have : the bar!' jin:oI&w pu.... ooea,tecl the no .. a booeter--that'e the ltufr- The Kotes were 17-0 and 17... The grades also have a touma· Gran.e HalL B. E. Cra" or the O. S. U., wiD . malnder of the evenl..., after the Don't Jast bel01ll1 A. Clark lIarell 1& Springboro Grange ment in pro,r8lll!l and to date have ualat the eouat, apat in thil oysters bad be.D dilpoHd of. The Ibm Ie Lebanon Orange played one game. This 'was bemembers of the team: aaart.. IlaHIa 111-18 Com Sbow, LWo Hardw... Co., tween the eth aa4- 7th lfTades and - Burton Eanll!aft, -GIarl.. n.... ....aNIl 1 WaahlNton ,T wp. rarm Bane_ .......~ '1'he ....... hIP.1tooI OI*'8tta tli87tb ....de was returned the We wilh to ezpJ1!. Robert Adami, Robert Satterth· M.R" ......ED . A. Gilbert. .......... M the W.,..... 'fIetar. to oar nelgbbcm aad waite, lAo 00011', Il'10. . . Kuch 1'1 ...... 8th, at I ."Joelt. for' their Idllda. . Karch II Arthur LJneh, .a.loal 01 0111' d.. Ja~~llIu" )(anll IIaN
----NO lORE TAXES; ----..
OfReera Found Liquor in Raid
--- .. - ...- ---
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deceased, ill exempt frllm inheritauce tax. Th. will of Malina Bufftnaer, dec ased, was admitted to probate Lenora GerraTd and Earl Gephart IU'; I · I~Il".· were appointed execut rs, no bond required. William Baker, Cather. ine Baker and Hart'y Mayne were Common PI... .Pr,oceeciinca Par.lyoi., 'h Cauae Unappraisers. B ' Tll(.o; lIll , U~R IIollr seh()ol, uull tIle \.JoHI'lI d ill- <:ident. splendidly indieat & Charley \ The ca, e of L. M. White lind Ilppointed known, Ia T akill. He.", A. T. Rettig, administrator of II l linn''' 11. ul'iII'd at Har- 'mith't! character: when convinc- rank U. omb W.(1 S dismi!l. ed l' tate or Alice . McFurland, d • Toll of Flocl.. mon~' <.: ron>, IIt1 t:' Hi\) ond It. ed thllt he wa right h stolld by [Without r cord, ceaser!, flleil his inventory. 'l'"l II 'TIlX I' ~ ,. , •• ,. ,. IU. 16 .~ ;, Holly, tbl' )11' ill nl 1111<1 • h sr., hi'. ~Qnviction regardl\! s or the In the cas ot H. L . Hardin", ct rnl , r ...~ t ("Utll !-4ln.l~ u n I I rr duelhh· .. hI ..... $ ~7 . 51 o.rnel1 and Earnhart b mg ap- UP,"I n of otb r . al, versu outh Leb!lnoll Packing Muriale Licen.ea A di ease of poulby, its callS 11 ••lIhl\ frulll !-lc lUI II I uyrn 6ll. (l 0 At IInother special me ting, h Id 0., a corporation et ai, applicuunknown, is exacting nn increa _ 1} "I"'I~ lll"" Int l 'r( g[ • • • • ? omted os a com~lltt('e to sup 1'12:1.73 II1lend the operat.lons. The.. bonrd ~ust 31, the 'b oard voted lo tion ~ra:nted. Rct eivtlr authm-tted L)'m ncastet.-mUsician . I I t 11 f fl k . SIllie ,11,1 rrom JiltlU"tLUon u l ."'I\I"lItntltm .. . .. . ". 1.~ 71i , 7 :l nbo decided to proc d with the lransfer district No.3 to the waY- j to sell :1000 ca!les 01 corn at 46c of incinno.ti and MisR leo M. tng Y leavy 0 in arm oc S In 'fLqIItHl f"um otll ..,. ])1,,· Itl NM . , •.• , • • ..• • . • _._ _~_ '7_'<_ )1J Mle of thll (I ~d .han4ler chool nl!!lville Slleci81 distl'ict, the prop- per dozen . ible, of Lovelllnd. many ections Of ~he state, o.ee ol'dhouse n~d all ItR fixtu res, Me r. osition to be presented to that I ]n the CI,U!C , of WlIIiam Eriel Real Eatate Transfera ing to . L. Ferguson, extension 1'01nl W'\' r Il U(' •.•.. ' 11 . H , ~ Hnl"K "r 'I' ,·"l 11ullk , .. ... H ll,4fi Ellrnbart and orneD b jng In- board a t its next regular meeting. "er8US Board of ounty ommis· 1st in poultry husband.ry fOl' I UJ;1l nll,\'O ,\ "ju~lnh·nI~ . 33 , O ~ st~ude d to a certain how this As Miss Hawke had · r signed in sioner first nd cond !nOtions 01 Sum Miller to Daniel M()rganj the O. S. U. I: .. rllllil 't,.U"" ~I ul\u ,I Tru l nln g '11l ~ ,. ," ._._ _2_2_,9_U ml ht he t be don~ legally. order to take ' the position. o( prl- fourth amended petWion ovenul d ('t ai, real itstut in Tutti creek The disease Is known a. range n ugu, t 5. ?\l lsl! ora L. K er. mary teacher in the Wnynesvi lle and third nd f ourth motions sus- to wnship. paralysis and may become evid nt ~y \\a" . (!mp.~oyed as t.eacher for s hoal, Miss May Gaynor, of Frank tained. Plaintitr is .g·.r anted leave Dani 1 Morgan, t ai, to Marian when the chicks lire ab ut 14 ,II 73 "u ..... Pr d d h ... 0 M'll 1 t t . T tl ,.. Id h 'IC ks appear t o be 'N),) 1.1. In;I 'J': IJ>'I'~ ..... .. , .• ,' ' ~ ll., (1 \ I li g cS a cer- lin, wall employed t o teach the R d to file amended petltton. . I r, rea e a e In Ul' - Wile"" o. BA 1 ..,~';I1 "~ . ,I.\.NI ' AII IHt. 1U 3~: tlficatc at th' n It . minaHo.n." Oak schoo l. Til board alJlO orllerAlbert Lack ey pleaded guilty to cree k t ow n hip. susceptible to the disease until U"n 'I'lll 1,'ul)t1 . . , • ..... , ' ~8 , 9 ~ A ha rt 'I'll. bought r r the u of ed that a t achers' meting b the affidavit fil ed agaio ,t him and Frank R. omb \'0 Harry H. they a re 18 month old. Tfltnl 1t.,,·.' lplK l\Ild Unlnll c,JI ,91 ~.::O :,: 10. anll ~1 ('fl!lr!\. feredith and held on on e aturday of each was fined $150 and coo, t!!. Baysor(', I'eal e tut in Deerfi ld Mol'!.ality due to the disease IU II IlStl "'hl~ 'I ' S "lis n we're cho en to bur the month a nd agreed to pay each In the ca ' e of The , Federal town hip. haa been found to vary from 5 to n . c ~,ary amount of coal fo)" the teacher $2 f or each of these meet. Land Bank of Louisville versus Alice B. Price and Millard H, 60 p r cent in a numb er of flock - "'~' HKWI/AT. Sfo: ltV1 L' 11: .. n.... I.'rull .. ,,wmter. ings tbey attended. hester A. Bales, et al. Conftrma- Pl'ice to levehllld Scott and Hen- says FergUson, and the fi rst. sympM~tlll, "K Iloltrtl of 'Bdll t allo l1 , •• , . ...•. .. S IO().OO Wb 11 th(' ~ tlrd r otlla',liz!d h. J oseph W. Hix y succeed d Ohas tlon d ee~ and tlisttiibuti,on. De- rietta M, Scott. Tract in Socialvil1e torns ·~J·e lamene , of paralysis, ·I ~ ,.k ... " .... " .. " " , I ~6.QO Janu01'Y' 6, 10 • J. W, H IS :7 !rae! Smith a8 pr • irlent when t he board flciency Judgm nt fo,t: $1137.48. Fredel'ick D. Wolber to Lillian in on or b oth leg!!, blindness, and I .... rut-.luuJ>rln l' lpal., TMch"I' . J~l , 7,00 ,21) be 0 ele~ted to uec d M, A. ?r- \\'a reorgani zed. J an aty 4, 100~, Gerald he ley was found guil~y A. ohroth, 25 acres in Salem the drooping of on or both wings, 10 IIIn r,' ....... 1.. _ nell as a, member. h r!es I:llItll' otherwise th pe rsonnel r mained and w~s sent!nce~ t o one year In township. Although the disea e has become )~II\JlIOYOI\ ",r Tra nftPQM'l 110n ot C hlldtAn .• ,.. 2 , 370.~O C,Ul!tody of the hool :fund wa was contmu d as pr'~lde nt for the same. ' Thep paid the bills, the OhiO. Pemte ntlary and cost~ of Elizabeth I. Hjcks to Walter W. known a range paraly:o is, it is O'H',.t II. ., School J'lIIn4on July 2, IIwarded to the \ ay- Iln othe~ y ar and . U, lement hanged th e t ext ook for spell ing pro ecutlOn. and Cora M. Apgar, real e tate in found to occur also amo ng chickB J,~pllo n, blngln e r~ Rnll (j~.88 Otht'r 11; lfl\,I OYO .•• • . n sville itiz ns B(lbk (local d in town. hIp clerk, wa se.lect('d to ~ . m Aikr n'. t(, Hunt's lind adIn the case of Frank A. Bums Wa~,"e township. ral. ed in confin ement aw y from 8p~I.' ~.,. tte ___ the room nOw oc upied bi' the serve as clerk of thu board tor .1 u~n ed On ' 1, rch 1 C~nstable S. versus Esther Mason, et al the deBridget Stockman, d cea ed, to the poultry I'ange. 10,00 l,e ~ tur II " ... .. .. . . . " . 0111 r ~p~etoU S r vl ~ po tomc ) , the bo nk agr elllg to lwo year!>. The ne to," n hip treas- g>r.,rdon 'J OY ( uncle ~f the prellent fendant !Ire given ~O days to John Stockman, et al~ all teal and Until 8 means Qf prevention of 11.Un r';uum era lh>1I . . . , "' . . pay 2 itere. t on the deposit. . u~ r. Fred B. Sherwood. aLo file(1 inc'Dmbent) was employed as plead. per anal property, the disease is ¥.nown, Ferguson l' C '1'<lt,~1 l" 'rqo n ~1 Sen'leo $10.1 3 ,4 Lat Nichol on' land wet I'e- hIS bond ~s trP3SUI' l' of the sch?ol Tl'U', aut Office.r, and on April () To incinnati Gas &: Electric ommend that flocks found s uscep ' I'PI ,II': ' : New SlIit. Company use of real estate in table to It be treated a_ if the - .dnolnlRlrlHlon I 0 ed t o tho Waynesville 'pc ial :funds, EVIdently, Samuel M redlth th ~. d cideq to buy a milk tester rfll' .. $ 23 67 T,lx t H"tlk . .. . . .•• . . 196.Sf di tri t, lind . . 1.1 xw II's lands r signed . from th boa~d, t h ugh (not a CO\v tester) and a bird Martha Ellen Fj~bert verllull alem town hip for lin s from flock were contagiously InCected. lIlt'r ]·:tl u c Unnn' ,... . . 296.6 1 w r e.. 118('d t o , ultnr reek the fact 1$ nol recor~ d m So many chartJ 8l1d t o not allow tbe uee Henri Frededque Fn~bett, for di- Wilbur and Emma R. Stubbs, He recommend strict. aallitati n I··u,'l .. ' ... . .. .. .. ... .. 1\0 .7 7 ,h'lllt r8 .. ... .... ...... 70.15 (Or n oUflty) distric No, (i ot wortds· bRowf ever bu me 8 S tron- of c.hovl houses f or equUy meet- ' vorce, Charge is extnme cruelty. Laul'a B. and I, J. Jefferies, !avoidance of over-crowdin of th~ lh(or , . , . , , , . , , .. , •. . , , 1;4 . 0~ tho m tlnJ,> h Id n ptember 3, !la,C edi Y ~uhr memdb~r for a cou- ings--wT18tever tbey may have Miami Vall9Y Building and Loan T o Cincinnati Gas & Electric I young ehicks, raising of chicks .in T ot I SlIftllll " .• , .. , . 803.1~ lJ J 'I' 1 t \b c1 rk Wq P e 0 mon, 8, on In the record b ASIIociation versus Brice Smith Company, the use 01 real estate in small units, and segregation frOm (· - j\I .\1'~ .lnA I J. It l\r /\ I ~TI1l III t nl ,,! tI "to !lath r up the book of March 2 we find a futile at- I een. d' tr' t d' t and Mrs Brice Smith for fore- I'larlan town hip for lines from old hen. N I.t\ (',.. : • IC IS Bulltlh, 11d O rl)\\ nd ~ .. . H , In (It i u t' alld " 'b('n n t Beher t mpt to appoint the fifth member Th.e m~ &Ad· M 3 Ired ~NI cloture ~nd equitablE; ~elief George Mueller and Eli2.abeth When the disease b comes seri41111 'r .. .... ... .... ,, ' .. :!5. lu k t k hI' :l tie v(1te r !Iulting Th )j ts of · were l'eappotnlA!, ay · , an e C· C Muller,. J. Henry and lara Kipp, OUS, Ferollson advLS ' es th keopl'ng nII '( I (I '110 II e t em to mn b'll 'd ' df _.. tho f 11' am teach(!rs , with the exception B. D. Morgan varlius . . • Toln l !lJ nt~rllll t OI' ( hi r j" " n November 5 J ohn I . pm In ca..., e 0 oWing ' l I d Marlett et al for money fore J . A. Keller, Tillie Keller and \lver of as many of lh older bird Inlnt IHlnCtI .• , . , • • , . . 59 teac h ers.. D onna H Il\ ke, I n ez W'I of 4iss Fea y, were hreemp t 1 0 1 the Bock a pOl'lslble. f or lh 1'1' um . w , nllo\\' d fu ll'pay 1t oye h clo.ute "and equitable relief , - Ma tth'las K e11 er,' I one J ones, ea., I I:.QI ' II' MI~ :O<T rtEPI.A("J':l\1ENT : , Iiams Cora Kersey Hel M :for the Dext term, t e eac ers , J W Sehl h u· et al Geo ge R k h Othe r , • • .. • •• • " . , . . .. . 47. 36 for aU 'ndinjt thl' unty Teachers ' . ' . en c- bel asked to notify the board of C. E, Blake versus Earl RQbinett . , ee a u, " r . are no nown cases were th in itut, bu Wa ordered to mllke Clur '. Henrietta McKinsey, .Tohn ng . ti b and Ora Dumford f.or money. and Olive E. Chapman, and Emma disea e occurred nfter t he bit'd TUlal Ti:I I UII}f1 \I' lIt lin· up ()n~ doy of 10 t tim . Finally on ummmgs, MaTY Fealy and Sarah the acceptanbce °dr. reJ~~ on. Y 'DeBold. were j8 months old. pll\~l'tl\ 47.::r. l a Journ_ 8e8Slon, 1,;....( :-1'\' 11.\1.. 1' .1 n OJ'JilN ( HUETt · I ' " orne II , . con'd d Burnett.. May , Snowden S. Ros, d ceased to ena,'n ."amilies of chl'cks 8e~m S " It \' JCl~ : mot Ion ~ J. "', S pi 1~, B At tt t s was granted an Probate Ccollrt ~. H e lin Ira . "'hllo l Rulll\in $ 1<1 . ' by IImu I ldet,e dith, J.ohn Wj!. on On April 6 the tie was finally u " ra 4l6\l()n t delra the exWill Ro!\I!I, et aI, 76.13 acre in to be r 5i tant to the disease, h A"JJt\lr~ Jo-:t1uctlllon I wall el ct d to !'crv t he rema inder broken, and V. M. Hoblett WIla or d er f 01'"1' 0 Y Hal'l'Y L, Darmody, guardian ot Washington townehip. says. 1':\JuI JlnHnl .. .. , ., . . , . ' .00 of Frank Elbon': unexpit d te rm unanimoU/uy chosen to fil! ,the penses of the Boxwell com~.enoed George Lepodisab, incompetent, John Edwin Ros, dec ased, to n~ I)O Ir~ til r F.qulptn nl 11(1 1"Ii>otrl fl y .. .. . ., . . , . I O~. fi8 a9 a member o! the bOBrd, and the vacancy on the board, assuming hilJ men.t. T~e tax levy was can mue filed his sixth account. . . Raymond Ross, et aI, 264.82 acres T ell'phu,,' 1 .~ memb rs adjourned until the ncd office Oll May 8. A No. 13 Was the. at SIX mille, but the record make!! George E. Young, adml1l18trator in Washington township . la Kelly, ~ rvices, $10 ; Georg ia . . , . .. . . ... :!B.9 ~\ ,h ,· rU.h'j( H nullng " ...... . ....... S, I\\ FridllY afternoon, \\ hen Mr. WiI- only sub-di trid to hold a spring no reference. to the teacbers or of estate of ~)'tle K. Beltz, deceaeEdyt.he 0' Autremont to Ra,),- Miller s~rvices $10; Morrow Whit--~ on waif inducted into office. election, directors wer appointe.. their future Int~ntions. On June ed, filed his mventor:y, Ross, 188.66 acre in Wash- acre, services, '6; Mrs. Howard Tntlll Co ntnl' t noll Ull . 36 Upfn o"a l' SHvl e . CbarJe's mith succeeded Mr. as follows: Warren Keys 1; Eme.t 7. M is dPearltHlllh' ~ M:ton WI~Y· Carl D. Madden waa appointed ington township. Sawyer, services, ,7; Julia Hal. J"- ~ rXIi;1I 'IL HGI!:S A."IJ) ON1 Earnhart as president of the Butt rworth, 2; E. L. Thomas, 3; emp oye to eac e • 0 admiuiltrator of estslte of William W, A. Early, dece.-sed, to AUie land, services, $10; Erma. Hibnar, 1'ltIUP"I'I()NS: 10 \lr n t' .. ' .. . . . . , ... , e tOO bn:t l'd on January 7,1907, and Mr. George .Smith, 5; ·0. B, Marlatt 6; school, and S. O. Joy was continuo H. Madden, dece~~~ed, an~ filed C. Early, real estate in Clearcl'eek erviees. ,10; Clark County ComT"A ch" rs (; tit m ot ·on· ol'nell was conlinu d a cl rk. ·On Gorge Hartsock, 7; W. T. Wjl50n ed as truant ,oftlcer. bond of $30,000 WIth suretIes. tQwnship. mis ioners, care of patients, $217; ll')hull n .... •. • .••. ',. February 4, a co mplaint wa t g_ 8; Albert Shutts, 10; --W~on. The resignllltlo!, of Mr. .C. E. W. H. Fulkerth, administrator Edward Maloy to Hine &; Hop- G, Lederman. supplie.s, U.80; Total ' fIx a hargt later d that 1\fr. Ball ~ as dis- 13, tbe latter having been elected. Bratten as 8upenntendent was ac- of ~.tate of ROM Purkey, deceased kins, real estate In Union town- Miami Gazette notic , '1.50; Wal~n/). H II n Il tntrl1' \I\l qn a. ' 1-1' PITAl. t:TI.AY : ship. dron C. GilmQur, inquc.st, $5.70; mislling the cllho01 in o. entire- The same teacher, with the ex- cepted on the next day after the tiled nil lint and firlal account. \II r . ....... ,",. , . . ,. $ SH,OU Iy too early itl tb day, 80 the ception of Miss Williams, were "Glo!iolls Foucth/' and Mr. Elmer Lester '1'oler was found insane John M. Phillips, deceased, to Cal'l Dakin, pay 1'011 ; $41; H. L. clerk W8 ordcrec\ to call the hired lor the next year; at a <:olvm, of Spranar Valley, was and is to be lId!"ltted to the Oay- W, W. Phillips, et aI, 136.78 acre!! chuyler, pay toll, $68: F. M. teacher's attention to the hour for salary 01 $50 each, plus $3 for .cbolM!n to fill the vacancy, at tbe ton State HospItal. in Deerfield towns.hip. Bowyer, pay roll, $'6.50; Edward TO I.. [lum nl': .. mNT ~11. 'i'4 , s dismis al as e labl1. hed by the Ja nitor service, eacb month; and 5lame salary as had bee!l paid to ~r The following aec()unts were apW. W. Philips, et aI, to Grover Simp OD, pay roll, $69,,,3; R. M. 8AI, N ' I':, .~l1: 'EM.1310: J.l, ill t. 1932: board. On Aprlll (and this was no lh . t e rm was to run for 34 weeks !Bratten. The l'll;sigllatton of MISS proved, allowed and confirmed by C. Phillip!!, et .1, 186.78 acres in Van HOTn, pay roll, $166.88; W. A G lI eral li'\' Od . .. .. .. ... $ !lU7 foolish prank), M sl!rs. Earnhart starting on th first Monday in Ga.ynor a~ a teacher was the cau,se the court. Deer1\eld township. Sicker, pay roll, $112.18; W. B, ruIn! 1~i~':,'U1~::~n~i" ·n,iti ·· f 37.5'1 and CorneJl w re appointed a s a S pt mber. The total tax levy for <If a pe~lal meeting, July 20, MI 8 Charles P 9Ppe, Trustee of esChester and Alma Bales to Fed- chuler, pay roll, 81.13; Floyd 11,L!n.n .. .. .. . .. ....... . 11 ,912.2 0 committee to have a fenc built in school purpo e was ct at six mills Marguente Monfort, of Lebanon, tate of Gustav Poppe, decca ed. eral Land Bank, 103.50 acres In Lemmons pny roll $48 ' J. W. fron t of the sehool hous in old No On Jun I, Mis Eva Davi (MI'8. being employed as her successor. , William N. WiJkerl!On, truatee of Union township. . Dllvis pa'y roll $38' John Myers 3, thus doing away ith the nece - Clift' Burnett) wa chosen to suc- 11. letter o~ acceptance from t~e estate of Thomas IS. Wilkerson, pay r~lI, $39; Carl Dakin pay r oU' aU7 sity for a line fence between the ceed' Mi. s William as teacher at D4!\W supermtendent! Mr .. ColVin, decea6~d. Second and ti~al. Bill. Ado",ed $47; Harold Surface,' supplies: 21.01\ school lot and David Thoma' land Harmony Grove. W&S also head' at thiS SCl!8lon. LOUIS Drake and LUCIle Columbus Blank Book- Mfg, Co, 12.46' The Morrow Garage gas 7\lO.OO Distriet directors were chosen as .~obn urrtmings seems to have ~e No c~n~es were made at th~; admjnistratrices of .~.te Dt .. $40.26; Columbus Blank 't~-rank-SheJ:loVood Co.: sup: . followa on May 6: Warren Keys, chncd nnot~er tearm as teacber ot reorgamzatlon meeting, Janoary a, J. Drll.ke, deceased. ll''trst al!d final Book Mfg.. Co., supplies, $1.6/); pllu and gas ,16.90; Black's Serv~ 1; E. L. ThOmas, 3; Charle Smith the rosswlck school, because~ on 1910, all bf ~he me"?bers whose Belen S, Hancoc]lc, admmistra- Helen Doughman, services, ,7; ice Station, gas, .5.36; Oregonia 1'Otnl ,188 ta "" , !"i . $l~7 5; O. B. tarlatt; 6, A. E. Cheno- ,July 6, John W. Strawn was hir'ed tenns had expired havmg . estate-u.f-George~. Schenck Charles Hobson lerv1ces $10; Stel Bridge Co., s upplies, $2.96. J.IAUJI.1Tflr<:. (' o~' nl ll P nrnll/'Q ., . • . , ' l .t2 6.97 wet.h, 7; Waltel' Wilson, 8; J. A' ifor the job and bills were seJlt to eleeted, IIl1d .the Mes~rs. HI~ey a~d dece~8ed. First and flnal. Shutts, 10; and Asa Whital(er, 13; the Corwin and Lytle Special -dis- Clements beIng contmued In theIr W, N. Thompson, administrator T om l 1.lllll llltlpQ . •. . $ J, ~2S. 91 The chooL levy was rai ed to 6 tricts 'for their share of the eXJlen- re8Poectiv& stations, the latter for of eltate of Caroline S. Adams, deE ce~ .. Qr u n t'lu, y or .I .~ til .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .... '1 ~ . ~3 4 eo lJIi1Is, the exha half-mill being 8 II of the annual Boxwell com- another term of two years. ceased. Fint Jind tinal. , added to the contingent fund. mencement. ,I Nothing beyond the usual routine Lucme Bo~rst1er, administratrix !5<-1t I 111 tr l~t P . O . A tld re ~ J1arvl'"liUrlC IIln , l\IRroll ul, 1!1 ~3 . ~ These teachers were hired: Donna A special meeting was held!, happened Wltil April 4, when Wi!· of Cl!tate of Louisa Jessop, deceaa1 c "lIfv tI~e rore~"lng rl' port to Hawke, 1; Inez Williams, 2; Helen August 18, to determine whether liam Burge and Harvey Burnett ed. Final. HostelS: 14Thill i8 Captain Bank!! lJP cOI'r ... ct. More people are employed in :1. W . I AVI icClure, 5; J. P. Cumming., 7; a town hip Ruperintendent shouad . were apPQinted as directors' in disJ. W, Goddard, administrator of agriculture in Ohio than in any who has just. returned from a viait II'",K . Board oj' "dueR linn . Mary E. Fellly, 10; Sarah Burnet pc employed. Affirmative actior, tricts 1 and 13, respectively, thus estate of Floyd Bryant, deceased, other single indu try. TIll< VuJUI\t!OJl S9 3 9,G60. 0tl to the Arctic regions.'! TlLx I. vy , .06 13. wa~ finally taken by a 3 to 2 votJt , filling existing vacancies. The first and floal. ' 220 fretty Guest: "Oh, do come " hool Enum rallon A library of two hundred and C. E. Bl'8tten wa chosen:f,; gentlemen also decided to have a Anna W. Hatfield, !idn,lpistraThe prohibition battle has now nearer the fire, you must be cold." volumes, and eight sets ·of ";Ellis' ~he position by the ame vote, Hi ,s wire fenc.e, with a strand . . trix of estate 01 Ceorge W' J.lflcholNew York police ~Te seeking been converted into forty-eight Histories," (on e for each school) term was then increased to '1l1\' '0 barbed wife at the top, bUilt so n, deceased, tirllt and "na1. - Tit-Bits. six escaped lunatics. which is like more or less minor engagement. Olive James, administratrix of were purchased on May 16, at a years, still by the same votf~ II ,II around the Mt. Holly school yard. looking for a needle in a needl .. special meeting called for the pur- 1these votes having read: Smita,. II ,0; Once more. N .O. 13 was the only estate of Harlan Whitacre: deceasThe Hllate!' Iactory,- Macon Teleghaph. ed, second, final and distributive. We all hope that due to the depo e. The purcbsse, ,which amount- Earnhart, yes ; Wilson no; HilQ 'y, district to elect a school "What is your occupation?" cd to '320, was made from W. H. yes, Hohlett, yes. But when it .. as '(Harvef Burnet) at tbe spring Carrie W. Siekel', executrix of pression Sabe Ruth won't have to Webb, representing the Union moved t hat the superinttmdell t's elemion, 0 these directors were ap estate of Louis A. Sieker, deceas- cut his home runs do\\'n to thrce "It isn't an ' occupation, it's a School F'ul'nishing Co, but the salary be et at $800 per yftllt!. to pointed, May . 2: O. O. Miaseldine, ed, firllt and final. baggers· this season. pursuit. I 'm a bill collector,"- The cl l'k was instruct d hold tbe be poid at the rate of ,96l I er 1; Ernest Butterworth, 2; George Lebanon-Citizenl National Bank . HumQrlst. check until the goo ds had been de- I'month for the first eight mon" ,hs Smith, 5; O. B. Marlatt, 6: Chas. Ilnd Trul!t Company, trustee ()f esMaybe if we would take some of and $80 ior the ninth month, Jq hn Braddock, 7; Walter Wilson, 8; ta e 0 eorge E."R:iley, deceased, these s~tesmen to the service livered, inspected lind approved. Six million farmers In the UnitJuly 1, Mi s ltenrietta J\:j:cKin- IWilson deserted hi pte itlent a nd Albert Shutts, 10. First. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO station and fill them with high·test ed States produce the toed for Pbone 80 ey was employed to teach the Mt. voted, ith .the majority. This in(Continued OD Pac' I) Cordelia M. CrOS!I, guardian of gas they would quit knocking. BankBldr. ovet lOt) million peQpie. Only Maxwell W. Cr(lss, Dilinor, firet and about 6 or 7 per cent of the agri;:.:::::::=====:::::::::=:::==:::::::::.;;=~~= tlnal. Even If nobody went. to the Sarah L. 'Francill and Grace presidential lnaugurations every cultural produ~ta in the country 0=0==- By Albe,t T. Reid Blooks, admini!jtratrices ot estate four years but the job hunters, the ~re exported. of George B. FUDcie, deceased. District of Columbia would be First. crowded. FOR SALE DATES CALL Ada Hill, adminla.tratrix of esWANTED tate of · M. R. Hill, d«!eeased. Final. Cheer up. If you didn't get an Elmer E. Evans, administrator office in November maybe you WANTED- To puy all kinds of of estate qt EmmaZ, Evans, de- can ret yourself elected delegate chickens, paying highest market ceased, flled hiB invetltQl')'. to one o'f those prohibition repeal price. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, George P. Gates, admillistrator con.ventions. tf Ohio. of estate of W. A, EIi,n y, deeealled, is ordered to sell cerltain atoclta at Dog .fanciers }'eport that the private sale. JESSE STANLEY FORSAL~ . breeds of dogs are be.Jam es . Follen, HlI, Law 'a nd smaller comfll~ more popular each year, Pllone 320, New BwrU•• lo., Ollie Charles Waggoner Wlere appointed Another result of the depression. FOR SAL~Fordllon tractor with app\'aisers of estate of Vermont D. You can't feed . a Great Dane on a Moline corn plow attachment; EARL KOOCLER Singer. John Deere plows. Price ,126. Dattoa P.one Thomas Neville, administrat01' fox terrier income. Harvey Ry.e. Waynesville, Ohio. of estate of Martha Neville, deKEnmore III. It COlts about 38 eenb a day to ceased, ill ordered to sell ' cettain real estate and make return to feed a eo." <I~Ting winter months as ~ompared ~ 9.'7 cents a day to court. Oeorge p, Gates, :administrator feed the same eow ~n summer . estate of W .. A. Ea,rly, 'cleceased when ahe is jln paatllre. tiled his schedule of (,ebte. I Mary R. Lincoln, executrix of Reports from Arrentlne are to estate of ' Lawrence Blrown, deceas- the effect that the farmers down ed, filed her first s~nd fI nal ac- there are putUng In a8 much Ir.ln count. as usual despite the low price•• Alice Cain, administratrix of es- it's pretty hard to di.courage a tate of John Cain, deceased, is or- farmer to the point where he won't dered to diatribute and pay over work. said anete in kind to 'tholle of !lueh distribuues all will receive the HI.to..,. of tit. H . . .I, Potato same. Walter C. Peten. eSleeutor of esIreland is not the hom. of the tate of Laura deceased ftled hill Inv'etlilor'v. The will ceased, was admitted The
NEWS GLEAN -Existed in Wavne 10wnship ftJr l' ears fROM COUR HOUSE
7 he' Little Red, District School, as it
- - -
n" ..... ... ,.
- ---
==-===================='==_.___ _ _ We Wouldn't Be Surprised = ==-- -===
Stanley &Koogler Auction £ers
I I • •bu... rlsublarIPtlo. PriM, .'.10 a Y_r OfIice . . . . . ....... ... ......... No. 112 li!ntered at POlt.We. at Wayne.aR. •hie".:. ........................ w .,0. 111 JIle. OhIo, attJ"'cood . .tt •• CIa.. XaU
B, Mrt. J.lli. B. TrIpp There i an inspiration That elevates m'y soul; And draw me to the Masler Away from earth'K (lontrol, Close to the cl'ystal fountain
MAR H 8, 1938
Action! T he' events of a dl'amatic week-end, events coming with !ltartllng . t herst II r api'd I' t Yin 30 hours after his inaugu'I'ation alreadN have tested t he temper of th n ew Chief Executive and the stren&,th of his will to action. There is no hesitation hel'e, no waiting upon wQrds, n o oPP ol·tunism. Pr ident Roosevelt bas struck vigorou~ly at the flrst II ent. emergency to face him. The ex ample of his leadership in contaglOUR. As a I'esult th re is new hope and courage in the heart!! of the people.
Where aU iti love and b~auty And sorrows, never go.
lll·. Robcl't Mrs. Loths l)' WintlollJ a ter Vir and Mr. giniu of neul' Wayn lind Mr. . Theodore ntire of ew Burlington I:'pcnt Tuesday (Continued from pare 2) with Mr. and i\flo . Raynlond , iton. Mis Lodanna Sinclair ,sIlent the The lotal ta~ levy Iol' .sch o~1 pur w "k-cnd \\ilh h<'I' fd rid Mis poses ~as contmue~ a~ SIX mlllll, at Dorothy Bogan. (' Ia n adJourned meting on May 16, land contracts fol' a 34-weeks MI'. anti M·I'i'. Lair ot term for'ihe next yeAI' were ofatu to t he fo llowing tea('hers: I . . Davis, 1 ; Mnrguel'ite Monfol·t, I Ham. II ami fSlI1lly of neal' New 2', lJelen McOu re, 5', Pea" 1 HilL. a,' Bl<l'lngtoll. I IJ ohn Strawn, ~ 7; Henriettaf Me Kin·
Th~lIs~:~~t rf~~~~:h;:~~;~~~
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Laura J. Zell, deceased Notice is hereby &,iven that T. H. Zell has been duly app ointed and qualified as Executor of the Estate of Laura J. Zf!U Inte of Warren COllnty, Ohi o, deceased. Dated thi ~ 20t.h day of February 1933. Shawhan & Brown, AttYH. RALPH lJ. REY ,ludge of the Probate Court Warren County. hio m8
Hay. a Com,I... Wa Repair S..."lce And ule only genuine materlaJa. rystals fltted while you ",alt.
Cary's Jewelry Shop L.baaoa, Ohio Store Open Eveninn ~!"!!'!~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
DR. RUDOLPH • Sight,
Estate of William H. Madden, deceased. otice is hereby given that arl D. Madden who e POtlt Office Ad. 30 Years Expuience In Fitting and M.klnr Gl..... dress is Clarksville. Ohio has been dilly appointed as Admini b'ator de bonis non with the will annex II of the Estate of William H. L.b&Jlon, .0"10 Msdden late (II Warren ounty, Tu ••cLa,.., Thurad.,., Satu4a, Ohio. deceased. EIl.miDltioD F .... Duted t hi's 20th day of February LEBANON, OHIO 1933. . Donald Dilat.ush, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY m8 Judge of th e Probate Court -=============~ Wa rren County, Ohio teachers' examination s with fl ying colors, and taught their schoo l the next y at. . H. lcment submitt d his Subscribe for t he :Miami Gazette. re ignation as clerk of the board ::=!:==============~ l on July 6, and the same was accepted. The late Frank . Carey, who had !!ucce eded Mr. Clements a, township c1er~ •. mad appJicatlon 'for t he P08ltlon. bot "a it wa thought ~hat the law h~d been changed making the town ~hlp clerk the clel'k of the board al lh 80, e mattel' of appointment wa laid over." F"red B. Sherwoo~ wrote the Phone 78J record?f the next meeting', Augu~t 1•. WhiCh, fortllnat Iy for thl ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN wl'lter, tJ'a n acted. very little busi- Jour Cattle hogs Iheep Ind cIlvel ne~s beyond routme, and the ap- to Norrla-B~ock Co .• live wire and .._ - - - - - - - -_ __ ~(lln~ent of Mr. Carey to aucceed progressive finn for the hilrhut r. ements. ma:ket pricea and, good. lervlce. (To be Continued) \hUOD Stock Yard. Cinc,.. naU. O. Tune In on Radio Station WCKY Director ~f FIlDeraJ S.nl•• 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for our d.n, market reports. !!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ Our cClnvenient locatloD, lultable 8urroundinp and equipment enables us to Serve 'to the' Beat Advantaie. 'IOTARY PUBLIC
Ralt>igll Bogun ~ial\ed on 1 ~I'Y, 10. H WUM later disl;ovel'cd IJ\fl's. Jllhn Wil ~on Wedne~day that no provision had been made Xftel'noon. f or NOI!. and 13. 80 the positio n Mi ' J calln He WjJ on spenl in No. ' 13 was offered t.o Mi 8 the week-end witb her COlli in, Miss Eleanor Eal'nhart (MJ·s. arl Babb Jean FUl'UaB of near Wa:ynesvilk lof Xenia) with the provision thl~t Raleigh Dogan lind family weI' she .secure th n ccssal'Y teacher's unduy dinlll!l' guests of Mr. and ceI'~lficat~, but No. was fOl'e'd to Mrs. fLQJ'ace ompton, of New walt until t~e next meting, June Burlington. 6, to leat:~ It~ . Inte, when 1isB 11{ N'II' Mary Davll1 (sister of Eva) was M ~s. i B III II BU~~~;I!1 Mi:~ chosen for the position, under the onnl! unne an< . I ; e e same prov isions as were imposed
lilT f'.
And my visi n doe. expall(l; I love to go in spirit To God's bright ~uml\l I' land, Where Ang I \' ices mingle In mus ic' s sweetest flol\" r . I " Wnere all is peace and beauty ~ III evident that the n ew President is ready for a planned attack And death can never g o. on t hepr s nt financial stringency, an attack begun by assumption of \\ar-time powers t o protect the interest of America and American And when my lite is ove cepositors and 't{) be carded in detail to the Congres8, called to meet And eal'th reclaims her own; Thursday. President Roosevelt has won wide commendation tor his My tired 80ul will enter euergetic attack on this problem. I h ope, my lJ eav nly home; It is necessary n ow to provide at once for a suitable ftow of ex·
Tlae Littl. Red, Diatrict School. 01 Wayne Town.hip
It takes me ev r onward
Cary's Jewelry Shop
a. : ~Clak, d!\~1 ~ ~;~~ I V~I~':resCh~~~ ~~~~g MI~~i;:a:::;.t. t~~~~g~f ~~:
F. ·r. Martin
change, for the meetjng of pay rolls, for the needs of trade. This nee d And with the happy Angel s Georg' Bunnell IS a me'mber of was to be met Monday in many citi 8 by the issuance of so und scrip. I will pitch my snowy ~e nl. the facully. The proclamation ' of tbe holiday closing the banks temporarily delayed .Mi s DOI'othy Bogan r ceived thi~ action, 8nd at the same time autllOrized it aa Boon as the Treasury first prjze on a lu~cheon cl~th, s~cD partment draws up regulations governing the issuance of scrip. This ond prl~e on a quilt and ltmd prize ttlrn pol'ary medium of exchange hOllld be provided immediately, 88 it on crocheting at the Girl's Hobby undoubtedly will be provided . ' Miss B ell O'N all, of Wa hing- Fan: at X nia, spon.sored . by the There is, withQut doubt, a new feeling 01 encouragement, of new tOn C. B., called on 1\lr . Amanda Bu ' IDe and ~orfesslona) WOl)1ens .. hope, in the air. Perhaps mo t 01 Us feel that the country has been IStarr and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. club of t hat city. "OUII on a limb" fo)" a long time. that we have fallen to solid ground Sherwood Monday evemng. 1\1r. a~d 1\.[1'. Emerson Smcla!r nd that· now with certainty under us we can get to our feet and heal i Mr. and Mrs. ha s. Vol.ers have l and famil y hav moved to t heIr . ' . '. • I moved 1rom the fa I'm mto the n \, home. uur bl'ull!el!. The brUises al'C less pS lIliu I because a new leader hIp, Sh k t ~I I M d M ' L th H' . t h d 1 "A t' I" h I k " ums er proper y on l ' ap C r. an 18. U er aIDes, promls 8 11 wa c . wer.. 0 .c I? n . a s pr?mpl y ta en drastic aChon IItreet. Mr . Ralph Learning and.. Richard iu match a drastiC CIISIS.InClDnatl EnqUirer. The ladies of th J onah's Run : Hain es, . on of ?th. and MrIS. Flomer Baptist Church entertained with a Haines. lit' on the sick Jist this s ilver tea Tuesday altel'noon at week. r III III Maplehutst home of Rev. and Mrs. MI' . Walter Wilso n. Mr . Ray. I' J . P. ThOl'~bury. mond Wilson and Mrs. Theodore '---------'---_________________.)1 H'a ny McVey brought home a l\fclntire called on harlll?s Shepbride Tuesday and lh you ng tolk herds, Frid a~ afternoon. 8 :00 Music t t d th to an uld fa h 'on d .', [rs. Nelhe Bunne)) was a S :05 Busines M n and the Fnrmcl' Dean Cunningbam br~~ e ttl e~ . ' . Th I h X nia shopper Friday afternoon. 8:15 The Trutll About Timothy .y ..... J . S. Cutler e Ing . a ev nmg. her ave Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan and 8 :25 MUllin best. WIshes from the woe com- dllughtel', Dorothy and Mrs. Hor:4.0 PU I'alysis in Chickens . .. .C. M. Ferguson munlty. ace ompton called on Mr. and 8:50 Pruning ... . .,....................... C. S •. Ho~land Mrs. George Beach has gone to Mr Herman Lacy a'ld Mrs ~ :00 Homemaker Lock at their Furniture .. Anne Blebncher FI 'd f th rest of the '. •. V: 10 MusiC on a or ~ . Jemlmtl Moore of ChestElr neighI) :26 Using Native Lumber H. p , Twitchell winter. horhood and Mr. and ~lrs. William 9:35 4-H Club Work in a County .. . " .. ". . N. Mcintosh M.iss Charlotte Thoma wa h ost- Compton Ilndaya'fternQQn. l\hs. Lawrence Mitcbn4!r called Medina County e~, at; a jolly part)' Friday evening. Natloaal Beak AMBULANCE SERVICE 9;4 5 Seasonal Veterinary Suggestion ................ " .... W. R. Krill The guest wer the girls and boy on Mr. and 1I1rs. R. E. Jones of Willa Ora.. • • S.ttle4 Pbon. 29 Saturday, March 11, 8 :00 to 8:30 of-the ba ketbalJ team. New Burlington, Tuesda.y a1ter. Way ••nill•• ow. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Music (radI o on~-Brahm8) ..... . Mary Ruth Tolbert Kathlee n and Alice Gray were noon, At UncI T om' Ca in . . ... . ... .......... .................. R. B . Tom wee1<-enc\ gu IItS oC ena Davis lit ------~~--j~~---"'!"'~!!!!!!'~!'_-"!!!~~!'_-~-!!!'!'-- ~_~ _'!!!"'!_'!_""'!!!!"!'!••!""'!!_""'!~~_~t--"'!''!!''l!~!''!!'!~!'!!'''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!' Mu ic (To Spring- GrieJ ) . . ..... Mary Ruth Tolbert her home near Wayn ville. Nature in the Early Spnng ........ " ... ........ H. E. Eswin
Centerville, Ohio
h 7
h 13
arm lyig talks, ,,,,,arc
... ...
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
How dQ you II ,.
to buil.d the kitchen 'fire on
"Uncle John Henry" Newman, ousted state libl'arian by .ctlon of the library board, is still on the job greeting hiB friends with that jovial and kindly amile known to thousands of Ohioans. John Henry secured a writ of prohibition from the county court of appeals, charging that the board'. action in abolishing t he position, was an as· sumption of leJislative power and tbat tbe boat'd had no authority to name an acting UbraHan, In the person of Executive Secretary, Charles H. Dale, later dischal'l'ed by Newman, "because of a decreas ed budget." Final hearing on an alternative writ will be next week.
a raw, Virginia
cold morning? ."
01' cocaSE, . . .1Ie likes to IMdW die kilchea _-lIOt 0. • ...w ..raiq . . AIIJ. odaer AM .we pra,1Ne _ -.I . . . . eIIdy..o...u., ~
.. I.
. . . . . . . Dee
~ . . . deal ....e. We Pro........... .0 dae dirty, eM........ m==1!ded willa woM
ad eeIIl
u...r New Burlington
The aeml-monthly pay roll of the at.te amounts to faOO,OOo for the flnt half and approximately
000,000 for the ...t half. the latter cauHd by the f.ct
that ate lDatitutiODl .... paid OIlCI • month. In the llne-ap Ita troDt of the window of the tnual')' darilll' tIMt ruh of waft'Ult culdq OM WOIIIU W 41
Born- To Mr. and Ml'~. Ver non Flock records abow that the Stiles, Sunday, March 6, a son, early hatched chick. return more Vernon Lester. IIIP.I, ~@ "fa1'lller tllall Miss Katherine Holland is reo ha\GbtKI ,,,t,r In ~I -rear. 'for ' cov~riD~ from a minor operati on bellill to la, 'liP Whell prillel .re performed at Miami Valley Hosht.her, Front II to 11% mOlltha .... pltal Ja.t weelt. required for a le.horn to reach Hisl Ca~berlne Warner, of Iq .... and In orde~ to have heft. Gr.enfteld, .was a guest last week lay by Odober. wlum prlo.. lITe In tbe home of )lr. and Mrs. L. S. h~h. tlte chlcu muet cr.ck their Bol1aad. sheU. by the 1II1c1dle of April. The "med Wedneaclay March 1st h..YJ bHecil reqarre from e ' to ill Wihnl~_on, Ohio,' Fred Slyb 6 ~ month. tOJ'Ueh ia)'lq and lin. Cora Shanks. ud therefore ahoald be 1UI1tcIlld] by the middl. of IIanb. IllNea Ruth Reevea and Doroth,Y _ • _ • • ...... WOD a1'llt prIH at the Girl s Bobb,. fair at Xenia Iut week. Mr. . . . lin. Stewart .Brown . . . . . .edto'
.... ,........
By la' I' I . . . . ~ IdkJaell_..,. ... like ......., - .. ...... lei ia tile .day, IIaaIr c-'*, ..._ today haft the eDIlYeatleaee ., . . -8M .....~ willa. boa, blue, ...de-, ....'IIIir --. .illd • T G.. ...I iI ready willa ita .... die 3 ~ . . . It . . . . . .1Iea
... ... n.. ..
PyiVlq c:.. ·i llh.._ .' ~
ill.,. «
PYl'Olax briDgs to country kitehena a 0QD0 venience eomparahle · to the modern implemeuaa which men use in the field aud factory. Pyrolax . ft!1~ the laooeewife froUt kilchen drudgery, It U DO longer ue<:essary to buy. Q type of 8tOft "Iaieh Jea really don' t want, nor to me a kind of .... dial JO. deD't hollellly desire, simply beeaU8e of AnI price. Fe Jun,e der;elope4 a net.D plcn .Ide"
..uN die fint co.e 01 fa
.... _ieIa
tI10uLi pq.y for
fa IIeeI erUaden .ad ___ '.7 ...... ma1a .a
oilier f-I.a. You .owe il to yoo.nelf and your poeketbook 10 iuve.lipte the new Pyrelax o1rerl Get ia lOach with _ .it' •• ~. )'Ou
B ... ......... ~I ".. Pyrofu "...,."..,. COllI"... _ ,.. ~ OJlf) fA ...e, and lIN odaer Us ,...... 0 ... . , ~ ,.,. aM fft1S'tIf. f_mily {tom IMIo 10 ".,... ~~ . ...... one" ....",1, lIN ,..enecyUrukr ........... _ ...... Pyro,.s ....wce man replatw 1M f1mpty 'lite 0/ ,lie •........, p~ ". , ....... ind...... pipi"" ,. oaJr
""re ...,. ..,." "I......
'- ......
cookinf ~ "...,..,. "...
p .• E. NYDER & SON· OHIO --"
at !.he home of Mr. and Mra. L. W. Gf'rharcJt. F.vI'rybod,. w lcome. Lorll' Da}', !\larch 12, Unified II t'l'IIi <! bt>sinnin/t with Chul'(h ~chool )ll'nod at !l :30 a, m. Lord'!! The (onowina' p , UPPI'I' IIntl "t' rm(1n ~t 10 :ao a. m. Lerionnaire of the 10urth Ohio Ings fenluf('d the ling of ,the A Warren County Farm and S£'l'1l1011 :ubj ect. "Svidluality.·' gathered In Lt'banon last ' Home Protective Committee to be You 'arf' nlwR"~ wvlrum at thi~ district ' r or, t h e1\rst d"lstrlct con, W . C. T. . held at tbe hOlne of 0 f a ssistance to owners in handlin"" un d ay ' WAYN SVILLE M. E. CHURCH rhllrch. I) 'b ... f r nce ev r held in Warren M r 8 .G. I or \~ I as t F n' day their mortgage problems, was ap. G. fbert, Pastor co unty. aft rnoon: "A Tribu lte to F'rllncea pointed last week by Governor ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' Dibert; "Un. Gebrge White. The committee Group meeting were held Sun- Willard," Mr_. :p dill I' iv 1 m. li~p; lIC'h Re\'. J. J. SChfUlfIl'r Rector lllllhl 1 hi " l'k ('xl'Pj1hng salurdny \ h W ld ! " t dny morning and th large mt'et- veiling the 'tatu of Frnnces WH. plans to meet for organization pur s\lndl\~'t 11Ul'h 12, unday . .i 1I. ~ .el ne!' ll., ,.Inc.! 1, se,r- ing lor Su nday aft rnoon was I d" M M W c" 1 ' Wh pOS. within th next. few days ar, r. . of••Jllllnois ,1 ver:' at and wi1l probably be ready to 'rho I at ~ :30 1\. 11). :Morning wor- 'Ie ,It f .31} p. m. FJI ~t Sunday 111 f o11owe d by a street parade and Senator Collum Said." h at 1 ::lll; :(:;pworlh Lengue at drum corps competition in the Mrs. 11181 tin: S I ctions from fu nction by the end of the week. ThursdllY, larch 9, servic at downtown ~----",*~IH at. I:\ellilIjI! S('lr'\1it.~~ cUon. everal drum Albert J , Beverage"s "Lit> of Committees have 7 p, 111. (nutE' the change, of tim corps in the district participated. Frances Wiillard," Mrl\. Alonzo by the governor, ill a majority of ,WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF from 7 :30 to 7) Rev. Donald El. District Command!)r W. A, Bur· Curl; "Prayer by Edlward Everett Ohio counties and are operating , ood. rec t or Of 11 !lints church, I CHRIST lingame, ot ineinnati was in Hale," Mrs. urtis Tomlin on: with a state cQmmitte in giving ibnington, 'P likeI'. \ (Undenominatloua1) charge 01 the confere-nce which "Suppo e We Shouldl Hav Th free counsel and advice to home Sun(iay, ~[at 11 12, 2nd in Lellt, "hc. t r ' A. Williall\son, Mini ter htU'eb sc hool Ilt 9 :30: lorning ";118 csllet! to p'rd~r. at 10 :20 l8lh Amendment Repealed, and !lnd farm owners concerning the !'lurch. cho I nt. !I :.lO a, m. Prdy~l' and . crn\on at l() :30. o !'lock Sunday mor~mg. , Have it ss in 1917,," !>Ir . Anna various aspects of their mortgage L rd' upper t onclu!lion. Mrs. Agnes Merntt, department Cadwallader' " howing How the problems. hn Uan Endet{vor l G:3 0 p. m. FRIENDS MEETING president, and Department Com- Pre!!ldent Wi'li Work With the Peo. The Warren county committee is . Patterson addre sed the pl~" Mrs. J . R. Wad'c compo of Stanley M. Sell ers fari Pine, Lead r. Evening cyan· F 'Lr..~ Day J anunry 29' Fa t mander f ' ~, . I G !!,"oli tic , l' i 1\.\ 7:30 p . m. (Or· Day Pt'i nd hill School at 9:30 a .' a tAernloon meetlbn g . f l ' . The meeting was saddened by aHnd , HdarCr y Z. Fray, kl~ .bllznoOn: moo !'-ubject, 'Tho Pulfillment or: 1't1 ' f . h' . arge num er 0 eglonnalrcs the recent death of 1\lr5 Lmiam owar onover, ran In, . , eetmg or wor lP at 10:30 and th ir families wer in atten· Mill, It Joyal member' of th 1 Worl y, MOl'row; L, Earl Thomp· the Law." Puyer Meetinr and m. dance. Union, lind a most willing and I son, Mas~n; tlnd J . L. M.endenhall, Bibl • tudy nch Wedn csdal' at a. m. 7:3 p. m. The ehur,c h where you efficient worker for the ca se of Waynesvllle, ...- - f el at home. temperance. .
Mira Cowan Spok. For W. F. M. S. Mrs. M. W. Silver Willi hOlltess t o the quarterlv Tea of the W. F. M. SOC I' ~ty (lI th M. D. '" ,'"h urch Ins'" ~ W t! d neRday 11 f t.ernoon. At ll'!l' MI's. W . F . Cl ar k h a d con d ucte d i he d e. S , an d mI'. U ' G, • vo t ·lona I e'X I'CIS Dibert had lead ih le8son study, " The Fourth Daughter." Mrs, J . W. L td' "A GI ance 0 z gave a rea mg, at orne Family Bu dge ts." Ell.$n.. Co.wa.Jl missionary stationed at . Middle cho ol in
China, who ill viaitlq bel' hom at Ridgl'villp while In Ameriea on f\lrlough, ,ave a moat entertainlnr and Instructive account of her work, and III. 0 ('xhibitl'!d nll1ny intE'resting cUI·ioi". Mil; Cowan was l\e.~on~n~Lnied to the Ineeting by her nloth r, II n·u1 the Mis os Blancho an')' Perle Riley, of Rid" .. ville. Oelicious l'e fl'l:!~ hm.ent!l I h W re . el"Ved dut'ing th !Jocm our. - - -... _ .. Fri(1nd- You will ~oon forget her d b ' an e 11 appy Ilgaln. Jilted Suitor- Dh, no, I shan't! I've !,Jought too mUoCh for her 0 Lhe installment plan.
The Cost of a Funeral
e . d
Mrs. ·Zimmerm __ n Suprenlacy To Be Called by Death ,Settled by Game
ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH Father French, Pastor Jrs, Marl' Zimmermun, aged 61 Service will be held every two weeks on Tuesday morning. >,ca rs, and widow of the late Thad Zinlluel:man, died at the home of FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST her SOll, harlc Zimmerman. on (Undenominational) the Ma. On road, about II o'clock 11e ter A. Wmiamson Sunday night, aIter several f n sand Wom n's Clas es Oloniha of IntelJ suff ring with 10l'eh cancer of tp stomaCh. Funeral ""'!!~~~_ _ _ _ _~_~~~ l:'Iervices were held in Mort!l ary - Ichanel. Tue dllY afternoon, li nd ,...........- - -.............-------'\. burial was made in Miami oemetery. Mrs, Zimm rman wa 101' many , , (!ars a well known and high-ly re· Sl)ected citizen or thi~ community, together wilh her husba nd Have your property shl.", and y()unger son , having remOved her home to Pharr, Texas. some covered by year. ago. Mr. Zimmerman precedan experience J agent ed her in death on l;>eeembel' 26, 1930. and she eventually returned to the old home to spend her re======~ -~~====== maining days. She is sUl'vived by two ons, Charles Zimmerman, of Waynesville, and Harold Zimmer. man, of Texas. PLOD. SIIU TR\" Waynesville, Ohio OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR RESULTS
E. Daugherty
----------~------------~-----RED BRAND FENCE
, "Gllv.nnulecl".nd ,:
# ....._ - - - : ; : - ,
Copper Burins
Wlnn.r of the Gulf 01 M.xlco
Thlto..--, face ...U .... : : Th. : : "GlI......."" : I
• __ 0" ..... :
Wuth., Test
~ II
--- _._
--~ _
....,.l_ . ---
Beech Grove
We are often asked. "How much does a funeral cost '! " The answer d pends on t he gl"acl e of merchandise selected and the amount of service required. -In OU1' showroom s we offer en kets and other necessities in a wide range of style and price, with s uperlative value in evel'y grade. W e are prepared to make the ervice a simpl e or as elaborate as the circumstances may r equire. , We a lways do our best to help our ' pab'ons select the h1 rchandis and se rvice sujted to their condi t ion and needs. We serve a ll cIa ses in the community. giving to each case th most revel' nt and. ympathetic care that lies within our power.
The Mis es Mayirey and Mod· en Powell of thi place aDd Geneva Powell 01 near Oregonia A most intere ling: program was was Tuesday evening callers of given at Grange la t Saturday Miss Mary K. Th ompson. even~ng. The Grange orehelltrn Miamisburg and South Lebanon f u rnlslied music thlroughQut. the were well represented at church at program. At roll CSllJ, each re· Green Briar on last aturday even sponded with an Irish joke. J ames ' ing. Everett Anson and others of Qibbons gave a velry interesting t ()'f his trip to Florida which Clarksville attended church at was fo ll owed by a solo, 'Whel'e the Gr en Briar on S unday River, Shannon' Flowj~." by Thomas Wilbur McGahay h~ a new HardlD. Earl Ho~k.~ tt .~ery ab ly motorcycle. h~ndled. ~he .. subJ ect, ,Profitable everal from this place hav Phone 7 Waynesville, Ohio PIg Ra!slng,. alter WhlCh there b n attending the Receivers snle was a dJ U5SI0," ' Eall'l brought out of the S. Fred Company a t Lebmany good pomts on the care pi anon. pig.. The program was concluded Asa Lam b of Corwin and Otis witb a reading, ".Pri~lce Charming,' Powell of tJiis place have been ~~---~~--~~.....~..........-~!"'""~-~~~------ by Juanita Brannock suggested for Deacon for the Green Briar church. ORCHARD PRUNIf'IG WAS The D'Autremonts of near DEMONSTRATED, THURSDAY Oregonia have moved to t heir new farm here. Henry Hopkins and wife of near Eighty.five people attended the orchard pruning clemonstrations Morrow, spent aturday evening held Thursday, Mar,ch 2, in War. and Sunday with relativell and ren county. Stops 'Were made at friends here. orchard. ot HOVlrard Ehlerding Rufus Robertson of :tear King· Loveland, Chas. S. Eaker, Morrow, man ill entertaining his iste!; from Albert Banta, Lebanon; Carl Duk Cincinnati this week. The McKay fanlilies and the Waynesville; Frank LeMay and J . L. Mendenhall. Wllynesville and Glenn Davis family attended Monthly Meeting at Harveysburg D. B. Underwood, Elarveysburg. MADE PUZZLES FOR Tbe proper prunlnar of peach and on last Sunday. SHUT.IN INVALIDS ditl'erent varieties (~t apples was Clark sville wa well represent· demonstrated. Mr. 1:[olland, exten. ed at church at Green Briar on la st The manufacture of puzzles to Ilion s pecialist, emphasized very Sunday morning. , A. kMoore is on our . invalids occupied strongly that all peach trees . Mrs. be sent to shut-m k I ' t Lucy th ~ much of the time of the meeting s hould be severely pruned all all SIC 18 IS wee . Several from a distance attend· of the Kings Heralds held at the peaches have been :trozen and no home of Doris Beck, Saturday crop can be expected in Warren ed church at Green Briar on last 'm year. Saturday ,evening. W 1 d J a ft ernoon. A voca I so I0 b y the county thl" . IbM E Joe Ker!!ey and his class of ay an ordan and family of h ost eBS, 8 plano 80 0 Y ary va Hyde Park spent W d d ' t h LeMay, and a story, "The Doctor's vocational a&Ticultu:re at the Leb. , e nes ay WI Away," read by their leader, Mrs. !allon High · chool attended the ~IS borne f olks her~, Mrs. CatherA. H . Stubbs, added much to the demollstration at Charles Baker's me Jordan and family. " while Mr. Crabbe alnd his class at I ~dmond B. Corcoran a nd ,sistel' enjoyment of the program. Scrap books for invalids will be Waynesville' was present at the Lelia of Col,umbus, pent Sunday made a t the next meeting, to be or~&l'd of Carl Dul~e and Sons. afterno~n wlth-tir~rifurdan-1anritv1+--::--" held at the home of Charles and - - ' Charlie Wells ,was a Saturday overDi ht uest of ' About 320 men Sind 339 young near Oregonia. ~-Jfarold Anderson in April. Down through the ag s the constant use of - - -- - - - - women between the ages of 16 Alta and Ruby Collett of n ear and 24 are participllling in recrea Oregonia, attended church t MASONIC NOTICE wood has proven it to be the best material for tional 01' educatlonlll programs in G a r an orga'bized )Vay in 12 Qbio reen Brit on last un(lay. home-building, A lumbel'-built hom e with wood ' Communication Way- counties. nesStated 'Ue Lodge No. 163 F. of 4: A. M. ____ _ _ ___ ' t
When the preaent editio~ of the W. H. . ba ketball team defeated the Alumni players who had won ounty championships for two their Alma Mater in a game played near the beginning of the season. many fans t hought that lack of practice and team pillY was mostly re ponsible for the defeat of Alumni. Ever since that game, efforts have been made to bring the two teams together once more. This ambition will be realized when the two teams meet in a benefi t game for the ,Mothers club at th Gym, next Saturday even· ing. Invitation have been ill8ued to the 'following Alumni players: El'",in Ellis, Homer Kinnard, Paul avage, Ralph Mainous, BaUard W.allaee, John Turner and Milo Miltenberger. However, it is very doubtful if Erwin Ellis will return from Florida in time to participate Invitations have 01110 been sent by the Mothe ... club, hear tly «\ndoned by Supt. J . W. Loti, to Mesars 'Ray Petenon and John Pyle, the coachea of the team in 1931 and 1932, to be prelent t. lelld tbeir forll'ler charre. onto the floor and I direct their play in thi8 lame.
James E. McClure
, Home. ,
- _Your.
-:--====F==:: C: = ====
RED BRI\ND Costs I.. b.cau.. It ... y.,n Ion..,.
Waynesville farmers hchange Co. Phone 26
Wayne.ville, Ohio
TueBd.ay eVening, March 14. Visit ing aftli lojournlng, brethren are welcome. - - --. - A reader in a letter to' the WlIshington News suggests that Europe natioDs pay ·us what they owe us by turning over to us some of their magnifJcent buildings. We refuse to take the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's damaged. - - -•• - • SUbacribe for the Miami o.le"-.
To Choose from---AII Makes and Modes •
All'''' Kahn Motor Car , Co.Open Sunda,.
---_ A large number IrJf friends and relatives from herel attended the funeral of Floyd Ssvage at the res. idence near Five P,pint Thursday. ~r. and Mrs. Gerrard, of near Waynesville, movedl to Mrs. lda Brown's property If:OIIday. Mrs. Allen Emric;k is slowly reo covering and is no'w able to get about the house on crutches. M.r s, Margaret J ,obns, in com· pany witb Mrs. Eliizabetb Smith, of Dayton" . were dinner guests Thursday 01 Miss 'Mary and Parry Oook in Waynesville" honoring the birthday of the lattler. Mr8. M. B. Herman returned
Mrs. Morris Miller was entertain. ed to dinner Saturday, with a college g roup, at the home of Mre. Panl Baer a t Oxford, in h onor of Mis!! Marie Gillespie, a mi sionary of Persia. . Mr. and Mrs. Loui Trickey, Mrs. Alice Miller and so n. Ray, were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle near Waynesvill e. Mr. C. L. Duke ot Route. 73, was tendered a surprise Sunday evening, honoring his birthday, A covered dish dinl1er was served.
floors, wood mantle., taitcase, window frames and doors brings kindly memories to mo t of u bee au e it was in such a home t hat we were born and raised. Lumber gives ,that "homey" atmosphere that all other materials lack. Use lumber to bund YQur home. Lumber gives greater home comfort at more reasonable cost. Let us help you in planning your home.
OOEN & C.c:"JIr--.-
gue8UL.,.~~:-,pu.-.4lIWl-*I'9r+..++-'--wrv-::--lF1I--"""...g.. ,
B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Lon. acre, Mrs. Margaret Johns and , Mil!8 Bernice Graham.
Phone 14
W.ynes,v ille, Ohio
I , Latc.ha, to Cincinnat i, SundayM~ for ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~§~ --- hom e w~ hu ~u~~~ a few days visit. Mrs. Georgianna Haines hasn't been so well the pa llt week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley spent the week-elnd with the former's parljnt!l, Mr. and MT. IMorris Hadley, near Clarksville. Mr. C. R. Binegl~r and niece, Mrs. Minnie PaY'llle and little daughter of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. TherJe J ones and son and Mi!!8 Thelma Coleman were Sun. day guests at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kennclk. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Thomall and children of near Harveysburg are moving to Allen Emlrick's property thia week. Mr. and . Ml'II. Robert Burnett visited their son, ~:ex', at Miami Valley Hospital Sunday and re· · port him doing niclely. ' MI'. and ,Mrs. Gtlorge Graham and 1amlly moved Monday to the tenant hQWJ8 on Halrvey Burnett's farm. " Mrs, Ketler (;raham and daughter Bernice and Mrs. Margaret Johns were Lebanon villiton Friday. Miu Helen Friend accompanied Mnr. Morris lIUle!' to Oxford Saturday and spent the day with her brothel', Irvin Friend, who Is attendln, coli... there. Mr. and Ml'I. Allen. Bole and son are mo'liD~ from Beavertown to the houe on the S. B. BUl'Ilett farm and WilHam lmenhen and family are mo'liq from there to the teunt hoale on Chaa. Beek's
fann ~rj~!~=~ ijll..
Times like these impose and demand unity am~ng all citizens. ., . Ther~ is no place for partisanship in the plans for our national restoration. ,. , America, MUST wjn, because America cannot afford to lose this battle with economic forces. Our naturnl resources ~till remain untouched-we need only to devise a practical co-ordinated plan to start a~ain upon the bro~d highway of nat~orial prospetlty and contentment. "God reigns; and the Government at Washington still lives."
Eighty ·Sixth Year
MAR H 15. 1933
Whole Numb er 6067
' Wom an', Auxi liary '33 TEAM AGAIN TRIUMPHS OVER Y EXPLAINS Met at Littl e Inn VETERINA R COUNTY CHAMPS OF-'3I--AND j2 Auxiliar~' NEED FOACAlrlE TEST Tho Woman"
'rhe Wa yceh of lfl33 once marl! werc the co nqu erors of the ounly hampio ns of '31 and '32 in a be nefit gamc, played for th e l\f thel'S cl ub at t he Gym, lasL Saturda y vening. Despite the retur n of Erwin Elli and the leadel's.hip of MI'. Ray Peterso n, who coached the '3 l team, t he exchamps slightly sh Qw d t h effects (I f time, and were nosed out, 30 t o 23, in a closely contest ed and interes ti ng game, t he score being I ' d at ) 2 all at the end of t he half oach John Pyle, of the '32 team, vm s unable to be pI·esent. ' Mi s Evelyn artWTig ht, of incinna ti, who had 1 ad the H. S. che ring !leoti on on So mnny happy occasio ns while tb champ_ were winni ng til ir h nor s returne d to Once mQre leud the cheeri ng for her former cia smntes. Miss Doroth y Runyan and D an Hawke h l' suce SKOI'S, lell lhe High school l' otCI'!;. , I n the eurtnin rais r, th boys or the evcnth a nd eight h gr des loan d the /!f\1all r Freshm en Il plllY I' or two and then defeat d them 11 to 8 in II game t hat was filled with life and· p p, Those youngs ters pfobab ly would n ot have toad much chance against larger play f l!. but boy, oh boyl what. a game they did put up among themsel ves, , In the scc ond game, the local fac ulty tea m, assisled by H erbert Buerkl e lind ]\f red ith Whitak er, defeate d the Carlisle faculty team, 39 to 34. The Carlisle team was ompo ed of H. S. eoachell and teaeheTs from various schools 01 the count.y, il\cludi ng oach Riegle, of Otterbe in, -who was a melllbe r of the All-Sta te collegia te team jUllt a f w years ago. The
game started like an ea Y' victory for ' the 10cal1\, but Mr, Riel,(le Aashed some of his shots that won Slate honors for him, and histCtllll mutes cam to the rescue, making the loca l plllyers extend themse lves to the limi t to eke out a victol·Y. Kyl', Huft"man and Buerkl did stella l' work for the victors. 'The Mothers dub, under whose auspice s t he games were played, cleared about $30 on the venture , The service s of all t.he player, officials, coache$, the Gym, and J . E. McClur e' s musica l equipm en donated for the worthy cause The ladies express their lIincere t hank s for all , these, e8Jle ially to t he gentl men fro m out of town.
of SI.
Mary's on,Ohur h llll' t .'n Fl' iduy afterno Murch 10,' wit h Mrs, Emma H , Mc lure a t the Littll' Inn. Rev, J, J, 'chul!fl't'r c() nd uct d
A1 FAR M(. RS CLU8 :
Our citizens \"ere maul' h' pry, many instanc.es, especially in and bu sines, confiden c ~' a" I' e· 1t he ca ~e of the larger city banks. when the Wayn .. 'vHle special direct~rs, or conserv ato r., Dr. Frank Stant~ln, of Frankli n, h ice Littl e Red Clover ~e e d t Ol'ed , the devoti onal s n'ice. Slc rip tural ' . jhlld appomt ed, In an explan a. CQI' sa le Bt J, " Hawke' " Nat.lOnal Bank opened It .do or s t,o lory been ~tatement issued through the Aho Speak... t M"eti:tll at quotati ons \, r giveH in r esponse busme 's at th e u~ual tim th,s ' ag ency oC the Associa ted Press, at Home of Dr. H.II Mi, 'es Louis Crane nnd Ev Iyn (Wedne sday) morllln g on a to ro1\-call. s trlct- a lat e hour Tuesda y night Secre____ urtwrig ht spent the week-e nd at Iy .normal , "b?s inl.', s ~ u ual" ltury Woodin of At the close of the 'b uRine s s ~ . the Nation al the f ormer', home h reo baSIS, ai.tel' haVI~lg r f'fmm.ed ,fl'oJn Tr>asur y De partme nt said sion read ings were given fronl th e : 'fh e Wayne T ownship Farmer s' Dr. a nd tlrll. Blackbu rn, of Day- lra~sactlng bu sl~ ess dutlng the studybo ok, "Facin l{ thl< Futur e i n club Wll8 most d~!lightfully enter- ton, "In I' , pons to many inquiri es were dinner gu ts of Dr. 1ndian Missio n, ," t;y M" R. Lee taiJl t'd on 'Thursd ay March 9 at the Mrs. E, F'. Deppe, alurday and nat1on~1 morato rium f or banks as to the siJmificance of the ap· eve n. proclaim ed by Preside l\t R o o ~e,,:elt point ment of the conserv ator s to Hawke, Mrs. ,R. FI'al,ie l', 111 1' . , ho me of Dr , fand MrR. L, B. Hall. Ing. bo n, MaJ'J~h 6 · Theh o nl ~ re tnctlon I)ank of high repute, I wish Susan Payn and Mi. 'Kalhe rin e An unU S1I:j l eat~Ire was enj oyed . emg p ace d on c ecklng account s that there ill no deducti on to say when th entire 8~l'ouP listen d 1·0 PI'end ergs t. to be 1111'. Charle ' nnk er, oC Cincin. IS the fad {hat the end orsel' of a made that such banks are necessa Rev, Schl10rr r .guv · all interest . the news from Washin gt n D. . nati, was a guest in th e home of check for an ,u nusual large anl o u~t I ily in difficulties. There are ing talk on the Indian s, the first lind heal'd the Prel~ ident'l! messag e. Mrs, Maude Crane and fami ly, on may b. re~ull'ed to ,m ak~ atfhlavl t of complic ation s, some of a lot Th sumptu ous feu st was th or ough Sunday . Americ ans. that. hiS. wlthdrll\~al IS beIng 1!'ad e concern i ng affiliate enterprthem lles, At th close of the P"ogl'am , Jy enjoyed by abou t 65 ~embe rs for stnctly legitim bu !!me l\~ ',v hi ch would mok it imprac tical deliciou s refresh ments were serv- and gue t 3. W . N.· Sears and fam ily and purposes, and not f orate th PUI'POS il for banks to open to the full ex. Rev, Frank W. Stanton of Mrs, Will Bradley attende d ed, t h of hoardin g. Thi s restrict ion i tent. Mrs. W . E. ornell and lI1iss Fl'anklJn, who wa.s intJ'odu ced by funeral of a frie nd, a t Xenia, placed by direct ~resid ntial ord~r "It js 'for the purpose o~ InsurMary Leah Edward !! were gu est s th e host 08 spea ~tel' for the oc- Tue sday. . and . the necessi ty therefo r IS Ing t hat the banks will be put in easion gave n most Inspirin g talk. of the afterno on. M F k E Th h ' Il'eaddy apparen t. Howeve r, much apple-p ie order pending Dr. A, J. DeFossett, federlll I reorgaa . ran I' f om as, w ? IS leeway is gran ed to the discI'etl WERE QUIET LY on italion or oth ~r necessa ry pro· Vi' erinari( ln, was ne'lt called up on ow y I'ellover ng ro~ a serlOU of I cal bonk offi ials as to cc!'se that conserv ators in - - - - -MARRI ED (and respond d wit ln ome \Y.tt'I·('S ' illness, Is now able to Sit up a part whethe many r~ and when lhese affiduvits Ernest Me ray anti l\fi ~, J elll<ie lng r marks on t he testiu~ ~ . of the time cases 'are nam~ d. o f ' shall be l'equire d. Breaka ll went to Lebano n and I cattle for tubercu l a is. "Moreo ver this method make8 M rs Wymer 0 ak M' Th temp orary cl sing 01 th possible th at th~ bank 110 circumit were quietJy mnl'ried, la ~l 'atur- ,numbe rs were turn.lShed by Voe.ll r C Eileen ' I St 11 " 0 h t day morn'n d J ' B ls~es Waynes ville .Nati.on al was causei'! stlinced Hall . IIe TI nney wI h nnde aMI', aug I g. _ will be able to continu e to ' a n' d MarJor y ane were ane Dayton ormg b I S eth Furna Jr. has the mumps. t ' DonerHawk d d h ' y pur ,y ?11 61 e cause, an t e render serv ice, as for ~ul tar a ccompa niment by. the ' vIsitors today. e the' va t maJont y of ~ UI·. people hav e I'eceivin g of deposits texampl J? I mer. W. R. Lewis gav e l egl~la. John Squires trans cted busine~8 o be serre~ever con idered It III any Oth~l' gated and kept in ca h or investe d t lve current events and some hvein Xeni Tuesda y, The onditi on of Mr. Alonzo hght.. The same ma y also be saId in Govern m ent bonds and such ,like ly discussi on on th e gold standar d Cur] superin tendent 01 the Friends of the tempor ary checkin g reKtrie- securiti es. hoice Li ttle Re d Clover seed and the bank situatio n , foll ow d. Home, who was st!'ie with tion to [j '7r of the Jepo Itor' for sale at J. C. Hawke 's. " It also e nables the conserv ator The club adjourned to meet April illness 11 few day!! ago, is ken ~aid b be checkin g accoun t pri or to March 1. to set aside and make availab le 13 at t he home of f r , and Mrs. improv ed althoug h he is sti ll con - that had been in ef1'ect fol' Dr. T. I , Way, 0'1 Cineinn at i, a few for wi~hdrawal and depollits and [ra R~eh. . fined to his bed. was in Wayne sville Saturda y. days ,previou,s to tho !'reside ntial paymen t to other credito inVited fnends Include d: Mra, order declarm g a nationa l mora- rutable basis uch amountrs of • s all In 1rvin Ellis arrived home from WAYN ESVIL LE CHllRC H OF Dona li) OilatuRh, Mrs. Eva EarnRev. R. L. Cross, ot Lebano n, torium. CHRIS T ' his opinion it is safe to use for t'hiJl ~art, Mrs. L. V. B eak, Miss Ma r- wal the princip al Florida , Wedne sday of 111 t week. speakeI ' at the The opening of the local in titu- purpos ," (Unden ominati ollal) Joric, TI~ney, MI', lind Mrs, Harry supper and, meeting of the , M. E. tion.' thi~ mor~in g, wa~ e!fected in That good ice cream agai n, Fri- Cheste r A. William~on, Ministe r MCGlnOlS, Mr, and The appoin tment of a consety aMrs. F, U. day, at Fairmo nt Cream Station . Church School a t 9:3 0 a. m. M~y. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. W, Lotz, Le Brother hood . held in t he sooial co.nJu nctlQn WIth a maJont y of the \ tor for' thc W.aynes ville NatloD al Rev rooms of the church, Monday banks throug~out the country , has not been deemCil Lord's Supper Mr. Amos Thomso n has taken a Christi an Endeav at conclus ion. 1 Ibert, R v, Stantl)n and Dr, De evenln&,. each bank haVing ~een .r equlred to ary, t hus indicati ng thatnec_ or at 6 :30 p. m. Fossett . the room at the home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. ta%e out a speCial Hcense and Nationa l Depa'l't ment is thoToug ing evangel istic lIBl'vice at I hThat good Lloyd Davis. ice cream again, Fripermit from t he Nationa l Trens- Iy convinc ed of the 8tabUity of 7 :30 p. m, Sermon subject , Re~1 day, at Fairm ount Cream Station . ury Depart ment before opening . the institut ion. ,M r. and Mrs. J, 0, artwrig ht "Puttin g Baptism in it's Pln ce." were Wayne sville visitors Satur- P raye r Me eting and Blible Study This mornin g's city papers pubeach W ednesd ay at 7 ;30 p, m. Th e lished a part.ial Jiet of the Ohio day afterno on. _ _ __ bank that were schedul ed to open Neither the depression, the Miss Jane Boring, of Wi1lllin g- hurch where you feel at home. present stringen cy of cash, nor the thi9 mOl'ning. The liat include l: ton, js visiting her sister , Mrs. WOl'ne svil1e Nationa l Bank; LebST. AUGU STINE 'S t:HURC H gl' at depreci ation in real eatate • _ _ ....;_ _ _ ___ ____ __,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "!-_ _ _;I allon Oitizen s Nationa Wymer Drake. l Bank oil Father French , PlIStor '1'rust vaI UeS seeni to have much of an 00. i Clinton Stall Oha. Lynch and family have Service s will be held every t wo impres, icn upon Great souls have wil ls, feeble Nation al, and First Nationa lCounty banks the optimis tic D weeks on Tuesda moved one outl y ' ha v wont's. mornin ook their enterta g, home Ined to the by Lou flat A, quanel betwee n two High St. Editor '" .. ,.,,, .... 1. oris SaU bury of \UI' lm 'lngton " Amerlclln ..Iru '" J ohn 'f nn' d Frank the '-'eMay. Library T Thele A.lemb lles ,.. . •• 8chool we thearts i though t to . Orie Hardin FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T gentleml!D have taken Dut "Class & Savln gs B&nk, of Middle town: New. Th el ma <?oleman The clllsses are s busily engage d Citize have be n the motive fo.t the Mr, and Mr . J. B. Gons were ns' Nationa l, Hcen and (Unden om ination al) e to conduc t lin agency f or Athleti cs Xenia Na' ", Mary Orane in studying, and are so interes t d tion,al su icide of J oseph Wayne Billmye r, di nner guests of banks, 0'[ Xenia; Flnt Mr. and Mrs. the ale 01' trade 0:1 all kinds of HU,m or ' Chester A, WiJlianlson lG-y or-old ,Le~ da Werntz pring Valley high Glen Bland, on Sun day. getting good .rrade that they Nationa l Bank, of Blanch ester. Unified service beginni ng with Feat estate, al'\d, on Monday Organ izations , Vtrgml a -Foulks chool sophom ore, who sh ot and no time t or outsid e acti vities When inte rviewed ; thiJl morn.!!JI!IL_ --,-....... mornin g, announ Church ced themse School lves period • • at I> :30 II, m. killed himself at the home of his Messrs. H . M. Sherwo od and The Junior and Sophom or es, all Pre ident W. B. Allen, rea.dy for busines s. Both Lord'll membe Supp rs er and sel Will mon •• ad WOIl'ta at 10 :parent on th Van Eaton road, Robert Servis were Lebano n you probabl y know, already are Wayne ville Nationa l, wuof the wear30 a. m. Se~on subject , "Gr ater of the new firm are ioo well and abou t five mi1es sou thea tot Xenia visitors , Tue!$da y afterno on. Old Mose wu wrestlin g with 1 quite a talented Than that W6ft' .. , eODle al'e alway f avora bl y k nown off. hopeful s, ~h o rt.ly before 7 o'clock Su and ha He stated that for 8everal good to requ.iI'e a balky Inul when a bystand er caring little for a ct urch. vcmng. further jntroduoUon In this vl\lln . reasons the fact that the names of L d ity. For the present , at least, th y IIs"e hi m,' Kate Hall, Accord ing to th accoun t pub- called on her aunt of school work. . orne banks are will not mainta ST. found MARY in at io the headqu al'ters at the th Friends Home on atlnday , 'S CHURC H "Why Mose, wbere's your will lished in Monday evening 's Dayton The Freshm en, who hav e not Ijst. of t ho e sthedul ed to open offle of the LeMay- Hawke Insur. power~" Rev. J J. Schaeff er. Hector to· Herald, the yo uth arrived bome yet awaken ed to the soriou!< ness Little Miss Georgia nna Hoblet t day sh ould not be eons ldered .. a March 16, e 'vices at 7 :30 p, ance Agency . "Mah will powel'~s ~h ortly after his parents , Mr, and all right," , are plannin g ()n indylJl spent last week with her &"Tand - m. Rev. Dr. Phil re'fleclion upon their stabilit y. Porter, rector of Mrs. John W. Billm yre, had sat parents , ]\Jr. and - - "-.-These lists were compile d not caIne the reply, "bu, t you ought to in a frolic around AP1'it F oo' Da", Mrs. V. M. Ho b· hl'ist church, Dayton , speaker . ~ Tb o e caring t o take dOw n to supper, and went to his lett. time oft" fro m lat r th an 10 O'clock, Tueeda ), oome and see dis yer animal 's won 't here power." Third unday in Lent, March 19 room upstair s t o change his clothes their studies mllY attend , Th e evening , while the giganti c talk of Life 15 made up of "will" and enl ors' inter st ,f or t he last prepara tory to doing the evening J ohn Campbe ll, of Morrow , Church chool at 9 :30; Mornin g t-:rlll lluing reopen ing permits to banb "wont'~." , has been absorbe d in getting out iwas choree. visited his brother , Richal'd Camp· Prayer .and sermon at 10 :3 0, yet be ing rapidly pushed to of school on as little a~ possible comple tion. Many "Soon afterwa rd his tather bell, and ~amny , a fe w day!!! last perm Ita were il"When I would do good, FRIE evil NDS i (exp MEETn ense, ~G not knowlecl gf.l ) du e to sued after the papers were heard what he though was a week. Plan s have been oomple ted by present ,' compla ined a philoso printed pher the present econom ic ' ""nditio ns, Then, too, in many cue8 there First Day, Januar y 29! Fir t the Wilmin gton M&'sl)nlc Ledge to ot old. picture fa lling from the wall upare enterta ""V i n many vi siting Mr. and Masons Mrs. Day H Friends . No F. Burton affirma hip School tion and stain and weht up to ftnd J oseph ot "will" is with which somebo dy has pro~.bly told purel y individ ual technic at 9 :30 a. fro m surroun alitHe ding daught tovrns er on were the m. 00- out Its negatio n of "won't, " Wbich you about, Sunday guests of Meeting f or w'orship at 10.30 crumpl ed b efore thc dresser . The The scbolll hlp teaml$ that should not be con81dered AI & casloll 01 their monthly program means no man wins his c()ntest m. bullet, fired from a .44 caliber reo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinso n, jn are intent upon m~kllur a name refl ectio n on the inlti~utlon·. me tlng on March 2bt, Ohi o's Ik I~ h t b volver belongi ng to his brother , near Lebano n. I' ht for themse lves .....d will devote stabilit y, bul which may I II. wa . ~e as effect ita a e a III' WAYN er. ESVIL their time LE to M. study E. CHURC H forme r . Secreta ry of State, Clar- "Won't " of evasion must until the' great ability · to c onduct bUliDe Harper , 21 yean old, had passed . aa be whipMr. and Mn. ence J, Brown, ·an acttye and out- ped by t he "will" of courage G. C. Dibert. Pastor through his head and hit a picture ter and sons, of Ira Boring, daugh. day is over. Wilmjn gt on, were ' Wedne sday usual for a day of two yet. "I will" ill the marchin .. orde l' : Bibl study ond standin g Mason In his home l odge, Knocking it to the floor. Sunday g-uests MI', Allen also exprelll ed lIiI .. Senio.... will be the speaker. "Joseph a membe r of the Spring Wymer Drake of Mr. and Mrs. prayer meet at :00 p, m , hoir of the brain's high comman d, .:,:._ _ _..:-_ _ '1'h~ subject chosen for his adValley basketb all team, had )aid "I won't," is the growl of' the The boa~ Ilt educati on has offi.cials ' sincere appreci atiup of Sunday : Sunday school at 9 :30 dress here is " Glancin g Backwa his clothe on the bed in the room Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thornlib erally \(omlted a ~u m of $25 to the loyal suppor t and confide nce rd animal is the lower levels of self : which he shared with his brother Mil and daught er, of Xenia, were a. m. Our a tendan ce last Sunday but Look ing Forwar d." Sillce Mr. been accorde d theIR Joh n Stuart Mill once sa id that the StltltOl' class fOl' the pu rehasc that ha was 232. l\f ol'Ding worship .at Brown enjoys such a wide rep- " a chal'Ucte~ and gone to the , adjoini ng room, guests of Mists Helen Welch Sunof invitati ons. Th e cla ss has made through lhe present crials by the is a comple tely 10 :80. The theme of t he sermon utation a s an intm'es where h shot himselJ'. day afterno on. de o~l tors, and th e c.o mmuni ty at its choice in thi s mattel'. and fashion ed wilL" will be, "The Rewal'd for the f orcef ul speaker , an a ting "Cor oner R. ·L. Haines, of large. ttendan c e' Bu il d the will, t hat is tf\e greatMr, and Mrs, Everet t Sears lIave Faithfu l." Epwort h League at t ha t will tax the seating .Jamestown., Ohio, returne d a Fr•• bman New. capacit y est task f or one \Vl\ WO\lld be removed their home t o a part of 6:30 p, m . with Kennisorl Young of. the Lodge is expecte d. verdict of suicide ." The victol'io l,l s. Plans al'e well un del' 'way for Miss Bertha Kentick 's house on as leader. Eyange listic se,rvices at meeting IS . schedule'd for 7 :3Q \'Wilel'e' tltere's .. will, t here's a an April Foo l's Plll'ty to be 7 :30 p. m. At this meetiJlg' special o'clock. All Masons , ~I'e Frankli n Road. given 1l0rdia\ lf w§y'l MIITCh 31 fOI: th HiKh Schoo l. music will \>e fur nished ' py MI'. invited . A' weak wlll is more 9f te n th'e . The Mrs. J.. R. Gordon sulfere~ a Stllbps' and Ml', James tees who are workunday '-'--~ ~ e.UI~ at failure than an untrain ed ing to commit 8crious relapse , Sundl,y, af~r ap- Sc hool clal3ses of bo y. mak(' this pnrty a success A gl~oup 0'1 prog~sive Wayne l!\oijS8 Nellie Cutwrl gbt l'etIJrne d hand. Man is made great parentl y being weH IIlong the or little are: Invitllti on, fr ene P eters. vill(! wome n met Th, pubUc, Is cordiallY invited h ome, Satul'da y, after a twolot lunch at The by hi. will. WllJ is the strength to Richard Adams, and Ann Cl"all road to recover y, to a ttend ' a ny 01' all of thelle Iweekll visit wIth hl,r aunt ; Little ,Inn. Tucsda y evenm c. In do ,what desire diCJ;8tes or occ asion Refresh ments- - Ma.-jor\Q J£arn - / whe n 11 'club ol'l'aniz ation was ef meeting s. Alfred ' Cain suffere d serlout and Mrs. D. R. Smith enterta . Ch\1l lcothe. demand s. ined ha rt, Donald Fou lka Iltld .fea n 'fected, tb~ object of which painful injurie s when t he m'achine membe rs of her bridge club the haR not and _ in whi ch he waa riding, in com- an extra table of invited guests, Frances Ellis Ilnd Ray Van Oft en. \ \:\t.al-ter membe rs the followi nc pany with 'Leonar d Folk and -Rob- Saturda y afterno on. 1. M. J . officers wei'e elected : Do ris Hawk" , 'ert Oleaver , collided with a , I pl'II~ldenti Clara Lile, vice-pr ell. ' machin e, owned and driven by Dr. Mn. Stanley SelleTs, of Sixth, Grade \Ien t; O1a Hartsoc k, eecreta l'J; L. B. Hall, at the intersec tion of Lebanoand n, and Miss Winifre d Nut· ' . The sixth grade ntelnbe rship hll '; J essie Hyman , ~ea!lurer. Third and Tylet, streets, about tina', of Dayton , were among the been incre8$ed by one in · t.h 8 :30 O'clock, last Saturda y even- callers at the Friends H,o me, on Anothe r meeti ng will be held perso n ot Thehna Thomas, wh,) soon to form a:n~ perfect ing. At the time of the collision , Sun day. plana har. just moved t o Lytle from f or future activiti es. the boys' machin e, saTd to have Mr. and 111'8. C. M. Brown and Kingma n. been driven by Folk was travelll ng • -- .....- -- Carol' and Forest, of Dayton up Third street, while Dr. Hall'l Sunday afterno on visitort! mach.ine was coming down the S"Yeath Grad ... home of )ir. and Mrs. A. B. hill on Tyler sheet. The classma tes (I f The force o:f the impact is said Cleaver . Anders on were happy tt) ba\1e' ~urned the boy's~ 'c,t com~ start back to school. 'Fulfillm ent of a.nother of the al\d Orvi~le G~y ~nd I t'e1'l ov.e'.; a' ~oHP1~' of tin\~~, a~(! laal~.D.;er IP.II~. campai gn promis ea of the T1ctor\. ~n~ S~n~al Jt ~l\e <jun, B_eSt Buk.tb all G...... 'lY~ .P·nDlla u-qdttr tbe ous candid atel at the Novem ber the ~1'DItlr!1 'mjltblr , lrfts ~recka&,e when ,~ Inlllty f:amJl ~p PI. Wplf, al\~ Three interes ting obarlty gam e nationa l election seems ttl he fapll\y, I1far ••11 rest about I( ~un4t'e1l1ee~ from ~he C~'f~ville: were played S.tur~ay Ilig:hl, advanc ed toward reality. On cp~er. at! ~a. ~oti re'ease". al!4 March 11, for the benefit of the day afterno on, the nationa Tuul HoulII /lftef ' recelvi ll. flP.~ a~~ 1foIP It )(1'. anet lin. lV· 4 o.nt ellplCt Mother 's Club. of Reprea entatlv .. passed ~ \«Ieal phYllci an, "all ~ken ~o ~e to movl! their hOllle Thc 04ldpta (If the 8th Grad Cullen bill by a vote of 811 tQ ttle to ,"'. PJair hospita l in LellaaAD wll,n Stephe n P~lllip. pl'OlIertJ, . Thia measur e 1... near the ....... over the ¥Idget s of ~ h e HI,h facture I~ wes found tltat hll p.l~1 110", abd Ale of 8.1", ,-()te" pn Jr.tn IJrtlet in HIe Sellool by a score of 11 to 8. n!Ld been lIrllken In tw, IlDpD ... a Peelera l tax of neu 111$11", I The faculty o~ W. H. S. played barnL Befo... It Wom. . . . and h' ha~ IUltaln ed other Pl· Mr. and Mn. Rhode. BUR1lell the Carllale faculty and showed the 'llleuu " taut allo be . . . . jurle8. Folk I and Cleave r'llnjur tn entertai ned. t he Y. F. II. at tbeir their abl\jt, In other Relda than by the SeDate . aDd _ . are IBid to have been of a millor lupr camp. lIoDday evetlin of teachlD c school. The W. H. tile ........ nature, The lDachine appeare d to rout ohtcka and WIll beine r, • faeulty W08 by a mal'JriJl of I)JOMO IS .... Dt•• the be a total wreck. matn tteIDI 011 the bUi of fare 19 to Dr. Ball was IDdeed fortuDa te tIIat . TIle Wa,De nm. W.h SCIlOO.I'l::":=~~ to .ape ....... .ed. aDd tile 1Ir. I, B. Crabbe and lamIIF "Q1IkIte 1~" .. et the "Cbam,." Ula 11 ...... to ... caT .... Yel'J RIa. . . . their ...... to t1Ie
------ - - - -
Eata te Firm C' rganized
Brown to Add re'l W.olm."ngton Ma lon.
--- - --- -
Club Orga nize d By Loca l Wom en
Go To It!
~ hmas; P~rnm - .u~~ ~b~. ~n~e~jM~From~~"m
3.2 Per Cent Beer Prom i.ed on Apri l 1
t 01 EmU
• Runyan, dec alMld.
EW5 he Little Red, District School as it f HOUSE r:~v;~~::~loWt!d Existed in Wayne 10wnship for, tears fROM C UR Jame~
II I d It !l('cond accoun t.
The followinlr accounl.ll were ap-i
Be t of the N w Dir ct From the Ohio State Capitol
a.nd c()nftr~t'd by harles S. Irwl\I, guarolan of B, Davi!<, incumpet nt, fo'ir t the Ad," lIud is 1Il')Cl placed in th -----:--------------~ Common PI~,a. Proc••di.... Amos E. Thomson and Loudy V, cu st dy "C ~l'CI'lllnry of state \ By TilE HOO 'IER Gom'ltc " l\I rl' I' , with whom all ~1I<'lIlty 01' ils~i~lImunt~. On .July 1, l!1'atilln, {IS (Jnly two Jlupi~s wCI'e in l In the l\ \! it . Willard Hay- Tholll,?n execuLol'S of e.tut~. of . up\. Cilmour turn ,t! 111 Chc um of Illltl'udnnc , and a 4U!'lItlOlI a!! Lo l ner vel' U~ leNa M. J-faynel', it III J vhn S, Thomson, deceased. first. tion, with the posflibility uf a re- acts of thl ~;l'nl'I' 1I1 A ,,~ enl\Jly wl\l dUlnltc ill l't'lIde r~, ' I'~co m- 3!),:~5; 111'\ l'l'\:t'ipt: from th(' Rux- their h longing to i trict No. 13, order d thut tb plaintiff appell(, W. N, Th~mp~on. exccuto!' of cc.~ tUking plae a~ the end of this be filed, If ht , act i!! /tn l'TIl('l'jlency m nllecl b) Sup\. Colvin, \\"n, sane- well l'()n\~I~'ncelll('1l !' 'el'c i~ s. II l'l'Holuti lm IVa inll'oduced to ~is- I Friday, 'larch II, fOI' not complyIlta lc Of" eita E. Thumps()!!, de- , llek'lI sesl;iolls, If that pTogl'am is or lux 111 PIISlIl'e , it, blJCOluek a law tionetl b): lhl' board 011 1 ecoml)(! r On lll'tltlon of the lal!d ~Wn ,r, lC'ontillu tnt! sc hool until s uch t.lme ing with "I'tler or the court. cca. ed. ]< ~rs t and . fl.na\. . agl' cd Upon it will po, lSibly be fill' elf 'l: Liv(' With lha G OV(lI'IlOl" S signu 6, and thll sup~r.inlen(l<nt waR in. a~ c~l'd and of t~· 1I 1'Wln ~p ellll ns th," board tho\l ght ad\'isu bl to In th.: .:as II( Frank Beul, el 11.1 Ada HIli, aUmlnlstl'ntrllc. (Jf el!l- a Il riod of IouI' wl'eks, \ hich turl' , If it is nn nct. of a ,,('lIern l structed to purchase the neC(1:;S8.l'Y distrIct board, t hl reRlllution WtLS ' 0p ... 11 saitl di ~tricl. versus VOllds anning .CO.} II. corp tnte of Thomas Jones, decea~ed would not bring -them buck b - nat ure it ,I I.I[Os not beco ne effective bookll. Burl n del' wus appo inted adopt d, ctober 7: \ "Mr. RoM. Balilngel', l\aving tal, tbe def ndants ar ranted Filial. for pril. 17. ThL would give thc unlil !)() uays uft 'I' iL hns bee,!!. lq ucceed . O. . 1LeldiO(!, whu '"R,c . \lIved,. bat thc following tWI) pupils, and not kn owing \\hich I aVf' t o fiI. d muner. A , D, prngue nf\Q Charles . statesme n ample tim e to study the fil ed, had rt>signed o.~ dirt-otor of di~· d s nbed le\'rltory be a nd the samo I district he was in, Oregonil\ or Th cas of Jam s G , ouper }oJv.er 'on, xcculors o{ estate. of presen t bill yet to be voted umm. 1f GovC'rhur White signa the triet N o, 1, lind . t k Eltn F:lnlI"Y I, henlby tnlnf:lfer1"('cl fr m Way n e Wayne Township, broughl Judie versus Augu st C, Jentz i~ dismi.s- Ah~eB. Everson, Ii ceas d. ~Irs t. Up to convening vf the As embly "Pi nt Menl<UI' " hili. ailin~ Ohiown. hC)sen to s I '\'~ a~ l'-uhslilUlt' To" n hill ,('huol Ji st1"ict • 0, ,Robt. 'hawhlln to meet with th e I'd wilhout recolrd. Flora Bell Ware, exe utrJX of Monday night 23 billl! hud been tea b r thl'\')uR'hout the township, Warren <'ounty, hio, to 'Ol'wi n I Way ti e T own hip cho I, board, ~o Th e eaa 0'1 Vol B Rose is set fOl" estate o'f William L, Ware, decell:i\' 'passed, 10 in tbe enate ~ll1d 13 in ans may have lh' pJ"ivil ge of wh n r II I' ~ul:.Jr t each r wall iURge cho(.1 district, Won 'n ttl the que. lion us to where he M~rch 28. Bondl'is 'flxed at $600. ed. F~J'st ~nd final. . . th House, . leaving just 1177 mo '0 ~pc ul'ing 1\ pint of liqu ol' on ab ont. c(lunty, hio, ~uhj ct to lhe pro· belong ,d. In the cas of J ohn H. Tufts Julia Millard, guardlall 01 Brld- to receive dtention of the stutes- physicinns' pI' s('riplion', the SenJohn Wi! on wn hosen lo s rve vi. ions .. f 8~c ti o n_ 4602, Gen~l"al i "'The chnol BoaI'd had PrOJl cu- versus L bllnon Farmers Coopera- get Stockman. incompetent. Finlll. men. LookS like u long es ion llte tlIwing concu\'I'cd with the !louse h('fol'u IIlJjournm ent over 8lI vi~ -PI' ident f ill' th yeal' j but, 011 of 1110: 1\11.. orB 1cKUYr tor Frank Andel'S n t o meet with ti\le 0., the 111Cltions of defendant tlla E. o.ms, ex cutor of cs· ahead. cek-end. The : nate Ills() pllssell otherwi8e, no chantrt's wel' e made 142.75 :lC I' . ; N wton L, anu them Raturony evening. Aiter n are overr uled. tate of Amanda E. Sams , d <!eased at the l' 'orgn nizati n meeting L lill r.r. BUDllell, J 2 acr('!:'; Jam('s gr at d 0.1 of discu~sion the board In the case of tate of Ohio ver- First. All bill PI' ented to the General the bill to legislut • betting at hors held ()n January 2, 1911. Tl\is i. S. Ynnll ervolJl'l, !1t1. 1 IICl'C; '(llll mad e a motion that all pupils in us Hel'bert Mlll'tz it i ord red Robert G. M o rri~, administrator Assembly for co nsiderat.ion, re, ,'nce lracks and S lit ~allle t o the the fit· t note of lhe seleetic)D of n FUl'm , 2 1. 30 IlCl'I)S ; EIiIIS gles- Gr 'cn Bl'iar School district should that n Nolle Pr ().se~ ue b ent~ll"ed. of estate of Rachel A, Monis, de- after favorable aclibn by that House, Th e !Jill providing $2 ,700, chool vice-prllsiiltmt cont.nioed in thl' bet', 40 acres. hnve their tuition Cree and be ____ ceased. First ' and flnal di hib- body, presented to the Gover nol' 000 in back . rll!lrie.~ to rocOl'd . "Reso lvcel, that the lel'k b' in- allowed $4.60 a month tOI' transNe.., Sullo utive. f()r his allproyaJ. When signed by teac hel's lind u" l'rdue maintenance No business of note beyond the , tru leu t o notify lh B,oard of portaLion fol' each pupil who actHowal'd W . Carey was appoint- the Gov rnor the bill is s nt to the bills in slute.aid !\chool districts ordinOt"y rouli ne was tran_tlct.ed Eclucatioll ()f onvin illal!'e ually attends school from said disB. D, Morgan ve rllus C. C.ltaT- cd administrator IIf estate of !'riag. Attor ney General, who upplie,' pa SR <I bot,h 1ml nches of the A until Mal' 1, when these dil' ctor, ,chnol di ll'id uf \ onen NlUnty, triet to either the Oregonia or Itt, et ai, for muney, forec losure g il:' ~rey, decea ed. no bond re- the sectionnl numbers, thus des- som bly 111; lIlI emergency measure wer appointed: Burl Snyder, 1; hio, of the pa. ~ag(' of this res· Waynesville pecial. chool. and equitable reliet. qujrOO. igna ting its ~'elative position in and G v I'nor Whit affixed hiS Ernest Buttel'worth, 2; U. 13. MOl'. olution, and up on sim ilar acLion "This nrrangem nt seemed to be C_ E. Blake ',ersus Earl RoblnRachel Knigh was adjudgell in- the C n ernl (Jode of hio laws. signaiul" , plucing it in immedil\te latt, I) '; has. Braddock, 7; W, '1'. b .. in Laken by said board that sa id satisfactory to all pa rUe con- ette and Ora Dumford , for money an and is to bc admltteti to th Th "Bill" th~n eConles "An effect. Th e ]1 0U8C has pllsspd tile old ag !' p DI:lion bill and the inWilson, ;, J . A, hut~; 10: Harvey cl 'rk l1Ie a certifil'd opy hereof cerned', " and costs, Da-yton State Hospital. ~uran(' commi t'e (If that bQdy Burn tt, ] 3. w~th ~h cQ unty auditor, tQg~tber All this action was r Bcincled Qoris Hill "er us Ralph Du rbin, L, ~im o nton , guardilln of COl'hll ~ r('comn,cnded the ul\en1ployTeach rs for the next t('rm W(!re WIth a, corl',ocL map of the terl'ltory November· 8', th e Gre"n Brl'ar' ChJlrge 48 blfl>tar'tly . win R obert ruppel', min (JI' filed ,. b d • Frank Loon versus Th e Vill age hI' th 'lrd accou t III nt insuran co bill. Th II us . school ",o.s reoponed, .'nnd MI's?~ of Lobnn(}n, "f(H' money Ilnd other . e1ec t e d os fIl110W~: No.1, Ona ... e Of) e . bll rIe, R oser,n H el cti on ' ('olll JlJii\.(oc has rccomst fawn; Q. 2. Lu cih' orncll (lIhs On ecembel' 9 a r esolution was Opal Thompson was i nstnlled as any E m Ieya n d m nded t h '1osirr bill; whleh . n.. allsbury) I o. 5, Helen ~dO I)t d "tl\at the funds ot the it!! teacner. reli f, laTence DUgan were appqinted would prlwide 8 constit uti (l llul Mo lure; No, G, Mary Davis; No. \ "yayne Town ~ip l!oal'd of Edu ca. November 3, Me 51'S . Earnhart Frank Loop and Icmellt at- apprllisers of estate of Maggi e convl' nli oll (If I):! fielegateR at-large 7, Ethel tokes ,frs. laren 0 t lOn b depo!!lted In th Wayne _ and Hi sey were appointed as II erth ",nltll versus Village of Leb- III' 'Y" decea ed, to cith l" flltiry or I'ejectr I eul ot Dunham, of Lebanon). No.8 Alma 'I vill Nnti nal Bank, and that said committee to employ an attorney an:, 'io.r :~reY'.;n!fci' dL hartes Harding is authol'ized to 1 tb i~ht cl'nt h um ntll11cnt. 1'(, Waterhousl! (later MrR, hA , . National Bank give bond for "to investigate the tax dispute A IB!llt • a ey UI IEng Ea~ hoatn djspose of the state of Helen Farmera EIJPerim."t With Lel'um. Qn)' No 10' Henrl'etta Mc 10000 t b d b th ' SSOCla Ion venlus J . , ",er IIr Harding Ilnd Phyill's Hardl' ng Le• iller II • • • , - ' , " 0" e approve y ' e betwe, en Oregonia p. eciol district et Ja, f or forec lclsul'e and e uitabl~ . • KInsey . ,NO. 13, E leanor Enl'~hart' l a id board, ,md Wayne Town. hlP IIchool dis- l'elief. q ~ mmol's. Crop Mor. Tolerant In Ita ext 1 muuy, March 20, spri ng uperl nt ndent E, H , olvIII had I V M Hobl tt nd J ohn WilsOll trict and with Lytlepecial dis Th P I ; '8 'ld ' L d May Lyle King wa' adjudged inSoil Requi"ement. will , milk£, it. officiilt ad" nt a t answered the tlnal ummons of " . d fl' J 9 3 .'. d h II ' fe eop e !l. Ul 109} an an sane and is to be admitted to the 2 :64 p. 111" and l1irect o)' H. G. C' R 1 t' f lexc lange 0 Ices, anuaJ'Y 6, l 1' , tt'lCt '" l'cgar to t e co eCllon 0 avings Co., vel' us Lloyd B. Hall, Dayton St~te H ospital. SOUtJ11II'd of the tnt Depa rtl'll ut rlm e~perf' so rei 10 u lonst. 0 rh~' M.r. H!oblctt becoming president fund due this board for Boxwell et aI, for money f oreclosuro and Th ' 11 £"f A f f 1~ I h 'l h i" b t l spec.t 811(J 0 conI () ence 0" IS With Mr. Wilson as vie . No Qther commencement." Mis Vada Mc- I equitable I"eJie l ' e WI 0 ' .., ary Hoblin, deoroge J'op new to hio and O len t M ay I 8 OU u rll y family w ere adopted. Th e pOSitIOn changes w l'e effected Gord on Jo y Pherson was employed to teach ..... k W ,. h I ceased. was tiled in court. mol' tolemnt tban other Jegume s l""cl omed by fill our ciliz ns. Th e · super m • t en d . nt ' The s ch ed u Ie 0 f d e bt eo'f E . C. l'n l'tS so'I l r e qUIre ' men t Dl're~to 0.1 . ~ th t the t '·ln of of t.own s hIP was being continued as truant officer. music fOl' the remainder of the b <,,'an t W' k . f outt arl I f venus AI· s, 'IS b' 1l 1Og' , . I' ' ''IRe~ Uo II lu ~ cQntmued bl\t Mr. ' oh m's suc. Th . , I'r UlO alJ ) e a, or money, Dunham, execu tor of estate of grown this year xpcrimentally inQu n'Zu i~ lit \In ebb in lhe slat < I t h t th! • e levy for the tuition fund term, at 1\ .Alary of $37.60 per foreclosure and equitable relief Jobn Wlnflelrl, deceased, was ap. by mllny Ohio farnlhl·S. 'l'he rop Th ere W (Or 2,2!.10 ('ases (1£ scarlet C_e...,or was 110 c 08 n a s mee". was mg h placcd at 5,0 00, May 6, with month, proved by court. is call d lespedeza. fe ver reported In t lDonth an<1 SHE' 1 L b F d t e leV¥ of the , contingent fun d The fo rmalities of reorgonizaProbat. Court The inventory of C. H . Young Two kinds are being experlment- 2,37:1 cnllcs of measl" 4.1 o r '. . wIng, 0 e anon, re at $1,745. R oland Ross replaced tion were carrjed out January 6 I h ' d ' .t f d ih i " . ... C. Gllm()ur, of Ma ()~, harles M. Burl ' nyde~ in No. 1 for the only 1914. although no changes wer~ n t e matter of th~ e~tate o~ R a m101S rator 0 stat of Jose· e w t , reports the Agricultural !lmal po a n" 1 0 cas s ()f dlpnR~udebul!h, of Frllnkhn, J. P. Cum- change, in the district directors mad in the membership 01' their Van Tress, deceased, . It IS order d phin Burton, d ceased, was 8p- Extension Set'vice of the O. S. t h'I'in, com)llll'ed \ ilh 305 a y Ill" mlngs a!ld J ohn W. ,tra~n. Qf " 'hile Miss Eva Davis replaced Mi 8 official rating, MiEthel Stokes that an appeal ~e and the same proved by court. U, One is a perennial plant and ago. WaynesVI.lle, mad appl.lcatton ~or Helen McClurc at No, I) (College resigned as teacher of the Cross. he~eb~ allowed 'WIthout bond. George J . Waterhouse. executor the other an aonual. the positlOll of tOW/lShlP superll'l- Hill) for the only chan~e in thc wick school (No.7), and MillS 0 t IS ordere~ that the Trustee qf estate of James C. ale, deceasThe parennial is called lespedeza e~r(ltlll'Y o r ~ tate George S. tendent, on June 6. A.:tteT a c~re- teachinJl:' sta ft'_ The nelCt term was Kathr Drake was chosen t,o 1\11 f ~state ,of Bert Dtake, deteased, cd, tiled hig third account, sel'lcea and g~own from 3 to (; l\lYllrS Ii ",ires t() inform ul1 thoRe :tul <lonlflderation of the credentials to tontinue (or eight and a hal! th yn pay certain aee ,unts of the estate The will of Morton Van Dor n ftlet tall, is 1!0&lrlle stllmm d and who have been interest d in sec\lrand qualifications of all applicants. month and each teachel"s sa la e vaca~cy. . Albert B. Talmage was appoint- deceased, was fllecl in court. produces a hay of less fe~ding ing a copy of th n w offi cial ro tet Mr. Gilmour wa chosen to flll t;J!e was t S,be ,fiO e m th' 1 t::: A speCial meetmg, attended by ed administratolr ,o f the estate of value than al!alfa. It has pa cd of Ohio, that it will be sevl!1'al 0 held 1 d ,'lt' P r j on pus , e ,Messrs, HOblett. Slnith Wilson anu. Amanda L , Garner decease<! and Maria •• Lic.n... succClsstu lly throu"'h the last two months bef()f(' it can be pll\c\ld 1n P O Ition, which he. eventually f i , . heId, Marc h 18 , nt tI led bond .With .sur.ebes ' . .D d . ' . T hi~ 1. due to th fact untIl. after centralization had been usua . t't at \J lOllS d t orh an' tor' servIces t' t' E am h nr·t ,\tas G F' J, ohn Albcl.t winters but little " i kno,,,n about clrru I atl~n effected, His salary for the fir t ~ns : u e an eac er mee 1IIg tah" which time the superintendent was Brown, C. H. Young and charle~ . k f on aro, factory , the hardinellS of Lhe plant when thnt 1I list (If tud era I offic 'r is t t .800 enl ance. ome new names on e instructed "to joip in with the Way S I j e ' t d S~or her'D o f Ldebahnon and Mrs. treated all a hay c;'op, Se~" •• ex- III 0 embodied iJl the publication year .was se a . '" . list 01 appli ~ ants were Calhel'inc C I '1I .rI" d L tl h i ' rw n w re lapPOIII e APprais- ara um 0 k f • ,. " ThiS resoluhon was adopted G'bb 1 b 1F d M E J ' nesv! e, \.;Olwm an y e sc 00 ers. L b r, ouae eeper, 0 p nsive, costing $4 to 'it6 a pound and it wlJl b~ nl'cessa ry t o ecure , Ions &a e Dr evans ms di t . t t h Id . ' , e anon ,. ~ f • 'nt~ July 3: "Resolved, that we extend 14 D ' J K th p It' d 5 ric oS 0 0 a mass meetmg, Tfie will of Owen . Hig~ns 1I •M G h ' and is not. produced abundantly in th eae Ia~er rom t h ' el el1ar.m a vote of thanks to Miss Pearl Gl' a v;' bl 'tt enne u an ~ay . IS, 1914." Thus was the be- was admitted to probate. Addie en~y. a mp er, pamter, of Ohio. at Washington. Colvin for th efficient mannel' in enna e. glnnmg of the end of the old dis- Stark Higgins was appoi nted Irinragnerklmd'O andt.AMrs,' F1va kC]" Witt. The annual lespcdeza. und :r , - - -1 d th h 1 The Boxwell cummencement ex· trict school system in this tow nsh IP ' exe cu trlx. ' no b o'nd ' , mes l~, 0 r ran In. trial al'e thl'C"~ kl· nd .-J~panese hi h h w c Bee OSC up esc 00 year erds s this year netted tne sum 01 ' reqUired. G, F. ~ h LJommulll ty chur.c-b IJC I'v.ice .are e peeially at the Boxwell com93 Now, let s quote Mr. Carey's B1"own, C. H. l~ oung and O. K. R.al Eatat. TraluEer. lespedeza, the 'l'ennesaee and e I , aL the hlP. PenIten t Iary meneement exercise ; and we find $~2.~ accord ing t~ the r~port ub accou~t ot a joint meeting of the Brown were appointed appraisers. Kobe strains of t he Japtln ese evel y ~n~l\.I' mO!,l1mg, Til r~ ~re tb.at her work is right up to th mltted by upt. Gllmou.r on JUhe four SChool boards of the ,town· The Lebanon .. Citizens National Fl'ederick D. Wolbe'r to Lillian kind, and Korean lespedeza. The al .o otnoho:.J Wish a.nel Im,.· \.Jan standard of that set by.her e timabl n September 1, Ml GJen!l8 ,ship t.hllt was held imllled iately Bank and Trust Co., trustee of es- A. Schroth, 25 acre in al~m plants resemb le alfalfa in appear- Clenc SCl'VICeS, all WIth an e c 1b le deceased father, E, H. Colvin." 0 t t WBS ch Qsen to suc~.eed MISS after the close i the Township township. lance. ~Gnl attendante, .TtI re is a we kly MISlI Colvin is , n ow Mrs. Leslie Ona Strawn, who reSIgned as board's regular meeting, April 6. H orace G. Coo~ to Earl J. Ker· Farmers in !!Io uthern Ohio coun. lOmote . vaud ~llle performance Smith. The Te!!olutlon tells the te~cher of the Red Oak scbool. "ThiS meeling was held in the anl!l. Inlot No.1 m Morrow. ties have found the J apatle e every FrIday, WIth a ll r ogram that story of how she ftnished her l\h s HobleWs fatl)er: the president Town hip h~~~~~~~~~~:::-~;:;~m~~~:w~iJ~~f£~~;n~jf;;r;G. ,cook t,o Earl ' r to the Korean ~or has dev loped splendid ta lent and father's uncompleted work mod til' r?~rai"':led from votirrg-on JO, and II estate in Morrow. on permanent pustures but Ian e,ft'ort is made to utstrip th LongJs Language WIIS adopted as th~ proposItion. consider the prOposition of con. yes. Tie vote. Eva Hormel to Anna D. Hormel more nOl·therly counties the s a- Jlrevlou IIhow. Saturday aftern oon the grammer book on September' A ,specia l meeting W8 called solidaiioll ~t saitJ-'-disb ict. Those May 4, thll talE-leVY-W~at and Louis C:--Hl.ll:Ufil1. 16 acres in son is too short for the plant to Warden P . E, hon l1rs' ~" are 4, and on October 2 Miss Eva September 19. to accept the res. present from Lytle were: Albert $5,000 for the tuition fund, and Clearcreek township, produce th seed necessary :for to a movie sh w anrl on Davis wa seillcted as the officiaJ ignatian of Mi s Laura McKinsey Stacy, Wilbu[" Clark, Frank Milte.n $2,000 ':for the contingent fund ChBl'les H. Charleton and Nellie perpetuating t he stand, Sunday v ning!l th prison band substitute teacher. • as teacher of the Green Briar berger, Will Bergdall and Walter and a resolQtionl was a~opted ac; B. Charlton to Harold Thackara. Korean Iespede1.a produees seed broadcasts a tine program. The Vice-president John Wilson was schoo l (district No. 13.) and to Kenrick; from Waynesville : J, O. cepting a eomplelte transfer of the 86 acres in Clearereek townshil/, and mOl' abundant and has p o puln~ion at the pI'o. fit time is advallced to the presidency of the Ipay hFr fo~ two weeks serviCes, A (JartWl'ight, G. J. Smith, Chas. W. WayneSVIlle speGiial district s cbool Samuel F. Mutray to Alfarata seed a far north as t he IIp~roxlmatel Y 4,170. board, Janua ~y 1, 1912, and V. re olution was adopted, October Frye, E , L .Thomas and Charles territory. The directors of the Murray. Rcal esta\te in Franklin State line. ' M. Bobl tt was el vated to the 6, ~hat closed the school until the Cornell; from Corwin: A. C, Tom- sub-districts wue i.tlstTucted to township. As a hay crop the Korea n is easy FOR SALE DATES CALL vice-p~sidency, but no other enumeration should iocI'ease, nnd, linson ; from Wayne To,vnshlp: take the school. e numeration, and Davlcl Carnahan to Ha'r old B. to cure, It is not equal U> alfalfa changes were e1feded. The presi- at aneth r special meeting held V. M.•Hoblett, J . W. Hisey, ChBS. another Tesolutro'n was adopted, Carnaham, et al. Real es~ate in or red and sweet clover as '8 !IQil dant anel derk were instructed to October 18, the sum of $4.50 per Smith, Burton Earnhart and John whereby the office of treasuret of Harliln ~o~n sh i~. improvement crop, but ~s better borrow t he sum of $200 for the month wns set as the tuiti on al. Wilso n. fu nds was abolished in acTo CmClnnatl Gas & EleCl',tric erosion, and as a use of the tuition fund . lowon oe for each pupi l of the dis- "Motioo by Cartwright seconded corda nee with the provisions of a Co.,. the use of rellal estalo for lines pasture crop it withstands The same di!!trict di rectors were trict who should attend either the by E . L, Thoma s, that the officers new St"lte law. ' Clem S. and Naoma Bowyer in tt'arnping well. reappointed j May 6 .. " and Mi~~ Waynesville or , t be O~egoniJl of Wayne Township act as presi. ' These teachers were hired 'for Union t~wnship; J . C, an Garnet • - ....-~-,..Laura McKinsey was hired as a sehool. The f ollowing clipping from dent and clerk. Motion prevailed , the next tl1 r m of' the rural schools Wilson in Union town hip; RolISizes 01 eggs laid by well-grown teacher, May 23, instead of hel' a current si ue of The Miami Discussi ons ,were free anti spirited, Eleanor Ea~nhart, 2; Mary Davis, and F. and Edna . Pierstorff in hens is entirely II mattec 61 breedJESSE STANLEY cousin, Miss; Henrietta McKine~y. ~azette fully Ilxp la lnll the situa- The following motion WIIS made by 6; Eva DaVIS, 7; Laura McK insey, Union township; John T. and in&' and cannot be controlled by 310. New BurU...... OW. 'and was aSSIgned to No. 13 , MI s hon: Earnhart seconded by (?) Smith; 8; Alma Waterhou,s e, 10; Supt, E. Dishun in Franklin town 51> simple 8 m<lans as selecting Earnhart was transferred to No.8 "Somll time ago t he Green Briar that it i8 the opinion 01 t he boards Gilm our was hil~ed for another ship ; W" T. an~ Lucy Batell in large ergs for hatching. EARL ICOOGLER and Miss Waterhouse to No. 10: choQl" DJ trict No. 13, wa closed that consolidation should be year, ,rune I , at an inCl'eased sal- Deerfield townshIp; Mllrvin E. and . Da"oll PbOD. ' for t he only othel' changes in the ' on accpunt ()f su ch a smBIl enum· brou ght about. The of $1200 per yeaT. Dawson in Deerfield town-, -::,~::,:.============ - -'::" ICE.more ; J, T. a nd ' C?ra Fel~er in 50: Orville' Keever, services, $17.==========================~---15, V. M, Hoblet and " Ehz~beth 60; John Myer , pay roll, $18] ,60; =======================~ Deerfield , tow nshIp ; Earnhart resigned as members of Gsellman to Deerfielp townshIp. H. L. SCQuyler, pay roll, $ 138; By Albert T. Reid thEl Township bo,ard, and F . C. Cora Car1l8han, deceased, to Floyd Lemm ons, pay roll , $73; J. Carey resigned aEl its clerk. George Harold .B. Carnaham , et .al. Real . Davis, pay roll, $94.60; W. B, . , . .' J. Smith and John O. Cartwright, estate In Harlan tow nship. Schuler, pay roll, $167; W. A. members of the extInct WaynesDavid P. Carnahan to Haro ~d Seiker, pay roll, $171.50; R. ?t, viUe board, were IIppointed and im- B. Oarnahan, ~t a!. Real estate In Van Horne, pay roll. $243.26; Edmediately qualiftd a8 members, of Harlan tow nshIp. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ward Simpson, pay roll, $.1 70; F. the board, wbile tlJe duties of the Bank Bldg, M. Bowyer,pay roll; $126,25; A. 13 Phone 80 clerk were assigJIled to Supt. GiIBilla Alloweel Morl'ls, timber, $3; Ernest Dakin, mour at the munlllclent salary of T r ustees of Public Affairs. 'l ight stone, $2.25; J esse Prendergast l E $10 per year. Directly after be- ..,-703 N• C • J 0 h nson, SUpplies, stone, $1,50; .Franklin Vulcanizing . u; com Ing a mem b er of tbe board, $8.26; The Selig Co., supplies, & Tire Co" gas, $7.19; Fred Ritz, (and motion of Charley .11 '" •92 ; C. C . H'19ht man , supplies, pay roll, $3; Gilpi n &. Son, gaB and ' h upon the h G S mIt , a ,t t at) I eorge , J. Smith $3.60 ;,Er'nla J:libl'\ar, services; $10; alcohol, $30.71; Orllm Shoup, gas, WANTED was elevated ·to the presidency of Julia Holland, services, $10; Mrs. $28.28; Jobnston & Johnsto ll glass the board. He it 'was who directed Howard Sawyer, services, $7; Mor- $2.60; M. R. Greathouse. blockthe board through the entire row Whitacre, services $5; Georgia smith, $,1 .66; Eugene Harpor, laperiod of establishiing the new cen- MilJer, services, $10; Stella Kelly, bor, repairing, $4,50; W. B. WANTED- To buy all kinds of chickens, paying highest market tralized system. ' services, $10; Charles Hobson) Schuler, labor, $25,88; Carl Dakin. price. S., D. Henkle, Waynesville, Miss Veda McPhersol\ was Te- $10; Helen Doughman, services $7 $99; aDyton Blue Print Co., Ohio. ' tt p . , (1 employed as musil) teacher for the J H printjng, $8,79. , combined schools, and Pres., Smith ' . eer rtntmg' ..,0., Bupplies $30: John Law & Son, supplies, $2.05; I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ got even with ChElrley by aNloint- Ed. S. Conldln In8, Agency, pre- I ing the latter as a committee to buy the eoe.1 tor the rural Ichoo18, mium $16 WOOdTow-Wel1.Stanage Co .• Bupplies, '11.40; Johnston It July 8, they l'ellonaldered the Johnllto'n, 8upplles, ,1.70; William question ot the clerk', salary Hufford washing for prlso,n ere and decld~d ' to pay him ' no $5t; T~ulltees of Public Aftalrs; ~~lary. otHer than that pal~ light and gu. ,88:62; 'Mrs, Della m as l!Iuperlntllndent_ Teachers HUftOTd, feeding pri80nel'l!l, "74.salaries ~or the next term were 8et 7~; Frank W. brake. repairing aID foll~w8: Rural school., $65 per shadel, $19.63; Charles J. W.,m nth, Waynesville grade teachers goner. dlfterence caused by In,eo per month; High school, U80 creaM in rate on derk's bond ,25' faO and '70 per month. Rural Columba. Blank Book Mfg: 00.: school janltol'l welre to be. paid ,5 luppllea U. Trustees of Public per month. The Green Bnar, Red " 1 b' d Oa~ aDd College ]{lD School were Alfalra, II t an ..... ~30.80; suapetlded ahd tb~. cl k ' ''in Paul Kahn, l!Iupplies, ,8.20, W. C. strueted t~ I'!,otlf, t;be ::un~:board Turton, coal. '84.48.: Bro"Ol & of education that' ayne tOW1lshl Bunnell. coal, '12.~9, J. A. Schilldellred to remain I 8upervlsory di~ Intr, suppliel, '1.~2, Eut End Coal triet but that are witll that Co., coal, '9.15. J.tf Thompeoll. L-I~ ng se".lcea, $5; Waldron C. QUI" , township, mour inqu..t ''780; Froldlll Ha~yabura be ad' _..... • • dec! for purpoae if th CbNlllcl., ••n.rUllng, " . WUltam eollntJ wlaIln.~ The Bu.ord, ope...... ,"2.95: Ohio bud,. for adopt.= Celttra! Telephone .. tollchn: $e.600;' Ohio
Stanley &Koogler Auctio.,eers
't" '-------,-
, - - - ~.~IIiP"~
Immortal Life
Di,trict ~clrtolrlla
c....... w.
We H.n • R.p.irS...... . And use only rnulne . .\ . . I'ystal!l fitte while yoa walt. .
Anyhow It' b~u I' II> h~ <l lame M()re people live 011 farms in Ohio than in any other 'toi ex- dUl'k thlln nev~r til huve 1)1'('11 D. L. CRANE I t PubUah.r Suba"r!ptlD. Prlq, t'.10 • Y_r By Mra, J... ie B. Tripp cept sou thel'n state whl're crOI1- hatched at ull . pel's and t nlinUl add tt, the nuU1Office Plio.. ..... ..... '" )!fo. 112 ~:nler~d at l'oalotflea at W.yne.uufu .' It's "IJ" el', tht. "ay a Cary's Jewel.., ...., VIII. Ohio, •• Second Claaa 1111\1 " '1 " .. ber.. R •• ideac. .... ... ,.... " .... .. , . No, 111 Matter hO' r sc (liltR, j,.n't it? Leb.DoD, Ohl. ... c _ _ _ _ __ tn t.he liCe that i~ hefol'e us 'ounty )Joal'd's ~oggestit,"s As Ion" s the xlI'" Ill'oduction Goofu - I don't know. (luw i. it :._ _...: S.;; to;.;l";.;e;..;O.:;p.;e;;n.E;;.ve,;;,D.i.n..p_ ___ There i· immor-tal.i. t \J " • d nammg . ' of grass "tan be utili,. d, 'he pasu, t b es." ' l'tll II Ut ".. J fill' lh, cu1l1~osillO~~ a~ .... u.,u. - H I' eU!l And uponwill hel'liIt IIno}\'y llinion~t t, sec l f the ul'en'lsory. dlsLnct I~~~~~~~;;;;;~~-:---'-_ Faith OUI' hearts , . wel'ch ae Id lure field returns more PI' fit than bit in hi mouth. We can glimp!!!! SOO1\! of he cepteu at II Rpeclill. m~ellllg e Tlo~t other crops { o r lhe mlllley In A law oC IInlul", interpl'el~d by beau July :.!l, and the di strICt was of- v . ted in fertilizer. exp eriment , Ialion tt'st!<, siat!!,; ;;:;=;;;;-;~;;;;;;:;;;;~d---1Wfl, t H'r4~~--el~~dtr-ptl'rt;j~~~:,,~~~blished and named, --- that each 100 chicks ....'quil'e lrmll A dollar Hpent now for non~tru tl'on or rna n""; . tern Di$tri t." ~ ." But the only way to get there Barb 1': "Yout' hail' I!; VCI'Y h ill'Sh 35 to 5 0 sqoal'e f j'e~ of nllor a in [01' ~ very busy tirile. [s through purity of h al·t. August a, b I'll. oluli?!" w~~ 0011 dTY, sir." sp ceo rowded. th .. chick!' mlly die It enter the pocket of the workman on the job. It goes to the local ndopted where y no PUPI cou ( Voice Culture Ex~ert: " 0 is your voi ce; but J dic1n't lik~ to tlt'alel' who s lis you the supplie and matElrials. It passe through the AU around OUI' Heavenly p th\YIIY move from one · ub-district Although fUl'm In'od ucti un il> thl' 30 Years Expsrience ba hand,' cif the transportation c()mpatlies that carry them fl'o1)1 the There a p arly Ii~ht doth gl~w ao other wilhout tho! COn!s(!nt of the menti on it. " _ . ydn y Bullet in. Cu ndu mcntlJl basis of th W( ulth Fitting and Makin. GI. . . . There on file al'e al l QUI' lif de 'dt' \ boa I'll, gl'llnilld lit u, regular or _ _ _ _ of the country, II relntiv{'ly ;.< OIall f catol'Y to you. tt s pend!! a' time in the coft'ers of the concer!\. manuThings we've done while here t;pecial meeting. ThE! pupil C thl' factoring them, and from there goes to its employes. [t visits the rebelow ' ollege Hill di ·trict, with '.me (II' 'tudent : "Say, I \ Ilnna exchang amount of 'ount~', g lal~, Ul1d fl'derlll funll s g o t o lhp ill'1Il spec ifi luted concertlS selling' I'IIW materials and basic supplies to the manu· If our live~ III'e fraught with good- two exceptions, w(we 'll!l igned ' ttl thi I xt-bo k." Lebanon, Ohio cally lubeled Ilgricuilur '. factureI'. It go s to th govl'rnment in taxes, and to the investor in the ness th Wllynesville school, the exClerk: "Why, you've hlld it a Tue• Tbaraclay, S.t."" form or dividend. A nd, finally, it starts the cycle all OYer again, when A nd kind deed, we try to ~ow cepti ons being ent '\'o Mt. Uqlly . whol term. Exc pt f ot· lUI'keys tl]e ~ u\lplie s E •• miDatiod Fr_ 'Harry.. E E arn h urt was e01p I".. ytudent: "But I J'UHt 'f o und oot sll meone I ~e U !\C it for improving his own property. Our l' ward will be God" blessing of Ifum produc . in cold sto rage LEBANON, OHIO h' b' I f $50 pI' " nth L o that evel')I other pa"e i mi !ling. " I Thi • little dollal',.. too. has lin amazing purchasing power at this And eternal JOY, we'll know. ce n. I I( a r mu " houses al'e fill' less than us ual, a - . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . , transport 'the pupil oC the Gr 'en - .Tester. cording to rural cOTlOmist. for tho; time. It will buy more lumber, more paint, more electric wiring, more In the land where hearts are Briar district to and l ~om the agricull.u!·al e.xl('n!l ion ~el'vic il t -::::==~=-=~=~~~=~~ of similar supplies, llnd employ more labor than it haa for several decb1ended, ayneaville school. Lafe Nichol on Aunt Hetty: .. akc!; alive! "des Pllst. If.. will give you a chance to improve and in~rease the In the purity of love; W!;lS giv en tht! same killd of II COIl- d n't bel; ve no woman could ever the college or agri ·ultul'l'. value of your r>roperty at rock-bottom bargain prices. If you ' keep It We are given gifts, an d graces, ttact 10J: the Red Oa]< district; only been sO fat." In I cti rig 1\ plot -for the ill hiding, it's wOl·thless- only by tokinl<\' it out and putting it t o w ork From the Falhe)', up above, ncle Lefe bid in th e job at $20.Uncle Hixllm : "What y' readin' potato patch beware ()f lund that can YOll ard others gllin it potential benefits.· We wjll pas the golden portals. 40 per month, Mis Fraze having now' Hetty'?'" So-p ut yOU}' I:IPI1I' doUar. .to work on your property. Make them And how beautifully ther hin bid · for the same job at $40 pel' Aunt H etty: " Wh y, thi>l papel' 111 t year was in blucg l·.II ~ .. timothy tl>. or renew the furnace, the roof, the garage. Make them paint the ' Anti be glorified i'mmortaJ.s . . month.' tells aboul an English \\'"Onllln lhal oats, Qorn, millet 01' 0 '1 h l't gl 'n s~1' . ueh IIlnd8 a1'e lIk.l y t l' be teembuilding and I'epair the steps. You'l! be getting ')lour money's worth ' In OUI' Heaven ly home d1VlnC'. This resolution wal; Unanimously 10 I, two thousand pounds."ing with white (1:l'ubs. Bc ~ t land ful' l' vern] times oVet"lInd you'll be providing employment in a dozen 1Ir1 (lpted at an adj ourned meting New Ootl ook. the potalo crop i soil fOI'merly deheld August 22: "Be it r esolved, I ---l.msineS!$e, t.nd doing yOUt· part to aU villte dislress and build purchtlsT d voted to I gum rop.. ing power. That the Wayne ownshi.p Boar Many Ohio fruit growers are . Jobs 8;e chen pel' and beHe'r than charity- and without jobs there of Edu cation her by 1'. q.oests that I planning to use. home mixed oil ol d wint T IV ath l ' made UIIMr. and Mr. A. ' . lIett en- Ii ounty Normal TI~ alUlDg cho?1 emo~'ions for their dormant or de- safe the prllcti'e of l:I Ie ling seed l', n't be any m~ ney for charity. t.c rtaln d witt a "Rook" pany at ~e est blls?ed j~ Wa)me8v\llll, O~IO la~~d d?l:mant spray fOT appl es corn fr<lm the crih fol' planting ---.their home on Tuesday evening lhe m .co nneelJon wll~ the Wayne Ville thlS spring. They find hom mIxed with out first te~ting lor live fo llowing guest!!: MI'. and Mrs. HIgh school, a HIgh school of the emulsions ma y be mad e fOI' 76 kel'nal.. R ent sample. tested bv Phone 78J Howard ' Gr ahllflt Mr. and Mu. first grad ." Theil, upon th rec~m cent. to $1.14 a tankful of 200 the ollege of gricuitul' or th~ , Herbert Carr, Mr'. and Mrs. has. mendation of County Sup rintel~- gallo~s, depending on the st" e ngth O. . U. all xhibited . eriou • . Gordon. Mr. and MI'!S. Ever tt Vi!- dent F'I tcher Hawke, ~he~ u~am- reqlllred . ne zing injorie . . L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:.--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:---.I lal's, Mr. and Mrs. Hal'ry 'f\lcker, mously voted.,to employ Ml ~I.ma
Put That Dollar to VI ork .
Sight Specialist
,Cary's Jewelry Shop .:!.,..
,F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
Farm' Night 1alks, March 20
:00 Mus ic
~ : 05 Two-Third of 8:15 Th e Pl owma n'
ne Cent lor Agriculture alendar
Mr. and Mrs. J o
Georg~ Cr'ane Mrs. Ralph Francis,
~ r. and A. Rob l'~R Q N.ormal . Traln~ng' Bride-You didn't ta]k tllat way chool dJtecto~ tn. 'Yayn . vllle before we \\Iere marri d!
'MI'. and Mrs.
,J. A. Slipher Homer Cask ~, Mrs. W. P. McCa~'- school for a peJ'lod oj; mne months 8 ·25 Music ' ren, Misses Kalb1een and Nellie at ~ salary o! , 0 per month ; 8:40 ] omcstic Allotment Plan for Hogs J. S. Coft'ey Graham, Jyde Levicy, ha. Cook se slo,n, to b gIn eptem~er 14, 8 :60 Awakening the Garden L. , C. Chadwick 1914 We shaIJ bave co s de bl 9 : 00 Rec reat ion for l?srOl Homes' .... Eunice Teal Howard McGuim and has. Easter.' n 'l ra y !I ~ 10 Music Lester and Elmel' Starr s'pent more to saY, • co~cernijng this e.x9 :2 5 81'e of Milk on the. Farm .. L. H. Burgwald SatuTday evening with Mr. and cenent lad)' 111 a contemplated h,s!I'35 Wh I" Ohio G ts Its Butter . Don Kochhei~er Mr. Chas Gray lind family. . of t.he ~ ayne Town!lAo Trend in ll omProject Work . ., ,J. B. McClelhmd Mrs. Lillian Carr,:rai Helen .hIP . entr~hzed chools, to b e Voc. EducatiOn D pt. Randall, !!oIi S Winfield McElwee published JII th se c:olumn. lit II Saturday, March 18, 8 to 8 :30 Miss Helen McElwee a~d Ir. and fotuTe date. Ohampaign Coupty 4-H ClubB , MrS!. H. T. Oaskey heard Plldel·. (To b Continued) D. D. Dowds, ounty .ExtensiQn Agent, Presidine eW8kl in Cincinnati Monday - - - - - - ......-~A C unty G ts B hind the 4-U lub P"ogram ..... , Waldo Zerke) ing. AdvenLores as a 4·H Club Advi or ,. Musette Fielder The M. E. Aid met Thul'sday (;or'net 010 " . . . . ........ ....... .. Leonard Zel'kel afternoon. . 1\1 W E BI> d M V,' hat 4-H 'lub Work Ha Done for Me " ........ Howard Goddard Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ray had a ' I'll. :. gan an 1'8. }' \ om lub [mbcr to lub Lead I' " .Ethel Warner 811pper guests W ednesday MI'. and W ~ldon Wrlsoll called on Mrs. J ohn Mrs. Cha . Gray and family. '; II on Thursday ,afternoon. . ==;:=======-======-====::..=;========= - .On Wednesday evening Mr. and MI:. H ome r Hallie and famIly Madden, of W'aynesville. and T. C. Mrtl. A. S. Qllett entertained wel'e gue!\ts of Mr. allid ~r . Tasso MaddeD. of North Lewisburg, all thirty-~ev n guests fr om Dayton t o ~erre~l, Of near New 'I nna. on
Caesars Creek
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. Groom- What way? Britle- You said you would g o through tire and w tel' f~r me, and nov. ou refuse veryth g Task ' y 111 you for money. ., I Groom-:-But 1 n ever lIald 1 d go through bankruptcy for you.
A certain New York restaurant man may be gIven credit for a rather novel winQow di play. ThIs man didn't. have much money tOI:' advertising, so he bought the biggest fish bowl he could get hold of, fille.d it with water, and put it in the window with this Rilrn: "Filled with invisible gol~sh 'from Argentine." It took 17 policemen to handle 'the crowd.- PortJand Adv. potlight.
A. H. STUBBS Direct... df Fulllo ...... S.nlco
Our c(1nvenient location, IUlt,... ble surroundingl!l and equipment enables u s to Serve to t he Advantage.
W.,.•••,,'"•. ow.,
l;'h.oDe 29
),our Cattle, hogs, sheep and cahlel to Norrie-Brock Co .• live wire and proVEssive firm for the high ..t 'fOTARY PUBLIC market prices and good service. UDi •• Stock Y.rd, ' CiDdd_l~ O. N.li•••l B .... Tune in on Radio Station W KY Willa Dr.W1II •• E ...... S.tt... !~~~~ttorel;d~~. p. m, tor our daily WAY"ESVILLE, OHIO
Random Bits of w~ee~.~dinfuere~l~rnb~ l a~~ffiro_lItilicir~~rc~p ' . M d M J W II d a~!~, na L eal11l11g. pen t a pal't~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~==~=~~~==~~~~=====~=~==~~~ s in r. an rs. . . ne an r I t k 'th h t, ~ Human Interest and, bullding material busine . . family have be n called to Mona s wee er aun ... theIr r~spelltlve commllmtles, and terey by the death of Mr: nell' s Je~ , Tnwl':<.'tt. of nea r Old T?wn , 0 I-n dIsplayed an unusually keen father M~. and MI'II,' Raym ond Wilson Found inTown elleh interest In the welfare . of his Mr . . and Mrs. Everett Gordon and d?ughter, J eannette, were un J
brothers and their lamlh08. Under this heading we shall enThe first to be called to a'nOther . Iffe was A . D. Madden, 0' deavor lo call to your attention Clarksville, but brothers Will and each week 80me of the little Christy came ]oyally to the rescue human intel'cst storie about town and so C8l'eiull>, lind effi,ciently ~id ~storics that you have doubtless they watch and supel'VliJe the Inheard, but have not stopped to terest of ~ r liNtlier.s ami think of their significance. Also, that the bU8tne8S contmued to from time to tim ,we may add our fl ourish under the firm name, The personal idea oj how local A. D. Madd en Estate. happenings may be worked out for The next ....to , be ealJed was the bQnejit of the entire commu- br oth er WuU, and once more n ity,or olfel' suggestions for things brother Christy came loyally and that w belie\'e should be done for · willingly to the rescue of the civic improvement. bIJllinelS, although hill ow" busin, To start this feature, we have CS~ interellts demanded muc~ of cbosen the story of one of the his attention ~ In the meantJ1!'e, finest' sets of brotherS to be allied Carl had reached an age enabling with our community :for several him to IIJ!sume most .o f the charge years-the Madden brother. of his father's business. In another column of this 188ue Now, Christy has lone to join we published an announcement of hill brothers In the Better Land. Ihe appoi ntment of Carl D Madden and th~ task of ••ttllng Ida unll1fJl' to serve as ~dministrator of the estate lalls upon the willing ahoulestate of his uncle, the late W. H. ders of Nephew Oarl. AlJotber Madden. This appointment pro- brotber, J . C. Madden, of Cln)<.vides another l!pisode to one of ville .i8 prov?nted by severe physlthe finest cases of devotion cal mfir m.itles fro~ ...illtin~ and jnterest in t he weliia~e the direc Ion of h Ui brothers of each other and their dependents terests. The story of such that has ever come to our notice. broth~rly. devotion cannot fail to Three brothers, the late A. D. have It! mfluenee fol' '';Iod upon Madden, of Clarksville, W. H. tbe Jives of all who ht-Ill' It. ..
BAYER ASPIRIN ';s ~/ways
beware of imitations u.... you ... tile D81De Bayer .... tile word ...uiH OD tile pacu,e .. pletured abcrft 'JG1I . . . . . . be IUI'8 that yoa an taIdat tIM . . . . . . , . Aapiria that tbouM..... II ..,.w........ la UI* ...,
11111\.110-. II. . . . . . _ pnyed tIlat It .. ..,.
0 . . . ..,.. ......... 19 . . . :
,MaW... '
and 1;001' childl'en wel'e unday guests of Mr. and MI'" B. J. nrr and family. Mrs, Lida Villars oC Spring Valley 1 vj lUng hel' son Everett and f amily. •
IS' "'(
D you have a monster y our k-t I c hen " -
da y (linn r gUeR~S of Mr. and Mrs. The~dore McIntire, of neal" New BU1·hngto n. BO.rn. to 11'. and Mr~. Bevan Jenl(ll18 (nee FrancCl\ WJI on,) of Kokomo, .I nd., March 8. 8 son, 'Earl EUglO!L. ,Raleigh B.ogan and 1'.amily entermed t o Sun.day dmner Evan Rogan andfall'llly, of. Dayton and .Mr. and ]\f1's. Horace Compton. Edward PO\V~I'!!, of Eureka, KIm: as, and J\h-s. a,r l Buck, of Xema,. called on Ralph · Learning Monday' afternoon. ~\'s. Robert Furna , Mrs. Lothair Wmfield . and daugbter, of near WayneSVIlle, Mr . Raym ond ~II so n and Mr. Theodore Mclnhre call~d on Joseph Shambaugh and family, of neat Harv,ey. burg one aUemoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Everett, Haines and Ro n, Errol Dcan, wel'E~ il1 Dayton, Thursday. . Mr. RaleIgh Bogan 8,nd daughter Dorothy .attended the operetta WayneSVille Thursday night.
-- -
The DOI'cas Club was. pleasantly entertained by Mrs. W. C. Smith on Thursday. Tile W. F.]d. S., of huron church, . met at t he parsonage on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Kilm er Is confin ed to his home with hellrt troubl~, te~ultinll' from "flu." . Rev. Carl Kilmer, of Westboro, . preached at t he M. E. Chu,rch on Sunday. . liT. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and daughters. of ' Columbus,. were week-end guest:!! of relatives here. The minstrel given by members of the Shar*, Epworth League on We"nellday 'evening, was well 1'0.' c:.elved, although the audien~e was not 8.11 large a8 the sponsors. h oped for.
----- - .."".---
A Sunday School teacher, after
telling the little one8 that • good man had a 'w hite beart, wbile a bad mall had Olle which was blaek, asked a Iitle ..rl what color her heart 'Wa jj • "Striped," was the prompt reply.
----- - ,- ---
Another reuon, aside from the purely aentt...ent,al. that we don't ret rid 01 0111,' old car Is that we hate to throw 10 man, dependant pr... meehanlc8 out of work.-
Ohio Sute 10urDIIL
family of Waynesville were Satur day evening goests 01 the LeRter Starr family. The operetta "Thy Gy-psy Rover" presented by the Glee Club • I under Mis~ Helen Steven. direction Friday evening was all one could desire in the wa)l of musical entel"tainment. All of the students rendered their parts in pleasing mllnner. Thi operetta hath distinction of being the first one presented in this countx in which the choruse were sung in four parts. Four harmonious hoboes (Jack Lee Floyd McKnight George and William Sahders) gave an Bl'llusing minstrel sketch between acts. and CHILDREN could ftnd • dragon ' how t hose co lored boys can sing! The Lebanon Orchestra Club ren!n rcul Ute In 1IUUl)' eOllutry /leveral ~eautifol selections intermissions 8ml -;1rtrei!1-===~~====::;:~::::=:::--1 kitchens - • dragoD wltb ft8e'" services ' were greatly IIPPJ'eeiated. - - "T lni eye. and fiery breatb - tbe Miss Marjorie Shumaker anit kltche:n .love. But to you tbe ft-iend of Port William were h 1'e FI'lday evening and attended the kitchen .tove la not a makeoperetta. . believe drsgon. II 1. a mon8ter' Moving is Rtill th ol'der of the day in this .c6m'nlunity. thai ulmo.l eonaumee you with E. M. Villars is suft'ering with Iti h C3t, al yon work and .weat and .lave quinsy.
- -- --
o'Ver it. The modem 'fuel (oJ;' couutry 'lkben. i. g,t .III- gall like that. which Rowl in clt)' maine - P,-rofa" Gal p',ot'ax Ia real gaa .tored in cylin• . den and delivered to country b01i1~ by a dependable, nallon-wide eenlce. Pyrofax ill ' u.ed 1n • real ps ranle and bums with Jaot, btne, lOoll~... inalantly controlled ft1iJae. It pub on eGd to loeb dirty and tirin, Job••• getting wood, cntUn8 Irindtin" IIlartbi, tbe fire, deuabiS out ..ha. ch• .,gin, barn.. oat wie~ . .d fiDins oil tarl!o. Pyrofax la o ....dy wiaeaM_ YOII're NlldJ-readYlo cook or . . at Jult the ......' IelDpentare. la --1 110_ Itth' aow then ... ftaI • ......... aaew MOMn' .......... lOme . . ., . . . . . Nap wID." . . . . . aot ....... It
repre8tmts ahe kind of dove ...... Dor becau.ee It'burna tbe.1dDd ., f1IeI
.. desired, but iimply beeaate I........ II attradlve. We have developed a pi.. .. _ JUlt.U b cues. 1'breullla tIaU ..., ..... P),rofax G.. is DOW obtainab" at _ ....... 0081 whicb i. c:omparabl. Ie that ., ...... uaing other typCl of fuel. 'I'IaJe pIaa .... ..I' epok:iitg within naeb of eYert eDe. oe.. ua &be opportllllilJ to tell ,... ...... 11.1.
P.E. SNYDE" & SON - Phone 3021
BL~NCHEST£~, ·.O HIO. Alliborized Di~ tributOC' or Pyl'Or." 01...... Carbide IUld Carbo. Claeml~ ~
10 Lal ..2nd S... N_ York Otr
• Prrofaz
C.. fa 4e11t1f1ft1d "".,., • your lao".. ",.., "",."." III _ .....
,..,.,.. ,_ 'I.""" ..,....11 .......* .w... ......, ... .".,..,., liN,"",.,.",. ................... .
III lie -'aI.
Jr, ot De r .Lebanon, Alb A'PI'r1lD'l' IS lADE TO B Mr". Imallr.mr I S RELEASED. BYDEATH till lll~', ('1rt'gonill. L~hll1wn' l ROB SAFE AT UNGO' '
rt, "Iennll. Th n ai' Mrs" L u I' '1;le <If n ('11 I' nl! Junnita BI :lIll'ltlck. at hun1l', ._ __ 'l'hil've~ attelllpting to hreak . ,\ ht t'" j.: l'fllldClIIUj,(htH wn. tH'1' FUlld 11 .'1'1 1l"'~ r.\I· TIHl~ll tl ; B · 1g)'and!·IIt!u:1" S prid.." !>r(l~hl:r a~d l ope" n sule in the Lingo HIIL"~W8rl' Bt8nn oc "1'1' jl<' l,1 lit ht ~ lut e \ \\(l I' I"tl'l", nll " r \\~I()m '(,~ld - In sl ure lll ;; t w!! .. k, werc lnla· hom in fr~. Anw lla \\,i11la01'" h .'ntu k yo :11,,<> ~IIl'''I\'e, . rupied in th .. midst of lheir nClivit ic. by th l' comp8ny's burglar PI' Vl'lly <lll FIlUlI " ~tr(,l·t, , III 1 ,'due thi~ nfll'l'Il(I(l n 'Rl'\ . ' a larm anu \\ ith lhdr job but half ; h(. tel' \ 1illiatll\lln lUlU R('\. S cnmpll't erl Ullld a hurri ed exit tlr .I'ringllllrn, .' flkla t in :' anJ ft onl t he bUilding' abandoni~g \ltJ l'ial wu. madl:' In Mlu nu rl:'me· th ei r too ls Hnd othe r pa r nphl'rnuhll 1I' r . ' I. ftcr w\)l'k tng for probably half ·f r. Brlln nocl;. died nbou t. 7 .Fril.'nd, Mehe tr. Iur n uh d an h ur the r ob!> r a,cdrl entally o' d ock, ' nnd ny I.'\ l'ninll. of f~cil\l ~l'vcral pll'a lint K\lIl'li" f llr the .t off the burglar ala r m. Officers CnnCI.'I· . \\ ith " hkh he hnd ~ n Imtroll/\ of th J I'· . ' ~, A . M. ~ hn ff l' nnd Ro. s were within a nmicled for 8 venll )!eBl'~, hlwl ng dun e, 'l'ut'llday ~·"e rlJng. M I'. Rob- bl< k of t h sta r e wnen th t' atarm )l' I~ nnfin rl 'lo hi: h0l11 fur ~ lw rt ineell(, of II iII!'bo 1'0 , hl\N J'\~- soun ded l'ho rtly li tter 11 o'clock, Ullt. t hn'(' (,f f( ur month". l!\H'l nC:111JaCt'd " H appy" ~uydam a~ . lh, but the th ieves !!scu j)l'd by a TCRI' t his Um he had born ' IllS ai- l'cgulnl' pianist, Imd :lr. 1Tgll wind ow. Footp rints, di8covt'l'ed the 11 i tion .w ilh n Jlaticne~ nn~ l ?l'. Elmore, a t~T ' n(('d violini~t also fo llo\' ing morn ing, indicat ed th~t t it d that bu. h(,U~1 nil tn>plrnliLln of Iljllsuor(1, has I.eI'll uddl.'<i . to Jll'obnbl. t\\ 0 m en werc at work In t o all \\ ho k n " " h I Ill; n yer com- 1.1)(' n em b1l·. Both t1w"" al'll~ts th ~tore a ncl t hat th y escap ed by pI ini ng, but lwll.ys I\~pr citllive htlvl' bl,t'n quite bu, i1y. 'njrllged russing an adjoi ning prop erty on r II effort for hi. Tclw:(. with vaTiuus ordll'~t1'n: ~ tncc com· ' ycalllOl'e strct't. Office rs fo und 1I Mr. Bral)n o k wal< bo 11 at pleting lhl'ir ,tudil!'-: at thf' Uf~- , cre~ driv er nnd cro w bar o n SYC8 ynthi'BnnB. "'-y., J nnary 1:1. ~cr \'Otory of 1\111 ic in 'j ncinn a U. :11or~ iLt l' et, pr 8un1nul y d ro pp ed l' 0, and had <levo I'd hi!' Hft' t o haying u ~l~tetl Richard Roye~ by th l'obbers in t hcir flight. agricu lluTO I pur, \lit , About ~3 orchclltrll with il~ hrolldcast$ O\lCI' Gal nin~ e " tm lle' by f o rCing a y eo.r s ngo he \' moved his fnn~lh the I'll<\il) ~tllti"'1 l\l ;\It. O~eb, \\ hid w at the 80u.th end . oi the l o n (arm, betwcl'n Wayne, vll1e MI. 1':I\ll(ll't' ffl\'(Jl'rd \\,Itll. two Lingo warehouRe dn ctly III bllck and Oregonial, which . hl' h,ad dllll'ming "Id{\~ ju~l uI~\'1' the mle l: f t h h a /'dwlue ~tore, the thlev II p u r hQ!;('d. HOi'e t h Can~lly ma m- mi~~it)n, Tu '~uuy ('venlng. A noth!.'1 ma nipulated thq burglar alarm tain d it'! home until fnil.lng h ('>u l 11 hiJ!:hly IIPPI'N'! te(1 numbt·r \ as a contact on a sliding doo r into the f ore d the :t'llth er'~ reur ml'nt II violin waltz trio' by II', Elmore, fr ont part of t he building and enf ew y al'S ago. ., J\lr~. LII\\ renec Friend I). lid Mr. tel' d th e offi ce wU'hout attract ing He is sun·i.v d by hIS WIdow, lirk y }1'l'iend. The ma~agemen a n y aU nUon. Mr'l. Fr n ee Brnnn flck, thn~ ~on: ItnnounCl?s that U1C. artl h> have The y l he n proceeded to drill two and three dau ghters: J ame • who ,l~('en permanently engaged, nd holes in the 8n~e but vidently set r eside, on t he homestead, T. B, !lInt til I' plenBinlt additions OlD}' of the burglnr alarm bef ore furhl! l'X.P 'ctl.'d in t h very Il ar ther ppe rations were under way. :f\lture . A hammer. breast drill nnd nine .. - - - - -dyna mite CEIP tlnd f uses wel'e fo und neal' thl' Slife. he dff Hufford was called and a t once lal'ted an investigation, No fingerp r ints could be :found on Lne life a nd marks were o]s'o lackHave your property i ng at th wlnd o th rough which ntTan C WIl S gaine d. -Wel tern covered ' y •
n Ill' • '" Elzl' \ I
'·'Ilx. 0 rc hestra Add
New Musicians
an experience
til l',
, gei':\t
-~ ---
Th und ersigned will offer for slIle at public nuetion on
Stella E. Daugherty
We!1lload.,., Mar~b 2 •• I.S3 At ~he lllte re Jdence ot William C. Welch. between Wavne~ville nd Harv"Ylb\lrg, on Rqllte 73,
Phone S8U
Waynesville, Ohio " ;;;;;;~;~~~~;;~~~b~!'!'!!~!!!"!~~~!!!!~~~'!!"!!!!!'!' !
- --
The s \! t w ( fen rolls. taken d o ;v n Ior shipmen t. wen t tl11" (1 U g I1 tIle
Gulf [Mexico
Fence \ ca.Lh r Tc t, "Galvan-
Warren County, Oh\!l beginning Jt 9 :30 o'clock a. m, the personal proper~y, goods lind chattels belonging to said estate, and the right, title an4 iJiterf;!st of 8IIid estate In all the personal property, Ifqods and chattels belonging to 8al4 e tate ~nd Jrving D, Welch, including! 60 head ot Cattle. ~ hea4 of Bor. B, Implement!!, Et , wo month! credit will T rm be given by purchase-rs giving 1\0te at 6 r intere!t fl'iUI\ day pt saIl! with 2 approved SUl'ettell. CI/lh pa'Y~lent will be accepted in lieu of note Ilt. option of purchaser. D.the WELCH As Admin;UWING trawr of estate ,of William C. Welch, deellasl!d JG~ Gordon, Glenn Wykert, AUlIts. L. Ill, Uen.lel'spn, p"an ~.
(Con tinued from Paae
- - -=-::. !llart of the 2nd quarter and level. MrR. Edwin Chandler ha~ b Iln ed lh,' j{ame nL 12 all bill again W. Yery ill the pa t ttwo w eke. II .· S. I allied lind forged ahead and , r('tllined their advance t o .th .. c10 e Mrs. (" E. Ande r s n c nt rtulII- Th" ~co r,; heing 30. 23. d a numbe r of lhe youn~ rriend~ ~ o f her s n h r le s, Tu sd ay ev n. : D b&tiBI Club New. ing, in c lebrnti()TI of his birthtJny "') IJ b t' 01 b . k ' ... anniv '1'!!ary. I L Ie e a IIlg .u l S wor m .. e _ _ _ _ .. ~. _ • on n debate to be g'lv t'n bllrol'e the pu bli c sOQn. -
Pidur.. draW11
Weill' often asked, "How much does a fun rul c08t?" The anAwcr depends on the gra.d of mere hund i.-e selectc I and th • umollnt of serVlC rcq uir d . In our Mhowl'OomA w off r . ask t and other n c ssiLi s in a wid, rang' 01 tyle and prices with :up I'luLiv yallll' in ' VCI'Y grade. We ur t! ])l:epared mak tne S I'Yice as sim!)le or as labol'ate as th circum lane g may l'equlr . We alwnYK do our hI t to h lp our patro~s , el ect the merchandise mid A r ie suited t~ their condition and ne edH. W) sel've all classes In the 'ommunity, gi jng to ea.ch case th most r v rent and sympathetic ar th"lt Ii '. wit.hin our powel',
Former Citizens in , ' Wayne Twp. Oratorl"al Contest Californi.:t Not Hurt, March 17, 1933 - - -I G.roup 1-5 Minute. Iueh anxie t y lil a b een f e lt by I 1. Evelyn Tho lllpRon.- ' Awful
locnl peoplc for the snf ty of r ela- " 'o rds ." 1st Ora dI.'. tivell and frie~d wb~ ~\'~re kn ow n 2. Irma Fi res- "W Oo.!pecKe r" to hav" be n In t he vICIOI l y of Lo~ 1st Grade. Angele. , Long BOlich. and ot h r 3., J ean H nr t.'!oc k- "PaJn In ectlo ns of sout.hern alifornia I ly . awdll ~t, " 2nd Gr ade. that were vi Ail ed by II vere eurth i 4, J\{aTc~ Jen o P te rs- "They q oak es, la. t F'riday ' evening. Dicl n't Think," 2nd Grade, Casualty lls t hll ye b ee n ag erly I 5. lair Dibert- "Our H ou s e ," s cann od, ari d l oc~11 aitlzen ~ have 31'd Orad e. been mad e happy ~o note the 6. Mario n mith- "l\fy Aunt,' ab encl' of t he names of their :~l'd OradI.'. , lov d ones. In ~Ieveral in 6tnnee~ 7. Alma P re nd erga ' G~'anda ss urances of lh4~ lr sn:fety have ma'. Radi o," 4th Orad e. been sent by re.sldent s of that . Billy f elloh- uTh e I.'c r e t' vicinity to the ir 'fri ends hel·e. 0, 4Lh Grade. far. the only name of a f orm er r es id ent. of WarrEIn County to apGroup 2-7 Mjnute. pear in the ca. uaity ' lists Ie that of 9. Barbnl'a, Haines - " tudy Mr». Mae orwl'n, f orm erly 01 Morrow, who wa s kill d ' at Wi!- For Il ntest," 6th Gr ode. 10 . Doris B ck- "The Boys," mington, Calif..Ml" , orwln was the wlie of Walling Corwin, and 5th Ol'ade . 11 . H oward Sheet I' ~ '' 'Feet.'' was also the dallghter ·ln-Iuw of W, D. Corwin, fo'r ~ev ral y a rs a 6th Grade. 12. Ruth G'l'aha11l- "Wh en Pa ommissloner 01 Warren county , he is Ilurvlved by her husband Broke His Arn1," 6th Grad. ] 3. Rachel Hartman " The and one daughter. Usual Way ," 7th Gl'a\1e, 14. Max Steven "The Recitation." 7th Grade. 15. Viol" Campbell --< "Bald H ended Man," 8th Grade. l6. Evel n Furnas--"The Owl, ' 8th Grade, Mrs. Josiah Da~' is was hostess to the Happy Hour club for their l' gCrou)t 3- i o Minute. ulu meeting, Tuesday afternoon 17. Ellen Guy- HAt The Stage There was a gooC! IIttendanee and in hon!lr of St. Patrlc~'8 day which Door," Freshman. 18. Cecil Hartman - "Patrick is celebrated thb week, responses to roll can ",61'<8 qu otation of Henry' Speech." Freshman, 19. Oharles Burton - "Camp Irish wit. A good pr<lgrllln and varlou Meetin' ," Junior. 20. Jaeque Adam$ "True stunt were followed by a pleasant soeial hour whe'n delicious r- Socialism," Junior. Admission free. lreshOlents were served ' by the .... hostelS. OPERETTA ~LL ATTENDED -~-
·James E. McClure Wayneaville, Ohio
Phone 7
Mr•• JOfiah Da vi.
EnteJ1tain. Club
- ---
---'--- .> . .
Township 'T rultee. To Meet in Lebanon 'l'oWJlshlp trusllles of Warren county have bean notified of a county-wlde trUliteell' meeting to be held in the common pleas court po • om on Friday, Aprl'l 7. Accord-
- - ---
A well filled house greeted the High School Glee club at the gym last Thursday night when they
presented tM operetta "Bon Voyage." The entet:'talnment wa highly appr elated and netted a substan. Llal sum lQr the dub.
ing to County Su 'rveyor Van Horn tile p,eePing is of an annual nature Subscribe for the Miami Cdzet1le. anli similar meetilngs are being ar-
It 'It 1 p.,. . 'f'rI~f~o;r_A~d~m~j:n~i~~S;-;"'+'t)+-&hio., in eaoh Q~t the 88 l!ountle nealed au a - StaJlle}" _ _""':_______t1~ffl most like A • 1rJl~or. Lune" rhe date coincides with the. regu. rd inary gal- Md ' of '1, E. Ctturch. I quarterl,. n1e~ltlng date oUhe a ni zed was The uJ'I/Jersjgned witl al~o offer W~rren (Jount, Tpwnship Tr\lstees FOR SALE ruined. at publle B"etlon at said tIme !lod . place, _II hi rig ht, tiUe 81\d inter- Ils/loclatjon. \:Vhich will give est in said above desgribed • ..... POR ALE- Recleaned Timothy you rna t for property. CARD OF THANKS Seed $1.50 bu. heehan Service your feuce mVrNG D. WELCfl Station, Waynesville, Ohio. ·m22 money? We sell RED BRAND "Gal.vannealed·· FENCE at fair standard market pnces. thank.. to neighbors and friends .I Return of Horle to tor their assistan(:e and sympathy d.urlflM the 1I\IlJcn(!"B and death of Pulling The Plow· our mpt;hel'.
--Classified Ads.
from aGWnl »hotOCJllPla.
The Cost of a Funeral '
Your Home! Down through the age ' the constant use of wood has pray n it to be th best material for home-buildinl!l. A lumber-built home with wood floor. wood, mantle .taircase, window frames and door brings kindly memories to most of us because it was in uch a home that we were born and rai ed, Lumb r give that "homey" atmosphere that all other materials Ill. k. U e lum·ber to build yOUl' home , Lumbel' give' greater home comfort at more reasonable cost. Let us' h Ip you in planning your home.
w. H.' MADDEN Phone. 14
&~ CO.
Waynesville, Ohio
~w~tOU~~~8~C" j~~-;~-~--~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;~~~~~~~~;~;~~-~-~~i~~~~~~i
Waynesville farmers fxchange Co. W aynelvl'II e, Oh'
Use' Our Classified Columns
they, Will Help You to Dispose Of Your Surplus
Miami Gazette .
-----_ ..--Deeth
The hot'S , sltove4 aside tn the days of prosperity, Is comlflg Into his own again on bUluJrejjs of Phone 25 ; Warren county farms, .\lC!or~lnll' to County Agent Leslie Miller. 10 Feed is cheap and plentiful, land _ there is little or no money to bu)' :===================--~=:-~==~~-? - - -.. . ~-~.il and gas f or tractors, 80 the cheerjng sight of a team ahead ot a plow -tAuning over the soil in the spring plomng, is again familiar. With t he ~eturn to old-time metho4s. ttle hest M'ay of using the hortle POWeJ> A.~ roen ;PA.w~r is under dl.scusslofl by farm ~Il$ihori.t.: de II ties, and Con sequ~n y iii 11)0, \ titration 1) 4tld IS ho,~ tandem hitches al)d prQPeJ' plow adjustments will be sta,ed .t t)le Lyle tewart farm OJ) Route 123 north of Lebanon on F,If!ay M h 24. are • _ •
Friend.hi·p Club' to Conduct Contest •• ,-A vocal duet by M.~, Irma Rich and Thelma St. John, wltb Mrs. Glenn Bland at the plan9. featured the program fOr the meeting 01 the Friendship club, to which Mr, ":.tack Rogel'S was hostess last Wednesday a/ternoon. Plans' were made, during {fie tiusine ss session, for a membership
Zimmerman. alld Family
SeveTIIJ fJ:'olf} a ai~nt'e atte,"'ed the operetta I~Tlle Gypsy
Rover" elven by the Harveysburl
Glee club, lit the GYm on last Frlday evenIng, whioh 'was ~ :Y:';:....J...plete success from S aT to The gym was 1i1l'ed to Us utmost. Much praise is due Miss Helen Stevens, music teacher. Mis, Lillian Carr and Miss Helen Randall, ~ea~her8 , for thei:r untiring 1'1 t ' ak ' ng the operetta a e"pr fl1 PI .. ~ ., ,,_ Ilprnp4!k s u£ce.llIJ; Mr, Ilnd Mrs, Mr1ah Powell anq chlldreJ') of ne!ll' Olivel1ranch Mrll P. O. Wells .nd dlagghter, Ina Mae of thla place, SPlint 8\lnday with Rllfu. Robertson anLl family of near Kln&,man. Gard)' Lamb Is on tho sick list thl" we-ek tat his ihome near Olive
Ivalene Reynold. hall returned to her home nea'r Olive Braneh from the hospitall in Oincinnatl she had her tonsils removed ,weeks ago', She is gettinl' along ve~ ni&Clly_ Over 100 attended the Holiness church at ' Green Briar on last ~~pr,4a,Y evening" 'three minlste~s belnJ pr.eJent wll>O kept the aud,-
Mrs. Hartley Moss and !iF!, Will bDlll'l1, St. JQhn, Th e hostess and her asGllnevj P.owel~ I~f 'lea,.. QFl!lJonja sistants erved ta~ty refreshmentt w••• 84turd_, Il,'!mlight ,Uj/lt fill during the ,~ocial hou.r . t he ' Ml~. "')'IJ~ef .m<J 'follena Powell of thll p~.e., Mr. and Mr•• :Blrd Powe ll .nll :tamily of near Or.aonla. we,e ARRESTED BY 'HERIFF Sunday guests of Mr. a nd Mrt. Thomas Powell alld family of thll A-. l8-yeal'-old girl and ttl,ce. brother, !ICed 13, were brought to Th. ",olin en c~nirch people are Lebanon Sunday afternoon by criticized quite " good deal by Sheriff Hufford followfftr a raid at people who have no foundation the Walter Spencer bome in South Io'V'h tever. They ' del not know what Lebanon. The boy and girl are tis.,. IRe about. Atte"d cbildren of LutheJ' Spencer, a pris- their and Bee for oner in the Warren county jan, ,ollnelvee. ,,$ icnoW and both are laid to have been In- bett... TIl. &opt. ~aek toxicate4 when the office" visited br . the ed tbe place. The, were turned oat of tlte over to juvenn. authoritlell. BoUQ" people don't and true the they pt It - - - - ,.. - • JUVENILE DEJ.t"QUENTS
contest under the leader,hipot enee ~ll J?PHn4 ,0': pve~ ~o
We are ready and willing to accept anything marketable in lieu of (;~sh in ~x;ch~nge for your year's ; . subscription, .uc~ as
lIJ..r~et price. Call W~ _I'~ j.~_cty' tq t r~d"
.1\\ tile
and see .iL
Bring in .your',Produce .
to .
The Miami Gazette , .......a
Eighty-Sixth Year
MARCH 22, 1933
W hole Number 6058
We havc been urging tax pay· to make reW,," s early to avoid the rll h, but so far only 693 have made l'eturns, leavinll o\'el' 3000 still to Ii t. As lhe last day to make reo par (without penulty) is Fri· day, Mal'ch 3t, 1933, I would . ut'ge th a t you rna ' k e your ' agam r turn nt once. you~ C'ooperntionl will be ap. 1'1' ciat t1 . WILL R. LEWIS , A uditol'. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _",
ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH Father Frerlcit, PlIstor McClure were Services will be he ld every two Monday. weeks on Tues day morning. Miss Dori Henderson, of Cin· cinnatl, spent Sunday here with FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Undenominationa]) home folb. Chester A. Williamson 'ttnb erg Ge orge H en kl e, O f W le Unifi ed S I'vice b ginning with college, spent the week·end here Church Scho ol pl.'I'iod al Il :30 a. m, with home 'folks. Lord' Supper and sermoll at 10 :. Mrs. Chas. NI'chola of CI'nclnnatl' 30 B. m. Sermon ~ub,j c , "L t'f! I spending several da),s at lhe Get Back t.o God." You are alway~ Ferry parsonage. welcom e at this chu'l·ch.
Clo.ed Sil'ft W •• Put Up Sunda,. , ~rni ..1' on tbe Corwin Cro.. in.
, In company wHh about all the oth't' streams of southern OhiO, the Little Miami rivel' has been em a rampage f or th e pas t f our or nve days. In fact, the flood is said by s ome to have reached its high. est stage since th e terrible disaster Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Bollender ST. MARY'S CHURCH to Dayton in the spring of 1913. of Dayton, wer·e Sunday guests of Rev. J J . ScWaetfer. Rector There s ems t o be flo mc question Mrs. Bollender's mot}!el·, . Mrs. Thu rsday, Mal'ch 23 , ~cryice ut of thi.s stutement, however, othel' Stella Shaller. 7 30 R I hi Ih f II opJe Citing instances when the X~nia~' 8~~~kE~~' III' Y 3\ ,Q fl oods rose to a g reatEr height, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Anlloll, of 1<' th' L h h u d
Mr ' W .• . G I'a h am Is.'h e prou d pOliSeS801' of a unique and I'athel' rare plant, esp cia))y in th is sec. tion of the country . . The plant, the Sacred Lily of India, more com. I k h S mOll f y thnown I1S t e nake plant, put or its blossom a few wt!,eks IlgO, It is quite hardy, and from a large bulb, which Mr. and ]\,4. rs. G I'a h am secured while on their first winter vi it to Fort Worth, Texas, some 17 yeal' ago. The plant seld om, if ever, PI'O' duce S 't I bl until i~ ho a:~~in:JSOt~ a:ng:al~~ . h
!'ttr.. J . D. Bolin wa a Dayton Jlldge Clewen.er Finally R....er. villitar today. The" om-a. long" and Tyrolean Deei.ion La.t Week-ApPtlaJ hats at, Grace L. Smiths. To Be Tabn Chol'ce 1.11 r 1ttle R d lover seed f or sale at J . . fiawke's. After a delay of approximately Plenty of ew pri ng Hat five months, Judge Clevenger, of Fa hion aL only ,l.9S. Grace W'} . t fi II d hi Lincoln mith. I mmg on, na y annOUnce s decision in the locally celebrated MI'. and Mr . Eli Furnas nre Robitze r mill dam case one day announc ing the birth of a da'llg)l. last week, According to reports of tel', Dorot hy Sue, Sunday, March 5 Ul e decision we have beard, Mr. Robiber. is l'equiJ'ed 'to make an 18 Mr, and Mrs. My er Hyman and inch reduction in the height of Miss ,te lla Daugh erty are transllct the concrete addition he made to ing bU R in~ sg in incinn"ti , today, the dam a few years ago. He is
I ::~glte o:te~n t:e:r~ei:~~ :;os~~e~
t O not.ably in t h cpring of 1929: scho o7 fp:lIf)i ag• Mr. IUld Mrs, W, L. Garst, Ml's. m The fl oods were , ('aused by and sermon at 10 :30. Wym )' Drake and MI'~. Everett almo t continu ous and heavy ,1'llins brother, Miss Elizabeth 8nd The b.lossom is omething OVEr S ar were Da yton vi~ itol's, Tues. ways along the race, although it that began early Suturday even - G eor~e S. Pratt. ~ FRIENDS MEETING f I is said that the amount of the"e ing, and continued until well aft r ala oot iln e.ngth, proportionately day. latter reductions is not definitely Mr. and M,rs. L. S. Hyman and First Day, January 29: First ege n cm:umfer nce toward ' d ' h d .. Th d' IIOOn on Monday, A 'd heavY ,ruin had family, and Mr . and MI's. Abe Day Frl'e.ndship Sphool a' !l:'>0 n. the base ' and tapers to".. p ol'nt It Mr. lind 1\lr . John Oon s, Mrs. name In t e eC1Slon. ever Ict O F . . . . ... t b th tl f t led th I S on 1'1 ny aftc moon is a rich pu rpl' e Iat er ory prec!!( d . hAd Hyman and daughter, Mildred of m. Meell' ng for worshl'p at 10 ."30 e In co Ior, an d .t he , F • B, Henderson and Mi ss' Lou ise I seeRlS t b lh 0 t' th unS8·t 8 ac d M lin mil.' t. . rop in the tempera· X . S d t f M a. m. Offici.l. Slil'htly Sllrpri.ed and base is enclosed in sheath of Hendel'B on were Dayton visitor., 0 ? par 1 , II 0 e SUI, an r. ture, Monday evening and through ema, were un ay gues Sal'. green The Rid t di h I Wedn day. Robltz r pORltively tates that an ut thc ntire day, Tuesday, caUll' and Mrs. Myel' Hymsn. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Hil'hly Pleued blr Volume a n ' xce II ge, II U .0 as mad , /appeal wiJ) be taken to the Circuit ed th rain to cease and the flood G. C. Dibert. Pastor Grah: ~nt. IJkene s . of ~fl'. Hats for all types, :for all oc- 1 ourt of Appeals, probably when started to abate, but very slowly. Carl Hay, Mr. and Mrs" Will of 811.iDe.. we 110 m ~n b hiS b~are flower, whl~h casions at all pI·ice~. Groce L. ! that court convenes in Lebanon. During the rainy period mentioned Hanby lind 80n, and the Misses pe 0 e a e to l'eproduce In Smith. next October. IIp}lI'oximately 31h inChes of rain Alberta and Leona Hay and Wednellday: Bible study amI these columns at some future date, The suit was orIginally filed :fell according to allluel Butter. Annalee English, all of Duyton, pl'ayer meeting at 7:15 p. m. Choi!' Official ' of the Waynesville Mr. ,and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart . Ml·S. , Harl Han,ey, o~ n al' several years ago by owners of wMth, our local authority on s'uch were Sunday guests at the home lll"actice at 8 :00 p, rn. National bank Were s,omewhllt 8ur. are al80 the proud owners of one Ridgeville, spent today WIth hel' / land lying along the Little Miami ubjects. of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Day. undsy: unday IIcho!>"1 8~ 9 :30 prl.sed and deeply grlltified by the of these plants, which Mrs. Ea1'n. sistel', Mrs, Lena Har tsock, nt th· river above Mr Robitzer' d ' a. m, 1I10rning worship at 10 ::10. large volume of busineas trans. hart thinks. has belonged to the Friend. H om. It was their ~pinion tll:'t ~~~ So rapidly did the water rise, that L' Mr. , and Mrs. Lyman Day, Sermon subject, "The Making of 11 act,ed by the In otit.'t· o It It family for eIght or ten "earl! and . i' f th . bl .... orwin Avenue WitS inundated at daughter and on entertained a Life." Epworth , Leagu e at 6:30 p. " ~ I n a er which now has a well 'deveio ed Mr, and Mr~. Fred Bt'add ck and maJor.y 0 ell' ts:ou es and an early hour Sunday morning, party of about 40 friends wlth a m. wilh Luella Wi1liamspn as had been reopened for businel bud rapidly "rowing into I't a fiPr.t son and Mr. and Mrs, Hartley MOilS d.amages during season!! when the end by noon had been closed to ut the usual time lut Wednesday • .. a d f'l S d t f r~ve.r was flooded and emerged ffi chicken roast at the maple Kugar leader. Evangeli s ic se I'V Ices at rnornlng. The balik, in (!ompany blossom. ~ This plant is not only an ami y were un ay gues s 0 f its b k tfa Cd by order (If the State High. camp on Stoneybrook farms, 7 :80 p. m. with all other banlcll throughout considerably ~ounger than that Ira Rich and family. t~Om an f" thwasd caused b Y WilY epartment. This condition Saturday evening. Next l\londay at 7 '3 0 p m Is belon,fng t M G h b e presence a e am, 10 su it prevailed until Tuesday morning, . .. th() country. had b Em closed tor () r. ra am, ut is MI'. and Mrs. •r. V. Hal·tsock ac- wall brought to compel it!! entire when lal'ge, heavy trucks first be. Frederick Robitzer, an R. C. A. the regulnr time for th me ting about a week, by order of PTesl. considerably shorter, being be- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos, removal or at least a reduction of gan to cross, to be followed later employee in New York who recent of the official board. dent Roosevelt. tween four and five feet in height Carr, were Friday visitors and Its height. Delay 'followed delay by I,i ghter machine , a the wat r 1y submitted to an operation 10r NESVILLE CHURCH OF WhJJ e it had been confidently at preaent. in Cincinnati. for various causes, among them s lowly receded. mastoid trouble, is spending a WAY CHRIST anticlpnted that deposits on the I Mrs.. Earnh~rt tells .us th,llt .in the death of. two or three of the ' Deep water also covered a short couple of weeks here at the bome tlrst few days after reopening ts nat~ve h,a bltat--Indla, thlS hly Dr. Eli Crew, superintendent of original litigants and the neceuity stretch of U. S. Route 42 at the of his father, C. M. Robitzer, while (Undenomlnation.l) would lightly exceed withdrawals, i8 conslde~ed as a sacr~d object Miami v'alley hospital, and Mrs. for appointing their 8ucceuon Chester A. WilHamson, Minister the actual reality '''as a moat for worship by the natiVes, The Cl'ew called on friends and rela· as litigant I ower edge of town, making it recuperating. h h h I ~, 30 "bl ' . UI'C C 00 at OJ: a, m. plealant !lurpri8e. From the time OSSOln, which comes quite early tives in Waynesvill e unday. The caee tlnally came to trial In n ces ary to detour all south bound traffic, excepting the very Mr. and Mrs. Philip Larrick Lord'~ upper , a~ con ~lu ion. of opening on Wedne!Jday morning ::8~~:1 ~a~~~ baenfoordeotrhtehaatdvl.e!!nvterof The Y. F. M. will meet at t he the Waprrlen County Court of Comheavie t trucks by way of Routes royally entertained a largc party Evemng evangelistiC serVice at until the close 0'( business on· y h f Ch I d R h D mon eas at Lebanon last 7 :30 p. m. S .rmon subje. ct, "We." Saturday afternoon. this excese of obnoxious to human beings b t orne a ar es an ut 0 ter 0 b ' 73 and 48 to Lebanon, all of of friends with cards at their p M d B I St d " attracts I fl ' h . ' u next Sunday evening Everyone is cto er, Judge Clevenger havinc Sunday 11ft moon and night, and, home below town, last Friday even rayer eetmg nn l e u Y depo, ils arr.ounted to approximate· arge les t at, In turn t b ' d ,,' f h been assigned as a special jud•• a part 01 Monday. The re!!triction ing. A colol," scheme appropriate each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. The IIY $16.000. The excess In vQlllme scatter Ita pnUen. ' 0 T1ng a POUD o~ re res ments. for the trial. After both aides ~d was also in f OfC fter dark Mon. to St. Patrick's Day was carred out church where you feel lit home. of business WII , q Ite equally Farm anc! Town Property in· consumed a week or more in "obday vening, and throughout the l in both the decorations and the - - -- - -.- - fdivlded b tween Wednesday, sured by The Continental . Insu l·' mitting their evidence, end after night. elegant two·course lunclteon. Mr. and l\lrs. M. B. Kem and Thul'sday and Frid lay, but by ance Co. Ovel' $24,000,000 to pay the judge and other court omciala Only about one-third of the Guel!ts for four tables of cards daughter, o'f CI voland, Frederick Saturday l'eadjuatmeJlb had reaehlosses. W, N. Sears Agent, Way- had been taken to personally in- , pupils were able to reach school on "'cre invited, nmong whom were Robitzer of New York, and Mr . cd a stage ot c:omlpletlon that nesv ille, Ohio. spect the pl'emill8s-in,-dit!'1fMi~,;-II1'is------ , Monday, the busses trom the east MI'. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, and Amelia WIlliams were unday brought the bu pinelS9 to about Ita Honor directed the attorneys for sjd~ of the river making no at. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Apgar, of dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J . u s ~nl Sat\lrdlly volume durln~ On March 1',1860, St. Patrick's Mr. and MI's. M. B. Kerns and both sides to prepare briefs of tempt to seTve , either 'of their Waynesville. Marlatt. stnctIy normal till'llel!, To MY Day, John C. Hawke started his daughter, ,of Cleveland, w re week their eviaence in lieu 0'1. oral routcs~ while the others did not thll t bank officials are plealed journey through ilfe on the Collett end guests of Ml·. and Mrs. J. n. al'gument, and took the ,case attempt on th ir south nnd south. with ~h ls stale ot a/'r"lrs is farm now occupied by WaTren Marlatt. Mrs. Kerns and daughter under advi ement. Aa ltated above ea tern routes. At dismissal time, s tating It mildly. Bradd ock and family. For the remained for a week's vi it. his opinion waR rendered one day Monday afternoon, it was an. Since reopening, the bal!k has past several years his family has Mr . Lizzie Lewis is gradually last. week. , cnt more than $11,000 in gold andl celebrllted the anniversa,ry of this recovering after a seriou. illness I n'ou nced that no more school ses. s ian would be nttempted until the gold certifioates to the Federal event with a sump.tuo~ family d ' 'tt 1 t 't f Rl'serVe Bank at Clev,eland. dinner at which all other menlb.e r an IS perml e( 0 til up 01' a COOS 0 flood had subsided. The water I little while a t a time. Her s ister. finally receded entirely from Cor. Staff farce is to be prese nt d on April • - of the family whose birthdays oc· ~n.law, Mrs. Bertha Lewis, i cal'· win Avenu e during Tuesday night . D' I sixth and !leventh. cur in March are also guests of Ing for her. and school sessions were resumed Editor ". "" ......... ,' orIs .Sa isbury , With the talent shown in formel' peCl1l' ury or honor. as usual on Wednesday morning. Assembhes . .. ... " .. , Orle Hardin presentation5 we feel s ure that ThIs year's celebration ·wa held Mr. and Mrs. J. . Hawke, and An eKceptionally latie aodien~e Mail service between the Way. Class ~ews ....... Thelma Coleman this will be one of our best. We r Ie I at the family homestead on Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke went t o witn essed the speak in&, of 20 connesvi lle postoffiee and the Pennsyl. Athletlcs , .. .. , ............ Mary Crane are. also anticipating lIu'ge Iltreet, last Sunday. All members Dayton Monday evening to witness te tants in the Wayne Townlbip vania railroad was mal'ntal'ned by Humor .................. ' Leada Werntz audience to wltnes our last pel' A .pe lal venh'e of twenty of the family, heven unt.<> the a showing of Will Rogers' famous oratol'ical contest held at the . names was 'drawn from the jury thOII' d an d f ourth generations" picture, "The Stnte Fair" at the school gym on Friday eveninr. way of Roxanna, all of Sqnday Organizations .... Virginia Foulks formanee. and Monday and until about noon whe 1 last week from wbich list a wl're present, a8 were also Mrs. Keith theater. March L7. In grou~ I, grades 1 to. on Tuesday, when W. B. Squire, The Qooster's Club is going to We Jllniorl Jury wUJ be selected to hear the Mary Ifopklns, of Dayton, and Mrs 4, E"el~n Thompson of grade 1 began bauling the mail toandPublisbaschooIPapnonM.rchWeJuniOrshavespringtever caseoftheStatev8ArlieMiller.LheahStrouse.Theotherguests of . Mr·t.and Mrs. Ray Luln g , Oft info Section 1 won in the divillion 'With k from Corwin in his large truck. 31. This enterprise will be five We're as lazy 8 S can be set for Thursday, April 6, in on or Were: Carl Hawke, or Day. clnna I, were wee ·en~ gues 8 0 h I' selection "Awful Word." MarThe Pennsylvania railroad also pages in length and will contain How we'd love to hirk our duties common pleas court here, ton, Ralph Vance Jr., of Pleasant Mrs. Lang's parents, MI'. and Mrs. ion Smith of grade 3 section 2 suffered heavily through wash· outs everythinr rom histories to jokeS.'nd bCilllndCilr th .old ma,ple-.t.Joee Miller, his brother, Stanley Mil- FPlain, Mrs. Lee Hawke, Kenneth G ' Jf' Simitb . fMr .. anld Mt.rs. jP~ilidP took second place and will serve aa Zep , a so and other damage to· its tracks. Everyone is worJPng hard to leI', and Gerald Sheley were Indict- rC)mlll and Donald Hawke, lne nna I. ome altcrnat to t e Warren County Track men ate said to have worked make this one of the greatest But our studies keep us busy ed by the January glr8nd jury in _ _ _ the party on Sunday. cont('st with his selection, "My steadily throughout Sunday, Sun. school papers that bas ever been From early mOTn till late at conncction with the attempted rob· Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Everhart, Atlflt." hi group 2, made up of day night, and up untM about noon published in the history of Wayne night bery of a Stand.rd Oil t\1I1ng staI ot Middletown, wer wtlek.end grades 5 to 8 inclusive, judges on Monday, putting the track into Township High School. Friday, And our teachers Keep ,'emindlng tlon at E'l'anklln last Octo bel', A 11 guests of t he former' s parents, IIwarded first place to Max Stephuseable condition. No passenger names were submitted, by anyone us pleaded not guilty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart. They ens with his Re lection "The Rect rain s, and only a work traih, were in the High School building wI! That they must be done- juflt , Sheley WitS founll guilty by 11 went to Cincinnati lo see the itation," and Howard Sheeter will run over the line on Sunday, until wished to participate, tor oor new right. jury in court here two weeks aco A demo:o teation to show the ood, Sunday afternoon. /leJ've as alternate, took second a late hour in the evening. ~aper. The names have not as yet , al1d was sentenced t o one year advantages of gas as a cooking place with his selection l'Feet." In been judged, but the lucky winner But w~en we think .of va~atlon 'In the Ohio penltentlal·Y. Arlie Mil. 1uel will be held at the Wm, Mr. and Mrs. William Michener group 3, made up or Hijrb IChool -~-will receive a year's subscription And Its fun and all It!! tlmJls ler will lie tried April 6 and hiB Phillips room at an earlt dote. and son, of PittsbUl'g. $P nt the students, Cecil Hartman w6n with to our PI'per. We can get our Icss~ns bett;er hl'other during the May term of This modern cooking fuel, it is /lljid w ek-end here with relatives. Ml'. but small margi~ over his three And go to work With a WIll. court. i$ in wide use in Southern Ohio a.nd Mrs. D. R. SalisbUry enter- colleagu s with his selection "PatWay•••Yin. F. F. A. Chapter Wi... fre.hmen New. Thetollowlng .h8v~~ been Bum· and it offers all of the advantages tainctl a large pal'ty of J'elative at rick Henry's Speech." Ellen Guy moned for jury duty in connection of natural gas. Many new modeh Sunday dinner in their honor. another Freshman, who will serve Mr. E. F. Eal'nhart was the guest o.n Wednesday, March 16 the Tomorrow afternoon the Fresh· ~ith the Miller case: lDaniel Lewis of. the new 1933 gas rangeEl w i l l ' . ' ~s alternate took !!econd place with speake r at the Centerville Garden Waynesville F. F. A. cbapter men will have a class meeting to Waynesville' Edith Swink F k 'b d' · I h d ,LOUIS Chandler WU!l In olu\l1bu F her selection "At the Stage Door· . lted tb e L e b anon Ch ap t er an d rnak mo r' pl~no fOI' the Ap~I' " Nra.nF·. Iaedon lap ayh'stor ere will ~n bea .here sp clal ueaday. His daughter, Miss Ger· Above st udent club meeting whicb was held at the VIS ~ " • 1 II'n', GI'a~e , F'ry, Snrlnl"boro' 1'. y demon to t d Cb dl l' h h i t d ' B. w'll I repreaell't ru e an e , W 0 as eomp, e e Wayne Township In the Warren home of Mrs. Dudley Keever, MQn. won three rames. The seores were Fool's ,p arty to be given March 31. Harper, Morrow; Herschel Os. show them in action. day afternoon. The subject of Mr. ~9-\5, 2~-22 and 39·30, respectl'he Freskm en have taken up an borne, Lebanon; Alfr'ed Watkins, During this cooking sehool and a post graduate eou,rse at. O. . l!.. ounty contest to be held at the Earnhart's address WBJI "Our Wild lvely. Thil is the second of the F. "Efficiency" course which they Morrow; George Crolll, ' Franklin; demonstration a very interesting returned h0\110 w~th hIm. Ml lif' L ebanon High school on Friday, Flowen." F. A. sames with Lebanon. In the have on Tuesday. ~. W. JOhllS, Lebanon; George p ro cra1'l1 is planned. The P. E. Chandler will receive her M. A. Ma rcil 24, at 1 p. m. Mr. Earnhart Is rapidly acquir. first, meetinc Lebanoli won the James, Lebaflon; GeoTg'e W. Davis, Snyder and Son Co., of Blanches,. ~eg l'ee' in June. Much credit is due to thOle who ing a fine reputation locally as a chertahed carne 88-27. , .T hese, Ei,bth. Grade Citizeluhip Waynesville; Eugen~ Brandenburg tel', Ohio are distributor!, :fQl' . Mrs. Josiah Davis wa given (), thad sp cial parts in preparing the horticulturist who specializes in P":I es are played .on a frle~dly The Eighth Grade Citizenship · Morrow; Ed. Darby, Blanchester, "Pyrofax" gas and state that the pleasant surprise by twenty of hel' contestants and managing. Th,ee. our native hardy wild ftowers. ~1U18 for the purpose .of estabhsh. Club held a meeting .on Friday, Route 3; Mabel Hat}lIaway, Way. date will be annollnced l!Oon friends la.st Thursday night at hel' l' hould be mentioned: the ortor1Cal the side of his residence in the Inr a firmer communIon with the March 17 in Room 1. The 1'0)] was ne~ville; J. E. SallndEtrS, Morrow; the demonstration. home on Third street the occllsioll coach, Mrs, Buerkle, the room telephone exchange i8 a wild neighboring chapters. called aDd, the minutes were read Chllrles Hill, Foster; Mts. Adam _ -.. being her . birthday' anniversary. ' teachers, parents~ and judges of flower garden to which he haa ' W. M. B. by the secretary. After the reports Bridge, Franklin; Clal'ence Eggert ~ , The ladies took l'efreahmEmt and the room ,ellmlnatJon conteats. voted careful attention and study of committees others ' were ap· Plealjant Plain; John Murphy, DOWerS"l e ank a very delightful ~oc ial eveninJr I Prices 01 .admi!!llion are ten for the p"st year or two, and to A ...mbl~ Frida~. Marcil 17 inted: room clean Ujl committee, Franklin; J, Merrm .Bone, Leb· was enjoyed. cents ior,chlldren and twent,. which he stUI makes frequent ad. Josephine Price, Mildred Larrick anon; and Harrison Bevan, Leh' cents for HIgh IIchool students and ditions. This garden is a source of The HiCh School and seventh a~d Frances Watkins. On the pro. anon. ' __ Mr. and Mrs. Rona ld Hawke adults. School will be in aeuion •• great interest to local lovers ot :~a:~~!hF~~:ee=:b~n~rta~:- gram committee are June Sheet, - - -- - - - - - A ITOUp of men terrOl'ized the entertained at a family dinner 011 1 usual. but any student wishing to ~l!,~~ life~ anl;l ~s fre,!uentl~ ex. eehool orcebltr': tIlT .lIatle1d'lray: H'I~l! Gra~atn and Doris Wa~e DEATtt villa,. 01 Bowersville Tu d Sunday, in honor of the nlnet eoth attend the contest will be permitaynln@~ !ln~ llijplired ti~ ama~e"r a ~lk I)n a,lecting- reprel\entatlve and on the yat'd plean up com· mornlnr;, uled 14 charges :: :~ annivers~ry of their msrriage .. an~1 1 t('d to do BO. t1!1d ttrjlfesB,Io"al noresta from B1!r· epol'tsfl\en fl)r tile ,ear 19SI.88. mitt~e are LeI' Conner, Clyde Friends here recellred word of explosive to wreck the vault of the of the Ixtee~th birthday anntvel- ----_..fgul1dlnJ ~lJtitla town.. TIle aaaembl, wu clDled by IrJ'0Up FroJlll'n, and Oharles Bur~on Earn· the death of Mrs. Otho Arnold, of Bowereville bank and fled with be- sary of theIr nephew, hl1rle~ TRACK I4£E'f. CALLED OFF In ~ larre windoW tn the tele· alnria" hr1. The followln, prog~am wal Dayton, which oCCUI:Eed at the tween $8,000 and $5,000 in CRsh Hartsock Qf Milford. Th~ guest · phono omc. I. ,. larr. window boa .' given: Recitations and l'eadln~ hpme of hel' elster, : ra. T, J. and bonds. were Mn. Edith Har~ls, ,'Mrs. The annual Warren Count,. contalnlnc a lleore of wUd plaD" by ,Viola , CampPell, June heets, White, In Mount V,e on, Ala., About eight men were in the Laura Mosher, M~. Hart'lS ~osher Field 8lId Track Me.t.111 not b. that be has tenderly nurtured" Deltatl., and Jokel were read by Evelyn Monda.y morninc. lady had !lanlr, according to Mrs, Merle M~f~~d F .C. HaJtsock fanllly, of held this year accordlatr to aetim throughout the willter, and The Debatlnr Club il meetina Fum... , been III poor health for I8n1'al :Arehart telephone exohanre 'o p e r a . ' by the cou.t, aUlietie aaoclat1oD are ' now repayllllf his ~an by a this Wedneada,. and the topic for W. are all etudying very hard monthe, .nd had .pe~ the willter lor 9bQ QOwerecl In her otllce Among those from a distance at a recent meetlDa. bower of blollOms weelu .....d 01 dlHuulon Ia '<J>ebatable Qlle.tionl for our 8th rrade state tellts 'to in Alabama in HarC , of reUeI. above the bank .. repeated es. who atteaded the funeral of T. B. It 1au been deelclecl. lao ......... their matee in the wood.. This bos About Farm Life and Farm Prob- be clvm on Kareh 31, and are She I. luniVed b,. IeI' hUMnd plollona .hook the buUdlnR. The Brannock lut WedneBday were W, conduct • croa OOUDb7 no ia certainly a ~01l'er of ,beaut7. 18m.." The entire clu~ Is ""nl hoplnc to receive COod rrade.. ,and one da\lCbter. A lee. J'lIneral l robben had eut tbe telephone L. Bl'mlnoclc, Paris Kentuek),: Mrs TbQ~" ev,am.. AJriI ' II. _ _ _•• _ . part In tit.. With help ad aid 0'1 our teachen arrangemente have not b.B cabl., B. Lucu, Mra. C. C. Cou.latoll. eup ad,lndlvichaal . . . . . we are pr~el8hl. very welL II.amed, other than that barlal l Half the me" Kentucky; Mr. and lin ..... tIte wiDDtn of .... .~...." , On tha honor roll this term are will be made at Vern... Kr Ie a IIr. aad AImo~1;;;J~=.~=~t SaH, GleDna Woollard, and ArnoW II the· ....... •eItIstaa •
:r'9 :3~,1' ~'II:lll'ni~~t, Pl'~;~r 8'ANK fAR IN EXCESS Of CASH WITJiORAWAL
;~::~o~f t~:ioiatte~:;:e!i.t~run~~~
~~s~h~e~~1rg~~ ~~ ,::t: aO/:11ucsptW~
!' ~~~e~i~~~~:~~n~h~~x~;i~~:
Celebrated Father'l Birthday with Feast
I1WAYNESVILLE I HIGH' S BOOSTER NEWS " '0========;-;:;:==:'- ==========;=-=====
--g-I.:.h. . - ----I H Id
S· •J f A.' M'll
Oratorical Conte.t
C er ale
W"II D ' .e monstrate Ad fG vantagel 0 al
----Local Floriat ...
Addrelled Club
d T'
• W.
1he Lrttle Red, District Schoo" as it NElS SlEMED Existed in Wayne 1ow.n ship for l' ears I fRO COURT H SE Common PIe• • P .....,· ... n •• T he trial f Bernard Alle'n is s t for Mal'ch 10. Bond was fixed at $1,000. In th ca e of The Montllfomery POl'C · Iain. Product Co. ver!IUS The Miami Valley oatl'd Paper Co., judgment was l'endered to' plain. tift' jn .Lhe um of $20ll&ii( costs. In the ca.e of Ida B. 'OJ'amer I'e rsu HllrolQ "amer, II divorce was given plaintifl'. Plaintiff wa rEi tored to her maidon lliatne of (da Bryan . osis to plaintliff. In the C8 e of Milton Jack verus Golda Throckmorton anld Wa]. tel' Throckmorton. Judgment to plaintiff in .um of $24 39. . Ne w Suite
By TIlE 11 0 £ER
tele.ram. ,6.25; WUliam J: Pftanzer, repairs. ,32.40; J. W. L i n~o Hardware Co., upplies, $3 .23; L banon Farmers Cooperaive 0 .. coal, '17 .32: Still water _anatorium. care of patients, $98: DI'~ . Edward a nd Robel-I. Blair, ~cl'vicl'~, $1: D)'II. Edward and Robert Blair, serviccs, $12: Drs. Edward and Itoh rt Blair, s rvic , 2 ; Drs. Edward and Robert Blllir, el'vices, $22.~0; Julia HoI• land, !<ervice~, 10: .Mr~. Boward Sawyer, services, $7; Morrow Whitacre, services, $6: Georgia
By Stephen M. Youn" Con,re"man-at-Lar,e Legaliza( ion of b cr, r~oPllning of bl'cweries, will put men to work lind r~vcnue in the Trllllsu'ry. Why wait? In Call1pailtn speeches. I said this wou ld be accomplished by April. Lol'!! ;ee whl!thel' I was righ t or wrong. (n fuet. this mea. Ul' . will b Jlucled in the lluu!!t' by a three to ()llt! morgi n and in (he 'cnate uy a dt!cisiv(! majorily. I becomes e'ffcctiv(' in fiftecn doys.
tln·d fTitc slllan \ ' Il S luploy 11 t o the t ellch the Tl'mulndllr of th term . charge". Mi . Elmtl R(\bl-rt~, Norfmal n adjourned l'e8. i\'Jl was held The ntirl' bond i ~ue w sold • chuul DiI' ctur IWPl'arl'd be lil'e thl"l!c \lllP< lateI', at which time the I to the Fiflh-Third alional bank --------~-------------th hoard on 'ovl'mbo' 2, fllld Ill' - 1\1'0 Mes. rs. mith and fl" Hi~e'Y of incinnati, at it bid of $90,000 It is morally wl'ung to tak. t.he whole co,'t of the depres ion from 1\ "l~d thl' n('~d of Iibrnry book '" nt to Lcbanon to appear before plu the accrul'd int re t. Presi. nn ,' · .. .'t" of the working people. Reductill n of salnri s and wuges .tor hel' dl.purtlll nt. She :lnu .t he th' cou nt y board of lectio . Re' l Je nt mith wa a1.o "instructed to of II sales lax aI" b dy blows to living tandards which Icrk w(lr' nuth I \7;(>d I procur turl1ing to th clerk's office ;n meet with Village Council, Wayle. k one hundr d year. to build up. If. the fuLure prosperity 01 ou r the l1('cded book. Wilynesvillc th y cooti nu d their ne vil1l', Ohio, and consult with s rvices $10; Charles TIobson, country is dependent upon reduclion of salnd sand wnges then. t~l\t All offirc~ '" 1'(' l'ctained in their .e~slo n ICIng enough to pay R.a~ t.hem a to inlpr vem nt lo lots S I'vices, $10: Helen Doughnlan, fuLure mu t be dark uno h pelesR. Why t .a r down. II !lt~nd!lrd of hV1!1g l' • P cti c -pDsition. when te 1\1111 2 f I' th II' tran portation. under consideration as building ~ [vices, 7; MI' . Will Bryan, thllt is the product of one hundred. ears of Am el'lCUn mciuslt·y and In· rgoni:>;llti(111 , a rl'quir II by law, R~y \\Ia.' conducting an llutO liv ry ites for the nl'\\' (hool bUilding,'" se rvices, $10; Da~ton Blank Book lelligence? wus Irccll'd 1m J IIlU:Jl'Y 4, ] 9] 5 • • erviee in tho~e day., ami built up Plans and p cification for the .• suppli , $46.62; William Lil Some two hundred y ar~ ag(l, !l European tal smn n, in . bidding Ii m lioll \ a unanimously adopt- a reputation n. ncar f!ll anel c· new building, submitt d by the enthal & on, suppli s, $3.90. Carew 11 to his son, deplu·ting un n grand tour of I·,uropo. sald; "My ed at thl. meetlnjt thnt empow red eOll1modating drivel' that still re- architects, W re approved, ~ubj ct W stern lar, envel op 8, $3 .60; 81' n, what will impre!ls rou mo"t is tho universal illlucdiity with which upl Gilmo~r ,,!,d A!' t. upt. H . moins unimpaired. (0 alterations or chan , t a banon-Citizens National Ban th wol'ld i gov rned.' F. McLRughhn (~n prrsona.l charg During the entire term, two 1speCiS I meeling, held April 22. Trust ompany, rent saIety ------~----.---------f the Wa:,1llt's\, lll.1? branch o~ the high sch ool I'tudents (ophomorell, At the regular meeting, May 3, box, $6; Western Star, marriage The tint impr ssion of II newcomer in ongre!lR is most favorable. chool ) "t nut IOto p ratloll i r memory S(,:J'V s me cOl'l'ectly- tb board et June 7, at 7 p_ m. license, $10; Columbl1S Blank ITel:e nre gatherer! togeth I' more than four hundl' d of the fl'i ndliest Sl:h'm (If, eh III ~r~dj~ fl1l' ~ome had b en air ched. with s dous II. the time for openi ng sealed proa ook Mfg. 0., form s, $3: Dr. ort df men. Also Ih re if! n llistinct impre sion that they are se riou work to ('ount ndchhonal credit on r ea e 'f 'cnlf \ve. Th ir antic posal for building the new house, Burtolt H. ~ tuckman to L'! lura E Edward and Robert Blair, services minded, hard working and truly representative of Am rica. Teltulal' ~ch()o l work." fino.lly had such a 'e riou$' effect on nnd paid th archilects $500 f or Sto kman. l02.1J:J acl' s in lear· $30: John Law & Son, Mainten. You might ope n a w -lrknown Boo k ~nd l' au Leviticus, Chapters lUI of the most lllomentO\ls meet th~ nerves of As. t. Supt. McLaugh rvi e already I' ndered. The en- creek tow ns hip. l ance Shel'ift"s cal', $86..70 i GrlsRitch I Kelly and Williann Kelly wold Service Station. gas ond re- 24 to 27 and . t. James. hQpter 5. enlltor Huey Long proposes to ing. e er hdd b~, I) ":o)-n town· lin that h Stl pend d them from tire levy for the ye r, including tthip DO/nd of Educalion wa~ the . chool attendance, and, of CaUl' e, interest and /li nking fund. wa set to Roy Kelly and Lavone K lIy. pairs, $4 i Office Outfitters, sup- II centrnJiz " wealth. He pr/)po~es a copitnl levy tllX principally on "bove ten milli on dolinI'll, graduated to tuk e all above one adjoul'l\ed se. sio11 held in thc Way- t.his neces!<itllted a special meeting t $13,460, and W. N. eurs wa lnlot No, 3 in Roach tel'. plies, $6.10; G. Lederman, supplies fortune hundred :million dollar s. Also inh ritance taXC/I heaviel' in the high er nesvill sch<lol hOll. (now known 01 the uoar(i on larch 18. Each hired to take the choo l enume:raEarl Shinn and Ada hlnn to 7; Western Star, blanks for uracket . H would not p rmit the h ir who hnd no thing to do with the as th Grad/.' building) at l l:1 0 p. father and MI'. McLaughlin was tion. Mr. Gilmour r signed a Mary Helen Penn. 19.4 acre in coroner, $26.60'; Lebanon Patriot, ' I'eation of that we:alth to inhcl' it more than fiv million d ollarl<l. bove m., F bruory 9, 1915. The board call1'n separately and prh'at ly bl" clerk and lhe board adjourned to Clearereek township. dog notice, $1.20; We tern Star, that s um to go to lhe government. He propose!l inc-reas d income toxes accep ed a petition. signed by fOT the board, and each gave his meet' four days later. A. G. Black to Flora E. Reece. dog notice, $1,20; takalta Mfg. IIgain, t immense inc mes. No one. he aYfl, hould be permitted to mol'e than one-fourth e1 the \'er:ion of the difficulty. When the A rem on ·trall(:~ was received Inlot No. 389 in Franklin. 0., upplies, $9.20; P. H. Maxwell ke p mOfe than a mill Oil dOllol's from ear nings of one y ar. It seems (tualifled vol r f th district, aDd smok of uattle had cleareu away, and ordered placed on ille at this Grace A. Mount to Jesse S. and 1 rifle, 1 gun, Memorial Hall, t ilat all of u s hould agrec that the mo, t dan g rou enemy I)f thc a. k d that lhe question 01 c;en- the hOllrd told t he kids to gO to e lon , and th gentlemen set Ella A. Harris. Real estate il1 $150; am ·D. Henkle, surveyor, Anlel ielln people i unempJoym n t, cold, nllkc.! dneMR, hunger, tI !lpair. tro1iution and .the accompanying :-ch<)(ll lind cut out their foolishncss Mlly 19 a the date for a special Springboro. $10.2Q; Columbus Blank Book In thi~ land of plenty, we stand indicted u cause million~ Ill' jobless. hom el ss and hungry. neces.~ary bond lSSUC be placed br· and told M,·. l\1('Luughlin to "draw meeting to can ider the adoption Je sie S. Ranis, decealled, t o ('(g. Co., supplies, $6.55; Wood. 10re the vot rs at a special election in hi horn ," and us a little com- of certain reso lut.ions. Teachers Ella A. Harris et at R a1. cstate 1'0W-W iI.Stanage Co., up plies, AR a Dem oc l'atic member IIf ongrCif;s at large 'from th tate of (Remember that two membeTs of mon ~el,se. were hired as follows : Rural- in Springboro. , $19.66; W. C. Bergdall, surveyor, Ohi o. it is an advanta~e to realize that Ohio is llormolly a R publican this board were sons of twO memAncthel' special meeting was Eleanor Earnhart, Sugllr Grove: Frank W. Southard verlBUS Al- $3.60 : J . K. Spencer, gravel, . $39.· state by a very sub tandal margin . Tl\el"cfo re the incum\) ,IL need ~iv bers of th boal'd tl1at /lad held, March 22, to canvass the Eva lurphy, pring Br anch bert Weing~uf, et a i, for money, 20: Griswold Service Station, gas no thou ght to re.election, but simpl)' IItte nd to the bu ine!!!! at hand. first broa hed the subject 01 vote of the special .election. A (rosswic:k-' fary Dav is Mt. forc los ur e a nd other relief.. and repairs, $209.89; Cincinnati Anoth r advantage Is that a Conl!'res:man at large has no postmasterc n oJidation or centraliuti.on t otal of 369 ballots had been ca!!t, Holly; Alm~ Waterhouse, Lowell The Miami Building, 'Loan and Oil Works, gas, $60.81 : tandard s~ips nof similar patronage probl ml!. Ncvcrth less he has pic nty to cl o. more than a score Of. years arll(:r 197 being in favo l' of c nlraliza. Hill; Beulnh Coo n, Harm ony Savings 00. ver us EJma Hill, et Oil Co., o il , $4 0.1 5 ; Waites Garage 1 believe in all eight-hour day. In Cact in a six·hour day and plenty of How \\:e~1 the! (al'l'led o u~ their tion while ]64 wcre against, giv- Grove; each to be paid $65 per aI, for money, foreclosu'rC and parts and repairs, $1 12.67; "W. A . "ucation , but I do not expcct to enjoy IIny for a couple of years. fathers Ideas IS what we ""II now ing cent.ralization a majority of monlh. ViUa!!'e grades--Henr ietta equitable relief. Hause, gas, $3 1.98: L. H. Gordo n nalor Hiram John on f ali'fornia last year termed a econ· attempt ~o show). And one of the 33. Th bond iss ue carried by the McKinsey, 1 a nd 2: Lilla B en ham, Garage, gas, $97.83; J. W. Lingo omic Idiocy the failure on the part of our national administration to fathers hved to see the new system same majority, the vote being 198 8 and 4' Maria Stout 5 and 6 ' Prob.te Court HarwRl'e Co., parts and su pplies, I·t-cognize the government o{ Russia. Russi ll, with tw o hundred million inaugurated, and to l> proud of fo r to 165 again st. Evid ntly, one An na Va~dervoort 7 ~n d 8 ' each The will of Hattie . Lellch, de. $276. 4; A. F. Melloh Garage, peopl living t hrough lit the ov iet Union, is our greatest potential hill son's part in the a~c()mplish. votel' cared ~ore abou the s~cce8s to be paid $60 pe~ mo nth. 'M. L. ceased, was fi led in court. upplies, $2.10 ; C. Hawke, sup- customer. Th re undoubtedly are bi llions elf dollars worth of future ment.of th b ond Issue than he did the Parshall was cont inued as janitor The will of John W. lPh illips, plies, $1.75; Kilpatrick-French orders for American workers t.o flll. It is r lIy to ignore this on great Three separate resolutio ns were SUCCCI'S o.t' the u{lde.rlyin~ pri nciple at the vilJ age t hool at $60 per decea sed, was filed in COur~t . Motor Co., supp lies, $2.30; S. C. potential customer nceding exactly what we have, with so much to sell unanimously adopted: T he firat The adVIsory archItect Werner, mon t h. Asst. Supt. n. F . MC!.il Ugh- \ Mary E. Quayle, guarlliian of Alexand er's Dept. Stor , supplies, T he Ru sian gov Tnme nt Is on government which has, Cor fourt en setting March 20 as th . date for a Weber & Adkins, of Cincinnati, lin ma de applicatio n f or a nother Thoma James Quayle and MaT Y $2.25; F I'ank Sherwood Co., fas y or!;, paid an of its obligati ons promptly and in full. Why not delll y with a government. wh ich has never us kerl for an extension or a special election at which the ques- wel'e employed to prepare pla ns year of employment, but J ohn ' Ja ne Quayle, minors, fil ed an ap. and shovel, $4 6.34: E. B. Cramer, openl moratorium? L t u h ope that Presid nt Roo Rev It will reverse the tion of cen tralization should be for the new building, and to assist a rtwTight was thc only me mber plica t ion t o expend a pal'1' of . the gas and lIup plie , $539. 62; Toshies Hoovqr policy and urge th Senate to recognize th e isting governsubmitted to the vote r ithe sec- the baud in the selection of a site of the boal'd who could see things wards el!tate for suppor t, main. Service Station , gas a nd s upplies, ment of ltu38la. ond provided for the submisliion of therefor. t hat ·way. Iten. nee and edu cation. $26.70 ; Fairley Ha rdware a nd a '30,000 bond ill8ue for buil ding Un?er ~ate of A~ril 9, 1916 this The resolutio n for the bond issue In the case of Ralph R. Singer , Implement Store, supplies. $1,8~0 ; It i likely that Congl'c will enact carefully considered legislation pu~es at t he same election; notatIon 1 found m the records: that h a d been ad opted on Apr il 8 adminis trator or estate of Ve.rmont Morrow Garage, g a a nd repaI rs, insuring th e deposilol'l'l in nil banks, a nd legi lation to labilize the while the thir~ a uthor ize~ the 'This is.to certify t hat the .Way~ e wa s a mended on May 10, and D. SingH, deceased, vet'8us Ralph $28.20 : F red .Kahn Motor . C.o .• currency of our country. T h is will take tim . Also it will end the de· clerk to aeivertlse t~e electlo.n on Townshlp Board of Educ ~tlon did June 10 , 1916 was set as the date R. Si nger, et ai, it is ordel;ed that pa~ ~nd repairS, $ 3~.96; Cm cm - pre sion. the date named, In compliance on t.h~ 7th. ~ay of AprIl, 19~6, of i sue, with J une 10, .1 9 36 a s the an entry of releall~ and ! atis!ac- nBtl OI l W orks Co., 01 1 an~ greose, Flowers ~l'OW both !Ii des o( the party wall. There arc many true with the State law. Repres.enta· offer 10 wrltmg to the Indust r Ial final date for retireme nt. The tlon of said m or tgage lien be e n. $8 1.49 j Blanchester Machm e Shop friendships form cI in on n'ell:'! b twe n ReJ'lubli c all ~ lind Democ rats. tivee of two Dayton fi.rme of archi· ommission of Ohio the ,30,000 amendment also nullified the sale tered omecor d in the offic ,e of th e I' pairs, $8.60 ; Lebanon Lu mber For 'lImple. Vice Pr idenl Gam I' and the lilt poker Longworth tects presen ted tentative sketches of bond. authorized by vote March of the bonds to the Filth-Third r ecorder. Co., glass, $1; C. L. Baker Garage, were the closest of friends. for t he proposed building t hat 20, ] 916, and that the re is now on bank of Cincinnati In t he calle of Thomas Neville parts a nd repairs, ~2 0.45 : Rub y gave the board a working. idea. file in ~he clerk's o~ce a copy ,at At a call ed m ~etin ", held on administrato r of esta te of Marth~ Van RIper, gas~ $8.68 ; . Buc keye Secretary of the Treasury Woodin is a Republican. His appointMember s 01 the .CorWl n board the n~ m.utes of .sald. In.dulltrl~l May 1'7, Miss Robert s was r eo Neville, deceased, ver llus Thomas Concrete Co., tIle, 37.20; W . .H. ment WQ: not approved by Wall trect nor international bonkers. AI a and several of th en conatituents CommISSion of OhIO TeJectl ng saId employed as director of th e NeviU e et a l it is ordered t hat a n Madden & Co., lumbet , nalls, orne Democrats obje t d. They wanted to kn ow wh o won lh election an yhow. The fact are the R publican party 10 t th lection. Progresattenaed a special meeting, Febrll- bond~.JJ ' .. Norm al school, . and William R. E n try ~f Reiease and satisfaction $7.37; M. E. Ross, stamp. $6. ~ive a nd ind pendent RepUblicans turned the trick. Ke~'p your eye on ~ry. 23, a nd the plans fo r . cen tra]. T hls commun?cabo n had evi· priegel was e mployed a s district of said mortgage lien be entered Woodin. He is going to b regarded as a gr ·at man. . uation were freely. dlscus8~d. de n tly bee n received on t h! pre,v i. superi ntendent at a aalar y of $ 1,- of record in the offi ce 01 t he reW eber, W er ner &: AdkinS, elDem- au day, because a n a dJourned 200 per year. Miss Mabel Ha dle;v corder. n ati a~chitects, w~re employed in meeti~g, held on April 8! sa w t he was em ployed as a high sehool The estate o'f George B. Francis, Driver; " I wasn't g oing 40 quite h ot. However, it" the storage an adVlsOry. (apa.clty. adoPtl ~n of a. resolutIon that teacher a t a sale,ry pf $76 0 per I deceased, is exempt fro m inheri. plae is damp, mildew often ap· mileR un hour, nor 30, nor even 20. About thiS tlm, the Warre n 8uthol'lzed t he I~ ue . of ~30 ,.000 year, while Miss E lizabeth Chan. tance tu. Judg: 'Here, 6teady now, 01" pea rs duril)g warm weather. ' Th is Co.unty Board of Education ~on- worth of bond m denommatton9 dler was engaged at a--1!imirItJ+-1A!I~wilh&f--P<I!l'f"l--M61It~,...'flfertf1.....ltItRlrl-tftf. n ot onl y weake n he material but you'll be baoking into someth ing !' ce lved and executed t h e bnght or $500 each. The first 12, to the Isal ar ), as principal of t he L}'tle ceased, was ' til ed in court. a lso covel's the garments with and h elpful idea of altering t~e value of $6,000 were t\> mat~re I 001. The other teach ers engaged The inventory of Edward F. ugly grayish speckles that a re not Will Prope.. Sto...... Milkod. t el'ritol'Y .of .th e W ayne TO"'llS~IP five year f rom daie, .and a lIke fo r the Lytle 8chool, at salaries Gr imm, admlmsttator of elstafe of FOR SALE DATiS CAIr easy to remove. School dlstn c:t,' so all the speCIal umou nt was to be b red at th e $66 each per month we re Miss William A. Carroll, decealled, was Reduce the Clothi.K Item election resolution s that had been end of each succeeding five.yen Marie Shutts and 'Miss Hazel approved by court. I.. Home BudKeta adopted on Februal'Y 9 ha d to be period. All bonds wer e t o bear ~ % Mullen (now MTS. William Dyke The inven tory of Ra lph J . rescinded at the I' gular meeti ng interest, t he principal and intere!lt of Dayt on, E. V. Ba rnhart w•• e~ Wright, administrator of estate of Subscribe f r the M.lami Galette. held March 1, and a similar n ew to be payable at either the Way· ployed t o serve as clerk of the: Willard F. Wrigh t, deceased, was P rotecting cotton clot h ing used set was a dop,ted. March. 20 was reo ne vi lle National I Bank, or the board at an annual salary of $160. approved. tained as th~ date f?r t he . lection~ F.iftb-'!'hird Nllti~l'I al bank in ~i ~. June 1, another special meeting The bond 0'1 Robert G. Morr is, for wi nter weal" is one way of sav· Also, at ~l)IS meeting, MISS Eva cmna tl. The motIon also prOVIded saw the co nsummation of a deal administrator of estate of Rachel ing on t he fa mily budget, says JESSE STAN.L EY Davis reslgned as teacher of the for the annual levy of a dir ect tax for the purchase' of the Curtis lot A . Morris, deceased, was reduced Miss Edn a Callahan, spec ialist in P ho•• 320, No. B .. rll •• t OIl, 0111. CrOB wick school , and Miss Mil- for a n am ount Buffi cient t o meet at t he upper edge of t own, as ~ from $36,000 to $8600. clot hing fo r :t he agrjcultu ral ex· ~!!'!"~~~~~!'!!'!~~~~~~~~~~!!'!"~~!!'!"!!'!"!!'!"'!'!'!!'!!'!!'!~!! site f or the new building, $1700 Vera M. Har ris was appointed t ension at the O. S. U. EARL KOOGLER being paid therefor. This lot was administratrix of estat e of Ella A. The fa mily cottons u.sed for D.,tOll P ho ... much better known locally 8 S the Harr is, deceased, and filed bond winter wear should be washed and "A. L. F an tobacco field," and ifs o'! $600 with sureties. E. H. thorQughly dried bef ore putting KE ... oro 8.86 selection , due mostly to the loca· Gloeckle r, Charles Fitts and E d. them away. They s hould not be t ion, was the cau se of con siderable Kellling Were appointed apprais- starched and t hey need not be dissatiefaction ,among many of the era. ironed or pressed. patrons. The present gym had Tbe will of Mary Holzlin , deceas Miss Callahan recommends t hat been built t en years previous, to ed was admitted to pr obate. they be sm oothed out, fo lded flat be used as a tobacco ahed, and . and placed in fi rm, clean boxes st ood at the edge of the field along ___Ma.... i.... Lic••••• with close tlttlng lids. "l'o-ma ke the r oad. It was f!rlt moved back Melvin Moore, f armer, of CozadWAYNESVILLE, OHIO each box is dust proot, wrap to about the pl'e!eflt location of dale, and Miss Ida Ethel Fitch, of it in strong wr apping pape r, ove rPhone 80 Bank Bid", the Smlth. Hughes .hop, and was Cozad dale. . . lapping the edges of th e paper a t used during the 'day as a stable Ern est .M. McCray, fa'r mer of least 3 or 4 inches and tie it se· for t he horsCi (or mules) t hat Dayton, and Miss Jessie M:. Break. curely with string and seal with drew the 14 ' school hacks, t hat all, of Waynesville. gummed paper. E ach box should wer e necellsa r y f or the tr ansporta. be plainly lebelled with the names tion of pupils. Bill. AlIo.eeI or descriptions of differen t garThe bond s were again 1II01d, '''08UI".II"wt>o!e";,eua" 1M F OR SALE men ts stored in it so t hat the box I'O ..fu<o, IIOW ...a W.est e rn Un ion Telegruph Co., time t o the Brighton German Bank will not need t o be opened or w. .. 01_,170. Co. a t their bid of , 80,866 and the t ak en f rom the shelf t o locate a F OR SALE-Map le syrup. Flora clerk was inst1'uctea to "80 to Cin. stored garment. . Berryhill. - a5 cinnati and try to hssten the bond t rol. President Smith's years of For cott on materials, many transaction by showing experience with another firm of to attorneys, , and talee up the furnace manufacturers \1~ere in- dift'erent gar ments may be sto r ed WANTE D 1 b d . h r h h valuable to the board in this in the same box: Il th e garments ~:!!~Ing 0 on II Wlt It ograp - selection. The board adjo\uned to are thoroughly dry before putt ing them In the box and if the y are WILL TRADE- Pa st du e sub. The r egular meeting of June 7 meet' two days later. kept in a dry place, there Is no scripti ons :rOI' ro ugh wood. cOD\'ened at ... o'clock in .the. The president and vice president danger of mildew d eveloping, even afternoon, and MesslS. Cartwright f ailed to put in an appea ll'Bnce at though the storage place be~ o me8 WANTED- To buy an kinds of Hisey and Charles Smith spent this session, so Jo~n. C8Irtwright chickens, paying high est market two and a half hours . openina and was sent to the chair In a . te~por. price. S. D. Henkle. Waynesville, considering bids fO'r construction ary capacity. The tlrst ,bu8lnell8 .,_ ,,_ . _-_'_' _. _ _ _ ___ tf Ohio. and materials t hat had been lIub- :was t he adoption ot a moti4)U "that . 'JcC~ : ~] mitted. Aft er an hour recess, the t he board allow J. H. C:urtis the ~ . ~ ~~_ entire board a saembled at 7 :30 lum of ,79 as payment 1D, full of -. and proceeded to employ E . 1. all claims of tenant, C, . 1'. Ellill, : Arnol d a s principal of the high and alao for cost of fenclfiir materSILENCE: IS '11B \ school at an amlual .alary of ,900 boqht and plaCed upon lot sold and accept ed the bond of E. V. to Wayne.. Township Bo,ard. of YELl.. OF -n:Ir, Barnhart as clerk. Mr. Gilm our ~uca~!on . (At t~at. . 'bme, SCHOOL. OIl f..o!ll~.c:JI!.J;;.J , was paid $26 fOT his extra aervices Tute and ~s. E lba hved in EXPE'RISNCa as clerk, to which was added U.50' he house that 18 now the Ibome of the expense of his trip ,t o Clnein- Mrs. Eva Dakin.) nati to deliver the bonds. The contract for tbe terra cotta The contract tor constructing to be ulled in the new buildling was t he new building was awarded to awarded to the New Jersey Terra the J ohn A. Jewell &; SOli Co. at Cotta Co. at thel~ bid of $'1 60 and (Mentioning thi, ad. ) t heir low bid of $U,OOO. Thia the light butr plaid ~ric~, rnade by company Is said to have Jost heav. the WalTen B. FerriS Brlck: Co., of ily on the contract and to have ColumbulI, was selected as th4! been eventually for~ed into bank- face brick to be used. Th,e David To ruptcy thereby. Be ~at a. it may Gordon BuUdin" a",d Lo:nA'[:rn" t.l" h they certainly did eive the board -Co. flied a protest wonderful value tOT ita money. letting of the' corltnlct. Many buUdill8 expertll who have' protest see~. to ha"e ....IIII.U since examined the Itructure have notblng. wondered at Its moderate colt. Evidently, E. C. ROllrl!p." t. The eODu.d for tile heatiq and Mayor T. E. Roprs. ve ntllatiDe laatall&UoD WM award. unbowlD.17 deatro),ad . . to the CoIaahu R ..tiD&' and that had beeD llllaad In V.ttlatloa • bid of ",000 All",.)', tile IIoard 'del'lefi'
------ - ----
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
lor the next live months of '
DENTIST = - --
Qnlv $1.00
Atlantle .Montbly
Make the most 6£ your reading hours. Enjoy the wit, the wisdo m; - the companionship, the charm that . have made the Atlantic,! for seven ty-five years, America's most quoted and most cherished mag- . . aZlne.
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P.ltll.h.r Sub.crlptl_ Prlc•• '1 .10 • Year
Offic. Plte.. No lIZ Enter d at Po.tottle• • t Wayne.· . ,... .. ......... . vlll , Ohio, all_Second Cia•• Hall
R ....... c . ........ ............... No. 118
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MARCH 22, 1933
Debt Propaganda
Caesars Creek
Great Britain is now buying gold right and left and seems to be Pl'ctty well r covered from the effects o'f going off the Ifold standard two years ago. Her gold stock is inc(easing rapidly and convincingly. 1I10r over, as the Ohio State Journal pust it: "Last December 16, England paid this country approxim ately $05,000,000 in gold as an installment on her war debt. At the end of IH st we k she had recaptured in the American markets all but $5,000,. 000 of this Bum, indicating a buying power ,of around $30,000,080 per month that had seem d dormant and virtually non·existent until she cho e to display its strength. "It will be r called that when Britain' quit the gold standard she announced sufficient gold remained in her vaults to meet all d om estic requirements and form the basis for any future return to gold that might be d tel'mi ned. Since that time, judging by her recent exhibi tion of buying, thi& original go ld stock has been enhanced immeasurably. ' "England has cannily kept her sterling quotat ions as high aa conomically wis recently, and haB watched the yellow stream leaving our shores fOl London as . it became cheaper for U 8 to trade her guld for her good and to settle our trade debts with her." There have been rumors that Great Britain was about to start a rJropagailda campaign in the United States for war debt cancellation. This may now be postponed because of the banking crisis in the United tstes. Americans are busy thinking and planning things far more important than debt cancellation. But when the time comes, and doubtle II it will, when we are again told that Great Britain can not n,ake anothcl' payment on her waf debt, let us not forget the facts quoted above, for they are worth reme mbering.
Re\,. Mary ('. Antran made severa l calls on Cl\e~ar. reek friends :F'riday. Mr.. Ella Haine s called on h4.'r sLler, MI'~. Reub!'n Jrlne~, or fe\\ Burlington, who is Hick nl this wril ing, Saturday afternoon. Pouln P<'lel'lIl1n anJ family of th Zoar ighhnrhout/ tClok dinn'r
the dentist, ixty-nine Ohit, counties have an appoint· no town of more than 30,000 in· 8, Mrs. J ... I. B . Tripp nt with n1<' thili Blftet·noon. I habitants. have eighteen ca\'ities to fill." And Mother: "Well son, what have he picked up his golf'~lag and went you b en doing all afternoonl" out. uggler. have heard the most beautiful Son: .. hooting C!'IIP, , mothl'r." music, La!:lt y aI' 41 couJllty achi VI" M Q~ her: "That must top. Those It came fr om the heavenly nt 01. meeting were held in Ohio litt! things have jURt aR much with Walter Wil~oTl and \\Iir~ Sunspheres; day. with nn attendance of about right to Ii v as y u have." It came l'iding on the soft breez Mrs. Nellie Bunnell an(1 1\1 is. ,000 person. Chor·is-ter . Young Man: " How much do 1 Monimia entertained on Fl'iday the following guest: MI' , QlIln~l'y Tea 'her waR going to give an pay for u nllU'riag Iicense'I" its note , ' cl'e of joy object le~son, "Toll1my," she belerk: "Five dolllHR down and Gons, Mr • . Kellar' H onk and two gladness, n. "Why does YOUI ' ·fath er put YOUI' ntire salary each week f or chiidreTl, 1r". W, ,. Bo~an , MrK. Which were mixed through th relit of your life." Alvin Fires, M I·!I. Kimmel'le , l\1 r~. rill window on every falil" weet refrain; Rhoades Bunn II aTltl MI·s. Raleill'h "W II,' said Tommy, "Moth r I sat Listening, RO eng rly, li ~t nA wat on I'ate in 18 co uTIli 'S in Bogan. ROllle o f th£> Illdie~ . Pent ~e~,ps I1t him until h finally giveR ing W Hlel'n Ohio resulted in 100,000 part of the time qUilling. Ill. Hoping to hear it again. casualties am n g the rodents and 11' . Ralph Leamin$/: find dal1ghIn it wa a welcome greeting, The be. t way to ke p ahead of none among th opposing forc~s flf leI'S called on 11'.. Minnie om l)From my lov c'd ones who have pal·.asites and disease ~erms iR to 6144 farmers, according to the r . ton and m other, Mrs. Luul'll Icengone before; follow the simple methods of riv- ports of county agricultural hour, on Sunday afternoon. Who I hope to some time follow inll animal s good feed ~nd C01~' agents who marshall d .the farmers I Everett lTIlin II and family \\Tere fortabl quart rs; kE!eplng th If {or the bloodless conthd. in Xenia and Spring Valley on after, I Saturday, And that beautiful region ex- surroundings clean and sanitary ;' db' th I k t l ' Is my dress to short ? plor emg on e 01) ()U 01' sIgns It's eithel' too sho rt 01' you're In eeil Hartll1an WOn the highest an it 'too far. honor in the oratorical cont.est at The.re God, to those \ hom He'!, of trouble. Waynesville last F"irlay night. chosen A tl a and all ele'phant were H : " Will you /to with me to Holds out 8 strong helping hand cro. sing a bridge. Wh en they And draw s th m to him through reached the other side the flea our house dance'?" A vacation is ab out half anticipa She : "But 1 don't know you." tion and the othcl' half' changing !'aid: "Big boy, we sure did shake all danger He: "That's why J'm asking til'es. - Ohio talc Journal. that thing, didn't we?" afe, into His pl'omised land. you." - - - ,--More orchards will be sprayed The bird was' a ,('ros betwt'cn a ' "Did the patent · medicine you in the dormant sea so n this pring paroL and a homing pig 0 1\ 1I0 it /lurchased cure your aunt?" with h<Ul1emade Rprays than with "Mercy, no. On reading the cir- could ask it!! way hom the regular commercial mixed PI' P nration~, accordi ng to T. H. cular that was wrapped around the Parks, ento mologist for the IIgTi . bottle ahe 11:0t two more disease!'." cultural extension selrvire at the - Pure Oil News. O. S. U. Jerry, at the Big Gant : "Aren't Voice Without: "Open the door the people numerous I" Director of FuneraJ Senic. Jerrie: "Yes, and aren't there a or I'll br ak it in." Voice Within: "Go ahead; I've lot of them ." Our c(lnvenient location, suitabeen trying to get out for two Kitten: "We're going to give ble surroundings Bnd equipmen t hours." the bride a hower." enables us to Serve to the Best "What aI' you dOinlg now?" Catty: "Count me in. I'll bring Advantage. the soap." "Nothing." "Didn't yo-u get that politi Al AMBULANCE SERVICE job!" I·Sure. tl PhoDa. 29 W.yn ..... m.., Ohio Better, smoother and mo re easily pled potatoeR are produced when the seed is plante!!) deep than when planted 'close to the surfa ce of the soil. Potatoes planted .. to 5 inches deep develop the smooth ' ~OTARY PUBLIC est. tubers if lllanted in a good Nallo••l Baa. potato soil. On heavier oils tile seed hosuld not be planted more Will. Dr.wn , . E.w•• S.ttle" WAYNESVILLE OHIO than 3 inches deep. •
------ - -
'JUlt a Moment Some one has taken the pains to g o through the Bible and discover portion that are pal'ticulal'ly appropriate for certain undesirable condition in life, in which we may find ourselves. Because of their vlllue we Pl!S8 them along to OUI' readers hoping they will tind them helpful, it would be a good thing to clip them out, and pallt e them in }(Jur Bible. They were compi! d by John G. QUinius, to give yoU daily . tl'ength and c h e~I', WHEN IN S RROW, rea d John, 14. WHEN MEN FAIL YOU, i'ead Psa lm 27. WHEN YOU HAVE SINNED, read Psalm, 51. WIlEN YOU W.oRRY. read Matth w, 6, 19-84. BEFORE CHURCH ERVICE, read Psalm, 84 WHEN YOU ARE IN DANGER, read Psalm, 91.. WHEN YOU HAVE THE BLUES, read P salm 139. WHEN YOU ARE DISCOURAGED, read Isaiah. 40. IF YOU WANT TO BE FRU ITFUL, read John, 16. WHEN DO UBTS COME TO YOU, read John 7. 17. . WHEN YOU ARE LONELY, OR FEA RFUL, read Psalm 28. WHEN YOU FORGET YOUR BLESSINGS, read Psalm 103.
W. 'Ha•• a Compl... W .... Repair S.nic. And use only aenulne l'IWlterla18. ryatale fitted while you . .tt.
J I Sho , Cary's ewe ry p Lob.DOD, Ohio
Store Open Evenlnet =-_________ .....__-' ;;;::::::::::::;
Sight SpeciaIisl
30 Years Expl!rlenee tn Fitting and Makinc Gl.....
Cary's Jewelry Shop L.banoD, Ohio Tue.day, Tburad.y, S.lurct., Ex.mination Fr•• LEBANON, OHIO
iill• • • • • • • • • • • :==========~=~
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Cattle, hogs, sheep and cal• • Norris-Brock Co., live wtre . . . progressive tirm , lot: the ~ market prices and good .emee. Union Stock Yard.' Cinei__ O. Tu~e in on .Radio Station WCIY 12.25 to 12.30 p . m. for our market reports.
Farm Night 7alks, March 20 8:00 :05 8:15 :25 :40 :50 , I :00 !l :10 9'25
Mu ie Economie Information (or the Farmer ... , .. B rl'eding Better Dairy Cattle . Musie Planning for Mid- ummel' Pastures " R. D. Lewis P ointers in Starting hicks . .,.... . R. E. Crl1Y 'ucccssful Family Lif ... . ... ........ , Edith Berry Fairfield County
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol COLU MBUS Twenty-eight bills, approved by the General Asembly now in session, have been filed with Secretary of State George S. Myers. These measures, signed by the Governor, become e ffective ninety days thereafter, except emergency measures, whlc'h become la.w s upon immediate signature of t he Governor. Thirtyeight bills have been passed to date by both Sel\ate and House, 17 in the fornler and 21 in the latter. The General Aaaembly is now in its twelfth wee.k with approxi. mately 1,000 bills to be considered
measure bas passed both branches o'f the General Assembly and now a~aits the Governor's signature.
----.~~ ---
.Beech' Grove
Don't forget monthly m eeti ng next unday mOrning at the It providefj for a constitutional church here: Sunday School a t 10 convention of 62 delegates, to be o'clock. Everybody come. elected by the state at l.rge, who Mr. lind Mr . George Leibert will either ratify or reject the and SOn Junior and ' daughter proposed repeal of the eichteenth June, )ire and Mrs. Lewis of Chiamendment. It is expected that cago, spent .the week-end with the the delegates will be elected at the Jordan famlly here. next election November 7th and Mr, and Mrs. P. G. W ells and that the con;ention will be ~alle -clHldffn of this place, M.r. Rufus early thereafter. Roberts and fami~y ' of near King.an, Mr. Boyd MIller of HarveysThe Ohio Senate has concurred burg, were Sunday di nner guests with the H()Use and passed the ' of Mr. and Mrs. Mylah rowel! and Governor White formally acchildren of near Olive Branch. Winston Cline, Thomas Rich , ccpted t he new State Office build- Governor's poor relief bill authoriz ing last Friday and at the same ing the diversion of $2,000,000 of and son and K. E . Thompson spent time bids were let for the moving gasoline tax revenues, The Hirh- Saturday morning in , Harveysburg of the numerous departments w.y coinmittee of the ,House bas Carl Schaefer was among those scattered over the Capital City, to from this place who attended reported out one bill wbich would church at Green Briar on last t heir future home in t h e new build ing. It isexpected that all depart- readjust highway usessmenta past Saturday evening. ments will be safely housed before present .nd future, on state, Mrs. Mike Lamb, is quite sick t he end 01 next week. The water county and market ro.ds. Two at this writing, at her home near standing , in the sub-basement has other ' aimilar bills are pending. A Oregonia, been taken care of and steam bill bas been introduced in the Sam Judd and 'family of Bellpipes which leaked were replaced. Senate aQthorizinli the Industrial broo k have moved to the R. J. The top, or twelfth ftoorwas oc· Comm.ion of tlIe state to borrow Murray farm. cupied first, other departments $10,000,000. The money is needed K. E. Thompson and family movirur in downward to the around to pay compensation to Injured entertsined company from Dayfloor. workmen and dependents of work- ton on last Sunday eveing. c men killed. The monthly need tor We are sorr y to report Robert The p.st w.e ek witneaaed over. such purposes amounts to over ,Andrews not getting along as well dozen delegations of High school $1,000,000. The commission holds as we all wish him to. . students from dentral Ohio eltlea securityties wblch would be used M.rs. Lizzie Ferris and daughter visiting the Capitol in Columbus. to repa, eame, Mrs. Nellie Stratton spent Sunday It inc~ded an inspection of the with Mrs. Ellil Ferris. Monday wime.ed the .dvent of legislat ve halls, the G en eraI A.. Howard McKay was in CinelnIIpriq and caretaken h.ve bel'U~ d sembly bei ng in sess Ion an d ."or - overhaulliIC the Capit.l .nd the nati on I.st , Saturday. ed ,t he studen.ts an opportunity to The McKay, familiel! attended State House Park In anticipation • d h h beeomeacquamte wit t e pro- thereof. The unsi..htl v pUes of the regular Farm Bureau meeting cedure of our law-makin&, body. ~ at Frank Bevans on last Thursday d dirt c.used by trenches, h.ve been Several of the delegations were. - hauled .way .nd .oon ftower beds evening. Walter Bluck of Clinton dressed by Secretary of State county W88 the main speaker. George S. Myers, a peda,ope him- will be laid out by the .tate laud- The Misses Mayfrey and Modena self in Northwestern Ohio for flve Icape cardener. Sta~ HOaM 7ard Powell of this place had as their th philosophers are now .waltiAg the or aix years before he too k up I' plaoiJl8' of the benches and the Thursday overnight guests the profession of the law, daily se88ion! will start, all en- Misses Alice and Kathleen Gray of Harveysburg. Amona' the several dozen points deavo ri ng to settIe t h e pro blem 0 f Several from this neighborhood of interest in Columbus which a natl_o_n._ _... _ _ _ _ _ went to Oregonl. Sunday afterprove especially attractive to the no.on to see the high water. visitor is the Archaeological NEW STAMP APPROVED Cr.lg Beckett was a Wednesday MUleum, located on the campul of overnight guest of Joseph Osborn '0. S. U. in 'Blah street .t Preaideat Rooseveh has ap- Jr. Fifteenth. It contallUl one of the prom the ftnt Btamp to be lined Little Delora Jean Powell of flnest coUectlon of m~lundbuU.ller"l d I ..Ih i k list thO in the world and tIloQ88nda un er the Mminiltration of PGat- ~s p aee ii ' un t esc 11 historical relieL The liuseulII 8c::::~e;r"r. week. _ _ _- - opn to the public, the hOUri of 0.0. WuhJ.....'....... "'What Ia tIlla!" from . . . 111. te I p. 111., ... 1.--1. ......... " blebaded. 'JIIae , llo. . an at • &. "NarmaJ......... or-"_
, ' ..
Man toils from sun o sun, but woman's work NEVER done! real p8 like that which Pyrolax Gu!
eook lrilh . . -
....u.8 -
THERE'S mOft trulh than poeIrJ Ia thI. ~ :~ . ... ...,.,:. ',: . " ;J and maD,. • ClOUIltr;, kia.:hen .em .... aD uld·w@ hiant:u \\'0:),1 or coal ranse or a ~INII-oil ..toYe. No wonder a woman's work fA neoer doae. ,"-eat job ...d ahe apends IntermlDable boan ....... 9tah abe &re or ehansiD& wiclu
and filliul oil....u. Bat Dol fill we. . . . . ._lReil to theee old....bioned Idlebea.~ To«la,. ...... aN ~1 eoaatry' WO ....f2l ",bo
1ft t"e .eItJ
Pyrolas 18 nalural pi! slored in cylinders and delivered to eouatry hema b,. "8118 mains on. wht.'e18." It i8 used in • beautifal JDOdern p8 slove JU Bt like those ulled in the dty and bW'U with a bo~ bloe, 80ollt'8!, irutuntly c.ontrolled flame. It .. on Imd ready for Ufl., the minute )'00 ",ant it ad off .beD you UJ'e through. No waiLing and wllit\I,.1 (or a a~e .. lINt up. No laMing with wi,*8 aDd filI.W. of 00 tanb. PyNfas brill. 10 th kit..beD a cOlivea.ieaftl co. . parable to tIae meder.a impleme11ts and toola uAed tuda,. .. the &.eId UId the lactory. ' ' Wore ,.OU buy tJl&1 range, dl!cidc what type of .to•• ,and " .... kind or' fu~) yo. most dt'-Ilire. II it i. "a PI' nDp lUinS reelS..," give UI an opportunity to esplala our DnI offer. We lur.e a plan which BlAkes the fint cuel 01 ... n ' ' I DO .....ter than that of !lloves usial odaer fuel. I_ ,.,.,. .... u.aer...., r-rn .he detniu 01 diu .... p)'-Ufpi.. before,... b.,. 1liiy rllllge Cd 1liiy prieel
P. E. SNYDER & SON Phone 3021
Would Add
mlilll Dl
To Seventh
and father. To Be". and Rev .•'ax for their W l' wi~h to f'xtt'nd tu our conl\olin~ 'n.rd~. To Mi~l! Emll'Y neighbor' lind fril'nd. our apanti 1\11'., Rhenn.oti. fot their "reeiation BDd thank,. lor their loy 'Iy ~unJ.CI\, l>lc) \0 Mr. ,tubbs )dndm~.·, and ~ympathy during lhe for hi. ('fficit'ncy, Irl', T, B. B,.annock and Children ickne~ and death of Oll r b(.'loV'cd
Mrl!, eyburn Eaton, of Bryan, Ohio, and Mr, M'o\lie Hough. 01 Leb non, tuBed on friel1ds t the Friend Home unday evening.
NEW GROCERY STORE "Jack's Pure Food Grocery"
husband William
F -
The Cost of a Funeral We are often a ked, "How much does a funeral co t?" The answ r depends on the grade of merchandise elected and'the amount Of service required. In our showrooms we offer caskets and other necessities in a wide range of sty le and price with superl~\tive value in every grad , W , arc prepared to make tbe service as simple 01' as laborate as the ciJ'cumstan e' may requ\l·c. We always do our be t to help our patro~s elect the merchandise and service suited to theIr ondition and need., We serve all lass 8 in th' commu nity, ' giving to nch ea e th mot 1" v r , nt and sympathetic care that lies within our pow,er. I
Will be opened in Mrs. Laura Sides" Room, on
SaturdalY, March 25 A full line of
James E. McClure
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Wayneaville, Ohio
Phone 7
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, SmokE~d Meats, Etc. At , the lo,..:vest market prices.
It cordial invitation i. extended to the public
MYRO:N, J. BANTA Proprietor
"t ,"G.'v.nn.led".nd (··;:-~'-··--"" ; fenca hili ,"e. : Gopper B••rin. • : th. : Winner of the "Gelftflll..lecI" : I
Gulf of Mexico
Weath... Tnt Plctare rroa adual photo-
papllt of IOU, lakeD down for
Iiblgmcgt. after tat.
: :
tho_ oppow!te .1.... tood . . "ew.
,• I I
FOR RENT- A hop e _TId large garden with garag" I IIlso river bottom land. Inquire of A. H. Earnhart. • m2 2
.• • •
. • I
Insurance Have
RED BRAND Coets I.. IMcauH It ..... Y"" Ion..,.
your property covered by
Waynesville farmers hchange Co.
Stella ~~Da.!herty
Phone 25
Wayne.ville, Ohio
w. H. MADDEN Random Bits of Human Interest Found in Town
Phone 14
& CO.
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Use Our .Classified Co'umn~
They Will Help YoutQ Dispos,e Of Your Su~plui Stock
To Choose from---AII Makes and Modes
.'1'" Fred · Kahn Motor Car Co. Open Sunday. 26
Lebanon, Ohio
Better. smoother and more ea8ily peeled potatoea aJ'f! produced when the leed ill planted d ..p tllan when planted elolle to the aortae. of the 100. Potatoes planted 4 to I Inch.. deep denlop tb. _ootll eat tu..... tt ...
\\ '\ \
Miami Gazette
Eighty·Sixth Year
OUMG MAN IS KILLED NS:c~;;:f:-iYJlp~~ing The New Cenlury lub met the WHEN AUTO COLLIDES I Waynesville'. new grocery . tor ~!~~n~~n~~. ::I~;\lc4'IUI~t~ w\~1: 1 WITH HEAVY TRUCK l ~r~:e:;,~wno;!n'~~af~'~ ~~~:sF'~~~ J. W. Whit he. tel<!'. Thl' busines in Mrs. Laura 'ides· room entury Club
fRANKLIN MAN UNDER ARREST AS SUSPECTED ~~~ -c HOLD·UP ACCOMPLICE Tobacco anvas at Hyman' s. AC!cuaed Aidinc in Theft of . MI·s. liarl Harvey unday
meeting open ed with twCl mUl'l '!I I on Main street, Saturday m l'ning Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's, selections "Shubl' rl'~ Sen'nude" The new store carl'ie a new I,nd of and Goo' 89 Lovetl till' Wvr!u," fTra. dy Oc~ura Nea,r Harvey.bur. complete line of stapl and fancy Lead CO\lnty Hill! School Senion . groceries, fresh' fruits and vegeta. ~pent w. N . Seal."ll was a Dayton After the fQII call und I ' 'uding (.pI Arm. U.... in Hold. up at visitor, Tl,l sday. the minute. l't1r1'. Mc' lUI'e r~ud I E...I" Sund.y Mo.... inr--Othera ble, , smQked ,and cl,lred meats -in at the Friend~ Hom e. in Schola.tic Att.aiDmeDh Indi.napoli. A ' 51. h I I . ed fact , anything to b~ found in II paper, "Thrift," writt.(>n by '. 1 , Mrs. l'.faynal'd Welt z il' recover· The "Com·a.long" and TyrQlean W. E. O'Neall. The guest /lt crEx&m-in.tionl, S.turday r-e IIr t Y nJur fint-clQss grocery, and is owned hat{t at Grace L , Smiths, tainerof the oite.-no(m WoR MI'. . lind operated by Myron : "Jack" ing nicely :f"om 11 lIevel·e attack IIf An drew Bickn II, alleged to have grip. Permanent Waves', $2 and $3; Stumm of WlIminl(ton. 'he Eline ,· Ruff, aged 26 }fears, lost Banta, who reports II most gratify. been an associate of the' five 'm en Pl enty ()f New Spr ing Ha t EpiHghl.gthSseCnhiOoOr}s .~efreWplluYl1need Touowon • at Truax Beauty Shoppe. Shempoo sketched thv play "Mrs. BUI11P- his' !if Bnd two young ladiE:8 were Ing day's busines!! on opening day. held in Indianapoli., Ind., for the t f ShI n tr stead L ee.' n r ' reading Will! "'or the pa t thre .()J foul' years, Fashion at only $l.!Hl , Gl'8c e grel!tly l'nj o ed, more or le!'s serio u,sly injured in until a week or two ago, Jack has Lincvln Sm 'ith. bed at ' 6 a. m. last Saturday ex a. killing of a police se,'geant last morning. 'iou could just hear the Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith visited After adjournm nt uainty r· ono of the worst IlutomobiLe ac- managed the local Kroger store, month during a hold·up, entered a Mrs . Anna 'adwallader and plea of not guilty when arraig~ed groans, but they were all on time relatives at Wilmington, Sunday freshments wel·e !j('rved. The j' cid ntl! to occur in this vicinity for where his happy and accommodat' guesls wel·e Mrs. Luml n Ilnd Mrs. sev'lral months when the Chevrolet ing mann4)r and his quare dealing Miss lura Lile vi!'l it cd in Spri ng for a J1r lilllinary hearing in the lit Mr. Lotz' home at 7 a, m. From afternoon. there they j ourneyed to the High mith 0'· Wilmington, :Mr~. G, , I .. . .. have won a host of fdendll for Valley, Saturday. Mayor' co urt at Franklin, Mon· School building at Lebanon , and Frank Cook, of Route 4, is stil l Dibert , Mrs. Viola al'ey, M,'s. 1coupe, In whIch they were rIdmg, him, These friend, and many Th W. . T. U. wiJI m et at day, He is charged with con8plrafter a twenty.minute wait, they recovering nicely from his recent Chaa. Rye, M,·R. Fred Kiln merle, coil ided with a heavy coal t\"uck, more, are wi hing him the utmost stluted on the test. It lasted from serious illness, Mrs. J. D. Mal"iatt. Ml'~. E, 'P. ea st o'f Harveys burg on State success in his new venture. the home of Mrs. M. W. Silver on ing .to r ob an Indianapolis garage, 8 a, Ill. 1.0 12 :10 p. m. And, Oh I Wai L Papel'--()veT ] 50 patterns Deppe, Mrs. Jame s McClure, Mrs. Route 73, about] 2. '10 a l lock Sun. Kenneth Fromm i8 a ilSisting him in Thursday afternoon , \lnd it was in the attempt to carry what an examination. tIt f 5 t d t C.IiJf Ridge, Mrs. Hall, Mr . M. A. day mornl' ng'. , the st9re. Miss Helen Hawke and her guest out the plan t hat the police~an Julian Crabbe, so n Of the local a Ill' ac r omcen s an up, a Sllv r M W H ,.., Id M • - ••- - - Myer' Hyman's. e, r. . . ... a( en, 1', . d' h b t i f MI·s. A. Washburn, were Day. was killed by the gang. 'mith.Hughes Vocational agricul. HOlVard Archdeacon and MrR, lda . Actor mg to t 'l es n or~aton vial toTS, aturday, Bicknell is aJleged to have in. ture teach r; covered himself with Miss May Wright left Tuesday ·Kelsey. tlon we hl\ve b en Iible to obtam, - - - - .. - - Ruff, accompanied by Mary and glory last Saturday, wh'ln h took for a protracted soj urn in St. Wall Paper- ov r 150 patterns 'formed membel' of the gang when /it- t honor in the Warr n ounty Petersburg, Fla. Notma Rcede'r, age,d 17 and 14 to select fr om- 5 cents and up at it would be safest to stage a raid Senior Scho larship contest. Out of lln years respeclively, and Earl Curtis Myel' Hyman's . ' on the Franklin city buildinr, and Ii possibl 400 points, Julian Mr.' 0. E. Thom~8, of Wilming· ngetl 1 , was driving his coupe , . ' acted as a 100 k·out. A machine gUll answered 2,39 correctly. His near· ton, transacted busine s here, along the pike at ani excesive I'ate M-rs. Nicholso n and Mrs. Adams, sawed·ot1' $h9tguns and a num ber (lst competitor had a total of 220 T4esday afternoon. 01' spe c,l, enroute to Wilmington of the Friends Home h ave both of other weapons were secured and been indisposed but ar better. were used later in the attempted carr ct answer in the Rcholarship fl' om Harveysburg" where the. t st, [ra. Cordia Truax and Mrs. party had attended It dance. When Last Sunday's D\lyton Journal hold.up in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Vi ctor arpenter, Wayne Township Schools Senior Leonard Tinney spent Sunday and they reached the brow of the hill publish d an excellent likene s of Bickncll is reported to h.ve Scholarship team outclassed hel' Monday in Cincinnati. in :front of the res,i dence of the the Rev. J. 0. Garst and Mrs. r Middletowll, were guest s of Mr. t old police that his con cience hurt nearest compctitor~, Franklin and Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Crane and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST late Dr; H, E. Hatiton, ju&t west Garllt, parents of Mr. W. L. Gar t and Mr.i\. J. B. Gons, unday V!l- him when he I arned that on6) of l\forrow, in very r spect. Of the childrtl'n of Dayton, spent Sunday (Undenominational) of the Warren-Clinton county line who, for the past two year, has ing. the weApons taken from the 44 se niors taking the conte t these with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. Chester A. W-illiam8Ohey·-were confrOl~ted by t e e n a va lu ed member of the hllritf 's office had been \l.sed to thre schools ranked as tol\ows: Unifie~ service begi nning with trucks, about to pass in t h e faculty at Waynesville High Walt.er Elzey, who was th ought kill a man that he therefore desirWayneSVille: 1st. 7th, 8th, 10th Meet the greatest "Button· Church School peri od at 9 :30 a. m. vailey below. school. Published witb the portrait to hav been recovel·ing nicely ed to conie s his part in activitiea (tie), 18th, 2 th, 29th, and 36th. bl,l ter" that ever st ruck Waynes- Lord's Supper and set·mon at Realizin s th impossibility of is the foliowing account of , the after two years of illness, suffer· of the gang. Franklin: 2nd; 4th, 6th, 12th, viJI , Profes 01' Pepp's right hand 10,30 a. m. Sermon subject, "God's bl·ingil'lg his car to a stop, Ru1f is celebration of the fortieth an. ed a severe relapse last Frjday, One of the men held, Edward 23l'd, ~7th, S3rd. and 89th, , man. Normal Man." You are always thought to have been trying to niversary of the marriage of Mr. and is again confined to his bed. Miller, 36 years old, \lved in welcome at this church. ~teer the c(lupe bet;ween the two and Mrs, Garst, S~nior. College days! Moonlight sere. Louisville, and his home there at Morrow: Srd, 10th (2 ties), 25th 37t.h, 40th, and 42nd, anr~r:~1a:!~~·e ~·ar!~r:~~:!~~ trucks before they met, and thus "Th congregation of the Lower )ladesl Heartaches ! Thrills! Profes. 2622 South Shelby street, was A a matt r at oomparlBon, ST, MARY ' S CHURCH avert a collision, but the interven· Mia.mi Chur,ch of the Brethr.en Bor P"'pp brl·n- I't all ·1"' the used al\ the gang's headquarter!!, . d· t t· 1 t h ~ .,. h " .. " " add Ition of t otal points give the d the Flower Show at Cincinnati Rev. J J . Schaeft'er. Rector 109 IS nncl! \Va en Ire y 00 S On. reSIdents of Jeuerson towns IP, Senior elaa play K ntucky police !laid. Other following re ults: on' Friday, Thl,lrsday, MaH h 30, ,el.vice at The light Cat' was hurled agailut Bnd numerou relatives combined . members ot the gang are George Waynesvill e, 1535 out 01 a pasMes r , Dixon and A. P. Lovoly 7 dlO p. m. R ev, Don I'cy, rcctor the west bo'u nd tt'lack, with the to honor Rev. and Mrs. J . O. GarB~ Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Mr, and chwal'tz, alias Murphy, alias ibl 3200. of Middletown , are visit'ing their ot t. An'drews church, Da yton, honible and fatal results men· on their 40th wedding anniversary Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and 'family, Johnny Condon; Al Thompson, Franklln, 1508 out of a po sible Bon and brothel', James LOVeIY' lspeaker. Honed ab ove. March 23. with Mr,and Mrs. Stacy Burnett, who Indianapolis police say is 3200, and fam ily. • Fifth S\,lnday In Lent, Pa si an Re, uers has tened to the l'elief "Rev. Garst is the elder in charge of neal' Centerville, and Mr. and Ernest (Red) Gibso n of Indl.nap. Morrow 1202 out of a 'pos5lblc Sunday; hurch scheH.1 at 9:30, of the victims as quickly a s pas· of the Lower Miami Church of the Mrl!. Waltet" J ordah, of HarveYB~ olis; Fred Adam and William 2800. Ml,"s. L. H. GOl,"don Bu tTered sermon and Holy om,,:uni on at sible, and the youn,g people we're Brethren, and the scene of the reo bUl'g, spent Sunday at the horne of (Willie) Mason, who is in en For further comparison, 'Places' another lIerlou!l relapse, unday 10 :3 0, placed in a machinl!, operated by ception and gathering wa the Mr. and Mrs. A. Z, Hn rtsock and In dianapolis hospital suft'ering • In w'hfch the co ntestanta ranked In evening, and is again in a very I Tbe public i. tnvited to nnr or herman Wilson and Jose ph Davis, home of ' the elder and his wife in family, near Wilmington. gunshot wound in the foot. I·elation with th others takhlR serious condition, ' all .ol the service. to be take n to a Wilmington hos- Jeft'erson township, lhe contest. showed, when added, I'd I pltal."Thls machine was ditched a t "Ho lding the pastorate of the t hat Wayne v\JI outclassed the Chas. S. oore. ~f Chev~ Cha$e, FRIENDS MEETING Dutch Cre.ek, near' Wilmington. church for 37 years, Rev, Garst other two hIgh at ~ompelltor8: , I'tp~~i' ae~~~~et\~e Cil:ct;;n:yt~e~~~oll~·, 1 First Day, January 29 : First while running at a rapid , rate of has also taken shQrt leaves during Waynesville 128, Franklin M I I Day F.riendship chool at !) :30 a. speed , and a Wilmington ambu· which time he has held po t in 14 ,n~, Morrow 167. nc ay morn ng. Im. MeetIng f or worship at 10 :30 lance wa~ finally called. East Dayton, Middletown , and Rank, core and plaoe of Way. The girl!! were taken to the Troy He is a graduate of the OhiO nesv \l1e's and other leading con- IIlIs~~ntLUp~!t!t;:~~~'B OUh8:oP:~:~ a. m. home of Dr. J . B. McKe,nzie, in Northern university and he mar· Staff And play again t he games we've teatantal confined to her home ~U week with WAYNESVILLE M,. E. CHURCH \ oakland. whe~y' receive: 'first ried the former Miss Eliza A. Editor . Doris Salisbury won J, Orabbe, sco~e, 239; place, tat; a severe attack-ot- tc:inSiliti8: - - ' G C Dib rt P iiSto ' ai<l.,..a.A Ru-W' -Y' was ta"Huffer. A semblies .. , Ol'Ie Budin And where we met defeat. school, WayneSVIlle. .• e . as or a Wilmington . f?neral - home. "At the reception, members of C eman D. Kinder, 8eore, 226; place, 2nd Mr. • nd Mrs. E. L , Thomas wel'e Wedne day : Bible study and Mary Reeder sustamed a bad cut the Men's Bible class of the CAlahss ~ew 8 ThelmMa olC We hear the ceremoTlY 1 5 Ch· n her left leg and other le8s h' h R G t · t etlcs ., ... ,.. ary As the coach calls o ut the name ' I Fran kl ln, ,C h 00, called t o Cambridge, Ohio, recent· prayer meeting at 7:1 p, m. olr 0 • ' • church of w IC ev. ars IS Humor , L d W rane t 'Vlrg,,"a . e~!, Foulks ern z Of boys who've won the i~• letter8 R. W. Jones, core, 224; pl8lce, Iy becau!\e of the death of Mrs. practice a t 8 :00 p, m. senous cuts, while her Sister , teacher gave sh art speech ell, Organizations l 3rdi school, Morrow. Thomas' brqther, Mr. Samuel Vail. Sun4ay; ~unday schoo l at 9 :30 Nor.ma, su~ered , ma'ny cut., and these speakers including Rev Jesse And those of lesser fame. MarvIn Young, score, 218; place Morning worship at ,,10 :40. brUises;. ~C1the~ I ~ thought to hav.e Nolfsinll:er andil Rev. J . , Tull 0.1 The Ba.ketbalJ Banquet This l'(;utine bl,lsiness fini8hed, Hit,' - chool, Frllnkll n. Do you need a spring tonic? Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m. with been cntlcnlly mJun~d.. Earl CurtIs the Methodist church. "P f P .. ' t d h th th d th Th annl,lal basketball banquet We watch with keen intent, John Foley, score, 218', place, , ro eesor epp, IS a guaran ee Donald Gusti n, as leader. Evan. teo. er p.assenger m e ea "Members of the immediate h i t 0 h ave escape d family present were t wo sons, was held March 23, 1983. Thirty Th e presentation of awards .. 'h', school, Franklin. r'lme ...l.., y .or 15 c an d 26 c, A ' woe getistic service at 8 :00 p. m ..d The car., .IS s a] . ,s d e 1·Ig htf uI t d Won at the tournament. Ru t h Condon, score, 212; place vemng reatment In special feature for t hi service will unmJure. ,.. John Garst, superintendent of t he nine guests wet'e pre ent, includ 1 I R 1f' k 11 a d to have ·f ing the team, to witness honors be. • , th S · 6; school, Lebanon. e eOlor c ass pay. be Ri nging by Mrs. Gustin and Mrs u s s U IS S I. Highland, Ohio, Bchools, his WI e stowed l,lpon t heir favorite team. F()I' t!"O years 10 /Juccesslon. now D. Salisbury, scor e, 211; place, In celebration of the birthday Bland 's classes of gil'ls, Th e been fract.ored, and hiS bo?y was and two daughters; Lawrence The Sportsmanshi):1 Brotherhood We ~e held the county cup, 7; school, WaynesviHe. anniverllary of her lit.tle daughter, pastor will speak at this, ervice on ~ovtehred ~It~h c:~ Illn~. ~ulbe~o:t. Garst, a teacb er in the Waynesville girls sel.ved t he banquet at 6:30. But t~l~ yeal' , due. to ! alr d~feats. Dean Hawke, score, 2l0; place, Cb ar Iotte, Mrs. H arvey ,R ye en t e'r- the, subject of "The Mark and the 15. ougd ~ tLA e '~ e , .e Ohio high school, with ·dhis wife; a The I'nvocatl·on '''as gl·ven by We vi! had to give It up. b DaVIS " 8; school Waynesville. Prize." emgI p ace In n .., . Wllllon •• daughter, Mrs. Da"" . B rown, tained a group of little girls and 0 W ens d d ay 0 f next week t h e car to be taken to V"llmln"'ton . tb e Jeuerson " t own hip Rev. C. A ,Williamso.n, and a We we re some diuppointed Haze I HI "a htman, score, 207 ; their .k. .was teacher 1n mothers and Charlotte's W. nF . !l. Th ewes t b oun,'d t ruc group song "Onward Waycehs;" , When we heard these sad reo "" lace 10·, sch ool , Way nesville, S. will meet with Mrs. school, and her husband . sohool teacher on Friday evening. d d t d bRay G h led by "Ed'~ and accompanied by pOI·ts, Unglesby. owne an opera e,. y , . "M,·, and Mrs. Irvin Hyer w 0 "Mee" was s ung. Robinson, score 207; place, 10tb The guests were Mrs. A. H. Stubbs Dr. E. I J f I I· Conner, of WayneSVIlle, who was were be.t man and bridesmaid, reBut there'! no disgrace in losillg, school, Morrow. and daughter, Mrs. Glen Bland and an ey ones 0 n( la, b · ' I 1 d f co.al from After the ban quet tI pl'ogram If you toke it like good sports. Landers, score, 207,· place, 10·, daughter, Mrs. Clarence Rye and will be the speci",. I speaker at an hrmg,". g a argeth o. a 10 • spectively, at the wedd ing were walt g Iven; with "Jack" Lotz as He IS of the Dayton t e mmes to I pace. 0 ' resent... schoo], Morrow. all day meeti daughter, Mrs. careful toastmaster. The progl'am was : So, if you think we're layin' down h t h - - -...... .-. \Velcome, Mr. Hatfle1d; Respon se R. Smith, score, 204; place 12th da hte Rrs Because oJ this defeat, school, Frankljn. ' ug r, '. Park M. 'E. Church in Dayton next and w essel~ ,agree t a ~ e M. t:-llis, score, 189; "lace, 18th twin daughters and Miss Ola Hart.· Monday, April 3rd. W should did 'lverything in his power to Op for Dads, Dallas Boger ; Response You'll tind out in anotlJer year 0;0 ... sock ' th t t h Th hr·'" for tea m, "Lucy" Treadway ·, PoeThat Waynesville's hard to beat · have a good rl'presentation o'f our avert . e ca as rop ·Ie.t e II et'IuS S chool, Wawnes'ville. , (Sid Ellis) tic Outburst. "Sid" Elli,; The CI d f W re, 184·, place, __ _ church at the meeting. 0 an en an In on coun les, B. Woolard, Bco ·S2. 33 se.son, "Cas" Davi!!; Toast Banquet March 23. ' h d th h h both of 'II' om ave rna e oroug 20th ', school, Waynesville. ' t "Doe" Bro wn ; address, "Athletics h e . acci·den, Inez James, score, 164,' place, the district (South-Western) and WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF investigations 0f t Remember how Peck Sattertb~ , I t I t h from and the Man," Coacn 1<~lmCl Lin· PJayrround Bueball 28th,· school, Wla"nesville. State when a1\ returns are reportCHRIST comp e e y e,xonora e ' I~ '''alte used to thrill the fan" with 3 1 ·1' 1 b II d II bl H t k pec ally the n ,.. . .reI, Middletown Seni ol" H. S.; 1 th W. Armitage,' score, 151; place, ed to Columbus. t 'WI e reca e , (Undenomlnatlon.1) a lime.,. I ruc , es I hl· s fi]'st base play and his !tmashln;. • n e a b!lence 0 f a CoUllty . '2 k ed· Chester A. Williamson. Min ister re.ar por t ,on, was. b a dl"3 wrec ked ' hits that drove I·n 50 ""an" ~un8 for.. toast, Ronald Hawke ; Morit" T rae k meet, t h e A'hl ' 36th,· school Wavnesvllle. that Ronald HardIn 3, ran • etie Associa· J" d th t c ,.... .. • Awards, "Bill" Hutl'man; Group · r W arren C ounty Church School at 9 :30 a. m. The WI no proper y ltlsuran e. . the WayneSVille ~lamll!! W ell, Song, "W. H. .," "Ed" and "Mee' tlon 0 voted to Ab Qve Bcores will be ranked for high lallt year in di8trict an state. =======:====-====:::!======"..",-=-=-=-"'==",= === Loyal .duilders and Live Wires wiJI The coupe was totally demobB~d those hi~s ~ere puny aft'airs when The boyi'! who received varsity institute playgrourtd b.seball i.. ~ve charge of th is serviCle and ed, while the e.s~ bo'u nd' truck, sal compared with t'lle line hit "Peck's its place. to have been driven by two young merit letters were: Lawrenc The games are to be played on fl,lrnish some special features. , . Food Shop~' III going to make wh en avis, RUl!~el1 Tl"eadway, Edward 0 .returnlnl to If."d " .....er, t he d~,hrB· are ope ned 't ml·s~ it. Lord's Sl,lpper at men. who we. te ah,' Tuesday and Fridays, starting at Don " h h Wit f om ." ,,~ . "'" Franer, Marion Whitak(lI' , Everett 4 conclusion, Christian Endeavor at t elr orne 10 I Immg on hueines!! .1\ tbe Phillip!! room Miller, ad oak, and Davie! p. m, 6:30 p . m. Lola SearR, leader. t~e Harveysburg 1l.lIIce. nail pr·:r on f6aln street on ApI·li 1st. Th Is Boger. F all wing is a schedule of the a. t t lcaUy 'tln?amaged. A we groun. esta·bliBh"'ent will b' e no J·okc. if, hi · 933 I ga\1l:e$ to be played by ,the W. H. 1._____________-:_____________.... EveninO'.. evangelistic ser, vic" ' >" d + th efl1eot that .t the ,.. T ose rece vmg 1 " numera II ... Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Unglesby re· ton~ht out 0'1 this meS!!o 7 :30 p. m. S~rmot.1 subject, "Who j! t:\llOor IS ,0 e ·t 'II opened on a rather tricky were: Vincent Griffy, N /'nun..... t~l1m : ceived a letter from their son-in· ao much to do here This JeR\l8?f~ P,rayer Meeting time ,?f th~ collisilln, this truck ~.te. We all know Peck, and know Meridith, Wallace Bernard , :RichApril 4, M'ason, home. April 1, mg law and daughter Mr. and )irs. 'tl. ",d.fe ~eav~. A~ut and BiblE\ Study each Wednesday was d\splar no l'~.t llghta and tb.t he does thines right. Just read I M'll Ch I L M J h Springboro, there; April 11, MorP. Blat, of M . atIC;heste"r, 1 Obi10. , o~t of 1. eir at '1:80 p. m. The church wher-e but one din:' h&a~ll"ht. Clinton hit .d in another column at this arc I er, ar es ay. 0 n row, there: April 14, Caullale • • til the dav en ' ,{g you f-eelat 'hom",. '~ u~ty, .0tl\c18111 lire ..id to be In. illaue ; then visit bis lunch room To~pson, Robert AU~l) • .Eldon home; April 18, Kings Mills, home; w~ich contains an II count 0 ... tile r "g<;,.vOe1 R-'\ + ,. , V lstlgat'~go this ph~lle Qt tJ\e cale . , nd confectl'onary and be co n- ElliS and Albert H:awlte. April 18, ' Kings Mills, home; harrowing experience R uU, - a na tl v4l 0 t Succe~, I ow. a a. Lawrence D"'v'~ , 't dUJ'i. r 1)g' ~e 'I h ." ST. ~U~USTINE'S E:HURCH d · , ... .... was chosen April 21. Lebanon, there; April. '~¢eht ~oo~. Mr. B!a~ a ' lorp.\n Pat: a¥ ' had been' workillg (1ft a farm near vince , captalO b):, h f~llow !Oemb .rs o r 25; Uye; April 28, Franklin, home; s!,perinten dpn € of flIe WaJn~~vme . 1\ave !\en·~ f~ther Ffenj:h, Palltor Wllmlngton for the past three - - • the tetun, He Will also rec e~"e ' M.I1Y 2, Otterbein there. 8cnoplll is , ullerinfe n4ent pi 1~e , (J,hild~ell Services will be held every two years. He Is survived by hi s father lette}' ae forward anc;! captain , of . , ~~n~tie8ter sf,!hooIB. !fb~ le~~ef in 1~U fFfI to .. Jl'IIndpa weeki on Tue8d"y mornln;. and one s ister. The, body will be the All-County team, wbile RuS$CU Flirt 'followlli '. . ",,4 l1'~llchTla to ro to out of this • - ..... returned to Success for burial. Treadway wllJ receive (I "e Ora topical Con,t.st )I.roh 28.1983 for it 11 .ur. cold here. W.. tet on The Reeder sisters are daughters guard on the All O~ul'\ty se oond Waynesville shares ,honors with Dear Fo1.k.l1 't hree 81deB of us and the basement 6f Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reeder, who team Kings Mills and Blue Ball schoo ls Evel'yt hing going as well aa half full. We han the .rrate going reside in Wilmingtol~ . The fol!<!.w\ng · pJlo.ram wl11be Tt;e ev~"lntr Wa! tull of joke!! in Warren County: call be expected. , and if we could cloll6 0« tbe front given ~.u\"i,g the .Iecture hour ' ~; .nct mel'riment, and e.vet'yon left Th e local eom,,!unity is juatly Tbe water Is about ftve feet room we could keep .arm. How· - _. the recul.ar D1eet~ o. F1lrm~1I with hig h spirits and a full proud of ,)fax Stephena of Wayne deep in our cellar but i. still three ever we are 'at the , IChool houle Mra, Sarah Frances Davis, 102, LOW PRICE OF JU~~ ~range ~'ul'day n~~t~ Ap,fU 1 1 stomach t\>woahlp schools, seventh cr.de. feet from our ftnt ftoor. It bal malt of the time. At nllbt we pile received painful injuri e!l, ineluding , ~\lI!~ '" ....' " Id Irm ••t i e h , · 80 J'lleaaed the judrea and tbe fallen a few inches today (Thure- on the cov ..... nd take the hot lacerations on her face, and, AUhoug\\ tbe JeiaraQn Po~ Newl .'e~(ln. Hartaock. Poetic Outhunt paeked auditorium of Leb.llon day) and will contillue to f.n Wlater bottle til b~ with U8, We bruiBea when she tell at her ho,"~ Wima~ -.ranch of. the Debo,t "llow to Be.utify Farm Homes High school on Friday afternooll, alowly aecordtntr to reports. are all rettin. lick of thle water on La\ce. 8tree~, eaTly Tl\e~9a;y To~do an.! Ir"ntoll Il'ailr~dJ ~~l In&llpena\vely"-L. B. Hall. Each year, on these OC CBsiQll. . M.rch 24th, that ftrst pl.ee .".. , "'blt,sb l ·le·...II "~ mu d an~ A ' It· ."t~"o"-B.tt, in , this h,llll. upon We have. e.... e d're can .. lIard~ ~or ornll'lg. She s~ft'ere d a de,ep ' \mown a~ · t~e ...n Qr~ll8hoJl1l"'II "R6_.- COlldu~t Braddock. • Farm on a lTO'We ringgather the curta in dt'lWI'l awar de d to h 1m In the U pper headc\tlart~ III the Hirool 1»ull~· tlle ....ter to down. .e are ~\1 ash over l\er \eft eye and another b h ~ 1\11 11 ,1\ lallt ~I ,,- .. ~ Grade Ontorical Contut. Bill In~ .n~ O.ll ~d ate .~"t~ leellnr:' 10 bf. a1»ob1; ' Lop~ "ltcb. (If on ~ef n08e and ~ru,ses ovu s~a;a~ \,,;-:~a~ n,t lI841ft torn .a"l1« ~..ta in Tbis Commu"ity" A season's he et ball. selection "The Reclt.aticm." wlDa \t{th f bO' eel 10$IUnf. Laii8 (~e 11 old h.." IIc~ool het elltlre body, It ~a~ qot. bee" up, due it " the low - II'S RICh. The hoys have laid their sult.1J away the bOllor over bie llaanet eomqOan~ltl.iI are ' artl'1l1at eac~ cia, no 10 'I- life t~elt ,he dete~\ned If 11\e re~eJVe<\ m*,r. Ilrica for ete,1 JUIIK,C01ltest tor the Juve~Uel. And come tonirht to «reet petltor, Bett, CUIlllll..... at ...... Jt911l tile eolill'FJ -lld !9,m" U. CO ¢t wt~ • bicb nat IDJurles, Xenia Herald. Eater Bonnet Eqibl The lo,.al fanl who by them stood acboo. wi her"""SO........ .r m ' , ~e tD • ~t lql. fell w~en ,be .role from -' .. - .. In lace... or defeat. Shoppiq Liat.. N P , are bptt\ ~ til~ Ule .w~lI.'!l "" ~ut , •• ' m. Although sbe ADDED MOYED nOli CLARKSVILLE Ie tlte lower , ~ fC!\QJ a~nlr i~ lro0 b\o ftyer wlildt . . lien ill 'for ..veral weeka she Our coevenation drifte, of coune bODO~~"5"t,~w~oaa==~j~ pepple afe 10 "cd to ... ball the YO.... .. 110" recaovulng....... DaviA, w h o . . . IIr, J__ Hu. fllllal lw To 1fterita of th aport, _" ~'~ ., to JO 'rjtlll ttM We ba" laM. ta· ee1tthnted ber teind birthda, OwID« to uot y. AacI woa'" h,. with bl.,. "'1I1M1ry te • 1aUl aUll' the . . . . .. I', llYn with her two of ..... aft II.... I ' _ _,~
Whole Number 6059
MAR H 29, ]933
a.l m.
Peck's Food Sh To Make Real H."t
Grange Program F or April 1st
Centenar."an ,lnJ"ured At Home in Xenia
NEWS GLEAN 0 Existed in W avne ~ ownship for }' ears FROM cnu I HOUSE
7he Little Red, District ItiSchool as it
The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-La!
Comm on .Pleas roce.din ••. (ttl' theil' ~ I'\·ic('~. HalTY CrahulIl Barnprd, Glenna In the case of MUlry Burton ver\\ 0;0 Il1p\,)Yt't1 Il l' junitol' f r th BI'own, EVil I. O'Neall, !lUll 1aynnl'd Weltz, ~u!\t.ln Payne 'l'ho' l' N'('i~l·. incidenhll l o the L~'t1 • h II I nt .2 () pt'r m 01lth. :herillun Throckmorton, Lenora it! made defendant. In ill(( of thl' <!O tnd . WIll' fo r the :-Il'l)h'lUbel' (I, .10. ph Ro ~() 11 W:J l< Anna Ellill, B ssie Grace Uandolph [n thl! cas of Hel E'n S. Robinson new huilding t n Jll ly :!ll c()n~titu - hired to tmll.·pol't pupils at ,2.50 Jesse _ Hart.!o k and Vi ola Mac versu" uh' in PUlnmill, et ut encd IJj · 0(' asion in "UI' ,'mlllun- pet liar. lind upl. Iui()gel WI !> lark. . firmation, dt!(1d arid di~tJ'ibulion. lly nnd thc day WI\:O \\i{ho t d ouhl l.IutI,ol·i.z~d to selee L thC' text lwok. lus~ 0'1 1900...:....E. W. Randolph, In the ca,e of Andt·os Cu. II ('or\lAe f lh J\'I' ate>'\ In thl' hi>;\v/'y t o be used. anti Will. gin'n !luthorit,)r fnllnngel', Howard . henoweth, poration, vcrsus A. . I\:IlIdnty rt'. of " -arn Rvill(' Lotlgt' . ' 0. ](;3 I". [01' allY ncce~ ary (lctio n in tlw fIlrgnrettn Packer, Eliz~beth et Ill, th defendsn t .is given 60 • A. 1I1'J wll 1\(\/1 Iii I' ('1 rh,lrg(' .,.f mutt!'}·. A .1 spl!ria l lilt' ting f OUl' handler, Donna M. Hawke, Effie days addition al time to plead, th' c rl'mClnicl!. I doy. llllol',' ;\I i.. Clara LII W!l$ Moe Lacy, Normal Stilwell, Ben. In the case of Bf'rthn . lI e nry t 1 ::10 p, m . :\ lll'gu Jla rnde 01 ~Illpl()yed to ~ 'I've all a half· ti ml! j lmin lok s Silver, Isabel M. VeTSU $ ' Ji:zl'a M. Henry il tiivul'ce Maso n" furmed in fl'"nt of ~htJ ' tea h r in the hil/:h chool, at n henoweth, Frunk rew, tella was granted plaintiff. 'sts to Tpml'll! on lIt lami . It'eel, Ilnd lead !luJUI'Y of :!5 pC I' mon h. unu Daugherty, Bel'tha Brown, plaJntlff. by th Tllcr of the lo(\)(e and tho I Min rYIl 110rll\I\ (~ ll' s. K. I. Mattie J abella Smith and Anna In the callc of C liffol'd Brown W .'nt'~vil1e band. r!'oClcd d, by. II ugh) \\ os fll t(,(j ~choo l Iib ra- 1-:. Meredith. versus Mr.. Youtlely Sol man WilY f Main . Ir t, tv ttJ!' n w rian. for which 8he 'W~A to r l'ivt' Class of IOOI - H. E-. Corron, judgment to plaintiff f I' $372.02 , ch 10 1 I:roul1dl', \·h 1'1' thl' Grand the sum or ' 2 pt'r nlOnlh . manager, Elmus J. arm ol'lY, For- and c ost!!. Lodge ollie r,; nnd ther dignltll.r- OU1·. to ry i ~ now to ld . The Cal et· el't Taylor, Anna Thomson, Fred The trial of Hen lry 'M e~' l' wa it'S w(,!'e u~her<' d to ~ Ilts (In (\ of lh(' Wayne TOil nship I)istrict Elbon, har lo Taylo1', Helen Mc· et for Mal'ch 24. Bond wa fixed t~ m])Ql lu'Y plat ! 11ll• • Ir, . 1'1 A' If'lch oll l, n$ suth, is onded, and that lure., George D. Taylor,'Virginla at 1500. I locI",!" of Dllytllll, and a member- of theit' u('cc • . or;o, the Wayn,\ . He~s, Anna Wilhelm and Lau/'II In the caRe of F'rank l\lo/'gD n, of ::;t. J;(.hn Lod't' o. l~, r epr e- , t o\\ n,'hi!) Cent ralized chools, has B. Kibler. admillistratol' of estllt o[ Bm'but.o MJnled the Grand l\fn lltl'l' of Ohiu' IIHll'll ~lI(,C s. ful ly launched. Ma·." Class of 1902- Hattie O'Neall, M .1 •• vel U" A W ,QJ'gnn, ueCCllseu, ·S , ; . • Illl" ;:;·rved in his s tead on thiA O C., th prc ent :lyst m long continuer mannger, Be . ie Hill and Ronald Adams, the ve rdi(. t hel'etofore cosion. The .Miami Gazette Ilys t o !louril'h, an d to )trow in effect- Ha\ kef rl'ndOlred L hereby 'vacated and a iha 75 Mason s 1'I111rt'hed in the ivencfi", and in general un fulnesB las. of 1903- Mary Pugh. new trial is ordered. parade. to the eo trlu)unity. Let us clo e our manager, Martha E. urtis, J . In the' case fo The Citizens - lt l.'r the audi ne h ad ung na rrative with a Ii t of the Box- Raymond Marlatt and Ethel L. Building Loan and Savings As od ~ 1 "Amerit'o," the invocation was pm well graduat s from 1 90 to 1905. ·toke. ation \IeI' U8 F. G. Hillenlwond, et 'eased, was admitted t o probate. Helen Doughnlun, St; l'\'iccs, $7; Subscribe ' for the Miami Gazette. nounced by the Deputy G1'and inclusive, having been unable to lasa of 1904- Ruth A. Chan- al. Judgm nt to plaintiff' for James R. Brannock was appointe~ harle Hobson, supplies; 10 ; hnplain, Rev. John F. Cadwal- obtain II 1'0 ter of th later Is dler, managcr, Edna S. mlth, $2733.57. executor, no bond requited. H. R. lark ounty anut(ll'lu m, care of lader and the officers 'Of the Grand In of 1 91 - It . J . W . Ward Erma tokell, Mary Ellen Strawn, III the case of Colml Pulv rzone Show , W. A. Swartzel and R. F. patient, $196; ~ I'~. Wil) Bryan, Lotlg~ proceeded with the J'itualis- managcr, O~pha armony, Wel- Trena M. Cornell, Flora B rryhill, Corporation versus Miami Valley Ballinger wel'e appointed upprais. servjce ,~10; tella Kelly servic s ie ceT mony inci~ ntaJ to 1aying lington . mith. Herbert orron, , Mary Lena Gray, Bertha E. Smith oated Papel' 0., the plaintiff' ill ! [S. ~10; Gllol'gia Miller, servit' s, $lO; the ston . The following articles L<ittie Duke, Leora mith. Isabel and arrie Roberson. authorized to amend its amended I Emma Crosson, guardian of Non'ow Whitaker, services $5; were placed in a metal box, which Pratel', ora Frazier, Iyde Hor- I Class of 1905- . A. Brown, p tition. MOtion of defendunt is ' Edith Crosson and Hal'old Crosson J.1rA. Howard Sawyer, aervices, $7; was sealed and plac d in the ner, Emma o'm ford, Ro a ReedEll, manager, Alfred D. Hawke and overruled. The defendant i grant- minor, filed her third account. . Julia HolJand, R rvi es, $10; Offic ccnler flf the stone: A record of Jane Clark, FI r n e 'Iark, Mary Lee E. Earnhart. ed 20 day additionall tinle to plead I John H. Bean, xecutor of'MllfY OutfHter!!, uppli , $1; Franklin 'the proceedings of lhe board P l' Franey, Etta Kilbon, Julia Kilbon (The End) : A. Bean, deceased, filed hi inven. Chl'onicle, pl'Oof of publicution, 6 laining to the adoption of en- and ' Walter Kilb on. PrOht. Court I t ory. Bell Pre s, 400 receipb :for r ecordtralization, the ale of th bonds, la.s of }. 92- Marinnna bund 'l'he administrator of the est at Alfred Watkins was appointed cr, $2.50; Th Book Shop, . upplies iaTgar t Hisey, If'...... 01 William C. Welch lIccensed is appraiser of e tate of P rry Moncc 4; The Book hop, supplies, $]; and the awarding of contract fa I r, manageJ', the building; the names ot the Thoma Rogers, Hattie B. O'Neall ordered to s.· ell certain .per o'nal d cen 'ed, in place o"f Fred Mum. John ·ton & Johu ton, I bor and chief officers of our Nation, tate, Eli Crew, Elva • f aon', Samuel If, ,...... It t. material, 2.35; The Book hop, . II property for mterest of aId estate me~ . . County, Town hip and Town; the D. Henkle, Edward L. Bergda . The will of Bessie Colman de· ElVIS H. Young was appomted upp)ics, (lOCi A. himet, ~upplics, names of the members of both fhe anll Walter Henkle. Increased income for the state cea ed was filed in court. ' appraisel'~ of estat of Malina Buf 3; William HUtfOI'd, stamp~, .Township and County Board 01 -l ass of 1893- Annie U. Browll, and r~ief ~or thousands of Ohio Th~' Lebanon-Citizens Na ti a 1'1.9.1 t!nger, deceased, in plo('c of llal'l'y $1.GO; J ohnso n-Wauon ., !.IUpPhone 78J Education; the names oC the Town- manager, Earl Evan, ' Lottie moton til will .resu~t from enact· tBank and TrQst Co., trustee of ea- Mayne. plies, $3; William hotwell, s rvship and County SUJlerintendent~ Antram , Clifton Burnett, Frank E:. ment 0.1 the bin, mtroduced re- ' tate Bert Drake, deceased, filed ice., $20; P. S. Maxwell, planning and the teachers employed to teach Thomas and Ethan Mather. cently lD the Ceneral Assembl)" .to I its firllt account. New Suit. building and erecting gun case, duringthwt I'm o~ 1915·16i names la s of ~.il~-Wa~ler ~:,kl::, cha~ge t~e date , of automo~lle. The wl1\ of Mortc.n Van Doren Ryma n Ertle and Anna Ertel $](1; J. W. Davis. pay roll, $90; HU!g1NcA of the ayne Ville po tmastet", manager, I lam. ea , t glStl'atlon to June lat, accordmg , decealed was admitl'«.>d to prOba te' versus Robert Kratzer anti FJ'Cd W. P . Me at'aon, garnge rllnt, $10; Postal employees and 'fura) car- L llcy Et/lel FOlllka, Ethel Kate to a' statement toda" b" E. V. ' ' . Smal't'M Garage gas, $~.78; McCoy FISHING V E Ad a h E . S iera, l Lu Iu CI U)t- Weber, President .01 , , ,the Ohio Clara t B.I Van Doren was. appointed C. Unl WeIln e.r. PetitionLif for injunction riara; a copy of the Cincinnati vans, e b d d J ' on National Insuranc Oil Co., oil and .glll!, $UI3.83; W. Enquu ' er for that day', a copy of ton, R oy Chenowelh and Robert Petroleum Uarkete- A-~ociatl· o n. execurr x, no on !'equlre. esse A H I' $2726 W B ' .., the registration .0 ~ . llUBC, les, Le,~ill .: . . the latest edition of The Miami ' Hun t . Advancin" date Roselle, W. C. Manning and Will Co. versus Elizabeth A. Gough . and Loy, s tone, sup" ,71.2&; & Drake IlI "1 f 1895 C A A t'lt " R oss were appointed appraisel'S. Joseph J. Gough, for money, foreGazette; a copy of tb41 loe '-' 1.1119 0 •• • us 1 , beyond the holidays and the turn A D H I ltd I d ' t bl I' f runc .• (' ement, $11.76. bb I r ene of the year, when people generally nna . orme WIlS IlPpO n e e osur an equi a e re Ie • .Me onic calendar f or the. years /manager, D e11 a G Ions, _~_ f B th Ell D . J h .. administratrix of E~8tate 01 Eva Mal'Y Louisc Pierson, by her 1886 and 1916 ; a report 0'1 the ur ace" er a en IIVl!l, 0 n are burdened with extra expe nses, . . lU b "Op dinancid condition of the Wayn e -' p. C ummmgs, ma e I B urne t, w ould keep a g reat m,a ny enrs in H ormell, deceased lind filed bond fathcr, Carl D. Cro thwalte vel' us .' .& ...... M - P h B . C k V· t with ! ureties. W. C" Pence, Char- William Pier. on, 'R minor, for anville National Bank; a con~ctiQn of amle u~, essIe 00, I";cen us~ during the . wInter .mon~hs, les Fitts and Raymon d Montgo m- oulment of marriage, restoration W':arren Countv. views of Waynesvillej a history of Edward LIttle and Mabel BaIrd. ":?Jch aTe .now laId up untl~ sprmg ery were appointed appr aisers. 01 muide n name anti othcr I'eli f. HUNTING Sb~:" Marys EfPi3COtPbal chwurch; an~lla j n,anlaag6eSrOfLI~z8z!)I'e6-ThTohmomasasF'~!~~r:~ Thhe aefJotubsness 0d! t~e sltufatiohn . The inventory CIf Elmer E. Carmen Jefl'ery versus NorD & FISHING l ...ory 0 e aynesvi e , " bot rom e stan p~lInt. 0 t e Evans, admintstrato:r of estate of J efl'e1'Y for divorce. n ., Q ... Methodist Episcopal church. f· Frazee, GeOl'ge J. He , Sarah State and thc motoTlst~ IS shown Emma Z. Evans, deceased, wall ap. ~~:.6';;~':;::~~Wtg,~: After the cornerstone had been Burnett, Adah Lamb , Ernest W. by what ha happene~, In t:be laat proved by court. ~~:j,D~~!'" ca,':~~~IU~ pl"operly laid, Grand Ma ter Ploch- , Randolph, Addll Thol]las, Lida two or three y ears, saId Mr. A. T. Rettl'g, adm,'ni trator of es, Maria,. Lienee. The crop acreage in Warren. ;~~;'~~~~1~':8'~~~,.,~~! er, who of eourBe 'Was acting as Hunt, George Throckmorton, Ruth W b Jacob J. Vanderbrink, Jr. factory county this yellr will be on n ••. Ii';",. I ... dl: ... ,,,... master of ceremonietl. very happily I bll ndler, Lu(!y Sears and Earl "One~anuary I, 1932, there were tate of A~lce C..Mc~arland, dccea,s worker, of Lebanon, and Mi s Ro e a vemge 2 per cent lower than it :::- \0 I.UI&I> introduced the Hon Dean E. Randolph. . 600.000 cars in Ohio that were not ed tiled hlB apphcatJ()n for a certl. 10larlll Dunham, factory worker of was in 1932, according to Fred L. , Stanley of Leban on. Mr. lanley CIa ot 1897- Eh Crew, man- registered and on April 1st a' total ficate of transfer of real estate. Lebanon. ho&nbergel', sccretllry of the deU.ert!d a most e~ceUent addres ager, John E. Ch~noweth ~r'J of 259,000 cars were still standing The will of John W. Phillips, deI Ohio Dairy Products Ass ciation, '~oR~~:J~;~-:;i ~I on educational subjects. . Florence ~Iurray, Clifford Smlt!I, idle in garages without license ceased, was admitteil to court. Real E.t.te T,=anlfers Columbus, who based his estimate fi~J we uliUt1)llcj ) OU August 2 the contractors were Ethel WllJtakel', Harvey Rye, R ut.h plate The result \Vas that the Maurice H. Oswald was appointMarie Leder to The Cincinnati n ederal and state cro\) r por~ ordered to ~se pTessed brick in Smith, Ernest Burgess, J essie 1\1 . sate 'ost an es Imaee $700000 In . statl! of Mllr y Holz & Suburban Bell Telephone Co., and o n information 0 ained from place of com mon brick in facin g Foulks J esse Smith MaTianna). f d t'" .'1 000 1m deceased, nnd ilHed bond of ' . ' lccnse ees an more nan., ,- $1800 ' th t', H M the use of real estate in Hamilton o'ther ~.ources. ManuJ' Ia'ctors, I'n' , the rear wall of the new building Packer, lar~nce Rye, Mmnie OQO in gasoline tues over that I WI sure le,l. any ur. towns hip, eluding t he weather, will detcl'at an extra cost of $400. Duke. and Whitten Randolph. period. phy, G,F. !l~o.~n and ~\K _ B1'own harles and Hazel A. Miller; mIne th", ' size of the crops finally Two 10-foot nnd onc 12 -~00t Class of 1898- . D. R enkle, The arne conditions are continu weCre a PPOIn' e I a~p.rals rs. . f Leth n Henderson et al M Rand hBl'vested. There will be, it i school hack - were purcha!l d from manager, J es e P. Thomas, Martha . h ar Ies S. • th · I IJ ' f 1932 th In , guar dJa.n 0 u " • • W f D 1 L O'N II R dEl H ttl mg 18 year. n a 0 e Ann L Smltb mcomneten t IS or Norma B. Phillips, L. C. and India e timated, a 3 per cent decrease -the Delphi Wagon orks, 0 e -. ea, aymon ag e, a e number of acrs registered in Obio d d t ttl' t ' .. 't Guttery to the Cincinnati Glls & in (lorn, 7 pel' cent in oatsJ 4 per ph.i, Ind ., at a pecial meeting on 1\1. E,lIis, Fred Bar nard: Bessie was 1,646,095, but on Januar¥ 6 , s:f: waor~,e e. cer all~ accoun 0 Electric' Co., the use of 1'eal estate aent in ha', 2 per cent in burley August 13 the aggregate COFlt HamIlton, Ernest Dallln, ue 1933 only 902473 cars had been 1 / . U. t h' f I'n and 3 pel' ~ent in tohacc o. There e .. HUNTING "moun~J'ng 'to $566 L Nic" olson, Thackel'll, ' Carl Hesll Mary E. regl'stcred ' The will of Hattii~! C. Leach, de- , m A ndlon oW~Ws Ip Ol't I A '11 b ' f • t .,. ',r ..,' h' d J • "'D'IJ ' d d ·t.... d t . b t n erson e ter 0 merlcn WI e an lncreas 0 ,. pel' cen l!. nSHING essIe I . "This failure of owners to reg- cease, was a ml "'" 0 PIO, a e. Westex real e tllte in I arcl'eek in pot.lltoes and 20 per cent in H. E. Earnhart and John T ewell T ompson lin were hired to fu,rnish teams an d C lass of 1899-EIJa B. Keys, ister their cars at the beginning Walter E , Sears W88 a ppo lntcd t t h' soybeans. Allowance is made. in franelt Bldg. URe the c hacks, receiving $50, $60 manager, Edward Hartsock, of the year is only partly dlle to executor, no bond r equired. Ed- o~~~ Ip·C . M F I d I d arriving at this ' estimate, for the ~oeton. M ••• and !t$46 per month respectively, Martha E. Simpso n, Mabel Irefla wea"h"r condl' tl'ons as I'ndlcated b" ward H. Gloeckler, Charles M. t J ICFc M' F c ar an , I ( ectetlll!e., usua l difference between the i d ,1'ea es a e 10 aCJ'eage planned by farmers and - - - - - .- -- 'f , the t hat Fitt8 and Erwin Blinn were 'a p - ; 'kl" t e of gasoline in December is 15 pel'- po~~ed ailPIPrafiSMers. Zi r;~e ;ir8~~:ti-;;~al Bank ot Mor. the acr eage finally harvest'ed. Tl)at cent J1'eater than in Jan\lary. d e ; : 0 fil~r:~ m~erman, row to John and Nora E. Va:nder- dlliry producls continue to h old Chiefly, it is the result bf t he fact ec;;:s " I~a~ E~ ' ]nFP~ a~. d vort l'cal estate in Morrow. their place as the most nece BaTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ that the licenlile date on January 1 ~ WI ~I d IllC 'rt 00, eA ~na D Stevenso n to Carl and economical of foods, also wa LOST imposes too seve.re a financial bUT- ceaVse , wMas He. n COdU . '. t trl Scheel1ma~n, 220. 33 acre s in Ham- reported . by Mr. Shoenberger, a den up on many people at a time eTa. BFl'lIl,:a ml~JB ra x. Hton tow nship. sufficient supply of milk and butter , Old eSfita ted °hf E~a A·tHarns, deceasCanie Fry to Grlll!1) Marie Fry, being the fust (onside1'ation ()f LOST- A brown leather pUT e wh.en expenses are at the peak. There is a widespread movement e, le er mven ory. I tat . S . g b virtually every family, while the I from car between Lebo non and in other atates to chanll'e the motor The inventory of George E . reaJ eSF eM tnF PI rJnd to r oJ' L consumption 0'1 icc cream as a Waynesville, Sunday evening. 'l' Young of Gross, . ' .real c eattate an am . f oo d, as ,Jell as a dcssert, I'S stead- I Valued ua~ keep ake. 'FlndeF ear r(lgistration date and w h e.re it L tl K' administrat() B It 'd •r ~te d in0 Frno.1din" has been done the results have y e . e z, eCI_ase, was ap- t h' ily gl·owi ng . In this connection, please rc IIrn to this office or ad beneficia] In Ohio the change proved by the court. oWWn~ll}p· H B kl to "'Iadge Mr. Sl)oenb erger ~'eported that the dr ss in purse and receive re.. H Z G . t d " .a 6 undel' the bill .as introduced would arry. ray was IIppom e Byrd.I lam 10.58 . ee ey in Deet'fteld milk p1'oduction per cow, on the Will"d • become effective in 1934.. guardian. of DorothJ7 L. Mounts t hi a(:res average. the first of March, \VIIS and Wilham T. MO~tnt8, minors. owns p. ' . unusually low, the production -- - .. Arabel Dinwiddie, executrix of Edwllfd N. Co, 1.lms to T~omas J. b' 1277 I f Ik FOR SALE estate of W. H. Dinwiddie, deceas- Furm~n and .Ahce Furma~ , 160 c::,ga d~clin:oo~n~sp~r ~!ntP:~ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ad fiJed her eighth account. aCres In Washmgton t ownship. compared with March 1 a year ago FOR SALE- A gl'ay mare, 11 . HI ' d Albert administrator Clo8.M. Seth Cook years old. Inquire of Rhodes Earl and Kathel'!ne 0 Ian spent f t t B 'fTalmage Ad ' L G d Nos. andCook 7 intoWayne ville . inlot.~ Th'ts year's output per cow was the week-end With friends near 0 es a e 0 man 8 1 • arneI', e F ran k H W,),I · C also the lowest March 1 average Bunnell. R. D. 2. m2 9 Blanchetter. . ee!lsed, filed his inv.mtory. H rt t larlte73r67to Iii amU i . since 1925. The decline was due to " Clara B. Van Doren, executrix a er.e a, . acres n n on tb d 'tf FOR SALEJ.-Maple lIyt'up. Flora The many fTiends of "-:alter of eltate of Morton Van D()ren, de township. . . wea er con lone, Be rryhill. -a6 Lack~y are rlad to know he II r .. ce..,d, Gled her inv.,ntoiy. Harry T. Hough and Lizzie R. • __ COVel'lnlr nicely :trom an operation The will ot Perry Monee de. Hough to Lawrence C. Hough and In the good old days the town at Christ hospital, Cincinnati, last cealed, waa admitted to probate. , Mary Alic6~ough, real esta.te in banker was gre~te d with much awe WAN~ED ~aturday. John R Coffman 'WIII appointed Massie town.ship. I Now be Is apt to be greeted :with Miss Helen Lackey, of ~enia, ill executo; alld flledJo bond of $1500 ' Florence Snider to ~rene "haw, haw." WILL TRADE- Past du e sub. IIpendlng I few weeks with her with 8ureties. Z, O. Worley, Wi!- real estate In Deerfield scriptions for rough wood. aunt, W• VR h Uam Corwin find F'red Mummert SU .. Allowed In 1917 Americans faced a WANTED--To buy all kinds of ' LaECk;Y, M . Mr. tan ra. • . onea, w 0 were appointed appraisers. 'toreign :toQ and ",:on. If they are chickenll, paying highest.market are both critically lIl, ~re ImThe will of T. B. Brannock, deThe Book Shop, supplies, '9; defeated now It WIll be by a fore- , price, S. D. Henkle Waynesville "'!'!'!!!!!~!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!". dence ign toe but by their lack of confl-I Ohio, ' . provina- slowly. -Mn. C. D. Miara II confined to - - - tn themselves. her home suffering frqm a larae ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF abscesll on her shOUlder. WAYNESVILLE, WARREN COUNTY, OHIO Misses Myra Haydock and Ru.by Smith were guests at an announce· For tbe IFhc:al Year Eltell .., December 31, 1932 ment party given by Miss Dorothy Poplilatioll j 1930 c.~u. , 897 Oonard in Middletown, Tuesday Wa:Yllesville, Ohio, January 9, 1931J aveninr at which M~ Conard anr hereby ce:rt1fy the foll Owing report to be correct nounced her app1'oaching marriare R. F, HATFIELD, to Mr. Ivan Pettijoh, of RicJareville Vmag!! Clerk. Indiana. S·Il..... ' of .FUDeI SalaDc••, Receipt. altd E.~Dct.it...... Rev. M. Kilmer, of Wutboro, Balane, Receipts Expendi- B.lance Jan. t ture. Dec, 8 filled the pulpit of the M. E. church on SlInday, the pastor, Rev IGenenLI Funds . ,2,428.60 $4,075.68 $4,978.16 ,1,52 , ,, 1,006.28 2,222.16 1,986.76 1,24" J. O. Kilmer being In. (Mentionin, thi. ad. ) 1,387.5D 180.00 952.88 614.67 Mr. and M.nI, Geo1'8e Bfte Ita,ve 137,93 13'7.88 moved to the farm they recently purehaled, near Jamestown. Mr. Totala of aU Funds and Mrs. J, A. COMer have mowd (<llerk) ............ " ..... S4,887,71 S7,01l0.44 To $8,Oa5~'74 to the propert, the, parchaaed ot OutetaQdinl' Warranbl .... .. . , 41.4'7 TreaRrer'. Cub balance '" Geo. Bite. sa,127.21 Kr. and Mra. Forrest Smith and lon-;-Taek, of 'Columba, tPeJlt the '3,127.21 ",.ek-end with their pu,n, lIr. ~ and Mn. W. C. Smlttl. .. ,...• 880.00 . ................. ..,. . 1,29'7.00
no ,n:R
F. ·f. Martin Auctioneer
Automobr.'e LI·cen.. Sa'e alay be Chan aed
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
CAL veraae e •• '
T·l..f". Pre"ent YFar
&1>(1 ,_"
aver~ge consu!nPtio~
------- ~
for the next live months of
New . Burlington
Atlantle ' Monthly
Make the most of your reading hours, .Enjoy the wit, the wisdom, the companionship, the charm ' that have made the Atlantic,1 for seventy-fi ve years, America's most quoted and most cherished magaZlne.
S ••d $1.00
Til. Atl••tle
PllbU.her SlIb.crlptloD Price, '1.10 a YHr . ... No. tt2 I';nter d &t Po.tottlc. at Wayne.· ville. Ohlu, Second Cia .. Vall . ,. ,... ... N o. ttl MattBr I
Dentist- " Do yuu paste'?" Freshman- "NlI Bi r, aren't loose.
Mr., J •••I. B. Tripp
tooth I st. Mal'c ht>r - lIad any luck todllY, Pal? I,'cth :lrJ Ditt \I' (J ju~t a coup le:' O' hande/uls and Un (lIfe I' (If wlIrk.
Delln- So you'r back in sc hool Have you ever nfltice d the neat "J rry ain't 1lI11ch Cl f U farmer. J thought that I exp li ed you la st MARCH 29, 1933 For the bl'ight and morning star diHllny eJ f lJiru housel\ and bird ['m afraid." . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN we k? . "Na~v, he k' ps f 01111' 're,und "our Cattle, hop, sbee'p alld cal".. And I s(!e th dllwn approaching feedl,ts in the !<ide window at the tartYou elid, but ~l()n't let Up With hIS crup~ ~o much he d,m 't to Norna-Brock Co. live win'" ---Thl'?ugh th' gates that !<umu front of Walter IIl1d Sarah .l!:lz y'ti it happen again because dad wlIs hlllf tend to hi>:! fillin' ~t otion ."- proa-ressive flrm fo~ til. II.Jllr. lilt! home on Main street ? And plenty gore. Pathfinder. market prices and !rood II .. - - --h"n;;-;r-;;m""y;';""1co"""""ihrne ther appmrnt'h, have you ev 'I' !>tllJlpled t o consider Union Stock Yllnlt' Cincia_11 O. )n working a mal'e befol'e foalU Wll S announced in the new!! dispatches the other day that. Pres iClothed in ;lIiment, ~h, so ","hitc Ith brllve, optimistic sLrul('gle ne in on Radio Station W"J[T WHey- Fredel' ick, cun ~. II t-n ing time eJCl' I'ience has shown me whel'e you wel'(' in l!l20'/ del'\t Roo~evelt, in hi effort for fa"m relief would leek a wol'1d agree· And 1 hear hi , ~oft vOIce saymg. 12 :25 ~o 12 ::30 p. m. tor our daft, 1", 'nt for cudailing the pl'oduction or wheat. It is stated that the plan, Come delll' with me in th light agaInst III h alth th!lt IS rcprese nt . thl'ee thing~ should be avoided : market repoTtl. . Frederick- No. Whv1 l)ulling too hard, baCking heavy . Wifey- W ell, l 'm wo·rl'il"tI. 1 j~l,.t ('d by the display? uroa dly spank ing, is to set flxed quotas of wheat for the great w h e a t ' loads, and wadillg thl'o ugh lICt' \l r ad that in I !!l:W line p 'l'selO out 1'1'0dueing countl'i s, the United tates, Canada, Argentina, Russia Hi C:~~: ;~ic~'le~~" A;~~~~ w~~~d~~: ~v rybody i~ the commu nity mUd. tlllel the Balkan countries, Th qJlota 80 fa T' as Ru ssia is concerned c lime' ; knows ;tnd admi re Wal~er and of every 760 in thi. ~I'untry w a \ uul d be merely an academic issue for the present, as wheat produc. Gentl e a an t' e ning zcphe l' arah we u!led t o (:11.11 h r 51111y) How do you te!lt th(l tempel'Btu re in prison. tion has fallen off in thnt countl'Y lind the soviet government has little And it ringR ' 11 iih joy llivin • More than thirty years ago, Walt r of a bilby' bath? Fenting llff a few acre~ (\ r pa sYou fill the tub with wtltC'r and I' none fOI' export. , began cl rking in L. A. ZimmeJ'ture and tL'eating lhl! 'nclo l' cI put the baby in it. if the baby There can be no criticizing this move on the part 01 the President Near him lit nd R the Hol y hep- mall's IP'ocery and conti nued th~re WAYNESVILLE, OHIO with 300 pound8 an IIcrt:! o r herd f or a quarter 0{ a century, or unt.il turns l:ed, it's too hot; it the baby 1t is und oubtedly tJ'ue that we have a world-wide over-production of Phone 80 Bank Blclr. fertilizc r in late March I' 10-6-4 And he call" me to hig rold; L d' d f L. b tUrns purple ' , it's too cold; and if " ·heat. Like a ~I'eat many of our othel' distu rbing conditions, this dates He gives me hi love lind ble. s ing awty lepose 0 t"e u sines~; early April, is bel;omin(! a papu lar th baby tumR white, it needeel a back to the World War, whon the wheat .. then he 1111 went·the to sehelpyears Ralph Walter Smith. far m practic e of dairym en. rt cut~ .. rowing nations, sti mulated Fl'om His h eart of PU I'C!!t go 11( . During bath. feed costs by producing pastur\) hy Mg crop Pt'oPIl~8nda, and big pI'ices, greatly Increased the output "u l'ely missed a day fl'o nl hI' post f h t S'"lce th e c I o~c 0! t h C WUI' t.h e world has been unable to go t And I long to Ito (iH'llVcr Bal'bi>r- "Your hait· n cd s cut- allout 10 days earl ier than clo ~ ~oll (I w en. G I' of dllty. From cllrl. , ,, m"l'll ' l ng tl'll From the dSI'kness, to ill S ' v unaided. back t th e old basis of wheut production. . late at night · he met his friend. ti n!\, badly." light; Pllll'on- "NQ, it doe n't; it Thll tatement from WaKhington add that the United Statell itself Thus renouncing every error and customers, ever with a bright will take th jnitative and reduce its productioll of wheat if the farm That my spirit growth would mile, a cheery word and a helping needs cutLing nicely. You eut it badly the last time ." relief leg islati on, ask d by the President, is passed by Congress. This I blight. hand. And all t hjs time, Sally- beg 30 YeaI'll Experience fD i undoubt~dly a ste}:J in th I'ight direction and an important one, so ' , pardon! we mean Sarah - was Fitting and Makin'" 0'----. oils are usually of the right • ..... 1'81' liS the wheat farmel'~ of America are concerned. The tariff on, F or Go.d 'S I(I V 18 won d r ous, t rave I'tng l'f' I e s pa t""way CIOBe by W. Ha.,. a Complete Wetch "d d' t If' temperature, and moisl nough R ' h ' heat is ~cne1'ally indf(' tive in the United States becau se our farmers I J PfjrlecloluIS"t I IS . I en ea rmg lerse Just a s for g DOd healing of potato seed .peir Sen'C!e S l1lisc enough wheat ./01' domestic requirements and con iderably more A dt h' ls a em!llenSlbY; dl surely to all with whom they came piece!!. Tests have proven that cut. And use only genuine materials. LeballOn, ...... 10 ' " I n ]s mercy IS so oun ess, In contact. Crystals fitted while you wait. v .. f or ~xpor t ,so th lit t he el )109 pl'lce I determined i~ the ;world market. It Ill sts through e-ter-ni-ty. But about a couplea of years ago ting and in:rmediately planting i, a Tue.~y, Thunday, 5atarcler Hut It our farm ers could by some so und method, be Induced to regulate disa tel' str uck this happy hom. good pl'actlce. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Euminalion F.... ' t h(.'i J· \Vhel'll S() that JJroductio n in the United State8 would be on the Walter WIlS strickenl, first by ac- I A B'Ostonian-w-a-s-h-o . . 't I Lebanon, Ohio LEBANON, OHIO hnsis of ' domestic consumption, there would be an entire ly different arveya urg eiu enl and then by sickness, and illg Briton around "T:l~~ ~ VI~I - I Store Open Evenin~ IIII!I. . . . . . . . . . .. . t " .)1 to tell. The protective tadff de signed fOI" wheat would immedif or months was confined ·t o his bed Hill mon e ' 1,8 Ii un er :-----------..;;.-_~, ;Itely become effective li nd prices would go up 0 that the average The annual inspection of lhe in 8 huly erious condition. I fell ou k~mwnIl whele Warren ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! fUl'm!.'r would make. III re than h dl'd ,vhen he '''as ralS' 1'0." a larger Arop local challter of Eastern Star was I r' inlllly, med ical sktll and Sarah's 'T'hYe vi' ito . d th I ! '--.- FOR • ~ h eld 10 ' tL.lie an d· t· ·1 care, got hi m out again, ?ut shaft thoughtlully, !! or 8urveye e 0aid ty: ALE DATES CALL " .. In the (!i1se of wh lit, liS wJth oth er American products, we ought I on~m 0f teh goou and then .. • to get back to the question of1l'0lding the domestic mar)(et first in our school Tuesday evening, The at- the docto] decreed a long pel'1od "Nasty fall! Killed him of c ~ WB. unusua lly lo rge. The of convale ceMe. - Boston Tran 1" t ' our e. ....OTARY PUBLIC .c. timation. After all , the peop le of the Unl'ted tatea., consume about tendance banq1l et wa served by t he Here was another dilemma. sc IP . "Daddy, a boy at school today NatiaDal a_k ninety p r cent of what i produced in our country and consideration Ladie ' Aid of the M. E, church. The days see med never ending: d the home market should come first T.his does not mean that we Mr. and MI' , William Doster are idleness and inao~'~ity weighed told me I looked just like you." Wille DraWII •• Edate. S.ttl.d sllo uld neglect the foreign lrade OP I)Ortunities which may come to us. the proud pArents of a so n, Daniel heavily upon the IlholLllders of such HAnd what did you say, son?" WAYNESVILLE. OHIO It only signifies that we ought . not gamble with or jeopardi e a grea.t Joseph. Mrs. Doster was before her an el1ergetic, am\lltlOU 8 man. "Nothinc, he was bigger'n me," home mark t in th e expectation ,that we might get &omething fal-t.her marriage, Miss Esther Undet'\vood Naturally, his thoughts tUl'ned to JESSE STANLEY - -away, onlething whith might indeed n ot materialize at all. elde t da.l1ghter<Jt Mr. and Mrs. his little collection of carpenter About one :farmer in a hundJ'ed - - - -- - •• _,_. , Pho.. 11 320, New a.rU•• to., OW. D. B. Underwood, tools, in whOle use. he is quite in Ohio, candles his eggs at the .EARL KOOOLER Misses Mabel and Mal'garet proficient, and to thE! manufactlll'e farm to determine internal quality Starr, or Dayton, were hel'e Sun- llf toys fol' his little ~~randdaughter bei()re selling them. These, u8ually DaytoD Pbo.e Then he thought of hi8 feathered are poultrymen who are developDirector Fu.eraJ Senic. day with their motheT, Mrs. KEnmore "M friends, the birds, and be.c ame in- Inc a direc~to-the-cusomer Amanda Starr, terested in, making nesting houses market tor the.ir poultry products. Qur convenient location, lIulta......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . - - - - - ' Martha Ashley wa an overnight feeding trays lor them . BI Sh A guest Th\lrsday of Mode na Powell andFriends ble 8urroundings and equipment 8:00 Music lIaw and ladmired th se g ot lumnus: "A long all enables Ul! to Serve t.o the Best ....... , '" .. C. W. Gay Mr, and Mrs. W. Walker, hou ses, bought one or two, and the various branches of collegiate 8:05 Stocking Our Pasture ................ C, M. McClure Patsy Lou and Jimmy, of Day- . ujZge ted that more be made for lootball, »aasing, I think, develop :16 pring alld ummel' Lawn are Advantage. 8:25 Music a man most." ton, were gue ts unday of their lIale. Each pleased customer (and . ... .. :40 Ohio' lIorse hbl'tage . . , L. P. McCann parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Ken- all were pleased) told his friends, Another Ditto: ". , , . A nd in AMBULANCE SERVICE :(; 0 Ohio's Opportunity in Poultry Marketing ..... L, A, TayloT nedy. and they in turn told others. what form of passing were Ohio Farm Bureau P..... 2t Way •• 01.;0 tyle J<'oreca ts and Flgur s Mt . Bertha Everhart The repJ'esentative of our sch ool Walter wall tlnally irlduced to dis- particularly adept?" 1) :00 Music in the oratorical contest went to play hi Wa'l'e8 in the front window B, S. A.: "The buck." !):10 T, H. Parks Lebanon Friday afternoon for the 9:26 Pl'SY ervlce for th Orchard now orders ar,e coming in ==~======:-=========~_ ~-=~~ ~--::~=====~...:;== =-:-~=-===:=~~;; . H. D. Brown contest. Members of the all-county and 0:35 Fertilizer Practice for ~he Gardener quite nicely, thank you, -- ~ . ,.. ..... ........ A. W, Dean orchestra were also in attendance, 9 :46 ontrol in Pullorum Diseas y cs, Walter intends to be back Saturday, April 'I, 8 to 8 :30 p. m. Robert Gordon i reported im- on the job in Smith's grocery when April Nature Brids .R . E. Eswine proving but is not able fOI' school sufficient heal th and :strength shall At Unc le Tom 's ahin ..................... . R., B. Tom yet. have returned, but. until that time MT, and Mrs. Earl line vioited he is qu itc busily and happily his grand mother, Mrs. Clara Mer- enl!.'aged in his little fac ory at ,..-----~---------"---------------; ritt, Friday evening. Mrs. Merritt h me. And Sarah? Well, aU her is making slow improvement/·rom friends know th8t shE: just radiates her recen t severe iIIne s. joy whenever Walter is happy. =========--=======================~
1 am waiting, alll1 I'm .watching
========-================-====--= The Wheat Problem
I ..
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
C 'J I Sh ary ewe ry op
Stanley &Koogler ..
F~rm Night 1 alks, April 3
t. ·
UC loneers
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio Stat~ Ca.pitol -l1~M;.:t~~~
Du~y, }y1~~~ca
Starr, of Blanchester, called on All state departments have been !'frs. A~and~ tllTr Frida~. . COLUMBUS - With hundreds A dlstressmg autom obIle ,acclof bill yet to be c~n8idered moved into the new Office building members of the General AlISembly in Front street and the sevenl dent occllrred near the Chnton have opened the tbrottle a little thousand state employes are county Ii lie on .Route 73 about 1 more and are speediilg up belol'e a mighty proud of their new home. a. m. Sur;day when a CheVT?let Th.n Fe.blon, several weeks recel!S is declared, AU twelve "oon aJ'e occupied and CO~lpe With four occupa~ts sldewhich will pas ibly happen at the busin~ ill beh', con4ucted as SWiped a truck loaded WIth coal. In Choo.inc Spri •• Carend of the present week. The rules usual. The north a3d 80!'tfi ap- ~he coup~ t~rned over. seve!al proachell to the building first attimes, the dnver was kIlled 10M_h, .. Ad.,iC!1I committee of both houses bave arranged many bills '(01: considera- tracted 'attention Oil .ccoun~ eli st~ntly .a,!d ~he othe; occupants retion by placing tbem on the the marvelous mallner In . which cel~ed lnJurJes which were not Don't pay too close attentiotl to calender, but it is a safe bet that they are laid out but it Is the firllt SjlrfO'-1s, 'rhe. occupants 01 the truck the Ohio siate~men will still be in or ground floor that receives the were not inJ ured but the truck was Dictator Fashion jn selectiqr garments for street-w~ar ' from session when the month of June most praise. The vast tall columns damaged ~onsiderab ly. with their rich decorations, with - - - .. ~ - - - among the new spring 1~llesl lIui. ' l'olls around. I _ __ ceiling done in MOl!alc, outlying gests Mrs. Bertha Everhart c'o~re~ ing specialist for the Q. l3. U, (1on, The old age pension bill ha been early Ohio Jndlan lore, are truly I All d t' d sider both figure and fal!hiqn, elle recommended fOl' passage by tbe b eau t 'f I U • eeora Ions an Little Seth HoaIs was a visitor at savs enate COlnmittee in charge Cif fixtures throughout the building S ~~ If you are ~hortE!r tlla1'l the same. It was amended however, are in accord with -'t~hc::e.....!!ha::;n:.:.d:::s::..:o~m:.:.:e~-u_jn'"d,Ha;fly_sc...,hKoilofflJ and clJurch Sllnday . es- Itnd famib !tnd ~vetage Ii little lonl~er skirt will so that persons will not become mailS ve structure. .Zi!JI1'i Haines and wife ~alle~ on give added lleigJ\t, but If YQU ~re eligible for pensions . until they Conservation Commissioner Wm Walte,r Wils~m 's Friday ev~nin g. tall/ YO\l <lan ajforq 1;0 Weill' skirts hall havc reached the age of 70 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mit/;h- n tl'j'fie ,,"or·er than I~"e length .."eyear. No person shall receive H. Reinhllrt will shortly plant 25,!' • /. more .t han $25 per month; the 000 side-salmon in Sandusky bay. ener took dinner with ~!lleigh ~reed by the O\lM'en~ fallhiqn, l ' Bogan and wife Thursday. 'fhis liP ring slavell 1If. fashion ~)en8ioning will be administer~d Th e eggs o~ same were hatched l\[jss s Jean F'urnas and Joann mUIl~ wellr their WJist l!nQs !\ m\le by the Department of Wetfare, If by the Ca8ta.hll Trout club and t~e Winfield, of neal' Waynesville; call- lowllr, jl1st ~bpV(l , he ~ps Ql the the bil1 becomes .a law. fingerli."p are now five and SIX ed on Jeannette Wilson Tuesday hips if the), Wtnt to be e'~ot, But incheB In length. The club has also afternuon The Repeal Vote bill has been hatched 100;000 bro~n trout and Mr. and Mrs, Rhoades Bunnell the perllon who is 'lilDIt tn tlJe signed by the Governor. It pro. 100,000 ~teelbead, trout for the and Mrs. Nellie Bunnell were din- waist in prqpor~!on 1>0 ttle rest of COAL'()IL .tovet and L~rn'·oul wicks and vides tor the election of 52 dele- Conl\ervabon diVlsion. Arrange. ner guests of Mn. Clara Dunn, of her figllre will 'a pPtl' r ge~~er- pro- " '000 and coal raDR" and aU the work and gates-at-large at t he regular m~nts have been made ' to plant Lebllnon Slltll ltY portioneq if sl!e .~mp"a8izes a rd election in November, who will sit 25,000 of each in the tributaries Mr. a~d Mrs. Walter Wi410n waistltne lJjgher ~tl/l'l her IIQrmal. .we.. ~ and met. alonl wilh 1hem take a lot in a state convenUon early there- of the Upper Cuyahoga in Geauga called OJ) their daugbter Mrs. Mrs, Everhart StlY'!i a ,ooq rule of lOud tilDe every day, You .hould have a after to either ratify or reject reo county, where there are 60 miles p ' 1 p. . ~'I ' to remember if! "Neve, let the peal of the eighteenth amendment. of trout 8treame and 76000 of au eteIson an(l .. ami y, of the waist and Ikirt ot " 4l'e" APpear fflod.,,.'l fuel. You sbould have Rat - real Another banking bill has ~e~n lign each kind will be taken to'the Mad E.Jeazer neighbo1'hood, Saturday equal lit 1(lIj~th i the, s~irt should gWi like thai wbleh Oow. In city mainl. ed by the 'Governor, provldmg for river ' above Sprinfrfleld " where night, . appeAl' tile longer oJ the two." the reorganization 01 closed banks. I' there are 137 miles ~f trout Mr. and Mrs. Arthul: lI"rtman Sleev@8likewi!lelillolllddepend l'yro{'IlX i. ""at ,a••Iored In cylinders and , . streams attended · the funeral of an uncle, lipon jndtvlquJlI )Jro'p ortlons, she deU,·",,,flt 'u "unt..,. homet . Pyrofax burn. DurinII' the recelnl of the oen-I • E~os COJ)ard, at Sprfn&,f\eld on ,a),8. J,Oflg, close 1i't tlna .Ieeves eral AS8embly two joint commit· T d .' Friday, . give tbe appea...n~e ot Ir~.tel' bi • '''8"1a.. lid ran,e. It givei a bot, blue. tees wi1\ work out programa to be 0 ate 46 biDe paued by the Charlee ShepheJ.'d and family height and \es8 width ,nd aho\ll4 "Yn'~olle4l flame. It I. submitted to the law makera upon G~neraJ Auembly, have been ftled entertalJled to Sunday dinner, be worn by the IInqIi.'tQut :pe,soR, Hutl their return, probably in May. With Secretary of State George S. Enos Wilson and Wilson Shepherd Shorter Aleeves lJIay be "'Q"~ \)e. to C!OOk the · minute you're ready 10 Taxation, revenue and reoreanila~~tt ~~C~I ~~l1the ;u'Jito. and family, of Centervtlle; Mr. COlJllngly by l1ledh,,,, *n~ ~\1 fQOk. ~Iabe. degree of heat ),0'\ , tion of schools will be considered. 0 or •• na e, ur nr and ?lIrs. C)larley j3ogl'n, of nellr slender WOlJl~l\. . The biennium appropriation bill the past week Secretary Myer. h8lli WaynellvUle. Fra,,~ S/levher!1 /lnel 8111h, pOJits 1l1!4 41'8S"' with ",apt lor preparlol your favorite dillhca. .'.' will be drawn up during the receBl been vtllited by large delegation. family called In the afternOlln, -1al'ge capes I'l'f nailn "@~\lrp@d to and arrangements wlll allo be of Hill'h Scbool student&, · all Howard ~eamlng and family high falllllon, pu~ U~fl! Qlhe r hOl'I. &co 'Core you buy .,.y ra~I" dedde firl t ofkthoe Intere;!t be takes In called on, Ralph [,eamlllg8 Bunday lontal Ilr eUl'Vell features ot' drellS, made before adjournment · th~ ahwaJ'e i 'What ~ind' of fuel and what type of range you ··embl t 11 r WOI'. ne of tbe busieat of- ftern I I I f id h wee k to reconvene the A"" ftciala in the .iate lie always haa a OD,-, eapes g ve an II'IPl1!e,B on 0 w t should It become nece8llllry on ac- . time to deliver an imPl'OmRtu talk Mr8. R/ilymond Wil80n and sister and tend to decreasle the appellr- WQ"ld h~~ tf }'Qu eould make your choice the students whlcb tbe)' enjoy Mrs. Robert ..Furnas, and Mrs. IInce of height, co,unt of some emercency which ,.._rdl... at pdee. U your ....Wel' ie "A gu mIght ariMo very much. Seeretal7 "yerl de- Lothair Winfield and baby, of near • _ or--"""-: livered an addreu to a laL-.e Waynel!vllle, were cuests of Ernest NOTIC. A.-)I"TM " I..,".... T Measures up for final co",ldera- audience at Galion reeeDtl, .....?'k- Hurley and wife, of near New Bur.. .-'" tion this week Inclucle the )(e. ....linlton, on Thursday. ...,-.,-,- ... Namee biDe wblch would transfer in, upon taxation .attera. The Luther Raines w:as in Cinoinnatl Es~te pt Mar)' :J}, - Z'tmmermaD, the motor vehicle division from the meetine wu helel under t"e on Thunday, l>l!o...ed, Secretary of State'a oIBce to the aU!I])icel of the To: Palen League Mr. and Mra. Frank Sheets ~ere Notice t. Hi,hway Dlvillion and to create a of Crawford county. . Waynesville .hopperl Saturday Charlea M• - - ---momiq. . Poet OIBce addre. • tate highway patrol, the "Bler BW," the Beet btU IlTior ClOUN The 1818 million. "ho M1'8. Raleieh Bowan and daullhter Ohio, R. F. D., Ilu a1lthority to poatpoDe tale of aort- 1,- UlDOQ1leed tba& b. DorothJ were in Dayton on Satur- poiJItecl u J:aecutor pae-forecloeurecl ,ropent, the buabI-. 011 a ahoeatrlq hu day. of Mary E, ElnmoD. bill to leeallie bOrN nc. ended tlaat eo"DU, Jaatttn, aDd th. Wbltteaon Jam to ClerrJ1llall-Shame on you, Milee Dated tJaIl laad proTide a. iDataD.eat aethod of for beatint Terence up eo badly. 1"1. tues. Til. latter 1tIIt You alaollld love roar . . . . . . _
Cae.ar.. C
ems am
• behind In
,Il. -
. . .d' n
housew/o rkl",, ran~ using
renl gas," then give U8 . . oP...... tUlIity to lell you of our new offer ou Pyrolaa. For it makes the first eosl of ... eookina c;pmparable to that of .loves ulml other d~
ruell. In 'YO Ill' own interut, ,e. 1M
'0/ "&e Pyrofcvc "lan before you bur any r_,. at
P. Ea SNYDER & SON Phone 3021 BLANCHESTER, OHIO :: AUlhorize.l n· lb ·;lmlor of
Dlvieloa .
Curhiuc ;. 1.. 1 CIIU •.n Clre 61ill",ia SO Eu~t 12nd ~t. , N w York City fJ.u _, 0 ..1_ C",.'tid.
t.!l!i3 ..... c__ c__..,._....
.. - •
.y••em. A. lOG" ... 0 ... ~ empty ne qlUt4n ..... " .
Iiunllr from,..,., ...... ~.d. PyrofM "...
eDaetm.ftt of the Eeollomy and Beer mea urea into law. It II evident that PreHldellt Roosevelt is _ _~.-:;;. counting upon I'estoration ot eonBy Steplaen M. Youn" Con,ru.man-at-Lar,e tldence In the , hanks and in the treQ!\ury in order' tl) then go forTh nc" Conln"t-~~. IIndl'I' the t\) el' -ate a Citizt'n~' o' l!\UrVnncy ~a.nl wilh hi~ pl.alls f?r (arm rl', drh illg IHI"'l'r f 1\ fI-ar!.'s", Chi,-f I"llf', 'rIll' Jlur'I)(\~ • i~ to, give gain- hef and ~ork relrcf,. H,!; unempl.oy ~~--""'::;i"="=== Executive, ellilrtNl nn COl l'R'en.·)' fill en\pll'Yllwnt to 21)0.000 men ment Tehe~ and agl'lcu!lural rehe.! Tobacco Canvas at }lyman's. bankilljt act 11110.1 I'l', ttlrl"d e(lll- 110\\ illl\', 8 lit I lit tht' sam\} time to program WII1, both require expendllid nt·\,. Till' 1 ['e"id nt, lly R I'ingl 1I('compli~h imjlortunt I'('ful'e tlltion tuJ'(' .of JIllbhc money. Ed ook has bee-n quit sick lOpe> 'h on n ::;unda 'tll'fllt. n«it'd 11 and conR(,T\':lncy work, Ill" IUntary --.--~, . with grip. Pllflic. Then thQ Econ\'m~' Bill un(.'rnp\o){llll'nt is a RrNlt moral S~lf re ~p ectl,lIg A lIlel'~can" WIll pa •• cd. B.>c·n\L',1 l)f lhi~ la pn~ ers "'fVIl)!" The cnactment f this be mterested ~n kno~\' rng that hos. B. Lewis WII\ Ii Lebanon uf tilt' 11 ion will "an ' four hun - ll1('n"ure iuta 111'1' will hl' a !\tcp in G"orgcs Theunls ~pe aklng for the visitor Monday. li re<! b'llion" of d~lItH,~ thi ' ~' l' l\r, thl! l'i)!'ht ilin'clio'n, The Agrlc ul- IB.elgia n govel'nm~nt. ~/lid, tb/lt Be~. Th n the BC'cr Bill '\(I~ nnt't~d lure Rclief bill WIl" pass >cI by the (PUll! owes Am l'lca not.hltlg and IS MiBS Elizobeth Henkle WIIM a whereb) lhe )(o.)V ' 1I111I(n \\i ll pl'of- H,lUSI' llnli i~ nl)" IJcin~ debuted il1 l Oblig~t d to pa~ 1I0~hing. Its Dayton visltol' 5laturday. i in.lt'tld of thl' bCt'I' rack,teel' the :cnnte. pronll to pay III ('vld('ntly a M~..Jo~iah Davis i vel'~ sick or scrap 0 r papel', ., Oh'loan~, wh ose PTOt! • ('r. - - -I Th e UniJ,c(1 .'tntcs tr 'asury ha s :l7th Division foughl in Belgium, at he I ' home on Third stl·eel. Thi \\'('('k 11)~ ullj.[r ~s will v <te bl'l'n gl'cll tlr strengt hened by til' Mhould be parlicularly interested. Mr. liver Davis was th gue!lt Ohio boy~ went to Bei$ium- of relatives in Xenia, Thursday. "BI eding B Igium"- with 8 high Hat 1'0!' all types, for all oct---~--------------~---------...., purpose. They fought gallantly there, ., Onte never came back. We casions at all pl'iCPH, Grace L. live and tearn. • mith .
Your Government
Food e.,. 'S Pure Grocer,.
The the Rooscvelt Relief program i. the creation of a $500,000,000 fund for direct aid . There will be submitted to the Congress within ten daYR a proposal 'for a bond issue to finance a public works program.
We Will Deliver Your Orders, Phone 4
Plaeapple La rge
2~ . -Il>_
2-1b. Jar
2 14-oz. bott) s
Germ ony did two, hundred and thirty millions of dollars 01 busi) nells with RUB ia la t year. Ou I' trade with that country dropped 85 pel'cent, Soviet trade repre. se ntatives in New York are ready to spend n hundred million dol1ars in this country as soon as diplomatic relations are e tablished. lany more miIJlon R will toll ow that.
We have a COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
PeanUl Butter
---'-secont! phue of
IAYNESYDlE meR'S BOOSTER NEWS (Continued from Pa~e'
:J1'd--Janet Jnni ' of l\Iainvill School, "A Fishing Party." The High SchOOl Contest proved un exceptionally high quality oralorical presentation. eve n \\. 11 qualitled !ltudenls with tho,r ough tmining vied fol' fil'$t honors. The se lection given by the local represenwtive, eell Hartman, was given honorabl mention in the remorks by tne aWIlI'ding judge, Honors won wer : And!' y Lane o~ Kings MiI1s schools with "The Hou se 0'1 Order' econc! honors were bestowed upon Lois Davis of Lebanon with her selection, " A ux Italiens." Judges : W, PIe inger, Montgomery ounty superintendent. E. Dnbe, J ffersonvii1e MrA. Myel' Hymer) is spending superintendent and H, C. Milligan, two aI' three days with r lotjve ~ Clarksville-Vemon school superint. ndent. in Cin~innatl. Music wa furnhhed by the Wall P/lP r- over 160 patt rns Warren County school orchestra, to select 1rom--'-5 cents nnd up , at under the direction of Mrs. Myel' Hyman's. Buerkle, Mi:s Evelyn Wilkerson; Miss Helen Stephenson Bnd Alfred Mrs, James Lovely ~tnd daughters WaCkins. This is a new organizaspent the week-end with relatives tion under the !\up el'vi 'ion of in Middletown, County Superintendent Bohl, and Mr . E. F. Earnhart and daugh- bids (air for suc~es .. in the near tel'. Miss Marjorie were shopping fut~re. WaynesvIl I was r presentin Dayton today. I d In the orehe'tra by Margaret Rogers, Robert DeJarnette, MarMr. and Mrs. Paul Wright, of jorie Earnhart, L 0 onner, and 1Iear Ferry were week-end guests Jane and Mildred ook. Of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis.
Mr. and M1'8. Myer Hyman, Mr. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN aDd and Mrs. Walter Appr, Mr. and SURGEON Mr!l. L. V, Thomllon, and !'tIr. and Special AttentioD to Rectal aDd Mrs. Philip Llll'rick were gueRt" Intealinal Di...... at a "600" pOl'ty at the home of LEBANON, OHIO MI'. and Mrl'l, Robert ampbell, at Phl)De U 1tt'II, PllODe JOCR pringboro, laRt Friday eve ning, 1"lng, Ja[l\eM)D Blul(.
Saturday, April 1 "
....... -.------------------------~
Special Opening Dinner, 35c Choice of Crflamed Chicken on Hot Biscuit Roast Beef or Roast Pork Cream Pea. with Carrots Mashed Potatoes Cream Slaw H()t Biscuits Sliced Peaches Coffee, Tea or Milk
~-----------------.-- -.--.-.-.--.-.---.---.---~----
Plate Lunch
Junior New.
Mr. and Mrs. Willi Hanby anti AI'e we Juniors working? Well I daugliter, of Dayt01'11. were Way. nesville vi itors. Tuesday evelling. gueS81 With all our plans for the Break 21bl, banquet we don't even have nny Large 21& -Ib can Miss Grace l\II cLarcl ie, of Dayton time for foolishne88"-So you know O'Morn4~C was ague t of Mr . Ada Jenkin. we must be busy, Of course we at the Friends Home, on hope to make this the best ever, Sunday. that remains to be seen but.i 2-lb. sack here's hoping. Mrs. L. A. Washburn, of Xenia. The JUnior class was representwas the week·end g:uest of Miss Large , Helen Hawke and Mrs. Frank Le- ed in the Oratorical contest held March 17th by Jacque Adams and Order. taken for Home Made Ice Cream, M..y. 24-lb. ack Twin LoafSC Charles Burton_ Their readings Bulk, Fancy Brick or Individual Molda "True Socialism" and Mr. and MTs. Roland Ross, of were Lebanon, were guests of Mr. and " Methoqist Camp Meetln'" reMI'8. I. E. Adams, one day last spectively. week. Eiabtb Grad'. Citia.D.hip Club Mr. George Bunnell, of the Cen. The Eighth Grade is studying Electrical storms are not un- terville schools, was ~( caller at the hard to be prepared for the Friends Home one evelling last common during this season of the "Eighth Grade 'tate Test" to be week. year, and motoriats are often given March 31. Mr, and Mrs. Everett Thomas, caught out on the highway when a A contest was held to decide the severe electrical stqrrn comes up. a! Rochester, N. Y. arrived here name ofl the school paper. The last week for an exhmded visit to honor was given to Margie Tinney However, there is little reason to relatives. as she named it ''}Joost-er!' fear the storm provided the TheonOratorical was held the ,,======~~===-:.-===_~=~=-===== Mr. and Mrs. JOhtl B-rown, of motorists exel'cise prope.r preQym Friday, March 17.at The --~-~ - - Xenia, were Tuesday callers at the caution in their driving. Eighth grade contestants were home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel very orry not to uphold the For the average motorist is Butterworth. Eighth Grade standard. probably safer in his car during an Because o'f high water, oneMrs. D. R. Salisbury entertaintllectrical storm than he would be if he were. in his own horne. ac- ed the members of her bl'idg club third of the class was absent on cording to the advice of expert and a few .invited guests, Satur- Monday, and on Tuesday no school We are often asked, "How much does a was held. consulted on the matter by O. W. day afternoon. funeral cost?" The answer depends on the grade Every pupil in the class i to Menell, direetor of the Ohio deAunt Minerva on the warpath! of merchandise selected and the amount of serviae bring some current event each partment of highways. required. In our showrooms we oft'er ,ca~ketl5 and Automobiles, these experts have A doomed man! Bombs and bum- day and then they are discussed are almost immune to ski! See it all in Pr.ofessor Pepp, in cia s. other necessities in 11 wide range of style and Several of the Eighth grade boys despite the fact tbat the the Senior cl~ss plall I prices, with uperlative vaJlle in every g.T,t!de. We received letter for playing basket ·4.j.LlW[ler tires and \he car a8 a whole MI'. and Mrs. Mye'r Hyman and ball. They are as tollow : Bobby are prepared to make the service as simple or (\.8 become very wet during a storm. son were six-o'clock dinner gue ts Persons driving within a conduet- of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Hurwich, in James, Charles Davis, Floyd Lyneh elaborate as the circumstances may require. Robert Adams, C. B. Earnhart, ing enclosure are fairly sale Lebanon, Tuellday evening. against lightning. The automobile , Frank LeMay and Robert SatterthWe always do our best to help our patrons body provides 8uch a lightning.con. Ml's. Hannah Rogers returned woite, select the merchandise and'service suited to their ducting enclosure. home Saturday after a two weeks condition and .n eeds. We serve all classes in the . ' t '10 th e h orne 0 f J • O. CartFre.hlDeD New. As a matter of fact, an automo- VISI community, giving to each cn e the most reverent bile is hardly ever known to be wright and family in Cincinnati. The Freshmen had two in the struck by lTghtning. So if you M d Mrs P local oratorical contest. They were and ympathetic care that lies within our power. want. nice safe place to stay duro .1'. an . . ete.r Demas -and 'Cecil Hal·tman and Ellen Guy. , Phone 25 ing an electrical storm stay in famIly ~d Mrs, Nettle Kepler, .of Cecil won first in the High School yOUI' car. ' , New Vienna, sp~,nt Sund~y With group and Ellen econd, ecil went - - -__ • Mr. and Mrs. OlIver DaVIS and daughter, Miss Rachel., to Lebanon but did not win an ything there. -'«"! Phone 7 Wayne.ville, Ohio , R. G. Miller and family are now Senior New. pleasantly located in their farm home on Route 42. Elder , S. A. "Professor Pepp" is the title ~...===========;;;;;;;;===========-~ President H: S. 'l'ucker and other Angle, in charge -ot the Middle given . to the ins_diou s play to be officials of the Harveysburg Run Primitive Baptist church, and presented April 6 and 7 by the NJltional bank were in Cleveland, family, who forme:rly lived in Senior Clas~ of '33. Weare offering an interesting ------I-+.!J1:HM!o~..._Ior a eonfere"ce with Da on, are occupying the Miller presentatioll with Virginia Foulks rve bank authorities home on Third street. Master Robert and Misses taking the f,e male Tole as B etty with ref,e rence t.o the ;reopening 'of the HaJ.'Versbllrg f\na<;iai Jnstitu· Carolyn ,,!nd Dorothy Blatt spent Gardner, playing opposite Law_ tion. All the, CQ~djtionl! 1 impo"ed last week here with their grand- renee Davis in the pal't of Howard upoa the bailie by the Federal parents, Mr.. and . ,Mrs. O. R. Green. Russel Treadway is portray laultb()rlt:les had beeft ,omplied with Unglesby, whIle thell' parents, Mr. ing an equ,ally important part as by its directors, .vito ,eenl\.c;lently and Mrs. ~. P. Blatt:, ~ere busily Professor Pepp himself. Denn Hawke, an old fellow just e~pected to reeeive Pfl'llJil\ilion to engaged With t\?od relief work at Manchester, OhiO. , entering college adds much humor open their· bank for bueiul8 .~ to the farce with, the ' Ilelp of regular opening hour on ""balli. )1,,8. E. F. Earnhart informs us Edward Franer, as Sim Batty, the day morning. However, tht. I)er~ th.~ tbe~~ ~cred Lily ot I\ldia, to police force of a coUege town, and miuion haa 10 far been deD1ed. whlth ,.efe17~q Jlast ~eek" is Doris Salisbury as Aunt Minerva A bathtub is a lari'e white con- now 1ft tull bloom, ~1I4, .0/'1 ~p~e Boulder, the profe~80r'8 house!'.liner used in makina' beer.-Owl. d~YI. lIon display pnl tile pqr~h /It ~eep~r r/1~ ~ouffliJ)g scenel\ of the t,~e ,telepbon'flJc:cbalnge, All ~J).o p,oJ~ceman ,rid' ~be bi,red gf1:l, ~o to lee the blo.om wl!l~eft,unJy r,e~unl4 ~p"in8, 'pia¥eCi by B,essie be well repaid for tll,.t, trQulJle. lfQ9J~!'1t IiF,c J>ath~Hc: ,Arpund tllf!/ll IiYf'laJ!lic ~R.ractp II A group of the cilallilfled busi. Fro n helping you select' the PROPER lumber ' ness women of Wayn,eavllle h:al n. )flrjam Jl:lljs iaking fil, Olgl& j3tIlP/lkj, the , folk cently organized a 'Prolre .. lve - carefully inspected and thoroughly seaWomen'. club for the purpose of teach~r. OPal RIIJnhY soned - to the prompt delivery, we try to put sponsoring our Pub!-ic Library, a Clover, who eilIJe"tll vel'Y worthy caURe. 1rhey hope to Win Armitage .1 Vivian our business on a SERVICE basis. have the interest and support ot college belle; "Inez James, a. Ambulant Treatment ~ Van Hilt, the social leadel'; ~ommunity becau~le the Library , '- • Im~at help to the school, as MaTY Crane, as Caroline Kay, the , HeJftorrholds (Piles). well .. ~ ~ older pE!ople of Way- happy little freshman; Orie Hardin \ a8 Peddler Bensoll, working his Fissut'e (Painful Ulcer). nesville. way through' school; James HageFistula. ---_ . - ..=-.,......meyer a8 Noisy Phone 14 Pr.uritus Ani (I~JI'I. Piles). Waynesville, Ohio DEATH of High sebool; Lewle MI,~neal Abscess. \ I I ";n~ , Hatcher, athletic 80phoTags or Tabs (External Piiesj. WnJIaPl H. Morris, . ,ged 86 years more I Mila f ,l,llian Crabbe, as Polypoid Gt-o~hs. a I'eap.ect;eti r~sident of this com- Buster Brow", ~I! vo!,'iferou8 Rectal Uleerll. muriit:v. died at ~il ho",e on his unlor, ' •~ tarm south of town, JNiI",~ l1e ~atl With tJiese ~Ievel' acto~. aad born and had lh'ed hla eu,t~e actreases we ~ope to d~SP1a1 our OHIO Ut., . u t 6 o'elc!,ck, Tueaday ~ , ~o a bE!~er advantage tJIan LEBANON, ~yenine. ,AJtaoup he had been in been .v~ ,the P,upija Qt former ' -_ _~_ _ _~_~_ _" taUing bealth 1M , ~II! prelentatjollI. ~e Ws wj~ be ~~~~=~~~~~~~~ _~ our last performance, ,~by not ' nda" IY~_ turn out, o"e and alf, to make a
Kidney Bean•.
The right of Repre~entative Francis H . Shoemaker, FarmerLaborite, elected from Minnesota by a large plurality, to his seat was challenged. He had been convicted in United States Court of criminal libel. He wrote on an envelope he mailed to a banker, "Robber of Widows and Orphans." After a sharp debate a large majority voted to seat him. Some wanted to vote him a medal.
TaYltee Bread
Plain or Toasted Sandwiches FOUNTAIN SERVICE
Mot'orists Safe in Care During Storm.
For a beautiful lawn sow Emerald Grass ,M ixture. It will make a perfect sod in just a few weeks. Price. 25c
per pound.
We have in stock a complete line
Ice Cream
The Cost of a Funeral
of Grass and Clover Seeds, priced as low as possible for high-grade Seed. Fertilizers for lawn and arden. We can supply Fertilizers · for every very reason'a ble cost.
Waynesville farmers Exchange Co.
James E. McClure
Waynesville, Qhio
Harveysburg Bank Still Restricted
Use Our . Classified' Columns
Tiley .Will Help '
aNtal DI ••••••
You to
&. CO.
Of Your Surplus
Dr. H•M • Will..,
Late Classified Atis. LOIT
eel b,
",. ~~8II,
W. A.
be- held at , - .... aeaeral ntll. !Wer a..ie duN o'etOtrk Friwill ~e the middle of KaHIt eaUlad 1100 ot toM atate to be more lleam.l
811ed wItIa water tIaaa at ea, ......... ckoath at I.ao.
Eighty-8ixth Year
Entertained DESPONDENCY AND ILL Knights Fathers and Son.+-I--#~~JIIII""W~"'" Crown Lodge, K. of P ., enjoyed HEALlH REASONS FOR a father-and-son. banquet at their hall, last Wednesday evening, in of their regular mtjeting. SElf-INfLICTED DEATH place Some forty Knights and sons en ~
joyed a sumptuous feast, and a Tobacco anVilS at Hyman's. splendid program of talks. Knigh ts Mr.. Su .... Wri.bt Hi.tt Kill. Self S. A. Stillwell and Schofield, of Will and Paul Gustin transacted With Ga •• t Home in Win. L banon, being the principal business in Cleveland, Monday. speakers. The remainder of the cheater" Jndi .... evening- was happily passed with Mrs. J. B. Gons and Miss Alice music, cards and jig·saw puztles. Gons were Dayton visitors, ~iday Local l'clatives and other friends 01 AIrs. S~e Wright Hiatt I Mes,srs. Jay B. and Joe Patton, were shocked to learn of her of Kentucky, at'e vi iting fri ndts SUdden death at her home in here. .
New SchedUle tor T rain. and Mails
Whole Number 6060
APRIL 5, 1933
TRIBUTE PAlO TO THE MEMORY OF DECEASED TEMPERANCE WORKER ~~~~~ Mu. Lillian Mill. :Eulociaed .t Meetill, of W. C. T. U., La.t Tburaday Aft.,rnoon The W. C. T. U. mell at the home of Mrs. M. .W. Silv,er. Thursday aftetnoon, March 30, 1933. Mrs. Lena Hartsock lead in the devo· li ons by reading from the Bible on Fal·th . Too minutes of the last meeting wet'a read by the $ecretary, who stated that the last meeting had been postponed on acc ount of the funeral of Mrs. Lilliun Mill , one of the former prE!sidents and members. She had serv ed as
Gr~dera to
Entertaan Mothers Pupil~
of the Second grade, the dir t tion of th eir
tOllchers. Dla will Hartsock Miss FayeMiss Kelly. furnishanda Mother Goose program f or the I' gular meet ing of Lhe Moth ers club Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. at the usual place, n l'xt Frida y No Support From T.x Duplicate , W, White was a Cincinnati afternoon. Miss Mary J o Miller visitor, Monday. will also give une of h r d e li ~ht Received For TJii. Ye.r - M". ful readings. All mothers r<,siding .Elbon Succeed. Mr. M.dden Guy Hockett, of Van Wert spent this school district are earn cst.l y in Sunday here with relatives and urged to attend. frie nd s. ' On Monday evening, March 3, -~---- --19 24, th Wayne Township Board Mi38 Lucy Emley, whose serious of Educa tion adopted a resolution mness we noted last w ek is e tablishing a Public Library slowly imp roving. Campu! under Scction 7635-4 0 of the General ode of Ohio, and proMrs. 1. E. McClure spent aturMrs. Marin S. Elbon has beelt ceeded to elect the followi ng board day at the hom e of her father, selected to serv e a a me mb r of of LibJ'ary Trustees, the figures Perry Sackett, at Bellbrook. the board Of tru stee of our Public f ollowing each name being the Mr. and ~{rs. Maynard Weltz and Library) replaci ng the late W. H. numbElr of years each was to serve children were Sun da y dinner Madden, who e term would expire before re-election: E. L. Sherwood guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawk e this yea I'. The app ointment wa 1, W . H. Madden 2, May Wright MisS Emma Peacock. of Dayton, made by the School board a t its ~, Georgia Mendenhall 4, Cl~ra !lpent several days last week at the regular meeting, Monday vening, Lile 5. Edith M. Harris 6, Mary L. the selection having been made at Cook 7. After t he first year, a new home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J . mith. the suggestion of the other member was to be selected anWall Paper- over 160 patterns member!S of the Library boal·d. nually to serve for a term of seven - to select from, all carried in Mrs. Elbon is now one oC seven years. As t he term of each member stock- 5c and up, at Myer trustees, each of whom is ap- expired, . each 'has been appointed pointed for a tel'm 'Of seven years. to succ ed themselves, only death Hyman's. The school board also gJ'anted seeming to serve as a release; nor Mr. and Mrs. Or\'iIle Curl 01 permission to four young men- do we believe a more efficient olumbus. were visitors at' the Boyd Henderson. Gilbert Frye, board could be selected. Friends B orn, Thursday after. Kenneth Fromm and Donald Owing to ill health, Prof Sher. noon. Hawk to re. establish a lawn wood resigned and Fred B. Hencourt at the rear of the gym derson was elected to take uP. his Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears at- tennis on the High 8chool campu~ . The burden, and, last Monday evemne, tended the funeral o f Mrs. has, young men agreed lhat. they and IMrs. Maria Elbon was chosen to Coft'elt at Spring Valley, Sunday th \!ir friends would takc good care carryon t he work laid down by W. afternoon . ' . of the CQ,jJrt, and exerci e due care H. Madden lut summer. While Mal'ch 3, 1924 marks the Mrs. George J. Smith was the for the s hru bbery, sod an(l general guest of Misses Annie and Mame appearance \>( the grounds. This fir t legal recognition. of our Brown at th e Friends' Home, appears to be a good move in th library, it was by no means a new right direction, and the young thing at that time. Some eight Tuesday. men are to be commended for years before a small company of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane were having taken th inittntive in the public spirited men and women plea antly entertained at the home matter. had organized a library and bad of J . .Q. GO.ns and family, Saturday • - kept it go ing bymeansofdonations even mg. GIVES CARD PARTY 'lind pl'ivate subscription, many of F. C. Hartsock, of Milfo,d, lind the ladies dona,ing many hours to Miss Betty Hal'tsock S The Progressive W ome n's club its conduct. Finally a movement day dinner guests of ~~~~ J. s ponsored an invitation dan ce and to place the Institution under Hartsock. card party, at th e Gym, last public control, and to collect funda Saturday evening. ;T. E. McClure's for its maintenance from the tax The Ladies' Aid Society of the broadcasting system, operated by ! duplicate, took form with the M. E. Church will have an Easter Boyd Hendel' on, furnished the above mentioned results. (Continued on page 4) Market on Saturday, April 15 at music. The LeMay Insurance office, open- _c:::: jng at 9 a. m. .
Will Build Court on High School
ME . Coyle and Harry Winchester, Ind. j last week. We quote from an account published Prateerssrwe ' reo . . .III an I n d'lanapo I'1S pap 1', an d reo A new sc he d u Ie 0f passenger T mcmnati visitors, d trains, including the addition of a ues ay. ceived by friends here. Mr. Franklin Loy, of arlisle, Mrs. Susan Biatt, 53, widow of new east bound train, was put into Clyde G. Hiatt and prominent operation on the Little Miami called on J. R. Wade, Sunday socially here tor many years, com- division 01 the Pennsylvania rail- afternoon. mitted suicide by i.nhallng gas road last Sunday. Under the new fumes in the bathroom of her schedule trains si;qp, at Corwin as Miss Erma Sears is assisting at apartment • .. '" here this follows: To Columbus, 10:13 a. m. the postoffice dur ing the absence morning. (Sundsy , March 26.) She on flag; 1:60 p. m.; regular stop; of Miss Emley. eounft\pr~ident, andl was organiz J'n I'U Ilealth for several 7 : 62 p. m. on fl ago T 0 C"lnclnnah,. A r o tf 85 e , Sh T. L. , willh had b ~en ~ h' 'fta dmemb b th er. months before the Budde n death of 4 :10 p. m., stops on week days, on n "Easter Market" will be h eld S IP 0 . e was g:1 e 0 in her husband last November. flag, Sundays. We have 'a ' few at LeMay's InRurance fliee, April song and peech, and as long as "H 16, by Ladies' Aid ociety. hcalth pel'mitted was a very active er body was found by her copies of the entire schedule for worke r for temperance, giving up daUghter, Mrs. MarjOrie Hiatt distribution at this ()ffice as long MI'. and Mr/!. Ross Villars, of l.e'v~l·vthirtl!' but the W. C. T. U. near Clarksville, were ca llers at work. She had been engaged in . Freund, of Detroit. A son, Wright as they last. Hiatt, who is a cadet at the 'West The change in train schedule the Friends Home, on Thursday. ounty, tate and National work. Point Military Academy, and a necessitated a slight change in the The flower mission directer reo sister, Mrs. Thomas Birch, of Fort mail schedule at the local postoffice Little Miss Dorothy Younco, of ported three members still on the Wayne, also sur¥ive. The body Mails now arrive a t 6 :50 a. m., Dayton, spent la t week with her sick list. The window display com. wa removed 1.0 the Summers 10:16 a. m., 1:60 p. m., 4:10 p. m. grandpare nts, Mr. and MTs.' W. F. mittee reported that the display in t he LeMay.Hawke wiindow caused f uneral parlors, and arrangements and 6 :30 p. m. , and are sent out at Clark. for the burial will be made tomor- 6 :30 a . m., 9 :96 a. m., 1 :3 0 p. m ., favorable com ment. 'T he program row when th.e son is expected to 3:60 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. Wall Paper- oyer 150 pat.terns ()f the aft rnoon was a s follows: arrive home. - to select lrom, all carl'ied in A reading on "Encouragement "Mrs. Hiatt was widely known stock-5c and up, at Myer for the W. C. T. U" Showing the as a collector of antiques, and for Hyman's. Wet Vote Will Not l[.ast Forevel', many years she conducted an antiquo shop of her own in the 1 S0 Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and by Mr. L ena Ha,rtsock. Ella family home on South Main street • daughter Miss Antha. were Sunday Boole's view on votlrlg in NovemSh w .. ill when her husband afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. b..,r" by Mrs. Dibert. Mrs. Tomlin. funeral service was conducted Samuel Butterworth. 8I)n read "Minneapolis Mayor tuneral l5ervice~ was conducted Looks Up Liquor Control Figures.' h Mrs. E. F. Deppe was a guest a t The Times compared t he police rec s e was removed to the Randolph a social function at the home of ords for the last 13 day!!, of County hospital, where she under. Dr. lind Mrs. Blackburn , in Cedar. November, while the dry law . was wont d~n 0,Per:tion. Soon after she Have you visited the postoffice ville, atul'day evening. Rtill in effect;, with th.e last 13 days was IsmlB8e ~rom the hospita,1 during the past week or ten days? of D ember, which 'were the first he closed her Main street home Mr.. and Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite 13 days after it repeal. The and moved into an apartment Doesn't seem natural without Miss ha ve removed t h ell' ' home from following was given: few weeks before his death. Lucy Emley, does it1 Miss Hawke Lebanon to Mrs. Anna Sheehan's B«tfore Aft.r "She wen t to Detroit two weeks and Miss Sears are very pleasant bungalow on North street. Drunkeness ......... 861 1050 ago to visit her daughter, and the and accommodating, and the post. 28 45 latter accompanied her horne, arSeth Cook has zleturned his Dlunkeri . riving here last Friday night. En master is stlll his own genial self, home here from Wilmington, and Traffic accidenb " 363 507 r oute from Detroit they visited but--well, they're not Lucy. May- is n ow cozily domiciled at the Inj ured in traffic Mr. and Mrs. Mack Davis nnd accidents 49 696 with 1\ln. Birch at Fort Wayne. be there is Ii more popular lady in horne of his daughter, PI'. Mary L. children, Charles, Doris and Lloyd, Deaths in traffic "Thill morning, according to in· town; but where? Cook. accidents ...... '. 9 29 spent Sunday at the horne of MI·s. f ormation obtained by Coroner Lucy has lived her entire life Painter, Mrs. Hiatt and her right here in the old home town, Mrs. Alonzo ' Curl, Mt;l$. L. M. The next meeting of the W. C. Davis' sister, Mrs. Charles Bate. Staff Doris Surface ............... 131 daughter were awakened about 8 And what a life of devotion to Henderso n, Mrs. Ella Meredith and T. U. will be April 1!7, with Mrs. man, in Lynchburg. o'clock by the .playing of an family and loved ones, and of good Mrs. Anna CadwaJladel' were Tom Carr. 't r Dor' Leo Conner ............ .. ...... 128 Ed James Moore of Moorestown, N. I 0 ,.. .............. : "IB~~rll:~~_~~~~~Ur'!!!~~rn.."""":~~L___ _ ~ lect-ric victrola. in the store room cheer and blell8ing to aU whom Mason visitors, WedneSday afterJ., and Horace Sawin, students at All8emblies ............... 0 EI i M W' I 122~ beneath their apartment. The meets, it has een, and still . of last week. ....... Thelma Coleman s e ae 1C8 .. .. . . .. Earlham coJ1eg~, are spending the Class News · M C' daughter resumed her sleep a few Everyone knows and loves her, r ane 10. Margaret Hartman .... , ... 120 t sprin'g vacation here with the Athl elCS ary 10. FI °Y d LlInc h .. .. ..... ,......120 ...... ........, minuteB after her mother got out fr.om the tiny tot just able to lisp Mr. and Mrs. JaCk 'B'anta, and z We t latter's mother, Mrs . Lida Sawin. H umor ...... ......... .... Lea da. m Our median was 112 and our 01 bed, she told the coroner, and her name to the feeble grandsire the Messrs. Meryln Banta, KeTlOrganizations. ,., . Virginia ' FouJks average score was 111 points. . I , did notJ awaken until 10 o'clock. totterinv on the brink of Eternity. neth a~d Clyde Fromm spen t UtWalter J()hnson and family are Tlien slle discovered her mothel and she knows Ilnd loves them; day at Delaware, Ohio, guest of now residing in Mrs. Anna Shee· Fr•• hmen New. I WaYDenill. Hi.h PIac.. Fou mtll$ing from bed, and she foune! ever has a bright smile, a cheery Mr. and Mrs. Melvy~ Banta. han's property at the corner of MISS LILLIE NEDRY On Friday night, March 31, the Stud.nt. oa Diatrid State her body In the bathroom. word, and a helping hand for all. Relatives here have received Third and Tyler streets, better Scholar.hip T ••1Il "MI'l!. Hiatt had disconnected Then there i! that splendidly word of the serious illness of Will Mi s Lillie Nedry, former resi- known as the S. W. Rogers High School and faculty were en· tertained at a "backward" party the rubber tubing atached to a strong and true, yet wonderfully Wol cott at his home in Lena, Ohio dent of this community, passed house. Waynesville School is proud to given by the Freshm n. The have two students ranking lInt ja stove in the bathroom, and insert· sweet, soprano voice that she has Mr. Wolcott is a nephew of Mrs. away at the home of a cousin in Mrs. Eva Miller returned hom e decorations were app ropriate for the county scholarship tellt. The, cd one ~nd of the tube in her ever used for the glory of the Chas. Satterthwaite, and is well Cas 'town, Ohio, Monday evening, mouth. Then she eovered her head Master she loves 80 well, and for known her.e. April 3. Death was due to heart Saturday after spending the Christmas and by standing on are : Ruth Pennington, in World tightly with a kimono and turned tne pleasure, comfort and solace failure. She was a daughter of the winter wi.t h her daughter Mr.s. your head you could have en- History, who made 115% points on the gas. She had been dead of her friends. Probably no resiMr. and Mrs. J. R. Wade and late Joseph Nedry, prominent Grace McCune, in Lima. Mrs. Mc. joyed the beautiful pictures which out of a possible 134; and Frank only a short time when the body dent of the community has sung children, Doris, Milo and Glenna, farmer. One sister, Mrs: Alice Me. Cune accompanied her mother and were hanging about the gym. After Hawk e, in Plane Geometry, who maJ'lY games were played, "buek- made 36 points of a possible 50. was found!' more comforting hymns as we were guests at a maple taffy pull. Kinsey, of Corwin. four nieces and spent the week-end here. wards" refreshments were se rv d Mrs. Hiatt . was the youngest gathered to pay 'o ur last tribute of jng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. two nephew s 8ul'vive. The two students that took lee· and Mrs. J. C. Hawke called on the Hoor. I, M. J. Funeral services will be held on Mr. dau(rhter of the late Mr. and Mrs respect to loved ones gone on be· Jell8e Roland, near Feny, last Fri. ond place in the county are: Jane Mary Hopkins in Dayton. Mrs. Israel Wright, and was born and fore. day evening. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Cook. with a score of 36 out of Ei.bth Grade reared in this community. For Nor should we foreet her "",.•""" the homl\ of Mrs. McKinsey in Sunday aftllrnoon. Mrs. Hopkins, 50 in General Science; and Grace with her B on, who has been living The Eighth many years the family owned and to .v...CU;;"'-'~!,i-='f!?-..w~~iA.U~.JILI.wL+:-,...!!!~'=""'~~.Ylo!.lllJLll~c=.............1l..J"'4-Gorl"'in. Burial in Miami cemetery Dale, has recently moved into her club held their l'egu lar meeting occupied the residence now owned which . is affiliated. Loyal to the hospital, Xenia, 20Q in Latin II. own horne. 'nd occupied 'by Mr. and Mrs. teachines of her churcl'l, a atrict last Wednesday evening, for EFFIE W.4~RD March 31. All members weJ'e pres· The. ra nking of the other stu.Charles Rye at the upper edge of follower of the Lord's commands observation and treatJ'llent. Latest Mr. and Mrs. Walte r William s/ ent, and one visitor, Joe Patton, d nts that took these tests is all Effie Ward, aged fi7 years, died town on Route 42,' She was an .. she interprets them, yet broad reports denote a slight improveof Kingman, and Mr. and Mrs. of Kentucky. The r oll was called follow': suddenly at her hol'n,e in Harveys· alumnus of Waynesville High and Jibeul minded, never fOl'cing ment in her condition. English 10, Betty Hartsock, Loren Hadley, of Newark, were and the min utes were read . The burg, Saturday morniing, as the reschool, having graduated wlth the her religious. convictions upon followine prog1'am was given : Rec· with a score of 84 out of 100, " here last week getting the Janney After ·having been on.ce postsult oJ. a heart attllck. Funeral clus of 1899. She was popular others. She is content to let her itations--"A Contagion of Joy," ran, k . horne in readiness for the r eturn with a large coterie of friends daily life prove that she is a true poned because of the national services were held at the colored by Elsie Mae Wicnl; "Jig-Saw," English ]0. Olive Scott, with a here l who are pained to learn of and dev~ted disciple of the Man of banking moratorium, the public Baptist church . in lIarveysburg, of Mrs. Ruth Janney and Miss by Charles Davis; "T·h Zoo," by score of 80 out of 100. 7 rank. LoueUIIo from their winter hom e slile ot chattel property belonging Tuesday afternoon, and burial was her lIad fate. . Galilee. Charle$ Boyce, and "T he Whirligi g English, 11, Ruth' Hockett, with to the estate of the late W. C. made in the colored cemetery 'a t in. Deland, Fla. of Time," by Viola Bmpbell. II score of 77 out of 100, 9 rank. Welch was held last Wednesday. that place. Rev. Ilnd Mrs. G. C. Dibert. wer·e English 12, Winifred Armita,e, An extra large crowd took advall, the recipients of a handsome Crou Country Run wilh a score of .8 4 out of ' 100, 5 tare of the fine weather to · attend, "Friendship" quilt, that had been The third annual cross country rank and. good prices were obtained. Mrs. Ena Coffelt, 68 years old, made by the members 01 the W. F. English 12, Doris Saliabur v , ..J 1 t Th . ' It' i's repor t e d t h at Mr. H enry d'Ie ... as urs d ay mornlD(r a t h er M. S . and which was presented to meet will be held at Lebanon, an wi l h a score of 82 out of 10.0, 7th Kelly and daughter, Miss Faye home in Spring VaHey, the result them . at the close of Sunday Thursday, April 13, at 4:30 p. m. rank. ST. MARY'S CHURCH I 0f a Iong 1'11 ness. Sh e w"s a memo sc h 00I, S unday morning, Mrs. Waynesville, won the meet in 1931 Am.erican History, Robert Gons. il! the regular time for the monthly Ke II y, h ave purc h ase d th e res· ... 0 f Mr. an d Mrs. b er 0 f th e Ch ure., .. 0f Ch r III t at F ran k toM ay making the prescnta- and Franklin won in 1932. Any wit.h a score of 65 out of' 80, 3rd Rev. J J. Scbaelrer. Rector meetinc of the men and boys of d ence prope,oy Thursday, April 6, service at tbe church. The program tor this Charles Gray, better known as the Ferry, and of the Daughters of tion speech. Numerous friends had number o-f boys from each school ra.nk. S Pl'lDg . Va 11ey. · I 0d ge at paid 10 cents each to have th eir may enter but the fir!it five men American History, Bernice Gra. 7 :80 p. m., Rev. Herman Pac- rec- meetinc will be put on by the Boy Cas k ey property, and 1oeated at A merlca ' d and T y1er Sh e 19 ' surVlve . d b y h er 'h usb an d , names inscribed on the quilt. from each school determine lhat ham. with a score 01 64 out of 80, t h e corner 0f Th Ir tor 01 St. Paul's churcb, OaJcwood Scouts of Middletown. streets. The deal' wall consummat- Charles; a daughtel' and son, Mrs, team's score. The first ten men will 4 rank. IIPe,ker. d 1 Satur day, we un d erstan d . L eWIS, . 0 f Los Ange Ies, now l'eceive individual awards. The April 9, Palm Sunday, Church WAY"EI " VILLE CHURCH ' OP east . Amel'ican Histo. ry, Ha"el HI'''bt.. I tome, h 1 brough t his uncle to the Dliyton .running- course will be approxi- man, with a score of 60 ..out ~ of• 80, at t he Coue an d F oy Co· 8chool at 9:30; Morning Prayer CHRIST (UadlaoDlluU.w) Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert and felt, Xenia, and th'ree brothers, hOapital as 800n as the latter was mately 2.2 miles long. It begins 10 rank. and sermon at 10:30. Franch~s, Cedarville; able to be moved. out on the ' Dayton-Leban on pike General Science, Cecil Hartman. A cordial invitation is extended Ch••ter A. WlUlaDlIOD, Mlni.tar several members of t he congre· William WAY CHURCH OF CHRIST gation ot the M. E. church attend. Albert Fancher, Port wmiam, and Mr. Pence is survived by his and .ends in the fairgrounds. with a SCQre of 34 out of 60, , tcJ the pllblic. Church ' SchOol at 9 :30 8. m . ed an a\1 day meeting at . South Sherman Fancher, Dlayton. Widow, a daughter and two 80ns, rank. FRIENDS MEETINC Lord'. Supper at conclusion. Park M. E. church in Dayton, Funeral services were held at all of whom reside in Minneapolis Senior Play General Science r Donald Foulda. ,irst Day, January 29: FUlt Chriltlan. Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Mot,'day. Dr: E. Stanley Jo~e8, of the residence, SUnd,. y afternoon. and a brother, Warren rence, who Don't forget "Proftj!sor Pcpp." with a score of 26 out of 50, 9 Day Friendship School at 9 :30 a. Lewia. Leader. . Eveninlr India, mis~lonary evangelist of Burial in Spring Valley cemetery IItill lives at Springboro. Be can be seen at the Gym, on rank. ' aernce at 7:30 p. the MethodIst c~urch, ~as the I Thursda~ and Friday nlghta. General Science, LaMar Earn~ m. MeeUn&, for worship at 10:80 a. m. Sennon lIubject, "For His Sake. speaker. Dr. Jones, who I.S probaHARRY E. P:E NCE MRS. CLARA A. PENCE April 6 and 7. It will be the hit of hart, with B ecore of 23 out of 60, Pra;rer Meetlll~ .nd Bible Study bly th~ b~9t known m!SSlonary Hany E. Pence, aued 66, native At the gme hour that funeral the season, so don't miss it. By 12 rank . WAYNESVILLE N. It. CHURCH each Wedn ..da, .t '1:80 p. m. evan,ellst tn the world, 111, in the of Springboro, president of two servicea were being held for the the wa)', thi8 is your chance to lind Algebra, AnJl Crane, ICore of Ie G. c. Dibert. Putor The church where )'ou feel at United States ~or a yen s fur· railroad companies, and laftu.n- macnate in lIIiDneapolis _ 2:30 out how to tame a professor, if out ot 50, 12 rank. Wed1\eadaJ: Bible study aad home. ~~d~' after which he returns to tia} aepitaUst of Minneapolis, Minn O'clock, Monday afternoon you need the information. Algebra, Ellen GUJ, score of 21 prarer meetin&, at 7:1& p. m. Choir IT AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH • died at Miami ValleF)' hospital ia similar obaequies were being con· 8th Gr .... State E-am. out of 50,15 rank. praetlce at 8:00 p. m . · Jlr. and lllra.J. Q. Gonl, Mr. and Dayton lut Weda8l(~ay afternoon' dllcted for hia sister-in-law, Mrs. Geometry, Marvin Fox, .ore of Sunday: Sunday sc:hool at 9:80 ....th.r Pnnah, Pastor . lin. J. B. Gonll, Mr. and Mrs. F. The remains were tl.ken to MID· Clara A. Pence, at her home in Friday, March 31, the eighth 25 out of 50, 5 rut. a. m. Our attendance lut Suda, Buvlc.. wiD Ita held n..,. two B. Head.non, Mise Louise Hender. neapolis tor burial. Spriqboro. . grade students took the state Ph)'lics, JulJall Crabbe, IlION of w.- 2S1 .nd tbe Nnllll' for til. 011 Tuuclay mornlll~. lOll a.d her ,Delta Miu Franc. Mr. Pence had Mn. P.ne., qed 62, and wife of eums. Thja consisted of 10ur 35 out of 80, I raDk. blchut percentqe of .thada.ee and 111'. D.n Newsock, of Brook· wh.n about 18 Warren Penc., bad died at her ,arte: Science, Hlatory, Arithmetic PhJllcl, Orie aeon of Well' to Flor.lIce D.,'• .c.... CHUac:H OF CHRIIT vUle, attended the Senior clUl &,on. to wb.re h. Dome oa Frid., nicht, ~ter a 10111' and EntrUsh. The pofl8ible acore 80 O\lt of 50, '1 raak• • omine wOl'llhlp .t 10:'0. Bp(U....Doaala.tIo...' plq at the Adams Town.hlp,.1UUI4 became Ul...... She wu an old resldellt of was 200 points. Our ftret ten with Wo~1d HJatorr....... ww..... worth Leap_ .t '7:00 p. m. with A. WIIII••-ft CHilton Count" Hlah IIChool, of ....rat the and i••untled b7 scor.. are li.ted b.low. 01 8. out Of • JlafGlcll'oz .. leadll'. EftapUatkI UIlIW ..mee bacianl... with whlob Mill Allee Gon. ill a member Re WU lin. 1. Glenna Woolard ... . .161 IAtI1l L. Batla ..........t 8:00 p... At Gala..at C1uarela Iobool period a\ 9:8' .. of the faelllt:r. FrIda, IIl1rht. 11ft. wlalle aDd 2. ED.n Ball 118 of II out of aa.. of tIae Que wI1l aacI It. ... ReadUlOll a. Sue1la Bernard ... 1"'''' Latill L. ~",D, the 119 01
R an d om' B-t f Human Interest Found l·n Town
----...- -.--DEATH'S TOLL :FOR
Pick rine, reaJ ellt.te in Wayn .~ town!!hip. H. W. H.wkinM .nd Susie Haw. kin~ t(l D. A. Harrison and Ethel , Harri~on, inlot No. 2()2 in Fronk. lin. i B~' .\. ('. TlllnIP~H)!,\. Lyth, Ohio U(lrml1l1 J. Jentz to William P. COL IB !-l--The l<'gislature Gl'ig/{s dalll ill r,'l':tnklin cQunty. Common Pleas Jentz and Etna 1. Jentz. 1 t 1 ucres which ha." bc('n in ,;c:sion in the The fi~ h iH U I' -luti,,' lIr the snIt Watl'r \\(l~ unt' uf th,' flr~t l'llntinuin~ our j Olllnt'Y down pI'o\lert~' of the Wright family. " I "t ' . Jnnulll'Y 2,r- wa t(;'l' ~h nd. It il' u""HI a ~ f oad '1'0 r Frank Bea!, tal, V j Tht· Dodd ~inhi ,.,Iearcreek and Wayne lawn· apI.a I y sme" fOHt' "e nat tin' tf) I", halllt'::t,,1 . (rt'am. WI' n .. xt filllJ lhl' Ml. H ully who operated them for many anning Co., et al. plaintiffs are , ~;l'mont D . cessed la ~t "eek for n period .f gnmo fi sh and is the must imp r· fo), Ihl' Sl·n·il'" .,f mun . RiVI'r~ nnd mill. huil\ , by r ' fU'C &. Kinlll!)" and , .1' ar, . Th' la;t member of this giv II leav to tilo amended Danbu II anger ~o TRObelrt six w(·ek . and will nol r -turn un1.l1 tant fOfage fj" h in the lItute, a m· It-~'\l'l' ,· lrl'alll :> uf watl'\", ~ l'king "Ill'ruted COl' Y~lIr.· hy .J llhn 1\1. family toowllandoperat th m wa~ petilion in 20 <lays. r. • '. acres In urt e- M 15 Several importllnt mi- siu'nN Will . H. Reinhart is 1.\ ay. . creek townshIp, thtdr cOllln",n lend III n':<pon,l' tl :lllI rlult. !J,)ut U mill' bl'lo\\ her' the late John M. '\ right, father of busy official these day ' , COl'ryin)l' 1 n the cllse f 'or~ntl B. Roosa Martha N ' lI t d' P mea sur s w re c!arncd over after h \ Eot tn law ~ ,If th Un ;Wl"I', n t i: f"u nu the Hi l l' of th Lamar ;\lr8. US3.n W. Payn .. veraUf\ Effie M. Phillip ~, ,, I:!t ai, con- dOL'. real e ~Vt~ ~n °Leba~~n. · tu- having been favorably ucted UpOIJ out hi" plan~ for the early di striull "nly fUl'lli~h~'<I him ,~ith :1 mnt'(, mill. The pr cnt owner, . M. ~obit firmati on, deed and distribution. streallls and ' ttL d L . on Rc:count of nmendrnent ~ attach- tion of lisll in th John ria 0 on an evoma ' 01 I A ad Iluut nwnn~ of tllln~"(l)'(atian, This brin(.\' Uf' t the mill, in '1. r. s ecur d control during the lakes of Ohio. It is his IImbition to ln the ell e ~', Siebert ver- Madd ox, rm tate in Ma$oll. [~d. 1.'h so ldncBludetdll1th t (F ge ,\itn i l'.f; phy,jeal lab.1' invl.l\' d. ' WIl)'n !\vi1l e nnd il~' inJrnetliate ' very early yearp, of the pre.ent !IUS Juliu s ('zendi, motion ovel'give th Rpol'b rn 'n or the state the hal'l Emmet J 1m to Robert en Ion an e~ or gage orcbut" rl' ,Ol, n fOl'l'I' d 10 nid with , dci nil y. TIlt' lutl! . ' !Juir .J ()llll \\. I.' n lul'~', and imm diat Iy installed ruled. best fishing grounds they hav c ever L. Bundy. 182.05 acres in Union closure Moratoflum . hi~ Inr~t' l' lu-kl'. ~rMtir i n creD~i ng l Keys . fnth!,I' of IT . I>. Kl'yft', wr Le extcnsive improv men~. A modern !tad. In the ca~e of Mary Burton ver· The Ohio Be l' Bill ill nolV in nd l'nhllnl'in~ the rt'uIt . ohtninetl quit.. lin i Tlte/'{'~ti n g ~kel<.'h or lw atE'r turbme replac d tho .old sus 1aynard Weltz, it is urdel' d town bip. Harr y D. Hale, of NewlJ'l'K, who Donald L. Hall to John Walker ffect nnd in a f w days the roam).J()Illl' b"ff)l'c st(>ll lll, l'1t'r t ri~ il~' o rl the.~' f,'r lh - Il i8tory o f IVIlTre ra pnddl wheel, and the most up. to. that rece iver dispose of nid bu. i. real estat in D erfleltl township. ing ~ uds may be dillponsctl under served for over s ix youn ns execu· ~ os oline had ,' "en h"<'11 (il eUnled of \Iunty. Ohi(l. Jluhlif'hed in 1 2. tlate machinery wa ~ installed ne ~ before April 1 , 1933. MMgaret M. Gillespie to Rob ert state supervision. First to apply tiv e cl rk in th, oAIce of the as lll ot i", 1'(\\\ " 1'. ,.tr~am~ weI',' \Y "hall draw upon lhi ~ source l throughout, until the Waynesville 1n the co e of Alu8,nder Hamjl. tunlin)!' th l' paddl... whe ... l. of mill fol' a "it of in formll ti on, :\fiIls gained wide renown as one of t on Institute, ew York ver us J. .T. Gilles pie, real estate in Frank- For a retail lie cns was a rcsitlent s cretary of still', and who was re· U1'lli ~ hing po\\er f or the gri nd ing The fi r. t mill in Wayne t own- (he be~t equipped plants of its C. Doty. tb petiti on ()f the plain. lin. of Canton, wh o mailed his applica- tnined by lhe prese nt ~e~retaI'Y, Tru stees of Salem Tllwnship to tion, accompanied by a hundred George S. Myerll. hus tender d his .ne g1' In il,ttl fl •• ur. meal Ilnd oth I' l'hip , he ~ays. "as built by _ omu ' l kind in the entire state. The 8aw- tift' is II ili m i ~sc tl II t it eo Is. James A. and Lucin,da Hopkins, in- donal' check. to cl'etary of State resignation t o lhat offi cial, ef· f oo cl . ; the "awing of IOIl'R into tim- H!'ighway on • wmon's Ru", be. mill 1\ II . discontinued and torn lot No. 165 in Salem township Oeor~ . Myers. It. of course, WaS fective A pri] J 5. During hi s tenher, b O llrrl~ find ,other building low W uy nc ~vi lle. in th' year lO a. down. New SlIita cemetery. I' turned as the state licemles are ure of orne Hal has furnished rnnl l'i.lJ;: th rardinj:(, ilp inning The mill wa. built of log", an(1 the The mill continued to do a al'men J ffery versu Nora William T. nnd Betdce M. Dar· to be is 'ued by the s tate com- newspap ers of Ohio with a weekly nd w uvinJt of wool. Oax, ~nd mi1l'ston S u,ed wert' WhllL were thriving bUfline s8 until after the news I tter, covering item R of in· lI eU t o Edythe M. D' Aulren)onb mis$ion. oth('r fibers into cloth; and for ro ll d "raccoon hurr~:' 1 uiter- close of the World War, when the J e ffery , for .Ii'lol'ce. terest from th' vario\! divisions Michael Brandun versus Cecil 76.86 acres in Massie township. m~'rind>i of ulll('r u~ei' to meet the ward became thl! prop rty of . carcity and high price 0'1. wheat The bill permitting betting on of departmental activity; he has Bernice and Earl N. Boggs to r~quh t' mf"nis of mankind. Jonathan Newman. lie IItUlehed a forced the manng ment to abandon Pope Brandon, for divorce. Lebanon· itizens Niltional Bank Inland tates Investment Corpora. hOI'se races at. Ohio tracks is now mnde many f l'l nel s with publishers 'lIl'ding machine th' struggle against the wealthy Along the banks of our trenm !<, "aw.mUI and nre still t o be found eloquent re- wbich were burn d down and n ot large combines. Even yet. however lind Tr,u st ompay VE!rSU Minnie tio;n, 89 acres in Turtlecreek town- on file lind will become cffcdive over the IItate , liS well as the al'l'y in the summer, Pcr imlltuel general public with whom he came mind rs of these small beginnings, rebuilt. water power is u eel to operate the M. Nunli t, et III, for money anti ship, Inland States Inve~tment orp- machines may be installed at race in conblet in line of his official of our imm nse manura turing Mr, H eighway nlso built Il grist- modern ice plant that has replaced forecloBur . oration to Nellie Dye, 89 acres in tracks and the state will receive a duties. Th e letter will be can tinued indust ric~. True. the paddle-wheels mill and saw·mill on a powcr s ite the grinding machinery. percentage of the money waged. from the present secrelary's office Turtlecreek township. hlwe long ince cea sed to tUl'n; the tlirce ly back of the Wayn i'vill The Telegraph Mill, .located two Probate Court Prcoc.,.din,. tate Fair Manager CharI !I Beer rnills, them~elves, have be n uc- water pumping statioll o n thc river milcs below Wayne ville on the The will of Lu etta E. Hutchinhas made no .stat ment r ~nrding Bill. Allowed c d d by f wer, but much larger, Thi mill eventually bcclIlIle the Little Miami , was built about 1856 son, deceased, 'was filed in probate. nlills, wher steam or electricity prop rty of idwell Ta ylor, father and was operated quite cxten ively I Anna D. Ho rmell, administratrix olumbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., probable action at Ohio tate Fail' h a taken the place of wnter power of the lat Mrs. Anna 'I'. Elli~. nnd during the early year. Later, the of e tate of Eva Hormell, deceased supplies, $1 .25; Office Outfitters, He repo'rts a large number of and where th operator of .yeater f or many yearB was known a the ownship chang d quite ' Jrequent- ! filed her inventory. supplies, .$1.50; Earl Winner, serv- horses in tr aining at the fair ycar would >'~nrc recQgnize the Tnylor mill. Today, OIlly a pnrt 01. Iy, It WIlS purchased in 1917 by Lenora Gerrard and Earl Gcp. ice., $19.50; Slakalta Ug. Co., grounds, pro cesseR of manufacture now the dam remains to remind one of the lat Roy Vantrel!l!, and has not halt<, executors of e tate of Ma · supplies. $11.45; H. L. Schuyler, Governor White has sign d the being carried fOl'Wsrd on such a the busy activities that were once been in running operatioll since lin a Bumnger, decea ed, filed their pay r oll, 162.60; F. M. Bowyer, ' two 'M cNam ee bills. one establishi~llntic seale. But the fact reo carried on there. that time, although It has not been Inventory. pay 1'011. $106,88: Edward Simpson ing a state highwuy patrol of 60 mains that these little water-power Writing of , the Wa~' n e \'ille at any tilne completely abandoned Frank Winfield, atlmlnistrator of pay roll, $144.26; It M. VanHorne officers, the other. trnnsfClTing the mills form the ba, e of our pre ent mill!'. Mr. Ney s says: "About the improvements being made at d\!. estate 01 Lucy Winfield, de~ellsed, pay roll, $346.25: W. A. Sieker, Motor Vehicle BUI'eau from the magnificent. ystem. The paddle- year 1 06, John Hal nes. from ierent times with a view of event- dIed his first and lInal account. pay roU, $190.50: W. B. chulElr, jurisdiction of the Secretary of wbeelll are idle, the wheel~ have Virginia. built a mill at Wayn es. ually replacing it in operation. The following accounts were ap- pay roll, $175.75; Carl Dakin, pay- State to the Highw~y Division, e a cd to turn, the very buildings ville on th power n ow owned by (The author,. Mr. Thompson, W8S proved, allowed and (:onfirmed by roll, $2 ,60; Carl Dakm, pay roll, under direct control of the Gover~ ltav fallen into decay, or have WTight. ( . L Robitzcl'. now. ) the la t owner of this mill to oper- the court. $78; John Myers, pay roll, $1()4; nor. Secretal'Y of tat George S. been torn tway completely. In Jt wa s of fra med timber and stood ate it on a t'ommercial basis, and The Lebanon-Citizt!lls National Floyd Lemmons , pay roll, $78; fyers had no comnlent to make many instances, only the old dams . ab out where th saw mill now is, him _elC made many of the im- Bank and Trust Company, exeeu. Orville Keever, ervic'es, $23.75; regarding the transfer, other than Phone 78J remain, and they ar!! fast being (The saw·mill has since b e n torn provements he mentlonll.- Editor) tor of estate of Howard Jeff cl'y de Roy Burrou ghs, services, $42; to state that friends and taxpayers 'Oregonia Bridge Co., supplies, $3; the state, opposed to the . carried away by the water on it down and cleared away. Jt stood An old·time mill WUII operated at ceased . Fir t and final way t o the sea. America industry ju t s outh of the present wimm!n/{ Oregonia. for meny years, the lalt L. M. Henderson, guardian of John ton & Johnston, guard rail anster.. were offering their lIa outgrow'n its swaddlin g clothe p oo L) Th e darn wa. a few hundred of which it was under the manage. Clara Loul e Smith. First. ma~erial. $2,24; United Welding services in procuring signatures to HUNTlNc: A and has ever progressed with the yards above the mill and abutted ment o~ John K. Spencer. It was L. M. Henderson, ell:ecutor of es· Co., welding, $2.1)0; New Ideal initiate petitions for n I' ferendum Flsii'INO V til1les, aided thereto by the inven- t h land owned by Ab I Sattertb· burn!d 1O 1910, and has never been tate of ElllLworth L. ,herw ood, de. Welding Co., weld head, a.92: to be hod on the matter. ecretary tive genius of man. waite (father of He nry Sattel'th· rebuilt. ceased. Fir t and final'. Frank herwood Co., gas, $12.17; Myers believes that the people Our own Littl Miami river waite), which has since, by means Thus passes the one tim~ very Mary Chapman, I~uardlan of MOI'row Garage, gas, 524.40: Kaut be permitted to say whether played its full part in these be- of u channel on the east s ide, be· nece ~sa~y old-time type 01 stone · Stanley R. Chapman, incompetent. man's supplies, $4.96; J. K. Spene. the transfer should be made to the ginnings of indu try. L t u trace come an i land. Haines failed to burr mIlls. The e mills bear the Fil~h. er, gravel $59.90; Columbus Blank Highway Department. a few of these mms that, in former secure an abutment on the east claim of older I' sidents of having Homer J. Bennett BInd Albert L. Book Mfg. Co., supplies, $2.75; d~ys, weI' to be found along its side of the river, lind the .dam cau s produced the most excellent grllde Bennett Jr., administratQrs of e • Bell Press, binding book!,!, 75<:. The only bill defeated by the banks. It L" said thnt the first mill ing tbe 11' quent overflow of the of flour and meal ever manu· tate of Albert L. Bermett Sr., de. Kaufman 's supplies, $2.71; The onate during the present. ession built on the hcad' ,o f tbe stream 3md, became obnoxious to the factured. e ased .. First and final. Book Shop, supplies, $9; Lewis &. took place shortly before recesswas located nenr Trebeins and was owner. He cut round the dam and Raymond H. Wikol'!'. tru tee of ke, Inc., coa1,315.24; Lewis &. ing, when it voted down a m Ilsur erected by John Paul. For more destroyed th power, about the e tate of Marilla. H. Wikoff de· Inc., coal, $206.77; Mrs. which would have I galized dog than a hundred yenrs it was busily l'Yeal' 1809, A long litigation ensued cea ed. Second and final. ' , services, $10; Helen racing. It was bitterly fought by engaged with grindjng . the ,flour, and the case was finall~ decid~d in Harry L. Darmody, guardian of services, $7; Charles those in favor and those opposed, meal and fe d ,for the lDhabltants lthe Suprem Court agam t Hames. '. George .Leposchak, incompetent. H~,bs'Dn, services, $10; tella Kel· the 'vote being 11 to 17. Friend. of the large territory in that vicin"John Jennings came to the Sixth, services, $10; Georgia Miller, the dog tracks are threatening "get even," probably by calling ity. township in 1810. and bought the W. H. Fulkerth, administrator of rvices, $10; Morrow Whitacre, Coming down stream, we next mill a.nd secured an abutment on I.' tate o'f Ross Purk ey deceased. $5; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, ions in communities where services, $7; Julia. H olland, 8erv- there i opposition to tht: pari. fined the chnebly mill, located I tbe ea t side against the rugged I DSecta' Habit. Are Ke, to SIIe. Fir t, 1Inal and di8trib~tive. above Spring Valley on Glady, a bank, for $200, and contracted Mary R. Lincoln, E!Xecutrix of ices, $] 0; Penn Morton, ervices, mutuel machines. which is one of tributary of the Little Miami. with David Brown t o extend the c".. ful Cont rol, I, estate of Lawrence BrQWTI, de. $70; James Follen, services, $15; the provi ions of the law legal- lor l"o WIIoI ' y . . . I>W ' ''UtA. 8ubKrlbe ao. &A4 Arriving at ,Spring . Valley, we race lor $300. Brown completed Claim cea ed. First and fin Ill. C. Donald Dilatush, rent, $20: izing them in thi state. ... w~ l_dyOU find the 1. M. Barret mill one of the race, but lost heavi1y all, the The will of Ed. Wood decea ed. Kaufma.n's supplies, $2.49; Office A ray of sunshine was injected the largest capa.c ity grist mill", on contract. The mill was idle about was admitted to prob!8t~. Outfitters, supplies, $8.70; :Kau!. the' entire stream, and also with six years, during which time the ~lth~ugh moths. arc attrsc:ted t . 4immerman man's supplies, 29c; Stakalta Mfg. into the clo Ing h ours of the cbar" lbla n""'l.~toll one of the longest periods of principa\. milling of the neighbor· ~o llea woolen garments, they can, deceased, was admitted to probate. Co., supplies $10; Lebanon Patriot GeneralAssembly before recessing "I Bb . 'UI Knll.. WIth ., , ... oll1n"llteel.1I bIll service. Not until about 1914. did hood was done at Newman's mill lf necessary, n)~ke them elves Charles M. Zimmerman was advertising, $1.10; Western Star. for lIix weeks when the Whittemore 1>1&<1. 'b.~ '" Dt hnll bill was ' passed, which per- lIudl. ' ~"herw L loalb.rebtt. . this mill give way before the keen on tho Run, and at Heighway's 9 uite comfo~table In clean woolens POI e<I executor. W. E. aavertisin'g, $1.10; Wade S. Brown Toll loll•• JU....hAt ynu mits payment in installments of Doell lor b ~n(llIC. 1IIbI~ pre s of centralized competition. mill on the Miami. A saw-mill and dec1~re.s !dIBS ~dna Callahan, Earl Greene and Howard Surface services, $112.50; Kaufman's sup. I Next com the Wash Alexander a fulling-mill wel'e there at an spec?ahsc an c1othm~ for the Ohio were appointed appraisers. plies. $2; Hotchkiss Sales Co., sup. taxes which became delinquent a' ,IOAm"':! ,"pO, .J~~ t,"i.Mb'ih~~~= prior to the Au gu t, 1982, settle. order mills--flou r mill, saw mill and di - early day and carding and fulling AgrIcultural Exten Ion Service. The will of Lusettll E. Huchin. plies, $a.69. IO-4aIt ~ ment, The bill contains a provision tillery-whicb employed a large done there until' about 1 60. And manY,of the popular home- son, deceased, was admittec! to HUNTI NG that a 100 per cent lump sum number of men for a good many "The brick ~i11 was buil~ in 1825 made remedIes, such 'as allspice, probate. Willi+ H. Hutc:hin on A FISHING settlement must 'be made before years. They were located between by John Jenmng , antl,labout 1832 black pepper, layender, cayenne was appointed executor. No bond penalties and interest will be reo , Tr. na.t Bldg. Spring Valley and Mt. Holly. wa s sold by him to Stephen Cook pepper, and borax, do not k~ep required. Charles S. Irwin, G. F. mitted on delinquencies. Returning to Spring Valley, we and Jason Evans. E~ans becam the"! out. Brow:n and C. H. Young were ap. Boato". M .... find a large meat curing plant that the sole owner, and, In 1840, old MI~S Call.ahan names two pointed appraisers. The State Conservation Com· eonducted an immense business for the mills with the lands, lots, chemIcal whIch may be obtained Francis A. Null wa appointed mis ion has authorized the planteveral years. Here were PI' pared dwellings. etc., to William at most dru~ stor.es, that repel administratr~ of estate of Huber ing of thousands 01 Gizzard shad for market those . splendid Spring of New Jersey, for $14,Ooe. It was moths and klll their larvae. Tbese J. Null, deceased and filed bond Valley ha ms, that won renown far regarded as '!o good sale at the are napthaJene, the ingredient that with sureties. Ed Keslinger E. H. The Dayton area's committee on in the Scioto river just above and wide. This plant was reo time. Oliphant died, and his son s make~ moth balls effective, and Gloeckler and A. O. Ha~baugh industrial rehabilitation moved inmodeled and operated in later sold out, settled up and returned paradlc~lorobenzene crystals. were appointed appraisers. ' to third place . in the Fourth Fed LOST years, by Will. Hiatt and Son, as a to New Jersey." . To' k11J moths abo?t 1 pound. of George J. Waterhouse, executor eral Reserve District today a com tion; Sherman·White and Co., milling and grain haQdling center. The mills finally became the eIther of these che~11lca]s is requir· of estate of James C. Sales deceas- mitments of $2858,750 for im- Greenvme, $40,OeO for building ed for each] 0 cubiC feet of space. ed, 'is ordered to settle certain ac. provement and modernization and machinery: General Athletic, LOS'r=-A brown ,leather purse from car between Lebanon and Moths a~e. comf0rt:loving ani- counts belonging to said estate. work by industries in this section Greenville, $1,000: and Buckeye Waynesville, Sunday evening. I n~als and dlshke sunshmeandfresh The inventol'g of Walter C. Pet.. were reported to Randolph Eide, Overall Co., Versailes, $3,000. as keepsake. F'inder Only two areas in the Fourth VlIlued all'. They pre':fer dark places, says erB as executor of estate of Laura president of The Ohio Bell Telepleas return til' this office or ae. Federal Re~erve District to date t~e clo.tbing. specialist. T hey ,di,8 ' Greeley, deceased, was approved. phone Company aod general chair hke bemg dIsturbed .and conSIder Nora Cox, a dministratrix of the man of tbe rehabilitation move· lead Dayton in the drive to put dress in purse ond receive re-a5 gre~~e spots a deh~aey. These estate of Carey Cox, deceased filed ment in Ohio and bOllrding states. men back to work through indus· ward. habit!! Ilre . the . undo mg of the her first a.nd fi nal ac,~ount. . The report was made public trial rehabilitation, according to mot~s, for knowledg~ 01. them WUliam Frazier, executor 01 es. locally by B. B,' Geyer, president word received from the district's FOR SALE furmshe the housewlle WIth the tate of Caroline Rogers, deceased, of the Geyer Com~any and re- office in Cleveland. The Pittsburg ' . . means o~ con.t rol. filed his first and final account. habilitation chairman .f or the Day· area ha~ reported $9,388,630 and Het·e. IS MISS Gallahan's recomMildred E. Surface was appoint. ton area. Mr. Geyer's report was Cincinnati, $3,605,293. Trailing FOR ~ALE--Good porcelain h!1 ed the local committee are Columbus refngerator, 75 pound capac ity. mendatlon for moth control: "F<lr ed guardian of Donald Surface et the first made for this area. a19 g~rmentB ~sed only o~casionally, aI, and filed bond of $1200 ~itb Of the total amount pledged, with $1,974,065 ,: Cleveland, $I,. Inquire at Gazette Office. Blr often In the sunshIne, ·brush sureties. . industries in Dayton and Mont. 534,800; Youngstown, $600,000; FOR SALE- Maple syrup. Flol'a frequently, and keep clean. For LUci .n da Hopkins, administra- gomery county contributed $2,Mansfield $430,()OO.. Berryhill. -a6 Throughout the natIOn more garments that are to be stored for ' trix of the estate of Jnmes A. Hop- 763,750. ~II 01 this money is to ~e $175,000,000 has been the summer season, clean t h or- kins deceased illed hoer mven tory spent durmg 193310 improve eXist than WANTED T he adjudi~ation a lod determin: fing equipment and machinery or pledged to industrial rehabilitation oughly before carefully storing. To make doubly sure with these, en- atio n of the i nlleritan,~e tax on t he for needed plant extensions. Two during this year, Mr. Geyer said in close a repellent in each package." estate of J ohn Cain deceased is 'o f the largest projects, totaling anno uncing his report. The tota.l eo to be given to all i~terested.· $2.. 000,000, will be u ndertaken for the Fourth Federal Reserve WILL TRADE- Past . due Bub· scriptions for rough wood. The will of F rank Burak, d eceas thIS year, but ~ y~t plans are not District following the Dayton rewas · $20,516,088. . ed, was admitted to probate; ready 'for pubbcabon. W ANTED--To buy all kinds of ------_•• _______ Other large programs reported chickens, paying highest market Mr. and Mrs. Homer Caakey, of to the rehabilitation committee for Merria,. Llcens.e price. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, Harveysburg, ·attended church here this .COunty are: Miami Hotel, con. Subscribe for the Miami Gazette,. Ohio. tI on last unday morning. Mr. . C. W. Hudson, fal'mer, of Ar. tinuation of improvement project canum, and Miss Hell!n Morris, of Caskey spoke during the mOl'ning started last yea1'; $40,000: Acme 5 sessIOn. Mrs. Caskey gave sev~ral Leban on. Patern Manufacturing Co., $4,500 beautiful instrumen4tl piano solos. . Lester P . Hudson, grocer, of for improvetnent of fuel system; Frankli n, and Miss Mary E . Snider Adler and Childs, $3,000 for new Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKay and waitress, of Franklin" equipment; Huffman Manufacturson, Alhm, attended t he 50th ing, Co., $5,000 , for plant extenR.at Eatat. TrllIaden wedding anniversary of Mrs. Mcsions: and the Drury Printing Co., Kay's unc le and au nt, Mr. and George C. Osborn a,n d Henrietta $11,250 for new machinery. Ap. Mrs. Oscar Moon, of near Martil;li- Osborn to Henry Koettel and. Alice propimately $185,000 of rehabili. ville, on last Sunday. Ann Koettel, real estnte in Turtle- tation work will be Jaunched a8 Born to Mr. and Mrs. George creek to~sh ip. soon as: bWllness improves, Da1ton Smith, a son, on last Tuesday. ' J . Wilber Earnhart and Helen concern! told the rehabilitation Mr. .and Mrs. J. J . F ishbaugh [rene Earnhart to Firman King, commitue. Included in the report were and son, Robert, of Mid dletown, real estate in Turtlecreek township Geo~ge Lucas to ~atherine New. pledge. of $44,000 by Darke spent ' Friday with the J ordan man,. I~lot No. 626 lr.1 Franklin, county industries, U2,500 in family here. WIlham Broekman i~nd FlorelLce Champaign county, ,25,600 In Mrs. Ella Ferris and Sherman Brock~an to Marcare't PI",er 100 Clark cODnty, ,12,000 in Preble Ferris spent Friday attenooD in acrell In Salem county, and '1,000 in W.rren Lebanon. Robert Andrew C. c<>l2nty. The White Star on Co., Mi8S Opal Camp, of near Ba,- Andre~, 130 aues ,,"..ntnrtl," , Eaton, is trpendlne ' 12,000 for extenlionl during 1988. The veysburll', was a Tuesday over- to'Nnuup. nifrht ~est of Misl Mary Ethel Henry S. BlytH BrClwn·Bridge lima, TroJ, fa "_ Sams, of tbis place. I . to Harry I. placinA' 13,1100 wortb 01 machiD81'J lea to HarTJ I . In Springfield, Bauel" Brothers Sanfo~ Lainh.rt lpent Satur· ia .Deer8e14 Co., Schaefer's be.·are speJldday eventng .nd Sunda, mOrllin, Hury L. • total 01 0tII.. GOlD with P. G, Wells, .nd famD,.. Pori... Co" ..... o.Wcl. or on tile aick lilt ::~~ t.
• •
mInI eenc ~ of the Old Stone Burr Gri t and
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
Mills On the Banks of the Little Miami River
L---------- -----------!
F. -r . Martin
Centerville, Ohio
Onlv $1.00
• R elzabilitation of the Fourth Federal Reserve District
Use Our Class1fied Columns They Will Help You to Dispose Of Your Surplus , Stock
Beech Grove
Miami Gazette \.
'.Uoo. ...
ADS. 1----.CLASSIFIED . ----------
TWili,ht Hour
pubu.L.rl S.a,.crlptlo. Prlc., '1.50 a YHr
Otic. PM. ..... ,....... ..... . . No. 112 Entered .t Poatottlu .t W.YDe8. Second Cia.. Mall R••i .. _- c . ... .... .. ......... .... . No. 111 ville. Ohio, ••Matter .
APRIL 6, 1633
Happening. That Affect the Dinner Pail DUring and since the bank holidays th" best news of cadi: week has Leen of a psychological character. It has three phases: Faith in the new atlm i~ i tration" demOllstrated by the support it is being given by organizutlOns and individuals of aU political divisions; confldence i" ~he future of the ~ountl'y; a belief that recovery is underway. Most IJIlportant of these IS confidence. So fill' as the public mind generally is concerned, the uays of g loom are over. The IIpiI-it of inertia that grippcd so many million s a fow months ago has been replaced by a sp irit of nggrCRsiv ness and action . ' This. ph'it is naturally reflected in the l1ttitude of industrial org.an~s ms, Of great inter st is a survey recently made by a press a/l. !!tclatlOn among the major industries 01 the country. It produced opinion llS follows: TEEL--Prosperlty for recovery brighter than at an y time in past fcw years. ' . META L - An unmistakable r(lturn of confidence is felt. CEMENT- Slow but certain change for the better anticipated. MACHIl\TERY- Stimulated sa les looked for. ME T PRODU T Supplies on hand not excessive. and price rise expected. FLOUR-Moderate price advance, at least. aBSurcd. TEXTILES- Greatel' buyIng activitiy and firmer price levels antioipated. DEPARTMENT. TORES- Predict rise in prices. HOES AND LEATHER- Any change will be up, not down. The, forecast>! reflect th atLitudc of leaders of most oth l' indus. trl s.
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hill'Y Gi brook TueMdllY Mr. and Mrs. Joe a, Mn. J ...I. a. Tripp and Ml's. Willi!! IJu Bobbie, spl'nt Sundlly and Mrs. Fost I' M()~ .e, At twilight hour sweet memory lin. brings Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogerts and HEll' wealth of d lIr und sacred Mrs. Emma Gibson, of Bellbrook thing; wcr all·day gue ts unday of Mr. ~nd shows to us her diadem and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and family And robe, with jewels to the hem, Aftern oon callers were Mr. and And in her robe WQ...f; n to see Mrs. Edger Poe and family, Mrs. The beal.lty of eternity, Mrs. Edger Polf and family, Mrs. The thin gs we see we Annot tell Harry GIbson and children, of On earth they have no arallcl. Bellbrook, Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur In t'his wid world, they can't be Morgan. Mrs. Lewis I l\Iorgan, found Alfred Morgan, of Mt. Hol)y; Mr But in God's home, there they Robert Gl'eene and daughters, abound. Leona and Celo, :Mr. Earnest Mixed with His blessings, froJrl Long, of Dayto n, Mr, and 1tfrs. lal'Cnce rawford a nd children His heaven He ha of Mt. Holly. Are all these treasu res, Mrs. Frank Dakin Elpent Sunday given, Mrs. Dert MarblU. One thing that to our hearts is with Mr. and Mrs. Eve·rett Bunnell dear Are the changing seusons ct! the and little son. Jame Virgil, have been spending a few days with Mr year, Hiley Gibson and fanlily. i They come to us like God's ,own Mias Mabel Dakin was in pay. thought . ton Monday. Are miracles, whIch He ha Mr. and' Mrs. Everett Bunnell wr?ught, . Iand son, Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gib· He kmd!y lets we morta~s shar~ son and family, Mr. and Mrs. These gIfts, He deals WIth lo vmg Willis Pennewit and son spent care. . . Thur day night with 1MI'. and Mrs. Hopes, th~ough HIS boundless Joe Pennewit. Mrs. Bert Spittler was surprised love to W i n . Our hearts, from selfIshness and when about sixty of her Sunday sin, School class and frierlds called on ... her to remind her o! her birthday last Wednesday eveni._in_g_._
Mr. and . Mrs. PaUl Rich and children, of Lebanon . and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Starr and child ren, of Xenia; were guestl! in the Lester Starr hom e Thursday. Mi s Helen Starr accompanied the Rich's orne and remained over the week-
Drive to Bring In State Bank.
Aftermath of the banking difficulties is a drive to bring all of the 12,O()O state banks into the Federal Reserve System. Some observers hold that this is not nough- in 1982, over 80 per cent of bnnk fail ures in vo lvod banks 01 less than ,200,000 capital and they believe this to be preof of 11 need for extension 01 branch banking. OU . The Wel ch sale Wednesday atle r!! POint to the fact that thousands of amall banks are excellently 1+ ..,' ......'1 a large crowd and almost managed nnd arc as sound or soundel' than many big banks, and hold everything- sold well. that bankilll\' legislation should si mply seek to eliminate poor manage· The eighth grade took the state nl nt and dubious practices, whether the product of dishonesty or examination Friday \11orning. Mr. inexperienc . Comfort, of the Otterbein school, in chorge here, while Miss Helen Randall had charge at . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , Otterbein. Al,· I ... · , A select chorus 0'1 twenty voices I ., I "l It 'If( S gave our vocal number at the Cou nty mU81'cal fcstl·val . at. Leb:00 Music an on Thursday evening. The High 8 :05 Avoiding Pasture Damage . '.. .. .. ....... ..... ... '" D. R. Dodd school orcbestra presented the :15 'l'he Cracker.BOJ( tatesman on Taxes ..... ,........... H. R. Moore instrumental number. Miss Helen :26 Music Stevens trained both groups. 8:40 Planting th Garden ... ...... ,. " ...... " ... " ..... ............ ,L. C. Chadwick Robert Gordon returned to :60 l\{Brketing Poultry for the Farm Bureau ., .. "., ... L. A. Taylor school Thursday after almost two 9 :00 The ounty Home Demonstration Agents Forge Ahead .. .. ...... , weeks of absence due to an infec.. '" ........... ". , ........... ......... " .......... ........ .... .. .. Adele Koch tion in his knee. 9:]0 Music Miss Effie Ward, colored, died at 9 :26 pray ervices for the Orchard .......... ........ ,.. .... A. L, Pierstor11' 9:36 Odd Anatomical Features of Animals .......... ..... T. C. Fitzgerald her home here Saturday morning, 9:46 Up Thr ough 4·H Club Ranks ..................... .Wilma Bonar Baker She had been in poor health for , London, Ohio some time but her death wa s wbolly unexpected. Fun eral ser· Saturday, April 8, 8 :00 'p. m. 4·H Flower Garllens .... .... ... ,.......... .. .... ....... ......... " ... " V1ctor Ries vices Tuesday afternoon. Miss Sara ' Marie Fairchild was With .;l-B Girlll in Home Furni~hing8 ...... ,...... " ......... Anna Biebricher an overnight guest of Miss Musical Interludes '. Lavonne Osborn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bogan Jr., = entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of New Burlington, on Sunday. The Senior class will playbe "Red 1..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 Headed Step·Child" pre·
rra "m
ah t 7 a
Apn·/ 10
Thoughts For This Week
The fool hath said in his heart, there is no GOfl. Ps. 14.1. Now, consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver. Pa . .50·22. , Who, olfereth praise, glorifieth me, and to those who ordereth their conversation aright, will I show salvation of God. PI!. 60·28. Call upon me in the day of trouble, I deliver thee, and thou shalt glorLfy Me. P • 60-15. For God is our refuge and trength. Thougb the earth be removed and thoug'h the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, therefo re will ye not lear, for God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Ps. 46·1-2. . ,. Jehovah, your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn his face fr.-om you if ye return to him. Chr. 11, 3()"9.
GOVERNMENT CHOP PRODUCTION LOANS Within a week the United States Government will have its machin~ery in operation making loans. to farmers in your area. FollOWing are the essential facts on product· ion loans: 1. Maximum loan ,300 - minimum $26.' 2. Interest rate 6 Y.! %-deductcd wben loan is ·made. 3. . Loan to be paid October 31, 1933. 4. Loans made . only for crop production purpoBe~eeas, tel'tilizer, spray materials, fuel, teed :(or work animals and hand labor on truck crops. , 6. Acreage reductions will not be required of farmers who in 1933 planted no more than, 40 acres of wheat, 20 acres of corn, 8 acres of potatoes and II ~ acres . of truck crops. 6. First liens will be required on all crops grown. 7. Application blanks can be secured from the County Arricultural Agent. Applicants .hould Bee their County Aeent or a member of the County Committee and seCure assistance in making out the application. 8. A.fter tbe application il made it is approved or rejected by a County Committee. It theD 1081 to Washineton for flnal conaideratlon Oheck. are Bent direct to the borrower. 9. Application Ihould be m,de al early .. pouibl.. • Earl), .pria. IfOwth of . .eet tueDts the tl'aIQ1 ~~~~~ :~~Pfrom the roots to the tope of the plaDts. No advan. renlte from clelaJlnl tile Jllowll. of eem )aDd after April
tIM 'or
Mt. Holly Mr. Earnest Earnhart and ,family, Mr. Edmon Marlatt and Mr, Charles Stiles spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Earnhert's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Kessenger, ot near Dayton. . Mrs. Earl Marlatt spent Thun. day afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mn. Stephen. Mi.s Mabel Dakin spent Sun. day evening with Mr. Earnhart and family. Mrs. Elmor Royer ill very poorly with rbeumatism and Mr. Ed Crew has the grip. Mrs. Robert Green and daughter of Dayton, spent Sunday after. noon with her ~other, Mrs. Lue Morgan. Mrs. Frank Dakin apent Sunday with Mr. and lin. Herbert Marlatt and !Ion, Edwin. Mn. Earnest Earnhart and Mrs. Etta Baker, Min Clara Dauehters spent Friday in Dayton. Mr. and Mn. Georae Marlatt a. .farewell party Friday evenfor Mr. and lin. Elvis Michael are · moving to .there . new home in Burlington this week. Tholle present were: Mrs. Minnie Marlatt and 101), Edmon, Mrs. Dora Morgan and lion, Fored, Mr. Mn• . Arthur Morran, Mrs. Clarence, Minnie and Lewi. Craw~ ford, Mra. Frank Dakin, Mabel, Madeline Geraldine, Betty, Jean Dakin; Mr. and )(l'I. Georp Smith and dallellter, Pauline; and Mrs. Kate Smith and IOn, Ramon, Mr. cd Ill'll. Earnut Earnhart, and Robert anel Barneatine; Mn. Etta Baker and Miu Olara Dau,ll. tera, lIta Stella and En.worth Gib.on aad )(1'11. Earl Crawford ,ad dau.hter, Audrey. -----lIotber-"Dorolb, 10U bave cliIcIbeJ'M _other by ;acln••roQnd ad aD tile DOile. Now 10a tlaat piece of caael,." few m1aatee
Utt1e oeeT'
NOTICE OF APPO.INTMENT E tate of :Mary E, Zimmerman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Charles M, Zimmerman whose Post Office addre s is Waynesville Ohio, R. F . D., has b'~en duly appointed as Executor Dof ' the Estate of ~ary .E. Zimmerman late of Warren County, OhiO, deceased. Dated this 22nd dElY of March 1938. Miller & Finney, Att3/S. Xenia, Ohio. RALPH EI. CAREY , Judge of the Plrobate Court 12 Warren Count)', Ohio • - --U.. THE MIAMI GAZETTE For R••• lta
FACTS AND FANCIES Gladys M · - "COI1 you "(,Ill miJl'1' "What are the twins called?" when you propoSt'd to III 'l r wall 81) "Henrietta." overcome that I could n't . p ak fOI' "Not both the same name?" . "Certainly not. One Henry alld an hour ." John - "Ye!<. it was th .. h!lppiesl the other Etta." hour of my lifc." An Estimate made by Ohio relief the number of agencies placed Anemia in pig makeR it~ llPfamilies receiving . dir ct r lief pearance usually '". h 11 they are through charities at 226,000 in three o~ four ,:"e.-ks old .. ymp\.(Jn~s Ohio, at a daily cosl of $100,000. are hrmkage In fl esh. u ro ugh hlllr coat, aod thumping of the side~. "Mother, did you ever hear a To prevent the troubl frum oc· rabbit bark?" curring, occa ~ i nally fling n chunk "Rabbits don't bark dear," of el an sod into lh . P Il B. "That's fu nny! My story book says th rabbits eat cabbage and . "Whut k el'ps u from :Culling off bark." th earth when it's upaiue down?" a child a~ ked his fath er. Sudan gra s is by all means 't.h "The law of gl·avity." .aid the outstanding, ummer pasture grass. teacher. In the drouth of 1930 five acres of "And how did th people, lick it furnished pasture for 63 days on before that law "a ~ pa. 'cll'I" at the Hamilton fol' 23 cows, County (Ohio) Experiment Farm. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Girls have a right to dre~s as they please," A maid announced with vigor. "But some of them lack the nerve,' I said, " And so me of tbem lack the figure. Boys and girls in Ohio plan to enter the turkey busines . About 110 members of 4-H clubs have placed orders for 26 to 100 poults and will raise them for the holiday markets. Club.s are being formed in 12, counties.
. Springer. the Poet--'Did you use that poem 1 sent you?" Wi eman, the Editor- UNo, we hardly thougnt it was worth what you asked Cor it." Springer-"But I didn't put · a price on it." Wiseman- nNo, but you . asked us to give it out careful considera· tion."
A. H. STUBBS Dir~tor
of FUII.ral Senice
ROOT FOR AND CONSICI'f $'our Cattle, hoga, Iheep and Wy.. to Norris.Brock Co., live wire . . . progressive firm for the hi...... market prices and good .em... Union Stock Y..... ' Ci ... ia_tl, O. Tune in on Radio Station WCJ[Y 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. ,tor our daU, market reports. .
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Our convenient location, suita. ble surroundings and equipment enables us to Serve to the Best Advantage.
80 Years Expuience In Fitting and Makine GluM.
Cary's Jewelry Shop
PhOB. 29
Way ••aville, Ohio
Leb....oll. OLio TU6Sday, Thuraclay, Sat.r4a, Ex.min.tion Fr.. LEBANON. OHIO
WATCHES W. H..... a Complet. Watch Rep.ir Seni". And use only genuine materials. Crystals titted while you wait.
Cery's Jewelry Shop
Stanley &Koogler
fte old grad was showing the L.h.1lOD, Ohio alma mater to his wife; and as Store Open Eveninel they crossed the campus they met JESSE STANLEY one of his old professors. The old !!!!~~"'~t~~~!!!!~~~~~~!!!! PhoD. 320, N.w lI.rIl_,t•• , grad introduced his wife, and the professor !\.Ought to pay his L~ EARL KOOGLER former student a compliment: "A 'IOTARY PUBLIC I remember your husband, he was D.)ltoD Pholle a marl of rare iifts." KEDmor. 89al Natioll.l a.llk "Tha t's about right," snapped the loving spouse, "be hasn't given Will. Dr.wa • • E.tat.. S.ttl.d W At.YNESVILLE, OHIO me one s .mee we were marr 'I ed" • Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. ~~~~~;.:.;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . ~~~~~-. . . .--~--~------~----______~~~~~~~~~ !I_ _ ___ _ _ . --- .---
" .1''f eel like
I just can't go
sented at the gym Friday evening, April 7. Mr. and rs. Harry Barbeau, of Batavia, were calling on friends here one. day recently, Ellis and Robert Shidaker wer.. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace and Ballard, at Lytle,
another step"
Cae.ar. Creek LlJther Haines and family autoed to Camden. Saturday to visit Mrs Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley ' Laird, Mr. and Mrs. RhOdes Bunnell were guests at a wafl1t! upper at the home of Miss Lucille, Tucker, ~n Harveysburg, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Franzy Sheets and sons, Ernest and Robert ' call· ed on Raleigh Bogan's Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Haines were guests of Tasso Terrell and wife. of near New Vienna, on Friday. Mr. George Bum\el\ attended tbe Central Ohio Superintendent!! Round Table at Dayton, Saturday. Miss J ean Furnas, of near Way' nesville. spent the week:end with her cousin, Miss Jeannette Wilson. Everetll RaineI' and family ca.1led ()n Howard fisher and family, of near Fairview Church. OD Saturday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Ralph Learning and daughter, Miss Edna, were guests of Je~se Fawcett and wife, of near Old Town, on Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson were in Lebanon on Friday.
~(ADA~9 wh:n: ;"'OVI nc(""l i!!l tometbitq;
Ugltten !,o'Cr hou8ework, GAS, the moJE(rn cooking fllel, doci nova)' with III InlnJr~d 1ittle t:l8k. wb~cb make vookin4; n fll'1l~gery, And l.uav~ bat' - neb though you Uve Ir. thf! COUoh'!.. rYT(Jfax ia J't"al gall 8tolred in eytinucrII Ian.! .]cll.a"e(1 right to the homes of ~ ~1Dtry pC0I'1t~ A lnooe~ pi stove i. need with tlu~ l"yro{J.!( installation, II bring!! to country llOnlCA CJ~c o( thc main ~pvr.pience. or the dty. J-yrof'ax Ga. burna with • hot, blue, BOOtle.1, .Inst:1nl1y controlled 4a.e.. It i. ready to cook or hake thf! titiJlute you want it aDd Jive the exact temperature you want. No waiti... for a dove 10 heal up, And no wallilll df fuel after your coo~. b done. . • Before you Jinry .., 1'IIIIp, ' .top lor a . WOlDent, (orsel f:tJcrrtJainf aboUI moaey, aDd deewe what type of range, and 'What khad of i1Iiel JOU WaIll mo.t. U It is "a 188 ranse . New Burlington real p.," lUte.. 10 our DeW ofter. It make. the firet Mr. and M-rs. E. L. Beason are eGAt of ... eool~ comparable to ....t of .tove. oein, the parents of a son, Chas. Alan, other 1at'!1. In J0Ul' own mtereet, Ieatn the detail II born March 28. .... P,ntlu piau ...... J " ...,. IIn1. nap a....y price. The W. F. M. S. met with Mrs.
rot' c:."
--_.__ ..---
Conard on Thursday. . J .. A. Hartman is Tecovering from an iIInelB resultin,\, from the infection of a lore on hiB hand. JCr. and Mrs. Oran Turner of New Philadelphia, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mra. A. W.IITumer. d" G C If It h " r. an ene 0 . e a e ,olle to houHkeepinJr on the farm beloqinc to R. C, Ferri.. II Mr. &ad lin. Bay. an ~ 1Ia.... moyed ·to B:ulllae_
,. . .
In 8oat1I
Pyrofar. Gm is rl d;I"'rpr/ li! your ho~ in ""lim:eri ."lLKh are in.w1l(~ iu un auractive cabine, 0...,441. alae house. T I,ere are alway. two cylinder~~one (or metliau rtlle aM on6 ir. rf'~erDtl for the day when dao finr on~ is emp'Y. Future glU supply U reed by the oldelSt and large,' co,"" pany 0/ jt! k'nd in the world. The .lGndard Pyr"fiu in.tallation i. only
'uar.... 3 6_ ' $\ 50
86lit Libra",
book!! were luaned t o adult&, and
GraDI4! Conducted Plana Several Diacuaaiona N.
tl .:! 0 hl l·hi ltire n. b ringing tht> lut 1 ("1 tlho ~('ttr til 1:1. !10. Tht> • figun'" Inr 1!I:l!! Il rl' , . 1!1 and 6 ,I :.!6.t., r""Jlt't·tlnh. or a to tal of At the r('(l:ular Gnnge meetinl{ being ar114.4G:.! . .'\ 1Il'lIlIlIIll'nl nll' mbt'r or la t uturday night th e f (,)llowing charge in tht· huard ~a\', that tllll lOCI' a e program wa given : (ContiIlul'd fr om Page 1) Ilott·.! i~ but 'typicill (lr th(' \\I\y th e the 1 !)33 National mal ReVocal du et by Mr. Lotz and of Today, our Librar i, in H' \' l're Libl'nry hu~ ('\' ('1' grOI\ II in useful- Virgin ia Ilardin, a ccompnni d by union to be h eld at lLebanon in Preliminary arr angeAugust . finlUlCilll tt·lIi~hls. Por , Ill!' n!'s~, Let's mnkc on\' mol" lib ra l lrma Rich. ment Ilre being mad e by the r l'~ 011 tax Cund f or it. up.keep lind con rtpd effort to com to "How t o B eautify Farm H omes union commit t ee and p lans antill d tl) matl'rinJil:!' this Yl'ar, llnd it" nli!'f. Tho.> n wly ot'~anize d I nexpe nsive ly," by 01'. Hall,
O nceMorein Sore
N. U...~e!UDlIOn
Vacci.ation of SwiDO a SptlCi.lt~ S ERUM AND VIRUS At a Reduced Price HARVEYSBURC, OHIO Ph one :31
Strait" F:nanclally
n mnl''' j~ is thl'o' n up on the I'r(lKl'e '~ h' Wom n'll ('lub is to brought rorth man y good sugat ntro. ity Ilf it.~ ft'j nJ~, W ' (J11- b{' highly comJlll'nded for it!! noble gClItions. not let it fail: It hUll linn!' too nttitlille toward thi W rthy proRecitat ion-UThe Bumble Bee," UlU h good, and ha mean t too ject. b y B etty Braddock. much to both thl' youn~ and th [ra Rich gave several good points old. DUring th YCllr 1931, '7,610 n "H ow to Co nd uct a Farm on a Son Born to Mr. and oPayi ng Basis in th is Com munity." Mrs. Chas. Grauser Voca l duet by ~fal'y a nd Ell en Mos accompanied by Virgi nia Hardin. Lll!lt week's is ue of the New H al'ing for mall Sh rub.~," by arli~l un .ay~: arl Duke proved to be very in"A so n Wil be rn at 2:30 o'clock tel'e. ting an d 8S usual , Carl was • unday morning to fro nnd Mr. . mor t han willing to a n w r all harle E. Grnu~cl' , at lheir hom.e questions. fain and Ja('kson t.. The baby Contest and stunts olos d a very was named Elwood Jerom('. interesting and entertai ning p ro. "Mrs. Grau cr, formerly Jeangram. , etta Burges~, is recov()I'ing nice ly The next program \\t ill be a under' the care of Dr. Mille r. IMrs. schoo l program wilh Mr. Lotz in .Toel Lynch of Dayton i nttend- charge. ' in,"" he r 38 nurse during her con__ ~ _ __
,Look How Little
no uncl' d by . A. Still.well, chair· man or 'the 193 3 !fathe ring, calI f or a f our·da y event opening, Thur, day, Aug u t 10. Class d~rcises 'will -he held on T hursday Mr. Slilw \!11 a nnounc_ es. Th regula r reunio,n exercises will be co ndu cted on Frida y while a r eunion picnic is beiing planned f or at urday. On Sun da y, August 1S, alumni will attend se rvices at the various Leban on chu rches, In a ddition to l\b. tiJwell, Fran k B rando n, Mr . :Eva McKa y an d W. C. T urton arc members of the com mittee in ehaq~e of the 1933 re un ion.
-----Juniors to Spo:nlor ,
Soft Ball T earn
L ytI e
At a rece nt meetinl~ of Miami Valle y ouncil, J r. O. U. A. M., \ ' t he Me srs. W. B. Schul er, A. B. f otion pictures and music will Cleaver and . W. Day were apbe the main fea ture of t he pro. point ed as member. 01: a co mmitgram that will be given at the ball t ee t o organize a soft ball team t o in Ly tl e, on Tuesday evening, r epresent the lodge. A wealth of April 11 , by the Keyst one teel good play ing mate rial is enrolled and Wire 0., of Peoria, 111., the in the me mbers hip of t.he Counc il, Early a nd Dan iel 0 •• of Cincin- so membership on thE! t eam will . Goodyear', Famous nati, a nd E verett Early of Lytle. 'b e strictly confined to this rost er. All-Weather Tread with The p U,b lic is cordially invited. No . A movem ent is on f oot to • adm iSSion. organiZe a oft ball le' lgue am ong Full CENTER Traction Mr . -Leo n Salis bury spent t he the Councils of th e Eightee nth week-e nd with relntives in Way- Ohio distritt of the Order, to • SaMtv, durability ~... nesv ille. which Miami Valley bellongs. How.... Wllva In the . Miss Mary Savage of near Five ,ever, the local team will be open . ...... -proved Point wa an overnight g uest Wed- for gam es with any and a11 good "v the fact that nesday of J\liss Ru~h . Early. team s, giving preferan ce to f rater__ feOpl. ride l r. and Mrs. Wilham Coleml\n na l order teanls, and e pecially to o n Goody. or V ry little busine: s b yond a ttended the f uneral of W.illiam Jr. O. U. A. ,M. teams . .No date for n,.. than all thtit of pur ly ro utine nature was Morris near Waynesville ~iday the first organized prac tice )U\S yet any other kind. actuall y t1'tlnsact d when o ur a'tt e·r noon. been selected. B eIUf' ftlJ all ViJ1age Coun cil met fOT its regular' Mr . and Mrs. F orest Graham son • ~ ~Atw~ mont hly session, la t Monoay even and daughter, spent Saturday n~'" nowPrIce. a. low os it . literally evening with the latter 's parents g ".40-lt ""'~1ftQ)' ln ·o·me time was devoted t o an in- Mr. and Mrs. Sh erma n Dyke in " ....r b u}' formal tli cussion of this summer 's Dayton. ...... J>HI' pr ogra m of street and alley reMrs. Margaret J ohn s and s ister, Under the direcUon of their pairs. At present it sea ms ve ry Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Dayton , probllble tha t all st reets will be spent Thursday with Miss Mary leader, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, as isted .,. .."w..1 by Mrs. Chas. Anderso,n and' Mrs. given another lig ht coat of tar and and Parry Cook in Waynes~ille. pea gravel, and that the principal Seth Furn~s of Route 6, IS able L. V. Beck, t he King s Heralds :il1eys, at least, will be somewhat to be out again after a siege of the made t hree scrap book:s f or invalids at their meeting, ,held at the improved. mumps. These contemplated improveMr. and Mrs. Charles Clark a~d home ot Charles A. Md Harold menta will be paid for out of the Walter Clark spent Thursday In Anderson, last Saturday afternoon After MUdred C O O~t had conga aline tax and auto licen se Dayt~n. . Phone 47 funds. which the State law does M!ss Bertha KenrIck of Way- ducted the devotional exercises, not a1l9w to be u sed for purposes nesvl!le returned. to her home Mon- Claire Dibert and Dori!1 Beck read ~yneaville. othe r than the construction and day after spendI ng a week at t he selections from thei r st udy leafmainte nance of street s and all eys. home or her uncle an.d au nt, Mr. lets, and Mrs. Stubbs rl!lId a story. It is in the General and Safety a nd ~rs. Walter Ken.rl c~.. "The Dragon's Parade." Delicious fund s t hat the embarrassing short. . MISS Ruth Early IS 111 at t hIS refreshments · were served during tlmMe. d M Ch I M II . t h e social hour. age in municipal financ es ex ists. r. an rs. ar es u em x The members are planning for ------------;--and Mrs. Lee McGruder attended a picnic to take the pblce of their LOST Attended Birthday CelebratioD the funeral of Mrs. Warren P ence May meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Evel'ett Sears at- at Springboro, Monday afternoon. LO T - Between Stokes :Dairy The Ladies Aid mee~ this WedMASONIC NOTICE Farm alld Middletown, rose and tended a birthday celebration at taupe velour davenport cushion. the hom e of ~'k8.-Sears 'pare'JU.:,,+nile;;,:s day afternoon at the ho Stated commu nica tion, of WayFinder please notify Harold Earn- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Walton, in rs. Stan ey Bailey. The 2nd divis· . ion of the ,A id is planning a cover. n esville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., hart. Reward. S ring Valley, Sunday eveOlng . ed dish supper at the church on Tuesda y evenin g, Apri!l 11. J udge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~== t he 14th. Robert Shawhan, of Leba non, will Mrs, A. A. S mith has returned give an ed uca tional nddress on to Covington, Ky" on a ccount of Masonr y. t he serious ill ness of her mother. Visiting and sojournirlg brethren Miss Hden Hall, teacher of are welcome. Cincinnati an d Miss Marie GillesL. ,C. 81. J ohn, W. M" pie, who has , taught fi fteen years F , B. Henderson, Sec' y. in Perl ia, spe nt i. couple of days r ecently at t he h ome of Mr. and EASTERN STAR Recent years ha'le seen consi d et:ab l ~ re duc~ions Mrs, Morris Miller of t he Ruthin the co. t of comr:nooities, and servIce In ~11 hne~ . Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. Marian fa rms. Th ey were college The public has lear.ned to expect lower prlc.es. It 1S will meet in regular session Monclass mates of Mrs. Miller. important, however, to see t hat t hese. red uctIons ~re Mr . and, Mrs. Melvy n Swank e n- day even ing, April 10, at 7:3 0. tertained several friend s at cards Visiting members welcome. , legitima.te, and not effected by a sacrIfice, quabty. Saturday evening. Lucile Bland, ' W. ~" is one thing to buy at a lower p r1ce when Minnie Fromm , See'y. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley quality remain the s me, a nd quite a nother to spent Sun day with Mr. and Mn. accept inferior merchandise or service offered as a Morris Hadley near Clarksville. "bargain." , Har vey Bur net and Clyde Our charges for merchandise a nd service ar e Wharto n were in Lebanon on lower tod ay t han they have been in many years, but business Monday. the redu ction is t he result of lower costs and Mr. and Mrs. Eberly Farquar of economies in mana gement. W e refuse to sacrifice our n.ear Ridgeville spent Sunday with With the arrival of Slpr!ng there high stand atds of q uality and mi/>lead ou r clients th e latter's mot her, Mrs. Lott ie 'is increasingly noticeable on the with II a ings" whic h a re only apparent. Carey, and MI'. and Mrs. Fra nk highways a pin the apP,ear ance of Rogers. Mr.s . J ohn Klotz and son Jack, 8 certain typ e of motorist com· Mrs. Ellen Robin so n and Mr. and monly described as a " Sund ay Mrs. Harold Goosey of Cincinnat i Driver" for want of a better term. were Sunday guesta of Mr. and He is the type who, out just f or Mrs- William Coleman. t he ride, poke~, along in heavy Phon e 7 Waynelville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Siles recent- tramc at a snad I pace, watehi~g ly visited ,the fo rmer's brother, the scener y in stead of watching t;"'========================::::;;;-!J Wilbur Sides, at Miami Valley hos- t~e ro adway ; in sh~rt;, making hlDlJIelt a gener al nUlsnnce. p ital Dayton. Edward Kruer, little son of Mr. He is the t ype who ~ !Iually hOII'll and Mrs. Walter Kruer of. Route highway as t hough It: were only llve, fell Sunday a week ago while for h is own personal U I~e , holding playing with other boys in t he yard up a line of cars someti~~s and broke his lef.t limb in two nearly a ~loek long, uttlerly obhvl. places. o,us to ' the rirnts of tlitose motor Mr, and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mr. vehicle opera~or8 who I'eally have and Mrs. Therle J ones and ' son some place to 10. Nat,1Ilrally, the Milton, were dinner guests Sunday slo,w ing up of affic in t his way is of Mr. and Mn. J. B. J ones. to ,r eault In congestion- and Rex Burnett wss br ought home congestion, In th~ final . nal)'8ia, S IX WI from Miami Valley hospital Thul'S tends to cause a~cldent8. C day morning-in an ambulance. H is There is no WIsh to p4~rfonn the SO C limbs are in casts, yet he is dOing 0'1 excluding from nicely as can be expected. hlghw.ay altogether the.s 4! mo.torlsts • Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Haines and who like to laze along In. tbelr own ~, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gabelman of sweet and Irritating w~ly. But in l.n DC Dayton and Mr. and Mn. Therle justice. to all motorists 0 : W. Mer. '1 Jones and son, were Sunday call. rell, dlrec~or of the 011110 depar t• ,&fo.ers at the home of Mr. and Mra. ment of highways, oiY,er's the sug. Walter Kenrick. gestlon that the "SundllY Driver" OW 1 16 Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fumas enter use the many fine s ide r loads at his tained a nu~ber of relatives ,Sun. disposal, th.u. leaving the main '..I . • day a week ago, from Richmond, traffic artene. unobstructed. ,and Ind., to a birthday dinner, In honor open .to dri,:ers traveJiJlg With a of Mrs. Fuma.' mother, Mrs. definite de8tm.ti~n ahelld . , John Hill In the interes t ot trall\c safety, 1 lZ Mrs. Margaret John. entertain. don't pverlook the of the ed the followln, peats on Frida, other fellow and the the , , eveniU March 14, 1Ir. anel Mn. hia'hway. should be such a Ralph lohn. anel family, lit. and manner a . to the Mn. Melvyn bank and maximum amount the Mrs. A. A. Smith and Ill'. and Mrs. rnateat number Donald Hadley. Hllrhway Director There are more tban eni)ug'h ••71 III til. ltate to
It Costs Now to
Best Tire
valeseencl'. larence S. "Re\'. and Mrs. Grau er of Worthinp;ton, parents of the proud father, spent s veral days admiring their new grandson h re." Rev. . . Grau. er served a fiv year pastorate of the Wayn sville 1. E. church, being , the pastor in ,charg wh n the ure.ent edifice wall built. "Papa" Charles !\tar ted his senool car~er here. and was ,a gen ral favorlte about town. HI S lmany frie nds here extend congratulations.
Council Discussel Street Repair Plans
K.·ngl Herald., Made Fancy Scrap. Book.
· Sta. Gordon'S Semc:e W
Late Classified Ads.
!~~~~~;:=~~~~~~ Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. l\h~.
J . E. Fraz ier is qu ite s ick.
NOTICE, FARMERS The PerC'lIeron ~tallio n , Jasbl', No. 1 52377, lind the Jack Kentucky Nightingale, will mske the sell son at my fllrm. Or, for a nominal sum will come to yo ur farm. Both Qf these a nimals are proven sires.
Mr. J ohn Fromm and family DR. H. M. WILLIAMS vi ite d in Dayton Sun da y. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and Pho • • 1l SR2 SURCEON Mr. ·a.-nd Mrs. Myer }Iym.an and' YN ESV ILLE, OHIO WA on s pent Sunda y in pring Valley Special Attent ion to Rectal and Inte. tillal Dit6uel Wa ll l)aper-()ver 150 patterns LE BANON, OHIO - to select f rom, an carried in stock-6c and up, lit Mye l' Phone 12 hint &: J.mIlQJ~eril,r~~one 166 8 Subscribe for the Miami Ga zette. . Hym an 's.
{r. Oliver Davis, Miss Rach el Davis a nd Da vis. Mrs. Chade Mrs. Earl Evans 'W l're Lebanon visitors Tu esday. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McKnight, of New Burlington , call ed on t'he ir daughter, Mrs. C. P. El)is, and family, Sunday a ftern oon. Miss Trillena and Miss Ma.rgare t E dw ards, who have spent the win. te l' a t D Iray Beach, Fla., are ex. pec ted to ar rive hom e .t his week. Mr. L. V. Beck t ook h is S unday scho ol class of H igh sch Qol boys t o Da yton, Monday night, to hear Dr. E . tanley J one at a pUblic meet ing held in the N. C. R. scho ol house.
Prelident Favors Miami Conservancy Presid ent Roo velt s said to be great ly interested in' the Miami Vall y onservancy Syst em and an effort is being made t o have him visit t his secti on and per sonally in' spect the det ention dams. Our system of fl ood protection, the reo suit of the engineering skill of ATthur E. Morgan, will tie into President Roosevelt's plnn for control. ling the Ohio river andhi personal ins pection is sought b y Un ited States engineers. It is whispered that t he ,overnme nt's wide-spread conservation and fi ood con trol scheme contemplates making t he Great Miami river navi,able as' fa r as Dayton. Last week Senator Robert J . Bulkley visited the White House and placed before P resident Roose velt t he p roposal of a flood control project on the Scioto, HOCking and Musk ingum rivers, t o be In. clu ded in the administration's huge reforestation program, a nd the Senator was urged to present the facts and details of the proposed project' to the Secretaries of the Interior and War Departments so that lit tle time would ' be l ost in the event the Interior chief apFranklin proved the - pla n. Chronicle.
SERVICE Fro n helping ypu lelect the PROPER lumber - carefully inspected and thoroughly lea... loned- to the prompt delivery, we try to put our bUlinell on a SERVICE basil.
w. H. MADDEN Phone 14
& CO.
Waynesville, Ohio
,= I
'Quality Maintained o.f
-----_ ...- - Driver. MUlt Use
Caution on Snuday
James E. McClure
farmers Exchange Co. ----_ ..---
On your part is going to lose you a lot of money if you do not use our columns. for your ~--- - -
Classified Ads. A trial insertion will SOon convince
For a beautI' ful lawn sow Emerald , k e 'a penee C 't G ra· M' t ure: It '] 1 rna . 25 ' JUS . ,t a Lew w ee k s. P nce, d In per pound It W e 1la\ e ' ,St k a comp e e I'Ine o f Grass n d C lover Seeds pr;""ed as d I ' as pas .bl e ,£or h' oh gra d e See. F ertilizers for lawn and garden We can supply the hl·ghest grade Fert ·t· e r s for every purpose at a wery rea onable cost '
Phon 25
l or wliiattr,;lJr
Eighty-Sixth Year
~..Ra~ =. =.: .: ndom~~OCAl 80Y SCOUTS' Human Interest ENIERTAINE[) VISITORS
. Whole Number 6061
APRIL 12,1933
Found in Town
Warning was is. ·ued tod,uy by the sta te tax commission t.hat only this week remains for making the I !)B:I annual r tur n of pet'sonal pfope l·ty fOI' ta1Cation. /lturday, April 15 is the deadline . The last day Cor making returns was March 31, bu t thiR time was extended by the stat e commiss ion to April 15, under authority 0'1' Il recent nct of the ge neral assembly. Alte'r that date th penalty of 50 pen'ce nt for failure to make r turns within t he peeitied time will apply, and cannot be remitted but onl y Te-
Friday. April 14 , Is Good Friday ___ ._ Read, "A Memory Teasel'," on Rl'sll, "A Memory T ~aser, " \In the day on whi ch thl! ,hurc hes and One of the Moat D.... htful Aftai .. page 2. page 2. all believers in J esus hrist com- Di striet Executive Made Stron. Flowe .. Box and Picture Awarclecl of tho Sealon Held at the Beautiful potted fiow~rs for memorate Hi s terrible suffering Appeal for Moral Support of Mr. Elmer Pi l'ee, or Dayton. To Pupil , of Mi .. Harbock and Easter. See A. H. Stubbs. und greut ,flacl'ifice On alvary. transacted busin(~ss herC', IUllflny. MilS Lile..:...committee Named A fe w years before he wa s C!allTroop by All RellPoluible Men J. B. Strouse and son, William, ed to his H eaven ly r\!ward, the late - __Bl!1lutiful pottee! fltlwerR for Students of the Home Economics were Dayton visitors, Saturday. and well beloved "Rev. J ohn F. East.er . • c A. H . Stubb~, I A rousing a nd ent husi astic PU)lil of t he Seco nd grade . t't t Ca d wa Il a d el' In and Smith.Hughes Vocati onal At ' b'l . U ed an annull -' u omo 1 e Insurance rates re- service, kn own so I the "Three Hour me'ting of Wayn esv ill e Troop No. Mrs. Lloyd Davi lind 8on~ visit- uml I' the direction of their " 4 0 B ' f A ' . It ure d epartmen t s of t h e duced .W N S A g,'lcu . . . ears. ervic ," at St. Mary's ChUTCh. ' oy co uts 0 m erica, was ed relativ e!> neLl r Kingmnn, 'Un- teachers, tbc Misses Ola Hartsol;k · .1 ' h . I h Wayne Townsnip schools once Thomas Hardin and family The servi ces have bet'n cont.inued ent 01' ta me ... In t e !lOCla rooms of day. und Faye Kelly, gave a Mot er more covered themselves with called on Dr. J. T. Ellis last Friday annually, first by our d 'ar fdend, the M. E. church, Monday even ing Goose entertainment f or the glory at their annual banquet to evening. himself, and 'ince by his worthy The Bt'otherhootl of the church Ross Hartsock and (amily were pleallure of the Wayne Township successor, th Rev. J ohn J. acting a. hosts. cout Ma stel" I5IH!!'.t. 01 Mrs. !,(ona Hilrtsock, at M.othcl·s club, last Friday after~ Par nts and Iri nd served l' n the · d ' ht b du c;ed by t he subsequent filing the 1·1 riends Homl' 011 S .1 hid Mrs. Perry J. Thomas was the Schaeffer. And who shall SIIY that Iy d e P 19 gym Tu sday evening. The guests 1' on an elg mem ers of return. ! • un .. ay. noon. An r a grou p of c i ren . to the number of about 136, had overnight guest of Mrs. C. J. Mar- the continu ance of these local ser- of Middletown Troop No. 19 wer e WILL R. LEWI S. Mrll. Ernest Butt rworlh \V1l11 hatl su ng an appropriate song, 'a vices is not a trib ute to the mem- present liS special iguests. as was hostess t,, · the men1bers o~ her play, "Princess Lilly," was pres~nt.assembled in the corridQl1I and quard,t on Wednesday. f h'" f G d Mt·. Kingsbury, also of Mi ddle. Auditor, Warre n ounty, 0. " ' d · h h I rooms 0 f th e H Ig .'se 00 building Easter Market SatuTday, APT1'1 ory 0 t e mun 0 0 who con- town, and a Scout executive fnr .The KI'ng and Queen are muoh .' bridge club, Saturday af ernoon. d t h d fi II I th an~.' at n nppomted hour, re-,] 5, by Ferry Church Ladies at uc e t e IT)>t, a$ we a R to the this distri ct. " pall ed t o the gym, where they Snell's Store H - ' b ' Mallter . he loved and s rved 0 Mrs. E mma H. Mc lu re under- concel'ned becau'e the Princess were greeted w~h music, furni shed ' urveys urg. well! John adwal1ader'R body i: After a bou n t Oll repllst had we nt an OI)CI'ation' of a. minoJ" has nev r laughed, and the King br tb~ school orchestra, under thc.> Mrs. Will Madden and Mr. Fred .resting in the tomb, but hi s s pirit been sel'V d by th Brotherhood, natur e at Mc lellan hospital. last has offered her hand in marriage dnectlOn of Mr . Alberta Buerkle. Gaumman spent unday with and influence " 'ill never die in hi~ the visiting Scouts I!~ave a demon· week. to anyone wh o will cause ' ber to The orchestra also played severn! relatives at North Lewisburg. home co mmun ity, for which he did . lrati on of th e advantages of t rue laugh . As the Rcene oPens, the plea sing selections during the . so much, and to whi ch he Ret such cha racter building als sponso red by Mr. Max Elwel!, of Wilmington, King's me ssenger is seen on hill upper hour. MISS Stella Daugherty visited a sp lendid, God ly ex-ample. the Scout organizati on, and Mr. lothing anti s upplies t o be sent pent unda:,' a t t h home of MI'. way to the palace with a mel\Jlage A most appetizing and bounte- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards and I Beginning at l he noon hour .K ing~bu l·y gll\'!! a r lusing add re s. to 1\ mountain mi sion in Kentucky and Ml'S. OUver Dnvi~ and uaugh- for the King. The characters in ous banquet, that had been pre- family, near Springfield, Sunday. when Chri. t is supposed til h llv~ The speaker madc~ a strong ap- were prepated during the social tel', MillR Roch el. t he order of their appearance: pared by girls of the Home Ee onM f been nailed to the ; nIHS the p al for IDor and st~onger sup· hour of th me ting of the W. F . [f you like fun , Ree " Th GOllsip ! Han , th e king'a me88enger1 omics departm nt, was efficiently r. an.d Mrs, Edward .J. Burto.n service continu es through 'tho'e POl't from t~e re ponslble men of l\f. eociety of th e M. E. church that Eliminator" at the Gym, Friday ~endell Salisb~ry; !?\varf,. hiding erved ·by students of b oth de- of. E~yrla, ~re sp~ndlng t~elr three hours of bitterl'st ago n f r Ithe commumty; support of a moral \\'8. held the home of Mrs. O. R. and atul'dl.lY nightR. Y()U wo n t In the fo~·est. Billy Tinney; (here, partments, in fact the service Eastel vacahon With relabves the Master and dee pe t d ~ad8_?S well a~ a finallcl;a1 nat~fe. F or Unglesby, Is t W\ldn selay after . miss the 10 or ] 5 cen t.. a ~(IP!t III time is explaill~d by would have r fl ected credit upon here. ti on for mankind, quotin; Hi s In stance,. f\ v(> adult co.mmlttecm~n noon. The work had b en preceded 1Elizabeth Burnett) ; Swan, Charle a professional caterer with a corps Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman and words of pardon and cOD!lOlation ~I:e reqUIred to sup ervise the 8cllv- by a most int re ting program. Th e M lhe .. ~ lu b haR en/o\'oge d r nd orf; Six Little Girls, Wanof trained assistant. son were guests at an elegant six- until the end of the third h our ItlCS of as many d,epartments of Mrs. A. K. Day onducted the the ervices of " Th e 0 sip I neth Mc;K ever, Virginia Schuler, After s upper, Julian Crabbe. o'c1o.ck dinner in Xen-i , 1'U1!sday when a s the Sun hld-hirlace i~ the' o.rk. As yet, bu t three of aev otional s, us ing hrisl'lI word s Eliminatot·" at th gym . Friday harlotte Rye, Lataine Hildeh ' an d t h e vel'1 of the T emple t at' hese . h t ~, . Apn'1 14 an d b r echt presl'd e d as toastmaster in the evenm&,. same, sf Importa t 'l ntfill PO!lts d ' have th 1beenI f ro m th e cro ., "1 th'1r t, " as he r an (I U t lIr(Iay nlg , Betty Tin neyan d Mon'mia I manner of a veteran in this di!wae rent, He cried , "Father , into I ~c y e . m . e. oca theme. Mrs. G. C. Dibert conduc t- If). Admission, LO anti 15 cent.. Kook; Four Littl e BOYS, going Everybody was happy to see Thy hands I commend my spirit," org.anlzutl.on: he tIme IS ripe ~9r ed the lesson study, "Sharing the Ifish ing, harles Waltel' Bernard. ticult position, interpolating his introductions bf speakers and musi- Miss Lucy Emley able to resume and yielded up the gh ost. OU! good cItizens to ge~ ~ehmd Unfinished T\isk." ENTERT AI NED FRIENDS Matthew Turncl', Mari on Hoblitt cal numbers ' with many happ:t' her duties at the postoftice, MonThe service recount.s His word th1~ worthy cau-e, find aid 1n the Mrs. Frank LeMay gave a re' urid Donuld Or~bOTn; Man, Edwin comments. day morning. o'f forgiveness--"Father fo"~ive development ot mainly character sume of the Rev. ·E. Stanley Jones' A charming so cilJ! was arranged urCace; ?fonl(ey, Warren LeMay; ourI boys--the d 'In Day t on on f . .10 c r,mplime.nt Queen. Helen Hise"', King, Lan· EI lza ' b et h H en kl e, direct' MISS George W, Pratt wa~ called to t h em for they ,;."now not what th y of U th ' I dmen h'of tomorrow f S t addresses ' d. e r Ivere or ' '1 h ursday night J ress of the Home EconOMics de- Xenia, Saturday morning, by the do;" His promise of immortality- M DC er e ea ers Ip 0 .cou the preceding Monday. and Mrs. to Mr. Th om s h et s, who is home Ring Hardin; Hor es, Joe Jamelr. partment, welcomed the guests in very critical illness of his sister, "This doy shalt thou be with Me b a ~I~ ~ Hi, Stub b. " ~~IY ~Sslsted Mary Mc IUl'e t~l~ its interesting for It. short furl ough fr. om the U. S. ohn Stans b rry Jr., Gene Thompber usual g racious manner. RUB- Mrs. Jesse Chambliss. in Paradise ;" yet the human note °t e . apm~~' i e . . ~11le~- sto~y as she exhibited an oriental Naval Training Station. at Great son and Eugene ' Gruber; Driver, ell Treadway briefly explained the is so unded In the plaintiv request I'nt eresrtooPu lSb rap1 dY gltOhwl~g m chair, the property of Mrs. Edith Lakes, IlL., at the home of his arl o'Harrell ; Princess, Ellen "Bene fl>· . IT ak , nbml " ers anId fen uSlasm. . M. H arrl. 's Th e c haIr ' had b een 0 b - parent!!, Mr. and Mrs. Franzy Mo·s "" 0 f V oca t'lona I A gr1eu e your wi1e to' see M "The - ' I thirst." The aste r of' Men. Ii e ' 't ., . ture Training." and Francis Ellia Go.ssip Eliminator" at the Gym, innocent of all sin or blame, dy- rea~~yr ::d ~~~1pylrgle~' be~tihe;&ltWlll tai!'led by My .. Charle F. Mosher, heets, of Waynesville. Route Following the children's I1 ro h Id t h , . ' n as whIle on a VI Sit to the Roly Land, He graduated from th gram, Mi s Mal'y Jo Miller gave told. "Wh, I Decided to Take FrIday and Saturday nights. It ing the death 01 deepest human th . .. R 0 ber t CI eaver may be 10 or 1..I:. cents well spent. d egra d atlOn. ' . order t 0 prove t 0 Waynesville ey s ou , Troop ere I should no reason twhy wa by hl'm presented t 0 h'IS T ramlng .. Company 10 on one of ber pleasing readin ...... }[ome Econ omlcs. 1n b and . ~ told 'Of the advantages of "Farm Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robe....- man that the blaeke t persecution, one of the finest and most e;:ctiv: sister. _. day 8ftern oo~. April 5th. ~~Jbsb';;' c~~:lyA~id ~~!::~~~n." Shop Work," and Dorothy Borne I "" no matter how s. ever, m. a. y be met troops to be found anywhere. The follOWing aesar~ ' d th "s f W k A and son, Thomaa were the dl'nner d d d h f t LOCAL GRANCERS S d h I b I Mrs L B Hall Mr Hartley ou tl me e cope 0 or c- guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. an.en ul'e Wit a. SP lTlt 0 rU,e After the addre,gs, 0 select ~n ay sc 00 m m era an< Moss ~nd ·Mr~. J. A'. Hartman were co mplished by Home Economics Marqpardt and family on Satur- forglVen~ss. H.e laId dow n. H.'s patrol from Waynes ~' ilIe Troop deVIS1T MASON CRANCE frlen~ s were present: R .v Mary . Clas es tbis Year." d earthly hfe; HI body was l.ald ln fa ted the Middleto,w n patrol in . . Al1t~lm, Everett }fame a~d appointed 8 members of a corn>After two pleasing seleetions by ay. the tomb, yet, on the morning of fl'iendly contest of :S co t t La1lt Frtday evenmg over fifty famtly, MI'. and Mrs. Wal ter WII . mittee to nominate officers for the Home Economies' Girls' Glee M' S the third day, .He aro ·e. ~riu m- Beside the visitors fro~ ~i~~lle- m.e~bers from Waynesville Grange 80n , Luther H~lne , and famil.y, next year, and report at the next club, Cecil Hartman told, "Why I . r8.. ydney Chandler is phant over the sm and suffermg of town about 50 b 'f th VISited Mason Grange. The Way- Mrs. Emerson mclan' 8Tld chll- meeting. The Hower box and Took Vocational Agriculture" and ' leally 111. Her daughter, this world- even Death. it e11. Troo~ nnd twe ~l e ll~:rs o. : nesville officers took charge of the dren, Ralph Learning' and fami ly, picture were awarded to the e&re Virginia Foulks discussed the I Ruth, has ben here for the To us, it is a beautiful thought thi n;eet' ng n y n enJoye meeting and also gave the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchn 1', of Miss Hartsock's nnd MillS Lile'. " Value of Home Economics in week or two,. assisting in that God calIed oor dear fri e nd I . ing' program : ' Mrs. He nry SaUerthwait • Franzy room s for the next month. Everyday Life." Harvey Peters. mother's care. from us just at this hopetul Playlet, "Getting Ready for a Sheets an d family, Homer Hai!! . During the social hou secretary of the local chapter, gave Mr. and Mra. Robert Weltz, 0 EasteL.Beason....J.us~n yea", Vi it," Roscoe Furnas, Reba Brad- and family, MI'. and Mrs. Rl\y~:_!.f(:;-mntmiUa!rn1~r.Wlilter'wh\l;a:-----"'-1 a brief historical sketch of the F. L. Weltz. of Wilmington, were ago this coming Thur doy evening dock, and Frances Ellis. mond Wil so n and daught r , J ean- ker, Mrs. Ralph Johns, Mrs. F; A. and its aims. Several of the 16, by Ferry Church ladies, at - April 13, 1922- bc waS called Recitation, "They Didn 't Think,' nette, Mr. and Mrs. RnleiR"h BOll:an George Smith, Mrs. Clyde Wharton boys sang the F . F. A. 1I0ng. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard to his reward as he was preby Charlotte Rye. and daughter, Dorothy, Edna Mae Mrs. Walter Guy and Mrs. Alice George Miller presiding at the Weltz, daughter and son, Monday paring to leave hi home to conGeorge S. SchnE,bly, a well "Seme of Our Present Day Staup, Lula and Annn Sohns, Miller served appetizing refreshpiano. evening. duct the Lente n eel'vice in the kn~wn and highly est-eemed former Problems ," Sid Ellis. . Ruth Satterthwaite, Robc)·t Gonll, ments. . Right here, we wish p pause for I little church he 1loved so well. Dur- re ident of this co"lmunity, died Monologue, "Yep, 1')11 1 till Roberb' Wilso n, Richard, Robert .Next mon~h, MI~s Reede!~s, and a brief comment on the excellence Charles Moran, a well known ing that Easter. his pal'i hioners rathel' suddenly at his home in Happy," Julian Crabbe. and harl fI a.ttelthwaite. Louis MISS Hunter s Beginners Will preof the talks given by the students. faTm helper, hall l'eturned to this and friends like the mother and I Victoria, Te)(as, la t Friday as the Stunt. Rhude, of near Blanch Stel', Rufu s !lent th final prol'ram for a season A.1I we.J;e concise and to the peint, community after a few years dearest friends of Christ, were re ult 'of an attack of acute inThe orchestra, composed of Conner, Paul Wh e lel' and Harold that has been ah unqualified given 10 an easy. unaft'ected man- absence. and is now employed at stricken dumb with bereavement, dige Hon. The remains were Frank Bradd ock. Cecil Davis, Connard of N ew Burling ton, Paul lIuccess. ner that denoted a pretty thorough the home of Frank Cook, on the but hope springs etQrnal in the brought here for burial, arriving Ronald Hardin and Raymond Thomas andl Don Lamme, of near - - - -- - knowledge of, and keen interest in upper Franklin road. human breast. Like that of his shortly before midnilrht, Tue day. Braddock and accompanied by Bellbro01o. Mr~. Ada Jenkins, Mrs. LeDa their subject. To a &,uest attendMaster, John Cadwallader's spirit hOl't funeral servi ceEI w re held at Betty Hal'tsock at the piano, ,playDainty r erreshnlents of sand- Hartsock, Misse Annje and Mame ing one Of these banquetll for the Edgar Smith and Erwin Ellis has never died, and, some day. his the Mc IU1'e funeraU holne at 4 Ed several numbers during the pro- wiehes, frait salad, doughnuts and Bt'own spent Wednesday afternoO'n first time, their work ""as indeed headed the annual pilgrimage of body will live again-only in a o'clock this (Wednesday) after- gram. cake were served. in Xenia. -a revelation. MillS Henkle .nd Mr. the local dilCiples of baak Walton more glorified, more perfect form noon, 'Rev. J ohn J . Schaeffer ofCrabbe are to be highly eompJi~ to the Reservoil', departing on • _ _ ficiding, and Waynesv ille lodge. F DEATHS mented upon the IIplendid reo their first trip Sunday even in&'. LILLIE LORANIA NEDRY & A. M., gave its ritualistic burial Ml·S. Ann L' oUl'se Sml'th, aged I s uits they are achievinr. service at th graVI) in Miami a native of WarTen county, !Iuewas son of J ohn , A _ __......:.-:Wayne Township Smith-Hughes and he and Mrs. Archdeacon 'Were ~umfed to a sudden bear.t IItt.ack at L . and Martha Snowden Schnebly shortly after noon Monday. Heart. ' . department, and now director of IUelts or honor at a f~ily dinner. 6 0 clock Monday.eventng In. the and was bOTn in Waynesville. trouble, with which she had , been - - . ---a similar depa:rtmen of the Leb. served . at the home of his sister. home of , her COUSID B, the M1sses A\)l'U 7, 186], ju t '72 years be- afflicted for ' several months, is ST. MARY'S CHURCH Sun dllY schooL at 9 :30 .. m. At anon schools. The Misses Jeanette Mrs. Geiger, in Butlerville, in Blanche and Chloe Wilgus, Cass- for e the day his Temains arrived gillen' 88 the cause of her deatb. Rev. J ' J. Sehaeffer. Rector the close of the Sunday school1rith Wilson and Jean Furnas favored honor of the event. Howard said town. Ohio, where she had resided here for burial. His flit her wa s the Mrs. Smith was a life-long Tesident April 14 Good Priday the no inte rmission, there will ~ ' a he ' ' b een born an d "Three Hourj "e"vice" from , • • .. was . h 102 yeats old, but he seems t'"fIe I as tn.me years. Sh e 'Was ap- miller at t he old WTight mill, and 0 f L y tl e, h avmg 12 consecration S l'Vlce an d t h e p-.tor mig ty sp.r y" for such advanced par en tl y In her usua 1 h ea Ith an d for years the family reside!! in the r~ared'1t1 th at VI'11 age, an d IS . s ur- o'clock noon. t o'-l 3 p, m. . f ants and adults, ud WI'1I b ap t·Ize 1n (Continued on p~ge 4) years. was leaving the dining table after house now occ upied 'by Mr. and vlVed by three sons .and two daugh. Easter Da~', hu rch school at laleo recei!e members into full partaking of the evening meal Mrs .. Sid Pope. ters. Funeral serVices were held 9 :30; at 10:30 festival ser vicl' with nlembershlp In the church. when she slumped to the fl oor and In earlier life George was em- at hel' late home Ilt 2 o'cl ock this the following mlJ6ical program: Epworth League at 7 p. m. wjth life ,!as extin.ct. ployed by the latelJ. E. Janney in (Wednesday ) afternoon, Rev. ' Mr, Kyle a s leader. , BTlef. serVices, were conducted the drug store, leavimg that posi- Scarf, of Spring Valley, officiutQI'ga n Prelud e At 8 p. m. we will have • . re&'at 10 :80 o'clock Wednesday morn- tion to take up hill trade as house ing, and burial was made in Miami Procea ional, " ome Ye Faithful" ula.. East'll' et'vice eonllistill&' of ing in the Wilgus home after which painter and expert int;erior decorat cemetcry. "Christ. Our Psssovcr" ... Chapple special Easter songs by the chOir. the body was taken to the home of or. In late years he hE~ld a fesponsi w'n E I 5 Kyrie .... .,....... . . ,. .. .. Fortay Ialso, an East er play entitled "The amateur shorthand, amateur typ- her only sisteT, Mrs. Lydia Alice ble position with the maintenance • I U as~, 6 , of Leba~on, Gloria Tibi . " ... , Paxton Bread of Tears/' and . the p.ltor . Std ing, bookeeping. . Mckinsey in , Waynesville, Ohio. department . of a la:rge railroad died at 8 0 clock Monday !ltgbt Te Deum LaudamuB . As.hford will give a short address on the Editor ......... .... ..... Doril Salillbury The purpose of thelle contests is The funeral services were conduct- system. He left here s,ome 30 years a.t the. Lebanon ho~el, follOWing a Hymn. 'Jesu/l ChriKt is Ris'n T oday ~ubject of , "The Remove<l ObAuemblies ... " .. "," ..... Orie Hardin . . Gloria Patri. Anthem stacIe. Class News ........ Thelma 001,....0 to select those contestants who l ed in the McKinsey home at 2 ago, but brought his family for a hngerlng iIln,ess. shall be eligible to repTesent their 10'clock Thursda y afternoon. Burial visit to the old home town on the He served In the SpaDish-Amert- Offertory, "AllelUia," Mr!!. MayYou are cordially invited to atAthletics .................... Mary Crane can sections in the lltate eon- was made in the Miami cemetery. occasion of the High schoolhome_ l war, t~e ntah,v y, U a !1 d for 31 nard Weltz. lend any or all of these .emelli. Rumor ....... .... ,.. ., .... Leada Werntz varioua test.. The lehool at which these ' Miss Nedry was born in Harvey~- coming in 1922. years was In e .. nlte d States Presentation of Alms. , ' . . Organization8 .... Vir~nj& Foulkl contest. are be held Is not deft- burg, Ohio, September 26, 1864. He was a former 81:udent in the marine corps, retiring four years Sanctus ............. ..... ,,, Gower WAYNESVILLE CHURCH ~ o nltely kn~wn at the prelent time. She was one of four daughters of WayneSVille schools. a fllithful ar • , . Agnus Dei :,.... . , ........... Gilbert CHRIST . ' . ; Seal C.... Pia L. R. W. Joseph and Mary Wilgus Nedry, commu.nicant of St. Mary's Epis- M' SUplVl~g him are hiS Widow, Gloria In Excel is " , Gow er « Undenominational) or . T ' pioneer settler of Wanen county. copal church, and a worthy me~- C raE lear EUla~~; one brother, C. Amen ......... ,... , .... Neukomm Chester A. Williamson. ~r The Senior class play, "Profes- ~. ea •••,. Soft B.II Le•••• The gTeater part of her life being ber of Waynesville Lodge No. 168 • u ass! preSI ent.. Of. the Leb- Nunc Dimittis ... . . GOW~1' Ch urch School at 9:30 a. m: on cNa;;.on;1 I bank, /IS mo.ther, Recessional , "Christ th e L01'd IS " Resurrection sor Pepp," was a gre,a t aucceu. ' n.,di ••• April 10 spent at the Nedry homestead F. &: .A. M. He is sUI~ived by his Day" specials. The membera of the cast, a8 well ScI.ool Wo.' Lo.l ' St •••• near Lebanon, Ohio. widow and one daughter, both of M~:' B' H . BI u. a8S an one Sister, Risen." LQrd's Supper at conclu.L Cllrilas Mt. Garst, the coach. are to be She won many ~riends by hel; whom accompanied hiis remains to F~n~ral' ~r. '11 b d tPostlude tinn Endeavor at .7 :00 p. III. llary congratulated on their fine sbow- Morrow ....... ..... 2 .. ,.... 0 ........ 1.000 sweet presence and e.ndeared her- Wayne$v\lle ser ces WI e con uc Jan W I d I d EYeai Franklin . ., .... '" 1 ........ 0 ....... 1 .000 self to all WI'th whom ' she' came l ' n ' • - e,----ed at the Pres FRIENDS MEETING e .o~ ar. : ea el". tng. b tat·2 p. m. h · Thursday h evangel1stlc servlces at 8 p. ng m. The net proftt of the play".. WaynelVille ... ... 1 ....... . 0 ...·..... 1.000 contact. Her life was patterned STUDENT WINS HONOR CY erl:~/ t~rc , ~e~'h J. C, M~~ First .Day, January 20: Fir st Serv ices for . unday e"eldac; a o forty-six dollars. 'rbis amount Lebanon ........... . 1........ 1.. .. ... : .600 after her Maker. always serving se ;. ~ Jn~lk a Ide ~~~omc Day Friendship School at 9 :30 s. special 'p~ogram of mule and enables us to give our mucb talked C.rlill.e ............ 0 , ........1 ........ .000 others. Miss Glenna Woollard brought Ch:~:II. f:h s . o.ge WI t atvhe m. Meeting for wor hip at 10:80 pageantry entitled liE. . . hbUee of Senior Prom. Klnp Mills .... .. 0 ........ 1 ... ,... .000 She leavea to mourn her R"oing, f h 1 1 t h W T ... 0 e services a e a. m Praya M t' d BIIII 8tQd We wlah to th.nk our audience Mason .... . ,.... ... 0 ........ 1.. .... , . •000 her sister, Mrs. Lydia Alice McKin- h~1! hurf s t~ eh a:~ cemetery. Burial will be in Leban• , ('ach ~ed~:s::g a-~ , ao • . Y 01 both Thursday and Frid.y Ot~erbein ...... ,. 0 ...... ,1 ........ . 000 MY, four nieces and t.wo nephews; ~. I~ sCt 00 II W en18 e a a neil 'Ie cemetery. Burial will be in Leba- WAYNESVILLE M E CHURCH The church ~h a : I P'I Bli ftvenln'"s for their fine coop-"'on ".rll. Wanda Graham, Asa Nedry 19 es score 0 airy pup n non cemeterx . . . ere JOu .. a ..• ....... The followlna are the .corell of ... Warren c.ounty in the State Inteli· Mr. Eula~ 'Was a of G. C. Dibert. Pastor home. with UI. rames played April 4th and 7th: Egbert of KarnHl8 City, Mo., Mrs... n T t f E' hth d iI nephew We are pleased with the results. LebanOD, 9; OtterbelD,' 4; b m a Barrett of Cleveland, Ohio', ..held e eelaste.Saturday. or Ig JrUsa graWoollard, e pup s Mrs. Maurice Silver. . FrankWednesday: Bible etud y' .aod ST. ~UGUSTINE·' both in enjo)'1llent on our part In lin. 88. Carliale, Ii; 1I0lTOW 6, M~. Mary Harris of Da,ton, Ohio; daughter of Mr. and ),fr.. John Mrs. Ella Chambll....ged 68, and prayer meeting at 7 :16 p. m. };'ather Frenc - - -... pre.. ntlng the play, and flnanclaD, ItIIl8l MW. 2; Morrow 10, Le~- Joaeph N. McKinsey of Morrow, Woollard. of ROllte ~, Kored 161 ,vife of Jellle Chambliu, died at Ohoir practice at 8 p. m. Services W,~i~U~b~8~:nIi." Seatlo'" eo•••NIaI C-tee.. anOn I; Wa,.eavtU. 18, lIuon 8. Ohlo;Kiu Henrietta McKinsey ot point. of a p08lible 2Q 0. Thill pl..s her hom. in Xenia, Wednel!day Sanday. Next Sunday is Easter weeki on TIJ~day G.m.. to be pJa,ed April 14: Wa11leaville. Ohio; and 8 host of In&' auouneement made by momlnl' after three yean 8uft'er the ~ay Oil which we celebrate the Th. Sectional Commercial ConOtterbein at KI... KUla. relativH and frlendll;, for "to know County B. Bohl Ina with caneer. Funeral arraJlP: l'e.urrection of _Chrillt. Lat UI teats are to be held Oil SatardaJ, PnraldiD at IIuoL he~. " .. to Jove her. . ..rhlle b.... to F. F. A. menta have not been learned bere. Him by belntr in oburch April 21. I'lv. outltandiq comlIol'l'O" at 8priqboro. She openeth her mouth wlth Home Economic. Tu... Mra. CbambU.. waa a native of .orne place OD next Sunday: merela! IbId.uta an beIDc ..a.ctCarIIIIe at W.P.... wIacIOIII and In b~ tongue was the da:r evenJna. BoDF, and \a aurvt"ed b, laer hu- services 'Will begin at 6 a. m. ed la, tIrelr teach•• MI'. II. law of tbach.ftI. bad aDd two daqhten, an 1'tIIid- aunrile prayet' meetinr· 111'. e::~:1 to 1IdI III CarUate. Xu... Two brothen of We -~. &
Prepared Supplies F H or ome Mission
eo. So Schnebly D T iel in exal
wa~~~e r;;:r~e;~::k:ru~:!~o!;~~: Ar~~;aco~~:~~:thd:;~nn~:;s!!~
~~i~~, a~:dw!~O~ro~:~~ l~nteL~~ ,
a....., ...un
o Sibilities of the Little Miami River With Regard to A MEMORY
Development of
~:~ili!!l~~p!~~ L!~:.;r and Navigation I FROM BY-GONE
\.____________________~____~--------------------------__,----------------------------I Can How You Remember Lone AID, Thi.
ByStephen M. Youn,. Conllre"rTlan-at.Lar
Most folks hav e heard th stol'y Ilf the junk deal r whose banker becanle " ha rd-boiled" an~l refused to exte nd his nllte cv n tor ten days. "Were you ev r in lho junk bUijiness," ask d the d('aler. "No, of cour e not," lInllppeu the ban k r "You are in n ow," said the d aiel'. UncI' Sam will b i.n e railrolld and banking business SOOll, an(L he i lik ely to beconle a farm r in addition. Huge s um s of the public money Have been lonn d ' to railroads lind banks. V ry likely bonds will be iSlIued at low illterest l'8te8 to help the farm 1'8 by au bstit.uting' them for farm mortal!: s. There is no reason what vcr why ncle &m should not help t h I rmers, the same as he bas helped banks and railroads. In fact, farm 1'5 deserve first consideration.
Ac .
Your Gover
Pre ide-nt of the Unitell Ity popu lllr vut l'. I.f George Wa hlngton and Tho1l181'1 .Ter· fel'son enme to life today th y , ould not know the ountry. yet. we arc wearing th same p litical clonk cut to tit thi'l't en Cll lonilll stat s. H is t ru e ~at it has been consiucl'abl ptch d and alt r ct by the nd()ption of twenty amendmentB, L t us hope this . ncelled nmendmen~ will be ad opted soon. tage coaches, flint·lock muskets, cllndle.dip, mm;tache cups . or gone. The elpcl ral coIl ge . houM be the next to go. ~tnte14
Club Work Excellellce of About the tim~ the pre ni de- diY, advised the ope-ning of a (,If thl'se direct connected hyllrocident Happened ? 8et in, occ ional rumors ca nal along lhis route liS a 1I0l'CS- >Icctric unit>l at f;(>vl'l'II l different Brin.a Illyit.tion From point~ b hl'c 'n Wayn~:\'11I :tnu were heard of IIomething going to ity tu the ~urrounding country. U. S. Department I notived a recent arti h in a the mouth of llic ;;frI'3m, one lIn\\ '~1'1l can Y(lU TlIIllcmb I' be donI! ift tbe Little Miami and P ' paper IItnting lhllt thou~lInd t r~ ' IWWel' can be pro· ennsyI vllmn lila Miami rivers in the way of an excur ion had b en run bv curl'd in h di ' (lIncl' of f rly ICI ~al cv!'nL lhot have haJlPcned b:xccllence in their work earn· dre4~nd the building of danls boat fr om Pit.t burg to Oil ity, mill'S, Amlll{' 1·1' b 'idty to Ilupply in yea~_' g(me by'? .1oybe you al a means of )lreparing tile carrying official of the War De· the cnti/' vall y II ith power and can rem~mbl'I' lhe circUlmstllnce cd f I' lour of the 46,000 4-H club Itreaml for alack water navigation. partm nt, from Washington D. ., li~ht !aciliti ,; InllY thu s b Clbtain- very clenl'ly. but can you I'e- members in Ohtio a tl"ip to Wash· on a tour of .IIspection ovel' th ~d. memb'I' wh nit O('clll'l'cd? Or, can Ington D. C., ta atend the national For a number of years work of this proposed .. oute of the cnnal. ProProvitling tha t lhl' Lit tI Hami you vell eomc within a f(!\v yea~9 club camp as guest~ of the Unit d lI.ture has been aroing ahead on viding· this inspection has .prov n l'iVH W I" til L 11. ed only as a II{ rct'olling the dute? HI' I'e's 11 the Ohio river and its head tribu- favorable it seem~ probubl that ,J urc' of pm er dam!' of the b;Ol' chanc\,' f ol' ~Oll1 Ilf you older r,es- J~~te\~er:r~~~ent of Agriculture, urie , Ute id a beihg t canalize a similar tour of th Little Miami 'trllP typ could be onstructed· id nts t o tCt;t y u r p w r. along lected by tjle 4-H Club de· the IItre.me and thu8 create, a and Bi~ Miami rivers ~hould be in These dnm~ should hOI' a rouf this line. Letter pORtage rat ~ are likely water ro.ute . lea~ to Lake ErIe, orde; In the future, In ord r t o hupe bracket, the peak (I f the Th olh r Yllning, OUI' good pal'tment of the Ohio Agricultural to be I' du(wd fl'om 3c to 2c. Thi wIth wllleh It WIll connect. Thus prOVide feeders f~r the ma~n canal brllcket t o be 10lHred to th ]011' friend, harl('y mall, h~mdeu .us Extension ervice, the four are should be good now s. Per~onal1y, I could be mlldc all a,1I water r~ute Just as 80 n as thl depr SI O ~ g t~ walel' level of the "trtlam and an item clipped from a, Miami Ceorg :smithers of P rry burg think it \\'os illogical And unjust tl) f or the tt:ansportatlOn ot freight headed about face, th marking of rai sed to the desit'ed h ight b Gnz tle of former years. N o date Rus ell Lewis of Wilmington' increase t he ('nte to 3c. First·clasg from Cimmmati inltance) thto time . for the.future PI'OSP rity oC hydraul'lc po'" I' ThlI S , on occountY wss IIttached to the clipping, and Ruth Rheinscheld of Union Furn~ k Cit (:for t]' . . . ~. mail ha s "always paid it. wny and y, rave tng up e the Little Miami volley should be- llf the lov banks of th t N.ew Y or harl ey didn't s een1 to be quite ac, and Margaret Welsh of Charles V. Trullx, my eolleag ue, more. Increasing Jette.. postage Ohio rlv.er and its tributaries to &'in. ., . the h ad of water could b~her~~:; lIurll as to when the vent occur- ol'th Lima. ' is aid, according to the Washing- from 2c t o 3c imposed an unjust Lake Ene, thence across the lake orne tlnl Ince, I noticed de\' loping pow r A t ti f red, 1'10 we started on a still hunt. All hav been members of ton New, to I'ehearse his Hou e tax on t.hc letter writ.m· lind 31 ~ 0 and on into the metropolis by another news item trom Washingflood ta'" 01' 11 "ce me thO The clipping was shown to several cl~bs for ~ve or more yeat·s, have o. En I d th D' " I gorl\'cs, e ",ay 0 f t ne e cana an e ton, . ., statI ng that an order brack et could be I . , d I ' of our older c.itlz ns with 1& request IIssisted With the leadership of 0. speeches while taking hi s lnorning a burden Jol11e tux on busint'sR. It Hudson river: . bad been given for a survey of the the stream to flowo~~~~, e;v~g for information. Oh, YEisl th y !l,ocill dub, and have be~n a.ctive ~n bath. AcconJi ng t~ the N \VB, ~c has not increaseu 1"V nue, It WII!! mistal; . 1 hope Rnd believe th(' Th~ Ohio ~ver I. fo~ed by the Little Miami rive~, with a view to cause the bed of the st're~nm ha~ remember it. and a fl ood or l'em- school lind ch~r~h afraus In theIr cupllnt of adjoining hotels quaI:- apresent ongrl'ss will T st ore t he tel's claim they are frequently l' junction of Ita bead trlbuterle_ dredge and canahze the stream. been dredged and thor ou hI ini cences would be 100 ed. Then home. communities. 2c letter postage 'r ate. At prosent. ga led with his eloq\lence. of which the Allerhen), and Mononphel. from observations which I have cleaned avert' h f h g y ame the fntal question, "When, or mlthers, a ~ember of his I t Plttab Tb M h d ' mg mue 0 t loss big problems al'c being r1i ~ po s ed of ~.n·hl b h d u~. Wet Vo;~t a. on the stream, I know that, in to Cl'Op caused by the present how long ago. did thi happ n1" county club counc!l, was five years the H ouse has alr~ady hed severnl but small pl'ob lems affecting all e a, W cli ': • lei .,n ~k1l1r the volume of water and frequent Hoods. 1n cllses of ThAt was something else, agai n. a member of a d.alty calf club and sa mples. Then the paper stated our people I.I1Ust nol be ov r· wba' c:aJ1 a liIllde, BB'f:~ .... ,earsd afo t e htead that can. be procured in drought th head of wnter .0 rai - orne w re co ntent to ay t.hat it ~ m«:mber ~f hiS . county cattle wh n he would up with a perora- looked. .1 th e b u ng 0, Ma.een ama, s ream at p omts above the ed could b d f ' . . , happ ned n long time ago, ot her Ju_d&'ln~ t~lIm. He I 17 years old t ion that seemed to satisfy him, he tbul .ffordln• .lack water nav1ga- mouth of Caesar's Creek from purpose u~~ Ol t lrngntJon named periods of fr om Corty to 81tH bUilding a herd of HoI tein would sign off with a song. tion. Elcht damll have been built ninety to one hundred' hors dams at\h Yh de ~on hruction of fifty years, but a ll WCf'e finally cattle.. . on the Ane,h.II, river. which can be developed for ea h with th 'd e e~ f 0 • t e stream, forced t o conr'RS that. they didn't L WIS also IS a member of the Rec gnition of ~u ssia would , beadll in the north eentl'll part of power, and below Coesar's and n !~t.:: :h dormln~ r: e~'vo irB kn(lw, and couldn't !illY with any county club council anI,! an E'X- certainly enable us to promote the Pennsylvania. thlll affordl". Ilack, 125 to 150 11. p. cnn be de- water rna b~ e ,gr~a odles ~f degree of exactness. ',Tlem~er of the county cottle stab,i lization of Eur~pean peace. water naviration from Plttabur, to for each unit. Or by instal Caesar'8 Now, WI! are goi ng to pass the ~udglng team. He is an athlete and Y'le have asked RusslII to join us e k held lOll rehe:ve III 011 City, Pa. SurveJi tor the re- Ung olle water power electric unit main I'ive/ ;h' a\we a~ In the story on to you. Let's sec what Instructor of the young I' member 111 tht; Kellogg pact and to co?P?rmalnder of the )'Oute bave been at Oreronla, one unit at Tel egraph t ion of 10~k nd the I"sla~la nl1n you can do. Write or telElphone to at th annual county camp held for a~e With our country fol' the IImlta complet.d, paa~ U1' French Mill and one at Waynesville, the slack waler I! a~ . oms, fOl' !l' the Miami Ga~ette office and tell -H members in Clinton County. t~on of armaments. At the. same Creek, a dlltanee of Alty-fi,:e tllree units combined will develop tiona on the n~r:fIatl o~fiat~i condl- us what you know. Thl :invitation Miss Rheinscheld, lin honor stu- tnne we profess that R UBSla ~a~ mil... Georre Walhtnrton, in hi. 300 h. p., and , by instslling one would be ideal. river applies to you former residents dent at her graduation from high n ot be trusted. W a~k h r to J III who are reading the old h om town schobl a year ago, is an as istant ua and at the I!am~ time treat her Or No Charge d paper in your new home:s, os wel1 lellder of a Hocking County club, a an .outlaw .n atlon . We should Jacob Frost versus Ada Frost, cease , -tiled her inve~tory. , as to you who have stl id here. was fOt'merly a member of numer- reco~TIl7.e RUSSIa. treat thn,t coun· for divorce. Charge is extreme The estate of Edward SquIer, }fere's th t . ous d emon tration teams and try In an abov board fa hlon and cruelty. decea ed, Is exempt frome inherlt"Sad Ce s orl'o . -J winner in a county health c~nte8t enter into a commercial treaty. We Amy Fay Thompson versus Fred a~ce tax. Luv nia Sq uier, execu- Robinson a:e~ abo~tJ~~'~ars e:s: Miss Welsh has taken activ~ should sec~re all the trade advanPhone 78J Thomp80l)t for divorce. Charge is trlx, filed ber first and final acl- of M E' it R b' .Y hl'hlo parts in Farm Bureau and farmers tages pos81ble 101' the benetlt of co unt r. gyp 0 mson. a g y. t' our pole I f t ' t b Id b frosl neglect of duty. .. , . respected colored farmer of thl 10 It ute progra ms in Mahoning e. p . n ae, I W U e a eo___ PI_ .--..al••Proltat. Court Addle Stark Higgms, executrix vicin'l; b" ,s ounty was voted a1\ round 'stu good Idea ' to nter into a com- :..~~~~ -:":"---~~-:.-:.-----------.::= 01 estate at wen S. Hi ggins, de- ftooel l ;~t:'sa~bO~~hl~:o~~lIa~r~hetd~ dent of her high school class, wa; mer.ical trea~y first lind then recPN_OIl
F. T. Martin
Centerville, Ohl,o
In the cue of State of Ohio ex. reI. lacob EhUq venue William Huffman, eherUr, it II ordered that Jacob Elalln. be dbeharled from bDprieollment. " I D the eaH of Ida Jenkina venul Frank Jenkin.. Divorce to plain-
Robert J. Shawhan and Paul ceased,t1.led her Inventory. nesday when b In . d 'th a member of demonstration teams ognlze RUSSia niter w have seHolthaus, administrators of estate The will of Bell ie Coleman, de. cramp.' he e: dll lICit"':: tWh~ d and was second in a county Iiter~ cure~ trade advantages by a comof R. I. Johns, deceased, filed 't heir ''''."....~. was admitted to probate. . .• w n own De tr ary contest. merclal t reaty. second, final and distributive a~~ A certified copy of t he entl' d _ time before succor could reach him . - - - - - - -count, . termlning the inherita nce ta~ oen and when at last he was taken • Uncle am will, under the Ro oseEverett Early was appointed the estate of John Cain, deceased, fro~ th,e wate.r, ~e wan. paJt all velt administration, bring his Navy l'Ilardian of Helen R. Early, et al., is to be certified without delay. ~ posslble l' SUSCitatIOn. Ell {ather up to treaty trength_ This i tltr. and flied bond or ,10,000 with The inventory of Vera M. Har- was ent fo~ at once, anod came to proper. The real e nemy of the In the cue ot Frank W ~ South- lure ties. ris, administratrix of "estate of the Tow nshIp House, where the American people i not a ny foreign ard ve.rlul Albert Weinkauf" et al., The administrators of the estate BUa A. Harris deceased wa . body of the dead boy had been ( ' at Sowir;all power. It is unemployment and ..mct II to be made by publica- of R. I . .Johns are authorized to proved by cou;t. , 1 I ap- ta.ken , lind it WII~ a sad. spectacle hunger. Representative Byrns, ot e dOD for Charlet anel Marie W.ln- dlatrlbute certain asset s to iel The jnventory of Clara B. Van ind,eed to witness the grIef of tht,l T l'1ness e, Houl! Democratic but. diltributeea. Doren, executrix of estate of Mol' Btr,l,cken parent, . . Not only does d lay in Bowing leader, told me "Eighty-five per. III the cue of C. E. Blake verlUI III the eatate ~t Andrew Johnson ton Van Doren, deceased was ap- d Thfe fUllcral took place on Fri- affect the yield of oats, but the cent of the cost of shi p construcEarl Robinett. et al. Defendadt II deceased. lerVlce by publication proved. ' ay a t er noon, the hapless lad quality as measured by U. S . tion goes directly into labor. It we plUlted 20 d.y. to Ale plead!nc. "'.. authorized. , Burla Maddox gu~rdilln of H being buried in Miami Cemetery. grades is effected. This fact is age going to have large appropriaW. B. Kose w.. found pilty b,. Verne Bunk was appointed cx- old harles Maddox ",inor fifrci J esse .had long been a Iit udent in shown by experim ents conducted tions for pu blic works to relieve • jury in common pIe.. ' court. ecutor of estate of .frank Bursk, her fir t account' , e our vt1lage schoo l and was a reo by H. L. B orst ot the department unemployment, I favor spe nding A.ount of embeulement il ,889 deceased, and filed bond of .10,Dora C. Wood 'was appointed ex- markably ~Pt pupil a,!d ~roo.d boy.:' of IIgron omy of the Ohi o Agricul· orne of the money to bui ld lip In the c:ue of Al'l1e. Bardy ver: 000 with sur~tie8. Conrad Borden- ecutrix of the e tate of Ed ' F To aid lour memortes a btUe bIt tural Experiment St.ation, t he. navy!' ..Ane Alfred H. Hard,. Divorce to felt~r, Wilham Hamm ?nd and Wood deceas d N b ;IC . here are some of the facts we have Oats sowed in early April graded .DaVl. d Wells were appomted a p 0 on re- well learned E t d f . I h f George of W. the Nord of _ to p'l.. ..in"'-. om qur'. , a . nllon, aymon v· c~~=:!';Y-...!J,!~!A!<~,A1!rl,-=...HILI-N..Senator w""",,,...,..-"_,th,;';r " lame COI of WilHam Ertel an praisers.. plaiDtlff. In the cue Harshbarger and ·Cliff Evans were rcspec e armer, . w 0 or gra was 3, duck" amendment to the ConstituIn'aat, veraul board of county ~om Howard W. ~arey, executor of appointed aPlll'aisers y~a.r8 lived In a log cablll, up the the oats harvested from p tion last week introduced another • •Io.en, defendaDt, il Iraated ..tate ~f .:Maggle Carey, deceased, The executor f . t t f J h raYl ne from the "Th ree' Bridges" ect-Mar.l-1rarNo. 4. " 01> ..... tM. n_ln~Oll I...,. to AI. demurrer within three Aled bIB H. Mounts ' is toO seil a o. 0 n at the lower edge of tow1n. William Late sowing not only decrease'd am to abolish the elec- III BboaUl Knife, will• • ' 10. ...,.. James R. Branllock, executor of estate and settle II c a~n reu l Robinson (nicknam ed, "Speed") a t~e yield but the penalty for de. torial college, and elect President iliad. of au.iI ..... an bla ... 1.. II1.ne4 '0 lIa baDII caM of The W.vnuville ..tate of T. B. Brannoek, deceased a aecoun s. you nger brother of the boy who laying became progressively and Vicc Presid ent by popula.r 1l' 0'1l0tll., wl lihlt'ltb.robeAth. Tlitl lmlfe .Iuu wbaa Yo" National Bank venul Chari.. Gra, flIed his invttory . Marri ••e Llcellae, was dro\Vned, later went to Day- greater each day after the vote. The electoral college is an IIO( 1 ,~ IllJDUOC. IIIbIIIa .",,1)10. '111)1, I and BerUta C. nray "'.. dismilled John R. o«man, executor of ton, and for years was employed possible sowing date. inlstitution. We should a,,,' CU~ , '.Ia .'Iv. ADa neI_1 without reeorl" eltate of Pe y Monee, deceased, James Overly, lllborer or Maude. at the old Antler hotel , j ust acr08S Each dp,y of delay before the eel' my e ect . the President and U::l,bI'::, NaU YIMII _ _ _- . filed his inventory. ville, and Mi s Peurl 'Lovell of from the railroad station. corner first of April reduced the yield HUNTING Charles M . Fitts was appointed Maudes. ' of Ludlow and Sixth streets, about one·thjrd of a bushel an beautiful gardens of flowers. . Ne. 6. FISHING appraiser of estate of Huber J, We have one positive source of acre. Each day delay from April 1 The prison population stilI remains American Surety Co. venus Null, deceased, in the place of E. R_I Eat.te Tr..naf~ra information ns to this date, but to April 10 cost about one-haH at slightly over 4,000. All enjoy ~ fran.lt "dO. Charlotte R. Saekman Hyde, for H. Glockler. Herman J. Jentz to William P. we want to see how n ear you can bushel an acre in the harvest. Be- the weekly movie Saturday and the l. BOllton. U .... 'aolley. The estate of Thomas C. Hollon Jentz ~nd Etna M. Jentz, 1:1 t come to remembering it. tween April 10 and April 20 the musical program by the O. P. Glad,. Smith .eraul Dewey deceased, is exempt from inherit- acres In Clearcreek township. loss climbed to about a bushel a ?rchestl'a and band on Sunday• 8mltll, for divorce. Char,e is ance tax. Dora HollOn, adminisAlbert Gibbs and Ellen Gibbs to day, and after Apr il 20 the daily . er018 neglect 01 duty. • . tratrix, filed her first and final ac- Harry Be rnh ol'st, 1 L acres in Har- grease, $20.60; Newport . Culvert loss amounted to over a bushel and State of Ohio, ex, re!., Jacob count. Ian township. Co., culverts, $202.08: Ohio Cor- u half an acre. Tile bill extending the tenns of Elllinr, venue William Hufford, Francis A. Null, administratrix Julen J<. Morris to Sarah E ulvert ~o., culvert, $169.60; The experiments extended over county recorders from two to four all". habe.. COrpUI. of estate of Huber J. Null, de- Richardson, 20.44 acres In Frank: IFlach ~qulpn:'ent Co., parts. $2.84 a period of five years and were con years also aft'eetl! present reeordFOR SALE !!!I!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" lin t ownship. I Oregoma Bridge Co., steel , dueted on the O. S. U. farm at era in office, giving them four Sa~ah E . Richardson to Leonard , 83 i Clyde Predmore, boots, $2,96. Columbus. yean tenure of office. It will be!!
Both Quantitv and Quality 01 Delayed Hurtlul
$49'- 1
Doo~~dB~~D~n~ ' 20A4 =~============~==~~~~=======~~ic~o:m;e~d~e~cl:~=e~i:n~n:~_dQL ~eroRMLE - .mm~
acres in Franklin township, Julia MilJard and Bert M\l1ard '" to John Stockman, inlot No. 4 i n · Franklin. 'F rank Cook and Effie May Lacy Cook to Cha))les E. Mi chen or and ' William H. Michen!)r, 17.16 acres in Wilyne township. COLUMBUS - The Bureau of Earl Shinn and Ada Shinn to Motor Vehicles under direction of Lillian C. Anderson, 14.32 acres in Secretary of .State Georre SMyers Clearcreek township. haa been m.i1iqr out an average 01 Charles . Gray adn Bertha C. 100 p ...enrer car licfmie pl.tel Gray to Faye Kelley, inlot No. 20 dally since April first. An averaee in Waynesville. of 20 truck licenses are' allO Ber nice and Earl N. Boggs to mailed out by the burei,u, the COlt Inland S~tes In xestment Corp., having been cut 26 per cent for 89 acres 111 TurtIecreek township. the three months durlnl!~ which 'the Inland States Investment Corp. machines were not used. At least to Nellie Dye, 89 acres in Tu.rtle- tell per cent more plateJ$ are being creek township. handled by the Bureau at presFl'ank Cook to Effie May Lacy ent than were one year ago during Cook, 85.18 cares in Wayne town- the same period. " ship. The new State Office building is Edward Brenner to Henry the main attraction for all visitors Brenner, real estate in Deerfield arriving at the Capital City. All t own ship. divisions of the various depart-
8igned glvi the lltate utilities commission the power to fix gas rates. Anothe" bl'll which becomes effective at ,•once enables the paYDIent of delinquent taxes in installments over a six year period with Interest at " per
News Dl-reet Best of th~ F rom t:he Dh·10 State C· aplto I
Ule Our Cla'llfied Columns They
\\. ,
Will Help You to Dispose Of Your Surplus
\ ,'
\ ,
Miami Gazette •
BroMe l\Pward __
Shambo ugh, Phone 21R12. · a19 FOR SAL& lit or TRADE- Moline tractor wi h two 14-in, plow and a two row corn plow, in good hope Ben Smith, Waynesville. · a12 file with Secretary of State Georlle :;:!::;rth!93:li:~:e~r~:x t~ pt~~j FO~ ~ALE-Good porcelain li~ed S. Myers, and other than emer- In full all penaltlea and interest re~rlgerator. 75 pound capacIty. rency laws becoming immediately will be remitted. InqUIre at Gazette Office. a19 effective will become laWI ninety WANTED daYB .fter 1Ulnr· An Inlurance compan, wrote out a ,1,000 life pC/liey in the State Civil Service Commlaslonerl Ralph W. Emmonll and A. P. naMe of one Samuel Johnson. WANTED - \ Custom hatching; 1 ~c per egg, lit the Wayne Sandlell announce assembled and Premiums were paid promptly for a12 competitive examinations to be a few years, but suddenly stopped. H'lltchcry, Phone 45R2. held In Cleveland, Cincinnati, ToWILL TRADE- Pa t due subledo and Oolumbus 011 Wednesday After sending a few delinquent scriptions f or rough wood. notices, the company received this Thursday and Friday, April IS,!, 20 reply: . and 21, A number of positions to "Dear Sirs: Please excuse U8 as WA~TED-To . buy , all kinds of be ' filled are listed with sal.ries we can't pay any m ore premiums ~hlcken8, paYlng hIghest market ranging from ,760 to $2,725 per 011 Sam. He died last May. Yours prtce. S. D. Henkle, Waynesville, annum. Applications for county Ohio. tt work must be residents of tbe truly, Mrs. S. Johnson." county in, which they wish to serve. The salary is 66 cents per Billa ,Allowed. ments, commissions a:lnd depart- hour or they may be paid on a per . ments of state are hovlsed in the diem basis. J. W. Lingo Hdw. Co., supplies, beauti~u] and stately structure 70~; Charles Ruch: services, $2; along the river front. While no The State Liquor Control Board Juhn Hollllnd , serv lC~B, $10; Mrs. census of employes has yet been has been. a very popular place the ,Howll rd . Sawyer, s~l'vlces $7; Mar- I taken it is known tht at least past week with several thou~nd ro."' W hltac:e, services $5 i Georgia 2,200 report there each day. The people, men and women, lleelGlllg MIIl~I·,. serV ices, ,10; Stella KeJly, I' building with its rich itlterior dec- permits to handle the neVo' 3.2 beer Sel'V1.ces, $10; Charles Hobson, oration s is one of the flnest in the The headquarters of tile board is serv.lces, $10; Helen !loughman, : United States and evel!'y resident in the old Wyandotte building lateservl.ces, $7; Mrs. Wdl Bryan, of the state hould endeavor to in- ly abandoned by state dep.rtmeJlt serVices, $$10; ood row- W eil spect same at the earliest oppor- divisions, and the roomll and corriStanag~ Co., supplies, ,5; Leb- ' tunity. dors were filled to capacity from anon-CItizens National Bank and morning untn DIeht. The board Trust Co., rent safety deposit box. Committees :tram both branches politicall, is compoaed of tour $4; Lebanon-Citizens National of the General AS8embl1/ are meet· Democrat. and tlaree RePUbUcalll Bank and· Trust. Company, checkB, ing in the Capital City' rine the and hundredl of application. for $3.50 i C. O. HIldebrant, supplies recess of that body positionl have be.n rued with the $12; Wa1dron C. Gilmour, inquest' to prepare taxation' 1mem.,en. '11.60; Gem City Blue Print and proposalll whIch wm Supply Co., supplies, $27.37; approval of tile law m.i,kel~ The annual aprtlll eleaDlq at James Ray, Rerv ke!l, $1.40; Frank- the, return on May 1 the Ohio Penitentiary II under lin Chronicle, supplie8, $22; W. and Invelltiptlons on Ind Warden P. E. Tho..... 1au D. Varner, $40; Welch " takin~ place and tile aeoru of men at ol'lt til. Dakin, I City aJ.o c:ollaidle~~It.ioD. 1".Utation a
---_e-__ .e___ _
B.,. buh-
Beech Grove
Sha.des of Twilight
Tlw Ulan) fl"ll'IHIl< "r I rs, Mar>' Alit," will be !'lO llY tl1 hear of hlH" ISSUED E VERY WEDNESDAY Salablt\ chich hulch.,d in 634 Thl' lazi(>st guy in the world ~l'l"i ()u , ilhll"~: al the home f hel" handC!d i n an exam paper in which "atrh~ri(, l! in thl' Unite,1 Rtates in duughtcr, ~lr", Inez Hurrison, in he -said the follqwing: "Plea~e Februu/"l' W('le IWl'r 7 lI1illion in By Mu _ J e .. ie B . T ripp D. L. CRANE 1 : Pabll.1ter Sub.crlptloD Price, '1.10 a Y.ar Leuanon. It will b.. relllen'lIJel-ed 'ee Pete's Inl1'er for my answers.' number, II decrC!nsc of approxiOffic • . PhoDe .. . ... . . .. .. No. liZ Ellterell at Po.toft lce at Wa:vneftthat. MI'5. lien WHS a resii enl of Seco ll(l CtaMS :Mall R ••idence ....•...... ....... .... . N o. 118 vII I ... Oh io, a.Matter mately Ll per cent from Jo'ebl'uary . this pillee fOI- many yellrs. Mother- Be ·sie. why don't you l' 32. The misty shadeM of l\\ Hight .,<:::::. 11. l\Ior~an and Alex Deski lI'y to be a good little girl? Fall softly on my way; ROOT FOIt AND CO... IGII "Hello, is thL th sea ' food JI·. have 111.'\\ Clll'~. Be s~i~ I do, try awfully hard . APRrL 12, 1933 And brush aside th£' bu y lie 'nclI ),our Cattl., boP.~.P . . . . The • J-iRl;t'S ~il1ri«l and Rhoda Mother- But y ou don't succC'ed store ?" t o Nom ...Brock Co.. U••- WiN That hav crowded all my day. J uhn ~u lI, lI f , ebullo n, the noted very well. -=========================~ ''It is." prov e • • lv. firm fol' • • B e~sie-Why , mother, just think "lJo ~'ou have any fl'e~h fi~h?" Though often dark douds J1;alher, " ingel", attended ChUI'ch at. Gre n market price...d 04 "Yes, ir." make my pai.lu\'Il./J drear; Briar on la~t Sunday to assist in what 11 bad Iitle girl I'd be if I UDiob 5t_1r y.....r!-&~~I!! "Well, don't let them get away Tun e ift on Radio S.tIe. probably n vel' OCCU I'S to most of U 8 that tbere IS such a thing An angel voice will whiRpel' th() singing. They favored the didn't try Ilt all. ---with anything. 5i ter." 12 :25 to 12 :30 p . III. fl?l' 0111' at; vulu'l ss money. A nd it. itm't counterfeit either. Mil lions of honest The silver lining's neal'. audi nee wilh sovcra~ bel!lUtiful The organism that causes ropy market reports. lind legitil11llte good dollars in this countr~ ar now absolutely valueduet. The Johnson girls lire noted milk gl'OW~ fairly well at temperaA very modern employ r. hM orIci.~ and lIsel 8S. 1 :feel the Savior's pr ~ence far and n cnl' for their fine sun ging. And hcat- his dcul' voi ce ~uy; MilS!; Alice Pauline Gruy, of Hal' turll!; as \ low a s 50 degrees. deJ'ed the following notice to he heil If present ill Lhe p()sted in hiR bURiness premises. n vel' shall forsak thee veysburg, was a Tuc~day overThis is Lh~ money lhat dl'ops Qut' o.f cir·cu lntion. It if< hoardedmon ey. Iii:! owners keep it in sal deposit boxes or in teapot. or bUI' ied IT tllotz, but go my way. night guest of Miss Mary KSlthlecn milk proper ('ooling will nol pre- "Any workman d('!;iring to attend vent thc milk from becoming ropy th fun 1'0101 a ncar l' lativ(! must in the back YUl·d. 1'homp on, here. notify thl' foreman beforE' 10 (1. m. Money ha n o intrinsic valu its value is determined by what it In quick I'e. ponsc my hart a!'kF, HUYCI'UI from a dL,lanc IIttendAt a party the husband of one on the day of lhe game." Lord, whithel' _hall 1 turn? f can cl 0 wh n it is working. When out of work, it is as useless as cd pl"a)' cr tl1cetin!\, at the home 0 • of the guests arrived very late. That I ma y gain thy kingdom Mr.' and - fl's. . H. Morgan Flappcr- "DolI't you speak to would b a numb r of similar sized pieces of tin. It isn 't paying taxes WAYNESVILLE. OHIO "1 have come to take Illy \ ife An d lh 'I we II done, may earn. G B las. him any mOl'e?" or meelin!\' diiridends or emp loying labor or buying supplies_ It is n't Suntlny ()Ycning, n<-ar teen I'ial' home," he exp lained. Phone 80 Baak .1", Ditl No! Whenever Illass him d ~i ng its part in keeping the wheels of enterprise tur n ing. This great hope d R ~u t'tain m e He nry llopkins and wife, " Oh, my dear Mr. Blank," ~Ilid a t a d PI'CII'lr Leollllrd Moore and fam i1>r' have the hostess, "why didn't you come r givc him the geol()gical survey." 'I' 0 '" Th erc art' two distinct ways of putting money back into circula~ e r no, n " . t' 0 . FOl" I know the silver lini ng movlld t o the W. E. 0 ; ea'l farm soonell'?" "Gcolo~ical sun y?" Jon. ne IS ne"'I' , ~uyneuvl·lIe. . ~ ~ "Yes; tllat's what is comm only . dt'positi ng it. in commercial or savings accounts in banks, I s somowh CI' oV. ·1" t h CI"C. h 01' pure aSlIIg government or othel" high-grade securities. The other is _ _ J ohn Hopkins, "ife and daughter Livestock Loss Prevention As- known as the sto ny stare." by buying needed at'licles or effecting necessaty repairs. And this way '[i ss Doloris, of Il eal" SligCl, Clinton socia lion of Ohio plans It~ eighth is th b st of all. The money spent ser1(CS a double purpose. It provide counlr, wore among those who at· 'llmual meeting at the Chittend n· On the basis of pre~ent needs t' mploymcnt and alleviates distres nd it obtains for the spender th . , t ended church lit Green Briar on Hote l III Columbu~. A'prH 27. farm I' S cou ld produce colb at a 8Upp Ji sand repa · ·s t th I t " Relatives here receIVed I 'st unday shippers railroad agl"i eul- maximum rate from their breeding II a e owes prIces slIIce pre-war d ays. ru t week of th d nlh word of lI1the i.·s , . • ~ , . '. . . Put at least part of th dollar into furnace renovation into a new p. . h Mrll. Mab I Jo. Terry, of Leb- ftural agents. shlppJIIg aSSoclstlonA, sto k without danger of an over30 Yean ·!:xp.rl.... Sa I ' LIlli N dry at t e hom of her t t 'd 't h h ' . .os a d state suppl y Cor 10 year~. Fittinc and lla1dq 0 . . . . rQ for oth r house repairs or paint into some labol' saving appliance ' . 1.1 1\1 ' W 'I tinnon, ~Jlen a Ul ay WI er ,lII sura.nce ~ompaOl, n . . I . • , ,COUSinS, I l. !Ie, I guS, a hom folks here agenel ~ will take pal·t in th mto p umbmg or yal'd work. You'll get abo ut twice the value you'd have' Casstown. MisR ed!'y wa ~ 1\'('11 The Pabon ~hildl'en of n ar pl'ogram. got three year' ago~a nd you wlll have helped the cause 01 recovery. known by the old I' generati on Wellman cl;llled on th~it· uncle Leb_. ow. . A medca needs more jobs, and less cha rity. It needs more spending hel·e. Mr. and Mrs. h~s..Edwards, Raymond Roa. , f near OrE!gonia: L t U gather up the Bunbean T..... F. n • .......,. 1._. . . Lying all along our path ; - wise spending, that gots hon t and permanent values in return. Mr. alld. Mrs. Frank "V Iison and On last Sunday. E ....l •• Remember that right now "investment und employment are Barry Wilso n, Mr. and M 1"5 . W. W. W!l arc ' sorry to rep ort lRobert Let us keep the wheat and roses, Vaccination of Swine a Sp ecialt, 88ting out the thorns and chaff I:h 'aplll' than charily." ~elch a~tended the funerlll -cr· nd rews no belter at this ),'riting. SERUM AND VIRU S LEBANON. ORIO ~ vices Friday. We all hope for a spe dy aJ1ld per- Let us find our greatest plea ure At a .Reduced Price In the blessings of today, Mr. ~nd Mrs. H omer T. Cas,key manent re('oveI'Y. HARVE YSBURG. OHIO entert~tn d 8 number of re latives Ml·~. lo'rank Everetts, of near With a patient hand removing All the briars from the way. Phone 31 and friend s on Sllnday. . Clarksville, sp nt Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W. l\L Mathias, wilh Mrs. Ella Ferris, of ne~lr her .FOA SALE DATES CALL T.hC're is nnw attitude abroad in the land. This b gan to be seen Twenty thousand high and grade and Don, f DaytOn WCI' Sunday There wer f I·ty.lwo who at- school students competed in a sc,rne months ago, and came to culmination with the ban k holidays and guests of ?\lr!'l. Amanda taIT. (end d church here on last Sunday poster painting contest sponsored DR. H. M. WILLIAMS theil' ubsequent 1"e pening. Wher the average citize n was once frankAlice Gray was an overnight by the department of farmers' inly dubious as to the future of the country, he now believes that recov- guest Thur dllY of Mary Kalhleen morning. Mr. lara onJ1er and daughter stitu\e of the O. A. E. S. Mal'jorie OS TE OPATHIC PHY SICIAN a nd NY ili in the I}rOCeSs of starling- that bottom actually has been reach . Thompso n. S URGEON 1\1rs. Ethel mith, and sons, Robert Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn Kenn dy en- and Edwin, of Harv ysburg, vis it· Sutter of Bowli/1g Green and An- Special Atte ntion .to Rec tal and ll. and that we are ready for the up-climb. Partisan politics has b ell sel Chandler were awarded the forgotten. Pl'uctica])y u nanimous support Is being given the Roosevelt tertained relaiiv s on Sunday. Int... tinal D i.eaae. ed Clarksville, Butlerville, Pleas- two fir, t prizes. The poster adverThe sepior clas!! play, "The Redad!ll~ni tration by newspapers and individuals of all shades of political ant Plain and MOlTo\\' la t S'unday. tised 750 institutes which were LEBANON , OHIO ' JESSE ITAftL&Y pinIOn. . Headed Step- hild" presented at Jo Davis is quite pool'ly at this attended by 800,000 persons. Phone n . NI'l PAlone I G5 R ,i.••• Sao. N••••..11 __. .. . . - . . . . The administration's s tand on gold hoardin g i. producing even the Gym Friday evening was all writing at his home in RnrveyslvlD& &I Jamel,OD Hide, .. --. b ,tt 'r resu lts tha n were antiCipated. Wh en the banks opened pe9ple that could be desired in the way of burg. A woman shopping approache(1 stood In lines at tell rs' window not to withdraw money, but to de- entertainment. Music was fUl'nishEARL KOOGLIla K. E. Thompson and family en- the post office clerk at the stamp posit gold coin and certificates. Ilundreds of millions of dollars of ed by the school ot·chestra. The Da,.. . . . . .. . window. "I would ilke to look at terta ined a couple of machine I\'old has been returned to circulation. cast of character/! fol1ow ~: ICE•• _ . .. . Undel' the present banking plan, no bank can issue gold or goW Ml"_ Edith Ru~!\e ll, "l arah Kibler; loads of company from Dayton your red two-cent stamp ," she said. last. unday vening. certificate without expre perm! sion :from t h e TrealSury Department. w. Ha.e a Campl.t. Watcla Mrs. Oliver Woodrufl',Glcnna The clerk obligingly brought out Howevcr, gold ill coming out of hoa rd ing 80 rapidly that it i even K. E. Thompso n mad e 11 bl~siness Repair Senice Osborn; Mrs. Emory cott, Thelma trip to Wilmington Mo ndllY· foreca st this sti l}ulation may be removed within a short time . a sht!!et of one hundred or more And use only genuine mat erlall. Kibler; Briggs, the butler, Robert stamps. Pointing to one of t h Crystals fittel1 ' , YO Il walt. Gordon; Lucill Russell, Geneva stamps in the center of the sheet, Robbins; Dudley Russell, H~'rt"y this discriminating customer Cary's J w Iry Shop Tucker; Richard Russell, Ra.lph sweetly said: " I 'll take that one.' LebaDCID. Ohio Director .f F.aertll ........ R ich i Elizabeth Russell , Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades 'El unnell Humpty Du mpty placed hi Store Open Evenl nca , ' Tucker; George G.a ni on , Barr e ntertained to Sunday dinn~!r Mrs. harlotte Bunnell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. nether portions upon a barricade. Nold er; Ethel A. hley, Our convenleDt 10..&11_ ..It. Humpty Dumpty Buft'ered a :00 Musie Thomas; Flora . Farneem, Ellen Enrl Hockett. ble l urroundlll" aad . . . . . . . S :05 The Propel' Place 10r 'Fertil izer '" ...... ...... . •. .. . R. M. Salte'r Me arren; Mrs. Lillifln Carr Luther Haines and family took descension of an immense proporenables UI to S.rv. &0 th..... 8 :15 The Cracker-Box tatesman on Taxes.. . If. R. Moore 'c oached the play. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Weldon tion. Advantaae. The en tire stand ing army of :2li 1\1u ie Guests at the Lester tarr G 1<1 S d 8 :4(,) Farmerll' Instilut Di~cov ri 8 . .J . P. chm!dt home Sunday included Mis Mary Wili>on and ~o n, era , u n ay. the Emperor, a'n d his complete reWOTARY PUBLIC :50 Changing RUI'al l nstitutions .. .... .. R. C. Smith, and James Starr of Blan chester Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carey, tinue, AMBULANCE SltaVICIl !):oo The Old Oil tove Works Again .... ,........ ... ... ..... Thelma Beall ' of near ar ytown, we~e guests of N.tioDal a_1r Despite their futile etrorts, 9 :10 Music . . I Mr. and Mrs. Clark Starr and their dauj!"hter. Mrs. Everett at W&7....,I.... ow. were unable to reaa emble Humpty W11l. Dra_ • • E ... S.tt.... . 9 :25 'pray Service for the Orchard ...... '" A. L. Pierstorft' ch.ildren BobJ;ly and Patricia , of Hain s on Monday. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO () :35 Is Vocational Agrieulture Essentia l ..... .. " ....... R. B. Wainer. X cn iu, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Starr Raiph Learning and fam ily Dumpty. Ash le~, Ohio daughter~, Pauline and phyllis, of were entertain d to dinner 8u nday 9 :45 P lanting a'n d Care of Gardens . ....... : ....... .... . . .. H. D. Bro wn Wayne~vllle, and Vernon Starr,. at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. . aturday,_April 15, 8 p. m-'-___yy--....,...,.....-~~ o~ SpTmg V: alley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Learning ·and family of T I'avel of UII'ds " . ............ .... .. . .. • . s wme W. M. Mathuu!i -and Mrs. Amanda 'the EI azer neighborhood.. With Our 4-H lotl:iing Club Girls ...... .. . . . ...... ..E dna Callahan Stal71' we re afternoon callers. . I Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh B og an Musical Interludes ~r. and :Mrs. Horace tump, of and daughter Dorothy f ur nish ed Utica, called on M:. and Mrs. pal.t of the progl'am at th e White ~red Harla n and MIS. lara Mer- Chap I community club meetin g ntt a~urday. .. . last Frida}' night.. Nelhe and MarJOrJ~ OaVJ.s !ipent Mr. Thoma qheets arrived unday afternoon WIth Allee and home on Thursday for a few days Kathleen Gray. furlough :Crom the u. S. Navy Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Garner Training StatiQn at Great Lak es, FO I' God !\O loved the wor ld, t hat he ga1(e his only b egotten Son, and son, oC Ft. Hayes. Columbus. III. Mr. anrl Mrs. Raymon d W ilson that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have etel'nallife, w~re guests Sunday of Mrs. Mary Jo hn, Ill.: 16. Fmch and Robert Garner. . and Miss Jeannette were dinner Verily, verily, I say un to you, H e t hat hea r eth my word , a nd be· Mr. ' a nd Mrs. Mott Clive and gu~sts of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin · Iieveth him, that sent me, hath ete rnal Iifll, an d cometh not un to judg. Betty, .of Dayton, were he~e Sun- Smith unday, III nt, b ut hath passed out of death into life, John V.: 24. Jolrs. Nelli Bunnell called on He t hat h ath the Son, hath lite ; He that hat h not t he Son of God day wlt.h Mrs. Clara Merrlt. and Mr. and 1\11'8. Fred lIarlan. h r si5ter, MI'S. Glenn Davis, of hath n ot liie, John V. : ) 2. , neal' Wellman, one afternoon hrist sa id, I a m the bread of li fe , J ohn VI. : 48, If an y man ea t this br ead, he shall live f orever ; Yea , a nd the last week. u •• bread which 1 shall give i my fl esh , for t he life of th e world .. J ohn Zimri Haines and wife took VI .: 6 1. THE MIAMI GAZETTE dinner with 1\11'. and Mrs. Rorace And this is t he promise which H e has promised us, even , the life Compto n,.at New B urlington, S u nFor R•• alta ete rnal, J ohn II. ; 25. day. Mrs. Emerson Sin clair an d lit tle daughter, Louella, ca.lled on Mrs. Marillnna Bogan Tuesday afterBy A. B. CHAPIN n oon. ~ ~~~==========~~==~==========~ Mrs. John W ilson is o.n the sick
Valueless Dollars
arveys urg
Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry . ,
t'" ......
A New Attitude
Stanley &Koogler Auctlon••r.
Caesars Creelk
Farm Night 7alks, April 10
'Thoughts For This Week
On your part is going to IOte you a lot of money if you do not use our columns for your
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Mary. E. Zimmerman, Deceased. Notice is hereby r iven t hat M: Zimmerman whose Office address is Waynesvill e Ohio, R. F. D., has bee n duly appoin ted as Executor. of t he Estate of Mary E. Zimm erman Late of W an en County, Ohi o, decE!ased. Dated th is 22nd da y of March 1933. Millel' & Finney, Attys. Xenia, Oh io. RALPH H. CAnEY Judge of the Probate Court W arre n County, Ohio " Won't 'Iou be V{'ry, very happy wh en YQur sen te nce is .o ve':' '' cheerfully asked a woman · of a com'ict in prison. " I dunn o, ma'am I dunno," gloo mily a nswered t he man. "You don't know?" asklad t he woman a mazed . " Why n ot?'" " I'm in fo r life."
----_ ..----
_0'" -WII"" -
As, a r ule, young men don't m8l'ry a' gir l on $25 8 we~!k, as they used t o. It ssems that the girl mU$t be earning at lea st twice that m uch before they will e ven look at
CICJ-ssified Ads.
.A trial insertion will soon convince you
- --- - - ---j,
W ooel'-"May I b e your ClJI.I~lm. a nd f uide your b.rae over of life!" Wldo - "No, but my seC!olld mate." -----;I~
Or Phone 112-
__...;.._____ I Fum; nnd t o\\'n }lI'lIP'I·tv. in8 ul'..:-:...._ _ _.........._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - " ' \llIm'e. W, N. St'llr. ~~~~~~~~~=~=======-~:--
i\1 i,>,es Tri Ill'nll . anti
Edwards tll'I'iYl'd hOIllt' from 1)(> 1. my H neh, Fla., Thur~duy ni~hl. Rl'ou(iful En
)1. '. RoLl'1' l ('I'II "'~ Bl'I'h'ed home last "el'l<, frvOi En~ll'wl!(,d, FIn,. \, her · ~he sp 'nt the winter with 1ll'I' . i:-tl'T,
' ~f~/f~#~
,. ~ EASTER HAM For .b.olut. d.p .. "dabil. Ity, iDaut OD Krol'er Eaater H.... Not only ,uaran· t •• d by the p.ek ..........bul .... ICropr Food Fouada. tiD. haa aiven it ito .elll of •••on....nt.
Jwttl'd fl uwt'r, B . Stullb"
tl!r. :Cl' J\ .
Lothl'I' I' rkiM and (umily, oC Ohi .. , \\' ri.' • unday dilllll' 1' I!u('~t~ o f )[1'. and Mrs. W . E. Stroud fInd son . Pasll d(,rlu .
LB .
M e~s n;,.
Churl ~ nnd John R ye, Churl' Rattcl'thwuit and D. E. ~U1ndiford vi;' ited relativc~ at Lenn, J 11ami county, Sunday.
MEATS Cllaek Roast CCBaeon PorkCbo Cr••• Cbe,ese Be......
lI,He ib. I3e ib. Ise lb. .Se lb. 10e
fr s. Earl MUl'fay, of Dayton, sp 'nt Ihi, aftel'n \In. with he l' par nts and "ister. Mr. and Mrl<. Olh'cr Davis . and Mis.,,,, R;)chel. Mr. and 1\'11'.. Lindley Menden· , hall. MJ'~ , Mal'fl'llret Mal'tin a nd Mrs. Lena Hllrt sock were Wilmington v is ila l'iI, ,'untlay aftern OJ!.
mallee by eompilinlr the 'hlehnt 1tC000e of any lItudent In Warren county in the- State intelligence t(>~t for High chool seniors. The program was brought to a wlten thll assembled etudents an(l alumni sang the W. H. S. "on" "Th Oran"e an(l The BI ck with two \lell renriere<j and highly " e. .. a , :lI>PI'(lcr.l ted piano Ilu ts. Mi ~s Mariam Ellis pre. iding at the piano. !\Ir·.. Hutchinson, represent~ng The school color!', orange and th hlO De~al'tment of Education black, and the colors of the F. F. gave thl! JII'\R e lpnl Ilcldreljl< of the llV-e n ing. lll" l'emurks were pro- A" gol'd and blue, were tastefuso ly illustrated with ste reopticon tully blended in a neat scheme of decorations. vi(>w!I . I of vari(.u . I ~ phae.es of vocaThese banquets have become an ~Iona II " 'ICU tllre t ra ining work .. nnnulI) n"'al' r, nnd a"'ord an exceland ill an", p rl'· Z C anima . I ~ rai.se d bY lent opp' nil o rtunily forII the favored . tudenh o f lht'se departments in . man)' sedioD!; DC th(' 'tate guests to gauge the splendid re,'up!. J. W. L ob:, F. }iattlel d, Rults that ar beipg accom~li8hed oun ty SUllerinten delnt H I by the two departments. It 18 CUSBohle, . Ellis, ounty Fal'~ tomary for the boys t~ defray the }\ ge nt L. J. Mill r, followed with nece sary eX"pe~s"s With the net brief hut appl'opriate talk- D 's- proceeds of t~elr annual minstrel ,' h . ~. I. shows. The girls order and preeUl\smg t e lin portant Dmd value of pare the viands fur' h d and the two departmeh ts represe nted. both unite 'n th n~ • Ir. L otz lrt ll ted tha t they were forI e service. mer ly considered a8 sort of alibi BLAZE DESTROYS BARN for stud ents who could not suce ss fully carry the other 's ubjects oC the academic coarse. In rebuttal Fire completely de troyed the to thi. argume nt, h e c ited the case barn and garage with m ost of their of th' toastll1BstCl'. Julilln has n ot only served as president of the F . contents. on the farm occupied by F. A. cha pter, but ha: ver y s ur- A. Z. Hartsock nnd family, near cessf ully majored in four of the Melvin , early lI'londay afternoon. most difficult subjects he could The heavy loss was covered by inselect during h is seni or year, and ' uranc . Mr. Hartsock is a son of recently climaxed thiR perfor. Mrs. Lena Hartsock, and a brother of our Po tmaster.
- - - - ---
-----aRANC'.E PItOGUIl
BIRTHDAY SALE On Saturday morninw, April 16, A. K. Day will open his doors fvr his 7th anniversary sale and cordil;'Uy invites hill customers and frienda to avail theml!elves of the opportunity to procure "'reat bar-.. gains in every line of merchandi '. Everything in the store has been reduced in price for the event. Sale start at 9 o'clock. '
The hool willlrlve the prOlr1'8m at Grange Saturday eveninr, with Mr. Lob; in char/l:e. . A goud attfndance is desir d. Each fanlily is requested to bring a pound for J·efreshments. Polted tl owere for Eastl'r will be on display Thur day morning, at my home. A. H. tubbs.
At the• LeMay-Hawke Insurance' Office, on
Saturday, April 15, 9 a.m. Home Baking, Doughnuts, Chicken and Noodles" Cottage Ch~ese, Chicken., Eggs. All kinds of Coodies for your Easter Dinner
SPECIAL SER VICE Will be given ordera left with
Mi•• Helen Hawke or Mrs. Ellen Conner,
Sponsored by Ladies Aid Society
Mr. and Mrs . . Myer Hyman and so n spent Sunday with relatives in Cincinnati. and saw Eddie ' Canter A number of folk £1' m her at- in n personal appearance at the tended the claRs play ,Ilt Wllynes- 'chubert theater. ville gym on Th ursday and Frl·dny night.. Th ey w ere discussing the educaMrs. J . B. Jones was an over night gu(>st of her s ister. Mrs. John tion of their children. " What's Zimmtlrman in Dayto:n, Tuesday your boy going to be when · he of 11\ t week. . finishes at Yale?" asked one. R ead, "A Memory Tea ser," on "An octogenarian, I fear," the On display Thursday D.l Ment. 01' Country Club. puge 2. Mi ss Ruth Early is much im- other replied. allC.. in anap. No. flopm her recent iUne s. proved morning at my home J~ ai. . eaDaMr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson ee "The Gocsip E limina tor" and hear the Little rUlan Band spent Saturday in Day to n, Mr. Margaret J ohns was a a t t he gym, Friday !lnd nturday n ig hts. It will COllt but ] 0 and ] 6 dinner guest Tuesday evening of Z ~:;.! last week of Mr. and Mrs, Ed qu.llt, . cents. Longllcl'e in Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs, John .' Klotz and Mr. and Ml·~. Lymnn Day and .Dd ••m.4 un. family, and Mr •. Floren e Hay I daughter, Mrs , Etta Goosey, of weI' Su nday guests at th hom ?f I Cincinnati. spent Fdday and Satur Fl... , taall ...- f t.... I' mad • . Mr. and l\h-s. J ohn Kennedy In day at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Harveysburg. William Coleman. The 2nd division of. the Ladie .MIa'" 11 v. .... Ju, 25c. Slu.red, 11 '1.-.1. J.......... Loren Reason is serio usly ill at Aid are sponsoring a covered dish the home of his pur nts, Mr. and at the church F'riday evenMrs , p , L, Rea on, below town. His supper ing. . illn e~s i t il aftermath of Ii Mi ~ses Wylodine l;;ul'fu8 and to nsil opcration. Pauli ne Friend played lit a musical Walter Clark. of near Lytle, was en lertainment at Mason Friday E..b...,. Br.nd. Speci~1 low price. again able to PRY t he Gazette of- evening and were accompanIed on V.lftty a._th -'- in lar._ qu.rt fice apleaS.ll nt en 11, Tuesday after- the piano by M iss Helen Friend. . janMr. and Mrs. Ed l.ongacre of noon. He i~ r ecupel'ating from a TRACTION Dayton spent Wedneedlll.Y in Lytle, recent serious illness. Miss Miriam Salisbury missed FRENCH BRAND Z lbo. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Schuler and several dllYs school on account of Specl.1 low prlc.. SIOC" famil y, and MI'. and Mrs. H, F. illness. . Z 1.... Burton and daughter were Sunday The ladies of this community, gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur who are members of tlh e Mother's Ca-lap, fr.. bl,. ...... d. Sp.ela' prl,., . A, k' .. t 1080n, qear Lebanon. club of Wayne TOWD!lhip served APPEARANCE lor Mr. and M.r . N. L. Richmond, t he Jun~h at the meeting at the t:"ocoJate crum• . ~r •• 5c .Ile, 01 Ohio formel' superin- gym Friday afternoon. r hell de- . Glenn Johns and datlghter, VivLatonie CII........... 24· •• , .... .,.....---~--I-I....p!i.a!!JrtO!.!m!Ueun'-tl!L.of~K~ ' i....n;>JI!~M'::'il!-ll.... s. called on lan, of Dayton were SU'nday guests Ld~"m(' YLOOK ~ Dr. and Mr., Witham Tuesday of Mrs. Marg8J'et Johns. Fro.n helping you aeleet-tbe PROPER I"anbu Guarant('f.· afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. DOnD,Id Hadley spent Saturday in Wilrnington. ~arefully inspected and thoroughly sea:~ Prof. and Mrs. Coul·tlley Allen Miss Bertha Filer returned to PIICII . soned- to the prompt delivery, we try to put the Cincinnati Bible seminary, of ~anstield were over Sunday 011 'GllYElR our business on a SERVICE basi.. . after a few days vacation spent at guests of their aunt. Mrs. Belle All·'ElTlEU! Country Club Country een· the home of her parents, Mr. and Scott and Everett Early and ll....n f.Dcy lIIinoia Corn. • • •21 . . . . . daughter. \ Mrs. J. ·S. Filer, in Ferry. No.2 c...., 4.1'.21 •• se Miss Laura Rosnllgle' 0 Cincin· i Mrs, L. H. Gordon wa return- nati was a week-eno-guest of Mr. ..75-1t •• ed to her home from the McClellan and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, and Dr. 8.• -19 ho pital in Xenia , lust Friday and Mrs. Ernest Ros,n agle and 8.U-.' I.a. afternoon and seems to be re· daughter, of London, Ohio" were Waynesville, Ohio With 2 ,10 ••. Wb •• tI_feat\lnd atcovering very atisiactorily. Su nday afternoon guellts. There will be a vaudleville show "ad. . . )/OU yourollf would m .... It. I ", lb. Mrs. Fred B, Henderson and at Lytle hall this week, commencMiss Lolli e Henderson were invito lb •. cd guests at the meeting of the ing Wednesday eveninl!~. Dr S.... b.ttl. Buill. Floeot quallt,. Mrs. A, A. Smith WfiS called to Happy Hour club at the home of Covington, Ky., last week by the Mrs. J. Q. Gon s, Tuesda~ afterserious iIlnese of her l)'I.o ther, Mrs. Cordona' Service StA. nOOn. Anna Sanders. who diEld WednesPHONE 47 Mr. W. J. herwood was the day. Dr. Smith att,ended · the Su nda y dinne r guest of hi. daugh- funeral service at Covlngton Fri· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - -- - - ---1-'1*1', MTa. ~~tfH,H~.....,..,....tp+,.;,,-;,.-I:h-.._trl'>rv:_'l\rfr8. Smittnre'c'o m:panied' him time Mr. Sherwood has been home. able t o leave the home of his other Rex Burnett, who is slowly reo 41bs . • ge daughter. MI's. J. E. Frazier. for covering at his home here, was =~=======~=== sevel'al weeks, to the Dr. in Dayton Monday 4 Ibs'1ge Sh 'ff W 'll' H If for heatment but retlarned that Crt. I .. ~m u or was a evening. . ~aynesvtlle VISItor, Monday morn- . Mrs. Ann L. S.mith, age 88 years FOR SALE Certifted Early Ohios or Cobblers lOO-lb. bag mg. However, as he to o~ no passen one of L7Ytlc's pioneer residents, ·gers back t o Leban.o~ WIth hlm.. we died at her late home lhere, Mon· SALE-Bay mare 6 years old suppose that the VISit waH entirely day a:fternoon after arl i11nese of W. A. Clark. -a19 Non-Certified Ea.rly Ohios or Cobblers, tOO-lb. bag Unofficial. and of. a purely ,f riendly more than a y~ar. Fune·r.a1 service nature. was held at the residencle Wednes3 for Mrs. Peter Frank and daughter day. conducted by Rev. ~cadf of Miss Vesta, Miss Amellia Frankf Sprmg Valley. Intermen:t ID Miami Mr. and Mrs. HalTY Frank and son cemetery.. ' . enroute to Cincinnati from their ~r. .C. R. Binegar and mece, M:s. home in . Springfield, made a brief MIDDle Payne and daughter, Shl~' stop in Waynesville to call on Mr. ley, of Jamestown. Mrs. Nel!le :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~ and Mrs. D. L. Crane. Montgomery andMIS8 ~aughter, MI8S Cleo of Dayton, Bertha Ken- -Mrs. Ida Keever, of Centerville rick of Waynesville and MillS ' C Mr. and MI's. Lindley Mendenhall. Thelma Coleman were Sunday H H Mrs, Margaret Martin, Mrs. Lena afternoon guests at th,e home of E E Hartsock, l'I{ts. Anna Tomlir\son Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. V V and daughtcl·. Rvth and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham Laurence Furnas attended a meet- visited the latter's futher, Mr. R R ing of Friends Service w~rker8 Sherman Dyke, Tuesday evening. 0 at 'WHmington Friends church who is seriously ill at his home in L L Sunday afternoon. . Recent years ha~e seen considerable reductions Lytle Hunters and Anglers E E in the cost of commodities and service in all lines. 1932 Chevrolet DeLux Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Landau The Berean class of the M. E. Community Club, of which Robert :rhe public has learned to expect lower prices. It is T T Sunday school held a delightful Friend is president, treated 1932 Chevrolet DeLux Coach 1928 La Salle Sedan ' important, however, to see that these reductions are social meeting at the h ome of Mrs themselves and families to a "fish 1932 Chevrolet Sport Roadster 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan legitimate, and not effected by a sacrifice of quality. Stella Shaner and Horace Shaner, fry," at Lytle Hall Saturday even1932 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1928 Whippet Sedan 0 .Tt. is one. thillg to buy at a lower price when on Tu esday evening. APl'j) 4. After ing. Over One hundred persons 1931 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 1926 Dodge Coach L 1.1 quality remaIn a the same, . and quite another to the business se sian, games, music thoroughly enjoyed thE' evening. ,981 Chevrolet Standard Coupe 1925 Studebaker ~oach D D accept inferior merchandise or service offered as a and variou' stunts were enjoyed, A lecture and motion pic:ture were 1981 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Chassis and Cab. '·bargain." anc] tooth orne refreshments were furnished by the DU1,kelbe r wer S S Dual, 157 in. wheelbase 1980 Oldsmobile Sedan sel'ved. Brothers of Dayton. man'U'f ac:turers Our ch arges for merchandise and service are M M 1929 Chevrolet ChalSta and 1930 Ford Tudor Mrs. . J. Marquardt, of Route of fish.ing tackle. Music, w.. by low8l' today than they have been in many years but . Platform, Dual 0 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 4, was pleasantly sUl'prised on Miasel Wylodine Kurlua and Paulthe reduction is the result of lower costs' and 1929 Ford Panel Truck 19~9 ~ex Coach B Thursday afternoon when a ine Friend. B e~ODomie8 in management. We refuse to sacrifice our number of her friends gave a towel Near three hundred I I bia'b standards of ,quality and mislead our clients shower in honor or her birthday. tended the enl~rtalnrrlelllt, wfth I savings" which are only apparent. L L Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. the KeYlltone Steel E C. J. Marquarat and 80n, Harry. of Ill., Early and E Mr. and ·Mrs. George Newberry, cinnati and Eventt Mrs. Earl Shinn. Mrs. Carl Duke, at the hall Mu Lottie Starke, Mrs. Harr, were pl....d with l'a;~r.~:,. Fordyce, Mrs. Charlee motion pletur.. ael '91 Wayne..iUe, Ohio I'll. Paul Duke ud 8011 0,
Pineapp e
irs, Wilhur B rackner and daught r, of Dayton, wer e ' undllY nfternoon cnller at th homc of Mr. and Mn ·. Ed oo k. . Dr. Ball y Rmpb 11 and Mrs. ampbel1. o~ the Biltmore hotel. lJaytt)n,. OhiO, ca ll ed on Dr. nnd M . Witham Monday uft r noon. MI'. and
'Potted flowers for Easter
Z e.na :5:5c
A. B. Stubbs
c~~r.u ~!!.~
S.!!!I~!~! h~t App•• Sauce Ollv..
Salad Dre •• ing
Coil.. \I,. M......... Saap.
E..ter ••• GIa•• A..
45e ZSe
S .
10e 10e
FREE Skipp), Bowl Z3e Coaatr)' C.u" Bread se Maoaroal 3 I.e
w. H. ' MADDEN
1' '.S'
& CO.
WiD..... Ap,•••
S ••d PoUtoe.
S . . . Potato••
• •• Z4
Late Classified Ads.'
- 'z s-
A Partial List Below
Quality Maintained
James E. McClure
Ph.e328 .
of '-~"I ~... ·
Eighty-Slxtb Year
"CHRISf IS RISEN," SANG. THE CHOIRS I.-----j~~~ Happy Party for ANNOUNCEMENT OF riends SERVICES AT THE AT WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES, SUNDAy The w ather of last Sunday Easter Day of 1933- w8.8, in a the signi· way symbolic of ficanj:c of the day-. Starting with lowering skies and a drizzling rain during the morning, the sun burst fo rt h from behind the ,clOUds about noon, with a radiance that truly uggested the r sur rection. Special and approprblte services were beld a t all Waynesville churches, whl.cn had been beautifully decorated with pott d and cut flowers f or the occasion. These bl osso ms were later taken t o brigh te n the homes of various shut in Invalids. At St. Mary's church, where, jU!;t eleven years pl'eviou ly to the uay, the mortal r emains ot the beloved Rev . .John Fallis Cad· dallader had lain in state through. out a particularly sad Easter Day, the Children's Lenten ojfering for the Children's Hospital in Cincinnati wa presented at the' Ohurch School session. At the l() :3G ervice, the Holy Communion was celebnted, and a good musical program was given under the direc tion 01 Mrs. John B. Gons , orianist. The offerlory solo, "Allehia," was pleasingly rendered by Mrll. Maynard Weltz and Rev. J. J. Schaeffer gave an excellent and a ppropriate address. At the FI'iends Firs t Day school, was given to the special s tr Easter lesson by the teachel'!! of the various well filled classes. A goodly number also attended the morning meeting for worship. . At the Chureh of Christ, where 94 were enrolled at the Bible School service In the morninr, a short program of Easter music and recltatiollS was given at the first service for the day. In the even. ing-, a cong regation which com. fortably filled the auditorium was treated to an excellent program of Easter music, recitations and a pantomime, follOWed with a short, but earnest talk by the minister, Chester A. Williamson. Services at the M. E. church be· gan wJth a Sunrise prayer meet·
ing led by L. V. Beck, and attend· ed by about one hundred persons, A solo by Mrs. J. H. Sackett and a vocal qUllttet by Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck, Miss Helen Hawke and Mrs. Glenn BLand added much to the beau ty of this service. Thia was :followed by a f ellowship breakfast, partaken of by about eighty young people. A record breaking attendanc ~ of 326 was attained at the Sunday school, exc eeding by 61 the attendance goal that had previously been s et. At the close of t he lesson hour, this service was merged with the regular morning service for worship. First was a baptismal service for infants, five receiving the sacrament. This was followed by a baptismal service for adtJlts and the reception of 47' members, several of the latter coming by letter from other churches. Several special musical number s by the choir, and a short talk by the pastor, Rev. G. C. Dibert, were included in the service. In the evening, after a beautiful sacred concert by the choir, Mrs. Glenn Bland and MisS' Thelma St. John very effectively gave the sacred drama, "The Bread of Tears."
Mrs. Enlm8 J anney' royally en. ter tained Il n umber of h r little friends at an Ea steT party, last Sa t urda y / after noon. While the yo ung f olk were bu~ily inspecting a great display of Ea:ter Bunnies, chi ckens, egg~, ete., the hostess reo lated many interesti ng a nd f unny sto ries. This was followed by ha ppy gam 8, a general good , time, and a dan dy pic nic lunch. The guests: Mastel' Jack Cornell , of Dayton, Joh n Will iam Strouse, Fallis Ferree Payne, Hal'ry Mat· thew Turner, Gerald oyle, Claire Dibert, J oe Hart!!ock, Joe Davis, arlen e J oe J am 8 aild Miss Hough.
APRIL 19, 1933'
Ser.vice Station Again Burglarized The Rohi gaso lin e serv ice st ation on North , Main str et , owned a nd operated by M. A. F ulk erth wa s again th e scene of a robb€'ry a t an earl y \ ~o u r t his morning. The station wa clo ed ab out 12:30 o'c lock this morning by Bufo rd Barnard, t he night at· tendant , anu whe n Mr. F ulkerso n arrived a bout '7 o'clock t o open up t or th e day, he soo n not iced tha t the cash drawer was sta nding wide open , and t hat most of its con· tents had been t a ke n. No cl ues as to t he identity of the cu i prit a r e said to have been f ound. Th same sta t ion was the scene of a hold·up a fe w months ago, but the ban dit wa soo n ap prehend ed, an d is now sel'v ing a sentence in the t ate's priso n at Mansfi eld.
Ilav(> yo u yet decidell the date returned. For a few weeks. at least of J ORse Robinsl)II'lI tragi d~ath we intend to publish one or two of " down by t ho old mill sll'ca",'!" these ql.\estioTjs of earlier local To be perfect Iy fran k, we have n ut history t u help revive your mem o When the ~tol'Y wa. )lu1Jli shecl ol'ies. And, once in II while, we la5t. week, we thought thai the rec· expect to include a da te of more ords of Miami cem ' t ry would recent vintage, so your sons and give exact information. but such <1aughiel'~ ca n' t laugh at you. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH has not prov n to b th e ca e. Tbi w ek. \\ e have selected G. C. Dibert, Puior However, the IItory haa s t severa l t\\' 11 qu stions fo), OU t· quiz. Fiu t, Wednesda y: The Lad ie's Aid when WIIS thu Township House 'o n ' of OUT good frie\lds to thinking. society is / meeting at the church On e ma n about town- he 's Main ~t l et bu il t7 Our second at 2 this p. m , Bible !study an d ple nt.y old enough to b married, II U 'y includ S 8 little tory. prayer meeting a t 7: 15 p. m. Choir !\, f rielld t 11 Ull t hat several but isn't- says tba th accid(> nt practice at 8 p. m. occurred during the summer of year ago a local temperance Su nday: S unday school a ~ 9 :30 1881. He also ~ays that the organization held a big barbecue a. m. UI' attendance last S unday drowning occurred in 1\ deep hoi in the ravine on the old Abel was 322 an d th e banne r for th e in t he Race, about 75 01' 100 . "t.tertb\\' uite farm at the opper high est perce ntage pf a ttendance yards above the f1()od gate. This aclge of t own. The barbecue, he went tp P rof . Lotz's class. reminds anotheJ' youth (well, he say, was pl'eced d by a big street MOI"Iling wOTship at 10 :40. The was a yo uth then) that the Rl)ci - plHad ,tha includ d t he Village subject for tbe mornin.g s ermon dent occurred on 'unctayaftemo n band and the steer t ha t was to be " The Gos ip e liminator," a will be, " T he Litt le Ones With and t hat he wa called from the barbecued, th a nimal being deckhappy, snappy f arce comedy was Th eir Empt.y Pitchers. Epworth , M e~h od ia t unda.y Rch oo l, which ed with gaudy rib bons. The band enacted a t the Gym la t }~rida y League at 7 p . m. with. Virginia The equinoctial ralna of the was t he n held in the nftcnl 0() T), t fl scaped, uninjUl'ed that t ime. Our ' and Sa urd ay eveningR by mem- Hard in as lea der. P lrof. Loiz' bers of the Mothers c1~b f or the Sund ay school class w iJI have week.e nd provided mor e wute r help in the etfol't.s a t. I·esu~citation. rriend says that he f orgets the Now, what do you I'e membel' name of t he organization, and the benefit of theil' organization and entire ch arge of the regular even. than the already saturated ground could absorb, and , as a conse. abo ut t he calle? om on, and II du te of the feast. Wha t do you reita worthy project . F inanciall y ing service a t 7 o'clock. quence, th e Little Miami rive r is u ; don't be buckwa rrl. We won't member about it? Who? What? the performa nces are !laid to have On Monday of n ext w ek a t 8 been II di stin ct BUCCeI!S. Artisticall y p. m. i the reg ular time for the again out of bounds. Rr om an publi ~h . Nour nllme. without y'our When '! Wr: don't kn ow e xactly but ear ly hour Tu esday morning until pe.rm.l!! I.o n . . An ~ ngam we SIlY that we mean to find out. or as a mea n of entertainment, meeting of the official board. press time on Wed nesday afte r. , t hiS m Vltatlon IS ~xten ded to )10ll the y 'Were muc h more than that. The stor y of play is built about WAYNESVILLE CHUllCH 01' noon a stream of wa te r, varying f~rme r Waynesvill e boys a n d in dep t h from f our t o eight inches gll'ls who have wandel' d away the efforts of a young salesman CHRIST at dift' rent t imes, has been 'fr om the old hom t own, ~s we ll who attempts to ell a new device (Undenominatlonlll) to a company of ladies who have Chester A. Williamson, Mlnilter steadily Wowhlg over Corwin as to t hoe who hav e l ' R1a ll'led or assembled, really t o discuss the Quarterl y Evangelistic Rally a t ave nue. While traffic across the flooded au...airs 0f ev rybody but t h em· Xe nia Church of Cbrlst . Colum. ' t' tb ~ road has not. -yet been completely 1 Th se ves. e mven Ion e young bus and Hill Sh., Xenia, 'Thursday, halted , the State highway depart· . f uII y guaran· April 20 at 8 p. m. h ope f u1 d ec1ares, III •• t e th O t ee d to pel'man entl y e 1Imma IS Lo rd's Day se r vices al~ follows : ment did place its warning signs Th lb' at each side of the ftoode4 higb. . harm f uI g OssIp. e p ay rmgs Chur,ch Sch ool at 9 :30 a. m.' way Tuesday afternoon, anll, In "'U nci t eve" Phillips, Wanen forth many uproariously funny L d S t I I Ch situations which were well handled or s upper a cone us on. rls the evening, guards were stationed o~ ntY ' !I wonde rful old turfman, tlan Endeavor at 7. p. nI. Jam.es to give further warning to mot.or. officially celebrated his ninety· by t'be members of the caste. Mllny ~l'thur, . leader. Evemng evangehs. ists who were not thoroughly til' t birt hday at his home in Mr. Alonzo Curl Is slowly reppy specialties WeTe introduced tic servIce a t 8 p. m. Ser mon sub· familiar with the road . Frequent Lebanon, last Sunday. Born dn between ac t.~ , incl uding musical ject " C on ~ciell (! e" Pra 1~er M et h . covering from a severe Illness. ... ' d B 'b'l S d' }. W de - , 8 ower ar~ not very condUCive to Easter Da y, March 27, 1842, Mr. numbers by Mrs J B Crab"'e nnd· .., 109 an l e tu y eac I e nes· b . bt h f th d b t Ot ho Arnold, of Da yto n, was a Phillips has always chosen Easter Walter Underwood and James Julia? Crabb e, •and" selLctions by day a t 7 :30 p. m. Th.e church r:!~t of or;: f1~:d. e spee y a a e· WaY11 esville vi ito\' Tu e t!a y. Day, rat h er than March 27, as the Lovely were Dayton visitors, la t the lI ttle German band. where you feel at bome. __ ••_ __ Friday. official da te fo r theBe celebrations. Mr. and Mr. Myer Hyman and In fact, he recently stated that to AUXILIARY TO MEET ST. AUGUSTINE'S C:HURCH !Ion spent Sund ay with relatives at the b Rt of his recollection, March Miss Dor~ Henderson, of Cin· Father French, Pastor Price Hill. cinnati. spent the week·end with 27, 1 32, was the first time since The W.oman's Auxiliuy of St. Services will be' held ,every two home foUss. Mary's church will meet on Friday Mr. and M rs. Ol iver Davis a nd his birth that his actual anniver· weeks pn Tuesday morni:n&,. afternoon, at two o'clock at the daughter, Miss Rachel, vi sited reI· sary ha f allen on Easter Day. Mrs. Emma Barnett and Mr. E. Mr. PhilJ.f'p/i is re markably hale atives in Xenia , Satu rdll Y. V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, spent An E&.ster r eading by Mrs. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST home of Miss Emma Heigbway. a nd well preserved, and still maill'. Sunday in Wa-ynesville. ern ATmitage, tw o vocal dueta by (UndenominatfoDlIl) Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mrs. Wymer tains his keen love f or good horaes the Masters Earl and Altbn Earn· Chester A. WilJiamson LINES TO MISS LILLIE NEDRY Dtake and Mr. D n Haw ke wel'e and the raclng game. He slill Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Osborne, of hart, and a r eading, ··.When t he Quarter1y Evangeli stic Rally at in Dayton Saturday afternoon. Springfield, were Sunday guests Sh oe Pinche ," by Mrs. Char l'es Xenis hurch of Chri st, Columbus b:uins hi s good ho rse, Frederick She was a lady ; meet he r wher e McKinn ey, latest !!ucces or of his of Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Smith. , Anderson, feat ured th e program and Hill Sts., Xenia, ~rhul'sday, you would, Mrs. Maggie Bumet has return· wonde rftJl leepy Tom , though he graciOUS manner ed to her home hcre af ter spend. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Arthur and for the meeting of the Friendship April 20 at 8 p. m. Lord's Day Her lovely, On Thursday, April 18th,a held in their room a ~ the M. seTVices a s foll ows; Church school always could be relied upon. ing the winter in entervill e, \vith ad mits that he drove his last of· family were Sunday ruests of Mr. ficial race, one day last Bummer, most cordial welcome was given to and Mrs. L. S. Arthur in Corwin. E. church last Wednesday after· at 9 :30 a. m. L ord's Supper and She nel1er said, the hurtful or her si ster. on the Washington Court House noon. Alter the ' l L \!.~nesueS8ion sennon at 10:30 a. m. Sen,lon the spiteful thing . the members of the Wayne Town· Mr. and Mrs. J ohn K ennedy, o! track, where his first race )lad Miss Thelma St. John entertain. program, the members ad· subj ect, "The Pow er of the Blood,' And when at last her spirit took ship Farmer's club by Mr. and ed over the ' w~ek·end, Miss Mil- joorned to the socij\l room where You are alway welcome at this, its wing. (Her spirit that w. Harveysburg, wer e Ea ter gu e. ts be n driven so many years before. at the bome of MI'. and Mrs. Ly. Mre. Ira Rich. The roll call found dred Schlater, 0'1 Wittenberg delicious refreshmllnts were served church. such a fragile thing) . by Mrs. ','V alter Sheehan, Mrs. ST. MARY'S CHURCH all families repr!Bented with the Icollele. She met death as one might greet man Day. exeeption of two and they . were Ralph Hastangs,. Mrs. Sam Henk!e a friend, Miss Vivian Og les1;Jee, of nea r ahMnt on 4ccount of the death of ~rs.~. S •.Schnebly and daugh- Mrs. Tom Hardm and Mrs. AlvlO Rev. J J. Scbaeft'er. Rec:tQr Hastening to meet her at her Wilmington, was th e wee k·end April 23, First SunlJay after a relative. The usual feast was ter, of Vlctona, Texas, were week. Earnhart. The n ext m~eting will journ y'a end. guest of her sister, Mrs. Ea rl thoroughly enjoyed. . end gllesta c1f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. be held a t the home of My . Joel Easter. Church school at 9 :80; L. W. B. Coyle, and family. The first number on the p!;,ogram Hawke. Stokes. Morning Prayer at 10 :30. Fort Wayne, Ind . A mos t entertaining prOFam Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Gray an~ was giv en at Grange last Saturdaughter spe nt unday a t t he day eve nj.ng by the school, under Hardin on the violin, aceo~pa· of Belle-vue, Ky., were week.end 1" wu mu. hom e of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. BQw. tbe direction of Mr. Lotz. The nied . by J,rma Rich. John Shultz guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn man in Franklin. fa culty and the children deserve daughter. Dibert was introduced as apeaker. 111'8. Zana Stephenson, of MidMrs. L. H. Gordon, was able to much praise f or the manner in ~c~~W~d.club~~.~.~,mdM~HmMhT~~I~_--~-------_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~hle~~~hl to f~~ oorex~ which the pl'ogram was given. The following numbers were good attendance. and IIpirit of were Easter guests of Mrs. FloSllle cise, Sunday aftern oo n, afte r pr ese nted : ' Sta. Wa,nll Townahip Raall. Hiah on Gant•• ScL.chal.d April 25 several weeks of eve re illn ess. cooperation and good fellowllhip. Carey and family. ' Sc ripture Reading-Jane Cook. He spoke briefly ·of the events of X nd MI'!! Sol Hurwich of Editor ...... ... ......... Doris Salisbury Stat. 8th Creel. T.at ia Springboro at Franklin Mr. and Mrs. J. P. F ro mm, MrR. Essa y, "The True Significance of "H01y Week" and ·then gave a fine r. a '., I' AlII!emblies .. ... .... .. .. ... Orie Hardin W.rr.n Coua't " Mason at Kings MlUB J. C. Hawke an d J\h·g. Leah Ea 8~e r"-Rachel Hartman. Lebanon,ofwere N Wayne T ownsh ip talk on "The Three · LOQks of Life'. lueBts Mr. SLX·O and el~k Mrs. d nner Cl aM N ews .... .... Th eIma Coleman ot on Iy d'd I Carlisle at Lebanon Strouse went to Dayton, 1J.(!;!UUIJI.l..!i!J:lJtf!-F'ir~tt-.~OO1l""1hn,u..-I*ilwteth--,---":::--;;:: R Irma ich gave a humorQus read· H i t Tbunday ......... .. ...... Mary-6rane school win first place in the State Otterbein 'a t Morrow afternoon, t o visit t he q uilt show. Hoble t. ing. The special topic, "Will yman, a8 Humor ............... ..... Leada Werntz 8th grade schola.rship teet when m. VI. ' Morrow Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Ma'r.att, Mrs Organizations .... ' YIrginia Fo~lka Glenna Woollard Bcored: 16i out $trijces ·Solve the Farmer's Prob. Mrs. F : B. Henderso!!, M~s. J . '''Cl'ees''-Ada Belle Frye. ,l em?" was ably 'hancUed by L. V. Amelia WiUiama and Lou Printz . of a posible 200 points but com. Waynesville outhit Morrow to B. Gons, Mrs. D. R. Smit h and " Wbat Do We Plant Wben We Plant a Tree Frances Bran~trator. He does Dot think were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Senior Prom pared favorably with the county win .from them by a score of 17 Miss Louise Hend erllOn we r~ Day. Wat kin s. the problems can be solved that and :MI'!!. O. M. Robltzer and The Senior class of nineteen median in tbe l1arlous subjects to 11 in II. playground baseball t on visitor s Wednesda.y afternoon Historic Trees of Ohio- Howard wat· Aft.er another violin aelec- dau&,hter. thirty thre~ is bolding its Prom below: game last week. The entire Way· of last week. Hall, Robert Haines, Charles tion the club adjourned to meet in at the Waynesville · Gym Friday ,Subject Wa;,ae Tp. War,.•• Co. nesville team hit hard and as a . Fi1'eij. Mrs. harles Sma l·t and • May at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Farmers insure with the Con- evening, April 21, at eight o'clock. <,_. result they piled up an early lead tinental--over $24,000,000 to The various commit.tees are OO:I.ence . 27 .... ..... .... .. 27 which Morrow was unable t o over · daughter Miss Grace, of Cincin- "Tbe' Planting of the Apple Tree;' W. A. Swartzel. - Vi ola Campbell. 'nati, were dinner ~ u esL of Mrs. pay 10ases. Pay once each year or planning their Individual activities AErlthl·mshetlc .. ,., ..: ... 3.0 .......... :... ,32 com The: Fr'd W '11' • - t eaeh as pour need demandL W. to make the Prom a success. ~g I. . ..... .. ... . . . .2 6 .. ..... ...... ,' 26 III I ay aynesvI e Jour. Anna Cadwallad el' at t he Fri ends' "W oodman Spare That Tree"Miriam Scott. N. Seara, aeent. No orchestra has been definitely History ; .. .. , .. .... .,.... 26 ...... .. .. 28,6 l1eys t? Lebanon for a game. Due Home, on Sunday. "The Heart of the Tree"- Evelyn )(1'11'. Anna Schwim, and lin. G. chosen as yet, but any orchestra All Subjects .: .. ... .1~9 ........ .... IIU,to the bad weather, several lames .Permanent Wave special f or the Furnas. A. Derrlne and son, of Detroit, chosen by that committee will be Last year th.e compa,l'ison read have been postponed to a later remainder of Apr il to introduce "The Ll'fe of Johnny Appleseed" Under the auspicell of P. E: were aueets Qf Mr. and Mrtl. Gene accepted without a protest. as follows: date. . - Catherine Ludington, Beylab lhe new Paris Steam Wave with SO 806 Waynesvdle has played two ringl et end, $2.5'0. Shampoo 60c Sn wder'" Son, of BlancJiester, Conner .anel dau"hters from Frida~ 'We are anticipating' a gala even· S . Bel'nar~ Ruth CO'nner. '. . ,' iog and we're 'sure our anticiplI' clenee . ...... ......... .... .. .. ... ... . to date and. haa been Mias Mamie Crookaton,.home eeon- until Wednesday. tion will be fulfilled. , Arith~etie ........... a3 ............. 31.4 . . in both. If thlS fine work additional. Truax Bea.uty Shoppe. The Country Girl's Creed- Naomi . Rampy. or D ' d English .. .... , .......... 28 ,... ...... . 28.4 18 'contlnued they have an excel. omlcs expert, conducted a cooking The Boy Scouts will hold a Cake Music by the High School Quar. IS atn Co--.rcial Cont.ata History . ......... ... .,. 29 ............ 29.7 lent chance for the county cham. school and demonstration 01 the )(Mr'Rali~ IMrsD' ,!ver aYE Pyrofax Gas Ranpe, in the W. C. illl! aCne . av ... were , as er All Subjects 117 117 1 ale next Saturday, with head · tette, Jacque Adams Cecil Davis Phillips store room, Tueeday ,ue_ts of Mr•. and ~r_. Peter The annual sectional commercial ' Our lowest ' ~~~~e thi~ y~~:"was pionship in playground baseba 1. quarters at LeMay's ins urance Wailace Bernard and Charles Hartso~k. office. Scouts will receive and de· a1ternoon. A eood lised company Demu and famlly and Mre. Nettie contests are to be held in Xenia on 74. The lowest in the county was Eiahtb Gr.... Clti..aahip Club liver orders. Pr~eeds to be ap· Humorous Debate--.Tuanita Bran. of local ladiee enjoyed the occa· Kepler at New VI~nna. Saturday, April 22, 1983. The between 60 and 59. Wayne town. sion, obtained many new and UN· students selected to represent sbip had the larrest grOUIP (40) in The meeting was called to plied to "niform fund. nock, Chairman; Mae Tread. ful hints, and were favorably 1m· fri!~d Iy:le Bo~~:eKello:.r h~l ~a~es~~le ~re liste<\ as follows: tbe county takin.I the test. Out of order by the Prelident, Glenna Mr. William Scanlall, of Dayway, Dorothy B ouTn, Cecil Hartman, Evelyn Peters• . pressed with the advantacea 'o f the CiDcln'nati, were Easter loest's of ~~~ram :Ellis this number all but nine made a Woollard, April l ( in our Home ton, and ~rs . Susan W. Payne new fuel and ranges. tl)e fonner's ~other and silter Inez James !!Core of lO() or over. Eileen Room No. I. were quietly married in Lebanon, Piano Duet--Jeannette Wilaon" After roll can and the minutes Saturday motning, the Rev. Mr. Jenn Furnas. Mi88 Crookston wal auiltad by IIrll. :Maude (Jrane and daulhters: Leada Werntz scoring 154 points ranked the a ladY expert cake balter, who . , ' five in tile COUllty. were read we selected a captain McCoy, pastor of the Lebanon One .Act Play, " Taking Teacher's gave a practical .demolllltration of I Honorin, the birthday annlver. Wintfred ConnaTa fill' each section. For Section I. Presbyterian church, performing Place" - Buddy LeMay, Robert the most su!:ee8llful m~thods of sal')' of Mr. LarrCet, Mr. and lin. Shorthand 11.Warn. Count" Soft·Ba,D ....... we selected Doris Surface as the ceremony. Rllines, Anna Gay Treadway, mixing, baking alld deeoratine A. H. Stubbl happily en~ed Miriam Ellis captain for the solft ball team an.d Ruth Conner, Vivian Conner. . , ... ... _.. T _.. Lead. Werntz selected SuelIa Manbal C. ' P. Joy and W. O. Jane Flll'na!!, Clark Hess, Earl School .Woa LOla Staadtaa for Section II. cakes. A handlom•. whi cb tllelle pestll at· ea.... l, ue.... ay Winifred Conners Franklin .......... 3 ,.. .. ,0,....... 1.000 Beniard aa captain. Gustin accompanied Deputy Moran. was decorated dwinC the d.mon· 8Tenma. April 11: IIr. and 1Irs. Short Hand 1.Waynesville .. ". 2.. .... . ,0" ...... 1.()00 The follow inc are on the com· Sheritr At Scbwartz, of Lebanon , Mu~ical Novelty- Richard Adallls, _tration, wu awarchd to lin. Walter Rosa of Illamlabu11r. Mr. Roma Hardin . to Mansfield with a prison er, last Donald Foulks, Geo11re lliUeT. Morrow ........... 2 ...... 1. ..... . .667 mltt.el: Maude Crane. . and 1Irs. Pllilip Larrick. Mr. and . YaJ'd~Robert Adarna, Arnold Friday. They returned home by __ ••_ __ Lebanon ,..... 1........ 2 ... ..... . 883 The lIellll'8. Snyder haliq been lira. Walter Appr. IIr. and 1Irs. Inel James Carlisle .. ...., O. .. .. 1 ., ... •000 lam., and Forest Dakin. way , of Cleveland, stopping in advertiaiq . the ad.anlal- of Bane, R),e. and Ill'. and 1Irs. John Coatf;lll Muon ............. 0 ...... 1 ..... .. . 000 Roo~Ene.n BaD, SuelIa Ber. that! city to transact a bit of legal Pyrofax Gal and RanPJ throu,h M~r H)'1iWa. TYf~~: kaYllliP Otterbein . . ... 0 ..... 1.. ...., .000 "ard, aDd lIucaret Peten. bUlinel8 for Mr. Gustin. the column I of The Miami Galette lila Irma Rlu 'wu hoste. to • Iona Crane " ' 0" .000 Prorram -llaraa...t B.rtmlUl KIIlIII Kills .. .. 0 ..... " for the put nveral w..kI, a4 1I'0Gp of trieadl Iaturda, nlaht.. Dick MilleI' SPrlqboro ... ... 0........ .000 Edith Boyl., and Viola CampbeU: The Loyal Women and the I)'l~~ now, for a time. are conducti... a CUda aad JJpaw pIIIII.. provided Bookkeepin...Seor.1 "It week: Report. w.re 8!ven by the COIIII. of the Ferry Church of Christ he Ih demonatratfon aDd ul.. "'IlCl~ eD~D.eIK U1d later. claint),reRoma Hardin Fra1lklln, 20; mitteu. W. talked about hariD, th.•lr monthly. class meetinp at • and IfIt. In tbe PhUlipe -room, ' ......... enjo,ed. Th. BerD1ce Graham WaJ1leaviUe 17; 11 oar ple't1J.... tak.n at til••ad 01. the home of Mr. and Mra.. F. A. tile.,.... tarm. .........., ..... •- • . p _ ' n.t baeladed Ifr. &lid IIrL Edward FraDer Other pm.. nlD. tIw rear Atter the pl'opam we Wrltrbt ot aear. Ferry on lut &'1Ieata at Ml!a:-': • Thunda, eTenlDI. After the tel' Slll Int pnctleea la rat.Iq OIeD Blad, II.... BUsaIMlth . . . . Woollard adjOQl'IIH to .eet April 28. m..ti.... were over the mea rave lId alUeb aN to .... Iltter tne fro. Beak1e, TIl.... It. Iou, IIIldred Theee Itudentll wbo propam. .fter wbleh aU Bracilri fJI ..w ad . . . . it at leut "'lei t1le hillIeR abilt~ at WI,YlMftSlll • boantltal of Rat. . . . .11.._ to _ .... wiD att."'DI
Demonttrated "The Gossip Eliminator"
FRIENDS MEETING F irst Day. January 29 : First Day Frie nd ship School lit 9 :30 a. m. Meeti ng f or worshi p a t 10 :30 a. m.
.. -..---
Little Miami River Again Out of Banks
Random Bits of Human Interest Found in Town
Friendship Club Met at Church
Mini.ter Addre••ed The Farmer. Club
~rn~ed ~ R~~d M~ ~d M~S~h~W~b~ !=================~==~=====~=============:
::::ti~~: :~ .~~~:P;o~~."imi:!: r.nd
ted N
emon. ra ew Ca. Cook Stove
Entertained Family At Ea.ler Diaaer
D. w....
. ..ore
__ _"iI
The will of WIllI_"" deceased, wall filed In The adjudiution and tion of the inheritance estat of Josephine H. ce81\l!tI, is to be given to L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I T w o . Y . a r . O l d Se.d M.y or By 'rHE 1I00~IER int rellted. OLUMBUS--The Motor Vehi. 1 in Lake Erie, so that flahlng disHot B. C.p.bl. of Growth CO..... "'Ol\ Plea. ProCle.,di" •• T. ]f . Zl'll, executor of estate el' Bureau under the supervision 1 tricts in that body of water will be of Laura J. Zoll, deceasedl. filed his .) f ecretary of State George S. well supplied lOT several yeara. Th!' Ol'win S}1 lal SChOll\ di~· ' ('ailed II !\'l'lher in Ihe I nie>l r;Iom In the eM of R bl'l·t J. Emery Beware 01 u>:ling t.wo·year·uld trict wa~ fOl'me,1 by a rualilioll uf at the !i(lpot, bul. un ~CCoullt. of \'Cl'i\UR B "dill 1\1. Em ·ry. a uivorce inv(mtory. The executor is \,T<lered Myel's, repo rts a reduction of re\7. The Commissioner has also eomto lIell certain real estate and make enue in the sale of automobile pleted a tour of insp cLion of all soybea n seed with out first testing W8)' ne Tuwnship sulHlist riet No. 00 quol'um. thet'l' wns nul lung WI\. !(1'antl'll the plaintiff. for a bility to It rminut and grow. 11 Rnu part. of sUb-dl$tJ·ict. NOfl. dOlle. But tllerl' wa s <:nuul!'h dOll' In the 'U8l' of .luglin M. Fry return to cou I't. license plates under that of last' fishing districts. Thl'- inventory of Willi 1m Fra!! r year during the 8ame pel'iod, Dels the warning of J. B., Pal'k. pro9 IIlld 10. The flr!>t dll 'lion of to leurn that there would lIc no \' I"U. ~ophiC! L. 11'. servic~ by ---administrator of estate of Zeph. cember 1 to April I, of 7.9 per Secretary ot' State George S. fessor of farm crops a,t the Ohio ail' tor, which seem tl) hnve I \l~C for lIarb;ock. Th.lllye. l't III.. t o publication i. to be made on ainuh L. Enfi Id. deceased, was ap· ce nt. This is co nclusive proof that Myers has appointed W. A. Wey- State University. bet!n rather a town fPfleting ort I It'Y 10 ~!'t off at 1\ JOInt mectilll;1. plaintiff. pl'oved by court. Many fal'm l' are. inQuirin a O"f more per!\ons waited for the one. gandt, of Cleveland Heights, as of an IIffl1ir, wns 11('Id on 1 nday. and the Wllyn town . hlJ) I)lHlrd IS. 111 I he case of th Stat of Ohio The will of Harry L. King was fourth r duction in license fees by Executive Clerk in his depal'tmcnt the department about t he saiety May 12, 1 IU. In .1'1 cling lhI'C{' fbOUnd not to. '.11'(>1 Ihe. l'"n 'in \'lr"u~ Bl'rlhl GI'IIY, it ' is order~d secur ing plates after the first three succeeding Harry D. Hale, of Up- of using old ~ee d beca.use 0:1' the directorH votes \Y 1'1' Cllst as f 11- Board .. 0 thl' .11\lTlt m .'tmjf hO'lru Owt 1\ nnlle PI'O~ "lui bu ent red filee! in .court. A certified copy of the eniry de· months of' the year. Approximately ver Sandusky, Wyand.ot county! s areity and high price of seed 10\ ,,: E,:el'ett . D. R i.>e rt.s , 32; hil S <'ollle ~ ~11(1. Tlh' 11 ~t dl\~: will ht'r ill. . lIenry M KillS y. (falh r of Mi be on1\,thin!C (·\s., fUrther. :lh'll){· 1 III tht' CU$~' of (,hnrilla Gray ver- tel'mining the inheritan<!e tax on two and a half million of dollars who has filIed th' position for a grown last year .. "If the beans were in excell ent Henrietta l\JcKin.ey ) :2; porge We h>ll"e d~t\re,1 our . klts, $\) 1';\.1' HCI·thl Gt' ~', n Jivol' e \\' IIS the c!\tate of Josephine II. Worley from the sale of lice n e plates was period of sile years. Mr. Weyg.andt (leccased, is to be certified without; di tributEd to t he various political has been a newspaper pubhshe.r seed conditi n In t pring anll if til (father (I f Mi~~ D ra ~ti1('s) we clog(,." "I' nl\.'d th 111 intitf. ub-divisio ns of the 88 counties in and editor j·n Ashlal\d, Lodl, they were stored inaJryplacethey 21'1; , illiam T. Frame (brothcr of . f l'an\\~ilt'. th~ h II tl'- I ~:)j'tlh l'u('kNt pll'ad\'d not guilty delay. The e~tate or Martha reville, de the state by Secretary Myers, m k- Akron, Ravenn~, W oo~ter, and probably are still in good seed I". J. L. M nden}lal\ 20; Hiram !:hled to IUd\ l;\ tl ,,1~\ '" h ~t nd h Tl,in charged ceased, i. exempt fr m inh ritnnce ing a total of '14,000,000 distrib- Cleveland, havlOg re Igned as condit ion," MYS Dr. Pnrk. "But KilbaTl (falher og Jr$. C. 'V. fl'om ttrrlll' ttl "I Il1t'mt>ct ". tlU (;,' nlt lixl',l nl ·;I~U. Henderson) 15; Seth ook (th Ithe full \\' in~ n lt"t Ind, Fe ttl ry I JII tilt' l' t' \If Tht! ili ze n~ B'; i1d tax. manager of the uyahogan New~- beans that havc had their seed uted by the department to date. F. ZlIne tount. executor of the . papers, Inc. I, to accept the POSI- coats !Split in threshing usuully do Poccahontll QU8kl'r) G. I U'. 1 1)2, til U l· lll.. htl ~lU" !Un : i III & LI' 11 ,bstl·io.l!o n versu F. estate of John H. founts, deceas Hon. N. C. Parr ot New Phila· tion in olumbus. He alst) served not gi!l'minate well cv n the fir t The newly 1.'1 ct d board met E. 1>. Rot> nll, II. .ld(in '''y. . Hillentll"llllJ, "t aI, by inedv r· three dar~ I"tl'r, Qrj!a niz d and Jam l'i E. LYlIl'h, "\\'01. T. f'r·SI1H'. h.'m·e th description IIf real estate cd is to ettle all accounts belong- delphia, a member of the Ohio as state senator from the 24th- year, and always g rminate poorly i ng to said estate. Liquor Control Com mission, and 26th district in 1913. 14, a nd was the s condo If tillmag d se ds do allP rtioned OffielDl title and Will , A. Rudg('rll. 1:l. Kilbtln, G. H. in the p titi n i to be changed. Julia Wiard, ad mini tratrix cit dent of the Ohio Elks Assoei~ in the federal service' two years spro.u t tht'y grow f ebly ' and lire duti ~: Mr. Robert, pre.id nt.; Mr. Stile", . D. Robert~. B. H. )lill~, In thL' III! (tf Hornce ' imptik., tl'E'8SUrer lind 41'. Mc1{in- lex EmiL'Y. John . .I:trk, 1'ho$, 011 v r u~ Edith K. Simps n. a di- the estate of Bridget toekmBn, de "tion. announces that the annual during President Wilson's adminis· Ji,/<ely to p rish In the fie ld before ceased, filed her firllt an,1i final ac- Spring Conference of the state ~ration, Mr. Weyg,andt began his beeoming establiRhed. s y. <'Ierk. The bonds required L. Frtlnle . 'I'ho. Pier!:e. Wm. \'o r~e wa. grant.ed plaintiff. as ociation, will be held at Hamil- new dutie April 15th. ainh Mllrtin, [n the ell ~ of The Mason Build- count. \\' re flll'd and accepted the next l-Ibwn, eth Cook, "Tests have shown that lipliWng Joseph F. McKinney e:x:e.cutor of to n on . Saturday and Sunday, day, the late Lracl II. H ,r ris . . nunham: T. ]<~. ~tallton . ing, Loan 'Savings o. ver~us of the seed cont reduces germina29 and 30. The ~uest speak..igning as s urety for II'. Sttl • Robert ~ttluntJoy. J. M. K y. F'j Jo;lma E. 11il1. et til, The Gulf Re- the estate of John H. McKinney, Director H. G. Southard, M. D., tion so much as to make the damand th lat Ed Maty (husband of lark. 1. 11. B ~wman nd Jacob fining o. 8 coqlorntion, was made deceased, filed his first account.. er at the banquet to be held 01 t he State Department of Health aged seeds unfit for planting even Hnry J . Voller, admin 'istrator of sturday night will be Governor announces that Ohio will join with though the halves of the sced apMr ". (' ol'a Ma y and 'if'athe.r of !Ii!;ey. The questio n WIIS decided pal·ty d f~ndanl. Mr . B rt Hart'ock) performmg II m favor f a larger hoard. At the. In the case of The Peoples' Build. the elltate of J ohn W. Voller, de· George White and the chief ora- other states in t he nation wide pear together. Jr. McKinsey. May election. G. R. ~i1e!l was 1'1'- ing, Loan & Sllvingij o. versus cea cd, filed his first an ,d final ac· tion at the Sunday m,eeting will be observance of May Day, the firat llke 8 !"vic for "If soybean seeds are old or by Dr. E dw. J. Mc Cormick, of of the month, a8 Child Health Day new, a germination test should be Fiv day later, th levy for elected. and T. F r~me (nnd William ohen, t 01 judgment t o' ount. The will of Izoro King', deceased Toledo. Grand Ex'a lted Ruler the director having been designat- made bror planting. Th moi ture tuition purposes was set at 2.5 Nehemiah McKmsey (MI. l ,aurll'S plaintiff f or $1121. 17 with interwas admitted to probate. Abra- Floyd Thoml1son of Chicago, will ed as offici'sl chairman under whom content of the ct'op at thteshing mills on a $250,000 tax duplicate, father, nnd bTOth'l' of Henry est. or $~OO, while the leVy for con!;!n- w're elected al< the new members. In the case of The P eop le' hani Lincoln King ~a B appointed possibly be present at tbe business arrangements for the celebration time, the condition of the seed g nt purposes was et at 1.26 mills This n w board held its fit'st In et,. Building, LOlln & livings Co. ve l'. executor, no bond requilred. Emer. sessions. are to be made. The keynote for conts, and the condition under or $300, bringing the total school ing. April 21, and Will Frame asUuyu B. lIal~ t al judgment so n !\Iason, Alfred O. Devitt and Two hundfed inmates ot the this year's May Day is "Mothers which the beans have been stored were' appointed Oakley ngle by tax to $900. umed the d l'k' dutie. plaintiff tor $6,299.6'0. Ohio Penitential'Y in West Spring and Children Fir t." In recognition. have much to do with the se.ed At this meeting of May 21, the Then b gun a gr at struggle to In lhe eaSe of Tn outhel'n Ohio apprai el's. Street are being transferred to the of the economic stres which has value, A test is the only dependal'tlaurice H. Oswald , executor of board also hired 11fT. Ed Corwin select. teathers for the next te.rm, Loan o. ver us Andrew Zapf et imposed privation and malnutri. gu ide." to serY a the first Principal of a good bit (If acrimonious f e eling.81 judgment to plaintiff 'for estate of Mary Holzlin, decca ed, tondon Prison Farm, increasing tion on million s of Ame rican the population of tbat institution (1 his inventory. til their school at a salary of $68 per d veloped bef l' tb matter was $2495.40. to over 1,300 men. In the palt few mothers .and children. month. Mr. orwin was also to finally ettled. Th wrangle start· The CRRe 01 the Stllte of Ohio DR. H. M. WILLIAMS days 54 men were t rans1erred Marri... Liceaae. rSlls Arlie Miller wa r assigned iel1ch the upper ·grades. June 4; d with the 1'1 etion of s principal Tbe special joint I ,islative f rom the reforma.tory at Mansfield Miss Minnie Satterthwaite (aunt a dead-line developed up on the for trial on ThuJ'sday. committee of the General AsOSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and Forrest M. Wheeler, farmer of to the Penitentiary, i nllreasing the 01 Mrs. Cli/f Burnett) wa cho en ~hoice between E. M. orwin anu The CBS of Clement . Bowy r Morgan ounty, Kenttu;ky, and population of the latter to near sembly is now busy wre Uing with SURCEOtf as tlle first teacher of the primary . H. Young, nol' could the diree- ver us Wallace W Bowy r was dis- Mrs. Marie MUrphy, factory work· 4,200. The Roseville brick plant the taxation problems to be pre- Special Attention to Rectal .Ild grades at the handsome salary of tOI'S ngree upon the sci ction of a missed without r~co1'd. . late.till.1 Din•••• . er of Morrow. has closed for economic reasons, se)'lted when that body feconvenes $30 per month, she. ~aving been pl'im~ry teach r, ei he~. Special The case of Rena Tooley venus LEBANON, 9 HIO Jesse S: Gross, superintendent t he men being tran fel'red to the on May 15. Governor White'!! pro. elected for the position over the meetmgs galore. were held, the Enoeb Tooley wa disn\lssed with- of road work, and MllI.mie Lou Junctio n City plant. gram will be presented some t ime · Phoae U Jt~8. Pholle J8GR salary was reduced out I'ecord. application 01 Mi Emma Hani .pt·ine-ipal' this week and then hesrings on hlna & Jameaon Bldg. Lamb, housekeeper, of Franklin. The ' school term was to continue from $58 to $55 per month, and In the en e of Fl. L. Harding et Conservation Commissioner Wm same will get under way. The fol' eight 0'£ nine months, that that 01 the primary teacher r id ed al vel' us Th South Leba~on R••I Eat.t. Trautf.,. H. Reinhart has been busy tne past Whittemore measure, also being question to I)e definitely -decided at from $30.to $85 p~r month, bef~re P~cking 0., it is ordered that. reto several weeki supervising the dis- considered, provides a new &)Istem Mr. Corwin and .}[ISB SatterthwaIte ceivel' pay to the Lebanon-Citizens Earl Shinn and Ada. Shinn a later date. tribution of mature fish from the of diatrilJution ot intangible tax July 13,"the board conducted a were finally rehu·e.d on I~y 24. At National Bank it Trust o. t Ie Lillian C, Anderson, 14.32 acres in waters of Lake Erie to the inland revenues among counties and "IOTARY PUBLIC personal inspec~on of the school one of these peclal m etmgs, the sum 01 $3325,23 to be applied as a Clearcreek township. lakes of the state. Be has allo amends features of the bill enactH.lI.aal ...... house and premIses that they had , language of one of the credit on note held by said bank Cbarles Gray and Bertha C. Gray planted large consignments of fillh ed by the Eighty-ninth General inherited !rom the township b c.ame 0 suphlurous, and lind that he account for t he to Faye Kelley, inlot No. 20 in from the halcheries of Put-In-Bay AlI8embly two years ago. Will. Dr.... • • Eat.t.. 3.ttl. . sehools, and (ound the same to be ' actIO ns so nrbitrary, that a fine of balance in hi hands amounting to Wayne ville. . WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Edith Smith to Fred !lIartin Kel-
Th Corwin School-Fir t to Le,l\Ye, NEWS GLEANED La t to Return to Township Sy tenl fROM 'COURT HOUSE
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
• •
$9~:.~~~ calle of Union Savings lerJ, JrV" real eGstat,: in l\!OahinelvilleW' supplies, $2 .7 5 .; Woodrow-Well tarmer, deny him the cost of proBuilding and LoaD 0 ., Inc., versus . ernon r an t o ( ar es . Stanage Co., lIupplies, ,6 i Book duction, and the $p iders of disaster iollie R. Shields. et al, Ever'ett S, Schaeffer, f wll! weave their webs of dissolutownship. 132.75 aCN'SI in Massie Sh op, sup~ l'les, $6 ;.W I'1liam Hu· Keiper, trustee in ban kruptcy for John Long and Mag@rie Long to ford, washlDg fl)r pnson.e rs $6.,.92 tion in the windows of all of the Je samine Rd' Btritdton, bankrupt be Gene B. Darmody, inlot No. 806 in 'Mrs. Della Hu/ford f~edlllg prlson- ba~kTShlS?(tb~~ c!uanytryn~t be pe rfect. made party e en ant. Franklin lers, $515.89; Sanco Products Co., In the ease of Union National G B D . d t Th M' . s upplies, ,26.73; ,J ohn Law &: Son If we had the priv ilege of submitne Life Inlluranc 0 . , et aI, versu valt B~ 'l/r:o ~ ~ e A . 18~1 · llervice , $68.82; Stakalta Mig. Co. ting . ame~dment~, 1 would submit Elizabeth N. ougll, ct ai, the de. ey. . I lD~ ~n an. ,SSOCI- supplies, $12; Bobbs Merrill Co. , an amendment which would leav e IDiot 806 to Frankhn. ' I' -12 50' Stakalta MfC CQ . out all of the ~10 000 experts and fen daot are given 30 days in · atlon, Caroll Barnes to T'he Mutual sUPP leB,... . , ' . . ' which to plead. B ·Id· dL C .. I t N 12 supplies $35 ' Roy Burroughs serv- subshtute 10 Ueu thereof real. In the case of the State o:f Ohlo . ul~ngk~!' oan .0 " lin o. ices $360' Orville Keever services hard-he/lded dirt farmers, who versus Arlie Miller. IDE an m. Noble t~1 Florence $2.50; 'Or~gonia Bridge Co., blue know what they are talking about. IRIIlIr":"':-+II--I-- I ih of- H L II rd' '- merson ~ . '6-- not for us to make aI, ~ers~South L~b·~no~ pl:ct:g St chutthe , 80 acres in Turtlecreek stake; .20'. 'Treasurer of 'State amendment~· . _ j p.()--R.;--R ,'I' "S ome may $3y tha.• th e f arlllers R d Ed *h U' e!oYllu for.' . nmates Da ton State' Co., et aI, receiver is authorizeIi to owns aym-on . oSt an ,~ e ..., H it I .~82 70 ~ T f th~mselves obj ect. My reply shall re nt farm for 1!133 on terms as set D,Autremont to Willialm L. Ros!! osp .a ,.~ . ; . reasurer o. b t h 'f '11 t b' t t forIt: :;e S~~~e a~t~::~:·A. Burns ~!w~1~h~6 acres In Wa hingto~ ~~;:; ~1;i\:~'e:.°S;:~:~e~r!o;r~: 9~'c w~ea~~~:~e;lwil~ono~ Joe;pos~ versus Esth r Mason, et a1, judg · · . ward and Robert Blair services the ~estorabon 01 6c cattle or 7 ~ ment t.o plaint i1'\' for ~2 17 5 . .Tohn Stockman to Julia Millard, $37 R U b V R' ' l' hogs · they will not complain when i!,lots Nos. 913 and 982 in Frank- F M; B Y an rper'llsu$plp713e~'E·d- they'receive l3c a pound tor their lin • . owyer, pay ro , , '" S· · . ward Simpson pay 1'011 $168 76' cotton. The average prlc~ level for .~.w ulta J ohn R. Allen to Fralnk D. Miller R M V H' '11 $35776 't he month of February during the Justin M. Fry versu opbie L. 149.75 acres in Franklin township, W· A' San' k oxone, paylrlo $211"W period 1912-1914 inclusive was: £'h' Fred D Hawke to Bel'tha S . . eJ er, pay ro , •. ' I · Fry , f\>r d IVOI·ce. '" arge 18 gross H k ·'1 t N 44 'd 45 . ' B. Schuler, pay roll. $142.75; John Cotton 12.9c, Wheat, 91.9c; Corn, L::'n~nln 0 s os. , an . In :M;yel's, "pay roll, f168.60; Floyd 66.lIc; Hogs. 7.53c; Cattle, 6.410·; neglect Qf dut)'. Mary Hogrebe versu-s William E. Ed d' B I B Lemmons pay roll $28.50' Harold Lamb. 6.1~; Butter', 26.7<,; The eo.-.,..Ia S dlool Houae Keiser, et ai, £01' iOl'(\c1osure and war renner to I enry ren- S ' 11 .69 26' i..eb foregoing price levels are the pay in a decidedly filthy, run-down "'5 was assessed, and, upon his l'e- other relief. ne;, real estate in Dee!ffleld town- Lwenbey, aMnon 'I' Shlp. um er C0., 1'10 urn'b er, .1467' 'I' • , 'Or-.ultimate goal set in this .bill. .This condition. Charles Ohenoweth was to pay thi fine within twenty F . L' I t M R V J'ow Lumber Co" guard rail mater- .IS exactly what the bIll, preCisely Prob.te COllrt anDle lOCO ~ 0 , ary . !D. , I $11 20 ' N L R bl $6 what the President and the Secrelli.red to pajnt the interior walls minutes, he was summarily disand work, receivin'" for his missed from the b oard, and his 1D ~le'arcreek and IJa 'CI ogers,ancad po e'l es, I tary of Agricultu ..e propose 'a. res-_ .. .26 • The inventory of J oh n H. Bean, coln,104 Tcrt lecreekacres townshIp. . ark' A'tk:ms,. posts . .,. paint, and bis serVicell, aDd some· successor was selected. Teachel' tor of esta~e of Mary A Bean Oris Noland to Rieda Wolf 30 $12.50 , Ralph Minter., lItone. ,8; toration .of 19U.prlce lev.els. body else (the record doesn't were elected the next eveni ng. dec ased, was approved. . F kli to h'· Harold Martz gravel C D If the hIgh-salaried farm leadeTll, mention the name) was paid $5 On Se.ptember 29, 1892, the acrCe} din HraHn n bwnsdIP... t Watkl'ns stone R9 2'" 'M1·k' e W·irsch· if the well-paid protes ors and in' . th ft d th b d d • h A The inventory 01 Albert B. Taly e • aney. y a m1nlS ra.,. . '" tr..... . th II f . I 1or scrubb Ing e oore an e oar vote .0 pure ase an meri- mage, administrator of estate of t· t B . T H • . I t N gravel, $9.60; M. H. Oren, stone. s U".Ors . 1O e co ege 0 agncuwindows. Still another unknown can flag, at a cost not to exceed A rna ndu L. Galllel,eeease",,,, d ,>_c_/1IIlH1tr-11I'l'lx;..,M-r0.,..,... e sms~le-_.-_a--n-I--:.y_.__m ::...;o...:....::..:...:.0:..j.~~~t-,-GN~...Il.-...(;~IM<aa,,.....JLJ:.,_ ture. i!_- the directorl! and farm toiler mowed and removed the $15, for the use of the sch ool. apPl'oved. C. E. Lewis to Ohio Central Tele services, $57.25; D. W. Keller eerY doctors and researcn men and bug weeds from the school grounds, Principal E. M. Corwin had preThe wi)] of Isora King, deceased phone Corporation, th~l u ee of real ices, $19.60; Orville Keever., serv- lIunt~rs {n the exp~riment stationll, efJtate in Lebanon for lines. . ices, $11.60; Roy BUrrough.s, serv- and If tlle overpaid ~ounty a~e!'ts . but neither his name nor his com- pared a copy .of .the rules and reg- \V8. flied in court. pensation is recorded. ulatio),! acc ording to law ~ history Ada M. And erson and Bessie R. P. Barton Myers, Jr., to Katheryn ices, ,43.75; Toshies' Service Sta- were as succe~ful In obtaining August 24 "the New School of the o.rganil'lation of the Corwin ' Anderson. executrices of estate of S. Myers, real estate in Clear. tion, gas, '86.64; Fra"klin Vulcan eost of production for farm prodSystem" "was 0'unanimously adopt- Special schoo l tli tdct, and a copy Albert Andel'son, deceased, filed creek township. izing &: Tire Co., gas, $7.65 i Trus- ucts as they are in .telling . the ed by the board, and the n ew text of its c~rse of study. The board their di tributive account. Pearl Rich to State oJr Ohio, C. E: tees 01 Public Aft'airs, light, , •. 79; farmer how to run hiS busmess books were ordered, the board adopted these documents, March d 011'1e M G k'l1 t St t f Fred Kahn 'Motor Co. partll ·and re there would be no need for farm agreeing to pay tbe freight charges 30, a nd dil'ected Mr. 'Corwin to -=-- . aO'!.· D , I' MaSR] 0 t Sataet · Of pain ,89 67· Famou; Auto Supply relief legislation to.day. • • r b 1110, anJe . oosa 0 e o".' h 100 . BO there wo~l d ~e . n o ov~rchages. a~et - d' cOP l e~l ~ / e saw me one of the small maidens who Obio, Jacob and Alma Seig to Co., repaIrs s~lIp)je8. and ~a8 Now everythlDg 18 In readmess for prm e )0 pomp e orm. e the b h sell, 01 career at State of Ohio, the llse of real $«.52; Roll SeT\~lce StatJon re~alrB the first term of the new school. wonder of the 'pt'esent Wayne n egan er fio t 11 estate for highwaYI\. and parts, $2.86; Rogers" Slmp~. November 24, the old No. 9 Township b081'(\ might not profit the matur~age ,Of ve years e 5 George W. Mannix .Jr., by exeeu son, 1 door Clus, $1; Frank Sherschool bouse was sold at pqblic by baving the school rules a nd reg.... Ull .t hat MISS AnDie U., Brown .was torI!, to. John Mitsehe, real estate .wood Co., gas, shovel, file, '1.65; 0 0 auction to the late Robert Mount- ulations, and courses of study pub- 5e~ure~ for th~.Plac~h b d h d in Deerfield township. Flack Equipment 00., supplies and . joy for $406. The house is located lished in pamphlet form fot dis· nl t m;lI.nf lmJe, A e Boar ~ , George F. Crawford and T.A. parte, $66.79; Standard -Oil Co., The Agrleultural College, Warnear the bend of the New Burling- tribution to the patrons, now? em~.oy t r~.. . "c :t$~ pe~ Billingsley to. John l~itsche, real kerosene, $2,25; E . B. Cramer, ,en County Farm Bureau and Warton pike, just above its upper cross Most assuredly, mo Ii of the eon tlnh~~ ~ac I~~ d~~1 f the estate in Deerfield t01lVnship. parts, $59.51S; H. L. Schuyler, paf ren C.o unty Cran"'es have combining of the Pennsylvania railroad. patron!; would be much better ill'- mon , a g1'B e ~ ulle 0 11 ,130 C 1 D ki Pay n .. John Woollard and his family no'" formed as to those. subJ'ects if this sSchhooll.houl!dehtodthft'e undlotn S~bb.atth .Wilson Noble, deceased, to Emer· rll ,.. ; Car Ala n'd D · ro , ed their forces and are planning to n ere h e Jam or son Noble, et al 80 .a eres in Turtle $112.110; S . . exall er ept. . • reside in the house where John course were pursued. . c 00 , an a 0. . f k t h' ' Store supplies ,2590' Owen GrolS hold a county-wide meehnr at Leb formerly spent so many w'enry At the spring election, hcld Aprii JCOb t)o ~o e M: l H lSe~ (~~~ther crSeu88n°L.~ifi~m to :State of Ohio supplies,. $24.86; 'Bla'ir &: LeRo)" anon Thursday. afternoqn, April 27 ,and. happy) days in school. The 10, 1893, and at which 01 ballots UJ't a a sa ary 0 'I' , .an , d I t $8220 'M The po., '11 I t f di purpose for which t he house was were cast; J. Milton Keys and when he refused, had. passed It on V. W. and C. M. Tompkins to san, ,grave , c~men , . ; c. I' g. am. WI con.s s 0 sthe ori"';nally built must yet have its Charles F. Chapman (father of to Otto Harlan, agTeemg'topay the state of Ohio, Harrison and Lydia Getclllnll, supplies, 36c. C~tSS1°tin UPodJl b agr\cqltural e' I tt $66 Bevan to State of. Ohio, the use of • _. Sl ua .on an w ~t can be done to inftuence upon the residents, for Jos. B.) were .selected to fill the a Oer 0 t b 12 th b · d d real estate 'for hlghw:ave . meet It. only this spring of 1933, Miss vaeancies on the board caused by . n e ~ er ' . e oar e· ~ . I~m ~~Ia !Up tat' f th C II Glennll Woollard led · the 'eight- expiration. Th eir nearest op- cld ed to hire a.third teacher.foT John H. Mounts, by· executor, to ..... , 'v ~,,--. r~en Ives rom . e 0 ege school, proVlded that suffiCIent J. Eugene Freeman, 269.64 acrell btv Ir. ~111 diSCUSS. f~rm J'ri~e8, cooper,,· g rade pupl.·ls of Warren count"J in pone~ts were W. W. Arnol'>4 .(who the f d t pay the salary could be in Washington and Salem J' n_ ,.., ...... tiv~ marketlDg, flnanclDg and taxes the State intelligence . test for conducted the Cor,vin hotel for ao ~n s dOd M' Ch lfnd GeorO'e Wilkins to Elizabeth ~ ' w.h lle a representativ.e of either pupils of t hat grade. many years) and .Fenton Squires l\ecUl:e ,an esars. apman . " th F B II December 12, Ed R oberts, Ag nes (father of J ohn and "Web" McKI~se)l w~re a~pointed. as a kins, real estate :in Deerfield e' " . . e ,ranee or arm ureau 'Wi Wright, Harriso n Gordon, Levi Squires). When . the board was re- commlttee to. mvestlgate thiS phase township. . dl8Cu~ ~roposed leg!slation and Hartsock. Catherine Hartsock, organized, April 17, Messrs. of th~ question. On November 9 R. M. Hawke, et aI, to Bertha S. Excerpt from. speech made on' how It w111 meet the situation. Florencet. Thorpe and J. Hookett Roberts and Frame were continued committee rep~rted that no ~ore Rawke: real estate I~ Washinirton ftoor fo the House by CODCretlll The Warren county. commi~ee made application to have their as president .a nd clerk, with N. ~unds ~ere avaIlable, 110 Mr. Mlller township. man-at-Larce Charles V" Truax, in c)aarge of t-he ' meetlDC ,conllil!ts and MISS B, rown were. forced to from Ohi and taken from the of J. L. Mendenhall, chairman of lands attached to the Corw·,n dl's- McKI'nsey aa., treasurer. d B'lla All d C _.... 0, I R d C i t Warren county Farm Bureau' J. cor • trict, and notlces of a joint meetQuite a bit of diffi<'ulty in select carry on h'lth the tea;hln:. blr en I _. ongrwielNlll,obna 'Ieed omp e...e A. Cowan, Mcretary of War'ren in&, to settle' the matter were sent ing teacher. for the next term as b~st t ey could. t t IS atter Ohio Central Telephone . e mal upon reque••• cou t F ~ •C P B k to each of the other three interest- arose again this year; but nothing meet mg, Messrs. Chapman, Keys tion, tolls, $30; ObI\) Central Mareh 22.-General Debate-- FI y O~~uF ~ et e~ eel boardll-Harveysburg, Waynes- near)y so stre nu ous as that of the and ':'rame were appointed ~s a phone Corporation, rents, '66.60 Agricultural ReU.f-H. R. $886, C e D man 0 10 arm urean, ville and Wayne township. The preceding year, Finally, on May 15 committee ~o propose the reVls\on Western Star, forme, ,84; Drs. "Mentloll haa been JII.8~e that . . Crockett, county Granre other boar411l1e~ to have objected Seth Harvey was selected for and extensIOn of the course of Edward and Robert Blair, ..mcea measure ia l"J!volut!onary. It ia Deputy; Fran1c Barnett, Pomona to , ueh proceedinp, and quite a principal at a salary of ,60 per study. ,82; Clark CountJ no more revolutlonary than the Grance Master, and Leiter J. Wmpen tn a teapot w.. rallied. 'to month, and the s~pend of the It seem a that Borne miscreant eare of patient ,129.60; h_rta of the farmers of thia Miller, County Apicllltllral qent eIIo ,... Jut what "e primary teacher was raised t o-$«O had . stolen the IIcbo()1 house flag, Sanatorium, care of patient, country to-da,. We lane bed up - - ••- - oRII. ·. ver"tIm, Clerk lIe- per month. But no primary teacher beause, on December 12 Will 60; Julia HollaDd,-..nicel. $'0; the bank., a ..4 I MY to 7011 that It used to take some farm.,. aft '........ a meeUnc the Mr. Harvey Frame and Henry Woollard IMrs. Jloward SaW7er, MmeM, $7; Jour baDka are lIuUdecl 1IPOl1 our ,hollr to drive to ~ wltII • hone (or, at least, later re igned. The selection ot a were appointed as a committee to , Morrow Benica.. 'I; fertile IOU, You - 7 dOH all of ad b-aJ; DOW, we hear, the, to .oW) OD Pebl'llU')' wali' Gnall, lett to the endeavor to secure ita return, and Geol'lre BteUa roar ...... eo.......toJt ill there ID twat71111utes _ad the clerk, and tiae7 to del' • reward, not to e:!lCeN ]teU,.. ......,... 01 It1It nemre tile otllu f.loQIdwa for. • :m.r for the ,Ie, for the appreheuioa of the lOll. .to
H.y• • Compl.t. W.te. Rep.lr S.nic. And use only genuine materials. CrY!ltals fitted while you wait.
• • =-------.;..;.--..;..---."
Cary's Jewelry Shop II
L • •aoa, Oaio Store Open Eveninp
Ag"'cultural Forces
T H Id M
.. f,anelt aIda, IIoeton. U . . .
E ....ce-pt Claa-'••
T-.a ....
FOR SALK FOR SALE- Bay mare 6 years old W. A. ' Clark. -a19 FOR SALE _ Mammoth Bronze Turkey egg8 1,5c Howard Shambou h ' Pbo~e 21R12. .a19 . I , FORSALE-Goodporce1ain1ined retrigerator, 75 pound capacity. Inquire at Gazette OQlce. &19
OIaI·O Cone-·.maft
p-. til....•
RELIABLE DEALER wanted to handle Heberling Produetll In 1 Warren Oounty. Exce lot opportunity for the right man, selling direct to farmers. Eamlnga $60 weekly not unusual. Write for free eatalo~e. G. C. UEBERLlNG COMPANY D · t.1990 81 . toil D1. ,ep ,oom:li.
-============== WAIITED
WILL TUDE-Put clue- . . . _ptlo_ tor roap wood.
aU ..... of
• ,
New Burlington My Beat Friend
F. 'J . Martin
EasteT lIervi('l's were Mrs. L. S . Holla nd ~pent last Su nday. week with h.er . on. Kent Holland ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY and fam ily, in Xenia. Mr. and Mr . a nd Mi~tl J~an n ette The Dorcas Club m~t with II1rR. D. L CRANE I I P_II".r Subecrl.tI •• Prlc.. ,1 .10 a Y_r B, Mn. J . .. ie N. Tripp ~uests of Mt'. all d Frank Reeves on Thursday. OIic. P............................ N •• 112 En tered .t Po. lottIe • •t W. YIIUBl'&ddo('k unday. The Ladies' Aid ot the Friends -"--v v ille. OhIo••• seco!Y' CIa.. . a ll ... tte r Miss Alic· Oglesbee, clf Spring Church met with \\Irs. Waite I' R ••1_ c . ..... ..... ,............ ,..... 0. III Christ is pleading, rigbt now, Valley, was a wel.'k-end guest of Mit~h ner on Thursday oftel·noon . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN pleading, Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Miss The pre-Easter esrvic~ Jlt the rour Cattle, hogs, .heep and e&l••• APRI L 19, 1933 Monimin Bunnell. . M. E. Church were well attended Come dear oul to me today; to Norris-Brock Co., live wire .,. 1 will smooth the thorns nnd bril\rs MI'. and Mrs. Lee Le,,'an, Mr. and very inspiring. The pastol', progressive firm for the bt.hFrom your path a long the way . and I\1r~. Edward Levan and son, Rev. Kilmer pI' ached on Thursday market prices and good .. I see his nail torn hands ext nded, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frock and evening. Rev. Stimmel on Friday Phone 78J U nion S t ock Yard,' Cincla_t!t-0. Th e crown of thorns un his pale daughter, Mr ,. Rulph Sparrow, Rob- evening and Dr. George on allu" Tune in on Radio Station W\JA'f Irrespective of t he merits of t he va rious far m r ief !!!'l~"-"~4- brow, rt Sattill·tAwalta and -Gha-r-l 8 day evening~ 12 :25 0 12:30 p. m. f or our daD, now being considered, fa rmers should not be led into t h e belief t hat His voice like mu sic, so ft, i plead- Jnmcs were guests on Ea.ste l· Su n ~ Arthur Wilde, a student of O. market reports. their problem's can be settled entircly by legislative action. ing day of Franz)' heets anld fa l'l1ily. . U., was the Ea!\ter gu st of his II'he government can perhaps case some of tbe worst effects of Come to me, tired soul . come Mrs. Zimri Haine. called at the mother, Mrs. J. E. Robertson . the depression. It may aid our agdculture over a crisi . B,u t, ill the now. home 01 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones MI'. and Mrs. James Fisher and long run, the farmel's themselves will decide whether agriculture is to ., in New Burlington, one ,afternoon have returned form n visit prosper or to co ntinue in the doldrums- whether it is to advance or Yes, lbll. v,Olce I ev!!r calling last week. relatives. The Perchcron taIlion, Jasby; go back. Come tired soul. to me And rest: Mr. and Mrs. T.awrence Mitchner iss Ila Fay Nicklas was Lh No. 162377, and lhe Jack KenFor 1 'know you're heavy ladenI'd took dinn I' with Horace ompton d guest in the h ome of Mr. tucky Nightingale, will 111 like In recent years the farmer has developed a great weapo n- the And I know, you love Me best, and \\'ife unday. and Mrs. W. H. Re ves and famil)l the seaso n at my farm . 1', for cooperative. We have seen whet it can do under t he mo t unfavorable For t he :world I. fu\) of d~r.kne R Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bo~an Miss D01'othy onard, 01 lh WAYNESVILLE, OHIO a nominal sum will come to conditions, and its potential achievements m ust still b left t o the You will find my hom dlvl,:,e, and Mi s Dorothy attended tbe Middletown, chools. nnd Miss your farm. Phone 80 Ba nk BldW· imagination. It has been a stabilizi ng influence when stabilization was Conle, I know you're sore af!llctcd Easte r program at the Friends Catherine Noggle, of the Glendale Both ot: these animals aI's the thing the Ial'mer~as most needed . It has fought valiantly for better Give yours If to me, b mme. church in Xenia unclay evening. schools, spent EaSler vacation "dth proven sires. price and markets when markets and prices were shrinking . It has Bring yout' trials .and temptations Mr. ThomaR Sheets len Sunday their parents here. not, of course, done all it wanted to do. Bu t if it had never existed, Bring to Me, youI' gl'ie! and night for the U. . Naval Training • - ...- - - there might be chaos in agrlcultur far more severe t han a nything tbe care; Station, Greal Lakes, Ill. . Seed Loans May P hone 115R2 country has experienced. l will never fail, but help you Mr. lind MrR. Zimri Haines enWAYNESVIJ.,LE, OHIO And your load , will gladly bear. tertained to dinner on Easter Now Be Secured · The future 01 the cooperative lies m'ostly in t he hands of the f I h b unda , Mr. and Mrs. William armer. t as een s(lverely criticized, as in any other .new institution. For to you, r am no stranger ompton and Everett Haines and It has met .resistance from those who prosper from disorganize I'm your Christ, yout' truest family. Applicants for gov rnment '!!'!'!~~~~~~!'!!!!!~~~~~!"!"!!! 30 Years Exp8rlence in farming. It will undoubtedly meet more criticism. more resistance. friend, Miss Lad oma . inclair was a crop production loan s are re(IUeslFitting and Making G...... Th e coopera.lve .' d eserve tb e most loyal. w hole-hearted support. And no matter mayend. happen guest of Dorothy Bogan Thursday d tomake applications immediate1 will love youwhat till the They deserve the enlistment of evcl'y farmer in t h eir area, They must _ _ --night. 1)/ at the office ot county agriculhave it, if the new era for agriculture, which bas been awaited 80 Mr. Raymond Wil so n visited at tural agent MiJler, in Lebanon. Lebano n, Ohio Harveysburg the home of her parents, Ernest From ten days to tlVO weeks are long, is to really come into being. Tuolday, Thurl da,., S.t....., Director of FU II~ra1 Senice Hurl~y and wife, of n.ear New I' quired from the time the appliExamin.tion Fr•• '. , I cati on is made until the money is Mr. and Mrs. H . G. Greene, of Burlington, last week.. . LEBANON, OHIO Our cflDvenientlocation, suitaThe m mbars of t he 11.1v~ W:II e I lIvllilable. All applicationll must be Marti nsville, were Tuesday guest surroundings and equipment ble unday School cia s were inVIted in Washington. D. . by the 1i . t in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. to the home. of Dor()thy l~ogan la. t of May. Therefore the dead line enables us to Serve to the Best Lukens andMrs. fIImily. 1 -_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J Mr. and Homer T. Caskey Thursday night to practice mu sIc for making applications will be Advantage. April 2B . . have be~n entertaining two ' of for Easter Sunday. 8:00 Music FOR S ALE DATES CALL A limit of $300 is placed as the - . ---:05 ol'n ' Planter Troubles a nd Remed ies . :. ...... . ... N. R. Beat their cousins from Dayton the past maximum amount of loan which 8:16 The Cracker-Box Statesman on Taxes . ........... ... H. R. Moore week. Beech Grove 8:25 Music . anyone applicant may obtain. ApMary Elean or Hawke spcnt un8:40 ome Soybean Suggestions ...... .. ......... " " .H. L. B orst day with the Thornbury children. plicants must agree to reduce :50 B uilding the County 4-8 Program ... .. .... . S. N. McIntosh The M. E. A id met Thur 'day Charles Schaefcr and wife, acreage by 30 % on all crops U :00 Better Health for Farmers ....... ~rs. D. B. Silcott a'fternoon. daughter, W1lma, son William, e)lcept in the case where les than 9 :10 Mu ic . Mr. and Mrs. has. E. Gordpn pent Friday in Dayton . the fo ll owing tated acreages are !l :25 pray Service for t he Orchard ................ A. L. Pierstorft' entertained with a delightful dinWayland J ordan and childre n .of n : B acrES potatoes, 20 a COl'll, 9.:35 The O~chard Pollination Prob lem ................ '" .J. H . Gourley ner party Thursday evening. The Hyde Park: spent J ES SE STANLEY unday w.lth ~ acres truck CI'O PS, 40 aCTes of 9 :46 Op ratmg t he Cre~m Separator .................. ..... ... R. B. Stoltz guest.s me u eo tll e se niors nd Mrs. ath er me Jordan an~ famlly. wheat. The \oalls are due October V.ccillation of Swin e • S pec ia lty Phone 320, N.w Barlln.toD, ~. SERUM AND VIR US faculty of t he high school. P. G. ~e\1s and fanlllly spent 31 a nd bear intel'e. t at '5 'h per 4-H WE AO H ALF HO UR Mrs. Myrtle Thomas Mis unday WIth Rufus Robtlrtson and cellt. Blanks are available at the At a Redu ed Pl'ice EARL KOOGLER Saturda y. April 22, B p. m. Charlotte 'Thomas and' Haro ld family, of near Kingmarl. cou nty agent's office. Day toD Phone Vocal Trio HARVEY SBURG, OHIO Frazier were Dayton visitors Satur K. E. Thompson , caned on Mr. What 4-8 Club Work has Mea nt to Me..................... Gabriel Schaei er da y' K E nmore 8988 and Mrs. Oakley Ridge in Way- Subscribe for the Mia mi o.&e",. Phone 31 · , New Bremen . d . nesville on Friday. GIrls Quartet--4-H Club Bongs ... ~ ... .. .......... .. Waynesfield Club Mrs. Chas. Boerstler an MISS C H Mo f n Gr en .. rgan 0 .aar e What 4-H lub Work 1:Ial' Mea nt to My Community....... Russell White, NeU·Ie Boerstl er, 0 f N orwoo d were Briar, called on K. E. T hompson • New Ha mpshire here Sunday. Sunday morning. Voeal Trio. Alice Kathleen and Wayne Howard McKay .and fa mily, ==-' Gra~ were .E~ster day guests ?f H erald McKay a nd ' fa mily were Nelhe, MarJol'le and Roger DaV1s. Easter dinner guests o,f H erbert Misses Mabel and Margaret Carr and family of near H arveysStarr and friends of Dayton, 'were burg. ' Sunday afternoon gue ts of Mrs. Forty-five attended . Sunday Amanda Starr. . schoo l and church here on last Behold. now is the acc(lptable time i behold, now is t he day of Alhert Herres nnd daughter, of Sunday. _alvation," II. Cor ' l 6 t 2. Dayton, and J. W. Thompson were aut of the wiCked t ur n from his sins t h.t he hat h committed. and callers at the Finch-Garner home Our Sick remams abo ut th e same keep all my statute, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall Sunday. Don'~ forget Mon~hly Meeting a t surely live, he hall not die." Ezek., 8 i 2 1. M · d 1\1 A L K' k f the FrIends church 1n H:lfvey burg Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in t he name of Jesus Christ .unto the remission of your sins; and ye ·shall receive the w i1r:in;~on, s;e~t 'unday \~th ?t~r the last Sunda~ in April: and ?tIrs. R. H. Jeft'eris and family. Mr .. Catherllle Jord~I~ , doughgift of the Holy, piri t," Ads, 2: 38_ ·t d ter, MISS Hannah, son V'I. atten dRegarding repentance, ] y unt o you, that even 80 t here shall be d M rs. H . M . F I e an M r. an d E t . I; L b joy in Heaven over one sinner t hat r epenteth, more, t han over ninety J ane Ellen, of Wilmington, called e as er servJ(!e a e anon lind nine rigbteous persons, who n e d no repentance." Luke 15; 7. . . on Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Wilson last Sunday. If we con'fess o ur s ins, he is faithful and righteo uB to fo rgive u and Harry Willlon Friday even ing The sheep owners are hevmg our sins, ana to clea nse us f rom all unrighteousness." I. J ohn 1 · 9. I am n ot come to call t he r ighteous but lIinners t o r epentance." Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan were recent gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z K. E. Thompson spellt M()nday L uke 5; 32. and T ues(Jay in Wilmingto n • . Hartsock, of Wilm ington. E nd of the year activities at
Or No Charge
Centerville, 0 hio
the Farmers' Way Out
Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Farm Night 7alhs, April 17
Thoughts For This Week
VOU r ~ I
Govern1m ent
----_ ..---
MI. Holly
school are beginning to takewill place. J unior-Senior banquet be . ' ...... ; ,;'n .. evening. The baccalaureate (Dela yed ) By Stephen M. Youn" Con,..e •• man-at-Lar,e sermon will be delivered by Rev. Mr. and MHI. Lou Stephens has ' -_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'!"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;.._IIFolger of Wilmington, Sunday evening April 23. School will close a new radio. Mrs. Minnie Marlatt sp ent SunWashington - The President's less securities. High pressure sales Monday, April 24 with a basket program for refinaneing of farm me n we re let loose upon an dinner at· noon. The commence- .day with Mrs. F rank Da·k in. Mr. arid Mrs. E arnhart entermO'r tgages is bein~ eonsidered in "llIIuspecting public. Under the ment exerci es will be held Thurst he Agriculture Committee of the new deal, bond and stock sales in day evening, April 27. All these tained Sunda y Miss OJara Daugh. House. It is in the hands of its the future will be under &tr ict exercises will be held in the scbool tel's, Miss Madeline Dakin. Mr. Marlatt. friends. Interest charge8 now so governmental control. The bUJin, auditorium. The class roll : Edmon Mr. a nd Mrs. E lvis Michael a nd rUinou8 will be lowered, probably pUbllc will at least have full op- Glenn a Osborn, Ellen Mc arr en, to • ~ percent. This will restore portunity to know what i8 being Virgin ia Tucker, Geneva Robbin s, daughter aTe moving to New Burhope of ultimate f ree ownel'8hlp to sold. The day of the sl ick banker Sarah Kibler, Doris Wilson, Ohar- lin gton_ Mr. P. A_ R un}'on has and conscienceleBl! stock saleaman lotte t he farm e rs. of t heir own land. Thelma Kibler. Barr The President said, "I seek 1m is · gone--never to return. Ric h, Harry T ucker, over t he fillin g statio n of end to the threatened 10811 of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawf ord homes n ow faced by hundredll ()f This extraordinary seu ion of a nd f amil y spent S unday in Day.th\>usands of American farm Congress may adjourn about June member, T remember ton. families." 1st. The r egular se.ion ·s tarts I re The house whel'e I was bornMrs. Mildred Weslver spent .W hen this has b een enacted the early next January. e littie window where t he sun Thu rsday with Mr. andl Mrs_ Ra yAmerican people have a right to ThCam Pr eaident p roposes that the Cone peeping in at morn. mond Osborn of Xenla ~ greBS extend this principle to the expect us a,s part of the New Deal But if I saw t he ·sun today Mrs. F lora Marlatt and family mall owners who are similarly to provide before this adjournPeep in t hrough any place spent unday with her fa t her, Mr. burdened by excessive interest ment : I'd say, "The name's f amiliar but J oe Marlatt. . ehargell. 1 Direct relief for the unemI don't recall tbe facel" Mrs. Ed Burton is visiting h er Conlr es8, .fter it ha,s properly ployed and hungry by approparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rye. prepared farmers .nd home priatine Ave hundred mi11ion Mr. and Mrs. David Lucas en"Dad," 88id John nie one night ownen for a return to Bound con- dollan. ditiollll, should bring about recip2. A~tho1'lzation for develop- alter school, " my teacher ta kes a tertained Thursda y evening, Mrs. Frank Dakin and daugllter, Mabel, great inteTest in you." rocal tariff agreementa with other ment of MUBCle Shoala. Marlatt, Edmon Marlatt, ?til;. and nations and establish a liberal 1I. A public works construction " How flO?" asked the f ather. "Today sh e t old . me six t imes t o Mrs. Earnhart and children, Mr. comUlercial policy. I-ndustry' will program c.Uinw for.' billion ~hen thrive and the farmer and dollars bondiAue. A billion doll.rs sit down and behave myself, and Emerson Dill and son Billy, Mr. home owner will be within siwht. of for employment and · cOJUltruction then she said she wondered what and Mrs. E lvis Michael and daughter and Mr . Ernest Flreeman and the promised land economic is a modellt outl.y. Our ,overDo kind of a f at her I had." Harry Shoemaker. All s p~nt avery ment ftoated for pUrpC?HII. of desecurity. !rhe dr unk was noisily trying pleasant evenin g with music and The House Office Building ill • struction, · bond iSllues ' .mountinc block from the Capitol. It is a busy to more th.n twenty-one bilHons. to unlock the door t o his fl at late songs. •• Stabilization of cunency by one night, when a window opened Marlatt, Mr. and Mr~. Earnha r~ pl.ce. The telephones are 'in eon- contl'oUed ina.tion. lIOr6 money upstairs and an angry VOice yell ed, and children. Mr: Emer,sol1 Dill and stant use. Many of the operators '11 be 1 d i "Haven't you got your key ?" so n Billy, Mr. alid Mrs. Elvis are n·ew and inexperienced. Dem. WI p .ce n circ)liation. "Sure, I got lotsha keys, but Michael and daughter and Mr. 6_ Emergency . railroad 16&'lslaoc r.tic girls supplanted Rupubli- tion jushashoon Ernest Freeman and Harry Shoewou ld you provide relief · for the shay, can · operlltor.. Yesterday a p.ralraia of our transportation throw O\e d own a couple 0' key- mak er. all spent a ve,ry pleasant greasman ·spellt a frenized hour Iystems. holes?," evening with music and song• . Mr. and Mrs, Roy Shaw and trying to get the operator. , Fin.lly . e: ReCiprocai intematlonal saree family spent Sunday \\lith Mr. and • sweet lJouthern drawl .nswered mente lowerin, tariff forth. 'phone, " Are you"N .callinl', nationll r.I·.-d . ·_ I_t UI in Fr.nce will represent hls . country. Mrs. Lou Morgan and lion. "th...hon?' C" ellPn .... _...... Mrs. Freeman and d.ulhter, t h e operator 'd as k e d . I 0 , "I' ., toll'" 0 ..- ....tali.tl·on for the 'U·wley-Smoo· h ope to 1ower D 4 1 . , . . It is the President's gr_man sal , gaap nl. .m - Grandy prohibitive taril' .pproved by internat ional agreement, re- Shirma, sperrt Tuesd.y with Mrs. ine· I thouwht you were dud." bJ' lIr. Hoover. A Ub,ral com.. taliatory tariff wa1l8 oth er nations Herbert Mar latt. Within a week there' will be mercl.l policy will HlOlt .nd indul hav\! erected against this country. PUBLIC SALE en.cted into I.w a meUIIJ'8 for the tr7 will tben thrive. lOur eeonomic recovery and that o'f .protectlon of buyers of llendtt... the WG1'1d wiJ1 be hastened when Prellident Roolevelt told Conlf" The Preeident b.. lIIued an In- l the flow of international commerce I wi1\ offer at publi(: ..Ie on the "There i8 .n obliration upon UI vitatlon to tbe leadera of the I, nnewed. Let us h ope we come premillel! of the late L~ ura 1. Zell, to inllllt that eyery lillie ot Dew world'. ereat naUon' to meet in "out of"tht. conclave better t han we deceued, on Third Stre et, In W.yHCUritleS to be lold iD Interetete Waabl..,ton to 4l8c1lll economic I c.me out of the international dis- nellviUe, Ohio, on commerce IIha1I be acco.,..w probieDIA confrontlnr the world. armament conlerence convened by Sat__" A.-'" by full publicity anc1 taformatloD, TheN bu been • pneralty the late President. Harding. AI . . Bea'inninlt .t and that DO . . .nttallJ' lapoftat '.vonable reaetloa to the Prellof Preaident Bardin,.. dis- followlnr: c~~I=~~~Jl~I~~::~~~~~ element ahaJl be cOIIcealad fro. dnt'a "~tatHll, PnaIrliD D. armameDt conference, we deatroy. furalture. biullciJ'Oolm 'the lIu,.. ,11\110. The .." law Boo.....". 4lHet now . . real b.ttlethq,, ; Europe.D lq room Uld kltchejil t1da lI&tions- ud J a paD deatN,ed blue aDd mlae.lJaneoWl .rtlle.... wUl put the ban- of teJUq tIM f ••OIar to tile IIpoa tis• ftla wU1 is.. priJltL TIle ABlerleall eqle.... Terata c.... Ud &heN "O plucked in
Ita ,
STOP •••
where you see thi~ sign!
T ;S THE SIGN o f the " Flying Horse" - a now mark identirying M obilgas Stations t hroughout the United States. It's the mark of Socony·Vacuum - a mark of qualit y, a signal of real value. The next t ime you see this sign, stop. Get your car ready for spring and summer. H ave t he Mobilgas service salesman dr.ai·n, flush and refill the crankcase with .the corr~ct summer grade of Mobiloil as recommended 011 the Mobiloil Chart for your car. Fill up with Mobilgas with Climatic Control*-a real t>argain because you do not pay one penny extra fo r the exclusive premium feature ·of Climatic Control. Climatic Control, you know, assures you of one uniformly high I vel of perfor mance, whenever, wherever you drive. You don't . lose power with weather changes.
·Originaled by Socony·Vacuurn
For 5.1. at
W apesville Service Station TUNI . . -"The ' In.ide Story' of Names that Make t he News" -new Socony·Vacuum radio program ev.ery Friday night at 9:30 E . S. T .-Columbia Broadcasting System_
• ..........------------------------------------------~ education. a urni
tat I.'
Made Plea for Ent-'rtained Little Daughter'. Friend. S.-H. Department
tate Leader Urge Property Tax Relief in State of Ohio
reconaid retlon 01 the .PPI'Oprla·
"The pn1blcOl l'l,uld be ~ )!v.·d if th st,llte would "hirt part of the History was the subject 01 the taxation burd('n from the buck" of M ra. A . H . StU bb II Charm i nc IY Messrs. S. . Ellis, J. B. Cre.bbe, morning le8~on. t he property tnx pn '"l" '!! to llQm(' en te r taOIne d anum ber 0 t littl e L. V. Branlltrator and Roscoe "Tommy White:' said teacher, form I)f inriin'ct tuxation.·" ncfolk, la~t Saturday afternoon. in Perman ... t Solutio.. School IIB\' lul\ol'cd for yeUr!;. But this cording tl) John R, Williams, "'1:!~~l!~~~~~'ttI.~iI& honor of Jiltle Miss Yvonne's third Furnas went to Columbus, Tuell- "tell the class what you know I)f the peculiartic of the Quakers." ,)rincil)lc mu . t he combine.1 with l)f N'id I! lit (If the O. E. ." onbirthday. An Easter egg hunt pre- day, to interview State educational Pro.,J.", Muat Be .lhate The boy got tal~e .. ingly tl,l hill renl ef;tule reli!'! 0 1' it will wOTk l'lutc aid diMricts aI' 'nt itl d to ceded the happy games and the re- officials on behalf of the Smith- feet, but not a word came from his Wide unlold hard:<hip on the farmer, tilt' l'f\Il1 ' ron~idel'Ulion all Lh~ Master Jack Crane, (,If Dayton, cital of interesting stories. Hugh s department of our schools. lips. ' . An)' new ta' nact d for t he statc tale-llill sch 0111. 8('corrjing lo will an'l v' this even ing to ~pe nd and ef h ts d "How does their way of speak~., p"l·tl·cu!Ot·I.", . d er II f t h e we.~k WI' t'"II h'19 b wnr Ear L men . - . w. on e A very radical cut has been made Th problem of flnl1ncing Ohio's sel100l fund mu~t b a rel)lflcem ' nt th r~I'r nee'I,~« «.. I'f th·'y ~ l h reml11\1 B ,I ro s er u~OIe8 10 Ice cream in tlte tate appropriation for the ing differ from yours and mine?" cont1'i'-ute t o 'n state lax." ill Plll-t of thu h ' l'etofol'c collect d sch ool will not. be permanently v got'anup Il'ent.. and other g~odles-we~e serv~d. support of this dep$rtment, one "Well, Miss," said Tommy "they solved until it is combined wi1.1t Irom real tat.' The .guests mcluded little MISS that would seriously handicap it don't swear." O. J. F.dwards. of 'pringfield, property tax relief and extended l\Irs. I1lu'!1ilton ha lf r presid nt ~ .... wa. th week· nd guest of his Glona M~y AUam, of Dayton. it not forcing its complete aban. to every chool district in the of the hlO .on.gr('s\< of Pnrenl Ma ter R~chard B.e nson, of Cleve- donment. It was with a hope for Ten yearR ago the 'daily candy _ist rs. fi sses Tl'ilhma and Mar$tate, aceording to the opinion aeh, rs ~\~SOCIBtI OIlS declal'ed her land, Wilma Dibert, Charlotte saving the department that the e bill in the United State pass d ~lIr t Edwards. voic d last' eek by the Farm orgamzatlon unaltt:'l'lIb!y I)flPOS d Rye, Barqara Lou Bland. Ruth gentlemen ml\de their plea for .. the mlllion dollar mark. Burellu th Parent-T achcrs AS. I to any program o r school r li (' ( , . Helen LeMay. harles and Jean , l!ociatio~ and th Ohio Educali n Ithllt was not state-wide in its scope Practlcully t~c enltre fu~uUy 01 . 1\1 iss En1ma T1 eighway, and Mr. Doughman, Donald an'd Shirley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'! a·nd Mr '. Ronald lIa wk, e and son, Association. These organirations , "1I1nny of the <Ii trict.s not cligi. ,our chool' wa~ in Ll'bt1nOn, Satur· Watkins. Frunk were dinnl!l' guests, ot Mrs. BU1>ick, and Roger -lire am ong the proponents of th ble fnr ~tate aid under the pre.- dn}' to the· ~ '~8ion of lhe Warren Edith llarri. and family on Ea ter lI'cneraL principles embraced in tho ent law lire uffering more acutely oUllly leach I'~ u~,' oeia~io n held • unday, CARD OF THANKS recommendations of th.o Ohio thall lhol'c receiving ,·talc funds." in Lha Rc hool 811ditnJ·ium. 1'hese We wish to sincerely thank our chool urvey ommls Ion. Mn.. haffel' aid. om thing mu ~t.' gio nl', they ,'<,port, wCI'e lIn,'unlly MI'B. Frank E. Th omas went to "A continuation or xtension of be done for places like Dayton. int rc~tin~. ft r the r gular DaYlon, Mnnday, to enter 'M iami Irl nds and all whose kindness to the present tate-sid plan financed Findlay, uyahoga Fulls, Bed'ford, bu, inc~!5 m(' t ing, th In mb I'ship alley hospita l for two weeks us in our recent bereavement by selective sales or incom taxes (Toled o and Youngstown. OUT 01'd' 'd t . t t made it easier to bear. would not cany with it any relief "~lIl izaLion is int I' st d \lot· only wa IVI ec Into three group!! for I trentment, pl'epara ory 0 an to round table d iseu, sions. ope ration fol' the rem.oval of a Mrs. G. S .. Schnebly and Daughter [n the cleme nlal'Y divi~ion, PI'of goiter. to the property tax pAyer andconse in sc hool!! but in' homes. We favor '' - - quently would not be acceptable t he plan propo, eo by the Ohio Fn'dll hupman, 6f Wittenb rg to the farm organization s of the chool SU1'vey ommission since it cI)lIege who ,,!a to hnve lend a Mrs. Ru ss 11 Ben s<ln and chiletate," according to L. B. Palmer \ ill give permanent relief to both. di,cu. ion n " Reading" was dren I'ctut'ned to their home in Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry president of the Oh.io Farm Bureau We ara I,o mmittcd to ~he principle unahl e to be prCRcnt, and her leveland, Sunday, having spent Federation. "The principle oi thllt the ~Late government should 1)lace wa s capably fill er!. Followin~ the past week with Mr. ant.! Mrs. Burnett Thursday, April 18, a equalizing educational opportunity u. ume a gr ater re ponsibi1ity lor this the group tiiscu KlIed "G ogra- W. P. alisbury and other Telatives daughter. Mrs. Margaret Johns spent , in Ohio through state suppott is educntio n. The present situati on phy" with Dr. W. R. McConnell, hel'C.'. . Wednesday with her on, Glenn one for which farm organizatiolU prol'cs thnt th pre s nt sy tem of of Miami univer 'ity, as the leauer. Mr. and Mr~ . Am os ook, Mrs. Johns and family in Dayton. . making schoo ls ahi10Ht entirely de"Oral .English and urrent The ownera are hereby 'authorized to opMiss Sue Crane of Waynesville 'Pendent upon local Pl'OP. rty tax 's Lilct'l1tur I, \Vas the first topic Alonzo uri, Mrs. Lena Har·tsoc:k will always break down under discussed by Ihe lIigh schoo l Mj, s Ethel Mendenhall, Mr. and is making an extended visit to Mr. erate a retail .tore to .ell · beer in bottle. str ess." divillion with Pro!. Pearl M. ole Mrs. Se~h Furnns attended the f\l- and Mrs. Forest Graham and chilonly, and not for conaumption on the prem, - - - - - - - - - -- - - The legifllativ(' c 11lmitt e of of Miami !lniv r~ity as I ader. A neral ~e rvices for Mrs. Morris dren. Hadley at CI8I'ksvil l , this after. Misses Julia and Mary Easton iSe8 where aold, in original packagea containtIle Ohio Education A ociation di cussion of .. ciene and J\1atheFOR SALE of Miamisburg spent Wedne day ho ' taken the slnnd that now is mutics" led by Prof. Fronk Hazard noon . ing not I ... than 6 bottlea or not more than afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Louis FOR SALE-Cabbag plants, 5 the time to do II p rmanent job on of Wilmington college. followed. 48 bottlea at one time. A birthday dinner at the home Trickey and daughter, Mrs. Alice The uperil1tclllicnt, of the cents per dozen. E. W. Hopkins. Lh sc hool flDllllcing pt'oblcm, joinof Mr. alld Mrs. Varn Hough and Miller. ing the mov ment that has 1 'd county met at 10 o'clock to con. Mrs. Lonella Boyce was taken FOR SALE-Turkey ens, KelI r adjacllnt ·tales like Indiana and ider the topic, "Rural Educati on,' family, on uuday, celebrated the Hoke. m3 Illinois to pas l'ec nt I gislation DI', L, II. Valln(ll'~da)], dean of anniversary of Mrs. Eupbemia to Miami Volley hospital Saturday Hough and her grandson, Paul Ml.s Miriam Salisbury won the !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!'!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""!-'!""!!~~.!!!!- Wilmington college, was the William Hough, Mr. aod Mrs. Ed prize for the best drawing of an II ak I '. Ea t r picture pUblished in last Dr. Mc onnell wa the pl'inciPlI1 Hough were invit <\ gllie te. . . Sunday's Dayton News. speaker at the afternoon session. Funeral services for Mrs. Jesse Miss Helen Early is ~n the lick This addr s is slI id t o hove b en hambliss, who died a,t hCT ho list. one of the high lights of the enlire in Xenia last Wednesday morning, Lou Hormell of Springboro spent meeting. were held at the home of he r Palt of lost week with his sisters Music for both se ions was daught 1', Mrs. Kenlt Hopand. Mrs. Lucy McGruder and Mrs: furnished by the l{ ing Mill . chool nturday afternoon, lind the re. Eleanor Mullenix . and their orchestra, and Rev. G. C. Dibert mains were brought t~, t~e Spring families. led the devotional exercises at the Valley cemetery faT burial. Mrs. Eva Graham and morning sessio n. Mis Kathryn Torn,er, 0'1 Mari. Helen Early spent Friday in In the Evana Builciing next to the old Pool etta, Miss Florenoe Bobb. of Troy, t°';.ir. and Mrs. Kesler Grab'am Room on Main Street and Mi s Edna Shoemaker, of Peebles Corner, were Easter din. and daughter Bernice were Sunncr gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Victor day guests of Mr. and Mre. A. E. Carp nter, of Middlet;own. at the White and Bons in Colulnbus. . The 159th Semi-Annual Statement of Little Inn. The young ladie were Mrs. R~th Sayage and chllOhio I. Only Wheat St.t" Ex- fOl'merly tea hers in the Wayne dre.n of F~ve POIDt attended the THE HOME I~SURANCE CO., of New York, Township schools. SOCial meet.,"g and 8~pper at Lytle pecti~1 Larler Than church Fnday evening. Mr. and allow. $99,830,337.08 of Resources, with . ~ver .... Crop Several of our local ladies have Mrs. Wilbert Swank and Mra. entries in · the "Quilt Show" that Jessie Longacre of Dayton al80 $32,167,637.72 Surplua to Policy Holders. Prospects for the winter wheat i being held at the Elder store in attended. crop in the United States are the I Dayto n this week. The show is a Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Thomas and Thi. company haa served Wayneliville . ' collection of the rarest and most family attended church service at poore t on record, for thi time of I uniqu bed coverings to be found Lebanon Sunday. and community for 60 yean or more, through the year, while the CI'OP in Ohio in the entire Miami valley. Mrs. Emery Charleton spent Sunday I promi e to be b ttar than average H. E. Hathaway was selected a s With Sam Charleton and Mr. and Recent years have seen considerable reductions the facilitiea now furnished by the LeMAYaccording to CI'OP repOl·ts received one of the judges of the show, to Mrs. Charles Harvey and lIOn on in the cost of commodities and service in all lines. by the depll1'tment of rural , erve today (Wednee:day). the Phillips farm. The public has learned to expect lower prj'c es. It is
Teachers Enjoyed Excellent Meeting
---... ...
----•. Lytle
The undersigned have received their commission to ' sell beer in Waynesville under the following regulations:
Late Classified AdS.
Our Beer will be of the be.t quality that money can buy, and we will endeavor to alway. have a good aupply on hand. We aolicit your patronage.
Walter Underwaod Jim Lovely
Waynesville, Ohio
Quality 'Maintained
See Us For Real Insurance Senice J
LeMay-Hawke Agency Waynesville, Ohio
No other important winter wheat • '. , a growing stale has pro pects ap- tuhre . gIVen bY. Wal~en . P. E. proaching the av rageiortheyears Tomas,. of 0 h 10, peJllten~lary at 1926 to 1930. E t imates place the Cen,terville, Mondayevem~g. The Ohio crop at 81,650,000 bushels, \lubJect of: the lectul:.e which was which is 4'h million bushels larger· spons?red by the X:~I)ent-Teachers than the average f1 these years. aSSOCIation, was I roblems of Kansas, Ne.braska nd Oklahoma- youth. toda~, ~~ I O:~ the~ f~~m lhe thr~e leading 'inter wheat experience m c .10 Pt:1 on. producing state!! which produce Isaac Lincoln who sustained nearly half of th e total crop, re- severe injuries 'in a faU from a port pro peets of a one-third aver- cherry tree at the home of his age crop. These three states to- sister Mrs.' Grace ISmith mOTe gether expect to harvest less than than two yesrs ago, was thorough100 million bushels. Their average Iy examined by the x-ray at the harvests totllied about 260 million Blair hospital in Lebanon, last bu shels. Wednesday. The picture showl! no Crop reports estimate tlie total serious incurable injury, but does crop for thc country this year at give good grounds for hopes of 834 million bushels. Average chops eventual recovery. in t1~e period of 1926 to 1930 were 590 million bushel s. About two-third s of the total Wheat crop in the United States is winter wheat. Spring wheat makes up the other third. _ _ __ . _ •
Don't tc-Ike a CHANCE on
thin slick tires'. Remember that brake. atop only your " ,beela-It takeetlrelthot,rlptoatop )IOurcar.Foryour~_d your family', IIIlIety, buy new GOodyean IIOW-·O. new coat 1110 IlIIaU It'a not worth thlnklnj .about and you may I8ve a lilfetlme _In retter.
- --Native of Ahica, Gra .. Grow. Well Wh"n Summer I. Hot And Dry ill Ohio
SERVICE Fro .n · J-telping you select the PROPER lumber --carefully inapected and thoroughly seaaoned-to the prompt delivery, we try to put our buainesa on a SERVI CE basis.
w. He MADDEN Phone 14
& CO.
Wayneaville, Ohio
Ability of sudan grass, II grass native to tropical Africa, to grow during the hot dt;y weather of July and ~ugust makes it an ideal pastllre grass for Ohio when zlue grass is at lowest productivity, ac· cording to . R. D. Lewis, extension specialist in crops fo~ the Ohio Agricultural Exten!lion service. Since the drought of 1930 ·Ohio farmers ~l'e turning in increasing numbcl's to Sudan grass as. a source of cheap feed. 'I:hat year, says Lewis, five acres of Sudim grass' at the Hamilton County Experiment Farni furnished pasture for 23 cows for 63 days. A frequent cause of failure with it in this climate is too eaTly seeding. Aecording to the experiment station testa of the crop, one to two weeks after com planting time is the earliest date tllat it · should be sowed. Lewis has prepared a lilt of recommendations faT usera of Sudan grass. These are: . Prepare the seedbed early and thoroughly that moisture may' be stored and weedl killed. Buy clean hlih-germinating Bced free from John80n gras8. a serious weed pest. Seed durin, June after tbe 11011 ia tboroqbl:v warmed, at the rate \ ot !O &0 25 an ~ on ftrm aaed-
' ''q
The World'. ...ott popular tire prlcecl CII
I 't' t d tift d b ·ft f rt Mra, W. F. Clark at Waynesville egl Ima e, an no e ec e y a sacn ce 0 qua 1 y. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and It is one thing to buy at a lower price when son of Centerville spent Sunday quality remains the same, and quite aiiOtne t with the former's parents, Mr. and accept inferior merchandise or service offered as a Mrs. J. B. Jones. . i'bargain." Miss Mary Savare 9f Five Point Our ch~rges for merchandise and 8ervi~e are was anll overni~ht guest Tuesday lower today than they havtl been in many yeats. but 0'1 Miss Ruth Early. the Ireduction is the result of lower costs and Orville Phillips spent Moo'n day economies in management. We refuse to sacrifice our with his couains Mr. and Mrs. Will high 8tandards of quality and mislead our clients WJtters near Middletown. . h .. ' " h· h I t Mr. and Mrs. Louis Trickey and Wit s8vmgs W iC are on y apparen ,. daughter entertained to dinner Easter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kerchner and family and Miss Erma Demunch of DaY,ton. .M;r. and Mra. 1>onald . Radley Phone 7 W.yneaville, Ohio were called to Clarksville early Sunday morning by the death of the f(}rmer's mother, Mrs. Morris \\a;. .=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=....!; Hadley. Mr. a'o d Mr3. CArlton Cook of Dayton were week·end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runt and son Wllrren and on SUnday they all . spent the day with Mr. and
James:E. McClure
~Ir:~ :.;~~
Hunt and family Miss lIelen Early entertained Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mra. Albert Brannock of New Vienna and Mr. Norman Brown of Wayoellville, Mrs. Forest Graham spent Tuellday with her father, Sberman Dyke at Miami ·ValleY hOlpltal, Dayton, and report. 1Ir.. aU,htly improyed. . Mra. Margaret Johns llael for her E ..ter dinner '\letts, III'. and M1'8• . Glenn Johns and ehll..... PaUl· and Vivian of Dayton. Mr. and Mn. W. G. Haines and children. Robert. Mildred and CIar.. and Mareus Neff at Dayton Sunday .tternoon' and eveDing at the bome of lb. and lira. Walter Xenrick. Their · mother, M!'s. Georsianna . Ralnel is more 1I00rl,-' at this time. Mra. Kesler Graham entertained the JUlIior cia.. 0'1 Waynesville hith school on Saturday evenin,. i.l1 honor of the birthday ot her daughter, Miu Bernlce_ Ice cream cake were "fTed. . A lal'l'e crowd attended the social meetiq at· the church Frida, evenin, lJIouored b, the 2nel division of the Ladi.. Aid. Part of the procram w.. I'Uldered b, the grandchlldreb 01 Dr. and lira. A. A. Smith, who Jive In Dayton. They were accompanied by tbelr pareut8, lIr_ ad 1[.... Roy Elchbun a.d III'. aDd lin. IrvI1I lIortil. A trio W8I 1U... Cbarlotte
Use Out:
_y Ruth. ace 11, Juice 1.0. ., 9,
and Dol'oth:r Allee, duet by Jlarcela1l1 I ~ :r...... The:r .... ...... 'fter ....t
with til_
'T, ud ...... • . . . loaD, eplelldtd little tIM week....
paIl~ .....
\ \
Classified Columns They Will Help .You to Dispose' Of Your Surplu. Stock
\ i
\ \
Miami aazette '
Eighty-Sixth Year
s. s. CI
Conducted Servi
The Berean . S. clll$liI, taught by Mr. J. W. Lotz, conducted a most imp.·essive sel'vice 'at t.h~ M. E. Church, Sunday evening. The main address was given by ~tr. W. L. Garst, who voiced u strong defense of modern you ng peQple, and appealed to the latter to strive for the higher things.in 1ife. Mr. Garst an instructol' in our high school. is also an ordained minilltel' in the Ch u4JCh of the Br thTen, and is exerting a splendid inltuencc among our lIi~ IchoOl students. An anthem by the young people a violin solo by Donald G\lstln ~nd reading by the Mis es Il'mB' Rich and Thelma t. John added much to the service.
Local Women Win High Awards at Elder's Quilt Show. -:-::=======-=====
IAnd That's That I'LL
Whole Number 6063
Nat.JSecr~tary to IUFELESS BODY OF FARMER FOUND' Speak to Grange
On Saturday evening, April 29, CHURCHES SUNDAY hold Farmers' Grange, No. 13, will a special meeting wlt.h appro-
The Martha Kinney Cooper t.ownship· system of public schools, Ohioana LibJ'nry, planned in Sep- and r in that of our neighboring WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH tember, 1929, and now firmly es- tow nsll ip. ~l~arcreek. He was one G. C. Dibert. Pastor lablished w'th k' ·tt of the prlncJpal speakers at the . I war mg comml eea school reunion and home-coming W dncsdny: Bibl e study and m each of Ohio's 88 counties, is held here in AUi'lUt, 1906. prayer meeting at 7:15 p. m. Choir practice at 8 :00 p_ Ill. asking for several additions to its Will you' not seal'ch through 'unday: Sunday schoo l at. 9 :30 collection, including a number your old papers and books, heirB. m. with Dr. J. C_ :B ickel, district that may be . fOUM in Warren looms and mementos of former SU?81'intendant of th,e Dayton discounty. generations, to see if you can't ftnd tJ'lct as the spc4k.el·. Epworth Miss Ethel Roberts, of Franklin, 50me old document that will be Leagu at 7 p. m. with Inez James chairman of the Wanen county valuable to the collection? If yqu WI leadel'. Evening siervices at 8 committee, has named Dr. Mary don't want to part with your d'clock with Mr. Garst as lhe L. Cook a s h.er assistant in this treasure, a verbatim copy will be special speaker. vicinity. Despite the fact that she most thankfully received. Dr. Cook i!j an exceedingly busy woman, Dr. has accomplished much iood for WAYNESVILLE CIHURCH OF Mary has willingly accepted the our community, now let us show CHRIST commission, apd is caUing upon our appreciation by helping her to (U ndenominatlonal) all citizen f or aU possible aid. Nor assemble a contribution to this Chester A. Williamson, Minister do we believe that a better selee- library that will be truly wOl'th Church SChool at 9 :30 a. m. tion fol' local committee member while. Don't put this matter olf, Lor~'B Supper at conclusion. could have been made than the and eventually forget it. Start hrlstian Endeavor at 7 p. m. prime factor in the establishing your search today. Ern:eat WOOhll'd, lea<ller. Evening of our public library. . evangellstic serviec-s at 8 p. m. urely. many interesting docu- .Wayne /lville women were very Sel'mon subject, "More Than ments and other bits of historical data never before published, are suocessfol with their entries in onquerors." Prayer Meeting and Bible study to be found in the 0l<le8t town in the Quilt Show held at the Elder each Wednesday at 7 :46 . p. m. Wllrren county. and one of the old store in Dayton last week. [n the The chuTch where yotl feel at home est· in the entire south-western lIeclace quilt exhibit, Mr. ' Harold ticm Q'! Ohio, Our town was for Smith· was awarded first prize, $50 ST. AUCUSTINE·S CHURCH years tbe home of the late Judge Father French,. Pastor on her fancy applique quilt, and In J ohn W. Keys, who compiled the ~!:~~!;=~~~~~~~! the piece quilt diviSion, Mrs. Mary Services will be h'eld every two most complete history of Wayne c McClure was awarded the second 'Weeks on Tuesday mornini. Township, we have yet been able to find. ' Many men and women have Special pTice on Wool Twine at prize of $26. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway serv d all one 01 the judges on FERRY CHURCH 4[)F CHRIS'" gone forth :from our midllt to ac- J. C. Hawke'll. ( UndenominatJonal) Wednesday, and has slnce reoelved compllsh great things, and to cast renown upon the tOWJl of their Myel' Hyman transacted buaineslI a nice letter from the corn pany In Ohester A. WiIlialDJlon nativity. A verullBl of its history In Cincinnati, Monday. appreciation of her services, and Unified services b~~ginning with gives a graph ic idea of the develMiss Clara Lile spent the week- complimenting her good work. hurch School period at 9 :30 a. m. opment of our entire nation. end with relatives in Washington Sevllral women from this vicinity Lord's Supp rand sel'mon a1;10:30 attended and enjoyed the exhibi- a. m. Sermon subject, The Ohioana library, named in C. H. "The tion. honor of Mrs. Myers Y. Cooper Power of the Blood" (Second in who first su"eated the idea and serie .) YOll are always welcome Miss Louise Henderson was the made posaible its inception. con- week-end guest of friends at Auxiliary Met with at this church. tains books by Ohio authorll and Brookville. ST. MARY'S CHURCH books about Ohio, and has been MilS Heighway Rev. J J. Scbaeft'er. Rector e tablished without any publiC M.rs. Ross Hartsock entertaLned Sunday, April 20, Se.cond Sunfunds or appropri~tions. Ita pur- the members 01 her bridge club, The Woman's Auxiliaty of St. day lIiter Easter. Church school at pose, we understand, is to assem- Saturday afternooJ\. Mary's Church met on Friday 9 :30; :L\£orning Pra:Y6r and sermon ble the most complete and detailed history 01 the Buckeye State, Mr;. M. F. Weltz, Mi 8 Nel1ie afternoon, April 2;1., Ilt the home with mll ic appropriate for the Easter season at 10::'0 Everybody and to make thil ava.i1able to all Cutwril'ht and {fean R.wke wet'e of Mi!UI Emma Helghway. its citizens. gome of the rare DaytoJ) viaitorB, Monday. Rev. J. J . . Schaelrer conducted welcome. old booles fo't which they are ask. FRIENDS MEI::TING ing Include : ' M.r. and Mrs. Ott Arthur and the devotional service. Scriptural quotations were given in response First Day, January 29: Firat "Beainnings of Literary Culture ta~l1y attended the funeral of a to roll-call. Day Fritmdahip Sehool at 9 :80 a. in the Ohio Valley," by William H. f1'lend at Mt. Oreb, Sunday. A t the cloee of the busines m. Meeting for worship at 10 :80 lhsJI Marian Case, of Lebanon, session the program wall taken up . Venable, of Warren county. AI 0 a. m. "A Scbool History of the United was the guest of her aunt,. MiBS and opened with a voca1 ~---. - .,.... States," "Footprints of the Pion- Ell'1ma Heigbway. 18111. week. Bolo. A Scotch HYmn, bY' Miss eel'S;" ".June on tbe Miami," "MelMarian Case. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boring, of odiea of the Heart" and I'The Readings from the study book, Dayton, ealled on Mr. and Mrs. "Facing the Future in Indian Teacher's Dream." "The Shaker Books," authors un- Wymer Drake, Sunday evening. Missions," were given by Mr. W. knoWll. .. rown an6-1--- Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Bohlender, "Speeche and Oration!! of DurMrs. Geo. Hartsock. While our questions of past r:Jl. Dayton, weTe Sunday guests of bin Ward," compiled by his wife, The program closed with a vocal history have not received the reElizabeth Probasco Ward, of War- Mrs. Stella Shaner and Horace 8010, "Swing Low Sweet Chariot," Shaner. ren county, by Mi II Marian Case_ ponse for which wc~ had hoped, Prof 'tenable wa One \ of the Mr. and Kra. Elmer Sheehan I During a delightful social hour quiet inve tigation shows that sevpioneer teachers ;n the Wane were in Blanche ter, Sunday after- deliciou refreshments were aerved eral of Our older readers are readnoon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Mrs. Daisy Smyder and Miss ing, thinking and discussing thinrs Joe Gibbs, Marian ase of Lebanon were ,among themselves. That is just DEATH 'U d ~ J C H •. guests of the afternoon. what we want you to do. The pur..... ' ...ar. an aw~e t mlSl1 • Sjarah Dawson, . • ged 62 visited at the home Qf Mr. alld Mrs • - • pose at this fea ~re is to ~timu)ate years. died at her home in Chlca,o J. W• . Edward&, .ear Sprinlf\eld, ATTENTION JUNIORS interest in The Miami O.zette, and la.t Wedlleaday, as the result o~ a Sunday afternoon. to revive your interest III 001' town cerebral hemorrhage. The remamll . Miami Valley Council, Jr. 0, and its history. Once more, we ask arrived in Xenia,' Friday momlllg Elzey Scott has lIeen an involun U. A. M., will meet in adjourned you to write, or calf, and tell UII and "ere conveyed from there to tar)' p t at the Hufl'ord hotel in aeSllion at 8 o'clock Thursday what you remember. A1IIO, tell us her family home in HarveJSbuty. Lebanon since he pleaded guilt)' to eveninr, April 27. This meeting if you like this department, and Funeral lenices were held at the a eharae of "drunk and disorderlY replaces the rel'ular meeting for want it continued, Our ·aim remains what it hili ah,aya been : to Springfield ehurch, MOllday after- and Ma10r Roce ... aueued a fiDe t'hiJI week. noon at 2 O'clock, alld burial was of ,S6 and coats, Saturday momChas. Hay, Counsellor publi b the kind of pllper tbat you
APRIL 26, 1933
Mystery enshl'ouds the death of were doubled up underneath hls ' Walter ~Ill'nhart, aged 43 who e body, and it is reported that his lifeless body was found hanging feet were resting in a manure from a rafter in hi s bam, at Pekin spreader that was standing directabout eight miles SOUthW Ollt of Iy beneath the raftel·. The coroner here on the Dayton-Lebanon pike, beli ves that it might be possible last v:iday afternoon. , that so me parties! at. present unOWing to the unusual pORi lion in known. had hung him. Reports current in Lebnnon conwhich the body wns found. Coro nol' Waldron • Gilmqur i ' cerning marks of violence on tbe not satisfied that it wa a ehae of I body differ. One l'eport is to the suicide. In the meantime, Sheriff effect that no SUC h marks were er, Will Hufford is trying to l()cate the found, while another rumor states U t ,.. present whereabouts of a party of that a lal'ge welt was found on his itinerant campers that had camped ' head, b hind the ear. Thjs latter ~rce ~ish near the Earnhart fal'm fol' several report-gives basis for the theory months, and which disappeaNd on that th victim had met death by OUT local fishermen .are taking the day when Eal'nhal;t's body was some' other means, the body being full advantage of the last few days found. Official~ would like t o at hung later in an elrort to allay before the annual moratoriu f least question this party. suspicion and indicate suicide. b . m or Mr. Earnhort's body was hangThe Earnhart family has mainass fishll'\g, which goes ~nto ef- ing in such a position that his legs ~ain d two homes for !lome time fect May 1. Several have Journeypast; one in Lebanon and the other ed to lndian Lake, St. Mary Res.er- _ . . . .. on th ir farm. Mr. Earnhart went voir or some othel' noted- resort of back and forth from his Lebanon the flnney tribe, while others have home to his farm daily and often been content to .pUTsue their sport stayed there \lvernigbt: His body along the 'nearby streams. These was found by members of the latter Spol·tsmen have been meetfamily Friday afternoon when ing with quite a bit of success. Ed they ~ent to t he farm ~fte'r he Cook came in with a pound had been away from home all the bass, Saturday afternoon, end on previous night. Tuesday a'fternoon beat this record Another report says that when when he returned with one bass last seen, Thursday afternoon, Mr. Special price on Woo l Twine at Earrihart was going toward the meas'uring 19 inches Bnd weightng 3 ~ pounds. and anQther 'that J. C. Hawke's. camp the parties for whom' was more than 16 inches long and officer., are now searching. weighed better than 2 pounds. Miss Jeanne Meredith, spent last Mrs. Earnhart says that her Harold Osborn is said to have Tuesday aftern oon with Mi . Anna husband had no financial dimcul~ landed a 2 pounder, Saturday, Hoyle. ties. and that she knows of no and Gilbert Frye reports the capreason why he should have taken ture of several beauties. The Mrs. William Drake ond son, or I his own life. Funeral services for Mr. Earnlongest trip doe n't alwaYII assure Indianapolis, visited relatives and the nicest flsb. friends here thi week. hart were held in Lebanon. Mon... - - - - day afternoon, and burial wal Mr. and' Mrs. E. . Crane and Illade 'in the Lebanon cemetery. t e a araonage children, of Dayton, spent Sunday Maineville \ ith 1\Ir. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. Well Known Former ' . Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Gons spent !d~iIs Bernice Brown alld Mr. Sunday evening in Middletown, the Resident Wl1ham Thomas were united in !guests. of Mr. and Mr . Victor Carmarriage at the M. E. parsonage penter. W. Sherman Dyke, a well known in Maineville Friday evening former resident of the Waynesville April 21, the Rev. Fred L. Gei~ Farmers insure with the Con- and Lytle neighborhood, died early $24,000,000 to Monday morning at the Miami pertorn'llng the ceremony. Mr. and tinental- over Mrs. Robert Lewis attended the pay 10 es. Pay once each year or Valley hospital in Dayton, where happy COUple. cash as your need demands. W. he had been taken, April 9, for Mrs. Thomas, the daughter of N. Sears, agent. treatment. Funeral services will Mr. an~ Mrs.. Ode Brown, of Maine . . . ~rs. BeSSie White, of Ahon, be held at the. McClure funeral ville, is an alumnus of the Maineyme schools, and is a charming . arr~v~d. here, Sunday even ing, to home Thursday at'temoon at 2 young lady. Mr. Thomas youngest assist III the care of her father, o'clock, and burial will lle made in son ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Seth Coo~, who hae not recovered Miarri~ cemetery. Mr. Dyke, son of William and Thom8JI, 18 an alumnus o'f the from the J!l elrects of a recent fall Jane (Rooks) Dyke, was born in Wayne Township scho.ole, and is The Progressive Women 's club Montiomery a young man of sterilng worth. will hold 8 Card Party in the K. of 1866. Most of~":'h':"iS""I~if'::-'e!o.Ll.lw"'a"'II"'d""e"'vo"'-te~d'-----....2l Both Mr. an.d. Mrs. Thomas are P. hall, Thursday vening, May 4, to agricultural PUrsuit8 until his talented ~u8Iclans. and are. very faT the benefit of the Public removed to Dayton some eighteen . popular Wlt~ a large coterie of Library found. Single admission y~ars ago, Nine years of that time [rlends~ Their plans for the future 15c; per couple 26c. Refreshments h . had been employed by the have not ,been an~ounced_ , ' D yton Power & Light Co. He i. --'---'--.- - -~Mr. and Mrs. J. . Hawke were Ii\urvived by his widow, Mrs. Lucy ENTERTAINED FOR among the guests of honor at a Burnett, Dyke, three sonl and Golden Wedding party, given by three dallghters, Ralph William COUSIN'S BIRTHDAY the Dayton Herald and Lo ew's and Alvin Dyke, Mrs. Blanche Theater, Tuesday afternoon. The Graham, Mrs. Laverne Thompson Last Friday evening, Mr. and ' guests assembled at the parish and l'tirs. Rhea Critzer. Mrll. Dyke Mrs. George Woollard, of Belmont house of Christ Chul'ch on We t and all her family, except Mrs. entertained Mr. and Mr!l. E. C. First street·, from whence they Graham, reside in Dayton. Woollard and sane, Ernest, Earl, were escorted to the theater. Mr. Harry and Herbert, and Edward and, Mrs. Hawke cele.brated the • ----~ Porte~ in h,o nor of Master Harry's ti:fty-i\rst anniversary of tbeir B. S. Howell, oC Port William, marriage last December. Iwas n WayneijviUe visitor, Monday ninth birthday anniveraay. priate -ceremony for . disposing oC the mortgage which has recently been P41id. Harry A. Caton, National Orange Secrstal'Y and former State Grange Master, will be the peaker of the evening. Each family bring sandwiches and a covered dish. • _ ....._ _ __
I nil Who Stay At nome CaCing Several
W d
P In
of the day and '8uch Clltber features as yoiilJie belt. • This week,we ar~~ .skinl' two questions that need not be confined to our older r,aders. 'rbe fact thaL you ' remembel' the smswera does C_merc,al Departme.t Evelyn Quinn, 28.4, Yellow Connel; and Doris Surface. not · necessarily mesn that the WaYl')esville students carried Springs. Third Strai.-1t Victor'1 th d h Evelyn Quinn, 28.4, Yellow au., 81 ver rea s .ve appeared off high honors at the sectional Miriam Ellis, 46.6" Waune-ville. Waynesvill' e J'ourneyed to LeL j . _ J V omong the gold On your brow. Fir t, give the (iatEJlI o"f the two commerCIal contests last Saturday Kathryn Pardiew, 46.2. Seven Mile anon on Friday, April 21 and addi aslrou fir.es that destroyed the ,These contests were held at Xenia Amelis Zoonar, 88.1. even Mile. ministered a defeat to that hlWh old "Cross Hall 'II toaether with the Central high IIchool. Winners in Beatrice Newton, 83.6, Seven Mile. sch.ool in soft ball. The score waa It: ear part of the Phillips building theBe sectio~al contests are elirlble Gladys Eldriage, 80.8, Seven Mile 19, to 3. This is the third atraicht in which it was locatc~d . to comp(!te m . the .lItate contest. No.ice St.Il~I .....h-" (Shortha~d) .. victory for Waynesville tbis aeaaon Second, the presenl~ iron bridge Our com.merci!!l studenta won Roma Hardm, 93.1, Waynesville They had defeated Mallon and acrosa tile Mill , RaeE~ on Corwi first plaee 1n every event except Frances Brandenburg, 91.1, Seven Monow previoulIJy. avenue hilS been built within , th: novice typing. Following is a list Mile. . The bo-ys wel'e in fine· hittinl' last decade but when?Give the of the honors won by Waynesvj)(e Margaret Rebar, 86 ..8, Seven Mlle. form which probably accounted for exact year. ' • students. Mhiam Ellis first place John Coates 82.0, W:aynesville. the gl'eat dilference in the Beore. --~ ... _ _ .___ in both amateur typing and ·Amateur Stalloaraph,. This ~riday,. WaynesviUe m..ts amateur shorthandj Bernice Miriam Ellis, 78.3, Waynesville. .Franklin at home. Thia Ibould • • • ntell'tained Graham first place in novice book- Gladys Eldridge, 70.4, Seven Mile prove to be a very "inter8lltine At the Fur~.. keeping; Roma Hardi n flrsb in Winifred Conner, 66.0, Waynes- game since Franklin hat! not ai Jet 'nlOlm.eJnovice sborthand; and Busie Wool vme. · been defeated. ard second in novice bookeeping. No.ice Bookeepill" ---T~e Y. F. M. hel4 its regular The above students are now eligi- Bernice Graham, 74, Waynesville Soft Ball L••.,.e meeting at the bome of Keller and ble to IrO to the ' lItate contest to be! Bessie Woollard, 73, Wayneliville. Team Woa Lo t Staad• .Anna Hoak and Ro!!Coe Furnas. It held at Bowlillg Oreen on May 13. Ma~garet R~bar, 71, Seven ~ile 'Franklin ... ...... ". 6 , ...... ~ ....... , 1.00~ \Vas the regular time! for election In addition. WayneSVille won Roma Ha.rdtn, 69, way.nesvlll~. IlWayneBvi.lIe .. .... 3 ,.......0 " ...... ·1 .000 of omcera and the :foUowing were plaees in the f()llowing eventa. IFrank Miller, 67 Yellow Springs 'fpringboro ... " ... 2 ... .... .0 ........ 1.000 L==!!!!!!!!~~===~~!!~====~ elected:. . . Winifred Conner, third in amate~rl S_ior Prom. Kings Mills "_'" 2, ....... 2 .. ... ... . 500 Stanley Balley, prE"lIdent. shorthand: John Coates, fourth lD . . . 'Hason ' .... " .... ,"_ 2 .... " .. 2 ""." . •500 Laurence Furnas, vice president novice shorthand; Roma Hardin, The second. annual ~enior prom Morrow .... ,..... " 2... ,.. . 2 .. ...... .1100 Ruth Tomlinsoll, secl'etal'J- fourth ' in novice bookeepingj and I was held Frldar, AprIl 21. The l .eba!,\on ..... " ..... 1.. "". 8 ....... .UO treasurer. Inez James, sixth in amataeur gym was be.comJ,}gly d~corated ' as .... .. .. " .... L ., . S ..... . 260 Then were Ilxte~~Jl memben typinJr. . ,a garden III .the SenIor colors, Otterbein, withdrawn . from the alld two visitors pre:sent. Miriam Ellis was the only stud- ·yellow and while. league. Ruth Doster wu devottoul ellt in tbe entire contelt who 'wa. Dick Burrows' ol'chestra, ft'om Sc.... w,· W .... leader, Jean Bunnen, 1_ _ ..... able to win a double victory. Her Dayton lurnished with a pleasant er and Ruth recreation plaee in both typInr and short Ivariety of melodies. Mason 20, Carliale ,. The propam 'Wa oat In hand pined her this di.tinction. Each Senior had the privilege o~ Franklin 2, Morrow 1. full. MUsee Cleo All of tlleae Itudents are to be one guest. · All those who Wa)'1lelville 19, LebaDOft IThornbury of eoqratulated for their line work. were well entertained. Sprin&'boro 11. 1. added mucb to tile Th. other WaJDeavUle IItudents F .....__ Ne". Kin.. 11m. the me.tine. who took part were, Elizabeth The Freahulen had a clau meetI The n.n U.e socl.t, Henrr. Iou Cran., and Edward Tuesda" April ~. The, wlll be h.ld at til. .f lJaoclea FraIler. DYing a coune In .lBei• • . aDd J.... Bnnell, J'urnu A .ll• ...., of the entire Contelt better work lIablta. Iead.r. ."..,. below•
....... T,.....
The Corwin School-First to L·eave, Last to Return to Township System By THE nOOSIER
NEWS GLEANED Best of the News Direct Prospects Brighter for Cream Shippers FROM COURT HOUSE '--_F_r----:o~_t_he_O_h:--io_S_ta_te_C_ap_ito_l---l Rising Markets are expect d, ~nd the
OLUMBUS The summary ager, annQuneed this week that NEW LOW RATES now in effect on Proceediar. and worm of pelition!! lor a reI. eft'ol't8 are beinll' made with excel· There cents to ha"e. be n some all Railroads by Baggage Sel'"j'e fl.l·e Eli]' h 1 uckett pleaded "'uilty to eren d um on HOU64l Bills No • 270 lent. chances of SU~Ce!l8 to obta In lort of a schem b~" inJf 1. annel!. .. I 27 h h the I'wln district to the Wuyn sthl' atlldnvit fil d againRt hinl anll an( l av~ bee'n approved by for t.he state fair thia year t e unlywa. tined "'100 and co ttl. Attorney General .John W. Brick t National Shorthorn stock show. If ville school dl tril'L fol', n .Jan. 'I' rlie WIer pleaded gUillu lO an d ar now ready for distribution hrought here this show will be a u ry !I, 1 4, P·rin ipal W. H. Mil- ('hllnged n ttl IH'lmil the promo· lhe indictment filed against iT him Th e ti r t measure creat 8 a state part of t he hve ' stoc k ex b'b' I It 0 f ler was in tl'Ucte d tCl go to olum- tion of, pupils Oil lhl!i1' daily gl'ad '8 81ld WIIS senlenced to :Crom 1 to ~ I' d d Th'19 S h ow, IS . o~ po Ice urI er irection of the state exposition. bus to In ealigate and thwart nd 0 " was sel 1111 the I'cquir d 15 yesl 'in (h refor,m atory. hi g h way Ill . .rec,;or . .' an d t h e sec· usua II y he Id 'In Ch'Icago, an d 1' f I't the tIC_ hemE'. H mu t hBVIl bllen a ataga for promotioll. • attractIon . III the as· of Mamia Lamar on d provl'd es <.I -,-or t h e transfer 01 comelS here wi II be a bIg successful, becaus' no further m n Det:ember J 9, th sum of $30 vel'sus Wultet. Lamar a divorce the Bureau ' of ' ~~otor Vehlcle~ The Ohio State Fair will be held from the office 'of llhe Secretary of August 28th to September 2nd, tlon 01. the plan is to be fQu nd in was unallimously nppropti8t d was gronted ih plaintiff. til l·ecords. "for the pUl'pO e "f purchn ing In the Case of Lillie . Canbll' State to the DepBlrtment of High. Inclusjve, and is expected to be On Wal'th lngton' Bi.rthday of relet'cnce books and eslablishing versus 1\1:ary }O;. Mes ick ct 81 ways. Individuals :~nd citizens op. one of the best ever held despite a th same y~ar. a neW three-yeal' a Ubrary." Pre. id~l1t hupman and harles . Trwin wo appointed po ed to incl'~ase of taxes and ad. 1'estrlcted budget. There will be cours~ of study was adopted. for prinCipal Little were .elected as a h'u ten uccessor of the Leb. dition to the , offi ,~e holding class horse racing on Monday, Tuesday, the JlIgh choo!. Three subjects commIttee t spenu thiS uppropria. itlz national Bank & sponoring the referendum. Wednesday and Thursday of fair WAYNESVILLE. OHIO war r quir d each y ar while a tion. A.t tit'5t glanc , this IlppropJ'ia ~~~~t o. Headqu rters lor the circulation week, with the big event, the ,Phone 80 Bank BId,. choice bet\\' en two others was al· tion ~eems I'nth r mall. but I'e· In th ca e Qf Carl Thomp80,: of the petitions i~ every co unty of Governor's stake of $1,600. a lowed tor the fourth study. The member that it was made in lhe G 'I the tate will be in th Educa. three· year-old trot, as the last cour e: Fir t y ar- Higher Arith. days of 1 95, when it J's uurprl'sl'ng vel' u · 81 Thompson and William ~ · , d d . tiona l Press Build!n", 40 South event of the meet. Fair ManaO'er· metic, . Grammar. Physical Geog'"a - how much COUlll be l10U.,ht for a Walth a I. par t·t I lon IS or ere . , " .. ... Ed ward T Id DR. H. M. WILLIAMS phy, and American LlteratuI'e , or dollar. . . eeger pea ed guilty ThJrd Street, CCll"mbus, Ohio. Beer stated that he expects to '0 th . d' t t fil d . t Petitions may be ~;ecured by writ· have the 1983 premium lists ready Ani lC PHYSICIAN .nd Physiolog)'. Second y,ear-Algebra At the nleeting ot AP'TI' I 20" e 1Jl 'c men 5 C agams t.hat addresM. for distribu.tion about J unlet. Latin,. Rhetoric 01' Civics. and 1890, E . O. Robert returned t o, h'1m an d was fime d 'I'1I!7~0 u an d COl! tS.i n ... " _ __ '" StJRCEON Bookk eping or Botany. Third membcrshill 0" tbe boal'd aoIn the case f Ida L.llucke ver·' The State Department of IndusBarberton Post, No. 1066, Special AUention to Rectal and year- Geometry, Lath\, General companied by an entirely' n w BU Har,'y C. Hol>pe, et aI, confirm. trial Relations is hearing more Veterans of Foreign Wars, this Inte.ti...1 Di ••••e. History, and Review., B. (wbat- m mber Hiram Kilbon. Mr. Rob. otion, d cd aDd distribution. claims for worknilen's compensa. week obtained form the Secretary LEBANON, OHIO ever that last may have been.) el'~Si who had served as tir.t In the 'cn e of Ryrnan Ertel and tion than any tim.e in its history of State's office through State PbOD!! n Rea rboDe 166 R On April. 4, tb board apPoint.ed presid('~t of the board, was again Rob rt Kratzer and Fr d O. Wellording to Che: ter A. Miller; enator Frank E. Whittemore ot JvIDa • JamMOu Dldg. ed a commIttee to open negotia- choe n for that position and Mr ner, it is ord red that property be chief claims examiner. The bank Akron the 23 volumes cont.aining tiolls with the late William Thorpe Frame was continu d ~s clerk: appraised. holiday throughout the state c·aus- the roster of Ohio soldiers, sailors for the purchase o'f a parcel of Four days late\' an adjourned se _ [n the case of Mat'jorie Irene ed an !laded accumulation of cases and marines of the' World War. land adjoining the school premis s sion was held at which Mr. Little Scott versus WaiteI' G. ot1, Ii recently, making it necessary to The Post's original volumes were the new lot to be titled up as a and his sister were engaged to con. divorce was granted. list one day alone last week 248 destroyed by -fire "When the head. 'iOTARY PUBL,C playcroUnd. The deal wns complet. tinue teaching the chool for the Ne.w Suite hearings, a reconl-breaker. For quarters burned, and the books ob. NatioDa) B_k ed June 21/ the board paying Mr. next term. . ome time the total number of tained from the Secretary of State Thorpe $40.63 for 130 squar rO~8 Perhaps a wqrd 01 explanation Emmor T. Bailey by 'Emmol' D. claims for hearin~r has run from will replace them. Many sets of Will. Ora.... • • E.tat.. S.ul.. of ground. regarding the pI' vjll nee of ad . Bail y vel'SUS A. Walter Homikel, 200 to 250, while cmly a .few years these volumes ·are stored in the WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Me~nwhne, ~he board was reo jo~rn d and special meetings for money. ago 75 was thought to be a large 80 year.old basement 01 the State orgamzed, AprIl 16, th Jate B. 'H. mlgl\t not come ami. at this point Hilda Taylor versus WiUiam number. . House where they are liable to de· The necessity of huving honey Mills and the late John Zell tak· Soon after it first organization Forest Taylor, for di.vorce, Charge --struction and d.jsintelr8tio~ it al ... bees available in orchards at bloom ing their places as member of the the Corwin board adopted not onl; is extreme cruelty. Incorporation tees paid into the lowed to remam there too long. . . ' . TRY board, though just whom they re- a tlxed houl' f or convening their athel'ine Goodpaster versos office 01. · Secretary of State Under the law adopted May 7, 109 hm~ has been 80 well estubhhplaced is not clearly indicated in , ession, butal oanlltherfixed hOU1' Murel Goodpa ter, for divorce. George S. Myers hl8Ve incl'ea ed in 1919, and amended April 21 , 1927, ed that It would seem unnec ssary the records. Mr. Chapman was for adjournm nt~ the latter hour Charge i~ gross neglect of duty, l' cent week, the increase being one set of this 'roster may be given to di cuss it further. H wever, OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS selected to serve as president for being 10 p. m., central landord etc. almost solely due to the legislation to each member ot. the General from every section of each year FOR RESULTS t~e ye ...r. and Mr, Frame was con· t.ime. Thjs hour for adjourning Mary Roulzohm and Loren legalizing beer. II~cJuded among Assembly one to eacb college a n d . . tmued In t.he ,c lerk' office. seems to have been most rigorously Routzohm versu Guy Roubohm. the fees recently paid were $8,976 university library In the state Dnd complamts come of lack of frUIt¥ay we pause here for just a were early tiseJ;'S. by the Re,nner Company of one to eaeh county reeorder in fulness wh!ch , can be explained momeht to pay our tribute of reo A revised three.year high school Prob. t!! Cour t Youngstown tor 1~he increase of the state in, addition to other djs. only on the baSI of the absence of The ' tate of John H. McKin~ it capitalization from 2.000 to trib ution provided for in the a4;t, su fficient bee~. . spect to one of these new dlredors cOl1r e that had been prepared by oir $1 par value the remain'ing Bets to be plaeed in The qUBntlty of bees reqUl red Probably, no better loved and Mr. Little was adopted August 17. ney. decea eu, ill exempt from in. 600,000 hare heritance tax. stock, $2,360 by I:he Sohn Brew· the custody of the Sec,"etuy of depends UpOn such vllriable fact?rs more thoroughly, universally reo In the s nior year the new cour pected man than Ben H. Mills allowed a choice of the study 01 Amos E. Thompson and Loudy ing, Company of Cincinnati State and distributed to various as temperatul'e und rainfall durmg ever lived in the village of Corwin ~8tron omy, chemistry or trigon- V.. Thompson, executors ot estate newly incorporated with 200,000 posts of the American Le~on and t he blooming period and var~etal Quiet and unas uming, almost to ometry for half of the term. Drills of J ohn S. Thompson, decea ed, fil. share 01 no par I,tock, and $750 such other servlee organizati()ns characteristics. One bee colony per the point or reticence, yet public in spelling, writing, comIlo!!ition ed their sale bill. by the Washington Breweries, and individuals as the commission acre of fun.bearing matured. tres apirited and energetic, ever on the declamations and talk wer main~ S. S. Stahl, executor of estate of Inc., of Columbu'3, with 20,000 authorized to secure the publicll- is a good rule to follow,. says C. alert to secure the beat for his tained throughout the entire Levi Stuhl, deceased, is ordered to s hares of no par st;ock. tion of the roster may decide are W, Ellenwood, of the department community. ·The sool of honor and course. Mr. Frame " tas instructed distribute eertain assets to· distri--entitled to the seta. [f there are ot horticulture at the Ohio E"p~riinterrity, his life has furnished B to have copies of the Course and buteel!. ' . Speaking of Ibeer, there is any American Legi()l1 or other war ment station. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN worthy example for many younger manuel printed for di$tribution. .A citation is to be served on another Beer (s:pelled with a serv ice organizations in the state Package bees are convenient for Cattle, hop, .h.e" and cal... men to fonow, and his passing has N. McKin sey resigned a8 a Charles W. Munger and George R. capital letter, if you please) of that have not yet obtained these orchard use. The 3-pound package Norris-Brock Co., live wire a"a lett a vacancy ilt his community, member of the board, J. M. Keys Rossman, executoT8 of' estate of whom urban Columbus and rural ro~te~ they should talce steps to is about th,e minimum that ~t pl'OJn'eulve Ann for the bilrll.., that not soon; if ever, wilJ be being appointed to fill the vacancy Charlotte W. Deni e. deceased. Ohio will hear mOI:e and mo·r e the have them mailed by parcel post. se$ms practical to u e ,for thIS mark~t pricea and rood .emc• • The inventory of Lenora ·Gar. next. four n10nlths. "Charley" This can be d one by forwarding purpose. Unless an orchardist is Uaio. Stock Y.rda' 01 ...1._,1. O. fined. The writer esteems it a priv· and forthwith qualifying. Mr. him self adept or ha in his employ Tune in on Radio Station WOJ[T ilege to have enjoyed his friend· Stiles was chosen, a w ek later to rard and Earl Gephart, executors (Chas. M.) Beer, state fair man- '1.82 to eover posta~e. someone ~amiliar with the manage· 12 :26 to 12 :SO p. m. for our daD,. ship. succeed Mr. McKinsey as trea8~rer 01. the estate of Malina Buffinger, A rather ~mu$lng query arises of the board, and filed his bond in deceased, wa approved. ment of bee , it is much more Market reporta. , fCrhom I theRmldnut,es bO!11 AUfgUeS!11t66' tHhe B.um of $2 ,000A' with~' I. H. . The inv~n.tory o~ Luncinda Hop. °ta~i~~s;;~~e. farmer Clf Cinein. Electric Shop light bulbs and labor satisfactory .to arrange with some. ar eB ee er a l 0 ~.,. arrlS as su re t y. t t l latter kme admJnlstratnx of estate Qf t' d M.' CI 'S \'" $3.26; J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., bee owners to provide ~ees for .the % I.or lumber f~r~ished, repairs m~eting, our good ft·jend, Curt I Jam~!! A. Hopkins, de~eased, was :n! F 188 JcJ,eo peakman, supplies, ,3.40; Griswold Service length of the bloommg PerIOd. on houle and bulldtng fence was HIsey, was chosen to take care of apprbved. , s u en , ~ nn 111. Station, gas, ,3.75; MoGetchin's The bees should be .moved into . Forest E. Schlec:hty, store man· Pharmacy, supplies, $1.26; A. C. the orchard j ust prior to the allo·wed. All well and good. The the janitor work during thE! next money to meet the bill was i"n tbe 'term; his father (and probably he H?h~ mventory, of Anna D. Hor. ~ger of Milford, "SInd Mi s Alberta Jordan General Store supplies opening of the first blossom. As a hands 01. the tre\l8urer, but now la nd Joe) had just fini Shed clea~ing O;!~ns, e:r~~:~rlx oJ t.he e~ate of ~. C::~, beauty operator, of ,6.96; J. W . Lingo B';dware Co.: preca~tion ag~inst injury to the did they pay that one·half cent? Jup the house -and grounds. In the aPl'foved ln S, ecea e , was ou a e, supplies, U; Buckeye Concrete Co bees, It is adv1.sable to remove t he If Hr. Frame, then clerk, reads I balloting, Cu~t received four . .' 'fraaafer.. concrete tiJe ,113.87 j L. G. Ander bees- from- t~e ~hard before post this l!tory, will he please write and votes to two for Otho Harlan. . The lD~e!,orty ~f Anna D. Hor. son Sons Co., II'WIrd rail material, bloom sP~Ylng tS begun. . ten us how this feat was accom· When the new course of study mel, admmlsttatrLx of the estate R. Mount Cox of"Lucy Cox, inlot $26.86~ Ohio Corrupted Culvert In malung plans to prOVide polpUahed 1 was adopted, the board asked of Eva Hormel. deceased, was ap. No. 321 in Mason.. Co., culverts, $188.'6; I. E. Treon lInation for an orcha~d .it is best The same teacbers, Mr. W. H. Principal Little to prepare a com- proved.. R. Mount Cox t(I Lucy Cox, real i:ompensation and damages $20' to assume that all varIeties of ap· Miller, principal, and Miss Anna plete list of th text books reo The Inventory of Jame s R. Bran estate in Deerfield township. J. K. Spencer, gravel '~1 .~0'; Mor~ pIes. neet cherries, pears, and U. Brown, primary, taucht the quired. This Jist was submitted nock, executor 01 the estate of T. Martha E. Trovillo to Myrtle row Garace, pa and part., ,23.'2 most plums .require .the ponen of term that began in September of August 81, and hows a predom i: B. Brannock, deceased, -was ap· 14.94 acrell in Turtlecreek Flacl Equjpment Co parte $21 another varlety to Insure proper ~8 y~r, receiving the same rate nanee of the old family Ray's and proved. 80.; J. W. Lingo B;'dwar~ Co:: fertilizati on of the blossoms. bere Ia~e numbers of tre~s of a, of salary they had received for the Eclectic seri s. Maybe they have Geol'ge R. Chapman, executor of Mary E. Rittenbouse t~ Rose R. parta and IUPplies, '87.90; ShirlIe preceding term. At the September better text books than these now the estate of Sarah J. Chapman, Halsey, Teal estate in Franklin .. Bevis Machin. Co. parts and re- Single vanety of these frUits are meeting 0'1. the tioard. President but well you know what w~ deceased, filed his second account. township. pairs, ,28.60 i Air R~duction Sales planted in a block it is necessary Chapman was instructeq to wait mean. A (ive~year contract was The e8ta~ of Amanda L. Garner Collins Wight nnd Mildred H. Co. , parts and 8u2JIliell U.45' Cin. to distribute bouquets of blossom!! upon the presl?e~t of the Miami entered into with ~r. Kilbon to deceased , IS exempt fl'o~ inheri· Wight ,to Kat~rynl S. ,Myer~, real. cinnati Oil Works Co., Iral, $7.16; from another varietY throughout cemetery assocIation and request seU tbe books at contract price tanee talC. ' estate m ClearcreE!k township. Kilpatrick.French Motor Car Co the area. Good·sized branches are the 1'emoval of 8 pig pen that the plus ten per cent, the bqard to' pay Albert P. Talmage, administra· David Carnahan ,to Ralph Carna- gas and repain ,67.10' Waite'~ cut from trees of a variety known latter a oeiation was maintaining the ,express charges. , tor of t he estate of Amanda L. 67.1 acres in Harlan township Garage, parts and repairs: $145.96 to ~e lu.itable for fertilizing the too close to the school bouse. At the spring election in 1897, Garner, deceased, filed his first Laura F. And~wa, deceased, to Gilpin" Son, ,88, '16; L. H. Gor. varIety In question. Educational advantages should be Messrs. Stilell and MiJJs were reo and tinal account. Frank W. Andrew'B, real estate in don Gara~e, PB, $18.02; W. A. These bouq~ets I$hould be in elected for three·year terms, and I It is ordered that a certified Mason. . Hause, .as, '26.66; John Law " place at the time the flowers on reserved for the children. Frank W. and Lbll'aine A. Son, gal, 148.'8; Holthaus Tranl- the variety to be pollinated begin A heating system that had been Mr. Keys f or.. a one-year term: , ~opy ot the entry determining the purchased from JohJl Grossius & These gentlemen qualifi'ed at the ' mheritance tax on the estate of Andredu8 to Domestic lndustrlea, portation Co., shipping charges to open. Empty sp.ray·material Sona prond to be entirely inade- regular meeting held April 19, and R~th Ruhr, (Ieceased, ~e certified Inc., real estate i'n Mason. f)Oci Ore,onia Brid,e Co., oxygen: ~arrels half filled with water make quate and unsatisfactory. so after the same president, clerk and With out delay. Oscar E. and Fe;rn M. Helminger $1.37; ,GrillWold Service Station Ideal receptacles for the bouquets. r-_ ___-.__ UAuch argument and the exchange tr~a8urer were chosen for another The will of William A. Crooks, to Earl and Glenn, O'Banion, 106.• PI, '216.78. A large bouquet f or each four of many proposalS, it was finally year. The proper committee was deceased, was admitted to probate 76 . acres in Washlington township. __ • trees is th.e minimum ; , a greater discarded, and stoves werepur-, ordere~ to purchase trees for The. admlnlstratQr of the estate Cythel'a .Meighe,n, by' executor, n"Umber is better. chaaed from the late J. W. Lingo planting Qn the !:\thool grounds on 01 W. A. Early·, deceased, is order. to , Mary . ~ebold, real estate in Top-working a few limbs in such of Lebanon. The final resolution in Arho r Day. WilHam ,Reeder se. ed to sell certain stocks and make Deerfield townshipl. . bloc1cs of trees to varieties com. frenel. aU••• the matter was adopted February cured and set out 37 trees recelv. ,r eturn to Court. James P. Bolger, deceased to VRlIUl' ~ patlble for pollination purposes is, eo.ton. M_ William C. Bergdall, administra· D4'!lla Bolger, real eaate in Deer. IVUnu .J.UIIId1." of course, a permanent corrective 21. 1895. ' Ing $5 for his services.' It was When the board reorganized, also decided to reduce the teach. tor of est~te of Horllce M. Olark, field township. treatment, but this Is not 'effeetive April ,16, Messrs. N. McKinsey and ers' salaries :(or t he next year and deceased, IS ordered to sell certain R. C. and Grace Hoff to State of Pop .....tio. f d.ndio II 10 ~ntil. 3 or 4 yeers after the rraft. Frame began anotber term, to due notIce was sent to the inte'nded bonds and make return to COUi't. Ohjo ; H. C. and 8lanche George to 0.111 to mg IS done. which they had been elected, and vjctims of this retrenchment S. S. Sta~l, administrator of es- State of Ohio; W. H. and Anna Year. SIa_. StrUdn. Drop, - - -G. R. Stiles replaced John policy. tat~ of LeVI Stahl, d~cea 8ed, is or- Glosser to State olf Ohio; Florence Stlldie. R....I t Zell, who had resigned a month or June 7, the position of Pri ncipal dered to sell certain bonda and Parker to State ,of Ohio; F. W. WAl'fTED two previously, due to the press of I was offered to Mr. Little at , a make return to court. Wadsworth. to Stllte' of Ohio; the . Bundred. f private bUliness. Messrs Chapman : salary' of $50 per month, and Miss An'l.a Bet.~inger was appointed use of real est~te tor highways. . nu:ber of cbUcJren for funda ad~a:co:dertnm;nt checks 10 e een t e sees of 6 and ao rodu " 0 arme" all MEN and WOMEN......18 to '6, i .. and Frame were contlntied as Olal'a Adams was engaged for admimstratnx of the estate of Lau~~ l'tf'. Wolf d'e ceased to Peter 1lI president and clerk !Pl'imal'Y teachet at $35 per month French Betsinger, ' deceased, and E. Wolf and Earl C. Wolf, real 8 10 years will have declined to the bel: ~ec' ~tlon l.oana Ire now Waynesville District, wlio want At a called m.eeting, beld April but she failed to accept, and, c.ven . filed bond of $40,000 with sureties tate In Harlan townllhlp. number here 11 yean aeo, unl. . thl'OC hOU:I~l1! dally by farmers to make a real effort to enter 29, Mr. · J. C. LIttle Wa& hired to tually, Miss.. Little came back. S. MeJampy, Joe Verbryke and Peter E. ' Wolf, et aI, to Ralph there is a marked mlrration 01 Jur a~ lantln state an~ the seed- Government "Work, postal or elerlerve as principal of the school for Cl1rt Hise y was ' co ntinued as cue. . E. Heywood were appointed ap- Carnahan. real eEltate in Harlan ~~u)a~hb from other states Into flNf.tnwPin a~ 8:80n II now pro· cal field. Hundrecis Post Depresthe next term, and hig sister , Miss todian of the building. J ust before prlsers. • township. . 1 0 . . the prediction of P. ne. e e. sion positiona coming. For inFlorence Little (now M1'8. I? A. the term opened, t he board purC~a!les S. I rwin was appointed ~argare~ M•.Mills to State of O. Beek of th. de)Nll'tment of rural ....Uabl. t:o:~~ment loana are f.ormation and qualification interFerree) was engaged to teach the chased two dozen song books and odnll-Dlstrator of estate of John W. OhIo ; LeWIS Stlbhs to State ot s01010.,. at the O. S. u. inr a bed rs or ~enanta hav view write Box C eare Gazette primary department. Salaries were a new organ. l\fusic seems to have Phillips, deceased, and filed bond Ohio; Frank Todhunter to state student of po~ulation trends, ad to three ereage an are lID!it- . ' . .' eontinued . at the same rate, $60 always formed an importan t part of $2500 with s ureties. G. C. of Ohio; Milton ?it Jack to State Beck f~und tha' the increue from must be ex undred dollars whlc~ WA~TED-To buy all kinda of and U() per month. of the course of study of this EulasB, L. S. Shawhan and Charles of Ohio; H. S. GUIBnoe to State of 1920 to 1980, in population of 1ize .pended tor seed, ferbchIckens, paying highest. DlU'klt AUg'Ust 20, .the board decided to school, and this fact may have J. Waggoner wer~ appointed ap- Ohio; the use of real estate tor ~~I'II0r of theM ages, was 91,000. tralto:ray~" oilan~hgas01ine for price. S. .. Henkle, Waynesville, pay the tuition of Ivy Godfrey and the cause of much of the school's praisers. . highways. , e alUne birth rate indieate. 1'1) . I t an t or n~ 0 e1' purpose. OhIo., tt J~I. B: Chapman In the Waynes- happy, and happy -"copl can do Walter E . . Sears, executor of es. The MlamisbuTlt Building !lnd i~i:lahi wUl have been lost by ha~ 'p~r~~~t ra:etl~s f1~ a!,d.ou. ' Ville high school afte,r having vot. the best work. tate of'. II.a ttle C. LeaCh, deceased, !--oan Association Ito Bertha Rolfe ' . til ill a~ , e t e hmlt for ed ~ot to do so. :rhis same prop. (To be Continued) filed hlB .Jnventory. , tnlot No. 886 in F'rallkJin. Bectnnln. thIs next 7ear .choo} Ap!f. , catIons wilJ expire on FOR SALE osition had prevlously been reThe Will of Joseph Kesling, de_- , enrollment wtll bedo to 4eellne, A J. • \fused during the preceding winter. , wa~ filed' in court. BiU. Alhwed In the lower grades ot Ilementary l' PP leations for government FOR SALE-Red River Obip seed On September 10 Messl'tl. Frame Ted Bishop, ill ordered to sell Lew' " D k ' 1 . schools, and tbe deelhle wm be- ~ op produc.tion 10&llll mUlt be filed potatoes. a lew eatin&' potatoes and McKinsey were appointed as certain property belonging to said DI'II E~war{a~:d ~c'b :n'il',6, come more rapid for . Ute next two I~t th: dou~t~ where the fann III aInd & few bushels of late potatoea. a committee "to !'lee if there are estate. i .' sen:icea '9' o. e air, or three ,ean, he ..,.. ~ ua e an oeaJ farme" who are ashley Bros. .826 an, children in the district whose The administrator of estate of service.' $10'~~ J~~'!aH:l~nd, f Thbe number of.tudenta eU.Able lDterest~d B~uAld apply to !.titer FOR SALE-50 d efri parente are unable to furnish Lytle K. Beltz, deceaaed is ordered ~,.' r . aw· or l gb scbool, however, will conoun~, rricultural agent, poun r garathem books." The community to sell certain real eBtate and :;;i::a ,~. J~o~r~JfhJtacre ~nue to blcnue for "YeN) Jail, ~n, tor further information In::~;..inG &'o~:. cO:tition. Cheap. aeeml to have been tah'ly prospermake return to court. ices IU); St~J1a Xen se~~~~a"7· eek'. 4Jr\lnll Indicate. an e nl!C!elllllry paperl. a l e . ee. . 0-, or at leal t, the committee reo Charters D. Maple, *dministra- Charles Hobson !;rviee I ~ He thlnb th...... little nail.. - - SALE-Turkey ena. KeUer ported no demands lor the board tor of the estate of Eva L. Bralee, Helen Dcnqhman' serviee •• 7. I~~ h:d ~t!~ mllrl'BUon fro. And ther.'. the story eoncelJ1Hoke. mS to fantiab test books. ~e<:eased, ftled hia ftrst &nd final Will Bryan, services, $10; ~uur of tIM a Den few,.... J... , a Chepaabet elernman, 'Who, Dl ,,110 ~ at a dinnlr, had to lIaten to a talkWater auppl, Mem. to have account. er 'of State, care of patient, ,eo' t ~ ... . . . .~~1IIr qui~ a bit of trouble Len v. Banta, ..mee., 15; te ~e:t.n 0Il10 _tift JOunw . . . who bad mueb to Nl - ~ IA~~ ~ dar . one Mam... lumbu. Bialik Hfe. Co. .up. Ia .-~ ~ on Darwin and bIa "Oritrtn of .... &III. . ou ... t ..ad dnIled ,10'10' Stall&ltr11f' C In '---- e -,.. _e 8peet. . .. ~-... tile jaaltor had hauled ,U'S; Weetem St!., bi~ ~t:'O. IN JioS:~ oat, ... .a't ...." bawlect tha 70uq • ...........IHIIlAlli&.lli ~ 'ftftted to H of water te putlnthe '4.11: Colaab", BIalIk:", Ia wltlppenn.,per, ""hat 4 .._ Warren eee ~_~oeta til dq, and . still Co., .... .. wwId • to me It m'.....cl. f oa.,,_to Ie. PiDaU, _ .. . . . ... ConlmO'il P ie..
Up to 100 miles, 10c . 200 miles, 15c 300 miles, 20c
Lack of Bees,May Be the Cause of a Dearth of Fruit
L oana
...t:i eo: .:;...!..__ _!. .:a __ ii-
", ~~-
D. L CRANE I I P . .U.... IP tiO. Pric., $1.10 • Y_r OIIce Pl... ..................... No. III iElntered .t po.totrlc• • t W.YIIN. . _8eeond CIa.. Mall R ..I....c . ........ .... ............. No. 118 Ville!. Ohio, .IlMatter
APRIL 26, 1933 ====~==~==~==~~~~==
No Nation Can Live Alone
Th approaching conference between representatives of the great 110wel'S 61 the world and Pre idenL Roosevelt, will foeusattentiononone of th c mo t VI'tal pro bl ems of depression- the decline iii foreign tl·ade. S cCl'etary of State Cordell Hiull recently said that America's . share of t11e world trade that ha been lost in the past years reaches the astounding total of $6,OOO,OOO,000- a volume of busine88 which at any time would mean the difference between depression and compara. live prosperity. Ii the general world ~conomic crisis hadbeenwhollyre. svonsible for the collapse of trade. t,h e problem would be a good deal less importan aU over the world the industrial skies are brightening and tbe upturn has started. But forei.gn trade has gone to the doldrums principally for nnothe.r. l'eason_ a gll'owth of isolationist sentiment in the great countries. The result has been tarilt' barriers and embargo ell t o 8 grea t er d egree t han ever b efore existed~ In the modern world, ' we have annihilated space. The telephone, the radio, fast transport, have almost eliminated the former barrier of di tance. In this world no nation catn succellsfully live alone, remote and economically removed trom its neighbors. Such a policy is the pre· lude to internation.al 'distrust, suspicion, enmity. And in a world where . t tb ere can be no permanen ...... t an d soun ' d prosperI. ' ty such thingS e XIS The United States is taking the lead in seeking to obtain world cooperation for recovery,' and to sti'mulate trlide between nations. If the other powers follow, it will be th4~ greatest blow yet struck at hard limes.
By Mr.. J ... ie N. Tripp
PllUets lay about 2 more e~~1l Jl year than
per l\ent then the Brazilian yearlinlr to be the most prosperous on earth
Guide- The green garden snakes Only three tates-Pennsylvania around here are not harmful. NOl'th Carolina land Texas have Old Lady-Aren't they as dan· There's a terrible burde~ ofsorrow more rural people lhan has Ohio. rerous as the ripe ones? That rests, on the heart of world; Yes, I love the doctor, aUnty, "Little gains of powder, Little daubs ot paint, We know not, wbat's coming t o- but I e n't affol'd to see him any mOI·e. H charges me three dollars Make a girl's complexion life be unfurl. a visit. Look like what it ain't."
It fertilizer is distribllted in the garden a few days before seeds a1'e planted, dang"r ofw in.l·ur'" f.rom " hand distribution may be aVOided. bub!! grow fot thleir winter twig effect should' be pruned in the spring before growth starts. Remove all wood over a year old each spring. . Dark, green colo~, all' other inlenee pigmentation ID p,lonts, may not Ii cessarily be an indication of health. It may. be callsed by phos· h .... ['vat 10n • porus ...... In increasing the rate of plant. ing corn it is better to increase the Let us not tread the path \>f vain number of plants in the hill rather glol'Y, . lhan to shorten the distance beWhile we dwell here in thi S tween ro~s. This cuts cultivation But earthly let's tryvale; to teach others the costs. atory Last year from January 1 to Of the trea ures that never can December 31, farm !,opulation in fail. the United State!! gainedi 1,001,000 ~ person . In th~ east ~oJr\h O And help with the burden ~ states, including OhIO, the
We an have straight line of duty . us IS . m,a d ' And its pathway to plain; lt brings to the soul, wealth al!d beauty That comes, but through sorrow and pain To those who eek joy's fteeting bubble And make Lheir own pleasure their theme; Will find their joy ·turned into trouble, And the life they ha.ve lived, just a dream.
The hou wife who mu. t p1" pare 21 meal each w k-52 weeks \'cry year ha. some l'e~d job, 1092 meals, ju t think of it. I n' . he entitled to the most eliin cient, most convenient equipment be had?
Overheard In the KentUekY mountains : "Pour me out 'the k" interest on that mortgage, Han. Some of the big bankers w~o used to look scornfully on dep~8lts ?f les~ . t~an $10,000 are now slDg. mg, . Mister, can you spare 1.1 dime?" Gilt Ed," It is beginning to dawn on the country that conlldence is a giltedged investment. _ Philadelphia Evening B u II e t·m.
If you live within reach of t he gas mains what we hay to Hay wil l not int r at you. But if beyond th mains l' ad this 'please, for it i pos ibl with a Philgas Equipment to have all 1.h 'onv ni en e . of gas and at · little if any additional ost. H you nay 'n't the gas in the house and care to lighten her work and want know to all about it, come in and let UH show you for we hay the outfit hit h d np, ready at all time.
Farm price of corn in Ohio is nearly twice as high as in the sur· plu8 state of Iowa, and the farm price of potatoes is 2){a times as high as in Idaho. Chickens
The Lingo Hardware Company
eight or twelve times during the first eight or ten we ks of their
live. Therefore it IS cssential in ad management to pI'ovide of space. Crooner., d M . B d ' .The Navy an . arme an It no longer . ~re perm~~ to play f~r the radIO. NOW f t ere wa ~n/ me w~y to dra t Cl'ooners In 0 servlce.-narford Couranl.
on the heart of the was 296,000 persons. P. S.-W 'an supply stoves either rAl· lL .1 world; Warming potato seed straight gas 01' in gas and coal combina___ r _m_·__l_ ~ir_g --1 So we'll not have to fear the to ob tain a better Htandi. This can !. _ morrow be done by storing lhe p~)talo stock tion s and in almost any co l r. Or whatever, by life be at a temperature of 60 degrees for 8:00 Mu Ie , d two or thr e weeks, or ~It a higber 8:05 Status of Hybrid Corns for Ohlo................................. J. B, Park e_._ ____ - ---.rrt . f r a shorter period • tempera u~e a 8 ;15 How Can Dairy Cattl Be Improved?. ........... " C. L. Blackman 8:25 Music Bre.d and Pie, A customer IIIlt down to a tabl 8:40 .Factol'!l In/tuencing Productivity of Brood Sows .. J. W. Wuichel in a smart relitaurant and tied his 8 :50 Child Health in Rural Commullities ................... Eva A; Jansen . d M II b t Sne II and We should be very careful to napkin around his neck. The Supt. Chlldl'ens' If"ospital Mr. an re. er er M t distinq~ish between a 'bread line agel', scandalized, called a ooy 9 :00 An Intel'vlew on Muscle hoaIH ...... , .... , .... , .Mrs. C. C. 'Shlvely Bon hllve m~ved ~: thei~n h~~! and the pie counter, ev'en though said to him: "Try to make V • .,cia.tloD of Swine. Speci.lty State League ot Women Voters SERUM AND VIRUS who certain are commlon tOt both. understand as tactfully as . :10 Music 9:25 Spray rvic for the Orchard ..... ....... . ...... ", A. L. Pierstorf\' was recently widowed'. -St. LouIS Globe·Democn : po~ble that that's not done here. At a Reduced Price 9:35 Ulleful Agricultural .Engineerin.g Information ...... G. W. McCuen ' Lois Qillam was a Sunday gue9t 'tr saw in the paper that in some Boy (seriously to customer): HARVE.YSBURG, OHIO 9:46 Annuals for the Flower Garden.. .. ............... : .. G. H. Poesch ot Helen Rae and Barbara Thorn· out-of-the-way eorners of the "A shave or haircut, 'sir?" Phone 31 ATURDAY, APIUL 29, 8 p. IJI • . bul'Y. world the natives still use fish for Observer-"ThiB book room is a Our entire community ~as money." I" " Spring Wild Flowerll . , .. " ...... " ............................ H. E. Eswine i'Wh t a sloppy job they must regu ar ..ynamo. With our 4·H FoOd Club Girls ..... .................. ............. ,. .......... Lella O&'le addened by the neWB' of the death tt Mr a . . f a Ob8erver-"Nearly all the books B E N o t Rev. . . enne. . have gett!ng chewmg-gum rom that go out o~ here are charged." IB4tnniett wail palltor of the Jonah's slot machme." Baptjst church for several :~::::~~======~=~==============::. . and was revered by all who . ' 'I law range 'from $6 to $20 for the Pl10ne 78J Mr. Mrs. Clias. Gray called first $1?, to $26 for subsequent 011 Mrs. Edith Smith in Blanches· convlct:.:.lo.=..:n_ ._ _ _ __ _ ,. I h b 30' Yean Experience in tel', Thunday afternoon. Then aid J us unto His dieiplell, if allY man ':will come after Virginia Hosier was an ove:· Some of the peop eave een Fittinc and Makinlr m.gea let him deny himsell and take up his cron. and follow Me, for Announcement was m.ade yester looking 'forward to bank openings ' . w. Ha •• a Compl.t. W.t.. over will save his lite shall 10l\e it: allld whoeaover will lose his life for night guest Thursday of Mary Osborn. day by officials of the Kroger and otherl bave been fondly \IGI! Repair Ser.ic. my sake, shall find it. ' ' . Supt. Holt, of the Springboro Grocery and Baking Company of awaiting beer openings. Lebaaoa, Ohio And usc only genuine materials• .And tbou shalt love Jeho"ah the God with all thy heart, and With all thy SOUl, and with all thy mi,ht. ' .. - ••- - Crystals fitted while you wait. . d with changes in the wOTking bours high school, en t ertaln of all stor employes. 'I'be change ruNda,. n.nclay. Sat.....~ God gav U8 et rnal life, and this life is' the life of Hi! Son. magic tricks at the regular meetto become effiectj,{o MOJllday mornM.rd!!. Mqunt E •• mintion Fr.. Cary's Jewelry Shop But I am in a straight betwixt tbe' two, having a desire to depart ing of P. T. A. Wednesday even· ing, affects approximatel~ 2600 But it March comes jn aBtride a LEBANON, OHIO Leba_a, Ohio and be with Christ, for it is far better. · ' Be merciful unto me oh God, for my soul trusteth in Thee, yea, in jng out likeN a lamb, 0 pen Evenlnra v ill employes 0 f th e K rog er Oompany donkey will it go EII':za Carter is critl'call E Store · rs. M ~ d C' . t' -San Antonio vening ows. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _• the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities The Junior·Senior ba:nquet was in and aroun memna, I. .. _ ••_ _ _ I' be past. ' . All stores of the Krllger Com. Hear my voice according to Thy Iovine klDdnes8; 0 Lord. qUIcken served in the i"Ymnasium Friday by the mothen of the pany ac;:ording to the anllounceNow that beer bas come back no me according to Thy ju<;lgment. the banquet they ment ~f Mr. Stanley I~. Conger, doubt the fashion expeTta will tell Let my cry come .near before The, 0 Lord, give me \lnderstallding cla8ll. FOR SALE DATES CALL where tbey manager of the Cincinnati us that Dutch collars are · in vogue motored to , according to tby ord. tfte---dou the Kroger' Company this spring. ============================~:-:~~ which operates all Cincinnati • - • '" Murphy Theater. d'l t 7 30 F . Director of Fua ...111 S.nic. : a. Members of the Senate orelgn Billy Carr spent Thursday night stores, will open al y a m. instead of 7 a. m. Relations Committee have decided with Junior Hartley. Our convenient locatloD, nitaMn. Horace Stump was called "This change in worl<ing hours that this is unseasonable weather ble surroundings and equipment to the bedside of her grandmother, was effected" said Mr. IConget "in for the World Court. I enable. us to Slerve to th. B_ • - ...- - By Stephen M. Youn" Con,..•••man-at.Lar'e Mn. Clara Merritt, Tuesday. MJ;"B. order to dec;ease the w~'rking ti~e JESSE . STANLEY Kerritt's condition is very grave, of our store employees .. We lohcPo.tal PaF Advantare. PII••• SIO. N.w B.rUII.t•• , 0111. Harold (Buck) Bogan left Fri· It the public's aid in making . II . Wuhln,ton Montbs ago 1 Illke doinr if hil own Uttle child dar morning, having joined the this change possible. We suggest Being post~lI~r IS not a JOY· AMBULANCE SERVIOE EARL KooGLER Predicted real beer bY April~ Now 1\18re ltarving, cold or naked. Our United States Navy. He was sent that Kroger patrons luke their If the office III bIg e~ou.gh to p~y . t t l tter d' t . indict. . Lak T" . d rch Bes on the preceding ap adequate salary It IS too big D.,t .... , Pbo_ PboI.. 29 W .y••••U1., ~ I'll rllk predictIng wo cen e pre leamen II an to the Greates rallllng foo pu ft a 7 '30 a m While we for the postmaster to read the post postage by June 16th. of civilisation. Providential· station. day or a er . ' ., . cards.-Pasadena Post. ICE.a.or. atSS
h t____ 7 a.:._'_j"_S_,__l_p'.f_.a_v_____ 1 \ __
:~~r~!~~ne~~~ g~:ndmothel"
-=====f==============-======.....=== .
Thoughts For This Week
Kroger Reducce. Working Hour.
Centerville, Ohio
Sight Specialist
r .._'s.Jewelry Shop
Stanley &Koogler
Your Government
Auct.oneers .
~~~~~n ~~~~cl~~~re~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~;=~===~=~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~
two. cents to three cents was one U8umed leader8hip. The tained the 8eniorll and faculty at will work 8, small hardshIp on the ': of the most stupid ac~s of the Deal is here .. It has brought dinner in the gynmasium Friday early morning purChaSE!r, y~t the Hoover aCiminist-ration. The pre.. new day to America. noon. . advantages both to the pub,hc and ent three cent rate will. cause the Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of Way· to our employees far outweigh any P08t offtce department to lose one The Preaident sent a creat mes- nesville, were Sund~y afternoon objeetioll!l th~t could be' advanced. hundred million dollan in busineu lli'e to the .Concrells recommend· callen at the home of Dr. and Mrs The change In no way ~ffects t~e this year. Many million fewer let- tlllil operation of Kusele Shoal. by Randall. . wages 0'1 employees wl\lch remam tera are be.ing mailed' each week as the .Government. He stated, The Dawson family has been at the same scale as hel'etofore. "Many bard le8ll0DI have together agaln by It can readily be seEID that the compared with last year, Thi. ia an unjust tax 'On the lethuman waate that .resulM from of their~ sister, Sara, who passed reducti\ln of one-half hour tram ter writer. It i8 a burdeMome talt . "cit of plannln•. Here and there awat In her sleep in her Chicago the working time of the employ~es on bualne8ll. It was stupid for tbe a, few wise cities and counties have ,ho~e. The remains were brought is equivalent to 1260 hours dady further reason that some buslnen I:ooked ahead &lid planned. But here 'to the family home Saturday lost to our eompa'JIy. However, the men now they have tried other our Nation has 'jult crown.' It il and funeral services were held benefits to ·b e .derlved from thes:i . shortened hours from pu~Uc an means for delivering bUls and let- tllme to extend planninlr to 1\ wjder Monday. ters may not patrQnjze Uncle Sam leld. ' Mr. and Mrs. Warren Osborn employee good will result In closer eve~ at the cheaper rate. Two "Tbilln a true .en~ ill a return atld Evangeline, of near Wilming· I couperation for all." _ oent postage will greatly inoreale to the spirit and vision of the ton, were Sunday guests of ~r. • - revenue. It will put thousands of Plioneer. If we are lucc~ul here and Mn. H.arry Osb~rn .and famtly t' postal employes back to work. can mmh on in a Uke develop· Mn. .Jessie B. Tripp lS spending . ment of other creat natural ter; a few days at home h~re.. No Canadian bank haa closed 'lta r'ltorial units within our borders.' Mr. 1 and Mrs. Basil DaileY and do~n since the belrl nnin , of the Hi, prolr'am i. mOlt com pre- MT: and Mn. Barry McVey enter- The proposed anto.thll1mbing ,bill deprenlon. In . fact, not a IliJllrle ~letlliye. If often emploJment for talned company Sunday. ' designed to prohibit the ~oliclta~ Canadian batik hu even reduced many and great hope to the people. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snell enter. tion of rideB upon the JlI.u bhc hi,hthe rate of its dividend. and every ~If our country. tained rela~ves Sunday. , way of Obio is known a. House bank in Canada bas added to itl . • - - - - Bill number 633 and its author, Re A member of concreaa .. id, PUBLIC SALE presentative H. H. Metcalf, be·resenel. It ie evident that Amerl· ~an banken ,bave not· undentoOd that day loat whose loW lievel tbat, it adopte,d, it will their buslneu. Many city banken deseendin, lun 1 will ofter at public ..Ie on the prove an added safetiy meas~re 'h.ve be.n creedy, alld eonBelellce- Viewl no new m8l!llialretrom .the of the .late Lau1:'a J. Zell, 'd' , much needed protectlon Ie... Eleven thouand bann In thIs Presidellt come." on Third Street, In Way- r:o;;:e I~otoring public. The bill ls country failed during the paat ·ten , nemUe, Oblo, on now on .fihe HOllse Calendar' lor yean. Life-uvinlrs of bundrsdl Concreaaman Bankhead. A D.m· S.e-cIa" April 2~'I":S th consideration after the .L.e gislature cif thousandl of people were lost. (,cratic House leader, was INetBeginning at 1 0 c oc, el M 16th City banken, by mak'l.nr ullIIound ed with applaulI8 when he aid: llowing: corulsting 01 .house~~ld I re~?;b:,n;:evai:Jlee of "thumbeni" loane and taking secret rebates, l'Ameriea toda, is 100kiJllr to the H'·lmitutre. bedroo!" fUfDlture, n. in our city ItTeets and state hi,hhav_e clone more to. destroy. the Prftldent to lead ua out otthie In. ro~m and kitchen turnitute 1 ways II, in my opinionl, responsifaith o(.lleople In theIr lnatltat!ons ot destitu~lon and de· and miscellaneous articles. ble for many accidenta:' Auto than any amount of communistic Ilpair. Franklin D. Rooevelt may Terms cash T B ZELL I' Club p1:'esident Neth, "and 1 am prop..-nda. m~ of judcment. lie .. . , that hlllldreds of motoriItB ELasecutor o~~lhle deeatace~sed~ ::r:very section of the state will infallible. He il not an InPrMldent' Rooevelt bas already . prophet. But hll conduct ura J• ~ , welcome leglslatlve rel~et from a be " .. Ill&\II'1lrated al Ohlet W • .N. Sean, A~t~Deer. practice that ie. to uJ' the "lealt, eomilleneed hts tarill redue:on :lenalve by orderin. ~ ~~ 1 tseeatfge of the Nation Iaaa beell annoying if not hlzn~o1la. the tarill of certain ~!ct IOf lach a uture that be haa at· Littlefield's Stew...:-Listen, KUII, In Orecon , . alltomloblJe ride huld toolJ. Mr. Hoover n tHeW aad hoW. the confidence 1 ",ancha to be ver careful 'caUIe aoUcitora are aubject til a fille of • ODd admiratioD of the American the tint thlD., r ou know we'll be ,100 101' the rtat oftens., ,100 for fUNd to approve such J'umera, :who have beeD 111 a8 ' .. 011 the road. . the eecoDd, and ,aoo or ais Dlontha at prlc.. In a hlply protectaepmID'. Stew-MeTlmprt.oameDt or both fl)r the third eel markat and se1Un, their proAll 11111. . . . tax.. Roald Ir0' I thouaht you wu drlvtD'aDd aubsequellt. .~ dlleta at lela t1wl colt ID an UDpt'Otwo MDt _ oa cheeb briap .. _ _ Tiae Ohio biD .. . , ___ teoW DW'ket, wm be ~1l1. ..aD . .OQat of revenue to Wke. pta1liq wuh".., Won " -oa~ .f the Treuarr but ae pla"- ahra,. ~oft eaoutll of )awfal for tIP .,... . ., wIlDa ballb were --.:. betweea the top pod to co~te for hII'h":':::::=~~ ......... "1 •• .tanM4. wftIt &be nota loR dulna' tile dJabll to ..... ,;
Th ming n 1- · UI!' . ed Bill Propos
for tile
....... ::-._ _- - -
" 'IL L_~ .holo.A-· . ,.... m ko- frctb- .l"nW' _r' ••_ - . .01.~, .... - .11 JiPi,u.i
• Iell'rd Lollo .... bo,.me inui,utft' • ""up'. _><I loa...... I..... A J'viJ, •• 0' T hnh
F,07.• n puddiG.o-i...-f.....,. ~ .. . >'~ '._ " _" ,,_ llnklin , o.b..- o •• _ - -
.....- -
An Electric Refrigerator pays you · ,~ J ~""'ds a ' Ja~lI t.hree dtvtUf:T~ U4 J ATCH the .inall pa>:me.nt& .that ~ill buy aD ' electclc refngerator agamst die cIi¥ideDdl that All elecuic refrigerat~r ,.,. JOU aDd you wilt ICC why aD clecttlc Ddriacr&tor is ODe of the wjaat and one of the thrifticat invatmenu-<lGC that pays crMclcad. of pleuurc, protectiOD and thrift.
ADy day - at &Dy time of day - open ,our c1ecui~ refrigerator door. On every _elf you will tiad a lIivUl• • Green vcgetabla that woUld have wilted with inadequate refriaerauoa arc atill frcah aod crisp. MiIIr. aDd cream that would have lOUred .... ItiIl lweet---uacl ..fe. Meat, bUttcr.
,nit dw micb& b.- wut.ecl-.re I . ia pxl CGDcIitiOll,
haft lpoiled-ailbt havc
'HIe NIIlaiu of J'C8terday'1 raut will make a pr.eecIlUat ..... --die juice from 'csteldaJ'l tam. . will lUke • froaty
cocktail, tom!toea stutfecl ill a~ . . .,., jellied boulllon.. Icc acam .aDd~. bridge parties-chocolatc miJk~ faI the youngsters' school lunch--c:bily , _ punches with glistening square. of ice ... you. eveqing guests - difJUlrMls -.".", one of them.
Convenie.nce, hcalth-protection, p1eaaure, thrift-add all theae daily divicIatIa, together - add the very euy tenu • which yo~ may buy them alL lID't tbo .... . -the thrifty-aoawer: "Ia". ill aD . . . . tric rerrig-cratOl', without too much ~J
1~"II~J"Ltor Hono"
"n.ar.hi,h "eD JtJeh plaCt'$ pla~ a nd leht of 18 for work from
to February. Mis BranstrattJr, daug-Mer Itt nb4.'.rJr cllllege undereradu. of Mr. a nd Mr~. L. V. Bran!Otrator atee a nd 'llculty aSilemblt'd last Fri- \\'a. one (If th t,,.o jUI\lll~t< nlltll\lIt day In annual JI.- .. r Day ervice for. pel'fec~ gOl'des dUI'lng thnt I:.r:~~~~~~~~~~~ of tribute to WiU"nb I'g'~ 1" al 1 n<>u. It~~ Dran~tt'l\tol: Wll~ .tilden tho e who h v amollg tho nllml!r1 f(lr honng per .".. or n aT perfect g-radcs. f~ t grades Jor the !H'cond It(!llle~Mr$. Amelia William Women Iltudents took ter of 13 , t IICht)ol year. ~unday dinner gu ~t of Mrs. A. K. Day.
Coffee Chipso
Je,..1 Brlnd lb . 17c: FI~kel
•• .." ..I .~
PSG .b. Soap Chips B -.sq'u.-Ak
Count ry
3 Z
Ib. ba,
I •. "k, •.
3 5
E.'r T••,.o.
'0' Ib .bCII
10 k , .
M. ,... bi.cuih In 90 ••• ood.
TaU ca.nl
The entert ", inment to be sponsored by the
Local JR. ' O. U. A. M. Mr. Key.tone ha. had extensive travel and experience as an entertainer. The public is promised 'Il deligh~ful evening of Magic, Myatery and Wondera.
10e and 20c
Farm Organi2:ationl Uniting fo,r Work
A large crowd was in attendance at the Jr. O. U. A. M. dance, Tuesday night. Thi!\ WIlS the last o'! a series of twenty dances given by the rder. . Rev. and Mr~. G. C. Dibert, N r A. K. Day, 1\h. an~ M.rs. C. R. Hough attended a dIstrict confe r. e~ce of the M. E. c}mrch at Greenville, Tue!lday.
-Mrs. Dee Hawke, Mrs. Maynard -~.~
Weltz and ch ildren, and t he Misse Nellie Cutwrigbt and Doris Hawke visited in W ashington C. H. S unday afternoon. •
"'-or 0Ieo.8I1I.la• Cr. . . CII....
. 8 p. m.
NEW BLACKSMITH On Main Street in t he Rye shop, o n Route 73. Hors6 Shoeing, Blacksmithing a nd Wagon Making In all its brancbe .
EXPERIENCED PLOW MAKER Come in, let's get acquainted. we will both profi t.
Bring in your work and
Chuck Roast lb.
-Waynelville High School Gym, Friday, April 28th
old rubber
Botll for
s •.,.Ioaf WHOLE WHEAT
The Maaician, Key atone, the Great, will pre.ent a full evening entertainment at the
1•• 2'1a c.an.
S • .,. loaf RYE .READ
Elmer Sheehan l~~~~~~~~~~~~
DESSERT. Counlr)' Club
• ., -
in Ft.
Pa~d . . . . .H ••_E..... A.C...H .... K.E.R.M ...A.N ..._ _
I •. bot .
Avo"clal .
A Wa rren County Jertley catt}e club with twelve me mbers wall to r!1led Friday night, April 21. The .,urpose of t his club is to promot e the J r~ y cow in t his nounty. Th is (lJ'gllnizatio o plans to advertise J ersey milk and t he sale of J ers y cow~. It will a1 0 ponsor a J ersey aH clu b for boys a nd girls between the ages of J () and 14. Any person in Warren oun t y who own s pure bred or grade Jarseys is eligible for th is club. All local dairymen interested in this organization sh oul d see Mr. Miiler, coun ty agricultural agent or the officcl's of this club. T h& following officers were olected: Pres. W alter E lli s, Har' Vi£9 pre!!id~nt, Harry E. Waynesville, Secretary,-reasurer, Fl. A, Lloyd. Lebanon.
lb. ba • •
Soc Z7e :lOe Z3e Zge I ZSe
Sugar fr'p~!~~::"d ZS ~~~ $1.15 Scratch Feed sped'1 100 990 W aldorl fl~~:~ S toll. :lge Catsup C°t;I~~ry Z -90 Bran Flakes CCI~\;Y Z·Pk••.ge 4 ".9' 19C Ge• ";'tine ge Kraut
Mesar , W. S. Grah arl hetwood are enjoy ing a few day tI hing at the Rei ervoir. Mi II Louella W illiia mson left Sunday for olumbu where she entered Office Traj,ning choo),
frs. J. M. Th(lmp son and fnther . GURtin, sp nt unday with
, of Anm'
fth. and Mr . Fred 'Leonard, of Kings Mills, "iailed t he latter's itl'andmother, Mrs. Willlinm Rob inh . Ruth Janney and Miss son, Sunday. Louella arrived hcre today fr m theil' winter hom in Deland, Fla. R v. and Mr~. J. O. Garst, of near Daytol), were Sunday guests Fir$t practice f or fhe Jr. O. U. of their son and daul:hler-in-law, A. 1\1. Boft bnll team was held at :Mr. and ]'hs. W. L: Garst. J. E. F1'azi r's field, uadayafterMr. and frs. Ru !IC Jl Wil on, hoon. e bb 1 McMillan, a.I'e anno un cMaster Richat'd heehen spent the birth of a daughter, Doroa few day this week with his Jane, Tuesday, April 26. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T he wets won the firat two innheenan. Mrs. A. P: ~eafenb8ugh ~nd ings in Wisconsin and Michigan, Mrs. Betty Levlat:d, of B lla lre, but it i to be· re membered t hat The (Jaughtel' bOrn to Mr. and Ohio, were guests of lIlisses Annie are still 46 inningS to ' play_ Mrs. Hal'l'Y Bur nett, of Lytle, nd Marne Drown, on I~riday. April 13, ha be n named CharMisses Dori Hawke and Bea- ~~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _"__.. lotte Mllrcella. Robitzer and lIfessr Don Mr. ond Mrs. am hnllot and and Kenneth Fromm spent family, of incinnati, were un- la L Thul"sday in Columbus. day guests of Mr. and MI' . Ml'or --- ~- -Hyman and son. L ok your best for Alumna, GI'aduation, Decora.tion, or an y Mrs. }'. E. Thomas is a patient occasion. 20 % dise.ount on all at the Minmi Valley hospi tal, takCa h Work dul'ing the mont h ling treilm('nt preparatory to 0 01 May, at t he . oriou8 operation. The -farm ol'goniZl!ltions the Farm Bureau 1!lId AgriclJlI Mr. H. J. Kelly and Miss Faye tUllOI college have unitl'd and lire Kelly are moving into their n'ew home at the cornel' 'of Third and sponsoring a county-wide meeting Tyler streets, r ently purchased on Thursday, April 1~7. at. 1 :80 ~'!!!!"!!'!"'!'!!!'!!!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!'!!!!! o'clock in the Leba non Grange. hall - - - -Jrom Charl Gray. The purpo e of this: meeting i 11'. and Mr. . A. Ki ng, of to furnish information on the Knightstown, Ind., were gue ts of presen t agricultural situation: to I will 1ake in Woo l at the 1\1r. and Mr Walter Elze"y, Thurs- present informaUon on what i, being done, what is proposed, and Sheehan Service Station a ny day day night nnd Friday. what are the needs of agric ulture In t he wee1c. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly, of Cin- now. cinnati, were ufTday guests at the Program at 1 :30 p. In.: Hllhest Cash Price home of the latter's parents, Mr. The agricultural situatio n 8 8 and Mrs. Nolan Connet. related to farm pricell; cooperative Mrs. Nettie Kepler, of New busjness; fi nancing agriculture a nd WAYNESVrLLE, OHIO Vienna, is spending two weeks reduction of t axes_ Sp,e aker B. A. Wallac!!, Rural Econc.mi~s Dep t. with. Mr. and Mr. Oliver Davis O. S. U. and daught r, Mis Rachrl. Also, meeting the situa tion ; Mrs. Allie Dakin and Miss J enn ie what is bei ng done ; v~h At is proHardin, 01 Lebanon, ",ere the po~ed a nd what should be done. A, gue~ts of M . Mary L. Adam!!' a t F. Moo n, vice-president, Ohio lhe Friends Home, on Tuesday. ~arm Bureau.. . Come to thiS meetmg a nd get Mr. and Mrl!. W. E. Click and. the latest infOl'mation on t he prochildren, of Dayton were guests posed Fa rm Relief BIIll which jg of Mr. and MI'. George Water- before cong-ress, - '-house, Sunday aIt "noon and even ing.
Mr. a nd M r~ . Centervill e, v S heehan, Sat urday
ewJe ~ Cattl Club Or,anized
Iford Mrs. George P ence a nd sons Clifa nd Kenneth , spent last S un,
2 lbe.
day and evening at t he home of ?ill". a nd Mrs. Sa m Meredith Jr. , a nd daughter J eann e.
Mrs. Maynard W eltz, Misses Irma R ich , 0111 Hartsock, Doris Hawk e and Th elma St. John were dinner guests of Miss B etty H enkle, Tuesday evening.
•• Florida Oraales
MI'. an d M r. J ames P eterson , of Yellow S prings, wel'e week-e nd gUj!sts of relatives herl!. The W. O. T. U. met with Mrs. Kilmer on T uesda y afternolm . The Ladie Aid of the Zoar church met at th e M. E:. p arsonage on Thursday_ In spection ot the Mal30nic ast week. te ndance. Chicke n supper was erved by th e 0 _ E . S. Three infants received baptism the M. E. Church Sunday aftering; James Robert, son of Mr. and Mr . Elmer Peterson i Chal!!. Richard, son of ·Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mart in la nd Dian e, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Everett Nicke rson. Mrs. R. E. Janes continues critically ill, at her home here. Missel! Rebecca a n.d Ruth Miar!} ente rtained a part y of girl friends Tu esday evening.
TJdU·"UdMr. .
III-GId dna .... boc • •Uur
... doIl'r loI.tIIIt. TIle . . t ..... laot ....... ~ IIalI filet. TIle . . . . . . . ~ . . ..... wltb can tbat ated .. 1Il.............t aIdEW.wna oIlDlIta.. out 0& • •,wtak ...... 1"... caa
btIJ 0D0iI1" .
A1l·W.tb~ct.r DOW Ia
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quaUq tbao . . . Ole WirJa'a bett·Jr:aown aDd bett....... ttrw-
SERVICE F.ro :n helpinl you .elect the PROPER lumber -'-Careful y in.pect'ed. and thoroughly I.aaoned-to the prompt delivery, we try-to pu.tour buaine.s on a SERVICE baai ••
w. H. MADDEN l & ' CO. Phone 14
Wayneaville, Ohio
_-..:..Caeaara Creek .....
Misses Annie and Mame Brown joined Misses Mary Knoche an'd Mr. and lira. Edward }:;l(iott, r>f Ruth KiQney, of Columb us, at near Hillsboro, and Mrs. Hattie Centerville Saturday and spent the Elliot t, oj Greenfleld, were gu'e sts day witb Mrs. Rilla Brown. 10 lb•• in t he home of Mr_ and Mrs. J ohn last Mr. and Mrs . W . B. Squires en- Wilson, M d M Tu tertainltd Mr. lind Mrs. W. Q . famil~ an e nt!i.lned to dinner 3 bunches Raper at six-o'clock din~er, Satur; Wednesday evenill"'~ Mr. 'and Mra. day evening, honoring Mr. Raper's R .. 1 seventj-fir!lt birthday ·a nniver.sarY j aymOnd Br addock and daughter, 2 Ibs. Jennie Lee and Ml8se!1 Mary and . Mrs. Edward Burton' is repjlrted Martha Beam. ., . 2 heads to be r ecovering nicely fr om the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson eft'ects of an op eration to which called on Joe Cbnklhl and wife she submitted at th e. Miami Valley Sunday afternoon. · 3 Ips. Ia . .. . hospital, on e day last week. Esther Jean, Phylfa and Emily Haines were dinner CUetts of Ruth 5 Ibs. Mesllrs. E. L . Th omas, H. A. E sther and liebecca M~~I'I, of Deal' , Cornell; Frank Braddock, New Burlin~on, 'I'ue.d!ay eveninr. 4 bunches Braddock, C. M. Robitzer Mr. and MnI_ Ralpll ' Leamin, Myel'. Hymal\. attende~ .Masonic called on Mrs. Aletha B:rubaker, of spectlon ~t New Burhngt~ neal' Yellow Springs Sunday alterneeday mght. .. . noon. . The cake sale sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. Theodo:re McInt ire Boy Scouts, last Saturday, was took d.inner with Raymond Wilson ;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;: I amouaUnr quite. a IIUccesS, th e net proceeds an~;lfE Sunday_ . . to about $.21. . One . rnest ~hee ts had the mls- - generous p.atron is · said to have fortune of get.tlDg one of his hips fj!!===~======~=============!!!!: paid «10 for a half cake. ' fractUred some~ime lallt week. Homer HamES and family, , J . V. Hartsock . at tended the Luth~r Haines and, 1amily and funeral sel'Vices of Thomas F'er- Ralelgh Bogan and family called gU$qn, Xenia, on Friday, Mr ' on .Mr. a~d Mrs. Zimri Baines SunFergu son , or Uncle .Tom as he day evemng. . . commonly called for 35 ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawr~,"ce MltchRecent years have seen: considerable reductions was supel'intendent 'of the tin ner a.nd Mrs. Marianna, Bogan atin the cost of commodities and ' service in all lines. at 0 .. S. & S. O. Home, also the tended the funeral of. Miss Sarah organizer of the "Ramblers Hay Dawson at the Springft,eld Friendll The public has learned to expect lower prices. It is F ever Club" 45 yearll ago at church, Monday afternclon. important, ho wever, to see that these ' reductions are Petoskey, Michigan, and at the • - - -- legitimate, and not effect ed by a sacrifice' of quality. time of bls death was the elub's , It is one thing to buy at a lower price when oldest living member, 70 years of quality rema ins the same, and quite another to
55 c ·
a...I,.., . A..W......"
Aap. . . . .
Be.dLeUUee Pr..
Gordoa'. S.nice St•• PHONE 41 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
He.Petat. ..
Quality . Maintained
Beech Grove
, accept inf erior merchandise or service offered as a ·'bargain. " Our charges for merchandise and service are lower today than they have been in many years, but the reduction is the result of lower costs and economies in manag-ement. We refuse to sacrifice our hfJrh standards of quality and mislead our clients wfta "88viopn which are only apparent_ ,
Jamea E. McClure •
age. Little Leo Harold Hartman Mrll. W. lL Allen and Mr. and 7 ~ lb. boy hall come to make hili Mrs. Emerson Earnhart joined the home with Mr. and l.1:rs. Walter Centerville Gardea Club Tuellday Hartman at Leu c~ eek. Mrs. in a trip to Yellow Springs where Hartman wall, be10re h!r marriare several of the garden clubs of Day Rhea Ellis, onl,. daue ~er of ton and vicinity were meats 0'1 and Mrs. Roy Ellis o~' near thill Antioch ColJege. At eleven o'clock, p.laee. We aU extend I..onrratula1>1-. Morgan, pr:esldent of the 1:01- tiona. lqa pva an iJlutratecl lecture on Anther good man AU,'~"~UI "Glena of Ohio." After luncheoD hU re.ard In Dllllva:D. at the Old Trail Tavern the pelltl dl'eWl who diad at were eODdueted through Olen 80~ .v.DIDW at Helen, 011. of lb. bea1ltJ spote 01 181 01' I. The NI/ita'ra.! whleh . . . ad _ dalJCld.....
11'~~,. ''.1_
partin"' " wWa II
of .aD
, < Eighty-Sixth Year
N. C. Club Enjoyed _ -AlCA.llO'lical Program
Whole Number 6064
MAY 3,1983
Our Boy Scouts Appeal for Aid
Mrs. hoste to A boy saved from the crimninl the New entury lub at the element is 11 real asset to the comApril meeting which was held Frimunity and nation. They will be !IllY afternoon, busy, so why not direct their' This' being an afternoon of energy to the higher and better • things oC life~ Homer IIfl'y is r l'p Mrs. Oscar Smith WIIS a Dayton mu ie, the response to roll call wat; "Our Favorit Song!' We need at least fifty boosters . k I' Four Are E1il;b!_School Board Walter Earnhart Ma, H... e BeeD visitor, Tuesday. AI.oPlannin-forAnDual 1St. Mrs. Le M ay• an d Mrs. Sa c kec't 1>lderm:en ' • among the men and women of this alc to Hire Teacher. on Monda,. Re.urfaeinc of Streehcommunity to assi!;t as enior J . E. Brown , of Xenia, \va!' a Mrs, Frank LeMay and Mfs hat! charge of the program. The Victim of Gyp.,.. Soot ....'er Helen Hawke were Dayton vi itors ilrst paper was "Edward McDowell couters with their time and Waynesv ille visitOl', TucRday. E .. "'I1;DI', Ma.y 15. and Companion . , b Y Mrs. LeMay. New Tr&.ffic Siiln. Monday. an d H 1' 8 MUljIC,' money to put our program over. Some one of the committee will 1\£1'. and Mr . J. Q. GOllS r.ellt Thi was very intere ting and abls Josepb Myers, of Cincinnati, itt Mi B tt H t k I Sunday '~ith friends in Dayton. y ar soc pay ,Not a great amount: of business call on you in the near future to At itl! regular meeling, Monday ss A gypsy soothsayer's promise transacted business here, Monday wr en, ed "To Th Humming Bird," nt;ld beyond the payment at bills and get aid, and we tru t they get your S. A. Stil I\' 11, of Lebanon, evening, the Wayne , Township that failed to prqduce ~ pot Elf gold morning. "To a. Wild Rose," both McDowell Lhe u ual routine, was transacted loyal support. This is a work the transacted bu~ine .. g hore, Tuesday. School board I' ferred the decision was linked with the death of , Waiat the regular meeting ,of our whole community can join in, as as to whether the Misses Miriam Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway composition. ter l.. Earnhart, who e lifeless and Mrs. Mary McClure ' spent " Mr~. Sackett read,~ pa~er on Village Council, 10nday evening. it takes all the boys from the ages Rev, G, . Dibert and A. K. Elli s, R rna Hardin, Bernice Gra. Carrie J~('ob$ Bond, whloh was The erection of more traffic signs of 12 to 18, and gives them the Day were 'incinnati visitors, Tues- ham and Bessie Woollard shall body was foulld hanging from a Sunday at Indian Lake. ~;e~Uy e~oye~ Itfl'!!;, Buedr~~Je satng .on the streets wa~ ordl!red, and the proper view of life during the day. ent l ' the State contest for stu.I'after ,in a barn on his farm at Mr. and Mrs, W. B. quires and ove ou ru y, an us · Ii l street and alley committee was p,e'I'iod of tbeir live when most Miss Clara Lile wa confin d to dents of the commercial departPekin on ApI'il 21. The deep Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Squires pent Wearyin'for You," lind Miss Wini- Iordered to make a survey of all needed. her room ,e vel'al days becaus of menL to the young ladies themillY tery which surrounds the case Sunday at St. Mary's Reservoir. fred Armitage sang "Shadows," our treets, next Monday evening, The twelve principles of couto iIlnes • selves and to Supt. J. W. Lotz, has caused Warren county officials Wade Turner left heer, 1I10nday, ~.n by MI's. Bond.,~rB. LeM;ay sang p.reparatory to the am1Ual applies. ing are: Trustworthy, Loyal, Hopewith authority to IIct. enroute to Spokane, Wash., where , A Perfect Day, also written by tlon of surface treatment. It is ful, Friendly. Courteous, Kind, Misses Trill na and Margaret ' In the sectio nal contest held in to summon a private detective. Fifteen neighbor' and friend;"";;! be hopes to make hi future home. M.I'S. Bon~ , The program closed understood that all t.reets are to Clean, Revtlrent, Brave, Thrifty, Edw8l'ds spent Thul·.;day and Fri- Xenia April 22 Miss EiUs won dllY in Dayton. first h~nors in both amateur typini With an 1n tt'uJlIental piece "Alla pe given a light coat of tar and Cheerful, Obedient. the dellea Cd were called to testify Marshal JOJ and W. O. Gustin Tara~tella," by McDowell, played pea gravel this year. We have twenty. ix ·boys enroll· and amateur ste nograJ)hy; Miss IIi a formal inquest which Coroner wel'e summoned to Leban.on, Tues- by MISS Hartsock. The entire body is to meet on ed, as follows: Mis Erma Sears i~ visiting !It Hardin, first in novice stenographv W. C. Gilmoul' h lei in Lebanon, day. to testify before the grand Mrs. Cross, assisted by Miss the premises as a comJ'nittee of the Frank Hawke Robert Hyman the home 9f Mr. and Mrs. win and the MIsses Graham and Woollnst S turday. It was h r that the jury. SteUa D~ughel'ty, Mrs. L. • St. whole, this (WednesdILY) evening, Bernard Melloh, Robert H~ines: Drake in Indianapolis. lard, first and second In neviee tory of the pot of g()ld and tbe Jobn,GIMISSB Thelma St. John and in an etrort to determine what can ... Cha. Anderson, Arnold Almes, Mr. an d M I' . H • P • G0 db ey, 0 f book eping. These honors entitle M k L M J Mr. and Ml'II. Charles Fischer, of rs, $150 payment waB fir8t revealed en land, served dainty ·re· be done to do away 'with the of. j Loeo Conner, Fran e ay, r" Cincinnati, w re Sunday gues1$ of them to compete in the State con- , At the onclusion the coronel' gave Hamilton, were Sunday gaests at freshmerlb. fensive odor from lhe gutter in Robert James, John Weaver, Chas. MI' . a nd M 1' . , K test, to be n Id at Bowlin'" . Day. .. Green a verdict C)f death by hanging "in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O t h er guests 0 f t h e hostess were fl'ont of the Satterthwaite restau- LeMay, Carl Cook, R 0b ert All en, on May L3, But here's the rub. All a manner unlmown." AtkilJ80n. Mrs. Dibert, Mrs. B. H. Wmiam. rant on Main street. This odor is Hugh O'NeaIJ, Donald Kerriek, Mi s Jane Boring, of Wilmlng- are members of the eniot: and The gypsy wOman and her hus. son, Mt·s. Buerkle, M1'S. L. V. caused by the collectio'n of sewage Lawrence Davis, Ray Van Often, n, was th week·end gaest of her Junior classes, and the annual Jun_ , band disllPpeared some time during Mrs. J, W. Mc,K eever, of Route Becll, Miss Betty Hartsock and fl'om val'ious . ources that should Floyd Lynch, Chas. Davis, Milo sister, Mrs. Wymer Drake. ior- enior banquet, to be followed the night betore the farmer's body 2, underwent an operation at the MI Winifred Armitage. never to be in an open gutter. Wade, Earl Conner Jr., . John by a theater party, i scheduled for was found, from their camp along McClellan hospital in Xenia, TuesTbis is not the only' open gutt,lIr Bog.ar, Arthur S. chuler, Robe.rt Mrs. Editb Harris, Ml'S, Ronald Friday evening, May 12. In order and Mr. Harris Mosher to compete. the girls mllBt travel the Dayton-Lebanon pike. day mornillr. jn town from which a nauseating Cl airy, Eld.on Ell 115, H ogh Gus t 10, The. inque t revealed that Earn. Mr. and Mrs. I. Fabe and son, o • • • et Aroma arises in warm weather, and and Robert Furnas.. were Dayton visitors today. a di tance of about 20() miles, and h~rt had tried t~ borrow $150 from an dMr. Leo Hexter, of Cincinnati, the ca\lse ()f this troplble is much Arrangements are bemg c0'!l- . Mr. and Ml·s. Victor Carpenter, be ready to enter the contest at hiS lather to give to the gypsy. were Sunda)7 guests of Mr. and the same in all cases. Some day, pleted whereby the Boy Scouts wIll of MiddletowlJ, were guest of Mr. 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. the Gold would be ,~orUt $6,000 Of Mrs. Myer Hyman and lion. ome long !lutreJ'ing vic:tim is going have charge Elf. the annual Memor- and Mrs. J ohn Gon ,.on unday. They ~' i1l probably be asked to de,7,000, the son SAid the gypsy cide betw~ n the banquet and the . A discussion of the I~cal situa· to take his troubles to a higher lal Da~ exerClses her~. The boys Mrs. Lillian Fife, of Dayton, was bon featul'cd the meeting of the authority, a State inspector will are hopmg to lIave their new Scout told him. Miss M. A. Randall and Miss contest. In case they decide in "Don't be a fool," was his the week.end I(uest of Mr. lind Mrs W. C. T. U. held at the bome of make a survey of our 'town, and uniform!:! in readines~ for that ~c- Je ie Combs, of Dayton. were favor 01 the contest, transport.father's answer. L. H. GOTdon. The entire party Mra. Tom Carr, last Thursday ~: iI1 forthwith order th,e installation casion and are worktng most dlli- dinner guests at Wayne Villa, Sun- twn will be provided for the con. Then Earnhart went to Bill Gar. visite'd Mr. and Mrs. E. ' B. Murrell a~ternoon. Several ::ending ,:,,~re of ,a complete, system of sanitary gently for tha! ~r?ose. day. test, a chapel'one, and, most likelT, rison and borrowed '100 but en Sunday. glv~n, including The Brltisb sewerage, 'this threal~ might be their instrllctor, Mr. W. C. HuftGarriBon did not learn ita purpose Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole and AVlato.r," b"y Mrs. Carr; "Not avoided if all ewagt!, especially EASTERN STAR NOTICE Mrs. Will Spray (nee Loraine nlan. ' The money apparently WII8 paid Itt IbM ACT Brannock) was taken to Miami and Mr, and Mrs. Harry .n en lona '" ~ . fe. . . om· that {)f an otrensive nature, were Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. Valley hospital fQr treatment, SunThe board also arranged to prefamil)" to the sootbsayer. No trace of it Pace and 80ns, of Dayton, were Im!H)n, alld . DrlvJng and Drinking, con1ined to underground sewers. will meet in regular seBSlon Monday afternoon. vide four weeks of special home was found among the farmer's ef· Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. L. V. Beck. Mrs. J. L. If a sanitary lIystem ill ordered by day evening, May 8, at 7 :80. instruction for George Graham, a fects. Mende~ha!1 and Mr,s. J: R. Wade StatP. health officials, our taxpayers Visiting members welcome. Mrs. Howard Swank (nee Lelia little ' lad of the third Cfade who Mi ing also, the coroner learn. C. M. Robiher. read chppmgs from varIous news- I will be given a true example of Lucile Bland, W. M., Thompson), of Hamilton, called has just heen returned from ed, were a gold watch that Earn· Permanent special, new Paris papers. real high taxes. Minnie Fromm, See'y. ' on Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Elzey, Minmi Valley hospital, where he hart had bought in Lebanon a few Wave with ringlet ends, ====~============== Monday IIfternoon. submitted to 11 s urgical operation. day!! before and a dozen ' whi~ Steam ,2.110 J t()r a short time. Shampoo The boy is a son 01 MI'. and Mri. shirts, also newly purchased. The 60 cents additiona.l. For the lnonth Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boerstler, en Frank Graham, of Roule 2, and shirts were not Earnhart's lIize. May 200/0 discount on all cash HIGH'~"') route from their home in Norwood has beel\ pursuing his studies while Why he b\lught them remains an of wpTk. Trl18x Beauty Shoppe. ~ Harveysburg, Saturday, made a confined to the hospital. Min Ola un olved angle of the case. Hartsock has been en........ lrf'r. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and ' -..._ _ _....;;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..! brief stop in Waynesville. - .. ed to ' The unfortunate farmer wall not daughter and . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Coleman and continue with the direction ot hill the first mlln approached by the of Dayton, and Dr. a--d Std Mip•• HeDkl.: an annual event. ,.. F rancls . F . C0Ieman, 0 f N or- work. d' gypsies. A half dozen citizens told H -'wke, u M J "Olr. d . .I b rejects made in Home Eeonom· I. . • wood were guests of Mr. and Mrs ' An a lo)lrne ses~lOn wil e of having the "pot of gold" efter Mrs. R. H. Vance and Bon, of Editor .................. Doris Saliabury Pleasant Plain, were Sunday Assemblies .... .. ...... .... Orie Hardin ics. Wayae..iII_Fr••ldi. D. Crane. Sunday afternoon h:ld ~.n hMtndaYthevbenlngd' hMa, Ito Ii, made to them. of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Claaa News .. ,..... Thelma Coleman Food charts . and ~veniDg. a :w IC Ime e oar opes &wke....... ........... ," Mary Crane Balanced meals La8t Friday W. H. S. met Frank --leet: the teachers for next year. Humor ... .. ....... ,....... Leada Werntz Food models , lin HiSh in a 80ft ball game. It Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark Rpent - - '••- - - The Prolrenive Women'l club Organizationl .... Vlr,lnia Foulks MenuB for dilferent occasion. was the one big game ()f the seallOn Sunday with Walter Clark and '1"'~I,... wlll sponsor a card party which English charts in Rude seven ' which would determine who were family. Earl is tailing labontory will be Kiven Thunda, nlarht at 8 On May 10, 11 and 12, the Spelling padl • to be the "Champs of 'S3," as and research work at the Medical t d . A'J o'clock, III the It. of P. htJI. tile Wayne ,TnL.nnsbjp Scbools are hav. Drawlng.s in gTammer were the only two teams that college in Cincinnati. On Sa Ilr ay evemng, pn 29, sinA'le admission, 25c pel' couple. ing an hh1bltion representing the Mlif not yet. been defeated. I I Farmers Grange No. 18 celebrated Re::treehmellts. Benefit of Wayne ditrereJlt activities carried on in Booklets In HIs~ory , Both teams entered the game . Mr. ~nd lofrs. E. M;. Oxley and an oecasion Ulatwilllelllberemem- 'fownship Public Librat'y. dassrooms and laboratories through Home EconomIcs dSlplay (8th with whole.hearted determination. son, MISS Itma Moyer, Mrs. Armgrade) Finally when the smoke of "'estro,ng and 80n, of Troy, were Sunb d h h ere in t e earts of its membl)rll Mrs. Edward Burton, who has out the school year. .The purpose g. b kl ts battle had cleared, Mr. Garst, the day afternoon callers at the home WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP - the co~~letion of the payment been in Miami Valley hospital for 'of this is to acquaint the parents ygl~~ne oOd e sc.orekeeper valiantly fought. his of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. CHRIST g ln Pe of the debt on our GranlPe hall, and an operation, was able to be reand the general public, WIth the E l. h paks '1 d . h I ti ·t· ng 18 wor way through the lines to announce The annual nleeiing of the Day· (UndenomlnatioDaJ) .. dt h h f h ••"e mo"'ft."e. un. turneo t e . Jorne Geography booklet.I' A WilliamlOft, IIIII t-t t .... II" burni"" ,.. oA.... ' ..- . ' " M d M h 0 R e1' p.arents, M pupa an various th BC 00 ac, Viles d a. sweeping victory f or W . H • S • ton convocation 0 fthe Woman's Ch ester. .. Ii' Samuel Butterworth, now 84 r . •n . rs. 0 n ye, m t. and the way ..ey are carrie on. Writing pad s. by a score of 13-9. Auxiliary of the Episcopal church Church School at 9:30 a. m. The . yean of ace, one of our oldest Holly, thiS (Wednesday) .,Iter-. Come and VISit the school at any Mra: Buerkle, Waynesville batters ()uthit the will be held in the Heavenly Rest mell in cJJarge. H ar them ,illimembe~ and allO a pal!lt master, noen. tIme on th~ .a~ove ddtes • The t:c~ ' Regular music worlc Franklin team 14-7. Though th\l)T church, Springfield, Ohio, Wed- Lord's Stlpper at cQndusion. had the honor of applying the Misl Bernice Pennington, who :~':n~n:op;:~1s aten a hearty e Composition in Ena:lish were powerful at the bat, the nesday, May 10. ,Christian En.deavor nt 7 p. m. torch to tbe mortraae. is connected with Berea College, ' M' H kl . t t f th Key word charts-sli.x th grade, Waycehs played loose defensive Thelma o)eman, leader. Evenng W~ al.oBhad Hwith UII onC this Berea, Ky., Lola, who i8 a student Hom:s Ec::o;ic Id~;:~~:n~, an: Mr. Brow~: . ball anc! all a re ult Franklin scor14rs. Edith }f. Hanis, Mrs. servic e at 8 p. m. Sermoll subject,' OCCUlon, roo ~rrl' A. aton, at the college and Grace, who III 'a h r stQdents will serve light rePapers In mathemal~lcs ed quite a few runs on errors. An~a Cadwallader, Miss Emma "Adopted by tb~ H Father' pallt mas r of OhiO State Granee student at' Cincinnati Bible Semi- e ho yjsit tbe Geography and agriculture The game attracted tbe lal'gest Helghway and Mrs. D, L. Crana Praver mee' ,!lWII-ll~~_ __ ":""~ and prelent lecretary 01 the Da , , Regular work crowd this year and the Wayceha guesti of Mr. an~ rs, . ar~ each Wednesday at 7 :45 p. m. The National Gran,e. who pve u. a with their parents, Mr. and Mrs clauet!. ' I I' f Mr. Huffman: responded bu putting up 'a great les F. Mosher at theIr beautIful church where you feel at hElme. I d'd dd . ri • Followjng is a llartia 1 St 0 I h sp en I a rel$ll on the p neipalB H. C. Pennington of Ferry. ideas tbat will be follow d out by Accuracy and speed tests firht. They trailed Franklin after ome on Ed war d s R oad, R yde - -'- .... and work of the Gran,e. The fel· the various rooms and departPractice sets in bookeeping th.e tlrst inning. However in the Park, Cincinnati, Monday and · ST. AUCUSTINE'S CHURCH lowing flne proiram wail Dictation in shorthand ' 6th inning they 'began to hit again Monday , nig~t. Mr. and MrS. Father French, Paator . and iivenby our Worthy ments in completing the display. Labol'atory problems in Junior and forged to the front never to Mesher, who .spent several months Services wiil be held nery two Sister Elsie ElIia: app. Y Y Mi •• R.eder-Fir.t Cr". business. be headed again. ,in the Orient, have a large anll weeks on Tuesday momi,n i. . Number writing papers Mr. Car.tl valuable collection of carved ivory FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Music ...... " .. :." .. Grange Orchestra History of Farmel'll Granle No. IS J Spelling papels. Maps in history W.'n....m_Kin•• Mill. Chinese embroidery and othel' . (Undenomlnatlomall Mrs. Charlee ~ye was happily Art work. . Themes in Iiteratur,e The , Waynesville-Kings Mills work~ of art '!l)ich was most in' '' ' ""'" .... " ........ Silter Ella Cool Chester A. WillieDllOD Talk ... " .. ,.. "Bro. Kany A. Caton reminded that she had paBSed Mil. Halder-Firat Gr.d. Regular work sott ball game took place on Mon- terestmg to tbelr guests. A tour of Unified ervice beginninA' with MUlic .,", .... ,.... ,,, ... ,",,.,. O~heltra anether milestone on her journey Art wGrk. IMi •• Rabbi •• : day afternoon. The Waycehs won the varjOlls parks" the Ta!t ~rt Readins ..... " .. . " Bro. ,J ohn Shults through life when her family and Writing Two Sophomore English themes by a 8core of 13.6. By winning this Muse~m alld the CmcinnatI Umon ChUl'ch School period at 9 :30 a. m. Lord's Supper and lIermon at 10:vocdali solo Sister S~~e~ Bue~~lhe a, la1',e company of other friends Number work. Three Fre8hman English themes game Waynesville moved TerHlIna! .enchanced the pleasure 30 II. m. Sermon ' subject, ' "Tbe , R ea ni .",.... ,..• " ....er rma IC gathered , at tier bOnie, Mpnday M... H.rbeck Test on "Idylls of the King." step cloSer towards tbe county of the viSIt. Second Mile." You are, always wel. . x. x. X. everling. Both she and Mr. Rye Circus p'roject. Latin II" tI:ansliltion of a championship. come at this church. Hearty conrratulatlona are were eomp,lete}y, IlUrprised, The Tiny town. chapter in Caesar allril prolle com· .Qnly one game remains on the due Farmers ' Grange upon the Regular work. position. ' W. B. S. schedule. That is a conA~ ST. MARY'S CHl!RCH happy fruitien of their pl~n8. Their even inc was pleaaantly spent witb Mi.. K.n, Latin I., examples of vocabulary test with Springboro at SpringboTo Rev. J J. SchaefFer. Rector Health Work drill exercises in trar.lslation both Changes Owners 'l'hird Sunday aft~r Eute.r, May hall is a credit and convenience to mUlle, conversation and a splen4id themse]vea, and to the entire eom- talk by Elder An,le. The guest.: Writin,' , Latin to English andl English to Warren County Soft Ball L.alu. 7, ChuI'eh schOOl a't 9~30. sermen munity aewell. They have never Elder .Jobnaon, of Wilmlniton, ~r Storiell-'-book form L~tin. . T_m Woe Lo.t Sandin, Everett Vill~i-s, who has success- and Holy Communion at 10 :30. been a bit chary til abarin, their and 111'8. J'OI. Shambaurh; of near Art work. Mr.' Hat&.ldl Waynesville .... ,. A ........ O........ l.OOO fully operated a grocery store in '"-ith dan"'hter Harveyab\U'l lin. He Chenoweth nd II i ,O i M Mi.. E., Fox Laboratory experiJl'leD~ in dif· Franklin '., "." ,.. 6 "" ." ,1 ..... '. . 857 Harveysburg for ' the past few FRI.ENDS MEETING conveniences an d a\l ....n~a W a 110, 0 retron a, . r Handwork on houses, clothing ferent 8ubjects. thOle abou,t them. Monow .... "" .. " .. " ", ", 2 .... ". '.667 . First Day, January 29: Ftrlt Mason "."" ". ,."" 2 ,..... ,2 " '" .500 and Tecently disposed of the Day Friendship School at t :80 a. It 'lleemll especially ftttlnr to us alld lira. Ed Bartloek, of Spring and I!C9nes in different countries. Pressed "eav.es that the literary and- musical pro. VaU~y, Elder and lin. Angle. and Boek review Drawings a~d' ligures ill Geo. Kinp Mills .. .., 2,...... 3,.. .. . " .400, same, ' has purchased the I. G. A. m. Meetinlr for worship at '10:80 gram for tbla momeiltoul oceaaion famtJy, Hn. Frallk Heg and eon, Stories and descriptions. try , Sprin,boro ,... " 2 ." .,1. """, .333 irocery, recently operated by Fred a. m. sheuld have bee~ prepared and IIr. and lin. Haney Rye and ' Art, iIIumatinl:f above storiell. Me C· bbe Lebanon ." .. ..... 1 ." .. e. S., ... . 250 Barnard & Son, and assumed full directed by a rranddaurbter by family, Mr.. and Mra. Clarence Rye Puppet show stage and costumes rReg~iar l~ssonl Carlisle .... " ",., 1. .. , 5 ".. .167 control, Th.ursdaymorning. Mr. ViI- WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHuaCH marria"e S~8an Evane, and made by/uPUS P 1'0 j ec't b00ks in ali' -l Otterbein- Withdrawn ~ of the late Seth EJlIa. and the family, Meul'll. lacob Scott Sr and ,cu Iture. G. C. Diber1, Putor, lars, already well known here, is a . Paper showing daily w,o rk of Shop work-projects completed ldr. Ellis w,as by tar thia com- J . p . '"" hustling young business man with Wednesday: Bible study ' and S'co.... La.t W.ek munity'. most prominent Gr.nger 08. enne .;. _ .. pupils. Demonstratiens in laboratory Franklin, 6; Springboro, 5. progressive ideas, and is a valua· prayer meeting at 7:15 p. m. C'-olr having served as llaater of the Mi.. McKin.e,. work. Waynesville, 13: Franklin, 9. ble addition to our business frate)'- pl'actice at 8 p. III. Health work Ohio State Grance and as Haeter Morrow, 7: Carlisle, 0, (forfeit) . He expectll to move hi ~ family Sunday: Sund,.y sc:hool at 9 :80 of the National Gruee. If hili IOU, Regular Ichool work F......... N41w. W,ayneaville, 43; carlisle, 1. to Waynt;sville as soo n as su itable a. m. The banner tor tile hi,heet Dr. J. T. EUla. had been able I:dI Art work-work books. Wayn.....iIIe, 18; KlnilJ MilIlJ, fl. quarters can be secured. The percentage of attendance went to The Frelhmen bad II clan meetto be present, the oc:euion would POlters Morrow, 7; Otterbein,O, (forfeit store ~II one of our oldest Mr. White'. elan Jut 911Ddq. ' ini Tuesday afternoo;n_ , bave been much more complete. Evel'J mother in the toWlllhlp M ••• C.mpHll ' On Friday afternOi)n, April 28 c.••• 5ched.l... Ma, " bUllinel8 institutiens, and i~ repMomin" wonhip at 10 :'0, Tile ----- ~ • il ellpeciallJ urpd to attelld the Art work 'for Ipeelal occalloll utati!l"n for excellence of mer- communion at tW Lord" 811JP8'l' the Freshmen girt. entertained the lIothan club'l meatiq at tbe Pape" In eveg day work. Sprilliboro at C.T1iale. ile, courteous treatment and will be' oba.ned at this _ _ _. Senior girls with a ~f'rew.ll tea, UK Grade IcJaool bulJdIUC. Frld., Temperance p6sters King. IIUlI at Lebanon IIquare dealing ia above question. Epworth LMtrae at T:8O .. . . and IIr. Lots, )Ilia Kobbdll, IIr. Hatn.... DOOD. All tlP8ClaD, 8De Booklets with bible venea . lluon at lIorrow. -. _ • with lIarpret K..,. tle1d, and Mias Healde were invited .,.~ . .... ~nd, poelllL ,UeN. It 'Wu gi'An the lunell WaynuvUle at Otterbein ,MASONIC NOTICE E'Vangellatic . . . . . . all II1II • aDd ,I I.. ..... Y_'I MUlt. . .me. ....... roo. which was Ueorated Bankrupt Itoek of the BiecUater BclD...... lD aaotMr Writhl. padl with IPriq 80wen. we1e01al PiukUn at MUOD Stated communication of Wa:rR~h SehooJ ~. ., -.re ".. boqht ." . , . . IIJIHII GoOM "Scllool 10 PaclcUD' Nature stud,. MuoD at Klqa Milia. wu ..... b, Katll aDd Hraa • Bloc., otIaer JUUftMn. Drawiq CarUI.. at LebaDon lIentIJe Lodae No. 188 1'. • A. K. the ,..,.... " . aooJc ()oapoIItIone Le1Iuea at Tlleedq ev.u... I1k7 t. VI.ttIDc 0 •• 01 of eoJul'lliD. bret.hren WIllI tile
W C T U M ,
With Mr... Carr
==================-=-=-===_ __
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S . eel b urpn. . Familv and Frien.d.
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I. G.
Firat Grader. Will I:'':'''terta.-n Mother.
ht Bankrupt Gooci. Stock
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- - - - -EcHda CrCIIIO aad Harold C1'0II08 the u -
• TIl I ontiDue d a' lour mUJ. tor tuitio1l
of rul utat. for IdIbwa,. minora. TIIlrd. William P. Nleh Ita and and two for cClnti....nt fund. r. Nora Cox, aclmlll Jltrltor of .... Nlcbwl ta to H.naan Thleben a" Freel .'t. John was off red the po ..l· tate CIt Carl, Cox, dec.au d. Flnt acres In Hamilto n townshi p. , "17 tI.o n al< I'rlndp al for the nnt t~rm and final. Joh1l Wichm ann, et al,. to Carl at 50 JI r month, alld 1\1i88 ESille !I). THE HUOSI ER L. Simont on. cuardla n of Corwin A. Lierma nn . .real estate. 111 ~t . •J" hn ",n, r · ngaged fOl' the Salem Robert Croope r. minor. Third. townsh ip. primary dcpartm en t.! Lebano n.Citilt ens Nationa l Bank I'rlndll .l C. Litt.lll t enMrCd j hir ·tl ( I I'l'im'i r~1\ 1 fit Bert Cullom to William F . Gregg . lllIn·y' of llect'mu lIl' 17. Mis Kathry n W. T hll r "la Il8tion , Nu\'emb f 25. $56 pllf munth, I\ IHJ . Ii ~ . and Trust Co., trustee of Bert real estate in Harlan towlIsh Frll ln!' W3 8, paid " 7 f~r "nul, ' ",,,, 1n the 1 mlltter .'t. .1 0 i,p. III oJ he Do<lds an- Drake d4ft"ased FI·r0t. ~ " n.. . ... ' E I 18M, t.o ...Ilccept a bett r position wa Lydl'a A. McKlns y to Henlle . t '~"" tta tni ned 1e)I' t h~ p J'i mnry wa t<?l' t o the ~r hou l {'or I week,'. mnjl: 0., . . ~,ass was appom Geo-e J. Waterh , I l ou-e, execatQ r MAKI'nsey, real estate in Corwl.n t In tb S "ringbo ro schl),'!. Th e ~ra d ~, Mar 10. t Th L . . · . , but we wondel' if it realil W u rUB ~ ee, SUCc.."ss or 0 e .. eu~'.1 e"tate oJ Jun.ea C. ale decea. Wl'lllan- J. Ranker to Indlll ' I B k A. ., ~ . r £i"lltion w • ace jt'd wi tl1 t h e 1\1ift .. 1<ll lII' '''11 who haul d that anoll.- I·t'Izens Ntl t lonl\ ..".. us qllote II hit dir,<'! ly f r( I • an '" d. Thl·rd.Ii1 ..... Ill' r iv\so tbtlt h f ur ni h a suilubl.1! t h llL 'rt C()fU: ' T t C Ranker , inlut No. 210 in Lebano n " JU a meet in " of wn t~I'. Mayb 11 ', ~he lrchung ed W01'k rus o. William ~ub tilute, til ugh just Arnold was appoint ed ., 'h o t h. IS ' huo l b0ll1'!! of cr", Anna W. Hohnel' t o The Board la ry. W . . B. RO,se w.a s sentenc ed to 1 execu'o r F. or",i n , pccia l with Mr. ,inf<cl'P"i " ng his of estate of Willl' am A. of Co ..... mi sioner, wa th e records do not 01 -" rly In· tlish'j t clI.lIed te t d t'" inlot No, 3'7 5 • by thl' 01 -rk « ug_ l)li nut s jn tho r cord ho k. Hi .,. ~efr:r P m . ~ ulr~ a~ ~po$;OOO Crooks. dl!ceased, no . bond requir. dieate. Me . J.' ram , MIlls a1ll1 ust 13, I !lOO) within tcn days nfh!I' ignatllr in Frankli n.. .. a nd the !lCript , the • en ~n t glvmg on 0 Kilbon wer Bp[l(li nLed a. a onl- t h death of . n. ti l ft . lH'E'R ed. George Perrine , Paul Holthau s William P. Culbert son to EdWin idt!n lext n:~ by no means s imilar. =t:;:JI~~r o~o s~~,s. sent nee was and E. O. Smith were mittel' , F~lItu l\r 1 1 9 , to spend a ll II (or thl' pU11) Me of aPPOin ted Eleekbel'nd, rh~1 estate in Turtl April 2", 1902,11 vacnncy on th In tl!e sum Of $3 fol' 1l101'C' I.lo ks f O,r ing II m ' mber in place appoint.cnse of Carl Thomp son a.ppraisers. of G, R. bOlmJ W8 •• dec lared, due to th.e fact ve1'SUSthe eree towns Ip. '"!!!"!"!!"!"!~!"!"!~~!"!"!!!!!!''!!'!!''!''!~!'!!!!!!!! Gail 0, Thomp son and Wil. Ul e ~ hoo l librUl'Y, Ilnd on Api'll t il e, dl'l'easl'lI. Pre~idl E. B. Murrell WQS appoint ed Nora, :Elizabeth and Robe1't 'nt : N. l ct~nt DavlIl Lake ~ Pulett had. r~move d , li am Waltha l. no elec tio/! t u take adminis trator of estate of John l8 , Mew' . K y and Frtl1l1e s\.art - Kin '"y, Walter KilIJon, A. to State of Ohio ; T . P. ,W alker to I'd now term N to which they hud lIlil1!O, D. Parle tt lind W, T. B. H. ht.<; re~iden ce .f ro m t he Ill. tI'H·t. a nd c rd el' to ell. .Murrell . deceased and filed bond State of Ohio; F . J . and Frnml'. thl'lat Ed l ·. n F lI t'na W IlS ch osen Lizzie Sta nl ey Om er Miller b en r~-el · cled. th was sen. of $1000 with 8~reties. Wll L. Lewis to State of Ohio; t)fficial ot· n ]notion r j\{,c £(in.ey. Josephi n e ga.n isation 1'ma illing t he !la.p'le. by Kil li on, D. 11. .Mills \ cco ruletl \t ~ f\~. t lte vaeancy . Fri~nd E~wjn tenced to on e year in the Ross, William Mannin g and Ed. Bowma n to S~te oi 11. N. T nrl'e day later, W illinm Reed er pre. itlenL pl'O t em, )lo\'edl lS made ' as light on hlln d, a!,d Immedl llte- peni tentia ry and (~Qstl\. Shawha n were appoin ted apprais - and Lelie M. Bunnel l Ohio; by H il- Iy ouk 1h affhma Ion of offic e. t o Stat of ____ wa pa id era. c nls for plan tin~ 18 bon, eeondeu tn' 'M Kinsey. h t 11.n d Ohio; the lise o'f' renl state fo l' . IL«l u med his duties. Th e cle rk WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO New Suit. more tr e o n the school premJse~ . Fronk BI'lIddo rk bl' appoin J. A. Rebold, executo 1' of estate highwa ys. teei M , tnte • choo l ommiss phone 80 ione1' : "It May 2, t he position of Princip al membe r vI this bOllrl! to Jill Bank Bide· of ythera Meighe n, decease d, thl! i. tl\e holdi ng of th c Atto rn ey tn the mutte r of The was offered to . . 1\feloy, at a vacancy oc ll!<ioneli by the Dodds an· Bled his first and final accoun t. Billa death Allowe G d n erol that in Special d,I ,t ricts, ning Co. Petit.ion .....- - salTY of $5 0 per 1lI0nt.h :for 9 of G. R. Sti les. Motion ca Lebano n-Citize ns Nationa l Bank Lebano n·Citize ns Nationa l Bank DR H. M. WI LLIA rri d em where electi ons were not held on trustee fo r mortg,a for chnnge of mon ths pr ovid ..d he II camc a re- 1'(1) ca ll." ThQS i~ , rl!corde MS g bonds. and Trust Co., guardia n of John and Trust Co., printin g checks, d one or lh ' til' t 1'If onday in Apl-'il, the old • • Ethel Cole, minor, by J ennie W. Phillips, incomp etent, filed sident o f the eli I.ri t, an d t h p1'i- the really impor tll llt IIcti ons its $2.26; Christ. of Hospita thc IllcmbQ l, care rs holt.l of over. OSTEO The boal'd are T u rn r, vers us M. Vernon Cole , final accoun PATHI C 'PHYSI CIAN and mary teac"hin g job was olTered t o bOlll'd. G a rge H. , ~tile. t. patient . $6; Mt's: JaJia Holland , had d ied 1l.1I thol·ize d to fill va cll ncies as pro- for div orce. hal',ge SURGE ON Celest a AUfltin .u nder , the san~e re- at. hj~ post of duty, while is gross negBlanche D. Calion, adminia tra,service s, ,10; Mr~. Howa rd aw· Special Attenti on to Rectal and still ' n. vided by Section 1 98 1." ·Mrs. S. I ct. . . sidentia l ])fov! Ion. Ml 8 Austin I'e- Kaged in nlife of cffiei nt . trix 9f estate of Albert M. Calion, yer. service s, $7; Morrow Whitac re Int4!.tinat Di.e ...... 'fused the ofter and a week later t o his cQln mu nity and hi s rviee John were o'ITered the tea <;hing . The Mtn~1 yall.ey Buildm g and decca cd. filed her first and final service s honl posi tioll for' t he n :xt term Ilt the Loan A oClatlon s, ,6; Georgia Miller , servo , LEBAN ON, OHIO Mi Rosalet! versus Cora Tay· account . ~nd oren was . c- and one of the fi nest yo u ng men of same ices, $10; Stella Kelly, services, PIIODe 12 6lllaries , but hill wll r.ning lor,. et al, ,fo r fo r ec:losur e, equitab HeR Phone 165 It lected f or th e l?osition. Jam e the enUr di tl'ict was ellosen le Abraham Lincoln King, executo r $10 ; Charles Hobson ( servicl: t o \ a, i , !'< ued to the you ng lady ' l'ehef and money. s $10 I vtae & JameeoD Uld!J. Clark was hir ed a jnnit or, August su ceed him on the board of the estate of Izora Killg, deceaBo Helen . Walter Doughm "Moved an, service s, $7; by MlJIs, secon<l ed b~ The Mia~i 'Yall ey 11, at a salnr y of $6 per month, Kilbon 'as chOllcn, t he next Mrs. Will Bt)'an, B rvlce, $10; ~--even- Fu rlla!l th at it bemali e nl.u1e ofLoa nAsso (:latlon Buildin g and ed, flied his inventOry. and in t be m inutes of Sept ember inll', to fi ll the Vlleaney as ver sus InahB . alesby Georg eE. Younr .ad_ Le81ie V. Banta, services . ,5; pre~ident UI I b O~I·d that the 1na rriage of 22 we find a r emind er at t he fa ct Thi item Cr om the rlli nut s of fe male teache r be con sider a •Harris and Thoma s Harris. for ministr ator of estate of Lytle K. Maude DeardoA', services , $6 ; Pen ed I fo reclosu re, qui\;abl e l'elief and Beltz, decease d were approv that Qur govern me.nt had , that Aug ust. 30 is a hit confusi ed aDd Morton , eervices , $70; Warwic k's ng; see arOTARY PUBLI C ivale nt to 1\ )·csigna tion. Mot ion I money. Y ar, co m~ t o .the ,aId of t h C ub~n if yo u tan figure it out. 'Moved . . aU accoun ts are to be 8ettled. Grocery , supplie s, $3.98 i C. Don· by cllrrle cl una·nim ous!y. " SQmeb od y New York Llf~' Insuran ce Co.. l' public IfI It.'! tTuggle f or m· McKio ey. seclJn cd by Parlett. must have NatloDal Bem.k · Ralph R. Singer, admini strator aid DiJatus h, rent. $20; Nstiona l suspect ed t h pres nee ver.u Ale" ~el!kl , f or money and of depend~ne e ~rom ti'\e &:Qvernm en t t hnt Lhe !It-hool bonrll f ur nish lJ)e estate of Vermo nt D. Singer Police Office, service s, $12.60; Wi!- Will. Dra,", • . Eatat .. S.ttl.tI t h of Cupid, equl~ble rehef. of SpaID. MISS Georg Ia Fra~ e necessa ry !lchool book , decea$C.d. ' filed hill first and final 'liam Huft'ord, stamps, '1.60; Motion 0)' D i Anna h ~ WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO A Waltel' V. chwarm (Mrs. J . L . M n d e nhall) wa P aId ver us Cnraccoun t. Iver av S \,\'a s C osen, ugus t rie Schwar m for divorce and , ca rried. McKin!; Y and Parleti', yea 23 to Rohme r, Teal estate, $2,622, 06; for serve I1 S tl'uant officer nt a L. M. Hender son, 85 cent for po~t8ge and f or t \\ 0 M,ills, F~am adminl' stratnr W • ari d Kilbon. , ., ade S. Brown, aervice s, 112.6 0 all other just and proper r elief of estate of Walter McClur Cuba!! flag she had us d in de- Novemb er 15, we find: " Pr(lf. no." e, de· R. M. Van Horne, pay roll ,264.26 Luk K.ill~:n o:csi!~e l:~ ~ea;;emj!~lt~~ Charge is wilful nbs nee. . ceased, tHad his second and final F. M. Bowyer , pay Toll, coratln g the school room . for ens bejng present and l' $122.88 i questi ng th board, on August 28, D. the Probate Court comme ncemen exercIs es. to be release d fr om hi work a W. Surfacealld accoun t. Edward Sirripso n quali pay fi roU, ed a $164.s his sueKarch ~6. 1899, Walter J .. KUbon so on a possible, t he Sales by Eva M. Dakin, pre lde nt ce ~I'. Dect'mb e r 22, i t was The invento ry of Howard W. trix of estate of Frank execu· 26; W. A. Sieker, pay roll. $188 ; was paId '20 for furnlsh mg and made a comm itt ee ' of two, Denver W'. B. Schuler . pay roll. $181.75 ; TR~ com. " moved by ud ace, s.econde d ' by Carey. executo r of erectin g a metal fiag pole, that the posed of W. T. Frame estate of Mag- Daki'lo decease d, were. approv ed by Ilarold Sweny, a nd N. McK insey, tha t we h ire Jame gie Carey, decease PIlY roll, $86.62; OUR CLASS IFIED COLUMNS d, was Ilpprov ed court. S,he filed her 1int accoun t. Floyd Lemm~ board had ordered on the pr~c.e d- McKinsey. to prOCU1'e substitu te Ha in es ~o.. haul, Reh olacs fr om the by court. n pays roll '22; J ohn ID« Novem ber 1'7, and on Ap1'll l?, as OOD as po Ible." aAnd The lOvei'ltory of T. H. Zell. Myers, pay r011, $176.60 ; under ea tend Q f tbi d istrict at $20 Pllr J . L. The invento ry of John R. Coff· executo r of the estate of Laura the- late Ambros e Maftltt was ~ald dll.te of a we k later FOR RESUL TS J. Dann we find : month a s long a s the .board deem s man, execator of estate of Perry Zel\, decease d, was approv ed by serviceservice s $48; Orville Keever $.6 for 100 new folding chait!. Moved by McKins l':v.. !;econde s. ,6.25; D. W. Kener. servo d by lldvisab le. Motion carried ." Monce, decease d, was approve d by court. Messrs Roberta and N. McK~ns ey Mills, that we grant W. T . ices, $6; Roy BUfl'oughs, service s, Thomp. Frarrk guire was ch ose n t o be. court. qaallfle d for new terms, Apnl 17, son indefini te Ica,ve of absence Charles J. Wag&"Qner. on co me a membe r of the board, The invento ry ot France s A. Brown and Charles H. YoungG. F. $22.75; C. D. Watkin s, atQne, 76c ; and the o1ftcials re'tn~ned the Bame accoun t of sicknes s, and that we M$reh 19, 1903. to fill (.he vacancy Null, ndmlni tl·atrill. of estate of appoint ed apprais ers of the were Alt. Sellers, $2.55; Frank Minnic k May 16, ' Rev. Cowg111 and ,Anna employ Iyde Wilke r on esta.te re1lai1'8, $L50; W. L. Kirby, gos, as s ti. caused by the remova l of Edwin Huber J. Null, Bel~e Bundy Thoma!! were paId for tute {or the interim at $55 per Fll rna ~ fro m the distrk L lie im- pl'oved by court.decease d, was ap·, of Theodo re J. Teaney , decease d. ,4.48; Morrow Garage , ga I $8.86; thell servlte s at the annual com- month. Motion corried unanim '. The estate of Vermo nt D_ Singer S. C. Alexan der Dept, ousl melJiat cly qualifie d. A plat of the Store, up· The invento ry of W. F. Rogers . decease d, is exempt fron:J mencem ent .exercis es, the latter Fr ank Braddo ck succeed ed G. seho 1 district , that ha<l been inheri- plies, ,1i.80; Kilpatr iek·Fre nch pre. Ildm,nistrato~ of elltate ' of Hannah taDce tax. haYing furnish ed the music. ~r. R. Stiles a s a membe r of the . ' Motor Car Co., gas and supplie s, board pOI'et.l by the late Walter Renkle E . Rogers. decease lIeloy d. was approve d was re-empl oyed The will of AmoJ\da Linkmy er, $86.62 ; H. L. Schuyle r, pay or on August 13 11)00 bu t rarely (elde r brother of am r oll. D, Henkle ), by court. princip al at a. salary of 160 per was he presen't at the m decease d, was filed iD court. ,162: Carl Dakin , pay roll, $134 .• l?etings . was adopted , a nd M1'. HClIkle was Tbe 'Will of Rany L. 'King, de· hn ThiS was pr obably month. and MIS!! Esther St. Ray Dutro, adminia trato"r of es· 26 ; Orville Keever , service , $7.50 doe to the iact paid 115 for hi s S rvices. ceased. was admitte d to probate (Mra. Jerome Forkne r, of of Adam Dutro, decease d, III D. W, Keller. services . et that the board met on the same April 13. $21; Roy }[c r. Mills and Grace R. King was appoint ed ex O l e.red to sell certain real el\tate a~on) w~a enfage d t;orte::~ ~e: )'lights that the Waynesville band Burrou ghs, service s, Squires stal.ted new , three.y ear ecutrix , no bond require 117.60; p mary epa~ men t d. D, E. for not less than the apprais ed Henry Kipp, lumber , $2.73; p1'8ctieed, and all of us who have te rm j MI'. urface and J. K. Charles Heywoo d. Charles . I~win an<l J. villue. mONnothv'ember 11\ a movem ent was ~ver been associln ted. w.ith Spence r. grav'!l, $167.20 ; Cincin· Frank Reynold~, the genial blacksm ith C. Wilson ~ere aplPoin th I tt ted apprais . Charles t k S. Irwin. adminil ltra· Dati Oil Works, gas, 110.86 : Holt.. started to hire a hack to haul the In e ~ er Ol'gamz a .Ion ers. ROCOT FOR AND CON~ICa1N tor of the estate of John W. Phil· 1I0 W who now lives in haQs Transp ortation Co. hauling pring alley, The estate 01 Hann.ah E. Rogers lips, decease d. tiled ' a~ Ue. hoa's, _heep an .. c , •• pllpils from the Olltlying section tb~t he hia invento ry. '1 ,59; McCoy Oil Co. ';'otor oil' ,our r~l'ely ~ls8ed band tal'ted two-ye ar te:rms. 'to NorrilThe same Brock decease d, is exemlpt from inher!- ' Lebano n-Citiz ens Nation of old No. 9 district . Meurs. ' Mills .re earsal. ut hIS a ssocIate al Bank $69:30 ; Bay Cit)' Shov~1 Co., dip~ progre8.iv~ firm Co., live wir• • 4 s on the and clerk were continu - tance tax. W. F. litogers. adminis Stilet! and Robert were instruc ted school board fixed the gent for th. hl,b .., and Trust Co.• guardia n Of Robert per hander s with rock \196 79 leman. in office, but Mr. Mills was to Investig ate the board's authori ty He and Mr. Frame were re-elect . J Uma!ket. ,p n~_esya~~, gco.od . ""tile·O · fil d h' .. Q . 1 t I ' . 61 ed d chosen • to serve a s treasur er. , . s ue. • :~t;::. e IS flrllt and final ac- ulg ey, e ii, mmors e , . Dlon.., '1\ the matter" and to pu~chase a for tho ree-.yea . ann .nelna .. • r tet ms at the. spring ceeding Mr M K' Its D. Adams Co., gYader blades, Tune in K 1 h on Radio Station • 1 ti 1901 d D d P second accoun t. • . 900 . . they C m sey, re'28.37; W e ec 0 on was Ohio 1Il ' The Corrug ,an followi ated ng accoun ts were a'''' aVI bac. k J anoaTY '*,..,. ar- no ]on"'el' a memb r f th b Frank Brando n. ...nardian of Co., culvert s, *240-, Bla'ir JI..Culvert 12 :25 to 12: 30 p. m, for our dlllJ , d ' I tt YLeR y market repo"'-. . . ~ 0 • e oar. proved, allowed and confirm ed by .re·e Ie ct e It f or t wo years. May 8.. the ported that they ..Aould not' buy a Ae .was 1'... prlnclp Ethe) alshlp £" r th . Anstea tt, incomp • .. 15th etent tiled lTavel 1 l d F _"nd ' und, h \1126.73 ', ~~;;;~;;;; u hack lor the amount that had been prl l ! e the court. ;;;~;====~~ l' is first accoun t. ey e ,evate rank to nCclxdt t~~~ll was tendere d to E. Frank Winfiel d, Oregon ia Bridge Co., 8upplie named, as the matter was tempo n· the. preSIde ncy, s $54. a, d minis~r ator of Letiano n.Citile n8 Nationa l Bank 9 and there he reo y e ... , er '1 d d . this decease d. and TrQst o. guar Jan 0 Jos~ ad for II dozEfn yeer9 or more: n y roppe. Now, -atch ~ 0 tI t m' 1 t t l .. t.P,,,••,,,A m~tter of pupil, transpo~ation; ,i t s:~tO fanh'ISin:ova° and dist;ribu tjve. phine Kathry n Monce, et tl o~.a ac s was 0 minors Frazier.",.ex.eeu.tor of es- 1Ued its flrlt aCCllunt andaI,resiglla wtIl crop out qUIte promm ently to· his administratioll only . the Carolin e RI)gers , decease d. tion a8 guardia n. ward the end of this story. d h 'd Two re-elect ed directo rs and two h a <I' First and anal. t e )'ecor s of proceed George P. Gates, executo r of eBo new ones began their terms April in~B,Ingnc A b I T\ but from no",,: on we find the. . C S ra e ..... in",iddi e, executr ix of t a t e 0 f Harrlett 16. Mesars. Mills and Stile had mln~teB counter sJgned • pawdin a, deb~ Mr. e tate 0 ' [ W. H. Dillwid die, deceas- .....-d for terms of Preside nt and nlDt .oiten I S the th ceased, filed hi. lDvento ry. d' t been re.el'C""",, b M F ed . Eighth. The adjudic ation and detenni nae ]re~ (l l' II~ three years each. and Walter J. presenc e 0 f a plreS1 ent pro t favorLebano n-Citize n!! Nationa l Bank tion of the inherit8 Dce tax OD the em ed the ~nlltallahon r.of rame 'd Parlett bad been recorde d. th Thl> practic e of s ....auing various I t ~T, 8 th h' d M Kilbon and DaVl e pan. and Trust Co" trustee of estate of esta.te of French Bet.lin, er, r I M re deceaa~~r..e . • I fe y t1h vegetab les leedlln1'"p Ijust before, r; Miller fol' eholMln 'for terms of two and one . Emil M. Runyan , d,eceal!ed. SecQnd ed, is to be given to all persons ay 16, .the bc)ard v.o~ed to ac· p .. clpa or indurinc, OT within a few da)'s after e nex~ term, but Emma Crosson , gll.rdia n of teres ted. . years, respect i'(ely. Mr. Stiles w!l8 cept the written tlroposlbo~ transpl anting for the pur.p0se of of the they hnclto rais~ the salary to chosen as preside nt fllr the year, Fa.rQ,uhar Fur n.ace . Co. to George P. Gates. executo r of es. control ing various dise.se s and in. lnstall a :~5 per. month .m ot·.der to get -"blle ){r Frame continu ed as heating plant lD the school tate of Hartiet te C. Spauld inr, de. sects is fairly C:Oll)mon. This m. M;.)AP P)hlll MJlIer house may (Mrs. teach the primary grades for 146 ceased, filed his Ant and . elerk.M~, W~ T. Thomps on was for $375, al\ the directo final ac- be necessa ry in rs but Mr. orace J son was engage d to per month. instanc es c01Jnt. George P. Gates was ap. to preven t the certain Ipread of leld Septem ber 4 the clerk was pointti'd trustee of tbe estate and blights in the eeedb~ or the ataathori zed to IS8u,e vouche rs for filed bond of '1000 with Buretie s. tack of tlea beetles on plants after " N~ the salaries of teacher s an.<! janitor ' they are placed in the field. and for necessa ry lemergency bills Mania•• Bordea ux mixture s baa been of the supply commit tee Harley Molden , farmer , of :found by J. D. Wilson, of the Defirst receivin g the special action Athens" and Mildred Faul, of Way. pntme nt of Botany ,and Plant; boy the board. and on Novem ber 12 nesville. Patholo gy at the OhIO Expel'iMrs. Fred then Miss Eva William Thomas . farmer , 01 ment Station , to be hia:hly injUri. and Mi88 'Bernic e ous to plants not sufficie ntly e!lta.b· aU the window s arJd transom s in ~.,..,t".v workeT, of Maine. Ii.hed on their own rOllts. This the school house. f'our days later spray exects a marked drying ef. Morriso n Van Du,ser was , pai<l feet in the leaves, ,and, if the $46.29 for paintin g and paperin g water beiDtJ lost cannot be quickly the school house, althoug h the replace d through the medium of preside nt and dark eVident ly root amorpt ion. the pla.nts wiIJ die though t the bill was a little steep Real E.,a•• Tra.• .r.r. HUNT INQ or be greatly stunted lmd deform . un<l voted against its paymen t. New ¥ ork Lile I~sur&llce 00 to ed. It this materu t must be 6. FISHI Mel usei • April 21, 1904, thie clerk was in. Carl S. Walker , 86.81 acres' in the plants should he well watered . rl'll"'" .'elg, structe d to look after the l'1latter Clearcr eek townsh ip. and then sprayed several days be- l_ ao.toft. U __ ,. ...,1':.. of t he transfe r of aome territor y Mary B. Stevena , et ai, to ,/~ the1\ ,include d In the Huvey sburg Jia.m F, Rowen real estateWH. fore they are to be remove d from in the see~bed or fiat. Never, in any district . M~. Miller .md Miss Miller Frankli n townllhip. , c~e, dip the plants in Bordea ux were once more engage d, May 27. ' Jacob Nicbwi ts, decease d, to ml.xtur e while tbey are out of the to teach another tE!rm. , William Nichwi tz 5 acre. in Hamlt 'SOIl. If It 'becomes ' necessa ry to Mr. li'rame submit,t ed his resigna ton town.h ip. ' ,spray plants recentl y set in the tion both as clerk and as a memo John B. Keuter, . decease d, to field (b'lfore tb~y bave bec~me es· ber of the board, O,ctober 27. and Edna Keuter, et aI, 77.98 WANT ED acres in tabllshe d on therr own roots,): they Morriso n Van Duser. who was Turtlec reek town.hi~. .houl~ be weU watered tint, 11 the also serving as jallitor of the Mny E. Bowan, dec._ d, to Wi\. Boil 18 at all dry. otherwi se, WANT ED-La wn school, was , seelcteltl to flll both Jlard W. Boran, teal ..tate mower grindin g in lias. ~v~re l~ and tennlna l bud in· '76c at Will Nortons , Corwin . vacsl'!eies. But a special meetin g 8ie towll8bip. , Junes is hkely to result because of Ohio.. was called for Octobe r 31, ,and . m17 C~rence L. ShuriB to State of th~ dryin~e«ect of the bOTdeaux "Mock" qaick!y resigne d his new Ohio; Delmar Bainurn to' State ot ~ll[tud: i It haa found t~at MEN and WOME N-18 to 46 i IpcI8i"tion. Or dId he, .really? ' Ohio,; Ethyl and Henry Allard to . e a t On of a,be~n ddute emulSIon W. Desvill D ' The late J. I. Clark (brothe r of State of Ohio; R. S. and ' n mIke a:e 1st" ct. who wallt Mrs. Elmer Rogers ) became a Kina to St&te of Obio; F. C.Anna of certain .pra1 oila to the borand deault, minUT e b~fore it 1. applied w:! eftort to , enter membe r 01 the boal'd, and D. W. Mabel Hall to State fJ'f Ohio' Surface nomina lly became clerk. Valley Packing (lo. to 8ta~ The to th. plant acta to, deereal e ita cal field Hu k, postal or cIeri· of dryine etreet an.d, aa a result, little PO~itiOI\~dreds . Poet FDepr~sDa,n really did sign the minute ., Ohio; the Uie of re" estate for or no injury OCCura. and q~~'iift:-t" O! tIn. ~ut the penman ship and compos i. bi&'hwaYI. , ..., , • - • write Bolt C ca Jon~:. ertlon strongl~ denote that Mr. Van H. W. Ivill8 to Wlft'eD coanty, The p6et whO wanted to know ' Duae1' continu ed to , do the work, tbe ule of real eatate tor re ue • btc1t- what wae so rare as a day In June WANT ED-To buy and Mr. Preside nt admits that such ways. all kind. of caD flow baYe his anawel'. a chicken s, payinc highelt mal'k.t may have been the leue. M.t. Van L. G. Baneha m dee....d to L. sblny new automo bile on theWI road S. D. Henkle Wayne mn. Duser; an uncle ot llh·lI. Viola Bar· BeUe Sanch am' real .nate in in April. lan, ' and II great uncle of Ernest Turtlec re.k to,rnalaiP. ' Harlan-, lint Watte county boy L, Belle Banaba m .t .. to Farm populat ion in Ohio DOW to enter tile naval a rvici of ' our Earl G. EUlI, ~l FOR IALK county atter it ~ntered the creek toWBlhip. ..~te In hrtle. staDda at 1,086,0 00, accordi ng to th. estimat•• of P. G. Beek of tbe World War, wa. quite promin .Dt N. D. Brewat er, .t a1 to aute of ~i::artment of rara.! eeonom tea, ~ALE-16 red shoats. John , in COr'WiD a1faira during tbe ve.., Obio; J. II. and Bartha .. 0 Arr)cul tural J!lqler fmnt o,oker , Wayn....Ue. Ohio, R. 8. early Jean 01 this centur) ,. He State of Oblo: LlDle B.u Pox, to to State Station . Thl. I, an illne&l e, be Box 14. Old Bm Taylor F~. illS DOW relide. in of Ohio; lIarcu T. . . . to State :::..: : approld matel, 81,000 In Decem "i' 8, SALE -Il of Ohio', CharI ..... a __", II. n four )'ean. ._ I aL.,_ let, '.0. aKa ID hi n d to ...qu ....t HUll Chevro 80WJU to State 01 ~:oftlc.. m17 .l.... aDd W.n, til. dlHl'9i nt' Dealoc ratl 1ICh001 haoIr . , Cbarlotte to of 0'" laW to let IOTel'lU neK to... SAJ.&. ..-50 p01Uld refrlp la. eember UJ, od .1ou ... to Mea1lH ........ ...'t .n~lI to daU~ trl,. . .til 11 coadttlOIl. CIatap, .... of .. ..,....... .. ltd .. tIIe)r . . 10 . . . .- . .,GOd ...
.. --;. .--
Avo id the U.e of ,Bord eaux M,xt ure on Tran .plan t.
:!"1ft: t.
.. Ia the
MIAMI ' ~~;....TTE
----- -- ---
Dea, Lord I A.k
Sickne.. I the result of • ba('tuial nft'chon (If tb 10111' or ~ ~",,;,~_':'~':::":~:':=:'::"'___J ut(>n~il. with which the doup . eonH'" in contact. To control the The deprellSion ill not ovt'r yet. Farm hands are rer iving the th Rour m\l~t be diarardA mountain blew up in Colorado lowest wage~ sinCt' the rU1'I1 of ttl!.' eel tlnd all l1tcn~i1s wBshed. sealded the other day. centl\ry 38 Y(l"rl< ago. IIntl pIn cui in a h t ove~ fo:r .. "bltking." --d-N ew f oun dl an ill offering Labra Sprmg WIll soon be her' ami dor lor sale. Trying to get rid of then it will b tim> to c ummence her frozen aSllet..s, so to speak. liQ.u idating th basel! II umpires.
hool duoeed JIIcmo:aY I Illrballket 810n the dinner at S
D. L CRANE P ItU . Ollie. Plio 1 I • ...... 'S••6CrlPtl_ PrI... '1.10 a Yea, . . .................... No. liZ Entered at Po.toUle. at Wa n..· R•••" ,co ........ .. ....... " ....... No. 111 ville, Ohlu, a~f:~4 CIa ••
a soIL ball game
Mr•. J ...i. N. Tripp
bour bet\\ en t.he boyt and the junior-Keniol' )'S in which the grad 8 were victorious with a score of 15 to 6, Th e short at~r. Lord, let my life be no mistake That 1 may then happier mak e; ' noon was given over t ·o the !Ieniors MAY S, 1938 And when my lovely dower:> bloom last assembly program and the Is this ne~ plan for refinancing Th e teturn f Ilee r ought to help encumbered fa I'm!> !t;alc:ulated to the hairpin industry. The bal'- Vaccination ,o f I Swine a Speeialtr Produ""t.ove Work ' the D They find t heil' way to sick tol ks' giving out of I'eport loards. ~ DC room, A nine pound daughter was born help the farmers or ~he notehold. tendel's will nl'ed bobby-pin, fn.r SERUM AND VIR their mou~taches. . May messages go with my flowers, to Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Lukens ers? Any relief program th t . ~--------------~~ At a ·Reduced Price work. We can 'for a IS sound mllBt be based-upon productive And help. to bright n p~ on Wednesds$, ApriL21l.. A lot ot (ellow3 wh o kick· on Furniture appeaL'S at its best in Lulldings and I tateh:~ample, .~Uild unnecessary postoffices, felleral hours, Mrs. Myrtle Thom,ls and Mis5 rooms having light co lored ceiling!; th ir .income lax will be willing to HARVEYSBURG, OHIO c rtain amount of dis~:8 untl. the ta~pa.yers are blue in the face. A (d o desire the wOJ'ld to make Cbal'1otte have removed theil' home accord\tlg to a specialist in home contnbut , to the governm nt , I;'hone 31 through U,e beer tux. . temporary en1lll()yY11e teas ":'dl11 be ellm mated, a cert.in am ount ot Bright, with kind thoughts for thv to Dayton. fUl·.nishings. liP nt gives us someth~ proVI ed, and tha't is all. Unless the money dear saxe. . Mr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Fite and ' id \laJ$ and industr' nil' actually needed it has been wasted ' Jane Ellen of with Wilmiington It·IS sal'd th a t. e th qua i nt old If t his denu bion craze goes much IV t . And when .r get too 01(1 t o bend, Sunday guests Mr. and were Mrs. Thl.• d t . les mus eventually provide the productive May some one, deal' Lord, call me F k W 'I o.f th.r.owmg b er mugs at further we expec' til" '·a.~·'ball work fnd oeR, n8 no Chari. mean we f n' en; d l'an 1 so n and Hrurry Wil son. • " U ~'" them by all mell . .h ou Id . re f use worthy charities-give to the .umplI'e HI to be revived at. St. magnate Lo R'et. tolteth l' and t' ut ii ut 't .. b .. ty 111 Itself IS.a productive venture of a ort That love around me J ca n spread Bat·n to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice LOUI S and Cincinnati this year. out ecooll . base, Ilt'l'mitlin a thu 1 18 etler If the ba m . . Wl·th O!;born on SatUl'day, April 29, a ,., ~ oa odd to th h d bl osSOms f Tom my flower 80n The Jape have checked out of TUnnel' th' d to ..."'0 direclI·'J £., I'vnl fi r. t t 0 t . , " e amount of money can proVl'de no'rmal j I) , ing poweL'' and g'Ive th e spen d er hlm' " IT . s If something .henan Ion cds sa purcha nd can use. Ande may my /lowers from day to Mr. and Mrs. Ra lpb, A. Francis the League of Nations and they Prop-erty nnproveme-nt is r d t i . day entet·tained a numbe Jr of guests took all their baggage with them About three-fourths o[ the lax ('s 3~ . Years Experience tn supplie of a ll kinds are P1jlces fO;nialerials Be fortunate, and find their way Sunday. uding tbeir mandated paid in Obio arc levied Plttmg and Makinr G\aaae. l 1'le8 Iln~ quaTrie are inactive, waiting to'r orderso;h::::' 1 .:Ii facto~ To sO.me sick bed, make brig-hi Mr. and Mr . W. P. McCarren in the Pacific. property, although not ono cent p opla In thi country who can afford 1 • re ml ons 0 . their lot, . Mi ses Rhea and Evelyn McCarre~ Japan has quit the Leagu e of of the \.axes Ie ied again Rt r III or a tho usand dollar's to repo' f 0 spend ten or a hundred IPlea e, bless deal' Lord, my garden have gone to Walhonding for the nations ju t at the time when a' state is us d for op rating the Lebanon. Ohio and install so me l b . ll' a ~rnace, renew or repJace a roof, buy spot. summer. . number of our own internatioJlal~ state g OY l·mnent. Tu.uday, Thur.da,. 5atu"', .. ho me or d 0 a multatud a o.r-savlngf opphanc " I , overhaul an automobile ' paint °Mrs. Jessie B. Tripp has r~tu rn· ists are try ing to get Uncle am in Recent expel'iment station tests . Exami.atio. F;'a ~d to the home of her sister, Mrs. by the back door. of rations for pigs .·howed t hat uoell this will get hi~ imp~ov:m:~I~I:: !~~~'I::~eth::othPee~ty-owlnerl who. and he will b e p tt' d 11 Lr rea va ueLI Mame Foreman, in Dayton after the addition of tankage to a ration LEBANON. OHIO nappen here passing a week at her home here. A sciencil!t lecturing at. incio· of 'c orn s] on re~ulted in 1\ savin it . Rem b ~h lAg .0 ars into produc tive relief work. cheaper. em er at. whll ho ' l rhru'ity is good, jQbs are better and Elmer Starr was " week.end nati says tbat sound kills the bac- of feed lIufficient lo muke t.h c \. - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ Odd but. ~rue, few auto mishaps guest of Wayne Gray. Iteria in milk. Maybe that is why tankag worth $1.84 a bundred h Mrs. Roy Clark arlld children the milkman rat.tles the boW es so po~nd . The tankage fed pig~ made appen in Ohio where the hatards wer bere from Walhonding t his ~ustily at four o'dock in the morn- gams much more l'apidly than are the greate.st. week for the graduation activitie mg. tho e not fed tankage. • Thi s. statement follows a survey Ml's. Clark's brother, H8l'ry Tucker =============~;=-============= made for O. W. Merrell. state high was one of the graduaj;es, . • BILLS IN TROUBLE New Burlington way director, by B~rry E. Neal, MI'. snd Mrs. H. S. Tucker and tate traffic engineel', concerning fami~y entertained a number of I've got a lett.er, Parson, from my 11 :00 Music · bighwsy safet .. meas re!atlves. Il~ ~ommenc~'ment time. Jlon away out West, A Gospel Team of Wilmingl(1ll t~g &~lkf~goMN~~~nar~:;tivation .. . ....... .......... ... . J , A. E slipher The f act ,that u r ecomparatively s. MISS Vll'gmla Tucker was a An ' my 0 I' heart is heavy a an co 11 ege con d ucte d service. at the ,member of t he '~Ia s. . 8:26 Music . .. ..... ,,"" ........ .. " .. S. M. Salisbury ~ anvil in 'my breast Friend's ch.urch undl!Y.
.,.-----111!------DR. RUDOLPH
Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
Auto Accidents Anv "'
Farm Night 7alks, Mav 8 '
Mart in
f w mishaps. occur at point ~he.re batards are exceptionally promi. nent and hence bl'C)ught silarply to the attention of the m()torist is cited in the report. The danger at such hazard is invsriably of great magnitude, but the dr-iver obviates trouble by extra&J'cdi.n&~'Y-J}I'eeaution at thcse perilous places. Sa!ety rules are followed in such in. stances' because the motori!)t real. izes tb e imminence of danger. The motorist seems to be least ., safe when he should be !iafe . that i.. when he is driving \I n der 6 tions which, to ail reason. are !.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ideal for safety When the ro~d and w ... tt,,.,. conditions are perlect and ! Yea, tho.ugh I walk through the valley of the shadow ot death, I will whel\ traffic is at low ebb, the ear no eVIl, for tllOU art with me ; thy rod and thy statl' they comfort greater number 01 accidents are n\e. Pl!. 28.4. ' a p t to take place. And I. h~ard a voice from Heaven saYi~, write BleMed are the Too perfallt conditions lull the ~:: ~~ty die ~nf the 1hr~, rll'obDl henceforth, eat saith the spirit, tbat motorist into a sense of false Rev., 14-13. s , ~om elr, a or8 ; for their worK! follow with them. security," believes the highway . Je us. said unto her, I am tbe resarrection and the life: he that department. The motor·cor opt'rabehevet)1 10 me, though he die, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth tor becom es carele s through and beheveth on me sha'll nev r die. John, 11.26.26 "being off guard." Oh I th~t they ~ere Wise, that tbey understood thi ahd that they Be careful at all times and avoid would conSider' thetr latter end, Deut, 3 2 . 2 9 . ' trouble and gTlef, is the Mghway or f:t~ wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal department's advice t.o motorists. hfl.l ITn Crist Jellus our Lord. Rom. 6.12. - - rust ~n theP rov., Lord 3.5, w.i th all thy heart; and lean not unto thine OWl! Subeeribe for the Miami G.zette. under standmg,
8 :40 Paratuberculosis of Cattle D 8. :50 Research 8 an Aid in Farm·' Ho .. : .. r. J . ~. Shoemaker 9:00 Read ing fOt Child r'nemallln'· .. " .. · .. falth L. Gorrell re n ..... .. ..... " ....... Edith Childs 9 :]0 Music Summit County I) :25 Spray Service f or the Orchard 9 :36 Cost of Feedin W kH 'Tii''' -' ., ................ .... '"~ . H . Parks II :45 Growing Vegefa b'ies lfnd arolGslel en and Now .. " ... .. D. J . Kays ~ a ss .... ,.. " ''' ''' " .. .. " I. C. Hofl'man Ohio Experiment Station 4-H WEAO HALF aOUR . aturday, April 29. 8 p. m.' Time given to Radio Play Tournament
. r
WASHjNGTON _ The House last wee~ pUled tbe W..-n er Relief Bill.. Five Hundred Million Dollars F d I WIll be given by the e era , govemment--not loaned -to stat~8 t~ aid men, women and children m.. dIre need. ot. the nec.e.. sari e8 f lite.. V/h en th ~ meaaure was pending m the Senate. laai year, Mr. Hoove.r tllreatened to veto it. It passed the House and will pass the Senate. President Roosevelt has aaked tor ita im. mediate pasage in behalf of foul'. teen millioll deBtnute people. A lew years ago, without questl.iI or argument, tlle Congrus appropria. ted fifty million dollars to tMel Bel gian children. Nevertbelesa, som, Congressmen voted aeatnst thia needful to
The first duty 0'1 our IQvernment is to preserve Itlelf a"bl.t forces t he Ii-v"s of ita people. Tb~ destitute and bun,ry would be cared for by a ..,stem of vast public works givin8' emplo,men! not to 260,000, to 2,000,000. Wily not eonetruct a 8uper bigl)way 76 feet wide from 'E ast to West-coast to couto Why not complete ..-11 Rood control Projectli! There are matters ot Ill'eater cern than balaneing the budget this time of economic war. It is of paramollnt hnportance to provide work, restore purehaalng powe'r , and priyaUoD and maintain a standard ot liVinl such as we had seven or eight yeara go.
President Roosevelt . alone bradcaat on the banking situat~on ended a pan Ie: This ••• on the night of March 12th. Don't be surprlsed if the opportunity I. offered you to tutle in .hortly on his cl.ar cut andlrank atatement on the r-old standard. and lllflatiou. ,
Premier MacDo",ld alld reprell8lltativel of prlDcl,.. nations ot: the world are ill conferellce hi Wubinrrton. The matter of due America from Ioreip trlea I. one of the impclliant probleml to be e01llidft'eCl. £1.... thou.lId mlllioft doDan to Ameriam TJaJa ill acldltion to a
luna .t....d' .n"1td. It II . ., to lou Dloae. cIitIlClllt II
Centerville, Ohio
dhts For T' hlos Week
Beautifu l simplicity marked the To think t he boy whose futur' [ 1\Ir. and J\.11'S . R.oy onklin w r arrangement of the stage tor the had once so proudly planned called to R svil le Wednesday or graduation ot the claus of 1933. Should wander from the path 0' last week by the .very serious ill· The clas colors of red and white right an' corne to sich an end! ness. of their daughter, MI's. were us~d ~n the mot1,o, "Ending I told him wben he left us, on ly M.arbn Bartels. Her condition is but BeglDmng." A bank of terns three short yea'rs ago sbgbtly better. Phone 78J formed the background for tbe He's find himself a.plo~in' in a Mrs. W. D. Larkin and chil· class of e~ght girls and four boys. mighty crooked 1'0Wdren o~ Greenfield, were we k·end :==~~=~~=~~~~= eate~ Ith tbem were : Supt. I:I e's miss his father's counsel, on' lfUests ID Lhe ,h ome of MI'. and 'Mrs. FranCIS, Count y Supt. Bohl, Dr. hiB mother's prayers, too, T. C. Haydock W; A. Cook of Cinc~nnati, and H. But he said the farm was bate. Oscar hamblf.ugh, who suffered S. Tu~ker, president of l1oa.rd of ful an' he gue~ed he'd have ~ troke of paralysis a week ago, educatlc.>h. The even~ngs Pr-ogram: to go IS somewhat improved. We H . .e a Compl.te Watcl l'roceBSlonal. orchestra; invocation Born to Mr. and Mrs. John" Rt!p.lr Semc. Rev. J. P. Thornbury; overture, His letters Came so seldom that I Shinkle, April 30, a so n, John Jr. 1 And use only IMt.rtala. orchestra; slutatory, Glenna 0.. somehow sort 0' knowed Trevol' C. Haydock iJ! sp nding I Crystals fitted While you walt. b?r~; vocal trio, three senion, Vir- That Billy was 'a-trampin' on a the week at the home of his Cary's Jewelry Shop gm la Tucker, Charlotj;e Thomas, mighty rocley road , daughter, MI'. W. D. Larkin, of I • Barr . Nolder; COlllmeMement ad· But ne.ver 'O nce imagined h e would Greenfield. Leba_., Ohio dress, D. W. A, Cook of the Uni· bow my bead in shame Wayne C. Wills has been elect· Store Open Eve.nill1r1 versity of Cincinnati; selec;tion, An' in thl' dust'd wall~r his ed to Il p<Jsition on t he faculty of orchestra; prese ntation of diplom· 01' daddy's honored name. Clarksville high sc hool for next a.B, Pres. H. S. Tucker : presenta· He writeS from out in Hilltown , y~ar. Wayne is one of our most ....--~-....;.----....;.-twn of scholarllhip frollrl Wilmlngan' the story's micht y shQrt-' hIghly respected young m tl and ton colJege to Virginia Tucker, I just can't tell his mother it ,Ii :-ve have all oCllfidence in his tnak· Director of Fu...... Senle. Cou.nty Supt. Bohl : Irecessional, break her poor old hea rt! 109 good. Serpor class. An' 80, I reckon. Parson, ' you - • The Massie T ownllhip High, might break tbe new,; to her . Presiden~ Roo ev~lt by execu. Our cnnvenient location, lultachool Alumni met at tbe school Bill's in the legislat ure, but he tlve order consolidates 1\11 the auditorium Friday eve·Ding. doesn't Bay wbat fur! farm agencies at Washi.ngton. And ble surroundi~g8 alld equipment enables 'us to Serve to the Beat M A H I '1 D • - - -- om.e people al'e cy.nical enougb to Advantage. rs. nna arr so ' ayton Is b visitIng here. Beech "~rove eheve tothat it might help the _ farmer abolish the consolidated agen cy, to(). AMBULANCE SERVICE . ~ A large ' crowd attended the =~~~=:::=:::~~=::==~=::=- i Phoa.,~_ _.,........=-n=-~.rr.:+-birthday dinner altd entertainment on last Sunday at the beautiful home of Ed. Johnson and famtly on the Lebanon and Wayne.Ville pike. Tho~e who were unFOR SALE DATES CALL COLUMBUS--Tax As&ociations cQnfusion in the minds of ' the fortuna~e enough to not get to atnd and the Petitioners" Committee public and even state e:mployea as m,saed the best part of their sponsoring the Tefelendum on the to the exact location of Ilhe various lfe. Mr. J?hnl?n I and. fami1)t house b si l l· offices. marks, T . S. has Brindle, jil'rector of lnrt,hda s~.red ynoentertamment pains. ID maklDg the prOVIding for a sUite public compl'led a floor a comp.lete police system and tran ter of t h e " success bureau of motor vehicles held directory of the buiJ.ding that E' · . gives the of the Ac departMcQuln, 9arksvtlle, was a n 0 ther mee t'mil at .,th e committee men·by flolocation Ars and "oonll. ' cord. ,h.ered.last week of bUYing wool, pa"· JESSE STANLEY blladquarters. Room 601, Educati-· thi d' _ ' lng Uc per pound. 9 , Plao •• 320, N.w a.rU. ..... <*0 onal Press Building, 40 S. Third St mg taO s 11 rectory, t he depart Henry Millard spld 800 little Thureday ~ternoon. Tbe commit- Amen, at:e ocated ...&11 follo.'II's: chicks one day last week tee c . ta f H F k eronau ICa. groun d "oar: arrlcul . Ii . hon~s -0 on. ran H . ture, seventh with cOlleenation on Ed Johnson and famil y of near EARL KOOGLER P:~~iC~~ ~e~J!:u::o~hefO~':~!e R!i eigbth; civil eenite. flftb; eom. ~ebanonB . attende1 churcl) 0·710. Pbo. . Representatives; O. 'W I GlUette of fiere , rooms on nf;:; rial' on Tbursday tbe Ohio ABiociation for Tax Re. fth and t~ntthh; ~hllc:.ftltil on, prlnMrs. Charles Schaefer and etion of CQlumbllB; Hon. James on SIX ,wlt I'''"! c~l\sor-, daughter Wilma and Mis Mary ' . I",rarles on 1C'"Tb' , r------t!I*-----:-----~.,;; H la, 13th' gov r ' ftI •• ompson spent Sunday after· !.he:::;eOf the Demo· and tele'Phon: noon Mrs. Fannie here . N of ~ep tenth, health on 11th with stat' • Orlme Lamb, of Corwin cele'oor} Owbers Co-operative Association Ig an nl~., Wl~ audItor on ·Miss Edna J. Polson of near
to Great Britain at the ()f that country'. need. Alao, there was a pl'omiee to re .... ., u' ' loan. ...- .... IS vioue international tbe 'A merican eagle bas had teathera well pluck-". "'" Let's the old bird comes out ot this better. snape. . . As predicted, the money ques· meton Oity. Pr..id~t ROQlI8velt brought it to the fore. We hear a lot about inflation and deflation. If about inflation and deflation. If home owners burdened by mort· ~. aN ' tQ be saved, ilome of inflation sbould be put into efand promptly. .Tel1llings Bryan was right. forty yurs be cpmes
'. A measure' riving tbe President dIctatorial powera to decree an embar,o ofarmsandwarmunitions wu passed by the House and III now P611ding in the Senate. More importallt would be the enactm~nt into law of a meaaure, forbidding and puttillir an end to private manuflleture of war mu,!ltion.B and 'the Government in the exuof its powers should take over • private Indultrie. noW' enplred 1ft the manuIacture of war muni. tiona aDd arms,. compensating the preaent ownen, and then there would b. no' neeeaeity for any em. ba~o leilal~tlon. We ought to take ttle proAt out elf, war. '. • - alLl. a OARDS ERECTED
Best of-the-News--Birect--· -From the .Ohio State CaplOtol ' cou~try
Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers
e~~:n~e ~~
at 1!!;;;;;;;;~~~~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!",~K~E;'.;III;o;r~.~.:.:..~!!!!~!!!,,!
t~ir.d! · four~h,
~~s:dB~tI;~:~lde:;a:r th~n~r!er~ ~.csbibn gt:U~d hhii~hw.aYI ~~ :~a~::t ';~d:;~t~~~rl 2a;t~i.verSOry ~e!~!~:I~~~:U~t;'~ b~t~m;!:~~ i~~~S~:~ T'tJ:~~~~": o~nfi!:jl =c~~~ nWooenllmaw'lnth' sMPel·.nst MSaart urxd'aYTh80fter-
ttllrd tourth fifth d . tb a y mp· cratic and Republi,can leaders over h" , . an ,SIll ; son, of this place. . tbe state are givmg . their hearty p arm.ac!, board and ]~roblbitlon Miss Marie Wells of this plaee suppo:; the relferendum, with spent Friday night,' Saturday and rep or 0 a very arge number of . ~ b' . ng Sunday with her cousin Miss signatul;'es already obtained. Hazel Ricbardso'l, The movement to reduce taxes traveling library have not Over 200 pe1'So~s attended hilS beeome almost violent in some moved into the oftke building church at Gre~n BrIa r on .Iast sections of the state. ThiH was yet, tbeir remov~1 deponding on Saturday even,lng . ·People were, particularly evident in Columbus future action by tlle l~isl ..ture. theCrhe frlom ]Sndhlanfa. "f d the past 'Week wben 2,000 or more Tbe Wyandotte buil!jing Is occu. ar es c ae. er, WI e an people stormed the county audi- pied by the chautl'eur's license di. son, , Carl · thiS place, spent tor's omce in8isting on a 20 per visioD, Ohi() liquor corltrol ' com. Wednesday In Dayton. . cent reducti(ln in land tax values m1saioD, state relief commiSllion, Re~. James Lamb has retur~ed There have .lIeen · simi~r move. farm and home protec:tive com. to hUI , home near .W~yne8vl~le menta in other parts of tbe state, mittee, state housing bOllrd, veter- after several weeks holdmg revlv~ Dayton, ·for example. of foreian 'Wal'l, sta1te medical ale I!, Kentucky. . , . board, state boa,r d of architects' MIBS Moden~ Pow ell, o! thIS Geo. M. Neffner, statieti_n IlId examiners, 37tb Division ' A. E. F. p.llce, spent sevaral days wlth her editor ot Ohio laws, representing United Spanish W I' V t Sister, Mrs..Florence Wells. west Secretary of State George S. ' a e erans of Green Briar. BtllboaHl d~atinl the Rev. Myera, p,ve a talk ovsr Station 'E ven 8eaa are valuable' In the . Geol'l!'e Beacli, ot Hary,eysburg, oluttona~ Short Trail will be I WLW of Cincinnati April 26 OD seheme of Ufe, we are in:formed by wu among those from a distance at Sharonville ancl 'Fllldlar, \the subject, "The Department of the er.udlte J. W. Stuber. usut-: who attende~ the Holin e$s reviv.als loutbern aDd nortbern extrUl- State itl Relation to the Civil chIef of the Bureau 01. Eduea· at ~teen Brier held b'y two younr Itlell, fellll8ctively, by the BevOlu. Gover.nqlent ot Olt\o." Among in the Division 01 Conserva· ladlel: Re,:. MlsB Sus Ie Felty ar:ad tlonU'J SJaort TraU ....,dation ()n oth.r thi~s. Mr. Nefl'ner told of ti~n. In a apecial bulletin issued ~er gul friend on Tbursday even10l1le date in the very aear futq~. the cond~ct of elections in the thIS week, Mr. Stuber IfAYs that 1D~. T. . .., IJG.feet boarda will be state, o".r whicb Ill'. Myers has !illh mUBt have fleas if tiler are to Miss Dorothy btWells was a erected b, the orpniation, call- ,enenl charae. He stated tbat the thrive. Hr. Stuber SUited that fle81 Saturday ovet:n1r ruest . of her tq .tte1Itton ot moto~ta to the total cod of the reneral election are 10 Important to • ueceslful slater, Mn. Mary Robe.rtson, of adYaa. . . of uslq this hleb.ay In Ohio in 19212 ".s ovel;' $2.44~,- a,b cultllre that tbe fteJ, industry near Kingman. for Dca'" .... 10Uth traftlc be- 000, and that the Secretary of is belnl developed at the Inland • - --lwHD "'cUa,and Cinclllilati. The State IIu reeonlJlleDded to the hatcheriel by T. H. 1-&n.lol.. , ... , . . . tbrouah Waynesville reneral ......bI' that stepa be of the bureau of propap inap.c!~'Il OD U. L Route 42. taken to redllce the coat of elec- tloD. Of coune they water • - • tloel In the .tate. Th. addr... allO 4. . ~t MI'. Stuber lI'¥Iiewlnll o TIle 8Drieta .... blelled witl a deeerlbed bow the Inltiatl" and BOUt. Mr. LaDel " .... of .UlIlor, II aD,. PIae- nferaclUIII. ..., . . utillHcl br the mo"'... breeder baaa",..,etlII.r a ...., dOMD ~..... oa l YO..... of til. date to b~ about tttrbtc polldl to the u. I IttllDlIlart. \
trial _
fi~m:~~bn s:~e~~un~it1~0~r~il~rb. t.~~a~~ 1~2t:'B;.~~nt~t!:bl;~b~~~
Use Our .Classified Columns They Will Help
~f . Ore~onia.
ref. . .
u..,. ...... or to prev,. ComIlls.1011er lato
.tr. w1t1eJl
"., . .ties:-
• recoN "1~~I1.
You to
Dispo.se Of Your Surplus Stock
l'ln' und.rt&kintr h.adquartt'r and fORlER RESIDfdll furniturt' lor... in til .. ruom where K. Day' i now III ated. ANSWERS . QUESTION A. The I'eeond wa <Ii
ton' tirt' l'\)Vl'rl.'<1 J& 1'1'.,8 PrncticlIl F; flt'rit'ncl __ __ in th~' rt'nr of the hardware I!t~r.. Thl' 19"0 r(>s~lve club W ... l ••ho .... Farm Lil'htinlf Oat· lh'l'l~'il1e' til th,' IU~1l1 hi~tlH'Y liD thl: C(lrn(>r sh(j~tly aftt'r !ll ld. \ me~ at th~ hume! f Mi~s Doria I bl' I I l:t k n1~lIt 011 the morning of A!'rtl 1. . . · .. ~ie •• 1S.pla'''' ''''crI I. $UO.OO. I<1 U l' t 1011:< WI' III IQt'l u, we(>', 1'. "_)1, ,I tw"nty til'c.t unll,'v"r ' \l'y Iiuwke. ,Ionday I"{.enmg, fur .a tlUI' fl'iI'",1 .rim ,·to"p~ (he sign . i t ' ~., ~ < h t b t ... f • CII. b.. f ac , qt')'. f \\" '11 ' t d I l ~ or uSlne~" mee 1111/:, tile ma1l1 ".hlme.·," bul :mswc'rs I}lIi(·k .. ;:t (I llyn ' 171 w or~ an ar~et' b' l r h' h l l t EMlimat., Giv!'n Giw 111' a Trilll fi Il I I ft JI 0 JeC 0 \V Ie WIJ . 0 per ec \I hpn hi . f, il'11<l~ cull him "Jim" ~I'~' n. ~~ ~:n h year~ rW n: I1lal1s lo,' a benfit ,c ard party for U. S. 42 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO sa~'s: " I lIutl' ~·"u lin' n-kinp: the 1\ 1 r"t~ Ill, tOhm~f 0 lahnlfcr Wayne To",nshil1library to beheld \lU(~ti n abl,ut tIle dutl', of thl? ny !' U 0 e ro~ u ~ f in the K. of P. ha1) Thursday --- - - - - - - - tl\, ill' ~, 1 r(,IlI(!Il~hL'r the fire of t~c low tOI'y \l'a. Il'ft Intact thIS night, May 4, at 8 o'clock. Single tht' 1'0 ~ Hnll With th(J r .. nr of tlllle, 8ml wond I'fu} wcrk by the d . , . ' 15 t . fi Ii ht t th 'h '. a mU\i<lOn prIce IS cen s, per 1h Phillip;; building; which oc Ul'· r g '1',. og cr WIt no wl,nd cou\)le 25 cent retfreshments in. I \lOiJl take in Wo() l at, th l'ed the lai~ I' " I·t of }i' cbruary in was ull lhal sllv('lI the entire I h eh~n ervic il\tiof1 any day H107, 1l0\\"vCI', I wli,M 1/1 Buffalo, s'lullr';oOofobuild1ings. It WI\' claimed c \~ft~I' the business. initiation in the week. 'ew York , at th lilli ' IUld re· that. ", () ga, lon !< ()~ waier \.IHe s'rvic , C're co nd lucted for "Miss l'eivl'C1 a wire, f l'O ll1 ,.ross Br othel" , tJlI'own on thl~ fire III lI.bout aD B tty H nkl e lind Mrs. Alberta Hllhest Cash Price Paid wanting to nlOVP their "lock in () Jl hu ~l'. of tim . Thl' lat.. MI~s An~a Bu ~rkle. Tihs WIIS ltollowed by an vacant l'oum of my building, Which. I'hllh))s was th owner who 8ustIlIn informal tell and II social time The was nl'xt to th (,hillips ))rop('rt~' . tI both the se lO BS " g roup adj umed to meet Ju~e 12 Phone 40 . 1 also Wt1~ carrying the in~urance ~ ~l nd our s Inct're thank~ al the home of lIfis!li 018 Hnrtsock. on ross' hal'dw8I' l'tock at thnt to 1\J r. :-)tlIOP~ for thiS, the first WAYNE TLLE, OHI time, It 01 0 dhl a little ,hllnage r l'ply of o ur s eries of questiolls. _ _ ____ __ to lhe rear of my huilding, but ow f or this week' qu, ·tions: A~uto did n ot anl llunl to much. The abuv-e ' hen was the cllnnlrtg factory mentioned wire W8~ r teived in at orwin first built'! _ _ _~ Buffal o abou t 3 a. m .. and I rath'r Wh£'n and for how many years, think it was }<' riday morninlC. rr wlI e the Iilte Prof. George J. , A large sedlln. said to have Ileen there w, a fire ~ incu that time 1 GJ'sham ~uporintendent of the owned and driven by Dr. John W~ynesville llch ools? The Percheron StaUjoll., .Tasby, cannot rl'cal1 ii." Zettel, of Lebanon, was demolish· In th main, Mr. ~t O ll~ is cor· COll)e on. friend s, don't be back ed, and ull its occupllnts were more No. 152377, and tlle Jack Ken· T ct, though n quite a 'Cll l'ate a~ ward! T 11 u s what you remembe r or less injured ill a wr ck that oc~ tllcky Nightingale, wUl m k day and de teo R(>fel' nee to the;! ahout these evenb, the ea on at my farm. Or, for curred ju t beyond R. G. Miller's fllrm on Route 42 about 7 o'clock a nominal sum will ~om to lil s of The fiami Guz Lte (then publish~d by Bl'oWn ' & McKey) reo OBITUARY yOUl' farm. Sunday mortling. The party of five Both of these anitnals are venls thll fact that the fi rst fire or six adults and 11 baby were en. was di, cover r1 verll early on Times change, bllt friendship reo rout to Indian Lalke when the proven sires. Wedne day n~orning. F bruat'Y' 13, main!!, Ono by on they are cross· driver ,10 t control '~ f his machine 1907. It had started from th(' oven ing the "Sillmt Hiver," my boy- and it overturned itnto the ditch. f 8 bakery, wned and ope l'sted hood friends and schoolma tes. For One young man rcceived such . Phon.llSR2 by Roy Hath\lwny in the Phi IIi» sixty years hav~ 1 known Sher- evere scalp wounds, one requirmg r00111 now occupied by Peek Sat.- mau- a 1'rief1ds hip that has never ten' stitches, that he was brought WAYNESVILLE, OHIO terthwaite's I' sla uro.nt. The rC81' beep• severed. Dr. J . E. Witham to An honcst man. I never knew to t he omce f the building wa destroyed and receive first aid. Dr. Frank Dilathe second lory partially s.o. The him til tel l an untruth, was a kind tush, of Lebanon. r.eturned him to ball on the econd floor wall later and indulgent fathcl', was always his home that afterrnoon. The other fixed up to some extent. 8/1d Elmel' cheerful Ilnd happy. He idolized memb rs of the Pllrty were les E, }John, of Dayton , conduHt.>d a his children and grandehildr n. severely hurt, and were able to reo melvin/!, picture theater and ice r shall nev r [org t the visits he tUl'ned to their home immediately cr am parlor th re for some years. niade me in eptember, October The machine is said to have been a Th ross hardware stol'e wa nd Nuvllmber, of ) 932, while Iy. total wreck. _ - _ --lOCal d in the Toom now occupied ing on a bed of pain in the hosby the Kroger Gl'ocery and the pital. We talked of our schooldays late Ambro e Maffitt had his and of 'the good times we had, and it was surely ,R great pleas ure to me. He told me of hi ailments af1d I plead with ' him to consult ,11 ---- ,
EI mer Sh ee h an
Disastroul Crash Sunday
Skull Fractured I A C h n uto ras
NEW' IGA MAN Having purchased the 1. G. A. Grocery Store, fl'om Barnard &. Son, and having a.s umed control, Thursday moming, I soli it the ' patronage. of all Mr. Barnard's customers, tho e of his predecessor, J. W. White, ,a nd all others who appreciate the best goods at the lowest price . It is my purpose at all times to carry a full and complete line of the be t Staple and Fancy Groceties, Fre h Fruits and Vegetable, Fresh and Cured Meats--in fact, everything to be fOUlld in a ·first-class food store. The ewill b.e dispensed at the very lowest prices to be found anywhere, e pecially when the hiSh quality of the goods is considered. Careful attention will be giv n to all telephone orders, and an efficient delivery system is one of my specialtie . Come in ; let's get acqu~inted ~
Phone 20
Wayneaville, Ohio
specialist. herman was the son of William d J ane (R 00k) DYke, Was S born in Montgomery County, Ohio June 20, 1866, and departed this lite in Miami Valley hospital, payton, Ohio, April' 24, 1933, ixty six years, ten months and four days. Two sisters pre. ceded him in death. Mrs. Clara Bell Taylor and Eliza Ann. Was married to Lucy BU1'nett eptember 22 1889. To this union were born "ix children, Blanche, wife of Fonest Grabam, near Rhea, wife of Frank Critzer, of Laverne, wife of Harry Thomson, Rhea, wife of Frank Critzen, of Dayton, Ohio. Had always lived near Lytle, Ohio until a few y ar ago, when he !lold his farm and remo,\,ed to Dayton. Has been a trusted em· ploye of Dayton Power and Light ever since. His Illness was of two w~ekS' duration. Was ope rated on AprU 23, and soon succllmbed. . .He leaves tQ mourn tlleir IO S8, a devot.ed wife and ch ildren, and a host of relatives and friends. Fie will go on to joy, He will go on to joy, he will new glorie find, be will rejo ice agal , in that "llome" beyond the grave. Written by one of hi life.long C · d W I f rlen S, a ter A. lark. Card of Thank. We wish to thank our friends and all others for their 's ympathy and assistance during the illness death of our deal' husband and fathe •. Mrs. Lucy Dyke and 'Family
Mt. Holly
• I.an (Gn4111,,0.e) h ' • ¥our purt... ~ur&."""l we ave
ront;.fage lews forYOU!
.... The New 1"'
Gooelyear Pathfincler • It!iii news when anyone can ~ive more safety, more IItyle, more mneaie in a tire than was ever ,
Aiven before at a lower price! ••• '!bat's etactly what Goodyear has
done in the new 1933 Pathfi.ndeJ'a tire that'. ~ertainly bunt and priced In tune with the times .••• It will pay you to look it over, beca_ you'U see for yourself that It hal more octuol quality than man,. top priced tires of other makes - aod it certa~ly gives more Jor your money than an~ tire, ,elli", lor lell.
.,... 1 atr., ttMd wear 2 l!t.% tbJck« trlll4 111&"" ~ 3 2t% .11.14 bloCu Full Center TnIc4 llo,n More .bo. ld ..: 5 lIjon·SkLd. I~ naer
11ende omel7
6 prl . ....,
Full..y...u.. In aU 7 Th dlmeDalOIUI ..._ _ t 00011.· 8 Ina tlr• • t Ira price
Goodyear Pathflncler. 4.41-11 . M.IS 4.51.. 11.. 1.20 4.75-19.. I.SS 5.ot.l'" 8.1. UI
E r nest E arn h art. Mrs Mrl? Minnie j.\farlatt and Mrs. Ada Dakin wfie Dayton shoPPcJ'$ on Friday. Hile y Gibson Ilnd family Charles rawlord and family of Dayton spent Sunday with CIaI" ence Orawford and family. , Rev. Stizell of Jasper will till the pulpit lit Mt. Holly M. E. church next Sund!!y evening. Everybody invited. ,
Mr. and .Ml·S. l'Ilichieal, of New Bu r lington were Surlday eveni ng call rs on their paronts at this !;llace. , Mr. find frs. Henry Burgess of Dayton and l\h. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan of Ihis place vis ited with their parents, Mr. an d Mrs. Luther Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beam spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rye, of this place. We are ve~y pleased to hear that Mrs. Dorothy Burton is reo covering at .Miami Vo 11ey ho spital Daytpn, OhIO. Mr. J eff Marlatt, of WayneSVille a nd Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and daughter' Ern estine ate Sunday di nn er with Bert Marlatt and , family. Bany Basenbrger and family were Sunday afternoon ' callers at the h ome of Bert Marlatt. Mrs. Anna Lucas spent Monday with Mrs. Frank Evans, of Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborn and Mrs. Toml$ of Xenia spent SU)1day with Emerson Dill. Ladie. A Id will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Dakin this week. Ml'II. J oe Marlatt spent Sunda)' with her daulfbter at Wayne81'Ille MI'. Elsworth Smith and family spent th. a.Mlld here.
.. - -
W. F. Baker, Blute Bird pie dis· tributor who has se'rved the Waync ville. .trade for past ·t· the I d' , two years, 1~ In a c.I1 IC~ ~on Itlon at the BlaIr hO.8Plta! In Lebanon a8 the re~ult of mjurte» received Mon. d~y r'llght when he 10 t control, of hiS bake~y, truc~ a1bout two miles south of BI~gevllle ,on the Dnyt?nLeba,l1on plk~, and. the machine turned over m. a dItch. Baker recelv.e~ ~ fractured skull. and ,other mJllrles., and ha.s d d r~mal~e m an unc~nscJ()us con 1· tlOn since the cr~l!h. He }!I about ~o ye~rs of age, 18 marrled and hves m , Dayto!._ .,
Warren Countians S Attending O. . U. ---~
Among the studlents a ttending Ohio State this year from the smaller towns of W,nen county are t he following: Carli Ie-,-Jo):m p<.ast, senior in chemistry. Cazaddale--DotO'thy L, Hill, sophomore in ed.u cation: Stanley E Hill, senior in agriculture; Thomas C. White, junior in arts-education . Foster-Willis M. Losh, jUnior In arts. Oregonia-Frank C. Bradbury, junior in engineering; Charles H. HuWman, senior in edu cation. .. CLAS" REUNION 07
Mr. Ed Smith, of Xenia, visited his brother T. J . Smith, today.
Miss Irmll Ricb 'Was hostess to the Berean club Tuesday evening. See Ralph Mainous for whole milk deliv red daily at 6e a quart.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown, of Dayton, were Sunday guesto of Mr and Mrs. Albert Cleaver.
Greetings Our wish for the Cla8s of 1933, and IlJso for each and e ry )'rl m bel' of W . H. S./ is
Middletown Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gll stin and FOR SALE-Two SO·pound reo frigerators. Call phone 3. Mrs. J. M. Thompson -spent Sun. day with friends in Cynthianna, Ky FOR SALE- Bronze turltey eges. lOc. Howard Shambaugh, HarMiss Beatrice Robitzer accom· panied by Mis!! Bangham, of Leb- vey~burg, Ohio. Phone 21R12. mlO anon, spent the week'flnd at Dela. war e . '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!
James E. McClure
W. E. O'Neall and family re- ~~~~==!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~=~~~=~~!!!!!!~~===~" home last week after spending the winter in Florida. turned to their farm
Messrs. Enrl Coyle and Ernest Smith attended the formal opening of the Val Decker meat packin",
plllnt at Piqua, Sunday. M d M J S J r, an rs. • • ones, super\' ntendent and mat ron 0 r th e Warren County Rome, were bllsiness visitors in Waynellville today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Evan8 and daughter, Betty Jean, and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Elzey and daughter Marjorie, of Dayton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzsy, Tuesday evening. Mrs. F, E . Thomas, who submitted to an operation for the removal of a goiter at Miami VaJley hospital, April 25, was able to reo turn to her home, Tuesday afterQoon. She surprised several of her f , riends in town by calling on them while enroute to her home, Dr. Bickle, l\\1perintendent of the Dayton distrlc4 preached a splendid sermon at the local M. E . church, Sunday morning. At the evening service, the Rev. W, L. Garst, of the High 8chool faCility, delivered another exce1lent serID()n, choosing for hiSl theme, "What the Wodd Needs ill Christ.'
Super-Sbell A Premium Gasoline at the Price of "REGULAR" Gas FOR THE FIRST TIME, premium Super-Shen be sold at the price of regular gas. Never before h •••n e.tabli.hed premium •••0line been offered .t the price 'o f regul.r •••• Not only i the price of Super-Shelt reduced, but it il'! a better gasoline,today than ever." Hundreds of millions of gallons of Super-Shell were sold a.t premium prices, mostly to high-priced cars. Now e'Yery car can afford it-every motorist enjoy the t hrill of premium performance, witnout paying extra. Hair-trigger stading, fla hing pickup, knockless power. You cali start aving immed iately. Super·She )) -colored golden for easy indentification-is now on sale at,al(Shell stations. '
A tail' sized audience greeted) Keystone, the "agidan, in an entertainment given at the gym, last Friday evening, under the THE HARDWARE MAN auspices of the local branch of the Jr. O. U. A. M. Excellent music for t he occasion was furnished by the Waynesville school band, under ~======;;:;;;;:====:::::==-===;;;;;:========ii the direction of Stanley Watkins. The Juniors extend their thanks to aU :friends who contributed to the tjiiiiii_..iiiiii.......IIIiI.._I111!1.._ ...._~______ succeSll o f the entertaiDment. II
Phone 41
Wa yneiville, Ohio
---Mt. Holl y--Junior
Late Classified Ads
Frank LeMay attended a meetin g of Boy Scout executives at
E-1aewhere ·n-t1riJJ-iJlJu lish announcement of a card party to be given by ' tbe Prol1'ell8lve 'Women's club for the beDeftt of our Public Library. The latter Instltution is in dire straits financlally, due to a failure of support from taxation !ilburce!!, and bur newe8t women'! organi~tion IB doing all in itl! power to relieve the S tr'mgency. Th'1! 1aud a bl e purpose deserves the 8Upport of all ' good The cla sses of Mr. Stillwell and citizens. Mr. Ferree will cOllductanold·time .~--opening exercises of the Hi&'h school at '3 p. m., on, t he day of the reunion, May 20. This is intended lor all who wish to at~nd. .~
t. JOleph, Mo., NewR-Pre•• of April 26, carries a splendid picture of Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. MiII8, resident 6f St. Joseph forty·five yearll, who ob erved their golden wedding anniversary, April 24. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, nee Angie Haines, former residents of Waynesville, were married in Lebanon in 1833. Tn y have two Bons, harleton J , and Ra~mond Mill I The
Golden Weddiq of Former Residents
-A-T-T ~~--T ION FARMERSNEW BLACKSMITH On Kaill Street in th e ;Rye .hop, on Route 73,
Bone Shoe-
ing, Blacklmithing and Wagon Making in all its branches.
EXPERIENCED PLOW MAKER Come in, let's get _cquaintod, Bring in your work an~ we will botb profit. W. elM. at aooll ON SATURDAY
Soft Ball Game
Caesars Creek
The soft ball team repreaentinc Miami Valley Council, Jr. O. U. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilso n took A. M., expect! to play its first 01Sunday dinner Whites next Sunday afternoon if Mrs. Paul P eterson and 1am . Mrs. Luth r' Hl\imes had as her weather permits. AI). 10ver8 of the "'uests on : Thurada3r, her PIIl'ents, game are hivited to come out and .. the teams in action. Stile.s and Mr. and MI'!!. Chaldey Laird, of atll8 are expected to take care Camden, Ohio. .the battery work for the JIlnior8 Mrs. Nellie Bunnen and Miss -------.~~~.------Monimia entertained to dinne~ on Sunday, April 23. the following MASON CRANGE TO guest!\: Mr. and Ttfl's. Clyde Long VISIT WAYNESVILLE 'o f near Centerville and their At the l'egular meeting Saturmother of . West Carltqn, the Misses Hnda and Mildred Long, day eveninr, May 6th, Mason K ermit and JWland Long, Mr. aud Grange will be gusstl! of Farmers Mrs. William Puterbaugh and Grantre and :furnillh th& en ~ire protwJ n boys Bill and Jack, George If1"&m. . Philips. of Centerville and Geor&,s Mason Grarige Is noted for fine Bunnell. prorram. and Farmer. Grantre is Howard Leal11inAl and family look inc forward to a verY' enJoyacalled on Ralph Lea.minlrS :Monday able eveniJlg'. entertainment. evelling and Mr. o:nd Mrs. Je8se Fawcett, of near Oldtown,' on DEATH Tuesday evening. The W. F . 14. S. met at the home Jam,, ' WUllam, 18-montha-old 01 Mrs. Zimri Haines Wednelday Ion of Mr. aDd KI'II. Ben Grllber, afternoon. , died at the home of liia parente Mr. and Mrs. Ral'(!~h Bogan and on the Middle Run church Misll Dorothy furni l!hed the mUlic farm on Ro~te 42, lontr the home the Adams . town!Jhip AlumnI of Joa; Evan8, last TIIul'lday aftermeetin&, Shturday n:ight. noon. Funerld services were held Mrs, Fram:y' Sheds and daugh. at the borne Sund~, afternoon, ters June and Ruth ' Ernest Earl Elder Anrle offtciatinr, and burial and Robert Sheets ~alled o~ Mrs, wall 'made in Middle Run cemetery Emerso n Sinclair and children Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ra.ymond Wilson d MilS Jeallnette were Sunday dinner guests of ~fr, and Mr.. Theodore McIntire ot Dear New , A note of encouraremellt to. aU are 10 .......7 10~1dDe for the of prollHtrit7 com.. born lIU", when It ia -.ld Kiq Powder IImaaDdthe Oartridce facto17 bal" retak... 011 a lar,. number 01 II....-Evu Botll eom:eraa are Boran and II!hllldJ~n IIllri~,rI. anel to .. l'UIlal.... at full Robert were petta of for til. tuU Dumber 01 RaJeilfh Bop.. 011 WOIIdaa .......... dQ• Mr. and Kn. Lil..........
Billboard. to Mark The Ends of Trail
SER,VICE' . Fl'o ,n helpin&' you Hleet the PROPER lumber -car.fully in.peeted and thoroulhl, a.a. aonecl- to the prompt dellv• .." try to put our bu.ine.a on a SERVICE ba.ia.
w. H. MADDEN '& Phonel.
Wa,n••ville, Ohio
Elghty-Sixth Year
Clean-Up Dall Will Prove Beneficial to
MAY 10, 1933
Whole Number 6065
Claaa Reun:ona are
HONOR GRADUATE OF Being Planned (or A nniveTaary own W. H. S. IS ACiCORDED FiFtieth Great plans are ncal'tng fruition In another colUmn we are pubfor the fiftieth reunion and lishing Mayor T. B. Rogers' procthe Alumni association ballquet lamation setling a id next Wed- COLLEGE OISlrlNCTION of Wayne ville high school and its
01 Miss Clara Lile spent the week· nesday, May 17, as Clean-Up Day worthy s uccessor, the Wa"ntl About Prof. Cr.ham end in Wa shington C. H. for our villag . This is certainly a Mi•• Catherine Br ..... l.ralor Select. Township Centrll.li1:ed ' high school. J go()d mov itt the right direction. and Cannina Factor)' BriDe Watch and wait foT' Myer orne of us, perhap ', have become The event is to be held at the ed for Honor.ry Society Hyman's Bankrupt stock sale. Gym on ~aturday evening, May Replica from Our R•• dera a trifle negligent and have al1 ow~d at Wittenbere C~ olleae 20. the next ev ning after . the L Miss Helen Campbell spent t h e !lshes, old can. and other debris member of the fiftieth das have to accumulate on our premises week·end with relatives in Morrow dUJ'ing the winter months. u h Giving an ac('ount c)f the event, received theil' diplomas. Reminiscences of our school vera I of the various classes Mr. John Staley, Dayton, is accumulations aTe not only dis- the Springfield News :fur Tuesda,;, days a nd our teac.hers are subjects r .unions in whi('h all of us ar interested. visiting his sister, Mrs. Maude gusting to the s ight, b'lt are May 2, says: "Thl'ee Wittenberg ar arranging . for special . h h Our question, published last week, Fetter. generally a positiv e menace 1.0 011 ge junior womeri were honor- t o be h eId In, connectIon WIt t e ot the nlost main event. One concerning the late Prof. G. J. health. A day set as ide lor a con - ed Tuesday by being selected for Messrs. H. M. Sherwood and J. certed effort toward the ir removal membership in Arrow and Mask, active workers for these reunions Graham, quickly brought this an ~wer under date of May 3. N. Squires wel'e Dayton visitors, is certainly a good thing. As Mr. xclusive senior honor ary society. is Mr. Stephen A. Stilwell, now of "In answer to this week's ques. last Wednesday. Rogers notes in h'is proclamation, Annual tap services were con. Lebanon, who erved as Buperint\on appearing, . in this evening's M ' D L C t in the library hollow on the ten dent of tbe Waynesville schools Mr. and rs, • . rane spen our citizens generally are above dueted 1 " f "om 1891 to 1900, inclusive. Mr. ,Miami Gazette concerning G. J. Sunday with E. C. Crane and l'eproach along this line, but a few co lege campus. Stilwell ha s ever maintained a GT'aham, I will say that Mr. Gra- :tamily in' Dayton. have not been any too careful Let One of th younl~ ladies so ham was superintendent of our us all enter whol -heartedly into electeq was Miss Catherine Brans. keen interest in the wellare of school from 18 0 until 1886, when Miami' Quarterly Meeting will the proper spirit of the 'day and do trotor, younger daug:htel' 0'1 Mr. his f?rmer stud.ent$, nol' will th,ey he was repla~ced by P. V. Bone. be held at Harveysburg, Saturday, I in our p ower t <l mjlke our tOW!1 and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator, and ever forget their pleasant aRSOCla~ Among the gl'oduates, whom mo t May 13th, at 10 :80. what it was in\.ended to be- th an honor graduate of Waynesvllle tions with him. Be may reside el e011 of us know, are the following: cleanest; mo~t healtby and be t High school. Describing the eXl!r- where, but hel still belongs to Waynesville. . 18BO, Miss Annie Brown; 1881, MI'. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and town to be found anywhere. cises, the News says: Mrs. Allen Mis es Mame Brown and Trillena Mrs. Mary C: Cross visited friends ~-_ ___._ _ _ "Dressed in white robes and Hames (Lucy Edward ; 1882, Oscar Monfort; in Sardinia, Sunday. . wearing white mallks , senior mell)- Roger) 01. Xenia, is the president 1883; May Wrigh t and Flora Mrs. Ronald Hawke entertoined 'bers of the ociety, IIlne by one, and MiRS EIi28beth Henkle is walked from a platfolrm half-way secl'elary of the as oeiation this Woolley Crane; 1884, Frank Fan; the members o:t her bridge club 1885, Emma Fetter Smith. Now, Saturday .afternoon. up thE nortb slope of' library hill year. - - - -•• - ~ Mr. Hoosjer, don't you think I and. acr08 the hollow below to pin have a moat wonderful memory'!" Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason and Last Saturday evening Farmers the much·coveted arr'ows on the . WeU, in 0 me instance., yes; son were Middletown visitors, dresses of the selected junior I Grange had as guests, eleven women an d t conduct t h em bac k eli . but why dn't ';ou answer tbe Saturday afiel'noon. otbel' question concerning the members from Springboro gl'ange to the place of honor on the hillcalming factory? Don't the achool Miss Lucy Emley was the Sun- and forty-five ' membeT's from side. A rousing address by the 'Rev. record mention tltat subject? day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mason grange. "Superior scholarship, service to Mr. Smith, pastor of the M. E. And, how did you know that the Otis Arthur and :family. A most excellent progJ'am was' the college through lparticipation church at Franklin, who chose tor Hoosier was writing t hese ques- Dr. R. S. Weaver and tamily have p.r epored and given by Mrs. Hazel in tudent activitie. and high his theme "The Hidden Thing of h tions? They have never been taken up tbeir res idence in the Zell Barr, Lecturer of Mason grange. standards of chaT'actE~r are bll'Sic Men's Minds," t ef prof h featured . h signed. The program was as follows: requirements making Arrow and gram 0 t e meebng 0 t e d· t nDro th er h 00 d , he Id'm th e One of the gl'aduates, Mrs. property on Third street. Origin of Mot h r's Doy .. Mrs Moler MllSk one of the hil!:hest honors Meth O.IS Emma Fettel' Smith, named in Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainous Reading ,.. Junior Craig that i!an be conferred upon junior social room' of the chure,h, Monday the above reply 8ays that Mr. are announcing the birth of 8 Song ....... .. , .... Palll Johnson co.eds at Wittenberg' • • * •• 'eve!)ing'. After. the program, ham~ Graham began his career 8S daughter on Thursday, May 4. Reading .. David Ayer AI·row and Mask was founded in burger sandwiches, pickles and MI.SI n or '- Hen'''erson, 0" Cln- Reading ..... ,.. , ....... Mrs. Ayers Octobe.r, 1922, and is local in its coffee were seT'ved to about sixty up rintendent of the Waynesville schools"September 29, 1879, and JJ U> U • S IMP I member hip and spherc~ of activity. men ond boys. . . ... ,:" Drs. . aC· mer continued for six "ears. cinnati, 18 spepding a two-weeks R0 0d' "Miss BranstratoT' is a council .. - ., comes to oar vacation with home folks h ere. es mil'Duet ,.. .. orIs ralg' member Jim toops again Violin ... Mildred Compton in the Wittenberg Watch and wait for Myer aid in anllwer to the Canning and Helen Vorrhis Women's League and II student as- Hyman's Bankrupt stock sale. Factory question. In part, Mr. Mr. .and Mrs. J _ O. Cartwright, R d' M B sl·stant in the department o'f Engof Cincinnati, were week-end ea mg ..... " . rs. arr StooP!I says: "[ surely like to read Pantomime with the following IIsh. She is a member of Beta = the artidea in The Miami Galette euests o:t Mrs. Hannah Rogers. characters: Phi Alpha Sorority." J -~ and something of this kind 'Will be Mrs. Everett Sears visited bel' Ml'l!. Butler as Father Time As II leading member of the M h ' D' interesting, • • I note the next parents, Mr, end Mrs. Walton, in Mrs. Durrell as Mother. Wa-ynesville High school graduatot era aYe que tion you ask was about when Sprinr Valley a few days, this Ollie Compton all Actress lng class of 1930, larl~e9t ever to the Waynesville canning factory week. Mrs. Palmer as Stenographer hav gl'aduated from the instituFollowl\g a beautiful custom , Mrs. Moler as Nurse tion, Miss BralUltratol' won these of several years, next Sunday, wall built. Of course. it would not be proper for me to anlwer this Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hymal\ and Ml'S . .osborn as Teacher SCholarship honors for her school : May 14, has been set aside as beea.. I sel'Ved all tbe t1r!!t MiB.\! Stella Daqgberty went to Mrs. Keltner as Grandma . First honors In English tV. in the Mothers' Day. On this day, praldmt of the company for RUMI Point, Sunday, :tor a few lohn and Sue Durrell, Jean District Scholarship t;est held at special reverel,lce and tribute is about ftl1lrieen y~arll. • • I aup- daya outing. Vorrhis . and Earl 0 born as Miami University . . TI~is sllccess justly paid to the n.earest and po.. the old timers will ~emember Mr. and Mrs, Frank Stanaberry, Children. won for heT' a chance to compete dearest ties of kindred ever the five pairs of Jacks that owned Mi811 Mary and Rus el. Stansbe1'l'Y • - -- - . In the county team division of the known to mallklnd. If Moth er be and operated the Waynellville vUlited relativea at Oakland, SunState cholarship contest, held at yet living, a colored blossomfactory, wbich were as folloWII, day afternoon. olumbus, where she again won preferably ' pink-is worn in all namea commencing with 'iJ": first honors in the $8,me subject. hel' honol'; it she has passed to Jim Stoops, president; J. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Grlny and he was awarded a sch,o lar hip In her Eternal Rest , a white 1I0'Wer WilSOII', vice-president; J_ N. son, Vincent, speat Sunday with Wittenberg college fOI' these feats pays tribute to her memory. Le L .., R 0)' N olfl1e an d 80n, The Waynesville Juniors and 0 f sc h 0 IaT'S h'Ip an d was as I 0 se I ec t - Th ose 0 f us wh0 .... "~e so tortun mmon, ... weasurer; J . B . Caaaey, _r. an d ... s eretary; J. F. Snook, manaaer. ', RiChard, in Sprinr VaDey. the Mt. Holly White divided a ed as valedictorian of her High ate as to have her yet with us Of coupe. they h~ve all p&lJ8ed soft ballbdouble header played at school class. do well to visit her, or at least away 'll~ept W~I~ an~ myself. Mr. and Mark Rogers and Frazier Y,ark last Sunday afterI send our greetings, with a • • • t will wait and see what the daughter apent Sunday at the noon. The locals won the lil"St BASE BALL SEASON STARTS t oken of our appreciation of other fellow!! say about the date home 01. his parentI, MT. and Mrs. game, a nine-inning affair, by the what she has done for UII. Those of the orgaaizatiQn 01 the Wayrle8- Nate Ronrs , neal' Springbol'o. seOl'e -of 9 to 8 , while the visitors of us to whom Mother's life is ville cannillg factol'Y. • • • My Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Linneman walked away with -.the second Ramby & .salisbUry's ·W aynes- >now a blessed memory can best steno. sls:oed tlte othel' letter an" famil u , of Da'''on, wel'e sup- seven-inning contest to the tune: ville base ball team defeatl!d the honor that memory by medita-· ··James." . I always allll "Jim."" , J~ of 16 to 3. ll'vin Mulford pitched Centerville team 8 to . 7 In a game tion and a .renewed self.conTh k 'd . W pel' guests Mr. andSunday Mrs. Forest on secratl'on to the emulatl' onofheT' e I a In . .ynesVl'11 e used .t 0 Hough and of children, even- for the locals' with "Bill" chuler played at Le ter Kenrick's park S uy, 'Here cornea Jim an.d Mr8. l'ece.iving his slants; while Ray- the Da.yton-Lebanon pike, unday worthy example_ The hand that Stoops.' I' Thank you, Ja- pardon, ing. . mond Smith and /'Pat" Gates per- afternoon. Roy Ellis and Mike rocks the c radle hae ever ruled 'We mean Jim. Mr. and MrS- Stanley Satterth- formed similar services fol' the Welter did the battery work for the world, and will continue to We do appreciate the fact that all waite, of Dayton, and Me!!8l'8. visitors. The Juniors expect to play the victors. The Franklin Smoker· do so as long as civilizatio n shall of you have taken the' trouble to Henry and Clement Satterthwaite the Corwin team on its home field les will be Waynesville's opponent!! exist. ne park ditlmond, next anSWe1' thelMl queries. It spent Sunday at St. Mary's Reser- next Sunday afternoon. No admis. °Sn tdhe , ames prove! to U8 that you are takinr voir. sion to these r is ch8l'ged. un ay a ernoon. .-------------" an interest in the old home town _____________________________ __________
Vi.itors Entertained F G armera ra nge
and wait f (l r ' M yel' R . eel d T Bankru pt tock . alt.' . All Are to be epa.r an r_t· ed wilt. Tar and Pea Gra.,1 Mr. and Mr!l. H<lrold Smith s pen t Sunda,; at- Indian Lake, - Bid. to be Received Watch and wait fo l' Myer Hyman' Bankrupt sl ock sal e. OUI' village - co uncil met in Rpeci al ad journ ed se ion, MonLouella Williamson is tak. MillS ing a bUs ill'55 CO Ul'S in ulumb us. da y evening, to consider its program of st reet r pairs and improve HYll1an'~
Ml'. and Mrs. J oe Thomp. on a nli men ts for the !'eason: A reptesenMrs. Harold Or b() l·n w re Dayton tath' of a road construction and visitor s, la l Friday. re pair co mpany was pre ent and explained lhe properties of variou8 lI~r. and Mrs. P t~ r D mar; ~nd materillls for th e r esurfacing of famIly, of New VI nna , vi ·Iled streets. ... relaLives here, Sunday, Council made a tour of. inspecMr. and Mrs. Murrel Tinn ey, of tion and decided that all breaks Route 1 8l"e announ cing th e birth sh ould be r paired; that all streets of a BOr: on 'rhul'!!day, Ma y 4. with the exe ption of Third s~reet, ~houl(j receive at leasl one coat of Harl'y_ ~. Hal~1ilton , of Cl eve- I tal' and pea gravel; and that the land, VISIted hIS moth r Mrs. berm on both sides of the concrete Emma Hamilton, la t Thursday. jroadway on Main street should be . . . . treated with the same matuials. Mr, and Mrs. Ohver Davi Vlslted Th e clerk was ordend to prepare at the home of MI'. and fr~. Earl the plans and pecifications for the Murray in Dayton, la t Thursday. work, and to advertis!! for bids. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ch apman and Thi s is paid for with r?vson RQbert were undav dinner enue derIved from the psoltne gu~sts of ·M'rs. Ju Iia I?on ~van and tax and ~he . automobile licen8e Mr . Jane Wrig ht. fund., whIch the State law l'ules cannot be usoo lor >o ther than Mrs, Pearl Hole and . on, Charle", road purposes. The tl'ingency of of Daytoh, were Sunday afternoon municipal fund that we noted a visitor lit the llome of Mr. and few week ago exists in the Mrs. W. N. Sears. general and public saiety fonds, Mr. allcl Mrs. R. H. Hartsock; whose r v nue is deriged trom diMrs. E. F. Eal'nhart, Mrs. Glen l·ect taxation. The gasoline and Bland ant! MiRS Ola Hortso~k ot- auto funds cannot be\lsed in tbe8e tended Ea tern Star inspection at department.~, and if they are not all uscd for street work, WaynesSabina~ Tuesday night. ville's portiOn I quite liable t() be Local trap shooters have receiv- r duced. ed anno unceme nt 0 f a b'Ig "Shoot" No town in Warren county, and t 0 be h eId a t V an dal'a t omon ow none of it size in so uthern Ohio, l after noon, May 11. The program has b ttel' kept or smoother calls for 100 targets at 16 yards, streets than has Waynesville, and d ha ili of 50 t tfew have nearly sogood. Council an a n cap arge ". MI'. W. S. Gr~ham entertained and our treet commissioner, W. the foU()wing guests at . Sunday . Graham, are to be heartily com. dinner: Mr. and Mrf). Morri her- mended fol' this excellent 8tate of wood, of Harveysburg, Mr. and affairs. Mrs. Ralph Lewis, of Dayton, Mr. alid Mrs. Morris Graham, and Marlon Whitaker.
Reve Smith Spoke I To Brotherhood
D.·v.eded' Soft Ball Double Header
==:::::;:==================-=-::::-==- - - ==================== ~~
BEGINNERS ENTERTAIN 1',1I;s. Edith Harris, Mr$. Ronald AT MOTHERS MEETING Haw1ce, Mrs. Be rt Hartsock and
Miss Emma Heighwoy repl'esented the local branch of t he Woman's Auxiliary at the annual meeting of the Dayton con-vo~tion held in the church of the Heavenly Rest at »ringfield, Ohi O, today. MI-s8 Wada I k th ar folk. spent week-end. wit.h home s neare
An audience tbat-taxed the capacity of the 1'00m gathered at the Gnde school buildinr,laat Friday afternoon, to hear tlLe llttle beginners, ,taugbt by Mi811 Eva Reeder and Miss Mary Hunter, entertain the Wayne Township MothsIb t'ts Ias t mee tl ng f 01' th e secl'hoCoIUtearml.
Lytle" Mas Clark and M1s$ Myt'a Pellee; ()1 Mt. H?lIy, a.re member of the class whIch WIll gra~u~te next Tuesday frqm th tl'aln)ng sc~ool. :for ~urses . con?ucted at BMla~ VallelY h~Plftalwln Dayt?tnl' H~th ~l'~ 3 umnl 0 aynesVl e Ig sc 00.1 . A number of their relatives pe'l'petrated a pleasant sUI'prise on Mr. and Mrs. Will Gosney, Sunday when they arrived at their home with well filled ba kets. Thegu ests: Mr. and Mrs. James, of DeMessville, Ky., Mr. anll Mre. Millart! Gosney and daughter, Bertha. and Mr. Will Thornloe, of Br(1pkam.
After a vocal duet . "The Quarrel," by Evelyn ThomplIOn and No 1 ClaT'k, the children gave a pretty ' Mother Goolle »Iay, "School in Puddin' Lane," little Mis. Betty Routzahn Introdueing the characters. Group songs .by the children, "The Pony Ride," "My P thon" y an d. I'G 00 dbye , Dea r M0 ers," concluded their pal't 0'1 tile program. Mi I! Alice Louise HenderllOn gave a most pleluling 'reading, "The Newlyweds," and Mr. Julian Ct'abbe favored with two trumpet solos, his mother playing his ac. cOmpammeitt. R V. G. C. Dibert
~~ ,~~M~~rl~ney~dp"'U"p~~m~~e~~
two children, and lifT'. and Mrs. pel'ance petition that Is to be clrWarren Gosney, of Newpo,·t, Ky. cu lated among· the voters. of the community. • _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - The flowe1' bOx and picture were owarded to t he care of the pupils Mr. William Casperllon and ~rs. Staff 'for third in World History ' last old war clubs, averagmg 20 runs of Miss Elizabeth Fox and ](iss Rosabelle Roach ,,:ere qUletIy Editor ................. Doris Salisbury Saturd,;\y when she lIucceeded in per pme to our opponents 6 , Mrs. Clara Merritt, aged 78 Mary Hunter for the l'emainder of married at the M. E. parsonase, Allsemblies .. .. " .......... OrieHardin ans~ermg 48. corre~tly out of a We had a ball team that wOl'ked years, a highly esteemed and the school term. Officers for next last .T~ur.day, Rev. G. C. Dibert Class News ....... Thelma Coleman pOSSIble 60 pomts. like a perfect machine, which was long·time r sident of Barveysburg year were elected as follows: oftlclatlDl· . ' M Ct' Montgomery county won flret guided by Coach Huffman. His died at her home in tbat village at President, Mrs. Louis Fira; The Woman'a AUlIiliary of St. ~~~~~c~ ..'.':.·.' .::.::.·:.·.·.":." i.ea:YWe~~: honors whUe Warren Tanked tenth team had a pereentage of 1000 an early hoUl' Tuesdo,; morning, seore.tarY, Mrs. Leonal'd .Tinney; Mary'.a e. hurch will meet on Frl~ O-anizations ... , Virginia Foulks out o~ 12 entered. in othel' words, undeleated. after twelve weeks illness with t~easQ.rer, Mr , Myer Hyman. . Po.nts won by schools are The Waynesville high scb901 trouble.h Funeral Some time in ' the near future, day aftemooll, May 12. at two •• • will heart b' h ld M E services Ch h will . o'clock at the bome of Mrs. F. ,B. Wa~neavme, 7, Kings Mills 6 1·8; receive the trophy :tor Winning ' e e at t e .• urc In we. hope and expect to be able tp HendenoD, Sa . ce.l.ur•• te ..................... M.y 14 Mason, 5; MOrlfow, 2 ~; ~hst place in the league. Tben wlll Harveysburg, Thursday afternoon pub lish a complete resume qf the Massie 3. be eleven letteT'saw8l'ded to the at 2 o'el()ck, and bul'ial will be work accomplished this ye'r by HOR~CE M. ALLEN ienneth Fromm Joined a party Comm_cem.nt.. .............. May 19 baseball squad on the last day of made in Miami cemetel'Y. this the busie~t and most eftective Horaee M. Allen, aied 78, died of Lebanon friends In perpetrating :AltalD.i. ........................ , .. .... Ma,. 20 . Soft Ball ......,.. . our school year.. Mrs. Merritt was the widow Clf of our loca l .organiaations. at hili home in Detro!t, Mich., a birthday lurprlle on Jack Banta, T"m WOD Loat Staadi.. the late W . Albert r,ierritt, and is Saturday, May 6. Funeral aenices Sunday evening. at hlB home in · Baccalu~eate services for the W '11 8 0 1000 Publi.hin. Paper survived by two daughters, Mrs. wel'e held at tbe Hamilton FUJ\e~.1 the county . .t. ht'oh school .. raduatin'" Class of Fraa'innkeII.snvI e .. .. .. 7 ····· .. ' 1 .. .. · .. · '876 The Booster Club of W. H. S. is Ode Harlan and Mrs. Emma Cline NEW BLACKSMITH • .... .. ..... ..... ....... . ....... . . 'Th B " Pal'lors In Detroit, Monday aftel'READY FOR BUSINESS t at Dr. and· Mn. John Paul Bolton 1933 will be h eld at the Gym next Springboro ..... 3 .... ,. .2 ....... .600 publishing a paper' e ooster Mrs. C. H. Eulass, aged !ll yeal'S on t 4 ' I k I t DDo iat 0 e oc. n ermen were Sunday guests of the for- SundllY, May 14, beginning at 1J Mason ,., .. .... ..... 4., ... .. .8 >..... ' ,671 containing 16 pages of school ne~s died at the h ome of her daughter, Now dolng~ bu iness at the old etro . 1 10k' FolloWI'ng usual'11cus- M . L e ba no n at Rye Shop in Main St., H. E., Mr Allen the~ elde-t Ion of the mel'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla 0' co" h h their f 'th . orrow .,.......... . 4 ....... .8 " .. ,. . ...."'71 humor, miscellaneous and adverbs Mf i!. B . H • BI' atr, In II th e c durQ11es 0." te VI age • ~b anOll .. .... ,... 2 .... ... ....... 4 T ues d a y mornl'ng. Ac hterman bas come to u. trom late Tbomal and Cathel'l'ne McKav Bolton. A pleasant drive to Cin- t om, a. '11 ...., . . 883 . jng, which will be distributed to 11 ()'I C oc k ers every advert.iser and ever\l' u home F ' Allen ia survived by a daualhter~ einnati to view the magn wIII amt e , an a mlnlS 'I S WI\"1 ' K'lngs M·II IS "... . 2 ..... ... 6 , .. • . • "86 w ne r a lerVlcel\ WI·11 be h elda t .tb e Centerville to conduc.t" ·1I. general ' ~ , new t erm Ina I was an • even t 01. th e represented the school, on Fri· Blai ' home,' Thursday oftDrnoo . n blncksm)'th bust'ness here. Mrs. Charlee Fisher, q't Cincinnati" . wit. hI b t h e f serv . bceod b pecthco Carll'sIe .. ,........ 1 ..... .., 6 ,.... .. . 167 d M · 12 in.1933 ,.. ~ D All d afternoon mUSlC WII e urm e y e Otterbein-withdrawa, ay, s y , . at 3 o'e1o<;k and burial will be REA as bis friendS' call him III a ... lion, ;n., High Glee Club, under the Scores reported· lasti week: School Diapl.)' made in the rJebanon cemetery. jirst 'Class mechaniC, has bad a very brother, 1 lam . , en, pre Mrs. Sadie Reuon, of HarveY8- direction of their instl'uctor, Mrs. Waynesville, 7; Sprinlgboro, () .. . Mrs. Eulass was a daughter or broad expeTience in general dent of the Waynesville National b\lrg, was the Sun.y cuest of her Alberta Burckle. The program (rorieit) The school. dl8pl~y m .aU rooms the I~te Dr. Benjamin Stokes,. and blacksmithing aod wagon maklnc. bank. • _. 80n, Percy .Reason, and family. follows: MilBon, 22; Lebanon, 21. and 18 rapIdly pro· was widely known and hltrbly lIe is also all expel"t honuhoer did EE S Mr. and MI'8. C. F. Falter, of Processional Mason, 16; Morrow, 6.. greasing and WIll be r.eady for ~he esteemed. Beside her daughter' lquite a little fancy ~ddle h~.... W. F. M. SOCIETY M T Daytoll, and Mrll. Leonard Fester, Hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to Franklin, 24; Maaonj 8. inspection of the publtc, beginn~ng Mrs. BI.ir,llhe is survi~ed by a sIm shoeing at and around CentervWe A letter from Mr. A. M. Frakel, ot Cleveland, were evening visitors 'thee:'- The Congregation. Lebanon, 11; Kingl Mills. 10. on Wednesday, ~ay 10 and ending Carrol C. Eulass, preSIdent o~ the .bolling such stable. . . IIr. RQIM)I of Tennessee. thanking tbe lad1el! Several b f Miami Invocation- Rev. John J. Sehaefter Springboro, 10; Kings Mills, 6. on Friday 1.ollo"":tng. Leb.nQn bank. Mrs. M. W. Sllve.r, Fqngert, Gilbert EleheibercV alld for a generoul! d!lnation of clotlt- Valley COUDd:~ t~ attend a Music, ' "Send Out u Thy Light," Games not yet ~ep'Drted: MI8s ,C lara Llle" teacher of the of Waynesville, and Ml'S. Leha othe1'8 . In, and suppli.s was read at the cia.. initiation for the 18th dill<?ounodR-Gdl~e CI Rb. Seh If Springboro at Carl!-le.. let Section of Grade III. will Bunnell, of Lebanon, are survivAnyone needing b1aebmlWIlIr meetillir ot the W. F. II. society trict, J 0 U A M to b held Scnpture ea ID, . . ev. ae er Muon at Killg. Milia pruent an interesthl, poup o.f ing sisten. . or waconmakinr will •• tlaetueh,.. of tba M E church held at~. t y-chbu' I e Voeal Solo ... 1\Irl. Alberta Buerkle Carllal' at LebanCln. tPI.l'oongreetcss ..'>.."itOhkmleetst'lc alnnd ICaOnmguPa°:!: A II'We dau"'htu, Jane Mal'i1 Vft , a f:-,vorA!Jybtt&kiq taa:a..... 1nJrk .... " llom. of Ii....·A K ~y lut Wed· al~~u ,-~, IU b I .n Dir. I d The S.rmoD ...... , Rev. G. C. Dibert Morrow at Sprlncbor~1' ., .b t': d " ...... Ilia'.. ....r. C! eMllan .. . . to .., - - mem_n w e aecompan e M Ii "The Heavens Are Re L b t S lacb I1b pape .... Pupils have busied them-I"all orn 0 an WI m t '-_". nelda, afternoon. A readinll b7 ~t Ieut ODI nlw caadldat. u c, "B h GI - e allon a pr o. 1411.,-'th various projects duro Spray (,," Loraine Brannock) of 'bolwnb U8001l . . _ a "Rel' Mornin. lIail," by M.... • 1I0undln., eet oven .e ~. WI II ' e 011. . . . . 7 U 0 Ralpb Rutin... and til. readln, of MI'. and II.... Fred Club. .....eHll Q&!'I,." Inc their .pare time alld attempts near Lebanon, at Miami Va e1 home t wn a Chille.. wolf Ito'" b, II.... IIuJ went to lIiddletoWII. 1I01l'ay H}'1Iln, "All Han the PCl'wer of will be made to portray everYda'lhOIPital Jut Wednesday momib., III Itt'I~~part~ma~n!.~~~~~ IIcChln f ..tveci" the to "IiIlt their panDon, Z.aua Name"-Conrreptlon. T~e Wap8IVWe Sehool ac..... and died the next Dlol'llinc. Sbort aDO_ er ... ~-............. f B--edletion Rev C A WUllam101l team won the of the I Tbe U. S. blstory claaa will haYe funeral HrViCll1 ",ere held at the h d The NIIIahKler of the our".. .. .... ".,- DY _ _ .. BOn 0 ... .. ... f~n III a preu.ati.. of C1lrr..t ..ente home of til. bab.'a IrI'nclmotiler. ..... DHaa fttecl to . . . . . The.. ,... JIftrIIart. ......... Whu .,......., ....... ; : . . . : 00-'7. NI!eIlt JIloutlla, . .,. ...,.....nt- JlN. 1'raDc:ea BraUlloa, tile ~ . • .... ""-•• • ... • twa ....... our lfatlo2lal It• • of ...- 0
0'1 this department. Our fondest many morlt of .. Now, let's see what WI1 can find lor this week. What was the date Dr Wayn,esville's biggeat lire, and where did the blale ol'irinateT Also what nelghborine ftre eompany really turned the tide In favor ot the ' tire ilghter&1 When did Waynesville's last Ii~ensed saloon quit business, and wbere waB It 10catedT Who was the proprietorT
hop~ ill to receive theBe answers.
Dayton, . Miss Doria Christman, and Hr. Huben Bailey were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey.
WA' y' NES·'V ' IL·L· E ~
HIGH'~~, ...
Frtda, ."
or tn
hool- ir t to Leav
"d, .lId J .lIh B, Chapman wa ele('ted t !til the vacan y. larry J bnl! n hrned a. h ' a~ul' r. De·' c.'t·mbrr :.10, IIntl ' waa l'Iu('('c(>ded by
La t to Return to Township Systenl "~'/'~~~h(lP' ~ho thl'll lIwnetl and B) THE 1I00~mR
Your Government By Steplaen M. Youn" Con,re..man-at.Lar,e
11 111'ratl'd thl' l"l\rnwr~ ]t~xchun~c f l ~ \Jl lt " l~f bl'chllnw /l nwmber of th\, CommCln PI"a. roceedin.. Washington cnator Huey p()licies and organizing for the \\'hl't'I lhe b01l1'11 IJw t t o ,'('IIl'gall' thllt, Mr, J.;. (' Mill,'I' dl,. l1ne> u, th ' Fra )Oare nrl'I"'~,.:!t, I ongressl'onal nll. S."·(IUI· \\'h(,11107. hucl n·pl r~llluring ovell 1n the cn~e of 'Thll.' Monlg(II'lel'y Long. se lf.styed "Kingfish" and 193'~ Republl'can h~e, Januory ~, 190 5. a m'w S till e PO,iti "ll 11' prin jl'ul fil l' lin ,,'t h 'I' " , • . S t o P I t' f lh ,I ' I hhi II'"ille n e f nJnl lI \U d 'l b. lr 'I,.t, At P.,. rel',llIin Product,. ~... o., versu, The .l'crl.'tary (If th Trea. llry Woodin campaIgn. enll r lit H urrl' all of '" ~ \l '~ I 1a ..' • 'II h \ II r t \1(' Ill n (I e .\' ur, unu 11 I', }'. K , Htaffl1l'll, \,If , ~ Missi sippi rcmarked, "Th y would num/)<.'r (If dirert or. f1'1I, 1ll l'Iix til Red L iu tt, \\n ~ I\Iln ll .",.'"h,',"~,.. " n nt II II a:ll . ~It.. Hi~hoJl \\U ~ appointed ' 1\I1IIml ' t d(latedt [' up' fir , I 0 ., judg- !In' not exactly LORom friends. b e Willer to bRSk in silene in the fivl.'. and th c naml! of llll' di:lrkt ~n lnry of $ & pt>r month. 'The llC'" IUl 11(' rdu.l't1 t he post . and on m?n an c os 8 sat l!' leu. a~ dis· Iluey conlliders Secretary Woodin. shadows of their own Jailul' II." "\\a'l changed f r()m ()Twin : P l' illl pl'i n i1)11 1 11 :1 ' pre,cn t , nnd th nn k . Apl'it 2fi. Dt' , . W. H I/nu erson l n\l~~'d. h 1\ Republican, aa a reactionary. to ()r win iIlltj(' Di~trict. Th l' fully exp l'e~~l'd hi . tiC 11tllnc(' , wn:; tlPpoin tc u nnd quali fied, At Sl' h,,'arm n t e clIse C of ' Walter V, The Secl'etary has said some Currency inflation i ~ mueh talk' I \ ' h .' pte mb I' 7, T , W. Biggs and \ IIIIi 1\ ar III ling. tiss rphn " vers us 111'1'1 0 C ""UTm, ed , of nowdays. There is n(lt new b nrd was oIllIHl>'et! (If Frank Dr acJrlock, prl'~id 4,nt. l)nnirl W . ~1~l'I'i8on Vll n Du"cr \ rc ren p. r:lllltl Phillips wu ,; ch ol{c n as the ~ r vice by pUblication is to be lI}ings with emphasis about Huey. enough 'nloney in circulation. Also, ~urracc F rllnk sC)uit'c~, Cha dl'~ poantl.'ri l ru n' a (Ifllccr nnll j nnilo)' II 'xt t a h r of th e pr imarv d • made on <I f cndtmL S ec ' ntlr, ,however, Sl.'nator Long what is in circulation is t oo much d, lt eYlJulds a III I Ilv lI H , Mills. 1", pectiveh.', uut it Wn!;, not tlll!'1 1 pnrtm erit nt n .nlnl'Y of $o() llcr Tn the Cll~ of B: rt hll Watkins eCI ed to caU, on Secretary Wood~ concentrated in the handS' of tl)O v r~UR HI '" 1 ' t I ill at his home. He drove to Mr. n, ,l' lltombel' 2 that Jllll1eR IIal'n"" mon t h, 1\1t', J . C~. YOUllg, of Love· ,. e en " 81' y, a mm ol', e a few. The President ,will be empow Va u .J) 11 ('r\ ' wn,D ilire< I to l{(,I'\'(' h '" I "d I I B'Jpr aiselllA nl c n fi d " fi Woodin 's r osldence and pushed the eTed to expand the cunency . to :: ~!!!'!!!!!!!!~'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~~!!!'!!!~!!!'!!! irod to wn" rehir d tt) dl'ive t il"• sc hnol au, \Vai:<. eet I all the nexL ' • S 0 rm e , cun rm-M 01 rls(1n LIn .. URl' l' \I'll , , 1 't 10 nt'lon "e I I I '" I 'b w t1 oo,r bell, "Tcll the ecretaryl the rv( os I I'k JOI' 11 p'r iod of tw o hack, nnd t hen not url'I'\ a~t"I' th pnnClpu ••• uy: • a nd t wo fat herl\ u ' f I n( ul S .1'1 u .. un. the extent of six bill,'on doll"r- , I'f 1 k d In the tt f h I ' Kingfish is colling," announced A • ' y('ar~ , on d lI urry E. J oh n~ . bJ ' board h ~\d decide d tn' ,. qUl'r hl' nl w"reo os (' to meet with the bOllrd 111 1\ er 0 t e app lrati on necessary, and to adOI)t II "Cree , r Il1s' 0111, e liS. il\ ag to drive "Il~ COL' as t hn lune kllo"'n rour cl ay, Ia I or lo a(I jm;t dsmogt'll of ' 'D o ..~nl d D' iat h , Hu y. Th e butler bowed, r tired, silver" policy to the e)(lent ··r ae· n tu (> I Ui , Ilfos(>c utlng • • • ~ .. "" .1 b atlor l' " r t f d In a minute he was back. "Mr. " , be '(101(' trea Ul' r ot as Squir s' lane, Ilnd n '!ul'n to tIl" "aU;'t'u y a noclul'nal v i ~it ot t hllir l1 ey o~ n 8rr!!n cO LIn y or a . cepting tw o hundr d mill 'Ion T r(,8~lIrer .L h I f .1 ~ t th h I h ditionul r I A I' t ' Wo odin suid t o tell you that he Is IJI!! Me 00 Unu.. La t er in the scho,o,l hou e." .Josiah D8''1' , , prll. HUIl~ 0 ~c 00 un( s, pp lell Ion g l'ant· not Killg-fillhing t.onight. Good- dollars from forei"n b k l h t th b h ou!'!!. The cd .. nati ons I'n " B' mo nt h T " . ~g. wa. a ppoin t d 11 slllOn to t ea 'h vocal rnu~ic' in no ' a (' oys ad dest!-oye(! . , night." silver at a value ,not to exceed WAYNESVILLE, OHIO tv ~cr.,,(' as tr ulln !. offi cer, and th e the ~choo l wa. rejetlerl, uno to hnve the primary It'ach cr' ~ In th~ clI'e of olomon Fred fifteen cents an ounce. The peer- Phone 80 Bank Bldg. clerk's ,lIlary WIl ~ t :l t 2 pllr Now, j ll~t llt'C whllt we find un tl l'r d ~k - lJut I t 's dl'al t h('curtai n nn and LOUIS Fred vcrS UNThe S, Fred Representative Hancock of less leader's soul go s marching mo nth, payab le monthly. dnt (If .JAmlal'Y 25. lfHIIj. "T he the painf ul PI'OC' cJj ugS behind t ho' o. Appliclltion g ra,nt ecl. Nort h Carolina went ()ff the re- on, Many · things cons itlered rank Principal E. . Mill 17 pr sen tell Jll'ineipa l of th scholl I, Mr, Star. \\'llIHJ I:hNI; hot h of the youngsters In t hc cas 0 f Arn ei'i l!nn Suroty lIlll'vati on the other day and had heresies when William Jennings DR. H. M. WI LLIAMS a r vised cour e I ludy and a fo rd, waR ,P I'l'scnt :Ind annoml t'd hav .il) ce developed into guod .\•. VN'SUR ha rlo~te R. Lackman plenty t.o say about the Democratic Bryan advoca~ed them ,nearly new sot of rules and I'egulat ion ll to t ho board thot. he' had rccei'Ved men, a nd both HIll'veli t heir cu un try H yde, defendant I!I gra nted 30 House leadership before he smok- forty years ago have come to pas OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and fo r t he govemment of t he school a written communi 'ati()n li nd had weU in the WIIl'ld War. ~Iays to fil e un:;Wfr ,~r o bn r plead- cd. t.he pipe of pellce. "Let me re- Need ( mention woman, sulfrage, SURG£~N which we i' a dopt d, March 23. heard II nu mber of rUnlorS., II\1 of (To be Conti nu ed) tn~h C88e of Harry Wellintz ver- mind you," he said. "that. this is a popular election of United States Speci.1 Attention to Rectal and Immediat.ely, a \\'ritten req uest an alu m ing nature, to lhe effor t _. - - - - . . Th .... h I'epresentative form of ' govern- Senators, public w9rks finance In ..... tinal Diua.ea for 8 change in these r ules ~'a that the sc hool ," a affect d wl' th S,IJ e ''4erc without an ts Drayage was di 'missed reco rd. 0., ment. Ther e are th ree d"Isttnct by public bo n d s, an d "J ree Sl' IVel'''., LEBANON, OHIO read, and ttr~ gentlem e n "pa scd a, loathsome nn d contagious ski n branches, I want t o be behind the the buck" until t he next me Ling, diS a ; that he had mude a car e~n t hllEA ' elise dO C"fI;1a r y J . IDu rton administration, I am even willing This unparalled condition of Pbone 12 Ite,,! ~J,ono I O~ n l t • but t he changes wer finall y ful and com plete inquil'u~ a!'l to thn~ ve, brines or a law Iv11l8, JameaoD J It /I. flr msu~d 'Jaynar .. e Z. a e con· ,t 0 b ury, t emporan'1 y, convictions distress c~nfiscatin" all agitation money \'n fex"e~s of adopt~d , April 20. At this same truth of uch tatcments an d . of long standing and submit grace .. .. later meeting, Miss Apphia Miller ru~,or, and had , from ~ucll in. fully to be called a rubber stamp, one million dollars possessed by Will! el'lgaged as primary teacher qUlry, co ncluded t hat the f BCts Delay in Oh:o Prevent. Market New SUlih but, my God, are we to embalm anyone person. This plan is dras• • ' for the next term. The aplication obtained j u. tifi ed t h bel i f Ih"t Th e Waynesville' Na tio nal Bonk our bodies and chlor()fornl our tic; possibly, no more drastic than WOTARY PUBLlC " Conflict with Ea.tern J R to conRllcat a h f ' of Anna B lIe Bunday Thomas to l1 ? such loathsome lind contngio lls VOl';;U i . oy Dl'ummond and minds? Cannot a man thi nk out e ome or 8 arm furnish mu ic for the commellce- d'sea!le, nor any ot her dise ase Iluch Shor" Potatoes Bessie J. Dl'ummonld, f or money loud in this House any more, and for taxation; possibly. it is no Nallonal B_II ment exercisea, lind t he applica. a8 m ight become epide mic . was in fo r cc lusurc of mortl~lIge, cost and e~peciaUy when he is conscientious- more drastic 't h.n President Lin- Will, Dra_ • • E.ta ••• S.ttled tion of Albert J. Brown , of Wi]- the lScho ol. The boa rd thcr eupon The d lay occasio ned in , ale of r eal e't ate . Iy trying to perform 8 service to ~oln's ~macipation PI·o~lamation. mington, to be hired to deliver the lIisc usaed the ma tter . with the r _ pla nti ng f potalo s in Ohio by In the matte r of the esta t e of hi s country?" conom c slavery of white men is WAYNESVILLE, OHIO addle on the me auspicious oc- suIt that the pr eside nt instruct d I"ce nt roins may II L huve been a R. Vall Tress, dec' eased, Appeal worse than chattel slavery 01 the easion were refel'1'ed to Principal th e principal to req uire the (y u'd mi.-fortune>, lI ud Oh ioans been fr om probate Cour t. Breaking out of control of the blacks. Whether anyone individMiller with power to act. The be surpri sed) chil dre n pr('sent ab le to plant lit th h' u ual t ime ---leader, Democrats in the House unl can rightfully elll'n more than Miami Gazette received the order the principal of the 5c hoo l with a lheir potatoes lIlight ha ve co me II Probate Courl I?roceedinw. amended the two-cent ' letter pos- one million dollars hns been chalto furni h and print the programs certificate o~ go d heal th from the ma rkets in competition with Charles S. Erwin -was appointed tage bill by a provision transfer- lenged. What he gain s b yond that and tickets for commencement. A a~d signed by, th ir f omily l)hy~i- pot atoes grown in the eastern guaruilln of Robert Quigley et al r ing the 31. electricity tax from sum is through the labor of others w ek later, th e j an itor was order. Clan bet o re a d tn t't t'Ing th em 10 sore, h . tates. mItior an d fil e d bond of ' $4000 the consumer to the power com- thertainly if every individual kne\\,' ed to buy a new carpet for the school again." T he k ids read ily Earl T U~lIi ng, exlc n ion special. with s Ul'etie . pany. Then it passed the bill. This . ere was a limit of one miJIion tage, to be 1lr~t used at the com- secured their certificate and r eo i t in potnto cul t ure for the O. S, The estate of Perry Monce, cfe- was good work and it the Senate dollars, his incentive t o amass mencement exercises, Each gradu- turn ed. ., recei \l d word t his vi ek tha t ceased, is exempt from inhel'itance f ollows Buit the peoplc will be more than that would be missing; ate was al10tcd four tickeb and At thi s sa me meeting D, W . potato planti ng in th e ea t ern tax, saved fifty-five million dollars a also, there would be 1'10 incentive each director, two. urfac e wa app ointed IlS a Com- !lhor e e~tatel!, wh ere "'r Cat quanti. The will of Ann LOllisa Smith year that this indefensible electri. to depriv~ labor of its just ' l'C- , ward. We seek io limit armaments . . " d d city tax costs them , ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN t A special meeting was called mlttee t o inv stiga t lh feo ib ll. tte of earl y po tatoes are grown, eceaso, was filed in cOllrt. May 16, for the purpose of ity ot attaching old District No. al so had been dolyed by unfavol~. Ge orge P. Oates, administrator Formllr Secretary of the Treas. 0 prevent war; po sibly the ex- rour CatUe, hogs, sheep and eal ••• Norria-Brock Co., live wlr. and authorizing the pTe ident and clerk 10, the Hisey district. to their able planting weather. of the estate of MllTgaret Ann ury gden Mills ond Andy Mellon tent of individual property sh ould to progressive finn for the h~h ..t ot the board to sign the diplomas tenitory. At the next me ting, ince ,1928 a number of the Merchant, deceascd, filed his 1n- are busy assailing Roosevelt frightful market priceil and good lemcI. fo? the three gradllates -Hen- February 1, he tel)OI·ted that while larget' Ohio grower have been ventory and hia affidavit in lien of Union Stock Yarda' Cin~ln_tl. O. Tune in on Radio Station WOJ[Y rietta McKinsey, Catherine a majority of tho patrol) of that keeping costs accounts in coopera. aecount. Werntz and Raymond Harlan, A district favored the change, a few Lion with Tu sing and county A certified copy of the entry de- Higgins, deceased. Rob~rt J. Shaw- scrimmings, $292,40; Ada Court- 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our plan9 was rented ot E. Trovillo, 01 )\Iere bitterly. opposed t o such a agricultul'al agents , The spr ead be- termining the inhel'itancc tax on han and Miss Maie Runyan were ney, garage rent, $12; S. J. Black, market reports. Lebanon, for $l and his expense move. After a lengthy discussion, tween the UVCl'age cost of produc- the estate of French Bet inger i also appointed mcmberR of the 1 air pump. '75; Light Feed Gener f,o r one night, alld Ray Mills was the matter was dropped without tion of potatoes and sales prices to be certified witho ut delal'. Board. ator Co., torch, cutting tips, '28.appointed to sell tickets while fUrther action. for these gl'owe rs, all good f armerR ,William p, Hutchi~son, executor . e• 5~; Penn Railroad Co., shipping • nan Surface 'Was to col1e~t them, Mr. Staft'ol'd was I' -employed as I'anged in the five years from 1Ii of estate of Lusetta E. Hutchinson Marr,a8 L.cenaa. dipper handl e, '8.83 j Ci~innati And, oh yesl the janitor was in. principal, April 19, and Miss Ap.. cents to 97 cents, ales price var- decea ed, filed his inventory. The John Edward Wiggins, farmer, Oil. Wor~ Co., gas, ,2.7d; Orestructed to buy a mirror tor use phia Miller was re.engaged for the ied from 43 cen ts u bushel to e tate is exempt fr om inheritance of Mason and Miss Evelyn Vir- gOnia Bridge Co., steel burs. $149.at the school house. Of course primary room, May 17. he got a $1.65. tax. ginia Weisman, ot Mason. 63; John~on & Johnson, strips $4.the young lady 'graduates wanted salary raise to $55 pCI' month. Mr. 0 t of acre production, xccpt James V. Mulford, executor of Harley G. Brandenburg, shoe 9.4; LeWIS &: Dr~ke, Inc., ,ceMent to be absolutely sure that every Stafl'ord re'fu /led to accept the the y a1' 19 30, declined each s tate of Ruth RLlnr, deceased worker. of Lebanon dnd Mrs. Edna tll~, $7,6.88; BlaIr &: LeRoy, rock bo,!" 01' ribb\lD and .every lock of position' at $65 'Per month , and, on year, from $1 31 in 1' 2 to $ 0 in filed his first and fit181 account, 'Pearl Kinswortby, of Lebanon. ChIPS, $2.70; Waynesville Farmers haIr waJl exactly III place f()r June 6, Horace E. Wilson WI\ S se- 1!)32, These fi g uns are f or gr wA ce rtificate of transfer issue Exc.hange Co., cement, $230.92. eODlmen~ement. Iected f or the position at a salary l 'a. who produced uverage yields t o the county recorder in the matReal E,ta'e Tra.ler. -,--- - - -~-Although Mr. Paul Wright ap. of $70 per month. Thi!! may h8'Ve f 2 7 bush els in 193 2, 311 bush- ter of the estate of Daisy Dyche plied for the positi()n of school been the beginning of another els in 19 31, and 268 bushels in Maple, -deceased. I. Dl lliram Bain to J ennie Bain principal at tile old price May 18 happy r omance, for Miss MilleT, 1930. Will R. Lewis, administrator of relll estate in Lebanoll. the board increa.aed the ' t~ the teacher. became Mrs, e$tnte of C. L. Dye, deceased, is to Charles T. Wood to Mabel Host$70 per month, and for In~rest etter Wood-f 1~9,39 acre. in .cl~~-'--1111.:1J.I1IC .Miller. The allnual levy was set The IIpring $numeration, said estate. creek township. at .( 1-4 mills for tuition and 2 37 boys and 34 girls of school age Charles S. Irwin, guardian of Ida May Colins to LauraVar8-4 mills for contingent. in the district. Robert QUigley, et jll minors is al- ner- Reed and Florarnond Reed, Mo.t Lawa. Ar. Cu Too Ott.n July 20, Mr. Wilson and Prof. lowed money for maintenance of real eBtate In MlU8ie township. A bit of comedy is found in the And Too Siaort (or Owtll minutes :tor June 22. Brown & Mc- Lester Ivins, the latter, then remin.o rs. Everett Early t() Kesler T. GraKay had submitted their bill for presenting the American Book Co. Grand and petit jurors for the The will of Joseph Kesling de- ham, real estate in Wayne townGood, S ..,.. Eapert printing 50 copies ot the rule and appeared before the board and seterm of the Warren county ceased, was admitted to probate, hip. . regulations, but the bili ha~ be- cured the adoption of practically common pleas C9Ul't were drawn Marg~r.et Heston was appointed Hallie and Goldie Hathaway to , come mislaid and the clerk could the sa'me set of text books f or by the jury commi ssion. The grand executrtx~no bond required. R. C. State of Ohio; Charles E. Hjelm Here's a message 'from Geotge not xemernber ' the amount anothet. period of year~. The Ii t \vill report on Monday, May Boys, C. • Moore and C. W, Mun- to State of Ohio: William Shu- M. McClure to that person jn each although he thought it waa ~5: incll.1ded the HUrst speller, the 10 o'clock and the petit jury ger were appointed appraisers, maker. et ai, to State of Ohio; :family whose duty it is to mow the Others thought it should be $4.50, McGuffey reaclers. the Ray adth. we ks later on , Tuesday, Geral~ Reed .an~ Ameta Reed Lawrence Shepherd to State ot lawn . Mr. McCi'ure, who is a mem- Jl..:rvIll~~""'lJ'i".:! 110 they 1inal1y , decided to pay the mettcs, the Harvey grlllnmers, 23, The jurors follow: filed their applicatIOn to adopt Ohio; Ha1'r.y Smith to State Of ber of the depllrtment on lawn ~~~ra:'.l!~.~.~ lI:"b.~l bill if it di<J "not exceed $5; if McMaster'S histories, etc, C. If. tand Jur~-Mr&. C, D. Walter, Gerald Nelson ~hompson" Oh~o; Mary H. Canty to State of care, says most lawns are eut too \-o:.~~:sr.r=~~I:::~U found tUbe in excess of $&, then Reynolds submitted his resignation Lebanon; WilliaM Lukens, HarNora E. Teaney, executrIx of OhIO: the use of real estate for ()ften and too short lor their own Dlr..l:~bT~~' a 'v oucher' shOllld be drawn for $5 as a member of the board at this veysbuI'g; R. B, St. John, Lebandn estate o~ Theo~ore J, Teaney, de- highways. good. tJu~ ,I... :S·b 8ll and presented in full payment to meeting, but it wOS laid on the Malvin R. Phillips, Lebanon; Ray ceased, 18 , to g,ve bond of $4000 The Leb!lnon Board of Education "The height and frequency the =-~bl&o. the Brown & McKay Co." And table and kept thel'c, until Novein. Mount, Carli Ie; J. Lisle Vorhes, ,sureties. , to Stute of Ohio; H. P. and M. R. t1;lxf is cut," he says, "has a de~ they seem to bve gotten by- with ber 22, when it was finally accept011; Ira ' yterd, Harveysbutg t Dora ~. ~ood, executrix of e8- M~lf,ord to State 01 Ohio; Laura clded effect upon the quality of :~,NSTHIINN~ i !!!!!~!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!.'!!~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!! Barnett, Morrow; C. N'I ~t~ °h cltrle F. Wood, decealled, Shllhto to State of Obio; the u se the lawn. N o lawn should be ... /l'.UI 111'" Leban on; J nnie Brade er inventory. of real estate for highways. mowed on a re~lll.r schedule ... Traneit Blele• .~ " ley, Waynosville; John T. G:regg The e tate of R?bert Patterson Horace M. Clark, deceued, to Measure the height of the gra s; l IIoetOft, M.a.. I Franklin; Maude Monger ar: I de~l~sed w~s '~dmltted to probate Bertha Watkins, et aI, real eBtate when it looks healthy and well lisle ; Nellie Glassro I'd, Fr~nklin i e'b Thlrkleld was ap.p ointed in Clearcreek township. kept, then set the mower to cut 01 the BClard or County Frank Hudso)1, Mason; and n, :E. a. ~en. Hor~ce M. Clark, by "heriff, to about % inch below that height Crone! Lebanon. , VISltOl'S 111 the pi lice of O~en S. Bertha Watki!,s. real estate In and cut only , 'When. 'it haB i'row~ Petit Jury ohn Keller Plea!!. Wayne township. more than ~ inch above ant , Plain; Mrs. George 'Sellers, - - -Bertha Watkins to Kesler T. , "If this is done"the g'ra!~ ' i8 ne'v er WANTED Sprl1lg?OI'o; Nell , Bomberger, [ -Grllh~, real estate in Wayne cut too closely and no clippingB Frankhn; Grant , Hopkins, Blantownship. will, need to be ... removed. DUrin, che~ter; Frank Collins, Pleasant Horace M. ,Clark to Helen Early perIods of hot dry weather the \ Plalf!; Howar~ Archdeacon, Way. ,I et ai, ~eal estate in ClearcreekR'1'8SS should be allowed to grow WANTED-Lawn mower grinding i n~sville; DavIs. Furnas, Waynes. townshiP. . taller than, ,u sual. ' In gelleral, the ,!5c at Will Nortons, Corwin 1 ' VIlle, John SqUII~S, Waynesville; Bertha WatkInS . to Everett dawr; should be cut as hi,h aa it is OhIO. 'tm1 '7 Dan BII.tt, Fr~nk~ln; N. A. Gilbert Early, .real estate an Clellrcreek pOSSible to do so with the average , I ClarksVIlle; Virgil Maddox, Mason township. , lawn mower- l ~ inches. MEN and WOMEN- 1S to 45 . I Fulton Cain, Foster; Carl Hack. I Fred W. Wadsworth to State. of "Watering should be done oniy Waynesvil1e District wh ,I~ man, F~s ter; W, P. Goodman, OhiQ, re~1 estate for highways. when the gral. shows sips of to make a real efl'ort toO ~~:l' ~regollla; Maria Elbon, Waynes. Lucy Naylor to Ohio Bell Tele- needinr moisture. TtJen enourh Governmel'lt work postal or I . ' VIlle; Coleman Mc~owan Oregonia phon~ Co .• the use ot real eatllte should be' applied to wet the c~1 ,field. HUl'\dreds Post De~::~: Dale. ham berlal~, Franklin; Jor Imes. , , g~ound a~ least S inch«)s deep. ~lIon positions comlng. For inLottIe Graham, S~rlngboro; Harry Russell and Mary WIlBon ~o Llrht dally sprinkling8 cause formation and (JualificaLion interI Dal'mody, Franklin: and Elbert Mary ~w80n, Teal e~tate In Maille ~ajor portion of the grllSS ' roots view write BOl: C, care Gazette. Irons, Lebanon. tow~S~IP. . to develop near the surface of WlIham B. Davis, P. H. Connera the 1I0il where in hot weather they WANTED-To buy all kindJ of John D . .Niehaus, G. C. Phillips, are dried by the sun and wind. ~hickens, paying highest ml1'ket Mrs. M.ne DeFossett, David Wal. Only an unsua))y dry soil shou ld prIce. S. D. Henkle, Wayne.vllle, her, F, D. Wilson, Clem S. Bowyer be watered oftener than once a Ohio. tf Clem S. Bowyer i, rerard to Fel- week!' ' ' lowship Chul'ch, Klke Hanifen, FOR 'ALE Dean Calvert, W. L. Younl', Mrs, Alva Hill, J. n. Haft and Georp USE FOR ~ALE - Plants, garden, Cutler t o the Cincmnati and Sub· perenlal and 'l\nnual flowers at urban !Jell Telephone Co., the ule THE r<la80n~ble prices. Geo. Peter~Qn, ' of real esfate for Un. . 3·4 mIles from Waynesville on Bellbro,ok pike. . m10 GAZETTE'S Bm. Allow'" FO.R SALE-Copper Clad Range, Julia Holland, services, $10; WIth warming OVen and re.ervoir Mrs. Howard sawyer, lernee" '7; III perfect c9ndition. Mrs Eva Morrow Whitllcre, sC'Vices, ,6: Miller. ' -miO Georlre Miller, services. $10: Stella \( Kell)" services, $10 r Charle, Hob. FOR SALE or TRADE-4 wbeel \ son, services, $10: Helen Dourhtrailer. Everett Sears. man, aerviees. .7; lin 1Vm Bryan servicea, ,10; LewiJ D. iI.ntll, FOR SALE-Two 50-pound reo fril'eratol'L C.11 phone 8. . services! ,5: . lIIaude Deardoft: .emcee, f5; Burroul'h·. Addln. FOR SALE--Bronz<l talkey SUI Machine Co., Main. Service a. per 10e. Boward Shamballrh H ' . contract, f&.&II; Western Sta:r, deYey.bU1'l. Oblo. Phone arlinqulnt tax lIotien. ,UI.150; I'ren Proeter. 1 .to pap Beeoider', III 10 Record, f.9.87: II. E. ..... FOR SALE-II ChevroJet '10. " ; WIlUaIIl B.ftord, inquire at tit.. ollce. ' III 1'1
May I---Petit Meets Next Monday
AlII_ J-1
Use Our Classified \ Columns They Will Help You to' \ Dispose Of Your .SurplUs Stock
Miami GaZette '
,'2.88; A. C.
~, _..PJ~~
Best of the News Direct ' From the Ohio State Capitol
Free SoU"
D. L CRANE I I Su.acrlptUa. Pri••• '1.10 a Y.... 08ic. PLo. ............... ... " ... No, 112 Entered at PO.IOrflc. at WaYII,,It al".. .................. :.... .. No. 11. 'Ville. Ohio••...::r:rnd Cia.. Mati
ay Mr •. Je •• ie N. Tripp
D Vaccin.tioa of 5 ..1• • • S...lal~ SERUM AND VIRUS At a Reduced Price HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Phone 31
onsider the editor!'.A child is OLUMBU • The chief de- the benefits enjoyed by in~urnnce born unto a wife of a Ill,erchant in velopment in state admini tra- companies. Undel' th fll 'OP llHCU lown. The physiclan getteth 35 dve circles the past week bas b en How happy Illllst b the irnmol·tal plunks. The editor writeth a stick th submission to the joint legisla- Bulkley amendment the commisIon will be abl t o utili zE' its MAY 10,1 933 soul a half and telleth I~h multi- tive taxation committee by Gover- bonds 11/1 suret.ie!\ for the loans 1'1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • That rest's beneath God's snowy tuue that the hild tipp th the nor George White of hi revised from the govern l1H'rit. I~ wings; beam at nill pound. Yea, he taxation plan. The principal Hems And what sweet enjol'rnen t, lieUI ven M a centurion. A nd the in the governor's program provide Printed copie ~ of all new lawH there can find d father giveth him I!I remo. for le:vying a two pel' cent l:Ial s are available in the offi ce of S(lCl' l'Present d with the tatistics concerning the impoL .....~s....;IUIJL_l....,4_:_;__;_'!..!.-''''-'!.-''-" a!!.L--.lLLJill!::L-.B!.!.JL!!!ll.+Bcehohl-th~-v()tJtrr'OTlre:lZr()W,eth up tax to raise a.minimum of $30,00,tary of ' tate Geo l'g S. My e " econo~~ 'of having a highway plltrol to serve as "safety conservators' and grsduateth. Anel the editor 000 and , a eraduated arned in- Private individuals as well li S i~1 OhlO 8 .program to save humun lii'e and property and at the same Let th world go on in ili'l se nsele s putteth in the paper a "well piece. come tax from one to five per cent organization. thr ugholl t th lat ,· 30 Years Expnlenee fu Yea, a peach of a noticEI. He tell - with $1,250 exemptions for un- are entitled t o a r aso nabl n um tamll. prOV1U() adequate regulary service to stop erregu latitieR in fight . Fitting and Making Gla.... evasions of luws pertaining to 1lI0tOl' vehicles many Ohio editor have And battle f or riches a.nd thron eth of the Wisdom of the young married persons Ilnd $2,500 exem- ber of eopies of tht-51? acts, li nn Non of these things, can my soul WOman and of .h r exc edjng come- tions for married penon, the can obtain thl'm by se nding t heil' edit~riallY add ~ their endor cment to the highway patrol to be eflin S5 . Like unto the roses of latter tax to faise an e timated reque s t~ t o th ' Sec retar y of affright \ f ctlV July . 1. '1 he State Highway Department pursuant to legislation L.ball_, 01110 Now I live fOI' God, and He Sharon iR she, and her gown is sum of $10,000,000. The sales tax tate's office. Ac ts of a general l' cen tly pas8ec..l will supel'vise both the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and ru_c:la)', Tburada.y, S.t....., played up to beat the band. And r commendation provides for the nature that b a r 11 11 mergc ncy alone. th highway patrol accol'dillg to a more economical and efficient th dressmuker getteth t wo score purchase 01 stamps to represent c1aU 'e be~onl e effec tive at nce ; Esamiaatio. Fr. . l'Idministratlve program. And then when I lay this tired and four iron men. And the editor tax paymentl!. Other Hertts in the all others do not g into fl'ect LEBANON, OHIO gets a note of thank from the governor's program includeexemp- until 90 days after th y 'are fil ed '4 • • • • • • • • • • • •_. "The. highway pata'ol 8y~tem about to be inaugul'ated In Obio will An~odlro~id~eart aches, and all sw e t girl graduate. (Maybe I) tions under the sales tax provisi- in the offi ce of t he S cr tar y of~" not only reduce the abuse of a system of roads which has cost the labor cea e; And th daughter goeth on a ons for "certain es ential human" State. In requ esting cop ies of new tlllcpayers hundreds of millions of dollars but will result in the saving I will go far away to that beau· journey. And the editor throweth foodstufl's; support of all school laws, it Is best t o give t he n Un! bers hirnseJ t' on the story of the fare- di8~ricts on a basis oC $17 for each of the acts. of many li~es,:' co~mel1ts the editor of the Athe~s Messenger. ti'ful land . ,Th ~ Cmclnnatl Enquirer editorially calls the new highway patrol To the realms of r eal joy, and well party. It runneth II column elementary and $29 for .each high solid. And the fair Onl! remem- school pupil, to be paid from the The division of bank and Bankand t.he Motor Vehicles Bureau consolidation with the highway departreal peace. bereth him Crom afar with a pict- sales tax receipts; reduction in ing and Building and Loan Assonlent, "Bill, which taken together, should have the efl'ect of I ssening 1 will wing my way to th ose ure postal card that casteth aix real estlite tax lev ies, and require- eiations of the .D pllrtm ent of the chances 101' accidents and damage to the highways and are to ·mansions .so fai r . [or a jitney. ment of a uniform three-mill levy omme .. e are . both 'busier now b commended for those reasons." Where God 1n all purity reigns ; Behold, she returneth, and the for schools. Some opposition to than at any time in their history The Clinton County Democrat, Wilmington observes that "imp or- . And b~e:tt I~V~d t~nell who are youth of the town fall down and the governor's program has de- },ecaus of increased examinati ons, tant benefits will be, I ad b th I 'Oh ng . plrl !! er e, y e peop e of 10," through the two Far beyond all life's so rr OW8 and wor hip. She picketh on e and 10, veloped throughout the SLate and and liquidations mad e n ec e~~ary . v com ~he picketh a lem on. But the ed- among memben of the legislature'. by the financial d ve lopm~lIt~ of ~unctlons. pains. itor callcth him one of Ollr promls According to a member of the reg- the. past year or more. The . "~h n the new highway patrol system is inaugurated July 1, And I may safely say, that I ing young men and getteth away ular taxation committee of the Buddang and Loan department Olno wlll be the fortieth state to carryon a movement for safety on with it. And they send unto the Senate, that body will conduct' n ow hall 27 in pe ctors on duty prize the day the road," says tbe Youngstown Vindicator, endorsing this progressive Though my span of life so slow - edit r a bid of the wedding, and hearings on the propsed tax bills throughout the state, having addmea ur . behold the bids are fashioned in alter the legislature reconvenes. ' ed 13 recently, while lhe BankR ly rolls; Phone 78J The JOint taxation legislative and Banking divis ion has 8 5 The Findlay Republican editorially Bupports the patrol bill with How gladly I'll lay this tired body a far city. Flowery and long is the wedding school committee is also analyzing ,. agents at work in addition to the away the stateme nt, "We highly approve of a highway patrol that will efTo go to that land of r e souls. notice which the editor printeth. the many conflicting views ex- conservators, . fectively bring about a decrease il) the number !If accidenta resulting the minist r getteth his Ibit. pres ed at numerous hearings con---. from cal'clells driving." The editor printeth a death ducted since the recess belan and . hades Henry 0 '[ MarJett~, notice, two columns of obituary, expects to submit bills embodying DIrector and eCI'e~ory of the O~ I O The Tol do Blaue favor the patrol for several reasons cit!n'" tha.t H ' a w. Hay. a Compl... Wal." threo lodge notices, a ' cubit of its views when the legislature re- Centu~y .of Progress ~xPositlon upon proof that truffle accidents and fatalities are increasing faster Repair S.ryic. I CO~nllSSI0 n , returned Friday from Miss Winifred and Lester Starr poetry and a card of thanks. And conven es May 15th. in rura l area than in cities, Hie members of the legislature were ' perhlcago where he spent th week And use only genuine ~ter1all. attended the baccalaureate service he forgetteth to read pro(lf on the , ullded to paijS the new law conferring upon the highway director the at Spring Valley Sunday evening. the dead, and the darned thing Crystals fitted While you walt. Chairman We.llington T. Leon- completing alTangem ntl! fOI' ll\Jthority t o appoint and direct the patrol officers." Their brother, Vernon, is one of cometh out "Gone to H'er Last ard rif the Ohio Industrial Commis Ol\io's participation in the ExposiCary's Jewelry S~op sion announced last "Friday that tion this coming summer. Owing Roasting Place." From the ~owling Green Wood County News comes editorial sup - the graduates there. And al\ that are akin of the deSenator Robert J. Bulkley will into Mr. Henry's illne 8 the past few L.ba_a. Ohio Mr. ·and Mrs. Harry Orr and port that "the probl m of highway accidents is chiefty a ' problem of jumpeth on the editor with troduce an amendment in the weeks no meeting of the Ohio Store Open Evenln .. controlling buman conduct and the highway patrol will offer an efficient family, of Dayton, we[e Sunday ceased gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jef- exceeding great jumps. And they United States Senate to the Re. Commis ion were he.ld. The other yet dignified met~od of achieving this educational end." pulleth out their ads and canceleth struction Finance Corporation members of the commission are feris and family. The Logan Sentinel. Democl'at upports the two measures wholeMr. and Mrs. Ren Gaine and their subs, and they swing t he. act the following week, which, if Governor George W,hite, who is ..._----------~-; hart t1ly by advising that the allocation of the Motor Vehicles Bureau baby, 01 Cincinnati, spent Sunday hammer even unto the third and adopted, will permit the commis- chairman; Charles F. Williams of .and the highway patrol ill the State Highway Department Is in keep- at Pleasant View farm with her foul'th generations.- Beroea News sion to borrow money from the Cincinnati and Charles L. Lewi~ _ _ _ _ _ .... _ _ _ government at a law rate of inter- of Hal'pster. mC)ther, Mrs. Lida Hatton. ing with tlfficient atlill.inistration. est in the same manner as private Capt. Cbas. Garner and son, of Director of Fu ...... Som•• insurance companies have been Columbus, spent Sunday in the borrowing millions of dollars from Finch-Garner home. FOR SALE DATES CALL Our e(lnvenlent location, .ulta· the same source to tide them over r Al· II... AI Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren ble surroundin,. and equipment the financial crisis. Because of r and Misses Rhea and Evelyn, of enables us ·to Se"e to the Ben failure to realize on its bonds and ....- - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ; . . . . . . ; . - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_.....;.-1 Walhonding, were Sunday dinner Advantaee. other securities due to the deguests of ·Mr. and ?rirs. ChllS. E. pression the commission has been 8:00 Music Gordon and family. B.Of> olving l\fidsummer Pasture Problems ........... ,.......... Earl Jon41 8 Supt. and Mrs. R, A. Francis New ~tleta for Soybefta. Ar. compelled to borrow ' Irom banks AMBULANCE SERVICE at a high rate of interest ·to its 8 :15 Fatt ning Pork for Profit ........... .... ,. ................. J. S. Coffey and daughter are moving into · the Proyicl.d by New Aft••riPhoDa. Wa7 .... ow. disadvantage in comparison with 8 :26 Mq Ic Amos Cook house. JESSE STANLEY c:_ Proce •• or. 8:40 With th 4-H Food Club Girl ......... .. . Mrs. Howard Gerlaugh Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sherwood ••••• 310. a.rlla,t... O.l~ ~-----------------". :50 Pr \' nting Chick Losses from Coccidiosis ..... C. M. Ferguson were guests ilf Will Graham at TRY 9:00 Time to Plan for Camp ............ : ........ Mrs. Frank Barnett Waynesville Sunday. Exports of soybeans Irom the 0 :10 Music H ub er t P oore, 0 f S prang . fi e Id , United States to Europe have inEAltL KOOGLER OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNa 9 :26 pray S Tvi<:e for the Orchard : ................. ... A. L. PieratoTff spent Sunday with his grand- creased at a tremendous T8lte in re- Subacrlbe .for the Miami 0.•• Oa7totl PhoDe O:35 Replanning the Form Business ......................... E. o. Bolender mother, Mrs. Lydia PooTe. cent years, and it is .expected that FOR RESULTS ICE.mor. ' •• 8 9:45 Succe with Roses .............................................. Alex Laurie Mr. and MIS. W. T. Jordan bad this ye'a r more beans will be sold 4-H WEAO HALF HOUR • as guests on Sunday, Mr. and than last, when 3,000,000 bushels Saturday. May 20 Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock anI! family, were sbipped abroad. Our State Bird ............................................. .... ......... H. E. Eswine of Mnear ~min:W~nt Accordin to R. D. Lewis, crops Un.cle Tom's Cabin ... ................................................~ .......... ·R. om ~r. an 'l'S;-c a-s e • specialist for the Agricultural tained a number of guests Sunday Extension Service of the O. S. U., = Mr. and Mrs. Homer T_ Caskey a shipping point will be ]p rovided have moved to Camden. soybea~s grown in eastern and The Woman's Civic League will north central states by the comIS meet with Mrs. c. R. Randall and pletion of a shipping are processHelen Randallwill Saturday May ing plant at Norfolk, Virginia, now L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.I. Miss 13. The program be "flistory under construction. ' Th e plant will be equ ipped to And these words which I comm.nd thee this day, .hall be upon thy of Costumes." Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hart!!ock handle 600,000 bushels of soyheart; and t hou shalt leach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thy house and when. tbou walk- and family, of Waynesville, spent beans, and will have storage capaest by the. way, and when thOu liest down, and when thou riseth up." Sunday evening with Mr. and M,rs. city for 300. 000 bu shels elf beans Deut, 6; 6, 7. . • C. !I. De~~h~ge. and 160,000 gallons of oil. Export Train \lP a child in t~e way he should 11'0, And even when he is Misses Winifred and Helen Starr loadin( capa.city will be 200,000 old he will not depart from it." Provo 22; 6. Le8ter, Lawrence. Elmer and bushels a day. Heretofore Ameri. Correct thy 80n, and he shall give thee reat; Yet, he shall give Harold Starr, and Robert ~r~'1 can grown soybeans were shipped delight to thy !lout" PrOvo 29; 17. A child left to himsert ca\1seth IIh.me to his mother, Provo 29;16 saw ,~he senl?r class play GIrl from New Orleans and Mobile. War in ManehuTia fa one of the For the wages of sin is death; But the free gfft of Gid is eternll Shy,. at Spring Valley, Monday ·evenang. immediate causes of the Increase llfe ' in Christ Jesus our Lord," ROlli 8; 23. Mr. and Mrs. Chas .. Bogan and in demand for the American grown ==========================~=== Ions spent Sunday With Mr. and soybean. Shut off from their fora Mrs. Herbert Snell and son, at ere~, Euro--J-ft-Mrmmun·te~ _. _ _ _ _ pean countries aTe bidding for .the , Amer.c.an gro~ product whl~h, says Lewis, they have found to be When soybeans are giO,", on a Supply of farm labor .thls sum. . cleaner, more un ItoI'm . and superfield for the fir8t tim~, the . seed mer waa 126 per cent of norma] , lor in quality than the Manchurian should b~ inoculated. . while demand was 59 per cent. M.ra. Lucille Scammahorn and product. fa!"lly .have moved to the Engle Soybeans ar~ mentioned. as the Beat lIoybeans for Ohio are the Mill .nelghborh~od. Farm stocks of oats in the United . first· possibility for a cash crop to Manchu and JlUni varieties, accord States are the largest in four MISS Kathei'lne Holland IS the ',substltute for oats which were not yeara. Ohio farms report the smal- intr to O. S. U. crops specialists. guest ,of her brother )(ent Holland sown because of early spring rains lest supply in 10ur years. Soybeans may re.place ollts, exOhio farm tax bill wal 89 per snd ~amily ~f Xenia. MISS Mllared Carr wall in eciaUy in those eountriefl where cent more in dollars in 1982 than Cheer up: maybe we are on the in 1910 and three times .B burden- Columbus on Saturday, as one of his crop is produced in excess of brink of another of those "eras of some measured in terms of farm Greene county's r epresentatives irl eed requirements. • _ ••_ _ __ unprecede)lted prosperity" which produee required ' to pay the bil1.. the state tests. the political orators Uled to like to Gnde schools closed on Friday. C....._. for C.lII.ate. High School commencement alOver 800 boy and rirls will join talk about. fairs are .being held. this week. -H Clubs in Warren. Coul~ty this . A man was phoning .to make Atrahn~ 1:d:~:~pp~:i"~rU:i~r~ad~! Miss Donna 'CI'um of Caledonia, year. This will be' the laruest en· arrangements to .drive hIm and a in every cell. Oh, prison sentence, Ohio, was the week-end guest of ollJllent tbe country haa ever had. small party of fnends to th~ next, there- Is thy Itinrl-Fort Worth 'Miss Virginia Dickinlon. Organization meetings will be held town. Star-Tel..-ram Mrs. Kilmer, has as gue.sts, her 'n many parts of the county in the "How many will your auto hold? • mother, Mrs. Wm. Kil\caid and ear future.· he inquired. . : . "Were you ever in a ),ailroad sister, Ml'8. Krell Bennington of Any boy or girl between tbe ages The reply came: "Four as a rule accident?" Sardinia. of 10 and 21 is eligible foor clu.b but six i.f they're w.eH .acquainted." '·Yea. Once I was rh\ing in 8 ' A picnic dinner was held at the work. . They must conl'*. their . . . . . .., ' t'ralil roinr tlirourb a tunnel and school building on Mondlljy, the . arents and decide upon their proYoung ThlD¥, to .L lbra.rlan: I .ve kiased the lather inltead if t.b e close of the school year. ~ect ~or the. ~ummer. Much Interelt bro~rht this book bac,k. Mo~er daul'hter." Mrs. F. D. Compton entertaneid lis beIDI manlfeat in sheep, Ibogand told me it ~asn't ftt ,tor a ' rounr . '. . a party of friends on Tuesday in poultry. projects. girl like me to read. · The Bntl8h threat to brea~ o~ honor of her mother's birthday an. Meetinp of ~he clubs will be Librarian: "1 tbink yoqr1J)other tr~de relatlonllwith Russia 1h~1' niversarY. h.eld at regular tntervals at which mus~ be mistaken." . . ca ~ that trade relations wI~h MiQs Edna Shaner of Waynes. tune the .members will be taught , Younr Thing: "Oh, no, ahe ISII't. RUlIs .. are not ~ ~aluable all a lot ville was the week-end guest of the. best meth?<ls feedinr: and .I've read it all throullh." ' of our reeognihomlts would have MIllS Mllnamia Evans. c~n!n .. for thelr. ammals. .An ex, UI believe. hiblt of the ftmBhed product will An aged couple had been sittlne ... Ia - - -- • be made .t the local courl,t y lair in front of the ftre a long time _o.t wn ~ra.. thrive Oil NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT in September. without speakillg. At length tile moderatel, .eld 110111. Weedl do . A baseball schedule "ill be husband inquired: "What Yfere lIot, Therefore. it i. ullually a mlllEltate of Ann Louisa Smith, completed for eaeh clUb ."ho hal ou thlnkln"" take to apply lime to a la'rn. un- deceased. ' a team and the ftDaJa ~iU be Y The .wife replied: "I waa jait IH. the 1Oi) is extre~elY aCId. Notice ia hereby eiven that held at :regular intervale••t whleh thinkl8&' how 10n.. we had I __ .... ' ha d th t h Clarence S. Smith, whOle POit Of- played on the fair ....ound. durinll to ther and that It couldn't 1'0 D _ . ore r a a ave no Itce acldr... is Lebanon, Ohio, baa fair week. . on'iorever Ilke thJI ud the time crop, 0Qt out .urplu. latge limbe been duly appointed u Executor A Clounty camp and pleiflle will wID lOon ~. when o.e oj ua wUl "d~oPl ~ n.c~. ~ pro- !of the Eltate of Anna Loul.. be open for aU Clu~memIl'L pace have to .. " ~!:..! °h we th· no: Smith late of Warnn County, A boy 01' I(Irl can ..leet r~ny of ..Y........ented tile old . . . . .-_... . ... out e treel. Ohio, deceued. follo'Wlnc proJ ~ ~ ....ap "but it'. DO QH WOftJlBI aboat : : . : h:::"~~ble in May; Dated tbla 6th cia), of liar. 1988 rabl»lt, tI~ 01' that. noW" Ralph H. Care,. ......teI'bW•
Ohio Editors Endorse State Patrol Plan
DR. RUDOLPH Sight Specialist
Cary's Jewelry Shop
F. T. Martin Auctioneer ,
Centerville, Ohio
----_ ..--Harveysburg
arm 'y'g h t 1 aileS, ,r6av 1S
Slanley &Koogler
r----------------------------.. I 'h F ThO W k
Th oug ts
FA.CTS AN [) FANCIES , I!---------"----:--.--------.--'1
On your part is going to lose you a lot of money if you ~d~o~ not use our ' columns for your
New Burlington
Classified Ads.
A trial insertion will soon convince 'You·
..No."·... the
.. I
Or Phone 112
he.r up~ maybe e ar on the brink of lin ·th"r of tho e ""ra. of WA TED to RE 'T r. 0(' nl~'lll' ullpn'ct'J ntt'd pl'll.}lt'rity'· whi~h h.,ulIt' with large Il'ud.·n. ~t'(' tht' political llrators Ul>~U to Ijk~ to R i-htl'rman at Ih.. 1\1 a in tnTk about. .'trl'l't Splith)·, III 10 \
and the day will be b. n eX]) eUod. The ont ,et Supply of farm Iahor thll When 10 b an are wrown on a lib CI\' d ill our ,_,,,or,.,n leemB to have 0 curred l mer waa 126 p r cent of normal, Held for the ftl'llt time, tbe seed l11ulh~r~ will han' ('II the Cartwrl,ht farm, above iWhile demand wal 59 per ct'nt. should b inoculated. tl11' :O;ul1dny ~chool. town on Route 42, occupied by M,lrninlC w(l~hip Alva Luddington and family. At - --- - .' - -thi~ l<l'rviee till' HA" VAV""urg, cOl\8iderable damare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . part and the PlIl.ItOt' ill. peak on wall done to tree. and buildings, the, ubj I.'t f mothel". and it is reported that the old U. ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH L t u~ hl'nor out' mother by B. church on Back sLreet ..... a Father French, Pastor being in church som., place' next almos t wholly unroofed. I will taile in WOlil lit the Service will be held every two unday. Rh"l.'han ••·rviee • btion llny duy Electrician and Plumber weeks on Ttl da" morning. There will be no e'(ening me tIn the w (Ok. 15 Yearl'! rro ~t iral Experil'nc<' FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ing in our church because of the that th depr ion is about over if you will only LI\MA (Undenominational) baccnlaul'f!ot . (,l'vice at the school come into th IGA Stor and let liS show you the HI,hest Cash Price Paid We.tinlhOUI., Fum LiBhtinl B.t. Chester A. Williamson hOlls . To the Residents and Property t.,rie., 13.plah, 16-cell, $110.00, wondel'ful bargains we hav in Staple and Fancy f. o. b., factory. The m (Hin(l' of the Men's nnd WAYNESVILLE CtlURCH OP Owners of Waynesville, Greet-G.r~cerie8, lLl"~d C"Hed Meats, Fresh J4:.uits and ings: CHRIST will I,H ! po tponed Estimate!\ Given , Give me a TJ'ial Women's cia Phone 40 Vegetables-in fact, v rything that is found in a. IJnll' ! Thur~'lov, ~Aay · 1 , bncausc '( U d i ll I) In view of the fact that there ' ~"" ~ C t n en?1l! natlona . exists around .ome homes and W Y ES ILLE, frIO U. S. 42 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO First Class Food Store. Not for several year. have of the Rally lIt First hd tian hes ~r A: Wllllam82~' Minister other buildings in the Village of ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ hurch, Spl·ingfield. Thul' day and . hut ch C?onl at . •J ,3~. a. m. ~ Waynesville an accumulation of you been able to make y~ur dollnrs buy such a large F'Hday i tht week. unHl~,e and lOt !'e ttt~g 1:othe r S a hes, cans, ga-rhage and other amount of lhe Finest Food Sluff: 118 we are selling 'en-ie for L rd's Day, May 14 Uu y ., pr~gram IS b 109 plan~ed. rubbish and waste which is unsight now, as folio": nifitld el'vice begin. Lo rd~. upp r at conelu I?n. Iy and also unhealthy, I, T. E. ninlt with hurch chool peti d at hrl "tI8~ ~ndeavo~ lind ~ve.mng Rogel' , Mayor of Waynesville, do Thi store has been selling lh B st Groceries 9::,10 a. m, L l·tI'S upper lind ser- EVllllgeltstlc set'vlces dlSmlssed h reby designate Wednesday, May for more thall fifty years, and ha$ the reputation of iliOn ut 10 :30 a, 1\1, Sermon . ubj ct that we nlay III! attend the b~c- 17, as Clean-Up-Day and do here. always lling th most of th highest quality good, "A TYlIicul }lothel·." . p cial calaul'eate ser:Vlcc al: the High by order that all' such above 1 Icalur s in triblllt' to Mother);. ~ch 01 gy.mnoslUm. Frayer meet- named conditions be cor~ected. for the least mon y. W will ontinue the same polYou Ql'(' lJlway~ welcome at Ihl Ing lind Bl,ble study each Wedn At the sanle time, I wish, to icy. ('hurch. oay at 7,45 p, m. The church commend most of our citizens who Telephone YOU1' orders; they will receive the ST. MARY'S CHURCH whel'c you f el. at home. . at all times keep their premises in b t of a.ttp.ntion, and will be promptly d Ii er d. Rev. J J. Scha !fer. Rector FRIENDS MEE:TING a Ill0st tid~ and healthful condi- , orne in; let's g t a quaint dl May J I. 4th unday nfter Ea t r First Day, January 29: First T. E. ROGERS, Mayor hur h sc hool at 9 :30; Morning Day Friendship School at 9 :3 0 a. .... PI'flY l' nnd s rnlon at 10 :30. m. Meeting for worship at 10 :30 ALONSO S. CURL WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH a. m. _ ___- G. C. Dibert. Pastor Alonso S. Curl pas ed away at Wedn e lillY: Bibl ludy and ~iend' Home in Waynesville, THE NEW IGA MAN Monday, May 8th, 1933, after an .' II prayer p.m. hoir ' b t week 8 prudiccmeeting at 8 p. lit Ill.7:15 . )'11 ness 0f more t han elg Sunday: SUllday school at 9 :30 , with henrt trouble. Wa}nesville, Ohio Phone 20 a. In. Next unday is luther's Day T Lou, as he was familiarly known Fr n~b O.aDd. Pound! wo severe wind storms that was . the oldest child of AnthollY ~~~~!'!"!~~_!!!""-'!!!"!'!~!'""~_'!"___~ caused approximately $1,000,000 and Mary Ellen Mott Curl, and ~=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= JEWEL BRhND--Lb. 17c I0811 in property damage visited was born at the Curl homestead II! Dayton, Tuesday morning. The three miles ' north of Wilmincton first. and by fat' the most s vere, on the Xenia pike, receiving his struck at G:37 a. m" and seems to education at the An tram school have centered principally in West near his home. Eat.or. lb•. ~5C Dayton and Edgemont. Building He grew into strong, sturdy man· br. . .t were unroofed and partially blown hood on the farm, helping his Our wish for the Class dO\lrn, windows broken and with the care'of his youn~er chimneys dest'royed, and, heavy brothers nd slsten, after the ' of 1933, and a lso for each damage to trees, shrubbery and death of their mother in January, elech'ie wiring systems was caused 1890. and every member of W. by the heavy wind. Th Dayton After his marriage to Olive Me· FI..... " or .... nul •• Power & Light Co., Illone, i said Pherson. May 6, 1901, bls home H. ~., is to have suffered to the extent of was in Wilmington, until the fall about $100',000. Fort.unately, no of 1913 when they moved to their los.~ of liCe is reported, and the· list farm near Clarksville, Ohio, where of bodily injuries is comparatively he and his wife soon took their light. places in the community life and The second storm, at 9 :30 a. m. many happy years were spent. COUNTRY CLUD- 2 LI. Ca ... 25c wl\s not nearly so severe, but was In September, 1930, Mr. and he accompanied by a hettyy rain bU. Mrs. Curl acc.epted positions as o 'far as we have been able to uperintendent and matron of learn, aU former residents of this the Friends Home in Wa'YnCllviUe, community now living in Dayton, Ohio, which position he held at The "gadaet" la. little maddn. tbat were either not residents of the the time of his death. mo... tbe difference between ordinary torm infested areas or escaped Besides his wile he leaves two cord. uMd In othel' ttree. and Su~ AII-We.ther with nO damage ..... orthy of mention brothers, S. P. Curl of WlIming· Iwfl, coni, used in ·CoodYelll" ••• Tbat Several s~alleJ" storms, possibly ton, Ohio~ O. A. Curl of Columbu8, dlllerelice III in the ./rc>lcll ilnd comeUf-J! ...... $5.85 biDet-you CIIO'H how Supertwl.t cord the edges of the big storm, have Ohio, and two sisters. Mrs. Zimri 4.50-21 .... $8.50 stretcbH3nd com~. back. how th.cord done a bit. of damage locally, H. Carter of Sabina and Misa Bi[::~' can. ~ge 4.75-19 ...... '7.00 In other 11,.1_ itelife andelaatl icy though insurance adjustor say Lenna Curl of Wilmington, Ohio, 5 .... 19 ...... '7.60 .•. It tnk.,. about 3 mlnu.~ to tell tbe •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" ·that this is not so severe as might also a number of nieces and 5.25-18 ._ .. , '8.150 Special. • roll. I story-but . . Ibll cUltomer lald-"(f nep'hews. 5.51-19 ... _. '9.70 eyH)' ClU' OWner could see that demonClant 'Mr. Curl was a member of the .... -1t ...... $11.40 erratlon, there wouldn't be Wlythlna ~ c .... aOe can. f4 used hut Goody .Ir TlrCtl." IIIiIilllIlll-.IIIIIII. . . . . .~. . . . . . Society of Friends. '.51-19 .. _ . ,13.80 The funeral will be held at the lb., Stubbs Funeral Home, in Waynes. ville, Wednesday, May 10, at 2 Special. Z lIk ••. ial in
You Will Be Satisfied
Elmer Sheehan
6 MORE DAy'S ,
Gre'e tings
. UWhat's this gadget?"
- and we sold him 4 new tires
TOIDato Soap eIUt.OD TIs.ue
James E. McClure
ISe I7e
11••- •••••
Pulled Wheat TOIDato -Julee Cc'i:~ry IO can. 4Se ,
Who is more entitled to the Pt:0fit han you? pon t be mi lead by current offers. Wools are advancing daily. on ign to the Ohio Wool Grower. Get a Iiber I ndvance when your wool i~ delivered and full value when it i . old. Now is not the time to lose control of it. Let us tell you about it.
• 'C huck Roast
• 4 lb •.
• C. . . . . .
2 tor
New Potat... NewP...
2 heads
10 Ib!l,' SIb!!.
om have come in to see us. Many of you have not. Come in I t's get acquainted, we'll both profit, ee us for new plow shares and cultivator shovels--can fur1\i~h all iz and makes at prices that will save you money. Don't wait too long with those cultivator shovels, that need sharpening. We make 'em sharp as new ones. , Let U!! give your lawn mOwer a dose of our "Tonic,," one dose guaranteed to make a mowe1' cut. Consult,atio;n FREE. Tf your plow is not working right bring it io,; we will gladly tell you what is wrong. We are plow experts. Plow share and sickel grinding as soon as we clln get our machine ' set. ' Anything in blacksmithing and .....agon work. . All work guaranteed satisfactory or money cheerfully reiunded. Shop open daily, 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. except Saturday; we close at 12 o'c lock noOn.
... o I:
Beech Grove
farmers Exchange
...- -
I2 1~ 0
Miss Susie Felty, the famoua young girl evangelist of Eaton, Ohi,o, assisted by Mi!18 Eva Stanley of Granite City, Illinois, closed revival at Green Brier on Sunday evening. Her closing sermon was Waynelville, Ohio "The Holy Ghost." Fr()m , the be· ginning to the very clol!le of her sermon Susie held the undivided at tention 01 her audience. All regret to have them leave I!O soon and " . - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '" wish them to return toGreen again in the near future. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 Laurenee Brown ,a nd family of • • • • • • • • •IIIIiIil• • • • • •_ • •III• • • •IIWaynesville, were Sunday after· nqon callers of 'Mu. Catherine
Our Prices Are Lower o. M. A. C. Rates '
FRED KAHN MOTOR CAR COMPANY 0 ..... Evenl.... PlIo... J26 Open All Dar Sun", Chnnllt .nd 01.......... Accessor'"
en I:
. r-
The Terry flamily entertained with a dinner; on last Sund.y in honor of the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mis. K. E. Thompson (parents of Ml'S. Mabel F . Terry) anl;l ·Mrs. Arina BrannaD ). Those from a distance were: Wm. Thompson and daughter Miss Andromeda of Dayton; Orlando Brannan and wife, ot XeniajMI'lI. Mabel F. Terry, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mra. K. E. Thompson and daughter, Mrs. Alice E. Terry, M. M. Terry and .W. H. TelTy of this pl~ce. " . Mi.1 M8l'waret Miller ot Hamil. ton, is viBitinr Misa Karie Wells here this week. Quarterly meeting will be held at HarveYlburr Saturday, May 18. ·Dr.. and Mrs. Fred Sphere. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Haines, ·of Wilmington spent Sunday a'fternoon with the McKay family here. Misl Susanna Andrews has returned to her worlf In Ridrelield, ConneCticut. Mrs. Robert Andrews and daughters desire to exprUl! their deep felt thanks .nd sineare appreciation for the many kindnesses of ' their friend. and neigh. hoi'll durinar 'their late bereavement The Schaeter family lost a valuable milk eo..... on last Sunday morninr with milk fever. . Frankie Richardson of near Oreronia is spendi ng this week with hiB coull~, 'Elbert Wells. ThOle from near here who at. tended the birthday dinner on last Friday in honor of P. G. Wells, mother in Hamilton were: P. G. Wella and family of thil place, Ruful Robertaoll and famn, 01 near Kincman, Ed. Ricbardeon, family of near OrelOnla, Boyd Miller of Harveyabura'. Mr. and Ill'll. Jame. Lamb of near Waynesvine. lIiIa Suale of
and .... h of CltJ. lB., .... ...., ---III
SERVICE Fro_"Il helping you .eleet the PROPER lumber -carefully in.peeted and 't horoughly aeaaoned- to the prompt delivery, we try to put our busine.s on a SERVICE balis.
w. H. MADDEN Phone 14
&: CO.
Waynelv.i1le, Ohio